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Full text of "The history of the popes, from the close of the middle ages : drawn from the secret Archives of the Vatican and other original sources; from the German"

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PRINCETON,    N.    J. 

Purchased  by  the 
Mrs.  Robert  Lenox  Kennedy  Church   History  Fund. 

BX  955  .P35  1891  v. 24 
Pastor,  Ludwig,  1854-1928 
The  history  of  the  popes, 
from  the  close  of  the 


VOL.     XXIV. 


THE  HISTORY  OF  THE  POPES.      Translated  from 

the  German  of  Ludwig,  Freiherr  von  Pastor.  Edited,  as  to 
Vols.  I. -VI.,  by  the  late  Frederick  Ignatius  Antrobus,  and, 
as  to  Vols.  VII -XXIV.,  by  Ralph  Francis  Kerr,  of  the 
London  Oratory.     In  24  Volumes. 

Vols.  I.  and  II.  ad.  1305-1458 

Vols.  III.  and  IV.  ad.  1458-1483 

Vols.  V.  and  VI.  a.d.  1484-1513 

Vols.  VII.  and  VIK  a  d.  i5I3-:52i 

Vols.  IX.  and  X.  ad.  IS22-1534 

Vols   XI   and  XII.  ad.  1534-1549 

Vols   XIII.  and  XIV.       ad.  1550-1559 
Vols   XV   and  XVI.  ad.  1559-1565 

Vols.  XVII.  and  XVill.  a  d.  1566-1572 
Vols.  XIX.  and  XX.  a.d.  1572-1585 

Vols.  XXt.  and  XXII       a.d.  1585-1591 
Vols.  XXIII.  and  XXIV.  a.d.  1592-1605 

The  original  German  text  of  the  History  of  the  Popes  is  published 
by  Herder  ^  Co.,  Freiburg  (Baden). 


Mf\y  17  1933 




FROM    THE    GERMAN    OF  / 






CLEMENT    VIII    (1592-1605) 



BROADWAY     HOUSE:    68-74    CARTER    LANE,    E.C. 




Table  of  Contents   .......  vii.-xx. 

List  of  unpublished  documents  in  Appendix      .           .  xxi. 

Persecution  of  the  Catholics  in  Holland  and  in  England  1-48 
Persecution  in  Scotland  and   Ireland.     Clement  X^III. 

and  James  I.    .           .           .           .           .           .           .  .[9-80 

Attempted  Catholic  restoration  in  Sweden          .           .  81-109 

Progress  of  Catholic  restoration  in  Poland.     Reunion  of 

the  schismatic  Ruthenians.     The  false  Demetrius  1 10-147 

Clement  VIII.  and  the  interior  life  of  the  Church.     The 
Religious  Orders.     The  Episcopate.     The   Sacred 

College      ........  14S-197 

The     Roman     Inquisition.       Giordano     Bruno.       The 

Index.     The  Vulgate           .....  198-236 

Foreign  Missions.     The  beginnings  of  Propaganda      .  237-268 

The  great  Jubilee  of  1600         .....  269-280 

The  Controversy  on  Grace        .....  281-366 

The    Papal    States.     The    re-acquisition    of    Ferrara. 

Death  of  the  Pope.  ......  367-436 

Clement  VIII.  and  learning.     Torquato  Tasso  .           .  437-466 

Clement  VIII.  and  Art    ......  467-527 

Appendix  of  unpublished  documents          .           .           .  530-575 

Index  of  Names       .......  577-59-^ 

^  For    Bibliography    see    Volume    XXIII. 



PERSECUTION      OF      THE      CATHOLICS      IN      HOLLAND      AND      IN 



1592  The  number  of  Catholics  in  Holland  still  considerable  i 
The  Pope  takes  immediate  steps  for  their  assistance  i 
The  Jesuits  found  the  Dutch  mission  ;  the  mission- 
aries are  exposed  to  the  gravest  dangers  .  .  2 
Description  of  their  labours,  by  Johann  Bargius  .  3 
Sasbout  Vosmeer,  vicar-apostolic  for  Holland,  lives  in 

exile  at  Cologne       ......  4 

1596  Frangipani  assists  the  missions  in  Holland       .           .  5 
Clement  VIH.  renounces  all  hope  of  Spanish  inter- 
vention in  England           .....  6 

This  change  of  attitude  is  not  immediately  grasped    .  7 
Persons   and   the  foundation  of  English  Colleges  in 

Spain      ........  7 

1592  Colleges  also  founded  at  Lisbon  and  Saint-Omer      .  8 

1594  Importance     of     these     establishments  ;      death     of 

Cardinal  Allen  ......  9 

This  makes  the  lack  of  episcopal  authority  felt  by 

the  English  clergy  ......        10 

1595  Disputes    between    supproters    of    Owen    I-ewis    and 

Persons  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .11 

Disagreement    between    the    "  Spaniards  "    and    the 

"  Scots  ".......        12 

1597  Denunciations  made  on  all  sides — accusations  made 

against  Holt  to  the  Archduke  Alberts  .  .  13 

1598  Holt's  obstinacy  ;  William  Gifford  and  the  Jesuits  14 
The  Pope's  attitude  of  coldness  towards  the  Jesuits  15 
Troubles  at  the  English  college  in  Rome  .           .  16 

1603  Disturbance   at  Valladolid  ;     prudent  moderation  of 

Persons  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .16 

Disputes    in    Flanders  ;     Dr.    Barrett    supports    the 

Jesuits    .  .  .  .  .  .  •  -I? 

1593  The    prisoners    at    Wisbech    treated    with    imusual 

leniency.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .18 

1594  Beginning  of  the  disputes  :    Weston  and  Bagshaw  .        19 

1595  A  reconciliation  effected   (Nevomber  6th)          .  .        19 
1597  Disputes  renewed  :    the  seculars  and  the  Jesuits  .        20 

Proposals  by  Persons  and  the  secular  clergy  as  to 

appointment  of  a  bishop  .  .  .  .21 

VOL.  XXIV.  vii  0 



1598  Clement   VIII.   unwilling  to   appoint   a   bishop,   but 

appoints  an  archpriest     .  .  .  .  .22 

Blackwell  made  archpriest  (March  7th)  ;  his  friendship 

with  the  Jesuits  the  cause  of  opposition   .  .        23 

The    minority    bitterly    attack    Persons    and    other 

Jesuits    ........        24 

The  dispute  carried  to  the  Pope  ;  Bishop  and  Charnock 

go  to  Rome    .......        25 

1599  Requests   of   the   appellants   rejected  ;     they  take   a 

fatal  step         .......  26 

1600  Imprudence  of  Blackwell  who  exceeds  his  powers   .  27 
His  accusation  by  33  Wisbech  priests  (November  17th)  27 
The    Jesuit   Lister   begins   a   violent   polemical  con- 
troversy          .......  28 

1 60 1  Sympathy  of  English  statesmen  with  the  appellants  29 
Who  set  out  on  their  journey  to  Rome            .           .  30 

1602  The  Papal  brief  rejects  the  appeal  and  admonishes 

both  parties    .  .  .  .  .  .  -31 

Discussions  before  the  Incjuisition  ....  32 

Confidence  of  the  appellants  ;  joy  of  the  Protestants  33 
Judgment  given  (July  20th)  and  confirmed  by  Papal 

brief  (October  5th) ......  3^ 

Elizabeth's  edict  against  the  Jesuits  ;   its  purpose     .  35 

1603  The    distinction    between    "  priests    and    ])riests  "  ; 

William  Bishop  on  the  queen's  authority  .  36 

Garnet's  circular  to  his  subjects     .  •  •  •  37 

Many  seculars  give  proof  of  their  friendship  for  the 

Jesuits    ........  38 

The  memorial  of  Malvasia  on  the  situation     .  .  39 

The  Pope  never  abandons  hope  of  the  conversion  of 

England  .......  40 

1 60 1  Question  of  the  succession  to  the  Enghsh  throne     .  41 
1591  Work  published  by  P.  Wentworth,  the  puritan,   on 

this  subject     .......  42 

1594  Persons  writes  his  book  on  the  succession       .          .  43 
Which  does  more  harm  than  good           .          .          .44 

1596  Persons  persists  in  his  hopes  of  Spanish  help   .          .  44 
1598  Influence  of  France  ;    Henry  IV.  decides  in  favour  of 

James     ........  45 

1600  Influence  of  Persons  in  Rome          ....  46 

1602  The   Spanish   claims  ;     renunciation   by   the   Infanta 

Isabella  .......        47 


AND    JAMES    I. 

1602  Persons  loses  prestige  in  Rome  ;    efforts  of  James  to 

obtain  the  English  crown  ....       49 

Is  entirely  guided  by  the  opportunism  of  the  moment       50 
His  hypocrisy  and  astuteness  .  .  .  .51 



1602  Catliolics   rally   to   him  ;     his   efforts    to   obtain    the 

good-will  of  the  Pope      .....  52 

1592  James  sends  two  Jesuits  to  Rome           ...  52 

1595  And  later  John  Ogilvy,  who  meets  with  no  success  53 

1599  Drummond  arrives  in  Rome  with  a  letter  from  James 

to  the  Pope    .......  53 

Astuteness  of  James  with  regard  to  Elizabeth          .  54 

1608  "  Comedy  of  complicity  "  :     James   and   Bellarmine  54 

1600  Letter  from  Queen  Anne  to  Drummond  ;    her  pro- 

fession of  the  Catholic  faith  and  requests           .  55 

1602  Anne  writes  to  the  Pope  and  to  the  General  of  the 

Jesuits  ;    the  Pope  replies  (July  i6th),  and  also 

sends  two  briefs       ......  56 

1603  James  is  no  longer  able  to  continue  his  double  game 

after  his  succession  to  the  English  throne          .  57 
The   Pope   is   "  tormented   day  and   night  "    by  the 

thought  of  England  .  .  .  .  .58 

But    moves    with    great    caution  ;      James'    book — 

"  Basilikon  Doron  ".....  39 

A  French  translation  sent  to  the  Pope  ;    it  is  put  on 

the  Index        .......  60 

i5oi  Lamentable  state  of  catholics  in  Scotland        .          .  61 
The  memorial  on   affairs  of  Scotland   drawn   up  by 

Malvasia           .......  62 

Proves  that  James  knows  how  to  deceive  the  Pope  63 
And    keep   on    good    terms   with    him  ;     fear   of   ex- 
communication        ......  64 

157&-1597  The  Scots'  colleges  at  Douai  and  Paris   .          .  65 

1600  Foundation  of  the  college  in  Rome  ...  66 
Numerous  foundations  of  Irish  seminaries  and  colleges  67 
Their  development  largely  due  to  Philip  II.  .  .  67 
They  are  a  counterweight  to  Trinity  college,  Dublin  68 

1 60 1  Series  of  Papal  briefs  to  confirm  the   Irish  in  their 

struggle  ;     victory  of   O'Neill  at   Blackwater      .  69 

Spanish  help  comes  too  late  ;    devastation  of  Ulster  70 

1603  James  continues  his  double-dealing           ...  70 
1605  And  once  again  sends  Lindsay  to  Rome           .           .  70 

But  makes  nothing  but  vague  promises.           .           .  71 

Clement  VIII.  still  hopes  to  win  over  James            .  72 
Who  keeps  the  Pope  in  suspense  and  deceives  him 

with  fair  words        ......  73 

The  "  practical  attitude  "  of  James  towards  Catholics  74 

Character  of  Henry  Howard,   Earl  of  Northampton  75 

"  We  no  longer  have  any  need  of  the  Papists  "          .  75 

1604  James  orders  that  all  Catholic  priests  must  leave  the 

country  ;    his  speech  before  Parliament   (March 

22nd)      ........  76 

Laws  against  Catholics  made  more  severe  (June  4th)  77 

James  still  continues  his  negotiations  with  Rome      .  78 

His  action  against  Catholics  and  Puritans        .           .  79 

1605  Declares     (February    loth)    his    detestation    of    the 

religion  of  Papists  ;    effects  of  this  declaration    .  79 

Rigorous  enforcement  of  Penal  Laws       ...  80 




1592  Interest  of  Clement  VIII.   in   Sweden  ;     at  his  first 

consistory  sends  a  legate  for  the  King's  marriage 
(February  14th)        .  .  .  .  ,  .81 

King  Sigismund's  difficulties  in  Poland  ...  82 
The  nunciature  of  Malaspina  to  Poland  .  .        83 

On    the    death    (November    17th)    of    John    III.    the 

crown  of  Sweden  falls  to  the  King  of  Poland      .        84 

1593  Difficulties    raised    by    Sigismund's    uncle,    the    duke 

Charles  ........        84 

Who    makes   religion   the    pretext   for   opposing   the 

lawful  Catholic  king  .....        84 

Radical  decrees  of  the  assembly  at  Upsala  (February 

25th) ■   .     :    85 

Satisfaction  of  Charles  with  these  .  .  .  .86 

Should  Sigismund  undertake  the  journey  to  Sweden  ?  86 
The    Pope   sends   Powsinski   as   special   delegate    to 

Poland   (August)       ......        87 

He  points  out  the  opportunities  now  offered  for  the 

restoration  of  Catholicism  in  Sweden         .  .        87 

Sigismund's  fatal  mistake  .....  88 
Suggestions  to  the  nuncio  Malaspina  as  to  his  course 

of  action  .......        8g 

Sigismund     with     Malaspina    embarks     for     Sweden 

(September  6th)       ......        90 

The  demands  of  duke  Charles         ....        91 

Who   deliberately  encourages   the   suspicions   of   the 

protestants      .......        92 

1594  Difficult  position  of  the  king  ;    Malaspina's  letter  to 

Rome      ........        93 

The  endeavour  to  impose  conditions  upon  Sigismund 

for  his  coronation    ......        9  { 

Firmness  of  the  King  ;    his  Catholic  attitude    .  .        95 

Opposition  of  Duke  Charles  and  the  protestants  96 
Who    adopt    a    policy    of    annoyance    and    threats  ; 

danger  to  the  nuncio  ;  calmness  of  Malaspina  .  97 
Increasing  threats  ;    panic  of  Sigismund  ;    he  ends  by 

recognizing  the  protestant  archbishop  of  Upsala  98 
Sigismund  crowned  (February  19th)  by  the  bishop  of 

Vcsteras  .......        99 

Malaspina    persuades    the    King    to    make    adequate 

concessions  to  the  Catholics  ....  100 
Exultation    of    the    Lutherans  ;     disputes    between 

Poland     and     Sweden  ;      Sigismund    leaves     for 

Poland   (July)  and  Malaspina  with  him      .  .101 

Fears   of   the   nuncio  :     Duke    Charles   is    given    full 

powers  to  govern     .  .  .  .  .  .102 

1595  Decrees  of  the  Diet  of  Soderkoping  against  Catholics  T02 
Violence  and  unrelenting  fury  of  the  protestants  .  103 
Attachment  of  the  country  folk  to  the  ancient  faith     103 



1595  Brutal  destruction  of  Catholic  memorials 
Remorse  of  Sigisrnund  for  his  weakness. 
Revived  hope  of  recovery  of  Sweden  for  the  Faith 
Memorial  on  the  importance  of  such  an  event 

1597  Frustration  by  Charles  of  all  projects  for  this  recovery 
Great  increase  of  the  power  of  duke  Charles  . 

1598  The  Diets  at  Upsala  and  Vadstena  support  him 
Sigismund  returns  to  Sweden  with  5000  troops 
And  is  at  first  fortunate         .... 
But  finally  defeated  on  September  25th 

1599  Charles    remains    victor ;     deposition    of    Sigismund 







1596  Consoling  progress  of  Catholicism  in  Poland  ; 
Sigismund 's  want  of  energy  ;  he  yields  to  the 
influence  of  the  nuncio    .... 

1392  1598  Canonization  of  St.  Hj^acinth  ;  the  task  confided 
to  Malaspina  ;    the  league  against  the  Turks 

1596  A  special  embassy  sent  to  Poland  (April  25th) 
The  mission  of  the  cardinal  legate  Caetani 
His  address  to  the  envoys  of  the  Emperor  and  the 

King  of  Poland        ..... 
Difficulties   of   the   legate  ;     his   first   interview   with 
Sigismund   (September  24th)     . 

1597  He   attends   the   Diet   at   Warsaw    (February)  ;     the 

Diet  does  nothing  ;    Caetani  returns  to  Rome 

1598  Recall  of  Malaspina  ;    his  final  report 
And  just  estimate  of  the  conditions  in  Poland 
Labours  of  Komulovic  ;   success  of  Malaspina's  efforts 
He   is   supported    by   the    King  ;     exemplary   life   of 

Sigismund  has  great  effect 
Attention  by  Malaspina  to  the  interior  renewal  of  the 

church    ....... 

Flourishing  state  of  the  Jesuits  in  Poland 

High    reputation   of   their  educational   work  ;     King 

Sigismund  protects  them  in  every  way     . 
They  penetrate  into  Germany  and  Russia 
Appreciation  of  the  Jesuits  by  the  Polish  bishops 
Their  activity  as  writers  and  work  for  conversion  of 

the  Jews  ...... 

1 58 1   Peter  Skarga  and  the  Ruthenians  . 

Efforts    of    the     Jesuits    for    the    reunion    of    the 

Ruthenians      ...... 

Who  are  in  a  state  of  great  demoralization 
1586  The  action  of  the  Patriarch  of  Constantinople  deter 

mines  the  Ruthenians  to  turn  to  Rome 
1590  Shrewdness  of  the  Polish  chancellor,  Zamoiski 















1593  Energetic  action  by  the  Polish  bishops   .  .  .  130 

1595  Bishops  Pociej  and  Terlecki  deputed  to  go  to  Rome  131 
Pastoral  of  the  Polish  bishops  (August  27th)  .  .  131 
Sigismund's  letter  to  the  Ruthenians  (September  24th)  132 
The  two  bishops  in  Rom.e  ;    their  audience  with  the 

Pope   (November)     .  .  .  .  .  .132 

Conditions  of  the  reunion       .  .  .  .  -133 

Ceremony    of    the    accomplishment    of    the    reunion 

(December  23Td)      .  .  .  .  .  .134 

Joy  of  the  Pope  ;    his  discourse      .  .  .  -135 

1596  Firmness  of  Sigismund  ;    powerful  agitation  against 

the  work  of  reunion  .  .  .  .  .136 

Synod  of  the  Uniat  Ruthenian  church  ;    the  declara- 
tion of  the  bishops  on  their  reunion  with  Rome     137 
Ostrogskyj  leader  of  the  opposition  to  union  .  .138 

1598-1604  Energy    of   Clement    VIII.    in    defence    of    the 

Uniat  Church  .  .  .  .  .  -139 

1 591  Prospects  of  uniting  Russia  ;  Death  of  Ivan  IV.  ; 
mysterious  disappearance  of  his  second  son 
Demetrius        .  .  .  .  .  .  .140 

1598  Death   of  Feodor   I.  ;     Boris   Godunov  assumes   the 

government  as  Czar  ;    his  character  .  .      141 

1603  First  appearance  of  the  "  false  Demetrius  "  .  .  142 
Who  meets  with  a  great  following  in  Poland    .  .142 

1604  And  is  eventually  supported   by  Sigismund  and  by 

Rangoni,    the   Papal   nuncio      .  .  .  .143 

Demetrius  writes  (April  24th)  to  the  Pope  declaring 

his   adherence   to   the   true   faith       .  .  .144 

He  succeeds  in  raising  a  small  army       .  .  .145 

And  keeps  up  a  correspondence  with  Rangoni  .      146 

Clement  VIII.  maintains  an  attitude  of  reserve        .      146 





1592  The  Pope  orders  a  general  visitation  of  Rome  (June 


And  himself  makes  the  visitation  of  the  Lateran 

Minute  exactitude  of  his  procedure 

It  is  continued  by  Clement  VIII.  in  person    . 

1593  And  prolonged  to  1596  ;    it  is  repeated  in  1603 

^597  The  Pope  takes  part  in  examination  of  parish-priests     151 

1592  All  Generals  of  the  Orders  summoned  before  him 
1596  Various  measures  for  reform  of  convents 
Clement  VIII.  and  religious  discipline 
He  encourages  the  Franciscan  Observants 
The  Congregations  of  reformed  Benedictines 
1598  The  Pope  on  the  pastoral  duties  of  the  bishops 



He  encourages  the  Jesuits,  Theatines  a,nd  other  Orders     157 



1598  Relations  between  Clement  VIII.  and  the  Oratorians     158 
He      protects      Giovanni      Leonardi      and       Joseph 

Calasanctiiis    .  .  .  .  .  .  .159 

Educational  work  of  Calasanctius  .  .  .  .162 

The   teachers   of   Christian   Doctrine  :     M.    de    Sadis 

Cusani  and  Cesar  de  Bus  .  .  .  .165 

1593  Clement    VIII.    and    the    Jesuits  ;     divisions    in    the 

Society,     especially     in     Spain  :      Acosta     and 
Aquaviva         .  .  .  .  .  .  .166 

Struggle  against  the  power  of  the  General       .  .170 

Aquaviva  defends  the  work  and  ideas  of  Loyola  .  171 
Discourse  of  the  Pope  to  the  Jesuits  (November  3rd)  173 
Intervention  of  Philip  11.  ;    his  demands  .  .174 

Decisions  of  the  General  Congregation  of  the  Order     176 

1594  The  Pope  visits  the  professed  house  of  the    Jesuits 

(January  4th)  ;    his  allocution  to  the  fathers      .      177 
End  of  the  Congregation  ;    complete  justification  of 

Aquaviva         .  .  .  .  .  .  .      i'79 

159.5  Clement  VIII.  still  thinks  of  abohshing  the  General- 
ship for  life  in  the  Society        .  .  .  .180 

1601  Mendoza  continues  the  intrigues  against  Aquaviva   .      181 
And  wins  a  temporary  victory        .  .  .  .183 

1604  The  death  of  Clement  VIII.  stops  these  intrigues  for 

a  time    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .      1S4 

Favours  granted  by  the  Pope  to  many  Orders  .      185 

Insistence  upon  the  duty  of  residence     .  .  .186 

1595  Decree  of  Clement  VIII.  upon  this  matter  (July  5th)  187 
Who  realizes  the  difficulty  of  eradicating  this  abuse  188 
Examination  of  bishops  prescribed  .  .  .189 
Their  careful  selection  ;    some  of  the  most  eminent 

reforming  bishops    .  .  .  .  .  .190 

1593  Care  of  the  Pope  in  creation  of  new  Cardinals  .      193 

Their  merits  and  qualifications        .  .  .  -195 

The  establishment  of  the  Congregations  lessens  the 

power  of  Consistories       .  .  .  .  .197 




Independence  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  .  .198 

The  kind  of  questions  that  come  before  it  .  .199 

1594  Decrees  of  Clement   VIII.   concerning  its   procedure     200 

1595  seq.  Executions  of  heretics  during  his  pontificate      .      201 
The  case  of  Giordano  Bruno  ;    story  of  his  career      .      203 
His  published  works       ......      205 

His  attitude  of  opposition  to  all  positive  religion     .      208 

1592  Bruno  before  the  Venetian  Inquisition    .  .  .      209 

1593  At  the  Pope's  request  he  is  sent  to  Rome      .  .      210 

1599  His  assertions  before  the  Roman  Inquisition    .  .211 

1 600  Put  to  death  in  the  Campo  di  Fiori  (February  17th)     212 




1600  The  Venetian  government  and  the  Inquisition  .     213 

Calvinist  propaganda  in  Venice       .  .  .  .214 

Clement  VI 11.   and   Paolo   Sarpi     .  .  .  .215 

Vigilance  of  the  Congregations  of  the  Inquisition  and 

the  Index        .  .  .  .  .  .  .216 

1596  The    Index  of  Clement  VIII.  ;    in   what  manner  it 

differs  from  the  Index  of  vSixtus  V.  .  .217 

1593  Decrees  against  Talmudic  and  Hebrew  books.  .      219 

Clement  VIII.  reverts  to  severe  measures  against  Jews     220 
The  Pope  is  a  firm  upholder  of  ecclesiastical  jurisdic- 
tion        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .221 

1592  The  complicated  position  of  the  Sixtine  Vulgate  .  222 
Clement  VIII.  at  once  interests  himself  in  the  question  223 
He  orders  the  acquisition  of  copies  ;    all  that  can  be 

found  are  destroyed  .  .  .  .  .224 

1595  The  Clementine  Bible     ......      225 

1596  Clement  VIII.  and  the  correction  of  liturgical  books  227 
1602  The  Reform  of  the  Breviary.  .  .  .  .228 
1598  The  collection  of  Decretals,  the  C/emrn/ina  (July  25th)     230 

Is  presented  to  the  Pope,  but  not  published    .  .231 

The  bull  on  the  reform  of  Papal  elections        .  .      232 

Clement  VIII.  and  Canonizations  ;   he  only  celebrates 

two         .  . 233 

And  is  verj'^  slow  to  grant  indulgences      .  .  .      235 

1602  His  ordinances  on  duelling  and  confessions      .  .     236 



Jesuits  and  Franciscans  in  Japan  ....  237 

1596  At  first  Taikosama  is  favourable  to  them,  but  in  this 

year  a  change  takes  place         .  .  .  .238 

1597  The  persecution  and  martyrdom  of  Christians           .  238 

1598  Better  times  return  on  the  death  of  Taikosama       .  239 
The  Franciscans  and  Jesuits  able  to  resume  work      .  239 

1593  The  missions  to  China  ;    the  Jesuit,  Matteo  Ricci     .  240 
His  remarkable  work  in  China  :    "  the  great  man  of 

Europe  "  as  the  Chinese  call  him     .  .  .241 

1 60 1   Ricci  excites  the  interest  of  the  Emperor        .          .  242 

1605  His  success  ;    the  Chinese  Jesuits     .          .          .  243 

1595  Franciscans,  Dominicans  and  Jesuits  in  the  Philippines  244 

The  Jesuit  mission  to  the  Great  Mogul   .           .           .  245 

Efforts    to    unite    the    Nestorians    (Christians    of    St. 

Thomas)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .245 

1 60 1  The  Pope  sends  two  Jesuits  on  a  mission  to  Persia     .  247 

1604  And  later  on  six  Carmelites  .....  248 

1595  The  Jesuits,  Monserrato  and  Paez  in  Abyssiaia         .  249 

1603  Influence  of  Paez  with  Za-Denghel          .          .          .  250 

Missions  in  the  Congo,  Angola  and  Guinea      .          .  251 

Also  in  Mexico,  California  and  Peru          .          .          .  252 

Work  of  the  Jesuits  in  Chili  and  among  the  Araucani  253 










The  Franciscan,  Solano,  in  Peru     . 

The  Missions  in  Tucuman,  Brazil  and  Paraguay'' 

State    of   the    missions    in    Spanish    and    Portuguese 

colonies  ...... 

Negotiations  with  Coptic  patriarch  of  Alexandria 
The  Copts  arrive  in  Rome  and  pay  homage  to  the 

Pope       ....... 

Who  expresses  his  joy  at  their  return  to  union 
Clement  VIII.  sends  an  envoy  to  the  Maronites 
And  seeks  the  reunion  of  the  Serbs 
Also  makes  provision  for  assistance  of  the  Archipelago 
The  Pope  occupies  himself  with  the  Greeks  in  Italy 

and  the  Albanians  ...... 

Who  are  not  to  be  forced  to  adopt  the  Roman  rite 
Instruction   of   Clement   VIII.    concerning   rites    and 

usages  of  the  Greeks   (August  31st). 
Memorials  on  the  subject  of  the  "  Propaganda  Fide  " 
And  its  proposed  constitution  and  work 
The   constitution   of   the   Congregation    and   its   first 

meeting  (August  nth  and   i6th) 
Its  first  title  ;    matters  discussed  by  it  . 
Clement  is  the  first  Pope  to  create  a  central  control 

for  the  mxissions       ...... 










THE    GREAT    JUBILEE    OF    160O. 

1599  The   Pope  appoints  two  Congregations  of  Cardinals 

for  the  spiritual  and  material  preparations  .      269 

Bulls  of  May   19th   and   21st  announcing  the  Holy 

Year  of  Jubilee        ......      269 

May  22nd  :    letters  of  invitation  sent  to  all  Catholic 

rulers      .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .270 

Arrangements  for  the  care  of  pilgrims     .  .  .270 

The  Carnival  amusements  prohibited       .  .  .271 

Illness  of  the  Pope  ;    but  he  performs  the  function  of 

opening  the  Holy  Door  on  December  31st  .      272 

1600  Zeal  of  the  Pope  in   fulfilling  the  conditions  of  the 

Jubilee  Indulgence             .           .           .           .  .273 

His  pleasure  in  attending  the  sermons    .           .  .273 

Hears  confessions  and  is    unwearied   in    helj^ing  the 

poor  pilgrims  .           .           .           .           .           .  .274 

Reception  of  Confraternities  by  the  Pope          .  .275 
Some  of  the  important  personages  who  come  to  Rome     276 

Amazement  of  Protestants      .          .          .          .  .276 

1600  Many  of  whom  are  converted  ;    Justus  Calvin  .     277 

Hospice  of  the  Trinity  de'  Pellegrini  alone        .  .278 

Cares  for  500,000  pilgrims       .           .           .           .  .279 

Estimated  total  of  the  number  of  pilgrims  .  .279 
The  Jubilee  a  testimony  to  the  great  change  wrought 

bv  the  Catholic  reform    .           .           ,           ,  ,      280 




This   dispute   becomes   steadily  embittered  ;     Jesuits 

and  Dominicans       .  .  .  .  .  .281 

Skill  and  energy  of  the  Jesuits  in  opposing  the  views 

of  Luther         .......      282 

But  they  use  great  caution  in  speaking  of  predestina- 
tion        .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .283 

The  solution  put  forward  by  Molina       .  .  .284 

A  quite  different  view  taken   by  Baiies  .  .  .      285 

The  "  kind  of  grace  "  in  dispute  between  Jesuits  and 

Dominicans     .  .  .  .  .  .  .288 

Extreme  difficulty  of  the  question.  .  .  .      2S9 

Vehemence   of   the   discussion  ,     intervention    of   the 

Augustinian,  Luis  de  Leon        ....      291 

Propositions  laid  before  the  Spanish  Inquisition        .      292 

Luis  de  Leon  and  Montemayor  reprimanded  by  the 

Grand  Inquisitor      ......      293 

In      spite      of      opposition,      Molina      obtains      an 

"  imprimatur  "   for   his   book   ....      295 

It  appears  with  the  approbation  of  the  Castilian  and 

Portuguese  Inquisition  .....  297 
T590  Bafies  leads  the  attack  upon  the  theses  of  Molina  .  298 
1594  The  attempt  to  have  the  work  put  on  the  Index      .      299 

Attack  upon  Suarez  and  the  works  of  other  Jesuits     300 
1594  Extreme   bitterness  of  the  dispute  at  Valladolid      .      302 

Sermon  by  the  Dominican,  Avendano  ;    the   Jesuits 

petition  the  Inquisition    .....      304 

The  superiors  of  both  Orders  receive  the  Pope's  order 
prohibiting  further  discussicn,  under  grave 
penalties  .......      307 

The  Dominicans  seem  less  submissive  than  the  Jesuits     309 

1596  Intervention  of  Philip  II.  in  Spain  .  .  .      310 

1597  The  memorial  addressed  by  Bafies  to  Clement  VIII.     310 
Bellarmine  writes  an  opinion  upon  this.  .  .311 

1598  And  a  "learned  discussion"  is  allowed.  .  .      312 
Both   parties   to   send   to   Rome   an   exposition   and 

defence  of  their  doctrine  .  .  .  -313 

Difference  of  opinion   among  the  bishops  .  .315 

Great  reputation  and  influence  of  the  Dominicans.  316 
Transference   of  the   discussion   to   Rome  .  .      318 

Memorial  of  Alvarez  against  Molina        .  .  .319 

The  in(]uiry  confined  to  Mohna's  book  ;    the  Roman 

commission      .  .  .  .  .  .  .321 

1599  Clement  VIII.  cites  the  Generals  of  both  Orders  to 

appear  before  him  .  .  .  ,  .  '325 

The  discussions  in  Rome.  .....      3'25 

1G02  The  Jesuits  present  a  memorial  to  the  Pope      .  .      337 

Imprudence  of  the  Jesuits  in  a  discussion  at  Alcala 

on   "  Infallibility  "  .  .  .  .  .  .      341 

Four  Jesuits  imprisoned  ;    anger  of  the  Pope.  .     343 



1602  The  Jesuits  clear  themselves.  ....  344 
The  paneg^'ric  of  Banes  on  Clement  VIII.  .  .  344 
Disputations  begin   (March  20th)  in  the  presence  of 

the  Pope  .......      347 

Letter  from  Bellarmine  to  the  Pope  .  .  .      350 

Intention   of   Clement   VIII.   to   put   an    end   to   the 

dispute,  but  he  will  not  act  hastily.  .  -3.53 

Remonstrances  of  Bellarmine  who  is  removed  from 

Rome 354 

1603  Rumours  as  to  the  issue  of  the  controversy  ;   these  are 

a  great  trial  to  the  Jesuits  ....  335 
Ihe  Jesuit,  Bastida,  pours  out  his  grievances  to  the 

Pope       ........      356 

Intervention  by  Spain  and  Bavaria  .  .  -357 

Perseverance    of    the    Pope    in    the    study    of    the 

controversy     .  .  .  .  .  .  -358 

But  he  does  not  succeed  in  settling  it      .  .  .      359 

1604  Death  of  Bafies  (October  21st)  ;  his  dying  protestation 

of    faith.  .  .  .  .  .  .  -361 

Character    of    Molina    who    died    four    years    before 

Banes     ........      362 

Ihe  struggle  between  the  two  Orders  continues  for  a 

time        ........      363 

The  chapters-general  of  both  Orders  exhort  to  mutual 

charity  and  a-fiection   (1644-1661)      .  .  .      365 



DEATH    OF    THE    POPE. 

1592  The  Congregation  for  the  administration  of  the  States 

of  the  Church  ......      367 

All  Italy  suffers  from  repeatedly  bad  harvests  .      36S 

1.593  Efforts  of  the  Pope  to  meet  this  scarcity  in  the  Papal 

States     ........      369 

Misery  in  the  Marches  and  the  Romagna  ;    who  is 

to  blame  ?       .  .  .  .  .  .  -370 

Vigilance  of  the  Pope  in  preventing  abuses      .  .371 

Regulations  by  the  Papal  Constitution  of  1604  .      372 

Opposition  of  the  farmers  ;    the  popular  discontent.      373 
1592  Brigandage  again  appears  ;    determined  efforts  of  the 

Pope  to  combat  it  .....      374 

^595  Great  number  of  bandits  are  executed  ;    the  Spanish 

government  encourages   the   disorder  .  -377 

The  military  weakness  of  the  Paj^al  States  ;    neglect 

of  the  fortresses       .  .  .  .  .  -378 

No  real  armed  force  ;   the  fleet  in  a  state  of  decadence     379 
Financial  difficulties  ;    Clement  VIII.  has  "  no  idea 

of  the  value  of  money  "  ;   the  "  luoghi  di  IMonte  "     380 
1595  Paruta  on  "  the  strength  and  weakness  "  of  the  Papal 

States     .,,..,,.     381 




1 592  Energy  of  the  Pope  in  the  case  of  Ferrara  ;  he  confirms 

the  bull  of  Pius  V.  on  Papal  fiefs      .  .  .      382 

■1597  Alfonso  II.  endeavours  to  induce  the  Pope  to  change 

his   mind  ;     he    appoints    Cesare   d'Este    as    his 

successor  .  .  .  .  .  .  -383 

But    Clement    VIII.    remains    immovable  ;     Cesare 

assumes   the   government  and   sends   envoys    to 

the  powers      .  .  .  .  .  .  .384 

Alfonso  dies  on   November   ist  ;    the   Pope   at  once 

re-confirms  the  bull  of  Pius  V    .        .  .  .      385 

And  gives  immediate  orders  for  large  armaments  .  386 
Cesare  determines  to  push  the  matter  to  extremes 

and  sends  an  envo}''  to  Rome  (December  20th)  387 
He  is  excom.municated  ;    his  endeavour  to  secure  the 

assistance    of    Philip    II..  .  .  .  .      388 

Henry  lY.  openly  supports  the  Pope        .  .  .      389 

This  decision   practically  settles  the  question.  .     390 

Reaction  in  Ferrara  against  Cesare         .  .  .391 

The   sentence     of    excommunication     read     in     the 

cathedral         .......      392 

The  Papal  army  under  Cardinal  P.  Aldobrandmi  .  393 
1598  Cesare  submits  and  restores  the  duchy  to  the  Church  394 
The  Pope's  decision  to  visit  Ferrara  and  sets  out  on 

his  journey   (April    13th).  ....      396 

His  solemn  entry  into  the  city  (May  8th)  .  .      398 

Reorganization     of     the     government  ;      a     fortress 

constructed      .......      400 

Reception  of  ambassadors       .  .  .  .  .401 

Two  notable  marriages  celebrated  ....      402 

Return  journey  of  the  Pope  ;    his  reception  in  Rome 

(December  19th)      .  .  .  .  .  .404 

The  great  inundation  of  the  Tiber.  .  .  .      406 

Causes  a  terrific  amount  of  damage  .  .  .      408 

Proposed  remedies  and  plans  for  regulation  of  the 

liber      ........     412 

Gradual  decay  of  Ferrara       .  .  .  .  .415 

The  administration  of  the  States  of  the  Church  falls 

increasingly  into  the  hands  of  ecclesiastics        .      416 
Disadvantages  of  this     .  .  .  .  .  .417 

Changed  condition  of  the  ari.stocracv  of  the   Papal 

States '      .  .  .418 

1596  The  Roman  nobles  ;    their  revenues  and  debts  ;    the 

so-called  "  Bull  of  the  Barons  "         .  .  -419 

The  Cenci  family;    their  crimes      .  .  .  .421 

1598  Beatrice  ;    the  murder  of  her  father  .  .  .      423 

Refutation  of  the  legend  concerning  Beatrice.  .      425 

P.  Santa  Croce  ;   Troilo  Savelli  ;   the  tragedy  of  tlie 

Massimi  .  .  .  .  .  .  -427 

Severe  penalties  enacted  for  many  offences     .  .      429 

Spain  and  the  aristocracy  of  the  Papal  States  .      430 

Clement  VIII.  in  subject  to  frequent  attacks  of  gout     431 

1603  And  has  attacks  of  arthritis.  ....      432 

1604  Over-exertion  and  anxieties  seriously  affect  his  health     433 



1605  He  has  attacks  of  apoplexy  and  dies  on  March  5th     434 
"  The  best  defence  of  the   Popes  is  the   knowledge 

of  their  lives  "  .  .  .  .  •  •      435 



Predilection  of  Clement  VHI.  for  scholars  ;   examples 

of  this .  -437 

Toledo,  Bellarmine,  Baronius,  Antoniano,  and  others  437 

Intellectual  activity  of  Bellarmine            .           .           .  439 

Clement  VIII.  and  Baronius.  ....  446 
Measures  of  the  Pope  to  increase  the  treasures  of  the 

Vatican  library  ;    the  archives  and  manuscripts  447 

Legacies  to  the  Library  ;   the  Vatican  Press     .          .  449 

New  buildings  at  the  University  ;  the  chair  of  botany  450 
Scholars  and  poets  supported   by  the   Aldobrandini 

Cardinals  .  .  .  .  .  •  -451 

Dedications  and  "  discorsi  "   .           .           .           .           •  452 

Ihe    Pope's   love   of   poetry   .....  454 

1592  Tasso  comes  to  Rome  by  invitation  of  Clement  VIII.  455 

Tasso  at  the  Vatican      ......  456 

Cinzio  Aldobrandini  and  Tasso  ;    the  "  Gerusalemme 

Ijberata  ".......  457 

1595  Projected  coronation  at  the  Capitol  ;    but  Tasso  dies 

before   this   can   be   accomplished    (April   26th).  459 

Princely   pomp  of  his   burial.           ....  461 

Tasso 's  work  is  penetrated  with  Catholic  sentiment  462 

The  "  Gerusalemme  "  and  the  Crusades.          .          .  463 



The  pontificate  is  a  period  of  transition  in  the  field 

of  art     ....... 

Architects   employed    by   Clement   VI IT.  ;     D'Arpino 

is  his  favourite  painter    .... 
The    Pope's    intention    of    completing    the    work    of 

Sixtus  V.         .....  . 

His  care  for  the  completion  of  St.  Peter's 
The  dome  finished  ;    its  internal  decoration 
1594  Work  at  the  tomb  of  the  Apostle  ;    consecration  of 

the  new  altar.  ..... 

The  Pope  frecjuently  visits  the  works 
The  painters  employed  on  the  decoration 
1592-7  Work     at     the     Lateran     basihca ;      the     "Nave 

Clementina  "  . 
Decoration  of  the  altar  of  the  Blessed   Sacrament 










The  new  organ  by  Luca  Blasio  ;  other  decorations  .  478 
Work  of  restoration  at  St.  Mary  Major's  and  many 

other  churches          ......  480 

The  Aldobrandini  tombs  in  the  Minerva.  .  .481 

Foundation    of    new    colleges  :     the    Scots    and    the 

"  Clementinum  "      .          .          .          .          .          .  484 

Works  at  the  Vatican  palace          ....  485 

New  buildings  at  the  Quirinal         ....  486 

Decoration  of  the  Hall  of  Consistories  and  the  Sala 

Clementina      .......  487 

Construction  of  bridges  ;    work  for  protection  of  the 

coast       .          .   ■       .          .          .          .          .          .  489 

Improvement  of  the  harbours          ....  490 

G.  Fontana  regulates  the  Teverone  and  the  Vehno   .  492 

Fondness  of  Clement  VIII.  for  Frascati.           .           .  493 

Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini  at  TYascati          .           .  495 

The  Villa  Aldobrandini  :    its  description            .           .  496 

Panorama  of  Rome  from  the  hall  of  the  villa.  .  500 
Illustrations  recording  the  changes  in  Rome  ;    guide 

books      ........  502 

Descriptions  by  foreign  travellers    ....  503 

1595  Revival  of  Rome  ;  the  discovery  of  antiquities  .  504 
The  use  of  ancient  materials  ;    exportation  of  works 

of  art     .              .                .....  505 

Collections  of  the  Cardinals  ;   care  for  maintenance  of 

the  streets        .  .  .  .  .  .  .507 

Development  of  splendour  and  luxury      .           .           .  508 

Active  works  of  charity  ;  confraternities  and  hospitals  509 
Many  Cardinals  great  patrons  of  art  .  .  .510 
Palaces  of  the  Aldobrandini  in  Rome  .  .  .312 
1598-1603  The  carrying  out  of  the  plans  for  the  Capitoline 

palaces   .           .           .           .           .           .           .           •  513 

Magnificence  of  the  new  churches.  .  .  .514 

And  restoration  and  adornment  of  older  ones.           .  516 

The  work  of  Baronius  at  SS.  Nereo  and  Achilleo  .  517 
Work  at  S.   Gregorio,   S.  Maria  in  Via  and  the  Tre 

Fontane            .......  518 

1599  Discovery  of  the  body  of  St.  Cecilia  .  .  .521 

And  of  other  sarcophagi            .....  522 

The  Pope  presides  at  the  solemn  burial  of  St.  Cecilia  523 

Cardinal  Sfondrato  restores  and  decorates  the  church  524 

The  revived  study  of  Christian  anticjuity          .           .  527 


1 .  Diary  of  tho  master  of  ceremonies,  Paolo  Alaleone, 

November  i8th,   1503  .  .  .  -531 

2.  Statement  from   Sigismund,    King  of  Poland,   to 

Pope  Clement  VIII.    .  .  .  .  -532 

3.  Germanico  Malaspina  to  Card.  Cinzio  Aldobrandini     534 

4.  Card.  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  to  the  nuncio  Malaspina     537 

5.  Card.     C."    Aldobrandini     to     the     Card.     Legate 

IMadruzzo  .......      537 

6.  Germanico   Malaspina   to   Card.    C.    Aldobrandini     538 

7.  Instruction  by  L.  Taverna  for  Ant.  M.  Graziani     540 

8.  I-elio  Arrigoni  to  the  duke  of  Mantua  .  .      541 

9.  Clement  VIII.   to  the   Inquisitor  Ant.   Matos  dc 

Noronha     .......      542 

ID.    Avviso  di   Roma  of  July  23,   1597      .  .  .      542 

11.  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Elector  of  Ireves,   J.   von 

Schonenberg        .  ,  .  .  .  -543 

12.  Inscription  at  the  portico  of  S.  Maria  in  Civita 

Castellana  ......      544 

13.  Report  of  G.  Malaspina  on  the  situation  in  Sweden     344 

14.  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Clergy  and  People  of  Rome     558 

15.  G.  C.  Foresto  to  the  duke  of  Mantua  .  .      560 

16.  List  of  prisoners  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  .      561 

17.  Clement  VIII.  to  Philip  III.,  King  of  Spain  .      563 

18.  G.  C.  Foresto  to  the  duke  of  Mantua  .  .     566 

19.  G.  C.  Foresto  to  the  duke  of  Mantua         .  .     566 

20.  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Shah  of  Persia  .  -567 

21.  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Shah  of  Persia  .  .571 

22.  Clement  VIII.  to  Justus  Calvin  .  .  .      574 

23.  F.  M.  \'ialardo  to  the  duke  of  Mantua  .  -575 


Persecution    of    the    Catholics    in    Holland    and    in 

As  a  result  of  the  schism,  the  kingdom  of  Queen  Ehzabeth 
and  the  young  repubhc  of  the  Low  Countries  had  also  become 
missionary  countries,  and  the  prohibition  of  the  public  exercise 
of  Catholic  worship  was  all  the  more  oppressive  in  that  the 
number  of  the  Catholics  was  still  very  considerable.  In  the 
greater  part  of  the  provinces  of  Holland,  in  Utrecht,  Gelder- 
land,  Frisia  and  Oberyssel,  the  Catholics  formed  a  large 
majority.^  In  the  first  years  of  his  pontificate  Clement  VIII. 
at  once  took  steps  to  provide  them  with  spiritual  assistance, 
and  in  the  instructions  given  to  the  nuncio  Caetani,  who  was 
sent  to  Spain  in  the  autumn  of  1592,  it  may  be  seen  what 
care  the  Pope  took  to  deal  with  the  religious  difficulties  which 
had  sprung  up  in  Holland  and  Zeeland.  Clement's  idea  was 
to  provide  a  remedy  by  sending  missionaries  of  the  Society 
of  Jesus,  and  the  Franciscan  Order.  He  had  already  had 
much  at  heart  the  establishment  of  the  Franciscans  in  a 
seminary  founded  at  Tonrnai  in  1592.  Caetani  was 
instructed  to  obtain  once  more  for  this  institution  the 
subsid}^  which  Philip  II.  had  suspended,  and  at  the 
same   time   to   secure   the   continuance   of  the   payment   of 

^  This  is  admitted  even  by  so  inveterate  an  adversary  of  the 
Catholics  as  the  author  of  the  "  Scriptum  A"  1604  "  published 
in  the  Neuen  Lausitzschen  Magazin,  XLI.,  157  seqq.  "  when  he 
had  left  the  Popedom  and  had  come  hither  from  Rome,"  p.  169 
(maximus  est  numerus  [catholicorum]  in  HoUandia,  Selandia, 
Frisia,  etc.).  Cf.  also  W.  Knuttel,  De  toestand  der  Katholieken 
onder  der  Republiek,  I.,  The  Hague,  1892. 

VOL.   XXIV.  I  I 


the  contribution  for  the  exiled  priests  who  were  living  at 
Louvain  and  Douai.^ 

The  idea  of  employing  the  Jesuits  in  the  mission  in  Holland 
had  been  suggested  to  the  Pope  in  1592  by  the  Dutch  priest 
Jan  Smith.  At  the  same  time  another  Dutch  priest  had 
approached  the  provincial  of  the  Jesuits  in  Belgium,  Oliver 
Manaraeus.^  The  General  of  the  Society  of  Jesus,  Claudio 
Aquaviva,  welcomed  the  proposal,  and  in  October  two  Dutch 
Jesuits  of  the  Belgian  province  were  sent  to  Holland,^  and 
thus  founded  the  Dutch  mission.  To  them,  and  to  the 
Franciscans  who  were  already  labouring  there  is  due  the 
credit  for  the  preservation  of  the  faith  in  Holland.  The 
missionaries  had  no  fixed  abode,  but  travelled  about  the 
country  as  apostles,  but  as  there  were  severe  edicts  against 
the  celebration  of  mass,  and  especially  a  prohibition  of  giving 
hospitality  to  the  Jesuits,  the  latter  were  exposed  to  the 
gravest  dangers.  They  had  to  disguise  themselves,  and 
constantly  change  their  place  of  residence.  As  in  the  days  of 
the  catacombs,  the  celebration  of  mass  and  the  administration 
of  the  sacraments  could  only  take  place  at  night,  while,  in 
order  to  prevent  a  surprise,  it  was  necessary  to  set  guards. 
At  dawn  the  missionary  went  on  to  another  place.  ^ 

The  mission  would  have  been  altogether  prevented  if  the 
large  number  of  the  Catholics  who  still  remained,  and  the 
greed  for  money  on  the  part  of  the  officials  had  not  made  it 

^  For  the  *instructions  for  Caetani  (Cod.  468,  p.  i  seq.,  Corsini 
Library,  Rome)  see  Lammer,  Zur  Kirchengesch.  121  seq.,  and 
R.  Maere  in  Bull,  de  la  Commiss.  Roy.  d'hist.,  LXXIII.,  Brussels, 
1904,  3  ;  there  is  also  mention  of  the  attempt  of  the  Calvinists 
secretly  to  introduce  Protestant  writings  into  Spain.  For  the 
seminary  at  Tournai  see  Bull.,  IX.,  367  seq.  ;  Wadding,  Annales 
Min.,  XXIII. ,  414. 

2  See  PoNCELET,  Les  Jesuites  en  Belgique,  32. 

^  See  luvENCius,  Hist.  Soc.  lesu  P.  V.  tom.  post.  414  seq. 
Cf.  Oliv.  Man.^raeus,  De  initiis  missionis  batavae,  in  Allard, 
Eene  missiereis  door  Nord-Nederland  en  de  17*^  eeuw,  's 
Hertogenbosch,  1883,  37  seq. 

*  See  luvENCius  loc.  cit.,  417  seq.  ;    Poncelet,  loc.  cit. 


possible  to  evade  the  severe  ordinances.  The  right  to  public 
worship,  which  was  granted  in  1603  to  the  Mahometan 
ambassador,^  was  still  withheld  from  the  Catholics  born  in  the 
same  land,  but  by  means  of  bribes  it  was  possible  to  obtain 
from  the  officials  entrusted  with  the  carrying  out  of  the  edict 
the  power  to  have  mass  said  in  secret. 

For  this  reason  the  work  of  the  Jesuit  and  Franciscan 
missionaries  was  very  arduous.  This  may  clearly  be  seen 
from  the  reports  of  the  Jesuits,  who  had  begun  their  mission 
there  with  two  fathers  in  1592.^  These  tell  of  cases  where  a 
missionary  was  forced  to  change  his  residence  eight  times  in 
the  course  of  twelve  days.  On  the  other  hand  the  zeal  of  the 
Catholics  to  hear  the  word  of  God  and  receive  the  sacraments 
was  very  consoling,  some  of  them  having  been  deprived  of 
these  things  for  thirty  or  even  forty  years.  Sometimes  the 
fathers  had  to  preach  twice  or  three  times  in  the  day.^  The 
head  of  the  mission,  Johann  Bargius,  who  came  from 
Amsterdam,  describes  the  labours  that  they  had  to  undergo. 
"  In  Frisia,"  he  writes,  "  for  nine  weeks  I  had  to  employ  the 
nights  as  well  as  the  days  ;  in  the  evening  at  dusk  I  set  m.yself 
to  hearing  confessions  and  baptizing,  and  then  preached  and 
said  mass  ;  after  this  there  again  came  to  me  those  who 
wished  to  confess  or  communicate,  and  some  whose  marriages 
had  to  be  regularized.*  Thus  there  only  remained  three  hours 
for  sleep,  for  very  early  in  the  morning  I  had  to  set  out  for 
another  place."  With  such  labours  as  this,  it  is  not  surprising 
that  Bargius  died  at  the  age  of  forty-eight.  "  The  v;ork 
increases  from  day  to  day,"  he  says  in  a  report  of  1604  ;  "if 
only  we  had  greater  forces  at  our  command  !  "^ 

The  direction  of  the  missionaries,  as  appears  from  a  brief 

^  See  Litt.  ann.  Soc.  lesu,  1603,  646. 

*  See  Tijdschrift  voor  Utrecht  geschied.,  IX.,  236,  266  seq.  ; 
Brom,  Archivalia  in  Italie,  III.,  's  Gravenhage,  1914,  xxxviii. 

*  See  Litt.  ann.  Soc.  lesu,  1597,  283,  285  ;  1598,  258  seq.  ; 
1599.  314;  1600,  533  seq.  ;  1602,  709;  1603,  625  seq.;  1604, 
702  seq. 

*  See  ibid.,  1600,  532  seq. 

*  Ibid.,   1604,   703. 


of  Clement  VIII.,  of  1592/  as  well  as  from  other  documents, ^ 
was  in  the  hands  of  Sasbout  Vosmeer,  as  vicar  apostolic, 
who  resided  almost  entirely  at  Cologne.  From  a  report  of 
Frangipani  of  April,  1592,  it  appears  that  at  that  date  two 
Catholic  priests  were  secretly  giving  the  Dutch  Catholics  the 
consolations  of  their  religion  ;  at  Leyden  alone  they  confessed 
about  a  thousand  of  the  faithful,  and  brought  about  the 
conversion  of  several  Protestants.^  In  1594  there  was  an 
idea  of  appointing  a  bishop  for  Holland,*  but  this  was 
abandoned.  In  1596  the  vicariate  apostolic  of  Holland  was 
placed  under  the  nunciature  at  Brussels.^  Vosmeer  caused 
northern  Holland  to  be  visited  every  year  from  1594  onwards 
by  Albert  Eggis,  but  when  in  1601  Vosmeer  appointed  Eggis 
as  vicar-general  of  the  former  diocese  of  Haarlem,  he  met 
with  opposition  from  the  chapter.  In  this  way  the  govern- 
ment of  the  Low  Countries  discovered  the  existence  of  a 
Catholic  hierarchy  in  their  own  country.  It  was  impossible 
to  reach  Vosmeer,  because  he  was  abroad,  but  Eggis  was 
arrested  in  March,  1602,  and  proceedings  were  taken  against 
him,  which   ended  in  his  banishment.^    The  report  which 

1  See  N.  Broedersen,  Tract,  hist.,  I.  (1729),  245.  This 
document  was  missed  by  Friedrich  ;  he  thought  that  Vosmeer 
had  hardly  become  vicar-apostolic  in  1602  ;  see  Zeitschr.  f. 
Missionswissenechaft,  XI.  (1922),  130  seq.  ;  "  Holland  als  Weige 
der  Missionshierarchie." 

2  On  April  9,  1592,  Frangipani  sent  Clement  VIII.  a  letter  from 
the  "  vicar-apostolic  "  Vosmeer  ;  see  Brom-Hensen,  Romeinsche 
Bronnen,  The  Hague,  1922,  425  seq. 

^  See  ibid.,  426. 

*  See  in  App.  No.  5  the  *Ietter  of  Cardinal  Cinzio  Aldobrandini 
to  L.  Madruzzo,  May  2,  1594,  Cod.  Campori  214  of  the  Este 
Library,  Modena.  Ibid,  concerning  the  mission  of  a  Flemish 
Dominican  to  Holland,  who  had  received .  from  the  Inquisition 
all  the  needful  faculties. 

^  See  Maere  in  the  Rev.  d'hist.  eccles.,  VII.  (1905),  822  ; 
Corresp.  de  Frangipani,  I.,  xv. 

«  See  Hensen  in  Molhuysen-Blok,  Nieuw  Nederlandsch  Biogr. 
Woorden-boeck,  III.,  Leyden,  1914,  320  seqq.,  and  the  literature 
there  cited. 


Vosmeer  sent  to  the  Pope  in  1602, ^  revealed  the  sad  state  of 
the  Dutch  Cathohcs.  Vosmeer  was  then  given  the  title  of 
Archbishop  of  Philippi,^  but  he  had  to  continue  to  live  in  exile 
at  Cologne,  where  he  made  provision  for  the  training  of  priests 
for  Holland  by  the  establishment  of  a  college.^ 

The  nuncio  at  Cologne,  Ottavio  Mirto  Frangipani,  took  the 
liveliest  interest  in,  and  gave  every  possible  assistance  to  the 
Catholic  missions  in  Holland  ;  after  1596  he  was  in  charge  of 
the  nunciature  at  Brussels,  established  not  long  before,  and 
was  able  to  help  yet  more  from  there  than  from  Cologne.^ 
When  disputes  arose  between  the  vicar  apostolic  Vosmeer  and 
the  Jesuits,  in  1598  Frangipani  summoned  the  vicar  to  Brussels 
where  an  agreement  was  come  to,  which,  unfortunately,  was 
not  of  long  duration.^ 

1  See  Archief  V.  geschied.  v.  h.  aartsbisd.  Utrecht,  XVII.  (1899), 
150  seqq.  Cf.  Fruin,  Verspriede  Geschriften,  III.,  's  Gravenhage, 
1 90 1,  249  seq. 

2  See  Uittreksel  uit  Francisci  Dusseldorpii  Annales,  1566-1616, 
ed.  Fruin,  's  Gravenhage,  1893,  316.  Cf.  ibid.,  284  seq.,  the 
edict  of  Clement  VIII.  of  May  26,  1601,  extending  the  indulgence 
of  the  holy  year  to  the  Dutch  Catholics. 

3  For  the  College  of  Cologne  see  Bijdragen  v.  d.  geschied.  v.  h. 
bisd.  Haarlem,  VIII.,  i  seqq.  ;  XV.,  87  seqq.  ;  Brom-Hensen, 
Rom.  Bronnen,  426,  427,  429.  Eggis  left  the  college  16,000 
florins  ;    see  Hensen,  loc.  cit. 

*  The  whole  correspondence  of  Frangipani,  his  reports,  and  his 
instructions  from  the  Secretary  of  State,  are  to  be  found  in  the 
National  Library,  Naples.  In  my  account  of  my  journey  in  1893 
made  in  the  interests  of  the  Nuntiaturberichte  (Hist.  Jahrb.,  XV., 
712  seq.).  I  once  again  called  the  attention  of  scholars  to  this 
material  which  had  so  long  remained  unnoticed.  It  is  pleasant 
to  record  that  the  director  of  the  Dutch  Historical  Institute  in 
Rome,  Mgr.  Hensen,  will  shortly  publish  all  Frangipani 's  reports 
concerning  his  own  country.  With  regard  to  the  publication  of 
the  reports  of  Frangipani  by  L,  v.d.  Essen,  see  Vol.  XXIII.  of 
this  work,  p.  398,  While  this  work  was  in  the  press  there 
appeared  :  L.  v.  Wassenhoven  0.]\I.  Frangipani  en  de  Engelsche 
Katholicken  (1596-1606),  Baasrode,   1925. 

5  See  Knuttel,  loc.  cit.,  50  seq.  Cf.  Archief  v.d.  geschied.  v.h. 
aartbisd.  Utrecht,  XXII.,  406  seq. 


Clement  VIII.,  who  prayed  daity  for  the  Dutch  Catholics,^ 
during  his  last  years  entertained  the  hope,  on  the  conclusion 
of  an  armistice  between  the  Archduke  Albert  and  the  revolted 
provinces,  of  obtaining  facilities  for  Catholic  worship  there. 
He  urgently  begged  the  Archduke  and  his  pious  consort, 
Isabella,  not  to  separate  the  cause  of  God  from  their  own,  for 
otherwise  they  would  have  reason  to  fear  lest  God  should 
abandon  them.^ 

The  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  was  destined  to  be  of 
great  importance  for  the  situation  in  England,  for  the  change 
which  had  been  inaugurated  b}^  Sixtus  V.  attained  to  its  full 
development  under  the  Aldobrandini  Pope.  The  sacking  of 
Cadiz  by  the  Enghsh  in  1596,  and  the  failure  of  the  second 
Spanish  Armada  in  1597,  manifested  to  the  whole  world  the 
weakness  of  the  vast  Spanish  empire.  Under  Clement  VIII. 
the  Papacj^  definitely  and  finall}^  renounced  all  hopes  of  seeing 
the  ancient  religion  restored  in  England  by  means  of  Spanish 
intervention  or  that  of  any  other  foreign  power.  A  return  to 
former  religious  conditions,  or  at  least  to  liberty  of  conscience, 
could  at  the  utmost  be  looked  for  by  the  Holy  See  from  the 
accession  to  the  throne  of  some  prince  who  was  not  hostile  to 
the  Catholics  ;  in  the  meantime  it  limited  itself  henceforward 
to  an  attempt  to  save  and  maintain  by  the  peaceful  means  of 
preaching  and  instruction  what  still  remained  to  be  saved  and 
preserved.^     The  separation  from  Spain  was  further  facilitated 

1  See  the  *brief  to  "  Carolus  dux  Croy  et  Areschotii  "  of  March 
31,  1599;  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  198,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Ibid., 
n.  199  a  similar  *letter  to  Philippe  de  Croy,  of  the  same  date. 

2  See  the  *brief  to  Albert  and  Isabella,  January  8,  1600,  Arm. 
44,  n.  4,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

3  "  With  regard  to  these  (the  heretics)  the  Curia,  since 
Clement  VIII.  had  ascended  the  throne,  had  changed  its  policy  ; 
it  was  no  longer  by  force,  but  by  negotiations  with  heretical 
sovereigns,  and  missions  to  the  apostate  peoples,  that  it  hoped 
to  overcome  heresy."  F.  Hiltebrandt  in  Oiiellen  11.  Forsch.,  XV. 
(1913)  ;  307  •s^{?-  So  too,  Pollen  in  The  Mouth,  XCIV.  (1899), 
241  ;  CouzARD,  Une  ambaSsade  a  Rome  sous  Henri  IV.,  septembre 
l6oi-juin    1605    (Philippe   de    Bethune),    Paris,    1901,    103   seq. 


by  the  fact  that  after  the  conversion  of  Henry  IV.  the  world- 
wide dominion  of  Charles  V.  steadily  lost  its  name  as  the  one 
Catholic  power,  and  found  a  serious  rival  in  France. 

The  changed  attitude  of  the  Pope  was  not  immediately 
grasped  and  followed  by  the  Catholics  in  England  of  Spanish 
sympathies.  It  was  only  gradually,  and  not  without  a 
temporary  disagreement  among  the  supporters  of  the  ancient 
religion,  that  this  change  of  front  could  be  brought  about. 
During  the  first  years  of  the  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  the 
Spanish  claims  to  the  succession  to  the  English  throne  were 
still  ardently  maintained,  especially  by  the  Jesuit,  Robert 
Persons.^  It  may  perhaps  be  looked  upon  as  a  further  sign 
of  such  sentiments  that  just  at  that  time  there  sprang  up  on 
Spanish  soil,  and  with  the  consent  of  Clement  VIII.  a  number 
of  colleges  which  were  to  be  devoted  to  the  training  of  English 

In  1589,  a  few  months  after  the  great  disaster  of  the  first 
armada,  Persons,  who  displayed  unwearied  courage,  went 
to  Spain  in  order  to  obtain  from  Philip  II.,  among  other 
things,  a  larger  subsidy  for  the  seminary  at  Douai.  Soon  after 
this  it  seemed  to  him  to  be  more  advantageous  to  establish  a 
new  college  in  Spain  itself  after  the  model  of  that  at  Douai. 
A  small  party  of  six  students  was  at  once  transferred  from 
Allen's  great  seminary  to  Valladolid,  while  many  generous 
benefactors  were  found  in  Spain,  who  gave  abundant  alms  to 
the  new  institute.  Philip  II.  too,  who  had  been  described  as 
its  "  founder  "  by  Clement  VIII.  in  his  bull  of  confirmation 
of  November  3rd,  1592,^  assigned  to  it  an  annual  revenue  of 
1600  crowns,  and  on  the  occasion  of  a  visit  to  the  seminary 
was  profoundly  moved  at  the  sight  of  these  youths  who  had 
left  their  country  for  the  sake  of  the  faith,  in  order  to  face  a 
life  of  suffering  and  persecution  ;  he  thereupon  increased  his 
annual  contribution,  and  took  all  the  debts  of  the  seminary 

According  to  Couzard  {ibid.)  the  Pope  in  this  was  following  the 
advice  of  Henry  IV. 

1  For  Persons  cf.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  pp.  388  seqq. 

2  Bull.  X.,  630  ;    Synopsis,  170. 


upon  his  own  shoulders.  In  1592  the  estabHshment  had 
75  students,  though  in  1598  there  were  only  53,  the  first  three 
priests  being  sent  to  England  in  1593.^  English  seminaries 
were  also  established  by  Persons  at  Seville^  and  Madrid,^ 
which,  however,  did  not  prosper  very  much.  A  special 
position  among  the  English  foundations  in  the  Peninsula  was 
held  by  the  seminary  at  Lisbon,  which  was  placed  in  the 
charge  of  secular  priests  and  of  the  vicar  apostolic  of  England. 
It  owed  its  origin  to  Nicholas  Ashton,  who  in  the  time  of 
Queen  Elizabeth  had  the  care  of  the  English  at  Lisbon,  but 
was  only  endowed  with  sufficient  revenues  in  1629  by  the 
Portuguese,  Pedro  Coutinho.* 

Even  more  important  than  the  above-mentioned  establish- 
ments, which  all  devoted  themselves  to  the  teaching  of 
theology,  was  another  foundation  of  Persons  in  Flanders. 
The  English  Catholics  were  in  need  of  a  school  for  the  teaching 
of  the  classics  and  preparation  for  theology.  Therefore  in 
1582  Persons  founded  such  a  school  at  Eu  in  Normandy, 
which  at  the  end  of  1592  was  transferred  to  Saint-Omer,  after 
the  murder  of  its  benefactor,  the  Duke  of  Guise.  In  1595 
the  number  of  students  was  only  38,  but  in  1601  had  risen  to 

^  Bellesheim,  Kard.  Allen,  237-244,  289-291  (letters  of  recom- 
mendation of  the  Benedictine  abbot  Alphonsus  and  the  nuncio 
Caetani,  September  10  and  November  6,  1596). 

2  Ibid.,  244.  Bull  of  confirmation  by  Clement  VIII.,  May  15, 
1594.  Bull.,  X.,  139,  Synopsis,  183.  A  *brief  of  February  13, 
1593.  to  the  Cardinal  of  Seville  "  founder  of  the  college  "  in 
Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  38,  n.  221,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

3  Bellesheim,  Allen,  248.  By  a  pontifical  decree  of  July  7, 
1599.  to  Cardinals  Caetani  and  Borghese,  the  internal  scholastic 
organization,  which  had  been  adopted  for  the  English  College  in 
Rome,  was  declared  obligatory  for  the  other  English  institutes 
(Bull.,  X.,  521).  An  ordinance  of  September  18,  1597  (ibid.,  375) 
removed  certain  abuses  which  had  arisen  in  consequence  of  the 
title  of  doctor  being  attained  by  the  English  students. 

*  Ibid.,  250  ;  W.  Croft,  Historical  account  of  Lisbon  College, 
London,  1902  ;  Bellesheim  in  Hist.-pol.  BL,  CXXXI.  (1903), 
7  85  seqq. 

DEATH    OF   ALLEN.  9 

100,  and  to  120  in  the  following  year.  Philip  II.  granted  it 
an  annual  subsidy  of  1920  ducats.  At  first  only  those  pupils 
were  taken  who  wished  to  devote  themselves  to  the  priesthood, 
but  this  restriction  was  afterwards  abandoned,  so  that 
Saint-Omer  became  a  place  of  education  for  the  English 
Catholic  aristocrac}^  and  in  this  way  did  an  important  work.^ 
The  largest  of  these  establishments  were  witnesses  to  numerous 
conversions  among  the  English  Protestants,^  while  they  were 
a  support  and  centre  for  the  Catholics. 

All  these  establishments  represented  steps  and  attempts  to 
place  the  future  of  the  Church  in  England  upon  a  secure  basis. 
In  other  ways  too  Clement  VIII.  stood  for  a  new  era  for  the 
Catholics  in  the  British  Isles,  in  that  they  now  attempted  to 
abandon  their  indefinite  position,  which  in  course  of  time  had 
become  intolerable,  and  to  establish  a  secure  state  of  affairs. 
The}^  were  also  impelled  to  these  new  methods  by  the  death  of 
Cardinal  Allen,  which  took  place  on  October  i6th,  1594.^ 

Allen's  piety,  learning,  gentleness  and  moderation  were 
realized  by  men  in  Rome,  who  nevertheless  had  but  a  faint 
conception  of  his  real  powers.^    But  Allen,  as  Clement  VIII_ 

'  This  still  survives  in  the  great  Jesuit  college  at  Stonyhurst 
near  Blackburn.  Cf.  L.  Willaert  in  the  American  Catholic 
Quarterly  Review,  October,  1905,  745-758  ;  O.  Bled,  Les  Jesuites 
anglais  a  Saint-Omer.  Difficultes  avec  le  magistrat  a  I'occasion 
de  leur  premier  etablissement,  Saint-Omer,  1890  ;  Bellesheim, 
Allen,  251-264,  291  seq.  (Report  of  the  bishop  of  Saint-Omer, 
1612),  292-294.  (Report  of  the  nuncio  at  Brussels  Bentivoglio 
October  18,  1609,  of  the  welcome  given  him  at  the  college). 
Lechat,  215  seqq.  ;  Meyer,  148.  For  the  dangers  to  which  the 
students  were  exposed  when  they  went  to  the  Spanish  seminaries 
cf.  Bede  Camm,  o.s.b.  in  The  Month,  XCL  (1898),  375  seqq.  ; 
XCIL  (1898),  164-177  ;  Stevenson,  ibid.,  1879  ;  II.,  535  ; 
1880,  I.,  44,  392  ;  II.,  395-  Description  of  life  at  the  college, 
ibid.,  XCIV.  (1899),  167-170. 

2  Bellesheim,  loc.  cit.,  239  seq.,  242,  246,  254. 

=*  For  his  death  see  Bellesheim,  199  seq. 

*  Cf.  *Avviso  of  October  19,  1594  :  On  Sunday  [October  17] 
Allen  died  "  santamente  col  giuditio  retto  fin  all'ultimo  sospiro, 
lascia  nome  di  religiosissimo  altretanto  dotto,  esemplare,  da  bene, 


informed  the  Archduke  Ernest,  was  not  only  a  "  jewel  "  of 
Catholic  England,  but  had  been,  as  the  Pope  justly  added, 
the  man  who  had  kept  the  English  Catholics  united,  and  one 
whose  death  had  deprived  his  fellow-countrymen  of  a  strong 
support.^  He  was  indeed  a  man  "as  it  were  made  for  the 
salvation  of  England,"  and  the  centre  round  which  the  English 
Catholics  gravitated  both  at  home  and  abroad^ ;  "  our  Moses  " 
as  the  Jesuit,  Holt,  called  him.^  All  turned  their  e3^es  to  him 
as  to  a  father  and  venerated  master,  and  he  had  the  gift  of 
communicating  to  others  his  unswerving  courage,  and  his 
unhesitating  confidence  in  God,  and  of  preventing  the  worst 
forms  of  discord  among  the  Catholics  of  his  countr}^ 

Thus,  so  long  as  he  was  alive,  the  English  clergy  did  not 
feel  the  lack  of  a  leader  armed  with  episcopal  authority  and 
jurisdiction.^  Among  the  Catholic  priests  in  England,  who 
had  gradually  become  more  numerous,  there  existed  a  relation- 
ship of  subordination  or  superiority  only  in  so  far  as  they 
voluntarily  accepted  advice  and  instruction  from  men  of 
greater  spi^itualit3^  Thus  it  came  about  that  the  secular 
priests  took  their  instructions  from  the  Jesuit  Persons,  and 
the  Jesuits  from  Allen. 

The  result  of  this  uncertain  state  of  affairs  was  that  every- 
thing seemed  to  fall  to  pieces  when  death  snatched  away  the 

dolce  et  di  altre  belle  parti,  ma  di  leggiera  armatura,  et  povero  di 
partite  et  di  consiglio,  senza  havere  mai  nociuto  a  veruno." 
Urb.  lat.  1062,  p.  608,  Vatican  Library. 

1  *Letter  of  October  22,  1594,  Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  39,  n.  337. 
Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  Cf.  the  expressions  in  Bellesheim,  Allen,  iii. 

3  Pollen  in  The  Month,  C.  (1902),  179. 

^  In  1606  the  Spanish  ambassador  wrote  of  160  priests  in 
England.  Other  information  at  that  time  ranges  between  400 
and  900  (WiLLAERT  in  the  Revue  d'hist.  eccles.,  VI.  [1905],  569  seq.). 
A  report  of  March  9,  1600,  maintains  that  more  masses  were  said 
and  more  frequent  sacraments  received  than  in  Spain  {ibid.,  569). 
In  1607  it  was  said  that  in  Huly  Week  600  Catholics  received  the 
sacraments  at  the  house  of  the  ambassador  in  London  {ibid.,  570). 
In  1584  Persons  wrote  of  300  priests  in  Engl^^^nd  (Foley,  I.,  634K 


man  who  had  been  their  rallying  point.  Many  now  thought 
of  asking  Clement  VIII.  to  give  them  a  new  "  Cardinal  of 
England."  But  where  was  the  man  to  be  found  who  could 
take  the  place  of  Allen  ?  The  Scottish  party  turned  their 
thoughts  to  Owen  Lewis,  who,  after  he  had  been  summoned 
to  Rome  by  the  Pope,  had  had  a  share  in  the  foundation  of  the 
English  College,  had  then  become  vicar-general  of  Charles 
Borromeo,  and  finally  Bishop  of  Cassano.^  The  Spanish 
party  among  the  exiles,  on  the  other  hand,  asked  for  Persons 
The  priests  and  seminarists  took  up  his  cause  eagerly,  and 
letters  of  recommendation  were  even  obtained  from  Alessandro 
Farnese  and  others  in  high  places,  which  paved  the  way  for 
the  English  Jesuit  with  the  Pope  and  the  Cardinals.  A 
certain  Dr.  Worthington  collected  signatures  in  his  favour, 
while  Philip  II.  and  the  Protector  of  the  English  nation 
seemed  to  have  been  won  over  to  his  cause.  Persons,  however, 
who  by  the  rules  of  his  Order  could  neither  aspire  to  the 
purple  nor  accept  it  voluntarily,  and  who  did  not  wish  to 
become  a  Cardinal,  recommended  for  the  position  the  dis- 
tinguished Thomas  Stapleton,  who,  from  the  summer  of  1596 
onwards  was  actually  invited  by  the  Pope  three  times  to  come 
to  Rome. 

The  struggle  then  became  acute,  especially  between  the 
supporters  of  Lewis  and  Persons,  until  at  last  the  death  of 
Lewis,  on  October  14th,  1595,  and  the  exclusion  of  Persons  by 
Clement  VIII.  put  an  end  to  the  disgraceful  disputes.  In 
May,  1597,  Persons  himself  had  come  to  the  conclusion  that 
there  was  no  one  who  could  replace  Allen,  and  that  it  was 
better  for  England  to  have  no  Cardinal  at  all  than  one  who 
was  not  fitted.^     After  this  the  disputes  among  the  exiles 

iC/.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  381. 

2  Lechat,  177-180;  Pollen  in  The  Month,  C.  (1902),  180; 
Bellesheim,  Allen,  202-206.  A  *brief  to  Stapleton  of  December 
2,  1595  (thanking  him  for  sending  his  "  Antidota  ").  In  Brevia, 
Arm.  44,  t.  40,  p.  338,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  On  January  29 
Giulio  Cesare  Foresto  *wrote  to  Mantua  that  he  expected  ere  long 
the  appointment  of  an  English  Cardinal.  Gon/aga  A-rchives, 


from  England,  between  the  "  Spaniards  "  and  the  "  Scots  " 
came  to  an  end  as  far  as  this  question  was  concerned,  but  only 
to  be  rekindled  with  even  greater  violence  on  other  matters. 
The  Scottish  group  among  the  English  exiles  had  been  in 
existence  from  about  1580  onwards,  and  had  at  first  been 
limited  to  France,  which  was  ill-disposed  towards  Spain.  It 
was  only  when  their  leaders,  Mary  Stuart's  agents,  Charles 
Paget  and  Thomas  Morgan,  removed  in  1588  to  Flanders, 
that  the  Low  Countries  became  the  principal  focus  of  the 
disputes.^  Their  followers  called  themselves  the  "  party  of 
the  laity  and  aristocracy,"  and  spoke  of  their  opponents  as 
the  party  of  the  priests  or  of  the  Jesuits.  As  early  as  1581 
Allen  had  had  to  act  as  peacemaker  between  Persons  and 
William  Tresham,  who  declared  that  it  was  unworthy  of  a 
man  of  noble  birth  to  be  guided  in  matters  of  politics  by 
priests.^  At  first  the  disagreement  between  the  two  parties 
did  not  seem  to  be  insuperable  :  the  efforts  of  Allen  at  anyrate 
brought  about  a  rapprochement,  though  Paget  and  Morgan 
continued  to  receive  annual  subsidies  from  the  Spaniards.^ 
But  Allen  himself,  who  was  Spanish  in  his  sympathies,  became 
a  subject  of  dispute,  and  from  the  first  the  "  Scots  "  worked 
strongly  against  his  appointment  as  Cardinal,  and  sought  at 
anyrate  to  oppose  to  him  in  the  person  of  Owen  Lewis,  who 
belonged  to  their  party,  a  rival  in  the  College  of  Cardinals  ; 
the  "  Spaniards  "  replied  by  accusing  Paget  and  Morgan  of 
having  betrayed  Mary  Stuart,  and  of  having  brought  about 
her  death.  It  was  a  fact  that  these  two,  by  their  impetuous 
thoughtlessness,  had  given  assistance  to  the  English  govern- 
ment against  the  unhapp}^  Queen  of  Scots*  ;  it  is  also  certain 
that  Paget  had  on  several  occasions  taken  steps  to  secure  the 
favour  of  Elizabeth.^  In  this  violent  dispute  the  Scottish 
party  lost  ground  all  along  the  line,  and  Allen  and  Lewis  drew 

^  Lech  AT,  157  seqq. 

2  Ibid.,   164  seq. 

3  Ibid.,  158. 

*  Cy.  Vol.  XXII,  of  this  work,  p.  12. 
^  Lechat,  158. 


up  a  joint  letter  in  which^  they  declared  before  the  world  that 
they  were  sincere  friends  and  disclaimed  all  rivalry ;  in 
February,  1590,  Morgan  was  arrested  by  Farnese  and  was 
banished  from  Flanders  in  1592  ;  a  search  of  his  house  had 
revealed  the  fact  that  he  was  conspiring  against  Farnese,  in 
order  to  substitute  for  him  the  Duke  of  Savoy.  ^  Moreover, 
Allen  himself,  in  spite  of  his  moderation,  had  expressly  asked 
Farnese  in  1590  to  banish  that  disturber  of  the  peace,  Morgan.^ 
After  the  death  of  the  Cardinal  of  England  the  attacks  of  the 
Scottish  party  were  directed  above  all  against  the  Jesuits, 
because  they  looked  upon  them  as  the  most  ardent  champions 
of  the  Spaniards.  Persons  had  given  grounds  for  this  opinion 
by  publishing,  a  short  time  before  Allen's  death,  a  work 
defending  the  Spanish  rights  to  the  English  throne.*  The 
Jesuits  were  in  every  way  held  in  high  esteem  by  the  Spanish 
government  in  Flanders  ;  Persons  could  be  said  to  be  the 
adviser  of  Philip  II.  in  all  English  questions,  while  his  confrere 
William  Holt  was  entrusted  with  the  administration  of  the 
Spanish  subsidies  to  the  English  exiles  in  the  Low  Countries. 
Soon  the  dispute  became  even  more  embittered,  and  the  most 
incredible  accusations  were  put  forward.  Denunciations  were 
made  on  all  sides,  and  an  attempt  was  made  to  obtain  from 
the  government  and  from  the  General  of  the  Jesuits  the 
removal  from  the  Low  Countries  of  their  hated  adversaries.^ 
The  bitter  dispute  reached  its  climax  in  a  denunciation  of  the 
Jesuit  Holt,  which  was  presented  in  1597  to  the  Archduke 
Albert,  the  governor  of  the  Low  Countries.  In  thirty-six 
articles  he  was  accused  of  attempts  upon  the  honour,  the 
property,  the  liberty  and  even  the  lives  of  his  adversaries  ! 
B}'  the  order  of  the  Archduke,  the  vice-provincial  of  the 
Jesuits  in  Belgium,  Oliver  Manaraeus,  together  with  John 
Baptist  Taxis,  who  did  his  best  in  the  cause  of  peace  and 

^  Of  May  6,  1591,  ibid.,  162. 

^Ibid.,  162-164. 

3  May  4,  1590,  ibid.,  163. 

^  See  infra,  p.  43. 

5  Lechat,  182  seqq. 


reconciliation,  found  himself  obliged  to  devote  his  attention, 
much  against  his  will,  to  an  examination  of  the  accusations. 
The  verdict  of  these  two  was  in  favour  of  Holt,  and  this 
should  have  put  an  end  to  this  lamentable  affair.  But  it  was 
now  Holt's  turn  to  demand  a  discussion  of  the  accusations 
before  the  courts,  and  the  excitement  only  died  down  when 
in  1598  Holt  was  summoned  to  Spain  by  the  superiors  of  the 
Order  there,  and  died  there  in  the  following  year.^  One  of 
the  principal  reasons  for  Holt's  obstinacy  lay  in  his  friendship 
for  Hugh  Owen,  one  of  the  most  devoted  adherents  of  Spain 
among  the  English  in  Flanders,  for  he  was  unwilling  to  leave 
his  friend  alone  to  carry  on  the  struggle  against  the  English 
nobles.  Things  went  so  far  that,  as  it  would  seem,  to  the 
great  displeasure  of  Manaraeus,  some  of  these  nobles  left  the 
Low  Countries.^  The  bitterness  of  the  dispute  is  shown  by 
the  accusations  which  William  Gifford,  Dean  of  Lille,  and 
later  on  a  Benedictine  and  Archbishop  of  Rheims,  who  was 
usually  a  man  of  great  moderation,  made  against  the  Jesuits  ; 
these  included  even  homicide,  simony,  theft,  arrogance  and 
ambition.^  Gifford  for  his  part  withdrew  these  and  asked 
for  pardon,'*  but  then  the  Jesuits  committed  the  error  of 
publishing  the  withdrawal  far  and  wide.^ 

The  agitation  against  the  Jesuits  was  not  limited  to  the 
Low  Countries.  Their  prestige,  which  had  reached  its  height 
under  Gregory  XHL,  had  after  that  much  declined  throughout 
Europe.^  They  were  driven  out  of  Paris,  while  in  Madrid 
they  found  adversaries  in  the  Duke  of  Lerma  and  the  Papal 
nuncio  Malvasia.     Even  more  to  their  disadvantage  was  the 

1  Ibid.,  186  seqq. 

^  Ibid.,  189. 

3  Pollen  in  The  Month,  XCIV.  (1899),  246. 

*  Letter  of  the  nuncio  in  Flanders,  September  26,  1598,  ibid., 
236  ;    Lechat,  192  seqq. 

^  Lech  AT,   113. 

8  For  this  cf.  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  235-248.  For  the  cause  of  the 
change  of  opinion  on  account  of  mistakes  made  bv  the  Jesuits, 
ibid.,  242  seqq.  ;  for  Persons  in  particular  244  seqq.  ;  for  Creswell 
in  Spain  349  seqq. 

THE  POPE  AND  THE  JESUITS.        15 

fact  that  the  Pope  himself  was  not  well  disposed  towards 
them.  It  is  true  that  Clement  VIII.  was  convinced  that  the 
reconstruction  and  consolidation  of  the  Catholic  religion 
must  be  based  above  all  on  the  education  of  youth,  and  he 
therefore  favoured  the  Jesuit  colleges,  but  at  the  same  time 
he  maintained  an  attitude  of  coldness  towards  the  Order. 
His  modifications  of  the  constitutions  of  the  Society  of  Jesus, 
even  though  they  were  only  concerned  with  matters  of 
secondary  importance,^  and  his  attitude  towards  the  dispute 
concerning  the  doctrine  of  grace,  made  this  very  clear.  ^  At 
times  he  was  glad  to  see  his  advisers  among  the  Jesuits  any- 
where else  than  in  Rome  ;  thus  Persons  was  allowed  to 
recuperate  his  strength  at  Naples,  Bellarmine  was  made 
Archbishop  of  Capua,  and  the  General  of  the  Jesuits,  Aqua  viva, 
was  often  threatened  with  a  similar  promotion.^  In  Spain 
the  Pope's  dislike  involved  certain  Jesuits  of  Alcala  in  a 
severe  experience  of  the  prisons  of  the  Inquisition.*  The 
marginal  notes  which  he  added  at  that  time  to  the  reports 
of  the  Spanish  nunciature,  speak  of  the  "  pride  and  arrogance 
of  those  Spaniards  who  devise  new  and  dangerous  doctrines  " 
and  of  the  "  need  for  the  public  humiliation  of  such  people  "  ; 
when  the  confessor  of  the  Queen  of  Spain  complained  to  the 
nuncio  of  the  harm  that  was  being  done  to  his  Order  on  all 
sides  by  unfounded  attacks,  Clement  VIII.  added  the  terse 
marginal  note  :    "  God  resists  the  proud. "^ 

Naturally  such  opinions  in  the  most  exalted  ecclesiastical 
circles  had  its  influence  in  the  most  distant  places.  The 
students  of  the  English  College  in  Rome  once  more  complained 
of  their  masters  and  professors  ;  they  were  discontented  at 
not  receiving  before  their  return  to  England  the  same  spiritual 
privileges    as    were    enjoyed    by    the    Jesuits ;     they    were 

1  C/.  infra,  Chapter  V.,   pp.   167-184, 
2C/.  infra,  Chapter  IX, 
»  Cf.  infra.  Chapter  V. 

*  For  all  this  see  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  237  seqq.,  and  infra,  Chapter 
V,,   pp,    167  seqq, 

5  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  238  seqq. 


embittered  b}-  the  book  concerning  the  succession  to  the 
throne,  which  was  generally  attributed  to  Persons  ;  as  they 
had  little  love  for  the  Spaniards,  they  rejoiced  at  their  ill- 
success,  and  refused  to  remove  their  hats  in  the  presence  of 
the  Spanish  ambassador.^  Things  went  so  far  that  Aquaviva 
begged  the  Pope  to  release  the  Order  from  the  direction  of 
the  English  College. ^  A  visitation  by  Cardinal  Sega  restored 
peace,  at  anyrate  as  far  as  external  appearances  went,  though 
only  with  difficult}^  but  it  was  only  in  1597,  when  Persons 
returned  from  Spain  to  Rome,  that  he  was  able,  by  his  prudence 
and  moderation,  to  win  over  the  hearts  of  the  students,  who, 
under  his  influence,  were  complete^  changed  in  a  few  days.^ 

The  seminaries  in  Spain  were  not  at  that  time  in  a  state  to 
experience  any  such  disturbances,  but  in  1603  the  storm 
burst  out  there  as  well.  When  a  disobedient  student  at  the 
English  College  at  Valladolid  was  being  punished,  all  his 
school-fellows  ran  to  his  assistance  armed  with  sticks.  Out 
of  seventy-one  seminarists  twenty-five  left  the  college  to  enter 
a  Benedictine  monastery,  while  it  became  difficult  for  a  time  to 
provide  bread  for  those  who  remained,  as  the  benefactors,  who 
had  hitherto  supported  the  college,  stopped  their  donations 
when  they  heard  of  the  occurrence.  A  visitation  by  the 
Jesuit,  Luis  de  la  Puente,  and  a  decree  of  the  Roman 
Inquisition  on  December  loth,  1608,  restored  peace,  which 
had  already  been  inaugurated  by  pacificatory  negotiations 
between  the  two  Orders.  The  prudent  moderation  of  Persons 
also  contributed  greatly  in  Spain  to  the  cessation  of  hostilities.^ 

A  principal  reason  for  the  discontent  among  the  students 
was  the  fact  that  neither  the  Spaniards  nor  the  Italians 
understood  the  English  character,  and  therefore  did  not  know 

^  Henry  Tichborne  to  Th.  Darbyshire,  February  2,  1598,  in 
Foley,  III.,  723. 

2  Pollen  in  The  Month.  C.  (1902),  182;  Iuvencius,  I.,  13, 
n.  13. 

3  Pollen  in  The  Month,  C.  (1902),  183.  For  the  visitation  by 
Sega  see  Ga^ouet,  English  College,  93. 

^  B.  Camm,  O.S.B.  in  The  Month,  XCII.  (i8g8),  364-377  : 
Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  XCIV.  (1899),  233-248,  348-365. 


how  to  deal  with  them.  When,  by  Allen's  advice,  those  in 
Rome  were  given  Englishmen  as  rectors,  the  rebellion  ceased 
as  though  by  magic. ^  The  exasperation  of  the  youths  in 
Rome  may  also  have  been  fostered  by  the  hostile  feelings 
towards  the  Jesuits  which  prevailed  in  Flanders,  for  as  early 
as  the  year  1597  the  Scottish  party  in  the  Low  Countries  was 
seeking  to  obtain  from  the  Pope  the  recall  of  the  Jesuits 
from  England  and  from  the  seminaries  on  the  continent.^ 
The  college  at  Douai,  however,  took  no  part  in  these  attempts  ; 
on  the  contrary,  Allen's  successor,  Dr.  Barrett,  went  to  Rome 
on  purpose  to  support  the  continuance  of  the  Jesuits  as 
directors  of  the  seminary  in  Rome.  In  September,  1596, 
Clement  VIII.  spoke  to  him  of  the  complaints  which  had 
reached  him  from  the  Low  Countries,  and  especially  of  the 
supposed  tyrannj^  and  ambition  of  Holt.  Barrett  described 
all  this  as  mere  suspicion  and  jealousy.  A  document  which 
was  circulated  in  Flanders,  and  to  which  were  attached  many 
signatures,  begged  the  Pope  to  pay  no  attention  to  the 
calumnies  against  the  Jesuits,  or  at  anyrate  to  have  the 
matter  inquired  into.  Barrett  was  not  satisfied  at  the  want 
of  circumspection  exercised  in  obtaining  these  signatures,  but 
all  the  same  attached  his  own  name  to  a  similar  petition 
which  came  from  the  college  at  Douai. ^ 

An  even  greater  disturbance  than  that  of  the  bitter  quarrels 
in  Flanders  was  occasioned  by  similar  events  on  English  soil, 
when  in  the  so-called  "  stirs  of  Wisbech  "*  disputes  broke  out 
between  the  Jesuits  and  secular  clergy,  which  contained  the 
germs  of  even  more  serious  occurrences. 

1  Pollen  in  The  Month,  XCIV.  (1899),  353  seqq.,  and  C.  (1902), 

■  LEcn.\T,   195. 

^  Ibid.,  185  seqq. 

*  Pollen  The  stirs  of  Wisbech  in  The  Month  CXX.  (1912) 
33-48  (this  was  the  first  work  written  independently  of  the 
biassed  work  of  Bagshaw,  and  on  the  basis  of  the  papers  in  the 
Westminster  Archives).  Description  of  Wisbech  Castle  in 
Foley  IL  (Ser.  4)  592  seq.  Cf.  Iuvencius,  P.V.  torn.  post.  L, 
13,  n.  14. 

VOL.    XXIV.  2 


Ever  since  1579  the  English  government  had  kept  shut  up 
in  the  Castle  of  Wisbech  a  number  of  priests  and  laymen, 
whom  it  was  unwilling  either  to  set  at  liberty  or  to  put  to 
death.  At  first  their  imprisonment  was  very  severe,  but 
after  the  appointment  of  a  new  director  of  prisons  in  1593,  it 
assumed  a  character  of  leniency  quite  unusual  in  England  in 
the  case  of  Catholic  priests.  The  prisoner  were  no  longer 
supervised  at  their  common  meals,  and  were  allowed  to  visit 
•each  other,  and  to  form  a  library  of  books  which  they  were 
even  able  to  lend  to  other  priests  outside  ;  the}^  were  also  able 
"to  receive  visits  and  to  accept  presents  from  their  visitors. 
Some  Catholics  made  long  Journ^j's  in  order  to  be  able  to 
breathe  once  more  a  purely  Catholic  atmosphere,  as  well  as 
to  seek  advice  and  receive  the  sacraments.  After  one  such 
visit  the  Jesuit  Henry  Garnet  wrote  to  the  "  Confessors  of 
Wisbech  "  that  he  had  not  enjoyed  such  consolation  for  seven 
years,  and  that  during  the  time  he  had  passed  in  their  midst 
he  had  felt  as  though  he  were  in  heaven. 

After  about  two  years  of  this  common  and  comparatively 
free  existence,  the  disadvantages  of  this  libert}^  began  to  make 
themselves  felt.  Among  the  thirty-three  prisoners  there  were 
certain  men  of  another  way  of  thinking,  and  not  all  of  them 
had  that  intellectual  greatness  which  for  the  most  part 
distinguished  the  "  Confessors  of  Wisbech."  Three  of  them 
later  on  apostatized,  while  others,  while  they  were  still  in  the 
seminaries,  had  given  proof  of  having  intractable  and  difficult 
characters.  It  may  be  supposed  that  all  of  them  had  the 
energy  and  independence  which  was  called  for  by  the  life  of  a 
missionary  in  England,  but  an  imprisonment  of  so  many 
years  with  the  same  companions  also  produced  in  all  of  them 
an  abnormal  state  of  tension  and  nerves.  Thus  at  their  meals 
in  common  violent  disputes  broke  out  ;  to  those  who  by  their 
natural  disposition  and  their  training  were  inclined  to  hold  a 
strict  idea  of  the  sacerdotal  life  it  seemed  that  a  too  great 
liberty  of  thought  was  creeping  in,  and  they  feared,  rightly 
or  wrongly,  that  this  might  lead  in  time  to  real  scandal. 

This  tendency  to  greater  freedom  and  the  tendency  to 
greater  strictness  found  their  champions  among  the  prisoners 


in  two  men  of  great  intellect,  the  Jesuit  William  Weston  and 
the  secular  priest  Christopher  Bagshaw.  The  latter,  during 
his  period  of  study  at  Oxford,  Rheims  and  Rome,  had  shown 
himself  to  be  possessed  of  a  spirit  of  turbulence,  a  defect 
which  robbed  all  his  other  good  qualities  of  their  efficacy. 
Weston  was  an  austere  ascetic,  very  severe  towards  himself, 
and  not  over  lenient  with  others.  After  Christmas,  1594,  he 
began  to  withdraw  from  the  common  meetings,  and  took  his 
meals  in  his  own  room.^  This  example  was  followed  by  the 
majority  of  his  fellow -prisoners,  and  twenty  of  them  decided 
upon  leading  a  kind  of  community  life,  for  which  they  drew 
up  twenty-two  rules  and  asked  Weston  to  be  their  superior. 
Weston  declared  his  readiness  to  accept  this,  provided  his 
superior,  Henry  Garnet,  gave  his  consent.  Garnet  expressed 
his  agreement  with  this  plan  of  reform,  but  did  not  wish 
Weston  to  have  the  title  or  position  of  superior,  nor  to  exercise 
any  power  of  punishment  ;  all  that  he  might  do  in  the  name 
of  his  nineteen  companions  and  as  their  representative,  was 
to  settle  certain  rules.  From  that  time  onward  the  separation 
and  division  became  more  and  more  marked,  in  spite  of  the 
remonstrances  of  Bagshaw  and  his  followers,  and  the  attempt 
to  remove  the  disunion  by  calling  in  a  stranger  to  arbitrate 
•only  made  the  division  more  acute.  At  last  on  November 
6th,  1595,  a  plan  of  reconciliation,  which  was  modified  more 
than  twenty  times,  was  accepted,  and  those  who  had  hitherto 
been  divided,  embraced  each  other  with  tears  and  an  emotion 
which  rendered  them  incapable  of  speech.  A  treasurer  and 
a  steward  were  chosen  ;  fines  were  fixed  for  any  excess  which 
might  lead  to  a  renewed  rupture,  and  a  general  common  rule 
was   agreed   upon,   even   by  those  who   had  hitherto   been 

^  luvENXius  {loc.  cit.  p.  219)  says:  "  Mota  rixa,  catholicus 
nescio  quis  [Thomas  Bluet]  sacerdotem  palam  graviterque  per- 
cusseiat.  Hunc  sancita  per  canones  sacros  poena  teneii,  com- 
munique consortio,  donee  absolveretar  arcendum  sentiebant 
ceteri  praesertim  P.  Guillelmus  Westonus  .  .  .  Dissensit  acriter 
Bagshaus  et  alii,  principia  pauci,  mox  plures,  etc."  When  the 
majority  had  terminated  their  confederation  "'  csores  pacis  primo  . 
Westonum  et  alios  coniunctos  e  rommuni  trichnis  eiecerc,  etc." 

20  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Weston's  opponents,  by  which  act  the  need  for  some  sort  of 
rule  was  recognized. 

In  spite  of  certain  menaces  this  concord  lasted  until  the 
beginning  of  1597,  when  there  appeared  at  Wisbech,  Robert 
Fisher,  who  rekindled  the  flames.  Seven  of  the  prisoners, 
who  were  themselves  divided  into  parties,  again  withdrew 
from  the  common  meals,  and  from  that  moment  men  took 
sides  with  one  party  or  the  other  even  beyond  the  confines  of 
England.  For  the  disputants  it  was  now  no  longer  a  case  of 
personal  sympathies  or  antipathies,  nor  a  question  of  the 
Jesuit  Weston  and  his  supposed  arrogance,  but  it  became  a 
quarrel  between  the  secular  clergy  and  the  Jesuits.  In  the 
course  of  the  years  a  great  deal  of  hatred  and  jealousy  of  the 
latter  had  rightly  or  wrongly  grown  up  ;  their  labours  and 
their  successes  were  looked  upon  as  a  usurpation  of  the  rights 
of  the  secular  clergy,  and  as  an  unwarranted  attack  upon 
their  good  name.  All  this  now  became  a  matter  of  open 
discussion.  The  Jesuits,  it  was  said,  were  making  their  way 
into  everything  ;  in  their  eyes  nothing  was  sacred,  orthodox 
or  lawful  if  it  did  not  come  from  themselves  ;  they  tried  to 
seize  upon  donations  and  alms  for  themselves  alone  ;  in  a 
word,  they  aimed  at  the  suppression  and  subjection  of  the 
secular  clergy. ^  These  accusations  were  reproduced  in  many 
pamphlets,  some  of  which  were  printed  and  found  their  way 
as  far  as  Rome.'^ 

The  ill-feeling  against  the  Jesuits  found  its  strongest 
expression  in  the  so-called  "  archpriest  controversy,"^ 

^  Meyer,  England,  348. 

2  On  October  31,  1597,  Clement  VIII.  sent  "  Anglis  catholicis  " 
a  *brief  highly  praising  their  perseverance  in  the  faith,  but  at 
the  same  time  exhorting  them  to  the  concord  against  which 
Satan  was  striving  in  a  special  way,  Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  234, 
Papal    Secret  Archives. 

'  ThOMAS  Graves  Law,  The  Archpriest  Controversy.  Docu- 
ments relating  to  the  dissensions  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Clergy, 
1597.  1602,  Vol.  1-2,  Edinburgh,  1896,  1898.  Meyer,  351-396  ; 
John  Gerard,  in  The  Month,  LXXXIX.  (1897),  37-53  ;  Belles- 
HEiM  in  Katholik,   1902,  II.,  481-495. 

NEED   OF   A   LEADER.  21 

That  the  Catholics  of  England  had  need  of  a  leader  was 
made  clear  to  everyone  by  the  disturbances  which  occurred 
after  the  death  of  Allen,  while  the  impossibility  of  appointing 
a  new  English  Cardinal,  who  should  direct  the  affairs  of  his 
native  land  from  Rome,  lent  strength  to  the  proposal,  so 
favourable  for  England,  to  set  up  a  new  centre  of  Catholic  life 
on  English  soil. 

In  order  to  put  an  end,  once  and  for  all,  to  so  uncertain  a 
state  of  affairs.  Persons  brought  all  his  influence  to  bear  in 
favour  of  the  appointment  of  bishops,  and  as  a  result  of  his 
representations  Cardinal  Caetani,  the  Protector  of  England, 
spoke  to  the  Pope  and  the  Cardinals  of  the  Inquisition,  who 
had  been  instructed  to  discuss  the  matter.  But  Clement  VIII. 
refused  to  accept  this  view.^  Persons  had  asked  to  have  for 
his  country  an  archbishop  with  his  see  in  Flanders,  who  was 
to  be  assisted  by  a  bishop  living  on  English  soil.^  Another 
suggestion  was  put  foi"ward  by  the  secular  clergy.  They 
sought  before  all  things  to  increase  their  own  influence,  and 
especially  over  the  Jseuits,  by  forming  themselves  into  an 
association,  and  proposing  the  election  of  one  of  their  number 
as  bishop.  The  money  that  was  received  in  alms  and  from 
foundations  for  the  support  of  the  English  clergy  was  to  be 
held  by  a  duly  appointed  administration,  and  equitably 
divided,  so  that  none  should  go  in  want  of  necessaries.  So 
far  each  priest  had  been  a  little  Pope,  and  there  was  no  one 
who  could  demand  an  account,  or  make  an  admonition,  and 
this  state  of  affairs  was  all  the  more  deplorable  because  in 
recent  years  there  had  come  to  England  many  priests  "  who 
were  beardless  youths  of  twenty-four,"  yet  had  to  go  there 
as  priests  in  lay  dress,  to  live  in  private  houses  among  men 
and  women,  and  thus  without  any  of  those  forms  of  control, 
which  elsewhere  of  themselves  restrained  priests  from  too 
great  freedom  of  conduct.^ 

•Array  to  Blackwell,  in  Law,  120.  Cf.  Gerard,  loc.  cit.,  52. 
For  the  reasons  why  no  bishop  was  appointed  for  England,  cj. 
lUVENCIUS,   I.,    13,  n.  30. 

2  Pollen  in  The  Month,  C.  (1902),  1S3. 

^  Meyer,  England,  351,  354.     The  youth  of  so  many  of  the 


But  the  authority  possessed  by  a  bishop  in  matters  of 
jurisdiction  and  orders  exposed  anyone  who  had  it  in  the 
England  of  those  days  to  death,  or  at  anyrate  to  a  hfe  of 
imprisonment  and  concealment.  It  was  probably  for  this 
reason  that  Clement  VIII.  was  unwilling  to  appoint  a  bishop 
for  England/  and  for  ten  years  the  nuncios  in  Flanders  were 
ordered  to  oppose  any  suggestions  of  this  kind.^  An  attempt 
was  then  made  to  satisfy  the  need  in  another  way.  Instead 
of  the  appointment,  as  Persons  had  desired,  of  an  English 
archbishop  in  Flanders,  the  nuncio  in  Flanders  was  appointed 
as  his  representative  by  the  Cardinal  Protector  of  England, 
Caetani,  with  faculties  to  settle  all  juridical  questions  in 
England  as  well.  Instead  of  a  bishop  on  English  soil,  Caetani 
in  1598  appointed  an  archpriest,  without  episcopal  consecra- 
tion, in  the  person  of  George  Blackwell.^  English  priests 
who  had  recently  left  the  seminaries  on  the  continent  were 
to  be  subject  to  Douai,  in  Spain  to  the  superiors  they  had  had 
hitherto,  and  in  Brussels  to  the  nuncio.*  The  archpriest  was 
given  twelve  priests  as  his  counsellors  ;  six  of  these  were  to 
be  chosen  by  the  Cardinal  Protector,  while  the  other  six  were 
to  be  appointed  by  Blackwell  himself. 

secular  clergy  and  their  youthful  mistakes  led  to  some  extent 
to  their  dependence  on  the  Jesuits,  which  was  so  bitterly  resented. 
Some  of  the  laity  for  example  would  have  nothing  to  do  with 
the  seminary  priests,  unless  they  brought  with  them  the  recom- 
mendation of  some  Jesuit.  Report  of  the  visitation  by  Sega, 
in  Foley,  VI.,  50. 

*  Array,  loc.  cit. 

2  "  Perch e  altre  volte  si  e  tentato  di  fargli  [the  archpriest] 
dare  la  dignita  vescovile,  sotto  apparenti  pretesti  di  maggior 
prcfitto  della  religione,  non  si  resta  di  dire  a  lei  che  cio  non  e 
stato  giudicato  espediente  da  questa  Santa  Sede,  per  ragione- 
volifsinie  cause  ;  onde  se  a  lei  ne  fosse  mossa  nuova  prattica, 
dovia  tioncarla  come  negotio  risoluto  o  rimetterlo  a  Roma." 
Instructions  to  the  nuncio  Gesualdo,  October  23,  1615,  inCAUCHiE- 
Maere,  50  seq.  cf.  ibid.,  6y,  93,  the  instructions  of  1610  and  1635. 

3  According  to  Cardinal  d'Ossat  (Lettres,  II.,  390),  the  arch- 
priest was  sent  by  the  advice  (a  la  suggestion)  of  Persons. 

*  Pollen,  in  The  Month,  C,  (1902),  184, 


The  brief  of  appointment  of  March  7th,  1598,  obviously 
contains  allusions  to  the  recent  controversies.  The  reason 
why  the  office  of  archpriest  was  introduced,  this  states,  was  to 
promote  peace  and  concord  among  the  brethren,  and  especially 
with  the  Jesuits,  who  together  with  the  other  priests  were 
labouring  in  the  vineyard  of  the  Lord.  They  had  no 
supremac}^  over  the  secular  priests,  nor  did  they  wish  for  it, 
and  were  therefore  in  no  way  an  obstacle.  The  differences 
that  had  arisen,  therefore,  could  only  be  attributed  to  the 
cunning  and  deceits  of  the  infernal  foe,  who  wished  to  destroy 
all  that  had  been  gained  with  so  great  labour,  by  making 
Catholics  entertain  and  propagate  feelings  of  jealousy  against 

The  same  desire  for  harmony  and  the  removal  of  all 
differences  had  also  led  to  the  choice  of  Blackwell  as  arch- 
priest.  He  was  a  friend  of  the  Jesuits,  and  the  idea  was 
perhaps  entertained  in  Rome  that  if  a  friend  of  the  Order  was 
placed  at  the  head  of  the  secular  clergy,  this  would  guarantee 
the  restoration  and  preservation  of  peace  between  the  two 
bodies.  But  any  such  idea  was  greatly  mistaken.  It  is  true 
that  the  appointment  of  an  archpriest  was  hailed  with  joy  by 
the  great  majority  of  the  about  three  hundred  secular  priests, 
but  all  the  greater  was  the  opposition  of  the  minorit3^  which, 
according  to  contemporary  information,  did  not  number,  at 
anyrate  at  first,  more  than  ten  or  twelve  persons,^  but  which 
for  that  reason  was  all  the  more  active.  Legally,  no  attack 
was  made  upon  the  authority  of  the  Jesuits  over  the  priests 
in  the  seminaries,  and  any  attempt  to  do  so  would  have  been 
in  itself  ridiculous,  but  it  was  feared  that  Persons,  who  was 
then  all-powerful  in  Rome,  had  sent  the  complaisant 
Blackwell  in  order  through  him  to  govern  indirectly  the 
secular  clergy,  and  to  impose  upon  them  his  hated  Spanish 
policy.  This  suspicion  was  increased  by  a  passage  in  the 
instructions  which  were  given  to  Blackwell  together  with  his 
brief  of  appointment. 

1  Meyer,  356  ;   Iuvencius,  I.,  13,  n.  150., 
^-Qerard,  ho.  cit.,  ^2  seq. 


The  wish  of  the  Pope,  so  the  Cardinal  Protector  said,  is  that 
there  should  be  the  fullest  concord  between  the  Jesuits  and 
the  secular  clergy  in  the  kingdom,  and  as  the  superior  of  the 
Jesuits,  by  his  experience  of  English  affairs  and  the  reputation 
which  he  enjoys  among  Catholics,  can  be  of  great  help  in  all 
decisions  to  be  made  by  the  clergy,  the  archpriest  must 
endeavour,  in  all  questions  of  major  importance,  to  ask  for 
his  advice  and  opinion.^  A  false  interpretation  saw  in  these 
words  a  formal  order  to  follow  in  all  matters  of  importance 
the  advice  of  the  superior  of  the  Jesuits,  Henry  Garnet,  so 
that,  as  that  blusterer  William  Watson,  put  it,  in  future  the 
Catholics  would  be  dependent  upon  Blackwell,  Blackwell  on 
Garnet,  Garnet  on  Persons,  and  Persons  on  the  devil,  who  was 
the  author  of  all  the  rebellions,  treasons,  homicides  and 
disobediences  which  that  cursed  Jesuit  had  raised  up  against 
her  majesty,  her  safety,  her  crown  and  her  life.^ 

It  was  not  all  those  who  made  up  the  minority  who  thought 
and  spoke  thus  bitterly.  There  were  among  them  priests  of 
the  greatest  moderation  and  worthy  of  all  respect,  such  as 
William  Bishop,  the  future  vicar-apostolic,  Colleton,  Charnock, 
Mush  and  Bluet.  Some  of  the  malcontents  had  suffered 
imprisonment,  and  two  of  them  death,  for  their  faith.  But 
on  the  other  hand,  Watson  was  not  the  only  one  whose  words 
and  actions  call  for  our  attention.  Bagshaw,  who  now,  as 
formerly  at  Wisbech,  took  a  prominent  part,  later  on,  in  the 
conspiracy  of  the  Gunpowder  Plot,  made  denunciations  to  the 
government  against  his  co-religionists  ;  another,  John  Cecil, 
who  was  even  entrusted  with  a  mission  to  Rome,  was  only  a 
tool  in  the  hands  of  the  English  statesmen,  whose  duty  it  was 
to  spy  on  the  Catholics.^  It  was  soon  evident  that  even  the 
reputable  party  among  the  minority  held  views  on  many 
subjects  which  were  anything  but  Catholic. 

Discontent  against  the  new  leader  of  the  English  Catholics 
led  to  a  resolve  to  address  complaints  to  Rome  against  the 

1  Ibid.,  50  seq. 

2  Ibid.,  50. 

^  Jbid.,  4^,  46, 


appointment  of  Blackwell,  but  from  the  first  his  opponents 
were  guilty  of  an  almost  incredible  mistake  as  to  their  motives 
and  reasons  for  such  a  step.  It  was  not  only  said  that  the 
appointment  of  the  archpriest  had  been  made  by  order  of  the 
Cardinal  Protector,  whereas  such  a  measure  required  a  Papal 
brief,  but  certain  entirely  Galilean  assertions  were  made.  It 
was  stated  that  the  English  clergy  had  not  been  asked  for 
their  opinion  before  the  appointment,  and  that  this  was  a 
violation  of  an  ancient  English  right  ;  without  the  consent  of 
the  clergy  and  people,  who  must  give  their  opinion  in  a  free 
election,  the  appointment  of  Blackwell  must  be  looked  upon 
as  null  and  void.  Galilean  views  were  also  set  forth  in  a 
little  work  by  a  certain  John  Bishop,  which  was  printed  in 
London  about  that  time.^ 

The  danger  of  such  prhiciples  does  not  seem  to  have  entered 
the  minds  of  the  malcontents,  for  towards  the  end  of  the 
summer  of  1598  they  sent  William  Bishop  and  Robert 
Charnock  to  Rome  in  order  to  win  over  the  Pope  to  their  side. 
The  requests  that  they  wished  to  lay  before  him  privately 
were  concerned  with  the  appointment  of  a  bishop  for  England, 
who  was  to  be  elected  by  3  majority  of  the  votes  of  the  English 
clergy,  and  with  the  consent  of  the  association  of  secular 
priests.  The  Pope  was  also  to  be  asked  to  take  away  the 
English  College  in  Rome  from  the  Jesuits,  and  to  make  the 
publication  of  controversial  writings  against  the  queen  and 
the  English  government  dependent  upon  the  approval  of  the 
ecclesiastical  superiors.^ 

In  the  meantime  the  other  party  had  naturally  not  remained 
idle.  The  superior  of  the  Jesuits,  Henry  Garnet,  also  had 
recourse  to  Rome  in  a  letter  bearing  the  signatures  of  nineteen 
Jesuits  and  secular  priests.^  This  asked  the  Pope  to  confirm 
the  archpriest  in  his  office  and  to  address  a  severe  admonition 
to  the  two  appellants,  and  only  to  allow  them  to  return  to 
England  if  they  completely  changed  their  views. 

1  Meyer,  362. 

2  Meyer,  363. 

2  On  October  30,  1598,  ibid.,  36^. 


The  two  appellants  gave  yet  further  proof  of  their  ingenuous 
confidence  in  the  success  of  their  undertaking  when,  in 
December,  1598,  they  knocked  at  the  gates  of  the  English 
College,  in  order  to  ask  the  hospitality  of  Persons,  their  most 
dangerous  adversary.  They  very  soon  realized  that  they  had 
found  lodging  in  what  was  their  prison.  An  order  for  their 
arrest  from  the  Pope  forbade  them  to  leave  the  seminary, 
and  in  February,  1599,  they  had  to  appear  before  Cardinals 
Caetani  and  Borghese,  the  Protector  and  vice-Protector  of 
England,  and  submit  themselves  to  legal  proceedings.  With 
truly  English  tenacity  Bishop  set  himself  to  defend  before  the 
Cardinals  the  plan  for  an  association  of  priests,  though  later 
on  (February  20th),  he  advised  his  friends  in  England  to 
abandon  this  project.  In  April  the  sentence  was  delivered  : 
all  the  requests  of  the  appellants  were  rejected.  Bishop  was 
sent  to  live  in  Paris,  and  his  colleague  Charnock  was  sent  to 
Lorraine  ;  they  were  not  to  return  to  England,  nor  make  their 
homeward  journey  together,  nor  communicate  with  each 
other  in  any  way.^  They  had  not  succeeded  in  seeing  the 
Pope,  while  a  Papal  brief  of  April  6th,  1599,  which  confirmed 
the  dignity  of  the  archpriest,  removed  all  hopes  of  their 
obtaining  from  him  a  more  favourable  judgment  than  they 
had  received  from  his  representatives. 

If  the  appellants  did  not  wish  to  become  open  rebels,  there 
remained  no  course  open  to  them  but  to  submit,  which  they 
accordingty  did.  By  the  summer  of  1599  peace  seemed  to 
have  been  restored.  "  Thanks  be  to  God,"  Persons  wrote  to 
Bishop  at  that  time,  "  for  now,  owing  to  the  wise  measures 
taken  by  His  Holiness,  everything  is  systematized  and  in 
order.  "2 

But  the  cure  was  not  very  deep,  and  secret  agitations  against 
the  Jesuits  still  continued.  The  rancour  against  the  Order 
now  led  two  representatives  of  the  extreme  party  to  a  fatal 
step  :  abandoned  by  the  Pope,  and  filled  with  Gallican  ideas 
they  sought  the  support  of  the  civil  authorities..    Watson 

^  Ibid.,  364  seq. 
^.Ibid.  366., 


denounced  them  to  the  English  government,  and  accused 
them  before  the  King's  Proctor  of  high  treason,  for  having 
defended  the  Spanish  succession.  Charles  Paget,  Mary 
Stuart's  former  agent,  got  into  personal  touch  with  the 
English  ambassador  in  Paris,  and  worked  upon  his  feelings 
against  the  so  greatly  hated  religious. ^ 

The  imprudence  of  Blackwell  was  the  cause  of  the  dispute 
breaking  out  in  public.  The  archpriest  was  convinced  that 
the  malcontents  were  guilty  of  schism,  and  had  incurred  the 
penalties  appointed  by  the  canon  law,  and  that  they  were 
therefore  obliged  to  confess  their  fault  and  ask  for  absolution. 
The  accused  resisted  this  unjust  supposition,  and  an  opinion 
of  the  University  of  Paris,  of  May  3rd,  1600,  was  given  in  their 
favour.  Blackwell,  exceeding  his  powers,  prohibited,  under 
pain  of  an  interdict,  any  sort  of  defence  of  this  decision,  but 
his  adversaries  paid  no  attention  to  his  prohibition.  Blackwell 
then  forbade  two  of  the  clergy,  who  were  among  the  eldest 
and  most  deserving,  to  exercise  any  of  their  sacerdotal 
functions.  After  this  fresh  abuse  of  power,  the  struggle  broke 
out  again  all  along  the  line.^    - 

Feeling  certain  that  this  time  they  undoubtedly  had  right 
on  their  side,  the  adversaries  of  Blackwell  had  recourse  once 
more  to  Rome,  and  a  deed  of  accusation,  of  November  17th, 
1600,  summ.arized  in  an  extremely  objective  form,  and  with 
the  addition  of  proofs,  all  the  accusations  against  the  arch- 
priest.  This  document  was  drawn  up  at  the  castle  of  Wisbech, 
and  bore  the  signatures  of  thirty-three  priests.^ 

While  the  reply  of  the  Pope  was  being  long  awaited,  an 
embittered  literary  war  broke  out  in  England,  in  which,  even 
more  than  against  the  archpriest,  the  attacks  were  made  upon 
the  Jesuits,  whose  instrument  and  mouthpiece  Blackwell  was 
supposed  to  be.  Blackwell  had  attempted  to  support  his 
view  as  to  the  supposed  schismatics  by  the  help  of  a  "  Roman 
decision,"  that  is  to  say  by  certain  expressions  of  English 

1  Ibid  ,  367. 

*  Ibid.,   368  seqq. 

3  Ibid.,  371. 

28  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Jesuits,^  one  of  whom,  Thomas  Lister,  defended  the  view  in 
an  intemperate  work,  which  was  approved  by  the  archpriest.^ 
As  Blackwell  wrote  on  October  22nd,  1600,  to  Clement  VIII., 
the  Jesuits  had  protected  him  against  the  disturbers  of  the 
peace,  and  had  stood  by  his  side  in  his  danger,  both  for  attack 
and  defence.^  All  the  hatred  of  Persons  and  the  Society  of 
Jesus  which  had  been  accumulating  in  recent  years  now  broke 
out  in  the  form  of  numerous  and  violent  polemical  writings, 
which  were  almost  equalled  in  the  violence  of  their  language 
by  some  of  the  replies  of  Persons.'*  This  literary  warfare  was 
begun  by  a  polemical  work  of  Lister. 

The  goal  at  which  the  malcontents  were  aiming  was  the 
removal  and  recall  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  from  England,  and 
their  quarrel  with  the  Jesuits  had  gradually  led  them  far  away 
from  those  principles  which  hitherto  had  guided  the  attitude 
of  the  Catholics,  especially  towards  the  government.  Was  it 
necessary,  so  the  appellants  asked  themselves,  to  attach  such 
importance  to  the  bull  of  excommunication  of  Pius  V.  ?  If 
the  question  was  put  to  the  martyrs  :  What  would  you  do  if 
the  Pope  were  to  send  an  Armada  to  conquer  England  ?  had 
it  really  been  necessary  to  reply  with  such  great  caution,  and 
by  that  exaggerated  caution  irritate  and  rouse  the  suspicions 
of  the  government  ?  In  any  case  was  it  not  possible  now  to 
change  their  attitude,  and  seek  for  a  reconciliation  with  the 
queen  ?  "  We  ought  to  act  towards  her,  our  true  and 
legitimate  queen,  and  towards  our  country,  very  differently 
from  the  way  adopted  by  so  many  Catholics,  and  above  all  by 

^  Ibid.,  368. 

2  Entitled  "  Adversus  factiosos  in  Ecclesia,"  ibid.,  372. 

^  Ibid.,  370. 

*  It  must  be  noted  that  Persons,  at  the  same  time,  in  letters 
not  intended  for  publication,  expressed  himself  in  a  conciliatory 
way  towards  his  adversaries  (Gerard,  loc.  cit.,  47  seq.).  With 
regard  to  Lister,  his  superior,  Garnet,  wrote  of  him  at  the  same 
time  that  he  was  composing  his  work  against  the  schismatics, 
that  he  was  suffering  from  mental  over-excitement,  which  made 
him  fear  for  his  physical  health  {ibid.,  42,  n.  i).  The  character- 
istic part  of  Persons'  reply  in  Meyer,  373  seq. 


the  Jesuits,"  was  the  repl}'  given  to  such  questions  in  a  work 
by  Watson.  Ehzabeth,  Watson  insisted,  had  from  the  first 
treated  the  Catholics  with  kindness  and  favour  ;  all  good 
sense  was  on  her  side,  and  all  the  wrong  on  the  side  of  the 
Catholics  ;  if  the  Pope  should  give  orders  for  the  conferring 
of  the  crown  on  an  enemy  of  the  country,  there  would  be  no 
obligation  to  obey  him  ;  the  bull  of  excommunication  of 
Pius  v.,  which  John  Bishop  described  as  erroneous,  was 
merely  treated  by  Watson  as  surreptitious.^ 

The  Jesuits  formed  a  serious  obstacle  to  any  conclusion  of 
peace  on  the  basis  of  such  opinions,  and  therefore  the  idea 
gained  more  and  more  ground  among  their  adversaries  of 
suggesting  to  the  government  that  they  should  renounce  their 
co-operation  in  England  as  the  price  of  the  restoration  of  peace 
and  the  toleration  of  the  old  religion.  The  laws  that  were 
still  in  force  against  the  Catholics  could  be  abrogated  and 
changed  into  laws  against  the  Jesuits. 

The  statesmen  who  governed  England  could  not  fail  to 
rejoice  that  the  internal  quarrels  of  the  Catholics  should  thus 
become  more  and  more  acute,  and  the  appellants  met  with  the 
greatest  sympath}'  and  ready  support  from  them.  One  of 
the  prisoners  of  Wisbech,  the  secular  priest  Thomas  Bluet,  was 
summoned  in  the  summer  of  1601  to  present  himself  before 
the  Bishop  of  London,  Richard  Bancroft,  to  explain  his 
views  more  fully  ;  he  declared  that  the  Jesuits  were  a  danger 
to  the  state,  but  that  the  secular  clergy,  on  the  contrary,  were 
loyal  subjects  and  were  being  unjustly  persecuted.-  Further 
negotiations  with  the  royal  councillors  followed,  and  Bluet 
was  even  allowed  to  appear  before  Elizabeth  herself  to  explain 
his  views.  Their  complaisance  went  even  further  :  although, 
according  to  the  English  law,  an  appeal  to  the  Pope  was 
looked  upon  as  a  crime  deserving  of  the  stake.  Bluet  even 
dared  to  present  a  petition  that  he  and  certain  other  secular 
priests  might  be  allowed  to  go  to  Rome  in  support  of  the 
appeal  already  presented  there,  or  better  still  to  press  the 

1  Meyer,  376. 
*  Ibid.,  377. 


Pope  for  the  recall  of  the  Jesuits.^  The  government  accepted 
this  proposal  ;  the  prison  doors  were  thrown  open,  and, 
furnished  with  English  passports,^  at  the  beginning  of 
November,  1601,  certain  prisoners  of  state,  who  had  been 
declared  worthy  of  death,  went  to  Rome  in  order  to  induce 
the  Pope,  who  from  every  pulpit  had  been  declared  the  greatest 
enemy  of  England,  to  enter  into  an  alliance  with  England 
against  Catholic  priests.  The  ever  astute  Elizabeth  even 
thought  it  well  to  allow  a  few  words  of  adulation  from  her 
sovereign  lips,  to  come  to  his  ears  :  "  unlike  Pius,  Gregory  and 
Sixtus,  those  warlike  Popes  "  so  she  expressed  herself  to 
Bluet,  "  Clement,  as  his  very  name  shows,  should  be  a  peaceful 
Pope."^  So  as  to  make  the  journey  of  Bluet  and  his  com- 
panions less  noticeable,  they  were  "  banished  "  from  England, 
after  they  had  been  given  the  opportunity  of  collecting  the 
necessary  funds  for  their  journey  to  Rome* 

When  they  arrived  in  Belgium  the  envoys  learned  that 
Rome  had  already  (August  17th,  1601)  given  its  decision  on 
the  dispute.  Blackwell  too  had  received  a  Papal  brief,  but  he 
took  the  liberty  of  keeping  this  secret  for  several  months, 

^Ibid.,  378. 

2  Dated  August,  October  and  November,  ihid.,  379,  n. 

'  Ibid.,  379.  Some  further  expressions  of  Elizabeth  concerning 
■'  the  Pope  "  (Clement  VIII.  ?),  on  December  24, 1597,  in  Prevost- 
Paradol,  Elizabeth  et  Henri  IV.,  170.  He  is  supposed  to  have 
said  to  two  English  gentlemen  that  Elizabeth  was  indeed  a 
heretic,  but  that  she  was  in  other  respects  the  most  competent 
sovereign  in  the  world,  and  that  he  would  have  been  more  ready 
to  place  himself  at  her  disposal  than  many  other  princes.  On 
the  other  side  the  queen  complained  of  the  fables  that  were  spread 
in  Rome  of  her  cruelty  towards  the  Catholics  ;  that  she  had 
never  persecuted  a  Catholic,  except  in  the  case  of  persons  who 
were  a  danger  to  the  state.  The  differences  between  the  various 
religious  confessions  were  not  so  important  after  all,  for  there 
was  but  one  Christ  and  one  creed,  and  that  everything  else  was 
a  trifle,  as  to  which  it  would  be  easy  to  come  to  an  understanding, 
so  long  as  the  two  principles  of  good  will  and  courage  existed  in 

*  LiNGARD,   VIII.,  391. 


until  January,  1602,  when  the  last  of  the  polemical  writmgs  of 
Persons  appeared  in  print. ^  This  brief,  which  "  unites  in  the 
happiest  way  the  two-fold  purpose  of  defending  both  justice 
and  ecclesiastical  discipline,"  rejected  the  appeal, ^  but  admits 
the  reasonableness  of  the  appellants,  in  that  it  rejected  the 
accusation  of  schism,  and  threatened  with  excommunication 
an5'one  that  dared  to  make  it.  All  further  polemical  writings 
■on  the  matter  were  prohibited,  as  well  as  those  which  had 
appeared  so  far,  among  these  especially  the  work  of  Lister. 
The  brief  contained  a  clear  admonition  both  to  Blackwell 
and  his  adversaries,  and  exhorted  them  to  obedience.^ 

If  the  English  envoys  had  only  been  sent  in  support  of  their 
appeal,  they  ought  in  that  case  to  have  returned  home.  The 
nuncio  in  Flanders,  Frangipani,  who  informed  them  of  the 
Papal  brief,  tried  in  every  way  to  induce  them  to  do  so,  but 
only  succeeded  in  the  case  of  one  of  their  number.'*  Frangipani 
knew  perfectly  what  it  was  that  the  appellants  were  seeking, 
for  on  August  22nd,  1602,  he  had  already  written  to  Rome 
to  say  that  Elizabeth  had  given  them  permission  to  make 
the  journey  in  order  that  she  might  be  freed  from  the  Jesuits.^ 
But  when  the  latter,  in  February,  1602,  sent  a  commission 
of  their  own  to  Rome,  which  arrived  there  on  April  9th,*  it 
was  only  natural  to  fear  a  perpetuation  of  the  quarrel,  from 
which  Frangipani  feared  the  greatest  evils  for  the  Church  in 

But  all  his  attempts  at  pacification  had  no  effect  upon  the 
appellants,  who  were  still  full  of  hope.     "  If  I,  poor  worm 

^  Ibid.,   380   seq. 

2  So  Meyer  (381). 

'  Ibid.,  380  seq. 

'^  Ibid.,  382.  Cf.  L.  v.  Wassenhoven,  O.  M.  Frangipani, 
Nuntius  van  Flanderen,  en  de  Engelsche  Katholicken,  1596- 
1606,  Baesrode,  1925,  who  gives  a  detailed  account  of  the  efforts 
of  Frangipani  to  settle  the  disputes  among  the  English  Catholics, 
and  to  improve  their  position. 

^  Ibid.,  378,  n.  2. 

«  Ibid.,  382. 

'To  Aldobrandini,  March  8,  1602,  ibid.,  382,  n.  3. 


that  I  am,  have  obtained  so  much  from  the  queen,"  said 
Bluet  later  on  in  Rome,^  "  how  much  may  not  be  effected 
by  the  prestige  of  His  Holiness,  added  to  the  support  of  the 
King  of  France,  for  the  relief  of  the  English  Catholics  ?  "  '^ 
The  toleration  of  the  Catholics  was  at  that  time  a  thing  so 
greatly  desired  in  Rome  that  there  were  some  who  could  well 
believe  that  the  sacrifice  of  the  Jesuits  would  count  for  nothing. 
Blackwell  had  laid  his  complaints  against  his  adversaries 
before  the  Inquisition  in  i6oi,^  and  this  tribunal  was  given 
the  charge  of  inquiring  into  the  matter.  The  discussions 
began  in  April ;  some  thought  that  they  were  safe  in  prophesy- 
ing that  they  would  be  very  protracted,  as  the  Pope  seemed 
determined  to  have  the  whole  unpleasant  affair  gone  into 
this  time  with  all  possible  completeness.^  But  about  a  month 
later  the  rumour  was  spread  that  Clement  VHI.  had  quickly 
settled  the  matter.  Both  the  Pope  and  the  Cardinals  were 
weary  of  the  affair,  because  the  noisy  complaints  of  the 
appellants  had  only  been  caused  by  unworthy  motives,  so 
that  it  only  required  the  temporary  absence  of  Persons  to 
quiet  the  whole  business.^  The  authors  of  the  accusation 
had  therefore  to  listen  to  words  of  severe  admonition  from 
the  Pope,  on  account  of  the  impatience  with  which  they  had 
attempted  at  all  costs  to  relieve  themselves  of  persecution, 
as  well  as  on  account  of  their  relations  with  heretics  and  with 
Elizabeth,  whom  they  wrongly  looked  upon  as  their  queen, 
though  she  was  excommunicated  and  dethroned,  as  well  as 
on  account  of  their  hostility  towards  an  Order  which  was 
recognized  by  the  Church.^  It  is  reported  that  as  to  this 
last  charge  the  appellants  refused  altogether  to  admit  in 
Rome  that  they  had  ever  tried  to  get  the  Jesuits  driven  out, 

^  Ibid.,  387. 

^  Ibid. 

3  Meyer,   372. 

*  "  For  His  Holiness  seemeth  now  to  be  inclined  to  have  the 
matter  ripped  open  from  the  bottom."  Report  from  Rome, 
April  27,  1602,  in  Foley,  I.,  13. 

^  Ibid.,   14. 

*  Meyer,  384. 


while  they  repudiated  the  writings  of  Watson  and  others.^ 
They  found  a  powerful  supporter  in  the  French  ambassador 
in  Rome,  while  the  Spanish  ambassador  was  opposed  to  them.^ 
But  in  England  in  the  meantime  matters  were  pursuing 
their  course,  and  the  appellant  priests  were  filled  vdth  con- 
fidence in  the  success  of  their  cause, ^  Bancroft,  together 
with  certain  ministers  of  state,  continued  to  give  them  support, 
while  it  was  said  of  the  queen  herself  that  she  gladly  welcomed 
the  development  of  the  quarrel,  so  as  thus  to  introduce  discord 
into  the  College  of  Cardinals,  to  hold  back  the  Pope  from 
making  any  decision,  and  to  deprive  the  Spaniards  of  any 
hope  of  finding  their  party  strengthened  by  the  English 
Catholics.*  To  the  disgust  expressed  by  the  Puritans  at 
her  apparent  rapprochement  with  the  Catholics,  the  queen 
replied  by  increasing  the  persecution  and  by  executing  several 
priests.''  The  written  attacks  of  the  appellants  on  the  Jesuits 
continued,^  and  they  were  not  ashamed  to  present  to  the 
government  a  detailed  list  of  the  hiding  places  of  their  hated 
adversaries.'  The  Protestants  watched  with  joy  these 
disagreements  among  the  Catholics,  and  the  writings  of  the 
appellants  found  eager  readers  among  them.^ 

^  Foley,  I.,  14,  38.  The  Venetian  ambassador  in  Rome, 
Francesco  Vendramin,  learned  that  the  appellants  wished  to 
obtain  liberty  of  conscience  by  the  removal  of  the  Jesuits.  Reports 
of  March  g  and  23,  1602,  in  Brown,  n.  1061,  1066. 

2  Brown,  n.  1061,  1066,  1078. 

3  Letter  of  the  Jesuit  Rivers  to  Persons,  in  Foley,  41. 
^  Ibid.,  23. 

^  Ibid.,  23,  30.  A  Puritan,  who  had  attacked  the  Lord 
Treasurer,  the  Secretary  of  State,  the  Bishop  of  London,  and 
others  for  their  relations  with  the  Catholics,  was  condemned  to 
the  pillory  and  the  loss  of  his  ears.  The  judge  said  to  him  that 
Bancroft  had  rendered  his  country  a  much  greater  service  than 
anyone  else  by  sowing  cockle  among  the  priests  themselves. 
Letter  of  the  Jesuit  Richard  Blount,  February  14,  1602,  ibid., 
18  seq. 

"  Ibid.,  37. 

'  Foley,  L,  38. 

*  Ibid.,  39. 

VOL.   XXIV.  ^ 


On  July  20th,  1602,  the  long  expected  judgment  of  the 
Inquisition  was  delivered.  By  this  the  appellants  were 
justified  in  so  far  that  the  accusation  of  schism  was  declared 
unfounded,  while,  for  the  sake  of  peace,  the  archpriest  was 
forbidden  to  take  counsel  with  the  Jesuits  about  the  affairs 
of  his  office,  and  Blackwell  was  advised  to  refer  directly  to 
the  Pope  or  the  Cardinal  Protector.  He  was,  moreover, 
warned  not  again  to  exceed  his  powers.  But  in  all  other 
matters  the  appellants  met  with  no  success.  They  must, 
when  they  return  home,  submit  to  the  reproofs  of  the  English 
Secretary  of  State  for  not  having  fulfilled  their  promises, 
and  for  not  having  obtained  either  the  recall  of  the  Jesuits 
or  the  removal  of  the  archpriest.  Moreover  the  Jesuits  were 
left  in  possession  of  their  English  colleges  on  the  continent, 
while  all  further  negotiations  with  the  heretics  to  the  injury 
of  other  Catholics  were  prohibited.  Anyone  who  disobeyed 
in  this  matter  would  ipso  facto  incur  excommunication.^ 

Clement  VI IL  waited  for  another  two  months  before  he 
gave  his  final  judgment  on  this  unpleasant  affair  ;  in  the 
meantime  Persons  attempted  to  obtain  a  mitigation  for 
Blackwell  and  his  followers,  but  in  vain,  and  the  brief  to  the 
archpriest,  dated  October  5th,  1602,  was  in  all  points  in 
accordance  with  the  suggestions  of  the  Inquisition.  In  two 
respects  it  went  even  further  :  the  faculties  of  the  archpriest 
were  more  exactly  defined,  and  he  was  compelled  to  appoint 
three  of  the  appellants  to  the  first  three  places  among  his 
counsellors,  which  should  become  vacant.  The  zeal  and  piety 
of  the  Jesuits  were  praised,^  and  thus  scrupulous  care  was 
taken  that  none  of  the  interested  parties  was  wronged,  and 
no  one  was  given  cause  for  complaint. 

In  the  meantime  Elizabeth  was  preparing  a  surprise  for 
the  appellants  at  home  ;  this  was  her  last  edict  against  the 
Catholics.^     This  distinguished  between  the  Jesuits  and  their 

1  Meyer,   385. 

^  Ibid.,  387;    Foley  I.,  16-18. 

^  Of  November  5  (15),  1602,  in  Lingard,  VIII.,  391.  Cf. 
Andreas  Philopater  (Jos.  Creswell,  S.J.),  Responsio  ad  edictum 
Elisabethae  Reg.  Angliae  contra  catholicos,  Rome,   1593. 


adherents,  and  the  secular  clergy.  The  former  were  without 
exception  declared  guilty  of  high  treason,  because  they  aroused 
foreign  princes  against  their  country  and  placed  the  life  of 
the  queen  in  danger.  The  secular  clergy  were  spoken  of  as 
anti- Jesuit  and  less  perverse,  but  they  too  are  disobedient 
and  dislo3^al  subjects,  who,  under  a  mask  of  conscience,  steal 
the  hearts  of  the  simple  and  ingenuous  people,  and  attach 
them  to  the  Pope.  The  Jesuits  and  their  adherents  must 
therefore  leave  the  country  within  thirty  days,  if  they  do  not 
wish  to  incur  the  punishment  of  the  law  against  Catholic 
priests.  Other  priests  were  allowed  a  period  until  January 
1st,  or  at  the  latest,  February  ist,  1603  ;  if  by  that  time  they 
had  made  a  formal  act  of  obedience  before  the  queen's  court, 
they  would  then  be  proceeded  against  leniently.  The  edict 
complains  in  strong  terms  of  the  audacity  of  those  priests 
who  showed  themselves  in  the  streets  in  full  daylight,  and 
who  brought  the  queen  under  the  suspicion  of  intending  to 
tolerate  two  religions  in  the  country.  God,  who  can  read 
the  hearts  of  men,  knew  well  that  she  was  not  guilty  of  any 
such  madness,  and  that  none  of  her  advisers  had  dared  to 
lay  any  such  proposal  before  her,  which  would  not  only 
disturb  the  peace  of  the  Church,  but  would  also  throw  the 
State  into  confusion.^ 

This  edict  had  a  two-fold  purpose  ;  it  was  in  the  first  place 
to  exonerate  the  queen  in  the  eyes  of  the  Protestants  from 
the  suspicion  of  favouring  the  Catholics,  and  in  the  second, 
it  was  to  be  a  test  as  to  how  far  the  appellants  had  progressed 
along  the  mistaken  course  which  they  had  adopted.  It  had 
seemed  at  first  that  the  latter  were  in  no  hurry  to  obey  the 
sentence  of  the  Pope,  yet  the  royal  edict  only  brought  one 
priest  to  make  his  act  of  submission,  and  induced  another 
to  refuse  to  accept  the  Papal  briefs.^  Even  though  there 
were  still  as  before  comings  and  goings  of  the  appellants  to 
the  house  of  the  Bishop  of  London,  and  Bluet  was  even  lodged 
there  for  a  time,  there  is  no  reason  to  see  in  this  a  formal  act 

1  LiNGARD,  VIII.,  392  ;    Meyer,  389  5^17. 

2  Meyer,  393. 


of  disobedience,  because  all  relations  with  the  heretics  was 
not  forbidden.  Such  conduct,  however,  was  still  a  matter  for 
suspicion,  as  was  the  fact  that  the  appellants  asked,  through 
one  of  their  representatives,  for  the  support  of  the  French 
government  against  the  Jesuits  ;  the  English  ambassador  in 
Paris  was  kept  closely  informed  of  these  negotiations.  But 
something  more  than  mere  suspicion  was  aroused  by  the  fact 
that  polemical  writings  against  the  Jesuits  still  continued  to 
appear  in  print. ^ 

It  was  not,  however,  possible  to  be  content  with  half 
measures  if  the  malcontents  intended  to  remain  Catholic 
priests.  On  the  other  hand,  the  latter  did  not  wish  altogether 
to  reject  the  hand  held  out  to  them  by  the  government  ;  if 
in  an  official  edict  a  distinction  had  been  drawn  between 
priests  and  priests,  this  marked  a  step  forward  and  held  out  a 
ray  of  hope.  Moreover,  a  special  tribunal  had  been  set  up, 
composed  of  the  archbishop,  the  Keeper  of  the  Privy  Seal, 
the  Lord  Treasurer  and  others,  who  were  to  summon  each 
priest  before  them  and  decide  as  to  the  question  of  his  exile, 
and  as  to  the  manner  and  terms  of  its  enforcement  ;^  this 
too  seemed  to  show  a  tendency  to  greater  leniency,  for  it  was 
left  to  the  good-will  of  this  tribunal  to  change,  for  example, 
the  punishment  of  perpetual  imprisonment  for  the  lesser 
penalty  of  exile.  Accordingly,  on  the  last  day  before  the 
expiration  of  the  term  allowed,  thirteen  priests  assembled, 
not  to  make  an  act  of  submission  to  the  government,  but 
merely  to  declare  their  loyalty  as  subjects.  The  queen,  it 
is  stated  in  a  work  by  William  Bishop,  has  the  same  authority 
as  her  predecessors,  and  has  the  right  to  the  same  obedience 
as  is  paid  by  Catholic  priests  to  Catholic  sovereigns,  and  no 
one  in  this  world  can  dispense  them  from  this  duty.  In  the 
case  of  a  conspiracy,  or  of  an  invasion  of  England,  even  in 
the  name  of  religion,  they  would  be  bound  to  take  the  part 
of  the  queen  against  all  her  enemies,  and  to  make  known  to 
her  all  such  attempts.     The  excommunication  which  might 

^  Ibid.,  391   seq. 

2  LiNGAKD,   VIII.,   392. 


in  the  event  be  launched  against  her  they  judged  to  be  invalid. 
In  the  Pope,  however,  they  recognized  their  supreme  ecclesi- 
astical pastor  and  the  successor  of  Peter.  "  Just  as  we  are 
absolutely  ready  to  shed  our  blood  in  the  defence  of  her 
Majesty  and  our  country,  so  too  would  we  rather  lose  our 
lives  than  offend  against  the  lawful  authorit}^  of  the  Catholic 
Church  of  Christ."^ 

In  spite  of  this  last  phrase  there  can  be  no  mistaking  the 
fact  that  these  thirteen  priests  were  placing  themselves  in  a 
position  with  regard  to  the  Pope,  the  danger  of  which  was 
destined  to  become  perfectly  clear  in  the  years  to  come.  The 
attitude  of  the  opposing  party  was  far  more  logical  and  in 
conformity  with  Catholic  principles.  When  the  Papal  decision 
of  the  question,  which  had  been  so  long  pending,  was  imminent, 
the  superior  of  the  Jesuits,  Henry  Garnet,  issued  a  circular 
to  his  subjects,  calling  for  a  sincere  and  reverent  obedience 
to  the  Pope,  and  exhorting  them  to  peace  and  concord  with 
the  secular  clergy.^  At  the  very  beginning  of  the  dispute, 
on  March  ist,  1598,  Garnet  had  issued  a  similar  document 
as  well  as  a  kind  of  declaration  of  loyalty,  though  this  was 
not  addressed  to  the  government  but  to  the  whole  of  the 
clergy  of  England.  "  Eighteen  years  have  gone  by,"  he  says 
in  this,  "  since  our  Society  came  to  your  England  to  join  you, 
who  are  labouring  so  generously  in  the  vineyard  of  the  Lord. 
During  all  this  time  we  have  experienced  the  greatest  affection 
on  your  part  towards  us,  and  by  the  grace  of  God  have  lived 
in  such  a  way  as  to  take  every  care  that  every  one  of  you 
shall  receive  the  honour  which  is  your  due,  and  to  assist 
every  one  of  you  with  all  zeal,  rendering  to  you  all  the  services 
that  were  in  our  power,  and  thus  embracing  each  of  you  with 
all  the  fervour  of  charity  of  which  the  human  soul  is  capable. 
Our  consciences  bear  testimony  to  this,  and  I  have  no  doubt 
that  more  than  one  of  you  will  confirm  it,  and  that  none  of 
you  has  any  just  ground  for  complaint  of  us.  In  saj/ing  this 
we  do  not  venture  to  state  that  all  that  we  have  done  has 

1  Ibid.,  VIII.,  393  seq.  ;    Meyer,  3^3  seq. 

2  Meyer,  392. 


been  without  blame,  for  we  are  but  mortal  men,  and  in  a 
situation  that  is  so  full  of  mire,  it  may  well  be  that  perchance 
some  dust  has  collected  on  our  feet.  But  however  weak 
and  imxperfect  we  may  be,  we  at  least  desire  to  be  better, 
and  your  affection  has  most  certainly  preserved  us  from  the 
fault  of  having  voluntarily  offended  against  any  one  of  you. 
In  spite  of  all  this  there  has  come  into  our  hands  a  passage 
from  a  memorial  which  was  sent  to  the  Holy  Father,  and 
which  contains  things  than  which  nothing  more  unworthy 
could  have  come  from  your  pen,  and  nothing  more  monstrous 
could  have  been  brought  against  us,  not  even  by  the  heretics, 
and  this  has  been  presented  to  His  Holiness  by  two  persons, 
the  one  a  priest  and  the  other  a  layman,^  in  the  name  of  the 
English  clergy.  To  you,  therefore,  priests  of  England,  I  have 
recourse,  to  you  who  are  the  nursery  of  our  renascent  Church, 
the  ornament  of  the  Catholic  world,  and  the  training  ground 
of  heroic  martyrs.  Tell  us  if  these  monstrous  accusations 
really  emanate  from  you."- 

They  had  not,  indeed,  emanated  from  the  majority  of  the 
secular  clergy,  and  even  if  the  minority,  by  reason  of  its 
polemical  writings,  seemed  to  be  speaking  for  itself,  there 
were  not  lacking  the  expressions  of  those  who  thought  differ- 
ently. Even  at  Wisbech,  the  true  hot-bed  of  the  hostility 
to  the  Jesuits,  and  from  whence  had  come  the  denunciation 
of  Blackwell  in  1600,  there  gathered  together  in  the  following 
year  a  number  of  secular  priests  in  order  to  give  to  their 
fellow  labourers  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  a  shining  proof  of 
their  friendship.  As  at  that  time  the  old  complaints  of  the 
arrogance  of  Weston  had  been  sent  even  as  far  as  Rome, 
these  gave,  in  a  collective  letter  to  the  Pope,  a  brilliant 
testimony  to  the  accused.^ 

The  minority  of  the  secular  clergy  were  guided  by  sound 
reason  when  they  judged  that  they  must  not  count  upon 

1  This  certainly  is  an  allusion  to  Giftord  a,nd  Paget. 

2  Gerard  {cf.  supra,  p.  20,  n.  3   ),  49. 

=*  On  September  29,  iCoi  ;  extract  in  Baktoli,  Inghilterra, 
I.,  5,  c.  17,  p.  227. 


violent  measures,  or  look  to  the  foreign  princes  for  any  help 
for  the  old  religion.  In  this,  they  coincided  with  the  ideas 
of  the  Pope  himself,  and  in  1596,  in  a  memorial  to  Cardinal 
Aldobrandini,  the  nuncio  in  Flanders,  Malvasia,  expressed 
himself  in  the  same  sense.  ^  The  nuncio  was  of  the  opinion 
that  it  would  be  possible  to  bring  pressure  to  bear  upon 
Elizabeth  through  Henry  IV.  ;  it  should  be  suggested  to  her 
that  she  should  put  an  end  to  the  fierce  persecution  of  the 
Catholics,  and,  following  the  example  of  so  many  other 
princes,  who  tolerated  various  forms  of  religion  in  their 
countries,  grant  to  them,  at  any  rate  in  their  own  houses,  if 
not  in  public,  the  right  of  Catholic  worship.  The  queen  would 
then  have  for  the  future  loyal  subjects  in  the  English  exiles 
in  Flanders,  who  were  now  dependent  upon  the  subsidies  of 
Spain,  which  were  hardly  ever  paid,  and  who  often,  in  their 
miser}^  allowed  themselves  to  be  drawn  into  the  most  desperate 
undertakings  ;  she  would  be  set  free  from  a  thousand  dangers, 
from  the  constant  fear  of  conspiracies  and  treason,  and  from 
the  endless  expense  of  defending  herself  against  the  King  of 
Spain. ^  Once  she  was  set  free  from  disturbances  of  the  peace 
at  home,  the  queen  need  no  longer  fear  the  slow-moving  and 
distant  foreign  enemy,  all  the  more  so  as  jealousy  of  the  mighty 
King  of  Spain  would  attract  many  allies  to  her  side,  once 
religious  scruples  no  longer  stood  in  the  way. 

Just  as  in  this  respect  Malvasia  partly  forestalled  the 
proposals  of  the  appellants,  so  was  it  in  another  matter.  The 
nuncio,  who  was  not  well  disposed  towards  the  Jesuits, 
wondered  whether  it  would  not  be  wise  to  withdraw  them 
from  England,  at  any  rate  for  the  time  being,  as  they  were 
especially  hateful  to  and  suspected  by  the  queen.     So  as  still 

1  The  edict  (with  incomplete  date)  in  Bellesheim,  Schottland, 
II.,  460-468.  According  to  Cod.  Ottob.  2510  the  date  is  "11 
gennaro,    1596."     Vatican  Library. 

^  Also  the  report  of  an  English  nobleman  of  the  year  1595, 
in  Meyer,  309,  n.  i,  says  that  almost  all  the  exiles  "  data  minima 
securitate  religionis  "  and  from  the  extreme  need  in  which  they 
found  themselves,  would  leave  the  Spanish  service  and  return 
to  their  country. 

40  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

further  to  pacify  Elizabeth,  it  might  be  well,  under  pain  of 
ecclesiastical  penalties,  possibly  even  of  excommunication, 
to  forbid  the  returned  exiles  to  make  any  attempts  upon  the 
crown,  or  to  take  any  part  in  politics.^ 

Clement  VIII.  was  less  disposed  to  make  such  concessions, ^ 
and  England  was,  and  always  remained  for  him,  a  child  of 
sorrow.  "  Cut  off  though  j^ou  are  from  us  by  space,"  he  wrote 
on  October  31st,  1597,  to  the  English  Catholics,^  but  united 
to  us  by  faith  and  charit}^  we  ever  think  of  you  and  rejoice 
in  5'our  steadfastness.  All  Catholics  look  to  you  and  thanks 
to  you  give  praise  to  God.  Persevere  therefore  in  your 
expectation  of  an  eternal  reward."^  The  Pope  never  aban- 
doned the  hope  that  England  would  return  to  the  ancient 
Church,  and  in  the  meantime  made  use  of  every  opportunity 
of  obtaining  the  mediation,  little  valuable  though  it  was,  of 
the  Catholic  princes,  on  behalf  of  the  persecuted  Catholics  of 

1  Bellesheim,  Schottland,   II.,  468. 

a  Cf.  infra.,  pp.  59,  73. 

^  *Brevia,  Arm.  4^,  t.  41,  n.  234,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  The 
Pope  received  news  from  England  through  the  agent,  Giovanni 
degli  Effetti,  who  had  gone  to  England  in  the  suite  of  the  French 
ambassador,  the  Duke  of  Sully,  in  1603.  Cf.  B.  Camm  in  Ths 
Month,  LXXXVIII.  (1896),  251-258. 

*  Carte  Strozz.  (September,  1595),  I.,  2,  248;  *report  of  the 
Venetian  ambassador,  June  7,  1603,  State  Archives,  Venice. 

^Francesco  Gonzaga  wrote  to  Rudolph  II.  on  July  31,  1601, 
concerning  the  joy  of  Clement  VIII.  at  the  mediation  of  the 
Emperor,  State  Archives,  Vienna.  A  *iequest  for  the  inter- 
ces.sion  of  the  King  of  Poland,  August  23,  1594,  in  Brevia,  Arm.  44, 
t.  39,  n.  94,  p.  149,  Papal  Secret  Archives  ;  *to  the  Emperor, 
November  23,  1604,  ibid.,  t.  56,  p.  339.  The  Pope  also  inter- 
vened many  times  on  behalf  of  the  English  exiles  in  Flanders, 
e.g.  on  March  15,  1593,  with  Philip  II.,  in  order  that  they  might 
be  sent  their  monthly  payments,  which  had  not  been  paid  to 
them  for  many  months  (Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  38,  n.  260,  loc.  cit.)  ; 
on  January  20  and  May  15,  1594,  with  the  Archduke  Ernest 
{ibid.,  t.  39,  n.  74,  196)  ;  On  May  19,  1596,  with  Cardinal  Archduke 
Albert  {ibid.,  t.  40,  n.  39). 


While  Elizabeth,  deaf  to  all  entreaties,  was  working  for  the 
extermination  of  the  old  religion,  the  signs  of  her  own 
approaching  death  became  more  and  more  clear.  In  vain 
she  tried  to  deceive  the  world  and  herself  as  to  the  steady 
failure  of  her  powers,  and  with  the  energy  that  characterized 
her  this  woman  of  more  than  sixty  forced  her  broken  body 
to  take  part  in  balls  and  hunting-parties,^  but  at  the  opening 
of  Parliament  in  1601,  crushed  under  the  weight  and  splendour 
of  her  royal  attire,  she  fell  in  the  arms  of  the  knight  who  was 
standing  near  her  ;2  soon  after  this  a  visitor  to  the  court  found 
her  worn  to  a  skeleton  and  plunged  in  melancholy,  an  intoler- 
able burden  to  herself  and  to  those  about  her.^ 

But  even  now  the  queen  remained  obstinately  determined 
to  take  no  steps  to  settle  the  succession  to  the  throne.  Anxiety 
as  to  this  assumed  all  the  greater  proportions  in  England 
as  the  whole  question  had  been  hopelessly  complicated  by  the 
caprices  of  Henry  VIII.  The  whole  country  had  been  forced 
to  swear  allegiance  to  Elizabeth  when  she  was  still  an  infant  ; 
when  she  was  three  years  old  her  own  father  had  caused  her  to 
be  declared  by  Parliament  incapable  of  succeeding  to  the  crown, 
and  by  his  will  he  had  left  Mary  Tudor  heir  to  the  throne.  Mary 
Stuart,  on  the  other  hand,  who  was  legally  the  next  heir,  had 
been  completely  passed  over  by  Henry  in  his  will ;  after  the 
death  of  Mary  Tudor,  she  could  no  longer  be  considered  the 
heir  to  the  throne,  because  she  was  looked  upon  as  the  future 
Queen  of  France,  and  France  was  at  war  with  England,  and 
the  act  of  Parliament  which,  after  Elizabeth  had  ascended 
the  throne,  confirmed  the  will  of  Henry  VIII.,  once  more 
tacitly  excluded  her  from  the  succession.  From  that  moment 
Mary  Stuart  assumed  the  arms  of  England,  and  this  tacit 
assertion  of  her  rights  never  again  fell  into  oblivion.  After 
her  death  it  was  Mary's  son,  the  King  of  Scots,  to  whom 
English  statesmen  for  the  most  part  turned  their  eyes,  even 

1  LiNGARD,  VIII.,  384  seq.  Cf.  the  contemporary  letters  of 
the  Jesuit  Rivers  in  Foley  24,  47. 

2  LiNGARD,  VIII.,  379, 

3  Ibid.,  394, 


though,  besides  James,  many  other  claimants  to  the  crown 
were  entitled  to  aspire  to  it.^ 

But  besides  the  question  of  primogeniture,  there  was 
another  motive  which  weighed  heavily  in  the  matter  of  the 
succession,  according  as  men  were  Catholics  or  Protestants. 
Both  parties  were  resolved  not  to  give  the  crown  to  anyone 
who  was  not  of  their  own  faith.  The  hopes  of  the  Catholics 
had  been  greatly  raised  once  Henry  IV.  had  made  his  abjura- 
tion, a  thing  which  seemed  to  secure  a  preponderance  in 
Europe  to  the  Catholic  powers.  After  1591  it  seemed  that 
the  Catholics  were  resolved  to  uphold  the  claims  of  Ferdinand 
Stanle3^  but  he,  who  was  Earl  of  Derby  from  1593,  definitely 
refused  the  honour,  and  an  English  exile  who,  it  is  said,  had 
gone  to  him  with  such  a  proposal,  was  handed  over  by  him 
to  the  government,  and  thus  to  execution,  which  took  place 
on  November  29th,  1593.^ 

Soon  after  this  another  step  was  taken  by  the  Catholic 
party.  Two  years  before  (in  1591)  the  Puritan  Peter  Went- 
worth  had  dared  not  only  to  raise  the  question  of  the  succession 
in  Parliament,  but  also  to  publish  a  work  on  the  subject  ; 
he  had  had  to  pay  for  his  audacity  by  imprisonment  in  the 
Tower,  from  which  he  was  only  freed  by  his  death  in  1596.^ 
The  Jesuit  Persons,  who  had  not  yet  given  up  hopes  of  seeing 
ia  Catholic  ascend  the  English  throne,  and  with  him  the  old 
religion,  also  formed  the  idea  of  writing  a  work,  asking  for  an 
impartial  examination  of  the  various  claims  to  the  succession, 
but  actually  emphasizing  the  rights  of  the  royal  house  of 
Spain,  in  that  Philip  II.  counted  Edward  III.  among  his 
ancestors,^  and  before  the  setting  out  of  the  Armada  had  asked 

1  Cf.  Pollen,  The  question  of  Queen  Elizabeth's  successor,  in 
The  Month,  CI.,  (1903),  516-532,  and  especially  the  genealogical 
tree,  ibid.  520. 

^PoLiKN,  loc.  cit.,  522  ;    Lechax,  169  seq. 

^  Wentworth  at  first  supported  Edward  Seymour,  Lord 
Beauchamp,  and  later  on,  when  in  the  Tower,  James  of  Scotland, 
as  the  true  heir.     Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  523. 

*  See  the  genealogical  tree,  ibid.,  520.  The  claims  oi  the 
daughter  of  Philip  II.,   Isabella,  Clara  Eugenia,   are  spoken  ou 


Sixtus  V.  to  nominate  him  as  King  of  England. ^  The  General 
of  the  Order,  Aquaviva,  learned  of  this  intention  with  dismay  ; 
more  far-seeing  than  his  subject,  he  at  once  realized  that 
Persons  was  exposing  the  whole  Order  to  obvious  peril  for 
the  sake  of  an  impossible  project.  The  author  of  the  work 
could  not  remain  unknown,  he  wrote  to  the  English  Jesuits, 
and  if  it  was  still  possible  to  do  so,  its  publication  must  be 

This  advice  of  Aquaviva  arrived  too  late,  and  even  before 
he  had  received  Persons'  reply,  what  he  had  feared  had  taken 
place.  Not  all  the  Catholics  took  the  part  of  Persons  and 
Spain,  and  a  party  among  the  English  exiles  in  the  Low 
Countries,  very  hostile  to  the  Jesuits  and  little  scrupulous 
about  th.eir  choice  of  means,  had  adopted  the  cause  of  James 
of  Scotland  as  successor  to  the  throne.  One  of  their  agents, 
Charles  Paget,  had  been  able  to  procure  from  an  employe  of 
the  printers,  for  a  sum  of  money,  the  manuscript  of  the  book, 
while  another  member  of  the  part}^  Dr.  Gifford,  recognized 
the  handwriting ;  the  greater  part  of  the  book  was  by 
Verstegan,  with  long  additions  and  corrections  b\'  Persons.^ 
Gifford  at  once  laid  accusations  against  the  book  before  the 
Papal  nuncio  Malvasia,  who  reported  it  to  Rome  in  accordance 
with  Gifford's  ideas  ;  Paget  denounced  it  to  the  English 
authorities.  It  would  seem,  however,  that  the  government 
refused  to  take  any  steps,  and  the  book,  which  appeared  under 
the  pseudonym  of  "  Doleman,"'*  did  no  harm  to  anyone 
except  its  authors. 

elsewhere.  Essex  wrote  to  James  of  Scotland  that  of  the  all- 
powerful  party  of  the  Earl  of  Nottingham,  Cecil,  Raleigh  and 
Cobham  would  press  their  rights.  Cf.  Lingard,  VIII.,  362, 
269  seq. 

1  Letter  tu  Olivares,  February  11,  1587.     Cf.  Pollen,  !oc.  cii., 

2  Letter  to  Persons,  March  30,  159-I,  ibid.,  524  ;    Persons'  reply, 
June  4,  1594,  ibid. 

*  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  525  seq.     Ibid.,  526,  concerning  the  authors. 

*  A  Conference  about  the  next  succession  to  the  Throne,   pul.\ 
by  R.  DoLEMAN,  and  generally  entitled  ;    The  Book  ot    Titles, 


By  this  injudicious  book,  the  authorship  of  which  was  only 
partly  his,  though  he  was  entirely  responsible  for  its  publi- 
cation, Persons  showed  that  he  was  quite  out  of  touch  with 
his  own  country.  The  Spaniards  had  very  few  partisans  in 
England,  while  the  appearance  that  the  Catholics  were 
pledged  to  their  interests  gave  their  adversaries  a  welcome 
opportunity  for  attacking  them.  "  I  cannot  see,"  wrote  the 
Scottish  Jesuit  Crichton  to  Persons,  "  that  this  book  has  done 
the  least  good,  though  its  disastrous  consequences  are  manifest. 
The  French  have  a  proverb  :  You  cannot  catch  a  hare  with 
a  drum.  The  preachers  are  hammering  incessantly  upon  this 
drum  of  yours,  from  the  English  as  well  as  from  the  Scottish 

But  Persons  did  not  even  yet  give  up  his  hopes  in  Spain  ; 
when  in  June  1596  an  English  fleet  had  sacked  Cadiz,  Philip  II. 
planned  a  new  expedition  against  England.  In  the  event  of 
this  proving  successful  Persons  had  obtained  a  promise  from 
the  King  of  Spain  that  he  would  leave  England  as  an  independ- 
ent kingdom,  or  at  any  rate  under  the  regency  of  his  daughter 
Isabella  Clara  Eugenia.  ^  Persons  even  drew  up  a  memorial^ 
as  to  the  manner  in  \^'hich  Catholic  reform  should  be  effected 
in  England,  and  went  to  Rome  to  get  this  accepted  in  accord- 
ance with  Spanish  ideas. 

At  the  Vatican,  however,  at  the  beginning  of  April,  1597, 
he  found  a  state  of  affairs  that  was  but  ill-disposed  both  to 
the  Jesuits  and  the  Spaniards  ;  while  France  was  making 
every  effort  to  undermine  Spanish  influence.  Nevertheless 
Persons'  skill  brought  it  about  that  at  the  end  of  May  the 
Secretary  of  State  wrote  to  the  legate  in  France  on  the  subject 
of  the  succession  to  the  English  throne  in  a  sense  that  seemed 

Summary  of  the  contents  in  Lingard,  VIII.,  332.  For  a  partially 
new  reprint  of  the  book  by  the  Puritans  in  1647  cf.  The  Month, 
1911,  270. 

1  Pollen  in  The  Month,  CI.,  528. 

2  Dispatch  from  the  nuncio  in  Spain,  November  6,  1596.  Cf. 
Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  528  seq. 

?"A  memorial  of  the  Reformation  of  England,"   ibid.,  329. 


to  reflect  the  ideas  of  Persons.^  It  is  true  that  the  suggestions 
were  expressed  in  very  vague  terms  ;  there  was  no  mention 
of  definite  plans,  and  no  word  of  agreements  or  subsidies. 
Evidently  it  was  intended  to  await  the  result  of  the  new 
Spanish  Armada. 

When  in  1598  the  last  attack  of  Philip  II.  upon  England 
met  with  an  inglorious  fate,  Spanish  prestige  came  to  an  end. 
It  was  immiediately  reahzed  that  the  failure  of  the  great 
undertaking  of  1588  as  well  could  not  be  attributed  to  chance, 
but  to  the  weakness  of  the  Spanish  power.  Philip  II.  now 
sought  to  make  peace  with  France,  and  this  was  concluded 
on  May  2nd,  1598,  at  Vervins. 

Henceforward  the  Spanish  preponderance  passed  to  France, 
and  even  Persons  began  to  lose  his  confidence  in  Philip  II., 
and  in  the  very  same  5/ear,  1598,  turned  to  Henry  IV.  for 
support  for  the  English  Catholics.-  The  question  of  who 
should  obtain  the  crown  of  Elizabeth  noM'  seemed  to  depend 
upon  the  King  of  France.  But  Henry  IV.  was  very  far  from 
wishing  to  put  himself  forvv'ard  as  the  champion  of  the  Catholic 
Church  ;  rather  was  it  his  aim  to  subjugate  the  Hapsburgs  by 
means  of  a  league  of  the  Protestant  powers  with  France  at 
their  head.^ 

Once  Henry  IV.  had  decided  in  favour  of  James  VI.  his 
rights  to  the  succession  were  assured,  in  spite  of  all  acts  of 
Parliament.  During  the  years  that  followed  they  still 
continued  to  occupy  themselves  in  Rome  and  Madrid  with 
the  important  question  of  the  succession  to  the  English  throne, 
but  these  negotiations  were  marked  with  but  little  clarity 
or  energy. 

In  Rome  Persons  still  remained  the  important  personality 
in  this  matter,  and  a  messenger  from  England  with  supposedly 
important  instructions  was  sent  on  by  the  nuncio  in  Madrid 
to  Rome,  as  the  Pope  wished  to  order  the  English  Jesuit  to 
take  this  matter  into  his  own  hands,  notwithstanding  the  fact 
that  the  rules  of  his  Order  forbade  him  to  interfere  in  any 

1  Ibid.,  530. 

2  Ibid.,  331  seq.     Cf.  Meyer,  383. 
*  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  577. 


affairs  of  state. ^  On  July  12th,  1600,  the  Pope  sent  three 
briefs  to  the  nuncio  in  Flanders,  which  he  was  to  keep  until 
they  could  be  made  use  of ;  one  of  these  exhorted  the  English 
Catholics  to  concord,  and  the  two  others  warned  the  archpriest 
and  the  nuncio  not  to  support  any  claimant  to  the  throne  who 
was  not  a  Catholic-  Certain  letters  attached  to  the  briefs  and 
containing  instructions  to  the  nuncio,  were  composed  by 
Persons.  In  one  letter  to  Persons  on  August  19th,  1600,  the 
nuncio  Frangipani  remarked  that  the  briefs  in  their  indefinite 
form  would  probably  make  very  little  impression  :  it  was 
necessary  to  decide  upon  a  definite  successor  to  the  throne 
and  give  his  name.  Persons  had  a  conversation  with  the 
Pope  as  to  this  on  September  12th.  It  would  seem  that  Rome 
would  most  wihingly  have  supported  the  claims  of  the  house 
of  Farnese,  which  could  be  strengthened  by  a  marriage  with 
Arabella  Stuart,  the  niece  of  Darnley.^  It  was  necessary, 
however,  to  take  Henry  IV.  into  consideration,  and  the  King 
of  France  replied  to  his  Cardinal,  Ossat,  by  whom  these 
projects  had  been  reported  to  him,  with  a  definite  refusal. 
He  wrote  that  the  party  which  the  Pope  and  the  Spaniards 
were  supporting  was  so  weak  that  the  position  of  the  English 
Catholics  would  beconie  even  worse  should  they  have  recourse 
to  force.  He  added  that  if  the  Spaniards  tried  to  obtain  a 
footing  in  England,  he  would  oppose  them.^ 

In  Spain  the  burning  question  of  the  succession  to  the 
English  throne  was  a  perpetual  subject  of  discussion,  and  in 

1  Ib^d.,  572. 

2  *Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  44,  n.  190,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

3  Cardinal  d'Ossat  to  Henry  IV.,  Nov.  26,  1601,  Lettres,  II., 
501  seqq.  The  claims  of  Farnese  were  also  maintained  in  the 
Low  Countries  ;    Lechat,   167-169. 

*  Berger  de  Xivrey,  Lettres  missives  de  Henri  IV.,  Vol.  V., 
Paris,  1850,  512  ;  Pollen,  loc.  cit.  For  the  position  ot  Henry  IV. 
cf.  Prevost-Paradol,  Elisabeth  et  Henri  IV.,  i595-i598,  Paris, 
1862  ;  Laffleur  de  Kermaingant,  L'ambassade  de  France  en 
Angleterre  sous  Henri  IV.  Mission  de  Jean  de  Thumery,  sieur 
de  Boissise,  1 598-1 602,  Paris,  1886  ;  Mission  de  Christ,  de  Harlay, 
comte  de  Beaumont,   1 602-1 605,  Paris,   1895. 


two  letters  of  May  nth  and  June  12th,  1600,  the  Spanish 
ambassador  called  attention  to  the  importance  of  the  matter. 
As  a  result  of  this  the  Spanish  Privy  Council  decided  that  it 
would  be  well  to  put  forward  the  claims  of  the  Infanta  Isabella 
Clara  Eugenia,  and  to  place  200,000  ducats  at  the  disposal  of 
the  Spanish  ambassador  in  Flanders.  But  the  matter  ended 
with  this  decision,  and  nothing  further  was  done.^ 

It  would  seem,  however,  that  the  matter  was  dealt  with  a 
little  more  energetically  two  years  later.  Although  the 
greater  part  of  the  English  Catholics  patiently  bore  the  reli- 
gious persecution,  there  were  among  them  some  who  were 
not  averse  to  violent  measures,  especially  those  who,  like 
Lord  Monteagle,  Tresham,  and  Catesby,  had  either  once  been 
Protestants,  or  had  been  brought  up  among  Protestants. 
All  these  names  appear  among  those  who  had  taken  part  in 
the  rising  of  Essex,  names  which  later  on  became  so  unfor- 
tunately celebrated  in  connexion  with  the  Gunpowder  Plot. 
At  the  beginning  of  1602  Thomas  Winter  was  sent  by  this 
group  to  Spain,  to  find  out  what  could  be  hoped  for  from 
Spain  in  the  case  of  a  rebellion.  The  government  at  Madrid 
refused  to  allow  itself  to  be  dra\^n  into  making  definite 
promises,  though  it  would  seem  that  it  held  out  certain  hopes 
to  the  envoy,  and  even  took  certain  steps  in  the  same  direction. 
In  the  same  year,  1602,  the  Infanta  Isabella,  now  the  wife 
of  the  Archduke  Albert,  Governor  of  the  Low  Countries,  sent 
Captain  Thomas  James  to  Madrid  with  orders  to  say  that  both 
she  and  her  husband  were  absolutely  opposed  to  any  claim 
being  made  on  their  behalf  to  the  English  crown.  After  this 
renunciation  Philip  III.  gave  up  all  further  hopes  of  the 
English  succession,  and  declared  his  readiness  to  support 
whatever  claimant  the  Pope  preferred.^     When  Henry  IV. 

1  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  373 

*  Ibid.,  581  ;  the  results  of  the  embassy  of  Winter  were  enor- 
mously exaggerated  in  a  report  from  the  Jesuit  Creswell,  as  well 
as  in  the  forensic  speeches  of  Edward  Coke  on  the  occasion  of  the 
Gunpowder  Plot  (c/.  Pollen,  578-580).  Contemporary  docu- 
ments in  the  Archives  of  Simancas  show  that  the  Spanish  govern- 
ment made  no  definite  promises  {ibid.,  580). 


at  last  showed  signs  of  a  rapprochement  with  Spain,  there 
was  again  much  discussion  of  the  subject  in  the  Spanish  Privy 
Council  in  February  and  March,  and  it  seemed  as  though 
something  really  would  be  done  in  the  matter  of  the  succession, 
but  certainly'  nothing  was  done.^ 

^  Pollen,  loc.  cii.,  582  seq. 


Persecution  in  Scotland  and  Ireland. — Clement  VIII. 
AND  James  I. 

Among  the  English  Catholics  in  Rome  as  well  confidence  in 
the  Spanish  party  had  waned.  This  change  had  been  greatly 
promoted  by  the  embassy  of  the  appellants,  sent  by  the 
English  secular  clergy,  which  had  made  a  stay  in  Rome  during 
1602,  leaning  to  the  support  of  France,  and  working  against 
the  interests  of  Spain. ^  At  the  same  time  Persons  lost  that 
prestige  which  he  had  hitherto  enjoyed  in  high  places  in  Rome. 
The  appellants  informed  the  Pope  through  the  French 
ambassador,  that  James  of  Scotland  would  be  glad  to  see  the 
English  Jesuit  sent  away  from  Rome.  At  that  time  Persons 
was  ill  in  bed,  but  when  on  his  recovery  he  went  for  a  change 
of  air  to  Capua,  to  Cardinal  Bellarmine,  Clement  VIII.  forbade 
him  to  return.^ 

It  was  indeed  necessary  to  show  every  consideration  towards 
the  King  of  Scots,  for  he  had  now  for  some  time  been  the  only 
claimant  to  the  English  throne  who  had  any  serious  prospect 
of  success.  He  himself  had  spared  no  effort  to  obtain  the 
dazzling  crown  of  the  neighbouring  country,  and  would  have 
accepted  it  from  the  hands  of  the  devil  himself,  thought  a 
contemporary,  even  though  this  meant  the  destruction  of 
both  Catholic  and  Protestant  preachers.^  Thus  he  did  not 
hesitate  to  hold  out  to  the  Pope  and  the  Catholics  the  hope 
of  his  return  to  the  ancient  faith,  nor  to  make  use  of  their 
money  and  their  influence. 

1  Pollen,  loc.  cit,  581. 

2  Ibid.  584. 

^  Report  for  the  year  1 601  on  Scotland  by  the  Jesuit,  Alexander 
MacQuhirrie,  in  Forbes-Leith,  270. 

VOL.    XXIV.  49  4 

50  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

It  is  difficult  to  say  definitely  whether  at  times  James 
really  had  any  inclination  towards  the  old  religion  ;  in  any 
case  he  detested  the  Presbyterian  ism  of  his  own  country, 
and  had  reintroduced  episcopacy  there.  ^  There  were  many 
Catholics  among  his  courtiers  ;^  he  knew  that  his  wife  Anne 
had  become  a  Catholic,  and  exacted  no  more  from  her  than 
that  she  should  keep  the  fact  secret.^  Archbishop  James 
Beaton,  v/ho  had  for  many  years  been  his  mother's  ambassador 
in  Paris,  was  confirm^ed  by  James  in  this  office,  as  v/ell  as 
in  the  possession  of  his  honours  and  titles  ;^  the  same  was 
true  of  John  Leslie,  the  Bishop  of  Ross.^ 

But  whatever  may  be  thought  of  the  sympathetic  feeling 
of  James  towards  the  Catholics,  any  energetic  action,  based 
upon  a  real  conviction,  was  certainly  not  to  be  looked  for 
from  a  prince  of  such  weak  character.  As  a  report  of  the  year 
1616  describes  him,^  he  was  extraordinarily  timorous,  but 
at  the  same  timie  had  been  even  from  his  youth  autocratic 
in  the  highest  degree.  Both  his  thoughts  and  his  actions 
were  always  guided  by  the  opportunism  of  the  moment,  and 
he  subjected  all  else  to  this  ;  his  conscience,  his  religion, 
his  friendships,  his  loyalty,  the  lives  and  deaths  of  his  sons 
and  of  the  aristocracy,  as  well  as  the  choice  of  his  officials 
and  counsellors.  Thus  he  was  not  really  attached  to  any 
particular  form  of  religion,  but  always  favoured  the  party 
that  was  predominant  for  the  moment  ;  as  King  of  Scots  he 
had  been  a  Calvinist,  while  later  on  in  England  he  was  an 
Anglican.  He  aimed  with  all  his  might  at  the  suppression 
of  the  Catholic  religion,  and  thought  that  he  would  be  losing 

1  Bfllesheim,  Scliottland,  II.,  20S. 

2  Forbes-Leith,  266. 

^  Bellesheim,  II.,  200  seqq.  and  the  documents  ^153  seqq.  For 
Anne  cf.  \V.  Plenkers  in  Stimmen  aiis  Mana-l.aach,  XXXV. 
(1888),  372-390,  494-504  ;  W.  Bliss  in  the  Eng.  Hist.  Rev.,  1889, 
no  (Paul  V.  spoke  to  the  nuncio  in  Paris  concerning  his  suspicions 
of  the  Catholic  sentiments  of  Anne). 

*  Bellesheim,  II.,  182,  190. 

''Ibid.,   182. 

"  Ibid.,  249  seq. 


half  his  power  should  the  Pope  once  more  obtam  ecclesiastical 
jurisdiction  in  Scotland,  which  might  prove  to  be  the  case 
if  the  number  of  the  Catholics  greatl}'  increased.  James  was 
a  master  of  deceit  and  hypocrisy,  and  it  meant  nothing  to 
him  to  break  his  pledged  word  or  to  fail  to  keep  an  oath  ;  he 
counted  it  the  highest  prudence  to  deceive  the  world  with 
lies  under  the  appearance  of  good  faith.  He  was  not  wanting 
in  astuteness,  and  as  is  wont  to  be  the  case  with  weak  and 
timorous  natures,  was  full  of  cruelty  and  tyranny  which  he 
vented  in  a  horrible  way  upon  the  Catholics  and  upon  all 
those  whose  vengeance  he  feared  on  account  of  the  wrongs 
that  he  had  done  them.  When  he  had  filled  himself  with 
strong  and  sweet  v/ine  he  poured  out  abominable  blasphemies 
against  the  Pope,  the  religious,  the  Catholic  Church,  and  even 
against  God  and  the  saints,  and  would  not  desist  until  his 
servants  carried  him  to  bed. 

Already  at  the  death  of  his  mother  in  1587  James  had  given 
proof  of  his  want  of  principle.  When  on  receipt  of  the  news 
of  the  tragedy  the  Scottish  nobles  had  thrown  themselves 
at  his  feet,  and  with  clashing  arms  and  loud  curses  liad 
demanded  vengeance  on  Elizabeth,  and  when  a  cry  of  indig- 
nation had  echoed  through  the  country,  it  had  been  the  only 
son  of  the  victim^  thus  disgracefully  sacrificed  who  had  readily 
accepted  the  excuses  of  Elizabeth,  yet  who,  purely  out  of 
consideration  for  public  opinion,  had  for  a  short  time  professed 
his  willingness  to  give  his  assistance  to  the  Armada  of  Philip  II., 
but  who,  for  the  sake  of  an  annual  sum  of  five  thousand  pounds 
from  England,  had  shown  himself  forgetful  of  the  honour  of 
Scotland  and  of  his  own  crown,  and  had  recently  with  the 
support  of  English  gold  implicated  the  Catholic  Scottish 
aristocracy  in  a  rebellion.^  Yet  once  again  he  pretended  to 
be  favourable  to  the  Catholics.  Thus,  after  the  above- 
mentioned  rising  of  the  Catholic  nobles,  their  property  was 
confiscated,  but  James  refused  to  have  the  sentence  carried 
out,  as  well  as  the  law  threatening  with  loss  of  property  those 
who  gave  hospitality  to  a  Catholic  priest  in  their  houses. - 

1  Forbes-Leith,  215  seqq. 

2  Ibid.,  221  ;    cf.  22b,  235. 

52  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

He  actually  succeeded  in  getting  the  adherents  of  the  old 
religion  to  rally  to  him  both  in  Scotland  and  in  England  ;  his 
own  Catholic  subjects  were  won  over  b)^  a  promise  of  liberty 
of  conscience,  and  those  of  England  b}^  the  expectation  of 
his  conversion.^  "  There  are  great  hopes  of  universal 
toleration  "  runs  a  letter  to  Persons,  "  and  the  agreement  of 
the  Catholics  in  recognizing  the  king  is  so  complete,  that  it 
seems  as  though  God  is  about  to  accomplish  great  things. 
All  the  religious  parties  are  full  of  expectation  and  hope,  and 
the  Catholics  have  good  reasons  to  look  for  special  considera- 
tion being  shown  to  their  aspirations,  for  the  Catholic  nobles 
are  working  almost  to  a  man  on  behalf  of  the  king,  and  have 
obtained  the  most  far-reaching  promises  from  him."^ 

Nothing  shows  the  duplicity  of  the  king  better  than  his 
efforts  to  obtain  the  good  will  of  the  Pope.''  He  had  already 
raised  the  hopes  of  Gregory  XHI.  for  his  return  to  the  ancient 
faith,  in  order  to  obtain  subsidies  from  Rome.^  Under 
Clement  VHI.  he  had  once  again  entered  into  negotiations, 
though  only  through  secret  intermediaries,  who  could  be 
disavowed  at  any  moment,  and  who  were  eventually  thus 

In  the  year  1592,  we  learn  that  James  had  sent  two  Jeusits, 
the  Scotsmen  Gordon  and  Crichton,  openly  to  Rome,  to  treat 
of  nothing  less  than  the  re-establishment  of  the  Catholic 
religion.^  In  1594  Clement  VIII.  sent  to  the  king  an  envoy 
with  40,000  ducats,  and  promised  10,000  ducats  as  a  monthly 
subsidy  if  liberty  of  conscience  was  given  to  the  Catholics.^ 
But  even  before  the  Papal  envoy  Sampiretti  set  foot  in 
Scotland  on  July  i6th,  1594,  James  had  once  again  turned 

1  A.  O.  Meyer  in  Oitellen  u.  Forsch.,  VIL  (Rome,  1904),  272. 

2  ZiMMERMANN  in  KcithoHk ,  1889,  IL,  256. 

3  Meyer,  Iqc.  rit.  268-306;  G.  F.  Warner  in  the  Eng.  Hist, 
liev.,  XX.    (1905),    124-127. 

*  Cf.  Vol.  XIX,  of  this  work,  p.  434  seq,  ;    Brosch,  VII.,  4. 
^Forbes-Leith,   222,    355.     CJ.    Bellesheim,    II.,    452,    461. 

See  also  Ranke,  Engl.  Gesch.,  I.,  494. 

*  Walter  Lindsay  of  Balgawies,  Account  of  the  present  state 
of  the  Catholic  religion,  1594,  in  Forbes-Leith,  355. 

ENVOYS    FROM   JAMES    IN    ROME.  53 

to  the  Protestant  preachers,  and  by  an  edict  of  November  12th, 
1593,  had  confronted  many  thousands  of  CathoHcs  with  the 
choice  between  apostasy  and  exile. ^  The  papal  envoy  and 
his  companions  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  heretics,  but  were 
rescued  by  the  Earls  of  Errol  and  Angus,  while  the  subsidy 
that  had  been  sent  came  into  the  hands  of  the  Catholic  nobles.^ 
In  spite  of  this,  in  1595  and  1596  James  sent  a  fresh  envoy, 
the  Catholic  Scotsman,  John  Ogilvy,  to  Rome  and  to  Spain  ; 
the  ends  for  which  Ogilvy  was  working  in  Rome  during 
the  summer  and  autumn  of  1595,  though  probably  he 
was  going  beyond  his  instructions,  were  :  the  appointment 
of  a  Cardinal  to  represent  Scotland,  annual  subsidies 
for  the  war  against  the  rebels  in  his  own  country,  and 
against  the  heretics  throughout  Great  Britain,  and  the  excom- 
munication of  all  the  opponents  of  the  Scottish  succession 
in  England.  This  intermediary,  however,  met  with  no 
success,  because  Clement  VIH.  did  not  trust  the  King  of 
Scots, ^  but  great  hopes  were  raised  in  the  Pope's  mhid  when 
in  1599  Edward  Drummond  arrived  in  Rome  with  a  letter 
in  the  address  of  which  Clement  VIIL  was  called  "  Most  Holy 
Father,"  and  the  King  of  Scots  signed  himself  as  "  his  most 
devoted  son."*  Drummond  was  instructed  to  bring  pressure 
to  bear  upon  the  Pope,  as  well  as  on  the  Grand  Duke  of 
Tuscany  and  the  Duke  of  Savoy,  to  obtain  the  red  hat  for  a 
Scotsman,  this  time  for  the  Bishop  of  Vaison,  William 
Chisholm.     Clement  VIII.   did  not  grant  this  request,  but 

1  Forbef-Leith,  223. 

2  W.  Lindsay,  loc.  cit.,  355  seq, 

3  Ranke  (Engl.  Gesch.,  I.,  494)  thinks  that  this  refers  to  a 
going  beyond  of  the  faculties  ;  T.  G.  Law  (Documents  illustrating 
Catholic  policy  in  the  reign  of  James  VI.,  1596-1598,  Edinburgh, 
1893,  5)  refrains  from  making  any  judgment  ;  according  to 
A.  O.  Meyer  [loc.  cit.,  271)  who  perceives  in  the  mission  of  Ogilvy 
"  the  typical  features  of  the  negotiations  of  James  with  the 
Catholic  powers."  For  the  negotiations  of  Ogilvy  in  Venice, 
Florence  and  Spain,  cf.  Lingard,  VIIL,  345. 

*  "  Eeatissime  Pater  .  .  .  Obsequentissimus  Filius  "  (Meyer, 
loc.  cit.,  273).     For  Drummond,  cf.  Lingard  VIIL,  346. 

54  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

he  answered  the  king's  letter  with  great  kindness,  expressing 
the  hope  that  the  king  would  yet  find  the  wa}-  of  return  to 
the  ancient  Church.^  It  is  possible  that  the  Papal  briefs 
to  the  English  Catholics-  were  connected  with  the  letter 
of  the  King  of  Scots, ^  but  Clement  ^'III.  would  not 
consent  to  an}-  direct  recognition  of  James'  right  to  the 

The  object  which  the  astute  King  of  Scots  had  principally 
had  in  view  in  v.riting  his  letter  had  thus  not  been  attained, 
and  if  he  thought  that  his  relations  witli  Rome  had  been 
kept  secret,  he  was  equally  mistaken.  Queen  Elizabeth 
heard  of  his  letter  and  demanded  an  explanation  ;  but  he 
was  quite  able  to  extract  himself  from  the  difficulty  ;  he 
flatly  denied  his  relations  with  Rome.  A  letter  from  the 
king,  addressed  to  a  Scottish  gentleman,  James  Hamilton, 
who  was  at  that  time  in  England,  charged  him  to  assure  all 
honest  people  "  on  the  word  of  a  Christian  prince  "  that 
v.ithout  any  vacillation  he  had  held  firmly  to  his  faith,  and 
would  always  hold  firm  to  it,  and  that  as  King  of  England 
he  would  never  permit  any  other  religion.^  James  found 
himself  in  fresh  difficulties  again  in  1608,  when,  in  connexion 
with  the  "  Test  "  oath,  Bellamiine  reminded  the  king  of  his 
letter  and  the  signature  he  had  attached  to  it.  Thereupon 
James,  while  he  himself  remained  hidden  in  an  adjoining 
room,  forced  his  secretary-  to  confess  that  it  was  he  who  had 
forged  his  signature.  This  confession  had  scarcely  left  the 
lips  of  Balmerino  when  the  king  came  out  from  his  hiding- 
place  ;  the  secretary'  threw  himself  at  his  feet,  but  was  not 
able  to  avert  being  condemned  to  death.  But  in  spite  of 
all  this  James  was  not  able  to  free  himself  from  the  suspicion 
of  having  staged  a  comedy  of  complicity  with  the  servile 

^Letter  of  April  13,  t6oo  ;    extract  in  Meyer,  loc.  cit.,  2jS. 

*  Cf.  supra,  p. 
9  Meyer,  278. 
*Ibid.,  276. 

*  Cf.  Bellesheim,  II.,  192. 

QUEEN   ANNE   AND   THE    POPE.  55 

That  James,  despite  his  emphatic  denial,  had  indeed  written 
to  the  Pope,  is  clear  from  a  letter  from  his  wife.  This  was  a 
letter  written  in  her  owti  hand,  ordering  Drummond  to  make 
the  excuses  of  the  king  to  Clement  VIII.,  and  sa\-ing  that  had  not  replied  in  person  to  the  reply  which  the  Pope 
had  sent  to  the  king's  letter,  because  Oueen  Elizabeth  had 
learned  of  his  relations  with  the  Pope,  and  had  threatened 
him  with  the  anger  of  the  English  Protestants,  a  thing  which 
might  have  involved  for  the  King  of  Scots  the  loss  of  the 
English  crown. ^ 

The  sam.e  letter  to  Dramraond^  further  contains  orders 
to  profess  before  the  Pope  in  the  queen's  name,  the  Catholic 
faith  in  accordance  v^ith  the  decrees  of  Trent,  to  swear 
allegiance  to  the  Apostohc  See,  and  to  recommend  to  the 
Pope's  protection  the  royal  princes,  whom  their  mother,  as 
far  as  it  lay  in  her  power,  was  bringing  up  in  the  Catholic  faith. 
It  was  neccssar}-,  she  said,  for  the  king's  safet\-  that  he  should 
have  a  bodyguard,  and  the  Pope  was  asked  to  grant  a  subsidy 
for  this  purpose,  either  on  his  own  account  or  by  obtaining  it 
from  the  King  of  France,  or  from  the  Dukes  of  Lorraine  or 
Tuscany.  James  had  granted  to  all  his  subjects  libert\-  of 
conscience,  so  that  heresy  would  disappear  of  its  ovra  accord, 
but  in  order  to  facilitate  this  action  of  the  king  the  French 
ambassador  should,  at  the  suggestion  of  the  Pope,  ask  for 
liberty  of  conscience  for  England  as  well.  This  request, 
which  had  akeady  been  laid  before  the  Curia  on  several 
occasions  by  a  Scottish  prelate,  was  renewed  by  Anne  because 
in  this  way  the  quarrel  between  the  secular  clerg\'  and  the 
Jesuits  could  be  healed,  and  in  the  hands  of  Elizabeth  this 

1  "  E.xcusato  quam  diiigenter  regem  apud  eundem  pontificem, 
quod  non  rescripserit  ;  siquidem  regina  Angliae  scriptionem 
impedi\'it,  quae  priorum  quas  scripserat  litterarum  clanculario 
adnionita  nuncio,  etiam  per  epistolas  ad  regem  inscriptas  minitata 
est,  si  cum  pontifice  agat,  sinistra  in  protestantium  mtntibus 
de  eo  sparsa  opinioiie,  etiam  ab  Anglici  regni  spe  depulsuram." 
Instructions  for  Drummond,  in  ^Ieyer,  loc.  cit.,  301. 

*Me\ter,  301-303.  Cf.  M.^RTiN,  Clement  \7II.  et  Jacques 
Stuart,  in  the  Rev.  d'hist.  dipL,  XXV.  (191 1),  368. 


had  become  a  principal  means  of  preventing  the  conversion 
of  England.  Finally,  the  Pope  must  not  take  it  amiss  if 
James  advanced  but  slowly,  and  especially  if  he  and  the 
queen  took  part  in  the  celebration  of  Protestant  worship. 
She  was  MTiting  all  this  with  the  knowledge  of  James  and 
with  his  consent.^ 

Only  a  short  time  after  her  return  to  the  old  religion  Anne 
had  had  recourse  by  letter  to  the  Pope  as  well  as  to  the  General 
of  the  Jesuits,  who  was  asked  to  re})resent  her  interests  in 
Rome.  The  bearer  of  her  letters,  James  Wood,  Laird  of 
Boniton,  fell,  however,  into  the  hands  of  the  Scottish  Presby- 
terians and  was  executed.  King  James  who,  when  Elizabeth 
had  complained  of  the  mission  of  Ogilvy  and  Drummond, 
had  imprisoned  the  envoys,  again  on  this  occasion  publicly 
boasted  of  having  freed  himself  from  the  "archpapists."  The 
queen's  letters  escaped  the  notice  of  the  Presbyterians,  but 
nevertheless,  it  would  seem,  never  reached  their  destination.^ 

The  exchange  of  letters  between  Edinburgh  and  Rome 
still  continued  for  a  time,  by  means  of  a  new  envoy,  the 
Scottish  Catholic,  James  Lindsay,  and  also  through  Lord 
Sanquair.  One  of  the  queen's  letters,  presented  this  time 
b}^  Drummond,  safely  reached  the  hands  of  the  Pope. 
Clement  VIIL  replied  to  it  on  July  i6th,  1602,^  expressing 
the  hope  that  Anne  would  be  able  to  win  over  her  husband 
to  the  Catholic  faith.  He  took  a  further  step  in  two  briefs, 
dated  August  gth,  1602,  which  Lindsay  took  back  with  him 
from  Rome  ;^  in  these  he  asked  of  the  queen  and  of  the  king 
the  Catholic  education  of  the  heir  to  the  crown,  Henry  (died 

1  "  Quo  sciente  et  consentiente  haec  nos  omnia  praestamus  et 
postulamus  "  (Meyer,.  302).  A  *petition  (of  Drummond)  to  the 
Pope  on  the  basis  of  Anne's  instructions  in  Borghese  II.,  348  : 
"  Viva  voce  et  scriptis  apucl  V.S.  egi,  ut  aliquando  de  rebus 
Scotiae  serio  cogitaret,  etc."     Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  Alexander  MacQuhirrie,  The  State  of  Scotland,  1601,  in 
Fokbes-Leith,  273  ;  cj.  ibid.  269,  and  Pollen,  The  Month,  CI. 
(1903),  272. 

^  Published  in  Meyer,   303. 

*  Published  ibid.  304  (brief  to  James),  305  (brief  to  Anne). 


1612).  If  the  king  would  follow  the  Pope's  advice  in  this, 
then  Clement  VIII.,  Lindsay  reported  orally,  would  be 
prepared  to  assist  James  with  subsidies  in  money,  and 
would  support  the  king's  aspirations  to  the  English 

Although  this  step  on  the  part  of  the  Pope  seemed  logical, 
after  all  that  had  transpired,  it  nevertheless  greatly 
embarrassed  the  deceitful  king.  He  now  had  to  take  up 
a  dehnite  attitude,  and  could  no  longer  continue  his  double 
game.  James  therefore  sought  to  gain  time  by  putting  off 
his  reph'  as  long  as  possible.  He  was  able  to  do  this  without 
fear,  as  Elizabeth's  minister,  Robert  Cecil,  who  had  formerly 
opposed  the  Scottish  succession,^  had  now  allowed  himself 
to  be  won  over  to  it,  without  the  knowledge  of  his  sovereign, 
who  was  growing  old,^  so  that  James  no  longer  had  any  need 
of  the  Papists,^  as  he  expressed  it  later  on.  As  a  matter 
of  fact  his  succession  to  the  throne  after  the  death  of 
Elizabeth  was  accomplished  without  the  least  difficulty  or 

Clement  VIII.  naturally  followed  this  event  with  great 
hopefulness,  and  he  addressed  to  the  king  a  letter  of  good 
wishes,  in  which  he  begged  him  to  show  himself  well-disposed 
towards  the  Catholics  as  he  had  done  hitherto.*  The  Pope 
also  had  recourse  to  the  Catholic  princes,  whose  influence 
might  have  weighed  with  James,  and  expressed  his  desire 
that  they  should  combine  in  taking  the  part  of  their  English 
co-religionists.  Thus  on  May  31st  a  brief  was  sent  to  the 
governor  of  the  Low  Countries,  the  Archduke  Albert,  on 
June   6th    to   Duke   Charles   of   Lorraine,    and   another   on 

1  LiNGARD,  VIII.,  343,  362. 
-  Ibid,   377  seq. 

*  Ibid..   IX.    10  note. 

*  Bellesheim,  II.,  225  ;  Meyer,  loc.  cit,  284.  Cf.  *"  Discorso 
scritto  lo  20  aprile  1603,  in  cui  si  tratta  se  si  debba  credere  che  11 
nuovo  Re  dTnghilterra  sia  per  esser  aniico  del  Re  di  Spagna  e  se 
si  confederera  con  S.  M.  Catt.  o  col  Re  di  Francia  et  se  si  possa 
spearare  che  si  faccia  cattoljco  "  Urb,  860,  p.  272-276,  Vatican 

58  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

December  loth,  on  August  23rd  to  the  King  of  Poland,  and 
on  November  25th  to  the  Emperor.^ 

Several  times  in  these  letters  the  request  is  expressed  that 
they  should  induce  James,  kindly  and  gently,  to  join  the 
Catholic  Church. 2  As  early  as  April  12th,  1603,  the  nuncio 
in  Paris  wrote  that  he  would  endeavour  to  obtain  the  media- 
tion of  Henry  IV.  for  this  purpose,  and  in  September  he  sent 
in  the  Pope's  name  two  letters  of  good  wishes,  one  to  the  king 
and  a  special  one  to  the  queen,  both  of  which  had  previously 
been  approved  by  Clement  VIII. ^  It  certainly  v/as  not  a 
mere  stereotyped  expression  when  the  Pope  wrote  to  the 
Archduke  Albert  that  he  was  tormented  day  and  night  by 
the  thought  of  England  and  its  new  king,  and  by  the  question 
whether  that  kingdom,  once  so  celebrated  for  its  defence  of 
the  faith,  would  return  to  the  Roman  Church,  a  thing  for 
which  he  would  willingly  shed  his  blood.*     On  May  28th, 

1  Meyer,  loc.  cit.  *"  Preme  grandemente  ancora  alia  Santita 
Sua  Tambasciata  clie  V.  Maesta  ha  da  mandare  in  Inghilterra, 
ne  ha  disc<jrso  piu  volte  col  signer  cardinale  S.  Giorgio,  dal  quale 
io  so  confidentemente  queati  et  niolti  particolari."  (Paravicini 
to  Rudolph  IL,  November  22,  1603,  State  Archives,  Vienna, 
Hofkorrespondenz,  10).  To  the  Doge  of  Venice,  M.  Grimani, 
Clement  VIIL  wrote  on  June  7,  1603  :  "  Magna  in  spe  sumus 
.  .  .  sub  hoc  novo  Angliae  rege  res  fidei  catholicae  meliore  multo 
loco  futuras,  eumque  se  mitem  et  benignem  praebiturum  cath- 
olicis,  qui  in  eius  regnis  sunt."  State  Archives,  Venice.  Cf. 
Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  47,  n.  148,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

'  *"  Quin  etiam  et  rex  ipse,  si  fieri  possit  ...  ad  catholicam 
religionem  suscipiendam  blande  et  leniter  alliciatur  "  (Meyer, 
loc.  cit.,  285).  Meyer  translates  Blande  .  .  .  alliciatur  by 
"  schmeicheind  verlocken  "  i.e.  "  to  allure  with  flatteries,"  but 
allicere  does  not  mean  alletare   [pellicere). 

^  Bellesheim,  II.,  224.  Two  letters  of  Clement  VIII.  to 
Henry  IV.,  of  May  31  and  July  14,  1603,  concerning  the  succession 
to  the  throne,  and  the  attitude  the  Pope  meant  to  take  up  towards 
the  new  king,  in  order  to  bring  him  back  to  the  Catholic  faith, 
are  si  mmarized  in  Fillon,  2452,  2433. 

*The  *letter  to  Albert,  May  31,  1603,  in  Brevia,  Arm.  44, 
t,  47,  n.  145,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

CAUTION    OF    THE    POPE.  59 

1603,  he  published  a  jubilee,  in  order  that  the  faithful  might 
pray  to  God  for  the  restoration  of  the  Catholic  faith  in  England, 
Scotland  and  Ireland. ^  In  Rome  itself,  on  Apirl  27th,  1603, 
Clement  VIII.  ordered  the  Fort}^  Hours  to  be  celebrated  in 
all  the  churches  for  England  and  Scotland.^  But  with  all 
his  zeal,  he  moved  with  great  caution,  so  as  not  to  excite 
the  suspicions  of  the  king,  who  was  extraordinarily  diffident. 
He  rejected  the  project  of  the  French  nuncio  to  encourage 
the  leaders  of  the  Scottish  Catholics  by  briefs  to  struggle 
for  religious  equality  ;  tlie  Scottish  Catholics  were  told,  on 
the  contrary,  to  recommend  themselves  to  the  good  will  of 
their  king  by  their  humility,  loyalty  and  peaceful  behaviour.* 
When  certain  of  the  English  exiles  wished  to  avail  themselves 
of  the  change  in  tlie  crown  in  order  to  return  home,  and 
asked  for  the  support  of  the  Pope,  Clement  VIII.  first 
demanded  guarantees  that  this  was  not  a  mere  case  of  restless- 
ness, and  he  even  offered  to  deliver  the  king  from  such  folk 
by  pontificial  intervention.'*  The  sad  case  in  which  two 
Catholic  priests,  the  excitable  Watson  and  Clark,  had  mixed 
themselves  up  in  a  plot  against  James,  probably  gave 
occasion  for  this  offer. 

Special  hopes  were  raised  in  Rome  by  a  work  of  the  king's, 
printed  privately  in  1599,  ^^id  publicly  issued  hi  1603  ;  this 
was  entitled  "  Basilikon  Doron  "  ^  and  laid  down  for  the  heir 

1  Ibid.,  p.   164  ssqq.  ;    Mf.Yer,  28}. 

*  *Avviso  of  May  3,   1603,  Urb.  1071,  Vatican  Library. 

*  Meyer,  287. 

*  Ibid.,    288  ;     A.    Zimmermann    io    Katholik,    1899,    LT.,     238. 
Paratissimum     esse  .    .   .  eos    omnes     (missionaries]     e     regno 

evocare,  quus  sua.  maiestas  rationabi liter  indicaverit,  regno  et 
statui  suo  noxios  fore."  From  the  instructions  to  Dr.  Gitford, 
in  LiXGARD,  IX.,  21. 

'  0j.<Tt\iKhj  A-jopoy,  Divided  into  tliree  bookes,  Edinburgh, 
1599  (only  seven  copies  j>rinted).  The  first  edition  which 
was  generally  obtainable,  Edinburgh,  1603,  and  London,  1603, 
French  translation,  Paris,  1603.  A  critique  of  the  work  in  Cod. 
680,  pp.  64  seqq.  of  the  Corsini  Library,  Rome.  Cf.  Lammer, 
Zur  Kirchengesch.,  174  (it  is  here  stated  that  the  king  was  learned, 
but  was  not  clear  as  to  his  principles), 

6o  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

to  the  throne,  Henry,  certain  rules  for  the  better  government 
of  the  kmgdom.  This  condemned  in  severe  terms  the  rehgious 
divisions  in  Scotland  ;  these  were  the  result  of  rebellion,  and 
were  the  work  of  men  of  disaffected  spirit  and  greedy  for 
power  ;  every  party  that  weakened  the  kingdom  and  threw 
it  into  confusion  had  encouraged  them.  "  Be  on  your  guard  " 
it  states,  "  against  Puritans  of  this  kind,  who  are  a  pest  to 
the  Church  and  to  society,  and  who  are  not  to  be  won  over 
by  gifts,  nor  feel  bound  by  oaths  and  promises.  They  breathe 
treason  and  calumny.  I  profess  before  Almighty  God  that 
you  will  not  find  among  the  bandits  of  the  mountains  or  of 
the  border  greater  ingratitude,  a  greater  spirit  of  falsehood, 
more  brazen  perjury,  or  more  hypocritical  sentiments,  than 
among  these  fanatics."^  On  the  other  hand,  in  the  French 
translation  of  the  book,  which  James  caused  to  be  sent  to 
the  Pope  through  the  French  ambassador,  there  was  not  to 
be  found  a  single  word  against  the  Catholics.  James  informed 
the  Pope  that  he  had  purposely  toned  down  such  passages, 
and  had  desired  the  book  to  be  presented  to  him  in  order  to 
demonstrate  his  feeling  of  good  will  towards  His  Holiness. 
Clement  VHI.  was  indeed  "  enthusiastic:"  over  this  work, 
and  was  on  the  verge  of  shedding  tears  of  joy  when  Persons 
informed  him  of  some  of  the  passages  in  it.^  But  his 
"  enthusiasm  "  was  quickly  cooled  when  he  received  from 
London  the  Latin  version  of  the  book,  with  the  passages 
about  the  Pope  and  the  Catholic  religion  unaltered.  This 
translation  soon  found  a  place  on  the  Index  of  prohibited 
books.  ^  While  the  King  of  Scots  was  thus  encouraging  the 
Pope  by  holding  out  constant  hopes  to  him,  the  actual  state 
of  affairs  in  his  kingdom  was  even  worse  than  in  the  neighbour- 

1  BeLLESHEIM,    II.,    2IO. 

2  "  His  Holiness,  who  I  assure  you  could  scarce  hold  tears  for 
comfort  to  hear  certain  passages  in  favour  of  virtue  and  hatred 
to  vice  which  I  related  to  him."  Persons  to  Garnet,  May  14, 
1003,  in  Taunton,  283. 

'Meyer,  288-292.  Ibid.,  2C)i.  Comparison  of  certain  texts 
of  the  edition  of  1599  with  the  French  and  Latin  translations  of 
1603  and  1604. 


ing  kingdom  of  England  under  the  rule  of  Elizabeth.  In 
England  anyone  who  was  not  a  priest,  and  who  did  not  hold 
public  office,  was  able  to  remain  of  the  old  religion,  even 
though  he  had  to  pay  heavy  fines  ;  in  Scotland  on  the  other 
hand,  the  laws  only  left  the  Catholics  the  choice  between 
apostasy  and  banishment.^  In  the  kingdom  of  James  VI. 
anyone  might  arrest  the  priests  of  the  Society  of  Jesus,  and 
even  kill  them  in  case  of  resistance.^  "  We  live,"  wrote  the 
Jesuit  Abercromby  to  the  General  of  his  Order,  ^  "  in  cellars, 
hiding-holes  and  desolate  places,  always  changing  our  abode 
like  the  gypsies,  and  we  never  sleep  for  two  nights  running 
in  the  same  place."  When  Abercromby  had  gone  to  the 
house  of  a  Catholic  inn-keeper,  the  other  Catholics  did  not 
dare  to  enter  by  the  door,  but  climbed  up  through  the  windows 
at  the  back  of  the  house  by  night  by  means  of  ladders.'*  The 
situation  of  the  Scottish  Catholics  was  only  the  better  in 
that  the  laws  were  not  enforced  with  the  same  rigour  as  in 
England.  But  even  this  apparent  leniency  had  its  limits, 
wherever  any  determined  attachment  to  the  old  religion  was 
detected.  Among  the  aristocracy,  who  were  for  the  most 
part  still  Catholics  at  heart,  the  three  Earls  of  Huntly,  Errol 
and  Angus  openly  declared  themselves  for  the  Church  of 
their  fathers,  but  they  were  persecuted  and  threatened  until 
in  1597  they,  externally  at  any  rate,  and  so  as  to  prevent 
the  loss  of  all  their  property,  signed  the  profession  of  faith 
of  the  Scottish  Church.^ 

In  a  report  on  Scotland  in  1601,®  it  is  stated  that  the  king 
was  the  true  cause  of  this  sad  state  of  affairs.  Whenever  he 
made  a  speech  it  was  to  give  utterance  to  nothing  but  blas- 
phemies and  heresy,  and  the  one  thing  that  his  pride  aimed 
at  was  the  crown  of  England.     He  hated  the  Catholics  except 

1  Forbes-Leith,  223,  269. 

^  Ibid.,  271. 

^  On  June  9,  1596,  in  Forbks-Leith,  226. 

*  Ibid.,  228.     Cf.  Bei.lesheim,  II.,  204. 
^  Forbes-Leith,  233  seqq.,  229  seqq. 

*  MacQuhirrie,  ibid.,  270  seq. 


when  they  might  prove  useful  to  his  designs  upon  the  Enghsh 
throne.  His  fears  or  his  hopes  might  perhaps  one  day  make 
him  a  hypocrite,  but  nothing  but  a  great  miracle  of  the  divine 
omnipotence  could  make  him  a  Catholic. 

In  these  circumstances  it  seems  an  enigma  how  the  Catholics 
of  Great  Britain  and  the  Roman  Curia  can  have  continued 
to  entertain  hopes  of  the  return  of  James  to  the  ancient  Church, 
and  why  the  king  made  use  of  so  many  subterfuges  to  win 
the  favour  of  the  Pope.  Both  these  problems  are  answered 
in  a  memorial  drawn  up  by  the  Papal  nuncio  in  Brussels, 

Malvasia's  remarks  are  above  all  a  proof  of  the  fact  that 
in  Rome  they  were  more  and  more  abandoning  the  point  of 
view  of  the  Catholics  who  were  favourable  to  Spain.  Above 
all  things  they  must  not  seek  to  better  the  position  of  the 
Catholics  by  violent  measures,  for  such  things  would  only 
drive  James  VI.  more  and  more  into  the  arms  of  the  English 
queen  and  the  heretics.  The  Holy  See  could  not  supply  its 
own  lack  of  the  necessary  armed  force  even  with  the  assistance 
of  Spain,  which  would  find  no  support  in  Scotland  itself,  but 
would  on  the  contrary  encounter  armed  opposition  from  the 
jealous  foreign  powers,  such  as  England,  Holland,  Denmark 
and  France.  No  hopes  could  be  placed  in  the  nobles  of  the 
Scottish  kingdom  ;  it  was  true  that  the  Duke  of  Lennox  and 
about  a  dozen  earls  and  other  great  nobles  were  Catholics  at 
heart,  but  they  would  never  take  up  arms,  while  the  three 
earls  who  were  definitely  Catholic,  Huntly,  Errol  and  Angus, 
had  been  banished. 

Moreover,  since  the  king  had  on  several  occasions  shown 
his  good-will  towards  the  Catholics,  it  would  not  be  opportune 
to  em.ploy  violent  measures.  It  had  only  been  necessary 
for  him  to  have  given  his  consent,  and  they  would  have  been 
exterminated,  but  actually  James  had  never  done  so  ;  he 
tolerated  those  who  were  of  another  religion  than  his  own  ; 
he  willingly  listened  to  religious  discussions  ;    the  Bishop  of 

'■  In  Bellesueim,  II.,  460-468.  Cf.  Lammer,  Analecta,  53 
and  Martin  in  the  Rev.  d'kist.  dipl.,  XXV.,  293. 


Dunblane/  Colonel  Semple,'^  the  Jesuits  Holt  and  Morton 
and  others  had  suffered  imprisonment  but  no  more.  Moreover 
he  placed  confidence  in  Catholics,  since  the  first  president, 
the  master  of  the  household,  the  captain  of  the  bodyguard, 
some  of  the  chamberlains  and  others  were  Catholics  at  heart  ; 
he  allowed  the  queen  to  act  in  a  similar  way  in  the  choice  of 
her  ladies  and  courtiers.  He  had  proclaimed  the  Duke  of 
Lennox  as  the  next  claimant  to  the  throne,  and  had  allowed 
the  Earl  of  Huntly  to  have  mass  said  in  the  royal  palace  itself, 
though  with  closed  doors. 

On  the  other  hand  the  king  was  greatly  opposed  to  the 
preachers,  though  naturally  he  did  not  show  this  outwardly, 
because  of  the  populace  and  Queen  Elizabeth,  whose  pro- 
tection made  such  gentry,  in  spite  of  their  lowly  origin,  so 
arrogant  and  haughty  that  they  tyrannized  over  the  king 

The  arguments  of  Malvasia  which  have  been  given  so  far 
naturally  prove  nothing  more  than  that  James  knew  very 
well  how  to  deceive  the  Pope  and  the  Catholics.  The  reason, 
however,  why  the  astute  king  took  so  much  trouble  to  win 
their  syn:ipathies,  is  given  by  Malvasia  as  follows  :  James 
had  need  of  the  Catholics  ;  if,  after  the  death  of  Elizabeth, 
it  became  a  question  of  ensuring  his  claims  to  the  English 
throne,  there  were  none  upon  whom  he  could  rely  except  the 
aristocracy  of  his  own  country.  But  the  greater  and  the 
more  important  part  of  the  nobles  of  the  kingdom  were 
either  openly  Catholics,  or  were  more  inclined  to  Catholicism 

^  William  Chisholm  the  younger  "  who  renounced  his  episcopal 
see  in  order  to  become  a  Carthusian,  and  was  sent  by  Sixtus  V. 
to  his  ow^n  country,  where  he  remained  in  disguise  for  several 
months,  giving  great  edification  and  spiritual  help,  ending  his 
life  in  Rome  (1593)  in  the  udour  of  sanctity."  Walter  Lindsay 
of  Balgawies,  in  FoKBES-LcrrH,  353. 

^  Alessandro  Farnese  attempted  by  his  means  to  secure  an 
alliance  with  James  ;  after  the  defeat  of  the  Armada  the  king 
made  him  a  prisoner,  but  Semple  escaped  the  death  that  threat- 
ened him  by  flight.     Forbes-Leith,  369  ;    Bellesheim,  IL,  282. 

3  Malvasia.  loc.  cit.,  462. 

64  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

than  to  any  other  form  of  religion. ^  All  of  them  were  filled 
with  hatred  and  aversion  for  the  preachers.  If,  after  the 
death  of  Elizabeth,  so  Malvasia  thought,  James  were  to  drive 
them  out  and  declare  himself  a  Catholic,  then  all  the  most 
powerful  nobles  would  ralty  to  his  support,  and  since,  accord- 
ing to  Scottish  usage,  the  vassals  were  very  submissive  to 
and  devoted  to  their  lords,  these  two  would  follow  the  example 
of  the  nobles. 

According  to  Malvasia  it  was  also  known  on  the  authority 
of  James  himself  that  he  was  very  anxious  about  the  intrigues 
of  Spain.  Even  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  Philip  II.  had  sent 
an  envoy  to  ask  for  the  excommunication  of  James  VI., 
and  in  the  eyes  of  the  Spaniards  and  of  many  others,  the  King 
of  Scots  was  not  fitted  to  wear  either  the  English  crown 
or  that  of  Scotland.  For  this  reason  James  VI.  greatly  feared 
excommunication  and  therefore  strove  to  keep  on  good  terms 
with  the  Pope.  2  As  the  Earl  of  Huntly  said  to  Malvasia, 
a  threat  or  admonition  from  the  Pope  would  be  well  received 
by  the  king,  because  he  would  then  have  an  excuse  for  favour- 
ing the  Catholics,  and  by  their  means  raising  up  a 
counterweight  to  the  insolence  of  the  preachers.^  Huntly 
was  of  the  opinion  that  an  envoy  should  be  sent  as  soon  as 
possible  to  ask  for  toleration  and  liberty  of  conscience  for 
the  Catholics,  and,  should  he  not  obtain  this,  to  threaten 
the  king  with  excommunication.  Least  disturbance  would 
be  caused  if  the  Duke  of  Lorraine,  who  was  James'  cousin, 
were  to  send  an  envoy  on  some  pretext  ;  the  envoy  could 
speak  privately  to  the  king  about  his  return  to  the  ancient 
faith,  while  James,  out  of  respect  for  the  Pope,  would  hear 
him  very  willingly.^  Besides  this  pressure  might  be  brought 
to  bear  upon  the  king  by  means  of  the  Catholic  nobles,  and 

'■  List  of  the  aristocracy  who  were  still  secretly  Catholics 
(July  I,  1592)  in  Forbes-Leith,  361  seqq.  ;  Bellesheim,  II.,  182. 

2  "  Delia  qaal  scomniunica  per  qiiesti  respetti  ha  tanta  paura 
il  Re  di  Scotia,  ch'egJi  fara  sempre  gran  cento  del  Sommo  Ponte- 
fice."     Bellesheim,  II.,  ^64. 

2  Bellesheim,  loc.  cAt. 

'^Ihid.,  466. 


upon  the  latter  by  the  Jesuit  Gordon,  who,  as  Huntly's  uncle, 
had  access  to  the  nobles,  and  who,  although  he  was  a  mere 
child  in  political  matters,  was  learned,  well-liked  and 
respected.^  An  attempt  should  also  be  made  to  increase 
the  number  of  the  Scottish  Catholics  by  encouraging  the  work 
of  the  Jesuits,^  though  they  must  not  interfere  in  affairs  of 
state,  either  in  England  or  in  Scotland,  since,  on  account  of 
their  friendship  with  Spain,  they  were  suspected  by  the  King 
of  Scots,  and  highly  disliked  by  the  alumni  of  the  English 
College.^  Finally,  priests  should  be  trained  for  Scotland 
by  the  development  of  the  Scots  College,  the  scanty  revenues 
of  which  had  hitherto  only  sufficed  for  seven  or  eight  students.'* 
The  Scots  College  of  which  Malvasia  spoke  had  been  founded 
in  1576  at  Tournai  by  an  exiled  Scottish  parish  priest.  During 
the  first  ten  years  of  its  existence  the  College  was  successively 
transferred  to  Pont-a-Mousson,  Douai,  Louvain  and  Antwerp, 
to  find  at  length  a  permanent  home  at  Douai  in  161 2.'''  The 
poverty  of  this  institute  was  known  in  Rome,  for  the  gifts 
of  various  Scottish  priests  were  not  sufficient,  while  the  annual 
revenues  assigned  to  it  by  Gregory  XIII.  and  Mary 
Stuart  were  discontinued  after  the  deaths  of  the  donors. 
Clement  VIII.  therefore  issued  a  circular  in  1593  on  behalf 
of  the  Scottish  seminary,^  and  again,  at  the  intercession  of 
Malvasia,  obtained  by  the  Scottish  Jesuit  Crichton,  the  Pope 
had  recourse  to  the  Archduke  Albert  in  a  brief  of  March  8th, 


A  second  Scots  College  had  existed  in  Paris  since  the  XlVth 
century.^     At  the  suggestion  of  Cardinal  Allen, ^  the  repre- 

'■  Ibid.,  464,  465. 

''Ibid.,  464. 

^Ibid.,  466. 

*  Ibid,.  464. 
5  Ibid. 

^  Ibid.,  222. 

'  Brevia,   Arm.  44,  t.   41,  n.   80,   Papal  Secret  Archives.     Cf. 
Bellesheim,  IL,  223. 

*  Belleshei?.!,   II.,   190. 
'  Ibid.,  223,  n.  3. 

VOL.    XXIV.  =5 


sentative  of  Scotland  at  the  French  court,  Archbishop  Beaton 
of  Glasgow,  together  with  the  Bishop  of  Ross,  resolved  to 
restore  this  ancient  foundation  in  order  to  meet  the  exigencies 
of  the  times,  and  to  supply  it  with  revenues  for  the  training 
of  Scottish  priests.  Clement  VIII.  supported  this  project 
by  a  brief  of  Henr}^  IV.  ^  The  seminary  at  Braunsberg  in 
East  Prussia,^  and  the  Scottish  monasteries  at  Wiirzburg 
and  Ratisbon  also  supplied  several  priests  to  the  Church  in 

But  the  most  important  and  most  wealthy  of  these  estab- 
lishments was  the  Scots  College  in  Rome  ;  this  owed  to 
Clement  VIII.  not  only  the  support  which  he  likewise  gave 
to  the  above-mentioned  seminaries  in  Flanders  and  Paris, 
but  also  its  existence  and  its  ample  endowment.  On  December 
5th,  1600,  the  bull  of  foundation  was  issued,^  and  two  years 
later  it  was  inaugurated  with  ten  students,  who  attended  the 
lectures  at  the  Roman  College,  and  were  dependent  upon  the 
Jesuits  for  their  spiritual  direction.^ 

None  of  these  institutions  could  be  compared,  even 
distantly,  with  the  importance  of  the  English  seminaries. 
The  Scottish  Jesuit  Crichton,  who  was  doing  all  in  his  power 
to  supply  the  lack  of  priests  in  his  own  countr}^  was  of  opinion 
that  once  the  seminaries  were  founded,  many  young  men 
would  flock  thither  from  the  three  universities  of  Scotland, 
which  were  only  lacking  in  the  matter  of  theological  instruction, 
so  that  within  two  or  three  years  there  would  be  a  number 
of  priests  at  his  disposal.^  But  this  forecast  was  not  realized  ; 
the  enthusiasm  with  which  the  English  youth  flocked  to  the 
seminaries  on  the  continent  was  not  reproduced  in  the  neigh- 

1  *Bnef  of  September  i,  1601  ;  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  301,  Papal 
Secret  Archives. 

2  Bellesheim,  II.,  203,  456  seq. 
^  Ibid.,  223  seq. 

*  Bull.,  X.,  625  seqq.  ,    Synopsis,  214. 

'^  Bellesheim,  II.,  221  ;  Heimbucher,  II.,  150.  To  a  later 
date  there  belongs  a  second  Scottish  seminary  in  Paris,  founded 
in  1627.     Forbes-Leith,  370  seq.,  Bellesheim,   II.,  282. 

*  To  Cardinal  Caetani,  1595,  in  Meyer,  459. 


bouring  kingdom,  and  the  number  of  students  in  the  Scottish 
seminaries  remained  relatively  small,  as  it  had  been  in  the 
past.^  Though  rather  later  than  Scotland  or  England,  the 
sister  island  to  the  west  also  had  its  seminaries  on  the  con- 
tinent. About  the  middle  of  the  XVIIth  century  there  were 
to  be  found  Irish  Colleges  for  the  study  of  philosophy  and 
theology  in  Rome,  Salamanca,  Seville,  Compostella,  Madrid, 
Alcala,  Lisbon,  Douai,  Louvain,  Antwerp,  Paris,  Bordeaux 
and  Rouen  ;  to  these  must  be  added  the  educational  estab- 
lishments at  Tournai  and  Lille,  and  numerous  colleges  of 
religious.^  But  very  few  of  these  went  back  to  the  time  of 
the  great  founders  of  the  colleges,  Gregory  XIIL  and 
Clement  VI IL  In  Spain  and  Flanders  these  institutions 
had  their  beginning  when  in  1588  the  Irish  Jesuit,  Thomas 
White,  at  Valladolid,  and  the  Irish  secular  priest  Christopher 
Cusack  in  1594  at  Douai,  gathered  together  the  students  of 
their  race  into  communities.^  Their  subsequent  development 
was  due  to  Philip  II.  ;  at  the  request  of  White,  on  August 
2nd,  1592,  he  granted  the  students  at  Valladohd  a  college 
at  Salamanca,  while  in  1596  he  assigned  an  annual  revenue 
of  5,000  florins  for  an  Irish  seminary  at  Douai,  where  in  1604 
a  site  was  acquired  for  a  new  and  better  building.*  The 
beginnings  of  some  other  Irish  colleges  went  back  further 
still.  In  1578  there  came  to  Paris,  an  exile  from  his  countr}^ 
a  priest  named  John  Lee  with  several  students,  who,  however, 
after  thirty  years  had  hardly  succeeded  in  establishing  a 
permanent  abode. ^  Some  Irish  priests  had  established  a 
school  for  missionaries  in  1573  at  Lisbon  ;  after  this  had  been 
developed  in  1593  under  the  direction  of  the  Jesuit  John 
Holing,  it  received  a  permanent  abode  in  1595,  after  which 

"■Ibid.,  98. 

2  Bellesheim,  Irland,  II.,  217  seqq.,  31.4  seqq.  357  seqq.,  525, 
613,  729.  CJ.  The  Description  of  Ireland,  in  anno  1598,  now 
for  the  first  time  published  by  E.  Hogan,  Dublin,  1878. 

*  Bellesheim,  II. ,  221,  223. 

*  Ibid. 

*  Ibid.,  217. 


White  assumed  the  direction  of  the  estabUshment.^  When 
the  Archduke  Albert  supported  a  number  of  Irishmen  in  the 
seminary  at  Antwerp,  he  was  eulogized  by  the  Pope  in  1604,^ 
as  was  the  King  of  Spain  at  the  same  time  on  account  of  his 
generosit}^  towards  the  Spanish  and  Flemish  Irish  seminaries.^ 
The  Pope  had  already  in  1597  strongly  urged  the  Archduke 
Albert  to  care  for  the  Irish  students  in  Flanders.^  The 
seminaries  on  the  continent  were  rendered  doubly  necessary 
as  a  counterweight  to  Trinity  College,  which  Elizabeth  had 
established  in  Dublin  to  act  as  a  bulwark  of  Protestantism, 
and  which  was  endowed,  both  by  her  and  by  her  successors, 
with  enormous  revenues  and  extensive  privileges.  All  the 
students  and  officials  of  Trinit}^  College  had  to  subscribe  to 
the  Thirty  Nine  Articles,  while  a  third  part  of  the  students 
who  were  educated  there  were  trained  in  Anglican  theology, 
which  was  taught  in  a  spirit  entirely  hostile  to  Catholicism.^ 
According  to  medieval  ideas,  Ireland  was  a  country  that 
had  special  ties  and  obligations  towards  the  Holy  See.  When 
Paul  IV.  in  1555,  at  the  request  of  Philip  II.  and  Queen  Mary, 
raised  Ireland  to  the  dignity  of  a  kingdom,  he  expressly 
reserved  the  rights  of  the  Apostolic  See.®  This  was  probably 
the  reason  why  Clement  VIII.,  in  dealing  with  Irish  affairs, 
departed  from  his  customary  principles.  From  1590  onwards 
the  severit}^  and  cruelt}''  of  the  viceroy  had  goaded  the  Irish 
leaders  into  rebellion,  and  after  certain  successes  on  the  part 
of  O'Neill,  Bishop  Cornelius  O'Melrian  addressed  to  the  Pope 
on  November  4th,  1595,  from  Lisbon  a  request  that,  on  the 

1  Ihid.,  222. 

2  *Brief  of  May  28,  1604,  Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  50,  p.  213,  Papal 
Secret  Archives. 

^  *Brief  of  May  28,  1604,  ibid.,  p.  212. 

*  *Letter  of  September  20,  1597  ;  "  Tibi  igitur  catholicos 
Hybernos  in  universum  at  illos  nominatim  egreriae  spei  iuvenes 
efficaciter  commendamus."  Negociations  de  Rome,  I.,  1582- 
1597,  State  x\rchives,  Brussels  ;  Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  220, 
Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  Bellesheim,  II.,  215. 

« Ibid.,  108.     Cf.  Vol.  XIV,  of  this  work,  p.  360. 


strength  of  the  bull  of  donation  of  Adrian  IV.,  he  would 
separate  Ireland  from  England  and  nominate  O'Neill  as 
king.^  Clement  VIII.  naturally  refused  this  request,  but 
when  in  1598  O'Donnell  and  O'Neill  had  defeated  the  troops 
of  Elizabeth  at  the  battle  of  Blackwater,  and  O'Neill  had 
applied  to  the  Pope  for  assistance,  Clement,  by  the  agency 
of  the  Franciscan,  Matteo  d'Oviedo,  who  had  recently  been 
appointed  Archbishop  of  Dublin,  sent  O'Neill  a  Papal  brief, 
congratulating  him  on  his  victory  and  urging  him  to  continue 
the  war  "  so  that  the  kingdom  of  Ireland  may  not  henceforward 
be  subject  to  the  yoke  of  the  heretics,  nor  the  members  of 
Christ  any  longer  have  the  impious  Elizabeth  as  their  sov- 
ereign."^ A  brief  to  the  commander  of  the  army  renewed 
the  indulgences  formerly  granted  for  the  crusades.^  There 
then  followed  a  series  of  Papal  briefs.  On  Januarj'  20th, 
1601,  Clement  VIII.  again  sent  his  eulogies,  confirming  the 
Irish  in  their  struggle  for  religion,  and  promising  to  send  a 
nuncio.^  On  June  5th  in  the  same  year  there  was  a  further 
series  of  briefs  :  to  the  King  of  Spain,  to  the  Archduke  Albert, ^ 
to  O'Neill,  to  the  clergy  of  Ireland,  and  to  the  notabilities 
of  the  kingdom.®  The  Jesuit  Lodovico  Mansoni,  who  had  been 
chosen  as  nuncio,  was  recommended  in  these  to  the  pro- 
tection of  the  king  and  the  archduke,  but  his  mission  was 
postponed  in  accordance  with  the  representations  of  O'Neill.' 
After  the  battle  of  Blackwater  O'Neill  attained  to  the 
summit  of  his  power,  and  only  the  cities  of  the  island  still 
held  out  against  him.  O'Neill  thought  that  he  could  easily 
overcome  these  as  well  if  Spain  would  help  him  with  troops, 

^  Bellesheim,   II.,   225. 

2  Ibid.,  226  seq. 

3  Ibid.,  227,  228. 

*  Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  22,  printed  in  P.  F.  Moran,  History 
of  the  Catholic  Archbishops  of  Dublin  since  the  Reformation,  I., 
Dublin,  1864,  221.     Cf.  Bellesheim,  II.,  228. 

^  *Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  221,  223.      Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  Ibid.,  212-222. 

'  Bellesheim,  II.,  229.  Brief  of  May  ly,  1601,  with  author!;'.a- 
tion  foi  Mansoni,  see  Synopsis,  I.,  216. 


and  especially  with  artillery.  In  the  years  that  followed, 
however,  his  position  changed  for  the  worse  in  an  alarming 
way,  and  the  Spanish  help,  which  arrived  at  last  on  September 
23rd,  1601,  under  the  commiand  of  Juan  de  Aguila,  and 
occupied  Kinsale,  came  too  late.  Kinsale  was  invested  by 
the  English,  an  Irish  army  that  marched  to  its  relief  was 
defeated,  and  the  Spaniards  were  forced  to  surrender  on 
January  12th,  1602. ^  With  this  the  capitulation  of  Ireland 
was  assured  ;  Munster  and  Ulster  were  devastated  in  such  a 
way  by  the  English  that  the  viceroy.  Mount] oy,  wrote  to 
James  I.  that  nothing  remained  to  his  majesty  in  Ireland 
save  to  rule  over  corpses  and  heaps  of  ashes.  ^ 

After  the  King  of  Scots  had  ascended  the  English  throne, 
with  the  name  of  James  I.,  he  still  carried  on  for  a  time  his 
undignified  double-dealing  towards  the  Pope.  In  the  summer 
of  1603  he  announced  to  Clement  VIII.  his  desire  to  resume 
the  negotiations.^  At  the  same  time  he  chose  the  zealous 
Catholic,  Antony  Standen,  to  be  his  representative  in  Venire 
and  Florence,  but  when  Standen  incautiously  assisted  at  mass 
in  public,  James  had  him  thrown  into  the  Tower,  and  sent 
back  to  Rome  the  sacred  objects  which  Clement  VIII.  had 
given  him  for  the  queen  ;  but  while  everyone  was  expecting 
that  Standen  would  have  to  expiate  his  excessive  zeal  by 
death,  his  imprisonment  was  quietly  changed  into  confinement 
in  his  own  house,  and  he  was  finally  set  at  liberty.^ 

The  hopes  of  Clement  VIII.  rose  high  at  the  beginning  of 
1605,  when  James  Lindsay  once  more  made  his  appearance 
in  Rome,  bringing  replies  to  the  briefs  which  he  had  taken 
with  him  to  London  in  1602.  A  3'ear  before  this  James  I. 
had  conveyed  to  the  nuncio  in  Paris  the  royal  instructions 
which  were  to  guide  Lindsay's  actions  in  Rome.     As  to  the 

1  Bellesheim,  II.,  230  ;    Kelso,  55-94. 

"^  Bellesheim,  loc.  cif.  Clement  VIII.  once  again  raised  his 
voice  on  behalf  of  Ireland  in  the  *letters  to  the  nuncio  in  Spain 
of  June  18  and  September  28,  1603,  Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome. 

3  Meyer,  292. 

*  Jbid.,  292  seq. 


principal  matter,  which  meant  most  to  the  Pope,  namely  the 
Catholic  education  of  the  heir  to  the  throne,  and  to  which 
he  had  so  often  called  the  attention  of  the  king,  the  latter 
remained  definitely  hostile,  saying  that  immediately  after 
he  had  received  the  Pope's  request,  James  had  ordered  his 
reply  to  be  written,  and  that  it  was  only  due  to  Lindsay's 
illness  that  it  had  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the  Pope  so  late. 
In  other  respects  the  king  did  no  more  than  make  vague 
promises,  assuring  the  Pope  of  the  pleasure  which  he  felt  in 
his  friendship,  and  promising  to  treat  the  English  Catholics 
who  preserved  the  peace  with  justice  and  in  accordance  with 
his  duty. 

Such  expressions  as  these  naturally  contained  very  little 
to  cause  the  arrival  of  Lindsay  to  be  awaited  with  any 
particular  impatience.  In  August,  1604,  the  Pope's  senti- 
ments towards  the  King  of  England  were  on  the  whole 
unfavourable,  while  the  great  complaisance  shown  by  Spain 
in  making  peace  with  England  displeased  him  as  much  as 
her  friendship  with  the  heretics. ^     Nevertheless  he  still  saw 

i  *"  Hieri  arrivo  al  Papa  il  corriero  partite  d'  Inghilterra  e 
passalo  air  arciduca  Alberto  con  la  conclusione  della  pace  conce- 
duta  da  Inghilterra  a  supplicanti  Spagnuoli  ;  hanno  giocata  di 
gran  somma  di  moneta  verso  li  deputati  e  de'  instantissime  e 
humili  preghiere.  II  Papa  non  I'approva  cosi  grande  amista  con 
eretici  e  disse  all'  ambasciatore  di  Francia  le  capitolationi  vergog- 
nose  a  Spagna,  delle  quah  mi  ricordo  queste,  che  il  Re  d'  Inghil- 
terra sia  per  honore  noininato  nel  primo  luogo,  che  tenga  le 
fortezze  che  ha  sotto  nome  per  li  danari  che  vi  ha  spesi,  che  non 
si  restituiranno  mai,  che  Inglesi  trafichino  ne'  paesi  di  Spagna 
pagando  solamente  dieci  per  100,  che  non  sieno  per  questo  nemici 
a  Olandesi,  che  il  Re  non  mandi  suoi'  galioni  in  India,  ma  che 
non  puo  impedire  che  Inglesi  non  vadano  alia  busca,  che  c  1'  istessa 
che  p:ima."  (Report  of  an  anonymous  agent  to  Mantua,  August  14, 
1604,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua).  Disgust  at  the  unfortunate 
terms  of  the  peace  did  not  prevent  the  joy  at  the  conclusion  of 
the  peace  itself  which  Clement  VIII.  expressed  in  a  letter  to  the 
nuncio  in  Spain,  of  August  24,  1604.  Cf.  Ph.  Hiltebrandt  in 
Oiicllen  u.  Forsch.,  XV.  (1913),  308,  n. 

72  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

in  these  events  reasons  to  hope  for  an  improvement  in  the 
religious  position  in  England.  He  therefore  insistently  urged 
the  Catholics  there  to  give  the  king  no  grounds  for  suspicion. 
The  French  nuncio,  Maffeo  Barberini,  was  instructed  in 
December,  1604,  as  his  predecessor  Bufalo  had  been,  to 
maintain  friendly  relations  with  the  English  ambassadors 
in  Paris,  and  thus  prove  to  James  I.  that  the  Pope  had  no 
care  except  the  salvation  of  souls. ^  In  this  way  Clement  VIII. 
hoped  in  the  end  to  win  over  James  I.,  and  this  hope  was 
paramount  in  his  mind  when  Lindsay  actually  made  his 
appearance  in  Rome,  bearing  a  letter  from  Queen  Anne,^ 
which  contained,  it  would  appear,  brilliant  promises.  Accord- 
ing to  Lindsay's  report,  the  king  was  ripe  for  conversion,  if 
only  the  Pope  would  renounce  his  authority  over  the  princes.^ 
Clement  VIII.  was  overjoyed,  and  in  January,  1605,  replied 
to  the  queen  in  a  letter  couched  in  the  most  friendly  terms, 
in  which  he  praised  her  in  the  highest  way,^  while  he  appointed 
a  special  commission  of  Cardinals  to  discuss  the  English 
situation,  which  held  two  meetings  on  January  17th  and 

The  new  King  of  England  treated  the  English  Catholics 
in  the  same  way  as  he  did  the  Pope,  for  with  them  too  he  sought 
to  arouse  constant  hopes,  without  ever  intending  that  they 
should  be  realized.  The  accession  of  James  I.  to  the  throne 
had  been  hailed  by  the  Catholics  of  England  with  the  highest 
hopes  ;  they  trusted  in  the  promises  which  he  had  repeatedly 
made,  since  even  on  his  way  to  London  he  had  renewed  his 
assurance  that  he  would  not  exact  the  fines  for  absence  from 

1  See  the  *Instructions  in  Vol,  XXIII,  App.  n.  45,  Vatican 

2  So  far  not  found. 

3  Meyer,  296. 

*  Printed  copy  in  Bellesheim,  II.,  469.  For  the  date  (January 
23  or  28)  see  Meyer,  296. 

*  *Avvisi  of  January  19  and  26,  1605.  Urb.  1073,  Vatican 
Library.  The  members  of  the  commission,  according  to  the 
Avviso  of  January  19,  were  Galli  (president),  Medici,  Baronius, 
Pietro  and  Cinzio  Aldobrandini,  Avila,  Bandini,  A.  Marzato,  Du 
Perron,  Bufalo,  Visconti  and  G.  Agucchio. 

JAMES    PLAYS   A    DOUBLE    GAME.  73 

Protestant  worship.^  The  superior  of  the  English  Jesuits, 
Henry  Garnet,  wrote-  "  the  death  of  the  queen  has  brought 
about  a  great  change  ;  our  anxiety  was  very  great,  but  it 
has  now  become  changed  into  confidence,  and  we  are  rejoicing 
in  a  period  of  unhoped  for  hberty."  Two  Papal  briefs 
concerning  the  succession  to  the  throne,  which  had  been 
entrusted  to  Garnet,  and  kept  b}^  him  for  use  in  case  of  need, 
were  burned  by  him  as  useless  ;  in  these  the  clergy  and  faithful 
of  England  were  exhorted  to  support  no  claimant  to  the 
throne  who  had  not  sworn  allegiance  to  the  Apostolic  See.^ 
These  fair  hopes,  however,  were  nothing  but  beautiful 
dreams.  James  was  playing  a  double  game  :  on  the  one 
hand  he  hated  the  religion  of  his  mother,  while  on  the  other 
he  feared  excommunication  on  account  of  its  political  con- 
sequences. He  therefore  kept  Clement  VHI.  in  suspense  until 
1605,  deceiving  him  with  fair  words  ;*  things  even  reached 
the  point  when  the  Pope  offered  to  inflict  ecclesiastical 
penalties  on  turbulent  Catholics,^  and  the  king  put  forward 
the  proposal,  though  to  no  purpose,  that  the  power  of  inflicting 

^  Gardiner,  L,  100. 

*  To  Persons,  April  16,  1603,  in  Spillmann,  IV.,  5.  The 
Catholics  united  as  a  body  in  supporting  the  rights  of  James 
to  the  throne  (Lech at,  194  seq.).  Cf.  the  *report  of  September 
29,  1604  :  "  Progressi  et  augmenti  de'  cattolici  in  Inghilterra," 
Vallicella  Library,  Rome,  n.  23,  pp.  241-248.  Ibid.,  150-215, 
many  matters  concerning  the  English  martyrs.  *  Reports  of 
the  nuncio  in  France,  Malfeo  Barberini  (Urban  VIIL)  concerning 
England,  in  the  Barberini  Library,  Rome,  XXXL,  75. 

'Confessions  of  Garnet  of  March  13  and  14,  1606,  in  Foley 
IV.,  158-159.  Particulars  of  these  briefs,  of  July  5  and  12, 
1600,  by  J.  DE  LA  Serviere  in  Eludes,  XCIV.,  (1903)  645. 

^  Cf.  Gardiner,  L,  225. 

^  Gardiner,  L,  140  ,9^(7.  "  S.S*'^  vole  e  comanda  che  li 
catholici  siano  obbedienti  al  re  d'  Inghilterra,  come  a  loro  signore 
e  re  naturale."  The  nuncio  in  France  must  take  care  "  che 
conforme  alia  volonta  di  N.S.  obedischino  al  suo  re  e  non  s'  in- 
trighino  in  congiure,  tumulti  ed  altri  cose,  per  le  quali  possino 
dispiacere  quella  Maesta."  Alodbrandini  to  the  nuncio  in  France, 
in  Ranke,  Engl.  Gesch.,  I.,  531, 


such  penalties  should  be  conferred  on  an  authorized  agent, ^ 
who  naturally  would  use  his  powers  in  accordance  with  the 
wishes  of  the  government.  In  a  conversation  with  the  French 
envoy-extraordinary,  the  future  Duke  of  Sully,  James  pointed 
out^  that  he  had  not  exacted  the  fines  for  failure  to  attend  at 
church,  and  that  he  desired  to  remain  on  friendly  terms  with 
the  Pope,  if  the  latter  would  recognize  him  as  the  head  of  the 
Anglican  Church.^  After  the  conspiracy  of  Watson,  the 
king  again  expressed  himself  unfavourably  towards  the 
Catholics  to  Beaumont,  the  French  ambassador  ;  he  seemed, 
however,  to  calm  down  when  Beaumont  pointed  out  that  the 
conspirators  were  only  exceptions  among  a  body  that  was 
otherwise  loyal  to  the  king,  and  that  conspiracies  were  difficult 
to  avoid  unless  libert}^  of  conscience  was  allowed.'* 

The  practical  attitude  of  James  towards  the  Catholics 
showed  even  greater  unreliability  than  his  words.  His 
promises  were  no  more  sincere,  when  he  was  striving  to  obtain 
the  English  crown, ^  for  they  always  concealed  a  condition  or 
limitation  which  escaped  the  notice  of  the  too  credulous 
adherents  of  the  ancient  faith.  "  As  to  the  Catholics,"  he 
wrote, ^  "  I  do  not  intend  to  persecute  any  of  them  who  main- 
tain the  peace  and  obey  the  laws  at  any  rate  externally,  and 
protection  will  not  be  denied  to  anyone  who  is  worthy  of  it 

^  "  Quanto  alia  facolta  di  chianiare  sotto  pena  di  scommunica 
i  turbolenti,  non  ci  par  darla  per  sdesso,  perch  e  trattiamo  con 
heretici,  e  corrianio  pericolo  di  perder  i  securi."  Reply  of 
Clement  VIII.  to  the  dispatch  of  Bufalo  of  December  14,  1604, 
in  G.\RDiNER,  I.,  143. 

■"Ibid.,    115 

^  *"  Adulando  il  Pontifice  in  quelle  che  si  puo,  nei  regni  suoi 
rovina  i!  Pontificato  "  is  the  judgment  passed  on  the  frequent 
expressions  of  James  in  favour  of  Rome  in  a  "  Comparatione 
tra  i  tre  gran  Re  dell'  Europa  1'  anno  1605,"  State  Library,  Berlin, 
Inform,  polit.,   XII.,   450. 

*  Beiiumont  to  Henry  IV.,  July  23,  1603,  in  G.^RDINER,  I.,  115. 

*  This  is  shown  by  his  correspondence  with  Cecil,  1602  ;  see 
Zimmerman  in  the  Rum.  Quarfahchr.,  XVI.  (1902),  302  seq. 

*  Degli  Effetti  to  Bufalo,  June  26,  1603,  in  Gardiner,  I.,_  ioq. 

THE    QUESTION    OF    FINES.  75 

on  accoiint  of  his  good  services."  So  long  as  "  at  least  external 
obedience  "  to  the  laws  was  demanded,  the  king,  despite  these 
fair  words,  had  a  free  hand  to  do  as  he  pleased,  and  in  fact, 
in  direct  contradiction  to  the  sense  of  the  promises  which  he 
had  made  since  his  arrival  in  England,  James  caused  the  fines 
for  non-attendance  at  divine  worship  to  be  collected  ;  if 
the  Catholics,  he  publicly  declared  at  that  time,^  professed  a 
difierent  religion  from  his  own,  they  could  not  be  good  subjects. 
When,  however,  on  July  17th,  1603,  a  deputation  of  Catholics 
made  complaint  before  the  Priv}^  Council  in  the  presence  of 
the  king,  James  promised  that  the  fines  should  be  stopped, 
and  that  the  Catholics,  provided  they  obeyed  the  laws,  should 
have  access  to  the  highest  offices  in  the  service  of  the  state. ^ 
For  a  time  the  wealthy  adherents  of  the  ancient  Church 
were  no  longer  troubled  with  the  fines,  and  those  who  had  no 
means,  "  to  the  enormous  loss  "  of  the  revenues  of  state,  were 
excused  from  the  confiscation  of  their  lands.  ^  Among  the 
Catholics  of  high  estate,  the  king  had  admitted  to  his  entourage 
in  a  special  way,  Henry  Howard,  a  man  of  unprincipled 
character,  who  was  later  on  Earl  of  Northampton,  and  was  a 
brother  of  the  executed  Duke  of  Norfolk  ;  he  had  to  serve 
"  the  royal  huntsman  "  as  a  decoy,  in  order  to  cover  the 
king's  immorality.^ 

The  majority  of  the  Catholics,  however,  proved  themselves 
more  sound  in  their  principles  than  Howard,  and  the  apparent 
favour  of  the  king  did  not  last  very  long.  "  We  no  longer 
have  an}-  need  of  the  Papists,"  the  king  replied,  when  Watson, 
who  had  hitherto  been  his  favourite,  reminded  him  of  his 

The  fact  that  the  number  of  the  Catholics  had  considerably 

1  Degli  Effetti,  June  23,  1603,  ibid.,  loi. 

2  Gardiner,   I.,   115. 

'  ■'  The  income  accruing  to  the  Crowii  from  this  source  (the 
two-thirds  of  the  property  of  the  recusants)  was  enormously 
diminished."     Gardiner,  I.,  116. 

^  Ibid.,    115   scq.     Vox  Howard,    ibid.,   93. 

^  "  Na,  na,  we'll  not  need  the  Papists  now."  Lingard,  IX., 
10  n.  ;  Gardiner,  I.,  100. 


increased  once  the  laws  were  no  longer  enforced,  filled  the 
king  with  anxiety  ;  by  May,  1604,  the  number  of  those  who 
had  returned  to  the  ancient  religion  had  risen  to  10,000  in 
the  diocese  of  Chester  alone  ;  the  number  of  those  who  did 
not  attend  Anglican  worship  increased  from  2,400  to  3,433.^ 
The  fear  of  passing  in  the  eyes  of  the  public  as  the  friend  of 
the  Catholics  then  drove  the  unprincipled  monarch  openly 
to  declare  himself  against  them. 

On  February  22nd,  1604,  James,  under  pressure  from  the 
Privy  Council,  ordered  that  on  March  19th,  the  day  of  the 
opening  of  Parliament,  all  Catholic  priests  must  leave  the 
countr5^2  On  March  22nd,  in  a  speech  before  Parliament,^ 
he  excused  bimself  for  his  leniency  towards  the  Catholics, 
by  saying  that  he  had  allowed  himself  to  be  guided  by  the 
hope  that  proposals  would  be  laid  before  the  Lords  and 
Commons  for  the  removal  of  certain  indefinite  points  in  the 
existing  laws  against  the  Catholics,  in  that  these  had  led  to 
an  excessive  severity  which  was  contrary  to  the  intention  of 
the  legislator,  and  to  the  condemnation  of  the  innocent. 
Catholic  priests  could  not  be  tolerated  in  the  kingdom  so  long 
as  they  professed  the  doctrine  that  the  Pope  had  temporal 
authority  over  all  kings  and  emperors,*  or  that  excommuni- 
cated princes  could  be  killed  with  impunity.  The  laity  too 
must  be  prohibited  from  drawing  anyone  to  their  own  religion, 
in  order  that  the  Catholics  might  not  acquire  a  power  which 
contained  within  it  danger  to  the  liberties  of  the  country 
and  to  the  independence  of  the  crown. 

1  Gardiner,  I.,  202,  222,  231.  James  L  had  caused  lists  of 
the  recusants  to  be  drawn  up  in  each  county  (ibid.,  144).  "  In 
principatu  Walliae  et  in  provinciis  septentrionalibus  .... 
Humerus  eorum  non  ita  pridem  crevit  in  immensum  "  (Djscursus 
status  religionis  1605,  in  Ranke,  England,  I.,  531).  Cf.  Gardiner. 
I.,  242.     For  the  disturbances  at  Hereford  see  Foley,  IV.,  452. 

2  Gardiner,  I.,  144.  In  less  than  nine  months  after  the  death 
of  Elizabeth  it  is  said  that  140  priests  arrived  in  England.     Ibid., 


^  Ibid.,   166. 

i  "  An  imperial  civil  power  over  all  Kings  and  Emperors  ' 


In  this  way  James  revealed  himself  to  the  whole  country 
as  a  good  Protestant,  but  the  cunning  monarch  at  the  same 
time  did  not  wish  to  irritate  the  Catholics  too  much.  After 
his  edict  against  the  priests  he  told  the  Spanish  ambassador 
that  he  had  not  been  able  to  act  otherwise  because  of  the  Privy 
Council,  but  that  the  enforcement  of  the  law  would  be  wanting 
in  any  kind  of  rigour. ^  As  a  matter  of  fact,  a  month  after- 
wards, not  one  of  the  persons  concerned  had  been  banished, 
and  a  priest  who  had  been  arrested  for  saying  mass  was  once 
again  set  at  liberty. - 

The  Catholics,  however,  were  under  no  illusion  as  to  the 
continuance  of  such  a  state  of  affairs.^  Good  Protestants 
bitterly  complained  that  Catholics  enjoyed  a  liberty  such 
as  they  had  not  had  for  years  past.^  James  accordingly 
anticipated  their  wishes.  On  May  17th,  1604,  he  expressed 
in  Parliament  his  disgust  at  the  increase  of  the  Catholics,  and 
urged  the  passing  of  a  law  to  set  bounds  to  it.  On  June  4th 
a  proposal  to  that  effect  was  laid  before  the  House  of  Lords, 
which  was  confirmed  by  the  Commons  in  July.^  In  this  the 
existing  laws  against  the  Catholics  were  renewed  and  made 
more  severe  ;  all  the  alumni  of  the  seminaries  over-seas  were 
declared  incapable  of  possessing  land  or  any  other  property' 
on  English  soil,  while  all  professors  were  forbidden  to  set  up 
a  school  without  the  approval  of  an  Anglican  bishop.®  James  I. 
rejected  a  petition  of  the  Catholic  priests  offering  to  take  an 
oath  of  allegiance  to  the  king,  as  well  as  another  in  which  the 
laity  pledged  themselves  for  the  good  behaviour  of  the  Catholic 
priests  whom  the  law  should  allow  them  to  have  in  their 
own  houses  ;  he  merely  confirmed  the  law.  ^ 

1  From  Bulalo  to  Aldobrandini,  March  22,  1604,  in  Gardiner, 
I.,   144. 

'^  Ibid.,  201. 

^  From  Bufalo  to  Aldobrandini,  May  31,  1004,  supplement, 
ibid.,  202. 

*  Ibid.,  201   seq. 

°  Ibid.,  203. 

^  LiNGARD.,  IX.,  28. 

'  Gardiner,  I.,  203. 


In  spite  of  this  the  king  did  not  wish  even  now  altogether 
to  cut  his  bridges  behind  him,  and  his  negotiations  with  Rome 
still  continued.  In  dealing  with  the  representatives  of  the 
old  Church,  James  I.  spoke  of  a  General  Council,  which  should 
settle  the  question  of  reunion  among  the  churches  by  a  free 
discussion  of  their  points  of  difference  ;^  he  assured  the  French 
ambassador  that  for  the  moment  he  had  no  thought  of  enforc- 
ing the  laws,^  and  had  excused  the  sixteen  nobles  v  ho  refused 
to  attend  church  the  monthly  fine  of  twenty  pounds.^  In  a 
conversation  with  a  representative  of  the  Duke  of  Lorraine 
he  declared  his  readiness  to  accept  the  Roman  Church  as  his 
mother,  and  the  Pope  as  universal  bishop,  with  universal 
ecclesiastical  jurisdiction.  If  the  Roman  Church  would  take 
one  step  towards  the  restoration  of  unity,  he  would  take  three. 
It  was  distasteful  to  him  to  have  been  forced  against  his  will 
to  give  his  assent  to  the  new  law,  and  he  would  not  enforce 
its  penalties  on  religious  grounds.*  In  the  same  sense  on 
September  24th,  1604,  even  the  Privy  Council  had  decided 
by  seven  votes  to  three  that  the  persecuting  laws  should  not 
be  enforced  in  the  case  of  the  laity.  ^ 

Their  enforcement,  however,  had  already  been  entrusted 
to  over-zealous  officials.  During  the  years  1604  and  1605 
at  least  six  Catholics  died  at  the  hands  of  the  executioner  on 
account  of  their  faith. ^  But  James  I.  naturally  had  no  part 
in  their  condemnation,''  and  six  other  Catholics,  five  priests 
and  one  layman,  who  had  been  condemned  to  death  by  the 
courts  during  these  same  years,  were  pardoned  by  him.^ 

It  was,  however,  easy  to  foresee  that  the  leniency  of  the 
king  would  not  last  long,  and  that  the  first  concessions  made 

*  From  Bufalo,  June  12,  1604,  in  Gardiner,  I.,  202. 
2  Beaumont  to  Henry  IV.,  July  18,   1604,  ibid.,  203. 

*  Ibid.,  203  seq. 

*  From  Bufalo,  September  21,  1604,  ibid.,  220  seq. 
^  Ibid.,  222,  223,  n.  I. 

•^  Spillmann,  IV.,  10-16. 

'  "  Senza  la  partecipatione  di  quel  Re  "  wrote  Bufalo  on 
August  24,  1604,  in  Gardiner,  I.,  222,  n.  i. 

*  Spillman,  IV.,  16. 


to  the  Protestants  must  soon  be  followed  by  others.  At  the 
end  of  September,  1604,  he  caused  all  the  Catholic  priests 
who  were  incarcerated  in  the  English  prisons  to  be  sent  out 
of  the  kingdom  over-seas.^  From  November  28th  onwards 
absence  from  Anglican  worship  was  again  punished  by  heavy 
lines.-  It  is  possible  that  this  measure  was  solely  due  to  the 
financial  straits  of  the  king,^  and  as  the  heavy  fine  of  twenty 
pounds  a  month  could  only  be  paid  by  the  most  wealthy 
Catholics,  it  only  affected  thirteen  gentlemen.^  But  when 
the  action  taken  by  James  against  the  Puritans  aroused  a 
suspicion  of  his  favouring  the  Catholics,  and  the  public 
obtained  some  inkling  of  his  negotiations  with  the  Pope,  the 
king  preferred  his  rei^utation  as  a  good  Protestant  to  any 
sense  of  justice  towards  the  Catholics.  On  Februar}/  loth, 
1605,  he  declared  at  the  Privy  Council  that  he  detested  in  the 
highest  degree  the  superstitious  religion  of  the  Papists,  and 
if  he  thought  that  his  son  and  heir  would  show  the  slightest 
favour  to  them,  he  would  rather  see  him  buried  before  his 
eyes.  The  Lords  of  the  Council  and  the  other  bishops  must 
instruct  the  judges  that  the  laws  were  to  be  enforced  with  all 
possible  severity.^ 

The  effects  of  this  exhortation  were  not  long  in  making 
themselves  felt,  for  on  the  day  after  its  proclamation  by  the 
Lord  Mayor  of  London,  forty-nine  citations  were  issued  in 
the  capital  and  the  county  of  Middlesex.  5,560  persons  were 
condemned  in  the  various  districts  of  England  for  having  failed 
to  attend  Protestant  w^orship.^  Enormous  fines  were  once 
more  levied  upon  the  wealthy  Catholics,  while  many  had 
two-thirds  of  their  property  confiscated."     In  October,  1605, 

1  Gardiner,  I.,  222. 

2  Ibid.,  224. 

3  Thus   Gardiner    {ibid.). 
*  Ibid. 

^  Ibid.,   227. 
« Ibid. 

'  Exact  details  from  the  Receipt  Books  of  the  Exchequer,  in 
Gardiner,    227-230,    who   brings    out   especially  the   relaxation 


the  superior  of  the  Jesuits  wrote^  that  the  action  taken  by  the 
government  was  even  more  severe  than  in  the  days  of 
Elizabeth.  2 

Strict  investigations  in  private  houses  were  the  order  of  the 
day,  and  every  six  weeks  a  special  court  of  justice  sat,  which 
despoiled  the  Catholics  of  their  possessions  ;  the  enforcement 
of  the  laws  was  entrusted  to  the  most  rigorous  Puritans,  who 
in  other  respects  were  disliked  by  the  king.  If  one  of  the 
"  recusants  "  offered  to  buy  back  his  confiscated  property, 
he  exposed  himself  to  the  risk  of  losing  the  sum  thus  offered 
as  well.  If  this  process  continued,  said  Garnet,  they  would 
have  at  last  to  be  content  with  buying  back  every  six  months 
the  bed  in  which  they  slept.  The  justices  openly  said  that 
the  king  wanted  blood  ;  he  no  longer  desired  caresses  for  the 
Papists  as  of  yore,  but  blows. ^  In  the  county  of  Hereford  409 
families  were  reduced  to  beggary  at  a  single  blow.*  The 
bishops  were  instructed  to  excommunicate  the  more  wealthy 
Catholics  ;  these  could  then  be  thrown  into  prison,  and  thereby 
lost  a  number  of  their  civil  rights  ;  they  could  not  even 
recover  their  debts,  buy  or  sell  anything,  nor  dispose  of  their 
property  by  will.^ 

Death  spared  Clement  VIII.  the  sorrow  of  witnessing  this 
last  development. 

of  the  severity.  We  here  join  with  Gardiner  against  Lingard 
(IX.,  30  scqq.)  although  it  dees  not  appear  that  Gardiner  has 
removed  ah  the  difficulties. 

1  Lingard.  IX.,  Note  C,  p.  387  ;    Foley,  IV.,  63. 

^  "  The  courses  taken  are  more  severe  than  in  Queen  Elizabeth's 
time."  Lingard,  388.  In  like  manner  an  unnamed  contem- 
porary in  SriLLMANN,  IV.,  17  :  "  They  (the  Catholics)  pay  their 
two  parts  more  roundly  than  ever  they  did  in  the  time  of  the  late 
queen,  not  any  as  I  think  being  left  out  before  Michaelmas." 
Northampton  in  July,  1605,  in  Lingard,  IX.,  42  n. 

3  "  That  the  King  has  hitherto  stroaked  the  papist,  but  now 
will  strike."     Lingard,  IX.,  388. 

*  Lingard,  IX.,  41. 

*  Ibid.,  42. 


Attempted  Catholic  Restoration  in  Sweden. 

The  principal  event  during  the  life  of  Cardinal  Ippolito 
Aldobrandini  had  been  his  legation  to  Poland  in  the  year 
1588,  and  the  energy  that  he  had  then  displayed  had  con- 
tributed not  a  little  to  his  elevation  to  the  See  of  Peter.  ^  It 
is  no  wonder,  then,  that  he  should  have  taken  a  great  interest 
in,  and  shown  a  sincere  sympathy  for,  the  whole  of  the  North, 
and  especially  for  the  immense  kingdom  in  the  north-east  and 
its  king,  Sigismund  III.,  a  man  of  strictly  Catholic  sentiments.^ 
Clement  fully  realized  the  supreme  importance  for  the  future 
of  the  Church  in  Europe  of  the  way  in  which  events  should 
develop  there  in  that  kingdom  which  extended  from  the 
Warta  to  the  Dnieper,  and  from  the  Baltic  to  the  Carpathians. 
The  fact  that  the  King  of  Poland  intended  to  marry  the 
Archduchess  Anna,  of  the  Styrian  branch  of  the  Hapsburgs, 
who  was  a  staunch  Catholic,  was  certain  to  win  the  sympathy 
of  the  Pope.  He  therefore  at  once,  at  his  first  consistory  on 
February  14th,  1592,  appointed  Cardinal  Georg  Radziwill 
as  legate  for  the  marriage,^  and  afterwards  sent  the  new  queen 
the  Golden  Rose.*  At  the  beginning  of  June,  1592,  the 
nunciature  in  Poland  was  entrusted  to  the  Bishop  of  San 

iC/.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  23  seq. 

^  See  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  27,  105.  Paruta,  Relazione,  431. 
See  also  Biaudet  in  the  periodical  Histor.  arkisio,  XIX. 
(Helsingissa,  1905),  187. 

*  See  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  February  14,  1592, 
Cod.  Barb.  XXXVI. ,  5,  III.,  Vatican  Library.  In  the  suite  of 
the  legate  was  P.  Alaleone  ;  for  his  *Diarium  cf.  Arch.  Rom.,  XVI., 
19  seq. 

*  See  the  brief  of  May  28,  1592,  in  Theiner,  Mon.  Pol.,  III., 
209  seq. 

VOL.  xxiv.  81  6 


Severe,  Germanico  Malaspina,^  who  had  already  distinguished 
himself  in  other  diplomatic  missions  under  the  predecessors  of 
Clement  VI 1 1. 2 

Malaspina  found  a  very  difficult  state  of  affairs  in  Poland. 
King  Sigismund  was  engaged  in  disputes  with  his  nobles,  and 
especially  in  a  violent  altercation  with  the  chancellor  of  the 
crown,  Zamoiski.  The  nuncio  rightly  looked  upon  a  recon- 
ciliation between  these  two  as  his  first  duty,  and  this  he  soon 
succeeded  in  bringing  about,  after  the  celebrated  Diet  of 
Inquisition  in  the  autumn  of  1592.^  The  Pope  was  alike 
gratified  at  this  first  success  of  his  nuncio  and  with  his  attitude 
at  that  celebrated  diet.^  When  in  the  following  year  there 
arose  another  dispute  between  Sigismund  and  Zamoiski,  it 
was  once  more  Malaspina  who,  at  the  Diet  of  Warsaw  in 

1  See  the  brief  of  June  6,  1592,  in  Theiner,  Ioc.  cii.,  209.  The 
statement  of  Hansen  (Nuntiaturberichte,  I.,  308  n.),  that 
Malaspina  only  became  nuncio  in  1595,  is  incorrect.  The  reports 
of  the  nunciature  of  Malaspina  from  June  15,  1592,  to  April  20, 
1598,  in  BoRGHESE,  III.,  52  a,  b  ;  III.,  66  c,  d  ;  III.,  15  a  ; 
III.,  91  a,  b  ;  III.,  89  c  ;  III.,  89  d  ;  III.,  96  e,  Papal  Secret 
Archives,  were  already  prepared  for  publication  in  1892-93,  by 
the  Polish  Academy  of  Science  :  cf.  Am.  der  Krakauer  Akad., 
1894,  February,  p.  26.  Recently  a  scholar  of  Finland  has 
announced  the  publication  of  the  acta  which  refer  to  Sweden  ; 
see  BiAUDET,  Le  St.  Siege  et  la  Suede,  I.,  viii.  seq.  Some  reports 
of  Malaspina  belonging  to  1592  were  published  by  ScHMURLOinhis 
work,  Russland  u,  Italien,  t.  II.,  fasc.  i,  Petersburg,  1908,  172  seq. 
Free  use  was  made  of  them  recently  by  Sven  Tumberg  (Sigismund 
och  Sverige,  1597-1598,  Upsala,  1917).  L.  Kartunnen,  Chiffres 
dipl.  des  Nonces  en  Pologne  vers  la  fin  du  16^  siecle,  Helsinki, 
191 1,  treats  both  of  the  cypher  letters  of  Malaspina  in  Cod.  M. 
II.,  56,  of  the  Chigi  Library,  Rome,  which  Meister  missed,  as 
well  as  of  the  cypher  letters  of  Caetani,  Mandina  and  Rangoni. 
For  the  personality  of  Malaspina  cf.  Hjarne,  Sigismundus 
svenska  resor,  10  seqq.,  and  Parnanen,  32  seqq. 

2  Cf.  Vol.  XXII.  of  this  work,  pp.  73,  88. 

*  F.  V.  Wezyk,  Der  Konflikt  des  Konigs  Sigismund  III.  Wasa 
mit  den  poln.  Standen  u.  der  Inquisitionsreichstag  vom  7  Septem- 
ber, 1592,  Leipzig,  1869. 

*  Cf.  Paruia,  Dispacci,  I.,  27-29. 


1593,  succeeded  in  reconciling  them.  The  nuncio  enjoyed 
the  complete  confidence  of  both  the  king  and  the  chancellor, 
and  during  the  course  of  both  Diets  all  important  questions 
that  were  to  be  brought  forward  for  discussion  were  first 
examined  in  private  by  the  nuncio,  so  that  he  was  able  to 
smooth  over  all  difficulties  with  the  tact  of  a  skilled  diplo- 
matist,^ and  even  settled  the  disputes  between  Cardinals 
Radziwill  and  Bathory.^ 

The  most  important  question  with  which  the  Diet  of  1593 
was  concerned  was  the  journey  of  Sigismund  III.  to  Sweden, 
his  native  country,  which  he  had  already  planned  in  the 
previous  year.  At  that  time,  on  account  of  the  difficult 
position  of  affairs  in  Poland,  the  Pope  had  discouraged  this.^ 

^  Cf.  the  report  in  Anz.  der  Krak.  Akad.,  1894,  February, 
where  it  is  stated  :  "  Les  depeches  de  Malaspina,  fort  longues  et 
fort  nombreuses,  nous  devoilent  les  dessous  de  toutes  les  intrigues 
qui  se  nouerent  pendant  ces  deux  dietes  ;  elles  entrent  dans  les 
details  les  plus  minutieux  de  la  vie  parlamentaire  de  cette  epoque 
et  nous  permettent  de  faire  au  jour  le  jour  pour  ainsi  dire  son 
histoire  secrete,  de  compendre  la  tactique  qu'on  y  mettait  en 
Oiuvre.  en  un  mot  jettent  la  plus  vive  lumiere  sur  ces  curieuses 
assemblees.  On  y  trouve  aussi  quantite  d' in  formations  sur  le  roi 
et  la  cour,  Zamoyski,  le  primat  Karnkowski,  le  marechal  de  la 
couronne  Opalinski,  et  sur  beaucoup  d'autres  personnes.  La 
grande  figure  de  Zamoyski  ressort  singulierement  imposante  de 
ces  correspondances.  Cela  est  d'autant  plus  digne  de  remarque 
que  Malaspina,  loin  d'etre  favorable  au  Chancelier,  semble 
plutot  avoir  une  sorte  d 'antipathic  pour  lui  ;  il  est,  au  moins  au 
commencement,  son  adversaire  declare  et  se  porte  avec  chaleur 
dans  le  parti  au  roi  qu'il  sert  de  toute  son  influence  et  de  tout 
son  pouvoir.  Ce  n'est  qu'avec  le  temps  qu'il  abandonnera  ses 
preventions  contre  Zamoyski." 

*  See  the  *briefs  to  the  two  Cardinals  of  April  3  and  May  i, 
1593,  Arm.  44,  t.  38,  p.  282,  310,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  the 
summary  *Attioni  seguite  in  Polonia  et  in  Suetia  dapoi  I'assun- 
tione  al  pontificate  di  N.S.  Clemente  VIII.  in  Cod.  N.  34,  p.  433, 
of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 

*  See  the  brief  of  August  28,  1592,  in  Theinek,  II.,  Doc.  p. 
82  seq. 


But  when,  on  November  17th,  1592,  Sigismund's  father, 
John  III.,  died,  and  the  crown  of  Sweden  fell  to  the  King  of 
Poland,  the  situation  was  entirely  altered,  but  from  the  first 
the  greatest  difficulties  stuod  in  the  way  of  his  taking  possession 
of  his  lawful  inheritance.  These  difficulties  came  above  all 
from  his  uncle,  Charles,  Duke  of  Sodermanland,  who  was 
determined  at  all  costs  to  possess  himself  of  the  Swedish 
crown.  This  unscrupulous  politician,  who  was  both  far-seeing 
and  a  cold-blooded  schemer,  set  himself  to  his  task  with 
unparallelled  astuteness  ;  he  had  an  advantage  in  the  fact 
that  he  had  already  during  the  latter  days  of  John  III., 
practically  controlled  the  government  of  Sweden,  and 
Sigismund  III.  was  unable  for  the  time  being  to  prevent  his 
uncle  from  continuing  to  direct  the  affairs  of  state. 

On  January  8th,  1593,  Duke  Charles  obtained  from  the 
councillors  of  the  kingdom  a  statement  that  they  looked  upon 
him  as  the  head  of  the  government  in  the  absence  of  the  king. 
They  further  bound  themselves  to  uphold  all  that  should  be 
decided  with  the  consent  of  Charles  without  distinction,  "  all 
for  one  and  one  for  all."  Even  though  this  agreement  did 
not  actually  do  any  wrong  to  their  loyalty  towards  the  lawful 
king,  Sigismund,  it  was  not  only  contrary  to  the  laws,  but  also 
the  greatest  imaginable  usurpation  of  his  liberty  of  action. 
He  found  himself  obliged  to  give  his  assent  to  a  form  of 
government  set  up  without  his  knowledge,  and  should 
he  disapprove  of  any  measure  taken  by  Charles  and  his 
councillors,  this  would  at  once  have  been  the  signal  for  a 

It  was  easy  to  make  use  of  the  pretext  of  religion  for  keeping 
out  the  lawful  Catholic  king,^  and  this  in  fact  Duke  Charles 
did  as  soon  as  possible.  Its  religion  and  its  freedom,  he  said 
to  the  councillors,  were  the  benefits  which  my  father  bestowed 
upon  his  country,  and  it  was  in  recognition  of  this  that  the 
States  declared  the  crown  to  be  hereditary  in  the  house  of 
Gustavus  ;    therefore,  only  one  who  will  maintain  this  in  the 

^  Opinion  of  Runs  (Gesch.  Schwedens,  II.,  258). 
*  See  BiAUDET,  I.,  v. 


kingdom,  can  be  the  true  hereditary  King  of  Sweden.  As 
the  new  king  was  subject  in  conscience  to  the  power  and  will 
of  the  Pope,  it  was  all  the  more  necessary  to  lay  down,  in  the 
interests  both  of  religion  and  liberty,  the  conditions  which 
the  Swedes  of  old  had  been  accustomed  to  impose  upon  their 
kings  from  the  earliest  times. ^ 

This  was  done  at  the  ecclesiastical  assembly  held  at  Upsala 
on  February  25th,  1593,  at  which  many  persons  assisted, 
nobles,  burgesses  and  peasants.  This  decided  that  the  Holy 
Scriptures,  understood  in  themselves,  were  to  be  one  rule  of 
faith  ;  all  accepted  the  articles  of  the  unreformed  confession 
of  Augsburg.  It  also  prohibited  in  its  entirety  the  exercise 
of  Catholic  worship,  closed  to  Catholics  access  to  any  office, 
and  banished  all  those  who  had  studied  abroad  in  the  Jesuit 
Colleges.  It  is  obvious  that  these  radical  decrees  abolished 
the  liturgy  of  John  III.,  which  had  never  been  approved  by 
the  Holy  See,-  and  the  Catholic  usages  still  retained  in  it,  such 
as  episcopal  vestments,  ciboriums,  candles,  banners,  and  the 
blessing  of  dead  bodies  and  graves.  Prayers  for  the  dead  were 
removed  from  the  ritual.  Duke  Charles  was  highly  pleased 
with  all  this,  save  that  he  further  wished  for  the  abolition  of 
the  elevation  of  the  host,  and  of  the  exorcisms  at  baptism. 
The  Lutheran  pastors,  however,  were  determined  to  retain 
the  exorcisms  at  baptism,  as  a  mark  of  distinction  from  the 
Calvinists.  It  was  finally  agreed  to  retain  the  exorcisms  in 
a  modified  form,  and  as  a  non-essential  ceremony.  It  was 
harder  for  Charles  to  assent  to  the  decree  which  expressly 
declared  as  heretics,  not  only  the  Catholics  and  Sacra- 
mentarians,  but  also  the  Calvinists  and  Zwinglians. 
But  he  gave  way  on  this  point,  though  he  scornfully 
remarked  :    "  You    had    better    join    on   to   them   all   those 

^  See  Geijer,  II.,  271. 

^  In  a  cypher  *instruction  from  Cardinal  C.  Aldobrandini  to 
Malaspina  of  August  i,  1593,  the  liturgy  is  described  as 
"  mescuglio,"  and  it  is  remarked  that  John  III.  "  hcbbe  pero 
pensiero,  per  quanto  dicono,  di  introdurre  per  quella  porta  11 
catholicismo."     Borghese,  II.,  68,  p.  469,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

86  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

that  you  know  of  that  kind,  even  the  devil  in  hell,  since 
he  too  is  my  enemy.  "^ 

On  the  whole  Duke  Charles  had  every  reason  to  be  satisfied 
with  the  ecclesiastical  assembly  at  Upsala,  during  the  course 
of  which  he  had  carefully  kept  in  the  background.  He  had 
accomplished  all  that  he  could  have  hoped  for  in  the  matter 
of  making  it  impossible  for  his  nephew  to  exercise  the  royal 
power  fully,  for  he  had  induced  men  to  look  upon  him,  not 
as  their  king,  but  rather  as  a  foreign  pretender  to  the  crown, 
and  as  an  apostate  against  whom  they  must  be  on  their  guard 
as  a  danger  to  religion. ^ 

Duke  Charles  would  very  gladly  have  seen  Sigismund 
remain  permanently  in  Poland.  The  king  himself  hesitated. 
It  was  said  that  he  had  asked  the  advice  of  the  Pope,  but  that 
the  latter  would  not  take  the  responsibility  of  answering  either 
in  the  affirmative  or  the  negative.^  This  is  eas}'  to  under- 
stand, as  after  recent  events  the  hope  of  recovering  Sweden 
had  become  very  doubtful,  and  there  was  no  small  danger  of 
losing  ground  in  Poland.  There  was  much  to  be  said  for  those 
who  advised  Sigismund  first  to  consolidate  his  position  in 
Poland,  so  that  he  might  be  able  to  face  Duke  Charles  and  his 
other  enemies  in  full  strength  in  his  attempt  to  recover  the 
crown  of  Sweden  ;  on  the  other  hand  Sigismund  thought  that 
he  ought  not  to  defer  his  journey  to  his  hereditary  kingdom, 
or  his  taking  possession  of  the  Swedish  crown  which  belonged 

1  Cy.  MiJNTER,  Magazin,  II..  i,  69  '^eq.  ;  Runs,  II.,  259  seq.  ; 
Getjer,  II.,  272  seq.  On  the  occasion  of  the  third  centenary  of 
the  Council  of  Upsala  K.  Hildebrand  published  the  acta  of  the 
synod.  Cf.  K.  Hildebrand,  Upsala  mote  1593.  Stockholm, 
1893,  and  Hist.  Tidskrift,  1893,  89  seqq.  ;  A.  N.  Sundberg, 
Om  den  svenska  Kyrkoreformationen  och  Upsala  mote  1593. 
Sundberg",  the  Archbishop  of  Upsala,  makes  the  confession, 
doubly  interesting  from  his  lips,  that  in  the  Swedish  "  reform  " 
inaugurated  by  Gustavus  Wasa,  political  motives  were 

*  Opinion  of  R.\nke   (Papste,   II.,  248). 

'See  Paruta,  Dispacci,   I.,   no. 


to  him  by  right.  Thereupon  Clement  VIII.  did  all  that  he 
could  to  help  him. 

Immediately  after  the  death  of  John  III.  the  Pope  had 
appointed  a  congregation  composed  of  Cardinals  d'Aragona, 
Galli,  Bonelli,  Salviati,  Sforza  and  Montalto,  in  order  to  discuss 
what  should  be  done  in  ^iew  of  the  new  state  of  affairs.^  In 
April,  1593,  he  reminded  the  nobles  and  bishops  of  Poland  of 
their  duty  to  Sigismund  ;^  at  the  beginning  of  August  he  sent 
thither,  in  the  person  of  Bartholomew  Powsinski,  a  special 
delegate,  who  was  furnished  with  instructions  and  a  subsidy 
of  20,000  scudi.^ 

Powsinski  was  ordered  to  act  in  close  conformity  with 
Malaspina.  After  he  had  congratulated  the  king  on  the  recent 
confinement  of  the  queen  and  the  successful  issue  of  the  Diet 
at  Warsaw,  he  was  to  draw  the  attention  of  the  king  to  the 
opportunity  that  now  offered  itself  for  the  restoration  of  the 
Catholic  religion  in  Sweden.  The  sum  sent  by  the  Pope  was 
above  all  intended  for  this  purpose,  and  Clement  VIII.  would 
willingly  have  made  it  larger  if  his  financial  circumstances  had 
permitted.  The  king  should  avail  himself  of  the  circumstance 
that  the  archdiocese  of  Upsala  and  the  bishopric  of  Strengnas 
were  vacant,  in  order  to  appoint  Catholic  bishops  in  both  cases. 

^  See  the  reprot  of  Peranda,  February  16,  1593,  in  Laemmer, 
Me  let.,  237  n. 

*  See  the  brief  to  Zamoiski,  April  10,  1593,  in  Theiner,  XL, 
Doc.  p.  84  seq.  ;  ibid.  86,  the  brief  to  the  episcopate,  May  i,  1593. 
In  Rome  there  was  an  idea  of  sending  a  legate  to  Poland  for  the 
period  of  Sigismund 's  absence  ;  see  the  letter  of  Peranda, 
February  16,  1593,  in  Laemmer,  loc.  cit. 

3  Cf.  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  286,  the  *brief  to  the  King  of 
Poland  concerning  the  mission  of  Powsinski  is  dated  July  29, 
^593  (Arm.  44,  t.  38,  p.  373,  Papal  Secret  Archives)  ;  the  Instruc- 
tion of  August  I  (according  to  Borghese,  I.,  758  ibid.)  in 
Parnanen,  L'ambassade  de  Bartol.  Powsinski  a  Danzig  en 
J  593,  Helsinki,  191 1,  30  scqq.  To  the  manuscripts  here  mentioned 
must  be  added  IV.,  34,  p.  288  seq.  of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 
B.  Powsinski  restored  a  chapel  in  S.  Maria  degli  Angeli  ;  see. 
FoRCELi.A,  IX.,  160. 

88  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

In  case  the  king  should  find  himself  in  a  position  to  fill  other 
dioceses  Powsinski  gave  him  a  list  of  Catholic  Swedes  who 
seemed  fitted  for  such  positions.  Sigismund  was  especially 
urged  to  give  thought  to  the  training  of  Cathohc  priests  in 
Sweden,  who  could  be  educated,  partly  at  his  court  or  with 
the  Polish  bishops,  and  partly  in  the  colleges  at  Riga,  Dorpat 
and  Braunsberg.  Mention  was  also  made  of  the  possibility 
of  establishing  a  Jesuit  college  at  Stockholm,  and  of  the 
importance  of  propagating  good  Catholic  books  in  the  Swedish 

It  was  fatal  when  Sigismund,  in  order  to  avoid  any  appear- 
ance of  coming  as  an  enemy,  or  with  any  hostile  intentions 
towards  his  new  subjects  who  had  thus  invited  him,  or  perhaps 
from  a  mistaken  idea  of  economy,  decided  to  go  without  any 
armed  force  to  his  hereditary  kingdom, ^  which  had  been 
thrown  into  confusion  by  the  intrigues  of  Charles.  Malaspina 
had  vainly  urged  him  to  take  some  troops  with  him.^ 

After  the  Diet  of  Warsaw  had  been  brought  to  a  happ3^ 
conclusion  in  June  1593,  and  Sigismund  had  been  reconciled 
with  Cardinal  Bathory,  the  king  went  first  of  all  to  Dantzig, 
where  he  was  awaited  by  the  loyal  governor  of  Finland, 
Admiral  Klas  Fleming,  with  the  fleet  and  some  ships  that  had 

1  See  Parnanen,  loc.  cit.  In  a  *memonal  (Urb.  860,  p.  230  seq. 
Vatican  Library)  which  was  drawn  up  immediately  after  the  news 
of  the  death  of  Sigismund,  the  hope  is  expressed  of  claiming  for 
Catholicism  that  liberty  of  religion  which  was  so  openly  used  by 
the  Protestants  ;    see  Laemmer,  Analecta,  50. 

^Cf.  in  App.  No.  13  the  *Relatione  dello  stato  di  Suetia 
(Vallicella  Library,  Rome)  attention  to  which  was  first  drawn  by 
CiAMPi  (I.,  92).  Ranke  (Papste,  II.,  250,  253  ;  III.,  9o*-9i*) 
acknowledges  that  in  this  "  the  first  undertaking  of  Sigismund 
is  described  with  every  appearance  of  truth  by  a  well-informed 
person  "  but  he  has  made  very  little  use  of  this  rich  source. 
Ranke,  according  to  his  wont,  does  not  say  where  he  found  the 
report.  It  is  to  be  found  in  Cod.  H  155,  of  the  Ambrosiana 
Library,  Milan,  and  in  Cod.  N  33  of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 

8  CJ.  the  cypher  *report  of  Malaspina  to  Cardinal  C. 
Aldobrandini,  dated  Stockholm,  January  10  (Gregor.  Cal.)  1594 
(decif.  March  10)  in  Borghese,  III.,  91  a-b.  Papal  Secret  Archives. 


been  sent  by  Duke  Charles.^  Powsinski,  ^\'ho  reached  Dantzig 
on  August  28th,"  not  only  discharged  all  the  tasks  that  had 
been  laid  upon  him  by  the  Pope,  but  also  gave  to  the  nuncio 
Malaspina  a  cypher  letter  from  the  Cardinal  Secretary  of  State, 
dated  July  27th,  concerning  the  manner  in  which  Sigismund 
should  act  in  Sweden.^  This  letter  contained  no  definite 
reply  to  Malaspina's  question  of  January  28th,  but  only  advice, 
as  the  conferences  in  Rome  had  not  as  yet  come  to  a  definite 
conclusion.  It  was  only  added  that  it  would  be  well  if  the 
king  deferred  receiving  the  ro3^al  unction  until  a  more  favour- 
able moment,  as  the  Protestants  had  no  chrism  nor  holy  oils  ; 
if  he  found  himself  obliged  to  undergo  any  other  civil  cere- 
monial, he  should  consent  to  this,  without  however  giving  any 
interior  assent  to  anything  that  was  forbidden.  As  to  his 
coronation,  which  pertained  to  the  Archbishop  of  Upsala, 
it  was  the  wish  of  Rome  that  Sigismund  should  appoint  a 
Catholic  to  perform  this  ceremony,  and  it  was  agreed  that 
should  time  be  lacking  to  obtain  the  confirmation  of  the 
Holy  See,  the  nuncio  should  supply  what  was  required. 
During  the  celebrations  of  the  obsequies  of  the  dead  king, 
Sigismund  must  take  care  that  no  polemics  against  Catholic 
doctrines  found  their  way  into  the  funeral  oration.  If  the 
king  should  be  asked  to  recognize  the  religious  constitution  of 
Sweden,  on  the  lines  of  the  Confession  of  Augsburg,  he  must 
temporize.  If  this  could  not  be  done  without  danger  of  a 
revolution,  then  he  must  avoid  coming  to  any  decision  which 
would  render  the  exercise  of  Catholic  worship  more  difficult 
or  impossible.  If,  however,  the  letter  goes  on  to  say,  it  should 
happen  that  he  found  himself  forced  by  necessity  to  take  an 

^  See  *Ragguaglio  istorico  di  quanto  segui  in  Polonia  quando 
il  Re  Sigismondo  voile  andare  a  prendere  possesso  del  Regno  di 
Suetia,  con  il  racconto  del  medesimo  viaggio  e  delle  cose  occorse 
tanto  circa  gli  affari  pratici  quanto  intorno  agli  interessi  della 
religione  cattolica,  in  Cod.  N.  34,  p.  540  seq.  of  the  Vallicella 
Library,  Rome.  The  author  is  some  person  closely  connected 
with  Malaspina,  probably  his  auditor,  Ruggiero  Salomoni. 

2  See  Parnanen,  10. 

'  See  ibid.,  12  seq.,  where  the  letter  is  given  for  the  first  time 

90  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

oath  in  this  matter,  then  the  formula  which  had  been  adopted 
in  these  sad  times  by  the  German  Emperor  and  the  King  of 
Poland  would  be  less  blameworthy  than  that  other  "  to  treat 
Catholics  and  Protestants  with  a  like  affection,"  a  formula 
which  was  impossible  for  an  honourable  prince.  The  text  of 
the  oath  should  be  furnished  as  far  as  possible  with  saving 
clauses,  every  care  being  taken  to  avoid  a  formula  prohibiting 
the  exercise  of  the  Catholic  religion.  Malaspina  must  com- 
municate these  matters  to  the  two  Jesuits,  Ju.stus  Rabe  of 
Cracow  and  Sigismund  Ernhoffer  of  Bavaria,  who  were 
accompanying  the  king  and  queen  as  their  confessors.^ 

Neither  Sigismund  nor  Malaspina  were  under  any  illusions 
as  to  the  difficulties  of  the  situation.  The  appointment  of  a 
Catholic  to  Upsala  was  out  of  the  question.  The  king,  as  well 
as  the  nuncio,  were  agreed  that  Sigismund  must  in  any  case 
claim  the  free  exercise  of  the  Catholic  religion  for  himself  in 

The  king  embarked  on  September  6th,  1593.  He  was 
accompanied  b)^  the  queen,  his  sister,  the  nuncio  Malaspina, 
the  two  Jesuits,  the  vice-chancellor,  and  a  number  of  Polish 
nobles.  The  military  escort  of  the  king  only  consisted  of 
400  men.^ 

Sigismund  intended  first  of  all  to  go  to  Kalmar,  but  serious 
storms  prevented  this,  and  at  the  end  of  September,  after  a 
long  voyage  he  safely  arrived  at  Stockholm.*  There  he  was 
received  by  Duke  Charles  and  Abraham  Angermann,  the 
Archbishop  of  Upsala,  who  had  been  elected  in  the  meantime, 
and  who  was  the  most  violent  opponent  of  the  liturgy  of 
John  III.  Charles  feigned,  it  is  true,  reverence  and  submis- 
sion,^ but  soon  disclosed  his  true  sentiments  by  forthwith 
demanding  the  dismissal  of  the  Papal  nuncio,  a  thing  which 

1  See  HjARNE,  Sigismunds  svenska  resor,  42.  For  the  inter- 
preter, P.  I.  Rabe,  see  Script.  Rer.  Pol.,  XIV.,  63  seqq.  For 
Ernhoffer  see  Duhr,  I.,  680  seq.,  706. 

-See  Parnanen,  13  seq. 

*  See  *Ragguaglio  {supra,  p.  89,  n.  i). 

*  See  ibid.     Cf.  Hurter,  III.,  355. 

*  Cf.  Hurter,  III.,  355  seq. 


had  already  been  demanded  at  Dantzig  by  the  councillors  who 
had  been  sent  to  meet  Sigismund.  The  king  refused  this 
demand  on  the  ground  that  Malaspina  had  not  been  sent  to 
the  kingdom  of  Sweden,  but  to  himself  ;  he  had  done  no  wrong 
to  Sweden,  but  had  done  good  service  in  promoting  the  king's 
journey  ;  if  the  envoys  of  the  Tartars  and  Muscovites  were 
admitted,  why  not  he  as  well  ?^  Sigismund  also  refused  to 
confirm  the  decrees  of  the  ecclesiastical  assembly  of  Upsala, 
as  well  as  to  recognize  Angemiann  as  archbishop.  The  nuncio 
encouraged  him  in  this,  reminding  him  not  only  of  his  duty 
as  a  Catholic,  but  also  pointing  out  to  him  how  much  opposed 
it  was  to  his  royal  authority  that  he  should  submit  to  decisions 
which  had  been  arbitrarily  taken  during  his  absence.^  It 
was  said,  however,  that  Sigismund  was  already  personally 
pledged,  in  that,  as  a  youth,  together  with  King  John,  at  the 
request  of  the  nobles  and  Duke  Charles,  he  had  signed  an 
undertaking  that  he  would  change  nothing  in  Sweden  as  far 
as  religion  was  concerned,  and  would  not  admit  Catholics  to 
hold  public  ofhce.  This  undertaking,  however,  had  been 
expressly  revoked  by  King  John  in  1591,^  when  he  realized 
the  danger  it  involved  to  his  civil  authority. 

^  See  Geijer,  IL,  278  n.  i  ;    Hurter,  III.,  358. 

*  *Non  mancava  il  Nuntio  Apost.  di  rappresentarli  che  ne  per 
coscienza  ne  per  dignita  dovea  confirmare  decreti  risoluti  nel  sue 
regno  senza  1'  autorita  sua  ne  essi  havean  bisogno  di  octal  appro- 
vatione  in  cosa  che  senza  lui  haveano  stabiJita.  Ragguaglio  istor. 
etc.,  loc.  cit.,  541   b. 

3  *Ma  accorgendosi  Giovanni  che  da  Carlo  e  da  senator!  in 
questa  lore  procurata  esclusione  de'  cattolici  si  era  mirato  ad 
escludere  anzi  Sigisniondo  e  i  suoi  figliuoli  dal  dominio  e  dagli 
ufficii  del  regno  per  tirarne  tutta  1'  autorita  in  loro  stessi  che  ad 
altro  fine,  havea  nell'  anno  1591  privati  i  senatori  del  grade  e  delle 
facolta  et  tolto  loro  di  mano  lo  scritto  sudetto  e  lacerate  fattolo 
riporre  nella  cancelleria  del  regno,  in  cui  pur  cosi  squarciato 
tuttavia  si  serbava,  ne  da  quell'  hora  in  poi  haveva  permessa  ne 
r  assoluta  confessione  Augustana  ne  1'  esclusione  de'  cattolici 
(Ragguaglio  ist.  loc.  cit.,  542).  It  is  surprising  that  Ranke 
(Papste,  II.*,  245)  who  had  the  Ragguaglio  at  his  disposal,  paid 
no  attention  to  this  important  source. 

92  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

In  the  meantime  the  seeds  of  suspicion  of  Sigismund  sown 
by  Charles  were  bearing  fruit,  and  the  Protestant  clergy  eagerly 
encouraged  it.  It  seemed  intolerable  to  them  that  the  king 
should  have  sent  a  Jesuit  to  the  Castle  of  Drottningholm,  where 
he  could  give  the  Catholics  of  the  neighbourhood  the  comforts 
of  their  religion.^  One  of  the  preachers  hurled  from  the  pulpit 
anathemas  against  all  who  had  any  relations  with  the  Papists  ; 
when  he  was  threatened  with  imprisonment,  however,  he 
declared  that  he  did  not  intend  to  include  the  king  in  this.^ 
When  two  Catholics  of  the  retinue  of  Sigismund  died,  the  king 
had  to  have  recourse  to  force  in  order  to  obtain  Catholic  burial 
for  them.  The  preachers  then  spread  the  rumour  that  Sigis- 
mund intended  to  restore  all  the  churches  of  Sweden  to  Catholic 
worship  by  force  ;  some  4,000  armed  men  gathered  together 
and  threatened  the  nuncio,  against  whom  quite  absurd 
accusations  were  made,  as  for  example  that  he  had  ordered 
stones  to  be  thrown  from  his  house  at  some  bo3^s  who  were 
singing  in  church.  Malaspina  defended  himself  against 
the  accusations,  but  refused  the  guard  offered  to  him  by 

Duke  Charles  did  all  he  could  to  fan  the  excitement,  and  for 
this  purpose  deliberately  made  use  of  foolish  fables,  which, 
however,  had  their  effect  upon  the  populace.  Thus  he  spread 
the  story  that  near  Linkoping  two  dragons  had  been  seen 
fighting,  one  with  a  crown  and  the  other  without  ;  the  latter 
had  been  victorious  over  the  one  that  was  crowned.*    The 

1  See  Thf.iner,  II.,  49. 

2  See  HuRTER,  III.,  357. 

^  See  *Ragguaglio  ist.,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  also  Runs,  II.,  269,  and 
HuRTER,  III.,  357  seq. 

*  *Carlo  spargeva  che  in  Nicopia  sua  citta  fossero  aparsi  in  aere 
due  dragonj,  Tunc  con  la  corona  in  capo  et  I'altro  senza  e  che 
essendo  venuti  insieme  a  battaglia  in  fine  dope  molto  sangue 
rincoronato  perditore  e  squarciato  havesse  lasciato  I'altro 
vittorioso  volendo  diniostrare  a  popoli  facili  a  muoversi  da  vane 
superstitioni  che  i  cieli  e  gli  elementi  per  liberare  il  regno  di 
travagli  promettevano  a  lui  la  corona  di  Sigismondo.  *Rag- 
guaglio  loc.  cit. 


preachers  spread  the  calumny  that  on  the  way  to  Sweden, 
the  nuncio  had  been  guilty  of  profaning  the  consecrated 
hosts.  However  foolish  these  stories  were,  they  did  not 
fail  to  produce  their  effect,  and  stirred  up  the  people 
against  the  Catholics.  Some  forty  men  and  women  who 
had  intended  to  return  to  the  ancient  Church,  thereupon 
drew  back.^ 

Sigismund  endeavoured  to  calm  the  excitement  by  declaring 
that  he  would  do  no  injury  to  anyone  on  account  of  his  religion. 
He  also  tried  to  sow  dissensions  between  the  aristocracy  and 
Charles,  counting  on  the  fact  that  the  duke  was  hated  by  many 
of  them  on  account  of  his  greed  for  money.  In  spite  of  this 
the  king's  position  remained  very  difficult  ;  if  he  were  to  leave 
the  government  in  the  hands  of  the  aristocracy,  it  was  easy 
to  foresee  a  return  to  an  elective  monarchy  ;  if  he  were  to 
hand  it  over  to  Duke  Charles,  it  was  only  to  be  expected  that 
his  desire  to  be  king  would  lead  to  a  like  result.  "  Of  what 
use  is  it  to  us,"  wrote  Malaspina  to  Rome,  "  to  fathom  the 
evil  intentions  of  our  adversaries  ?  Our  position  is  like  to 
that  of  a  ship  without  oars  which  fmds  itself  tossed  about  in  a 
storm,  and  unable  to  count  upon  any  human  help."^  The 
fervour  with  which  Sigismund  fulfilled  his  religious  duties 
aroused  among  the  Protestant  population  partly  hatred  and 
partly  contempt,  while  his  great  leniency  was  taken  for 
weakness.^  With  all  the  greater  insistence  pressure  was 
brought  to  bear  upon  him  to  confirm  the  decrees  of  the 
ecclesiastical   assembly   of   Upsala.     Duke   Charles   declared 

^  See  the  *report  of  Malaspina  to  Cardinal  C.  Aldobrandini, 
dated  Stockholm,  January  12  (Gregor.  Cal.)  1594,  Borghese,  III. 
91,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  *"  Che  giova  a  noi  conoscere  li  fraudulent!  arteftcii  di  costoro 
poiche  siamo  a  guisa  di  naviglio  senza  remi  in  mezzo  di  un  tem- 
pestoso  mare  destituti  da  ogni  humane  auxilio,  et  non  sapendo 
per  cio  quelle  che  dobbianio  fare  non  ne  resta  altru  rifugio  se  non 
livoltare  gli  cchi  al  Signore."  Cypher  report  to  Cardinal  C. 
Aldobrandini,  dated  Stockholm,  1594,  January  25.  Borghese, 
III.,  91  a-b,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

^  See  *Ragguaglio  ist.,  loc.  cit.,  542b. 

94  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

that  if  he  would  not  do  so  he  would  not  be  present  at  the 
ceremonies  of  the  coronation.^  Against  this  both  the  nuncio 
and  the  queen  pointed  out  that  he  had  no  right  to  impose 
laws  upon  the  consciences  of  his  subjects,  for  they  too  could 
claim  libert}^  of  conscience. ^  The  nuncio  also  advised  the 
few  Catholics  who  still  remained  in  Sweden  to  address 
complaints  to  the  king  on  account  of  the  violations  of  the  law 
which  were  imposed  upon  them,  but  they  could  not  find  the 
necessary  courage  to  take  such  a  step.^ 

In  the  reply  which  he  made  to  the  Council  in  January, 
1594,  Sigismund  expressed  his  surprise  at  their  wishing  to 
impose  conditions  for  his  coronation  upon  him,  and  hinted 
at  the  difference  between  an  hereditary  and  an  elective 
monarchy.  He  was  the  hereditary  king  of  a  kingdom  which 
professed  a  different  religion  from  his  own  ;  it  was  his  intention 
to  leave  the  Protestants  undisturbed  as  soon  as  they  had  told 
him  what  liberty  they  intended  to  allow  to  his  Catholic 

A  decision  had  to  be  come  to  by  the  beginning  of  February, 
1594,  when  the  king  would  go  to  Upsala,  where  the  States 
were  assembled,  in  order  to  celebrate  at  the  same  time  the 
obsequies  of  John  III.  and  the  coronation  of  King  Sigismund. 
As  this  occasion  might  be  made  use  of  in  order  to  extort  the 
desired  concessions,  Malaspina  advised  the  king  to  defer  the 
latter  ceremiony,  which  was  not  absolutely  necessary  in  the 
case  of  an  hereditary  king,  and  as  Sigismund's  predecessors 
had  done  on  several  occasions.  The  king,  however,  pointed 
out  the  difference  in  his  own  position,  which  obliged  him  to 

1  See  the  report  of  Malaspina  to  Card.  C.  Aldobrandini,  dated 
Stockholm,  1594,  January  nth,  loc.  cit. 

2  *"  II  Nuntio  e  la  Reina  moglie  .  .  .  facevano  ogni  opera  della 
sua  riputatione  a  non  lasciarsi  da  suoi  sudditi  mettere  leggi  nella 
propria  coscienza,  la  quale  essi  tuttavia  volevano  libera." 
Ragguaglio,  loc.  cit. 

3  See  the  remarks  from  the  *Ragguag!io,  loc.  cit.  already  given 
by  Ranke  (II.,  247,  n.  2). 

*  See  Geijf.r,  II.,  279. 


return  to  Poland.^  Duke  Charles  also  attended  the  corona- 
tion, not  as  Sigismund  did,  with  a  simple  body-guard,  but  with 
a  retinue  of  3,000  armed  men,  both  infantry  and  cavalry. ^ 
This  fact  increased  the  boldness  of  the  Protestants.  They 
had  demanded  that  Malaspina  should  not  appear  at  Upsala, 
but  Sigismund  remained  firm  on  this  point,  despite  violent 
pressure  that  was  put  upon  him,  and  in  answer  to  the 
threatening  attitude  of  the  Protestants,  gave  Malaspina  an 
armed  escort.^  During  the  obsequies  of  his  father  in  the 
cathedral  of  Upsala,  Sigismund  tried  to  maintain,  as  far  as 
was  possible,  his  attitude  as  a  Catholic.  He  was  obliged, 
however,  to  allow  Archbishop  Angermann  to  deliver  a  funeral 
oration  from  the  pulpit,  which  was  not  lacking  in  attacks 
upon  the  ancient  Church.  After  this  a  Catholic  delivered 
a  Latin  discourse,  but  not  from  the  pulpit.*  The  nuncio  was 
satisfied  with  the  ceremonial  observed,  in  so  far  that  there 
was  no  ritual  of  a  Protestant  character.^ 

1  *Non  lascio  il  Nuntio  di  raccordare  al  Re  che  se  egli  pur 
temeva  com 'era  da  temersi  che  i  suoi  sudditi  con  coronarlo 
volessero  farlo  servire  a  loro  dishonesti  voleri  potrebbe  per  non 
ricevere  con  questa  corona  questa  servitii  differirla  ad  altro  tempo 
non  essendo  la  coronatione  a  principe  hereditario  e  giurato  come 
lui  fuorche  un'atto  di  cerimonia  che  di  sostanza  e  che  Gustavo 
istesso  suo  avo  dopo  I'elettione  eia  stato  quattro  anni  a  coronarsi 
et  Arrigo  suo  zio  e  Giovanni  suo  padre  I'  pur  differita 
molto  tempo  amministrando  tuttavia  ogni  cosa  con  assoluta 
autorita.  Replicava  il  Re,  che  a  quelli  che  doveano  continuare 
la  stanza  nel  regno  era  stata  facil  cosa,  ma  che  a  lui  che  dovea 
partirne  sarebbe  molto  difficile  a  conservarsi  Re  senza  la  corona 
Ragguaglio  loc.  cit.,  543. 

*  See  Geijer,  II. ,  279. 

3  See  the  *report  of  Malaspina  to  Card.  C.  Aldobrandini,  dated 
Stockholm,  1594,  February  8,  Borghese,  III.,  91  a-b,  Papal  Secret 

*  See  the  *report  of  Malaspina  to  Card.  C.  Aldobrandini,  dated 
Upsala,  February  12,  ibid. 

*  *"  Quello  che  in  questa  attione  si  e  ottenuto  di  buono  e  stato 
che  non  si  e  fatto  atto  alcuno  secondo  il  rito  heretico."  Report 
of  Malaspina  of  February  12,  1594,  ibid. 


Duke  Charles  once  again  declared  that  he  would  not  allow 
the  coronation  unless  Sigismund  first  gave  his  assent  to  the 
decrees  of  Upsala.  Charles  also  declared  himself  opposed 
to  the  cession  of  a  few  churches  to  the  Catholics,  or  even  of 
one  in  Stockholm.  Some  of  the  royal  councillors  were  in 
favour  of  this  concession,  but  ultimately  agreed  with  the 
duke.  The  latter  declared  to  the  States  :  "  I  will  not  separate 
myself  from  you  ;  if  Sigismund  desires  to  be  your  king,  he 
must  assent  to  j'our  demands."^ 

Sigismund  was  attached  with  all  his  heart  to  the  Catholic 
religion  ;  it  is  no  wonder,  then,  that  he  resisted  to  the  end 
giving  his  consent  to  demands  which  would  not  only  seriously 
injure  his  royal  authority,  but  which  would  also  weigh  heavily 
upon  his  conscience.  He  declared  that  he  would  rather  lose 
his  crown  than  condemn  the  Catholics  to  forfeit  all  their 
rights.  They  must  at  any  rate  be  allowed  the  free  exercise  of 
their  own  religion.  The  Protestant  States,  led  by  Duke 
Charles  and  the  Archbishop  of  Upsala,  wished  on  the  other 
hand  only  to  allow  the  king  to  have  the  Catholic  mass  cele- 
brated in  private,  in  his  own  chapel,  during  his  sojourn  in 
the  kingdom.  At  his  departure  he  was  to  be  accompanied 
by  all  the  priests,  and  the  two  Jesuits.  Subsequently  the 
States  insisted  absolutely  on  the  prohibition  of  all  public 
Catholic  worship  ;  moreover,  no  Catholic  must  hold  any  public 
office  in  Sweden,  and  anyone  who  passed  over  to  the  Catholic 
religion,  or  caused  his  sons  to  be  educated  therein,  was  to  lose 
his  civil  rights. 2  Lastly,  the  States  declared  to  their  king, 
in  openly  threatening  terms,  that  if  he  would  not  agree  to 
their  demands,  they  would  not  pay  him  homage.^ 

One  who  was  well  informed  as  to  the  events  of  the  time 
reports  that  Sigismund's  sister,  who  was  a  zealous  Protestant, 
and  the  Protestant  Swedes  of  her  household,  urged  their 
co-religionists  not  to  desist  from  continuing  to  attack  the 
king,  ^o  make  him  consent  to  their  demands,  saying  that 

1  See  RiJHs,  II.,  271  ;    Geijer    II.,  279. 

2  See  Runs,  II.,  272  ;   Geijer,  II.,  280. 

3  See  Ranke,  II.,  249. 


even  though  at  first  he  showed  himself  resolute  and  firm,  he 
would  end,  according  to  his  wont,  by  giving  way.^  This 
policy  of  annoyance  was  adopted,  and  an  attempt  was  further 
made  to  deprive  the  king  of  the  support  of  the  Papal  nuncio. 
Six  Swedish  noblemen  presented  themselves  before  the  latter 
and  asked  him  to  leave  the  country.  Malaspina  replied  that 
he  had  come  openly  and  had  been  received  as  the  envoy  of 
his  sovereign  ;  he  could  not,  and  did  not  intend  to  go  away, 
as  he  had  done  nothing  to  deserve  that  the  rights  of  nations 
should  be  violated  in  his  case.^  Finally  the  Protestants  openly 
told  the  king  that  they  would  have  recourse  to  revolution  if 
he  did  not  consent  to  their  demands  ;  they  even  went  so  far, 
Sigismund  reported  to  the  Pope,  "as  to  threaten  me  with 
imprisonment,  my  Polish  retinue  with  destruction,  and  the 
Swedish  Catholics  with  death. "^  The  nuncio  was  in  obvious 
danger  of  death,  as  an  assault  by  violence  upon  his  house 
was  in  preparation. 

Sigismund  warned  Malaspina  that  his  life  was  in  danger, 
and  that  there  was  no  time  to  be  lost,  for  the  attack  would 
be  made  within  three  hours.  The  Pope's  representative 
calmly  replied  that  the  king  must  in  that  case  wait  quietly 
for  those  three  hours,  when  it  would  be  seen  whether  the 
threats  of  the  Protestants  were  really  serious.  He,  the 
nuncio,  did  not  fear  death,  and  would  never  consent  to  the 
king's  giving  way  to  the  Protestant  demands.     The  king's 

^  *Dairinfanta  sua  sorella  ostinatissima  heretica  e  da  Suetesi 
ch'erano  dimorati  appresso  I'Re  in  Polonia,  heretic!  anch'essi, 
venivano  confortati  i  .senatori  e  gl'altri  a  non  cessare  di  battagliare 
il  Re,  il  quale  benche  di  sua  natura  si  mostrasse  a  primi  assalti 
costante  e  intrepido  si  lasciava  nondimeno  doppo  non  lunga 
batteria  facilmente  espugnare.     Ragguaglio,  loc.  cit.,  543. 

2  See  in  App.  No.  13,  the  ^Relatione  dello  state  di 
Suetia,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome.  Malaspina  refers  to  this 
episode  in  his  *Dialogo  sopra  li  stati  spirituale  e  politico  dell' 
imperio  et  delle  provincie  infette  d'eresie  "  in  Cod.  N.  17,  p.  31, 
of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 

3  See  the  *letter  of  Sigismund  of  March  8,  1594  (Doria  Archives, 
Rome)  in  App,  No.  2. 

VOL.    XXIV.  7 


Polish  councillors  were  of  the  opinion  that  he  should  give  way.^ 
But  Malaspina  remained  inflexible  :  the  king  must  not  yield 
to  the  demands  of  the  Protestants. 

As  the  threats  became  more  and  more  alarming,  the  king 
turned  in  panic  to  Rabe  and  Ernhoffer,  the  two  Jesuits  who 
had  come  with  him  from  Poland.  Rabe  was  of  the  opinion 
that  in  the  circumstances,  and  in  view  of  the  difficulties  and 
dangers  to  which  Sigismund  was  exposing  himself  by  his 
refusal,  he  might  yield  to  the  Protestant  demands  ;  Ernhoftcr, 
who  had  hitherto  been  of  the  same  opinion  as  Malaspina,  did 
not  dare  to  oppose  this  definite  decision.^  Sigismund  made 
public  this  decision  in  writing,  and  then,  without  notifying 
Malaspina,  gave  the  assent  which  the  Protestants  demanded 
as  to  their  religion,  reserving  to  himself,  however,  the  right 
to  grant  later  on,  in  accordance  with  the  advice  of  the  States, 
more  favourable  conditions  to  his  own  co-religionists.^  It  was 
only  with  great  difficulty  that  Sigismund  brought  himself  to 
recognize  Angermann  as  Archbishop  of  Upsala,  as  the  latter's 
appointment  had  undoubtedly  been  an  unheard  of  usurpation 
of  his  royal  prerogatives.^  In  the  end,  however,  he  gave  way 
on  this  point  as  well ;  he  only  insisted  that  not  Angermann, 
but  the  Protestant  bishop  of  Vesteras  should  place  the  crown 
upon  his  head. 

The  nuncio  Malaspina  had  reported  to  Rome  as  early  as 
the  last  days  of  January,  1593,  concerning  the  question  of 
the  unction  and  coronation.  At  that  time  Sigismund  as  well 
was  resolved  not  to  allow  this  ceremony  to  be  performed  by  a 
Protestant  bishop,  who,  as  he  rightly  thought,  was  only  a 
layman.  As  the  Swedes,  on  national  grounds,  refused  a 
Polish  bishop,  the  king  for  a  time  thought  of  Malaspina.^ 

1  Cf.  the  *report  of  Malaspina  of  August  15,  1594,  in  App. 
No.  6,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  See  in  App.  No.  2,  the  *report  of  Malaspina  of  March  «, 
159/I  (Papal  Secret  Archives)  and  No.  13  the  *Relatione  dello 
state  di  Siietia,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 

*  See  Geijer,  II.,  281  n.  i. 
^Opinion  of  RtJHS  (II.,  273). 

'  See  the  *report  of  Malaspina  to  Card.  C.  Aldobrandini  of 
January  15,  1593,  Borghese,  II.,  68,  p.  477,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 


The  point  of  view  of  the  Holy  See  had  by  the  Pope's  orders 
been  sent  to  the  nuncio  in  a  long  cypher  letter  from  Cinzio 
Aldobrandini  of  August  ist,  1593.^  They  had  reason  to  hope 
in  Rome  that  Sigismund  would  take  these  observations  into 
account,  as  Malaspina  again  reported  in  September  concerning 
the  firm  intentions  of  the  king,  and  his  unwillingness  to  receive 
the  crown  from  the  hands  of  an  heretical  archbishop.^  But 
the  circumstances  were  stronger  than  his  good  will,  for  Duke 
Charles  threatened  to  declare  any  other  form  of  coronation 
than  this  invalid.^  On  February  19th,  in  the  magnificent 
cathedral  of  Upsala,  Sigismund  had  the  crown  placed  upon 
his  head  by  the  Bishop  of  Vesteras.*  His  consort  did  not 
receive  the  unction,  for  this  descendant  of  the  Hapsburgs, 
in  her  strong  faith,  refused  to  make  an}^  compromise.^ 

Malaspina  was  quite  in  agreement  with  her.  He  had 
threatened  to  enter  a  protest,  and  it  was  for  that  reason  that 
Sigismund  had  concealed  from  him  the  reply  of  the  two 

1  See  ibid.,  pp.  469-471. 

2  *Report  of  Malaspina,  September  23,   1593,  ibid. 

3  See  *report  of  Malaspina  of  March  8,  1594  (Papal  Secret 
Archives)  in  App.  iSFo. 

*  Theiner  (II.,  348  seq.)  has  published  the  report  of  Malaspina's 
auditor,  Ruggiero  Salomoni,  whicu  makes  it  clear  how  greatly 
Sigismund  felt  himself  to  be  threatened  by  Charles.  Sigismund 
described  his  position  to  the  Pope  by  means  of  the  nuncio  :  see 
his  *letter  dated  Upsala,  1594,  March  8,  Doiia  Archives,  Rome, 
In  this  it  is  stated  :  "  Occurrebant  nonnulla  quae  S.V.  quam 
secretissime  significanda  duximus,  quae  quidem  ill.  legatus  S*^*^  V. 
in  notam  S*^*  V.  forman  redegit.  Mittimus  igitur  hac  ipsa  S.V. 
hisce  inclusa."  The  enclosed  letter  of  the  king,  w^hich  was  read 
in  consistory,  in  App.  No.  2.  A  second  similar  *letter  from 
Sigismund  to  the  Pope,  dated  Stockholm,  1594,  March  17,  is  also 
in  the  Doria  Archives,  Rome.  Even  before  these  letters  reached 
Rome,  Clement  VHI.  had  expressed  himself  very  leniently  as  to 
the  surrender  of  Sigisnmnd,  which  had  been  forced  upon  him  by 
the  circumstances  ;  see  in  App.  No.  4,  the  *Instruction  to 
Malaspina  of  April  30,  1594,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

5  See  *report  of  Malaspina  of  March  8,  1594  (Papal  Secret 
Archives)  in  App.  No.  3. 

100  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Jesuits.  When  two  days  later  the  nuncio  learned  the  truth/ 
he  wished  to  set  out  for  Denmark,  where  the  king  had  resolved 
to  prepare  for  him  a  courteous  welcome,  so  as  to  show,  as  he 
said,  the  barbarous  Swedes,  how  the  envoys  of  sovereigns 
should  be  treated.  But  Sigismund  succeeded  in  holding  the 
nuncio  back.  The  latter  sought  to  profit  by  the  complaisance 
which  the  king  had  shown  before  his  coronation,  persuading 
him  to  put  into  writing  a  protest  that  the  oath  had  been 
extorted  from  him  by  force,  for  according  to  the  universally 
accepted  doctrine  an  oath  that  is  thus  extorted  is  void. 
Taking  his  stand  upon  this,  Malaspina  persuaded  the  king  to 
make  adequate  concessions  to  the  Catholics,  since,  as  had 
been  the  case  with  himself  in  Poland,  and  v/ith  the  Emperor 
in  Germany,  he  was  bound  by  oath  to  favour  the  Catholic 
party. 2  In  conformity  with  this,  before  his  departure,  the 
king  conferred  offices  and  titles  upon  Catholics  as  well,  and 
obliged  the  four  lieutenants,  although  they  were  Protestants, 
to  swear  to  protect  the  Catholics  and  their  religion .  Sigismund 
acquired  two  houses  in  Stockholm  and  Upsala,  in  which  he 
established  chapels  for  the  Catholics  who  still  remained,  and 
installed  a  priest.  Two  other  Catholic  priests  were  sent  by 
him  to  the  ancient  and  celebrated  convent  of  Vadstena,  which 
had  almost  miraculously  survived  all  the  storms.^ 

Even  before  this  change  of  attitude,  of  which  Sigismund 
sent  a  report  to  the  Pope,"*  had  become  generally  known,  the 

^  See  ibid. 

^  See  in  App.  No.  13,  the  *Relatione  dello  State  di 
Suetia,  ValliceJla  Library,  Rome.  The  text  of  the  passage 
concerned  was  incorrectly  given  by  Ranke,  Papste,  IL,  250  seq., 
and  the  passage  is  also  wrongly  interpreted.  It  is  wrong  when 
Ra,nke,  loc.  cit.  says  :  "  Sigismund,  in  order  to  free  himself  from 
all  the  obligations  which  he  had  undertaken  upon  oath,  took 
a  contrary  oath  to  the  opposing  party."  In  the  opinion  of 
Malaspina,  the  oath  which  had  been  extorted  by  force  implied  no 

'See  in  App.  No.  13  the  *Relatione  dello  Stato  di  Suetia, 
loc.  cit. 

*  See  his  *letter  in  App.  No.  2.     Doria  Archives,  Rome. 


Lutheran  preachers,  exulting  in  the  victory  which  they  had 
won  over  the  king  at  Upsala,  had  become  guilty  of  grave 
excesses.  They  openly  deplored  the  fact  that  Sigismund  had 
allowed  himself  to  be  blinded  by  the  tricks  of  Papistry,  as 
they  called  it.  When  the  king  and  queen,  in  accordance  with 
ancient  usage,  had  washed  the  feet  of  twelve  beggars,  the 
Lutheran  pastor,  Eric  Schepjerus,  delivered  a  discourse  on 
Easter  Sunday  against  this  work  of  charity,  and  forbade 
anyone  to  give  alms  to  those  beggars,  so  that  these 
unfortunates  almost  died  of  hunger.^  Again,  the  circumstance 
that  Sigismund  asked  the  Pope  to  act  as  sponsor  to  his 
daughter,'^  who  was  born  in  May,  gave  rise  to  fresh  attacks 
upon  the  king.  Moreover,  disgraceful  disputes  broke  out 
between  Poland  and  Sweden.  We  cannot  wonder  then  that 
Sigismund  felt  the  ground  giving  way  under  his  feet  when  he 
saw  everyone  in  a  state  of  irritation  against  him  in  his  Swedish 

The  news  from  Poland  was  such  as  to  make  the  return  of 
the  king  appear  to  be  urgently  necessary,^  and  when  Sigismund 
had  provided,  as  far  as  he  could,  for  the  security  of  his  sove- 
reignty in  Sweden,  he  embarked  once  more  in  the  middle  of 
July,  1594.^  Malaspina  took  his  place  in  the  principal  ship, 
so  that  the  standard  of  the  Holy  See  once  more  floated  over 
the  waters  of  the  Baltic.  While  on  the  high  seas  the  nuncio 
wrote  a  report  to  Rome,  in  which  he  drew  a  retrospective 
picture  of  the  events  of  which  he  had  been  a  witness.  In 
this  the  nuncio  makes  it  appear  that  the  complaisance  shown 
by  Sigismund  towards  the  religious  problem  at  the  advice 

1  See  Runs,  II.,  275. 

2  See  the  brief  of  February  17,  1594,  in  Theiner,  II.,  Doc. 
p.  95.  The  *letter  of  thanks  from  Queen  Anna  to  Clement  VIII. 
dated  Stockholm,  1594,  June  27,  in  which  she  informs  him  of  the 
death  of  her  daughter,  who  had  died  soon  after  her  baptism,  in 
Doria  Archives,  Rome. 

3  See  Theiner,  II.,  276  seq. 

*  Cf.  *Ragguaglio  {supra,  p.  89,  n.  i)  Vallicella  Library, 

5  Cf.  HuRTER,  III.,  363. 

102  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

of  the  Polish  "  politicians  "  of  his  retinue  had  not  silenced 
the  political  aims  of  the  Protestants,  but  had  rather  encouraged 
them.  Sigismund  was  opposed  by  his  powerful  uncle,  who 
was  ambitious  and  unscrupulous,  and  by  the  undisciplined 
aristocracy,  while  the  people,  instigated  by  the  Protestant 
preachers,  only  recognized  the  new  king  in  word.  The  Polish 
chancellor  was  of  the  opinion  that  Sigismund,  by  residing  in 
Poland,  would  be  far  more  respected  than  if  he  remained 
where  he  was.  This  may  be  the  will  of  God,  says  Malaspina, 
but  many  are  of  quite  another  opinion  ;  Sigismund  is  to  be 
counted  among  the  optimists,  but  how,  concludes  the  nuncio, 
can  one  have  confidence  in  men  who  have  been  found  wanting 
in  their  loyalty  to  God  ?^ 

This  fear  was  only  too  well  founded.  Sigismund  had  given 
Duke  Charles,  who  had  solemnly  sworn  fealty  to  him  at 
Upsala,  full  powers  to  govern  the  kingdom  in  conjunction 
with  all  the  councillors,  though  he  had  expressly  forbidden  him 
to  hold  Diets  or  to  introduce  new  ordinances.^  In  open 
defiance  of  this  order,  and  in  spite  of  the  protest  of  the  council 
of  the  kingdom,  with  which  the  aristocracy  associated  them- 
selves, Charles  convoked  a  Diet  at  Soderkoping  in  the  autumn 
of  1595,  which  ventured  upon  the  greatest  usurpations  of  the 
rights  of  Sigismund,  and  issued  decrees  for  the  extermination 
of  the  Catholics  who  still  remained  in  Sweden.  All 
"  sectaries,"  so  the  ordinance  ran,  who  are  opposed  to  the 
Protestant  religion,  must  leave  the  kingdom  within  six  weeks. ^ 

This  ordinance  was  at  once  enforced  with  a  rigour  that 
often  was  indistinguishable  from  cruelty.'* 

This  time  the  death  knell  had  struck  for  one  of  the  most 

^SeeinApp.  No.  6,  the  *report  of  Malaspina,  August  15,  1594, 
Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  See  RiJHS,  II.,  279  seq.,  who  defends  Sigismund  against  the 
accusation  of  having  left  his  kingdom  without  having  made  the 
necessary  arrangements  for  its  government. 

^  See  Baaz,  Inventarium,  IV.,  567;  Ranke,  II.,  151  seq. 
CJ.  also  Messenius,  Secondia  illustrata,  VIII.,  Stockholm,    1702. 


*  Opinion  of  G.  Droysen,  Gesch.  der   Gegenreformation,  221. 


venerated  places  in  Sweden.  After  ten  years  of  martyrdoms, 
there  still  remained  at  Vadstena  eleven  virgins  consecrated 
to  God,  who  with  prayer  and  contemplation  faithfully  watched 
over  the  tomb  of  one  of  the  greatest  of  Swedish  women,  Saint 
Bridget.  In  the  e3^es  of  the  Lutheran  preachers  this  was  an 
abuse  that  could  no  longer  be  tolerated,  and  the  nuns  were 
driven  out,  after  they  had  been  submitted  to  disgraceful 
tortures  in  the  presence  of  Duke  Charles,  in  order  to  make 
them  apostatize  from  their  religious  convictions.  The  church 
of  the  convent  was  despoiled  and  the  library  dispersed.  With 
the  help  of  Sigismund  eight  of  the  exiled  nuns  found  an 
asylum  in  Dantzig,  while  three  remained  in  Sweden  ;  only  one 
was  faithless  to  her  vows  and  religion.^ 

After  the  few  Catholic  priests  who  were  still  carrying  on 
their  work  in  Sweden  had  been  banished  from  the  kingdom, ^ 
Archbishop  Angermann  of  Upsala  undertook  a  great  visita- 
tion of  the  churches,  in  the  course  of  which  all  traces  of  the 
ancient  faith  were  destroyed  with  violence.  "  With  un- 
relenting fury,"  says  a  Protestant  historian,  "  all  the  sacred 
images  were  destroyed,  and  all  the  monuments  of  the  past, 
which  had  for  long  been  the  objects  of  deep  veneration,  were 
broken  down."^  The  people  were  forcibly  compelled  to 
assist  at  Protestant  worship,  and  those  who  failed  to  do  so 
were  scourged.  Angermann  had  this  chastisement  carried 
out  under  his  own  supervision.^  All  Catholic  ceremonial 
which  had  remained  in  use  since  1593  onwards  was  abolished. 
It  was  then  made  manifest  how  little  the  Swedish  people 
had  understood  Protestant  doctrines  in  their  true  significance. 
Above  all  the  country  folk  murmured  against  these  proceed- 
ings, and  attributed  the  bad  harvests  to  the  abolition  of  the 
remains  of  the  ancient  faith,  which  had  always  been  dear  to 
them.  How  enduring  was  the  attachment  of  the  people  to  the 
ecclesiastical  usages  of  their  fathers  was  shown  by  the  fact 

^  See  Messenius,  VIII. ,  31  seq.  ;    Runs,  II.,  85. 

2  See  Messenius,  VIII.,  32. 

3RUHS,  II.,  285. 

*  See  Ranke,  II.,  252. 

104  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

that  even  in  1602  the  peasants  of  Svintuna  remonstrated  with 
their  parish  priest  because  he  had  refused  to  celebrate  mass 
on  the  feast  of  St.  Lawrence.^  Highly  significant  too  was 
the  fact  that  the  people  would  not  hear  above  all  of  the 
abolition  of  the  elevation  of  the  host.  One  who  wrote  from 
Sweden  was  of  the  opinion  that  many  of  the  country  folk 
would  once  again  become  Catholics,  if  they  could  be  allowed 
to  have  the  mass  in  their  native  tongue.^  The  brutality 
with  which  the  destruction  of  Catholic  memories  was  carried 
out  was  bound  to  scandalize  the  minds  of  such  people.  It 
sounds  incredible,  but  is  vouched  for  by  credible  witnesses, 
that  a  Lutheran  preacher,  who  had  taught  a  crow  to  babble 
a  few  words,  made  it  express  its  sorrow  at  being  excluded 
from  heaven,  whereupon  he  baptized  the  bird  according  to 
the  Catholic  rite.^ 

Just  as  had  been  the  case  at  Vadstena,  where  the  splendid 
silver  reliquaries  of  St.  Eric,  St.  Bridget  and  St.  Catherine 
were  destroyed,  no  consideration  was  shown  for  the  precious 
memorials  of  the  early  history  of  the  country,  so  was  it  in 
other  places  as  well.  The  statue  of  the  saintly  king,  Eric  of 
Sweden,  was  dragged  from  a  parish  church  into  the  open  air, 
and  a  soldier  was  ordered  to  fire  his  musket  at  it  :  the  ball 
came  back  and  killed  the  man,  an  occurrence  which  made  a 
profound  impression  on  the  people.* 

Sigismund  was  not  blind  to  the  attachment  of  the  common 
people  to  the  ancient  faith,  nor  to  the  indignation  which  the 
despotic  rule  of  Charles  aroused  among  the  nobles.  But 
Sigismund  could  not  bring  himself  to  the  point  of  making  a 
fresh  attempt  to  recover  his  kingdom,  which  his  perjured  uncle 

1  See  Geijer,  II.,  299  n.  i.  In  Finland  as  well  the  peoplt; 
wished  to  retain  the  old  Catholic  customs  ;  see  Schybergson, 
Gesch.  Finnlands,  Gotha,  1896,  154. 

*  See  the  *report  of  September  21,  1596,  in  Theiner,  II.,  68  ; 
cj.  ibid.,  .i\g. 

^  See  in  App.  No.  13,  the  *Relatione  dello  Stato  di  Suetia, 
Vallicella  Library,   Rome, 

*  See  ibid. 

remorsp:  of  sigismund.  105 

had  stolen  from  him^  by  revolutionary  methods,  for  he  was 
temperamentally  averse  to  any  resolute  action.^  He  con- 
stantly thought  of  returning  to  Sweden,  and  felt  remorse 
for  the  weakness  which  he  had  shown  in  order  to  bring  about 
his  coronation.  He  once  confessed  to  the  nuncio  Malaspina 
that  he  saw  the  chastisements  of  God  in  the  various  calamities 
which  had  fallen  upon  him  since  then,  above  all  the  death  of . 
his  wife.  For  the  future,  he  told  the  nuncio,  he  would  at 
all  costs  do  nothing  further  to  burden  his  conscience.^ 

This  news  revived  in  Rome  the  hope  of  the  recovery  of 
Sweden  for  the  Catholic  faith. ^     A  memorial  which  was  drawn 

^  "  Very  rarely  were  any  more  rebellious  measures  employed 
to  save  the  national  {s-ic)  monarchy  !  Sweden  stood  firm  amid 
its  glorious  revolution,"  says  Dkoysen,  Gesch.  der  Gegensre- 
formation,  222. 

2  See  Geijer,  II.,  287. 

3  See  in  App.  No.  13,  the  *Relatione,  etc.  Vallicella 
Library,  Rome. 

*  The  first  tidings,  which  were  too  optimistic,  had  raised  great 
hopes  in  Rome,  see  Paruta,  Dispacci,  II.,  131,  152.  To  a  letter 
from  Sigismund  to  the  Pope,  of  September  16,  1593,  Clement  VIII. 
replied  on  December  16  (see  Theiner,  II.,  Doc.  p.  88  seq.)  and 
caused  it  to  be  read  to  the  Cardinals  in  consistory  on  December  20, 
1593  ;  see  Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  Cod.  Barb.,  XXVI.,  5, 
III.,  Vatican  Library,  and  the  *Relatio  gestorum  et  dictorum  in 
consist,  die  20  December,  1593,  in  the  Rospigliosi  Archives, 
Rome,  t.  55.  Sigismund 's  ambassador  for  Poland  and  Sweden 
made  his  obedientia  to  the  Pope  on  January  1 7,  1 594  (see  Theiner, 
loc.  cit.,  90).  In  spite  of  the  bad  news  contained  in  Sigismund 's 
letter  of  March  1594  (see  supra,  pp.  97  seq),  Clement  VIII.  still 
hoped  in  the  autumn  of  1594  for  a  successful  issue  to  Sigismund 's 
efforts  on  behalf  of  the  Swedish  Catholics  ;  see  the  brief  of 
October  29,  1594,  in  Theiner,  loc.  cit.,  92  seq.  At  the  consistory 
on  December  2,  1594,  information  as  to  Sweden,  which  must  have 
been  unsatisfactory,  was  given,  but  on  the  other  hand,  at  the 
consistory  of  June  19,  1595,  Clement  VIII.  reported  an  improve- 
ment in  Sweden,  saying  that  "  *quod  Carolus  ille  dux  non  est 
adeo  infestus  catholicis  eo  quod  ecclesia  ilia  in  arce  N.  frequentatur 
etaim  ab  haereticis."  Acta  consist,  card,  S,  Severinae,  loc.  cit., 
Vatican  Library. 


up  in  the  Eternal  City  at  that  time  by  one  who  was  well 
acquainted  with  affairs  in  Sweden,  brought  out,  among  other 
things,  the  European  importance  of  such  an  event. ^  Finland, 
in  the  hands  of  a  Catholic  prince,  would  become  of  decisive 
importance  in  the  relations  of  the  Church  with  Russia.  From 
thence  the  Muscovite  kingdom  could  be  successfully  attacked, 
and  that  province  could  also  furnish  the  infantry  which  was 
lacking  in  Poland.  Even  if  it  should  not  come  to  war  with 
Russia,  the  possession  of  Finland  would  always  exercise  a 
decisive  pressure  upon  the  Muscovites.  The  author  of  the 
memorial  enlarges  in  detail  upon  the  importance  of  the  ports 
of  Kalmar  and  Elfsborg  in  Westgothland.  Anyone  who 
held  Kalmar  was  the  master  of  the  Baltic,  and  could  also 
take  possession  of  the  Duchy  of  Prussia,  as  it  might  be  taken 
for  granted  that  the  house  of  Brandenburg  would  never  consent 
to  the  restoration  of  the  ancient  Church. ^  It  would  perhaps 
be  of  even  greater  importance  if  the  beautiful  harbour  of 
Elfsborg,  which  had  such  a  splendid  situation,  were  in  the 
hands  of  a  Catholic.  If  the  King  of  Spain  were  to  be  given 
a  base  there  for  his  fleet,  he  would  be  in  a  position  to  cause 
so  much  annoyance  to  the  kingdom  of  Elizabeth,  which  was 
only  three  days  distant,  that  she  would  have  plenty  to  do 
without  attacking  the  West  Indies.  An  alliance  between 
Sigismund  and  Spain,  on  the  express  condition  that  the  latter 
should  bear  the  expense  of  garrisoning  Elfsborg,  would  greatly 
consolidate  the  power  of  the  king,  both  in  Poland  and  in 

All  these  projects  were  frustrated  by  the  energetic  if 
treacherous  activity  of  Charles,  for  whom  Sigismund  was  no 
match. ^  From  the  time  of  his  departure  from  Sweden,  said 
Malaspina  in  August,  1597,  Sigismund,  for  the  protection  of 

1  See  in  App.  No.  13  the  *Re]atio,  etc.,  Vallicella  Library, 
Rome,  from  which  it  is  clear  that  the  author  knew  of  the 
*Ragguaglio  {supra,  p.  89,  n.  i). 

2  The  passage  concerned,  from  the  *  Relatione  di  Polonia  by 
Malaspina  (Vallicella  library,  Rome)  was  given  in  part,  though 
without  indication  as  to  its  source,  by  Ranke  (II.,  254). 

*  C/.  SvEN  TuNBERG  83  scqq.,  142  seqq^ 


his  rights,  had  confined  himself  to  severe  words,  while  Charles 
in  the  meantime  cleverly  and  astutely  gathered  all  the  power 
into  his  own  hands. ^  As  Sigismund's  adherents  had  no  one 
to  support  them  they  could  easily  be  driven  out.  Charles 
also  succeeded  in  getting  possession  of  Elfsborg  and  Kalmar, 
and  successfully  began  a  war  agahist  Finland.^  One  after 
another  the  important  positions  fell  into  the  hands  of  Charles, 
and  in  proportion  as  the  lawful  king  showed  himself  inert 
did  the  duke  seek  to  win  popularity.  The  preachers  were 
already  on  his  side,  and  he  knew  well  how  to  win  over  the 
country  folk.  Many  were  tricked  by  a  report  that  he  was 
acting  in  union  with  Sigismund.  He  cleverly  described  the 
latter  as  not  caring  about  the  Swedes,  saying  that  he  would 
never  leave  Poland  to  come  to  Sweden.^  Sigismund  never 
really  fathomed  his  uncle,  and  it  may  be  seen  from  the  negotia- 
tions which  he  carried  on  with  Charles,  by  means  of  his 
ambassador,  Samuel  Lascy,  how  he  still  hoped  to  come  to 
terms  with  him."* 

The  Diet  which  assembled  at  Arboga  in  February,  1597, 
had  resolved  that  Sigismund  must  be  invited  by  means  of  an 
embassy  to  visit  his  kingdom  ;  but  this  project  remained  on 
paper.  Sigismund  realized  that  he  would  have  to  act  with 
decision  if  he  did  not  wish  to  lose  Sweden.  He  then  made 
known  his  resolve  to  go  thither  at  once,  and  for  that  purpose 
summoned  the  fleet  to  Dantzig.  Charles,  in  reply,  obliged  the 
States  to  enact,  at  two  further  Diets,  held  in  February  and 
June,  1598,  at  Upsala  and  Vadstena,  that  they  pledged  them- 
selves, even  at  the  cost  of  their  lives  and  property  to  the 
observation  of  the  earlier  decrees,  saying  that  they  were  ready 
to  suffer  anything  rather  than  allow  violence  or  persecution 
to  be  inflicted  on  the  duke  or  any  of  their  number  on  that 
account.^  After  Sigismund  had  waited  in  vain  for  the  Swedish 
fleet,   and   had   failed  to   obtain   ships   from   the   Hanseatic 

1  See  report  of  Malaspina  of  August  17,  1597,  ibid.,  146  seqq. 

*  See  Geijer,  II.,  302  seq. 

*  See  report  of  Malaspina  cited  supra,  n.  i. 

*  See  SvEN  TuNBERG,  40  seqq.,  67  seqq. 
5  See  Geijer,  II.,  303. 


League,^  he  had  recourse  to  the  desperate  step  of  forcing 
Enghsh  merchant  vessels  to  make  the  crossing,  which  was 
done  from  Dantzig  in  July,  1598.  He  took  with  him  5,000 
Polish  troops  and  a  brilliant  court,  and  on  Juty  30th  landed 
at  Kalmar,  which  at  once  opened  its  gates  to  him.^ 

What  were  his  prospects  ?  Not  over  favourable,  according 
to  the  description  of  the  Swedish  exiles,  but  at  the  same  time 
not  altogether  hopeless,  since  many  Swedes,  and  among  them 
the  majority  of  the  councillors  of  the  kingdom,  even  though 
the}^  were  Protestant  in  their  sympathies,  did  not  approve  of 
Charles  governing  the  kingdom  against  the  express  wishes  of 
the  lawful  king,  and  who,  throwing  aside  the  mask,  would  have 
raised  the  banner  of  revolt. '^  Sigismund's  principal  mistake 
was  that  he  had  begun  his  enterprise  too  late,  and  with  an 
insufficient  number  of  troops.  An  adversary  so  determined 
and  cunning  as  Charles  had  to  be  opposed  by  an  overwhelming 

In  spite  of  this,  the  undertaking,  which  was  followed  with 
the  greatest  attention  in  Rome,  opened  favourably.  A  great 
part  of  Finland  remained  loyal  to  the  legitimate  sovereign, 
while  Stockholm,  the  capital,  declared  for  Sigismund.^  After 
having  parleyed  for  a  month  without  any  result,  the  army 
took  the  field.  At  first  the  fortunes  of  war  smiled  upon  Sigis- 
mund,  but  his  generosity  towards  Charles  after  his  first 
victory  and  his  unwillingness  to  shed  Swedish  blood,   led 

1  C/.  J.  Paul  in  Hist.  Zeitschr.,  CXXXIII.,  448. 

^  See  Geijer,  304.  The  question  whether  a  Papal  representa- 
tive should  accompany  Sigismund,  was  decided  in  the  negative 
by  Malaspina,  since,  should  affairs  turn  out  favourably,  one 
could  be  sent  at  once  ;    see  Sven  Tunberg,  154  sea. 

^  See  BiAUDET,  L,  v. 

*  See  Geijer,  II.,  304  ;  Schafer,  Gesch.  Danemarks,  V.,  299. 
In  Sigismund's  retinue  there  was  to  be  found  his  court  preacher, 
the  Jesuit  Laterna,  who  had,  however,  to  return  to  Poland  for 
reasons  of  health.  On  his  way  back  he  fell  into  the  hands  of  the 
soldiers  of  Duke  Charles,  who  druwned  him  ;  see  Messenius, 
Secondia  illustr.,  VIII.,  68  ;  Juvencius,  V.,  262  ;  J.  Metzler, 
Martyrergestalten  aus  der  schwed,  Missionsgesch.,  in  Xaveriiis- 
M'i-'>sionskalender,  1923, 


to  this  initial  advantage  being  quickly  lost,  and  the  disastrous 
battle  near  Stangebro,  not  far  from  Linkoping,  which  was 
fought  on  September  25th,  1598,  obliged  Sigismund  to  return 
to  Poland.^  He  continued  thence  to  carry  on  his  struggle 
with  Charles,  but  once  again  his  plans,  which  were  supported 
by  Spain,  were  shipwrecked  owing  to  the  passive  resistance 
of  the  Hanseatic  cities."^  Charles,  who  was  Sigismund's 
superior  in  energy  and  strength  of  will,^  thus  remained  the 
victor.  In  July,  1599,  he  caused  Sigismund  to  be  deposed 
by  the  Diet,  and  then  began  a  bloody  persecution  of  all  those 
who  wished  to  remain  loyal  to  their  lawful  sovereign  and  the 
ancient  religion.*  Clement  VIII. ^  lived  long  enough  to  see 
Charles,  overbearing  all  opposition,  place  on  his  own  head 
the  crown,''  which  he  had  thus  taken  by  violence  from  his 

1  A  still  unpublished  report  by  N.  Sergardi,  an  Italian  who 
accompanied  Sigismund,  on  his  second  expedition  to  Sweden 
(*Breve  compendio  hist,  del  passaggio  in  Suctia  di  Sigismondo 
III.,  1598)  is  preserved  in  the  Library  at  Siena,  Cod.  K.  III.,  58. 

^  See  J.  Paul,  loc.  cit.,  449  seq. 

*  See  BiAUDET,  II.,  i  (1912)  x.  seq. 

*  See  Geijer,  II.,  306  seq.  ;  Theiner,  II.,  70  seq.  Biaudet 
(I.,  V.)  describes  the  measures  taken  by  Charles  as  "  une  serie  de 
repressions  barbares."  The  cruelty  of  Charles  is  also  brought  out 
in  the  poem  by  joh.  Messenius  "  The  Catholic  martyrs  of  Sweden  " 
in  Vol.  9  of  his  Secondia  illustrata,  and  also  by  Odhner,  Larobok 
i  Sveriges,  Norges  och  Danmarks  historia®,  Stockholm,  1886, 
148  seq.  ;  Leinbeug,  Cm  finske  studerande  i  Jesuitcollegier,  in 
the  periodical  Histor.  arkisto,  XI.  (Helsingissa,  1891),  196  seq., 
203  seq.  Biaudet  :  Cm  linske  studerande  i  Jesuitcollegier, 
ibid.,  XIX.  (1903),  178  seqq.  gives  further  information  concerning 
the  Jesuit  missionaries. 

*  Cf.  the  *letter  addressed  to  Clement  VIII.  by  Count  Eric  of 
Visinburg,  March  20,  1602,  Doria  Archives,  Rome. 

*  Biaudet  (I.,  v.  seq.,  335  seq.)  promises  to  give  fuller  informa- 
tion concerning  an  anti-Protestant  league  which  was  projected  at 
that  time  in  Rome,  and  which  was  to  be  especially  directed 
against  Sweden.  Steinhuber  (I.,  360  seq.)  shows  how  Sigismund 
endeavoured  to  get  young  Catholic  Swedes  to  enter  the 


Progress  of  Catholic  Restoration  in  Poland. — Reunion 
OF  THE  Schismatic  Ruthenians. — The  False  Demetrius. 

Some  compensation  for  the  loss  of  Sweden  was  afforded  by  the 
consoHng  progress  of  the  Catholic  religion  in  the  Kingdom  of 
Poland.  At  first  things  had  been  by  no  means  encouraging,  for 
although  Sigismund  III.  was  genuinely  attached  to  Catholicism, 
there  were  nevertheless  serious  restrictions  upon  freedom  of 
worship  in  Poland  in  consequence  of  the  right  which  the  aristoc- 
racy had  extorted  from  King  Henry  III.  in  1572,  and  which 
had  been  confirmed  by  his  successors,  of  deciding  their  own 
religion  and  that  of  their  subjects.^  To  this  was  added  the 
fact  that  Sigismund  was  in  no  sense  a  man  of  energy  and 
resoluteness.^  His  weakness  in  the  matter  of  distributing 
the  offices  of  State  degenerated  into  a  favouring  of  the 
Protestants.^  But  little  by  little  the  Pope's  representative, 
the  nuncio  Malaspina,  as  well  as  the  higher  Polish  clergy, 
and  especially  the  Archbishop  of  Gnesen,  Karnkowski  (died 
1603),  succeeded  in  leading  Sigismund  to  a  different  course  of 
action.*  In  course  of  time  the  change  in  the  king  became 
so  complete  that  a  well-informed  correspondent  was  able 
to  report  to  Rome  in  1596  that  in  the  whole  world  there  was 

1  For  the  so-called  Confederation  of  Warsaw  see  Vol. 

of  this  work.  An  opinion  by  the  Jesuit  Toledo  "  *De  juramento 
Stephani  regis  Poloniae  de  impunitate  haereticorum  "  (in  Borghese 
III.,  72b,  pp.  460  scqq.,  Papal  Secret  Archives)  puts  forward  the 
view  :  "  Juramentum  tale  multis  ex  partibus  iniquam  est. 
Male  emissum  multo  tamen  peius  est  adimplere." 

2  See  Paruta,   Relazione,  431  ;    Dolfin,  Relazione,  473. 

'  See  E.   Barwinski  in  :    Reformacye  w  Polsce    (ed.   Kox)   I. 
*  See  ibid. 



no  such  obedient  son  of  the  Church  as  Sigismund  1 11.^ 
Qlement  VIII.  therefore  always  spoke  of  him  in  terms  of  the 
highest  praise.  In  order  to  examine  more  fully  the  Polish 
question,  the  Pope,  in  the  first  year  of  his  pontificate,  had 
appointed  a  special  congregation,  composed  of  Cardinals 
Tagliavia,  Galli,  Caetani,  Salviati,  Sforza  and  Montalto,  to 
whom  was  added  Cinzio  Aldobrandini.  Minuccio  Minucci 
acted  as  its  secretary.  ^ 

It  was  a  special  joy  to  the  Pope  that  he  was  able  to  satisfy 
a  long-standing  wish  of  the  Poles  by  bringing  to  an  end  in 
the  spring  of  1594  the  process  of  canonization  of  St.  Hyacinth. 
On  this  occasion  he  recalled  how  greatly  St.  Hyacinth  was 
venerated  in  Poland  in  1588  when  he  had  been  there  as 

Besides  the  duty  of  watching  over  ecclesiastical  interests, 
Germanico  Malaspina,  who  was  nuncio  in  Poland  from  1592 
to  1598,  had  been  charged  with  the  task  of  encouraging  the 
war  against  the  Turks.  Clement  VIII.  hoped  to  win  over 
Poland  to  the  great  league  which  he  projected  against  the 
Turks,  and  when  the  king  had  returned  from  Sweden  in  1594, 
Malaspina  laboured  in  every  possible  way  for  this  purpose  ; 
it  seemed,  however,  that  he  had  not  reckoned  sufficiently 
on  the  difficulties.^  When,  therefore,  the  success  which  the 
Pope  so  ardently  desired,  and  even  expected  on  the  strength 

^  *Si  e  fatto  cosi  ossequente  il  sereniss.  Re  alia  Sede  Apost. 
che  in  niuna  parte  del  mondo  e  in  maggior  authorita  essa  sede  ne 
li  ministri  di  essa  ne  I'ordine  et  giurisdittione  eccles.  e  piu  difesa 
et  aiutata  da  Re  alcuno  di  quelle  ch'e  dalla  M*^  del  Re  di  Polonia, 
it  is  stated  in  an  account  written  in  1598,  with  the  title  :  *Attioni 
seguite  in  Polonia  et  in  Suetia  dopo  rassontione  al  pontificate  di 
N.S^*^  Clemente  VIII.  a  benefitio  del  Re,  del  regno  et  della  religione, 
Cod.  N.  34,  p.  433  seq.,  of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome.  Orig.  in 
Borghese,  III.,  96b,  p.  97  seq.,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

''See  SiiEVE,  IV.,  126  n.   i. 

*  See  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  March  31,  1594,  loc.  cit., 
Vatican  Library.     Cf.  also  infra,  Chapter  VI. 

*  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  133.  Cf.  Vita  di  Msgr.  Ces. 
Speciani,   181  seqq. 

112  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

of  the  reports  of  Malaspina/  was  not  attained,  it  was  resolved 
in  Rome  to  send  a  special  embassy.  Therefore,  at  the 
beginning  of  1596,  the  Bishop  of  Caserta,  Benedetto  Mandina, 
who  belonged  to  the  Theatine  Order,  was  appointed, ^  and 
in  April  of  the  same  year,  the  Cardinal  legate  Caetani.^  The 
latter  left  Rome  on  April  25th  with  a  large  retinue  and  reached 
Vienna  about  a  month  later.  The  master  of  ceremonies, 
Mucantius,  who  accompanied  the  legate,  wrote  a  very  inter- 
esting description  of  this  journey  from  the  point  of  view  of 
history  and  culture.^ 

*  Cf.  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  December  2,  1594,  and 
March  6,  1595,  loc.  cit..  Vatican  Library. 

2  CJ.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  290.  See  also  B.  Mandinae, 
congreg.  cleric,  regul.  episc.  Casertini,  nuntii  ad  regem  senatumque 
Polonum  Apost.  Oratio  de  foedere  cum  christianis  contra  Turcam 
paciscendo  habita  in  comitiis  Varsaviae,  3  Cal.  April,  1596, 
printed  at  Cracow,  1596,  and  also  Roberti  Turneki  Orationes, 
II.,  80  seqq.  Cf.  also  *"  Successo  de  comitii  di  Polonia  circa  la 
lega  contra  il  Turco,"  dated  Warsaw,  1596,  May  14,  in  Cod.  N.  35, 
p.  133  seq.,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome.  Ibid.  108  seq.  *"  Motivi 
ne  Polachi  per  difficoltare  la  conclusione  della  lega  contro  il  Turco 
con  le  risposte  alii  detti  motivi,  1596."  Lunig  (Staatsconsilia,  I., 
487)  makes  the  "  reflection  as  to  whether  it  is  better  for  the  Poles  to 
break  the  peace  with  the  Turks  or  to  maintain  it,  and  of  the 
disputation  concerning  the  reasons  for  and  against  held  in  1597 
before  Pope  Clement  VIII." 

3  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  291. 

*  *"  Itinerario  o  diario  di  tutte  le  cose  occorse  nel  tempo  di 
Clement  VII..  nella  legatione  del  card.  Gaetano  al  Re  di  Polonia 
libro  I  e  II  scritto  da  Giov.  Paolo  Mucante,  maestro  di  ceremonie," 
in  Ottob.  2623,  Barb.  LVL,  103,  and  LVIL,  26,  Vatican  Library, 
and  in  Arm.  I.,  vol.  82,  Papal  Secret  Archives,  the  dedicatory 
letter,  dated  Ferrara,  1598,  May  15,  to  Cardinal  C.  Aldobrandini. 
Copy  in  Cod.  567  of  the  Palatine  Library,  Parma.  Cf.  Ciampi,  I., 
'^57>  349  ^^l-i  I1-.  49  ^^'1-  '>  ZocHBAUER,  Ein  rom.  Reisebericht 
liber  Osterreicli  aus  dem  Jahre  1596,  in  Ayckiv.  f.  Gesch.  der  Dioz. 
Lim,  V.  (1909),  75  seq.  I  have  not  succeeded  in  finding  the 
article  by  O.  F.  Tencajoli  :  Un  legat  du  Clement  VIII.  en 
Pologne,    1596,    cited    in    Quellen    u.    Forsch.,    IV.,    407.     The 


Cardinal  Caetani  received  from  Mandina  more  definite 
information  as  to  the  position  of  the  league  while  he  was  at 
Vienna,  where  for  eight  days  he  enjoyed  the  hospitality  of  the 
Austrian  court.  They  both  expected  to  meet  with  less 
difficulties  from  Poland  than  from  the  Emperor,  since  the 
Archduke  Maximilian,  who  was  intended  for  the  office  of 
commander-in-chief  against  the  Turks,  still  refused  to  renounce 
the  title  of  King  of  Poland.  What  would  happen,  the  Poles 
asked  themselves,  should  the  archduke,  instead  of  marching 
against  the  Turks,  turn  his  forces  against  Poland  in  order  to 
vindicate  his  supposed  claims  ?  To  this  was  added,  as 
Caetani  reported  to  Rome,  the  dilatoriness  of  the  Emperor's 
policy,  which  was  averse  to  applying  the  proper  remedies  to 
any  evils.  If  Maximilian  would  not  renounce  his  claims  to 
the  throne,  the  legate  rightly  pointed  out,  the  Poles  would 
offer  such  a  resistance  that  all  efforts  would  be  in  vain.^ 

*Registro  di  lettere  scritte  dal  card.  E.  Caetano  nella  siia  legazione 
di  Polonia  in  Cod.  X.-VI.,  13  and  14  of  the  Casanatense  Library, 
Rome.     Ibid.,  15  other  *documents  pertaining  to  this  legation. 

1  *Circa  la  lega  Mons.  di  Caserta,  che  arrivo  qui  alii  27,  me 
n'ha  dato  gran  luce.  Convenghiamo  in  questo,  che  i  Polacchi 
siano  per  caminar  bene,  ma  dubitiamo  che  dalla  parte  degli 
Imperial!  non  si  zoppichi,  poiche  quanto  al  punto  della  renuntia 
del  titolo,  secondo  che  me  ne  scrive  il  vescovo  di  Cremona  [C. 
Speciani],  arciduca  Massimiliano  par  che  non  ci  venga  bene 
attaccandosi  a  certe  speranze  che  hanno  piu  fiori  che  frutti  e 
possono  anzi  deluderlo  che  aiutarlo  oltre  che  il  vederlo  disegnato 
capo  e  generale  di  questa  impresa  f omenta  la  sospettione  de 
Polacchi  che  habbiano  almeno  apparente  ragione  di  dubitarne 
tanto  pill  vedendolo  armato  e  munito  et  atto  a  poter  piegare 
I'armi  e  le  forze  communi  a  libito  de'suoi  proprii  e  privati  interessi. 
S'aggionge  a  questo  che  I'espeditioni  della  corte  Cesarea  nel 
presente  negotio  vanno  lente  e  fredde  e  par  che  si  cammini  a  fine 
non  di  curare  I'infermo,  ma  di  sostenerlo  co'fomenti  e  panni  caldi 
piu  tosto  che  con  remedii  opportuni  e  gagliardi.  Chiara  cosa  e, 
che  senza  questa  cessione  i  Polacchi  non  solo  staranno  duri,  ma 
ostinatissimi  e  sara  vana  ogni  fatica  che  s'impieghi  in  questa 
pratica  se  non  si  rimuove  la  pietra  di  quello  scandalo.  Casanatense 
Library,  Rome,  loc.  cit. 

VOL.    XXIV.  8 

114  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

Caetani  decided  to  send  Mandina  to  the  Imperial  court,  after 
which  he  was  to  come  to  Poland  to  report. 

On  June  i6th  the  Cardinal  legate  reached  Cracow/  but  it 
was  not  until  August  8th  that  he  was  able  to  inaugurate  the 
negotiations  between  the  Polish  delegates  and  these  of  the 
Emperor  at  the  Radziwill  palace.  Rudolph  II.  had  placed 
the  distinguished  Bishop  of  Breslau,  Andreas  von  Jerin,  at 
the  head  of  his  representatives.^ 

The  inaugural  address  of  Caetani  to  the  envoys  of  the 
Emperor  and  the  King  of  Poland,  besides  explaining  the  efforts 
which  the  Pope  was  making  for  a  crusade,  expressed  a  fervent 
hope  that  they  would  give  effect  to  his  plans  by  coming  to  an 
agreement  as  to  the  financial  contributions  and  the  prepara- 
tions for  the  war.  In  the  reply  which  he  made  in  the  name 
of  the  Imperialists  the  Bishop  of  Breslau  praised  the  zeal  of 
the  Pope,  and  also  brought  out  the  efforts  of  the  Hapsburgs 
for  the  protection  of  their  hereditary  territories  and  of  the 
whole  of  Christendom  against  their  sworn  enemy,  and  appealed 
to  the  chivalrous  sentiments  and  the  ancient  military  glory 
of  Poland,  which  in  close  alliance  with  the  Imperialists,  could 
destroy  that  dreaded  foe  for  their  own  salvation  and  that  of 
others.  At  the  end  the  bishop  called  attention  to  an  inveterate 
and  serious  defect  of  Polish  assemblies  :  namely  that  owing 
to  the  vehemence  of  the  speeches  and  the  excessive  character 
of  the  demands,  the  desired  object  was  too  often  lost  sight  of 
and  an  alliance  rendered  impossible.  The  orator  of  the 
Polish  representatives.  Bishop  Goslicki  of  Przemysl,  thanked 
the  Pope  and  the  Emperor  for  their  complaisance,  but  asked 
of  the  latter,  deeds  instead  of  words,  as  well  as  the  fulfilment 
of  the  indispensable  conditions.^  These  were  at  once  put 
into  writing.  Caetani  was  unwearied  in  his  efforts  to  reconcile 
the  warring  interests,  and  in  turning  the  attention  of  the 
Poles  from  their  just  insistence  upon  Maximilian's  oath  of 

^  Detailed  description  in  Mucantius,  *Itinerario,  loc.  cit. 
*  See  Jerin-Gesess,  Biscof  Andreas  Jerin,  Neisse,  1900,  84  seq., 
and  Naegele  in  Katholik,  191 1,  I.,  364  seq. 
2  See  Jerin-Gesess,  loc.  cit. 


renunciation  to  the  principal  point  at  issue,  the  war  against 
the  Turks.  The  Bishop  of  Breslau  had  great  difficulty  in 
answering  the  attacks,  which  were  to  a  great  extent  justified, 
upon  Austrian  polic}^  and,  in  order  to  come  to  a  discussion 
of  the  league,  in  dealing  with  the  just  demand  for  a  renuncia- 
tion of  all  claims  to  the  Polish  throne.  At  length  the  Polish 
representatives  gave  way,  on  condition  that  the  Archduke 
Maximilian  would  take  an  oath  of  renunciation  within  a 
determined  period,  a  period  which  was  extended  until 
November  nth,  at  the  proposal  of  Caetani.  Thus,  with  great 
difficulty,  an  agreement  was  arrived  at  concerning  the  league 
on  August  31st. ^ 

The  hopes  expressed  by  the  legate  at  the  conclusion,  that 
the  still  outstanding  difficulties  would  soon  be  overcome,  were 
not,  however,  realized,  as  neither  the  Emperor  nor  the  King 
of  Poland  would  accept  the  terms  agreed  upon.'^ 

Caetani's  journey  to  see  Sigismund  IIL  at  Warsaw,  which 
he  entered  on  September  loth,^  proved  of  no  avail,  and  at 
his  first  audience,  which  he  received  on  the  24th,  the  diffi- 
culties which  were  finally  to  render  his  mission  void  were 
brought  forward.  The  profound  distrust  of  the  King  of 
Poland  was  expressed  in  his  opening  words  :  that  very  morning 
he  had  received  news  that  peace  negotiations  were  being  carried 
on  between  the  Porte  and  the  Emperor  at  Constantinople, 
through  the  mediation  of  the  English  ambassador.* 

At  the  end  of  October  the  legate  followed  the  King  of 
Poland  to  Cracow,  where  the  interment  of  his  aunt.  Queen 
Anna,^  who  had  died  on  August  9th,  was  to  take  place. 
Caetani  again  laboured  on  behalf  of  the  league  at  Cracow, 

^  See  *Acta  et  gesta  legationis  Poloniae  et  tractionis  Craco- 
viensis  super  negotio  confoederationis  faciendae  inter  Papain, 
Imperatorem,  regem  et  regnum  Poloniae,  1596,  in  Ottob.  3184, 
pp.  226-314,  Vatican  Library. 

2  See  Jerin-Gksess,  loc.  oiL,  97  seq.,  and  Naegele,  loc.  rAt.,  369. 

*  Cf.  the  report  of  Mucantius,  *Itinerario,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  Cf.  the  *report  of  Caetani,  dated  Warsaw,  1596,  September  24, 
Cod.  X.-VL,  14,  of  the  Casanatense  Library,  Rome. 

*  Described  in  detail  by  Mucantius,  Itinerario,  loc.  cit. 


while  he  also  interested  himself  in  getting  Imperial  repre- 
sentatives sent  to  the  Diet  at  Warsaw.  The  Poles  pointed 
out  that  a  league  was  very  dangerous  since  Rudolph  might 
die  and  the  succession  of  the  House  of  Austria  to  the  Empire 
was  very  uncertain.  In  these  circumstances  a  league  against 
the  Turks  would  expose  Poland,  as  the  weaker  party,  to  grave 

In  spite  of  the  unfavourable  conditions,  Caetani  went  in 
February  1597  to  the  Diet  at  Warsaw.^  There,  in  the  presence 
of  the  king  and  all  the  senators  he  delivered  a  discourse  which 
lasted  for  three  quarters  of  an  hour,  in  which  he  urged  war 
against  the  Turks,  pointing  out  in  the  most  emphatic  way  the 
dangers  which  threatened  Christendom.^  But  his  words  fell 
on  deaf  ears.  The  Diet  did  nothing,  and  the  laments  which 
Skarga  made  in  his  celebrated  discourse  that  followed  were 
only  too  well  justified.'*  Discouraged  and  unwell,  the  legate 
resolved  to  return  to  Italy.  He  went  by  way  of  Lowicz, 
Gnesen,  Ostrava  in  Moravia,  Olmiitz,  Nikolsburg,  Vienna, 
Graz,  Villach,   Pontebba,  Treviso,  Padua   and   Ferrara,^  to 

^  *I  Polacchi  dicono  I'lmperatore  e  mortale  e  la  successione 
dellTmperio  in  casa  d'Austria  non  e  certa  e  I'esporre  il  regno  a 
queste  incertezze  con  evidentissimo  pericolo  non  e  resolutione  da 
buon  politico,  atteso  che  le  leghe  possono  scioglersi  et  airhora 
chi  puo  meno  suol  devenir  preda  da  chi  puo  piu  e  rimaner  solo 
alle  botte  ;  e  questi  dubii  si  aumentano  per  non  si  veder  fatta 
I'elettione  del  Re  di  Romani.  Caetani  in  his  *report  addressed 
to  C.  Aldobrandini,  dated  Cracow,  1597,  January  13,  Cod.  X.-VI., 
14,  of  the  Casanatense  Library,  Rome. 

2  Cf.  Diaria  comitiorum  Poloniae  anni  1597,  in  Script,  rer. 
Pol.,  XX.,  Cracow,  1907. 

8  Cf.  Mucanzio,  *Itinierario,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  See  Berga,  247. 

^  See  the  detailed  description  of  the  return  journey  in  the 
*Itinerario  of  Mucantius,  loc.  cit.  together  with  a  report  of  the 
impressions  of  the  Cardinal  legate  of  the  religious  conditions  in 
the  places  through  wliich  he  passed,  and  of  the  honour  paid  to 
the  representative  of  the  Pope.  Mucantius  also  gives  the  whole 
of  the  scholastic  drama  performed  at  Graz  by  the  "  scolari  della 
prima  classe  di  grammatica  "  of  the  Jesuit  School. 


Rome,  where  he  gave  the  Pope  a  full  report.  From  this 
Clement  VIII.  learned  with  sincere  satisfaction  that  in  Poland, 
owing  to  the  piety  of  the  king,  the  zeal  of  the  bishops,  and 
the  labours  of  the  Jesuits,  religion  was  visibly  reviving.-*- 

Malaspina  was  profoundly  disturbed  by  this  two-fold 
mission  of  special  legates.  Often  made  the  subject  of  attacks 
and  of  severe  judgments,-  it  must  have  seemed  to  him  an 
emancipation  when  he  was  recalled  from  the  Polish  nunciature 
in  1598.  At  the  beginning  of  1599  Clement  VIII.  appointed 
Claudio  Rangoni,  Bishop  of  Reggio  Emilia,  to  succeed  him.^ 

In  his  final  report  Malaspina  drew  an  interesting  picture 
of  the  state  of  affairs  in  the  kingdom  where  he  had  resided  for 
eight  years.*  After  he  had  described  in  the  most  lucid  manner 
the  peculiar  constitution  of  Poland,  where  the  powerful 
aristocracy  did  not  permit  of  the  development  of  a  strong 
monarchical  power,  as  well  as  the  dangers  to  which  the 
kingdom  was  exposed,  threatened  as  it  was  on  the  north  by 

'  In  the  *Relatio  card.  Caetani  ad  Papam  de  sua  legatione 
(Ott.  3184,  p.  143  seq.,  Vatican  Library)  it  is  stated  :  "  Religio 
catholica  in  Polonia,  ut  apostoli  verbis  utar,  fructificat  ac  crescit 
et  novis  quotidie  haereticorum  conversionibus  et  animarum 
lucris  augetur."  Then  follo-ws  praise  of  the  "  eximia  pietas  imo 
sanctitas  "  of  the  king,  and  of  the  zealous  labours  of  almost  all 
the  bishops,  whose  greatest  helpers  are  the  Jesuits. 

*  C/.  Parisi,  Epistolografia,  L,  196;    Ciampi,  II.,  51. 

*  His  *Instructions,  February  22,  1599,  in  Nunziat.  div.  239, 
p.  238  seq.,  Papal  Secret  Archives,  and  in  Cod.  H.  155,  n.  2  of  the 
Ambrosian  Library,  Milan.  The  *briefs  of  January  11,  1599, 
concerning  the  legation,  in  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  13-29  [cf.  n.  113  : 
"  Regi  Poloniae,"  dated  "  Cal.  Mart."),  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
Cf.  Theiner,  III.,  271  seq.  For  Claudio  Rangoni  see  Cottafavi, 
II  seminario  di  Reggio  nell 'Emilia,  Rome,  1907,  3  seqq. 

*  See  *"  Relatione  di  Polonia  al  vescovo  di  Caserta  del  1600," 
Cod.  N.  33,  pp.  120-144,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome  ;  ibid.  Cod. 
N.  35,  pp.  235-270,  and  in  LTrb.  837,  pp.  480-512,  of  the  Vatican 
Library,  here  with  the  name  of  Malaspina.  Ranke  (II.,  254  ; 
III.,  90*)  made  use  of  the  report  without  knowing  its  author, 
and  without  giving  the  source.  A  Polish  translation  in  Relacye 
Nuncyuszow  Apost.,  II.,  75  seq. 

Il8  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

the  Swedish  Lutherans,  on  the  east  by  the  Orthodox  Russians 
and  the  Cossacks,  and  on  the  south  by  the  Turks,  he  could 
see  no  other  hope  of  salvation  than  in  an  alliance  with  Austria 
and  Transylvania,  and  in  the  re-establishment  of  unity  of 
faith  at  home.  As  to  the  former,  Malaspina,  at  the  end  of 
his  mission,  had  witnessed  the  oath  by  which  the  Archduke 
Maximilian  renounced  the  Polish  crown  (May  8th,  1598). ^ 
But  this,  as  he  fully  realized,  by  no  means  removed  all  the 
obstacles  that  stood  in  the  way  of  an  alliance  with  Austria. 
Malaspina  also  formed  a  just  estimate  of  the  difficulties  which 
the  conditions  in  Poland  put  in  the  way  of  a  Catholic  revival, 
although  he  by  no  means  despaired  of  the  possibility  of  one 
day  seeing  unity  of  faith  restored  there.  He  gave  his 
successor  a  number  of  valuable  counsels  for  the  realization 
of  that  purpose.  Above  all,  the  nuncio  should  encourage 
the  king  in  his  good  intentions,  and  maintain  unity  among 
the  Catholics,  so  that  they  might  oppose  a  united  front  to 
their  adversaries  in  the  Diets.  The  nuncio,  Malaspina  pointed 
out,  must  prove  himself  the  impartial  and  dispassionate 
servant  of  the  Holy  See,  for  thus  he  would  be  in  a  better 
position  to  maintain  unity  among  the  Catholics,  clergy,  laity 
and  the  sovereign.  If  disputes  should  break  out,  then  he 
could  more  easily  act  as  peacemaker,  since  the  Poles  would 
rather  have  a  representative  of  the  Holy  See  to  act  in  that 
capacity  than  one  of  their  own  countrymen.- 

A  brief  but  weighty  summary  belonging  to  August  1598 
shows  how  Malaspina  had  devoted  all  his  powers  to  the 
restoration  of  the  Church  in  Poland.  Special  credit  is  due 
to  him  for  having  induced  the  bishops  to  follow  the  good 
example  set  them  by  the  Pope  in  visiting  their  dioceses  and 
holding  diocesan  synods,  a  thing  that  had  been  neglected  for 
a   long   time   past.^     Clement   VIII.    had   encouraged   these 

1  Cf.  HiRN  in  Mitteil.  dcs  osterr.  Instit.,  Erg.  Bd.,  IV.,  248  seq. 

^  Relatione  di  Polonia,  he.  cit. 

^  *"  Si  e  indotto  li  ecclesiastici  che  a  imitatione  di  N.S.  hanno 
visitate  le  diocesi,  fatto  li  sinodi  diocesani  che  da  molte  decine 
d'anni  si  era  tra!asciato  et  hora  cercano  di  potere  celebrare  un 
concilio  nazionale  o  provinciale  "  (Attioni  seguite  in  Polonia,  etc., 


efforts  in  every  way,  and  had  taken  a  special  interest  in  the 
visitation  of  the  Polish  Dominicans^  and  Carmelites.-  The 
Pope's  representative,  Alexander  Komulovic,  who  was 
labouring  in  eastern  Europe  on  behalf  of  the  ant  i-Turkish  war, 
undertook  by  Malaspina's  direction,  a  visitation  of  the  great 
diocese  of  Wilna,^  which,  after  the  translation  of  Cardinal 
Georg  Radziwill  to  Cracow  in  1591,  had  been  left  without  a 
bishop.  In  1596  Komulovic  succeeded  in  persuading  Sigsmund 
to  appoint  Bernard  Maciejowski  to  Wilna,  thus  giving  that 
diocese  a  new  and  virtuous  bishop.* 

As  far  as  was  possible,  Malaspina  endeavoured  to  enforce 
the  decrees  of  the  Council  of  Trent,  which  had  been  accepted 
in  Poland.  In  this  respect  too  his  labours  were  crowned  with 
much  success.^  The  nuncio  had  also  worked  for  the  restora- 
tion of  the  Catholic  Church  in  Poland  in  other  ways  as  well ; 
in  many  of  the  cities  the  heretics  and  schismatics  had  taken 
away  their  churches  from  the  adherents  of  the  old  faith,  and 

loc.  cit.,  Vallicclla  Library,  Rome).  For  the  visitation  of  1596 
of.  Script,  rer.  Pol.,  XV.,  252.  The  brief  of  praise  to  the  Arch- 
bishop of  Gnesen  on  account  of  the  provincial  synod  of  July  17, 
1598,  in  Theiner,  III.,  273  seq.  Clement  VIII.  highly  praised 
the  Bishop  of  Ermland  in  a  *brief  to  the  King  of  Poland,  April  26, 
1603,  Arm.  44,  t.  57,  n.  104,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

1  See  the  *brief  to  the  "  Cancell.  Poloniae,"  August  7,  1593, 
Arm.  44,  t.  34,  n.  53,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  See  ibid.,  t.  46,  n.  100,  the  *brief  to  Sigismund  III.,  April  10, 
1602.  Clement  VIII.  also  intervened  on  behalf  of  the  Orders, 
in  favour  of  the  right  of  investiture  of  the  abbeys,  but  did  not 
succeed  in  obtaining  anything  from  Sigismund,  all  the  more  so 
as  Malaspina  had  adopted  the  Polish  point  of  view  on  this  matter. 
See  the  details  in  the  article  by  Luotke  in  Zeitschr.  f.  osieurop. 
Gesch.,  IV.  (1914),  7  seq. 

=*  See  PiERLiNG,  II.,  359. 

*  See  the  *report  of  Cardinal  Caetani,  July  26,  1596,  in  Cod. 
X.-VL,  14,  of  the  Casanatense  Library,  Rome. 

'  *"  Se  bene  il  Concilio  era  stato  ricevuto  non  era  tuttavia 
posto  in  essecutione  onde  restavano  piu  tosto  illaqueate  le  anime 
che  assicurate.  Si  e  in  buona  parte  posto  in  uso  la  essecutione  di 
esse."     Attioni  seguite  in  Polonia,  loc.  cit. 

120  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  number  of  sacred  edifices  which  had  been  lost  in  this  way 
was  about  4,000.  Malaspina  encouraged  the  bishops  to 
enforce  their  legal  rights  over  the  ecclesiastical  buildings 
which  had  been  erected  by  their  labours,  and  often  with  the 
help  of  the  Holy  See.  King  Sigismund  strongly  supported 
these  efforts,  and  when  the  Protestants  had  recourse  to  him, 
appealing  to  the  confederation  of  Warsaw,  which  had  ensured 
equal  protection  to  both  confessions,  he  remarked  that  this 
did  not  apply  to  the  churches  which  had  been  usurped  contrary 
to  all  rights.^  In  this  way  by  1598  at  least  half  the  churches 
had  been  recovered.  ^ 

Malaspina  reported  that  the  exemplary  manner  of  life  of 
the  king  had  brought  many  Protestants  back  to  the  Church.^ 
Great  influence  in  this  respect  had  been  exercised  by  the  fact 
that  the  King  of  Poland  had  in  his  hands  the  conferring  of 
nearly  all  the  civil  offices  as  well  as  many  ecclesiastical  ones, 
in  all  some  20,000.*  Before  this  time  Hosius,  Bolognetti  and 
Clement  VIII.  himself,  when  he  was  Cardinal  legate,^  had 
advised  the  making  use  of  this  circumstance  on  behalf  of  the 
Catholic  cause.  This  was  first  done  in  the  time  of  Stephen 
Bathory,®  and  from  1592  onwards  in  an  ever  increasing  degree 
by  Sigismund  III.  ;  even  to  the  senate,  into  which  many 
Protestants  had  made  their  way,  none  but  Catholics  were  now 
admitted.     The  change  which  was  effected  in  this  way  was 

1  Cf.  Ranke,  II.,  244. 

^  *"  Havevano  ]i  heretic!  et  scismatici  usurpate  da  quattro 
mila  parocchie  ;  se  ne  sono  ricuperate  interne  a  due  mila." 
Attioni  seguite  in  Polonia,  luc.  cit. 

3  *Relatione  di  Pelonia.  Cod.  N.  35,  ValliceJla  Library,  Rome. 

*  *[I1  Re]  ha  il  pane  in  mano  et  lo  puo  distribuire  a  chi  h  piace 
et  si  non  i  Polacchi  poveri  di  patrimonie  et  senza  i  beni  regii  cioe 
palatinati,  capitanati,  castellanie  et  altri  ufficii  et  dignita,  che 
seno  al  numero  di  circa  20,000  comprese  le  neminationi  et  dignita 
ecclesiastiche  non  potrebbeno  vivere  con  splendore.  Relatione 
di  Polonia,  loc.  cit. 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  App.  no.  45,  the  instructions 
for  M.  Barberini,   Vatican  Library. 

«  Cf.  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  p.  393, 


so  great  that  in  a  letter  belonging  to  the  latter  days  of 
Malaspina's  nunciature  it  was  stated  :  "If  before  the  pontifi- 
cate of  Our  Lord  the  Pope,  it  seemed  as  though  heresy  were 
driving  Catholicism  into  its  grave,  it  is  now  manifest  that 
Catholicism  is  burying  the  said  heresy."^  There  can  be 
wonder  then  that  Clement  VIII.  was  highly  delighted. ^ 

In  the  same  way  as  he  had  laboured  for  its  external  develop- 
ment, so  did  Malaspina  devote  his  attention  to  the  interior 
renewal  and  consolidation  of  the  ancient  Church.  He  advised 
his  successor  Rangoni  above  all  to  see  to  it  that  the  Papal 
juridical  authority  suffered  no  usurpation  in  Poland,  that 
the  bishops  fulfilled  their  duty  of  residence,  and  that  they 
established  good  seminaries  for  the  training  of  the  secular 
clergy,  and  paid  much  attention  to  the  filling  of  the  parochial 
offices.  He  also  drew  the  attention  of  Rangoni  to  the  Catholics 
of  Livonia,  the  Duchy  of  Prussia,  Dantzig,  Elbing,  and  the 
diocese  of  Wilna,  who  were  oppressed  by  the  Protestants. 
Mixed  marriages,  which  were  on  the  increase  in  spite  of 
ecclesiastical  prohibitions,  called  for  special  vigilance.^ 

1  *Era  il  senate  pieno  di  soggetti  heretici  ;  si  e  purgato  di 
mode  che  appena  tre  sono  infatti  di  heresia  et  si  e  indotta  S.  M*^ 
a  non  dare  offitii  ne  dignita  a  persone  aliene  dalla  nostra  santa 
religione  di  mode  che  sicome  avanti  I'assontione  al  pontificate  di 
N.  S'^^  pareva  che  la  heresia  conducesse  il  cattolicismo  alia 
sepultura,  hera  si  vede  manifestamente  che  il  cattolicismo 
seppellisce  detta  heresia.  Attieni  sei-,"uite  in  Pelonia  loc.  cit., 
Vallicella  Library,    Rome. 

2  *"  Nei  restiame  sodisfatte  del  vestre  servitie,  stimiame  le 
vestre  fatiche  et  ci  teniamo  obligati  di  rimunerarle,"  he  said  to 
Malaspina,  accerding  to  the  latter's  report  dated  Ferrara,  August 
2o,  1598,  Borghese,  IIL,  96b,  p.  96,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

^  See  *Attioni  seguite  in  Polonia,  loc.  cit.  In  1596  Cardinal 
Caetani  had,  at  the  request  of  the  Bishop  of  Kulm,  addressed  a 
question  to  the  Inquisition  in  Rome  on  a  similar  matter.  Cardinal 
Santori  repUed  in  a  *letter  of  December  5,  1596,  that  the  Congrega- 
tion had  discussed  the  matter  under  the  presidency  of  the  Pope  : 
Non  e  parso  in  modo  alcuno  che  si  possa  permettere  ne  tollerare 
senza  peccato  che  li  sacerdoti  cattolici  coniungano  in  matrimonio 
persone  heretiche  e  benedicano  le  loro  nozze  poiche  se  bene  tra 

122  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

A  great  misfortune  for  Poland,  of  which  Queen  Anna  had 
complained  in  1594  in  a  letter  to  Clement  VIII.,  was  the  great 
lack  of  priests.^  All  the  more  important,  then,  was  the 
assistance  given  by  the  Jesuits,  who  had  proved  themselves 
>he  loyal  co-operators  in  the  work  of  restoration  carried  out 
by  Malaspina  and  the  king.^ 

During  the  pontificate  of  Clem.ent  VIII.  the  Society  of  Jesus 
flourished  in  Poland  to  an  extraordinary  degree,  both  internally 
and  external^.  If  hitherto  their  members  had  been  to  a  great 
extent  foreigners,  namely  Italians,  Spaniards  and  Germans, 
the  number  of  natives  now  increased,  among  whom  were 
numbered  many  of  the  aristocracy.  During  the  first  years 
of  the  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  there  were  thirteen  houses 
of  the  Order  in  Poland,  while  bj^  1596  there  were  already 
seventeen.  There  were  colleges  at  Posen,  Braunsberg,  Wilna, 
Poltawa,  Jaroslaw,  Lublin,  Nieswiecz,  Riga,  Dorpat  and 
Polotzk  ;  professed  houses  at  Cracow,  Lemberg,  Dantzig  and 
Thorn,  and  noviciates  at  Cracow  and  Riga.  To  these  must 
be  added  a  special  "  station  "  at  the  Toya.\  court,  which  after- 
wards became  a  professed  house,  when  Warsaw  became  the 
capital.  As  a  single  superior  could  not  govern  all  these 
houses,  about  the  end  of  the  century  Lithuania  was  formed 

lore  il  matrimonio  si  tiene,  non  di  meno  i  cattolici  e  i  sacerdoti, 
che  v'intervengono,  peccano.  Di  piu  si  desidera  maggiore 
explicatione  se  quegli  heretici  tengano  il  matrimonio  per  Sacra- 
mento come  i  primi  heretici  Luterani  e  non  come  i  posteriori  et  i 
Calvinisti.  Di  piii  se  nel  dubbio  [of  the  Bishop  of  Kulm]  si  parla 
quando  tutti  doi  coniugi  sono  heretici  o  vero  uno  heretico  et 
I'altro  cattolico.  Cod.  X-VL,  14,  of  the  Casanatense  Library, 

1  *"  Magna  laboramus  sacerdotum  inopia."  Letter  of  Queen 
Anna  to  Clement  VIII.,  dated  1594,  die  XVII.  {sic),  copy  in 
Doria  Archives,  Rome. 

2  Cf.  for  what  follows  Liti.  ann.  Soc.  lesit,  1592,  67  seq.  ;  1593, 
?53  seq.  ;  1594-95.  318  seq.  ;  1596,  11  seq.  ;  1597,  45  seq.  ;:  1598, 
403  seq.  ;  1599,  445  .';eq.  ;  1600,  535  seq.  ;  1601,  747  seq.  ;  1602, 
716  seq.  ;  1603,  647  seq.  ;  1604,  763  seq.  ;  1605,  880  seq.  ; 
luvENCius,  III.,  239,  v.,  399  seq.  ;,  Jesuici  w  Polsce, 
J„    2, 


into  a  separate  province,  with  nine  houses  and  about  two 
hundred  members  ;  the  Polish  province  proper  contained 
about  the  same  number  of  members. 

As  before,  the  principal  care  of  the  Jesuits  in  Poland,  was 
devoted,  besides  their  ministry,  to  instruction  and  education, 
because  they  clearly  realized  that  another  generation  would 
have  to  arise  before  the  work  of  Catholic  restoration  could  be 
fully  effected.  The  greater  number  of  the  four  hundred  and 
more  members  whom  the  Society  had  in  Poland  were  occupied 
in  the  education  of  the  young,  and  they  succeeded  in  imparting 
a  sound  education  to  their  pupils  besides  a  sincere  piety  and 
a  true  loyalty  to  the  Catholic  faith.  The  attendance  at  the 
Jesuit  schools,  which  soon  surpassed  all  others,  was  very 
large.  Their  academy  at  Posen,  for  example,  had  no  fewer 
than  650  pupils  in  1592,  of  whom  the  greater  number  belonged 
to  the  aristocracy  ;  four  years  later  there  were  800.  The 
Jesuit  school  at  Wilna  could  boast  of  a  similar  number  in 
1597-"^  The  effect  of  the  Marian  congregations  which  had 
been  set  up  for  the  pupils  was  very  beneficial.  On  festal 
occasions  scholastic  dramas  in  Latin  were  presented,  a  thing 
which  was  also  done  elsewhere. 

The  high  reputation  enjoyed  by  these  Jesuit  institutions 
led  even  those  of  another  faith  to  entrust  their  children  to 
them.  The  latter  were  only  asked  to  be  present  at  the  sermons, 
but  the  fathers  left  everything  else  to  their  free  choice,  only 
taking  care  that  the  non-Catholic  scholars  were  not  in  any 
way  hurt  in  their  feelings  ;  many  of  these  returned  to  the 
Church.  2 

King  Sigismund  protected  the  Jesuits  in  every  way  he  could- 
It  was  at  his  expense  that  the  beautiful  Renaissance  church 
of  St.  Barbara  at  Cracow  was  erected,  the  architect  of  which 
was  a  Jesuit,  Giovanni  Maria  Bernardoni  of  Milan.  This 
religious,  who  was  distinguished  for  his  great  humilit3^  lived 
for  forty-three  years  in  the  Society,  until  his  death  in  1605.-^ 

^  Liu.  ami.,  1592,  89;    1596,  19;    1597,  46. 
*  See  Zaleski,  I.,  2,  377. 
^  Litf.  ann.,  1605,  881. 

124  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

The  Jesuits  did  not  limit  themselves  to  their  ministry  in 
the  cities,  and  missions  "in  the  neighbouring  and  more  distant 
districts  were  undertaken  by  almost  all  their  houses.  As 
far  as  the  Carpathians  and  Hungary,  and  even  beyond  the 
actual  borders  of  Poland,  they  made  their  way  into  the  neigh- 
bouring territories  of  Germany  and  Russia,^  and  brought  to 
those  neglected  peoples  the  knowledge  of  the  true  Church. 
They  spent  themselves  in  a  special  way  during  the  epidemics 
which  frequently  broke  out  in  Poland,  and  the  courage  which 
they  displayed  in  the  service  of  the  sick  and  dying  won  the 
admiration  even  of  their  enemies.  They  showed  themselves 
equally  intrepid  in  the  way  they  attacked  the  many  heresies 
by  means  of  the  public  disputations  which  were  then  in  vogue. ^ 
At  first  the  fathers  found  themselves  in  a  difficult  position  in 
Polotzk,  and  in  the  largely  Lutheran  cities  of  Riga,  Dantzig 
and  Thorn, ^  but  they  courageously  held  their  ground.  At 
Thorn  where  they  preached  in  German,  the  situation  improved 
so  greatly  that  it  was  possible  in  1598  once  again  to  hold  the 
procession  of  Corpus  Domini.'*  At  Dantzig  too  they  were  able 
to  point  to  considerable  successes,  but  the  war  with  the 
Swedes  gave  them  great  trouble  at  Riga.^ 

At  Cracow  and  other  places  the  Jesuits  also  visited  the 
prisons  and  hospitals.  In  the  ancient  Polish  city  which 
was  the  coronation  place  of  the  kings,  the  Confraternity  of 
the  Misericordia,  at  whose  mass  the  king  on  one  occasion 
assisted  incognito,  became  very  wide-spread,^  while  the 
house  of  the  Jesuits  founded  in  1598  at  Warsaw  attained  to  a 
special  importance.'  They  preached  in  German,  Polish  and 
Lithuanian  at  Wilna,  where,  as  at  Dorpat,  they  established 
the   Confraternity   of  the   Blessed   Sacrament   for  men   and 

^Ibid.,  1594-95.  345;    1599,  197.  453;    1601,  768. 

2  Werher,  Gesch.  der  polem.  Lit.,  IV.,  871  seq. 

^  Liu.  ann.,  1396,  60  seq.  ;    1597,  65,  82  ;    1599,  479. 

*Ihid.,  1598,  453. 

''Ibid.,   1600,  563;  1601,  786;  1604,  729. 

'^  Ibid.,   1594-95.  348  ;  1598,  423  seq.  ;  1599,  451. 

''Ibid.,   1598,  403,  439,  453. 

THE    JESUITS    IN    POLAND.  125 

women  ;^  Livonia  too,  where  priests  were  greatly  lacking,  was 
evangelized  with  special  zeal.- 

The  Polish  bishops  fully  appreciated  the  valuable  collabora- 
tion of  the  Jesuits.  Above  all  the  Bishops  of  Luzk,  Lemberg, 
Posen,  Riga,  Dorpat,  Kulm  and  Wenden  encouraged  them 
in  a  special  way.  The  Bishops  of  Posen  and  Luzk  asked  for 
the  fathers  to  make  visitations  of  their  dioceses.  The  Bishop 
of  Jaroslaw  got  them  to  give  the  exercises  to  his  clergy,  and 
the  Bishop  of  Pultowa  entrusted  to  them  his  seminary.  ^ 

The  Jesuits  in  Poland  also  showed  a  special  activity  as 
writers,  and  the  fathers  who  above  all  distinguished  them- 
selves in  this  direction,  besides  Peter  Skarga,  whose  reputation 
had  spread  far  beyond  Poland,  were  Benedict  Herbest,  Adrian 
Jung  and  Jakob  Wujek,  to  whom  Catholic  Poland  was  in- 
debted for  an  excellent  translation  of  the  Bible* 

The  conversion  of  the  Jews,  who  were  so  numerous  in 
Poland,  also  attracted  their  zeal,  and  in  this  respect  they  met 
with  as  notable  a  success  as  in  the  conversion  of  the  heretics, 
and  the  renewal  of  the  clergy,  who  had  in  many  wa5'S  become 
decadent.  As  missionaries,  preachers,  writers,  controversial- 
ists and  educators,  they  kept  one  purpose  in  view  :  the 
complete  recovery  of  Poland  for  the  Catholic  Church. 

It  was  not  only  to  the  moral  and  religious  renewal  of  the 
people,  and  their  liberation  from  heresy,  that  the  Jesuits 
devoted  their  labours  ;  they  also  worked  for  the  removal 
of  the  separation  which  since  the  beginning  of  the  XVIth 
century  had  involved  the  Ruthenians  (Little  Russians)  in 
Galicia,  Podolia,  Wolynia  and  Ukrainia  as  well  as  the  natives 

^Ibid.,  1594-95.  33^;    1599,  437- 

^  Ibid.,  1597,  75. 

^  Ibid.  1594-95  325  seq.  334;  1596,  18,  25,  31,  41,  49,  57; 
1597.  67,  78  ;  1604,  733.  Light  is  thrown  upon  the  state  of  the 
various  dioceses  by  the  *reports  of  the  Bishops  of  Przemysl, 
Samogitia,  Wilna,  and  Ermland  of  the  end  of  the  sixteenth  century 
and  the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth,  in  the  Archives  of  the 
Congregation  of  the  Council,  Rome,  already  used  by  Prof. 
Boratynski  in  1901,  but  not  yet  pubhshed. 
*  See  Werner,  loc.  cit.,  344  seq. 

126  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

of  White  and  Black  Russia  in  the  Grand  Duchy  of  Lithuania. 
The  famous  Peter  Skarga  was  the  first  and  the  outstanding 
champion  of  the  project  for  the  reunion  of  the  Ruthenians 
who  were  subject  to  the  PoHsh  crown  with  the  Cathohc  Church. 
After  he  and  his  fellow  labourers  had  struggled  for  seventeen 
years  in  the  Grand  Duchy  of  Lithuania  and  its  capital  Wilna, 
both  against  the  new  errors  of  the  Protestants,  and  the  more 
ancient  ones  of  the  Greeks,  Skarga  published  in  1577  his 
wonderful  book  "  Of  the  government  and  unity  of  the  Church 
of  God  under  one  only  pastor,  and  of  the  Greek  schism." 
The  first  volume  of  this  celebrated  work^  was  dedicated  by 
him  to  the  voivode  of  Ukrainia  (Kiew),  Prince  Constantine 
Ostrogskyj,  who,  as  the  most  important  Ruthenian  magnate 
was  patron  of  about  a  thousand  Ruthenian  churches,  and 
of  the  dioceses  of  Luzk  and  Pinsk.^  Skarga  proved  to  the 
Ruthenians  in  the  clearest  way  that  their  church  differed  from 
the  Roman  Church,  not  only  in  external  customs  that  were 
of  no  great  importance,  but  as  to  the  truths  of  faith  necessary 
for  salvation.  He  drew  attention  to  the  decadent  state 
of  the  Ruthenian  Church  which  was  the  result  of  the  schism, 
to  the  contempt  for  the  ecclesiastical  state  which  prevailed 
there,  and  to  the  rule  exercised  by  the  laity  over  the  house  of 
God.  No  improvement  could  be  looked  for  from  the  Greek 
Patriarch,  who  was  bound  to  submit  himself  to  the  will  of 
the  Turks,  but  only  from  the  lawful  head,  the  Vicar  of  Christ. 
He  pointed  out  that  reunion  would  not  be  difficult,  and  him- 
self guaranteed  that  in  the  event  of  the  metropolitan  being 
ordained  by  the  Pope,  and  following  the  Apostolic  See  in 
questions  of  faith,  they  would  be  allowed  to  retain  their  rite 
and  usages  of  worship,  since  the  Church  of  God  was  clothed 
with  variety,  like  a  queen  with  the  glory  of  many  hued 

The  idea  of  reunion,  thus  gloriously  set  forth  by  Skarga, 
was  vigorously  supported  by  another  Jesuit,  Antonio  Posse- 

^  C/.  Berga,  195  seq. 

2  See  LiKOWSKi,  52  seq.,  68.     Cf.  Spillmann  in  Stimmeyi  aus 
Maria-Laach,  XL,  89  ;    Bekga,  195. 


vino,  who  had  been  sent  in  1581  as  ambassador  to  the  King 
of  Poland,  Stephen  Bathory,  and  by  the  nuncio  Bolognetti. 
It  was  Possevino  who  decided  Gregory  XIII.  to  estabHsh  a 
seminary  at  Wihia  for  the  Ruthenian  and  Russian  youth, 
and  to  provide  free  places  for  the  Ruthenians  and  Russians 
at  the  Greek  College  in  Rome,  and  in  the  Jesuit  schools  at 
Olmiitz,  Prague  and  Braunsberg.^  At  the  same  time  as 
Possevino,  the  professor  of  the  Polish  University  at  Cracow, 
the  court  preacher  Stanislaus  Sokolowski,  maintained  the 
necessity  of  reunion  in  two  works. ^ 

Following  the  example  of  Skarga,  the  Jesuits,  especially 
those  at  Wilna,  which  was  the  principal  centre  for  attempts 
at  reunion,  laboured  to  prepare  men's  minds  by  sermons  and 
other  forms  of  instruction  for  the  process  of  reunion.  For 
this  purpose  they  appealed  to  the  internal  renewal  and  revival 
of  the  Catholic  Church  which  had  been  effected  within  a 
comparatively  short  time  after  the  Council  of  Trent,  to  which 
they  held  up  by  way  of  contrast  the  uninterrupted  decadence 
of  the  Greek  Church.  These  attempts  to  bring  about  con- 
viction by  means  of  instruction  and  the  return  of  the  Ruthen- 
inas  to  the  Catholic  Church  by  a  completely  free  decision, 
produced  good  results,  but  naturally  met  with  opposition, 
which  principally  manifested  itself  in  the  academy  founded 
by  Prince  Ostrogskyj.^  In  consequence  of  this  resistance. 
King  Stephen  Bathory  did  not  venture  to  support  the  move- 
ment for  reunion.  Sigismund  III.  acted  in  a  like  manner  at 
first,  until  the  Patriarch  of  Constantinople  and  the  Ruthenian 
episcopate  morally  forced  him  to  come  to  a  decision.-* 

The  most  trustworthy  sources  of  information  leave  us  in 
no  doubt  as  to  the  fact  that  in  the  case  of  the  Ruthenian 
Church  the  words  of  St.  Cyprian  were  verified  :   that  a  branch 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  pp.  398,   415. 

2  See  LiKOWSKi,  76  seq. 

^  See  LiKowsKi,  77,  who  shows  that  no  one  can  accuse  the 
Jesuits  of  ever  havi.ig  urged  the  Polish  government  to  employ 
rigorous  measures,  or  to  employ  violence  against  anyone's 

*  See  LiKowsKi,  79. 

12  8  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

that  is  cut  off  from  the  Hvmg  tree  must  wither  away.^  As  the 
greater  number  of  the  episcopal  sees  were  filled  by  unworthy 
men,  and  profaned  by  simony,  both  the  secular  and  regular 
clergy  were  bound  to  fall  into  a  state  of  great  ignorance,  and 
profound  demoralization.  Owing  to  decadence  of  the  pastors, 
the  religious  life  of  the  Ruthenian  people  was  for  the  most 
part  limited  to  the  maintenance  of  external  forms  and  the 
strict  observance  of  many  rigorous  fasts.  The  educated 
classes,  especially  the  aristocracy,  had  either  embraced 
Protestantism  or  had  entered  the  Roman  and  Catholic  Church. 
Those  among  them  who  still  adhered  to  the  Ruthenian  Church 
looked  upon  their  depraved  clergy  with  profound  contempt. 
Only  the  religious  confraternities,  in  which  the  inhabitants  of 
the  cities  had  banded  themselves  together,  still  showed 
anything  of  the  vitality  of  the  Ruthenian  Church.  These 
steadily  acquired  greater  importance  and  power,  but  interfered 
in  an  ever  increasing  degree  in  matters  that  concerned  the 
clergy.  In  the  end  they  terrorized  over  the  parish  priests 
and  even  the  bishops.  Even  worse  was  the  fact  that  into 
the  schools  that  were  maintained  by  the  confraternities 
masters  found  their  way  who  taught  errors  of  religion  to  the 
young,  as  dogmas  of  the  Rutheniar  Church.  Thus  no  religious 
renewal  could  be  looked  for  from  that  quarter. 

Nor  was  the  patriarchate  of  Constantinople,  torn  asunder 
by  internal  discord,  and  oppressed  and  humiliated  by  the 
Ottomans,  in  a  position  to  render  assistance  to  the  Ruthenian 
Church.  It  was  only  when  they  found  themselves  embarrassed 
by  want  of  money  that  the  Patriarchs  of  Constantinople  began 
to  interest  themselves  in  the  Ruthenians  ;  thus  in  1586  an 
envoy  from  the  Patriarch  of  Constantinople  presented  himself 
among  them,  and  two  years  later  the  Patriarch  himself. 
On  his  return  from  Moscow,  where  Jeremias  II.  had  allowed 
himself  to  be  induced  to  set  up  an  independent  Russian 
patriarchate,  he  sojourned  among  the  Ruthenians  for  some 

^  Cf.  for  what  follows  Spillmann,  loc.  cit.,  X.,  435  seq.,  and 
above  all  Likowski,  30-59,  and  90  seq.,  where  many  details  are 


time  in  1589.  Sigismund  III.  granted  him  full  liberty  for 
his  ecclesiastical  work,  but  it  was  soon  seen  that  it  was  of  far 
greater  concern  to  the  patriarch  to  confirm  them  in  their 
already  threatened  schism  than  to  reform  the  morals  of  the 
decadent  clergy.  Yet  the  measures  which  he  took  for  this 
purpose  proved  unfortunate  for  the  end  which  Jeremias  II. 
had  in  view.  The  Ruthenian  episcopate  had  alread}^  been 
divided  by  the  appointment  of  an  exarch,  while  a  further 
misguided  blow  was  struck  by  the  elevation  of  the  religious 
confraternities  of  Lemberg  and  Wilna  to  the  "  stauropigiac  " 
rank  ;  by  this  these  lay  communities  were  withdrawn  from 
episcopal  jurisdiction,  and  they  Vv'ere  authorized  to  watch 
over  the  orthodoxy,  not  only  of  the  lower  clergy,  but  also  of 
the  bishops  themselves  !^ 

As  a  result  of  the  general  disappointment  occasioned  by 
the  action  of  the  Patriarch  Jeremias,  it  came  about  that  soon 
after  his  departure  the  Ruthenian  bishops  seriously  discussed 
the  idea  of  separating  themselves  from  Constantinople,  and 
of  seeking  for  a  renewal  of  ecclesiastical  conditions  by  reunion 
with  Rome.  At  the  same  time  a  firm  determination  to  detach 
the  Ruthenian  Church  from  its  union  with  the  patriarchate 
of  Constantinople,  and  to  unite  it  with  the  Holy  See  developed 
in  the  minds  of  the  Polish  chancellor,  Zamoiski  and  King 
Sigismund.  Sigismund  was  led  to  this  determination  princi- 
pally by  religious  considerations,  under  the  influence  of  Peter 
Skarga,  who  in  1590  dedicated  to  him  the  second  edition  of 
his  book  "  On  the  Unity  of  the  Church  of  God."^  The 
chancellor  was  principally  actuated  by  political  considerations. 
His  shrewd  outlook  was  not  blind  to  the  danger  of  the 
Ruthenians  entering  into  a  rapprochement  with  Russia,  a 

^  See  LiKOWSKi,  63  seq.,  81  seq.,  84  seq.  The  earlier  opinion 
that  Jeremias  II.  had  asked  for  large  sums  from  the  metropolitan 
of  Lithuania  for  his  consecration  has  been  refuted  by  the  publica- 
tion of  MiLKOwicz  :  Monum.  Confraternitatis  Stauropigianae 
Leopoliens.  (I.,  Leopoli,  1895,  n.  cclviii.).  But  as  this  sum  was 
demanded  by  an  intimate  and  companion  of  the  patriarch, 
indignation  fell  upon  the  latter  as  well. 

2  Cf.  Berga,  223  seq. 

VOL.  XXIV.  q 

130  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

people  closely  akin  to  them,  in  the  new  patriarchate  established 
at  Moscow  in  1589,  the  titular  of  which  called  himself  the 
Patriarch  of  the  whole  of  Ruthenia.  As  for  the  Ruthenian 
bishops,  if  Gedeon  Balaban  of  Lemberg  allowed  himself  to  be 
guided,  in  the  matter  of  reunion,  principally  by  private 
motives,  Cyril  Terlecki  of  Luzk  on  the  other  hand,  was 
influenced  by  the  consideration  that  the  renewal  of  his  Church 
would  only  become  possible  by  detaching  it  from  the  decadent 
patriarchate  of  Constantinople,  and  uniting  it  to  the  Catholic 
Church  which  was  then  vigorously  springing  into  new  life.^ 
A  great  influence  in  this  matter  was  also  exercised  by  the 
Latin  Bishop  of  Luzk,  Bernhard  Maciejowski,  so  that  later  on 
Clement  VIIL  warmly  thanked  him  for  the  part  he  had  taken 
in  bringing  about  the  reunion. ^ 

Of  the  greatest  importance  for  the  reunion  with  Rome  was 
the  fact  that  Terlecki  found  a  most  capable,  enthusiastic  and 
energetic  collaborator  in  1593  in  the  person  of  the  new  Bishop 
of  Vladimir,  Hypatius  Pociej.  Far-seeing,  prompt  in  his 
decisions,  energetic,  outspoken  without  regard  for  persons, 
and  yet  when  necessary,  very  cautious,  he  was  the  very  man 
needed  to  attain  to  victory  in  this  difficult  task.^ 

On  June  12th,  1595  (old  style),  the  metropolitan  of  Kiev, 
Michael  Rahoza,  called  together  the  Bishops  of, 
Luzk  and  Pinsk,  together  with  the  archimandrite  of  Kobryn, 
at  Brest.     There  they  drew  up  a  joint  letter  to  Clement  VIIL, 

1  Cf.  LiKOWSKi,  87  seq.,  92  seq.,  who,  especially  against  the 
opinion  maintained  by  the  Ruthenian  and  Russian  historians,  that 
the  union  of  Brest  (see  further  infva,  p.  132  seq),  was  nothing  but 
a  device  of  the  Jesuits,  proves  that  the  chief  and  more  important 
part  was  the  work  of  the  Ruthenian  bishops.  Criticism  has 
confirmed  the  thesis  of  Likowski ;  see  Przeglad  Polski,  1898, 
and  Kwartalnik  Hist.,  XL,  162  seq.,  as  well  as  Kaindl  in  Mitteil, 
aus  der  hist.  Lit.,  XXXIII.,  499  seq.     Cf.  also  Berg.\,  242. 

*  See  Theiner,  Mon.  Pol.,  III.,  256. 

^  For  Pociej,  besides  the  earli3st  biography,  which  L.  Kiszka 
added  to  the  edition  of  the  sermons  of  that  prince  of  the  Church 
(Kazania  i  homiliye  Hipacyusza  Pocieja,  Suprasl,  1714),  see 
especially  Likowski,  93  seq.,  102  seq.,  no. 


in  which  they  declared  that  since  the  Patriarchs  of  Con- 
stantinople, as  subjects  of  the  Turks,  were  not  in  a  position 
to  do  anything  to  restore  ecclesiastical  unity,  in  the  interests 
of  the  salvation  of  their  own  souls,  and  those  of  their  flocks, 
they  wished,  with  the  consent  of  their  king,  Sigismund,  to 
adhere  to  the  reunion  entered  into  at  Florence,  in  which  their 
fathers  had  already  concurred,  provided  that  the  Pope  would 
consent  to  their  preserving  their  oriental  liturgy,  and  the  whole 
of  their  ecclesiastical  ritual.  For  the  carrying  out  of  this 
reunion  they  had  resolved  to  send  Bishops  Pociej  and  Terlecki 
to  Rome  to  the  Holy  Father.^  After  the  two  above-mentioned 
had  persuaded  the  absent  Ruthenian  bishops  to  sign  this 
document,  they  entered  into  negotiations  with  the  Papal 
nuncio  Malaspina  and  King  Sigismund.^  The  latter,  on 
August  2nd,  granted  them  all  that  they  asked,  and  by  the 
privilege  accorded  to  them  on  that  date,  the  Ruthenian  Church 
was  to  have  all  the  rights  and  privileges  of  the  Latin  Church, 
and  protection  against  possible  reprisals  on  the  part  of  the 
Patriarch  of  Constantinople  ;  henceforward  the  bishoprics 
were  only  to  be  governed  by  born  Ruthenians,  elected  from 
among  four  candidates  chosen  by  the  episcopate.  The 
bishops  were  to  have  restored  to  them  the  property  that  had 
been  taken  from  them,  and  the  confraternities  were  once  more 
to  be  subjected  to  their  jurisdiction.  They  were  also  given 
seats  and  votes  in  the  senate,  .though  this  matter  had  first 
to  be  laid  before  the  Diet.^ 

Once  the  negotiations  had  reached  this  point,  it  became 
possible  to  reveal  the  secret  which  had  hitherto  been  closely 
kept.  The  Bishop  of  Luzk,  Chelm,  Prezemysl  and  Lem.berg 
informed  their  flocks,  in  a  pastoral  letter  of  August  27th,  that 
the  whole  of  the  episcopate,  including  the  metropolitan,  had 
resolved,  for  the  salvation  of  the  souls  entrusted  to  their  care, 

^  See  Theiner,  loc.  cit.,  237  seq. 

*  See  LiKowsKi,  116  seq. 

8  See  the  acta  relating  to  the  history  of  Western  Russia 
published  by  the  Archeological  Commission,  IV.,  Petersburg, 
1 85 1,  N.  78-79,  and  Likowski,  116  seq. 


132  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

to  make  their  obedience  to  the  Bishop  of  Rome.  On  Septem- 
ber 24th  King  Sigismund  addressed  an  open  letter  to  the 
Ruthenians,  in  which  he  made  known  his  will  and  desire 
that  all  his  subjects  should  praise  God  with  an  united  voice 
and  heart,  and  that  the  faithful  should  follow  the  example 
of  their  pastor,  whose  representatives  would  repair  to  Rome 
in  order  to  give  effect  to  the  reunion  of  the  Ruthenian  Church 
with  the  Apostolic  See,  on  the  condition  of  the  maintenance 
of  their  own  rite. 

These  words  on  the  part  of  the  king  were  rendered  necessary 
by  the  fact  that  the  timorous  metropolitan  Rahoza,  who  was 
unwilling  to  disturb  his  relations  with  the  Ruthenian  magnates, 
who  were  opposed  to  the  reunion,  was  still  hesitating.^ 

Clement  VIII.,  who  had  been  informed  by  his  nuncio  of 
the  important  events  that  were  taking  place  in  Poland,  was 
awaiting,  with  an  anxiety  that  is  easy  to  understand,  the 
appearance  of  the  Ruthenain  bishops  in  Rome.  He,  who 
had  himself  once  been  legate  in  Poland,  fully  realized  the 
importance  of  that  great  kingdom  as  a  bulwark  of  Christendom 
against  the  Turks  on  the  east,  as  well  as  against  the  schismatics 
on  the  north.  The  reunion  of  millions  of  orthodox  Ruthenians 
with  the  Church  would  not  only  strengthen  that  kingdom 
politically,  but  would  give  the  Catholics  an  absolute  pre- 
ponderance over  Protestantism,  which  was  divided  into  so 
many  sects. ^  It  might  also  become  a  natural  bridge  to  Russia. 
From  the  fact  that  the  audience  of  the  Bishop  of  Plock,  when 
he  came  to  Rome,  lasted  for  three  whole  hours  on  November 
12th,  1595,^  it  was  possible  to  deduce  that  an  important 
decision  concerning  Poland  was  imminent.  A  few  days  later 
Bishops  Terlecki  and  Pociej  arrived  in  the  Eternal  City. 
Clement  VIII.  assigned  them  lodgings  in  a  special  palace, 
and  on  November  17th  the}'  had  their  first  audience.'*     The 

1  See  LiKowsKi,   118  seq.,   138. 

2  See  Spillmann  in  Stinimen  aiis  Maria-Laach,  XL,  97  seq. 

*  See    *  A  wise    of    November    15,    1595,    Urb.    1603,    Vatican 

*  See  *Avviso  of  November  15,  1595,  ibid. 


Pope,  so  the  bishops  reported,  welcomed  them  as  a  father 
his  sons,  with  indescribable  affection  and  courtesy.^  On 
account  of  its  importance,  the  matter  was  first  referred  for 
examination  by  Clement  to  the  Congregation  of  the  Inquisi- 
tion. ^  The  Ruthenian  bishops  were  prepared  to  renounce 
the  schism  and  all  doctrines  rejected  by  the  Roman  and 
Cahtolic  Church,  but  they  begged  that,  in  conformity  with 
the  Council  of  Florence,  the  administration  of  the  holy  sacra- 
ments and  the  whole  of  the  Byzantine  rite  should  remain 
unchanged,  nor  should  they  undergo  any  change  in  the  future. 
In  agreement  with  the  above-mentioned  Congregation 
Clement  VIII.  granted  this  request,  which  was  in  absolute 
conformity  with  the  principle  admitted  by  the  Council  of 
Florence  :  namely,  unity  of  faith  despite  diversity  of  rite. 
In  his  anxiety  to  promote  the  reunion  the  Pope  desisted 
from  his  demand  for  the  immediate  introduction  of  obligatory 
celibacy,  and  thus  gave  up  the  apparently  well-founded  hope 
that  the  renewal  of  the  decadent  Ruthenian  Church,  thus 
begun  with  the  reunion,  would  proceed  of  its  own  accord 
as  time  went  on.  Clement  VIII.  also  gave  up  the  adoption 
of  the  Gregorian  calendar,  as  Terlecki  and  Pociej  declared 
that  this  would  meet  with  determined  opposition.^  The 
Pope  appointed  December  23rd,  1595,  for  the  definite  accom- 
plishment of  the  reunion.  On  that  day  he  assembled  the 
thirty-three  Cardinals  who  were  in  Rome,  the  whole  of  the 
court  and  the  diplomatic  corps  in  the  Hall  of  Constantine 
at  the  Vatican.     The  historian  Cesare  Baronius,  who  had  a 

1  See  the  letter  of  the  two  bishops  of  December  29,  1595, 
in  Harasiewicz,  Annales  ecclesiae  Ruthenicae,  Leopoli,  1862, 

2  See  Bull,  X.,  247.  The  notes  referring  to  this  question  in 
the  Archives  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  are  still  unpublished. 
The  other  acta  are  given  by  G.  Hoffmann  :  Ruthenica  I.  ;  Die 
Wiedervereinigung  der  Ruthenen,  Sofia,  1923-24,  in  Orientalia 
Christiana,  III-2,  Rome,  1924-25. 

'  Spillmann,  loc.  cit.,  98  ;  Likowski,  139  ;  see  Smolka,  Die 
reussische  Welt,  Vienna,  191 6,  162. 

134  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

short  time  before  been  raised  to  the  purple,  has  described 
the  accomplishment  of  the  reunion  as  an  eye-witness.^ 

After  the  two  Ruthenian  bishops  had  paid  the  customary 
hom.age,  the  canon  of  the  cathedral  of  Wilna,  Eustace 
Wollowicz,  read  first  in  Ruthenian  and  then  in  Latin  the 
synodal  letter  of  June  12th,  1595,  addressed  to  the  Pope, 
which  had  been  signed  by  all  the  Ruthenian  bishops.  After 
this  Silvio  Antoniano,  by  the  Pope's  command,  welcomed 
the  Ruthenian  bishops,  who,  for  their  own  good  and  that  of 
their  country,  and  to  the  unspeakable  joy  of  the  Pope,  had, 
after  a  separation  of  150  years,  once  more  returned  to  the 
rock  on  which  Christ  had  founded  His  Church,  the  mother 
and  mistress  of  all  Churches,  the  holy  Roman  Church.  "  Oh 
how  great  and  how  well  deserved,"  he  exclaimed,  "  is  the 
praise  which  you  yourselves  have  given  to  the  goodness  and 
wisdom  of  God,  which  has  enlightened  you  to  see  that  members 
divided  from  the  head  cannot  remain  in  life,  and  that  he 
who  has  not  the  Church  for  his  mother,  cannot  have  God 
for  his  father.'"^  Then  Pociej,  in  his  own  name  and  that  of 
all  the  Ruthenian  bishops  read  in  Latin  the  Catholic  profession 
of  faith,  according  to  a  formula  based  upon  those  of  Nicaea, 
Florence  and  Trent,  and  then  accepted  it  on  oath.^    Terlecki 

1  See  Baronius,  Annales,  VII.,  Venice,  1739,  859  seq.  Cf. 
*Diarium  P.  AJeleonis  on  December  23,  1595,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican 

2  The  *discourse  of  Antoniano  in  Ottob.  1088,  p.  142,  Vatican 
Library.  Pichler,  whose  account  of  the  union  is  both  biassed 
and  inaccurate,  calls  Antoniano  (II.,  95)  a  Cardinal,  which  he 
only  became  in  1599.  False  too  is  the  statement  of  Pichler  that 
the  union  took  place  at  a  consistory.  P.  Alaleone  (*Diarium, 
loc.  cit.)  expressly  calls  the  assembly  congregatio  gcncralis.  The 
event  is  not  entered  in  the  *Acta  consist  card.  S.  Severinae  (Cod. 
Barb.,  XXXVI.,  5  III.,  Vatican  Library).  The  publication  of 
the  Documenta  de  Riithenoruin  unione  (1595)  has  been  prepared  by 
G.  Hofmann. 

3  The  text,  omitted  in  Bull.,  X.,  243,  of  the  "  Professio 
fide  praesulum  Ruthcnorum  "  is  in  Theiner,  Mon.  Pol.,  III., 
238  seq. 


then  did  the  same  in  Ruthenian,  and  thereupon  the  Pope 
repaired  to  the  church  to  receive  the  Ruthenian  bishops  ; 
his  eyes  were  shining  with  tears  of  joy.  "  To-da}^"  he  said, 
"  a  joy  fills  our  heart  on  account  of  your  return  to  the  Church, 
that  cannot  be  expressed  in  words.  We  render  special  thanks 
to  the  immortal  God,  Who,  by  means  of  the  Holy  Spirit  has 
guided  your  minds  so  as  to  lead  you  to  seek  a  refuge  in  the 
Holy  Roman  Church,  your  mother,  and  the  mother  of  all  the 
faithful,  who  lovingly  welcomes  you  once  more  among  her 
sons."  In  significant  words  the  Pope  paternally  exhorted 
these  sons  who  had  come  back  to  him,  to  humility  as  the 
groundwork  of  the  obedience  they  owed  to  the  Church, 
"  since,  owing  to  her  pride,  Greece,  which  deserves  our  pity, 
and  whose  misfortunes  we  deeply  deplore,  has  lost  the  light 
of  truth,  and  now  groans  under  the  yoke  of  the  most  bitter 
slavery."  With  the  assurance  that  his  protection  and  help 
would  never  be  lacking  to  them,  and  with  the  bestowal  of  the 
apostolic  blessing,  this  memorable  solemnity  came  to  an  end. 
On  the  vigil  of  Christmas  the  Ruthenian  bishops  appeared  in 
their  vestments  in  St.  Peter's  for  vespers,^  and  on  the  following 
day  they  were  appointed  assistants  at  the  pontifical  throne.  ^ 
By  a  bull  dated  December  23rd  Clement  VHI.  announced 
to  the  Catholic  world  the  return  of  the  Ruthenians  to  ecclesi- 
astical unity  ;  in  this  document  he  confirmed  their  rite  in 
all  particulars,  with  the  exception  of  anything  which  might 
eventually  prove  to  be  contrary  to  the  truth  and  the  doctrines 
of  the  Catholic  faith. ^  A  commemorative  medal*  immortal- 
ized the  important  event  by  which,  a  centur}'  and  a  half  after 
the  Council  of  Florence,  the  bond  of  union  between  the 
Ruthenian  Church  and  the  Roman  Church  was  once  again 
formed.  A  similar  purpose  was  served  by  a  constitution  of 
February   23rd,    1596,   which    granted   to   the   metropolitan 

1  See  the  letter  of  the  bishops,  December  29,  1595,  cited  supra, 
p.  133,  n.  I. 

2  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library, 

3  Bull.,  X.,  239  seq. 

*  Reproduced  in  Baronius,  loc.  cit. 

136  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  Kiev  the  faculty  to  consecrate  his  bishops,  but  obliging 
him  himself  to  obtain  confirmation  from  the  Pope.^ 

"When  Pociej  and  Terlecki  made  preparations,  in  February, 
1596,  for  their  return  journey,  Clement  VIII.  gave  them  letters 
for  King  Sigismund,  the  civil  and  ecclesiastical  senators,  the 
metropolitan  Rahoza  and  the  Ruthenian  bishops.  All  were 
warmly  urged  to  maintain  the  glorious  work  of  reunion,  the 
king  in  particular  being  urged  to  admit  the  Ruthenian  bishops 
to  the  senate  as  he  had  promised  to  do,  and  to  grant  the  same 
rights  to  the  Ruthenian  clergy  as  to  the  Latin.  The  Pope 
enjoined  the  metropolitan  to  convoke  a  council  as  soon  as 
possible  for  the  solemn  proclamation  of  the  union  formed  with 
the  Holy  See.^ 

While  the  feeble  Rahoza  delayed  until  the  autumn  in 
fulfilling  this  duty,  the  supporters  of  the  schism,  under  the 
leadership  of  the  aged  Prince  Ostrogskyj,  in  conjunction  with 
declared  heretics,  raised  a  powerful  agitation  against  the  work 
of  pacification.^  Fortunately  Sigismund  stood  firm,  although 
every  attempt  was  made  to  stir  up  the  populace  against  Rome, 
Above  all  others,  Cyril  Lukaris,  who  was  inclined  to  Calvinism, 
encouraged  schismatical  hatred,  in  which  he  was  assisted  by 
a  Greek  adventurer,  named  Nicephorus,  who  had  been  obliged 
to  leave  Constantinople  on  account  of  various  thefts. 

In  spite  of  the  prohibition  of  the  king,  Nicephorus  repaired 
to  Brest,  while,  in  defiance  of  the  royal  commands,  there  also 
appeared  there  Prince  Ostrogskyj  with  an  armed  following, 
together  with  Lukaris,  who,  by  the  command  of  the  Patriarch 
of  Alexandria,  was  working  against  the  reunion.  As  the 
Bishops  of  Lemberg  and  Przemysl  joined  the  party  at 
Ostrogskyj,  the  hopes  of  the  schismatics  grew  stronger.  This 
party  assembled  in  a  Protestant  house  in  Brest,  and  formed  a 
kind  of  opposition  synod,  under  the  presidency  of  Nicephorus, 
who  proclaimed  himself,  though  quite  untruly,  the  envoy  of 

1  Bull.,  X.,  250  seq. 

2  See  the  briefs,  all  dated  February  7,  1596,  in  Theiner,  Men. 
Pol.,  III.,  250  seqq.      Cf.  Pelesz,  II.,  11  seq. 

3  Cf.  for  what  follows,  the  excellent  description  of  Likowski 
(M3  •^^?-  151  seq.]. 

RETURN    OF   THE    RUTHENIANS   TO    UNITY.     137 

the  Patriarch  of  Constantinople,  though  that  see  was  vacant 
at  the  moment.  But  neither  he  nor  his  companions  were 
able  to  prevent  the  lawful  synod  from  taking  place.  In  this 
there  took  part,  besides  the  metropolitan  Rahoza,  the  Arch- 
bishop of  Polotzk,  the  Bishops  of  Vladimir,  Luzk,  Pinsk,  and 
Chelm,  as  delegates  of  the  Pope,  the  Latin  Bishops  of  Lemberg, 
Luzk,  and  Chelm,  and  as  theological  advisers,  the  Jesuits 
Peter  Skarga,  Justin  Rabe,  Martin  Laterna  and  Caspar  Nahaj. 
On  October  gth  (old  style)  the  metropolitan  celebrated 
the  sacred  liturgy  in  the  church  of  St.  Nicholas,  after  which 
the  Archbishop  of  Polotzk,  Hermogenes,  read  in  his  own  name 
and  those  of  the  other  Ruthenian  bishops  a  declaration  of 
their  reunion  with  Rome.  "  We  know  well,"  he  said,  "  that 
the  sovereignty  of  the  Church  of  God,  according  to  the  gospel 
and  the  words  of  Christ,  founded  upon  Peter  alone  as  the  rock, 
must  be  exercised  and  administered  by  one  alone,  that  over 
one  body  there  must  be  but  one  head,  over  a  well-ordered  house 
but  one  master  and  administrator  of  the  treasures  of  divine 
grace  for  the  guidance  of  the  flock,  who  must  provide  for 
the  well-being  of  all,  and  that  this  must  endure  in  a  like 
manner,  from  the  time  of  the  Apostles  through  all  the  ages." 
After  the  reading  of  this  declaration  the  Latin  and  Ruthenian 
bishops  embraced  each  other,  and  then  proceeded,  as  a  sign 
of  their  brotherhood,  in  a  single  procession  to  the  Latin  church 
of  the  Mother  of  God,  where  the  Te  Deum  was  sung.  The 
synod  then  deprived  the  Bishops  of  Lemberg  and  Przemysl, 
who  had  apostatized  from  the  union,  and  declared  Nicephorus 
and  all  who  had  taken  part  in  the  opposition  synod  excluded 
from  ecclesiastical  communion.  The  latter  for  their  part 
retaliated  by  depriving  all  those  who  accepted  the  reunion. 
But  King  Sigismund  cited  Nicephorus  before  the  courts, 
which  sentenced  him  to  imprisonment  for  life  as  an  impostor 
and  a  Turkish  spy.  In  a  message  dated  December  15th, 
1596,  addressed  to  the  Ruthenian  nation,  the  king  called  upon 
the  people  to  recognize  only  the  bishops  who  were  in  com- 
munion with  Rome.  In  this  document,  however,  nothing 
was  said  of  a  confirmation  of  the  promises  made  to  the 
Ruthenian  bishops  or  to  the  Holy  See.     The  opposition  of 


the  Polish  bishops  and  senators  did  not  make  it  seem  an 
opportune  moment  for  the  king  to  summon  the  Ruthenian 
bishops  to  form  part  of  the  senate.^ 

The  great  dangers  to  which  the  reunion  was  subsequently 
exposed  came  above  all  from  Prince  Ostrogskyj,  whose  agents 
worked  indefatigably  against  the  union  with  Rome.  Against 
the  acceptance  of  the  union  it  was  principally  urged  that  it 
was  not  legal,  becaiise  it  had  been  concluded  without  the 
consent  of  the  Patriarch  of  Constantinople,  and  without  the 
agreement  of  the  whole  of  the  clergy,  nobles  and  people. 
Although  these  reasons  were  fallacious,  and  were  in  evident 
contradiction  of  the  ancient  principles  of  the  Church  with 
regard  to  the  episcopal  office,  nevertheless  the  agitation  which 
was  skilfully  directed  by  Ostrogskyj  and  his  collaborators  of 
the  protestant  party,  was  successful  in  stirring  up  the 
Ruthenian  clergy,  both  secular  and  regular,  and  with  them 
the  majority  of  the  people  and  the  aristocracy  against  the 
uniat  bishops.  The  constant  reiteration  of  the  same  com- 
plaints and  grievances  led  the  people  in  the  end  to  adopt  them, 
to  show  their  sympathy  for  the  schismatics,  and  to  withdraw 
their  allegiance  from  the  uniat  bishops,  ^  who  were  described 
as  tyrannizing  over  men's  consciences  and  as  disturbers  of 
the  public  peace. 

The  union  continued  to  be  more  and  more  severely 
threatened,  yet  the  powerful  Prince  Ostrogskyj  did  not  attain 
his  true  purpose,  namely  its  complete  destruction  ;  on  the 
contrary  he  was  forced  to  witness  two  of  his  own  sons  become 
Catholics.^  In  Rome  it  was  clearly  understood  how  much 
depended  upon  this  man,  and  therefore  Clement  VIII.  sought 
to  make  the  prince  change  his  views. ^     For  a  long  time  the 

1  See  LiKOWSKi,  152  seq.,   162  seq.,   170  seq. 

2  See  ibid.,   180  seq. 

*  See  ibid.,  ig\.  A  *]etter  of  Janus  Ostrogskyj,  dated  March 
24,  1602,  vouches  for  his  zeal  for  the  CathoHc  reUgion  in  spite  of 
the  calumnies  ;  his  enemies  are  the  heretics  and  the  "  frigidi 
catholici."     Original  in  Doria  Archives,  Rome, 

*  See  Theinek,  Mon.  Pol.,  III.,  285, 

CLEMENT    VIII.    DEFENDS   THE    UNIATS.        I39 

reason  why  Ostrogskyj  attacked  the  union  with  such  fury  and 
hatred  was  supposed  to  be  his  pride,  but  more  recent  research 
attributes  it  also  to  the  heretical  atmosphere  which  sur- 
rounded the  prince,  namely  the  learned  Greek,  Cyril  Lukaris, 
the  Arian  Bronski  and  Motowila,  and  other  religious  inno- 
vators, who  exercised  an  evil  influence  over  him.^ 

The  principal  champion  of  the  union  was  Hypatius  Pociej , 
who  became  metropolitan  of  Kiev  in  1599.  Difficulties  only 
increased  his  courage,  and  more  descriptive  of  him  than 
anything  else  is  his  own  saying  :  "  Even  if  I  had  to  beg  my 
bread,  I  would  still  continue  to  serve  the  Church  of  God."^ 

Clement  VHI.  too,  continued  to  the  end  the  loyal  defender 
of  the  union.  He  repeatedly  sent  the  Archbishops  of  Gnesen 
and  Lemberg  to  take  the  part  of  the  uniats  against  the 
machinations  of  the  Greeks,  as  for  example  in  July  1598  and 
March  1604.^  The  Pope  had  recourse  to  the  king  on  April  3rd 
and  July  loth,  1599,  with  the  request  that  he  would  grant 
the  Ruthcnians  the  rights  and  privileges  promised  to  them, 
and  would  protect  them  from  the  schismatics.^  Again  on 
March  31st,  1604,  he  urgently  reminded  Sigismund  of  his 
promise  to  receive  the  uniat  bishops  into  the  senate  ;  at 
any  rate  the  metropolitan  should  have  a  place  there,  so  that 
he  miight  reply  to  the  attacks  of  the  schismatics  and  defend 
the  rights  of  the  uniat  Church.^  A  further  proof  of  the  long- 
suffering  of  the  Pope  and  his  pastoral  care  was  the  fact  that 
when,  owing  to  the  efforts  of  Maciejowski,  there  was  a  glimmer 
of  hope  that  Ostrogskyj  would  give  up  his  opposition  in  view 
of  his  approaching  death,  he  addressed  a  letter  to  the  prince 
on  January  15th,  1605,  in  which  he  once  again  refuted  all  the 

^See  LiKOWSKi,  198  scq. 

^See  ibid.,  244. 

^See  Theiner,  loc.  cit.,  271,  282. 

*See  ibid.,  272  seq.  ;    Pelesz,  II.,  33  seq. 

*See  Theiner,  Ioc.  cit.,  283.  Cf.  also  the  briefs  to  Bishop 
Peter  Tylicki  of  Ermland,  of  the  years  1593  and  1604,  in 
Ehrenberg,  Ital.  Beitrage  zur  Gesch.  von  Ostpreussen,  Konigs- 
berg,  1895,  64  seq. 

140  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

objections  to  the  reunion,  and  exhorted  him  in  paternal  words 
to  accept  it.^ 

While  reunion  with  the  Ruthenians  was  still  in  the  balance, 
there  unexpectedly  opened  out  a  prospect  of  once  again 
uniting  Russia  to  the  Catholic  Church. 

With  the  death  of  Ivan  IV.,  which  took  place  in  1584,  there 
had  begun  in  that  kingdom  the  "  period  of  the  disturbances  " 
which  lasted  until  the  accession  of  the  Romanoff  dynasty.  ^ 
Under  Ivan's  successor,  the  imbecile  Feodor  I.,  the  real  power 
passed  more  and  more  into  the  hands  of  his  cousin,  the  Tartar 
Boris  Godunov.  As  Feodor  had  no  heirs,  it  seemed,  according 
to  all  human  expectation,  that  the  second  son  of  Ivan,  Dimitrij 
(Demetrius),  would  ascend  the  throne  of  the  Czars,  but  this 
was  not  in  accordance  with  the  plans  of  the  ambitious  and 
energetic  Boris,  who  aimed  at  obtaining  that  supreme  dignity 
for  himself.  With  this  was  evidently  connected  the  mysterious 
disappearance  of  Demetrius  in  May  1591.  It  was  said  that 
the  boy  had,  by  pure  accident,  been  mortally  injured  in  a  game, 
but  the  suspicion  was  at  once  aroused  that  he  had  been 
removed  purposely.  In  face  of  the  suspicion  which  fell 
upon  himself,  Boris  caused  an  inquiry  to  be  made,  which, 
as  might  have  been  foreseen,  went  to  show  that  the  last 
male  descendant  of  the  house  of  Rurik  had  met  with  an 
accidental  death.  This  official  statement  at  once  aroused 
doubts,  and  later  on  the  rumour  was  spread  that  the  child 
had  been  saved,  and  that  his  mother  had  substituted 
another  who  resembled  him  in  his  place. ^ 

1  See  Theiner,  loc.  cit.,  286  seq. 

*  Cf.  Waliszewski,  Las  origines  de  la  Russie  moderne.  La 
crise  revolutionnaire,  1 584-1 61 4,  Paris,  1906. 

^  Among  the  more  recent  works  on  the  false  Demetrius  mention 
must  first  be  made  of  the  profound  researches,  based  on 
new  authorities  by  Pierling  :  Rome  et  Demetrius,  Paris,  1878  ; 
Un  memuscrit  du  Vatican  sur  le  tzar  Dimitri,  in  the  Rev.  des 
quest,  hist.,  1894,  II.  ;  Lettre  de  Dimitri  dit  le  Faux  a  Clement 
VIII.,  Paris,  1898,  and  La  Russie  et  le  St-Siege,  III.,  Paris,  1901. 
The  problem  has  also  frequently  been  dealt  with   by  others  ; 


When  in  1598  the  Czar  Feodor  I.  died,  Boris  Godunov 
attained  the  object  of  his  ambitions,  cleverly  profiting  by 
the  state  of  affairs  in  the  country  and  his  friendship  with  the 
Hapsburgs.^  With  feigned  reluctance  he  yielded  to  the  urgent 
request  of  the  Patriarch  Job  of  Moscow,  who  was  completely 
under  his  influence,  and  that  of  the  aristocracy,  and  assumed 
the  government  as  Czar.  Far-reaching  plans  filled  the  mind 
of  the  new  sovereign,  who  was  a  far-seeing  and  highly  gifted 
statesman.  Although  he  could  not  even  read,  he  was  never- 
theless the  friend  of  culture.  At  the  opening  of  the  century 
he  tried  to  establish  schools  and  a  university  in  Moscow,  and 
summoned  thither  German  scholars  ;  he  had  his  sons  taught 
by  foreigners,  and  even  sent  Russian  youths  to  the  west  to 
be  educated.  Thus  this  Tartar  on  the  throne  of  the  Czars 
stood  out  as  the  first  "  western  "  in  the  line  of  Russian 
sovereigns.  In  his  efforts  to  Europeanize  Russia,  and  by 
his  alliance  with  the  Protestant  north  of  Europe,  he  recalled 
Peter  the  Great.  But  as  far  as  the  people  were  concerned 
he  lacked  the  blood  of  the  Ruriks,  while  he  was  too  autocratic 
for  the  powerful  boyars.^ 

Diplomatic  complications  were  added  to  domestic  diffi- 
culties. This  man,  who  had  sprung  from  nothing,  would 
gladly  have  seen  the  beautiful  Xenia,  his  only  daughter, 
married  into  one  of  the  ancient  European  dynasties,  but  his 
proposals    were    courteously   rejected    everywhere,    both    at 

cf.  especially  Hirschberg,  Dymitr  Samozwaniec,  Leopoli,  i8g8  ; 
Baudouin  de  Courtenay  in  Rozprawy  .  .  .  z  posiedzen  wydz, 
filologieznego,  2nd  Series,  XIV.  (1898),  1S3  seq.  ;  Scepkin,  War 
v/ar  Pseudodemetrius  ?  in  Archiv.  /.  slaiv.  Philol.,  XX-XXIII. 
(1898-1900)  ;  Caro  in  Hi^t.  Zeitschr.,  LXXX.,  264  seq.  ;  Walis- 
ZEWSKi,  loc.  cit.  and  also  the  critique  of  Pierling  in  the  Rev.  des 
quest,  hist.,  LXXXI.  (1907),  213  seq.  ;  Skribanowitz,  Pseudo- 
Demetrius  I.,  Berlin,  1913.  Pantenius  (Der  falsche  Demetrius, 
Bielefeld,  1904),  gives  a  number  of  interesting  illustrations,  but 
adds  nothing  new. 

^  Cf.  Karamsin,  X.,  90  seq.,  97  seq.  ;  Ubersberger,  Oster- 
reich  u.  Russland,  I.,  541  seq.,  564. 

"  Cf.  Waliszewski,  loc  cit. 

142  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Stockholm,  London  and  Prague. ^  The  little  court  of 
Copenhagen  at  last  showed  itself  more  favourably  disposed, 
but  Prince  John,  the  brother  of  King  Christian  IV.,  met  with 
a  premature  death.  To  this  domestic  disappointment  there 
was  added  a  great  national  disaster  ;  the  years  1601  and  1602 
brought  bad  harvests,  which  resulted  in  terrible  famine, 
scarcity  and  disease.  Brigands  made  their  appearance,  who 
levied  contributions  from  the  people,  who  credulously  listened 
to  the  prophecies  of  the  monks,  foretelling  a  great  catastrophe. ^ 

In  the  midst  of  this  social  and  economic  crisis,  the  throne 
of  Boris  Godunov  was  seriously  threatened  when  the  alarming 
news  reached  the  Kremlin  in  1603  that  a  youth,  who  gave 
himself  out  as  the  son  of  Ivan  IV.,  the  Demetrius  who  had 
died  in  1591,  had  met  with  a  great  following  in  Poland. 

The  claimant  to  the  throne  had  first  made  himself  known 
to  the  powerful  Prince  Adam  Wisniowezki  in  Lithuania,  and 
had  won  the  latter,  who  hated  Boris  Godunov,  to  his  plan 
for  conquering  the  throne  of  the  Czars  which  belonged  to  him 
with  the  help  of  the  Cossacks  and  Tartars.  The  ambitious 
George  Mniszek,  voivode  of  Sandomir,  who  was  gravely  in 
debt,  and  the  confidant  of  Sigismund  III.,  who  was  an  ardent 
supporter  of  the  Ruthenian  reunion,  also  put  his  faith  in  the 
story  of  Demetrius,  and  received  him  so  cordially  that  the 
claimant  to  the  throne  asked  him  for  the  hand  of  his  daughter 
Marina.  The  reply  was  deferred  until  Demetrius  had  pre- 
sented himself  before  the  king  at  Cracow.  Accompanied  by 
Mniszek  and  his  father-in-law,  Prince  Adam  Wisniowezki, 
Demetrius  went  at  the  beginning  of  March  1604  to  the  ancient 
capital  of  Poland.  There  the  voivode  of  Sandomir  prepared 
a  great  banquet  on  March  13th,  at  which  Demetrius  was  the 
guest  of  honour,  though,  out  of  consideration  for  the  still 
dubious  senators,  the  latter  preserved  his  incognito  as  far  as 
possible.  Even  the  nuncio  Rangoni  took  part  in  the  festivity. 
The  mysterious  pretender  made  a  good  impression  upon  him  : 
his  white  and  slender  hands  pointed  to  high  birth,  he  was 

1  See  tJBERSBERGER,  I.,  564  scq.,  568  seq.  ;   Pierling,  IIL,  Sg. 

2  See    PlERLING,    III.,    89. 


frank  in  his  conversation,  and  his  whole  attitude  and  behaviour 
had  something  majestic  about  them.^  Rangoni  also  makes 
mention  of  a  large  wart  at  the  corner  of  his  left  eye,  and  the 
contraction  of  one  of  his  arms,^  which  were  said  to  be  marks 
of  the  missing  son  of  the  Czar. 

On  March  15th  Demetrius  had  a  private  audience  of  the 
King  of  Poland  at  Wawel,  and  this  determined  the  attitude  of 
Sigismund,  who  had  at  first  refused  to  believe  in  the  identity 
of  the  pretender.  After  this,  however,  the  king  made  up  his 
mind  to  support  Demetrius,  and  showed  this  by  loading  him 
with  gifts. ^  So  far  the  nuncio  Rangoni  had  remained  com- 
pletely neutral,  but  on  March  19th  he  had  a  conversation  for 
the  first  time  with  Demetrius,  who  was  successful  in  winning 
over  the  Pope's  representative.^  Rangoni  then  put  the 
claimant  to  the  throne  into  touch  with  the  Jesuit  Caspar 
Sawicki,^  and  in  the  presence  of  these  two  Demetrius  expressed 
his  desire  to  be  received  into  the  Catholic  Church.  When 
Sawicki  had  satisfied  himself  as  to  the  genuineness  of  his 
intentions,  he  received  from  him,  on  Holy  Saturday,  April 
17th,  1604,  the  Catholic  profession  of  faith  at  the  Jesuit 
college    of    St.    Barbara.^      All    this,    however,    was    done 

1  See  ibtd.  67  seq.,  where  there  is  a  reproduction  of  the  portrait 
of  Demetrius  in  the  Historical  Museum,  Msocow. 

2  See  PiEKLiNG,  III.,  68  seq. 

*  See  ibid.,  6g. 

*  See  ibid.,  73  seq. 

*  This  fact,  which  is  proved  for  the  first  time  by  Pierling 
(Rome  et  Demetrius,  14  seq.)  in  the  light  of  the  documents, 
destroys  the  older  view,  which  was  especially  propagated  by 
Ranke  (Piipste,  II.,  256)  in  a  wider  field,  that  the  intrigue  was 
engineered  by  the  Jesuits  and  the  nuncio,  and  that  it  was  only 
later  on  that  Sigismund  was  won  over.  The  contention  of  Ranke 
that  the  conversion  was  precipitate,  is  also  false.  For  this 
Ranke  depends  upon  the  Historia  di  Moscovia  by  Aless.  Cilli 
(Pistoia,  1627),  whom  he  considers  worthy  of  all  credence.  Pierling 
has  proved  the  contrary  opinion,  and  has  refuted  the  many  and 
grave  errors  of  Cilli.  Skribanowitz  too  [loc.  cit.  19,  36,  38) 
shows  how  little  worthy  of  belief  Cilli  is. 

*  See  Pierling,  Rome  et  Demetrius,  27  seq.,  183  seq. 

144  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

in    secret,    on   account    of   the    Russian    adherents   of   the 

With  the  assistance  of  Sawicki,  two  days  later  the  convert 
wrote  a  letter  to  the  Pope  in  Polish,  dated  April  24th  ;  this 
was  to  the  following  effect  :  "  Who  I  am  who  thus  venture 
to  write  to  your  Holiness  will  have  been  explained  to  you 
by  the  Polish  nuncio,  to  whom  I  have  made  known  all  my 
resolves  and  the  motives  therefor.  Having  been  saved  by 
the  help  of  God  while  still  a  child  from  the  hands  of  a  bloody 
tyrant  and  from  death,  kindly  Providence  has  brought  me 
to  the  realm  of  the  King  of  Poland,  whose  acquaintance  I 
have  set  myself  to  make.  In  Poland  I  came  to  the  knowledge 
of  the  flourishing  state  of  the  Roman  Catholic  religion,  I 
became  more  and  more  drawn  to  it,  and  found  in  it  a  treasure 
far  more  precious  and  a  kingdom  far  more  noble  than  that 
which  the  injustice  of  a  tyrant  had  robbed  me  of.  While  I 
was  meditating  concerning  the  salvation  of  my  soul  I  clearly 
saw  the  grave  danger  in  which  Moscow  stood  by  reason  of 
the  schism,  and  how  unjustly  the  authors  and  propagators 
of  that  schism  had  attacked  the  pure  and  ancient  doctrine 
of  the  Catholic,  Roman  and  Apostolic  Church.  Therefore, 
by  the  help  of  divine  grace  I  have  returned  without  delay 
to  the  unity  of  the  Catholic  and  Roman  faith,  and  by  means  of 
the  sacraments  have  become  a  little  sheep  of  your  Holiness, 
the  supreme  Shepherd  of  all  Christendom.  My  position 
constrains  me  still  to  conceal  this,  and  to  await  what  God, 
Who  has  saved  me  from  so  many  perils,  wishes  to  do  with  me. 
I  hope  that  God  will  soon  be  willing  to  assist  me,  the 
descendant  of  the  ancient  and  renowned  princes  of  Muscovy, 
to  recover  my  inheritance.  If  this  should  not  prove  to  be 
the  case,  there  still  remains  to  me  the  consolation  of  Catholic 
truth,  and  my  union  with  the  Church  which  will  lead  me  to 
the  kingdom  of  heaven.  If  God  should  see  fit  to  assist  me  to 
win  back  my  inheritance,  then  I  urgently  implore  your  Holiness 
not  to  deny  me  your  support.  The  almighty  God  may  be 
able  to  make  use  of  me,  however  unworthy  I  may  be,  to  spread 
His  glory,  by  the  conversion  of  so  many  lost  souls,  and  by 
the  reunion  of  so  great  a  country  to  the  Church.     Who  knows 


whether  it  be  not  for  that  very  purpose  that  He  has  led  me 
into  the  Church  ?  " 

This  letter,  the  author  of  which  reveals  himself  as  a  native 
of  Greater  Russia,  and  not  very  familiar  with  the  Polish 
language,  ended  with  an  assurance  of  his  complete  submission 
to  the  supreme  pastor  of  Christendom,  and  with  the  request 
that  he  would  keep  silence  as  to  its  contents  for  a  time.  The 
document  is  signed  :  Demetrius,  son  of  John,  Czar  of  Greater 
Russia  and  heir  to  the  Muscovite  monarchy.^ 

When  Demetrius  handed  his  letter  to  the  nuncio  Rangoni 
on  April  24th,  he  threw  himself  at  his  feet  and  assured  him 
of  his  submission  to  the  Holy  See  ;  at  the  same  time  he 
promised,  in  the  event  of  his  accession  to  the  throne  of  the 
Czars,  to  use  all  his  power  for  the  spread  of  the  Catholic 
religion. 2  Henceforward  Rangoni  was  completely  won  over 
to  the  cause  of  the  pretender,  whom  Sigismund  HI.  also 
favoured  in  secret,  although  a  very  strong  party  in  Poland 
would  not  hear  of  any  warlike  undertaking  against  Russia. 
In  the  meantime  the  Czar  Boris  had  taken  up  a  defensive 
attitude  ;  supported  by  the  Patriarch  Job  he  spread  the 
report  everywhere  that  Demetrius  was  an  impostor,  and  an 
apostate  monk  named  Gregor  Otrepjev,^  who  had  escaped 
from  the  Tschudow  monaster}'  at  Moscow. 

The  pretender,  who  had  become  betrothed  to  Marina 
Mniszek,  was  also  very  active.  He  succeeded  in  raising  a 
small  army  of  Poles  and  Cossacks,  with  which  at  the  end  of 
October  1604,  he  crossed  the  Dnieper,  which  then  marked  the 
boundary  between  Russia  and  Poland.     Counting  on  meeting 

^  The  letter  of  Demetrius  to  Clement  VIIL  has  been  published 
from  the  original  in  the  Archives  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  by 
Pierling  in  a  photographic  reproduction,  together  with  a  French 
translation,  in  a  little  work  of  which  only  100  copies  were  printed 
(Lettre  de  Dimitri  dit  le  Faux  a  Clement  VIIL,  Paris,  1898). 
The  Latin  translation  by  Sawicki  in  Pierling,  Rome  et  Demetrius, 
157  seq.  For  the  style  and  the  authorship  see  Skribanowitz, 
46  seq.,  and  the  literature  cited  there. 

"  See  Pierling,  III.,  83  seq. 

*  See  ibid.,  92  seq.,  96  seq. 

VOL.    XXIV.  10 


with  support  in  Russia,  he  hoped,  in  spite  of  the  small  force 
at  his  disposal,  to  recover  the  throne  of  the  Czars.  Among 
his  troops  there  were  Jesuits  who  acted  as  military  chaplains 
for  the  Catholics.  Demetrius  kept  up  a  correspondence  with 
Rangoni,  who  was  very  necessary  for  the  attainment  of  his 
purpose,  while  the  nuncio  cherished  the  hope  that  within  a 
short  time  there  would  be  a  Catholic  ruler  in  the  Kremlin, 
who  would  undertake  the  conversion  of  his  great  kingdom  by 
means  of  Catholic  missionaries.^ 

In  contrast  to  the  optimistic  ideas  of  his  representative, 
Clement  VIII.  displayed  his  customary  prudence  in  the  matter 
of  Demetrius.  He  was  perhaps  confirmed  in  his  attitude  of 
reserve  by  the  fact  that  he  had  by  his  side,  as  his  confessor 
and  friend,  Baronius,  the  great  historian.  When  the  first 
news  of  the  appearance  of  the  pretender  reached  the  Curia 
from  Rangoni,  the  Pope's  scepticism  went  so  far  as  to  attach 
to  the  letter  of  Rangoni  a  marginal  note  to  the  effect  that 
this  was  probably  a  case  of  a  person  like  the  false  Sebastian 
who  had  come  forward  in  Portugal.  ^  Only  the  conversion 
of  Demetrius  and  his  letter  of  April  24th,  together  with  the 
reports  of  Rangoni,  brought  about  a  change  of  mind  in  the 
Pope.  He  handed  over  that  important  document  to  the 
Roman  Inquisition  for  examination  ;  this  tribunal  had  to 
decide  whether  the  desire  expressed  by  Demetrius  to  the  nuncio 
could  be  granted,  namely  whether  on  the  day  of  his  coronation 
as  Czar  he  could  receive  communion  from  the  hands  of  the 
Patriarch  of  Moscow. 

While  this  matter  was  still  under  discussion,  on  May  22nd 
a  Papal  brief  was  addressed  to  "our  beloved  son  and  noble 
lord  Demetrius  "  in  which  he  was  exhorted  with  paternal 
kindness  to  persevere  in  the  way  of  piety  and  virtue.  If 
Clement  VIII.  in  this  abandoned  his  attitude  of  cold  reserve 
which  he  had  so  far  maintained,  he  nevertheless  avoided  all 
mention  of  politics,  nor  were  the  great  interests  of  Christendom 

1  See  ibid.,  85,  114  seq.,  220. 

"  "  Sara  un  altro  Re  di  Portogallo  resu.scitato."  Pierling, 
III.,  41. 


even  mentioned  in  the  brief.  Demetrius  had  looked  for  a  great 
deal  more.  In  a  letter  of  July  30th  he  treated  of  spiritual 
matters  as  well  as  political,  and  expressed  his  thanks  in 
anticipation  for  the  help  offered  to  him.  Clement  VIII.  left 
this  letter  unanswered.^  The  later  developments  of  this 
affair,  which  ended  with  the  murder  of  Demetrius,  do  not 
belong  to  his  pontificate. 

^  See  ibid.,  86  seq.,  230  seq.     The  letter  of  July  30  in  Piekling, 
Rome  et  Demetrius,  160  scq. 


Clement  VIII.  and  the  interior  life  of  the  Church, — 
The  Religious  Orders. — The  Episcopate. — The  Sacred 


Filled  with  a  conviction  that  the  clergy  of  the  Eternal  City 
ought  to  stand  out  before  all  the  world  for  their  virtue  and 
piety,  Clement  VIII.,  immediately  after  the  beginning  of  his 
pontificate,  proclaimed  a  general  visitation  of  all  the  churches, 
religious  houses,  and  pious  institutions  of  Rome.  In  the 
document  which  was  published  on  June  8th,  1592,^  it  was 
declared  that  just  as  none  but  a  well  cultivated  field  can 
produce  an  abundant  harvest,  so  was  it  also  in  spiritual 
matters,  and  for  that  reason  the  Council  of  Trent  had  so 
strongly  urged  canonical  visitations.  To  this  end  a  commis- 
sion composed  of  cardinals  and  bishops  was  appointed,  which 
was  to  begin  its  labours  with  a  visitation  of  the  Lateran 
basilica.  In  order  to  obtain  the  divine  assistance  the  Pope 
ordered  the  Forty  Hours  to  be  celebrated  in  the  principal 
churches  of  Rome. 

Mindful  of  the  words  of  Our  Divine  Lord,  that  the  good 
shepherd  must  know  his  sheep, ^  Clement  VIII.,  regardless 
of  his  high  dignity,  took  a  personal  share  in  the  visitation  of 
the  greater  number  of  the  Roman  churches.  In  this  he  was 
assisted  by  Cardinals  Medici  and  Valiero,  as  well  as  by  three 
bishops,  among  them  the  distinguished  Lodovico  de  Torres, 
Archbishop   of   Monreale.^     After  the   Pope   had  celebrated 

1  See  Bull.,  IX.,  562  seq. 
*  See  ibid.,  564. 

8  See  *Commentarius  visitationis  Clenientis  VIII.  a.  1592; 
Urb.  837,  p.  268  seq.,  Vatican  Library  ;    Borghese,  I.,  869  and 



high  mass  in  the  Lateran  basilica  on  June  i8th,  1592,  and 
distributed  holy  communion  to  the  clergy,  he  gathered  them 
together  in  the  sacristy,  and  delivered  a  discourse  to  them, 
in  which  he  spoke  of  all  the  duties  of  their  office,  threatening 
grave  punishments  to  those  who  had  failed  therein.  Then, 
assisted  by  four  Cardinals,  he  made  a  visitation  of  the  church, 
and  especially  of  the  tabernacle,  ordering  that  a  place  of  greater 
honour  should  be  assigned  to  it.  He  also  demanded  a  more 
splendid  reliquary  for  the  heads  of  the  Princes  of  the  Apostles. 
The  visitation  was  continued  in  the  afternoon  and  on  the 
following  day.  When  the  Pope  visited  the  Lateran  Hospital, 
he  found  there  a  sick  man  at  the  point  of  death,  and 
Clement  VHI.  rendered  him  all  assistance  with  as  much 
fervour  as  though  he  had  been  a  simple  parish  priest.^  The 
Pope  also  carried  out  in  person  the  visitation  of  the  Lateran 
clergy,  and  of  the  house  of  the  penitentiaries  attached  to  the 
basilica,  where  he  arrived  quite  unexpectedly.  One  peni- 
tentiary, in  whose  room  he  found  a  copy  of  the  love- 
songs  of  Petrarch,  was  deprived  of  his  office  ;  the  same 
fate  befel  another  penitentiary  who  was  found  to  be  unfit. 
Clement  VIIL  declared  that  he  would  proceed  in  like  manner 
everywhere,  as  he  preferred  to  have  a  few  well  instructed 
priests  to  many  who  were  ignorant.'^ 

In  the  same  way  as  the  Lateran  basilica,  St.  Mary  Major's 
and  St.  Peter's^  were  subjected  to  a  strict  visitation,  and 
after  them  one  by  one  according  to  their  rank,  all  the  churches 
of  the  city.  It  was  at  once  realized  that  Clement  VIIL  knew 
in  every  case  how  to  observe  a  just  mean  between  excessive 

Arm.  7  t.  4,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cj.  ibid.  t.  3  *Decreta  visit, 
sub  Clemente  VIIL  See  also  the  *report  of  G.  Niccolini,  June  19, 
1592,  State  Archives,  Florence.     Med.  3303. 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  June  17  and  20,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican 
Library,  and  the  *letter  of  G.  Niccolini  of  June  26,  1592,  State 
Archives,  Florence,  loc.  cit. 

^  See  *Avviso  of  June  27,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican  Library. 

^  See  *Avvibi  of  July  4  and  8,  1592,  Urb,  II.,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  the  *report  of  G.  Niccolini,  July  3,  1592,  State  Archives, 
Florence,  loc.  cit.  and  Collectio  bull.,  etc.     Basil.  Vatic,  III.,  186, 

150  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

severity  and  too  great  leniency.^  However  much  he  clung 
to  the  splendour  of  divme  worship,  he  energetically  protested 
against  the  exaggerated  pomp  displayed  at  processions  by 
the  Spaniards  in  their  national  church. ^  Wherever  it  was 
necessary  he  intervened  with  great  severity.^  The  exactitude 
with  which  he  proceeded  could  not  have  been  greater,  and  he 
paid  attention  to  the  smallest  details.^  He  made  a  very 
searching  visitation  of  the  Hospital  of  Santo  Spirito,^  and  at 
the  Aracoeli  he  went  into  the  cell  of  every  one  of  the  friars.^ 
The  confessors  were  everywhere  examined  with  special 
vigilance.'  The  Pope  preferred  to  make'  his  appearance 
without  warning  and  quite  unexpectedly,^  and,  as  in  the  case 
of  all  his  reforms,  he  took  steps  on  his  own  initiative.^ 

^  See  *Avviso  of  July  8,  1592.     Urb.  1060,  II.,  Vatican  Library. 

2  See  *Avviso  of  April  30,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  I.,  Vatican  Library. 
The  Pope  would  not  make  his  appearance  even  in  St.  Peter's 
with  the  tiara  ;    see  Studi  e  docum.,  VIII.,  28. 

*  The  *Avviso  of  November  25,  1592,  reports:  "  Sabbato 
N.S.  visito  la  chiesa  di  S.  Maria  in  Trastevere,  et  vi  fece  il  solito 
sermone  con  maggiore  vehementia  del  consueto,  toccando  certi 
tasti  et  minutie,  che  non  ha  costumato  nell'  alter  chiese  "  (Urb. 
1060,  II.,  Vatican  Library).  The  commandant  of  the  Hospital 
of  S.  Spirito  was  dismissed,  according  to  the  *Avviso  of  July  15, 
1593   (Urb.   1061,  ibid.). 

*  Examples  are  given  by  the  *Avvisi  of  August  22,  1592,  and 
June  22,  1596,  Urb.,  1060,  II.,  and  1064,  Vatican  Library.  Cf. 
Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  25. 

^  See  *Avviso  of  September  23,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  II.,  Vatican 

*  See  *Avviso  of  February  22,  1595,  Urb.  1063,  ibid. 

'  See  *Avvisi  of  September  9  and  November  7,  1792,  Urb. 
1060,  II.,  ibid. 

*  See  besides  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  46,  the  *Avvisi  of 
September  23,  1593,  February  22,  1595,  and  August  22,  1601, 
LTrb.  1061,  1063,  1069,  Vatican  Library. 

*  *"  II  card.  Rusticucci  afferma,  che  quanti  editti  di  riforme, 
bandi  di  donne,  restrittioni  di  camere  locande  et  simili  ha  mandati 
fuori  in  questo  pontificato,  sono  stati  tutti  di  ordine  del  S.P. 
vivae  vocis  oraculo."  *Avviso  of  November  25,  1592,  L^rb.  1060, 
II.,  ibid. 


The  visitation  of  the  Roman  churches  in  1592  was 
continued  by  the  Pope  in  person  even  after  the  com- 
mencement of  the  cold  season,^  and  the  Venetian 
ambassador  reports  that  in  this  he  displayed  a  zeal 
that  could  not  have  been  greater  if  he  had  been  a  simple 
bishop.  2  The  reforms  which  he  prescribed  were  all  entered 
in  the  Acta.^ 

In  view  of  the  minuteness  with  which  the  visitation  was 
carried  out,  it  is  not  surprising  that  it  was  prolonged  from 
1593  to  1596.^  It  proved  very  efficacious^  so  that  it  was  again 
repeated  later  on.^  In  July  1603  Clement  VIII.  took  part 
in  the  visitation  of  the  church  and  convent  of  S.  Salvatore  in 
Lauro.'^  The  Pope  also  insisted  on  taking  part  in  the 
examinations,  begun  in  1597  onwards,  of  the  parish-priests  of 
Rome,  which  were  entrusted  to  a  commission  of  Cardinals, 
even  though  it  was  pointed  out  to  him  that  in  so  doing  he 
was  fatiguing  himself  unduly.^ 

Convinced  as  he  was  of  the  importance  of  the  religious 

1  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Cod.  Barb.  2815  ibid. 

"  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  21. 

3  See  ibid,  and  *Avviso  of  November  28,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  II., 
Vatican  Library.  Cf.  *Acta.  visitationis  multarum  ecclesiarum 
Urbis  sub  Clemente  VIII.  Cod.  7,  59,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 
See  also  *Borghese,  II.,  51a  and  52  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  1596, 
Jane  22  (visitation  of  the  convent  of  the  Minims),  June  26  (convent 
near  S.  Croce  in  Gerusalemme),  July  10  (S.  Prassede).  Urb. 
1064,   I.  and  II.,   Vatican  Library. 

5  Cf.  the  *brief  to  Archbishop  Ernest  of  Cologne  of  November, 
1592,  Arm.  44,  t.  34,  n.  10,  Papal  Secret  Archives  (see  Vol.  XXIII., 
App.  n.  5),  and  *Vita  et  gesta  Clementis  VIII.  in  Inform,  polit., 
XXIX.,   State  Library,   Berlin. 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  August  22,  1601,  and  July  2,  1603,  Urb.  1069, 
10  71,  Vatican  Library. 

'  See  *Avviso  of  July  2,  1603,  according  to  which  the  Pope 
found  in  the  cell  of  P.  Massimiliano  some  jewels  which  he  at  once 
caused  to  be  sold.     Urb.  1071,  ibid. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  January  18,  February  12,  15  and  22,  1597, 
yrb.  1065,  ibid. 

152  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Orders  to  the  Church,^  Clement  VIII.,  in  the  course  of  his 
visitations,  devoted  special  attention  to  the  state  of  the 
religious  houses  of  Rome.  As  early  as  March  1592  he  had 
summoned  before  him  the  generals  and  procurators  of  all  the 
Orders,  and  had  exhorted  them,  with  threats  of  grave  penalties, 
to  lead  an  exemplary  life.-  This  warning  was  repeated  in  the 
severest  terms  in  September,  when  it  had  transpired  that  the 
enactments  ordered  during  the  visitation  had  to  a  great 
extent  not  been  carried  out.  The  Pope  asked  for  a  list  of  all 
those  who  failed  to  obey,  and  said  that  in  the  place  of  so  great 
a  number  of  small  houses  which  were  difficult  to  supervise, 
he  would  like  to  see  in  every  province  three  or  four  large  houses 
in  which  the  reform  could  be  carried  out  exactly.^  In 
October  1592  all  the  gratings  and  windows  in  the  convents 
of  women  which  gave  upon  the  street  were  walled  up."*  At 
the  visitation  in  1593  the  Capuchins  in  the  convent  on  the 
Quirinal  had  to  listen  to  words  of  severe  reproof.^  In  1596^ 
there  were  fresh  measures  of  reform  for  the  religious  houses 
of  Rome.  Later  on  too  the  Pope  took  advantage  of  his  visits 
to  the  houses  of  the  Orders  to  address  serious  observations 
to  them,'  though  wherever  he  found  a  satisfactory  state  of 
affairs  he  did  not  spare  his  praises.^ 

In  December  1592  a  prohibition,  addressed  for  the  time 

^  The  Pope  called  the  Orders  "ossa  et  medullas  christianismi  "  ; 
see  Zachakiae,  Iter,  litt.,  302.  The  Cod.  Vat.  3565  contains 
among  the  *discourses  of  Giov.  Paolo  Eustachio  dedicated  to 
Clement  VIII.,  n.  i  :  "  Delia  necessita  et  utilita  della  visita  che 
fa  N.S.  alia  religioni.     Vatican  Library. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  14,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  ibid. 

'  See  *AvvJso  of  September  19,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  II.,  ibid. 

*  See  *Avvdso  of  October  21,  1592,  ibid. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  July  7,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  ibid. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  May  4,  and  November  16,  1596,  Urb.  1064, 
II.,   ibid. 

'  See  *Avviso  of  February  24,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  ibid. 

*  See  the  *brief  to  the  General  of  the  Carthusians,  in  which  the 
Pope  speaks  of  his  visitation  of  S.  Maria  degli  Angeli,  November 
15,  1603,  Arm.  44,  t.  56,  n.  24,  Papal  Secret  Archives, 

DECREES    ON    THE    RELIGIOUS    ORDERS.        153 

being  to  the  religious  houses  of  Rome,  was  issued  against  the 
making  of  gifts,  which  did  not  appl}^  however,  to  alms  to 
the  poor.i  On  June  19th,  1594,  this  ordinance  was  extended 
to  all  the  religious  houses  in  the  world.-  In  the  same  way  the 
constitutions  concerning  the  erection  of  new  houses,^  and  the 
punishment  of  exempt  religious  who  had  committed  some 
fault  outside  their  own  houses,'*  were  also  made  universal. 

Clement  VIII.  rendered  good  service  to  the  Orders  by  his 
constitution  of  March  12th,  1596,  and  four  subsequent  decrees 
of  the  years  1599,  1602  and  1603,  concerning  the  exclusion 
of  those  who  had  no  true  vocation,  and  the  training  in  deep 
piety  of  young  religious.  These  contained  the  most  salutary 
prescriptions,  limited  for  the  time  being  to  Italy,  on  the 
reception  of  novices.^ 

With  what  care  Clement  VIII.  laboured  everywhere  for 
the  re-establishment  of  religious  discipline,  where  it  had 
become  relaxed,  and  for  its  maintenance,  where  it  still  existed, 
is  shown  by  the  visitors  whom  he  sent,®  by  his  many  instruc- 
tions to  the  nuncios, '^  and  by  a  whole  series  of  special  enact- 
ments.    These    applied    to    the   Augustinian    Hermits,^    the 

1  See  *Avviso  of  December  26,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  II.,  Vatican 

2  Gifts  to  individual  inhabitants  of  religious  houses  were  also 
prohibited  ;    see  Bull.,  X.,  146  seq.      Cf.  Pakuta,  Dispacci,  II., 

365.  4«5- 

3  See  Bull.,  XL,  21,  and  the  *decla.ration  of  August  26,  1603, 
copy  in  the  Cod.  55  of  the  Theodoriana  Library,  Paderborn. 

*  See  Bull.,  X.,  348  seq. 

^  See  Bull.,  X.,  769  seq.  and  Archiv.  fiir  kath.  Kirchenrecht, 
CXI.  (1911),  696  seq. 

«  See  Zachakiae,  Iter,  litt.,  302. 

'  Especially  to  the  nuncio  at  Venice  were  instructions  given 
to  persevere  in  the  work  of  reform  ;  see  in  App.  n.  7  the 
♦instructions  to  M  A.  Graziani,  March  30,  1596,  Graziani  Archives, 
Citta  di  Castello.  Caetani  devoted  himself  to  the  reform  of  the 
religious  houses  in  Spain  from  the  beginning  of  his  nunciature  ; 
see  *Nunziat.  di  Spagna,  43,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  See  "  Clementis  P.  VIII.  pro  reformatione  fratrum  ord. 
Eremitarum  s.  Augubtini  decreta,"  Pisauri,  1599. 

154  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

Basilians/  the  Camaldolese,^  the  Cistercians,^  the  Cluniacs,^ 
the  Order  of  the  Holy  Ghost, ^  the  Hermits  of  the  Hieronymite 
observance,^  the  Knights  of  St.  John,'  the  Carthusians,^  the 
Servites^  and  the  Dominicans. ^°  Clement  VHI.  introduced 
more  strict  rules  in  the  case  of  the  Brothers  of  Charity  and  the 
Fathers  of  a  Good  Death. ^^  He  greatly  encouraged  among 
the  Franciscan  Order  the  new  reforms  of  the  Observants,  the 

I  Bull.,  X.,  623  ^eq. 
^  Ibid.,  293  seq. 

3  See  the  *brief  to  "  capit.  general,  ord.  Cisterc,"  dated  March 
14,  1601,  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  70,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  See  the  *brief  of  blame  to  "  Abbas  Cluniacensis,"  October  27, 
1592,  Arm.  44,  t.  38,  p.  78,  ibid. 

^  Cf.  Brune,  L'ordre  du  Saint-Esprit,  Paris,  1892,  263,  and 
E.  Michael  in  Zeitschr.  J.  kaih.  Theo!.,  XXIII.,  210. 

*  Bull.,  X.,  34  seq. 

'  See  the  severe  *briefs  to  the  Grand  Master  of  Malta,  May  14, 
1592,  June  15  and  September  2,  1594,  and  April  30,  1602,  Arm. 
44,  t.  37,  n.  304  ;  t.  39,  n.  214  and  258  seq  ;  t.  46,  n.  129,  Papal 
Secret  Archives.  See  also  C.  Fedeli,  Carteggio  del  Gran  Maestri 
di  Malta  con  i  duchi  d'Urbino,  Pisa,  1912,  69  seq.,  82  seq. 

®  See  the  *brief  to  the  chapter  general  of  the  Carthusians, 
April  15,  1599,  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  217,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

'  See  Bull.,  X.,  658  seq.,  662  seq.,  and  Decreta  Clementis  P. 
VIII.  pro  reformatione  fratr.  ord.  Serv.  B.  Mariae  Virg.,  Rome, 

^^  See  Bull.,  IX.,  561  seq.  F'or  the  reform  of  the  Dominicans 
at  Naples,  where  there  were  bad  relations  between  the  secular 
clergy  and  these  religious,  see  Arch.  star,  ital.,  IX.,  441  seq.  ; 
MuTiNELLi,  II.,  176  seq.  Cf.  the  *brief  to  the  Cardinal  of  the 
Dominicans,  June  29,  1596,  concerning  the  enclosure.  Arm.  44, 
t.  40,  n  200,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  The  *Avviso  of  June  13, 
1 60 1,  states  :  When  the  Dominicans  went  on  Saturday  with  their 
General  to  the  Pope,  "  N.S.  fece  loro  un  breve  ragionamento, 
esortando  in  particolare  tutti  alia  concordia  et  esso  Generale  al 
giusto  governo  et  a  far  osservar  la  lor  regola,  senza  che  sia  bisogno 
venghino  d'altronde  chi  la  facci  loro  osservare."  Urb.  1069, 
Vatican  Library. 

II  See  Bull.,  X.,  295  seq.,  63^. 


Riformati  in  Italy  and  the  Recollects  in  France.^  Francisco 
Sousa  of  Toledo  who  in  1600  was  elected  General  of  the 
Observants  in  Rome,  presented  to  the  Pope  a  memorial  on 
the  state  of  his  Order,  in  which  he  had  lived  for  thirty-five 
years,  filling  almost  all  the  offices,  and  making  visitations  of 
almost  all  the  provinces.^  He  described  in  detail  the  condi- 
tion, to  some  extent  not  very  consoling,  of  the  convents  in 
Germany,  France,  Spain  and  Italy,  and  makes  suggestions 
for  their  improvement.  He  lays  it  down  as  a  maxim  for 
reform  that  it  must  not  be  universal,  but  adapted  to  the  very 
varied  needs  of  the  different  districts.^ 

In  the  Benedictine  Order,  reform  had  been  carried  out, 
in  accordance  with  the  decrees  of  the  Council  of  Trent,  both 
in  Italy  and  Spain,  by  means  of  the  institution  of  congre- 
gations ;  at  the  beginning  of  his  pontificate  Clement  VIII. 
gave  some  salutary  ordinances  to  the  Cassinese  Congregation.^ 
In  France,  where  the  system  of  commendams  had  exercised 
a  harmful  influence,  they  did  not  prove  of  any  particular 
importance,  except  in  the  case  of  the  congregation  of  Saints 
Vanne  and  Hydulphe,  established  in  Lorraine  at  the 
beginning  of  the  seventeenth  century,  and  in  that  of  the 
Feuillants.  The  former  was  confirmed  by  Clement  VIII., 
from  whom  it  received  new  and  milder  rules. ^  In  Germany 
the  most  important  congregation  was  that  established  in  1564 

1 C/.     ibid.,     299    seq.  ;      Gaudentius,     Beitrage,     242      seq.  ; 

HOLZAPFEL,    312. 

^  *"  Informazione  copiosa  del  P.  Sosa  ministro  generale  de 
Min.  osserv.  a  P.  Clemente  VIII.  sopra  il  mode  di  reformare  la 
religione  "  in  a  niiscellaneous  codex  of  the  Communal  Library, 
Ancona,  which  was  not  yet  catalogued  when  I  made  use  of  it  in 

8  *"  Che  in  una  parte  sarebbe  riformatione,  nell'altra  causarebbe 
scandali  et  nell'altra  distruttione,"  says  Fr.  Sousa  in  his 
*  Informazione,    loc.    cit. 

*  See  Bull.,  X.,  28  seq.  ;    Bull.  Casin.,  I.,  266  seq.,  270  .'ieq. 

'  Cf.  Bull.,  XL,  64  seq.  ;  AscHBACH,  Kirchenlex,  I.,  653  seq.  ; 
ScHMiEDER  in  Studien  aus  dem  Bened.  Orden,  XII.,  60  seq.  ; 
Heimbucher,  L,  150  seq.,  242. 

156  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

in  Swabia,  which  was  confirmed  in  1603  with  the  title  of  the 
Congregation  of  St.  Joseph.^  The  most  important  Benedictine 
monasteries  in  Switzerland,  St.  Gall,  Einsiedeln,  Muri  and 
Fischingen,  were  united  into  one  congregation  in  1602. 
Clement  VIII.  confirmed  this  and  also  invited  other  Swiss 
monasteries  to  join  it.  Pfafers  and  Rheinau  did  so  at  once, 
and  all  the  others  later  on.^ 

In  the  matter  of  the  reform  of  the  regular  and  secular  clergy, 
Clement  VIII.  addressed  himself  repeatedly  to  the  bishops. 
If  the  latter  were  fulfilling  their  pastoral  duties  he  expressed 
his  satisfaction,^  but  if  not,  he  addressed  severe  admonitions 
to  the  archbishops,  and  sometimes  even  to  the  princes.^ 
Occasionally  he  also  sent  special  visitors,  as  was  the  case 
with  Sardinia  in  1598.^  His  nuncios  at  Naples  and  Venice 
laboured  incessantly  for  the  reform,  which  was  very  much 
needed  in  many  of  the  religious  houses  there. ^ 

However  cold  Clement  VIII.  showed  himself  towards  the 

1  See  Heimbucher,  1.,  140. 

2  See  Hist.-polit.  BL,  CV.,  729  seq. 

^  Cf.  *briefs  to  the  Bishop  of  Oria,  June  20,  1598,  and  March  31, 
1599,  Arm.  44,  t.  42,  n.  176  ;  t.  43,  n.  203,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
Ibid.,  t.  46,  nn.  177-180  *briefs  to  "  episc.  Lausan.  Constant, 
Curiens.  Basiliens,"  June  15,  1602. 

*  Cf.  Bull.,  IX.,  541  seq.  (to  the  Patriarch  of  Venice),  X.,  731  seq. 
(to  the  Bishops  of  Corsica)  ;  *brief  to  the  Duke  of  Savoy,  March 
15.  1597  (orders  the  Bishop  of  Maurienne  to  reform  a  monastery 
of  Cistercians)  Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  83,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
Ibid.,  t.  43,  n.  45  and  208,  *briefs  to  Rudolph  II.,  January  30 
and  April  3,  1599,  concerning  the  reform  of  the  religious  houses 
in  Suabia.  See  also  n.  iii,  *brief  to  the  Archbishop  of  Crete, 
February  19,  1599. 

s  See  Bull.,  X.,  78  seq. 

*  For  Venice  see  in  App.  n.  7  the  *instructions  to  the  nuncio 
there  March  30,  1596,  Graziani  Archives,  Citta  di  Castello.  On 
January  29,  1605,  Clement  VIII.  recommended  to  the  Doge  the 
visitor  sent  for  the  Congreg.  di  S.  Giorgio  in  Alga,  which  was  in 
need  of  reform  (*Brief  in  State  Archives,  Venice).  For  conventual 
reform  at  Naples  see  Cod.  L.  23,  p.  172b,  Vallicella  Library, 
Rome,  and  Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  237,  290. 


Jesuits/  he  was  not  blind  to  their  success  in  popular  missions, ^ 
for  which  work  they  were  especially  fitted.  Therefore  in  1598 
he  induced  the  Jesuits  in  Rome  to  preach  such  missions  in 
the  Campania,  the  Sabines,  and  the  Roman  Campagna.  The 
self-denial  of  the  fathers  in  this  work  among  the  poor  country 
folk,  in  the  full  heat  of  summer,  was  indeed  admirable,  and 
their  success  was  in  the  highest  degree  consoling.  The 
Bishops  of  Civita  Castellana  and  Montepulciano  asked  that 
these  missions  might  also  be  extended  to  their  dioceses.^ 

In  Rome,  where  the  Jesuits  were  doing  very  useful  work,"* 
above  all  encouraging  in  their  churches  the  devotion  to  the 
sufferings  of  Christ,^  they  were  rivalled  by  the  Theatines  and 
the  Oratorians.  Clement  VIH.  confirmed  for  the  Theatines 
their  emended  rule,^  and  granted  them  many  favours.'^  The 
Capuchins^  and  the  Barnabites^  who  were  spreading  through- 

^  Cf.  supra,  p. 

*  Cj.  Litt.  ann.  1592,  13  seq. 
'  See  ibid.,  1598,  14  seq. 

*  Cf.  "  Domus  ac  pietatis  opera  quae  B.P.  Ignatius  facienda 
Romae  curavit  quaeque  societas  suae  curae  commissa  habet  " 
(rare  engraving  of  1600). 

*  See  *Avviso  of  January  i,  1603,  Urb.  107 1,  Vatican  Libraiy 
The  *Avviso  of  April  17,  1604  (Urb.  1072,  ibid.)  states  :  The 
Jesuits  have  made  in  their  church  a  beautiful  sepulchre,  like  that 
at  Jerasalem  ;  "  e  ben  vero,  ch'era  ogni  cosa  di  bianco  et  dentro 
et  fuori,  cosa  non  appro bata  cosi  generalmente  da  tutti  in  questi 
tempi  die  la  S.  Chiesa  va  certando  con  le  candele  le  cose  meste  et 
di  malencolia." 

*  Bull  of  July  28,  1604,  Theatine  Archives,  Rome.  Ibid,  a 
*brief  dated  "  sexto  Idus  August!  :  "  Clement  VIII.  grants  to 
the  Theatines  the  church  of  S.  Stefano  at  Vicenza  ;  also  a 
♦document  concerning  the  grant  of  the  church  of  S.  Bartolomeo 
in  Porta  at  Bologna  (1599)  and  a  bull  of  Clement  VIII.  "  per  la 
fundazione  de  Teatini  nella  chiesa  di  S.  Giorgio  in  Rimini." 
The  Theatines  were  also  brought  to  Florence  in  1592  by 
Clement  VIII. 

'  See  Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  323  seq. 

^  See  Bull.  Capuc,  II.,  113,  172  seqq.,  223,  318,  407;  III., 
19  seqq.,  62  seqq.,  78  seqq.,  100  seqq.,  116  seqq. 

»  Cf.  Premoli,  335  seq.,  355  seq..  357  seq.,  370  seq.,  374  seq., 
379  seq.,  381  seq.,  388  seq. 

158  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

out  Italy,  received  many  proofs  of  the  good-will  of  the  Pope. 
The  same  was  the  case  with  the  Oratorians,  who  were  very 
dear  to  the  Pope,  who  had  Baronius  as  his  confessor.  In  the 
matter  of  the  absolution  of  Henry  IV.  it  was  seen  what 
influence  that  distinguished  man,  as  well  as  Philip  Neri,  had 
over  him.  The  relations  between  Clement  VIII.  and  the 
holy  founder  of  the  Oratorians,  who  died  on  May  26th,  1595, 
were  both  cordial  and  intimate,  as  between  father  and  son. 
Clement  VIII.,  who,  like  all  the  Aldobrandini,  loved  cheerful- 
ness, was  well  able  to  adapt  himself  to  the  joking  and 
humourous  methods  which  Philip  Neri  loved  to  adopt,  and 
we  have  evidence  of  this  in  certain  letters  which  were 
exchanged  between  them.^  But  though  the  Pope  willingly 
yielded  to  the  wishes  of  Philip  Neri,  he  nevertheless  preserved 
his  independence  even  with  him.  Thus  he  remained  immov- 
able when  the  saint  presented  a  plea  on  behalf  of  a  bandit 
who  had  been  condemned  to  death,  for  Clement  judged  it 
necessary  that  in  this  case  the  law  should  take  its  course  in 
all  its  rigour.  2  Nor  would  he  suffer  himself  to  be  moved  from 
his  intention  of  making  the  most  beloved  of  the  disciples  of 
Philip  Neri,  Tarugi,  Archbishop  of  Avignon,  and  though  the 
saint  did  all  he  could  to  induce  the  Pope  to  change  his  mind, 
he  adhered  to  his  purpose,  saying  that  he  could  not  give  way, 
because  it  was  incumbent  upon  him  to  care  for  the  well-being 
and  the  betterment  of  the  whole  Church.  ^ 

^  See  Capecelatro,  Der  hi.  Philipp  Neri,  revised  by  Lager, 
Freiburg,  1886,  324  seq.,  where  we  find  corrected  the  interpretation 
which  a  thinker  like  Goethe,  who  otherwise  so  well  understood 
the  life  of  men,  gave  to  these  letters. 

2  Others  on  the  other  hand,  who  had  been  condemned  to  prison 
for  lesser  crimes,  were  released  in  1593  at  the  instance  of  St. 
Philip  ;  see  *Avviso  of  June  30,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  Vatican  Library. 
For  the  favour  which  the  Oratorians  enjoyed  with  the  Cardinals, 
see  *Avviso  of  December  25,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  II.,  ibid.  A 
Relatione  of  that  period  tells  us  that  the  number  of  the 
Oratorians,  who  in  turn  delivered  two  or  three  sermons  every  day, 
was  40  ;    see  Carle  Strozz.,  I.,  i,  393. 

*  See  Capecelatro,  loc.  cit.,  335. 


The  Minorite,  Angelo  del  Pas,  was  held  in  high  esteem  by 
Clement  VIII.  He  had  also  been  esteemed  by  his  predecessors 
on  account  of  his  theological  works  and  the  purity  of  his  life  ; 
he  died  in  1596  in  the  odour  of  sanctity.^  The  same  was  true 
of  Camillus  of  Lellis,  the  founder  of  the  Fathers  of  a  Good 
Death. 2 

Two  other  saints  also  found  a  fervent  protector  in  the 
Aldobrandini  Pope :  Giovanni  Leonardi  and  Joseph 

Giovanni  Leonardi,^  who  was  born  in  1543  in  a  village  near 
Lucca,  and  who  first,  by  the  wish  of  his  parents,  became  a 
chemist,  only  attained  to  the  goal  of  his  desires,  the  priesthood, 
later  on.  Although  he  was  already  twenty-six  Giovanni  took 
his  place  once  more  on  the  benches  of  a  school  in  order  to  learn 
Latin.  Ordained  at  the  end  of  1572,  he  devoted  himself  with 
ardent  zeal  in  Lucca  to  the  catechizing  of  poor  children  and 
the  instruction  of  the  young  in  their  religion.  The  first  fellow- 
labourers  that  he  met  with  there  were  a  hat-maker  named 
Giorgio  Arrighini  and  Giambattista  Cioni,  the  scion  of  a  noble 
family.  Together  with  these  he  established  himself  in  1574 
in  a  room  near  the  church  of  the  Madonna  della  Rosa.  Among 
the  companions  who  joined  them  there  were  above  all  two 
brothers,  Cesare  and  Giulio,  of  the  Franciotti  family,  and 
related  to  the  della  Rovere.  Being  asked  by  his  companions 
for  a  written  rule,  Leonardi  took  a  sheet  of  paper  and  wrote 
the  single  word  :  "  Obedience."  Although  the  members 
of  this  new  company  lived  for  nothing  but  their  own 
sanctification  and  the  good  of  their  fellow-citizens,  they  did 
not  lack  persecution,  but  the  Bishop  of  Lucca,  Alessandro 
Guidiccioni,  supported  the  work  of  these  pious  men. 

^  *Avviso  of  August  28,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  Vatican  Library. 
For  A.  del  Pas  cf.  Hurter,  I.,  89  seq.,  397. 

2  Cf.  Vol.  XXII,,  p,  398,  of  this  work,  and  M.  Amici,  Mem.  stor. 
intomo  S.  Camillo  de  Lellis,  Rome,  1913  ;  ibid.,  p.  219,  the 
protection  given  to  him  by  Clement  VIII. 

^  Cf.  the  biographies  by  L.  Marracci  (Venice,  161 7  ;  Rome, 
1673)  and  Carlanionio  Erra  (Rome,  1758).  Cf.  also  Barelli, 
Memorie  de  chierici  regol.  di  S.  Paolo,  L.  Bologna,  1703,  26  seqq. 

l6o  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Giovanni  Leonardi  drew  up  a  catechism,  and  did  such 
useful  work  in  Lucca  and  the  neighbourhood,  that  the  Bishop 
of  Lucca  called  him  the  apostle  of  his  diocese.  With 
unwearied  activity  he  introduced  into  the  cities,  on  the  last 
Thursday  of  the  Carnival,  a  general  communion,  and,  following 
the  example  of  Charles  Borromeo,  the  pious  exercise  of  the 
Forty  Hours  during  the  last  three  days  of  the  carnival.  When 
he  was  once  again  subjected  to  persecution,  the  holy  man 
was  not  discouraged,  not  even  when  he  and  his  companions 
came  to  lack  all  means,  and  their  house  was  taken  away  from 
them.  His  firm  trust  in  God  was  not  in  vain  ;  in  1580,  the 
rector  of  the  church  of  S.  Maria  Cortelandini,  made  over  to 
him,  with  the  consent  of  the  bishop,  his  presb^^tery,  and  in 
1583  Leonardi  and  his  zealous  companions  established  there 
a  religious  congregation,  under  the  name  and  patronage  of 
the  Madonna,  for  their  own  perfection  and  the  preaching 
of  the  word  of  God.^ 

While  on  a  pilgrimage  to  Rome  Leonardi  formed  a  friend- 
ship with  Philip  Neri.  This  proved  very  valuable  to  him 
when  a  fresh  persecution  at  Lucca  forced  him  to  have  recourse 
to  the  Holy  See.  On  his  return  the  inhabitants  of  Lucca 
closed  the  gates  of  the  city  against  him.  Although  Sixtus  V. 
had  declared  Leonardi  innocent,  the  latter  was  unwilling  to 
stir  up  his  adversaries  against  him  any  further,  and  he  there- 
fore remained  in  Rome,  in  close  relationship  with  Philip  Neri, 
and  furthering  the  work  in  the  hospitals  and  schools. 
Clement  VHL  esteemed  his  labours  in  the  highest  degree  ; 
it  did  not  seem  fitting  to  him  that  the  work  of  a  religious 
society,  which  sought  for  nothing  but  the  welfare  of  the 
inhabitants  of  Lucca  and  its  own  members,  should  be  any 
longer  hampered,  and  accordingly,  on  October  13th,  1595, 
at  Leonardi's  request,  he  approved  his  congregation.^ 

In  1596  the  Pope  arranged  that  this  zealous  priest  should 
be  able  once  more  to  return  to  Lucca.  Since  men's  minds 
there  were  not  yet  quite  calmed,  Clement  VHL  for  the  time 

1  See  Bull.,  IX.,  227  seq. 
^  See  ibid. 


being  made  use  of  Leonardi  as  apostolic  commissary  for  the 
introduction  of  reforms  into  the  Order  of  Montevergine  in 
the  province  of  Naples.  After  this  Leonardi  also  reformed 
certain  monasteries  of  the  Vallombrosans,  and  visited  Monte 
Sennaro,  the  cradle  of  the  Servite  Order.  Cardinal  Tarugi 
asked  for  him  in  1597  for  the  reform  of  his  diocese,^  and  in 
the  same  year  he  visited  his  house  at  Lucca.  In  1601 
Leonardi  was  successful  in  founding  a  second  house  in  Rome 
near  the  church  of  S.  Maria  in  Portico. ^ 

Two  years  later  the  Pope  entrusted  to  Cardinal  Baronius 
the  protectorate  of  the  Clerks  Regular  of  the  Mother  of  God, 
whose  first  General  Leonardi  became.  A  brief  of  June  24th, 
1604,  allowed  the  new  congregation  to  establish  houses  every- 
where, provided  the  diocesan  bishops  gave  their  permission, 
"  Take  care  of  the  young,"  said  the  Pope  to  the  founder, 
when  he  presented  himself  before  him  with  Baronius.^ 

There  was  another  saint  who  was  likewise  predestined  to 
the  priesthood,  who  was  filled  with  enthusiasm  for  the  good 
of  his  neighbour,  and  whose  efforts  were  encouraged  by 
Clement  VIIL  :  this  was  Joseph  Calasanctius,^  so  called 
from  the  mountainous  hamlet  in  Aragon,  near  Petralta  de 
la  Sal,  where  he  was  born  in  1556.  After  the  young  nobleman 
had  studied  philosophy  and  jurisprudence  at  the  university 
of  Lerida,  and  theology  at  Valencia  and  Alcala  de  Henares, 
he  was  urged  to  contract  matrimony  after  the  death  of  his 
brother  without  issue,  so  that  his  ancient  family  might  not 

^  See  Erra,  loc.  cit.,  63  seqq. 

^  Cf.  Storia  di  S.  Maria  in  Portico,  Rome,  1750. 

*  See  Erra,  81  seq.,  Bull.,  X.,  229  seq. 

*  See  the  biographies  by  Alessio  della  Concettione  (Rome, 
1693),  TosETii  (Rome,  1767  ;  Florence,  1917),  Lipowsky 
(Munich,  1820),  Kellner  (Skizzen  u.  Bilder  aus  der  Erzichungs- 
gesch.,  I.,  Essen,  1862),  Timon-David  (2  vols.,  Marseilles,  1883), 
Hubart  (Mayence,  1862),  Tommaseo  (Rome,  1898),  Casanovas 
Y  Sanz  (Saragossa,  1904),  Heidenreich  (Vienna,  1907).  Cf. 
also  Heimbucher,  II.,  272  seq.  ;  Hist.  pol.  Bl.,  VII.,  599,  XXXIII. 
746,  CXX.,  901  seq.  ;  Faloci  Pulignani,  Notizie  del  ven.  G.B. 
Vitelli  da  Foligno,  Foligno,  1894,  49  seq. 


l62  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

die  out.  The  young  man  would  not  hear  of  this,  but  it  was 
only  after  he  had  been  miraculously  cured  of  a  grave  illness, 
that  his  father  abandoned  the  project. 

Having  been  ordained  priest  at  the  end  of  1583  Joseph 
Calasanctius  devoted  himself  for  nine  years  to  the  care  of 
souls  in  various  parts  of  his  native  Spain.  It  seemed  that 
he  might  confidently  look  forward  to  some  great  ecclesiastical 
office,  but  a  secret  desire  drew  him  to  Rome.  He  arrived 
there  in  a  state  of  poverty  in  the  spring  of  1592,  for  after  his 
father's  death  he  had  distributed  the  whole  of  his  inheritance. 
The  inhabitants  of  the  Eternal  City  were  still  suffering  at 
that  time  from  the  effects  of  the  plague  and  famine,  which 
had  scourged  them  from  1590  onwards  ;i  thus  there  were  many 
orphan  children  wandering  about  the  streets,  without  clothing, 
food  or  instruction.  A  friend  of  Philip  Neri,  the  noble  and 
pious  Giovanni  Leonardo  Ceruso,  known  as  "II  Letterato," 
had  already  in  the  time  of  Gregory  XIII.  founded  an  institute 
for  abandoned  children, ^  of  which,  after  his  death  on  February 
13th,  1595,^  Baronius,  by  the  order  of  Clement  VIII.  under- 

1  Cf.  Vol.  XXII.  of  this  work,  p.  345. 

2  See  *Avvisi  of  September  9,  1592,  and  February  i8,  1595, 
Urb.  1060,  11.,  and  1063.  According  to  the  *Avvi50  of  April  28, 
1 60 1,  the  number  of  the  "  poverelli  dell'hospitale  di  Letterati  " 
was  at  that  time  about  200  (Urb.  1069,  Vatican  Library).  These 
children  were  called  "  i  poveri  letterati."  See  Moroni,  XIV.,  45. 
Fra  Marcello  Fossataro  of  Nicotera,  a  hermit  of  St.  Francis  *asked 
Clement  VIII.  for  permission  to  found  at  Naples  an  asylum 
"  come  fece  il  Literato  in  Roma,"  State  Archives,  Florence  ; 
see  Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  250).  About  1600  Carlo  Carafa  founded  a 
congregation  "  dei  pii  operaii  "  at  Naples,  and  converted  many 
Turkish  servants  there  ;  see  Freiburger  Kirchenlex.,  l^.,  1231  seq. 
Art.  Arbeiter,  and  F.  Ceva-Grimaldi,  Delia  citta  di  Napoli, 
Naples,  1857. 

3  Cf.  Mansio,  Vita  di  Giov.  Leonardo  Ceruso  detto  Letterato, 
Rome,  1S34  ;  Calenzio,  Baronio,  103  seqq.  ;  Orbaan,  Documenti, 
151  n.  and  Rome  under  Clement  VIII.,  62  seqq.  In  the  *Memoirs 
relating  to  the  Congregation  of  the  Oratory  by  Pompeo  Pateri,  a 
description  of  the  inriuence  of  the  "  opera  di  Litterato  "  as 
follows  :   In  questo  tempo  s'era  cominciata  gia  I'opera  di  Litterato 


took  the  care.^  But  this  alone  could  not  overcome  the  evil. 
Joseph  Calasanctius,  who  immediately  after  his  arrival  in 
Rome  had  become  a  member  of  the  confraternity  for  teaching 
Christian  Doctrine,  saw  with  profound  grief  how  many 
abandoned  children  were  growing  up  without  instruction  or 
supervision.  When  he  applied  to  the  masters  of  the  schools 
to  be  allowed  to  instruct  the  little  ones  gratuitously,  he  was 
referred  by  them  to  the  magistracy.  But  he  failed  to  obtain 
a  hearing  there  as  well.  Then  it  seemed  to  him  that  he  heard 
the  words  of  Holy  Scripture  :  "To  thee  is  reserved  the  care 
of  the  poor,  and  to  the  orphans  thou  shalt  be  a  helper."  Thus 
there  sprang  up  in  his  mind  the  idea  of  founding  a  special 
school  for  the  poor,  and  of  becoming  its  director.  To  this 
end  he  met  with  his  first  helper  in  the  parish  priest  of  the 
church  of  S.  Dorotea  in  Trastevere,  Antonio  Brendani,  who 
put  a  few  rooms  at  his  disposal,  and  promised  to  help  him 
with  the  instruction.  It  was  in  that  church  that  the  Oratory 
of  Divine  Love  had  once  sprung  into  existence,  from  which 
the  work  of  Catholic  reform   and  restoration   had  begun. ^ 

(che  COS!  era  chiamato  il  fondatore  d'essa  quale  comincio  a 
radunare  li  poveri  figliuoh  di  poc'eta  ch'andavano  spersi,  et  h 
menava  per  le  strade  cantando  laudi  spiritual!  et  scopando  le 
strade  dove  era  bisogno  ;  poi  dimandava  d'elemosina  per  quel 
poveri  figliuoli,  quali  la  sera  conduceva  al  coperto  sotto  le  grotte 
del  monasterio  di  S.  Lorenzo  in  Panisperna,  che  all'hora  ci  poteva 
entrare  clii  voleva  dalla  parte  di  S.  Maria  Maggiore  ;  et  cosi  cosa 
nuova  il  card.  Rusticucci  m'ordino  ch'io  m'informassi  deirhuonio 
et  come  governava  quel  figliuoli.  Andai  una  sera  airimproviso 
alle  dette  grotte  et  trovai  che  teneva  quei  figliuoli  con  quell'ordine 
bono  che  poteva  in  quel  luogo  et  li  governava  con  tanta  carita 
ch'io  ne  restai  con  grande  edificazione,  vedendo  che  li  dava  tutti 
quelli  soldi  ch'haveva,  senza  pensare  punto  a  se  stesso  :  et  con 
questa  relatione  si  lasso  seguitare.  Carpegna  62  p.  58^^,  Papal 
Secret  Archives. 

1  See  Moroni,  L.,  4.  Cf.  ibid.,  IX.,  203,  and  XIX.,  247,  for 
the  asylum  of  S.  Eufemia  founded  at  that  time.  The  "  Letterato  " 
was  buried  in  S.  Maria  dell'Orazione  e  Morte  ;  see  Lanciani,  IV., 
68  ;    FoRCEi.LA,  VIII.,  475. 

2  Cf.  Vol.  X.  of  this  work,  p.  390  seq. 

164  HISTORY   OF   THE     POPES. 

It  was  a  strange  coincidence  that  now,  at  the  moment  of  the 
highest  development  of  that  movement,  a  new  and  important 
institution  was  to  spring  up  in  the  same  place.  As  soon  as 
some  of  the  members  of  the  Society  of  Divine  Love  had 
promised  their  co-operation,  the  first  popular  free  school  in 
Europe  was  able  to  come  into  existence. 

Clement  VIII.  extended  his  protection  to  a  work  on 
which  the  blessing  of  God  visibly  rested.  The  number 
of  children,  of  whom  from  the  first  there  were  about  a 
hundred,  grew  from  year  to  year.  They  were  given  the 
necessary  books  and  writing  materials  gratuitously  ;  they 
were  also  given  clothing,  since,  following  the  example  of 
the  open-handed  Pontiff,  other  benefactors  as  well  provided 
ample  alms. 

In  1601  it  was  possible  to  hire  a  larger  house  near  S.  Andrea 
in  Valle,  in  which  Joseph  Calasanctius  began  to  lead  a 
community  life  with  his  companions,  who  had  by  1604  reached 
the  number  of  twelve.  Thus  were  laid  the  foundations  of 
the  Piaristi  or  Clerks  Regular  of  the  Pious  Schools,  afterwards 
called  the  Poor  Clerks  of  the  Madonna,  the  "  Scolopi  "  (Scuole 
pie)  or  the  Poalini.  Since  noble  and  wealthy  families  also 
sent  their  children  to  the  excellent  school  of  Calasanctius, 
jealousies  and  envy  were  aroused,  but  the  Pope  convinced 
himself  that  the  accusations  made  against  the  school  of  the 
poor  children  were  unfounded,  and  he  continued  as  before 
to  be  their  protector. 

Clement  VIII.  founded  in  Rome,  for  the  Roman  nobles  and 
foreigners,  the  "  Collegium  Clementinum  "  the  direction  of 
which  he  entrusted  to  the  Somaschi.^  This  institution,  the 
Protector  of  which  was  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini,  soon 
attained  great  celebrity.  ^ 

^  See  Bull.  XL,  90  seq. 

^  Cf.  Elogio  del  nobile  e  pontificio  Collegio  Clementine  di 
Roma,  Rome,  1795  ;  Palantrini,  Notizie  dei  convittori  illustri 
del  Clementine  di  Roma,  1595-1795,  Rome,  1795  ;  Donning,  I 
convittori  del  nobile  Collegio  Clementine  di  Rema,  Rome,  1898. 
The  inscription  affixed  to  the  building,  which  is  situated  in  the 


The  Society  of  Christian  Doctrine,  founded  in  1560  by 
the  noble  Milanese  Marco  de  Sadis  Cusani,  found  an  ardent 
protector  in  Clement  VIII.  From  this  sprang  in  1596  the 
Congregation  of  Clerks  Secular  of  Christian  Doctrine  and  a 
confraternity  in  connexion  with  it.  After  the  death  of  Cusani 
(September  17th,  1595)  the  connexion  between  the  two  bodies 
was  severed  ;  the  confraternity  was  given  a  director  of  its 
own,  and  the  Congregation  was  given  a  provost  and  the 
church  of  S.  Martina  near  the  Forum.  In  order  to  confirm 
both  young  and  old  in  Christian  doctrine,  the  Society  of 
Christian  Doctrine  established  disputations  in  the  churches, 
which  are  still  in  use  to-day  in  the  Eternal  City.^ 

It  was  of  importance  too  that  the  Pope  confirmed^  the 
French  teachers  of  Christian  Doctrine  founded  by  Cesar  de 
Bus,  and  in  1598  charged  Bellarmine  himself  with  the  com- 
position of  a  catechism,  which  by  its  perfection  very  quickly 
superseded  all  other  works  of  a  similar  nature.^ 

The  attempts  of  certain  Spanish  Jesuits  to  modify  the 
Constitutions,  drawn  up  by  Ignatius  of  Loyola,  met  with  no 
success  in  the  time  of  Clement  VIII.,  although  the  struggle 
took  another  aspect  after  the  confirmation  of  the  Constitutions 
by  Gregory  XIV.  In  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.  the  two  or  three 
dozen  malcontents  had  stormed  the  Inquisition  and  the  king 

Piazza  Nicosia,  was  destroyed  after  the  college  was  confiscated. 
For  the  bull  for  the  college  founded  in  1596  at  Aosta,  see  Frutaz 
in  the  periodical  Societe  acad.  dti  duchd  d'Aoste,  XIX.  (1905). 

1  See  Moroni,  XX.,  246  seq.  ;  Freiburger  Kirchenlex.,  III., 
1871  ;  Heimbucher,  II.,  339  seq.  The  e.Kemption  of  the 
"  Congreg.  clericorum  doctrinae  christ.,"  dated  1596,  December 
29,  confirmed  by  Clement  VIII.,  in  Bandi,  V.,  15,  p.  95,  Papal 
Secret  Archives.  The  "  Confirmatio  (dementis  VIII.)  erectionis 
congreg.  doctrinae  christ  in  civitate  Avenion,"  of  December  23, 
1597,  in  Bull.,  X.,  411  seq. 

*  See  HeimbtjCher,  II.,  338  seq. 

3  See  Sommervogel,  I.,  1182  ;  T.\cchi  Venturi,  I.,  295,  301. 
A  second  edition  of  the  rare  Catechismo  di  Don  Giovan  Paolo  da 
Como,  sacerd.  dei  chierici  regoL,  Cremona,  1595,  mentioned 
ibid.,  300,  in  the  City  Library,  Frankfort  a  M.,  Ital.,  24  V. 

l66  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

with  an  array  of  memorials,  in  order  that  with  their  help 
their  own  schemes  might  be  carried  into  effect. ^  But  in  the 
time  of  Clement  VIII.  such  memorials  were  but  few,^  so  that 
it  seemed  that  the  grave  penalties  which  Gregory  XIV  had 
threatened  against  all  attacks  on  the  Constitutions  of  the 
Order  seemed  not  to  have  been  without  their  effect.  But 
the  bull  of  Gregory  had  not  been  able  to  close  the  last  resource 
to  the  malcontents  ;  it  had  of  necessity  to  leave  open  the 
way  of  appeal  to  the  Pope  himself,  and  to  the  general  con- 
gregation of  the  Order. ^ 

It  was  a  strange  thing  that  no  less  a  man  than  Jose  de 
Acosta  adopted  this  course,  for  it  was  he  whom  Aquaviva 
had  sent  a  short  time  before  to  Rome  as  his  confidant,  in 
order  to  set  matters  straight  and  who  had  dissuaded  the 
King  of  Spain  from  his  plan  of  causing  a  visitation  of  the 
Orders  to  be  made  by  externs,  and  had  himself  carried  out 
the  visitation  in  two  provinces.^  Yet  Acosta  was  no  more 
pleasing  to  some  of  his  brethren  on  account  of  his  having 
made  the  visitation.  It  was  seen  that  he  was  overcome  with 
ambition,  and  was  waiting  until  the  General  should  confer 
upon  him  the  ofhce  of  provincial.  The  appointment  did  not 
come,  and  a  deep  despondency  and  hatred  of  Aquaviva  took 
possession  of  him,  though  he  was  otherwise  ver}^  capable  and 
resolute.  It  seemed  to  him  that  the  powers  of  the  General 
ought  to  be  limited  by  the  General  Congregation  of  the  Order, 
and  he  persuaded  King  Philip  to  entrust  his  task  to  him, 
obtaining,  should  it  prove  necessary,  a  command  from  the 
Pope  for  such  a  restriction.  He  arrived  in  Rome  on  December 
2nd,  1592,  and  through  the  Spanish  ambassador,  though 
without  the  knowledge  of  the  General  of  the  Order,  had  an 
audience  with  the  Pope.  He  explained  to  Clement  VIII. 
that  the  disputes  among  the  Jesuits  did  not  arise  so  much 
from  the  subordinate  members,  who  were  acting  from  sim- 
plicity, obedience  and  the  love  of  God,  as  from  the  ambition 

»  Cf.  Vol.  XXL  of  this  \vork,  p.  154  seq. 

2  AstrAin,  III.,  417. 

3  Bull  of  June  28,  1591,  §21,  Bull.,  IX.,  441. 
*  Cf.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  165  seq. 


and  worldly  outlook  of  the  superiors.  The  underlying  cause 
of  everything  lay  in  the  unrestricted  power  of  the  General, 
as  that  office  had  come  to  be  in  the  hands  of  Aquaviva,  and 
the  only  means  of  repairing  the  trouble  was  the  General 

At  first  Clement  VIII.  was  not  ill-disposed  towards  the 
Jesuits,  and  recognized  their  services  to  the  Church,  especially 
in  the  matter  of  missions,  ^  while  he  had  striven  for  their 
re-admission  to  France.^  He  was  the  first  Pope  to  raise  two 
Jesuits,  Toledo  and  Bellarmine,  to  the  purple.  Both  of  these 
had  great  influence  with  him,  and  he  made  use  from  time  to 
time  of  the  services  of  Bellarmine  as  his  spiritual  father.^ 
But  Clement  VIII.  allowed  himself  to  be  influenced  by  the 
general  trend  of  the  moment. ^  Under  Gregory  XIII.  the 
Jesuits  counted  for  everything,  and  would  have  all  been 
looked  upon  as  saints,  if  certain  defects,  which  are  generally 
inseparable  from  success,  had  not  manifested  themselves 
among  them.  They  certainly  stood  in  the  first  rank  where 
it  was  a  question  of  the  welfare  of  the  Church,  but  there  were 
those  who  thought  that  they  went  too  far  in  their  zeal,  so  as 
to  wish  to  be  first  in  everything,  give  their  opinion  on  all 
subjects,  and  intrude  themselves  into  matters  which  did 
not  concern  them. 

Thus  there  sprang  up  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.  and 
Clement  VIII.  and  still  more  during  the  first  years  of  Paul  V., 
a  reaction  against  the  high  esteem  which  they  had  formerly 
enjoyed.  One  after  another  occurrences  took  place,  which 
were  bound  to  affect  their  good  name.  It  was  certainly  an 
act  of  too  great  severity  when  Sixtus  V.,  publicly  and  in  the 
full  light  of  day,  caused  a  Jesuit  to  be  carried  off  to  prison, 

^AsirAin,  III.,  516-525. 

^  Cf.  supra,  p.  157. 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  174  seq. 

^  A  warning  from  Bellarmine  to  the  Pope,  and  the  latter's 
replies  in  Fuligatti,  I.,  3,  c.  5,  HH  2  seqq.  ;  Le  Bachelet, 
Auctarium,  513-518. 

^  What  follows  is  based  on  Pollen  in  The  Month,  XCIV.  (1899), 

l68  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

and  ordered  another  to  be  brought  from  Spain  to  be  executed 
at  the  Bridge  of  St.  .Angelo,  but  there  could  be  no  doubt  as 
to  the  fact  that  at  any  rate  one  of  them  had  allowed  himself 
to  make  use  of  unlawful  expressions.  It  was  unjust  when 
the  Spanish  Inquisition,  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  imprisoned 
four  Jesuits  on  vexatious  accusations,  and  entered  upon  a 
bitter  warfare  against  them  and  their  privileges,^  though  it 
is  highly  probable  that  the  Jesuits  had  not  been  prudent  in 
the  use  of  these  privUeges,  and  in  the  way  in  which  they  spoke 
of  them.  When,  after  the  attempt  of  Chastel  on  Henry  IV., 
a  Jesuit  had  been  put  to  death  in  Paris  as  an  accomplice, 
and  the  Jesuits  were  banished  from  Paris  and  other  cities, 
this  too  was  a  crying  injustice  ;  but  after  all  it  was  the 
consequence  of  the  fact  that  some  of  them,  during  the  struggle 
of  the  League,  had  meddled  in  politics.  If  during  the  struggle 
with  the  English  appellants  and  the  secular  clergy,  there 
had  been  such  strong  feeling  against  Persons  and  the  Jesuits, 
part  of  the  blame  for  this  was  due  to  the  political  writings  of 
Persons.  Clement  VIII.  had  once  clearly  expressed  the  view 
that  he  personally  blamed  the  Jesuits,  and  on  the  occasion 
of  an  appeal  which  a  Jesuit,  the  confessor  of  the  Queen  of 
Spain,  had  made  against  the  attacks  being  made  from  all 
quarters  upon  his  Order,  the  Pope  had  drily  written  in  the 
margin  of  this  document  the  words  :  God  resists  the  proud. ^ 
While  on  the  journey  which  Aldobrandini  had  made  to  Poland 
as  legate,  the  Cardinal  was  of  the  opinion  that  he  had 
convinced  himself  with  his  own  eyes  that  the  Jesuits  were 
too  intimately  mixed  up  with  the  court  and  the  aristocracy.^ 
In  a  word,  dislike  of  the  Jesuits  had  made  itself  felt  in  Rome, 
Spain,  France  and  England  ;  to  this  fact  were  added  the 
internal  disturbances  of  the  Order  itself,  the  rebellions  in 
the  seminaries  in  Rome  and  Valladolid,  which  injured  their 
reputation  as  educators,  and  the  accusations  made  by  the 
Dominicans  against  their  teaching  as  to  grace,  which  damaged 

iC/.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  155. 

"  Pollen,  loc.  cit.,  240. 

3  luvENCius,  I.,   II,  n.  5,  p.   12. 


their  good  name  as  men  of  learning.  There  can  be  no  wonder 
then  if  even  well-disposed  men  asked  themselves  whether  all 
was  well  with  the  Order.  Charles  Borromeo  had  long  before 
seen  the  storm  approaching,  and  had  sought  to  avert  it, 
especially  by  recommending  the  election  of  his  confessor,  the 
Jesuit  Adorno,  as  General  of  the  Order. ^  That  Clement  VIII. 
would  have  something  to  sa}^  concerning  the  Order  was 
placed  beyond  doubt  by  the  remarks  which  he  wrote  with  his 
own  hand  on  the  reports  of  his  envoys  ;^  he  was  also  personally 
annoyed  with  Aquaviva,  because  the  latter  had  refused  him 
the  services  of  the  skilled  Possevino  as  his  companion  on  his 
journey  to  Poland.^  Nor  was  the  learned  and  very  influential 
Cardinal  Toledo  a  friend  of  the  General  of  the  Order.  Even 
in  the  time  of  Pius  V.,  when  he  was  preacher  to  the  Apostolic 
palace,  Toledo  had  taken  up  his  abode  there,  leading  almost 
a  prelate's  life,*  and  thus  losing  in  a  distressing  way  all  contact 
with  his  Order. 

Clement  VIII.  listened  attentively  to  the  remonstrances 
of  Acosta  ;  if  the  General  did  not  desire  the  Congregation, 
said  the  Pope,  then  he  himself  would  order  it.  Aquaviva, 
with  whom  Acosta  had  recently  spoken  in  great  detail,  was 
in  fact  opposed  to  a  General  Congregation.  In  view  of  the 
divisions  in  the  Order,  he  said  to  Acosta,  it  might  be  that 
even  the  Congregation  might  not  come  to  an  agreement,  and 
the  foreigners  would  certainly  bring  pressure  to  bear  to 
obtain,  not  what  was  for  the  good  of  the  Order,  but  what 
would  add  to  their  own  aggrandizement  ;  moreover  deputies 
could  not  be  sent  either  from  Flanders  or  France.^  But  the 
attempts  of  Aquaviva  to  induce  the  Pope  to  change  his  mind 
were  without  effect.     In  his  second  audience  with  Acosta 

1  AsTRAiN,  III.,  2:5  n.  I  ;  Van  Orirov  in  Anal.  Boll.,  1912, 
51^  ;  Carlo  Borromeo,  Lettere  per  la  prima  volta  date  in  luce, 
Venice,  1762  (a  work  of  anti-Jesuit  sentiments). 

*  PoLi,EN,  loc.  cit.,  237. 

^  Ittvencius,  loc.  cit.,  p.  5. 

*  See  AstkAin,  III.,  573  ;    cf.  652^ 
^  Ibid.,  527,  528. 

170  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

Clement  VIII.  expressed  his  firm  determination  that  the 
Congregation  should  be  held,  and  on  December  15th  Toledo 
had  to  take  orders  to  this  effect  to  his  General.^  Aqua  viva 
had  not  been  consulted  throughout  the  affair.  Alonso  Sanchez, 
a  Jesuit  visitor  of  the  Spanish  provinces,  who  had  gone  to 
Spain  four  months  before  Acosta  left  that  countr}^  might 
perhaps  have  prevented  the  carrying  out  of  Acosta's  plans, 
but  he  was  hindered  by  illness  from  speaking  to  the  king 
until  F  ebruary.  He  was  able  during  the  course  of  his  visitation 
to  remove  various  abuses,  and  he  changed  the  provincials, 
but  when  he  had  succeeded  in  making  the  king  better  disposed 
towards  Aqua  viva,  ^  it  was  already  too  late  ;  the  General 
Congregation  had  already  been  promulgated. 

Thus  there  was  begun  a  fresh  struggle  against  the  Con- 
stitutions of  the  Order,  that  is  to  say  against  one  of  its 
fundamental  points  :  the  power  of  the  General.  When 
Ignatius  of  Loyola  laid  down  with  such  exactitude  the  choice  of 
the  General,  placing  in  the  hands  of  one  man  the  whole  of  the 
power  to  appoint  the  superiors,  he  was  probably  influenced  by 
the  wish  to  keep  far  from  his  institute  the  alarming  decadence 
of  the  religious  Orders  of  his  time  with  which  he  found  himself 
faced.  His  idea  was  that  a  capable  General  would  appoint 
capable  superiors,  and  that  everything  else  would  follow  of 
itself.  The  very  disputes  in  Spain  had  proved  how  important 
it  was  for  the  Order  to  be  firmly  governed  by  a  single  hand. 
The  Spanish  superiors  were  under  the  dominion  of  Philip  II. 
and  his  Inquisition  ;  they  were  in  his  power  and  did  not  dare 
to  take  energetic  action.  Salvation  could  only  therefore  come 
from  Rome,  and  certainly  was  not  to  be  found  by  giving  the 
Spaniards  a  special  superior  on  Spanish  soil,  nor  in  entrusting 
the  appointment  of  the  provincials  and  rectors  to  men  who 
were  bound  to  be  influenced  by  a  thousand  other  considera- 
tions. If  Acosta's  plans  were  to  be  acted  upon,  then  the 
great  work  of  Loyola  was  ruined,  and  was  bound  to  be  broken 
up  into  as  many  parties  as  there  were  nations  ;  in  place  of  a.n, 

^  Ibid.,  531. 
^Ibid..  533-553- 


impressive  unity  of  action  there  would  be  division  and  discord. 
But  the  danger  of  Acosta  proving  victorious  was  by  no  means 
small ;  if  Clement  VIII.  and  Philip  II.  seriously  wished  to 
do  so,  they  could  bring  pressure  to  bear,  to  which  the  General 
Congregation,  whether  it  liked  it  or  not,  was  bound  to  yield. 

Fortunately  for  the  work  of  Loyola,  it  found  a  highly 
intelligent  and  resolute  defender,  in  the  very  man  against 
whom  the  principal  attack  was  directed,  the  General  of  the 
Order,  Claudio  Aquaviva.  Alonso  Sanchez  was  of  the 
opinion  that  if  there  could  be  fused  into  one  man  the  eight 
or  ten  most  able  Jesuits,  both  as  regarded  their  natural  and 
their  supernatural  qualities,  this  would  not  produce  another 
Aquaviva.  This  was  his  own  conviction,  and  all  those  with 
whom  he  had  spoken  on  the  subject  admitted  that  he  was 
right. 1  The  3'oung  Duke  of  Bavaria,  Maximilian  I.,  later  on 
Prince-Elector,  was  enthusiastic  on  his  behalf.  "  I  cannot 
praise  him  enough  "  he  wrote  from  Rome  to  his  father, ^ 
"  one  is  forced,  so  to  speak,  to  fall  in  love  with  him,  and  to 
look  to  him  alone." 

Deeply  penetrated  with  the  ideas  of  Loyola,  Aquaviva 
stood  like  a  sentinel  for  some  thirty-four  years,  as  his  champion. 
No  attack  could  move  him.  A  man  of  prayer,  who  sought 
his  recreation  in  the  Fathers  of  the  Church,  and  who  looked 
at  everything  from  a  supernatural  point  of  view,  he  gave  his 
decisions  clearly  and  firmly,  and  without  any  trace  of  passion 
as  though  they  were  law  incarnate.  In  the  countless  writings 
that  came  from  his  pen,  he  never  even  once  abandoned  his 
dignity  or  unalterable  calm,  and  it  is  impossible  to  tell  from 
these  pages  whether  he  was  well  or  ill,  or  whether  they  were 
written  by  him  in  youth  or  old  age.^  The  esteem  which  he 
thus  won  was  added  to  by  the  nobility  of  his  family  which 
held  a  ducal  title,  as  well  as  by  his  relations  with  his  nephews, 
one  of  whom  was  a  Cardinal,  another  Archbishop  of  Naples, 

^  Ibid.,  541  seq. 

*  On  April  24,  1593,  in  Aretin,  Maximilian  I.,  Passau,  1842, 


3  Opinion  of  Astrain,  IV.,  738. 

172  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

a  third  Bishop  of  Cajazzo,  while  a  fourth,  also  a  Jesuit,  had 
won  the  martyr's  palm  in  the  Indies.^  Of  great  advantage 
to  Aquaviva  was  the  fact  that  before  he  entered  the  Society 
of  Jesus,  he  had  been  a  Papal  chamberlain,  and  thus  knew 
exactly  the  conditions  of  the  Roman  Curia. ^  If,  however, 
Philip  II.,  by  the  advice  of  the  Inquisition,  and  Clement  VIII., 
by  the  advice  of  Toledo,  were  to  impose  their  will  upon  the 
General  Congregation,  then  the  hand  of  its  most  skilful  pilot 
would  be  rendered  powerless. 

In  spite  of  the  efforts  of  Acosta  the  malcontents  were  not 
successful  in  obtaining  the  election  of  one  of  their  number 
to  the  General  Congregation.  Only  in  the  province  of  the 
Society  at  Toledo  was  there  any  probability  of  the  election 
of  a  man  who,  although  he  was  a  celebrated  scholar,  had  never 
been  able  to  overcome  the  harshness  and  bitterness  of  his 
haughty  temperament,  and  who  through  all  his  life  remained 
a  burden  upon  his  brethren.  This  man,  who  for  several  years 
had  identified  himself  with  the  malcontents,  was  the  celebrated 
historian  Juan  de  Mariana.^ 

Philip  II.  had  not  interfered  with  the  freedom  of  the 
elections,  but  he  informed  those  who  were  elected  that  he 
had  submitted  certain  proposals  to  the  General  Congregation.* 
By  means  of  a  letter  addressed  to  Clement  VIII. ,^  he  arranged 
for  Acosta  to  participate  in  the  Congregation  with  the  right 
to  vote,  but  on  the  other  hand  the  Pope  would  not  consent 
to  his  wish  that  Acosta  should  present  his  suggestions  to  the 
Congregation   in   the    king's   name.^     More   troublesome   to 

1  Cf.  Vol.  XVII.  of  this  work,  p.  168. 

2  Cf.  as  to  him  Iuvencius,  I.,  25,  par.  19,  n.  33  seqq.  ;  p.  888 
seqq.  ;    AstrAin,  III.,  211  seqq.,  IV.,  734  seqq. 

3  AsTRAiN,  III.,  554-562.  The  work  of  Mariana  against  the 
institute  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  is  authentic.  When  the  papers 
of  Mariana  were  confiscated  in  1609  on  account  of  his  writings 
against  the  debasement  of  the  coinage,  his  manuscript  fell  into 
the  hands  of  the  enemies  of  the  Order,  and  was  printed  by  them 
after  the  death  of  Mariana  (1624)  :    ibid.,  559  seq. 

^AstrAin,  III.,  565  seq. 

*  Ibid.,  567. 

*  Jbid.  570. 


Aquaviva  than  the  presence  of  Acosta  at  the  Congregation 
was  the  fact  that  a  short  time  before  its  commencement 
Toledo  was  appointed  Cardinal/  since  Acosta  had  suggested 
to  Philip  II.  that  he  should  ask  for  the  elevation  of  Toledo  so 
that  he  might  as  Cardinal  preside  at  the  Congregation,  and 
thus  act  as  a  counterweight  to  the  influence  of  Aquaviva.^ 
The  General  of  the  Order  succeeded,  however,  in  inducing 
the  Pope  to  abandon  the  much  debated  proposal  that  a 
Cardinal  should  act  as  president.^ 

At  the  beginning  of  the  Congregation,  on  November  3rd 
1593,  Aquaviva  and  seven  other  Jesuits  presented  themselves 
before  the  Pope,  who  received  them  graciously.  "  From  the 
beginning  of  my  pontificate,"  he  said,  "I  have  heard  from, 
men  of  judgment  that  your  Society  has  relaxed  its  first  zeal, 
and  I  have  therefore  assembled  the  Congregation  in  order 
that  you  may  provide  a  remedy.  You  can  do  so  better  than 
anyone  else  ;  you  have  in  your  hands  seven-eights  of  the 
Christian  people,  and  thanks  to  your  care  they  remain  firm 
in  the  Christian  faith.  I  am  an  eye-witness  to  this,  and  I 
know  how  well  you  are  working  in  Poland  and  Germany 
for  the  Christian  religion.  If  then  your  Order  has  anywhere 
weakened,  you  must  remedy  this.  Inquire  whether  the  final 
vows  of  the  professed  are  not  delayed  overlong,  and  whether 
it  is  wise  that  any  should  hold  the  office  of  superior  so  long. 
As  to  learning  it  is  my  wish  that  you  should  follow  Thomas 
Aquinas,  that  great  master  whose  writings  were  confirmed 
and  accepted  by  the  Council  of  Trent."'* 

In  this  discourse  Clement  VIII.  had  clearly  shown  his  own 
point  of  view  as  regards  the  Jesuits  ;  he  was  not  guided  by 
any  antipathy  for  them,  but  by  anxiety  on  their  behalf.  He 
had  not  formed  any  definite  opinion  as  to  the  complaints  and 
accusations  brought  against  them,  and  he  seemed  to  leave 
it  absolutely  to  the  Congregation  to  arrive  at  a  decision  as  to 
the  truth  of  these. 

^  Ibid.  575. 

2  Ibid.  570. 

8  Ibid.  575  seq. 

*  Ibid.  580  seq. 

174  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Thus  the  first  task  of  the  assembly^  would  have  to  be  to 
discuss  abuses  and  the  accusations  against  Aquaviva.  Some 
of  the  fathers  wished  to  abstain  from  any  judgment  upon  the 
General,  but  Aquaviva  insisted  upon  a  full  examination. 
For  this  purpose  Clement  VIII.  granted  all  the  necessary 
powers,  and  sent  to  the  Congregation  all  the  memorials  against 
the  Jesuits  which  had  reached  him.  The  examination  of  the 
charges  against  the  General,  which  was  carried  out  by  a 
deputation  of  five  delegates,  lasted  for  a  whole  month.  No 
blame  of  any  impotrance  was  found  to  rest  upon  the  person 
or  life  of  Aquaviva.  As  to  his  method  of  government  the 
criticism  was  made  that  he  clung  with  too  great  tenacity 
to  his  own  opinions,  and  that  he  had  favoured  some  more 
than  was  fitting.  Aquaviva  begged  to  be  allowed  to  present 
this  document  to  the  Pope,  who  was  favourably  impressed 
by  it. 2 

Besides  the  inquiries  into  the  matter  of  the  General,  certain 
points  of  minor  importance  were  first  dealt  with.  Then  began 
the  intervention  of  Philip  II.  On  November  15th  he  pre- 
sented five  demands,  which  were  principally  concerned  with 
the  relations  of  the  Order  with  the  Inquisition  ;  none  of  these 
touched  the  really  burning  questions,  and  the  assembly 
accepted  them  all  without  difficulty.^  But  this  was  far  from 
exhausting  the  wishes  of  the  Spaniards,  and  soon  afterwards 
the  ambassador  of  Philip,  the  Duke  of  Sessa,  presented  a 
memorial  in  the  sense  desired  by  Acosta,  concerning  certain 
changes  in  the  Constitutions  ;  he  said  that  the  assembly 
must  consider  this  in  all  freedom,  but  at  the  same  time  he 
sought  to  obtain  from  the  Pope  a  suggestion  to  the  Jesuits 
favourable  to  his  wishes  ;  to  this  request  Clement  VIII. 
would  not  consent  at  first.  From  November  24th  to  December 
3rd  there  were  no  general  meetings,  though  discussions  were 
held    in    private    as   to    the    proposals    made,    but    between 

^  Their  deliberations  in  the  Institutum  Soc.  Jesn,  II.,  262-283. 
*  AsTRAiN,  III.,  583. 

'Deer.  18,  19  in  Instit.  Soc.  Jesu,  II.,  266;  AstrAin, 
HI.,  584. 


December  3rd  and  8th,  these  were  unanimously  rejected 
by  vote.  Acosta,  seeing  himself  powerless  and  completely 
isolated,  voted  with  the  rest.^  In  accordance  with  the 
renewed  pressure  brought  to  bear  by  Sessa,  the  Pope  had 
laid  down  the  subject  of  discussion  for  the  meeting  on 
December  8th  ;  it  must  be  decided  whether  the  final  vows 
were  to  be  made  after  a  fixed  period  of  time,  so  that  once  that 
period  had  elapsed,  there  was  a  right  to  make  them.  The 
Congregation  declared  that  if  it  considered  this  essential 
point,  it  was  purely  out  of  obedience  to  the  Pope.  There  then 
followed  once  more  a  unanimous  resolve  to  adhere  in  this  as 
well  to  the  prescriptions  of  Loyola. - 

During  the  weeks  that  followed  there  was  a  discussion  as 
to  the  attitude  to  be  adopted  towards  the  theology  of  Thomas 
Aquinas,  and  as  to  diversity  of  theological  opinions,^  the 
members  of  the  Order  were  forbidden  to  meddle  in  politics,* 
and  the  descendants  of  Jews  and  Moors  were  refused  admission 
to  the  Order.  ^  A  decisive  factor  in  this  last  provision  was  the 
discovery  that  out  of  the  twenty-seven  writers  of  memorials 
against  the  Constitutions,  at  least  twenty-five  were  so-called 

*  AsTRAiN,  III.,  585-587.  luvencius  on  several  occasions  puts 
matters  erroneously,  as  though  the  malcontents  had  a  party  in 
the  Congregation.     As  to  this  see  Astrain,  III.,  603  n. 

2  Astrain,  III.,  587  seq. 
^  Ibid.  589. 

*  Cf.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  389. 

*  Astrain,  III.,  588-593  ;  cf.  338,  369,  493,  498.  In  the  case 
of  the  Dominicans  there  was  the  same  difficulty  at  anyrate  in 
the  case  of  Spain  (Bull.  ord.  Praed.,  IV.,  125  ;  Monumenta  ord. 
Praed.  hist.,  X.,  231),  as  well  as  in  the  Portuguese  province  of  the 
Carmelites  (Antonius  a  Spiritu  Sancto,  Consalta  varia,  Lyons, 
1675,  360).  For  the  Franciscans  cf.  Bull.  Rorn.,  VII.,  918  ; 
VIII.,  59.  The  doubt  felt  as  to  the  neo-Christians  in  general  is 
treated  of  by  Ag.  Barbosa,  Votorum  decisivorum,  t.  II.,  Lyons, 
1723,  I.,  3,  vot.  93,  pp.  102-128.  Cf.  Clement  VIII.  on  January 
14,  1603,  Bull.,  X.,  889  :  In  Portugal  they  may  not  receive 
canonries  with  a  care  of  souls,  and  in  Coimbra  itself  only  those  of 
the  third  and  fourth  rank. 

176  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

neo-Christians.i  On  December  31st  the  Order  addressed 
itself  in  severe  words  to  its  disloyal  sons,  the  disturbers  of 
its  peace  and  the  stirrers  up  of  rebellion,  as  well  as  against  the 
"  false  calumnies  "  which  they  had  "  without  any  justifica- 
tion "  brought  against  the  Order.  It  was  true  that  their 
memorials  bore  these  words  :  "So  demands  the  whole  of  the 
Society  of  Jesus,"  but  actually  they  were  but  few  in  number, 
and  reprobate  sons  ;  they  ought  as  soon  as  possible  to  be 
cut  off  from  the  Order  as  a  "  plague,"  and  where  this  was 
not  possible  they  should  under  pain  of  expulsion,  take  an 
oath  to  the  institute  of  the  Society  of  Jesus,  and  to  the  Papal 
bulls  of  confirmation.  Anyone  who  should  come  to  learn  of 
their  schemes  must  denounce  them  ;  the  Pope  should  be 
asked  for  a  fresh  confirmation  of  the  institute. ^ 

These  last  words  show  that  the  assembly  felt  full  confidence 
in  the  Pope,  but  it  was  soon  to  be  undeceived.  Clement  VIII., 
as  well  as  his  adviser  Toledo  and  the  Duke  of  Sessa,  could  not 
but  marvel  that  in  spite  of  the  many  memorials  on  the  subject 
of  the  dissension  in  the  Order,  its  representatives  turned  as 
one  man  against  the  handful  of  innovators,  and  declared 
unreservedly  for  the  Constitutions  of  Loyola.^  To 
Clement  VIII.  this  looked  like  a  kind  of  defiance,  which  was 
unwilling  to  make  any  change  at  all.  The  Spanish  ambassador 
could  not  feel  satisfied  at  seeing  that  the  exhortations  of  his 
king  had  had  no  other  effect  than  to  cause  the  decree  against 
the  innovators  to  be  followed  by  a  second,  which  was  aimed 
at  further  enlightening  the  king  as  to  the  state  of  affairs.'* 

1  AsTRAiN,  III.,  593.  Cardinal  Henry  of  Portugal  had  already 
on  the  occasion  of  the  General  Congregation  of  157?,  asked  for  the 
intervention  of  the  Pope  in  order  that  no  neo-Christian  should  be 
received  by  the  Order,  for  otherwise  there  was  reason  to  fear 
"  ne  Societas  ista  periclitetur  et  destruatur "  (ib  id.,  695). 
Ignatius  had  only  desired  that  care  slvould  be  taken  in  the 
admission  of  neo-Christians  [Mon.  Ignat.,  I.,  336,  V.  335,  Zeitschr. 
fur  kath.  TheoL,  1923,  589). 

"  Deer.  54,  in  Instit.  Soc.  Jesu,  II.,  279. 

3  AsTRAIN,    III.,    595. 

*  Deer.  55,  ibid.,  281. 

THE    pope's    allocution    TO    THE    JESUITS.       I77 

Toledo  too  had  expected  the  assembly  to  have  recourse  to 
himself,  the  great  scholar,  in  frequent  consultations,  and  he 
was  annoyed  when  he  found  himself  simply  ignored.  When, 
on  January  3rd,  1594,  a  fresh  decree  had  laid  down  the  essential 
points  of  the  Constitutions  of  the  Order,  the  Duke  of  Sessa 
sent  a  confidant  of  his  to  Toledo.  The  Cardinal  complained 
that  the  Congregation  could  not  be  in  worse  plight  ;  he  said 
that  the  Spanish  demands  were  just,  that  a  proof  of  the  bad 
disposition  of  the  assembly  was  the  fact  that,  despite  the 
Pope's  orders,  they  had  not  asked  for  any  advice,  and  that 
they  had  spoken  of  the  sovereign  of  Spain  as  though  he  were 
a  mere  esquire.  The  Pope,  however,  would  remedy  all  this 
on  the  very  next  day. 

On  January  4th,  early  in  the  morning,  Clement  VI IL  went 
with  six  Cardinals  to  the  professed  house  of  the  Jesuits, 
celebrated  mass  there  with  great  recollection,  and  then 
delivered  an  allocution  to  the  assembled  fathers.^  He  began 
by  bringing  out  the  great  merits  of  the  Order,  but  this  very 
thing  should  be  an  incentive  to  humility.  After  speaking 
of  humility  and  pride,  he  blamed  the  meddling  of  the  Order 
in  politics  and  in  matters  that  did  not  concern  it,  its  preference 
for  peculiar  doctrines,  and  its  censure  of  the  doctrines  of 
others,  and  further  blamed  them  in  that  they  had  no  regard 
for  princes,  king  or  Emperor,  that  they  discussed  whether 
the  Pope  had  or  had  not  the  right  to  do  this  or  that,  that  they 
despised  monachism  and  looked  upon  their  own  constitutions 
as  being  so  perfect  and  inalterable  that  there  was  nothing  in 
them  that  could  be  improved  ;  they  were  of  the  opinion  that 
they  stood  in  no  need  of  visitations  or  reform.  All  this  he 
said  with  great  gravity,  but  at  the  same  time  with  a  manner 
that  was  altogether  friendly,  and  he  ended  with  a  warning 
that  they  must  consider  a  remedy,  for  otherwise  he  would 
himself  intervene.'^ 

This  allocution,  with  its  enumeration  of  defects,  threw  the 

^  Printed  copy  in  J.  Wielewicki  S.J.,  Diarium  domus  professae 
Cracoviensis.  Script,  ver.  Pol.,  VII.,  Cracow,   1881,   180-183. 
2  AsTKAiN,  III.,  597  seq. 

VOL.   XXIV.  12 

178  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Congregation  into  confusion.  Decrees  had  already  been 
issued  concerning  divergence  of  doctrines  and  adherence  to 
St.  Thomas  Aquinas  ;  but  what  point  in  the  constitutions 
could  be  changed  in  order  to  impose  upon  the  Jesuits  a  greater 
respect  for  the  King  of  Spain  and  the  monastic  Orders  ?  As 
far  as  humility  was  concerned,  Loyola  gave  place  to  none 
as  an  apostle  of  that  virtue,  especially  in  the  case  of  his  own 
Order,  the  "  lowliest  "  Society  of  Jesus,  as  he  often  called  it, 
thereby  going  a  step  lower  even  than  the  friars  "  minor."  It 
was  decided  to  have  recourse  to  the  Pope  himself,  so  that 
he  might  point  out  the  matters  that  required  to  be  changed. 
Cardinal  Toledo,  who  was  asked  to  further  this  request, 
refused  in  his  ill-temper  to  present  it  ;  as  he  told  the  Spanish 
ambassador,  he  had  presented  to  Clement  VIIL,  the  day 
before  his  visit  to  the  Jesuits,  a  document  naming  nine  points 
in  the  constitutions  which  called  for  emendation.^ 

But  to  the  Pope  it  seemed  dangerous  to  change  the  con- 
stitutions of  the  Order  by  force,  and  on  January  8th  he  pointed 
to  the  Congregation  four  matters  for  their  consideration,  as 
to  which  they  were  to  come  to  a  free  decision. ^  The  accept- 
ance of  the  first  two  points  met  with  no  difficulty  ;  these 
concerned  the  tenure  of  their  office  for  only  three  years  by 
the  superiors,  and  the  account  which  the  provincial  must 
render  at  the  termination  of  his  period  of  office.  The  third 
point,  the  acceptance  of  the  Papal  reservation  of  certain  sins, 
was  obvious.^  It  was  only  the  fourth  suggestion,  that  in 
certain  cases  the  assistant  of  the  General  should  be  given  the 
right  of  decision,  which  met  with  difficulties.  By  a  unanimous 
vote,  with  five  exceptions,  the  assembly  decided  that  this 
restriction  of  the  supreme  power  was  inopportune. 

But  very  soon  further  demands  were  put  forward,  which 
had  their  origin  in  conversations  between  Toledo,  Acosta  and 

1  Ibid.,  599. 

*  Deer.  64,  Instit.  Soc.  Jesu,  II.,  284  ;    AstrAin,  III.,  600. 

*  On  May  26,  1593,  Clement  VIII.  himself  had  verbally  dis- 
pensed the  Jesuits  from  his  decree  concerning  reserved  cases. 
Thus  the  dispensation  was  now  annulled.     Synopsis,  155. 


the  Duke  of  Sessa.^  On  January  12th  Toledo  informed 
Aquaviva  that  the  Congregation  must  come  to  a  decision 
as  to  two  questions,  namely  whether  another  General  Con- 
gregation should  be  held  after  six  years,  and  whether 
Aquaviva's  assistants  ought  not  to  be  changed,  with  the 
exception  of  a  German  who  had  only  recently  been  appointed. 
The  Congregation  resolved  to  declare  to  the  Pope  its  readiness 
to  obey,  but  to  beg  him  not  to  press  the  second  demand,  and 
to  be  allowed  to  express  their  reasons  against  the  recurrence 
of  General  Congregations  at  fixed  intervals,  as  well  as  against 
the  change  of  the  assistants.^  This  explanation  was  never 
made,  and  on  January  14th  Toledo  conveyed  to  the  Con- 
gregation an  order  to  accept  them  without  more  ado.  In 
accordance  with  this  order  three  new  assistants  were  elected 
on  January  i8tli,  1594.^ 

This  ended  the  Congregation,  which  had  brought  to  the 
malcontents  the  opposite  of  what  they  desired.  All  their 
aims,  though  not  yet  dead,  had  received  a  mortal  blow. 
Aquaviva  had  been  splendidly  justified,  and  nothing  essential 
had  been  changed  in  the  constitutions.  The  order  concerning 
the  limitation  of  the  office  of  superior  to  three  years,  was 
afterwards  mitigated  by  Clement  VIII.  himself,  and  was  later 
on  altogether  abrogated.^  The  fixed  period  for  General 
Congregations  also  seemed  to  the  Pope,  after  the  six  years 
had  elapsed,  to  be  useless,  and  none  was  held.^  The 
Inquisition  in  Spain  became  reconciled  with  the  Jesuits,  while 
the  king  as  well  declared  himself  satisfied  with  the  course  of 
events.^     Even  Acosta  realized  that  his  procedure  had  been 

1  AsirAin,  III.,  600-602. 

*  Deer.  73,  loc.  cit.  286.  Astrain  (III.,  602)  interprets  the 
demand  as  meaning  that  "  cada  seis  afios  "  another  General 
Congregation  was  to  be  held,  but  Deer.  73  only  says  :  "  ut  post 
sequens  sexennium  congregetur  denuo  generalis  congregatio." 
Cf.  Deer.  75. 

'  Deer.  74,  loc.  cit. 

*  Alexander  VII.  on  January  i,  1663,  Ii^stit.  Soc.  Jesu,  I.,  109. 
5  AstrAin,  III.,  605. 

^  Ibid.  607  seqq. 

l80  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

a  mistake,  and  he  was  reconciled  with  Aquaviva.^  After 
the  next  General  Congregation  of  the  Order  in  1608,  no  more 
was  heard  of  the  party  of  the  malcontents,^  and  with  Loyola's 
beatification  in  1609,^  his  constitutions  received  a  new 

One  of  the  principal  points  which  had  been  desired  by  the 
king  at  the  Congregation,  namely  the  question  whether  there 
should  not  be  appointed  a  special  superior  for  Spain  and  the 
Indies,  and  whether  the  life-long  duration  of  the  office  of 
General  should  not  be  limited,  had  not  even  been  discussed 
at  the  meetings.  We  learn  the  reason  for  this  from  Acosta, 
who  had  been  charged,  in  a  special  brief  to  Philip  II.,  to  report 
to  him  concerning  the  Congregation.  Acosta  told  the  king 
that  not  only  the  Congregation  itself,  but  the  Pope  himself 
had  been  opposed  to  the  discussion  of  these  matters,  and  that 
therefore  neither  the  Duke  of  Sessa  nor  himself  had  made  any 
mention  of  them.^ 

In  spite  of  this  Clement  VIII.  was  still  thinking  in  1595  of 
abolishing  the  life-duration  of  the  office  of  General  of  the 
Jesuits.  According  to  what  was  written  to  the  king  at  that 
time  by  the  Spanish  ambassador,  whom  the  Pope  had 
informed  of  his  proposal,  his  motives  were  "  the  same  as  those 
presented  at  the  last  General  Congregation  by  Your  Majesty  " 
Aquaviva  must  therefore  be  removed  from  his  office  and  sent 
to  Naples  as  archbishop.  Naturally  the  Jesuits  laid  their 
remonstrances  before  the  Pope,  but  in  vain.  They  then 
turned  to  Cardinal  Toledo,  who  had  boasted  that  he  held 
the  Pope  in  his  hand  ;  but  in  his  case  too  all  petitions  were 
at  first  of  no  avail ;  it  was  even  bitterly  said  that  Toledo,  by 
getting  Aquaviva  removed,  intended  to  have  a  free  hand  to 
interfere  in  the  Order.     But  the  Portuguese  assistant  devised 

^Ibid.  611. 

2  Ibid.  667  seq. 

'  Ibid.  676  seq. 

^  Ibid.  610,  cj.  608.  The  brief  of  Paul  V.  of  September  ^, 
1606,  mentions  in  the  first  place  the  desire  of  the  disturbers 
of  the  peace  that  the  duration  of  the  office  of  General  should  be 
shortened.     Instit.  Soc.  Jesii,  I.,  131. 


a  remedy.  He  said  to  Toledo  :  if  Aquaviva  has  to  be  an 
archbishop,  then  the  Jesuits  would  be  very  glad  to  see  him 
a  Cardinal ;  this  could  easily  be  managed  by  the  intercession 
of  the  princes,  and  after  that  it  would  remain  to  be  seen  which 
of  the  two  Jesuit  Cardinals  would  have  the  upper  hand  in  the 
Order.  Aquaviva  would  not  have  been  a  pleasing  colleague 
to  Toledo,  so  he  took  steps  to  get  the  Pope  to  abandon  his 

But  this  did  not  bring  the  intrigues  against  Aquaviva  to 
an  end,  Ferdinand  Mendoza,  one  of  the  party  of  the  mal- 
contents, had  already  in  1592  been  on  the  point  of  being 
expelled  from  the  Order  on  account  of  his  unseemly  behaviour, 
but  he  had  been  treated  indulgently  and  had  been  sent  to  the 
lonely  college  of  Monforte.  But  this  step  led  to  a  fresh 
dispute,  in  which  the  Pope  intervened  several  times  against 
Aquaviva.  Mendoza,  who  was  well  versed  in  the  ways  of 
the  world,  was  able  by  his  savoir  faire  to  win  the  high  esteem 
of  the  Count  of  Lemos,  who  possessed  vast  properties  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Monforte,  and  still  more  that  of  the 
countess,  a  sister  of  the  future  Duke  of  Lerma,  who  was  the 
true  king  of  Spain  in  the  time  of  Philip  III.  When  Lemos 
went  to  Naples  as  the  new  viceroy,  Aquaviva  vainly  tried 
to  prevent  the  rebellious  Jesuit  from  accompanying  him  as 
his  confessor.  Once  he  was  in  Italy,  Mendoza  was  very  soon 
able  to  stir  up  against  his  General  even  the  Pope,  who  was 
unwilling  to  annoy  the  viceroy.  Mendoza  had  addressed  to 
Aquaviva  several  arrogant  letters,  which  he  afterwards  wished 
to  have  sent  back  to  him.  By  the  Pope's  orders  the  General 
was  forced  to  send  them.  Aquaviva  had  sent  to  Naples  a 
man  whom  he  could  trust  to  obtain  information  as  to  the 
conduct  of  the  viceroy's  confessor.  Owing  to  the  insistence 
of  the  latter,  this  confidant  had  to  be  recalled,  and  when 
Mendoza  spread  the  rumour  that  this  had  been  done  by  the 
Pope's  orders,  Clement  VIII.  did  not  dare  to  deny  it.  The 
inquiries  that  had  been  begun  had  brought  to  light  many 

*  AstrAin,  III.,  629-632.  Sessa  to  Philip  II.,  February  18, 
1596,  ibid.  717  seq. 

152  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

unseemty  things,  but  Clement  VIII.  forbade  all  interference, 
and  when  further  accusations  had  reached  him,  "  on  account 
of  more  important  considerations  "  he  refused  permission 
even  for  an  inquiry  to  be  begun.  After  the  death  of  the  Count 
of  Lemos  in  1601,  Mendoza  wished  to  return  home  with  the 
countess.  The  Spanish  Jesuits  made  every  effort,  but  in 
vain,  to  be  freed  of  his  presence  ;  Aquaviva  could  only  reply 
that  if  he  retained  Mendoza,  the  Pope  \vould  give  orders  to 
let  him  go.^  Armed  with  a  secret  brief  forbidding  all  superiors 
to  make  any  inquiries  about  him,  Mendoza  accompanied  the 
countess  to  the  court  at  Valladolid.  There  he  soon  began  to 
make  his  influence  felt,  for  the  all-powerful  Duke  of  Lerma 
suddenly  showed  himself  opposed  to  the  Jesuits. 

Aquaviva  took  every  means  to  remove  this  dangerous  man 
from  the  court.  Of  the  two  attempts  he  made,  the  first  failed 
to  attain  its  purpose,  while  the  second,  even  before  it  had  been 
begun,  was  rendered  impossible  by  an  intrigue.^  The  General 
then  sought  to  obtain  the  consent  of  the  Pope  to  a  third 
attempt.  Clement  received  the  remonstrances  of  the  Jesuits 
graciously,  and  assured  them  that  he  did  not  wish  to  hamper 
the  steps  they  were  taking  against  Mendoza.  But 
Clement  VIII.  was  above  all  anxious  not  to  offend  the  Countess 
of  Lemos,  as  is  clear  from  a  letter  of  Aldobrandini  to  the 
Spanish  nuncio.^  Aldobrandini  wrote  that  the  Pope  had 
refused  to  give  the  Jesuits  a  brief  against  Mendoza,  as  he  did 
not  wish  to  mix  himself  up  with  the  affair,  and  that  the  nunco 
must  not  pay  any  attention  to  it. 

The  Pope  was  not  ill-advised  in  acting  thus  ;  he  probably 
foresaw  that  in  face  of  the  power  of  Lerma,  Aquaviva  would 
not  have  any  more  success  with  his  third  attempt,  and  so  it 
proved.  Counting  upon  the  Pope,  Aquaviva  had  charged 
the  superior  of  the  professed  house  at  Toledo  to  take  steps 
against  his  presumptuous  subject.  When  the  superior 
threatened  him  with  excommunication  and  other  penalties, 

1  AstrAin,  III.,  634-638. 

■■'  Ibid.  641-644. 

'Of  August  23,  1604,  ibid.  645. 


Mendoza  promptly  declared  himself  ready  to  leave  the  court. 
But  while  the  two  were  still  in  negotiation,  a  visit  from  the 
nuncio  Ginnasio  was  announced  ;  Lerma  and  the  Countess 
of  Lemos  had  learned  from  him  what  had  occurred,  and  both 
of  them  "  spat  fire."  Two  days  later  Hojeda  was  able  indeed 
to  repeat  to  Mendoza  in  the  presence  of  the  provincial  and 
other  Jesuits  his  commands,  but  on  the  same  day  the  nuncio 
summoned  the  provincial  and  Mendoza  to  his  presence, 
forbade  Mendoza  under  grave  ecclesiastical  penalties  to  leave 
Valladolid,  and  ordered  the  provincial  not  to  give  his  consent 
to  his  departure.  Ginnasio  wrote  to  Aldobrandini  that  this 
step  had  been  taken  in  the  interests  of  the  Order  itself,  and 
that  Aquaviva  had  not  perhaps  realized  the  consequences 
of  his  interference.  Clement  VIII.  approved  the  action  of 
his  nuncio,  and  soon  afterwards  issued  a  brief  to  Mendoza 
withdrawing  his  correspondence  and  his  relations  with  the 
countess  from  the  supervision  of  his  superiors,  and  permitting 
him  to  have  a  lay-brother  and  two  secretaries  in  his  service, 
as  well  as  other  privileges.^ 

Mendoza  had  thus  won  a  brilliant  victory.  In  order  to 
humiliate  the  General  yet  more,  and  as  it  were  display  his 
power,  there  occurred  to  this  arrogant  man  the  strange  idea 
of  bringing  Aquaviva  to  Spain  and  thus  tying  his  hands 
completely.  Philip  III.  was  therefore  obliged  to  invite  the 
General  to  Spain,  and  a  sheet  attached  to  the  king's  letter 
gave  a  number  of  reasons  for  his  making  the  journey.  On 
November  loth,  1604,  Aquaviva  thanked  the  king  for  his 
kindness  and  sent  to  Spain  by  means  of  his  assistants  a 
refutation  of  the  king's  reasons.  But  Mendoza  found  a  way 
out  of  the  difficulty,  and  a  second  letter  from  the  king  asked 
the  Pope  to  order  the  General  to  set  out.  Clement  VIII. 
issued  this  order  and  adhered  to  it.  Aquaviva  pointed  out 
that  the  summons  to  Spain  was  nothing  else  but  an  act  of 
vengenace,  but  to  no  purpose  ;  the  assistants  set  forth  their 
reasons  verbally  and  in  writing,  but  this  too  was  useless. 
The  Jesuits  then  succeeded  ui  obtaining  some  fifty  letters 

^ Ibid,  644-649. 

184  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

on  behalf  of  the  General,  from  the  most  distinguished  persons, 
among  them  the  Kings  of  France  and  Poland.  But 
Clement  VIII.  was  unwilling  to  deprive  the  sovereign  of  the 
two  worlds  of  the  modest  pleasure  of  a  visit  from  the  General 
of  the  Jesuits. 

Thus  the  head  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  found  himself  faced 
with  the  danger  of  finding  himself  handed  over  with  tied  hands 
to  his  rebellious  subject,  and  this  proved  too  much  even  for 
the  iron  constitution  of  Aquaviva,  and  he  fell  dangerously 
ill.  The  Pope  sent  his  private  physician  to  ascertain  if  the 
illness  was  really  serious,  but  the  latter  as  well  as  seven  other 
doctors  certified  that  there  could  be  no  question  of  his  thinking 
of  the  journey.  When  Aquaviva  recovered,  Clement  VIII. 
was  dead,  and  there  was  no  longer  any  talk  of  the  journey 
to  Spain. 1 

Of  great  importance  was  the  impulse  given  by  Clement  VIII. 
to    the    reform    of    the   Carmelite   Order, «  inaugurated    by 

^  AsTRAiN,  III.,  649  seqq.  The  difficulty  was  not  ended,  even 
after  the  death  of  Clement  VIII.  The  premature  death  of  Leo  XI. 
made  his  help  against  the  Jesuits  of  the  court  inefficacious  {ibid. 
653  seq.)  ;  Paul  V.  seemed  at  first  to  wish  to  leave  the  Jesuit 
superiors  a  free  hand  towards  their  subjects,  but  he  probably 
wished  to  make  use  of  the  work  of  Mendoza  for  a  family  marriage, 
and  made  him  (brief  of  June  i,  1606,  ibid.  655)  a  concession  that 
was  perhaps  even  greater  than  that  of  Clement  VIII.,  namely 
that  in  the  houses  of  his  Order  he  must  naturally  be  subject  to  his 
superiors,  but  outside  of  them  he  was  allowed  to  live  in  his  own 
way  and  in  opposition  to  the  will  of  his  superiors,  being  subject 
only  to  the  Pope,  and  freed  moreover  from  his  obligation  to 
poverty  and  obedience.  But  this  very  excess  of  privilege  brought 
its  own  remedy.  Aquaviva  succeeded  in  getting  hold  of  a  copy 
of  the  brief,  and  thus  he  and  his  assistants  had  the  means  of 
persuading  the  Pope  that  Mendoza  would  lead  a  better  life 
outside  the  Order.  Paul  V.  resolved  to  make  him  Bishop  of 
Cuzco  in  Peru,  and  Mendoza  was  at  last,  whether  he  liked  it  or 
not,  compelled  to  accept  this  unsought-for  dignity.  He  was 
preconized  on  January  12,  1609,  and  Aquaviva  was  able  once 
more  to  breathe  freely  {ibid.  654-659). 

2  Cf.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  148. 


St.  Teresa.  This  had  spread  further  and  further,  and  in  1593 
had  reached  Rome.  In  that  year  Clement  VIII.  allowed  the 
reformed  Carmelites  to  elect  a  General  of  their  own,  and  in 
1600  approved  of  their  forming  congregations  independent 
of  each  other,  a  Spanish  one  with  the  Indies,  and  an  Italian 
one  called  that  of  St.  Elias,  which  later  on  included  France, 
Germany  and  Poland.^  A  Spaniard,  Andrea  Diaz,  introduced, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.,  the 
discalced  Augustinian  Hermits  into  Rome,  where  they  were 
treated  with  favour  by  the  Pope.^ 

There  were  few  Orders  to  which  Clement  VIII.  did  not 
extend  his  favour.^  The  Barnabites,  whom  he  had  once 
described  as  the  best  collaborators  of  the  bishops,^  were  in 
several  cases  encouraged  by  him.  He  confirmed  the  privileges 
of  the  Somaschi,^  the  separation  of  the  reformed  Basilians 
from  the  unreformed,^  the  Order  of  Capuchin  nuns,'  the 
statutes  of  the  Italian  Annunziate,^  and  the  reform, 
inaugurated  in  Spain,  of  the  Orders  of  the  Trinitarians 
and  Mercedari,^  whose  work  was  the  liberation  of  the 
slaves.  ^'^ 

But  however  much  the  interests  of  the  religious  Orders 
occupied  the  attention  of  Clement  VIII.,  he  did  not  neglect 
his  care  for  the  secular  clergy.  Cardinal  Rusticucci,  who  had 
already  been  made  Cardinal  Vicar  by  Sixtus  V.,  continued 
to  discharge  that  important  office. ^^  To  him  was  attached 
a  special  commission  of  reform,  which  was  to  carry  out  the 

^  See  Freibiirger  Kirchenlex.,  III.*,  971. 
2  See  Bull.,  X.,  548  seq. 

^  See  Diet,  de  thdol.  cath.,  III.,  85.  For  the  Capuchins  see 
Bull.,  X.,  763  seq. 

*See  Premoli,  337,  358,  366,  378,  381,  388,  393  seq. 
^  See  Bull.,  X.,  42  seq. 

*  See  Archiv  f.  kath.  Kirchenrecht,  VIII.,  82. 
'  See  Heimbucher,  I.,  362. 

*  See  ibid.  621.     Cf.  Aschbachs  Kirchenlex.^,  I.,  224  seq. 

*  Bull.  X.,  184  seq.,  580  seq.,  XL,  128  seq. 
I'Bull.  X.,  529  seq. 

11  See  D01.FIN,  Relazione,  463. 

l86  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

ordinances  made  during  the  visitation.^  As  he  had  already 
done  in  the  case  of  the  Auditors  of  the  Rota,^  so  did 
Clement  VIIT.  at  the  beginning  of  his  pontificate  address  to 
the  directors  and  students  of  all  the  pontifical  colleges  paternal 
exhortations  to  live  and  make  progress  in  virtue.^  In  order 
to  put  an  end  to  all  abuses  he  issued  salutary  ordinances 
concerning  indulgences.*  Nor  did  the  inscriptions,  nor  the 
tomb  of  the  inamorata  of  Alexander  VI.  in  S.  Maria  del 
Popolo  escape  his  attention,  and  these  were  removed  in 
April  1594.^  In  the  same  way  he  caused  to  be  removed  from_ 
the  cathedral  of  Siena  the  image  of  the  so-called  Pope  Joan 
which  was  there.* 

From  the  beginning  of  his  pontificate  the  Pope  above  all 
insisted,  both  in  the  case  of  the  parish-priests'  and  of  the 
bishops,  upon  their  observance  of  the  duty  of  residence.^ 
In  so  doing  he  met  with  the  same  difficulties  from  the  bishops 
as  his  predecessors  had  done.  Still,  as  in  the  past,  many 
bishops  remained  without  necessity  at  the  Curia  in  Rome. 
The  verbal  exhortations  of  the  Pope  that  they  should  return 
to  their  diocesses  only  had  a  partial  effect.  One  made  one 
excuse,  another  another,  and  the  requests  for  dispensations 
grew  in  number.^     A  new  and  more  severe  ordinance  became 

^  Cf.  Bentivoglio,  Memorie  46. 

*  See  *Avviso  01  March  21,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican  Library. 
3  See  Bull.,  IX.,  573  seq. 

*  Rkusch,  Bellarmins  Selbstbiographie,  134  scq. 

5  See  *Avviso  of  April  19,  1594,  Urb.  1062,  p.  193,  Vaticari 

«  See  DoLLiNGER,  Papstfabeln  des  Mittelalters^,  Munich,  1863, 

'  See  *Avvisi  of  February  5,  1592,  and  November  12,  1594, 
Urb.  1060,  I.,  1062,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  *letter  of  G.  Niccolini  of  February  6,  1592,  State  Archives, 
Florence  ;  *Avviso  of  February  12,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican 
Library,  and  Pakuta,  Dispacci,  I.,  93,  220. 

'  *S.D.N.  proposuit  constitutionem  contra  praelatos  non 
residentes,  ut  non  possint  esse  cardinales,  faciendam,  an  per 
bullam  an  vero  per  decreturn  consistoriale.   .  .   .  Dixit  canones  et 


inevitable  ;^  this  was  to  include  even  the  Cardinals,  and  the 
only  diversity  of  opinion  was  whether  the  enactment  should 
be  made  by  bull  or  by  consistorial  decree.^  After  a  discussion 
by  the  Congregation  of  the  Council  and  Bishops,^  on  July  5th, 
1595,  Clement  VIII.  laid  down  a  decree,  which  renewed  all 
the  previous  enactments  concerning  the  duty  of  residence, 
and  laid  it  down  that  no  one  could  receive  the  purple  who  had 
failed  in  this  respect.'* 

There  was  then  a  sensible  improvement,  but  rigorists  like 
Cardinal  Bellarmine  were  not  yet  satisfied.  To  the  remon- 
strances made  to  the  Pope  by  the  Cardinal  in  an  out-spoken 
memorial,^  Clement  VIII.  frankly  admitted  that  he  had  been 

constitutiones  Patriim  nostrorum  satis  superque  testari,  quantum 
semper  optatum  fuerit  ut  episcopi  in  suis  ecclesiis  resideant  et 
ad  munia  pastoralia  incumbant.  Hoc  ipsum  tarn  concilio 
Tridentino  quam  aliis  postmodum  S.P.  constitutionibus  sancitum 
esse.  Varum  adhuc  non  satis  provisum,  cum  se  plerique  variis 
excusationibus  ab  ipsa  residentia  eximere  conentur,  et  non 
levi  S*'®™  S.  molestia  atficiant,  importune  instantes,  ut  eis  ab 
ecclesiis  suis  abesse  permittatur,  non  sine  magno  crediti  sibi  gregis 
compendio.  He  ordered  them  to  ponder  well  the  constitution. 
Acta  consist.  June  2,  1595,  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2171,  HI.,  Vatican 

1  C/.  Paruta,  Dispacci,  HI.,  157. 

2  See  *acta  consist,  June  5,  1595,  loc.  cit.     Cf.  supra,  p.  186,  n.  9. 
^  See  Paruta,  loc.  cit.  171, 

*  *S.D.N.  laudavit  residentiam  et  eius  necessitatem  et  utilita- 
tem,  et  e  sinu  decretum  proferens,  illud  legit,  innovans  onmia 
decreta  et  constitutiones  de  residentia,  et  constituens,  ne  quis 
episcopus  vel  superior  non  residens  actu  in  sua  ecclesia  vel  non 
solitus  residere  possit  in  cardinalem  assumi.  Acta  consist, 
July  5,   1595,  loc.  cit. 

^  This  document,  together  with  the  "  Responsiones  S. 
Pontificis  "  which  show  how  humble  the  Pope  was,  and  at  the 
same  time  how  profoundly  convinced  he  was  of  the  great  and 
difficult  task  of  his  pontificate,  were  immediately  spread  abroad 
by  means  of  manuscript  copies.  Urb.  538,  p.  i  seqq.,  and  859, 
p.  504  seqq.,  Barb.  lat.  2620,  p.  58  seqq.,  Vatican  Library  ;  Cod. 
X,-IV.,  43,  Casanatense  Library,  Rome  ;   Cod.  38  B.  i,  p.  61  seq., 

l88  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

wrong  in  allowing  the  bishops  to  come  to  Rome  so  easily, 
so  that  it  was  only  with  difficulty  that  they  could  be  sent  away 
again.  With  regard  to  the  eleven  non-resident  Cardinals 
whom  Bellarmine  had  named,  the  Pope  was  able  to  point 
out  that  in  their  case  there  were  legitimate  excuses,  as  well  as 
for  the  employment  of  bishops  as  nuncios,  because  persons 
suited  for  that  office  were  only  to  be  found  in  limited  numbers, 
and  because  the  nature  of  their  business  prevented  frequent 
changes.  That  the  state  of  affairs  was  very  much  better 
than  it  had  been,  is  clear  from  the  fact,  that  in  the  whole  of 
the  States  of  the  Church  there  was  only  one  bishop  who  held 
a  political  office  ;  another,  the  Bishop  of  Camerino,  who  was 
vice-legate  of  the  Marches,  did  not  count,  because  there  he 
was  able  to  go  every  day  to  his  diocese. 

But  even  Clement  VIII.  was  obliged  to  realize  how  difficult 
it  was  to  eradicate  the  abuse,  by  which  bishops  were  absent 
from  their  dioceses,  and  remained  without  excuse  in  Rome. 
In  spite  of  his  warnings,^  towards  the  end  of  his  pontificate, 

Corsini  Library  ;  Cod.  75  of  the  Library  of  S.  Pietro  in  Vincoli 
(see  Lammer,  Zur  Kirchengesch.  47)  ;  Cod.  C.  IV.,  21,  p.  21  seqq, 
Library  at  Siena  ;  Inform,  polit.,  II.,  i  seqq.,  State  Library, 
Berlin  ;  also  elsewhere,  e.g.  among  the  Italian  manuscripts  of  the 
Library  at  Stockholm.  This  document  was  also  repeatedly 
reprinted,  e.g.  in  Albericius,  Baronii  epist.,  III.,  3  seqq., 
Hoffmann  (CoUectio,  I.),  Bartoli  (Opere  24,  IV.,  42  seqq.). 
DoLLiNGER  (Beitrage,  III.,  83  seqq.),  Lammer  (Melet.,  367  seqq), 
and  Le  Bachelet  (Auct.,  513  seqq.)  from  a  copy  revised  by 
Bellarmine  himself.  From  a  letter  of  Clement  VIII.  of  October 
14,  1600  (in  Le  Bachelet  in  Rech.  de  science  relig.,  XIII.,  444  seq.) 
it  is  clear  that  Bellarmine  had  presented  his  memorial  a  short 
time  before,  and  that  the  replies  are  those  of  Clement  VIII. 
himself  and  not  of  Baronius.  A.  Ratti  (Opuscolo  inedito  e 
sconoscmto  del  card.  Baronio,  Perugia,  1910)  has  published  a 
memorial  presented  by  Baronius  in  the  spring  of  1595  to  the 
Pope,  concerning  the  government  of  the  Church  in  accordance 
with  the  prescriptions  of  Gregory  the  Great. 

1  Cf.  the  *  briefs  of  exhortation  to  the  Bishop  of  Oristano 
(Sardinia)  Ant.  Canopolo,  July  5,  1600,  and  "  Episc.  S.  Jacobi 
insulae  Capitis  Viridi,"  March  22,  1602,  Arm.  44,  t.  44,  n.  198, 


in  1603,  there  were  so  many  bishops  present  in  the  Curia  that 
he  was  obhged  to  take  fresh  steps. ^  Even  then  it  was  only 
with  reluctance  that  some  obeyed  ;  but  the  Pope  insisted 
upon  his  order  being  carried  out.  In  April  1604  almost  all 
the  bishops  had  left  Rome,  and  only  a  few  who  had  not  found 
the  opportunity  for  going  still  remained. ^  When  the  Pope 
informed  the  nuncio  at  Madrid  of  this  success,  he  urged  him 
to  do  all  he  could  to  see  that  this  example  was  followed  in 
the  Spanish  capital  as  well.^ 

Gregory  XIV.,  who  had  taken  part  in  the  Council  of  Trent 
as  Bishop  of  Cremona,  in  order  to  comply  with  the  feeling 
of  that  Council,  which  in  its  twenty-second  session  had 
required  in  the  case  of  the  bishops  a  special  training  in 
theology  and  canon  law,  had  resolved  to  submit  the  candidates 
for  the  episcopate  to  a  two-fold  examination  before  they  were 
confirmed.  In  the  first  place,  by  means  of  an  informative 
process,  the  previous  manner  of  life  of  the  nominee  was  to  be 
inquired  into,  and  then  they  were  to  be  examined  in  their 
knowledge  of  the  above-mentioned  sciences.  His  premature 
death  had  prevented  Pope  Gregory  from  carrying  out  this 
project.  Clement  VIII.,  at  the  very  beginning  of  his  pontifi- 
cate, gave  effect  to  this  by  prescribing  such  an  examination 
in  the  case  of  all  the  bishoprics  of  free  collation  in  Italy  and 
the  neighbouring  islands,  as  well  as  for  those  of  royal  nomina- 
tion. For  this  purpose  he  set  up  a  Congregation,  and  to  the 
Cardinals  appointed  to  it  there  were  added  certain  prelates 
as  examiners.*     The  Congregation  began  its  work  as  early 

and  t.  46,  n.  75,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  also  the  *report  of 
G.  C.  Foresto,  October  14,  1600,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

^  See  *Avviso  of  November  12,  1603,  Urb.  1071,  Vatican 

''See  *Avvisi  of  March  30,  April  3  and  7,  1604,  Urb.  1072, 
Vatican  Library. 

*  *Warning  to  D.  Ginnasio,  April  6,  1604,  Barb.  3852,  Vatican 

*  C/.  *report  of  G.  Niccolini,  July  3,  1592,  State  Archives, 
Florence  ;  De  Luca,  Rel.  Cur.  Rom.  for.  disc,  21  ;  Moroni, 
XVI.,  195  seq.  ;    Bangen,  89  seq. 


as  July,  1592.  The  Pope  himself  assisted  at  the  examinations. 
These  were  held  with  great  detail  and  no  dispensations  were 
allowed.^  The  greater  the  success  obtahied  by  this  method 
of  procedure,  the  more  firmly  did  the  Pope  adhere  to  it.^ 
Clement  VIII.  also  gave  proofs  of  extraordinary  rigour  in 
the  matter  of  granting  resignations  of  ecclesiastical  revenues.^ 
He  would  not  allow  any  accumulation  of  benefices  ;  the  only 
exception  he  made  was  in  the  case  of  the  cardinalitial  dioceses, 
because  his  predecessors  since  the  Council  of  Trent  had  not 
changed  the  conditions  of  those  dioceses.* 

This  careful  selection  of  bishops,  as  well  as  the  example 
set  by  the  Pope,  as  supreme  pastor  of  Rome,  had  an  important 
effect  in  the  improvement  of  the  Italian  episcopate,^  and 
Clement  VIII.  had  the  joy  of  seeing  how  many  bishops  in 
Italy  were  labouring  in  the  spirit  of  Catholic  reform  by 
establishing  seminaries,  and  holding  synods  and  visitations.* 
Thus  the  following  acquired  great  merit  as  conscientious 
pastors  and  as  reforming  bishops  in  the  fullest  sense 
of  the  word :  at  Adria,  the  Carmelite  Lorenzo  Laureti ; 
at     Aquileia,     Francesco    Barbaro  ;'     at     Venice,    Lorenzo 

1  Cf.  *Urb.  839,  p.  298  seq.,  and  *Avvisi  of  July  4  and  i.^,  1592, 
Urb.   1060,   II.,  Vatican  Library,  and  Paruta,  Dispacci,   I.,  35, 

n.,  73- 

2  Cf.  *brief  to  the  Archduke  Ferdinand,  October  25,  1.597, 
Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  232,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

^  See  *report  of  G.  del  Carretto,  November  31,  1593,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

*  See  Lammer,  Melet.,  377  seq. 

*  See  Zachariae  Iter  litt.,  303. 

*  For  the  following  list,  which  does  not  claim  to  be  complete, 
of.  Ughelli,  Italia  sacra,  and  Moroni,  Dizionario,  above  all  for 
those  bishops  in  whose  case  no  special  works  or  dissertations  are 

'  For  the  synod  held  at  Udine  in  1596,  and  the  pleasure  it  gave 
to  Clement  VIII.,  see  Iuvencius,  V.,  430.  For  the  synodal 
activity  of  Barbaro  see  Marcuzzi,  Sinodi  Aquileiesi,  Udine, 
1910,  and  for  his  activity  in  visitations  see,  besides  Schmidlin, 
6  seq.,    Joppi,    Relazione   d     visita   apost.   in    Carniola    Stiria    a 


Priuli  ;^  at  Belluno  the  learned  Luigi  Lollini  \^  at 
Ceneda,  Marcantonio  Mocenigo  ;  at  Treviso,  Francesco 
Cornaro  ;  at  Verona,  Cardinal  Agostino  Valiero,^  well 
known  as  a  Christian  humanist  ;  at  Pavia  and  Mantua, 
the  Franciscan  Francesco  Gonzaga  ;*  at  Cremona,  Cesare 
Speciani;^  at  Modena,  Gaspare  Silingardi;^  at  Milan, 
the  great  and  learned  Frederick  Borromeo,  who  was  a 
patron  of  the  arts  ;''  at  Reggio-Emilia  Claudio  Rangoni  ;^ 
at  Como,  Feliciano  Ninguarda  ;^  at  Pavia  and  Novara,  the 
Barnabites  Alessandro  Sauli^"  and  Carlo  Bascape,^^  imitators 

Carinzia,  Udine,  1862.  There  too  the  report  to  Clement  VIII. 
concerning  the  highly  necessary  visitation  which  he  had  suggested. 
The  manuscript  is  preserved  in  the  parochial  archives  at  Cremona, 

1  L.  Priuli  founded  the  seminary  and  held  a  synod  in  1592  ; 
c/.  P.  Paschini,  La  riforma  del  seppelire  nelle  chiese  nel  sec. 
XVI.,  Monza,  1922,  20  zeqq. 

2  See  A.  Rath,  Opuscolo  ined.  del  card.  Baronio,  15. 

^  See  C.  LiBARUi,  *De  vita  et  rebus  gestis  episc.  Veronens., 
Cod.  DCC.-LXXXIII.,  pp.  253,  286  seq..  Capitular  Library, 
Verona.  For  the  magniticent  Dialogue  by  Valieko  "  Philippus 
sive  de  Christiana  laetitia  "  see  Kneller  in  Zeitschr.  f.  kath. 
TheoL,  XLIL,  186  seqq.  Cf.  Mai,  Spicil.,  VIII.,  viii.  seq.,  89  seq. 
118  seq. 

*  See  the  monograph  by  Fr.  M.  Paolini,  Rome,  1906.  Cf. 
Maiocchi  in  Riv.  di  scieme  stor.  (Rome),  1907  ;  Arch.  Veneto, 
N.S.  XXI.   (191 1),  295  seqq. 

5  See  Vita  di  Mons.  C.  Speciani,  Bergamo,  1786,  320  seqq., 
355  seqq,  366  seqq.,  497. 

*  See  Ricci,  II.,  92  seq.  255  seq.,  where  the  special  literature  is 

'  Cf.  Mai,  Spicil.,  VIII.,  473,  and  more  fully  infra. 

^  Cf.  G.  Saccani,  I  vescovi  di  Reggio,  R.  1902,  130  seq.; 
Cottafavi,  II  Seminario  di  Reggio-Emilia,  R-E,  1907,  3  seq. 

•See  Monii,  Atti  d.  visita  past.  d.  F.  Ninguarda,  1589-1592, 
Part  I.,  in  Race.  Comense,  II.,  Como,  1882,  94.  Cf.  Rcim. 
Quartalschr.,  1891,  62  seq.,  124  seq. 

^"Cf  Vol.  XIX.,  of  this  work,  p.  210. 

"  See  J.  Chiesa,  Vita  del  ven.  C.  Bascape,  2  vols.,  Milan,  1858. 
Cf.   C.    Bascape,    Scritti   publ.   nel   governo   del   suo   vescovato 


of  Charles  Borromeo  ;  at  Asti  the  Franciscan  Francesco 
Panigarola  ;^  at  Saluzzo,  Giovanni  Giovenale  Ancina  ;2  at 
Genoa  the  Benedictine  Matteo  Rovarola  ;^  at  Pisa,  Carlo 
Antonio  Pocci  ;^  at  Colle,  Usimbardo  de'  Usimbardi  ;^  at 
Volterra,  Guido  Servidio  ;  at  Fiesole  the  disciple  of  Philip 
Neri,  Francesco  Maria  Tarugi;®  at  Bologna,  Cardinal  Gabriele 
Paleotto;'  at  Imola,  Alessandro  Musotti ;  at  Fossombrone, 
Ottavio   Accoramboni  ;^   at   Camerino,   Gentile   Dolfino  ;    at 

dall'a.  1593  al  1609,  Novara,  1609.  The  correspondence  between 
Bascape  and  Alessandro  Sauli,  1591,  was  published  by  Premoli 
in  Riv.  di  scienze  stor.  (Rome),  1907-8.  See  also  Premoli,  Una 
gloria  di  Novara.  C.  Ba.scape,  1593  1615,  in  the  single  number, 
L'Azione,  Novara,  1908  ;  Ratti,  loc.  cit.,  17  seq.  Premoli, 
303  seq.,  326  seq.,  342  seq.,  360  seq. 

1  Cf.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  210. 

2  For  this  disciple  of  Philip  Neri,  who  -was  beatified  by  Leo  XIII. 
in  1890,  and  his  fruitful  labours  in  his  diocese,  '•/.  the  monographs 
by  Richard  (Mayence,  1892)  and  Duver  (Rennes,  1905)  and 
also  Savio,  Marchesato  e  diocesi  di  Saluzzo  nel  sec.  XVII., 
Saluzzo,  1915. 

^  In  the  *brief  addressed  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua,  July  26,  1596, 
the  Archbishop  of  Genoa  is  described  as  "  vir  insigni  vitae 
integritate  et  zelo  Dei  quem  multis  nominibus  valde  amamus." 
Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

*  For  the  foundation  of  the  seminary  at  Pisa  (1604)  see  Mem. 
d.  accad.  di  Torino,  Sc.  nior.  stor.  e  fil.,  2nd  series,  I.,  53. 

*  See  Constitutiones  synodales  et  decreta  condita  a  rev.  D. 
Usimbardo  Usimbardio  episc.  CoUensi  primo  in  dioces.  synodo 
habita  A.  1594,  Florence,  1595.  There  also  the  decrees  published 
by  Usimbardo  in  1595  at  the  diocesan  synod  of  Arezzo. 

«C/.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  169. 

'  For  the  synod  of  Bologna,  1594,  see  Lozzi,  Bibl.  ital.,  II.,  49. 
Cf.  Archiepiscopale  Bonon.  auctore  card.  Gabr.  Paleoto,  Rome, 
1594,  and  Ughelli,  II.  Cf.  also  Gabr.  Paleotti  *Sermones  in 
visitat.  Alb.  et  Salin.  dioc.  1590  to  1595,  Cod.  630  (1166), 
University  Library,  Bologna. 

*  Cf.  *Memoria  e  rito  dell'orazione  della  sera  instituita  da 
Msgr.  vescovo  Accoramboni  I'anno  1591  in  Fossombrone  e  sua 
diocesi.     Urb.  1509  A.  Vatican  Library. 


Urbino,  Antonio  Gianotti  and  Giuseppe  Ferreri  ;^  at  Gubbio, 
Mariano  Sabelli  ;^  at  Assisi,  Marcello  Crescenzi ;  at  Amelia, 
Antonio  Maria  Graziani  ;3  at  Spoleto,  Alfonso  Visconti  ;* 
at  Rossano,  Lucio  Sanseverino ;  at  Sarno,  Antonio  de  Aquino ; 
at  Siponto,  Domenico  Ginnasio  ;^  at  Teramo,  Vincenzo  de 
Monte  Santo  ;  at  Capua  from  1602  onwards,  Cardinal  Bellar- 
mine  ;^  at  Mat  era,  Giovanni  de  Mira  ;''  at  Reggio  Calabria, 
Annibale  d'  Afflitto  f  at  Messina,  Antonio  Lombardi  ;*  at 
Monreale,  Lodovico  de  Torres  ;  at  Cefalu,  Francesco  Gonzaga, 
who  there  and  later  on  at  Pavia  and  Mantua  rendered  good 
service  and  established  the  first  Tridentine  seminary  in  Sicily. 
Clement  VIII.  also  displayed  a  salutary  activity  in  filling 
the  gaps  which  death  had  occasioned  in  the  College  of  Cardinals. 
These  were  very  considerable,  for  Clement  VIII.  witnessed 
the  disappearance  of  altogether  forty-five  Cardinals,  among 
them  men  so  distinguished  as  Scipione  Gonzaga,  William 
Allen,  Francisco  Toledo,  Gabriele  Paleotto,  Errico  Caetani, 
Georg  Radziwill,  Inigo  de  Avalos  de  Aragonia,  Lodovico 
Madruzzo,  Giulio  Santori,  Alfonso  Gesualdo,  Silvio  Antoniano, 
Lucio  Sassi,  Arnauld  d'  Ossat  and  Antonio  Maria  Salviati.'^^ 

^  *Acta  of  the  canonical  visitation  of  1578,  1587,  and  1597,  in 
the  Archiepiscopal  Archives,  Urbino. 

'' M.  S.\RTi,  De  Episcopis  Eugubinis,  Pisauri,  1755,  225  seqq. 

*  See  Synodus  Amerina  ab  A.  M.  Gratiano  episc.  habita,  1595, 
edit.  sec.  cui  accessit  vita  eiusdem,  Rome,  1792.  For  Graziani 
cf.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  pp.  62,  65,  and  Mai,  Spicil.,  VIII., 
469  seq.  A  diocesan  report  by  Graziani  in  Bull.  stor.  per  I'Umbria, 
XIII.  (1907),  138  seq. 

*  Made  a  Cardinal  in  1599. 

®  See  C.  Mezamici,  Notizie  d.  operat.  del  card.  Dom.  Ginnasio, 
Rome,  1682. 

*  See  CouDEKC,  I.,  367  seq. 

'For  the  synod  held  at  Matera  in  1597  see  Arch.  Napol.,  IX., 

8  See  the  biography  of  D 'Afflitto  by  Minasi  (Naples,  1898)  and 
Roma  e  I'Oriente,  VII.  (1914),  iii  seq. 

*  See  *Constitutiones  synodales  Messanen,  1591,  Cod.  20,  of  the 
Library,  Girgenti. 

^^  See  the  list  of  all  the  Cardinals  who  died  under  Clement  VIII. 

VOL.   XXIV.  13 

194  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  number  of  new  Cardinals  appointed  at  the  seven  cardinali- 
tial  creations  of  Clement  VIII.  was  as  great  as  fifty-three.^ 
In  these  the  Pope  accorded  hardly  any  influence  to  the 
Cardinals,  and  far  less  to  the  civil  governments.-  "  Cardinals 
who  are  appointed  at  the  request  of  the  princes,"  he  said, 
"  almost  always  follow  private  interests,  as  I  have  mj^self 
experienced  at  the  conclaves."^ 

The  Cardinalitial  appointments  of  Clement  VIII.  are  almost 

in  Alberi,  II.,  4,  354,  where,  however,  Bathory,  who  was  killed 
in  1599,  is  omitted.  For  this  prince  of  the  Church,  who  at  the 
end,  forgetful  of  the  duties  of  his  ecclesiastical  state,  came  to  a 
miserable  end,  see  Kolberg,  Zur  Gesch.  des  Kard.  Andreas 
Bathory,  and  Aus  dem  Haushalt  des  Kard.  A.  Bathory,  both 
Braunsberg,  1910.  For  the  death  of  Cardinal  S.  Gonzaga  see 
the  *brief  to  Giulio  Cesare  Gonzaga,  February  5,  1593,  Arm.  44, 
t.  38,  n.  203,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  For  the  death  of  Allen  see 
Bellesheim,  201  !^eq.  The  sorrow  of  the  court  at  the  death  of 
Caetani  is  *reported  by  G.  C.  Foresto,  December  18,  1599. 
Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.  For  San  tori  see  *Avviso  of  June  13, 
1602,  where  it  is  stated  :  "  the  Cardinal  did  many  good  works, 
and  after  thirty-five  years  of  the  cardinalate  left  14,000  scudi  of 
debts  "  (Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library).  Cf.  alsoDoLFiN,  Relazione, 
485.  The  tomb  of  Santori,  with  a  fine  bust,  in  his  chapel  in 
St.  John  Lateran,  see  Forcella,  VIII.,  51.  At  the  consistory 
of  February  19,  1603,  Clement  VIII.  pronounced  the  funeral 
discourse  for  Gesualdo.  See  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae, 
Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871,  III.,  Vatican  Library. 

1  Cf.  Voh  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  248  ;    cf.  Phillips,  VI.,  231. 

*  See  Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  269,  and  in  App.  n.  15  the  *report 
of  G.  C.  Foresto  of  February  27,  1599,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua, 
Cf.  the  *brief  to  the  Duke  of  Lorraine,  June  20,  1592,  Brevia, 
Arm.  44,  t.  37,  n.  413,  Papal  Secret  Archives,  and  the  autograph 
*Ietter  of  Charles  Emanuel  of  Savoy,  August  4,  1596,  State 
Archives,  Turin.  For  the  most  part  the  requests  of  other  princes 
as  well  were  not  considered,  especially  those  of  Philip  II.  :  e.g.  at 
the  very  beginning  of  the  pontificate  the  request  of  the  King  of 
Spain  that  the  Pope  should  confer  the  purple  on  the  Archbishop 
of  Saragossa,  Andrea  Bobadilla  ;  see  *letter  of  Philip  II.  to 
Clement  VIII.,  April  25,   1592,  Doria  Archives,  Rome. 

*  Report  of  the  Este  envoy,  June  8,  1596  ;    see  Ricci,  II.,  245. 


without  exception  deserving  of  praise.  Setting  aside  the 
too  young  Giovanni  Battista  Deti,  the  Cardinals  appointed 
by  Clement  VIII.  proved  themselves  men  of  worth  ;  such 
were  the  learned  Jesuit  Toledo,  the  venerable  Sassi,  the 
Oratorian  Francesco  Maria  Tarugi,  whose  life  may  be  called 
truly  apostolic,  Camillo  Borghese  who  was  afterwards  Paul  V., 
the  Auditors  of  the  Rota,  Lorenzo  Bianchetti,  Francesco 
Mantica  and  Pompeo  Arigoni,  the  great  Bonifacio  Bevilacqua, 
the  versatile  Alfonso  Visconti,  Domenico  Toschi  who  had 
sprung  from  the  lowest  ranks  purely  by  his  own  merits, 
the  disinterested  d'Ossat,  and  lastly  like  three  brilliant  stars 
outshining  the  rest  :  Baronius,  Silvio  Antoniano  and  Bellar- 
mine,  who  in  their  humility  had  refused  to  accept  so  great  an 
honour,  so  that  Clement  VIII.  was  forced  to  constrain  them 
under  obedience,  threatening  them  with  excommunication.^ 
These  three  Cardinals  were  assigned  apartments  at  the 
Vatican, 2  since  Baronius  v/as  the  Pope's  confessor,  Silvio 
Antoniano  his  secretary  of  briefs,  and  Bellarmine,  after  the 
death  of  Toledo  his  theologian,  an  office  which  he  exercised 
with  great  freedom. ^  The  lofty  sentiments  which  animated 
Cardinals  Baronius  and  Tarugi  is  clear  from  a  letter  of  the 
last-named  belonging  to  the  5'ear  1598,  only  recently  dis- 
covered, in  which  he  unites  himself  to  Baronius  in  his  desire 
to  renounce  the  purple,  so  as  to  return  once  more  to  the  peace 
of  the  Oratory. 4 

These  new  Cardinals  vied  with  the  older  ones,  such  as 
Valiero,  Frederick  Borromeo,  Tagliavia,  Sfondrato,  Aquaviva 
and  Alessandro  de'  Medici,  who  was  to  succeed  Clement  VIII. 
If  among  these  many  Cardinals  there  were  to  be  found  two  of 

^  See  CouDERC,  I.,  260  seq.  For  Baronius  see  Alberici,  III., 
391  seq.  ;  Calenzio,  419  scq.,  459  seq.  Cf.  also  the  *Avvisi  of 
Novemter  29,  1595,  and  June  i,  1596,  Urb.  1063,  1064,  Vatican 
Library,  See  also  the  *letter  of  L.  Arrigoni,  June  8,  1596, 
Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

"  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  151. 

^  Cf.  CouDERC,   L,  234  seq.,  295  seq. 

*  See  the  text  of  the  letter  in  the  opusculum  L'Oratorio  Filippino 
di  Firenze,  al  ven.  Card.  Cesare  Baronio,  Florence,  1908,  ji  seq 

196  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

worldly  sentiments,  like  Sforza^  and  Deti,  these  only  served, 
as  Bentivoglio  remarks,  to  bring  out  all  the  more  brilliantly 
the  virtues  of  the  rest.  Clement  VIII.  for  his  part,  left 
nothing  undone  to  bring  back  Deti  to  a  better  manner  of  hfe.^ 
He  also  made  use  of  every  opportunity  that  offered  to  remind 
the  Cardinals  of  their  duties.^ 

However  many  eminent  men  the  College  of  Cardinals 
contained  under  Clement  VIII.,  its  influence  as  a  college 
visibly  diminished.     This  was  due  in  great  measure  to  the 

^  Sforza  only  became  a  priest  in  the  autumn  of  1614  ;  see 
Studi  e  docum.,  XV.,  282. 

2  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  85  seq.,  126  seq.  The  description 
of  the  Sacred  College  of  Clement  VIII.  by  Bentivoglio  (59  seq., 
92  seq.)  is  completed  by  Dolfin,  Relazione,  479  seq.,  493  seq., 
who  principally  discusses  the  political  position  of  the  Cardinals, 
and  their  hopes  at  a  conclave.  The  same  is  the  case  in  the 
*Informazione  for  the  Marchese  Vigliena  spoken  of  in  Vol.  XXIII. 
of  this  work,  p.  254,  and  in  the  Discorso  which  is  preserved  in  the 
Boncompagni  Archives,  Rome,  which  was  composed  in  view  of 
a  conclave,  and  contains  many  Roman  dicerie,  and  is  identical 
with  the  report  published  by  Rath  (Opuscolo  ined.  di  Baronio, 
38  seqq.).  The  Bolognese  Fabio  Albergati  pubUshed  Libri  tre  del 
cardinale,  Rome,  1598.  Giov.  Botero  wrote  DeH'uffitio  del 
cardinale  libri,  II.,  Rome,  1599,  where  the  duties  of  the  Caidinals 
as  against  heresy  are  also  discussed.  Botero  was  not  fairly  judged 
by  Meinecke  (Die  Idee  der  Staatsraison  in  der  neueren  Geschichte, 
Munich,  1924)  ;    see  Giorn.  d.  lett.  ital.,  LXXXVL,  176. 

^  See  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  March  10,  1593,  March 
28,  1594,  and  December  4,  1600,  he.  cit.,  Vatican  Library ; 
*Avviso  of  December  29,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  ibid.  Clement  VIII. 
also  tried  to  reintroduce  the  ancient  custom  by  which  the  Cardinals 
went  to  the  Consistory  on  horseback  ;  see  *Avviso  of  March  28, 
1.594,  Urb.  1062,  ibid.,  and  for  the  Holy  Year  (1600)  Baumgarten, 
Neue  Kunde,  17  seq.  According  to  the  *Avviso  of  August  29, 
1 60 1  (Urb.  1069),  special  sermons  were  ordered  for  the  Cardinals. 
Cardinal  Este,  who  gave  scandal  by  his  behaviour  (see  Meyer, 
Nuntiaturberichte,  218,  220,  223),  received  on  June  19,  1604, 
a  *Monitorium  in  which  the  Pope  disapproved  of  his  intention 
"  longe  lateque  peregrinari  "  ;  Arm.  44,  t.  56,  p.  250,  Papal  Secret 


independence  of  Clement  VI 11.^,  which  was  much  felt  by 
the  Cardinals,  and  to  the  predominant  position  held  by  his 
nephew,  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini ;  it  may  also  be 
attributed  to  the  increase  of  the  Papal  authority,  and  to  the 
establishment  of  the  Congregations,  by  which  the  power  of 
the  Consistory  had  been  considerably  lessened.  Although 
certain  Cardinals,  as  for  example  Paleotto,  complained  of  this 
and  sought  to  restore  the  ancient  order,  the  advantages  of 
the  new  method  of  transacting  business  were  nevertheless 
evident.  The  transaction  of  affairs  by  way  of  process,  and 
the  cumbrousness  of  a  conciliar  assembly,  in  which  there  were 
always  to  be  found  a  diversity  of  opinions,  had  rendered 
the  treatment  of  important  matters  by  the  Consistory  almost 
impossible.^  Once  the  change  had  been  inaugurated,  it 
was  no  longer  possible  to  stop  it,  all  the  more  so  as  it  was 
based  upon  the  strictly  monarchical  character  of  the  ecclesi- 
astical constitution.  From  this  time  onwards  the  Consistories 
served  more  and  more  to  give  to  more  important  ecclesiastical 
matters  a  fitting  conclusion.^ 

1  Cf.  the  Este  report  for  June,  1594,  in  Riccr,  II.,  207. 

"C/.  Ranke,  II. »,  204. 

'  Cf.  Paruta,  Relazione,  412  seq.  The  work  by  Cardinal 
Paleotto  there  mentioned  bears  the  title  :  De  sacri  consistoiii 
consultationibus,  Rome,  1592.  Cf.  as  to  this  Phillips,  VI., 
293,  577-  The  opinion  of  Dolfin  (Relazione,  460)  that  the 
Congregations,  except  for  the  Inquisition,  only  functioned  in 
appearance,  is  wrong.  The  union  of  the  "  Congregatio  episco- 
porum  "  with  the  "  Congregatio  regularium,"  did  not  take  place, 
as  Phillips  (VI.,  642)  supposes,  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  but  only 
under  Clement  VIII.  ;    see  Paruta,  Relazione,   374. 


The  Roman  Inquisition. — Giordano  Bruno. — 
The  Index. — The  Vulgate. 

Of  the  Congregations,  that  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  pre- 
served the  greatest  degree  of  independence,  having  entrusted 
to  it  the  safeguarding  and  surveillance  of  Catholic  doctrine. 
At  the  beginning  of  the  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  it  was 
composed  of  Cardinals  Santori,  Deza,  Pinelli,  Bernerio, 
Boccafuoco  and  Sfondrato,^  with  whom  the  Pope  himself  was 
associated  as  president.  Toledo  too,  and  later  on  Bellarmine, 
were  placed  on  the  Congregation  after  their  elevation  to  the 
cardinalate  ;2  it  met  twice  in  the  week,  once  at  the  palace 
of  Cardinal  Santori,  who  was  the  senior  in  rank,  and  at  the 
same  time  Grand  Penitentiary, ^  and  on  the  other  occasion  at 
the  Vatican. 

1  See  Antonius  Diana,  Coordinatus  seu  omnes  resolutiones 
morales,  V.,  Lyons,  1667.  The  "  Constantius  S.  Petri  in  Monte 
Aureo  Servanus  "  mentioned  there  is  Boccafuoco  ;  see 
Christofori,  193  "  Quintilianus  Adrianus  "  was  at  that  time 
notary  of  the  Inquisition  ;  see  Diana,  V.,  580.  Clement  VIII. 
appointed  "  Aug.  Galaminus  commissarius  generalis  S.  Inqui- 
sitionis  de  Urbe,"  see  Catalanus,  De  magistro  s.  Palatii,  144. 
A  manuscript  of  Clement  VIII.  of  1592,  which  assigns  the  Acta 
of  the  Inquisition  then  kept  in  the  Papal  "  guardarobba  "  to  the 
Congregation,  in  Gori,  Archivio,  VI.,  4  (Spoleto,  1880),  14  seq. 

2  See  the  *Notes  of  Santori,  January  6,  1594,  Papal  Secret 
Archives,  I.,  28  ;  Couderc,  I.,  269.  In  a  decree  of  the  Inquisition 
of  February  5,  1598  (in  Stikve,  IV.,  524  seq.)  there  are  mentioned 
as  members  :  L.  Madruzzo,  Santori,  Deza,  Pinelli,  Bernerio, 
Sfrondato,  Borghese  and  Arigoni.  Cf.  also  Vol.  XIX.  of  this 
work,  p.  626. 

^Cf.  the  *letter  of  Giulio  del  Carretto,  February  22,  1592, 
Gonzaga   Archives,    Mantua,    and    Dolfin,    Relazione,    462    seq. 



The  Inquisition,  in  addition  to  its  principal  duty  of  taking 
action  against  heresy,  was  also  occupied  with  many  other 
matters.^  Thus  it  issued  an  ordinance  against  litanies  which 
had  not  been  approved  by  the  Congregation  of  Rites  i^  it 
was  also  concerned  with  the  false  Demetrius,^  and  was  also 
consulted  as  to  whether  it  was  lawful  to  form  an  alliance  with 
heretics  and  the  heterodox.^  Of  very  frequent  occurrence 
too  were  questions  concerning  relations  with  the  heterodox, 
and  especially  about  disputes  with  Protestants,  and  mixed 
marriages,  that  is  between  Catholics  and  those  of  another 
religion.  There  also  came  within  its  competence  questions 
concerning  Christians  of  Jewish  origin,  especially  in  relation 
to  the  procedure  of  the  Inquisition  in  Portugal.^     Besides 

After  the  death  of  Santori,  June  14,  1602)  P.  Aldobrandini 
became  Grand  Penitentiary;  see  *Avviso  of  July  21,  1604, 
Urb.  1072,  Vatican  Library. 

1  Cf.  besides  the  following  cases  mentioned  the  reports  based 
on  the  acta  in  the  Anal,  iuris  pontif.,  XXVI.  (1886),  576  seq. 
676  seq.,  and  Pastor,  Dekrete,  passim. 

2  See  Bull.,  X.,  732  seq. 

3  See  PiERLiNG,  La  Russie,  III.,  214  seq. 
.  *  See  Pakuta,  Dispacci,  L,  232. 

*A  collection  of  *"  Decreta  s.  Inquisitionis  fere  omnia  sub 
Clemente  VIII."  drawn  up  in  accordance  with  the  subjects,  in 
Barb.  1369  (copy  1370)  Vatican  Library.  A  *Monitorium  of 
Clement  VIII.  to  the  Inquisitor  of  Portugal,  September  19,  1596, 
to  act  juridically,  in  the  Papal  Secret  Archives,  App.  n.  g. 
In  Barb.  1369,  p.  326  seq.  (Vatican  Library)  are  contained 
*Responsiones  ad  obiecta  contra  Inquisi tores  regni  Portugalliae, 
of  March  28,  1598,  which  were  presented,  when  translated  by 
Fr.  Pena  to  the  Pope.  A  *brief  of  Clement  VIII.  to  Philip  III., 
December  30,  1601,  concerning  the  absolution  of  "  christianos 
nuevos  de  Portugal  "  which  the  Pope  only  granted  with  difficulty, 
in  the  National  Archives,  Paris,  Simancas.  Ibid.  K.  1631,  a 
♦Memorial  concerning  the  Portuguese  neo-Christians,  March  24, 
1602.  Cf.  also  the  *Tractatus  de  statu  S.  Inquisitionis  in  regno 
Portugalliae,  addressed  to  Clement  VIII.  (especially  concerning 
the  neo-Christians  and  Jews)  in  Barb.  XXXII.,  213,  Vatican 

200  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

grave  cases  of  fornication,  falsifiers  of  Papal  briefs  were  also 
brought  before  the  Inquisition. ^  With  regard  to  those  who 
were  accused  of  magic,  the  Inquisition  acted  with  great 
caution.  2 

The  special  tribunals  of  the  Inquisition  in  the  various  cities 
were  dependent  upon  the  Roman  Inquisition,  by  which  they 
were  directed.^  Clement  VIII.  devoted  the  greatest  attention 
to  the  Inquisition  ;*  he  confirmed  a  number  of  decrees 
concerning  the  preservation  of  secrecy  in  its  discussions,  and 
the  improvement  of  its  procedure.^  The  decree  by  which 
every  month  the  names  of  those  imprisoned  were  to  be 
presented  to  the  Congregation  was  directed  against  the  often 
unduly  prolonged  imprisonment  of  the  accused.®  A  decree 
of  November  29th,  1594,  laid  it  down  that  the  jailors  must 
not  receive  presents  from  the  prisoners,  even  after  their 
release ;'  another  of  March  14th,  1595,  ordered  a  more 
humane  treatment  of  the  prisoners.^  The  decree  of  Sixtus  V., 
that  all  briefs,  bulls  and  other  documei  ts  relating  to  the 
Inquisition  must  be  issued  gratuitously,  was  renewed  by 
Clement  VIII. ,^  and  it  was  further  ordered  in  1601  that  the 

^  Cf.  in  App.  n.  16,  the  *List  of  those  imprisoned  in  the  Holy 
Office  from  1599,  Borghese  Archives,  Rome. 

2  Opinion  of  Sandonntni  in  Giorn.  stor.  d.  hit.  ital.,  IX.,  ^.^j  seq. 

2  See  Amabile,  II  S.  Officio  d.  Inquisitione  in  Napoli,  II.,  19. 
Cf.  ibid.  I.,  337  seqq.,  343  seqq.  For  the  development  of  the 
Inquisition  at  Naples,  and  its  activity  in  that  city,  see  a  *Report 
concerning  an  "  Auto  da  fe  celebrado  en  Palermo,  1596  "  in  the 
Archives  of  the  Spanish  embassy,  Rome,  P.  III.  In  1595 
Clement  VIII.  asked  the  Archduke  F'erdinand  to  hand  over  an 
ex-Dominican  to  the  Roman  Incjuisition  ;  see  Stciermdrk. 
Gesch.-BL,  I.,  81. 

*  Cf.  Paruta,  Relazione,  374  ;  Cierario,  Lettere  di  Santi, 
Papi,  etc.,  Turin,  1861,  243  seq. 

^  See  Pastor,  Dekrete  51  seq. 

*  See  ibid.  52. 
'  See  ibid.  55. 

*  See  tbid.  55  seq.     Cf.  Battistella,  85. 

'■"  See  Pastor,  Dekrete,  57.  Cf.  Zeitschy.  f.  schweiz.  Kirchen- 
f,esch.,  VII.  (1914),  70. 


bishops  and  their  officials  were  not  to  receive  the  smallest 
emolument.  1  A  decree  of  the  same  year  laid  it  down  that 
the  consultors  of  the  Inquisition  were  not  to  act  as  advocates 
of  the  accused. 2 

The  strict  bull  of  Paul  IV.,  against  those  who,  without  being 
priests,  dared  to  say  mass  and  hear  confessions,  was  confirmed, 
together  with  another  constitution  of  the  Carafa  Pope  against 
those  who  denied  the  Most  Holy  Trinity. ^  Also  the  bull  which 
forbade  Italians  to  live  in  countries  where  they  were  not  able 
to  fulfil  their  religious  duties,*  was  aimed  at  the  defence  of 
the  faith. 

The  first  execution  of  heretics  under  Clement  VIII.  took 
place  in  1595.  On  May  i6th  in  that  year  twelve  persons 
abjured  their  errors  in  the  church  of  the  Minerva  ;  a  relapsed 
Fleming,  who  obstinately  persisted  in  his  error,  by  denying 
the  immortality  of  the  soul,  as  well  as  an  absent  Spaniard, 
were  condemned  to  the  stake. ^  In  the  following  month  a 
terrible  crime  was  committed,  which  deeply  grieved  the  Pope. 
An  Englishman  attacked  with  a  dagger  the  priest  who  was 

1  See  Bull.,  X.,  648.     Cf.  Carte  Stroz::.,  I.,  2,  314. 

""  Die  4  aprilis  1601  lectis  litteris  vicarii  Januensis,  111°^* 
[et  rev.°^*  domini  caidinales  generales  inquisi tores]  decreverunt 
ut  consultores  s.  Officii  non  possent  esse  advocati  reorum  " 
(Decreta  s.  Officii,  1524-1668,  p.  321,  State  Archives,  Rome,  with 
the  further  remark  :  "  Romae  tamen  practicatur  contrarium  "). 
Cardinal  Bernerio  was  entrusted  in  1593  with  the  arrangement 
of  the  Archives  of  the  Inquisition  ;    see  Pastor,  Dekrete,  52. 

*  These  constitutions  in  Diana,  V.,  546  se.q.,  574,  and  in  Bull., 
X.,  750  seq.,  XL,  i  seq. 

*  See  Bull.,  X.,  279  seq.  Cf.  Stieve,  V.,  310  ;  Battistella, 
II  S.  Offizio  in  Bologna,  B.  1905,  138.  The  *opinion  of  an  Augus- 
tinian  concerning  this  bull  of  Clement  VIII.,  which  was  renewed 
and  amplified  by  Gregory  XV.,  in  Cod.  Capponi,  III.,  19,  National 
Library,  Florence. 

*  Besides  the  Lettres  d'Ossat,  L,  153,  cj.  the  *Avvisi  of  May  17 
and  20,  1595,  Urb.  1063,  Vatican  Library,  and  *Diarium  P. 
Alaleonis,  May  16,  1595  :  "  In  Minerva  abiuratio  12  in  s.  Officio 
detentorum,  unus  relapsus  obstinatus  et  imago  Jo*^  Lopez,  qui 
curiae  saeculari  traditi."     Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library. 

202  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

carrying  the  Blessed  Sacrament  in  a  procession  leaving  the 
church  of  S.  Agata  a  Monte  Magnanapoli,  so  that  the  Most 
Holy  fell  to  the  ground.  He  expiated  his  crime  at  the  stake. 
It  was  thought  that  this  was  a  case  of  a  spy  of  Queen 
Elizabeth.^  There  were  also  other  executions,  thus  five 
more  in  1595,  seven  in  1596  and  one  in  1597.^  A  heretic  who 
maintained  his  erroneous  doctrines  dressed  as  a  Capuchin, 
was  executed  in  September  1599.^  There  were  several 
imprisonments  of  heretics  in  the  following  years,'*  and  six 
condemnations  to  death. ^  One  of  the  latter  was  the  case 
of  a  Neapolitan,  who  was  also  a  treasure-seeker.®  Another 
native  of  southern  Italy  was  the  philosopher,  Giordano 

The  life  of  this  unhappy  man  seems  like  that  of  a  restless 
adventurer.'     Born   at   Nola  near   Naples   in   1548   of  poor 

1  See  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  153  f^eq.,  the  report  in  N.  Antologia, 
XXXIV.,  (1877),  298,  and  the  *Avvisi  of  June  17  and  21,  1595, 
Urb.  1063,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  RoDOCANACHi,  Reforme,  II.,  433  seqq.  For  G.  F.  Barro, 
arrested  by  the  Inquisition  in  1595,  cf.  Tiraboschi,  VIII., 
134  seq.  ;    Mazzuchelli,  II.,  3,  1790  scq. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  September  14,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  Vatican 
Library.  According  to  Rouocan.^chi  iloc.  ciL,  433)  there  were 
two  other  heretics  executed  in  November,  1599. 

*  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  February  23,  1600  (yesterday  a  heretic  was 
arrested  at  S.  Marcello)  ;  July  21,  1601  (on  Sunday  at  the 
Inquisition,  the  abjuration  of  a  German  Jesuit,  who  denies  the 
Trinity  ;  condemned  to  imprisonment  for  life  ;  Bosso  da  Bassi, 
to  five  years  in  the  galleys,  because  he  invokes  the  devil,  and 
practises  treasure-seeking)  ;  November  6,  1604  (abjuration  of  an 
Apulian  priest,  who  had  preached  errors  at  S.  Eustachio),  Urb. 
1069,  1070,  1072,  Vatican  Library.  Cf.  in  App.  n,  16,  the 
♦List  of  the  prisoners  of  the  Holy  Office  on  April  5,  1599,  Borguese 
Archives,  Rome. 

^  Cf.  in  App.  n.  16,  extract  from  the  *Diarto,  from  the  Papal 
Secret  Archives. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  July  9,  1603,  Urb.  1071,  Vatican  Library. 

'  Cj.  the  special  works  by  Chr.  Bartholomees  (2  vols.,  Paris, 
1846-47),   M.  Carriere   (Philos.  Weltanschauung  der  Reforma-. 


parents,  but  a  man  of  extraordinary  intellect,  he  resolved 
as  a  youth  to  enter  a  religious  Order.  He  changed  the  name 
of  Philip,  which  he  had  received  at  baptism,  to  that 
of  Giordano  when  at  the  age  of  seventeen  he  entered  the 
celebrated  Dominican  convent  at  Naples.^  This  convent, 
in  which  at  one  time  Thomas  Aquinas  had  lived,  was  at  that 
time  in  a  very  decadent  state. ^  The  young  religious,  who 
had  a  lively  imagination  and  a  restless  spirit,  studied  indis- 

tionszeit,  Leipzig,  1847^  1887),  F.  J.  Clemens  (G.  Bruno  e  Nic.  di 
Cusa,  Bonn,  1847),  D.  Berti  (Florence,  18(38,  Turin,  i88y), 
Chr.  Sigwart  {Tiibingen,  1880),  H.  Brunn'ho^-er  (Leipzig,  1882), 
L.  Pkeviti  (Prato,  1887),  J.  Fhith  (London,  1887),  RiEtn, 
(Leipzig,  1889^  1900),  L.  Kuhienbeck  (Leipzig,  1890),  Tocco 
(in  AUi  dei  Lincei,  1892),  V.  Spampanato  (G.  B.  e  Nola,  Castro- 
villari,  1899  ;  eoncerning  his  country  and  family),  Tocco  (Nuovi 
docum.  Rome,  1902),  Lewis  MacLn'tyue  (London,  1903).  ^''^• 
Gentile  (Milan,  1907),  Boulting  (London,  191O).  The  writings 
of  G.  Bruno  are  edited  by  Paul  de  Lagarue,  2  vols.,  1888-89  ; 
Opera  latine  conscripta  ed.  Fiorentino,  Imbriani,  Tallarigo, 
Tocco  et  Vitelli,  Naples  and  Florence,  1879,  1891  ;  Opera  ital. 
p.p.  G.  Gentile,  L  and  IL,  Bari,  1907  1908  ;  Opera  ined.  ed. 
Tocco,  Florence.  1891.  German  translation  by  Lasson  in 
Kirchyyianns  Philus.  BiblJ,  Berlin,  1889,  and  by  L.  Kuhlenbeck, 
6  vols.,  Jena,  IQU4  seq.  ;  of  the  ditlerent  phases  in  the  development 
of  the  philosophy  of  Bruno,  we  have  the  best  account  in  Tocco  : 
Le  opere  lat.  di  G.  B.  esposte  e  confrontate  con  le  ital.,  Florence, 
1889.  Cf.  also  R.  Charbonnel,  La  pensee  ital.  et  le  courant 
libertin,  and  L'ethic^ue  de  G.B.  et  le  deuxieme  dialogue  du 
Spaccio,  both  Paris,  191 9.  A  full  biography  of  Bruno,  based  on 
the  plentiful  archival  materials  was  written  by  V.  Spampanato  : 
Vita  di  G.B.,  con  docum.  editi  ed  inediti  (Messina,  19-1)  which 
also  at  last  throws  light  upon  Bruno's  youth.  Cf.  also  Olschi  in 
Deutsche  Vierkljahrschr.  /.  Literaturwissensch.  u.  Geistegesch.,  IL 
(Halle,  1924),  1-79.  For  G.  Bruno  see  also  Zabughin,  Storia 
del  Rinascimento  cristiano  in  Italia,  Milan,  1924,  350  seq.  ; 
S.  Caramella,  G.  Bruno  a  Geneva  e  in  Liguria,  in  Giorn.  stor.  d. 
Liguria,  I.,  i   (1925). 

*  On    June    15,    1565  ;     profession    on    June    16,    1566  ;     see 
Spampan.\'io,  Vita,  606,  608. 

*  See  ibid.  136  seqq. 

204  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

criminately  the  philosophers  of  antiquity,  the  Middle  Ages 
and  the  Renaissance.  In  so  doing  he  formed  a  profound 
aversion  for  Aristotle  and  scholasticism,  and  drifted  away 
from  God  and  the  Christian  religion.  He  began  to  feel  doubts 
about  the  doctrine  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  as  well  as  about  the 
divinity  of  Christ.  In  spite  of  this  in  1572  he  was  ordained 
priest  and  exercised  the  priestly  office  in  various  places. 
But  his  attitude  of  mind  endured,  and  as  he  did  not  conceal 
his  heretical  opinions,  he  was  threatened  with  a  trial  before 
the  Inquisition,  which  he  avoided  by  taking  to  flight  in 
February  1576.^ 

Giordano  Bruno  then  completely  burned  his  bridges  behind 
him,  and  began  a  life  of  wandering,  which  in  three  lustrums 
took  him  half  over  Europe.  After  having  travelled  through 
north  Italy,  he  went  to  Geneva,  where  he  passed  over  to 
Calvinism, 2  so  as  to  be  able  to  enter  the  university.  Punished 
by  imprisonment  in  1579  for  having  published  a  defamatory 
libel  against  a  professor  of  Geneva,  Bruno,  whose  nature  was 
as  impulsive  as  it  was  presumptuous,  left  the  head-quarters 
of  Calvinism,  against  which  he  thenceforward  displayed  an 
even  greater  hatred  than  that  which  he  had  shown  for  the 
Catholic  Church.  He  went  by  way  of  Lyons  to  Toulouse, 
where  he  succeeded  in  obtaining  a  chair  at  the  university. 
In  his  lectures  on  philosophy  he  especially  attacked  Aristotle, 
whom  he  later  on  called  the  most  stupid  of  all  the  philosophers, 
whose  soul  after  his  death  had  passed  into  the  body  of  an  ass  ! 
After  two  years  teaching,  in  1581  the  restless  professor  turned 
his  steps  towards  Paris,  where  he  devoted  himself  principally 
to  the  art  of  mnemonics.  In  this  way  he  attracted  the 
attention  of  Henry  III.,  who  conferred  a  special  chair  upon 
him.  Bruno  thanked  him  by  the  dedication,  filled  with 
adulation,  of  his  work  concerning  the  "  shadows  of  ideas," 

1  See  ibid.  255  seq. 

**  Later  on  before  the  Inquisition  at  Venice  G.  Bruno  denied  his 
apostasy  ;  but  the  documents  published  by  Dufour  (G.  Bruno  a 
Geneve,  1579,  Docum.  inedits,  Genoa,  1884)  show  that  he  lied. 
Cf.  FiORENTiNo,  G,  Bruno,  in  Napoli  lett.,  I,  (1884),  n.  32. 


in  which  could  already  be  seen  the  fundamental  signs  of  his 
pantheistic  philosophy.  As  well  as  shorter  dissertations, 
Bruno  also  published  at  that  time  (1582)  a  comedy  "  II 
Candelaio  "  which  proves  how  the  loss  of  faith  had  also 
brought  about  his  moral  shipwreck.  The  work  is  full  of 
indecencies  ;  according  to  competent  judges,  it  surpasses 
in  its  obscenities  the  most  infamous  productions  of  the 

As  early  as  1583  Bruno  left  France,  which  was  in  a  state  of 
ferment,  and  went  to  live  in  London,  where  he  passed,  accord- 
ing to  his  own  statement,  the  happiest  hours  of  his  life  in  the 
house  of  the  French  ambassador,  Michel  Castelnau  de 
Mauvissiere.  Mauvissiere  brought  him  into  contact  with 
many  illustrious  persons,"  and  he  was  even  presented  to  Queen 
Elizabeth,  of  whom  he  sang  as  "  a  goddess  upon  earth."  He 
bestowed  similar  adulation  upon  her  courtiers  and  counsellors. 
This  however  did  not  prevent  him  later  on  from  reviling  the 
English  as  uncouth,  savage  and  rustic.  He  wrote  thus  : 
"  If  an  Englishman  sees  a  stranger  he  becomes  like  a  wolf 
or  a  bear,  and  stares  at  him  as  furiously  as  a  hog  who  sees 
someone  taking  away  his  trough  from  him." 

During  his  sojourn  in  England  there  appeared  Bruno's 
most  important  works  in  Italian  :  "La  cena  delle  ceneri  "  ; 
"  Lo  spaccio  della  bestia  trionfante  "  ;  and  "  Dell'infinito, 
universo  e  mondi."  "  La  cena  delle  ceneri  "  contains  in  the 
form  of  a  dialogue  a  popular  instruction  concerning  the  new 
system  of  the  universe  according  to  Copernicus,  of  which 
Bruno  was  an  enthusiastic  supporter,  and  together  with  this 

^  Cf.  A.  Bacelli,  II  candelaio  di  G.  Bruno,  Rome,  1901,  and 
the  preface  by  Spampanato  to  the  Opere  ital.,  IIL,  Bari,  1909. 

-  It  is  very  uncertain  whether  Bruno  knew  Shakespeare  person- 
ally. The  influence  of  Bruno  on  the  great  dramatist,  which  is 
maintained  by  Tschischwitz  (Shakespeare-Forschungen,  Halle, 
1868)  and  by  W.  Konig  (in  Shakespeare-Jahrbuch,  XL,  79  seq.) 
is  convincingly  denied  by  R.  Beyersdorff  (G.  Bruno  u.  Shakes- 
peare, Oldenburg,  1889).  For  the  harmful  influence  of  Bruno  on 
the  English  at  that  time,  as  against  positive  religion,  see  the 
article  by  Stone  in  The  Month,  L.  81. 

206  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

there  are  rabid  invectives  against  his  adversaries,  whom  he 
describes  as  "  Mad,  demented,  beasts  and  sows,"  and  especially 
against  the  University  of  Oxford,  which  is  called  a  "  con- 
stellation of  the  ignorant,  pedantic  and  obstinate,  and  a  mass 
of  donkey  and  swine."  In  his  work,  "  Lo  spaccio  della  bestia 
trionfante  "  astronomy  is  only  quite  a  secondary  matter  ; 
polemics  and  satire  hold  the  first  place.  Even  worse  than  the 
obscenities  in  which  Bruno  takes  delight  here  as  well,  are  the 
scandalous  blasphemies  which  he  permits  himself  to  utter. 
This  incendiary  work,  disgraceful  in  its  title,  was  regarded  by 
contemporaries  as  being  directed  against  the  Pope,  but 
an3^one  who  studies  it  more  attentively  will  see  that  Bruno's 
attacks  are  not  only  directed  against  the  doctrines  of  the 
Catholic  Church,  but  also  against  those  taught  by  Luther 
and  Calvin.  Logically  enough,  the  pantheistic  philosopher 
of  Nola  did  not  break  only  with  the  Catholic  Church,  but  also 
with  positive  Christianity  in  general,  pouring  out  against  its 
doctrines  such  a  mass  of  hatred  that  it  would  be  difficult 
to  go   further.^     Moreover,   Bruno   entertained   so   deep  an 

^  Bruno,  in  the  opinion  of  one  of  his  admirers,  Arthur  Drews, 
broke  at  first  with  the  Church  and  Christianity  with  full  know- 
ledge, and  opposed  both  of  them  with  marked  hostility.  Especially 
in  the  "  Spaccio  della  bestia  trionfante,"  he  has  poured  forth 
such  venomous  scorn  upon  Christian  dogmas,  that  it  would  be 
impossible  to  go  further.  Bruno  did  not  believe  in  the  divinity 
of  Christ.  He  only  looked  upon  Him  as  the  noblest  of  men,  and 
classes  Him  with  Pythagoras,  Socrates,  Plato  and  other  wise  men. 
But  since  the  essence  of  Christianity  lies  in  faith  in  the  God-Man, 
he  could  not  call  himself  a  Christian,  and  was  sincere  enough  to 
say  so  openly,  seeing  more  clearly  in  this  matter  than  many  do 
to-day.  As  well  as  Catholicism,  he  also  condemns  Protestantism, 
and  looks  upon  the  doctrine  of  justification  by  faith  as  absurd. 
[Beilage  zur  Alg.  Zeitung,  1900,  n.  40).  Erdmann  had  already  in 
his  Gesch.  dev  Philoiophie  given  the  opinion  :  That  the  original 
part  of  Bruno's  action  was  that  he  had  "  broken  with  the  Catholic 
Church  and  with  all  Christianity.  He  professes  to  do  so,  and  is 
the  first  to  put  himself  entirely  outside  Christianity.  .  .  .  He 
himself  knows  that  his  doctrine  is  pagan."  In  accordance  with 
this   is    Bruno's    defence    of    prostitution,    and    his    demand    for 


aversion  for  the  Jews  that  he  showed  it  in  almost  aU  his  works 
by  biting  expressions.^  Thus  in  his  blasphemous  satire  on 
Christianity  and  its  Divine  Founder,  who  figures  under  the 
title  "  Ass  of  Cyllene,"  he  says  that  the  Jews  have  always 
been  "  a  despicable,  slavish,  self-interested  and  misanthropic 
people,  repulsive  to  all  other  races,  and  very  properly  spurned 
by  them. "2 

When  Mauvissiere  was  recalled  from  his  post  in  London  in 
1585,  Giordano  accompanied   him  to  Paris,  where  he  again 

polygamy  ;  see  Sigwart  in  Gott.  Gel.  Anz.,  1883,  II.,  836  seq. 
This  same  scholar  says  that  the  collection  of  sneers  against 
Christian  dogmas  made  by  Brunnhofer  (226  seq.)  is  the  best 
proof  of  the  truth  of  the  accusations  brought  against  Bruno  by 
the  Venetia.n  Inquisition. 

^  The  German  translator  L.  Kuhlenbeck,  who  on  this  point  is 
of  the  same  opinion  as  Bruno,  brings  this  out  in  his  comments 
with  special  dehght  (v.,  289).  Cf.  also  Brunnhofer,  219  seq. 
Tlie  freemasons  and  free-thinkers,  to  a  great  extent  Jews,  who 
exulted  at  the  erection  of  the  monument  to  Giordano  Bruno  in 
Rome  in  1889,  and  hailed  Bruno  as  the  representative  of  liberty, 
equality  and  fraternity,  knew  nothing  of  the  dislike  and  hatred 
which  their  hero  felt  for  the  whole  of  their  race.  The  leader  of 
political  radicalism  in  Italy,  the  Jew  Barzilai,  seems  to  have  been 
better  informed  when,  on  February  17,  1910,  at  the  inauguration 
of  the  site  of  the  club  for  Roman  free-thinkers  facing  the  Vatican 
(pulled  down  in  1925),  which  bore  the  name  of  Giordano  Bruno, 
confessed  that  for  anti-clerical  democracy  the  name  of  Giordano 
Bruno  was  only  a  battle-cry,  and  that  his  other  views  had  not 
been  taken  into  consideration.  In  like  manner  the  Protestant 
professor  Van  der  Wyck,  in  the  periodical  De  Gids,  1890,  342, 
was  of  the  opinion  that  the  monument  in  Rome  to  Giordano 
Bruno  had  not  been  erected  on  account  of  his  learning,  but 
because  the  philosopher  despised  Christianity  :  "  Het  monument 
will  een  kaakslag  aan  het  pausdom  zijn."  Cf.  also  Z.\bughin, 
who  says  {loc.  cit.)  :  "  Nessuno  al  mondo  su  meno  '  libero 
pensatore  '  di  quest'uomo  [G.  Brunoj  che  I'inhnita  beozia  dei 
politicanti  innalzo  a  simbolo  sovrano  del  cosi  detto  libero 

2  See  Wyck,  lou.  cit. 

208  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

indulged  in  attacks  upon  Aristotle.^  The  restless  man  then 
went  to  Germany,  and  tried  his  fortune  in  no  fewer  than  eight 
German  cities,  without,  however,  finding  rest  in  any  of  them. 
At  Marburg  he  was  refused  permission  to  deliver  public 
lectures,  which  annoyed  the  philosopher  so  much  that  he 
openly  insulted  the  rector  of  the  university  in  his  own  house. 
At  Halberstadt  he  aroused  such  scandal  by  his  attitude  of 
opposition  to  all  positive  religion,  that  the  superintendent- 
general  Mebes  warned  people  from  the  pulpit  to  avoid  all 
contact  with  "  this  wolf  and  assassin  of  souls. '"^  From 
Wittemberg,  where  he  extolled  Luther  as  the  new  Hercules, 
and  where  his  attacks  upon  the  Roman  "  wolf,"  gave  much 
pleasure,  he  was  driven  out  by  the  Calvinists  in  1588.  At 
Frankfort  on  Maine  Bruno  supervised  in  1591  the  printing  of 
three  didactic  Latin  poems,  which  are  of  importance  for  his 
philosophical  opinions  ;  in  the  same  3^ear  he  accepted  the 
invitation  to  go  to  Venice  extended  to  him  by  Giovanni 
Mocenigo,  who  was  on  terms  of  close  friendship  with  his 
publisher.  Mocenigo  wished  to  learn  from  Bruno  the 
mnemonic  art,  and  how  to  read  thoughts,  which  had  already 
been  put  forward  by  Raimondo  Lullj  in  the  thirteenth  century, 
and  to  the  perfecting  of  which  Bruno  had  devoted  himself 
all  through  his  life.  But  now,  whether  because  the  Venetian 
gentleman  thought  himself  deceived  in  this  matter  by  Bruno, 
or  because  he  felt  remorse  for  having  given  hospitality  to  a 
heretic,  or  because  the  too  great  interest  taken  in  his  beautiful 
wife  by  the  philosopher  aroused  his  jealousy,^  it  is  certainly 

i  See  the  new  information  given  by  Auvray,  G.  Bruno  a  Paris, 
Paris,  1 90 1.  Cf.  Tocco  in  N.  Anlologia,  XXXVII.  (1902), 

2  See  what  is  said  by  Fr.  Koldewey  {Braunschw.  Magazin, 
"Wolfenbiittel,  1897)  concerning  the  earlier  biographies. 

*  Fr.  Albanese  (L'Inquisizione  religiosa  nella  repubblica  di 
Venezia,  con  docum.  orig.,  Venice,  1875)  endeavours  to  make  this 
last  view  credible  ;  he  connects  with  it  the  circumstance  that  the 
document  of  accusation  against  Bruno  contained  among  other 
charges  "  that  he  had  taken  great  pleasure  in  women,  as  he  did 
not  consider  it  a  sin  to  follow  the  impulses  of  nature." 


the  fact  that  m  May  1592  the  disciple  made  over  his  master 
into  the  hands  of  the  Venetian  Inquisition. 

The  view  that  Giordano  Bruno  presented  himself  before 
the  Venetian  Inquisition  as  the  bold  champion  of  his  doctrines, 
and  that  the  tribunal  listened  quietly  to  his  philosophical 
explanations,  became  obviously  untenable  once  the  acta  of 
his  trial  became  known. ^  From  these  it  is  clear  beyond  all 
possibility  of  doubt  that  the  philosopher  of  Nola  cut  but  a 
sorry  figure.  In  open  contradiction  to  his  own  writings, 
and  his  previous  discourses,  he  showed  himself  ready  to  abjure 
anything  that  was  asked  of  him.  "  I  reject,"  so  he  declared, 
"  I  detest  and  deplore  all  errors  and  all  heresies,  as  well  as 
every  doubt  of  the  doctrines  of  the  Catholic  Church."  He 
begged  that  he  might  be  "  pardoned  for  his  weakness,  and 
be  received  into  the  bosom  of  the  holy  Church,  and  that  he 
might  be  treated  with  leniency."  When  he  was  brought 
before  the  tribunal  a  second  time,  after  a  longer  interval,  he 
made  the  same  declaration,  adding  that  he  had  already  sought 
for  reconciliation  with  the  Church  from  the  nuncio  in  Paris, 
and  from  a  Jesuit  ;  he  begged  to  be  readmitted  to  her  bosom, 
but  to  be  allowed  to  live  a  life  of  study  outside  his  convent  ; 
he  condemned  and  deplored  all  the  harm  that  he  had  done, 
and  all  the  errors  that  he  had  thought  and  taught,  and 
promised  henceforward  to  lead  a  life  "  which  would  repair  the 
scandal  which  he  had  hitherto  given,  and  serve  as  an  example 
and  edification  to  everyone." 

A  report  of  the  process  at  Venice  was  sent  to  the  Roman 

^  Published  for  the  first  time  by  Berti  in  1868  in  his  Vita  di  G. 
Bruno  ;  later  emended  copies  printed  in  Berti,  Docum.  intorno 
a  G.B,,  Rome,  1880,  and  in  Previti,  305  seqq.  ;  German  trans- 
lation in  KuHLENBECK,  VI.,  145  scqq.  The  best  text  is  now  to  be 
found  in  Spampanato,  687  seqq.  Broscu  too,  in  Hist.  Zeitsc/w., 
LX.,  187  seq.  pronounced  against  the  attempt  of  Tocco  to  justify 
the  attitude  of  Bruno  before  the  Venetian  Inquisition.  How 
damning  the  Acta  were  for  the  philosopher  is  above  all  clear 
from  the  fact  that  Fiorentino  thought  of  falsifying  them. 
SiGWARi  {/oc.  cit.)  shows  how  eironeous  are  the  statements  of 
Brunnhofer  concerning  the  trial  by  the  Venetian  Inquisition. 

VOL.   XXIV.  14 

210  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Inquisition,  which,  by  means  of  Cardinal  Santori,  asked  on 
September  I2th,  1592,  that  Bruno  might  be  handed  over  to  it. 
At  first  the  government  in  Venice  was  unwilUng  to  grant  this 
request,  but  the  nuncio  in  Venice,  Lodovico  Taverna,  pointed 
out  that  Bruno  was  not  a  subject  of  the  Repubhc,  but  a 
Neapolitan,  that  he  had  already  in  the  past  been  summoned 
to  appear  in  Rome,  that  he  was  an  escaped  monk  and  an 
arch-heretic  ;  in  such  cases  it  had  often  happened  that  guilty 
persons  were  handed  over  to  the  supreme  tribunal  in  Rome. 
The  Great  Council  then  sought  the  legal  advice  of  its  pro- 
curator Contarini.  The  latter  replied  that  Bruno  certainly 
possessed  rare  intellectual  gifts,  but  that  he  was  also  accused 
of  the  most  atrocious  heresies  ;  since  he  was  a  foreigner, 
and  as  processes  against  him  had  already  been  commenced 
in  Naples  and  Rome,  it  was  possible  to  yield  to  the  Pope's 
request  and  hand  Bruno  over. 

Thus  in  1593  Bruno  was  taken  to  Rome.  In  the  absence 
of  the  acta  of  the  process,  we  have  but  very  insufficient 
information  as  to  his  conduct  there  during  the  six  years  of  his 
imprisonment.  1     On  February  27th,  1593,  the  case  of  Bruno 

^  A  desire  has  been  expressed  in  many  quarters  that  the  Roman 
Inquisition  would  make  up  its  mind  to  render  the  acta  of  the 
Roman  process  accessible  for  historical  research.  Recentl}'^  even 
Kuhlenbeck,  who  is  otherwise  an  enthusiastic  supporter  of 
Bruno,  has  expressed  himself  in  this  sense  when  he  says  (VI., 
295  seq.)  that  :  "  by  so  doing  the  only  ones  who  would  suffer 
would  be  the  demonstrators  at  the  monument  of  Bruno,  who 
make  this  man  of  Nola  their  saint,  without  in  any  way  having 
felt  the  breath  of  his  spirit."  It  has  escaped  the  notice  of 
Kuhlenbeck  that  G.  Guttler  relates  in  1893  i^^  Archiv.  f.  Gesch. 
det  Pliilos.,  VI.,  344  seq.  that  Pope  Leo  XIII.,  that  enthusiast  for 
historical  truth,  was  prepared  as  early  as  1882  to  throw  open  the 
documents  relating  to  Bruno,  if  they  could  be  found  in  the 
archives  of  the  Roman  Inquisition.  "  The  result,  however,  of 
the  most  careful  research  was  that  in  those  archives  nothing 
could  be  found  on  the  subject  ;  since,  owing  to  upsets  and  revolu- 
tions, these  archives  have  undergone  many  vicissitudes,  it  is  not 
even  now  possible  to  say  whether  these  acta  are  still  preserved. 


was  discussed  by  the  Inquisition.^  But  it  is  only  for  the  end 
of  1599  and  the  beginning  of  1600  that  we  have  a  few  short 
protocols,^  from  which  in  each  case  it  only  appears  that  Bruno 
asserted  again  and  again  that  he  "  had  never  set  forth  heretical 
opinions,  and  that  the  doctrines  which  were  held  by  the 
members  of  the  Inquisition  to  be  heretical,  had  only  been 
misinlerpreted."  If  these  attempts  of  the  philosopher  to 
escape  the  terrible  penalties  which  threatened  him  are 
humanly  speaking  easy  to  understand,  they  do  not  show  the 
smallest  shadow  of  the  courage  of  his  opinions.  Even  his 
bold  and  haughty  words  at  the  last,  when  all  hope  of  pardon 
had  vanished  :  "  You  are  perhaps  pronouncing  sentence  upon 
me  with  a  greater  sense  of  fear  than  I  have  in  hearing  it," 
do  not  prove  much  in  the  light  of  his  earlier  conduct,  and  all 
the  more  so  as  they  are  only  confirmed  by  a  single  witness 
who  is  not  over  worthy  of  belief,  Caspar  Schopp.^ 

or  whither  they  may  have  gone  in  the  end."  Encouraged  by  this 
information,  dated  October  7,  1882,  Guttler  went  to  Rome, 
where  the  archivist  and  commissary  of  the  Inquisition  very 
courteously  made  repeated  new  search,  which  however,  like  the 
researches  of  Giittler  in  the  Papal  Secret  Archives  and  other 
libraries  of  Rome,  were  without  result.  Cardinal  Rampolla  too, 
at  that  time  Secretary  of  the  Inquisition,  has  assured  me  that  in 
the  Archives  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  nothing  was  found  which 
had  not  already  been  published  by  Berti  in  1868  and  by  Martinori 
in  1880. 

^  C/.  in  App.  n.  16,  the  *hst  of  the  prisoners  of  the  Holy 
Office,  Borghese  Archives,  Rome. 

2  These  extracts  from  the  Archives  of  the  Roman  Inquisition, 
made  by  an  Italian  scholar  during  the  revolution  of  1849,  were 
first  printed  in  Documenti  by  Berti  ;  more  recently  in 
Spampanato,  771  seqq.  Ibid.  780  seqq.  the  "  Sentence  "  of  the 
Inquisition  on  Bruno.  For  Bellarmine  and  the  process  against 
Bruno  see  the  periodical  Gregorianum,  IV.  (1923),  193  seqq.  Cf. 
Carusi,  Nuovi  documenti  sul  processo  di  G.  Bruno  in  the  Giorn. 
crit.  d.  filosofia  iial.,  VI.  (1925),  121-130,  where  there  is  also  the 
text  of  the  final  judgment  of  the  Inquisition  on  Bruno  of  February 
8,  1600. 

*  Isabella  Oppenheim  has  given  in  her  English  biography  of 

212  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

After  Bruno  had  been  handed  over  on  February  9th,  1600, 
to  the  secular  arm  for  punishment,  as  an  obstinate  heretic 
and  apostate,  he  was  still  given  another  eight  daj^s  to  recant 
his  heresies,^  which  were  directed  against  the  fundamental 
dogmas  of  Christianity.  But  the  theologians  who  were  sent 
to  him,  as  well  as  the  members  of  the  Confraternity  of 
S.  Giovanni  Decollato,  who  gave  the  condemned  man  spiritual 
assistance  in  his  last  hours,  laboured  in  vain.  On  February 
17th,  Giordano  Bruno,  impenitent  to  the  last,  suffered  death 
at  the  stake  in  the  Campo  di  Fiori.^ 

Bruno,  under  the  pseudonym  J.  Frith,  a  printed  and  revised  copy 
of  the  letter  of  G.  Schopp  (Scioppius)  to  Rittershaus,  based  on 
the  manuscript  at  Breslau. 

^  Bkosch  too  {Hist.  Zeitschr.,  LX.,  189)  who  is  so  great  an 
admirer  of  Bruno,  judges  that  the  philosopher  of  Nola  was  no 
longer  a  Christian.  Cf.  also  Renier  in  Giorn.  star.  d.  htl.  Ha]., 
L.,  ^27. 

2  See  besides  the  letter  of  G.  Schopp,  cited  supva,  above  all  the 
contemporary  *Avvisi  of  February  12,  16  and  19,  1600,  contanedi 
in  Urb.  1068  (Vatican  Library).  (Rodocanachi,  Reforme,  II., 
434  sen.  ;  Spampanato,  784).  In  spite  of  these  absolutely 
trustworthy  witnesses,  the  Frenchman  Desdouits  (La  legende 
tragique  de  J.  Bruno,  Paris,  1885)  tries  to  prove  that  the  death  of 
Bruno  at  the  stake  did  not  take  place  ;  that  the  sentence  was 
not  carried  out,  but  that  Bruno  was  kept  in  prison  for  the 
remainder  of  his  life.  This  strange  attempt  was  rightly  refuted 
by  E.  Naruucci  (G.  Bruno  e  la  legenda  tragica  del  Sig.  Desdouits, 
Rome,  1886)  and  by  the  Jesuit  Previti  {loc.  cil.).  Kl.  Baumker 
too  has  declared  against  Desdouits  in  his  valuable  dissertation  on 
Bruno,  published  in  Wis.^enschaftl.  Beilage  zur  Germania,  1900, 
Nr.  7.  In  this  he  brings  out  the  importance  of  Bruno  as  a 
naturalist  (he  is  not  a  naturalist  who  analyses,  but  one  who  uses 
his  imagination),  while  as  a  philosopher  he  estimates  him  fairly. 
Baumker  however  missed  the  important  work,  also  directed 
against  Desdouits,  bj^  A.  Pognisi  :  G.  Bruno  e  I'Archivio  di 
S.  Giovanni  Decollato,  Turin,  1891.  There,  p.  62  seq.,  we  find 
all  the  information  concerning  the  last  hours  of  Bruno,  in  the 
"  confrateria  di  ponte  S.  Angelo,"  which  were  in  those  archives, 
but  now  removed  to  the  State  Archives,  Rome,  and  which  remove 


Although  the  Venetian  government  had  handed  over 
Giordano  Bruno  to  the  Roman  Inquisition,  it  refused  to  do 
so  when  in  July  1593  the  latter  asked  the  same  thing  in  the 
case  of  the  Greek  Bishop  of  Cerigo,  Massimo  Marguni,  saying 
that  the  many  Greeks  who  lived  in  Venice  and  the  possessions 
of  the  Republic  in  the  Levant  had  never  been  the  subjects 
of  that  authority.  The  Venetian  government,  however, 
offered  to  order  the  rector  of  Padua  to  demand  the  writings 

all  doubt  concerning  the  carrying  out  of  the  sentence  (16-17 
February,  1600).  If  Kuhlenbeck  calls  the  death  of  Bruno  at 
the  stake  a  judicial  murder,  a  critic  has  remarked  in  the  Lit. 
Beilage  ziir  Koln.  Vo.'k>>zeifnng,  1904  n.  15,  that  "  from  the  legal 
point  of  view  this  act  was  no  more  a  judicial  murder  than  that  of 
having  hanged,  disembowelled  and  quartered  142  Catholic  priests 
in  the  course  of  twenty  years,  in  the  freest  country  in  the  world, 
and  under  the  auspices  of  an  enlightened  sovereign.  We  make 
this  comparison  because  the  author  does  not  fail  to  offer  incense 
to  the  era  of  Elizabeth,  and  to  British  society  which  courteously 
welcomed  this  unbalanced  guest,  and  showed  that  they  understood 
the  trend  of  his  ideas.  If  the  philosopher  of  Nola,  who,  according 
to  what  the  author  himself  says,  had  every  reason  to  be  on  his 
guard  against  the  Calvinists,  had  crossed  the  seas,  not  as  an 
apostate,  but  as  a  friar  who  had  remained  true  to  his  vows,  his 
tonsured  head  would  have  been  insulted  in  Ireland,  or  he  would 
have  had  to  lay  down  his  life  at  Tyburn  amid  tortures  such  as  are 
unheard  of  to-day  except  in  China.  Probably  in  Rome,  just  as  a 
generation  later  Galileo  did,  he  irritated  his  judges  exceedingly 
by  his  obstinate  and  contradictory  behaviour,  men  who  probably 
were  not  anxious  to  increase  the  difficulties  of  the  time  by  con- 
demning a  heretic  to  the  stake  ;  they  believed — and  perhaps 
equally  firmly  as  the  English  judges  under  the  Virgin  Queen — 
that  they  had  to  perform  a  painful  duty,  without  heeding  the 
consequences.  In  this  sense  we  may  interpret  the  words  of  the 
condemned  man  :  "  You  are  pronouncing  sentence  with  greater 
fear  than  I  feel  in  hearing  it."  Kuhlenbeck  says  (Vol.  I.,  p.  1 76) 
in  a  like  sense  :  "  Moreover  the  behaviour  of  the  Roman  Inquisi- 
tion, which  would  gladly  have  seen  Bruno  saved  by  a  recantation, 
does  not  approach  the  diabolical  cruelty  of  Calvin,  who  delighted 
in  assisting  in  person  as  a  spectator  at  the  death  of  Servetus  at 
the  stake." 

214  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  this  man,  and  to  inform  him  that  should  he  cause  scandal 
by  his  life  and  doctrines,  he  could  no  longer  be  allowed  to 
remain  in  Padua.  ^ 

In  the  same  year  Clement  VIII.  called  the  attention  of  the 
Venetian  ambassador  to  the  fact  that  the  English  were 
carrying  on  Calvinist  propaganda  in  the  city  of  the  lagoons. 
Paruta  maintained  that  at  that  moment  there  were  very  few 
Englishmen  living  in  Venice,  and  that  the  government  was 
zealously  watching  over  the  Catholic  character  of  the 
inhabitants.  Clement  VIII.  replied  that  he  v/as  quite  ready 
to  believe  this,  but  that  vigilance  against  the  Calvinists  could 
never  be  sufficient.^  Later  on  it  was  realized  only  too  clearly 
how  fully  justified  the  Pope's  exhortation  had  been.  As  a 
matter  of  fact  numerous  heretics  were  already  establishing 
themselves  there  on  various  pretexts.  Some  were  living  in 
the  palaces  of  the  ambassadors  of  England  and  Holland, 
others  were  employed  in  commerce,  and  not  a  few  were 
studying  at  Padua. ^  The  meetings  of  noble  Venetians  at 
the  house  of  the  Dutch  merchant  Gerard  Nis,  who  possessed 
many  heretical  books,   filled  Clement   VIII.   with  anxiety. 

^  See  Pakuta,  Dispacci,  I.,  256  seq.,  281  seq.,  291  seq. 

*  See  ibid.  265  ;  cf.  III.,  63  seq.,  concerning  the  dispute  with 
Venice  about  the  Inquisitor  of  Bergamo.  With  regard  to  the 
Inquisition  in  Venice  and  the  position  of  the  nuncio  see  in  App. 
n.  7,  the  *Instruction  for  A.  M.  Graziani,  March  30,  1596, 
Graziani  Archives,  Citta  di  Castello.  Here  belong  the  *acta  in 
Barb.  5195  and  5205,  Vatican  Library.  Cf.  also  Anal,  iuris 
pontif.,  XXVI.  (1886).  576  seq. 

^  *"  In  Venetia  et  altre  citta  del  suo  dominio  dimorano  heretici 
sotto  diverse  cause  e  pretesti.  Alcuni  vi  stanno  come  familiari  e 
servitori  degli  ambasciatori  d'lnghilterra  e  di  Olanda  ivi  resident! . 
Altri  vi  allogiano  come  soldati,  molti  vi  tengono  domicilio  con- 
tinue. Altri  vi  capitano  alia  giomata  per  ragione  di  traffico  e  di 
mercantia.  Alcuni  ve  ne  sono  di  passagio  e  non  pochi  per 
occasione  dello  studio  di  Padova  "  (Barb.  5195,  p.  83,  Vatican 
Library).  *Decrees  of  the  Roman  Inquisition  "  de  ultramontanis 
haereticis  praecique  Paduae  commorantibus  "  in  1595,  in  Barb, 
1369,  P-  159  seq.,  loc.  cit.     Cf.  Barb.  5195,  p.  56  seq. 

PAOLO    SARPI.  215 

There  the  Servite  friar,  Paolo  Sarpi,  whose  father  was  also  a 
merchant,  formed  an  acquaintance  for  the  first  time  with 
anti-Catholic  literature.  Clement  VIII.  was  already  well 
aware  how  dangerous  this  man  was,  and  when  Sarpi  was 
suggested  for  a  diocese  in  Dalmatia,  he  replied  that  friar  was 
deserving  of  punishment  rather  than  reward.  Sarpi  swore 
to  be  revenged.^  In  1604  a  Calvinist  preacher  had  the 
effrontery  to  preach  a  sermon  which  caused  great  scandal  in 
the  house  of  the  English  ambassador.^ 

With  the  exception  of  Venice  and  the  Waldenses  in  Pied- 
mont,^ Clement  VIII.  had  no  reason  to  fear  any  serious 
danger  to  the  preservation  of  unity  of  faith  in  any  part  of 
Italy. ^     This  happy  state  of  affairs,  which  was  also  of  value 

1  Nicoletti,  who  is  very  well  informed,  writes  in  his  *Vita 
d'Urbano  VIII.  :  "  Questo  [Sarpi"'  fix  gia  un  tempo  accusato  a 
Clemente  ottavo  di  esser  direttore  e  capo  di  un'accademia,  che  si 
faceva  in  Venetia  in  casa  di  Gherardo  Nis  mercatante  Olandese, 
di  setta  Calvinista,  e  che  teneva  una  numerosa  libreria  di  libri 
proibiti.  Frequentavano  questa  congrega  molti  nobili  Veneziani, 
che  si  credevano  poco  ben'affetti  alia  Santa  Sede  apostolica  ;  e 
correva  voce  che  non  havessero  sensi  buoni  e  sinceri  intorno 
airimmortalita  dell'anima  ragionevole.  Mentre  Clemente  andava 
pensando  di  trovar  qualche  modo  circospetto  per  disgregar  quella 
pratica,  fu  pregato  a  voler  promuovere  Fra  Paolo  ad  un  vescovado 
in  Dalmatia  ;  rispose  que]  saggio  Pontefice,  ch'egli  conosceva 
molto  bene  il  Irate,  e  che  meritava  piii  tosto  gastigo  che  premio. 
Alterato  da  questa  ripulsa  Fra  Paolo  penso  sempre  di  vendicarsene. 
Barb.  LII.,  7  p.  626  seq.,  Vatican  Library. 

2  See  the  *report  in  Cod.  Barb.  5195,  pp.  83-86,  Vatican  Library. 
^  See  Jalla,  La  riforma  in  Piemonte,  1 595-1 596,  in  Bull,  de  la 

Soc.  d'hist.  Vaifdoise,  1924.  In  the  *Decreta  s.  Inquisitionis  in 
Barb.  T369  (Vatican  Library)  mention  is  made  of  other  heretics  in 
Calabria  ;  p.  21  seq.  :  '  De  haereticis  in  terris  dioc.  Cusent. 
(1592,  1599,  1600). 

*  Cf.  Tacchi  Venturi,  I.,  85.  At  Vicenza,  where  there  had 
formerly  been  many  heretics,  in  1598  there  was  only  one  ;  see 
Secegni,  Le  lettere  a  Vicenza  a  tempo  della  reazione  cattolica, 
Vicenza,  1903,  17.  Clement  VIIL  asked  for  the  handing  over  of 
Giov.  Batt.  Angelotto,  a  native  of  Vicenza,  who  had  escaped  to 

2l6  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

for  the  preservation  of  national  unity,  was  due  not  only  to 
the  spread  of  the  Catholic  reform,  and  the  zealous  action  of 
the  Roman  Inquisition,  which  was  for  the  most  part 
supported  by  the  various  governments,^  but  also  to  the  vigil- 
ance of  the  Congregation  of  the  Index  of  prohibited  books, 
which  was  closely  connected  with  it.^  Sixtus  V.  had  died 
before  the  new  edition  of  the  Index  which  he  had  ordered 
had  been  completely  finished.^  At  the  meetings  of  the 
Congregation  of  the  Index  which  were  resumed  under 
Clement  VIII.  it  was  decided  to  suspend  that  work,  and  make 
a  new  list  of  prohibited  books.  When  this  was  finished  in 
1593,  it  was  found  that  Clement  VIII.  was  not  satisfied  with 
the  work,  against  which  objections  had  also  been  raised  br- 
others, especially  by  Baronius.  The  Venetian  ambassador 
Paruta  profited  by  this  circumstance,  as  the  Index  of  1593 
contained  in  an  appendix  a  prohibition  of  many  books  in 
Italian,  from  which  he  feared  grave  loss  to  the  booksellers' 
trade  in  his  native  city.  By  his  remonstrances  Paruta 
succeeded  in  persuading  Clement  VIII.  to  withdraw  the  Index 
of  1593,  and  to  order  the  Congregation  to  prepare  a  new  list.^ 

Laibach,  and  was  there  stirring  up  trouble  against  the  Church,  in 
*briefs  of  August  21,  1593,  to  the  Archduke  Matthias,  and  of 
September  19,  1593,  to  the  Archduke  Maximilian  ;  see  Arm.  44, 
t.  34,  p.  96  ;   t.  38,  p.  387,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

1  Cf.  the  *briefs  of  praise  to  Genoa,  March  16,  1596,  for  the 
punishment  of  two  heretics  (Arm.  44,  t.  40,  n.  95,  loc.  cit.).  By 
a  *brief  of  October  20,  1601,  Clement  VIII.  exhorted  the  Duke  of 
Savoy  to  take  action  against  the  heretics  in  the  valleys  of  the 
marquisate  of  Saluzzo,  the  governor  there  being  well  disposed 
{ibid.  t.  45,  n.  365).  Cf.  ibid.  t.  46,  n.  24  and  198,  the  *briefs  of 
thanks  to  the  duke  of  January  12  and  June  28,  1602,  for  having 
heeded  this  request.  See  also  Vier  Dokumente  aus  rorn.  Archiven, 
Leipzig,  1843,  93  seq.  For  the  mission  of  1602  to  the  heretics  of 
Saluzzo  see  Pelissier  in  Piccolo  Arch.  slor.  del  marchesato  di 
Saluzzo,  II.  (1903- 1 90 5). 

2  Cf.  Pastor,  Dekrete,  46,  47,  48,  49,  50,  55. 

3  See  HiLGERS,  12  seq.,  529,  where  the  view  of  Reusch  is  refuted. 
*  Cf.  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  296  seq.,  323,  332  seq.  ;    II.,   180, 

245    seq.,    488  ;      Hilgers,     13,    529    seq.,    531     seq.     See    also 


This  Index  obtained  the  approbation  of  Clement  VIII.  ;  it 
was  published  on  March  27th,  1596,  in  accordance  with  the 
instructions,  and  was  enforced  for  the  Curia  on  May  17th  by 
an  edict  of  the  Master  of  the  Sacred  Palace.^  On  the  sarrie  day 
is  dated  the  brief  printed  in  the  preface  to  the  Index,  which 
after  a  short  account  of  the  origin  of  the  new  Hst,  confirms  it 
under  threat  of  the  penalties  laid  down  in  the  past  by 
Pius  IV.,  and  grants  to  the  Congregation  of  the  Index  the 
power  to  pass  judgment  concerning  any  doubts  and  con- 
troversies that  might  arise. ^ 

The  Index  of  Clement  VIII.  differs  from  that  of  vSixtus  V., 
especially  by  the  absence  of  the  appendix  of  Italian  books. 
The  list  of  prohibited  books  agrees  in  its  contents  almost 

Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  211  ^eq.  Neither  Reusch  nor 
Ottino-Fumagalli  knew  of  the  Index  of  the  year  1593,  although 
copies  are  to  be  found  in  the  Vatican  and  Angelica  Libraries. 
Hilgers  was  the  first  to  draw  attention  to  these.  The  description 
in  Brosch  is  misleading  (I.,  305)  ;  he  wrongly  transfers  to  1595 
the  Index  that  was  definitively  approved. 

^  See  HiiiiERS,  536  seq.  The  statement  of  Reusch  (L,  533) 
that  the  Index  was  only  finished  in  the  latter  part  of  the  summer 
of  1596  is  irreconcilable  with  the  *Avviso  of  May  4,  1596,  which 
speaks  of  the  Index  as  already  published  (Urb.  1064,  I.,  Vatican 
Library)  and  with  the  *report  of  L.  Arrigoni  of  June  29,  1596 
(Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua)  in  App.  n.  8.  Cf.  also  Veress, 
Mon.  Vatic.  Hung.,  228,  and  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  222  xeq. 
For  its  carrying  into  efiect  in  Rome  see  Pastor  in  Hisi.  Jahrb., 
XXXIII. ,  537.  The  strange  prohibition  oJ  the  book  by  the 
Capuchin  Girolamo  a  Politio,  mentioned  by  Hilgers  (535  seq.) 
and  by  Baumgarten  (223)  is  also  noted  in  the  *acta  consist,  card 
S.  Severinae,  December  27,  1595  (Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871,  III., 
Vatican  Library).  Clement  '\TII.  issued  a  brief  against  the 
writings  of  Charles  Dumoulin  on  August  21,  1602  ;  see  Du 
Plessis  d'Argentke,  Collectio  iudiciorum,  Paris,  172  ^  seq., 
I.,  App.  xl..  III.,  2,  171. 

''See  Bull.,  X.,  53  seq.  Ibid.  230  icq.  a  bull  of  C)ctober  17, 
1596,  which  again  confirms  the  Index  and  once  more  confers  on 
the  Congregation  of  the  Index  the  power  of  passing  judgment 
upon  doubts  arising  therefrom. 

2l8  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

exactly  with  that  prepared  by  Sixtus  V.  ;  only  Bellarmine 
and  Francesco  a  Victoria  are  omitted  ;  otherwise  it 
contains  almost  all  the  writings  of  Catholic  authors,  which 
Sixtus  V.  had  already  declared  worthy  of  censure.  With 
regard  to  its  form  and  division,  Clement  VIII.  adhered  to  the 
so-called  Tridentine  Index  issued  under  Pius  IV.  with  its 
three  classes,  though  Clement  VIII.  added  to  each  class,  and 
even  to  each  letter,  a  considerable  number  b}^  way  of  appendix. 
The  Index  of  the  Aldobrandini  Pope  also  includes  unchanged 
the  ten  Tridentine  rules,  to  which  there  is  added  by  way  of 
appendix,  an  instruction  to  bishops,  inquisitors,  printers  and 
booksellers.^  As  this  instruction,  compared  with  that  drawn 
up  under  Sixtus  V.,  was  made  more  severe  in  certain  points, 
Venice  again  raised  opposition.  Clement  took  into  account 
the  energetic  remonstrances  of  the  Signoria  by  mitigating 
the  instructions  for  Venetian  territory.  ^  The  Index  of 
Clement  VIII.  was  accepted  without  any  objection  by  the 
other  Catholic  states,  and  later  on  its  observance  was  made 
more  strict  by  means  of  synods,  not  only  in  Italy,  but  also  in 
France,  Belgium  and  Germany.^ 

In  the  Index  of  Clement  VIII.  there  are  also  added  to  the 
ten  Tridentine  rules,  certain  modif3ang  decrees  concerning 
translations  of  the  Bible,  astrological  writings,  the  Talmud 

^  See  Reusch,  I.,  533  seq.,  560  seq. 

*  See  Parisi,  II.,  183  seq.  ;  Cecchetti,  II.,  257  seq.  ;  Reusch, 
I.,  546  seq. 

*  See  Reusch,  I.,  543-546.  L.  Arrigoni  wrote  on  October  5, 
1596,  that  the  new  Index  had  been  accepted  by  all  the  Italian 
states,  even  Venice,  and  begged  the  Duke  of  Mantua  to  do  the 
same  (Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua).  For  the  prohibition  of  books 
after  1596  see  Reusch,  I.,  552,  Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  318.  Cf. 
Cavazzuti,  Castelvetro,  35  seq.,  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde, 
230  5^^.  For  the  prohibition  of  all  the  books  of  the  Galilean, 
Charles  Dumoulin  see  Bull.,  X.,  858  ;  Reusch,  I.,  442,  605  ; 
Hilgers,  252.  Four  letters  from  Cardinal  San  tori  to  the 
Inquisitor  at  Florence,  which  show  that  these  proliibitions  of  the 
Roman  Inquisition  were  notified  to  the  booksellers,  who  had  to 
acknowledge  their  receipt,  in  BibUofrlo,  XI.  (1890),  49  se(^. 


and  other  Jewish  books. ^  There  is  also  printed  in  it  an  extract 
from  the  bull  of  February  28th,  1593,  which  prohibited  not 
only  the  Talmudic,  cabalistic  and  irreligious  books  already 
condemned  in  its  predecessors,  but  also  all  books  in  Hebrew 
or  any  other  language,  already  written  or  printed,  or  to  be 
written  or  printed  in  future,  which  contain  heresies  or  errors 
against  the  Holy  Scriptures,  insults  to  Catholic  doctrine,  to 
ecclesiastical  usages,  to  priests  or  neophytes,  or  indecent  tales. 
All  such  books,  it  was  enacted,  must  not  be  kept  or  propagated 
by  the  Jews,  not  even  under  the  pretext  that  they  were 
expurgated  (nor  even  provisionally  until  they  were  expur- 
gated) ;  moreover  the  pretext  must  not  be  put  forward  that 
these  works  under  a  different  title,  had  been  reprinted  with 
the  permission  of  some  member  of  the  Council  of  Trent,  or 
on  the  strength  of  a  decree  of  the  Index  of  Pius  IV.,  or  of  a 
Papal  indult,  or  by  the  permission  of  Cardinals,  legates, 
nuncios,  bishops,  inquisitors.  At  the  same  time  the  Pope 
revoked  all  concessions  made  by  his  predecessors  and  others, 
authorizing  the  retention  of  such  books  for  a  fixed  or  an 
indeterminate  period  ;  he  forbade  the  making  of  such  con- 
cessions, and  ordered  the  books  to  be  handed  over  in  Rome 
within  ten  daj-^s,  and  elsewhere  within  two  months,  and  that 
they  should  be  burned  immediately,  under  the  threat  of 
confiscation  of  goods,  and  under  even  more  severe  temporal 
penalties,  including,  in  the  case  of  Christians,  "  excommuni- 
catio  latae  sententiae."^  The  Roman  Inquisition  also  made 
other  decrees  in  the  same  sense  on  August  6th,  1592,  and 
May  loth,  1593,  and  ordered  their  carrying  out  by  the 
inquisitors  and  nuncios.^ 

The  action  taken  by  Clement  VIII.  against  the  books  of 

1  See  Reusch,  I.,  50.  333,  339,  534. 

^  See  Bull.,  X.,  25  seq.,  and  Dian.\,  V.,  572  seq.  (with  wrong 
date  1599  ;  cf.  *Avviso  of  April  7,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  Vatican 
Library).  Reusch  (I.,  49  seq.)  gives  the  bull  the  wrong  date  of 
1592,  as  does  A.  Berliner,  Zensur  u.  Konfiskation  hebr.  Biicher 
im  Kirchenstaate,  Frankfort  on  Maine,  1891,  7  seq. 

'  See  Pastor,  Dekrete,  50,  52,  Cf.  Albitius,  296,  298,  ^nd 
Reusch,  I.,  51. 

220  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  Jev/s,  which  they  strongly  resented,^  was  not  an  isolated 
administrative  act.  The  lenient  treatment  of  the  Jews  by 
Gregory  XIII.  and  Sixtus  V.^  had  led  to  grave  abuses  ;  above 
all  the  usury  which  they  practised  had  become  unbearable.^ 
Clement  VIII.  therefore  resolved  to  revert  to  the  severe 
measures  of  Paul  IV.  and  Pius  V.  On  February  25th,  1592, 
he  renewed  the  ordinances  of  those  Popes  which  had  limited 
Jewish  commerce  at  Avignon.*  In  the  summer  of  1592  the 
sermons  for  the  conversion  of  the  Jews  were  reintroduced,^ 
and  the  inscriptions  which  might  offend  the  Christians  were 
removed  from  the  Jewish  cemetery  near  Porta  Portese.^ 
Moreover  a  census  of  the  Jews  in  the  city  was  ordered,  and 
their  commerce  with  Christians  restricted  by  an  edict.'  As 
the  census  showed  that  there  were  3,500  Jews  in  Rome,  it  was 
supposed  that  strict  steps  would  be  taken  against  them.® 
Indeed,  on  February  25th,  1593,  the  strict  ordinances  of 
Paul  IV.  and  Pius  V.  were  renewed,  and  they  were  forbidden 
to  live  in  Papal  territory,  except  in  Rome,  Ancona  and 
Avignon."     On  May  25th,  1593,  their  usurious  dealings  were 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  April  7,  10  and  14,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  Vatican 
Library.     Cf.  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  342. 

2  Cf.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  311  ;   Vol.  XXL,  pp.  116,  197. 

*  Santori  wrote  a  special  dissertation  concerning  this  ;  see 
Barb.  lat.  4592,  p.  64b,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Bull.,  IX.,  523  seq. 

^  The  sermons  took  place  in  S.  Lorenzo  in  Damaso  ;  see  *Avviso 
of  July  29,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  IL,  Vatican  Library.  Cf.  Hist.-polit. 
BL,  LVIL,  515  seq. 

*  See  the  two  *Avvisi  of  August  i,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  IL,  Vatican 
Library.     Cf.  *Avviso  of  May  4,  1596,  LTrb.  1064,  I.,  ibid. 

'See  *Avvisi  of  August  i  and  19,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  IL,  ibid. 
Cf.  the  *report  of  L.  Arrigoni  of  June  29,  1596,  Gonzaga  Archives, 
Mantua.  A  prohibition  of  entering  the  synagogue,  March  13, 
1603,  in  Editli,  ^^,  10,  p.  53,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Descendants 
of  Jews  were  excluded  from  the  priesthood  in  Spain  and  Portugal  ; 
see  Bull.,  X.,  414  ;    Lammer,  Analecta,  56. 

^  See  *Avviso  of  August  i,  1592,  loc.  cit. 

'  Bull.,  X.,  22  seq.  Certain  facilities,  however,  were  granted 
to  the  Levantine  Jews  domiciled  at  Ancona  ;  cf.  Paruta,  Dispacci, 

CLEMENT   VIII.    AS    JURIST.  221 

repressed.^  This  great  strictness,  however,  did  not  prevent 
the  Pope  from  repeatedly  checking  by  means  of  decrees  any 
unjust  persecution  of  the  Jews." 

Throughout  his  pontificate  Clement  VIII.  showed  himself 
the  ardent  champion  of  ecclesiastical  jurisdiction.  The  strict 
ideas  on  this  matter  which  he  held  as  a  jurist,^  frequently 
brought  him  into  conflict  with  the  cesaropapalism  of  the  Kings 
of  Spain, ^  while  conflicts  with  Florence  and  Venice  became 
inevitable,^  on  account  of  the  views  of  the  governments  in 
those  places.  Clement  VIII.  loved  Venice,  and  valued  her 
as  a  counterweight  to  Spain, ^  but  the  way  in  which  the 
Republic  of  St.  Mark  put  before  everything  else  a  cold  calcu- 
lation of  her  own  advantage,  and  her  national  selfishness,  were 
bound  again  and  again  to  renew  his  annoyance.  His  com- 
plaints of  the  usurpations  of  episcopal  jurisdiction  by  the 

1.,  204  ;  (Brosch,  I.,  306,  gives  this  report  the  wroRg  date  of 
May  25  instead  of  15),  II.,  362.  See  also  Rodocanachi,  I.e 
St.  Siege  et  les  Juifs,  189  ;  Berliner,  II.,  24  sea.  ;  Blustein, 
Storia  degli  Ebrei  di  Roma,  Rome,  1921,  142  seqq.  Cf.  *Bandi, 
v.,  10,  p.  50  seqq.,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  For  the  Jews  at 
Ferrara  see  Frizzi,  V.,  90,  and  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  148,  n.  2. 
Cf.  Regesti  di  bandi  (see  title  infra,  Cap.  X,  367,  n.  i),  I.,  loy 

1  Bull.   X.,   269. 

2  The  first  *"  Bando  che  non  si  debbano  molestare  ne  dare 
fastidio  alii  Hebraei  "  bears  the  date  January  28,  1595.  Similar 
*bandi  were  again  issued  in  1596,  1599,  1603  and  1605  ;  see 
Bandi  V.,  10,  p.  128  seqq.,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  Rev. 
juive,  II.,  289  ;    Rodocanachi,  loc.  cil.,  189  seq. 

3  *"  £2  Papa  Clemente  fue  de  los  mas  zelosos  de  la  jurisdicion 
ecclesiastica  de  quantos  se  an  conocido  muchos  annos,"  say  the 
♦Instructions  for  the  Spanish  ambassador  "  duque  de  Aytona  " 
in  1605,  Archives  of  the  Spanish  Embassy,  Rome,  III.,  9. 

*  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  195  seqq. 

^  For  the  disputes  with  Florence  in  1599  concerning  the  usurpa- 
tions of  ecclesiastical  rights  by  the  government  there,  cf. 
MuTiNELLi,  II.,  66  seq. 

*  Cf.  Paruta,  Relazione,  435.  See  also  Dolfin,  Relazione, 

222  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Senate  sometimes  became  very  bitter  ;^  it  was  these  that 
made  the  situation  of  the  nuncios  in  the  city  of  the  lagoons 
so  difficult.^  To  these  were  also  added  many  disputes  of  a 
secular  character,  but  however  strained  relations  may  have 
become,  a  breach  was  always  avoided  ;^  this  was  not  to  be 
attributed  only  to  such  prudent  diplomatists  as  Paruta  and 
Dolfin,  but  also  to  the  Pope,  who  was  as  prudent  as  he  was 
peace-loving  in   character.'* 

A  year  and  a  half  had  elapsed  since  the  death  of  Sixtus  V. 
and  the  strange  and  complicated  position  into  which  the 
Sixtine  Bible  had  fallen  had  not  yet  been  cleared  up.  The 
Louvain  and  Paris  editions  of  the  book  of  books  could  be 
freely  republished,  and  in  the  time  of  Gregory  XIV.  care 
had  been  taken  not  to  interfere  with  their  further  diffusion 
by  any  express  prohibition,  even  after  the  definitive  Roman 
version  had  been  issued.  The  latter  edition  of  the  Vulgate, 
on  the  other  hand,  to  which  more  care  had  been  devoted  than 
to  any  other,  and  in  which  the  Pope  had  personally  taken 
part,  was  left  lying  in  the  vaults  of  the  Vatican  Press  like  a 
dangerous  book,  in  the  expectation  of  its  being  destroyed 

1  Cf.  e.g.  Paruta,  Dispacci,  II.,  ii8  seq.,  127  seq. 

i»See  Arch.  Veneto,  XXXVII.,  2  (1889),  273.  Cf.  *instructions 
of  the  nuncio  Graziani  in  1598  to  the  new  nuncio.  Cod.  1621, 
Corsini  Library,  Rome.  Some  passages  in  Lammer,  Zur  Kirchen- 
gesch,  123.  See  also  in  App.  n.  7,  the  *instructions  to  A.  M. 
Graziani  in  1596,  Graziani  Archives,  Citta  di  Castello. 

*  In  July  1595  he  threatened  the  withdrawal  of  the  nuncio  on 
account  of  a  violation  of  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Bishop  of  Ceneda  ; 
see  Arch.  star,  ita/.,  XII.,  xxix.  Many  *letters  concerning  this  in 
Nunziat.  di  Venezia,  XVII.,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  In  one 
♦letter  preserved  there  (p.  182)  from  Pietro  Levade  to  Cardinal 
Cinzio  Aldobrandini,  dated  Ceneda,  October  27,  1 601,  it  is  stated  : 
"  Delle  cose  di  questa  giurisditione  credo  V.S.  sia  avisata  da 
Msgr.  Nuntio  di  Venezia  andando  ella  ogni  giorno  di  mal  in 
peggio."  The  other  side  of  these  disputes,  naturally  from  the 
Venetian  point  of  view,  was  given  by  Paruta  and  Dolfin  in  their 
reports  cited  supra,  p.  221,  n.  6.  Cf.  also  Romanin,  VII., 
14  seqq. 

*  Cf.  Dolfin,  Relazione,  500. 


and  forbidden  by  the  Pope's  orders  from  being  presented  to 
the  public. 

For  the  new  Pope  it  became  one  of  his  most  pressing  tasks 
to  interest  himself  in  this  delicate  question.  Clement  VIII. 
placed  the  matter  in  the  hands  of  Cardinals  Frederick 
Borromeo  and  Valiero,  to  whom  was  added  Toledo  as  a 
collaborator.  These  re-examined  the  proposals  for  emenda- 
tion made  by  the  Gregorian  commission,  and  decided  upon 
the  definitive  text,  which  they  enriched  with  learned  notes. ^ 
On  August  28th,  1592,  they  were  able  to  present  their 
completed  work. 

Cardinal  Carafa  had  died  on  January  14th,  1591  ;  the  text 
which  had  been  drawn  up  under  his  direction,  and  which  had 
been  emended  in  many  points  by  Sixtus  V.,  was  no  longer 
accepted  either  by  the  Gregorian  commission  nor  by  that  of 
Toledo.  Whereas  Carafa  and  his  collaborators  had  been 
guided  in  their  edition  of  the  text  only  by  scientific  motives 
and  by  consideration  of  the  best  manuscripts,  other  points 
of  view  now  became  of  decisive  importance,  and  above  all, 
following  the  example  of  Sixtus  V.,  both  under  Gregory  XIV. 
and  Clement  VIII.  care  was  taken  not  to  depart  too  widely 
from  the  wording  hitherto  in  use.  Certain  things,  which 
from  the  purely  scientific  point  of  view  called  for  change,  were 
for  this  reason  left  exactly  as  they  were,  in  order  to  avoid 
scandal  or  surprise.^ 

Not  all  of  those  who  were  allowed  to  take  part  in  the 
discussions  could  be  said  to  be  satisfied  by  this  method  of 
procedure.  The  learned  Valverde  addressed  an  impassioned 
appeal  to  the  Pope  to  have  the  text  of  Toledo  examined  once 
more  before  it  was  handed  over  to  the  printers.  At  first 
Clement  VIII.  seemed  inclined  to  agree  to  this  course,  but 

1  HoPFL,  169.  "  These  notes,  a  fine  example  of  the  learning  of 
Toledo,  are  still  of  value  to-day  "  (ibid.)  According  to  Ghislieri, 
Toledo  relied  especially  upon  Agellio  (ibid.  n.  2). 

2  HoPFL,  166  seq.  Cf.  the  preface  to  the  Vulgate  :  "In  hac 
tamen  pervulgata  lectione  sicut  nonnulla  consulto  mutata,  ita 
etiam  alia,  quae  mutanda  videbantur,  consulto  immutata  relicta 
sunt,  etc." 

224  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

was  then  led  to  an  opposite  decision  when  it  was  pointed  out 
to  him  that  the  Church  had  already  been  waiting  for  the 
Roman  Vulgate  for  some  fifty  years,  and  that  it  was  time 
finally  to  put  an  end  to  erudite  labours,  and  to  begin  with 
the  printing.^ 

Before,  however,  the  completed  work  was  handed  over  to 
the  printers,  another  ordinance  against  the  Sixtine  Vulgate 
was  issed.  In  order  to  avoid  as  far  as  possible  the  scandal 
which  was  feared  from  this,  Clement  VIII.,  following  the 
suggestion  of  Bellarmine,  gave  orders  for  the  acquisition  of 
all  the  copies  alread}^  issued,  in  Venice  to  the  Inquisitor  and 
the  nuncio,  and  in  Germany  and  the  countries  across  the 
Alps  to  the  Jesuits  ;  the  Pope  promised  to  bear  all  the 
expense.  On  December  22nd,  1592,  the  ambassador  of  Spain 
was  also  asked  to  address  to  Philip  II.  a  request  that  he  would 
hand  over  to  the  nuncio  the  copies  that  were  still  in  his 
possession.  The  search  went  on  until  1595  ;  all  the  copies 
that  were  found  were  sent  to  Rome  and  burned,  in  accordance 
with  the  wishes  of  the  Pope.^  In  spite  of  this  more  than  forty 
Sixtine  Bibles  have  been  preserved  until  our  own  day.^  But 
with  this  all  the  difficulties  had  not  been  overcome.  Already, 
in  the  time  of  Clement  VIII.  the  doubt  had  been  raised  as  to 
how  the  errors  of  the  Sixtine  Bible  could  be  reconciled  with 
the  doctrine  of  Papal  infallibility  in  questions  of  faith  and 
morals.*  The  question  assumed  an  even  greater  importance 
in  the  time  of  Paul  V.  ;^    as  early  as  1600  the  Protestants 

1  HoPFL,  173. 

2  Le  Bachelet,  54  seqq.  ;  Santori,  Diario,  ibid.  150  seq.  ; 
Prat,  Recherches,  V.,  10  seq.  ;  Baumgarien,  Neue  Kunde, 
274  ^eqq.,  Amann,  79-101. 

*  Enumerated  in  Baumgarten,  Vulgata,  65-91  ;  Neue  Kunde, 
150  seq.  If  it  was  hoped  that  it  would  be  possible  to  withdraw 
the  printed  copies  already  sold,  then  their  number  cannot  have 
been  very  great. 

*  Le  Bachelet,  56  seq. 

^  The  difficulty  was  discussed  at  the  University  of  Ingolstadt 
as  early  as  1608  {ibid.  58  seqq.).  Cf.  the  letter  of  Gretser  to 
Bellarmine,  June  23,  1608,  ibid.  155-158. 


brought  forward  against  that  doctrine  the  differences  between 
the  Clementine  and  Sixtine  Vulgates/  although  none  of  the 
divergent  texts  contained  any  difference  as  to  faith  or  morals. 
The  printing  was  begun  at  the  beginning  of  September 
1592,  and  was  completed  in  about  four  months,  so  that  the 
ambassador  of  Spain  was  able  to  send  the  new  Bible  on 
December  22nd. ^  As  early  as  November  8th,  1592,  a  privilege 
was  granted  to  the  Vatican  Press,  which  only  allowed  other 
presses  to  reprint  it  after  an  interval  of  ten  years,  and  on 
condition  of  exact  conformity  with  the  Vatican  copy.^ 
Externally  the  Clementine  Bible  is  altogether  similar  to  the 
Sixtine  ;  its  format,  and  even  the  engravings  on  the  frontis- 
piece are  the  same,*  the  number  of  pages  corresponds  almost 
exactly.^  Clement  VIII.  was  not  named  on  the  title-page, 
but  all  the  honour  was  left  to  Sixtus  V.  alone. ^  Indeed,  to 
him  was  due  the  credit  for  the  fact  that  the  Latin  Church  had 
now  at  length  been  given  its  ancient  Bible  with  an  officially 
authorized  text,  and  in  spite  of  many  differences'  on  various 
points,  it  was  his  text  that  had  been  followed.  It  is  obvious 
that  it  did  not  occur  to  anyone,  in  spite  of  the  dissatisfaction 
aroused  by  the  errors  in  his  edition,  to  compromise  in  any  way 
the  great  dead  Pope  by  the  new  Vulgate  ;   the  ill-luck  of  the 

1  Thomas  James,  Bellum  papale,  London,  1600. 

2  HoPFL,  179  seq.  On  January  16,  1593,  G.  del  Carretto 
*reports  that  the  Pope  had  given  him  a  Bible  for  the  duke,  and 
that  the  duke  must  send  back  the  Bible  of  Sixtus  V.  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

3  Bull.,  IX.,  636  seq. 

*  The  title  page  of  the  Sistina  in  Amann,  135,  that  of  the 
Clementina  in  Hetzenauer's  edition  of  the  Vulgate,  Innsbruck, 
1906  ;  both  title-pages  in  Kaulen-Hoberg,  Einleitung  in  die 
Heilige  Schrift,  1.^,  Freiburg,  1911,  21S. 

5  Vercellone,  Variae  lectiones,  I.,  Ixxiii. 

*  Clement  VIII.  was  mentioned  for  the  first  time  in  the  edition 
of  Bonaventura  Nugo,  published  by  the  heirs  of  Gughelmus 
Rovillius,  Lyons,  1604  ;  also  in  that  published  at  Mayence  and 
Cologne  in  1609  ;    cf.  F.\lk  in  Katholik,  1899,  I.,  4 48  seqq. 

'  List  principally  in  Hetze.njauer,  loc.  cit.,  io8*-i48*. 
Hetzenauer  estimates  the  number  of  variants  at  about  4900. 

VOL.    XXIV.  15 

226  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Sixtine  Bible  is  mentioned  and  excused  in  the  preface  of 
Clement  VIII.,  almost  exactly  in  the  indulgent  way  suggested 
by  Bellarmine.^ 

The  haste  with  which  the  Vulgate  of  1592  had  been  printed 
resulted  in  a  number  of  typograpical  errors.  In  1593  there 
appeared  a  new  edition  in  quarto,  and  in  1598  another  in 
octavo,  which  differ  from  each  other  and  from  the  first  in 
many  points,  but  for  the  most  part  only  of  minor  importance.^ 
Many  therefore  cherished  the  hope  that  the  work  of  perfecting 
it  would  be  continued  in  Rome,^  but  it  was  onl}^  after  the  lapse 
of  three  centuries  that  this  expectation  was  realized  in  the 
time  of  Pius  X.  The  Clementine  text  is  thus  sufficient  "  for 
the  theological  use  of  the  Vulgate,  while  from  the  critical  point 
of  view,  even  though  it  is  not  perfect  and  free  from  errors,  is 
nevertheless  on  the  whole  good  ;  in  a  word  a  text  of  which 
the  Church  has  no  need  to  feel  ashamed."* 

^  In  the  autobiography  of  Bellarmine  it  is  said  of  the  Sistina  : 
"  Irrepsisse  aliqua  errata  vel  typograpliorum  vel  alioyum,"  in  his 
opinion  drawn  up  for  Gregory  XIV.  :  "  Multa  emendatione  digna 
variis  de  causis  in  iis  bibliis  irrepsisse."  In  the  preface  to  the 
Vulgate  it  is  only  stated  that  Si.xtus  V.  had  understood  that 
"  non  pauca  in  sacra  Bibbia  preli  vitio  irrepsisse."  Cf.  Le 
Bachelet,  90.  It  does  not  appear  therefore  that  either  in  this 
or  in  other  respects  was  the  advice  of  Bellarmine  entirely  followed. 
For  the  rest  the  preface  sets  forth  the  matter,  as  it  had  been 
conceived  by  Sixtus  V.  ;  it  was  not  possible  to  put  into  the 
Pope's  mouth  what  had  only  been  the  opinion  of  Bellarmine. 
"  Preli  vitio  "  does  not  mean  a  printer's  error  as  it  does  to-day 
{Zeitschr.  f.  kath.  TheoL,  1924,  150  seqq.). 

^  A  critical  comparison  of  the  three  texts  in  Hetzenauer, 
loc.  cit.,  72*-io2*,  according  to  his  estimate  the  second  edition 
differs  from  the  first  in  230  points,  the  third  from  the  second 
and  the  first  in  930  points  ;  in  an  index  at  the  end  of  the  edition 
of  1598,  94  are  pointed  out  (ibid.  104*).  For  the  editions  of  the 
Clementine  Vulgate  cf.  Gramatica  in  La  Scida  catt.,  X912,  I., 
l86  seqq.,  465  seqq.  ;  Kneller  in  Zeitschr.  f.  kath.  TheoL,  XLIII. 
(1919).  391  seq. 

^  HoPFL,  225  seqq. 

*  Reusch  in  Ho  PEL,  186. 


Clement  VIII.  won  enduring  merit  by  his  correction  of  the 
liturgical  books.  Pius  V.  had  carried  out  the  revision  of  the 
Breviary  and  the  Missal  demanded  by  the  Council  of  Trent, 
and  had  published  in  1568  the  new  Breviary,  and  two  years 
later  the  new  Missal.  Sixtus  V.  ordered  the  Congregation 
of  Rites  which  he  established  to  revise  the  Pontificale,  the 
Rituale  and  the  Caerimoniale  episcoporum.^  These  labours 
were  energetically  pushed  forward  under  Clement  VIII.,  and 
to  some  extent  completed.  The  first  to  appear,  in  1596, 
was  a  new  edition  of  the  Pontificale,  that  is  to  say,  the  episcopal 
functions,  exclusive  of  the  formularies  and  rubrics  of  the  Mass. 
The  introductory  bull,  dated  February  loth,  1596,^  points 
out  what  vast  labours  had  been  involved  in  this  first  edition 
of  the  Pontificale.  Four  years  later  the  Pope  published  the 
Caerimoniale  episcoporum,  which  also  eliminated  certain 
abuses  which  had  been  introduced  into  the  churches  with 
the  use  of  the  organ,  and  laid  down  detailed  rules  concerning 
them.  Whereas  the  Pope,  in  publishing  the  Roman  Pontifi- 
cale, forbade  the  use  of  all  pontificals  hitherto  in  use,  in  favour 
of  the  new  one  issued  by  him,  in  the  case  of  the  Caerimoniale 
episcoporum  he  declared  that  he  did  not  intend  to  abolish 
ancient  ceremonial  in  so  far  as  it  corresponded  with  the 
reformed  edition.^  This  was  probably  the  result  of  the 
outspoken  remonstrances  of  Giovan  Battista  Bandini  against 
the  ecclesiastical  monopoly,  epsecially  of  liturgical  books,  and 

1  Cf.  Vol.  XVII.  of  the  work,  p.  22^  ;    Vol.  XXI.,  p.  254. 

2  See  Bull.,  X.,  246  seq.  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  342. 
With  regard  to  the  ideas  of  a  reform  of  the  chant  under  Clement 
VIII.  see  the  exhaustive  work  of  Molitok,  Die  nachtrident. 
Choralreform,  II.  and  also  Th.  Schmid  in  Stimmen  aiis  Maria- 
Laach,  LXV.,  33  seq.  Clement  VIII.  made  all  steps  in  this 
matter  dependent  on  the  opinion  of  the  Congregation  of  Rites. 
Four  Roman  musicians  in  1595,  by  command  of  this  Congregation, 
undertook  a  revision  of  the  melodies  of  the  chant.  For  the 
Pontificale  see  Moliior,  II.,  47  seq. 

*  Bull.,  X.,  597  seq.  Cf.  Freiburg.  Kirchenlex.,  III^.,  16  seq  , 
VIII.,  53  seq.,  IX.,  1049. 

228  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

which  were  very  graciousty  listened  to  by  the  Pope,  who  was  as 
humble  as  he  was  prudent.^ 

In  the  year  1602  there  appeared  by  the  order  of 
Clement  VIII.  a  new,  and  emended  and  enlarged  edition  of  the 
Breviary,  together  with  a  bull  dated  May  loth,  which  ordered, 
under  pain  of  excommunication,  that  henceforward  the 
Roman  Breviary  should  only  be  printed  with  the  permission 
of  the  bishop,  and  in  exact  conformity  with  the  Vatican 
edition,  without  any  additions  or  omissions.^ 

The  reform  of  the  Breviary  had  already  been  begun  by 
Sixtus  v.,  and  energetically  carried  on  by  Gregory  XIV., 
in  spite  of  his  short  pontificate  ;^  Clement  VIII.  brought  it 
to  completion.^  The  commission  appointed  by  him  for  this 
purpose  could  not  have  been  better  composed.  It  consisted 
of  Cardinals  Baronius,  Bellarmine  and  Silvio  Antoniano,  the 
Archbishop  of  Monreale,  Lodovico  de  Torres,  the  Barnabite 
Bartolomeo  Gavanti,  the  Theatine  monk  Michele  Ghislieri, 
and  Giovan  Battista  Bandini,  canon  of  St.  Peter's,  who  acted 
as  secretary.  The  commission  had  partly  to  draw  up  new 
critical  reports,  which  was  done  by  Cardinals  Baronius  and 
Bellarmine  in  the  case  of  the  historical  lections  drawn  from 

^  See  G.  Mekcati  in  Rass.  Greg.,  V.  (1906),  12  seq. 

"See  Bull.,  X.,  788  seq.  By  a  *brief  of  October  26,  1596, 
Clement  VIII.  had  granted  the  use  of  the  Proprium  Salisbityg. 
which  had  been  reformed  by  the  Archbishop  of  Salzburg,  Wolf 
Dietrich  von  Raitenau  (Orig.  in  Consistoriai  Archives,  Salzburg). 

3  Cf.  Vol.  XXII.  of  this  work,  p.  390. 

*  C/.  for  what  follows  Bkrofx  in  Zeitschr.  /.  kath.  TheoL, 
VIII.,  293  seqq.,  and  Baumer,  492  seq.  See  also  Battitol, 
256  seq.  ;  P.  A.  Kirsch,  Die  hist.  Brevierlektionen,  W'iirzburg, 
1902  ;  A.  GuiTTARU  in  La  Croix,  1908,  July  i  ;  G.  Baudot, 
II  Breviario  Rom.  Origini  e  storia,  Rome,  1909.  The  *Avviso 
of  November  17,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  Vatican  Library,  mentions  the 
labours  of  the  reform  commission.  A  *"  Dissertatio  de  ditierentiis 
inter  Breviarium  Pii  V.  iussu  editum  et  Clementis  VIII. 
auctoritate  recognitum  1604  "  composed  by  the  Servite  Petrus 
Martyr  Felinus  is  dedicated  to  the  Duke  of  Urbino,  in  Urb. 
606,  ihid. 

REFORM  OF  THE  BREVIARY.        229 

the  legends  and  lives  of  the  saints/  and  partly  to  examine 
the  opinions  previouslj^  obtained  from  various  sources,  the 
universities,  the  bishops  and  scholars.  The  report  as  to  these 
was  entrusted  to  Baronius  and  his  assistant,  Marcello 
Francolini.  These  discharged  their  task  with  the  greatest 
exactitude.  If  they  did  not  in  som.e  matters  succeed  in 
arriving  at  the  truth,  and  left  certain  things  to  be  corrected 
later  on,  this  was  due  to  the  state  of  historical  research  at 
that  time. 

Some  of  the  corrections  suggested  by  Baronius  and, 
Bellarmine  did  not  meet  with  the  approval  of  the  Congregation 
and  therefore  not  of  the  Pope.  The  latter  had  laid  it  down 
as  a  rule  for  the  work  of  reform  that  only  those  things  were 
to  be  corrected  which  contained  a  manifest  error.-  The 
Congregation  was  of  the  same  opinion.^  In  the  hymns  very 
little  was  changed,  but  two  were  added,  of  which  that  for  the 
feast  of  St.  Mary  Magdalen  was  composed  by  Bellarmine.* 
The  principal  changes  were  in  the  lections,  by  the  removal 
of  points  that  were  historically  untenable,  and  of  expressions 
which  seemed  unfitting.  Certain  things  in  the  general 
rubrics  were  altered  and  improved,  the  rank  of  certain  feasts 
was  raised,  and  with  the  introduction  of  greater  doubles,  a 
new  grade  of  feasts  was  established,^  while  new  feasts  were 
extended  to  the  whole  of  the  western  Church. 

In  the  case  of  the  revision  of  the  Missal  introduced  by 
Pius  v.,  in  which  the  printers  were  not  allowed  to  make  any 

1  Cj.  Bellarmine,  Dubia  quaedam  de  historiis  in  Breviario 
Romano  positis  (Le  Baciielet,  Auct.  Bellarm.,  461  seq.)  ;  "  quae 
non  sunt  mutata,  quamvis  notiuilis  viderentur  esse  mutanda  " 
{ibid.  467  seqq.). 

2  *"  g  Pontifex  declaravit,  ut  ea  tantum  mutentur,  quae 
manifestum  errorem  continent."  Vat.  6242,  p.  54,  Vatican 

'  See  Baumer,  494. 

*  Pater  superni  luminis.     Cf.  the  autobiography  of  Bellarmine 
in  Le  Bachelet,  443. 
5  See  Baumer,  495  seq. 

230  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

changes  arbitrarily,  the  principal  work  fell  upon  Baronius, 
Bellarmine  and  Gavanti.  The  new  edition  of  the  Missal  was 
published  together  with  the  bull  of  July  7th,  1604.^ 

The  labours  begun  under  Gregory  XIII.,  and  continued 
under  Sixtus  V.,  to  form  an  authoritative  collection  of  the 
pontifical  constitutions, ^  which  had  increased  by  another 
thousand  since  the  appearance  of  the  Clementina,  seemed 
likely  to  be  brought  to  a  happy  ending  under  Clement  VIII., 
all  the  more  so  as  the  Pope  himself  had  been  a  member  of  the 
commission  engaged  upon  this  work.  This  work  was  already 
well  advanced.  The  collection  of  the  material  that  was  to 
be  included,  its  division  into  five  books,  and  its  arrangement 
according  to  titles  was  so  far  advanced  that  the  first  book 
could  be  printed  in  1592,  and  in  1593  the  second  to  the  fifth, 
according  to  the  Roman  usage,  in  forty  special  copies  for 
the  use  of  the  Congregation.^  But  the  whole  thing  had  still 
to  be  submitted  once  more  to  a  general  discussion.  This 
revision  was  completed  on  December  17th,  1593,  and  when 
all  had  agreed  as  to  the  matter  to  be  included,  Cardinal 
Pinelli  undertook  its  final  preparation  for  the  press.  ^  This 
still  required  some  time,  and  it  was  only  on  July  25th,  1598, 
that  the  complete  work  was  ready  under  the  title  S.D.N.D. 
dementis  Papae  VIII.  Decretales.^ 

1  Bull.,  XL,  88  seqq. 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XIX.,  of  this  work,  p.  279,  and  Baumgarten, 
Neae  Kunde,  242,  248  (list  of  the  collaborators  and  the  sessions, 
from  the  4th  to  the  25th,  between  August  3,  1589,  and  April  6, 


3  See  Sentis,  Clementis  VIII.  Decretales,  vi.  seq.  ;  Singer  in 
Zeitschr.  f.  Rechtsgesch.,  Kan.  Abt.  VI.,  113  seq.  ;  Baumgarten, 
loc.  cit.  249  seq. 

*  See  Sentis,  loc.  cit.,  xxvii.  ;  Lammer,  Kodifikation,  9  seq.  ; 
Singer,  loc.  cit. 

5  S.D.N.D.  dementis  Papae  VIII.  Decretales,  Romae  ex 
typographia  Cam.  Apost.  1598,  only  three  copies  of  which  are 
preserved  (Casanatense  Library,  Vatican  Library,  and  Theiner's 
copy  in  the  Library  of  the  University,  Leip;iig  ;  see  Singer, 
loc.  cit.  116;    Baumgarten,  249  seq.,  255  seq.,  257  seq. 


This  plan  for  the  codification  of  the  decretals  and  con- 
stitutions of  the  Councils  which  were  not  included  in  the 
Corpus  luris  Canonici,  was  presented  to  the  Pope  for  his 
approval  on  August  ist.  But  it  was  not  carried  into  effect, 
even  though  Clement  VIII.,  on  account  of  his  personal 
participation  in  the  work,  was  interested  in  the  work  in  a 
special  way.  Fagnani,  who  was  secretary  of  the  Congregation 
of  the  Council  from  1614  onwards,  gives  as  the  only  reason 
the  prohibition  of  Pius  IV.  to  write  commentaries  on  the 
decrees  of  Trent,  a  prohibition  which  was  violated  by  including 
them  in  the  collection.  But  this  reason  was  not  actually 
the  principal  nor  the  only  one  which  determined  Clement  VIII. 
as  well  as  his  successor,  Paul  V.,  not  to  publish  the  work.^ 
As  a  matter  of  fact  other  doubts  had  arisen  ;  the  work  did 
not  altogether  answer  all  requirements,  dogmatic  material 
was  predominant,  while  many  Papal  decrees  and  rescripts 
had  been  passed  over.  To  this  there  had  to  be  added  another 
circumstances  in  view  of  the  attitude  of  many  governments 
towards  questions  of  state,  which  had  been  manifested  with 
great  violence,  especially  in  Spain,  France  and  Venice,  care 
had  to  be  taken  to  avoid  serious  disagreements.  The  Pope 
in  his  prudence  did  not  wish  to  push  things  so  far,  and  in  the 
end  decided  to  abstain  from  the  publication  of  the  book,, 
which  had  cost  so  much  time,  money  and  labour.  ^ 

In  the  collection  undertaken  by  Cardinal  Pinelli  there  had 
been  included  a  decree  of  Innocent  IV.  concerning  the  Papal 
election,  which,  however,  had  never  been  promulgated  as  law, 
and  which  had  certainly  never  become  of  constitutional  force. 
In  this  decree  it  was  laid  down  that  the  vote  of  the  person 
elected  could  never  be  decisive  in  giving  the  two-thirds 
majority.^     This  principle,  however,  is  recalled  in  the  draft 

1  Cf.  Sentis,  XV.  ;  Schulte,  Quellen,  III.,  I.,  73  :  Scheker, 
Kirchenrecht,  I.,  275  ;    Lammer,   Kodifikation,  21. 

''  The  whole  was  submitted  to  yet  another  revision  by  a  Con- 
gregation which  continued  its  labours  even  under  Paul  V.  (See 
proofs  of  1607-1608  in  Sentis,  xiv.)  ;  in  the  end  the  whole  thing 
was  abandoned. 

^  Cf.  Singer,  loc  cit.  11  seq.,  114  seq. 

232  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

of  a  new  bull  concerning  the  election  of  the  Pope,  drawn  up 
under  Clement  VIII.^  It  has  not  yet  been  found  possible 
to  ascertain  who  drew  up  this  draft,  nor  do  we  know  the 
circumstances  which  prevented  its  publication  ;  it  is  beyond 
question  that  the  projected  reform  was  substantially  aimed 
at  abolishing  election  by  adoration,  a  form  of  election  which 
had  become  very  common  in  the  conclaves  since  the  time 
of  Julius  III.,  and  at  introducing  the  secret  ballot  as  of 
obligation.  2 

Innocent  IX.  had  already  set  up  a  Congregation  for  the 
reform  of  Papal  elections,^  and  Clement  VIII.,  who  had  been 
present  at  the  confusion  of  the  three  conclaves  which  had 
succeeded  one  another  in  a  short  space  of  time,  at  once  ordered 
the  work  to  be  resumed.  It  was  already  fully  in  hand  in 
March,  1592,^  and  it  was  confidently  stated  that  the  plan  of 
reform  would  be  ready  in  August,^  but  in  October  an  opinion 
of  a  Jesuit  on  the  abuses  in  the  Papal  elections  was  submitted.^ 
At  length  in  February,  1595,  the  bull  on  the  reform  of  the 
conclave  had  reached  the  point  of  being  able  to  be  sent  to 
all  the  Cardinals  for  their  opinion. '^  In  the  end,  however, 
the  opponents  of  a  reform  of  the  conclave  obtained  the  victory: 
the  party  leaders  in  the  Sacred  College  were  unwilling  to 

1  C/.  Wahrmund  in  Archiv  fiir  kath.  Kivcheurecht,  XXLIL, 
225  seq. 

^  See  ihid.  204,  207. 

3  See  ibid.  203  n.  3,  the  opinion  of  Maretti. 

'  See  *Avvisi  of  March  14  and  18,  and  May  13,  1592,  Urb.  1060, 
Vatican  Library.  Cf.  *report  of  G.  Niccoiini,  March  9,  1592, 
State  Archives,  Florence. 

5  See  *Avviso  of  August  22,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  II.,  Vatican 
Library.  G.  del  Carretto  in  his  *report  dated  Rome,  1593, 
February  13,  a  prohibition  oi  all  "  le  pratiche  del  pontiiicato  " 
(Gonzaga  Archives..  Mantua). 

*  I  have  found  the  *Parere  con  una  lettera  dell'autore,  Diego 
Ximenes  S.I.,  dated  Delia  casa,  1592,  October  19,  in  the  Doria 
Archives,  Rome. 

^  See  Paruta  (February  18,  1595),  Di.spacci,  III.,  60.  The 
draft  itself  in  Wahrmund,  Iqc  cit,  223  seq. 


renounce  their  predominant  and  decisive  position  in  the 
election  of  the  Pope.^ 

Very  remarkable  was  the  reluctance  of  Clement  VIII. 
to  proceed  to  canonizations.  Together  with  Philip  Neri  the 
Roman  people  venerated,  and  had  done  for  some  time, 
Ignatius  Loyola,  Charles  Borromeo,  and  other  representatives 
of  Catholic  reform,  as  though  they  were  already  canonized. 
Clement  VIII.  did  not  approve  of  this,  and  he  expressly 
forbade  pictures  which  represented  the  miracles  which  were 
attributed  to  these  great  men.  Ver}/  often  too  ex  votos 
were  offered  at  the  tombs  of  Philip  Neri  and  Ignatius  Loyola. 
At  first  Clement  had  made  an  exception  in  the  case  of  Philip 
Neri,  the  founder  of  the  Oratorians,  whom  he  venerated  in  a 
special  way,  but  in  the  end  he  extended  the  prohibition  which 
had  been  made  in  the  case  of  the  founder  of  the  Jesuits  to 
Philip  as  well.-  The  Pope  took  as  his  rule  of  action  the  order 
issued  in  1170  by  Pope  Alexander  III.,  that  without  the 
permission  of  the  Church  no  one,  even  when  many  miracles 
had  been  worked  by  his  intercession,  might  be  publicly 
venerated  as  a  saint. ^  The  special  Congregation  which  was 
consulted  by  Clement  VIII.  concerning  the  veneration  of 
recent  saints  decided  in  conformity  with  this."* 

The  cause  for  the  beatification  of  Philip  Neri  had  been 
introduced  a  few  months  after  his  death,  but  as  it  was  con- 
ducted  with   great   minuteness,    it   was   not    brought    to   a 

^  See  Singer,  loc.  cit.  120.  An  attempt  by  Clement  VIII.  to 
put  an  end  to  the  influence  of  Spain  in  the  Papal  elections,  had 
already  been  frustrated  a  year  before  by  the  Spanish  ambassador, 

2  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  September  9,  1595,  June  16,  1601,  and  Novem- 
ber 27,  1602,  Urb.  1063,  1069,  1070,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Frsib.  Kirchenlex.,  IP.,  145. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  December  14  and  28,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  Vatican 
Library.  According  to  the  latter  the  Pope  said  that  it  was  not 
a  case  of  those  who  by  a  cultus  "  ab  immemorabili  "  or  in  virtue 
of  a  Papal  brief  had  been  numbered  among  the  saints,  but  of  the 
moderns  "  Philippo,  Ignacio,  Philippe  de  Conventuali  che  andava 
gridando  lodato  sempre  sia  il  nome  di  Jesu  e  Maria,  cappuccino 
Felice,  P.  Marcellino,  P.  Angelo  de  Paz  (scalzo)  e  card,  Borromeo." 


conclusion  in  the  time  of  Clement  VIII.  The  first  steps  for 
the  canonization  of  the  founder  of  the  Jesuits  were  taken  by 
Cardinal  Farnese.^  For  the  beatification  of  Charles  Borromeo 
the  senate  of  Milan, ^  as  well  as  Cardinal  Frederick  Borromeo, 
Philip  III.  and  the  Swiss  Catholics,  had  interested  themselves. 
The  Pope  praised  this,^  but  he  caused  the  necessary  inquiries 
to  be  made  with  all  exactitude  and  without  haste*  by  the 
Congregation  of  Rites,  as  well  as  in  the  case  of  Philip  Neri. 
He  acted  in  the  same  way  with  regard  to  the  canonization  of 
Francesca  Romana,  the  foundress  of  the  Oblates  of  Tor  di 
vSpecchi,^  which  was  promoted  by  the  Romans. 

In  view  of  the  extreme  care  of  the  inquiries,^  we  cannot  be 
surprised  that  Clement  VIII.,  in  spite  of  his  long  pontificate, 
only  celebrated  two  canonizations.  On  April  17th,  1594, 
he  raised  to  the  altars  the  Dominican  Hyacinth, 'the  celebrated 

^  See  *Avviso  of  July  10,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  *Acta  consist.  February  4,  1604  :  "  Lectae  litterae 
senatus  Mediolan.  pro  canonizatione  Caroli  card.  Borromaei." 
Barb.  XXXVI.,  5,  III.,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  the  *briefs  to  those  mentioned,  February  15,  1604,  Arm. 
44,  t.  56,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  In  that  to  Philip  III.  it  is 
stated  :  *"  Carolum  card.  Borr.  fecimus  semper  plurimi  dum 
viveret,  mortuum  praecipue  habuimus  in  honore,  quod  in  sita 
nobis  et  quasi  in  animo  insculpta  esset  magna  de  eius  viventi 
integritate  opinio,  de  mortui  sanctitate  maxima  "  (ibid.  p.  143b). 

*  Letters  concerning  the  veneration  of  Philip  Neri,  1596-1597 
are  in  Carte  Strozz.,  I.,   489. 

*  See  the  *report  of  G.  B.  Thesis,  August  26,  1604,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

*  For  Raymond  of  Penafort  cf.  *Avviso  of  May  15,  1599. 
Urb.  1067,  Vatican  Library. 

'  See  LuBOMLius,  De  vita,  miraculis  et  actis  canonizationis 
S.  Hyacinthi  Poloni,  Rome,  1594,  and  Bull.,  X.,  123  seq.  Cf. 
Paruta,  Dispacci,  II.,  188  seq.,  263  seq.,  the  consistorial  *acta 
of  March  14,  24  and  31,  1594,  Papal  Secret  Archives,  the  *Avvisi 
of  March  5,  April  20  and  27,  1594,  Urb.  1062,  Vatican  Library, 
and  "  *Vita  et  gesta  Clementis  VIII."  in  Inform,  polit.,  XXIX., 
380b  seq..  State  Library,  Berlin.  For  Hyacinth  see  B. 
Altanfr,  Die  Domini kanermissionen  des  13  Jahr.,.  Habelschwerdt, 
1924,  196  seqq. 


apostle  of  the  North,  and  on  April  29th,  1604,  he  did  so  in 
the  case  of  Raymond  of  Pennafort,^  well  known  everywhere 
as  a  jurist,  who  also  belonged  to  the  Dominican  Order.  In 
the  case  of  Hyacinth  the  Queen  and  King  of  Poland  had 
especially  interested  themselves,  ^  and  for  Raymund 
above  all  Phihp  III.  of  Spain. ^  But  the  Pope  rightly 
resisted  the  efforts  that  were  made  for  the  canonization  of 

Clement  VIII.  was  very  slow  to  grant  indulgences. ^  In 
accordance  with  the  spirit  of  the  prescriptions  of  the  Council 
of  Trent  and  of  the  constitution  of  Pius  V.  of  1567,  in  1593 
he  set  up  a  special  Congregation  of  Indulgences,  whose  duty 

1  See  *Avviso  of  May  3,  1601,  Urb.  1069,  Vatican  Library. 
The  "  Carmen  "  by  Mutius  Ricarius  "  De  beato  Raymundo  a 
Clemente  VIII.  P.M.  in  divorum  numerum  relate  "  in  Barb.  lat. 
XXIX.,  142,  and  Urb.  1205,  p.  31  seq. 

*  Sigismund  III.  bore  the  expense  of  the  canonization  ;  see 
♦Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library.  Queen 
Anna  had  already  asked  Clement  VIII.  for  the  canonization  of 
Hyacinth  in  a  *letter  of  March  20,  1594,  Doria  Archives,  Rome. 
Ibid,  a  *letter  from  Sigismund  III.  to  the  Pope,  dated  Wilna, 
September  6,  1601,  asking  him  to  promote  the  cultus  of  St. 
Casimir,  to  insert  his  feast  in  the  Missal  and  the  Roman  Breviary 
and  to  make  his  feast  a  "  duplex." 

*  See  *acta  consist,  December  16,  1600  :  "  Advocatus  petit 
nomine  Philippi  III."  the  canonization  of  Raymund  ;  on  Decem- 
ber 22  :  "  S.S.  habuit  orationem  de  Raymundo  "  (Cod.  Barb, 
XXXVI. ,  5,  III.  Vatican  Library).  Cf.  the  *brief  to  the 
"  deputati  principatus  Cataloniae  "  of  September  26,  1602. 
Arm.  44,  t.  46,  n.  297,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  He  therefore  did  not  even  wish  the  Vita  di  Savonarola  by 
S.  Razzi  to  be  printed  ;  see  Arch.  stor.  ital.,  5th  ser.  XXVIII. , 
291.  The  "  Epistola  Clementis  VIII.  de  stigmatibus  S.  Catherinae 
de  Senis,"  dated  1599,  November  27,  was  published  in  Rome  in 
1599.  St.  Thomas  Aquinas  was  declared  patron  of  Naples  by 
Clement  VIII.  ;  see  *briefs  to  the  viceroy  of  Naples  and  to  that 
city,  dated  1603,  Nuvember  22,  Arm.  44,  t.  56,  n.  35  and  30, 
Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  368.     Cf.  Carte  Slroz2.,  I.,  2,  215. 

236  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

it  was  to  do  away  with  long-standing  abuses  in  this  matter, 
as  well  as  to  prevent  them  in  the  future.  ^ 

With  regard  to  the  internal  government  of  the  Church 
as  carried  out  by  Clement  VIII.,  mention  must  also  be  made 
of  his  ordinances  against  duelling,  ^  and  his  condemnation 
of  the  opinion  which  allowed  people  to  confess  by  letter  or 
messenger,  or  to  receive  absolution  from  a  confessor  who 
was  absent,  as  being  erroneous,  temerarious  and  scandalous.^ 

1  See  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  256,  which  removes  the  doubts  of 
Bangen  (248). 

2  Bull.,  IX.,  604  seq. 

'  See  Bull.,  X.,  855.  The  decree  as  to  this,  which  was  issued 
by  the  Inquisition  on  June  20,  1602,  under  the  presidency  of  the 
Pope,  was  published  on  July  19,  1602.  Original  printed  copy  in 
Decreta  s.  Inquisitionis  in  Barb.  1370,  Vatican  Library.  For  the 
controversy  connected  with  this  decree  see  Wildt  in  Freib, 
Kircheii/ex.,  II.,  231  seq.  ;    Scorraille,  Suarez  II.,  55-116. 


Foreign    Missions. — The    Beginnings    of    Propaganda. 

An  important  part  in  the  ecclesiastical  activities  of 
Clement  VIII.  was  taken  by  his  propagation  of  the  missions 
in  the  countries  outside  Europe.  During  his  pontificate 
important  progress  was  made  in  this  respect,  even  in  Japan, 
where  a  persecution  of  the  Christians  had  begun  in  1587.^ 
In  March,  1591,  the  intrepid  Jesuit  Alessandro  Valignani 
penetrated  into  the  presence  of  Taikosama,  as  envoy  of  the 
viceroy  of  the  Indies,  and  obtained  permission  for  the  Christian 
missionaries  to  remain  there  ;  only  public  religious  functions 
were  prohibited.  The  number  of  conversions  to  Christianity 
continued  to  increase.  Many  Christians  were  to  be  found 
in  the  army  with  which  Taikosama  attacked  Corea  ;  two 
religious  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  acted  as  military  chaplains, 
who  spread  the  first  seeds  of  Christianity  in  Corea. ^ 

In  1585  Gregory  XIII.  had  forbidden  all  missionaries, 
except  the  Jesuits,  to  set  foot  in  China  and  Japan, ^  but  as 
Sixtus  v.,  himself  a  Franciscan,  had  granted  to  that  Order 
the  mission  "  to  all  parts  of  the  Indies,"  some  Franciscans 
also  went  to  Japan.''  Others  soon  followed  them.  Into  the 
disputes  which  then  broke  out  between  the  two  Orders,  there 
also  entered  the  question  of  nationality,  as  the  Franciscans 
were  vSpaniards,  and  the  Jesuits  Portuguese.^ 

iC/.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  180. 

2  See  Jttvencius,  V.,  180  seq.  ;  Bartoli,  Del  Giappone,  Turin, 
1829,  I.,  2. 

'See  Synopsis,  139  seq.     Cf.  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  p.  511. 

*  See  H.  BoHLEN,  Die  Franziskaner  in  Japan,  Treves,  1912,  14. 

^  Cf.  Delplack,  II.,  23  seq.  ;  Schmidlin,  Missions  geschichte 

238  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Taikosama  allowed  both  the  Franciscans  and  the  Jesuits 
to  do  as  they  liked.  In  1596  he  very  courteously  received 
the  Jesuit  Pedro  Martinez,  who  had  been  appointed  bishop, 
and  who  presented  letters  from  the  governor  of  the  Indies. 
But  in  that  same  year  a  change  took  place  which  put  the 
Christians  of  Japan,  who  had  now  reached  the  number  of 
300,000,  in  a  very  difficult  position.  The  cause  of  this  change 
is  said  to  have  been  the  conduct  of  the  pilot  of  a  stranded 
Spanish  ship,  who,  in  order  to  save  his  cargo  from  confiscation, 
allowed  himself  to  be  led  into  making  the  most  rash  state- 
ments about  the  power  of  his  king.  Among  other  things 
he  said  that  Phihp  II.  was  sending  his  priests  among  the 
foreign  nations,  so  as  first  to  convert  the  people  and  thus 
facilitate  their  conquest  !  These  words  were  reported  to 
Taikosama.^  They  were  enough  for  that  monarch,  who  in 
the  spread  of  a  strange  religion  was  every  day  seeing  more 
and  more  danger  to  the  national  unity  which  he  aimed  at,^ 
to  lead  him  to  take  bloody  measures.  Six  Franciscans,  the 
Jesuit  Paul  Miki,  a  pupil  of  the  seminary  at  Ankusiama, 
two  Japanese  catechists,  and  fifteen  other  Japanese  Christians, 
among  them  three  children,  were  arrested  and  condemned 
to  be  crucified.  On  February  5th,  1597,  this  sentence  was 
carried    out    at    Nagasaki.^ 

In  the  persecution  which  then  broke  out,  the  Jesuits  acted 
with  great  prudence ;  being  exiled  they  only  apparently 
went    away.     When    Taikosama    died    in    September    1598, 

1  Cf.  JuvENCius,  v.,  595  ;    Delplace,  II.,  29  seq. 

*  The  Japanese  Mitsukuri  saw  in  this  the  true  cause  cf  the 
persecution  ;    see  Hist.  Zeitschr.,  LXXXVII.,  196. 

*  See  the  detailed  report  sent  by  P.  Frees  to  the  General 
Aquaviva,  printed  in  Acta  Sand.,  February  i,  742  seq.  The  acta 
of  the  beatification  (161 6-1 62 7)  are  used  by  Bouix,  Hist,  des 
vingt  six  martyrs  de  Japon,  Paris,  1862.  The  canonization  took 
place  at  Pentecost,  1862,  and  gave  rise  to  a  number  of  works  on 
the  martyrs  of  Japan,  of  which  I  here  mention  those  of  Pages 
(Paris,  1862)  arid  Boero  (Rome,  1862).  A  contemporary  picture 
of  the  martyrs  is  to  be  found  in  the  church  of  St.  Michael  at 

MISSIONS    IN    JAPAN.  239 

and  his  successor  Daifusama,  whose  succession  was  opposed, 
showed  himself  favourable  to  the  missions,  better  days  began 
for  the  Christians.  The  Franciscans  as  well  as  the  Jesuits 
were  able  to  resume  their  work,  and  the  number  of  Christians 
increased  considerably,  even  though  the  persecution  still 
continued  in  certain  provinces.  In  1599  40,000  received 
baptism,  and  50,000  in  the  following  year.  At  the  beginning 
of  the  seventeenth  century  it  was  estimated  that  there  were 
750,000  Christians.^  At  Nagasaki  in  1605  it  was  possible  to 
hold  the  procession  of  Corpus  Domini  publicly. ^  The  Jesuits, 
whose  college  was  effectively  subsidized  by  Clement  VI 11.,^ 
developed  great  literary  activity :  they  printed  religious 
books,  a  Japanese-Portuguese  dictionary,  and  a  Japanese 
grammar  with  Portuguese  explanations.^  But  they  neglected 
to  avail  themselves  of  the  co-operation  of  the  native  secular 
clergy,  and  it  proved  fatal  to  try  and  follow  European 
methods  in  teaching.^  The  number  of  the  Jesuit  mission- 
aries was  by  no  means  sufficient  for  their  requirements, 
and  therefore  Clement  VIII.,  suspending  the  privilege 
granted  by  Gregory  XIII,  to  the  Society  of  Jesus, 
on     December    12th,    1600,    granted    faculties®  to    all    the 

^  See  Delplace,  II.,  129  seqq.  ;  Pages,  Hist,  de  la  religion 
chret.  au  Japon  depuis  1598  jusqu'a  1681,  I.,  Paris,  1869,  no. 

2  Cf.  JuvENCius,  v.,  606  seq.  ;  Spillmann  in  Freib.  Kirchenlex., 
VI.,   1246  seq.  ;    Pages,  loc.  cit.,  I. 

^  Cf.  the  *instructions  to  D.  Ginnasio,  August  31,  1601  : 
"  Assegnamento  fatto  da  Gregorin  XIII.  di  -looo  scudi  annui  sopra 
cotesta  ccllectoria  di  Spagna  da  pagarli  alii  seminarii  et  chiese 
del  Giappone  et  da  Sisto  V.  accresciuti  a  Gooo  et  per  le  guerre 
d'Ungheria  tralasciati  di  pagare  S.S.  ordina  si  seguiti  di  pagare  e 
anchi  li  decorsi."     Barb.  5852,  Vatican  Library. 

*  Cf.  E.  Satow,  The  Jesuit  Mission  Press  in  Japan,  1591-1610, 
London,  1888,  and  Strassmeier  in  Siimmen  aiis  Maria-Laach, 
XXXVII.,  219  seq. 

'  See  HuoNDER,  Der  einheimische  Klerus  in  den  Heidenlandern, 
10 1  seq. 

«  See  Bull.,  X.,  631  seq.  Cf.  Jann,  182  seq.,  who  well  shows 
how  in  this  as  well  the  Pope  had  to  take  into  account  the  political 
claims  of  the  Portuguese. 

240  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Mendicant    Orders  to   work  as  missionaries,  both  in  Japan 
and  China. 

The  entry  of  the  Christian  missions  into  the  Chinese  Empire 
is  closely  connected  with  the  labours  of  the  talented  Jesuit 
Matteo  Ricci,  who  together  with  his  faithful  companion 
Michele  Ruggieri,  had  reached  Tschaoking,  in  the  province 
of  Kwangtung,  in  the  autumn  of  1583,  and  was  there  held  in 
high  esteem,  without,  however,  being  able  to  make  more  than 
a  few  conversions.^  At  the  suggestion  of  the  far-seeing 
Valignani,  in  1593  Ricci  began  to  study  the  Chinese  language. 
At  first  this  was  not  easy  for  a  man  who  was  already  forty, 
but,  as  he  says  in  a  touching  letter,  he  willingly  once  more 
became  a  schoolboy  for  the  love  of  Him  who  became  man  for 
the  love  of  us.^  In  an  incredibly  short  time,  Ricci,  by  his 
determined  assiduity,  obtained  such  a  mastery  of  Chinese 
that  in  1595  he  was  able  to  publish  in  that  exceedinly  difficult 
and  subtle  language  his  book  "  The  true  doctrine  of  God," 
which  later  on  was  included  in  the  collection  of  classics 
undertaken  by  Khian-lung.^  After  this  Ricci  continued  to 
labour  indefatigably  in  the  field  of  literature.  His  works  were 
not  confined  to  religious  subjects  alone,  but  extended  to  all 
manner    of    subjects* :     arithmetic,    geometry,    astronomy, 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  p.  469.  To  the  literature  there 
mentioned  may  be  added  the  article  by  J.  Aleni  in  the  Rev.  de 
ihist.  des  missions,  I.,  52  seqq. 

2  Letter  to  Aquaviva,  December  10,  1593,  in  Tacchi  Venturi, 
II.,   118. 

*  See  Dahlmann,  Sprachkunde,  27  ;  Baumgartner,  Welt- 
literatur,  II.,  511. 

*  Ricci  worked  out  among  other  things  a  translation  of  the 
Gregorian  Calendar  into  Chinese.  Cf.  Sommervogel,  XVI., 
1792  se(j.,  and  Cokdier,  Bibl.  Sinica,  III.  (1905),  1090  seq.,  the 
information  in  which  has  been  considerably  added  to  by  the 
edition  of  the  Conimentarii  (Macerata,  1911)  of  Ricci  made  by 
Tacchi  Venturi.  For  the  importance  of  Ricci  to  geographical 
studies  see  G.  Caraci  in  Bollet.  d.  Geogr.  Ital.,  V.  (191 8),  8^5 
seqq.,  Riu.  Geogr.  ital.,  XXVIII.  and  XXIX.  (1921-1922)  and  H. 
BosMANS  in  the  Rev.  des  quest,  scientif.,  192 1  ;  for  his  map 
of  China  see  Etudes,  CXXXI.,  217  seq.,  220  seqq. 


geography,  music  and  philosophy.  Even  though  it  was  only 
an  exaggeration  when  a  Chinese  viceroy  said  that  Ricci  knew 
all  Chinese  books,  it  is  beyond  question  that  he  was  the  first 
profound  sinologist.  The  Chinese  called  him  the  "  great  man 
of  Europe."^  But  he  remained  as  humble  as  a  child.  Witness 
to  this  is  borne  by  his  own  commentaries,  in  which  he  has 
described  so  attractively  the  nascent  Christianization  of  China. 
An  additional  testimony  is  to  be  found  in  his  letters,  in  which 
he  continually  repeats  that  the  easiest  way  to  convert  his 
beloved  Chinese  was  by  books.- 

Ricci  was  not  only  an  academic  scientist,  but  an  eminently 
practical  man.  His  keen  insight  did  not  fail  to  grasp  that 
the  work  of  the  missions  would  always  be  in  jeopardy  owing 
to  the  caprice  of  the  officials,  unless  the  Imperial  court  at 
Pekin  could  be  won  over.  The  first  attempt  to  penetrate 
there,  made  in  1595,  came  to  nothing,  as  also  did  the  second, 
in  1598.  In  spite  o'f  thi^  certain  important  consequences 
ensued.  Ricci  succeeded,  at  Nantschang  and  Nanking,  in 
entering  into  important  relations  with  Chinese  scientists,  and 
other  persons  ol  authority,  which  rendered  possible  the 
establishment  of  mission  stations  in  those  two  cities.  If 
greater  results  than  before  were  now  obtained,  this  was  above 
all  the  result  of  the  fact  that  Ricci,  in  accordance  with  the 
prudent  advice  of  his  companion  Lazzaro  Cattaneo,  adopted 
the  costume  of  the  Chinese  scholars,  thus  putting  an  end  to 
his  being  continually  confused  with  the  despised  bonzes. 
The  silken  attire  which  the  missionaries  now  adopted  in  place 
of  their  poor  habit  had  also  to  be  accompanied  by  a  more 
distinguished  appearance.  Valignani,  who  was  very  far- 
seeing,  gave  his  consent  to  all  this,  and  also  obtained  that  of 
the  General  of  the  Jesuits  and  of  the  Pope.^ 

It  was  characteristic  of  this  new  method  of  procedure  that 

1  See  CoRDiER,  Bibliographie  des  ouvrages  publ.  en  Chine  par 
las  Europeans  an  xviia  at  xviiie  siecles,  Paris,  1883,  33. 

*  Sae  Tacchi  Venturi  in  Civ.  Catt.,  1910,  III.,  47. 

*  Sae  Tacchi  Venturi,  Commentarii,  I.,  3,  cap.  9,  cap.  53. 
Cf.  Civ.  Catt.,  1910,   II.,  558  seq. 

VOL.    XXIV.  16 

242  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Ricci,  in  the  house  which  he  built  at  Nantschang  avoided  in 
every  way  the  appearance  of  a  building  devoted  to  divine 
worship.  "  The  house  in  which  we  preach  "  was  the  simple 
inscription  which  he  chose  for  it.  He  expressly  insisted  upon 
his  character  of  scholar,  and  it  was  in  accordance  with  this 
that  he  resumed  his  earlier  catechism.  Though  he  was 
indefatigabl}'  devoted  to  the  work  of  explaining  to  the  Chinese 
scholars  and  grandees,  hitherto  unthought  of  ideas  of  mathe- 
matics and  astronomy,  Ricci  was  very  cautious  in  dealing 
with  religious  questions.  While  keeping  silence  therefore  as 
to  the  mysteries  of  Christianity  he  sought  first  to  convince  his 
hearers  of  the  fundamental  truths  of  the  creation  of  heaven 
and  earth  by  God,  of  the  immortality  of  the  soul,  of  the  punish- 
ment of  the  wicked  and  the  reward  of  the  good.  He  openly 
combated  the  doctrines  of  the  Buddhists,  but  the  more 
cultured  philosophy  of  Confucius  were  treated  by  him  with 
all  due  respect.^ 

In  the  midst  of  these  labours,  which  produced  surprising 
results,  Ricci  did  not  lose  sight  of  his  project  of  reaching  the 
presence  of  the  Emperor  at  Pekin.  In  May  1599  he  undertook 
for  the  third  time  his  journey  to  that  distant  capital,  accom- 
panied by  the  Spanish  Jesuit,  Diego  Pantoja,  and  two  brothers 
of  Chinese  origin.  In  spite  of  the  manifold  dangers  and 
obstacles  of  every  kind,  which  would  have  discouraged 
anyone  else,  he  at  last,  in  1601,  thanks  to  his  indomitable 
energy,  reached  his  goal.  Ricci  excited  the  interest  of  the 
Emperor  Wanglie,  who  was  enthusiastic  over  the  gifts  which 
he  had  brought,  striking  clocks,  a  universal  geographical  map. 
engravings  on  copper,  and  two  paintings  representing  the 
Redeemer  and  the  Madonna.  Although  the  learning  of  this 
stranger,  which  was  superior  to  that  of  the  mandarins,  won 
the  admiration  of  the  Emperor,  there  nevertheless  arose 
difficulties :     the    tribunal    set    up    for    the    surveillance    of 

^  So  too  G.  Natali  (Di  M.  Ricci,  Macerata,  1905)  though 
anything  but  well-disposed  towards  the  Jesuits,  praises  Ricci 
highly.  Other  opinions  have  been  given  by  us  in  Vol.  XX. 
of  this  work,  p.  469  seq. 

MATTEO    RICCI    IN    CHINA.  243 

foreigners  demanded  that  he  should  be  sent  away.  The 
Emperor  would  not  consent  to  this,  but  for  the  time  being 
left  unanswered  the  written  request  which  Ricci  had  made 
to  be  allowed  to  remain  permanently.  It  was  only  after  some 
time  had  passed  that  he  caused  the  learned  Jesuit,  who  had 
become  indispensable  to  him,  to  be  informed  that  His  Majesty 
would  be  very  unwilling  for  him  to  leave  the  capital,  where 
he  had  thought  of  taking  up  his  abode.  Thus  Ricci  saw 
himself  rewarded  in  a  marvellous  way  for  his  perseverance 
and  his  unshaken  confidence  in  God. 

At  last  the  great  plan  for  the  conversion  of  China,  which, 
as  Francis  Xavier  had  already  realized,  would  be  of  decisive 
importance  for  the  future  of  eastern  Asia,  in  view  of  the 
supreme  influence  which  that  land  of  ancient  culture  exercised 
over  Japan  and  the  other  neighbouring  countries,  could  be 
begun  with  the  hope  of  permanent  success.  Nobody  seemed 
to  be  so  well  suited  for  this  work  as  Ricci,  since  the  funda- 
mental traits  of  his  character  were,  as  his  biographer  tells  us, 
courageous  and  unwearied  zeal  that  was  at  the  same  time 
wise  and  patient  ;  caution  and  slowness,  followed  by  action 
that  was  equally  energetic  ;   fear  of  being  too  daring.^ 

Valignani  did  all  he  could  to  support  Ricci.  In  1604  he 
sent  him  three  more  fellow- workers,  and  in  1605  as  many 
more.  He  also  made  him  entirely  independent  of  the  rector 
of  the  college  at  Macao.  His  successes  gradually  increased 
sensibly  ;  eminent  scholars  and  officials  were  converted  to 
Christianity  with  full  conviction.  At  Nanking  Father  Rocca 
won  over  the  great  statesman  and  scholar  Paul  Siu,  who 
became  the  principal  support  of  the  infant  Church.  In  1605 
the  first  Chinese  presented  themselves  for  admission  to  the 
Society  of  Jesus.  Their  chapel  at  Pekin  was  found  to  be  too 
small,  and  after  a  short  time  there  was  erected  in  the  Chinese 
capital  a  public  church,  in  which  the  sacred  mysteries  were 

^  See  Tacchi  Vexturi  in  Cio.  Catt.,  1910,  II.,  39  seq.,  who 
there  summarizes  in  a  beautiful  article  the  results  of  his  profound 
studies  collected  in  the  new  edition  of  the  Commentarii.  CJ.  also 
Brucker,  in  Etudes,  CXXIV.,  751  seq. 

244  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

celebrated  as  in  Rome  and  other  parts  of  the  Christian  world. 
To  this  worship  of  the  "  Lord  of  Heaven  "  there  came  an  ever- 
increasing  number  of  converts  and  catechumens,  and  also  of 
pagans,  whose  hearts  had  been  touched  by  divine  grace. 

The  work  of  the  missions  in  the  Philippine  Islands 
developed^  in  a  very  consoling  way  owing  to  the  labours  of 
the  Franciscans,  Dominicans  and  Jesuits,  all  of  whom  were 
able  to  adapt  their  unwearied  labours  to  the  neds  of  the  native 
population  with  wisdom  and  prudence.  Clement  VIII. 
especially  supported  the  Jesuits  and  the  Dominicans.^  On 
August  14th,  1595,  there  took  place  the  division  of  the  diocese 
of  Manila,  established  by  Gregory  XIII. ,3  and  which  had  so 
far  included  the  whole  mission,  into  four  bishoprics,  while  it 
was  at  the  same  time  made  into  an  archbishopric.  It  retained 
the  central  part  of  the  island  of  Luzon  while  the  northern  part 
was  assigned  to  the  new  diocese  of  Neuva  Segovia,  the  southern 
part  to  the  diocese  of  Nueva  Caceres,  and  the  remaining  islands 
of  the  archipelago  to  the  diocese  of  Cebu.  This  new  arrange- 
ment proved  very  advantageous  ;  it  consolidated  Christianity 
in  the  districts  already  converted,  and  gave  a  vigorous  unity 
to  missionary  activity  in  those  that  were  still  pagan.  The 
missions  prospered  so  well  under  the  Dominican  Michele 
Benavides,  who  was  appointed  Bishop  of  Nueva  Segovia  in 
1595,  that  of  the  three  pagan  provinces  in  his  diocese  in  the 
course  of  a  few  years  two  were  almost  entirely  converted  and 
the  third  to  a  great  extent.  When  Domenico  de  Salazar 
died  in  1602,  Benavides  succeeded  him  in  the  archiepiscopal 
see  of  Manila.  In  this  important  position  the  good  metro- 
politan'* continued  to  promote  the  work  of  the  missions  with 

1  See  Cath.  Encyclopedia,  XII.,  17,  and  ScJimidlin,  2.61  seqq., 
where  the  copious  literature  is  given. 

^  See  Bull.,  IX.,  526  seq.,  529  seq.  Cf.  *brief  to  Phijip  II., 
March  11,  1592,  Arm.  44,  t.  36,  n.  277,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

»  See  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  p.  479. 

"  See  *iicta  consist.  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871,  III.,  Vatican  Library  ; 
Gams,  113-115  and  the  literature  there  indicated;  Neher  in 
Freib.  Kirchenlex.,  VI*.,  692  ;  American  Cath.  Hisl  Soc,  XI. 
1900),  455. 

AKBAR,  THE  GREAT  MOGUL.        245 

indefatigable  zeal.  At  his  death,  which  occurred  on  June  25th, 
1607,  he  was  lamented  as  a  father  by  Spaniards  and  converts 
alike,  and  venerated  as  a  saint. 

Under  Clement  VIII,  there  revived  the  hope  of  the  con- 
version of  Akbar,  the  Great  Mogul  of  the  Indies.^  In  May 
1595  there  appeared  at  Lahore,  Fathers  Girolamo  Xavier,  a 
relative  of  the  Apostle  of  Japan,  and  Emanuel  Pinhero,  where 
they  were  courteously  received  by  the  Great  Mogul.  Akbar 
gave  them  permission  to  establish  missions  at  Lahore, 
Cambaia  and  Agra,  which  flourished  exceedingly,  in  spite 
of  the  hostility  of  the  Mahometans.  At  Lahore  at  Christmas 
1599  many  catechumens,  with  palms  in  their  hands,  went 
through  the  flower-decked  streets  of  the  city  to  the  church 
of  the  Jesuits  to  receive  baptism. ^  There  were  among  the 
converts  men  of  exalted  station.  In  1600  Akbar  confirmed 
in  writing  his  permission  for  the  free  preaching  of  the  Gospel, 
which  he  had  at  first  only  granted  orally,  and  then  subsidized 
the  building  of  the  Jesuit  church  which  was  erected  at  Agra 
in  1602  ;  he  also  caused  a  copy  to  be  made  of  the  picture  of 
the  Madonna  in  S.  Maria  del  Popolo  which  was  there,  and 
placed  it  in  his  palace.  He  read  with  the  greatest  interest 
the  life  of  Jesus  Christ,  which  had  been  translated  into  Persian 
by  Father  Xavier,  but  could  not  bring  himself  to  the  point 
of  conversion  ;  like  a  real  sceptic  he  remained  until  his  death 
in  1605  in  a  state  of  hesitation.^ 

The  efforts  to  unite  the    Nestorian  Church  (Christians  of 

1  Cf.  besides  the  account  of  Du  Jarric  (see  vo].  IX.,  737,  n.  3), 
G.  B.  Peruschi,  Informatione  del  regno  et  stato  del  Gran  Re  di 
Mogor,  della  sua  persona,  etc.,  et  congietture  della  sua  conversione 
alia  nostra  s.  fede,  Rome,  1597  (lat.  Mayence,  1598). 

2  This  occurred  for  the  first  time  in  1589,  but  the  envoys  had 
returned  despairing  of  any  success.  This  was  not  approved  of 
in  Rome  ;  see  Juvencius,  451  ;  Mullbauer,  145  seq.  On 
December  17,  1592,  Clement  VIII.  addressed  a  letter  to  Akbar 
to  recommend  the  Jesuits  to  him  ;    see  Bull.,  IX.,  646  seq 

'  Cf.  Juvencius,  451  seq.  ;  l.itt.  ann.,  1597,  576  seq.  ; 
Mullbauer,  146  seq.  ;  Gruber,  Aquaviva,  181  seq.  ;  Vath  in 
Kalh,  Missionen,  XLIX,,  201  seq. 

246  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

St.  Thomas)  to  the  CathoHc  Church,  which  were  promoted 
by  the  Archbishop  of  Goa,  Alessio  de  Menezes,  with  the 
assistance  of  the  Jesuits,  met  with  a  happy  result.  This 
prince  of  the  Church,  who  was  compared  to  Charles  Borromeo, 
won  und5/ing  fame  by  his  services  to  the  Church  in  the  Indies.^ 
He  at  once  held  a  visitation  of  the  whole  of  the  territory 
subject  to  him,  so  that  Clement  VIII.  sent  him  well-merited 
praise.^  In  1599  Alessio  held  a  synod  at  Diamper,  in  the 
kingdom  of  Cochim,  at  which  the  reunion  of  the  Nestorians 
was  effected.  At  the  same  time  as  he  confirmed  the  synodal 
decrees,  Clement  VIII.  sent  by  the  Jesuit  Alberto  Laerzio 
a  Syriac  printing  press,  by  means  of  which  the  Roman  Ritual, 
and  some  missals  and  breviaries  were  printed.^  The  Pope 
appointed  the  Jesuit  Francisco  Roz  Bishop  of  Angamala, 
which  became  a  suffragan  diocese  of  Goa  ;  the  bishop  by  his 
knowledge  of  the  Syriac  and  Malabar  languages  had  laboured 
for  many  years  for  the  reunion  of  the  Nestorians.  Roz  at 
once  made  a  visitation  of  his  diocese,  and  held  a  diocesan 
synod,  at  which  the  errors  of  Nestorius  were  once  again 
condemned.  In  spite  of  this  the  danger  of  a  relapse  into 
schism  was  not  altogether  destroyed,  and  therefore  Paul  V. 
transferred  the  see  to  Cranganor  and  made  it  into  an  arch- 
diocese. Roz  remained  metropolitan,  and  was  assisted  by 
several  Jesuits.^ 

Clement  VIII.  further  showed  his  zeal  and  care  for  souls  by 
making  use,  in  the  interests  of  the  missions,  of  the  rapproche- 

^  Opinion  of  Dollinger  (Handbuch  der  Kirchengesch.,  II.,  2, 


2  See  *brief  of  praise  to  the  Archbishop  of  Goa,  April  i,  1599, 
Arm.  44,  t.  ^3,  n.  206,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

3  See  Raulinus,  Hist,  ecclesiae  malabaricae,  Rome,  17^5; 
MuLLBAUER,  i66  ;  ZeUschr.f.  kath.  TheoL,  XX.,  728  seq.  ;  Jann, 
167  seq.  By  the  *brief  to  "'  clerus  e  populus  christianus  S. 
Thomae  prov.  Serrae  "  of  May  19,  1601,  he  sends  congratulations 
on  the  synod,  and  gives  deserved  praise  to  the  Jesuits.  Arm.  44, 
t.  45,  n.  147,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  See  MuLLBAUER,  167  seq.  ;    Jann,  169  seq. 


ment  with  the  European  powers  which  had  been  brought  about, 
in  the  interests  of  the  war  against  the  Turks,  by  the  Shah  of 
Persia,  Abbas  I.  the  Great.  The  Portuguese  Jesuit,  Francisco 
da  Costa,  informed  the  Pope  in  the  autumn  of  1600  that  the 
Shah  was  very  well  disposed  towards  the  Christians,  that  he 
wished  for  the  presence  of  Catholic  priests,  and  had  sent 
envoys  to  Rome.  After  mature  reflection  Clement  VIII. 
resolved  to  profit  by  this  favourable  opportunity  himself  to 
send  an  embassy  to  Persia.  For  this  purpose  he  entered 
into  communication  with  the  King  of  Spain,  Philip  III.^ 
When  the  latter  had  given  his  account,  in  February  1601, 
two  Portuguese,  the  above-mentioned  Francisco  da  Costa 
and  Diego  de  Miranda,  who  had  previously  been  to  Persia, 
were  sent,  bearing  pontifical  letters  to  the  Shah.'^  The 
instructions  they  were  given  naturally  referred  to  the  common 
war  against  the  Turks,  but  above  all  dealt  with  religious 
questions.  Costa  was  instructed  to  explain  to  the  Shah  the 
truths  of  Catholic  doctrine  and  to  urge  him  to  enter  the  Church, 
in  which  matter  it  was  thought  that  it  would  be  possible  to 
count  upon  the  assistance  of  the  queen.  If  the  Shah  should 
be  unwilling  to  be  converted  to  the  Christian  faith,  then  the 
envoys  must  at  least  obtain  from  him  permission  to  preach 
freely,  and  for  the  free  exercise  of  the  Christian  religion,  which 
even  the  Sultan  of  Turkey  permitted  in  his  kingdom.^ 

While  Costa  and  Miranda  were  on  their  way,  there  arrived 
in  Rome,  on  April  5th,  1601,  the  two  envo^^s  of  the  Shah.* 
They  brought  good  news  both  with  regard  to  the  participation 
of  their  sovereign  in  the  war  against  the  Turks,  and  the 
permission  for  the  Christian  mission  in  Persia.     Clement  VIII. 

^  Brief  of  September  4,  1600  (Papal  Secret  Archives)  in  App. 
n.  17.  A  letter  from  Persia  to  the  General  of  the  Augustinians, 
May  24,  1599  (in  Lammer,  Zur  Kirchengesch.,  94)  also  refers  to  the 
favourable  dispositions  of  the  Shah. 

2  See  the  *letter  to  the  Shah,  February  24,  1601  (Papal  Secret 
Archives)  in  App.  n.  20. 

^  Lammer,  Melet.,  452  seq. 

*  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  8. 

248  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

thanked  the  Shah  on  May  2nd,  1601,  alluding  to  his  own 
action  and  that  of  the  Shah  against  the  Turks,  and  announcing 
the  sending  of  missionaries  to  Persia.^ 

When  in  1602  Philip  III.  sent  three  Augustinian  friars  to 
Persia  to  promote  the  war  against  the  Turks, ^  Clement  VIII. 
devoted  much  attention  to  the  missions  there.  ^  The 
Augustinians  sent  by  the  King  of  Spain,  in  addition  to 
arousing  interest  in  the  war  against  the  Turks,  also  laboured 
for  the  propagation  of  Christianity.  In  the  summer  of  1604 
the  Pope  sent  six  members  of  the  Italian  Congregation  of 
reformed  Carmelites,  which  had  been  founded  a  few  years 
before,  to  assist  them.  Among  these  there  were  three  of  the 
most  distinguished  members  of  the  Order  :  Paolo  di  Gesu 
Maria,  Giovanni  di  S.  Eliseo,  and  Vincenzo  di  S.  Francesco.^ 
The  letters  to  the  Shah  with  which  they  were  furnished 
indicated  as  the  primary  purpose  of  their  missions  congratu- 
lations on  the  victories  won  against  the  Turks  ;  the  request 
for  permission  to  preach  the  Gospel  was  reserved  for  oral 
negotiation.^  Instead  of  the  long  and  dangerous  sea  voyage, 
the  Carmelites  chose  the  land  route  across  Russia. 
Clement    VIII.    followed    their    journey    with    the    greatest 

1  See  more  fully  in  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  299.  (*Brief 
to  the  Shah,  May  2,  1601,  Papal  Secret  Archives,  in  App.  n.  21). 

*  See  Philippson,  Heinrich,  IV.,  Vol.  I.,  276  seq.,  and  Meyer, 
Nuntiaturberichte,  186. 

3  See  the  *original  letter  of  Caid.  C.  Aldobrandini  to  the 
Archbishop  of  Siponto,  nuncio  in  Spain,  August  28,  1603,  and 
November  7  and  14,  1603,  Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome,  t.  287. 

*  See  Diet,  de  theol.,  II.,  1783.  Cf.  *Avviso  of  July  24,  1604, 
Urb.  1072,  Vatican  Library,  and  the  *report  of  G.  B.  Thesis, 
August  26,  1604,  Gonzaga' Archives,  Mantua.  See  also  Joh.  a 
Jesu  Maria,  Hist.  Missionum  (Opera  omnia,  IV.,  Cologne,  1650), 
I.,  328  seq.  ;  Petrus  a  S.  Andrea,  Hist,  generalis  fratr.  Carmelit. 
discalc.  congreg.  S.  Eliae,  I.,  Rome,  1668  ;  Berihold-Ignace 
DE  St.  Anne,  Hist,  de  I'etablissement  de  la  Mission  de  Perse  par 
les  Peres  Carmes  dechausses  (1604-1612),  Brussels,   1885. 

°  See  the  briefs  of  June  30,  1604,  in  Meyer,  Nuntiaturberichte, 
177  seq.   {cf.  201).     See  also  Chardin,  Voyages  (1829),  XV.,  36. 


interest,^  but  their  great  successes  in  the  Persian  kingdom 
came  after  his  death. 

Much  more  difficult  than  the  journey  to  Persia,  in  the  then 
existing  conditions,  was  that  to  Abyssinia  (Ethiopia),  as  the 
Turks  were  masters  of  the  Red  Sea,  and  were  fighting  the 
Portuguese  wherever  they  could.  In  order  to  provide  for  the 
Portuguese  Christians  and  the  natives  scattered  throughout 
Abyssinia,  who  were  entrusted  to  the  sole  care  of  Francisco 
Lopez,  the  last  companion  of  the  Patriarch  Oviedo,  who  died 
in  1577,  in  February  1589  two  Spanish  Jesuits  were  sent,  the 
great  linguist  Antonio  de  Monserrato  and  Pedro  Paez,  who 
was  burning  with  youthful  enthusiasm.  They  disguised 
themselves  as  Armenian  merchants,  but  were  discovered,  and 
taken  first  to  Terim  and  then  to  Sana'a  in  Arabia,  where  they 
were  kept  for  five  and  a  half  years,  two  of  which  they  passed 
in  prison,  because  it  was  supposed  that  they  were  spies.  At 
the  end  of  1595  they  were  taken  to  Mocha,  where  they  were 
made  to  serve  in  the  galleys,  until  a  subject  of  the  Indies, 
representing  the  rector  of  the  Jesuits  at  Goa,  rescued  them. 
Thus,  seven  years  after  their  departure,  in  December  1595, 
they  returned  once  more  to  Goa,  the  place  from  which  they 
had  set  out.  Both  the  fathers  were  ill ;  Monserrato,  the 
elder,  died  as  a  result  of  the  sufferings  he  had  undergone,  but 
Paez  recovered.  His  wonderful  spirit  of  self-sacrifice  had 
not  grown  less,  and  he  impatiently  awaited  another  oppor- 
tunity of  bringing  religious  help  to  his  beloved  Ethiopians. ^ 

^  See  Meyer,  201,  211,  217  seq.,  220,  259.  In  a  *brief  to 
"  Cancellarius  Lithuaniae,"  on  January  8,  Clement  VIII.  thanked 
him  for  the  help  given  to  the  Carmehtes  who  were  passing  that 
way  (Arm.  44,  t.  56,  p.  390,  Papal  Secret  Archives).  Cf.  the 
*brief  to  the  viceroy  of  Naples,  January  22,  1605  {2bid.  p.  405b). 
Ibid.  p.  430b,  a  *brief  to  the  Augustinian  Hermits  in  Persia, 
February  4,  1605,  in  which  Clement  VIII.  expresses  his  joy  at  the 
good  results  of  their  labours  ;  he  thought  of  them  at  the  Holy 
Sacrifice,  "  lattissimum  habetis  campum  "  ;  he  intended  to  send 
them  companions  in  the  Carmelites,  and  they  must  work  in 
harmony  with  them. 

^  Cf.  the  reports  of  P.  Paez  in  Beccari,  II.,  x.  seq.,  and  X., 

250  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

During  the  imprisonment  of  the  two  fathers,  in  the  summer 
of  1594,  an  Abyssinian  priest,  Tekla  Maryam,  who  had  joined 
the  Cathohc  Church,  had  brought  more  detailed  information 
concerning  Abyssinia  to  Rome.^  In  the  following  year  the 
Maronite,  Abram  de  Guerguis,  who  had  joined  the  Society 
of  Jesus  in  Rome,  was  charged  to  go  to  the  assistance  of  Lopez  ; 
he  was  disguised  as  a  Mahometan,  but  his  companion,  a 
merchant  from  the  Indies,  betrayed  him,  and  as  he  refused 
to  adjure  his  faith,  he  was  put  to  death. ^  More  fortunate 
was  the  Jesuit  Melchior  da  Sylva,  an  ex-Brahmin  priest,  who 
in  1598  reached  Ma'assaua,  and  thence  Fremona,  the  house 
of  the  Jesuits  on  the  north  Tigre,  near  Adua.^  Lopez  had 
died  in  the  previous  year  after  an  apostolate  of  forty  years, 
and  Sylva  now  took  his  place.'* 

After  a  Jesuit  college  had  been  established  at  Diu  at  the 
beginning  of  the  XVIIth  century,  at  length  in  1603  the  hour 
so  longed  for  by  Paez  had  come.  Through  great  perils  and 
privations  he  penetrated  by  way  of  Ma'assaua  to  the  interior 
of  the  country  ;  at  Fremona  he  encouraged  the  Catholics  in 
their  faith,  and  finally  reached  the  court  of  the  Emperor 
Za-Denghel,  whose  confidence  he  was  all  the  more  easily  able 
to  win,  as  the  Portuguese  had  recently  rendered  valuable 
services  to  that  monarch  against  his  enemies.  At  a  private 
audience  Paez  learned  from  the  Emprtor's  own  lips  of  his 
intention  of  accepting  the  Roman  faith,  and  of  entering  into 
a  treaty  of  alliance  with  the  King  of  Spain.  Therefore  on 
June  26th,  1604,  Za-Denghel  wrote  letters  to  Clement  VIII. 

2-30,    Hist.   Aethiopiae   by   Almeida.     See   also   Beccari,    XL, 
I  seq.     For  Paez  see  also  Civ.  Catt.,  1905,  III.,  562  seqq. 

1  See  *Avvisi  of  June  2,  1594  {cf.  *that  of  June  5,  according  to 
which  a  special  commission  was  discussing  the  question  of 
Abyssinia,  Urb.  1062,  Vatican  Library,  a.s  well  as  Thomas  a  Jesu 
in  Thesaurus  theoL,  VIL,  12 61  seq. 

*  See  Almetda,  loc.  cit.,  35  seq. 

'  The  ruins  of  the  Jesuit  church  there  are  still  preserved  ; 
see  the  Veroffentlichungen  der  deutschen  Aksitm-Expedition,  III., 
64  seq. 

*  See  Almeida,  loc.  cit.,  45  seq.     Cf.  Litt.  ann.,  1597,  553. 


and  Philip  III.,  asking  for  some  Jesuits  to  be  sent.  In  these 
letters,  which  were  written  in  the  Abyssinian  language, 
nothing  however  was  said  for  the  moment  of  his  willingness 
to  accept  the  Catholic  faith  ;  Paez  had  to  add  this  in 
Portuguese.  In  spite  of  this,  in  Abyssinia,  where  four  other 
Jesuits  had  arrived  in  the  meantime,  knowledge  of  the 
Emperor's  intention  had  got  abroad.  Accordingly  a  rebellion 
broke  out  and  Za-Denghel  was  killed.^  But  Paez  had  also 
acquired  such  great  influence  over  the  new  Emperor  Jacob 
that  hopes  could  be  entertained  of  his  conversion. ^ 

Of  great  importance  for  the  missions  in  west  Africa  was  the 
establishment  by  Clement  VIII.  in  1596  of  a  diocese  for  that 
kingdom  (San  Salvador)  at  the  request  of  the  King  of  the 
Congo,  this  diocese  being  detached  from  that  of  Sao  Thome. 
The  Franciscan  Rangel  was  given  charge  of  the  new  district.^ 
This  distinguished  man,  who  was  consumed  with  zeal  for 
souls,  succumbed  prematurely  in  1602  to  the  fatigues  to  which 
he  had  been  exposed. 

In  the  case  of  Angola,  which  joined  the  Congo  on 
the  south,  fair  prospects  were  aroused  when  in  1599 
the  king  joined  himself  to  the  tribal  chiefs  who  had 
already  been  converted.  The  same  thing  was  true  of 
Guinea  where  the  Jesuits  effected  many  conversions,  even 
among  the  notabilities.'* 

In  Mexico,  in  addition  to  the  Franciscans  and  Augustinians, 
the  Dominicans  and  Jesuits  were  especially  active.  Both 
these  Orders  directed  their  efforts  above  all  to  the  Indians. 
Towards  the  end  of  the  century  the  Dominicans  had  more 

^  See  the  report  of  P.  Paez  of  July  24,  1603,  in  Beccari,  XL, 
47  seq.,  and  VI.,  49-94  ;  Almeida,  Hist.  Aethiopiae,  where  on 
p.  80  seq.  is  printed  the  letter  to  Clement  VIII. 

*  See  Almeida,  /oc.  cit.,  107  seq. 

'  See  the  *brief  to  Alvares  II.,  King  of  the  Congo,  May  20, 
1596,  Papa]  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  *Acta  consist.,  May  20,  1596, 
Barb.  XXXVI.,  5,  III.,  Vatican  Library  ;  Gams,  473  ;  Jann,  79  ; 
Alys  de  Caramay-Chimay  Borghese,  Beiges  et  Africains,  Rome, 
1 91 6,  15  seqq. 

*  See  ScHMiDLlN.  Missionsgeschichte,  228. 

252  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

than  sixty  houses  there.-^  In  1594  the  Jesuits  penetrated  into 
the  north  of  Mexico,  and  in  1596  established  a  mission  at 
Tepuhuanca,  and  later  on  another  at  Topia.^  Of  great 
assistance  to  the  work  of  the  missions  was  the  support  which 
Clement  VIII.  gave  to  the  university  established  in  the 
capital.^  At  Puebla  de  los  Angeles  he  granted  to  the 
Dominican  school  the  rights  of  a  university.*  Towards  the 
end  of  the  century  some  intrepid  Franciscans  began  the 
missions  in  Lower  California,  New  Mexico  and  Florida,  but 
did  not  meet  v/ith  any  success,  except  in  New  Mexico.^ 

In  the  great  kingdom  of  Peru,  besides  the  Dominicans, 
Franciscans  and  Jesuits,  the  Augustinians  were  labouring 
with  fervent  zeal.®  In  concert  with  such  excellent  bishops  as 
Turibio  of  Lima,  and  Francisco  de  Vittoria  of  Cordoba 
(Tucuman),  they  sensibly  raised  the  tone  of  ecclesiastical  life, 
supported  as  far  as  possible  by  Clement  VIIL,  who  had 
expressed  himself  in  favour  of  the  liberty  of  the  Indians  of 
Peru.''  The  Peruvian  province  of  the  Jesuits,  the  members 
of  which  increased  under  Clement  VIII.  from  240  to  340,  was 
repeatedly  favoured  by  the  Pope. "     On  account  of  its  immense 

1  See  ibid.   341. 

2  See  AsTR.UN,  IV.,  437  seqq.,  442  seqq.  Cf.  M.  Cuevas, 
Hist  de  la  Iglesia  en  Mexico,  If.,  Tlalpam,  1922,  371  seq. 

3  See  Bull.,  X.,  225  seq.     Cf.  Cuevas,  loc.  cit.  284  seqq. 

*  See  Bull.,  X.,  415  seq. 

*  See  ScHMiDLiN,  /oc.  cit.,  347  seq. 

*  See  ibid.  367  seq. 

'  Cf.  Margraf,  147.  Besides  the  literature  concerning  Turibio, 
cited  in  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  p.  503,  see  also  Carlos  Garcia 
Irigoyen,  Santo  Toribio,  4  vols.,  Lima,  1906 ;  Levii.lier, 
Organizacion  de  la  Iglesia  y  ordenes  relig.  en  el  virreinato  del 
Peru  en  el  siglo  xvi.,  2  parts,  Madrid,  1919  ;  Hist.  Jahtb.,  XLVI., 
42  seq. 

*  See,  besides  the  Synopsis,  198,  200,  213,  the  *brief  of  July  31, 
1592,  addressed  to  the  Archbishop  of  Lima,  Turibio  {cf.  Juvencius 
v.,  723),  on  the  occasion  of  a  disagreement  between  him  and  the 
Jesuits,  in  which  it  is  stated  :  "  Nos  certe  in  eo  ordine  diligendo 
nullius  unquam  caritati  concessimus."  Arm.  44,  t.  37,  n.  454, 
Papal  Secret  Archives, 


extent  it  was  then  divided  into  three  parts  :  the  central  part 
under  the  equator  remained  the  true  province,  to  which  were 
added  two  sub-provinces,  one  in  the  north  and  one  in  the  south. 
The  fact  that  the  Jesuits  educated  the  bhnd  and  the  deaf 
and  dumb  in  the  city  of  Cuzco,  shows  how  thorough  they  were 
in  their  mission  work.  At  Quito,  where  a  rebelHon  against 
Spain  had  broken  out,  the  fathers  restored  peace.  Besides 
this  they  were  indefatigable  in  preserving  the  Spanish 
colonists  from  complete  demoralization. ^ 

In  1593  the  Jesuits,  under  the  leadership  of  Father  Luis  di 
Valdivia,  also  reached  Chili,  where  they  founded  an  establish- 
ment which  soon  became  very  flourishing.  They  displayed 
a  most  beneficial  activity  among  the  savage  people  of  the 
Araucani,  who  were  devoted  to  hunting  and  pastoral  life, 
among  whom  the  Franciscans  had  already  laboured  from  1541 
onwards. 2  The  Jesuit  Gabriel  de  Vega,  in  the  midst  of  his 
many  occupations,  found  time  to  compose  a  grammar  and 
dictionary  in  the  Araucani  tongue  ;  in  1602  Luis  di  Valdivia 
published  a  catechism  in  the  dialect  of  the  Alentinos.^  He 
and  his  companion  of  the  same  Order,  Diego  de  Torres,  who 
was  justly  highly  praised  by  Clement  VI I L,^  won  undying 
merit  by  their  efforts  for  the  preservation  and  more  humane 
treatment  of  the  red  races  ;  they  saved  the  Araucani  from 
complete  extermination.^ 

^  See  Liu.  ann,,  1594-1595,  674  scq.  ;  1596,  871  seq.  ;  1603, 
199  seq.  ;  1604,  240  seq.  ;  1605,  315  seq.  Cf.  Juvencius,  V.,  727  ; 
AsirAin,  IV.,  532  seqq.,  360  seqq.  ;    Schmidlin,  312. 

*  Cf.  M.  DE  Olivares,  Hist,  de  la.  Comp.  de  Jesus  en  Chile, 
escrita  1736,  publ.  p.  D.  B.  Arania,  Santiago,  1S74  ;  F.  Enrich, 
Hist,  de  la  Comp.  de  Jesiis  en  Chile,  I.,  Barcelona,  1891  ;, 
IV.,  668  seqq. 

^  See  Dahlmann,  Sprachkunde,  79. 

*  See  the  *brief  to  the  Bishop  of  Cuzco,  Ant.  de  la  Roya, 
March  7,  1603,  Arm.  44,  t.  47,  n.  27,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  CJ.  the  monograph  by  Enrich,  rited  supra  n.  2.  J.  T. 
Medina,  on  the  basis  of  the  Acta  tells  us  of  two  valuable  mono- 
graphs concerning  the  Inquisition  in  South  America  :  Historia 
del  tribunal  del  S.  Oficio  de  la  Inquisicion  de  Lima  (from  1569 

254  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

The  Dominicans  and  Franciscans  vied  with  the  Jesuits  in 
the  kingdom  of  the  Incas.  Among  the  Franciscans  there 
stood  out  Francisco  Solano,  whose  figure  was  soon  made  the 
centre  of  many  legends.  A  man  of  prayer  and  mortification, 
burning  with  the  love  of  God  and  his  neighbour,  this  son  of 
St.  Francis  exercised  an  extraordinary  influence  over  those 
round  him.  Very  soon  after  his  death,  which  took  place  at 
Lima  on  July  14th,  1610,  the  people  venerated  him  as  a  saint, 
and  many  cities  chose  him  as  their  patron.^ 

Francisco  Solano  laboured  as  an  apostle,  not  only  in  Peru 
among  the  degenerate  Spanish  colonists,  but  also  among  the 
Indians  in  the  province  of  Tucuman.  During  many  years 
(1589-1602)  he  unweariedly  travelled  about  that  plateau,  as 

onwards),  2  vols.  Santiago  di  Chile,  1887,  and  Historia  del 
tribunal  del  S.  Oficio  de  la  Inquisicion  en  Chile  (from  1570  onwards) 
2  vols.,  ibid.  1890.  In  a  review  in  the  Hist.  Zeitschr.  (LXVII., 
371)  it  is  stated  :  "A  careful  study  of  both  these  works  makes  us 
realize  that  the  tribunal  of  the  Inquisition,  for  all  its  terrors,  and 
its  power  to  supply  for  the  insufficient  civil  legislation,  did  great 
service  in  the  matter  of  customs  and  morals.  Thus  there  were 
cited  before  the  court  of  the  Holy  Office  bigamists  and  priests 
who  were  leading  immoral  lives,  and  who  abused  the  confessional 
for  this  purpose.  The  punishments  in  these  cases  were  certainly 
not  cruel,  especially  if  we  remember  the  "  law  "  of  the  XVlth 
and  XVI  Ith  centuries  which  was  in  force  everywhere,  and  the 
customary  punishments  for  all  manner  of  faults  and  crimes.  For 
the  same  reason  we  can  explain  why  blasphemies  and  outrages 
against  the  Catholic  Church  were  more  severely  punished  than 
they  are  to-day.  Thus  we  only  have  the  trials  for  heresy  and 
those  of  baptized  Jews  and  Mahometans  who  had  relapsed  into 
their  former  errors,  and  the  study  of  which  may  well  excite 
terror.  It  was  in  these  cases  that  torture  was  most  frequently 
applied,  and  death  sentences  passed." 

^  Cf.  Acta  Sand.,  Iiilii  V.,  859  seq.  ;  Marcelling  da  Civezza, 
Storia  d.  Miss.  F'rancesc,  VII.,  2,  Prato,  1891,  99  seq.  ;  Freib. 
Kirchenlex.,  IV^.,  1836 ;  Hiral,  Vie  de  St.  FVan^ois  Solano, 
Lille,  1906  ;  Hellinghaus,  Der  hi.  Franziskus  Solanus,  Treves, 
1912,  and  with  these  the  critique  by  Schmidlin  in  the  Zeitschr.  f. 
Missionswiss.,  III.,  230. 


well  as  the  immense  plain  of  the  Gran  Chaco.  His  companion 
Luis  Bolafios  was  the  author  of  the  earliest  catechism  in  the 
dialect  of  the  Guarani,  and  the  founder  of  the  mission  in 
Paraguay,  properly  so  called.^  The  Jesuits  went  to  Tucuman 
at  the  invitation  of  the  Dominican  bishop,  Francisco  de 
Vittoria.  Another  Dominican  bishop,  Alfonso  Guerra  di 
Assuncion,  had  summoned  them  to  Paraguay  proper.  From 
their  house,  established  in  1588  in  the  above-mentioned  city, 
they  undertook  "  mobile  missions  "  among  the  savage  tribes 
of  the  immense  surrounding  territory.  As  these  mobile 
missions  did  not  prove  effective,  in  1602  the  General  of  the 
Order  Aquaviva  and  the  visitor  Paez  ordered  the  establish- 
ment of  fixed  missions,  avoiding  as  far  as  possible  men  of 
alien  blood,  a  step  which  was  approved  by  the  Spanish 

The  Jesuits  too  in  the  province  of  Brazil,  where  the  cele- 
brated Father  Anchieta  laboured  until  1597,^  took  part  in 
the  missions  in  Paraguay.  A  law  made  by  the  King  of  Spain, 
in  the  year  in  which  Anchieta  died,  prohibited  slavery  in 
Brazil.  Thus  a  great  hindrance  to  the  progress  of 
Christianity  was  removed,  and  the  messengers  of  the 
faith  now  penetrated  into  the  depths  of  the  virgin  forests 
with  renewed  zeal.^ 

Clement  VIII.  followed  with  the  closest  attention  the 
progress  of  the  missions  in  America,  and  furthered  them  by 
many  proofs  of  his  favour.     If  he  heard  of  the  discovery  of 

^  For  the  Catechism  of  Bolano  see  Southey,  Between  the 
Amazon  and  Andes,  by  Mulhall,  London,  1881,  248  seq. 

2  See  JuvENCius,  V.,  732  seq.  ;  Huonder  in  Freib.  Kirchenlex., 
IX^.,  1464  ;  AsTRAiN,  IV.,  614  seqq.  ;  625  seqq.  ;  Pfotenhauer, 
I.,  87  ssq.  ;    ScHMiDLiN,  Missionsgeschichte,  317  seq. 

*  For  Anchieta  cf.  Vol.  XX.  of  this  work,  p.  510. 

*  For  the  Jesuits  in  Brazil  see  Litt.  ann.  1594-1595,  789  seq., 
1597.  492  seq.  ;  JuvENXius,  V.,  731  seq.  ;  F.  Guerreiro, 
Rela(;'am  annal  das  cousas  ijue  fezeram  os  padres  da  Companhia 
de  Jesus  nas  partes  da  India  oriental  e  no  Brasil,  Angola, 
Caboverde,  Guine  nos  annos  de  1602  e  1603,  Lisbon,  1605, 
III.,  125. 

256  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

new  peoples,  he  hastened  to  exhort  the  bishop  concerned  to 
spread  Christian  doctrine  among  them  ;  if  he  learned  of  abuses, 
he  at  once  intervened.  ^  His  care  also  extended  to  civil 
matters  ;  thus  he  urged  Philip  III.  not  to  oppress  the  natives 
by  taxes.  ^ 

From  a  description  of  Spanish  America,  published  in  Madrid 
in  1601,  we  learn  that  at  the  beginning  of  the  XVIIth  century 
the  success  of  the  missions  presented  externally  an  impressive 
appearance ;  there  were  five  archdioceses,  twenty-seven 
dioceses,  two  universities,  more  than  four  hundred  convents 
of  Dominicans,  Franciscans,  Augustinians,  Mercedari  and 
Jesuits,  innumerable  confraternities  and  hospitals,  parishes 
and  mission  stations  for  the  million  pagans  who  had  been 
converted  to  Christianity.  ^  In  Mexico  and  other  places  the 
building  of  magnificent  cathedrals  had  been  begun. ^  Naturally 
there  were  also  abuses  and  dark  places  which  reacted  upon 
these  external  signs  of  progress,  a  thing  which  continues  down 
to  our  own  times. ^ 

While  in  the  colonies  of  Spain  and  Portugal  the  Church 
could  rejoice  in  the  fullest  support  and  protection  of  the  civil 
authorities,  in  all  the  countries  subject  to  the  Turks  it  had 
to  suffer  severely  from  the  Mohamedans  and  schismatics. 
In  spite  of  all  the  efforts  of  the  Latin  missionaries  of  the  various 
Orders  there  was  a  perceptible  diminution  of  the  Christian 
population.  Clement  VIII.  did  all  in  his  power  to  remedy 
this.  One  of  his  first  cares  was  to  resume  the  question  of 
the  reunion  of  the  Copts  which  had  been  begun  by  Sixtus  V..® 
but  which  had  been  interrupted  during  the  brief  pontificates 
of  Urban  VII.,  Gregory  XIV.  and  Innocent  IX.  In  March 
1592  Clement  VIII.  sent  an  envoy  to  the  Patriarch  Gabriel  of 

1  Cf.  Bull.,  X.,  767  ;    XI.,  60  seq. 

*  See  the  *instructions  to  D.  Ginnasio,  September  18,  1600, 
Barb.  5832,  Vatican  Library. 

^  See  A.  DE  Herrera,  Descripcion  de  las  Indias  ocidentales, 
Madrid,  1601,  80. 

*  Cf.  Briggs,  Barock-Architektur,   186  seq. 

*  See  ScHMiDLiN,  JNIissionsgeschichte,  314  seq. 
^  Cf.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  185. 

REUNION    OF   THE    COPTS.  2^7 

Alexandria^  in  the  person  of  Girolamo  Vechietti.  As  a  result 
of  this  the  Patriarch  sent  representatives  to  Rome,  with  a 
letter  of  November  22nd,  1593,  addressed  to  the  Pope,  in 
which  he  recognized  the  primacy.  The  same  was  done  by 
the  archpriest  John  of  Alexandria,  who  in  a  letter  dated 
December  i8th,  1593,  said  that  the  pitiful  state  of  the 
Egyptian  Church  and  its  harassing  by  the  Turks,  was  in  his 
opinion  a  punishment  for  its  schism. ^ 

The  Coptic  envoys  reached  Rome  in  June  1594.  After 
the  difficulties  connected  with  the  differences  of  rite  had  been 
adjusted  with  the  help  of  the  Jesuits,^  on  January  15th,  1595, 
in  the  presence  of  Clement  VIII.  and  twenty-four  Cardinals 
they  made  the  Catholic  act  of  faith,  and  paid  homage  to  the 
Pope,*  in  the  name  of  those  who  had  sent  them.  The 
completion  of  the  reunion  was,  however,  delayed  by  unfor- 
tunate circumstances,  and  it  was  only  on  October  7th,  1602, 
that  Clement  VIII.  could  express  to  the  Patriarch  of 
Alexandria  his  joy  at  his  return  to  Catholic  unity. 
At  the  same  time  he  informed  him  that  he  had 
established  a  Coptic  college  in  Rome,  and  asked  that 
suitable  students  should  be  sent  thither ;  for  his  part 
he  offered  to  further  the  printing  of  ecclesiastical 
books  in  the  Coptic  language.^  The  archdeacon  of 
the  Alexandrian  Church,  Barsum,  was  to  take  this 
letter  with  him.  In  the  meantime,  unfortunately,  the 
Patriarch  Gabriel  died,  and  his  successor  Mark,  to  whom 

1  See  *bnef  of  March  27,  1592,  Arm.  44,  t.  36,  Papal  Secret 

2  See  Baronius,  Annales,  VIII. ,  Lucca,  1741,  ad  an.  452,  n.  23, 
and  Append,  p.  636  seq. 

8  See  *Avviso  of  June  9,  1594,  Urb.  1062,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  p.  390,  Vatican 
Library  ;  *Avviso  of  January  18,  1595,  Urb.  1063,  ibid.  ; 
Baronius,  loo.  cit. 

^  See  *letter  of  October  7,  1602,  Arm.  44,  t.  46,  Papal  Secret 
Archives.  This  and  the  following  documents  were  unknown  to 
Renaudot  (Hist.  Patriarch.  Alexandr.  Jacobit.,  612),  and  to 
PiCHLER  (II.,  516). 

VOL.   XXIV.  17 


Clement  VIII.  addressed  himself  in  1604,^  held  different  views 
from  those  of  his  predecessor. 

Clement  VIII.  showed  great  affection  for  the  Maronites, 
whose  college  in  Rome  he  did  his  best  to  help.^  In  June  1596 
he  sent  the  Jesuit  Girolamo  Dandini  to  Lebanon,^  where  he 
found  certain  evils  and  abuses.  In  September  he  held  a 
national  council  at  the  monastery  of  Kanobin,  at  which  the 
Maronites  protested  at  dogmatic  errors  being  attributed  to 
them.  At  this  assembly  certain  canons  were  laid  down 
concerning  external  worship  and  the  administration  of  the 
sacraments  ;  in  future  they  were  all  to  make  use  of  the 
reformed  missal^  published  in  Rome  by  pontifical  authority. 
In  1599  Clement  VIII.  granted  to  the  new  Patriarch  of  the 
Maronites  the  confirmation  he  asked  for,  and  sent  him  the 

1  See  *brief  of  May  26,  1604,  Arm  44,  t.  56,  Papal  Secret 

*  See  Anaissi,  Bull.  Maronit.,  104  seq.  The  Pope  supplied  the 
college  with  Spanish  wine  ;  see  *instructions  to  D.  Ginnasio  in 
Barb.  5852,  Vatican  Library. 

^  See  Anaissi,  loc,  cit.,  106  seq.  The  instructions  of  the  General 
Aijuaviva  for  Dandini  and  his  companion  Fabio  Bruno  in 
Rabbath,  Documents,  I.,  170  seq. 

*  Cf.  Dandini,  Voyage  du  niont  Liban  par  R.S.P.  (Richard 
Simon),  Paris,  1685,  109  seq.,  158  seq.,  Pichlek,  II.,  458  seq.. 
Coll.  Lacens.,  II.,  413  seq.  A  "  Missale  chaldaic.  iuxta  ritum 
Maronit,"  dedicated  to  Clement  VIII.  and  printed  in  1594  at  the 
"  Tipografia  Medicea,"  in  Vat.  lat.  5477,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Anaissi,  Bull.  Maronit.,  107  seq.  Cod.  M.  8,  p.  77  seq. 
of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome,  contains  an  "  *Epistola  Simeonis 
patriarchae  totius  Iberiae  et  Orientis  ad  S.P.  Clemen  tern  VIII. 
a.  1596,  de  statu  religionis  christianae  in  illis  partibus,"  especially 
concerning  Georgia,  where  some  Capuchins  were  working  at  the 
beginning  of  the  XVIIth  century.  Cf.  Beilage  zur  Allg.  Zeitung, 
1896,  n.  loi.  May  i.  See  also  *briefs  of  April  i,  1598,  to  the 
King  and  Patriarch  of  Iberia  (Georgia)  in  Arm.  44,  t.  42,  n.  73  seq., 
106,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  In  a  *brief  to  Philip  III.  of  Septem- 
ber 13,  1602,  the  Pope  recommends  "  archiep.  Dersinensis  in 
Armenia  "  who  had  been  sent  to  him  by  the  Armenian  Patriarch 


In  the  Balkan  peninsula  Clement  VIII.  sought  to  brmg 
about  the  reunion  of  the  Serbs  with  Rome,  by  means  of  the 
Franciscans  who  were  labouring  there  in  a  self-sacrificing 
spirit,  but  national  jealousies  prevented  the  success  of  his 
efforts.^  In  the  principality  of  Moldavia,  which  had  been 
reduced  to  a  state  of  vassalage  by  the  Turks,  the  efforts  of 
the  voivode  Peter  the  Lame,  which  had  been  begun  under 
Gregory  XIII.  and  Sixtus  V.  to  reunite  his  subjects  to  the 
Catholic  Church  proved  vain,  since  that  prince,  fearing  that 
the  Sultan  would  forcibly  make  his  son  John  Stefan  embrace 
Mohamedanism,     had     taken     to     flight."^      Clement     VIII. 

Melchisedech  for  recognition  by  the  Holy  See  ;  in  the  brief  it  is 
stated  that  the  archbishop  had  told  him  of  the  oppression  and 
persecution  of  the  Armenians  by  the  Turks.  He  complains  that 
the  Armenian  Catholic  uniats  are  treated  as  pagans  by  your 
representatives  in  the  east  ;  at  Orniuz,  the  port  in  the  Persian 
Gulf,  where  a  tenth  is  paid  as  customs  duty,  they  have  to  pay 
double  like  the  pagans,  whereas  at  Ancona  they  are  treated  by 
us,  as  by  other  prmces,  as  Christians  ;  they  are  excluded  from 
trading  in  the  East  Indies.  The  archbishop  asks  you  to  make 
restitution.  We  recommend  to  you  the  Armenian  Catholics,  and 
the  Armenian  merchants,  who  greatly  help  the  bishops  (Arm.  44, 
t.  46,  n.  281,  Papal  Secret  Archives).  A  *brief  to  Philip  III., 
October  21,  160^,  recommends  the  Armenians,  so  that  they  may 
be  able  to  return  by  an  indirect  route,  as  the  Turks  bar  their  way 
{ibid.  t.  56,  p.  326).  According  to  the  *Avviso  of  November  20, 
1604,  Stefano  Sirleto,  nephew  of  the  Cardinal,  of  the  new  Order 
"  della  continua  oratione,"  or  of  S.  Agnese  who,  being  very 
learned  and  pious,  had  preached  to  the  Jews,  was  sent  by  the 
Pope  to  Armenia  as  archbishop.     Urb.  1072,  Vatican  Library. 

^  Cf.  Fabianich,  Storia  dei  Frati  minori  in  Dalmazia  et  Bossina, 
I.,  Zara,  1863,  315  seq.  Balan,  La  chiesa  e  gli  Slavi,  207  seq.  ; 
HuDAL,  Die  serbisch-orthodoxe  Nationalkirche,  Graz,  1922,  13. 
For  Clement  VIII.  and  the  Bulgarians  cf.  Archiv.  f.  ostevr.  Gesch., 
LIX.,  344  seq. 

2  Cf.  NiLLES,  Svmbolae  ad  ill.  hist.  eccl.  orient.,  II.,  Lisbon, 
1885,  978  seq.,  and  Hirn  in  Hist.  Jahrb.,  VII.,  434  seq.  Docu- 
ments relating  to  the  Catholics  in  Moldavia,  1600  seqq.,  in  the 
Roumanian  periodical  Colunna  lui  Traian,  1876,  299  seqq.     See 

26o  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

repeatedly  implored  the  help  of  foreign  princes  for  the 
Christians  of  Moldavia,  Wallachia^  and  the  Epirus,^  who 
were  gravely  threatened  by  the  Turks.  At  the  very  beginning 
of  his  pontificate  he  had  assigned  an  annual  subsidy  to  the 
bishop  of  the  Latin  Catholics  in  Moldavia,  which  was  to  be 
paid  by  the  Apostolic  Camera.^ 

"With  a  like  generosity  the  Pope  made  provision  for  the  Latin 
bishops  in  the  islands  of  Chios,  Andros  and  Naxos,  who  found 
in  their  poverty  an  obstacle  to  their  fulfilling  their  duty  of 
residence.*  To  give  spiritual  assistance  to  the  Christian 
inhabitants  of  the  archipelago  was  all  the  more  near  to  the 
heart  of  Clement  VIIL,  in  that  the  Greeks  living  there  had 
not  as  yet  formally  detached  themselves  from  the  Roman 
Church.^  For  this  purpose  he  made  use  by  preference  of  the 
Jesuits.  Bishops  such  as  the  bishop  of  Crete,  which  island 
still  belonged  at  that  time  to  the  Venetians,  put  difficulties 
in  the  way  of  the  fathers,  on  which  account  they  received 

also  Abraham  in  Kwartalnik  Hist.,  XVI.  (1902),  206.  Jorga  in 
Gesch.  der  europ.  Staaten,  XXXIV.,  36 ;  Korolevskij  in 
Rev.  catolica,  191 5. 

1  See  the  *brief  to  the  King  of  Poland,  September  6,  1602, 
Arm.  44,  t.  46,  n.  272,  Papal  Secret  Archives,  and  ibid,  the  *brief 
of  the  same  date  to  the  "  episc.  Argensis."  The  report  drawn  up 
a  short  time  after  the  death  of  Clement  VIIL,  cited  by  Gottlob 
in  Hist.  Jahrh.,  VI.,  54  seq.,  shows  how  Protestantism,  by  pene- 
trating into  Transylvania,  had  hastened  the  decline  of  the  Catholic 
Church  in  Moldavia. 

2  See  the  *brief  to  Philip  III.,  February  14,  1603,  Arm.  44, 
t.  47,  n.  10,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  The  brief  to  the  Christians 
of  the  "  Cimarra  "  in  Epirus  in  1594,  in  Bessarione,  XVII.  (1913), 


^  Bull.,  IX.,  549  seq.  For  Bishop  Vincenzo  Quirini,  who  in 
1599  sent  to  Clement  VIIL  a  report  that  was  often  quite  incorrect 
(printed  in  Hurmuzaki,  III.,  i,  545  seq.)  cf.  Nilles,  loc.  cit.,  1008, 
1026  seq. 

^  See  Bull.,  IX.,  549  seq. 

^  The  definite  breach  only  took  place  at  the  beginning  of  the 
XVIIIth  century  ;    see  Piolet,  L,  133. 

THE   GREEK    UNIATS.  261 

severe  admonitions.^  In  1592  Clement  VIII.  sent  to  Chios 
the  Jesuits  Benedetto  Muleto  and  Vincenzo  Castanola.  When 
three  years  later  the  latter  sent  to  Rome  a  report  of  the  sad 
conditions  in  Chios,  it  was  decided  to  establish  a  house  for 
the  Jesuits  there,  for  which  the  Pope  gave  the  necessary  funds. 
Their  work  in  Chios  was  so  beneficial  that  the  inhabitants 
of  the  island  sent  a  letter  of  thanks  to  Rome.^  The  inhabitants 
of  Naxos  also  asked  that  a  Jesuit  might  be  sent  to  them,  and 
Clement  VIII.  entrusted  that  mission  to  the  learned  Vincenzo 
Cicada,  who  was  a  relative  of  the  owner  of  the  island,  the 
Count  of  Cicada.^ 

In  a  yet  more  comprehensive  way  Clement  VIII.  occupied 
himself  with  the  condition  of  the  Greeks,  a  hundred  thousand 
in  all,  who  lived  in  different  parts  of  Italy,  especially  in 
Calabria  and  the  island  of  Sicily.  These  consisted  in  part  of 
old  inhabitants,  and  in  part  of  exiles,  who  had  left  their  own 
country  on  account  of  the  Turkish  rule.  To  these  were  added 
a  number  of  Albanians,  who  had  sought  a  refuge  in  Italy  after 
the  death  of  their  national  hero  Skanderbeg,  but  who  had 
nothing  in  common  with  the  Greeks  but  their  liturgical  rite.* 

In  common  with  all  the  Italian  bishops,  those  of  southern 

'  See  the  *  brief  to  the  Archbishop  of  Crete  "  Laurentius 
Victurius,"  February  4,  1595,  Arm.  44,  t.  40,  p.  41,  Papal  Secret 
Archives.     Cf.  as  to  this  Synopsis,  196  seq. 

*  See  Juvencius  V.,  436  seq.  ;    Synopsis,  183  seq.,  194,  219. 

^  See  the  *briefs  to  V.  Cicada  and  the  Count  C.  Cicada,  of 
May  5  and  8,  1600,  Arm.  44,  t.  44,  nn.  127-129,  Papal  Secret 
Archives.  Ibid.  t.  43,  n.  336,  a  *brief  to  C.  Cicada,  in  which 
Clement  VIII.  recommends  to  him  the  faithful  in  the  island. 
The  direction  of  the  Greek  College  in  Rome,  which  Clement  VIII. 
had  entrusted  to  the  Jesuits  {Synopsis,  158)  was  taken  from  them 
in  1604.  It  is  false  to  say  that  this  was  done  on  account  of  bad 
administration,  as  was  said  (see  *Avviso  of  September  25,  1604, 
Urb.  1072,  Vatican  Library)  ;  cf.  Korolevskij  in  Stoudion,  1929, 
in  course  of  publication.     Cf.  Bull.,  IX.,  518  seq. 

*  Cf.  J.  Gay,  fitude  sur  la  decadence  du  rite  grec  dans  I'ltalie 
meridionale  a  la  fin  du  XVI.  siecle,  in  Compte-rendu  du  IV". 
Congres  Scientif.  internal,  des  CatJioliqites,  Sect.  I.,  163  seqq. 

262  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Italy,  encouraged  by  the  Holy  See,  had  again  commenced 
to  hold  regular  visitations  of  their  dioceses  during  the  period 
of  Catholic  reformx.  In  doing  this  they  had  come  to  know 
more  fully  the  religious  conditions  of  the  Greeks,  which 
frequently  called  for  improvement.  Like  the  magistrates 
and  some  of  the  barons,  not  a  fev/  of  the  bishops  were  guilty 
of  grave  mistakes  in  dealing  with  the  Greeks  and  Albanians  ; 
often  almost  force  was  used  to  compel  them  to  adopt  the 
Roman  rite.^  Faced  with  this  fact,  the  Holy  See  held  firmly 
to  its  ancient  principle  of  energetically  protecting  the  dis- 
cipline and  liturgy  of  the  Greek  Catholics,  so  long  as  these 
were  not  opposed  to  dogma.  Just  as  Leo  X.  and  Clement  VII. 
had  strongly  admonished^  those  Latins  who  attacked  the 
Greeks  on  account  of  their  different  discipline,  so  had  Paul  IH. 
forbidden  under  grave  penalties  the  Bishops  of  Cassano, 
Bisignano,  Rossano  and  Anglona-Tursi  to  disturb  the 
Albanians  in  the  exercise  of  their  liturgy.  But  as  many 
abuses  which  affected  doctrine  had  become  introduced, 
especially  among  the  Greeks  of  Sicily,  on  February  i6th, 
1564,  Pius  IV.  had  expressly  recalled  the  duty  of  vigilance 
over  their  doctrines  and  worship  which  was  incumbent  on  the 
Latin  bishops.^  But  both  he  and  Pius  V.  had  insisted  on  the 
inviolability  of  the  Byzantine  rite.  In  the  Greek  college 
as  in  all  the  oriental  colleges  which  he  established,  he  had 
the  students  strictly  educated  in  their  own  rite.^ 

1  Cf.  ibid. 

2  See  Hergenrother  in  Arch.  f.  kath.  Kirchenrecht,  VIL,  179. 
8  See  RoDOTA,  DeH'origine  e  state  presente  del  rito  grace  in 

Italia,  IIL,  Rome,  1758,  138. 

*  See  Hergenrother,  loc.  cit.  179,  355.  Professor  H.  Gelzer, 
who  died  in  1906,  was  occupied  in  1903  with  the  manuscript 
material  for  a  history  of  the  Greeks  and  Albanians  in  southern 
Italy.  For  this  purpose  he  obtained  documents  from  the  archives 
of  the  Congregation  of  the  Council  and  Propaganda,  and  even 
some  from  that  of  the  Holy  Office  in  Rome,  which  is  so  jealously 
guarded.  1  have  already  f'.eijuently  stated,  and  once  again  in 
7912  in  Hist.  Jahrb.,  XXXHL,  481  seq.,  that  not  only  in  the 
interest  of  historical  studies,    but  also  in   that  of  the  Catholic 


Clement  VIII.  too  was  guided  by  the  principle  that  the 
Byzantine  liturgy  had  its  full  rights,  within  the  limits  assigned 
by  dogma.  On  August  31st,  1595,  he  issued  a  special  in- 
struction which  dealt  exhaustively  with  the  controversy  which 
had  arisen  concerning  the  rites  and  usages  of  the  Greeks.^ 
The  publication  of  this  document  had  been  preceded  by  a 
detailed  inquiry  by  a  Congregation  expressly  intended  for  the 
reform  of  the  Greeks.  ^  Of  decisive  importance  in  this  matter 
were  the  views  of  Cardinal  Santori,  who  was  very  expert  in 
these  questions,  and  had  collected  detailed  information.^ 
The  instruction  aimed  above  all  things  at  the  removal  of 
undoubted  abuses,  especially  in  the  administration  of  the 
sacraments.  With  regard  to  sacerdotal  ordination,  it  laid 
down  that  the  Greeks  could  only  receive  this  from  a  bishop 
of  their  own  rite.  It  was  expressly  ordered  that  one  of  their 
bishops  should  reside  in  Rome.  Clement  VIII.  at  the  same 
time  renewed  the  edicts  of  Innocent  IV.  in  1254,  ^-^^  of 
Pius  IV.  in  1564,  as  well  as  the  prohibition  issued  by  Pius  V. 

Church,  it  is  ardently  to  be  desired  that  these  may  at  last  be 
made  accessible.  The  researches  of  Professor  Gelzer,  which 
have  not  as  yet  been  published,  have  confirmed  this.  Gelzer 
wrote  to  me  from  Naples  on  March  10,  1903,  that  his  work  would 
be  "  an  honourable  page  for  the  Roman  Curia  and  for  the  Holy 
Office  itself.  They  did  all  they  could  on  behalf  of  these  exiles, 
and  for  the  safeguarding  of  their  liturgy  and  privileges.  The 
pressure  to  make  them  accept  the  Latin  rite  always  came  from 
the  local  authorities,  the  bishops,  barons  and  magistrates." 
Cf.  KoROLEVsKTj,  in  Stoudion,  IV.,  82-91. 

1  Bull.,  X.,  2,  II  seq. 

*  Part  of  the  protocols  to  be  found  in  Barb.  2607,  Vatican 
Library,  was  published  from  this  in  the  periodical  Bcssarione, 
XVII.  (1913).  345  seq. 

'  Cf.  the  *Miscellanea  de  riti  specialmente  greci,  from  the 
Santori  bec|uest,  in  Cod.  I-B  6  of  the  Brancacciana  Library, 
Naples  (now  at  Propaganda)  from  which  Gay,  loc.  cit.,  164  seq. 
gives  information.  Cf.  also  "  Ant.  Lombardi  archiepisc.  *Consul- 
tatio  super  abusibus  Graecorum  degentium  Messanae  ad  loh. 
Ant.  Santori  ctird.  s.  Severinae,"  in  Vat.  5544,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  also  Bessarinne,  XVII.  (1913),  466  seq. 

264  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

in  1566,  of  any  fusion  of  the  Roman  and  Byzantine  rites.  ^ 
The  indefatigable  Cardinal  Santori  remained  the  advocate 
of  the  Greeks  in  Rome.^ 

Several  memorials  presented  to  the  Pope  show  how  great 
was  the  interest  taken  at  that  time  in  the  world-wide  mission 
of  the  Church.  One  of  these  documents  treats  with  great 
learning  and  knowledge  of  the  political  and  religious  con- 
ditions of  the  East,  and  of  the  principles  which  must  be  firmly 
adhered  to  in  the  negotiations  of  the  Holy  See  with  the  oriental 
princes  in  the  interests  of  a  reunion  of  the  Patriarchs  of 
Alexandria  and  Constantinople.^  A  second  memorial  makes 
proposals  for  missions  to  be  undertaken  in  Denmark  and 
Norway.*  A  third,  whose  author  through  modesty  does 
not  make  himself  known,  urges,  probably  in  connexion  with  a 
petition^  from  the  Bishop  of  Tournai,  Jean  Vendeville, 
presented  to  Sixtus  V.  in  1589,  the  establishment  of  a  special 
Congregation,  which  may  be  called  the  forerunner  of  "  Pro- 
paganda fide,"  since  its  suggests  to  the  Pope  the  erection  of 
a  similar  institution  as  the  best  means  of  propagating  the 
Catholic  faith.®    The  author  is  of  opinion  that  it  would  be 

^  See  Hergenkother,  loc.  cit.  355.  The  edict  of  Innocent  IV. 
in  Raynalous,  1254,  n.  7. 

2  The  reply  of  Santori  to  the  Archbishop  of  Reggio,  Annibale 
d'Afflito,  concerniRg  the  Byzantine  rite  in  his  diocese  :  Roma  e 
Oriente,  VII.  (1914),  106  seq.,  339  seq. 

^  *Discorso  in  Urb.  854,  p.  i  seq.,  Vatican  Library,  used  for  the 
first  time  by  Lammer,  Analecta,  52. 

*  This  *  memorial  addressed  to  the  Pope  and  to  the  Cardinals 
of  the  Congregation  of  Propaganda  Fide  in  Barb.  1992,  Vatican 

^  See  Rensens,  La  premiere  idee  du  college  de  la  Propagande 
ou  memoire  presente  en  1589  par  J.  Vendville,  etc.,  in  Mem.  de  la 
Soc.  hist,  et  Hit.  de  Tournai,  X.  (1870).  Cf.  also  Goyau,  Les 
initiatives  Beiges  dans  la  Fondation  de  la  Propagande,  in  Revue 
Generate  of  Brussels,  July  15,  1924,  p.  i  seq. 

*  *"  Modus  propagandi  fidem  Catholicam,"  an  unsigned 
manuscript  from  the  collection  of  INIagliabecchi  ;  I  made  use  of 
this  in  1879  in  Florence  in  the  Marucelliana  Library  ;   the  manu- 


necessary  to  emplo}'  four  or  five  secretaries,  distinguished 
for  their  knowledge  of  languages,  their  learning  and  their 
piety,  who  should  lay  proposals  before  the  Congregation  and 
supervise  their  carrying  out.  The  first  of  these  secretaries, 
who  were  also  to  draw  up  a  list  of  all  persons  of  importance 
for  the  work  of  the  missions,  was  to  be  concerned  with  the 
spiritual  needs  of  England,  Scotland,  Ireland,  France, 
Germany,  Denmark  and  Sweden  ;  the  second  with  the 
Poles,  Lithuanians,  Russians,  Ruthenians,  Hungarians  and 
Transylvanians  ;  the  third  was  to  be  assigned  Dalmatia, 
Bosnia,  and  in  a  special  way  the  whole  of  the  Balkan  peninsula  ; 
the  fourth  Cyprus,  Asia  Minor,  Syria,  Jerusalem,  Alexandria 
and  Algeria  ;  the  fifth  all  the  missions  in  the  Spanish-Portu- 
guese colonies  in  America  and  Asia. 

The  memorial  also  treats  in  detail  of  the  training  to  be  given 
to  the  missionaries  in  Rome.  This  work  was  to  be  divided 
between  the  Franciscans,  Dominicans  and  Jesuits.  The 
author  attaches  great  importance  to  the  spread  of  Catholic 
books  translated  into  the  languages  of  the  various  peoples. 
He  suggests  that  there  should  be  interested  in  this  work, 
besides  the  Generals  of  the  above-mentioned  Orders,  the 
Latin  Bishops  of  Cattaro,  Ragusa,  Crete  and  Corfu,  the  nobles 
who  had  remained  lo3^al  to  the  Church  in  Andros  and  Chios 
the  many  merchants  who  traded  with  the  east,  and  their 
consuls  at  Pera,  Alexandria  and  Aleppo.  At  the  end  the 
author  remarks  that  if  the  city  of  Geneva  alone  had  been  able 

script  was  at  that  time  to  be  included  in  the  National  Library, 
then  closed.  The  author  of  the  manuscript  was  probably  the 
distinguished  Provincial  of  the  Carmelites,  Tommaso  a  Jesu,  a 
friend  of  Santori,  who  in  his  work,  "  De  procuranda  salute  omnium 
gentium, "  Antwerp,  1613  {cf.  Schmidlin,  in  Zeiischr.  f.  Missions- 
wiss.,  III.,  112)  repeats  almost  word  for  word  a  part  of  the  things 
set  forth  in  the  memorial  (i.  3,  c.  i,  p.  103  seq.).  Tommaso  a 
]esu,  who  relates  in  his  mtroduction  that  he  had  made  use  of  the 
library  of  Santori,  probably  saw  the  memorial  there.  For 
Tommaso  a  Jesu  (1568-1626)  cf.  also  Salaville,  LTn  theoricien  de 
I'apostolat  catholiqtie  au  XVII.  siecle,  in  Eckqs  d'Orient,  XX., 

266  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

in  a  short  space  of  time,  by  means  of  books  and  writings, 
to  win  over  so  great  a  number  of  souls  to  Calvinism,  how 
much  more  reason  there  was  to  hope  for  the  winning,  by  the 
help  of  God,  of  so  many  immortal  souls,  for  which  Christ 
had  shed  His  blood  ;  it  was  only  essential  for  attention  to 
be  drawn  to  this  argument,  while  the  necessary  power  was 
not  wanting  in  Rome. 

This  memorial  contains  the  germ  of  the  great  idea  of 
Propaganda,  and  it  is  the  undeniable  merit  of  Clement  VIII. 
that  he  sought  to  realize  it.  The  Pope  had  already  in  1594 
established  a  similar  Congregation  for  the  missions  in 
Abyssinia,^  and  in  1595  for  the  Italo-Greeks.^  In  continuance 
of  the  efforts  of  Pius  V.,^  in  1599  he  established  a  Congregation 
composed  of  nine  Cardinals,  which  was  to  concern  itself 
principally  with  the  propagation  of  the  faith.  The  president 
was  Cardinal  Santori,  together  with  Baronius  and  Bellarmine, 
who  also  formed  part  of  the  new  Congregation,  but  he  was 
undoubtedly  the  most  important  and  zealous  Cardinal  of  his 
time.  Besides  this  indefatigable  supporter  and  proved  expert 
in  the  work  of  the  missions,  there  were  also  added"*  Medici, 
Borromeo,  Visconti,  Antoniano,  and  Pietro  and  Cinzio  Aldo- 
brandini.  The  constitution  of  the  Congregation  took  place 
on  August  nth,  1599,  in  the  presence  of  the  Pope  ;  on  August 
i6th  the  members  held  their  first  meeting  at  the  palace  of  the 
president,  Santori.  Unfortunately  only  the  notes  of  the 
first  ten  meetings  have  been  preserved  ;    the  last  took  place 

1  According  to  the  *Avviso  of  June  9,  1594,  there  belonged 
to  this  Congregation  Cardinals  Galli,  Paleotto,  Santori,  Toledo  and 
the  Camerario.     Urb.  1062,  Vatican  Library. 

*  Cf.  siipra,  p.  263. 

^Cf.  Vol.  XVIII.  of  this  work,  p.  350. 

*  Cf.  his  *Audientiae  in  Arm.  52,  t.  17  seqq.,  Papal  Secret 
Archives.  See  also  Castellucci  in  the  publication  (p.  162  seq., 
178  seq.,  248  seq.)  mentioned  in  the  following  note.  The 
"  Catechismo  generale  "  drawn  up  by  Santori  concerning  the 
treatment  of  catechumens  and  neophytes  is  published  in  the 
appendix  of  the  work  on  the  missions  by  Tommaso  a  Jesu  ;  see 
ZeitscJir.  /.  Missionsiuiss.,  III.,  T12. 

THE    "  DE    PROPAGANDA    FIDE."  267 

on  August  14th,  1600.^  The  acta  were  written  by  a  secretary, 
and  in  the  margin  Cardinal  Santori  wrote  with  his  own  hand 
the  Pope's  repHes  to  the  decisions  of  the  Congregation.  The 
procedure  was  the  same  as  that  followed  by  the  German 
Congregation  of  Gregory  XIII.,  and  later  on  by  Propaganda. 

At  its  first  three  sessions  the  Congregation  was  called 
"  Congregatio  super  negotiis  sanctae  fidei  et  religionis 
catholicae  "  and  later  on  "  De  propagatione  fidei  "  or  "  De 
propaganda  fide."  In  this  latter  title  its  scope  was  con- 
cisely expressed.  In  accordance  with  a  decision  arrived  at 
at  the  first  congregation,  the  meetings  were  to  be  held  twice 
a  month.  The  questions  proposed  were  discussed  and  decided. 
After  each  meeting  Cardinal  Santori  went  to  the  Pope  to  tell 
him  of  the  decisions  come  to.  The  Pope's  replies  were  com- 
municated to  the  Congregation  at  the  next  meeting,  and 
carried  out  in  accordance  with  his  wishes. 

The  matters  discussed  by  the  Congregation  were  very 
varied  and  related  to  every  country  ;  the  faculties  of  the 
Archbishop  of  Goa,  the  Phihppines,  New  Mexico,  Scandinavia, 
Africa,  the  Greeks  in  south  Italy,  the  Nestorian  Christians 
in  the  Indies,  Transylvania,  Moldavia  and  Wallachia,  and 
Persia.  Above  all  a  fresh  impulse  had  to  be  given  to  the 
missions  in  the  East,  in  which  Sixtus  V.  had  placed  little 

^  For  the  "  Acta  Congreg.  super  negotiis  s.  fidei  et  relig.  cath." 
contained  in  Cod.  Misc.  com.  17  of  the  archives  of  Propaganda, 
see  SctiMiDLiN  in  Zeiischr.  f.  Missionswiss.,  XI.  (1921),  232  seq., 
where,  however,  the  statement  that  I  found  further  Acta  in  the 
Papal  Secret  Archives  is  based  upon  a  misunderstanding. 
Lemmens  found  some  Acta  in  a  Cod.  Ottob.  in  the  Vatican 
Library  ;  see  Lemmens,  Acta  S.  Congr.  de  propag.  fide  pro  terra 
sancta,  I.,  i,  concerning  the  first  session  in  the  presence  of  the 
Pope.  A.  Castellucci  has  recently  published  all  the  Acta  pre- 
served, in  Le  Confereme  al  Late'ano,  marzo-aprile,  1923,  p.  223  seq. 
The  Congiegation  is  mentioned  in  the  *Avvisi,  hitherto  unknown, 
of  August  14  and  18,  1599,  and  June  10,  1600,  Urb.  1067,  Vatican 
Library.  Clement  VIII.  distinctly  said  in  the  *brief  of  September 
4th,  1600  (Papal  Secret  Archives'!  that  the  Congregation  WrS 
consulted  because  of  the  mission  to  Persia  ;   see  App.  n.  17. 

268  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

hopes.  The  colleges  founded  by  Gregory  XIII.  were  also 
placed  under  the  Congregation,  which  was  in  all  ways  similar 
to  Propaganda.  There  was  no  possibility  of  the  Congregation 
being  dissolved,  in  view  of  the  zeal  of  Clement  VIII.  for  the 
missions  ;  the  death  of  Santori,  which  occurred  in  1602, 
brought  about  an  interruption,^  but  this  was  of  short  duration, 
as  Clement  VIII.  ordered  the  Congregation  to  resume  its 
labours  in  1604.2  Thus  the  Aldobrandini  Pope  must  be  given 
the  credit  for  having  for  the  first  time  created  in  Rome  a 
central  control  for  the  missions,  the  ends  and  objects  of  which 
corresponded  with  those  of  Propaganda,  founded  by  his 
second  successor. 

1  As  the  presidency,  and  therefore  the  Acta  now  passed  into  the 
hands  of  another  Cardinal,  this  explains  their  disappearance. 
But  perhaps  it  will  still  be  possible  to  find  them. 

2  See  m  App.  n.  23,  the  *report  of  Fr.  M.  Vialardo  of  December 
II,  1604,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 


The  Great  Jubilee  of  1600. 

A  Pope  so  pious  as  Clement  VIII.  was  certain  to  have  much 
at  heart  the  worthy  celebration  of  the  universal  Jubilee, 
which  fell  in  the  year  1600.  The  first  preparations  were  made 
as  early  as  the  beginning  of  1599.^  On  March  3rd  the  Pope 
appointed  two  Congregations,  each  composed  of  twelve 
Cardinals  ;  the  first,  of  which  Santori  was  president,  was  to 
devote  itself  to  the  spiritual  preparations ;  the  second, 
presided  over  by  Galli,  to  the  material  ones.'^  Orders  were 
issued  to  all  the  authorities  in  the  Papal  States  to  provide 
for  the  maintenance  and  security  of  the  roads  ;  the  hospices 
fn  Rome  received  ample  subsidies,  so  that  they  might  get 
ready  to  receive  the  pilgrims.^  Clement  VIII.  addressed 
himself  to  Philip  III."*  for  a  supply  of  grain  from  Sicily.  The 
governor  of  Milan  was  exhorted  to  repair  the  roads  and  assist 
the  pilgrims.^  All  the  Cardinals  were  to  take  part  in  the 
solemnity.^  The  bulls  of  May  19th  and  21st,  1599,  announced 
the  celebration  of  the  Holy  Year,  its  duration  and  the  suspen- 

1  C/.  *Avvisi  of  January  30  and  February  3,  1599,  Urb.  1067, 
Vatican  Library. 

^  See  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871, 
Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,   188  seqq. 

*  See  *brief  to  "  Vicerex  Siciliae,"  asking  liim  to  carry  out  the 
promise  of  Philip  IIL,  September  i,  1599,  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  352, 
Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  the  *instructions  to  the  nuncio  in 
Spain,  D.  Ginnasio  in  Barb.  5852,  I.,  Vatican  Library. 

°  *Brief  of  April  28,  1599,  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  288,  Papal  Secret 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  13,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  Vatican  Library, 


270  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

sion  of  all  other  indulgences.^  On  May  22nd  letters  of 
invitation  were  sent  to  the  Emperor,  and  the  kings  and 
Catholic  princes, 2  and  on  October  30th  was  published  the 
invitation  to  the  whole  of  Christendom.^  The  princes  were 
urgently  exhorted  to  show  themselves  kind  and  generous  to 
the  pilgrims  from  their  own  countries,  and  to  those  who  should 
pass  through  them,  and  to  provide  for  their  safety.  In 
November  the  Pope  prepared  a  special  house  in  the  Borgo 
to  receive  the  bishops  and  poor  priests  from  bej^ond  the  Alps  ; 
he  also  provided  refuges  for  needy  layfolk,  especially  from 
the  countries  where  Protestantism  was  predominant.^  The 
prelates  of  the  reform  Congregation  were  ordered  to  visit  the 
national  hospices  in  Rome,  and  to  assist  in  every  way  the 
strangers  who  came  for  the  jubilee.  The  prelate  Mona  was 
charged  with  the  pilgrims  who  came  from  Spain,  Sorbolongo 
with  those  from  France,  Seneca  with  those  from  Germany, 
Benaglia  with  those  from  Venice,  Tarugi  with  those  of  the 
Papal  States  and  Urbino,  and  Gessi  with  those  from  Poland.^ 
The  Pope  and  the  Cardinals  assisted  in  a  special  way  the 
celebrated  Confraternity  of  the  SS.  Trinita  de'  Pellegrini.® 
Other  congregations,  such  as  that  of  the  Stigmata  of 
St.  Francis,  founded  in  1594,  received  money  for  the  entertain- 
ment of  needy  pilgrims.'  The  Pope  also  gave  orders  that 
the  pilgrims  should  not  be  exploited  by  the  inn-keepers  in 

^  Bull.,  X.,  504  seq.,  509  seq. 

2  See  *Arm.  44,  t.  43,  nn.  241-255,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
The  letter  to  Rudolph  II.  in  Archiv  f.  osterr.  Gesch.,  XV.,  228. 
Originals  of  the  briefs  to  Mantua  and  Venice  in  the  respective 

8  Bull.,  X.,  548  seq.  Cf.  Bull,  indict,  s.  lubilaei  cum  C.  Schoppi 
annotat.     Monachii,  1601. 

*  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  188. 

*  "  Inventione  molto  buona  et  santa  "  says  of  this  ordinance 
the  *Avviso  of  December  8,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  22. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  November  20  and  25,  December  4  and  15, 
1599.  Urb.  1067,  Vatican  Library. 

'See  *Avviso  of  December  18,  1599,  ibid. 


their  greed  for  gain,^  and  that  throughout  the  Holy 
Year  Rome  should  display  the  manifestation  of  the 
greatest  religious  seriousness.  The  Carnival  amusements 
were  prohibited,  and  distinguished  preachers  and  good 
confessors  were   sent   to   all   the  churches.-     The    Cardinals 

^  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  91  n.  For  the  inns  of  that  time  see 
ibid.  426  seq.  For  the  punishment  of  certain  inn-keepers  in 
May,  1600,  for  being  greedy  of  gain  see  Baumgarten,  loo.  cit.  23. 

"  See  Manni,  Anni  santi,  159.  Besides  this  fundamental  work, 
which  also  treats  in  detail  of  the  coins  of  the  jubilee,  cf.  the  Liber 
de  anno  iiibilaei  1600  dedicated  to  Clement  VIII.  by  Cardinal  A. 
Valiero  (often  in  manuscript,  e.g.  Vat.  3792  and  5479,  Vatican 
Library  ;  Cod.  Sess.  236,  Vittorio  Emanuele  Library,  Rome), 
printed  at  Verona,  1601  (a  copy  of  this  rare  edition  in  the  Vatican). 
Besides  other  works  cited  by  Manni  (173  seq.)  it  is  to  be  noticed 
that  RuTiL.  Benzonii  de  anno  s.  iubilaei  hbri  VI.  was  printed  at 
Venice  in  1599.  In  Manni  there  are  la ckmg  :  i.  Girol.Gratiano 
(Carmelite),  Trattato  del  Giubileo  dell'Anno  Santo,  trad.  d.  Spag. 
in  Ital.  da  Jac.  Bosio,  Rome,  1599  ;  2.  Fr.  Forner,  Von  Ablass 
und  Jubeljahr,  Ingolstadt,  1599  ;  3.  "  Tractatus  de  quibusdam 
observationibus  circa  annum  iubilaei  a  lo.  Paulo  Mucantio  " 
(dedicated  to  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini,  1599,  Cal.  Maii), 
Barb.  XX.,  6,  Vatican  Library  ;  4.  *Diarium  anni  iubilaei  1600 
Jacobo  Grimaldo  Bonon.  basil.  Vatic,  sacrista  auctore.  Barb, 
lat.  2210,  Vatican  Library,  and  Cod.  B,  iii,  Capitular  Archives 
of  St.  Peter's.  For  the  treatise  by  Bellarmine  "  De  indulgentiis 
etiubilaeo  "  see  Couderc,  I.,  243  seqq.  For  C.  Scioppius,  who  had 
become  a  Catholic  by  studying  the  Annals  of  Baronius,  and  who 
published  on  the  occasion  of  the  jubilee  a  "  Commentarius  de 
indulgentiis  "  (edition  of  1601  in  British  Museum,  London)  see 
Forschimgen  z.  deutschen  Gesch.,  XL,  408  seq.  ;  Rass,  Konvertiten, 
III.,  396  seq.  As  a  souvenir  for  the  pilgrims  was  intended  the 
"  Deliciae  Urbis  Romae  divinae  et  humanae  anni  sacri  iubilaei  1600 
Dom.  Custode  Aug.  Vindel.  1600,"  29  plates  with  an  illustrated 
frontispiece  and  a  picture  of  Clement  VIII.  by  Sadeler  (Venice, 
1600).  Another  portrait  of  Clement  VIII.  engraved  at  that  time,  and 
adorned  with  medallions,  representing  the  absolution  of  Henry  IV., 
the  reconciliation  between  Spain  and  France,  the  canonization  of 
St.  Hyacinth,  the  entry  into  Ferrara,  the  marriage  of  Philip  III., 
the  reunion  of  the  Ruthenians,  etc.     See  P.  Perali,  Prontuario 

272  HISTORY   OF   THE   POPE^. 

were  ordered  not  to  wear  their  purple  during  this  time 
of  penance.^ 

According  to  tradition  the  Holy  Year  should  have  begun 
on  the  vigil  of  Christmas,  with  the  opening  of  the  Holy  Door 
at  St.  Peter's,  but  as  Clement  VHI.  was  ill  with  gout,  this 
ceremony  had  perforce  to  be  postponed  until  the  last  day  of 
December.  Even  then  the  Pope  had  to  do  violence  to  himself 
to  leave  his  bed  of  suffering,  and  perform  the  function,  at 
which  eighty  thousand  persons  were  present.  On  the  following 
day,  after  the  High  Mass  celebrated  by  Cardinal  Sfondrato 
in  St.  Peter's,  he  gave  the  solemn  benediction  urbi  et  orhi.'^ 

Although  after  this  the  Pope  was  still  very  often  unwell,^ 
Clement  VHI.  displayed  the  greatest  zeal  in  gaining  the 
jubilee  indulgence.     Thirty  visits  to  the  churches  had  been 

bibliografico  per  la  storia  degli  Anni  Santi,  published  in  the 
appendix  to  the  Cronistoria  dell' Anno  Santo  MCMXXV.,  Rome, 


1  See  Alaleone  in  Thurston,  269. 

^  See  the  *report  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  January  i,  1600,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua,  and  the  *letters  of  G.  Mocenigo  of  January  i 
and  8,  1600,  State  Archives,  Venice.  Cf.  *Diariuni  P.  Alaleonis, 
Barb.  2816,  Vatican  Library  ;  *Avviso  of  January  i,  1600, 
Urb.  1068,  ibid.  ;  *Re]azione  intomo  alle  ceremonie,  in  Vat. 
9314,  p.  889  seq.,  ibid.  K.  Low,  Griindl.  Bericht,  was  bei 
Klemens  VIIL  mit  Eroftnung  und  Zuthun  der  gold  en  en  Porten 
sich  verlaufen  hat,  Cologne,  1601  ;  Lettres  d'Ossat,  IL,  282,  298  ; 
report  of  the  architect  Heinrich  Schickhardt,  who  accompanied 
the  Protestant  Duke  Frederick  of  Wiirtemberg  ;  during  the 
ceremony  Frederick  was  given  a  place  near  the  Pope  (see  the  new 
edition  of  the  description  of  the  journey  of  H.  Schickhardt  pub- 
lished from  the  first  in  1602,  by  W.  Heyd,  Handschriften  u. 
Handzeichn.  des  Baumeisters  H.  Sch.,  Stutgardt,  1902  ; 
Prinzivalli,  Gli  anni  santi  1300-1925,  Rome,  1925,  92  seq.). 
The  medal  reproduced  in  Manni,  151,  represents  two  shepherds 
sounding  a  trumpet  or  horn  before  the  throne  of  the  Pope, 
evidently  in  reference  to  the  "  Jubilee  "  of  the  ancient  Jews. 

'  See  the  *reports  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  March  4  and  11,  May  20 
and  December  29,  1600,  and  January  6,  1601,  Gonzaga  Archives, 

EXAMPLE    SET  BY   THE    POPE.  273 

laid  down  for  the  Romans,  and  fifteen  for  strangers,  but  the 
Pope  made  sixty.  He  began  on  January  2nd,  and  declared 
that  he  intended  every  Sunday  to  visit  the  four  great  basilicas 
of  St.  Peter's,  St.  Paul's,  St.  John  Lateran  and  St.  Mary 
Major's.  He  also  frequently  made  the  visit  to  the  Seven 
Churches.  His  deep  piety  edified  everyone.  It  was  exceed- 
ingly touching  to  see  him  ascend  the  Scala  Santa,  although  his 
gout  caused  him  great  pain  in  his  hands  and  feet.^  He 
assisted  in  person ^  at  the  celebration  of  the  Forty  Hours  in 
the  church  of  the  Gesu,  during  which  Baronius  preached.  In 
spite  of  his  sufferings  he  could  not  be  restrained  from  repeatedly 
washing  the  feet  of  poor  pilgrims,  and  waiting  upon  them  at 
table,  together  with  some  of  the  Cardinals.^  In  Lent  he  was 
especially  careful  to  provide  good  preachers,*  and  himself 
set  a  good  example  in  this  by  having,  in  addition  to  the 
customary  sermon  by  the  Capuchin  Anselmo  da  Monopoli, 
special  discourses  delivered  in  his  private  chapel.  It  gave 
him  special  pleasure  to  hear  the  word  of  God  there  from  the 
lips  of  Cardinals  Silvio  Antoniano,  Bellarmine  and  Baronius.^ 

^  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  191,  whose  information  is 
confirmed  by  the  *Avvisi  (Urb.  1068,  Vatican  Library)  and  the 
*Diarium  P.  Alaleoms  (Barb.  2816,  ibid.).  For  the  beginning  of 
the  pilgrimages  see  Mucantius,  *Diarium,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

2  See  De  Santi,  Quarant'ore,  286  seq.  Cf.  Mon.  hist.  Soc. 
lesu.,  Mon.  Ignat.,  IL  (1918),  473. 

3  See  *Avvisi  of  February  12  and  26,  and  May  3,  1600,  Urb. 
1068,  Vatican  Library.     Cf.  BaumciRTEN,  Neue  Kunde,  19. 

*  The  *Avviso  of  February  16,  1600,  mentions  as  the  most 
celebrated  preachers  :  the  Spaniards  P.  Scalzo  at  St.  Peter's, 
Acquapendente  at  S.  Luigi,  the  Franciscan  P.  Rocca  of  Genoa 
at  the  VaUicella,  P.  Paolo  da  Cesena  (Capuchin)  at  S.  Lorenzo  in 
Damaso,  Mazarino  at  the  Gesii,  Tolosa  at  S.  Andrea.  In  1601 
(*Avviso  of  March  7)  the  best  preachers  were  supposed  to  be 
P.  Scalzo,  the  Franciscan  Castelfidardo  and  the  Theatine  Cieco. 
Urb.  1068,  1069,  Vatican  Library. 

^  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  194.  The  above  mentioned 
Cardinals,  as  well  as  Piatti,  also  preached  at  the  Gesu  during  the 
Forty  Hours.  See  *Avviso  of  February  19,  1600,  Urb.  1068, 
Vatican  Library. 

VOL.    XXIV.  18 

274  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

In  Holy  Week,  to  the  general  surprise,  the  Pope  took  his  place 
in  the  seat  of  the  Grand  Penitentiary  in  St.  Peter's  and 
confessed  for  hours  together  all  who  came.^  He  was  un- 
wearied in  helping  poor  pilgrims  with  abundant  alms.^  He 
also  ordered  that  the  feasts  of  the  Church,  especially  Easter, 
Pentecost  and  that  of  the  Princes  of  the  Apostles,  should  be 
celebrated  with  the  greatest  solemnity.^ 

As  had  happened  before, "*  on  this  occasion  as  well  the 
Italian  pilgrims  came  organized  in  confraternities,  and  made 
their  entry  in  solemn  procession.  Almost  every  week  fresh 
bodies  arrived  on  pilgrimage  to  the  holy  places,  the  greatest 
crowds  coming  during  the  months  of  May  and  June.^  Up 
to   July  408   confraternities  were   counted.^    The  entry  of 

1  See  *AvvJeo  of  April  8,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  ihid.  This  happened 
on  May  3,  1600  ;  see  *Diarium  of  J.  Grimaldi,  Barb.  lat.  2210, 
Vatican  Library. 

^  See  Manni,  166.  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  January  i  (the  Pope  enter- 
tains many  pilgrims  in  the  Belvedere)  and  April  8,  1600  (the 
Pope  daily  sends  extraordinary  alms  to  the  Trinita),  Urb.  1068, 
Vatican  Library. 

^  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  May  25  (Easter  Day  ;  the  Pope  suffering,  but 
forces  himself  to  give  the  blessing),  June  28  (feast  of  St.  Peter 
and  St.  Paul),  and  October  11,  1600  (great  procession  to  the 
Minerva),  Urb.  1068,  Vatican  Library. 

*  Cf.  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  209. 

*  See  the  *Diarium  of  J.  Grimaldi,  according  to  which  the 
number  of  the  pilgrims  belonging  to  the  confraternities  during 
these  months  was  12324  and  11695.     Ba.b.  2210,  Vatican  Library. 

*  Cf.  Bentivoglio,  MemorJe,  194  ;  Moroni,  IL,  124  ;  Orbaan, 
Rome,  85  seqq.  See  also  the  *Avviso  of  May  10,  1600,  for  the 
arrival  of  the  Confraternity  "  dell'Aquila  "  and  "  della 
Misericordia  "  from  Foligno,  and  that  of  November  29  for  the 
Company  of  the  Stigmata  of  St.  Francis  of  Assisi,  who  all  appeared 
in  the  Franciscan  habit  with  black  crosses  in  their  hands  (Urb. 
1068,  Vatican  Library).  The  *Preces  d.  compagnia  della  morte 
e  della  misericordia  di  Foligno  fatte  in  Roma  nel  giubileo  1600, 
in  Cod.  B.  IL  of  the  seminary  Library,  Foligno.  Interesting 
notes  concerning  the  payment  of  travelling  expenses  of  foreign 
communes  in  the  commentary  of  Giac.  Cohelli  on  the  Bull.  "  Del 


these  companies,  with  their  crosses  and  banners,  and 
figurative  representations  of  saints,  made  an  imposing  spec- 
tacle. An  extraordinary  impression  was  made  on  May  9th 
by  the  entry  of  the  Confraternity  della  Misericordia  from 
Foligno,  which  was  met  b}^  the  Confraternity  of  the  Trinita. 
Evening  had  akeady  fallen,  and  by  the  light  of  many  torches 
there  were  to  be  seen,  first,  boys  dressed  as  angels,  with  the 
instruments  of  the  Passion,  followed  by  a  number  of  cars 
upon  which  were  shown  the  whole  of  the  Passion  of  the 

For  the  most  part  the  Pope  received  the  pilgrims  in  the 
cortile  of  the  Belvedere.^  The  confraternities  from  his  native 
city,  Florence,  were  received  with  special  honour,  Clement 
himself  giving  communion  to  the  members  in  St.  Peter's,  after 
which  they  were  given  a  sumptuous  repast  in  the  Galleria 
Gregoriana.^  Suitable  honour  was  shown  to  the  many 
important  personages  who  had  come  for  the  jubilee.  Among 
these  the  first  place  must  be  given  to  Cardinal  Andrew  of 
Austria,*  to  whom  in  his  mortal  illness  the  Pope  himself 
administered  the  sacraments,  making  for  him  in  the  early 
hours  of  a  cold  November  morning  the  pilgrimage  to  the 

buon  governo  "  (see  infra,  p.  367,  n.  2)  ;  cf.  P.  Perali,  I  peile- 
grinaggi  giubilari  neH'antico  diritto  pubblico,  in  Corriere  cV Italia, 
October  i,  1924,  reproduced  in  Prontuario  Bibliografico,  1199. 

1  See  Clementi,  307. 

2  See  *Avvisi  of  May  10  and  November  29,  1600,  Urb.  1068, 
Vatican  Library.     Cf.  Manni,  165. 

^  See  the  two  *Avvisi  of  April  29,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  Vatican 
Library.     Cf  Manni,  161  seq.  ;    B.\umgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  17. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  November  15,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  Vatican 
Library.  Cf.  Lettres  d'Ossat,  II.,  244  ;  Freiburger  Diozesan- 
Archiv,  XVIII.,  441  seq.  ;  Orbaan,  Documenti,  91  n.  ; 
ScHMiDLiN,  Anima,  443  seq.,  where  there  is  a  reproduction  of  the 
tomb  ;  Bulletin  de  I'liistitiit  Beige  a  Rouie,  I.  (1919),  299.  Oiily 
the  Cardinal's  heart  was  buried  in  the  Campo  Santo  de'  Tedeschi, 
and  not,  as  is  often  said,  his  body.  Cardinal  Andrew  had  never 
received  major  orders,  and  had  not  observed  celibac}''  ;  see 
HiRN,  Maximilian,  262. 

276  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Seven  Churches.^  Cardinal  Count  Dietrichstein  and  the 
Duke  of  Bavaria  presented  themselves  as  simple  pilgrims.^ 
There  also  came  the  Duke  of  Lorraine,^  many  German  prelates 
and  nobles,*  the  viceroy  of  Naples,  Lemos,^  Archbishop 
Sourdis  of  Bordeaux,  accompanied  by  the  historian 
Spondanus,^  two  Hungarian  bishops,  and  one  from  Mexico. 
The  noble  Venetian  lady,  Caterina  Zeno,  made  the  pilgrimage 
to  Rome  on  foot.'  Among  scholars  mention  must  be  made 
of  Claude  de  Peiresc,  who  on  that  occasion  formed  a  friendship 
with  Bosio.^ 

It  was  a  great  consolation  to  the  Pope  to  see  the  coming 
of  many  priests,  not  only  from  Germany,^  but  even  more  from 
France.^''  The  greater  part  of  the  pilgrims  had  been  attracted 
by  true  devotion  and  sincere  piety,  but  some  only  by  curiosity. 
Great  was  the  amazement  of  the  Protestants  who  came  to 
Rome,  whose  preachers  had  again  described  the  solemnity 
as  a  mere  financial  speculation,^^  when  they  saw  with  their 
own  eyes  the  Pope  assiduously  visiting  the  churches,  and 
imitating,  as  the  true  servant  of  God,  the  humble  actions  of 
the  Saviour,  and  washing  and  kissing  the  feet  of  the  pilgrims  ; 

1  See  De  Waal,  Das  hi.  Jahr  in  Rom,  Miinster,  1900,  51. 

2  See  *Avviso  of  January  15,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  June  3  and  July  13,  1600,  ibid. 

*  See  De  Waal,  loc.  cit.,  50  scq. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  22,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  Vatican  Library 
Cf.  Orbaan,  Rome,  13  ;    Baumgakten,  Neue  Kunde,  17. 

*  See  Rass,  Kcnvertiten,  IIL,  292. 
'  See  Manni,  159. 

*  See  Valeri,  Bosio,  34. 

*  Cf.  Browerus,  Annales  Trevir.,  IL,  136;  Eyzinger,  Relat. 
hist.,  1600,  XL,  49  ;    Stieve,  V.,  587. 

^' We  have  some  information  concerning  the  number  of  foreign 
priests  in  the  *Diarium  of  J.  Grimaldi,  who  gives  exactly  the 
number  received  in  the  pontifical  Hospice  ;  there  were  2545 
from  trance  and  Brittany,  109  from  Poland,  32  from  Belgium, 
83  from  Germany,  2  from  Spain,  2  from  Portugal,  i  from  England, 
126  Greeks  and  Dalmatians,  3  Serbians,  2  from  Muscovy,  in  all 
2905.     Barb.  lat.  2210,  Vatican  Library. 

iicy.  Stieve,  V.,  587. 


how  he  furnished  the  needy  with  money,  waited  upon  the 
sick,  consoled  everyone,  and  heard  the  confessions  of  penitents 
like  a  simple  priest.  Such  a  man  could  not  be  the  Antichrist, 
as  the  preachers  had  described  the  supreme  head  of  the 
Catholic  Church.  It  is  not  surprising  then  that  a  number 
of  Protestants,  and  even  some  Mahometans  were  converted 
to  the  Catholic  faith. ^  Clement  VIII.  showed  a  special  interest 
in  the  conversion  of  the  son  of  a  German  preacher,  at  the  end 
of  1600,  who  bore  the  same  name  as  the  founder  of  Calvinism. 
Justus  Calvin  came  by  his  invitation  to  Rome,  and  received 
the  sacrament  of  confirmation  on  September  ist,  1602,  from 
the  hands  of  the  Pope,  while  Cardinal  Baronius  himself  was 
his  sponsor  in  confirmation  ;  the  latter  allowed  Justus  to 
take  his  name  instead  of  that  other  of  ill  omen.^ 

As  the  Holy  Year  had  begun  on  December  31st,  1599,  its 
completeness  demanded  that  its  closure  should  take  place 
on  the  same  date  in  1600.  But  a  fresh  attack  of  gout  on  the 
part  of  the  Pope  caused  a  further  delay,  and  it  was  only  on 

1  According  to  the  *Avviso  of  June  17,  1600,  two  heretics  made 
their  abjuration  on  Sunday,  who  had  first  been  confessed  by  the 
Pope.  (Urb.  1068,  Vatican  Library).  According  to  the  *Avviso 
of  August  5  (ibid.)  the  company  of  the  SS.  Trinita  de'  Pellegrini 
on  that  day  brought  40  Protestants  who  had  returned  to  the 
Church  to  the  Pope,  who  entertained  them.  The  number  of  400 
converts  (Manni,  169)  must  be  an  exaggeration,  as  according  to 
the  *Diarium  of  J.  Grimaldi  "  122  haeretici  hospitati  "  at  the 
expense  of  the  Pope,  which  conversions  were  for  the  most  part 
the  work  of  the  Jesuits  ;  "  73  erano  Germani,  23  Galli,  et  Gene- 
venses,  12  Angli,  9  Scoti,  i  Hibemus,  i  Transilvanus,  i  Hungarus, 
I  Suevus,  I  Saxo  "  (Barb.  2210,  Vatican  Library).  The  Calvinist 
preacher,  Arnulph  Martin,  gave  the  reasons  for  his  conversion  in 
a  special  work  ;    see  RAss,  IIL,  473  seq. 

2  Cf.  BuscHBELL,  Zur  Biographic  des  Justus  Calvinus  (Baronius) 
Veterocastrensis  in  Hist.  Jahrb.,  XXII. ,  298  seqq.,  which  informa- 
tion I  have  been  able  to  complete  by  the  *brief  of  December  12, 
1 60 1  (Papal  Secret  Archives)  printed  in  App.  n.  22.  A  *brief 
to  Philip  III.  of  May  2,  1602,  recommends  to  him  the  Genevese 
convert  "  Petrus  Boverus."  Arm.  44,  t.  46,  n,  131,  Papal  Secret 

278  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

January  13th,  1601,  that  he  was  able  to  carry  out  the  solemn 
function.  1 

According  to  the  testimony  of  all  contemporaries,  the 
number  of  pilgrims  who  went  to  Rome  during  the  Holy  Year 
was  very  large,  especially  at  Easter.^  The  charitable  insti- 
tutions with  which  Rome  was  filled,  for  it  possessed  more  than 
the  whole  of  England,  stood  the  test.^  As  before,  the  hospice 
of  the  Trinita  de'  Pellegrini,  founded  by  Philip  Neri,^  was 

^  Cf.  *Avvdsi  of  January  3  and  18,  1601,  Urb.  1069,  Vatican 
Library.  For  the  extension  of  the  jubilee  to  foreign  countries  see 
Manni,  172  seq.,  and  Noxhen,  Jubeljahre,  126. 

2  See  Bentivoglio,  Memorie,  128.  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  1600: 
March  22  (so  many  pilgrims  that  the  Trinita  de'  Pellegrini  is  not 
sufficient),  April  i  (the  Trinita  provided  for  more  than  6000 
pilgrims),  April  19,  22,  29  ("  e  miraculoso  il  concorso  de'  forastieri 
in  Roma  tutto  il  giorno  "),  May  13  (the  number  of  pilgrims 
present  here  to-day  is  estimated  at  about  50,000),  May  25  (15,000 
pilgrims  have  gone,  but  there  are  still  many  here).  May  31  (yester- 
day at  the  Trinita  about  2,500  women  ;  arrival  of  13  companies  ; 
very  many  foreigners),  June  7  (the  crowds  contmue  ;  every 
evening  at  the  Trinita  more  than  13,000  persons  ;  so  far  the 
confraternity  has  expended  30,000  scudi),  September  16  (the 
arrival  of  companies  of  pilgrims  is  beginning  anew),  September  27 
(2,500  persons  at  the  Trinita),  November  11  (very  many  pilgrims), 
December  12  (satisfaction  of  the  Pope  at  the  great  number  and 
the  piety  of  the  pilgrims),  December  27  (the  number  of  foreigners 
is  extraordinary).  Urb.  1068,  Vatican  Library.  See  also  the 
*brief  of  May  12,  1600,  to  the  "  Vicerex  Siciliae  "  (request  for 
more  grain  on  account  of  the  number  of  the  pilgrims)  and  the 
*brief  of  August2  to  Philip  IIL  ("  ingens  peregrinorummultitudo"; 
request  for  corn)  Arm.  44,  t.  44,  n.  137,  221,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
At  St.  Peter's  alone  41,239  masses  were  celebrated  during  the 
Hoi}'-  Year,  and  318,900  communions  given  (*Diarium  of  J. 
Grimaldi,  see  supra,  p.  271,  n,  2.  For  the  German  pilgrims  see 
Lang,  Bruderschaftsbuch  der  Anima  (1900),  144  ;  Schmidlin, 
445  seq.  ;    De  Waal,  loc.  dt. 

^  See  Thurston,  290. 

*  Cf.  the  *Avvisi  of  April  i.  May  31,  and  September  27,  1600, 
Urb,  1068,  Vatican  Library, 


pre-eminent  ;  the  Pope,  the  Cardinals,  the  aristocracy,  and 
above  all  Flaminia  Aldobrandini,  gave  such  abundant  alms^ 
that  this  institution,  which  hired  many  houses,  had  been 
able  to  give  hospitality  to  8,000  pilgrims  by  the  end  of 
January  1600.  According  to  careful  estimates  the  hospice 
gave  lodging  and  food  to  half  a  million  pilgrims.  As 
many  more  found  a  welcome  in  the  other  hospices, 
while  there  were  others  who  were  received  in  the 
many  convents  and  private  houses.  ^  Thus  the  estimate 
of  1,200,000  pilgrims  in  all  is  not  excessive.^  In  this 
way  the  Church  and  her  head  could  hail  the  dawn 
of  the  XVIIth  century  with  high  hopes.  The  past 
century    which,   by    reason   of  the  great  apostacies    in    the 

1  In  the  Diario  of  Presutti  cited  in  the  following  note,  the  alms 
are  given  exactly. 

*  See  the  work  by  Ac.  Valiero,  De  iubilaei  {supra,  p.  271,  n.  2)  ; 
Mann  I,  157  ;  Presutti,  Diario  e  memona  delle  cose  avvenute  et 
governo  dell'archiconfraternita  del  Pellegrnii  della  Sant™'''' 
Trinita  a  Ponte  Sisto  Tanno  del  Giubileo  1600,  published  from 
Cod.  ottob.  737  in  the  periodical  Cosmos  cath.,  Rome,  1900. 
The  charitable  work  of  the  confraternities  was  all  the  more 
necessary,  in  that  in  Rome  the  inns  were  insufficient  ;  in  1587 
there  were  only  687  and  only  350  "  camere  locande,"  see  Arch. 
Rom.,  VII.,  523  n.  2. 

^  See  Theod.  a  Spiritu  Sancto  (Ord.  Carm.),  Tractatus  de 
iubilaeo,  Rome,  1701,  61,  and  Strocui,  Anni  Santi,  Faenza,  1824. 
The  statement  in  Kraus,  Kirchengesch.,  Treves,  1896,  576,  that 
there  were  three  million  pilgrims,  is  an  exaggeration.  But  it  is 
quite  wrong  when  in  Herzogs  Realenzyklop.  it  is  stated  that  the 
crowds  at  the  jubilee  were  only  moderate.  Also  the  statement 
of  Brosch  (I.,  322)  that  the  number  of  pilgrims  was  only  moderate, 
is  more  niggardly  than  the  former,  and  quite  false.  In  the 
Diario  of  Presutti  (previous  note)  such  exact  figures  are  given 
that  there  is  no  possibility  of  doubting  them.  It  is  there  estab- 
lished by  figures  how  much  larger  the  number  of  pilgrims  was  in 
1600  than  it  had  been  in  1575.  The  *Diarium  of  J.  Grimaldi 
{supra,  p.  271,  n.  2)  shows  that  whereas  in  1575  the  number  of 
confraternities  from  without  was  about  400,  this  had  increased 
in  1600  to  more  than  600, 

28o  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

north  and  centre  of  Europe  had  perhaps  been  one  of  the  most 
disastrous  in  the  long  history  of  the  Church,  had  also  been 
one  of  the  most  consoling,  because  during  its  second  half  there 
had  come  the  great  change  brought  about  by  Catholic  reform 
and  restoration. 


The  Controversy  on  Grace. 

The  dispute  concerning  the  doctrine  of  grace,  which  had 
arisen  between  the  Dominican  Order  and  the  Society  of  Jesus, 
and  had  become  steadily  embittered,  led  in  the  time  of 
Clement  VIII.  to  very  serious  strife.  After  the  celebrated 
book  concerning  freedom  and  grace  by  the  Jesuit  Luis  Molina 
(died  1600)  had  stated  the  point  at  issue  in  the  most  exact 
possible  form,  it  seemed  to  have  become  necessary  to  transfer 
the  discussion  to  Rome,  under  the  eye  of  the  Pope  himself, 
in  order  to  arrive  at  an  agreement.  Nevertheless,  the  dis- 
cussions lasting  through  many  years,  and  conducted  by  the 
most  learned  doctors  in  the  presence  of  the  Pope  himself, 
were  unable  to  attain  the  desired  end  or  any  immediate 
result  ;  the  keen  expectation  with  which  Catholics  and 
Protestants  throughout  Europe,  and  later  on  the  princes  and 
diplomatists  awaited  the  issue,  had  to  remain  satisfied  with 
seeing  both  opinions  tolerated  by  the  Church  for  the  time 
being.  1 

^  The  manuscript  material  for  the  history  of  the  controversy 
is  superabundant,  but  consists  for  the  most  par^  of  letters  and 
reports  which  relate  mere  hearsay,  or  bear  the  evident  impress  of 
passion  and  uncertainty.  The  library  which  is  richest  in  valuable 
documents  on  the  controversy  is  the  Angelica  Library,  Rome 
(H.  Narducci,  Catalogus  codd.  mss.  praeter  graecos  et  orientales 
in  bibl.  Angelica,  Rome,  1893  ;  cf.  Sommf.rvogel,  Bibliothcque, 
v.,  1 1 70  seq.).  The  so-called  Acta  of  the  Congregations  de 
auxiliis,  which  bear  the  name  of  Pefia  or  of  Thomas  de  Lemos, 
were  declared  unworthy  of  credence  by  a  decree  of  the  Inquisition 
of  April  23,  1654  (published  in  Astrain,  IV.,  x-xii)  when  the 
Jansenists  sought  to  make  use  of  them  [cf.  Analecta  iuris  pontif., 
I.,  1226).     A  description  of  the  controversy  from  the  Jansenist 


282  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Delight  in  a  learned  scholastic  dispute  was  not  the  only 
reason  why  the  Jesuits  turned  all  their  skill  and  energy  to  so 
thorny  and  obscure  a  problem.  Grace  and  free  will,  pre- 
destination and  eternal  punishment,  had  become  burning 
questions  during  the  period  of  the  Protestant  schism. 
According  to  Calvin,  God  has  predestined  everyone  a  priori, 
even  before  foreseeing  his  good  or  evil  works,  either  to  eternal 
happiness  or  eternal  flames.  The  views  of  Luther  as  to  this 
matter  were  almost  the  same,  since,  as  man  in  his  opinion  was 
not  possessed  of  free  will,  it  followed  that  not  even  his  eternal 
destiny  could  depend  upon  his  own  will.  Accordingly  this, 
whether  it  were  happy  or  unhappy,  was  allotted  to  him  purely 
by  divine  predestination,  without  his  being  able  to  change  it 
in  the  slightest  degree. 

To-day  it  will  perhaps  seem  strange  that  any  such  doctrine 
can  have  met  with  so  much  support  in  the  XVIth  century. 
By  way  of  explanation  it  may  be  remarked  that  the  numerous 
priests  and  monks  who  became  preachers  and  teachers  of 
the  people  among  the  innovators,  found  some  comfort  in 
being  able  to  attribute  their  own  fault  to  an  inevitable  destiny. 
Moreover  the  immutable  divine  predestination  was  made  use 
of,  as  a  proof  of  the  fundamental  principles  of  the  innovators 
concerning  the  denial  of  free  will,  and  the  uselessness  of  good 
works.     But  whatever  may  have  been  the  reason,  the  fact 

point  of  view  was  first  given  by  the  Dominican  Gi.^coMO  Giacinto 
Serky,  under  the  pseudonym  Augustin  Le  Blanc,  Historiae 
Congregationum  de  auxiliis  divinae  gratiae  sub  summis  Pontifi- 
cibus  Clemente  VIIL  et  Paulo  V.,  libri  quattuor,  Mayence,  1699, 
and  later  from  the  reply  of  Livinus  de  Meyere  under  his  real 
name  (Antwerp,  1709).  The  documents  from  the  Angelica 
Library  printed  there  are  of  value.  De  Meyere  also  first  wrote 
under  a  pseudonym  :  Historiae  controversiae  de  divinae  gratiae 
auxiliis  sub  summis  Pontificibus  Sixto  V,  Clemente  VIIL  et 
Paulo  v.,  libri  sex,  auctore  Theodoro  Eleutherio.  A  second 
edition,  Venice,  1742,  is  a  fresh  defence  against  Serry  (Historiae 
controversiae  .  .  .  ab  obiectionibus  R.  P.  Hyacinth!  Serry 
vindicatae,  libri  tres,  Brussels,  171 5)  under  his  real  name.  Cf. 
AsTRAiN,  IV.,  x-xvi  ;    Schneemann,   339  seqq. 


remains  that  under  the  influence  of  the  Protestant  preachers 
this  terrible  doctrine  penetrated  among  every  class  of  the 
people.  "  Who  can  resist  the  will  of  God  ?  "  was  to  be  heard 
from  the  lips  of  quite  ordinary  folk.  "  If  He  wishes  to  save 
us  for  all  eternity,  then  we  shall  be  saved,  but  if  He  does  not 
so  wish,  then  we  shall  be  lost.  God  knows  our  destiny  from 
all  eternity  ;  from  all  eternity  it  has  been  irrevocably  decreed. 
Why  then  should  we  take  trouble  and  wear  ourselves  out, 
why  should  we  do  good  works  ?  "^  Naturally  the  moral 
consequences  of  such  opinions  could  not  fail  to  be  deplorable. 
In  the  Book  of  the  Exercises,  Ignatius  of  Loyola  points  out 
that  certain  people  were  arriving  at  the  above  conclusion 
from  the  doctrine  of  predestination,  and  were  for  that  reason 
neglecting  good  works.  Nevertheless  he  urges  caution  in 
speaking  of  such  matters  ;  he  says  that  ordinarily,  pre- 
destination should  not  be  dealt  with,  but  that  if,  as  an 
exception,  this  should  be  done,  care  must  be  taken  to  ensure 
that  the  common  folk  do  not  arrive  at  erroneous  conclusions. 
In  like  manner  the  pow^r  of  divine  grace  must  not  be 
exaggerated  in  such  a  way  as  to  impair  human  freedom.- 
The  disciples  of  Loyola  had  followed  this  warning  of  their 
master,  and  from  the  first,  and  long  before  Molina,  had 
treated  the  mysteries  of  predestination  and  grace  in  such  a 
way  as  not  to  infringe  in  the  least  degree  on  the  freedom  of 
man  ;   they  had  from  the  first  been  opposed  to  those  learned 

^  Franc.  Romakus  (General  of  the  Dominicans),  De  libertate 
operum  a  necessitate,  Lyons,  1638,  142,  in  Schnkemann,  173  seq. 

*  No  debemos  hablar  mucho  de  la  predestinacion  per  via  de 
costumbre,  mas  si  en  alguna  manera  y  algunas  vezes  se  hablare, 
asi  se  hable,  que  le  pueblo  nienudo  no  venga  en  eror  alguno,  como 
algunas  vezes  suele,  diciendo,  si  tengo  de  ser  salvo  o  condemnado, 
ya  esta  determinado,  y  per  my  bien  hazer  o  mal  no  puede  ser  ya 
otra  cosa,  y  con  esto  entorpeciendo  se  descuydan  en  las  obras  que 
conducen  a  la  salud  y  provecho  spiritual  de  sus  animas.  .  .  . 
Assimismo  no  debemos  hablar  tan  largo  instando  tanto  en  la 
gragia  que  se  engendre  veneno  para  cpiitar  la  libertad  etc. 
Ejercicios  espirituales  de  S.  Ignacio  de  Loyola.  Reproduccion 
fototipica  del  original,  Rome,  1908,  63  seq. 

284  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

systems  in  which  human  freedom  seemed  to  them  to  be 
threatened.^  This  explains  how  it  was  that,  when  the  book 
and  doctrine  of  Molina  was  in  question,  the  whole  Society  of 
Jesus  rallied  to  his  side. 

Before  Molina  had  come  forward  as  a  writer,  he  had  long 
taken  counsel  with  himself  and  others  as  to  the  subject  to 
which  he  could  best  devote  the  fruits  of  his  scientific  studies 
for  the  greater  advantage  of  the  Church.  In  the  end  he 
resolved  upon  an  exhaustive  treatise  as  to  the  best  way  to 
reconcile  grace  and  liberty.^  The  main  thesis  and  the  end 
of  his  book  is  therefore  an  examination  of  that  conclusion 
which  was  at  that  time  so  often  propounded  :  if  the  divine 
decree  which  assigns  to  me  heaven  or  hell  is  fixed  and  sealed 
from  all  eternity,  then  my  free  will  has  no  influence  upon  my 
destiny.  He  aimed  at  scientifically  examining  this  sophism 
which  denied  free  will,  and  at  refuting  it. 

The  solution  of  this  difficulty  which  Molina  puts  forward 
is  fundamentally  very  simple.  All  men  whom  He  has  created 
or  will  create,  or  could  create  are  present  in  the  mind  of  God 
from  all  eternity.  He  also  foresees  the  countless  situations 
and  different  circumstances  in  which  it  is  possible  for  each 
of  these  to  find  himiself  ;  he  also  foresees  how  each  one  will 
act  in  each  of  these  circumstances,  especially  under  the 
interior  influence  of  grace.  He  foresaw,  for  example,  that  the 
Apostle  Peter  would  deny  the  Saviour  when  the  servant  maid 
accosted  him  in  the  courtyard  of  the  high  priest,  and  that  he 
would  rise  again  after  his  fall,  when,  together  with  the  interior 
action  of  grace,  the  look  of  Christ  met  his  own.  If  then 
God  wished  to  permit  the  fall  of  the  Apostle  or  bring  about 
his  conversion,  it  would  be  sufficient  that  he  should  allow 
Peter  to  go  to  the  courtyard  of  the  high  priest  and  that  the 
servant  maid  should  attack  him  with  her  provocative  words  ; 
it  would  be  sufficient  that  he  should  allow  the  grave  and  gentle 
look  of  Christ  to  meet  that  of  the  Apostle  ;  if  he  falls  the 
fault  is  his  own,  since  according  to  the  will  of  God  he  could 

^  ScoRRAiLLE,  I.,  357  scqq.  ;    Schneemann,  161  seqq, 

^  SCORRAJLLE,    I.,    4-?^   n, 


and  should  have  resisted  the  temptation  ;  if  he  rises  again 
after  his  fall,  the  merit  is  his  ;  neither  the  look  of  the  God-Man, 
nor  the  interior  action  of  grace  have  destroyed  the  freedom 
of  his  conversion. 

According  to  Molina  then,  so-called  efficacious  grace  is,  it  is 
true,  infallibly  united  to  the  consent  of  the  will,  for  otherwise 
it  would  no  longer  be  efficacious  grace,  but  this  infallible 
efficacy  comes  from  the  foreknowledge  of  God,  so  that  the  will 
really  co-operates  with  this  determinate  grace  in  these 
determinate  circumstances,  even  though  in  se  and  per  se  it 
could  resist  it.^  "  God  has  compassion,"  says  St.  Augustine, 
"  upon  him  who  is  called  by  Him  in  the  manner  which  He- 
knows  will  be  suitable  to  him,  so  long  as  he  does  not  reject 
His  invitation."^ 

Molina's  bitter  adversary,  Domenico  Baiies  (died  1604) 
held  quite  a  different  view  of  the  question.^     Whereas  the 

^  This  knowledge  which  God  has  of  the  free  acts  which  a  creature 
would  do,  if  it  finds  itself  in  certain  circumstances,  was  called 
"  scientia  media,"  because  it  stands  half  way  between  the 
knowledge  which  God  has  of  the  purely  possible  and  of  the  actual. 

*  "  Sic  eum  vocat  quomodo  scit  ei  congntere,  ut  vocantem  non 
respuat  "  (Ad  Simplicianum,  i.  i,  q.  2,  in  Migne,  Patr.  lat.,  XL., 
119).  From  this  passage  is  derived  the  name  of  "  congruism  " 
in  the  Jesuit  system.  As  to  this  cf.  H.  Ouilliet  in  Diet,  de 
theologie  cath.,  III.,  Paris,  1908,  1120-1138;  concerning  the 
doctrine  of  St.  Augustine  E.  Portalie,  ibid.  I.  (1903),  2386-2392  ; 
Hergenrother-Kirsch,  Handbuch  der  allg.  Kirchengesch.,  i.*, 
Freiburg,  1902,  549. 

*  The  original  principles  of  the  system  of  Bafies  were  already 
to  be  found  in  Francisco  de  Vittona  and  Peter  Soto  {cf.  Frins, 
470  seqq.)  but  they  were  not  fully  developed  before  Baiies,  so  that 
he  passes  for  the  real  founder.  "  As  the  principle  representative, 
and  also  probably  as  the  champion  of  the  Thomist  system,  we 
must  name  Dom.  Baiies."  (Atzberger  in  Scheeben,  Hand- 
buch der  kath.  Dogmatik,  IV.,  i,  Freiburg,  1898,  221  ;  cj. 
Gutberlet-Heinrich,  Dogmatische  Theologie,  VIII. ,  Mayence, 
1897,  446).  While  Baiies  was  still  living  not  all  the  Dominicans 
were  followers  of  his  doctrine  on  grace  (Scorraille,  I.,  359  seqq.  ; 
Frins,  344  seqq.).     For  the  earlier  theologians  from  the  time  of 

286  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Jesuit  theologian  started  with  the  free  will  of  man,  the 
Dominican  fixed  his  attention  before  all  else  upon  the  power 
and  operation  of  God,  which  embraces  everything  and  pene- 
trates everything,  and  without  which  the  creature  is  absolutely 
helpless.  And  since  the  existence  of  the  creature  is  incon- 
ceivable without  the  creative  and  conservative  power  of  God, 
the  same  thing,  according  to  Catholic  doctrine,  applies  to  the 
acts  of  the  creature  ;  God  must  co-operate  in  every  human 
act,  and  these  must  also  receive  from  Him  their  origin  and 
their  impetus  ;  for  every  act  of  the  creature  springs  from 
the  desire  for  something  which  contains  a  certain  good  for 
him  who  aspires  to  it.  But  this  tendency  of  the  will  towards 
its  own  good  is  implanted  in  it  by  God,  and  all  man's  actions 
have  their  origin  in  it ;  the  Creator  makes  use  of  it  in  order 
to  spur  men  on  to  act.  Thus  even  the  free  acts  of  men  have 
their  origin  in  God,  and  it  is  God  who  causes  the  free  will  to 
embrace  the  object  of  its  desires. 

So  far  there  are  no  differences  of  opinion  between  the 
Catholic  schools,  but  in  what  follows  they  diverge.  According 
to  some,  such  as  Molina,  this  divine  impulse  may  be  affected 
by  the  free  action  of  the  will,  in  so  far  as  that,  in  contrast  to 
the  original  will  of  God,  it  may  receive  a  tendency  towards 
illusory  good.  But  this  kind  of  auto-dominion  on  the  part 
of  the  creature  was  emphatically  attacked  by  Banes.  In  his 
view,  the  majesty  of  God,  his  unlimited  sovereignty  over  all 
created  things,  and  the  idea  of  divine  omnipotence,  demanded 
that  every  manifestation  of  the  human  will,  both  in  its  essence 
and  its  extension,  down  to  the  smallest  detail,  must  be 
completely  dependent  upon  the  influx  and  predisposition  of 
God.  Free  will  makes  its  own  decision,  but  is  always  and 
exclusively  determined  to  that  decision  to  which  the  influx 
of  God  has  predestined  and  predisposed  it,  and  it  is  infallibly 
certain  from  the  first  that  it  will  not  decide  in  favour  of  any 
other.  But  the  influx  of  God  into  the  will  is  not  manifested 
by  inspirations,  warnings  or  attractions,  that  is  to  say  by 

Anselm  of  Canterbury  cf.  Lud.  de  San,  Tractatus  de  Deo  Uno,  I., 
Louvain,  1894,  426  seqq.,  527  seqq. 

THE  TEACHING  OF  BANES.         287 

moral  means,  but  by  direct  influx,  which  consists,  as  it  is 
called  in  controversial  terminology  in  the  schools,  by  "  physical 
predetermination."  Despite  all  this,  according  to  Banes, 
free  will  remains,  because  in  all  things  God  works  in  con- 
formity with  the  nature  of  things  ;  necessary  causes  he  makes 
to  operate  of  necessity,  free  causes  he  makes  to  operate  with 
freedom  ;    thus  even  freedom  of  action  is  produced  by  Him. 

What  has  been  said  holds  good  in  the  case  of  the  purely 
natural  actions  of  man,  and  also  holds  good  in  the  case  of 
those  acts  which  call  for  a  supernatural  influence,  that  is  to 
say  the  grace  of  God.  According  to  Banes,  efficacious  grace 
in  the  supernatural  order  corresponds  to  the  physical  pre- 
determination and  predisposition  in  the  supernatural  order. 
Lacking  this  efficacious  grace,  the  will  cannot  bring  itself  to 
act  ;  but  where  it  is  present,  then  it  infallibly  produces 
precisely  that  determination  of  the  will,  which  is  pre-ordained. 
In  the  case  of  inefficacious  graces,  Baiies  naturally  adheres 
to  the  term  already  in  use  among  theologians,  of  "  sufficient  " 
grace,  but  these  "  sufficient  "  graces  only  give  the  will  the 
power  to  act,  which,  however,  can  never  be  transformed 
into  act.^ 

As  we  can  see,  the  scholastic  dispute  here  touches 
upon  the  most  profound  depths  of  the  inmost  life  of 
the  soul  :  the  mysterious  mingling  of  divine  and  human 
action  in  the  heart  of  man,  the  infinite  variety  of  the 
devices  which  the  divine  love  employs  for  the  conquest  of 
the  soul  of  man,  the  thrice  incomprehensible  decrees  of 
election  and  reprobation,  the  depths  of  which  a  Paul^  thought 
that  he  could  not  better  honour  than  by  a  reverent  silence. 

1  More  fully  in  J.  Pokle,  Lehrbuch  der  Dogmatik,  II*., 
Paderborn,  1909,  45S  seqq.,  474  seqq.  ;  Heinrich-Gutberlet, 
Dogmatische  Theologie,  VHI.,  Mayence,  1897,  446  saqq.  ; 
MoRGOTT  in  Freib.  Kirchenlexikoii,^  I.,  1952  seqq.  ;  VIII.,  1737 
seqq.  The  historian  cannot  escape  a  more  detailed  explanation 
of  the  controverted  matter,  and  even  Ranke  found  himself 
obliged  to  attempt  it  (Piipste,  II.*,  19/!).  This  is  not  the  place  to 
dwell  upon  the  many  errors  of  Ranke. 

2  Epist.  ad  Rom.,  II.,  33. 

288  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  necessary  presupposition  and  foundation  for  under- 
standing and  appreciating  the  dispute  is  that  doctrine  of 
Christianity  which,  intimately  united  to  the  dogmas  of  the 
Most  Holy  Trinity  and  the  Incarnation,  offers  the  strongest 
possible  contrast  to  every  kind  of  rationalism  and  superficial 
naturalism,  namely  the  doctrine  of  the  natural  and  the 

According  to  the  Catholic  doctrine  man  is  destined  to  a 
supernatural  end,  that  is  to  an  end  to  which  he  would  have 
no  right  by  his  nature,  and  to  which  he  is  incapable  of  attaining, 
or  even  of  imagining  by  his  natural  powers  alone.  This  means 
that  he  is  to  be  admitted  in  eternity  to  the  direct  contempla- 
tion of  God,  a  thing  to  which  per  se  none  would  have  a  right 
but  the  only-begotten  Son  of  God,  who  by  His  Incarnation 
became  the  brother  of  man,  raised  him  to  the  sonship  of  God, 
and  made  him  his  co-heir.  To  this  sublime  end  there  corres- 
ponds on  earth  a  mysterious  raising  of  the  justified  man  in 
the  order  of  grace.  He  is  no  longer  only  the  servant  of  God, 
but  by  means  of  justif5dng  grace  he  becomes  His  son  ;  his 
soul  is  ennobled,  as  a  wild  tree  by  a  noble  grafting,  his  spiritual 
nature  is  as  it  were  transfigured  by  sanctifying  grace,  his 
intellect  by  the  infused  virtue  of  faith,  his  will  by  the  infused 
virtue  of  charity.  Eternal  glory  therefore  is  not  cast  to  the 
thus  ennobled  soul  as  a  pure  alms,  but  it  is  enabled  on  the 
contrary  to  gain  it  for  itself.  But  since  the  natural  powers 
of  man  are  not  sufficient  for  this  purpose,  God  comes  to  his 
assistance  with  that  kind  of  grace,  concerning  which  the 
dispute  between  the  Jesuits  and  the  Dominicans  arose : 
prevenient  and  co-operating  grace,  which  consists  in  the 
illumination  of  the  intelligent  and  the  incitement  of  the  will. 
This  assistance  of  grace  is  an  absolutely  gratuitous  gift  of  God, 
and  all  that  man  can  do  by  means  of  his  natural  powers  is 
insufficient  to  merit  it  ;  but  once  furnished  with  it  he  is  in  a 
position,  not  only  to  merit  an  increase  of  justifying  grace, 
but  also  the  crown  of  eternal  glory. 

These  remarks  show  that  the  efficacy  of  this  assistance  of 
grace  offers  further  enigmas  to  the  keen  intellect.  The  mani- 
festations of  the  will  which  are  developed  under  its  influence 


cannot  of  their  nature  be  operated  b}-  any   but  God,   for 
otherwise  they  would  no  longer  be  supernatural.     But  at 
the  same  time,  according  to  the  whole  of  their  interior  essence 
they  must  come  from  the  free  will,  since  the  question  at  issue 
is  precisely  the  activity  of  freedom.     The  operation  of  God 
and  that  of  man  must  therefore  be  united,  just  as  in  red-hot 
iron  the  metal  is  united  with  the  fire,  but  the  manner  in 
which  this  takes  place  still  remains  obscure.     To  this  is  added 
the  difficulty  of  reconciling  the  rights  of  freedom  with  the 
supreme  authority  of  God,  which  shines  forth  yet  more  in 
the  supernatural  order  than  in  the  merely  natural  order. 
God  cannot  be  deprived  of  his  supreme  sovereignty  over  his 
creature,  yet  if  He  creates  free  beings,  it  seem.s  that  he  is 
renouncing  a  part  of  his  rights  over  His  creature.     A  third 
and  a  vast  difficulty  is  presented  by  the  mystery  of  the  choice 
of  grace.     As  grace  cannot  be  mierited,  the  beginning  of  the 
supernatural  life   as  well  as   the   distribution   of  graces  to 
individual   men   can   only   come   from    God.     Now   God    in 
distributing  His  graces  sincerely  wills  that  all  men  should 
co-operate  with  them,  and  thus  attain  to  eternal  glory.     But 
in  the  case  of  many  he  foresees  that  they  will  not  actually 
attain  to  this  by  means  of  the  graces  given  to  them,  although 
they  could  do  so.     Why  then  does  He  not  give  them  other 
graces  ?  In  every  case  it  is  for  reasons  dictated  by  His  wisdom  ; 
and  who  can  say  or  imagine  what  those  reasons  may  be  ? 
When  it  was  a  case  of  the  scientific  discussion  of  the  true 
issue  of  the  dispute,  yet  another  difficulty  had  to  be  taken 
into  consideration  :    the  taking  into  account  of  the  opinions 
of  the  Fathers  of  the  Church  and  of  the  scholastics.     This 
was  above  all  the  case  with  St.  Augustine,  the  master  of  grace, 
and  St.  Thomas  Aquinas.     Thus  both  one  and  the  other  were 
claimed   as   their   own   by   the   representatives   of   the   tvvo 

It  is  no  matter  for  surprise  then  that  differences  of  opinion 
should  have  arisen  even  among  Catholic  theologians  over  a 
question  of  such  difficulty,  and  that  neither  view  was  able 
to  throw  light  upon  all  its  obscurities.  In  the  view  of  Molina 
it  remained  an  impenetrable  mystery  how  God  could  foresee 

VOL.  XXIV.  19 

290  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  free  acts  of  the  will  which  were  never  to  be  realized  ; 
for  this  knowledge  no  satisfactory  explanation  is  to  be  found. 
It  would  not  seem  at  first  sight  that  the  school  of  Baiies  felt 
any  difficulty  on  this  point  ;  according  to  this  God  had  ab 
aeterno  predestined  the  free  decisions  of  his  creatures,  and 
therefore  knows  them  just  as  He  knows  His  own  will.  But 
at  once  the  question  arises  :  to  what  purpose  should  God 
make  milliards  of  decrees  of  predestination  concerning  milliards 
of  possible  acts  ?  Such  decrees  do  not  seem  to  have  been 
invented  for  any  other  purpose  than  to  give  the  theologian 
a  way  of  explaining  the  prescience  of  God  on  the  strength  of 
them.  Other  difficulties  as  well  result  from  the  theories 
of  the  Dominican  theologian.  He  w^as  naturally  bound  to 
hold  firmly  that  man  possesses  free  will,  and  that  God  is 
not  the  author  of  sin  ;  he  must  admit  with  the  Council  of 
Trent  that  it  is  also  possible  to  reject  grace  if  one  wills.  But 
the  explanations  of  this  point  given  by  the  followers  of  Banes 
seem  to  other  theologians  to  be  forced  and  artificial.^  It 
was  brought  against  them  that  they  were  teaching  a  sufficient 
grace  which  was  not  enough  for  anything  in  practice,  a  liberty 
which  was  tied  hand  and  foot,  a  power  to  resist  grace  which 
could  never  amount  to  a  real  resistance,  and  therefore  did 
not  deserve  the  name  of  power.  To  this  was  added  that, 
according  to  the  point  of  view  of  the  Dominicans,  it  is  difficult 
to  explain  how  God  does  not  become  the  author  of  sin. 

From  these  brief  remarks  it  will  in  any  case  be  understood 
that  the  historian  cannot  pass  over  the  dispute  which  arose, 
by  describing  it  as  a  mere  monks'  quarrel.  The  question 
concerns  one  of  the  most  sublime  and  profound  doctrines 
of  Christianity,  a  question  to  which  a  man  of  intelligence 
and  heart  might  very  well  devote  all  his  powers. 

The  dispute  between  the  two  schools  had  alread}/  made 
itself  felt  in  the  discussions  between  Lessius  and  the  theo- 

1  According  to  some  of  the  followers  of  Banes  tlie  infallible 
efficacy  of  grace  together  with  liberty  is  "  a  mystery  as  impene- 
trable by  human  knowledge  "  as  that  of  the  Most  Holy  Trinity-. 
MoRGOTT  in  Freib.  Kirchenlexikon,  I.^  1957. 


logical  faculty  of  Lou  vain.  A  greater  uproar  first  arose  on 
the  occasion  of  a  disputation  at  Salamanca,  on  January  20th, 
1582,  at  which  the  Jesuit  Prudencio  di  Montemayor  had  to 
defend  a  series  of  propositions,  in  the  course  of  which  he  was 
attacked  by  Banes. ^  These  propositions  contained  nothing 
that  could  have  provoked  the  Dominicans.  This  is  clear 
from  the  fact  that  a  friend  and  disciple  of  Bafies,  the  Trinitar- 
ian Francisco  Zumel,  had  accepted  the  presidency  at  this 
ecclesiastical  tourney.  But  while  the  difficult  question  of 
the  liberty  of  Christ  was  under  discussion,^  the  matter  passed 
at  length  from  objection  to  objection,  and  from  reply  to  repl}' 
on  the  burning  question  of  the  doctrine  of  grace,  and  went 
so  far  that  Bailes  and  the  Dominican  Guzman  described  the 
replies  of  the  Jesuit  as  heretical.  There  then  intervened 
in  the  discussion  the  celebrated  theologian  and  poet  Luis  de 
Leon  of  the  Order  of  St.  Augustine.  Under  the  impression 
that  such  strong  expressions  were  only  being  employed  out  of 
hatred  for  the  Jesuits,  he  chivalrously  took  up  their  defence. 
Montemayor  retired  into  the  background  and  all  eyes  were 
turned  on  the  celebrated  Augustinian.  Even  after  the  closure 
of  the  theological  disputation  the  discussion  was  carried 
on  with  vehemence.  Names  such  as  "  Pelagian  "  for  Luis 
de  Leon,  and  "  Lutheran  "  for  the  Dominicans,  filled  the  air, 
and  when  several  days  later  it  was  rumoured  that  the  dis- 
cussion was  to  be  resumed  in  a  further  disputation,  the  hall 
was  crowded  with  the  curious.  Once  more  Banes  and  Luis 
de  Leon  battled  vehemently  with  each  other.  This  time 
the  Jesuits  were  silent,  but  in  justification  of  their  theory 
they  arranged  for  January  27th  a  disputation  at  their  own 
college,  at  which  the  question  was  discussed  why,  of  two 
men  who  find  themselves  under  the  influence  of  the  same 
grace,  one  may  be  converted  and  the  other  remain  impenitent. 

^  AsTRAiN,  129-146.  (When  m  future  we  cite  Astrain  without 
giving  the  volume,  we  are  always  referring  to  Vol.  IV.).  The 
second  trial  of  Luis  de  Leon  in  Ciudad  de  Dios,  XLI.  (1896), 
32  seqq.,  102  seqq.,  182  seqq.,  273  seqq. 

^  See  PoHLE,  Lerbuch  der  Dogmatik,  II.*,  109,  for  the  matter 
at  issue. 

292  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  Hieronymite  Juan  de  Santa  Cruz  then  laid  before  the 
Inquisition^  sixteen  propositions  as  having  been  defended 
by  Luis  de  Leon  and  Montemayor,  and  the  Hcenciate  Juan 
de  Arrese  at  once  appeared  at  Salamanca  to  open  the  process 
against  four  principal  offenders.  The  Dominicans  had  in 
meantime  collected  signatures  against  the  accused,  and 
issued  a  warning  that  no  one  must  declare  himself  on  the 
side  of  the  Jesuits  as  the  cause  was  pending  before  the  Holv 
Office.  In  spite  of  this,  at  Valladolid  all  the  doctors  of  repute, 
with  the  exception  of  the  Dominicans,  took  the  side  of  the 
Jesuits  ;  in  Andalusia  even  some  members  of  the  Order  of 
Preachers  pronounced  in  their  favour,  so  that  it  is  evident 
from  this  as  well  as  from  other  attestations,  that  at  that  time, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  dispute,  not  all  the  colleagues  of 
Bailes  shared  his  views  concerning  the  doctrine  of  grace. ^ 

Arrese,  who  was  to  conduct  the  process,  at  once  found 
himself  in  an  impasse.  The  accuser,  Juan  de  Santa  Cruz, 
had  not  been  present  at  the  first  disputation,  and  it  was  quite 
clear  from  the  statements  of  Luis  de  Leon  that  his  theses 
had  been  very  incorrectly  formulated.  The  opinions  of  the 
Spanish  universities,  to  which  Arrese  had  appealed,  were 
not  in  agreement.  At  Alcala  it  was  held  that  both  views, 
that  of  the  Jesuits,  as  well  as  that  of  Bafies,  were  probable  ; 
one  of  Banes'  was,  however,  found  fault  with,  but  this  had 
no  bearing  upon  the  doctrine  of  grace. ^  It  would  seem  that 
the  doctors  of  Salamanca  were  of  the  opposite  opinion.* 
Then  the  Jesuits  asked,  in  the  name  of  justice,  that  their 
reasons  should  be  heard  before  a  judgment  was  formed  ; 
they  had  gone  into  this  question  much  more  thoroughly 
than  the  others,  and  their  view  was  safe,  or  at  least  worthy 

^  Reprinted  from  Ciudad  de  Dies,  XXXVL  in  Astrain,  133  seq., 
and  Mandonnei,  O.P.  in  Diet,  de  theologie  oath.,  II.,  143. 

*  AstrAin,   133. 
^  Ibid.  .T43. 

*  Arrese  at  anyrate  wrote  on  April  24,  1582  :  "  Les  calificaciones 
de  Alcala  son  muy  diferentes  de  lo  que  en  esta  Universidad 
(Salamanca)  se  tratta  "  (Astrain,  143).  Further  particulars  are 
not  kno-\vn. 

LUIS    DE   LEON.  293 

of  preference.^  Luis  de  Leon  even  spread  the  report  that 
the  propositions  of  the  Jesuits  would  shortly  be  declared 
safe  in  Rome.^ 

Almost  two  \ears  elapsed  before  a  judgment  v/as  pro- 
nounced. At  last,  on  Februar}-  3rd,  1584,  Luis  de  Leon, 
the  principal  culprit,  was  cited  to  appear  before  the  Grand 
Inquisitor,  Cardinal  Ouiroga,  and  was  reprimanded  for  his 
faults,  wLich  had  been  confirmed  in  the  light  of  the  acta. 
He  was  warned  to  refrain  from  maintaining,  either  in  public 
or  in  any  other  way,  the  propositions  M^hich,  it  would  appear, 
he  had  defended.  Montemayor  too  received  an  admonition 
from  the  Grand  Inquisitor  and  from  his  Provincial  ;  he  was 
no  longer  to  be  employed  in  lecturing.  Montema^'or  com- 
plained to  his  General,  and  among  other  things  pointed  out 
that  he  had  only  defended  what  he  had  been  taught  by  his 
professors,  among  whom  he  named  Suarez  and  Toledo.^ 
Some  3'ears  later,  with  the  consent  of  Quiroga,  Montema3'or 
was  again  teaching  theology  at  Toledo.'* 

The  questions  raised  at  Salamanca  were  only  a  prelude 
to  the  great  struggle  that  was  soon  to  follow.  It  was  shown 
that  the  burning  question  of  the  efficacy  of  grace  had  for  a 
long  time  past  been  eagerly  discussed  among  the  Jesuits, 
and  that  on  the  whole  the  question  had  been  harmoniously 
settled,  but  that  there  still  remained  certain  obscure  matters 

1  "  Porque  ellos  han  estudiado  ests  materia  de  proposito  con 
mas  cuidado  que  ottos  y  daran  a  entender  que  es  lo  cierto,  e  lo 
menos  lo  qwe  conviene  lo  que  ellos  dicen."  Arrese,  loc.  cit., 
193  seq. 

2  Ibid.   144. 

'  Lo  tercero,  y  lo  que  principalmente  hace  en  mi  descargo,  es 
que  la  doctrina  que  yo  defend!  no  fue  inventada  de  mi  cabeza, 
sino  leida,  dictada  y  ensenada  por  mis  maestros.  .  .  .  Asi  la  leyo 
el  P.  Miguel  Marcos,  mas  largamente  el  P.  Francisco  Suarez  y  el 
P.  Bartolome  Perez  [de  NuerosJ  que  son  los  maestros  que  yo  he 
tenido  en  mis  estudios.  El  P.  Toledo  tambien  la  leyo  en  su 
primera  parte.  To  Aquaviva,  Medina  del  Campo,  July  27,  1585, 
in  AsTRAiN,  145. 

*  Ibid.   146. 

294  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  detail,  which  showed  that  a  thorough  scientific  examination 
of  the  difficult  question  was  indispensable.  The  ground  was 
therefore  prepared  for  that  work  which  for  ten  years  held 
the  whole  of  Europe  in  a  state  of  suspense,  the  work  of  Molina 
upon  the  relations  between  grace  and  liberty.  This  was 
published  at  List  on  at  the  end  of  1588.  ^  As  far  as  its  outward 
appearance  was  concerned  it  was  one  of  the  least  imposing 
of  that  author's  works,  yet  that  modest  quarto  volume  has  a 
history  such  as  few  books  in  the  world  can  boast.  A  few 
years  before  Baiies  too  had  set  forth  his  views  on  the  same 
subject,  not  in  a  work  specially  devoted  to  grace,  but  in 
various  parts  of  his  commentaries  on  the  Summa  of 
St.  Thomas.''^ 

Three  Jesuits  had  been  charged  by  their  Portuguese 
province  to  examine  the  work  of  Molina,  among  them  Jorge 
Serrano,  who  v;as  held  in  high  esteem  by  the  Inquisition, 
Molina  wished  that,  on  the  strength  of  the  favourable  opinion 
of  Serrano,  a  nihil  obstat  might  be  asked  for  the  publication 
without  any  further  censorship,  because  he  was  afraid  of  the 
Dominicans,  upon  whose  judgement  depended  the  permission 
to  print  the  book.  The  other  Jesuits,  on  the  other  hand, 
thought  that  the  usual  course  should  be  followed,  and  that 
not  the  least  distrust  of  the  Dominicans  ought  to  be  shown. 
Molina  had  hardly  handed  over  his  manuscript  to  the  censor, 
Bartolomeo  Ferreira,  when  there  began  disputes  about  his 
book,  which  seemed  destined  to  be  the  apple  of  discord 
between  the  parties.^  Ferreira  was  bombarded  with  accu- 
sations against  Molina  ;  it  was  naturally  supposed  that  the 
Jesuit  propositions  which  had  been  found  fault  with  at 
Salamanca  would  be  found  in  the  took  ;  the  confessor  of  the 
Grand  Inquisitor,  the  Dominican  De  las  Cuevas,   brought 

1  Concordia  liberi  arbitrii  cum  gratiae  donis,  divina  praescientia, 
providentia,  praedestiiiatione  et  reprobatione  (4°,  512  pp.). 

2  Scholastica  commentaria  in  primam  partem  Angelici  D. 
Thomae  usque  ad  sexagesimam  quartam  quaestionem  com- 
plectentia,  Salamanca,  1584. 

3  AstrXin,  147-175. 


forward  the  judgment  in  which  those  propositions  had  been 
found  fault  with,  while  other  Dominicans  thought  that  the 
lionour  of  St.  Dominic  demanded  a  refusal  of  the  permission 
to  print.  Ferreira,  who  was  not  opposed  to  the  Jesuits, 
informed  Molina  of  these  accusations.  The  latter  was  not 
the  man  to  stand  and  watch  these  attacks  with  folded  hands, 
and  he  pointed  out  that  Ferreira  had  not  been  appointed 
censor  of  the  Inquisition  in  order  to  protect  the  interests  of 
the  Dominican  Order  ;  he  had  in  no  case  taught  the  pro- 
positions found  fault  with  at  Salamanca,  and  Ferreira  could 
satisfy  himself  as  to  this.  If  there  were  anything  in  his  book 
which  called  for  blame,  in  that  case  he  himself  would  ask  for 
its  prohibition.^ 

The  unexpected  end  of  all  this  was  that  Ferreira  was 
persuaded,  and  gave  the  book  that  was  the  subject  of  so  many 
attacks  a  glowing  imprimatur.  In  this  he  states  that  the  work 
contained  nothing  that  was  not  in  accordance  with  our  religion, 
and  that  many  passages  taken  from  the  Councils  and  the 
Holy  Scriptures  were  explained  and  elucidated  therein  very 
happily.  He  therefore  considered  the  work  worthy  of 
publication,  and  of  advantage  to  the  whole  Church.  In 
accordance  with  this,  in  the  middle  of  July  the  prmting  was 
begun,  and  on  January  6th,  1589,  Molina  went  to  the 
governor.  Cardinal  Albert,  in  order  to  present  him  with  the 
first  copy. 

While  the  book  was  being  printed  its  adversaries  did  not 
remain  with  folded  hands,  and  Molina  was  soon  made  to 
realize  that  their  efforts  had  not  been  ineffectual.  Cardinal 
Albert  received  the  first  copy  coldly  and  forbade  the  sale  of 
the  edition  until  further  orders.  Molina  then  asked  for  a  strict 
examination  of  his  work,  adding  the  request  that  the  objections 
should  be  made  only  in  writing,  and  signed  with  the  name  of 
the  critic.  He  pointed  out  that  a  favourable  judgment  had 
been  passed  upon  his  book  by  three  of  his  brethren  in  religion 
and  by  Ferreira,  that  he  had  sent  it  to  the  royal  council,  both 

1  On  the  streiigth  of  some  letters  from  Molina  to  Aquaviva, 
January  28,  1589,  in  Astrain,  152  seq. 

296  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  Castille  and  Aragon,  so  that  it  might  be  examined  there, 
and  that  the  objections  only  sprang  from  the  jealousy  of  the 
Dominicans.^  At  a  second  audience  Molina  was  able  to  point 
out  that  not  onl}-  Ferreira,  but  some  of  the  latter's  colleagues 
as  well,  who  had  formerly  been  his  adversaries,  had  described 
the  work  as  a  good  book,  after  Ferreira  had  enabled  them  to 
read  it,  comparing  the  printed  edition  with  the  manuscript.^ 
This  proved  what  Molina  had  confidently  said  to  Ferreira, 
namely,  that  if  only  his  book  were  read,  there  Vvould  no  longer 
be  any  question  of  suppressing  it.^  Naturally  not  all  the 
Dominicans  passed  a  favourable  judgment  on  Molina's 
volume,  and  some  thought  that  they  could  detect  in  the  book 
the  theses  which  had  been  found  fault  with  at  Salamanca. 
The  pressure  they  brought  to  bear  upon  De  las  Cuevas,  the 
spiritual  director  of  the  governor,  led  to  Cardinal  Albert's 
causing  Molina's  book  to  be  once  more  examined  by  the 
Dominican  Cano.  Cano  thought  that  he  discovered  in  it  the 
very  theses  which  had  been  found  fault  with  in  Castille,  and 
thus  it  came  about  that  Molina's  work,  which  had  already 
been  so  often  examined,  could  not  be  sold  for  three  months.^ 
But  in  the  meantime  Molina,  about  the  end  of  February 
1589,  had  been  informed  of  the  state  of  the  affair  ;  he  therefore 
hastened  to  come  to  the  rescue  of  his  child  of  sorrow,  by  an 
apologetic  work.  He  confessed  that  he  was  indeed  the  author 
of  some  of  the  disputed  theses,  but  that  there  was  no  reason 
at  all  to  suspect  them  of  being  erroneous  or  heretical.  In 
the  majority  of  cases,  however,  he  proved  that  opinions  were 
being  attributed  to  him  which  he  would  never  have  dreamed 
of  defending.^  In  the  meantime  in  Spain  Molina's  book  had 
been  judged  by  the  royal  council  of  Castille,  as  well  as  b}- 

1  Molina,  loc.  cit.  in  Astrain,  154  seq. 

*  "  Ellos  la  vieron  y  respondieron  que  estaba  may  buena  y  que 
habia  dcclarado  mucho."     Molina,  loc.  cit.  156. 

^Astrain,   154. 

*  De  las  Cuevas  to  ()uiroga,  in  Norbfrt  del  Prado,  O.P., 
De  gratia  et  libero  arbitrjo,  III.,  Freiburg,  i.  t).,  1907,  579  ; 
AstrAin,  157  sea, 

5  Astrain,  158, 


that  of  Aragon,  in  a  manner  highly  honourable  to  the  author, 
nor  were  any  of  his  theses  called  in  question  there. ^  The 
Archduke  Albert  then  gave  permission  for  the  sale  of  the 

So  far,  then,  the  attacks  on  Molina  had  had  no  other  result 
than  that  his  book  had  appeared  under  the  protection  of  the 
Portuguese  Inquisition,  and  with  the  arms  and  protection 
of  the  royal  council  of  Castille  and  Aragon.  Later  on  to  these 
was  added  the  approbation  of  the  Castilian  Inquisition.- 
Molina  might  be  said  to  have  been  recompensed  for  his  past 
troubles  by  the  applause  which  he  gained  in  far  wider  circles. 
Even  during  his  life-time  his  book  ran  into  new  editions  at 
Cuenca,  Venice,  Lyons  and  Antwerp.^  The  professor  of 
theology  at  Valladolid,  Garcia  Coronel,  said  that  though  it 
was  true  that  the  fundartiental  idea  of  the  book  contained 
nothing  new,  and  was  to  be  found,  in  his  opinion,  clearly 
stated  in  Augustine  and  Thomas  Aquinas,  Molina  was  never- 
theless the  first  who  had  treated  of  the  matter  in  detail,  by 
solving  the  difficulties  and  building  up  the  proofs  ;  theologians 
who  had  to  fight  against  the  heretics  were  grateful  for  the 
weapon  which  he  placed  in  their  hands.  ^  Leonhard  Lessius, 
who  was  in  conflict  with  the  doctrines  of  Baius  at  Lou  vain, 
pronounced  enthusiastically  in  favour  of  Molina,^  who  defended 
the  same  opinion  as  to  efficacious  grace  as  himself.  The 
opinion  of  Lessius  is  also  of  importance  for  the  reason  that 

^  Ibid.  156. 

*  See  infra,  p.  300. 

*  SoMMERVOGEL,  IX.,  683.  The  Antwerp  edition  of  1595, 
apart  from  some  minor  unessential  differences,  is  distinguished  by 
the  addition  of  an  appendix  in  which  Molina  defends  himself 
against  misunderstandings  and  attacks.  In  the  editions  of 
Cuenca,  Venice  and  Lyons  some  paragraphs  are  replaced  by  new 
ones  in  which  Molina  again  uses  the  arguments  which  he  had 
previously  employed  (Sommekvogel,  I.^*^  partie,  W,  1169). 
Between  1602  and  1876  five  further  editions  appeared. 

*  Letter  of  October  17,  1600,  in  Astrain,  225. 

^  Letter  to  Bellarmine,  m  Le  B,\CH5i,Er,  BellarmJn  avant  son. 
cardinalat,  272. 

298  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Francis  of  Sales,  who  was  later  on  declared  a  doctor  of  the 
Church,  declared  that  he  ohared  his  views  on  the  doctrine  of 

New  ideas,  however,  even  though  they  are  only  such  from 
this  or  that  point  of  view,  are  hardly  ever  introduced  in  science 
without  serious  disputes,  and  certainly  Molina's  book  offered 
man}'"  points  of  attack.  His  opinions  excited  opposition  both 
from  Bellarmine^  and  from  many  Jesuits  in  Spain. ^  These 
differences  of  opinion,  however,  do  not  in  any  way  concern 
the  question  as  to  how  efficacious  grace  may  be  reconciled  with 
human  freedom.  Besides  the  principal  object  of  his  book, 
Molina  also  treats  of  many  other  matters,  and  it  seemed  to 
some  that  in  these  secondary  questions  he  devoted  too  much 
space  to  the  natural  powers  of  man  in  regard  to  supernatural 
things.  Others  again  found  matte'r  for  blame  in  the  expres- 
sions he  used,  but  not  in  the  substance  of  what  he  said.* 

The  principal  part  in  the  struggle  against  Molina  was  under- 
taken in  about  1590  by  a  scholar  who  has  attached  his  name 
to  the  theor}^  of  the  Dominicans  on  grace  as  inseparably  as 
Molina  has  done  in  the  case  of  the  corresponding  theory  of 
the  Jesuits  :  Domenico  Banes.  Bancs  was  a  distinguished 
theologian.^  Among  the  Dominicans  who,  together  with 
Francisco  de  Vittoria,  founded  the  so-called  neo-scholasticism, 
he  holds  an  outstanding  place  as  a  shrewd  dialectician,  and 
a    profound    student    of    metaphysics.     As    the    influential 

1  Francis  of  Sales  to  Lessius,  August  26,  1613  ;  Schneemann, 
4  ;  facsimile  of  the  letter  in  Cretineau-Joly,  III.,  22.  The 
doctrine  of  predestination  of  Lessius  completely  excludes  the 
physical  predetermination  of  Bafles  ;  see  Schneemann,  325-327. 

2  Le  Bachelet,  Eellarmin,  292  ;  Astrain,  163.  For  the 
attitude  of  Bellarmine  towards  Molina  cf.  Le  Bachelet, 
Auctarium,  1-31. 

*  Astrain,   164. 

*  Schneemann,  220  seqq. 

'^  Cf.  Morgott  in  Freib.  Ktrchenlex.,  i".,  1951  seqq.; 
RL\ndonnet,  in  Diet,  de  theologie  cath.,  IL,  145  ;  V.  Ehrle  in 
Katholik,  1885,  I.,  415-424  ;  Bei,tran  de  Her.edia  in  Im  Ciencici^ 
lomista,  XIV.  (1922),  64-68. 

ATTACK    BY   BANES.  299 

adviser  of  St.  Teresa  of  Jesus,  he  became  even  more  widely 
celebrated.  By  the  concise  and  determined  form  which 
gives  an  impress  to  his  intellectual  originality,  and  by  the 
positively  fascinating  influence  which  he  exercised  over  those 
around  him,  he  seemed  destined  to  become  the  leader  of  a 
school ;  he  became  so,  in  spite  of  his  assertion  that  he  did  not 
intend  to  depart  by  even  a  finger's  breadth  from  Thomas 
Aquinas.  In  the  world  of  learning  he  displayed  the  independ- 
ence of  his  intellect  by  various  paradoxical  opinions.^  When 
confronted  with  the  Jesuits  his  determination  degenerated 
into  bitterness  and  rancour  ;  when  they  were  not  of  his  way 
of  thinking  he  described  them  as  ignorant  men,  or  men  who, 
against  their  consciences,  refused  to  recognize  better  doctrines;  ^ 
in  some  respects  he  seems  the  spiritual  heir  of  his  master  and 
fellow  Dominican  Melchior  Cano. 

During  the  years  1590-1594  the  Spanish  Inquisition  was 
preparing  a  supplement  to  its  Index  of  prohibited  books  for 
Spain.  Banes  and  his  friend  Zumcl  were  among  the  scholars 
whose  opinion  was  asked  concerning  more  recent  publications. 
They  attempted  to  aim  a  first  blow  at  Molina  by  proposing 
that  his  MTitings,  that  is  his  book  on  grace,  and  his  com- 
mentaries on  St.  Thomas,  should  be  included  among  the 
prohibited  books. ^  The  attempt  failed,  and  brought  down 
upon  its  authors  a  denunciation  that  was  not  altogether 
harmless.  Molina  had  learned  of  the  plan,  and  addressed  a 
letter*  to  the  Inquisition  in  which  from  the  defence  of  his  book 
he  passed  on  to  the  attack.  He  said  that  he  had  turned 
against  Baiics  and  Zumel  because  their  teaching  on  grace  and 
free  will  was  not  reconcilable  with  the  Council  of  Trent. 
Starting  from  the  principles  upon  which  Bafies  based  his  proofs, 
the  Lutherans  had  gone  on  to  the  absolute  denial  of  free  will. 
In  proof  of  this  he  brought  forward  a  list  of  texts  from  Luther, 

1  MoRGOTT,  loc.  cit.  195T. 

2  Cf.  the  passages  from  his  "  Kelectio  de  merito  et  augmento 
charitatis  "  (15Q0)  in  Astrain,  164  seq. 

'  AstrAin,  165  seqq. 

*  January,   1504,  ihid,  166  seq. 


Calvin  and  Chemnitz,  together  with  others  from  Baiies  and 
Zumel.  The  title  of  this  collection  is  remarkable,  for  in  it 
Bafies  is  spoken  of  as  the  first  to  have  introduced  such  doctrines 
into  Spain. ^  It  was  perhaps  on  this  occasion  that  the  Spanish 
Inquisition  itself  examined  the  book  of  Molina  and  expressly 
gave  it  its  approval.^ 

At  the  same  time  the  Dominicans  Mondragon  and  Avendafio 
sought  to  stir  up  a  storm  against  the  great  Jesuit  theologian 
Suarez,  who  in  1590  and  1592  had  published,  as  the  first  fruits 
of  his  labours,  two  volumes  on  the  Incarnation  which  had  been 
received  with  great  applause.^  When  in  October  1593,  on 
the  occasion  of  his  being  transferred  from  Alcala  to  Salamanca, 
Suarez  paid  a  visit  to  the  Grand  Inquisitor  Quiroga,  the  latter 
spoke  to  him  on  the  subject,  and  thus  gave  him  an  opportunity 
of  showing  the  falsity  of  the  accusations.^  About  a  3- ear  later 
it  was  rumoured  that  the  Dominicans  were  trying  to  get  almost 
all  the  theological  books  written  by  Jesuits  included  in  the  list 
of  prohibited  books. ^ 

In  the  apologetic  works  of  the  Jesuits  there  occurs  again 
and  again  a  complaint  at  the  manifest  injustice  of  such 
attacks.  The  reason  why  they  were  being  thus  persecuted 
could  not  be  found  in  the  doctrines  which  they  had  taught, 
since  others  had  taught  the  same  things  without  their  having 
provoked  any  attack.  The  historian  certainly  cannot 
describe  this  complaint  as  unfounded  ;  the  passion  displaj^ed 
by  some  of  the  Dominicans  against  the  new  Order  is  too 
manifest  to  allow  of  any  such  thing.  On  the  other  hand  the 
bitterness  is  easy  to  explain.  The  young  and  rising  Society 
of  Jesus  had  in  several  cases  entered  the  lists  against  the 
older  Order,  which  v/as  already  covered  with  renown,  and  had 

^  Summa  de  las  herejias  de  Lutero,  Calbino  y  Chemnitio,  que 
hacen  a  este  proposito,  y  de  lo  que  con  ellos  el  Maestro  Banes 
tiene  impresa  y  introducido  en  Espana.     Astrain,   168  n. 

^  Ibid.  168  ;    cf.  159. 

^  ScoRRAiLLE,  I.,  251  seqq. 

*  In  a  letter  to  Quiroga,  January  15,  1594,  m  AstrAin,  169-173. 

^  Letter  of  H.  de  la  Cerda,  rector  of  the  Jesuit  college  at  Medina, 
ihid.  173  seq. 


won  brilliant  successes,  especially  in  the  field  of  pastoral  work 
and  teaching.  How  then  could  it  have  failed  to  seem  unjust 
to  certain  Dominicans,  who  for  centuries  had  borne  the  heat 
and  burden  of  the  day,  that  they  should  be  left  behind  by 
these  new-comers  at  the  eleventh  hour  ?  The  Order  of 
Preachers  had  jealously  looked  upon  theological  science  as  its 
privileged  field.  But  now  that  the  work  of  Molina,  M'hich 
had  made  its  appearance  as  the  first  book  by  a  Jesuit  on 
scholastic  theology,  had  been  folloM^ed  by  other  important 
works  by  Molina  himself  and  by  Suarez,  it  seemed  as  though 
the  younger  Order  was  preparing  to  storm  the  last  fortress 
of  the  older.  The  Dominicans  would  not  have  been  a  body 
of  men,  if  there  had  not  been  them  some  of  choleric 
temperament,  who  from  the  first  looked  with  suspicion  and 
jealousy  upon  the  works  of  their  special  rivals,  and  who  in 
their  mistrust  did  not  fail  to  find  in  their  writings  things 
which  in  reality  were  not  there.  In  order  to  increase  the 
tension  yet  further,  it  was  only  necessary  for  the  ecclesiastical 
courts  to  pronounce  in  certain  other  juridical  questions  in 
favour  of  the  Jesuits  against  the  Dominicans.^  Bailes  in 
particular,  the  senior  professor  at  Salamanca,  had  been 
obliged,  in  the  sight  of  the  whole  university,  to  submit  to  the 

^  The  visitor  Gil  Gonzales  Davila,  in  the  exhortations  which  he 
sent  in  writing  to  the  Jesuit  pro\ince  in  Castille,  says  that  the 
doctrine  and  the  supposed  diiferences  from  St.  Thomas  are  only 
a  pretext  for  the  attacks  of  the  Dominicans,  and  that  the  true 
reason  was  to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  at  Salamanca  the  Jesuits 
had  associated  themselves  with  the  .Vugustmians,  and  that  at 
Toledo,  Soria  and  Salamanca  the  Dominicans  had  been  surpassed 
by  the  Jesuits.  The  fact  that  Miguel  ]Marcos  had  attacked 
Banes  by  name,  and  that  some  spoke  in  disparaging  terms  of  the 
Dominicans,  had  served  to  pour  oil  on  the  Hames.  "  Hemos  de 
procurar  "  concludes  Davila,  "  que  si  es  posible,  tengamos  paz 
con  todod  "  (AstrAin,  174  seq.).  Aquaviva  had  already  written 
to  Castille  on  August  12,  1585,  that  they  must  avoid  disputes 
with  the  Dominicans,  and  should  try  on  the  contrary  to  treat 
them  with  great  humility  and  keep  very  much  on  their  guard. 
(ScoRKAiiXE,  I.,  250). 


humiliation  of  the  sentence  of  the  Spanish  nuncio  on  the 
occasion  of  the  dispute  concerning  the  simple  vows  of  the 
Jesuits.  But  in  spite  of  all  this,  it  was  not  the  whole  of  the 
Order  of  Preachers,  nor  even  perhaps  a  majority  of  its 
members,  as  became  more  and  more  clear,  who  allowed  them- 
selves to  be  governed  by  hostility  towards  the  Jesuits,  although 
actually  the  over-zealous  excesses  of  a  single  member  attracted 
more  attention  than  the  moderate  behaviour  of  a  hundred 

The  ever  increasing  tension  reached  its  climax  at 
Valladolid.i  There,  at  the  Gregorian  College  of  the 
Dominicans,  the  declared  adversary  of  the  Jesuits  vv^as 
Diego  Nuno  ;  he  set  the  doctrine  of  Molina  before  the  students 
as  being  contrary  to  faith,  and  Molina  himself  as  an  ignorant, 
presumptuous  and  blaspheming  man,  and  often  attributed 
to  his  adversary  opinions  which  the  latter  had  expressly 
rejected  and  refuted.  The  horror  aroused  against  the 
supposed  heretic  was  manifested  in  the  lecture  halls  by  a 
general  stamping  of  feet  every  time  the  name  of  Molina  was 
mentioned.^  A  colleague  of  Nuno  prayed  for  the  conversion 
of  Molina,  since  he  might  become  a  dragon  like  the  one  in  the 
Apocalypse,  who  swept  away  a  third  part  of  the  stars  of 
heaven.^  To  complete  the  confusion,  the  most  bitter  anti- 
Jesuit  among  the  Dominicans  Alonzo  de  Avendafio,  went  to 
Valladolid  to  preach  the  Lent,,  and  inveighed  frtm  the  pulpit 
against  the  new  Order,  though  he  did  not  mention  it  by  name. 
Gradually  even  the  best  friends  of  the  Jesuits  began  to  be 
afraid  lest  not  all  these  accusations  which  were  hurled  from 
the  pulpit  and  the  lecturer's  chair,  should  prove  to  be  purely 
imaginary.  "^ 

The  Jesuits  then,  to  justify  themselves,  formed  the  idea 
of  defending  the  doctrines  of  Molina  at  a  public  disputation, 

^  AsTRAiN,  176-200. 

^  Gonzalo   Perogila,   the   advocate   of   the    Jesuits,   sent  it  in 
their  name  to  the  Inquisition  (Astrain,  195  seq.). 
^  Ibid.  197. 
*  Ibid.  177. 

The  disputation.  303 

above  all  showing  that  he  did  not  maintain  the  theses  which 
were  being  attributed  to  him.  This  disputation  took  place 
on  March  5th,  1594,  but  Nuno  took  care  that  it  should  not 
serve  its  purpose.  Since  all  those  Vv'ho  were  present  were 
allowed  to  bring  forward  objections  to  the  theses  advanced 
for  the  defence,  Nuiio  availed  himself  of  this  right  and  declared 
certain  theses  which  he  attributed  to  the  Jesuits  to  be  heretical 
and  erroneous.  The  Jesuit  appointed  to  conduct  the  defence, 
and  the  president  at  the  disputation,  the  Jesuit  Antonio  de 
Padilla,  declared  that  the  theses  attacked  were  neither 
heretical  nor  to  be  found  in  Molina.  The  latter  wished  1o 
prove  this  by  reading  certain  passages  from  Molina's  book,  but 
Nuilo  would  not  allow  this  ;  he  began  to  cry  out  in  a  loud 
voice  that  he  had  already  adduced  proofs  that  the  passage 
which  had  been  read  was  heretical,  and  continued  thus  to  cry 
out  when  Padilla  began  to  read  another  of  the  passages. 
Some  of  the  bystanders  tried  to  calm  the  angry  man.  "  Let 
me  be,"  he  replied,  "  I  am  fighting  for  the  faith."  Then  the 
Jesuit  who  was  charged  with  replying  to  the  objections  lost 
patience,  and  addressed  to  him  the  contemptuous  question  : 
"  Perhaps  you  have  the  keys  of  wisdom  on  your  side  ?  "  To 
which  Nuilo  rejoined  that  to  speak  like  that  was  a  sign  of 
great  pride. ^ 

Then  Diego  Alvarez  began  to  speak,  and  he  later  on  gave 
the  best  explanation  of  grace  from  the  Dominican  point  of 
view.  The  Jesuits  bear  witness  that  his  attitude  was  modest, 
and  that  he  presented  his  case  very  well.^  But  Nuno  would 
not  even  now  be  silenced,  and  frequently  interrupted  the 
discussion,  until  at  length  Padilla  permitted  himself  to 
remark  that  in  scientific  discussions  it  was  not  a  question  of 
strength  of  voice,  but  of  strength  of  arguments.  Nuno  then 
rose  with  a  clatter  and  said  that  Padilla's  remark  was  an 
insult,  and  that  he  did  not  intend  to  submit  to  it  ;  he  was 
going  away  and  would  not  return  any  more,  but  would  hold 
his  own   disputation   concerning   Molina  at   the   Dominican 

^  Ibid.   179  seq. 
^  Ibid.  183. 


college.  Not  much  better  than  the  behaviour  of  Nuno  was 
that  of  his  colleague,  Jeronimo  de  Vallejo,  the  man  who  said 
that  Molina  reminded  him  of  the  dragon  in  the  Apocalypse.^ 
He  read  some  passages  from  Molina,  adding  the  remark  that 
all  that  he  had  read  was  erroneous.  He  would  not  suffer 
anyone  to  reply  to  him,  and  went  on  reading  and  condemning.^ 
Two  daj's  after  the  disputation  occurred  the  feast  of  St. 
Thomas  Aquinas.  Avendafio  was  to  preach  the  panegyric 
of  the  saint,  and  if  he  had  already  on  other  occasions  m.ade 
use  of  the  pulpit  to  speak  against  the  Jesuits  during  those 
days  of  commotion,  he  now  surpassed  himself.  He  applied 
to  them  the  words  of  the  prophet  :  "  Their  face  is  now  made 
blacker  than  coals. "^  He  said  that  certain  people  had  begun 
well,  but  that  now  they  were  sinners  like  others  ;  then 
followed  allusions  to  the  disputation  just  held.  "  If  God 
made  anyone  the  master  of  the  sun  in  the  firmament,  that 
man  might  say  ;  the  light  is  mine."  Therefore,  if  St.  Thomas, 
the  sun  of  the  Church,  is  one  of  our  number,  then  too  the  light 
which  he  radiates  is  ours,  just  as  the  keys  of  wisdom  are 
ours  and  not  yours  ;  our  key  is  the  true  one,  yours  is  but  a 
pick-lock.  You  do  not  enter  by  the  door,  but  enter  as  a 
thief,  unlike  us  who  hold  firmly  to  clear  and  sound  doctrine 
without  turning  aside  to  innovations.'* 

After  his  sermon  Avendafio  could  justifiably  boast  of  the 
severe  blow  that  he  had  delivered  against  his  adversaries  ; 
the  Jesuits  might  expect  another  and  perhaps  deeper  injury 
from  the  disputation  which  Nufio  had  announced  before  he 
went  away.  They  therefore  addressed  themselves  to  the 
Inquisition  and  asked  that  at  least  a  book  which  had  received 
the  approbation  of  the  Portuguese  Inquisition  should  not  be 
described  by  the  Dominicans  as  an  heretical  book.  Once 
more  in  this  petition  was  expressed  the  complaint  which  the 
Jesuits  had  already  put   forward,  namely  that  the  reason 

^  See  supra,  p.  302. 
2  AsirAin,  183. 

*  Lamentations,  iv.,  8. 

*  AstrAin,  183  seqq. 


why  they  were  being  attacked  was  not  to  be  found  in  questions 
of  doctrine.  The  same  theses  had  been  defended  at  the 
chapter-general  of  the  Franciscans  as  at  their  college,  without 
the  Dominicans  who  had  been  present  raising  any  objection.^ 
In  a  report  of  the  disputation  on  March  5th,  and  of  the  attitude 
taken  up  thereat  by  Nufio,  this  complaint  was  set  forth  in 
even  greater  detail.  In  this  it  is  stated  that  at  the  chapter- 
general  of  the  Benedictines  these  theses  had  been  defended 
in  the  presence  of  Dominicans  without  causing  any  scandal. 
Even  before  the  time  of  Molina  this  doctrine  had  been  taught 
by  Mancio  at  Salamanca,  and  at  Alcala  by  Juan  Alonso, 
afterwards  Bishop  of  Leon.  The  same  doctrine  had  been 
defended  at  Alcala  by  Deza,  though  it  had  been  contested  by 
Banes,  who  held  a  chair  at  that  university,  but  he  had  been 
unable  to  effect  anything  against  the  prestige  which  Deza 
enjoyed  there.- 

At  first  the  Inquisition  had  intended  to  forbid  the  proposed 
disputation  altogether,  but  when  it  was  approached  by  the 
Dominicans  it  only  asked  of  them  what  had  been  suggested 
in  the  petition  of  the  Jesuits,  namely  that  the  doctrine  of 
Molina  should  not  be  called  heretical.  Nufio  therefore 
restricted  himself  in  the  theses  which  he  brought  forward 
for  the  disputation  to  stating  that  some  of  the  propositions 
which  he  was  combatting  were  "  worse  than  false  "  ;    thus 

1  Petition  of  March  28,  1594,  in  Astrain,  186. 

"  AsTRAiN,  180.  According  to  Banes  himself  (see  QuitxiF- 
EcHARD,  II.,  243)  the  Dominican  Mancio  (died  1576)  enjoyed  so 
great  a  reputation  in  Salamanca  "  ut  vel  anus  omnes  opprimeret, 
tanta  erat  eius  auctoritas."  His  writings  have  not  been  published 
{cf.  as  to  this  F.  Ehrle  in  Katholik,  1885,  I.,  172-174).  For 
Juan  Alonso  de  Moscoso,  Bishop  of  Leon,  1593-1603,  cf. 
Eleutherixis,  173  seq.  ;  Meyer,  208.  The  Dominican  Diego  de 
Deza  (died  1523)  was  indeed  "  a  Molinist  before  Molina  "  [cf. 
Cr.  Pesch  in  Zeitschr.  f.  kath.  Theol.,  IX.,  1885,  171-177  ;  Frins, 
465  seqq.),  but  according  to  Quetif-Echard  this  Deza  was  a  pro- 
fessor at  Salamanca  ;  there  is  no  mention  of  Alcala.  Perhaps 
another  Deza  is  meant,  who  was  a  professor  at  Alcala,  where 
Baiies  taught  theology  from  1567  to  about  1572. 

VOL.   XXIV.  20 

306  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  word  heresy  was  evaded,  but  the  accusation  remained 
substantially  the  same.  At  the  disputation  itself  the  Jesu't 
Padilla  admitted  that  the  propositions  as  now  enunciated 
were  erroneous,  but  he  denied  that  they  had  been  taught  by 
Molina.  Even  this  concession  was  turned  to  good  purpose 
by  Nufio  and  his  followers,  for  when  Padilla  wished  to  prove 
from  Molina's  book  that  the  latter  had  taught  the  opposite 
of  these  theses,  they  prevented  him  from  reading  them  by 
making  an  uproar,  and  when  the  disputation  was  over  they 
spread  the  rumour  that  Padilla  had  recanted  at  San  Gregorio 
what  he  had  upheld  at  the  previous  disputation  at  the  Jesuit 
college.  Naturally  the  Jesuits  at  once  drew  up  and  issued 
a  report  contradicting  this,^  and  thus  it  seemed  that  the 
matter  would  drag  on  indefinitely. 

It  was  time  for  the  ecclesiastical  superiors  to  intervene 
and  put  an  end  to  this  scandal.  Alonso  de  Mendoza,  who 
was  administrator  of  the  church  at  Valladolid  as  Abad  Mayor, 
wrote  on  April  2nd,  1594,  to  the  nuncio  Gaetano  at  Madrid 
and  complained  of  Avendaiio,  who  on  the  previous  day  had 
again  preached  against  the  new  Order,  which  he  hated  so 
much,  as  well  as  of  the  passionate  behaviour  of  Nuiio  at  the 
disputation  on  March  5th. ^  The  Jesuits  had  alread}^  drawn 
up  a  letter  to  the  Grand  Inquisitor  ;  in  this  they  stated  that 
they  were  commonty  looked  upon  as  the  defenders  of  doctrines 
contrary  to  the  faith,  and  that  the  students  in  the  lecture 
halls  began  to  stamp  their  feet  as  soon  as  the  very  name  of 
Molina  was  mentioned.  The  rector  of  the  college  at  Medina, 
Hernando  de  Lacerda,  was  charged  to  take  this  letter  to 
Madrid,  and  to  defend  the  cause  of  the  accused  before  the 
Grand  Inquisitor  and  the  nuncio.^  The  nuncio  referred  the 
matter  of  Avendafio  and  Nuiio  to  Rome,  whereupon  the 
whole  affair  assumed  an  unlooked  for  aspect.     On  June  7th, 

1  Report  of  the  Jesuits  in  AstrAin,  190-194. 

2  AsTRAiN,  III.,  312.  The  letter  was  written  on  a  Saturday; 
from  the  various  dates  {ibid.  312,  314  n.)  we  can  only  suppose 
it  was  on  April  2,  1594. 

*  AsTRAiN,  IV.,  195. 


1594,  Gaetano  was  ordered  to  open  a  process  in  full  from 
against  Avendaiio,  which  ended  on  January  5th,  1595,  with 
the  condemnation  of  this  infatuated  man.^  In  the  meantime 
Cardinal  Aldobrandini  wrote  on  June  28th,  1594,  in  the  name 
of  Clement  VIII.  to  the  nuncio,  on  the  subject  of  the  quarrel 
between  the  Dominicans  and  Jesuits.  Since  a  question  of 
faith  was  at  issue,  and  a  matter  of  no  small  importance,  the 
decision  pertained  to  the  Roman  See,  and  no  one  else  must 
interfere.  The  Grand  Inquisitor  therefore  must  no  longer 
concern  himciclf  with  it ;  the  nuncio  was  to  summon  the 
superiors  of  the  two  Orders  to  his  presence,  order  them  to  lay 
the  matter  of  controversy  before  him  in  writing  with  full 
proofs,  and  then  send  the  two  statements  to  Rome.  The 
nuncio  was  to  order  both  superiors,  under  the  gravest  penalties, 
to  forbid  their  subjects  to  discuss  the  matter  any  further 
pending  the  decision  of  the  Pope."  Gaetano  communicated 
the  Papal  letter  to  the  provincial  of  the  two  Orders  on  August 
15th,  1594  ;  anyone  who  dared  to  discuss  the  question  of 
efficacious  grace  either  in  public  or  in  private  was  to  be 

The  superiors  of  both  Orders  set  themselves  to  calm  the 
excited  feelings  of  their  subjects.  The  General  of  the  Jesuits, 
Aquaviva,  on  February  13th,  1595,  urged  the  provincials 
by  circular,  in  emphatic  w^ords,  to  maintain  peace  with  the 
Dominicans,  and  to  show  them  all  charity  in  word  and  deed."* 
The  Spanish  provincials  at  once  acted  upon  these  exhorta- 
tions ;  their  replies  to  Aquaviva^  constitute  a  justification 
of  the  Order  of  Preachers,  in  so  far  as  they  prove  that  it  was 
by  no  means  the  majority  of  the  Dominicans  who  were 
allowing  themselves  to  be  actuated  by  antipathy  for  the 

^  Ibid.  199,  201.     Cf.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  150. 

*  Published  in  AsirAin,  811  seq.  {cf.  199  seq.).  A  corresponding 
brief  to  the  Grand  Inquisitor  in  CouDiiRC,  I.,  358. 

"  AsTRAiN,  200. 

*  Ibid.  202. 

*  Ibid.  202-204. 

308  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Not  long  before  the  great  quarrel  between  the  two  Orders 
had  once  again  been  manifested.  Just  as  the  Dominicans 
had  previously  tried  to  induce  the  Inquisition  to  prohibit 
almost  all  the  books  of  the  Jesuits,  so  once  more  was  this  the 
case  with  the  programme  of  studies  issued  by  the  Jesuits 
in  1591,  and  with  the  writings  of  Cardinal  Toledo.  They 
were  of  opinion  that  both  Aquaviva  and  Toledo  were  inno- 
vators, and  that  if  the  latter  were  allowed  to  have  his  own 
way  he  would  destroy  the  Church. ^  Only  the  week  before 
the  condemnation  of  Avendafio  had  caused  great  excitement 
among  his  fellow  Dominicans,^  but  the  storm  thus  aroused 
had  been  quickly  calmed,  a  thing  to  which  an  appeal  to  the 
truce  made  by  the  king  may  have  not  a  little  contributed.^ 
The  provincial  of  the  Jesuits  wrote  from  Aragon  to  Aquaviva 
that  in  his  province  they  had  always  lived  in  peace  and 
harmony  with  the  Dominicans.^  The  provincial  of  Andalusia 
bore  witness  that  at  that  time  they  were  showing  great 
friendship  towards  the  new  Order,  everywhere  inviting  Jesuits 
to  preach  on  the  feasts  of  their  Order,  so  that  it  seemed  that 
they  took  pleasure  in  being  on  good  terms  with  them.  A 
Dominican  Visitor  at  Valladolid  had  shown  himself  a  great 
friend  of  the  Society  of  Jesus. ^  In  the  very  pulpit  at  Valla- 
dolid, from  which  in  the  previous  year  Avendafio  had  launched 
his  attacks,  in  1595  there  stood  a  Jesuit  on  the  feast  of  St. 
Thomas,  who  made  a  good  impression  on  the  Dominicans 
when  he  said  that  the  Soicety  of  Jesus  held  to  the  doctrine 
of  St.  Thomas,  and  that  it  was  bound  to  do  so  by  the  Statutes 
of  the  Order.  A  similar  report  came  from  Toledo,  although 
a  long  altercation  between  the  two  Orders  there  had  em- 
bittered men's  minds. ^ 

At   Alcala   a   Dominican   and   a   Jesuit   provincial   had   a 

^  Cristobal  de  los  Cobos  to  Aquaviva,  June  14,  1594,  ibid.  197. 
2  Cf.  supra,  p.  307. 

*  l-ebruary  4,  1595,  Astrain,  III.,  315. 

*  Pedro  de  Villar,  April  15,  1595,  in  Astrain,  I\^,  202. 
®  Cristobal  Mendez  to  Aquaviva,  April  12,  1595,  ibid. 

•^  The  Jesuit  provincials  Avellaneda  and  Acosta  to  Aquaviva, 
Toledo,  IMarch  20,  and  Valladolid,  March  20,  1595,  ibid.  202  seq. 


conference  in  order  to  consolidate  the  peace,  and  to  consider 
the  best  means  to  attain  that  end.  They  decided  that  the 
members  of  both  Orders  should  speak  well  of  the  other,  and 
that  if  anyone  forgot  this  duty  he  should  be  admonished 
by  his  superior  in  order  that  he  might  repair  his  fault.  If 
doubts  concerning  doctrine  should  arise,  appeal  should  be 
made  to  the  Inquisition,  if  the  matter  pertained  to  that 
tribunal  ;  otherwise,  as  became  good  brethren,  the  question 
should  be  settled  amicably. ^ 

If  the  Papal  command  not  to  discuss  efficacious  grace 
helped  the  maintenance  of  peace,  in  course  of  time  the  obliga- 
tion of  silence  was  resented  by  both  parties  as  a  heav}^  burden, 
which  in  the  end  would  become  unbearable.  Among  the 
Jesuits,  Molina  was  planning  an  apologetic  work  concerning 
his  doctrine,  which  had  so  often  been  attacked  and  falsified. 
Gabriel  Vasquez  had  just  completed  a  volume  of  his  theological 
works,  in  which  the  question  of  grace  was  dealt  with.  To 
both  of  these  it  seemed  hard  not  to  be  able  to  express  their 
views.  Vasquez  therefore  had  recourse  to  the  nuncio,  but 
on  April  ist  and  Nov.  29th,  1597,  received  a  reply  from  Rome 
that  he  must  not  print  his  book.  Vasquez  obeyed,^  nor 
on  the  part  of  the  Jesuits  do  we  know  of  any  oftence  against 
the  Papal  order  of  silence. 

The  Dominicans  were  less  submissive.  Some  of  them  who 
were  of  ardent  temperament  could  not  even  now  restrain 
their  tongues  ;  in  pulpits  and  lecture  halls  and  at  disputations 
fresh  attacks  on  the  Jesuits  and  their  doctrine  occurred,  as 
at  Burgos,  Palencia,  Valladolid,  Salamanca,  Valencia, 
Saragossa  and  Calatayud.^  Philip  II.  therefore  decided  to 
intervene  once  again.     By  his  command,  at  the  beginning  of 

1  Ibid.  204. 

2  Ibid.  204  seq. 

'  Forres  in  Astrain,  205.  We  do  not  know  the  details. 
"  Hanlos  obedecido  puntualmente  los  de  la  Compafiia  ;  pero  in 
Calatayud,  despues  del  dicho  mandato  se  tuvieron  per  los  Padres 
Doniinicos  publicas  conclusiones  de  esta  materia,  y  lo  mismo  en 
Salamanca,  en  los  actos  publicos  mayor  y  menor  de  los  dichos 
Padres."     Report  of  the  Jesuits,  in  Astkain,  193. 

310  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

1596,  the  visitor  of  the  Jesuit  province  of  Toledo  and  Castille, 
Garcia  de  Alarcon,  together  with  the  king's  confessor,  Diego 
de  Yepes,  and  the  provincial  of  the  Dominicans,  were  ordered 
to  confer  as  to  the  best  means  to  prevent  these  abuses.  At 
the  suggestion  of  Alarcon  the  best  means  to  maintain  peace 
would  be  to  remove  the  disturbers  of  the  peace  from  the  work 
of  teaching.^  Alarcon  and  the  Dominican  provincial,  Juan 
de  Villafranca,  were  to  present  themselves  before  the  king's 
confessor  in  March,  1596,  and  he  was  to  communicate  their 
decision  to  Philip  II.  The  king  gave  orders  that  only  such 
men  should  occupy  professorial  chairs  as  had  the  doctrine 
of  St.  Thomas  deeply  at  heart ;  that  for  the  present  the 
members  of  one  Order  should  not  be  present  at  the  disputations 
of  the  other  ;  that  they  were  not  to  be  allowed  to  declare  the 
doctrine  of  their  adversaries  heretical  or  erroneous,  and  that 
they  should  even  be  exhorted  to  speak  well  of  the  others  ; 
those  who  contravened  these  orders  were  to  be  punished. 
Alarcon  and  Villafranca  added  a  further  order  to  burn  within 
eight  days  all  writings  against  members  of  the  other  Order.  ^ 
In  consequence  of  this  there  were  removed  from  the  work 
of  teaching,  Nuiio,  Padilla,  and  another  Jesuit,  who  had  often 
disputed  with  Baiies ;  Baiies  himself  received  a  severe 
reprimand  and  admonition.  The  Dominicans  did  all  they 
could  to  have  the  deprivation  of  Nuno  revoked,  in  which 
they  savv^  an  insult  to  their  Order,  but  the  king  adhered  to  his 
decision,  and  peace  was  restored  for  a  whole  year.^ 

If  the  Dominicans  showed  them.selves  less  submissive 
than  the  Jesuits,  this  may  perhaps  be  explained  by  the  fact 
that  they  looked  upon  it  as  an  injustice  that  they  should  be 
treated  on  equal  terms  with  a  younger  Order.  This  impression 
was  clearly  expressed  in  a  memorial  which  Banes  addressed 
to  Clement  VIII.  on  October  28th,  1597,  in  the  name  of  the 
General  of  the  Dominicans  and  the  whole  Order,  in  order 
to  obtain  the  removal  of  the  prohibition  in  the  case  of  the 

^  Ibid.  206  seq. 
2  Ibid.  208  seq. 
'  Ibid,  210, 


members  of  the  Order  of  Preachers,  and  of  them  alone. ^     In 
this  petition  it  was  taken  for  granted,  as  quite  certain,  that 
the  do:trine  of  grace  taught  by  Bafies,  including  the  contro- 
verted question,  was  the  ancient  Catholic  doctrine  taught  by 
Augustine  and  Thomas  Aquinas,  just  as  that  it  was  most 
obvious    that    the    Jesuits    were    introducing    innovations. 
Following  the  example  of  the  Apostle  Paul,  who  even  res'sted 
Peter,  the  Thomists  had  always  shrunk  from  innovations, 
and  now  prayed  the  Apostolic  See  not  to  condemn  the   true 
doctrine  to  silence,  on  account  of  the  strange  theory^  that 
had  been  set  up  against  it.     Before  a  decision  on  the  part 
of  the  Fope  was  made  years  might  elapse,  while  the  authors 
of  these  innovations  would  do  all  they  could  to  make  the 
question  drag  on.     In  the  meantime  the  new  doctrine  v  ould 
strike  deep  roots.     So  long  as  the  obligat'on  of  silence  held 
good,  it  would  be  impossible  to  teach  the  doctrine  of  grace 
and  predestination,  a  thing  that  would  be  all  the  more  trouble- 
some in   that   that   doctrine  reacted   upon   so   many   other 
theological  questions.     Moreover  this  prohibition  placed  the 
Dominicans  in  the  universities  in  various  practical  difficulties. 
By  the  command  of  Clement  VIII. ,  Bellarmine,  at  that 
time  the  Pope's  theological  adviser,  wrote  an  opinion  on  this 
memorial  of  the  Dominicans.^     He  examined  all  the  reasons 
set   forth   by   Baiies,   and   above   all  pointed   out   that   the 
Dominican  scholar  took  for  granted  those  very  things  which 
had  still  to  be  proved,  namely  that  the  Dominican  doctrine 
could  be  taken  as  expressing  ecclesiastical  tradition.    Accord- 
ing to  Bellarmine  what  was  above  all  at  issue  was  the  question 
whether  physical  predetermination  was  in  accordance  with 
the  Holy  Scriptures,  the  councils  and  the  Fathers  of  the 
Church  or  no.     The  theologians  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  denied 
this  conformity,  and  maintained  that  such  predetermination 
was  especially  contrary  to  the  Council  of  Trent,  and  was 

^  Printed,  together  with  the  counter-observations  of  Bellarmine 
(see  infra)  in  L.  de  Meyere,  231  seqq. 
'  "  Ciiriosedad." 
'  In  Le  Bachelet,  Auctarium  114  seqq.  ;    Astrain,  214  se(^. 

312  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

therefore  an  innovation.  If  then  the  matter  was  still  awaiting 
a  decision  it  would  be  very  rash  to  condemn  the  Jesuits  as 
innovators  as  the  memorial  desired  ;  to  do  this  would  be  to 
anticipate  the  judgment  of  the  Apostolic  See,  and  to  cry 
triumph  before  the  victory  was  won. 

On  one  point,  however,  Bellarmine  was  in  agreement  with 
the  Dominican  theologian  ;  he  too  thought  that  it  would  not 
be  wise  to  allow  the  prohibition  to  treat  of  efficacious  grace  io 
go  on  for  years.  ^  The  Holy  See  should  therefore  intervene 
as  soon  as  possible.  Both  parties  could  be  exhorted  by  brief 
to  mutual  charity,  and  forbidden  to  describe  the  view  of  the 
opposing  party  as  temerarious,  erroneous  or  heretical,  but 
that  a  discussion  which  brought  forward  real  proofs  might  be 

Accordingly  Cardinal  Santori,  Prefect  of  the  Roman 
Inquisition,  in  a  letter  to  the  nuncio  in  Spain^  of  February 
26th,  1598,  allowed  a  learned  discussion  of  the  question,  not 
only  by  the  Dominicans,  but  also  by  the  Jesuits.  The  Spanish 
Inquisition  informed  both  Orders  of  this  Papal  decision,* 
without,  however,  giving  the  text  of  Santori's  letter.  The 
Dominicans  complained  of  this  to  the  Holy  Office  in  Rome,* 
because  in  the  extract  that  had  been  published  no  mention 
had  been  made  of  two  important  facts  :  first,  that  the  Papal 
permission,  and  thus  the  equal  treatment  of  the  two  Orders 
was  only  to  continue  until  the  final  definition  of  the  question, 
and  second,  that  the  expressions  used  in  Santori's  letter 
were  favourable  to  themselves.  As  to  this  they  were  indeed 
telling  the  truth  ;  the  permission  given  to  the  Dominicans 
stated  "  that  they  might  freely  read  and  dispute  as  they  had 
done  in  the  past  concerning  the  '  AuxiHis  divinae  gratiae  et 
eorum  efficacia,'  in  conformity  with  the  teaching  of  St. 
Thomas."     The  Jesuits  were  given  a  like  permission  with 

1  Le  Bachelet,  119;    AstrXin,  217. 

*  Le  Bachelet,  121  seq. 
»  In  Serry,  138. 

*  In  AsTRAiN,  219  ;    Latin  translation  in  Serry,  141, 
^  Serry,  143. 


the  addition  "  that  they  might  continue  to  read  and  dispute 
concerning  this  question,  always  however  teaching  sound  and 
Cathohc  doctrine."^  In  the  case  of  both  parties  was  added 
an  exhortation  to  abstain  from  litigation,  from  innovations, 
and  from  any  censure  of  the  opposing  opinion.  It  had  to 
be  admitted,  as  was  clear  from  the  letter  of  Santori,  that  the 
Dominicans  held  a  predominating  influence  in  government 
circles  in  Rome.  As  a  matter  of  fact  a  first  Roman  opinion, 
though  it  was  precipitate,  was  imminent  at  that  time,  even 
though  the  documents  which  would  have  to  form  the  basis 
of  the  Papal  decision  had  not  as  yet  reached  Rome. 

Actually,  in  June  and  August,  1594,  an  invitation  had  been 
issued  by  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  and  the  nuncio  in  Spain 
to  the  opposing  parties  to  send  to  Rome  an  exposition  and 
defence  of  their  doctrine  of  grace,  ^  while  the  Spanish  Inquisi- 
tion for  its  part  had,  in  a  circular  of  July  21st  of  the  same 
year,  asked  for  the  opinions  of  twelve  bishops  and  of  a  number 
of  scholars  as  to  the  controverted  point. ^  But  it  took  almost 
three  years  before  the  Spanish  Inquisition  sent  (October  23rd, 
1597)  in  a  large  chest  an  enormous  number  of  papers  in  three 
great  packets.^  The  Dominicans  sent  a  folio  volume  of  135 
pages,  entitled  :  Apologia  of  the  Friars  Preachers  in  the 
Spanish  province.  The  first  part,  dated  August  28th,  1596, 
is  signed  by  seven  professors,  among  them  Baiies  and  Nuiio, 
and  sets  forth  the  doctrine  of  Molina  ;  the  second  part,  which 
was  already  completed  on  September  29th,  1595,  and  is  there- 
fore earlier  than  the  other,  bears  the  same  seven  signatures, 
together  with  an  eighth.  At  the  end  of  the  whole  volume 
sixteen  other  Dominicans  have  attached  their  names,  among 

1  AsTRAiN,  812  "  che  possino  [the  Dominicans]  liberamente 
circa  la  materia  de  Auxiliis  divinae  t,ratiae  et  eorum  efficacia 
conforme  alia  dottrina  di  S.  Thomaso  leggere  e  disputare,  como 
haimo  fatto  per  il  passato  .  .  .  che  possino  [the  Jesuits]  ancor 
essi  leggere  et  disputare  della  medesima  materia,  insegnando  per6 
sempre  sana  e  cattolica  dottrina." 

*  Cf.  supra,  p.  307. 
3  AsTRAiN,  227. 

*  Jbid.  228.     Cf.  Ei.EUTHF.Rius,  180  seqq. 

314  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

whom  are  to  be  found  the  confessors  of  the  king  and  Cardinal 
Albert.  1 

The  Spanish  Jesuits  naturally  could  not  produce  the 
signatures  of  the  confessors  of  princes.  The  four  Spanish 
provinces  of  the  Order  gave  their  opinion  separately  ;  for 
the  province  of  Castille  and  Toledo,  the  speakers  were  Francisco 
Suarez  and  Gabriel  Vasquez,  who  still  to-day  rank  as  the 
greatest  dogmatic  masters  of  the  Order.  Both  of  them  in  the 
first  place  combat  physical  predetermination,  and  then  explain 
the  view  of  the  Jesuits.  From  certain  words  at  the  end  of  the 
exposition  of  Suarez,  just  before  the  signatures,  it  is  clear 
that  the  disapproval  of  physical  predetermination  was  quite 
general  among  the  Jesuits,  and  that  among  them  there  was 
no  doubt  upon  this  point. ^ 

Not  all  the  bishops  and  scholars  whose  views  had  been  asked 
for  by  the  Inquisition  could  bring  themselves  to  express  their 
views.  Besides  the  three  universities  of  Salamanca,  Alcala 
and  Siguenza,  only  five  bishops  and  four  scholars  had  given 
their  views  on  this  difficult  question.  Of  the  three  univer- 
sities, Salamanca  could  not  be  taken  into  consideration,  since 
it  limited  itself  to  stating  what  all  Catholics  held  as  to  the 
controverted  matter. ^  Alcala  did  not  pronounce  any  judg- 
ment ;  the  professors  there  described  both  opinions  as  probable 
but  inclined  rather  towards  that  of  the  Jesuits,  and  did  not 
accept  that  of  the  Dominicans  except  with  a  proviso  in 
favour  of  free  will.^  Siguenza  declared  openly  and  in  all 
things  for  Molina,  and  defended  him  against  a  censure  which 
had  been  sent  by  the  Inquisition  together  with  its  circular. 
According  to  the  judgment  of  the  University  of  Siguenza 
the  three  propositions  which  were  put  forward  in  the  censure 
as  being  altogether  blameworthy  were  not  to  be  found  in  the 
work  of  the  Jesuit  theologian.^ 

1  AsTRAiN,  228  seqq. 

^  Ibid.  231  seqq.     Cf.  Lammer,  Ziir  Kirchengeschiclite,  in. 
"  AsTRATN,  234  seq.     The  signature  of  the  censure  bears  the 
date  June  22,  1595. 

*  Ibid.  235  seq. 

*  Ibid.  236, 

VIEWS    OF   THE    FIVE    BISHOPS.  315 

Of  the  five  bishops  who  sent  their  opinion,  the  Bishop  of 
Cartagena  had  not  even  read  MoHna's  book  ;  he  relied  upon 
the  censure  that  had  been  sent  to  him,  and  took  the  side  of 
Bafies.  The  Bishop  of  Mondonedo  was  also  altogether  for 
Baiies  against  Molina.  Pedro  Gonzales  de  Arevedo  on  the 
other  hand  was  all  for  Molina.  Pacheco  of  Segovia  blamed 
Bafies  as  much  as  Molina  ;  both  of  them  should  be  corrected 
in  the  case  of  a  new  edition  of  their  works.  The  Bishop  of 
Coria  emphatically  defended  indeed  the  doctrine  of  Molina 
against  the  suspicion  of  heresy,  but  otherwise  blames  it 
severely  ;    his  views  were  false  and  an  innovation.^ 

Just  as  the  views  of  the  five  bishops  differed  entirely  from 
each  other,  so  was  it  with  the  four  scholars  who  sent  their 
opinion.  Two  were  opposed  to  Molina.  A  third,  the 
Augustinian  Miguel  Salon,  rejected  out  of  hand  about  forty 
propositions  of  the  Jesuit  theologian,  only  to  agree  with  him 
entirely  on  the  principal  point  of  his  teaching.  Then  he  turns 
against  Baiies  and  condemns  even  more  strongly  the  principles 
from  which  physical  predetermination  is  drawn.  The  opinion 
of  another  Augustinian,  Luis  Coloma  of  Valladolid,  is  confined 
for  the  sake  of  brevity  to  the  principal  point,  and  absolutely 
rejects  physical  predetermination.^ 

All  these  documents  reached  Rome  on  March  28th,  1598,^ 
and  thus  the  final  preparations  for  the  great  duel  between 
the  two  Orders  were  complete  ;    the  battle  could  now  begin. 

The  General  of  the  Jesuits,  Paolo  Oliva,  later  on  was  of 
opinion,  looking  at  the  matter  in  retrospect,  that  the  issue 
had  been  very  beneficial,  but  that  as  long  as  the  controversy 
lasted  the  Order  had  been  in  great  danger.^ 

1  Ibid.  237  seqq. 

*  Ibid.  240  seqq. 

'The  signature  of  the  notary  in  Eleutherius,  180. 

*  "  Magnos  motus  excitavit  in  Ecclesia  Dei  P.  Molina,  quando 
produxit  novam,  ut  tunc  videbatur,  gratiae  et  liberi  arbitrii 
concordiam,  et  quain\ds  tendem  feliciter  ii  sedati  fuerint 
cesserintque  in  magnam  Ecclesiae  utilitatern,  tamen  gravissimum 
tunc  Societas  adducta  est  in  discrimen."  Oliva,  January  12, 
1664,  in  Prat-Gruber,  Ribadeneira,  414. 

3l6  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  young  Society  of  Jesus  indeed  found  itself  face  to  face 
with  an  adversary  of  overwhelming  power.  No  other  body 
in  the  Church  could  match  the  scientific  laurels  of  the  Domini- 
cans ;  they  had  in  their  ranks  a  number  of  scholars  of  the  first 
rank,  some  of  whom  had  been  adorned  with  the  aureole  of 
sanctity  by  the  judgment  of  the  Church. 

The  forms  of  learning  and  the  defence  of  dogma  had  become 
to  a  great  extent  based  upon  their  labours.  Even  in  recent 
times,  the  restoration  of  scholasticism^  had  come  from  the 
Dominican  convent  at  Salamanca,  the  very  place  where  Banes 
had  launched  his  attack  upon  the  Jesuits.  The  Jesuits 
themselves,  thanks  to  the  organizer  of  their  studies,  Toledo, 
had  become  the  pupils  of  the  Dominicans  at  Salamanca. 
At  Trent,  under  Pius  IV.,  about  twenty-five  bishops,  and 
thirty  theologians  of  the  Dominican  Order,  had  taken  a 
leading  part  in  the  discussions  and  definition  of  the  decrees 
on  faith. ^  For  all  these  reasons  the  Order  of  Preachers 
enjoyed  throughout  the  Catholic  world  the  reputation  of  being 
the  custodian  of  true  Catholic  doctrine.  To  this  had  to  be 
added  the  influence  of  the  Dominicans  at  the  Inquisition, 
with  many  secular  and  ecclesiastical  princes,  and  with 
notabilities,  whose  confessors  belonged  to  a  great  extent 
to  their  Order. 

In  all  these  matters  the  Society  of  Jesus,  which  was  still 
young,  was  far  from  approaching  the  Order  of  Preachers. 
It  was  true  that  Salmeron  and  above  all  Lainez,  had  held  a 
brilliant  place  at  the  Council  of  Trent  ;  Toledo  enjoyed  an 
uncontested  reputation  as  a  scholar  in  Rome  ;^  in  the  matter 
of  polemics  the   Dominicans   could   produce   nothing  equal 

1  Mandonnet  in  Diet,  de  theol.  oath.,  VI.,  914.  For  the 
founder  of  neo-scholasticism,  Francisco  de  Vittoria,  cf.  the 
articles  in  La  Ciencia  rouiista,  I. -III.  (1910-1913)  ;  F.  Ehrle  in 
Kulholik,  1884,  II.,  497,  505-522  ;  for  the  importance  of  tlie 
school  of  Salamanca,  ibid.  497. 

2  Mandonnet,  loc.  cit.,  908. 

3  CJ.  the  extracts  from  the  briefs  of  Gregory  XIII.,  Sixtus  V. 
and  Clement  VIII,  in  F^ancisci  Toleti  in  Sunimam  Tbeologiae 


to  the  learned  works  of  Bellarmine.  But  in  the  matter  of  the 
doctrine  of  grace  it  was  a  question  of  scholastic  theology,  and 
it  was  only  now  that  the  younger  Order  was  preparing  to 
make  a  triumphant  entry  into  that  vast  realm  ;  the  first 
work  by  any  Jesuit  on  such  matters  was  the  book  of  Molina 
on  grace  and  liberty.  The  Jesuits  could  not  rival  the  Domini- 
cans in  their  influence  in  high  places  in  Rome,  nor  in  their 
knowledge  of  the  conduct  of  affairs  in  the  Curia,  for  the  very 
reason  that  among  them  it  was  only  by  way  of  exception 
that  men  were  to  be  found  who  had  embarked  upon  a 
prelatical  career,  or  even  the  first  steps  towards  it.  It  was 
true  that  the  General  of  their  Order  was  one  of  these  exceptions. 
Bishops  filled  with  the  spirit  of  asceticism  and  men  of  import- 
ance might  indeed  choose  Jesuits  as  their  confessors,  but 
these  were  exceptional  cases.  When  it  was  rumoured  that 
Philip  II.  had  entrusted  the  direction  of  his  conscience  to 
a  Jesuit,  the  king  wrote  with  his  own  hand  :  "If  he  intended 
to  change  his  confessor,  there  were  too  many  approved  Orders, 
much  older  and  well  supplied  with  able  men,  to  make  it 
necessary  to  seek  one  in  the  new  Order. "^  At  the  time  of 
the  dispute  concerning  grace  in  Rorne,  besides  the  two 
Dominican  Cardinals,  Bonelli  (died  1598)  and  Bernerio,  the 
influential  Dean  of  the  Rota,  Francisco  Pena  (died  161 2) 
was  above  all  their  declared  adversary  ;  he  even  laid  it  down 
in  his  will  that  the  revenues  of  a  legacy  which  he  had  made 
for  poor  students  must  never  be  given  to  a  pupil  of  the 

All  this  explains  how  it  was  that,  in  the  intellectual  contest 
that  w^as  beginning,  it  was  the  Dominicans  whose  influence 
decided  the  place  and  conditions  of  the  battle,  chose  the 

S.  Thomae  Aquinatis  enarration,  ed.  los.  Maria  Paria  e  S.I.,  I., 
Rome,  1869,  ix.  seq.,  xii.  CJ.  Synopsis,  I.,  77,  160,  156  ;  II., 
526.  531. 

1  "  There  are  many  old  approved  religious  Orders  which  have 
men  fit  for  this,  without  seeking  in  this  new  one."  Castagna  to 
BoneUi,  December  19,  1560,  in  Serrano,  Corresp.  dipl.,  I.,  422. 

^  ScoRRAiLi.F,  I.,  405  seq. 

3l8  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

judges  of  the  contest,  and  "  supplied  the  sun  and  the 

The  standpoint  of  the  Jesuits  from  the  first  had  been  that 
it  was  not  of  importance  to  defend  at  all  costs  all  the  theses 
of  Molina  ;  some  of  their  number  did  not  altogether  agree 
with  Molina.^  In  their  opinion  it  was  not  persons  or  books 
that  were  primarily  at  stake,  but  a  dogmatic  controversy, 
and  the  critical  point  of  the  question  consisted,  to  their  way 
of  thinking,  in  physical  predetermination.  They  wished  for 
an  ecclesiastical  definition  as  to  this,  and  as  to  how  it  was 
reconcilable  with  the  maxims  of  the  faith  and  with  the  Council 
of  Trent ;  once  this  was  cleared  up,  all  the  rest,  so  they 
believed,  wo  aid  not  present  any  further  difftculties. 

But  the  Dominicans,  as  far  as  they  were  concerned,  wished 
expressly  to  avoid  the  examination  of  this  vital  point,  as  to 
which  there  was  not  full  agreement  even  in  their  own  Order. 
They  looked  upon  physical  predetermination  as  a  dogma, 
which  simply  could  not  be  called  in  question  ;  therefore  the 
whole  discussion,  according  to  them,  must  turn  upon  Molina's 
book,  not  restricting  itself  to  the  doctrine  of  the  reconcilability 
of  grace  and  freedom,  but  extending  to  all  the  theses  which 
he  had  maintained.  The  contrary  position  taken  up  by  the 
two  Orders  with  regard  to  physical  predetermination  entirely 
governed  the  course  of  the  struggle  and  all  its  vicissitudes. 

Once  Clement  VIII.  had  transferred  the  dispute  on  grace 
to  Rome  in  1594,  it  was  natural  that  both  the  Dominicans 
and  Jesuits  should  send  a  representative  to  the  Eternal  City, 
to  speak  on  behalf  of  his  Order  as  occasion  should  arise. 
The  General  of  the  Jesuits  thought  of  summoning  Molina 
himself  to  Rome,  but  the  latter  replied  to  an  invitation  cf 
February  i6th,  1595,  by  excuses  which  Aquaviva  had  to 
admit  were  justified.  Banes  too  excused  himself  on  the  score 
of  age,  but  in  the  place  of  the  old  master  there  came  to  Rome 
in  November  1596  his  disciple  Diego  Alvarez,  a  young  man 
of  great  talent,  who  certainly  did  not  remain  idle.^     After 

^  Cf.  supya,  p.  298. 
*  AstrAin,  245  seq. 


he  had  for  many  days  examined  the  matter  together  with 
Cardinal  Bonelli,  the  Protector  of  the  Order,  and  other 
friends,  in  June  1597  he  presented  a  memorial  to  the  Pope,^ 
which  was  intended  not  only  to  hasten  the  beginning  of  the 
discussions,  but  also  to  set  the  whole  question  upon  the  hues 
desired  by  the  Dominicans.^ 

When  in  1594  Aldobrandini  transferred  the  discussion  to 
Rome,^  no  mention  of  Molina  was  made  in  his  letter  ;  it  was 
rather  a  matter  of  a  dogmatic  question,  the  decision  of  which 
was  withdrawn  from  the  Inquisition  and  reserved  to  the  Pope, 
namely  the  question  in  what  the  efficacy  of  grace  consists. 
Alvarez,  on  the  contrary,  came  forward  in  his  memorial  as 
the  accuser  of  Molina  ;  the  books  of  Molina  must  form  the 
central  point  of  the  discussion  ;  they  must  be  examined 
and  condemned,  and  the  examination  must  not  be  restricted 
to  the  principal  question,  as  to  which  there  were  differences 
of  opinion  between  the  Jesuits  and  the  Dominicans,  but 
must  extend  to  the  whole  contents  of  Molina's  book  on  grace 
and  liberty.  And  whereas  so  far  it  had  been  intended  only 
to  begin  the  discussions  when  the  opinions  that  had  been 
asked  for  had  arrived  from  Spain,  Alvarez  wanted  the 
examination  to  begin  as  soon  as  possible,  as  all  delay  was 
full  of  danger  ;  the  work  of  Molina  was  meeting  with  much 
applause,  and  the  younger  theologians  were  adopting  his  ideas 
with  the  enthusiasm  of  youth  ;  once  this  opinion  had  taken 
deep  root  among  them,  it  would  be  too  difficult  to  bring  them 
back  to  the  true  doctrine  of  grace  and  liberty.*  To  put  it  in 
another  way  :  the  Dominicans  and  Jesuits  were  not  to  meet 
as  two  parties  with  equal  rights,  but  the  Dominicans  were 
to  be  the  accusers,  and  the  Jesuits  were  to  sit,  like  poor  sinners, 
on  the  bench  of  the  accused.  The  attack  on  Molina  thus  had 
a  vast  field  open  to  it,  for  not  only  would  an  error  concerning 

'  Printed  in  Serry,  149. 
2  AsTRAiN,  245  seq. 

*  See  supra,  p.  313. 

*  Lor  the  historical  inexactitudes  of  what  Alvarez  wrote  cj. 
AstrAin,  248  seq. 

320  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  principal  question  of  the  efficacy  of  grace  be  fatal  to  him, 
but  ever}^  mistaken  or  equivocal  thesis  in  his  book.  Moreover 
the  Dominicans  enjoyed  all  the  advantages  of  the  attack  ; 
the  weak  point  of  their  own  doctrine  was  for  the  time  being 
outside  discussion. 

In  addition  to  his  own  petition  to  the  Pope,  Alvarez  had 
drawn  up  another  document  for  Cardinal  Bonelli,  in  which 
the  scandalous  propositions  of  Molina  were  pointed  out  and 
refuted.^  Bellarmine,  as  Papal  theologian,  had  to  draw  up 
an  opinion  which  is  distinguished  by  its  calmness  and  its 
absolute  objectivity, ^  as  compared  with  the  other  writings 
which  owe  their  existence  to  the  violent  struggle  that  had 
begun.  Bellarmine  rejects  physical  predetermination,  but 
does  not  dare  to  condemn  it  absolutely,^  as  it  is  supported 
by  men  of  eminence.  He  also  defends  the  "  scientia  media  " 
of  Molina  ;  the  name  indeed  is  a  new  one,  but  the  thing  itself 
is  very  ancient.^  On  the  other  hand  it  seemed  to  him  that 
several  of  Molina's  propositions  were  false,  or  at  any  rate 
inexactly  expressed,  but  he  will  not  admit  that  they  are 
deserving  of  any  real  ecclesiastical  censure.^  In  Bellarmine's 
opinion  no  bitter  expression  against  the  Dominicans  is  used  ; 
the  authors  of  the  attacks  on  Molina  are,  on  the  contrary, 
called  "  very  pious  and  learned  men."'' 

At  that  juncture  the  Pope  was  exceedingly  pleased  with 
this  little  production  of  his  theologian,  which  he  afterwards 
caused  to  be  examined'  by  others  as  well,^  but  from  the  whole 
of  its  tenor  he  was  confirmed  in  his  intention  of  having  the 

1  The  title  in  Le  Bachelet,  Aiictarium,  102. 

2  Ibid.  101-113. 
^  Ihid.  106  56'^. 

*  Ibid.  105  seq.     Cf.  supra,  p.  285,  n.  i. 

^  Ibid.  loc.  cil.,  102  seqq.  For  the  attitude  of  Bellarmine 
towards  Molina,  ibid.,  1-31. 

*  Ibid.   109. 

'  Ibid.  113  n.  6. 

*  "  Quod  opusculum  Pontifici  mire  probatum  est  initio." 
Autobiography  of  Bellarmine,  c.  45,  in  Le  Bachelet,  Bellarmin 
avant  son  cardinalat,  465. 


serious  accusations  against  Molina  examined.  For  this 
purpose  a  special  commission  was  appointed. 

The  Dominicans  had  thus  obtained  what  they  wanted  : 
the  inquiry  was  confined  to  Molina's  book.  This  was  for  the 
Jesuits  a  first  defeat.  The  composition  of  the  commission 
was  a  second.  Not  a  single  friend  of  Molina  was  included, 
although  the  course  of  affairs  up  to  that  point  has  shown 
that  there  were  many  such. 

A  third  defeat  was  soon  to  follow.  The  commission  held 
its  first  session  on  January  2nd,  1598  ;  at  its  eleventh,  which 
took  place  on  March  13th,  it  was  decided  that  the  book  and 
doctrine  of  Molina  must  be  prohibited,  as  well  as  his  com- 
mentaries on  St.  Thomas,  at  any  rate  until  they  were  emended.^ 
In  the  final  judgment  it  was  stated  that  Molina  had  repudiated 
in  a  haughty  manner  the  doctrine  of  St.  Augustine,  which 
had  been  handed  down  by  the  Fathers,  and  more  than  once 
confirmed  by  the  Church,  and  that  the  principles  on  which 
he  based  his  doctrine  were  entirely  opposed  to  St.  Thomas. 
St.  Augustine  and  the  other  Fathers  ;  that  they  contained 
many  things  which  openly  conflicted  with  the  Holy  Scriptures 
and  the  Councils,  but  were  on  the  contrary  in  agreement  with 
Cassian  and  Faustus  of  Riez,  who  had  been  combatted  by 

The  Roman  commission  could  not  have  dreamed  at  that 
time  that  the  discussions  concerning  Molina  would  drag  on 
for  years  to  come,  and  then  end  without  coming  to  any  definite 
conclusion.  Even  before  the  materials  contained  in  the 
Spanish  acta  had  come,  they  had  arrived  at  a  definite  judg- 
ment, as  it  were  in  the  twinkling  of  an  eye  !  This  was 
eventually  explained  by  the  fact  that  among  the  members 
of  the  commission  there  was  not  to  be  found  a  single  man  of 
any  scientific  weight.^     Even  Clement  VIIL  was  surprised 

1  AsTRAiN,  249  seqq. 

*  Serry,   161. 

^  The  members  were  the  Franciscan  Properzio  Resta  de  Capelli, 
Bishop  of  Cariati  and  Cerenza  ;  the  Franciscan  Giulio  Santucci, 
Bishop  of  S.  Agata  dei  Goti  ;    Lelio  Lando,  Bishop  of  Nardo  ; 

VOL.    XXIV.  21 

322  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

at  this  unexpectedly  rapid  solution  of  the  question,  for  soon 
afterwards,  on  March  28th,  1598,  when  the  opinions  sent 
from  Spain  had  at  last  arrived,  he  ordered  the  commission 
to  study  them,  and  then  reconsider  their  judgment.^ 

Thus  the  members  of  the  commission  found  themselves 
face  to  face  with  a  troublesome  task.  In  October  1597  Bailes 
had  written  to  Rome  that  the  mere  reading  of  these  Spanish 
opinions  would  take  two  years,  and  that  before  the  whole 
of  the  material  had  been  carefully  examined  more  than  one 
pontificate  might  elapse,  and  that  it  was  for  this  very  reason 
that  he  had  asked  that  the  prohibition  of  any  discussion  of 
the  controverted  point  of  the  doctrine  of  grace  might  be 

The  commission,  however,  once  more  made  quick  work  of 
the  task.  In  the  eight  months  between  April  and  November, 
in  which  were  included  the  protracted  vacations,  all  was 
completed,  and  the  former  judgment,  namely  the  condem- 
nation of  Molina,  was  substantially  confirmed.  That  all 
the  Spanish  opinions  had  actually  been  read  by  all  the 
members  seems  unlikely,  especially  as  there  were  not  as  many 
copies    as    there    were    members    of    the    commission.     The 

Enrico  Silvio,  vicar-apostolic  of  the  Carmelites  ;  the  Franciscan 
Francesco  Brusca,  later  Bishop  of  Lettera  ;  Giov.  Battista 
Piombino,  procurator-general  of  the  Augustinians  ;  the 
Augustinian  Gregorio  Nunez  Coronel,  doctor  of  theology  ;  Eouis 
de  Creil,  doctor  of  the  Sorbonne.  Coronel  had  written  several 
books  on  the  Church,  on  Tra.dition  and  on  the  State  (Nic.  Antonio, 
Bibl.  Hisp.  nova,  I.,  Madrid,  1783,  546).  Resta  had  written 
De  vera  et  falsa  sapientia,  Rome,  1599  (Joa.  a  S.  Antonio, 
Bibl.  universa  Francisc,  II.,  Madrid,  1732,  492).  Lelio  Landi 
had  been  employed  under  Gregory  XIV.  on  the  revision  of  the 
Vulgate.  INothing  else  is  laiown  of  the  literary  activities  of  the 
members  of  the  commission.  Cardinals  Lodovico  Madruzzi  and 
Arigoni  were  the  nominal  presidents  of  the  commission,  but  it 
would  seem  that  they  took  no  part  in  the  sessions.  The  real 
president  was  Resta,  and  the  secretary  Coronel. 

^  AstrAin,  252, 

*  Ibid.  212  ;    DE  Meyere,  231  seq. 


Jesuit  Fernando  de  la  Bastida  was  able  later  on  in  the  presence 
of  the  Pope  to  point  out  a  single  person,  who  was  in  any 
case  quite  incapable  of  any  such  work/  as  the  author  of  the 
censure.  On  March  12th,  1599,  the  secretary  of  the  com- 
mission, the  Augustinian  Coronel,  presented  a  document 
which  purported  to  be  the  acta  of  the  sessions,  but  which  was 
in  reality  a  violent  attack  upon  Molina.  Whereas  the 
universities  of  Alcala  and  Siguenza  had  found  nothing  to 
censure  in  Molina's  book,  Coronel  condemns  more  than 
60  theses.  2  Inevitably,  as  the  result  of  these  events,  the  most 
unfavourable  reports  against  the  Jesuits  at  once  became 
common.  It  was  even  said  that  the  Papal  condemnation 
of  their  doctrine  had  already  taken  place,  or  that  at  any  rate 
it  would  not  be  long  delayed.^ 

Before,  however,  things  could  reach  that  point,  the  Jesuits 
had  to  be  allowed  to  speak.  After  having  thus  far  been 
kept  entirely  in  the  background,  and  only  with  difficulty 
obtaining  any  information  of  what  was  being  done  by  the 
commission,  they  now  prepared  themselves  for  their  defence. 
In  December  1598,  after  the  second  censure  had  been  pro- 
nounced in  the  previous  month,  skilful  theologians  of  their 
Order  came  to  Rome  :  Cristobal  de  los  Cobos  and  Ferdinando 
de  la  Bastida,  followed  soon  afterwards  by  Pedro  de  Arrubal 
and  Gregorio  de  Valencia,  hitherto  professors  at  Dillingen 
and  Ingolstadt.'*  Molina  himself  addressed  a  letter  to  the 
Pope  and  asked  for  a  hearing.  ^  He  said  that  he  had  been 
urged  to  write  his  book  by  the  same  zeal  as  had  led  others  to 
take  up  their  pen  against  the  heretics  ;  he  intended  to  confute 
the  errors  of  Luther  and  Calvin,  and  had  done  so  by  relying 
in  all  things  upon  the  Holy  Scriptures  and  the  Councils, 
especially  the  Council  of  Trent,  on  the  Fathers  of  the  Church, 
and  among  them  above  all  on  St.  Augustine.     The  attacks 

1  AstrAin,  254. 

2  Ibid.  253. 

*  Ibid.  262. 

*  Ibid.  256. 

*  From  Cuenca,  September  22,   1598,  ibid.  257-262. 


upon  him  were  due  to  the  fact  that  he  had  himself  attacked 
Bailes,  whose  doctrines  on  the  controverted  point  he  had 
alwaj'S  thought  to  be  more  than  dangerous,  and  irreconcileable 
with  the  Council  of  Trent.  Bafies  indeed  accused  him  of 
Pelagianism,  but  according  to  Luther  the  whole  Church  had 
fallen  into  that  error,  since  it  defended  free  will.  His  book, 
on  the  other  hand,  had  met  with  much  approval,  but  now, 
when  he  had  thought  that  the  dispute  about  the  book  had 
come  to  an  end,  it  had  reached  his  ears  that  he  had  been 
accused  before  the  Pope  himself.  This  caused  him  much 
anxiety,  because  he  knew  from  experience  how  often  things 
had  been  attributed  to  him  by  his  accusers  which  had  never 
entered  his  mind,  and  he  therefore  feared  lest  the  same  thing 
should  have  happened  in  Rome.  He  therefore  asked  to  be 
allowed  to  speak,  as  was  the  right  of  the  accused  ;  let  the 
Pope  either  summon  him  himself  to  Rome,  or  listen  to  the 
defence  which  he  had  laid  before  the  Inquisition  in  Spain. 

Molina  had  previously  connected  his  defence  of  his  doctrine 
with  an  attack  upon  his  adversaries.  He  now  did  the  same 
thing.  Some  of  his  theses,  he  said,  had  been  declared  to  be 
suspect,  but  he  too  could  enumerate  many  opinions  in  the 
works  of  his  accusers,  which  seemed  to  him  to  be  manifest 
errors  of  faith,  Calvinistic  in  doctrine,  and  contrary  to  the 
Council  of  Trent.  He  knew  that  the  Dominicans  had  great 
influence,  being  the  confessors  of  powerful  princes,  and 
occupying  posts  of  importance,  so  that  their  help  even  in 
worldly  matters  was  often  asked  by  highly-placed  personages. 
But  even  though  they  were  superior  in  power  and  influence 
in  other  matters,  they  must  not  be  given  a  preference  where 
a  question  of  faith  and  soundness  of  doctrine  was  at  issue, 
nor  could  they  alone  be  listened  to,  and  he  himself  rejected. 
He  therefore  asked  His  Holiness  to  have  the  theses  which  he 
had  noted  in  their  works  to  be  examined.  When  these  were 
compared  with  the  heresies  of  Calvin  and  Luther,  it  would 
be  clearly  seen  that  they  were  errors  of  faith.  Moreover, 
according  to  Molina,  the  discussions  about  grace  had 
attracted  the  attention  of  the  Protestants,  and  they  were 
waiting  in  expectation  of  a  decision  contrary  to  the  Council 


of  Trent. ^  If,  finally,  the  Pope  was  unwilling  to  listen  to 
any  of  his  requests,  would  he  at  least  examine  the  concise 
exposition  of  his  doctrine  which  he  enclosed. 

Perhaps  a  greater  impression  was  made  upon  Clement  VIII. 
by  the  letters  of  King  Philip  III.,  the  wife  of  the  Archduke 
Maximilian,  and  the  Archduke  Albert,  whom  the  Jesuits 
had  won  over  to  their  side,  than  by  the  petition  of  Molina. ^ 
The  Pope  decided  that  the  Jesuits  as  well  must  be  given  a 
hearing.  On  January  ist,  1599,  he  cited  Beccaria  and 
Aqua  viva.  Generals  of  both  Orders  before  him,  and  ordered 
them  to  discuss,  together  with  some  of  the  theologians  among 
their  subjects,  the  chief  points  of  divergent  doctrine  in  the 
presence    of   Cardinal   Madruzzo.^ 

The  first  meeting  took  place  on  February  22nd,  1599.  The 
General  of  the  Dominicans  appeared  accompanied  by  the 
procurator  of  the  Order,  and  two  theologians,  Diego  Alvarez 
and  Raffaele  de  Ripa  ;  Aqua  viva's  theologians  were  Pedro 
de  Arrubal,  Michele  Vasquez  and  Cristobal  de  los  Cobos. 
In  his  opening  discourse,  Madruzzo  explained  the  object  of 
the  discussions,  namely  to  put  an  end  to  the  struggle  between 
the  two  Orders,  in  accordance  with  the  wish  of  the  Pope  as 
well  as  of  the  King  of  Spain  ;  both  Beccaria  and  Aquaviva 
gave  their  opinion  as  to  the  way  in  which,  to  their  thinking, 
that  purpose  could  be  attained.  The  General  of  the  Domini- 
cans declared  that  his  Order  had  nothing  against  the  Society 
of  Jesus,  and  that  it  was  only  the  theses  of  Molina  which 
were  the  rock  of  offence  ;  it  his  book  were  condemned  and 
St.  Thomas  followed,  then  everything  would  be  smoothed 

^  Ibid.  261. 

^  Ibid.  263.  The  Spanish  nuncio  also  wrote  on  November  14, 
1598,  to  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  concerning  the  eftorts  of  the 
Dominicans  and  Cardinal  Davila,  who  wished  to  obtain  the 
condemnation  of  the  book  of  Molina  from  the  Spanish  Inquisition. 
The  nuncio  suggested,  either  that  such  attacks  should  be  sup- 
pressed in  view  of  the  earlier  approbations  of  Molina's  book,  or 
that  Molina  and  Baiies  should  be  summoned  to  Rome  and  the 
writings  of  both  examined  (Scorraille,  I.,  411). 

3  Eleutherius,  210  ;    Serry,  169  ;    Astrain,  265, 

326  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

over.  Aquaviva  took  up  quite  a  different  position.  He 
declared  that  Molina  indeed  was  not  the  Society  of  Jesus, 
and  that  therefore  his  cause  was  not  necessarily  their  own. 
The  Fope  might  do  what  he  liked  with  the  works  of  a  Spanish 
theologian  or  with  the  writings  of  any  individual  Jesuit, 
without  the  order  offering  any  resistance.  But  there  was  a 
dispute  between  the  two  Orders,  arising  frjm  their  different 
explanation  of  "  sufficient  "  and  "  efficacious  "  grace  ;  as 
far  as  could  be  seen,  the  intention  of  the  Pope  was  not  to  give 
a  judgment  on  Molina's  book,  but  rather  to  inquire  into 
the  differences  of  the  doctrines  in  question,  to  establish  the 
true  doctrine,  and  to  settle  the  questions  at  issue  between 
the  two  great  bodies.^  The  conference  ended  with  an 
injunction  from  Madruzzo  to  the  two  Generals  to  prepare  for 
the  next  meeting  three  expositions  concerning  the  con- 
troverted point  in  the  doctrine  of  grace  ;  the  first  was  to 
summarize  in  a  few  words  the  idea  of  his  own  Order,  the 
second  was  to  give  the  objections  to  the  opposing  theory, 
and  the  third  the  principal  proofs  in  support  of  their  own 
opinion.  2 

The  second  discussion  took  place  on  February  28th. 
Aquaviva  presented  himself  with  the  three  expositions  in 
writing  which  had  been  asked  for,^  but  Beccaria  on  the  other 
hand  only  presented  one  ;  a  further  accusation  of  Molina 
divided  into  six  points.  He  said  that  he  had  not  thought  it 
opportune  to  prepare  any  others,  because  the  only  point  at 
issue  was  the  book  of  Molina,  and  the  Spanish  Dominicans 
had  not  taken  up  arms  against  the  Society  of  Jesus,  but 
against  Molina.  Moreover,  the  Dominicans  were  there  as  the 
accusers,  and  he  could  not  allow  them,  by  defending  their 
doctrine,  to  confess  themselves  as  accused.  To  this 
Aquaviva  replied  in  the  sense  in  which  he  had  spoken  at  the 
previous  meeting,  but  Beccaria  adhered  to  his  opinion. 
Aquaviva  then  placed  on  the  table  the  second  document  he 

1  ASTRAIN,   266. 

"  Ibid.  267. 

3  Reprinted  in  Eleutherius,  214-217. 


had  brought  with  him,  the  objections  of  the  Jesuits  to  the 
Dominican  doctrine  of  grace,  handing  over  the  other  two 
at  the  end  of  the  meeting  to  Cardinal  Madruzzo  as  a  proof 
that  he  had  obeyed  him.  The  conference  was  over  ;  it  now 
remained  to  be  seen  what  the  Pope  would  do. 

On  March  5th,  1599,  Clement  VIII.  appointed  the  Jesuit 
Bellarmine  a  Cardinal,  and  assigned  him,  together  with  the 
Dominican  Cardinal  Bernerio  to  act  as  assessors  to  Cardinal 
Madruzzo  in  the  conduct  of  the  conferences. 

At  the  third  meeting,  which  was  held  on  March  29th,  it 
was  seen  that  the  situation  had  become  considerably  changed 
in  favour  of  the  Jesuits.  Bellarmine  brought  forward  six 
questions,  in  which  he  asked  for  an  explanation  as  to  whether 
physical  predetermination  was  necessary  for  the  good  acts 
of  the  will,  and  for  its  evil  decisions,  whether  the  infallible 
efficacy  of  grace  was  based  upon  phj'sical  predetermination, 
or  upon  the  contact  of  grace  with  the  soul  in  the  sense  of 
St.  Augustine.^  These  questions  therefore,  without  any 
evasions,  were  directed  to  the  point  which  formed  the  kernel 
of  the  dispute  on  grace,  and  on  the  solution  of  which  every- 
thing depended.  But  now  the  Dominicans  refused  to  give 
an  answer.  They  said  that  these  six  questions  had  evidently 
been  thought  out  and  brought  forward  by  the  Jesuits,  thus 
arrogating  to  themselves  a  right  which  belonged  only  to  the 

The  Dominicans,  however,  were  no  longer  able  to  adhere 
to  their  own  standpoint,  of  entering  into  no  discussion  save 
on  the  book  of  Molina.  It  would  seem  that,  soon  after  the 
questions  of  Bellarmine,  they  in  their  turn  asked  for  an  answer 
to  eight  points  on  the  doctrine  of  grace  and  freewill.^  But 
now  it  v/as  the  Jesuits  who  refused  to  give  an  explanation, 
until  Clement  VIII.  obliged  them  to  reply.     To  five  of  these 

1  Eleutherius,  217;    Serry,  174. 

2  Eleutherius,  218  ;    Astrain,  270  seqq. 

3  In  Eleutherius,  218;  Serry,  174.  Whether  the  Domini- 
cans were  the  first  to  present  their  eie;ht  questions,  or  whether  on 
the  other  hand,  which  is  more  probable,  Bellarmine  first  proposed 
his  six,  is  variously  reported.     C/.  Astrain,  272. 

328  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

questions  an  affirmative  reply  could  be  given  without  more 
ado,^  but  these  five  questions  did  not  touch  the  controverted 
point  of  the  matter,  and  the  others  only  uncertainly. 

Later  on  they  declared  that  this  had  been  the  real  reason 
why  they  had  at  first  refused  to  reply,  ^  In  other  respects 
the  Jesuits  took  all  possible  pains  clearly  to  explain  their  view. 
When  the  Dominicans  complained  of  a  gap  in  the  replies  of 
their  adversaries,  they  hastened  to  remedy  it,  though  in 
doing  so  they  took  the  opportunity  thus  offered  them  of  once 
again  alluding  to  physical  predetermination,  which,  according 
to  them,  was  opposed  to  the  Holy  Scriptures,  the  Councils, 
the  Fathers  of  the  Church,  the  scholastics  and  philosophers, 
and  above  all  to  St.  Augustine  and  St.  Thomas.^ 

The  whole  of  April  passed  in  these  exchanges,  and  it  would 
seem  that  a  kind  of  impatience  at  these  fruitless  negotiations 
seized  upon  the  Jesuits.  They  suggested  to  Cardinal 
Madruzzo,  in  order  to  make  some  progress,  that  they  should 
briefly  summarize  the  points  as  to  which  they  had  come  to  an 
agreement  or  a  disagreement  at  the  meetings  which  had  been 
held  so  far."^  Madruzzo  then  took  three  theses  from  among 
the  expositions  of  the  Dominicans,  on  which  the  Jesuits 
were  to  pronounce  at  the  next  session  ;^  actually,  at  that 
meeting  both  parties  agreed  upon  seven  points  ;®  this  at 
anyrate  made  it  clear  that  the  Jesuits  did  not  deny  efficacious 
grace.  But  they  at  once  transferred  the  discussion  to  the 
most  critical  point  of  the  whole  question  by  bringing  forward 

1  Eleutherius,  218. 

"  ASTRAIN,    273. 

^  Ibid.  274. 

*  C/.  the  memorial  of  the  Jesuits  in  Eleutherius,  221  seq.  ; 
"  Hactenus  compertum  est,  mutuis  liisce  responsionibus  .  .  .  non 
solum  quaestionis  statum  non  attingi,  sed  rem  ipsam  fieri 
propemodum  mfinitam,"  etc. 

*  In  Serry,  178;    Eleutherius,  222. 

*  Ibid.  222  seq.  Concerning  an  eighth  thesis,  as  to  which, 
according  to  a  manuscript  in  the  Angelica  Library,  there  was  no 
agreement  (and  directed  against  Eleutherius  [223]),  see  Astrain, 


the  question  whether,  accordmg  to  the  Dominican  view,  the 
infallible  efficacy  of  grace  was  based  upon  physical  pre- 
determination.^ It  might  have  been  supposed  that  the 
answer  would  have  been  a  plain  Yes,  and  that  thus  the  question 
would  have  been  solved.  But,  strangely  enough,  the  dis- 
cussion of  the  pros  and  cons  went  on  for  so  long  that,  although 
the  Jesuits  would  not  allow  their  adversaries  to  escape  for  a 
good  three  hours,  they  were  unable  in  the  end  to  get  a  definite 
reply.  ^ 

But  a  clear  reply  was  absolutely  necessary  if  the  discussion 
was  to  go  on.  On  May  20th,  1599,  therefore,  the  Jesuits 
sent  a  document  to  Cardinal  Madruzzo,  divided  into  five  points, 
in  which  they  explained,  from  their  point  of  view,  what  they 
meant  by  physical  predetermination  in  the  sense  of  the 
Dominicans,^  and  asked  him  to  induce  their  adversaries  to 
reply.  The  latter,  on  May  22nd,  sent  a  document  to  the 
Cardinal  in  which  they  explained  their  view  sufficiently 
clearly.^  But  the  expression  "  physical  predetermination  " 
was  avoided  in  this.  The  Jesuits  therefore  again  insisted 
that  they  must  pronounce  as  to  this  expression,  and  received 
as  a  reply  that  the  Jesuits  must  express  themselves  clearly 
as  to  what,  in  their  opinion,  the  efficacy  of  grace  consisted, 
for  that  so  far  they  had  only  said  in  what  it  did  not  consist. 

1  Eleutherius,  223. 

*  So  say  the  Jesuits  in  their  memorial  of  June  24,  1599  :  Deinde 
ulterius  progressa  est  disputatio,  quae  eo  spectabat,  ut  eliceretur, 
quid  tandem  illud  esset,  quo  auxilium  efficax  differret  a  sufficiente. 
Et  quoniam  Patres  Domimcani  nihil  interrogabant,  illud  pro- 
posuimus,  utrum  ratio  auxilii  efficacis  consisteret  in  physica 
praedeterminatione  voluntatis,  ut  hactenus  docuerunt.  Dum 
huic  propositioni  respondent,  tres  fere  horae  elabuntur,  nee 
tamen  ex  eorum  dictis  quidquam  certi  colligi  potuit,  in  quo  vel  a 
nobis  dilierrent,  vel  inter  so  convenirent.  Non  enim  omnes 
videbantur  velle  admittere  hanc  physicam  praedeterminationem, 
et  eorum,  qui  eam  admittebant,  unus  affirmabat,  ea  tolli  aliquam 
indifl'erentiam,  alius  negabat.     Serry,  189  A. 

^  Eleutherius,  224. 

*  Ibid.  224  seq. 

330  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

The  Jesuits  complied  with  this  demand  without  any  difficulty, 
in  an  explanation  of  May  28th,  1599.-^ 

The  continued  insistence  of  the  Jesuits,  and  the  way  in 
which  they  kept  on  returning  to  the  weak  point  in  their 
adversaries'  doctrine  of  grace,  irritated  the  Dominicans  all 
the  more  in  that  in  their  opinion  it  was  not  they  but  the 
Jesuits  who,  in  the  whole  affair,  should  be  subjected  to 
examination  concerning  their  doctrine. 

Their  annoyance  so  long  suppressed,  found  vent  in  a  written 
protest  of  June  8th,  1599,  in  which  they  gave  a  resume  of  the 
discussions,  and  described  the  behaviour  of  the  Jesuits  as 
intriguing  and  deceitful.^  The  Jesuits  replied  to  this  on 
June  28th. ^ 

These  two  documents  are  among  the  most  important 
relating  to  the  negotiations  before  Cardinal  Madruzzo  ;  they 
complete  and  confirm  our  knowledge  of  what  had  happened 
on  various  points,  while  the  intellectual  outlook  of  both 
parties  is  set  forth  m^ore  clearly  than  usual.  The  Dominicans 
who  took  part  in  the  discussions  declared  that  they  were  not 
the  representatives  of  the  whole  Dominican  Order,  and  that 
in  order  to  be  so  they  would  first  have  had  to  consult  their 
universities  and  their  most  eminent  theologians  ;^  they  only 
presented  themselves  as  a  deputation  of  Dominican  theologians 
in  Rome.  They  further  maintained  absolutely  that  at  the 
discussions  nothing  was  at  issue  but  Molina  and  his  book,  and 
if  they  also  pronounced  upon  the  doctrine  of  grace,  they  only 
did  so  as  the  theological  advisers  of  the  Pope,  in  order  to  give 
him  the  benefit  of  their  scientific  opinions.  But  the  Jesuits 
maintained  the  opposite  view  with  equal  tenacity.  They 
asserted  that  the  Pope  had  not  transferred  the  controversy 

'  Eleuihehius,  225.     Cf.  AsTRAiN,  279  seq. 

2  Serry,  182  seqq.  ;    Eleuihehius,  226. 

'  Serry,  185  seqq.  ;    Eleutherius-,  226. 

*  "  In  prima  Congregatione  .  .  .  nobis  prius  semel  et  iterum 
professis,  non  totius  Predicatoriae  fam-Hae  nomine  (cuius  genrealia 
studia  et  theologi  alii  praecipui  temporis  opportunitate  concessa 
fuissent  consulendi),  sed  tantum  professorum  qui  in  Urbe  essemus^ 
congressibus  illis  interesse."     Eleutherius,  226.. 


to  Rome  in  order  to  pronounce  judgment  on  Molina,  as  was 
clear  from  the  briefs  to  the  nuncio  in  Spain  and  to  the  Spanish 
Inquisition,  and,  as  had  been  several  times  declared  to  the 
Dominicans  by  Cardinal  Madruzzo,  the  General  of  the  Jesuits 
had  expressly  stated  that  he  had  no  interest  in  defending  all 
the  theses  of  Molina. 

It  is  also  clear  from  the  complaints  and  accusations  of  both 
parties  that  both  the  Dominicans  and  the  Jesuits  refused  to 
reply  to  certain  definite  questions.  The  Dominicans  tried 
to  avoid  an  explanation  of  physical  predetermination  ;  this 
is  definitely  stated  several  times  in  the  memorial  of  the  Jesuits. 
"  The  m.ost  eminent  Cardinal  knows  "  so  states  the  document, 
"  how  we  have  openly  said  that  it  is  our  desire  that  the 
Dominicans  should  explain  their  view  just  as  we  ourselves 
have  done  and  will  do,  but  they  have  attempted  to  evade 
doing  so  on  various  pleas.  The  first  time  they  said  that  they 
could  not  speak  for  the  whole  Order,  and  would  first  have 
to  consult  the  theologians  of  the  various  provinces  ;  another 
time  they  were  not  ready,  and  could  not  carry  on  the  dis- 
putation without  preparation  ;  again,  it  did  not  affect  the 
object  of  the  discussion  ;  lastly  they  openly  declared  that 
they  did  not  intend  to  give  their  opinion,  because  as  the 
accusers  they  did  not  wish  to  become  the  accused,  or  to  admit 
that  they  should  be  subjected  to  an  interrogatory.  All  who 
were  present,  and  the  most  eminent  President  are  witnesses 
as  to  this."^  On  a  copy  of  this  accusatory  document,  there 
is  to  be  found  attached  to  these  assertions  of  the  Jesuits  a 
marginal  note  in  the  hand  of  a  Dominican  :  "  This  is  the 
sample  truth,  as  the  General  of  the  Dominicans  cannot  at 
his  pleasure  prescribe  a  doctrine  for  his  whole  Order,  nor  had 
he  time  or  opportunity  to  consult  the  universities  of  the  Order 
on  this  matter."^  This  passage  is  of  great  value  to  the 
disinterested  historian  ;    what  the  Jesuits  had  several  times 

1  Serry,  186,  D  ;    Eleutherius,  227. 

2  "  Verissime  neque  enim  Magister  generalis  Praedicatorum 
doctriuam  arbitratu  suo  toti  suae  religioni  praescribit,  neque 
eiusdem  Ordinis  universitates  super  his  consulendi  occasio  et 
tempus  ei  oblata  fuere."     Astrain,  282  seq. 

332  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

asserted  is  thus  confirmed,  namely  that  physical  predeter- 
mination was  not  yet  at  that  time  the  doctrine  of  the 
Dominican  Order. 

On  the  other  hand  the  Jesuits  refused  to  give  an  answer 
to  the  question  whether  the  infallible  efficacy  of  grace  came 
only  from  God,  or  whether  it  derived  to  some  extent  from 
the  free  will.  If  a  proper  order  was  to  be  followed  in  the 
discussions,  they  remarked,  first  it  must  be  established  in 
what  the  efficacy  of  grace  consists,  for  only  then  would  it  be 
possible  to  discuss  whence  it  came.^ 

But  on  July  17th,  1599,  Madruzzo  proposed  to  both  parties 
this  question,  together  with  others  :  can  the  free  will  refuse 
its  consent  to  efficacious  grace  ?  Both  were  required  to  reply. 
Each  party  dealt  with  the  question  from  their  own  point  of 
view.^  Further  discussion  at  length  led  the  theologians  of 
the  Society  of  Jesus  in  November,  1599,  to  summarize  in 
eight  propositions  the  points  on  which  they  could  not  agree 
with  the  Dominicans,  and  concerning  which  they  desired  a 
disputation.^  On  January  28th,  1600,  they  also  presented 
to  the  Cardnial  a  number  of  theses  which  had  been  defended 
by  the  Benedictines,  the  Augustinians,  the  Franciscans,  the 
Carmelites  and  the  Minims,  and  which  were  in  favour  of 
Molina.'*  The  last  thing  we  know  of  the  discussions  in  the 
presence  of  Madruzzo  are  certain  observations  of  the  Domini- 
cans concerning  these  eight  theses  of  the  Jesuits.^  They 
were  presented  on  February  12th,  and  on  April  20th  1600,  the 
old  Cardinal  of  eighty-e^'ght  breathed  his  last."  This  ended 
the  conferences  in  which  both  the  Generals  personally  took 

The  only  result  which  the  conferences  had  had  was  that 

1  Memorial  of  June  28,  1599,  in  Serry,  189. 

2  Eleutherius,  232. 
*  Ibid.  239. 

■*  ASTRAIN,    286. 

^  Elexjtherius,  239. 

«  CJ.  the  *reports  of  Fabio  Maretti  and  G.  B.  Laderchi,  dated 
Rome,  April  22,  1600,  who  point  out  what  a  great  loss  the  death 
of  the  Cardinal  had  been.     State  Archives,  Modena, 


the  views  of  the  two  rival  parties  had  been  more  clearly 
defined,  and  had  become  better  understood  by  their  adver- 
saries. For  the  moment  it  seemed  as  though  a  rapprochement 
had  been  brought  about.  On  one  occasion  the  General  of  the 
Dominicans,  as  the  Jesuits  report,  had  said  that  if  Molina 
had  admitted  all  that  the  Jesuits  had  conceded  in  the  presence 
of  Madruzzo,  there  would  have  been  no  reason  to  take  action 
against  him.  But  the  Jesuits  thought  that  they  could  prove 
without  any  difficulty  that  all  the  theses  in  question  had  been 
expressly  taught  by  Molina.^ 

But  a  book  by  the  Spanish  Dominican  Francisco  Davila, 
which  was  printed  in  Rome  in  1599,  ^^id  immediately  sup- 
pressed by  the  Pope's  orders  in  consequence  of  the 
remonstrances  of  the  Jesuits,  ^  showed  on  the  contrary  how 
bitter  the  dispute  really  was,  and  how  serious  were  the 
misunderstandings  and  prejudices.  This  book  made  the 
Jesuits  appear  as  semi-Pelagians,  and  put  together,  without 
mentioning  them,  the  most  plausible  accusations  against  their 
doctrine.  In  spite  of  this  Davila  had  dared  to  dedicate  his 
book  to  the  Pope,  and  the  imprimatur,  given  by  a  fellow 
Dominican,  and  full  of  encomiums,  bore  the  signature  of  the 
General  of  the  Order.  ^ 

On  April  24th,  1600,  the  General  of  the  Dominican  Order 
went  to  the  Pope,  and  in  the  name  of  the  whole  Order 
expressed  his  gratitude  for  a  decision  which  gave  the  whole 
dispute,  now  so  long  drawn  out,  a  new  turn,  and  which,  at 
any  rate  according  to  the  statement  of  the  adversaries  of  the 
Jesuits,  "  filled  all  good  men  with  incredible  joy.""^  This 
was  because,  after  the  death  of  Cardinal  Madruzzo, 
Clement  VIII.   had  thought  it  better  not  to  continue  the 

1  Memorial  of  June  28,  1599,  in  Serry,   1S8  seq. 

■•^  De  auxiliis  divinae  gratiae  ac  eorum  efficatia,  Rome,  1599. 

^  Eleuiherius,  240  seqq.  Astrain,  287  seqq.  A  writing  in 
which  16  of  the  errors  attributed  by  Davila  to  Molina  are  refuted 
as  calumnies  and  compared  with  the  true  doctrines  of  the  Jesuit 
theologian  does  not  belong  to  Bellarmine,  as  Astrain  (289)  sup- 
poses.    Le  Bachelet.  Auctarium,  xxi. 

*  Serry,  195  (according  to  Pefia). 

334  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

discussions  between  the  Generals  of  the  Orders,  but  to  revert 
to  that  method  by  which  the  solution  of  the  difficult  question 
had  first  been  sought,  namely,  that  the  book  of  Molina  should 
once  again  become  the  central  point  of  the  discussions.  A 
letter  from  Philip  III.,  in  which  he  expressed  his  desire  for 
a  speedy  solution  of  the  question,^  perhaps  contributed  to 
giving  a  fresh  direction  to  the  controversy.  Therefore  the 
commission  which  had  first  pronounced  judgment  on  Molina's 
book,  was  completed  by  the  addition  of  Bishop  Ippolito 
Masseri  of  Montepeloso,  and  the  procurators  of  the  Franciscan 
Observants  and  Conventuals,  Giovanni  de  Rada^  and  Girolamo 
Palantieri.  Their  task  was  to  examine  the  voluminous 
censure  of  Coronel,  and  to  point  out,  after  a  careful  examina- 
tion, which  of  the  objectionable  theses  were  to  be  found  in 
Molina.  This  work  was  completed  on  August  31st,  1600, 
and  was  presented  to  the  Pope  in  the  middle  of  October. 
Of  the  eleven  consultors  two  had  refused  their  signature, 
Piombino  and  Bovio,  while  all  the  others  were  in  agreement 
in  condemning  twenty  theses  taken  from  Molina.  There  still 
exist  a  number  of  writings  of  that  time  from  the  individual 
members  of  the  commission,  all  of  whom  pronounce  against 
Molina,^  with  the  exception  of  Bovio. 
While  the  commission  was  still  engaged  upon  this  work, 

1  Among  the  "  negotios  que  dex6  pendentes  el  Duque  de  Sessa  " 
it  is  noted  :  *E1  dicho  29.  de  Hebrero  de  1600  scrivio  Su  M.  al 
dicho  Duque  pidiese  a  S.  S.  mandar  que  los  cardinales  y  otros 
ministros  [who  were  treating  of  the  controversy  on  grace]  tomasen 
en  este  negocio  con  brevedad  la  resolucion  que  mas  conveniese  a 
servicio  de  Dies  y  bien  universal  de  la  cristiandad.  ...  El  29. 
de  Hebrero  1600  scrivio  Su  M.  al  dicho  Duque  pidiese  a  Su  S. 
proveyese  lo  que  mas  conveniese  sobre  un  libro  de  Molina  S.J.  que 
diz  que  esta  ccnsido  por  los  cardenales  a  quien  Su  B.  niando  le 
biesen.  The  king  wrote  on  the  matter  to  the  Pope  on  September 
3,  1603.     Archives  of  the  Spanish  embassy  in  Rome,  I.,  g. 

2  Rada  (died  1608)  was  really  the  most  capable  theologian  on 
the  commission  ;  cf.  Hurter,  Nomenclator,  II.,  Innsbruck, 
1907,  396. 

^  AstrAin,  291  seqq. 


the  Jesuits  succeeded  in  getting  a  sight  of  the  censure  of 
Coronel,  and  at  once  saw  that  it  was  defective  in  many  points. 
In  this  Molina  was  blamed  for  several  theses  which  were  in 
common  use  among  other  theologians,  or  else  things  were 
attributed  to  the  Jesuit  theologian  which  he  had  never  taught. 
The  Jesuits  reported  these  discoveries  to  the  Pope  in  various 
expositions.^  A  special  impression  seems  to  have  been  made 
upon  Clement  VIII.  by  a  writing  of  Aqua  viva,-  in  which, 
so  as  to  show  the  censure  to  be  unjust,  Molina's  own  words 
are  compared  with  a  number  of  the  accusations  of  Coronel. 
To  these  were  added  the  remonstrances  of  Bellarmine  and 
others,  so  that  Clement  VIII.  gave  orders  that  the  commission 
must  also  hear  the  defence  of  the  Jesuits.^ 

Nevertheless,  in  spite  of  this  concession,  the  position  of 
the  Jesuits  still  remained  very  unfavourable,  and  even 
apparently  desperate.  They  had  asked  to  be  allowed  to 
present  their  defence  before  other  judges  than  the  commission, 
for  otherwise  the  censors  Mould  have  been  bound  to  pass 
judgment  upon  complaints  which  were  directed  against 
themselves  and  their  judgments.  But  they  obtained  nothing 
by  their  request.^  By  the  Pope's  orders  the  commission  was 
to  hear  the  Jesuits,  but  the  judgment  was  left  to  them,  and 
the  Dominicans  were  their  advisers.  The  discussions  were 
now  conducted  in  the  following  way  :  first  the  censure  was 
read,  and  was  then  defended  by  the  Dominicans  Diego 
Alvarez  and  Tommaso  de  Lemos,  being  then  attacked  by  the 
Jesuits  Cobos  and  Arrubal ;  at  the  end  both  Dominicans  and 
Jesuits  briefly  summarized  in  writing  what  they  had  said 
orally.  5  Thus  it  seemed  as  though  the  last  word  lay  with  the 
Jesuits,  but  the  Dominicans,  in  addition  to  the  writings  which 
were  communicated  to  the  theologians  of  the  other  party, 
secretly  drew  up  others  which  were  intended  only  for  the 

1  Eleutherius,  248  seq. 

2  In  Eleutherius,  249  seq. 

*  AsirAin,  293  seq. 

*  Ibtd.  295. 

°  Ibid.  295.     Some  specimens  of  the  negotiations,  ibid.  296  seq. 

336  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

members  of  the  commission,  and  in  which  they  sought  to 
refute  anything  that  told  in  favour  of  MoHna.  The  Jesuits 
learned  of  these  intrigues,  probably  from  their  friend  Bovio, 
and  Gregorio  de  Valencia,  who  was  present  at  the  sessions 
together  with  Cobos  and  Arrubal,  thereupon  addressed  his 
remonstrances  to  the  Pope.  Clement  VIII.  then  gave  orders 
that  these  observations  of  the  Dominicans  were  also  to  be 
handed  over  to  the  defenders  of  Molina.  This  time  the 
theologians  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  made  use  of  very  emphatic 
language  in  their  reply.  At  the  outset  it  is  stated  :  "In  this 
document  the  Dominican  Fathers  advance  so  many  things 
which  are  not  in  accordance  with  the  facts,  that  they  could 
never  have  supposed  that  these  observations  which  they  have 
addressed  to  the  censors  unknown  to  us,  would  one  day  fall 
into  our  hands. "^ 

The  discussions  before  the  commission  lasted  until  May  7th, 
1601.  On  August  31st  of  the  same  year  the  censors  came  to 
their  final  judgment,  and,  as  was  to  be  expected,  this  declared 
that  the  commission  adhered  to  the  censures  already  pro- 
nounced against  Molina.  Only  Piombino  and  Bovio  once 
again  refused  their  signatures.  On  December  5th,  1601, 
the  commission  presented  itself  before  the  Pope  to  deliver 
the  result  of  its  labours.- 

Clement  VIII.  was  aghast  at  the  quantity  of  documents 
and  opinions  that  was  laid  before  him.  "  A  year  may  have 
been  sufficient  for  you  to  write  all  this,"  he  said,  "  but  a  year 
is  not  sufficient  for  me  to  read  it."  The  commission  laid  the 
responsibility  for  such  prolixity  upon  the  objections  and 
artifices  of  the  Jesuits  ;  the  Pope,  however,  with  his  great 
intelligence  and  learning  had  no  need  to  read  it  all.  Santucci, 
who  after  the  death  of  Resta  had  acted  as  president,  then 
made  the  strange  suggestion  that  it  would  be  well  not  to 
inform  the  Jesuits  of  their  judgments,  so  that  the  matter  might 
not  be  prolonged  indefinitely.^ 

1  Ibid.  302  seqq. 

2  Ibid.  301. 

2  Ibid.  301  seq. 

THE  POPE  AND  THE  JESUITS.        337 

Clement  VIII.  at  once  saw  that  this  new  censure,  the  fourth 
in  four  years,  was  of  no  great  use  to  him.  If  he  was  to  settle 
the  controversy  personally  by  his  supreme  authority,  then  he 
must  inform  himself  personally  of  all  the  details,  and  examine 
all  these  voluminous  opinions.  The  observations  of  the  Jesuits 
too  could  not  be  left  unexamined  ;  they  would  know  how  to 
lay  their  remonstrances  before  the  Pope,  even  without  being 
informed  of  the  verdict  of  the  commission.  The  suspicions 
which  had  been  spread  throughout  the  world  on  account  of 
what  had  happened  in  Rome  gave  an  opportunity  for  so  doing. 
Molina,  who  died  on  October  12th,  1600,  certainly  knew 
nothing  of  the  rumour  which  was  spread  throughout  Spain 
that  he  had  been  condemned  in  Rome  by  a  Papal  sentence, 
and  burned  in  effigy.  On  March  gth,  1601,  Bellarmine  had 
to  reassure  the  Spanish  Jesuits  on  this  score  ;^  an  edict  of 
the  Spanish  nuncio  of  September  21st,  1601,  reminded  men^ 
of  the  Papal  prohibition  of  mutual  censures,  and  removed  the 
grounds  for  such  rumours.^  But  in  Italy,  Germany,  France 
and  Poland  similar  rumours  did  no  little  harm  to  the  work  of 
the  Jesuits  in  the  exercise  of  their  ministry.'* 

In  the  meantime  the  Jesuits  sought  protection  from  the 
Pope,  and  on  February  12th,  1602,  they  presented  a  memorial 
in  which  all  the  accusations  which  had  been  brought  against 
them  during  the  discussions  in  Rome  were  summarized  under 
seven  heads,  together  with  a  brief  defence.^ 

In  answer  to  the  charge  that  they  were  exigent  and  would 
not  be  satisfied  in  their  claims,  they  summarized  the  points 
in  which  their  desires  really  consisted  :  i.  Since  the  origin 
of  these  discussions  lies  in  the  question  :  In  what  does  the 
efficacy  of  grace  consist,  may  it  please  Your  Holiness  to  define 
what  must  be  firmly  held  as  to  this,  so  that,  following  that 
infallible  rule,  everything  that  is  not  in  accordance  with  that 
definition  may  be  expunged  from  the  books.     2.  A  judgment 

1  Letter  to  Padilla,  in  Eleutherius,  246. 

2  Ibid.  247. 

*  AsTRAiN,  294. 

*  Ibid.  304. 

^  Ibid.  306-314,  Eleutherius,  334-341. 

VOL.    XXIV.  22 

33^  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

should  not  be  pronounced  on  the  question  of  Molina,  without 
his  being  heard.  3.  That  what  we  put  forward  on  his  behalf 
may  be  submitted,  in  accordance  with  the  judgment  of  Your 
Holiness,  to  persons  so  well  versed  in  dogma,  and  in  such  a 
degree  specialists  in  scholastic  theology,  as  such  difficult 
questions  demand  ;  men,  moreover,  who  have  not  taken  sides 
on  the  question,  so  as  to  give  their  signature  against  Molina 
before  making  a  careful  examination,  and  thus  staining  their 
reputation  in  this  respect.  4.  If  questions  and  replies  are 
not  to  be  carried  on  indefinitely,  let  us  be  allowed  to  reply  in 
the  last  instance,  as  we  are  defending  the  cause  of  the  accused, 
to  whom  that  right  belongs.  In  forming  a  judgment  as  to 
these  questions,  attention  should  be  paid  to  the  documents 
which  were  presented  at  the  session  ;  if  anything  has  been 
brought  forward  against  Molina  in  secret,  of  which  we  were 
not  given  a  copy  so  that  we  might  reply  to  it,  such  matter 
must  not  be  taken  into  consideration  until  it  has  been  com- 
municated to  us,  and  we  have  made  our  reply.  5.  When  our 
replies  are  examined,  the  judgment  must  not  be  restricted 
to  generic  observations  as  to  Molina,  but  should  state  in  detail 
which  of  his  theses  are  blameworthy,  so  that  we  may  know 
what  to  be  on  our  guard  against,  as  well  as  for  other  reasons. 
6.  Anything  that  is  found  deserving  of  censure  in  Molina, 
must  also  be  deleted  in  those  other  theologians  who  hold  the 
same  doctrines.^ 

To  the  further  reproach,  that  they  were  not  satisfied  with 
the  judgment  of  the  Roman  censors,  the  Jesuits  replied  : 
I.  There  are  six  on  the  commission  who  condemn  the  book, 
and  two  who  approve  it,  and  to  each  of  those  six  we  can 
oppose  a  tribunal,  a  university  or  a  corporation  that  approves 
it.  The  Portuguese  Inquisition  has  approved  the  book  twice 
over,  once  by  a  majority  of  the  votes  of  all  the  Qualiiicators, 
among  whom  were  two  Dominicans.  The  same  was  done 
by  the  supreme  council  of  state  of  Castille  and  that  of  Aragon, 
who  based  their  opinions  upon  those  of  the  most  eminent 
theologians.     Moreover,    the    University    of    Alcala,    which 

■'■  Point  2,  in  Astrain,  307  seq. 


examined  the  book  with  great  care  for  a  whole  year,  approved 
it  when,  by  the  orders  of  the  Spanish  Inquisition,  the  matter 
was  discussed  before  that  tribunal.  On  the  same  occasion 
the  book  was  sent  to  the  University  of  Siguenza,  which  is  one 
of  the  four  principal  universities  of  Spain,  and  always  has  at 
its  command  persons  of  distinction,  since  canonries  are 
attached  to  the  professorial  chairs  ;  this  university  approved 
the  book,  and  replied  point  by  point  to  the  objections.  In 
like  manner  approval  came  from  Italy,  France  and  the  Low 
Countries  when  the  work  was  re-examined  there  for  reprinting, 
and  an  imprimatur  given.  Moreover  it  received  many 
approbations  from  prelates  and  doctors,  to  enumerate  whom 
would  take  too  long,  besides  which  it  is  already  abundantly 
clear  from  what  we  have  said  that  the  number  of  those  who 
approve  is  greater  than  that  of  those  who  condemn.  2. 
Admitting  that  the  judgment  of  the  members  of  the  com- 
mission was  completely  just,  yet  they  had  not  heard  us  when 
they  pronounced  judgment  the  first  time,  and  from  that  time 
onwards  we  have  been  compelled  in  our  replies  to  make 
perpetual  contradictions.  As  their  reputation,  it  would  seem, 
was  already  compromised,  we  cannot  deny  that  for  that  very 
reason  and  from  other  circumstances  as  well,^  we  must  look 
upon  them  as  partizans  in  the  question,  and,  in  a  certain  sense, 
in  an  even  greater  degree  than  the  Dominicans  themselves. 
3.  The  book  of  Molina  is  concerned  with  doctrines  of  faith 
of  great  importance,  which  are  connected  with  the  most 
difficult  questions  of  scholastic  theology  ;  they  demand  on 
the  one  hand  a  most  complete  knowledge  of  the  controversies 
with  the  heretics,  and  on  the  other  a  great  familiarity  with 
the  most  delicate  subtleties  of  scholasticism.     And  although 

1  The  "  other  circumstances  "  here  alluded  to,  are  more  clearly 
expressed  in  the  draft  of  a  petition  to  Clement  VIII.  "  The 
majority  of  the  censors  were  for  various  reasons  biassed  in  the 
matter,  and  had  been  selected  by  Cardinal  Bonelli  :  two  of  them 
were  his  dependants  and  belonged  to  his  famiglia  :  another 
belonged  to  the  famiglia  of  Cardinal  Ascoli  (a  Dominican),  while 
there  were  other  ties  of  dependence  between  them  and  the 
Dominicans."     Astratn,  304. 

340  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

we  look  upon  the  censors  as  very  capable  in  their  profession, 
and  eminent  for  their  learning,  we  take  it  for  granted  that 
they  themselves  would  not  deny  that  they  have  never  before 
been  forced  to  studies  of  this  kind,  either  for  the  purpose  of 
printing  a  book,  or  for  disputations  with  heretics,  or  for 
teaching,  outside  their  own  Order,  theses  of  this  kind  at  any 
university.  They  themselves  say  that  in  their  day  nothing 
was  known  of  such  questions,  and  that  they  were  not  treated 
of ;  although,  therefore,  we  look  upon  them  as  pious  and 
learned,  it  is  not  going  too  far  if  we  express  our  doubts  as 
to  the  value  of  their  opinions  in  such  matters.  4.  We  know 
by  experience  that  they  have  looked  upon  certain  theses  as 
being  Molina's,  which  he  himself  looked  upon  quite  otherwise, 
and  that  they  have  censured  others  to  which  they  could  not 
have  attached  any  importance  if  they  had  sent  a  copy  of 
them  to  us.  5.  We  cannot  feel  satisfied  with  their  judgment 
because  we  see,  for  example,  that  they  declare  a  thesis  of 
Molina's  to  be  Pelagian,  which  the  universities  of  Alcala, 
Bologna  and  Siguenza  hold  to  be  true,  and  which  has  been 
defended  as  such  by  the  most  learned  men  of  almost  all  the 
Orders  of  Spain,  and  the  contrary  theses  to  which  Bellarmine, 
Stapleton  and  Gregorio  de  Valencia,  who  have  read  so  many 
of  the  books  of  the  heretics,  and  have  held  disputations 
against  them,  and  confuted  and  written  against  them,  declare 
to  be  a  Calvinist  error.  In  like  manner,  nine  universities  in 
the  countries  bordering  upon  those  of  the  heretics  have 
passed  a  similar  judgment  on  that  thesis.^ 

When  the  Jesuits  presented  this  memorial,  ClemxCnt  VIII. 
had  already  resolved  to  leave  on  one  side  the  mass  of  judg- 
ments and  opinions  upon  the  dispute.  He  thought  that  the 
purpose  would  be  more  quickly  attained  if  he  were  to  allow 
himself  to  be  informed  verbally  of  the  reasons  in  support  of 
the  two  controverted  opinions  by  those  who  themselves 
represented  them.  Thus  began  the  last  and  most  celebrated 
phase  of  the  negotiations  in  Rome  :  the  disputations  in  the 
presence  of  the  Pope. 

^  Point  4,  in  Astrain,  309  seq. 


The  fatality  which  had  hitherto  pursued  the  Jesuits  through- 
out the  whole  controversy,  seemed  destined  to  follow  them 
from  the  opening  of  the  new  congregations.  An  imprudent 
act  of  theirs  irritated  the  Pope  against  them  exceedingly  at 
the  very  moment  when  more  than  ever  his  good-will  was  so 
important  to  them.  The  occasion  for  this  fresh  storm  was 
afforded  by  a  subtle  question  of  scholastic  theology  which 
had  been  defended  at  their  college  at  Alcala  on  March  7th, 

If,  for  example,  a  Pope  has  been  canonically  elected  and 
recognized  by  the  Church,  then  according  to  Catholic  principles 
it  must  infallibly  be  held  that  he  is  truly  Pope  and  successor 
of  St.  Peter  ;  but  it  is  possible  to  go  further  and  ask  :  is  it 
only  infallibly  certain  that  such  and  such  a  Pope,  for  example 
Clement  VIII.,  is  the  successor  of  St.  Peter,  or  is  this  a  truth 
of  faith  revealed  by  God  ?  If  God  has  revealed  that  all  men 
are  descended  from  Adam,  then  He  has  also  revealed  that 
such  and  such  a  man  is  descended  from  Adam.  Thus,  in  the 
phrase,  which  is  certainly  revealed  :  all  legitimate  Popes  are 
the  successors  of  the  Prince  of  the  Apostles,  is  there  in  like 
manner  contained  the  other  :  in  Clement  VIII.  is  continued 
the  true  succession  of  Peter  ?  On  this  point  theologians  are 
of  different  opinions  ;  some  reply  in  the  affirmative,  and  others 
in  the  negative.  The  question  is  of  no  practical  importance  ; 
no  theologians  questioned  that  Clement  VIII.  was  the  true 
Pope,  not  even  those  who  could  not  see  in  this  a  revealed 
truth  in  the  full  sense  of  the  words. ^     Such  a  question  was 

1  Eleuthkrius,  333-337;   AstrAin,  315-331. 

2  This  is  in  accordance  with  the  expression  of  Ranke  (Papste, 
II.*,  200  n.)  ;  "  The  doctrine  which  they  (the  Jesuits)  threatened 
before  Contarini,  is  that  the  Pope  is  indeed  infaUible,  but  that  it 
is  not  an  article  of  faith  to  hold  this  or  that  man  to  be  the  true 
Pope."  It  is  not  a  question  of  the  Jesuits  in  general  but  only  of 
those  of  Alcala,  and  there  is  certainly  no  threat  to  be  found  in 
their  doctrine.  Perhaps  the  passage  of  A.  Harnack  also  refers  to 
the  thesis  of  Alcala  (or  to  the  "  threat  "  of  a  council  ?  Cf.  infra, 
P-  353.  n.  i)  :  "  Not  only  did  they  threaten  the  Pope  and  seek 
to  intimidate  him,  when  it  seemed  that  he  was  too  favourable  to 

342  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

treated  of  in  the  lecture  halls  as  an  example  by  the  help  of 
which  certain  theses  of  the  doctrine  of  faith  could  be  explained.  ^ 

The  Augustinians,  for  example,  had,  on  May  7th,  1601, 
at  Saragossa,  maintained  the  negative  view^  without  anyone 
being  disturbed.  When  in  the  following  July  the  same  theses 
had  been  presented  before  the  University  of  Alcala  by  a 
professor,  Pefia  called  attention  to  this  in  Rome,  and  asked 
for  the  intervention  of  the  Roman  tribunals,  without  any 
steps  being  taken. ^  It  was  only  when  the  Jesuits  at  Alcala 
followed  the  example  of  the  unWersity  on  March  7th,  1602, 
at  a  public  disputation,*  that  a  veritable  tempest  broke  out. 
A  Dominican  stated  at  a  public  disputation  at  Valladolid 
that  the  Jesuits  had  denied  that  Clement  VIII.  was  truly 
Pope,  and  that  if  a  Papal  sentence  was  pronounced  against 
them  on  the  question  of  grace,  they  would  maintain  that  they 
had  not  been  condemned  by  a  lawful  Pope.  It  was  in 
this  sense  that  the  matter  was  brought  before  the  Pope 

Clement  VIII.  was  not  a  theologian,  and  did  not  understand 
very  much  about  the  subtleties  of  scholasticism.  Moreover, 
in  the  Eternal  City  suspicions  were  held  of  the  Spaniards, 
for  which  their  cesaropapalism  and  other  pretensions  against 
Rome  had  afforded  abundant  reason.^  Clement  VIII. 
therefore  felt  violent  anger  against  the  Jesuits  of  Alcala. 
Aldobrandini  was  told  to  write  at  once  to  Ginnasio,  to  upbraid 
him  for  not  having  reported  this  unpleasant  incident  at 
Alcala.  If  the  Inquisition  had  not  already  interfered  it  must 
do  so  at  once.  The  nuncio  must  then  take  the  matter  in  hand 
with  all  speed,  and  he  was  therefore  sent  the  censure  which 

the  Dominicans,  but  even  the  most  zealous  Papalists  shook  the 
whole  system  to  its  foundations."  (Lehrbuch  der  Dogmengesch. 
III.,  Freiburg,  1910,  739). 

^  Fuller  details  e.g.  in  Christ.  Pesch,  Praelectiones  dogmaticae, 
VIII.,  Freiburg,  1910,  n.  272  seqq. 

^  AsTRAiN,  321  seq. 

"  Ibid.  315. 

*  In  general  the  Jesuits  maintained  the  opposite  thesis 

"  CJ.  Vol,  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  195  seq. 

ANGER   OF   THE   POPE.  343 

Rome  had  launched  "  against  this  bestiality,  not  to  call  it 
a  thesis."^ 

The  Inquisition  feared  that  unless  it  interfered  at  once, 
the  process  would  be  transferred  to  Rome  with  the  loss  of 
its  own  prestige  ;  it  therefore  at  once  caused  four  Jesuits 
to  be  thrown  into  prison,  namely  the  student  who  maintained 
the  thesis  at  the  disputation,  his  professor,  the  rector  of  the 
college,  and  the  celebrated  theologian  Gabriel  Vasquez.^ 
The  nuncio  would  have  liked  first  of  all  to  have  sent  to  Rome, 
as  being  responsible,  the  three  doctors  of  Alcala,  who  were 
the  predecessors  of  the  Jesuits  in  their  defence  of  the  thesis, 
but  on  May  8th,  1602,  the  king  intervened  on  their  behalf.^ 
Clement  VIII.  decided  that  the  cause  of  the  four  Jesuits,  as 
well  as  that  of  the  three  doctors,  must  be  judged  in  Spain. 
But  the  form  in  which  he  wrote  this  order  in  his  own  hand, 
on  the  last  page  of  the  letter  to  Ginnasio,  shows  once  more 
the  anger  with  which  the  events  at  Alcala  had  filled  him. 
"  The  pride  and  presumption  of  these  Spaniards  in  this  matter 
— for  there  is  no  question  of  inculpating  the  Italians — is  so 
great  that  they  dare  to  write  and  print  new  and  most  perilous 
doctrines  ;  it  is  therefore  necessary  that  the  Inquisition  there 
should  keep  its  ej^es  open  .  .  .  How  true  this  is,  is  shown 
by  this  last  act  of  misconduct,  while  another  proof  is  to  be 
found  in  the  obstinacy  with  which  they  defend  Molina,  since 
in  this  matter  as  well  it  is  not  a  case  of  more  than  four 
Spaniards,  who  spring  from  God  knows  what  race.*  Write 
to  him  (the  nuncio)  that  we  are  satisfied,  on  account  of  the 
pressure  brought  to  bear  by  the  king,  that  the  Inquisition 
there  should  examine,  not  only  the  cause  of  the  Jesuits,  but 
also  that  of  those  who  have  been  summ.oned  to  Rome,  but 
on  condition  that  We  are  kept  informed  of  what  takes  place. ^ 

1  Letter  of  March  30,  1602,  in  Astrain,  318. 
-  Ibid.  319. 

*  Ibid.  319  seq. 

*  De  la  Bastida  was  of  Jewish  origin  ;  the  same  is  asserted  of 
Molina  in  the  *Annales,  composed  by  Paolo  Emilio  Santori, 
Vallicella  Library,  Rome,  K.  7  seq.,  615, 

^  AsTKAJN,  320, 

344  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

It  was  not  difficult  for  the  accused  Jesuits  to  make  clear 
before  the  Spanish  Inquisition  the  mistake  of  which  they 
had  been  the  victims.  They  were  able  to  produce  a  number 
of  skilled  theologians  who  taught  exactly  the  same  thing.  ^ 
After  a  month  and  a  half  Vasquez  and  the  rector  of  the  Jesuits 
were  set  at  full  liberty  as  being  innocent  ;  in  the  case  of  the 
two  others  the  professed  house  of  the  Jesuits  at  Toledo  was 
to  serve  as  their  prison.^ 

However  serious  the  situation  might  be  for  the  Jesuits 
there  was  not  wanting  a  humorous  side  to  the  question.^ 
Among  the  theologians  whom  the  Jesuits  had  cited  in  their 
defence  was  no  other  than  their  old  adversary  Baiies,  and 
thus  the  seventy-five  year  old  scholar,  after  his  long  struggle 
with  the  Jesuits,  found  himself  entangled  in  the  same  net 
as  themselves.  The  old  scholar  had  for  a  long  time  retired 
from  his  chair  and  from  disputations,  but  on  this  occasion 
the  old  lion  felt  him.self  moved  once  more  to  enter  the  lists. 
On  July  2nd,  1602,  at  Valladolid,  where  the  court  then  v/as, 
he  organized  a  public  disputation,  which  was  to  be  as  brilliant 
as  possible,  in  the  Church  of  the  Dominicans.  The  nuncio 
and  many  illustrious  gentlemen  were  present.  A  thesis  was 
discussed,  which,  though  it  did  not  recede  from  his  previous 
theses,  left  nothing  to  be  desired  in  the  matter  of  devotion 
to  the  Roman  See.'*  He  would  have  liked  Spanish  to  have 
been  chosen  as  the  language  for  the  discussion,  so  that  the 
greatest  possible  number  of  persons  might  be  convinced  of 
his  true  opinions,  but  the  Constable  of  Castille  to  whom  he 
expressed  this  wish,  drily  replied  that  he  preferred  Greek, 
because  in  that  way  even  less  of  the  question  would  be  under- 
stood. But  Bafies  was  able  to  repair  the  loss  by  delivering 
a  panegyric  on  Clement  VIII.  after  the  disputation.  "  Before 
God  I  am  speaking  the  truth,"  he  began,  "  when  I  say  that  I 
have  read  of  and  seen  many  holy  and  good  lives  of  Roman 

1  Ibid. 

2  Ibid.  322. 

'  Ibid.  323  seqq. 

^  Text  of  the  thesis,  ibid.  323. 

BANES   AND   THE    POPE.  345 

pontiffs,  from  the  time  of  the  Apostles  to  our  own  day,  but  I 
have  never  read  of  greater  hohness  and  goodness  than  that 
of  this  Pope,  by  which  I  mean  to  say  that  Clement  VIII. 
alwaj's  has  been,  and  always  wdll  be  a  true  representative 
of  Christ,  and  successor  of  the  Prince  of  the  Apostles."  He 
said  that  this  to  him  was  a  dogma,  that  he  had  always  taught 
it  and  looked  upon  the  contrary  view  as  heresy  and  a  shame- 
less act  of  effrontery.^  Then  the  Constable  spoke,  and  pointed 
out  that  such  assertions  were  superfluous,  for  no  one  of  those 
present  had  called  the  authority  of  the  Pope  in  question. 
Banes  replied  that  this  v/as  true,  but  that  it  was  necessary 
to  consolidate  those  sound  sentiments,  and  that  if  anyone 
should  maintain  the  contrary  it  ought  to  be  made  plain  to 
all  that  for  such  persons  there  were  always  judges  in  Spain  to 
brand  them  as  heretics.  Baiies  then  wrote  to  the  Pope  that 
by  his  disputation  he  had  stamped  out  a  dangerous  error, 
which  on  account  of  the  reputation  of  its  supporters  might 
have  spread  throughout  the  world,  and  begged  him  at  the 
same  time  to  decide  the  dispute  on  grace  by  a  pontifical 
sentence.^  The  Trinitarian  Zumel  also  held  a  similar  disputa- 
tion with  his  old  friend  Banes,  and  wrote  an  account  of  it  to 
Rome,  receiving,  in  accordance  with  the  usage  of  the  Curia, 
a  eulogistic  reply,  as  did  Bafies  himself.^  Naturally  the 
Jesuits  could  not  now  be  left  behind.  On  July  loth,  1602, 
they  also  prepared  a  disputation  at  Valladolid,  in  which  they 
endeavoured  to  give  satisfaction  to  the  offended  Pope  ;  this 
they  could  do  all  the  more  easily  in  that  probably  the  greater 
number  of  them  did  not  share  the  opinions  of  their  brethren 
at  Alcala.     They  allowed  themselves  to  say,  however,  without 

1  "  Disse  di  N.S.  molte  lodi,  tra  le  quali  la  prima  fu,  que  delante 
de  Dies  que  yo  diga  la  verdad,  disse  egli,  che  dagli  Apostoli  in 
qua  ha  letto  e  visto  molte  vita  di  Pontifici  Romani  sante  e  buone, 
ma  maggiore  santita,  ne  bonta  di  qiiella  di  questo  Papa  non  I'ha 
giammai  letta,  ne  vista,  ne  intesa  dire."  Ginnasio  in  AstrAin, 
loc.  cit. 

^  Ibid.  325  ;    ScoRRAiLi.E,  I.,  440. 

*  AstrAin,  325  seq.  The  brief  of  March  10,  1603,  in  Serry^ 

346  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

naming  Banes,  that  the  thesis  recently  maintained  by  a 
Dominican  theologian  was  not  altogether  satisfactory.^ 

The  nuncio,  who  was  not  a  theologian,  and  had  not  a 
sufficient  knowledge  of  the  state  of  the  question,  made  a  report 
to  Rome  concerning  the  Jesuit  disputation,  but  in  rather 
frigid  terms.  On  the  other  hand  he  zealously  supported  at 
the  Inquisition  the  condemnation  of  the  culprits  of  Alcala. 

The  tribunal  of  the  faith  thus  found  itself  in  a  position 
of  much  embarrassment  ;  it  understood  perfectly  well  that 
there  were  no  grounds  for  a  condemnation,  but  on  the  other 
hand  had  to  take  into  account  the  irritation  of  the  Pope 
and  the  pressure  of  the  nuncio.     At  length,  in  September, 

1602,  the  sentenced  was  pronounced,  which,  however,  was 
not  published  until  the  summer  of  1603.2  This  was  an 
acquittal,  though  an  exhortation  and  admonition  were  to  be 
addressed  to  the  accused,^  that  is  to  say  an  exhortation  to 
greater  prudence,  and  an  admonition  for  the  imprudence 
already  committed. 

In  the  meantime  the  indignation  of  Clement  VIII.  had 
evaporated.     Cardinal   Aldobrandini   wrote    on    April    12th, 

1603,  to  the  nuncio  in  Spain  that  the  great  accumulation  of 
papers  and  opinions  on  the  theses  of  Alcala  had  been  laid 
aside,  together  with  the  question  itself.  Clement  VIII. 
had  thus  discovered  that,  notwithstanding  the  thesis  of 
Alcala,  no  one  thought  of  calling  his  authority  and  dignity 
as  Pope  in  question. 

Nevertheless,  all  this  presaged  ill  for  the  subsequent 
development  of  the  controversies  on  grace. 

The  misapprehensions  of  the  Pope  had  shown,  clearly 
enough,  that  he  had  no  profound  dogmatic  knowledge.  Indeed, 
it  is  not  even  certain  that  he  had  ever  studied  dogmatics.  In 
his  youth  he  had  attended  the  University  of  Bologna,  but 
the  students  who  intended  to  devote  themselves  to  the  service 

1  AstrAin,  326. 
"  Ibid.  327  seqq. 

^  ■■  Liberatoria,  facta  priup  illis  monitione  seu  correctione." 
Jbid.  331, 


of  the  Curia  studied  canon  law,  nor  is  there  anything  to  show 
that  young  Aldobrandini  was  an  exception. ^  Yet  now 
Clement  VIII.  intended  to  preside  in  person  at  the  congrega- 
tions at  which  the  most  thorny  questions  of  dogmatic  theology 
were  to  be  treated  of.  In  spite  of  his  age  he  plunged  eagerly 
into  the  study  of  theology,  read  far  into  the  night,  laboured 
and  attended  disputations,  so  that  Cardinal  Pierbenedetti 
laughingly  remarked  that  in  his  old  age  he  had  changed  from 
a  jurist  into  a  theologian.^  He  thought  that  in  this  way, 
and  by  Hstening  to  the  discussions,  he  would  attain  to  that 
clearness  of  view  which  was  necessary  in  order  to  formulate 
a  dogmatic  judgment  ;  in  this  matter  he  acted  rather  as  a 
private  individual  who  wanted  thoroughly  to  understand  a 
scientific  question,  than  as  a  Pope  who  was  preparing  to  make 
a  dogmatic  definition. 

The  new  series  of  disputations  began  on  March  20th,  1602. 
There  were  assembled  in  the  Pope's  apartments  his  closest 
advisers,  Cardinals  Pompeo  Arigoni  and  Camillo  Borghese, 
besides  the  members  of  the  commission  who  had  already  four 
times  spoken  in  condemnation  of  Molina,  and  who  were  now 
reinforced  by  four  more  consultors.  Lastly  there  were  the 
two  Generals  of  the  Orders  and  the  theologians  chosen  by 
them  ;  the  General  of  the  Dominicans,  Girolamo  Javieres, 
was  again  accompanied  by  Diego  Alvarez  ;  the  General  of 
the  Jesuits  brought  with  him  as  his  theologian  Gregory  of 

The  discussions  which  now  began  followed  exactly  the  same 
course  as  that  which  had  previously  had  so  little  result.  This 
time  again  the  first  place  was  not  given  to  the  dogmatic  thesis 
■ — in  what  does  efficacious  grace  consist — but  to  Molina's 
book.     This  time,  in  examining  the  book,  they  did  not  even 

^  Ibid.  332. 

2  *Ipse  (Clement  VIIT.)  efferventissime  vigiliis,  laboribus  et 
IJbris  incubare,  disputationibus  adesse,  quaestiones  invehere, 
disputare,  sibi  non  parcere,  atque,  ut  Perbenedictus  ioco  dicere 
solebat,  ex  iurisperito  repente  in  senecta  theologus  evaserat 
'Annates  of  P.  E.  Santori,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome,  K  7  seq., 
615b).     Cf.  CouDERc,  I.,  346,  352. 


confine  themselves  to  the  principal  question,  whether  Molina 
was  right  in  rejecting  physical  predetermination,  and  intro- 
ducing in  its  stead  the  "  scientia  media  "  of  God,  but  it  was 
once  more  asked  whether  there  were  to  be  found  in  the  disputed 
book  theses  which  would  justify  its  condemnation.  Moreover, 
in  the  examination  of  the  theses  of  Molina,  the  most  difficult 
course  was  followed,  namely  their  comparison  with  the  doctrine 
of  St.  Augustine.  Undoubtedly  St.  Augustine  is  looked  upon 
by  the  Catholic  Church  as  being  par  excellence  the  master 
of  the  doctrine  of  grace.  But  he  often  speaks  with  certain 
presuppositions,  and  refers  to  conditions  which  were  well 
known  and  familiar  to  his  first  readers,  but  which  cannot  be 
understood  by  posterity,  except  by  painful  scientific  study. 
Therefore  he  is  not  easy  to  understand  in  all  particulars,  and 
in  the  course  of  the  history  of  the  Church  has  given  rise  to 
many  misunderstandings. 

It  was  therefore  easy  to  see  that  the  disputations  would  be 
very  long  protracted,  when,  a  few  weeks  after  the  opening 
congregation  the  Pope  proposed  as  the  subject  of  the  next 
discussions  the  two  questions  :  did  Augustine  or  Molina 
attribute  greater  force  for  good  to  the  free  will,  and  was  the 
thesis  of  Molina  that  God  gives  man  His  grace  while  he  is 
doing  what  is  within  the  reach  of  his  natural  powers,^  to  be 
found  in  Augustine,  or  was  it  at  anyrate  in  accordance  with 
his  spirit,  and  recognized  by  him  as  a  universal  law  of  the 
order  of  grace.  The  first  of  these  theses  proposed  by  the 
Pope  was  treated  of  in  eight  congregations.  The  question 
was  discussed  whether  man  is  capable  of  performing  by  his 
purely  natural  powers,  without  the  help  of  grace,  things 
that  are  naturally  good,  and  whether  he  can  do  so  even  in 
difficult  circumstances,  for  example,  if  he  had  to  choose 
between  death  and  sin  ;  also  whether  man  is  capable  of 
assenting  by  his  natural  powers  to  the  truths  of  faith,  and 
whether  he  is  capable  by  his  purely  natural  powers  of  aspiring 
to  faith  and  to  supernatural  help,  of  asking  both  from  God, 
and  of  disposing  himself  to  receive  them.     Then  came  the 

^  jEi.EUTHERius,  341  ;    AstrAin,  337. 


question  :  what  is  the  part  taken  by  the  free  will  in  receiving 
grace  and  in  increasing  it,  and  whether  the  free  will  is  sufficient 
to  arouse  repentance  for  the  love  of  God,  or  in  general  any  act 
of  the  love  of  God  which  is  purely  natural,  or  to  resist 
temptations.  At  the  ninth  congregation,  on  September  30th, 
1602,  the  second  of  the  questions  originally  proposed  was 
arrived  at.  So  far  what  had  been  always  done  was  to  first 
establish  the  doctrine  of  Augustine  as  to  all  these  points, 
then  that  of  Molina,  and  then  to  compare  the  two  opinions. 
At  the  tenth  congregation  Augustine  was  abandoned,  and 
until  January  1603,  that  is  to  say  for  seven  whole  months, 
the  doctrine  of  Molina  was  compared  with  that  of  Cassian,^ 
who  is  suspect  of  semi-Pelagianism  without  scholars  having 
come  to  an  agreement  on  the  question  down  to  the  present 
day.  Then  the  doctrine  of  Molina  as  to  contrition  and 
attrition,  in  accordance  with  the  decrees  of  the  Council  of 
Trent,  was  examined,^  after  which  a  return  was  made  to 
Augustine,  in  order  to  discover  a  contradiction  between  him 
and  Molina.  In  this  way  question  succeeded  question,  and 
month  after  month  went  by,  without  any  decision  being  come 
to.  It  seemed  as  though  the  principal  question  was  being 
almost  purposely  evaded.  The  physical  predetermination  of 
the  Dominicans  almost  disappeared  from  the  scene  during 
the  discussions  ;  only  three  congregations  concerned  them- 
selves with  the  "  scientia  media  "  of  Molina,  and  these  were 
the  only  ones  during  the  whole  of  the  year  1604  which  were 
of  any  importance  for  the  true  point  of  the  controvers}^ 
Then  the  matter  was  again  allowed  to  lapse,  and  on  January 
4th,  1603,  the  question  of  eternal  predestination  was  dealt  with. 
Another  congregation  was  fixed  for  February  12th,  but  by 
then  Clement  VIII.  had  already  been  seized  by  the  malady 
from  which  he  never  recovered. 

Each  of  these  congregations  lasted  for  several  hours.  At 
the  very  first  Alvarez  and  Valencia  disputed  for  a  full  four 
hours  ;    the  Avvisi  of  July  27th,  1602,  relate  that  the  dis- 

^  AsTRAiN,  347  seq. 
2  Ibid.  348. 

350  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

putation  lasted  uninterruptedly  for  seven  hours  on  end.^ 
After  the  discussion  by  the  theologians,  as  at  first  arranged, 
the  Cardinals  and  consultors  were  at  once  to  pronounce  their 
judgment  upon  what  had  been  said.  From  the  eighth 
congregation  onwards  the  discussions  b}^  the  Cardinals  and 
consultors  were  separated  from  the  disputation  by  the 
theologians,  and  transferred  to  one  of  the  following  days. 
This  explains  how  it  is  that  the  number  of  the  congregations 
is  differently  stated.  Of  the  meetings,  68  took  place  under 
Clement  VIII.  ;  at  37  of  these  the  theologians  disputed,  while 
the  Cardinals  and  consultors  deliberated  at  the  others.  The 
total  number  of  congregations  under  Clement  VIII.  and 
Paul  V.  was  no  less  than  85.^  If  the  method  so  far  adopted 
had  been  continued,  such  congregations  could  have  carried 
on  for  years  to  come  without  arriving  at  any  conclusion. 

That  this  method  was  a  mistake  was  pointed  out  to  the  Pope 
with  great  frankness  by  Cardinal  Bellarmine.  He  frequently 
told  the  Pope  not  to  deceive  himself,  and  said  that,  as  he  was 
not  a  theologian,  he  must  not  suppose  that  he  would  be  able 
by  his  own  studies  to  penetrate  so  obscure  a  question.^  At 
the  end  of  1601  or  at  the  beginning  of  1602,  Bellarmine 
addressed  a  letter  to  Clement  VIII.*  in  which  he  gives  him 
information  about  Pelagius,  and  then  implores  the  Pope  to 
free  the  Church  from  the  scandal  of  the  dispute  about  grace 
as  soon  as  possible,  to  restore  unity,   and  to  deprive  the 

^  *Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library. 

*  AstrAin,  344.  ScoRRAiLLE  (I.,  438)  counts  70  Congregations 
under  Clement  VIII.,  39  for  disputations,  and  31  for  the  corres- 
ponding deliberations  ;  under  Paul  V.  he  counts  1 1  disputations 
of  the  theologians  and  8  deliberations  of  the  consultors,  in  all 
therefore  89  congregations. 

*  "  Ipse  tamen  N.  saepe  admonuit  Pontificem,  ut  caveret 
fraudem,  et  non  putaret,  se  studio  proprio,  cum  theologus  non 
esset,  posse  ad  intelligentiam  rei  obscurissimae  pervenire." 
Autobiografia,  465. 

*  Original  text  in  Le  Bachelet,  Auctarium,  143-147,  and 
DoLLiNGER,  Beitrage,  III.,  83-87  ;  extract  in  Serry,  271-273  ; 
Lammer,  Melet.,  382. 

bellarmine's  letter  to  the  pope.   351 

heretics  of  the  opportunity  of  rejoicing  at  the  discord  among 
the  Catholics.  "  And  if  it  be  lawful  for  me  on  a  matter  of 
such  importance  to  say  what  I  think  as  a  Cardinal  appointed 
by  Your  Holiness,  and  as  your  faithful  servant,  then  I  pray 
you  to  consider  that  the  way  which  had  been  adopted  had 
been  shown  to  be  very  long  and  very  fatiguing  for  Your 
Holiness."  The  direct  way  is  not  that  of  secret  discussions 
with  a  few  persons,  but  that  of  public  discussions,  and  there 
would  be  scandal  if  a  decision  were  to  be  made  without  public 
discussion.  If  a  public  discussion  by  a  synod  of  bishops,  or 
at  any  rate  by  an  assembly  of  the  doctors  of  the  various 
universities,  cannot  be  avoided,  it  should  be  summoned  before 
the  Pope  has  read  all  that  he  has  set  himself  to  read.  Previous 
Popes,  in  matters  of  dogmatic  decisions,  have  not  relied 
principally  upon  their  own  study  of  dogmatics,  but  upon  the 
general  conviction  of  the  Church,  and  especially  of  the  bishops 
and  doctors  ;  in  this  way,  without  personal  fatigue,  Luther, 
for  example,  was  condemned  by  Leo  X.,  and  many  errors 
by  Paul  HL,  Julius  HL,  and  Pius  IV.  with  the  assistance  of 
the  Council  of  Trent.  The  other  method,  that  of  personal 
scientific  study,  was  attempted,  for  example,  by  John  XXII., 
but  without  result,  and  "  Your  Holiness  is  faced  by  the  danger 
to  which  Sixtus  V.  exposed  himself  and  the  whole  Church 
when  he  set  himself  to  correct  the  Holy  Scriptures  in  accord- 
ance with  his  own  views  ;  I  do  not  know  that  it  ever  passed 
through  a  greater  danger."  There  were  two  ways  to  put  an 
end  to  the  dispute  on  grace  ;  either  to  impose  silence  on  both 
parties,  or  to  convoke  a  synod  of  bishops  or  of  chosen  scholars 
from  all  the  Catholic  universities.  But  above  all  Bellarmine 
asked  that,  until  a  definite  judgment  was  given,  the  mouths 
of  those  should  be  closed  who  went  about  spreading  the 
rumour  that  the  Pope  had  already  formed  his  own  convictions, 
that  he  leaned  towards  one  of  the  parties,  and  was  ill-disposed 
towards  the  other,  for  otherwise  no  one  would  any  longer  dare 
to  express  his  own  opinion. 

For  a  long  time  Bellarmine  had  been  held  in  high  esteem 
by  Clement  VIII.,  and  when  he  was  made  a  Cardinal^  the 

^  AsiRAiN,  270. 

352  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES, 

Pope  said  that  the  Church  had  no  one  to  equal  him  in  learning. 
As  long  as  the  influence  of  the  Jesuit  Cardinal  lasted,  the  Pope 
was  favourable  to  the  doctrine  of  grace  of  the  Society  of  Jesus, 
which  he  openly  called,  when  talking  with  him  "  Our 
opinion  "^ ;  but  not  later  than  April,  1600,  when  he  ordered 
the  examination  of  Molina's  book,  Clement  VIII.  had  become 
subject  to  other  influences,  and  altogether  took  the  side  of 
the  Dominicans.  The  whole  course  and  result  of  the  con- 
gregations on  the  doctrine  of  grace  show  this.  The  choice 
of  the  subject  to  be  discussed  was  entirely  in  accordance 
with  the  wishes  of  the  Dominicans  ;  the  Jesuits,  on  the 
other  hand,  were  forced  against  their  will  to  defend  Molina's 
book  in  all  its  theses,  and  never  were  able  to  obtain  their 
desire  to  see  physical  predetermination  brought  under 

Clement  VIII.,  against  the  advice  of  Bellarmine,  never  made 
a  secret  of  his  own  leanings.  The  Roman  weekly  news-sheet 
of  March  23rd,  1602,  says  that  he  declared  openly  against  the 
Jesuits  ;2   a  few  months  later  it  reported  that  he  had  openly 

^  Autobiografia,  465  :  "  Sententiam  Societatis  Papa  vocabat 
sententiam  Nostram." 

2  *Avviso  of  March  23,  1602  (Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library)  : 
This  week  the  Pope  held  a  congregation  of  Cardinals  and  theolo- 
gians about  the  controversy  on  grace  "  at  ci  fu  gran  disbattere  at 
portare  de  libri  hinc  inde,  in  niodo  che  S.S.  risolve  tener  anco  due 
altre  congregationi,  ove  vuole  che  intervanghino  anco  li  cardenali 
et  prelati  del  Concilio,  e  poi  sapirla,  et  gia  si  vede  rinclinatione, 
anzi  S.S.  si  lascia  intendcre  apertamente,  che  va  contra  Jesuitas, 
ma  ci  e  dubbio,  clia  questi  vegiino  et  dimandino  un  Concilio,  et 
che  ci  sara  di  fare,  ma  in  tanto  il  P.  Monopoli  la  predica  publica- 
mente  contro  di  loro."  Bellarmine  had  actually  suggested  to 
the  Pope  that  the  convocation  of  a  council  would  be  the  proper 
way  to  decide  the  controversy  (Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  358).  There  are, 
however  no  proofs  of  what  certain  people  assert  (Serry,  270  seq., 
and  following  him,  Ran\'e,  Papsta,  II.*,  200),  namely  that  the 
Jesuits  wished  to  obtain  a  council  against  the  will  of  the  Pope, 
and  that  they  asked  this  in  order  to  deny  the  infallibility  of  the 
Pope.     Cf.  L.  DE.  Meyere,  289. 

A    DECISION    IS    IMMINENT.  353 

declared  himself  against  them.^  The  Papal  preacher  of  the 
Apostolic  Palace,  Anselmo  Marzato  of  the  Capuchin  Order, 
who  was  one  of  the  consultors  at  the  congregations  on  the 
doctrine  of  grace,  openly  took  the  part  of  the  Dominicans 
against  the  Jesuits  in  his  conferences  j^  in  January  1603,  in 
the  Pope's  presence  he  expressed  himself  in  such  a  way  that 
the  coming  condemnation  of  the  Jesuits  seemed  to  be 
heralded.^  In  July  1602  Clement  VIII.  distributed  large 
alms  to  obtain  the  assistance  of  God  in  an  important  matter, 
and  the  decision  as  to  the  doctrine  of  grace  seemed  to  be 
imminent.^  When  the  Pope  paid  a  visit  to  the  Jesuits  on 
February  loth,  1603,  he  was  given  a  present  of  some  oil  from 
the  Indies.  He  asked  whether  Extreme  Unction  should  be 
given  with  this  to  the  Dominicans  or  the  Jesuits.  He  then 
paid  a  visit  to  the  Friars  Preachers,  and  sent  them  some  food 
from  his  own  table,  in  order  to  show  that  the  Jesuits  had  not 
affected  him  by  their  Indian  oil.^ 

Clement  VIII.  undoubtedly  had  the  intention  of  putting 
an  end  to  the  controversy  between  the  two  Orders  by  means 
of  a  dogmatic  decision,  but  he  was  too  conscientious  to  do 
anything  hastily  in  the  matter,  and  a  condemnation  of 
Molina  seemed  to  become  more  and  more  impossible.  It  was 
reported  again  and  again  that  the  Papal  decision  was 
imminent,  but  those  who  looked  more  deeply  into  the  question 

1  *Avviso  of  July  27,  1602  (Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library)  :  At 
the  congregation  of  this  week  seven  hoars  of  uninterrupted 
disputation  about  Molina  "  et  fina]nieiite  S.B.  disse  che 
unusquisque  abundet  in  scnsu  (Rom.  xiv.  5),  seben  per  Roma 
si  dice  pubblicamente,  che  hal)bia  dichiarata  contra  Jesuitas." 
The  *Avviso  of  August  3  (ibid.)  reports  :  "Si  crede  secundo 
dicono  tutti  che  andra  contra  li  Jesuiti,  li  quali  pero  si  aiutano 
quanto  possono,  ma  pur  si  quieteranno,  come  si  sono  quietati  del 
decreto  fatto,  che  non  si  possa  confessare  per  epistolam,  come 
essi  tenevano." 

2  *Avvisi  of  March  9  and  23,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library. 

3  *Avviso  of  January  8,  1603,  Urb.  1071,  ibid. 

*  *Avviso  of  July  31,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  ibid. 

*  *Avviso  ol  February  15,  1603,  Urb.  1071,  ibid. 

VOL.   XXIV.  23 

354  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

did  not  allow  themselves  to  be  deceived  by  such  rumours. 
At  the  beginning  of  1602  Bellarmine  had  gone  so  far  as  to 
tell  the  Pope  that  His  Holiness  would  never  give  a  dogmatic 
decision  on  the  question,  and  he  had  remained  fixed  in  his 
opinion,  in  spite  of  the  assurances  of  the  Pope  to  the  contrary.^ 
Clement  VHI.  was  not  a  little  disturbed  by  the  apparent 
obstinacy  of  the  Cardinal,  and  gave  him  a  severe  admonition. ^ 
But  Bellarmine  knew  well  enough  what  he  was  saying. 
Molina  in  his  book  had  always  connected  his  theses  with  the 
traditions  of  the  past  ;  it  was  imipossible  to  condemn  any 
of  his  assertions  without  at  the  same  time  involving  a  number 
of  other  illustrious  theologians  ;  the  Dominicans  would  have 
to  allow  their  own  theologians  to  be  involved  if  they  v/ished 
to  obtain  the  condemnation  of  Molina.  Bellarmine  had 
written  in  this  sense  to  the  Spanish  Jesuits,^  and  the  celebrated 
Jesuit  theologian,  Gabriel  Vasquez,  had  spoken  to  the  same 
effect.^  The  remonstrances  of  Bellarmine  had  no  other  effect 
than  to  cause  the  Pope  to  appoint  him  Archbishop  of  Capua, 
and  thus  remove  him  from  Rome.^ 

^  Autobiografia,  465  :  "  apeite  ille  praedixit,  a  Sanctitate  sua 
quaestionem  illam  non  esse  definiendam  ;  at  cum  ille  replicaret 
se  definiturum,  respondit  N.  :   Sanctitas  vestra  non  earn  definiet." 

^  Pena,  Diarium,  in  Astraiin,  340. 

3  Bellarmine  to  Padilla,  March  9,  1601,  in  Scouraille,  1.,  421. 

*  Vasquez  to  De  Hojeda,  Alcala,  June  20,  '1601,  ibid.  421  n. 

^  Cf.  CouDERC,  341  seq.  \\'e  may  also  make  mention  of  other 
motives  for  the  tension  between  the  Pope  and  the  Cardinal. 
*Ceterum  Pontifex  suique  in  arcanu  infensi  Bellarmino  cense- 
bantur,  quod  cum  Parmensi  nuptias,  quod  amplissiman  dotem 
et  pauperum  patrimonium  inter  nuptialia  instrumenta  distributum 
improbasset.  .  .  .  Aperte  ambitionem  atque  in  maritanda  tarn 
praeclare  pronepte  elationem  animi  improbavit,  et  crebris 
principem  schedulis  exaratis  de  salute  common uerat, 
Baronii  misertus,  quod  principi  a  sacris  confessionibus,  multa 
reticeret, — nam  ita  lussum  sibi  faisse  mihi  atfirmabat — ,  quae  ad 
publicam  utilitatem  deferri  oportebat.  Horum  princeps  hand 
inscius  .  .  .  dissimulata  in  Bellarminum  iracundia,  lesuitas 
acriter  agitare,  tan  to  \dolentior  Sixto,  quanto  honestior  premendi 
species   videbatui    [in    the   controversy   on    grace].  .   .  .  Behar- 


The  view  of  Bellarmine  and  of  a  few  others,  who  were 
especially  well  versed  in  the  matter,  was  not,  however,  that 
of  the  great  majority.  All  Europe  was  impatiently  awaiting 
the  issue  of  the  controversy.  Even  the  Protestants  eagerly 
gave  ear  to  the  rumours  that  were  constantly  being  spread 
that  Molina  had  already  been  condemned.  Scribani,  the 
rector  of  the  Jesuits,  wrote  from  Antwerp,^  "  I  can  find  no 
words  to  describe  the  expressions  of  joy  with  which  this  news 
has  been  received  by  the  heretics  of  our  city.  Some  of  them 
have  gone  so  far  as  to  congratulate  themselves  that  the  view 
of  Calvin  as  to  free  will  has  at  last  been  recognized  as  true, 
and  that  the  Papists  who  were  formerly  so  proud  of  their 
unity,  now  find  themselves  at  issue  as  to  the  principal  dogmas 
of  faith."  Scribani  does  not  hesitate  to  say  that  such  a 
condemnation  would  be  a  graver  blow  to  the  Catholic  religion 
in  Flanders  than  the  long  and  bloody  years  of  the  civil  wars. 
The  Catholics  were  living  in  a  state  of  fear,  and  were  miserably 
depressed  by  the  rumours  which  were  being  spread  in  Holland, 
and  which  would  provide  an  opportunity  for  a  flood  of  libels 
against  the  Catholics  at  the  coming  fair. 

These  rumours,  which  continued  to  be  spread,  were  a  sore 
trial  to  the  whole  Society  of  Jesus  ;  the  reputation  of  their 
teaching  and  their  schools  were  bound  to  suffer  grievous 
injury  on  their  account.  The  very  fact  that  the  Order  had 
had  to  sacrifice  some  of  its  most  distinguished  scholars  for 
the  absolutely  sterile  work  of  the  congregations  on  the  doctrine 
of  grace,  was  in  itself  no  small  loss.     Gregory  of  Valencia, 

minuni  Capuano  archiepiscopatu  demulsum  specie  honoris  Urbe 
amolitus,  donee  in  vivis  egit,  rcgredi  non  est  passus.  [the  dispute 
on  grace],  totius  Europae  academiis  in  factiones  distractis 
Apostolico  Dominicanis  aequioie  et  lesuitarum  opiniones  pre- 
mente.  .  .  .  Et  cum  in  arcane  odisset,  illorum  disciplinas  atque 
instituta  palani  laudare.  [In  view  of  the  attitude  of  John  XXII. 
the  Jesuits  had  no  doubt  as  to  the  issue]  nee  aliter  permissuruni 
Deum  credere,  ieiuniis  et  precibus  dediti  ad  averruncandani  in  se, 
quamquam  occultaretur,  in  se  principis  iram.  Santorii  Annales, 
Vallicella  Library,  Rome,  K  7  seq.,  615  seq. 
1  March  16,  1602,  in  Scorraille,  I.,  441. 


who  was  first  appointed  to  defend  their  cause  there,  fell 
seriously  ill  after  the  first  eight  congregations.  His  recovery 
was  awaited  for  a  month,  and  then  he  was  replaced  by 
Pedro  di  Arrubal.  Valencia  died  soon  afterwards,  on 
March  26th,  1603,  the  victim,  it  was  supposed,  of  the  excessive 
work  which  he  had  had  to  undergo  during  the  hottest  months 
of  the  summer,  with  the  oppressive  feeling  that  the  whole 
honour  of  the  Order  depended  upon  him.^  His  successor, 
too,  Arrubal,  was  taken  ill  in  June  1603^ ;  after  four  months 
respite  in  the  disputations,  his  place  was  taken  by  Ferdinando 
de  la  Bastida.  After  the  latter  had  had  to  carry  on  the 
disputations  at  three  congregations  in  the  fourteen  days 
between  November  loth  and  25th,  1603,  it  was  only  on 
December  ist  that  he  received  information  of  the  subject 
that  he  was  to  defend  on  December  8th,  and  poured  out  his 
grievance  to  the  Pope  in  a  letter^  that  was  somewhat  excited. 
In  this  he  said  that  even  if  he  were  able  to  study  uninter- 
ruptedly day  and  night  he  would  not  have  time  to  prepare 
so  difficult  a  subject,  in  view  of  this  hasty  procedure.  Nor 
was  the  hint  lacking  that  the  Dominicans  wished  to  wear  out 
their  adversaries  and  prevent  them  from  preparing  themselves 
as  they  should.  The  Pope  should  not  permit  him  to  lose  his 
health  and  his  life  by  such  excessive  labour. 

The  Dominicans  too  replaced  the  defender  of  their  cause, 
immediately  after  the  first  congregation,  by  Tommaso  de 
Lemos.  The  reasons  for  this  change  are  not  known  ;  it  is 
only  known  that  at  the  end  of  the  session  silence  was  imposed 
under  pain  of  excommunication,  and  that  according  to 
De  Lemos  the  Jesuits  were  satisfied  with  the  reuslt  of  the 
disputation.  De  Lemos,  who  is  described  as  a  man  of  great 
physical  robustness,  lasted  until  the  end  of  the  congregations,^ 
although,  in  spite  of  all  remonstrances,  these  were  very  long 
drawn  out. 

1  AsTRAiN,  345. 
-  Ihid.  348. 
^  Ihid.  351  seq. 
*  Ihid.  337. 

THE    REQUEST   BY   SPAIN.  357 

The  pressure  which  was  brought  to  bear  on  the  Pope  by 
the  Spanish  government  to  hasten  the  discussions  was 
especially  importunate.  Philip  II.  had  already  addressed 
himself  to  Rome  for  this  purpose  ;  his  son,  although  he  knew 
nothing  about  the  controverted  matter,  signed,  under  the 
pressure  of  those  interested,  a  whole  series  of  similar  letters, 
both  to  the  Pope  and  the  ambassador  in  Rome,^  even  before 
the  congregations  in  the  presence  of  the  Pope  had  been  begun. 
De  la  Bastida  hinted,  in  the  letter  already  mentioned,  that 
the  king  was  acting  under  the  influence  of  the  Dominicans, 
but  there  are  also  to  be  found  edicts  of  the  king  to  his 
ambassador  which  can  only  have  been  inspired  by  the  Jesuits. 
Thus  a  royal  order  to  the  Duke  of  Sessa,  of  June  2nd,  1600, 
contains  a  command  to  present  to  the  Pope,  in  the  king's 
name,  a  request  that  he  will  first  direct  the  examination  to 
the  question  of  doctrine,  and  only  then  examine  in  the  same 
way,  both  the  suspected  books,  that  of  Bafies  equally  with 
that  of  Molina. 2  The  Duke  of  Sessa  wrote  on  July  12th, 
1601,  that  so  far  there  had  been  no  talk  of  the  principal  point, 
and  that  all  that  had  been  dealt  with  was  the  work  of  Molina, 
its  correction  and  its  condemnation.  According  to  the 
assertion  of  the  Dominicans,  the  whole  discussion  would  come 
to  an  end  if  certain  theses  of  Molina's  were  condemned  ;  the 
Jesuits  were  defending  these  theses,  but  asserted  that  the 
controversy  which  the  Pope  should  decide  was  not  principally 
concerned  with  these. ^  Such  expressions  obviously  revealed 
the  point  of  view  of  the  Jesuits.  Duke  William  of  Bavaria 
and  the  widow  of  the  Emperor  Maximilian  II.  also  intervened 
on  behalf  of  the  Jesuits,  but  the  Pope  rather  angrily  replied  : 
"  We  are  convinced,"  he  wrote  to  the  Duke  of  Bavaria, 
"  that  your  intercession  can  be  traced  to  certain  people  who 
would  comply  better  with  their  office  and  their  duty  if  they 

1  AsTRAiN  (349  seq.)  mentions  the  letters  of  Philip  III.  of  the 
year  1600  :  Vise  February  29,  Cercedilla,  June  2,  Medina  del 
Campo,  July  21  ;  in  the  year  1601  the  letters  of  the  Duke  of 
Sessa  of  July  12  and  December  3,  etc.     Cf.  Couderc,  I.,  360  seq. 

'  AstrAin,  349. 

^  Ibid. 


paid  attention  with  humility  and  submission  to  the  judgment 
of  the  Holy  See,  instead  of  seeking  for  such  intercession. "^ 
He  wrote  in  the  same  sense  to  the  Archduchess  Maria. ^ 

Throughout  the  whole  of  this  matter  Clement  VHI. 
preserved  a  holy  gravity.  When  at  the  opening  of  the  first 
congregation  he  recited  on  his  knees  aloud  a  praj^er  to  the 
Holy  Ghost,  it  was  to  be  seen  that  he  was  deeply  moved,  and 
the  tears  flowed  from  his  eyes.  He  celebrated  mass  before 
each  congregation,  or  at  any  rate  received  Holy  Communion 
if  his  gout  did  not  permit  of  his  doing  so.^  During  the  summer 
months  of  1602,  which  were  oppressively  hot,  he  took  part 
like  the  others  at  the  wearisome  sessions  which  lasted  for 
hours,  and  not  even  in  the  October  of  that  year  would  he 
leave  Rome,  so  as  not  to  be  absent  from  the  heated  con- 
troversy.^ He  assured  the  Spanish  ambassador,  when  the 
latter  urged  him  to  take  more  care  of  himself,  that  he  was 
working  and  toiling  to  the  best  of  his  ability,  in  order  to  get 
to  the  bottom  of  the  matter.^  Some  marginal  notes  and 
underlined  words  in  a  printed  copy  of  the  book  of  Molina, 
preserved  at  Tortosa,  prove  that  he  had  at  any  rate  attempted 
to  make  a  profound  study  of  the  not  easily  to  be  understood 

1  In  ScoRRAiLLE,  I.,  422  seq. 

2  August  20,  1601,  in  Archiv.  f.  osterr.  Gesch.,  XV.  (1856),  233. 
The  University  of  Wtirzburg  in  a  letter  of  July  7,  1601,  to  the 
Pope  regretted  the  report  that  certain  Catholic  theologians  were 
teaching  that  physical  predetermination  to  which  the  will  cannot 
refuse  its  consent,  and  it  feared  that  on  account  of  this  assertion 
the  heretics  would  become  more  obstinate  in  their  errors. 
(RuLAND,  Series  professorum  theologiae  Wirceburgensium  (1835), 
258  seq.  The  Duke  of  Sessa  also  said  on  February  28,  1603  (in 
CouDERC,  L,  362)  that  the  Protestants  were  exploiting  the 
controversy  against  the  Jesuits. 

8  ScoRRAiLLE,  I.,  431  seq. 

-I  *Avviso  of  October  9,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library. 

*  Sessa,  December  3,  1602,  in  Astrain,  350. 

«  Ibid.  354  seq.  For  the  small  copy  of  MoUna,  belonging  to 
Clement  VIII.,  with  autograph  notes  by  the  Pope,  see  Razon  y  Fe, 
XXIV.  (1909),  183-194. 


If  in  spite  of  all  this  he  did  not  succeed  in  settling  the 
controversy  between  the  two  Orders,  the  fault  must  be 
attributed  to  those  about  him.  Not  being  himself  a  theologian, 
he  had  to  trust  to  the  advice  of  others,  and  he  was  badly 
advised.  Above  all,  the  way  which  he  chose  for  the  solution 
of  the  controversy  was  quite  unusual,  and  never  before 
attempted.  Previous  Popes  had  left  the  judgment  on  literary 
works  either  to  the  Inquisition  or  to  the  Congregation  of  the 
Index,  and  then  considered  their  judgment  with  full  confidence. 
But  now  an  unheard  of  thing  happened  ;  a  special  congre- 
gation was  appointed  of  which  the  Pope  held  the  presidency 
in  person.  The  disputations  were  indefinitely  protracted, 
and  all  to  ascertain  whether  a  book  contained  heretical  theses 
or  not.  For  a  thousand  years  no  such  unheard  of  honour 
had  been  accorded  to  any  author.  Peace  between  the 
Dominicans  and  Jesuits  could  be  restored  by  the  condemnation 
of  Molina,  yet  the  learned  and  careful  theologian  could  not 
be  convicted  of  heretical  thesis.  Certain  Jesuits,  for 
example  Bellarmine,  were  not  in  agreement  with  Molina  as 
to  all  his  theses,  but  it  is  one  thing  to  hold  a  thesis  to  be 
mistaken  or  inexact,  and  quite  another  to  hold  it  to  be  heretical 
and  deserving  of  theological  censure,  and  the  congregations 
held  in  the  presence  of  Clement  VIII.  finally  justified  Molina 
in  this  respect.  Moreover,  it  was  certainly  a  mistake  to 
suppose  that  peace  would  be  restored  between  the  two  Orders 
by  the  condemnation  of  certain  theses  of  Molina.  If  this  end 
was  to  be  attained  by  means  of  a  dogmatic  decision,  the 
principal  question  which  was  dividing  the  Order  of  Preachers 
and  the  Society  of  Jesus  would  have  to  be  directly  dealt  with. 
But  this  was  entirely  set  aside.  The  "  scientia  media  "  of 
Molina  was  only  briefly  dealt  with  in  comparison  with  other 
questions  of  minor  importance  ;  "  physical  predetermination  " 
was  hardly  discussed  at  all.  The  dispute  turned  always  on 
secondary  questions,  while  the  burning  principal  question  was 
entirely  neglected.  Lastly,  it  may  be  asked  whether  it  was 
fair  morally  to  force  the  Jesuits  to  defend  Molina  and  his 
book  ;  they  always  clung  firmly  to  the  point  of  view  that  the 
whole  Society  of  Jesus  as  such  could  not  be  held  responsible 

360  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

for  every  thesis  of  Molina.  Nevertheless  circumstances  had 
worked  together  to  embitter  the  quarrel  in  such  a  way  that 
a  condemnation  of  Molina  would  have  been  looked  upon  as 
a  defeat  of  the  whole  Jesuit  Order,  and  as  a  proof  of  its 
scientific  incapacity.  The  Jesuits  therefore,  whether  they 
willed  or  not,  had  to  resolve  upon  the  defence  of  Molina  if 
only  to  prevent  a  mortal  blow  against  themselves.  From 
the  beginning  the  two  Orders  were  not  treated  on  equal 
terms.  The  Dominicans  were  allowed  to  come  forward 
as  the  "  defenders  of  the  doctrine  of  grace,"  and  as 
the  accusers,  while  the  Jesuits  had  to  take  their  place 
on  the  bench  of  the  accused  ;  thus  the  Pope  put  himself 
into  a  position  which,  after  the  end  of  the  matter,  proved 
a   false   one. 

"  Pope  Clement  "  so  judged  his  successor  Paul  V., 
"  regretted  that  he  had  allowed  himself  to  be  engulfed  in  this 
business,  and  that  after  many  years  of  disputations  he  could 
find  no  way  of  coming  out  of  it  well."^  It  could  not  have 
been  otherwise,  once  he  had  allowed  himself  to  be  led  into  the 
mistake  of  making  Molina's  book  the  centre  of  the  discussions. 
It  would  seem,  however,  that  towards  the  end  of  his  days, 
Clement  VIII.  regarded  the  opinion  of  the  Jesuits  more  kindly 
when  there  came  to  Rome  Cardinal  du  Perron,  after  Bellar- 
mine  and  Stapleton  the  greatest  controversial  theologian 
against  Protestantism,  who  said  to  him  that  all  the  Calvinists 
and  Lutherans  in  France  and  Germany  would  hold  jubilee 
over  the  condemnation  of  the  opinion  of  the  Jesuits,  and 
would  see  in  it  an  acceptance  of  their  own  doctrine  of  free  will.^ 

^  "  Che  Papa  Clemen te  era  pentito  d'esseri  ingolfato  in  questo 
negozio,  et  che  dope  molti  et  molti  anni  di  dispute  non  trovava 
il  verso  d'uscirne  bene."     Schneemann,   296  ;    Scorraille,   I., 


2  Scorraille,  I.,  443.  Bellarmine  says  in  a  reply  to  a  letter 
of  Du  Perron  of  February  10,  1605  :  Rendo  ancora  a  Die 
Benedetto  molte  grazie,  che  abbia  fatto  venire  a  Roma  in  tempore 
della  controversia  de  auxiliis  la  persona  di  V.  S.  111™^  perche  se 
bene  io  piu  volte  ho  fatto  sapere  a  N.  S.  quanto  sia  vicina  al 
Calvinismo  I'opinione  della  fiscia  predeterminatione,  e  come   e 

DEATH    OF   BANES.  361 

Thus  the  failure  of  the  Pope  in  this  difficult  matter  seemed 
to  be  inevitable  and  bej^ond  doubt.  In  spite  of  this,  from 
another  point  of  view,  Clement  is  deserving  of  every 
admiration.  It  is  impossible  not  to  realize  his  zeal  to  free 
the  Church  from  a  troublesome  disunion,  nor  the  conscientious- 
ness and  perseverance  with  which  he  took  upon  his  own 
shoulders  the  crushing  burden  of  personal  attendance  at 
the  congregations,  nor  the  self-control  which  never  suffered 
him  to  take  an}^  mistaken  action  of  importance  against  the 
Jesuits,  in  spite  of  his  distrust  of  them,  nor  his  sincere  desire 
to  arrive  at  the  truth.  If  with  all  this  it  was  not  granted 
him  to  gather  the  harvest  of  his  labours,  he  at  anyrate  has 
the  credit  of  having  smoothed  the  way  for  his  successor  to  a 
happy  solution  of  the  question. 

Both  the  scholars  whose  controversy  had  laid  such  a  heavy 
burden  on  the  head  of  the  Church  preceded  Clement  VIII. 
to  the  grave.  Banes  died  on  October  21st,  1604,  at  Medina 
del  Campo.  It  is  said  that  a  short  time  before  he  breathed 
his  last  he  protested  that  he  believed  all  that  he  had  written 
concerning  the  question  of  grace  as  firmly  as  he  believed  in 
the  unity  and  trinity  of  God,  but  that  he  submitted  everything 
to  the  judgment  of  the  Pope  and  the  Church.^  If  Bafies 
really  said  this  he  has  in  so  doing  given  a  further  proof  that 
his  undoubtedly  great  intellect  often  allowed  itself  to  be 
guided  more  by  his  strong  will  than  by  the  conviction  of  proof, 

abborita  dalla  maggior  parte  delle  Universita  cattoliche,  massime 
da  quelle,  che  stanno  a  f rente  degli  eretici  :  nondimeno  la  parte 
contraria  ha  procurato,  che  non  mi  sia  data  plena  fade  per  essere 
Gesuita,  e  per  conseguenza  interessato.  Ma  in  V.  S.  111.  non  si 
puo  trovare  eccezione  alcuna  essendo  note  a  tutti,  como  Lei 
puo  giudicare  meglio  di  qualsivoglia  altro  di  questa  controversia 
e  non  ci  ha  altro  interesse  che  della  verita  e  fede  cattolica  :  siche 
Iddio  I'ha  niandata,  accio  le  passioni  de  molti  altri  e  remulazione, 
che  hanno  coUe  Gesuiti,  non  faccia  intorbidare  la  verita  in  cosa  di 
tanto  memento  (Laemmer,  Meletemata,  382).  Du  Perron  was  a 
"  buona  lancia  "  for  the  Jesuits,  wrote  later  on,  on  September  7, 
Canon  Gualdo  to  Peiresc  (Prat,  Coton  V.,  243). 

^  SCORRAILLE,    I.,   445   seq. 

362  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

since  neither  Dominican  nor  Jesuit  could  place  his  view  on 
the  controversy  about  grace  on  the  same  level  as  the  great 
truths  of  faith. 

Four  years  earlier,  on  October  12th,  1600,  there  preceded 
him  to  the  grave  the  man  against  whom  Baiies  had  in  life 
carried  on  a  struggle  so  long,  and  as  the  event  proved,  so 
unjust.  Molina  was  without  doubt  one  of  the  most  acute 
minds  of  his  time,  a  time  so  rich  in  great  theologians.  But 
with  all  this  he  was  not  one  of  those  who  immerse  themselves 
in  the  world  of  their  own  ideas  without  heeding  the  course 
of  events  around  them  ;  the  star  which  had  guided  him  in 
his  scientific  labours  was  always,  in  his  eyes,  the  welfare  of 
the  Church.  Just  as  his  work  on  grace  and  liberty  aimed  at 
finding  a  foundation  for  a  solid  solution  of  a  difficulty  that 
was  then  very  popular,^  so  the  voluminous  book  to  which  he 
devoted  the  labours  of  his  latter  years  aimed  at  providing  a 
solid  scientific  basis  for  the  decisions  of  the  confessor  and  the 
parish  priest,  dealing  in  six  volumes  with  the  questions  of 
canon  law  and  justice.  As  they  did  in  learning,  so  did  Baiies 
and  Molina  stand  at  opposite  poles  in  character  ;  Baiies  the 
head  of  a  school,  as  it  were  predestined  to  gather  others  round 
him,  to  imbue  them  with  his  ideas,  and  fill  them  with  enthus- 
iasm for  difficult  undertakings  ;  Molina,  working  in  silence, 
as  a  man  a  picture  of  non-resistance,  as  a  religious  as 
submissive  as  a  child  to  his  superiors  in  spite  of  his  great 
learning,  yet  a  man  according  to  the  spirit  of  Thomas  a  Kempis, 
whose  Imitation  of  Christ  he  read  every  day.  In  his  last 
illness  he  no  longer  interested  himself  in  scientific  questions  ; 
when  his  superior  asked  him  concerning  his  still  unpublished 
books  he  repHed  that  the  Society  of  Jesus  might  do  as  it  liked 
with  them.  His  life  was  filled  with  disputes  and  attacks, 
but  he  always  maintained  peace  of  soul,  in  the  firm  conviction 
that  he  had  truth  on  his  side.  A  kindly  star  seemed  to  shine 
over  his  life,  for  however  desperate  his  cause  might  havQ 
seemed,  in  the  end  it  turned  steadily  in  his  favour, ^ 

^  See  supra,  p.  284. 

2  SCORRAILLE,  I.,  433  seqq. 


The  controversy  between  the  two  Orders  did  not  end  with 
the  death  of  the  two  leaders,  and  the  Roman  discussions 
had  on  the  contrary  embittered  and  indefinitely  prolonged 
the  struggle  ;  but  we  must  be  careful  not  to  attribute  this 
unhappy  result  only  to  the  imprudent  impetuosity  of  Banes. 
The  struggle  between  the  older  and  the  younger  Order  took 
its  origin  in  the  circumstances  of  the  time  and  was  difficult 
to  avoid. 

Throughout  their  course  of  action  the  Jesuits  were  inspired 
by  the  conviction  that  a  new  age  had  begun,  and  had  brought 
with  it  new  requirements,  and  that  it  was  not  enough  merely 
to  follow  in  all  things  the  ways  that  had  been  trodden  a 
thousand  times.  Always  in  contact  with  tradition,  and  no 
less  than  the  others,  mindful  of  the  spirit  of  the  Church, 
wherever  they  saw  their  opportunity  they  sought  for  new 
methods,  both  at  home  in  the  exercise  of  the  ministry,  and 
in  the  foreign  missions,  as  well  as  in  science.  Even  though  at 
times  this  aim  led  to  misunderstandings,  yet  their  efforts 
proved  of  great  advantage  to  the  Church.  The  result  of  their 
labours  in  the  field  of  learning  was  the  development  of  ascetic 
and  moral  theology,  of  apologetics  against  Protestantism,  a 
new  manner  of  treating  of  the  whole  field  of  dogmatics,  and 
of  Christian  philosophy  in  accordance  with  the  exigencies  of 
the  times,  together  with  vast  labours  on  the  Holy  Scriptures. 
But  it  was  inevitable  that  their  whole  tendency,  and  their 
attention  to  the  needs  of  the  times,  which  had  been  manifested 
during  the  first  ten  years  of  their  Order,  should  arouse 
suspicion  among  those  who,  by  the  whole  of  their  glorious 
past,  found  themselves  bound  to  the  maintenance  of  those 
forms  in  which  they  had  hitherto  moved,  and  by 
means  of  which  they  had  acquired  their  reputation  in 
the  Church. 

Some  of  this  party  watched  with  anxiety  the  actions  of  the 
young  Order  w^hich  was  springing  up  so  lustily  ;  its  proceedings 
seemed  to  them  not  to  be  free  from  an  innovating  and  anti- 
ecclesiastical  spirit,  and  they  felt  themselves  called  upon  to 
apply  a  barrier.  With  his  incomparable  perspicacity  Ignatius 
of  Loyola  had  foreseen  the  future  development  of  events  in 

364  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

this  respect,  exhorting  his  sons  at  every  opportunity^  carefully 
to  try  and  avoid  as  far  as  possible  all  conflict  with  the  friars 
and  monks  ;  but  it  was  not  possible  to  do  so  altogether.  Not 
to  do  so  might  even  be  of  use  to  the  Church,  in  that  the  two 
tendencies,  that  which  aimed  at  going  forward  and  that 
which  sought  to  hold  it  back,  it  might  be  saved  by  the  very 
struggle  from  remaining  one-sided. 

Molina  did  nothing  more  than  to  let  loose  the  storm  of 
indignation  which  had  been  gathering  for  a  long  time  past. 
It  must  be  admitted  that  in  his  new  setting  forth  of  the  most 
ancient  ideas  he  did  some  extraordinary  things,  and  in 
subsidiary  matters  went  a  little  too  far,  even  in  the  opinion 
of  Bellarmine.  In  his  overpowering  zeal  and  in  perfect  faith, 
such  a  man  as  Baiies  might  well  suppose  that  the  precious 
inheritance  of  traditional  theology  was  threatened  by  him. 
After  the  question  had  been  transferred  to  Rome,  probably 
contrary  to  the  intention  or  expectation  of  Bafies,  the 
opposition  to  Molina — precisely  because  of  the  long  duration 
of  a  struggle  which  was  fought  out  in  the  highest  places  and 
in  sight  of  all  the  world — became  more  and  more  a  point  of 
honour  for  the  whole  Order,  and  the  final  result  was  that 
what  had  never  been  so  hitherto,  as  far  as  can  be  discovered, 
was  raised  to  the  dignity  of  a  doctrine  of  the  Order. 

From  what  was  said  at  the  chapter-general,  where  the 
whole  Order  was  officially  represented,  it  is  quite  clear  that 
not  all  Dominicans  as  a  whole  were  animated  by  sentiments 
of  hostility  towards  their  younger  colleague  and  rival. 
Immediately  after  the  first  flashes  of  the  dispute  about  grace, 
when  the  incitements  of  an  xA.vendafio  were  fresh  in  men's 
minds,  such  an  assembly  was  held  at  Valencia  in  1596.  The 
conciliatory  attempts  which,  at  the  suggestion  of  Aquaviva, 
were  then  undertaken  by  the  Dominicans  and  Jesuits,  were 
so  to  say  crowned  by  an  express  order  from  the  chapter- 

^  Ribadeneira  in  Monumenta  Ignatiana,  Ser.  4,  Vol.  I.,  434. 
Out  of  consideration  for  the  Dominicans  he  would  not  even  have 
the  Immaculate  Conception  included  among  the  theses  to  be 
defended  in  public.     Ibid, 


general  in  favour  of  the  Jesuits.  This  states^  "  We  exhort 
in  the  Lord  all  the  brethren  of  our  Order  to  embrace  in  sincere 
and  fraternal  affection  all  those  religious  with  whom  we  ought 
to  be  striving  for  the  same  end,  and  in  particular  those  who 
are  labouring  without  ceasing  in  the  midst  of  others  for  the 
defence  of  the  faith  and  salvation  of  souls,  namely  the  Fathers 
of  the  Society  of  Jesus,  whom  with  the  others  we  warmly 
recommend  to  you.  We  desire  that  they  should  have  evidence 
in  your  deeds  of  the  affection  and  charity  of  your  hearts, 
that  you  should  be  at  their  disposal  wherever  you  can,  and 
that  you  should  not  give  offence  to  them  in  any  way,  either 
in  word  or  deed."  Those  who  act  in  any  other  way  will  be 

This  exhortation  was  repeated  by  the  chapters-general 
in  Rome  in  the  years  1644  and  1656.  In  1644  it  was  laid 
down  that  the  Dominicans  must  show  to  individual  Jesuits 
and  to  the  whole  Society  of  Jesus  "  service  and  devotion, 
with  the  greatest  kindness  and  conscientiousness,  so  that 
they  may  find  in  us  the  expression  of  an  exquisite  charity 
and  a  cordial  affection.  Even  though  we  may  not  always 
be  in  agreement  with  them  in  their  opinions  and  ideas,  we 
must  nevertheless  always  be  in  will  of  one  soul  and  one  heart." 
The  chapter  of  1656  asked  "  that  the  Jesuits  and  all  others 
should  realize  from  our  hospitality,  confidence,  cordiality 
and  union  that  we  are  disciples  of  Christ."  The  General  of 
the  Order,  Giovanni  Battista  de  Marinis  warmly  recommended 
his  subjects  in  a  circular  of  March  25th,  1661,  to  live  in 
harmony  with  the  Society  of  Jesus  :  "  We  ought  on  both 
sides  to  be  one  heart  and  one  soul  in  Our  Lord  ;  we  ought 
both  of  us  to  prove  this  by  our  rivalry  in  fervent  charity, 
while  our  undivided  union  must  proclaim  it."^ 

1  Admonitiones  n.  4,  in  Monumenta  ordinis  fratrum  Praedica- 
torum  historica,  torn.  X.  (Acta  capitulorum  generalium,  torn.  V.), 
Rome,  1 90 1,  371. 

2  List  of  these  texts  in  Maximi  Mangold,  Reflexiones  in 
R.  P.  Alexandri  a.  s.  loanne  de  Cruce  Carm.  excalc.  continua- 
tionem  historiae  ecclesiasticae  Claudii  Fleurii  Abbatis,  I., 
Augsburg,  1 783,  449.     Cardinal  Zigliara,  one  of  the  most  illustrious 

366  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

These  decrees  were  responded  to,  on  the  part  of  the  Jesuit 
by  decrees  of  the  General  of  the  Order,  Vitelleschi,  and  were 
repeated  by  the  eight  general  congregation  of  the  whole  Order 
in  1645.  The  exhortation  of  the  congregation  says  .^  "  All 
our  subjects  must  aim  everywhere  at  speaking,  both  in  private 
conversations  and  in  public,  in  favourable  terms  of  the  vener- 
able Order  of  Dominicans  in  general  as  well  as  of  its  institutions, 
its  eminent  learning  and  its  distinguished  works  ;  they  must 
treat  its  members  with  such  respect  and  courtesy  as  to  rival 
one  another  in  mutual  hospitality  and  other  manifestations 
of  affection,  as  is  becoming  to  our  humble  Society,  and  as  is 
due  to  an  Order  which  is  greater  than  ours  in  antiquity  and 
dignit}'."  The  same  general  congregation  later  on  in  1661, 
following  upon  the  letter  of  the  General  of  the  Dominicans, 
De  Marinis,  renewed  and  confirmed  this  exhortation. ^ 

modern  theologians  of  the  Dominican  Order,  writes  :  "  Ex 
sententiis  autem,  quae  libera  in  contrariam  partem  agitantur 
inter  catholicos,  tene  quae  magis  conformis  tibi  ration!  videtur, 
sed  contra  eos,  qui  a  te  dissentiunt,  cave  ab  iniuriis,  quas  sapientia 
reprobat,  caritas  detestatur.  Sequere  thomistas,  sequere  molin- 
istas,  utrimque  liabes  magistros  doctissimos  et  piisssmos  et  noli 
amplecti  veritatem  extra  caritatem,  nam  et  ipsa  caritas  Veritas 
est  (Summa  philosophica,  11.^^,  Paris,  1912,  524). 

^  Congr.  VIII.  deer.  12  (Institutum  Societatis  lesu,  II., 
Florence,  1892,  346). 

-  Cong.  XI.  deer.  19  {loc.  cit.  381)  :  "  ut  illustrissimum  natuque 
maiorem  in  Ecclesia  Ordinem,  sanctitate,  doctrina  rebusque 
praeclare  gestis  de  ilia  optime  meritum,  peculiari  benevolentia 
completantur,  de  illo  magnifice  sentiant  et  loquantur,  aliisque 
venerationis  significationibus  et  charitatis  officiis  prosequantur." 


The  Papal  States. — The  Re-acquisition  of  Ferrara. — 
Death  of  the  Pope. 

The  many  anxieties  which  the  Turkish  peril  and  the  religious 
conditions  of  all  the  countries  of  Europe  caused  Clement  VIII. 
were  j'et  further  added  to  by  the  conditions  in  the  States  of 
the  Church.  These  were  administered  by  the  cardinalitial 
Congregation  of  the  Consulta,  although  the  Pope  also  took  a 
direct  part  in  their  affairs.^  Carrying  out  a  project  of 
Sixtus  v.,  Clement  VIII.,  by  a  bull  of  October  30th,  1592, 
set  up  a  special  Congregation  for  the  Administration  of  the 
States  of  the  Church,   composed  of  three  Cardinals.^     His 

1  Cf.  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  288.  An  Urbino  *Avviso  of  July  24, 
1593  (Urb.  1061,  Vatican  Library)  says  of  the  Consulta  "  La 
Consulta  a  Roma  e  a  punto  I'Udientia  nel  nostro  State."  Cf. 
Paruta,  Relazione,  415  seq.  ;  Dolfin,  Relazione,  461.  Many 
instances  of  the  care  of  Clement  VIIL  for  Rome  and  for  the 
States  of  the  Church  are  now  printed  in  the  valuable  publication 
compiled  by  the  communal  administration  of  Rome  :  Regesti  di 
bandi,  editti,  notificazioni  e  provvedimiCnti  diversi  alia  citta  di 
Roma  e  dello  Stato  Pontificio,  2  vols,  (beginning  with  the  Xlllth 
century  and  going  as  far  as  1605),  Rome,  1920-1925. 

2  See  Bull.,  IX.,  603  seq.  The  "  Congregazione  del  Buon 
governo  "  was  as  it  were  a  daughter  of  the  Consulta.  Cf.  J  AC. 
CoHELLi,  Comment,  in  buUam  X.  Clementis  VIIL  de  bono 
regimine,  Cologne,  1699  ;  A.  de  Vecchis,  CoUectio  constitut., 
chirographum  et  brevium  Rom.  Pontif.  pro  bono  regimine 
universit.  ac  communit.  status  ecclesiae.,  3  vols.,  Rome,  1732  seq.  ; 
Le  Bret,  Statistik,  224  seq.,  298  ;  Moroni,  XVL,  158  'seq.  ; 
Richard  in  Rev.  d'hist.  eccles.,  XL,  728  seq.  For  the  benefit  of 
the  future  historian  of  the  Papal  States,  I  would  point  out  that 
the  Archives  of  the  Congregazione  del  Buon  governo,  which  have 

368  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

ordinance  for  the  visitation  of  each  of  the  provinces,  so  as 
to  suppress  the  abuses  in  the  administration  of  the  communes, 
may  also  be  traced  back  to  Sixtus  V.^ 

Like  the  rest  of  Italy,  the  territories  of  the  Holy  See  had 
since  1590  repeatedly  suffered  from  bad  or  quite  insufficient 
harvests.  The  scarcity  of  bread  brought  in  its  train  a  crushing 
increase  in  the  cost  of  all  other  necessities.  Even  though 
this  calamity  was  not  so  great  in  the  Papal  States,  and  above 
all  in  Rome,  as  in  the  other  cities  of  the  peninsula,  it  was 
nevertheless  felt  there  all  the  more  severely  in  that  much  better 
conditions  had  prevailed  there  before.^ 

All  the  reports  agree  in  saying  that  Clement  VIII.  did  all 
he  could  in  the  first  years  of  his  pontificate  to  overcome  this 
scarcity,  especially  in  Rome.^  The  superintendence  of  the 
trade  in  food  left  nothing  to  be  desired,  but  the  scarcity  was 
universal,  bad  methods  of  provisioning  were  deep-rooted, 
while  very  often  the  officials  were  untrustv/orthy  and  un- 
businesslike.*   The  Pope  was  unable,  as  Paruta  points  out, 

not  as  yet  been  used  by  anyone,  were  in  the  Vatican,  and  occupied 
no  less  than  16  rooms.  The  acta,  however,  only  begin  about  the 
year  1630  ;  the  earlier  ones  are  to  be  found  in  the  Papal  Secret 
Archives.  This  state  of  affairs  was  changed  in  1918  ;  Cardinal 
Gasquet,  with  the  consent  of  Pope  Benedict  XV.,  who  interested 
himself  greatly  in  what  concerned  the  archives,  agreed  to  an 
exchange  with  the  Italian  government,  as  a  result  of  which  a 
small  part  of  the  acta  of  the  Camera  in  the  State  Archives  of 
Rome  passed  into  the  Papal  Secret  Archives,  to  which  they 
obviously  belonged,  while  the  archives  of  the  Buon  go\'erno  were 
handed  over  to  the  State  Archives,  Rome.  There  they  were 
re-arranged.  Cf.  the  fully  explanatory  articles  by  A.  Lodolini, 
L'amministrazione  pontificia  del  Buon  governo,  in  the  periodical 
Gli  archivi  Ital.,  VI.  (Rome,  191 9),  181  seqq.,  VII.  (1920),  3  seq.,  88. 

^  Cf.  Lodolini,  loc.  cit.,  VI.,  214. 

"  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  388  seq. 

^  See  ibid.  389,  the  Avvisi  in  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  23, 
and  the  *Avvisi  of  July  8  and  15,  1592  (Urb.  1060,  II.)  and  of 
March  20,  1593  (Urb.  1061)  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Paruta,  Dispacci,  II.,  388,  and  Relazione,  389.  Cf. 
*Avviso  of  July  28,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  loc.  cit. 


to  keep  in  touch  with  ah  the  details/  but  he  sought  in  this 
respect  to  do  all  he  could,  and  even,  in  April,  1593,  had  a 
report  made  to  him  by  his  nephew  whether  the  city  was 
sufficiently  supplied  with  bread. ^  He  laboured  indefatigabty 
to  secure  the  importation  of  grain  from  outside,^  although 
he  met  with  great  difficulties  in  this,  as  some  of  the  provinces, 
as  for  example  the  fertile  Romagna,  were  suffering  from  bad 

That  the  scarcity  was  general  is  shown  by  the  fact  that 
even  the  city  of  Bologna,  which  on  account  of  its  richness  was 
named  la  grassa,  was,  from  1590  to  1592,  the  victim  of  serious 
scarcity,^  and  the  number  of  the  inhabitants  fell  from  90,000 
to  70,000.®  Clement  VIII.  lent  the  city  80,000  scudi.'^  The 
legation  of  Bologna,  from  October  i6th,  1592,  onwards,  was 
in  the  hands  of  Cardinal  Montalto.^  This  office  brought  him  a 
fixed  revenue  of  6000  scudi,^  but  he  resided  in  Rome.^"  The 
vice-legate  or  governor  acted  as  his  representative.  The 
latter  had  but  little  influence  in  the  administration  because 

1  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  389  ;  the  *Avvisi  frequently  refer  to 
the  steps  taken  by  Clement  VIII.  against  bad  officials  :  e.g. 
June  28  and  August  4,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  loc.  cit. 

2  *"  Ogni  sera  viene  date  al  Papa  dalli  suoi  nepoti  minute 
ragguaglio  del  pane  che  si  fa  per  tutta  Roma,  della  quale  se  ne 
trova  hora  abbondate  per  ciascuno."  Avviso  of  April  10,  1593. 
Urb.  1061,  Vatican  Library. 

*  C/.  *Avvisi  of  July  8  and  15,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  IL,  loc.  cit.  ; 
Paruta,  Dispacci,  L,  28,  49,  192,  243.  For  the  importation  of 
grain  from  the  Low  Countries  to  Civitavecchia,  i593-i594.  see 
Maere  in  An.  de  I'Acad.  Archcol.  de  la  Belgique,  5th  ser.  VIII. 

*  See  Paruta,  Dispacci,  II. ,  81. 
«  Cf.  Bull.  IX.,  553. 

«  See  the  Informazioni  di  Bologna  in  Ranke,  III.*,  107.* 

'  See  Bull.  IX.,  553. 

»  See  *Acta  consist,  card.  S.  Severinae,  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871, 
Vatican  Library. 

»  See  the  Informazioni  di  Bologna  of  1595  by  Guglielmo  di 
Montolon,  Cod.  D.  181  n.  8,  Ambrosinian  Library,  Milan. 

1"  See  DoLFiN,  Relazione,  460. 

VOL.    XXIV.  24 

370  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  city  was  very  independent.^  In  an  instruction  of  the 
year  1595  it  is  stated  that  the  Bolognesi  must  be  inspired 
with  respect,  and  at  the  same  time  with  loyalty ;  the 
first  will  be  attained  if  the  representative  of  the  Papal 
authority  devotes  himself  seriously  to  the  administration 
of  justice  and  the  importation  of  food  ;  devotion  will  best 
be  inspired  by  impartiality  and  the  protection  of  good 

In  the  Marches  and  the  Romagna  as  well  there  had  been  a 
decrease  in  the  population  in  consequence  of  the  epidemics 
of  1590.  A  crushing  state  of  misery  was  on  the  increase 
among  the  survivors,  because  the  officials  exacted  the  taxes 
with  the  utmost  rigour.  In  these  provinces,  which  in  the 
past  had  seemed  to  be  veritable  granaries,  there  was  now  an 
alarming  decrease  in  production.^  In  Umbria  too  there  was 
a  scarcity  of  food,  so  that  there  as  well  as  in  the  Marches 
special  ordinances  had  to  be  issued  in  order  to  meet  the 

The  scarcity  in  Rome  continued  even  in  those  years  when 
the  harvest  was  good.  The  Pope  was  rightly  incensed  that 
when  the  situation  had  improved,  the  people  did  not  reap 
the  advantage.^  The  fault  was  partly  due  to  the  officials 
of  the  Camera,  and  partly  to  the  speculators,  whose  greed  it 
was  sought  to  curb  by  special  legislation.^ 

The  Pope's  intentions  were  always  good,  as  is  pointed  out 

1  See  Ranke,  III.*,  107.* 

*  *  Instructions  for  a  new  legate  at  Bologna,  Cod.  G.  63  n.  9, 
Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 

^  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  389;    Brosch,  I.,  307. 

*  Cf.  *Bando  per  TAbbondanza  deirUmbria  e  della  IMarca  of 
September,  1596,  Editti,  V..  49,  p.  195,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
Le  Istruzioni  segrete  pel  governo  di  Perugia  ed  Umbria  in  the 
Bollet.  per  I'Umbria,  XXI.  (1915),  375  seq.,  shows  how  the  Papal 
government  endeavoured  to  do  away  with  abuses,  and  what  care 
it  had  for  its  subjects. 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  July  14,  28  and  31,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  Vatican 
Library  ;    Paruta,  Dispacci,  II.,  372,  and  Relazione,  389. 
•^  See  Benigni,  Getreidpolitik,  44. 


in  a  report  from  Rome  of  October  3rd,  1594  .^  if  in  spite  of 
this  he  met  with  but  little  success,  the  reason  was  to  be  found 
in  the.  extraordinary  state  of  affairs  prevailing  in  the  Papal 
States.  The  independence  of  the  barons  and  of  the  communes 
created  such  an  opposition  to  the  central  government  that 
not  even  so  energetic  a  Pope  as  Sixtus  V.  had  been  able  to 
subdue  it  except  for  a  short  time.^  The  conditions  in  the 
Roman  Campagna,  from  which  very  little  grain  reached  the 
Eternal  City,  were  especially  unfortunate  for  Rome.  Agri- 
culture there  had  not  entirely  disappeared,  but  the  greed  for 
gain  on  the  part  of  the  farmers,  together  with  a  type  of 
cultivation  that  was  without  a  permanent  body  of  tenants, 
caused  the  arable  land  to  pass  more  and  more  to  pasturage.^ 
Clement  VIII.,  like  his  predecessors,  sought  to  provide  for 
the  provisioning  of  Rome  by  strict  vigilance,  and  by  a  rigorous 
prohibition  of  exportation.  A  constitution  of  September  13th, 
1597,  forbade  exportation  of  any  kind,  without  special 
permission  from  the  Camera  or  the  Annonaria*  ;  it  also  forbade 
the  hoarding  of  grain  in  private  stores,  and  preventing  its 
free  passage  to  Rome.  In  this  document  the  Pope  bitterly 
censures  the  tricks  of  the  speculators  who,  with  abominable 
usury,  forced  up  the  price  of  grain.  He  threatened  the 
barons  and  other  landlords  who  hoarded  grain,  and  forbade 
them  to  keep  more  than  a  sufficient  quantity  for  their  own 
domestic  use  for  a  year.^ 

^  See  *Avviso  of  October  5,  1594,  which  adds  that  the  Pope 
"  quasi  vorrebbe  potersi  transformare  in  forma  del  grano  istesso 
per  fare  abondanza,"  LTrb.  1062,  Vatican  Library. 

2  Opinion  of  H.  Sieveking  in  J.  Wolfs,  Zeitschrift  /.  Sozial- 
wissenschaft,  IL,  Berlin,  1899,  470. 

*  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  389  scq.  A  more  favourable  picture 
of  the  conditions  in  the  Campagna  is  given  in  *Nota  della  entrata 
di  molti  signori  e  duchi  Romani,  from  which  Ranke  (III.®,  109) 
cites  certain  passages,  without,  however,  saying  where  he  found 
this  report.     I  have  searched  in  vain  for  it  in  the  Roman  libraries. 

*  For  the  annona  see  also  Reumont,  III.,  2,  648  seq. 

5  See  Bull.  X.,  373  seq.  ;  Benigni,  Getreidpolitik,  45  ;  Cupis, 
211  seq. 

372  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  Pope  showed  himself  the  sworn  enemy  of  speculators 
in  grain  in  his  constitution  of  December  4th,  1604,  which 
confirmed  the  celebrated  bull  of  Sixtus  IV.  of  Ma.rch  ist, 
1476,  and  the  similar  ordinances  of  Julius  II.,  Clement  VII. 
and  Pius  V.^  for  the  development  of  agriculture  in  the 
Campagna.  In  this  constitution  he  allowed  the  free  exporta- 
tion of  a  quarter  of  the  harvest,  provided  that  the  price  of 
grain  in  the  Roman  market  was  not  more  than  60  giulii  a 
rubbio  ;  he  allowed  the  vassals  of  the  barons  to  cultivate 
other  land  than  that  belonging  to  their  feudal  lords,  and  also 
decided  that  priests  might  devote  themselves  to  agriculture 
without  its  being  considered  a  profane  trade.  He  also  made 
provision  to  supply  the  lack  of  tillage  oxen.^  The  subsidy 
for  carrying  on  the  work  of  draining  the  Pontine  Marshes 
was  also  aimed  at  increasing  the  cultivation  of  grain. ^ 

Measures  of  this  kind  could  only  effect  an  improvement 
in  course  of  time,  so  that  in  the  meanwhile  the  conditions 
remained  as  little  satisfactory  as  before.'*     The  opposition 

1  CJ.  Vol.  IV.,  of  this  work,  p.  426  ;  Vol.  VI.,  p.  227  ;  Vol. 
X.,  p.  14  ;    Vol.  XVIT.,  p.  109. 

2  See  Bull.  X.,  622  seq.  ;  Benigni,  46;  Cupis,  215  seq. 
*Privilegia  pro  agricultoribus  Corneti,  Civitatis  Vetulae,  Tulphae 
et  Bledae,  dated  February  9,  1601,  in  Editti,  V.,  49,  p.  31, 
Papal  Secret  Archives.     Cf.  Tomassetti,  I.,  170. 

'  See  NicoLAi,  De'  bonificamenti  delle  Terre  Pontine,  Rome, 
1800,  140  seq.  ;    Benigni,  46. 

*  When  the  Pope  set  out  with  many  Cardinals  for  Ferrara,  the 
price  of  bread  rose  in  Rome  ;  see  the  *report  of  Fr.  Maria  Vialardo, 
Rome,  April  25,  1598,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.  The  inunda- 
tion of  the  Tiber  at  the  end  of  1598  had  destroyed  many  stores  of 
grain,  so  that  there  was  a  considerable  scarcity  ;  see  Possevino, 
Gonzaga,  824  seq.  In  1598  there  was  also  a  failure  in  the  importa- 
tion of  wine  ;  see  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  24.  The  year  of 
jubilee  in  1600  naturally  involved  special  requirements. 
Clement  VIII.  had  to  apply  on  January  16,  1600,  to  the  viceroy 
of  Naples,  with  a  request  for  immediate  permission  to  export 
grain  to  Rome  ;  "  *Roma  annonae  inopia  laborat,  Roma  petit  " 
(Brevia  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  10,  Papal  Secret  Archives)  ;  on  Decem- 
ber  15,    1600,   a  similar  request  was  again  sent    [ibid.   n.   428). 


which  the  well  intentioned  zeal  of  the  Pope  had  to  cope  with 
proved  too  strong.  How  difficult  the  task  was  has  been  shown 
by  the  fact  that  in  modern  times  not  even  the  state  of  United 
Italy,  armed  with  far  greater  powers  and  means,  has  been 
able  to  overcome  the  opposition  of  the  farmers  to  the  cultiva- 
tion of  the  Campagna,  or  meet  with  any  better  success  in 
carrying  on  the  efforts  of  the  Popes.  ^ 

The  discontent  of  the  people  at  these  economic  dis- 
advantages found  vent  towards  the  end  of  the  pontificate  of 
Clement  VIII.  in  biting  pasquinades.'^  The  authors  of  such 
libels  overlooked  the  fact  that  it  was  not  the  government 
alone  that  was  to  blame  ;  nor  did  they  bear  in  mind  that  the 
imposts  in  the  Papal  States  were  on  the  whole  very  moderate, 
compared,  not  only  with  those  parts  of  Italy  which  were 
subject  to  Spanish  rule,  but  also  with  the  majority  of  the 
small  independent  states.^  Clement  VIII.  fought  as  much 
as  he  could  against  any  increase  in  the  burden  of  taxes,'* 
and  it  was  absolutely  against  his  will  if  the  subordinate 
officials  in  the  Marches  and  the  Romagna  confiscated  the 

Cf.  supra,  p.  269.  The  Cardinals  charged  with  the  task  of 
provisioning  fulfilled  their  task  so  badly  that  there  was  a  great 
scarcity  in  the  summer,  so  that  Clement  VIII.  intended  to  return 
once  more  with  his  court  to  Ferrara,  in  order  to  relieve  Rome, 
but  this  did  not  take  place  as  the  Pope  was  deceived  as  to  the 
real  state  of  affairs  ;  see  the  information  in  Baumgarten,  loc.  cit., 
21  seq.  In  1599  Baronius  called  the  attention  of  the  Pope  to  the 
true  state  of  affairs,  after  which  Clement  VIII.  did  not  fail  to 
express  his  displeasure  to  P.  Aldobrandini.  The  nephew  then 
complained  to  Baronius,  but  received  from  him  a  dignified  reply 
which  is  given  in  Calenzio,  Baronio,  352.  The  scarcity  of  grain 
was  very  great  again  in  1603  ;  see  *briefs  to  the  viceroy  of  Naples, 
February  12  and  May  22,  1603,  Arm.  44,  t.  47,  n.  9  and  137, 
Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  the  *letters  of  Cardinal  Aldobrandini 
to  the  nuncio  in  Spain,  January  13,  April  8,  June  18,  September 
28,  November  7,  1603,  Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome,  t.  287. 
^  Opinion  of  Sieveking,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  January  19,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  Vatican  Library. 
'  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  389  ;    Reumont,  III.,  2,  597. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  10,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 

374  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

agricultural  implements  and  cattle  of  the  peasants  who  could 
not  pay.  As  a  result  of  such  tyranny  some  emigrated,  while 
others  gave  themselves  over  to  brigandage.  ^  The  crimes  of 
such  delinquents  embittered  for  Clement  VIII.  the  first 
lustrum  of  his  pontificate. 

Brigandage  had  already  raised  its  head  once  more  at  the 
end  of  the  reign  of  Sixtus  V.^  During  the  pontificates  of 
Urban  VII.,  Gregory  XIV.  and  Innocent  IX.,  which  had 
followed  each  other  at  short  intervals,  this  plague  had  been 
able  to  continue  and  spread.^  Clement  VIII.,  who  in  Rome 
was  the  rigorous  champion  of  peace  and  order,  ^  determined 
that  it  must  be  faced  energetically.  As  early  as  February, 
1592,  he  sent  troops  under  the  supreme  command  of  Flaminio 
Dellino  to  the  Marches,  where  Marco  Sciarra,  one  of  the  most 
terrible  brigand  chiefs,  was  carrying  on  his  crimes.^  In 
March  bands  of  brigands  pillaged  the  nearer  and  more  distant 
environs  of  Rome,  and  in  April  they  burned  the  castle  of 
Subiaco.^     Terrible  stories  were  told  of  the  crueltv  of  these 

1  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  389  seq.  ;    Brosch,  I.,  307  seq. 

2  Cf.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  88. 

3  Cf.  ibid.  pp.  359,  366. 

*  Cf.  besides  the  report  in  Arch,  stor,  Ital.,  XII.,  xxi.,  and  the 
report  of  Niccolini  in  Navenne,  Rome  et  le  Palais  Farnese,  I.,  7, 
the  *letter  of  Giulio  del  Carretto,  February  8,  1592  :  N.  S.  si 
dimostra  rigoroso  nella  giustizia  et  non  ha  voluto  far  gratia  ad 
un  gentilhomo  Romano,  che  fu  trovato  con  I'archibuggietto  da 
rota  in  sede  vacante,  ancorche  ne  sii  stato  pregato  da  molti 
cardinali,  dall'  ambasciatore  di  Savoia  suo  parente  et  dal  popolo 
Romano,  al  quale  ultimamente  disse  che  I'iscuse  che  proponevano 
a  lui  le  proponessero  alh  giudici  della  causa  che  I'havrebbero  in 
quella  consideratione  che  si  dovrebbe  per  giustizia.  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  February  12,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican 
Library.  For  the  plans  for  fighting  the  bandits  see  Arch,  della 
Soc.  Rom.,  XXXVI.,  125,  n.  i. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  March  11  and  April  18,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I., 
Vatican  Library.  Cf.  Karttunen,  Gregoire  XIII.,  Helsinki,  1911 


hordes,^  and  the  Pope,  who  was  deeply  distressed,  insisted 
upon  energetic  intervention. ^  He  sent  against  them  his 
nephew  Aldobrandini  with  about  2000  men,  and  had  previously 
enrolled  600  Corsican  soldiers  in  his  service,^  who,  however, 
pillaged  almost  more  than  the  bandits.* 

Marco  Sciarra  had  entrenched  himself  with  500  bandits 
in  a  convent  near  Ascoli,  but  as  soon  as  Papal  troops  under 
the  command  of  Flaminio  Delfino  were  sent  to  the  rescue, 
he  succeeded,  through  the  intervention  of  Count  Pietro 
Gabuzio,  who  was  enlisting  soldiers  for  the  Venetian  Republic 
against  the  rapacious  Uscocchi,  in  getting  himself  taken, 
together  with  the  flower  of  his  band,  into  the  service  of  the 
republic.  Clement  VIII.  asked  for  the  ruffians  to  be  handed 
over,  but  in  vain.  In  this  refusal  he  saw  a  contempt  for 
his  authority,  and  was  all  the  more  offended  at  the  action  of 
the  Republic  in  that  Gabuzio  had  been  born  a  Papal  subject, 
and  that  the  Venetians  had  already  on  other  occasions  per- 
mitted themselves  innumerable  usurpations  of  ecclesiastical 
authorit}^^     In  order  to  pacify  the  Pope,  in  June,  1592,  there 

^  See  the  report  of  the  Urbino  envoy,  April  11,  1592,  Urb. 
1060,  I.,  196,  Vatican  Library.  Monsignor  Schiaffinato  at 
Perugia,  replied  with  like  cruelties  to  the  cruelties  of  the  bandits  ; 
see  Arch.  stor.  ital.,  3rd  ser.,  VIII.,  35. 

2  "  Si  consuma  et  afflige  per  provedervi,"  says  an  *Avviso  of 
March  14,  1592  (Urb.  1060,  I.,  loc.  cit.).  Another  of  *April  8, 
1592  {ibid.)  says  :  "  Gran  travaglio  prende  N.  S.  de  banditi  di 
questo  State,  et  lo  mostra  a  piij  segni  et  nel  viso,  vedendosi  spesso 
immerso  in  profondissimo  pensiero  et  ansieta,  che  roccupi  talvolta 
ranimo  e  con  ragione." 

*  See  the  *report  of  G.  del  Carretto,  March  28,  1592,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua.  According  to  the  *Avviso  of  April  22,  1592, 
Gian  Francesco  Aldobrandini  set  out  against  the  bandits  with 
1500  soldiers  and  300  horsemen,  as  well  as  some  Albanians  and 
Corsicans.  The  delay  was  because  the  Pope  wished  first  to 
ascertain  that  all  the  neighbouring  princes  were  keeping  a  good 
watch  on  their  frontiers  (Urb.  1060,  I.,  loc.  cit.).  Cf.  also  the 
Relazione  dell'inviato  di  Lucca  in  Studi  et  docum.,  XXII.,  201. 

*  See  the  dispatch  of  Donate  in  Brosch,  L,  309  n.  i. 

*C/.  A.  Rossi  in  Arch.  Veneto,  XXXVII. ,  2  (1889),  259  seq. 

376  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

was  once  more  sent  to  Rome  Leonardo  Donato,  who  had 
just  returned  from  the  embassy  which  had  been  sent  to 
congratulate  the  new  head  of  the  Church.'  We  learn  from 
the  account  of  his  journey  that  organized  bands  of  assassins 
were  rendering  the  country  round  Spoleto,  Terni  and  Ostia 
insecure.^  The  diplomatic  skill  of  Donato  was  unable  at  the 
time  to  allay  the  Pope's  displeasure,  and  the  incident  was 
only  closed  when,  on  April  3rd,  1593,  Marco  Sciarra  was  killed, 
and  his  companions  sent  to  Candia,  where  some  died  of  the 
plague,  and  the  others  were  dispersed.^  Gian  Francesco 
Aldobrandini  then  moved  against  the  remainder  of  the  bandits, 
who  had  taken  refuge  in  the  mountains  near  Ascoli.^ 

It  was  only  then  that  a  certain  degree  of  peace  was  restored 
in  the  States  of  the  Church,  but  it  is  impossible  to  speak  of  a 
disappearance  of  the  bandits.  Just  as  during  the  spring  of 
1593  they  appeared  in  the  Romagna^  and  the  Abruzzi,  so 
did  they  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Rome  in  July,^  and  in 
October  near  Viterbo."  In  the  summer  of  1594  they  again 
appeared  in  large  numbers,  especially  near  Velletri.^  The 
Venetian  ambassador,  Poalo  Paruta,  wrote  in  1595  that  no 
one  was  safe  from  the  bandits.  According  to  trustworthy 
information  the  number  of  outlaws  inscribed  in  the  public 
lists  was  15,000  which  meant  a  considerable  diminution  in  the 
population  of  the  state.     The  rigour  of  justice,  Paruta  con- 

^  See  Viaggio  da  Venezia  a  Roma  di  L.  Donato  ambasc.  straord. 
d.  Repub.  Veneta  al  papa  Clemente  VIII.  I'a  1592,  Venice,  1866. 
2  See  ibid. 
^  See  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  xlv.  seq. 

*  See  ihid.  184.  The  action  of  Clement  VIII.  against  the 
bandits  is  also  treated  of  in  the  letter  of  November  1592,  in 
Veress,  Matric.  et  Acta  Hung,  in  iiniv.  Ital.  student.,  I.,  Budapest, 
1915,  246. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  10,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  loc.  cit. 
®  See  Paruta,  Dispacci,  I.,  loi,  106,  no  seq.,  133. 

'  See  ibid.  II.,  62. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  July  6,  1594,  Urb.  1062,  loc.  cit.  For  the 
plans  of  that  time  for  combatting  the  scourge  of  the  bandits  see 
Orbaan,  Documenti,  462  n. 


tinues,  is  very  great,  and  accomplices  and  abettors  are  being 
put  to  death.  Those  da5^s  are  rare  when  there  are  not  to  be 
seen  at  the  Bridge  of  St.  Angelo  the  bodies  and  heads  of  those 
who  have  been  executed,  sometimes,  four,  six,  ten,  twenty,  or 
even  thirty.  The  number  of  those  executed,  from  the  time 
of  Sixtus  V.  until  now,  is  estimated  at  about  5000.  But  this 
extreme  severity  has  been  of  no  use,  and  has  rather  made 
things  worse.  If  one  is  captured,  others  immediately  take 
to  the  woods,  because  the}^  recognize  their  accomplices.  The 
mountainous  districts  on  the  Neapolitan  frontier  were 
especially  affected,  and  the  opinion  was  commonly  held  in 
Rome,  as  Paruta  reports  on  July  29th,  1595,  that  the  Spanish 
government  was  encouraging  this  disorder  so  as  to  bring 
pressure  to  bear  on  the  Pope.^ 

An  improvement  in  the  situation  depended  above  all  upon 
a  change  in  this  state  of  affairs,  and  on  the  fulfilment  of  the 
duties  of  neighbourliness,  a  thing  which  applied  also  to  the 
Florentine  government.  This  was  brought  about  later  on, 
but  by  no  means  completely.  ^ 

1  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  392  seq.,  and  Dispacci,  III.,  235 
[cf.  323).  See  also  Arch.  stor.  Ital.,  IX.,  460.  Many  dangerous 
elements  were  removed  from  the  States  of  the  Church  from  1595 
onwards,  with  the  departure  of  the  soldiers  for  the  Turkish  war. 
In  the  army  that  was  enrolled  at  the  end  of  1597  against  Cesare 
d'Este  there  served  "  banditi  ed  altri  contumaci  "  who  were 
therefore  pardoned.  See  the  *Editto  of  June  8,  1598,  in  Editti, 
v.,  57,  p.  68,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Ibid.  152  seq.  some  *"  Bandi 
contra  banditi  "  of  1 597-1 604. 

^  Cf.  Ademollo,  II  brigantaggio  e  la  corte  di  Roma,  in  Nuova 
Antologia,  2nd.  ser.,  XXIV.  (1880),  455  seq.,  where  there  are 
further  particulars  of  the  harmful  intiuence  of  the  ecclesiastical 
right  of  sanctuary,  which  was  rightly  restricted  by  Sixtus  V., 
and  again  extended  by  Gregory  XIV.,  of  which  the  bandits  took 
advantage.  Cf.  also  Arch.  stor.  ital.,  IX.,  460  seq.  An  *Avviso 
of  May  II,  1596,  testifies  to  the  good  effect  of  the  edicts  against 
the  bandits,  whose  heads  were  exposed  before  the  Castle  of  St. 
Angelo  (Urb.  1064,  Vatican  Library).  Cf.  *Avviso  of  September 
17.    1597   (Urb.    1065,    ibid.)  and   Lettres  d'Ossat,   I.,   4.52.     An 

378  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  principal  reason  why  it  was  not  possible  to  come  to 
grips  with  this  terrible  scourge,  besides  the  equivocal 
behaviour  of  the  Pope's  neighbours,  lay  in  the  military  weak- 
ness of  the  Papal  States.^  There  the  army  had  always  been 
neglected.  The  only  exception  had  been  that  warlike  Pope, 
Julius  II.  This  was  the  natural  consequence  of  the  office 
and  position  of  the  head  of  the  Church,  while  Clement  VIII. 
lacked  all  knowledge  of  or  inclination  for  military  matters. 
In  the  whole  of  the  States  of  the  Church  there  was  not  a  single 
fortress  of  importance,  and  only  the  citadels  of  Civitavecchia 
and  Ancona  were  to  a  certain  extent  sufficiently  armed.  At 
Perugia  there  was  a  small  garrison,  and  at  Bologna  a  hundred 
Swiss  and  fifty  cavalry.  Places  which,  by  their  natural 
position,  were  well  suited  for  fortresses,  such  as  Orvieto, 
Civita  Castellana  and  Spoleto,  were  so  neglected  that  the 
Venetian  ambassador  could  never  sufficiently  express  his 
surprise.  Not  even  Rome  could  be  said  to  be  adequately 
defended  ;  the  fortifications  had  never  been  completed,  and 
even  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo,  the  one  safe  refuge  in  case  of 
danger,  had  not  got  the  necessary  armament.  When  in  the 
autumn  of  1592  the  Huguenot  Lesdiguieres  crossed  the  Alps 
to  avenge  himself  on  the  Duke  of  Savoy  with  4000  men,  Rome 
trembled.  Later  on,  after  the  reconciliation  with  Henry  IV., 
it  was  felt  that  the  Spaniards  were  even  more  to  be  feared, 
since  the  bandits  were  most  numerous  in  the  mountains  on  the 
Neapolitan  frontier.  ^ 

The  States  of  the  Church  were  entirety  without  a  paid  and 
organized  army.     The  soldiery  on  paper  consisted  of  30,000 

*Avviso  of  April  i,  1598  (Urb.  1066  loc.  cit.)  also  speaks  of  the 
executions  of  bandits.  After  this  there  is  little  mention  of  the 
bandits  ;  in  September  1604  more  troops  were  enlisted  ;  see 
*Avviso  of  September  29,  1604  (Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit.),  and  the 
♦report  of  Giov.  Batt.  Thesis,  October  23,  1604,  Gonzaga  Archives, 

^  In  this  way  large  sums  were  spent  on  small  engagements 
"  instead  of  combatting  the  evil  by  means  of  a  well  thought  out 
and  vigorous  procedure."     Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  14. 

*  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  384  seq. 


men  ;  each  province  had  a  colonel,  and  under  him  captains 
and  lower  officers.  But  as  only  the  colonels  had  a  fixed  pay, 
it  is  easy  to  imagine  the  condition  of  the  troops.  A  paid  army 
was  only  called  into  existence  from  time  to  time,  when  it  was 
a  case  of  facing  the  bandits  or  fighting  the  Turks  ;  in  1595 
the  whole  of  the  cavalry  of  the  Papal  States  was  employed 
for  this  purpose,  so  that  there  only  remained  the  Swiss  Guard, 
200  strong,  and  1000  Corsican  soldiers,  afterwards  reduced  to 
800.  But  these  were  only  intended  to  fight  against  the 
bandits,  so  that  it  was  impossible  to  speak  of  any  real  armed 
force.  Even  the  captains  of  any  experience  were  only  enlisted 
for  a  period,  according  to  necessity.  The  office  of  General 
of  the  Church,  which  was  well  paid,  and  held  by  Gian  Francesco 
Aldobrandini,  had  become  a  mere  post  of  honour.  The  fleet, 
too,  of  which  Pius  V.  and  later  on  Sixtus  V.  had  taken  such 
care,  was  in  a  state  of  decadence.  Except  the  arsenal  at 
Civitavecchia,  there  was  no  other  in  the  Papal  states.  From 
a  false  economy  Clement  VIIL  would  gladly  have  suspended 
the  payments  for  the  six  galleys,  which  had  remained  in  that 
harbour  since  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  and  it  was  only  the 
necessity  of  protecting  the  coasts  against  the  Turkish  pirates 
which  determined  him  to  maintain  them.^ 

Although  the  States  of  the  Church  were  spared  the  regular 
cost  of  paid  troops,  such  as  burdened  the  finances  of  other 
states,  the  Papal  finances  were  nevertheless  in  a  deplorable 
condition,  because  of  the  enormous  burden  of  debt,  of  twelve 
million  scudi,  which  Clement  VIIL  found  at  the  beginning 
of  his  pontificate.  Of  the  total  annual  revenue,  amounting 
to  about  a  million  and  a  half,  more  than  a  million  scudi,  that 
is  two-thirds  of  the  income,  went  to  pay  the  interest  on  the 
debts  in  the  offices  and  "  luoghi  di  Monte. "^     With  a  net 

1  Ibid.  403  seq.     Cf.  Dolfin,  466. 

^  See  the  summary  of  the  Papal  finances  for  1592  which  Ranke 
(III.*,  98)  has  made  use  of  from  the  manuscript  in  the  Barberini 
Library.  Bart.  Cesi  was  still  treasurer  (see  Carte  Strozz.,  II.,  212)  ; 
when  he  became  a  Cardinal  he  was  succeeded  by  Tiberio  Cerasa 
{cf.  Moroni,  LXXIV.,  298),  who  died  in  1601  (for  this  benefactor 
of  the  Hospital  of  S.  Maria  della  Consolazione  see  the  monograph 

380  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

income  ol  half  a  million,  the  expenses  had  to  be  met,  which 
were  estimated  at  400,000  scudi,  so  that  there  remained  over 
only  a  very  small  sum.^  In  these  circumstances  the  very 
greatest  economy  was  necessary,  but  this  was  absolutely 
wanting.  Clement  \^III.  was  one  of  those  men  who  have 
no  idea  of  the  value  of  money,  and  the  expenses  of  the  adminis- 
tration of  the  palace,-  the  pageants,  the  building  works  and 
the  endowment  of  his  nephews,^  devoured  great  sums  of 
money.  To  these  were  added  the  exorbitant  and  manifold 
demands  of  the  Christian  princes. 

Clement  VIII.  was  not  the  man  to  provide  the  money  for 
such  extraordinary  necessities.  It  was  proposed  to  meet 
the  difficulty  by  encroaching  upon  the  treasure  deposited 
in  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo  by  Sixtus  V.,  which  still  amounted 
to  two  and  a  half  millions,  but  the  Pope  was  adverse  to  any 
such  step.**  In  order  to  comply  with  the  enormous  demands, 
which  were  especially  in  connexion  v/ith  the  support  of  the 
war  against  the  Turks,  there  remained  no  other  course,  besides 
the  imposition  of  tenths  upon  the  Italian  clergy,  than  that 
taken  by  previous  Popes,  namely  the  raising  of  new  state  loans 
upon  the  revenues,  or  the  so-called  "  luoghi  di  Monte." 
Clement  VIII.  found  himself  compelled,  in  order  to  meet  the 
extraordinary  needs,  caused  especially  by  the  war  against  the 
Turks,  to  undertake,  in  seven  new  "  luoghi  di  Monte  "  a  debt 
to  the  amount  of  2,893,200  scudi. ^     From  an  estimate  of  the 

on  that  institution  by  Pericoli,  p.  102,  120  seq.).  The  successor 
of  Cerasa  was  Laudovisio  Zacchia  ;  see  Moroni,  loc.  cii., 
Martinori,  6. 

^  Cf.  Paruta,  Relazione,  408  seq. 

2  Cf.  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  14,  30  seq.  Ibid.  32,  con- 
cerning the  new  and  costly  tiara.  An  *Avviso  of  November  i, 
1 60 1,  Urb.  1069,  Vatican  Library,  tells  of  a  reduction  of  some 
expenditure  on  the  Pope's  table. 

»  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  pp.  48,  53. 

*  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  410.  Cf.  Ricci,  II.,  164.  The 
confirmation  of  the  bull  of  the  treasure  of  Sixtus  V.,  dated 
February  14,  1592,  in  Bull.,  X.,  523  seq. 

*  Cf.  Moroni,  XL.,  155,  LXXIV.,  299,  and  Martinori,  5. 
For  the  acquisition  of  Nettuno,  for  which  Marcantonio  Colonna 

THE    STATES   OF   THE    CHURCH.  381 

year  1598  it  would  appear  that  the  interest  on  the  debt  then 
amounted  to  three-quarters  of  the  total  revenue. ^  The  net 
revenue,  towards  the  end  of  the  pontificate,  fell  from  500,000 
scudi  to  343,473.  As  the  annual  expenditure  was  450,126 
scudi,  there  was  an  annual  deficit  of  106,653  scudi. ^ 

The  expenditure  of  the  Pope,  besides  the  war  against  the 
Turks,  had  been  increased  in  a  special  degree  in  1598  by  the 
acquisition  of  Ferrara,  and  by  the  visit  paid  to  this  new  terri- 
tory of  the  States  of  the  Church,  for  which,  however,  150,000 
scudi  were  taken  from  the  treasure  in  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo.^ 

The  Venetian  ambassador,  Paolo  Paruta,  in  giving  his 
opinion  in  1595  as  to  the  strength  and  weakness  of  the 
States  of  the  Church,  says  that  they  were  not  preserved 
either  by  a  good  constitution,  or  by  the  conditions  which 
usually  confer  permanence  and  security  on  other  states,  but 
rather  by  the  fact  that  no  one  wished  or  dared  to  do  anything 
to  their  injury.  "  Above  all  "  Paruta  explains,  "  this  is  helped 
by  the  majesty  of  the  person  of  the  Pope,  and  by  respect  for 
religion  :  motives  which  have  saved  this  State  when  in  great 
danger.  There  is  another  circumstance  which  contributes, 
namely  that  there  are  many  petty  princes  in  Italy,  who,  since 
they  cannot  aggrandize  themselves,  are  desirous  that  the 
neighbouring  states  should  as  far  as  possible  maintain  a 
balance  between  each  other.  And  since  to  be  a  protector  of 
the  Church  confers  a  certain  dignity,  each  one  refrains  from 
attacking  the  Papal  State,  fearing  to  find  all  the  others  against 

received  400,000  scudi,  and  of  Monte  S.  Giovanni,  for  which  the 
Marchese  del  Vasto  had  350,000  scudi,  cf.  Coppi,  SuUe  finanze 
della  stato  pontificio,  Rome,  1855,  14  seq.  Clement  VIII,  justified 
the  acquisition  of  S.  Giovanni  by  the  danger  of  the  bandits  ;  see 
*Acta  consist.  June  12,  1595,  Cod.  Barb.  2871,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  Paruta,  Dispacci,   III.,   171   seq. 

1  See  DoLFiN,  Relazione,  464  ;  Ranke,  loc.  cit.  The  complaints 
of  the  scarcity  of  money  {e.g.  in  the  instructions  to  D.  Ginnasio, 
August  22,  1 60 1,  Barb.  5S52,  Vatican  Library)  were  therefore 

2  See  Ranke,  loc.  cit. 

3  See  DoLFiN,  Relazione,  465. 

382  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

him.  If,  however,  any  great  change  should  take  place  in 
Italy,  then  the  States  of  the  Church,  with  all  their  elements  of 
disorder,  would  run  no  little  danger.  May  it  not  be  that 
any  advance  made  by  the  French  in  Savoy  and  Piedmont 
has  had  its  echo  in  Rome,  and  aroused  and  encouraged 
thoughts  of  rebellion,  which  might  be  of  even  greater  impor- 
tance to  the  Holy  See  than  to  the  other  states  ?  "^ 

In  his  report,  Paruta  also  mentions  the  question  of  the 
succession  to  the  fiefs  of  Urbino  and  Ferrara,  which  was 
imminent  owing  to  the  likelihood  of  the  extinction  of  the  two 
reigning  families.  "  Urbino  "  Paruta  thought,  "  will  cer- 
tainly once  again  come  under  the  direct  government  of  the 
Church,  but  in  the  case  of  Ferrara  this  will  be  very  difficult, 
and  certainly  will  not  be  done  without  a  great  struggle."^ 
In  spite  of  this,  to  the  amazement  of  everybody,  this  question 
was  solved  by  the  skill  and  energy  of  the  Aldobrandini  Pope 
with  a  "  surprising  facility."^ 

After  the  election  of  Clement  VIII.,  all  hopes  entertained 
by  Duke  Alfonso  II.  of  Ferrara  of  obtaining  from  the  new 
Pope,  whose  father  had  once  been  cordially  welcomed  at  the 
court  of  the  Este,  what  he  had  once  tried  to  obtain  from 
Gregory  XIV.,  were  bound  to  vanish  :  this  was  to  obtain 
for  his  cousin  Cesare  the  fief  of  Ferrara,^  but  even  while  he 
was  still  a  Cardinal,  Clement  VIII.  had  come  to  the  conclusion 
that  such  a  step  was  illegal.^  Immediately  at  the  beginning 
of  his  pontificate  he  confirmed  the  bull  of  Pius  \.,^  which 
excluded  illegitimate  branches  from  succession  to  Papal  fiefs.' 
The    cardinalitial    congregation*^    which    was    appointed    for 

1  Paruta,  Relazione,  397. 

2  Ibid.  401. 

3  Brosch,  I.,  314. 

*  Cf.  Vol.  XXII.  of  this  work,  p.  380  scq. 

'Cf.  Ricci,  II.,  183. 

«  See  the  Este  report  in  Ricci,  II.,  84,  231. 

'  Bull.  IX.,  520  seq. 

»  See  *Acta  consist.  April  22,  1592,  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871, 
Vatican  Library.  Cf.  *Avviso  of  April  25,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I., 
ibid.     Ricci,  II.,  85  seqq. 


further  deliberation,  was  for  the  most  part  opposed  to  the 
declaration  of  Gregory  XIV.,  which  had  still  left  Alfonso 
with  some  hopes. ^ 

In  spite  of  this  Alfonso  and  Cesare,  who  made  the  ohedientia 
to  the  Pope  in  the  duke's  name  on  May  i8th,  1592, ^  hoped  to 
attain  their  end  all  the  more  easily  as  the  Emperor  Rudolph  II., 
who  was  in  need  of  money  for  the  Turkish  war,  granted  in 
return  for  a  repayment  of  300,000  scudi,  a  renewal  of  the  fiefs 
of  Modena  and  Reggio,  and  the  right  of  the  duke  to  nominate 
his  successor  within  a  certain  period  (August  8th,  1594). 
While  Alfonso's  envoy  was  employing  every  means  in  his 
power  in  Rome  to  induce  the  Pope  to  change  his  mind,  on 
July  17th,  1595,  the  old  duke  wrote  his  will,  appointing  Cesare 
d'Este  as  his  successor.^  But  this  information  was  conveyed 
to  Rudolph  II.  so  secretly  that  not  even  Cesare  knew  of  the 
honour  that  had  been  done  him.*  It  is  evident  that  Alfonso 
did  not  wish  the  court  to  turn  to  the  star  that  was  rising  on  the 
horizon,  and  it  was  only  in  October,  1597,  when  the  duke  fell 
m.ortally  ill,  that  Cesare  was  informed  that  he  was  the  heir. 
The  dying  man  said  that  he  was  leaving  him  a  most  beautiful 
state,  and  one  that  was  strong,  both  by  its  military  power, 

1  See  *Acta  consist,  June  26,  1592,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  Capilupi,  ed. 
Prinzivalli,  65  ;    Ricci,  II.,  150. 

^  See  Frizzi,  IV.,  440  seq.  ;  Ricci,  II.,  87  seq.,  147  seq.  Cf. 
Jo.  Franc.  Terzanius,  Ad  S.D.N.  Clementem  VIII.  P.  oratio 
habita  cum  eidem  nomine  Alphonsi  II.  Est.  duels,  obedientiam 
praestaret  ill.  et  ex.  Caesar  Estensis  Marchio  Monticuli  et  eiusdem 
ducis  patruelis,  Rome,  1592  (copy  in  the  Aldobrandini  Archives, 

=*  See  Frizzi,  IV.,  44.     Cf.  Ricci,  II.,  96  seq. 

*  See  the  "  Relatione  di  quelle  che  e  successo  in  Ferrara  dope 
la  morte  del  duca  Alfonso  fino  al  possesso  preso  dal  signor  cardinal 
Aldobrandini  con  alcunl  altri  partlcolarl  spettantl  a  tale  state  e 
ducato,"  Barb.  lat.  5259,  p.  80  seq.,  Vatican  Library  (the  relative 
passage  In  Ranke,  II. 8,  177).  The  author  of  the  report  Is 
"  Domenlco  Ralnaldl,  mandato  da  Clemente  VIII.  a  Ferrara 
al  cardinale  Aldobrandini,"  see  Vat.  6196,  p.  289,  Vatican 

384  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

and  by  reason  of  the  allies,  both  within  and  without  Italy, 
upon  whom  he  could  count  with  certainty.^ 

Duke  Alfonso,  down  to  the  year  1597,  had  made  use  of  every 
expedient  to  obtain  from  the  Pope  the  investiture  of  Cesare, 
but  Clement  VIII.,  convinced  in  his  conscience  that  he  could 
not  grant  it,  had  remained  immovable. ^  In  spite  of  this, 
after  the  death  of  the  duke,  which  took  place  on  October  27th, 
1597,  Cesare  assumed  the  government,  not  only  of  the  Imperial 
fiefs  of  Modena  and  Reggio,  but  also,  contrary  to  all  right, 
of  the  fiefs  of  Ferrara  and  Comacchio.  The  Bishop  of  Ferrara, 
Giovanni  Fontana,  was  forcibly  compelled  to  take  part  in  the 
homage  of  the  city.^  Being  resolved  to  defend  his  supposed 
right  of  inheritance  against  the  Pope  by  force  of  arms,  Cesare 
put  Ferrara  into  a  state  of  defence  and  enlisted  troops.^  At 
the  same  time  envoys  were  sent  to  the  Emperor,  the  German 
princes,  Henry  IV.,  Philip  II.  and  the  Italian  states.^  As 
both  Spain  and  the  Italian  powers,  especially  Venice  and 
Florence,®  did  not  in  any  way  wish  for  an  aggrandizement 
of  the  Papal  States,  Cesare  indulged  in  the  most  sanguine 
hopes.     He  thought  that  he  could  count  with  certainty  upon 

^  See  the  *  Relatione  cited  in  previous  note. 
2  Cf.  Ricci,  II.,  226  seq.,  233  seq.,  246  seq,  258  seq. 
^  See    Capilupi,    ed.    Prinzivalli,    76.     For   the   festivities   see 
fully  in  *Relatione. 

*  "  II  pensier  di  Don  Cesare  fu  da  principio  di  voler  ritenere 
tutto  lo  State  che  possedeva  Alfonso  sue  cugino  e  nel  ducato  di 
Ferrara  opporsi  al  Papa  et  alia  Sede  Apostolica  e  dimostrarsi  con 
armi  alia  scoperta  "  *Relatione,  supra. 

*  See  *"  Expedition!  fatte  dopo  la  morte  del  duca  Alfonso  a 
diversi  principi  dal  sig.  duca  Cesare  :  II  conte  Girardo  Rangoni  a 
Spagna.  II  marchese  Scandiano  in  Alemagna.  II  conte  Giulio 
Tassone  alia  sig"^  di  Geneva.  II  Sig.  Renato  Cotti  alia  sig"^'  di 
Venezia.  II  dott.  Sasso  a  Fiorenza.  II  conte  Ettore  Galeazzo 
Tassone  a  Savoia.  II  marchese  Rangoni  a  Parma.  II  sig. 
Grilenzone  a  Mantova."  Barb.  lat.  5259,  p.  89,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  ibid.  81,  the  *Relatione,  where  Count  Alvise  Montecuccolo  is 
mentioned  as  the  envoy  to  France. 

*  Cf.  Pellegrini,  Relazione  ined.  di  ambasciatori  Lucchesi 
alle  corti  di  Firenze,  Genova,  etc.,  Lucca,  1901,  130. 

DEATH   OF   ALFONSO    11.  385 

his  cousin,  the  Grand  Duke  of  Tuscany,  and  upon  the  powerful 
Republic  of  Venice,  and  he  sent  Count  Girolamo  Giglioli  to 
Rome  to  inform  the  Pope  that  he  had  taken  possession  of 
Ferrara,  which  belonged  to  him  by  right. ^ 

When  the  news  of  the  death  of  the  last  Duke  of  Ferrara 
reached  Rome  on  November  ist,  1597,  the  Pope  at  once 
summoned  a  general  congregation  of  the  Cardinals  for  the 
following  day,  at  which  he  informed  them  that  the  legitimate 
line  being  now  extinct  by  the  death  of  Duke  Alfonso,  Ferrara, 
as  a  vacant  lief,  reverted  to  the  Holy  See  in  accordance  with 
the  bull  of  Pius  V.,  and  that  he  now  expressly  reconfirmed 
this.^  With  the  exception  of  Sfondrato  and  Lancellotti,  who 
wished  for  longer  time  for  consideration,^  all  the  Cardinals 
were  in  agreement  with  the  attitude  adopted  by  the  Pope, 
because  the  laws  of  feudal  right  were  clearly  in  his  favour.^ 

^  See  the  *Relatione  cited  supra.  According  to  this  Cesare 
counted  on  the  help  of  the  Elector  of  Saxony  and  other  German 

2  *"  Qui  e  venuta  nuova  certa  della  morte  del  sig.  duca  di 
Ferrara  et  per  questo  domattina  si  fara  congregazione  di  cardinali 
inanzi  S.S*''^  "  (Report  of  Lodovico  Cremaschi,  Rome,  November 
I,  1597.  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua).  Cf.  *Acta  consist,  Novem- 
ber 2,  1597,  Barb.  lat.  2871,  Vatican  Library,  and  the  Avviso  in 
Capilupi,  ed.  PrinzivaUi,  79  n.  i. 

'  See  Avviso  of  November  5,  1597,  Urb.  1065,  Vatican  Library. 

*  As  the  bull  of  Pius  V.  expressly  excluded  all  illegitimate 
branches,  the  advocates  of  Este  have  always  tried  to  prove 
Cesare 's  legitimacy.  Fontanini  (II  dominio  temporale  della  S. 
Sede  sopra  Comacchio,  Rome,  1709,  305  seq.)  has  refuted  these 
attempts.  Against  Muratori  (Antiq.  Est.,  IL,  429)  and  other 
advocates  of  the  Este,  cf.  Litta  in  Arch.  stor.  ital.  App.  XIL,  67 ; 
SuGENHEiM,  437  n.  119;  Balan,  VL,  642  seq.  In  the  light  of 
more  recent  researches  Reumont  (Toscana,  I.,  343)  admits  that 
the  feudal  right  was  clearly  with  Clement  VIII.  ;  see  Balduzzi 
in  Aiti  d.  Romagna,  3rd.  ser.,  IX.,  80,  83.  The  last  scholar  to 
deal  with  this  question,  G.  Ballardini,  considers  the  illegitimacy 
of  Cesare  to  be  certain,  and  remarks  [Arch.  stor.  ital.,  5th  ser. 
XXXVIII. ,  341)  that  it  was  not  only  the  bull  of  Pius  V.  that 
stood  in  the  way  of  his  succession,  but  also  the  contract  which 

VOL.    XXIV.  25 


Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini  especially  defended  this  point  of 
view.^  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  determined  and  bold 
stand  of  the  Pope  was  also  influenced  by  the  recollection  of 
the  partly  uncertain  and  partly  openly  hostile  attitude  which 
the  House  of  Este  had  repeatedly  taken  up  against  the  Pope, 
its  overlord.^ 

In  order  to  give  force  to  his  declaration  Clement  VIII. 
immediately  gave  orders  for  large  armaments.^  A  congrega- 
tion of  nineteen  Cardinals  had  been  appointed  to  deal  with 
the  question  of  Ferrara,  and  this  decided  that  a  monitorium 
must  be  issued  to  Cesare,  and  that  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldo- 
brandini, who  was  chosen  to  take  the  supreme  command  of 
the  troops,  should  go  to  Bologna  for  the  fitting  out  of  the 
force.  The  nephew  set  out  on  November  12th.  On  the  same 
day  the  monitorium  was  affixed  at  the  cathedral  of  Ferrara  : 
this  gave  Cesare  fifteen  days  in  which  to  justify  himself  in 
Rome,  and  to  present  his  pretended  claims.^  As  this  was  not 
done  the  canonical  process  was  begun.  The  attempts  of 
Cesare  to  turn  aside  the  Pope  from  his  lawful  attitude  by 
means  of  a  letter  and  promises  of  a  quit -rent,  as  well  as  of 
considerable    advantages    for    his    nephew    Gian    Francesco 

Paul  III.  had  made  with  Ercole  II.  The  very  efforts  which 
Alfonso  II.  made,  show  that  a  new  enfeoflment  was  wanted, 
"  11  che  "  Cardinal  Cinzio  properly  says  in  his  letter  to  the  nuncios, 
"  non  havrebbe  fatto  senza  bisogno  et  con  ingiuria  di  D.  Cesare  " 
(Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  257). 

^  See  the  *report  in  Miscell.  XV.,  37,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  Federici  in  Arch.  Rom.,  XXL,  615,  rightly  points  this  out. 
'See  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,   79  seq.     Cf.  Alti  per  la  storia 

Ferrarese,  XXII.,  45  seq.  The  *Procura  of  Cardinal  P. 
Aldobrandini  to  Duke  Pietro  Caetani  to  enroll  3000  infantry 
soldiers  and  300  cavalry,  is  dated  November  4,  1597  ;  original  in 
Gaetani  Archives,  Rome,  I.,  12. 

*  See  the  *Relatione  in  Cod.  Barb,  supra  ;  *Avvisi  of  November 
5,  8  and  12,  1597,  Urb.  1065,  Vatican  Library  ;  Cod.  ital.  109 
(*Ragioni  d.  chiesa  sopra  Ferrara,  with  the  text  of  the  monitorum), 
State  Library,  Munich  ;  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli  79  seq.  ;  Frizzi, 
v.,  3  seq.  The  posting  of  the  monitorium  in  Rome  is  *reported 
by  Fr.  M.  Vialardo,  November  7,  1597,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 


Aldobrandini,  were  of  no  avail. ^  The  Venetian  ambassador 
in  particular  worked  zealously  on  behalf  of  Cesare,  while 
certain  Cardinals,  such  as  Valiero  and  Sfondrato,  pointed  out 
that  in  view  of  the  Turkish  peril  a  war  in  Italy  must  be  avoided. 
It  is  said  that  Clement  VIII.  hesitated  for  a  moment  in  view 
of  this  great  argument,  but  that  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  removed 
all  his  scruples.  2  Taking  his  stand  strictly  on  the  legal  point 
of  view,  Clement  VIII.  declared  that  as  soon  as  Cesare  had 
evacuated  the  Duchy  of  Ferrara  his  arguments  could  be  taken 
into  consideration,  but  that  otherwise  he  would  be  excom- 
municated as  an  usurper.  The  armaments  were  pushed 
forward  with  unexpected  energy,  and  at  the  same  time  pra3'ers 
were  ordered  that  God  would  lead  Cesare  to  give  way.^  But 
he,  for  his  part,  breathed  threats  and  redoubled  his  warlike 
preparations,  as  though  determined  to  push  the  matter  to 
extremes.  The  Cardinals,  however,  were  of  a  like  opinion. 
If  the  Holy  See  renounced  its  manifest  rights,  and  tolerated 
the  usurpation  of  Cesare,  the  most  fatal  consequences  to  its 
dignity  and  to  the  existence  of  the  States  of  the  Church  were 
inevitable.^  At  an  audience  on  December  20th  Count  Ercole 
Rondinelli,  who  had  been  sent  by  Cesare  to  Rome,  once  again 
advanced   the    claims    of   his    sovereign,    but    annoyed    the 

1  Cf.  Frizzi,  v.,  5.  According  to  *statement  of  the  Urbino 
envoy  in  the  A  wise  of  November  12,  1597,  the  Ferrara  envoy 
Giglioli  tried  to  corrupt  the  Cardinal  with  bribes.  Urb.  1065, 
p.  718,  Vatican  Library. 

^  See  Capilupi  ed.  Prinzivalli,  96  seq.,  loi  n.  Contarini  also 
tells  of  the  opposition  of  Sfondrato  in  *Historie  Venetiane,  I., 
Cod.  6177,  State  Library,  Venice,  and  Marciana  Library,  Venice. 
How  hard  Clement  VIIL  strove  to  maintain  peace  in  Italy  is 
shown  by  his  efforts  to  arrange  the  disputes  between  Parma  and 
Mantua  in  1593  and  1596  ;  see  Luzio,  L'Archivio  Gonzaga,  II., 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  December  3  and  6,  1597,  Urb.  1065,  Vatican 
Library.  The  importance  of  getting  together  an  armv  promptly 
is  brought  out  in  the  *Relatione  in  the  Miscell.,  XV.,  37,  Papal 
Secret  Archives. 

*  See  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  481. 

388  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Pope  greatly  by  speaking  of  the  right  of  election  by  the 

When  the  canonical  process  had  been  completed,  the  sen- 
tence was  published  on  December  23rd.  This  stated  that  as 
Cesare  obstinately  adhered  to  his  usurpation,  he  and  his 
adherents  incurred  m^ajor  excommunication,  and  that  the 
countries  v/hich  joined  him,  after  the  determined  period  had 
elapsed,  were  placed  under  an  interdict. ^ 

Cesare  could  not  conceal  his  alarm  when  he  received  news 
of  the  excommunication,  but  a  ray  of  hope  remained  to  him 
in  the  help  of  the  Spaniards  and  Venetians.  The  Venetian 
government,  though  neutral,  favoured  his  warlike  preparations, 
and  refused  to  furnish  the  Pope  with  arms  and  munitions  from 
Brescia.  It  was  only  with  great  difficulty  that  Clement  VIII. 
obtained  these  from  Milan. ^  The  Spaniards  undoubtedly 
would  have  liked  to  help  Cesare,  and  to  fish  in  the  troubled 
waters.  Cesare  trusted  to  such  an  extent  in  Philip  II.,  whose 
assistance  had  been  asked  b}^  Alfonso  II.  at  the  beginning  of 
1597,*  that  he  suggested  the  king  as  arbitrator,  but  he  hesi- 

1  See  Capilupi  ed  Prinzivalli,  10  j  seq.  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  December 
24  and  27,  1597,  Urb.  1065,  loc.  cit. 

2  See  Bull.  X.,  389  seq.  Arch.  stor.  ital.,  XII.,  xxx.  ;  Capilupi, 
ed.  Prinzivalli,  85  seq.,  112  seq.,  117  seq.  ;  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I., 
491  ;  *report  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  December  24,  1597,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

3  *"  Nel  Venetiano  havendo  [Cesare]  ample  campo  ni  assoldare 
genti  et  di  peter  cavar  arme,  il  clie  fu  interdetto  da  quella  Signoria 
a  ministri  del  Papa  mandati  a  Brescia  per  armi,  con  gresso 
numero  de  denari  si  ceme  ance  cen  grandissima  difficelta  se  ne 
hebbe  per  via  di  IVfilano."  Report  in  Cod.  Barb,  supra,  383,  n.  4., 
Vatican  Library. 

*  Cf.  Negeziaziene  di  Giulio  Ottonelli  alia  Corte  di  Spagna 
(Scelta  di  curiesita  lett.  27),  Bologna,  1863.  Ottonelli,  who  had 
been  sent  as  it  would  seem  to  Spain  on  account  of  the  Turkish 
war,  received  nothing  but  premises  with  regard  to  the  question 
of  Ferrara,  which  were  not  kept.  In  a  *repert  from  Madrid,  on 
April  10,  1567,  publ.  p.  31  of  the  above  Negaziazione,  it  is  stated  : 
"  Qui  cammina  tutte  adagio,  il  re  e  veccliio  ed  ammalate.  Questa 
corte  con  tutta  la  sua  grandezza  per  mezza  morta." 


tated  to  accept  the  proposal  of  the  governor  of  Milan,  who 
offered  him  Spanish  garrisons  for  his  fortresses.  Philip  II., 
in  his  old  age,  feared  the  outbreak  of  war  in  Italy,  and  only 
expressed  himself  with  great  caution,  in  spite  of  the  ill-will 
which  he  entertained  towards  Clement  VIII.  on  account  of  the 
absolution  of  Henry  IV.  Nor  could  Cesare  look  for  help 
from  Rudolph  II.,  as  the  Emperor  himself  was  dependent 
upon  the  help  of  the  Pope  in  his  war  against  the  Turks. ^ 

While  Cesare  could  only  find  lukewarm,  friends,  Clement 
VIII.  found  a  supporter  in  the  King  of  France,  who  openly 
and  decidedly  took  his  part.  As  he  had  done  in  the  case  of 
the  Italian  States  and  the  Emperor, ^  on  Novem.ber  6th,  1597, 
Clement  VIII.  had  sent  a  special  envoy  to  Henry  IV.  on  the 
matter  of  Ferrara.^  Even  before  the  envoy  reached  France, 
Henry  IV.  had  made  his  decision.  He  realized,  with  the  same 
clearness  as  his  representative  in  Rome,  d'Ossat,  what  a 
great  advantage  he  could  gain  for  France  by  adopting  a  correct 
attitude  in  this  matter.  Any  war  that  broke  out  in  Italy  could 
not  fail  to  be  useful  to  the  King  ot  France,  without  his  mixing 

^  Cf.  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  104  sea. 

2  The  mission  of  Carlo  Conti,  Bishop  of  Ancona,  is  referred  to 
in  the  *briefs  to  Rudolph  II.,  the  Doge  of  Venice  and  the  Duke  of 
Urbino,  November  26,  1597,  Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  243  seq.,  251-252, 
Papal  Secret  Archives.  The  original  of  the  brief  to  the  Doge 
in  the  State  Archives,  Venice,  Bolle.  The  instructions  to  Conti, 
in  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  98  n.  i. 

*  Besides  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  480  seq.,  the  *brief  to  Henry  IV., 
November  6,  1597,  concerning  the  mission  of  "  Petrus  Ursinus 
episc.  Aversanus  "  in  which  it  is  stated  "  Agitur  enim  Dei  honor, 
agitur  ius  et  dignitas  nostra  et  huius  s.  Apostoli  Sedis."  Arm.  44, 
t.  41,  n.  253,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Ibid.  254  seq.  to  the  nobles 
of  France  ;  256  "  duci  Parmae  "  ;  257  "  duci  Sabaudiae  "  ; 
258  "  duci  Memorantii  "  ;  260  "  Lucensibus."  It  v/as  only  much 
later  that  Paolo  Emilio  Zacchia  was  sent  to  PhiHp  II.  ;  cf.  besides 
HiNOjosA,  392  seq.,  the  *brief  to  Philip  II.,  November  23,  1597, 
in  which  it  is  stated  that  the  king  will  perhaps  already  know 
"  quae  proxime  apud  nos  Ferrariae  acciderunt  et  quam  certa  et 
manifesta  sint  iura  huius  S.  Sedis  in  ea  civitate  et  ditione  optime 
etiam  nosti."     Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  265,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

390  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

himself  up  in  it,  because  it  would  involve  the  Spaniards, 
Florence  and  Savoy.  If  the  Pope  should  then  turn  to  the 
King  of  France  for  support,  he  would  reap  even  greater 
advantages.  In  this  way  Henry  could  easily  lead  men  to 
forget  how,  on  many  occasions,  he  had  thought  it  his  duty 
to  act  against  the  wishes  of  the  Holy  See.  If  he  alone  came 
to  the  assistance  of  the  Pope,  he  would  bind  him  and  his 
successors  to  eternal  gratitude.^  In  the  clear  conviction 
that  to  support  Clement  VIII.  in  the  matter  of  Ferrara  would 
be  the  best  course  to  adopt,  as  he  expressed  himself  to  d'Ossat, 
in  order  to  give  new  splendour  to  the  fieur-de-lys  in  Rome, 
and  permanently  to  assure  to  France  its  former  position  at 
the  Curia, 2  Henry  IV.  forgot  the  former  friendly  relations  of 
France  with  the  Este,  and  ordered  his  ambassador  in  Rome, 
Piney,  to  offer  the  Pope  the  assistance  of  the  kingdom  of 
France.  He  was  not  only  prepared  to  send  an  army  across 
the  Alps,  but  even  in  case  of  need  to  appear  in  person  with 
the  whole  of  his  army  and  give  his  assistance.^ 

This  declaration  made  the  greatest  impression  in  Rome, 
and  nothing  else  was  spoken  of.  D'Ossat,  overcome  with  joy, 
hoped  that  his  sovereign  would  once  again  take  up  the  position 
of  Pepin  and  Charlemagne  towards  the  Church.  He  reported 
that  if  the  project  was  carried  out,  the  enemies  of  France, 
and  above  all  the  Spaniards,  would  be  eaten  up  with  envy 
and  jealousy  ;  there  could  be  no  better  opportunity  than 
this  to  give  the  lie  to  the  Spanish  calumnies  that  after  his 
absolution  Henry  would  show  himself  the  greatest  enemy  of 
the  Church.^ 

But  Clement  VIII.,  no  matter  how  valuable  the  offer  of 
assistance  from  France  was,  was  unwilling,  for  the  sake  of 
universal  peace,  to  have  French  troops  appearing  in  Italy. 
In  the  case  of  his  not  being  able  to  defend  his  rights  by  his 
own  power,  he  would  have  preferred  the  assistance  of  the 

1  C/.  Lettres  d'Gss.'^t,  I.,  489. 

2  Ihid.  I.,  490. 

3  See  Callegari  in  Riv.  stor.,  XII.,  26. 
■>  See  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  490  seq. 


Swiss.  1  He  therefore  breathed  more  freely  when  he  saw  that 
the  mere  offer  of  French  assistance  had  been  enough  to  deprive 
Cesare  of  all  help.  The  Spaniards  themselves  showed  them- 
selves more  accommodating  to  the  wishes  of  the  Pope,  when 
even  in  Venice,  which  at  first  had  been  opposed  to  the  acquisi- 
tion of  Ferrara  by  the  Holy  See,  and  had  forbidden  Gian 
Francisco  Aldobrandini  to  pass  with  his  troops  or  the 
publication  of  the  excommunication,  a  change  had  taken 
place.  ^ 

At  Ferrara  the  reaction  showed  itself  in  a  way  that  no  one 
could  have  dared  to  hope  for.^  Not  only  was  there  a  display 
of  the  discontent  which  had  been  aroused  by  the  frequently 
oppressive  government  of  Alfonso  II.,  but  Cesare  himself 
began  to  hesitate.  He  had  hardly  assumed  the  reigns  of 
government  when  he  showed  himself  unfit  to  cope  with  the 
complicated  situation,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  dead  duke 
had  deliberately  excluded  him  from  all  share  in  the  govern- 
ment. In  consequence  of  this,  he  only  had  a  superficial 
knowledge  of  many  of  the  members  of  the  supreme  council,'^ 
while  to  those  he  knew  best  he  had,  almost  without  exception, 
entrusted  missions  abroad.^  Undecided  by  nature,  without 
the  necessary  money,  and  quite  inexperienced  in  military 
matters,  Cesare  saw  his  adherents  vanish,  both  among  the 
upper  and  the  lower  classes.  The  people  openly  expressed 
the  hope  that  under  the  milder  government  of  the  Church 
they  would  be  less  oppressed  by  taxes  than  heretofore.^    To 

1  See  the  letter  of  P.  Aldobrandini  of  November  29,  1597,  in 
Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  102  n.  i. 

2  See  ibid.  104,  113.  A  *brief  to  "Orator  regis  cath.  apud. 
Caesarem,"  January  10,  1598,  thanks  him  for  his  support  in  the 
question  of  Ferrara  (Arm.  44,  t.  42,  n.  2,  Papal  Secret  Archives). 
For  the  opposition  of  Venice  cf.  Horvat,  132. 

^  See  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  494. 

*  See  Nice.  Contarini  in  Ranke,  II.*,  180. 

5  Cf.  supra,  p.  385,  n.  5. 

«  See  the  ^Relatione  in  Cod.  Barb,  cited  supra,  p.  383,  n.  4, 
Vatican  Library.  Callegari  in  Riv.  stor.,  XII.,  34  ;  Lettres 
d'Ossat,    I.,    495  ;    Ballardtni   in    Arch.    stor.    Hal.,    5th    ser., 

392  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

all  this  had  to  be  added  the  profound  impression  made  by  the 
Papal  excommunication.  Of  the  friendly  governments  in 
Italy,  not  one  dreamed  of  giving  any  effective  assistance. 
They  restricted  themselves  to  giving  good  ad\ice,  because 
none  of  the  states  wished  to  risk  a  serious  conflict  with  the 
Hoty  See. 

Cesare  had  taken  all  possible  precautions  that  the  bull  of 
excommunication,  which  had  been  sent  to  all  the  bishops  of 
Italy,  ^  should  not  be  known  at  Ferrara.  In  spite  of  this  the 
Archbishop  of  Bologna  succeeded  in  finding  a  courageous  man 
who  successfully  conveyed  the  document  to  Ferrara  sewn 
in  his  clothes,  who  handed  it  to  the  bishop  there. ^  On  the 
following  day,  December  31st,  the  obsequies  of  one  of  the 
canons  took  place  ;  the  church  was  draped  in  black  and  filled 
with  a  large  crowd  of  the  faithful.  After  the  function  the 
bishop  mounted  the  pulpit.  He  spoke  of  death,  but  much 
worse  than  the  death  of  the  body,  he  suddenly  said,  is  the 
destruction  of  the  soul.  By  excommunication  both  are  lost, 
and  Cesare  d'Este  has  incurred  this  penalty.  He  then  had 
the  Papal  sentence  read.  The  impression  made  was  tremend- 
ous, and  the  fear  of  the  interdict  was  so  great  that  many  of 
those  present  broke  out  into  sobs,  and  among  them  the 

XXXVIII.,  341  seq.  For  the  burden  of  the  taxes  under 
Alfonso  II.  see  Brosch,  I.,  314. 

1  See  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  117.  Cf.  Carte  Stvozz.,  I.,  2, 
257  seq.  Venice  had  tried  to  prevent  the  promulgation  of  the 
bull  ;    see  Arch,  stor.,  XII.,  xxxi. 

^  The  name  is  given  differently  ;  see  Frizzi,  V.,  9  seq.,  and  the 
♦Relatione  in  Cod.  Barb,  supra,  p.  383,  n.  4,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  Ranke,  II. 8,  181,  and  Rta.  stor.,  XII.,  49. 

^  *La  mattina  sequente,  che  fu  I'ultimo  di  Decembre,  giornata 
anco  della  partenza  della  sig.  duchessa  d'Urbino  con  I'occasione 
delle  esequie  d'un  canonico,  donde  la  chiesa  era  di  negro  man  to 
parata,  fece  un  sermone  discorrendo  sopra  la  morte  e  quanto  fosse 
grave  la  perdita  del  corpo  e  maggiore  dell'anima,  soggiunse  poi 
che  con  la  scomunica  il  corpo  e  I'anima  si  perdeva  e  manifesto 
come  dalla  S.S*^   di  S^*'  era  stato  dichiarato  escomunicato  Don 

THE   PAPAL   ARMY.  393 

The  news  of  the  excommunication  and  interdict  at  once 
spread  through  the  city,  and  it  was  obvious  that  the  majority 
of  the  citizens  had  no  intention  of  running  the  risk  of  incurring 
material  and  spiritual  destruction  in  order  to  adhere  to  Cesare. 
Count  Francesco  Villa  was  sent  to  the  Pope  as  the  envoy  of 
the  city.^  The  inhabitants  hastened  to  approach  the  sacra- 
ments in  the  fear  lest,  should  their  envoy  accomplish  nothing 
in  Rome,  they  might  be  deprived  for  some  time  of  this 
spiritual  consolation.'^ 

Clement  VIII.,  to  the  great  surprise  of  everyone,  had  in  a 
very  short  time  raised  a  considerable  army  for  those  times, 
of  more  than  20,000  infantry  and  3000  horsemen.^  This  was 
already  encamped  near  Faenza,  under  the  supreme  command 
of  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini.  The  city  of  Ferrara, 
although  it  was  well  defended  by  its  low  position  in  marshy 
territory,  was  in  need  of  the  munitions  of  war,  and  even  more 
of  money.  No  power  took  any  serious  steps  to  help  Cesare, 
while  the  attitude  of  Spain  was  such  as  to  cause  Cesare  to  fear 
the  loss  of  the  Imperial  fiefs  of  Reggio  and  Modena.*.  The 
consequences  that  this  would  entail  for  the  Venetians  were 
so  dangerous  that  they  preferred  to  see  Ferrara  occupied  by 
the  Pope.^ 

Cesare  was  bound  to  realize  that  in  these  circumstances 

Cesare  e  subito  ordinando  che  si  leggesse  ad  alta  voce  tutta  la 
bolla  e  letta  si  affigesse  alia  porta  del  duomo.  Resto  il  popolo 
tanto  attonito  che  vedendosi  fra  poco  tempo  come  secclii  tronchi 
dover  restare  tagliati  daR'arbore  della  spiritual  vita  e  repudiati 
dal  grembo  di  s.  chiesa  mandava  fiiori  lacrime,  gemiti  e  sospiri 
cosi  gravi  che  il  prelate  piangendo  anco  con  loro  dirottamente 
empivano  la  chiesa  di  singulti  e  pianti.  *Relatione  in  Cod.  Barb. 
supra,  p.  383,  n,  4,  Vatican  Library. 

1  See  the  *Relatione  in  Cod.  Barb.  loc.  cit.  ;  Frizzi,  V.,  10  ; 
Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  123. 

2  See  *Relatione  in  Cod.  Barb.  loc.  cit. 

8  See  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  79  seq.,  87  n.  i  ;  cf.  Corresp.  de 
Frangipani,  L,  125. 

*  See  Lettres  d'Ossat.  L,  495  seq. 

'  See  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  140  seq^ 

394  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

it  would  be  madness  to  attempt  the  fortunes  of  war,  while 
his  confessor,  the  Jesuit  Bartolomeo  Palmio,  advised  him 
not  to  push  things  to  that  point. ^  In  order  to  bring  about 
an  agreement  with  the  Pope,  Cesare  had  recourse  to  the  sister 
of  Alfonso  II.  ;  the  old  Duchess  Lucrezia  of  Urbino  had 
always  been  his  enemy,  but  she  was  on  excellent  terms  with 
Cardinal  Aldobrandini.-  Armed  with  full  powers,  Lucrezia 
went  on  December  31st  to  Faenza,  and  on  January  12th, 
1598,  she  there,  in  Cesare's  name,  came  to  an  agreement  with 
the  legate  Aldobrandini.^  By  this  Cesare  restored  the  Duchy 
of  Ferrara  to  the  Church,  together  with  Cento  and  Pieve  di 
Cento,  and  the  fiefs  in  Romagna.  He  was  accordingly 
absolved  from  the  excommunication,  together  with  his 
adherents.  He  retained  the  allodial  estates,  the  archives, 
the  art  collections,  the  library,  and  half  the  artillery.^ 
Clement  VIII.  was  on  a  visit  to  Palo  on  the  sea^  when  he 
received  the  news  of  the  agreement  come  to  at  Faenza,  and 
his  joy  was  as  great  as  it  was  justified.     Without  his  arm}- 

^  See  ibid.  128.  For  Palmio  cf.  Ricci,  II.,  117;  Balduzzi 
{Atti  d.  Romagna,  3rd  seq.,  IX.,  83)  thinks  that  Cesare  even  began 
at  last  to  doubt  the  legitimacy  of  his  claims. 

2  For  this  princess  see  Campori,  Luigi  e  Lucrezia  d'Este, 
Turin,  1888.  Cf.  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  123  se^.,  127  seq. 
An  *Elogio  to  Lucrezia,  dated  159S,  "  prid.  Cal.  Febr."  in  Arm.  44, 
t.  42,  n.  23,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Lucrezia  died  on  February 
12,  1598,  before  the  conferring  of  the  title  of  Duchess  of  Bertinoro, 
which  had  been  promised  to  her,  had  taken  place.  She  made 
Cardinal  Aldobrandini  her  general  heir  ;    see  Campori,  loc.  cit. 

'  By  a  *brief  of  January  10,  1598,  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  was 
expressly  authorized  to  make  the  negotiations.  Arm.  44,  t,  42, 
n.  I,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  C/.  Theiner,  Cod.  dipl.,  III.,  554  seq.  ;  Balduzzi  in  Atti  e 
Mem.  p.  la  prov.  di  Romagna,  3rd  ser.,  IX.  (1891),  94  seq.  G. 
Ballardini  in  Arch.  stov.  ital.,  5th  ser.,  XXXVIII. ,  339  seq.  ; 
ibid.  355  seq.,  409  seq.  For  the  commemorative  inscriptions  at 
Faenza,  cf.  also  Montanari,  Guida  stor.  di  Faenza,  F.  1882, 
59  seq. 

^  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  January  14,  21  and  24,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  Vatican, 


having  fired  a  single  shot,  or  lost  a  single  man,  he  had  succeeded 
in  enforcing  his  rights,  and  in  recovering  for  the  Church  a 
duchy,  the  holders  of  which  had  hitherto  often  opposed  the 
interests  of  their  overlord.  This  was  a  matter  of  substantial 
importance^  for  the  political  position  and  the  liberty  of  action 
of  the  Holy  See. 

When  he  had  returned  to  Rome,  Clement  VIII.  had  a  mass 
of  thanksgiving  celebrated  in  St.  Peter's,  and  reported  the 
matter  to  the  Cardinals  appointed  for  the  affairs  of  Ferrara.^ 
On  the  following  day  the  treaty  was  read  in  consistory  and 
approved.  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  was  given  the  legation  of 
Ferrara.^  On  January  29th  the  nephew  made  his  entry  into 
Ferrara,  whence  Cesare  had  departed  on  the  previous  day.^ 
The  first  official  act  of  Aldobrandini  was  to  reduce  the  taxes, 
and  make  other  concessions.     In  this  way  he  won  over  the 

1  See  DoLFiN,  Relazione,  454;  Atti  p.  la  storia  di  Ferrara, 
XXII.,  68  ;  Brosch,  I.,  320  seq.  Cf.  the  Orazione  della  signora 
Isabella  Cervoni  da  Colle  a  P.  Clemente  VIII.  sopra  I'impresa  di 
Ferrara  con  una  can  zona  della  medesima  a  principi  christiani, 
Bologna,  1598.  This  rare  work  (copy  in  Aldobrandini  Archives, 
Rome)  treats  in  detail  of  the  advantages  of  the  undertaking 
against  Ferrara.  This  "  Orazione  "  is  also  in  manuscript  in 
Vat.  5566,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  letter  of  C.  Aldobrandini,  February  4,  1598,  in  Capilupi, 
ed.  Prinzivalli,  145  n. 

^  See  *Acta  consist.  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871,  Vatican  Library  ; 
Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  137  seq.  The  ratification  of  the  treaty 
concluded  by  Cardinal  Aldobrandini,  dated  January  19,  1598,  in 
Bull.  X.,  417  seq.  Many  *lettcrs  from  Card.  Aldobrandini  to 
Clement  VIII.,  to  Cardinals,  princes  and  nuncios  concerning  the 
recuperatione  di  Ferrara,  in  Barb.  5859-64,  Vatican  Library. 
Cf.  also  Barb.  5365,  ibid. 

*  See  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  144  seq.  ;  Ballardini,  loc.  cit., 
343  seq.  A  *Sonnet  on  the  handing  over  of  Ferrara  by  Cesare, 
beginning  with  the  words  "  Cesare  quel  che  venne  e  vide  e  vinse  " 
in  Carte  Strozz.,  CXCVIIL,  p.  502,  State  Archives,  Florence. 
Many  satires  from  the  manuscripts  in  the  Library  of  St.  Mark's, 
Venice,  in  Pilot,  Cesare  d'Este  e  la  satira,  in  the  Aieneo  Veneto, 
XXX.,  2  (1907). 


populace,  only  the  aristocracy  still  showing  themselves  to  a 
great  extent  attached  to  the  House  of  Este/  which  was 
connected  with  the  duchy  by  such  ancient  ties.  Just  as 
Aldobrandini  took  possession  of  Ferrara  in  the  name  of  the 
Holy  See,  so  did  Cardinal  Bandini  of  Comacchio,  and  the  vice- 
legate  of  Bologna  of  Cento  and  Pieve  di  Cento.  The  Pope 
informed  all  the  ambassadors  of  this  on  February  17th,  1598, 
and  the  foreign  powers  through  the  nuncios.  ^  Almost  all  the 
princes  hastened  to  send  their  congratulations. '^  In  March 
the  Pope  received  in  the  Hall  of  Constantine  the  oath  of 
fealty  of  the  four  envoys  from  Ferrara.^  He  was  then 
occupied  with  his  preparations  for  his  journey  to  the  nevv'ly 
acquired  province.^ 

Not  only  the  Romans,  but  also  the  ambassadors  and 
Cardinals,  Gian  Francesco  Aldobrandini  and  his  physicians, 
advised  him,  especially  on  the  grounds  of  the  enormous  cost, 
to  give  up  this  journey  and  remain  in  Rome.^  But  neither 
for  this  reason,  nor  on  account  of  his  gout,  could  the  Pope 
be  induced  to  abandon  his  plan,  which  he  thought  necessary' 
in  the  interests  of  the  States  of  the  Church.     Cardinal  Pietro 

^  See  Capilupi,  ed.  PrinzivaDi,  148  seq.,  152  seq.  ;  Frizzi,  V., 
19  seq. 

2  See  the  *report  of  Led.  Cremaschi,  February  7,  1598,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua,  and  the  letter  of  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  in 
Carte  Strozz.,  I.,  2,  264. 

=*  See  *Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  42,  p.  6,  13,  21-38,  45,  48,  50,  52,  56, 
71,  83,  84,  100,  104,  122,  129,  140,  150,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
The  originals  of  the  briefs  of  February  7,  1598,  to  the  Duke  of 
Mantua  in  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua,  and  to  Venice  in  State 
Arcliives,  Venice. 

^  Theiner,  Cod.  dipl.,  III.,  571  seq.  Renato  Cato  delivered 
the  Latin  discourse  before  the  Pope  ;  cf.  *report  of  L.  Cremaschi, 
March  21,  1598,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

^  See  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  498  ;    Frizzi,  V.,  22. 

®  Cf.  *Avviso  of  April  8,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  Vatican  Library  ; 
Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  153.  According  to  the  *report  of 
L.  Cremaschi,  Rome,  March  7,  1598,  Venice  tried  in  every  possible 
way  to  prevent  the  journey.     Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

'  See  *Avviso  of  March  14,  1598,  Urb,  1066,  loc,  cit. 


Aldobrandini,  too,  was  in  favour  of  the  journey  ;  it  would 
be  good  for  the  Pope's  liealth  and  for  the  city  of  Ferrara, 
which  had  suffered  so  much  from  the  burdens  imposed  on  it 
by  the  prodigal  Duke  Alfonso.^  The  Cardinals  at  length 
agreed  to  150,000  scudi  being  taken  from  the  treasure  in  the 
Castle  of  St.  Angelo  for  the  journey.^  On  April  3rd  Cardinal 
d'Aragona  was  appointed  legate  for  the  city  of  Rome  during 
the  absence  of  the  Pope  from  the  City,  while  other  important 
provisions  were  made,  especially  for  the  eventuality  of  a 

After  Clement  VIII.  had  celebrated  mass  at  the  tomb  of 
the  Princes  of  the  Apostles  on  April  13th,  he  set  out  on  his 
journey.*  In  his  retinue  were  Cardinals  Baronius,  Monte, 
Arigoni  and  Cinzio  Aldobrandini ;  others  joined  him  after- 
wards. The  officials  of  the  Rota,  and  all  the  court,  made  the 
journey  at  the  same  time.  It  is  no  wonder  that  the  treasurer 
was  in  despair.^  Clement  VIII.  spent  the  first  night  at 
Castelnuovo,  the  second  at  Civita  Castellana,  and  then  at 
Narni,  where  he  urged  the  completion  of  the  building  of  the 

^  See  letter  of  Aldobrandini,  February  5,   1598,  in  Atti  p.  la 
storia  di  Ferrara,  XXII.,  76. 
2  Cf.  supra,  p.  381. 

*  Bull.  X.,  436  seq.,  440  seq.,  445  seq. 

*  Cf.  besides  the  summarized  information  given  by  Bentivoglio 
(Memorie,  18  seq.)  the  exhaustive  description  of  Capilupi,  ed. 
Prinzivalli,  160  seq.,  and  the  following  still  unpublished  reports  : 
I.  Matteo  Argenti,  *Giornale  del  viaggio  di  Clemente  VIII.  per 
Ferrara,  Barb.  lat.  4829,  and  *Diario  de  luoghi  che  passa 
Clemente  VIII.  per  andare  a  Ferrara,  Barb.  lat.  4834,  Vatican 
Library.  2.  I.  P.  Mucantii  *"  Iter  Clementis  VIII.  Ferrariense," 
Barb.  lat.  2847,  also  in  the  Corsini  Library,  Rome,  and  State 
Archives,  Modena,  printed  in  part  in  the  work  of  Gatticus  (not 
published)  Acta  caerem.,  II.,  193  seq.  (copy  in  Vatican  Library). 
Cf.  also  *Diarium  Adami  Klicishii  miiitis  s.  Petri  ab  introitu  suo 
in  Italiam  "  for  the  years  1 594-1 598,  Barb.  2259,  Vatican  Library. 
See  also  *Avvisi  in  Urb.  1066,  which  are  used  in  part  both  by 
Prinzivalli,  160  seq.,  and  Argenti.  The  ^register  of  the 
expenses  of  the  journey  in  the  State  Archives,  Rome. 

^  See  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  33. 


cathedral.^  His  reception  at  Spoleto  was  very  magnificent. 
Thence  he  went  by  way  of  Fohgno,^  Camerino,^  Macerata 
and  Loreto,  where  he  made  costly  gifts  to  the  Holy  House, 
and,  surrounded  by  fifteen  Cardinals,  gave  the  blessing  to 
the  people.*  At  Loreto  he  was  joined  by  Cardinal  Pietro 
Aldobrandini,  who  went  with  the  Pope  to  Ancona,  where  the 
feast  of  the  Ascension  was  kept.  Here  too  his  welcome  was 
very  magnificent.^  The  Pope  took  up  his  abode  in  the  bishop's 
palace,  high  above  the  city,  and  adjoining  the  cathedral,  where 
Pius  II.  had  died  on  his  crusade.  At  Pesaro  the  Duke  of 
TJrbino  paid  homage  to  the  Pope.^  On  May  2nd  Clement  VIII. 
visited  Fano,  his  native  city,'  and  then  at  Rimini  received 
Cesare  de'Este,  Duke  of  Modena  and  Reggio.  He  conversed 
with  him  for  an  hour,  and  entertained  him  at  his  table. '^ 
After  a  visit  to  Ravenna,^  he  continued  his  journey  by 
Bagnacavallo^"  and  Lugo^^  to  Ferrara.  Maj^  Sth^^  j^^d  been 
appointed  for  the  solemn  entry,  at  which  an  immense  throng 
had  assembled,  including  many  strangers  from  Lombardy, 
Venice  and  Bologna.  Clement  VIII.  was  received  at  the 
Porta  S.  Giorgio  by  the  bishop  and  clergy,  and  the  magistrates 
delivered  the  keys  of  the  city.     The  Pope  then  put  on  the 

^  See  *Avviso  of  April  24,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit. 

2  Cf.  Faloci  Pulignani,  I  priori  d.  cattedrale  di  Foligno,  F. 
1914,  276  seq. 

^  See  *Cod.  A.  E.  XL,  74,  p.  144  of  the  Library  of  S.  Pietro  in 
Vincoli,  Rome.     Cf.  Lammer,  Zur  Kirchengeschichte,  45  seq. 

*  See  Argenti  in  Prinzivalli,  166,  n.  i. 

*  See  Cascioli,  Mem.  stor.  di  Poli,  Rome,  1896,  162  seqq. 
«  *Avviso  of  May  9,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit. 

'  Cf.  L.  Masetti,  Accoglienze  fatte  in  Fano  a  P.  Clemente  VIIL, 
Pesaro,  1881. 

^  See  Argenti  in  Prinzivalli,  171. 

^  See  Bentivoglio.,  Memorie,  19. 

1°  See  Balduzzi,  loc.  cit.,  91  seq. 

1^  Cf.  Vine.  Milani  Lugensis  In  adventu  S.D.N.D.  dementis  VIIL 
P.M.  oratio  Lugi  habita  1598  Cal.  Mail,  Bononiae,  1598. 

^*  Not  on  the  9th,  as  Balduzzi  states  {loc.  cit.,  92).  The  *Avviso 
of  May  13,  1598  (Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.)  expressly  says  that  the 
Pope  made  his  entry  on  the  Friday,  and  the  Friday  fell  on  the  8th. 


pontifical  vestments  and  mounted  the  sedia  gestatoria,  above 
which  a  baldacchino  was  carried.  In  his  retinue  there  were 
eighteen  Cardinals,  fifteen  prelates,  many  dignitaries  of  the 
court,  the  Swiss  Guard,  and  the  ambassadors  of  France,  Venice 
and  Savoy. ^  The  Blessed  Sacrament,  at  the  entry  and 
throughout  the  journey,  was  carried  in  a  precious  portable 
tabernacle,  on  a  white  mule.^  The  streets  through  which  the 
cortege  passed  were  adorned  with  tapestries,  inscriptions 
and  triumphal  arches.  Clement  VIII.  went  first  to  the 
cathedral,  and  then  to  the  Castello,  the  former  palace  of  the 
Este  dukes,  where  he  took  up  his  abode. 

The  first  and  the  most  pressing  care  of  Clement  VIII., 
was  to  reorganize  the  government.     For  this  purpose  he  set 

^  For  the  entry,  the  day  of  which  is  often  wrongly  given,  even 
in  Capilupi,  174,  cf.  the  *Avvisi  of  May  9,  13  and  16,  1598, 
Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  ;  Pregildo  Piazza,  *letter  from  Ferrara, 
May  II,  1598,  to  sig.  N.  Fozza,  Coll.  Antonelli,  n.  669,  Library, 
Ferrara  ;  Rocca  (next  note)  ;  Gatticus,  II.,  193  ;  Descrittione  de 
gli  apparati  fatti  in  Bologna  per  la  venuta  di  N.S.P.  Clemente  VI 1 1. 
.  .  .  co'  disegni  degli  archi,  statue  et  pitture,  Bologna,  V.  Benacci, 
1598  and  1599.  The  first  edition,  unknown  to  Brunet  and 
Cicognara,  is  very  rare.  The  text  which  describes  the  plates, 
includes,  with  the  title,  eight  pages.  See  also  Vero  disegno 
dell'ordine  tenuto  da  Clemente  VI 1 1,  nel  fel.  ingresso  di  S.S*^ 
nella  citta  di  Ferrara,  1598,  Antonio  Tempesta  sculp.  A  fresco 
in  the  Palazzo  Antici-Mattei  in  Rome,  also  shows  the  entry  of 
the  Pope  into  Ferrara  ;  it  is  of  special  interest  for  the  costumes. 
The  inscription  is  only  partly  preserved  in  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzi- 
valli,  173  n.  The  Cod.  germ.  3993  of  the  State  Library,  Munich, 
contains  *"  Pompa  "  and  entry  of  Pope  Clement  VII I. ,  1598, 
into  Ferrara,  German  translation  by  A.  Rocca,  with  an  anti-papal 
introduction  by  Girolao  Parco. 

2  See  Ang.  Rocca  (ord.  S.  Agost.),  De  ss.  Christi  corpore  rom. 
pontificibus  iter  conficientibus  praeferendo  commentarius  anti- 
quiss.  ritus  causam  et  originem,  variasque  ss.  pontificum  ss. 
secum  hostiam  in  itinere  deferentium  profectiones  itinerarium 
societatis  ss.  sacramenti  Clemente  VIII.  Ferrariam,  proficiscente, 
Rome,  1599.  Cf.  Lettres  d'Ossat,  II.,  iii  ;  Baumgarten, 
Neue  Kunde,  33. 

400  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

up  a  commanal  council,  which  was  cleverly  divided  into  three 
sections,  nobles,  burghers  and  artisans.  Without  restricting 
the  supreme  authority  of  the  Cardinal,  he  gave  this  new 
council,  which  was  to  be  elected  every  three  years,  certain 
rights  and  powers,  such  as  the  provision  of  food,  the  regulation 
of  the  rivers,  the  appointment  of  the  judges  and  the  podesta, 
and  even  of  the  professors  of  the  university,  powers  which  the 
Este  had  reserved  to  themselves.  The  Pope  condoned  many 
purely  fiscal  debts,  and  v/on  over  citizens  of  importance  by 
conferring  on  them  ecclesiastical  dignities. ^  The  inhabitants 
of  Ferrara  were  delighted  by  the  confirmation  of  all  their 
ancient  privileges  and  by  the  labours  of  the  legate,  Aldo- 
brandini,  to  restore  the  finances,  which  had  been  seriously 
damaged  by  the  Este.^  On  the  other  hand  great  discontent 
was  aroused  by  the  construction  of  a  fortress,  to  make  space 
for  which  many  houses,  and  some  churches  and  palaces  had 
to  be  destroyed,  among  them  the  celebrated  Belvedere,  so 
much  sung  by  the  poets. ^  Later  on  Ferrara,  like  Bologna, 
v/as  given  the  right  to  have  its  own  ambassador  in  Rome,'* 
as  well  as  a  tribunal  of  its  own  for  the  settlement  of  causes.^ 
During  the  stay  of  Clement  VIII.  at  Ferarra,  which  lasted 

^  See  Bull.  X.,  449  seq.  ;  Frizzi,  V.,  25  seq.  ;  Contarini  in 
Ranke,  II.*,  183,  n.  I. 

2  See  Frizzi,  V.,  27  seq. 

^  See  besides  Frizzi,  V.,  37  seq.,  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  184, 
and  the  *Avvisi  of  July  25  and  28,  and  August  i,  1598,  Urb.  1066, 
loc.  cit.  Frizzi  [loc.  cit.)  rejects  on  the  strength  of  the  Acta  in 
the  Communal  Archives,  Ferrara,  the  suggestion  that  the  pro- 
prietors of  the  demolished  houses  were  not  indemnified,  as 
Brosch  (I.,  321)  claims.  The  number  of  4000  houses  mentioned 
by  Brosch  is  a  huge  exaggeration  ;  see  Pardi  in  Atti  d.  Deput. 
per  Ferrara,  XX.    (1911),   8. 

«  Brief  of  March  i,  1599,  Bull.  X.,  4S1  seq.  Cf.  Cancellieri, 
Possessi,  209  seq.,  281  ;  Moroni,  V.,  302,  XXIV.,  152.  The 
♦reports  of  the  Ferrara  envoys  in  Rome,  preserved  to  179&,  are 
in  the  Communal  Archives,  Ferrara  ;  ibid,  the  greater  part  of 
the  correspondence  of  the  Cardinal  legate. 

5  See  Bull.  X.,  511  seq.     Cf.  Moroni,  XXIV.,  152  seq. 


for  more  than  six  months,  the  saying  "  ubi  pontifex  ibi  Roma  " 
was  fully  confirmed.  Envoys  came  from  all  parts,  and 
princes  and  princesses,  some  to  express  their  devotion  to  the 
vicar  of  Christ,  and  offer  him  their  congratulations,  and 
some  on  private  business.  The  first  to  come,  on  May  8th, 
was  the  ambassador  of  the  Emperor,  and  on  the  following 
day  the  Archduke  Ferdinand,  on  pilgrimage  to  Loreto,  who 
was  received  by  the  Pope  as  a  son  by  his  father.  ^  There 
followed  the  envoys  of  Lucca, ^  and  at  the  beginning  of  June 
the  four  representatives  of  the  Republic  of  St.  Mark,  who  were 
received  with  special  courtesy.  At  their  farewell  audience 
the  Pope  jokingly  said  to  them  that  he  still  hoped  to  celebrate 
holy  mass  in  Santa  Sofia  at  Constantinople.^  At  the  same 
time  there  came  from  Mantua  Duke  Vincenzo,  his  consort 
Eleanora  and  his  sister  Margherita,  the  mother  of  Alfonso  II. 
They  were  engaged  in  a  dispute  with  Cesare  d'Este  over  a 
matter  of  inheritance.  On  May  29th  there  also  appeared  in 
Ferrara*  Ferrante  Gonzaga,  Prince  of  Guastalla.  On  June 
19th  the  Pope  received  Federigo  Pico,  Prince  of  Mirandola.^ 
At  the  end  of  June  there  came  the  Duke  of  Parma,  Ranuccio 

^  See  *Avviso  of  May  20,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  *reports 
of  L.  Cremaschi,  Ferrara,  May  11  and  15,  1598,  Gonzaga  Archives, 
Mantua.  See  also  Hurter,  III.,  411  seqq.  ;  Stieve,  IV.,  307; 
Archiv.  f.  osterr.  Gesch.,  LXXXVI.,  325  seq.  For  the  envoy 
sent  by  the  Archduke  Maximilian  to  Ferrara  see  Hirn, 
Maximilian,  I.,  69. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  May  27,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit. 

'  See  Al.  P.  Clemen te  VIII.  Ambasceria  Veneta  straordinaria 
in  Ferrara  nell'a.  1598,  ed.  R.  Fulin,  Venice,  1865.  Cf.  also 
*Avvisi  of  June  3  and  6,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  For  Cesare 
Cremonino,  who  came  aa,the  envoy  of  Cento,  and  his  successful 
negotiations  see  Sighinolfi  in  Atti  d.  Romagna,  3rd  ser.,  XXV. 
(1907),  423  seq. 

*  See  the  *Avvisi  of  May  30,  and  June  6,  1598,  Urb.  1066, 
loc.  cit.  Cf.  Narrazione  della  solenne  entrata  fatta  in  Ferrara 
del  ser.  duca  di  Mantova  e  degli  ill.  ambasc.  di  Venezia,  Rome, 

^  *Avviso  of  June  20,  1598,  loc.  cit. 

VOL.    XXIV.  26 

402  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Farnese,  to  pay  his  homage.^  He  rivalled  in  pomp  the  Dake 
of  Mantua,  who  appeared  with  a  retinue  of  1200  persons. 
Lastly  there  came  the  governor  of  Milan,  who  was  treated 
by  the  Pope  with  a  like  honour  as  the  afore-mentioned 

At  the  end  of  September  Clement  VIII.  undertook  an 
expedition  to  Comacchio.^  Everyone  attempted  to  dissuade 
him  from  this,  partly  on  the  ground  of  the  expense,  and  partly 
not  to  offend  Venice,  but  he  would  not  be  moved  from  his 
purpose.^  A  month  later  there  began  the  preparations  for 
the  marriage  of  the  Archduchess  Margaret  of  Styria  to 
Philip  III.,  who  was  represented  by  the  Duke  of  Sessa.^  The 
marriage  of  the  Archduke  Albert  to  the  Infante  Isabella 
was  to  take  place  at  the  same  time  ;®  the  Pope  wished  to  bless 
both  these  marriages  in  person.  The  future  Queen  of  Spain 
made  her  solemn  entry  on  November  13th,  mounted  on  a 
white  palfrey,  and  accompanied  by  nineteen  Cardinals,  and 
numerous    archbishops,    prelates    and    ambassadors.'     After 

1  See  Descrizione  del  viaggio  fatto  dal  duca  Ranuccio  Farnese 
a  Ferrara  per  visitare  P.  Clemente  VIII.,  Ferrara,  1598.  Cf. 
*report  of  L.  Cremaschi,  June  30,  1598,  Gonzaga  Archives, 
Mantua.     *Avviso  of  July  15,  1598,  loc.  cit. 

*  See,  besides  *Avviso  of  August  29,  1598,  loc.  cit.  Bentivoglio, 
Memorie,  23-26.     Cf.  also  Possevino,  Gonzaga,  824. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  September  26  and  30,  1598,  loc.  cit. 

*  Cf.  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  30. 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  October  7,  10,  24  and  31,  and  November  4, 
7  and  II,  1598,  loc.  cit.  The  principal  hall  of  the  palace  was 
decorated  like  the  Sala  Regia.  The  expenses  of  the  reception 
of  the  queen  given  by  Orbaan  in  Arch.  Rom.,  XXXVI.,  119  seq. 

*  The  Archduke  Albert  put  aside  his  sacerdotal  dress  on  July  13, 
1598  ;  he  had  never  received  major  orders  ;  see  Archiv.  f.  osterr. 
Gesch.,  LXXXVL,  328,  333.  For  his  laying  aside  of  the 
cardinalitial  dignity  see  the  *brief  addressed  to  him,  July  31, 
1598,  Arm.  44,  t.  42,  n.  212,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

'  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library  ; 
*Avviso  of  November  14,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  ibid.  ;  *report  of 
L.  Cremaschi,  November  14,  1598,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua  ; 
La  fel.  entrata  della  ser.  Regina  di  Spagna  D.  Margarita  d'Austria 


she  had  assisted  at  the  Pope's  mass  on  the  following  day, 
together  with  the  Archduke  Albert,  who  had  previously 
renounced  his  cardinalate,^  on  the  15th  both  marriages  were 
blessed  by  Clement  VIII.,  after  which  the  Golden  Rose  was 
conferred  on  Margaret.^  The  festivities  which  took  place 
on  the  occasion  recalled  the  most  splendid  days  which  Ferrara 
had  witnessed  in  the  time  of  the  Este.^  Margaret  left  the 
city  on  November  i8th,  accompanied  by  Cardinal  Aldo- 
brandini  as  far  as  the  frontier  of  the  States  of  the  Church. 
After  this  the  Pope  began  to  prepare  for  his  return  journey, 
and  on  November  20th  Cardinal  Giovanni  Francesco  di 
S.  Giorgio  di  Blandrata  assumed  the  office  of  pro-legate. 
Giglioli  was  appointed  ambassador  of  Ferrara  at  the  Curia, 
and  it  was  resolved  to  set  up  a  bronze  statue  of  Clement  VIII. 

nella  citta  di  Ferrara,  Ferrara,  1598  ;  Bentivoglio,  Memorie, 
29  seq. 

^  The  laying  aside  of  the  purple  took  place  at  a  secret  consistory  : 
"  Ferrariae  in  CasteUo  die  ult.  lulii  "  :  *Dixit  'S>^^  Sua  ipsum 
cardinalem  ac  Philippum  Hisp.  regem  summopere  urgere  pro 
admissione  huius  modi  resignationis  causamque  ab  ipso  rege 
adduci  optimam,  nempe  quia  iudicat  expedire  conservationi 
relig.  oath."  Cod.  75,  p.  254  seq.  of  the  Library  of  S.  Pietro  in 
Vincoli,  Rome. 

^  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library  ; 
*Avviso  of  November  18,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  ibid.  ;  Relazione  di 
Paolo  Mucante  dell'entrata  solenne  fatta  in  Ferrara  per  la  ser. 
D.  Margherita  d'Austria  Regina  di  Spagna  e  del  consistorio 
publico  .  .  .  con  minuto  ragguaglio  della  messa  pontificale  da 
S.B.  e  delle  ceremonie  delli  sposalizii  etc.,  Rome,  1598.  Cf.  also 
Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  184  seq.  ;  Bentivoglio,  Memorie, 
31  seq. 

*  Cf.  *Avviso  of  November  18,  1598,  according  to  which 
maschere  were  also  allowed  "  havendo  nome  questi  Ferraresi  di 
fare  cosa  vaga  in  questa  materia,  massime  che  queste  dame  in 
maschera  fanno  molto  bella  niostra."  The  ladies  of  Comacchio 
performed  dances  in  the  moats  around  the  castello,  which  greatly 
diverted  the  queen.  On  November  17  the  "  tragedia  di 
Holoferne  "  was  performed  before  the  queen  (Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.). 
Cf.  also  the  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  loc.  cit. 

404  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  Pope  granted  further  favours  to  the  Ferrarese,  and 
promised  them  to  make  the  Po  navigable  ;  he  showed  himself 
so  magnanimous  that  the  representatives  of  the  city  left 
his  audience  chamber  with  tears  of  joy  in  their  eyes.^  On 
November  26th  Clement  VIII.,  kneeling  before  the  Blessed 
Sacrament  in  the  cathedral,  recommended  the  new  possession 
to  the  protection  of  God  in  a  touching  prayer,  and  then  set  out 
upon  his  return  journey. ^ 

He  went  first  from  Ferrara  to  Bologna,  where  he  was 
received  with  great  honour.  Guido  Reni  has  preserved  in 
an  etching  the  decorations  of  the  festivities.  Clement  VIII. 
remained  in  Bologna  for  three  days ;  he  said  mass  at 
S.  Petronio,  and  visited  the  university,  where  he  had  once 
made  his  studies.^  The  return  to  Rome,  where  the  Pope 
was  anxiously  awaited,  was  hastened  as  much  as  possible, 
and  to  that  end  the  retinue  was  reduced.'^  On  December  ist 
Clement  VIII.  reached  Imola,  and  on  the  2nd  honoured 
Faenza  and  Forlimpopoli^  with  his  presence  ;  on  the  3rd  he 
met  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  at  Meldola  ;  on  the  4th  Cesena 
we  reached,  and  on  the  5th  Rimini,  where,  on  the  following 
day,  the  Second  Sunday  in  Advent,  he  said  mass  in  the 
cathedral.  From  Rimini  he  went  to  Cattolica,  on  the  7th 
by  Pesaro  to  Fano,  on  the  8th  to  Sinigaglia,  on  the  gth  to 
Ancona,  and  on  the  loth  to  Loreto.     After  having  stayed 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  November  21  and  December  5,  1598,  Urb. 
1066,  loc.  cit. 

*  The  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  loc.  cit.  gives  this  beautiful  prayer. 
3  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  loc.  cit.  ;    *Avvisi  of  December  5 

and  12,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  ;  Bellentani,  I  papi  a  Bologna, 
B.,  1857,  27  seq.  For  the  festival  decorations  see  Bohn,  G.  Reni, 
3  seq.,  30,  and  Jahrb.  d.  Kunstsamml.  d.  osterr.  Kaiserhauses, 
XXVI.,  137.  Cf.  also  Fr.\ti,  Opere  di  bibliografia  Bolognese,  I. 
(1888),  419. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  December  12,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  We 
have  details  of  the  return  journey  in  the  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis, 
Barb.  2815,  ibid.     Cf.  also  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  610,  612  seq.,  614. 

5  C/.  Ballardini  in  Arch.  stor.  ital.,  5th  ser.,  XXXVIII., 
362  seq.,  366  seq. 

RETURN    OF   THE    POPE   TO    ROME.  405 

there  for  several  days,  and  having  ordained  Cardinals  Pietro 
Aldobrandini  and  Bartolomeo  Cesi  priests,  on  December  14th 
the  journey  was  continued  by  way  of  Foligno,  Spoleto,  Narni 
and  Civita  Castellana.  On  the  19th  the  Pope  reached  Rome, 
where  the  whole  of  the  clergy  went  to  meet  him  at  the  Porta 
del  Popolo.  Accompanied  by  them  he  went  in  procession, 
through  richly  decorated  streets,  to  St.  Peter's.  The  people 
were  filled  with  exultation  ;  the  Pope  looked  very  well,  and 
had  falsified  the  prophecies  of  the  astrologers  that  he  would 
die  on  the  journey. ^  On  the  following  days  the  audiences 
at  the  Vatican  were  very  numerous,  and  all  flocked  to  con- 
gratulate him  on  the  acquisition  of  Ferrara,  which  was  cele- 
brated by  many  poets  and  orators.  ^     It  was  resolved  to  set 

1  See  *Avvisi  of  December  23  and  26,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  ; 
Odoardo  Magliano,  L'ordine  tenuto  nel  ricevere  il  SS. 
Sacramento  nell'entrare  in  Roma  con  la  processione  at  apparati 
delle  strade  da  S.  Maria  del  Popolo  a  S.  Pietro,  Rome,  1598  ; 
*report  of  L.  Cremaschi,  December  25,  1598,  Gonzaga  Archives, 
Mantua.  Commemorative  inscription  see  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzi- 
valli,  215  seq.  Clement  VIII.  had  expressed  the  wish  that  there 
should  be  no  expense  to  celebrate  his  return  (see  the  *brief  to 
Cardinal  d'Aragona,  December  9,  1598)  as  he  already  knew  the 
devotion  of  the  city  :  "  Romae  enim  aetatem  egimus."  Arm. 
44,  t.  42,  n.  370,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 

*  los.  Castalionis,  Expeditio  Ferrariensis  et  Ferraria  recepta, 
Rome,  1598  ;  G.  B.  Genari,  Rime  nella  venuta  di  Clemente  VIII. 
a  Ferrara,  Ferrara,  1598  ;  los.  Comarini,  In  S.D.N.  Clementis 
VIII.  P.O.M.  Ferrariam  Bononiam,  Romamque  adventu. 
Carmina,  Ferrara,  1599;  Giov.  Paolo  Braccino  (of  Ferrara), 
Rime  a  diversi  nella  venuta  di  Clemente  VIII.  (Aldobrandini) 
col  sacro  coUegio  et  Romana  Corte  alia  nobiliss.  citta  di  Ferrara, 
etc.,  Ferrara,  1601  ;  D.  NizzoLi,  Viaggio  di  S.S.  Clemente  VIII. 
a  Ferrara  in  ottava  rima,  s.  /.  et  a.  ;  Ottavio  Micheli  da  Lucca, 
♦Ferrara  recuperata  in  ottava  rima  (six  canti),  Vat.  5529,  Vatican 
Library ;  Fab.  Patritius,  Oratione  a  N.S.  Clemente  VIII. 
neH'allegrezza  dell'acquisto  di  Ferrara,  Venice,  1598.  Other 
commemorative  discourses  in  Capilupi,  ed.  Prinzivalli,  214  seq. 
For  commemorative  coins  see  Bonanni,  I.,  and  Agnelli,  F'errara, 
Bergamo,  1906,  99, 

406  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

lip  a  commemorative  inscription  in  honour  of  Clement  VIII. 
at  the  Capitol.^ 

In  the  midst  of  these  days  of  jubilation,  there  occurred  a 
terrible  disaster,  owing  to  which  the  most  fortunate  year  of 
the  pontificate  of  the  Aldobrandini  Pope  ended  in  sorrow.^ 
The  Eternal  City  was  afflicted  by  an  inundation,  which  far 
surpassed  all  previous  ones.  On  December  21st  torrential 
rains  had  fallen,  owing  to  which  the  yellow  and  muddy  waters 
of  the  Tiber  were  swollen  in  the  most  alarming  way.     On 

1  See  NovAEs,  IX.,  38.  The  event  was  also  celebrated  in 
inscriptions,  e.^.  at  the  Villa  Aldobrandini  (see  infra,  pp.  496  seqq.), 
the  castello  at  Spoleto,  and  the  Palazzo  del  Podesta  at  Faenza. 
The  banner  with  the  device  :  "  Ferrara  ricuperata  "  is  preserved 
at  the  Villa  Aldobrandini  at  Anzio. 

2  In  a  *note  in  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  5259,  p.  132,  Vatican  Library, 
it  is  stated  of  the  year  1598  :  Anno  celebre  e  memorabile  per  la 
christianita,  ma  particolarmente  per  la  riputatione  e  felicita  della 
Sede  Apost.  e  ni  Clemente  VIII.  poiche  in  esso  non  solo  ricupero 
e  ridusse  sotto  il  dominio  ecclesiastico  Ferrara,  et  uno  stato  cosi 
grande  suo,  ma  nell'istesso  anno  si  rihebbe  dalle  mani  de'turchi 
Giaverino  pochi  anni  avanti  da  loro  per  forza  occupato.  Stabilissi 
la  pace  con  I'autorita  del  medesimo  Pontefice  per  mezzo  del  suo 
legato  tra  la  corona  di  Francia  e  quella  di  Spagna  dopo  dieci  anni 
di  guerra,  anzi  si  potrebbe  dire  cento.  Quietossi  con  I'istessa  pace 
il  regno  di  Francia  lacerato  altretanto  tempo  dalle  guerre  civili, 
et  essendo  morto  Fllippo  2°  Re  di  Spagna  si  congiunsero  in 
matrimonio  Filippo  3.  suo  figliuolo  a  Margherita  d'Austria, 
facendosi  solennita  delle  nozze  in  Ferrara  con  grandissima  pompa 
degna  di  tanti  principi  per  mano  dell'istesso  Pontefice  ;  ne  questo 
sponsalitio  fu  solo  ;  poiche  seco  anche  si  celebro  quelle  dell' 
arciduca  Alberto  con  I'infanta  Donna  Isabella  di  Spagna.  Ne  fu 
cosa  di  poca  consideratione  il  muoversi  il  Papa  con  tutta  la  corte 
di  Roma  et  andare  a  Ferrara  con  decoro  ecclesiastico  e  pontificio, 
entrandovi  solennissimamente,  attioni,  che  bastarebbono  ad 
illustrare  un  secolo,  e  far  memorabili  quattro  pontificati.  Ne 
poteva  quest'anno  esser  piu  felice  per  quel  Pontefice,  se  questa 
ielicita  non  fosse  stata  alquanto  temperata  dall'innondatione, 
che  fece  il  Tevere,  nel  suo  ritorno  a  Roma,  che  non  solo  li  rec6 
non  poco  disturbo,  bench e  in  esso  anche  havesse  occasione  di 
mostrare  la  sua  pieta,  et  il  card.  Aldobrandini  la  sua  dilJgenza, 


December  23rd  the  river  began  to  overflow  at  certain  points. 
At  first  no  great  fears  were  entertained,  but  the  waters  rose 
from  lioiir  to  hour  with  alarming  persistence  ;  they  passed 
the  floodmarks  of  1557,  and  at  last  even  those  of  1530  by 
two  palms.  It  was  estimated  that  the  level  of  the  water 
had  risen  by  ten  metres.  ^  Almost  the  whole  city  suffered 
in  a  terrible  degree  from  the  stench,  which  in  the  poetry  of 
Horace  was  attributed  to  the  vengeance  of  the  Tiber  god.^ 
Only  the  hills  and  some  of  the  higher  parts  of  the  cit}^  were 
spared.^  With  bewildering  force  the  waters  destroyed  many 
houses,  especially  in  the  Borgo,  on  the  island  of  S.  Bartolomeo, 
and  in  the  Ripetta.  In  many  other  cases  the  foundations 
were  so  undermined  that  later  on  they  had  to  be  supported 

^  C/.  v.  MoLTKE,  Wanderbuch^,  Berlin,  1890,  61. 

*  Already  on  February  2nd,  1598,  there  had  been  an  inundation 
which  had  caused  damage  of  200,000  scudi  (see  *Avviso  of 
February  4,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.)  and  another  on  March  i 
(*Avviso  of  ]\Iarch  7,  1598,  ibid.). 

*  Cf.  Lettres  d'Ossat,  V.,  5  seq.  ;  report  of  the  procurator  of 
the  Anima  in  Schmidlin,  Anima,  442  seq.  ;  *Avviso  of  December 
30,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  ;  *letter  of  Carpino  Carpini,  Rome, 
December  30,  1598,  in  Vat.  8259,  p.  342  seq.  Vatican  Library  ; 
Lettera  di  Maurizio  Cataneo  in  Idea  del  Segretario,  Venice,  1606, 
37  seq.  ;  *letter  of  L.  Cremaschi,  December  26,  1598,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua  ;  *report  of  M.  Vialardo  to  the  Archduke 
Ferdinand,  January  2,  1599,  State  Archives,  Vienna.  Two 
*reports  in  Inform,  polit.,  XVI.,  n.  15-16,  State  Library,  Berlin. 
See  also  Juvencius,  V.,  291  seq.  ;  Possevino,  Gonzaga,  824  seq.  ; 
Grottanelli,  Ducato  di  Castro,  21  seq.  ;  Lanciani,  Scavi,  II.. 
27  ;  A.  Pilot  in  Riv.  di  Roma,  1909.  Contemporary  accounts  in 
Archivio,  V.,  3  (1879),  300  seq.  of  Gori  ;  Bertolotti,  Art. 
Subalp.,  144  seq.  Of  other  reports  mention  may  be  made  of  : 
the  Relatione  de  la  spaventevole  inondatione  fatta  dal  Tevere 
nella  citta  di  Roma  e  suoi  contorni  alii  23  decembre  1598,  Milan, 
1599  (copy  in  the  Library  of  J.  v.  Gorres,  afterwards  in  the 
possession  of  Fraulein  Sofia  Gorres  at  Vienna).  J.  Castiglione, 
Trattato  dell'inondatione  del  Tevere,  Rome,  1599,  5  seq.,  44  seq., 
73  seq.  ;  M.  Cognatus,  De  Tiberis  inundatione,  Rome,  1599. 
For  the  inundation  cf.  also  Miscell.  d.  stor.  Hal.,  IV.,  687. 

408  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

by  girders  and  beams,  and  new  sub-structures  ;  older  buildings, 
such  as  the  professed  house  of  the  Jesuits,  had  to  be  rebuilt 
owing  to  the  damage  they  had  sustained.^  The  two  outer 
arches  of  the  Ponte  Palatino,  restored  by  Gregory  XIII., 
fell  before  the  raging  waters,  so  that  the  medieval  name  of 
Ponte  S.  Maria  was  changed  to  that  of  Ponte  Rotto.^  The 
Ponte  S.  Angelo  and  the  Ponte  Molle  were  also  damaged, 
and  all  the  little  shops  of  objects  of  devotion  near  the  Ponte 
S.  Angelo  were  destroyed  ;  three  salt  stores  belonging  to  the 
Apostolic  Camera,  and  nine  out  of  the  twenty  corn  mills  on 
the  Tiber — according  to  other  accounts  as  many  as  twelve — 
were  carried  away  with  all  their  inhabitants.  Two  broke 
into  pieces  at  the  Ponte  Sisto. 

In  a  state  of  indescribable  confusion  there  floated  through 
the  streets  of  Rome  bales  of  merchandize,  bundles  of  hay, 
doors,  books,  furniture  and  domestic  utensils.  The  waters, 
which  flowed  with  bewildering  speed,  frequently  changed  their 
course,  and  a  terrible  state  of  panic  prevailed.  At  the  terrified 
cry  of  "  the  floods  "  the  people  rushed  out  of  their  houses, 
and  in  the  lack  of  sufficient  boats,  sought  safety,  amid  terrible 
scenes,  in  the  higher  ground,  at  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo,  and 
in  the  larger  houses.  Others  took  refuge  on  the  roofs.  If 
the  city  had  been  carried  by  assault  by  an  enemy,  the  terror 
and  confusion  could  not  have  been  greater.  The  terrible 
height  to  which  the  water  reached  may  be  seen  with  alarming 
clearness  by  the  marks  which  are  still  to  be  seen  to-day  on 
the  facade  of  the  Minerva  and  in  other  places.^  The  inunda- 
tion broke  with  such  lightning  speed  that  the  greater  number 
of  the  inhabitants  were  unable  to  provide  themselves  with 

^  See  JuvENCius,  V.,  292,  where  there  are  particulars  of  the 
new  building  erected  by  Card.  O.  Farnese. 

2  As  the  last  trace  of  the  bridge  there  is  still  preserved  a  single 
arch  in  the  middle  of  the  river. 

*  See  the  illustrations  in  Pastor,  Rom  zu  Ende  der  Renaissance, 
29.  List  of  the  marks  showing  the  height  of  the  water  in 
Inventario,  I.,  86,  99,  165,  237,  305,  467.  Inscription  relating  to 
the  inundation  of  the  Tiber  at  S.  Giovanni  de'  Fiorentini,  in 
ToTTi,  244. 


food  or  the  barest  necessaries,  and  the  Imperial  ambassador 
reported  that  even  Cardinals  Madruzzo  and  Sforza  nearly 
died  of  starvation.^ 

The  damage  done  in  the  churches  was  terrible.  "  After 
the  fatal  floods — thus  the  procurator  of  the  Anima  describes 
the  state  of  the  German  national  church — had  beaten  strongly 
and  for  a  long  time  against  the  walls  of  our  church,  throwing 
against  them  roofs,  timbers  from  mills  and  ships  and  all 
manner  of  things  that  they  had  carried  away  with  them  from 
all  parts,  but  in  vain,  because  the  architectural  strength  had 
defied  their  efforts,  they  began  to  rage  in  the  interior  of  the 
church  ;  they  overthrew  all  the  tombs,  scattered  bodies, 
ashes,  filth,  mingling  them  with  the  water  in  the  wells,  the 
drinking  water,  earth  and  air,  as  they  would  ;  they  ruined 
the  stalls  in  the  choir,  and  in  the  sacristy,  as  well  as  the  images 
of  Our  Lady  which  were  near  the  altars  ;  as  the  doors  could 
not  be  torn  from  their  hinges,  they  were  broken,  crushed 
and  to  a  great  extent  demolished  ;  the  hangings  which  had 
been  attached  to  the  pillars  and  other  places  as  decoration 
for  the  feast  of  the  Nativity  (for  the  water  began  to  rise  on  the 
vigil  of  the  Nativity)  were  discoloured  and  spoiled  to  half 
their  height  by  filthy  water  ;  almost  all  the  marble  monuments 
and  inscriptions  were  damaged,  among  them  those  of  the 
Duke  of  Cleves  and  of  Pope  Adrian  VI.  of  holy  memory." ^ 

The  Romans  passed  a  terrible  vigil  of  the  Nativity  ;  no  one 
slept,  lights  were  burning  in  all  the  windows,  and  the  rising 
of  the  water  was  anxiously  watched.  At  last  a  slight  sub- 
sidence of  the  flood  could  be  detected.  In  spite  of  this  on 
the  following  day  the  churches  were  still  so  immersed  in  water 

1  See  the  *report  of  Vialardo,  January  2,  1599,  State  Archives, 

2  ScHMiDLiN,  Anima,  443.  The  report,  as  far  as  the  churches 
are  concerned,  is  confirmed  by  the  *letter  of  Carpino  Carpini  in 
Vat.  8259,  p.  342  seq.  (Vatican  Library),  who  says  :  "  Non  vi  si 
puo  troppo  dimorare  per  il  gran  fettore  e  puzza  che  rendono  li 
cadaveri  delle  sepulture  sfondate  dal  acqua."  Cf.  also  Panciroli, 
Tesori  nascosti  (1600),  429,  538  ;  Cavazzi,  S.  Maria  in  Via  Lata, 
Rome,  1908,  128. 

410  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

that  mass  could  hardly  be  said  anywhere.  Even  the  solemn 
Papal  mass  had  to  be  omitted.^  During  the  night  before 
St.  Stephen's  day  the  waters  began  to  disappear,  leaving 
everywhere  a  deep  layer  of  mire,  which  could  only  be  removed 
with  great  difficulty.  For  a  long  time  the  basements  remained 
filled  with  water,  and  the  lower  floors  were  uninhabitable  on 
account  of  the  water  which  had  penetrated  into  them.^  It 
is  difficult  to  estimate  exactly  the  number  of  persons  in  the 
city  and  the  environs  who  were  taken  by  surprise  and  drowned 
by  the  floods.  The  estimates  vary  from  4,000  to  1,400.^ 
Immense  loss  was  caused  by  the  destruction  of  cattle,  grain, 
wine,  oil,  hay,  merchandize  and  objects  of  every  kind,  which 
were  stored  for  the  most  part  in  the  basements.  It  was 
estimated  that  there  was  a  loss  of  two  million  gold  ducats.'* 

The  Pope,  who  v/as  afflicted  with  the  deepest  grief  at  the 
misfortunes  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  capital,  and  praj'cd 
almost  without  interruption,  did  all  he  could  from  the  first 
to  give  every  help  that  lay  in  his  pov/er.  He  had  those  who 
were  in  danger  rescued  by  boats,  and  distributed  food  and 
money  in  all  the  parishes.  By  his  orders  Cardinal  Aldobran- 
dini  supervised  the  salvage  works,  in  which  Cardinals  Santori, 
Rusticucci,  Sauli,  Sfondrato  and  Sforza  also  took  part,  and 
among  the  aristocracy  above  all  the  Marchese  Peretti.  At 
the  hospital  of  Santo  Spirito,  Camillus  of  Lellis,  the  founder 
of  the  "  Fathers  of  a  good  death,"  laboured  all  the  night  with 
six  companions  in  moving  the  sick  to  an  upper  floor. 

It  greatly  afflicted  the  Pope  when  wicked  men  spread  the 
report  among  the  people  that  the  opening  of  a  canal  for  the 

1  *December  24,  1598,  "  non  fuit  Capella  propter  inundationem 
Tyberis."     Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library. 

2  See  *report  of  Carpino  Carpini,  loo.  cit. 

3  See  ScHMiDLiN,  Anima,  442  n.  2.  The  statement  of  Reumont 
here  given,  of  1500  drowned,  is  probably  based  on  the  Relatione 
della  spaventevole  inondatione,  Milan,  1599,  which  mentions  the 
number  of  1400.  The  same  number  is  to  be  found  on  the  back 
cover  of  the  manuscript  n.  43  of  the  Stiftes  Hohenfurth  Library 
in  Bohemia. 

4  *Avviso  of  December  30,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit. 


draining  of  the  water  from  the  Velino,  which  he  had  permitted, 
had  been  the  cause  of  the  inmidation.^  An  examination 
carried  out  on  the  spot  later  on  proved  the  groundlessness  of 
these  rumours. 2  In  another  quarter  the  blame  for  the 
inundation  was  attributed  to  the  works  of  the  Florentine 
government,  for  the  draining  of  the  valley  of  the  Chiana. 
When  for  this  reason  the  Romans  began  to  construct  dykes, 
which  led  to  the  flooding  of  some  of  the  neighbouring  districts 
of  Tuscany,  there  followed  a  bitter  quarrel  with  Florence, 
which  threatened  to  develop  nito  a  war.^ 

On  January  8th,  1599,  Clement  VIII.  had  made  a  report 
to  the  Cardinals  on  the  catastrophe,'*  and  on  the  23rd  a  circular 
was  issued  to  the  clergy  and  people  of  Rome,  exhorting  them 
to  look  upon  the  inundation  as  a  chastisement  for  their  sins, 
and  to  appease  the  anger  of  God^  by  leading  a  better  life 
and  b}'  doing  penance.  To  this  end  processions  were  ordered 
at  St.  Mar}'  Major's  and  St.  Peter's.^  But  in  order  to  avert 
the  recurrence  of  such  a  disaster  by  human  means  as  well, 
a  congregation  of  six  Cardinals  was  ordered  to  discuss  with 
experts  on  the  subject '^  plans  for  the  regulation  of  the  Tiber. 

^  See  ibid.  For  the  works  on  the  Velino,  hardly  finished  in  1601 
cf.  *Avviso  of  July  24,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  I.,  loc.  cit  Carrara, 
La  caduta  del  Velino  nella  Nera,  Rome,  1799  ;    Novaes,  IX.,  39. 

2  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  February  3  and  10,  March  3  and  20,  and  April  3, 
1599.  Urb.  1067,  Vatican  Library. 

'  See  Reumont,  Toskana,  I.,  365.  "  Disegni  piante  relazioni  e 
visite  con  le  transazioni  fatte  per  le  Chiane  1600  "  down  to  1658, 
preserved  in  Cod.  Chigi,  P.  VL,  6,  Vatican  Library,  are  by  the 
engineer  Carlo  Rainaldi. 

*  See  *Acta  consist.  Cod.  Barb.  lat.  2871,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Bull.  X.,  467  seq.  Cf.  the  letter  to  the  Romans  (Papal 
Secret  Archives)  in  App.  n.  14. 

"  See  *Avvisi  of  January  27  and  30,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.  ; 
*Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2816,  ibid. 

'  Among  them  was  Giov.  Fontana  ;  see  Bertolotti,  Art. 
Subalp.,  Mantua,  1884  ;  Art.  Lomb.,  I.,  98  seq.,  II.,  5  seq.  The 
Pope  had  already  in  1596  appointed  this  architect,  together  with 
Giacomo  della  Porta  and  three  Venetian  architects  to  regulate 

412  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

The  congregation  ordered  that  the  mire  should  be  cleared 
out  of  the  streets,  as  if  it  remained  there  was  reason  to  fear 
the  outbreak  of  epidemics.^  A  very  prudent  step  was  the 
prohibition  to  inhabit  the  lower  floors  of  the  houses  for  a 
month,  for  these  had  suffered  especially  from  the  moisture. 
There  was  also  a  prohibition  of  any  increase  in  the  price  of 
food.  2  The  rebuilding  works  had  to  be  hurried  forward, 
all  the  more  so  as  the  jubilee  would  occur  in  the  following 

In  the  meantime  the  plans  for  the  regulation  of  the  Tiber 
were  so  far  advanced  that  in  June  it  was  possible  to  begin 

the  bed  of  the  Tiber  ;  see  Bertolotti,  Art.  Svizz.,  Bellinzona, 
1886,  II.  At  that  time,  as  well  as  now,  all  manner  of  plans  were 
suggested  ;  see  Paolo  Berti,  *Ragionamento  sul  rimedio  per 
impedire  le  inondazioni  del  Tevere  (dated  Padua,  February  9, 
1601),  in  Vat.  6357,  p.  I  seq.,  Vatican  Library.  Cf.  the  rare 
work  :  P.  Beni,  Discorsi  sopra  I'inondazione  del  Tevere,  Rome, 
1599-  See  also  Tarquinio  Pinaoro,  Discorso  dell'inondatione  del 
Tevere  seguita,  1598,  in  Urb.  861,  p.  85  seqq.,  Vatican  Library  ; 
Eh  RLE,  Pianta  di  Maggi-Maupin-Losi  del  1625,  Rome,  1915, 
8  seqq.  ;  Orbaan,  Documenti,  121  n.  The  architect  Carlo 
Lombardi  was  appointed  in  1599  as  deputy  for  the  clearance  of  the 
damage  caused  by  the  inundation  of  the  Tiber  ;  see  Bertolotti, 
Artisti  Svizz.,  16.  In  1593  he  had  already  been  appointed 
"  exstimator  et  mensurator  generalis  omnium  aquarum  "  ;  see 
Bertolotti,  Art.  Subalp.,  43  seq.  ;    cf.  Art.  Lomb.,  I.,  96,  218. 

1  Cf.  *Avvisi  of  January  3  and  6,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 
In  other  ways  as  well  steps  were  taken  in  order  to  provide  for 
hygienic  conditions  in  Rome  as  far  as  possible.  Thus  steps  were 
taken  in  the  heat  of  the  summer  to  prevent  pestilence  being 
introduced  into  the  city.  As  to  this  see  the  *report  of  G.  C. 
Foresto,  July  3,  1599,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua,  and  the  *Avvisi 
of  July  7  and  28,  and  August  24,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.  The 
first  states  that  it  had  been  decided  at  the  Capitol  to  close  that 
part  of  the  city  which  lay  open  (from  the  Porta  Cavalleggieri  to 
the  Porta  Settimana)  so  as  to  be  able  to  place  guards  everywhere, 
on  account  of  the  plague.  For  an  epidemic  in  the  Celimontana 
district  in  1601,  see  Tomassetti,  I.,  166. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  January  13,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loo.  cit. 


the  digging  of  a  new  channel  across  the  Prati  near  Ponte 
Molle.  It  was  feared,  however,  that  this  would  not 
provide  a  reall}^  radical  remedy,  and  that  the  enormous 
cost  of  200,000  scudi  would  be  money  thrown  away.^ 
This  plan  was  therefore  abandoned,  and  it  was  decided 
to  effect  another  deviation  of  the  Tiber  near  Orte,  the 
cost  of  which  was  estimated  at  150,000  scudi. ^  In 
December  1600  and  January  1601  there  were  fresh 
inundations,  though  less  serious  ones  ;^  but  the  plans  so 
far  adopted  were  proved  to  be  impracticable.^  Even 
though  it  had  been  possible  to  provide  the  money,  there  were 
at  that  time  no  technical  means  equal  to  so  difficult  a  task, 
and  one  on  which  the  efforts  of  the  Roman  Emperors  had 
already  failed.^ 

The  question  of  the  regulation  of  floods  also  caused 
Clement  VIII.  anxiety  in  the  case  of  Ferrara.  The  Pope 
intended  to  make  one  arm  of  the  Po  navigable,  namely  the 
Po  di  Primaro,  and  to  make  its  right  bank  cultivateable  ;  also 
to  regulate  the  Reno  and  drain  the  marshes  of  the  Romagna. 
The  discussions®  on  this  subject  begun  at  Ferrara  were  con- 
tinued in  the  following  years.  To  the  intrinsic  difficulties 
of  the  matter  itself  were  added  serious  disagreements  with 

1  See  *Avvisi  of  May  29,  June  5  and  26,  1599,  ibid.  The  two 
first  in  Orbaan,  Documenti,  121  n. 

2  See  *Avviso  of  November  27,  1599,  LTrb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  December  23,  1600,  and  January  3,  1601, 
Urb.  1068  and  1069,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  January  3,  19  and  23,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  loc.  cit. 
Cf.  also  Bertolotti,  Giornalisti,  astrologi  e  negromanti  in  Roma, 
Florence,  1878,  14  seq. 

^  J.  Castiglione  (Trattato  dell'inondatione  del  Tevere,  Rome, 
1599.  71)  foretold  this. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  August  15  and  29,  and  December  5,  1599, 
Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  *"  Nota  delle  misure  prese  a  Ferrara  e 
suo  territorio  insieme  con  il  livello  per  servizio  della  dissecatione 
di  paludi  et  navigatione  del  Po  di  Ferrara — quali  sono  prese  per 
ordine  di  Clemente  VIII.  1598,"  Barb.  lat.  .^379,  p.  115  seq., 
Vatican  Library. 

414  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Venice/  but  Clement  VIII.  would  not  abandon  his  plan  for 
that  reason  ;  but  it  had  not  even  begun  to  be  carried  out  when 
he  died.^  Among  the  engineers  to  whom  the  problem  was 
entrusted  was  Giovanni  Fontana.^ 

^  See  the  *briefs  to  the  Doge,  December  4,  1599,  January  29, 
May  27  and  July  15,  1600,  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  418,  and  t.  44,  n.  59, 
143.  193.  Papal  Secret  Archives  (originals  partly  in  State  Archives, 
Venice)  ;  Dolfin,  Relazione,  501  ;  Venier,  Relazione,  23  seq. 
Cf.  *report  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  March  25,  1600,  Gonzaga  Archives, 
Mantua.  See  also  *"  Relazione  della  visita  degli  rev.  Monsignore 
Barberini,  chierico  di  camera  e  di  Msg.  Agucchia,  maggiordomo 
del  ill.  e  rev.  card.  Aldobiandini  sul  Polesine  d'Ariano  d'ordine 
del  Papa  per  vedere,  informarli  e  considerare  il  taglio  del  Po,  che 
intendevano  i  sig^^  Venetiani,  1599."  Barb.  lat.  4351,  pp.  1-17, 
Vatican  Library.  Ibid.  4343,  pp.  154-273,  *Negotiato  del  taglio 
del  Po  tra  la  S.  Sede  e  Venezia  sotto  Clemente  VIII.  1599,  with 
original  letter  of  Maffeo  Barberini,  Barb.  lat.  5853  {ibid.)  contains 
*43  letters  of  Cardinals  (especially  Blandrata)  and  prelates 
concerning  the  "  negotio  del  taglio  del  Po  disegnato  da  Venetiani 
1598  sq.  e  ridotto  a  perfettura." 

2  Cf.  Frizzi,  v.,  28  seq.,  43  seq.,  50.  Many  *documents  per- 
taining to  this  in  Barb.  lat.  4351,  4356,  4377,  4383,  Vatican 
Library.  An  anonymous  *letter  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua,  Rome, 
August  14,  1604,  says  :  "  II  Papa  ha  sborsato  20,000  ducati  per 
far  prova  se  I'ingegno  del  venuto  di  Fiandra  e  a  proposito  per  lo 
negotio  del  Po,  del  Rone  e  delle  lagune  di  Romagna."  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

^  Barb.  lat.  4351  contains,  p.  48  seq.  :  *Discorso  e  giudizio 
sopra  il  taglio  del  Po,  signed  by  Giov.  Rossi,  Giov.  Fontana  and 
Bartol.  Crescenzio  ;  p.  64  seq.  :  *Discorso  di  Giov.  Fontana  sopra 
il  ritomare  la  navigatione  a  Ferrara,  far  la  disseccatione  di  tanti 
terreni,  che  sono  impaludati  et  di  ritornarli  nel  stato  che  erano 
40  anni  sono,  scritto  a  Roma  28  luglio  1600  e  presentato  al  Cardinal 
Marcello  ;  p.  74  seq.  :  *Opinion  of  Giov.  Fontana  for  Clement  VIII. 
concerning  the  "  disseccatione  et  navigatione  di  Ferrara,  Bologna 
et  Romagna  1601  "  (Vatican  Library).  *Documents  concerning 
the  measures  taken  against  the  overflowing  of  Lake  Trasimeno, 
on  which  occasion  Matleo  Barberini  acted  as  the  Pope's  com- 
missary, in  Barb.  lat.  4353.  There  too  an  original  *brief  of 
Clement  VIII.  to  M.  Barberini,  June  13,  1602,  Vatican  Library. 


In  spite  of  the  constant  proofs  of  his  favour  which 
Clement  VIII.  continued  to  show  Ferrara  to  the  end  of  his 
pontificate/  the  city  greatly  resented  being  deprived  of  its 
former  brilliant  court.  Thousands  of  those  who  belonged 
there  emigrated  to  Modena,  while  many  of  those  who  remained 
brooded  regretfully  over  bye-gone  days.  "  Thus  passes  the 
glory  of  the  world  " — wrote  an  aged  retainer  of  the  ducal 
house — "  now  there  is  no  longer  any  duke  in  Ferrara,  nor 
princesses,  nor  music  nor  singers."^  Even  though  the  city 
could  not  lose  the  stamp  of  a  princely  capital,  it  fell  more  and 
more  into  that  silence  which  to-day  still  powerfully  affects 
the  wayfarer  through  its  broad  streets  and  its  deserted  piazzas. 
The  diminution  in  the  population  of  the  city,  however,  has 
been  enormously  exaggerated  by  local  chroniclers  ;  according 
to  careful  research  it  did  not  amount  to  more  than  1800 
persons.^  Moreover  a  decrease  of  population  was  to  be  seen 
everywhere,  not  excepting  Rome  itself.'* 

This  was  all  the  more  painful  to  Clement  VIII.  in  that  he 
did  all  he  could  to  promote  the  welfare  of  his  people.  The 
greater  part  of  what  he  did,  however,  in  this  matter  has  been 
forgotten  and  left  unrecorded.^     But  in  spite  of  this  it  is 

1  See  Frizzi,  V.,  40  seq.  Cf.  Theiner,  Cod.  dipl..  III.,  573  ; 
Moroni,  XXIV.,  153  ;    Bull.  X.,  591  seq.,  592  seq.,  761  seq.,  873. 

*  *Cronaca  di  Ferrara,  MS.  in  the  Albani  Library,  in  Ranke, 
Piipste,  II.*,  i8.f  seq.  The  manuscripts  of  the  Albani  Library 
were  destroyed  in  1857. 

^  See  G.  Pardi,  Sulla  Popolazione  del  Ferrarese  dope  la  devolu- 
zione,  Ferrara,  1911.  How  much  this  is  exaggerated  is  clear 
from  the  fact  that  according  to  AgnelU  (Ode  Carducciane  alia 
citta  di  Ferrara,  Bologna,  1899,  34),  20,000  Ferraresi  emigrated 
with  the  duke. 

*  Cf.  G.  Beloch,  La  popolazione  d'ltaha  nei  sec.  XVI.,  XVII.  a 
XVIII.,  Rome,  1888,  38.  Rome  had  in  1600  :  109,729 
inhabitants  ;  in  1601  :  101,546  ;  in  1602  :  99,312  ;  in  1603  : 
104,878  ;  in  1604  :  99,293  ;  in  1605  :  99,647  ;  see  Castiglione, 
Delia  popolazione  di  Roma,  Rome,  1878,  167  ;  Studi  e  docum., 
XII.,  170. 

^  Donato  in  1592  reports  a  plan  for  establishing  a  single  coinage 
for  the  whole  of  ItaJv,  in  Baschei,  208.     The  constitution  of 

4l6  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

known  that  from  the  first  years  of  his  reign  he  interested 
himself,  as  Sixtus  V.  had  already  done,  in  the  revival  of  the 
silk  industry.  1  He  devoted  his  attention  to  improving  the 
harbours  of  Terracina  and  Civitavecchia.^  If  in  spite  of 
these  and  other  praiseworthy  efforts  he  was  unable  to  prevent 
the  decadence  of  the  Papal  States,  this  was  not  only  the 
result  of  repeated  bad  harvests,  scarcity,  the  scourge  of  the 
bandits  and  the  burden  of  taxes, ^  but  other  factors  as  well 
must  be  taken  into  account,  which  are  clearly  pointed  out 
by  the  Venetian  ambassador,  Paruta.  The  provinces  of  the 
States  of  the  Church  M'ere  governed  in  part  by  legates,  and 
in  part  by  presidents  ;  the  larger  cities  had  governors  and 
the  smaller  ones  a  podesta.  Once  the  offices  of  president 
and  governor  had  been  attainable  by  laymen  ;  thus  the  father 
of  Clement  VIII.  had  held  the  office  of  governor  of  Fano. 
But  gradually,  especially  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  laymen 
disappeared  from  the  administration  in  such  a  way  that  they 
only  held  the  office  of  podesta  ;  all  other  offices  were  only 
granted  to  ecclesiastics,  into  whose  hands  the  whole  juridical, 
financial  and  political  administration  fell.*  But  how  difficult 
it  was  bound  to  be,  even  with  the  best  will,  for  those  who 
had  been  educated  for  ecclesiastical  purposes,  to  adapt  them- 

July  II,  1595  :  "  Officinae  omnes  monetariae  status  ecclesiastici, 
Roniana  excepta,  supprimantiir,"  in  Bull.  X.,  202  seq.  For  the 
coinage  of  Clement  VIll.  see  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  34  ; 
Serafini,  I.,  106  seq.  ;  Martinori,  7  seqq.  Ibid.  35  seqq., 
concerning  the  medals  of  Clement  VIII.  For  measures  for 
keeping  away  the  plague  from  the  Papal  States  see  *Editti,  V.,  61, 
Papal  Secret  Archives. 

1  See  the  Bando  of  October  30,  1592,  in  Cuns,  211,  and  the 
*Avviso  of  November  14,  1592  :  "  N.S.  per  introduttione  dell'arte 
della  seta  in  Roma  a  beneficio  della  poverta  vuole,  che  in  ogni 
rubbio  di  terra  di  questo  stato  si  sementi  un  arbore  Celso  o  More 
sotto  pena  10  so.  a  transgressor i,  et  che  non  si  possino  estrahere 
sete  da  questo."     Urb.  1066,  II.,  Vatican  Library. 

2  Cf.  infra,  p. 

*  Cf.  Paruia,  Relazione,  394. 

*  See  ibid.  419  seq.     Cf.  Reumont,  III.,  2,  ^Sj  seq. 


selves  to  matteis  that  were  entire!}-  foreign  to  their  vocation. 
The  very  mixed  duties  of  administration  also  occasioned  the 
disadvantage  that  it  opened  out  a  profound  gulf  between 
laity  and  clergy,  and  that  the  laity  were  filled  with  a  jealousy 
of  the  ecclesiastics  that  often  degenerated  into  definite  aver- 
sion. Paruta  says  that  he  had  often  remarked,  not  without 
amazement  and  disgust,  how  even  prelates  who  were  leading 
lives  that  were  very  far  from  priestly,  were  held  in  high 
esteem  and  rewarded,  so  long  as  they  defended  the  privileges 
of  the  clergy  against  the  laity,  and  how  sometimes  a  prelate 
was  blamed  because  he  favoured  the  laity.  He  had  often 
heard  people  of  eminence  say,  that  it  seemed  as  though  the 
clergy  and  laity  did  not  belong  to  the  same  flock,  and  were 
not  to  be  found  in  the  same  Church.^  Another  disadvantage 
arose  from  the  fact  that  a  new  Pope  hardly  ever  carried  on 
in  the  civil  government  the  system  of  his  predecessor.  ^  This 
was  connected  with  the  disastrous  custom  by  which,  at  every 
change  in  the  pontificate,  all  the  more  important  offices  were 
filled  by  new  individuals.  Thus  men  of  proved  experience, 
who  might  have  been  of  the  greatest  use,  lost  their  office. 
Too  often  they  were  replaced  by  others  who,  though  in  them- 
selves they  were  good  and  learned,  had  no  experience  of  the 
matters  they  were  called  upon  to  administer.^  This  system 
of  change  among  the  officials  was  all  the  more  felt  in  that  the 
pontificates  of  the  Popes,  compared  with  the  reigns  of  secular 
princes,  were  for  the  most  part  ver}^  short  ;  the  pontificate 
of  a  Pope  was  on  an  average  nine  years  in  duration.  Of  the 
sixteen  Popes  of  the  XVIth  century,  only  two,  Paul  III.  and 
Gregory  XIII.  had  been  granted  a  longer  reign  (15  years  in 
one  case  and  12  in  the  other)  ;  six  had  reigned  for  less  than  a 
year.'*  Compared  with  the  sixteen  Popes  whom  the  Church 
had  had  during  the  XVIth  century,  Germany  had  had  five 

1  Paruta,  Relazione,  375. 

*  C/.  DoLLiNGER,  Kirche  u.  Kirchen,  537. 
8  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  ^yzo  seq. 

*  Cf.  DoLLiNGER,  loc.  cU.  539,  and  Prince  Z.  V.  LoBKOwrrz, 
Statistik  der  Papste,  Freiburg,  1905. 

VOL.   XXIV.  27 


Emperors,  France  seven  kings,  Spain  four,  and  England  fivt 
kings  or  queens. 

Unsatisfactory  conditions  prevailed  among  the  aristocracy 
of  the  States  of  the  Church,  for  they  sought  to  maintain  them- 
selves in  their  abnormal  position,  even  after  the  aristocracy 
of  other  European  states  had  become  entirely  subject  to  the 
power  of  the  sovereign.  They  looked  upon  any  serious 
enforcement  of  the  laws  as  an  infringement  of  their  own 
rights,  and  therefore  complained  bitterly  of  the  government 
of  the  Popes. ^  In  reality  the  great  days  of  the  aristocracy 
had  passed  away  even  in  the  Papal  States,  and  if  in  the  treatj' 
of  peace  concluded  at  Vervins  in  1598  between  Spain  and 
France,  the  Colonna  and  Orsini  had  participated,  although 
neither  of  these  two  houses  had  taken  part  in  the  war,  this 
was  only  an  echo  of  bye-gone  days,  and  an  act  of  courtesy 
towards  the  ancient  representatives  of  the  Guelph  and 
Ghibelline  princes.^ 

The  number  of  the  nobility  in  the  States  of  the  Church 
who  devoted  themselves  to  a  military  career  had  declined, 
together  with  the  wealth  and  importance  of  the  aristocratic 
families  in  general.^  In  spite  of  this  the  new  families  of  the 
nephews  of  the  Popes  looked  upon  it  as  desirable  to  enter 
into  matrimonial  alliances  with  the  ancient  aristocracy,  as 
had  recently  been  seen  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  whose  grand- 
nephews  had  formed  such  alliances  with  the  houses  of  Colonna 
and  Orsini.'*  The  nearest  approach  to  these  celebrated 
families  were  the  Conti  and  Savelli ;  the  rest  of  the  Roman 
aristocracy  were  for  the  most  part  of  quite  recent  date,  and 
v>  ere  composed  to  a  great  extent  of  those  who  had  made  their 
fortunes  in  the  Eternal  City.^  Clement  VIII.  too  was  very 
free  in  conferring  titles,  so  that  in  the  course  of  a  few  years 
the  dignity  of  duke  had  been  granted  four  times. 

1  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  396. 

*  See  Reumont,  Beitrage,  V.,  g6. 

^  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  396  seq.  ;    Reumont,  TIL,  2,  596. 

*  Cf.  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  70. 

*  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  395. 

THE    ROMAN    NOBLES.  419 

While  men  strove  after  high-sounding  titles  and  a  greater 
degree  of  magnificence,  and  disputes  over  rank  often  gave  rise 
to  grave  scandals,  financial  conditions  were  going  from  bad  to 
worse.  Like  everywhere  else,  so  in  Rome  pomp  and  luxury 
had  increased.  Since  the  barons  wished  to  live  like  princes, 
very  often  their  large  revenues  proved  insufficient  ;  in  1595 
they  were  all  more  or  less  in  a  state  of  debt.  The  nephew  of 
the  victor  of  Lepanto  was  obliged,  in  order  to  paj^  his  debts,  to 
found  a  Monte  of  150,000  scudi  in  1587,  the  "  loughi "  of  which 
had  to  pay  six  per  cent.  ;  9000  scudi  had  to  be  set  aside  for 
the  payment  of  interest,  and  after  three  years  another  9000 
for  the  extinction  of  the  capital,  and  since  the  revenues  of 
Nettuno  and  Paliano  were  not  sufficient  for  this,  Nettuno 
was  sold  for  400,000  scudi  to  the  Apostolic  Camera.^  Other 
nobles  too  were  forced  to  sell  castles,  lands  and  jurisdictions. 
Thus  Virginio  Orsini  sold  the  territory  of  Matrice  to  the 
brother  of  Cardinal  Montalto  for  130,000  scudi. ^ 

The  barons  who  had  established  Monti  very  often  did  not 
pay  the  interest,  and  this  fact  determined  Clement  VIII.  to 
publish  in  1596  the  so-called  "  bull  of  the  barons,"  which 
ordered,  to  satisfy  the  creditors  of  the  Monti,  the  sale  of 
allodial  properties  and  jurisdictions  without  consideration  for 
entail  or  for  primogeniture. ^  The  sale  was  secured  by  this 
measure,  which  at  first  seemed  very  hard.*  It  was  in  virtue 
of  this  bull  that  the  Apostolic  Camera  acquired  Castel  Gandolfo 
from  the  SavelU.^ 

^  See  Coppi,  Memorie  Colonnesi,  passim.     Cf.  Parcjta,  Dispacci, 

II.,  435. 

*  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  396. 

3  The  text  of  the  bull,  dated  June  25,  1596,  in  Bull,  X.,  270  seq. 
Cf.  B.  Capogrossi  GtTARNA,  I  titoli  delle  provincie  pontificie  nella 
seconda  nieta  del  sec.  XVII.,  Rome,  1893,  5  ;  tAXiNELLi  de 
Fatin ELLIS,  Observationes  ad  constitutionem  XLI.  Clementis  P. 
VIII.  nuncupatam  BuUani  Baronum,  Rome,  171.^. 

*  See  the  *report  of  L.  Arrigoni,  July  13,  1596,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua.     Cf.  Dolfin,  Relazione,  454. 

*  The  cost  of  acquiring  this  was,  according  to  the  *Avviso  of 
December  7,  1596,  the  sum  of  150,000  scudi.  Urb.  1064,  II., 
Vatican  Library. 

420  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

But  the  contracting  of  debts  by  the  barons  did  not  cease 
because  of  this.  In  1600  the  Sermoneta  had  24,000  scudi 
of  revenue  as  against  300,000  of  debts.  The  heaviest  burden 
of  debt  at  that  time  lay  upon  the  family  of  the  Montalto.^ 

Many  of  the  nobles  gave  great  scandal,  not  only  by  their 
exaggerated  prodigality,  but  also  by  their  ill-regulated  and 
immoral  lives.  A  terrible  example  of  this  state  of  affairs, 
which  was  made  worse  by  the  abuse  prevalent  in  Florence 
and  other  places,  of  punishing  deeds  of  blood  by  pecuniary 
penalties,  was  given  by  the  notorious  story  of  the  Cenci.^ 

1  See  the  "  Nota  della  entrata  di  inolti  signori  e  duchi  Romani  " 
of  the  time  of  Clement  VIII.  in  Ranke,  Papste,  III.*,  109,* 
who  however  here  as  in  many  other  cases,  does  not  Scty  where  he 
found  the  manuscript.  I  have  sought  for  it  vainly  in  the  Roman 
libraries.  In  1605  Clement  had  to  grant  the  Farnese  permission 
to  estabhsh  a  Monte  of  750,000  scudi,  which  was  to  pay  5^°/) 
interest  ;    see  Gkotx.^nelli,  II  ducato  di  Castro,  32. 

"  *Of  decisive  importance  for  throwing  light  upon  the  legend 
of  the  Cenci,  by  wliich  even  Muratori  allowed  himself  to  be 
deceived,  have  been  the  diligent  archival  researches  of  A. 
Bertolotti  (Fr.  Cenci  e  la  sua  famiglia,  Florence,  1877  ;  2nd  ed. 
enlarged,  ibid.  1879).  On  this  is  based  the  spirited  article  by 
A.  Geffroy  in  Etudes  Ital.,  Paris,  1898.  Bertolotti,  however, 
goes  too  far  when  in  his  final  conclusions  he  presents  Francesco 
Cenci  as  a  father  of  a  family  jealous  of  the  honour  of  his  house. 
This  weak  part  of  his  account  is  attacked  by  Labruzzi  di  Nexima 
in  Niiova  Antologia,  2,  Ser.  XIV.  (1879),  418  seqq.,  against  whom 
Bertolotti  wrote  in  the  Riv.  Enropea,  XIII.  (1879),  51  sea. 
Bertolotti  there  skilfully  defends  the  authenticity  of  his  documents 
but  his  conclusions  nevertheless  remain  rather  hazardous.  With 
regard  to  the  attacks  of  Labruzzi  on  Clement  VIII.,  even  a  writer 
as  anti-Papal  as  Brosch  says  that  it  would  be  wrong  to  speak  of 
the  "  excessive  benignity  "  of  Clement  VIII.,  but  that  the  charge 
that  the  Pope  and  the  Aldobrandini  drew  advantage  from  the 
confiscation  of  the  property  of  the  Cenci  "  is  unfounded."  "  We 
must  also  admit,"  Bkosch  goes  on  to  say  {Hist.  Zeitschr.,  XLV., 
177  seq.),  "  that  the  confiscation  was  legitimate,  and  was  almost 
always  done  in  such  cases,  ^^'e  may  also  look  upon  it  as  an  act 
of  extraordinary  kindness  when  Clement  assigned  to  the  widow 
of  one  of  tl:e  condemned,  Giacomo  the  brother  of  Beatrice,  a  sum 

THE    CENCI    FAMILY.  42 1 

This  noble  family,  whose  dark  palace  stood  not  far  from  the 
Tiber,  close  to  the  Ghetto,  and  near  the  church  of  S.  Tommaso 
dei  Cenci,^  had  become  degenerate  in  the  second  half  of  the 
XVIth  century.  Christofero  Cenci,  a  cleric  of  the  Camera, 
and  holding  a  canonry  at  St.  Peter's,  but  not  a  priest,  for  he 
had  only  the  four  minor  orders,  abused  his  office  of  general 
treasurer  of  the  Apostolic  Camera  under  Pius  IV.  in  order  to 
enrich  himself  unduly.  Being  near  to  death,  and  tortured 
by  remorse  of  conscience,  in  1562  he  reisgned  his  offices  and 
married  his  mistress  Beatrice  Arias. ^     We  can  hardly  feel 

of  100  scudi  a  month  for  her  support,  or  when  he  handed  over  to 
the  sons  of  the  said  Giac&mo  a  capital  sum  of  80,000  scudi  out  of 
the  confiscated  property."  Recently  Rinieri  (B.  Cenci  secondo 
i  costituti  del  suo  processo,  Siena,  1909)  has  gone  j>rofoundly  into 
the  matter.  Sometimes  he  rightly  finds  fault  with  the  faulty 
editing  of  the  documents  by  Bertolotti  (]).  26  seq.)  though  he 
rightly  looks  upon  the  work  of  that  scholar  as  very  valuable. 
Rinieri  has  found  in  Maiocchi  (La  pretesa  illibatezza  di  B.  Cenci  : 
Riv.  d.  scienze  stor.,  VIL,  4  (1910)  a  defender  against  the  attacks 
of  Vecchini  in  La  £e«em//Mra,  X.,  1  (1910).  Cheldowski  (Rom. 
Die  Menschen  des  Barock,  IL,  Munich,  191 2)  although  he  is  not 
altogether  in  agreement  with  Rinieri,  calls  the  latter 's  book 
"  the  best  account  of  the  trial  of  the  Cenci  "  (p.  80).  At  the  end 
he  remarks  :  "  Thanks  to  criticism  European  literature  has  lost 
a  tragic  story.  Beatrice  Cenci  was  a  common  criminal,  and  not 
a  tragic  heroine."  Tlie  large  work  t)y  Corrardo  Ricci,  enriched 
with  many  illustrations  (Beatrice  Cenci  ;  L  II  parricidio,  II. 
II  supplizio,  Milan,  1923)  says  little  that  is  substantially  new, 
but  gives  the  whole  material  as  completely  as  possible.  Rinieri 
in  CAv.  Cdtt.,  1924,  I.,  33  seqq.  has  rightly  protested  against  .some 
of  the  conclusions  of  Ricci.  Other  critical  observations  have 
been  made  t>y  Baron  v.  Bii.dt  in  the  Swedish  periodical  Dag  ens 
Nyhetten  of  March  30  a.nd  April  6,  1924. 

^  Cf.  Siudi  e  docum.,  1881,  155  seqq.  The  tower  of  the  Cenci 
was  destroyed  in  regulating  the  Tiber  ;  see  Sabatini,  La  torre 
dei  Cenci  e  la  leggenda  di  Beatrice,  Rome,  1906.  Civilta  Catt., 
1925,  September  19,  500  seq. 

*That  Cristoforo  Cenci,  though  late,  reformed  and  came  to  a 
better  state  of  mind,  is  proved  bv  his  restoration  of  the  church  of 
S.  Tommaso  dei  Cenci  ;   cf.  tor  this  Armellini,  573. 

422  HISTORY    OF   THE   POPES. 

surprised  that  the  son  of  this  couple,  Francesco,  who  was  born 
in  1549,  soon  developed  the  worst  qualities,  great  immorality 
and  a  brutal  disposition.  As  a  young  man  he  was  twice 
imprisoned  for  deeds  of  blood,  but  recovered  his  liberty,  as 
was  common  enough  in  the  justice  of  that  time,  in  return 
for  the  paym.ent  of  a  large  sum.  In  1572  he  was  exiled 
for  six  months  from  the  Papal  States,  for  ill-treating 
his  servants.^ 

The  many  sons  whom  Francesco  Cenci  had  by  his  marriage, 
contracted  while  he  was  still  very  young,  with  Ersilia  Santa 
Croce,  inherited  almost  all  the  vices  of  their  father,  who  was 
as  brutal  as  he  was  sensual,  and  whose  depravity  increased 
as  the  years  went  by.  Although  Francesco,  after  the  death 
of  his  first  wife,  contracted  a  second  marriage  in  1593  with 
Lucrezia  Petroni,  he  had  not  the  least  idea  of  changing  his 
dissolute  manner  of  life.  A  criminal  process  brought  against 
him  in  the  following  year  for  sodomy  united  to  acts  of  violence, 
ended  with  the  payment  of  a  sum  of  100,000  scudi,  and  his 
confinement  to  his  own  house.  ^ 

Owing  to  the  payment  of  such  enormous  fines,  Francesco 
found  himself  in  such  financial  straights  that  he  could  no 
longer  maintain  himself  in  Rome.  He  therefore  retired  in 
1597  to  Rocca  Petrella,^  a  castle  belonging  to  the  Colonna 
on  the  road  from  Rieti  to  Avezzano,  but  situated  in  Neapolitan 
territory.  He  took  with  him  his  two  sons  Paolo  and  Bernardo ; 
his  wife  and  daughter  Beatrice  had  alread}'  been  sent  by  him 
to  Petrella  in  1595.  The  other  sons  remained  in  Rome  ; 
the  eldest,  Giacomo,  had  married  against  his  father's  wishes, 
and  so  had  been  disinherited  by  him.  As  thoroughly  degen- 
erate as  Giacomo,  who  had  forged  his  father's  signature  to  a 
document    for    13,000    scudi,    were    the    two    other    sons : 

1  See  Bertolotti,  16  seq.,  20  seq. 

'^  See  ibid.  53  seq.,  414  seq. 

*  Francesco  Cenci  intended  to  go  to  Florence  as  early  as  1594  ; 
see  the  periodical  Roma,  1926,  241  seq.  The  castle,  now  a  ruin, 
is  not  far  from  the  river  Salto  and  may  be  reached  by  carriage 
from  Rieti  in  three  hours.     Cf.  Gqri,  Archivio,  1877. 

CRIMES   OF   THE    CENCI.  423 

Christoforo,  who  fell  in  a  duel  in  1595,^  and  Rocco,  who  was 
assassinated  in  Trastevere  in  1598  in  some  amorous  adventure. 

Even  in  the  solitude  of  Rocca  Petrella  terrible  domestic 
conditions  prevailed  ;  quarrels  and  altercations  were  the 
order  of  the  day.  In  the  autumn  of  1598,  the  two  sons  of 
Francesco  made  their  escape  ;  the  castellan  of  the  castle 
Olimpio  Calvetti  had  facilitated  their  flight.  Francesco's 
rage  increased  when  he  then  discovered  that  his  twenty-one 
year  old  daughter,  Beatrice,  was  in  love  with  Calvetti,  a 
married  man.  The  castellan  was  ejected,  and  Beatrice  was 
punished  with  brutal  cruelty  and  kept  under  strict  surveil- 
lance, as  was  also  her  step-mother.  But  in  spite  of  this 
Beatrice  found  opportunities  for  continuing  her  relations  with 
her  lover,  and  of  planning  with  him  and  her  brother  Giacomo, 
who  was  also  burning  with  the  desire  for  revenge,  the  murder 
of  her  father.  The  horrible  deed,  to  which  Lucrezia  also 
consented,  was  carried  out  on  September  9th,  1598,  by 
Calvetti  and  another  assassin. 

The  authors  of  the  murder  were  unsuccessful  in  concealing 
the  traces  of  their  deed,  which  was  discovered.  Beatrice, 
Lucrezia,  Giacomo  and  Bernardo  Cenci  were  arrested. ^  The 
imprisonment  of  the  accused  was  not  unduly  rigorous,  as 
was  asserted  later  on  ;  they  were  able  to  provide  themselves 
with  food  and  to  take  counsel  with  their  defenders.^  The 
trial  commenced  on  January  14th,  1599,  in  the  course  of  which, 
as  it  was  a  case  of  homicide,  torture  was  employed  in  accord- 
ance with  the  law  of  the  time.^  It  is  clear  from  the  minutes, 
that  Beatrice  and  Giacomo  were  the  principal  culprits  ; 
Lucrezia  had  at  first  vainly  tried  to  dissuade  them,  and  had 
at  last  given  her  consent.^    The  death  sentence  which  was 

1  Cf.  Bruzzone  in  Fanfulla  della  Domenica,  V.  (1883),  n.  23. 

*  C/.  RiNiERi,  143  seq.,  171  seq.,  209  seq. 

3  See  Bertolotti,  113  seq.,  147  seq.,  165,  280,  283,  289. 

*  Cf.  G.  Sabatini,  La  teoria  delle  prove  nel  diritto  giudiziario, 
Catanzaro,  1909;    Prinzivalli  in  Giorn.  Arcadico,  I.  (1910),  84. 

*  RiNiERi  (341  seq.,  401  seq.)  publishes  the  authentic  summaries 
of  the  trial,  of  which  one  was  the  deposition  of  the  prosecution, 
the  other  of  the  defence.  For  the  fate  of  the  minutes  of  the 
trial  used  by  Giuseppe  Spezzi  see  Rinieri,  59  seq. 

424  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

pronounced  on  September  nth,  1599,  at  the  conclusion  of 
the  trial,  was  deserved  by  all  three. ^  Bernardo,  who  was 
still  a  minor,  was  only  guilty  in  that  he  had  not  denounced 
the  crime,  and  his  punishment  was  commuted  to  that  of  the 
galleys,  though  he  had  to  assist  at  the  execution  of  his  relatives. 
This  took  place  on  September  nth  on  the  gibbet  near  the 
Ponte  S.  Angelo,  now  the  Piazza  S.  Angelo.  Lucrezia  and 
Beatrice  were  beheaded  ;  Giacomo  was  brained  and  quartered.  ^ 
Baldassare  Paolucci,  the  agent  of  the  Duke  of  Mantua, 
attests  that  the  tragic  fate  of  the  young  Beatrice  Cenci  aroused 
general  compassion  in  Rome.  She  died  with  great  courage, 
and  left  a  number  of  pious  bequests.  The  public  had  no  real 
idea  of  the  terrible  facts  which  the  trial  had  brought  to  light. 
If  the  publicity  of  judicial  trials  which  we  have  to-day  had 
then  existed,  the  populace  would  have  stoned  the  members 
of  this  degenerate  family  even  before  the  execution,  instead  of 
paying  honour  to  the  corpse^  of  the  parricide,  when  it  was 
taken  to  S.  Pietro  in  Montorio.  As  no  one  had  any  knowledge 
of  the  facts  of  the  trial,  it  came  about  that  in  course  of  time 
Beatrice  was  transformed  from  a  criminal  into  a  martyr. 
It  was  stated  that  she  had  been  driven  into  committing  her 
crime  in  order  to  defend  her  honour  against  the  infamous 
assault  of  her  father.  This  view  easily  gained  credence 
owing  to  the  notorious  depravity  of  Francesco,  and  gradually 
Beatrice  came  to  be  venerated  as  a  second  Roman  Lucrezia. 
This  idea  was  borne  out  by  the  delightful  portrait  of  a  girl, 
attributed  to  Guido  Reni,  with  her  yellow  hair,  and  her  head 
covered  by  a  white  veil  like  a  turban,  which  is  preserved  in 
the  Borghese  Galler3^  The  tender  and  profound  melancholy 
which  fills  the  eyes  of  the  person  represented  in  the  picture, 
has  contributed  not  a  little  to  the  popularity  of  the  legend 

1  See  Bertolotti,  150,  431  seq.     Cf.  Rinieri,  311  seq. 

2  See  Bertolotti,  135  seq.  ;  Rinieri,  316  seq.  Cf.  Cesnola, 
i  manoscritti  ital.  di  Londra  (1890),  172  seqq. 

*  See  the  review  of  the  works  of  Bertolotti  by  Ferd.  v. 
Hellwald  under  the  title  "  The  truth  of  the  fable  of  the  Cenci  " 
in  the  supplernent  attached  to  Allg.  Zeitung,  1899,  n.  297. 

THE  LEGEND  OF  BEATRICE.        425 

of  the  Cenci.  In  reality  the  painting  can  hardly  be  the  work 
of  Guido  Reni,  who  only  came  to  Rome  in  1602,  while  the 
tradition  that  the  person  represented  is  Beatrice  is  very 
uncertain.^  From  the  trial  it  is  clear,  beyond  all  possibility 
of  doubt,  that  the  unhappy  girl  has  been  made  into  a  sj^mbol 
of  outraged  innocence  without  any  reasonable  grounds. 
The  defender  of  Beatrice,  the  celebrated  Prospero  Farinaccio,'^ 
put  forward  in  defence  of  his  client  a  crime  on  the  part  of 
her  father,  who  tried  to  lead  his  daughter  into  incest,  but  he 
gave  no  proofs.  Nor  did  Beatrice  herself  nor  her  brothers 
appeal  to  any  such  crime  on  the  part  of  Francesco  ;  on  the 
contrary  it  is  clear  from  the  minutes  of  the  trial  that  not  only 
was  there  immoral  intercourse  between  the  girl  and  the 
castellan  of  Petrella,  the  murderer  of  Cenci,  but  also  that 
Beatrice  co-operated  in  the  killing  of  her  father.  ^ 

Recent  research  has  also  destroyed  that  other  part  of  the 
legend  of  the  Cenci,  which  made  the  execution  an  act  of 
judicial  homicide,  which  had  no  other  purpose  than  to  secure 

1  Bertolotti  (143  seq.)  rejects  it  as  quite  false,  pointing  out 
that  Guido  Reni  did  not  come  to  Rome  until  1602,  and  that  in 
1623  the  picture  was  not  yet  in  the  possession  of  the  Barberini, 
nor  above  all  in  that  of  the  Colonna,  from  whom  a  great  part  of 
the  pictures  of  the  Barberini  came,  though  this  does  not  afford 
definite  proof  ;  see  Reumont  iu  Goft.  Gel.  Anz.,  1880,  n.  9.  Cf. 
also  M.  Crawford  in  The  Ceniury  Magazine,  1908  ;  Rodani, 
65  seq  ;  Krauss-Sauer,  III.,  790  ;  Bohn,  G.  Reni,  35  se^.,  40  ; 
Jahrb.  der  Kiinstsaniml.  des  ostery.  Kaisevhauses,  XX\T.,  174. 

*  For  the  portrait  of  Farinaccio  painted  by  tlie  Ca\ahere 
d'Arpino,  see  Artioli  in  Italia  modevna,  III.  (Rome,  1905), 
233  seq.  ;  Prinzivalli  in  Giorn.  Arcadico,  I.  (1910),  88  seq. 
For  Farinaccio  see  the  periodical  Roma,  1926,  243  seq. 

3  Rinieri  maintains  that  the  idea  of  Francesco  having  made  an 
attack  upon  his  daughter's  honour  must  be  entirely  rejected  ; 
Vecchini  defends  the  opposite  view,  and  denies  that  Beatrice  liad 
a  son  by  Calvetti.  The  decision  of  this  question  is  riot  of  any 
importance  for  the  principal  issue  ;  see  Prinzivalli,  loc.  cit.  90. 
Brosch  (Kirchenstaat,  1.,  311)  says  that  even  if  the  attempt  of 
Francesco  had  really  taken  place  this  woukl  not  lustify  the 

426  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

the  enrichment  of  the  Aldobrandini  by  the  confiscation  of 
the  family  inheritance.  The  confiscation  of  property  which 
followed  upon  condemnation  to  death,  and  the  effects  of  which 
Clement  VIII.  and  his  successors  sought  to  narrow  down  by 
successive  acts  of  grace,  was  no  exceptional  case,  but  was  in 
complete  accordance  with  the  penal  laws  of  those  days.  The 
State  Archives  of  Rome  contain  hundreds  of  examples.^ 
Fundamentally,  this  law,  in  the  case  of  homicide  among 
relatives — in  which  very  often  the  desire  to  obtain  property 
was  the  principal  motive  of  the  crime — was  very  reason- 
able.^  It  is  therefore  absurd  to  say  that  Clement  Xlll. 
condemned  the  Cenci  to  the  gibbet  in  order  to  give  their 
possessions  to  the  Aldobrandini.^  Thus  in  this  respect 
as  well  the  legend  of  the  Cenci,  which  was  afterwards  often 
made  use  of  against  the  government  of  the  Popes,  falls  to 
the  ground.'* 

If  Clement  VIII.  allowed  free  course  to  the  full  rigour  of 
justice  in  the  case  of  the  Cenci,  he  was  led  to  do  so  by  the 
frequent  repetition  of  such  crimes,  especially  among  the 
aristocracy.     Thus,  about  that  time,  a  member  of  another 

1  See  Bertolotti,  32^.  Against  Ricci  cf.  Riniert  in  Ctv.  catt., 
1924,  1.,  38  seq. 

*  So  Heelwald  (loo.  cit.)  and  Rodani  (44)  are  unanimous  in 

2  See  besides  Rodani,  45  seq.,  above  all  Rinieri,  329  seq.,  and 
Chledowski,  II.,  90.  For  the  much  discussed  property  of  the 
("enci,  Terranuova,  on  the  Via  Labicana,  which  was  for  a  long 
time  offered  for  sale,  and  was  at  last  bought  by  Gian  Francesco 
Aldobrandini  for  a  comparatively  high  price,  see  Tomassetti,  I., 
276,  and  Orbaan,  Documenti,  58  n. 

*  For  Baronius  and  the  condemnation  of  B.  Cenci  see  A.  Lauri, 
II  cardinal  Baronio  e  il  processo  di  B.  Cenci,  in  Arte  e  storia, 
XXXII.  (1913).  Hellwald  {loc.  cit.)  says  :  "  There  can  hardly 
be  any  other  episode  which  has  so  unfairly  filled  so  great  a  place 
in  history,  literature  and  art,  and  of  which  Guerazzi  has  made 
use  to  undermine  the  prestige  of  the  civil  power  of  the  Popes,, 
or  therefore  in  politics,  than  what  we  may  (:;aU  the  fable  of  thQ 


family  belonging  to  the  Roman  aristocracy,  Paolo  Santa 
Croce,  through  greed  of  money,  killed  his  own  mother.  The 
assassin  escaped  punishment  by  flight,  but  his  brother  Onofrio 
was  later  on  (January,  1604)^  beheaded  at  the  Ponte  S. 
Angelo  for  having  incited  him  to  the  crime.  The  same  penalty 
had  been  inflicted  in  1592  upon  a  certain  Troilo  Savelli,  who 
had  become  a  criminal  in  his  early  youth. ^  There  was  also 
a  horrible  tragedy  in  the  house  of  the  Massimi  during  the 
pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  Lelio  de'  Massimi,  Marchese 
di  Prassedi,  had  in  his  old  age  become  betrothed  to  a  Sicilian 
lady  of  doubtful  fame.  His  four  sons  killed  their  step-mother 
by  shooting  her.  They  took  to  flight,  but  all  perished  within 
a  short  time  ;  the  second,  Marcantonio,  who  wished  to  become 
the  head  of  the  house,  got  rid  of  his  brother  Luca  by  poison  ; 
he  was  condemned  to  death,  and  died  repentant  on  January 
i6th,  1599  ;  the  third  lost  his  life  in  the  Turkish  wars,  while 
the  fourth  was  murdered  by  a  jealous  rival. ^ 

In  spite  of  the  rigour  of  justice,  crimes  continued  in  the 

^  Cf.  Fr.  Isoldi  in  Studi  stor.,  XIX.  (1910),  227  seq.,  who  puts 
full  faith  in  the  absolutely  uncritical  statements  of  Ameyden  ; 
Isoldi  could  not  even  be  sure  of  the  date  of  the  execution  ;  this 
is  clear  from  the  *report  of  L.  Arrigoni,  January  31,  1604,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua.  The  Relazione  which  Gori  [Archivio,  I., 
358  seq.)  published,  gives  i6ci  ! 

2  C/.  Cancellieki,  Mercato,  286,  and  Possessi,  214.  For  the 
large  number  of  executions  in  the  year  1591  sec  Arch.  d.  Soc. 
Rom.,  XXXIX.,  443  seq. 

3  The  cases  cited  are  related  and  to  a  great  extent  embroidered 
at  will  in  the  Italian  manuscripts  of  the  XVI  Ith  century.  Le 
Bret  (Magazin,  IV.,  58  seq.,  63  seq.,  93  seq.),  has  translated  them 
from  the  latter  with  all  their  original  errors.  More  trustworthy 
data  in  Grottanelli,  II  ducato  di  Castro,  28-29.  Cf.  Arch.  d. 
Soc.  Rom.,  XXXIX.,  444  seq.  An  Italian  broadsheet  appeared 
concerning  the  execution  of  Savelli,  which  was  translated  : 
Discours  sur  la  mort  de  Troile  Savelli,  Paris,  1598.  An  authentic 
description  of  the  trials  should  now  be  given  from  the  acta  of  the 
Archivio  Criminalc,  now  in  the  State  Archives,  Rome.  Cf.  also 
F.  Crispolti,  Un  giuri  d'onore  a  Roma  nel  sec.  XVT.,  in  the 
periodical  Roma,  1922,  221  seq. 

428  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

city,  as  we  are  told  in  a  report  from  Rome  of  January,  1604.^ 
Clement  VIII.  also  had  bitter  experiences  in  his  struggle 
against  public  immorality  in  Romc.^     He  also  fought  against 

1  *A.vviso  of  January  7,  1604,  Urb.  1072,  Vatican  Library. 
In  other  cities  the  state  of  affairs  was  no  better  ;  cf.  e.g.  for 
Bologna  the  Atti  e  Mem.  d.  Roniagna,  ycd  ser.,  VIII.  (1890), 
112  seq.  See  also  the  *instructions  for  a  legate  in  Bologna  in 
Cod.  G.  63,  n.  9,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome. 

2  See  the  "Edict  concerning  prostitutes  and  women  of  ill-fame, 
March  26,  1592,  in  Editti,  V.,  60,  p.  274,  Papal  Secret  Archives. 
Cf.  Pkinzivalli,  Tasso,  82.  Detailed  information  concerning 
the  first  measures  as  to  the  censorship  of  morals  taken  by 
Clement  VIII.  in  the  *Avvisi  of  February  8,  15,  19,  22,  26  and  29, 
March  4  and  28,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  L,  Vatican  Library.  According 
to  the  *Avviso  of  Match  28  it  was  enacted  that  :  "  Poiche 
I'isperienza  ha  mostrato,  che  i  luoghi  gia  assegnati  in  Roma  per 
toUerarvi  le  meretrici  non  sono  capaci  per  tanto  numero,  se  li 
assegna  tutto  il  Rione  di  Piazza  Padello,  Ortaccio  della  Trinita 
de  Monti,  cioe  dal  Arco  di  Portogallo  fino  alia  Piazza  del  Popolo, 
riservato  4  strade  principali  di  essa  contrada  deUa  Trinita  "  ; 
this  must  be  done  within  ten  days,  otherwise  the  meretrici  must 
leave  Rome  under  pain  of  frusia  and  confiscation  of  goods. 
According  to  an  *Avviso  of  August  19,  1592  [loc.  cit.)  the  Pope's 
vicar  prohibits  everywhere  the  letting  of  cam  ere  iocande  to  women. 
An  *Avviso  of  December  2,  1592,  speaks  of  the  introduction  of 
special  sermons  for  meretrici,  at  S.  Rocco  and  S.  Ambrogio  (Urb. 
1060,  IL,  loc.  cit.).  Further  measures  followed  in  1599  in  con- 
nexion with  the  Holy  Year  ;  all  women  of  doubtful  reputation 
must  leave  the  Borgo  in  July  ;  cf.  *Avvisi  of  June  26,  July  24, 
and  September  14,  1599  (Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.)  and  the  *report  of 
F.  M.  Vialardo,  July  24,  1599,  in  Bertolotxi,  Repressioni 
straordinarie  alia  prostituzione  in  Roma  nel  socolo  XVI.,  Rome, 
1887,  15.  In  the  report  *Cose  occorse  sotto  il  Pontificato  di 
Clemente  VIII.  it  is  stated  :  "  Dato  principio  alia  riforma  de 
costumi,  et  particolarmente  contro  alle  cortegiane,  come  haveva 
fatto  con  poco  frutto  Pio  V.  ;  fra  le  cacciate  di  Roma  fu  Frances- 
chiglia  Spagnola,  che  doveva  esser  frustrata,  ma  fuggi  "  with  the 
help  of  the  governor,  who  wished  to  render  service  to  Cardinal 
Sforza.  "  II  marito  con  la  sua  moglie  per  dar  concenso  che  alle 
fusse  meretrice  fu  raesso  sopra  un  asino,  andaudo  avanti  uno  che 


the  scourge  of  mendicity^  and  against  extravagance  in 
women's  dress,  but  without  any  substantial  success.  He 
severely  punished  the  spreading  of  false  news.^  He  would 
have  liked  to  have  entirely  forbidden  the  amusements  of  the 
carnival,  but  as  this  was  not  possible,  he  tried  at  least  to 
restrain  them.^  and  praised  the  efforts  of  the  Jesuits 
who  sought  to  distract  the  people  from  such  dangerous 
amusements  by  means  of  the  Forty  Hours.*  The  increased 
severity  of  ecclesiastical  penalties  against  duelling,^ 
ordered  by  Clement  VIH.,  and  already  laid  down  by  Pius  IV. 
and  Gregory  XIII.,  concerned  not  only  the  Papal  States, 
but  the  whole  of  Christendom. 

partava  corne  di  bufalo,  fu  frustato  at  tagliatoli  il  naso  e  grocchi. 
(Barb.  lat.  4592,  p.  64,  Vatican  Library).  In  spite  of  this  severity 
the  evil  could  not  be  eradicated.  Cf.  the  statistics  in  Studi  e 
docum.,  XII.,  174,  according  to  M^hich  the  number  of  prostitutes 
in  Rome,  even  though  it  v/as  not  so  great  as  is  stated  in  the 
Avvisi  themselves,  was  nevertheless  increased.  Out  of  a  popula- 
tion of  100,000  inhabitants,  the  number  of  unfortunates  who 
lived  by  vice  was  604  in  1600,  and  had  increased  to  900  in  1605. 
In  the  Archivio  Criminale  of  Rome  there  are  to  be  found  many 
denunciations  of  crimes  against  nature  ;  see  Giorn.  stor.  d.  left, 
ital.,  II. ,  148,  where  however  it  is  erroneously  asserted  that 
immorality  was  only  punished  with  difficulty  under  Clement  VIII, 

^  See  *Avviso  of  February  5,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican 

2  See  *Avvisi  of  Februarv  25,  1595,  and  January  22,  1597, 
Urb.  1063  and  1065,  loo.  cit.  Cf.  Prinzivalli,  Tasso,  283  seq.  ; 
Studi  stor.,  XIX.  (1910),  238. 

'  See  Clementi,  289  seq.  Many  *Bandi  relating  to  the  carnival, 
for  the  years  1592,  1599,  1601,  1603,  1605,  in  Editti,  V.,  60, 
p.  10  seqq.,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Ibid.  124.  *"  Ordine  circa 
le  comedie  delle  gelosi  "  of  January  21,  1593.  A  description  of 
the  carnival  in  the  *report  of  G.  B.  Thesis,  February  28,  1604, 
Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.  La  festa  di  Testaccio  I.  Orlandii 
formis,  a  rare  folio  of  about  i5oo,  belongs  here. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  F^ebruary  24,  1599,  LIrb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 

^  Bull.  IX.,  604  seq.  Cf.  Bona  Ventura  Colonnesi,  Tractatus 
de  prohibitione  Duelli,  in  quo  quidquid  a  Clemente  VIII.  P.  M. 
de  Duello  sancitum  est,  Florence,  1625. 


The  relations  between  the  aristocracy  of  the  Papal  States 
and  the  sovereigns  of  other  states  were  an  anomaly.  The 
coats-of-arms  of  foreign  powers  on  the  Roman  palaces,  whose 
owners  were  in  their  service  or  belonged  to  their  party,  bore 
witness  to  this  for  a  long  time  to  come.  A  list  of  the  Spanish 
ambassador  Sessa,  who  left  Rome  in  1603,  shows  how  many 
nobles  were  in  receipt  of  or  aspired  to  receive  Spanish  pensions. 
In  this,  besides  the  Colonna,  we  find  the  Orsini,  Conti,  Ser- 
moneta,  Frangipani,  Caetani  and  Caffarelli.^  The  rebellion 
of  the  Farnese  in  August,  1604^  showed  how  dangerous  the 
relations  of  the  Italian  aristocracy  with  Spain  might  become. 
The  events  of  that  time  caused  Clement  VIII.  the  greatest 
sorrow,  and  had  a  disastrous  effect  upon  his  health. 

From  the  beginning  of  his  pontificate  Clement  VIII.  had 
frequently  suffered  from  gout.^  Stone  developed  for  the  first 
time  in  1595,^  and  again  in  November,  1596,  causing  for  a 
time  serious  anxiety  for  his  life,  especially  as  Clement  would 
not  hear  of  not  discharging  all  business  in  person  as  usual. ^ 
During  a  long  relapse  in  the  summer  and  autumn  of  1597, 

1  See  *Memorie  of  the  "  Duque  de  Sessa  sobre  algunos  cavalleros 
Romanes,"  Archives  of  the  Spanish  Embassv,  Rome.  Cf.  ibid. 
the  "  Lista  (drawn  up  a  Utile  later)  de  los  barones  y  gentiles 
hombres  Romanos  que  se  muestran  aflecionados  a  el  servicio  de 
su  M*^." 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  01  this  work,  p.  259  scq. 

^  See  *Avvisi  of  February  8  and  26,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  loo.  cit. 
Cf.  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  26.  See  also  the  *report  of 
Giulio  del  Carretto,  March  28,  1592,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 
♦Avvisi  01  May  6,  1592  [loo.  cit.)  and  January  6,  1593  (Urb.  1061). 
♦Report  of  A.  Chieppio,  Mav  14,  1594,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua  ; 
*Avvisi  of  May  11  and  July  6,  1594,  Urb.  1062.  Report  of 
Paruta,  January  7,  i595,in  Dispacci,  III.,  i  ;  *Avvisi  of  December 
6,  1595  (Urb.  1063),  January  24  and  Mav  29,  1596  (Urb.  1064). 

*  See  Baumgarten,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  the  *reports  of  L.  Arrigoni,  November  9,  18  and  23,  and 
December  7,  1596,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.  Cf.  *Avviso  of 
November  9,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  loc.  cit.  Lettres  d'Ossat,  I.,  358  ; 
Baumgarten,  loc.  cit.,  28. 

HEALTH   OF  THE   POPE.  431 

which  confined  the  Pope  to  his  bed  for  a  long  time,  this  was 
out  of  the  question.  During  this  year  his  state  of  health 
caused  so  much  anxiety  that  contrary  to  his  custom  he  was 
not  able  to  go  to  Frascati.^  When  he  fell  ill  again  in  January, 
1598,  the  doctors  attributed  this  to  his  having  resumed  work 
too  soon. 2  The  wearisome  journey  to  Ferrara  and  his  sojourn 
there  benefited  the  Pope  a  good  deal,  but  naturally  his  attacks 
of  gout  did  not  spare  him  even  there. ^ 

The  Pope's  health  improved  still  more  during  the  following 
years,  although  he  was  at  times  tortured  by  arthritis  and 
nephritis.*  In  1599  the  astrologers  predicted  an  early  change 
in  the  pontificate,  and  their  assertions  sounded  so  convincing 
that  they  commanded  a  wide  hearing  •,^  only  Clement  VIII. 
himself  paid  no  attention  to  them.®  During  the  Holy  Year 
he  underwent  all  the  fatigue  like  a  young  man,'  although 
he  was  repeatedly  obliged  to  keep  his  bed  by  gout.  He 
learned  with  great  annoyance  that  during  his  illness  men  had 

1  See  *Avvisi  of  July  23,  August  16,  October  22  and  29,  Decem- 
ber 6,  1597,  Urb.  1065.     Cf.  *report  of  L.  Cremaschi,  November  i, 

1597.  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.  See  also  the  *briefs  to  Cardinal 
Montalto,  October  10,  1597,  to  Duke  William  of  Bavaria, 
December  20,  1597,  Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  227  and  326,  Papal  Secret 

2  See  the  *report  of  I..  Cremaschi,  January  17,  1598,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

'  *"  Nos  quidem  in  ipso  itinere  chiragra  et  podagra  aliquan- 
tulum  tentati  sumus  "  wrote  the  Pope  from  Fano  on  May  2, 

1598,  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua  (original  in  Gonzaga  Archives, 
Mantua).     Cf.  also  Baumgarten,  loc.  cit.,  28. 

*  Clement  VIII.  repeatedlv  states  in  his  briefs  that  the  gout 
prevented  him  from  writing  with  his  own  hand  ;  see  *briefs  to 
the  Duke  of  Parma,  March  18  and  May  29,  1600,  Arm.  44,  t.  44, 
n.  90  and  148,  Papal  Secret  Archives.  Cf.  also  in  Vol.  XXIII.  of 
this  work,  App.  n.  43,  the  *letter  to  Sessa,  December  3,  1603, 
Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome. 

*  Cf.  *report  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  May  15,  1599,  Gonzaga  Archives, 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  27,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 
'  Cf.  supra,  p.  272  seq. 

432  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

been  discussing  the  approaching  conclave.^  "  You  would 
like  to  see  me  dead — he  said  in  January  1601  to  one  of  the 
ambassadors— but  as  you  see,  we  are  still  alive." ^ 

In  September  1601,  Barga,  who  had  been  Clement  VIII. 's 
doctor  for  many  years,  and  whom  he  greatly  esteemed,  died.^ 
The  new  Papal  physician  prescribed  a  diet,  and  recommended 
the  Pope  to  take  more  liquid,  which  did  him  good,**  and  during 
1602  Clement  VIII.  seemed  better  than  ever.^  In  November 
a  more  serious  indisposition  gave  rise  to  all  manner  of  rumours, 
but  when  the  Pope  again  made  his  appearance  in  public  he 
looked  so  well  that  it  was  said  that  he  would  yet  survive® 
Cardinals  Rusticucci  and  Galli,  who  during  his  illness  had 
been  taking  a  lively  interest  in  the  coming  election.  If 
during  this  year  and  the  following  one  there  were  still  attacks 
of  arthritis  Clement  VIII.  did  not  feel  ill  and  was  very 
cheerful.'  The  year  1604  opened  less  hopefully,  and  in 
January  an  attack  of  gout  caused  all  the  greater  anxiety  in 
that  it  was  accompanied  by  want  of  appetite  and  insomnia,^ 
and  also  because  the  seventy  j^ear  old  Pope  refused  to  take 
any  care  of  himself.^     In  March  Clement  himself  thought 

^  Cf.  *Avviso  of  January  27,  1601,  Urb.  1069,  loc.  cit. 
^  See   *report  of  G.   C.   Foresto,   January   13,    1601,   Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

*  See  *  A  wise  of  September  12,  1601,  together  with  the  con- 
temporary *report  of  the  envoy  of  Urbino,  Urb.  1069,  Vatican 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  October  17,  1601,  and  January  5,  1602,  Urb. 
1069,  1070,  ibid. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  January  5  and  August  7,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  ibid. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  November  13  and  19,  1602,  ibid. 

'  For  his  jokes  at  the  expense  of  "  nano  PoUacco  "  (named 
Trulla)  see  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  34  ;  *Avviso 
of  July  26,  1603,  Urb.  1071,  loc.  cit.  and  in  Vol.  XXIII.,  App. 
n.  33  ;  for  his  health  cf.  the  *reports  of  L.  Arrigoni  of  January  4 
and  December  26,  1603,  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  January  14,  1604,  Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 

*  "  Non  ricusa  fatticha  ove  va  il  servitio  publico,"  Avviso  of 
January  17,  1604,  ibid. 

HEALTH    OF   THE    POPE.  433 

that  his  end  was  at  hand,^  but  soon  afterwards  he  was  again 
restored  to  health.-  The  strictness  with  which  he  observed 
the  fast  brought  about  another  relapse  in  April, ^  but  during 
the  summer  he  once  again  felt  so  much  stronger  as  to  be 
able  to  adhere  to  his  custom  of  himself  carrying  the  Blessed 
Sacrament  in  the  procession  of  Corpus  Domini.^  On  the 
vigil  of  the  Assumption  he  went  fasting  to  St.  Mary  Major's, 
kept  the  fast  of  the  vigil  with  all  strictness  and  did  a  great 
deal  of  work,  but  this  exertion,  which  had  never  before 
harmed  him,  this  time  had  a  serious  effect  upon  him.^  In 
September  he  was  much  worried  by  the  anxieties  occasioned 
by  the  rising  of  the  Farnese,®  but  when  he  returned  on 
October  5th  from  his  beloved  Frascati  he  felt  so  much  better 
that  he  spoke  of  making  a  pilgrimage  to  Monte  Cassino,  from 
which  however  he  was  dissuaded.''  The  winter  passed  fairly 
well,  but  in  January,  1605,  the  gout  returned.^  On 
January  19th  the  Pope  unexpectedly  paid  a  visit  to  the  tomb 
which  he  had  erected  to  his  mother  at  the  Minerva,  and 
remained  there  for  a  full  hour.^  His  state  of  health  was 
still  so  good  that  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  was  able  to  go  to 
the  archbishopric  of  Ravenna,  which  had  recently  been 
conferred  on  him,  and  where  he  intended  to  hold  a  synod. ^" 

1  *Avviso  of  March  10,  1604,  ibid. 

2  *Avviso  of  March  17,  1604,  ibid. 

3  *Avviso  of  April  24,  1604,  ibid.  Cf.  Bijdragen  tot  de  geschied. 
V.  Brabant,  VIL   (1908),  365. 

1  *Avviso  of  June  19,  1604,  Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 

5  *Avviso  of  August  18,  1604,  ibid. 

^Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  261,  n.  3,  the  *reports  of 
Vialardo  (September  17)  and  G.  B.  Thesis  (October  23,  1604), 
Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

''See  the  *reports  of  G.  B.  Thesis,  October  9  and  15,  1604, 
Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua,  and  *Avvisi  of  October  6  and  9,  1604, 
Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 

8  *Avvisi  of  January  8  and  12,  1605,  Urb.  1073,  loc.  cit. 

9  *Avviso  of  January  19,  1605,  ibid. 

10  *Avvisi  of  January  15,  19  and  22,  1605,  ibid.  For  the  pre- 
parations for  the  svnod  see  the  letter  of  Cardinal  P.  Aldobrandini 

VOL.    XXIV.  28 

434  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

On  the  2ist  the  Pope  presided  at  the  congregation  on  the 
question  of  grace. ^  On  January  30th  Cardinal  Palotta 
congratulated  him  in  the  name  of  the  Sacred  College  on  the 
beginning  of  a  new  year  of  his  pontificate  ;  the  Pope  replied 
that  he  would  like  soon  to  be  delivered  from  the  labours 
and  burdens  of  his  high  office. ^ 

This  desire  was  soon  to  be  granted.  On  February  loth, 
1605,  during  a  session  of  the  Inquisition,  the  old  man  had  a 
slight  apopletic  stroke,^  and  a  courier  was  at  once  sent  to 
Aldobrandini  bidding  him  return  immediately.^  In  order 
to  prevent  alarm  in  RomiC  the  carnival  festivities  were  per- 
mitted, and  it  was  given  to  be  understood  that  the  Pope  was 
only  suffering  from  a  chill. ^  Clement  VIII.  knew  that  his 
end  was  come,  and  had  Extreme  Unction  administered.^ 
As  there  was  then  a  slight  improvement,  those  about  him 
once  more  began  to  hope,  but  this  was  nullified  by  further 
attacks  of  apoplexy  during  the  night  between  the  Saturday 
and  Sunday,  February  20th,  1605.  In  the  evening  of  that 
day  Cardinal  x\ldobrandini  arrived,  but  the  sick  man  had  lost 
consciousness.  The  Pope  then  revived,  and  recognized  his 
nephew  with  joy,  but  his  mental  faculties  were  completely 
enfeebled.  His  strong  constitution  still  resisted  for  a  time, 
until  on  March  5th,  a  further  stroke  caused  his  death.' 

to  Caligari,  Rome,  October  2,  1604,  in  Scelta  di  curiosita.  lett., 
CXCVIIL.  250  seq. 

1  *Avviso  of  January  2,  1605,  Urb.  1073,  loo.  cit. 

-  *Avviso  of  February  2,  1605,  ibid. 

3  *Avvisi  of  February  12  and  16,  1605,  ibid.  Cf.  Scorraille, 
Fr.  Suarez,  I.,  443  seq. 

4  *Avviso  of  February  16,  1605,  ibid. 

5  *Avviso  of  February  19,  1605,  ibid. 
"  See  Scorraille,  loc.  cit. 

''  For  the  last  days  and  death  of  Clement  VIII.  see  the  *Avvisi 
of  February  19,  23,  26,  March  2  and  5,  1605,  Urb.  1073,  loo.  cit. 
Cf.  the  *reports  of  G.  B.  Ihesis  of  February  19  and  26,  and 
March  5,  1605  ;  the  *report  of  Giov.  Magno,  February  25,  1605, 
and  the  very  detailed  *report  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  February  19,  1605, 
all  in  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.     Cf.  also  *"  Avvisi  di  Roma 

DEATH    OF    CLEMENT   VIII.  435 

In  spite  of  a  pontificate  lasting  thirteen  years,  the  memory 
of  Clement  VIII.,  both  from  the  ecclesiastical  point  of  view 
and  the  political,  had  fallen  into  oblivion.^  If  he  did  not  meet 
with  a  worthy  biographer,  this  was  partly  the  fault  of  his 
relatives,  who  for  too  long  timorously  prevented  access  to 
the  acta  of  his  government.  But  at  last  the  return  of  these 
treasures  to  the  Papal  Secret  Archives,  due  to  the  far-seeing 

delli  21  febbraio  1605  "  in  the  Boncompagni  Archives,  Rome, 
Cod.  C.  20.  Ibid,  a  detailed  *relatione  "  della  morte  di 
Clemente  VIII."  See  also  the  *letter  of  Cardinal  P.  Aldobrandini 
to  the  nuncio  in  Venice,  March  5,  1605,  Aldobrandini  Archives, 
Rome,  207,  n.  5.  Among  the  doctors  who  attended  Clenient  VIII. 
during  his  pontificate  (see  Marini,  I.,  4  76  seq.)  the  most  celebrated 
were  Andrea  Cesalpino  {cf.  infra,  p.  450,  n.  4)  and  Marsilio 
Cagnati  [cf.  Orbaan  in  Arch.  d.  Soc.  Rom.,  XXXVI.,  137,  n.  2). 
See  also  Haeser,  Gesch.  der  Medizin,  II.',  12  ;  Zappoli,  Medici 
celebri,  52.  From  the  letter  of  Cardinal  P.  Aldobrandini,  pub- 
lished from  Carte  St/ozz.,  I.,  2,  334  seq.  it  is  evident  that  in  the 
choice  of  doctors  great  importance  was  attached  to  their  moral 
and  religious  conduct.  The  fable  spread  by  Vv'olf  (Gesch.  der 
Jesuiten,  II.,  308)  that  Clement  VIII.  was  poisoned  by  the 
Jesuits,  was  exploded  by  Duhr  (Jesuitenfabeln,  425  seq.,  735  seq.). 
Werminghoti  too  (in  Schiele,  Die  Religion,  I.  [1908],  1838) 
rejects  the  poisoning  as  a  fable  unworthy  of  belief.  The  body 
of  Clement  VIII.  was  first  buried  in  St.  Peter's  (see  Ciaconius,  IV., 
268).  Paul  V.  in  gratitude  erected  to  him  a  splendid  monument 
in  St.  Mary  Major's,  of  which  we  shall  speak  in  a  future  volume. 
The  body  was  only  translated  to  St.  Mary  Major's  in  1646,  see 
Moroni,  XIV.,  48. 

1  The  "Vita  et  gesta  Clementis  VIII."  in  Inform,  polit., 
XXXIX.  of  the  State  Library,  Berlin  (composed  while 
Clement  VIII.  was  still  alive,  and  probably  a  work  of  Andrea 
Victorelli)  is  as  unimportant  as  the  *Dialogue  by  Mons.  Malaspina 
in  Cod.  N.  17  of  the  Vallicella  Library,  Rome  (cf.  Ranke,  III.*, 
89*,  96*).  Also  the  *Fragments  of  a  Biography  of  Clement  VIII. 
composed  by  Gius.  Malatesta,  a  summary  of  which  is  preserved 
in  Cod.  K.  25,  p.  294  seq.,  315  seq.  of  the  VaUicelliana,  give  little 
that  is  new.  It  is  often  quoted  [e.g.  bv  Walch,  Hist,  der  Papste, 
406).  L.  Wadding,  Vita  Clementis  VIII.,  Rome,  1723,  but  this 
work  has  ne\er  been  found  (see  Ciaconius,  IV.,  272). 


care  of  Leo  XIII.,  has  been  of  great  service  to  the  memory 
of  Clement  VIII.  Thus  m  his  case  too  is  verified  the  saying, 
that  the  best  defence  of  the  Popes  is  the  knowledge  of  their 
lives,  a  thing  that  is  no  less  true  of  the  zeal  displayed  by 
Clement  VIII.  in  the  field  of  science  and  art. 


Clement  VIII.  and  Learning. — Torquato  Tasso. 

The  predilection  for  scholars  and  writers  which  Clement  VIII. 
had  already  displayed  while  a  Cardinal,  was  continued  after 
he  had  become  Pope.  How  highly  he  esteemed  intellectual 
ability  is  shown  by  the  preference  for  scholars  which  he 
displayed  in  conferring  the  highest  ecclesiastical  dignities. 
At  his  very  first  consistory  the  purple  was  conferred  on 
Francisco  Toledo,  who  was  looked  upon  as  the  most  learned 
man  in  Spain.  So  in  subsequent  creations  men  of  learning 
were  always  taken  into  consideration  :  for  example,  in  1596 
the  Oratorian  Francesco  Maria  Tarugi,  the  canonist  Francesco 
Mantica,  and  the  greatest  historian  of  his  time,  Cesare 
Baronius.  The  most  distinguished  of  the  theologians  of  the 
day,  Robert  Bellarmine,  received  the  red  hat  in  1599  ;  at  the 
same  time  there  were  admitted  to  the  senate  of  the  Church 
Silvio  Antoniano  and  Domenico  Toschi,  who  was  well  known 
everywhere  as  a  canonist.  In  the  conferring  of  the  purple 
on  Du  Perron  in  1604,  a  decisive  factor  were  the  scientific 
attainments  of  this  man,  who  was  called  the  Augustine  of 

Among  the  men  who  formed  the  entourage  of  the  Pope 
there  were  to  be  found  men  of  distinction  and  great  literary 
culture,  such  as  Guido  Bentivoglio  and  Giampietro  Maffei. 
Clement  VIII.  liked  to  have  scientific  works  read  at  table  ; 
thus,  for  example,  the  works  of  the  celebrated  English 
theologian,  Thomas  Stapleton,  who  was  looked  upon  as  one 

^  For  the  above-mentioned  cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work, 
pp.  36.  46,  170,  248,  and  supra,  p.  193.  Cf.  also  Vol.  XXIII., 
App.  n.  29. 


43*^  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  the  best  controversialists  against  the  reformers  whom  the 
Church  possessed.^ 

Clement  VIII.  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  activities  of  the 
intellectual  life  of  the  time,  and  a  number  of  theologians  were 
honoured  by  him  with  special  briefs  on  account  of  their 
works. 2  Writers  who  had  returned  to  the  Church,  after 
having  hitherto  employed  their  talents  to  the  injury  of  the 
Catholic  religion,  v/ere  invited  by  him  to  labour  on  her  behalf.^ 
The  Pope  showed  special  interest  in  continuing  the  publication 
of  the  works  of  the  great  Doctors  of  the  Church,  begun  under 
Sixtus  V.  Of  the  edition  of  St.  Bonaventure,  the  third,  fifth, 
sixth  and  seventh  volumes  appeared  in  1596.  The  two  last 
volumes  of  the  works  of  St.  Gregory  the  Great  had  already 
appeared  in  1593.'*  The  Pope  caused  study  of  the  best 
manuscripts  to  be  made  with  a  view  to  a  complete  edition 
of  the  writings  of  St.  Athanasius.^  He  also  took  a  keen 
interest  in  the  collection  of  General  Councils  suggested  by 
Cardinal   Santori   in   the   time   of   Gregory   XIV.  ^     By   his 

1  See  HuRTER,  Nomenclator,  I.,  59. 

^  See  *briefs  to  "  Florim.  Remundi  senat.  Burdigal,"  May  7, 
1599  (ill  v/hich  he  praises  his  work,  De  anticristo,  against  the 
innovators),  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  p.  232,  Papal  Secret  Archives  ;  to 
"  Schillerius,"  April  14,  i6C'i  (concerning  his  explanation  of  the 
psalms),  ibid.  t.  45,  n.  108  ;  to  "  Cornelius  Scultingius  theol. 
Colon.,"  February  9,  1602  (concerning  his  Bihl.  cath.),  t.  46,  n.  54. 

^  *Bnef  to  "  Phil.  Canaius,"  October  11,  1602,  ibid.  t.  46,  n.  307. 

*  See  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  329  seq. 
^  Cf.  Arch.  star,  ital.,  5th  ser.  XIII. ,  463. 

*  See  Baumgarten,  loc.  cit.  333.  Cf.  also,  besides  the  briefs 
of  1603  in  Fantuzzi,  IV.,  I'/o,  the  *briefs  to  the  archbishop  and 
chapter  of  Treves  {cf.  Serapeum,  1863,  51),  September  27,  1597, 
Arm.  44,  t.  41,  nn.  221-222,  loc.  cit.  See  App.  n.  11.  Significant 
of  the  interest  taken  by  the  Pope  in  learned  works  is  the  *brief 
to  "  Andr.  Bacagliar,  episc.  Algarens,"  December  8,  1601,  who 
had  sent  to  Rome  his  Latin  translation  of  the  work  by  St.  John 
Damascene,  De  fide  orthodoxa,  where  it  was  compared  with  that 
of  Stapleton  and  Billius  ;  the  Pope  in  consequence  said  that  he 
did  not  consider  a  new  translation  to  be  required,  sending  it  back 
to  Bacagliar.     Ibid.  t.  45,  n.  418. 


command  Christopher  Clavius  published  a  defence  of  the 
Gregorian  Calendar.^  The  Theatine  Antonio  Agelho  was 
given  the  bishopric  of  Acerno  in  reward  of  the  services  which 
he  had  rendered  as  an  exegetist.^  Antonio  Maria  Graziani 
was  made  nuncio  at  Venice,  and  also  honoured  in  other  ways.^ 
Giovanni  Francesco  Bordini,  who  had  done  good  service  to 
the  memory  of  Sixtus  V.,  received  in  1597  the  archbishopric 
of  Avignon,  while  the  Augustinian,  Angelo  Rocca,  the  founder 
of  the  Angelica  Library,  was  appointed  Bishop  of  Tagasta.* 

Among  all  these  scholars,  after  Antoniano,  the  dearest 
to  the  Pope  were  Baronius  and  Bellarmine  ;  they  were 
consulted  in  all  matters  of  importance,  and  often  had  to 
preach  before  him.^  Both  were  shining  lights  in  the  Sacred 
College,  and  were  pioneers  in  the  world  of  scholarship. 

Robert  Bellarmine,®  "  one  of  the  most  learned  and  out- 
standing theologians  of  his  time,"^  and  above  all  of  modern 
times,  was  born  in  1542  at  Montepulciano,  and  in  1560  entered 
the  Society  of  Jesus.  It  was  a  decisive  factor  in  his  future 
intellectual  activities  when  in  1569  his  superiors  sent  him 
as  preacher  and  professor  to  Louvain.  Bellarmine  thus  found 
himself  in  surroundings  where  the  struggle  against  Luther 

1  See  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  pp.  259,  280. 

2  See  Renazzi,  III.,  33  ;    Hurter,  Nomenclator,  1.,  366. 
'  Cf.  I.  Niccii  Erythraei  Pinacotheca,  I.,  189. 

*  See  Renazzi,  III.,  148.  Cf.  Celani,  La  Bibl.  Angelica, 
Florence,  1911. 

^  See  CouDERC,  I.,  293. 

*  Biography  by  Giacomo  Fuligatti,  trans,  by  Silvestro 
Petrasancta,  Liege,  1626  ;  Bartoli  in  his  Opere,  XXII. ,  Turin, 
1836  ;  J.  B.  CouDERC,  Paris,  1893  ;  X.  M.  Le  Bachelet, 
Bellarmin  avant  son  cardinalat,  Paris,  191 1  (there,  pp.  438-466, 
the  so-called  autobiography,  with  note,  also  published  by  DoUinger 
and  Reusch,  1887)  ;  the  same  :  Auctarium  Bellarminiarnum, 
Paris,  1913  ;  J.  de  la  Serviere,  La  theologie  de  Bellarmin, 
Paris,  1909  ;  Le  Bachelet  in  Diet,  de  theol.  cath.,  II.,  560-599  ; 
SoMMERVOGEL,  Bibliotheque,  I.,  1151-1254,  VIII. ,  1798-1807; 
Riviere,  11-13,  316;    Hurter,  Nomenclator,  III.,  678-695. 

^  K.  A.  Menzel,  Neuere  Gesch.  der  Deutschen,  V.,  Breslau, 
J833,  309. 

440  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

and  Calvin  played  an  all  important  part.  After  his  return 
to  the  Eternal  City  in  1576  he  was  recognized  as  a  man  able 
to  give  the  students  of  the  German  and  English  Colleges  the 
necessary  training  for  their  intellectual  struggle  against  the 
heretics  in  their  own  countries.  For  fifteen  years  Bellarmine 
devoted  himself  to  this  work  with  all  the  thoroughness  which 
characterized  him  ;  copies  of  his  lectures  were  very  soon 
much  sought  after  in  Germany  and  England,  and  from  these 
there  gradualh^  grew  up  his  great  work  on  the  religious 
controversies  in  which  "  the  defence  of  the  Roman  Church 
was  at  the  same  time  made  use  of  as  a  weapon  of  attack 
against  his  adversaries,  with  greater  power,  exactitude  and 
skill  than  was  done  by  others,  both  before  and  after  him. 
The  assertions  and  arguments  of  the  Protestants  are  used  in 
this  very  fully  and  in  their  own  words  ;  to  learning  there  is 
added  facility  of  expression,  order  and  a  pleasing  style  ;  his 
zeal  is  manifested  with  such  well-weighed  moderation  that 
the  supreme  disdain  which  the  author  feels  for  Protestantism 
cannot  be  looked  upon  as  an  instrument  of  passion,  but  only 
as  the  expression  of  his  own  convictions.  His  work  thus 
afforded  abundant  materials  for  the  weapons  which,  towards 
the  end  of  the  last  decade  of  the  century,  were  employed 
by  the  German  Jesuits  in  their  ever  renewed  attacks  upon 
the  Protestant  Church."^ 

When  Bellarmine  began  the  publication  of  his  "  Con- 
troversies "  many  champions  had  already  arisen  in  defence 
of  the  ancient  faith.  In  the  treatment  of  individual  questions 
enough  had  already  been  done,  especially  in  the  countries 
bordering  on  Germany,  by  the  Polish  Hosius  and  the  Nether- 
lander Lindanus,^  while  at  Louvain  the  Englishman  Stapleton, 
leaving  details  aside,  had  struck  at  the  roots  of  the  differences 
between  the  old  and  the  new  faiths,  treating  of  them  "  in  a 
way  not  as  yet  surpassed  "^  in  his  masterpiece  on  the  sources 

1  Menzel,  loc.  cit.  309  seq.,  313. 
^  Cf.  HuRTER,  loc.  cit.  44  seqq.,  187  seqq. 

^  M.  I.  ScHEEBEN,  Handbuch  der  Dogmatik,  I.,  Freiburg,  1873, 
447.     Cf.  HuRTER,  loc.  cit.,  175  seqq. 


and  rules  of  faith.  There  was  still  needed,  however,  a  work 
which  should  review  all  these  special  studies,  and  which  should, 
concisely  and  clearly,  gather  together  their  final  results. 
Bellarmine  set  himself  to  do  this,^  but  he  quickly  realized 
that  a  mere  collection  of  the  works  that  had  already  been 
composed  would  not  suffice,  since,  as  he  wrote  later  on,^ 
"  concerning  the  Word  of  God,  the  controverted  points  had 
been  dealt  with  by  many  persons,  but  concerning  the  Church 
and  the  Pope  by  few,  and  concerning  the  remainder  by  hardly 
anyone."  Many  questions  had  therefore  to  be  dealt  with 
which  so  far  had  not  been  touched  upon  in  controversial  works. 
During  the  struggles  of  the  XVIth  century  only  this  or  that 
divergent  doctrine  had  been  dealt  with  ;^  the  fundamentals 
had  been  left  on  one  side,  and  thus  the  whole  doctrine  of  the 
faith  had  to  some  extent  to  be  brought  under  discussion. 
"  Thus  Bellarmine  includes  almost  the  whole  field  of  dogma, 
in  a  manner  entirely  in  accordance  with  this  particular 
purpose."^  It  is  possible  to  gather  from  the  very  extent  of 
the  work  how  much  it  contains  that  is  new  ;  in  spite  of  its 
concise  nature  as  far  as  details  are  concerned,  it  extends  to 
three  heavy  folio  volumes,  the  contents  of  which  were  after- 
wards divided  into  four. 

Bellarmine  realized  well  enough  the  difficulty  of  his  under- 
taking ;  in  his  opinion  it  called  for  almost  unlimited  learning  ;^ 
but  he  had  the  necessary  equipment  ;  acuteness  of  intellect, 
soundness  of  judgment,  knowledge  of  languages,  together 
with  an  acquaintance  with  the  Fathers  of  the  Church  and 

1 "  Disputationes  de  controversiis  christianae  fidei  adversus 
hums  temporis  haereticos,"  3  vols.,  Ingolstadt,  1586,  1588,  1593. 
Ad  Lectorem. 

"To  Greiser,  October  19,  1607,  Epist.  familiares,  54. 

*  "  Non  uno  aliquo  errore,  sed  ipsa  haeresum  coUuvione 
appetimur  "  (Dedication  of  the  Disputationes  to  Sixtus  V.). 
"  Innumerabiles  haereses  Ecclesiam  lacerant "  (Preface  Ad 

*  SCHEEBEN,    loC.    cit. 

®  Scientia  prope  infinita  (introductory  lection  of  Bellarmine, 

442  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

with  more  recent  tlieologians,  such  as  to  excite  constant 
wonder  ;^  it  seemed  as  though  he  retained  indelibly  in  his 
m.emory  everything  that  he  had  ever  read. 

An  especially  attractive  characteristic  of  Bellarmine,  both 
as  a  scholar  and  as  a  man,  was  his  simple  trankness.  An 
episode  belonging  to  the  days  of  his  studies  is  characteristic 
in  this  respect  of  the  whole  man  ;  at  one  of  the  disputations 
which  were  customary  for  the  intellectual  training  in  philo- 
sophical and  theological  studies,  he  could  not  find  an  answer 
to  a  certain  objection,  and  the  professor  suggested  that  he 
might  get  out  of  the  difficulty  by  calling  upon  his  adversary 
to  prove  a  thesis  for  which  the  latter  v/as  probably  not 
prepared.  But  young  Bellarmine  would  not  hear  of  this, 
and  made  reply  that  the  thesis  was  true,  and  preferred  to 
take  upon  himself  the  humiliation  of  not  being  able  to  repty, 
than  to  make  use  of  a  means  which  did  not  seem  to  him  quite 
honest.^  Thus  the  simple  frankness  which  characterized 
him  was  shown  in  his  relations  with  others.^  It  was  in  a  like 
spirit  that  he  came  forward  in  the  world  of  learning  ;  he 
sometimes  admitted  that  not  everyone  had  been  happy  in 
their  refutations  of  Calvin.^  In  no  part  of  his  great  work 
does  he  look  upon  the  struggle  with  his  adversaries  as  easy  ; 

1  The  vast  learning,  clearness,  energy  and  solidity  of  the  work 
is  even  recognized  by  his  adversaries  (Scheeben,  loc.  cit.,  447). 
In  like  manner  Kuhn  m  Theol.  Qnartalschr.,  1844,  282  seqq. 
His  talent  for  teaching,  his  lucidity  of  thought,  and  his  skill 
in  disputation  were  beyond  question  (Thiersch-Hauck  in 
Realenzykl.,  11.=*,  550).  The  judgment  of  earlier  Protestants 
in  Bartoli,  I.,  i,  c.  13  (I.,  115  seq.).  Morhof  (Polyhistor., 
II.*,  Liibeck,  1747,  544):  "  Est  inter  Pontificios  quasi  Hercules 
quidam  Rob.  Bellarminus,  quo  atlante  coehmi  suum  fulciunt." 
Ranke  (Papste  I.',  328)  calls  Bellarmine  the  greatest  contro- 
versialist of  the  Catholic  Church.  Hase  (Kirchengesch.,^" 
Leipzig,  1874,  494)  says  that  the  "  most  serious  "  attacks  on 
Protestantism  were  made  by  Bellarmine. 

2  FULIGATTI,   I.,  2,  c.  5  n 

^  Bartoh,  I.,  2,  c.  2  (II.,  23). 
^  Ibid.,  I.,  2,  c.  6,  p.  64. 


he  always  quotes  their  own  words,  and  admits  that  part  of 
them  which  is  true,  and  allows  himself  no  rest  until  he  has 
clearly  shown  their  weakness.-^  This  very  fact  explains  the 
extraordinary  success  of  the  work.  In  1588  men  wrote  to 
the  author  from  Mayence  that  at  the  Frankfort  fair  the 
second  volume  had  been  bought  up  as  soon  as  it  was  published  ; 
if  the  printer  had  had  two  thousand  copies  he  v/ould  have 
sold  them  all  down  to  the  very  last.^  The  three  or  four  huge 
folio  volumes  had  run  through  about  thirty  editions  by  the 
end  of  the  XVIIth  century  ;^  they  formed  the  pivot  upon 
which  the  controvers}'  v/ith  the  innovators  turned,  in  a 
almost  incalculable  number  of  works  on  either  side.*  Many 
Protestants,  convinced  by  the  reasoning  of  Bellarmine, 
returned  to  the  ancient  Church.^  Cardinal  Du  Perron,  who, 
like  Stapleton  and  Bellarmine,  was  one  of  the  greatest  con- 
troversialists against  Protestantism,  called  Bellarmine  and 
Baronius  the  two  stars  of  the  Church  in  his  time,  and  was 
of  opinion  that  the  articles  of  Bellarmine  concerning  the 
Eucharist  contained  all  that  was  best  that  had  been  written 
on  the  subject  for  the  last  five  hundred  years. ^  Baronius, 
in  his  Annals,  twice,  so  to  speak,  went  out  of  his  wa}^  to  extol 

1  The  accounts  given  by  Bellarmine  of  the  opinions  of  the 
Protestants  are  complete  and  accurate  (Thier~ch-Hauck, 
loc.  cit.,  553). 

*  H.  Thyraus  to  Bellarmine,  September  29,  1588,  in  Le 
BACHELET,  219.  Cf.  Lessius  to  Bellarmine,  December  10,  1588  : 
The  first  volume  was  read  everywhere,  even  by  the  councillors 
and  advocates.  The  copies  that  reached  Lou  vain  were  at  once 
bought  up. 

3  SOMMERVOGEL,    I.,    II56. 

*  Index,  ibid.  1165-1180.  "  For  many  years  afterwards, 
Bellarmine  was  held  by  Protestant  advocates  as  the  champion 
of  the  Papacy,  and  a  vindication  of  Protestantism  generally  took 
the  form  of  an  answer  to  his  works'."    Encyclop.  Brit.,  III.,  695. 

^  Testimony  of  the  nuncio  at  Cologne,  Antonio  Albergati,  in 
Bartoli,  I.,  I,  c.  13  (I.,  124)  ;  of  Cardinal  Dietrichstein,  ibid. 
I.,  4,  Testimoninanze  n.  8  (IV.,  21),  etc. 

•^  Du  Perron  to  Bellarmine,  February  10,  1605,  in  Bartoli,  I., 
I,  c.  15  (I.,  144  se/.). 

444  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

his  friend  Bellarmine.^  The  exegetist  Cornelius  a  Lapide, 
was  of  the  opinion  that  from  the  beginning  of  Christianity 
there  had  been  no  work  comparable  to  that  of  this  theologian. ^ 
It  may  be  added  that  by  his  defence  of  the  Papal  authority 
he  aroused  the  opposition,  not  only  of  the  Protestants,^  but 
also  of  the  Galileans.  His  first  volume  was  prohibited  in  France. 

^  Ad  a.  53,  c.  32  (he  praises  the  "  nobilissimum  opus  "  of  the 
Controversies)  ;  ad  a.  968,  n.  93,  "  vir  doctissimus  ac  religiosissi- 
mus  Robertus  Bellarminus,  virtutum  meritis  toti  christiano  orbi 

2  Opera,  I.,  Antwerp,  1697,  ^^  n.  38.  Certain  objections  were 
raised  against  the  work  by  the  Jesuits  ;  e.g.  above  all  by  Cardinal 
Toledo  ;  they  collapsed  when  the  General  of  the  Order  had  them 
examined  by  two  theologians.  Le  Bachelet,  Bellarmin,  350, 
412.  For  its  inclusion  in  the  Index  by  Sixtus  V.,  and  its  removal 
by  Urban  VH.  see  Vol.  XXI.  of  this  work,  p.  197,  n.  3. 

*  The  doctrines  of  Bellarmine  were  also  little  understood  by 
Ranke.  "  In  these  assertions  (of  the  plenitude  of  the  power  of 
the  Pope)  the  opinion  that  the  power  of  the  king  was  also  based 
upon  divine  right  was  closely  approached.  .  .  .  The  Jesuits  had 
no  scruple  in  maldng  the  power  of  the  king  come  from  the  people. 
By  their  doctrine  of  Papal  power  they  laid  the  foundations  of  the 
theory  of  the  sovereignty  of  the  people."  (Papste,  11.^,  123). 
But  Bellarmine,  on  the  contrary  (De  membris  ecclesiae,  I.,  3  ; 
De  laicis,  c.  3  ;  Controversiae,  I.,  Prague,  1721,  298)  expressly 
teaches  that  the  civil  power  comes  from  God,  proving  its  rights 
from  the  Sacred  Scriptures  (Pro v.  viii.  15  ;  Matt.  xxii.  21  ; 
Rom.  xiii.  i).  Therefore  according  to  him  it  is  not  laid  down 
by  the  will  of  God  whether  the  form  of  government  is  to  be 
monarchical  or  republican,  or  an  hereditary  or  elective  monarchy, 
or  whether  the  sovereign  must  be  chosen  from  this  or  that  family. 
The  people  itself  must  decide  as  to  this,  and  since  it  can  transmit 
the  sovereign  power  to  certain  persons,  in  this  sense  it  must 
inhere  in  the  people  before  it  can  be  so  conferred.  But  after  the 
people  has  once  transmitted  this  power,  it  is  deprived  of  it,  and 
cannot  resume  it  at  pleasure.  In  Bellarmine 's  theory  nothing  is 
said  of  the  sovereignty  of  the  people  in  the  sense  of  Rousseau,  or 
of  any  right  of  revolution.  Particulars  in  De  la  Serviere, 
loc.  cit.  244  seqq.  ;  Scheeben  in  Staats  lexikon,  I.*,  (1908),  761  ; 
ScHNEEMANN  'n  SUmmen  aus  Maria-Laach,  II.  (1872),  375  seqq. 


After  the  completion  of  the  second  volume  of  the  Con- 
troversies, Bellarmine  gave  up  lecturing.  In  1589  Sixtus  V. 
appointed  him  theological  adviser  to  Cardinal  Errico  Caetani, 
on  his  mission  to  France.  After  his  return,  the  General, 
Aquaviva,  employed  him  in  the  government  of  the  Order  ; 
he  probably  saw  in  him  his  own  successor,  and  wished  to  give 
him  an  opportunity  of  acquiring  experience  in  questions  of 
administration.  Thus  in  1592  he  was  able  to  complete  the 
third  volume  of  the  Controversies,  but  was  then  appointed 
rector  of  the  Roman  College,  and  soon  after,  in  1594,  superior 
of  the  province  of  the  Order  in  Naples.  But  Aquaviva's 
plans  were  never  realized  ;  the  Holy  See  had  cast  its  eyes 
upon  the  clever  scholar,  and  employed  him  in  the  preparation 
of  the  edition  of  the  Vulgate,  and  in  the  work  of  the  Inquisition. 
When  the  death  of  Toledo  had  left  vacant  the  post  of  a  Jesuit 
Cardinal,  Clement  VIII.  conferred  the  red  hat  upon  him  in 
1599.  "  ^^^  have  chosen  him — the  Pope  said  on  that  occasion 
— because  in  the  Church  of  God  there  is  no  one  equal  to  him 
in  doctrine,  and  because  he  is  the  nephew  of  Marcellus  11."^ 
How  highly  Clement  VIII.  esteemed  him  at  that  time  may  be 
seen  from  a  treatise  on  the  duties  of  a  Pope,  which  he  allowed 
Bellarmine  to  present  to  him,  and  in  which  he  wrote  replies 
to  certain  remarks.-  A  catechism  which  Bellarmine  had 
drawn  up  for  the  instruction  of  the  people  was  made  obligator}^ 
by  Clement  VIII.  for  the  whole  of  the  States  of  the  Church.^ 
In  1602  he  was  appointed  Archbishop  of  Capua  ;  the  Pope 
himself  consecrated  him.'*  It  was  onty  natural  that  a  Pope 
with  such  great  knowledge  of  history  as  Pius  XI.  should 

1  Bartoli,  L,  2,  c.  5  {II.,  48).  The  mother  of  Bellarmine, 
Cinthia,  was  the  sister  of  Marcellus  II.  In  1620  Bellarmine  was 
given  the  titular  church  of  Charles  Borromeo,  whom  he  greatly 
venerated  (S.  Prassede).  *Avviso  of  September  2,  1620,  Urb. 
1088,  Vatican  Library. 

2  Cf.  supra,  p.  187,  n.  5. 

*  Brief  of  July  15,  1598,  Institutum  Soc.  lesu,  I.,  123. 

*  The  Pope  wanted  to  remove  him  from  Rome,  on  account  of 
the  controversies  about  grace  (see  supra,  pp.  332,  354)  for 
their  opinions  were  divergent  as  to  this. 

MAY  17  . 

446  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

have  held  up  Bellarmine  as  a  star  of  the  first  magnitude  in 
the  firmament  of  the  Church,  and  as  one  of  the  most  energetic 
champions  of  CathoHc  doctrine.^ 

How  dear  to  Clement  VIII.  was  Cesare  Baronius,  may  be 
seen  from  the  fact  of  his  having  chosen  him  as  his  confessor. 
Clement  took  a  keen  and  active  interest  in  Baronius'  monu- 
mental work,  the  Annals  of  the  Church.  He  summoned  the 
learned  Benedictine,  Constantino  Gaetano,  to  Rome^  to  assist 
him  in  his  laborious  task.  Baronius  showed  his  gratitude 
for  the  extraordinary  interest  taken  by  the  Pope,  a  thing 
which  he  also  showed  in  other  ways,  by  dedicating  to  him 
the  fourth,  fifth  and  sixth  volumes  of  his  gigantic  work,^ 
which,  drawing  as  it  did  upon  an  enormous  treasury  of  docu- 
ments, formed  an  entirely  new  basis  for  the  history  of  the 
Church.  The  Catholic  point  of  view  v/as  rigorously  adhered 
to  and  courageously  maintained  against  the  attacks  of  the 
Protestants  ;  at  the  same  time,  however,  Baronius  did  not 
shrink  from  frankness  and  even  severity  in  his  judgments  ; 
his  great  work  is  still  to-day  of  great  value  to  scholars.^  The 
fear  which  was  expressed  by  some  that  his  elevation  to  the 
cardinalate  would  hamper  the  great  historian  in  his  continua- 
tion of  the  Annals  was  fortunately  not  verified.  The  seventh 
volume  appeared  in  1596,  which,  like  the  eighth,  published 
in  1599,  was  dedicated  to  Clement  VIII.  After  the  sudden 
death  of  the  learned  Cardinal  Colonna,  in  May  1597,  Baionius 

1  "  A  star  of  the  first  magnitude,  and  one  of  the  most  able 
controversialists    of    Catholic    truth  "    (Allocution    of    April    15, 


2  Cf.  Renazzi,  III.,  135. 

'  See  Calenzio,  Baronio,  348,  430.  For  the  interest  taken  by 
Clement  VIII.  in  Baronio  see  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  126, 
291  seq. 

*  Cf.  the  opinions  of  Reuter,  Reumont,  Bohmer,  Lammer  and 
Mirbt,  which  1  have  collected  under  the  title  "  Giudizi  tedeschi 
intorno  al  Baronio  "  in  the  special  work,  Per  Cesare  Baronio  nel 
terzo  centenario  della  sua  morte,  Rome,  191 1,  15  seq.  See  also 
Baur,  Die  Epochen  der  kirchl.  Geschichtschreibung  (1852), 
72  seq. 


was  able  to  thank  the  Pope  for  his  appointment  as  head  of 
the  Vatican  Library.^ 

The  precious  collection  of  manuscripts  which  Cardinal 
Sirleto  had  increased  to  a  considerable  number,  now  possessed, 
thanks  to  the  care  of  Sixtus  V.,  a  magnificent  home  in  the 
Papal  palace  ;  united  to  them  was  also  a  part  of  the  Papal 
Secret  Archives.  How  much  imiportance  Clement  VIII. 
attached  to  increasing  these  treasures  may  be  seen  from  the 
invitation  which  he  addressed  to  all  the  bishops  of  the  Papal 
States  to  send  to  the  Vatican  Library  all  the  manuscripts 
and  documents  which  came  to  their  knowledge,  so  that  a 
selection  maight  be  made  of  those  which  were  of  value. ^ 
Those  which  were  preserved  at  the  Vatican  were  not  to  be  a 
buried  treasure.  By  the  order  of  Clement  VIII.,  and  under 
the  superintendence  of  Baronius,  the  custodians  of  the 
Library,  v/ho  belonged  to  the  Rainaldi  family,  laboured  with 
unwearied  and  altruistic  zeal  to  render  it  available,  and  above 
all  Domenico  Rainaldi,  who  in  the  time  of  Clement  VIII. 
worked  with  such  delight  in  cataloguing  the  manuscripts 
and  printed  books,  and  the  material  in  the  archives,  that  in 
this  respect  as  well  the  Vatican  was  able  to  take  the  first 
place  among  all  the  collections  of  manuscripts  in  the 
world.  ^ 

At  the  same  time  Domenico  Rainaldi  set  in  order  the 
Archives  of  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo,'*  for  which  Clement  VIII. , 
soon  after  his  election,  prepared  as  a  resting  place  a  special 
hall  on  the  upper  floor,  which  was  richly  decorated  and 
furnished  with  valuable  presses.  With  this  measure,  which 
was  immortalized  in  a  poem  by  Mafteo  Barberini,  was  con- 

^  See  Calenzio,  loc.  cit.,  471,  517;  Baumgarten,  loc.  cit.  293, 

^  See  Mercati,  Biblioteca  Apost.,  22  seq.  For  the  interest 
taken  in  the  Acta  of  the  Council,  from  the  literary  remains  of 
Paleotto  see  Rom.  Ouartalschr.,  IX.,  396  seq. 

^  See  Ehrle  in  Hist.  Jahrb.,  XL,  718  seq.  ;  Mercati,  loc.  cit. 
9  seqq.,  12  seqq.,  65  seqq. 

*  See  Kehr  in  N achrichten  der  Gott.  Gesellsch.  dev  Wissensch., 
1903.  509.     Cf.  also  Orbaan,  Documenti,  138  n. 

44^  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

nected  a  plan  for  placing  all  the  archival  treasures  of  the  Holy 
See  in  this  safe  place. ^  Even  though  this  plan  was  not  fully 
realized,  nevertheless  not  a  little  was  done  to  make  the  col- 
lection in  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo  a  real  State  Archivium. 
Innumerable  documents  were  removed  thither  from  the 
Guardaroba,  accompanied  by  copies  of  documents  on  a  large 
scale.  The  Papal  treasurer,  Bartolomeo  Cesi,  who  was  the 
real  originator  of  this  great  and  useful  project,  was  appohited 
prefect.  After  his  appointment  as  Cardinal,  on  June  5th, 
1596,  Domenico  Rainaldi  took  his  place,  which  he  filled  with 
great  zeal.  It  is  almost  impossible  to  do  justice  to  the 
importance  of  the  collection  of  documents  and  acta  on  the 
most  important  questions  of  the  day  furnished  by  this 
indefatigable  worker  for  the  purposes  of  the  Secretariate  of 
State.  They  were  of  inestimable  value,  together  with  the 
memorials  attached  to  them,  in  the  questions  of  the  absolution 
of  Henry  IV.,  the  acquisition  of  Ferrara,  the  discussions 
concerning  the  Papal  election,  and  the  controversies  with 
Spain.  Again  in  1604  the  Pope  caused  documents  to  be 
brought  to  Rome,  so  that  copies  might  be  made  of 
them.  2 

It  was  of  highest  importance  for  the  Vatican  Librarj' 
that  the  librarian  of  the  Farnese,  Fulvio  Orsini,  who 
after    the    death    of    Muret    held    the    first    place    in    the 

^  The  *Acta  consist,  on  January  29,  1593,  record:  S.D.N. 
"  proposuit  bullam  faciendam  super  scripturis  Sedis  Apost. 
custodiendis  et  adservandis  in  Archivio,  quod  mandavit  extrui." 
Order  for  the  drawing  up  of  the  "  formula  bullae  et  de  genere 
scripturarum  ibi  servandarum  et  mittetur  per  manus  ut  quisque 
admoneat  "  (Barb.  lat.  2871,  Vatican  Library).  The  bull  was 
never  published.  Cf.  Marini,  Archivi  di  S.  Sede,  Rome,  1825, 
29  ;  Cardmal  Gasquet,  British  and  allied  Archives  during  the 
war,  in  the  Transactions  of  the  R.  Hist.  Soc,  2,  ser.  II.,  London, 
1920,  56. 

*  See  Marini,  loo.  cit.,  27.  Cf.  Laemmer,  Anal.  58,  Melet.  282  ; 
Calenzio,  Baronio,  722  seqq.  ;  Kehr,  lac.  cit.,  1900,  371,  375  ; 
1903.  514  seq.,  and  especially  Mercati,  loc.  cit.,  78  seqq.  See 
also  Baumgarjen   Neue  Kunde    119  seq. 


world  of  letters,  left  a  legacy  in  1600  of  his  most  precious 
collection  of  manuscripts  and  books  to  the  library  of 
the  Pope.i  The  former  custodian  of  the  Hbrary, 
Tommaso  Sirleto,  also  gave  his  manuscripts  to  that 
collection.  The  acquisition  of  the  legacies  of  Aldus 
Manutius  and  the  learned  Dominican  Alphonsus  Ciaconius 
added  to  its  wealth. ^  Seme  Persian  manuscripts  were  also 

Closely  connected  with  the  Vatican  Library  was  the  Vatican 
Press,  which  was  directed  by  Domenico  Basa,  and  from  1596 
by  Bernardo  Basa.*  Sixtus  V.  had  united  several  benefices 
for  the  maintenance  of  the  correctors  of  this  institution,  the 
revenues  of  which,  however,  were  employed  in  other  ways  by 
Gregory  XIV.  Clement  VIII.  therefore  took  steps  to  remedy 
the  lack  of  skilled  correctors  of  the  press,  by  abolishing  certain 
posts  in  the  library,  and  founding  in  their  place  five  posts  for 
correctors  of  Latin  and  Greek  works, ^  and  on  August  20th, 
1593,  he  conferred  these  for  life  on  the  Benedictine  Adriano 
Cipriano,  the  Florentine  priest  Giovanni  Battista  Bandini, 
the  doctor  in  theology  Francesco  Lamata,  a  Spaniard,  and 
on  Gerhard  Vossius  of  the  diocese  of  Liege.  When  this  scholar, 
who  had  done  good  service  as  editor  of  the  v/orks  of  the 
Fathers  of  the  Church,  resigned,  his  place  was  taken  by 
Maurizio  Bressio.  There  were  also  employed  Federico  Metio, 
and   lastly,    as    unpaid    corrector,    the   Augustinian    Angelo 

^  Cf.  Blume,  III.,  39  seq.  ;  Sevapeuni,  VII.  (1846),  318  seq.  ; 
Belirami,  I  libri  di  F.  Orsmi  nella  Bibl.  Vatic.  Rome,  1886  ; 
NoLHAC,  La  bibliotheque  de  F.  Orsini,  Paris,  1887.  There  too, 
p.  29  seq.,  the  marks  of  kindness  shown  by  Clement  VIII.  to  this 
celebrated  scholar. 

^  See  Mercati,  loc.  cit.  23.  For  the  library  of  A.  Manutius 
see,  besides  Prinzivalli,  Tasso,  103  n.,  Baumgarten,  Neue 
Kunde,  145  seq. 

*  See  Horn,  Die  pers.  und  tiirk.  Handschriften  der  Vaticana 
in  Zeitschr.  der  morgenldnd.  Gesellsch.,  LI.  (1897),  A- 

*  See  Bertolotti,  Le  tipografie  orientali  e  gli  orientalisti  a 
Roma  nei  secoli  XVI.  e  XVII.,  Plorence,  1878,  26  seqq. 

*  Cf.  Bull.  X.,  81  seqq. 

VOL.    XXIV.  29 


Rocca.i  These  six  correctors  were  also  to  work  in  the 
library,  as  these  two  institutions  were  connected  with  each 

Clement  VIII.  concerned  himself  in  various  ways  with  the 
Roman  University  ;2  he  confirmed  the  union  established  by 
Sixtus  V.  between  the  rectorate  and  the  College  of  Proto- 
notaries,  and  carried  on  the  new  buildings  of  the  university. 
In  his  pontificate  the  great  hall,  which  was  adorned  with  an 
artistic  carved  wooden  ceiling  and  a  magnificent  pulpit,  was 

Clement  VIII.  did  good  service  by  summoning  the  cele- 
brated botanist  and  physiologist  Andrea  Cesalpino  from  Pisa 
to  the  Roman  University,  where  that  scholar  also  held  the 
office  of  principal  physician  to  Clement  VIII.,  an  office  which 
he  held  with  the  greatest  success  until  his  death  in  1603. 
Giulio  de  Angelis,  who  was  also  summoned  by  Clement  VIII. 
to  the  medical  faculty,  was  less  celebrated  than  Cesalpino, 
but  he  too  was  one  of  the  Pope's  physicians  and  accompanied 
him  to  Ferrara.^  A  disciple  of  Cesalpino,  Michele  Mercati, 
had  been  since  the  time  of  Pius  V.  director  of  the  botanical 

'  See  Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde  137  seqq.  Ibid.  132  seq.  for 
Vossius.  Cf.  also  t'OPPENS,  Bibl.  Belgica,  1.,  Brussels,  1739, 
362,  and  Medcdeel.  v.  h.  Niederl.  Hist.  Institiit.,  II.  (1922),  100  sei. 

*  Of  the  Ritoli  that  of  1595  is  published  in  Renazzx,  II.,  224  seq. 
This  enumerates  31  professors.  In  1592  there  were  29  ;  iu  1593 
31,  but  in  1601  only  27;  in  1603,  26;  in  1605,  28;  see  the 
*report  of  Carlo  Cartari  in  Cod.  H.  III.  of  the  Chigi  Library, 
Rome.  For  favours  of  Clement  VIII.  to  the  University  of 
Perugia  see  Bull.  X.,  32  {cf.  71).  For  the  University  of  Ferrara 
see  supra,  p.  400,  for  that  of  Wlirzburg  see  ^^■EGELE,  II.,  52. 

*  See  Renazzi,  III.,  21  seqq. 

*  Ibid.  42  seqq.  For  A.  Cesalpino  cf.  Sachs,  Gesch  der  Botanik, 
45  ;  [Amati]  Bibliografia  Rom.,  I.,  Rome,  1880,  81  sej.  ;  [A. 
Zappoli],  Illustraz.  ai  busti  dei  medici  celebri  posti  nell'attico 
deU'arcispedale  di  S.  Spirito,  Rome,  1868  ;  Cicone  in  Riv.  di 
storia  d.  scienze  mediche,  1912,  73-92.  For  the  efforts,  though 
fruitless,  of  Clement  VIII.  tu  obtain  Thomas  Stapleton  for  the 
university  of  Rome,  see  Corresp.  de  Frangipani,  I.,  65,  94,  99  seq., 


gardens  of  the  Vatican,  and  professor  of  botany  at  the  Roman 
University.  In  1593  he  was  succeeded  by  Andrea  Bacci, 
then  by  Castore  Durante,  and  lastly  by  the  celebrated  German 
scholar  Johann  Fabri  of  Bamberg.  ^  The  summoning  of  the 
Platonist,  Fr.  Patrizi  to  be  professor  of  philosophy  in  the 
spring  of  1592, ^  was  not  a  success,  as  he  passionately  attacked 
Aristotle  as  an  enemy  of  the  faith. ^  The  attitude  adopted 
by  the  Pope  in  this  dispute  is  clearly  shown  by  the  fact  that 
after  the  death  of  Patrizi  in  February,  1597,  he  appointed 
his  opponent  Giacorno  Mazzoni  to  his  office  at  the  Sapienza,'* 
assigning  to  him  the  large  annual  stipend  of  1,000  gold  scudi. 
Great  patrons  of  Mazzoni  were  the  two  Aldobrandini  Cardinals, 
who  also  generously  supported  scholars  and  poets  in  other 
ways.  The  best  known  of  the  poets  who  entered  the  service 
of  Pietro  Aldobrandini  was  Giambattista  Marini.^  Cinzio 
Aldobrandini  established  an  Academy  in  his  palace,  to  which 
belonged  the  most  distinguished  scholars,  such  as  Antonio 
Quarengho,  Patrizi,  Giovanni  Battista  Raimondi,  and  also 
the  composer,  Luca  Marenzio,  who  was  named  "  the  most 
sweet  swan  "  and  who  from  1595  was  organist  at  the  Papal 
Chapel ;®    later  on  there  were  Battista  Guarino,  the  author 

1  See  Marini,  Arcliiatri,  I.,  459  n.  ;  Renazzi,  III.,  44;  F. 
Ladelci,  La  storia  d.  botanica  in  Roma,  Rome,  1884,  12  seqq.  ; 
Zappoli,  loc.  cit.,  83  seq. 

^  See  *Avviso  of  May  2,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican  Library. 

Cf.   SOLERTI,    L,    730. 

^  See  TiRABOSCHi,  VIL,  i,  359  seqq.  Cf.  Querrini,  Di  F. 
Patrizi  e  della  rarissima  edizione  della  sua  Nova  Philoso])hia,  in 
Propiignatore,  XI J. ,  1-2  (Bologna,  1879).  For  an  autobiography 
of  Patrizi,  though  it  does  not  include  the  time  of  Clement  VIII. , 
see  Arch.  stor.  p.  Trieste,  I'lstria  e  il  Trentlno,  III.  (1884-1886), 
275  seqq. 

*  See  Renazzi,  III.,  31  seqq.  Cf.  Zazzeri,  Sui  codici  d.  Bibl. 
Malatest.  iS  seqq. 

^  Cf.  BoRZELi.i,  Giambatt.  Marini,  Naples,  1898,  57  seqq. 

*  Marenzio  lived  at  the  Vatican  ;  see  Ruolo  19.  The  privat- 
dozent.  Dr.  Johann  Engel,  of  Munich,  is  preparing  a  niouograph 
on  Marenzio. 

452  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  the  celebrated  pastoral  drama  //  pastor  fido,  Gaidobaldo 
Bonarelli  and  Tasso.^ 

Just  as  was  the  case  with  Cardinals  Pietro  and  Cinzio 
Aldobrandini,^  many  works  were  dedicated  to  the  Pope 
himself.  Among  the  prose  works  the  greater  number  were 
religious  and  ecclesiastical  ;^   not  a  few  were  concerned  with 

1  Cf.  CiACONius,  IV.,  285  seq.,  and  Solertt,  I.,  736  seqq.  It  is 
remarkable  that  Cardinal  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  had  manuscripts 
sought  for  even  in  Moscow  ;  see  Pierling,  II.,  375  seq.  ;  *Poesie 
di  Mgr.  Ciampoli  in  lode  de  SS"  Aldobrandini,  in  Barb.  lat.  3671, 
Vatican  Library. 

2  CJ.  Personeni,  Notizie  del  cardinale  Cinzio  Personeni  de 
Ca'  Passero  Aldobrandini,  Bergamo,  1786,  131  seqq.,  and  Osservaz. 
sopra  la  epistolografia  di  Fr.  Parisi,  Bergamo,  1788,  54  seqq. 
For  the  "  Nautica  "  dedicated  by  Bartolomeo  Crescenzi  to 
Cardinal  P.  Aldobrandini  see  Ciampi,  Viaggiatori  Romani  in 
Nuova  Antologia,  August-September,  1874. 

'  The  greater  number  of  the  printed  works  are  enumerated  in 
CiACONius  (IV.,  271  seq.).  To  these  may  be  added  numerous 
unpublished  works  :  e.g.  Vat.  3565  :  *Sei  discorsi  di  Giov.  Paolo 
Eustachio  (with  dedication  of  January  i,  1597),  namely  :  i.  Delia 
necessita  che  fa  N.  S.  alle  religioni  ;  2.  Delia  ragion  di  stato 
conforme  alia  s.  scrittura  ;  3.  Delia  nobilta  et  in  particolare  della 
nobilta  d'Hebrei  ;  4.  Delia  causa  che  mantien  I'Hebreo  in 
ostinatione  ;  5.  Che  de  iure  divino  non  si  puo  negare  al  penitente 
d'esser  ricevuto  nel  gremio  di  s.  chiesa  ;  6.  Quel  ch'ha  da  fare  il 
penitente  per  esser  conosciuto  per  vero  penitente  ;  Vat.  5512  : 
Franc,  a  Sosa  (ord.  min.),  *De  iurisdictione  et  optimo  genere 
procedendi  in  causis  regularium  libri  6  ;  Vat.  5452  :  Philippi 
Bocchii  (Boncn.)  *Diadema  Dei  in  quo  de  principio,  statu  et  fine 
ecclesiae  et  totius  mundi  agitur  ;  Vat.  5490  :  Petri  Martyris 
Felini  de  Cremona  (ord.  serv.  B.  M.  V.)  *Modus  visitandi  vel 
faciendi  scalas  sanctas  (also  in  Urb.  151 1)  ;  Vat.  5512  : 
Scipionis  lardini  (Macerat.)  *Tractatus  de  Romano  Pontificatu  ; 
Vat.  5517:  Fra  Arcangelo  Agostino  (Capuccino),  *Epitalamio  in 
forma  d'oration  mentale  sopra  la  s.  casa  di  Loreto  ;  Vat.  6386  : 
Petri  Lombardi  Hiberni  *Comment.  stroinatic.  de  Hibernia 
insula  ;  Vat.  6390  :  Frat.  Chrysostomi  a  Visitatioi:ie  (ord.  Cist.) 
*Libri  5  de  vero  Mariae  virg.  partu  contra  opinionem  Alf.  Tostati 


the  Turkish  peril, ^  and  some  of  the  acquisition  of  Ferrara.^ 
The  most  important  dedications,  after  the  Controversies 
of  Bellarmine,^  was  that  of  the  Annals  of  Baronias.  During 
one  of  his  sojourns  at  Frascati  the  Pope  obliged  Bellarmine 
and  Silvio  Antoniano  to  engage  in  a  poetical  contest,  in  which 
the  palm  was  to  be  given  to  the  one  who  composed  the  most 
beautiful  poem  on  the  saint  of  that  day,  Mary  Magdalen. 

episc.  Abulen.  ;  Reg.  1597 :  Francesco  Torina  Bufalina  (da 
Citta  di  Castello),  *I1  Rosario  sopra  i  inisterii  della  vita  di  Cristo. 
Vatican  Library. 

1  For  example  the  discourses  of  G.  Crispo  (Rome,  1594)  and  of 
Scip.  Ammirato  (Florence,  1594).  In  the  Vatican  Library  there 
are  to  be  found  the  following,  not  yet  printed:  Vat.  5519: 
Aurelii  JMarinatae  Ravennatae  *Tre  ragionamenti  della  S.  Lega 
che  si  doveria  fare  tra  principi  christ.  contra  i  nemici  della  S. 
Chiesa  ;  Urb.  833,  p.  509  :  Pompei  Floriani  *Relazione  sopra 
I'antica  origine  dei  Turchi  [also  concerning  the  forces  of  the 
Turks  and  an  offensive  war  against  them,  to  prevent  their  coming 
to  Italy]  (Copy  in  Inform,  polit.,  XVII.  of  the  State  Library, 
Berlin  ;  see  Ranke,  Osmanen^,  452)  ;  Urb.  1492,  p.  i  seqq. 
Tarquinio  Pinaoro  *Sopra  una  lega  ad  impresa  che  potriano  fare 
i  pnncipi  italiani  contro  il  Turco  in  soccorso  della  M.  Ces.  e 
principe  Transilvano  I'a.  1 596.  Very  widely  spread  in  manuscript 
was  a  copy  of  the  "  Discorso  di  mons.  Pietro  Cedolini  vescovo  di 
Lesina  fatto  alia  S*^  di  N.S.  Clemente  VIII.  per  la  difesa  contro 
il  Turco  1594  (January  28),"  published  in  Tesoro  Politico,  III. 
(Tumoni,  1605),  85  seqq.  ;  manuscript  copies  in  Rome  :  t.  Vat. 
5485  ;  2.  Urb.  836,  p.  406  seqq.,  Vatican  Library.  In  Berlin  : 
State  Library,  Inform,  polit.  I.  ;  at  Copenhagen  :  Library.  Gl. 
K.  S.  fol.  523. 

^  Only  some,  such  as  Isabella  Cervoni,  Orazione  a  papa 
Clemente  VIII.  sopra  I'impresa  di  Ferrara  (Bologna,  1598),  have 
been  printed  ;  most  are  in  manuscript,  e.g.  *Relazione  della  citta 
e  stato  di  Ferrara  data  per  informat.  a  Clemente  VIII..  in  Urb. 
835,  p.  216  seqq.  {of.  Barb.  5356),  the  *Discorso  storico  del  Francese 
Pietro  Demarchis,  in  Vat.  S551,  and  tbid.  Comitis  \lexandri 
Randensis  *Tractatus  de  s.  pontificis  iurisdictione  et  ducatus 
Ferrariae  devolutione  ad  Sed.  Apost.  Vatican  Library.  Cf.  also 
supra,  p.  447  seq.,  for  the  labours  of  D.  Rainaldi. 

3  See  Autobiographia  card.  R.  Bellarmini,  c.  30. 


This  was  the  origin  of  Bellarmine's  magnificent  hymn,  Pater 
superni  luminis,  which  was  afterwards  inserted  in  the 

As  Clement  VIII.  had  a  great  liking  for  poetry,  very  many 
poems  were  dedicated  to  him.^  Among  these  were  one  by 
Maffeo  Barberini  on  the  Pope's  gout,  and  another  on  the  new 
archivium  hi  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo.^  Mention  must  also  be 
made  of  how  Orlando  di  Lasso,  who,  with  Palestrina'*  and 
Marenzio,  was  the  most  celebrated  musician  of  the  time,  had 
in  1597,  a  short  time  before  his  death,  dedicated  to  the  Aldo- 
brandini  Pope  his  last  composition,  Le  Lagrime  di  san  Pietro.^ 
To  the  Jesuit  Pietro  Maffei,  who  had  made  a  name  as  an 
historical  writer,  Clement  VIII.  assigned  an  apartment  in  the 
Vatican,  and  charged  him  to  write  the  history  of  his  ponti- 

1  See  CouDERC,  I.,  25. 

2  The  printed  ones  in  Ciaconius,  IV.,  271  seq.,  and  in  Cat. 
Bib].  Casanat.,  II.,  156  ;  unpublished  ones  by  Ant.  Vallius  in 
Vat.  5515,  p.  48  seqq.  ;  by  Giov.  Vine.  Passerine  in  Vat.  5502  ; 
by  Girolamo  Aleander  in  Ottob.  2431,  p.  451  seq.  ;  by  Gerundio 
Liberatorio  in  Barb.  lat.  1780,  Vatican  library.  A  *Carmen  in 
reconciliationem  cum  ecclesia  catholica  Henrici  Galliar.  regis, 
ibid.  Vat.  5514,  p.  56,  dedicated  to  Clement  VIII.  *Versi  per 
runione  de  principi  christiani  sotto  Clemente  VIII.  in  the 
Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome,  286,  n.  2.  The  writer  of  satires, 
Trojano  Boccalini,  enjoyed  the  favour  of  Clement  VIII.  ;  see 
Archiv.  fur  neueve  Sprachen,  CIII.  (1899),  no.  For  the  honours 
bestowed  upon  the  Polish  poet  Simon  Szymonowicz  (1558-1629) 
by  Clement  VIII.  see  Hanisch,  Gesch.  Polens,  229.  For  T. 
Boccalini  cf.  Meinecke,  Die  Idee  der  Staatsraison  in  der  neueren 
Ge.schichte,  Munich,  1924  ;  A.  Belloni,  T.  Boccalini  (1924). 
Cf.  Nnova  Riv.  storica,  1924. 

3  See  Maphaei  Barberini  Card.  nunc.  Urbani  P.  VIII.,  Poemata, 
Rome,  1631,  203,  222  seq. 

*  Palestrina  died  on  February  2,  1.594-  ^f-  A.  Mercati, 
Melchiorre  Major,  I'autore  del  vibrante  necrologio  di  P.  da 
Palestrina,  Gubbio,  1924.  It  has  not  teen  possible  to  find  the 
tomb  of  Palestrina  in  St.  Peter's,  in  spite  of  the  researches  of 
Mgr.  Cascioli  ;    see  Rassegna  Gregor.,  1914. 

'See  Janssen-Pastor,  Vl}^'^^,  172. 


ficate,  a  task  which  unfortunately  was  never  carried  out, 
owing  to  the  death  of  Maffei  in  1603.^ 

The  name  of  Clement  VIII.  is  also  connected  with  that  of 
Torquato  Tasso.  The  great  poet  had  known  the  Pope  as  a 
Cardinal  and  had  received  various  favours  from  him.  From 
Naples,  where  he  was  then  living,  he  had  at  once  celebrated 
his  election  in  a  poem,  in  which  he  makes  all  the  virtues  from 
heaven  descend  upon  him.^  He  composed  an  Italian  sonnet 
for  the  anniversary  of  his  coronation,^  and  a  longer  Latin 
poem  in  which  he  extols  the  ecclesiastical  and  civil  power 
of  the  head  of  the  Church.'*  In  this  he  does  not  omit  mention 
of  the  nephews  of  Clement  VIII.,  to  whom  there  are  also 
addressed  three  other  sonnets,  probably  composed  on  this 
occasion.^  After  this  Tasso  received  an  invitation  to  go  to 
Rome,  where  he  arrived  at  the  beginning  of  May,  1592.     As 

1  Cf.  Orbaan,  Documenti,  55  n. 

2  See  SoLERTi,  I.,  700,  who  calls  the  poem  "  soperba."  It  begins 
as  follows  : 

Questa  fatica  estrema  al  tardo  ingegno 
Concedi,  o  Roma,  e  tu,  che  movi  e  reggi 
L'alto  del,  I'umil  terra  e'l  mar  profondo, 
A  lui,  che  di  tue  sacre  etemi  leggi 
£  vivo  spirto,  e  del  celeste  regno 
Sostien  le  chiavi  e  porta  il  grave  pondo, 
E  quasi  folce  in  Vaticano  il  mondo. 
Sacra  la  mente,  il  cor,  la  penna  a  i  carmi. 
Questa  e  la  meta  eccelsa,  a  cui  d'intomo 
Si  volge  notte  e  giomo 
II  mio  pensier  :    ne  di  vittorie  e  d'armi 
Cantate,  fama  eguale  e  pregio  attende  ; 
Ma  fine  o  meta  a  quel  valor  non  miro 
Che  fiammeggia  fra  noi  con  luce  etema. 

^  "  Ecco  I'alba,  ecco  il  di  ch'in  se  ritoma."  Opere,  V.,  3,  2, 
Pisa,  1822,  208. 

*  "  Magne  parens  pastorque  patrum,  cui  pascere  greges," 
Carmina  latina,  ed.  A.  Martinius,  Rome,  1895,  39. 

*  SoLERTi  (I.,  723)  gives  one  of  these  ;  the  two  others  (Fra.  il 
tuo  splendore  and  Tra  Fortuna  e  Virtii)  in  Vatasso,  Rime  inedite, 
Rome,  1 91 5. 

456  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

had  been  the  case  m  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.,  he  took  up  his 
abode  with  his  former  patron,  Cardinal  Scipione  Gonzaga,  in 
the  Via  della  Scrofa  ;^  but  as  early  as  June  he  had  removed 
to  the  palace  of  the  Pope's  nephew,  in  the  Via  dei  Banchi, 
where  there  was  an  open  house  with  scholars  and  poets. 
When  in  November,  1592,  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  removed  to 
the  Vatican,  Tasso  was  invited  to  follow  him.^  Then  the  poet 
took  up  his  residence  in  the  most  beautiful  palace  in  the  world, 
where  he  was  waited  upon  with  all  honour,  invited  to  the 
tables  of  Cardinals  and  princes,  and  honoured  and  dis- 
tinguished in  every  way. 

If,  with  all  this,  a  certain  melancholy  and  restlessness,  and 
a  morbid  desire  for  change  did  not  leave  him,  this  was  an 
evident  sign  of  his  melancholia  (periodical  dementia),  which, 
however — so  closely  akin  are  genius  and  madness — did  not 
in  any  way  interfere  with  his  literary  activity.^  Cinzio 
Aldobrandini,  who  had  a  sincere  veneration  for  the  sorely 
tried  poet,  felt  a  sincere  compassion  for  him.  He  efficaciously 
promoted  the  re-writing  of  Tasso's  Gerusalemme  liberata, 
giving  him  in  the  person  of  Angelo  Ingegneri  an  amanuensis, 
who  was  able  to  decipher  with  facility  the  difficult  hand- 
writing of  the  poet.^ 

Besides  his  masterpiece  Tasso  also  composed  with  feverish 
activity  other  poems  in  which  he  has  given  expression  to  his 

^  For  the  Palazzo  Gonzaga,  afterwards  Negroni-Galitzin,  see 
Prinzivalli,  46  seqq.,  who  however  wrongly  makes  Tasso  go  to 
live  with  the  Aldobrandini  at  once  ;  see  Giorn.  stor.  d.  lett.  ital., 
XXVII.,  412. 

"  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  lived,  as  Prinzivalli  shows  {88-97)  in  the 
"  Appartamento  della  contessa  Matilde."  Prinzivalli  also  tried 
to  point  out  the  poet's  dwelling  exactly,  but  was  not  successful  ; 
see  Giorn.  stor.  d.  lett.  ital.,  XXVII.,  413.     Orbaan  (Documenti, 

457  n.)  however  found  a  second  Ruolo  in  which  the  situation  of 
Tasso's  three  rooms  is  indicated. 

^  Of.  A.  CoRRADi,  Le  infermita  di  T.  Tasso,  in  Mem.  dell'Ist. 
Lomh.,  XIV.  (1881),  301  seqq.  ;  L.  Roncoroni,  Genio  e  pazzia  di 
T.  Tasso,  Turin,  1896;  Bonfigli  in  Arch.  p.  le  malattie  nervose, 
1887,  fasc.  3. 

•See  Soi.ERTi,  I.,  741. 


deep  sense  of  religion.  Thus  there  were  written  at  that  time 
the  pathetic  verses  on  the  Santa  Croce  and  Le  lagrime  della 
beatissinia  Vergine.  The  inspiration  for  the  last  named  was 
drawn  from  a  picture  attributed  to  Albert  Diirer,  which  was 
in  the  possession  of  Cinzio  Aldobrandini.^ 

To  this  exalted  patron  Tasso  dedicated  the  new  version 
of  the  Gerusalemme  liberata,  which  was  at  last  completed 
in  May,  1593,  and  was  given  the  title  of  Gerusalemme  con- 
quistata.  The  printing  was  begun  in  July  ;  the  expenses 
were  borne  by  Cinzio  Aldobrandini,  while  the  profits  were 
all  to  go  to  the  author.  ^  Cinzio,  who  became  a  member  of 
the  Sacred  College  on  September  17th,  1593,  saw  to  it  that  he 
received  the  necessary  privileges  to  protect  his  rights  as 
author.  3  The  first  copies  of  the  work,  from  which  there  had 
been  removed  all  the  tributes  to  the  House  of  Este,  originally 
in  connexion  with  the  character  of  Rinaldo,  but  which  were 
now  replaced  by  others  to  the  Cardinal  nephews  and  the  Pope, 
were  able  to  be  issued  in  the  early  days  of  December.  Of 
greater  importance  than  these  external  changes  were  the 
internal  ones,  by  which  the  new  poetical  work  was  intended 
to  be  distinguished  from  the  former  one,  as  the  heavenly 
Jerusalem  from  the  earthly  one.  In  conformity  with  this 
idea  the  religious  character  of  the  Crusades  was  emphasized, 
by  means  of  a  dream  of  Godfrey  de  Bouillon,  with  the  purpose 
of  introducing  a  magnificent  description  of  heaven,  and  un- 
folding a  grandiose  prophetic  vision  of  the  future  development 
of  Christendom.  The  episode  of  Olindo  and  Sophronia  was 
omitted,  but  in  so  doing  Tasso  was  rather  influenced  by 
literary  considerations,  since  a  long  digression  such  as  this 
did  not  seem  opportune,  especially  at  the  beginning  of  the 
poem.  Literary  considerations  also  led  to  the  curtailing  of 
the  romance  of  Rinaldo  and  Armida,  as  well  as  that  of  Tancred. 
If  the  work  thus  received  unity  and  harmony,  on  the  other 
hand  it  suffered  by  the  omission  of  certain  beautiful  passages, 

*  Ibid.  I.,  752  seqq. 
-  Ibid.  760  segq. 

*  Ibid.  761   seqq. 

458  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

such  as  the  magnificent  description  of  the  sea  voga5^e  of  the 
two  heroes,  when  seeking  for  Rinaldo  on  the  enchanted  island. 
How  unfortunate  was  such  a  change  from  the  original  form 
of  this  "  first  daring  outburst  of  genius  "  was  proved  by  the 
wretched  success  of  the  Gerusalemme  conquistata,  which  was 
unable  to  overshadow  the  Gerusalemme  liherata,  which  was 
entirely  permeated  by  the  enthusiasm  of  youth. ^ 

Stricken  once  more  at  the  beginning  of  1594  b}/  illness, 
Tasso  resolved  to  seek  repose  at  Naples,  whither  he  was  also 
drawn  by  a  long-standing  law-suit  concerning  the  inheritance 
of  his  mother.  He  passed  the  summer  and  autumn  at  the 
Benedictine  convent  of  S.  Severino,  engaged,  despite  his  bad 
state  of  health,  in  constant  literary  activity.^  While  he  was 
still  in  Rome  he  had  already  completed  a  long  Latin  poem 
on  Clement  VHI.^  Cardinal  Cinzio  Aldobrandini,  to  whom 
Tasso  dedicated  his  Discorsi  del  poema  eroico,  insisted  in 
September  on  his  return  to  the  Eternal  City  ;*  Tasso  agreed 
to  do  so,  but  only  after  his  law-suit  had  been  happily  ter- 
minated bj'  means  of  a  compromise.  On  November  loth 
he  wrote  from  Rome  :  "I  have  returned  ;  alive  it  is  true, 
but  very  ill."  A  week  later  he  expressed  the  wish  that  all 
his  works  might  be  printed  at  Venice,  either  before  or  after 
his  death. ^  The  poet,  who  was  at  that  time  once  again  living 
at  the  Vatican,  finished  during  that  time  a  religious  poem  on 
the  Creazione  del  Mondo,  and  composed  two  sonnets  for  the 

^  See  Baumgartner,  VI.,  385  seq.,  416  seq.  ;  Solerti,  I., 
754  seqq.  Dejob,  155  seq.,  who  shows  that  the  few  strophes  in 
the  liberata,  which  Tasso  himself  described  at  the 
time  as  lascive  (Lettere,  ed.  Guasti,  I.,  144),  and  which  might 
have  scandalized  a  strict  critic,  remained  in  the  Gerusalemme 

^  See  Solerti,  I.,  776  seqq. 

^  The  poem  does  not  commence,  as  was  long  thought,  and  as 
even  Martini  (Carmina  lat.  35)  thought,  with  the  words  :  "  O 
Deus  Europae,"  but  "  O  decus  Europae  "  ;  Giorn.  stqr.  <^, 
lett.  ital,  XXVII.,  433. 

*  See  Lettere,  ed.  Guasti,  V.,  184. 

'"  CJ.  Solerti,  I.,  790  seqq.,  796  seqq. 

LAST   DAYS   OF   TASSO.  459 

anniversary  of  the  Pope's  coronation.^  The  latter  was  so 
enthusiastic  about  these  poems  that  he  assigned  to  the  author, 
out  of  his  privy  purse,  an  annual  pension  of  200  scudi,  which 
was  afterwards  followed  by  other  gifts  of  money. ^  For  a  long 
time  past  a  special  honour  had  been  projected  for  him,  namely 
his  coronation  at  the  Capitol,  a  thing  that  had  not  been  done 
in  the  case  of  any  poet  since  the  time  of  Petrarch.  The  news  of 
this  had  been  so  widely  spread  that  it  was  spoken  of  as  an 
accomplished  fact.^  The  ceremony  was  probably  to  take 
place  after  Easter,  which  in  1595  fell  on  March  26th.  In  the 
meantime  the  poet  was  constantly  harassed  by  the  thought 
of  death.  On  March  15th  Cardinal  Altemps  died,  and  the 
sonnet  which  he  composed  on  this  Prince  of  the  Church  was 
probabl}'  the  last  of  Tasso's  poems.'*  When  his  health  became 
worse  after  Easter  he  addressed  a  touching  letter  of  farewell 
to  his  friend  Antonio  Costantini  at  Mantua  :  "  What  will 
Signor  Antonio  say — this  states — when  he  hears  of  the  death 
of  his  Tasso  ?  I  do  not  think  that  the  news  will  be  long  delayed, 
for  I  feel  m3'self  at  the  end  of  my  life,  and  have  not  been  able 
to  find  any  remedy  for  my  wretched  indisposition,  which  has 
supervened  upon  my  many  usual  ailments,  like  a  swift  stream 
by  which,  without  being  able  to  find  any  foot -hold,  I  plainly 
find  myself  being  carried  away.  There  is  no  longer  any  time 
for  me  to  speak  of  my  hapless  fortune,  to  say  nothing  of  the 
ingratitude  of  the  world,  which  has  willed  to  triumph  over 
me  by  bringing  me  to  a  beggar's  grave,  when  I  had  thought 
that  the  glory  which,  despite  those  who  do  not  so  desire, 
the  world  will  have  from  my  writings,  would  not  leave  me  in 
some   way  without   guerdon.     I   have   had   myself  brought 

^  The  first  sonnet  begins  :  "  Mentre  fulmina  il  Trace,  e  i  nionti 
e  i  cam  pi,"  in  Opere,  V.,  3,  2,  Pisa,  1822,  308  ;  the  second  begins  : 
"  Ecco  I'alba  "  (see  supra,  p  455,  n.  3),  ibid.  For  the  poem 
"  Mondo  create  "  see  Mazzoni  in  the  Opere  minori  (of  Tasso),  II., 
Bologna,  1892,  and  Flamini,  Cinquecento,  508  seq. 

''See  GuASTi,  Lettere  di  Tasso,  V.,  Florence,  1855,  n.  1526. 
Cf.  SoLF.RTi,  I.,  802  n.  4  ;    II.,  260,  353  seqq.,  390. 

"  Cf.  SoLr.KTi,  I.,  762,  765,  797. 

«  Cf.  ibid.  803. 


to  this  monastery  of  S.  Onofrio,  not  only  because  its  air  is 
praised  by  the  doctors  above  that  of  any  other  part  of  Rome, 
but  as  it  were  to  begin  in  that  subHme  eminence,  and  helped 
by  the  conversation  of  these  pious  fathers,  my  own  conversa- 
tion in  heaven.  Pray  to  God  for  me,  and  rest  assured  that 
if  I  have  always  loved  and  esteemed  you  in  this  life,  I  will 
still  do  so  in  that  other  more  true  life,  where  veritable  and 
not  feigned  charity  is  to  be  found.  And  I  recommend  you 
as  well  as  myself  to  the  divine  grace. "^ 

Cardinal  Aldobrandini  did  all  that  lay  in  his  power  to 
preserve  this  precious  life,  or  at  anyrate  to  alleviate  the  suffer- 
ings of  the  poet,  who  was  not  only  racked  by  fever,  but  by 
attacks  of  melancholy.  The  Cardinal  gave  him  two  servants 
and  sent  to  him  his  own  physician  and  that  of  the  Pope, 
but  all  was  in  vain.^  The  few  days  that  still  remained  to 
the  sick  man  were  passed  by  him  in  prayer  and  pious  medita- 
tion. It  is  not  possible  to  visit  without  deep  emotion  the 
simple  room,^  in  which  the  poet  passed  his  last  days  ;  later 
on  it  was  transformed  into  the  "  Museo  del  Tasso."  The  poet 
left  to  the  convent  of  S.  Gregorio  as  well  as  to  that  of 
S.  Onofrio  money  for  the  celebration  of  masses  for  his  soul, 
while  to  the  latter  he  left  the  bronze  crucifix  which  had  been 
given  him  by  the  Pope.*  On  April  24th  he  received  Holy 
Viaticum  and  Extreme  Unction  with  touching  piet}^ ;  on 
hearing  of  this  Cardinal  Aldobrandini  hastened  to  the  Pope 
to  ask  for  a  blessing  and  absolution  for  his  dying  friend. 
Deeply  grieved,  Clement  VTII.  granted  the  request  of  his 
nephew,  who  then  went  in  person  to  S.  Onofrio  to  give  the 
dying  man,  in  proof  of  the  favour  of  the  head  of  the  Church, 
this  last  consolation.     "  This  is  the  coach — exclaimed  Tasso — 

^  Lettere,  ed.  Guasti,  V.,  n.  1535.  For  S.  Onofrio  see  Caterbi, 
La  chiesa  di  S.  Onofrio,  Rome,  1858  ;  Carraroli  in  La  Fanftilla, 
XI.  (Turin,  1887),  nn.  i,  2,  4,  5  ;  Baffico,  ibid.  XXII.  (October, 
1892),  25  seq. 

^  See  SoLERTi,  I.,  806. 

3  Cf.  Prinzivalli,  152  seq. 

*  See  SoLERTi,  I.,  807. 


in  whicli  I  shall  go,  not  as  a  poet  to  the  Capitol,  but  as  one 
of  the  blessed  to  heaven."  Ever  praying,  and  meditating 
on  his  last  moments,  the  poet  felt  the  approach  of  death  on 
the  morning  of  April  26th.  Kissing  the  cross,  he  began  to 
repeat  the  words  of  Christ  :  "  Into  Thy  hands,  O  lord  ..." 
but  his  words  went  no  further,  and  without  any  agony  he 
breathed  forth  his  noble  soul.^ 

His  burial,  according  to  Italian  usage,  took  place  the  same 
evening.  After  a  cast  of  his  face  had  been  taken  in  plaster,^ 
his  b(jdy  was  taken  with  princely  pomp  to  the  parish  church 
of  S.  Spirito  in  Sassia,  and  in  the  cortege  were  to  be  seen  the 
retinues  of  the  Cardinal  nephews,  many  members  of  the 
Papal  court,  the  professors  of  the  University,  and  many  other 
scholars,  nobles,  priests  and  religious.  All  of  them,  after 
the  obsequies,  followed  the  dead  poet  to  S.  Onofrio,  where  the 
burial  took  place. ^  Tasso's  brow  was  girt  with  the  coveted 
laurels,  while  in  his  joined  hands  he  held  the  sign  of  the 
Redemption,  of  which  he  had  once  sung  : 

To  the  Cross  my  heart  I  consecrate,  and  hymns  ; 

Victory's  great  standard,  and  the  sign 

In  which  weak  men  still  triumph  over  death.* 

Tasso  died  a  fervent  Catholic,  as  he  had  always  lived. 
He  had  dedicated  magnificent  poems,  filled  with  the  deepest 
feeling,  to  the  Queen  of  Heaven.^  All  the  ardour  of  his  faith 
found  most  heartfelt  expression  in  the  sonnet   in  which  he 

^  See  ibid.  808  seqq.,  where  the  anecdotes  of  Manso  concerning 
the  last  davs  of  Tasso  are  refuted. 

^  Still  preserved  at  S.  Onofrio  ;  see  Solerti,  IIL,  92.  Cf.  also 
Jahrb.  der  kiinst-hist.  Samml.  des  osterr.  Kaiserhauses,  XXIX., 
216,  218. 

^  See  Solerti,  L,  809  ;  III.,  Doc.  L.,  LI.,  LII.  For  the  tomb 
of  Tasso,  with  his  portrait,  erected  bv  Cardinal  Bevilacqua,  see 
TOTTI,  47. 

*  "  Rime  spirituali  del  signor  Torquato  Tasso  (sonnet  to  the 
Holy  Cross),  Bergamo,  1597,  p.  i.     See  Baumgartner,  VI.,  390. 

*  Cf.  La  Madre  di  Dio  nella  vita  e  negli  scritti  di  T.  Tasso,  new 
edition,  Rome,  1903. 

462  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

venerated  the  Most  Holy  Sacrament.^  His  most  celebrated 
work,  La  Gerusalemme  liherata,  is  entirely  penetrated  with 
Catholic  sentiment. 2  This  was  already  clearly  shown  in  the 
first  draft  of  the  poem,  which  was  intended  to  describe  the 
struggle  between  Christendom  and  Islam,  in  its  most  sublime 
chivalrous  achievement : 

Arms,  and  the  chief  I  sing,  whose  righteous  hands 
Redeem'd  the  tomb  of  Christ  from  impious  bands  ; 
Who  much  in  council,  much  in  field  sustain'd. 
Till  just  success  his  glorious  labours  gained  ; 
In  vain  the  powers  of  hell  opposed  his  course, 
And  Asia's  arms,  and  Libya's  mingled  force  ; 
Heaven  bless'd  his  standards,  and  beneath  his  care 
Reduc'd  his  wandering  partners  of  the  war. 

(Hoole's  Tasso.)^ 

*  The  sonnet  is  little  known  : 


Gia  fui  tronco  infelice  in  queste  sponde, 
Che  da  radice  amara  ha  doglia,  e  lutto  : 
M'inesta  hor  sacro  ramo,  e  dolce  in  tutto. 
Per  divina  virtu,  ch'in  se  nasconde. 

E  del  tuo  sangue  il  santo  fiume,  e  I'onde 
Giungono  al  cor  quasi  in  terrene  asciuttu  : 
Talch'egli  se  n'irriga,  e  novo  frutto 
Fk  di  giustizia,  e  non  sol  fieri,  e  fronde. 

Era  un  deserto  ancor  I'alma  dogliosa, 

Hor  che  '1  tue  corpo  e  I'onbra,  e  '1  lunie  un  Sole 
Signor  Thai  fatte  un  Paradise  adome. 

Ove  di  caritci  vermiglia  resa 

Ha  di  pura  humilta  bianche  viele, 
E  di  sua  castitate  i  gigli  interne. 
{Rime  Spirituali  [vedi  supra,  p.  461,  n.  4],  p.  17). 

^  See  G.  Spera,  II  sentimento  religiose  nella  Gerusalemme,  in  the 
special  work,  Torquate  Tasse,  XXV.  (Rome,  1895,  April),  65  seqq., 
and  Dejob,  290  seqq. 

*  T.  Tasso,  Gerusalemme  liberata,  critical  edition,  by  A. 
SoLERTi,  XL,  3,  Florence,  1895  (Baumgartner,  VI.,  397). 

THE    WORK   OF   TASSO.  463 

It  has  been  rightly  pointed  out  to  what  a  high  degree  the 
revival  of  Catholic  consciousness  was  reflected  in  Tasso's 
immortal  poem.^  Like  Petrus  Angelus  Bargaeus,^  he  too 
was  of  the  opinion  that  it  is  better  "  to  treat  of  an  historical 
event  in  a  Christian  manner,  than  to  seek  by  deceit  for  a  glory 
that  is  unchristian."  Therefore  he  did  not  draw  his  heroes 
from  mythology,  but  from  Christian  history.  It  was  the 
great  Christian  epoch  that  attracted  him  ;  and  he  gave  his 
hero  the  impress  of  a  true  Christian.  Blameless,  brave,  wise, 
humble,  generous,  careless  of  earthly  glory,  filled  with  the  true 
faith  and  a  deep  love  for  Christ  and  his  Church,  Godfrey  de 
Bouillon  is  put  before  us  almost  in  the  guise  of  a  saint.  By 
placing  this  hero  in  the  forefront  of  his  poem,  Tasso  fulfilled 
in  a  high  degree  the  task  of  composing  a  Christian  epopee.^ 
He  completely  turned  his  back  on  ancient  pagan  mythology, 
except  for  a  few  ])assages  of  secondary  importance.  In  his 
poem  he  accepted  prodigies  in  the  Christian  sense  as  an 
indispensable  part  of  epic  poetry,  but  out  of  deference  for 
Italian  taste  adopted  a  prudent  middle  course.  Entirely 
Christian  in  sentiment  is  the  struggle  of  Godfrey  de  Bouillon 
with  his  fanatical  Mohammedan  adversaries,  which  was 
willed  by  God,  for  which  reason  the  paladins  of  God  on  earth 
must  have  by  their  side  the  great  spirits  of  heaven,  though 
they  too  must  experience  the  operations  of  the  enemies  of 
God  and  of  their  followers.  The  whole  power  of  hell  is  enlisted 
to  turn  aside  the  crusaders  from  their  sublime  goal,  and  it 

^  Ranke,  Papste  I.',  323.  For  the  way  in  which  these  descrip- 
tions of  Ranke  were  entirely  misrepresented  by  Voigt  and 
Sauer,  cf.  Baumgartner,  VI.,  364,  n.  i.  In  like  manner 
what  is  said  by  Hettner  (Ital.  Studien,  Brunswick,  1879.  300 
seq.)  of  the  relations  of  Tasso  with  the  counter-reformation,  is 

2  For  the  poem  on  the  Crusades,  "  Svrias  "  by  Bargaus,  see 
Vol.  XXII.,  of  this  work,  p.  194. 

^  Cf.  for  what  follows  the  excellent  chapters  in  Baumgartner, 
VI.,  408  seq.,  412  seq.  ;  for  the  Christian  character  of  the  epic  see 
also  Ranke,  Ital.  Poesie  57  seq.;  Norrenberg,  loc.  ciL,  J  J., 
98  seq.,  114;    Flamini,  Cinquecento,  518  seq. 

464  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

can  find  no  better  weapon  than  an  abandoned  woman,  to 
confound  the  noblest  heroes  with  the  pleasures  of  sense,  until 
the  strength  of  the  enemy  should  be  so  increased  as  to  render 
the  conquest  of  Jerusalem  impossible.  But  however  great 
is  the  part  played  in  the  epic  by  the  most  powerful  of  all 
the  passions,  Love,  by  which  the  heroic  song  of  the  holy 
war  is  to  a  great  extent  transformed  into  a  romance  of 
chivalry,  yet  it  is  conceived  and  developed  in  an  absolutely 
moral  v/ay.  The  transgressions  of  Rinaldo  are  not  extolled 
in  a  single  verse,  and  the  latter  abandons  the  beautiful 
she-devil  Armida,  who  is  depicted  in  the  most  vivid 
colours,  and  cleanses  his  conscience  by  confession  to  Peter 
the  Hermit  : 

But  think  not  yet,  impure  with  many  a  stain, 
In  his  high  cause  to  lift  thy  hand  profane. 

All  the  Christian  combatants  too  prepare  themselves  bj' 
confession  and  communion  for  the  decisive  attack.  The 
assault  begins  :  victory  follows  the  standards  of  the  Christian 
army  :  Armida  ?ierself,  held  back  from  her  intended  suicide 
by  Rinaldo,  is  converted,  and  the  poem,  suddenly  cut  short, 
concludes  with  the  celebrated  strophe  of  the  entry  into 
Jerusalem  : 

Thus  conquer'd  Godfrey,  and  as  yet  the  day 
Gave  from  the  western  waves  the  parting  ray  : 
Swift  to  the  walls  the  glorious  victor  rode. 
The  domes  v/here  Christ  had  made  His  blest  abode  ; 
In  sanguine  vest,  with  all  his  princely  train. 
The  chief  of  chiefs  then  sought  the  sacred  fatie  ; 
There  o'er  the  hallowed  tomb  his  arms  display'd. 
And  there  to  heaven  his  vow'd  devotions  paid. 

In  spite  of  its  numerous  episodes,  the  classical  unity  of  the 
epic  remains  inviolate,  for  the  recovery  of  the  Sepulchre  of 
the  Saviour  shines  forth  throughout  as  the  dominant  idea 
of  the  poem.  The  strong  relief  into  which  the  religious  aspect 
of  the  Crusade  is  thrown  is  not  indeed  in  accordance  with 

THE    WORK    OF   TASSO.  465 

history,  but  rather  with  the  new  spirit  of  reUgiou  which  had 
become  predominant  in  Italy. 

When  the  inspired  poet  sang  his  song  of  Gerusalemme  liber- 
ata,  founded  upon  a  great  act  of  Christian  heroism,  he  bestowed 
the  aureole  of  poetry  upon  one  of  the  most  sublime  aspects 
of  the  Catholic  restoration,  and  upon  the  idea  fostered  b}^  all 
the  Popes  of  the  time,  the  defence  of  Christendom  against 
Islam.  Tasso  had  been  living  as  a  young  man  in  Rome  on 
the  glorious  day  of  Lepanto,  the  greatest  success  ever  won 
by  Christian  arms,  and  his  celebrated  poem  reflects  the  jubilee 
that  filled  the  Catholic  world  on  that  day.^  The  triumph 
that  it  met  with  was  fully  deserved,  for  it  contained  immortal 
beauties.  Few  creations  of  secular  literature  equal  it  in  depth 
of  conception,  in  the  intensity  and  variety  of  its  episodes,  in 
the  magnificent  and  impressive  animation  of  its  characters, 
in  the  strength  and  veracity  of  its  descriptions  of  scenery,  in 
its  delicate  touch  of  true  lyric  life,  and  in  irresistible  charm  of 
style.  It  holds  an  eminent  place  in  the  splendid  culture  of 
the  epoch  of  Catholic  restoration.^  It  is  no  longer  the  worldly 
Ariosto,  but  the  grave  Tasso,  so  profoundly  religious,  who 
was  the  chosen  poet  of  that  time.  Even  in  the  XVIIth  century 
the  Gerusalemme  liberata  became  the  popular  epic,  and  was 
printed  and  sung  in  all  the  principal  dialects  of  Italy.''     It 

^  See  CiAN  in  Giorn.  stor.  d.  lett.  ital.,  LXXVIII.,  164.  For 
the  influence  of  the  Gerusalemme  Uberata  of  Tasso  on  the  part 
taken  by  Duke  Vincenzo  Gonzaga  in  the  war  against  the  Turks, 
see  Aroh.  stor.  Lomb.,  XLII.  (1915),  80  seq. 

^  Cf.  Troeltsch  in  Hist.  Zeitschr.,  CX.,  548  seq.,  who  says  : 
'  It  was  the  Catholic  culture  of  the  counter-reformation  which 
was  the  basis  of  the  modern  scientific-philosophical,  juridical  and 
aesthetic-artistic  development,  and  not  Protestantism."  This 
view  is  opposed  to  Ranke,  who  maintains  that  the  spiritual 
awakening  of  the  Church  helped  indeed  to  elevate  art,  but  had  a 
repressive  effect  upon  learning  (Papste,  I.',  321),  with  which 
view  the  Hist,  polit.  Blatter,  XXXVL,  1019  n.  may  also  be 
compared . 

^  Cf.  Salvioni,  La  Divina  Commedia,  I'Grlando  Furioso  e  la 
Gerusalemme  liberata  nelle  versioni  e  nei  travestimenti  dialettali 
Bellinzona,  1902. 

VOL.   XXIV  30 

466  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

also    became    the    inspiration    of    the    music^    and    arf^    of 
the  time. 

^  Cf.  D'Angeli,  Ea  Gerusalemme  liberata  nel  melodramma, 
in  I. a  cronaca  musical e,  igog,  nn.  4,  5. 

-  The  drawings  of  Bernardo  Castelli  (see  Baglione,  384,  395 
seq.)  for  Tasso's  Gerusalemme  Uberata  were  engraved  by  Agostino 
Caracci  and  Giovanm  Fontana  for  the  edition  printed  in  1590  at 
Genoa,  see  Thieme,  VL,  147.  The  Caracci,  Guido  Reni  and 
Guercino  had  a  special  predilection  for  the  work  of  Tasso  ;  cf. 
Solerti  in  the  periodical  Emporium,  HE  (1896),  n.  16,  where  is 
dealt  with,  and  in  part  reproduced  the  interesting  series  of  frescoes 
by  the  disciples  of  the  Caracci,  of  scenes  of  the  Gerusalemme 
liberata  in  the  Palazzo  Rossi  at  Bologna  (Via  Mazzini,  29). 
F.  Malaguzzi  Valeri  treats  m  the  Rassegna  d'arte,  VIIE,  10  of 
the  paintings  of  Tiepolo  drawn  from  the  Gerusalemme  liberata. 


Clement  VIII.  and  Art. 

Just  as  was  the  case  with  reHgion  and  politics,  the  long 
pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  was  a  period  of  transition  in  the 
field  of  art,  during  which  the  older  tendencies  gradually  gave 
way  to  new  ones.  Clement  VIII.  himself  was  inclined  to 
the  former,  and  among  architects,  besides  Giovanni  Fontana, 
he  at  first  employed  almost  exclusively  Giacomo  della  Porta  ; 
it  was  only  when  the  latter  died,  in  the  autumn  of  1602,  that 
Carlo  Maderna  took  his  place. 

In  painting  the  Pope  favoured,  in  the  person  of  Giuseppe 
Cesari,  known  as  the  Cavaliere  d'Arpino,  the  traditional 
classical  school,  while  the  naturalist  Carava.ggio  was  just 
beginning  his  career. ^  D'Arpino  enjoyed  the  Pope's  favour 
to  such  an  extent  that  the  painters  whom  he  recommended, 
no  matter  how  mediocre  they  were,  received  innumerable 
orders.  It  is  still  a  mystery  wh}^  Clement  VIII.  neglected 
to  avail  himself  of  the  services  of  Caracci,  whose  talent  was 
greater  than  that  of  all  the  rest.  It  is  supposed  that  the 
strained  relations  between  the  Pope  and  the  Farncse 
prejudiced  him  in  this  respect. ^  A  contributory  factor  may 
have  been  that  Clement  Vlrl.,  unlike  Sixtus  V.,  was  not  a 
man  with  much  initiative,  so  that  even  in  artistic  matters 
he  always  took  into  account  the  predominant  greatness  ol 
his  predecessor. 

Immediately  at  the  beginning  of  his  pontificate  Clement  VIII 
declared   his  intention   of  completing  all  the   constructions 

^  In  1592  Caravaggio  began  to  paint  the  Contarelli  Chapel  in 
the  left-hand  nave  of  S.  Luigi  de'  Frances!  ;  see  Jahrb.  der  preisi,. 
Kunstsamml.,  XLIV.,  90  seq.  ;    Voss,  Malerei,  435,  441. 

2  So  thinks  Orbaan  (Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  206). 


468  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

begun  ander  Sixtus  V.^  Among  these  the  first  place  was 
taken  by  the  bridge  over  the  Tiber  near  Borghetto,  which  was 
of  the  greatest  importance  for  the  communications  of  Rome 
with  the  north.  It  is  known  that  in  connexion  with  this  the 
enemies  of  Domenico  Fontana  accused  the  latter  of  irregular- 
ity in  his  account  of  the  expenses. ^  In  Way,  1592,  it  was 
reported  that  a  revision  of  all  the  accounts  of  the  celebrated 
and  favourite  architect  of  Sixtus  V.  had  been  ordered,  and 
it  was  asserted  that  many  of  Fontana's  constructions,  in 
order  to  gain  money,  had  been  badly  carried  out.^  Sixtus  V. 
too  was  undoubtedly  responsible  for  certain  defects  of  con- 
struction, as  he  was  always  urging  haste.  It  is  easy  to 
understand  how  it  was  that  Fontana,  who  was  deeply  offended, 
retired,  and  then  left  Rome  in  order  to  go  in  1596  to  Naples."* 
His  place,  as  the  real  architect  of  the  new  Pope,  was  taken 
by  Giacomo  della  Porta,  who  in  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.  had 
successfully  completed  the  cupola  of  St.  Peter's,  and  had 
thus  acquired  a  great  reputation. 

One  of  the  principal  cares  of  Clement  VIII.  was  the  com- 
pletion of  the  basilica  of  St.  Peter's.  It  was  characteristic  of 
the  skilled  jurist  that  the  Pope  should  have  set  his  hand  to 
the  reorganization  of  the  commission  of  the  Fabbrica  di  S. 

^  *"  N.S^®  ha  date  parola  che  si  finischino  tutte  le  fabriche 
incominciate  da  Sisto  V.  tra  le  quali  si  finisce  hora  il  ponte  del 
Borghetto  et  certe  altre  strutture."  Avviso  of  February  12, 
1592,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  Vatican  Library. 

2  Cf.  Orbaan  in  Bollet.  d'arte,  1915.  For  the  bridge  see  infra, 
p.  489. 

^  *■'  Si  nveggono  i  conti  al  cavalier  Fontana  di  fabriche  e 
strutture,  che  si  pretende  siano  state  malfatte  di  materie  vili  et 
poco  utile  et  per  avanzare  spesa."  Avviso  of  May  13,  1592, 
loc.  cit. 

^  See  Orbaan,  Sixtine  Rome,  230,  who  corrects  the  account  of 
Baglione  (p.  80).  Ihid.  a  reproduction  of  the  sepulchral 
monument  to  Fontana,  erected  in  1627,  twenty  years  after  his 
death,  in  S.  Anna  dei  Lombardi  at  Naples,  the  inscription  on 
which  extolls  him  as  "  Sumnius  Romae  architectus- -magna 
moiitus  maiora  potuit." 

ST.  Peter's.  469 

Pietro/  set  up  by  Clement  VII.  for  the  administration  of  the 
revenues  of  the  basilica.  As  the  clumsy  system  of  a  college 
of  sixty  members  had  not  been  found  practicable, Clement  VIII. 
dissolved  it,  and  following  the  example  of  the  Congregation 
created  by  Sixtus  V.,  he  set  up  a  special  "  Congregazione  della 
rev.  Fabbrica  di  S.  Pietro,"  which  was  given  judicial  powers 
for  carrying  out  its  duties.^ 

After  the  lantern  of  the  cupola  of  St.  Peter's  had  been 
placed  in  position  in  the  time  of  Gregory  XIV.,  Clement  VIII., 
before  anything  else,  had  the  whole  of  the  immense  construc- 
tion covered,  in  order  to  protect  it  from  the  weather,  with 
strips  of  lead,  joined  at  the  edges  by  bands  of  gilt  bronze.^ 

Sebastiano  Torrigiani,  who  from  the  lime  of  Gregory  XIII. 
had  superintended  the  Papal  foundry,  was  ordered  to  cast  the 
colossal  metal  ball,  in  which  there  is  room  for  sixteen  persons, 
and  the  great  cross  connected  with  it,  which,  richly  gilt, 
was  to  crown  the  summit  of  the  cupola  of  St.  Peter's.^  This 
work  was  completed  in  the  autumn  of  1593.  According  to 
the  original  intention  of  the  Pope,  the  sign  of  the  triumph  of 
Christianity  was  to  have  been  erected  on  the  feast  of  the 
Exaltation  of  the  Holy  Cross  (September  14th), ^  but  in  the 
end  Clement  VIII.  decided  upon  the  day  of  the  Dedication 
of  the  basilica  (November  i8th).  On  that  memorable  morning 
the  Pope,  accompanied  by  Cardinals  Gesualdo,  IMedici,  Toledo 
and  Cinzio  Aldobrandini,  went  to  St.  Peter's.  After  a  prayer 
before  the  altar  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament,  and  at  the  Con- 
fession, he  w-ent  to  the  Gregorian  Chapel,  where  the  bronze 
cross  had  been  erected  at  the  Gospel  side  of  the  high  altar. 
There  he  first  consecrated  two  caskets  intended  for  the  arms 

^  Cf.  Vol.  X.  of  this  work,  p.  352. 

2  See  Bull.  bash.  Vatic.  III.,  333.  Cf.  Phillips.  VI.,  675; 
HiNSCHius,  I.,  482.  The  bull  itself  has  not  so  far  been  found, 
not  even  in  the  archives  of  the  Fabbrica,  it  was  already  missing  in 
the  time  of  Benedict  XIV. 

'  See  RoccA,  Bibl.  Vatic,  App.  416  ;  Orbaan,  Documenti,  48  n 

*  See  Baglione,  324.     Cf.  O.  Pollak  in  the  supplement  to 
the  Jahrb.  der  preuss.  Kunstsamml.,  XXXVI.  (1915),  80  seq. 
,'  See  *  of  September  15,  1593,  Urb,  ic6o,  I.,  lo:.  ci(. 

470  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

of  the  cross,  containing  relics  and  Agnus  Dei,  and  then  blessed 
the  cross  itself  with  the  pra3^ers  of  the  rituaL  He  then 
celebrated  mass.  After  the  Pope  had  retired  to  his  own 
apartments,  the  workmen  set  to  work  on  erecting  the  cross. 
When  towards  evening  the  work  was  completed,  all  the  bells 
were  rung  and  the  roar  of  the  cannon  of  the  Castle  of  St. 
Angelo  burst  forth.  In  the  piazza  of  St.  Peter's,  where  the 
Capella  Giulia  intoned  hymns,  '"he  canons  and  all  the  other 
clergy  of  the  basilica  were  assembled.  The  shiging  of  the 
Te  Deum  completed  the  ceremionv.^ 

The  internal  decoration  of  the  dome  had  at  first  been  assigned 
by  the  members  of  the  Fabbrica  of  St.  Peter's  to  Cristofano 
Roncalli,  but  Clement  VIII.  entrusted  it  to  the  Cavaiiere 
d'Arpino.-  The  latter  had  already  been  in  the  service  of 
Sixtus  v.,  and  after  the  death  of  that  Pope  in  that  of  Cardinal 
Santori.  With  Clement  VIII.  his  period  of  celebrity  began  ; 
the  Pope  conferred  many  distinctions  on  him  and  took  him^ 
with  him  to  Ferrara.^  D'Arpino  designed  for  the  interior 
of  the  dome  of  St.  Peter's  a  scheme  of  decoration  that  was  as 
beautiful  as  it  was  suitable.  The  sixteen  spaces  of  the  dome, 
which  rise  in  diminishing  width  between  the  great  gilt  ribs, 
were  each  divided  into  four  large  rectangular  spaces,  and 
two  smaller  round  ones  ;  these  were  filled  with  mosaic  pictures 
on  a  gold  ground,  the  subjects  of  which  form  a  magnificent 
"  Sursum  corda."  In  the  topmost  ring  there  are  beautiful 
heads  of  angels  ;  in  the  next,  angels  in  adoration  ;  then  more 
heads  of  angels,  and  then  angels  with  the  instruments  of  the 
Passion  of  Our  Lord  ;  below  these,  on  a  larger  scale,  are  Christ, 
the  Blessed  Virgin,  St.  John  the  Baptist,  and  the  choir  of  the 
Apostles,  and  lastly  half-figures  of  the  Popes  and  saints 
whose  relics  are  preserved  in  St.  Peter's.  In  the  vault  of  the 
lantern  is  the  figure  of  God  the  Father  in  the  act  of  bene- 
diction,  and   on    the   ring   which   completes   the   dome   the 

'  See  in  App.  n.   i  the  *report  of  Alaleone.      Cf.  also  *Avviso 
of  November  20,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  loc.  cit. 
*  See  Baglione,  290. 
'  See  Sobotka  in  Thieme,  VI.,  310.     Cf.  also  Voss,  II.,  578. 

ST.    PETER  S.  471 

inscription  :  S.  PETRI  GLORIAE  SIXTUS  P.P.  V.  ANNO 

It  is  a  striking  proof  of  the  strong  sense  of  justice  of 
Clement  VIII.,  that  though  he  was  as  a  rule  keenly  anxious 
to  immortalise  his  own  name,^  in  this  case  he  left  to  his  pre- 
decessor the  honour  that  belonged  to  him  ;  this  he  also  did 
in  another  way  ;  the  ribs,  which  are  covered  with  gold  stars 
on  a  blue  ground,  end  in  a  lion's  head  in  bronze,  the  arms  of 
Sixtus  V. 

Quite  a  large  number  of  artists,  among  them  Francesco 
Zucchi,  Cesare  Torelli,  Paolo  Rossetti,  and  Marcello  Provenzale 
were  employed  in  executing  the  mosaics  designed  by  d'Arpino,-^ 
a  work  which  was  only  completed  under  Paul  V.  Cartoons 
by  Giovanni  de'Vecchi  and  Cesare  Nebbia  served  as  models 
for  the  enormous  mosaic  pictures  of  the  Evangelists  in  the 
angles  of  the  four  pilasters.*  To  all  this  there  was  added,  as 
a  completion  of  the  dome,  as  dignified  as  it  was  huge,  on  the 
gold  ground  of  a  frieze  two  metres  in  height,  and  in  letters 
of  dark  blue  mosaic,  the  words  of  institiition  of  the  Papacy  : 

Contemporaneously  with  the  decoration  of  the  cupola, 
the  pavement  of  the  new  basilica  was  raised,  thus  forming 
the  crypt,  or  the  so-called  "  Grotte  Vaticane."^ 

From  the  autumn  of  1592  work  was  in  progress  on  the 
erection  of  a  new  altar  imder  the  dome,  and  over  the  tomb 
of  St.  Peter.  Giacomo  della  Porta  employed  ancient  marbles 
for  this,^  and  the  consecration  took  place  with  great  solemnity. 
This  was  on  June  26th,  1594,  after  the  old  and  the  new  basilica 

1  See  Baglionu,  372;  Pistolesi,  II.,  256;  Letarouilly- 
SiMiL,  I.,  tav.  30  (coloured)  ;    cf.  tav.  22  and  28. 

2  C/.  Avviso  of  November  10,  1604,  in  Orbaan,  Documenti, 
47  n. 

» See  Baglione,  102,  129,  170,  349.  Cf.  Pollak,  loc.  cit. 
72  seq.,  75. 

*  See  Orbaan,  loo.  cit.  46  n. 

*  See  Baglione,  324. 

*  See  Lanciani,  IV.,  181.     Cf.  Orbaan,  loc.  cit.  47  n. 

472  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

had  been  richly  adorned.  All  the  Cardinals  assisted  and  a 
great  part  of  the  Roman  clergy,  together  with  the  confra- 
ternities of  the  cit}^  The  Pope  himself  consecrated  the  altar, 
in  which  was  enclosed  that  erected  in  1123  by  Calixtus  II., 
and  granted  a  plenary  indulgence  on  that  occasion. ^  On 
the  feast  of  St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul  he  celebrated  high  mass  at 
the  new  altar.  ^ 

During  the  course  of  the  work  on  the  new  pavement, 
archaeological  discoveries  of  great  interest  were  made  near 
the  Confession.  Some  ancient  inscriptions  were  found, ^  as 
well  as  some  ancient  Christian  memorials.  The  vague  state- 
ment of  Francesco  Maria  Torrigio,  that  in  1594  the  Pope  and 
several  Cardinals  had  seen,  through  an  opening  made  by 
chance,  the  bronze  tomb  of  St.  Peter  with  the  gold  cross  above 
it,  is  quite  improbable.*  But  what  was  seen  at  that  time  was 
quite  another  matter  ;  at  the  altar  of  Calixtus  II.  openings 
were  made  beyond  which  there  was  another  still  older  altar, 
enclosed  within  it,  which  was  ascribed  to  St.  Sylvester. 
Clement  VIII.  had  these  openings  closed,  so  reports  the 
contemporary  writer,  Giacomo  Grimaldi.^ 

A  monument  that  undoubtedly  belonged  to  the  ancient 
Christian  era  came  to  light  in  October,  1597,  when,  under  the 
new  altar,  it  was  intended  to  erect  another  still  deeper  down, 
in  the  Confession,  which  was  to  open  directty  upon  the  tomb 
of  the  Prince  of  the  Apostles.     On  this  occasion  an  ancient 

1  See  *Diariiim  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  lat.  2871,  Vatican  Library  ; 
♦Liber  rerum  memorab.  basil.  Vatic.  ;  extract  in  Miscell.,  VIL, 
45,  p-  194.  Papal  Secret  Archives  ;  *Avvisi  of  June  11  and  29, 
1594,  Urb.  1062,  loc.  cit  The  simple  inscription  on  the  altar,  still 
preserved,  in  Barbier,  II.,  439. 

2  See  *Avviso  of  June  29,  1594,  Urb.  1062,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  Lanciani,  IV.,  181  seq. 

*  See  Duchesne  in  Mel.  d'archeol.,  1915,  9  seqq.,  where  however 
the  consecration  of  the  altar  is  wrongly  placed  on  July  26.  Wilpert 
(La  tomba  di  san  Pietro,  1922)  follows  (p.  30)  the  opinion  of 

^  See  Cerrati,  Tiberii  Alpharani  de  basil.  Vatic,  structura  liber, 
p.  27  seq.  ;  cf.  Duchesne,  loc.  cit. 

ST.    PETER  S.  473 

sarcophagus  in  Parian  marble,  richly  adorned  with  sculpture, 
was  discovered.  This  contained  the  bones  of  the  Prefect 
of  the  City,  Junius  Bassus,  who,  according  to  the  inscription, 
"  went  to  God  while  still  a  neophyte  under  the  consulate 
of  Eusebius  and  Hypatius  "  namely  in  the  year  359.-^ 

Clement  VIII.  followed  with  the  greatest  interest  the  works 
in  St.  Peter's.  So  as  to  be  able  to  visit  the  Confession  un- 
disturbed and  pray  there,  a  subterranean  passage  was 
excavated  from  the  Vatican,  which  was  afterwards  walled 
up.^  In  the  spring  of  1595  he  twice  visited  the  works  in 
St.  Peter's.  In  June,  1598,  the  wood-work  of  the  roof  of 
the  ancient  basilica,  which  was  still  standing,  and  which 
threatened  to  fall  over  the  chapel  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament, 
was  repaired.  The  Pope  Vvcnt  to  see  the  completion  of  this 
work  in  October,  1601.^ 

The  large  lateral  chapel  in  the  right  hand  nave,  facing 
the  Gregorian  Chapel,  was  richly  adorned  at  this  time 
with  marbles,  mosaic  and  stucco,  and  given  the  name 
of  Clement  VIII.  Giacomo  della  Porta  superintended  the 
work,  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Pope,  whose  arms  in  mosaic 
appear  in  the  vaulting  of  the  cupola  there.  The  mosaic 
figures  were  designed  by  Christofano  Roncalli.'*  These  works 
were  substantially  completed  in  the  Holy  Year,  1600  ;^  in 
the  mosaic  of  the  pavement  may  be  read  the  ^^^ear  1601.^ 

^  See  the  report  of  the  discovery  in  the  Royu.  Quartalschr., 
XVII.,  77  seq.  Cf.  ibid.  XXL,  121  seq.,  and  1914,  5  seq.  ;  also 
Grisar,  I.,  432  seq.,  and  De  Waal,  Der  Sarkophag  des  lunius 
Bassus  in  den  Grotten  von  St.  Peter,  Rome,  1900.  In  1597 
Clement  VIII.  gave  Tor<iuato  Conti  a  portrait  in  mosaic  of  his 
ancestor  Innocent  III.,  which  was  in  St.  Peter's,  and  is  now  in  the 
Villa  Catena  near  Poli  ;   see  Arte  cristiana,  191 6,  116  seq. 

2  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  48  n. 

'  See  ibid.  46  n.,  47  n. 

*  See  Baglione,  81,  290  [cf.  114)  ;  also  D'Achille,  I  sepolcri 
dei  Romani  Pontefici,  Rome,  1867,  18,  21  seqq.  ;  Mignanti,  II., 
50.     Cf.  the  periodical  Roma,  1925,  519. 

^  See  Bentivoglio,  Memone,  119,  Cf.  Pollak,  loc.  cit,, 
III  seq. 

*  See  Forcella,  VI.,  118. 

474  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

Later  on  the  Pope  had  the  idea  of  translating  the  rehcs  of 
St.  Clement  to  the  Clementine  Chapel,  which,  like  that  corres- 
ponding to  it,  is  as  large  as  an  imposing  church.-^  At  the 
beginning  of  1596  he  had  given  another  precious  relic  to  the 
basilica  of  St.  Peter's,  namel}^  the  head  of  St.  Damasus.^ 

The  Aldobrandini  Pope,  under  whom  the  regular  meetings 
of  the  Accademia  of  painting  of  St.  Luke  had  been  begun  on 
November  14th,  1593,^  nmst  also  be  given  the  credit  of 
having  begun  the  decoration  of  the  basilica  of  St.  Peter's 
with  altar-pieces.  Cardinal  Baronius,  who  appears  to  have 
been  the  artistic  adviser  of  Clement  VI IL,  suggested  the 
subjects  for  these.  In  order  to  obtain  works  worthy  of  the 
size  and  dignity  of  the  place,  the  various  painters  of  Rome 
and  central  Italy  were  consulted.  None  of  these,  however, 
were  able  to  equal  the  simple  and  grandiose  art  with  which 
Muziano  had  discharged  his  task  in  the  two  gigantic  paintings 
in  the  Gregorian  Chapel.*  Cristofano  Roncalli  depicted  the 
punishment  of  Ananias,  Francesco  Vani  the  fall  of  Simon 
Magus,  Domenico  Passignano  the  crucifixion  of  St.  Peter, 
Lodovico  Cigoli  the  lame  man  cured  by  St.  Peter,  Bernardo 
Castelli  St.  Peter  leaving  the  ship  and  adoring  the  Redeemer, 
Giovanni  Baglione  the  raising  to  life  of  Tabitha.^  All  these 
pictures  were  later  on  replaced  by  copies  in  mosaic. 

1  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  47  n. 

2  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  loc.  cit.  ;  *Avviso  of  November  3, 
1596,  Urb.  1064,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  Forcella,  VL,  116  ;  Cancellieri, 
De  secret.,  1673. 

'See  MissiRiNi,  Mem.  d.  Accad.  di  S.  Luca,  Rome,  1823, 
27  seqq.  ;  Hoogewerff,  Bescheiden  en  Italie,  's  Gravenhage, 
1913,  61.  Other  associations  of  native  artists  formed  the  little 
academy  of  Fed.  Zuccaro,  in  the  latter's  house,  and  the  con- 
fraternity of  the  "  Virtuosi  al  Pantheon,"  which  held  its  meetings 
high  up  under  the  roof  of  the  Pantheon  ;  see  Vol.  XII.  of  this 
work,  p.  574,  and  Orbaan  in  Repert.  f.  Kiinstwissensch.,  XXXVII. 
(1915),  17  seq. 

*  See  Voss,  II.,  433  seq. 

^  See  Baglione,  no  seq.,  153,  284,  290  seq.  Cf.  Thieme,  II. , 
356  ;    Voss,  II.,  404,  514. 


It  was  a  serious  loss  to  the  Pope  when  in  1602  Giacomo 
della  Porta  died,  the  master  who  had  opened  out  the  way 
to  the  earHest  baroque.  Then  Giovanni  Fontana  and  his 
nephew  Carlo  Maderno,^  became  the  architects  of  the  basilica 
of  St.  Peter's.  IMadcrno,  who  soon  aftervv'ards  appears 
as  the  official  state  architect,  did  not  follow  the  severe  and 
rather  harsh  taste  of  his  uncle  and  master,  but  continued  to 
develop  the  style  of  Giacomo  della  Porta." 

After  the  basilica  of  St.  Peter's,  it  was  above  all  that  of  the 
Lateran  to  \\hich  Clement  VIII.  devoted  his  attention.  It 
is  a  matter  for  congratulation  that  Giacomo  della  Porta, 
to  whom  this  task  was  entrusted,  proceeded  with  such  careful 
consideration  for  architectural  forms  that  these  were  still 
preserved.^  The  work  was  begun  in  the  summer  of  1592."* 
With  this  restoration  was  conn.ected  also  a  sumptuous 
decoration  of  the  basilica.  First  of  all  the  chapel  of  the 
Confession  was  constructed  in  1594,  the  altar  of  which  was 
decorated.^  In  the  same  3'ear  the  ceiling  of  the  transverse 
nave  was  gilt.^  In  July,  1596,  still  grander  plans  for  the 
decoration  of  the  basilica  were  under  consideration,  on  which 
40,000  scudi  were  to  be  expended.'  In  1597  the  decoration 
of  the  transverse  nave  with  paintings,  gilding  and  statues 
was  begun  ;  the  appearance  of  that  part  of  the  church  was, 
however,  so  greatly  changed  that  it  was  henceforward  known 
as  the  "Nave  Clementina."^  The  supreme  direction  was 
in  the  hands  of  d'Arpino. 

^  See  Baglione,  131,  308  seq. 

*  See  ibid.  309  seq.     Cf.  Munoz,  C.  Maderno,  Rome,  1922. 
'  See  Lauer,  Latran,  326. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  June  24,  1592,  according  to  which  the  cost  was 
divided  between  the  Pope  and  the  chapter,  Urb.  1060,  I.,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  Rasponi,  49  ;    Forcella,  VIII.,  46. 

*  *Contract  between  the  Apostolic  Camera  and  the  gilders 
GiuUo  di  Giov.  Batt.  Caporali  Perugino  and  Camillo  di  Bernardo 
Spallucci  Fiorentino,  dated  June  28,  1594,  Not.  L.  Calderinus, 
1594,  p.  478.     Notarial  Archives,  Rome. 

'  See  Avviso  of  July  3,  1596,  in  Orbaan,  Documenti,  130  n. 

*  Cf.  Lanciani,  Wanderings  through  ancient  Roman  Churches, 
Boston,  1924,  210. 

476  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  view  of  contemporaries  as  to  the  position  of  this  artist 
is  characterized  by  an  anecdote  left  to  us  by  Joachim  Sand- 
rart.  This  states  that  the  Pope,  having  once  received  as  a 
gift  from  a  Dutch,  merchant  a  barrel  of  beer,  offered  his 
protege  a  glass  of  this  beverage,  then  almost  unknown  in 
Italy.  After  a  few  sips  d'Arpino  refused  the  glass  with 
thanks,  whereupon  Clement  VIH.  finished  it  at  a  draught. ^ 

The  monumental  frescoes  with  which  the  transverse  nave 
was  decorated  were  planned  in  the  form  of  tapestries,  the 
walls  below  being  decorated  with  plastic  figures  in  small  niches 
surmounted  by  a  tympanum.  Everywhere  may  be  seen 
the  name  and  arms  of  Clement  VIII.  D'Arpino  employed 
ver\^  second-rate  painters  to  execute  ^he  frescoes.  Christofano 
Roncalli  painted  the  Baptism  of  Constantine,  Giovanni 
Baglione  the  Donation  of  that  Emperor,  Giovan  Battista  da 
Novara  the  laying  of  the  first  stone  of  the  basilica.  D'Arpino 
himself,  in  addition  to  other  decorations  and  the  putti  with 
garlands  of  fruit  near  the  figures  between  the  windows,  painted 
on  the  south  wall  of  the  transverse  nave,  on  a  gigantic  scale, 
the  Ascension  of  Jesus  Christ. - 

In  the  place  of  the  doorway  leading  into  the  cloister,  there 
was  erected  from  the  designs  of  Pier  Paolo  Olivieri,  the  majestic 
altar  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament.^  It  was  in  February,  1598, 
soon  after  the  Te  Deum  in  thanksgiving  for  the  acquisition 
of  Ferrara  had  been  sung  in  the  ancient  basilica,  that  the 
Pope  gave  orders  for  the  construction  of  this  work  of  art, 
which  was  to  be  great  and  imposing.'*  He  insisted  on  its 
being  speedily  completed.  Already  by  the  middle  of  March, 
one  of  the  gigantic  fluted  columns  of  gilt  bronze,  which  were 
to  support  the  tympanum,  which  v,as  also  of  metal,  had  been 

1  See  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  30  seq. 

2  See  Baglione,  60,  89,  102,  117,  147,  149,  290,  371,  401  ; 
CiACONius,  IV.,  266;  ScHUDT,  Manc'ni,  71.  More  recent 
restorations  have  to  some  extent  considerably  altered  the  frescoes  ; 
130,  151  ;    Ortolani,  loc.  cit.  56  seq.     Cf.  Voss,  II.,  566,  586. 

^  See  Baglione,  60,  76.  Cf.  Rasponi,  59,  107,  and  the  accounts 
in  Lauer,  617  seqq. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  February  '',  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit. 


erected.^  These  columns  had  originally  stood  between  the 
apse  and  the  high  altar,  and  it  was  said  that  they  had  been 
erected  by  the  Emperor  Constantine.  They  w-ere  in  any  case 
very  ancient,  though  the  statement  given  in  an  inscription 
of  the  time  of  Nicolas  IV.,  that  they  had  been  brought  to 
Rome  with  the  rest  of  the  booty  taken  from  the  Holy  Land 
by  Titus,  is  not  proved.^ 

The  altar  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament  is  itself  composed  of 
precious  marbles  ;  the  two  columns  at  the  sides  are  of  verde 
antique,  and  the  tabernacle  being  very  richly  decorated.  The 
designer  of  the  whole  was  the  Roman,  Pompeo  Targone.^ 
Clement  VIII.,  with  significant  symbolism,  had  the  niches 
at  the  sides  of  the  altar  filled  with  statues  of  Melchisedech, 
Moses,  Aaron  and  Elias,  as  "  types  "  of  the  Most  Holy  Sacra- 
ment of  the  Altar.  The  two  first  named  were  executed  by 
Dutch  artists,'*  and  the  statute  of  Ehas,  which  was  begun  by 
Pier  Paolo  Olivieri,  was  completed  by  Camillo  Mariani.^ 
Above  the  niches  were  placed  reliefs  of  scenes  from  the  Old 
Testament,  also  relating  to  the  Holy  Eucharist. 

At  the  beginning  of  1599  ^^^  was  completed,  but  the  Pope 
was  not  entirely  satisfied,  a  proof  that  he  was  not  lacking 
in  artistic  perception.  He  found  fault  with  the  architectural 
construction,  and  with  the  fact  that  the  altar  was  placed  at 
the  south  end  of  the  transverse  nave,  so  that  it  was  not  possible 
to  see  it  on  entering  the  church.  He  also  made  other  critic- 
isms, rightly  seeing  that  the  variegated  and  busy  background 

'  *"  II  Papa  sollecita  che  sia  finita  la  nuova  capella  in  S. 
Giovanni  Laterano  per  il  Santissimo,  ove  si  trasferi  domenica  per 
vedeme  la  riuscita  restando  sodisfatto  si  della  architettura  come 
dalle  vaghezze  che  gia  si  vede  con  tutto  che  non  si  sia  drizzata  se 
non  una  di  (luelle  colonne  di  bronzo  tutta  dorata."  A  wise  of 
March  14,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit. 

2  See  Grisar,  I.,  786. 

*  See  Baglione,  329  seq. 

*  Niccolo  d'Arras  and  Egidio  Fiammingo  ;  see  Baglione,  67, 
69.     Cf.  Orbaan,  Documenti,  312  n.  ;    Lauer,  618. 

*  See  Baglione,  113  seq.  Cf.  Bertoloxti,  Art.  Veneziani, 

478  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

of  the  marbles  killed  the  effect  of  the  magnificent  structure 
of  the  columns.^ 

The  decoration  of  the  altar  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament  was 
completed  by  placing  in  a  niche  above  it  a  much  venerated 
relic  of  the  earliest  times.  This  was  a  table  in  cedar  wood, 
which  it  was  believed  had  been  used  by  Our  Divine  Redeemer 
at  the  Last  Supper.  ^  In  front  of  the  relic  was  placed  a  bas- 
relief  in  silver  rep.resenting  that  event,  and  supported  by 
two  angels.^  This  work,  in  which  a  thousand  pounds  of 
silver  were  used,  was  completed  in  the  April  of  the  Holy  Year, 

A  bull  of  February  12th,  1600,  arranged  for  the  establish- 
ment of  certain  chaplaincies,  the  patronage  of  which  was 
reserved  to  the  Aldobrandini  family.^  Two  commemorative 
coins  recorded  this  foundation,*  by  which  the  Pope  gave 
expression  to  his  veneration  for  the  Holy  Eucharist. 

The  transverse  nave  of  the  Lateran  Basilica  was  also 
furnished  with  a  new  pavement  in  coloured  marbles  by 
Clenjent  VHL  In  this,  as  in  the  rest  of  the  decorations,  the 
material  was  supplied  by  the  old  structure.'' 

In  order  to  balance  the  altar  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament, 
at  the  other  end  of  the  transverse  nave,  over  the  entrance 
door,  Clement  VIII.  caused  to  be  built,  by  the  Perugian  Luca 
Blasio,  a  new  organ,  which  surpassed  in  size  and  magnificence 
all  others  in  Rome.  The  Milanese  Giovan  Battista  Mantano 
executed  the  gallery,  with  artistic  decorations  and  rich  gilding. 

1  Cf.  *Avviso  of  January  6,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.  Cf. 
Ortolani,  loc.  cit.  61. 

2  See  Lauer,  326  n.     Cf.  Barbier,  II.,  345  seq. 

*  This  masterpiece,  which  cost  12,000  gold  scudi  (see  Ciaconius, 
IV.,  266)  was  stolen  by  the  French  at  the  beginning  of  the  XlXth 
century.     The  bas-rehef  is  by  Curzio  Vanni  ;    see  Martinelli, 


■»  See  *Avviso  of  April  22,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  Lauer,  639. 

*  See  BoNANNi,  II.,  464  seq. 

'  See  RoDOCANACHi,  Les  monuments  de  Rome,  75.  Cf. 
*Avviso  of  July  23,  1597,  in  App.  n.  10. 


This  rested  upon  two  antique  columns,  between  wijich  was 
the  entrance  door,  adorned  with  the  arms  of  Clement  VIII. 
Over  the  two  side  doors  were  placed  half  busts  of  David  and 
Ezechias,  executed  b}^  another  Milanese  artist,  Ambrogio 

The  Pope  contributed  to  all  the  expenses  from  his  privy 
purse.  The  ceiling  of  the  canons'  sacristy  was  also  adorned 
with  frescoes  by  Giovanni  Alberti,  who  endeavoured  to  relieve 
the  gloomy  character  of  that  place. "^  Yet  another  decoration 
of  the  Lateran  Basilica  Vv^hich  was  projected  by  Clement  VIII., 
according  to  what  we  are  told  by  Baglione,  was  prevented 
by  the  slowness  with  which  the  paintings  in  the  transverse 
nave  progressed.^  The  Pope  showed  great  delight  with  the 
Ascension  of  Christ  by  d'x\rpino,  which  was  finished  in  the 
summer  of  1600,  and  gave  expression  to  this  by  the  gifts 
which  he  bestowed  upon  the  artist.'*  A  gold  coin  and  other 
medals  immortalized  the  decoration  of  the  Lateran  Basilica,^ 
which  was  further  supplied  with  costly  sacred  vessels.®  As 
a  mark  of  their  gratitude  the  canons  set  up  a  bust  of  the 
Pope  in  bronze,  which  is  still  preserved.'^ 

^  See  Baglione,  60,  iii,  171.  Cf.  Lauer,  bij  seqq.  ;  Bonanni, 
II.,  465  ;  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  123  ; 
Bertolotti,  Art.  Lomb.,  I.,  344  seq. 

2  See  Baglione,  60,  70.  Cf.  Voss,  II.,  529  ;  Posse  in  Jahvb. 
der  preiiss.  Kunstsanmil.,  XL,  134.  Ciampelli  painted  on  the 
walls  the  miracle  of  the  water  and  the  martyrdom  of  Clement  I. 
See  TiTi,  216.  Over  the  entrance  to  the  sacristy  are  the  arms 
and  a  bronze  bust  of  Clement  VIII.    Cf.  Ortolani,  loc.  cit.,  62,  67. 

'  See  Baglione,  60,  356.  The  Lateran  basilica  was  seriously 
damaged  in  May,  1602,  by  a  thunderbolt,  which  necessitated 
costly  repairs  ;  see  *Avviso  of  May  14,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  loc.  cit. 
The  accounts  in  Lauer,  617  seq.,  cover  the  period  from  1397  to 
1 60 1.  The  inscriptions  on  the  altar  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament 
and  the  organ  are  of  1598  (see  Forcella,  VIII. ,  48). 

*  See  Baglione,  371. 

^  See  Bonanni,  II.,  464  seq.  ;  Martinoki,  6.  For  the  other 
works  in  the  Lateran  Basilica  cf.  also  Ortolani,  loc.  cit.,  55. 

*  See  Ciaconius,  IV.,  266. 

'  See  Baglione,  326.     The  inscription  in  Forcella,  VIII.,  48. 

480  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Inscriptions  and  coats  of  arms  show  that  Clement  VIII. 
also  devoted  his  attention  to  the  restoration  and  embellish- 
ment of  the  two  side  chapels  in  the  Lateran  Baptistery, 
erected  by  Pope  Hilary,  and  dedicated  to  St.  John  the  Baptist 
and  St.  John  the  Evangelist.  Fortmiately  the  mosaics  were 
still  intact.  The  decoration  in  grotesque  was  carried  out 
by  Giovanni  Alberti.  D'Arpino  supplied  the  two  pictures 
for  the  altars,  taking  their  subjects  from  the  history  of  St. 
John  the  Evangelist.^ 

At  .St.  Mary  Major's  Clement  VIII.  restored  the  mosaics 
in  the  principal  nave,  and  the  organ,  and  to  balance  this  had 
the  wall  of  the  church,  above  the  tomb  of  Nicolas  IV., 
decorated.^  He  also  gave  the  ancient  picture  of  the  Madonna, 
attributed  to  St.  Luke,  a  crown  of  brilliants,  which  was  placed 
there  in  his  presence.^ 

In  1600  he  restored  to  the  ancient  cardinalitial  deaconry 
of  S.  Cesareo,  called  in  Palatio  from  the  neighbouring 
Baths  of  Caracalla,  the  titular  dignity  which  had  been 
taken  away  by  Sixtus  V.^  This  church  was  in  such  a 
ruinous  condition  that  Clement  VIII.  had  almost  entirely 
to  reconstruct  it,  as  is  attested  by  the  inscription  in  an 
ornate  frame  placed  over  the  entrance.^  The  canonical 
visitation  of  the  churches  of  Rome,^  and  later  on  the  Holy 
Year,  prompted  the  restoration  of  S.  Maria  della  Rotonda 

1  See  Baglione,  70,  371  [cf.  321)  ;  Forcella,  VIII.,  46  seq.  ; 
Lauer,  326. 

*  See  Baglione,  60  ;    Adinolfi,  II.,  162. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  July  5,  1597,  Urb.  1065,  loc.  cit. 

^  See  Forcella,  XII.,  253  ;  Inventario,  I.,  258  ;  Baglione 
(Nove  chiese,  Rome,  1639,  63)  mentions  works  executed  by 
Clement  VIII.  at  St.  Paul's  outside  the  Walls.  For  the  restora- 
tion of  S.  Maria  in  Monticelli  see  Azzurri,  S.  Maria  in  Monticelli, 
Rome,     i860,     29  ;     for    those    at    S.    Michele    in    Sassia    see 

TOTTI,     38. 

5  See  Forcella,  XII.,  25^.  Cf.  Baglione,  60  ;  Inventario,  I., 
258;  *Payments  of  1597,  1601,  and  1602,  in  Depos.  gen.,  State 
Archives,  Rome. 

*  Cf.  Cavazzi,  S.  Maria  in  Via  Lata,  Rome,  1908,  198. 

S.    MARIA    SOPRA   MINERVA.  481 

(the  Pantheon)/  S.  Angelo  in  Pescheria,^  S.  Nicolo  de' 
Lorenesi,^  and  SS.  Cosma  e  Damiano,*  which  was  done  at 
the  expense  of  the  Pope,  who  also  provided  the  endowment 
for  the  monastery  of  the  Carthusians  in  Rome.^ 

The  church  of  the  Dominicans,  S.  Maria  sopra  Minerva, 
was  adorned  with  a  beautiful  work  of  filial  piety.  In  the  fifth 
chapel  of  the  left-hand  nave  were  buried  the  parents  of 
Clement  VIII.,  and  in  the  spring  of  1600  the  Pope  formed  the 
plan  of  adorning  this  tomb  more  richly.®  The  direction  of 
the  work,  in  which  were  employed  many  coloured  marbles 
taken  from  ancient  monuments,  was  entrusted  to  Giacomo 
della  Porta,''  who  also  designed  the  beautiful  monument 
which  Clement  VIII.  erected  at  S.  Maria  sopra  Minerva  to 
his  "  old  friend  "  Emilio  Pucci,  commandant  of  the  Papal 
fleet,  who  died  in  1595.^     Painters  were  also  employed  for 

^  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  129,  130.  Cf.  *Avviso  of  July  23, 
1597.  in  App.  n.  10,  Adinolfi,  II.,  412  seq.  In  the  museum  of 
the  Pantheon  there  is  an  inscription  recording  the  restoration, 
with  the  arms  of  Clement  VIII.  and  the  date  1600  ;  ibid,  an 
inscription  of  Cardinal  Aldobrandini. 

^  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  332. 

*  See  ibid. 

*  *Payments  of  1601  and  1602  in  Depos.  gen..  State  Archives, 
Rome.  This  restoration  was  made  in  order  to  repair  the  damage 
done  by  a  thunderbolt  ;  see  *Avviso  of  December  25,  1599, 
Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 

^  Cf.  the  *Reply  to  a  letter  of  thanks  from  the  General  of  the 
Order,  August  9,  1604,  which  states  :  "  Loci  amoenitas  multas 
habet  delectationes  :  Aptae  dispositae  res,  aedificii  amplitudo, 
opus  elegans  praeclarumque  animum  oblectant  maxime.  Sed 
haec  humana.  lUud  Nos  Christiana  afficit  voluptate,  quod  illic 
coetus  angelorum  existimamus,  solitudinem  esse  pro  frequentia, 
silentium  instar  vocum  suavissimarum,  ad  similitudinem  denique 
coelestis  patriae  prope  accedere  omnia  "  (Arm.  44,  t.  46,  p.  298b, 
Papal  Secret  Archives).     Cf.  also  Lanciani,  II.,  147  seq. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  April  22,  1600,  Urb.  1068,  loc.  cit. 
'  See  Baglione,  81. 

*  See  Forcella,  L.,  477 ;  Berth ier,  Minerve,  147  (with 
wrong  date    1590).     An    *Avviso   of   February    19,    1597,   says  : 

VOL.    XXIV  31 

482  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

the  decoration  of  the  family  chapel :  Cherubino  Alberti 
represented  in  the  vaulting  of  the  ceiling  the  triumph  of  the 
Holy  Cross/  while  Federico  Barocci  painted  the  altar-piece, 
the  Last  Supper.  In  the  niches  at  the  side  of  the  altar  were 
placed  statues  of  the  Princes  of  the  Apostles,  executed  by 
Camillo  Mariani  of  Vicenza.^ 

The  tombs  of  the  Pope's  parents  were  executed  by  Guglielmo 
della  Porta,  a  son  of  the  architect.  These  show  a  like  com- 
position, though  without  repeating  each  other.  Four  precious 
columns,  which  support  an  architrave  adorned  with  figures 
of  angels,  form  the  frame,  and  in  the  middle  the  sarcophagus 
with  the  half  recumbent  figures  of  the  deceased  ;  at  the  base 
there  are  inscriptions  inspired  by  filial  piety,  and  between 
the  columns  on  either  side  a  statue  symbolizing  one  of  the 
virtues.^  The  figure  of  the  Pope's  mother,  Luisa  Deti, 
represents  a  venerable  matron,  holding  in  one  hand  a  prayer 
book,  and  in  the  other  a  rosary.  It  was  a  sculptor  froni 
Lorraine,  Nicolas  Cordier,  who  created  this  masterpiece. 
He  too  was  responsible  for  the  statue  of  Love,  with  charming 
children.  The  corresponding  statue.  Religion,  the  extra- 
ordinary beauty  of  which  is  extolled  by  Baglione,  is  the  work 
of  Camillo  Mariani. ^  Opposite,  on  the  right-hand  side,  is 
the  tomb  of  Silvestro  Aldobrandini,  a  work  of  art  worthy  of 
standing  beside  that  of  his  wife,  together  with  whom  he  had 
brought  up  his  five  sons  so  successfully.^  Cordier  has  repre- 
sented him  as  a  grave  old  man  with  a  long  beard,  holding  in 

"  Si  e  scoperto  nella  chiesa  della  Minerva  un  bellissimo  deposito 
fatto  fare  da  N.S.  di  finissima  pietra  al  morto  commendatore 
Pucci,"  Urb.  1065.  loc.  cit. 

1  See  Baglione,  132.  Cf.  Berthier,  iio  seqq.  ;  Voss,  II., 
329,  530.  A  *payment  to  Cherubino  Alberti,  January  10,  1605, 
in  Depos.  gen.  State  Archives,  Rome. 

2  See  Baglione,  113.     Cf.  Schmerber,  Ital.  Malerie,  179. 

^  See  Berthier,  114,  where  there  are  reproductions  of  the 
sepulchral  monuments.  Cf.  also  I-itta,  fasc.  66,  and  Munoz, 
Roma  barocca,  56. 

■*  See  Baglione,  113,  115.     For  N.  Cordier  c/.  Thieme,  VII.,  401. 

^  Cf.  FoRCELLA,  I.,  454,  455. 


his  right  hand  a  written  scroll,  while  his  left  arm  rests  upon 
two  cushions  placed  upon  folio  volumes,  in  allusion  to  the 
legal  attainments  of  Silvestro  ;  at  the  sides  are  representa- 
tions of  the  two  virtues  which  distinguished  the  life  of  this 
hard-working  man,  Prudence  and  Fortitude.  The  author  of 
these  magnificent  statues  was  probably  Nicolas  Cordier. 
The  heads  of  the  angels  in  the  tympanum  were  executed  by 
Stefano  Maderno,^  while  the  statue  of  the  Pope  placed  in  the 
niche  on  the  wall,  to  the  left  of  the  altar,  was  the  work  of 
Ippolito  Buzzi.2  Clement  VIII.  is  represented  standing, 
with  his  right  hand  raised  blessing  the  tombs  of  his  dear  ones  ; 
the  tiara  lies  at  his  feet.  This  statue  is  balanced  on  the  other 
side  of  the  altar  by  that  of  St.  Sebastian,  the  patron  of  the 
Aldobrandini  family,  also  executed  by  Cordier.^ 

Clement  VIII.  took  the  livliest  interest  in  the  decoration 
of  the  chapel  to  his  parents.  First  in  June,  and  again  in 
October,  1602,'*  he  visited  the  works,  which,  after  the  death 
of  Giacomo  della  Porta,  were  directed  by  Carlo  Maderno. 
The  first  visit  which  he  made,  after  a  serious  illness,  in  March, 
1604,  was  to  this  chapel  ;^  he  personally  gave  directions 
for  the  placing  of  the  statues,®  which  he  had  already  inspected 
in  Cordier's  studio.'  In  December  he  returned  once  more.^ 
Six  weeks  before  his  death  the  Pope  was  to  be  seen  praying 
in  tears  for  an  hour  at  his  mother's  tomb,^  which  was  not  yet 
quite  finished.  ^° 

1  See  Baglione,  345  ;    Thieme,  VII.,  403. 

^  See  Baglione,  341.  Reproduction  in  Berthier,  iio.  For 
Buzzi  see  Thieme,  V.,  313. 

'See  Baglione,  115;    Berthier,  113. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  June  13  and  October  23,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  *report  of  Giov.  Batt.  Thesis,  March  20,  1604,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua.     Cf.  Orbaan,  Documenti,  208  n. 

"  See  *Avviso  of  August  7,  1604,  Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 
'See  Baglione,  116. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  December  8,  1604,  Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  January  19,  1605,  Urb.  1073,  loc.  '•At.  The  chapel 
was  completely  finished  in  1611  ;   see  Orbaan,  Documenti,  187. 

^**  See  the  inscription  in  Forcella,  L,  454,  according  to  which 
Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini  finished  the  tomb,  as  well  as  that  of 

484  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Two  colleges  in  Rome  owe  their  foundation  to  Clement  VIII.; 
that  of  the  Scots  and  the  "  Clementinum."  The  former,  a 
national  college  for  the  trahiing  of  priests,  was  established  in 
the  Holy  Year,  1600.^  The  establishment  of  the  "  Collegium 
Clementinum  "  which  was  intended  for  the  education  of  youths 
of  the  aristocracy,  took  place  in  1595.  The  first  rector  of 
this  institution,  which  was  entrusted  to  the  Somaschi,  who 
in  1600  were  given  a  house  of  their  own  in  the  Piazza  Nicosia, 
was  the  Neapolitan  Giulio  Cesare  Volpino,  at  that  time  the 
Pope's  confessor.  2 

Of  the  other  works  carried  out  in  Rome  by  the  Pope, 
mention  must  also  be  made  of  the  column  commemorating 
the  return  of  Henry  IV.  to  the  Church,^  the  restoration  of 
the  beautiful  fountain  in  front  of  S.  Maria  in  Trastevere,* 
various  works  at  the  Castle  of  St.  Angelo,^  the  erection  of  a 
larger  building  for  the  Monte  di  Pieta,^  as  well  as  the  restora- 
tion of  the  Ponte  S.  Angelo  and  the  Ponte  Molle.^ 

It  was  only  natural  that  Clement  VIII.  should  have  given 
orders,  soon  after  the  beginning  of  his  pontificate,  for  the 
completion  of  the  Vatican  Palace  begun  by  Sixtus  V.^     The 

Cardinal  M.  Bonelli  (see  ibid.  486).  P.  M.  Felini  (Trattato  di 
cose  mem.  di  Roma,  1610)  speaks  of  the  Aldobrandini  Chapel  as 
"  unfinished  "  ;  in  the  edition  of  1615,  p.  93,  it  is  spoken  of  as 
"  just  finished." 

^  The  college  was  originally  situated  facing  S.  Maria  in 
Costantinopoli  ;  after  1604  in  its  present  site  facing  the  Palazzo 
Barberini  ;   see  Moroni,  XIV.,  212. 

2  See  O.  M.  Paltrinieri,  L'elogio  del  CoUegio  Clementino, 
Rome,  1795;  G.  Donnino,  I  convittori  illustri  del  CoUegio 
Clementino,  Rome,  1898,  11  seqq.  Cf.  Moroni,  XIV.,  156.  The 
inscription,  removed  since  1870,  in  Ciaconius,  IV.,  267. 

3  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII.  of  this  work,  p.  137. 

*  See  Baglione,  61  ;    Ciaconius,  IV.,  274. 

^  See  Baglione,  325  ;  Rodocanachi,  St.  Ange,  189  ;  L.\nciani. 
IV.,  84  ;   Orbaan,  Documenti,  138  n.     Cf.  Forcella,  XIII.,  147, 

®  See  the  inscription  in  Forcella,  XIII.,  177. 

'  *Payments  for  this  in  Depos.  gen.  1599,  State  Archives, 
Rome.     Cf.  Ciaconius,  IV.,  267. 

*  C/.  F'ontana,  Trasportatione,  II.,  11  and  tav.  11.  Cf. 
Ehrle,  La  grande  veduta  Maggi-Mascardi  del  tempio  e  palazzo 

THE   VATICAN.  485 


histor\-  of  this  imposing  building  can  still  to-day  be  recon- 
structed from  its  external  appearance.  The  windows  with 
their  coats  of  arms  recall  the  Pope  who  planned  it,  while 
under  the  cornice  are  those  of  the  one  who  completed  it.^ 
The  ceiling  and  the  roof  itself  were,  according  to  an  inscription, 
finished  in  1595.-  Since  the  work  of  furnishing  this  five- 
store^-ed  edifice,  which  included  eighty-live  large  halls,  lasted 
until  the  end  of  1596,  at  first  the  older  parts  of  the  palace  had 
to  be  used  to  live  in  ;  of  these  the  rooms  of  Pius  IV.  in  the 
Belvedere  were  especially  adorned.^ 

By  the  advice  of  his  doctors,  and  also  for  the  convenience 
of  the  Curia,  Clement  YIll.  passed  the  first  two  summers  of 
his  pontificate  at  the  palace  of  S.  Marco,  which,  however,  in 

Vaticano,  Rome,  191 4,  12  seq.  The  *Conventiones  super  fabrica 
palatii  Vaticani,  dated  August  25,  1593,  in  Arch,  dei  segret.  di 
Camera  (Protoc.  369,  Anno  1593,  Not.  L.  Carderini,  Notarial 
Archives,  Rome)  covenanted  between  the  "  Thesaurarius  Barth. 
Caesius  "  and  the  "  Magister  Ant.  del  Puteo  in  urbe  murator." 

^  See  Orbaan,  Sixtine  Rome,  206. 

2  See  Taj  A,  494. 

^  *S.B.  fa  abbellire  le  stanze  di  Pio  IV.  in  Belvedere  per  andarvi 
tal  volta  a  ricreatione  (Avviso  of  March  18,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  I., 
loc.  cit.).  Cf.  the  accounts  in  Orbaan,  Documenti,  52.  Near  the 
sacristy  of  the  Sixtine  Chapel  is  the  following  inscription,  adorned 
with  the  arms  of  the  Pope  : 

Clemens  VIII  P.M. 

Tria  cubicula 

infimum  medium  et  superum 

ambo  totidemque  ambulatiunculas 

cochlides  et  otriolum 

Apostolico  sacrario  adiecit. 

F.  Ang.   Rocca  Camerte  Ep.  T. 

Eiusdem  sacrarii  praefecto 


Anno  Dom.  MDCIV. 

The  treasure  chamber  of  the  Sixtine  Chapel  still  preserves  a 
magnificent  chasuble  of  Clement  VIII.,  a  gift  from  the  Grand 
Duke  of  Tuscany,  the  onlv  vestment  which  was  not  looted  by 
the  French. 

486  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

its  neglected  state,  was  but  ill  adapted  for  the  purpose.^ 
Therefore  the  summers  of  1594  to  1596  were  to  a  great  extent 
passed  at  the  Quirinal,  whither  the  Pope  had  already  gone  to 
live  for  a  time  in  February,  1593,  so  that  he  might  rest  a  little. ^ 
He  there  carried  on  the  new  building,  which  he  had  adorned 
with  paintings  by  Cherubino  Alberti  and  Paul  Bril.^  In  the 
gardens,  grottos,  fountains  and  hydraulic  devices  were  con- 
structed, the  latter  being  greatly  in  vogue  at  that  time,  and 
among  which  an  hydraulic  organ  especially  attracted  attention. 
Sometimes  the  Pope  received  the  ambassadors  and  persons 
of  distinction  in  the  garden,  and  on  those  occasions  the  best 
musicians  of  the  day  performed  their  compositions.^ 

In  February,  1595,  Clement  VIII.  gave  orders  for  the  hasten- 
ing of  the  works  at  the  new  Vatican  Palace  ;^  he  wished  to 
see  these  finished  by  Easter,  but  this  did  not  prove  possible.® 
The  halls  there  gave  him  the  greatest  satisfaction,'  but  it 
was  not  until  the  end  of  October,  1596,  that  the  palace  could 
be  made  use   of  as  a  winter  residence.^     Shice,  during  the 

1  See  Dengel,  Palazzo  di  Venezia,   113. 

2  See  Paruta,  Dispdcci,  I.,  113.     In  July,  1594,  Clement  VIII. 
removed  to  the  palace  of  SS.  Apostoli,  as  the  heat  was  oper- 
powering  even  at  the  ()uirinal  ;    see  *Avviso  of  July  20,   15Q4 
Urb.  1062,  loc.  cit.     Cf.  Paruta,  II.,  373. 

3  C/.  Orbaan,  Documenti,  153;  Hoogewerff,  Nederl, 
Schilders,  247. 

*  C/.  Paruta,  I.,  202;  Baglione,  61;  Lanciani,  IV.,  99; 
GoTHEiN,  I.,  314  ;  HiJLSEN,  Antikengarten,  93  ;  Orbaan, 
Documenti,  153  n.,  159  n.  Mededeel.  v.h.  Nederl.  Hist.  Insiitut., 
II.  (1922),  118.  For  the  fountain  of  the  Nicchione,  with  its 
fairly  well  preserved  hydraulic  organ,  see  Dami,  41  ;  Baglione, 
edit.  1642,  p.  61  ;  Moroni,  L.,  233,  and  for  its  frescoes  of  the 
Old  and  New  Testaments  cf.  also  Dami  in  Bollett.  d'arte  XIII. 
(191 9),  114  seq.  Ibid,  for  the  Fontana  del  Nano,  to  be  seen  on 
Maggi's  plan.  Cf.  also  G.  B.  de  Rossi  and  A.  D.  Tani,  Le 
fontane  di  Roma,  Rome,  s.d. 

^  See  *Avviso  of  February  4,  1595,  Urb.  1063,  loc.  cit. 

"  See  *Avviso  of  March  i,  1595,  ibid. 

'  See  *Avviso  of  July  8,  1395,  tbid. 

"See  *Avvisi  of  October  30,  1596,  and  January  7,  i597.  in 
Orbaan,  Documenti,  52  n. 


summer  of  1596  many  members  of  the  Pope's  entourage  had 
fallen  seriously  ill  with  fever,  it  became  necessary  to  return 
once  more  to  the  palace  of  S.  Marco  during  the  hot  weather, 
though,  in  order  to  enjoy  the  magnificent  gardens,  frequent 
visits  were  paid  to  the  Ouirinal.^  In  1599  the  Pope  intended 
to  spend  the  whole  of  the  summer  at  the  Vatican,  but  hi 
August  all  those  who  were  not  living  on  the  sunny  side  fell  ill, 
among  them  Baronius.  The  Pope  therefore  went  in  September 
to  the  Quirinal,  but  only  remained  there  until  the  end  of 
October,  which  he  also  did  in  the  following  years,  since  the 
doctors  had  told  him  that  residence  at  the  Vatican  suited  him 
better  than  an3-where  else.^  The  latter  then  became  the 
principal  palace,^  and  visits  to  the  Lateran  were  only  rarely 

Two  of  the  halls  in  the  ^^atican  are  still  preserved  in  the 
same  state  as  when  they  were  decorated  by  Clement  VIII. 
One  of  these  is  the  Hall  of  Consistories,^  finished  in  November, 
1603,  which  was  given  a  richly  gilded  ceiling,  with  the  arms 
of  the  Aldobrandini  Pope,  and  paintings  on  the  frieze.  Paul 
Bril  there  represented  the  most  celebrated  hermitages  of 
Italy,  among  them  Camaldoli,  La  Verna  and  Monte  Cassino  ; 
Giovanni  Alberti  painted  the  saints  who  had  lived  in  those 
places.^  The  spaces  between  these  charming  landscapes 
are  adorned  with  the  star  of  the  Aldobrandini. 

1  See,  besides  Dengel,  loc.  cit.  114  ;   Orbaan,  loc.  cit.  153  n. 

*  See  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  25  seq. 

'  Many  particulars  of  the  Vatican  under  Clement  VIII.  are  to 
be  found  collected  in  Orbaan,  Documenti,  50-56,  among  the  notes. 
Clement  VIII.  spent  8000  scudi  on  the  baldacchino,  throne  and 
decoration  of  the  altar  of  the  Pauline  Chapel  ;  see  *Avviso  of 
December  4,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  besides  the  Avvisi  mentioned  by  Orbaan,  Documenti 
45  n.,  *that  of  Jnnc  25,  1597,  Vrh.  1067,  loc.  cit.  P.  Bril  also 
painted  some  pictures  in  the  Lateran  Palace  ;  see  Hoogkwerff, 
la:,  cit. 

'  Cf.  Avvisi  cif  November  5  and  8,  1603,  in  Orbaan,  Documenti, 
52  n. 

"See  Baglione,  59;  Taja,  49O  ;  Barbiek  de  Moxtault, 
Oeuvres,  II.,  30. 

488  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

The  other,  called  the  Sala  Clementina,  which  still  st;rves  as 
the  antecamera  to  the  apartments  of  the  head  of  the  Church, 
was  decorated  with  incomparably  greater  splendour.  For 
the  ornamentation  of  this  magnificent  hall,  which  rises  through 
two  floors  as  far  as  the  roof,  various  painters  were  employed  ; 
above  all  Giovanni  Alberti,  who  was  assisted  by  his  brother 
Cherubino,  and  the  Netherlander,  Paul  Bril.  A  master  of 
perspective,  Giovanni  Alberti  was  able  to  transform  the  flat 
vaulting  into  a  marvellous  scenic  effect,  the  first  example 
of  this  illusionary  decorative  art,  afterwards  carried  to  the 
pitch  of  perfection  by  Pietro  da  Cortona,  the  Jesuit  del  Pozzo, 
Luca  Giordano  and  Tiepolo.^  With  masterly  illusion  he 
placed  above  the  cornice  a  balustrade  broken  b^^  colossal 
brackets,  and  above  these  graceful  colonnades  which  uphold 
the  vaulting,  while  in  the  middle  appears  the  blue  sky,  in 
which,  surrounded  by  a  circle  of  angels,  and  supported  on 
clouds,  the  saintly  Pope  Clement  ascends  to  heaven.  Resting 
on  a  plinth  of  half  the  height,  highly  decorated  in  colours, 
the  side  walls  are  treated  in  very  simple  architectural  form, 
painted  on  two  levels,  broken  by  niches  containing  allegorical 
figures,  by  painted  landscapes  and  real  windows.  The 
entrance  wall  is  covered  in  all  its  width,  and  in  the  upper 
half  of  its  height  by  a  gigantic  fresco  by  Paul  Bril,  which  is 
made  to  look  like  a  picture  hanging  in  a  broad  gilt  frame. 
This  represents  the  martyrdom  of  the  first  Pope  of  the  name 
of  Clement.  The  spectator  sees  on  the  vast  stretch  of  sea 
a  ship  with  swelling  sails,  from  which  the  Pope  is  being  thrown 
into  the  water.  The  long  waves  of  the  stormy  sea  break  upon 
the  rocky  crags  of  a  promontory  crowned  by  a  temple,  and 
on  which  are  assembled  many  witnesses  of  the  cruel  spectacle. 
In  the  foreground  the  beach  is  filled  by  a  magnificent  group 
of  trees,  to  the  right  of  some  storks.  In  the  middle  may  be 
read  the  opening  words  of  the  prayer  of  David.  Through  the 
grey  clouds  with  which  the  sky  is  covered,  the  sun  breaks, 
illuminating  the  Vv-hole  scene.  An  inscription  at  the  bottom 
of  the  fresco  tells  Iiow  Clement  VIII.  had  this  painting  carried 

1  See  Voss,  IT,  131  seq.  [cf.  528). 


out  in  the  year  1595.  The  corresponding  picture,  which  is 
smaller,  on  the  narrower  side  wall,  represents  the  baptism 
of  Constantine.  Under  the  majestic  chimney-piece  there  is 
another  inscription  which  tells  how  Clement  VIII.  finished 
in  1595  the  building  of  the  palace  which  had  been  begun  by 
Sixtus  V.^  On  the  walls  are  repeated  again  and  again  the 
devices  and  arms  of  the  Aldobrandini,^  balls  with  rays  and 
indented  bends.  In  the  middle  of  the  mosaic  pavement,  in 
coloured  marbles,  is  inlaid  the  coat-of-arms  of  the  family, 
with  the  inscription  round  it  :  "  Clemens  VIII.  P.M.  Pontif. 
Nostri  anno  XII."  Baglione  extols  the  whole  work  as  one 
of  the  best  productions  of  the  art  of  that  time.^ 

Outside  Rome,  too,  Clement  VIII.  turned  his  attention  to 
the  completion  of  the  works  begun  by  Sixtus  V.  His  first 
care,  as  we  have  already  said,  was  the  great  bridge  over  the 
Tiber  near  Borghetto,  the  construction  of  which  involved 
such  vast  sums  that  the  city  of  Rome  had  to  contribute 
towards  it.  On  this  work  were  employed  masters  who  later  on 
attained  to  a  great  reputation  :  Carlo  Maderno,  Taddeo  Landini, 
C.  Lambardi  and  G.  Fontana,  the  brother  of  Domenico.^ 
To  the  latter,  who  was  an  expert  in  hydraulic  construction, 
was  entrusted  the  supreme  direction.  Although  the  Pope 
interested  himself  in  the  completion  of  the  construction  of  the 

1  See  Taja,  494.  Forcella  (VI.,  116)  gives  the  inscription 
inexactly.  See  also  the  description  of  the  Sala  Clementina  in 
Chattard,  II.,  153  seq.  ;  ibid.  174  seq.  for  the  ceiling.  Cf.  also 
Egger,  Architektonische  Handzeichnungen,  9. 

2  See  Barbier  de  Montault,  II.,  28  seq. 

^  Cf.  Baglione,  59,  70;  Lanciani,  IV.,  184  seq.  ;  Posse  in 
Jahrb.  der  preitss.  Kvinstsamml.,  XL.,  133.  See  also  Orbaan, 
Documenti,  54  n.  ;  Mayer,  M.  u.  P.  Brill,  44  seq.  and  tav.  23  ; 
OzzQ-LAin  Ausonia,  II.,  308,  310.  Reproductions  in  Hoogewerff 
Nederl.  Schilders,  245  and  (unfortunately  too  small)  in  Voss,  II., 
527.  Baglione  (112)  mentions  the  paintings  of  Pasquale  Cati, 
"  nelle  loggie  non  finite  e  nei  fregi  delle  stanze  passata  la  Sala 
Clementina."  *Payments  for  the  paintings  to  P.  Cati  in  Depos. 
gen.,  State  Archives,  Rome. 

*  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  460  n,  For  Giov,  Fontana  of. 
Thieme,  XII.,  179  seq. 

490  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

bridge,^  the  work  dragged  on  until  the  beginning  of  the  new 
century. 2  A  work  of  no  less  importance  was  the  bridge  over 
the  Nera,  begun  in  1602.^ 

Of  the  towers  erected  for  the  protection  of  the  sea-coasts, 
Clement  VIII.  completed  the  two  that  had  been  begun  by 
Sixtus  v.*  He  also  gave  orders  for  the  continuation  of  the 
construction  of  the  harbour  at  Terracina,^  begun  by 
Gregory  XIII.  and  continued  by  Sixtus  V.  In  1595  the 
construction  of  a  harbour  at  Nettuno  was  projected,  an 
unfortunate  scheme,  as  the  place  was  not  fitted  for  the 
purpose.^  The  Pope  therefore  decided  instead  to  spend 
considerable  sums  on  improving  the  harbour  at  Civitavecchia,' 
and  went  there  at  the  end  of  April,  1597,  accompanied  by 
Cardinals  Pietro  and  Cinzio  Aldobrandini,  Farnese,  Montalto, 
Baronius,  Cesi  and  Monte,  on  his  way  to  Viterbo,^  also  on  that 

^  Cf.  besides  the  Lettres  d'Ossat,  L,  452,  the  *Avviso  of  January 
II,  1595  '■  In  court  circles  it  was  thought  that  the  Pope  would  go 
to  Borghetto  "  per  vedere,  in  che  stato  si  trova.  il  lavoro  di  quel 
ponte  magnificatole  grandemente  dall'  111.™°  di  Camerino,  che 
sarebbe  menioria  eterna  di  laudi  et  gloria  di  S.B.  da  tutto  il 
mondo  per  commodo  universale  di  quelli,  che  d'ogni  stati  vengono 
a  venerar  questi  santi  vestigi,  il  tirarlo  a  perfettione."  Urb. 
1063,  loc.  cit.     Cf.  also  App.  n.  12. 

*  See  Handschriften  des  wiirttemberg  Baumeisters  H.  Schick- 
hardt,  Stuttgart,  1892,  165.     Cf.  Moroni,  LXVIL,  106. 

^  Completed  by  Paul  V.  in  161 9. 

^  See  Baglione,  130. 

5  *The  Pope  gave  orders,  so  it  is  reported,  that  "  si  facci  il 
porto  di  Terracina  dove  gia  siano  state  incaminate  calci  ed  altre 
materie  per  si  santa  et  necessaria  opera,  poiche  in  detto  porto 
farebbero  scala  tante  mercantie  et  vascelli  che  per  necessita  si 
fermano  in  Geneva,  Livorno  et  altri  porti  di  quella  spiaggia." 
Avviso  of  January  13,  1593,  Urb.  1061,  loc.  cit.  Cf.  the  reply  to 
the  memorial  of  Albergati  cited  infra,  p.  491,  n.  3. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  August  21,  1594,  January  10,  February  17 
and  24,  and  March  2,  1596,  Urb.  1062  and  1064,  I.,  loc.  cit. 

'  See  *Avviso  of  March  2,  1596,  ibid. 

'  See  the  valuable  article  by  Orbaan,  Un  viaggio  di  Clemente 
\TI1.  nel  Viterbese  in  Arch.  d.  Soc.  Rom.^  XXXVI.,  113  seqq.  ; 


occasion  paying  a  visit  to  the  bridge  over  the  Tiber  at  Borg- 
hetto.  The  Pope  wished  to  see  for  himself  the  progress  of 
the  works  on  the  harbour,  which  were  absorbing  exhorbitant 
sums,  and  were  continued  until  the  end  of  his  pontificate.^ 
Clement  VIII.  frequently  tried  to  revive  the  trade  of  the 
beautiful  and  convenient  harbour  of  Ancona,  which  had 
become  greatly  diminished, ^  but  the  measures  taken  by  the 
officials  were  not,  in  the  opinion  of  the  inhabitants,  sufficient. 
The  jealous  anxiety  with  which  the  Duke  of  Urbino  and 
Venice  followed  these  attempts,  was  therefore  proved  to  be 

and  Documenti,  455  seq.  See  also  Orbaan,  Rome,  161  seq. 
Among  the  copious  notes  of  Orbaan  there  is  missing  an  *Inscrip- 
tion  in  the  atrium  of  the  church  of  S.  Maria  at  CJvita  Castellana 
(text  in  App.  n.  12)  ;  at  Civitavecchia  Clement  VIII.  reviewed 
the  Papal  fleet  which  he  had  reorganized  ;  see  Guglielmotii, 
Squadra,  92,  171  ;  Bonanni,  II.,  151  ;  Calisse,  Civitavecchia, 
443-445.  Civitavecchia  also  owes  to  Clement  VIII.  the  fountain 
of  S.  Pietro,  not  far  from  the  Lazzaretto.  Mention  must  also  be 
made  of  the  care  of  Clement  VIII.  for  the  Apostolic  Palace  at 
Loreto,  where  there  is  an  inscription  concerning  him  at  the  Holy 
House,  of  1595  ;  see  Keyssler,  II.,  425.  The  *Avviso  of 
September  26,  1598,  Urb.  1066,  loc.  cit.  makes  mention  of  a  silver 
ornament  intended  for  Loreto.  The  Pope  also  restored  the 
Rocca  at  Spoleto,  where  an  inscription  with  his  arms  records  the 

1  See  GuGLiELMOTTi,  Squadra,  130  seq.  ;  Calisse,  443  seq.  On 
the  mole  at  Civitavecchia  there  are  still  to  be  seen  three  coats-of- 
arms  of  Clement  VIII.  with  his  name  ;  the  inscriptions  in  Calisse, 


2  C/.  Bull.  X.,  104  seq.,  235  seq. 

'See  Paruia,  Dispacci,  II.,  237,  252  seq.,  329  seq.,  348  seq., 
352  seq.,  365,  381  seq.,  394  seq.  ;  cf.  Relazione,  386.  See  also 
*"  Discorso  di  Fabio  Albergati  a  P.  Clemente  VIII.  a  nome  del 
duca  d 'Urbino  sopra  il  raddirzzare  il  commercio  d 'Ancona,"  in 
Cod.  G.  63,  pp.  3-25,  Vallicella  Library,  Rome.  Ibid.  pp.  25-56, 
*Risposta  alia  suddetta  scrittura  dell 'Albergati,  which  completely 
refutes  h's  arguments  :  "  Si  vede  in  effetto,"  says  the  author, 
"  che  (Albergati)  ha  preso  a  fare  piii  tosto  (juella  parte  che  potessi 

492  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

In  the  spring  of  1592  the  Pope  sent  Giovanni  Fontana  to 
Cervia  to  re-estabhsh  the  salt  mines  there,  which  had  fallen 
into  such  a  state  of  neglect  that  instead  of  40,000  scudi  they 
only  brought  in  10,000.  With  this  was  connected  the  repair- 
ing of  the  harbour  of  Cervia.^ 

After  Giovanni  Fontana  had  successfully  accomplished 
the  regulation  of  the  Teverone  near  Tivoli,  the  Pope  in  1596 
appointed  him  his  principal  architect. ^  In  this  capacity 
he  was  entrusted  with  the  very  difficult  task  of  regulating 
the  Velino.  This  very  chalky  stream  was  constantly  deposit- 
ing strata  of  lime  in  its  bed,  which  caused  floods,  and  con- 
sequently created  marshes  in  the  valleys  of  Rieti  and  Terni. 
As  early  as  the  year  271  B.C.  the  Romans  had  attempted 
to  avert  this  danger  by  means  of  the  drain  constructed  by 
Manlius  Curius  Dentatus.  More  recently  Paul  III.  had  turned 
his  attention  to  the  regulation  of  the  Velino.^  In  1598 
Clement  VIII.  once  more  opened  up  the  drain  of  Dentatus. 
This  work,  which  had  the  effect  of  draining  35,000  rubbi  of 
cultivatable  land,  was  recorded  by  a  special  commemmorative 
medal.  ^ 

The  journey  to  the  northern  districts  of  the  Papal  States 
in  the  spring  of  1597  was  an  exception  ;    generally  the  Pope 

farsi  da  un  Venetiano  per  il  sue  proprio  interesse,  siccome  e 
verisimile  che  il  detto  sue  discorso  non  sia  state  fatto  senza 
participatione  d'alcuno  d'essi,  i  quali  difendendo  il  commercio  di 
Venetia  vengono  insieme  a  difendere  Tintento  del  signor  duca 

1  See  besides  Baglione,  130,  the  *Avviso  of  March  21,  1592  : 
"  Si  e  mandate  rarchitetto  Gio.  Fontana  a  Cervia  per  ridurre  al 
pristine  state  I'artificie  delle  saline  scadute  et  rovinate,  che  di 
4em  sc.  I'anne,  che  rendevane  prima,  hera  nen  fruttano  10™." 
Urb.  1060,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  Baglione,  130. 

^  See  Vel.  XII.  of  this  work,  p.  591. 

^  See  BoNANNi,  II.,  497;  Baglione,  131  ;  Lanzi-Alterocca, 
Guida  di  Terni  (1899),  134.  Orbaan,  Decumenti,  464  n.,  466  n.  ; 
Vat.  7031,  p.  I  seqq.  contains  *Censiderazieni  suUe  acque  del  fiume 
Velino  dirette  al  card.  Aldobrandini,  Vatican  Library. 


sought  his  recreation  in  the  pleasant  hills  of  Albano,  for  which 
Gregory  XIII.  had  been  the  first  to  show  a  great  predilection.^ 
Under  Sixtus  V.  all  this  had  been  changed  ;  only  once,  when 
he  went  to  see  the  Acqua  Felice,  had  that  Pope  spent  a  night 
at  the  Villa  Mondragone.  It  was  very  different  with 
Clement  VIII.,  who  stayed  nowhere  so  gladly  as  at  Frascati, 
which  was  so  easily  accessible  from  Rome.  This  opened 
out  a  new  period  of  prosperity  for  the  ancient  Tusculum, 
whose  pleasant  heights,  charming  vineyards  and  olive-groves, 
and  incomparable  view  of  Rome  and  the  wide  Campagna, 
stretching  to  the  silver  band  of  the  sea  and  the  imposing 
range  of  the  Sabine  Hills,  had  long  since  enchanted  the  ancient 
Romans.  Indeed,  there  were  few  places  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  the  Eternal  City  so  well  fitted  to  refresh  the  mind  in  the 
clear  mountain  air  after  the  bustle  and  suffocating  heat  of 
the  dusty  capital.  Business,  which  never  came  to  an  end, 
could  easily  be  discharged  at  Frascati  by  means  of  couriers, 
while  it  was  possible  there  quietly  to  think  over  difficult 
problems.  Baronius,  who  retired  to  a  small  villa  at  Frascati 
to  devote  himself  undisturbed  to  his  Annals,  had  already 
realized  this.  Besides  the  advice  of  Cardinal  Altemps^  and 
the  physicians,^  it  was  probably  this  scholar,  who  was  so  highly 
esteemed  by  Clement  VIII.,  v»'ho  decided  him  to  seek  a  refuge 
among  the  heights  of  Tusculum.  This  he  did  for  the  first 
time  in  the  autumn  fo  1592,  when,  on  September  26th  the 
Pope  repaired  to  that  pleasant  little  city,  and  took  up  his 
residence  at  the  Rocca.  At  first  he  had  only  intended  to 
remain  there  for  eight  days,  but  as  the  air  proved  extraordinar- 
ily beneficial  to  him,  he  prolonged  his  stay  until  the  middle 
of  October,  since,  as  he  told  his  friends,  he  found  more  rest 
in  a  single  night  at  Frascati,  than  in  many  in  Rome.  Every 
morning  he  made  excursions  on  foot  or  on  horseback  to  the 
churches  and  villas  in  the  neighbourhood  ;  on  returning  home 
he  gave  audiences  with  youthful  vigour,  and  in  the  evening 

^  See  Vol.  XIX.  of  this  work,  p.  42  seq. 
^  See  the  Avviso  in  Grossi-Gondi,  221. 
'See  *Avviso  of  October  7,  1592,  Urb.  1060,  II.,  loc.  cit. 

494  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

generally  visited  some  church,  preferablj^  that  of  the 
Capuchins.  1 

In  May,  1593,  the  Pope  again  stayed  for  eight  days  at 
Frascati,  where  he  first  took  up  his  residence  at  the  episcopal 
palace,  and  afterwards  at  the  Villa  Mondragone.  The 
anxieties  of  the  French  question  and  the  Turkish  peril  kept 
Clement  VIII.  in  Rome  during  the  whole  of  1594,  and  it  was 
only  in  the  autumn  of  1595  that  a  three  weeks'  holiday  became 
possible,  which  was  spent  at  the  Villa  Mondragone.  The  Pope's 
confessor,  Baronius,  Cardinal  Toledo  and  both  the  nephews 
were  also  invited.  ^ 

A  great  part  of  October,  1596,  was  also  devoted  to  a  holiday 
at  Frascati,  but  this  was  made  impossible  in  the  following 
autumn  by  the  gout  from  which  the  Pope  was  suffering.  In 
1598,  from  May  to  October,  the  court  was  at  Ferrara.^  In 
February,  1599,  the  Pope  spent  the  days  of  carnival  at 
Frascati,*  and  again  in  May,  accompanied  by  Cardinals 
Baronius,  Silvio  Antoniano  and  Bellarmine,  he  again  went 
for  fourteen  days  to  this  place  that  he  loved  so  much,  where 
he  resided  at  first  at  the  Rocca  and  then  in  the  Villa 
Mondragone.  He  also  stayed  at  the  latter  place,  with  a  few 
breaks,  during  the  whole  of  October.  ^  During  the  Holy  Year 
he  gave  up  all  thought  of  a  holiday,  but  in  May  and  October, 
1601,  the  Pope  again  went  to  rest  at  Frascati.^  He  resided 
alternately  at  the  Rocca  and  the  Villa  Mondragone,  but  the 
work  on  the  construction  of  a  villa  of  his  own  had  already 
been  begun. 

*  See  *Avvisi  of  September  23,  26  and  30,  October  10  and  14, 
1592,  Urb.  1060,  loc.  cit.  partly  in  Grossi-Gondt,  221  seq.  Cf. 
also  Paruta,  I.,  206  ;  III.,  321,  and  the  *reports  of  Giulio  del 
Carretto  of  September  26  and  October  10,  1592,  Gonzaga  Archives, 

^  See  the  reports  in  Grossi-Gondi,  223  seqq. 

*  Cf.  supra,  p.  398  seq. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  February  20,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 
^  See  the  reports  in  Grossi-Gondi,  227  seqq. 

^  See  ibid.  228  seqq. 


This  project  had  been  brought  forward  for  the  first  time  in 
1592,^  and  its  carrying  out  was  made  possible  when  in  159S 
the  inheritance  of  Monsignor  Paolo  Capranica  came  to  the 
Apostolic  Camera.  The  Pope  was  left  a  small  villa,  called 
Belvedere  on  account  of  its  magnificent  view,  situated  to  the 
west  of  Frascati.  As  a  reward  for  what  he  had  done  in 
connexion  with  the  acquisition  of  Ferrara,  Cardinal  Pietro 
Aldobrandini  had  assigned  to  him,  on  October  i6th,  the  whole 
of  the  hereditaments,  including  many  pictures  and  some 
statues.^  But  it  was  necessary,  if  the  Pope  was  to  live 
there,  that  the  villa  should  be  rebuilt.  Giacomo  della 
Potra  drew  the  designs  ;  this  was  destined  to  be 
the  last  work  of  that  architect,  whom  Clement  VIIT. 
had  alwaj^s  employed  by  preference.^  On  September 
4th,  1602,  the  Cardinal  went  with  the  architect  to 
see  the  works,  but  on  his  return  Giacomo  had  a  fit 
of  apoplexy,  which  caused  his  death.*  It  was  onl}^  in 
September,  1604,  that  the  building,  which  had  been  continued 

^  See  *Avviso  of  September  30,  1592,  in  Grossi-Gondi,  222. 

*  See  "  *Istrumento  pubblico  della  donazione  della  villa  di 
Belvedere,  case,  mobili  e  altri  beni  esistenti  della  villa  fatto  da 
Mgr.  Tesoriere  di  ordine  di  Clemente  VI IL  al  card.  Pietro 
Aldobrandini  per  gli  atti  di  Lodovico  Martini,  not.  di  Camera," 
dated  Ferrara,  October  16,  1598.  There  is  cited  the  *Chirografo 
(dated  "  nel  nostro  castello  di  Ferrara,  1598,  Ottobre  14  ")  in 
■which  it  is  stated  :  "  Habbiamo  deliberate  di  donare  al  card. 
Pietro  Aldobrandini  la  villa  detta  Belvedere  posta  nel  territorio 
della  nostra  citta  di  Frascati  compreso  nello  spoglio  di  detto 
Mons.  Paolo  Capranica,"  Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome.  Ibid. 
n.  3  :  "  *Istrumento  del  possesso  preso  di  villa  Belvedere  dal  card. 
P.  Aldobrandini  unitamente  all'inventario  dei  mobili  di  essa, 
5  Novembre  1598  "  ;  "  *Breve  di  Clemente  VIIL  al  card. 
P.  Aldobrandini  confirmatorio  dell'istrumento  della  donazione 
delle  villa  Aldobrandini,"  dated  Romae  up.  s.  Marcum,  1601, 
September  28  (orig.). 

*  See  Baglione,  82. 

*  See  the  report  in  Grossi-Gondi,  229.  Cf.  Baglione,  82, 
and  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIIL,  p.  59  seqq. 

496  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

by  Carlo  JMaderno,  reached  a  point   when  the   Pope  could 
go  and  live  there. ^ 

The  Villa  Aldobrandini,  which  was  extolled  by  the 
contemporary  poets,-  still  enjo3^s  to-day  the  reputation, 
although  some  of  its  beauties  have  disappeared,  of  being 
the  queen  among  the  villas  of  Frascati.^  It  covers  a  con- 
siderable area,*  and  is  traversed  by  paths  with  high  hedges, 

1  See  the  report  in  Grossi-Gondi,  81  ;  Tomassetti,  IV.,  456  se^. 
Giovannoni  in  his  dissertation,  otherwise  so  valuable  (in  L'Arte, 
XVI.  [1913]  81  5eg^.)  wrongly  places  the  death  of  Giacomoin  1604. 

*  The  best  known  are  the  poems  of  Ciampoli  (see  Bellori, 
Seicento,  54)  and  Marrini  (printed  in  Propiignatore,  N.S.  I.,  5-6, 
1888).  C/.  Ebering  in  Am.  f.  roman.  Sprachen,  N.S.  I.  [1889] 
433,  and  BoRZELLi,  Marini,  63  seqq.)  as  well  as  the  detailed 
description  of  the  beauties  of  the  villa  by  Alessandro  Donati,  S.I. 
in  his  Tusculanum  Aldobrandinum  (Carmina,  I.,  Rome,  1625, 

^  For  what  follows  cf.  Barriere,  Villa  Aldobrandini  Tusculana, 
Rome,  1647;  Falda  (Rossi),  Le  fontane  nei  giardini  di  Frascati, 
II.,  Rome,  1691,  i-ii  ;  Percier  et  Fontaine,  Clioix  des  plus 
celebres  maisons  de  plaisance  de  Rome  et  ses  environs  (1809), 
51-54,  pi.  64-66  ;  Magni,  Barrocco  a  Roma  tav.  12-15  ;  Gurlixt, 
74  seqq.  ;  Gothein,  I.,  332  seqq.  See  also  Durn,  Renaissance  in 
Italien,  215  ;  O.  Raggi,  I  Colli  Albani,  e  Tusculani,  Rome,  1879, 
392  seqq.  ;  A.  Guidi,  I  paesi  dei  colli  Albani,  Rome,  1880,  124  seqq.  ; 
NoHL,  Tagebuch,  306 ;  Schrader,  Rom.  Campagna,  Leipzig, 
1 910  ;  E.  DE  Fonseca,  I  castelli  Romani,  Florence,  1904,  104 
seqq.  ;  Guidi,  Fontane,  35  seqq.,  63  seqq.  ;  P.  Misciatelli  in 
Vita  d'Arte,  IX.  (191^),  58  seqq.  ;  E.  v.  Kerckhoff,  Cud. 
Italienesche  Villa's,  Rotterdam,  1923,  x-xi.  ;  Dami,  27  seq.  and 
clvii  seq.  ;  A.  Colasanti,  Le  fontane  d'ltalia,  Milan,  1926, 
67  seq.  ;    Wolfflin,  Renaissance  und  Barock,  162  seq.,  176,  178. 

*  Cf.  "  *Bolla  deU'affrancazione  di  villa  Belvedere  dall'abbadia 
di  Grottaferrata  in  favore  del  card.  Pietro  Aldobrandini,"  dated 
Rome,  1603,  September  20  ;  "  *Acquisto  di  una  vigna  unita  alia 
villa  Belvedere,  comprata  dal  cardinal  P.  Aldobrandini,"  dated 
November  20,  1602  ;  "  *Compra  di  un  pezzo  di  terra  unito  alia 
villa  Belvedere  acquistato  della  compagnia  del  S.  Sacramento  di 
Frascati,"  dated  March  27,  1602,  Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome, 
24,  n.  6,  ID,  13. 


so  as  to  conceal  the  plantations  of  olives,  vines  and  other 
trees,  thus  giving  the  illusion  of  being  in  a  park.  The  building, 
which  is  of  the  true  villa  type,  is  of  three  storeys,  and  gives  a 
majestic  impression  of  size,  although  it  has  little  depth.  Its 
site,  half-way  up  the  hill,  is  chosen  with  great  skill.  Visible 
even  from  Rome,  its  fagade  and  high  roof  rise  above  a  green 
base  of  oak  trees.  A  shady  avenue,  and  extensive  terraces, 
which  conceal  the  domestic  offices,^  lead  to  the  summit.  On 
the  upper  terrace,  on  both  sides  of  the  villa,  there  are  small 
plantations  of  oaks,  and  on  the  right  a  large  flower  garden 
with  a  graceful  basin  in  the  shape  of  a  boat,  which  was  a 
favourite  form  for  fountains  ever  since  Leo  X.  had  reproduced 
an  ancient  ship  in  marble  on  Monte  Celio,  in  front  of  the 
church  of  S.  Maria  in  Domnica. 

The  interior  of  the  building  gives  the  impression  of  a  house 
much  larger  than  the  majority  of  edifices  of  the  kind.  Over 
the  hearth  of  the  great  hall  on  the  ground  floor  is  the  bust  of  the 
founder  in  bronze.  D'Arpino  painted  scenes  from  the  Old 
Testament  on  the  ceilings  of  the  lower  rooms.  ^ 

Behind  the  building,  Giovanni  Fontana,  the  greatest 
hydraulic  artist  of  those  times,  employed  all  his  skill  in 
creating  an  enchanted  poetic  scene, ^  combining  gems  of 
architecture,  sculpture  and  natural  sylvan  beauties.  From 
the  wooded  heights  of  the  hill,  against  which  there  stands  a 
nymphaeum  in  the  form  of  a  great  semicircular  portico  with 
two  lateral  wings,  there  leaps  a  cascade  breaking  into  smaller 
ones.  Statues,  busts  and  pilasters  give  hfe  to  this  strange 
construction.     Ionic    pillars    divide    it    into   niches   adorned 

*  The  chimneys  of  the  kitchens  at  the  end  of  the  terraces  are 
camoufiaged  as  ornamental  towers. 

*  See  Baglione,  370. 

'  See  ibid.  131.  Cf.  Tomassetti,  IV.,  458  seq.  H.  Rose  says  : 
"  Aldobrandini  must  be  given  the  special  credit  for  having 
gathered  together  the  experience  of  Roman  construction  of 
waterfalls  and  of  having  combined  it  in  a  single  work,  which 
may  be  said  to  be  the  culminating  point  of  constructions  of  the 
kind  (Spatbarock,  60)  ;  "in  the  Aldobrandini  cascade  this 
architectural  style  reaches  its  highest  point  "  {ibid.  62). 

VOL.    XXIV  32 

49^  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

with  fountains  and  mythological  statues  ;  in  the  central  one 
an  Atlas  with  a  terrestrial  globe  surmounts  the  fountain  ; 
above  jets  of  water  gush  from  the  star  of  the  arms  of  the 
Aldobrandini.  ^  This  central  group  is  balanced  above  by 
the  cascades  of  the  waterfall  which  appears  to  gush  forth 
from  the  ancient  walls,  and  which  is  flanked  by  two  columns 
pouring  out  water  ;  at  the  two  sides  are  magnificent  groups 
of  oaks  which  were  originally  surrounded  by  high  hedges. 
On  the  frieze  of  the  nymphaeum  a  Latin  inscription^  records 
how  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldobrandini,  nephew  of  Clement  VIII., 
after  he  had  restored  peace  to  Christendom  and  re-acquired 
the  Duchy  of  Ferrara  for  the  Papal  States,  had  erected  this 
villa  as  a  place  of  repose  after  the  fatigues  of  Rome,  in  1603, 
and  that  the  water  had  been  brought  from  Monte  Agido. 

The  works  for  the  hydraulic  effects  had  proved  extraordinar- 
ily difficult,^  and  had  involved  larger  expenditure  than  the 
construction  of  the  building  itself,  as  it  was  necessary  to 
indemnify  the  losses  entailed  upon  the  landowners,  and  to 
carry  the  water  underground."* 

^  Cf.     Leghetti,     Frascate     nella     natura,     324  ;     see     also 

TOMASSETTI   IV.,   457. 

2  The  text  of  the  inscription  was  long  deliberated.  In  the 
Aldobrandini  Archives,  Rome  (174  n.  2),  there  are  seven  different 
texts.  One  reads  :  "  *Petrus  card.  Aldobrandinus  S.R.E. 
camerarius  |  locum  prospectum  coelo,  collibus  |  ambulatione  | 
salubrem  et  gratum  substructione  commoda  gratiorem  fecit." 
Another  draft  reads  :  "  *Petrus  Aldobrandinus  cardinalis 
camerarius  Aedes  in  Tusculano  extruxit  |  Ut  naturae  bona  artis 
ope  augeretur." 

3  See  Lanciani,  III.,  55. 

*  "  *I1  Papa  ha  donato  50,000  scudi  a  Aldobrandini  per  la  caduta 
dell'acqua  della  villa  di  Frascati .  La  villa  non  vale  canto  quanto 
I'acqua,"  reports  Fr.  Maria  Vialardo,  January  i,  1604,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua.  Cf.  "  *Chirografo  di  Clemente  VIII.  diretto 
al  Pro-Tesoriere  generale  col  quale  gli  ordina  di  pagare  non  solo 
le  spere  per  la  conduttura  dell'acqua  della  Molara  a  viUa  Belvedere 
ma  ben  anchi  i  danni  che  deriverranno  ai  particolari  di  tale 
operazione,"  dated  Frascati,  October  i,  1603,  Aldobrandini 
Archives,  Rome,  29  n.  31.     Ibid.  n.  2,  the  *document  in  which 


In  one  of  tlie  lateral  wings  of  the  nymphaeum  there  is  a 
chapel  with  frescoes  representing  the  saints  of  the  Aldo- 
brandini  family. ^  Another  open  space,  the  Sala  del  Parnasso, 
attained  celebrity  in  1608,  when  it  had  been  decorated  by  a 
great  master. 

Here  was  represented  in  stucco  the  mountain  of  the  Gods  : 
on  the  summit  Apollo,  and  before  him  the  nine  muses  with 
musical  instruments,  while  below  was  an  organ  worked  by 
water  power.  The  deeds  of  the  god,  around  whom  melodies 
seemed  to  echo  marvellously,  were  illustrated  by  Domenichino 
in  ten  fine  frescoes  of  exquisite  workmanship,  which  were 
given,  by  means  of  borders  and  painted  fringes,  the  appearance 
of  tapestries.  The  backgrounds,  carried  out  by  Gian  Battista 
Viola  from  the  sketches  of  Domenichino,  show  landscapes 
harmonizing  with  the  gay  rural  character  of  the  villa.  In  this 
work  Domenichino  created  a  new  idyllic  style,  which  formed 
an  important  stage  towards  the  development  of  the  classical 
landscape  painting  of  Poussin.^ 

Clement  VIII.  "  concede  al  card.  P.  Aldobrandini  la  proprieta  et 
il  dominio  dell'acqua  detta  Giulia  "  for  the  villa  Belvedere,  dated 
January  19,  1604  ;  ibid.  n.  3  :  "  *Istrumento  col  quale  la  com- 
munita  di  Monte  Campatri  approva  et  conferma  la  donazione 
deU'acqua  della  Molara,  territ.  di  detto  comune,  fatta  da 
Clemente  VIII.  al  card.  P.  Aldobrandini  per  motu  proprio  d. 
19  gennaio  1604,"  dated  August  21,  1605. 

^  The  frescoes  are  unfortunately  so  damaged  by  the  damp  that 
it  is  not  possible  to  form  an  opinion  of  them. 

-  See  TiETZE,  Ausgewahlte  Kunstwerke  der  Sammlung 
Lanckoronski,  Vienna,  191 8,  71  seq.  When  the  Borghese  went 
bankrupt,  there  came  into  the  possession  of  the  Count,  a 
connoisseur  of  art,  by  a.n  acquisition  in  1892  (see  Arch.  stov. 
deU'arte,  1892,  143)  of  the  ten  frescoes  of  Domenichino,  six  of 
which  adorn  the  gallery  of  antiquities  in  the  Lanckoronski  palace, 
and  four  another  place.  Two  others,  representing  Apollo  killing 
the  Python,  and  the  picture  of  Orpheus  have  been  lost,  and  are 
only  preserved  in  the  fine  engravings  published  by  La  Barriere  m 
1647  [cf.  supra,  p.  496,  n.  3).  Cf.  also  Serr.\,  Domenichino, 
17  seqq.  ;  Gerstenberg,  Die  ideale  Landschaftsmalerei.  Ihre 
Begriindung  und  Vollendung  in  Italien,  Halle,  1923,  59. 


From  the  majestic  hall  which  occupies  the  whole  width  of 
the  principal  building  of  the  Villa  Aldobrandini,  may  be  seen 
on  one  side  the  enchanting  creation  of  this  nymphaeum,  and 
on  the  other  the  grand  panorama  of  the  Campagna  as  far  as 
the  sea,  with  Rome  enthroned  in  its  midst. 

When  from  this  vantage  point  Clement  VIII.  looked  at 
the  capital  of  the  world,  he  must  have  been  filled  with  satis- 
faction at  seeing  how  greatly  it  had  developed.  The  Florentine 
painter,  Antonio  Tempesta,^  the  pupil  of  the  celebrated 
Stradanus  (Ian  van  Straet),^  in  his  plan  of  the  city  has  shown 
with  great  exactness  and  artistic  taste  the  appearance  of 
Rome  at  the  time  of  the  accession  of  Clement  VIII. ^ 

A  glance  at  this  panorama,  which  is  taken  from  the  Jani- 
culum,  is  enough  to  show  how  sparsely  inhabited,  in  spite 
of  the  efforts  of  Sixtus  V.,  the  district  of  the  Monti  still  was. 
Still,  as  in  the  past  the  life  of  the  city  was  concentrated  in 
the  level  ground  between  the  Tiber  on  one  side,  the  Pincio, 
the  Capitol  and  the  Quirinal.  The  principal  piazzas  were 
all  there  :  Campo  di  Fiori,  the  Piazza  Navona,  the  Piazza  del 
Duca  (Farnese),  the  Piazza  della  Trinita  and  the  Piazza 
Colonna  ;  smaller  piazzas  were  to  be  found  in  front  of  the 
churches  and  some  of  the  palaces.  The  central  part  of  the 
old  city,  divided  into  two  by  the  Tiber,  still  shows  its  medieval 
density  and  irregular  arrangement.  From  this  labyrinth, 
which  had  an  indescribably  picturesque  fascination,  and 
from  the  mass  of  the  houses  of  the  old  city,  there  arose  supreme 

^  For  Tempesta  of,  Orbaan,  Documenti  Ixxix  seqq.,  and  Rome 
onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  119  seqq. 

2  See  Orbaan,  Stradanus  te  Florence,  1553-1605,  Rotterdam, 

*  Preserved  in  a  single  copy  at  Stockholm,  discovered  by 
J.  CoUijn  [of.  J.  CoLLijN,  Magnus  Gabriel  de  la  Gardie  Saniling 
af  aide  Stadsoyer,  Stockholm,  1915,  6  seqq.  ;  Hulsen,  Saggio,  24) 
and  published  by  H.  Schuck,  Nagra  ammarkningar  till  A. 
Tempesta's  Urbis  Romae  prospectus  1593,  Upsala,  1917-  Orbaan 
had  already  given  a  small  reproduction  of  it  in  his  Documenti. 
The  labours  of  this  scholar  {ibid.  Ixxxvi  seq.)  have  served  as  the 
basis  of  my  own  work. 

THE   VIEW    OF   ROME.  50I 

the  majestic  Rotonda  of  the  Pantheon,  and  the  palaces  of 
the  Altemps,  Monte  Giordano,  the  Cancelleria,  Farnese, 
S.  Marco  (Venezia),  and  the  Capitol.  The  campanili  which 
had  been  erected  in  the  Middle  Ages  were  still  to  a  great 
extent  preserved  ;  while  of  the  towers  of  the  palaces,  besides 
that  delle  Milizie,  there  were  the  Torre  Argentina  and  the 
Torre  Millina,  as  well  as  the  Torre  del  Capocci.  The  clock- 
tower  on  the  Palazzo  Orsini  near  the  Campo  di  Fiori  may 
also  clearly  be  seen.  The  Gothic  campanili  of  the  Anima 
and  S.  Agostino  are  dwarfed  by  the  many  cupolas  of  the 
churches  of  the  Renaissance.  The  columns  of  Trajan  and 
Antoninus  stand  out  clearly  by  reason  of  the  gilt  statues 
of  the  Princes  of  the  Apostles  which  crown  them.  New 
prospects  are  provided  by  the  obelisks  erected  by  Sixtus  V., 
while  the  Lateran  Palace  appears  exactly  in  its  present  form, 
and  that  of  the  Quirinal  substantial^  so. 

As  in  the  past,  the  Leonine  City  forms  an  ensemble  of  its 
own.i  On  its  periphery  there  stands  on  one  side  the  Castle 
of  St.  Angelo,  as  well  as  the  imposing  hospital  and  church 
of  S.  Spirito  ;  on  the  other  the  mass  of  the  "  Palace  of  the 
Popes,"  with  the  new  Sixtine  addition  already  covered  with 
its  roof,  and  in  a  strange  medley  new  and  old  St.  Peter's, 
with  the  dome  now  at  last  completed. 

Special  districts  are  formed,  besides  the  Borgo,  by  Trastavere 
with  its  numerous  convents,  the  Island  with  its  mills,  and  the 
Ghetto,  strictly  enclosed  within  walls  and  gates,  and  indicated 
by  Tempesta  as  "  La  Giudea." 

On  the  plan  there  are  also  clearly  shown,  besides  the  new 
streets  of  Sixtus  V.,  the  old  arteries,  the  so-called  Via  Papale 
and  the  celebrated  Via  Giulia. 

Ever  more  sparsely  covered  with  buildings  as  its  periphery 
is  approached,  the  Eternal  City  still  shows,  within  the  circle 
of  the  Aurelian  Walls,  many  uninhabited  spaces  and  vast 
gardens.  The  Villa  Medici,  which  still  ranked  as  the  most 
celebrated  villa  of  Rome,  is  marked  on  the  plan  as  the  garden 

1  Cf.  M.  BoRGATTi,  Borgo  e  S.  Pietro  nel  1300,  nel  1600  e  nel 
1925,  Rome,  1925. 

502  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  the  Grand  Duke  of  Tuscany  (Viridarium  magni  ducis 
Hetruriae),  while  the  villa  of  Sixtus  V.  has  no  name.  The 
gardens  of  the  Quirinal  were  still  in  their  elementary  state, 
and  the  Farnese  gardens  on  the  Palatine  are  clearly  marked. 
The  Palazzo  de'  Riarii  on  the  Lungara  adjoins  a  vast  garden, 
and  there  is  a  smaller  one  at  the  Farnesina,  which  from  its 
first  owner  bears  the  name  of  Palazzo  Chigi. 

While  Tempesta  was  recording  the  transformation  of  Rome 
by  means  of  a  drawing,  others,  Netherlands  and  Germans, 
who  were  living  there  either  permanently  or  temporarily, 
were  also  devoting  themselves  to  that  work.  Drawings 
published  in  engravings  show  the  many-coloured  whirlpool 
of  public  life  with  its  ecclesiastical  and  secular  festivals, 
and  its  variegated  street  scenes.  Productions  of  great  histori- 
cal interest  are  given  us  among  others  by  Brambilla  in  his 
folio  "  cries  of  itinerary  vendors  in  Rome,"  by  Giacomo 
Franco,  who  depicts  Clement  VIIT.  on  a  journey,  by  Villamena 
with  his  typical  Roman  beggar,  and  lastly  by  Bril,  with  his 
illustrations  to  the  "  Dolce  far  niente."  Sadeler,  Willem 
van  Nieulandt,  and  one  of  the  young  Breughels  give  us  good 
topographical  material  in  their  engravings  ;  Valckenborch, 
De  Vries  and  Sebastian  Vrancz  in  their  paintings.^ 

The  guide-books  and  books  of  travel^  form  a  useful  supple- 
ment to  the  illustrations.  Among  the  most  sought  for  guides 
for  tourists  and  pilgrims  in  the  Holy  Year  were  the  itineraries 
of  Hieronymus  Johanninus  Campugnanus  (died  1604)  and 
Franz  Schott  (died  1622),  which  appeared  in  various  editions 
after  the  Holy  Year  of  1600.2    jy^q  Deliciae  Italiae  of  Cyprian 

1  See  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  97  seq.  ;  cf. 
Documenti,  475  n.,  and  Mededeel.  v.  h.  Nederl.  Hist.  Institut,  V. 
(1925),  128  seq.  The  picture  by  F.  de  Vnes,  of  about  1595, 
showing  the  Piazza  of  St.  Peter's  and  the  Vatican,  in  the  possession 
of  Count  Lanckoronski  at  Vienna,  is  deserving  of  publication. 

2  Dr.  Schudt  is  about  to  publish  a  collection  of  all  the  guides, 
as  the  result  of  prolonged  research. 

*  For  the  Itmerarium  Italiae  (Antwerp,  1600)  by  Schott,  the 
Baedeker  of  those  times,  see  Schlosser,  Kunstliteratur,  Vienna, 
1924.  473.  493- 


Eiclihov  was  also  in  great  demand.^  A  learned  and  ex- 
haustive work  was  the  book  Romanae  Urhis  topographiae 
et  antiquitates  cum  tab.  a  Theod.  de  Bry  in  aere  incisis 
by  the  celebrated  French  archaeologist  Jean  Jacques 
Boissard,2  in  which  he  collected  inscriptions  with  special 

The  accounts  of  illustrious  travellers  who  came  from  the 
north  also  described  the  splendour  of  Rome  and  its  art 
treasures.  Besides  the  Netherlanders  Arend  van  BucheH 
and  Pieter  Corneliszoon  Hooft,^  mention  must  also  be  made 
above  all  of  the  state  architect  of  the  Duchy  of  Wiirtemberg, 
Heinrich  Schickhardt,  which  is  of  special  importance  on 
account  of  his  artistic  appreciation  of  works  of  art.^  All  the 
visitors  to  Rome  at  that  time,  not  only  the  many  artists, 
among  them  Mander  and  Rubens,  but  the  princes  as  well 

^  For  Eichhov  see  A.  Kauffmann  in  Zeitschr.  f.  Kulturgesch., 
N.S.,  II.,  674  seq. 

2 1.  I.  BoissARD,  Romanae  Urbis  topographiae  et  antiquitates 
cum  tab.  a  Theod.  de  Bry  in  aere  incisis,  6  vols.,  Frankfort, 
1597-1602  {ibid.  1603,  also  in  German). 

^  Drawings  by  Boissard  in  the  Bibliotheque  Nationale,  Paris  ; 
see  Kunstchonik,  N.F.,  XVII.,  71. 

*  See  Diarium  van  Arend  van  Buchell  uitgegeven  door  G.  Brom 
in  L.  A.  van  Langeraad,  Amsterdam,  1907.  Cf.  also  Mededeel. 
V.  h.  Nederl.  Hist.  Institiit.,  II.  (1922),  113  seq.  ;  IV.  (1924), 
153  seq.,  261  seq. 

*  Van  Vloten  has  published  the  description  of  this  journey  by 
Hooft  in  the  2nd  volume  of  Hooft's  letters. 

*  The  description  of  his  journey  by  Schickhardt,  to  the  import- 
ance of  which  LuBKE  especially  draws  attention  (Gesch.  der 
Renaissance  in  Deutschland,  I.,  44  seq.,  395  seq.)  appeared  for 
the  first  time  in  1602  at  ]\I6mplegard,  in  1603  at  Tiibingen. 
W.  Heyd,  Handschriften  u.  Handzeichnungen  des  H.  Sch., 
Stuttgart,  1902,  published  a  new  and  accurate  edition  of  it, 
collated  with  the  manuscript  (Stuttgart  Library,  Cod.  Hist.  Q. 
148,  tasc.  B.C.).  HtJLSEN  published  in  his  Antikengarten 
(Heidelberg,  1917),  p.  90,  Schickhardt's  description  of  the  Quirinal 
Gardens,  and  his  notes  on  Florence  in  MUteil.  des  Kunsthist. 
Itistituts  zu  Florem,  II.  (191 7). 


showed  a  special  interest  in  the  gardens  and  incomparable 
villas  of  the  Eternal  City  and  its  environs.^ 

Even  in  1595  the  revival  of  the  Papal  capital  filled  the 
Venetian  ambassador,  Paolo  Paruta,  with  admiration. 2 
The  great  development  in  building  works  led  to  the  discovery 
of  many  antiquities,  and  from  the  many  accounts  of  excava- 
tions we  learn  in  what  abundance  the  inexhaustible  soil  of 
Rome  continued  to  reveal  marbles  and  sculptures.  ^  It  was 
especially  on  the  Esquiline  that  a  rich  harvest  was  gathered.^ 
There,  near  the  Arch  of  Gallienus,  was  discovered  the  ancient 
fresco  known  as  the  Nozze  Aldobrandine,  which  was  bought 

^  Cf.  OuBAAN,  Documenti,  475  n.  Ernstlingers  Reisebuch 
(Stuttgarter  Liter.  Verein.  nn.  134-35,  1877,  deals  on  p.  93  seq. 
with  Rome  in  1593.  Interesting  accounts  of  Rome  in  1597  are 
to  be  found  in  the  letters  of  Conradus  Baro  de  Bemelberg  et 
Hohenburg  Junior  ;  see  G.  Lumbroso,  Viaggio  di  un  giovane 
tedesco  in  Italia,  in  Rendiconti  dei  Lincei,  V.  3  (1896).  Very 
interesting  is  the  *Description  of  Rome  in  1601  by  a  young 
Moravian  nobleman  of  the  celebrated  name  of  Waldstein,  who  at 
Florence  met  Prince  Ludw^g  von  Anhalt  (the  descrption  by 
L.  von  Anhalt  of  his  journey  in  Italy  is  to  be  found  in  Access, 
hist.  Anhalt.,  Zerbst,  1733,  261  seqq.,  of  Beckmann)  in  Regin.  666 
(Vatican  Library).  From  Waldstein's  description  of  his  travels 
Orbaan  has  published  the  parts  relating  to  Holland  and  Belgium 
m  Bescheiden  in  Itahe  omtvent  Nedevlandsche  Kunstenaars  en 
Geleerden,  's  Gravenhage,  191 1,  170  seqq.,  and  those  relating  to 
the  artistic  German  cities  and  art  collections  in  Museumskunde, 
1917,  43  seqq.  For  the  method  ol  travelling  in  those  days  cf. 
besides  Hassel  in  Zeitschr.  f.  KnUuy^esch.,  N.S.,   I.,   407  seq., 

E.  S.  Bates,  Touring  in  1600.     A  Study  of  the  development  of 
travel  as  a  means  of  Education,  London,  1911.     Reise  des  Barons 

F.  Eulenburg,  published  by  Sommerfeldt  in  Lit.  Gezellschaft  zu 
Lotzen,  part  18  (1913). 

2  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  422. 

^  Cf.  Reumont,  III.,  2,  765  seq.  ;  Lanciani,  IV.,  186  seqq.  ; 
Orbaan,  Documenti,  129  seqq.,  n.  The  *Avviso  of  December  11, 
1602,  Urb.  1070,  loc.  cit.  mentions  the  excavations  near  the 

^  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  131. 


by  Cardinal  Cinzio  Aldobrandini.^  His  brother  Cardinal 
Pietro  issued  an  edict  as  Camerlengo  for  the  protection  of 
antiquities  in  April,  1600.  Ordinances  of  1599  and  1604 
were  directed  to  the  preservation  of  the  catacombs,  in  which 
an  ever  increasing  interest  was  being  taken,  thanks  to 
Baronius,  Chacon,  Bosio  and  Philip  von  Winghen.2 

The  use  of  ancient  materials  for  new  buildings  continued, 
as  has  been  said,  in  the  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII. ^  Per- 
mission from  the  government,  however,  was  required,  both 
for  excavations  and  for  the  exportation  of  works  of  art.^  In 
spite  of  this  prohibition  so  many  antiquities  were  sent  abroad, 
especially  to  the  courts  of  Florence^  and  Mantua,  that  the 
representatives  of  the  city  as  well  as  the  Pope  himself  com- 
plained that  Rome  was  being  robbed  of  its  best  treasures.^ 

^  C/.  Bartoli  in  Fea,  Miscell.  I.  ccxlix ;  Lanciani  IV., 
207  seqq.  ;  Nogara,  Le  Nozze  Aldobrandine,  Milan,  1907; 
Helbig,  1.3,  267  seq.,  where  the  special  literature  is  cited.  See 
also  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  226  seqq. 

"See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  131  n.,  133  seq.  n.  [cf.  463  n.). 
Cf.  also  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.,  p.  229  seqq.  ; 
Valeri,  Bosio,  Rome,  1900.  Not  without  interest  is  the  following 
*Avviso  of  March  5,  1603,  Urb.  10 71,  loc.  cit.  :  Per  le  gran  pioggie, 
che  furono  la  passata  settimana  al  Coliseo,  caderno  alquante  di 
quelle  muraglie,  che  stavano  piu  sconcie,  con  infiniti  sassi  bellissimi 
e  bonissimi  et  perche  alcuni  andavano  facendo  cavare  di  la  intomo 
per  trovar  sassi,  et  si  dice  sia  il  cav^  Clemente,  la  Compagnia 
del  sant"^°  Salvatore  ha  fatto  far  inhibitione,  che  nissuno  ardischi 
toccar  de  detti  sassi,  et  ho  inteso,  come  detta  Compagnia  intra 
in  questo,  perche  ho  inteso,  che  da  Alessandro  VI  fu  fatto  dono 
di  questo  Coliseo  alia  sudetta  Compagnia. 

^  See  Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIII.  p.  221. 

*  Lanciani,  IV.,  180 

*  See  Bertolotti,  Esportazione  di  oggetti  di  belle  arte  da 
Roma  nella  Toscana,  in  Riv  Eitrop.,  1877,  II.,  716.  Bertolotti 
]n  Giorn.  Ligust.,  1876,  117  seq. 

*  Cf.  especially  the  *reports  of  the  Mantuan  envoy,  G.  C. 
Foresto.  On  October  14,  1600,  he  reports  that  he  has  bought  a 
statue  of  Antmous,  which  Cardinal  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  would 
have  been  very  glad  to  have  acquired.     Foresto  explains  the 

506  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

Among  art  lovers  and  collectors  there  was  a  veritable  rivalry 
in  acquiring  antiquities  ;  besides  the  Aldobrandini  Cardinals, 
Ciriaco  Mattei  was  especially  an  ardent  collector.  ^  As  in 
the  past,  so  now  ancient  statues  were  repaired  and  often 
copied  in  bronze.  ^ 

Many  pictures  were  also  exported,  not  a  few  of  which  went 
to  Mantua  ;  if  the  originals  could  not  be  acquired,  they  had 
perforce  to  be  satisfied  with  copies,  which  were  specially  made, 
from  works  of  art  which  hitherto  had  not  been  allowed  to 
be  copied.  3 

Like  the  Duke  of  Mantua,  Rudolph  II.  also  sought  to  obtain 

reason  why  the  li:;enza  to  export  it  was  still  being  waited  for  on 
January  27  (see  *report  of  January  20,  1601)  ;  on  January  27 
he  says  :  "  Puo  anch'esser,  che  il  popolo  Romano  si  si  a  lasciato 
intendere  che  si  lascia  spogliare  Roma  del]e  migliori  cose  che  si 
siano  et  cose  simili  oltre  che  la  natura  di  S.S^^  tenacissima  non 
fa  piu  gratia  di  sorte  alcuna  che  vaglia  un  soldo  "  (Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua).  For  the  difficulties  which  continued  to  arise 
cf.  in  App.  nn.  18,  19,  the  *reports  of  December  30,  1600,  and 
February  10,  1601.  Leave  to  export  was  only  granted  in  the 
case  of  certain  of  the  statues  acquired  by  Foresto  (see  *report  of 
March  10,  1601).  Finally  on  January  5,  1602,  Lelio  Arrigoni  was 
able  to  report  :  ''  *Laudato  il  Signore,  habbiamo  ricupera,to  il 
possesso  delle  statue  et  questa  sera  I'hanno  portato  I'Antinoo  a 
casa  insieme  con  gli  altri  pezzi  di  piu  stima."  From  the  *reports 
of  Arrigoni  of  1603  it  appears  that  statues  were  once  again  being 
taken  to  Mantua  at  that  time.     Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua. 

^  Cf.  *report  of  G.  C.  Foresto,  January  27,  1601,  Gonzaga 
Archives,  Mantua. 

^  Cf.  BuRCKHARDT,  Bcitragc,  496  seq.  ;  Orbaan,  Document!, 
133  n. 

^  See,  besides  the  reports  of  Arrigoni  for  1 601 -1602  published 
in  Luzio,  La  galleria  dei  Gonzaga,  Milan,  1913,  91  seq.,  the 
further  *reports  of  the  same  of  March  i,  1602  "  quadro  della 
Maddalena,"  April  4,  August  17,  August  31,  October  5  and  12, 
copies  of  celebrated  pictures,  among  them  "16  pezzi  tutti  cavati 
da  disegni  di  Raffaelo  "  (Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua).  Cf.  also 
Bertolotti,  Artisti  in  relazione  coi  Gonzaga  di  Mantova,  Modena, 


works  of  art  from  Rome,  a  thing  in  which  he  was  not  successful, 
owing  to  his  want  of  money.  ^ 

The  exportation  of  works  of  art  was  to  some  extent  com- 
pensated by  those  which  arrived  in  the  Eternal  City,  either 
by  way  of  purchase  or  donation. 

Princes  and  nobles  wished  to  show  their  gratitude  to 
their  hosts  by  giving  them  pictures,  while  others  were 
collected  by  prelates  who  were  travelling.  ^ 

Some  of  the  Cardinals,  as  for  example  vSfondrato  and 
Bonelli,  had  valuable  collections  of  pictures.  ^  The  collection 
of  important  engravings  on  wood  and  copper,  especially  by 
Diirer,  which  Cardinal  Scipione  Gonzaga  had  acquired  during 
a  space  of  thirty  years,  was  very  celebrated."*  In  Rome 
almost  all  private  men  of  wealth  possessed  antiquities,  and 
rooms,  court-yards  and  gardens  were  everywhere  adorned 
with  them. 5 

Of  great  importance  to  the  Eternal  City,  especially 
from  the  point  of  view  of  health,  was  the  care  which 
Clem.ent  VIII.  devoted  to  the  maintenance  of  the  streets. 
In  the  frescoes  of  the  time  of  Sixtus  V.  we  can  see 
how  the  profitable  swine,  which  were  to  be  found  in 
every  country  house  in  Italy,  were  pastured  in  the  piazzas 
and  streets  of  Rome.  An  ordinance  of  1599  put  an  end 
to  this  abuse,  and  it  was  forbidden  to  keep  swine  in 
the  inhabited  part  of  the  city.^  At  the  same  time 
a  weekly  cleansing  of  the  streets  was  ordered.'  Other 
edicts  related  to  the  paving  of  the  Piazza  Navona,^  and  the 

1  Cf.  the  report  of  Dr.  Rudolf  Corradus,  published  in  Blatter,  f. 
Literatur.  Kunst.  n.  Gesch.,  1847,  n.  33. 

2  Cf.  Urlichs  in  Zeitschr.  f.  bild.  Kunst.,  1870.  47  seq. 

3  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  489  seqq. 

*  See  Luzio,  Galleria  Gonzaga,  273  seqq. 

5  Cf.  the  report  in  Burckhardt,  Beitrage,  495. 

*  See  Orbaan,  Documenti,  263. 

'  See  *Avviso  of  July  24,  1599,  Urb.  IC67,  loc.  cit. 

*  Editto  of  July  10,  1600,  in  Editti,  V.,  74,  p.  156,  Papal  Secret 

508  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

maintenance    of   the    water    channels    and    the    fountains.^ 
Some  new  streets  were  also  constructed.  ^ 

The  long  period  of  peace  was  extremely  favourable  for  the 
material  development  of  Rome,  and  the  consequence  was 
that  splendour  and  luxury  increased  to  an  extraordinary 
degree.  The  Venetian  Paolo  Paruta  noticed  this  even  in 
1595.  The  sumptuous  manner  of  life,  which  had  hitherto 
been  the  exclusive  privilege  of  some  of  the  more  prominent 
Cardinals  and  barons,  he  wrote,  had  spread  in  a  surprising 
way  ;  he  lays  special  stress  upon  the  luxury  of  apartments^ 
and  their  extraordinarily  sumptuous  furniture.  The  envoy 
of  Urbino,  Battista  Ceci,  also  mentions  this  development 
in  his  report  of  1605.  He  describes  how  the  aristocracy 
dressed  with  the  greatest  splendour,  and  kept  large  numbers 
of  retainers  in  elaborate  liveries  and  many  horses  and  carriages; 
he  tells  how  all  the  nobles  lived  beyond  their  means,  and  how 
the  citizens  tried  to  follow  this  bad  example.  He  complains 
how  the  merchants  dressed  their  wives  as  gentlewomen,  and 
permitted  themselves  all  pleasures,  no  matter  what  they  cost  ; 
what  wonder  then  that  their  profits,  even  though  they  sold 
everything  at  a  high  price,  were  not  sufficient  for  their  extrava- 
gant expenditure  ?  *     It  is  not  surprising  therefore  that  in  these 

1  See  the  *Bando  of  January  22,  1600,  concerning  the  Acqua 
Felice,  in  Editti,  V.,  51,  p.  4,  loc.  cit.  Ibid.  p.  69,  a  *Bando  of 
February  2,  1600,  concerning  the  fountains  of  the  Acqua 

2  C/.  the  inscription  in  the  Inventario,  I.,  274,  concerning  the 
road  leading  to  S.  Onofrio.  Cf.  also  Arch.  d.  Soc.  Rom.,  V.,  656. 
An  *Editto  per  fare  la  strada  fuora  della  Porta  di  S.  Pancrazio  al 
S™°  Crocifisso,  July  27,  1601,  in  Editti,  V.,  74,  p.  386,  loo.  cit. 
A  list  of  expropriations  of  buildings  below  the  Aracoeli  as  far  as 
Macel  de'  Corvi  for  the  construction  of  the  principal  street  starting 
from  the  Capitol,  in  the  year  1601,  in  Dengel,  Palast  u.  Basilika 
S.  Marco,  n.  55. 

3  See  Paruta,  Relazione,  422. 

*  See  "  *Relatione  delle  quality  et  governo  della  citta  di  Roma 
e  dello  stato  eccles.  I'a.  1605  di  Battista  Ceci  da  Urbino,"  Urb. 
837,   p.   468b  seqq.,  Vatican  Library.     Cf.  also  the   *Relazione 


circumstances  moral  conditions  left  a  great  deal  to  be  desired.^ 
This  state  of  affairs  was  also  contributed  to  by  the  fact  that 
foreigners  of  all  nations  flocked  to  the  capital  of  the  world, 
so  that  the  real  Romans  formed  a  minority.  ^ 

Even  though  Ceci  dwells  upon  these  darker  aspects  of  the 
times,  he  also  clearly  brings  out  the  brighter  side  of  the  picture, 
and  above  all  the  rivalry  in  building  magnificent  churches, 
and  the  activity  in  works  of  charity.  ^  He  points  out  how  the 
Pope  took  the  lead  by  his  example  in  the  last-named  ;  every 
month  he  distributed  400  scudi  among  the  secret  poor,  and 
the  convents  and  hospitals  ;  at  Christmas  and  Easter,  on 
the  feast  of  St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul,  and  on  the  anniversary  of 
his  coronation,  2,000  scudi,  and  another  1,000  for  extra- 
ordinary alms.  He  also  maintained  the  ancient  custom  of 
feeding  the  poor  at  the  Campo  Santo  near  St.  Peter's  every 
Frida}'.  Ceci  describes  in  detail  the  innumerable  charitable 
institutions  in  Rome,  which  were  all  excellently  organised 
and  served  by  the  confraternities.*  These  cared  for  every 
class  and  for  the  sick  of  every  kind.  The  lepers  had  a  special 
hospital  outside  the  city,  while  the  others  were  so  skilfully 
distributed  that  help  was  nowhere  lacking.  Those  mstitutions 
which  did  not  enjoy  ample  means,  like  the  ancient  hospital 

distintissima  di  Roma,  anime  [1593  altogether  99,627]  entrate, 
chiese,  palazzi,  casali  con  molte  piante  di  ville  e  altre  minuzie 
particolari,  in  Cod.  Strozz.  721,  State  Archives,  Florence. 
^  Cf.  supra,  p.  427. 

*  Ceci  says  in  his  *Relazione  (see  supra,  p.  508,  n.  4)  :  "  La 
citta  pu6  tare  100,000  in  circa  anime,  i  due  terzi  e  piu  forestieri." 

3  *Dairaltra  parte  se  si  considera  ella  e  una  citta  santa  :  gran 
carita  e  grand 'opere  pie  vi  si  fanno  ;  gran  concorso  si  vede  di  chi 
fa  quasi  a  gara  per  potere  piu  splendidamente  e  con  piu  magnifi- 
cenza  ferigere  tempii  e  chiese  al  culto  di  Die  e  luoglii  e  monasteri 
a  beneficio  del  prossimo  et  oltre  all'esservi  una  infinita  di  chiese 
e  capelle  ornate  con  tant'oro  e  pietre  pretiose,  vi  sono  anche 
tanti  spedali  et  si  fanno  giornalmente  innumerabili  elemosine. 
Urb.  837,  p.  469'®,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  the  *relazione  of  Ceci,  ibid,  470-474.  Cf.  Vol.  XXIII. 
of  this  work,  p.  34,  for  the  Pope's  almsgiving. 

510  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  S.  Spirito,  the  annual  revenues  of  which  amounted  to 
100,000  scudi,  were  maintained  by  abundant  alms.  It  is 
worthy  of  record  that  the  lunatics  maintained  at  the  Madonna 
della  Pieta  were  very  well  treated,  which  was  not  the  case 
at  that  time  in  an^^  other  asylum  of  the  kind.^ 

The  civic  hospitals  were  accessible  to  all  foreigners,  but 
besides  these  there  had  been  from  remote  times  many  national 
hospices  for  foreign  visitors  to  Rome,  where  pilgrims  received 
gratuitously  for  three  days  lodging  and  food,  and  in  case  of 
illness  help  of  other  kinds.  Those  institutions,  too,  such  as 
the  Bohemian  and  Swedish  hospices,  which  ov/ing  to  the 
religious  schism  no  longer  had  many  coming  to  them,  were 
also  maintained. 2  The  number  of  hospitals  and  hospices 
was  forty  in  all.^ 

However  worthy  of  condemnation  the  luxury  was,  it  was 
very  advantageous  for  art.  Among  the  Cardinals  who  were 
conspicuous  as  lovers  of  art,  besides  Frederick  Borromeo, 
Bonelli  and  Colonna,  Odoardo  Farnese  held  the  first  place.  Not 
content  with  his  magnificent  family  palace,  which  was  richly 
adorned  with  profane  and  religious  paintings,  antique  statues, 
medals  and  a  valuable  library,*  he  caused  a  splendid  pictorial 
work  to  be  carried  out  between  the  years  1595  and  1603.  On 
the  first  floor,  on  the  side  facing  the  Tiber,  the  ceiling  and 
walls  of  the  so-called  gallery  were  adorned  with  magnificent 
frescoes  by  Annibale  Caracci,  assisted  by  his  brother,  Agostino 
and  Domenichino,  the  subjects  of  which  were  drawn  exclusively 

*  *Qui  si  tengono  tutti  quelli  che  sono  scemi  di  cervello  e  pazzi 
raccolti  in  Roma  e  fuor  di  Roma  di  qualunque  sesso  e  natione  di 
maniera  che  con  la  cura  che  li  si  fa  molti  tornano  in  buon  senti- 
mento,  e  se  pure  non  possono  guarire  h  tengono  perpetuamente 
con  carita  nello  spedale,  ove  sono  custoditi,  governati  e  proveduti 
di  tutte  le  cose  necessarie  standovene  continumente  oltre  a  80 
con  molti  ufficiali  e  mmistri  che  per  servizio  loro  si  tengono. 
Ceci,  loc.  cit. 

'  See  ihid. 

^  Cf.  Fanucci,  Opere  pie  di  Roma,  1601. 

*  See  Navenne,  Rome  et  le  Palais  Farnese,  I.,  29  seqq. 


from  pagan  mythology.^  Of  the  three  central  pictures,  one, 
the  triumph  of  Bacchus  and  Ariadne,  was  intended  to  portray 
the  reign  of  love  upon  the  earth,  the  second,  Aurora  and 
Cephalus,  its  power  in  the  air,  and  the  third,  a  Nereid  em- 
braced by  a  Triton,  the  dominion  of  love  in  the  waters,  just 
as  Guarini  had  sung  in  the  prologue  to  his  Pastor  fido.'^  This 
masterpiece  of  the  Caracci  is  of  the  highest  importance  in  the 
history  of  culture.  Men  realized  the  paradox  of  a  great  prince 
of  the  Church,  just  as  though  he  were  still  living  in  the  days 
of  Leo  X.,  having  his  palace  adorned  with  such  erotic  subjects, 
and  at  the  same  time  trying  to  make  those  subjects  more 
acceptable  to  the  most  rigid  censors  by  means  of  allegories 
and  interpretations,  attempting  thus  to  reconcile  the  Christian 
conscience  with  representations  of  scenes  of  loves  of  the  gods 
and  pagan  heroes,  which  went  beyond  all  due  limits. ^  More- 
over this  is  a  crushing  retort  to  the  unfounded  assertions  that 
the  artists  of  the  period  of  the  Catholic  restoration  were 
hampered  in  their  freedom  and  activities  ;^  in  fact  they  were 
free  to  select  their  subjects  from  ancient  mythology  as  before. 

^  See  the  beautiful  dissertation  by  H.  Tietze  :  A.  Carraccis 
Galerie  im  Palazzo  Farnese  u.  seine  Werkstatte,  in  Jahrb.  der 
Kunstsamml.  des  osterr.  Kaiserhauses,  XXVI.,  71  seqq.  Cf.  also 
ScHMERBER,  Ital.  Malerei  (1906),  187  seq.  ;  Jahrb.  der  preuss. 
Kunstsamml.,  XI.  (1919),  140  seq.  ;  MuNOZ,  Roma  barocca, 
22  seqq.  ;    Navenne,  loc.  cit.  I.,  65-98  ;    Voss,  Malerei,  493  seq. 

2  See  Tietze,  loc.  cit.  94. 

^  See  ibid.  Cf.  also  Vogel,  Aus  Goethes  rom.  Tagen,  Leipzig, 
1905,  223  seq.,  and  Rouches,  La  peinture  Bolognaise  1575-1619, 
Paris,  191 1,  175.  Navenne  {loc.  cit.  95)  thinks  that  O.  Farnese 
himself  had  certain  scruples  :  Comparez  la  Galatee  parcourant 
les  mers  avec  le  carton  en  grandeur  d 'execution  de  la  National 
Gallery,  vous  noterez  qu'une  legere  draperie  se  dessine  dans  la 
fresque  sous  la  mam  du  Triton  et  que  le  carton  en  est  affranchie. 
L'adjonction  fut-elle  imposee  au  moment  de  I'execution  ou 
intervmt-elle  apres  I'achevement  des  peintures  ?  Cela  import 
peu.  Ce  qu'il  faut  retenir,  c'est  qu'il  y  eut  correction  au  profit 
de  la  bienseance. 

*  See  Voss,  I.,  24.     Cf.  Rouches,  loc.  cit.,  176. 


Even  in  the  matter  of  the  representation  of  the  nude  in  profane 
art  they  were  by  no  means  restricted.  The  rigorous  principles 
which  were  appHed  after  the  Council  of  Trent/  only  referred 
to  pictures  in  churches,  as  is  shown  by  an  edict  of  the  Cardinal 
Vicar,  Borghese,  in  1603.2  Even  the  man  who  had  ordered 
the  frescoes  of  Caracci  conformed  to  these  enactments  ;  in 
1595  Cardinal  Odoardo  Farnese  had  the  nude  figure  of  Justice 
on  the  tomb  of  Paul  III.  covered  with  a  garment  of  thin 
metal. ^ 

The  increase  of  luxury  was  also  shown  in  the  fact  that  the 
Aldobrandini,  in  addition  to  their  orginal  house  in  the  Via 
de'  Banchi,  which  the  Pope  had  given  to  Olimpia  Aldobrandmi 
in  1601,^  also  possessed  other  palaces  in  Rome  ;  one  in  the 
Piazza  Colonna  (afterwards  the  Palazzo  Chigi),^  another  near 
S.  Luigi  de'  Francesi,^  and  a  third,  with  a  garden,  on  the 
southern  slope  of  the  Quirinal  (the  Villa  Aldobrandini  of 
to-day).  In  1601  Clement  VIII.  also  acquired  for  Olimpia 
the  palace  of  the  Duke  of  Urbino  in  the  Corso  (afterwards  the 
Palazzo  Doria),  the  chapel  of  which  was  decorated  by  Annibale 

^  See  ScHLOSSER,  Materialien  z.  Kunstgesch.,  VI.,  Vienna, 
I9i9>  97  seqq.  Cf.  also  A.  Foratti  in  the  periodical  L' Archigin- 
nasio,  IX.  (Bologna,  1914),  15  seqq.,  and  Repert.f.  Kunstwissensch., 
XXXVII.,  36  seq.  As  early  as  1582  Possevino  suggested  that 
the  nude  statues  and  images  should  be  covered  for  the  Russians 
who  came  to  Rome  ;  see,  La  Russie,  II.,  202. 

2  See  Repert.f.  Kunstwissensch.,  XXXVII.,  34  seq.  ;  Weissbach 
Der  Barock  als  Kunst  der  Gegenreformation,  Berlin,  1921,  12. 

^  See  Mel.  d'archeol.,  IX.,  68  ;  Jahrb.  der  preuss.  Kunstsamml., 
XXXIX.,  178,  196;    Navenne,  Rome  et  le  Palais  Farnese,  I., 


*  See  Prinzivalli,  T.  Tasso,  67. 

^  Constructed  by  Giacomo  della  Porta,  completed  by  Maderno  ; 
see  MuNoz,  Maderno,  6.  The  frescoes  of  the  life  of  Clement  VIII., 
which  adorn  the  frieze  of  the  large  hall  on  the  first  floor,  are 
deserving  of  a  closer  examination  ;  as  far  as  I  am  aware  they 
have  been  entirely  overlooked. 

«  By  C.  Maderno,  now  the  Palazzo  Patrizi  ;  see  Frey,  Archi- 
tettura  barocca,  Rome,  1926,  xxii  ;  see  G.  Zucca,  Gli  orti  pensili 
Aldobrandmi,  in  the  periodical  Capitoliiim,  I.  (1927),  742  seq. 


Caracci  and  his  pupils,  among  them  Albani,  with  frescoes 
of  the  life  of  the  Madonna. ^ 

During  the  pontificate  of  Clement  VIII.  there  was  at  last 
undertaken,  as  the  result  of  his  insistence,  the  carrying  out  of 
Michelangelo's  plans  for  the  Capitoline  palaces.  A  young 
architect,  Girolamo  Rinaldi,  constructed  the  facade  of  the 
Senators,  so  that  this  was  given  the  character  of  severe 
grandeur  which  distinguished  the  design  of  the  great  master. 
All  this  was  done  on  the  initiative  of  Clement  VIII.  so  that 
he  deserves  the  place  of  honour  that  is  assigned  to  him  in  the 
great  inscription  of  1598,  placed  over  the  principal  door  and 
enumerating  all  the  outstanding  events  of  his  pontificate. ^ 
Girolamo  Rinaldi  also  directed  the  works  on  the  third  palace 
designed  by  Michelangelo  on  the  Capitol,  of  which  the  Pope 
laid  the  first  stone  on  June  27th,  1603.^  He  did  not  live  to 
see  its  completion,  but  on  the  other  hand  was  able  to  delight 
in  the  decoration  of  the  Palace  of  the  Conservatori  with 
monumental  frescoes  of  the  ancient  history  of  Rome.  On 
these  the  president  of  the  Academia  S.  Luca,  Tommaso 
Laureti,  and  the  Pope's  favourite,  d'Arpino,  were  employed. 
Among  the  frescoes  by  the  latter  mention  must  be  made  of 
the  battle  between  the  Horatii  and  the  Curiatii  as  a  valuable 
work  of  art.^ 

The  artistic  activity  which^prevailed  during  the  pontificate 

*■  See  Cancellieri,  Possess!,  505  ;  Prinzivalli,  62  ;  Tietze 
in  Jahrb.  der  Kunstsamnil.  des  osterr.  Kaiserhauses,  XXVI., 
155  seq.  ;    Orbaan,  Documenti,  41,  66  seqq,  157. 

2  See  Forcella,  I.,  48.  Cf.  Baglione,  73  ;  Lanciani,  II., 
75  seqq.  ;  Rodocanachi,  Capitole,  95  seqq.,  99  seqq.  ;  Michaelis 
in  Zeitschr.  f.  bild.  Kunst.,  N.S.  II.,  (1891),  193  seq.  ;  Thoue, 
IVIichelangelo,  V.,  193. 

^  See  CiACONius,  IV.,  261  ;  Bonanni,  I.,  455  ;  Rodocanachi, 
Capitole,  95.  An  *Avviso  of  June  28,  1603,  reports  :  Yesterday 
the  Pope  went  to  the  Capitol  "  per  veder  la  nuova  fabrica,  che 
fanno  o  voglion  fare  li  Conservatori  dalla  banda  di  Araceli, 
essendoci  S.S.  andata  per  buttar  come  fece  il  primo  sasso  nel 
fondamento,  nel  qual  sasso  non  era  altro  motto  che  il  nome  di 
S.B."     Urb.  1071,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  Voss,  II. ,  572,  585. 

VOL.  XXIV  33 

514  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

of  Clement  VIII.  was  of  great  advantage  to  the  churches,  to 
which  greater  attention  was  now  paid,  partly  on  account 
of  the  canonical  visitations  and  partly  because  of  the  Holy 
Year.  Although  the  number  of  existing  churches  was  already 
very  large,  several  new  ones  were  built  ;  for  example,  S.  Maria 
della  Scala  in  Trastevere,^  S.  Niccol6  da  Tolentino,^  S.  Giuseppe 
a  Capo  le  Case,^  and  S.  Bernardo  alle  Terme.*  The  national 
church  of  the  Florentines,  S.  Giovanni  de'  Fiorentini,  the 
masterpiece  of  Jacopo  Sansavino,  was  finally  completed  in 
1600,^  only  the  fagade  being  left  unfinished.  The  church  of  the 
Sicilians,  S.  Maria  in  Constantinopoli,  was  also  completed  in 


The  church  of  the  Theatines,  S.  Andrea  della  Valle,  promised 
to  become  a  splendid  edifice  of  the  first  rank,  worthy  to  rival 
the  Gesii.  Cardinal  Gesualdo  had  since  1596  expended 
40,000  scuid  in  this  church,'  the  first  stone  of  which  was  laid 
on  March  12th,  1591.^  After  his  death  in  1603  Cardinal 
Peretti  undertook  the  expense.^  The  superintendence  of  the 
building  was  in  the  hands  of  Pietro  Paolo  Olivieri,  who  had 
also  made  the  designs  :  a  nave  in  the  form  of  a  Latin  cross, 
with  four  deep  chapels  on  either  side.^"    When  Olivieri  died 

1  See  *Avviso  of  February  5,  1597,  Urb.  1065,  loc.  cit. 

^Cf.  FoRCELLA,  XL,  457.  According  to  the  *Avviso  of 
July  29,  1600,  Clement  VIII.  granted  the  church  to  the  "  natione 
Marchegiana  "  as  their  national  church.     Urb.  1068,  loc.  cit. 

^  Cf.   FORCELLA,    X.,    175. 

*  Cf.  ibid.,  IX.,  171  ;  Ortolani,  S.  Bernardo  alle  Terme,  Rome, 

^  See  the  hitherto  unnoticed  remark  of  Benxivoglio,  Memorie, 

*  See  Galletti,  S.  Maria  di  Costantinopoli,  Rome,  1889. 
'See  *Avviso  of  July  17,  1596,  which  says  :    "  La  fabrica  in 

vero  sara  non  men  bella  di  quella  del  Gesu."  Urb.  1064,  II., 
loc.  cit. 

^  See  [A.  BoNi]  La  chiesa  di  S.  Andrea  della  Valle  in  Roma, 
Rome,  1907. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  March  i,  ib03,  Urb.  1071,  ibid. 
i^See  Baglione,  76  seq. 

S.    MARIA   IN    VALLICELLA.  515 

on  July  6th,  1599,  his  place  was  taken  by  Carlo  Maderno  ; 
he  carried  out  the  tribune  and  the  dome,  the  largest  in  Rome 
after  St.  Peter's,  and  drew  a  design  for  the  fa9ade.^  This 
large  and  spacious  temple,  almost  the  only  one  of  the  Roman 
churches  of  the  XVIth  century  which  has  retained  its  original 
appearance,  was  until  1902  a  perfect  example  of  the  Renais- 
ances.2  j^e  restoration  undertaken  in  that  year  has  greatly 
impaired  the  grave,  tranc[uil  and  solemn  effect  of  the  interior, 
as  the  vaulting  of  the  central  nave  was  covered  with  stucco 
and  paintings,  the  plain  pilasters  fluted,  and  the  capitals  gilt. 
Not  far  from  this,  in  the  great  church  of  the  Oratorians, 
S.  Maria  in  Vallicella,  great  activity  was  shown  under 
Clement  VIII.  in  carrying  on  the  decoration  of  the  interior, 
and  a  noble  rivalry  with  the  church  of  the  Jesuits  in  con- 
structing altars  and  chapels  of  a  like  magnificence.^  A  richly 
decorated  chapel  was  prepared  to  receive  the  body  of  Philip 
Neri,'*  and  another  was  founded  by  Cardinal  Silvio  Antoniano^. 
The  solemn  consecration  of  this  third  great  church  belonging 
to  religious  communities  was  made  by  Cardinal  Medici  on 
May  23rd,  1599.^ 

1  See  ibid.  308.  An  *Avviso  of  November  i,  1595,  reports  : 
Li  Padri  Bamabiti  detti  qua  di  S.  Biagio  deirAnello,  perclie  li 
Padri  Teatini  di  S.  Andrea  con  la  fabrica  lore,  che  tuttavia  fanno 
molto  magnifica  et  bella,  arriveranno  al  lore  convento,  necessitati 
pero  a  cercar  altro  luoco,  hanno  comprate  le  case  poste  in  faccia 
della  Piazza  Colonna,  che  son  contigue  a  Pazzarelli,  ove  disegnano 
fabricar  una  bella  cliiesa  et  un  amplo  convento,  11  quale  sopra  detta 
Piazza  fara  bellissima  vista.     Urb.  1063,  loc.  cit. 

2  See  GuRLiTT,  197. 

*  We  have  information  as  to  the  construction  of  the  altars  in 
the  *Avviso  of  January  31,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  I.,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  *Avviso  of  November  27,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  ibid.  Cf. 
Capecelatro,  St.  Philip  Neri,  p.  585.      [Kngl.  ed.,  1926.] 

^  Cf.  CiACONius,  IV.,  329. 

*  See  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  2815,  Vatican  Library. 
In  1592  Cardinal  Galli  ordered  the  building  of  S.  Maria  della 
Scala,  whither  in  1597  Clement  VIII.  summoned  the  discalced 
Carmelites  in  order  to  make  better  provision  for  pastoral  work 
in  the  Trastevere  ;    see  Totti,  71. 

5l6  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

By  the  command  of  Cardinal  Rusticucci  Carlo  Maderno 
turned  his  attention  to  S.  Susanna,  and  gave  it  a  noble  fagade.^ 
Other  Cardinals  as  well  restored  and  adorned  churches,  as 
for  example,  Giustiniani  S.  Prisca,^  Albert  of  Austria  S.  Croce 
in  Gerusalemme,^  Madruzzo  S.  Onofrio,"*  Salviati  S.  Giacomo 
degli  Incurabili  and  S.  Gregorio  in  Celio,^  Cesi  S.  Maria  in 
Portico,  Medici  and  Caetani  S.  Pudenziana.®  Just  as  Caetani 
erected  in  the  latter  church  a  magnificent  sepulchral  chapel,® 

1  See  Baglione,  73,  308.  Cf.  Gurlitt,  331  ;  Munoz,  Maderno, 

2  See  CiACONius,  IV.,  169;  Forcella,  XL,  173.  For  the 
"  Amore  divine  ed  amore  profano  "  painted  by  Giov.  Baglione 
to  accompany  the  "  Amore  vincitore  "  of  Caravaggio  see 
Bertolotti,  Art.  Lomb.,  II.,  63  ;  Voss  in  Berliner  Museen,  1922, 
60  seq.,  and  Malerei,  127,  467. 

*  Cf.  besides  Ortolani,  S.  Croce  in  Gerusalemme,  19,  the 
Reisebericht  von  1598  in  Mitteil.  des  Hist.  Ve''.  f.  Steiermavk, 
XLVIII.  (1900),  64. 

*  See  TiETZE  in  Jahrb.  der  Kunstsamrnl.  des  osterr.  Kaiserhauses, 
XXVI.,  143.     Cf.  Arch,  per  I'Alto  Adtge,  IX.,  56  seqq. 

^  See  Baglione,  308  ;    Munoz,  Maderno,  6. 

^  An  *Avviso  of  August  16,  1597,  reports  that  :  "  S.  Maria  in 
Portico  e  gia  del  tutto  abbelita  con  molta  spesa  di  figure  et  altri 
ornamenti  dalla  molta  pieta  et  zelo  del  card.  Cesi  suo  titolare,  et 
cosi  anche  quelle  di  S.  Pudentiana  et  di  S.  Susanna  dalli  card. 
Caetano  et  Rusticucci,  che  veramente  si  scuoprono  in  si  sant'opre 
molto  affettuosi  et  zelanti  "  (Urb.  1065,  loc.  cit.).  Cf.  B. 
Odescalchi,  Mem.  d.  Accad.  dei  Lincei,  Rome,  1806,  7. 

'  The  transformation  of  the  ancient  oratory,  known  as  "  Titulus 
Pastoris  "  into  the  richly  decorated  Caetani  chapel,  had  been 
begun  under  Sixtus  V.  (see  Forcella,  XL,  138)  ;  according  to 
the  *Avviso  of  September  13,  1595,  the  works  were  still  being 
carried  on  at  that  time  (Urb.  1063,  loc.  cit.).  On  December  9, 
1599,  Cardinal  Caetani  went  to  see  the  place  of  his  burial  (see 
*Avviso  of  December  11,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.)  ;  he  died  on 
the  13th  ;  on  the  14th  he  was  buried  in  his  "  capella  che  ha 
fatto  fare  bellissima  et  sopra  ogni  altra  bella,  se  bene  non  e 
ancora  finita."  (*Avviso  of  December  15,  i  ^gg,  loc.  cit.).  Cardinal 
Radziwill,  who  died  on  January  21,  1600,  was  buried  in  front  of 

S.S.    NEREO   AND   ACHILLEO.  517 

so  did  Santori  in  Lateran  Basilica.^  Cardinal  Bernerio  at 
S.  Sabina  founded  a  chapel  to  St.  Hyacinth,  the  altar  of  which 
was  consecrated  on  May  23rd,  1600.-  Cardinal  Domenico 
Pinelli  restored  the  paintings  in  the  upper  part  of  the  central 
nave  of  S.  Maria  Maggiore.^  Some  relics  which  were  dis- 
covered at  S.  Bartolomeo  all  Isola'*  gave  Cardinal  Tarugi 
an  opportunity  for  erecting  a  magnificent  altar.  The  officials 
of  the  Curia,  too,  such  as  Gabriele  Bombasio  and  Tiberio 
Cerasa,  founded  chapels  and  altars.  The  chapel  of  S.  Diego, 
of  the  Spaniard  Enrico  d'Errera  at  S.  Giacomo  degli  Spagnuoli, 
was  decorated  by  Francesco  Albani  with  frescoes  of  the  life 
of  the  saint. ^ 

An  important  work  of  that  period  was  the  restoration  carried 
out  by  Cardinal  Baronius  in  his  titular  church,  which  was  in 
a  very  dilapidated  state,  of  SS.  Nereo  and  Achilleo,  at  a  cost 
amounting  to  7,000  scudi.®  This  learned  expert  and  admirer 
of  antique  Christian  art  ordered  that  as  far  as  possible  the 
original  character  of  the  building  should  be  preserved.  In 
an  inscription  he  prayed  his  successor  to  leave  in  its  ancient 
condition  this  little  church  dedicated  to  the  holy  eunuchs 

Cardinal  Caetani  ;  he  had  left  a  legacy  of  20,000  scudi  for  the 
chapel  (*Avviso  of  January  22,  1600,  Uib.  1068,  /a.  cit.).  Cf. 
also  the  Reisebericht,  loc.  cit.,  p.  n.  362. 

^  When  Santori  died  on  June  7,  1602,  h^s  chapel  was  not  yet 
finished  ;  see  *Avviso  of  June  13,  1602,  Urb.  1070,  loc.  cit.  For 
the  Santori  Chapel  built  by  Onorio  Lunghi  see  Baglione,  147; 
Pascolt,  II.,  513.  The  tomb  of  Santori  by  Giuliano  FinelU  (see 
Pascoli,  II.,  57  ;   Passeri,  260)  has  a  fine  bust  of  the  dead  man. 

=*  See  MuNoz,  S.  Sabina,  Rome,  1919,  40.  Cf.  *Diarium  P. 
Alaleonis,  Barb.  lat.  2816,  Vatican  Library. 

*  See  WiLPERT,  Mosaiken,  418  n.  i.  Cf.  Baglione,  139,  148  ; 
Voss,  I.,  30.     Cf.  also  Egger,  Architekten  Handzeioliungen,  9-10. 

4  *Avviso  of  August  29,  1601,  Urb.  1069,  loc.  cit. 

^  See  TiETZE  in  Jahrb.  der  Kunstsamml.  des  osterr.  Kaiserhauses, 
XXVI.,  133,  134,  172  seq.  Caterina  Nobili  Sforza,  Contessa  di 
S.  Flora,  built  S.  Bernardo  alle  Terme  between  1598  and  1600  ; 
see  S.  Ortolani,  S.  Bernardo  alle  Terme,  Rome,  s.d. 

*  See  Calenzio,  Baronio,  467  seq.     Cf.  Baglione,  104. 

5l8  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

of  Flavia  Domitilla,  a  relative  of  the  Emperor  Domitian.^ 
The  translation  by  Cardinal  Baronius  to  his  titular  church 
of  the  relics  of  these  saints,  which  had  been  discovered  in 
S.  Adriano  a  Campo  Vaccino,  took  place  with  great  solemn "ty 
on  Ma}^  I2th,  1597.-  Three  new  altars,  for  which  C.  Roncalli 
painted  a  picture,  were  not  finished  for  another  three  years. ^ 
Baronius  also  restored  the  two  venerable  chapels  at 
S.  Gregorio,  and  adorned  them  with  paintings  by  Antonio 
Viviano  and  with  statues  of  St.  Gregory  I.,  and  his  mother 
St.  Sylvia,  executed  by  Nicholas  Cordier.*  In  the  actual 
church  of  St.  Gregory  Cardinal  Salviati  founded  a  beautiful 
chapel  and  a  magnificent  altar,  adorned  with  a  picture  by 
Domenichino,  the  Prayer  of  Gregory  I.,  for  the  miraculous 
and  much  venerated  image  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  which  had 
spoken  to  St.  Gregory.^  Giovan  Battista  Ricci  of  Novara 
represented  in  the  vaulting  of  the  dome  the  triumph  of  Mary.® 
A  new  chapel  of  the  Madonna  was  erected  in  S.  Lorenzo  in 
Lucina,'^  one  of  the  many  proofs  of  the  fervent  veneration  of 
the  Mother  of  God  in  Rome  at  that  time.^  When  in  January, 
1594,  the  Pope  visited  the  church  of  the  Gesu,  he  suggested  to 
Cardinal  Rusticucci  that  he  should  build  a  chapel  to  match 
that  of  the  Savelli.^  Towards  the  end  of  the  pontificate  of 
Clement  VITI.  we  are  told  of  the  grandiose  plans  being  enter- 
tained by  Cardinals  Sandoval  and  Peretti  for  S.  Anastasia 

>  FoRCELLA,  XL,  423  ;    Baumgarten,  Neue  Kunde,  297. 

2  See  the  description  in  the  *Avviso  of  May  14,  1597,  Urb. 
1065,  loc.  cit.     Cf.  FoRCELLA,  III.,  53. 

^  See  Baglione,  290.  The  inscriptions  in  Forcella,  XL,  424  ; 
Orbaan,  Rome  onder  Clemens  VIIL,  n.  46. 

*  See  Baglione,  103,  115  ;  Forcella,  II.,  122  seqq.  ;  Voss,  II., 
500  seqq.  ;  Gibelli  (note  6  infra),  22  seqq.  Cf.  V.  Moschini, 
S.  Gregorio  al  Celio,  Rome,  s.d.  11  seq. 

*  See  TiETZE,  loc.  cit.,  161  seq. 

*  See  A.  Gibelli,  Mem.  d.  chiesa  dei  santi  Andrea  e  Gregorio 
al  Clivo  Scauro,  Siena,  1888,  20. 

'  Cf.  *Avviso  of  August  28,  1596,  Urb.  1064,  II.,  loo.  cit. 
8  Cf.  *Avviso  of  August  21,  1604,  Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 
'•'See  *Avviso  of  January  8,  1594,  Urb.  1062,  loc.  cit. 

THE    TRE    FONTANE.  519 

and  the  SS.  Apostoli.^  Cardinal  Peretti  had  already  shown 
his  interest  in  art  by  his  erection  of  the  great  sepulchral 
monument  to  his  uncle  Sixtus  V.  at  St.  Mary  Major's^ 

We  are  not  surprised  to  learn  that  Cardinal  Pietro  Aldo- 
brandini  too  did  not  allow  himself  to  be  outdone  in  this  rivalry. 
At  S.  Maria  in  Via  he  had  a  chapel  painted  by  d'Arpino  ;^ 
at  Avignon  he  ordered  the  restoration  of  the  church  of 
S.  Chiara,  which  had  been  founded  by  one  of  his  ancestors  ; 
in  Rome  he  gave  orders  for  the  restoration  and  decoration  of 
his  titular  church,  S.  Niccolo  in  Carcere.*  But  his  principal 
attention  was  devoted  to  his  abbey  of  Tre  Fontane.^  The 
third  of  the  churches  on  that  spot,  S.  Paolo  alle  Tre  Fontane, 
owed  its  erection  to  the  Cardinal ;  this  was  a  simple  building 
in  the  form  of  a  portico,  exactly  adapted  to  the  site  of  the 
three  recently  discovered  springs,  and  which  stood  upon  the 
site  of  the  more  ancient  church  built  in  memory  of  the  place 
where  the  Apostle  of  the  Gentiles  had  been  beheaded.^  The 
fagade,  adorned  with  Doric  pilasters  bears  the  arms  of  the 
Cardinal ;  on  the  attic  may  be  seen  those  of  Clement  VIIL 
Inscriptions  on  the  fagade  and  in  the  interior  mention  1599 

1  See  *Avviso  of  October  9,  i6o.^,  which  states  :  "II  cardinal 
Montalto  anco  si  va  dicendo  sia  rissoluto  di  rifar  la  chiesa  de 
SS*'^  Apostoli,  opra  che  doveva  fare  Sisto  V.,  et  dicono  voglia 
spendere  da  200™  scudi  con  assegnarli  per  la  fabrica  20°^  scudi 
ranno,  si  che  sara  una  bellissima  et  gran  fabrica,  et  competera 
et  superera  quella  del  Gesu."     Urb.  1072,  loc.  cit. 

^  Cf.  Vol.  XXII.  of  this  work,  p.  289. 

^  See  Baglione,  370. 

*  Cf.  ibid.  359,  401  ;    Forcella,  IV.,  115. 

*  Cf.  CiACONius,  IV.,  283  seqq. 

^  Cf.  Grisar,  I.,  615  ;  E.  Lovatelli  in  the  Nuaua  Antologta, 
CLXXXII.  (1914),  II  seqq.  Dr.  Stein  reports  in  his  *Reisebericht 
that  the  springs  which  had  once  again  been  enclosed  in  marble  by 
Aldobrandini  had  the  reputation  of  being  very  salutary  in  diseases 
of  body  and  soul  :  "  soletque  populus  matutino  tempore  nudis 
pedibus  excurrere  et  ex  devotione  banc  aquam  ad  salutem  animae 
potare  corallisque  vel  rosariis  columnam  attingere."  Cod.  1751, 
the  Library,  Konigsburg. 

520  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

as  the  year  of  the  building  ;  a  third,  on  the  pavement,  mentions 
i6oi.^  Giacomo  della  Porta  made  the  designs  both  for  this 
and  for  the  second  church, ^  a  rotunda,  which,  in  accordance 
with  a  vision  of  St.  Bernard,  bears  the  name  of  S.  Maria  Scala 
Coeh  ;  this  had  been  begun  by  Cardinal  Farnese.^  Pietro 
Aldobrandini  undertook  its  completion,  and  gave  the  high 
altar  and  the  mosaics  in  the  tribune,  which  show  the  Madonna 
being  crowned  by  angels,  surrounded  by  St.  Bernard  and  other 
saints,  and  with  Clement  VIII.  and  the  founder  kneeling 
before  them.  This  splendid  work  was  executed  by  the 
Florentine,  Francesco  Zucchi,  from  the  designs  of  Giovanni 
de'  Vecchi.'*  The  Pope  was  so  greatl}^  interested  in  the 
building  of  S.  Paolo  alle  Tre  Fontane,  begun  in  February, 
1599,5  that  he  twice  paid  a  visit  to  it  during  the  following  year.^ 
Clement  VIII.  also  took  an  active  part  in  the  discoveries 
which  Cardinal  Sfondrato,  who  was  living  a  life  of  strict 
asceticism,  devoted  solely  to  works  of  piety  and  charity,' 
had  made  in  Trastevere  during  the  restoration  of  his  titular 
church  of  S.  Cecilia.^     There,  on  October  20th,  1599,  during 

1  See  FoRCELLA,  XII.,  329  seq. 

2  See  Baglione,  81. 

'  See  in  Forcella,  XII.,  335,  the  inscription  in  the  interior  of 
the  cupola  of  1584. 

*  See  Baglione,  1&2,  128. 

*  *"  II  card.  Aldobrandini  rissolto  di  risarcire  la  chiesa  della 
sua  abbadia  di  tre  fontane  vi  si  trasferi  la  settimana  passata  con 
rarchitetto  per  effectuarla."  *Avviso  of  February  20,  1599, 
Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 

*  See  the  *Avvisi  of  April  12  and  October  18,  1600,  Urb.  1068, 

'  An  *Avviso  of  July  23,  1597,  reports  that  the  Cardinal  fasts 
and  prays  continually.  Cf.  an  *Avviso  of  March  i,  1600.  For 
the  great  munificence  of  Sfondrato  see  the  *Avvisi  in  Urb.  1065, 
1067,  1068,  10 71,  loc.  cit. 

*  Cf.  the  accounts  of  Baronius  (Annales  ad  a.  821,  n.  13  seqq.) 
and  Bosio  (Historia  passionis  S.  Caeciliae,  Rome,  1600,  153  seqq.) 
with  which  may  be  read  the  *Avvisi  of  October  23  and  30, 
November  10,  17  and  27,  and  December  i,  1599  (Urb.  1067, 
loc.  cit.).     During  this  year  there  were  discovered  in  the  course 

THE    BODY    OF    ST.    CECILIA.  52I 

the  course  of  the  works  near  the  high  altar,  two  white  marble 
sarcophagi  came  to  light,  in  which  the  Pope,  on  the  strength 
of  an  inscription  of  Paschal  I.  in  the  church,  came  to  the 
conclusion  that  they  had  discovered  the  bones  of  St.  Cecilia 
and  of  SS.  Valerian,  Tiburtius  and  Maximus,  who  had  been 
converted  by  that  noble  Roman  lady  and  martyred  with  her. 
Sfondrato  had  the  sarcophagi  opened  in  the  presence  of 
witnesses.  When  the  cover  was  removed,  there  was  seen 
the  cypress-wood  casket,  still  in  a  good  state  of  preservation, 
in  which  Paschal  I.  in  821  had  had  the  virgin  martyr  translated 
from  the  catacomb  of  St.  Callixtus.  The  Cardinal  himself 
opened  it.  The  mortal  remains  of  the  martyr  were  found 
in  the  same  position  in  which  they  had  been  placed  eight 
centuries  before.  Through  the  silk  gauze  veil  there  shone 
the  dress  of  the  saint,  embroidered  in  gold  ;  at  her  feet  were 
the  small  cloths  stained  with  blood,  mentioned  by  Paschal  I. 
The  Cardinal  resolved  at  once  to  inform  the  Pope,  who  was  at 
Frascati,  of  his  discovery.  \A^hen  he  got  there  he  found 
Clement  VIII.  confined  to  his  bed  with  a  bad  attack  of  gout, 
so  that  the  Pope,  who  would  have  liked  to  have  gone  at  once 
to  Rome,  sent  Cardinal  Baronius  instead.  The  latter's  report, 
and  that  of  Antonio  Bosio,  the  indefatigable  explorer  of  the 
catacombs,  tell  us  what  happened.  It  may  be  clearly  seen 
from  their  accounts  how  deeply  they  were  moved  when 
Sfondrato  opened  the  casket  of  cypress  wood,  and  they  saw 
the  reverently  covered  body.  Cecilia's  stature  was  extra- 
ordinarily small,  and  as  nothing  could  be  seen  of  her  head, 
it  was  thought  that  the  face  was  turned  towards  the  ground  ; 
but  from  a  holy  reverence  no  further  investigations  were  made. 
Bosio  expresses  the  opinion  that  the  saint  was  found  in  the 
same  position  as  when  she  had  yielded  her  last  breath,  but 
Baronius  says  nothing  as  to  this.^ 

of  the  repairs  necessitated  by  the  inundation  of  the  Tiber  at 
S.  Bartolomeo  allTsola,  the  casket  containing  the  bones  of  SS. 
Exuperantius  and  Marcelhis  ;  see  *Avviso  of  December  30,  1600, 
Urb.  1068,  loc.  cit. 

^  See  the  criticism  of  the  accounts  of  the  excavations  by  L.  de 
Lacger  in  Bull,  de  litt.  eccles.  p.  p,  I'lmtiM  C(it,h^  de  Toulouse, 
XXIV.  (1923).  218  seqq. 

522  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

The  casket  was  taken  to  a  chapel  in  the  right  nave  used 
for  the  confessions  of  the  adjoining  convent  of  nuns  ;  there 
the  rehcs  were  quite  saie,  and  could  be  seen  through  a  window 
by  the  faithful  who  flocked  thither  from  all  parts  of  Rome. 
The  relics  were  to  remain  exposed  there,  so  Clement  VIII. 
ordered,  until  the  feast  of  St.  Cecilia  (November  22nd).  As 
soon  as  his  health  permitted  the  Pope  came  to  Rome,  and 
immediately  upon  his  arrival,  on  November  loth,  he  went 
to  show  his  veneration  for  the  relics  of  the  martyr.^  He  gave 
further  proof  of  this  by  having  a  silver  covering  placed  over 
the  cypress  wood  casket,  at  a  cost  of  more  than  4,000  gold 
scudi.2  jl^g  Pope  refused  to  allow  a  more  detailed  examina- 
tion," and  the  body  was  to  be  buried  in  the  same  place  where 
it  had  been  found  ;  all  that  was  taken  out  was  a  small  piece 
of  the  gold-embroidered  dress  and  of  blood-stained  linen, 
together  with  a  splinter  of  bone  from  the  skull,  which,  with 
the  heads  of  SS.  Valerian,  Tiburtius  and  Maximus,  taken 
from  the  other  sarcophagus,  were  preserved  in  precious 

In  the  meantime  Sfondrato  had  made  further  excavations, 
in  the  course  of  which  a  third  sarcophagus  was  discovered  ; 
it  was  believed,  from  the  inscription  of  Paschal  I.,  that  this 
contained  the  bones  of  Popes  Urban  and  Lucius. 

Now  it  was  evident  what  a  change  of  sentiment  had  taken 
place.  When,  a  centur}^  before,  the  body  of  a  girl  belonging 
to  the  days  of  antiquity,  had  been  found  on  the  Appian  Way 

1  See  *Avvisi  of  November  6  and  10,  1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit. 

2  Bosio,  loc.  cit.,  168  ;  4392.  It  is  entered  in  the  Depos.  gen. 
of  the  State  Archives,  Rome,  on  January  8  :  *"  E  scudi  2000  di 
moneta  pagati  per  chirografo  di  Nostro  Signore  a  Curtio  Vanni 
orefice  a  sui  conti,  dissero  che  hanno  da  servire  per  la  cassa 
d'argento  per  riporre  il  corpo  di  santa  Cecilia  ritrovato  ultima- 
mente,  che  fu  fine  a  conque  di  novembre  passato." 

^  See  Baronius,  lo:.  cit.  n.  16. 

*  Cf.  Bosio,  loc.  cit.  163,  180.  The  Archduchess  Maria  wrote 
on  March  29,  1604,  from  Graz  to  Cardinal  Sfondrato  to  ask  for  a 
relic  of  St.  Cecilia  ;  see  letter  in  Cod,  Chig.  L.  III.  66.  Vaticar^ 

THE    CULTUS   OF    ST.    CECILIA.  523 

the  Romans  of  the  Renaissance  had  been  filled  with  so  great 
enthusiasm  that  Innocent  VIII.  had  thought  it  necessary  to 
interfere.^  Now  Clement  VIII.  could  not  do  enough  to  satisfy 
the  cultus  of  St.  Cecilia.  The  \^outhful  martyr  was  celebrated 
in  poetry,-  the  casket  containing  her  relics  was  adorned  with 
candles  and  flowers,  and  the  Romans  flocked  thither  inces- 
santly to  venerate  Cecilia  and  to  implore  her  intercession. 
The  crowds  were  so  great  that  it  was  necessary  to  call  in  Ihe 
assistance  of  the  Swiss  Guard.  Cardinal  Sfondrato  remained 
the  greater  part  of  the  da}^  in  the  church,  where  the  solemn 
burial  took  place  on  November  22nd,  1599.  So  as  to  prevent 
any  accident  among  the  vast  throng  of  people,  the  passage 
of  vehicles  was  forbidden  in  the  Trastevere  that  morning. 
At  the  appointed  liour  the  Pope  appeared,  accompanied  by 
all  the  dignitaries  of  the  court  and  the  Roman  Senate.  There 
were  also  present  all  the  Cardinals,  forty-two  in  number,  as 
well  as  the  diplomatic  representatives  of  France,  Venice  and 
Savoy.  The  Pope  went  first  to  the  chapel  where  the  cypress 
wood  casket  was  exposed  and  blessed  the  silver  coffer  which 
he  had  had  made  for  the  purpose,  and  which  was  adorned 
with  a  short  inscription  and  his  arms.  The  casket  was  then 
taken  to  the  high  altar,  where  Clement  VIII.  celebrated  high 
mass.  The  burial  took  place  after  the  communion.  The 
Cardinal  Deacons,  Farnese,  Aldobrandini  and  Cesi,  assisted 
by  the  Pope  himself,  carried  the  casket  to  the  small  confession 
below.  3     There  it  was  placed  in  the  silver  coffer,  and  this 

^  Cf.  Vol.  V.  of  this  work,  p.  331  seq. 

^  *In  divam  Caeciliam  virginem  martyremque  (Barb.  2092, 
p.  23b,  Vatican  Library)  dated  October  31,  1601,  perhaps  com- 
posed by  P.  Angelo  Galuzzi.  The  poem  of  Urban  VIII.  to 
St.  Cecilia,  printed  in  Alex.  Donati  Senen.  S.J.  Carminum 
volumen  primum,  Rome,  1625,  147  seqq.  probably  belongs  to  this 
period.  After  xhe  discovery  of  the  body  of  St.  Cecilia  a 
"  compagnia  "  was  established  in  her  honour  at  S.  Andrea,  which 
accompanied  the  Blessed  Sacrament  to  the  sick  ;  the  members 
wore  the  image  of  the  saint  on  their  hats  ;   see  Totti,  86. 

=*  See  Bosio,  loc.  cit.  164  seqq.  Cf.  the  *Avviso  of  November  27, 
1599,  Urb.  1067,  loc.  cit.,  and  *Diarium  P.  Alaleonis,  Barb.  lat. 
2816,  ibid. 

524  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

was  lowered  into  a  new  and  larger  sarcophagus  of  marble,^ 
which  was  closed  by  the  Pope  himself.  After  a  short  prayer 
Clement  VIII.  returned  to  the  altar,  where  the  mass  was 
continued.  The  Romans  flocked  thither  until  dusk,  to  pray 
at  the  new  tomb,  to  the  decoration  of  which,  as  well  as  to  the 
further  adornment  of  the  church.  Cardinal  Sfondrato,  who 
was  so  fond  of  art,  continued  to  devote  himself. 

After  the  restoration  of  the  roof,  Sfondrato  intended  to 
introduce  a  ceiling  in  gilt  wood,  but  gave  up  this  project 
when  the  architects  declared  that  the  central  nave,  which  was 
very  broad  but  rather  low,  would  appear  too  heavy.  He 
therefore  contented  himself  with  adorning  the  old  ceiling 
with  paintings.  The  walled-up  windows  of  the  central  nave 
were  re-opened,  and  the  frescoes  which  were  found  there  were 
restored,  their  ancient  and  venerable  character  being  carefully 
respected.  On  the  other  hand  the  two  ancient  ambos  were 
removed,  and  the  side  naves  were  adorned  with  pictures  and 
new  marble  altars,  containing  pictures  by  Roman  and  foreign 
artists. 2 

The  Netherland  master,  Paul  Bril,  decorated  the  corridor 
leading  to  the  second  chapel  on  the  right  with  representations 
of  the  saints  :  Francis,  Sylvia,  Mary  Magdalene,  Mary  of 
Egypt,  Paul  the  Hermit,  Jerome,  Antony,  Onofrio,  Spiridion, 
Eulogius  and  Hilary.  As  these  were  shown  among  rocks  and 
crags,  Bril  was  able  to  introduce  landscapes  of  romantic 
ruggedness,  which  revealed  that  painter's  great  understanding 
of  the  beauties  of  nature,  and  at  the  same  time  a  change  of 
style. ^  This  elaborate  decoration  was  chosen  for  this  corridor, 
because  it  led  to  one  of  the  most  celebrated  sanctuaries  of 
Rome.  Here  were  to  be  found  the  remains,  already  carefully 
preserved  by  Paschal  I.,  of  an  ancient  Roman  bathroom,  in 

^  Cf.  Cabrol,  Diet,  d'archeol.,  II.,  2,  2772. 

*  See  Bosio,  loc.  cit.,  171  seqq.  Cf.  also  Baglione,  60,  93,  iii, 
168,  and  L'Arte,  X.  (1907),  305. 

^  See  Mayer,  M.  e  P.  Brill,  29  seq.  and  tav.  17-22.  Cf. 
Gerstenberg,  Die  ideale  Landschaftsmalerei  in  Italien,  Halle, 
1923,  73- 

SHRINE    OF    ST.    CECILIA.  525 

which  it  was  supposed  that  St.  CeciHa  had  triumphantly 
survived  her  first  martyrdom  (suffocation  by  hot  steam). 
Cardinal  Sfondrato  carefully  preserved  all  these  remains  ; 
the  pipes  from  which  the  steam  came,  and  the  leaden  channels 
for  the  draining  of  the  water  and  restored  the  ancient  chapel,^ 
for  which  Guido  Reni,  who  came  to  Rome  in  1602,  painted 
as  an  altar-piece,  the  martyrdom  of  the  saint. - 

The  Gothic  marble  tabernacle  over  the  high  altar  of 
S.  Cecilia,  the  work  of  Arnolfo  di  Cambio,  was  also  preserved, 
as  well  as  the  medieval  candlestick  for  the  Paschal  candle. 
Both  of  these  were  carefully  restored.  The  Cardinal  also 
sumptuously  decorated  the  confession  in  front  of  the  high 
altar  with  many-coloured  marbles,  onyx,  lapislazuli,  and 
ornaments  in  gilt  bronze.  The  altar  itself  was  richly  decorated 
by  Stefano  Maderno  with  candelabra,  vases,  lamps,  six  statues 
of  saints  and  two  bronze  angels.^  The  angels  are  holding  up  a 
crown  over  the  white  marble  statue  of  St.  Cecilia,  which  lies 
in  a  niche  of  black  marble  immediately  in  front  of  the  high 
altar,  as  though  in  an  open  sarcophagus.  In  this  Maderno 
created  a  new  form  of  altar,  which  was  often  imitated  later  on.* 
The  statue  of  the  saint,  carved  in  the  finest  marble,  and  almost 
transparent,  is  one  of  the  most  celebrated  and  best  known 
of  Italian  works  of  art.  The  master  drew  his  inspiration  from 
the  legend  that  the  saint  expired  in  her  bath-room,  three  days 
after  receiving  the  mortal  blow  of  the  axe.  Maderno  did  not 
therefore  represent  her  lying  as  one  who  was  dead,  but  reclining 
on  her  right  side,  with  her  knees  drawn  up,  her  hands  half 
folded,  her  head  covered  with  a  veil,  and  her  face  turned 

^  See  Bosio,  loc.  cit.  1 76  seqq. 

^  See  Passeri,  62.  Cf.  Eisler  in  the  Burlington  Magazine, 
1905.  318,  and  TiETZE  in  Jahrb.  der  Kunstsamml.  des  osterv. 
Kaiserhauses,  XXVI.,  139. 

s  A.  MuNoz,  St.  Maderno,  in  Atti  e Mem.  d.  R.  Accad.  di  S.  Liica, 
Annuario,  1913-1^,  Rome,  1915,  6  seqq. 

*  E.g.  C.  Menghini  for  St.  Martina  in  SS.  Luca  e  Martina, 
Antonio  Giorgetti  at  St.  Sebastian's,  Ercole  Ferrata  at  S.  Anastasia, 
and  Giambattista  Marini  for  St.  Anne  at  S.  Andiea  della  Fratte  ; 
cf.  MuNoz,  loc.  cit.  9. 

526  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

towards  the  ground,  her  neck  showing  the  stroke  of  the 
executioner's  axe.  Ceciha  lies  in  the  noblest  simplicity,  a 
picture  of  virginal  purity,  hke  a  flower  that  has  been  plucked.^ 
If  in  the  catacombs  the  spirit  of  the  first  centuries  of  Christian- 
ity appeals  directly  to  the  heart  of  the  visitor,  it  has  nowhere 
found  a  more  sublime  artistic  expression  than  here.^ 

Cardinal  Sfondrato,  who  at  the  end  of  1600  had  already 
expended  more  than  25,000  scudi  on  the  restoration  and 
decoration  of  the  church  of  S.  Cecilia,^  visited  it  almost  every 

^  The  common  view,  that  Mademo  represented  the  statue  in 
this  way,  because  it  was  as  he  had  seen  the  saint  at  the  opening 
of  the  cypress- wood  casket,  is  not  probable.  In  his  remarks  on 
the  accounts  of  the  discovery  Ouentin  says  :  "  On  voit  par  ces 
textes  combien  il  serait  exagere  de  regarder,  par  example,  la 
statue  de  Maderno  comme  un  document ;  elle  n'est  qu'une 
artistique  restitution  Le  Cardinal  Sfondrati  n'a  evidemment 
permis  a  qui  que  se  fut  d'ouvrir  en  son  absence  la  chasse  provisoire, 
ou  il  avait  enferme  et  scelle  le  coffre  de  cypres  contenant  le  corps 
de  sainte  Cecile,  et,  lui  present,  personne  ne  s'est  permis  de 
soulever  les  voiles  qui  recouvraient  et  peut-etre  meme  envelop- 
paient  ce  corps.  Personne  n'a  pu  se  rendre  compte  de  son  etat 
de  conservation  sauf  dans  les  grandes  lignes,  et  Ton  ignore  si  les 
ossements  seuls  se  sont  conserves  ou  si  les  chairs  dessechees  y  sont 
restees  adherentes."  (Cabrol,  Diet,  d'archeol.,  II. ,  2,  2736). 
L.  DE  Lacger  {loc.  cit.  221  seqq.)  rightly  agrees  with  this  view. 
The  view  that  in  1599  the  body  of  St.  Cecilia  was  found,  quite 
intact  with  the  three  wounds  on  the  neck,  was  expressed  as  quite 
certain  in  the  Reisebericht  of  the  abate  Marchstaller  in  1625, 
printed  in  Cavinthia,  LXXI.  (1881),  307. 

*  Cf.  MoLiTOR-WiTTMER,  1 55.  See  also  Cantalamessa  in 
Arch.  stor.  dell' arte,  V.,  200  seq.  Observations  against  the  article 
by  Reymond  in  the  Gas.  des  beaux-arts,  1892.  The  full  value  of 
Maderno's  work  may  be  seen  by  comparing  it  with  the  painting 
in  which  Ft.  Vanni  represented  the  finding  of  the  saint  in  the 
"  confessio  "  underneath  ;  see  Voss,  II. ,  514  (with  illust.)  ; 
Brinkmann,  Barockskulptur,  II.,  222. 

^  An  *Avviso  of  November  25,  1600,  reports  that  :  on 
Wednesday  the  Pope  said  mass  at  S.  Cecilia  and  greatly  praised 
Sfondrato  for  having  expended  more  than  25,000  scudi  on  thg 


day,  and  chose  it  for  his  place  of  burial.^  Clement  VIII.  too, 
had  a  special  predilection  for  it.  In  the  latter  years  of  his 
life  he  regularly  offered  the  Holy  Sacrifice  at  the  tomb  of  the 
martyr  on  St.  Cecilia's  feast. "^  It  is  easy  to  understand  this 
predilection,  because  among  the  countless  tombs  of  the  saints 
there  is  hardly  any  other  so  graceful  and  so  touching  as  that 
of  this  noble  Roman  scion  of  the  family  of  the  Cecilii. 

It  was  no  mere  coincidence  that,  at  the  moment  when 
Baronius  was  reviving  the  study  of  Christian  antiquity,  and 
when  Bosio,  Philip  von  Winghen  and  Ciaconius  were  exploring 
the  subterranean  sepulchral  city  from  which  the  universal 
kingdom  of  the  Church  had  sprung,^  a  great-hearted  Cardinal 
and  a  Pope  should  have  set  before  the  e3;'es  of  the  faithful 
of  the  period  of  Christian  restoration,  in  the  revival  of  the 
cultus  of  one  of  the  most  noble  martyrs  of  Christ,  an  idea 
drawn  from  the  heroic  days  of  Christendom,  thus  pointing  out 
the  way  by  which  the  Church,  purified  in  the  fires  of  tribulation, 
has  ever  attained  to  her  greatest  triumphs. 

restoration  and  decoration  of  the  church,  "  havendo  anch'animo 
di  volergliene  spendere  deU'altri  per  maggiore  decoro."  Urb. 
1068,  loc.  cit. 

^  See  Bosio,  loc.  cit.  182. 

■^  See  *Avvisi  of  November  22,  1603,  and  November  24,  1604, 
Urb.  1071  and  1072,  loc.  cit. 

^  Cf.  Cabrol,  Diet,  d'archcol.,  II.,  i,  1085  seqq.  ;    III.,  2801  seq. 






VOL.  XXIV  34 



OF  THE  i8tk  November,   i593> 

Feria  V^  che  i8  novembris  1593.  In  festo  die  dedicationis 
basilicae  SS.  Apostolonim  Petri  et  Pauli  S.D.N.D.  Clemens 
Papa  VIII.  crucem  aeneam  magnam  auratam,  quae  posita  et 
collocata  est  supra  pallam  magnam  auratam  in  cacumine 
S.  Petri  cum  sacris  reliquiis  et  Agnis  Dei  intus  inclusis  solemni 
ritu  benedixit  intu?  sacellum  Gregorianum  praesentibus 
quinque  dd.  cardinalibus  cum  mantellettis  et  rochettis, 
videlicet  ill"^'^  dd.  Alphonso  Gesualdo  episcopo  Ostiensi, 
Alexandre  Medices  de  Florentia  nuncupato  tit.  S.  Petri  ad 
Vincula,  Francisco  Toleto  tit.  S.  Mariae  Transpontinae 
presbyteris,  Petro  Aldobrandino  S.  Nicolai  in  Carcere  et 
Cynthio  Aldobrandino  S.  Georgii  nuncupato  diaconis,  ac 
multis  episcopis,  praelatis  et  aliis  Sanctis  caeremoniis  praece- 
dentibus.  Papa  a  suis  cameris  descendit  per  scalas  sacristiae 
ad  sacellum  Gregorianum,  in  quo  benedicta  fuit  crux,  indutus 
stola  supra  mozzettam,  cruce  praecedente,  et  in  porta 
Gregoriani  aspersit  se  et  alios  cardinales  de  aqua  benedicta, 
de  more  ministrante  aspersorium  ill'^^  d.  cardinale  Gesualdo. 
Deinde  fecit  orationem  ante  altare  dicti  sacelli  Gregoriani, 
supra  quod  altare  capsula  argentea  erat  et  intus  reliquiae  in 
cruce  includendae  et  Agni  Dei  et  duae  capsalue  plumbeae, 
quarum  in  una  erant  includendae  reliquiae,  in  altera  Agni 
Dei.  Papa  facta  oratione  acce^sit  ad  altare  et  visis  omnibus 
supradictis  in  altare  positis  deposito  bireto  benedixit  duas 
capsulas  plumbeas,  prout  dicitur  in  libro  Pontificali,  indutus 
stola  supra  mozzettam.  Benedictis  capsulis  inclusit  reliquias 
intus  unam  ex  capsulis  plumbeis  videlicet  de  ligno  s™^®  crucis 
D.  N.  lesu  Christi,  de  reliquiis  S.  Andreae  Apostoli,  S.  lacobi 
maioris  Apostoli,  S.  Clementis  Papae  et  Martyris,  S.  Callisti 
Papae  et  Martyris,  S.  Sixti  Secundi  Papae  et  Martyris,  S. 
loannis  I  Papae  et  Mart3Tis  cum  tribus  granis  incensi.     Deinde 

'  See  supra,  p.  470. 

532  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

inclusit  in  altera  capsula  Agnos  Dei.  Hoc  confecto  Papa 
discendens  ab  altare  venit  ante  crucem  collocatam  extra 
altare  a  cornu  Evangelii  in  angulo,  quam  benedixit,  prout  in 
libro  Pontificali  habetur,  cum  eisdem  caeremoniis  notatis  et 
descriptis  in  dicto  libro  Pontificali.  Benedicta  cruce  Papa 
suis  manibus  collocavit  capsulam  plumbeam  cum  reliquiis 
intus  inclusis  in  brachio  dextero  crucis  et  capsulam  plumbeam 
cum  Agnis  Dei  intus  inclusis  in  brachio  sinistro  crucis.  Deinde 
Papa  genuflexus  adoravit  crucem  et  illam  lacrimando  osculatus 
est.  Post  Papam  adorarunt  crucem  i\V^^  dd.  cardinales 
supradicti,  episcoli,  praelati  et  alii.  Demum  Papa  apud  altare 
deposita  stola  ac  mozzetta  lavit  manus  et  accepit  paramenta 
pro  missa  lecta  dicenda,  quam  dixit  in  altare  dicti  sacelli 
Gregoriani  de  die  festo  dedicationis,  praesentibus  omnibus 
supradictis.  Absoluta  missa  oravit  ante  altare  mains  S**  Petri 
sub  quo  condita  sunt  corpora  SS.  Apostolorum  Petri  et  Pauli. 
Deinde  ascendit  superius  ad  suas  cameras  per  eandem  viam, 
qua  venit.  Indulgentia  non  fuit  concessa,  quia  in  basilica 
S.  Petri  hodie  est  plenaria.  De  libro  servivit  in  benedictione 
capsularum  et  crucis  r°^"^  d.  archiepiscopus  Montis  Regalis  et 
de  candela  episcopus  Cassanensis  mduti  mantellettis  et 
rochettis.  Crux  benedicta  fuit  collocata  supra  pallam  in 
cacumine  cuppae  magnae  S.  Petri  circa  horam  21  et  fuerunt 
pulsatae  campanae  dictae  basilicae  S.  Petri  sonarunt  tubycines 
et  timpanistae  et  fuerunt  exoneratae  bombardae  in  arce 
S.  Angeli  et  in  platea  S.  Petri,  et  canonici  et  capitulum 
basilicae  S.  Petri  cantarunt  hymnum,  Vexilla  Regis  prodeuni, 
dum  superius  crux  ferebatur  et  trahebatur,  et  deinde  hymnum, 
Te  Deum,  etc.  Quos  hymnos  cantores  dictae  basilicae 
cantarunt  praesente  toto  clero  S.  Petri. 

[Barb.  2815,  p.  326  ss.  Vatican  Librar}^] 

2.    Statement  from  Sigismund,  King  of  Poland,  to  Pope 
Clement  VIII. ^ 

15  94,  March   8,   Upsala. 

Sedis  Ap'^''  autoritati  tanto  nos  plus  debere  fatemur,  quanto 
maioribus  beneficiis  prae  caeteris  orbis  christ.  principibus 
ab  ea  auctos  nos  esse  cognoscimus  ;  etenim  cum  in  turbulen- 
tum  regni  Poloniae  statum  nostri  initium  imperii  incidisset 
subditisque  nostris  factionibus  misere  distractis  summa  rei  in 

>  See  supra,  pp.  97,  98,  100. 


lubrico  versaretur,  irritatis  praesertim  tot  potentissimorum 
prjncipum  animis,  id  tandem  Sedis  Ap.  beneficio,  prudentia  et 
dexteritate  S^*^  V.  consecuti  sumus,  ut  sublatis  turbis  atque 
discordiis,  pacato  atque  tranquillo  regni  statu  potiremur  ; 
longum  vero  esset  recensere,  quae  ac  quanta  beneficia  post- 
modum  ufficia  ab  eadem  S.  Sede  per  legates  in  nos  derivata 

For  this  reason  he  looks  upon  it  as  his  duty  to  defend  the 
Holy  See  and  the  Faith.  He  has  not  shrunk  from  the  difficult 
journe}^  and  it  m^akes  no  difference  to  him  that  he  has  not 
accomplished  more,  and  this  he  wishes  to  tell  you.  Quam- 
primum  in  hoc  nostrum  regnum  appulimus,  deprehendimus 
inter  praecipuos  regni  ordines  non  dubitanter  coniuratum, 
mortem  se  omnes  malle  appetere,  quam  publicum  cath. 
religion  is  usumi  atque  exercitium  admittere,  quod  temporis 
progresau  semper  magis  magisque  apparuit.  Cum  vero  rem 
serio  essemus  aggressi,  non  solum  de  regnis  sed  etiam  de  vita 
cepimus  periclitari,  enimvero  aperte  nobis  denunciarunt, 
nisi  eorum  postulatis  satislieret,  se  unanimes  ab  obedientia 
et  fide  nostra  discessuros  ac  nobis  regressum  Stockholmiam 
prohibituros,  et  si  dux  Carolus,  quem  auctorem  suorum  con- 
siliorum  et  incensorem  habuerunt  omnes,  nostrum  Stock- 
holmiam reditum  antevertere  non  posset,  facile  tamen  futurum 
tum  propter  anni  tempus,  tum  propter  religionis  nostrae 
insectationem,  nos  omni  commeatu  prohibere,  neque  hie  fuit 
modus  seu  meta  audaciae,  verum  in  eo  processerunt  perfidia, 
ut  carceres  et  vincula  nobis,  Polonis  quos  nobiscum  adduximus 
interitum,  catholicis  Suecis  extremum  supplicium  minitaren- 
tur.  Inter  haec  tamen  parum  regni  iacturam  maerebamus 
neque  tanti  aestimabamus  vitae  periculum,  quin  conscientiam 
nostram  haberemus  potiorem,  sed  multa  ac  varia  animo  nostro 
obversabantur.  Explicatum  nobis  imprimis  fuit  a  Polonis 
publicum  regni  Poloniae  detrimentum  atque  vicinam  cladem 
propter  intestinas  factiones  et  circumfusas  tot  barbarorum 
copias,  consortis  nostrae  reginae  aefate,  sexu,  vitae  periculo 
non  potuimus  non  commoveri,  legati  apost*^i,  quem  propter 
3tem  y  g^  ipsius  in  nos  merita  unice  diligimus,  certissimum 
vitae  discrimen  ob  oculos  versabatur  aliaque  non  spernen- 
darum  rerum  momenta,  suis  quae  ponderibus  examinavimus, 
ob  quae  consultius  videbatur  tempori  tantisper  cedere,  donee 
Deo  volente  opportunior  occasio  rei  gerendae  oblata  fuerit. 

534  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

Quam  ob  rem  petimus  a  S*®  V^  diligenter  et  obnixe,  ut  nos 
habeat  excusatos  et  simul  apud  omnes  christ.  principes 
excuse!  atque  defendat  ;  remedia  nonnulla  quae  huic  malo 
opportune  adhiberi  poterunt,  excogitavimus,  quae  iudicio  et 
censurae  S^J^  V.  libeiiter  submittimus,  et  imprimis  quidem 
an  ea  quae  vi  et  minis  totque  propositis  periculjs  extorserunt, 
quamprimum  mare  navigationi  apertum  fuit  nee  amplius 
propter  anni  tempus  hie  inclusi  et  ab  omni  externo  auxilio 
exclusi  erimus,  revocanda  sint  ;  deinde  an  quod  auctoritate 
nostra  et  accurata  tractatione  effici  non  potuit,  id  vi  et  armis 
in  reditu  nostro  tentare  debeamus,  quod  quidem  si  S^^^  V^® 
placuerit,  obnixe  petimus,  ut  nobis  sua  auctoritate  et  opera 
praesto  esse  velit,  quo  necessaria  auxilia  ad  hoc  periiciendum 
a  regno  Poloniae  obtinere  possimus ;  praeterea  anne  hie 
ahqufd  moHendum,  antequam  denuo  reversi  sedem  nostram 
atque  imperium  magis  stabiliremus,  nam  interea  illorum 
impetus  facile  defervescet  et  aditum  nobis  ad  rem  opportune 
gerendam  muniemus.  In  hisce  omnibus  ad  consiHum  et 
auctoritatem  S**^  V^®  recurrimus.  .  . 

Interea  si  in  tractatione  pacis  cum  Moscis  ad  opem  et 
auxihum  Polonorum  recurrerint  Sueci,  quod  facturi  videntur, 
denegabitur  illis  omnino,  nisi  prius  hberum  atque  pubHcum 
rehgionis  exercitium  se  inter  regnum  admissuros  spoponderint. 
Curabimus  etiam  summo  studio  et  contentione,  ut  nemo  ad 
regni  administrationem  admittatur,  qui  non  prius  sancte 
receperit  se  permissurum  introduci  rehgionis  nostrae  exer- 
citium. luvenes  praeterea  ahquot  e  nobihtate  mehoris  spei  e 
regno  emittemus,  ut  in  pura  fide  educentur  ad  cath.  rehgionis 
messem,  quam  ahquando  uberem  et  copiosam  speramus  ;  iis 
vero  qui  iam  hie  sunt  cathohci,  non  modo  praesidio  erimus, 
sed  etiam  auxiho,  ut  nihil  ad  convenientem  vitae  sustenta- 
tionem  desiderare  possint  ;  dedimus  iam  illis  assicurationem 
rehgionis  catholicae,  cuius  exemplar  S*^  V^*^  misimus  una  cum 
exemplari  protestationis,  quam  contra  haereticos  fecimus. — 
Egli  si  raccomanda  al  Papa. 

[Orig.  Doria  Archives,  Roma.] 

3.  Germanico  Maiaspina  to  Cardinal  Cinzio 

1594,  March   8,   Upsala.' 

Hanno  finalmente  li  heretici  estorto  da  S.  M*^  I'assicura- 
tione  intorno  al  negotio  della  religione,  et  e  cosi  impia  et 

'  See  supra,  p.  99. 

2  Deciphered  on  April  20th. 


esorbitante,  come  V.  S.  ill™^  vedera  dalla  copia  di  essa  segnata 
con  la  lettera  A,  che,  se  bene  e  poi  ceguita  la  coronatione, 
et  che  porcio  molti  giudicando  che  sia  stabilito  il  dominio 
politico,  stimano  assai  che  per  mezzo  di  essa  coronatione  si 
siano  rotti  li  disegni  che  con  le  antecedenti  mie  insinuai  u 
V.  S.  ill™*^,  dil  duca  Carlo  et  delli  senatori ;  et  tengono  per 
fermo  che  non  vi  era  altro  modo,  si  per  evitare  la  libidine 
del  dominare  dell'uno  e  dell'altri,  come  anco  per  assicurare 
questo  regno  in  persona  cattolica ;  et  si  persuadeno  che 
confirmato  che  sara  I'imperio  di  questa  Maesta,  sia  per  essere 
la  sollevatione  del  Cattolicismo  tanto  maggiare  quanto  hora 
e  stata  tal  oppressione  e  tanto  maggiore  il  resentimento  di 
questo  Seren°i°  concro  li  heretici  quanto  e  stata  maggior  la 
violenza  e  per  conseguenza  I'ingiuria  ;  et  che  puoco  si  e 
potuto  perdere  dove  niente  si  puo,  et  sia  per  aportare  notabile 
sollevamento  all'affetto  et  turbolento  stato  della  Christianita. 
Tuttavia  havendo  S.  M*^  fatta  uu'attione,  della  quale  non 
se  ne  puo  adurre  essempio  alcuno,  et  essendo  pero  stato  lo 
scandalo  grande  et  il  pregiuditio  della  nostra  santa  religioiie 
non  inferiore,  pare  a  me  che  Sua  M*^^  non  possa  restar  sicura 
di  non  haver  irritata  I'ira  et  indignatione  di  Dio  contro  di  se 
et  che  essendo  illeciti  et  condennati  li  mezzi  tenuti  per  assi- 
curarsi  del  politico,  sia  per  essere  puoco  stabile  et  durabile  un 
dominio  confirmato  di  questa  maniera,  et  che,  havendo  levata 
I'anima  al  corpo,  sia  per  restare  un  cadavere  fetente  et  sotto- 
posto  a  corruttione  .  .  . 

There  then  follows  a  detailed  account  of  events,  which  will 
lead  to  this  effect  ;    the  principal  point  states  : 

...  II  giorno  seguente  poi,  radunatosi  insieme  tutli  li 
Ordini,  mandorno  due  de  piu  favoriti  familiari  di  Sua  Maesta, 
nob'li  Svedesi,  ad  intimare  a  S.  M*^^  che,  se  lei  non  si  risolveva 
a  sottoscrivere  a  tutte  le  petitioni  loro,  che  fra  tre  hore  sareb- 
bono  venuti  tutti  li  Ordini  a  levarle  la  obedienza,  et  se  bene  li 
mandati  non  soggiongevano  altro,  tuttavia  non  mancavano 
di  quelli  che  minacciavano  a  S.  M*^  che  non  solamente  ella 
non  potrebbe  ritonar  a  Stocolmo,  ma  che  la  sarebbe  stata 
incarcerata  ;  per  il  che  Sua  M^^  chiamati  li  tre  senatori 
Pollacchi,  li  mando  dalli  padri  Giesuiti,  a  quali  proposero  il 
caso  tanto  pericoloso,  che,  se  bene  il  confessore  della  regina 
era  sempre  stato  del  mio  parere,  non  dimeno,  vedendo  cosi 
risoluto  il  confessore  del  re,  non  ardi  di  opponersi  al  suo  parere  ; 
onde  non   solamente  in  viva  voce  il  confessore  di  Sua  M** 

536  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

disse  che  poteva  fare  cio  che  gli  heretici  dimandavano,  ma 
diede  anco  in  scritto  il  voto  suo  et  cio  fu  fatto  senza  mia 
participatione,  anzi  stetti  due  giorni  senza  saper  cosa  alcuna  di 
quello  clie  era  seguito.  Dopo  il  confessore  del  re  si  e  scusato 
meco,  dicendo  che  non  gli  fu  dato  se  non  tre  hore  di  tempo  a  ris- 
pondere.  lo,  come  quello  che,  havendo  in  Germania  osservato 
il  stile  delli  heretici,  non  ho  conosciuto  pericolo  di  qualita 
havrei  desiderato  che  Sua  M*^  havesse  risposto  alii  due  man- 
dati,  che  Sua  M*^non  voleva  in  modo  alcuno  fare  attione  cosi 
di  diretto  contro  la  sua  conscienza,  et  die  li  Ordini  fussero 
venuti  a  lor  posta,  perche  forsi  non  sarebbono  andati,  o, 
quando  pure  fussero  andati,  Sua  Maestra  era  a  tempo  a  far 
pur  quello  che  fece  ;  ma  perche  e  difficile  in  simili  casi  far 
certo  giuditio,  io  non  ardisco  di  condennare  ne  riprendere 
alcuno,  e  mi  consolo  di  non  essere  stato  ne  autore  ne  promotore 
ne  consapevole  de  simili  consigli.  Segui  poi  il  primo  del 
corrente  la  coronatione  fatta  da  uno  di  questi  vescovi,  insieme 
coU'untione  fatta  con  il  semplice  balsamo  ungendo  il  fronte  et 
polsi  di  S.  M^^  ;  ma  la  seren™^  regina  non  volse  esser  unta. 
Permise  S.  M*^  d'esser  coronata  et  unta  per  mano  d'un  ministro 
heretico,  perche  fu  avertita  che  Carlo  voleva  subito  o  dopo  la 
partita,  secondo  li  fosse  tornato  commodo,  far  dichiarare  dalli 
ministri  nullo  I'atto  della  coronatione  ;  ma  siccome  noi  siamo 
restati  afflitti,  cosi  esso  e  restato  chiarito,  perche  non  si  poteva 
mai  persuadere  che  Sua  M^^  fosse  per  accettar  la  corona  con 
simili  conditioni.  Hora  egli  ha  totalmente  deposta  ogni 
speranza  ;  quelle  resolutioni,  che  Sua  M*^  ha  prese,  V.  S.  ill°^^ 
le  vedra  dalla  lettera  sua  a  N™  Sig""®,  et  dalle  proteste  et 
dechiarationi  fatte  pure  dalla  M*^  Sua,  le  quali  perche  con- 
tengono  cose  di  molta  qualita  e  conseguenze  per  li  affari  di 
qua,  essendo  necessaria  secretezza  grande,  mi  ha  Sua  M*^ 
ricercato  che  io  le  faccia  mettere  in  cifra,  il  che  ho  fatto 
volentieri.  Si  stara  aspettando  il  conseglio  che  Nostro 
Signore  dara  a  Sua  M*^  et  accio  V.  S.  ill™*^  pegga  le  promesse 
che  Sua  M*^  fece,  quando  parti  di  qua  per  Polonia,  et  furono 
accettate  et  sottoscritte  dalli  Ordini  del  regno,  invio  la  scrit- 
tura  che  sara  con  questa  alia  lettera  M,  per  la  quale  si  potra 
comprendere,  che,  quanto  al  particolare  della  Polonia,  si  e 
guadagnato,  poiche  della  Estonea  non  se  n'e  fatta  mentione, 
et  d'altre  cose  di  non  poca  consideratione. 

[Borghese  III.,  91  A  B,  p.  54,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 


4.  Cardinal  Cinzio  Aldobrandini  to  the  Nuncio 

1594,  April   30,   Rome. 

"  .  .  .  Le  dico  che  essendo  S.  M*^  del  re  stata  indotta  da 
evidente  necessita  alle  cose  seguite,  N.  S^'^  con  le  viscere  di 
vero  amore  paterno  non  solo  la  scusa  et  la  benedice,  ma  la 
compassiona  grandemente  et  confida  nella  divina  misericordia 
che  non  havendo  peccato  la  volonta  sara  facile  I'ottener 
perdono.  La  costanza  della  ser^  regina  in  non  volersi  lasciar 
ungere  in  quella  profana  maniera  et  le  lagrime  sparse  per  dolore 
dell'offese  che  vedava  fare  a  Dio,  meritano  lode  grandissima 
et  haveranno  dal  cielo  li  debiti  premii." 

[Copy,  Borghese  II.,  68,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 

5.  Cardinal    Cinzio    Aldobrandini    to    the    Cardinal- 
Legate  Madruzzo.2 

1594,  May  2,   Rome. 

La  divina  misericordia  va  moltiplicando  i  servi  della  religione 
cattolica  in  Olanda  di  maniera  che  se  ne  sperano  ogni  di 
progressi  maggiori,  massime  che  gia  pare  che  gli  heretici 
stessi,  confuse  nelle  loro  discordie  et  dalla  Christiana  patienza 
de  nostri,  attentino  quel  rigore  di  persecutione  che  solevano 
usar  contro  sacerdoti  che  secretamente  andavano  pascendo 
I'anime  con  i  santissimi  sacramenti,  se  bene  in  niun  tempo  si 
e  veduta  quivi  la  fierezza  che  s'e  provata  in  altre  nationi  pui 
prive  d'humanita. 

Hora  quelli  che  travagliano  in  quella  vigna,  tornano  a 
ricordare  il  bisogno  che  hanno  d'un  vescovo  che  secretamente 
versasse  fra  di  loro.  Ne  N.  S.  resteria  di  consolari  purche  si 
trovasse  soggetto  a  proposito,  poiche  D.  V.  Cauchio,  che  pareva 
idoneo,  ricuso  di  sopporsi  a  quelle  fatiche.  Se  a  lei  occorrera 
consiglio  o  persona  atta,  ce  ne  scriva  ;  qua  intendono  il  parere 
di  mons.  di  Tricarico,  per  le  cui  mani  sono  passate  quelle 
faccende  .  .  . 

In  the  meantime  we  send  as  catechist  "  Padre  Fra  Pietro 
Hestelio,"  a  Fleming  of  the  order  of  St.  Dominic  "  versato 
nel  paese  et  et  nell'opera  medesima."  He  displays  zeal,  he 
has  r2ceived  faculties  from  the  Inquisition  ;  the  Cardinal 
recommends  him. 

[Orig.  Cod.  Campori,  214,  Este  Library,  Modena.] 

'  See  supra,  p.  99. 
?  See  svpra,  p,  4, 

538  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

6.  Germanico  Malaspina  to  Cardinal  Cinzio 

1594,  August  15,  Di  Nave. 

Ill^io   et  rev^o   sigr  patron  mio  col™^. 

Le  infermita  di  questo  regno  nel  politico  et  spirituale  si 
sono  andate  successivamente  scoprendo  tali  che,  come  suol 
alle  volte  accadere  nelli  corpi  ripieni  di  humori  che  il  rimedio 
che  si  usa  per  provedere  a  una  parte  ne  genera  delli  altri  piu 
pernitiosi  et  di  maggior  pericolo,  cosi  quelle  medicine  che 
questo  ser°io  re  e  andato  applicando  hora  per  conservare  il 
politico,  hora  per  introdurre  il  spirituale,  non  hanno  sempre 
fatta  quella  operatione  in  bene  che  il  zelo  et  la  prudenza  di 
Sua  M^^  ricercava,  anzi  quel  rimedio  cosi  commendato  da 
alcuni  politici  Polacchi,  di  concedere  le  cose  desiderate  intorno 
al  negotio  della  religione,  non  ha  sminuito,  ma  accresciuto  li 
disegni  dell'heretici  nel  politico.  Onde  e  degno  di  molta  lode 
questo  Ser™°  havendo  stabilito  in  assai  buona  forma  il  politico 
et  sollevato  in  qualche  parte  I'afflitto  stato  della  religione,  come 
nel  foglio  a  parte  V.  S.  111°^^  intendera.  Ma  e  bene  stato  in 
questa  trattatione  cosa  notabile  et  degna  di  posterita  il  vedere 
questo  buon  re,  difeso  solamente  dalla  mae«ta  regia,  rimanere 
per  ogni  altro  rispetto  esposto  aH'ambitione  d'un  zio  potente 
et  di  natura  temeraria  et  fascinato  da  quel  condennato  et 
seditioso  seme  di  Calvino,  et  alia  discretione  d'una  nobilta 
che  a  guisa  di  fiera  selvaggia  usa  ad  essere  ritenuta  in  un 
serraglio,  uscitane  fuori  recalcitra  per  non  ritornarvi  et  il 
resto  de  sudditi,  se  bene  di  natura  pacati,  agitati  pero  de 
queste  furie  infernali  de  predicanti,  non  hanno  mai  dato 
argumento  alcuno  di  ricognoscere  se  non  in  parole  per  loro 
vero  signore  questa  Maesta,  et  percio,  si  come  quanto  piu  e 
stata  ardua  questa  negotiatione  et  per  rispetto  di  questo 
regno  hereditario,  dove  la  massa  e  tutta  corrotta  et  tutti  gli 
ordini  alieni  dal  loro  re,  et  per  causa  dell'elettivo  sottopo'^to 
a  varie  pratiche,  il  quale  per  haver  prefisso,  se  bene  ragione 
volmente,  il  tempo  del  ritorno  in  Polonia,  ha  in  un  certo- 
moda  suministrato  armi  a  questo  altro,  con  le  quali  potesse 
offendere  questo  ser™*'  re,  cosi  a  questo  tempo  et  nelle  con- 
gionture  che  si  ritrova  lo  stato  della  Christianita,  niuna  cosa 
era  piu  preclara  ne  piu  gloriosa,  quanto  conservare  I'elettivo 
et  acquistare  questo  altro  senza  strepito  ne  tumulto,  et  con 

'  See  supra,  p.  98,  102. 


la  patienza  et  con  la  industria  et  particolarmente  con  la  pieta 
rendere  vani  li  conati  delli  adversarii.  Et  in  vero  deve  essere 
desiderato  da  questa  Maesta  I'accrescimento  della  presente 
grandezza,  che  conservara  con  I'aiuto  di  Dio  volontariamente, 
che  quella  che  hanno  mantenuta  li  suoi  predecessor!  con  la 
violenza.  Et  se  bene  non  rimangono  qua  gli  huomini  con- 
sideratori  delle  cose  future  liberi  dal  sospetto,  che  nell'absentia 
di  Sua  M*'^  le  cose  ji  siano  per  mutare  in  peggio,  tuttavia 
voglio  sperare  che  la  opinione  del  cancelliere  di  Polonia  sia 
per  verificarsi,  cioe  che  Sua  M*^  sara  piu  obedita  et  stimata 
resedendo  in  Polonia  che  non  e  stata  mentre  si  e  fermata  qua, 
perche,  ^e  bene  sarebbe  temerita  il  negare  che  siniil  attione 
non  sia  sottoposta  a  varii  pericoh,  nondimeno  non  credo  che 
sia  degna  di  riprensione  quesca  Maesta,  se  non  la  ha  regolata 
come  se  tutti  li  pericoli  havessero  a  succedere,  sperando  nella 
Providenza  Divina  che  non  verra  innanzi  tutto  quello  di  male 
che  puo  accadere,  anzi  teniamo  per  cosa  indubitata  che  non 
saranno  cosi  congionti  questi  suditi  a  una  ribellione  manifesta, 
come  sono  stati  congionti  con  consegli  et  machinationi  occulte. 
Ouesto  ho  voluto  con  ogni  humilta  significare  a  V.  S.  ill°^^ 
accioche  lei  veda  avanti  quello  che  scrivo  in  altra  forma  che 
Sua  M^^  crede  di  haver  data  tal  direttione  al  governo  di  questo 
regno  et  havere  incominato  il  negotio  della  religione  di  tal 
maniera,  et  havere  misurato  et  calculato  quello  che  a  lei 
conveniva  quanto  al  temporale  et  spirituale,  che  intorno  al 
primo  tiene  che  la  ritentione  de  I'uno  et  I'altro  regno  seguira  ; 
et  nel  secondo  si  persuade  Sua  M*^  d'havere  gettati  cosi  buoni 
fondamenti  che  Sua  Beaf^^  puo  restare  consola  a  per  I'augu- 
mento  che  sotto  il  suo  pontificate  vedra  deli'honore  et  gloria 
di  Dio.  lo,  111°^°  Sig^®,  se  ben  conosco  che  si  deve  suspendere 
I'intelletto  nel  fare  giuditio  della  racolta  del  seminalo  da  noi 
insin'tanto  che  un' altra  volta  si  apra  il  mare,  essendo  peri- 
colosa  cosa  il  fidarsi  della  fede  di  coloro  che  non  I'hanno 
osservata  a  Dio,  nondimeno  non  posso  contenermi  di  non 
sentire  molta  consolatione  et  di  non  rendere  alia  D'vina 
Maesta  gratie  infinite  per  il  favore  ricevuto  d'havere,  senza 
incorrere  in  tragedie,  sostentata  la  carica  di  que.=;ta  mia  fontione 
aquilonare  con  dignita,  et  che  nella  promotione  et  direttione 
di  cosi  difficile,  varia  et  odiosa  trattatione  la  confidentia  di 
queste  Maesta  verso  di  me,  non  solo  non  si  sia  sminuita,  ma 
augumentata,  et  che  li  signori  Polacchi  habbjno  a  conoscere 

540  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

che  quanto  al  ritorno  di  Sua  Maesta  si  sia  proceduto  con  loro 
bona  fide,  per  il  che,  non  come  vittorioso  di  questa,  diro  cosi, 
guerra  d'heretici,  ma  come  reconoscitore  in  qualche  parte 
delli  beneficii  divini,  ho  eretto  il  vessillo  di  s^^  Chiesa  et  le 
armi  di  N''^  Sig'^*'  in  questo  mar  Baltico,  accioche,  havendomi 
questo  Ser™°  consignata  la  nave  generale  dell'armata,  in  essa 
risplendesse  quel  stendardo  che  meritamente  in  ogni,  luogo 
deve  essere  preposto  a  tutti  gli  altri  .  .  . 

Di  nave  il  giorno  dell'Assuntione  15  agosto  1594. 

[Address  :]     Al  sig""   Card^®    S.  Giorgio.     Ger'^'°  vescovo  di 
S,  Severo. 
[Borghese  III.,  91  A  B,  p.  152,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 

7.  Instruction  by  L.  Taverna  for  his  Successor  in  the 
Venetian  Nuntiature,  Antonio  Maria  Graziani.^ 

15  96.  March  .30,  Venice. 

.  .  .  Una  delle  piu  importanti  cure  che  habbi  il  Nuntio 
qua  e  il  tribunal  della  s.  Inquisizione  ...  Si  rauna  tre  volte 
la  settimana  cioe  il  martedi,  il  giovedi,  il  sabato  ;  in  esso  sono 
capi  et  giudici  il  Nuntio,  il  Patriarca  et  I'lnquisitore.  V'inter- 
vengono  pero  I'auditore  del  Nuntio,  il  vicario  del  Patriarca 
et  il  commissario  del  s.  Officio,  ch'  e  frate  eletto  dall'Inquisitore 
et  hanno  voto  consultivo.  Vi  assistono  anche  tre  senatori 
principali  nominati  dall'ecc.  senato  per  dar  il  braccio  secolare 
quando  bisogna  fare  qualche  cattura  o  altra  esecutione.  lo 
per  I'ordine  espresso  datomi  da  N.  S"^®  prima  che  partessi  di 
Roma  non  ho  mai  mancato  d'andare  a  questo  tribunale  se 
non  il  sabato  per  essere  quel  giorno  ordinariamente  occupato 
in  scrivere,  se  ben  anco  in  esso  si  e  atteso  ordinariamente  ad 
esaminare  i  rei  o  testimonii  riservandosi  poi  il  fare  il  decreto  et  le 
risolutioni  martedi  et  giovedi  accio  vi  fossimo  tutti  presenti 
importando  assai  la  presenza  del  Nuntio  per  I'autorita  dell' 
offitio,  per  il  rispetto  che  gl'hanno  li  clarissimi  assistenti  et 
per  esser  li  Nuntii  per  il  piu  di  professione  legale,  della  quale 
non  sono  il  Patriarca  et  I'lnqusitore.  Pero  sara  gran  servitio 
di  Dio  benedetto  o  di  S.  S*^  che  V.  S.  R.  ci  vada  quanto  piu 
spesso  potra  et  procuri  con  la  prudenza  et  destrezza  sua  di 
mantenere  la  giurisdittione  et  autorita  di  de+to  tribunale  in 
che  li  bisognera  essere  oculatissima.  Giovera  anco  assai  il 
tenere  buona  intelligenza  con  il  p.  Inquisitore  essendo  vigilante, 

'  See  supra,  pp.  153,  156,  214,  222. 


assiduo,  di  grande  integritci,  molto  intelligente  et  prattico  in 
questi  negotii  oltra  la  notitia  che  potra  dare  delle  cose  di 
Venetia,  delle  quali  e  molto  informato  per  esservi  stato  luiigo 
tempo  .  .  . 

Quando  s'ha  da  sententiare  diffinitivamente  in  qualche  cosa 
d'importanza  si  sogliono  chiamare  quattro  altri  consultori,  due 
canonisti  et  due  theologi  ch'habbino  pero  notitia  de'canoni 
et  doppo  esservi  uditi  tutti  li  voti  consultivi  il  Nuntio,  il 
Patriarca  et  I'lnquisitore  pronuntiano  come  li  pare  che 
ricerchi  il  giusto  et  I'honesto.  In  tempo  mio  non  mi  ricordo 
che  sia  mai  stata  differenza  tra  noi  Ire,  mas  se  vi  li 
voti  di  due  prevaleriano  .  .  . 

Quando  venni  a  Venetia  li  regolari  vivevano  con  tanta 
licenza  et  dissolutione  ch'era  grandissima  vergogna  et  scandalo. 
I  have  attempted  a  reform,  but  it  is  necessary  to  carry  it  on. 
By  order  of  tlie  Pope  I  have  driven  out  two  apostates  of  the 
"  minimi  conventuali,  Fra  Paolo  della  Pergola  et  un  Fra 
Fabritio  Napolitano,"  they  are  now  living  as  exiles  and  have 
vainly  tried  to  stir  up  the  government  against  the  Pope.  Fra 
Paolo  is  still  in  "  questi  contorni,"  he  hopes  after  my  departure 
to  be  able  to  remain  :  the  nuncio  must  see  that  Fra  Paolo  is 

There  continue  "  differenze  di  giurisdittione  "  between  the 
bishops  and  the  magistrates.  I  have  always  upheld  ecclestical 

[Copy.     Tstruzioni   I.,    11   seq.,   Graziani   Archives,   Citta   di 

8.  Lelio  Arrigoni  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua. ^ 

15 9G,  June  2  9,  Rome. 

.  .  .  Nelle  riforme  che  d'ordine  di  N.  S.  si  vanno  tuttavia 
facendo  d'infinite  cose,  et  particolarmente  intorno  alia  stampa, 
annullando  molte  opere  et  altre  sottomettendo  a  nuova  cor- 
retione,  come  appare  per  il  nuovo  indice,  intendo  che  sihabbia 
a  sospendere  I'opera  di  Merlino^  la  quale  per  I'honore  che 
apporta  a  cotesta  citta  di  onde  e  venuta  et  per  esser  anco 
stata  fatica  assai  virtuosa,  potrebbe  forsi  essere  desiderata 
viva  da  V.  A.,  et  perche  in  tal  caso  I'autorita  sua  appresso 
S.  B°^'  et  questi  riformatori  sarebbe  potente  a  sostenerla  che 

'  See  supra,  p.  217. 

*  "  Folengo  "  :   see  Rfusch,  Index,  I.,  391. 

542  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

non  fosse  lacerata  affatto,  ho  voluto  scriverlene  affine  se  nell' 
A.  V.  fusse  pensiero  che  percio  se  ne  facesse  qualche  ufficio, 
resti  servita  di  comandarlo  .  .  . 

[Orig.  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.] 

9.  Pope  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Inquisitor  Antonio  de 
Matos  de  Noronha,  Bishop  of  Elvas.^ 

1596,  September  19,  Rome. 

Almost  ever}/  day  there  came  to  Rome  Portuguese,  so-called 
neo-Christians  converted  from  Judaism,  who  witness  to  the 
diversity  of  these  neo-Christians  ;  some  keep  the  faith  in- 
violate and  in  its  entirety,  while  others  call  themselves 
Christians  hypocritically,  but  adhere  to  the  superstitions 
of  their  forefathers ;  they  hate  the  true  Christians,  their 
fellow-countrymen,  and  seek  by  calumnies  to  involve  them 
in  their  own  condemnation  when  they  are  punished  by  the 
Inquisition.  The  true  Christians  complain  that  besides  being 
thus  thrown  into  prison,  and  examined  by  the  Inquisition 
"  per  interrogatoria  suggestiva,"  being  thus  trapped  they 
are  compelled  to  admit  things  which  they  have  not  done. 
We  warn  you  to  admonish  the  inquisitors  and  the  judges  of 
the  Inquisition  to  proceed  in  accordance  with  legitimate 
evidence,  and  not  upon  false  depositions,  and  that  "  omnino 
a  suggestionibus  ac  captiosis  interrogationibus  abstineant." 

[Brevia,  Arm.  40,  t.  40,  n.  379,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 

10.  Avviso  DI  Roma  of  23  July,  1597.  * 

The  Pope  goes  almost  every  mornjjig  to  a  church,  thus  on 
Sunday  to  the  Rotonda,  where  the  canons  showed  him  "  le 
molte  necessita,  in  che  si  trova  quella  machina  et  particolar- 
mente  la  cuppola,  la  quale  e  talmente  dall'antichita  disfatta, 
che  quando  piove,  tutta  la  chiesa  si  riempie  d'acqua,  suppli- 
candola  pero  a  voler  compatire  alia  lor'poverta,  onde  la 
S.  S.  si  mostro  prontissimo  a  un'opra  tanto  pia  havendovi  di 
gia  destinato  un'architetto,  che  vegga  il  bisogno,  et  in  somma 
dicesi,  che  si  ricoprira  la  cuppola  di  piombo,  et  si  abbellira 
dentro  de  bellissime  cappelle,  et  di  fuori  alia  porta  si  fara 
un'cancello  di  ferro  et  molte  pietre  di  fino  marmo,  che  stavano 
sotterrate  in  quel  porticale,  son  state  discavate  per  condurle  a 

'  See  supra,  p.  199. 

'  See  supra,  pp.  478,  481. 


S.  Gio.  Laterano  in  servitio  della  nova  cappella,  che  S.  S. 
fa  fare  in  quella  basilica  con  notabilissinia  spesa." 

(Orig.  Urb.  1065,  p.  439,  Vatican  Library.] 
II.  Pope  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Prince-Elector  of  Treves, 


1597,  September  27,  Rome. 

Venerabilis  frater,  salutem  et  apostolicam  benedictionem. 
Cathob'cae  Ecclesiae,  cui  divjna  bonitas  nullis  Nostris  meritis 
infirmitatem  Nostram  praeesse  voluit,  prodesse  etiam  qua- 
cunque  ratione,  Deo  iuvante,  possumus,  valde  cupientes, 
banc  quoque  cogitationem  suscepimus  ut  Vetera  oecumenica 
concilia  in  Nostra  Vaticana  typographia  quam  emendatissime 
imprimantur ;  quorum  quanta  sit  in  eadem  Ecclesia  Dei 
auctoritas  atque  utilitas,  fraternitas  Tua  non  ignorat,  et  iam 
prima  ilia  quattuor,  quibus  tamquam  quattuor  Evangeliis 
venerationem  adhibendam  esse,  magnum  Ecclesiae  Romanae 
lumen,  sanctus  Gregorius  summus  pontifex  et  doctor  egregius 
docuit,  non  mediocri  piorum  et  literatorum  hominum  labore 
emendata  sunt,  undique  tam  graecis  quam  latinis  conquisitis 
ac  collatis  libris,  et  eodem  studio  in  aliorum  eiusmodi  con- 
ciliorum  emendatione  diligenter  iussu  Nostro  incumbetur. 
Interea  relatum  Nobis  est  in  bibliotheca  nobilis  ist^us  metro- 
politanae  ecclesiae  vetustos  aliquot  conciliorum  codices 
manuscriptos  inveniri,  qui  magno  usui  esse  poterunt  ad  banc 
quam  molimur  editionem,  in  prim  is  vero  sextam  synodum 
integram  grandioribus  litteris  in  membrana  scriptam,  synodum 
item  Chalcedonensem  eadem  forma,  volumen  etiam  conciliorum 
diversorum  et  decretales  epistolas  Romanorum  Pontificum 
priscorum.  Ex  quorum  sane  codicum  collatione  multa  ad 
publicam  ultilitatem  depromi  posse  speramus.  Quare  a  Tua 
fraternitate  petimus,  ut  eosdem  libros  ad  Nos  transmittendos 
cures,  quod  Te  et  dilectos  filios  canonicos  et  capitulares 
eiusdem  metropolitanae  ecclesiae,  ad  quos  etiam  litteras 
damus,  libenter  facturos  confidimus,  quod  vestra  erga  banc 
Sanctam  Sedem  perspecta  pietas  et  devot^o  Nostraque  erga 
vos  paterna  caritas  merito  poslulat.  Hac  quidem  in  re  quid 
spectemus  vides  :  solam  Dei  gloriam  et  catholicae  fidei,  quam 
sacra  concilia,  rite  convocata,  Spiritu  Sancto  auctore  docue- 
runt,  propagationem  quaerimus.     At  tam  praeclarum  opus 

•  See  supra,  p.  438. 

544  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

et  fraternitatem  Tuam  et  canonicos  convenire,  vobis  et 
ecclesiae  isti  honorificuni  est  et  Nobis  pergratum  erit,  quemad- 
modum  Tibi  copiosius  exponet  venerabilis  frater  episcopus 
Auxerensis/  Nuntius  Noster  Apostolicus,  cui  ut  fidem 
cumulate  habeas  a  Te  petimus. 

Datum  Romae  apud  S.  Marcum  sub  annulo  piscatoris,  die 
27  Septembris  1597,  pontificatus  Nostri  anno  sexto. 

[Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  41,  n.  22,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 

12.  Inscription  at  the   Portico  of  the  Cathedral  of 

S.  Maria  in  Civita  Castellana.^ 

Clemens  VIII  P.  O.  M.,  qui  octo  praecipuis  S.  R.  E.  cardi- 
nalibus  comitatus  poiitis  molem  super  Tiberim  inter  Veyentes 
et  Sabinos  a  Sixto  V  fe.  rec.  olim  deliberatam  modo  suo  iussu 
et  acre  constructam  oculata  fide  exploraturus  ad  Veyos 
divertit  et  in  arce  a  Petro  Aldobrandino  eiusdem  Smi  ex 
frate  nepote  card,  ampliss.  eiusdem  civitatis  gub.  splen- 
didissime  receptus  semel  et  iterum  tranquille  pernoctavit ; 
interea  cum  summa  lenitate  magistratus  ad  iustitiam  colendam 
patritiosque  ad  rite  et  recte  vivendum  adhortatus  proventibus 
archivi  et  damni  dati  nuncupatis  officiis  communitati  con- 
donatis  pia  loca  eleemosinis  fovit  superque  nonnullos  cives 
carceribus  et  exilio  in  caput  mancipatus  paterne  misertus 
omnes  libertate  facile  donavit,  cathedralem  porro  ecclesiam 
re  sacra  ad  aram  maiorem  mira  cum  pietate  peracta  bis 
illustravit  et  plenaria  indulgentia  in  festo  d.  Georgii  adventus 
sui  die  auspicatissima  quotannis  cumulatissime  ditavit, 
populum  tandem  pre  [sic]  illius  recessu  moestum  et  solicitum 
pia  cum  benedictione  complexus  itinere  in  pace  sumpto 
foelix  recessit  a.  d.  1597. 

Sim.  Petronio  I.  U.  D.  lo.  D.  Bu.  et  Blu.  Caio  conservatori- 
bus  curan. 

13.  Report  of  G.  Malaspina  on  the  situation  in  Sweden.  ^ 

Relatione  dello  stato  spirituale  e  ploitico  del  regno  di  Svetia 
di  cio  che  segui  quando  di  re  ando  a  pigliare  il  possesso  di 
esso  regno,  et  come  di  nuovo  vi  si  rimpianto  la  fede  cattolica 
del  beneficio  che  puo  ricevere  la  Christianita  della  congiuntione 

'  Coi'iolano  Garzadoro,  bishop  of  Ossero. 

»  See  supra,  pp.  490,  491. 

»  See  supra,  pp.  88,  97,  98,  100,  104,  105,  106. 


della  Svetia  con  la  Polonia,  della  provincia  della  Finlandia 
a'confini  del  Mosco,  del  porto  di  Calmar  chiave  del  mar 
Baltico,  del  porto  di  Elsburg  fuori  dello  stretto  di  Dania. 

Gustavo  che  fu  avo  del  ser™°  re  di  Polonia,  doppo  di  havere 
con  molto  valore  et  gloria  liberato  il  regno  di  Svetia,  patria 
sua,  dalla  tirannide  di  Cristerno  re  di  Dania,  et  fattosi  di 
private  cittadino  sebene  d'antica  et  nobile  famiglia,  di  consenso 
et  applauso  de'popoli  re  di  Svetia,  et  ridotto  il  regno  di  elettivo 
hereditario,  oscuro  lo  splendore  delle  sue  gloriose  operationi  con 
una  nota  d'infamia  perpetua,  poiche  mosso  non  tanto  da  depra- 
vata  coscienza  quanto  da  timore  di  non  poter  sostenere  con  le 
tenue  entrate  che  alii  re  eletti  di  Svetia,erano  assignate  la  dignitci 
del  grado  dentro  del  regno  et  di  fuori  difendersi  da  Cristerno, 
emulo  et  inimico  suo,  applico  a  se  tutte  I'entrate  ecclesiastiche 
del  suo  regno,  et  perche  se  i  suoi  sudditi  fossero  rimasti  cattolici, 
non  havrebbono  permesso  che  havesse  violate  il  giuramento 
che  fece  quando  come  cattolico  fu  ricevuto  per  re,  di  conservare 
et  protegere  I'ordine  eccP"  et  regolare,  per  potere  esseguire 
questo  suo  depravato  desiderio  apostato  dalla  fade  catt^^  et 
abbraccio  la  dannata  setta  di  Lutero,  et  con  diverse  diaboliche 
arti,  indusse  la  semplice  plebe  (dalla  quale  dipendono  in  gran 
parte  le  deliberationi  che  in  quel  regno  si  prendono)  a  seguire 
i  vestigi  suoi,  di  modo  ch'egli  pote  sicuramente  occupare  i  beni 
ecclesiastici.  Successe  a  Gustavo  Enrico  suo  figlio  primogenito 
il  quale  fu  anch'e?so  infetto  di  heresia,  ma  non  gia  di  moderati 
costumi  come  Gustavo  poiche  fu  superbo,  crudele  et  precipi- 
toso.  Per  impieta  faceva  un'asino  carico  di  sale  a  piedi 
d'una  montagna  erta  et  senza  via  per  salirvi  sopra  et  egli  era 
distinto  con  un  bastone  in  mano  che  batteva  il  detto  asino  et 
interpretava  detta  sua  impresa  nella  seguente  forma,  che 
I'asino  cenno  i  sudditi,  il  sale  le  gravezze,  la  montagna 
significava  che  il  suddito  deve  essere  forzato  a  fare  anco 
quello  che  haveva  dell'impossibile  per  mezzo  del  bastone. 
Costui  carcero  Giovanni  suo  fratello  duca  di  Fiiilandia  et 
stando  prigione  insieme  con  la  moglie,  sorella  del  re  Sigismondo 
Augusto  et  figliuolo  della  regina  Bona,  dotata  di  singolar 
pieta  et  prudenza,  nacque  il  presente  re  di  Polonia  et  in 
poverta  tale  che  non  havendo  la  madre  con  che  fasciarlo, 
fece  di  una  camisa  fascie.  Suoleva  Enrico  andare  alia  carcere 
con  animo  di  far  morire  Giovanni  suo  fratello  insieme  con  la 
moglie  et   figlio,   ma  gionto  ad  essa  carcere  non   solo  non 

VOL.  XXIV  35 

546  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

effettuava  la  sua  mala  intentione,  ma  si  raccomandava  al 
fratello  dicendo  :  So,  che  tu  sarai  re  et  io  tuo  prigione,  habbimi 
per  raccomandato.  Et  non  fu  talso  profeta  perche  Giovanni 
con  I'aiuto  di  Carlo  terzo  fratello  et  duca  di  Sudermania  usci 
di  carcere  et  fece  prigione  Enrico  et  esso  fu  creato  re  morendo 
poi  Enrico  in  carcere.  Fu  Giovanni  di  natura  incostante  et 
varia,  ma  ingenuo  et  regendo  esso  in  Svetia  fu  eletto  il  figliuolo 
re  di  Polonia,  et  perche  egli  era  in  secreto  cattolico  sicome  al 
Nuntio  I'a  affirm.ato  il  re  suo  figliuolo,  uso  ogni  industria 
perche  il  figliuolo  ritornasse  mentre  esso  viveva  in  Svetia, 
affine  di  dichiararsi  apertamente  cattolico  et  ridurre  il  regno 
ad  abbracciare  essa  fede,  ne  inclinava  che  il  figliuolo  ritenesse 
la  Polonia,  ma  stimava  essere  piu  spediente  preferire 
I'hereditario  regno  all'elettivo.  Et  perche  quando  il  seT^°  re 
di  Polonia  si  abboco  in  Revaglia  col  padre,  i  senatori  Svedesi 
che  havevano  havuto  odore  di  questa  intentione  di  Giovanni, 
furono  causa  che  il  re  di  Polonia  non  passasse  in  Svetia, 
sdegnato  li  privo  della  dignita,  confisco  loro  le  facolta  et  li 
mando  in  esilio.  Morse  poi  il  re  Giovanni  et  con  estremo 
dolore  del  figliuolo  morse  hereticamente.  Afferma  la  M*^  Sua 
che  s'essa  si  fosse  ritrovata  presente  haverebbe  la  M*''^  di  suo 
padre  fatto  fine  cattolico  et  il  regno  si  sarebbe  ridotto  alia 
cognitione  della  vera  fede.  Diede  il  ser™°  re  parte  alii  senatori 
di  Polonia  della  morte  del  padre,  del  desiderio  che  mostravano 
i  sudditi  che  la  M*^  Sua  si  trasferisse  in  Svetia,  della  protest e 
che  facevano,  caso  che  non  passasse  et  della  necessita  in  che 
era  costituito  di  passare  in  quelle  parti.  Furono  intimati  i 
comitii  et  volevano  alcuni  che  S.  M*^  andasse  armata,  altri 
disarmata,  ma  prevalse  I'opinione  di  coloro  che  consighorno 
che  non  andasse  armxato,  quali  giudicorno  che  I'andarvi 
armato  era  andare  come  nemico  et  che  non  conveniva  andare 
a  pigliare  il  possesso  della  sua  heredita  con  violenza  et  forza, 
tanto  piu  che  tutto  il  regno  I'aspettava,  I'invitava  per  mezzo 
di  ambasciatori.  Haveva  inviato  I'armata  navale  a  Dansico, 
ove  i  piu  principali  signori  erano  comparsi  per  incontrare  et 
condurre  la  M*^  Sua,  ma  il  tempo  fece  conoscere  poi  che  il 
sopradetto  consiglio  non  fu  buono,  poiche  dall'essere  il  re 
comparso  disarmato,  ne  risulto  che  ando  a  ricevere,  non  a 
dar  legge,  perche  gli  Ordini  si  unirono  contra  la  M*'^  Sua  sotto 
pretesto  della  religione  et  pretendevano  che  per  vigore  del 
testamento  di  Gustavo,  i  posteri  di  esso  Gustavo,  dovessero 


essere  heretici  se  volevano  essere  capaci  della  successione, 
dimodo  che  il  duca  Carlo,  la  matrigna  del  re  et  la  nobilta 
prosupponevano  che  gli  Ordini  non  fussero  tenuti  di  prestar 
giuramento  di  fedelta  ad  un  re  cattolico,  et  Carlo  nella  propria 
persona,  la  matrigna  del  re  nella  persona  del  figliolo,  fratello 
da  la  to  di  padre  del  re  aspiravano  alia  corona,  et  li  nobili 
riducendosi  a  memoria  la  liberta  che  godevano  quando  il 
regno  era  elettivo  et  la  tirannide  usata  con  essi  dopo  che  e 
fatto  hereditario,  desideravano  di  togliersi  il  duro  giogo  da 
dosso.  Carlo  si  fondava  nelle  clientele  che  haveva  dentro  et 
fuori  del  regno  et  nel  favore  de'  Calvinisti  et  per  facilitare 
maggiormente  le  sue  pretensioni  comparve  armato  nella 
dieta  che  si  face  in  Upsalia,  citta  dove  sogliono  coronarsi  li 
re,  et  perche  dubitava  che  gli  Ordini  non  haverebbono  escluso 
due  chiamati  prima  di  lui  nella  successione,  cioe  il  re  di  Polonia 
et  il  fratello  da  lato  di  padre,  si  scoperse  che  disegnava  di 
essere  dichiarato  governatore  del  fratello  del  re  et  procedessero, 
come  gia  si  fece  in  Milano  in  un  caso  non  molto  dissimile. 
Li  senatore  poi  alienissimi  di  animo  dalla  familia  di  Gustavo 
stavano  aspettando  che  le  discorde  tra  il  duca  et  il  re  di 
Polonia  et  la  matrigna  aprissero  loro  via  di  potersi  estinguere. 
Per  il  che  il  ser°^°  re,  trovandosi  disarmato  et  duca  Carlo 
armato  et  li  heretici  uniti  contra  di  esso  et  essendo  il  cuor 
deH'inverno  et  agghiaciato  il  mare  non  potendo  pensare  a 
ritirarsi,  si  trovava  circondato  da  niolte  angustie,  perche  da 
un  canto  gli  heretici  non  volevano  venire  all'atto  della 
coronatione  et  di  prestarle  giuramento  di  fedelta  se  non 
confirmava  il  loro  essercitio  et  non  excludeva  totalrnente  il 
cattolico  et  non  dichiarava  inhabili  detti  cattolici  da  ogni 
officio  et  dignita  del  regno,  et  dall'altra  parte  essendo  S.  M^'''' 
di  timorata  coscienza,  vedeva  che  il  candore  d'essa  si  saria 
grandemente  dejiigrato  se  condescendeva  a  cosi  inique  con- 
ditioni.  Si  mostro  pero  animoso  nel  principio  et  risoluto  di 
voler  piutosto  perdere  il  regno,  che  macular  la  coscientia  et 
estimatione  sua.  Onde  gli  heretici  attribuendo  al  ministro 
Apost''^  la  renitenza  del  re,  mandarono  dal  Nuntio  quattro 
nobili  ad  invitarlo  che  dovesse  uscire  del  regno,  protestando 
che  sarebbono  succeduti  de'  grandi  inconvenienti,  caso  che 
non  I'havesse  fatto.  A  che  rispose  il  Nuntio  ch'egli  era 
entrato  publicamente  nel  regno  et  era  stato  ricevuto  come 
ministro  di  S.S.  et  nori  poteva  ne  voleva  uscirne,  non  havendo 

54^  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

egli  commesso  cosa  per  la  quale  meritasse  che  si  violasse  il 
ius  gentium  seco.  Mandorno  quasi  nello  stesso  tempo  ad 
intimare  a  S.M*^^  per  due  suoi  familiari  et  parent!  che  se  la 
M*'^  Sua  non  giurava  le  loro  petitioni,  che  gli  haverebbono 
levata  I'obbedientia  et  messo  la  corona  del  regno  in  capo  del 
duca  Carlo,  et  che  in  tal  caso  la  M*-^  Sua  haverebbe  fatto 
esperienza  delle  pernitiose  conseguenze  che  haverebbe  portato 
seco  simile  loro  deliberatione.  Et  in  spetie  si  lasciarono 
intendere  che  il  primo  mestiere  che  disegnavano  fare  era  di 
assaltare  la  casa  del  ministro  del  Papa,  per  il  che  S.  M*^  mando 
dal  Nuntio  il  palatino  Laschi  a  significarli  che  se  la  M^^  Sua 
non  consentiva  alle  petitioni  degli  heretici,  che  nello  spatio  di 
tre  hore  gli  heretici  haverebbono  ammazzato  il  Nuntio  et  la 
familia  sua  et  che  a  Sua  M*^  piii  dispiacerebbe  la  morte  di  esso 
Nuntio  che  quasi  la  sua  propria.  Al  che  rispose  il  Nuntio,  che 
Sua  M*^  haveva  occasione  buonissima  di  chiarirsi  se  le  minacce 
degli  heretici  erano  verbali  et  semplicemente  per  atterrire 
Sua  M*^  o  pure  d'altra  qualita  con  sospendere  (come  il  Nuntio 
lo  supplicava)  di  concedere  alii  heretici  cosa  alcuna  per  lo 
spatio  di  quelle  tre  hore  in  detrimento  della  religione  cattolica 
et  se  in  detto  spatio  havessero  ammazzato  esso  Nuntio,  sicome 
all'hora  si  sarebbe  chiarito,  che  si  procedeva  da  essi  non  per 
atterrire  con  parole,  ma  col  far  dei  fatti,  cosi  in  tal  caso  S.  M*'^ 
concedesse  o  non  concedesse,  secondo  che  pin  le  fosse  piaciuto  ; 
ma  dato  che  non  succedesse  la  morte  del  Nuntio,  che  in  tal 
caso  S.  M^^  haverebbe  conosciuto  essere  verbali  le  minacce 
degli  heretici  et  che  pero  haveva  potuto  astenersi  di  far  cosi 
gran  detrimento  alia  religione.  Et  perche  il  Nuntio  dubito 
che  il  palatino  non  riferisse  I'ambasciata,  mando  un  suo 
familiare  ad  esporla  a  S.  M*^  et  insieme  a  farle  una  protesta 
che  in  eterno  non  haveria  prestato  consenso  alcuno  che 
potesse  denigrare  quella  purita,  che  sempre  haveva  conservato 
nelle  cose  della  fede  la  Sede  Apostolica  et  la  simile  protesta  si 
fece  anche  con  la  ser™^  regina.  Et  perche  S.  M*'^  era  risoluta 
di  non  volere  consentire  alle  petitioni  degli  heretici  senza 
consenso  del  Nuntio,  che  cosi  era  restato  di  concerto  cori  esso 
Nuntio,  quando  lo  condusse  seco  di  Polonia.  Pero  quando 
Sua  M*^  si  chiari  essere  impossibile  di  persuadere  al  Nuntio  di 
consentire,  mando  alcuni  senatori  Polacchi  da  dui  padri 
Gesuiti  ch'erano  venuti  con  la  M^  Sua  a  darli  parte  dello 
stato  delle  cose  con  le  sue  circostanze  et  conseguenze  et  detti 


padri  dichiarorno  che  pur  supposta  la  necessita  et  pericolo  nel 
quale  era  costituita  la  M*^  Sua  la  potesse  senza  offendere  Dio 
concedere  alii  heretic!  cio  che  ricercavano  et  la  M^*^  Sua  per 
sua  giustificatione  ne  voile  uno  scritto  da  detti  padri.  Et 
perch e  era  disposto  il  Nuntio  di  volere  nelli  publici  comitii 
comparire  et  protest  are,  si  tenne  segreta  al  dctto  Nuntio  la 
risposta  data  dalli  detti  padri  al  re,  et  a  notitia  del  Nuntio 
non  pervenne  tal  concessione  se  non  doppo  tre  giorni  che  le 
fa  concessa  et  subito  che  n'hebbe  odore,  voile  partire  del  regno 
per  la  via  di  Dania,  dove  quclla  M^^  lo  aspettava  con  desiderio, 
et  voleva  trattarlo  humanissimamente  per  insegnare  (come 
diceva)  alii  barbari  Svedesi  in  che  maniera  si  trattano  gli 
ambasciatori  de'  principi.  Ma  S.  M*^^  come  quella  che  vedeva 
volentieri  che  il  Nuntio  facesse  le  sopradette  diinostrationi 
per  quello  che  potesse  col  tempo  succedere,  non  voile  che 
partisse,  anzi  fece  ordinare  che  non  fossero  dati  cavalli  al 
Nuntio,  et  cosi  fu  necessitate  a  restare.  Hora  fatta  la  corona- 
tione  et  concessione,  pose  ogni  studio  il  Nuntio  per  applicara 
qualche  rimedio  al  disordine  seguito,  onde  opero  per  sicurezza 
della  coscienza  di  S.  M^'^  ch'ella  facesse  una  protesta  in  scritto, 
come  ella  non  con  la  volonta,  ma  per  pura  forza  si  era  indotto 
a  concedere  cio  che  haveva  concesso.  Et  perche  non  bastava 
cercare  di  assicurare  per  questo  mezzo  solo  la  coscienza,  ma 
bisognava  soUevare  Tafflitto  stato  delle  reliquie  de'  catolici, 
quali  restavano  et  senza  essercitio  et  privi  delle  dignita  et 
ufhci  del  regno,  persuase  il  Nuntio  al  ser™°  re  che  coiicedesse 
da  parte  a  cattolici  altretanto  quanto  haveva  conceduto  alii 
heretici,  di  modo  che  a  guisa  dell'Im.p'^®  et  del  re  di  Polonia 
restasse  la  M*^  Sua  giurata  utrique  parti.  S.  M^^  si  contento 
di  farlo  et  immediate  mise  in  esecutione  le  dette  concession!, 
perche  avanti  la  sua  partenza  diede  uffici  et  dignita  a  cattolici 
et  lascio  in  quattro  luoghi  I'essercitio  delJa  religione  et  fece 
giurare  a  quattro  governafi  (se  bene  erano  heretici)  quali 
lascio  nel  regno,  che  haverebbero  protetto  la  religione  et  11 
cattolici.  Et  il  Nuntio  esercito  tutte  le  funtioni  episcopal! 
publicamente  et  successe  che  havendo  lavato  li  piedi  a  dodici 
pover!  in  chiesa  con  grandissimo  concorso  di  popoli,  et 
essendosi  que!  pover!  dichiarati  cattolici,  furono  po!  bandit! 
dalli  heretici.  Tenne  anco  il  Nuntio  in  luogo  publico  uno 
stendardo  alzato,  da  una  parte  del  quale  era  una  nave  con 
I'immagine  di  s.  Pietro  sopra  I'acque  con  tali  parole  :   fluctuat 

550  HISTORY   OF    THE    POPES. 

non  mergitur,  et  dall'altra  vi  era  I'arma  di  S.S*^  et  a  piedi  di 
essa  questo  motto  :  fngantur  tenebrae  tantis  irradiatae 
fulgoribus,  et  s'mtrodusse  et  mise  in  uso  la  forma  di  sepellire 
cattolicamente  con  candele  accese,  croci  et  con  tutto  il  resto 
secondo  il  rito  cattolico.  Ma  doppo  la  partita  di  S.  M*^^  il 
duca  Carlo,  quale  non  haveva  voluto  accettare  il  governo  del 
regno  in  compagnia  coi  senatori  et  pretendea  non  concreta, 
ma  suprema  et  assoluta  autorita  et  che  i  senatori  servissero 
per  consiglieri  et  non  havessero  ne  autorita  ne  voto,  si  usurpo 
con  la  forza  tutto  questo  che  gli  era  stato  negato,  levando 
I'esercitio  cattolico  et  il  governo  alii  quattro  governatori  et 
ridusse  lo  di  quel  regno  a  tale  che  a  S.  M*'*  non  rimaneva 
altro  che  il  nudo  titolo  di  re,  et  la  licenza  et  insolenza  sua 
procedette  tant'oltre  che  S.  M'^  giudico  havere  il  duca  violato 
il  giuramento  prestato,  onde  S.  M*^  e  stata  forzata  a  trasferirsi 
di  nuovo  in  quel  regno,  ma  in  differente  forma  della  prima 
volta,  cioe  in  modo  che  la  potesse  prescrivere  ad  altri  la  legge 
et  non  ricerverla,  et  pensa  di  lasciare  tali  presidii  che  al  duca 
non  verra  fatto  quello  che  I'altra  volta  fece,  havendo  condotto 
seco  assai  buon  numero  di  soldati,  et  tanto  piu  ha  speranza 
che  le  cose  siano  per  succedere  felicemente,  quantoche  Carlo 
ha  governato  cosi  tirannicam^ente  il  regno  che  ha  alienato  da  se 
la  nobilta  et  con  haver  cercato  di  levare  I'elevatione  dell'hostia 
alii  Luterani  ha  commossi  contra  di  lui  tutti  li  contadini, 
quali  sono  divotissimi  di  detta  elevatione,  perche  per  mezzo 
d'essa  d'idolatri  si  fecero  cristiani.  II  che  passo  nella  seguente 
forma  :  L'arcivescovo  Cantaranense  in  Inghilterra  radunato 
il  suo  clero  con  li  suffraganei  propose  la  missione  al  regno  di 
Svetia  per  ridurlo  alia  fede  Christiana,  et  rispondendo  tutti 
che  se  voleva  andare  che  andasse  et  egli  si  risolse  di  farlo,  et 
navigando  per  quella  volta  smonto  ad  un'isoletta  di  detto 
regno  et  celebrando  messa,  alcuni  pastori  mentre  facevano 
I'elevatione  videro  un  bambino  neli'hostia  et  subito  chiamorno 
li  compagni  li  quali  havendo  anch'essi  veduto  lo  stesso, 
subito  lo  fecero  sapere  al  governatore  nella  provincia,  quale 
dopo  haver  riputati  per  pazzi  detti  pastori  finalmente  crescendo 
il  numero  di  quelli  che  afferrnavano  cio  essere  verissimo,  si 
dispose  di  chiarirsene,  et  ritrovo  anch'egii  esser  vero  tutto 
quello  che  da  pastori  gli  era  stato  riferito  ;  onde  si  risolse 
darne  parte  al  re,  quale  trasferendosi  anch'esso  nel  detto 
luogo  vide  il  medesimo  et  misso  dal  miracolo  si  fece  christiano 


insieme  con  tutti  li  suoi  sudditi.  Per  il  che  i  contadini  che 
sono  quasi  tutti  arditissimi  et  inclinatissimi  alia  religione 
cattolica  non  hanno  mai  permesso  che  sia  levata  loro  la  detta 
elevatione.  Pero  havendo  il  duca  come  Calvinista  cercato  di 
farlo,  tumultuorono,  et  sicome  si  alienorno  da  esso,  cosi  si 
congiunsero  d'animo  col  ser°^°  re. 

Oltra  di  questo  successe  anco  un'altro  caso  mirabile,  et 
cio  fu  che  havendo  il  duca  ordinato  che  si  levassero  le  imagini 
delle  chiese  si  trovava  in  una  chiesa  parrochiale  una  imagine  di 
legno  del  beato  Enrico  re  di  Svetia  quale  levata  fuori  di  chiesa 
et  esposta  in  luogo  publico,  un  soldato  voltato  alia  persona 
del  detto  santo  disse  :  Enrico,  Enrico,  tu  devi  haver  commesso 
qualche  gran  peccato  poiche  non  vogliono  che  tu  stii  in  chiesa 
et  dicendo  queste  parole  scarico  I'archibugio  et  la  palla 
miracolosamente  doppo  di  havere  percossa  la  statua,  senza 
lesione  alcuna,  ritorno  indietro  et  ammazzo  il  soldato.  Li 
sopradetti  accident!  non  hanno  come  di  sopra  ho  detto  deterio- 
rata,  ma  migliorata  la  conditione  di  S.  M^^.  Oltrache  le  scel- 
leratezze  enormi  congiunte  con  una  grandissima  ignoranza  che 
commettono  li  predicanti  heretici,  sono  tali  che  pare  impossible 
che  li  popoli  siano  per  sopportarli  piu  lungo  tempo,  et  per  ogni 
buon  rispetto  il  Nuntio  fece  cavare  li  processi  formati  contra 
detti  predicanti  atti  pubblici  delle  communita  et  si  lessero 
eccessi  non  uditi  commessi  da  detti  predicanti,  de'quali  se  ne 
riferira  solamente  uno. 

Un  predicante  haveva  insegnato  a  parlare  ad  un  corvo  et 
amando  detto  corvo  grandemente,  comincio  a  dolersi  ch'esso 
corvo  fosse  escluso  dal  paradiso,  onde  accio  si  salvasse  s'indusse 
a  battezzarlo,  servata  la  vera  forma  del  battesimo.  E  ancor 
cosa  degna  di  pervenire  a  notitia  della  posterita  che  dopo  che 
I'heresia  e  intrata  in  Svetia,  ne  il  mare  ha  prodotti  pesci  in 
tanta  quai^itita  come  faceva  prima,  et  la  terra  ha  persa  la  sua 
fertilita  et  gli  uccelli  de  quali  era  abbondanza  grandissima, 
hanno  fatta  trasmigratione  in  altri  paesi.  La  M*^^  Sua  come 
quella  che  e  dotata  di  singolar  pieta  et  zelo  et  e  di  timorata 
coscienza  attribuisce  alle  concessioni  fatte  da  lei  agli  heretici 
I'haverli  Dio  levata  la  moglie  et  mandatile  altri  travagli  et  con 
molta  effusione  di  lacrime  significo  al  Nuntio  questo  suo 
timore,  dicendo  cli'ella  doveva  piuttosto  morire  che  concedere 
cosa  che  potesse  maculare  il  candore  della  sua  coscienza.  Onde 
trovara   mons^  Nuntio    buona    dispositione    in   Sua   M*^^   di 

552  HISTORY    OF   THE   POPES. 

sollevare  I'afflitto  stato  della  religione,  ma  e  ben  vero  ch'  e 
necessario  che  Sua  M*^  stabilisca  prima  bene  il  politico  dominio, 
et  che  in  questo  mezzo  alimenti  liberalmente  li  poveri  cattolici 
fatti  esuli  dal  duca. 

Questo  e  quello  che  mi  e  occorso  di  dire  circa  la  religione, 
non  pretermettendo  pero  di  dire  che  si  come  il  re  Gustavo  fu 
riputato  uno  de'piu  savi,  sagaci  et  valorosi  principi  del  suo 
tempo,  cosi  in  esso  piu  che  in  niun  altro  si  scoperse  quanto 
siano  incerte  le  providenze  et  timidi  li  pensieri  humani,  poiche 
egli  per  stabilire  il  regno  nella  sua  persona  et  posteri  suoi,  tenne 
piu  conto  di  detto  stabilimento  che  della  salute  dell'anime, 
ma  non  li  basto  atteso  che  non  previde  che  della  sua  maculata 
radice,  doveda  nascere  un  suo  descendente  alieno  della  sua 
religione,  quale  non  haverebbe  potuto  risiedere  ne'regni  ;  onde 
fu  insieme  con  li  suoi  figli  piii  intento  ad  acquistare  de  facto 
et  mantener  con  violenza  cio  che  si  usurpava  contra  le  leggi 
et  in  pregiuditio  della  nobilta  che  sollecito  a  stabilirlo  con 
consenso  de'popoli,  et  perche  quando  il  regno  di  elettivo 
fu  ridotto  ad  hereditario,  furono  ben  corrette  le  leggi  del 
regno  in  tutto  quello  che  aspettava  alia  successione  et  altre 
preminenze  che  toccano  a  principi  hereditarii,  ma  non  gia 
emendate  in  quella  parte  che  concerne  i  privilegi,  essentioni 
et  immunita  della  nobilta,  pero  la  nobilta  Svedese  ricercava 
sapere  dalla  M*^  Sua,  s'ella  pretendea  di  reggere  tirannica- 
mente  come  haveano  fatto  i  suoi  antecessori  overo  secondo 
le  leggi,  che  se  doveano  havere  un  re  di  aliena  religione  et 
absente,  pretendeano  ch'esso  re  havesse  nel  governo  rispetto 
alle  leggi,  in  quello  che  sono  favorevoli  alia  nobilta,  petitioni 
che  quando  alii  Svedesi  fossero  fatte  buone,  sarebbono  stati 
piu  liberi  che  non  sono  li  Polacchi,  et  il  re  piu  ristretto  di 
autorita.  Per  il  che  veniva  la  M*^*'*'  Sua  consigliata  a  con- 
servarsi  in  quel  possesso  ch'erano  i  suoi  maggiori,  ma  la 
M^  Sua  rispose,  che  la  si  contentava  di  osservar  le  leggi, 
purche  i  sudditi  anch'essi  le  osservassero,  et  che  condannando 
le  leggi  ogni  altro  esercito  eccetto  il  cattolico  et  disponendo 
che  I'orduie  ecclesiastico  havesse  le  sue  preminenze  et  in  spetie 
I'arcivescovo  primate,  che  pero  le  cose  si  riducessero  a  quello 
stato  qual  presuppone  la  legge,  che  Sua  M*^  nel  resto  haverebbe 
loro  dato  soddisfattione.  A  che  non  seppero  rispondere 
altro  se  non  che  Gustavo,  avo  del  re  gli  haveva  indotti  a  matar 
religione.     Ma   lasciando   da    parte   le   cose    concementi   la 


religione,  trattaremo  di  cose  politiche  subordinate  ad  essa 
religione,  cioe  della  utilita  che  alii  vicini  regni  et  a  tutta  la 
christianita  puo  apportare  il  regno  di  Svetia. 

Tre  cose  sono  in  quel  regno  di  grandissima  consideratione 
prima  la  provincia  di  Finlandia,  2"  il  porto  di  Calmar,  30 
quelle  di  Elsburgo. 

La  Finlandia  confina  col  Mosco,  et  non  e  dubbio  che  se  i 
Polacchi  seguendo  la  norma  di  Stefano  applicassero  I'animo 
a  soggiogare  il  Mosco,  che  la  impresa  si  renderebbe  facile  con 
I'aiuto  di  detta  provincia  perch e  oltre  al  sito  d'essa  la  Svetia 
abbonda  di  fanteria  assai  buona,  di  che  la  Polonia  ha  penuria, 
et  se  il  re  Stefano  con  solo  le  forze  Polacche  ridusse  il  Mosco 
in  grandi  angustie,  che  sarebbe  se  aggiungessero  alle  Polacche 
le  forze  Svedesi  ?  Et  quando  anche  la  Santita  di  N.  S^® 
perseverasse  in  quel  concetto  che  gia  hebbe  di  unire  Svedesi, 
Moschi  et  Polacchi,  non  fu  mai  migliore  occasione  di  quella 
che  e  hora,  atteso  che  in  mano  del  re  di  Polonia  sta,  senz'anco 
muover  guerra  al  Mosco,  di  levarli  il  commercio  et  nel  mar 
Baltico  et  fuor  di  esso  mare,  impedendoli  la  navigatione  alio 
stretto  di  Dania  col  mezzo  della  Finlandia  et  di  Calmaro. 
Et  perche  il  Mosco  non  ha  ne  rendite  ne  miniere,  et  le  sue 
entrate  consistono  in  pelli  et  altre  merci,  ne  le  puo  smaltire 
se  non  per  il  mar  Baltico  et  per  terra  verso  Polonia,  levatoli 
ta'commercio  restarebbe   povero  et   infelice   principe. 

Quanto  al  porto  di  Calmar  e  la  chiave  del  mar  Baltico  et 
capace  per  ogni  armata,  et  chi  e  padrone  di  esso  porto,  puo 
dire  di  esser  padrone  anco  del  mare  et  di  poter  tenere  in  freno 
tutte  le  citta  aggiacenti  ad  esso  mare  come  Danzico,  Elbinga, 
Riga  et  altre  per  impedire  che  non  entrino  le  mercantie  nello 
stretto  di  Dania,  et  cosi  ridurre  quel  re  ad  estrema  poverta  ; 
et  mentre  S.  M*^  possiede  quel  porto  non  e  pericolo  che  perda 
la  Svetia,  perche  per  esso  puo  mandare  di  Polonia  quanta 
gente  vuole  in  quel  regno.  Vi  e  poi  il  porto  di  Elsburgo  in 
Vestergotia,  provintia  del  regno  di  Svetia,  quale  e  fuori  dello 
stretto  di  Dania  et  posto  sul  mare  Oceano  capacissimo  di 
qualsivoglia  armata,  sicuro  et  che  ha  comodita  di  selve,  dove 
e  copia  di  varii  legnami  per  fabricare  ogni  sorte  di  vascelli. 
Dalla  parte  del  mar  Oceano  ha  vicino  il  regno  di  Norovegia, 
quello  di  Inghilterra  et  di  Scotia  et  delli  Paesi  Bassi.  Non  e 
lontano  dalla  Francia  et  ha  facile  navigatione  alii  regni  di 
Spagna  et   a   quello   di   Portogallo,     DaU'altra   parte  ha   lo 

554  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

stretto  di  Dania,  et  passato  esso  il  mar  Baltico  nel  quale 
entrano  di  Polonia,  di  Russia,  di  Pomerania,  di  Livonia  et  di 
INIoscovia  non  solo  grani,  ma  anco  tutte  le  cose  pertinenti  alia 
militare,  et  sono  portate  fuori  di  esso  stretto  in  diverse  parti. 
Li  Svedesi  stimano  molto  esso  porto  per  la  qualita  del  sito  et 
capacita  sua,  et  tanto  piu  quanto  che  in  Svetia  e  copia  grande 
di  periti  marinari  di  artigliaria  di  ferro  et  d'ogni  altra  cosa 
che  si  ricerca  per  la  m.arinaresca,  et  affermano  che  se  il  Catto- 
lico  havesse  havuto  questo  porto  non  sarebbe  andato  a 
tra verso  I'armata  destinata  alia  impresa  dTnghilterra,  et  che 
e  molto  opportuno  per  li  Paesi  Bassi  et  per  tenere  in  officio  la 
regina  Lnglese,  et  di  pii\  che  chi  tenesse  armata  nel  detto  porto, 
potrebbe  vietare  che  niun  vascello  entrasse  ne  uscisse  dello 
stretto  di  Dania,  le  quali  cose  se  ciano  vere,  ognuno  puo  far 
giuditio  di  che  importanza  sia  esso  porto  et  quanto  importi 
alia  Cristianita  che  si  conservi  in  potere  di  principe  cattolico, 
perche  ersendo  in  mano  di  cattolici  puo  apportare  utilita 
grandissima,  et  essendo  in  potesta  di  persone  aliene  dalla 
nostra  santa  religione  puo  apportare  altrettanto  detrimento, 
imperoche  potendo  impedire  il  transito  dello  stretto  di  Dania, 
puo  ridurre  quel  re  et  li  Polacclii  et  altri  che  sono  al  lato  del 
mar  Baltico  in  estrema  necessita  et  privare  i  regni  fuori  di 
esso  stretto  di  Dania  delle  cose  pertinenti  al  vitto.  II  che  se 
si  usasse  per  reprimere  la  petulantia  degli  heretici,  saria  bene, 
m_a  se  contra  cattolici  saria  male.  Hora  si  puo  considerare 
(si  come  quando  fui  in  Svetia,  alcune  persone  di  qualita  mi 
posero  in  consideratione)  I'utile  che  la  Maesta  Cattolica  et 
suoi  regni  et  il  ser™°  re  di  Svetia  et  di  Polonia  cavarebbono 
ogni  volta  che  a  S.  M*-^  Catt*^^  fosse  permesso  di  fabricare, 
mantenere  et  alimentare  un'armata  in  quel  porto  et  servirsi 
delle  persone  et  di  tutto  quello  che  il  detto  regno  di  vSvetia 
puo  dare  pertinente  alia  marinaresca  ;  perche  se  bene  gli 
Ordini  di  Polonia  a  contemplatione  di  S.  M*^  Catt°^  destinorno 
ambasciatori  alia  reina  et  alii  Paesi  Bassi  protestando  loro 
che  se  non  permettevano  che  la  navigatione  fosse  libera 
haveriano  fatta  rappresaglia  degli  navigli  loro,  nondimeno 
essendo  I'autorita  regia  ristretta  et  essendo  parte  della  popola- 
rita  appresso  la  quale  e  tutta  I'autorita  infetta  dello  con- 
dannato  seme  d'heresia,  si  ritruoveranno  delli  intoppi  per 
indurli  a  far  I'essecutione  reale.  Et  pero  il  vero  modo  sarebbe 
di  tenere  una  armata  nel  detto  porto,  perche  oltre  le  sudette 


utilita,  se  la  M*^  Catt^^  havesse  esso  porto,  si  potrebbe  servire 
con  minore  suo  dispendio  di  soldati  Polacchi  et  Svedesi  che  di 
Tedeschi,  poiche  etiam  si  condurebbono  con  maggior  prestezza 
et  facilita,  oltre  che  alia  cavalleria  Pulacca  non  si  paga  piu 
che  sei  fiorini  al  mese,  et  alia  fateria  Svedese  si  da  parimente 
stipendio  molto  tenue.  Ne  deve  credere  che  la  regina 
d'Inghilterra  quando  havesse  un'inimico  cosi  vicino  qual 
potrebbe  pervcnire  nel  suo  regno,  nello  spatio  di  tre  giornate, 
s'inducessc  a  convertire  le  forze  sue  in  paesi  cosi  lontani  come 
sono  rindie  essendo  certa  che  allontanandosi  la  sua  armata 
haverebbe  nelle  parti  cordiali  quella  del  re  di  Spagna. 

Circa  poi  alle  utilita  che  ne  verrebbono  ai  re  di  Polonia  et 
di  Svetia  sono  le  infrascritte.  La  Maesta  del  re  di  Polonia, 
con  la  sponda  et  amicitia  del  Cattolico  reprimerebbe  li  heretici 
di  Svetia,  levarebbe  loro  il  modo  di  condurre  gente  fuorastiera 
nel  detto  regno,  come  sogliono  fare  servendosi  dell'oppor- 
tunita  di  quel  porto,  chiusa  del  detto  regno  dalla  parte  dell' 
Oceano,  si  come  il  porto  di  Calmar  e  chiave  di  quello  del  mar 
Baltico.  Et  se  bene  gli  heretici  del  detto  regno  di  Svetia 
quando  il  porto  di  Calmar  fosse  in  loro  podesta,  potrebbono 
impedire  il  disbarco  delle  genti  Polacche,  tuttavia  pero 
agevolmente  potrebbe  questo  succedere  loro,  ogni  volta  che 
I'altro  porto  di  Elsburgo  fosse  a  dispositione  della  Maesta  del 
re,  atteso  che  privi  di  esterno  soldato  manclierebbono  loro 
le  forze.  Oltra  di  questo  col  mezzo  del  sopradetto  porto  di 
Elsburgo  potrebbe  accrescere  la  sua  autorita  hora  cosi  ristretta 
con  Polacchi,  perche  sostentandosi  essi  col  mezzo  del  trafhco 
del  mar  Baltico  ogni  volta  che  fosse  in  mano  di  S.  S*^  di 
impedire  esso  traffico,  non  e  dubbio  che  stimarebbono  la 
Maesta  Sua,  la  quale  conseguirebbe  questo  intento  con  via 
piu  facile  che  non  fece  il  re  Stefano  cd  procurare  di  impadro- 
riirsi  di  Danzico,  impresa  che  non  gli  riusci. 

Hora  havendo  discorso  delle  utilita  che  risuitarebbono  alle 
M*^  del  re  di  Spagna  et  di  Polonia  et  ai  dominii  loro,  e  neces- 
sario  di  proporre  i  mezzi  per  conseguire  il  fine.  II  primo 
mezzo  e  che  il  re  di  Polonia  ponga  il  porto  in  potesta  di 
soggetto  cattolico,  cosa  che  non  sara  molto  difficile  et  giovara 
per  facilitare  la  trattatione  ;  che  S.  M^^  sia  assicurata  che 
entrando  gente  fuorastiera  in  quel  porto  non  sia  in  loro  mano 
il  levarglielo,  et  pero  si  e  pensato  che  a  spese  del  Cattolico  si 
mantenga  un  presidio  nella  fortezza  che  guarda  il  porto  sopra 

556  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

la  quale  niuna  superiorita  habbia  il  Cattolico  ma  consegni  lo 
stipendio  per  esso  presidio  al  re  di  Polonia  ;  et  quanto  da 
assicurare  il  Cattolico  che  il  porto  restara  per  uso  della  sua 
armata,  forse  assai  assicuramento  sarebbe  il  potersi  ritenere 
I'entrate  Napolitane  ogni  volta  che  venisse  mancato  al  Catto- 
lico. Se  bene  sicome  della  fede  del  re  di  Polonia  non  si  deve 
dubitare  cosi  anco  si  puo  havere  sicurezza  delli  sudditi  suoi, 
per  I'utile  et  commodo  che  risultava  loro  di  smaltire  cio  che 
produce  il  regno  di  Svetia. 

Et  perch e  il  re  di  Polonia  dice  che  dubita  che  soprastia  al 
porto  una  torre  del  re  di  Diana,  la  quale  possa  impedire  non 
I'ingresso  ad  esso  porto,  ma  far  danno  alle  navi  quando  saranno 
entrate,  et  dall'altra  parte  i  Svedesi  affermano  che  non  vi  e 
impedimento  alcuno,  si  potrebbe  visitate  il  sopradetto  porto, 
et  essendo  tale  qual  viene  dipinto  dalli  Svedesi  et  quale  altre 
volte  ha  riputato  il  re  Cattolico,  quando  gia  quindici  anni  fa 
mando  in  Svetia  un  ambasciatore  per  causa  del  detto  porto, 
si  potra  all'hora  con  tondamento  dar  principio  a  trattare  nella 
forma  predetta  et  quando  anco  fosse  vero  che  il  re  di  Dania 
havesse  quella  torre  si  potrebbe  forse  indurlo  a  qualche  intelli- 
genza  col  Cattolico  et  col  re  di  Polonia  et  dominii  suoi.  Del 
che  se  ne  puo  concepire  qualche  speranza  si  per  haver  egli 
ricusato  d'entare  nella  lega  stabilita  fra  la  regina  d'Inghilterra 
et  li  Paesi  Bassi,  si  anco  perch e  havendo  inteso  il  poco  rispetto 
che  il  duca  Carlo  porta  al  re  di  Polonia,  senza  essere  ricercato, 
si  e  mosso  a  protestarli,  ch'ogni  volta  ch'esso  non  sia  obediente 
al  re,  egli  per  vigore  delli  compatenti  tra  il  regno  suo  et  quello 
di  Svetia,  sara  forzato  a  risentirsene. 

A  Polacchi  ancora  non  potrebbe  se  non  piacere  che  il  detto 
porto  fosse  in  podesta  del  re  Cattohco,  perche  cessando  dopo 
la  morte  del  presente  duca  di  Prussia  la  linea  di  quei  marchesi 
Brandeburgensi  che  sono  chiamati  nella  investitura  della 
ducal  Prussia,  et  pretendendo  I'elettore  per  alcuni  privilegi 
ottenuti  dalli  antecessori  del  presente  re  a  quali  il  corpo  della 
nobilta  non  ha  consentito  di  dover  succedere  al  duca,  et 
essendo  risoluti  gli  Ordini  di  Polonia,  di  non  volerlo  permettere 
et  il  duca  di  voler  conservare  nella  famiglia  sua  detto  ducato 
di  grandissima  importanza  et  di  rendita  di  60°^  et  piii  talleri, 
si  come  si  prevede  che  la  cosa  ha  da  riuscire  all'armi,  cosi  alia 
familia  elettorale  Brandeburgense  la  quale  ha  collocato  (per 
essere  detta  Prussia  ducale  cosi  circondata  dai  dominii  Poloni, 


che  non  ponno  venirle  soldati  di  Germania  o  d'altrove)  o.ijni 
speranza  nel  soccorso  del  mare  per  la  commoditci  che  essa 
Prussia  ducale  ha  di  porti  nel  mar  Baltico,  si  verrebbe  per 
mezzo  d'un'armata  a  levarle  et  impedirle  il  suddetto  soccorso 
marittimo,  onde  resterebbono  essi  Brandeburgensi  con  le  sole 
forze  della  ducal  Prussia,  le  quali  non  sarebbono  sufficient!  a 
resistere  a  quelle  de  Polacchi,  congiunte  con  quelle  di  Svetia, 
per  il  che  i  Polacchi,  se  ben  poco  esperimentati  nel  mare,  per 
haver  fatto  professione  i  loro  maggiori  che  bastasse  loro  di 
haver  tanta  giurisditione  nel  mar  Baltico,  quanto  potesse  un 
huomo  a  cavallo  entrarvi  et  camminar  dentro,  come  quel  che 
riputavano  esser  piu  gloriosa  occupatione  di  militare  per  terra 
contra  Turchi,  Moscoviti  et  Tartari,  formarebbono  nondimeno 
essercito  per  terra,  et  li  Svedesi  con  la  commodita  della 
Finlandia,  assaltarebbono  li  Brandeburgensi  con  armata 
navale,  et  cosi  bisognarebbe  che  quel  ducato  venisse  totalmente 
sotto  I'imperio  della  corona  di  Polonia. 

Ma  quando  per  li  peccati  medesimi  le  cose  di  Svetia 
camminassero  di  male  in  peggio  (il  che  Dio  non  voglia  per  sua 
misericordia),  niun  altro  rimedio  si  e  giudicato  essere  piu 
opportune  quanto  che  S.  M*^  unischi  et  incorpori  la  Estonia, 
provincia  di  Livonia  et  la  Finlandia  al  regno  di  Polonia  con 
conditione  ch'essi  Polacchi  siano  tenuti  ad  eleggere  sempre 
per  re  il  primogenito  di  S.  M*^  et  di  porgerli  aiuto  a  ricuperare 
il  resto  del  regno.  Di  questa  maniera  S.  M*^  per  un  regno 
mezzo  perso  ne  assicurarebbe  due,  ne  ella  ha  tanto  obligo  al 
fratello  da  lato  di  padre  o  al  duca  Carlo,  ch'essendo  sicura  che 
durante  la  sua  posterita  conservarebbe  per  essa  posterita 
li  dominii  di  detti  suoi  regni,  che  dovesse  premerle  molto,  la 
consideratione  che  se  mancasse  la  linea  di  S.  M*^^  ne  restareb- 
bono  privi  il  fratello  e  lo  zio,  essendo  massime  heretici  et 
inimici  della  M'^  Sua.  Et  sopra  questo  particolare  scrisse  gia 
S.  M*-^  alia  Santita  ni  N.  S^®  proponendoli  questo  pensiero, 
caso  che  le  cose  andassero  affatto  a  traverso.  Et  accio  questo 
potesse  in  tal  caso  succedere  sara  necessario  che  monsig^" 
Nuntio  faccia  ufficio  con  Sua  M*^  che  ponghi  soggetti  cattolici 
per  governatori  della  Estonia  et  della  Finlandia,  o  ahneno  tali 
che  della  fede  loro  non  possa  dubitare. 

[Copia.  Cod.  N.  33,  p.  144  s.  of  the  Vallicelliana  Library, 
Rome,  Urb.  858,  p.  547  ss.,  Vatican  Library,  Malaspina 
is  here  expressly  mentioned  as  the  author  A  3rd  copy  in 
Cod.  H  155,  p.  I  s.  of  the  Ambrosian  Library,  Milan.] 

558  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

14.     Pope   Clement   VIII.   to   the   Clergy  and   People 

OF   ROME.l 

Beginning:  of  15  99. 

Clemens  PP.  VIII. 

Clero  et  populo  almae  Urbis  Nostrae. 

Dilecti  filii  salutem  et  apostolicam  benedictionem.  Manus 
Domini,  manus  Patris,  manus  ilia  potens  et  salutaris,  quae 
sola,  dum  iuste  vulnerat,  pie  medetur,  ipsa  tetigit  nos,  filii 
dilectissimi.  Fluvius  Tiberis,  extra  alveum  ripasque  suas 
diffusus,  tanta  aquarum  copia  Urbem,  suburbia,  prata  et  agros 
inundavit,  neque  in  planis  solum,  sed  in  editioribus  etiam 
locis  in  tantam  crevit  altitudinem,  quantum  neque  nos  neque 
parentes  nostri  meminerunt.  Quae  Urbis  facies,  quis  aspectus 
per  hos  dies  fuerit,  plane  luctuosus  et  miserabilis,  quae  homi- 
num,  pecorum,  aedificiorum  et  earum  rerum,  quae  ad  vitam 
victumque  quotidian um  necessariae  sunt,  pernicies  et  iactura 
extiterit,  nee  sine  acerbissimo  doloris  sensu  commemorari 
potest,  nee  certe  commemorare  est  necesse  ;  vos  ipsi  oculis 
vestris  cuncta  perspexistis  et  passi  estis,  et  Nos  etiam  vidimus 
et  omnium  miserias  paterno  et  miseratione  complexi  oculis  et 
manibus  in  coelum  elevatis,  cum  prae  doloris  magnitudine 
cor  Nostrum  disrumperetur  et  quasi  cera  colliquefactum  esset. 
Sed  huius  tantae  eluvionis  et  calamitatis  causae  non  ex 
principiis  naturalibus  curiose  nimis  inquirendae  sunt  et  ex 
eorum  opinionibus,  qui,  dicente^  se  esse  sapientes,  stulti  facti 
sunt,  tamqum  si  gentes  essemus  quas  ignorant  Deum,  sed 
potius,  ut  christianos  decet,  in  timore  et  tremore  veriorem 
magisque  intimam  harum  aerumnarum  originem  intra  nosmet 
ipsos  pervestigemus,  ac  nisi  nos  ipsos  fallere  et  decipere  velimus, 
peccata  nostra  respondebunt  nobis  et  iniquitates  nostrae, 
quae  multiplicatae  sunt  nimis  coram  Deo.  Abyssus  enim 
peccatorum  abyssum  aquarum  evocavit  et  inundatio  inunda- 
tionem  peperit  ;  nam  maledictum  et  mendacium  et  furtum  et 
adulterium  inundaverunt  et  sanguis  sanguinem  tetigit.  Ne 
tamen,  filii,  pusillo  animo  sitis,  neve,  quod  absit,  cor  vestrum 
obduretis,  ut  indomiti  et  obstinati  peccatores  solent,  qui  plagis 
Dei  deteriores  fiunt,  quorum  miseram  et  miserandam  con- 
ditionem  exprimit  leremias  verbis  illis  :  '  Doniine,  percussisti 
eos,  et  non  doluerunt  ;  attrivisti  eos,  et  noluerunt  accipere 
disciplinam ;     induraverun.t    facies    suas    supra    petram,    et 

'  See  supra,  p.  411. 


noluerunt  reverti.'  Vos  autem,  filii,  non  sic,  sed  revertimini 
ad  Dominum  in  toto  corde  vestro,  in  ieiunnio  et  fletu  et 
planctu,  et  poenitentiae  salutaris  tabulam  apprehendite,  nee 
pereatis  in  diluvio  aquarum  multarum  irae  Des  et  iusti  iudicii 
eius.  Deus  enim  noster  pius  est  et  misericors  et  praestahilis 
super  malitia,  qui  non  vult  mortem  peccatoris,  sed  magis  ut 
convertatur  et  vivat.  Plaga  haec,  si  sapitis,  si  intelligitis,  si 
novissima  providetis,  non  est  ad  miortem,  sed  ad  salutem. 
Corripuit  nos  Dominus,  sed  non  in  furore  suo,  immo  vero  in 
visceribus  misericordiae  suae,  ut  pater,  qui  hie  in  hac  brevi  et 
caduca  vita  filiis  flagella  adhibet,  ut  in  aeternum  parcat. 
Ouem  enim  diligit  Dominus  castigat,  et  flagellat  omnem  filium 
quern  recipit.  Ecce  Deus  noster,  qui  dives  est  in  misericordia, 
tanquam  filiis  offert  se  vobis  :  surgite  et  vos  cum  filio  prodigo 
et  ite  ad  Patrem,  qui  vos  vocat,  qui  apertis  brachiis  vos 
expectat  et  ad  complexum  et  pacem  et  reconciliationem  invitat. 
Clamate  ad  Dominum  in  fortitudine  et  ex  intimo  corde  verba 
ilia  pronuiitiate  :  '  Omnia  quae  fecisti  nobis,  Domine,  in  vero 
iudicio  fecisti,  quia  peccavimus  tibi  et  mandatis  tuis  non 
obedivimus  ;  sed  da  gloriam  nomini  tuo  et  propitius  esto 
peccatis  nostris  propter  nomen  tuum.  Denique,  filii  in  Christo 
dilecti,  convertatur  miusquisque  a  vita  sua  mala  et  qui 
Ninivitas  peccantes  imitati  estis,  imitamini  poenitentes  ;  ite 
ad  matrem  gratiarum,  ad  advocatam  peccatorum,  ad  beatissi- 
marn  semper  A'irginem  Dei  genitricem  Mariam  et  illius  opem 
atque  auxilium  implorate,  ite  ad  gloriosissimos  apostolorum 
principes,  Petrum  et  Paulum,  qui  peculiares  patroni  huius 
almae  Urbis  sunt,  cui  evangelii  doctrinam  cum  sanguine 
tradiderunt  ;  hi  enim  sunt  gloriosi  principes  terrae  et  patres 
et  pastores  tui,  o  Roma,  qui  te  ad  banc  gloriam  provexerunt, 
ut  gens  sancta,  populus  electus,  civitas  sacerdotalis  et  regia 
per  sacram  beati  Petri  sedem,  caput  orbis  effecta,  latins 
praesideres  religione  divina  quam  dominatione  terrena  .  .  .^ 
obite,  filii,  in  spiritu  humilitatis  et  animo  contrito  sacras 
apostolorum  basilicas  et  fortissimorum  mart^Tum,  quibus 
velati  propugnaculis  cincta  est  ;  plorate  coram.  Domino  et 
preces  cum  lacrimis  fundite,  ut  per  merita  et  intercessionem 
sanctorum,  qui  cum  Cliristo  regnant,  veniam  atque  indul- 
gentiam  impetremus.  Pacem  igitur  cum  fratribus  liabete  ; 
cessent   odia   et    inimicitiae,   ne   si  manus   plenas    sanguine 

*  Here  is  an  ODiission  in  the  MS. 

560  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

extendatis,  avertat  Deus  oculos  suos  a  vobis  ;  libido,  intem- 
perantia,  luxuries  tollatur  et  caetera  vitia,  quibus  Dei  iracundia 
provocatur  ;  vigeat  modestia,  temperantia  et  misericordia  in 
pauperes  :  nunc  enim  latissimus  pietati  propositus  est  campus, 
ut  ii  potissrmum,  qui  ditiores  sunt,  peccata  sua  eleemosinis 
redimant  et  pauperum  inopiam  sua  abundantia  sublevent, 
quod  ut  faciant  et  omni  cum  alacritate  faciant,  illos  quanta 
possumus  cum  efficacia  hortamur.  Nam  propter  omnium 
peccata  haec  plaga  a  Deo  immissa  est  et  ad  omnes  seu  pauperes 
seu  divites  pertinere  debet,  sive  per  miseriam  sive  per  com- 
miserationem,  ut,  dum  corporis  nostri,  quod  unum  est  in 
Christo,  membra  quaedam  patiuntur,  caetera  ccmpatiantur. 
Sumite  igitur,  filii,  arma  militiae  nostrae,  non  carnalia,  sed 
potentia  Dei,  quibus  ipse  Deus  exercituum  fortissimus  et 
omnipotens  vincitur,  poenitentiam,  orationem,  ieiunium  et 
eleemosinam  ;  his  enim  placatur  Deus,  qui,  si  viderit  opera 
vestra  bona  et  quia  conversi  estis  ab  omni  via  mala  in  sinceri- 
tate  cordis  vestri,  revertetur  et  ipse  a  furore  irae  suae,  et  non 
peribitis.  Atque  ut  tanto  ardentius  ad  divinorum  sacra- 
mentorum  medicinam  accurratis,  ut  veterem  hominem 
exuentes,  ac  mente  et  spiritu  renovati  ambuletis  in  novitate 
vitae,  nos  spirituales  Ecclesiae  thesauros,  quorum  dispen- 
satores  a  Deo  constituti  sumus,  ex  apostolica  benignitate 
aperientes,  universis  et  singulis  Christi  fidelibus  utriusque 
sexus  in  eadem  alma  Urbe  Nostra  locisque  adiacentibus 
commorantibus  etc. 

[Brevia,  Arm.  44,  t.  43,  n.  40,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 

15.  GiuLio  Cesare  Foresto  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua. ^ 

155  9,  February  27,  Rome. 

.  .  .  All'ufficio  del  sodetto  s.  ambas^®  [of  Savoy]  N.  S. 
rispose  le  seguenti  parole,  che  li  pareva  cosa  di  meraviglia 
che  li  principi  secolari  li  quali  nel  crearsi  un  loro  consigliere 
vogliono  cosi  a  pieno  sodisfare  a  loro  stessi,  et  che  nella 
creatione  de  card^^  li  quali  sono  consiglieri  de  Pontefici, 
cerchino  d'astringere  gli  stessi  Pontefici  a  valersi  in  simile 
dignita  di  persone  sopra  le  quali  essi  non  disegnano.  .  .  . 

[Orig.  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.] 

'  See  supra,  p.  194. 


16.  List   of   prisoners,   trials   and   sentences   of   the 
Roman  Inquisition. ^ 

1599,  April  5.' 

[Lista  de  carcerati  nel  S*°  Officio  a  di  5  Aprile  1599.] 

Fra  Giordano  Bruni  da  Nola,  a  di  27  di  Fcbraro  1593:  si 
ha  da  proporre  la  sua  causa. 

Ercole  Rota  Bolognese,  a  di  29  Luglio  1597  :  fu  risolu,ta  la 
causa  coram  S^^°  a  di  19  Febraro  1598  :  debet  torqueri  et 
rettneri  in  carceribus  ;  spora  gli  novi  inditii  sono  stati  repetiti 
i  testimonii,  dimanda  la  copia. 

Alessandro  Musculeo,  a  25  Giugno  1598  :  ha  havuto  li 
testimonii  per  repetiti ;  si  ha  da  deliberare,  se  deve  farsi 
riconoscere  dalli  testimonii. 

Prete  Pietro  Orlandini,  a  di  6  Luglio  1598  :  la  causa  fu 
riferita  a  di  4  Novembre  ;  si  hanno  a  vedere  li  testimonii 
esaminati  a  sua  difesa. 

Francesco  Maria  Calvi  alias  Cavvilanuus  di  Alessandria,  a  di 
26  Ottobre  1598  :   si  ha  da  riferire  la  causa. 

Prete  Giovanni  Solitto  della  Saponara,  a  di  26  Ottobre 
1598  :  sono  stati  repetiti  li  testimonii  e  ha  fatto  le  difese  ;  si 
hanno  a  vedere. 

Fra  Bartolomeo  Vite  da  Cantiana,  a  di  18  Novembre  1598  : 
si  ha  a  riferire  la  causa. 

Orinthio  AcquarelH  da  Riete,  a  di  20  Novembre  1598  :  si 
ha  a  riferire  la  causa. 

Horatio  Melillo  da  Vitulano,  a  di  14  Decembre  1598  :  si  e 
scritto  per  la  repetitione  de  testimonii. 

Fra  Giovanni  Bosso,  a  di  25  Gennaro  1599  :  fu  risoluto  a 
16  Marzo  quod  torqueatur  et  abiuret  de  vehementi. 

Claudio  Giannardi  Francese,  a  di  28  Gennaro  1599  :  confessa 
di  essere  heretico  ;  si  ha  da  riferire  la  causa. 

Prete  Giovanni  Tabulario  Greco,  a  di  9  Febraro  1599  •  ^ 
visto  il  processo  et  .-i  da  riferire. 

Prete  Claudio  Gailard  di  Lorcna  mandato  dall'  Liquisitore 
di  Malta,  a  di  11  Febraro  1599  :  si  ha  per  matto. 

Francesco  Antonio  Cerato  da  Napoh,  a  15  Febraro  1599  :  e 

'  See  supra,  pp.  200,  21 1.     See  also  Spampanato,  Vita  di  G.  Bruno  774  seq. 
•  On  .JaniiHi'y  30,  1592,  32  accused  were  in  the  prison  of  the  Inquisition. 

VOL.    XXTV  36 

562  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

stata  riferita  la  causa  et  ha  prodotte  alcune  scritture  in  sua 

Guglielmo  Cochelles  Inglese  a  di  10  Marzo  1599. 

Egidio  Cambi  Romano,  a  17  Marzo  1599  :  e  stato  esaminato 
et  si  ha  da  riferire  la  causa. 

Prete  Galeazzo  Porta  a  di  26  Marzo  1599         \ 

Francesco  Bruno  della  Cava  a  26  Marzo  1599! 

Fra  Clemente  Mancini  da  Napoli  a  26  Marzo !  "^"f^'u  delf"*" 

jCQQ  /     lett.  Apost. 

1  •      ,-  1      TT         T  ^    HT  I    dispensationis. 

brate  Antonio  (  arrara  da  Napoh  a  20  Marzo  I 

1599  / 

Pompeo  Florio  di  Radiano  in  Abruzzo  a  di  2  Aprile  1599. 

Lista  de  processati  habilitati  per  Roma. 

Giovanni  Roa  d'Avila  habilitato  per  Roma  li  28  Nov.  1597. 

Fra  Tomaso  da  Picerno  ;  e  visto  il  processo  et  si  ha  da 
riferire  la  sua  causa. 

Fra  Domenico  Andreasso  da  Ragusa ;  sono  venute  le 
repetitioni  et  le  difese  ;   si  hanno  a  riferire. 

Frate  Arcangelo  da  Perugia  habilitato  nel  monast.  di  S. 
Agostino  li  31  Luglio  1598. 

Giovanni  Santi  Palombo  da  Terani  habilitato  a  16  Nov. 

Giov.  Angelo  Santini  pittore  habilitato  li  23  Sett.  1598. 

Ginevra  Pina  habihtato  per  la  parrochia  li  23  Sett.  1598. 

Fulginio  Rerti  di  Casacastalda  habilitato  li  10  Marzo  1599. 

Lorenzo   Ursolino   da   Tossignano   habilitato   li   24   Marzo 

Fra  Ignatio  da  Lorena 

T^       -r^  TT-i  r     cappiiccini  habilitati  al  p°  Aprile  1599. 

Jbra  rrancesco  Hiberno 

Nota  de  condennati  alle  carceri  nel  S^°  Offitio. 
Don  Giacomo  Fabrone  carcerato  a  7  Giugno  1582. 

'  In  the  *Diario  delle  giustizic  fatte  in  Roma  di  persone  eretiche  e  religiose 
dair  a"  1567  flno  al  1057  (Papal  Secret  Archives,  Arm.  3,  t.  8,  p.  3G5  se</.)  the 
following  are  recorded  : 

1591.  A  di  6  Febraro  1591,  in  Torre  di  Nona  fra  Andrea  figlio  del  q™ 
Giovanni  Angelo  Forzati  da  Castellaccio  diocesi  di  Capua,  Flaminio  del  q^ 
Girolamo  Fabrio  da  Mediolano,  Francesco  Seraflno  figlio  del  q'"  Nicolo  Vene- 
tiano,  sacerdote  professo  et  apostata  di  San  Benedetto  furono  tutti  appiccati 
et  abbnigiati  in  Campo  di  Flore. 

15  99.  A  di  9  Novenibre  1599  fra  Clemente  Mancini  e  D.  Galeazzo  Porta 
ambeduo  Milanesi  furono  in  Ponte  decapitati  sopra  un  palco. 

1600.  A  di  9  Giugno  1600  D.  Francesco  Moreno  da  Minerbino  diocesi  di 
Bari  fu  appiccato  e  brugiato  in  Ponte. 

1601.  A  di  10  Aprile  1601  furono  appiccati  in  Ponte  D.  Livio  Palasto 
Modanese  e  D.  Marcello  de  Conti  da  Melfi,  il  quale  doppo  morte  fu  anche 
ab  brugiato. 


Fra  Francesco  Fortunato  a  di  4  Nov.  1584. 
Francisco  Ouirico  a  di  18  Luglio  1593  [sic]. 
David  Vendelio  a  di  28  Agosto  1592. 
Don  Clemente  Serafino  a  23  Giugno  1593. 

[Copy  :    Cod.  II.,  49  50  (Raccolta  di  note,  stiidii  e  diligenze  di 

P.  Paolo  V.  mentre  era  cardniale  in  diverse  materie),  p.  32, 

Borghc^e  Library,  Rome.] 

17.  Pope  Clement  VIII.  to  Philip  III.,  King  of  Spain. ^ 

1600,  September  4,  Rome. 

Carissime  in  Christo  fili  Noster  salutem  et  apostolicani 
benedictionem.  Nihil  ardentius  cupimus  pro  Nostro  Apos- 
tolica.e  servitutis  officio,  quam  divina  adiutrice  gratia  animas 
multas  Christo  lucrari,  neque  eos  solum,  qui  Christiani  et 
Catholici  sunt  et  ecclesiam  unam,  cui  Nos  immcritos  Deus 
praeesse  voluit,  matrem  agnoscunt,  libenter  hortamur  et 
excitamus,  ut  quod  fide  profitentur,  operibus  comprobent, 
sed  eos  etiam  qui  extra  Ecclesiam  sunt,  ad  earn  adducere,  et 
gentibus  quoque  remotissimis,  quae  suave  Christi  iugum 
ignorant,  evangelii  veritatem  annuntiare  ac  promulgare, 
avidissime  expetimus.  Regum  autem  catholicorum  ea  in 
primis  insignis  est  laus,  summorum  Pontificum  studia,  labores, 
sollecitudines  ad  fidei  propagationem  omni  ope  et  opera 
adiuvare  ac  propterea  Maiestatem  Tuam  potissimum,  tanta 
potentia,  tantis  viribus,  tanta  regnorum  et  ditionis  ampli- 
tudine  extulit  Deus,  ut  lux  evangelii  ab  hac  sancta  Roman  a 
ecclesia,  omnium  ecclesiarum  matre  et  magistra,  Te  strenue 
adiuvante,  in  nationes  etiam  a  Nobis  disiunctissimas  quam 
latissime  diffundatur,  neque  enim  dubitamus,  Maiestatem 
Tuam  pro  sua  prudentia  intelligere  et  pro  sua  praestanti 
pietate  velle,  iure  ac  merito  a  Te  Deum  postulare,  ut  quae 
Tibi  ipse  tribuit,  ut  ad  eius  gloriam  et  honorem  praecipue 
conferas  et  convertas.  Sed  quae  nunc  a  Te  petimus,  nee 
magna  nee  difftcilia  sunt,  sed  quae  tamen  benedicente  Domino, 
ad  res  plane  maximas  aditum  aperire  et  viam  munire  facile 
poterunt.  Audivimus  saepe,  quod  et  Maiestatem  Tuam 
audisse  arbitramur,  regem  Persarum  multis  ac  non  obscuris 
indiciis  prae  se  ferre,  se  animo  sane  propenso  esse  erga 
Cliristianam  religionem,  sed  nuper  id  multo  certius  cognovimus 
ex   Lusitano   sacerdote   Francisco   Costa,   qui   ex   India   per 

'  See  supra,  pp.  247,  2G7. 

564  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

praesidem  [sic]  Roman  venit,  quern  vir  nobilis  dux  Suessae, 
orator  Tuus,  ad  No?  introduxit.  Is  mira  quaedam,  et  quae 
vias  Domini  cogitanti  lacrimas  prae  gaudio  elicere  possint, 
de  rege  illo  narrat,  habere  eum  apud  se  aulicos  et  viros 
primarios  complures  Christ  ianos,  quos  ipsemet  palani  per 
occasionem  Christianos  esse  cum  multa  voluptate  indicat, 
sacerdotes  et  presbyteros  a  Nobis  et  a  Romana  ecclesia  valde 
expetere,  eius  rei  causa  certam  ad  Nos  legationem  misisse, 
seque  etiam  amoris  et  amicitae  Nostrae  percupidum  ostendere, 
ecclepiam  praeterea  aedificari  iussisse,  ut  ibi  christiano  ritu 
Deo  serviatur.  Quae  et  aha  comphira  cum  attentius  con- 
sideraremus,  adhibitis  etiam  in  consihum  dilectis  fihis  cardin- 
ahbus  congregationi  fidei  propagandae  a  Nobis  praefectis, 
non  minus  piis  quam  prudentibus,  memores  a  Christo  Domino 
aictum  esse  beato  Petro,  et  Nobis  in  eo  :  Due  in  ahum  et 
laxate  retia  vestra  in  capturam,  et  denique  scientes  nullum 
verbum  esse  impossibile  apud  Deam,  statuimus  tantam 
occasionem,  divinitus  oblatam  mdlo  modo  esse  praeter- 
mittendam,  sed  litteras  ad  regem  Persarum  dare,  ita  accurate 
scriptas,  quemadmodum  tanti  negotii  gravitas  requirit,  ac 
licet  eiusdem  regis  legati  nundum  ad  Nos  pervenerint,  ac 
propter  viae  longinquitatem  et  varia  pericula  valde  iucertum 
sit,  an  et  quando  sint  venturi,  placet  at  eum  nihilominus 
celeriter  presbyteros  mittere,  ne  qua  in  Nobis  mora  sit, 
quominus  semen  divinae  gratiae  in  magni  illius  regis  corde, 
per  evangelii  praedicationem,  ipso  Deo  dante  incrementum 
coalescat,  et  populis  iUis,  qui  in  tenebris  et  umbra  mortis  sunt, 
vita  et  Veritas,  si  Deo  omnipotent!  placuerit,  illucescat  et 
denique  cum  tam  potent i  et  Turcarum  tyranno  tam  infenso 
principe  ea  amicitia  et  benevolentia  concilietur,  quae 
Christianae  reipublicae  universae  et  Tuae  Maiestati  atque 
inclytae  domui  vestrae  Austriacae,  ut  Tu  optime  intelligis, 
multiphces  utilitates  est  allatura.  Cum  igitur  de  presbyteris 
idoneis  mittendis  cogitaremus,  statim  oculos  coniecimus  in 
societatem  Jesu,  quae  veluti  perpetuum  seminarium  est 
fortium  et  fidelium  oi)€rariorum  vineae  Domini,  quique  huic 
muneri  ex  Nostra  et  Apostolicae  Sedis  obedientia  praecipue 
addicti,  in  ipso  potissimum  Oriente  atque  India  magnam 
evangelicae  praedicationis  laudem  sunt  consecuti,  itaque 
mandavimus  dilecto  filio  Claudio,  eiusdem  societatis  praeposito 
general!,  ut  ex  ipsa  India  Oriental!  atque  ex  ea  provintia,  quae 


Persarum  regno  propinquior  est,  aliquot  presbyteros  et 
operarios  mittat  ad  regem,  qui,  Spiritu  Sancto  auctore,  regis 
ipsius  et  populorum  illorum  corda,  veluti  agros  ratione  prae- 
ditos,  evangelico  aratro  proscindant  et  sementem  verbi  Dei 
faciant  ;  potens  est  autem  Dominus,  eorum  animos  sic 
praeparare  et  emollire,  ut  non  solum  semen  accipiant,  sed 
fructum  multum  etiam  ferant,  quod  divinae  bonitatis  et 
potentiae  proprium  est,  et  Nos  certe  laboris  et  diligentiae 
Nostrae  numquam  poenitebit  ;  optimum  autem  visum  est 
ex  finitimis  provintiis  operarios  accipere,  qui  praeter  doctrinam 
et  zelum  salutis  animarum,  multis  aliis  ad  banc  missionem 
necessariis  adiumentis  sunt  instructi,  nam  et  regionis,  et 
notitiam  habent  nationum  et  linguarum  usum  et  diuturnam 
etiam  ad  eiusmodi  functiones  obeundas  exercitationem,  tum 
ex  locorum  propinquitate  brevi  quod  summopere  optamus 
in  Persidem  et  in  ipsius  Regis  conspectum  pervenient  ; 
summam  enim  quoad  fieri  poterit,  celeritatem  adhiberi 
cupimus,  ne  antiquus  humani  generis  hostis  satanas,  cuius 
astutias  non  ignoramus,  difficultates  aliquas  interponat  et 
opus  Dei  impediat.  Quo  magis  Maiestatem  Tuam  hortamur 
et  efficacissime  in  Domino  requirimus,  ut  ad  viceregem  Indiae 
atque  ad  capitaneum  Ormuzii  regias  suas  det  litteras  quam 
diligent issime  scriptas,  eisque  serio  mandet,  ut  huius  missionis 
promovendae  omnem  curam  et  cogitationem  puscipiant,  et 
quae  in  navigils  parandis  et  ad  iter  et  navigationem  expedien- 
dam  opportuna  aut  necessaria  erunt,  omni  alacritate  et 
celeritate  curent,  ut  operarii  illi,  quos  dilectus  filius  provin- 
cialis  Societatis  in  India  ex  sui  generalis  praescripto  delegerit, 
ut  in  Persidem  proficiscantur,  ipsius  viceregis  et  capitanei 
auxilio  subleventur,  ut  nave  quam  primum  conscensa  Ormuz- 
ium  petant  et  deinde  recta  in  Persidem  atque  adeo  ad  ipsius 
regis  aulam  tuto,  commode  et  expedite,  quantum  licuerit, 
pergant,  cum  multum  ommino  in  celeritate  sit  positum. 
Postremo  sic  eos  accendat  Maiestas  Tua,  ut  in  re  gravissima 
quae  ad  Dei  gloriam  tantopere  pertinet,  se  Catholici  regis 
catholicos  ministros  vere  esse  ostendant.  Mandavimus  autem 
venerabili  fratri  archiepiscopo  Sipontino  Nostro  Apostolico 
Nuntio,  ut  de  pluribus  litteris  eodem  exemplo  conscribendis 
et  ad  Nos  omni  cum  festinatione  transmittendis  et  demum 
de  toto  hoc  negotio  cum  Maiestate  Tua  sic  agat  ut  de  re,  quae 
Nobis  cordi  est  maxime,  ut  sane  esse  debet  et  Tibi  quoque. 

566  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

fill  carissime,  fore  confidimus  :  nescit  enim  tarda  molimina 
gratia  Spiritus  Sancti,  qiiam  Tibi  copiosam  a  Deo  precamur, 
et  Maiestati  Tuae  Apostolcam  Nostrara  benedictionem 
amantissime  impartimur. 

Dat.  Romae  apud  sanctum  Petrum  sub  annulo  piscatoris 
die  4.  septembris  anno  lubilei  1600,  pontificatus  Nostri  anno 

[Brevia  Arm.  44,  t.  44,  n.  243.] 

18.  GiuLio  Cesare  Foresto  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua.^ 

1600,  December  30,  Rome. 

.  .  .  Hoggi  mentre  trattavo  con  Till™"  s.  Giorgio,  rill™° 
s.  Marcello  che  s'e  trovato  in  compagnia  et  senza  ch'io  glie 
n'habbia  data  occasione,  mi  ha  detto  che  innanzi  che  conceder 
la  hcenza  dell'estratione  delle  dette  statue,  S.  S^^,  la  quale 
s'e  ritenuta  la  hsta,  gl'ha  ordinato  che  s'informi  come  si  sono 
havute  da  diverse  persone  con  longhezza  di  tempo  o  pure 
tutte  da  uno,  et  il  s^  card^®  S.  Giorgio  non  aspettando  ch'io 
rispondessi,  non  senza  dimostrar  un  poco  di  passione,  rispose 
che  si  erano  havute  tutte  in  un  luogo  et  che  e  stato  un  colpo 
non  piu  fatto  in  Roma  da  molti  anni  in  qua,  et  io  ho  poi 
soggionto  che  le  statue  sono  appresso  di  me,  delle  quali  cose 
il  s'"  card'^  S.  Marcello  disse  che  bisognava  ne  desse  conto  a 
S.  S-'^,  et  se  bene  non  metto  difficolta  nella  licenza,  non  vorrei 
pero  che  venisse  voglia  a  S.  S*^  di  veder  parte  di  queste  teste, 
perche  mu  troveri  in  un  labrrinto  cosi  fatto  se  havessi  da 
mandarlene  a  Palazzo,  et  particolarmente  I'Antinoo,  del  quale 
il  s^  card^*'  s.  Giorgio  ne  parla  come  della  piu  pretiosa  statua 
che  sia  in  Roma  rispetto  alia  qualita  della  cosa,  et  pero  volon- 
tieri  I'havrei  veduto  portar  per  terra  sotta  la  condotta  di 
persona  fidata  .  .  . 

[Orig.  Gonzaga  Archives,  Manuta.] 

19.  GiuLio  Cesare  Foresto  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua. « 

1601,  February  10,  Rome. 

.  .  .  S.  S*^  ha  detto  che  non  e  conveniente  che  si  lasci 
spogliar  Roma  di  quelle  cose  che  la  fanno  illustre  per  illus- 
trare  altre  citta,  havendo  di  piu  saputo  che  queste  sono  delle 
piu  nobili  antiquita  di  Roma,  et  tanto  che  non  e  stata  senza 

'  See  svpra,  p.  506. 
'  See  supra,  p.  506, 


pensiero  la  S.  S^^  di  voler  venire  a  vederle,  se  non  che  intese 
che    stanno    incassate  .  .  . 

[Orig.  Gonzaga  Archives,  Mantua.] 
20.  Pope  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Shah  of  Persia. ^ 

1601,  February  21,  Rome. 

Rex  potentissime  et  illustris  salutem,  et  oblatum  a  Deo 
divinae  gratiae  lumen  toto  corde  accipere.  Magna  est  vis 
virtutis,  magna  efficacitas,  cuius  pulchritude  mirabilem  in 
nobis  amorem  excitat,  erga  illos  etiam  quos  nunquam  vidimus  ; 
id  re  ipsa  in  Te  amando  experimur,  nam  etsi  longissimo  terra- 
rum  marisque  intervallo  a  Te  disiuncti  simus,  nee  Te  aliquando 
viderimus,  tamen  quia  a  plerisque  multa  et  praeclara  accepi- 
mus  de  Tua  praestanti  virtute,  de  Tui  regalis  animi  magnitu- 
dine,  de  insigni  fortitudine  aliisque  naturae  ornamentis, 
quibus  Te  altissimus  et  bonorum  omnium  largitor  Deus 
cumulavit,  haec  de  Te  a  nobis  saepius  audita,  ut  Te  amemus 
effecerunt,  quin  etiam  ut  a  Te  vicissim  amari  cupiamus, 
quamquam  et  illud  Nobis  relatum  est,  magna  Nostra  cum 
voluptate,  iam  Te  erga  Nos  egregie  affectum  gratiam  et 
amicitiam  Nostram  expetere,  legationem  etiam  misisse  ad 
Nos,  multa  cum  amoris  et  reverentiae  erga  Nos  significa- 
tione,  quae  tamen  legatio  si  missa  est,  nondum  ad  Nos 
pervenit,  sed  illud  praeterea  de  Te  audivimus,  quod 
Christianum  nomen  honorifice  appelles  et  propensam  prae 
Te  feras  voluntatem  erga  Christianam  religionem,  quae 
sola  veram  salutis  et  felicitatis  viam  docet  et  praestat, 
narrant  enim  et  personas  Tibi  coniunctissimas  Christianas 
esse,  et  in  aula  Tua  regia  complures  esse  fortes  viros  tibique 
carissimos,  qui  se  Christo  addictos  esse  proiiteantur,  idque 
ipsum  Te  iubente  palam  ostendant,  signo  salutaris  et  vivificae 
crucis  quae  est  gloria  nostra,  in  qua  ipse  salvator  mundi  et 
vitae  auctor  lesus  Christus,  Dominus  noster,  aeterni  patris 
aeternus  filius,  carne  nostra  mortali  indutus,  salutem  nostram 
in  medio  terrae  mirabiliter  operatus  est  ;  quae  si  vera  sunt, 
ut  vera  esse  speramus  et  toto  ex  animo  optamus,  haec  certe 
tanto  gaudio  cor  Nostrum  complent,  ut  eiusdem  gaudii 
magnitudinem  nullis  verbis  satis  exprimere  possimus  ;  Nos 
autem  scimus  nullum  verbum  esse  impossibile  apud  Deum 
omnipotertem,    qui    solus  est    rex   regum,  per   quem   reges 

'.See  supra,  p.  •217, 

568  HISTORY    OF    THE    POPES. 

regnant  et  in  cuius  manu  corda  regum  sunt,  et  quocumque 
voluerit  convertit  ilia,  qui  antiquissimis  temporibus  et  in 
saeculis  a  nostra  memoria  valde  remotis,  Cyri  fortissimi  regis 
Persarum  manum  dexteram  apprehendit  et  subiecit  ante 
faciem  eius  gentes  et  dorsa  regum  vertit,  et  gloriosos  ac 
potentes  terrae  humiliavit,  et  ipse  rex  Cyrus,  multis  victoriis 
Dei  auxilio  clarissimus,  populum  Dei  qui  erat  captivus  in 
Babilone,  liberum  dimisit,  et  divino  instinctu  permotus, 
decrevit  tenriplum  Domini  a  Chaldaeorum  rege  destructum 
iterum  aedificare  in  Hierusalem  et  vasa  templi  aurea  atque 
argentea,  quae  asportata  fuerant,  restitui  iussit,  quemad- 
modum  sacrarum  litterarum  monumentis  memoriae  comro en- 
datum  est.  Nunc  autem,  o  rex  Persarum  potentissime  et 
magni  illius  Cyri  successor,  audimus  de  Te,  quod  ecclesias 
rito  christiano,  in  regno  Tuo  aedificari  cupias,  aut  fortasse 
etiam  aedificare  iam  ceperis,  ut  in  eis  Deus  optimus  assidue 
laudetur  et  sacrosancta  sacriftcia  offerantur  et  sanctum 
Christi  evangelium  praedicetur  in  salutem  omni  credenti,  et 
ob  earn  causam  narrant  Te  Christianos  praesbyteros  et 
sacerdotes  expetere,  qui  a  Romana  ecclesia  mittantur.  Magna 
haec  sunt,  o  rex,  et  maiorum  rerum  exordia,  et  plane  maxi- 
maruni,  ut  in  Dei  summa  dementia  confidimus,  cuius  spiritu 
cor  Tuum  ad  tam  praeclaras  cogitationes  moveri  non  dubita- 
mus,  nam  si  Nostram,  hoc  est  Romani  Pontificis  et  Christian- 
orum  regum  patris,  amicitiam  vere  appetis,  si  Christi  fidem 
in  Tuis  provintiis  promulgari,  ecclesias  aedificari,  evangelii 
doctores  et  magistros  apud  Te  habere,  denique  Christi  nomen 
et  Christ  ianam  religionem  in  Tuo  regno  amplissimo  vere 
propagari  desideras,  esto  bono  animo,  nam  et  Deus  ipse  Tibi 
adiumento  erit,  et  Nos  quoque  ipsius  Dei  adiutrice  gratia  his 
desideriis  Tuis  libenter  in  primis  suffragabimur.  Recte  autem 
praesbyteros  ad  Te  mitti  cupis  ab  hac  sancta  Romana  ecclesia, 
quae  omnium  ecclesiarum,  quae  toto  orbe  terrarum  sunt, 
mater  est  et  magistra,  nam  sicut  unus  est  Deus,  et  una  fides  et 
umun  baptisma,  ita  una  est  ecclesia  Catholica  et  Apostolica, 
cuius  caput  est  ecclesia  Romana,  magistra  veritatis,  firma- 
mentum  unitatis,  domicilium  Christianae  religionis,  in  qua 
beatissimus  apostolorum  princeps  Petrus,  quem  Christus 
dominiis  ovium  suarum  pastorem  summum  constitiiit,  suam 
Apostolicam  Sedem  divino  consilio  coUocavit,  in  qua  Sancta 
Sede  post  tot  aetatum  curricula,  post  longam  et  nunquam 


interruptam  pontificum  successionem,  Nos  hoc  tempore, 
humiles  licet  et  indigni,  Spiritu  Sancto  ita  disponente  prae- 
sidemus.  Ad  Te  vero  presbyteros  et  sacerdotes  Christi 
libenter  admodum  mittemus,  qui  evangelicam  veritatem  Tibi 
et  populis  Tuis  annuntient,  quam  si  corde  humili  audieris  et 
complexus  fueris,  et  tandem  Deo  Te  mirabiliter  vocanti 
perfecte  obedire  et  lesu  Christo  nostrae  salutis  auctori  et 
sempiternae  vitae  largitori  nomen  dare  decreveris,  turn 
demum  et  ipse  vere  felix  eris  et  regnis  Tuis  veram  felicitatem 
paries,  et  ad  regum  Persarum  veterem  famam  tantum  Tuae 
gloriae  cumulum  adiicies,  ut  de  Tuis  meritis  et  laudibus  nulla 
posteritas  conticescat  ;  sunt  autem  in  Oriente  presbyteri  et 
operarii  Christi  fideles  ac  strenui,  filii  Nostri  in  Christo  dilecti 
ex  ea  societate,  quae  a  dulcissimo  lesu  nomine  nuncupatur, 
quae  sub  Nostra  et  huius  Sanctae  Apostolicae  Sedis  peculiari 
tutela  Deo  militat  et  in  remotissimis  etiam  Orientis  Indor- 
umque  region  ibus  victricem  Christi  crucem  fixit  et  semen 
evangelii  in  salutem  credentium  disseminavit,  et  Deo  auxili- 
ante  disseminare  studet,  nullis  parcen  laboribus,  ut  verbo 
salutaris  doctrinae  et  vitae  integerrimae  exemplo,  et  denique 
divino  baptisimi  lavacro  et  caelestibus  sacramentis  animas 
Christo  lucrifaciat,  quemadmodum  Tibi  non  inauditum  neque 
omnino  ignotum  esse  arbitramur.  Ex  ea  igitur  societate  et 
ex  iis  orientalibus  regionibus  et  locis,  quae  ad  ditionem 
pertinent  potentissimi  principis  et  filii  Nostri  in  Christo 
carissimi  Philippi  regis  Catholici,  quaeque  loca  a  provintiis 
tuis  minus  longe  absunt,  et  ad  commeandum  opportuniorem 
viam  praebent,  praesbyteros  ad  Te  mitti  curabiraus,  et  eo 
numero  qui  erit  necessarius,  et  iam  nunc  ea  de  re  mandata 
dedimus,  omnia  denique  quae  Tua  populorumque  Tuorum 
salus  postulaverit,  summo  studio  benedicente  Domino 
praestabimus,  nihilque  aliud  expectamus,  nisi  ut  de  Tua  tota 
voluntate  Nobis  planius  constet,  et  quae  fama  et  multorum 
relatu,  ut  diximus,  accepimus,  eadem  ex  Te  ipso,  hoc  est  ex 
litteris  Tuis  Tuisque  etiam  Nuntiis  multo  certius  multoque 
cumulatius  cognoscamus.  Interea  ut  amoris  erga  Te  Nostri 
et  desiderii  sincerae  amicitiae  inter  nos  conciliandae  illustrior 
exstet  significatio,  has  Nostras  litteras  ad  Te  dare  placuit, 
testes  voluntatis  in  Te  Nostrae  et  veluti  pignus  benevolentiae 
eas  autem  tibi  reddent  hi  duo  dilecti  filii  Nostri,  quos  ad  Te 
nominatim  mittimus,   nimirum   Franc'scus  Costa,   religiosus 

570  HISTORY    OF   THE    POPES. 

praesbyter  ex  eadem  societate  lesu,  doctrina  et  zelo  Dei 
praestans,  et  vir  industrius  ac  diligens  Didacus  de  Miranda, 
ambo  Lusitani,  ambo  rerum  usu  praediti  Nobisque  probati 
et  valde  grati,  qui  alias  etiam  in  Perside  fuerunt,  Tuoque  regie 
nomini  sunt  addict issimi,  quin  etiam  Didacus  Venetiis 
collocutus  est  cum  Assandebechio  familiari  Tuo,  eaque  ab  eo 
accepta  de  Te  Nobis  retulit,  quae  Nobis  incunda  valde  fuerunt, 
ex  iis  igitur  mentem  Nostram,  ubi  ad  Te,  angelo  Domini  duce, 
incolumes  pervenerint,  multo  apertius  multoque  copiosius 
intelliges,  atque  illud  in  primis,  quam  appetentes  simus 
salutis  Tuae,  quam  cupidi  Tuae  amplitudinis  et  gloriae. 
Quare  a  Te  petimus,  ut  illis  fidem  plenissimam  habeas 
perinde  ac  si  Nos  ipsi  Tecum,  praesentes  loqueremur  ;  con- 
fidimus  autem,  quod  hos  nuntios  Nostros  et  Nobis  dilectos, 
omi  cum  honore  et  humanitate  excipies,  nam  et  Nos  erga  Tuos 
quos  ad  Nos  miseris,  parem  humanitatem  adhibebimus,  ut 
Noster  inter  Nos  amor  firmiores  radices  agat  et  in  dies  magis 
coalescat  ;  vere  enim  ex  Nostra  animorum  et  voluntatum 
coniunctione  magnae  et  multiplices  utilitates  redundare 
poterunt,  quas  Te  pro  Tua  prudentia  satis  perspicere  non 
dubitamus,  sed  ea  in  primis,  quae  est  de  Tuo  et  Nostro  et 
totius  nominis  Christiani  perpetuo  atque  infensissimo  hoste 
Turca  coercendo,  qui  intolerabili  superbia  et  insatiabili 
cupiditate  dominandi  omnia  regna,  omnes  provintias  sua 
tyrannide  opprimere  et  durissimae  servitutis  iugo  subiicere 
avidissime  desiderat  ;  sed  speramus  in  Dei  dementia,  quod 
humiliabit  superbum  et  brachium  eius  et  dentes  eius  conteret 
in  ore  eius  et  molas  leonis  confringet,  cuius  rei  non  obscura 
indicia  annis  proximis  dedit  Deus  in  Unga.ria,  et  leonem  ilium 
immanissimum  superari  posse  ostendit  ;  Nos  vero  pro  Nostro 
pastorali  officio  praeter  ea  adiumenta,  quae  carissimo  filio 
Nostro  Rudolpho  Imperatori  electo  adversus  teterrimum 
hostem  praebuimus  et  praebebimus,  in  ea  cura  maxime 
versamur,  ut  reges  et  principes  Catholicos,  filios  Nostros  in 
Christo  carissimos,  omni  officii  genere  permoveamus,  quo 
communem  inimicum  communibus  studiis  oppugnent,  et 
magna  spe  sum  us  fore,  ut  id  a  divina  miseracordia  impetremus, 
quod  si  Tu  quoque,  iusta  indignatione  permotus,  tarn  multas 
et  tam  graves  Tibi  a  Turcis  illatas  iniurias  aliquando  ulcisci 
statueris,  et  avitae  Persarum  gloriae  memor  Tuaeque  propriae 
virtutis,  summa  vi  summoque  animi  ardore  bellum  non  minus 


Tibi  gloriosum  quam  necefsarium  susceperis,  profecto  fera  ilia 
et  immanis  bellua  undique  vulneribus  confecta  prosternetur, 
qiiod  tanto  magi's  sperare  Nobisque  polliceri  licet,  quod 
divinae  motionis  vim  in  Tuo  corde  videmur  videre,  dum  erga 
Christi  nomen  et  Christianam  religionem  Te  adeo  propensum 
esse  audimus  ;  sic  Deus  et  pater  misericordiarum  opus  suum, 
quod  iam  in  Te  incepit,  ipse  periiciat,  ut  unum  Nobiscum  et 
cum  principibus  Christianis  corpus  efficiaris,  ut  Tecum 
arctissime  colligati,  omnia  Tua  sua  ducant  tantoque  vehemen- 
tius  contra  communem  inimicum  pro  communi  salute  et 
gloria  exardescant.  Deum  autem  exercituum,  in  cuius  manu 
sunt  victoriae  et  triumphi,  toto  ex  animo  precamur,  ut  que- 
madmodum  olim  ante  Cyrum,  sic  eat  ante  Te  et  portas  aeneas 
conterat  et  vectes  ferreos  confringat,  Teque  omnibus  difficul- 
tatibus  su]")eratis,  victorem  et  triumphatorem  efficiat.  Esto 
igitur  forti  et  excelso  animo,  atque  ut  Te  decet  magna  meditare 
et  magna  aggredere,  ut  maiorum  Tuorum  gloriam  virtute  et 
magnitudine  animi  non  solum  sustineas,  sed  etiam  adaugeas 
et  amplifices.     Dat  Romae  etc. 

[Brevia  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  61,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 
21.  Pope  Clement  VIII.  to  the  Shah  of  Persia. ^ 

1601,   May   2,    Rome. 

Rex  potentissime  et  illustris,  salutem  et  oblatum  a  Deo 
divinae  gratiae  lumen  toto  corde  accipe.  Pervenerunt  his 
proximis  diebus  ad  banc  almam  Urbem  nostram,  arcem 
Christianae  religionis  et  portum  nationum,  quos  ad  Nos,  ut 
ipsi  referunt,  misisti,  vir  nobilis  Antonius  Scierleius  et  vir 
honoratus  Assandebechius,  quorum  adventus  periucundus 
Nobis  fuit,  cum  a  tanto  rege  et  tantae  potentiae  principe,  et 
tam  multis,  ut  audimus,  animi  et  corporis  ornamentis  praedito, 
ex  tam  longinquis  et  rem.otis  regionibus  ad  Nos  venerint, 
Tuasque,  quemadmodum  ipsi  affirmant,  litteras  Nobis 
gratissimas  attulerint,  quas  accepimus  singulari  cum  volup- 
tate  ;  ipsos,  qui  eas  nobis  Tuo  nomine  reddiderunt,  oculis 
vultuque  hilari  aspeximus  omnique  cum  benignitate  excepimus, 
atque  a  Nostris  quam  human issime  tractari  iussimus,  quod 
ipsi  multo  uberius  Tuae  Celsitudini  referre  poterunt  et  denique 
ea  benevole  in  primis  attenteque  audivimus,  quae  Tuo  nomine 
Nobis  retulerunt.     Paria  enim  Tibi  in  amore  reddimus,  et 

'  See  supra,  p.  248, 


quemadmodum  Tu  et  litteris  et  viva  Tuorum  voce  profiteris, 
Te  gratiae  et  amicitiae  Nostrae  esse  appetentem,  ita  Nos 
vicissim  pari  benevolentiae  affectu  Tibi  respondemus,  ex  hac 
enim  nostra  amicitia  et  coniunctione,  tamquam  ex  quodam 
fonte,  magna  bona  redundare  posse  intellgimus,  ad  totius 
Christianae  reipublicae,  turn  ad  Tuam  Tuaeque  illustris 
coronae  utilitatem  et  gloriam,  quod  Tu  quoque  pro  Tua 
prudentia  non  ignoras,  sed  optime  intelligis.  Accedit,  quod 
divinae  potentiae  et  sapientiae  proprium  est,  non  secus  at  que 
ex  parvo  semine  ingentes  arbores  procreantur,  ita  ex  initiis 
exiguis  res  maximas  efficere,  non  enim  viae  Dei  sunt  sicut 
viae  hominum,  sed  omnia  quaecumque  vult  facit  in  coelo  et  in 
terra.  Ac  sane  sperandum  es  in  summa  Dei  bonitate,  si  forti 
et  excelso  animo  esse  velimus,  tempus  advenisse,  quo  immanis- 
simus  Turcarum  tyrannus,  cuius  insatiabilis  dominandi  libido 
nullis  terminis  continetur,  non  solum  coerceatur,  sed  plane 
superetur,  cuius  rei  manifesta  extant  argumenta,  cum  per  hos 
annos  magnas  clades  terra  marique  a.  Christianis  principibus 
acceperit.  Unde  tanto  magis  animi  Tui  magnitudo  excitari 
atque  inflammari  debet  adversus  teterrimum  et  superbissimum 
hostem,  qui  Te  ipsum  et  maiores  etiam  Tuos  gravissimis 
iniuriis  et  detrimentis  affecit,  et  Nos  sane  id  Tecum  agimus, 
quod  Summi  Romani  Pontifices  praedecessores  Nostri  cum 
patre  et  maioribus  Tuis  saepius  egerunt,  ut  scilicet  iusto  dolore 
exardeecas  et  inimicum  infensissimum  regum  Persarum 
nomine,  qui  omnes  quidem,  sed  Te  potissimum  durissimo 
servitutis  iugo  opprimere  molitur,  ne  inultum  abire  patiaris,  sed 
ita  vehementer  oppugnes,  ut  ilium  aliquando  audaciae  et 
superbiae  suae  poeniteat.  Nam  quod  Te  cupere  significas, 
quodque  ii,  quos  ad  Nos  misisti,  coram  etiam  narrarunt,  ut  reges 
et  principes  Christian!  Tecum  contra  Turcam  foedus  ineant, 
nos  idem  cupimus,  partesque  Nostrae  pontificiae  auctoritatis 
ad  id  interponemus,  sed  res  magni  momenti  diligenti  tracta- 
tione  et  non  modico  tempore  indigent.  Interea  non  desunt 
ex  principibus  Nostris,  qui  eum  bello  exerceant  atque  infestent, 
et  praesertim  carissimus  filius  Noster  Rudolphus  electus 
Imperator,  qui  continenter  cum  eo  bellum  gerit  et  iam  nunc 
hac  ipsa  aestate  gesturus  est,  et  Nos  quoque  illi  adiumento 
sumus  et  auxiliares  Nostras  copias  contra  Turcas  mittimus  et 
Catholicos  principes  filios  Nostros  ad  eidem  electo  Imperatori 
opem  ferendam  omni  officii  genere  permovemus  ;  itaque  Tuae 


est  prudentiae  et  consilii  uti  hac  opportunitate,  et  dum  Turca 
robur  exercitus  sui  in  Ungariam  niittit  et  armis  Christian  is 
distinetur,  Tu  ilium  invade  et  quasi  illius  nudatum  latus  ferro 
aggredere,  ut  ille  ancipiti  bello  distractus  et  pluribus  in  locis 
oppugnatus,  veluti  quaedam  ferox  bellua  raultorum  vena- 
torum  concursu  vexata,  telisque  cordectis  saucia,  tandem  ad 
terram  prosternatur  ;  nihil  igitur  procrastinandum,  ne  occasio 
praetereat,  sed  quod  Nostros  ex  sua  parte  facere  vides,  Tu 
quoque  ex  Tua  fac  et  Turcam  eodem  tempore  oppugn  a  quam 
fortissime  ;  sic  Tu  Christianis  et  Chrisitani  Tibi  vicissim 
adiumento  erunt,  et  quod  omnes  spectamus,  re  ipsa  efficietur, 
ut  communis  hostis  gcnuina  oppugnatione  delibitatus  corruat 
at  que  intereat,  atque  hoc  ipsum  ad  foedus,  quod  desideras, 
conciliandum  maiorem  et  faciliorem  aditum  aperiet,  Nosque 
tanto  efficacius  de  eo  agemus,  cum  apud  omnes  constiterit, 
Te  summo  studio,  summo  ardore  totisque  viribus  in  illius 
hostis  perniciem  incumbere,  quem  ab  aliis  quoque  invadi 
atque  opprimi  concupiscis.  Quod  principes  Christiani  com- 
plures,  ut  diximus,  iam  pro  sua  virili  faciunt.  Nos  vero 
utilitati  et  rationibus  Tuis  et  gloriae  Tuae  valde  ex  animo 
favemus  et  favebimus,  quod  ex  eo  facile  perspicere  potes,  quod 
antequam  Tui,  quos  ad  Nos  misisti,  Romam  pervenissent,  iam 
Nos  ad  Te  cum  litteris  Nostris,  amantissime  scriptis,  duos 
familiares  Nostros  miserimus,  videlicet  dilectos  filios  Francis- 
cum  Costam,  sacerdotem  Christi,  et  Didacum  Mirandam, 
ambos  Lusitanos  et  nobis  valde  gratos,  qui  cum  incolumes, 
Deo  duce,  in  conspectum  Tuum  venerint,  quod  supra  quam 
dici  possit  optamus,  sane  ex  Nostri  litteris  atque  ex  eorum 
sermone  intelliges  copiosius,  quam  praeclaram  de  Tua  virtute 
opinionem  habeamus,  et  quam  benevolo  erga  Te  animo  simus, 
et  quantopere  cupiamus,  non  solum  Te  omni  humana  felicitate 
esse  florentissimum,  sed  sempiterna  etiam  ilia  in  caelo  felicitate 
et  beatitudine  frui,  quam  nemo  potest  adipisci,  nisi  qui  ex 
aqua  et  spiritu  regeneratus,  Christianae  fidei  veritatem 
susceperit  et  professus  fuerit.  Ouamobrem  incredibilem 
voluptatem  cepimus  ex  eo  capite  litterarum  Tuarum  et 
colloquio  eorundem  duorum  praestantium  virorum,  quod  ad 
Nos  misisti,  velle  Te  nimirum,  ut  Christianis  et  iis  praesertim, 
qui  a  Nobis  mittentur,  aditus  pateat  in  regnum  et  provintias 
Tuas,  quodque  Christianis  et  Persis  libera  sint  commercia, 
ipsique  Christiani  non  solum  immunitato  multisque  favoribus 

574  HISTORY   OF   THE    POPES. 

et  privilegiis  a  Te  ample  concessis  gaudeant  et  potiantur,  sed 
etiam  ecclesias  et  templa  christiano  ritu  Deo  altissimo  in  Tuo 
regno  et  ditione  aedificent,  sacerdotes  et  presbyteros  habeant, 
qui  divina  officia  persolvant,  sacramenta  administrent,  verbum 
Dei  praedicent  et  lucem  ac  semen  evangelii  Christi  in  salutem 
omni  credenti  ubique  disseminent  atque  diffundant,  quibus 
rebus  nihil  Nobis  gratius,  nihil  Deo  acceptius,  nihil  Tibi 
salutarius  et  magnifiicentius  potest  accidere  ;  nam  cum  Tu 
vere  et  ex  animo  Dei  gloriae  servieris,  ille  etiam,  per  quem 
solum  reges  regnant,  te  gloriosum  et  de  inimicis  tuis  Turcis 
victorem  et  triumphatorem  efhciet  ;  quare  brevi  ad  Te 
presbyteros  mittemus  doctores  veritatis  et  magistros  salutis, 
quemadmodum  alteris  Nostris  litteris  solliciti  sumus,  quas 
Francisco  et  Didaco  supradictis  ad  Te  perferendas  dedimus, 
quos  Tibi  iterum  et  saepius  commendamus,  petimusque  ut  eos 
humaniter  accipias  laetosque  ad  Nos  remittas,  sicut  Nos  Tuos 
accepimus  et  ad  Te  remittimus  multa  cum  amoris  signifi- 
catione  et  litteris  Nostris,  quibuscum  de  his  ipsis  rebus,  de 
quibus  ad  Te  scribimus,  copiose  locuti  sumus,  qui  etiam  ex  ore 
et  oculis  Nostris  Nostram  in  Te  eximiam  voluntatem  Tuaeque 
gloriae  desiderium  perspicere  potuerunt.  Deus  omnipotens 
qui  Te  in  magni  Cyri  regis  solio  collocavit,  det  Tibi  cor  sapiens 
et  corroboret  Te  es:  alto  virtute  et  fortitudine,  ut  vincas  hostes 
Tuos  Turcas,  et  lucem  evangelii  Christi  in  regiium  Persarum, 
ubi  olim  late  resplenduit,  restituas,  omnesque  reges,  qui  ante 
Te  in  regno  isto  fuerunt,  ita  rerum  gestarum  magnitudine  et 
gloria  superes,  ut  nulla  aetas  nullaque  posteritas  famam 
Tuam  ignoret,  nee  de  Tuis  unquam  laudibus  conticescat. — 
Dat.  Romae  apud  sanctos  Apostolos  sub  annulo  piscatoris  die 
secunda  Mali  1601,  pontilicatus  Nostri  anno  decimo. 
[Brevia  Arm.  44,  t.  45,  n.  124,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 

22.  Pope   Clement   VIII.    to    Justin    Calvin. ^ 

ICOl,  December  12,  Rome. 

Clemens  PP.   VIII. 

Dilecte  fili  salutem  et  apostolicam  benedictionem.  Litteras 
Tuas  et  apologiam  de  Tuo  ad  gremium  catholicae  ecclesiae 
reditu,  quas  ad  Nos  misisti,  libenti  animo  accepimus,  gra- 
tumque  est  Nobis,  quod  praeclara  erga  Te  divinae  misericordiae 
beneficia  et  pie  agnoscis  et  magnifice  praedicas  et  ad  eandem 

'  See  supra,  p.  277. 


veritatis  lucem,  quam  Spiritu  Sancto  auctore  inveni?ti,  alios 
adhuc  tenebris  involutos  perducere  studes.  Non  erit,  ut 
speramus,  infructuosus  labor  Tuus,  Deo  ipso  sementi  Tuae 
incrementum  dante,  tuum  Tibi  certe  meritum  apud  patrem 
misericordiarum  constabit  ac  salvum  erit.  Quod  venerabilis 
frater  Noster  archiepiscopus  et  princeps  elector  Moguntinus, 
et  Nostra  commendatione  et  Tua  virtute  adductus,  benigne, 
ut  scribis,  Tecum  agat  Teque  foveat,  id  Nobis  pergratum  est 
Nostraeque  expectationi  consentaneum,  ad  quern  alteras 
nunc  quoque  Tui  causa  commendatitias  litteras  damns  ;  ut 
Te  tanto  propensius  complectatur  ;  quin  etiam  et  decano 
illius  insignis  capituli  Te  commendamus,  ut  plura  Tibi  prae- 
sidia  paremus.  Tu  vero,  si  Roman  venire  statueris,  gratus 
Nobis  advenies  et  libenter  in  primis  Te  videbimus  et  Tibi 
adiumento  erimus  ;  amamus  enim  Te  in  Christo  paterno 
affectu  ;  ipse  autem,  qui  Te  vocavit  in  admirabile  lumen 
suum,  dona  sua  in  te  custodiat  at  que  adaugeat,  et  Nos  Tibi 
apostolicam  benedictionem  Nostram  ex  animo  impartimur. 
Datum  Romae  apud  sanctum  Petrum  sub  annulo  piscatoris 
die  12  Decembris  1601,  pontificatus  Nostri  anno  decimo. 

[Brevia,  Arm.  44  t.  35,  n.  421,  Papal  Secret  Archives.] 
23.  Francesco  Maria  Vialardo  to  the  Duke  of  Mantua. ^ 

1604,  December  11,  Rome. 

...  II  card'^  di  Perone  sara  qui  questa  sera.  Gioiosa  e 
ammalato  di  lieve  puntura,  il  Papa  fa  sborsare  50°^  duc^^  per 
il  negotio  dell'acqua  di  Ferrara,  vuole  che  si  rimetta  la  con- 
gregatione  de  propaganda  fide.  .  .  . 

[Orig.     Gonzaga    Archives,     Mantua.] 

'  See  supra,  p.  268. 


Abbas  I.  (Shah  of  Persia),  247 

Abercomby,  Robert  (  (S.J.),  61. 
Accoramboni,  Ottavio  (Bishop 

of  Fossombrone),   192. 
Acosta,  Jose  de  (S.J.),  166,  169- 

175,    178  seqq.,   308. 
Accjuapendente  (preacher),  273. 
Adorno,  Franc.  (S.J.),  169. 
Adrian  IV.,  Pope,  69. 
Adrian   VI.,    Pope,   409. 
Adrianus,  QuintiUanus  (notary 

of  the  Inijuisition),  198. 
Afflito,  Annibale  d'  (Bishop  of 

Reggio),  193,  264. 
AgelUo,     Antonio     (Theatine, 

Bishop    of    Acerno),     223 

Agucchio,    Girolamo    (major    - 

domo  of  P.  Aldobrandini), 

Cardinal,  72,  414. 
Aguila,      Jiian      de      (Spanish 

general),   70. 
Alvbar  the  Great  (Grand  INIogul) 

Alaleone,  Paolo  (master  of  cere- 
monies), 81,  151,  404,  472, 

Alarcon,  Garcia  de  (S.J.),  310. 
Albani,     Francesco      (painter), 


Albergati,  Antonio  (nuncio  at 
Cologne),  443. 

Albergati,  Fabio,  491. 

Albert  of  Austria  (husband  of 
Isabella  of  Spain,  governor 
of  the  Low  Countries),  6, 
13,  40,  47,  57  seq.,  65,  68 
seq.,  71,  295  seqq.,  325, 
402    seq.,    406,    516. 

Alberti,  Cherubino  (painter), 
482,  486. 

Alberti  Giovanni  (painter),  479 
seq.,  487  seq. 

Aldobrandini,  Family  of  the, 
158,  420,  426,  478,  483, 
489,  512. 

Aldobrandini  [Passeri],  Cinzio 
(nephew  of  Clement  VIII.), 
Cardinal,  72,  85,  99,  iii, 
222,  248,  266,  386  seq.,  39T, 
396  seq.,  451  seq.,  456  seqq., 
460,   469,   490,   505. 

Aldobrandini,  Flaminia,  279. 

Aldobrandini,  Gian  Francesco, 
375  ^'isq.,  379,  386,  391. 

Aldobrandini  [Detil,  Lisa 
(mother  of  Clement  VIIL), 

Aldobrandini,  Olimpia  (niece 
of  Clement  VIIL),   512. 

Aldobrandini,  Pietro  (nephew 
of  Clement  VIIL),  Cardi- 
nal, 39,  72,  164,  182  seq., 
197.  199'.  266,  307,  313, 
319,  325-  342,  346  seq., 
373.  386,  393-396,  308,  400, 
403  seqq.,  410,  433  seq.,  451 
seq.,  483,  490,  495-499,  505. 
519  seq.,  523. 

Aldobrandini,  Silvestro  (father 
of  Clement  VIIL),  482  seq. 

Alexander  III.,  Pope,  233. 

Alexander  VI.,  Pope,  186,  505. 

Alfonso  II.  (Duke  of  Ferrara), 
382    seqq.,    385,    388,    391, 

394.  397.  401. 
Allen,  William,  Cardinal,  9-13, 

17,  21,  65,  193. 
Alonso,  Juan  (Bishop  of  Leon), 

Alphonsus,     O.S.B.     (abbot    of 

Valladolid),  8. 
Altemps,  Cardinal,  459,  493. 
Alvares  II.  (King  of  the  Congo), 

Alvarez,  Diego  (O.P.),  303,  318 
seqq.,  325,  335,  347,  349. 

VOL.    XXIV. 





Ammirato,    Scipione,    453. 
Anchieta,  Jose  de  (S.J.),  255. 
Ancina,     Giovanni     Giovenale 

(Bishop   of   Saluzzo),    192. 
Andrew  of  Austria   (Bishop  of 

Constance     and     Brixen), 

Cardinal,  275. 
Angelis,   Giiiho  de   (physician), 

Angelotto,  Giov.  Batt.  (heretic), 

Angermann      (Archbishop      of 

Upsala),    90   sea.,   95   seq., 

98,   103. 
Angus,  Earl  of,  53,  61  seq. 
Anhalt,  Ludwig  von,  504. 
Anna     (archduchess,     wife     of 

Sigismund    III.),    81,    loi, 

115,  122,  235. 
Anne     (wife    of    James    I.    of 

England),  50,  55  seq.,  72. 
Anselmo    da    Monopoli 

(Capuchin),  273. 
Antoniano,      Silvio,     Cardinal, 

134,    193,    195,    228,    266, 

273.    437.    439,    453.    494, 

Aquaviva,  Claudio    (general  of 

the  Jesuits),  2,  15  seq.,  43, 

166  seq.,  169-174,  179-184, 

238,    255,    258,    30T,    307 

seq.,  318,  2>25seq.,  331,  335, 

364  seq.,  445. 
Aquaviva    d'Aragona     (Bishop 

of  Cajazzo),  172. 
Aquaviva,  Ottavio  (Archbishop 

of  Naples),  171. 
A(]uino,  Antonio  de  (Bishop  of 

Sarno),   193. 
Aragona,     Cardinal,     see    Tag- 

Arevedo,    Pedro    Gonzalez    de, 

Arias,  Beatrice,  421. 
Arigoni,  Pompeo,  Cardinal,  193, 

■  198,  322,  347,  397. 
Ariosto,  465. 
Aristotle,   204,   208. 
Arpino,  Cavaliere  d'   (painter), 

467,  470  seq.,  475' seq.,  479 

seq.,  497,  513.  519. 
Arras,    Niccolo    (Dutch   artist), 

x\rrese,  Juan  de  (licenciate),292. 

Arrighini,  Giorgio  (hat-maker), 

Arrigoni,  Lelio,  218,  220,  427, 

Arrubal,  Pedro  de'  (S.J.),  323, 

325.  335  seq.,  356. 
Ascoli  (O.P.),  Cardinal,  339. 
Ashton,  Nicolas  (co-founder  of 

the    English   College,    Lis- 
bon), 8. 
Athanasius,  St.,  428. 
Augustine,   St.,   283,   289,   297, 

311,  321,  348  seq. 
Avalos     de     Aragonia,     liligo, 

Cardinal,   193. 
Avendaiio,    Alonso    de    (O.P.), 

300,  304,  306  seqq.,  364. 
Avila,     Guzman     de     [Davila], 

Cardinal,  72,  323. 

Bacagliar,  Andr.,  438. 
Bacci,   Andrea   (botanist),   431. 
Baglione,     Giovanni     (painter), 

474,  476,  479,  316; 
Bagshaw,   Christopher   (secular 

priest),  17,  19,  24. 
Baius,  297. 
Balaban,    Gedeon     (Bishop    of 

Lemberg),    123,    130    seq., 

136  seq.,' i^g. 
Balmerino  (secretary  to  James 

I.  of  England),  34. 
Bancroft,  Richard   (prot.  bishop 

of  Eondon),  29,  33. 
Bandini,  Giovan  Battista,  Car- 
dinal, 226  seq.,  396. 
Bandini,        Giovan        Battista 

(priest),  449. 
Bandini,     Ottavio     (Bishop    of 

Fermo),  Cardinal,  72,  396. 
Banes,    Domenico    (O.P.),    285 

seqq.,     291     seq.,     298-301, 

303,    310    seq.,    313,    313, 

318,  323  seq.,  323,  344  seqq. 
Barbaro,  Fiancesco  (Bishop  of 

Aquileja),    190. 
Barberini,    Maf'eo    (later    Pope 

Url)an  VIIL),  72,  120,  414, 

447.  454- 
Barga    (phvsician    to    Clement 

VII i.),'  432. 
Bargaus,  Petrus  Angelus,  463. 
Bargius,  Johann,  3. 
Barocci,  Federico  (painter), 4 82. 




Baronius,  Cesare,  Cardinal,  72, 
133,  158,  161,  188,  195, 
216,    228    seq.,    273,    277, 

373.  397.  437.  439,  443. 
446    seq..    453,    474,    487, 

490,  494-  505.  517  s^<l-> 
.521,   527. 

Barrett,  Dr.  (president  of  Douai 
college),  17. 

Barro,  G.  F.  (heretic),  202. 

Barsum  (Archdeacon  of  Alex- 
andria), 257. 

Basa,   Bernardo  (printer),  449. 

Basa,  Domenico  (printer),  449. 

Bascape,  Carlo  (Bishop  of 
No  vara),  191. 

Bassus,   Junius,  473. 

Bastida,      Ferdinando     de     la 

(S.J.),  323.  343,  .3.56. 

Bathorv,  Andreas,  Cardinal, 
83,'  88,   194- 

Bathory,  Stephen  (King  of 
Poland),   120,   127. 

Beaton,  James  (Archbishop  of 
Glasgow),  50,  66. 

Beaumont  (French  envoy  in 
England),  74. 

Beccaria,  Ippolito  Maria  (gen- 
eral of  the  Dominicans), 
325  seq..  331. 

Bellarmine,  Cynthia  (mother  of 
the  Cardinal),  445. 

Bellarmine,  Robert,  Cardinal, 
15.  49,  54.  167,  187  seq.. 
193.  195,  211,  218,  224, 
226,  228  seq.,  230,  273, 
31T  seq.,  317,  320,  327,  333, 
335.  337.  34^>.  350  seqq., 
359  seq.,  437,  439-446.  453. 


Benaglia    (prelate),    270. 

Benavidcs,  Michael  (O.P.,  Arch- 
bishop of  Manila),  244. 

Benedict  XIV.,  Pope,  469. 

Benedict  X\'.,  Pope,  368. 

Bentivoglio,    Guido,    Cardinal, 

397.  437- 

Bernard  of  Clairvaux,  St.,  520. 

Bernardoni,  Giovanni  Maria 
(S.J.),  123. 

Bernerio,  Girolamo  (O.P.),  Car- 
dinal,   198,   317,   327,   517. 

Bethune,  Maximilian  de,  see 

Bevilacqua,    Bonifacio,    Cardi- 
nal,   195. 
Bianchetti,   Lorenzo,   Cardinal, 


Billius     (theologian),     438. 

Bishop,  John,  25,  29. 

Bishop,  William  (vicar  -apos- 
tolic),  24  seqq.,   36. 

Blackwell,  George  (arcli-priest), 
2T,  22-2 s,  27  seq.,  30  seqq., 

34.   38.  " 
Blandrata,    Francesco    (Bishop 

of    Acqui),    Cardinal,    403, 

Blasio,    Luca    (organ    buuder), 

Blount,  Richard  (S.J.),  33. 
Bluet,  Thomas  (secular  priest), 

19,  24,  29,  32,  35. 
Bobadilla,  Andrea  (Archbishop 

of  Saragossa),  194. 
Boccafusco,  Costanzo  (O.F.M.), 

Cardinal,  198. 
Boccalini,    Torojano    (satirist), 

Boissard,  Jean  Jacques  (arche- 

ologist),   503. 
Bolanos"',  Luis  (O.F.M.),  255. 
Bolognetti,     Albert!     (nuncio). 

Cardinal,  120,  127. 
Bombasio,  Gabriele,  517. 
Bonarelli,     Guidobaldo     (poet), 

Bonaventnre,   St.,  438. 
Bonelli,  Michele,  Cardinal,   87, 

317,    319    seq..    339,    4S4, 

507.   510. 
Bonitor,  James  \\'ood,  I-ord  of, 

Bordini,     Giovanni     Francesco 

(Archbishop   of   Avignon), 

Borghe.'^e,   Camillo    (later  Pope 

Paul  v.).  Cardinal,   8,   26, 

195,  198,  347-  5^2. 
Borromeo,    Charles,    St.,    Car- 
dinal,   IT,    160,    169,    192, 

233  seq.,  246 
Borromeo,      Frederick      (Arch- 
bishop of  Milan),  Cardinal, 

191.    195.    223,    234,    266, 

Bosio,    Antonio    (archeologist), 

505,  521,  527- 



Bosso  da  Bassi   (heretic),   202. 
Botero,  Giov.,  196. 
Bovio  (theologian),  334,  336. 
Bozio,  Tomaso  (oratorian),  276. 
Brambilla    (painter),    502. 
Brendani,     Antonio     (p.p.     of 

S.  Dorotea),   163. 
Bressio,  Maurizio  (scholar),  449. 
Bridget  of  Sweden,  St.,  T04. 
Bril,   Paul   (painter),   486,   48S, 

5C'2,   524. 
Bronski    (Arian),    139. 
Bruno,  Fabio  (S.J.),  258. 
Bruno,  Giordano,  202  213. 
Brusca,      Francesco      (O.F.M., 

Bishop  of  Lettera),  322. 
Buchel,  Arend  van,  503. 
Bufalo,    Innocenzo    (Bishop   of 

Camerino,  nuncio),  72,  74, 

Buonvicino,     Ambrogio 

(sculptor),  479. 
Bus,  Cesar  de   (founder  of  the 

"  Doctrinnaires  "),     165. 
Buzzi,  Ippolito  (sculptor),  483. 

Caetani,  Family  of  the,  430. 
Caetani,   Carnillo    (patriarch  of 

Alexandria),   82. 
Caetani,  Errico,  Cardinal,  i,  8, 

21   seq.,   26,    III,    112   seq., 

114    seqq.,    121,    153,    193, 

445,  516. 
Caetani,   Pietro    (Duke  of  Fer- 

rara),   386. 
Caffarelli,  Family  of  the,  430. 
Cagnati,  I^Iarsilio  (physician  to 

Clement  YIIL),  435. 
Calasanctius,   Joseph,  St.,   139, 

Calixtus  II.,  Pope,  472. 
Calvetti,   Olimpio,    423,    425. 
Calvin,    John,    206,    213,    282, 

Calvin,    Justus,   277,   300,   440. 
Cambio,  Arnolfo  di  (artist),  525 
Camillus  of  Lellis,  St.,  159,  410. 
Campugnanu.j,    Hieron.    Joan- 

ninus,  502. 
Cano,     Melchior     (O.P.),     296, 

Caporali,  Guilio  di  Giov.  Batt. 

(gilder),   475. 
Capranico,  Paolo,  Mgr.,  495. 

Caracci,  The  (painters),  466, 
467,  511. 

Caracci,  Agostino  (artist),  466, 

Caracci,  Annibale  (painter), 
510,  512  seq. 

Carafa,  Carlo,  Cardinal,  162, 

Caravaggio  [Amerighi],  Michel- 
angelo (painter),  467,  516. 

Carretto,  Giulio  del  (Mantuan 
envoy),  198,  225,  232,  374. 


Casimir,  St.,  235. 

Cassian,  321. 

Castanola,  Vincenzo  (S.J.),  261. 

Castelfidardo  (Franciscan),  273. 

Castelli,    Bernardo     (painter), 

Castelnau  de  Mauvissiere 
Michel,  205,  207. 

Catesby    (conspirator),   47. 

Catherine    of    Siena,    St.,    235. 

Catherine  of  Sweden,  St.,   104. 

Cati,    Pasquale    (painter),    489. 

Cato,    Renato    (orator),    396. 

Cattaneo,   I.azzaro   (S.J.),   241. 

C  e  c  i,  Battista  (envoy  from 
Urbino),   508  seq. 

Cecil,   John   (spy),  24. 

Cecil,  Robert,  43,  57. 

Cecilia,  St.,  320  seqq. 

Cedolini,  Pietro  (Bishop  of 
I-esina),   453. 

Cenci,  Family  of  the,  420  seq. 

Cenci,  Beatrice,  420  seq.,  422- 

Cenci,  Bernardo  (son  of  Fran- 
cesco), 422  seqq. 

Cenci,  Cristoforo  (clerk  of  the 
Chamber),  421. 

Cenci,  Cristoforo  (son  of  Fran- 
cesco), 423. 

Cenci,     Francesco,     420,     422- 

Cenci,  Giacomo,  420,  422  seqq. 
Cenci,  Lucrezia  (second  wife  of 

Francesco),  422  seqq. 
Cenci,  Paolo  (son  of  Francesco), 

Cenci,  Rocco  (son  of  Francesco), 

Cerasa,    Tiberio    (Papal    treas- 
urer), 379,  517- 



Ceruso,  Giovanni  Leonardo 
("  II  Lettei-ato  "),   162. 

Cervoni  da  Colle,  Isabella,  395. 

Cesalpino,  Andrea  (physician 
to  Clement  VIII.),  435, 

Cesari,  Giiiseppe  (painter),  467. 

Cesi,  Bartolomeo,  Cardinal,  379, 
405,    448,    490,    516,    523. 

Chacon,  see  Ciaconius. 

Charlemagne,    390. 

Charles  V.,  Emperor,  7. 

Charles  of  Sweden,  see  Soder- 

Charnock,  Robert  (English 
(priest),    24   scqq. 

Chastel,  Jean,  168. 

Chemnitz,  Martin  (Lutheran 
theologian),  300. 

Chisholm,  William  (Bishop  of 
Vaison),  53. 

Chisholm,  WiUiam  (the 
younger,  Bishop  of  Dun- 
blane), 63. 

Christian  IV.  (King  of  Den- 
mark),  142. 

Ciaconius,  Alfonsus  (O.P.),  449, 

Ciampelli  (painter),  479. 
Ciampoli   (poet),  452,  496. 
Cicada,     C.     (ruler    of    Crete), 

Cicada,  Vincenzo  (S.J.),  261. 
Cieco  (Theatine),  273. 
Cigoli,  Lodovico  (painter),  474. 
Cioni,  Giambattista,   159. 
Cipriano,  Adriano  (O.S.B.),  449. 
Clark  (English  priest),  59. 
Clavius,  Christopher,  439. 
Clement  I.,  St.,  Pope,  479. 
Clement  VII.,  Pope,   262,    372, 

Clement     VIII.,     Pope,       Vol. 

Cobos,  Cristobal  de  los   (S.J.), 

.323.  325.  335  seq. 
Colleton  (English  priest),  24. 
Coloma,  Luis,    (O.S.A.),  315. 
Colonna,    Family   of   the,    418, 

Colonna,      Ascanio,      Cardinal, 

446,  510. 
Colonna,      Marcantonio,      Car- 

dmal,  380. 

Como,  Giovan  Paolo  da  (Barna- 

bite),  165. 
Confucius,  242. 
Contarini,  Niccolo,   210. 
Contarini,  Thomas  (Archbishop 

of  Crete),  156. 
Conti,  Family  of  the,  418,  430. 
Conti,  Carlo  (Bishop  of  Ancona) 

Cardinal,   389. 
Conti,  Torquato,  473. 
Copernicus,  205. 
Cordier,      Nicolas      (architect), 

482  sea.,  518. 
Cornaro,    Francesco    (Bishop  of 

Treviso),   Cardinal,    191. 
Cornelius  a  I-apide  (S.J.),  444. 
Coronel,     Garcia     (theologian), 

Coronel,     Gregorio     Nufiez 

(O.S.A.),  322  sea.,  334  seq. 
Corradus,  Rudolf,  507. 
Cortona,   Pietro    da     (painter). 

Costa,  Francisco  da  (S.J.),  247. 
Costantini,   Antonio   (friend  of 

Tasso),  459. 
Cotti,  Renato,  384. 
Coutinho,     Pedro      (benefactor 

to     the     English     College, 

Lisbon),   8. 
Creil,    Louis    de    (Sorbonnist), 

Cremonino,  Cesare  (envoy),  401. 
Crescenzi,  Marcello   (Bishop  of 

Assisi),  193. 
Crescenzio,   Bartol.   (architect), 

414.  4.52. 
Creswell,  Joseph  (S.J.),  34,  47. 
Crichton,    (Jesuit),    44,    52,    65 

Crispo,  G.,  453. 
Croy,  Philippe  de,  6. 
Cuevas,  De  las  (O.P.),  294,  296. 
Cusake,       Christopher       (Irish 

secular  priest),  67. 
Cusani,  Marco  de  Sadis,  165. 
Cyprian,  St.,  127. 

Daifusam.v     (Japanese    ruler), 

Damasus,   St.,   Pope,   474. 
Dandini,  Girolamo   (S.j.),  25S. 
Darnlej',  46. 



Davila,      Francisco      (O.F.M.), 

Davila,  Gil  Gonzalez  (S.J.),  301. 
De   Rr}',   Theodore    (engraver), 

Delfino,   Flaminio,   374  seq. 
Demetrius,  The  false,  140,  142- 

Deti,    Giambattista,    Cardinal, 

195,  196. 
Deti,  Lisa,  see  Aldobrandini. 
Deza,  Die^o  de   (O.P.),  305. 
Deza,   Pedro,   Cardinal,   ig8. 
Diaz,    Andrea    (Augustinian 

hermit),   185. 
Dietrichstein,    F.    von    (Bishop 

of  Olmiitz),  Cardinal,  276, 


Dimitry  [Demetrius],  son  of 
Ivan  IV.,  140,  142. 

Dolfin,  Giovan  (Venetian  am- 
bassador), 196,  222. 

Dolfino,  Gentile  (Bishop  of 
Camerino),    188,    192. 

Domitian,  Emperor,  518. 

Donati,  Alessandro  (S.J.),  496. 

Donato,  Leonardo  (Venetian 
envoy),  376. 

Domenichino  [Zampieri],  Dom- 
enico    (painter),    499,    510. 

Dominic,  St..  295. 

Drummond,  Edward,  53,  55,56. 

Dumoulin,  Charles  (Galilean 
theologian),  217,  218. 

Du  Perron,  Jacques  Davy 
(Bishop  of  Evreux),  Cardi- 
nal, 72',  360,  437,  443. 

Durante,     Castore      (botanist), 

Diirer,  Albert,  457,  507. 

Edward  III.  (King  of  Eng- 
land), 42. 

Effetti,  Giovanni  degli,  40,  74. 

Eggis,  Albert  (vicar  general  of 
Haarlem),  4. 

Eichhov,  Cyprian,  503. 

Eleanora  (wite  of  Vincenzo, 
Duke  of  Mantua),    401. 

Eleutherius,  see  Meyere. 

Elizabeth  (Queen  of  England), 
I,  8,  12,  29  seqq.,  34,  40 
seq.,  51,  54  seq.,  57,  61,  63 
seq.,  68,  80,  106,  202,  213. 

Emanuel,  Philibert  (Duke  of 
Savoy),   53,   216,   37S. 

Ercole  II.  (Duke  of  Ferrara), 

Eric,   St.,   104. 

Ernhofter,  Sigismund  (S.J.), 
90,  98. 

Ernest  of  Bavaria  (Elector  of 
Cologne),  10,  40,  151. 

Errera,  Enrico  d',  517. 

Errol,  Earl  of  53,  61  seq. 

Escalona,  Juan  Fernandez 
Pacheco,  Duke  of  (Marquis 
of  Vigliena,  Spanish  am- 
bassador  in    Rome),    196. 

Essex,  Robert  Devereux,  Earl 
of,  47. 

Este,  Famil}'  of  the,  386,  390, 
396,   400,   457. 

Este,  Alessandro  d'.  Cardinal, 

Este,   Alfonso  d',   see  Alfonso. 

Este,  Cesare  d'  (cousin  to 
Alfonso  II.),  377,  382  seqq., 
385-389,  391-395.  398,  401. 

Este,  Luigi  d'.  Cardinal,  196. 

Eulogius,  St.,  524. 

Eustachio,    Giov.    Paolo,    452. 

Exuperantius,    St.,    521. 

Fabri,  Johann  (botanist),  451. 
Fabritio  Napolitano  (Minorite), 

Fagnani      (secretary     to     the 

Congr.  of  the  Council),  231. 
Farinaccio,  Prospero,  425. 
Farnese,  Family  of  the,  46,  420, 

430,  448. 
Farnese,  Alessandro,  11,  13,  63. 
Farnese,     Odoardo,     Cardinal, 

234,    408,    467,    490,    510 

seqq.,  520,  523. 
Farnese,     Ranuccio     (Duke    of 

Parma),  401,  431. 
Faustus  of  Riez,  321. 
Felinus,  Petrus  Martyr  (Servite) 

228,  452. 
Feodor,  Czar,  140  seq. 
Ferdinand  (Archduke  of  Styria) 

200,  401. 
Ferrata,  Ercole  (sculptor),  525. 
Ferreira,  Bartolomeo,  294  spqq. 
Ferreri,   Guiseppe    (Archbishop 

of  Urbino),  193. 



Fiammjngo,      Egidio      (artist), 

Finelli,  Ciuliano  (sculptor),  517. 
Fisher,    Roliert    (S.J.),   20. 
Flavia,    Domitilla,    St.,    518. 
Fleming,  Klas  (admiral,  gover- 
nor of  Finland),  88. 
Fontana,  Domenico  (architect), 

468,  489. 
Fontana,  Giovanni   (architect), 

414,    466,    467,    475,    489, 

492,  497. 
Fontana,  Giovanni   (Bit^hop  of 

Ferrara),  38 1,  398. 
Foresto,    Giulio    Ce-.are    (Man- 

tuan  envoy),  ii,  194,  272, 

43T,  434.  505- 

Fossataro,    Marcello     (Francis- 
can hermit),   162. 

Francesca    Romana,    St.,    234. 

Franciotti,   Cesare,    159. 

Franciotti,  Giulio,  159. 

Francis     of     Assi-si,     St.,    254, 

Francis  de  Sales,  St.,  298. 
Francis  Xavier,  St.,  243. 
Franco,  Giacomo  (painter),  502. 
Francolini,   Marcello,    229. 
Frangipani,  Family  of  the,  430. 
Frangipani,       Ottavio       Mirto 

(nuncio),  4  seq.,  31,  46. 
Frederick    (Duke    of   Wiirtem- 

berg),  272. 
Froes  (Jesuit),  238. 

Gabriel    (patriarch    of    Alex- 
andria), 256  seq. 
Gabuzio,   Pietro,    375. 
Gaetano  (nuncio),  306  seq. 
Gaetano,    Costantino    (O.S.B.), 

Galaminus,    Aug.    (commissary 

of    the    Inquisition),    198. 
Galarza,  Pedro  Garcia  (Bishop 

of  Coria),  315. 
Galilei,  Galileo,  213. 
Galli,  Ant.  Maria,  Cardinal,  72, 

87,  III,  266,  269,  432,  515. 
Galuzzi,  P.  Angelo,  523. 
Garnet,   Henry   (S.J.),    18  seq., 

24  seq.,  2"8,  37,   73. 
Gasquet,  Aidan,  Cardinal,  368, 


Gavanti,    Bartolomeo    (Barna- 

bite),  228,  230. 
Gessi  (prelate),  270. 
Gesualdo,     Alfonso,     Cardinal. 

193.   469.   5^4- 

Ghislieri,  Michele  (Theatine), 
223,  228. 

Gianotti,  Antonio  (Archbishop 
of  Urbino),   193. 

Gifford,  William  (Archbishop 
of  Rheims),    14,   38,   43. 

Giglioli,  Girolamo  (envoy  from 
Cesare    d'Este),    385,    387. 

Ginnasio,  Domenico  (Arch- 
bishop of  Siponto,  nuncio), 
183,  189,  193,  239,  342 
seq.,   381. 

Giordano,  Luca  (painter),  488. 

Giorgetti,    Antonio    (sculptor), 

Giovanni,  Paolo  Eustachio,  P., 


Giovanni,  di  Sant  'Eliseo  (Car- 
melite), 248. 

Giustiniani,  Benedetto,  Cardi- 
nal, 516. 

Godunow,  Boris,  140  %eq.,  142, 

Gonzaga,    Ferrante    (Prmce    of 

Guastalla),  401. 
Gonzaga,  Francesco  (Bishop  of 

Cefalu  and  Mantua),    191, 

Gonzaga,    Giovanni    Francesco 

11.  (Duke  of  Mantua),  192. 
Gonzaga,     Scipione,     Cardinal, 

193.    194.  45^.   507- 
Gonzaga,    Vincenzo    (Duke    of 

Mantua),  218,  401  seq.,  431, 

465,   506. 
Gordon  (Jesuit),  52,  65. 
Goslicki,     Laurentius     (Bishop 

of    Przemysl),     114,     125, 

136  seq. 
Graziani,        Antonio        Maria, 

(Bishop  of  Amelia,  nuncio), 

153.  156,  193.  222,  439. 
Gregory  the  Great,  Pope,  188, 

438,  518- 
Gregory   XIII.,    Pope,    14,    30, 

52,  65,  67,   127,   166,  220, 

237,    239,    244,    259,    267 

seq.,    408,    417,    429,    469, 




Gregory  XIV.,  Pope,  165,  166, 
189,  222  seq.,  226,  228, 
256,  374.  377.  382,  438, 
449,  469. 

Gregory  XV.,  Pope,  201. 

Grilenzone,   384. 

Gretzer,  J.  (S.J.),  224. 

Grimaldi,    Giacomo,    274,    472. 

Grimani,  M.  (Doge  of  Venice), 
58,    156,    389. 

Gualdo  (canon),  361. 

Guarini  (poet),  51 1. 

Guarino,     Battista     (organist), 

Guercino       [Barbieri],       Giov. 

Francesco    (painter),    466. 
Guerguis,  Abram  de  (Maronite, 

S.J.).  250. 
Guerra,  Alfonso   (O.P.,  Bishop 

of  Assuncion),  255. 
Guidiccioni,  Alessandro  (Bishop 

of  Lucca),  159  seq. 
Guise,  Henri  de,  Duke,  8. 
Gustavus  Wasa,  84. 
Guzman,   (O.P.),  291. 

Hamilton,  James,  54. 

Henrv  (son  of  James  I.), 

Henry  III.  (King  of  France), 
no,  204. 

Henry  IV.  (King  of  France), 
7.  32,  42.  45  seqq.,  55,  58, 
66,  158,  168,  184,  271, 
378,  384.  38956^-448. 

Henry  VIII.  (King  of  Eng- 
land), 40. 

Henry  of  Portugal,  Cardinal, 

Herbest,   Benedict   (S.J.),    125. 

Hermogenes  (Archibshop  of 
Polotzk),     137. 

Hilary,  St.,  Pope,  480,  524. 

Hojeda    (Jesuit),    183. 

Holing,  John  (S.J.),  67. 

Holt,  William,  (S.J.),  10,  13 
seq.,  17,  63. 

Hooft,      Pieter      Corneliszoon, 


Hosius,  Stanislas,  Cardinal,  120, 

Howard,  Henry  (Earl  of  North- 
ampton), 75,  80. 

Huntly,   Earl  of,   62   seqq.,   65. 
Hyacinth,    St.,    in,    234    seq., 
271.   517- 

Ignatius  Loyola,  St.,  165, 
170,  seq.,  175,  178.  233, 
283,  363. 

Innocent  III.,   Pope,  473. 

Innocent  IV.,  Pope,  231,  263. 

Innocent   VIII.,    Pope,    523. 

Innocent  IX.,  Pope,  232,  256, 

Isabella,    Clara    Eugenia    (wife 
of  Albert  of  Austria),   42, 

44,  47,  402,  406. 
Ivan  IV.,  Czar,  140,  142. 

Jacob  (Emperor  of  Abyssinia), 


James,  King  (I.  of  England, 
VI.   of   Scotland),   41,   43, 

45,  49-64,  65,  70-80. 
James,     Thomas      (envoy     to 

Madrid),  47. 

Javieres,  Girolamo  (O.P.),  347. 

Jeremias  II.  (patriarch  of  Con- 
stantinople), 127  seq.,  129, 

131.    137- 
Jerin,  Andreas  von  (Bishop  of 

Breslau),  114  seq. 
Job  (patriarch  of  Moscow),  141, 

John  (brother  to  Christian  IV. 

of  Denmark),  142. 
John    III.    (King   of   Sweden), 

84  seq.,  87,  90  seq.,  94. 
John  XXII.,  Pope,  351. 
John     Stephen     (son     of     the 

Voivode  Peter)  259. 
John  of  Alexandria  (archpriest), 

John  Damascene,  St.,  438. 
Juan  de  Santa  Cruz  (Hierony- 

mite),  292. 
Julius  II.,  Pope,  372,  378. 
Julius  III.,  Pope,  232,  351. 
Jung,  Adrian  (S.J.),  125. 

Karnkowski  (Archbishop  of 
Gnesen),  83,  no,  119,  139. 

Khian-lung,  240. 

Komulowic,  Alexander  (abbot 
of  Nona),  119. 



Lacerda,  Tlernando  de  (SJ.)- 
300,  306. 

Laerzio,  Alberto  (S.J.),  246. 

Lainez  (general  of  the  Jesuits), 

Lamata,      Francesco      (theolo- 
gian), 449. 

Lambardi,     Carlo      (architect), 

Lancellotti,  Scipione,  Cardinal, 

I.andini,     Taddeo     (architect), 

Lando,  Felio  (Bishop  of  Nardi), 

Lapide,     Cornelius      a     (S.J.). 

Lascy,  Samuel  (envoy  of  Sigis- 

mund  III.).  lo?- 
Laterna,    Martin     (S.J.),     108, 

Laureti,     Lorenzo     (Carmelite. 

Bishop  of  Adria),  190. 
Laureti,    Tommaso    (president 

of  Academy  of  St.  Luke), 

Le  Blanc,  Aug.,  .9ee  Serry. 
Lee,   John   (secular  priest),  67. 
Lemos,      Count      (Viceroy     of 

Naples),  181  seq.,  235,  276. 
Lemos,  Countess,  182,  seq. 
Lemos,    Tommaso    de     (O.P.), 

335,  356. 
Lennox,  Duke  of,  62  seq. 
Leo   X.,   Pope,   262,   351,   497, 

Leo  XL,  Pope,  184. 
Leo  XIII. ,  Pope,  210,  436. 
Leon,    Luis    de    (O.S..'\.),    291 

Leonardi,    Giovanni,    St.,    159 

Lerma,  Duke  of,   14,   181  seqq. 
Lesdiguieres        (Governor       of 

Dauphiny),  378. 
Lesley,  John  (Bishop  of  Ross), 

50,  66. 
Lessius,    Leonard    (S.J.),    290, 

297,  443- 
Lewis,    Owen   (Bishop   of   Cas- 

sano),  II  seq. 
Lindanus    (theologian),    440. 
Lindsay,    James,    56    seq.,    70 


Lindsay,  Walter,  52,  63. 

Lister,  Thomas  (S.J.),  28,  31. 

Lollini,  Luigi  (ISishop  of  Bel- 
luno),  191. 

L  o  m  b  a  r  d  i,  Antonio  (Arch- 
bishop of  Messina),  193, 

Longhi,  Andreas  (Bishop  of 
Civita  Castellana),    157. 

Lopez,  Francisco  (S.J.),  249 

Lorraine,  Charles,  Duke  of,  55, 
57,  64,  78,  194,  276. 

Lucius,  Pope,  522. 

Lucrezia  (Duchess  of  Urbino), 

Lukaris,  Cyril,  136,  139. 
LuUi,  Raimondo,  208. 
Lunghi,  Onorio  (architect),  517. 
Luther,  Martin,  206,  208,  282, 

299,   324,   351.   439- 

M  A  c  I  E  J  o  w  s  K  I,  Bernhard 
(Bishop  of  Wilna),  Cardi- 
nal, 119,  130,  139. 

MacQuhirrie,  Alexander  (S.J.), 

49,  56. 
Maderno,      Carlo      (architect), 

467,     475,    496,    512,    515 

Maderno,     Stefano     (sculptor), 

483.  489.  525  seq. 
Madruzzo,  Lodoviso  (Bishop  of 

Trent),  Cardinal,  193,  198, 

322,    325-333,   409,    516. 
Mallei,  Giampietro  (S.J.),  437, 

Malaspina,  Germanico   (Bishop 
of  San  Severe,  nuncio),  82 
seq.,  85,  87-95.  97-102,  105 
seq.,     no     seqq.,     117-122, 

13^.   435-  ,      ^ 

Malatesta,    Gius.    (biographer), 

Malvasia   (nunico),    14,   39,   43, 

62  seqq.,  65. 
Manareus,  V)liver   (S.J.),   2,    13 

Mancio  (Dominican),  305. 
Mander,    Karel    van    (painter), 


Mandina.  Benedetto  (Bishop 
of  Caserta),   8?,   112  seqq. 



Manlius  Curiiis  Dentatus,    492. 
Mansoni,    Lod.    (S.J.),    69. 
Mantano,   Giov.   Batt.    (artist), 

Mantica,    Francesco,    Cardinal, 

195,   437- 
Manutiiis,       Aldus       (printer), 

Marcellus,  St.,  521. 
Marcellus  IT.,  Pope,  445. 
Marchstaller   (abate),    526. 
Marcos,     Miguel      (S.J.),     293, 

Marenzio,  Luca  (organist),  451, 


Margaret  (Archduchess  of 
Styria,  wife  of  Philip  III.), 
402,  403. 

Margherita  (sister  of  Duke 
Vincenzo    of    Mantua),    401. 

Marguni,  Massimo  (Bishop  of 
Cerigo),  213. 

Maria  of  Austria  (archduchess), 
3.58,  522. 

Maria  (wife  of  the  Emperor 
Maximilian  II.),  325,  357. 

Mariana,  Juan  de  (S.J.,  his- 
torian),  172. 

Mariani,  Camillo  (sculptor), 
477,  482. 

Marini,  Giambattista  (poet), 
451,  496,  525. 

Marinis,  Giovanni  Baptista  de 
(general  of  the  Domini- 
cans),  365  seq. 

Mark  (patriarch  of  Alexandria), 


Mark  Sittich  of  Holienems,  fiee 

Martinez,  Pedro  (bishop  in 
Japan),  238. 

Mary  of  Egypt,  St.,  524. 

Mary  Stuart  (Queen  of  Scot- 
land),  12,  27,  41,   65. 

Mary  Tudor  (Queen  of  Eng- 
land), 41,  68. 

INIarzato  da  Sorento,  Anselmo 
(Capuchin),    Cardinal,    72, 


Masseri,     Ippclito     (Bishop    of 

Montepeloso),  334. 
Massimi,  Family  of  the,  427. 
Massimo,  Lelio  de  (Marquis  of 

Prassedi),   427. 

Massimo,  Luca,  427. 

Massimo,   Marcantonio,   427. 

Mattel,  Ciriaco,  506. 

Matthias  of  Austria  (archduke), 

Mauvissiere,  see  Castelnau  de 

Maximilian  II.,  Emperor,  357. 

Maximilian  of  Austria  (arch- 
duke), 113  seq.,  118,  2t6, 
325,  40T,  406. 

Maximilian  I.  of  Bavaria, 

Maximus,   St.,   521. 

Mazarino    (preacher),    273. 

Mazzoni,  Giacomo  (philosopher) 


Mebes,  208. 

Medici,  Alessandro  de'.  Car- 
dinal, 72,  148,  195,  266, 
469,  515  seq. 

Medici,  Cosimo  de'  (Grand- 
duke  of  Tuscany),   502. 

Medici,  Ferdinando  de',  Car- 
dinal (Grand-duke  of  Tus- 
cany), 53,  55,  385,  485. 

Melchisedech  (pati'iarch  of 
Armenia),  259. 

Mendoza,  Alonso  de,   306. 

Mendoza,  Ferdinand  (S.J.),  181 
seqq.,   184. 

Menezes,  Alessio  de  (Arch- 
bishop of  Goa),  246. 

Menghim,  C.  (sculptor),  525. 

Mercati,  Michele  (botanist),  450. 

Metio,   Federigo,   449. 

Meyere,  Livinus  de  [Theo- 
dorus  Eleutherius],  282. 

Michelancrelo,    513. 

Miki,  Paul  (S.J.),  238. 

Minucci,  Minuccio  (Archbishop 
of  Zara),  iii. 

Mira,  Giovanni  de  (Bishop  of 
Matera),    193. 

IVIiranda,  Diego  de  (S.J.),  247. 

Mirandola,  Federigo  Pico  della, 

Mitsukuri    (Japanese),   238. 

Mniszek,  George  (Voivode  of 
Sandomir),  142. 

Mniszek,  Marina,  142,  145. 

Mocenigo,  Giovanni,  208. 

Mocenigo,  Marcantonio  (Bishop 
of  Ceneda),  191,  222,. 



Molina,  Luis  (S.J.),  281,  283- 
286,  294-303,  303  seq.,  309, 
313  seqq.,  317-326,  333 
seqq.,  337-340.  343.  347 
seqq.,  352-355,  357-36o, 
362,   364- 

Molinens,  Carolus,  see  Dumou- 

Mona  (prelate),  270. 

Mondragon    (Dominican),    300. 

Monserrato,  Antonio  de  (S.J.), 

Montalto,  Family  of  the,  420. 

Montalto  [Alessandro  Perettil, 
Cardinal,  87,  iii,  369,  419, 
490,  514-  518  seq. 

Monte,  Francesco  Maria  del, 
Cardinal,  397,  490. 

Monteagle,  Lord,  47. 

Montecuccoli,    Alvise     (count), 

Montemayor,      I'rudencio      de 

(S.J.),  291  seqq. 
Monte     Santo,       Vincenzo    de 

(Bishop  of  Teramo),  193. 
Montolon,  Guglielmo,  di,  369. 
Morgan,     Thomas     (agent    for 

Mary  Stuart),  12  seq. 
Morton  (Jesuit),  63. 
Moscoso,  Juan  Alonso  (Bishop 

of  Leon),  305. 
Motowila,    139. 
Mountioy  (Viceroy  of  Ireland), 

Mucantius,    Giov.     (master    of 

ceremonies),  112,  115,  116. 
Muleto,  Benedetto  (S.J.),  261. 
Muret,      Antoine      (humanist's, 

Mush   (English  priest),  24. 
Musotti,  Alessandro  (Bishop  of 

Imola),   192. 
Muziano,     (jirolamo     (painter), 


Nahaj,  Caspar   (S.J.),   137. 
Nebbia,  Cesare  (artist),  471. 
Neri,  Philip,  St.,  158,  160,  162, 

192,  233,  278,  515. 
Niccolini,     Giovanni      (Tuscan 

envoy),  i  <9,  186,  232. 
Nicephorus    (adventurer),    136 


Nieulandt,  \^'illem  van 
(painter),    502. 

Nicolas  IV.,  Pope,  477,  480. 

Ninguarda,  Feliciano  (bishop 
of   Como),    191. 

Nis,  Gerard,  214. 

Norfolk,  Duke  of,  75. 

Noronha,  Antonio  de  Matos  de 
(Bishop  of  Elvas,  Inquisi- 
tor), 542. 

Novara,  Giov.  Batt.  da 
(painter),    476. 

Nottingham,  Earl  of,  43. 

Nuflo,  Diego  (O.P.),  302-306, 
310,  313. 

O'DoNEi.L  (Irish  out-law),   69. 

Ogilvy,  John,  53,  56. 

Oliva,    Paolo    (general    of    the 

Jesuits),  315. 
Olivieri,  Pier  Paolo  (sculptor), 

476  seq.,  514. 
O'Melrian,       Cornelius       (Irish 

bishop),  68. 
O'Neill  (Irish  out-law),  68  seq. 
Onofrio,  St.,  324. 
Opalinsld  (Pohsh  noble),  83. 
Orlando    di    Lasso    (musician), 

Orsini,  Family  of  the,  418,  430. 
Orsini,  Fulvio,  448. 
Orsini,       I'ietro       (bishop      of 

Aversa),    389. 
Orsini,  Virginio  (Duke  of  Brac- 

ciano),  410. 
Ossat,     Arnaud    d',     Cardina.], 

lf>,  193,  195.  389  seq. 
Ostrogskyj,    Constantine    (Voi- 

vode     of     Ukrania),      126 

seq.,  136,  138  seq. 
Otrepjew,  Gregor,  143. 
Ottonelli,     Guiiio     (envoy     to 

Spain),  3S8. 
Oviedo,      Andreas      de      (S.J., 

patriarch     of     Abyssinia), 

Oviedo,  Matteo  d'  (Archbishop 

of  Dublin),  69. 
Owen,  Hugh,  14. 

Pacheco,  Andreas  de   (Bishop 

of  Segovia),  315. 
Padilla,  Antonio  de  (S.J.),  303, 

306,  310. 



Paez,    Pedro    (S.J.),    249   seqq., 


Paget,  Charles  (agent  for  Mary- 
Stuart),   12,  27,   38,  43. 

Palantieri,  Girolamo  (procur- 
ator of  the  Conventual 
Franciscans),  334. 

Paleotto,  Alfonso  (Archbishop 
of  Bologna),  392. 

Paleotto,  Gabriele,  Cardinal, 
192,  193,  197,  266. 

Palestrina,  Giov.  Pierluigi,  154. 

Pallotta,  Giov.  Evangelista, 
Cardinal,  434. 

Palmio,  Bartolomeo  (S.J.),  394. 

Panigarola,  Francesco  (Bishop 
of  Asti),  192. 

Pantoja,  Diego   (S.J.),  242. 

Paravicini,  58. 

Paolo  di  Gesu  Maria  (Car- 
melite), 248. 

Paola   da    Cesena    (Capuchin), 


Paolucci,  Baldassare  (IMantuan 
agent),  424. 

Paruta,  Paolo  (Venetian  am- 
bassador), 151,  214,  216, 
222,  376  seq.,  381  seq.,  416, 
504,  508. 

Pas,  Angelo  del  (Minorite), 
159.  233. 

Paschal    I.     (Pope),    521    seq., 

Passeri,       see       Aldobrandini, 

Passignano,  Domenico  (painter) 

Patrizi,   Francesco    (Platonist), 

Paul  III.,  Pope,  262,  351,  386, 

417,  492,  512. 
Paul  IV.,  Pope,  68,  201,  220. 
Paul  v.,  Pope,  50,  180,  184, 

231,  246,  350,  360,  435, 

Peiresc,  Claude  Fabri  de,  276, 

Pena,  Francisco  (canonist),  281, 


Peretti,  Cardinal,  see  Montalto. 

Peretti,  Marchese,  410,  419. 

Perez,  Bartolome  (S.J.),  293. 

Pergola,  Paolo  della  (Minor- 
ite), 541. 

Perogila,  Gonzalo,  302. 

Persons,  Robert  (S.J.),  7  seq., 
10  seqq.,  13,  13  seq.,  21-24, 
26,  28,  31,  34,  42-46,  49, 

Peter  the  lame  (Voivode  of 
Moldavia),  259. 

Petrarch,  149,  459. 

Petroni,  Lucrezia,  see  Cenci. 

Philip  11.  (King  of  Spain),  i,  7, 
9  seq.,  13,  39,  42,  44  ^e?-. 
51,  64,  67  seq.,  106,  166, 
170  seqq.,  173  seq.,  178, 
180,  224,  238,  309  seq., 
317,  357,   388  seq.,   406. 

Phihp  IIL  (King  of  Spain), 
47,  181,  183,  199,  234  seq., 
247    seq.,    251,    256,    269, 

27T,  325,  334.  384.  402, 

Piatti,  Flaminio,  Cardinal,  273. 

Pierbenedetti,  Mariano,  Car- 
dinal, 347. 

Pinelli,  Domenico,  Cardinal, 
198,  230  seq.,  517. 

Piney,  de  (Duke,  French  am- 
bassador  in    Rome),    390. 

Pinhero,  Emanuel  (S.J.),  245. 

Piombino,  Giov.  Batt.  (pro- 
curator-general of  the 
Augustinians),  322,  334, 

Pius  II.,  Pope,  398. 

Pius  IV.,  Pope,  267  seqq.,  231, 
262,    316,    351,    421,    429, 


Pius  v..  Pope,  28  seq.,  30,  169, 
220,  227,  229,  235,  262, 
266,  372,  379,  382,  385, 
428,  450. 

Pius  X.,  Pope,  226. 

Pius  XL,  Pope,  445. 

Pocci,  Carlo  Antonio  (Arch- 
bishop of  Pisa),  192. 

Pociej,  Flypatius  (Bishop  of 
Vladimir),  130-134,  136 
seq.,  139. 

Politio,  Girolamo  a  (Capuchin), 

Pollacco   (a  dwarf),   432. 

Porta,  Giacomo  della  (archi- 
tect), 411,  467  seq.,  471, 
473.  475.  481,  483.  493, 
512,  520. 



Porta,    Guglielmo    (son   of  the 

above),  482. 
Posse  vino,  Antonio  (S.J.),  126 

seq,,  169,  512. 
Poussin,  Nicolas  (painter),  499. 
Powsinski,      Barthol.      (Polish 

envoy),  87  seqq. 
Pozzo  (Jesuit  and  painter),  488. 
Prinli,  Lorenzo,  Cardinal,  191. 
Provenzale,    IMarcello     (artist), 

Pucci,   Eniilio    (commander  of 

the  Papal  fleet),  481. 
Puente,  Luis  de  la  (S.J.)..  ^6. 

QuARENGHO,  Antonio,  451. 
Quirini,    Vincenzo    (Bishop    in 

Moldavia),  260. 
Quiroga,  Caspar  de  (Archbishop 

of  Toledo),  Cardinal,  293, 


Rabe,  Justus  (S.J.),  90,  98,  137. 
Rada,  Giovanni  de  (procurator 

of  the   Franciscan   Obser- 
vants), 334. 
Radziwill,  Georg,  Cardinal,  81, 

83.  119,  193.  516. 
Rahoza,  Michael  (metropolitan 

of  Kiev),  130,  136  seq. 
Raimondi,    Giovanni    Battista 

(scholar).  451. 
Rainaldi,   Family  of  the,   447. 
Rainaldi,   Domenico,    383,    447 

seq.,  453- 
Raitenau,    Wolf    Dietrich    von 

(Archbishop  of  Salzburg), 

Raleigh,  Walter,  Sir,   43. 
Rangel,      (O.S.F.,     Bishop     of 

San  Salvador),  251. 
Rangoni    (marchese),    384. 
Rangoni,    Claudio    (Bishop    of 

Reggio),  82,  117,  121,  142 

seq.,  145  seq.,  191. 
Rangoni,  Girardo  (count),  384. 
Raymund  of  Pennafort  (O.P.), 

St.  235. 
Reni,     Guido     (painter),     404, 

424  seq.,  466,  525. 
Resta    de    Capelli,     Properzio 

(O.S.F.,  Bishop  of  Cariati 

and  Cerenza),  321  seq.,  336. 

Ricci,  Giovan  Battista  (painter) 

Ricci,  Matteo  (S.J.),  240-243. 
Rinaldi,    Girolamo    (architect), 

Ripa,    Raffaele    (O.P.),    325. 
Rocca  (Franciscan),  273. 
Rocca  (Jesuit),  243. 
Rocca,    Angelo    (O.S.A.),    439, 

Roncalli,     Cristofano      (artist), 

470,  473  seq.,  476,   518. 
Rondinelli,  Ercole  (envoy  from 

Cesare  d'Este),  387. 
Rossetti,  Paolo  (artist),  471. 
Rossi,  Giovanni,  414. 
Rousseau,   Jean   Jactjues,   444. 
Rovarola,  Matteo   (Archbishop 

of  Genoa),  192. 
Roz,  Francisco  (S.J.,  Bishop  of 

Angamala),   246. 
Rubens,    Peter  Paul   (painter), 

Rudolph  IL,  Emperor,  40,  58, 

100,     113    seq.,    116,    270, 

383.  389,  506. 
Ruggieri,    Michele    (S.J.),    240. 
Rusticucci,  Girolamo,  Cardinal, 

150,    185,    410,    432,    516, 


Sadeler,    Jan    (painter),    271, 

Sadis,  see  Cusano,  Marco  de. 

Salazar,    Domingo    de     (Arch- 
bishop of  Manila),  24^. 

Salmeron,   Alfonso    (S.J.),   316. 

Salomoni,     Ruggiero     (auditor 
to  Malaspina),  99. 

Salon,  Miguel   (O'S.A.),  315. 

Salviati,  Ant.  Maria,  Cardinal, 
87,   III,   193,  516,  518. 

Sampiretti     (Papal     envoy     to 
Scotland),  52. 

Sanchez,  Alonso  (S.J.),  170  seq. 

Sandoval,     Bernardo     (Arch- 
bishop of  Toledo),   518. 

Sandrart,  Joachim,  476. 

San  Giorgio,  see  Bland  rata. 

Sanquair,  Lord,  56. 

Sanseverino,  Lucio  (Archbishop 
of  Rossano),  193. 

Sansovino,    Jacopo    (architect), 



Santa  Croce,  Ersilia  (first  wife 
of  Franc.  Cenci),  422. 

Santa  Croce,  Onofrio,  427. 

Santa  Croce,  Paolo,  427. 

Santori,  Giulio  Ant.,  Cardinal, 
121,  193,  194,  198,  210, 
218,  263  seq.,  266  scqq., 
269,  312  seq.,  4TI,  438,  517. 

Santucci,  Guilio  (O.S.F.,  Bishop 
of  Sant  'Agata  de'  Goti), 
321,  336. 

Sarpi,    Paolo    (Servite),    215. 

Sassi,  Lucio,  Cardinal,  193,  195. 

Sasso,  Dr.,  384. 

Sauli,  Alessandro  (Bishop  of 
Pavia),  191,  410. 

SavelH,  Family  of  the,   41S. 

Savelli,  Lorenzo,  Cardinal,  318. 

Savelli,  Troilo,  427. 

Savelli,  Mariano  (Bishop  of 
Gubbio),   193. 

Savonarola,    Girolamo,    235. 

Savvicki,  Gaspar  (S.J.),  143  seq. 

Scalzo  (preacher),  273. 

Scandiano,  Marchese,  384. 

Schepjerus,  Eric  (Lutheran 
pastor),  10 1. 

Schiaffinato,  Mgr.,  375. 

Schickhardt,  Tieinr.  (architect), 
272,  503. 

Schonenberg,Johannvon  (Arch- 
bishop of  Treves),  543. 

Schopp,  Gaspar,  211. 

Schott,  Franz  (author),  502. 

Sciarra,  Marco  (bandit),  374 

Scioppius,  C,  271. 

Scribani,  Charles  (rector  of 
Jesuit   College,    Antwerp), 


Sega,  Filippo,  Cardinal,  16,  22. 

Semple,  Colonel,  63. 

Sergardi,  N.,  109. 

Sermoneta,  Family  of  the,  420, 

Serrano,  Jorge  (S.J.),  294. 

Serry,  Jac.  Hyacinth  [Aug.  Le 
Blanc],  O.P.,  282". 

Servidio,  Guido  (Bishop  of 
Volterra),  192. 

Sessa,  Duke  of  (Spanish  ambas- 
sador in  Rome),  174  seq, 
176  seq.,  179  seq.,  33^, 
357  seq.,  402,  430. 

Seymour,  Edward  (Lord  Beau- 
champ),  42. 

Sfondrato,  Paolo  Emilio,  Car- 
dinal, 195,  198,  272,  385, 
387,   410,   507,   520-526. 

Sforza,  Caterina  Nobili  (Con- 
tessa  di  S.  Fiora),  517. 

Sforza,  Francesco,  Cardinal, 
87,  III,  196,  409,  410,  428. 

Shakespeare,  205. 

Sigismund  IIL  (King  of 
Poland),  58,  81-96,  97-109, 
no  seq.,  114  seq.,  119,  120, 
123,  127,  129,  131  seq., 
136,    142    seq.,    145,    184, 

Silingardi,  Gaspare  (Bishop  of 

Modena,  nuncio),  191. 
Silvio,   Enrico    (apostolic  vicar 

of  the  Carmelites),  322. 
Simeon     (Maronite    patriarch), 

Sirleto,     Guglielmo,     Cardinal, 

Sirleto,  Stefano  (Archbishop  in 

Armenia),  259. 
Sirleto,  Tommaso  (custodian  of 

the  Vat.  Libr.),  449. 
Siu,  Paul  (Chinese  statesman), 


Sixtus  IV.,  Pope,  372. 

Sixtus  v.,  Pope,  6,  30,  43,  64, 
165,  167  seq.,  185,  200, 
216  seqq.,  220,  222  seq., 
225  seq.,  228,  237,  256, 
259,    264,    267,    351,    367 

seq.,  371.  374.  377.  379 
seq.,  416,  418,  438  seq., 
444  seq.,  447,  449  seq., 
456,  467,  469  seqq.,  480, 
484,  489  seq.,  500  seq.,  502, 

507.  519- 
Skanderberg,   261. 
Skarga,  Peter   (S.J.),   116,   125 

seqq.,  129,  i37- 
Smith,    Jan    (Dutch  priest),   2. 
Sodermanland,    Charles,    Duke 

of,  84  seqq.,  88-93,  95  seq., 

Sokolowski,   Stanislaus,   127. 
Solano,  Francisco  (O.S.F.),  254. 
SoUkowski,      Joh.      Demetrius 

(Archbishop  of  Lemberg), 




Sorbolongo   (prelate),   270. 

Soto,  Peter,  285. 

Sourdis,     Henri    d'Escoubleau 

de     (Archbishop    of    Bor- 
deaux), 276. 
Sousa,    Francisco     (general    of 

the  Observants),  155. 
Spallucci,  Camillo  di  Bernardo 

(gilder),  475. 
Speciani  Cesare   (nuncio),    113, 

189,  191. 
Spiridion,   St.,   524. 
Spondanus  (historian),  276. 
Standen,      Anthony      (English 

envoy  to  Venice),  70. 
Stanley,  F.,  Earl  of  Derby,  42. 
Stapleton,    Thomas,     11,    340, 

360,    437,    438,    440,    443, 

Stradanus    [Jan    van    Straetl, 

painter,  500. 
Stuart,  Arabella,  46. 
Suarez,   Francesco    (S.J.),   293, 

300  seq.,  314. 
Sully,  Maximilian  de  Bethune 

(duke),  40,  74. 
Sundberg        (Archbishop        of 

Upsala),   86. 
Sylva,  Melchior  da  (S.J.),  250. 
Sylvia,     St.     (mother     of     St. 

Gregory),  518,  524. 
Sylvester,  St.,  Pope,  472. 
Szymonowicz,     Simon     (Polish 

poet),  454. 

Tagliavia,  Simone,  de  Ara- 
gona,    Cardinal,    87,    iii, 

195.  397- 

Taikosama  (Japanese  king), 
237  seqq. 

Targone,  Pompeo  (artist),  477. 

Tarugi,  Francesco  Maria  (Arch- 
bishop of  Avignon),  Car- 
dinal,  158,   161,   192,   195, 

270.  437<  517- 
Tarugi,    Salustius    (Bishop    of 

Montepulciano),  157. 
Tasso,  Torquato,  452,  455-466. 
Tassone,        Ettore        Galeazzo 

(count),  384. 
Tassone,    Giulio    (count),    384. 
Taverna,     Lodovico     (nuncio), 

210,  540. 

Taxis,    John   Baptist    (Spanish 

diplomat),   13. 
Tekla      Maryam      (Abyssinian 

priest),  250. 
Tempesta,    Antonio    (painter), 

399,  500,  502. 
Teresa  of  Jesus,  St.,   185,  299. 
Terlecki,      Cyril      (Bishop      of 

Luzk),    125,    130-13 1,    136 

Thomas  Aquinas,  St.,  175,  203, 

235,  289,297,  304,311,321. 
Thomas  a  Kempis,  362. 
Tiburtius,   St.,  521. 
T  i  e  p  o  1  o  ,      Giov.      Battista 

(painter),  466,  488. 
Titus   (Roman  Emperor),   477. 
Toledo,     Francisco    de     (S.J.), 

Cardinal,     no,     167,     169 

seq.,  172  seq.,  176-182,  193, 

195.    223,    266,    293,    308, 

316,    344,    437,    444    seq., 

469,  494. 
Toledo,     Francisco     Sousa    de 

(General  of  Observantines), 


Tolosa,  Paolo  (Theatine),  273. 

Tommaso  a  Jesu  (Provincial  of 
the    Carmelites),    265    seq. 

Torelli,   Cesare   (artist),   471. 

Torres,    Diego    de    (S.J.),    253. 

Torres,  Lodovico  de  (Arch- 
bishop of  Monreale),  148, 
193,  228. 

Torrigiani,    Sebastiano,    469. 

Torrigio,  Francesco  Maria,  472. 

Toschi,     Domenico,     Cardinal, 

195.  437- 
Tresham,  William,  12,  47. 
Turibio,  St.   (Bishop  of  Lima), 

Tylicki,  Peter  (Bishop  of  Erm- 

land  and  Kulm),  119,  121 

seq.,    125,    139. 

Urban  L,  St.,  Pope,  522. 
Urban  VIIL,   Pope,   256,   374, 

Urban  VIIL,  Pope,  523. 
Usimbardi,       Usimbardo       de' 

(Bishop  of  CoUe),  192. 

Valckenborch  (painter),  502. 
Valdivia,   Luis  de    (S.J),   253. 



Valencia,  Gregorio  de  (S.J.). 
323.  336,  340.  349,  356- 

Valerian,  St.,  521. 

Valiero,  Agostino  (Bishop  of 
Verona),  Cardinal,  148, 
igi,    195,    223,    271,    279, 

Valignani,     Alessandro     (S.J.), 

237,  240  seq.,  243. 
Vallejo,   Jeronimo  de,   304. 
Valverde,   223. 

Vani,  Francesco  (painter),  47.^. 
Vanni,     Curzio     (artist),     478, 

522,  526. 
Vasto,  Marchese  del,  381. 
Vazquez,    Gabriel    (S.J.),    309, 

314,  343  seq. 
Vazquez,    Michele    (S.J.).    325. 
Vecchi,    Giovanni   de'    (artist), 

471,  520. 
Vecchietti,    Girolamo,    257. 
Vega,    Gabriel   de    (S.J.),    253. 
Vendeville,     Jean     (Bishop    of 

Tournai),  264. 
Vendramin,    Francesco    (Vene- 
tian  envoy),    33. 
Vialardo,       Francesco      Maria 

(Mantuan     envoy),      372, 

433.  498. 

Victorelli,  Andrea,  435. 

Victoria,  Francesco  a,  218. 

Victurius,  Laurentius  (Arch- 
bishop of  Crete),   260  seq. 

Villa,   Francesco    (count),    393. 

Viliafranca,  Juan  de  (Domini- 
can  provincial),    310. 

Villamena    (painter),    502. 

Villena,    see   Escalona. 

Vincenzo  di  S.  Francesco  (Car- 
melite), 248. 

Viola,  Gian  Battista  (painter), 


Visconti,  Alfonso  (Bishop  of 
Cervia  and  Spoleto),  Car- 
dinal, 72,  193,  195.  266. 

Vitelleschi  (General  of  the 
Jesuits),  366. 

Vittoria,  F"rancisco  de  (Bishop 
of  Cordoba  [TucumanJ), 
252,  255,  285,  298,  316. 

Viviano,  Antonio  (painter), 5 18. 

Volpino,  Giulio  Cesare  (con- 
fessor to  Clement  VIII.), 

Vosmeer,  Sasbout  (Archbishop 

of  Philippi),  4  seq. 
Vossius,  Gerhard,  449. 
Vrancz,     Sebastian     (painter), 

Vries,  Fr.  de   (painter),  502. 

Waldstein   (Moravian  noble), 

Wang-Lie  (Emperor  of  China), 

Watson,       William       (English 

priest),  24,  29,  33,  59,   74 

Wentworth,  Peter,  42. 
Weston,  WilUam  (S.T.),  19  seq., 

White,  Thomas  (S.J.),  67. 
William  V.  (Duke  of  Bavaria), 

276.  357.  431- 
Winghen,     Philip      von,     503, 

Winter,  Thomas,  47. 
Wisniowezki,   Adam,    142. 
Wollowicz,  Eustace   (Canon  of 

Wilna),  13.-1. 
Worthington,  Dr.,  11. 
Wujek,  Jacob  (S.J.),  125. 

Xavier,  Girolamo   (S.J.),  245. 
Ximenes,  Diego   (S.J.),   232. 
Xenia  (daughter  of  Godunov), 

Yepes,  Diego  de  (confessor  to 
PhiUp  II.),  310. 

Zacchia,  Laudovisio  (Papal 
treasurer),  380. 

Zacchia,  Paolo  Emilio,  Car- 
dinal, 3S9. 

Za-Denghel  (Emperor  of  Abys- 
sina),   250   seq. 

Zamoiski,  Johann  (Polish  chan- 
cellor), 82,  129. 

Zbirniski,  Dionys  (Bishop  of 
Chelm),    131,    137. 

Zeno,  Caterina,  276. 

Zuccaro,     Federigo     (painter), 

Zucchi,  Francesco  (artist),  471, 

Zumel,  Francesco  (Trinitarian), 
291.  299,  345- 



