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Full text of "The history of that great and renowned monarchy of China. Wherein all the particular provinces are accurately described: as also the dispositions, manners, learning, lawes, militia, government, and religion of the people. Together with the traffick and commodities of that countrey"

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Robert  E.  Gross 

A  Memorial  to  the  Founder 
of  the 

,^lj)mwieea  S^.C'y€f^^  ^m^/im<^atio?i 

Business  Administration  Library 
Los  Angeles 





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^mv.  <ftinhny. 

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O  F 

That  Great  and  Renowned 


O  F 



Wherein  all  the  particular  Provinces  are  accurately 
defcribed:as  alfothe  Difpofitions,  Manners,  LcarningXawes^ 
Milida^Government,  and  Religion  of  the  People. 

Together  with  the  Traffick  and  Commodities 
of  that  Countrcy. 

Lately  written  in  Italian  by  F.  A  l  v  a  r  e  z  S  e  m  e  d  o,  a  Portuihefs, 

after  he  had  rcfidcd  twenty  two  yearcs  at  the  Court, 

and  other  Famous  Qcics  of  that  Kingdom. 

Now  put  into  Engli/h  by  a  Pcrfon  of  quality ,  and  illuftrated 
with  feveral  M  a  p  p  s  and  Figure  s  ,  to  fatisfic  the  curious, 
and  advance  the  Trade  oi  Great  B  RITTA  IN, 

To  which  is  added  the  Hiftory  of  the  late  Invafion, 
and  Conqucft  of  that  flouriffliing  Kingdom 
by  th€  Tartars. 

Withancxa6l  Account  of  the  other  affairs  oiCHi  NA, 
till  thefe  prcfcnt  Times. 


Primed  by  E.Tyler  for  lohn  Crook  ^  and  nre  to  be  fold  at  his  Shop  at  the 
Sign  of  the  Ship  in  S.  Tauls  Church-yard,  i  ^  5  5. 

The  Epiftle to  the  Reader.       i 

Courteous  Reader, 

Trejenttheemth  that  long  ex> 
fpeBed,  mojl  exaU  Hijiorj  of 
the  LaynesJ^oyernmentyMari-^ 
nerSydndprefent Jlate  and coti^ 
dition  of  that  great  Monarchy 
ofCfhinsi'Jn  its  circmt  little  lefi 
then  all  Europe-^  Heretofore  Qas 
jealous  of  its  raretreajures)jhut 
and  locked  up  from  the  curious  eyes  ofjtr  angers:  Jo  that 
this  bool{e(JirJl^yeilds  to  thee  a  full  di/cojery  thereof 
(^(Idare  fay)themoJl  valuable, that  this  our  vporld  hath 
Been  acquainted  wth^ftnce  that  of  America;  vphereby 
novpthefurthejl  Safl^  asvpell  as  fFeJi,  is  difclofed^and 
laid  open  to  the  prefent  age.  For^  as  for  fome  former  re^ 
tationSy  thou  mayfth aye  feen  thereof  thou  ypilt  by  this 
difc^hethemto  be  as  fabuloi^^  ^  they  are  comp^^ 
dious  andimperfeB . 

It^asupritten  by  oney'who,  after  fr/l,  aJiriBeduca^ 

tionin  all  forts  of  learning,  for  tvpoand  tvpentyyeares 

Jpace  lived  in  thatKJngdome^xvas  re/ident  at  the  (^ourt, 

andinthe  greatejt  Cities  thereof  and  in  all  that  time 

Jo  (^ 

TO  the  Reader. 

(^asdefigningfucha  mr/^e)  'was a  diligent  Ohfervator 
and  (JoUeBor  of  all  their  manners  and  cujloms  j  as 
li/^mfe (after  much  paines  taken  in  the  Language) 
a  great ftudent  of  their  HiJlorieSyand  Writings.  IVhofe 
laborious  mrke^  after  it  had  already  bin  fkthedin 
many  other  Languages y  bejtdesthe  Authors ^  andweP 
comly  entertained  in  mojl  ftates  of  Europe,  it  ivas 
thought  fit  no  longer  to  be  concealed  to  a  T^ation  ^either 
for  curiofity  ofknon^ledge.or  induflry  offorraigne  com^ 
merce,  noway yeildingto  her  neighbours. 

The  'variety  of  thefubjeBs  handled^therein  isfo 
greatQascomprehmding  the  T(^ho[efabric^flhatnjti^ 
inches,  ^S\d^erchandifey(^c.]thatthofe  of  rphatfoelper 
profefsion,may  reap  no  fmall benefit  in  reading  the  de^ 
figneSymanagementsandpraSices therein ^offo  ingeni" 
OUS  a  People.  Whofe  manners  alJo(,as  their  fite)  are  fo 
remote  and  different  in  mofl  things  from  ours^thatll 
tnayfay)  in  this  piece  is  happily  united^mtb  the  truth^f 
M^9^^>  ?k^^%^^//^  ^^ance:  la^here  it  mil  be 
nofmallpleajuretothee  to  fee  their  braines^as  rpel[as 
their  bodieSyOs  itwre  of  a  Jeiper all  mould  front  the^Vi^ 
ropeans,  and  their  inyentions  in  many  things^  to 
ypall^aritj^odestomyandjftinthefe  noway'belorp  uSy 
butin  manyfupriq^r-^qrvphatin  them  appears  lefi  com^ 
peat, yet  mil  the  k^on^ledge  thereof  not  be  ungratefull 
unto  theCyhecaufe  tis  ner^and /tngular.^Asfor  many 
morall  yertueSy  thou  ml t find  them  fo  far  to  tranfcend 
us  thereinythat  they  may  bepropofedas  an  excellent pat^ 
terne,Qualfothey  are  a  fhame)to  Qhriftian  flates. 
*  LafllyitocorreU  andreforme  any  their  defeUsy  and 


To  the  Reader. 

mal^  the  nation  perfeBly  happy ^the  light  of  Qhrifiia^ 
nitji  hath  of  late  yifiteJthis  people,i»ho/ate  indar\nes: 
fo  that  noKif  (after  America  alfoenligbtned^  there  is 
mend  of  the  v^orld  left;(i^herinto  the  found  of  the  (jo^ 
jpel  is  not  gone  forth.  T  he  foundation  of  tnhich  being 
(there^already  laidythere  is  great  hopes  that  it  mayfoo^ 
nercometo  a ful purity  ^reformation(^perfeBion^(^the 
indefatigablepains&undauntedcourage  ofthoje  laho*^ 
rers  ypho  cult  iy  ate  it  in  theEaJl^proyok^  a  greater  dtli^ 
gence  andemulation  therein  ^in  our  planters  in  the  ^ejl^ 
Kphere  the  Qo/pel  fas  foil  omng  a  con^uejl)  may  be  ad-' 
vanced  both  with  much  morefafety  and  authority . 

To  the  end  of  this  Treatife,  I  have  added  the  Hijlory 
oUheTartarian invafan  ofQhina,much enlarged^ 
freed  from  diners  Err  at  as  of  the  former  Edition;  v^hich 
giyes  thee  an  accoun't  of  the  Qhineffe  affaires  till  the 
yeare  16  '^%.(^Reader^thuimuchIthoughtgoodtoad^ 
yertife  thee  in  the  front  of  this  "Boo^e^  that  thou  mayjl 
not  be  fo  great  an  hinder  ance  to  thyjelfe,  as  not  to  heac^ 
quainted  wthfo  curious  andbenefidall  a  difcourfe, 



The  Preface. 

Ho  wriceth   of   things   farre 
remorej  doth  almoft  alwaycs 
incurrc  the  inconvenience  of 
many,  and  thofc  no  fmall  dc;: 
fccfls  :  hence  it  is,  that  we  fee 
many  Books,whofeAuthours, 
for  their  perfonal  Qualities, 
mightdefcrve  more  credit  than 
may  /uftly  be  given  to  their 
writings.  As   forthofe,  who 
have  written  of  China,!  have  perufed  lome  of  thcm,who  lea- 
ving in  obHvion  almoft  all  Truths,takc  the  liberty  to  wander 
in  difcourfes  altogether  fabulous :  for  this  Kingdome  being 
forcmotc^and  having  alwayes  with  much  Care  avoided  all 
Communication  with  Strangers,  rcferving  onely  to  them- 
fclvs  the  knowledge  of  their  own  Af&irs,with  a  moft  parti- 
cular Caution  :  hence  it  followcs,that  nothing  is  knownc 
without  the  Confines  thereof,  but  what  doth,  as  it  were, 
overflow  into  the   skirts  of  the  Country  of  Qantom,  (a 
part  of  this  Empire,  whither  the  Portughefcs  have  been  fiife 
fered  to  come)fo  that  the  moft  internall  and  fecret  knowledge 
thereof  hath  been  refer  ved,either  for  the  Natives  of  the  Coun- 
try, who  know  well  enough  how  to  conceale  it j  or  for  thofe, 
who^  upon  a  better  Motive,  have,  to  difcovcr  it,  little  leffc 
then  forgotten  their  own  nature,  their  language,  their  cu- 
flomes ,  and  manner   of  living ,  and  transformed  thcm- 
fclves  into  the  naturall  humour  of  that  Country. 

Now  this  laft  hath  by  divine  difpen(ation,fallen  to  the  lott 


The  Treface, 

of  the  Religious  of  the  Company  of  Jefus-^  who  although 
they  came  late  to  the  Culture  of  the  Church,  are^  notwith:^ 
ftanding,  arrived  to  that  honour  to  be  reckoned  among  the 
firft,  that  after  Saint  Thomas  theApoftle,  did  cultivate  thofe 
remote  Confines  of  the  world. 

It  is  now  fifty  eight  years,  that  they  have  laboured  under 
thisfo  diftant  Climate,  where  direding  all  their  force  and 
endeavours,  to  the  converfion  of  Souls ,  they  account  it  a 
manifeftThefi,to  employ  any  othcrwife  that  time  which  they 
owe  to  the  Service  of  God,  and  is  of  fo  much  importance 
for  the  Etetnall  Salvation  of  men.  Hence  it  is,  that  never 
any  yet  did>  or  would  it  have  been  permitted  him;,  if  he  had 
dcfircd  it,  to  employ  himfelle  in  writing  the  Relation  of  this 
Kingdome-  except  it  were  Father  ISficolaus  Trigal^i^ius,  after 
he  had  by  permiffion  with-drawn  himfelf  from  the  culture  of 
Chriftianity  among  the  Cfe^w,  and  palfed  from  thence  in- 
to Europe, 

Vpon  the  fame  occafion  I  have  undertaken  to  give  a 
fariefc  account  thereof,  fufEcient  at  Icaft  for  the  inftruftion 
of  thofe,  who  defireto  be  informed  concerning  thofe  parts : 
forbearing  CO  make  a  more  large  diicourleat  the  prefcnc^  buc 
refcrving  it  for  another  timc;  which  may  be,  when  wee 
(hall  returnc  to  that  vaft  Country  ,  with  new  Labourers 
in  fo  great  a  number,  that  fomeof  the  greateft  Author 
rity  and  Experience  among  us,  may  find  leifure  and  conveni- 
ence to  undertake  a  perfe(5l  Relation. 

In  the  meantime,  abbreviating,  as  much  as 'tis  poflible, 
this  Information,  without  rendring  that  knowledge  confu- 
fed,  which  wee  pretend  to  gratify  the  world  with,  we  ftiall  di- 
vide the  work  into  two  parts.  The  firft  containeth  the  matc-^ 
riallpartof  the  Kingdome,-  that  is^  the  Provinces,' Land,  and 
Fruits  J  and  in  a  manner,  the  formal  part  too;  that  is,  the 
people,  their  learning, and  cuftomes.  Thefecond,the  Begin- 
ning of  Chriftianity  thcrc^  the  progreflTe  ihercofj  the  perfes; 
Gutions  fuffcred  thereinjand  finally  the  condition^  wherein 
I  left  it,  at  my  departure  thence.  I  hope  this  worke  fliall  gain 
fomceftecm  and  crcdit,if  notfor  the  greatneflc  of  the  Ap:3 
pearance,  at  Icaft  for  the  certainty  of  the  rcaliry  of  itj  having 


The  T  re  face. 

taken  what  I  write,  from  the  infaUiblc  Teftimony  of  mine 
eyes  J  which  though  they  may  not  be  of  the  cjuickeft  fighted, 
yet  have  had  the  advantage  to  reiterate  very  often  their  fpe- 
culations.  Andifhe  which  viewcth  for  a  long  time,  zU 
though  his  fight  be  not  of  the  beft,  doth  commonly  fee 
more,  then  he  who  lookcth  in  hafte,  be  his  eyes  never  fo 
good  ;  I,  who,  fopthe  fpacc  of  two  and  twenty  years, 
have  had  the  opportunity  to  obfcrve  all  Paflages  of 
China^  have  certainly  fcenfomuchwhat  Jwrite,  and  what 
others  have  written,  who  have  not  fcen  them  iowcU^  that 
J  muft  neceffarily  ipeak  of  them  with  more  Certainty  then 
they, although  with  lefle  Eloquence. 


The  Table  of  all  the  Chapters  contained 
in  the  firft  pare  of  the  Hiftory  oi  China. 

^^      Chap.  2 .  of  the  Provinces  in  particular ^  and  fir fi  oftbofe  ef 

-^■'  the  South.  fol.  8. 

Chap.  3 .  Of  the  Northern  Provinces.  fol .  1 5 . 

-  Chap.  4.  oftheferfonsoftheChinejfes :  of  their  nature^  ivit^  and  inclinatm, 

fol,  22. 
Chap.  5.  of  the  manner  of  their  habit.  fol.  29. 

Chap.  5.  of  their  Language  and  Letters  fol  31. 

Chap.  7.  of  their  manner  ofpudy.^  and  admittance  to  examination,     fol.  j  5 . 
Chap,  ^  of  the  manner  of  their  Examinations^  and  how  their  degrees  are  con- 
f^^r^^'  fol,  40. 

Chap.  9.  of  the  degree  ofDodour.  fol.  45, 

Chap.  10.  of  the  Bookes  and  Sciences  of  the  ChinefTes.  fol  .47. 

Chap.  1 1 .  oft  heir  Sciences  and  liber  all  Arts  in  particular,  fol  .51, 

Chap.  1 2 .  of  the  Courteftes  and  Civilities  of  the  Chincffcs.  fol.5  8. 

Chap.  13 .  of  their  Banquets,  fol.  65 , 

Chap*  i^.of  the  Games  rvhichtheChlncffcsufc,  fol.  68. 

Chap.  1 5  of  their  Marriage  fol,  69, 

Chap.  16.  of  the  Funerals  and  Sepultures  $f the  ChinefTes:  fol.*73. 

Chap.  1 7 .  of  the  Funcrall  of  the  ^een  Mother.  fol.  78. 

-Ch^p.i^.ofthefeverallfeas  of  Religion  in  China,  fol   85. 

Chap.  19  Of  their  fuperftitions  andfacrifices  in  China.  fol.  9^.* 

Chap  2 o . oftJeMllitia and^rmiohhe ChinefTes.  fol.  95] 

Chap.  2 1 .  ^  the  war  which  the  Tmars^made  upon  China,  fol,  100! 

Chz^.zi.ofthe  Kings  and  ^eens  of  Chmx^  and  of  the  Eunuchs    fol.'iots! 

Chap'.  23.  Uow  the  Kings  <?/China  are  married.  fol .  1 19. 

Chap.  24.  of  the  Nobility  ^/China.  fol .  1 2 1 .' 

*  Chap.  25 .  of  the  Government  o/China,  and  of  the  officers-  fol.  1 24^ 

C  hap.  26.  of  the  Government  oft  he  thirteen  Provinces,  fol  1 2  8. 

Chap.  27  0/^^^  Badge  of  honour.^  or  Enfigns  of  the  Mandarines,        fol.  1^2.' 

Chap.  28.  of  the  Prifons^  Sentences,  and  Punijhments  of  the  ChinefTes. 

fol.  135. 

Chap.  2p,  Offome  particular  things,  which  doe  facilitate  and  reBify  the  Go- 
venment  in  China.  fQJ  ^^. 

Chap.  30.  of  the  KjMoors,  lews,  and  other  Nations  which  are  in  China. 

foL  151. 
Gnap.  3 1 .  Ofthe  Chriftun  Religipp  planted  many  agesftnce  in  Ch  ina:  and  of 
a  very  ancient  fione  lately  difcovered  there,  which  is  an  admirable  teMmony 
^^''''f^  fol.  154. 


A  Table  of  the  contents  of  the  Chapters  in 
the  fecond  Pare  of  the  Hiftory  oi  China. 
Chap.i./^i^  thefrfibegmningcof  the  fredching  cfthe  Gofpd  in   Chini 

Chap 2.  Ofthefroceedings  and  Perfecutiom .jlfhe  Fathers  before  they 

arrived  at  Nank'^m.  ■'-■  -^"i .  ,.    *  ^^}'  ^7*-' 

Cap  ^  ofivhathappened  after,  till  the  Fathers  entred mo  Pehm,  fol.  177. 

Chap '4  The  Fathers  enter  into  fekim  and  fettle  there.  fol.  183. 

Chap.  5. 0  f  the  proceedings  andrtiin  of  their  Boufe  at  Xaocheu.        fol.  187, 

Ch£-  6  of  the  pr  ogre gf'e^o ft  he  Chrip  an  Religion  at  the  tm  Reftdencies  at 

Nanc/jamandNankim^andofthe  de^tth  of  Father  LMatthms  Riccius. 

io\,  192. 

Chap.  7.  of  the  'Mrying  place,  which  was  heflewedupontts  by  the  King^  and  of 

thTproireffeofthe  Chriflian  Religion^  imtill  the  time  of  the  perfectitton  at 

Nankim^  '      ^    ^  fol  197. 

Chap.  8.  A  fierce perfcctition  is  raifed  againft  the  Chriftians  tn  Nanhm, 

^0\,  20). 

Chav.9.Thecontinu.ition  of  the  Perfcctition  and  the  Banifhment  of  the  Fa* 

ther.<  out  of  Chin^.  F0L214, 

ChBp.ioMorv  thi}igs  began  to  be  cdmcd  again  after  the  perfecution^mdof 

the  foundation  of  fever  all  Eejidencies.  iol,2  20. 

C\i2i'0.ii. of  the  fecond  perfccutionai  "H-^rnVm^and  of  the  warty  dome  of  4 

Chrifi:an  named  Andrew .  f<^'  'i  2  6^ 

Ctiz^^ii.Howthings  bcgantohe  quiet  and  fetled,  and  how  the  Fathers  were 

fent  for  to  Court  by  orde  r  of  the  Mandarines  >  fol  252. 

Ch^Xi.iX.'the  life  and  death  of  T>x.  Lqo  :andthe  concltifm  of  this  Wdory. 

^*  ^'  fol.  239. 

^  After  which  follows  the  fupjlement  to  thefe  prefent  times,  wherein J5 

rnntalnedij}eJjC7>/;?g//gi  moff  warre  with  the  T^^rtjtrs^ 

b^yJ^hnm  theyjrcnow^  conquered.  Fol.  24^. 









Of  the  Temporall  State  of 


C  H  A  P«    !• 

Of  the  Kingdom  in  ^enerall, 

JJina  in  its  extent  is  one  great  continued 
Continent,  without  having  any  thing 
which  devides  it :  and  taking  it  from  the* 
latitude  of,  Hajnam  (which  is  not  farte 
diftant  from  the  continent,  and  lyeth 
in  nineteen  degrees )  it  extends  it  felf 
twenty  fowre  degrees,  inclining  towards 
the  Eafl:  •  and  ending  in  fourty  three  de- 
grees, it  comes  to  make  a  circuite  fo  much 
the  more  fpacious,  by  how  much  the 
coafts  thereof  run  along  in  various  and  un- 
equal! windings ;  and  fo  comes  to  be  the 
cheifeft  kinodome  of  the  world  in  greatneOe  and  almoft  equallto  all  Eu- 
rope. On  the  weft  fide  thereof  are  many  fmall  lilands,  but  foe  neere  to- 
gether, that  they  feem  all  to  Compofe  bur,as  it  were,  one  body. 

All  this  Monarchy  is  divided  into  fifteen  Provinces-,  each  of  which 
is  a  fpacious  Kingdome,  and  fo  they  were  all  anciently ;  each  having  a 
King  of  its  own.  Of  thofe  nine,  which  they  call  the  Southern  Provinces, 
the  greateft  part  of  them  are  watered  with  large  rivers,  and  fome  of  thole, 
having  fo  great  plenty  of  water,  that  in  many  places  the  oppofite  banks  are 
out  of  fight ,  one  of  the  other  -and  elfewhere ,  that  which  appcareth ,  is 
hardly  to  be  diftinguiflied  what  it  is.  They  are  all  navigable  and  are 
frequented  wirh  fo  a  great  concourfe  of  divers  forts  of  vcffcls ,  that  what 
might  be  faid  upon  this  occafion,  will  hardly  feem  credible :  I  (hall  oneiy 

The  Hiftory  of  CBi^^-        Pa  r  t.i. 

ray,that  in  this,  they  do  exceed  all  other  rivers  of  the  world. In  an  Armc 
ot  the  river  of  Nanchim^\s\\\c\-\  with  a  moderate  breadth  runneth  down  to 
Bamchen^l  ftayed  eight  dayes  for  a  palTage  through  that  wonderful  con- 
courfeofveflels.-andvvhileftan  houre-glaflTc  of  fandwas  running  outj 
counted  three  hundred  fmall  Hi  ps,  reckoning  only  thofe  which  came  up 
the  is  a  marvellous  thing,there  being  fo  many,that  all  are  fo  vvcli 
accommodated  for  Mcrchandize,and  fo  convenient  for  paffengers-They 
are  all  covered  and  kept  very  near,  and  fome  of  them  fb  beautified  and 
adorned  with  pidureSjthat  they  feem  rather  made  for  the  recreation^than 
the  traffick  of  Merchants. 

The  manner,  after  which  they  are  governd  is  very  notable :  for  the 
Marriners  keep  all  without  the  place,  where  the  paffengers  make  their  a- 
bode,  there  being  fpace  enough  without  for  them  to  run  up  and  down, 
that  trim  the  Sayles  and  guide  the  Bark,  without  any  difturbance 
of  the  others,  who  enjoy  a  pleafant  cafe  and  reft  .In  which  the  Barks  of  the 
pr  ovince  of  Hancee  exceed  the  reft. 

The  fix  Northern  provinces,  as  they  come  nearcft  to  our  latitude,  do 
raoft  refemblc  our  climate,  and  are  more  dry  and  healthfull  than  the  reft. 
But  in  all  of  them  (more  or  leflfej  there  arc  noc  wanting  many  of  a  long 
and  happy  life  •,  there  being  to  be  found  many,  and  very  vigorous  and 

Of  the  fame  more  farticularlj . 

This  Kingdom  is  fo  populous,that  not  only  the  Villages,  but  evcnihe 
Cities  are  in  fight  one  of  another j.and  in  fome  placcs,where  the  rivers  arc 
moft  frequented  jthe  habitations  are  almoft  continued.  Of  thefe  there  are 
foure  fortS;great  Cities  which  they  call  Fu:  the  lefTer,  which  they  call 
C^«,(concerning  thefe,  Writers  have  fomewhat  differed  in  their  Rclati-^ 
ons:)Townes,  which  they  call  Hierf-,  and  Caftles,  which  they  call 
Cid,  Befides  thefe,  there  are  Villages  and  Hamlets  almoft  innumera- 
ble. Of  all  thefe  the  Walls  are  kept  n^ht  and  day  with  a  four-fold 
Guard  at  the  found  of  a  Bell,  even  to  the  innermoft  City  of  the  King- 
dom,asifthey  werealwayesina  condition  of  Warre:  fbewing,  that  to 
prevent  the  leaft  imaginable  danger,  which  may  fal  out  in  anhoure;  it 
isfgoodtoftandjduringlife,  upon  our  guard;  for  ordinarily  all  fudden 
mines  proceed  from  a  long  confidence.  Theftreets  are  kept  by  Courts 
of  Guard  andSentinels,with  fo  much  rigour^that  if  they  find  them  afleep, 
^  or  ftragled  from  their  Poft,or  that  they  do  not  fpeedily  anfwer,  they  are 
piefendy  condemned  to  the  Baftinado^  which  is  immediately  executed  in 
the  fame  place.  The  publick  gates  are  fhut  every  night  with  great  care.and 
if  there  fall  out  any  accident,  they  are  not  opened,til  they  are  far isficd, 
how  the  Fad  was  done.  In  the  year  one  thoufand  fix  hundred  thirty 
four,!  was  in  the  City  of  A'mwj/,  where  thirty  theeves  broke  prifon ,  and 
having  routed  the  guardSjWounding  fome  and  killing  others,  fet  them-, 
felvs  at  liberty  .The  Fa(5l  was  known- and  the  opening 'of  the  gates  be- 
ing fufperded  according  to  their  inviolable  cuftome,  before  next  night 
the  Malefactors  were  all  taken^nor  could  thegreatneffe  of  the  City  hide 
any  one  of  them. 


Chap  .i.  The  Hi/lory  of  QUl^A.  3 

This  Kingdom  is  fo  exceeding  populous,  that  I  having  lived  there  two 
and  twenty  years,  v^ras  in  no  lefTe  amazement  at  my  coming  away,  than  [ 
was  in  the  beginning ,  at  the  multitude  of  the  people;  certainly,  the  truth 
^xceedeth  all  Hyperboles.,  not  onely  in  the  Cities,  Towncs,  and  pub- 
lick  places,  (infomeofwhich  one  cannot  walk  without  great  vrolencc 
ofthiufting  and  crowding.)  but  alfo  in  the  High-wayes,  there  is  as 
great  a  concourfe,  as  is  tifually  in  Europe  at  fomc  great  feaftival],  or  pub'« 
lick  meeting.  And  ifwe  will  referre  our  fclves  to  the  generall  rcoffttt 
book,  wherein  only  the  common  men  are  enrolled  and  matricuhtcd^  lea- 
ving out  women^  children  ^  eunuchs,  pmfeflburs  of  armes  and  letters,  (al- 
moft  an  infinite  number)there  are  reckoned  of  them  to  be  fifty  eight  miili- 
ons,and  fifty  five  tlioufand, one  hundred  ar^d  fourcfcore. 

The  houfes,  where  they  inhabite,  are  not  fo  fumptuous  and  laflfng,  as 
ours :  yet  are  they  more  convenient  for  the  good  contrivance,  and  more 
pleafant  for  their  exquifite  neatnefle.  They  ufe  much  in  their  houfes 
Charam^  an  excellent  vernifli,  and  painting  of  an  accurate  diligcnce.They 
build  them  not  very  high,  efteeming  them  more  convenient  for  bein^-^ 
Iow,as  well  for  habiration^as  for  good  accommodation. The  ridier  fort  o^ 
people  doe  plant  the  courts  and  approaches  to  their  houfes  withflowrel 
and  fmall  trees  ^  and,  towards  the  North,  they  ufe  fruit  trees.  Inlik^ 
manner,  where  they  have  roome  enough,  they  fet  greater  trees,  and  rai(b 
artificiall  mountaines  -,  to  which  end  they  bring  from  farre,  great  pieces  of 
rocks  :  They  keep  there  feverall  forts  of  fowl  •,  as  Cranes  and  Swannes, 
and  other  beautifull  birds:  and  alfo  wild  beafts,  as  Sragges,  and  fallow 
Dearc :  They  make  many  fifb- ponds,  where  are  to  be  feen  gliding  up  and 
downe  painted  fifli  with  gilded  finns,  and  other  things  likewife  of  ciirio- 
fitie  and  delight. 

Their  way  of  building  is  in  this  manner.  They  frame  firft  exaaiy  the 
roofcof  the  houfe,  which  they  fct  upon  pillars  of  wood,  the  which  by 
how  much  the  bigger  they  are,  are  fo  much  the  more  cfteemcdrafter  they 
fit  up  the  walls  with  brick,  or  fome  fuch  like  matter.There  is  a  Tradition, 
that^anciently^tbey  made  their  buildings  according  toexad:  rules  of  mca- 
fure  and  proportion  -,  of  which  Art  there  are  yet  fome  bookes  remaining ; 
but  thofc  rules  are  now  only  obfetvcd  in  theKings  palaccs^and  in  publick 
workcs^  as,towresof  Cities  and  Townes,  which  they  make  of  feverall 
formes  -,  as  round .,  fquarc .,  odiangular  •,  very  beautifull,  with  ftaires, 
fome  winding,  fome  plaine,  and  Balanfters  on  the  out-fide. 

InthevcfTclsand  utenfilesof  their  houfethey  arc  both  very  curious 
and  ex^enfive .,  ufing  much  the  abovefaid  Charam,  a  fort  of  vcrniQi, 
which  IS  taken  fromcertaine  trees,  proper  only  to  that,  and  the  neigh- 
bouring, Countries.-  and  in  truth  it  is  an  excellent  thing,  as  well  for  the 
perfedion  of  the  matter,  (as  may  be  kth  in  the  workes  which  come  from 
thence)  as  for  the  cafinelTc  in  working  it,  as  well  in  making  new  things,  as 
IQ  rctrimming  the  old,and  reducing  them  to  their  former  beauty. 

As  for  plenty  •  whereas  this  kingdome,  byreafon  of  its  large  extent, 
doih  participate  of  diverfe  latitudes  and  climates,  it  produceth  and  enjoy- 
cthfo  great  varictie  of  fruits,  that  nature  feems  there  to  have  laid  upon 
hcapes,  what  (bee  but  fcattcrs  through  the  reft  of  the  world.  It  hath 

B  2  within 

7he  Hiftory  of  QtHU^A,         Part.i. 

within  its  owne  doores  all  that  is  ncceffary  for  mans  life,  together  with  all 
fupcrfluity  of  delicacies :  whence  it  hath,  not  only  no  need  to  take  almes 
of  other  Countries^but,  with  what  it  is  able  to  fpare,  (which  is  both  much 
and  very  good  j  it  fatisfieth  the  defircs  of  the  neighbouring  and  remote 
jkingdomes,  who  have  always  a  longing  defirc  to  fee  and  enjoy  it.  Its 
chiefe  fuftenance  is  that  which  is  moft  ufed  throughout  the  world,to  wit, 
wheat  and  ricc;  fome  Countries  making  moft  ufe  of  the  one,  andfome 
of  the  other.  China  produceth  both  in  fo  great  plenty,  that  a  Pi€oo£ 
each  (zPic0  containcs  125  pound  of  our  weight)  is  commonly  worth 
five  Reals,(that  is,  about  halfc  a  crowne  of  Englifh  mony)  and  if  it  com- 
meth  to  feaven  and  a  halfe  'tis  counted  a  dearth. 

The  Northern  Provinces  ufe  for  their  proper  fuftenance  Whcate,Bar- 
ly.andMaiz^  eating  Rice  but  feldome,  as  we  doe  in  Europe^  leaving  it 
fortheSouthernProvinces^  Which  although  they  have  Wheat  in  great 
plenty _,  make  ufe  of  it  with  the  fame  moderation,  as  we  doe  of  Rice,  or  a- 
ny  other  fort  of  fruit.  They  have  Pulfeofdiverfekindes,thereliefe  of 
the  pootcr  fort  of  people,  and  the  ordinary  provinder,  in  ftcad  of  Barly, 
for  the  Beafts  of  Burthen.They  ufe  Herbes  machjthey  being  the  food  of 
ihe  ordinary  people,  almoft  all  the  year  throughout ;  &  the  chiefe  Inven- 
torie  of  their  Apothecaries  ftiops,for  their  phyficke-,  which  is  founded  only 
upon  Herbes  and  very  fafe  phyfick.  Yet  they  want  both  Endive  and  Car- 
duus,  but  have  in  ftead  thereof  others,  which  we  want. 

Flefh  they  have  every  where  plentifully,  even  in  fmall  villages-  That 
which  they  ufe  moft  conftantly  throughout  the  yeare,  isHogs-flefh, 
Bcefe  is  fold  there  without  any  bones,  they  taking  them  alwayes  out,firft. 
Vemfon  they  have  not  fo  plentifuU.-nor  doe  they  much  afFedi  it-  although 
they  have  there  the  fame  which  here  afford  us  fo  much  recreation  •  as, 
wild  Boares,  Stagges,  fallow  Deare  and  Hares,  but  no  Conies.  Of  fowle 
there  is  great  plenty,  they  have  all  ours  in  great  abundance;  Partridges 
of  two  forts,  one  whereof  differeth  not  from  ours,  but  only  in  their  call. 
The  Nightingales,  though  they  are  bigger  than  ours,  have  the  fame  voice 
and  manner  of  finging.  Other  birds  there  are  which  we  have  not  here, 
and  are  in  great  efteeme,  as  well  for  their  beauty  to  the  eye,  as  for  their 
excellent  tafte  fo  pleafe  the  Palat.The  birds  which  we  fee  painted  in  their 
Workes  that  come  into  Europe  have,without  doubt,  for  the  moft  part,  the 
refcmblance  of  thofe  there.  Art  alwaies  favouring  nature,  or  but  little  al- 
tering from  her.  They  are  excellent  in  bringing  up  of  tame  fowle,  and 
have  of  every  fort  without  number  5  Geefe  they  have  in  fo  gteat  quanti- 
ty, that  they  feed  up  and  downe  the  fields  in  huge  flocks.  That  which 
is  reported  of  their  hatching  egges  by  art,  is  very  certaine^  but  it  is  only  in 
the  fpring  time,  and  then  they  havc'no  need  of  the  dam. 

Wild  Beafts,  as  Tigers  and  Wolves  there  are  in  abundance  through- 
out the  kingdome,  though  they  doe  not  much  hurt.  There  are  Elephants 
alwaies  to  be  feen  at  court,  but  they  are  brought  from  other  Countries^ 
For  tame  creatures  they  have  all  ours,  as  well  for  burthen  (without  ufing 
Oxen  for  this,  as  they  are  faine  to  doe  throughout  all  India;  as  alfo  for  til- 
lage of  their  iand,in  which  they  make  ufe  of  Oxen.  In  the  Southern  parts 
the  ^'(/^/f'Vundcrgoc  the  chiefe  labour*  They  havcftoreof  horfes,  but 


Chap.i.  The  Hijlory  of  CHI3\(j1. 

without  mettle,  and  little  worth.  Coaches  were  formeily  much  in  ufe 
with  them,  and  growing  out  of  fafliion  there,  we  tooke  them  up,  beincr 
firft  iikd^  in  Italy  and  Spain^in  the  yeare  1 54^^,  Since  they  have  only  ufed 
Chaires  and  Sedans,  finding  them  of  le{Te  pompc  andexpence,  and  of 
greater  convenience  ^  wherefore  to  this  day  in  all  their  journics  they  fervc 
themfelves  with  litters  carried  by  Mules,  or  Chairc  s  borne  by  4, 6,  or  8, 
men,according  to  the  quality  of  the  perfons.  Thofe  which  they  ufe  moft 
in  Cities  are  in  forme  not  unlike  unto  ourS*  Thofe  in  which  the  women 
are  carried,  are  bigger,  more  convenient,  and  more  beautified  •  and  alfo 
the  manner  of  carrying  them  is  different.  In  the  two  Cities  of  Pcmkin 
and  Nayickin ,  where  there  is  a  greater  concourfe  of  all  forts  of  people, 
they  have  in  all  publick  places  a  good  quantity  of  Korfcs  and  Mules,  with 
handfome  furniture,and  very  well  fitted  with  bridles  and  faddles,  land- 
ing ready  to  be  hired  by  fuch  perfons,  as  are  defiious^  with  more  eafe 
and  kde  cxpence,  to  travell  up  and  downc  the  City  upon  their  occa- 

In  the  Northern  provinces,  they  have  but  little  fifh/fejccept  it  be  at  the 
Court;  which,  for  being  fuch,  wants  nothing  J  Thereafonis,  becaufe 
in  thofe  parts  there  are  no:  many  Rivers  .-  yet  they  caufe  great  ftore  of 
fifli  to  be  brought  from  the  Southern  Provinces,  (which  very  much  a- 
bound  therein,  taking  them  on  the  fea  coafts,  in  lakes,  and  in  pooles  in 
great  plenty)  dried  and  accommodated  in  diverfe  manners,  fo  much  as  is 
fufficient*  In  the  River  of  iV^w)^/;;  there  is  every  yeareafifhing  for  the 
Kings  ufe  -,  and  rill  that  be  done,  there  is  a  prohibition  upon  a  rigorous 
penalty  for  any  other  perfon  to  fifh :  and  the  voyage  being  between  five 
and  fourty  and  threefcore  daies  journy,  yet  it  is  brought  f  refli  and  fweet, 
without  faking  it.  Troutes  are  not  there  fo  much  cfteemed  as  with  us^buc 
Sturgeon  every  whit  as  much  ^  which,  when  it  is  fold  at  the  deareft,  doth 
not  exceed  five-pence  the  pound:  By  which  you  may  perceive  the  cheap- 
ncffe  of  all  other  things. 

Among  fruits-  Cherries,  and  Mulberries  have  there  no  efteeme,'for 
their  taft  is  not  very  good  •,  they  ufe  the  greateft  part  of  thofe  fruits  we 
have  in  Europe .-  but  they  are  not  comparable  to  ours,  neither  in  quantity 
nor  quality,  except  it  be  the  Oranges  oi  Cant  one  ^vihich  may  well  be  called 
the  Salens  of  Oranges :  and  are  by  fome  cfteemed  to  beg  not  fo  much 
Oranges  as  MufcateU  Grapes .  difguifed  in  that  forme  and  habit.  The 
Southern  provinces  have  the  beft  fruit  of  aillndia-,  particularly  C4;?^^;?^/or 
they  have  Anms^Mmgh^ts ^Bananas ^  GiachaSjdx.Giambai'^  &  above  all, there 
are  fome  fruits  proper  to  them  of  a  particular  excellency,  fuch  as  in  Can' 
tone  are ^ the  Licie ^  (fothe  Portnghefs cdWihcm-^huttht Chine fes^  Lici.j 
Thcfe  on  the  outfide  are  of  an  Orange  colour,  and  when  they  are  ripe  doe 
very  much  beautify  the  trees  they  grow  on.  They  are  made  like  chaft- 
nuts,  in  the  forme  of  an  heart :  when  the  fhell  is  pilled  of,  which  is  only 
contiguous  to  it,  the  fruit  remaines  like  a  pearl  in  colour,  very  plea- 
fing  to  the  fight,  but  more  to  the  tafte. 

There  is  likewife  a  fruit  called  Longans^  named  by  the  chine fes^  Lu- 
mien,  that  is,  Dragons  eye,  they  are  in  figure  and  greatneffe  not  much  un- 
like a  fraall  nut,  but  the  Pulpe  is  wery  little,  and  different  •  but  between 

B  3        '  the 

The  Hijlory  of  CBl^d.        Pabt.i. 

the  {hell  and  the  ftone  it  is  fwect  and  whokfomc:  this  fruit  is  found  in 

Cantenc  and  Fokien. 

Throughout  the  kingdome  there  are  red  ngges/a  name  put  upon  them 
by  the  Portughefes :  for  in  the  Chimfe  tongue  they  are  called  ^»^» ; )  it 
is  a  fruit  very  different  from  figges  in  colour,  figure  and  tafte  •,  the  colour 
on  the  outfide  is  red,  on  the  infide  like  gold  •,  the  figure  is  of  the  bignelle 
of  an  Orange,  bigger  or  lefTer  •,  for  there  is  as  muchdivcrfitie  of  them,  as 
there  is  among  us  of  figges.  The  rinde  is  very  thinne,  and  is  of  fo  extra- 
ordinary good  tafle,  that  in  my  opinion  it  may  be  reckoned  among  the 
chiefeft  in  the  world.  They  have  one  or  two  feeds,  which  are  like  unto 
blanched  Almonds :  the  bed  are  in  the  cold  Countries.  The  provinces 
Borjau,  Xianfiy  Xenfi^  ^ndXantum  enjoy  the  beft  in  quality,  and  in  great 
quantity;  and  dry  enough  ofthem  to  fcrve  the  whole  kingdome.  When 
they  are  dry,  they  are  better  than  our  dried  figges,  to  which  they  have 
fom^  kind  of  refemblancc. 

The  province  of  Hamcheu  produceth  a  particular  fruit,  which  they 
call  ^mmoi^  asbiggeasa  plumbe,  round,  and  in  colour  and  tafte  like 
unto  the  beft  Mulberries :  but  the  tree  is  very  different. 

Peaches  there  are  none,  unleffe  it  be  in  the  Province  of  Xe^(t,  whcvQ 
there  are  fome  of  a  notable  blgneffe :  fome  are  red  both  within  and  with- 
out 5  others  of  a  yellow  colour,  of  the  fame  figure  and  tafte  with  ours. 

There  are  Melons  every  where  in  great  abundance :  but  the  beft  are  not 
to  be  compared  to  our  good  ones ;  there  are  water  melons  in  great  plenty 
and  very  good. 

Grapes  are  very  rare  and  fcarce,  and  grow  only  in  Arbours,  andclofe 
walkcs,  except  it  be  in  the  Province  of  Xefjjl,  where  they  are  in  abun- 
dance, and  where  they  alfo  dry  them  in  great  plenty.  They  make  not  their 
wine  of  Grapes,  but  of  Barly,  and  in  the  Northern  parts,  of  Rice  -,  where 
they  alfo  make  it  of  Apples,  but  in  the  Southern  parts  of  Rice  only  ^  yet 
this  is  not  ordinary  Rice,  but  a  certaine  kind  of  it  proper  to  them^  which 
ferveth  only  to  make  this  liquor,  being  ufed  in  diverfe  manners. 

Vineger  they  make  of  the  fame  ingredients  as  theirwine  5  and,  in  the 
Wefternc  Provinces,  oi Millet  5  which  notwithftanding  is  ftiarp  and  well 

The  wine  ufed  by  the  common  people,  although  it  will  make  them 
drunke,  is  not  very  ftrong  nor  lafting,  'tis  made  at  all  times  of  they  care: 
but  the  beft  only  in  the  winter;  It  hath  a  colour  very  plea/ing  to  the  fight; 
nor  is  the  fmcU  lelTe  pleafing  to  thefent^or  the  Savour  thereof,to  the  fafte; 
take  altogether,  it  is  a  vehement  occafion,  that  there  never  want  drun- 
kards-, but  without  any  muld  of  ftiame  5  for  they  have  not  yet  placed  it  in 
that  con fiderat ion.  Winter  and  Summer  they  drink  it  warm. 

Flowers  are  in  fingular  efteeme  with  thefe  people*  and  they  have  fome 
exceeding  beautifull  and  different  from  ours-,  which  Cyct)  they  doe  not 
want.  They  have  Clove-gilleflovvres,  which  have  no  fmell  at  all.  They 
endeavour  to  have,  the  ycare  throughout,  flowers  for  every  feafon  in  their 
gardens,  in  which  they  are  very  curious.  They  have  fome  flowres,which 
in  their  duration  exceed  the  ordinary  ftile  of  nature  -,  in  which  they  fceme 
to  be  exempt  from  their  common  tribute  of  a  fhort  life.  For  when  thefe 


Chap.1.  ThsHijlory  of  QHIJ^J,  ~  j 

plantshaveno  moyfture  left  for  the  nouriflimcnt  of  their  leaves,  and  ex- 
pofed  ro  the  cold,  thefe  do  fall  off,  then  do  new  flowres  fprout  againe,  & 
thofethemoft  odoriferous,  during  the  greatcft  inclemency  ofthefroft 
and  fnow.  Thefe  are  called  Lamui^  more  pleafing  to  the  fent  than  the  eye  5 
their  colour  being  not  unlike  that  of  Bees  wax.  They  have  other  floweis 
like  Tillies,  c2L\\cdTiaohoa^  which  they  keep  inthehoufe,  becaufethat 
being  carefully  taken  up  with  their  roots  entire  and  well  cleanfedfrom 
earth,  they  live  and  flouriih  in  rhe  ayre. 

Their  Garments,  asalfo  the  furniture  of  their  chambers  andhoufes, 
they  make  of  wooll,  Linnen,  Silke  and  Cotton,  which  they  make^reat 
life  of  and  weave  thereof  many  faire  and  curious  ftufifs. 

The  riches  of  that  kingdom  is  admirable :  for  befides  that  the  earth  is 
fo  fruitfull  in  allkinde  of  fuftenance,  and  what  ever  is  neceffary  for  mans 
life ,  as  may  be  perceived  by  what  hath  been  already  faid  •  they  do 
vend  unto  ftrangers  the  beft  and  richeft  merchandife  of  all  the  Eaft  5  fuch 
as  are  Gold-threed  5  Gold  in  the  leafe  and  Ingot-,  Rubics^Saphires- fmall 
Pearle-,  Muske-,  raw  filke ;  and  wrought  filk  quick-filver.  Copper,  tin, 
7'ommga^^\\\ch\s2^]dvi&  of  mettall  more  fine,  and  as  hardasTinj  Ver- 
milion, SaIt-nitrc,Brimflone,Sugar,and  other  things  of  IclTe  importance. 

Their  guilded  workes  for  houfliold-ftuffe,  ornaments  and  Jewells  for  ' 
women,  both  fornecelTity  and  curiofitie,  are  fufficiently  known  to  the 
world  ;  nor  doth  all  this  iflTue  out  at  one  port,  but  by  many  in  a  great  and 
perpetuall  commerce.  In  all  this  abundant  riches  of  the  Country,  in- 
duflry  of  the  inhabitants,  Arts  and  means  of  gaining  their  living  to  an  ex- 
ccfTive  plenty , they  doe  not  let  pafTe  any  other  thing,that  can  bring  them  a- 
ny  profit;  and  notwithftanding  the  fight  of  fo  great  afluence  of  noble 
commodities,  they  make  a  profit  of  their  Beefe-bones5Hogges-haires-,and 
ofthefmallefl:  ragge,  that  is  throne  into  the  ffreefes.  There  raigneth  a- 
mong  them  that  only  pledge  &  furetie  of  the  duration  of  Empires-,  that  is, 
that  the  publike  is  rich,  and  no  particulars.  They  are  not  To  rich  there  a^ 
in  Burofe ;  nor  fo  many  which  can  properly  defervc  that  name.-  nor  are  the 
poor  here  fo  many,  nor  fo  poor  •,  as  thofe  there.  The  people  is  infinite,  nor 
can  they  have  a  capitall,  or  flock,  fufficient  for  fo  many  5  ormonytofill 
fo  many  purfes.Hence  it  comes  to  paflfc,  that  the  partition  among  them  is 
fuch,  that  much  comes  to  few,a  mediocrity  to  not  many,  and  a  little  to  al- 
mofl  infinite .  Their  mony  is  much  atone  ftay,  which  may  be  perceived 
by  the  fame  low  price  of  things,  falary  of  fervants,  pay  of  workmanfhip, 
and  flipend  of  publick  Miniflers. 

So  that  even  to  this  day,  at  Icafl  in  diverfe  of  thefe  countries  they  live, 
as  they  did  formerly  in  Portugall-^  when  a  Maraved  /V,  which  is  worth  a 
farthing  and  a  half,  divided  into  fix  blanes,  would  buy  fix  feverall  things. 
So  was  it  alfo  in  Cafiile^  not  only  in  ancient  times,  but  even  to  the  raign  of 
Don  fohn  the  firflrthe  records  of  which  are  flill  prcfervedrbut  fuch  tem- 
perance and  plenty  long  fince  are  gone  out  of  the  world.  From  hence  itis 
manifefl,  how  much  that  admirable  duration  of  the  Empire  of  Chim  de- 
pendeth  on  obferving  its  lawes  and  ancient  cuftomes,  without  ever,  ope^ 
ningagate  (that  the  great  ones  might  fecme  greater,  and  the  fmall  one?, 
great)  to  luxurie  in  apparel;  and  cxcclTe  in  diet  5  which  are  the  irreparable 


8  The  Hiftory  of  QHIU\C.A.  Part.i. 

ruine  of  Common  wealths. 

A  pound  of  mutton  is  worth  a  penny,  a  pigeon  a  farthing  and  a  halfe^ 
thehireofaman-fervant  forayear,two  hundred  farthings,and  his  dyt^ 
and  lodging.But  there  is  a  great  difFc^rence  betwixt  fome  places  and  o- 
thers,thore  of  the  South,as  they  have  the  advantage  in  commerce,  fo  ihey 
exceed  the  reft  in  money-,  and  the  price  of  things-,  which  continually 
rifeth,as  we  find  every  day  by  experience:  but  even  there  to  this  day,  the 
rate  is  very  moderate. 

Chap.  2. 

Ojthe  T^roVmces  in  particular  ^an^jirjl 
ofthofe  ojthe  South. 

^  I  ^his  kingdome  is  divided  into  two  parts,South  and  North-,  and  both 
J_  thefefubdivided  into  fifteen  provinces,  as  is  above-faid.  To  this 
Southern  part  belong  nine;which  are  Cantctte^X^amfi^rmmfn^  Fukien^  Ki- 
amfi^SttchuemMH^^^^i^^^^^^^i^^^^^^:)^^  vvil  treate  of  thefe  in  this  chap- 
ter, and  of  the  reft  in  the  next.  That  we  may  proceede  diftiniflly^fpeaking 
of  them  in  the  fame  order  that  we  have  named  them. 

C^»?(7;;ns  the  firft,  and  lyeth  in  that  part  of  the  South,  that  is  properly 
named  Quantum  It  is  in  the  latitude  of  twenty  three  degrees,  it  is  large, 
rich^and  abounding  in  wheat  and  rice-,  of  thefe  it  propuccth  each  yeare 
two  harvefts  though  for  the  moft  part  they  are  of  a  feverall  graine. 
There  is  ftore  of  fuger,copper  and  tin,  materials,  which  they  worlce5WTth 
great  variety,  into  innumerable  forts  of  veffels;  as  alfo,  workes  made 
with  CW</w,an  excellent  vernifh,  and  with  guilding,  fome  whereof  are 

tranfported  into  £//rflf^. 

Thcjefuits  in  this  province  had  two  refidencies  with  their  Churches 

andlioufes,  which  perifhedby  reafon  of  Severall  perfecutions,  as  you 
ftiall  find  hereafter. 

The  people  are  able  Mechanicks, and  though  of  fmall  invention,  vet 
they  imitate  excellently  whatfoever  they  find  invented^  To  the  City 
called  alfo  Cantone(ihoi\g\i  the  proper  name  thereof  bee  G^^wr/'f///// j 
the  Fertugeffes  go  twice  every  year  with  their  mar chandice  .It  is  diflanc 
fmm  Macao  an  hundred  and  five  miles :  and  U.acao  is  diftant  from  the 
firft  lflands,and  from  the  greater  Cicyesofthat  Empire  fifty  four:  The 
circumference  thereof  is  15  good  miles.  Theconcourfc  of  merchants 
thither  is  very  great^  and  therefore  it  is  more  peopled  than  many  of  the 
other  Cityes.  The  moft  and  beft  comodities  of  that  Kingdomeare 
brought  thither,  becaufe  it  is  the  moft  open  and  free  feat  of  trade  in  that 
nation.  And  ro  fay  nothing  of  the  fix  neighbouring  kingdomes,from 
whence  all  forts  of  merchandife  is  brought  thither,  as  well  by  natives  as 
ftrangers:  only  that  which  the  Portugejfes  iskc  in  for /W///,  Giappone 
and  Manila,  cometh  ore  year  with  another  to  five  thoufand  three  hun- 
dred chcfts  of  feverall  filkc  ftuffes-,each  chcft.  including  100  peiccs  of  the 


Chap.z.  The  Hipry  of  CHl^A.  p, 

moft  fubftantial  {ilks,as  velvet  damask  and  fattiniof  the  {lighter  ftuffcs  ai 
halfe-daaiasks,  painted  and  fingle  taffiries  2  50  pcices  of  gold  2200  In- 
gots ot  12  ounces  weight  a  peece;  of  musk,  feaven  Pick:  which  is  more 
then  ^$  Arrovas cvtxy  Arrova^ti^m^  25  pound, of  <5  ounces  to  the 
pound-,  befidesfmall  pearle-,  fugar;  Force  Ham  diQies-,  Chim  wood-  Rheu- 
^<ir^^',  and  fe vera  11  curious  guildcd  woikes^  and  many  other  things  of 
lefTeimportance-jit  being  hard  to  name  them  all  even  in  a  longer  relation. 

To  this  Province  belongeth  the  Ifland  of  Apan,  where  pearls  are  fiHi- 
ed  in  great  plenty.  It  is  fuificiently  populous,  by  one  city,it  hath  Several 
villages  on  the  North  part  thereof:  toowards  the  South  there  ly- 
cth  a  barbarous  people,  which  admit  the  Chwefes  only  to  trafficke  and 
^commerce, without  fubmitting  to  their  dominion.  It  produceth  that 
precious  wood  of  tAquiU  and  that  fvveet  wood,  which  the  Portngefes 
call  rofe- wood,  and  the  natives,  Hoalim-^  and  other  things  of  lefTc  im- 
On  the  North  fide  of  Cantom  the  Prov  ince  oiQ/iamft  extendeth  it  felfc 
to  the  latitude  of  2  5  degrees .-  it  en/oyes  the  fame  climate  without  any 
confiderable  difference  ;  f  fo  that  it  hath  nothing  particular, which  is  no- 
table- )  and  is  counted  the  fccond  Province, 

Tunnamh  the  third  5  and  lycth  in  the  latitude  of  24  degrees,  and  is  the 
f  urtheft  diftant  of  any  from  the  Centre  of  C^/;24;itis  a  great  countrie, 
but  hath  litdemerchandife,  I  know  not  any  thing  is  brought  from  thence, 
unlcfle  it  bee  that  matter,  whereof  they  make  the  beads  for  chapplets, 
which  in  P(?r/«^4// they  call  Alambras-^'znd  in  CapHe,  Ambares;  and  arc 
like  Amber,  they  are  counted  good  againft  the  cararre-,it  is  digged  out  of 
mines,  and  fometimes  in  great  peices :  it  is  redder  than  our  Amber,  but 
not  fo  cleane.  In  this  province  is  violated  that  cuftome  of  the  Kingdome 
that  women  do  not  goto  the  market  to  buy  or  fell,  asinothcrcoun* 
tries  of  the  world,  ; 

On  the  other  fide  o^Cantone  is  the  fourth  Province  called  Fftkietty  or  by 
another  name  Chincheo^  in  the  latitude  of  25  degrees :  it  is  for  the  greatcft 
part  Mountanous.  and  therefore  not  fo  well  inhabited.  Contrary  to  the 
lawes  of  the  Kingdom,the  Natives  of  this  Province  do  go  into  the  coun- 
tries of  the  neighbouring  ftrangers,which  are  upon  the  fea-coafts  Jt  yecl- 
deth  gold,  good  fugar  in  great  quantitie,good  Canvas-cloath-,  for  other 
Hnncn  there  is  none  in  C^/>4.  There  is  made  excellent  paper  of  diverfe 
kindeSjWhich  for  plenty ,goodnefIe,  and  cheapnelTe,  is  very  remarkable. 
They  make  ufe  of  printing  no  lefie  conveniently  ,  and  (as  it  appear- 
eth)  more  anciently,  than  in  Europe^  although  not  in  the  very  fame  man- 
nenfor  here,afcer  the  printing  of  each  (heet,  the  letters  are  taken  afunder  / 
there  they  carve  what  they  would  print  upon  boards  or  place,  fo  that  the 
bookes  are  ft  ill  preferved  entire  in  their  work-houfes-,  and  therefore  as  of- 
ten as  there  is  occafion,they  can  reprint  any  book ,  without  the  expence 
of  new  fctting  the  letters.  This  country  is  fcituated  upon  the  Sea-fide, 
and  is  another  eminent  port,from  whence  arc  ilTued  out  of  that  Kingdom, 
infinite  Merchandife,  which  are  carried  by  the  people  of  this  country, 
that  are  induftrious,and  brought  up  to  it,to  Mam lajGiappom j^nd  particu- 
larly to  thMmdF  ormofajwhkh  is  even  in  the  fight  of  the  land^for  with  a 

C  good 


The  Hi/lory  of  QiUHj^^         P^b  t.i. 

a  good  wind  it  is  not  above  24  houres  voyage  thither)  where  they  trade 
with  the  JJellanders, 

There  are  two  houfes  and  Churches  there  belonging  to  our  company; 
under  whofe  Government  and  dircdion  are  a  grcar  number  of  very  good 
Chriftians  •,  who  have  about  ten  Churches  belonging  to  them,  the  which 
are  vifited  by  us  very  diligently  at  fet  times.  Two  of  their  chiefe  Chur- 
ches are  in  the  City  of -Fw/^^r^ which  is  their  Metropolis :  another  in  the 
City  ofCieumchu,  the  left  in  other  Cities.  There  are  (befidcs  j  many  par- 
jcicular  Oratories.  ,     ^       1  •  •  ^ 

"  The iflan4/^r^/i^  lyeth  in  the  Latitude  of  22  degrees,  it  is  fituated 
between  the  Kingdomesof  C^/;^4  and  Guff  one :  before  you  come  thither 
you  muft  paflfe  by  a  great  number  of  Illands  named  Ltqueu :  the  length  of 
this  Ifland  isjjp  miles,  the  bread th  75  •  ^ 

The  Hollanders  have  there  a  fort  placed  in  a  fandy  vale,  under  which 
lyeth  the  Port,  which  is  encompalTed  with  bankes  of  fand,and  if  it  were 
not  diftinguiflied  and  fecured  by  certainc  pofts  fet  up  in  the  water,  the  en- 
france  would  be  very  difficult  even  to  thofe  of  the  Countrie.  On  the  o- 
ther  fide  of  the  Ifland  toward  the  Eaft,  the  Sfanyards  have  a  fore,  diftanc 
fram  that  of  the  Hollanders  90  miles  by  fea,and  by  land  45,35  is  reported. 
The  foyle  of  the  Ifland  is  fo  f  ruitfull,  that  it  produceth  grarfe  nine  or  tea 
palmes  high  (a  palme  is  nine  inches,  Englifli  mcafure;  where  the  HoUait^ 
ders  feed  their  cattell.  Thereis  fo  great  abundance  of  Stagges,  that  jt 
feemeth  incredible  to  him  that  hath  not  feen  it  .fatlier  tAlhertus  Micefchi^ 
(who  lived  there  in  the  condition  of  a  flavej  relatcth,  that,  riding  to  the 
next  woods  with  leave  from  the  Governour,  to  gather  fomc  mcdicinall 
hearbes,  he  faw  by  the  way  fo  great  a  multitude  of  Stagges,  that  he  judg- 
ed them  to  be  the  herds  belonging  to  the  people  of  theCountry,difperfed 
up  and  downe  the  fields,  till  coming  nccrcr  he  found  with  his  eyes  the 
contrary.  There  are  alfo  many  of  thofe  ^ntmds  called  Alces  or  ElkeSy 
the  which,  I  did  hitherto  belceve,  were  only  to  be  found  in  Lituanh  and 
the  adjacent  Countries.  There  are  alfo  many  other  x^nirnds  wholly 
differing  from  ours,  and  altogether  ftrange  to  us.  It  js  the  likeft  Country 
to  Eur  Of  e  of  all  India. -It  enjoyeth  an  healthfull  ay  re,  and  cold  Jike  our§.  It 
produceth  fome  fpices,  but  not  in  great  plenty  •,  as  Pepper  in  the  woods, 
and  Cynamon  on  themountaines,&  Camphire  trees  of  a  notable  bigncfle, 
China  roots,  2,x\dSalfafarigliaj^  in  great  quantitie.  There  are  alfo  gold 
mines,  but  the  Hollanders  have  not  yet  open'dthem. 

The  people  of  the  Countrie  weare  no  manner  of  cloathes  ♦,  neverthe- 
leffe  both  men  and  women  doe  cover  that, which  in  all  the  India  s  ufeth  to 
be  hidden  from  fightjby  the  inflind  of  nature.  They  dwell  in  round  hou  - 
fesmade  with  BulruQiesoffeverall  colours,  beautif uU  to  behold  a  farre 
off.  Their  ordinary  food  is  Stagges  flcfh as  fatasporke-,  and  Rice;  of 
-  which  alfo  they  make  very  flrong  wine,"  Many  of  them  dog  turne  Pro*  • 
teftants  by  the  perfwafion  of  the  Holland  Minifters,andjive  vcrteoufly. 
They  arc  tall  and  adlive  of  body,  fo  fleet  in  running  that  they  are  able  to 
fingleout,  and  run  downea  Staggc  in  their  hunting.  Tlicir  Lords  doc 
weare  a  Crowne  of  dead  mens  skulls,  ff  itched  together  and  embellifhed 
with  fiike :  and  thefe  are  the  heads  of  their  enemies  killed  by  themfelves. 


Ch A p.2^  The  Hijlory  of  CHIU^A.  iT 

Their  King  wearcth  two  wings  of  various  feathers  upon  his  head :  others 
crownethemfelves  with  apples  of  gold,  others  make  themfelvcsjiorn^s 
ofacertaineftraw,  made  up  with  ^5///^/^'^  haire  .♦  They  gird  themfclvcs 
alfo  about  with  a  girdle  of  young  Buh'ufl-iescurioully  woven.  Thipitar- 
ry  hanging  at  their  breafttwo  Tortoifes  anda  woodden  maJlet,  which 
fcrvethem  inftead  otadrum.  There  is  likewife  another  Ifland  neere  to 
ir,  inhabited  by  fierce  favage  people^  who  kill,  whofoever  goeth  thither^ 
rhe  above-named  father  Micefchi  favv  one  of  them  taken  by  the  Hol- 
landers, who  was  fifteen  palmes  high,  as  it  feemed  to  him. 

The  fift  place  we  will  give  to  the  Province  of  AV^;»/?, which  is  contigu- 
ous to  that  of  C4;?/f>;?^  toward  the  North,  in  the  latitude  of  2^  degrees. 
It  rakes  its  beginning  fiom  a  great  ridge  of  mountaines,  which  reare  thcm- 
fclves  upon  the  confines  of  C4»?tf;?f,  fromthefe  Mountaines  ttvo  Rivers 
have  their  original!-,one',which  runneth  toward  the  South,and  is  prefently 
navigable-,  the  other  towards  the  North-,  which  after  it  hath  watreda 
good  part  of  this  Province  receiveth  into  his  channell  another  large  Ri- 
ver of  the  Province  of  Huqaam^  and  then  runneth  forward  v^ith  the  name 
of  the  famous  Nad'im,  Theskirtsofthefe  Mountaines  arc  confiderable 
for  the  good  Cities  that  are  fcituated  thereon-,  very  convenient  for  the 
paffage  ofttavailers,and  for  the  conduct  of  Merchandifc  -,  which  for  the 
moff  part  pafleth  upon  the  backs  of  menandboyes,  according  to  the  a- 
bilitics  of  each,  learning  this  trade  from  their  youth,  which  is  the  moft 
ufuall  imployment  of  that  Countries  The  voyage  is  but  of  one  whole 
day,  and  it  is  very  much  to  fee  what  pafTcth  by  in  it.  For  there  being  no 
other  bridge  -,  and  thefe  Rivers  being  the  moft  frequented  pafles  of  all 
China^Ws  almofl  incredible,  how  great  a  concourfe  of  people  there  is,  and 
what  amuhitude  of  commodities,  which  goe  and  come  without  inter- 
miifion.  The  Merchandife  is  all  put  in  one  ftore-houfe,  and  is  received 
by  weight  into  another  with  fo  much  fidclitie,  that  it  is  not  neceffary  the 
owner  ihould  beprefent,becaufe  upon  all  accidents  the  Hoftes  are  bound 
to  make  good  whatfoever  is  wanting.They  are  obliged  alfoto  give  to  eve- 
ry gueft  of  qualitie,  or  Merchant  two  banquets,  or  one  at  leaft,  as  alfo  to 
their  fervants ;  and  if  they  be  not  fatisfied  therewith,  they  tell  them  of  it, 
expoftulate,  and  threaten  not  to  frequent  any  more  their  Inne,  there  not 
wanting  many  others. 

By  this  Government  they  make  their  covetousHoffes  very  fumptuous 
and  bountiful!.  The  Hoffes'are  alfo  obliged,  as  foone,  as  their  guefts  are 
embarqucd,  (for  if  they  goe  by  land  this  priviledge  ceafcth)  to  (end  them 
aprefent  of  two  things,  or  of  one  at  leaft,  as  fruit,  two  fifhes,  a  little 
flclh,  a  coupk  of  pullets-,  and  this  without  paying,  cither  at  your  entrance, 
abode,  or  departure  -,  for  there  is  nothing  to  be  payd,  cither  for  the  lodg- 
ing or  bedftead  J  fay  bedftead,becaufetheHofte  allowes  you  no  bed  but 
every  one  carrieth  one  with  him  at  his  backe,when  he  hath  no  other  con- 
venience -,  but  they  are  not  fo  big  as  our  beds,  but  much  lighter.  The  pro- 
fit of  the  Hofte  confifteth  in  fo  much  percent, which  is  payd  them  by  the 
Boateman  for  fuch  perfons,  or  goods  as  are  carried  by  water  5  and  by  the 
poiters  for  fuch  as  paffe  by  land-,  and  as  the  concourfe  is  great,  the  profit 
cannot  be  little.  Every  thing  pafTeth  through  the  hands  of  Infurers,  fo 

C  2  that 

'^  7he  Htftory  of  QWU^A.      ~Part.i. 

that  if  any  thing  be  wanting,  they  fupply  it  and  make  it  up. 
^IniteCuftome-houfefforthereisavery  famous  one  liere)  there  is  not 
To  much  honour  done  the  Merchant,  but  more  favour.  There  is  no  houfe 
whfiitthe  Merchandife  is  depofited,  weighed  or  vifited-,  neither  is  it  ta- 
ken out  of  the  barke-,  but  only  a  moderate  rate  is  payed  for  itbythecye, 
and  according  to  the  Merchants  booke  of  accounts.  If  the  paffcnger  be 
no  Merchant,  although  he  goe  alone  in  a  Barkc  with  his  fervants,  and  car- 
ry five  or  fix  chefts,  and  fcverall  other  things,  which  are  ufualiy  tranfpor* 
ttdi  from  one  Country  to  anotherjthey  are  not  fearchcd  nor  opened,  nei- 
ther doe  they  pay  any  cuftome.  A  good  example  for  the  Cuftome  and 
Gabell'houfes  of  H//ropf ,  where  a  poore  traveller  is  fobeaRly  and  bar- 
baroufly,  robbed  and  fpoiled;  when' all  he  carrieth  with  him  is  not 
worth  fo  much  as  they  aske  him  for  cuftome . 

For  ftrangers  fhips,\vhich  come  into  the  Port  o^Ma^ao^  as  foone  as  any 
arriveth,  they  unlade  their  Mcrchandife  as  they  pleafe,  without  any  hin- 
derance  •  and  when  the  cuftomers  come,  they  pay  them  according  to  the 
content  of  the  veffel,  without  making  any  enquiry  into  the  qualitie  of  the 

But  to  returne  to  the  Province  oiKiamfi^  f  of  which  we  were  difcour- 
fing-,)  ic  particularly  aboundeth  in  Rice  and  fifii,  but  moft  of  all  in  people. 
So  that  the  Chimfjes  call  them  Laochu,  that  is  to  fay,  Rats.  Whereof,  we 
havearefemblancein  Vorttigdl^  in  the  Country  thatlyeth  between  the 
Rivers  T>utrQ  and  Uigno  •  which,where  it  confineth  upon  Gullitia  hath  fo 
great  multitude  of  people,  that  it  is  therefore  called  by  the  fame  name  • 
although  learned  men  doc  derive  it  from  Rates,  an  ancient  part  of  that 

Now  this  people  running  over  the  whole  kingdom,  like  fwarmes  of 
Bees,  do  fill  it  withfeverall  Trades  whcrcunto  they  apply  them  felves, 
andforthegreateftparttncy  leada  mifcrable  life,  and  are  therefore  fo 
penurious,  niggardly,  and  drie  in  their  prefentSjthat  they  pafie,  in  ridicu- 
lous proverbs,  through  the  reft  of  the  Provinces, 

It  is  famous  for  Sturgeon,  which  it  hath  of  very  great  bignefle-,  and 
more  for  the  Porcellane  difties  (indeed  the  only  work  in  the  world  of  this 
kinde)  which  are  made  only  in  one  of  its  Townes :  So  that  all  that  is  ufed 
jntheKingdomjand  difperfed  through  the  whole  world,  arc  brought 
from  this  place  .-although  the  earth,  whereof  they  are  made  commeth 
fromandther  place;  but  there  only  is  the  water,  wherewith  precifely 
they  are  to  be  wrought  to  come  to  their  perfedion,  for  if  they  be 
wrought  with  other  water  the  worke  will  not  have  fo  much  glofte  and 
luftre.  In  this  worke  there  are  not  thofe  my  fteries  that  are  reported  of  ic 
here,  neither  in  the  matter,  the  form,  nor  the  manner  of  working5  they 
are  made  abfolutely  of  earth,  but  of  a  neateand  excellent  quality.  They 
are  made  in  thefame  time,  and  the  fame  manner,  as  our  earthen  veftcls- 
only  they  make  them  with  more  diligence  and  accurateneffe.  The  Blew, 
■wherewith  they  paint  the  Porcellane^  \s  Anill^  whereof  they  have  abun- 
dance, fome  do  paint  them  with  Vermiliony  and  (for  the  King  J  with 

This  Province,  and  that  oS-OnmheQ  and  C4;i/^;;«,  which  border  one 


Chap.z.  The  Htpry  of  Cm3\CA.  j^, 

uponcinother,  dounire,as  itwere,inan  angle^,  with  many  Mountaines 
between  them  :  In  the  middle  of  which  Mountaines  there  is  a  fmall 
Kingdome,  which  hath  a  particular  King  of  its  own  without  any  Tub- 
jedion  to  the  Chwejfes-^  from  whom  he  doth  defend  himfelfe,if  they  pre- 
tend to  a0ault  him-,  nor  is  the  defence  difficult,  there  being  but  one  en- 
trance into  that  kingdorae.  They  admit  of  the  Chimffe-  Phyfttians  in  their 
infirmitics^butnocoftheir  learned  men  into  the  adminiftration  of  their 
government.  If  they  have  an  ill  Harveft,and  that  there  is  like  to  be  a  fcar- 
fity  they  go  out,  and  rob  in  a  millitary  order,  to  the  found  of  the  drum. 
So  in  the  year  1632  they  gave  no  fmall  trouble  to  this  province  of  i<:z- 

The  laft  account  fliall  be  concerning  the  Chriftianify  there,  which 
hath  profpered  very  well,  being  alfo  beneficed  with. two  Churches 
and  houfes  which  we  have  in  that  Province,  the  one  in  the  City  of  Nan- 
ftojwhich  is  the  Metropolis-,  The  other  in  the  City  of  Nauhhim, 

The  fix:Province  is  called  Smhmn^  in  the  fame  paralcl  with  that  of /<'/- 
amf^znd  in  the  faraelntitudeof  29  degrees,  nor  hath  it  any  thing  in  parti- 
cular differing  from  the  former,  worthy  the  relation. 

The  Province  of  Buquam  is  the  feventh  in  Scituation,  it  lyeth  more  to 
the  North,  in  the  heighth  of  3 1  degrees,  it  exceeds  the  whole  Kingdom 
for  the  abundance  of  Rice.  The  chimjfes  fay,  that  that  whole  Kingdom 
is  able  to  give  but  a  breakfafi:  in  refpe(5l  o^Bnquam,  which  provideth  for 
the  whole  yeare*  It  hath  (lore  of  oyle,  and  no  leffe  Fifli,  by  reafon  of 
the  rivers,which  it  enjoyeth,  and  the  lakes,  which  fcem  rather  Seas.  In 
the  Metropolis  of  this  Province  there  was  a  Refidencie  begun  at  the  rime 
of  my  arrival. 

The  province  of  c^X'/^Jw,  which  is  the  eighth,Iyeth  in  the  Latitude  of 
30  degrees :  it  is  for  the  moft  part  fcituaced  by  the  Sea.{idc,fertile,  plain, 
and  almoft  all  divided  by  feverali  rivers,  fome  whereof  run  through  their 
Cities  and  Townes.  In  riches  it  exceeds  many  of  the  Provinces,as  being, 
the  Fountain,  from  whence  the  bed  Commodities  of  that  Monarchic 
doe  flow :  it  is  fingular  in  filke,  which  it  diftributeth  through  every  parr, 
whether  it  be  raw,  or  wrought;  in  Balls  or  in  Stuffe.  All  that  goeth  out  of 
the  Kingdome  any  way,  comcth  from  this  Province:  though  all  Chma 
hath  the  benefit  of  the  Silk-  worme,yet  all  the  reft  would  not  ferve  them, 
to  make  them  Scarfes*.  the  name  of  the  Metropolis  is  Hamcheu.  Here  we 
havetwo  houfes,  which  upon  certain  good  confiderations  are  redixed 
to  one-,  where  there  is  cultivated  a  copious  and  good  Chriftianity, 
and  alfo  much  honoured,  by  reafon  ofthc  number  of  people  of  quality 
that  are  in  it, 

Finally.this  Province  is  famous  for  many  things,  but  particularly  for 
three.  The  firft  is  a  lake  called  Sihu^  which  is  one  of  the  rarcfl  in  the 
woild.  ItisincircuiteThirty  Z/V,  which  are  fix  miles.-  itisfet  about 
with  excellent  Palaces,  and  thefc  environed  by  pleafant  Mountaines 
cloathed  with  graffe,  plants,  and  trees :  the  water  is  alwayes  running,  for 
there  comming  in  a  current  at  one  fide,  &  ifTuing  out  at  the  other-,it  is 
fo  cleere,  that  it  inviteth  one  to  behold  it  with  great  delight,  the  fraallefl 
fand,  that  lyeth  at  the  bottome,  being  to  be  difcovered.   There  arc  cer- 

C  3  taine 

1^  The  Hipry  of  C^^K^-  Part.i. 

taine  waves  paved  with  ftone,that  do  crofTe  over  it,  offering  paffnge  to 
thofethat  travell  over  it,  either  upon  their  occafions  or  curiofitie :  there 
ftandreadyfmallBaikesofa  confidcrable  burden  which  are  made  for 
recreation  and  banquets .,  the  kit  chin  is  in  the  ftf  crage,  or  the  forccaftle, 
and  the  middle  fpace  ferveth  for  a  hall.  Above  higher,  there  is  a  place  for 
the  women,  covered  with  lattices,  thatthey  might  nor  be  feen.  Thefe 
Barkes  are  painted  and  guilded  after  a  curious  and  various  manner.and  are 
provided  in  great  abundance  with  all  things  neceffary  for  the  navigation 
which  is  (hort  and  free  from  wracks  of  water,  but  not  fo  well  from  thofe 
of  wine  •,  there  happening  many.-  as  alfo  ihipwrackes  of  eftates  very  often-, 
there  being  fcarce  any  in  the  whole  kingdome  that  hath  any  thing,  that 
doth  not  come  to  fpend  in  thefe  delights,  either  part  or  the  whole  5  and 
fometimcs  more  than  his  whole  ftock  is  worth. 

The  fecond  is,  the  excellency  of  the  {ilkc,as  well  for  the  plenty  above- 
faid  as  for  the  curiofitie  of  the  Art,  with  which  a  good  part  of  it  is 
wroughtjCnf'rayling  it  with  precious  and  beautifull  workes  of-  gold.  This 
is  only  ^fter  their  manner  and  gufto  5  and  is  not  fcnt  out  of  the  kingdome, 
but  as  a  finf^ular  worke  is  referved  for  the  Kings  Palaces,  who  every  yeare 
buyeth  up  all  that  is  made  of  this  fort. 

The  third  is,  the  worlhipping  of  their  Idols;  in  which  is  particularly 
to  be  perceived  whence  the  fabrick  of  their  Temples  proceeds,  which  arc 
without  doubt  very  famous. 

The  lafl  of  thefe  nine  Southerly  Provinces  is  iV4;?^/w,  fcituated  in  3  s 
degrees  of  latitude,  and  is  one  of  the  beft  Provinces  of  the  kingdome,  and 
the  perfection  of  the  whole  realm.  It  fendeth  abroade  its  commodities, 
or  workes  of  importance,  to  no  part  •,  as  if  they  were  unworthy,  to  parti- 
cipate of  its  perfedion ;  which  is  mofl  rare  in  all  fort  of  varietie,  and  fo 
much  exceeding  all  the  reft,  that  every  one,  to  fell  his  commodities  the 
better,  pretendeth,  that  they  are  of  Nankim^  and  fo  pafleth  them  off^  at  a 

greater  price. 

That  part  which  is  towards  the  Weftjis  the  moft  rich,  and  makethfo 
much  Cot  ton- wool,  that  thofe  of  the  Country  affirme,  that  there  is  only 
in  the  townc  of  Xamchi  and  the  precind  thereof,  which  is  large,  200000 
Loomes  for  thisftuffc  •,  fothat  from  that  place  only  the  King  draweth 
1 50000  cro  wnes  yearly. 

fnbnehoufe  there  ufeth  to  be  many  of  them  for  they  are  narrow,  as 
the  ftuffe  is.  Almoft  all  the  women  are  employed  in  this  work. 

The  Court  did  refide  in  this  Province  for  a  long  time  ^  and  even  to  this 
day  all  the  Courts  of  jufticc  and  priviledges  thereof  are  conferved  in  the 
City  o^Nankim,  whofe  right mmeisUmthiefifU'^  anditfecmeth  tome 
to  be  the  beft  and  greateft  City  of  the  whole  Kingdome,  both  for  the 
form  of  the  building,  the  largeneffe  of  the  ftreets,  the  manners  and  deal- 
ing of  the  people,  and  for  the  plentie  and  excellency  of  all  things. 

It  hath  admirable  places  of  recreation,  and  is  fo  populous  through  its 
confines,  that  the  villages  fucceed  one  another,  in  a  manner,  from  three 
miles  to  three  miles  •  although  at  this  day,  by  reafon  it  wants  the  prefence 
of  the  King  it  is,  in  its  felfe  leffe  populous  t,  neverthelelTc  in  diverfe  parts 
thereof  it  is  yet  troublefomc  to  walkc  the  ftreets  for  the  crowde  of  people 


Chap.?.  The Hifiorj  of  QBI^J^A.  15 

that  one  meereth.  Befidc?,  the  many  Palaces,  Temples,  Towers,  and 
Bridges  doe  render  it  very  confiderable.  In  the  wall  thereof  there  are 
twelve  gates,  barr'd  with  Iron,  and  guarded  with  Artillery :  a  good  way 
wichout  runneth  another  wall  with  no  fmallruines.  The  circuit  thereof 
(fori  was  <lefirous  to  know  the  meafure  of  itj  istvvodaies  journey  on 
horfe-back;  That  ofthe  inner  wall  is  eighteen  miles  5  both  the  one  and 
die  other  have  within  them  many  populations,  gardens,  and  fields  which 
arc  tilled,  the  bread  whereof  ufeth  to  be  applied  to  the  ufc  of  the  foul- 
diery  within  the  City,  to  the  number  of  fourty  thoufand. 

In  one  part  thereof  there  is  caft  up  an  arcificiall  Mount,on  the  top  where- 
of there  is  feen  a  wooden  fpheare,  not  armed,  although  the  circles  thereof 
are  placed  at  the  latitude  of  the  fame  City,  which  is  32  degrees-  afmall 
latitude  inrefped  of  the  great  colds,  but  a  very  large  one,  for  the  great 
heate  which  it  fufferethiThe  fpheare  is  in  circumference  of  a  notable  big- 
neffe,  and  is  a  very  com  pleat  piece  of  work. 

It  hath  moreover  a  Tower  divided  into  feaven  ftories  of  fingular  beau- 
ty for  the  workemanfliip  thereof,  it  being  full  of  figures,  and  wrought  like 
Fercdlane  :  an  edifice,  which  might  be  ranked  among  the moft  famous 
of  ancient  Mome.  The  river  cometh  to  kilfe  the  feet  of  this  City,  and 
fendeth  up  fome  armes  of  it  felfe  into  it.  The  name  ofthe  river  is  famhtt- 
kiamy  that  is  to  fay  ,the  Sonne  ofthe  fea  5  nor  vainly  is  it  fo  called,  it  being 
the  moft  aboundant  in  water,  of  any  that  is  knowne  in  the  world.  There 
is  alfo  great  plenty  of  fifli. 

We  have  foure  Churches  in  this  Province,  the  firfl  in  Nankim,  with  a 
houfcof  y/?/«/>fj,  and  is  of  a  very  ancient,  and  exercifed,  Chriftianity: 
having  fuffered  foure  perfecutions,  and  come  of  from  each  of  them  with 
more  vigour.  The  fecond,  in  the  Towne  of  Xnmhai^  with  a  great  number 
of  beleevers.  The  third  in  the  City  of  Xamkiam.  The  fourth  in  the 
Towne  of  Kiatim :  befide  thefe  Churches  there  are  many  Oratories. 
And  fo  much  (liall  fufUce  concerning  the  nine  Southern  Provinces, 

Chap.   3^ 
Of  the  3\(orthern  ^royinces. 

CIx  are  the  Provinces,  which  are  called  Northern,  and  their  names  are 
^Homm.Xemfi^Kimft^Xanttim^Pekim.imd.  Leaotum.  The  firft  lyethin 
the  latitudeof  3  5  degrees,  as  centre  ofthe  Kingdome5and  produceth  moft 
gallant  frujts,  as  well  thofe  that  are  proper  to  the  Countrie,  as  ours  in  Ett. 
rope  ♦,  nor  is  the  cheapnefTe  of  them  lefle :  I  bought  for  a  farthing  and  a 
halfe  88  Apricocks^  it  hath  nothing  elfe  notable,  except  a  Son  of  the 
Kings  called  Fovamj  the  laft  of  thofe  which  came  out  ofthe  Palace.  He 
liveth  with  fo  great  fplendour  and  authoritie  of  a  King,  that  to  be  fuch,  he 
only  wanteth  the  name  and  jurifdidion.  In  Caiftmj  the  Metropolis  there- 
of, we  have  had  onely  for  thefe  few  yeares,  a  Church  and  houfe^  but  a 
good  plenty  of  Chriftians. 
The  fecond  is  Xcmft .,  it  lyeth  in  3  ^  degrees,  and  more,  to  the  Weft  .• 


i6  7he  Hifiory  of  CHIJ^^.         Part.i: 

it  is  very  largc,but  dry  for  want  of  alfo  are  the  three  neighbouring 
Provinces:  notwirhftanding  it  doth  abound  in  Wheate,  Barly  and  Maize^ 
ot  Rice  they  have  but  little.  All  v^rinrer  long  they  give  wheat  to  their 
BeaftSi  which  are  many;  particularly  their  Hiecp,  which  they  Iheare  three 
times  a  year-,  once  in  the  Spring,  another  time  in  the  Summer,a  third  in  the 
Autumc-,but  thefirfttimeoffhearingyeeldeththebeft  wool. 

From  hence  cometh  all  the  wooll,  ot  which  are  made  the  felts  and  o- 
ther  things  ufedjcither  in  this  Province  or  elf  where.  TheymaVe  there  of 
no  fort  of cloath,  not  ufing  to  fpin  wool,  but  only  Goats-hair^of  which 
they  weave  certain  StufFcs  for  the  hanging  of  their  roomcsjin  fo  great 
perfcdion  that  the  moft  ordinary  are  better  than  ours  ,and  the  Beft  are  e- 
fteemcd  more  precious  thanfilk.  They  make  likewifeof  Goats-hairca 
very  fine  Felt,  which  they  callTum^znd  is  made  ufe  of  for  garments ;  But 
this  is  not  made  of  every  fort  of  Goats-hair,  but  of  a  very  fine  haire 
which  lycth  under  the  firft.  They  pull  it  out  with  great  care,and  make  it 
up  in  certain  balsof  the  bignclle  of  an  ordinary  loafejand  then  put  it  out  to 
be  wrought  with  (i-  gular  skill. 

Musk  is  proper  to  this  Province-  and  becaufe  it  is  inqueflion,  after 
what  manner  this  excellent  perfume  is  made;  I  will  give  you  account  of 
it  according  to  the  moft  diligent  enquir  y  I  have  made  concerning  it.  It  is 
the  Navel  of  an  Animal  about  the  bigneffe  of  a  fraall  Stagge^whofe  fle/h 
is  very  good  meate^  and  only  that  part  is  taken  containing  that  preci  ous 
matter :  but  all  thofc  Cods,  which  are  brought  hither  to  us,  are  not  true 
and  perfeia  Navellsj  for  the  Chinejfes  have  learnt  to  falfifie  them,  by 
fluffing  fome  peices  of  the  skin  of  that  Animall  with  musk,that  is  vitia- 
ted, and  mingled,  with  fome  other  things. 

Here  is  alfo  Gold  found,but  not  in  Minesffor  though  there  be  Mines 
both  of  Gold  and  Silver,  the  King  doth  not  fuffcr  them,  to  be  opened > 
but  out  of  Rivers  and  Eddies :  and  although  it  be  found  only  in  fmal  pei- 
ces and  graines,  yet  being  put  together,  it  amounts  to  a  great  quantity, 
there  being  Infinite  people  both  young  and  old ,  which  go  in  fearch 

There  is  Rubarhe  and  Profumo ,  which  are  not  found  in  any  other  part; 
for  that  which  cometh  from  JP^r/Jrf  doth  not  fecm  to  be  naturall,  to  that 
place-,  for,  of  as  many  as  have  travelled  through  that  countrie,  there  is 
not  any  that  gives  an  account  to  have  feen  there  that  healthfull  plant.  It 
is  fomething  tall,with  leaves  bigger  than  Cole- worts :  it  doth  not  grow 
wilde,  as  fome  have  imagined,  but  is  Cultivated  in  gardens  with  a  great 
deale  of  care. 

In  this  Province  is  opened  the  third  Gate,the  which^as  I  fayd  above,  is 
a  feare  of  much  Merchandife;  for  it  hath  two  Cities  in  the  borders  there- 
o^^Gaacheu  and  Sucheu  toward  the  Weft,  (as  Machao  is  in  the  Province  of 
C^?;?/^;?^  toward  the  Southj  from  whence  come  numerous  Caravans  of 
above  a  thoufand  in  company,  of  feva'all  Nations  and  Provinces,  but  for 
the  moft  part  Moores,Thus  far  came  Brother  BencdiB-  Gees  to  feck  for  the 
Kingdom  of  C4;%4( which  is  no  other  than  China,  it  fci/c^  whofc  voyage 
we  will  here  breefly  relate. 
He  departed  in  lent,  the  year  1603  for  to  find  out  the  truth  of  what 


Chaf.?.  The Hifiory  of  CHID\(j1.  17" 

vvasrcportcdoftheKingdomeof  C^/Z^j/T^,  by  order  of  the  fiiperiors  of 
/WM,from  the  Kingdome  of  iv/(?^^r  and  the  royal  City  oi Laor  in  the  Ha- 
bit of  an  L^r»?m4w  carrying  Merchandife,  as  well  to  live,  as  to  pallb 
with  the  more  facility.  The  whole  C^r^i/^;?  corfifted  of  500  Pcrfons 
(for  the  mofl  part  Sarafens;and  ufed  to  go  every  year  from  this  royall  Ci- 
ty to  another  in  another  Kingdom  named  Cafcar,  After  a  months  voy- 
age he  arrived  at  a  City  named  Athu^oi  the  fame  province  with  Laor  : 
thence  in  two  months  and  a  half,  to  p4//4«r ;  and  after  another  month 
and  a  half,  fometimes  travelling,  and  fometimes  refting,  he  came  to  the 
City  of  Ghideli,  where  he  wanted  little  to  have  been  (lain  bv  theeves: 
And  finally  after  2  o  dayes  more  he  came  to  the  City  oiCabu  \  the  raofl 
noble  Merchant-to wne  of  all  the  countries  fubjedcd  to  the  Mogor ,  from 
hence  after  fome  (lay,  he  pniTcd  to  Parvamfi\c  laft  City  of  the  Kingdom 
of  M9gor-^i\\m  travelling  forio.daies  over  veryhigh  Mountains  he  came  to 
C4/(r/4,acountricoffaire-hayred  people-,  and  in  other  2  5  dayes  to  Chemay 
where  he  was  forced  to  ftay  a  month  by  reafon  of  Civill  broils^and  after 
many  troubles  and  dangers  of  theeves  and  Banditti, and  having  palfcd  ma- 
ny countries  of  the  Kings  olSdmarhan,  they  came  into  the  country  of  Ten- 
go,  and  at  length  he  entred  into  the  Metropolitan  City  of  the  Kingdom  of 
Cafc/ir,C3\kdTanghefir^m  the  month  of  November,  in  the  fame  year. 

At  this  City,  which  is,  a  noble  feate  of  Mcrchandife  for  thofe  King- 
domes,  the  Caravan  of  Merchants  which  come  from  Cah/I^  ended  their 
voyage,  and  a  new  Caravan  fetteth  forth  from  thence  to  go  to  Cljina.  But 
our  Brother  remained  here(firftj  many  months,  expeding  the  time  of 
their  departure,  and  having  in  the  meane  time  made  himfelfe  known  to 
the  King  of  the  country,  he  obtained  letters  of  favour  and  recommendati- 
ons, to  all  places  whither  he  fliould  go. 

The  time  therefore  being  come,  he  departed  with  ten  horfes,  for  to 
carry  himfelf,  his  companion  and  his  goods  in  company  of  the  whole 
•  Caravan  toward  Chathaja^  that  is  China,  in  the  moneth  of  November  the 
year  following-  and  having  travelled  25  dayes  with  a  great  deale  of  diffi- 
cultie,  over  flones  and  fand,  he  came  to  the  City  oi  ^efu,  part  of  the 
Kingdom  oiCafcdr:  after  having  pafTed  a  defart,  called  Caracathai^  that  is. 
Black-earth-,  and  gone  through  many  Cities,  at  length  he  came  to  a  City 
called  Cialis  in  the  fame  Kingdom  o^Cafcdr,  Here  whileft  he  fitted  him- 
felf for  his  journey,  there  arrived  Merchants  which  came  from  C/S^/w, 
of  whom  Brother  Benedi£i  learned  fometydings  of  the  City  of  Pekimi 
and  ofour  Fathers,  which  had  been  there  fcen  by  thefe  Sarafen  Mer- 
chants Sothathe  wasflitisfied,thatC4^^/«)i4was  nothing  elfe  bur  Chi- 
na-,  and  the  royall  City,  named  by  the  Saracens  Gamhaltl,  was  Pekim* 
From  this  City  of  Cialis,  Bemdi^  departing  With  a  few  in  company, 
came  in  twenty  dayes  to  Pucian,  and  afterwards  to  Turphan,  Aramuth^anA 
C4w>«/ the  laft  City  of  the  Kingdome  of  Cialis.  From  Camul  after  nine 
dayes  journey,  they  came  to  the  wall  of  China  j  at  a  place  called  Chiacma: 
and  fo  had  entrance  into  China,  which  he  fought  under  the  name  of  Ca- 
thaya.  Excepting  therefore  eleven  dayes  journey,  which  was  through  a 
country  peopled  by  Tartars,  all  the  reft  of  his  voyage  was  through  coun- 
tries inhabited  by  MoorSjOr  Mahurtntans^ 

D  |<ow 

rg  1  he  Bifiory  of  CHLKA.  Part.i. 

Now  to  return  to  our  ftory .-  with  thele  Caravans  come  Emballndours, 
which  the  Princes  of  the  Moors  fend  to  the  King  of  China^  making  every 
three  yeares  a  fmall  EmbalTie,  in  refped  both  of  the  Perfons  and  the 
prefents  •,  and  every  five  years  a  great  one.  The  moft  part  of  the  Caravan 
remaine  in  the  two  above-named  Cities-,  (which  are  upon  the  Frontiers) 
traffickincf  there  with  their  Mcrchandife,  The  others  go  to  comply  with 
their  charge,  and  to  offer  the  prefem  in  the  name  of  five  Kings,  which  are 
the  Kings  oiRftme^  Arabia^  Camul^  Eamarcan^  Turfan  •  The  firft  four  know 
nothing  of  this  ErabaflTyithc  fifth,  although  he  know  of  it,  doth  not  make 
the  prefent,nor  fend  the  EmbafTy-but  hath  only  this  advantagc,that  he  na- 
meth  theEmbafTadors.The  prefent  is  made  by  theMerchantsamongthem- 
felvs,&  thefe  coming  to  theVice-roy  of  thofe  parts,the  King  hath  advice 
oiven  him  of  their  arrival  by  a  paper,  called  a  memoriallot  petitioma'i  foone 
as  they  have  leave  from  the  Court,and  that  their  names  are  inrolled,there 
depart  40.  or  50.  of  them,  befidesmany  more  added  to  them;  who,  to 
have  leave  to  enter  into  the  kingdome  to  trade,  &  to  eate  at  the  Kings  ex- 
penfes,g1ve  the  captaine  a  Bribe  of  about  a  hundred  or  fix-fcore  cro  w  nes 
a  man.  There  goeth  a  long  with  them  a  Mandarine^  who  entertaineth 
them  of  freecofl,  while  they  travell:  But  if  they  make  any  ftay  (as  they 
did'mthe  Metropolis  of  the  province,for  more  than  three  monthes  fpace) 
the  Kings  cxpcnfe  ccafeth,  but  not  the  benefit  of  their  traffique,  for  all 
that  while  they  follow  their  Merchandi/c. 

The  Merchandife  which  they  bring,  are  S3\t-Armomakfine  Azure,fine 
linncn,carpet5,called  Raifins,  knives,  and  other  fmall  things.The  beft  and 
greateflCommoditie  is  a  ceitain  ftone,called  7>f^, which  they  bring  from 
thcKingdom  of  Tauken-^the  worfl  is  of  a  whitifh  coIour,thefineft  is  green, 
it  hath  been  ofgreat  price  formerly  in  C^/^4,  and  is  fl^ill  of  good  value. 
They  make  thereof  diverfe  forts  of  Jewels  for  the  ornament  of  the  head, 
and  it  is  much  ufed  in  the  palaccs:the  girdlc,which  the  King  giveth  to  the 
folai  is  embrodered  with  the  finefl  fort  therof-,  which  no  other  is  allowed 
to  ufe  in  this  ornament.  That  which  they  carry  back  in  exchange  of  their 
commodities  is  PorcelUne^  Rubies^  Musk ,  raw-filk,  (ilk-fluffes,  diverfe 
'  other  rarities  and  medicinall  drugges,  as  iJ^^^r^^  And  this  I  do  imagine 
is  the  fame  which  is  tranfported  from  Verfia  to  thefe  parts. 

The  EmbafTadours  being  arrived,  they  oflfer  their  prefent,  which  con- 
fiflcthofathoufand  ^rrAbas  of  this  precious  flone '(whereof  we  have 
fpoken)which  maketh  1333.  Italian  pounds,whereof  300.  pounds  are  of 
the  fincfl  fort,34o.horfcs,which  are  to  be  left  upon  the  frontier,3oo.  fmall 
poynted  Diamonds^twelve  Cattes  of  fine  Azure,which  is  about  loo.Itali- 
an  pounds-,6oo.knives,&as  many  files.The  lafl:  prefent  feeming  to  me  im- 
properto  be  prefented  toaKingjIenquird  whatufe  thcKing  made  ofthem, 
but  I  could  not  meet  any  one  was  able  to  inform  .•  only  a  Captain  told  me, 
that  it  was  a  very  ancient  thing  for  that  prefent  to  be  compofed  of  fuch 
things,  with  fo  much  infallibility  they  durfl  not  make  any  alteration^ 
Of  the  refl  of  the  commodities  which  they  bring,  if  the  King  defireth  a- 
ny  thing,hc  fendeth  to  fee  and  buy  it.  At  their  return  theKing  rewardcth 
them  with  two  pieces  of  cloth  of  gold  for  each  horfc  5  30,  pieces  of  yel- 
low filk,  3  o ,  pound  of  C^^',  ten  of  Musk;  50.  of  a  medicine  called  Tienjo^ 


Chap.v  The  Hijlory  of  CHID^A.  19 

and  as  many  of  Silver,  Thcfe  Saracins  told  me,  that  the  prcfent,  which 
they  gave  theKing,was  not  in  their  country  worth  above  yoooCrownes, 
but  what  was  given  them  by  the  King  for  their  Bmbaific  and  voyage, 
was  noe  IcfTc  worth  then  500C0  Crownes  .-a  pretty  good  gayne,  but  or- 
dinary from  thofe  Princes. 

From  this  Province  gocth another  Caravan  for  the  powerful  Kingdom 
of  57^^^;  which  carryeth  diverfethings-,in  particuIar,SiIk-ftuffs,P<?r/?//4w  Secalargeidif- 
andC/'i.^^iisaleafeofatrecaboutthe  bigneile  of  C^lirile-^  in  other  courfe of t.he 
Provinces,  of  the  hearbe  B^ftly  and  in  others,  of  the  fmall  Pomgramt.  °h-^sYeah,^/nd 
They  dric  it  over  the  fire  in  iron-fives,where  it  hardens  and  fticketh  togc-  of  the  miny 
ther.     There  is  of  many  forts  of  it,  as  well  becaufe  the  plant  is  various,as  Y'^^^'  "^^^ 
alfo  that  the  upper  leaves  doexceed  the  other  in  finencffe-,  a  property  al-  voyage  "nd*^ 
moft  of  all  plants.  There  is  of  it,  from  a  Crown  a  pound  to  four  far- miflSons  ofA- 
things  according  to  the  quality  of  ir,  there  being  fo  many  differences  ll^JJ^^^^'^'lj^^,^ 
thereof.  It  being  thus  dryed  and*caft  into  warme  water,  itgiveth  it  a  co-  ac  PirJ^leu^ 
Iour,fmcll  and  taf},  at  the  firft  unpleafing,  but  cuflome  m  akes  it  more  ac- }  p^«'i5  cap* 
ceptable^  Tis  much  ufed  in  Chim  and  GiafponCj  for  it  ferveth  not  only  y^,",  ^  ^  ° 
forordinary  drink  in  fteadofwater,  but  alfo  for  entertainment  to  ftran- 
gets  when  they  vifitthem,as  wine  doth  in  the  Northern  parts-,  it  being 
throughout  all  thofe  kingdoms  efteemed  a  wretched  niggardlinefTe  to 
give  only  good  words  to  thofe  that  come  to  their  houfe,  although  they 
be  ftrangcrs ;  at  leafl  they  mud  have  C/^i-,and  if  the  vide  be  any  thing 
long,  there  muft  be  added  fome  fruit  or  fwcet-meates  :  fometimes  they 
lay  the  cloath  for  this,and  when  not,  they  fct  it  in  two  difhes  upon  a  little 
fquare  table.    Many  vertues  are  related  of  this  leaf:  certain  it  is,  that  it  is 
very  wholefomc',and  that,  neither  in  Chim  nor    Giappom^  there  is  any 
troubled  with  the  (lone;  nor  is  fo  much  as  the  name  of  this  difeafe  known: 
from  whence  may  be  inferred,  how  great  a  prefervative  againfl  this  evill 
the  ufe  of  this  drink  is.-  it  is  alfo  certain,  that  it  powerfully  delivcrcth 
from  the  opprefrionoffleep,whofocverdefireth  to  watch,  either  for  ne- 
cellitie  or  pleafurc-^for  by  fupprelTing  the  fames  it  eafeth  the  head  without 
any  inconvenience:  and  finally  it  is  a  known  and  admirable  help  for  ftu- 
dents.For  the  refti  have  not  fo  great  an  afTurance  of  it  that  I  dare  affirm  it. 

There  is  found  alfo  in  this  Province  a  moft  evident  figne  of  the  ancient 
Chriftianiric,  which  hath  been  there,  as  we  fhall  relate  in  its  order. 

In  the  great  Metropolis  thereof  we  have  a  Church  and  a  houfe,  with  a 
Well  founded  and  fruitfuU  Chriftianity  ^bywhora  alfo  many  particular 
Oratories  are  frequented, 

Rianfi  is  the  third  of  thefe  fix  Northern  Provinces,  which  we  are  now 
difcourfingof  /  Itlyethinthe  Latitude  of  thirty  eight  degrees-  it  hath 
many  mountaines,  which  makes  their  Harveft  but  poore  :  there  is  little 
wheate,  lelTe  Rice,  but  moft  Maiz :  it  is  fo  aboundant  in  grapes,  that  it  fer- 
veth the  whole  Kingdome  with  Raifins,  and  might  furnifh,  at  leaft  it 
felfe,  with  wine  ;  as  it  fucceeds  in  a  Refidence,  which  we  have  there, 
where  we  make  now  only  enough  for  to  ferve  the  hdajfes^  but  fend  alfo 
fufficient  to  the  next  Refidencies.  It  hath  wells  of  fire  for  the  ufe  of  their 
houfes  as  we  have  of  water  in  Europe^  they  fceme  to  beMines  of  fulphuc 
fet  on  fire  j  fo  that  opening  a  little  the  mouth  of  the  well/which  mulf  not 

D  z  b^ 

zo  The  Hijlory  of  CHL^d.         Pa b  t.i. 

be  very  large,  it  fendeth  forth  fo  great  a  heate,  that  they  roft  and  boyk 
therewith  whatfoever  meate  they  defire.  Their  ordinary  fewell,  as  like- 
wife  in  all  the  confines  thereof,  Stone-coale,  not  fm all  ones,  fuch  as  are 
found  in  fome  of  our  Countries  of  Europe,  but  of  a  very  confiderablc  big- 
nefTe :  There  are  Mines  very  fruitful!  of  this  matter,  which  burneth  with 
agreatdealeofeafe.  In  fome  parts,  z%?ekint  and  Homm  they  Jay  itro- 
gether  in  fuch  manner,  that  the  fire  lafleth  day  and  night  5  They  make  ufe 
of  Bellowes  to  kindle  it. 

We  have  a  houfe  and  a  Churcbin  the  City  of  KUmcheii,  another  in 
that  o^Phucheu  •  which  are  vifitcd  at  their  fet  times  •,  both  the  one  and  the 
other  have  a  good  and  numerous  Chriftianity,  and  among  them,  many  o£ 
the  Nobility.  There  are  not  wanting  Oratories,  (as  in  other  Cities,)  by 
which  the  fcarfity  of  Churches  is  fupplied. 

-  The  fourth  Province  which  is  Xantm^  inthe  Latitude  of  23  ♦degrees, 
lying  betwixt  Naf^kimand  Pekim^  is  very  poore  5  it  fuffereth  many  times  a 
loat  hfome  and  malignant  Infeflation  by  Grillds  or  field- Crickets,  and  by 
confeqiteace,  the  terrible  horrour  of  famine. 

In  the  yeare  1 6 1 6  a  dogge  bought  to  be  eaten,  was  worth  more  than  a 
young  man  fold  for  a  flaveskproiduccth  flore  of  Cattell,and  of  our  fruits; 
great  pearcs,  many  and  good.  There  groweth  here  in  great  number  and 
varietie  a  fruit,  which  feemed  to  fome  of  us  to  be  a  peare  of  a  good  kind, 
info  great  aboundance,  that  filling  the  Kingdom,  they  overflow  even  to 
Macao  although  it  be  a  great  way  off  5  and  that  there  are  three  large  Pro- 
vinces betwixt. 

"  P^kim  is  the  fift  Aovince,  fcituated  in  the  Latitude  of  fourty  degrees  5 
k  enjoyeth  the  priviledgc  of  having  the  Court  in  a  City  of  the  farncjnamc. 
Though  the  proper  name  of  it  be  Xumhienfu^  by  the  Sarances  called, 
LAmbalud,  This  good  fortune  befell  it,  (for  fo  I  may  call  it)  at  the  death 
ofii/z/wx^^,  when  a  nephew  of  his,  named  r«»/<?5  who  dwelt  in  this  Pro- 
vince, and  was  very  potent,  ufurpcd  by  violence  the  crowne  againf^  the 
right  heire:  And  fo  confiding  more  in  them,  with  whom  he  had  al- 
waies  lived,  asalfo  to  be  the  better  able  to  make  refiflance  againfl  the 
Tartars  which  border  upon  him,  he  removed  the  Court  from  Nankim 
and  planted  it  here.  The  people  are  lefTe  irgenious,  as  commonly  all  Nor- 
thern people  are,  but  more  apt  for  labour  and  warre. 

The  foyle  is  very  drie,  and  favourable  for  health,  but  barren  of  fruits 
for  the  common  fuflenance  .•  But  this  want  is  fupplyed  by  that  generall 
prerogative  of  Courts  which  draw  all  to  them,  and  overcome  in  this  the 
proper  nature  of  the  place.  It  hath  Maiz,  Wheate,  and  little  Rice,  only 
for  the  ufe  of  the  people  of  the  Palace,  which  is  very  numerous^  the  Man^ 
darims  and  Souldiers  being  many  thoufands.  The  King  keepeth  in  thofe 
rivers  a  thoufandvefTels,  flat-bottom'd  byreafonofthe  fhallowneffe  of 
the  water,  which  only  ferve  for  the  bringing  of  vidtualls  to  Court ;  which 
rbey  lade  in  the  South  :  And  in  Nankm  there  is  fowcn  a  certaine  Rice  for 
the  King  in  particular,  of  fuch  a  quality,  that  being  fodde  in  water,  witli- 
out  any  other  addition  it  maketh  a  very  favoury  diih. 

The  City  is  not  fo  big  as  Nankim^  but  in  tJiat^rcfTe  of  people  muchex- 
ceedethK-jlnawor'd,  it  is  like  the  Court  of  fo  powerfull  a  Prince.  The 


Chap.;.  TheBiflory  of  QUIU^A,  zi 

walls  are  broad  enough  for  twelve  horfcs  to  go  abreaft^They  are  guarded 
night  and  day,  as  well  in  time  of  peace,  as  if  there  were  warre.  At  every 
gate  they  keep  a  continuall  watch,  which  is  the  profit  of  the  Bumchs^ 
which  the  Queen  alloweth  them  for  their  wages-,  and  they  make  good 
ftore  of  crownes  of  this  exercife :  For  all  thofe  which  enter,  and  bring  any 
thing  with  them,  pay  toll  •,  and  thofe  o^Cmtom  are  ufed  with  moft  rigour, 
juft  WV^Spanyards  in  a  french  Inne  .•  I  know  not  the  reafon  of  this,  but  on- 
ly a  certaine  indignation,  which  they  have  againft  them. 

The  Magiftrates  of  this  Court  are  quite  contrary  to  thofe  of  other 
crownes,  and  Commonwealths  of  the  world,  and  are  therefore  a  patterne 
of  that  uprightneiTe,  which  ought  to  be  found  in  all :  I  meane,  concerning 
the  pompe  and  equipage  of  their  perfons,  which  is  very  moderate.  They 
are  not  allowed  to  be  carried  in  a  Sedan,  or  Chaire,  unleffe  it  be  fome  few 
of  more  particular  dignity :  The  grcateft  part  ride  on  horfe-back,  and  be- 
caufetheyarcillhorfemen,  their  horfes  are  guided  by  twofcrvants,  thaC 
go  by  them,  one  on  each  fide  the  horfe,  leafl:  their  mafter  fhould  fall. 

Each  Judge  of  a  Village,  without  the  precin(51:s  of  the  Court,  ufe  more 
ftate,  than  the  moft  eminent  Minifters  in  the  Court  -•  They  walke  in  the 
ftrcets  with  their  faces  cover'd,  as  well  by  reafon  of  the  duft,  which  is 
very  much,  as  alfo  for  convenience,  and  to  avoid  both  expence  and  cere- 
mony with  the  Mandarineffe  •,  for  not  being  knowne,  they  diflemble,  as 
if  they  favv  them  not,and  make  no  ftay  •  to  verify  that  Axioms,  that  where 
one  is  leaft  knowne,  there  is  more  plcafure  and  convenience  to  be  en- 

.  The  cold,  whij:h  this  Countrie  fuffereth,  ismuch  greater  than  could 
be^expedted  from  the  Latitude  oF^o^  degrees.  The  rivers  and  lakes  are  fo 
hard  trozcn  over,  that  they  drive  Carts  over  them  without  any  danger; 
thcjrmake  ufe  of  ftoves,  that  are  morc  convenient  than  quls,  and  waft  not 
iomocKTewelf,  conveig hing the heatc by^pes  laid  underground;  and 
{q  within  doorcs  enjoy  a  pleafantTpring  in^the  heart  of  wiiiter.*  the  fame 
heate  fupplieth  alfo  the  abfence  of  the  fun,and  by  meanes  thereof  the  trees 
are  clothed  with  leaves  and  flowers  before  their  time. 
*•  In  the  Court  wchaye^feire  Church,  built  aftcLthe,  fafhion  oiEurofe^ 
andTRoufe  wherein  refide  4  fathers  by  licence  from  the  King,  and  arein 
much  eft ceme  with  all  the  Magift rates. 

Eefides  the  Churches  mall  the_places  we  have  already  fpokenof,  Tthe 
greater  part  whereof  are  jar^e  Cities,)  these  arealjo  many  other  habitat! . 
ons  of  Chriftians,  which  have  their  Oratories,  which  are  vifited  by  us  at 
fet  times,  Catechizing  and  Baptizing  the  new  Chriftians,  conferring  and 
a  dminiftring  the  Holy  Sacraments  to  the  others. 

The  fixt  and  laft  Province  is  Lemum  the  Northern  bound  of  that 
Kingdome-,it  is  famous  for  a  roote  which  it  produceth  of  fo  high  efteeme, 
that  at  my^departure  from  thence  it  was  fold  for  twice  the  weight  in  fil- 
vcr.  It  is  10  excellent  a  medicine,  that  if  thofe  which  are  in  health  doe 
take  it,  it  augments  their  ftrength  and  vigour,  and  if  it  be  given  to  a  fick 
pcrfon  it  doth  marvelloufly  comfort  and  warrae  him  .•  it  is  called  Ginfem, 
This  Province  being  the  frontire  next  Tartarium,  is  much  wafted,  and  is 
in  part  pofTcfledby  the  Tartors:  hereisfeen  that  famous  walHo  much 

D  3  talked 


zi  The  Hi/lorj  of  QHI^I^A.  Part.i. 

talked  off,  which  runneth  nine  hundred  miles  in  length,  with  more  repu- 
tation than  effe(5t  :  for  befides  that  its  owne  greatneffe  and  extant  is 
enough  to  make  it  ruinous,  the  enemy  hath  now  reduced  it  to  a  miferablc 

C  H  A  p.    4. 

Of  the  perfons  of  theQ\\\nt{sts :  of  theirnature, 
mt  and  inclination.  ^ 

THe  people  o^Chim  are,  white^  like  us  in  Europe  5  although  in  the 
IPtovinceoi'Camem,  lying  fomething  within  the  Tropick  they  are 
of Tomething  a  browner  colour,  and  particularly  in  the  Iflands  that  lie 
neere  the  maine  land.  Andbecaufe  thofe  which  come  hither  are  only 
fuch  as  are  borderers  upon  Macao  (the  Centre  of  thofe  Iflandsjfome  have 
been  perfwaded  that  there  were  not  in  all  that  Kingdome  any  people  very 
white.-  but  it  is  certaine,  that  excepting  the  confines  of  Ctf/??^?;;^,  where 
they  are  fomething  brown ,  the  reft  are  all  white-,  not  unlike  to  the  white- 
nefleofthepeopleof  £//yf'/^5  and  by  how  much  the  more  Northward 
one  goeth,  by  fo  much  the  more  (as  is  ufually  feen)  is  the  whitenelTe  the 

They  fufFer  the  haire  of  their  heads  to  grow  as  long  as  it  will,  both  men 
and  women^  They  are  generally  all  black-haired  ^  hence  cometh  that 
name,  by  which  this  Kingdome  is  called  among  other  Nations  the  King- 
dome  of  the  black-hair'd  people  .-  they  have  alfo  black  eyes,  which  are 
very  little,  little  nofes,  and  neither  large,  nor  high  ones,  as  among  us-, 
which  forme  they  like  not,  accounting  it  a  deformity.  They  have  but 
little  beard  for  the  moft  part,  nor  doe  they  care  to  have  much,  although 
fome  of  them  have  fo.  They  delight  to  have  it  black,  which  is  the  moft 
ordinary  colour  5  although  fome  few  have  red  beards  -,  which  although  it 
be  not  abhorred  by  all  as  among  the  Thebams^  yet  it  is  not  efteemed  ot 
liked  among  them  by  any.  They  clippe  not  their  beard,  letting  it  grow 
according  to  nature.  They  will  be  more  troubled  to  loofe  one  haire  of 
their  head,  then  all  the  haire  of  their  face.-  They  doe  alfo,  in  neatneffe  and 
curioufnelfe  about  their  haire,  exceed  all  other  Nations.  They  have  for 
this  purpofc  many  Barbers,  of  whom  it  may  properly  befaid,  that  they 
ufurp  that  name-,  it  being  derived  from  the  beard,  which  they  never 
touch  •,  employing  all  their  diligence  and  art  in  kembing  and  cleanfing  the 

The  young  children  are  better  proportioned,  and  have  a  more  plea  • 
fing  Simmetry  of  beauty  than  the  reft :  and  this  more  particularly  in  the 
Southern  Provinces.  But  fome  places  have  the  advantage  in  this  above 
others  •  as  in  the  Province  ofNankimjiht  City  o^ Namheu^\vh€vc  the  wo- 
men are  efteemed  to  have  theprchemjnenceofall  others  in  beauty;  as 
formerly  in  Portugall^  thofe  of  the  Towne  of  Guimarams^  from  hence  the 
rich  men  and  the  Magiftrates  provide  themfclves  withConcubines:and  fo 


Ch.4P'4-  1  he  Hifiory  of  CmHA'  ^? 

this  gift  of  nature  cometh  to  be  of  greater  efteeme  for  their  fakes,  who  are 
the  great  men  oft  he  world.  As  their  age  beginneth  to  decline,from  25  to 
50  yeares  old,  they  loofe  not  only  much  of  the  livelinefTc  of  their  colour, 
bat  alfo  of  the  Simmetry  and  proportion  of  their  fliape:  fo  that  ordinarily 
they  become  ill-favoured.  The  difpofuion  of  their  body  is  good  •,  their 
ftrength  vigor0us-,and  they  are  great  pains-takers :  hence  it  cometh,  that 
their  land,  which  is  very  good,is  by  art  brought  to  be  much  more  fruit- 
full-,  and  it  there  be  any  which  is  not  good  jalthough  it  be  never  fo  little 
fthcre  being  not  a  foot  of  ground,  which  is  unemploycd)by  force  of  in- 
duftry  they  bring  it  at  length  to  be  fruitful!. 

As  I  paffed  by  Bomm^  I  faw  one  ploughing  with  a  plough  of  3  Irons, 
or  plough- flieares,  fo  that  at  one  bout  he  made  3  furrowes :  and  becaufe 
the  ground  was  good  for  that  feed,  which  we  call  here  Feazols  or  Kidny- 
bcancs^  this  feed  was  put  as  it  vvere,in  a  buflieI.,or  fquare  difli  faftencd  up- 
on the  upper  part  of  the  plough,  in  fuch  manner,  that  with  the  motion 
thereof  the  Ecanesvi^ere  gently  fcattered  upon  the  earth  as  corne  falleth 
upon  the  Milftone,  at  themooving  of  the  Mil  hopper;  fo  atthe  fame 
time  the  land  is  plowed  &  fown  with  hopes  of  a  future  crop.  Wheat  Ear- 
ly and  Maiz  they  fow  as  we  do-,&  it  is  very  ordinary  for  one  that  driveth 
a  bcaft  laden,to  carry  a  load  himfclf,that  none  might  want  employment. 
They  are  watchfull  to  make  their  advantage  of  every  thinc' ,  not 
fuflfcring  any  thing  10  be  loft,  how  unprofitable  foever  it  feemeth  /  you 
may  meet  often  upon  a  river  many  veffels  of  confiderable  burthen-  laden 
only  with  weeks  for  lamps,  made  ofthe  pith  of  rufhes,  taken  out  with  a 
great  facility  and  dexteritie;Others,which  carry  nothing  clfe  but  paper 
(give  me  leave  to  relate  it,  becaufe  it  is  a  notable  argument  of  the  Provi- 
dence and  application,  which  they  make  in  the  ufe  of  all  thinos)for  clcan- 
lineffe  in  their  houfes  of  office.  This  is  fold  in  the  ftreets^as  well  as  in 
(hops,  and  may  in  no  manner  have  any  thing  written  upon  it-  for  if  it 
have  any  letters  upon  it,  it  is  among  ihem  accounted  facriledge  to'imploy 
it  to  that  ufe.  But  as  the  number  of  the  people  is  fo  great,  there  are  not 
wanting  alfo  among  them  idle  perfons  and  vagabonds,  a  common  and  ir- 
remediable plague, 

They  are  naturally  inclined  to  be  Merchants,anditisincredible,the 
Traffick  which  they  make,  not  only  from  one  Province  to  another,  with 
very  great  profit(fo  that  they  which  tranfport  Porfellane  within  their  own 
Kingdom,  although  they  fell  it  but  from  one  Province  to  another,cTaine 
thirty  per  Cent.x.\v\cc  a  year  j  but  even  in  the  fame  City  :  For  almofl  what- 
foever  is  found  in  t  he  flioppsjs  fold  in  the  ftfeets  in  a  kffer  quantity,  em- 
ploying in  this  trade  even  to  little  child ren,as  far  as  they  are  able ,  as  fel- 
ling fruit,  herbs,  wafb-bals,  and  fuch  like  things. 

The  rich  Merchants  are  of  good  credit,  and  very  puncfluall,  (as  the 
Portitghejfes  have  had  experience  for  many  yeares  together-,)  but  their  way 
of  bargaining  is  fuller  of  craft,  and  fubtilty,  than  is  to  be  found  any 
where  elfein  the  world:  for  whereas  ftrangers  arcnot  allowed  to  enter 
into  the  Kingdom,  they  are  all  neceflitated  to  treat  with  ihcCh'weJfes 
in  this  manner. Firft  they  agree  about  the  quality  of  the  commodity, 
which  each  defircth  whether  it  be  goId,SiIk,or  i'^rr^//4/;f,or  any  thing 


Z4.  The  Hiftorj  of  CHl^Nji.         Pabt.i. 

elfe^  when  they  are  agreed  of  the  price,  prefcntly  the  Portughefe  config- 
neth  to  him  a  fummeof  mony,  as  of  if.  or  ;o.  thoufand,  (oi*  more) 
Crownes.  Then  the  chine fse  got\\\  with  this  money  to  fuch  paits  of  the 
Kin^dome  where  the  commoditie  may  bchad,  which  the  other  defireth, 
andmiunethwithittoC^/^r^?;?^,  where  the  Port Nghefe  ftayeth  expeding 
him.  This  manner  ofmerchandifing  was  pradifed  for  many  yeares  with- 
out any  fraud  ;  but  a  little  while  fince  there  hath  not  been  wanting  Tome 
who  have  ufed  deceit  therein.  And  at  this  day  the  credit  thereof  is  di- 
minifhed ;  as  I  beleeve,  through  the  fault  of  both  Nations. 

Nevenhelerfc^the  nature  of  the  people  and  inclination  of  the  whole 
nation,  as  well  inthofc  who  fell,  asthofewho  buy,  is  much  inclined  to 
guile  and  deceit,  which  they  put  in  execution  with  admirable  lubtletie. 
They  will  take  the  flerti  from  o/t'  the  breaft  of  a  partridge,  and  fill  up  the 
hollow  place  with  fome  other  thing,  and  ftitch  up  the  cut,  whence  it  was 
taken  out,  and  all  with  fo  much  maftery  and  skill,  that  if  the  buyer  be  not 
zn<s/^rgfts^  Cand  if  he  were,  he  fliall  finde  no  remedy)  inftead  of  a  par- 
tridge, he  (hall  buy  nothing  but  feathers  and  bones.  Amongft  true  Gam- 
mons of  Bacon  they  will  foift  in  others  made  of  wood,  bur  fo  like,  that 
they  will  eafily  deceive  the  fight  for  good  ones.  It  is  an  ordinary  thing  to 
fat  up  an  old  horfc,  and  fell  him  for  a  young  one  •,  and  what  is  more,  to 
paint  him  over  with  beautituU  fpotSjfo  well  done,as  if  they  were  natural!, 
choofing  forthetimeotfale,  the  doubtfull  light  of  the  day  towards  the 
dusk  of  the  evening,  that  the  deceit^maybethe  hardlier  difcovered  : 
This  cheate  was  put  upon  one  in  i\/4f^^,  who  notwithftanding  was  an  ex- 
perienced buyer,  and  of  good  judgement. 

The  bewitching  arc  of  extrading  the  elements  and  principles  from 
barren  ftoncs  and  hardefl  mineralls,  which  is  fpread  through  all  parts  of 
the  univerfe,  hath  gained  many  praditionersin  China  •  They  are  pailionat- 
ly  addidcd  to  the  art  o^Akhimj^  with  this  opinion,  that  he  that  harh  the 
art  of  making  filver,  is  in  the  way  to  find  the  receit  of  prolonging  lifcjun* 
toextream  old  age.  And  how  long  will  men  give  themfelves  over  to 
this  fond  perfwafion,  deceived  with  a  vaine  hope  of  obtaining  thefe  two 
thingSjfo  much  defired,  fo  uncertaine  1  Many  take  great  paines  in  this  art, 
although  they  lofe  much  and  gaine  little  j  contrary  to  that  which  fuc- 
ceeds  in  all  other  trades,which  is,to  gaine  much  out  of  a  little.  Finally,ei- 
ther  thefe  men  deceive  themfelves,  or  find  themfelves  deceived  by  the 
profeffours  ofthisfcience,  who  are  often  uncertaine  and  varying  in  their 
Maximes^  which  ought  to  be  reall  and  conftant -fo  that  the  event  is  alwaies 
dangerous  and  uncertaine.  Many  there  are,  which  are  followers  ofir, 
hoping  to  make  gaine  by  their  dcceit^bccaufethcy  dare  not  rely  upon  the 
certainty  of  tl)eir  art. 

There  was  one  of  thcfe,which  in  Pckim  offered  himfelfe  to  a  Magiftrate, 
promifing  him  great  matters  from  his  art.  Covetous  perfons  are  ord  na- 
rily  credulous.  He  furniflit  him  with  mntei  ialls  to  make  his  operation,  a- 
mongfl:  which  the  other  fecrctly  conveyed  a  piece  of  (ilvcr,  which  he 
ptivily  carryed  about  him  to  that  intent,  the  ignorant  Magiftrare  was  well 
pleafed  with  the  produdt  of  it,  he  feeming  to  him  a  true  fonne  of  art. Then 
the  work- man  faining  to  have  great  occafion  to  goe  to  another  place, 


Chap.5.  The  Hijlory  of  CHlV^A.  zj 

^efircd  leave  of  him  for  fome  dayes,  which  the  Magiftrate  with  much  a- 
doe  confentcd  to,  becaufe  his  covetous  defire,  being  inflamed  by  that  ex- 
periment, could  not  brooke  a  long  abfence  •,  But  the  Alcjhmyftj{\\\zt  ufed 
to  fiHi  in  the  filver  Teas  o^  Hjdropkall  covetoufneiTe  with  thofe  deceitfuli 
nets,  with  which  he  long  entertained  their  hopes,  but  brought  them  in 
no  profit)  was  abfcnt  three  vi^hole  yeares:  at  the  end  of  which  being  retur- 
ned to  P^^i/w,  hemakech,  as  if  he  knew  not  the  houfe  of  this  his  friend, 
though  he  often  paflTed  by  the  doore  5  but  being  difcovered  by  the  Ma- 
giftrate,  he  calls  him  in;  whoftill  perfifteth  in  his  dillimulationof  not 
knowing  him.  The  Mngiilrate  queftions  him  concerning  the  art,  where- 
of he  had  made  him  an  ej<peiiment :  The  other  confeflTed,  that  he  knew 
the  art,  but  did  not  remember  to  have  pradifed  it  in  that  place  •,  alledging 
for  his  excufc,  that  as  he  had  done  it  in  many  places,  fo  he  could  not  re- 
member them  all.  But  without  much  intreatie,  promifed  to  doe  it  acyaine, 
to  that  intent  the  Magiftrate  giveth  him  500.  crownes  to  furniflihim^with 
a  fufficient  flore  of  materialls  .•  Then  the  Alchym^fl^  tvithout  asking  leave 
as  before,  conveyeth  himfelfe  away ,  and  never  appeareth  more.  But 
forallthefe  experiences  there  are  ftill  enough,  which  doe  hunt  after  this 

But  returning  to  our  Chinelfes-,  they  are  AfF^blejCourteouSjand  of  good 
converf ation :  and  therefore  in  this  particular  our  men  are  not  to  be  be- 
Iccved,  which  dwell  only  in  Macao  and  Camone^  becaufe  they  are  there,as 
it  were,  in  a  continuall  vvarr,  by  reafon  of  the  daily  contra(5ts  and  conten- 
tions, which  are  betwixt  the  fervants  of  the  Portugeffes  and  Chmffes-^  be- 
fides  buying  and  felling  produceth  frequent  difgufts-,and  if  thofe  of  -W^- 
r^  do  beare  with  them,  becaufe  they  cannot  help  it,  it  is  alwayes  with 
hope  to  be  paid  with  interefl:  from  thole  of  Cantone^  when  they  come 
thither  by  occafion  of  thefaires  .♦  and  fo  there  cannot  be  a  friendly  and 
jufl  tratfick  betwixt  them ^  but  they  do  treat  one  another  almofl  like  ene- 

But  in  the  other  Provinces  and  innermoft  parts  of  the  Kingdom,  as  we 
have  faid,  they  converfe  with  us  with  fo  much  refpe<^  and  decorum,  that 
in  all  meetings  with  them  they  give  us  the  firft  place,  upon  no  other  pre- 
tence, bur  that  we  are  fl rangers,  and  as  they  call  us  Gtiefls  of  a  remote  C//- 
mate.  In  cafes  of  necefllty,  (which  we  have  many  times  proved j  they 
will  not  faile  to  lend  us  what  we  aske,  although  it  be  more  worth  than  the 
pawnes  wc  give  them  5  and  that  without  interefl. 

I  am  fure  there  cannot  be  a  worfer  fort  of  people,  than  is  found  in  their 
prifons,  for  thither  the  dregs  of  the  whole  Common-wealth  are  drained, 
neverthckiTe,  we  have  found  courtcfie  at  the  hands  of  thofe  wretches; 
who  in  fuch  places  ufe  to  be  very  inhumane.  Vponoccafion  of  the  perfe- 
cution  which  we  fuffcred  in  the  year  1616,  our  fathers  found  in  thofe  pri- 
fons much  rcfpeifl  and  correfpondence,  and  when  the  Officers  of  the  pri- 
fon  for  fcave  of  the  Tyranr,did  bind  them  and  ufe  them  harflily :  it  was  al* 
waicswith  a  great  rcfentment  of  the  prifoners  •  who  not  enduring  to  fee 
them  (treightncd  with  manacles  upon  their  wrlfts,did  make  them  wider 
for  them  by  burning  them  (their  manacles  being  madeofwoodj  with 
hot  irons. 

E'  After 

z6  The  Hi/lory  of  CHL^T^d.         Part.i. 

After  a  long  time,  thefe  fathers  being  to  be  releafed  from  one  of  thefe 
prifons,  the  prifoncrs  confulted  among  thiemfeives  how  to  fhewthemi 
fome  courtcfie.-  and  collc(^ing  what  they  were  able,  they  entertained 
them  with  a  banquet,  which  was  more  acceptable  to  the  fathers,  to  fee 
fo  much  Humanity  and  kindcnefTe  towards  ftrangcrs  among  Pagsns, 
which  were  kept  in  that  place,  for  the  chaftircment  of  their  crimes  and 
ill  manners,  than  for  the  good  treatment  they  received.  Thus  much  will 
fiiflficiently  dcmonftratc  the  naturall  courtefieand  civility  of  this  Nation. 
Among  them,all  ads  of  cruelty  are  much  abhorred  •,  wherefore  among 
their  punifliments  there  is  not  ufed  that  ordinary  inhumanitie  and  feverity, 
which  is  among  us,  as  Quartering  •,  Tearing  with  pincers  5  dragging  with 
horfes  ♦,  and  racking.  He  that  deferveth  death ,  is  cither  beheaded,  or 

In  the  yearc  the  City  o^Nankim,zn  ordinary  fellow  with  more 
than  ordinary  infolence  did  afpire  to  the  Empire.  He  had  already  lifted 
much  people,  and  diftributed  offices  among  them,  giving  order,  to  cutoS" 
the  heads  of  all  the  CM andarinesm  one  day  appointed  for  thdrRmdezvms^ 
When  the  confpiracy  was  difcovered  by  a  male-content,  that  was  ilfa- 
tisfied  with  his  allotmentjthere  was,upon  this  occa{ion,imprifon'd  almoft 
an  infinite  companyof  people, which  wcredifcover'd  by  the  Tyrants  own 
book,  wherein  he  kept  a  lift  of  the  confpiratours :  the  king  having  notice 
of  it,gave  fpeedy  order,that  no  more  fhould  be  imprifonedrbyafecond  or- 
der he  commandeth,  that  only  thirty  of  the  moft  guilty  fhould  remaine  in 
prifon  for  the  fpacc  of  30.  dales  with  their  heads  in  the  ftocks,  and  that  at 
the  end  of  30,  dales,  whofoever  of  them  remained  alive  fhould  not  be  put 
to  death.  (There  efcaped  only  two  of  them  5 )  which  is  ftrange,that  for 
fo  enormous  a  wickcdnefTc ,  there  was  appointed  no  greater  punifh- 

When  many  are  condemned  to  die,  they  are  kept  in  prifon  till  the  vi- 
fitour  of  the  Province  calleth  them  before  him  *,  and  perufing  the  lift  of 
them  he  appointcth  5,6.  or  7.  of  them  to  be  executed  ;  ifheexceedeth 
this  number,  they  give  him  the  name  oiCruell :  The  reft  arc  fcnt  back  to 

They  are  inclined  to  vertue  -,  I  doe  not  fay  they  arc  exempt  from  vices, 
proper  to  all  Pagans,  and  indeed  to  all  Mortalls  •,  But  that  they  cftceme 
thofe,  which  make  profeffion  of  vertue^,  and  particularly  of  fome  vertues, 
which  are  difpifed  by  other  Gemiles  •,  as,  Humility,  Virginity,  Chaftity ; 
and  this  laft  is  in  fuch  efteeme,  that  if  a  maiden,  or  young  widdow,  lead  a 
fingle  life  with  ihditCAution  and  other  vertues  rcquifite  to  it,they  arc  wont 
to  cre(5t  Triumfhall  Arches  to  them,  and  celebrate  their  memorie  with 
publick  and  magnificent  prayfes  and  panegyricks.   ' 

Their  manner  of  emertamment  and  cemplements  are  fo  ^eremcmcuf, 
that  there  feemesto  be  no  end  of  them,-  and  are  more  proper  for  di*vm 
worfhip^  than  humane  converfation.  This  is  to  be  underftood  of  their 
vifitcs  ,  and  their  meetings  and  incounters,  where  refpecfi:  is  to 
be  (hewen ;  for  amongft  kindred  and  friends  they  treat  one  another 
more  familiarly.  They  arc  fo  compofed  in  their  garb^  and  wary 
in  their  words ,  that  nothing  can  caufe  an  open  difference  betwixt 


Chap4-  1  he  Hifiorj  of  CHI^N^A  %y 

^ex[ons  oi quality  one  againft  the  other,  although  both  of  them  may 
bear  a  fecret  fpleen  and  grudging.  Hence  it  is,  that  capitall  enemies  may 
be  feen  together  at  Bdnquets^oi  other  publick  meetings  without  the  lead 
fhevvof  enmity^  diflfembhngit  dexteroufly  and  couragioufly  under  the 
funHiliees  of  civility  and  honour. 

They  magnifie  very  freely  and  readily  whatfoever  is  vertuous  in  the 
Actions  of  their  neighbours^couragioufly  beating  down  that  emulation, 
which  in  almoft  all  other  nations  fuffereth  none  to  be  pleafed  with  any 
but  themfelvcs*  When  they  fee  any  thing  which  cometli  from  Eurepe^ 
although  there  be  in  it  little  art  or  ingenuity,  it  is  by  them  commended 
with  fingular  applaule-,  and  many  times  with  this  exprelTionjO,  fay  they, 
Thefe  feople  are  not  like  to  us^dul  andun-ingenious.  And  fometimes  of  manu- 
fa(5iurcs  made  in  their  own  Kingdom,  with  which  by  reafon  of  the  vaft- 
neflfe  thereof,  they  are  unacquainted,  they  will  fay,  that  they  were  not 
made  there,  but  brought  from  Europe,  A  modefty  indeed  worthy  to  be 
cnvyed^  and  fo  much  the  more  becaufe  it  is  feen  in  a  people  that  exceed 
many  others  in  their  abilities,  to  the  (hame  of  thofe  Nations,  which  have 
no  eyes  to  fee,  but  fuch  as  arc  infected  with  the  difparagcmenc  oi  whac 
they  behold. 

They  are  not  Icfle  ingenious  Mechanicks^  than  the  Mamtfa^ures^whkh 
come  from  thence,  fhew  them  to  be,  although  all  which  come,  are  not 
made  by  the  befl:  Mafters, 

They  are  very  excellent  in  workcs  oUvor^Ehenj  and  Amber,  cfpeclal- 
ly  in  Bare- Jewels,pendancs,and  gallantries  of  Gold  and  Silver  j  for  the  or- 
nament of  women.  They  make  chaincs  to  admiration.  There  was  one 
brought  from  thence  to  G^4,  which  confiding  of  300  links,  weighed  not 
3  ounces  of  goM,  and  the  work  was  fo  fine  and  fmall,  that  the  links  were 
hardly  to  be  difcerned.  They  have  altogether  relinquifht  to  ^^yo/^^  to 
be  ferved  in  platej  there  being  fcarce  found  among  them  a  veffel  of  Silver 
ofa  confiderablebigneffe^no  not  in  the  £;»/>^rtfr//?4W.  being  content  to 
eat  in  PorcelUne^  which  is  the  only  veffclin  the  world  for  ncate  and  de- 
lightfull  cleanlineffe.  There  Gold.thread  is  of  lefTe  weight  and  worth 
than  ours-,  they  have  a  way  oftwiftingofit  about  paper,  which  maketh 
It  feem,  as  if  it  were  right  and  maffie.and  is  an  admirable  Artifice. 

The  workmanQiip  of  Enro^e^  which  they-  mofl  admired,  were  our 
clocks^  but  now  they  make  of  them  fuch  as  are  ^ct  upon  tables,  very  good 
ones,  and  will  be  able  to  do  the  like  in  fmall  oneSjifthe  price  of  them 
there  did  equall  ours.  Although  they  make fome  things,  whofe  price 
would  be  cxccffive  if  we  (hould  caufe  them  to  be  made  here,  Notwith- 
ftanding  in  the  generall  we  do  much  exceed  them  in  manufahures  and  me. 
cbanick  Arts,  except  it  be  in  that  fame  C/w4w,  which  is  indeed  a  fingular 

It  cannot  be  denyed,  butthat  they  are  a  people  of  an  admirable  Acute- 
ne{fe-,fo  that  that  may  be  worthily  appropriated  to  them,  that  Jrifiotle 
fo  freely  beftoweth  upon  all  the  people  o^  Afia-^  l;]ying,thnt  Jfia  exceeded 
£«ro;>Mn  ingenuity;  but  was  exceeded  by  £»;'^/^  in  valour-,  this  beeing  a 
thing  fo  approved  to  us  by  experience. 

There  are  many,  which  even  to  this  day  do  call  the  Chmejfes^darhri' 
^  E  2  a^S' 

28  TheHiJlory  of  QHI^A.  Part.i. 

am  as  if  they  fpake  of  the  Negroes  of  GupCA^ot  the  Tafuji  oiBrafile-l  have 
blufht  to  hear  feme  ftile  them  fo,  having  been  taught  the  contrary  by  ma- 
ny years  travels  among  them.  Although  the  fame  and  manufadures  of 
china  are  fufficient  to  teach  it  us-,  it  beeing  now  many  years  that  we  have 
heard  the  one-and  feen  the  other.Tis  agreat  fhame  truly:  but  although 
in  this  relation  there  are  many  things,  which  might  fatif  fie  us  concerning 
the  fubtelty  of  their  wit,  yet  Iwil  give  you  one  example  in  this  following 

ActttolnChaqaefj^  (that  is,  a  vifitour  of  a  Province,  one  of  the  moft 
important  Emp/oymeffts  of  the  Kingdom)  receiving  of  his  vifits,  after  a  few 
dales  were  over ,  (hut  up  his  gates,  and  ref  ufed  to  admit  any  further  their 
bufinefleorvifits^pietendingfor  hisexcufe,thathe  was  fick;  This  acci- 
dent being  divulged^  a  certain  3/4W,^r/>^,  a  friend  of  his,  began  to  be 
much  troubled  at  it-,  and  with  much  ado  obtained  leave  to  fpeak  with  him. 
When  he  was  admitted^he  gave  him  notice  of  the  difcontent,  that  was  in 
the  Qity,  by  reafon  that  bufineffes  were  not  difpatched.the  other  put  him 
off  with  the  fame  excufe  of  his  ficknefle :  I  fee  no  fignes  of  it,  replied  his 
friend^  but  if  your  Lordflnp  will  be  picafed  to  tell  me  the  true  caufe,  I  will 
ferve  you  in  if,  to  my  utmoft  power,  conformable  to  that  affcdiion  I  bear 
you  in  my  heart:  know  then,  replied  the  Vifiwir^  They  have  ftollen  the 
Kings  feale  out  of  the  Cabinet  where  it  ufed  to  be  kept,leaving  it  locked, 
as  if  it  had  not  been  touched  ♦,  fo  that  if  I  would  give  audience,  I  have  not 
where  withall  to  feale  difpatches.  If  I  flvould  difcover  my  negligence 
in  the  loflfe  of  the  feale  I  fhallloofe,  you  know,  both  my  Government  and 
my  life;  fo  that  I  know  not  what  to  do,  unleffe  ii  be  to  (land  in  fufpence, 
as  I  dojthe  which  is  but  little  avail  to  me,  being  more  fenfible  than  the 
people  thcmfelves,  of  this  delay  of  juftice.  Well  perceived  the  Mandarine 
how  terrible  the  occafion  of  his  retirement  was;  but  prefently  making  ufb 
of  the  quickncfs  of  his  wit, asked  him  if  he  had  never  an  enemy  in  thatCi- 
ty  :he  anfwered  him,  yes^and  that  it  was  the  chief  Officer  of  thatCity,that 
is  the  C/&///<  or  governour,  whicli  of  a  longtime  had  borne  a  concealed 
malice  againft  him.    Away  then,  quoth  the  Mandarine^  in  great  haft,  let 
your  Lordjlnf  command  that  all  your  goods  be  removed  to  the  inner- 
moft  part  of  the  palace,  and  let  them  fet  fire  on  the  empty  part,  and  call 
out  for  help  to  quench  the  fire:  to  which  the  governour  muft  of  necellity 
repair  with  the  firft,  it  bdng  one  of  the  principall   duties  of  his 
office.  As  foon  as  you  fee  him  among  the  people,  call  out  to  him  aloud, 
andconfigneto  him  the  C/j^//7e'^,thus  (hut  as  it  is^  that  it  may  be  fecurcd 
in  his  policffion  from  the  danger  of  the  fire:  for  if  it  be  he  which  hath  cau- 
fed  the  feale  to  be  ftollen,  he  will  put  it  in  his  place  again,  when  he  re- 
ftorcs  you  the  cabinet-,  if  it  be  not  he,  your  Lordftiip  ftiallJay  the  fault  up- 
on him  for  having  fo  ill  kept  it-,  and  your  Lordfliip  fhall  not  only  be  freed 
from  this  dangcr,but  alfo  revenged  of  your  encmie.  The  vifitour  follo«' 
wed  his  councel,and  it  fucceeded  fo  well,  that  the  next  morning,afrer  the 
nightthis  fire  was, the  governour  brought  him  the  feale  in  the  cabinet; 
both  of  them  concealing  each  others  fiiulr,  equally  complying  for  the 
confervation  of  both.  Now  if  after  this  example  the  chinejfcs  muft  pafTe 
lOfi^^r^^r/rf^^  as  thofc  would  have  it,who  have  forced  me  to  relate  this 





Chap.5.  The  Hijlory  of  CHlDs(^A.  ip 

ftory,  it  muft  be  upon  the  fame  account,  on  which  others  have faid  as 
much  of  Mdfes^ 

Chap.  5. 
0/  the  manner  of  their  habit, 

THe  materials,  of  which  they  make  fcverall  forts  of  ftufFs  and  cloaths 
for  the  fervice  cf  their  perfons,  as  cloathing,  Beds,  and  other  fur- 
niture of  their  houfes,  are  wooll,  convafe^  (for  they  have  no  other  fort  of 
linnen  as  I  have  formerly  hinted;  filk  and  cotton :  of  all  which  they  have 
great  abundance.  Two  hundred  years  before  Chrift  they  ufed  garments 
with  (hort  (leeves/uch  as  the  Giappomfes  ufe  at  this  day  •  who  are  defccn  - 
ded  of  tbcm,and  liill  confcrve  this  ancient  habit.  This  manner  of  garmcni: 
continued  here,  untill  the  raign  oiHom :  in  the  time  of  this  King,  who  is 
much  renowned  amongftthem,(about  400  years  after  Chrift,;  that  ha- 
bit was  altered,  as  well  in  the  people,  as  the  OfficerSjto  that  fafhion  which 
is  worn  ac  this  day:  and  is  the  very  fame  throughout  the  whole  King- 
dom, although  it  confift  of  fo  many  and  fo  large  Provinces :  nor  can  it  be 
altered  (no  more  than  any  other  notable  cuftome  among  them)  without 
the  Kings  particular  Order.  For  thefe  people,  which  we  call  BarbmanSy 
have  very  well  undcrftood,  that  the  changing  of  fafhionsand  cuftomes 
in  a  Nation  for  thofe  of  ft  range  Countries,is  as  it  wer  e,a  prefage  that  that 
Country  will  at  length  be  brought  into  fubje(5tion  to  that  other,  of  whofe 
faftiions  and  manners  they  are  fo  enamoured  r  and  wc  might  for  proofe 
hereof,  (if  there  were  occafion)  name  fome  particular  Countries  among 

Thefe  faftiioned  garments  have  been  conferved  for  fo  many  yeares  5 
and  reach  from  the  neck  to  the  feet,  being  all  open  before ;  Thefe  are  for 
their  under  garments,  and  are  made  for  to  fit  clofcr  to  their  bodies.  Their 
upper  garments  are  large  and  wider  in  corapafte.  Andbecaufe  they  ufe 
no  butionSjthcy  lap  them  before,one  fide  over  another,as  our  Ckrgie  men 
doe  their  Cajfocks.  Their  fleeves  arc  very  wide,  and  the  whole  garment 
without  any  trimming.  Apiece  of  white  Taffatic  of  the  length  of  ones 
hand  ferveth  them  for  a  band  •,  when  it  is  foule,  they  take  it  off,  and  put  on 
another.  This  is  only  to  be  underftood  of  the  Literati^  or  learned  men, 
and  the  people  of  quality  -,  for  the  common  fort  of  people  are  not  fuffered 
to  weave  it. 

The  young  men  weare  indifferently  all  forts  of  colours-,  but  the  Ancient 
mendo  weare  alwaies  the  moft  modeft.  The  common  people  for  the 
moft  part  arc  cloathed  in  black  •  as  all  fores  of  fervants,  who  are  bound 
rot  to  alter  that  colour. 

Thofe  who  arc  Governours,  or  have  Governed j  upon  occafion  oFFeaJIs, 
do  weare  garments  of  the  fineft  red.  The  rich  men  change  their  garments 
atallthe4feafonsof  theyear-,  and  the  inferiour  fort,  (although  poorej 
twice  a  year,  at  winter  and  furamer .-  and  upon  this  occafion  many  pawn 

E  3  that 

go  The  Hi/iory  of  CHL'ACA  Part.i. 

that  garment,  which  they  wearc  in  one  feafon  to  f  urnifli  themfelves  with  a 
garment  for  the  next.  ^  ^  . 

Becaufe  their  haire  is  their  chiefe  gallantrie,  wewillfpeak  here  a  word 
or  two  concerning  it.  Their  youth  ,  till  feventeen  years  oFage,  leave  the 
(horteft  part  of  their  haire  hanging  loofe^the  other  they  combe  back  to  the 
top  of  their  head  •,  where  they  tie  it  up  inaknot*  After  that,  age  they 
weare  a  net  of  horfe-hairc,  which  is  like  unto  our  Cawles,  under  which 
they  gather  up  all  their  haire,  not  fufFering  one  haire  to  hang  out :  on  the 
top  of  this  they  all  weare  caps-,  the  Literati  fquarccaps,  the  reft  of  the 
people,  round  ;  they  are  all  made  of  filk,  or  elfe  of  horf-haire,  which  by 
reafon  of  the  workmanfliip  come  often  to  be  more  coftly  than  the  other. 
They  are  alwaies  to  be  black^unlefTe  it  be  in  the  winter,  when  they  weare 
them  of  felr,&  are  always  gray^or  elfe  of  the  naturall  colour  of  the  wooll. 
At  the  firft  time  any  one  putteth  on  this  Cawle,  it  is  done  with  a  particu- 
lar folemnitie,  as  we  were  wont  anciently,  atthefirft  putting  on  of  the 
cloake  o^  fword.  For  (hocs,they  know  no  other  materialls,  but  (ilk  of  all 
{orts  and  colours,  for  the  rich-,  and  for  the  poore,cotton:  they  are  differing 
from  ours  in  (hape,  and  in  the  coft,  which  is  beftowed  upon  them,  having 
many  little  works  wrought  on  them  with  the  needle.  Skins  are  ufed  only 
for  bootes,  which  are  rarely  feen  there.  The  richer  and  better  fort  of  the 
people  weare  hofe  o^Damaske  or  Sattmpx  any  fort  of  white  filk  ^  the  reft 
of  white  Cotton.  They  weare  breeches  generally,  both  men  and  women. 
This  is  the  habit  of  this  ample  Kingdome,  being  as  large  almofl  as  all  JEu- 
rope  J  which  hardly  keepeth  conftant  to  its  ownc  fafhions,  in  any  of  its 
fmalleft  Provinces. 

The  women  are  decently  habited  with  the  famecoates,  (if  I  may  fo 
call  them  j  which  the  men  ufe  -,  wearing  them  clofe  about  their  necks.  E- 
ven  the  ordinary  fort  of  women  are  very  curious  in  dreffing  their  heads, 
adorning  their  haire  with  flowers,  as  well  naturall  as  artificiall  •  having  in 
this  art  a  competition  with  nature  3  and  with  the  varietie  of  colours,  the 
forme  and  figure  of  them  chey  do  as  happily  deceive  the  eyes  of  the  be- 
holders, as  the  grapes  of  Zeuxes,  did  the  fparrowes  •  or  to  expreffc  it  bet- 
ter, as  the  curtaineof  Farrhafim  deceived  Zeuxes, 

The  women  of  the  better  quality  ufe  gold  and  filver,  the  Courtefans^  or 
pihliqne  women  are  not  fuffered  to  weare  them;  and  it  is  a  diftindlion  to 
know  them  by,  what  they  are,  that  they  are  not  allowed  to  weare  any  or- 
nament on  their  heads  (contrary  to  the  cuftome  of  other  Countries)  not 
to  have  their  houfes  within  the  walls.  The  reft  of  their  under-garments 
are  the  fame  both  in  men,  and  women,  only  their  fhoes  are  fo  little,  that 
one  might  reafonably  doubt,  whether  fo  fmall  fecte  could  belong  to  a 
humane  body  growen  to  a  full  ftature .-  The  reafon  of  this  is,  that  from 
their  very  infancy  they  fwathe  their  childrens  fcet,fo  ftreightning  them  to 
hinder  their  growth  5  and  not  (as  we  (ay  in  Europe)  becaufe  they  are  not 
fuffered  to  goe  .•  and  although  ic  be  the  common  opinion,  that  it  is  a  great 
part  of  beauty  to  have  little  feet,  yet  the  more  underftanding  Chine fses  do 
hold  this  effeminacy  to  be  a  very  great  folly.  It  tooke  its  originall  from 
one  of  their  Queenes,  who  having  ill- fliapen  feet,  to  mend  that  naturall  de- 
fcdl,  did  fwathe  them,  to  bring  them  tp  a  better  forme  .•  fo  thar,  what  was 


Chap.^.  TheHifiory  of  CHIHJ'  -V 

ncccfli^ie  in  hcrf  if  it  inay  be  called  a  ncceflitic,to  mend  fucb  feet,  as  might 
have  ferved  well  enough  without  it)  it  came  to  be  a  gallantrie  in  all  wo- 
men by  imitation  of  her:  fo  much  ought  Princes  to  avoid  the  making  of 
themfelves  t^uthors  of  ridiculous  novelties. 

The  retirement  of  the  women  is  very  great.  There  is  not  a  woman  to 
be  feen  in  the  ftrects,a!though  in  yeares  •,  or  never  fo  blamclede  in  her  life^ 
neither  are  racn  fuffered  tovifite  them  at  their  houfes.  That  part  of  the 
houfc  where  they  inhabit  is,  as  it  were,  a  facred  place,  for  their  fakes.  Ic 
is  enough  to  tell  any  one  who  entereth  unwillingly,  7hM  then  are  women  . 
there^  to  make  him  ftop  prefently. 

The  men-fervants  may  enter  thither  only  while  they  arc  little  boyes. 
Info  the  very  chamber  where  they  are,  notfo  much  as  their  kindred,  are 
allowed  to  come,  unlefle  they  be  the  younger  brethren  of  ihe  husband,  of 
very  fmall  age  -,  no  not  the  husbands  father  5  with  ^o  much  pun6tualitie, 
that  if  upon  fome  particular  occafion  he  would  chaftife  his  fon,  (for  al- 
though they  are  marticd,their  fathers  do  chaflife  them,  if  they  fee  caufej 
he  retireth  prefently  to  his  wives  apartment,  which  is  an  inviolable  Sdm- 
tftary ;  the  father  being  not  to  enter  thither.  If  the  women  go  out  to  vifite 
their  parents,  they  are  carried  in  Sedans  clofe  flmt ;  and  this  is  the  cuftome 
of  all  their  women,  even  to  thofeof  the  moft  ordinary  qualities  \i  they  go 
on  pilgrimage  to  any  of  their  Idolls,  and  that  it  be  neceffary,  tha^  they  go 
part  of  the  way  on  foot,  they  cover  their  faces  with  avayle.  If  they 
goby  water  in  the  Barks  with  their  Parents  and  kindred  (as  I  fawonce 
above  200.  upon  occafion  of  a  Pilgrimage)  they  paffe  one  before  ano- 
ther without  [peaking  a  word  ^  beleeving  that  the  leaft  overture  thac 
women  give  to  the  converfation  of  men  is  a  large  gate  opened  to  the 
danger  of  their  honour.  This  ,  which  may  be  counted  a  har/h 
Stricfnejfe  ,  is  turned  into  a  plcafaunt  Sweetmffe  by  cuflome.  fwhich 
maketh  all  things  eafie )  as  well  for  their  repofe^as  for  the  peace  and  con- 
cord of  the  family. 

Notwithftanding  in  fo  large  a  Country  as  C^ina,  this  cuftome  can- 
not equally  be  obferved  every  where  5  fo  that  in  fome  parts,  as  I  have 
above  mentioned,  the  ordinary  women  go  abroad  as  among  us-,  but 
the  women  of  quality  al way cs  obfctve  that  ftile  of  retiredneffe. 

Of  their  Language  and  Letters. 

'T'He  language  which  is  ufed  in  China  is  of  fo  great  Antiquity,  that  nia- 
-*'  ny  beleeve  it  to  be  one  of  the  72,  which  were  at  the  Tower  of  J?4- 
belAi  leaft  it  is  manifeft  by  their  books,  that  it  is  more  than  5700.  years 
in  ufe  among  them.  Is  is  various  and  different,  becaufe  there  are  divcrfe 
'Kingdomsjwhereof  this  Empire  is  compofcd  at  this  day-,  and  anciently 
they  did  not  belong  unto  this  Crown,  but  were  poffeffed  by  Barbarous 
N  itions,as  all  the  Southern  Provinces  and  fome  of  the  Northern;  But  at 
this  day  the  Languageof  C^;;?4  is  but  one  only,  which  they  call  Qnonhoa^ 


31  The  Hijlory  of  C H I  ^A .  Part.i; 

or  the  language  of  thei^W4^»/r^,  for  they  at  the  fame  time_,  and  with 
the  lame  care  and  induftrie,  that  they  introduced  their  government  into 
other  Kingdomes,  brought  in  likewife  their  language.'andfo  at  this  day 
it  runneth  through  the  whole  Country,  as  Latin  doth  through  all  Europe-^ 
but  more  univcrfally  each  Province  ft  ill  retaining  their  naturall  fpeech.  It 
is  a  Language  much  limited-,  and  as  in  the  multitude  of  letters  it  excee- 
dcrhall  others.foinfcarcenefTeof  the  nounes  which  it  ufeth,  it  is  the 
lead  copious  of  any  :for  it  hath  not  in  all  aboue  326.  and  of  wordsi  which 
in  reality  are  the  fame,  but  only  differing  in  accent  and  afpiration  )  1 228. 
Almoft  all  end  in  vowels,and  thofe  few,  which  do  not  terminate  in  vow- 
els.end  either  in  M.  oriNT.  They  are  all  Monofjllahles,-3\\  undeclinedjas  wcl 
verbes  as  nounes,  and  fo  accommodated  to  their  ufe,  that  many  times 
the  verbe  ferveth  for  a  noun  ,and  a  noun  for  a  verb,  and  an  adverb  too,  if 
need  be.  For  which  reafon  it  is  more  eafie  to  be  learn'd  than  the  Latme- 
the  Grammar  only  whereof  taketh  up  a  childs  whole  time.  The  brevity 
of  it  makcth  it  full  of  sequi  vocal  words,  and  for  the  fame  reafon  compen- 
dious, n  This  which  would  be  troublefome  to  fome,  is  very  pleafing  to 
the  ci'/V^^jfw-,  who  are  mofl:  particular  lovers  of  bicvity  in  fpcech-  being 
either  imitatours,  or  imitated  by  the  Lacedemonians,  Ir  is  rather  fvveec 
than  haifli,and  if  it  be  fpoken  perfectly ,(35  it  is  for  the  mof\  part^in  ^an- 
kimyis  very  delightfull  to  the  ear. 

To  fay  a  thing  v^^ith  refpedt,  with  humility, and  in  applaufe  of  anothers 
merits,  they  ufe  many  excellent  termes  and  phrafes,  (which  are  the  pro- 
prieties alfo  of  our  VortugejfesXmgmgc. )  And  ah  hough  it  be  a  very  nar- 
row language,  k  is  fo  fweet,  that  it  exceedeth  almoft  all  others  that  I 
know.  To  fay  among  us .-  fake  a  rto^,  either  with  the  whole  hand,  or 
with  fomc  particular  fingers  thereof,  we  are  forced  ftill  to  repeat  the  verb 
take-,  but  among  them  it  is  not  fo;  each  word  fignifieth  the  verb;  and 
the  manner  too.  As  for  example  Nien  to  take  with  two  fingers; 
tzo  to  take  with  all  the  fingers  •,  Chtia  with  the  whole  hand 
turned  downwards  ^  r^/>  with  the  hand  having  the  fingers  turned 
upwards-,fo  likewife  with  the  verb  {is']  asj  he  is  in  the  houfe,  he  is  eating, 
or /V  fleeping ;  they  have  a  word,  wherewith  at  once  they  expreffe  both 
that  he  is,  and,  how  he  is.  We,  to  fay,  the  foot  of  a  man,  the  foot  of  a 
bird  or  the  foot  of  any  beaft,  are  forced  alwaies  to  fpecifie  with  the  fame 
word /^tf^ but  the  chineffes  do  it  with  one  word:  as  Kio  thej^^t  ofa  man, 
C/jaaihc  foot  ofa  bird-,  Thl  the  foot  of  any  beaft. 

Their  ftyle  in  thcirw^riting  is  very  different -fromtheir  difcourfe,although 
the  words  are  the  fame  ;  fo  that  when  one  taketh  the  pen  in  hand  for  tg 
write,  he  had  need  to  raife  up  his  witts;  and  it  would  be  counted  a  ridicu- 
lous thing,  to  write  as  they  fpcak  ordinarily.  This  is  the  reafon,  that  all 
their  pointed  or  accented  reading,  orating,  difputing,  and  perfwading ,  as 
wcliinpublickasinpriva(e,isalwayesfirftpra(5lifed  and  exercifed  with 
the  pen. 

The  letters  which  they  ufe,  feem  to  be  as  Ancient  as  the  people  them-^ 
felves,  for  according  to  their  hiftories  it  is  (ince  the  Invenfion  of  them* 
3700.  yeaisto  thisprcfent  year  i64o,in  which  I  wrote  this  relation.  I 
wil  be  bold  to  fay  that  this  is  one  of  the  moft  admirable  things  in  that 


Chap.^.  TheHijloryofCHIU^C/l.  ^5 

Kingdome:  for  rhe  number  of  their  letters  being  exceflive,  almoftall 
have  feme  skill  in  them,  at  leaft  as  much  as  is  fufficient  for  the  exercif^  of 
their  trades  •  and  though  they  are  proper  only  to  China,  yet  they  are  ufed 
in  all  the  neighbouring  Kingdomes,  every  one  reading  them  in  their  owns 
Ianguage-,as  among  us  it  is  in  the  figures  of  numbers&of  the  ftarres- which 
arc  the  fime  over  all  Europe-,  and  yet  every  nation  calleth  them  by  different: 
namts.  Thty  are  very  proper  for  Hmbaflfies,  Bills^  and  Bookes.  Thefe,  al- 
though each  Province  have  a  different  language,  are  common  and  iinder- 
ftood  of  all,  as  if  they  had  been  written  in  their  owne  language. 

The  Author  of  thefe  is  [dd  to  be  FohLont  of  their  firfl  Kings.  At  the 
beginning  they  were  fewer,  and  more  iimple,  refembling,  in  feme  re- 
fpe(5i:,  the  thing  that  was  exprefled  by  them  •,  for  that  which  16  pronoun- 
ced G}^  and  iignifieth  the  Sun,  was  written  with  a  circle,  and  a  Diametral! 
line  through  ir.  Afterwards  the  form  was  lomething  varied,  changing 
the  circle  almolliato  a  fquare,  having  the  fame  line  through  ir,  and  doth 
ftill  fignifytheSun.  This  variety  in  making  of  their  letters  hathcaufed 
fourc  kinds  of  them.  Firfi:  the  ^ncum^  which  remaineih  Hill  in  their 
Libraries,  and  is  underftooJ  of  all  the  /i/V/^r4//\  although  it  be  no  longer 
in  ufe,  except  in  fome  titles  and  feales,  which  they  put  in  flead  of  Armes* 
The  fecond  is  called  chincu^znd  is  the  moll  current,  as  well  in  manufcripr, 
as  printed  bookes.  The  third  they  caWraipiCy  andanfwereth  to  the  run- 
ning hand  ufed  among  our  publick  Notaries,not  much  in  ufejUnlcffe  it  be 
in  bills, conirads,  pleadings,  policies,  and  fuch  like  things.  The  fouith  is 
fo  different  from  the  reft,  as  well  for  the  Abbreviations,  (which  are  ma- 
ny J  as  alfo  for  the  different  ftroakes  and  fliap:  of  the  letters,  that  it  requi- 
reth  a  particular  ftudy  to  undtrftand  them.  This  word  5/V,  which  fignifi- 
cth  to  give  thanks,  is  written  after  three  moft  different  manners. 

Tlieir  letters  are  in  all  lixty  thoufand,  enrolled  in  their  vocduUry^ 
which  they  call,  Haipien^  and  nfiay  bervndreda^r^.^//?4.  They  haveo- 
thc  rs  more  briefe  •,  For  to  read,write,  compofc,  and  undcrftaiid  very  well, 
about  eight  or  ten  thoufand  letters  will  ferve  the  turner  and  when  they 
meet  with  any  letters,  which  they  call  a  ^<?/i /^//fr,  they  have  recourfeto 
their  vocahiary ,  as  we  do,  when  we  meet  with  a  Laim  word  that  we  do 
not  underftand.  From  hence  it  is  cvidcnr,that  he  is  mofl  learned  amongft 
them,  that  knoweth  moft  letters;  as  amongft  us  he  is  the  beft  Ldt/mft,d-i3.L 
ismoft  vcrftin  his  Calipines-Dixiomrj,  To  form  all  thefe  multitude  of 
letters,  they  ufe  only  nine  ftrokes,  or  touches  of  the  pen  :  but  becaufe 
thefe  only  would  not  be  fufficient  for  fo  great  a  fabrique,  they  do  joinc 
figures,  or  perfe^fl:  and  fignificant  letters,  one  into  another  •,  by  which 
means  they  make  other  new  and  different  one.s^oimd  of  a  different  ilgnifi- 

cation.So  this  line- fignifieth  one :  croffed  with  another  line  J-^-ren, 

and  having  another  ftroke  at  the  bottome  j-j-  fignifying  the  earth,  and 
with  another  ftroke  at  the  top  of  it  -^  ic  ftandeth'  for  King  -,  adding  a 

ftroke  on  the  left  fide  of  it  between  the  tvvp  fir  ft  ftrokes  -^  it  is  taken 

for  a  precious  ftone,  and  by  adding  cettaine  other  lines,  it  is  meant  for  a 
pearle :  And  this  lafi  figure  is  every  letter  to  have,  that  muft  fignify  a  pre- 
cious ftone,  or  any  other  ftone,  that  is  of  price  andefteeme,  although  not 

F  counted 

^  The  Hijlory  of  QHIHA'  Part.i. 

counted  precious.  So  every  letter  which  fignifieth  any  tree  miift  have 
joyned  vvith  it  the  letter,  which  fignifieth  wood :  and  the  letter  that  figni- 
ficth  mettall,  muft  be  annexed  to  the  figure  which  it  is  put  to  fignify,  as 
Iron,  Copper,  Steel  s  yet  this  is  no  infallible  rule. 

They  have  airo,in  the  compofition  of  their  Letters^  had  refpecft  to  their 
figniff  cations :  and  fo  that  fquare  figure,  which  we  fpake  of  before,  to  fig- 
nifie  the  Smne^  joyned  with  another  very  little  different,  (landing  for  the 
Meom^  is  called  Min,  and  fignifieth  Brightneire.  Another  which  hath  the 
likenelTe  of  a  Portall,  called  Muen^  fignifieth  a  gate:there  is  another  which 
fignifieth  a  heart,  to  which  it  hath  fome  retemblance.^  Now  if  this  letter 
be  placed  between  the  two  perpendicular  lines,  which  form  the  letter 
that  ftandeth  for  a  Portall,  it  fignifieth  Sadmjfe  and  Affi't^ion^  that  is,  a 
heart  flreightened  and  prefl:  in  a  narrov/  doore;  and  every  word  o^Sadnefs 
muflhave  a  heart  annexed  to  it. 

They  who  write  well,  are  held  in  great  efteeme ;  and  they  make  more 
account  of  a  good  writing,  than  of  a  good  pi6ture.  And  for  a  fet  of  anci- 
ent letters  well  (hapcn  and  formed,  they  do  not  care  to  fpend  a  good 
fumme  of  money ;  and  letters  from  being  firft  efteemed,  have  come  at 
length  to  be  reverenced.  They  cannot  endure  to  fee  a  written  paper  lying 
on  the  ground,  but  prefently  take  it  up-,and  in  the  childrens  fchooles  there 
is  a  place  appoynted  for  the  keeping  of  them  5  and  afterwards  they  burne 
them  at  certaine  times,  not  out  of  religion,  or  fuperftition,as  the  Tf^rks  do, 
but  only  out  of  the  reverence  they  bearc  to  Letters, 

Their  way  of  writing  is  from  the  top  of  the  paper  downwards  to  the 
bottome,  and  beginning  at  the  right  hand  of  the  paper  proceed  to  the  left, 
as  the  Hebreaves  and  all  Eaflern  nations  do. 

They  formerly  made  ufeofthe  inner  barkes  of  fome  trees  in  (lead  of 
paper,as  other  nations  have  done.  For  a  ftile  or  pen  they  ufcd  certaine  Bod- 
kins oiUon^  with  which  they  dexteroufly  formed  their  Letters^  They 
wrote  alfo  many  things  on  Lamins  or  plates  of  mettall,  and  alfoon  vefTels 
of  molten  mettall-  of  which  there  are  yet  fome  remaining,  which  are 
held  in  no  fmall  efteeme  by  the  owners,  &  all  that  fee  them.  But  it  is  now 
1800  years  fince  they  have  had  the  invention  of  paper,  which  is  there  of  fo 
many  forts  &  in  fo  great  plenty ^that  I  am  perfwaded,that,in  t\\\s,Chma  cx- 
ceedeth  the  whole  world-,  &  is  exceeded  by  none  in  the  goodnes  thereof. 
That  which  aboundeth  moft,&  is  moft  ufed  for  printing,is  made  of  a  cer- 
taine Tree,  which  is  called  in  Wm,  Bombu^  and  in  China^  po^  the  art  in 
making  of  it  is  like  ours^but  the  bed  and  whiteft  is  made  of  Cotton-cloth. 

In  ftead  of  pens  they  ufe  penfillsmade  of  thehaire  offeverall  crea- 
tures: thebeftareofthofeofaii^4r^.  They  are  more  eafieand  conveni- 
ent to  write  with  than  pens:  the  ordinary  onescoft  three,  foure,  or  five 
farthings  •,  thebeft  come  to  fix  pence  a  piece.  Hhthjlandifhes  are  made  of 
ftone  offeverall  formes,  and  are  commonly  handfomely  wrought,  and  of 
a  fmall  price :  yet  rhey  have  fome  of  thirty  crownes  a  piece.  In  thefe  they 
diffoWe  the  inkc,  which  is  m,ade  up  in  little  molds  and  dried  :  The  beft  is 
made  of  the  fmoake  of  oyle,  which  they  gather  by  art :  it  isfold  at  a  fmall 
price  commonly,  the  dearcft  being  a  crownc,  or  fevcn  and  fix  pence  the 
pound  •,  but  the  beft  of  all  from  ten  to  twenty  crownes.  The  i/irtez,am 
which  make  it  are  net  held  for  Mechanicks^  fo  noble  is  this  art  cfteemed 


C  H  A  p .  7-  The  Hifiory  of  QHl^/i.  ^  i 

bychem.  They  ufe  fometimes  red  ink,  efpecially  in  their  iy^nrwtatiofjs 
upon  books;  and  fometimes  ( but  very  feldome)  write  with  it.  It  is  their 
greateft  care  and  ambition  tohavealltheirinftrumentsofvvritingtobe 
of  rich  materials,neat ,  proper,  and  in  good  order,  with  the  fame  pride 
and  deh'ght,as  the  moft  accurate  Cjptain  or  Souldier  among  us  taketh  in 

In  printing,  it  feemetli  that  China  ought  to  have  the  precedence  of  o- 
ther  nations :  for  according  to  their  books  they  have  ufed  it  this  1600 
years^  but  it  is  not  (as  I  faid  before)  like  unto  ours  in  £/^r^/>f.  For  their 
Letters  are  engraven  in  Tables  of  wood.  The  Authour  of  the  book  or- 
dereth  what  kind  of  letter  he  will  have,  either  great,  little,  or  middle- 
fized^orrathcrhegivethhismanufcript  tothe  graver-,  who  maketl}  his 
Tables  ofthe  fame  bignefTe  with  the  fhects  that  are  given  him;  and  pa- 
fting  the  leaves  upon  the  Tables  with  the  wrong  fide  outwards.he  engra- 
veth  the  letters  as  he  findeth  them-  with  much  facility  and  exadneffc^and 
without  making  any  Errata-,  their  writing  not  being  on  both  fides  the  pa- 
per, as  among  us,  but  on  one  fide  only^  and  the  reafon,  that  their 
books  feem  to  be  written  on  both  fides  is,becaufe  the  white  fide  is  hidden 
within  the  fold; 

They  print  likewife  with  Tables  of  flone-,  with  this  difference,  that 
then  the  paper  is  made  all  black,  and  the  letters  remain  white*,  becaufe 
when  they  print  thus, they  lay  the  ink  upon  the  Superficies  ofthe  ftone^but 
in  the  Tables  of  wood,  they  put  it  only  in  the  hollow  ofthe  engra- 
ving. This  laft  manner  of  printing  ferveth  only  for  Epitaphs ,  PidlureSj 
Trees,  Mountains,  and  fuch  like  things,  whereof  they  do  defire  to 
have  the  memories  preferved-,  and  they  have  very  many  prints  of  this 
kind.  The  ftones  which  ferve  for  this ufe  ,are  of  a  proper  and  particu- 
lar kind ;  their  wooden  Tables  are  made  of  the  beft  Peare-trce.  So 
that  any  work  which  they  prim  ( as  they  do  in  great  numbers  )  remai- 
neth  alwaies  entire  in  the  print  of  rheT^^/^y,  to  bee  reprinted  as  often 
as  they  pleafe ,  witliout  any  new  cxpencc  or  trouble  in  fetting  for 
the  prefTe,  as  there  is  in  our  printii^.  Every  one  hath  the  liberty  to 
print  what  he  pleafeth ,  without  the  Supervifing^Cenfure  ^  or  Licence ,  of 
anyone;  and  with  fo  fmall  charges,  that  for  every  hundred  letters 
perfectly  engraved  in  the  manner  abovefaid  ,  they  pay  no  more 
than  foure  pence  half-penny  •,  and  yet  every  letter  confifteth  of  many 


Of  their  manner  of Jludy^and  admittance 
to  examination^ 

THey  are  put  to  learn  from  their  tender  age»  They  have  for  beginners 
certain  little  bookes,  containing  good  rules  and  precepts  of  vert  ue, 
good  manncrSjObedience  to  their  parents  and  fuperiors,oi  forae  fuch  like 

F  2  matter. 

;  tf  Ihe  Bijlory  of  CHI-K"^-  P  a  r  t  a . 

mattcp.  A  few  months  after,  they  give  them  C/^///r4^  books- which 
they  ^tt  all  by  heart,  both  the  Text  and  the  Gldjfe^  as  peifed  as  we  do  our 
P4?fri\r<?/^r.Afterthis,commeththeMafters  explanation.  They  fay  their 
lefibnlikewifeby  hcartjthe  Scholars  back  being  turned  towardsjthe  mafter 
with  the  book  lying  open  upon  the  table,  and  they  ufe  no  other  phrafe 
for  faying  their  Leflbnjbut  only  Poixu^which  fignifieth,to  turn  their  back 
upon  the  book,  and  this  is  done,  that  they  might  not  caft  their  eies  upon 
it  to  help  themftlves.  They  aie  kept  to  their  ftudies  with  fo  much  ri- 
<'our,(even  the  youngeft  of  them)  that  they  are  allowed  no  manner  of  re- 
creation or  divertifcment. 

Every  day  they  write  fomething,  and  their  mafiers  copy  is  laid 
under  the  paper,  like  the  black  line  among  us  .♦  and  the  paper  being  thinne 
and  tranfparent,  the  letters  eafily  appear  through,  which  the  boy  that 
learneth  doth  eafily  imitate,  forming  other  letters  like  thofe,  which  hec 
feeth  under  his  paper-  and  by  ufing  this  for  fome  fliort  time,  he  becom- 
ethaccuftomedtothefiifhionofhis  Matters  hand,  which  he  imitateth 
after  this  manner.  Therefore  after  fome  time  fpent  in  this  exercife,they 
write  one  line  upon  the  Matters  copy,  and  another  upon  the  blank  pa- 
per by  the  fide  of  itjfor,  as  I  have  faid,  the  lines  are  made  from  the  top  of 
the  paper  tothebottome,  till  at  length,  when  they  can  well  imitate  the 
copy,they  give  over  writing  upon  it.  In  fine,they  take  very  much  paines 
to  gain  a  good  hand  in  writing;  for.  in  their  examinations,  where  their 
compofitions  ate  copied,  it  is  fufficient  to  have  their  Grace  denied,  if  there 
be  but  found  one  ill-ttiapen  letter,  before  their  excrcife  be  readj  they 
prefuming-,  that  no  man  can  be  learned,  if  he  read,or  write  ill;  although  a- 
mong  us  there  be  many  examples  to  the  contrary  .For  it  is  wel  known,that 
the  excellent  Dodour  iV4i;4fr(^  wrought  a  very  ill  hand,  &  our  Bartolomeo 
Philffpo^n  fingular  Scholar,  writ  fo  perfe(5i  an  ill  hand,that  to  the  univer- 
fall  grief  of  all  learned  men,  his  moft  learned  works  were  loft  5  although 
they  were  many,  and  no  doubt,  full  of  moft  admirable  knowIcdge,be- 
caufe  there  was  not  found  any  one, that  was  able  to  read  them*,  as  may 
be  perceived  by  thofe  workes  of  his,  that  have  efcaped  out  of  that  perni- 
cious chaos. 

Next-,when  the  Chimffes  have  learned  a  good  quantity  of  their  letters, 
and  have  had  fome  acquaintance  with  their  books,  they  are  inftruded  in 
the  rules  of  compofition.  Firtt,  they  give  them  fome  difordered  compo- 
fitions, which  they  are  to  reduce  into  order-,  then  fome  abbreviations  for 
them  to  enlarge  upon,and  afterwards  in  duetimc  they  give  them  only  the 
point  or  Theme-,in  like  manner  they  do,  at  their  examinations.  And  be- 
caufe  every  three  years  the  moft  approved  compofitions  of  thofe,  who 
have  taken  degrees,  are  put  in  printvOthers  take  great  paines  in  them,  and 
get  as  many  of  them  by  heart  as  they  are  able. 

They  have  no  Umverfiks^whcre  they  ttudy  together;  but  all,  that  are 
able,  take  a  Mafter  into  the  houfe  for  their  fonncs,  and  fometimes  two,  if 
there  be  much  difference  between  their  childr ens  ages,This  Mafter  is  al- 
waies  with  them  without  any  interruption,  and  teacheth  them  not  only 
letters  and  fcienccs,  but  whatfoever  concerncth  Civill gcvcrnment^good 
manners^  mralitie.^  and  the  way  how  to  carry  thcmfelves  in  every  thing, 
-  If 

Chap.7-  1  he  Hiftorj of  CHI^A.  37 

Ifthey  areperfonsof^^%,  the  Scholar  never  goeth  abroad  without 
his  Mafter,  who  ferveth  to  inftrud  him  in  all  Civilities,  and  good  behavi- 
our-, particularly  in  vifics-,  where,  as  there  arc  many  Cerewonks  ufed, 
there  is  fomcthing  of  difficnltie  ;  and  they  might  eafily  commit 
an  errour  ,  if  their  Mafter  did  not  help  them.  And  without 
doubt,  this  way  is  moft  decent  for  their  reputation  ,  and  more 
profitable  for  their  ftudies ,  and  lefTe  expofed  to  thofe  venem.ous 
pradtifes  and  company,  which  are  apt  to  teach  them  fuch  cuftom.s,  as 
infedt  their  minds- and  fpoiie  the  Decorum  of  a  Gentleman-,  and  much 
more  in  Chin^t,  vvhere;if  any  onehave  this  cvill  fame,  he  cannot  be  admit- 
ted to  examinations. 

There  are  neverrhelcfTc  many  Schools  for  children  of  a  meaner  condi« 
tion-,  where  the  Mafters  have  this  good  quality,  that  they  receive  no 
more  than  they  are  well  able  to  teachj  that  they  might  nor  go  from  them, 
as  if  they  had  never  come  thither,  asitfallethout  tooofren  in  Europe, 
where  each  Mader  endeavcurcth  to  have  many  Scholars,  rather  for  his 
own  gain  than  their  advancement.  For  indeed  a  mm,  let  him  be  never  fo 
ablcjis  but  ftill  one  man-  whence  itcommech  to  paflTe,  that  fome  of  their 
Schollars  know  the  School,  but  are  not  known  of  it.  This  inconveni- 
ence is  avoided  in  China :  each  taketh  no  greater  charge  upon  him,  than 
he  is  well  able  to  give  an  account  of-,  and  each  IVf  after  admitteth  no  more 
Scholars,  than  he  can  well  teach.  He  is  with  them  all  the  day  long.^bc- 
having  himfelf  with  much  gravities  neither  do  they  ever  go  out  of  the 
School,  unlelfe  it  be  at  meales-,  and  if  any  one  of  them  doth  live  far  off, 
his  dinner  is  brought  to  the  School .  Their  play-  dales  and  time  of  vaca- 
titn  are  only  fifteen  dales  at  the  beginning  of  the  new  year,  and  fome  few 
daies  inthe/J^t  and /f'yw?/^*  moon:  and  as  there  are  there  no  Holy-dates, 
they  make  all  the  reft  of  the  year  an  un-interrupted  application  to  their 
ftudics.  Sofenfiblc  are  they  of  this  truth  ;  That  it  is  neccffary  to  take  ve- 
ry great  paines  to  bee  learned,  and,  that  feldome  any  one  palfeth 
with  the  reputation  of  a  knowing  man,  without  much  labour  an^  indu- 

.  •  tWhen  they  are  grown  up  and  paft  thefe  rudiments,  and  their  parents 
are  not  able  to  provide  a  raaikr  for  each  in  particular;  fome  of  the  kin- 
dred and  neighbours  joyne  together,  and  take  a  mafter  in  common,  who 
dyets  with  thtm  day  by  day  in  courfe,and  receiveth  his  Salary  from  them 
all,  which  is  not  much-  but  more  or  lefTc  according  to  the  cuftome  of  the 
Countries,  and  may  amount  each  year  to  40  or  50  Crowns^  the  cam- 
moviSilary  being  from  ten  to  twenty  crownes:  befides  the  prcfents  which 
they  make  them  ar  certaine  feafts,  confifting  of  ftockings,  fhoes,and  fuch 
like  things.  At  meals  (although  it  be  in  the  houfes  of  perions  of  the  greateft 
quality)  they  are  to  fit  with  the  father  of  the  fcholar,  or  at  leaft  with  the 
fcholar  himfelfe.  Many  times  they  ftuiynotin  their  fathers  houfe,ha- 
ving  others  more  proper  for  that  occafion,  either  within  or  without  the 
Git  y,but  never  farr  oif :  and  as  much  as  they  can,  avoyd  their  ownc  hou- 
fcSjknowing  well  that  the  multitude  of  people,  and  the  refpedl  which  is 
payd  to  their  quality  at  home,  are  capitall  enemies  to  ftudy  .-hence  it  com- 
eth  to  paife  in  other  Kingdomes,  that  the  fonnes  of  Lords  and  great  men 


^8  The  Wjlory  of  QBL^Nji.         Part.i. 

do  for  the  moft  part,  prove  great  Igmrants:  As  if  the  greareft  Nohilitj  did 
notconfift  in  thegreateft^v;tfrv/^^^^. 

There  are  ordinary  Mafters  without  number,  for  there  being  fo  many 
that  pretend  to  the  degree  of  a  X/>^r4/o,  and  fotew  that  attaine  to  it,  the 
Picateft  part  are  conftrained  to  take  upon  them  the  employment  of  a 
fchoolmafter  ^  fo  that  to  kx.  up  a  fchoole  the  year  following,  they  go  a- 
bout  to  get  fcholars  for  that  time,from  the  beginning  of  the  prefent  year, 
but  in  great  houfes  they  commonly  receive  none  for  Mafters,  but  fuch  as 
have  taken  the  degree  of  BatcheJour,  who  continue  the  courfe  of  thcit 
ftudies  with  a  defigne  to  take  their  other  degree. 

When  they  have  taken  any  degree,  although  it  bebue  only  of  Bmhe^ 
hur ,  they  are  then  no  longer  under  a  Mafter,  but  forme  a  kind  of 
i_yicademie^  as  it  were,  among  themfelves  •,  where  they  meet  at  certainc 
times  every  month ,  one  of  them  opencth  a  book,  and  giveth  a  point  or 
Theme,upon  which  all  ot  them  make  their  Com]?ofitfom ^which  they  after- 
ward compare  among  themfelves. 

Although  they  have  no  unlverftties  and  particular  fchooles,  neverthe- 
leffe  they  have  generall  fchooles,  which  are  very  capacious  and  magnifi- 
cent, and  moft  richly  adorned,  for  the  examiners,  and  thofe  that  are  to  be 
examined  ;  of  which  there  is  a  wonderful!  great  number.  Thefe  fchooles 
are  in  the  Cities  and  Townes^but  the  moft  ftately  ones  are  in  the  Metropo- 
lies  of  the  Provinces,  where  the  examination  of  Lkentiats  is  held.  Thefe 
fabriqucs  are  of  abigneftc  proportionable  to  the  multitude  of  people 
which  flock  to  them.  The  form  is  almoft  the  fameinall.  Thofe  ofCj;;- 
tone  are  not  bigge  ••  becaufe  they  admit  not  of  above  foure-fcore,  to  take 
their  degree  •,  whereas  in  others,  there  are  admitted  from  an  hundred  to  a 
hundred  and  fifteen,  which  is  a  great  difference*  The  whole  ftrudurc  is 
compafted  about  with  a  wall,  having  a  faire  and  fumptuous  gate  towards 
the  South,  opening  into  a  large  ftreete,  where  a  numerous  multitude  are 
gathered  together.  This  ftrcete  or  Fiatza  is  150.  Geometricall  paces 
broade,  each  pace  confifting  of  five  foote :  There  are  no  houfes  in  it,  but 
only  porches  and  walks  with  feats  for  the  captaines  and  fouldiers,  who 
are  there  aflifting  all  the  time  o f  the  cxamination,and  keep  a  ftrong  guard. 
At  the  firft  entrance,  there  is  a  great  Court,  where  do  ftand  the  Manda- 
rines of  the  firft  poft,  with  a  Court  of  guard  within  the  gate  •,  then  pre- 
fently  appeareth  another  wal  with  a  gate,made  like  thofe  of  ourChurches, 
and  openeth  &  fliuts  in  two  leaves  or  pieces,when  it  is  not  convenient  that 
all  ftiould  be  opened :  when  you  are  paft  that  gate,there  appeareth  a  large 
place,  in  which  there  is  a  pond  of  water,  extending  from  one  tide  to  ano- 
ther, over  which  ftandeth  a  ftone  bridge  of  perfefi  Architedure,  which 
cndeth  at  another  entrance  or  gate,  guarded  by  Captaines,  which  fuffer 
none  to  go  in  or  out,  without  expreftc  order  from  the  officers.  After  this 
gate  followeth  another  very  fpacious  Court,  having  on  each  fide  rowes 
of  little  houfes  or  chambers  for  the  perfons  that  are  to  be  examined  3  pla- 
ced on  the  Eaft  and  Weft  fide  thereof.  Every  chamber  is  foure  palmes 
and  anhalfe  long,  Cevery  palme  is  nine  inches  EnglifhJ  and  three  and  a 
halfc  broade,  and  is  in  height  about  the  ftature  of  a  man:  they  are  covered 
with  Tarrafic  or  Playfter  in  ftead  of  Tyle  •,  within  each  of  them  are  two 


Chap.7.  The  Hijlory  of  CHl^J,  ^5, 

boards,the  one  f aftencd  to  lit  downe  on5the  other  moveable  for  a  Table.* 
which  xifrer  it  hath  ferved  them  to  write  upon,  they  make  ufe  of,  when 
time  is,  to  eate  on.  There  is  a  narrow  entrie,  which  leadcth  to  themvthat 
admitreth  but  of  one  man  a  breaft,  and  that  hardly  too  ^  the  doores  of  one 
row  open  toward  the  backfide  of  the  other. 

At  the  time  of  the  examination  -,  there  is  a  fouldier  to  afTift  in  every  one 
of  thefe  little  chamber?,  to  guard  and  fervc  the  perfontobe  examined  5 
fitting  under  his  little  Table  ;  They  fay,  he  hath  a  gagge  of  wood  in  his 
mouth,  that  he  Ihould  not  I'peakand  trouble  the  ftudent.  But  if  it  be  in  his 
power  to  lemedic  it,  it  is  not  likely,  that  he  doth  entirely  complic  with 
his  obligation. 

Attlie  end  of  this  narrow  entrie  I  fpake  of,  is  railed  a  Tower  upon 
foure  Arches  with  Balufters  wirhouton  all  fides,  within  which  there  is  a 
Salome  or  great  Hall,  where  do  aflift  fome  officers  and  perfons  of  refpeiSi:, 
who  flay  there  to  give  account  of  what  pjffeth  in  all  the  little  chambers, 
which  they  have  placed  in  their  fight.  At  the  foure  corners  of  this  Court 
are  foure  great  Towers,  with  their  Bell  cr  Drum,  which  is  founded,  as 
foone  as  there  happeneth  any  novcltie  or  difordcr,  to  give  notice  thereof 
to  whom  it  doth  concerne.  Nigh  to  thefe  Towers  are  other  Buildings 
with  a  large  Hall,  furniflicd  wirh  feats  and  Tables,  and  other  necclTarics 
for  the  bufineffe  that  is  to  be  performed  there  5  which  is  the  firfl  examina- 
tion of  the  compofitions  •,  at  which  the  more  ordinary  officers  do  affifl^iit- 

Going  through  the  Hall  by  the  gate  which  looketh  Northward,  there 
is  to  be  feen  another  Court,  and  prefcntly  another  Hall  of  the  fame  form; 
but  the  furniture  thereof  is  more  rich  and  coflly,  it  ferving  for  the  Preji- 
dent^  and  more  honourable  officers.  Then  follow  likewife  other  ap- 
p.irtaraents  and  lodgings  for  the  faid  perfons,  and  for  all  the  other  officers  ^ 
and  examiners  ^  every  appartamcnt  hath  a  Hall,  feats  and  Tables  toncgo- ' 
tiateandeatat-,  a  chamber  with  a  bed,  and  Canopie  of  filke,  and  other 
houlhold' fluff  proper  to  that  end  they  are  defignedfor.  Thercisalfoa 
walke  wi'th  little  gardens  and  low  Trees.There  are  alfo  joyncd  to  thefe,o- 
therleffer  chambers  for  Notaries,  Secretaries,  Pages,  and  other  officers 
of  thtir  families  5  befides  thefe  there  arc  other  chambers  for  the  CMandA- 
rines  and  inferiour  officers,  and  for  their  ordinary  fervants,  with  Butteries, 
Larders,  Kitchins,  and  whatfoeverisnecelfary  for  the  accommodation 
of  fo  great  a  multitude  5  every  thing  being  difpofed  and  ordered  even  to 

Anciently  the  nobilitie  and  kindred  of  the  King  were  not  admitted  to 
any  fort  of  office  or  publique  charge  ^  no,  nor  thofe  of  them  that  fludied, 
w^ere  allowed  to  come  to  the  examinations,  to  take  their  degrees.  About 
20  yeares  fince,  after  many  earnefl  folicitations  made  by  them.and  oppo- 
fitions  by  the  contrary  part,  they  had  the  priviledge  granted  them,  to  be 
admitted  to  all  examinations-  and  the  examiners  are  obliged  to  confer 
degrees  on  fome  of  them,  but  not  to  manj^  The  common  people  of  all 
forts  and  all  vocations  are  admitted,  except  thofe  that  are  infamous,  as 
the  f  ervants  of  rh^Mandarms  (not  their  houihold  Servants^  but  thofe 
which  ferve  them  in  their  Tribunalls  and  Courts  of  juflice^  Sergeants, 


4.0  7  he  Hi/lory  of  CHLT^/^.  P  a  r  t  .  i . 

Bayliffs,  Catchpoles,  Rogues,  Hxecutioners,  and  guardians  of  their  pub- 
lique  women,  called  Fampa  Likewife  thofe  are  not  admitted,  againll: 
whom  lyeth  any  tax,  oraccufation  of  ill  manners,  untill  there  be  fatif- 
fadtion  given  of  their  amendment. 

They  have  three  forts  of  degrees  Sieueai^  Kiugin^  C'mfu  -,  and  that  we 
mit^htthe  better  underOand  them,  I  might  fay,  that  after  their  manner 
they  arc  anfwetablc  to  our  latchelour  Licentiate y  and  Do6iour^  each  degree 
having  their  fevcrall  enfigne?  and  badges  of  honour.  Thofe  that  are  only 
fludents,  and  have  taken  no  degree,  have  not  any  particular  priviledge  be- 
longingto  them,  but  only  are  refpedted  as  Gentlemen,and  the  people  ho- 
nour thcmg  as  the  lights  of  their  Coumry,  fo  much  is  knowledge  eftee- 
med  among  them,  who  know,  how  to  honour  that,  which  doth  truly  de- 
ferve  efteeme^ 

Chap.  8. 

Of  the  manner  of  their  Sxamwations^  and  hovo  their 
degrees  are  conferred. 

THe  order  and  manner,  that  the  Chineffes  obferve  in  their  examinati- 
ons of  pcrfons  that  take  their  degrees,  is  very  curious.  It  is  robe 
fuppofed^  that  in  thefe  examinations,  from  the  firft  of  the  fimple  ftudenr, 
tothclaftoftheDo(5tour,  confifteththe  bufinelTe  of  the  greateft  impor- 
tance of  this  Kingdome  ;  for  on  thefe  depend  the  degrees  and  offices 
both  of  honour  and  profit,  the  only  marke^at  which  mortalls  aimc  wirh 
their  chiefefi:  attention.  In  a  word,  ifthcre  be  an  employment,  wherein 
thefe  two  are  coupled  (a  conjuncS^ion  which  the  old  proverb  hath  fen- 
tenced  to  be  very  difficult)  certainly  it  is  this.  We  will  begin  at  the  be- 
ginning, that  is  what  is  performed  by  the  meere  and  fiir  pie  fludents. 

Before  the  estamination  there  is  firft  Ipread  abroad  a  report,  that  there 
will  be  one,  till  at  length  it  be  publiihedby  AuthQritie,  Bccaufe  the  de- 
grees which  are  conferred,  and  thofe  which  pretend,  arc  many,  it  is  not 
convenient  that  fo  great  a  multitude  fhould  be  admitted  to  the  examinati- 
on of  the  Chamellotir :  and  to  the  end  that  both  the  fit  and  unfit  (hould  not 
enter  at  that  examinationjthereis  an  order  in  theProvince,thar  thofe  which 
are  to  enter,  fhould  be  proved  firfl  by  two  Antecedent  examinations  in 
their  City  or  Townc,  after  this  manner.  Every  Judge  in  his  Territorie 
doth  publiili  an  examination,  and  appointeth  a  day  for  the  meeting  of  all 
the  fludents  of  his  Precind.  And  becaufe  fometimes  the  place  of  the  pub- 
lick  univetfitic  is  not  fufficientfor  the  reception  offo  great  a  multitude, 
they  fill  a  large  field  with  feats  and  Tables  ♦,  and  there  the  examination  is 
held.  The  Judge  giveth  the  poynt  upon  which  they  are  to  compofe. 
They  begin  in  the  morning  and  are  allowed  time  till  night  •,  They  give  in 
but  one  compofition,  and  when  they  have  finifhcd  it,  they'configne  it  to 
the  proper  officer-,  who,  putting  them  together,  examincth  them  all  along 
with  great  diligence  •,  and  chufing  out  the  bcfl,  caufeth  the  name  of  their 


C  H  A  p .  S.  The  Hiftorj  of  CUlHj^.  4 1 

compofers  to  be  written:  this  roll  of  their  names  is  fttick  up  upon  the 
wall  of  his  Palace^  by  which'it  cometh  to  be  known,  who  they  are,  that 
are  allowed  to  paiTe  to  the  fupream  cxamination-and  this  allowance  they 
caW  jHav'wg  a  mme  in  their  Village^ 

The  compofirions  thus  allowed  are  carried  by  the  Ofiicer,in  perfon  to 
the  Governour  of  the  City :  and  the  fame  do  all  the  judges  of  Townes, 
each  within  his  own  jurifdidionrand  each  City  in  its  Villages,  each  City 
being  divided  into  twoVillages,  with  their  particular  judges,  befidcs  the 
Governour  of  theCity.And  all  thefludentsof  theCountry.that  have  been 
already  allowed  ofjbeing  afTembled  together,enrer  into  the  generall  place 
of  the  City-^  where  the  Governour  of  the  City  examines  them  again,  and 
giveth  them  a  new  point,  after  the  fame  manner,  as  was  given  them  in 
the  Village  with  this  difference-  that  they  ufe  more  care,  rigour,  anddili- 
gence,and  admiclefTe  of  the  IntercefTion  of  friends,  who  are  ready  in  ail 
places  to  pervert  the  truth.  Of  thefe  the  governour  chufcth  200,  and 
giveth  their  names  to  the  Chmcdlonr^  who  pntteth  them  the  third  time 
upon  the  fame  examination^  almoft  in  the  fame  manner-,  and  chufeth  out 
amongft  them  about  20  or  25,  upon  whom  he  conferreth  their  degree-,  fo 
that  being  fifred  three  times  moft  exa6^1y,they  come  at  length  to  be  but 
few  in  number.  Then  are  given  them  their  enfignes  and  priviledges,  with 
an  advertency  of  their  fub  ordination,  not  only  to  the  chancdlonry  but  al- 
fo  to  the  ?Ytfelis%  who  arc  two  in  each  City^  and  are  called  Hioquon'^  that 
is.  Mandarines  of  the  fciences.  Their  oflfice  is  to  obferve  and  fpy  out  the 
deportment  of  each?  and  to  chaftife  thofe,  that  behave  themfelves  amifTe-, 
and  (which  is  more)  they  may  examine  them  a  new,  if  they  pleafe,  and  as 
often,  as  they  think  good.  :.ioDib.  ii!  .'r^^nr} 

The  ChanccUour  is  bound  by  his  office  to  fend  through  the  Province, 
and  to  afTemble  within  the  Cities  all  the  Ancient  Batcklours^  and  to  exa- 
mine them,  to  find  whether  they  ff  udy^  or  elfe  addid  themfelves  to  other 
imploy  ments  different  from  their  profeffion.  He  rewardeth  the  diligent, 
and  caftifeth  tliofe  that  are  idle,  in  this  manner  .•  when  they  are  all  gather- 
ed together  in  the  generall  Palace,hc  giveth  them  a  point  for  their  com- 
pofitions;  the  which  being  ended,  their  papers  are  divided  into  five  Decu- 
r/e^  or  C/4//"^/^  to  thofe  ofthefirft  he  giveth  praifc  and  rewards-,  the  fam^e 
or  little  Icffe  is  done  to  thofe  of  the  fecond  5  Thofe  of  the  third  CUjfe  are 
palled  by  in  filence-,  thofe  of  the  fourth  he  chaf^ifeth^  thofe  of  the  lad 
Claffe^  he  depriveth  of  their  degrees,  priviledges,  and  enfignes  of  honour, 
and  turneth  them  back  to  be  rank'd  among  the  coramon  people:  yet  ne- 
verthelclTe  with  liberty  to  return  again,  for  their  degrees,  to  their  exami- 
nations.Of  the  firft  fore  are  chofen  the  abkfl  to  the  number  of  40.    For 
each  City,and  20  for  each  town-,  and  although  they  have  not  above  eight 
Crowns  penlion  a  man,  they  fland  the  King,  through  the  whole  King- 
dom in  300000.  Crowns,  This  employment  is  very  grear^  for  the  Ci- 
ties are  444-,  the  Villages  1 2  50.      This  is  that  which  a  Batchelouris  obli- 
ged to  do,  to  obtain  his  degree;  let  us  now  fee,  what  is  required  of  a  Li^ 

Theexamlnition  of  thefe  is  held  every  three  years,  in  the  chief  City 
of  each  Province,  upon  the  fame  day  throughout  the  v;holeKingdoms 

G  ?vhicb 

"^  TheHifiory  of  QHIH,^.  Part.i. 

which  ufeth  to  be  in  the  eighth  moone^  and  commonly  falleth  out  to  bee 
abouctheendofour  September,  or  beginning  of  Od:ober.  The  exa- 
mination lafteth  about  25  or  30  daies-,  although  they^that  are  to  be  exami- 
ned, are  not  held  to  it  above  three  daies  only^  and  tbofe  are  the  ninth,  the 
twelfth  and  the  fifteenth  of  the  aforefaid  month.  The  chief  exJ^mincrs 
are  the  greatefl:  Officers  of  the  whole  Province,  befides  others  of  tet 
precinct  who  areafliftanttothem :  But  above  all,  the  Prefident;  who 
commcth,  even  from  court,  purpofely  to  his  P  rovince.  Thefe  are  the 
firft,  that  do  affemble  in  the  general  Palace^  and  with  them  their  Secre- 
taries, notaries,  and  other  people  appointed  both  for  their  Guard  and 
fcrvice^  and  likewifePhyfitians,  for  fear  they  might  have  need  of  them; 
becaure,whileft  this  adiion  lafi:eth,no  perfon  is  permitted  to  Come  out,  or 
Jnjto  them. 

Without,  there  remaineth  a  vigilant  Officer,  to  provide  whaifoever  is 
required  from  within,  only  the  ^hancelor  is  here  excufed  from  this  con^ 
finement,  bccaufe  he  is  the  common  mafter  of  all  the  Batchelours.  There 
are  (ome,  which  are  fo  infallibly  certain  of  their  knowledge  and  abilities, 
chat  there  was  one  in  KUmfi^  who^afrer  the  ftudenrs  were  locked  up  for 
their  examinations,  made  a  lift  of  thofe  whom  he  conceived,  fliould  re- 
ceive their  degrees,  and  having  fet  it  up  in  publick,  he  erred  only  in  {ix,of 
an  hundred  and  fifteen,  which  were  eleded. 

When  the  Officers  are  alTembled,  the  ftudents  (which  in  the  larger 
Provinces  and  Univerfities  exceed  rhe  number  of  7000)  make  their  ap- 
pearance, at  nine  of  the  clock  in  the  morning,  keeping  their  order,  and 
without  any  contraft-,(as  it  often  happencth  at  the  examination  of  Batche- 
lours,with  fuch  confufion,  as  is  often  the  occafion  of  undecent  and  unfor- 
tunate accidents,  and  fometimes  murders,  as  I  once  faw  in  the  City  of 
Sumkiam  in  the  Province  oiNankim^  and  in  that  oiKtamfi .)  At  their  en- 
trance they  are  all  fearched,  to  find  what  they  carry  about  them-,  and  if 
the  kaft  paper  be  but  found  about  any  one  of  them,  he  is  prefently  ex- 
cluded. And  for  the  lelTe  trouble  in  fearching  of  them,  they  are  all  ob- 
Ifged  to  wear  their  hair  loofe  and  hanging  down,  their  leggs  naked,  and 
flioes  made  of  cord;  their  garment  without  lining,  or  any  fold  whatfoe- 
ver,  wi  th  their  inke-horne  and  penfels  about  their  necks^  (for  as  we  have 
faid  before,  they  ufe  no  other  pens,  but  thofej  As  foon  as  they  are  entred, 
they  retire  into  thofe  little  chambers,  we  fpake  of  before-,  each  into  one, 
with  his  fouldier  to  watch  him,  r«ho  fitteth  at  his  feet  under  his  little  ta  ■ 
ble.  Then  they  lock  up  the  gates,fetting  their  guards  of  Souldiers-,  who 
keep  fo  {frid  and  rigorous  a  watch,  that  during  the  examination,they  do 
not  fuffer  any  one  to  paffe  through  that  (trccc-^much  IcfTe  do  they  permit 
any  one  to  go  out. 

Then  prefendy  are  the  points  expofed,  which  the  Prefident  hath  al- 
ready written  in  large  letters  on  white  Tables  ofchar/im-,  the  which  hang 
publickly  at  the  four  corners  of  the  crofle  way  between  the  little 
houfes-,  fo  that  every  one  may  fee  them  from  his  own  chamber,  the 
Points  or  Theamcs  arc  feaven-  four  out  of  the  four  lafl  books  of  their  Phi- 
lofopher  which  are  common  to  all^  and  three  from  every  Km,  that  i?, 
out  of  every  part  of  his  books  of  fciences^  each  ftudent  neceffarily  profef- 
fing  only  one  of  them.  Vpon 

Chap.8.  Ihe  H'tflory  of  QHIV^A. 


Vponcach  point  the  ftudent  is  to  write  briefly,  EIegantly,and  fcntenti- 
Qufly ;  fo  that  every  one  is  to  make  fcven  compofitions,  which  are  to  be 
^wiitccn  in  a  faire  and  well  fliap'd  letter,  without  any  Abbreviation.    If 
they  afterwards  mend  or  correct  any  thing,they  are  to  write  underneath, 
in  what  line  that  Emendation  is  made  .    They  make  two  copies  of 
their  compofitions^  the  one  fubfcribed  with  the  name  and  Sirname  of 
their  Father  and  Grand-Father,  with  the  years  of  their  own  age,together 
with  an  Infcription,  as  feemeth  good  to  each  of  them.    Thefe  they  fealc 
up  with  the  Infcription  only  on  the  outfide  .•  preftntly  they  confi^n  the 
open  copies  to  the  officers  appointed  to  receive  them,  and  then  go  their 
waies.     The  fealed  copies  are  kept  according  to  their  number  in  a  place 
appointed  forthem^  the  open  copies  are  given  to  certain  Notaries,  who 
copy  them  out  in  red  letters,  that  the  compofers  hand  might  not  be 
known-,  and  after  that,they  are  given  to  the  Examiners,  who  diftributing 
them  among  themfelves,  do,the  two  following  d  aies^examine  and  review 
them,  with  fo  much  rigour,  that  the  leafterrour  is  fufficient  to  exclude 
the  ftudent.  I  fliall  give  you  a  pleafant  example. 

Among  their  letters  ,  there  is  one  called  i^frf^whichfignifTeth  a  horfe  .• 
this  is  compofed  of  a  perpendicular  line  crolTed  with  three  others, 
and  underneath  hath  a  ftroke,whichendeth  with  a  concavity  like  to  our 
letter  S.  In  this  concavity  they  put  4  pricks  in  a  row,  one  after  another* 
In  ftead  of  thefe  four  pricks  when  they  write  with  Abbreviation^  they 
put  only  one  line.  Now  there  was  a  ftudent,  who  in  his  compofition 
wrote  it  after  this  laft  manner^  and  although  his  compofition  were  excel- 
lent,yet  becaufe  he  had  not  writ  this  letter  after  the  firft  manner,  the  exa- 
miner fent  him  away  with  thefe  words,  mthoiu  four  leggs  the  horfe  cm' 

Wiien  that  is  done-,  they  let  up,  on  the  outward  wall,  a  large  catalogue 
of  the  names  of  fuch,  who  have  made  any  fault  in  their  compofitions, 
which  ferveth  for  advice  to  them,  to  return  home  to  their  houfes,  which 
they  prefently  do  partly  out  of  fliame,  and  partly  out  of  neceflityabecaufe 
they  will  not  be  fuflTered  to  enter  at  the  following  examinations. 

The  fecond  time  they  enter  again,  on  the  twelfth  day  of  the  month, 
where  they  are  proceeded  with  as  before,excepting  that  they  give  them 
only  three  points,concerning  fuch  doubts  and  may  occurre 
in  matter  of  government;  to  undcrftand,  how  they  would  behave  them- 
felves in  it,  and  how  they  would  advifc  the  King.  Then  again  upon  the 
through  examination  of  thefe  fecond  compofitions  many  are  fent  away 
and  excluded  from  the  third  examination  ••  to  which  they  enter  on  the 
fifteenth  day  of  the  month-,  and  have  only  three  points  given  them  con- 
cerning thelawes  and  ftatutcs  01  the  Realme.When  the  compofitions  of 
this  laft  examination  arc  received,  they  fliutupthegenerall  Palace  for 
fifteen  daies,  more  or  lefte-,  and  during  that  time,  by  comparing  and  chu- 
fing  the  be  ft,  they  are  reduced  to  a  fmall  number,  who  do  really  defcrve 
the  degree.     Then  they  confign  them  to  the  Preftdem^  who  maketh  the 
h^  fcruting,  and  ranketh  them  in  their  places  and  order,  there  being  a 
great  difference  in  being  of  the  firft,  or  of  the  laftj  not  only  for  their  repu- 
tation, but  alio  to  be  the  fooncr  provided  of  fome  good  place  or  office. 

G  2  After 

'^  The  Hijlory  of  QHl^d.        Part.i. 

After  this  laft  diligence  is  ended,  which  is  ufed  about  the  copies  of  the 
compofitions^prefently  they  open  the  originallcompofitions,  that  were 
fealed  and  laid  by,  that  by  the  Infcriptions  they  might  find  out  the  names 
oftheAuthours-,  which  they  writedown  in  certain  clafles  according  to 
their  merits.  This  catalogue  ris  expofed  to  the  view  of  innumerable  peo- 
ple, who  are  flaying  without  to  exped  it-,  Tome  for  their  Son  or  Brothers 
fakejfome  for'theirFather  or  Friend,(ome  for  their  Mafler  or  Patronej  and 
fome  only  to  fatisfie  their  curiofitie. 

At  the  time  when  thefe  names  fland  expofed,  being  written  in  very 
large  letters,  from  the  top  to  the  bottom  ot  a  long  paper,  two  palmes  and 
a  halfe  broad,  there  fland  ready  without,  jiifl:  fomany  horfes  which  are 
to  carry  thofe  that  receive  their  degree  of  Ltcemiate-,  each  horfe  being 
marked  with  his  number,  of  1.2.  etc.  And  to  every  one  of  thofe  fervants, 
who  are  appointed  to  lead  the  Horfes,  there  is  given  a  ticker,  with  the 
name  ofthe  Graduate,  and  the  number  of  that  place,  which  belongeth 
to  him.  Who  prefently  runneth  to  feek  him  out  (it  being  not  eafie  to 
find  him,becaure  they  do  yet  ftand  retired)  to  give  him  notice  of  his  e- 
ledion,and  to  beg  fome  reward  of  him,  and  fo  flaies  with  him  to  wait 
upon  him,  till  he  departeth  to  go  to  the  Court. 

The  fludents  having  notice  given  them  of  their  promotion,  come  all 
on  horfe-back  to  the  Palace-general,  everyone  in  his  order-,  where  the 
pyoveditor  and  Minifler  ofthe  Kings  Exchequer- chamber,ftandeth  ready 
expeding  them,  with  the  enfigns  of  their  dignitie,  as  the  Cap,Gown,Tip. 
pit,  and  Boots,  which  he  folemnly  put teth  upon  them,  and  when  they 
are  thus  adorned,  they  go  prefently  to  give  thanks  to  the  Prefidem  of  the 
examinations:  who  receiveththiem  on  foot,  andtreateth  them,  as  his  e- 
quals,  though  he  be  alwaies  to  them  in  the  ftead  of  a  Mafler:  and  they  do 
fo  depend  on  him^and  bear  him  fuch  extraordinary  refpe(5^,  that  it  is  a 
thing  almofl  incredible  to  be  related.  Among  them  is  fo  much  love  and  if  they  were  really  brethren*,  for  they  are  called  brothers  of  the 
examination;  and  like  fuch  do  they  refpedt  one  another.  After  follow 
diverfe  ceremonies,  and  feverall  banquets  prefented  by  the  Officers  alto- 
gether.   They  are  three  in  all,  as  I  remember,  and  are  all  very  fumptu- 
ous,  but  the  third  is  of  fome  profit  alfo :  for  in  this,  there  isfet  to  every 
one  of  them  three  tables-,the  firft  covered  with  diverfe  meates;  the  fecond 
with  hens,  fowIe,venifon,  and  other  flefh,  which  is  to  be  all  raw-,  the 
third  with  dryed  fruits;  and  all  this  is  to  be  fent  home  to  their  houfes, 
that  they  might  fpend  it  there,attheir  own  pleafure  and  difcretion. 

Affoon  as  thefc  men  have  obtained  their  degree,  they  become  prefent- 
ly great,  honoured,  nay  adored*,  and,  I  know  not  how,  fuddenly  rich. 
After  this,they  go  no  longer  on  foot,  but  cither  on  horf-back  or  in  a  Se> 
dan.  And  not  only  the  graduate,but  his  whole  family,  change  their  con- 
dition, and  he  beginneth  to  think  of  purchafing  his  neighbours  lx>ufes, 
and  to  build  himTclf  a  Palace.     This  will  yet  feem  more  wondcrfull  to 
hlm^that  knoweth,  that  many  of  them  come  out  of  their  countries  a  very 
great  way  on  foot,  carrying  at  their  backs,  that  habit,  which  they  are  to 
wear  in  the  City-,having  fometimes  their  hands  daubed  with  clay,  where- 
with they  lately  were  mending  up  their  poor  cottages  ••  of  which  fort  of 
blades  I  have  feen  fome  come  to  Nnnkim.  Thcfe 

Chap.S).  The  Hiftory  of  CHIJ\CJ,     '"         ^5 

Thefe  folemnities  being  ended,the  Graduates  prefently  prepare  to  go 
to  Court,  to  be  made  Dolours  •,  and  if  they  will  take  any  governrflent  up- 
on them,  they  are  prefently  provided  withfome  placeorother  .•  Bucif 
they  accept  of  any  government,  they  lofe  their  pretenfion  of  being  ex- 
amined afterward  for  Dodour.  Although  there  is  none  who  at  firft  doth 
not  attempt  it-,  But  if  any  one  doth  not  fucceed  init,andbegin[o  be  fome- 
what  in  years,  having  a  mind  to  put  himfclfe  prefently  into  the  world,  he 
accepteth  of  a  Government,  having  only  the  title  of  a  Licentiate^  but  luch 
very  feldome  come  to  very  high  preferments  ♦,  although  there  have  been 
found  fome  of  them^  who  have  had  the  good  fortune  to  be  advanced  to 
the  quality  o^VicC'roy.  For  this  journey  to  Court  they  have  every  one  of 
them  given  them  80.  crownes,  out  of  the  Kings  exchequer,  to  bear  their 
charges:  and  it  is  very  certaine  ('as  I  have  been  informed  by  fojne  C;^/- 
;?<?j(/^iofcreditJ  that  the  whole  expenccs,  which  every  Licentiate  (kmds 
the  King  in/rom  the  time  he  taketh  his  degree,  till  he  cometh  to  be  pla- 
ced in  the  Court  amounteth  to  1000,  crownes-  which  throughoutthc 
whole  Kingdome,(according  to  my  account,  j  maketh  a  million  and  halfc 
of  crownes.  So  much  doth  itcoftthe  Prince  in  the  forming  ot  his  wife- 
men,  and  making  them  capcable  of  the  Government  of  his  crowne  .•  fo 
great  a  reward  doth  he  propofe  to  them ,  that  they  might  afpive  to  be  fuf  • 
ficiently  learned. 

The  Licentiates^  who  are  made  every  three  yeare,  throughout  all  the 
Provinces,  are  about  fifteen  hundred,more  or  IclTe-,  and  this  is  no  great 
nuftiber  in  refped:of  thofe,  which  procure,  their  degree  in  all  the  generaU 
Palaces.  In  that  of  C^;?^^?^^^  which  is  one  of  the  leaft,  having  not  above 
7500.  little  chambers  in  it,  the  compofltions  of  the  firft  day  are  about 
96i48»  from  whence  mayeafilybe  inferred^  how  great  the  number  of 
the  pretenders  is.  And  now  we  will  give  a  particular  chapter,  concerning 
the  fupreme  degree. 

Chap.  9, 
Of  the  degree  ofDoBour. 

npHe  degree  oiDeSiour  is  folemnly'conferred  at  the  Court, in  the  fecond 
-■•  Nfoone  of  the  yeare,  which  anfwcreth  to  our  month  of  March.  They 
proceed  in  it  according  to  the  fame  form,  which  was  obferved  in  the  de- 
gree oi  Licentiate  •,  excepting  that  the  cnfigncs  of  honour  are  different,  and 
the  examiners  of  greater  qualitie-,  they  being  the  chiefe  of  the  royall  Col- 
ledge  called  Uanlin,  and  their  Prefident  is  alvvay  the  Colao,  the  greateft 
dignitie,  next  the  King,  of  this  Empire ;  although  he  differently  excrci- 
feth  the  charge  of  Freftdent-^  for,  in  this  Tranfa<5tion,  they  of  the  royall 
Colledge  have  a  definitive  vote  ;  and  the  compofitions  being  diftributed 
among  them,  after  the  firft  eledion,  they,who  are  elected  and  approved 
by  them,  cannot  be  ref  ufed  or  rejcded  by  the  Freftdent, 

Al  I  the  Licentiates  of  the  Kingdome  are  admitted  to  this  examination, 
as  well  the  old  ones,  as  the  new.  And  anciently  there  was  no  precedent 


4<J  1  he  Hifiory  of  CBLK^.  Part.i. 

examination  to  inablethera  for  this  admittance-,  becaufe  it  was  accounted 
fufficienttobcaX/c^w^/4;^,  to  have  entrance  at  the  examination  of  Do- 
Bors'.  But  becaufe  among  their  compofitions  there  were  many  fo  ill  made, 
that  it  was  time  loft  to  read  them,  and  did  render  the  compofers  incape- 
able  nor  only  of  the  degree  o{Do6icur^  but  likewife  of  pretending  to  it  •, 
therefore  about  1 5 .  years  fince,  there  was  introduced  another  examina- 
tion for  the  receiv  ing  of  them,  which  is  in  pra6tife  to  this  day  ••  from 
whence  it  happencth,  that  many  are  not  received,to  their  great  (hame  and 
forrow :  which  is  a  wholefome  inftru(5tion  to  others  not  to  fpend  their 
time  in  feafting  and  recreations. 

In  this  examination  are  tobechofcn  550.  upon  whom  the  degree  of 
D^(J?<?//r  is  conferred  .The  enfignes  of  honour,excepting  the  Bootes,which 
are  the  fame  in  all,  are  very  different  from  thofe  of  the  Ltcmmei^  both  in 
coft  and  ornament.  They  have  alfo  a  girdle  given  them,  which  they  al- 
waies  weare  in  their  places  of  Government,  whith  are  beftowed  upon 
them ;  but  is  more  rich  and  precious,  according  to  the  offices  they  aread>^ 
vancedto.  When  they  have  received  their  degree,  and  put  on  their  en- 
{ignes  of  honour,  they  all  aflemble,  within  a  Hall  of  the  Kings  Palace 
prepared  for  that  purpofe,  where  they  are  examined  the  fecond  time  in 
one  only  compofition ,  the  poynt  being  about  the  Government  and  em- 
ployment which  they  aie  to  be  admitted  to.  At  this  examination,  in  for- 
mer times  the  King  did  ufe  to  aifift  in  perfon-,  but  now  there  affifteth  a  Co- 
lad  in  his  name. 

The  examination  being  ended,  they  pafTe  into  another  Hall,  where  the 
new  Dolours  do  make  their  reverence  to  the  King,  and  prefently  the  O- 
lai  prefents  to  him  three  of  them,  which  have  obtained  the  firft  places  - 
then  the  King  with  his  owne  hand  beftoweth  a  reward  on  each  of  them. 
He  to  whom  he  giveth  the  fiift  gifr,  being  the  chief  of  all  the  reft,  hath  a 
particular  name  belonging  to  him  ever  after  -,  as  alfo,  to  the  fecond  and 
the  third  :  The  firft  they  call  Chuam,  Ttteff^thc  next  Pham^  Tuen  $  the  third 
rkan,  HoA ;  and  this  name  is  of  fo  great  eftceme  and  reputation,  that  in  a 
few  dales  after  the  examination,therc  is  fcarcc  any  perfon  through  out  the 
whole  Kingdom,  that  doth  not  knovvthemby  thefcnamcs;  and  not  by 
the  names  of  their  fathers  and  Countric  5  which  is  a  wonderfull  thing  in 
fo  vaft  a  Kingdom  as  that  is.  The  honour  is  as  great,  as  that  of  our  Dukes 
and  Marquefscs.  As  well  for  the  refpe^t,  which  is  paid  them  throughout 
the  whole  realme  -.,  as  for  the  places  of  authority  and  truft,  where  they  are 
put  to  govern  •,  being  the  very  famc,which  were  anciendy  conferred  upon 
thofe  great  Lords,  whofe  authority  was  in  another  way,  correfpondent 
to  that,  which  now  thefe  DoBours  have. 

Thefe  ceremonies  beingaccomplifhr,  there  is  yet  another  examinati- 
on, which  although  it  be  voluntarie,  there  are  few  that  abfent  themfclvcs 
from  it.  A  new  point  is  given-,  they  make  their  compofitions  •  and  accor- 
ding to  them  there  is  an  Eledtion  made  of  thofe,  who  are  to  be  admitted 
to  the  royall  colledge*  They  fele(5t  only  30  of  the  moft  deferving ,  and 
of  them  they  admit  five  every  year  •,  who  only  for  being  cntrcd  in  fo  final 
a  number,  are  alway  providing  with  profitable  places  oi  government. 
The  other  twenty  five  have  particular  Palaces  alfigned  them^-  where  they 

affemble,  TheBJloryof  CH13^J.  47 

alTcmble,  and  become  as  Schalars  under  the  difcipline  of  a  Colao;\vho  al- 
mofl:  every  day,caufeth  them  to  compofe  fomevvhar,  and  exerciie  theni- 
felves  in  all  that  belongeth  to  their  Iearning,and  Ipeculativc  government. 
This  continueth  tii  the  next  examinations5at  which  new  perfonsenterjand 
the  other  go  forth,and  according  to  their  degrees  and  antiquity,  are  pro- 
vided vvirh  the  places  of  greatcft  importance  at  the  courts  from  whence 
riinleffe  it  be  to  be  Prcfidents  of  the  examinations,  or  fome  other  particu- 
lar imployment,thac  lafteth  but  a  fliort  time,and  by  the  Kings  order  j  they 
never  go  out-  no  not  to  be  vice-royes-^  which  imployment  is  accounted  be- 
low them, becaufe  only  thofe  of  the  royal  colkdge  arc  capable  of  the 
dignity  of  a  Coho. 

All  the  new  Bo^ors  are  that  year  put  into  fome  employment,  unlcffe 
there  be  any,  that  is  not  of  competent  years.  That  which  helpeth  this 
multitude  to  imployments,is  that  the  fame  year  there  is  held  a  generall 
vifitation  throughout  the  whole  Kingdome-,  by  which  there  are  fo  many 
of  the  old  Mandarmes  turned  out,  that  there  are  many  places  made  void 
for  the  new  ones ;  and,  as  this  degree  is  of  high  account,  the  vidts ,  con- 
gratulatious.Feafts,  and  Prefents, which  are  made  upon  this  occafion,  are 
almoft  incredible.  The  reward  for  bringing  the  firft  newes,  is  many 
timesworth20oCrownesto  the  MefTenger,  but  commonly  50, aflfoon 
as  the  friends  and  kindred  of  thofe  who  are  named  among  the  three  firft 
above- mentionedjhear  oftheir  promo ti on, prefently  they  ered  unto  them 
triumphall  arches  in  their  Cities  or  Villages,  not  of  wood  coverd  with 
CanvafTe  or  paft-bord',  but  ofpu  re  Marble  fumptuoufly  wrought;  in  the 
front  whereofis  engraved  the  name  of  the  Perfon,  for' whom  they  were 
ercded;  the  place  he  hath  obtained,  and  the  year  of  his  Do^our-fhip-^  in  a 
wordjthe  world  is  the  fame  throughout.  It  is  a  vain  thing  fo  bcleeve,  that 
he  which  hath  not  power,(hould  be  ad  mired, heard  or  received  with  ap- 
plaufe-,  whether  it  be  done  out  of  zeale  to  the  truth,or  out  of  flattery  and 

Ch  Ap:io. 

Of  the  Too^  and  Sciences  of  the 

r^Fthe  Sciences  of  the  Chimffis^vjc  cannot  fpeak  fo  very  diftin(5ily  and 
^^clearly-,  becaufe  really,  their  Auihours  have  not  been  lo  fortunate,  as 
Arifiotle,fUto^zx\di  other Philofophers  and  wife  men,  who  have  methodi- 
cally handled  them  under  their  feveral  C/^/fw^divifionSjand  titles:  whereas 
the  Chweffes  have  written  little  or  no  thing  of  mary  of  the  fciences  and  li- 
beral arts,and  of  the  reft,butfuperficially,  except  thofe  which  concern 
good  government  and  policie* 

From  the  very  beginning  it  hath  been  their  chiefeft  aim^  to  find  out 
the  bcft  way  of  government-  thefirfl  that  began  this,  were  the  Kings  Fo^ 
hf,  xinon  and  Hoamfi,  Thefe  three  at  the  beginning  gave  therafclvcs  to 


4.8  The  Hiftory  of  CHl^hCd.         Pabt.i. 

their  morall  and  fpeculativc  Sciences,  by  way  of  myfticall,  even  and  odd 
numbers,and  other  ciphers  andnores-,  by  which  they  gave  law  to  thek 
♦  fiibjeds :  and  from  hand  to  hand,  thefc  were  alway  communicated  to  the 
Kings  •,  who  were  the  wifcmciipf  tlutnrre7and  by  this  means  did^ovem 
the  King?fome7untilhhc^^^?T^^^  •  which  began  112:^.  years 

lSFore^theIcoraing_gf  our  Savi^  at  v/hich  time  Vcnmrn^  -SivAchtawn 
hisyoun£eftSonne,publi{lied  thde  numbers  and  ancient  not  e^  "jnd  made 
a  bookrorthem,  intitled  fecFim  5  giving  iikewife  many  morall  precepts, 
documents  and  orders  to  the  whole  Kingdome  •,  and  following  the  fteps 
of  other  Philofophers,  which  lived  according  to  the  Stoick  rule:  they  had 
alway  great  care  of  the  Government  and  publique  good  •,  untillthetime 
oiCojifufto  j  who compofed ^vq bookesjnorder,  (called  by  them  Veh'wt) 
which  are  at  this  day  held  as  facred.  He  made  alfo  other  bookes;  and  of 
his  fenrences  and  fayings  there  have  been  (fince j  alfo  many  more  bookes 

•    This  PhilofopherJIourifhed  about  1 50.  yeares  before  tjie  coming  of 
Chrift  •  he  was  a  man oTJgoodnature,  well  inclined  to  vertue,  prudent, 
fcntencious,  and  a_Ioy«  of  thipublique  good.   He  had  many  difciples, 
,  whTcli  foUowcdThim ;  he  had  a  great  defirc  ro  reform  the  world  (which, 
even^t  that  time,  began  to  loTe  its  finceritie  and  veracity^,  changingthe 
'  ancient  manner  of  living,  a  ndj  n  trodiidng  modOTej:uffomes'. )  AndTohe 
govci^e~d~^^irrTeyeraIl  Kingdomes. ;  for  when  lie  faw,  that  they  did  noc 
live  conform  able  to  his  precepts  andcounfells  in  one  Kingdom,  he  went 
to  another  •,  yet  not  uncenfured  by  many  other  Philofophers  of  that  time, 
who  feeing  the  evill  courfe,  which  men  tooke,  retired  themfelves  to  their 
villages,  and  becoming  husbandmen,  in  their  owne  perfons  tilled  their 
grounds.  Now  it  happened  that  one  day  ConfnfiOj  paifing  along,  and  be- 
ing to  go  through  a  river,  whofe  ford  he  was  not  acquainted  withal!,  fent 
one  to  enquire  of  a  man  that  was  labouring  thereabouts,  who  was  a  Phi- 
-iofopher.  He  asked  thje  meflen^ei-,  who  he  was^  and  being  anfwered,thac  ^ 
hewasadifciple  of  Confufids^  whoTateln  his  Coach  expe(5i:ing  his  an- , 
fwer ;  The  Philofophcr  replied,  let  him  go  in  a  good  houre :  h^  knowcth 
the  way,  and  hath  no  need  of  a  guide  •,  %nifying  thereby,  that  he  went  ^ 
from  Kingdometo  Kingdome,  endeavouring  to  Governe,  in  a  titiie  that  -> 
was  notjpropcr  for  Philofophers  to  reigne  in. 

Neyerthelefle in aftern_rTies,this^majn^was in fo great  favour  with  the 
chinefses  •  and  the  Bookes  which  he  compofed  were  held  in  fo  much  crc- 
dit^asalfo  tlqcTayings  andjentenc^^hich  he  left  behjndhim  ^  that  they 
5ojTOtohlj/^  holdji^^  and  a  Mafter  and  Do  [four  of  the  whole 

Kingdome;a7id  whatfoever  is  cited  of  him  is  efleerried  as  an  Oracle  prja- 
credthing  \  but  alfo,  in  all  the  Cities  of  the  Kingdome,  he  hath  publique 
T£m£les Jfuilt  to  his  mcmorie,  where  aHct  times  he  is  vyorfIiipp,ed  with 
very  great  cererapny:  and  in  the  year  of  the  examinations,  one  of  the  prin- 
cipal! ceremonies  is,  that  all  the  graduates  go  together  to  do  him  reve- 
rence, and  acknowledge  him  for  their  Mafter, 

Of  thofe  that  are  defccnded  from  him,  hethatisthe'neereftof  kin 
hath  a  competent  revenue,  andenjoyeth  the  title  o^Chuheu,  which  is  as 
much  as  Marquis  or  Duke.  The  Governour  of  the  City  where  he  was 


G  H  A  p ,  n .  Ihe  Hi/lory  ofCHI^/1.  45^ 

bornejOUtofrefpe^i;  and  favour  to  him,  is  alwaies  one  of  his  family.-  and 
finally,  all  chofe  of  his  linage,  affoone  as  they  are  borne,  have  a  particular 
privilcdge  from  the  Emperour,  and  are  rerpe(5ted  by  all,  in  regard  of  their 
predeccftbur  Confufio.  This  cuftome  continueth  to  this  day,  althouoh  it 
be  iSoo.yeares  fincehedied. 

But  returning  ro  the  Bookes  which  he  publi(lied,they  are  thefe  follow- 
ing ',  The  firft  is  called  Yekim^2^nd  treat eth  of  his  naturall  Philofophie^and 
of  the  generation  and  corruption  ofthings-,of  Fate^or  Judiciary  Prognofli- 
cation  from  thefc  and  other  things,and  from  naturall  principles ;  Philofo- 
phizing  by  way  of  numbers,figures3  and  fymboles-  applying  all  to  mora- 
litie  and  good  government.  The  fecond  is  called  Xukim,  containing  a 
Chronicle  ofthe  ancient  Kings,  and  their  good  government.  The  third 
Xikim,  and  is  of  ancient  poefie,  all  under  metaphors  and  poeticall  figures, 
concerning  the  naturall  inclinations  of  mankind,  and  alio  of  dlverfe  cu- 
ftomes.  The  fourth^naraed  Z?^'/w,  treaterh  of  rites  and  civill  ceremonies 
of  the  Ancients-,  and  alfo  of  thofe  that  belong  to  Religion  and  divine  wor- 
fhip.  The  fifth  is  called  Chuncieu^  the  which  treateth  alfo  of  the  Hiftory 
of  their  Countrie,  and  containeth  a  collcdion  of  examples  of  feverall  an- 
cient Kings,  good  and  bad,  to  be  imitated  or  avoided. 

There  are  alfo  foure  other  bookes,  which  were  made  by  Co»fuJia  and 
another  Philofopher  called  Menfiu  -,  In  thefe  nine  bookes  is  contained  all 
the  naturall  and  morallPhllofophle,  which  the  whole  Kingdorae  ffudi- 
cth  •,  and  out  of  thefe  is  taken  the  point,which  is  propofed  to  read.or  com- 
pofe  on,  in  their  examinations  for  degrees.  Upon  thefe  bookes  they  have 
feverall  commentaries  and  glolles;  But  there  is  one  of  them,  which  by  the 
law  of  the  Kingdome  they  are  commanded  to  follow  ^  nor  are  they  allow » 
cd  to  contradiS:  it  in  their  publique  Adls-,  and  hath  almoft  the  fame  au- 
thority with  the  text, 

Thefe  nine  bookes  are  held,  as  it  were,  facrcd,  and  in  them,  and  their 
Glojfes  and  commentaries  confifteth  the  great  endeavour  of  their  ftudies  5 
getting  them  by  heart,  and  endeavouring  to  underffand  the  difficult  pla- 
ces of  them  ;  forming  divcrfe  fenfes  upon  thera,whereby, to  govern  them- 
felves  in  the  pra(5tife  of  vertue-,  &  to  prefcribe  rules  for  the  government  of 
the  Kingdome,  according  to  thofe  wife  di(5]:ates  and  Maximes  they  finde 
there.  And  becaufe  their  examinations  are  very  ftrickt  and  rigorous,  they 
not  being  fuffered  to  bring  along  with  them  to  thofe  examinations^not  on- 
ly any  booke,  but  alfo  not  fo  much  as  a  fingers  breadth  of  paper,  it  being 
no  eafie  thing  to  be  very  ready  in  all  thefe  bookes,  the  order  is ;  That  the 
firft  examination  of  J54f^^^/<?«r  J  be  upon  the  laft  foure,  and  that  oiLkenti- 
ates  to  be  upon  the  fame  foure  •,  as  alfo  upon  one  of  the  other  five :  for  this 
reafon  none  is  obliged  to  be  very  perfed  in  more  than  one  of  thofe  fci- 
cnccs,  which  he  doth  profefTe ;  ,and  upon  that  the  point  is  to  be  given 

But  to  fpeak  more  diftindtly  to  their  learning  (although  in  their  books 
it  is  not  delivered  fo  clearcly  and  orderly  j  I  fay,  they  conddtr  in  theuni- 
verfe  three  things ;  that  is,  the  heavens,  earthy  and  man^  and  fo  according- 
ly they  divide  their  learning  into  three  members,  that  is,  into  the  fcience 
of  the  heavens  •,  the  fcience  of  the  earth,  and  the  fcience  of  man  -^  inclu- 

H  ding 

The  Hijiory  of  CHl^Nj^.         P a  b  t  .  i. 

dln<?in  therwofirft,all  naturall  knowledge,  andinrhethird.allmcrall. 

In  thefcience  oi  the  heavens,  tbey  treate  of  the  beginning  oi  all  natu- 
rall thir:"s,of  the  Creation  ct  the  Univcife,  and  of  the  Formation  of  man 
himfelfe  .-  of  univerfall  caufes,  of  generation  and  corruption  •  of  elements 
and  elementary  qualities,  anfwcrable  to  the  planets ;  of  celeftiall  motions 
and  revolutions ;  of  the  tourc  feafons  of  the  year  t  of  the  ftars  and  planets, 
o^Jtid^id  Aflrologie^  offpirits  good  and  bad  what  they  are  •,  and  other 
like  matters. 

In  the  fcience  of  the  eai  th,they  treate  of  the  varietie  thnt  is  fecn  in  her, 
byrcaronofthe4.  feafonsof  the  yeare,  of  the  produaions  of  things,  and 
their  differences :  of  fields  and  poffelTions,  and  their  divifions  in  order  to 
nmhandrie  and  Agrkulme :  ot  the  fituation  of  the  4  parts  of  the  world  : 
of  their  pofition  ;  andotherparticulars  concerning  them  5  ofthechoifc 
and  building  oiCcemeteriesy  and  burying  places  for  their  dead  ^  in  which 
they  are  very  fuperftitious. 

In  the  fcience,  which  treatethof  man,  they  teach  all  their  moralitic; 
and  thaUvhich  belangeth  to  man  in  a  fociable  and  politick  capacitic; 
who  imitatins:  the  order,  manner  and  proprietie  of  heaven  and  earth,  as 
the  univerfall  Parents,  liveth  in  communitie  with  the  obferving  their  five 
morallvercues,  which  are  P/>f/^,  ^uftke^  Pntdeme^  Folicie  zvidFidelitie. 
They  create  alfo  of  morall  matters,  and  of  the  rcfpecfl:  which  they  have  to 
the  five  orders  of  perfons,  into  which  their  Common-wealth  is  divided  ^ 
that  is.  Father  m^  Sonne  :  Hmbmd  and  Wife :  Kingzxxd.  Stibje5is :  JElder 
JBm her  and  Tounger  Brother :  and  Friends  among  themfelves. 

All  their  moralitie  is  divided  into  two  members:  The  firftthey  call 
Divine  Moralitie ,  which  treateth  only  of  ceremonies,  rites  and  facrificcs, 
which  they  make  to  heaven-,  earth  5  the  planets  •  parts  of  the  world ;  good 
and  bad  fpirits  of  the  heaven,  and  earth,  mountaines,  rivers,  tutelary  fpi- 
rits,  foules  of  the  dead.  Heroes  and  famous  men,  c^c.  The  fecond  is  their 
Politick  and  civill  Moralitie  -,  This  is  divided  into  Ethiques^  which  order- 
ech  the  manners  and  actions  of  niankinde  as  they  arc  confidered  in  relation 
to  their  owne  perfons  .•  and  into  Oeconomie^  in  order  to  the  government  of 
their  families  ••  and  into  Politiques,  in  relation  ro  the  Government  of  the 
Commonwealth,  the  publick  good,  and  confervation  of  the  Kingdome. 
The  Government  of  a  flngle  perfon  doth  put  him  in  a  way  to  the  good 
Government  of  his  familie-,  andthe  good  Government  ofafamilie  to 
that  of  the  Kingdome-,  as  for  example,  h  father,which  doth  not  well  Go- 
verne  his  houfe,  how  fliould  he  governe  a  City  or  Province  f  and  he  that 
knoweth  not  how  to  governe  ancl  corre(5l  himfelfe,  according  to  the  duty 
of  his  fingle  perfon,  howfhouldhe  be  able  to  regulate  his  families  So 
that  they  lay  the  firlt  foundation  of  mortalirie,  in  the  good  manners  and 
behaviour  of  each  particular  perfon  ♦,  from  whence  proceede  well  go- 
vern'd  families,  and  publick  Governments  well  adminiftred. 

Under  the  fame  member  of  the  fcience  of  man,  they  comprehend  the 
Liherdl  and  all  other  Arts  •  which  belong  to  their  perfons,  families  and 
Monarchic .,  which  Ihall  be  the  fubje(5t  of  the  following  chapter. 


Chap.ii.  TheHiJloryof  CHIS^J.  51 


Of  their  Sciences  and  liber  all  Arts  in 

,Rammar^  the  gate  of  the  other  Sciences,  ifwe  reduce  it  only  to  the 
'terminations  ofa  language,  as  C^rrf//jiV^/>^j-,  and  other  grave  Au- 
thours  have  done,  is  but  in  little  ufe  among  the  Chmffes :  for  all  their 
words  being  (^Monofjllables  and  undeclinable,  there  is  not  much  paines  re- 
quired to  put  them  together  in/y/^^xv;  yet  notwithftanding  all  this,  there 
is  a  great  deal  of  difficulty  in  compofing-,  the  which  confifteth  in  placing 
of  adverbs  and  certain  termes,which  are  not  fignificant :  but  if  we  (hould 
enlarge  the  Grammar^  asfar  as  K^ngelus  Politimtts^  and  fome  others  have 
ftrctched  it,  it  is  certain,  that  there  is  great  ufe  of  Grammar  among  them-, 
for  their  humane  learning  is  very  large  and  vaft;  and  although  they  have 
but  few  fables  or  myfteries,yet  they  have  many  Hiftories,Say ings,Senten- 
ces,  and  Appkhegmes^  which  rhey  muft  make  ufe  of  for  the  ornament  of 
their  compofitions. 

VoxLogick^  they  have  no  other  rules,  but  what  are  dictated  to  them 
by  the  light  of  nature. 

Rhetor  id  is  much  in  ufe  among  them,  although  they  have  no  rules  be- 
longing to  that  art-,  but  rather  take  it  up  by  way  of  Imitation^  obferving 
and  pradlifing  what  they  find  to  be  good  in  the  compofitions  of  others. 

C^m^T^mV^' they  have  in  perfe(5tion,  for  as  much  as  concerneth  the 
four  Species  and  kinds  thereof;  they  have  alfo  their  demonftrations,  and 
figures,  as  I  have  feen  in  their  books.  Of  t/llgehra  they  know  nothing  at 
all,  nor  do  they  much  pra(5tife  the  ordinary  Arithmetick,  The  way  of 
account  through  the  whole  Kingdom,and  alfo  in  the  neighbouringCoun- 
triesjis  with  an  inflrument,  called  by  the  TortughejfesfiinA^  and  of  the  Chi- 
neffes^Suonpuon^  that  is,  a  Table  of  account:  it  is  made  like  a  fmall  fquare, 
divided  into  ten  parts,  with  certain  little  rodds  or  wyrcs  of  braflfe,  upon 
each  of  which  are  threaded  feaven  little  balls  or  beads,about  the  bigneffe 
ofthofeweufe  in  our  Chaplets  or  Rofaries  ;  five  beneath  (for  the 
wyer  is  divided  into  two  parts)  which  fland  for  njnites-^  two  above,which 
fignify  tens :  aud  with  this  inftrument,  moving  up  and  down  the  little 
balls,they  make  their  accounts  with  great  f  acilitie  and  expedition. 

In  Geometrie  they  have  a  fufficient  knowledge/or  although,  not  being 
acquainted  with  remote  Countries  and  Kingdomes,they  have  not  been  a- 
ble  to  diftinguifli  their  bounds-,  nor  to  alfign  them  their  proper  confines  ; 
yet  they  have  very  exadly  divided  their  own  country,  of  which  they 
have  very  perfed  map,(Kdd  to  this-,  that  anciently  all  their  land  was  divi- 
ded by  very  exacftmeafures ;  becaufe  the  King  had  not  his  revenue 
then,  in  that  manner,  as  he  hath  it  now,  that  is,  that  every  land  Ihould 
pay  fo  much-,  but  every  one  divided  his  land  into  ten  equall  paits,and 
one  of  thofe  patt?,which  lay  nigheft  to  the  middle,rhey  tilled  and  fowed, 
and  the  profit  was  the  Kings;  and  even  now  a  daies,  in  buying  and  felling 

H  2  of 

51  The  Hi/lory  of  CHLT^J.  Part.i. 

of  land ,  they  meafure  it ,  if  there  be  occafion. 

The  mcafure  which  they  ufe  upon  this  occafion,  as  likewifc  to  mea- 
fure any  other  continued  quantity,  is  in  this  manner.  The  lead  of  all^ 
they  call  Hufttetjy  and  is  three  graines  of  wheat*  Ten  of  thcfe  make  the 
fecond  meafure,  called  Hnzum-^  ten  /7//z//w^makcaC/?e-and  ten  Che's 
make  their  greateft  meafure  called  Hucham^  higger  than  jan  Italian  yard* 
Thefe  mea{ures,the  which  they  have  perfectly  divided  in  the  manner 
above-faid,  are  ufed  by  all  Officers,  as  alfo  by  taylours^to  make  their  gar- 
ments, taking  meafure  by  them,  as  we  do  in  Burofe  with  a  piece  of  thread, 
or  Parchment:  fo  likwife,  the  Carpcnders  frame  a  houfe,  though  never 
fo  big,  with  all  its  pillars,beames,  joyces.etc.  Without  fo  much  as  trying 
a  piece  of  timber,  where  it  is  to  ftand,  only  by  meanes  of  thefe  meafurcs5 
and  having  framed  a  houfe  thus  in  feverall  pieces  ;  they  will  on  a 
fudden  joyn  them  together  and  fet  it  up ,  without  miffing  in  the  leaft. 

Their  wayes  they  meafure  by  paces,  but  ftill  according  to  the  fame 
meafure,  making  a  Geometricall  pace  to  confift  of  6  Chc^  and  one  Li  of 
300 paces-,  and  of  100 1/  one  Stadium^  or  dales  journey.  So  that  from 
North  to  South  it  appeareth  that  250  Li  make  a  degree^^  for  we  allow  to 
every  league  1 5  Li-,  and  16  leagues  to  every  degree. 

To  meafure  corn,  rice,pulfe,  and  fuch  like,the  greateft  meafure  is,  that 
which  the  Pertugheffes  call  P/V<7,  and  the  Chinejfes  'tan.  This  is  compo* 
k^  of  fmaller  meafures:  the  leaft  is  as  much  as  a  man  can  hold  in  the  hol- 
low of  bis  hand,  ten  of  thefe  meafures  make  one  Xim-^  ( and  this  of  rice  is 
the  ordinary  allowance  of  a  man  for  a  day  j  ten  X/wmake  one  TV/z^and  ten 
Teuv^zVtontTanr^  which  cometh  to  weight  about  100  Cattes^  which 
make  125  pound  of  Portugall-weight ji  6  ounces  to  the  pound. 

Thetfiirdmannerofmeafuring,  which  is  by  weight,  is  divided  after 
the  fame  manner.  We  will  begin  with  an  Hao^  and  it  is  the  tenth  part  of 
a  piece  of  their  mony,  which  the  Portttghejfes  call  Caxa,or  Li^  as  the 
Chinejfes  call  it;  and  anfwerethto  our  half  fulio  or  three-pence :  ten  Li 
make  one  Condrin-^t€n  Condrin  oncMas-^ten  Mas  one  T^e/jand  16  Tael  one 
C4f^^,which  is  their  pound,  but  biggerthanours;  for  16  r4f/  make  20  of 
our  pounds:  100  Catte  make  one  F/V(?jor,asthey  call  itjone  Tan. 
In  weighing  they  ufe  not  the  Balance,but  thcStiUyard^oYftatera^zs  wel  for 
littlejas  great  weights. For  great  weights,  they  do  not  ufe  an  Iron- beam, 
but  of  wood, divided  into  its  parts  by  points  or  marks  of  Braffe.orelfe  of 
(ilver.  In  weighing  of  gold ,  (ilver,  medicines,  and  the  like,  they  make  ufe 
ofcertainlitricweightSjWirhabeamofwhite  bone,  divided  by  ftrokes 
of  black.  They  make  thefe  Stillyards  very  perfedlly,  and  of  feverall  fa- 
fhions ;  The  middle  (ized  have  three  rowes  of  pricks,  and  three  threads 
necre  the  Centre  in  fteadota  cord^thc  firft  row  of  pricks  giveth  any 
weight  from  jounces  to  fivejthc  fecond  gocth  further,and  wcighcth  to  ten 
ounccs-,the  laft  row  t020.The  larger  fort  of  Stiffyards  weigh  more  or  Icfs. 
theleaftfort  are  divided  into  fo  fmal  parts,that  although  thofe  ten  parrs,in- 
to  which  a/:?  of  filvcr  is  divided,do  not  ufe  to  be  divided  in  bralTc-mony, 
(for  they  coine  no  mony  but  of  brafr£)neverthelefrc  in  the  weighing  of 
(ilver  they  diftinguifli  and  divide  them  very  cxadly. 

For  the  better  underftanding  whercof,it  is  to  be  fuppofed,that  through- 

Chap, II.  1  he  Hifiorj  of  CHI^A. 

out  all  the  Kingdome  of  C^/Vrf, excepting  the  Province  o{rima?t^xh^y  ufe 
no  other  money  but  of  brafle  -,  and  all  the  filver  goeth  by  weight, (o  that  if 
I  would  give  a  crowne,  I  give  as  much  (ilvcr,  as  a  crovvnc  weigheth^  and 
fo  of  a  fix- pence  or  three-pence,  ^c.  And  for  this  caufe  there  are  an  in- 
finitie  of  founders,  as  alfo  mint-houfes  for  filver ;  and  to  buy  fome  thinc^Sj 
cfpecially  fuch  as  are  of  fmall  value,{ilver  of  bafe  alloy  will  fcrve  the  turn- 
andfobafe,  that  in  fome  Provinces,  ofonefix-pcnce  they  make  eight  or 
ten-,  and  reape much  benefit  by  it.  Other  things  cannot  be  bought  but 
with  fine  filver,  and  fo  the  poore  filver  goeth  often  to  the  fire,  to  be  other- 
wife  quahfied. 

They  are  great  lovers  of  the  Mathematiques^  but  to  fpeak  gcnerally,tiiey 
know  very  little  of  them  •  none  being  allowed  to  ftudy  them  profcircdiv, 
except  thofe,  who  apply  themfelvesto  this  fludy,  by  the  Kings  fpeciall 
order ;  and  thefe  are  only  two  throughout  the  whole  Kingdome  •  The  one 
in  the  Court  of  M/>»,  and  the  other  in  xhdXo^  Nankim  5  with  a  traine  and 
attendance  of  iiiW.-rr/»r/,  and  the  Title  of  the  Kings  CMa\hematicians  % 
Thefe  teach  their  art  but  only  to  their  fonnes,  who  always  fu  cceed  them  • 
and  arc  but  moderately  knowing  in  their  profeffion.  HeverthelefTe,  they 
have  many  ancient  books  of  this  fcience  •,  not  only  of  the  courfe  and  moti- 
on of  the  ftars,planets,and  fcverall  other  things,but  alfo  oi^udiciall  Aftro- 
logic  and  fiorofcopesy  to  which  they  are  much  addii^ed.   By  thefe  books 
they  find  out,  when  the  Scclipfes  of  the  fun  and  moone  are  to  be-,  and 
have  maps  of  the  ftars^though  not  in  great  perfci^ion,  yet  tolerably  good. 
They  reckon  a  greater  number  offlars  than  we.  They  make  the  elements 
to  be  five  •  that  is,  water,  mcttall,  fire,  wood,and  earth.  Over  thefe  they 
afligne  five  predominant  planets:  as  3/fyr«ry  over  the  water,  Ferns  over 
mettall.  Mars  over  fire,  fupiter  over  wood,and  Saturn  over  the  earth. They 
are  great  obfervers  of  the  motions  of  the  heavens;  They  diftinguifli  the 
feafonsoftheyearebythe  Aquinoxes  andSolfiices,  They  divide  the  ^tf- 
Mack  in:o  24.  figncs,  doubling  our  number.  They  make  the  yeare  to  con- 
fifloftwelvemoones-,and354.  dayes,  having  fix  months  of  thirty  days, 
and  fix  of  2^,  and  when  it  is  leap-yeare,  which  falleth  out  every  three 
years,  it  confifleth  of  1 3  moones  and  383.  dsyes. 

Their  yeare  beginneth  with  the  new  moone,  which  is  neerefl  to  our 
month  of  February,  From  the  obfervation  of  the  heavens  and  their  moti- 
on, they  proceed  to  the  Judiciall  part,  referring  feverall  events  to  the  con-  . 
jun(5lions  of  the  planets,  and  celefiiall  appearances  of  P^r;?^?^^/;^,  which 
they  diligently  obferve :  and  if  there  fall  out  any  new  or  flrange  appea- 
rance, they  prefently  give  the  King  notice  of  it  by  a  petition ;  and  to  this 
end  in  both  Courts  there  is  a  very  high  place  or  Tower,  furnifhcd  with  fe- 
verall raathematicall  inftruments,  which  they  call  ^io»  Shm  7haiy\hdX  is, 
a  place  to  obferve  the  flats  in. 

Of  that  in  Nankim  I  have  already  faid  fomething,  when  I  fpake  of  that 
City.  In  Pekim  the  chiefefl  inftruments  are  a  fpheare,  like  that  at  Nankim 
with  all  his  prcles,  K^quator,  Zodiack^  Tropicks^  &c,  of  cafl  mettall, 
and  excellent  workmanfliip.  Another  inftrument  of  the  fame  bignelfe, 
(that  is, of  24.  foote  in  circumference,]  divided  into  feverall  circles,  fome 
fixt,  others  moveable,  a  ftile  or  Gnomon  in  the  middle,  and  little  holes  at 


54  TheHi/ory  of  QHI^K^.  Part'.i. 

each  end  to  take  the  bight  oftheftars,  the  degrees  and  clevationof  the 
ToUy  &c.  There  is  moreover  a  celeftiall  Globe  of  bralTc  of  the  fame  big- 
netfe,  divided  into  its  degrees,  with  its  c9nftellations,whereof  they  make 
only  28.  They  have  alfo  a  .S///g  of  brarfevery  large,  divided  proporiio- 
nably  with  which  they  mcafure  the  (hadowes  of  the  foure  feafons  of  the 
yeare  •  that  is,  of  the  iS^ quimxes  znd  Solfiices.  There  arc  befides,  many 
other  moveable  inftruments  of  bralTe,  for  feverail  ufes,  which  do  fuffici- 
ently  demonftrate  the  curiofitie  of  their  Anccftours,  and  how  much  more 
diligent  and  intelligent  they  were  than  the  Modernes. 

Mufick  was  anciently  much  efteemed  in  chwa,  in  fo  much  that  their 
Philofopher  Cenfufto,  in  the  Countrie  where  he  governed,  oneof  th€ 
chiefe  things  he  tookepaines  in,  was  to  caufe  them  to  be  taught  M/*/?f^. 
Now  adaies  the  Chineffis  lament  and  fay^that  the  true  rule  thereof  is  lofl, 
and  alraoft  all  the  ancient  books  that  treated  oiMufich.So  that  thatMufkk^ 
which  they  have  atprefent,  is  not  efteemed  off  by  the  NobilitU:  The 
greateft  ufc  they  make  of  it,  is  in  their  comedies.  There  are  alfo  particu- 
lar-Ww^^/^;?;,  whoarefent  for  to  their  feafts^mariages,  and  the  birth  of 
their  children  •,  and  of  thefe  there  are  fome  that  may  be  endured.  There 
are  not  wanting  alfo  blind  men,  who  go  finging  about  the  flreets,  and  at 
the  doores  of  their  houfcs :  and  as  all  the  Chineffes  do  make  a  feaft  on  their 
birth-daycs,  thefe  blind  men  do  keep  in  their  memorie  the  punduall  time 
ofallthebirchdayesofperfonsofqualitie,  and  know  their  houfcs  well  5 
and  at  thofe  times  do  never  faile  to  go  thither  to  fing.  IhcBonzi  do  ufe 
.     Mufick  in  their  offices  and  mortuaries,  the  Tone  whereof  is  not  much  un- 
like our  emus  firmfts^  or  plainfong  ^though  they  have  not  formally  cither 
plain-fong  orOrgan  notCifor  they  do  not  raifc,nor  fal  their  voice  immedi- 
ately from  a  note  to  the  next  note  or  half-note-,but  mediately  raife  and  fal 
it  to  a  thirds  zfifi^  or  an  eigk :  in  which  the  chimffes  do  much  delight. 

Tliey  have  twelve  Tones,  fix  to  rife,  which  they  call  Live,  and  fix  to 
fall,  which  they  call  X/«.  They  have  alfo  their  notes  in  finging  like  ours 
of,  at,  rcy  mi  •,  they  are  five,and  among  them  is  our  at :  in  learning  of  Mu- 
ftck  they  make  no  ufe  of  figncs,  nor  of  the  joints  of  the  fingers  ^  nor  in 
compofing  do  they  ufe  lines,  as  we  do  .•  it  is  therefore  to  be  fuppofedjthac 
in  their  conforts,  they  have  not  a  Mufick  formed  of  diverfe  parts ;  for  al- 
though many  do  fing  together,all  is  but  is  in  ufe  almofl through- 
out all  Jfia,  Therefore  their  Mufick  is  pleafing  only  to  thofe  of  their  o  wnc 
Country,  but  their  befl  way  of  finging  is^,  one  voice  only  with  an  Inflru- 
ment.  Neither  are  they  delighted  with  our  full  Mufick^hut  very  much  with 
a  fingle  voice. 

They  ufe  keepi-^g  oftime^  but  cannot  tell  how  many  diverfities  it  hath, 
and  fo  in  finging  ancient  fongs^and  moderne  ones,uponthe  fame  ayre  with 
the  old ,  they  hence  know  the  time,  when  they  are  to  fing,  and  when  they 
arc  to  flop.  Concerning  their  inftruments,  .they  fay  they  have  feaven  fe- 
verail kinds  of  tones,  befides  a  mans  voice  •,  and  according  to  thefe  they 
have  made  their  Muficall  Inftruments,  The  firff  is  of  mcrtall,  and  contai- 
neih  bells  of  ail  forts,  Cimballsy  Siftra,  &c.  The  fecond  of  ftone.  They 
make  an  Inftrument  of  Jafpetjlike  unto  the  Italian  fquadra,  excepting  that 
the  lowcrmofl  end  is  very  largc,and  they  ftrike  or  play  upon  it,  as  ithan^- 
cth  up.  ,  The 

Chap. 11.  TheEijlory  of  QRl^A.  55" 

The  third  is  of  skins ;  here  come  in  our  ordinary  drums,  and  thofe  of 
the  Morefco  fafhionjOr  kettle  drtmS'^  which  they  make  of  feverall  fafliions : 
and  fome  To  big,that  they  cannot  be  plaid  upon,  unlede  they  be  hung  up 
in  frames  of  wood.  The  fourth  is  of  filke,  of  which  they  make  firings 
for  inftrumcncs  as  here  we  make  luce- firings  of  gutts.  For  firinged  in- 
firuments,  they  have  the  vyoll  almoft  like  ours  .-but  it  hath  only  3  firings, 
and  is  the  ufuall  infirumcnt  of  the  blind  man.  They  ufc  alfo  the  violin 
with  3  firings  and  its  bow;  they  have  alfo  another  with  one  only  firing, 
which  they  play  on,  like  to  our  Bow  vjollin.  The  chiefefi  firinged  in* 
firument  which  they  have,  is  of  feaven  firings,and  is  in  more  efiecm  than 
the  reftr,  and  if  the  MuficUn  be  skil-full,  it  maketh  tolerable  Mufick.  The 
fift  is  of  wcod. Of  this  kied  they  make  certain  thin  pieces  of  board3&  hy- 
ing them  together,they  play  upon  them  all  atonce,Iike  fnappers  or  capag- 
nets :  the  5^/22./ alfo  have  a  particular  way  by  themfclves,  of  finking  and 
playing  upon  a  piece  of  wood-,  and  that  with  much  keeping  cftime. 

The  fixth  is  of  thole  inftruments  which  are  founded  with  the  mouth, 
as  flut€S,of  which  they  have  2  or  3  forts,&  fo  found  them  very  excellently. 
They  have  alfo  another  infirument  made  of  feverall  pipes,like  the  fafhion 
ofourO/^4;?,  but  it  is  but  fmall,  and  to  be  carried  in  ones  hand.  They 
found  it  with  their  mouths-,  and  the  Harmony  is  excellent.  Now  fome- 
times  all  thtfe  inftruments  are  plaid  on  together ,  and  make  a  pleafing 

Peefe  hath  ever  been  much  eftcemed  in  d/ma-^  and  in  the  time,  when 
there  were  many  Kings jF^W^/t'ry  to  one  Em^erour^  vjhcn  they  came  to 
do  him  homage  (as  they  did  every  three  yeirs)  they  were  obliged  each 
ofthem  to  bring  with  him  out  of  his  Kingdom,  the  Rythmes  and  Poe- 
fies  which  were  there  moft  current  and  in  ufe,  that  by  them  he  might 
judge  of  their  manners  and  cuftomes,  which  truly  are  much  difcovcred  in 
fuch  compodcions.  In  this  particular,  the  C^/»f//'f;  have  a  great  advan- 
tage over  all  others,  becaufe  they  are  very  modeft,  in  whatfoevcr  they 
write^  and  it  is  very  rare  to  find  a  loofe  word  in  their  verfes:  and  (  what  is 
morcjthey  have  no  letters  whereby  to  exprcfle  the  privj  prtsz,  nor  are 
they  to  be  found  written  in  any  part  of  all  their  books. 

They  have  great  variety  of  verfes,  and  do  ufe  a  confonancie  of  meeter, 
like  ro  that  in  the  ^5?;;^/,  Ba/Iads^  Sonets^  and  Madregals  o^ Europe :  and  they 
put  alfo  the  correfpondency  of  the  RythmcSpatthe  end  of  C3ch;and  fo  ma- 
ny verfes, as  we  do  in  ovitfonets  &  offaves-^\n  which  they  ufe  great  variety. 

They  compofe  like  wife  verfes  by  the  number  of  fyllables,  the  which 
they  call  words :  for  as  in  their  language,  all  words  are  Momfj  Ihbles^  there 
cometh  to  be  no  difference  betwixt  a  fyllableand  a  word,  which  confifi- 
cth  of  one  only  letter,  which  is  likewife  pronounced  a  UonofjlUble.  So 
that  all  letters  being  thus  after  the  fame  manner,  the  quantity  of  the  verfe 
confifteth  in  the  number  ofth£m;fo  that  as  we  compofe  verfes  hereof 
five,  fcaven,or  clcaven  fyllables,  fo  alfo  the  Chineffes  make  theirs  of  five, 
feaven,or  more  letters.-  whereas  among  us  two  words,and  fometimes  one 
may  take  up  the  whole  verfe;  it  can  never  fall  out  fo  in  theirsj  becaufe  all 
their  words  ate  of  one  fyllable  and  one  letter.  They  have  not  verfes  thnr 
anfv/er  to  our  latin  verfes,  with  feet,  as  Da6iils  or  Spondees y  &c.But  are  al[ 
made  like  our  Sonets  and  Ditics,  and  other  verfes  in  Rythrae-,  in  which 


55  IheHiJloryofCmU^A,  Part.i. 

they  ufc  many  various  forms  and  manners  of  compofitions .  The  chiefe 
are  eight:  it  will  be  fufficicnt  to  relate  one  to  you,  to  give  you  fome  knovv- 
Jcdge  of  the  reft. 

In  this  kind  of  Foe  fie  the  verfesare  to  be  eight  in  number,  confifting 
each  of  them  of  five  letters,  and  the  confonancy  of  rythme  to  be  every  o- 
therverfe,  in  this  manner :  The  firft  may  have  it,  ornO;  as  they  pleafe; 
bur  the  fecond  rauft  rime  to  the  fourth  •  Tlie  fift  with  the  fixt-  the  feventh 
tMith  the  eighth :  The  third,fift  and  fcaventh  have  no  confonancy  of  rime, 
but  the  letters  are  ro  be  correfpondent  to  one  another :  as  alio  the  verfes, 
that  do  obferve  a  confonancy,  are  likewife  to  have  their  letters  to  corre- 
fpond  to  one  another  •,  the  firft  with  the  firft,  the  fecond  with  the  fecond, 
&c.  And  this  corrcfpondency  confifteth  not  in  riming,  but  in  the  figni- 
iication-,  wherefore  if  the  firft  letter  of  the  fecond  verfe  fignifie  a  moim- 
taine,  water,  fire,  or  whatfoeverelfe,  the  firft  letter  of  the  fourth  verfe 
muftlikewife  fignifie  the  fame  things  which  is  likewife  obfervcd  in  the 
fecond,  and  in  the  reft  of  the  letters,  of  the  wihole  verfe.  This  is  a  very 
ArtificiaU  way,  but  difficult. 

In  the  conceits  of  their  verfes,  and  in  the  figures  with  which  they  ex- 
preffc  themfelves,  theyufealmoft  the  fame  manner  with  us  in  Europe. 
They  have  another  kind  of  verfe,  of  lefTe  cfteeme,  like  ordinary  rimes, 
which  are  every  where  in  requeft.-but  the  ]>^ol?ilitm, and  particularly  thofe 
-of  the  Kings  kindred  and  blood-royall,are  much  addidkd  unto  the  eighth 
manner  of  verfes  ab.)ve  mentioned,  in  which  they  make  many  feverall 
PoeJJes^  chiefly  in  commendation  of  their  friends,  of  famous  men,  of  the 
dead.and  of  feverall  vertues. 

In  Painting  they  have  more  curiofiticthan  perfedion.  They  know  not 
how  to  make  ufe  cither  ofoyles^ot  Shadowing  in  this  Art*,  and  do  therefore 
paint  the  figures  of  men  without  any  grace  at  all :  but  trees,  flowers,birdSj 
and  fuch  like  things,they  paint  very  much  to  the  life.  Btit  at  prefent  there 
are  fome  of  them,  who  have  been  taught  by  us,  that  ufe  Ojles,  and  are 
come  to  make  perfed  pictures. 

Medicine, or  Phyftck^  is  in  a  very  good  condition  in  China,  becaufc  they 
have  abundance  of  good  ancient  bookcs  of  that  art,  being  all  their  ownc 
authours,  for  ours  arc  not  yet  arrived  thither.  They  do  not  let  blood,nor 
fet  on  Cupping- GlalTes ;  They  ufe  no  firrops,  no  potions,  no  pills  5  much 
leffe  have  they  the  ufe  of  Cauteries,  or  iffucs,  a  medicine  6f  great  advan- 
tage- They  are  only  Uerbaltfis^  ufing  nothing  but  herbcs,  rootcs,  fruits, 
feeds,  a'e.  and  all  drie  :  and  for  a  greater  fupply,  that  which  they  have 
not  in  fome  Provinces  is  brought  them  from  others :  fo  that  there  arc 
whole  Faires  only  of  medicines  •,  and  in  the  Cities  and  Townes  the  Apo- 
thecaries fhops  are  very  well  provided,  from  whence  they  furnifh  them- 
felves. But  neither  in  bottles  nor  glaffes ;  but  of  all  others  the  Phyficians 
are  well  provided  5  becaufe  they  never  write  any  receipt,  but  give  the  me- 
dicine themfelves  to  the  patient  whom  they  vifif.  And  all  is  done  at  the 
famcvifit,  therefore  the  Phyfician  hath  alwayes  following  him  a  boy, 
carrying  a  Cabinet  with  five  drawers,  each  of  them  being  divided  into 
more  than  fourty  little  fquarcs  •,  and  all  of  them  f  urniflied  with  medicines 

Kcady  ground  and  prepared. 


C^]^^.  TheHiftoryof  CH13S(^A.  yj 

They  are  very  famous  in  judging  of  the  Pulfc:  never  asking  the  patient, 
whether  the  pnine  be  in  his  head,  ihoulders,  or  belly  ^  only  they  feele  the 
pulfewith  both  their  hands,  leaned  upon  a  pillow,  orfome  other  fuch 
thing,  obfcrving  the  motion  of  the  pulfe  for  a  good  while  i  and  afterwards 
do  tell,  what  the  patient  ayleth,  I  do  not  fay  that  they  hit  right,  on  every 
thing,  in  all  patients:  nor  that  all  Phyfitians  are  able  to  do  it  •  there  being 
many  which  do  not  fludy,  and  know  but  little  •,  but  the  good  and  learned 
Phyfirians  do  feldome  faile.  We  had  a  Father  that  was  fick  of  a  violent 
flitch,inthe  Provinceof  ii^/4zw//.  The  Phyfitian  by'^feeling  of  his  pulfe 
could  tell,  whether  his  paine  did  increafe  or  diminifh,  and  all  the  changes 
and  alterations  of  his  difeafe-,  and  I  have  heard  fevcrall  Portugheffes^  which 
have  confirmed  the  fame  by  other  cafes.  Having  felt  the  pulfe,  prefently 
they  compofe  the  Medicine.  If  it  be  for  the  King  or  Prince  they  make 
loure  compofitions,  two  for  them  to  take,  and  two  to  be  kept,  all  of  the 
fame  medicines,  and  cquall  in  number  and  quantity :  The  two  are  kepr, 
till  the  patient  recover .  For  all  other  perfons,  they  mat  e  two  only,  one 
for  the  morningj  and  the  other  for  the  eve/iing.  They  write  upon  them 
in  what  quantity  of  water  they  are  to  be  decoded:  and  how  and  when 
they  are  to  be  taken  •,  and  many  times  there  do.h  follow  a  wonderful! 

I  will  relate  what  happened  to  a  Father,  who  lay  fick  in  prifon  in  the 
City  of  Niinkim.  At  the  beginning  of  his  fickneffe  they  fent  prefently  for 
a  Phyfician,  and  finding  no  cfFed  of  bis  medicines,  they  fent  for  another  •, 
&  becaufe  the  phyfick  of  the  fecond  had  no  better  fucceffe,  and  the  mala- 
dy flill  encreaied,  the  Chriff  ians  fought  out  for  a  Phyfitian  of  more  fame 
and  reputation  •,  who  although  he  was  very  unwilling  to  make  a  vifit  into 
fuch  a  place,  notwithfl:anding,at  length  by  much  intreaty  he  was  pcrfwa- 
ded  to  vifit  the  fick  man:  He  felt  his  pulfe,  and  performed  his  ordinary 
ceremonies  5  among  the  which  one  was  to  lay  his  breaft  barc^  which  was 
full  of  fpots  •,  for  indeed  he  had  the  Meaz,ills,  Prefently  he  compounded 
three  medicines,  the  firff  the  patient  tooke  in  the  morning :  the  fecond  an 
houre  after  noone  •,  (Thefe  were  a  kind  of  pills,  which  made  him  go  f  ourc 
times  to  the  floole)  at  night  he  tooke  thethird.  The  difeafe  ft  ill  encrea-. 
fing,theFather  was  brought  that  night  to  fuch  a  condition,that  he  became 
fpeechlefle,  and  all  thought  he  would  have  died;  nevevthelefTc  be  held 
out  till  the  morning,  when  fuddealy  he  mended  fofaf^,  that  when  the 
Phyfitian  came  and  felt  his  pulfe,he  found  him  to  be  without  any  fcvourj 
telling  him,  that  he  was  cured,  and  that  he  fliould  only  have  a  care  to  eatc 
moderately,  till  he  had  recovered  ftrength  ^  which  accordingly  fell  out : 
for  in  a  fhort  time  the  Father  was  perfedly  well. 

They  forbid  not  their  patients  to  drink  water,  fo  it  be  boyled,  orelfc 
C^^-,but  they  will  not  allow  them  to  eat  ^  but  if  the  patient  be  hungry  he 
may  eat  lightly  and  with  great  caution :  if  he  be  not  hungry,  they  do  noc  * 
much  trouble  themfelves  to  perfwade  him  to  cat :  for  they  fay,  when  iht 
body  is  fick,  the  flomack  doth  not  well  perform  his  office,and  fo  the  con- 
co^ion  which  is  then  made,  is  malignant  and  contrary  to  health.  His  Vi- 
fit is  prefently  rewarded  with  a  moderate  fee;  nor  doth  he  returne,  un» 
Iclfe  he  be  fent  for,  leaving^by  this  manner,  a  liberty  to  the  fick  perfon  to 

I  change 

^i'^  <Ihe  Biftory  ofCHLK^.  Part.i. 

change  his  Phyfician,  if  he  think  fit,  and  to  lend  for  others  •,  as  many  times 
ihey  do,  till  the  third  or  fourth  day  of  their  fickncffe,  if  they  fee  no  cffca 
of  the  medicines  they  have  taken. 

Chap.  11. 

Of  the  CoHTteJies  and  Ciyilities  of  the 

V  Mong  the  Ch'mejfes  to  uncover  the  head,  or  to  Scrape  a  Icgge  is  not  e* 

*ftecmed  any  courtefic,  but  rather  contrary  to  good  manners ;  efpeci- 
ally  to  uncover  the  head ;  But  to  bow  thebody5or  at  lead  the  head,when 
one  can  do  no  more, arc  accounted  termes  o£ Court efie  and  good  manners. 
And  to  fpeake  firft  in  generall-.  Their  Courtefies  are  very  low  bowings  of 
themfclves  even  to  the  very  gtpund-,  as  is  the  ordinary  mode  in  their  vifits 
and  meetings :  They  call  this  Te  or  Coye :  Secondly  they  ufe  the  fame  re- 
verence, and  then  fuddenly  to  fall  upon  their  knees,  and  in  that  pofturc  to 
bow  againe  with  their  head  even  untothe  ground  :  and  in  fome  cafes  they 
rife  up  againe  upon  their  legges^Sc  repeate  the  fame  Ceremony  three  times  5 
which  is  the  leaft  •,  foure  the  moft  ordinary  5  nine  the  moft  that  can  be  5 
and  that  is  performed  only  to  the  King.Someti;nes  they  ihorten  it,making 
their  firft  reverence  (landing  on  their  legges-,and  prcfently  kneeling  down, 
they  make  the  three  following  on  their  knees. 

The  courtefic  of  the  women  is  the  fame  which  is  ufed  among  us-,  cxj 
cepting,  that  in  fome  cafes,  they  alfo  kneel-,  and  in  that  pofture  make  an 
obeifance  with  their  bead  to  the  ground  three  or  four  times,  as  civility 
(hal  require. 

They  have  for  this  purpofc  particular  garments,  which  the  common 
people  do  not  ufc^  it  is  alfo  true,  that  among  friends  they  do  not  ufe 
them-,  but  never  faile  to  do  it  with  others  .-neither  dare  any  one  vifit  a  Pcr^ 
fon  of  quality  without  fuch  a  Veft^ox  garment  .-But  if  they  meet  by  chance, 
(not  in  the  flreet,  for  fuch  meetings  they  carefully  avoyd)  and  both  of 
them  have  not  that  garment  above  mentioned,  which  they  call  !r4/,both 
the  one  and  the  other  arc  excufed  from  that  (^eremon'j  of  the  Fefl :  But  if 
one  of  them  hath  it  on,the  other  rauft  prefently  put  on  his  -,  which  for  this 
purpofc  is  commonly  carryed  after  him  by  a  fervant  •,  and  if  by  accident 
lie  hath  not  brought  it  with  him,  although  hefhould  be  never  fo  much 
importuned  by  the  other,  fwho  hath  his  Veft  on,)  to  accept  of  the  accus* 
flomed  Ceremony  and  Court e fie  from  him,  he  may  not  confent  to  it,  but  a- 
voyding  the  Courtefte^  is  to  fit  down  and  convcrfe  with  him. 
<•  If  one  go  to  vifit  another  at  his  houfe,  he  muft  ft  ay  in  the  Hall,  till  the 
other  hath  put  on  his  Fefi  5  But  if  he  be  a  friend,  he  is  to  come  prefently, 
( although  he  be  not  ready  with  his  Fefl)  and  receive  his  gucft,  and 
to  nfiake  much  of  him,  and  after  that^he  is  to  retire  and  put  on  his  Feft. 

Tbis  garment  of  Courtefte^ior  fuch  as  have  taken  degrees,  is  the  fame 
with  the  enfigneofhonour,  which  they  wcarc,  in  their  government  and 


C^I^  TheHiftorj  of  CHi:NiA.  59 

the  enfigne  of  their  office.  They  that  are  noble  by  bloud  and  defcenr,  do 
wear  the  enfigne  and  habit  of  Z)<?(^^//r/,ahhough  they  have  never  ftudicd. 
For  Gentlemen  and  Letter ati,  who  have  not  taken  any  degree,  there  Is  al- 
lowed for  them  to  wear  a  wide  larger^/?,  but  much  differing  from  that 
which  is  ordinarily  worne.  The  Minifters  and  officers  of  the  chMMagi^ 
Jlrates^  as  alfo,  in  all  the  courts  of  juftice,  thofe  who  are  under  the  Prefix 
dm  ufe  this  Ceremenk-^  which  is/o  take  ofFthe  badgejwhich  they  weare 
upontheirbreaft,andtoputona  girdle  of  a  fmall  price;  which  they  ufe 
only  fome  few  daies  in  the  year,  when  they  go  about,  to  make  their  o- 
beyfance.  The  young  people,  if  they  have  not  taken  a  degree^  ufe  only 
their  ordinary  habit. 

The  courtefie, which  the  common  people  ufe,  is  to  clap  their  hands  one 
upon  the  other,  and  lift  them  up  as  high  as  their  head.  The  fame  is  ufed 
by  friends  and  kindred,  when  they  treat  one  another  freely,  and  without 
Cfr^wiJ/^^fj  and  ifthey  be  equals,  they  both  together  do  the  fame  reve- 
rence once-,  only  he  is  efteemed  to  have  the  advantage,  that  (lands  on  the 
right  handi  as  among  us,  that  takes  off  the  hat  lafV,  though  both  do  unco- 
ver. Among  grave  people  the  ordinary  Ceremmy  ufed  in  their  vifits  ,  in- 
vitations and  meetings,  is-,thar,  ftanding  on  their  feet  they  make  on  obei- 
fance  even  to  the  ground  once,  without  any  more  adoc;  children  to  their 
Fathers  on  certain  daics,  as  New  years  day^xht  Fathers  birth-day,  and  o- 
ther  feaftivals,  ufe  the  fecond  courtefie  of  four  bowings,ftanding  on  their 
feet,  and  four  kneelings  on  their  knees,  and  they  to  whom  it  is  done,  re- 
ceive it  fitting.  The  fame  Ceremony  do  the  Scholars  pay  their  MafterS; 
who  receive  it  ftanding.The  fame  do  the  inferiour  Mandarines  ufe  to  \ht 
Magiftratez,  and  Idolaters  to  the  Idols,  and  the  Mandarines  to  the  King- 
excepting  that  thefe  laft  hold  an  Ivory  Tablet  a  palm  and  a  half  Iong,and 
four  fingers  broad,  before  their  faces :  finally,  the  King  himfelf  doth  the 
fameinthetemples,andtohismotherj-andwhen  he  doth  it,  he  holdeth 
the  faid  Tablet  of  Ivory  before  his  face. 

The  firfl  time  they  fee  one  another,  and  are  Perfons  of  an  equall  con- 
dition, and  he  that  vifiteth,or  is  vifited,  will  fhcw  an  extraordinary  aflPedi- 
on  and  rcfpe6t,  he  caufcth  a  Carpet  to  be  brought  and  fpread  before 
them,and  after  the  firft  ordinary  courtefie^thcy  performe  the  fecond  knee- 
ling down  four  times,  and  this  they  do  both  together.  They  avoid,  as  I 
have  faid,  all  meeting  abroad,  as  much  as  paifibly  they  caa-,  but  if  they 
cannot  decline  it,theyfalute  one  another  by  turnes  out  of  their  Sedans^ 
lifting  up  their  arms  to  their  head,  bowed  in  form  of  a  bow,  beginning  at 
leaft  20  paces  off  before  they  meet,  ftill  doing  the  fame  very  leifurely, 
whilfl  the  encounter  lafteth-,  If  the  one  be  inferiour  to  the  other,  and  be 
carried  in  a  Sedan,he  caufcth  it  to  be  fet  down  on  the  ground- if  he  be  on 
horfeback,  he  alighteth  and  ftandeth  on  his  feetj  and  as  the  other  paffeth 
by,  he  maketh  him  a  profound  reverence,  even  unto  the  ground :  if  they 
be  not  Mandarine fy  they  perform  the  ordinary  Courtefie  to  one  anotherrif 
they  be  common  people,they  hold  up  their  hands,and  pafle  along. 

Thefervants  in  great  houfes  are  not  to  do  any  reverence  unleffc  it  be 
at  certain  times  and  occafions :  as,  when  himfelf  or  his  Lord  or  Mailer 
Cometh  home  from  abroad,or  at  the  beginning  of  the  new  year^^cThey 

I  2  fall     ' 

^o  TheBiftory  of  C^IXA'  Part.k 

fall  down  on  their  knees,  bowing  their  head  to  the  ground,  once,  or 


The  ordinary  reverence,  which  they  make  before  their  Lords  and  Ma- 
kers is  to  (land  upright  with  their  armes  hanging  down.  Thofe  that 
belonf'  to  the  Tnhmalsymd  alfo  the  fervants  and  ferjeants  of  the  Manda- 
rines^ in  pubhckjalwaiesfpeak  to  their  Mafters  upon  their  knees^  as  alfo 
the  ?/4/>//jf  and  I>f/^W4;^^,with  their  caps  off. 

To  give  or  receive  a  thing  with  one  hand  only , is  accounted  little  man- 
ners, among  perfons  of  the  fame  condition,  and  if  an  infcriour  doth  it  to 
his  fuperiour,it  is  an  incivilitie.  In  a  word,they  are  exceffive  in  their  civi^ 
lities  and  good  manners^  which  feems  rather  more  proper  for  divine  wor- 
fhip,than  civill  lefpedt.  To  be  courteous,  and  outwardly  well  com- 
pofed,  to  do  things  with  maturity,  circumfpe6tion,  gravity  and  eaven- 
neire,they  account  among  their  chiefeft  vertues ;  all  which  are  expreffed 
in  this  word  X^' .- in  which  they  comprehend  alfo  the  circumftances  of 
timc,and  habit-,  and  the  r/?/^,  with  which  they  are  performed, 

The7'^/fisabillor  book,  with  folds  within  and  without,  being  a- 
bout  the  breadth  of  ones  hand,  and  a  palm  long,  and  it  is  of  three  feve- 
rail  fafliions.  The  largeft  hath  fix  leaves :  the  midhng  three,and  the  leaft 
one :  and  all  ufe  them  according  to  the  cuftomeof  the  Province  and  the 
quality  of  the  Perfon,that  doth  vifite,or  is  vifited.The  Colai  feldome  ufe 
other,  than  the  fmall  ones. 

That  which  is  ufed  in  the  ordinary  vifits  is  white  with  a  red  ftreak  on 
the  outfide.  If  the  vifit  be  for  to  prefent  their  rcfpedis,  or  an  invitation  to 
a  feaft,  it  is  all  of  red  paper ;  if  it  be  to  condole,  or  for  the  death  of  any 
one,  it  is  accommodated  to  the  colour  of  mourning :  if  it  come  from  one 
that  is  in  mourning,  the  letters  are  Az^ure^  as  alfo  the  ftreak  on  the  outfide? 
the  paper  is  white,  but  much  differing  from  the  ordinary  papcr,being  on- 
ly ufed  upon  this  occafion. 

This  T^/>containeth  no  more  than  one  line  of  writing,  which  is  that 

in  the  Margin-,  if  it  be  a  friend,  or  one  that  would  fliew  himfelf  fucb,  he 
writeththe  line  quite  out  .•  if  he  be  not  fuch,  he  leaveth  out  the  two  firft 
letters,and  beginneth  at  the  third  place:  if  he  would  feem  grave  or  ftatcly, 
befidc  the  two  firft  he  leaveth  out  alfo  the  fourth,and  beginneth  with  the 
the  third,  going  on  with  the  reft,  which  are  never  left  out.  The  writing 
importeth  thus  much  in  Englifti  Tour  Lordjhips  mofl  intimate  friend.and the 
ferpetuallfchollar  of  your  learning.N jcommeth  to  kijfepur  hands^  and  to  do  re- 
verence  to  your  Lordpjip, 

This  Thie  is  given  to  theporter,whoprefentethittohisMafter,and 
giveth  him  notice  of  the  ft  ranger,  and  who  he  is.  Sometimes  the  vifit  is 
received^but  not  the  Thie-,  and  then  he  that  receiveththe  vifir.  is  not  ob- 
liged to  returne  it.Bnt  it  is  otherwife,when  the  Thle  is  left*,  for  although 
ic  be  only  given  to  the  porter ,  becaufe  the  lord  is  not  at  home,  or  be- 
caufe  he  will  not  admit  of  a  vifit,  yet  he  is  obliged  to  return  a  vifit  to 
the  other.  Infcriours,as$ouldierstotheir  Captaines,  theleffer  Manda- 
rines to  the  greater,  cannot  make  ufe  of  a  Thie^  but  they  make  another 
kind  ofthlng  of  the  fame  forme,  but  much  different  in  paper  and  ftyle; 
neither  may  it  have  a  ftroke  on  the  outfide,  or  fay,  that  they  come  to  vifit; 


Chap.iz.  TheHiftoryof  CHID^A.  6i 

but  only,  vvlio  they  arejwhat  office  they  bcarejand  what  their  bufineflc  is-, 
and  it  is  almoft  hke  a  petition,  which  they  call  Fimthie,  that  is,  a  bill  of 
advice.  Thofe  of  the  greater  ^Alifj,  fuch  as  are  the  CoUi,  Vice-royes  and 
the  like,  many  times  vifit  not,  nor  render  a  vifitj  in  their  own  pcrfons  ^ 
but  only  fend  a  'Thie  from  their  houfe,  or  leave  it  at  the  gate  as  they  paffe 

They  are  as  free  of  their  vifits,  even  to  ftrnngcrs,  as  we  are  to  our  fami- 
Ihr  friends:  but  with  the  fame  facility  and  libertie,  thattheygotovifit 
they  will  often  excufethemfelves,  if  they  be  vifited  ;  and  it  is  enough  to 
fay,  they  are  not  at  home,  unlefle  it  be  to  a  perfon  offome  great  qualitie 
and  refped'  5  or  that  he  hath  often  come  to  vifit  him  ^  then  they  will  hard^ 
\y  deny  him  admittance.  By  how  much  the  perfon  is  of  a  greater  and  gra- 
ver quality,  with  fo  much  the  more  difficulty  doth  he  admit  of  vifits :  and 
fome  to  free  them fclves,  &  to  avoyd  the  trouble  of  thefe  Ceremonies,  write 
upon  a  piece  of  paper  in  white  letters,  and  clap  it  over  their  gate,  Thdt  they 
/ire  retired  to  their  gar  den  houfe  •  by  which  means  they  are  excufed  from  the 
moleftation  of  thefe  Civilities. 

Thevifitmuftbe,  (like  that  of  the  Phyfitian,)  in  the  morning-  fortO' 
wards  the  evening  it  is  not  efteemed  to  be  of  (o  much  courtefie  •,  nor  muft 
it  be  a  vifit  by  the  tvay,  going  upon  other  bufineffc-  and  if  at  any  time  they 
make  fuch  a  vifit,  they  excufe  themfelve.^  faying.  They  will  take  anothei* 
lime  to  fatisfie  the  intention  of  their  obligation  and  devoir. 

For  ordinarie  vifits  they  have  no  kt  timej  there  are  times  neverthelelfe, 
wherein  acquaintance,  friends  and  kindred  are  obliged  to  pay  this  Ceremo- 
ny. The  chiefe  and  pi  incipall  time  is  the  firft  day  of  the  newyeare  •,  wifbing 
one  another  an  happy  new  yeare :  at  which  time  there  is  a  great  multitude 
offedansjhorfes,  and  people  up  and  down  theftreets:  for  then  vifits  are 
moft  frequent.  Many  times  they  go  not  into  the  houfe,  but  leave  a  'thie^ 
and  go  their  way  -,  and  if  they  enter,  they  are  obliged  to  eat  and  drink,  al- 
though it  be  but  a  little,  Thefccond  time  is  onxhe  fifteemh  of  the  fame 
month ;  But  the  vifits  are  not  fo  frequent,  and  the  fealling  more,  becaufe 
it  is  at  the  ending  of  the  fifteen  days,  which  they  call  the  feaflivall  of  Z*4;?- 
thorfjes  5  becaufe  during  that  time  they  fct  many  of  them  up  and  down  the 
ftrcets  on  gates,  and  in  windowcs  5  and  fome  of  them  are  very  faire  and 

The  third  is  theThirdday  of  the  Third  moone  which  is  in  March^  and  is 
called  pmnim.  They  go  all  then  to  the  fepulchres,  to  perform  there 
their  facrificesand  other  Ceremonies-^  and  although  they  bewaile  their 
dead,  certaine  it  is,  that  the  living  make  good  cheere  among  themfelves. 

The  fourth  is  the  jift  day  ohhefift  moone^  which  they  call  TuontK  The 
people  keep  a  feftivall  at  that  time  in  the  ftrects  and  high-ways,  and  upon 
the  rivers-,aIthough  fometimes  this  is  forbiddenjby  reafon  of  the  difafters, 
whic  h  often  fall  out  upon  the  rivers^ 

The  fift  is  upon  the  Seaventh  day  of  the  Seaventh  moone,  at  what  time 
they  begg  abilitie  and  power  of  the  moone  •,  as  alfo  they  do  the  like  up- 
on the  iV^/W^d  ay  of  the  Ninth  moone.  They  vifit  one  another  and  fend 
PfefentS',and  every  feafiivall  hath  its  Prcfents  that  arc  proper  to  ir. 

Eefide  thefe  fcaftivalls,  they  vifit  upon  occafi on  of  death,of  changing 


6z  The  Hijlory  of  Cm^d.        Pabt.i. 

their  houfcs,  of  marriage,  nt  the  birth  of  a  fonne,  at  the  promotion  to  a  de- 
gree or  office,  or  higher  dignicic,  at  the  taking  of  a  journy,  upon  the  birth 
day,  and  cfpecially  when  they  enter  upon  any  feaventh  year  of  their  age, 
and  in  thefe  cafes  they  muft  not  make  an  empty  viiit,  but  arc  always  to 

When  one  iindertakcth  alongjourny,  all  his  friends  vifithim,  and 
fend  him  prefents.  But  when  he  returneth,he  is  to  vifit  and  prcfent  them; 
who  performed  thofe  kind  offices  to  him. 

They  vifit  likewife  the  (ick,  but  only  at  the  gate,who  feldomc  admit  of 
a  vifit  within,  unleflfe  it  be  from  an  intimate  friend. 

In  thefe  vifits^they  are  very  punduall  •  fons  towards  their  father  •  fcho- 
lars  towards  their  Maftcrs-,  inferiours  toward  their  fuperiours,  and  the 
whole  Kingdome  toward  the  King ;  fo  that  on  his  birth-day,at  the  foiire 
quarters  of  the  year  jand  at  the  chiefe  feaftivals,  the  vke^roj  together  with 
all  the  CUagiprates  oiihQ  Province  difpatch  awayan  EmbalTadoiir  to 
court  to  vifit  the  King  in  the  name  of  all  that  Province.  They  which  re- 
fide  at  the  court,  as  well  Letterat'h  asCapiaines-,onthefamedaysgo  in 
perfon  to  court,  to  do  their  devoirs. 

They  have  fcverall  Hals  v/ell  accommodated  for  the  receiving  of  vifits- 
the  firft  is  common  to  all  .•  The  vifitant  may  enter  thither  and  fit  downe, 
without  giving  any  notice  of  his  being  there ,  And  although  he  find  not 
the  porter  to  ufher  him  in,  they  have  another  farther  in,  which  they  call 
the  private  Hall :  Hitherto  may  their  kindred  and  intimate  friends  come  5 
but  no  further  •,  leaft  they  fhould  go  into  that  part  of  the  houfe,  which  is 
called  Huit  and  is  the  place  where  the  women  are  •,  whither  the  fcrving- 
mcn  of  the  houfe  are  not  fuffered  to  come,  unleffe  they  be  very  young.  In 
the  outward  Hall  they  come  to  receive  their  vifitants :  and  after  the  ordi- 
nary courtefies  are  performed,  the  mafter  of  the  houfe  with  his  owne 
hands  bringeth  a  chaire,and  fitteth  it  with  a  cufiiion,  and  if  they  are  many, 
hebringethchaires^  and  accommodateth  them  for  them  all.  And  after- 
wardjthey  al  of  them  accommodate  a  chaire  for  him. He  leaveth  every  one 
to  take  the  place  that  is  due  to  him  5  and  if  it  be  not^that  fome  one  of  them 
hath  a  particular  refpe(5l,  due  to  his  dignity  or  office,  the  fonnes,  coufins, 
fcholars,  (^c,  take  place  according  to  their  age-,  and  ifthey  do  not  know 
one  anothers  age,  they  ask  it.  The  Mafter  of  the  houfe  takcth  always  the 
loweft  place.  After  they  are  feated,  prefently  the  drink  called  Cm  is 
brought  in,  which  they  alfo  take  according  to  the  fame  order  of  prece- 

In  fome  Provinces,  the  often  prefenting  of  this  drink  is  efleemcd  the 
greater  honour :  But  in  the  Province  oi Hamchen^iVit  be  brought  the  third 
time,it  intimateth  to  the  vifitant,  that  it  is  time  for  him  to  take  his  leave.  If 
the  vifitant  be  a  friend,  andmakcth  anyftay,  prefently  there  is  a  table  fet 
with  fweet-meats  and  fruits :  nor  do  they  ever  make  drie  vifits  •,  which  is 
the  cuftome  almoft  of  all  Aji/i^  contrary  to  the  ufe  o^  Europe, 

In  exercifing  their  courtefies,  (whether  it  be  a  fon  before  his  father,  or 
a  fcholar  before  his  mafter,)  for  the  moft  part  they  are  more  hearers,  than 
fpeakers  •  the  young  people  being  never  forward  in  fpeaking.  The  termes 
which  they  ufe  in  fpeaking  are  very  honourable,   and  full  of  refpe<a  to- 

.  ward 

Chap. 11.  The  HiJlorjofCHUhQA.  tf^ 

ward  others,  and  humble  toward  themfelves  ;  and  as  it  is  not  Pood 
manners  to  call  any  one  Touy  in  Spiin  or  Italic^  fo  neither  is  it  amonj^ 
them  to  fay /.  Wherefore  they  never  ufethis  word,  but  other  tcrmcs 
in  ftead  of  h  as  the  Fofter- child,  the  Scholar,  ^r.  And  the  fonne,  when 
he  fpeakethto  his  father,  namcih  himfclfc  His  foungefl  Sonne  •  although 
he  be  the  eldeft ,  and  is  already  married  :  fervants   to  their  mafters 
ftiie  themfelves  Siaove :  and  the  yoimgeft  of  them  Siaoti:  he  that  pleader  h 
ata  Tribunall,  ftileth  himfelfe  the  delinquent »  a  Chriftian  at  his  confc/Tioa 
thefwner  •  the  women  in  the  palace  (excepting  the  QueencsJ  and  the  Eu- 
nuchs fpeaking  to  the  King,  ukyour  majefties flave^  Napor^  every  one  elfc 
fpeaking  to  the  King  namcth  himfelfe  'uajfa/l^  chin.  If  one  doth  not  fpeak 
of  his  owne  pcrfon,  but  of  fuch  as  belong  to  him,he  is  to  ufe  modeft  terms 
and  exprefTions,  The  father  faith  of  his  fonne,  Myyeung  fonne.    The  (Ua- 
acr^My  young  fihlar.and  the  fonne  fpeaking  of  his  father,  calleth'him. 
The  father  of  the  houfe',J\\Q  fervant  of  the  Mafler,r/&^  Lordofthehonfc. 

In  fpeaking  one  with  another  th^y  ufe  alwaies  honourable  Titles,  as  a- 
mongft  us  rouY  mrfl^ip.  Your  hormr^&chut  they  have  this  quality  befides, 
that  even  to  mean  and  inferiour  people  they  give  an  honourable  name,  as  ' 
to  an  Hoik  yChm,  Gin^  Kia^  the  wan^  Lord  of  the  houfe.  To  a  barge  mzn^The 
cbiefentanoftheveffelL^  To  :LmvX\t\tx^The great  wand.  But  if  they  would 
anger  him,  they  call  him  by  his  ordinary  name,C4«  Kio^  that  is,  perfecu- 
tour  of  the  feet.  To  fervants,  if  they  be  grave  men,  The  great  mader  of  the 
houfe.  To  the  minifters  of  the  courts  of  juftice,  and  "to  them  which 
waitc  on  the  Mandarines,  Man  on  horfeback  or  Cavalier ^2i^d  yet  they  always 
goon  foote.    If  they  fpeak  to  a  woman,  although  flit;  be  notot  kin  to 
them,  they  call  her  rrf/41?,  that  is,  fifter-in-Iaw^  but  fometimes  it  happe- 
ncth,  that  he  which  cannot  fpeakc  the  language  well,  in  ftead  of  fifter  in 
law,  calleth  her  Broome,  by  an  equivocation  of  the  Word. 

In  fpeaking  alfo  of  fuch  things,  as  beloug  to  him  they  fpeak  to,  it  is  to 
be  done  in  certaine  particular  phrafes ;  So  that  if  he  fpeak  of  his  fonne,  or 
fervant  he  is  not  to  fay,r<7//r  Lordlhips  fbnne^but  the  noble  fonne,  Limhm .  if 
he  mention  the  daughter,  he  faith,7'^^  precious  love^  Limgai .,  and  fo  of  o- 
thers,  even  of  licknefic  and  infirmitie  he  is  not  to  fay  fimply,  how  doth  he 
with  his  maladie  f  but  with  his  noble  indifpofttton,  ^ei  Tarn  i  Amon^  the 
common  people,  (who  do  not  ufe  thefe  Pundlilios)  if  they  do  not  know 
one  another  ^they  call  Bret  hers  ^Hiunt,  But  if^hcy  are  acquainted  /  a^id  )ou^ 
as  they  lift,  without  any  ceremony. 

As  they  are  fo  punftuall  and  exccfllve  in  the  manner  of  their  treating 
and  naming  one  another  •,  fo  alfo^are  they  in  the  diverfe  names  which 
they  have,  and  which  they  take  up  according  to  their  age.  Thefe  arc  of 
five  forts. 

The  firft  is  the  Sir- name ^vihkh  they  take  infallibly  from  their  Father, 
and  never  that  of  the  Mother,  or  the  Mothers  Father-,  but  the  Mother 
takes  the  name  of  the  Husband. 

The  fecond  is  a  name  which  they  call,Ti&^  little  ot  young  name^  which 
the  Father  impofeth^  vvhen  they  are  little  ones-  and  it  is  commonly  the 
name  of  fome  living  creature,  or  flower,  or  of  fome  day,&c.  and  by  this 
name  only  the  Father  andMother  may  call  them  jbut  the  fervants  only  by 


the  firft,  recond,and  third,  &c. as  hath  been  faid. 

ThethirdiswhenhegoethtofchooyortheMafter  givcth  him  ano- 
ther name,  whichjoyncd  with  the  Sir-name^com^okxh.  a  name,  by  which 
both  his  Mafter  and  Schoole- fellows  call  him . 

The  fourth,  when  they  put  on  the  Nsn  or  CauU  upon  their  head,  of 
which  we  fpake  before.-  this  is  done  when  they  are  feavcnteen  or  eigh- 
teen years  of  age:  for  at  that  time  particularly,  if  one  marry  a  wife,  he 
taketh  a  new  name,  which  they  call  a  letter^  and  by  this  all  may  call  him, 
except  the  fervants.  ,      ,      .      w-       , 

The  fifth  is  at  the  going  out  of  his  youth,  when  he  ailumeth  an  other 
name,which  they  cal  The  great  Name  or  Hao-^y  this  all  may  cal  him^cxcep- 
tinghirafclfand  his  parents. 

Now  to  return  to  the  Hall,  where  welcfcthegueftsconveifing-,at 
their  departure,  the  Guefts  joyning  all  together  make  an  ordinary  reve- 
rence to  the  Marterofthehoufe,  giving  him  thanks  for  their  good  enter- 
tainment-, and  he  accompanieth  them  out  to  the  ftreet-,  where  if  they 
came  on  foor,both  parties  make  ordinary  reverence  to  each  other  and  de- 
part-, if  on  horfe-back,  or  in  a  fedan  or  coach,  then  they  make  three  rcve- 
renceSi  and  the  third  Congie  is  made  at  the  gate-,  where  prcfently  the 
Mafter  of  the  Houfe  goeth  in,  and  the  Gueft  taketh  horfej  for  to  ride  or 
take  coach  in  his  prefcnce  is  not  counted  good  manners.  When  they  are 
on  horfeback,  or  in  the  fedan,  the  Mafter  of  the  Houfe  commcth  out  a- 
gain,  and  they  take  leave  of  one  another,  and  when  they  are  gone  a  few 
paces  off,they  interchangeably  fend  a  fervant  with  anembaffie  or  nicffage 
( To  Pai  Xam)3ind  recommend  ations* 

Whenthevifitisthe  firft  time  made,  and  the  Perfon  be  of  quality, 
commonly  tis  with  a  prefentjafToon  as  they  are  come  in  :  and  for  the  mo  ft 
part  in  China ^hc  ordinary  and  conftant  prefents  are  fome  ftuffs,ornaments 
for  women,  things  of  ufe-,  as  Shoes, Stockings,Handkerchieffes,?tfrff//4»^, 
Inke,Pcnfils,and  things  to  catjand  they  do  commonly  choofe  thofe  of  the 

be  ft  fort  to  prefent. 

ThePrefent,if  it  beof  thingsto  cat  among  friends,  it  is  to  be  of  4.6.8. 
or  more  things.  With  the  prefent  is  fent  alfo  a  Thie^ox  bill  of  vifit,  where- 
in is  written  what  they  have  fent.  If  he  do  not  accept  of  ir,  it  is  no  dif- 
courtefie;  neither  if  he  take  part  onIy,'and  fend  back  the  reft  -  but  he  muft 
anfwer  him  with  a  thie,  giving  him  thanks,  and  excufing  himfelf,  that  he 
did  not  receive  it;  or  if  he  do  take  part,  he  is  to  write,  what  he  took,  and 
what  he  fent  back.  Among  men  of  greater  quality,  and  that  will  (hew  re- 
fpe(5t  to  a  Perfon  without  3oing  much  harm  to  their  purfes,  they  write 
firft,the  things  which  they  will  fend,  and  fend  the  Thie,  before  they  fend 
the  prefent^of  which,becaufe  it  ordinarily  confifteth  of  many  things,they 
do  not  receive  all-,and  he  who  is  prefented  maketh  a  prick  at  thofe  things 
written  in  the  ri/f,  which  he  will  receive ;  then  he,  which  prefentcth, 
buyeth  only  the  things  which  the  other  hath  pricked,  and  letreth  alone 
the  reft :  if  he  acceptcth  of  them  all ,  he  buyeth  them  all  and  fcnd- 
cth  them. 

There  are  fome  Imaginarie  prefcnts,of  which,he  that  prefentcth  them, 
isfecure,that  little  or  nothing  of  them  will  be  received^  and  yet  they 


CHTr.i?.  TheHiftory  of  CHl^/i.  6^ 

confiftofmany  things  in  number,  as  rometimcs  oFthiity  or  fourty:  and 
are  coftly  in  their  quality-,  and  pieces  of  Damask,  and  other  {ilk  ftuffe,  filk 
(lockings-,  and  many  things  to  be  eaten,  as  Hens,  Ducks,  &c.  Thefe 
things  are  many  times  hired.and  that  which  is  received,is  paid  for>the  reft 
are  Tent  back  to  the  owner, with  fome  confideration  for  the  loan  of  them. 

The  cuftome  is,  that  he,  who  receiveth  a  Prcfent,  is  to  return  another 
aequivalent  to  it.  Excepting  alway  edible  things  among  friends-  and  that 
which  any  bringeth^when  he  comcth  from  abroad,  and  from  Countries 
where  thofe  things  are  particularly  to  be  had.Neither  do  they  remunerate 
thofe,  which  they  call  Prefents  of  dtfendencie-^  as  from  the  inferiour  to  the 
fuperiour-,  from  the  Maftcr  to  the  Scholar^nor  of  pretenders  and  fuitours. 

It  is  alfo  the  cuftome  to  give  the  Page  or  Servant,  which  bringcth  the 
Prefentjfome  mony,  more  or  lefle,  according  to  the  quality  of  the  prc- 
fent. Tnewing  great  refpe(5l  to  him  that  fends  it. 

They  ofA^^4w//jAS  more  expert  in  their  expcnccs,and  more  cunning 
in  the  Ltfin^t^ot  art  of  thrift,  are  very  fubtic  and  skilfull  in  this  particular; 
and  for  a  Prefent  which  is  worth  a  Ci  ownejthey  fay,  they  are  to  give  the 
fervant  fix  pence,  and  proportionably  in  the  reft. 

Of  their  Banquets^ 


uch  time  and  money  is  confumed  by  the  Chinejfes  in  their  Banquets^ 
■by  reafon  they  are  almoft  continually  at  them.  There  is  no  mee- 
ting, departure,  or  arrivall,  or  any  profpcrous  fuccefle  of  a  friend  or  kinf- 
man,  which  is  not  celebrated  with  a  Banquet  -,nor  any  accident  of  difguft- 
or  grief,  for  which  they  do  not  likewiie  make  a  Banquet  of  confolation- 
nor  any  bufineffe  of  importance,  but  it  is  to  be  treated  of  at  a  Banquet' 
neicher  without  one  do  they  begin  any  work,  or  finifli  any  buildings 
They  make  many  ethers  upon  no  other  motive  but  this,  Comedamus^  it 
hibamus^cras  mm  morkmur\\t\.  us  eate  and  drink,  for  to  morrow  we  (hall 

It  is  very  ordinary  among  the  common  peopIe,and  particularly  among 
officeis  of  the  fame  office,  to  have  Co-fraurniues  which  they  call  a 
Brotherhood  of  the  month.  The  Brotherhood  confifteth  of  thirty,  ac- 
cording to  the  number  of  dales  thereinjand  in  a  circle  they  go  every  day 
to  eat  at  one  anothers  houfes  by  turnes,  making  a  Banquet^  like  that  of  the 
Tonnes  of  '^oh.  If  they  have  not  convenience  to  receive  them  in  their  own 
houfcjthcy  provide  it  at  another  mans,  there  being  at  this  day  many  pub- 
lick  houfes  very  wel  furnilht  for  thispurpofe.If  he  wil  have  it  at  home^but 
without  any  trouble  to  his  Family^  he  appointeth,  how  many  mefTcs  he 
will  have,  how  many  diOies,  and  what  meatj  and  they  are  brought  home 
to  him  very  well  d reft. 

Thofe  of  the  North  are  very  much  differentfromthemof  the  South.- 
forthey  of  the  South  are  very  exa(5]:_,  even  to  the  leaft  matters  in  thefe 
courtefics  of  Banquets,  and  they  do  efteem  themfelves  more  friendly  and 
courtcous,than  the  others-,  as  in  truth  they  a  re. 

K  Jn 

""^  In  their  Banquets  they  arc  more  careful!  to  have  varietie,  and  tohave  it 
well  dreft,  than  for  the  quantitie  of  the  meat  .♦  and  feaft  more  for  conver- 
fation  and  to  treate  with  one  another, than  to  eat  and  drink;  although  they 
do  both  the  one  and  the  other  pretty  well.  They  drink  at  the  beginning 
of  the  fcafl:,  and  fo  continue  it  with  wine  and  meat,  without  bread  or  rice, 
till  the  guefts  fay,  they  have  had  wine  enough ;  Then  prefently  the  rice  is 
brought,  and  the  glaifes  are  fet  by,  and  there  is  no  more  drinking. 

In  the  Northern  Countries  their  cuftome  is  contrary  to  this :  The  ce- 
remonies are  but  few,  the  Meffes  well  furnifht,  the  difhes  large  and  fuli : 
and  when  the  ordinary  ceremonies  are  performed ,  which  arc  ufuall 
through  the  whole  Kingdome,  they  begin  with  the  meat  •,  and  every  one 
takcth  that  which  pleafeth  him  beft,  and  as  much  as  he  can  eat ;  mean- 
while without  quenching  thirft,  either  with  wine  or  water.-  for  thea 
they  drink  neither.  They  conclude  with  rice.  When  the  diflies  are  ta- 
ken away,  they  difcourfe  about  an  houre  5  and  then  they  fcrve  in  others, 
only  offalt  meats,  as  Gammons  of  Bacon,  t6ngues,andfuch  like  things, 
which  they  call  Guides,  that  is,  of  wine  -,  and  then  they  begin  to  drink. 

To  fpeak  in  generall  of  the  whole  Kingdome;  they  do  not  ufually  drink 
wine,neither  at  dinner,  which  is  in  the  morning  five  hours  before  noone, 
nor  at  fupper,  which  is  about  foure  a  cloak  in  the  afternoone  •,  but  at  night 
before  they  go  to  bed,  then  ufing  fait  meats,  as  is  abovefaid  :  and  for  this 
reafon  their  Banquets  are  raoft  commonly  at  night-,making  ufc  of  the  day- 
light for  their  ftudyes  and  bufincflfej  iupplying  this  light  at  night  with 
candles,  of  which  they  have  great  quantitie,  made  of  acerraine  oyle, 
which  they  harden  up  with  a  little  waxe  •,  which  ferveth  them  in  the  win- 
ter 5  referving  for  the  fummer  thofe  which  are  made  of  waxe-,  of  which 
they  have  three  forts :  The  one  is  Bees  waxe  5  the  other  is  taken  out  of  the 
holes  of  a  certain  fort  of  Snakes,  much  better  than  the  other,  and  much 
whiter,  without  any  art  ufed  to  it.  The  third  is  taken  from  a  tree,  whofc 
fruit  is  like  our  filberts,  and  the  meat  very  white.  And  though  this  laft, 
be  not  fo  good  as  our  waxe-,  yet  it  is  better  than  fuec:it  mclteth  very  well, 
and  makcth  very  good  candles. 

The  people  of  the  better  qualitie  make  Banquets  of  more  ftate^  for  they 
have  houfes  of  recreation,  either  in  the  City,  or  very  neere  it  for  this  pur- 
pofe^  adorned  with  many  coflly  pidures  and  other  curiofities.  And  if 
the  perfon  invited  be  an  Officer,  or  man  of  great  qualitie,akhough  the  ufe 
o^Afefirie  hanging  inChim  is  very  rare,yet  for  the  entertainment  of  thcfc, 
they  hang  their  houfes  with  them  very  curioufly,  even  the  feeling  and  all. 
The  number  of  their  Tables  fheweth  the  greatnefTe  of  the  Banquet,  One 
Table  for  four,  or  one  for  two,  is  ordinary.  But  for  perfons  of  greater  ac- 
count they  fet  one  Tabic  for  each  -,  and  fometimes  two  5  one  to  eat  at,  and 
the  other  to  fet  the  difhes  on.  The  Tables  at  thefe  Banquets  have  all  Fren- 
talls^ot  a  peice  of  linnen  hanging  downe  from  the  edges,  but  neither  Ta- 
ble- cloath  nor  Napkins,  ufing  only  their  Charan,  a  neate  and  poli/hed  var- 
niOi,  with  which  their  Tables  are  covered.  They  lay  no  knives,  the  meat 
being  all  carved  out  before  it  come  fiom  the  kitchin  •  nor  forke,  ufing  two 
little  flicks,  with  which  they  eat  very  dexteroufly.  They  ict  neither  fait, 
pepper,  norvineger,  but  yet  rauflerd,  and  other  fauces,  of  which  they 


Ghapj^.  IheHijloryofQUlU^A.  6j 

have  many  and  very  good.  They  fcrve  inarthe  fame  Banquet  flefhand 
fifli ;  boy  Id  and  roaft  •,  fry'd  meat ;  and  meat  in  pottage  and  wh'te- broth  5 
and  fe  verall  other  viands  d  reft  after  their  manner ;  and  very  good.  Thty 
life  broths  much  ;  but  they  never  ferve  up  any  without  flefh  or  fi{h  in  it,  or 
a  kinde  of  Pafte,  hkc  that  which  the  ttahans  call  rermkelli^ 

Anciently  they  ufed  neither  Tables  nor  feats,  but  according  to  the  cu- 
ftomeof  the  greateft  part  of  9/4Jia  and  Jfrica,  they  fate  and  eat  upon  the 
pavement,  covered  with  mats  ^  and  to  this  day,  their  writings  and  books 
fpeaking  of  Tables,  ufefor^the  fignificative  letter  ofTablejthat  which  fig- 
nifieCh  a  mat.  The  Giapponeffes,  with  moft  of  the  neighbouring  King- 
domes,  even  to  this  day^kcep  their  ancient  cuftome,  of  fitting  and  eating 
upon  the  ground:  but  the  C^mejfes,  from  the  raign of //<?;?,  have  ufed 
feats  and  Tables  5  of  which  they  have  many  beautiful!  ones ,  and  of  feve- 
rall  fa/Iiions, 

Inthedifpofition  of  their  invitations,  courtefies,  and  entertainments 
they  have  much  fuperfluitie  •,  as  well  before  the  coming  ohhegue{l:s,as  at 
the  beginning,  profecution,  and  conckifion  of  their  Bam]ucts,hdoxe  they 
begin  to  eate,  the  mafter  of  the  houfe  inviteth  them  to  fall  to.  About  the 
middle  ofthefeafl  they  change  their  little  cups  for  greater  :  they  force 
none  to  drink,  butmodeflly  invite  them.  The  times,  when  they  moft 
commonly  and  infallibly  make  their  banquetSjaie  the  feaftivall  daySjboth 
oftheyear,andofeachmanin  particular,  as  marriages,  cJ"^,  Befides  o- 
ther  infinitie  occafions  above  mentioned. 

The  better  fort  of  people,  when  one  takes  a  journey,  or  returns  from 
another  Countrie,  do  make  a  Feafl  -,  and  it  falleth  out  many  times,  that  on 
the  fame  day  they  arc  faine  to  go  to  feavcn  or  eight  invitations,  to  com- 
ply with  their  friends.  Some  daies  before  the  Banquet,  (that  is  when  they 
have  time  enough)  they  fend  a  Thicj  by  which  they  make  their  invitation, 
and  pray  them  to  accept  of  it.  If  they  refufe,  they  excufe  themfelves  with 
another  Thie,  But  if  they  accept  of  it,they  fend  them  another  T/^/V- which 
they  call  the  Thie  of  (olichation.  The  timeof  the^^;«^«f^  being  come, 
they  commonly  (lay,  till  all  are  met ;  entertaining  themfelves  in  the  out- 
ward Hall.  When  all  are  come,  they  enter  into  the  Hall  of  the  Banquet-^ 
and  the  mafter  of  the  houfe  performeth  the  ufuall  ceremonies  to  them  all, 
as  well  in  fitting,  as  in  placing  the  cups  and  eating- jiicks.  The  ceremonies 
beingended,  they  all  feace  themfelves  in  their  order-,  and  the  mafter  of 
the  houfe  takcthcare  to  go  up  and  down,  and  invite  them  to  eat  and  drink. 
'Xh^ir  Banquets  ;ixt  very  long,  and  they  fpend  much  time  in  difcourfing^ 
but  the  ordinary  cuftome  is  to  have  Mufick  and  C^^medies-.^wdi  the  Comedi- 
ans are  obliged  to  a(5t  whatfoever  the  Guefts  command  them.  At  length 
the  Banquet  endeth,by  the  importunate  entreatie  of  the  Guefts  •  to  which  - 
he  that  inviteth  them,  ftfll  feemeth  to  make  refiftancc.  The  day  after  the. 
feaft^all  the  Guefts  fend  their  Thie  to  the  perfon  that  invited  them-,wh;ch 
containeth  partly  the  praife  and  commendations  of  the  Banquet,  and  all 
that  they  had  there,  and  partly  their  thanks  to  him  that  gave  it  them. 

K  z  CHAP, 

'SS  The  Eijlory  of  QHlKj^'         Pabt.I' 

Chap,  14. 
Ophe  (james  y^hich  the  Chinejfes  ufe. 

P Laying  at  Cards,  (which  are  like  to  ours  in  form  and  figures,which  are 
all  black  and  without  colours  j  hath  penetrated,  even  to  this  rcraotefl 
part  of  the  world, and  is  the  common  recreation  of  the  meaner  fort  of  peo- 
ple, but  is  not  ufed  by  the  Nobilitic,    But  the_game  of  the  iV'^^///^^^^^^ 
graver  fort  of  people,  as  wclIiopafTe  the  time^as  to  winne  mony,  is  thatfof 
C)^^^,  not  altogether  unlike  ours.  ThdxKing  can  never  rem  ovc,  but  into 
the  f'oure  neereft  places  to  his  o\v0Statien  5  which  is  alfo  the  la  w  for  the 
two  Bijhps,   They  have  no  ^een^  but  two  other  men,  which  they  call 
Fafidi  P  oh  ere,  or  veflfells  of  duft,  very  ingenious:  Thefe  fland  before  the 
tK^o  Knights '^  and  before  them  tvjoPaivms-j  the  which  arc  placed  in  the 
next  row  before  the  other  Pmnes.  Thefe  men  have  a  motion  like  to  our 
Rookesy  but  cannot  Check  the  contrary  King^  but  only,when  between  one 
of  them  and  the  King,there  is  another  man  immediately  interpofed,  whe- 
ther it  be  his  own  man,  or  an  enemy.  So  that  the  X/»^mayavoyd  that 
check  three  manner  of  ways:  either  by  removing  into  the  next  place,  or 
by  intcrpofing  another  man  5  or  elfe  by  taking  atvay  that  man,  that 
flood  betwixt  him  and  his  enemicj&fojby  laying  himfelfeopeD,hc  is  de- 

They  have  another  grave  game  among  them,  which  is  as  followeth.  • 
On  a  c2>f//"-^gWof  3oo.pla/:es:tlfcy^play  wi.h  2_ooji)en^a  hundred  whitc^ 
and  a  hundred~FlackTwith  thefe,  each  cndeavourcth  to  drive  the  others 
menlnto  the  middle  of  the  Chejfhard^  that  he  might  be  m  after  of  the 
other  places :  in  conclufion  he  that  hath  gained  hirafelfe  raoft  places,  win- 
neth  the  game.  In  this  game  the  officers  do  paflfe  their  time  with  a  great 
deale  of  delight,  and  often  fpend  a  great  part  of  the  day  at  it  -,  for  between 
thofe  that  arc  skilfull,  one  game  will  take  up  an  hours  time.  Thofe  that 
are  expert  at  this  game,  are  well  efteemed,  though  it  be  only  upon  this 
account ;  and  are  therefore  often  called  and  received,  as  mafters  of  this 
Came^  with  all  ceremonie. 

The  Ghtnejfes  alfo  ufe  the  game  of  2)/^,  which  have  the  fame  fhape  and 
points,  as  ours,  without  any  difference. 

The  common  people  do  much  ufe  a  game  called  by  the  Italians  Giuoa 
Delia  Morra^  caf^ing  out  their  hands,  and  fingers,  as  they  do  at  that  game 
in  Europe.  They  play  moft  at  it  in  their  Banquets,  between  two,  who  (hall 
drink  •,  and  he  that  lofcth,  gainech  the  drink. 

The  Nobilitie,  for  this  purpofe,  have  a  drum  placed  without  the  Hall, 
where  they  eat-  and  there  ftandeth  a  man,  who  bcateth  on  it  at  adventure 
iis  many  ftroaks,  as  he  thinks  fit  5  and  when  he  beatcth  on  the  drum,  they 
begin  to  count  from  the  firft  man  of  the  Banquet .  and  he  at  whom  the 
drum  ftoppeth,  is  obliged  to  drink.  In  the  City  of  Nankim  there  is  ano- 
ther game  much  pradifed  among  the  common  people.  They  buyacou* 
pie  of  Capons,  the  beft  they  can  find,  or  elfe  fifh  or  Percelianc^  or  what  o- 
ther  thing  they  pleafe  -,  but  it  muft  be  excellent  in  its  kind  to  excite  an  ap- 

Chap. If.  TheHiftory  cfCHl^^.  69 

petite  in  others  to  win  it.  Then  one  holdeth  in  his  hand,  ten  pieces  of 
their  mony,  the  which  have  letters  on  the  one  fide,  and  on  the  other  no- 
thing. This  man  ofFcreth  them  to  him  that  will  throw,  and  he  throw- 
cththemtcntimes-,  andifinanyoi:  thefe  times  all  the  pieces  light  with 
the  fame  fide  iipwardjcither  written  or  not  writtcn^he  gaineth  the  reward 
that  is  propofed,  if  not ,  he  lofeth  an  halfe-penny. 

There  is  not  wanting  in  ChittA  the  game  oi Cock-fighting ^\^h\ch  is  ufed 
alio  throughout  all /W/4 :  they  have  Cocks  bred  up  for  this  purpofe.  Be- 
fore they  fight  they  faften  toeachlegg  neare  to  their  fpurs  a  fmall  ra- 
Zpur :  then  he  that  keepeth  the  field,  having  made  the  other  fly  or  fall,  is 
Conquerour^  and  winneth  the  other  cock,  and  whatfoever  was  abetted  on 
his  head.  But  becaufe  many  times  they  wound  one  another  fojuftatthe 
fametime,that  they  both  fall  togetheJ|  that  Cock ,  which  after  he  is  fal- 
lcn,pecks  at  the  other,  or  crowcth;,is  accounted  viBour^ 

They  combate  after  the  fame  manner  with  Qua/les;  and  to  his  purpofe 
they  commonly  breed  up  the  Cock-^ails  with  great  care.  This  Game 
is  particularly  in  requefl  among  the  Kings  kindred,  and  the  Eunucheso^ 
the  Palace-,  in  which  they  fpend  a  great  dcaIeofiriony,Thefc  birds  do 
fight  very  furioufly  and  delpcrately. 

They  fight  Ijkewife  with  Grillos^  or  Cricquets-^  and  this  fport  is  much 
ufed  in  theSprin^  time.  They  have  little  houits  made  of  clay  very  arti- 
ficially to  keep  them  in;  when  they^fight  them»  each  man  pulleth  out  his  putteth  him  into  a  Bafon,  or  other  clean  vefTell,  and,  with  a 
little  flice,  or  fpattle,  they  put  them  to  one  another,  and  when  they  are 
ncere  enough  to  launce  at  one  another ,  they  do  it  with  fuch  fury,  that 
many  times  one  will  fetch  offtheotliers  kg  atthefirftblovir.  He  that 
conquereth  ,  prefcntly  fingeth,  and  winneth  the  game.  This  game  is 
much  ufed  in  Pekim^  and  particularly  by  the  Eunuchs^  who  fpend  a  great 
deale  of  money  at  it. 

They  do  not  permit  young  children,  that  ft udy^  to  play  at  any  game; 
the  bigger  fort  have  games  proper  to  their  age,  which  are  very  like 
thofc  our  youth  have  in  Europe. 

They  are  forbidden  to  play  at  carJs  or  dicC;  and  if  they  be  taken,  or 
accufed  for  it,  they  are  chaftifed  and  condemned  to  a  pecuniary  mul(5l-, 
and  fome  are  Imprifoned  only  for  fpending  too  much  time  at  play.  For  a- 
mong  them  Tu  Ptf',that  is,glutton  of  play,foundeth  as  ill,as  an/bthcr  vice, 
which  we  abhorr  here. 

■t  ^  CHAP.15. 

Of  their  Marriage. 

IN  the  Kingdome  ot  China,  ( as  doth  plainly  appear  by  their  books,and 
;^Chronicles,)  formal  Marriages  and  indifToIuble  after  contra(5l,have  been 
in  ufe  above  2400  yeares-  and  in  ancient  time  they  ufed  certain  particular 
Ceremonies  at  the  celebration  thereof;  one  of  which  was^  giving  the 
hand.  But  thefe  have  been  changed  by  time,fonie  being  taken  away,  and 
many  others  added.  Alwayes 

yo  Ihe  Biftorj  ofCBLK^.  Part.i. 

Alwaies  from  that  time  to  this, there  hath  been  among  them  two  kinds 
of  Af.4m4g-^iOneatrueone,withamatrimoniall  contrad  for  their  whole 
life  between  the  two  parties-,  and  then  the  woman  is  called  a  n?;/<r-,  and 
treated  as  fuch,  and  received  with  extraordinary  Ceremonies. 

The  fccond  is  rather  a  Concubinage  permitted  by  their  lawe?,  in  cafe 
they  ha\^e  no  children  by  their  wife-,  efpecially  fonnes,  but  now  it  is  grown 
fo  common,  that  although  fome  do  forbear  having  them  upon  the  ac 
count  of  vcrtiie-,  yet  it  is  very  ordinary  among  rich  men,  to  take  Concu- 
hints,  although  they  have  childrcn.The  manner  is  very  different  from  the 
true  and  legitimate  Marriage-,  for  although  they  contra^  after  fome 
fort  with  the  Father  of  the  maiden:  and  that  they  treat  one  another  as 
kindred-,yet  in  truth  (he  is  bought  and  fold-,  and  many  times  by  a  Perfon 
that  hath  no  relation  to  her,  but  only  that  he  bred  her  up  for  that  pur- 
pofe-,  for  there  are  many  in  Chinas  which  breed  up  young  maidens,  and 
teach  them  Mufick,  and  dancing,and  other  perquifites  of  womcns  bree- 
ding, only  to  fell  them  afterwards  for  Concubines^  at  a  great  price.  Ycf 
however  it  is  not  accounted  a  Matrimony-,  not  hath  it  the  folemnitie  of 
Marriage  belonging  to  it-,  nor  any  obligation  of  perpetuity-,  but  the  man 
may  put  her  away*,  and  (he  may  marrie  with  another-,  there  being  no  law 
which  prohibits  it,  in  cafe  (lie  be  wholly  withdrawn  from  the  company 

ofthefirfl-.  • 

The  manner  of  treating  them  is  very  different  They  eat  apart  by 
themfelves  in  their  own  chambers  :  and  are  in  fubjedion  to  the  true 
w//f,  and  ferve  her  in  fome  things,  as  her  Servants,  The  children  which 
they  beare,do  not  do  them  reverence  as  to  a  mother,  but  they  pay  it  to 
the  true  wife,  whom  alfo  they  call  mother.  Hence  it  is,  that  if  the  Con- 
cuhine  die  that  bore  them,they  are  not  obliged  to  three  years  mourning, 
nor  to  deprive  themfelves  of  entrance  into  the  examinations,  nor  (If  they 
govern,)  to  quit  their  charge-,  which^Cas  you  fhall  hear  hereafter,)is  to  be 
done  at  the  death  of  their  parents.  Therefore,  although  he  be  an  only 
fonne,  he  is  not  obliged  to  thefc  duties ;  but  only  when  his  Fathers 
lawfuUw/^dieth,  although  fhe  be  not  his  true  mother.  When  the  Huf" 
L/?^dieth,thc  government  of  the  eflatc  and  family  falleth  to  the  lawfull 
»'//^,and  to  the  children,whether  they  be,by  her,or  by  tht  Concubine. Y^wl 
when  the  lawfull  vpife  dieth,  it  falleth  to  the  Concubine  and  her  childreOjif 
flue  have  any. 

Sometimes  it  falleth  out,  that  they  take  a  Concubine,  and  keep  her  on- 
ly, till  (he  bring  them  a  fonne :  for,  if  the  lawfull  rvife  will  not  fuffcr  her  to 
flay,  a(ibone  as  the  child  is  born,they  fend  her,away,or  marry  her  to  ano- 
ther-,&  the  child  which  ftaieth  behind,never  knowcth  her  who  bore  him, 
acknowledging  only  for  his  Mother  his  Fathers  lawfull  wife.  It  happen- 
cth  alfo  many  times,  that  a  man  taketh  an  exceffivc  affection  to  his  Con- 
cubine^ and  then  all  goeth  amiffe,  but  only  in  what  belongeth  to  the  out- 
ward obfervance,  which  muft  not  be  changed.  Widows  may  marry,  if 
they  will-but  they  that  are  women  of  qualitie  feldomc  or  never  do  it  ^  no 
although  they  be  young  and  have  no  children.  They  are  to  live  in  their 
Father  in  laws  houfe,  and  are  for  this  reafon  much  efteemcd; 

In  the  legitimate  Marriage  for  the  mod  part,they  obferve  an  equalitic 


GhT^TTT  TheHifioryof  CHI 3^  A.       "  71 

of  cflarc  and  conditionr^  but  in  their  Concubines ^  they  have  regard  only  to 
theirnarurall  endowments.  They  may  not  marry  with  any  of  their  kin- 
dred  on  their  Fathers  fide,  in  no  degree  whatfoever,  nor  with  any  of  the 
fame  57>-;?4w^^buc  they  may  marry  with  their  kindred  on  the  Mothers 
{ide,if  they  be  in  a  remote  degree-,  but  that  is  not  fo  exadly  obferved.  A 
youngmaid  will  hardly  many  with  a  widdowcr,  which  they  czWfatch- 
ing  nf  the  houfe^aitd  the  bed,  * 

They  never  marry^nlthough  they  be  never  fo  great  fi  iends,  without  a 
Mediator ,  or  one  that  goeth  between  both  partiesjwherefore  they  chufe 
%vhom  thcy  pleafe,  there  being  as  well  men  as  womenj  who  perform  this 
office.  The  Bridegroem  never  feeth  the  Bnde^  before  he  entreth  the 
doorc  to  rake  her  for  his  wife.-thereFathers  marry  their  fonncs  ordinariiie 
very  young,6r:  promife  them  in  Mar/ age  even  from  little  childrcn,&  fomc* 
times  before  they  are  borne,  which  promife  thefe  punflually  performe, 
although  their  Fathers  die  before  the  time,  or  one  of  the  parties  fall  from 
his  honour,  or  ertate,&c. excepting  both  parties  voluntaiily  agreeto  break 
off  the  contrad:  &  if  by  chance  the  fonne  for  fome  refpe6ts  will  not  ftand 
to  the  contract  made  by  hisfather,they  compel  him  by  law  to  perform  it. 

In  Ch/aa^  before  the  Father  die,  there  is  no  formall  portion  given,  ei- 
ther to  fonne  or  daughter-  among  the  meaner  fort  of  people  the  ordinarie 
cuflome  is,  not  abfoluteiy  to  buy  their  whes,  as  fome  fay,  but  the  huf 
band  giveth  a  certain  quantitic  of  mony  to  the  Father  of  the  maid,  with 
which  to  buy  her  clothes,  and  ornaments  for  her  head,  fuitable  to  her 
qualitle.  This  fumme  is  alwaies  of  the  largeft  for  that  pur- 
pofe  •,  but  the  Fathers  fave  as  much  out  of  it,  as  they  can*,  what  re- 
maineih,  being  to  accrue  to  them.  Hence  it  is,  that  fome  have  faid,  that 
thcChimJfes  buy  their  wives-,there  being  not  wanting  fome  ground  for  this 
belecfe.for  to  this  day  they  agree  with  theFather  of  the  maid  for  fo  much 
money-,  which  if  it  be  notgiventhem,they  wilnot  part  with  their  daughter. 

Among  the  Nobility  there  is  no  talk  of  giving  any  moncy,but  the  Father 
ofthc  Bride  IS  obliged  to  comply  with  what  the  ftile  and  cuftome  of 
ihat  Kingdome  requireth,each  according  to  their  abilitic.-and  commonly 
that  which  he  giveth  is  all  neceffary  Furniture  for  her  apartment,  excep. 
ting  the  bed-,  which,although  all  things  arc  very  cheap  in  that  Country, 
will  fometimes  coft  fifty  Crowns.  He  giveth  her  four  or  two  maid  fer- 
vants,  to  wait  upon  her,  and  fome  moneys  and  of  all  this  more  or  leffe, 
according  to  his  ability.  But  land  or  poflcilion  theyalmoft  never  give, 
unleffe  the  Brides  Father  be  very  richjOr  that  he  would  match  her  to  fome 
principall  Perfon-,and  that  only  in  cafe  he  have  no  fonnes* 

After  the  contrad  is  performed  betwec  n  their  Fathers,  then  there  fol- 
low  many  curtefiesand  compliments-as  firft,  the  Bride  groom  fendtth  the 
Bride  a  piefem  of  things  to  eate,  as  flefli,  wine,  and  fruit.  Secondly,  a 
day  is  chofen  for  their  Marriage:  which,  when  it  is  refolved  on  by  advice 
oiAfirologerSy  Is  celebrated  with  great  Ceremonie.  The  third  is,  to  fend 
to  know  the  Brides  name-,  and  lafl  of  all,tiie  Bridegroom  fendeth  the  jew- 
els to  the  Bride^  that  is,  a  ring  and  eare-pendants,&c. 

The  day  before  the  Bride  is  to  be  received-,  thcy  fend  from  the  Bridts 
houfe  the  HoHJlmdd-jlujfe  and  Furniture  that  is  given  with  her^  making  a 


71  The  miiory  of  CHl-Kj^'         Pabt.i. 

proceffion  with  them-, which  is  to  be  done  about  noone,that  all  may  fee  it; 
Themcntharcany  it,gotvvo3nd  two,  each  of  rhem  bearing  a  piece  of 
hou(hold-ftufFof  the  fame  kind,  that  the  other  doth,  whether  it  be  Tables, 
Cha/reSj  C hefts.  Curtains y  i'ed^  or  what  other  thing  foever. 

The  day  following,  in  fome  Provinces,  the  Eridegroome  goeth  in  per- 
fonon  Horfe-backjWith  hisFatherand  neereft  kindred,to  receive  thc5r/<;/f: 
wht>  is  carried  in  a  fedan  with  great  pompe  and  ftate.  In  odier  Provinces, 
efpccially  towards  the  South,  the  Bride- grocme  fendeth  the  fedan  toward 
the  eveningCthey  have  fome  very  curious  ones^mide  only  for  this  purpofe, 
richly  adorned  with  filk,  and  the  doore  to  be  locked  on  the  outfidej  and  a 
great  dcale  of  company  to  waite  upon  her  with  lights  fet  in  wooden  frams 
like  lanthornes.  The  mother  after  the  Bride  hath  finiihed  the  ufuall  com- 
pliment, at  parting,  putteth  her  into  the  iedan  and  locketh  the  doore,  and 
fendeth  the  key  before  to  her  fonne- in-laws  mother  ^  and  fo  fhe  departcth 
along  with  the  company,  who  go  all  before  her,  excepting  the  maid-fcr- 
vants,  which  her  Father  giveth  her,  who  goby  her  fide. 

When  (he  is  come  to  the  Bride-greomei  houfc,  the  mother-in-law  un- 
locketh  the  fedan  and  taking  out  the  ^r/Vu,  delivereth  \\cx  to  the  Bride- 
groome  •  Then  they  go  both  together  to  the  Chappell,or  Oratorie  of  their 
Idols,where  are  likewife  kept  the  Images  or  names  of  their  Predeceffours. 
There  they  make  the  ordinarie  reverence  of  bowing  themfelves  foure 
times  upon  their  knees,  and  prefently  they  go  forward  into  the  inward 
Hall,  where  their  parents  are  fitting  in  Chaires,  to  whom  they  make  the 
fame  reverences!; then  the  Bride  retireth  with  her  Mother-in-law,her  way- 
ting  maids,  and  the  woman  that  did  negotiate  the  marriage,  to  the  wo- 
mens  apartment  5  where  fhe  hath  a  particular  chamber  for  her  fclfe  and 
her  husband  •,  into  which,  as  is  abovefaid,  no  other  man  may  enter,  no  not 
their  Father  or  elder  brother,  fo  that  if  the  Father  would  chaftife  the  fon 
for  any  fault,  f  which  is  ordinarie  there  for  their  Fathers  to  do,  although 
their  fonnes  be  raarriedjif  he  can  get  into  his  wives  chamber  he  is  fafe,for 
theFachermaynot  enter  there,  norfpeak  with  his  daughter-in-law,  ex- 
cept on  Come  occaiions,  which  aredifpenfed  with/Socarefulla  watch 
do  they  keep  on  that  precious  Gemme  of  Honour^  T  he  Bridegroome  twhcn  he 
doeth  not  retire,  ftayeth  with  his  Father,  kindred,  and  friends,  dr^.  Who 
fpend  many  daies  together  in  continuall  feafts  and  banquetting:  when  the 
firft  month  is  over,  the  Bride  returneth  home  to  her  Fathers  houfe,  which 
they  call  ^«w>,  that  is  retiring  to  refl. 

The  fonnes  do  all  equally  inherit  •,  although  they  be  but  halfe-Bro- 
thcrs,  and  not  begotten  on  the  lawf  uil  wife,  having  regard  in  this  only  to 
the  Father.  Thefifters  have  no  more  than  what  is  given  with  them  at 
their  marriage.  If  the  Father  die  before  he  hath  married  his  daughters, 
the  brothers  are  obliged  to  beftow  them  in  marriage  •,  and  the  fonnes  that 
are  already  married,  (if  the  Father  in  his  life  time  divide  his  cftarc  among 
them,)  are  bound  to  maintaine  their  fifters,  till  they  are  married. 

Nevertheleile  in  Chifta  there  ^re  fome  famil'ics^efpecially  of  the  Nobili- 

tie,  where  the  eldeft  fonnes  do  inherit  the  Majerafgo^  or  the  rooft  confide- 

^rable  part  of  the  land^  if  they  have  any  that  is  Co  entaild  5  although  they 

have  other  brothers.  And  thcfc  children  are  called  JttteCfm^  Chit^Hm^ 

Hctifcj  Chci^  Hei,  CHAP. 

ChapkJ.  1  he  Hijlory  of  CHI3^A.  7^ 

Chap.  \6. 
Of  the  Fmeralls  and  Sepultures  oftheQhinefses. 

\  Lthough  the  Ch:ne(fes^  in  many  things^  efpecially  thofe  which  con- 
*^cerncrhe  government  of  their  life,  have  been  of  the  fame  opinion 
with  the  Eurofcem  Philofophers,  yet  they  arc  very  different  from  them  in 
that  which  bclongeth  to  DeMh,  For  the  others  have  taken  little  or  no 
care  about  the  Sepulture  of  the  body,  whereas  thefe  efteem  nothing  more; 
ufing  in  rheir  lifw  time  all  ooirible  diligence  to  leave  every  thing  ready  and 
in  order  for  it;  and  their  fonnes  do  in  nothing  more  (hew  their  pietie  and 
obedience,  than  by  putting  it  in  execution  after  their  Fathers  death. 

It  is  a  general!  cuftome  of  the  whole  Kingdome,  not  to  bury  any  one 
barely  in  the  earth,  although  it  be  a  child  of  two  dales  old.Every  one  is 
to  have  his  Chefi,  or  Coffifj  according  to  his  qualitie,  and  abilitie.  Where- 
fore the  rich  men,(  although  the  Chineffes  are  very  thrifty,  and  parciraoni- 
ous)  do  in  this  exceed  all  extreames,  feeking  out  wood  tor  that  purpofe, 
of  the  grearefi:  price  and  effeem,  that  they  polTibly  can. 

The  £/'»//t/:'^/are  the  nioftexceflive  this  way,  becaufe  they  have  no 
children  to  inherit  their  wealth,  giving  many  times  500  or  1000  Crowns 
for  Bords  to  make  a  C<?jf/»,thoughin  realitie,thefe  are  not  fo  much  worth. 
For  ic  happeneth  many  times,  that  going  to  a  Merchant,  that  felleth  this 
commodities  the  Merchant  fetteth  them  a  price,  asking  them  five  or  fix 
hundred  Crownes,  but  telleth  them  withall,  that  if  they  will  have  Bords 
of  a  thoufand  Crownes,  he  hath  not  any  at  prefent,  but  that  he  hath  ex- 
pv<5led  feme  a  great  while,andlooketh  every  day,  when  they  fhould  ar- 
rive.- and  if  his  Lordftiip  hath  not  extraordinary  haft,  praieth  him  to  fend 
fome  few  daies  hence,  and  he  (hall  be  accortimodated,  Here,the  Merchant 
h  ith  no  more  to  doy  but  to  change  the  paper^which  is  pafted  upon  thofe 
Bords,  and  with  it  the  price;  and  when  the  Eunuch  returneth  he  findeth 
bords  offuch  price  AS  he  defireth.  When  the  c/>(/?  is  made  with  all  fort 
of  cxquifire  ornament  on  the  oUtfidei^i  of  gold^  Charm^7ir\d  other  gallan- 
tries, they  keep  it  in  their  houfe,  and  many  times  in  the  fame  chamber 
where  they  lie,  with  much  fa  isfiKftiorii  and  contentment.  As  contrari- 
wife,  if,  being  in  yeares,  they  have  not  already  made  it,  they  are  alwayes 
iflfatisfied  and  difcontented  .•    and  truly  it  is  a  great  trouble  and  charge 
to  the  SonSj  if  they  have  ancient  Fathers,  and  their  Funerall  C^eft  be  not 
yet  prepared/  ■ 

This  is  the  ufu.iU  manner  of  the  whole  Klngdome-,  but,  becaufe  they 
have  taken  their  religion  from  the  Pagods  of  M/4,they%ave  alfo  entertain 
ned  fome  of  their  Ceremonies  and  fupevftitions,  who  are  buried  after 
three  fcvCrall  manners,  and  that,before  they  die  by  the  courfe  cf  nature, 
in  the  earth,  in  the  water,  and  in  the  fire,^  as  they  do  to  this  day  in  Giappon) 
fome  throwing  ihemfelves  oflFfrom  high  places,  others  drowning  theiii- 
felves  in  r!vers,with  ffones  tied  about  th$ir  necks,and  others,other  waycs^ 
which  we  will  not  here  treat  of.  The  Chwejfes  are  not  fo  valiant  to  do 
thisjwhilethey  are  living,  but  being  dead,  if  they  are  fo  poor,  that  they 
cannot  make  them  a  Coffm^xhcy  burne  them,and  bury  their  aflies.  Tn  the 

L  Province 

74-  TheUilloryofCHL^Hji.         Pabt.i. 

Province  of  Smhetl  they  burn  the  bodie,  and  put  the  afties  in  earthcrn 
UrreSydo[Q  flopped;  and  then  caft  them  into  the  rivers. 

After  the  Chefiy  followeth  the  place  o^SefulttirCy  which  every  one  pro^ 
videth  for  himfelf  and  his  pofterity,without  the  v^als  .•  for  within,  it  is  not 
permitted.  Of  thefe  places  they  make  great  account.  Some  have  in 
them  very  convcnienthoufcs.- they  are  kept  lockt  on  the  out-fide,  and 
within  are  full  of  C)f/>r^j(/"^/,  (which  they  ufually  plant  there,)  and  other 
treesjproper  for  that  place.  They  arc  many  times  little  worth,  in  refpedt 
of  the  quantitie  of  ground  they  contain-,  but  do  coft  them  a  great  deal  of 
mony,  if  their  Aflrologer  do  judge  them  lucky  places,  and  fortunate 
for  the  Familie*,  for  none  do  make  choice  of  thcm,withOijt  his  opinion^ 

In  Burjing^xhty  obferve  this  order,  to  lay  the  chief  of  the  Family  in 
the  uppcrmoft  place,  and  the  reft  by  his  fide  according  to  their  degrees. 
On  the  topp  of  the  Sepdchre^xhty  place  many  ornaments  wrought  in 
ftone-,  and  before  them  they  fet  Stone-ftatues  of  feverall  ^^;?/>»4//-  and 
(above  all)  Epitaphs-^  and  ftoncs  graved  with  elegant  compofitions,  in 
praifeof  thedeceafcd.  The  great  men;,  cfpecially  the  Eunuches  ufe  ano- 
ther way  of  more  vaft  expence.  For  they  build  in  fuch  phces, Sumptuous 
Palaces^  with  Halls  underneath  them  like  ^cemeteries-^  where  there  aie  Ni- 
fhes  fitted  to  receive  the  Coffins  of  the  deceafed.  Thefe  PaUces  ferve  them 
when  they  go  thither-,  and  on  The  day  of  the  dead-^  at  which  time  the  whole 
Family  is  alfembled  to  make  their  Sacrifices  and  Ccremonics.For  the 
poorer  fort  of  people,  that  cannot  have  a  peculiar  place  ofSepulture^  there 
is  ordinariIy,in  every  City,a  common  place  of  Buriall. 

They  never  faile  to  bury  every  one  in  the  place  of  his  Sepulture,  al- 
though it  be  never  fo  remote  from  that  where  he  dieth-,  which  happeneth 
often  to  the  officers,  who  by  reafon  they  are  fent  to  govern  in  feverall 
parts  of  the  kingdome,do  many  times  come  to  die  out  of  their  own 
Country,  and  upon  thatoccafion  caufe  them  to  be  brought  home  and  bu  - 
ried  there:  neither  doth  it  feem  a  cuftome  voide  of  rearon,/4<:^^  and  fofeph 
having  ufed  the  fame  diligence  upon  that  account. 

At  their  death  the  firft  Ceremony  is:that  before  the  dying  Pcrfon  breathe 
his  laft,they  bring  him  on  a  matticfTe,or  quilt5into  the  outward  Hall, 
where  he  is  to  expire.  I  do  not  know,  what  is  the  reafon  of  this  cuftomcj 
neither  is  it  generally  ufed  of  all-,  for  if  he  be  a  perlon  of  qualitic,  they 
let  him  alone  in  his  bed,  and  afToon  as  he  is  dead,his  eldeft  Son  plucketh 
off  the  Coife  and  Cap  from  his  head  ,  and  pulling  down  the  bed 
without  any  order  overturneth  the  Beds-Tefter  and  curtaines;  and 
partly  by  tearing,  and  partly  by  breaking,  puUeth  every  thing  down, 
and  with  it  covcreth  the  Corps.  It  it  be  a  woman,  the  women  ftay  ^and 
ifit  be  a  man,  the  men-  prefently  walhing  the  dead  Body  according  to 
their  cuftome.  When  they  have  waflied  it^  they  wind  it  in  a  finelinnen 
cloth,  if  he  have  any^  or  elfe  in  a  piece  of  filk.  After  that,  they  cloathe 
him  in  the  beft  garment  that  he  hath, and  upon  him  they  lay  the  enfignes 
of  his  office  and  degree:  andwhenheis,thus  adorned  .•  they  lay  him 
into  the  Coffin ,  which  is  made  of  very  thick  boards,  and  ftrong- 
ly  joyhtcd.  On  the  infidc  of  the  Coffin  they  beftow  two  v^^cights, 
which  they  call  Manos  of  Bitumen^  and  after  that  oncof  C^^r^/?;  and 


C^IvJd.  TheHifioryof  CHI 3^ J.  yj 

then  there  is  no  danger ,  that  any  ill  fmcll  can  come  through  it. 

The  Coffift  is  then  brought  our,  and  placed  in  the  outward  hall,  which 
is  all  hung  with  mourning.  Onthe  top  of  the  CoffinKhcy  lay  his  ftatuc 
made  by  the  life,  with  his  cnfignes  of  honour,  juft  as  he  lieth  in  the  Coffin, 
Before  it,they  fct  a  Table  and  a  Carpctj  behinde  the  Coffiriy  they  hang  up 
certiinc  curtaines-,  behind  which,the  women  ftand.  Oneach  fide  of  the 
Coffrt  are  his  fonnes  and  grand- fonncs/^/;?^  on  flraw  in  very  deep  mour- 
ning. In  the  fir fl:  open  Gallerie  fct  zhout  y^lih  BaUnfters ,  which  is  before 
the  hall,  there  fland  Trumpeters  on  each  fide  thereof ;  and  at  the  great 
gate  of  the  Palace,  on  the  infidc,in  the  Court,  are  two  drummers  .•  with- 
out the  gate  next  the  ftreet  there  is  hung  out  a  great  flagge,  made  of  pieces 
of  paper  reaching  almoft  to  theground,and  it  is  a  {ignall,  that  their  mour- 
ning is  provided,  and  that  now  they  admit  ofvifitants.  After  that,  they 
advifc  all  their  friends  and  kindred  thereof,  fending  them  a  Thieoi  Mour- 
ning, wherein,  with  words  of  much  af  fli(5tion  and  humilitie,  they  give 
them  notice  of  their  forrow. 

Then  prefently  begin  their  Vifm  of  Condeling^  which  arc  done  in  this 
manner :  When  the  P^ifttant  is  come  into  the  firfl:  Court,  prefently  he  put- 
tahon\)\%  Mourning' garment^  which  he  bringeth  with  him  for  that  pur- 
pofc.  The  drummer  bcateth  his  drumme  to  give  notice  of  his  arrivall,  and 
while  lie  paffeth  through  the  Court,  the  Trumpets  found  •,  affoone  as  he 
cometh  into  the  Hall,  the  women  behind  the  Curtaws  begin  to  weep  and 
lament.  When  he  cometh  up  to  the  Table  he  layeth  thereon  a  purfe  of 
paper  •  with  money  in  it  to  the  value  of  twelve  pence,  or  eighteen  pence  5 
Cwhich  ferveth  for  an  Aideohht  cofl,)  and  fome  little  perfumes :  Then 
upon  the  Carpet  he  maketh  foure  reverences,  part  kneeling,  and  part  {lan- 
ding on  his  feet ;  When  they  are  ended,prefently  tbeSonnes  rife  up  from 
the  place  where  they  are,  and  go  and  place  themfclves  on  the  left  hand  of 
the  Ftfitant,  and  make  him  as  many  reverences,  partly  kneeling,  and  part- 
ly on  their  feet,  at  which  time  they  are  to  weep,  or  at  leafl  to  make  as  if 
they  wept :  When  this  is  done,  without  fpcaking  a  word,  they  return  to 
their  places  againe;In  the  meanetime  the  rifttant  goeth  forward,  and  pre- 
fently one  of  the  remoteft  of  the  kindred,  in  {lighter  mourning,  cometh 
to  receive  him,  and  leadeth  him  into  another  roomc  •,  where  alfoone  as 
they  are  fate,prefently  there  is  brought  in  fome  of  their  drink,  called  Chia, 
and  dried  fruits,  or  clfe  dried  fweet  meatS;  of  which  for  the  mo{lpart  they 
do  not  eat,  but  taking  a  little,  put  it  into  their  {leeve,  and  fo  take  their 

This  courtefie  is  efleemed  fo  due,  that  thofe  friends,  who  are  at  hand, 
may  by  no  means  omit  it  5  and  they  who  are  farther  off,  if  they  dwell  in 
neighbouring  Cities,  come  in  their  own  perfon  •  But  if  they  live  very 
farre  ofF,they  fend  one  from  home  to  do  it  in  their  name^  This  ceremonie 
commonly  lafleth  eight  or  ten  dales.  But  they  who  live  farre  off,  may 
come,  or  fend  to  do  it,  at  what  time  they  pleafe. 

Wh€nther(/?/jare  over,  the  eldcfl  Sonne  is  obliged  to  go  to  all  thofe 
of  the  fame  City,  that  came  to  ^W<?/^  withhimatliishoufe;  but  he  hath 
no  more  to  do,  but  to  come  to  the  gate  5  where  f  without  j  a  Carpet  is 
fprcad,whcron  he  maketh  his  rcvc^encejeaveth  aT^/V^and  goeth  his  way» 

L  2  After 

7^  Ihe  Hijlorj  ofCHLT^A  Part.i. 

After  thisj  they  begin  to  think  of  the  buriaU^  which  (if  they  arc  able  j  is 
performed  with  a  great  deale  of  cxpence  •,  if  not,  they  leave  the  Chcfi 
(landing  at  home,  till  they  are  better  able  -,  which  is  feme  times  whole 
years  firft:^  They  give  notice  of  the  fumralho  their  friends,  by  fending  z 
Thte  to  each,  as  at  the  firft  :  Who  being  alTembled,  come  prcfently  to  the 
place  above  mentioned.  Firft  of  all,are  carried  the  Pageams^  which  are  fe- 
verall  great  ftatues  of  men,  Horfes,  Elephants,  Lyons,  Tigers,,  &c.  They 
are  all  made  of  painted  paper,and  adorned  with  gilding.  Befides  thefc, 
are  canied  feverall  other  machines,  as  Triumphant  Chariots,  Pyramids, 
and  fuch  like  things;  every  thing  being  fet  out  with  various  works,in  filke, 
and  flowres.and  rofes  ohhc  fame  materialls  •,  all  which  is  to  be  burnt^  if 
the  Perfon  be  of  great  qualitie ;  For  otherwife  all  thefe  are  buthircd,and 
rsone  of  them  is  burnt. 

After  thefe  Pageants^  followeth  the  multitude  of  people  which  come  fo 
lookc  on-,  then  come  all  their  friends  cloathed  in  mourning',  after  thefe,the 
Bonz>!^  finging  out  their  prayers,  and  founding  their  Cymballs-,after  them, 
come  another  fort  of  Bonz>i^  who  weare  beards,and  long  haire,and  leading 
a  fingle  life,live  in  communitie :  Thefe  go  playing  upon  feverall  muficall 
Inftruments.  After  thefe,follow  another  race  of  Bonzip^z  different  kOL^ 
Thefe  are  fhaved,and  go  along  alfo  faying  their  prayers.  After  thefe,corae 
the  more  intimate  friends  •,  after  them,follov/  all  the  kinfmen  •,  afrer  thcfe^ 
come  the  fonnes  and  grand-fonnes  of  the  dcceafed  Perfon,  cloathed  in  a 
very  mfiere  mournings  bare  footed,  with  certainc  ftaves  in  their  hand,  fa- 
iliioned  like  thofe  which  pilgrimes  carry  •,  fo  fhorr,  that  they  are  lit- 
tle above  two  palmes  long  5  and  fo  they  go  along  hanging  their  heads 
'  Immediately  after  thefe  cometh  the  Coffn ;  which  if  it  be  made  of  pre- 

cious wood,  is  uncovered,  that  it  might  be  feen ;  elfe  it  xs  varnifbed  over, 
and  richly  adorned  with  gold  and  Charan.  It  is  placed  on  a  very  large 
Machm,c2iXi\c6.  fometimes  by  30,40.  or  50,  men,  which  is  ftill  the  grea- 
ter ftate,  the  more  they  are.  Above  it,  is  fattened  a  Baldacchino  or 
cloath  of  ftate,which  covcreth  it  all  over  head,  having  his  rich  Talfels  and 
firings  hanging  downe  by  the  fides.  Ncete  to  this  on  both  hands,  are  car- 
ried many  lights  in  great  woodden  frames,  made  like  lanthorns ;  behind 
the  Coffn^mt  carried  the  womcn,crying  and  lamenting  in  fedans  faft  lock- 
ed, and  covered  all  over  with  mourning,  accompanied  in  the  fame  man- 
ner by  their  female- friends  and  kindred.  When  they  are  come  to  the 
place  oi Sepulture^  they  performe  feverall  ceremonies  both  before  and  after 
the  Coffin  is  buried :  And  a  fumptuous  banquet,  (which  they  make  for  ^1 
thofe  that  accompanyed  the  hcarfe)is  none  of  the  worft  ceremonies  among 
them.  And  this  is  oneofthe  occafions,  wherein  they  make  ufe  of  thofe 
faire  houfes  they  build  in  thofe  places- 

When  they  are  returned  home,  then  followeth  the  time  of  mourningy 
^nd  the  ceremonies  that  are  then  obfcrved;  which  are  thefe  that  follow. 
The  firft  and  moft  univerfall,  is  to  cloath  themfelvesin  the  courfeft  and 
heavieft  mourning ;  the  colour  thereof  is  white,  not  only  in  thefe  King- 
domes,  but  alfo  in  Gw/>/>o;?,  Cerea,  and  many  other  neighbouring  King- 
domes:  and  as  it  fccmeth  to  me,  this  white  colour  was  not  chofcn  at  the 


Chap.kJ.  IheHiflorjofCHl^A.         77 

beginning  for  its  one  fakcjbut  came  in,as  it  were^by  confcquence.for  they 
thcmfclves  cannot  give  any  reafon,  why  their  prede  ccflours  chofeit-and 
.on  theother  fide  they  know,that  it  is  a checreful  coloutjand  as  fuch  they 
wcare  it  at  certain  times;  the  reafon  therefore  of  it  feemeth  to  me  to  be, 
becaufe  in  China  they  make  no  cloath  but  of  Cotton,Silk3  and  Hemp.  Of 
Silk  and  Cotton  there  is  no  courfe  cloath  to  be  made,  but  of  Hempe  in- 
deed there  is,  fuch  as  would  make  one  afraid  to  fee  it .  A nd  becaufe  in 
its  naturall  colour  it  is  morcunfightly  and  horrid,  than  when  it  is  died 
and  coloured,  they  on  purpofe  chufe  to  have  it  f o  .-whence  It  being  natu- 
rally white,  by  confequence,  white  came  to  be  the  proper  colour  for 

This  Uonrn'wg  lafteth  three  whole  years-  during  which  time,  the  fons 
do  never  fit  on  a  chaire,but  on  a  little  fourm,or  ftoo!c,covered  with  Mour- 
»/>^:they  eate  not  at  a  Table,  nor  lie  on  a  Bed-fi:ead,but  the  bed  is  laid  on 
the  floore:  they  drink  no  wine,  eate  no  flcfhjnorufe  any  Baths,  (which 
are  very  common  among  them.)  They  go  not  to  Banquets,  nor  do  they 
go  out  of  their  doores,  but  in  a  Sedan  clofe  fluit ,  and  covered  with 
mourning.  They  abftainfrom  their  own  wives(as  they  fay  at  leafi:)  if 
there  be  any  examinations  inthat  time,  they  go  not  to  them  .-  they  may 
not  hold  any  publick  office;  and  if,  at  the  time,  they  do  aiftually 
cxercife  any,  their  Father  or  Mother  chance  to  die,  although  he  be  -vice- 
roy or  Co/4o,he  muft  leave  his  office,and  attend  to  bury  them, and  to  make 
their  oh^eqiius^zxi^  when  the  Mourning  is  ended,tbey  rcturne  to  their  char- 
ges and  offices  againe,  and  fometimes  to  greater. 

This  time  is  accounted  fo  facred  among  them,  that  it  admitteth  of  no 
dhpenfation,  except  it  be  in  their  captaines  and  officers  of  warre.And  be- 
caufe one  of  the  Province  oiCantomi^tmtdi  more  defirous  of  his  go- 
vernment, than  to  obferve  his  Mourning,  and  computing  his  time,refol- 
ved  to  fpend  the  refi:  in  hi'.,  journey, which  he  wanted  to  make  up  his  three 
years, when  he  came  to  the  court,  and  petitioned  for  his  office, it 
was  promifed  him  upon  this  condition,  that  he  fiiould  returne  home  to 
his  houfe,and  fully  accomplifii  his  timeofi*/^«m;i^,  and  then  he  ffiould 
come  againe  to  court,  and  make  his  demand. 

The  number  of  three  years,  they  fay,.is  to  give  thanks  to  their  Parents 
for  the  three  yeares  of  their  infancie,  during  which  time  they  were  car- 
ried more  in  their  armcs,  than  on  their  own  legges.  And  therefore  in 
thofe  three  yeares,  in  token  of  reverence,  they  may  not  innovate  or  alter 
any  thing  in  the  houfe  from  that  order,  which  the  Father  kept  in  it. 

For  a  wife  they  raourne  but  one  year.  There  is  a  Slighter  Mourning  of 
five  months  and  three  dales,  according  to  the  neernefle  of  their  kindred 
and  relation:  Friends  for  their  friends  obferve  only  Three  daies  of  Mour- 
ning. They  have  all  Mourning  garments  lye  ready  by  them-,  there 
being  fo  many  occafions  to  wearethem. 

^This  is  the  manner  of  their  Mourning  and  Bnriall  of  the 
Peifonsofthegreateft  quality,  which  isencreafbd  and  diminiflied,  ac- 
cording to  the  condition  and  qualitie  of  the  Pcrfon.Atthe  Fnncrallsof 
the  Kings,and  thofe  of  the  royall  Familie,  the  Ceremonies  are  much  grea- 
ter: and  that  they  might  the  better  be  conceived?!  will  fee  down  what. 


7 8  The Hiftory  of  C'^IHA .  Part.i. 

pafled  in  the  year  1614.  at  the  Funcralloi  the  ^een-Mother:,  where  I  my 
Iclfe  was  prcfent. 

Chap.  17. 

Of  the  Funerall  of  the  Queen^ 

THe  ^teen-Mother  died  on  the  ninth  day  of  the  fecond  Moon, 
which  isthelaftof  ourMarch,intheyearei6i4.prefently  all  the 
Court  put  on  Mournings  not  only  the  NohHme,hut  even  the  common  peo- 
ple too^  and  efpecially  the  Kings  officers  and  Minifters,who  laying  afidc 
the  enfignes  of  their  dignitie,  f  which  are  boih  oi  Author itie  and  Orna- 
went  to  themj  do  change  them  for  others  o[ Mourning  and  Sorrew.-zs  their 
Girdle{  which  commonly  they  weare  very  rich)  into  a  ro^e  of  courfe 
Hempe-,and  their  ^4p  (which  is  of  black  SilkJ  into  one  made  of  the 
courfe  cloath  for  Mourning,  In  this  manner  they  went  foure  months,till 
the  time  of  the  obfequies^  The  common  people  wore  only  a  Mourning 
Cap  for  foure  and  twenty  daies,  withfo  much  exaiftncffcjthat  he  that 
negle(5ted  it,  was  puniflicd. 

The  fecond  day,  the  King  leaving  the  Palaces  where  he  dwelt,  paflfed 
over  to  thofe  of  his  deceafed  Mother-^  which,  although  they  are  within 
the  fame  wall,  yet  ftandat  fome  diftance*  They  cloathed  the  dead  bo- 
dy  in  white  very  richly-,  and  every  day  till  it  was  put  into  the  Coffin,  the 
King  went  in  Pe'rfon,  with  all  the  people  of  his  palace  to  vifit  her,  and  to 
per  for  me  thofe  ordinary  Reverences  and  Compliments,ufed  by  children 
to  their  parents,  putting  rich  odours  and  fpices  into  a  perfuming  pan, 
which  flood  before  her-,3ll  his  women,Sons  andNephews,as  alfo  fome  of 
the  Principall  Eunnchss  of  the  Palace  did  the  like  with  all  SoUmnitie.  Then 
prefcntly,  by  the  Kings  command,  the  garments,  bed  and  other  things 
which  the  Qfleen  ufed,were  burned.-judging  it  an  unworthie  thing  that  c- 
ver  they  (hould  be  made  ufe  of  by  any  Perion  inferiour  to  her  in  dignitit 
and  authority. 

On  the  third  day  the  body  was  put  into  the  Coffin. The  excellency  of  the 
matter  thereof  may  be  eafily  imagined  by  what  hath  been  already  faid, 
that  even  for  private  perfons  the  price  ofoneamounteth  many  times  to  a 
thoufand  cro  wnes.  The  boards  are  very  thick,and  the  Coffin  very  capaci- 
ous,There  the  King  himfelfe  plac't  her  upon  a  ^ilt  and  a  PilloWjWhich 
were  there  laid,  ftrewing  upon  her,  pearle^and  precious  ftones  to  the  va- 
lue of  70000*  crownes,  and  placing  by  her  fide  fifty  pieces  of  cloath  of 
gold,  and  fiftie  of  cloath  of  filver,  which  truly  would  have  been  enough 
to  have  maintained  a  gallant  man  all  his  life  tinic.  The  Coffin  was  ffiut, 
and  the  King  with  the  reft  made  their  accuftoraedrevcrcnces,and  de- 

On  the  fourth  day  the  ceremonies  were  continuedjCloathing  themf-lves 
in  a  more  auftere  and  horrid  Mourning,  for  to  celebrate  the  Sacrifices, 


Chap  .17.  TheHifiory  of  CHi:^^.  79 

which  in  rcalitie  are  not  facrifi  ces,  but  offcrings,and  pure  ceremonics.The 
Coffin  was  placed  in  a  fpacious  Court,  as  it  were,  upon  a  high  Throne^and 
about  it  ftood  fifteen  Tables :  The  firft,that  was  in  the  front,  was  for  the 
King-,  the  reft  for  his  women.  Somes  and  prmi pall Eumches^  who,  after 
the  King,  according  to  their  order,  made  their  offerings  with  perfumes 
and  reverences. 

On  the  fift  day^which  was  appointed  for  thofe  who  dwell  without  the 
Palace,  there  was  afTembled  ail  the  Nohilitit  and  TitnUdos^  which  they 
call  ^e^  Cum^  Cht*^  Cheu^  Beufs^  who  do  all  fucceed  by  inheritance.  Af- 
ter thefe,followcd  all  thofe  that  were  of  Affinitie  and  Alliance  with  the 
King,  that  is,fuch  as  were  married  to  hisDaughters  or  Nieces.  After  thefe, 
i\i^  Magifiratesohhddyi  Trihimals  :  And  after  thefe,  came  the  wives  of 
the  great  Officers,  who  have  jurifdi6i:ion  over  the  whole  Kingdome,  fuch 
as  are  thofe  of  the  fix  Trtbrndlsy  each  in  that  which  appertaineth  to  him^ 
whether  it  be  concerning  the  Revenue,or  the  Militia^  or  any  other  thing. 
All  thefe  in  their  order  performed  the  cercmmes  abovefaid :  and  fo  there 
was  a  period  putrothefirft  part  of  x\\c  ceremonies,  which  are  ufcd  in  the 
Palace  before  the  Ftmerall-^  for  abroad  there  were  many  things  comman- 
ded, and  feverall  edids  publifhed  5  in  which  were  intimated: 

Firft,  that  all  il/W4r/;i^j,  both  of  the  Gorvneand  Sword ^  fl^ould  make 
their  sppearance  at  the  Palace  the  day  following,  to  bewaile  the  deceafed 
S^een-,  which  done,  without  returning  to  their  houfes,  they  fhouldgo 
diredtly  to  their  Trihunalls^  there  to  remain  and  keep  a  fafi  for  three  daies, 
without  eating  flefh,  fifb,  or  eggs,  or  drinking  any  wine*  That  done,  for 
the  fpace  of  other  three  daies,  they  (hould  come  all  to  the  gates  of  the  Pa- 
lace, and  there  in  their  order,  one  by  one,  (hould  make  foure  accuftomcd 
reverences,  with  fome  other  extern  all  (ignes  of  griefe,  and  then  rcturne 
home  to  their  houfes. 

The  fecond;  that  all  the  wives  of  the  Mandarines^  from  the  firft  to  the 
fourth  degree,  cloathed  from  head  to  foot  in  clofe  mourningfi\ou\d  affera- 
bleatthc  fame  place,  and  for  the  fpace  of  three  days  lament  in  the  like 
manner :  and  that  afterwards,  at  their  owne  houfes,  for  the  fpace  of  twen- 
ty feaven  days,  they  (hould  not  put  on  their  Jewells,  ornaments,  ^r. 

The  third  5  that  thofe  of  the  Royal!  Councell,  called  Han  Lin  (hould  all 
make  Poems,  verfes,  and  compofirions  in  pralfe  of  the  deceafed  ^een. 

The  fourth ;  that  they  of  the  SluanLoSk^  that  is,  the  Officers  of  the 
Kings  exchequer  and  revenue,  (hould,  with  all  diligence  and  Jibcralitie, 
provide  what  ever  was  necefTary,  for  the  facrifices  and  other  expences  of 
the  funerall. 

The  fifth :  that  all  the  Bonz.i^^nd  minifters  of  the  Idols,fhould  ring  their 
bells  for  a  long  time,  as  a  figoe  of  forrow  and  griefe. 

The  fixth:  that  for  thirteen  daics  there  fhould  be  no  flefh  killed,  or  fold 
in  the  (hamblcs :  but  that  all  fliould  fafl-,  as  the  King  did  •,  who,for  the  firft 
three  days^did  eat  only  a  little  rice  boy  led  in  faire  water,and  the  refl  of  the 
timc,pulfe  only. 

The  feaventh  •,  there  was  order  given  to  the  Prefident  of  the  Councell 
of  rites  and  ceremonies,  and  to  thofe  of  the  chamber,  that  they  (hould  pre- 
fcnt  momning  garments  to  all  the  EmbalTadourSjWho  did  then  adually  re- 

8o  IheUiJloryofCBLKA'  Part.i. 

{ide  in  the  Court  -,  and  that  they  fliould  be  brought  to  the  Palace  and  per- 
forme  one  day  the  ceremomes  and  compliments  in  like  the  peo- 
ple of  r  he  Country-did. 

The  eighth :  that  all  Ma^dnrir/eSj  that  had  finiflied  their  government, 
and  ail  new  pretenders  fliould  come  for  three  days  to  the  Palace^to  do  the 
fame  reverences  and  ceremonies. 

The  ninth:  that  the  common  people,  for  a  week  together,  fhoulddo 
the  fame,  morning  and  evening,  at  the  Palace  of  the  Govcrnourof  the 

Befides  this,  all  the  ii/W^nm,  difperfed  through  the  Provinces  and 
Cities  of  the  Kingdome,  were  written  to  •,  that  at  the  arrivall  of  the  newcs 
of  the  ^^^f»-3/£?//^fn  deceafe,  theyihould  give  notice  thereof  to  all  the 
blood  royal]  of  the  Male  line,  and  to  their  ivives  and  children  •  and  order, 
that  they  Hiould  make  the  three  accuftomed  reverences,  and  other  ceremo- 
mes  on  their  knees ;  and  immediately  to  cloac h  themfelves  in  Mourning  for 
fcavenand  twenty  days.  This  order  was  given  to  all  the  Mandarines  of 
the  Kir\gdome,as  well  to  thofe  that  had  goverad,  as  to  thofe  that  did  adu- 
ally  govcrne,  as  alfo  to  all  Limrati,  of  what  degree  foever,  as  likcvvife  to 
thofe  that  had  not  received  any  degree. 

To  the  common  people  there  was  order  given,  that  they  (hould  weare 
Mottrmng  caps  for  thirteen  dayes. 

Moreover  it  was  ordered,thatas  well  in  the  Palaces  of  the  Mandarines^ 
as  in  the  pubjick  Innes  on  the  high  wayes,  and  in  fmall  villages,  where  tra- 
vellers are  lodged  at  the  Kings  expcnce,  no  mufick,  either  of  voice  or  in- 
ftrument,  (liould  be  fufecd.  And  this  order  was  divulged  by  Mandarines 
appointed  only  for  this  occafion.  And  when  this  order  came  to  the 
CourtofiV4;?)^/>»,  al  J  the  officers,  both  of  the  CJ^n?;^^  znd  Sword,  went  out 
to  meet  it  as  farre  as  the  river,all  in  deep  Monrning^cvcn  to  their  Umbrellas^ 
wherewith  rhey  keep  off  the  runne-,and  accompanied  it  through  the  City, 
in  an  orderly  proceffion,  as  farre  as  the '  Tribunal  of  rites  and  ceremonies  5 
where  the  Prcfident  received  the  order  in  writing  •  and  fet  it  up  in  an  emi- 
nent confpicuous  place,  and  all  of  them  did  their  reverence  to  it;  after 
thar,hc  tooke  the  letter  and  opened  it,and  made  proclamation  of  the  order, 
although  there  wanted  nothing  to  the  execution  thercof,but  that  the  com- 
m  on  people  had  not  yet  their  Mourning  caps. 

l^hdcvitxQtht ceremonies t  which  preceded  the  Funerall-^  the  which 
being  ended,ordcr  was  glwcn  to  the  Mathematician  Major,  01  chiefe  Aftro- 
loger  of  the  Court  ofPekim^  that  he  diould  make  choife  of  a  day  or  days, 
whereon  the  obfequies  (hould  be  folemni  zed.  He,  after  he  had  confulted 
his  art,  appointed  the  nmth  day  of  the  fixth  moone  (foure  months  com^ 
pleat  after  the  ^ecns  dczth)  to  be  the  day,  whereon  the  corps  (hould  be 
brought  out  of  the  Palace,  and  the  fifteenth  of  the  fame  moone,  for  the 
d^LyohhcFunerail.  The  time  being  come,  order  was  given  for  the  fo- 
leranizing  thereof  inform  following. 

Pirftt,  that  all  the  Mandarines  oftheCourr,  and  Ma^ijlratesofthc  fix 
Tribunals^  fix  days  before,  fliould  leave  their  own  houfcs,  and  make  their 
abode  at  their  Tribunals^md  fhould  faft  for  three  dayes  in  manner  above- 


O^ITTT^  TheBfioryof  CHlfJ^A 

Secondly,  that  the  Officers  of  the  Kings  Patrimonic  and  Revenue 
fliould  prepare  whatfoever  was  neceflliry ,  for  that  occafion-  that  is,  great 
qu:^ntitie  of  Candles,  Perfumes,  SpiceSjgreat  ftore  oi  Phantafticke  figures, 
nnd  Images  of  men,  Horfes,  Lions,Elephantc,  Vm  brellas  of  Silk,  all  rich- 
ly fcr  out,  that  they  might  be  burnt  at  the  place  of  Sepdture,  It  is  repor- 
ted ,that  there  were  fpent  in  this  above  30000  Crowas.  1  make  no  doubt, 
but  fo  much  was  fpent-,  but  that  it  was  afterwards  all  burnt,  is  hard  to  be 
proved-.  It  may  be,  fame  was  fomtthing  extravagant  in  that  particular. 

Thirdly,  that  they  oftheColledge  of  i/4»i/>?fh9uld  anew,  make  o- 
ther  verfcs  proper  for  the  Funerall. 

Fourthly,  becaufe  the  King  was  to  accompany  the  Body  to  the  Septd- 
//V/-1?,  which  is  twelve  miles  diftant  from  the  Court,  he  named  another 
Perfon,  who  in  his  ftead  fliould  performe  all  the  compliments  and  ne- 
cefTarie  Ceremonies. 

Fifthly , order  was  given  to  all  the  Officers, Captaines,  &  Souldiers^that 
they  fiiould  keep  a  Guard  in  the  City ,  and  at  the  SepnlchrCy  and  that  they 
(hould  accompanie  the  Body,  by  the  way,  in  this  manner.  That  at  every 
gate  of  theCity/ which  are  nine  in  all)there  fliould  ftand  a  thoufand  men,' 
That  from  the  gate,  through  which  the  Body  was  to  paffe^to  the  place  of 
Sepulture^thcvQ  fliould  fland  two  rancks  of  Souldiers.-that  there  fhould  be 
3000  to  carry  thc^offm  by  turncs-,and  loooo  horfemen  to  accompany  it: 
and  for  the  Guard  of  the  Hoyali  Sepulchres ,  while  the  Ohfequies  laftcd, 

Sixtly,  order  was  given  to  levell  the  way  from  the  Palace  to  the  place 
o^ Sepulture,  and  to  raile  it  in  on  both  (ides,  that  the  people  might  not 
ftop  up  the  way.  At  every  twenty  paces,  there  was  fet  a  basket  of 
yellow  earth,  for  to  flrow  in  the  way,  as  the  Hearfe  paffed-,  as  alfo,  that 
Tent5,andPavillionsfh6uldbefetupin  certainc  places:  for  the  refrefli- 
ment  of  thofe  that  accompanied  the  Body . 

Seavcnthly,  command  was  given  to  all  the  officers  of  the  revenue, 
that  they  fhould  provide,  with  all  pun(5lualitie  and  Iiberalitie,whatfoever 
was  neceffary  for  the  fuftenance  and  diet  o^  the  Mandarwes,  Eunuchs, 
Capuines,Sciddkrs,^nd  all  others,that  by  duty  of  their  pLice,attended  up- 
on the  Funera!lSolemnitie» 

Eighthly,that  three  dales  before  the  Vunerdl,  the  Mowmngt  Lamenta- 
tion, Reverences  and  Sacrifices  fhould  be  renewed  in  like  manner,as  at 
the  beginning. 

Ninthly,  and  laflly  it  was  commanded^  that  from  die  feaventh  (that  is, 
two  dales  before  the  F«wr4//^^/£?;7;w>/^  began)  to  the  twentieth  of  that 
Moon,  no  Shambles  fhould  be  opened,  neither  fleflinor  fifli  fold.,  in  any 
manner,  nor  that  any  noifeof  mirth,  or  Muiicall  inflrument  fhould  be 
heard  any  where  throughout  the  City. 

All  things  being  fet  in  order  for  the  Funerall-^on  the  fcaventh  of  the 
fixth  moone  the  King  and  Prince  with  ad  the  officers,  went  to  the  Tem- 
ple of  his  Ancefiours ,  which  ftandeth  within  the  Ro-jali  Palaces:  where, 
cloathed  in  deep  Mourning,  and  coming  before  the  Image  of  the  firfl 
founder  of  his  Familie,  he  made  a  low  Revercnce,and  after  offered  to  his 
deceafcd  Mother,  whofe  Image  was  yet  (landing  therejinany  Garments 

M  of 

Ihe  Hijlorj  ofCHLT^A.  Part.i  . 

of  filk,  wine,  and  other  things.  Then  he  commanded  thattone  of  the 
compoficions  made  in  her  praifc^fliould  be  read-,  after  which  uflng  fcverall 
other  Reverences  and  Ceremonies, they  all  returned- and  the  King  left 
particular  order,  that  all  thofe  Garments,  Poems,  and  other  things  fhould 

be  burned. 

On  the  eighth  day,vvere  made  Sacrifices  to  Heaven,Earthjthe  Planets, 
Mounalnes,  and  Rivers,  with  great  Solemnitie-  when  rhcfe  were  ended, 
the  King  commanded,  that  the  fame  Sacrifices  fhould  be  made  to  the 
nine  Gates  of  the  Palace,  through  which  the  Corps  of  the  deceafcd 
Que^n  was  to  pafre-,and  to  the  Tutelar  Angels  of  them^  as  alfothe  fix 
Bridges  of  the  River,  which  runneth  through  the  Palace,  oflFering  in  all 
thefe^places  living  creatures,  Aromaticks,  wine  made  with  feverall  Spices 
and  ingredients,  and  diverfe  other  perfumes. 

'  The  Cheft  or  Coffin,  in  which  the  deceafed  Queen  lay,  was  of  the 
mofl  precious  and  dearefl  wood,  that  could  be  found  in  that  Kingdome, 
and  was  fbut  and  clofed  up  with  all  poffible  art  and  diligence,  and  clafped 
on  the  outfide  with  hafps  of  Silver,  made  in  the  forme  of  Dragons :  nei- 
ther was' there  any  Gold,  or  Charan^wkd  for  the  Ornament  thereof,  that 
that  precious  wood  might  beleft  more  bare  and  open  to  the  fight.It 
was  placed  in  a  Triumphant  Chariot  very  richly  wrought,  with  its  Cur- 
taines  of  filk  embroidered  with  Gold.  Moreover  the  Chariot  was  ador- 
ned all  over  with  plates  of  Silver,cafl  in  the  figures  of  Lions  andDragons, 
and  other  works-,  all  performed  with  exquifite  art  and  diligence.  About 
the  Hearfe  flood  many  Candles  and  perfuming  pans. 

The  fifth  day  being  come,  which  was  appointed  by  the  Kings  Mat  he- 
matician  for  the  carrying  of  the  Corps  forth  of  the  Palace,  the  King  with 
his  Women,Sonnes,and  the  Eunuches  ofthe  Palace,  came  to  theplace_, 
where  the  Chariot,  that  carried  the  Hearfe,  ftood-,  where,  after  they  had 
renewed  their  lamentations  for  their  departed  Qu^en,  they  Sacrificed  to 
the  Chariot  it  felfe,or  to  the  God  and  Genius  thereof^  that  the  voyage 
might  be  profperous-,  and  that  the  Body  might  enjoy  quiet  and  fecuritie; 
then  Sprinkling  fweet  waters  upon  the  Hearfe,thcy  made  their  lafl  Com- 
pliments and  Reverences. 

Prefently  the  Bumchs  (ioi  no  others  enter  there,)put  the  mfclves  in  or- 
der to  draw  the  Chariot,  the  King  accompanying  ir  with  all  his  Familie 
to  the  lafl,  that  is  ,thc  eighth  Gate  ofthe  PalacejWherejWith  new  laments, 
Ceremonies  and  complements,he  took  his  leave. 

Then  within  the  fiifl  gate  flood  ready,  they  that  were  to  receive  the 
Corps,  and  in  the  Kings  name  and  flead,  were  to  accompany  it ,  and  to 
make  the  Sacrifices  and  C^remeniei^  that  were  to  be  performed  at  certaine 
places.  Then  prefently  began  the  Proceffion,  with  fuch  folemnitie,  or- 
der, and  filencc,  that  it  caufed  admiration  in  all  that  beheld  it.  It  went 
no  further  that  day,  than  to  a  Town  without  the  walls-,  neer  to  which 
there  was  a  Tent  fet  up  very  richly  adorned,  where  the  Chariot  was  put; 
and  the  Tables  likewifc  being,fet ,  they  did  Sacrifice ,  and  burned  In- 
cenfe  and  Perfumes ,  and  performed  other  Ceremonies  and  Revcren^ 
ces;  and  lafl  ofall  they  renewed  their  Lamentations.  From  this  place 
was  difpatched  an  Bunnch  to  give  the  King  full  account ,  whither, 


Ghap.17-  TbeHi/lory  of  CHl^A.  8 } 

and  how  the  Body  was  arrived ,  and  of  all  that  paiTcd  there. 

The  day  following  was  begun  with  the  Ceremonies  and  other  Fu^ 
0crali folemmties^vjhh which  the  day  before  was  concluded-,  and  their 
journey  continued  with  fuch  a  Multitude  of  people,  as  well  of  thofe  of 
the  Guard  neerc  hand,  as  of  other  people  afar  off ,  that  were  cuiious  to 
fee,  that  they  were  not  to  be  nunibred.  Byrcafonof  the  Sacrifices,  Ce- 
remonies, and  ftops  which  they  made  in  the  way^  they  were  three  daies 
ere  they  arrived  at  the  Mountaine ,  where  the  Kings  Sepulchres  were. 

Aifoon  as  they  were  come  thither,  the  Heaile  was  removed  with  ma- 
ny Ceremonies  from  the  Chariot,  where  it  was,to  another  triumphant  Cha- 
riot, which  they  had  in  readineffe  for  that  purpofc,  of  no  le(Te  coft  than 
the  former.  After  that,  they  Sacrificed  to  the  earth,  a  Bull,  with  Spiced 
wines,  rich  perfumes,  and  garments,  Suplicating  to  the  tutelary  Spirit 
thereof,that  he  would  receive  that  Body  with  pitie,keep,  &  defend  it^^f, 
At  the  fame  time,  nine  MMdarines,A\>i^Qmcd  by  the  King  himfelf,per- 
formed  the  fame  Ceremonies  and  Sacrifices  to  all  the  Kings  predecelTourSj 
which  were  buried  there ;  when  the  day  was  come, on  which  the  Body 
fiiouldbeburied,  which  was  the  fifteenth  of  the  fixt  Moone,  they  made 
manv  Sacrifices,  and  fo  put  an  end  to  the  Funerall :  v/hen  prefently  the 
Mandarines  polled  away,  to  give  the  King  account  of  all  that  had  pafTed; 
which  account  wasalwayes  given  him  in  part  from  time  to  time  by  the 
way.  And  he  fliewed  his  liberalitie  to  all  thofe  that  had  taken  paines  in 
that  worker  and  to  (hew  his  care  and  piety,  in  all  that  which  he  ought,  to 
his  Mothers  memorie,  prefently  after  her  death,  he  commanded  that  all 
prifoncrs  (lioiild  be  releafed,  that  were  not  committed  for  any  enormous 
criracs.Hegave  order  alfo,  that  in  the  Provinces,  where  there  was  a  Scar- 
citic  of  vidualls,  the  ordinary  Tribute  (hould  be  taken  off;  and  that  alms 
(hould  be  given  to  thole  that  were  moft  neccfTitous  among  them. 

He  ordered  alio,  that  the  Rights  md  Gab  els  ^  to  be  pa-ed  at  the  Gates 
and  Cuftome-houfes,  which  upon  feme  occafions  were  lately  impofed, 
fhould  ceafe;  and  he  himfelf,  with  his  own  hands,  made  many  thoufimd 
imall  pieces  of  Silver  which  he  lapped  up  in  paper,  according  to  the 
cuftomcofC^i/?^,  to  give  them  it^  Almes  for  the  Soulc  of  his  dead  Mo- ' 

Truly  there  is  nothing  in.C/;/>4jro  vvorthy  to  be  imjtated  by  Chrifli-. 
ans,  as  their  pietyip wards  their  Patents,  and  God  havTnggivcn  to  this 
Nation  fuch  knowledge  and  inclination  to  vertjie,  it  is  great  pittie^  that 
they  fliould  only  want  the  foundation  of  faith.  Hence  we  may  fee, 
with  how  great  fruit  and  profit  the  Go fpel  might  be  preached  in  this  King- 
dome,  or  rather  by  the  goodncffc  of  the  Lor  d>it  is  already  preached,  as 
we  (hall  declare  in  its  proper  place. 

--  It  will  not  be.  befides  the  purpofc  of  this  difcourfe,  to  adde  briefly 
^*^^^.i"g3  coiicerningthe  death  of  Kiiig^W/,  Sonne  to  this  Qucena- 
bovefaid,  thc_which  fell  out  towards  the  end  of  y^»^«y?  i^c  year  1 610. 
in  their  (eaventh  moone-,forbearing  to  mention  the  Ceremonies ^vjhkh  Were 
like  to  thofe,  we  even  now  related. 

He  fell  fick  about  the  end  oifune  (In  the  fame  yearjof  a  loofenefs  and 
,  painc  inhisftomack,  fwelling  of  his  feet,  and  other  Maladies-  This 


8^.      ~"  TheHiJlou  of  QHIH/i'  V^^. 

infirmity  lafted  two  months  with  many  various  changes  &  alrerationsraf- 
ter  which,finding  himfelfe  come  to  the  end  of  his  life,he  called  his  Sonne, 
the  heirc  of  the  Kingdome,  with  his  three  other  brothers  •,  to  whom  he 
made  a  difcourfe  full  of  good  advifeand  wholefome  precepts,  accufing 
himfelfe  of  too  much  negligence,  and  want  of  care,  and  then  gave  them 

Then  he  made  his  laft  Will  and  Teftament^the  manner  whereof  is  this. 
When  the  Phyfitians  do  defpaire  of  the  Kings  recovery,  the  Colai^  if  they 
be  many,  as  they  ufe  to  bc,together  with  the  chiefe  of  the  Eunuchs,  and 
the  firft  Prefidcnt  of  the  PaIace,wbom  they  call  Suit  Kien^  go  to  the  King, 
and  endeavour  to  draw  from  his  owne  mouth,  what  his  laft  Willis,  and 
the  fumme  of  his  Tcftament.  After  that  •,  they  go  fccretly  to  the  Prince^^ 
the  heire  of  the  Kingdome,  and  give  him  an  account  of  all,  to  the  end  no- 
thing might  be  done  contrary  to  the  will  of  him,  who  is  prefently  to  take 
pofTeffion  of  the  Kingdome. 

When  they  have  underftood,  what  both  their  pleafures  are,  they  put  it 
into  the  form  of  a  Will,  and  carry  it  to  the  King,  to  have  his  approbation 
of  it.  ThentheyprefentittoaSenatour  of  the  royall  Colledge,  called 
Hanli  Tven^  to  whom  it  bclongeth  to  put  fuch  writings,  as  concerne  the 
King,  into  good  form  and  ftile. 

That  done,  it  is  clofed  up  and  fealcd  with  the  Kings  fcale,  and  is  kept  in 
the  Archives  of  the  royall  Colledge,  whileft  the  King  is  living,  Affoone 
as  he  is  dead^  it  is  carryed  to  the  Tribunal  q^  Rites  and  Ceremonies^  to 
whom  it  belongeth  to  publifli  it  through  the  whole  Kingdome,  and  to  put 
it  puniftually  in  execution. 

The  form  of  this  Will  is  here  faithfully  copied  and  tranflated  out  of  the 
Chinejfes  language  into  ours. 

The  laft  Will  and  Teftamcnt  of  our  Emperour  Vanl'u 

who  in  obedience  to  Heaven,  hath  rcfigned  his 
Empire  into  the  hands  of  Tofieritie. 

T  Trom  a  child  received  the  governmertt  ofthisMonarchlefrom  the  hands  of  my 
Ptogcnitours,  and  have  held  if fourty  eight  years,  a  very  longtime  :  where- 
fore I  have  no  reafon  to  lament ,  that  lam  now  to  leave  it,  i^ffoom  as  I  was 
creat€d'Evc\\>QXOWXyI  hadjlrong  inclinations  to  governe  well,  and  to  imitate  my 
Predecefiburs  •,  as  in  truth  I  endeavoured  to  do^with  aS  exaCfnejfe,  But  after- 
foard,  being  hindred  by  feverall  infirmities  for  many  years  jl  left  off  the  care  of 
having  the  wonted  facrifices  celebrated  to  Heaven  and  earth  .'neither  didlcanfc 
the  offices  and  ceremonies  to  be  performed^  which  are  due  to  the  memory  of  my 
Anceftours.  Ifeldome  times  fate  upon  the  throne  to  confult  of  the  affaires  of  the 
Kingdome  5 1  detained  the  petitions  which  were  prefented  me.^  without  difpatch^ 
ing  them.  ItooVeno  care  of  nominating  Msgif^mes^  as  the  Kingdomes  need 
required  •,  and  J  know ,  that  at  this  prefent  there  arefome  wanting .  I  have  ope- 
ned nine  mines  ofgold^  andfilver:  I  have  encrea fed  and  multiplied  the  Gabells 
and  Excife  .*  1  have  dijlurbedthe publick  peace  with  tumults  ofwarre  5  whence 
hath  followed  difcord  with  the  neighbouring  frinces^^and great  opprefsion  and  in- 
■  jury  to  their  people:  wherefore  thinking  continually  both  night  and  day  upon  thefe 
things^  I  am  hardly  able  to  fuff'er  the  griefs  which  my  foule  endureth,  and  which 


ChapTs^  TheHiftoryof  CHID^J.  8^ 

doth  now  deleft  her  former  fatdts: finally^  I  began  to  take  up  better  refelutions-^  but 
I  Am  fallen  into  this  infii  tnity,  the  xvhtch  dothftillfo  encreafe^  that  it  maketh  mg 
beleevey   I  P^U  'very  flwrtly  lofc  my  life. 

In  the  mean  time  I  have  this  only  hope  left  me^that  my  Sonnes  andNephem 
mil  amend  my  faults  by  leading  a  better  life. 

toH  therefore  the  Hcire  of  my  KingdomCj  feeing  that  you  neither  rvant  inge- 
miity,  nor  good  difpofition  •  andbecaufeyon  have  hitherto  never  forborne  theex' 
ercife  of pietj , obedience^  and  other  vertues ,  be  of  good  courage.  The  inheritance 
of  the  Empire  of  Chim  is  yours.  Let  your  principall  care  be  rvellto  compofeyonr 
life  and  manners.  Apply  yetirfelfe  with  allftudj  andinduflry  to  the  rvell  gover- 
ningofthe  Kingdome.  Love  thofe  that  are  good -^  re  fife  not  counfelli,  take  not 
advife  in  ev  ill  part  r  that  you  might  be  able  to  beare  the  great  weight  of  this  Em- 
pire: do  your  endeavour  that  your  Sonne  my  Grand- child,  follow  hisjtudies  with 
all  diligence.  Be  kind  and  loving  to  your  three  Brothers  ;  afsigne  them  con* 
vmicvt  habitations  ;  and  provide  for  each  of  them  a  good  revenue  and  honour* 
ahlc  IhXtsMfeyour  utmojl  diligence^  that  allymr  fubjelfs^  as  well  noble  as  ig- 
mhle^may  live  in  peace ^and love  concord.  Take  carefpeedily  to  make  the  Colai, 
andotherthe  ftfpreame  Magiftratesj  for  I  do  remember^  to  have  left  two  places 
voyd:  and  above  ally  forget  not  to  ele£i  the  Kings  Adminiftmtours.  Thefe 
things  I  recommend  to  you  that  youfhould  endeavour  fpeedily  to  put  them  in  exe^ 
cut  ion. 

By  all  means  take  ofthemw  Gabells^^  Bridges ^  the  Excife  offtlkej  fluffs :, 
farther  ne  ware^  and  other  things ,  which  J  have  lately  introduced.  Take  care 
that  all  caufes ,  which  are  depending  in  the  Tribunals,  bedtfpatched  with  dili- 
gence by  fomefele^  judges -^  and  free  the  innocent^  The  fouldiers  on  the  con- 
fines f>f  Tartary  do  want  their  pay  and  provijions :  let  them  be  fpeedily  fupplied 
out  of  the  royall  exchequer  [this  laft  claufe  is  faidtohave  been  added  by  ths 
Trince  to  hts  fathers  Teflament^  I  do  recommend  to  you  the  fouldiers  and  Cap- 
taines,  which  were  flaine  in  the  laft  warre*  Honour  their  Mortuaries,  W  their 
fouies  with  new  Titles*,  afsift  their  families  by  paying  their  arreares. 

All  this  I  briefly  erdaine^  that  you  fwuld put  it  in  execution,  affoone  aspof- 
fibly  you  may. 

K^Asfor  my  V\xntx2\\caufe  the  cerem  onies  of  the  Kingdome  to  be  obferved. 
Though  I  had  rather  for  my  particular  fatisfaltion,  that  infiead  of  twenty  fea- 
V  en  months,  as  is  the  ufuall  cuftome,  they  fhould  only  laft  for  fo  many  dayes. 
K^llthe  Magiftrates,  Vicc-roys,  Vifitours  4^  Qz^uvatsof  warre,  have 
more  need  to  afsifl  at  their  governments  and  charges  :  Suffer  not .,  that  they  be 
called  hither^  upon  the  occafionefmy  funeralL  It  willbefufficientj  that  when 
each  hath  newesofmy  death ,  he  caufe  to  bedone^for  three  dayes  intheplacewhert 
he  is^that  which  ufeth  to  be  performed  at  the  Funeral!  of  the  Kings  body.  The 
Va{^\\\oSyand  other  per  fumes  .^  wont  to  be  prefented  on  f  he  like  occafions^  maybe 
brought  by  the  inferionr  officers^  in  the  name  of  the  great  ones.  But  for  the  Ma- 
giftrates  appointed  for  the  government  oftheforts^  and  the  Prefidcnts  of  Cities 
and  TowneSy  my  Will  is, that  in  no  cafe  they  fhould  befufferedto  come, as  alfo  that 
theftrangcrs^  who  are  Tributary  to  this  Kingdome  jhuld  be  excufed,  I  door- 
daine  that  this  my  laft  Will  fhould  bepuhlifhed  through  the  whole  Kingdome^ 
that  it  ma)  come  to  the  eares  of  every  one  ofmyfubjecls^ 
This  was  his  will  and  Teftament  ^  which  accordingly  was  every  where 


S6  The  Hi/lory  of  QHI^/l.         Pl^. 

publiihcd.  The  other  ceremonies  I  forbcare  to  write^  becaufc  they  are 
the  fame  with  rhofe,  we  have  already  related. 

Chap.  i8. 

Of  the  feyerall  SeBs  of  religion  in 

THe  Ch!nejfes:iXQ  generally  little  inclined  to  SeBs  •,  neither  are  there 
any  thing  neere  fo  many  among  them,  as  among  the  people  of:  Gi- 
A^pn.  Nevertheleife  they  have  three5which,  although  they  be  different, 
ycr^that  they  might  nor  erre  in  any^  or  to  fpcake  more  corredl'y,  that  they 
might  erre  the  morc,they  joy ne  them  altogether.  Two  of  them  arc  pro- 
per to  chinAy  and  firft  fprung  up  there ;  The  third,  which  is  of  the  Idols, 
is  adventitious,  and  came  from  IndU, 

Thefirft  is  ihat  of  the  Litterati  5  and  is  more  ancient  among  them,  than 
fomedothink,  who  make  Ozy^/^fo  be  the  author  of  it.  They  worfhip 
no  P^go^yOi  Idol,  but  acknowledge  a  Supenoritie^  or  Deitie,  who  is  able  to 
chaftile  and  to  reward.  Notwithftanding  they  have  no  Churches^where- 
in  they  worfliip  him  •,  nor  any  divine  Offices  which  they  celebrate,nor  any 
prayers  that  they  rehearfe-,  nor  any  Priefts  or  Minivers ,  which  officiate  at 
his  fervice.  Yet  they  fpeak  and  write  in  their  books  of  this  Lordvtiy  Ho^ 
murabl^^s  of  a  divine  per fon  •  neither  do  they  apply  or  attribute  any  unde- 
cent  thing  to  him,  as  our  Anceftours  did  to  their  Gods.  But  as  they  did 
notpcrfeaiy  and  diftintftly  know  the  true  God^they  fcllto  veorfhip  three 
things,  tvhich  arc  the  moft  renowned,  powerfull  and  profitable  in  the 
world,  the  which  they  call  San^  Cai,  that  is,heaven,  earth,  and  man.There 
are,  in  the  courts  o^Uankim  and  Pekim  onIy,very  fumptuous  Temples  for 
heaven  and  earth-,but  which  do  properly  belong  to  the  King  alone^whcre- 
in  he  only  in  his  owne  perfon  doth  facrifice  5  he  being  the  Minifter  alfo 
of  the  facrifice,  and  in  his  abfcnce,  or  by  his  order,  the  chiefe  Magiftratc 
of  theTribunnl  of  Rires* 

In  the  Cities,  there  are  Temples  for  the  Tutelar  fpirits,  to  which  the 
CViandarincs  do  facrifice,  as  alfo  to  the  fpirits  of  the  rivers,  mountaines, 
and  of  the  foure  parts  of  the  world,  (^c. 

There  are  alfo  Temples  to  the  honour  of  fomemen,  who  have  been 
famous  Benefadours  to  the  publick  •,  and  therein,  are  placed  their  Images, 
They  do  the  fame  honour  to  their  Anceftours,  untill  the  fourth  degree 

For  their  foule  in  the  next  life,  they  neither  cxpedt,  nor  pray  for  any 
thing  :  Nevertheleffe ,  they  ask  for  iemporall  afliftance  in  this  life, 
good  fortune,  and  to  be  able  to  imitate  their  good  works  and  atchive- 

They  pretend  by  this  to  ftirre  up  devotion  in  the  people,  that  they  fee- 
ing how  heaven  and  earth  are  univerfall  Parents^  they  might 
alfo  honour  their  particular  Parems :  and  feeing  how  famoiis  men  of 


G  H  A  p .  i8 .  The  Hiftory  of(^HI3\CA.  g  y 

former  ages  are  honoured,  they  might  thereby  endeavour  to  imitate 
them-,  and  feeing  how  their  dcceafed  Pregemtotirs  are  fcrved,  they  might 
iearne  how  to  ferve  them,  while  living.  In  a  word,  they' order  every 
thing,as  it  may  conduce  moft  to  good  government;,to  concord.peace  and 
quietne/Te  in  Familes,and  to  theexcrciieof'vertue. 

The  Second  Se^  is  that  of  the  Taafi^  proper  alfo  to  China.The  Authour 
thereof  was  a  Philofopher  named  Taufu,  of  whom  they  feign,  that  he  was 
eight  years  in  his  Mothers  belly.  He  lived  about  the  time  oiConfujio.  He 
hath  manyfoUowcrs  to  this  day , who  live  together  in  communitierthey  do 
nor  marry  ••  they  fuffer  the  haire  of  their  head  and  their  beard  to  ^row 
very  long:  in  their  habit  they  do  not  differ  from  others,  except  in  Tome 
things  at  the  time  when  they  officiate.  In  ftead  of  a  Cap^they  weare  a  little 
Crown,  inro  which  the  knot  only  of  their  haire  entreth.They  pKice  their 
ultimate  Happineffe  in  the  Body,  in  order  to  obtaine  a  quiet  and  eafie  life^ 
without  labour  and  trouble. 

This  SeH  acknowledgeth  one  Great  God^  and  other  lefTcr  one ,  all  cor- 
poreall.  They  acknowledge  (7/<?r/>  and  ^f//:  the  Glorieto  be  conjoyned 
to  the  body,  not  only  in  the  other  life,  but  alfo  in  this-,  feighning,  that  by 
meancs  of  certaine  exercifei  and  meditations,  one  may  come  to  make 
himfelfe  a  child,  and  young,  and  others  to  become  Xw  Sie^jthl  is,  the 
fortunate  ones  of  the  earth-,  obtaining  bythisraeaneswhatfo ever  they 
defire,  and  to  be  able  to  transferre  themfelves  froQ\  one  place  to  another, 
although  never  fo  diftant,  fpeedilyandeafily-,  and  other  fuch  like  foole- 

They  are  skilfull  in  Mufick,  and  have  good  Inftruments.  They  are  al- 
waies  called  to  the  Sacrifices  and  Funeralls^and  at  thofe  of  the  King  and 
Mandarines,  they  are  ever  alTiftant.  They  Pretend  to  be  Soath-SayerSj  and 
promife  to  procure  raine,  and  to  drive  away  devils  from  places  that  are 
haunted  :  But  are  able  to  do  nothing;  and  fometimes  at  fuch  undertakings 
they  are  fouly  routed  by  the  devils  :  in  great  droughts  they  promife 
raine,  and  often  prolong  fo  much  time  in  praying  for  if,  that  at  length  the 

lnFekim,\n  theycare  1622,  there  fell  out  a  pleafant  Accident,  al- 
though troublefome.  There  happened  a  great  drought,  prayers  were 
made,  penninces  and  fafts  were  kept ;  but  all  to  no  end.  At  length  cer- 
taine T^/^/? offered  themfelves  to  procure  rajne  without  failc,  and  appoin- 
ted a  fet  day  and  houre,  the  offer  was  accepted  with  great  applaufe,  joy, 
and  good  hope  of  the  event.*  then  they  in  a  great  P/42-2:4,  or  market- 
place made  a  theater  compofed  of  little  Tables,which,  as  they  have  many 
there  of  an  equall  height  and  breadth,  they  did  fet  one  upon  another,  be- 
ginning at  boitom  with  a  great  many,and  raifing  it  up  by  degrees  higher, 
ftill  with  fewer  Tables,  till  at  length,the  Machine  came  to  end  in  one  on- 
ly,obfervinganhandfomc  proportion  and  reafonable  height.  On  this 
laft  and  higheft  (food  the  chiefe  of  them,  praying  and  fupplicating-,  and 
the  reft  went  round  about  him,doingthe  fame,like  Bads  PA-zV/^Xalthough 
they  did  not  wound  themfelves;  for  in  that  they  had  great  1  egard,as  thofe 
who  (ought  not  bloud,  but  water.) 

The  people  ftood  all  round  about,expe(5lingthe  event :  and  the  Mini- 


89  TheHiftory  of  CHI3S(J.  Part.u 

ftersobfervingfo  great  an  Auditory,  which  was  almoft  infinite,  redou- 
bled their  prayers,their  \vhi{llings,and  ceremonies.  When  the  day  and 
houre appointed  was  come,  prefemly  the  Sky  began  to  be  overcaftwith 
very  dark  clou  des,  to  the  great  joy  of  all,  and  credit  of  their  Minifters, 
who  did  already  promife  themfelves  the  happy  accompliihment  of  their 
undertaking;  cxpe(Sling  every  momcnr,  when  the  raine  fliould  falU  When 
behold,  of  a  fudden  there  fel  a  furious  ftorm  of  Haile,rhe  Stones  where- 
of were  as  big  as  Eggs,  and  fome  bigger,  which  did  ruine ,  not  on- 
ly  their  fields,  but  their  Gardens,  and  killed^diverfe  Pcrions,  that  could 

not  in  time  recover  fome  Shelter, 

The  Fathers  have  writ  me  from  thence,  that  they  thought  the  end  of 
the  world  was  comf,fo  great  was  the  confufion  and  noife  of  the  Hailc 
that  fell  The  Prophets,for  having  procured  ftones  in  ftead  of  water,  were 
all  rewarded  with  ftore  of  Baftinadoes. 

The  third  Se^  is  of  the  Pagods,  from  iWm,  from  the  parts  of  Indofian^^ 
which  Se(5t  they  call -V4f^,from  the  Authour  of  it:  concerning  whom, 
they  fable-,  that  he  was  conceived  by  his  Mother  -M4/4,only  upon  the 
fiphtofa  white  Elephant,  which  (he  faw  in  her  deep-,  and  for  the  more 
puritie  (he  brought  him  forth  at  one  of  her  flancks,and  then  prefendy  di- 
ed, being  but  nineteen.yeares  of  age.  And  that,iconfidering  the  death  of 
his  Mother,  the  caule  whereof  he  was  by  his  Birch,  he  refolved  to  leave 
the  worId,and  to  do  pennance-,  the  which  be  did  in  a  Mountain  called 
the  Snowy  Mountaine,whcre  he  had  fowerMafters,  with  whom  he  ftu- 
died  twelve  yeares-,  fo  that  by  that  timehe  was  thirty  yeares  of  age,  he 
was  accomplidied  in  the  Science  of  the  firft  principle.  He  took  the  name 
oiXekia^oi^^aca  :  he  taught  his  dodtrine  lor  the  fpace  of  4^  yeares- he 
had  many  Scholars,  who,  after  his  death  coUeded  his  papers,  and  fpread 
his  do(5trinethroughthegreater  partof  Afia. 

This  Se^  entred  into  Chwa  in  the  year  of  our  Redemption  63  .The  Em- 
pcroux  Haumirnhdng  commanded  in  a  dreame,  (as  their  books  report) 
to  fend  for  it  in»  The  Bonzi^who  were  the  preachers  of  that  Seo^^ 
were  well  received  of  him,  and  atthebeginning,werc  very  powerfully 
much  cfteemed, and  info  great  number,  that  they  fay,  they  were  three 
millions.  But  at  this  day  they  are  very  few  in  rcfpe^  of  that  number :  whe- 
ther it  were  that  they  trufting  in  their  multitude,  or  in  the  Kings  favour, 
committed  fome  notable  diforder^  or  (what  is  more  likelyjby  reafon  of 
the  misfortune  that  befell  many  Kings,fince  their  coming  in :  and  by  this 
meanes  they  are  fo  declined,  that  unle(le  it  be  in  the  offices  and  A6ts  of 
their  divine  wor(hip,  there  is  but  little  account  made  of  them  among  the 

.  Their  Prie^s  weare  their  head  and  beards  (havcd  :  their  Cap  is  diffe- 
rent, but  the  reft  of  their  Habit  is  the  fame  with  that  of  others^  They 
worfliip  idols  :  They  hold  a  jReward  and  Puni(hment  in  the  next  Life : 
Thc^  marry  not ;  Tmy  live  in  Convents, foure  or  five  hundred  together, 
of  more:  They  have  a  moderate  Maintenance  allowed  them  by  the  King, 
nouvichftanding,  every  one  is  allowed  to  get  what  he  can ;  They  begge, 
mutter  Prayers:  They  fing:  They  have  fevcrall offices, and  prayers  a- 
gainfl  fire,  tcmpefts,  misfortunes,  and  efpecially  for  rhe  dead  .•  in  which 


C H A  p .!  8.  TheHiJlory  of  CHI^J.  85? 

Functions  they  ufc  f:iccrdotall,or  priertly  garments :  Their  Caps  arc  like 
ours,and  their  (prinkling  brufhes  without  any  difference  at  all:  They  eat 
neytherflefli,  filh,  noreggcs,  neytherdoe  they  drink  wine. 

They  live  inclofed  ;  but  within  a  very  great  circuite  of  wall ,  with  long 
ftrects  in  it  in  manner  ofa  Towne-,  where^in  every  houfe  there  dwelleth 
three  or  foure,  that  is,  oneMaflerand  the  reft  Scholars.-  In  it  they  have 
all  manner  of  convenience.  That  which  the  King  giveth  them,  is  divided 
equally  to  every  houfe.  They  have  alfoay///>mW,  who  is  over  them  all, 
and  governeth  them,  but  at  large,  for  he  only  taketh  notice  of  fuch  cafes, 
asarcpropofedtohim  for  the  reft,  every  one  governeth  hisovvnc  houfe. 
He  diftribureth  the  offices  among  them ,  and  sppointcth  fuch  as  are  to  re- 
ceive ft  rangers.  When  any  officer  arriveth  at  theirConventjOrTemple^pre- 
fently  a  drumme  is  beaten,  which  they  keep  at  the  gate^  and  then  there  are 
about  thirty  obliged  to  come  and  meet  him,  when  they  have  put  on  their 
garment  oicoiirtefie^  When  the  Magijlrate  is  come  to  the  gate,they  make 
him  a  low  reverence,  and  prefently  turning  about  they  go  before  him, 
waiting  on  him  to  the  place,  whether  he  goeth-,and  there  they  attend  him, 
ftanding  or  their  leet  in  the  fame  manner,  till  he  go  away.  They  are  pro- 
perly fubjed  to  the  conncell  of  dtes,  who  governeth  them  •,  but  in  cha- 
Oifing  of  them,  when  there  is  occafionjthey  are  more  favourable  to  thenij 
than  To  fecular  perfons. 

•  There  are  others  of  them,  that  live  in  caves,  rocks,  and  grotts,  and  fome 
that  make  their  particular  penances  in  private-,  others  that  make  little 
narrow  lodges,  knocked  full  of  nailes  with  their  points  turned  inwards, 
where  they  ftand  in  fight  of  all  the  world,  for  the  fpace  ofa  month  with- 
out leaning;  Some  of  them  profefte  to  eat  nothing,whileft  they  are  there, 
but  only  to  drink  Cha.  But  thofe  that  arc  expert,  fay  •,  that  they  make  up 
great  balls  of  beefe,  which  hath  been  firft  well  boylcd,  dried  in  the  funne, 
and  then  ground  to  powder  •  and  that  when  they  give  them  their  Cha  to 
drink  very  hot,  they  caft  one  of  their  balls  into  it^  which  prefently  diftbl- 
vcth:  which  although  itbenovery  nouriHiingdier,  yet  it  is  fufficicnt  to 
fuftaine  them,  and  to  colour  their  deceit  of  living  without  eatinc^. 

There  be  fome  who  belong  to  no  Convent,orTemple,neither  are  they 
Sonnes  of  any  Monaftrie;  neither  are  they  admitted  into  them,  as  Guefts, 
but  for  one  day  only :  They  call  them  vagabonds-,  and  among  thefe,  there 
are  many  times  found  fome,  who  are  very  wicked  men^  and  do  much  mif- 
chicfe,  efpeciallyby  robberies* 

Notwithftanding  the  greater  part  of  thefe  abovenamed  Se^aries^ls  not 
fcandalous  •,  but  very  patient,  meek  and  humble  ^  whether  ft  be  from  the 
habit,  which  humbleth  them  5  or  from  the  little  cfteeme  that  is  made  of 
them,  which  keepeth  them  under. 

There  go  abroad  no  ill  reports  of  them,  although  they  be  frequently 
fpoken  off;  And  to  mention  thofe  which  appeare  in  publick,  in  two  and 
twenty  years,  that  I  was  there,  I  heard  only  two  ftories  of  them-  and  of 
one  of  them,thecaufe  was  not  certainly  known.  In  the  City  of  mncheu, 
there  was  found  one  morning  one  of  them  bound  to  a  Tree,  and  ftabbed 
to  death  with  daggers :  concerning  which  there  was  an  ill  judgment  rai- 
fed.    In  the  village  of  Xhanhaj  in  the  Province  of  Nankim,  during  the 

N  time 

,o  TheHiJlorj  of  QHl^A.  Parti. 

time  that  I  lived  there^a  Bcnz,o  was  defircd  by  a  widow  woman,  to  come 
to  her  houfe  and  to  recite  forae  prayers  for  the  foule  of  her  deceafed  huf- 
band:  But  it  feemeth  he  chofc  rather  to  make  a  commeration  of  the  living, 
than  the  dead;  Thefa6t  w'as  known  •,  and  for  a  month  together  he  was 
cxpofed  to  publick  fhame  (for  they  do  chaftife  them  very  well  J  with  a 
great  fquarc  board  about  his  neck,  whereon  was  written  in  great  letters 
the  occafion  of  his  penance.  It  is  very  much  in  22  years  to  have  heard 
no  more  againfl:  them.  Not  butlHat  I  could  fay  fomething  upon  thjiflc- 
cafion ;  but  it  is  better  to  be  filcnt,  than  to  fpeak  of  it. 
-N^  There  "arc  alfo  N  unncs  in  Chim^  who  live  after  the  fame  manner;  They 
ihavetheir  heads  •,  but  they  are  not  many  •,  neither  do  they  obfervc  CUu- 


TheendofallthefeSr^iofthe5^»^/  is  to  do  penance  in  this  life,  to 
be  better  provided  in  the  next.  They  believe  the  Tranfraigration  of  Py- 
thagoras,  and  that  the  foules  departed  go  to  hell  5  which,  they  hold,  doth 
containc  nine  feverall  places  •,  and  after  they  have  pafTed  through  them  all, 
thofe  oft  he  beft  fort,  are  borne  men  againc,  others  of  a  middle  fort,  arc 
turned  into  living  creJitures,  like  unto  men*  But  they  are  in  the  worft  con- 
dition.that  go  intobirds,who  may  not  To  much  as  hope  in  the  next  Tranf- 
migration  to  become  men-,but  at  fooncfl  in  another  after,having  firftgone 
into  fome  other  living  creature.  This  is  the  generall  beliefe,  not  only  of 
the  common  people  fin  whom,thefe  crrours  are  radicated  beyond  imagi- 
nation) but  alio  in  people  of  better  account. 

But  their  wifejl  men,  or  to  fpeak  more  truly,  they  thjf  are  moft  given  to 
Atheifme,  forfaking  this  way,  which  they  call  the  Exteriour^  do  follow  a- 
Vioihcr.moxQ  inter  lour  orfecret;  the  knowledge  whereof  they  preferve, 
with  great  care  among  themfelvcs  •,  placing  their  whole  intent  on  the  un- 
dciftanding  of  the firftprwaple^  (which  is  properly  the  dodrine  of  Xaca) 
whom  they  believe  to  be  the  fame,in  all  things  5  and  all  things  to  be  the 
fame  with  him  •  without  any  eflentiall  difference  •,  operating  according  to 
the  extrwjick  ^alities  of  the  fubjecfi;  as  wax  is  formed  into  feverall  ii* 
gures,  the  which  being  dilTolved  by  liquefacftion^remaine  in  fubftancc  the 
felfc  fame  waxe. 

After  this  their  way ;  they  divide  mankinde  into  ten  Clajfes.  The  fourc 
firft  whereof  are  good :,  that  is,  Pr'tncipanus^  or  Beginners  •,  Profcimtes,  or 
Proficients  j  Prove6ii^  or  thofe  that  have  ^/tdvAnced-^  Confummati^  or  they 
that  are  accompli fht.  The  three  firfl  do  walke  well,  although  they  are  but 
yet  in  the  way  ♦,  but  the  fourth  is  arrived  at  pcrfe(fiion,  by  means  of  con- 
templating the  fir  (i  principle  •  and  by  mortification  of  their  paflions-,  which 
did  difquiet  them' with  perturbations  and  fcruplcs-,  and  do  already  enjoy 
fuch  an  internall  quiet  and  Peace  of  mindc,  that  nothing  doth  give  them 
anyremorfcor  trouble,  for  what^cver  they  thinke,  lay^ordoj  afTuring 
their  confcienccs,  that  after  death  they  are  to  expect  neither  reward  nor 
punifliment  5  but  that  every  thing  fl\all  rcturne  to  its  principle^  as  it  was  at 

I'or  the  other  CiKClaJfes  of  men, they  make  fix  Hels.The  fir/l  and  gent- 
left  is  of  Infants,  who  have  not  yet  had  any  experience  of  their  paflions, 
nor  been  troubled  by  them  5  efpecially  by  covctoufnefTe,  anger,  dr^,  The 


Chap.iS.  1  he  Hijlorj  of  CHl^A.  c,i 

fecond  is  of  them,  who  being  placed  in  the  government  of  the  world, 
give  themrelves  wholly  to  the  vanity  thereof  .-The  third  isof  them.who 
like  bniite  bcafts,  follow  their  paflions  and  difordinate  appetites.  The 
fourth  IS  of  them,  that  rob,  wound,  affault,  and  flay.  The  fifth  of  them, 
who  fuffer  hunger,  third,  miferic,  labours,  troubles  externally  in  the  bo- 
dy, and  internally  in  the  foule.  The  fixt  is  of  them,  that  take  upon  them 
voluntary  labours  and  fufferings^  as  the  Bonz.i,  who  do  penance,  faft, 
drc  This  externall  life  ferving  them  only  as  a  difpofition  to  the  intcrnall-, 
the  which  being  obtained,  the  other  ferveth  them  for  nought,  no  more 
than  the  woodden  engine,  (which  workmen  ufe  to  fliapc  a  vault  withall) 
after  the  vault  is  finifhcd . 

Nowthefemendoefteeme  Hdltobenomorcthanthus.-  And  when 
i\\ty  {^QciVoiTranfmigration  into  beads,  they  fay,  It  is  to  bs  undcrflood 
ofthis  life  :  As  if  a  man  be  civill,  courteous,  and  well  bred  ^  they  fay  he  is 
turned  into  a  man ;  if  cholerick  and  furious,  into  a  Lyon ;  If  cruell,  into  a 
Tyger  ^  if  gluttonous,  into  a  fwinc :  If  a  thicfe,  into  a  Bird  of  prey.  Hence 
was  the  originall  of  that  handfome  faying  among  them,  it  To  Th'nn 
Than  Ti  Yen  Sin  Vat,  (  That  is, )  Heaven  and  Hell  are  feared  in  the 

Th£re  are  theThrce jrjnc]pallSf^7 
many  others  that  are  there  to  be  found. 

They  hold,  that  they  may  be  made  all  to  agree  without  any  prejudice 
to  their  obfervance.  They  have  a  text,  which  faith,  San  Chiao  Te  Tao-^th^t 
is,Thedo(arines  are  thrce,but  the  reafon  of  them  is  but  one.For  although 
the  worfhip ,  adoration ,  and  cxercife  be  different,  notwithftanding 
the  end  at  which  they  all  arrivCjis  the  fame,C/<w  /7/«,(that  is j nothing. 

The  Lhterati  of  the  firfl  Se^^  imitating  Heaven  and  Earth,apply  all  to 
the  government  of  the  Kingdome  •  oftheir  families  •,  and  of  their  perfons, 
only  in  this  life  •,  and  after  that  pretend  to  nothing.  The  r4»/of  the  fe- 
cond Se6iy  without  any  regard  to  their  families  or  the  government,  treate 
only  of  the  body.  The  difcipks  of  Xaca  of  the  third  Se^:,  without  any  re- 
gard to  the  body,  treate  only  of  the  fpirit,internall  pcace,and  quiet  of  con  - 
fcience :  Hence  arofe  that  fentence  which  they  ufe,  ^«  Ctn  ^<r,  Tan  Chi 
Xin,  Xe  Chi  Sin^  that  is,the  Litter ati  govern  the  Kingdom,the  Tatifi  the  bo- 
dy, and  the  Bonzi  the  heart. 

Befides  thefe  three  which  are  all  admitted,  and  publikely  profefTed  in 
the  Kingdom  •,  there  is  another  which  is  not  publike,  nor  permitted  •,  but 
is  under  a  prohibition,  notwithftanding  it  hath  many  followers :  it  is  cdl- 
kd  Pe  Lien  Kieo^  and  is  exceedingly  hated  of  the  Chinejfes^  cfpeciallyof 
the  governours  •,  becaufe  the  difciplcs  thereof  do  concealc 
ing  every  thing  by  night  with  much  fecrecy.  It  is  commonly  bcleeved, 
that  their  intent  is,  to  exalt  fome  of  themfelves  to  the  Crowne  •,  and  it  is 
verily  thought,  that  fome  pervcrfe  men  of  this  profeflion,  have  already 
defigncd  it. 

.  hChimffe  of  good  credit  did  aifirme  to  me,  tha|  there  were  through- 
out cJnna many  thoufands  of  them;and that  they  had  a  CaptaincorKing, 
with  all  his  officers  belonging  to  him :  whom,  fuch  oftheir  Se5l^  as  live 
far  off,  do  reverence  in  their  letters,  with  all  refpet^  due  to  fuch  a  Perfon; 

N  i  and 

9 1  The  Uijlory  of  QHl^d,         P  a  b  t  .1 . 

andthofethatareat  hand,  when  they  have  a  convenicjncc  to  afTcmble 
themfelves,  do  honour  him  with  fei  vices,  coiircefiesand  fplendour,  (uita- 
ble  toth  ^t  of  royall  Majeftie:  and  that  all  of  them  knew  one  another. 

In  the  yeare  1621.  in  the  Province  oi  Xantum^vi\\\c\\\hih.  be- 
tween that  of  Nankim  ^ndi  Pekim  ^thae  was  dilcovered  and  taken 
one  of  thcfe  that  was  their  Captaines*  And  becaofe  the  Ma^J- 
darhies  were  refolved,  not  only  to  punifh  him ,  but  all  thofe  that 
followed  his  Sed  Hkewife-,  they  queftioned  him  concerning  his  com- 
panions-and  not  being  able  to  draw  a  confeflion  from  him,  ihey  gave 
him  feverall  times  the  rack. Which  being  underftood  by  thofc,otthe 
fame  Se5i^\\\\C\.\\tx  it  were  for  love  they  bare  himjOr  for  fear,rhat  he  might 
beconftraincdtoconfeffeand  difcover  them,  they  all  refolved  toarme 
themfelvcs,  and  fall  upon  ihcMmdarines^  and  by  force  of  arraes  to  deli- 
ver their  companion  ;  which  accordingly  they  put  in  execution,  with  fo 
much  fuddenneffe,  thac  it  wasimpoiTible  for  the  others  to  rcfift  or  cfcape 
them .  They  flew  many  ol  the  Mandarines ^and  the  reft  were  fo  affrighted, 
that  thqy  delivered  their  companion, 

Then  having  formed  themfelves  into  a  Body,  they  began  to  conquer 
the  Province.  At  the  beginning  their  number  was  not  confiderable,  but 
in  a  fhort  time  there  were  To  many,who  joyned  themfelves  to  them,  part 
of  their  own  fadion,  and  part  of  other  vagabonds,  tha:  already  they  came 
to  be  many  thoufands-,  and  fo  going  on,  withour  finding  any  re  fiftaace, 
they  made  themfelves  Mailers  of  the  imall  villages,  and  at  length  tooke 
two  walk  d  Towns ,  where  they  fortified  themfelves,  ifluing  out  from 
thence,to  alfault  their  enemies. 

This  newes  gave  no  little  trouble  to  the  Court,  the  rebels  being  very 
neerthem.  But  at  length  by  the  diligence  they  ured,all  was  remedi- 
ed-, by  reafon,that  numerous  forces  were  fent  out  againft  them  from  Pe- 
kirn  ••  and  although  at  the  beginning,  there  fell  out  many  battailes  with 
various  fucceffe,  both  on  the  one  and  other  fide,  yet  at  the  length  they  of 
P^)^/>»  were  Conquerours,  and  the  rebels  army  defeated,  and  their  Cap- 
taine  taken,  who  called  himfelfe  King,  and  kept  this  Title  with  (o  mucfi 
obftinacie,  that  being  lodged  at  the  houfc  of  a  Perfon  of  quality,  before 
he  came  to  the  Court,he  did  him  no  Reverence  at  all-,  and  being  bid  to 
bow  and  do  him  Reverence,  he  anfwered  with  much  difdaine,the  King 
dcth  Reverence  ro  no  man.  Being  come  to  Court,  he  was  condemned  to 
die,andvvas  accordingly  beheaded-,  and  this  was  the  Crown  which  he 
deferved.Afterthatjthe  King  quieted  the  refl  by  pardoning  the  greateft 
part  of  the  rebels. 


Chap.!5».  TheHijloryof  QUID^A.  j*} 

Oj  their  Superjlitions  and  Sacrifices 
in  China, 

OUperftltion  is  an  Individuall  companion  of  Pagmifme^^  but  in  Chintt  cj-^ 
^A^onj  and  Corea^  and  die  neighbouring  Kingdomes,  itls  in  great  ex- 
^  cefle.   The  Kings  Mat^maticims^^  to  the/e^  fuger -" 

ftirions^ToFTrom  the  impreflions  of  the  aire,  the  colours  ofthe  Skie,tem-; 
pefts,  unfeafonable  thundeis,  afpeds  of  the  Sunnc,  whereof  they  have 
two  and  twenty  differences,  and  feverall  appearances  of  the  Moon^ 
whereof  they  have  fixreen,  be  alwayes  maketh  \vts  Prognoflications^  efpe- 
cially  wherher  there  wil  be  peace  in  the  Kingdome,  or  dearth^mortalitiej 
mutations, perturbations,  and  the  like. 

To  this  end  he  maketh  an  Almanack  for  the  whole  yeare,  which  he 
divideth  into  its  Moones-,and  the  Moones  into  daies,  which  according  to 
his  calculation,  he  declarcth  fortunate  or  unfortunate,  to  do  or  leave  un- 
done any  thing,-  as  ro  take  a  voyage*,  to  go  out  of  doores-,  to  make  marri- 
age, to  bury  the  dead-,  to  build,  and  other  fuch  like  affaires :  whence  the 
Chtmjfes  in  all  their  bufincfTe,  do  fo  obferve  thefe  Rnbriques^  that  meerly, 
not  to  go  againft  thefe  rules,  they  haften,  defer,  or  let  alone  whatfoever 
they  have  to  do.  So  that  if  the  {Almanack  fay,  on  fuch  a  day,  fuch  a  bu- 
finefs  is  to  be  done,although  all  the  Elements  confpire  againft  them^they 
will  by  ncrmeanes  deferre  it. 

Befides  this  Almanack^  whereof  there  are  fo  many  copies  given  out^ 
that  there  is  not  an  houfe,  which  hath  not  one  of  them,  the  market-places 
andftreetsare  full  of  Afirohgers  and  Sooth- fayers^who  keep  open  Shop 
with  their  Tables  for  Calculation,  in  order  only  to  tell  fuch  their  fortunes 
as  come  to  them  to  require  it :  and  although  for  the  moft  part,  they  that 
come  to  them,  arc  deceived  and  coozened,  yet  there  are  fo'manythat 
flock  to  them,  that  although  the  number  of  thefe  Divmr^^xs  almoft  infi- 
nite, I  hey  live  and  fuftainc  their  Families  by  this  Art, 

Some  profeffeto  Dwmehy  way  of  numbers,  even  or  odde;  and  with 
black  jnd  white  figures-,making  64  murations,or  changes  of them-,virhich 
they  explaine  and  interprete  as  they  pleafe. 

Others  confider  the  time  of  the  Nativitie^  which  the  chinejfes  are  ve- 
ry diligent  in  keeping  account  of,  that  they  may  know  the  houre,  the  mi- 
nute,and  conjuni^tion  in  which  their  children  were  born. 

Others,  whom  they  call  T///,  pretend  to  Divine  by  meanes  of  the  Sci- 
tuationofthe  earth,  and  from  the  correfpondence  it  hath  with  heaven, 
and  with  the  parts  thereof-,  pronouncing  what  places  ztc  profperous^and 
VJhiit  unfortunate-,  zndvjhGV^,i{  they  build  their  houfes,alI  will  fucceed 
profperoufly,  and  with  good  fortune  to  the  Family;  or  contrariwife,  with 
fickneffe,  misfortunes,  difgraces  and  other  evils ;  and  in  this  facultie 
they  have  many  skilfull  profeffours,  on  whom  they  fpend  a  great  deale 


P4.  1  he  Uiflory  of  CHL'hQA.  Part.i. 

of  mony  without  any  profit  at  all. 

Others  Divine  by  the  Phyftogmmie  of  the  face  •,  others  by  confidering 
the  lines  and  ftrokesof  the  hand  •,  others  interpret  drcames. 

Whileft  I  dwelt  in  Nankim,  there  was  a  man,  who  went  to  confult  one 
of  thereabout  a  dreame  he  had,  which  was  concerning  an  Umbrella^  or 
skreen  to  keep  off  the  Sunne  .-  the  profcffour  asked  him,  if  there  were  any 
pleaorenditemem  againft  him,  inanyCoiirtofJuftice:  he  anfwered. 
There  was: Well  faid  the  profeiTbursthen  San  fignifieth  an  Umbrella^  and 
San  alfo  fignifieth  to  vanifh  -,  and  the  interpretation  of  your  dreame  is,  that 
allthatisagainft  you  will  vanifh  and  come  to  nothing.  The  poore  man 
was  very  well  pleafed,  but  being  afterwards  araigned,  he  received  thirty 
Saflimd'os  well  fct  on.The  wretch  being  angrieat  his  punifhment,where- 
of  he  thought  himfelfe  fecure,  went  to  quarrel  with  the  profeflTour,  who 
anfwered  him,  Alas,  I  had  forgot  to  aske  thee.  Whether  the  Umbrella, 
which  thou  fawefl,  were  a  new  one,  or  an  old  one :  it  was  a  new  one,  an- 
fwered the  foole.  Then  faid  the  profeffour,  Make  account,  that  thy  for- 
rowes  do  but  now  begin. 

Othtrs  divine  only  by  the  Touch,  and  thefe  are  blind  men.  In  the 
yeare  1630.  there  came  to  the  Metropolis  o^ Kiamfi^  a  blind  man,  well  in 
years;  he  opened  fliop,  and  was  frequented  by  many  of  the  Nobility:  he 
foretold  many  things,  with  much  confidence-,and  a  certain  Gentleman  of 
the  fame  City,  that  was  of  one  of  the  foure  principall  families  of  that 
place,  came  to  me  to  tell  me  what  had  paffcd  ^  he  knew  me,  and  under- 
flood  well  enough,  what  my  opinion  was  in  that  matter.  He  told  me  ma- 
ny particular  cafes  of  things  already  happened-,  by  which  he  was  confir- 
med of  the  event,  of  what  the  other  faid,  fliouldyetcometo  paffe*,  and 
prayed  me,  that  I  would  go  in  perfon,  and  make  triall  of  him.  I  went  on- 
ly to  undeceive  him ;  and  coming  to  him,  he  touched  my  hand,  and  bid 
me  fpeak:  when  I  had  fpoke,  he  began  to  tell,  that  I  was  married,  and 
that  I  had  two  fonnes,  that  one  of  them  was  towardly  ,the  other  wilde  and 
difobedient ;  that  my  wife  was  froward  and  difcontcntcd  •,  in  fine,that  my 
whole  family  was  in  difordcr  .•  but  that  when  I  had  taken  my  degree,  all 
would  be  well.  He  is  already  a  Graduate^  anfwered  my  friend.  Where,re- 
plied  the  blind  man?  In  anot  her  Province,  anfwered  the  other.  At  which 
the  blind  man  withdrew,  feeing,  although  without  cyes,that  he  had  erred 
in  that  particular  of  my  degree. 

-  Befides  thefe,  whom  they  confult,  they  have  in  their  Temples,  fe- 
verall  kindes  of  lots  5  anciabooke  that  cxplaineth  them:  They  do  very 
frequently  draw  thefe  lots,  and  they  as  frequently  deceive  them. 
^  They  obferve  likewifc,  and  make  Augury^s  from  xbtftnging  of  Birdsy 
&  from  the  Howling  oiBe/tfts  ;&  if  at  their  going  out  in  the  morning ^thcy 
prefently  meet  with  a  man  cloathed  it\Mourmng^aBonz>i,ox^uch  like  thing, 
they  take  it  for  an  iWAuguriciThey  fay  alfo,that  they  have  famlHar  fpirits, 
which  they  frequently  confultrBut^f  this  I  have  not Jiad  any  knowledge. 
Anciently,  in  time  of  the  Tartars^  there  were  many  very  skilful!  in  this 
Art  •  and  if  we  may  beleeve,  what  Marcm  Venetus  relatcth,  they  did  ma- 
ny wonders :  But  at  this  day  there  is  nothing  certainly  known  of  this 
matter.  Yet  there  is  ftill  a  family,  that  have  a  particular  penfion  from  the 


Chap.19.  TheHiJloryof  CHI 3^ J.  9'} 

King,  which  is  continued,  by  fucccflion  co  their  pofteritie  ;  and  the  name 
of^MagitUnovM'^/zard  Major,  and  is  the  chiefe  of  that  Sect,  andisfomc- 
tinies Tent  for  to  the  King.  I  for  my  part  believe,  the  deviil  hath  more  po.^^ 
wer  over  them,  than  they  have  over  the  devill. 

~  As  for  faciifices  they  are  very  frec^uentjn  Chma,  as  well  great  asfmaU^ 
ones :  and  every  oTTe  providethfor  them  what  he  will,"  or  rather  what  he 
can,  according  to  his  eftate  and  abilitie.  They  facrifice  fbure  times  a  year, 
to  lieaven,the  Sunm ,  Moone,  and  greater  part  of  the  Planets  and  Starrest^  to 
the  Earih^  MoimaineSy  and  the  four e  parts  of  the  World ;  to  the  Sea^  River Sj 
irfi^^j,  and  other  things.  But  it  fecmeth  that  in  realitie  they  facrifice  to 
the  5/?/r/>/ of  thofe  things,  when  in  common  fpecch,  they  fay  they  facri- 
fice to  the  Earthy  Mount  aims,  &c.  Which  may  be  feen  in  many  facrifices 
thcyraake^  as  in  the  facrifice  ofthchoufe,  kitchin,  (liips,  (land ards  and 
enfignes,  when  they  go  to  war,  and  fuch  like  things .,  in  which  facrifices 
they  fpcak  only  to  ihcTuteUr Spirits  of  thofe  things* 
'  They  facrifice  much  more  to  the  Idols,  and  to  famous  men  dcceafed  -, 
to  whom,  when  they  know  them  to  be  fuch,  they  caufe  Temples  to  be 
built,  and  place  in  them  their  Images,  for  fervices  they  have  done,  oro^ 
thcr  benefits  the  Kingdomc  hath  received  by  them. 

Itfeeraeth,  that  at  the  beginning  it  was,  andflill  is  meant,  only  for  a 
kindcofgratefuU  commemoration  of  them -,  and  that  properly  they  do 
not  facrifice  to  them,  but  only  bring  offerings  to  them,  and  perform  other 
Ceremonies,  But  the  ignorant  people  in  tirae.are  come  to  worOiip  them  as 
Saints,and  make  praicrs  to  them,  and  other  fuch  like  honours. 

They  make  likcwife  thcfekinde  of  offerings  to  their  Anceftours  t  whofe 
piduresand  Images, (or  at  leaft  their  names  written j  they  have  alwaies 
prefent  at  thefe  offerings  and  Ceremonies,  They  only  make  mention  of/x, 
that  is,the/r/  founder  of  their  f  amilie  •,  their  third  andi  fourth  Grand- father^ 
\\\c\x  great  Grand-father  y  Grandfather  and  "Father  i  And  when  he  that  is 
the  chiefe  of  the  famjlie  dyeth,  they  take  him  in,  and  leave  out  the  fourth 
Grand-father;  So  that  there  alwaies  remaine  /zxand  no  mare.  Thefe 
offerings  and  ceremonies  arc  not  properly  facrifices  made  to  their  Fathers^ 
for  they  do  not  believe  that  their  Fathers  and  Jncefi^mrfzxc  all,  cither 
Gods  or  Saints  •,  but  only  it  is  a  dcmonftration  of  Gratitude  and  Heve- 
rirw^whichtheythinkeisdue  to  them,  from  whom  they  have  received 
their  being. 

That  which  they  facrifice  is,  fomekindesof  Beafis^zs  Goats^Hog^es^  and 
oxen :  Thefe  arc  the  moft  ufuall.  Of  Foules  the  mofi  ordinary  zic Cocks 
and  ffens^  OiFijlus  what  they  pleafe.  They  alfo  facrifice  pieces  of  flcfli, 
and  moft  commonly  the  Heah :  They  facrifice  alfo  Rice,  Pulfe,  and  Wine, 
And  if  the  King  facrifice  any  of  thefe  things,  the  Mandarines  tkethem- 
iclvcs  large  (hares  of  them  5  and  if  the  better  fort  of  people  facrifice,  fuch 
as  arethe  heads  of  families,  it  is  divided  among  the  kindred.  The  ordina- 
ry fort  of  people,  after  they  have  made  their  offering,  which  is  comonly 
boyled  before  hand,  take  up  every  thing  againe,  then  having  drefled  it  a- 
new  according  to  their  fancy ^  they  make  a  fcaft  with  it,  where  it  is  all 

They  facrifice  many  other  things-  as  Bannm  and  Umbrellas^  all  of  filk? 


9  6  The  Hi/lory  of  QHL^d.        P a  b  t  .i 

fcvcrall  y5[^/^r^/ moulded  in  gold  or  filver,  orclfe  rrndcof  Orpine,  orbafc 
gold ',  great  fummcs  of  mony  made  of  cut  paper.   All  thele  things  are  to 
be  fold^  ready  made,  in  the  market  places,  at  the  fliops  of  feverali  Arcifi- 
^  cers .  and  after  they  are  facrificed,  they  burn  them  all. 

Every  man  ofFereth  facrifice  without  any  difference,they  having  no  de- 
terminate rainifters  appointed  for  this  ad:  neither  indeed  have  they  for 
other  things  •,  as  for  offices  (or  Divine  fervice)  Biuialls,  to  ling  and  oifici- 
^.  ate  at  them  with  any  exadncfTc. 

4  It  belongeth  only  to  the  king  to  facrifice  to  Heaven^  the  Earthy  Stmne^ 

^  MoofiCj  Plamts  and  Starresj  and  if  any  others  (liould  doit  in  publick,  he 

were  guilty  of  a  great  crime.  For  this  end  they  hive  two  moft  famous 
Ttmfles  at  the  two  Courts :  where  the  King  facrificeth  at  thcfoure  feafens  of 
the  year.  Springs  Summer ^  Antumne  and  Winter^  going  thither  himlclfe  in 
per/on  5  and  if  he  cannot  go,  he  fendeth  fome  other  iq  officiate  in  his 

The  great  Lorh  and  thofc  who  are  T/>^/4^^;,facrifice  to  the  Mount mus^ 
Lakes ^  ^c.  The  Gentlemen  and  Officers  to  the  four  feafons  of  the  year, 
and  particular  parts  of  the  earth, /^/Y//,  and  the  like.  ^ 

Tor  the  reff,  as  to  their  Idols,  their  houiliold- gods,  Genij^  oxTutekr 
Angells^  any  one  facrificeth  that  will,  there  being  fet  times  and  places  ap- 
poir\ted  for  it :  except  at  fometimes  they  do  accomodate  themfelvcSjboth 
to  the  occafions  and  places;  as  when  any  one  is  to  take  a  voyage  by  water, 
he  offereth  facrifice  on  the  day,  whereon  he  departethj  and  that  cither  in 
the  ^4r^^,  or  on  the  »^v/ /^tfr^.     . 

Chap.  2.©. 

Of  the  Militia  and  Armes  of  the 

THe  knowledge  and  skill  of^arre  and  Military  affairs  is  very  ancient 
among  the  chinejfes,  as  appcarcth  by  their  bookes  and  Hiflorics^ 
and  it  is  very  certaine,  that  they  have  conquered  many  famous  King- 
domes:  itisalfo  commonly belecved,  that  they  did  formerly  conquer 
Ceilan-^  and  neere  to  that  place,  in  the  City  of  Nagafatam  there  is  to  be 
fecn,  at  this  day,  an  edifice,  or  building,  which  they  call  The  Fagod  of  the 
Chmejfes :  and  it  is  a  Tradition  among  the  people  of  that  Countrie,  that  it 
.  was  built  by  them.  Neither  truly  is  it  a  works  unfit  to  be  compared  to  a- 
ny  of  that  Kingdome.  NeverthelefTe  their  bookes  make  no  mention  at 
all  of  it  5  but  that  is  not  a  fufficient  reafon  altogether  to  refute  this  Traditi- 
on ;  for  no  more  have  they  any  memory  left  in  their  bookes  of  the  ancient 
Chriftianitie,  which  notwithflanding  it  is  mof^  certaine,  was  there  5  and 
wasalfo  very  much  dilated  and  fpread  abroad.  However  it  is  manifefl, 
that  they  had  114.  Kingdomes  Tributary  to  them  5  but  at  this  day  they 
have  only  the  neighbouring  Countries,which  arc  nothing  neere  (b  many^ 
and  even  of  thefe,fomc  of  them  do  deny  them  their  tribute  •,  and  others 


C  H  A  p .  2  o .  Ihe  Etflory  ofCiilD^A.  p  7 

have  been  abandoned  bytheC^/«<'j[/fithemfeIves,hoIdingitbettcrtore- 
tirethemfelves  to  their  own,in  peace  and  quiemclTe^than  to  go  on  ftil  with 
warreand  troubles,  to  conquer  or  maintainc  other  Kingdomes. 

Befide  the  Conquers  and  w^irns  made  with  Granger  Kingdomes,thcy 
have  had  warrc  alfo  for  many  yeares  in  their  own  Countiie-,fo  that  befide 
many  particular  books  that  treatc  thereof,  they  have  one  body  of  hiftorie 
confifting  often  Tomes5which  only  treateth  of  the  watys  of  thofe  times, 
of  their  Captaims^  their  manner  of  rvarfare,  bMtailes,vi£fories,  and  other 
things ;  wherein  are  many  notable  things  to  be  read,  which  do  clearly  de- 
monftrate,  that  they  have  formerly  been  a  'validnt  and  warlike  nation,  al- 
though there  are  but  few  fuch  at  this  time.  The  occafions  how  they  came 
thus  to  grow  Ic{fe,  were  very  great,  as  I  (hall  (]iev7  hereafter. 

At  this  day,  that  which  they  have  o^rvarlike  in  the  Kingdome,  is  only 
xht  multitude^  which  is  very  gi eat-,  for  bcfidcs  the  SouUiery^  which  they 
have  in  the  frontiers  of  Tmme.^xxd.  in  the  Armddos  and  fleets,  which  are 
at  the  mouihs  of  the  great  rivers,  which  runne  into  the  Sea,  every  Pro- 
vince,and  in  that  every  City  and  Village  of  the  Kingdome,hath  a  proper 
w///f/4  of  their  own,  which  is  paid  by  them,  and  commanded  by  their 
own  Captaincs  ;  and  in  cafe  that  any  Province  hath  need  of  men,  they 
make  ufe  o{i\izSouldkric  of  their  owu  Cities  and  To vvnes- which  by  or- 
der o'  the  vke-rdy  is  eafily  brought  to  one  Rerjdevous,  And  if  there  be  oc- 
cafion  for  them  on  the  frontier*^,  or  any  other  place  of  the  Kingdome, 
prcfently  by  order  from  the  King,  or  his  councell  of  wnrre^  they  rayfe  the 
Souldiers  c( one  ot  more  Provinces,  according  to  the  Prefent  neceflitie, 
and  the  polTibiliticofthe  Province-,  all  ofthem  not  being  able  to  main- 
taine  the  fime  number  of  Souldicrs. 

Thefe  Souldiers  are  alwayes  in  readinefle,  and  if  one  of  them  be  wan- 
ting or  die,  there  are  prefcntly  enow  in  the  fame  Town,  though  it  be 
never  fo  little,who  make  fuite  for  the  employment;  and  fo  the  place  is 
prefently  fupplied. 

In  the  City  o^lSfankim  they  fay,  there  are  40000  Souldiers^  and  in  that 
of  Pekim  80C00.  and  throughout  the  whole  Kingdome  fas  Father  Mat- 
/^^«i  5/Vd«r  afl\rmeth,  who  lived  in  China  many  yeares,  and  had  very 
good  Knowledge  thereof)  above  a  million;  and  Father  fohn  Rodriguez^ 
who  went  very  much  up  and  down  China^  and  had  opportunitie  to  fee  the 
principall  places  thereof,  and  was  very  curious,faith5thathe  found  by  di- 
ligent fcarch  in  their  books,  that  in  the  body  of  the  Kingdome,  with  all 
the  Cities  and  Villages  thereof,  there  are  594000  Souldiers-^mAozi  the 
great  wals,  which  confine  on  Tartaric  682888.and  yet  he  did  not  put  in- 
to this  nuniber  the  Souldiers  of  the  Arrnado  that  guardeth  the  coafl.  Nor 
tvil  this  number  feem  fo  exceflive,  if  we  confider,  that  China  alone,  befide 
that  it  is  much  more  populous, is  as  big  as  Spain^  France,  Italie^  Germanic^ 
the  LorV' Countries^  great  Brittain^  and  all  the  Ijlands  belonging  to  it. 

In  all  this  multitude-,  if  wefpeakof  them,  who  guard  ihc  Frontiers, 
there  is  no  doubt  but  there  is  found  fomc  valour  and  courage^  and  they 
have  fometiracs  gallantly  repulfed  ther^rf^rj^and  in  the  yea  re  i  ')p6,when 
the  GiapponeJfes^z(icv  they  had  palfed  through  all  the  Kingdome  oiCorea^ 
without  finding  any  refinance,  would  have  cntred  Chirfa,  which  they 

-   O  came 

9  8  rhe  Hijlory  of  CHJ-K.^-        P a  b  t.i  . 

came  on  purpofe  to  conquer,the  Chmeffes  repulfed  them  in  fuch  manner, 
that  after  the  lofTe  of  many  men,they  were  faine  to  put  up  their  pipes,  and 
returne  home  without  doing  any  thing:  fo  likewife  the  Souldiers  of  the 
ArmadQh2^\'G.  made  fome  alTaults,  wherein  they  have  been  vi^oriom.  But 
if  we  fpeake  oi  thco^s  who  live  in  the  Cities  and  Villages  throughout  the 
Kingdomejthey  are  but  of  (mall  courage  and  valour;  but  you  mud  not 
conceive,  that  they  are  only  Souldiers,  and  have  no  other  profeflion^  for 
they  are  Inhabitants  and  natives  of  the  fame  places-  and  are  Taylors,  Shoe- 
mders  Sec.  They  are  alwaies  ready  to  march  at  the  Kings  command^and 
leaving  their  houfes,go  to  the  warre,  whenfoever  there  is  occafion,They 
are  moreover  obliged,  to  appear  at  the  mufters  and  rraynbgs  for  three 
months  in  the  Spring^znd  three  in  the  Autumnet,ihe  which  are  held  in  the 
greatCities  every  day  infallibly  .where  only  a  Tertia  or  third  part  of  them 
do  mufter-,  but  in  Villages  they  do  all  make  their  appearance  every  day. 

The  manner  which  they  hold  in  this  Milma^is  thus.  All  the  Souldiery^ 
whether  of  Foot  or  Horfe,  are  drawn  up  into  a  B;  dy,  and  if  any  be  found 
raifling,  there  is  an  other  put  in  his  place^and  in  that  place  and  degree, 
into  which  they  are  once  admitted, they  almoft  ever  remainc^or  are  hut  lit- 
tle advanced  J  (aidyalmofi  ahay  ^/^becaufe  on  the  FrontireSjif  any  Sonldier 
perform  any  notable  exploit,  they  fometimes  make  him  a  Captam,  and 
he  is  advanced  to  his  degrees  without  being  examined:  but  this  is  a  thing 
which  fallcth  out  very  rarely. 

For  to  mzke  C^ptaims^  Lieutenants, ^Lwd  Corporals, Sec, thctt  are  exami- 
nations-, and  in  them  two  degrees  are  conferrcd-,which  (to  make  them  be 
the  better  underftood)  we  will  call  Licemiats  in  arms^  and  Dolours  in 
arms^  The  firft  examination  is  held  in  the  chief  Cities  of  the  Provinces, 
whither  all  pretenders  do  refort^(and  in  the  fame  vniverfity  or  general! 
Palace,  where  the  ftudents  are  examined^)  and  there  they  are  to  be  exa- 
mined, giving  them  for  a  point,  or  T/'^w^,  certasne  doubts  in  matters  of 
war,  to  which  they  anfwer  with  their  pen,  making  thereon  difcourfes 
and  compofilions.  The  fpcculative  triall  being  ended,  they  come  to  the 

They  muft  (hoote  nine  arrowes,  (landing  ftill  upon  their  feet,  and  o- 
ther  nine  on  horfe-back,  againft  a  great  Target,  whileft  the  horfe  is  in  his 
fpeed-,  and  of  thofe  who  behave  thcmlelves  befl,  both  in  the  triall  of 
ffiooting,  and  in  that  of  compofing,fome  are  chofen,  on  whom  the  firft 
degree  is  conferred-,  which  hath  alfo  its  enfignes  and  ornaments.  The  fe- 
cond  degree  is  conferred  at  Court  in  the  fame  year^  where  all  thofe  who 
have  obtained  the  firft  degree,  do  affemble  thcmfelves-,  and  the  examina- 
tion is  held  in  the  fame  manner  as  beforc-,only  there  are  more  doubts  con- 
cerning matters  of  warre  propofed,  than  before.  Their  enfignes  are  the 
fame  with  thofe  of  the  Dolours  in  learning-^  which  is  to  be  underftood  in 
the  Cities,  while  the  Kingdom  is  in  peace-,  for  in  warrc,or  publiqucadli- 
ons,  where  they  affift  as  Souldiers ,  they  have  their  particular  enfignes  and 
ornaments  oiCapaines.'Xhiz  graduates  are  employed  the  fame  yeare,inthc 
office  of  Captainesjand  fo  are  advanced  by  degrees,til  they  come  it  may 
be,to  be Captaines  General^z\t\\oi\o\i  there  be  no  war.  They  who  remaine 
only  with  the  firft  degree^ are  employed  in  the  kflerjand  more  ordinary 


Chap.zo,  TheHiJloryof  CHI 3^  J.  99 

charges  of  the  warr-but  they  are  aUvaycs  to  be  in  fomthing  of  command. 

As  for  their  Armes^  1  fay  firft-,  that  the  ukoiPorvdcr  is  very  ancient  in 
china:  and  in  fire- works,  wherein  they  are  excellently  skilfull,  they  fperd 
more  powder  in  a  year,  than  in  their  Armies,  at  this  time,  in  five.  Anci- 
ently it  feemcth,  they  ukd  it  more  in  the  warr.For  even  to  this  day,  there 
arc  to  be  fcen  on  the  gates  of  the  City  of  Nankim,  on  both  (ides  of  the 
town,,  great  Braffe  Bombards^  or  Cannon^  which  though  they  be  but  ihort 
yet  are  very  well  made;  from  whence  it  may  be  concluded,  that  they  have 
formerly  been  in  ufe.  But  now  they  know  not  how  to  make  ufeof  them, 
and  keep  them  only  for  oftcntation.  NcverthelelTe  they  make  fome  ufe 
o^Morter  pieces  J  or  Spirjgards-,  but  they  have  but  few,  and  thofe  ill- made* 
They  have  airoI>4^.ffi  two  palms  long,  of  Muket' bore-,  they  do  flock 
three,  and  fometimes  fowcr  of  thcfe  together,  and  (lioot  them  offall  at 
once.  In  their  fhips  of  warr,  they  carry  Guns,  but  they  are  very  fmall 
oncs,neither  do  they  know,  how  to  level!  them  at  a  mark.  But  now,(ince 
the  officers  Q^Chim  have  made  many  firearmes  in  Machaoj  by  meanes  of 
the  Portughejfei'j  Muskets  began  to  come  into  China-,  but  the  Armes  which 
they  commonly  ferve  with^are,  Bowes  and  Arrowes,  Lances,  Scimitars. 

In  the  yeare  162 1  the  City  6^ Macao  fent,for  a  prefent,to  the  King  Jthrec 
great  pieces  of  Camo^^mxh  their  Crf;?^^;?/^^  belonging  to  them,  to  ac- 
quaint him  with  the  ufe  of  them-  which  accordingly  they  did  in  Pekim^to 
the  great  afFrightment  of  many  Ma?idarines:  who  would  needs  be  preftnt 
to  fee  them  difcharged.  At  which  time,  there  fell  out  an  unhappic  acci- 
dent- which  was,  that  one  of  the  Guns  violently  recoyling  killed  one  Por- 
tughefe,  and  three  or  fowcr  Chir;eJfes,bQ  fides  many  more  that  were  Scared* 
Thcfc  Gum  were  highlie  efteemed,?ind  carried  to  the  Fromiers  againft  the 
Tartars-,  who  not  knowing  of  this  new  invention,  and  coming  un,  many 
together  in  a  clofe  Body^reccived  fuch  a  flaughtcr  from  an  Iron  piece, 
ifhat  they  were  not  only  put  to  flight  at  that  time,bnt  went  on  ever  after 
with  more  caution. 

For  dcfcnfive  Armes, thty  ufe  round  Bucklers,  Caskes  or  ffead-pieces^and 
certainc  plates  of  Iron  three  fingers  broad,laid  one  upon  another,  of 
which  t  bey  make  Back  and  Breft-pieces-they  ate  but  of  little  proof,  and 
are  made  only  againfl  arrowes. 

In  a  word  both  then  Armes  and  Souldiers  arehut  little  worth  at  this 
tIme.The  occafions  thereof  arc  many-  the  Firji  is  the  gre  at  cafe  and  idle- 
ncffe,  in  which  they  have  lived  thefe  many  yeares,  fincc  the  Kingdome 
hath  been  free  from  warr.  The  Secofjd  is,  the  great  account  they  make  of 
learning,  and  thelirtle  efleem  they  have  ofArmes-^  fo  that  the  leafl  magi- 
flrate  will  dare  to  baffle  a  C^/^f/^/w^of^w/^/,  let  him  be  never  fo  great. 
The  T^/W is  their  manner  of  eleding  Captaines  by  way  of  cxamination,as 
we  have  faid,beingall  raw  Souldiers, that  undcrftand  nothing  iri  matters  of 
ivarr.  The  Fourth  is,  becaufc  all  Souldiers,  are  either  cour.igious  by  nature, 
or  Spurred  onto  G4//4;?/r/(;  by  the  example  of  thofe  iVi?^/£?Perfons,  who 
lead  themj  or  elfe  they  are  animated  by  rhe  difcipline,  their  Captaines  do 
bring  them  up  in.  But  the  Souldiers  of  china  want  all  thefe  occafions.  For 
commonly  their  courage  is  but  little;  their  Nohilitie  lefle-thcir  Education 
leaft  of  all^  for  they  will  bafiinado  a  Souldier  for  any  fault,  as  if  he  were  a 

O  a  child 


<Ihe  Hiftory  ofCHLK^.  Part.i 

child  that  went  to  fchoole.  The  fifth^  bccaufc  in  their  Armies y  over  all  the 
Capa'mes^ and  alfo the Generall himfelfe, there  goeth  a  Generalijfmo^  who 
is  alwaies  a  man  of  the  long  robe;  This  man  marchcth  alwaies  in  the  mid- 
dleofthemaine  Battalia^  and  from  the  place  oi  Battaile  is  many  times  a 
daies  journy  ofF^fo  that  he  is  too  remote  to  give  orders,and  to  runne  away, 
in  any  cafe  of  danger,hc  is  moft  ready.The/xf/'  is,  that  in  their  Comcells  of 
wane  (of  which  they  have  two  •  one  in  the  Court  o^NankJm  •  and  the  o- 
ther  in  that  o^Pekim  ,•  and  each  hath  a  Preftdent^  two  CellateraUs^  and  eight 
or  nine  Colleagues)  there  is  not  one  Souldier,  or  Captaine  among  them,  or  a- 
ny  that  hath  ever  feen  the  wanes -,  and  yet  for  all  thatjthe  whole  Militia  of 
the  Kingdome  is  ordered  by  them,  efpccially  by  the  Councell  o^  Pekim, 
Only  there  might  be  anfwered  to  what  hath  been  faidjthat  thtChineJfes 
do  ufe  training,  and  exercifcs  of  wane,  for  three  months  in  the  Springs  and 
three  in  the  jiutumne  every  year  :  which  cannot  be  done  without  feme 
profit,  esscrcifing  thcmfclves  in  fhooting  arrowes  at  a  marke,  and  fhooting 
alfo  very  well.  But  in  truth  this  cxercife  of  theirs  is  the  moft  rediculous 
thing  in  the  world:For  dividing  their  men  into  fquadrons,part  feign  them- 
(elves  to  be  enemies,  mdi\>2xt  Chine ff'es^  (as  among  us  in  Portugall,  the 
boyes  divide  them  (elves  into  Moeres  and  Chrifiians)  otie  part  cometh,  as 
it  were,  a  farre  off  to  warre  with  the  other ;  then  they  fend  out  fpies,  and 
fend  away  meffengersto  tlie  Mandarines  (who  arc  fitting  not  farre  of  un- 
der a  Canopie^  or  Pavilion  of  filke)giving  them  notice,  that  they  are  in  fuch 
a  place,  and  the  enemie  in  fuch  a  place  •,  then  the  Chimjfes  fend  out  a  par- 
tic  againft  them,  who  encountring  knock  their  Swords  and  Lanees  one  a- 
gainft  the  others,  juft  as  plaiers  do  upon  a  ftage  •,  and  this,  or  very  little 
more  is  all  they  do. 


0/  the  vparre  vphich  the  T'artars  made 
upon  China. 

WHen  Humm  thejGrft  founder  of  the  royal!  family  thzx.  govcrncth 
at  prefentj'drove  the  Tartar  out  of  the  Kingdome,  who  had Jcept 
all  C^ina  under  his  fubjcdlion  ninetie  years,  hc^nqr  only  re-gained  his  own 
Kingdome,  butentrcd  likewife  iniothofeof  the  others  and  conquered 
thofe  Kingdomes,  that  lay  neereft  him  towards  the  North,  obliging  thera 
to  pay  hiratribute:neither  did  he  let  them  remaine  in  the  manner  of  King- 
domes,  but  the  fame  Hummi  divided  them  into  i6o.  families  or  States^  gi- 
ving them  divcrfe  dignities  and  offices.  Thcfe  States  grew  fo  great,  that 
they  divided  themfclves  into  three  Kingdomes*  one  towards  the  Wp/; 
another  toward  the  North^  and  the  third  toward  the  Eafl^  The  two  firfi: 
prcfently  with- drew  themfelves  f  rom  their  obedience  to  the  Cbinejfes^ 
only  he  of  the  Eafi  remaining  their  friend,  treating  with  them,  and  per- 
fovming  his  obligations. 

This  continued  for  many  years  5  till  the  Chinejfcf  feeing  that  Baflerise 


C  H  A  p .  2 1 .  Ihe  Hifiory  of  QUI^A.  i  o  i 

Kingdome  CO  cncrc.ife  much,  whether  it  were  for  reafonofftatc,  or  for 
fome  other  pariicular  refpe^:,  they  refolved  to  fnll  upon  it ,  and  to 
bring  them  under,  fo  that  the  Tmars  forced  by  dcfperation,  refolvedac 
once  to  invade  upon  them  •,  this  is  the  ufuall  effe(5t  oi^ Extortion  and  Tyran^ 
»y,  and  where  the  Prince  would  have  more  from  the  people,  than  they  are 
able  to  give.  Whence  Theofom^m  K\nQ^oiK.\\Q  Lacedemonians,  when  his 
wife  told  him,  that  becaufe  he  had  cafcd  his  people  of  many  taxes,  he 
would  leave  his  foone  a  poorer  Kingdome,  than  he  had  received  from  his 
Father,  anfwered,  Relinqu0,fed  diuturmus.  That  is,  Ifliall,  leave  him  a 
more  lafting  Kingdome.  The  Tartars  therefore  fccretly  levied  Souldiers, 
and  on  a  fiidden  fell  upon  a  fort  in  the  Province  ofLeaotum.  and  tooke  it  5 
making  afterwards  many  in-roads  to  their  profit,  and  to  the  great  damage 

The  Tartars  of  the  Wefl  and  of  the  North ^  whether  it  were  out  of  love 
to  their  Country , or  out  of  intrefl:,  which  is  more  probable,  raifcd  alio  an 
Army,  and  came  in  to  the  Succour  of  their  Eafterne  Counttimcn-,  and  by 
little  and  little  grew  fo  numerous,chat  in.thc;  x^arc  i6i8^tw^yery_gre_at 
Armits^ouQ  C^/;?^^,and_the  other  ^'^^^^^,'£atn^e^ro^a_ficldJb^tailc;  ]n 
which  the Chinejes  were  vanifhed  and  put  to  fl ight, witha  very  great  jofs 
-of  men.  And  that  it  might  the  better  be  underftood,  how  the  jlate  -v 
of  things  were  thenj  will  fet  down  here  a  memorial  or  petition,which  the 
Frepdent  of  the  C^uncdlof  warre  gave  the  King  concerning  this  bufineffe^ 
which  I  tranflared  at  that  time,  and  fent  it  into  Europe  for  news,  and  now  I 
have  found  it  here  printed,  and  it  faith  thus. 

A  mcmoriall,  or  petition,  prefcnted  by  the  prefidcnc 
of  the  Councell  of  Warreto  the  King. 
liV  this  fix  and foiirtieth  year  of  your  Reign,  in  thejixth  Moone^(tvhich  )vAs  the 
^yeare  i6iSin  the  month  ofA\igu{\)the  Prcfident  of  the  Councell  of  Warre 
frefentethyofttpith  this  MemorhW J,  as  to  our  Lord  and  King,  upn  occasion 
that  the  Tartars  are  emred  within  the  walls  toward  the  'Hoxthjn  which  he 
humbly  fetitioneth  you  jthaf^ou  would  attend  this  hufinejfe^and  prefently  open 
your  Treafures^  and  afftfl  this  Warre  with  men  and  ammunition.  For  the  truth 
is^  that  in  this  month  I  have  received  intelligence  from  the  Captaines,  that  re- 
fide  in  the  Province  of  the  walls  toward  the  North-,  wherein  they  give  me  no- 
tice^ that  in  all  parts  of  that  Provincethere  were  proclamations  publtflud, where- 
in they  did  declare^  that  the  Tartars  were  gathered  together  to  Conquer  this 
vforldof  China;  and  gave  me  intelligence  of  the  day  appointed  for  the  Battaile^ 
the  which  accordingly  was  fought  at  that  time,  with  a  great  firength  and  mul- 
titude of  people:  andentring  within  the  wah^  they  have  taken  fome  of  our  men^ 
to  Sacrifice  them :  and  the  day  before  the  battaile  they  did  Sacrifice  them  with 
great  acclamations  to  their  King-^  and  have  already  proclaimed  him  King  of 
VeVimJThey  bring  with  them  many  hundred  thoufands  of  Souldiers^  and  each 
heareth  about  him  feverall  forts  of  Armcs.   Our  men,  who  met  to  encounter 
and  fuppreffe  them^  were  two  Captaines-Generall,  ninety  px  ordinary  Cap- 
taines,4/j^  300000  men  at  armes.  They  )oymd  battaile,  and  in  the  firfl  en- 
counter they  killed  thirty  eight  of  our  C apt aines^amongfl  whom  was  one  of  our 
Generals ;  the  others  are  (laine  without  number  i  they  took  alfofome  thou  fan  ds 

loz  TheBiftory  of  CiilV%A.  Part.i. 

ojvr'tfomrs  ^  and  in  the  retreat^  byreafonoftheconfufion  and  diforder^there 
mre  killed  by  them  above  a  thoufand  of  our  wen,  J  he  people  of  the  Cities  are 
fled^  as  alfo  thofe  of  the  other  Toivnes»Whereiipon,  the  fame  day  they  made  them- 
fehes  mafiers  of  three  Cities.  Upon  the  recieptofthisnewes  we  ajfembled  the 
Councell,  the  Colao,  and  other  Mandarines  of  this  Ccurtythat  info  weighty  a 
buftneffe  wee  might  findefome  good  expedient :  k^  nd  in  truth  itfeemeth  te  us> 
that  heaven  doth  favour  the  enemy  ^  who  otherwife  could  not  have  been  able  to 
have  madefuch  aflaughter  of  our  people  in  one  day^  and  to  have  taken  three  Ci^ 
lies  .•  andfo  itfeemeth  heaven  is  angry  with  us*  o^i  alfo  the  Prodigies,  which 
n>e  have  lately  allfeen^  ^o  demon/Irate  no  lejfe^  Jn  the  Province  of  Pekim  the 
lajlyeare  it  raigned  not  at  all ;  and  the  people  went  about  like  men  hdfe  dead  : 
and i»  the  Province  of  X^nViva^  there  was  fo  ^r^4/ 4  dearth  W  famine,  that 
thepeofle  did  eat  one  amther :  and  into  Nankim  came  an  infinite  multitude  of 
Mice  f  neither  was  it  difcoveredj  w  hence  t  hat  ^hpie  came.  In  the  roy  all  pa- 
laces, of  five  parts  the  Hre  burnt  downetwOy  and  the  wind  overthrew  five  1  o^ 
rvers  of  this  City  :  we  faw  two  Sunnes  together^  and  the  one  did  Ecclipfc  the  0- 
thcr,  Thefeare  all  things  of  evifl  Pvogno^icmon  :  but  above  all^  we  faw  a 
man  enter  mto  the  roy  all  Palaces  withrefolution  to  kill  the  Prince ;  which  he  had 
donejjadhe  not  been  hindred(This  fell  out  when  the  King  would  have  con- 
ftituted  his  fecond  fonne  heire  of  the  Kingdome  •,  who  was  growne  very 
powerfull  by  the  favour  and  art  of  the  Eunucbes  •,  and,  at  that  time,  there 
came  in  a  man  to  have  killed  the  cldeft  fonne  •,  but  he  was  hindred  by  his 
fearc,  and  the  women,  whohelpcdthel^nnce.)  {^  nd  the  worfi  is '^that^  a 
Mandarine  having  fpoken  fomething  high^  fhewingtherein his fidelitie  to you^ 
OHrLordjbutfor  hisLoy^iXxAQyou  made  him  aTvaiiour^and commanded  hefhould 
he  put  inprifon^  and  although  we  made  great  means  to  free  him^  by  declaring  his 
innocency^yet  you  never  gave  eare  unto  «i.CThis  imprifonmcnt  was,  when  the 
King  fliewed  his  eldeft  fonne  to  the  Mandarines  in  the  royall  hall,  whom 
they  would  have  had  declared  heire  of  the  Kingdome,  &  the  King  would 
not :  and  one  of  them  tookethe  boldnefle  to  fpeake,  and  to  plead  for  the 
true  Prince,  and  was  therefore  committed  prifoner  by  the  King.) 

Many  times  the  Mandarines /'^^/^^/^^Memorialls  5  wherein  they  did  relate 
the  miferable  condition  of  the  people, defiring  that  their  Taxes  might  be  leffoned^ 
a  thing  worthy  of  much  cenftderation'jbut  neither  did  you  make  any  account  there- 
of We  the  y\.mdi2ix\t[^%  of  this  cotirt  have  feverall  times  petitioned,  that  you 
would  come  out,  and  give  Audience  inpublick^  as  jour  Predeceffours  hetherto 
have  done  •,  that  the  government  might  be  conformable  to  that  of  heaven^  as  it  4^ 
mofi  fitting  :you  anfweredusfometimes,  that  you  were  not  well  •,  other  times  ^t  hat 
the  weather  was  cold  andrough^  and  that  wefijouldmeet  another  day:  we  expe^- 
edtill  Spring  time^then  till  the  beginning  of  Summer, that  you  would  performe 
what  you  hadpromifed  ^  but  you  not  only  gave  no  anfwcr  to  the  fecond  Memori  • 
2\\,bHt  yon  commanded  it  to  be  burnt :  and  in  this  manner  you  live  retired  inthe 
Palace, without  making  any  account  of  what  import  eth  you  mofi:.  For  this  reafon 
arethe  calamities  fo  great  ^  andwe  perfecutedwith  warres.   Peace  is  wanting ; 
andy  as  itfeemeth,  it  will  be  wanting  5  for  we  are  come  to  fee  rivers  of  blood 
running  downe :  and  above  all,  in  the  third  moone  laftpafi^  there  came  fome 
from  the  Province  cf Xenfi,  to  tellus^  that  there  had  appeared  there  a  man  c  loa- 
thed in  yellow,  with  a  green  cap  on  his  headland  in  his  hand  afan^f feather s^who 


OTa v.u.  TheHiftory of  CHl^^.  ioi, 

fpakethns^  Vanli  (that  is  the  name  of  the  King)  hth  notgoveme^  though  he 
hathraignedlon^:  he  fleeptth  alwaiesuhe  Kingdomc  is  ready  to  be  hfi^  the 
people  will  die  ofhunfjir  •,  the  Captaines  will  hejlaine  and  pierced  through  with 
lances:  and  when  he  bad  [aid  this,  he  vanifhed.  The  Manda  rines  were  amazed. 
The  Vice-roy  it  fed  great  diligence  to  know  who  this  man  was:  but  could  notpof- 
Jihlyfinde  him  out,feeijsg  therefore  the  calamites,  famine,  warre,  and  other  e- 
vills^  which  the  Kinghme  now  juffereth^  we  plainly  perceive,  that  it  was  a 
r>xo(^no{klc:iiionofthefethi?7gs.  Wherefore  we  are  againe  returned  to  require 
you^fpeedilj  to  open  your  treafures  ofmony^thatfrejl)  leavies  of  men  may  be  made, 
andfome  remedy  put  to  fo great  cvills, 

^  This  is  the  J/^»Jgr/V/,whichwas^refenred  in  thcyeari6i8  fince  when, 
the  Tartars  have  continued  every  fummer  (fofin'the  winrer7  byTeafbnof 
the  great  cold, nothing  can  be  done  jto  make  confiderable  inroads;  where- 
in they  are  commonly  gainers,  to  the  great  loiTe  of  the  Chine [fes.  So  that 
the  yeair  162  2 » two  principall  Madarines  of  the  fort  of  ^amjt^  where-,  as 
being  the  chief e  fortreHe  of  that  Province,  the  rice- roy^  maketh  hisrefi- 
dence,  (whether  it  were,  that  they  were  difcontentcd,  or  had  hopes  to 
better  their  condition  by  it  j  made  a  fccret  agreement  with  the  Tartars  to 
deliver  the  fortrelTe  into  their  hands^  which  accordingly  they  did-,  for  the 
Tartars  falling  oi\  upon  that  i"ide,which  was  atligned  them5a{roone  as  ever 
theybegan  the  affaultjthey  cafily  tooke  it,by  theTreafon,which  the  otheis 
had  plotted,  and  put  to  flight  all  them,  who  knew  nothing  of  the  treache- 
lie  •,  who,together  with  the  Viceroy^  efcaped  to  Xamhai^  the  laft  fortreffe 
(as  it  were)  cf  that  Province,  and  the  firft  of  the  Province  oiPekim-j  the 
key  and  ftrength  of  the  whole  Kingdome. 

Afloone  as  the  newes  of  this  laft  route  came  to  Court,  both  the  King 
and  his  Grandees  were  in  great  diforder^and  deliberated  10  change  his  a- 
bode,  and  to  remove  to  the  Court  olNankim^z^  farthell  off  from  danger^ 
and  it  had  accordingly  been  put  in  execution,if  a  piincipall3/Wrfr/;7£(;for 
there  is  alwayes  found  fome  one  or  other,  who  taketh  care  of  the  publick 
good jhad  not  prefented  zMemoriallto  theKingjwherein  he  demonftrated 
to  him,  that  this  alteration  would  be  the  beft  and  readieft  way  to  deftroy 
the  whole  Kingdome,  or  the  greater  pare  atleaft,  by  difpoyling  of  all 
ftrength,  the  Court  and  Province  of  Pekim^  that  was  fo  neere  the  other 
ProvincejWhich  was  now  ready  to  be  loft. 

This  Memoriall  took  effed  5  and  by  it  the  the  defjgnc  of  flying  and 
fceking  anew  habitation,  was  broken  off-,  it  being  formerly  refolved, 
that  Nankim  (hould  be  fortified. There  was  therefore  a  proclamation  fent 
outjwhich  under  great  penalties  jd  id  prohibite  any  to  go  out  of  the  Court, 
wot  only  Manharines  and  people  ofqualitiej  but  even  the  common  peo- 
pic  alfo.  Vpon  this  the  people  began  to  bee  quieted,  efpecially  feeing, 
that  the  Citie  was  ftrengthencd  with  new  Garrifom,  Guards^  Watches^  and 
a  rigorous  ftri6tncffe  at  the  gate.The  chiefeft  care  was  to  fortifie  the  paffc 
at  Xam  Hai  ^uan^  which,  as  I  faid  above,  is  on  the  very  f  rontire  of  the 
Province  o^Leaotum^  which  was  already  loft,  and  on  the  entrance  of  the 
Province  o^Pekimy^n^  by  rcafon  the  place,  ftreightened  on  both  fides 
wii  h  very  high  mountaines,is  impregnable  ••  they  fent  thither  great  ftorc 
of  Ammunition^  and  freOi  Sculdim  in  fo  great  number,  that  it  was  repor- 

704^  Ihe  Hifiory  ofCHLK^^ Part.i. 

ted  that  at  that  poft  only  they  had  80000  men  of  Warre.  The  King  alfo 
fent  new  Captawes  with  ample  power-,  which  would  have  been  of  greater 
cffe<5l,  if  he  could  have  given  it  them  over  theT^r^^n^to  conduct  them 
that  way;  who  feeing  it  was  not  poflible  to  make  their  entrance  at  that 
place,  both  becaufe  it  was  fo  eafie  to  defend^  as  alfo  that  it  was  wcU  forti- 
fied with  men,  began  to  wheelcofftothef^T^  fide  thereof,  through  part 
of  C<7y^4,  giving  off  their  dcfignc  of  going  toward  Pekim-^  which  if  they 
had  done  with  (b  powerful!  and  vicftorous  an  i^rmy^  they  had  put  that 
Court  into  a  greater  feare  and  danger,  than  ever  yet  they  had  experience 
of.  The  Chincjfes  met  them  not  far  from  the  Court,  where  there  began  fo 
furious  a  BattailCj  that  many  men  loft  their  lives  both  of  the  one  and  the 
other  fide- yet  at  the  laft  the  C^/^^//irj  had  the  viCtonQifo great  endeavour 
mil  men  ufe  to  defend  their  own  home. 

A  little  while  after  this  fight  arrived  at  the  Court  o^Pekim  a  Portughefs 
named  Gonfalvo  Texera^  who  was  lent  thither  with  an  Bmhaffie  and  a  Pre- 
fent  from  the  City  o^Macao-^  who  feeing  the  inlolency  of  the  Tartars,  and 
the  feare  of  the  Chmejfes^  and  judging  that  by  it  they  might  do  fervice  to 
the  Crown  oi Portugal!,  and  a  kindneffe  tothemfelves,  in  what  the  King 
of  China  might  do  for  them,  offered  to  the  Mandarine!, in  the  name  of  the 
City  of  Mac^o,  fome  Portughejfes  to  affift  them  againft  the  farters.  The 
profcr  was  kindly  accepted  of,  and  a  Memoriall  vf:xs  prefented  to  the 
King,  who  prefently  returned  a  favourable  dnfwer.  The  CouncellofWarre 
difpatched  a  Father  of  our  company  to  Maeao^ivaho  was  already  gone  a- 
long  with  the  Embajfadours  to  negotiate  this  afififtance  j  with  feverall  or- 
ders to  the  o^cQxsofCantone,  to  expedite  the  bufinefTe  as  much  as  they 
couldywith  all  jiberalitiejand  provifion,and  convenience  for  the  men  that 
were  defired  of  them. 

Foure  hundred  men  were  put  in  order,  that  is  200  Souldicrs,  ofwhich 
many  were  Portughejfes, (ome  whereof  were  borne  in  PortugaU^znd  fome 
there ;  but  the  moft  of  them  were  people  of  that  Countrie,who  although 
they  were  Chinejfes,  home  in  Macao,  yet  were  bred  up  among  the  Portu^ 
gheffes  after  their  manner,  and  were  good  Souldiers,  and  fhot  well  in 
Guns^  To  each  Souldicr  was  given  a  youth  to  fervc  him ,  who  was 
bought  with  the  Kings  money,  and  fo  large  pay  for  themfelvcs,  that 
mthhihQ  Souldiers  clothe  A  themfelves  nchly,and  provided  them  (elves 
with  armes,  and  were  after  all  that  left  very  rich  too» 

Thefc  Souldicrs  fct  out  from  Macao  with  two  Captaines,  one  whereof 
was  named  Pictro  Corderio,thQ oihtx  f^monio Rodriquez.  delca^oo^mth 
their  Alferes  and  other  officers.  When  they  were  come  to  Cantone,  they 
muftered  themfelves  with  fo  much  gallantrie,  and  with  fuch  falutes  of 
their  Mufquetrie^,  that  the  Chincjfes  were  aftonifhed . 

There  they  were  furniflied  with  boates  to  pafic  up  the  river,  with  all 
convenience,  through  the  whole  Province,bcing  prefented  by  the  Magi- 
flrarcs,  when  they  came  to  any  of  their  Cities  and  Villages,  fending  re? 
frcfhment  for  them  all, of  Hens,  Bee fe.  Fruit,  Wine,  Rice.dzc. 

They  psiTed  over  the  Mountaines  which  divide  the  Province  of 
famonefromih^toiKiamfiCzudhkiXc  thanadaies  journey  from  thco- 
ther  Riverjall  on  horfe-back,  even  to  the  meancfl  of  their  fervants.  Pre- 

Ghapzi.  1  he  Hifiorjof  CHI3XA~        7d"j 

fenty ,  upon  the  other  fide  of  the  Mountaine,  they  were  imbaiqueda- 
gaine,  and  going  down  the  River,  they  crofTed  after  the  fame  manner  al- 
moft  all  the  Province  of  Kiamfic/iW  they  came  to  the  Metropolis  thereof 
where  I  lived  at  that  time,  and  had  under  my  dire(5tion  a  good  number 
of  Chriftians,  there  they  ftaycd  only  to  lee  the  City^and  to  be  wel  looked 
on  by  them.  They  were  invited  by  many  of  the  noble  men,  that  they 
might  looke  upon  the  Fafhion  of  their  habit,  and  other  things  which  k^^ 
med  ftrange  to  them-,  they  treated  them  with  all  manner  ofCourteJie^  and 
comniended  and  admired  all,  except  the  Slafhing  and  pinking  of  their 
cToathes,  not  being  able  to  conceive,whyVwhen  a  piece  of  ftuffe  is  whole 
and  new,  men  fhould  cut  it  in  feverall  places  for  ornament.  But,  when 
they  had  feen  this  City,  thefe  men  returned,  without  any  other  effed.but 
the  expenfeand  great  lofTe  of  the  C^/>f/f/, occafioned  by  thcTartars 
in  feverall  encountcrSjbccaufe  they  were  deprived  of  this  fuccour. 

The  occafion  of  their  returne  was,that  the  chimjfes,  who  traffique  in 
Cantom  mx\ixhc Tortughejfes^znd  arc  their  Correfpondents for  their bu- 
finefle,  from  which  they  draw  a  vaft  profit,  began  to  perceive  that  by  this 
entrance  and  the  good  fticceffe  thereof,  of  which  they  made  no  doubt  ac 
all,  it  would  be  an  eafic  thing  for  the  Pormgheffes  to  obtaine  licence  to  en- 
ter into  the  Kingdome,  and  to  do  their  bufineffe,  and  fell  their  Merchan- 
dife  themfelves ,  and  by  this  meanes  they  fhould  come  to  lofe  their 
gaines ;  therefore,  before  the  Portughejfes  fet  out,  they  ufed  all  their  en- 
deavour to  hinder  their  going,  prefenting  many  papers  ^gainfl:  it,  and  ac 
lafl-,  the  Magiftrate  anfwering,  that  he  could  do  no  JeflTe,  having  already 
parted  with  the  money,  and  diftributed  among  the  Souldiers,  not  only  or- 
dinarie,but  very  high  and  advantagious  pay,  they  offered^  at  their  owne 
charges,ro  re-imburfc  the  whole  money  to  the  King,  But  feeing  that  this 
way  neither  they  could  obtaine  their  ends,  it  is  reported,  that  they  fcnt 
to  Court  that  money,  which  they  would  have  given,  and  prefenting  it  to 
the  Mand ar wes.previikd  fo,  that  thofe  very  men,who  had  propofed  the 
Portugejfes  to  the  King,  as  an  important  fuccour,  did  againe  prelent  a 
memoriall,  wherein  they  exprefifedjthat  there  was  now  no  need  of  them- 
The  King  anfwercd,(and  I  my  felfe  faw  the  Royal  anfwer,  j  It  is  not  lon^ 
fince  that  ye  did  propofcto  us, that  thefe  men  fliould  enter  into  the  Kin<^ 
dome,  and  aifift  us  againfl  the  Tartars:  now  ye  fay,  they  are  not  neceflS- 
rie.When  ye  propofe  any  thing,it  were  good  you  confidered  of  it  better, 
howbeit,  if  they  are  not  neceirary,lct  them  returne. 

In  this  manner  did  that  expedition  of  the  Portugheffcs  come  to  an  end 
without  any  profit  at  all  to  the  Kingdome,  but  much  to  the  Souldiers,  be- 
fides  that  they  had  an  opportunitie  to  fee  a  good  part  o^Oma,  The  Tar. , 
tars  have  ever  fince  continued  the  warre  after  the  fame  manner,  incT do 
continue  itto  this  day;  and  have  forced  the  Kingdome  of  Or^^  to  pay 
them  tributc,as  they  payed  toCA^V^^-although  they  ftil  pay  to  the  Chmffts 
as  much  as  they  did  formerly. 

P  Chap, 

o6  TheHipry  of  QHIH^-  Parti. 

Chap.  22. 

Of  the  KJngand  Queenes  of  Chi- 
na, and  of  the  Eunuches. 

ALthough  the  chineffes  have  been  ^o  diligent  in  their  Chronicles  &Re- 
cords,that  they  have  prefevved  the  memorie  of  above  3000  yeares 
to  this  time-,  neverthelefTe  they  have  fufFercd  a  great  loflfe  and  damage  in 
the  knowledge  of  many  things  contained  in  them  by  the  bLirnlng  of 
thofe  books,  which  arc  called  by  them  The  tl'pry, ^nd  in  reality , the  bu  • 
finefle  was  thus. 

A  King  named  T/f«,  (whither  it  were  as  fome  think  out  of  the  ha- 
tred he  bo  e  to  earnmg,  or  as  fome  hold  with  moreprobabilitie,  that  he 
might  extinguiQi  the  memory  of  his  /^w^/(?//r/,  and  leave  only  his  owne 
to  pofteritie)  excepting  only  the  books  of  P^/T/c^^as  only  neccffime  to  the 
Common- Wealth  .commanded  by  a  rigorous  law,  that  the  reft  of  their 
books  fliould  be  burnt,  with  fo  much  feveritie  as  if  every  volume  were 
guilty  of  h'gh  treafon,  and  under  fo  great  penalites  for  any  that  hid  them, 
that  it  was  to  coft  him  no  leffe  than  his  life,  and  in  effedt  he  cauCcd  four* 
tie  Litter Ati  to  be  burned  together  with  their  books  which  they  had  hid. 

This  perfecufion  laftcd  the  fpace  of  fourty  yeares,  at  what  time  they 
be«^an  to  renew  their  ancient  chrcnkles,  by  meanesofcertaine  books 
and  fragments  that  had  cfcaped.fome  ofthem  being  buried  underground, 
and  others  immured  in  the  middle  of  walls,  and  after  manv  yeares  and  a 
diligent  fcarcb,  they  fct  on  foot  againe  the  more  principall  matters- ycc 
there  were  many  things  wanting, and  efpecially  concerning  the  firft 
Kifsgs  and  Princes  of  this  Kingdome. 

However  it  is  certainly  known,  that  their  firft  Government  was  by  way 
of  Familiest,  every  one  governing  his  ownjas  anciently  the  Patriarks  did* 
The  fecond  was  MonArchtcall,  but  it  is  not  certaine  how  ic  began.*  neither 
have  they  any  thing  certaine  concerning  the  originallof  ir.They  do  com- 
mit a  notable  errour  in  the  time  of  their  Chronologies-Sov  the  Emferour  Yao^ 
from  whofe  time  they  do  begin  to  give  credit  to  their  Hiftoric*;,  even  ac- 
cording to  the  moft  favourable  computation,  from  the  creation  of  the 
world  to  iVW;,they  make  to  be  twelve  yeares  before  the  floud;  never- 
theleffcalthough  tht^re  be  an  errour  of  the  time  in  the  Hiftorie  of  this  Em- 
peronrand  thofe  that  follow,  it  is  certaine,  that  the  matters  related,arc  ve- 
ry coherent  with  their  fuccellions. 

Now  this  Emperoar  Yao^  without  having  any  regard  to  the  natural!  and 
lawful  fuccclTion  of  his  fonne,  left  the  Empire  to  Xm  his  Sonnc-in-law,  on- 
ly, becaufehe  difcovcred  in  him  parts  and  qualities  worthie  of  the  (7^- 
vernment.  :^«»  like  wife  for  the  fame  refpC(5t  gave  the  £w//>^  ro  T«,  who 
was  no  kin  to  him.  Thcfe  three  Emperours  are  much  eftcemcd  by  the  C/^i- 
nejf^s  for  holy  men :  concerning  whom  thev  relate  many  things, And  tru- 
ly tl  ere  is  no  doubt,  but  that  they  were  Philofojphers,y/d\  inclined  to  mo- 
rail  vcrtucs. 


Chap. 22.  TheHijloryof  QRlD\(ji.  wy 

They  do  attribute  much  merit  to  the  laft  of  thefe  three,  for  the  ^^dju- 
jting  of  the  waters  Cas  they  call  it ;)  which  was  done  by  him  through  the 
Kingdom,which  in  that  time  did  abound  in  lakes  and  moarifli  places,  and 
therefore  in  many  parts  could  not  be  tilled.  This  King  going  in  perfon, 
and  commanding  large  trenches  to  be  made,  (wherein  many  years  were 
fpcnt)  he  gave  vent  to  that  multitude  of  waters,  and  by  that  meanes  re- 
covered a  great  deale  of  ground  which  was  of  great  profit  for  tillage. 
There  are  fome  in  Ettrofe  who  believe  that  thefe  waters  were  the  reliques 
oithcfloud.  ThtChinejfes^  although  they  make  a  large  mention  of  thefe 
jv^i^fri  in  their  books,  of  the  draining  of  them,  and  of  the  benefit  which 
accrued  thereby  to  the  Kingdom,  do  not  fay  any  thing  of  any  occafion  or 
original  1  of  them. 

After  thefe  three  Emferotirs  abovenamed,  the  fw/>/>^  was  ever  conti- 
nued by  fucceflfion  j  but  not  in  the  (amc  family  •  for  there  were  many  Prin- 
ces and  Lords,  who  although  they  were  fubjed  to  the  Emperour,  yer^ 
fometimes  for  particular  refpeds,  and  otherwhile  under  pretence  of  evill 
Government  and  Tyranny^  made  tvarres^  confederacies  and  d/forders,  with 
which  they  either  diflurbcd  and  troubled  the  Monarchy,  or  divided  it,  or 
elfc  ufurped  it  all  to  themlelves  -,  So  that  although  it  lafted  in  fome  fami- 
lies many  years,  as  in  that  oiTham  for  400.  years,  and  in  fome  other/^w/- 
//>5  little  lede,  yet  the  Monarchy  from  the  beginning,  to  this  prefent  day, 
hath  been  changed  into  two  and  twenty  feverall  Families, 

The  Lords  of  particular  flates  continued  in  China  2006  years,   till  In 

theyearofourredemptioni2o6,  thcTartars^  who  then  pofTelfed  another 

Country,  began  to  make  themfelves  Maflers  of  China  5  and  advanced  fo 

farre  by  degrees,  till  at  length  they  brought  it  all  under  their  fubjedion, 

reigning  there  as  abfolute,  till  the  year  1368.  Atwhattime,^^»w^//^  the 

founder  of  the  family,  which  reigneth  at  prefen-jfeeingthe  flrength  of  the 

Tartars  to  bediminifhed,  and  their  Tyranny  encreafed,  and  the  people  fo 

wearied  therewith  that  they  were  well  difpofed  to  fliake  off  the  yoake, 

and  fet  themfelves  at  libertie  •,  gathered  together  an  army  with  fueh 

good  fucccfTe,  that  he  not  only  difcomfited  theT'^r/^;'^,  and  drove  them 

out  of  the  Kingdom,  but  entred  alfo  into  their  Country,  and  conquered 

a  good  part  thereof. 

The  Kingdome  being  thus  re-eflablifht  in  its  naturall  cflate,  Hum  Vu  fee^ 

ing  himfelfe  become  abfolute  Z^/-^  thereof,  fet  on  foot  an  admirable  kindc 

ol Government^  differing  in  part  from  that  of  all  Other  Monarchies ;  yet  it  is 

fuchaone,  as  hath  now  been  conferved  almofl  300  years,  with  fo  much 

fubjedion,  communication  and  dependance  from  its  head,  that  fo  great 

an  Empire,  feemeth  to  be  but,  as  it  were,  one  well  governed  convent.This 

King  in  the  firfl  place  conferred  many  favours  and  graces  upon  all  his  fub- 

jedts:  Liberalitie  being  thar,which  doth  moftdemonflrate  a  royall  minde.* 

he  created  new  officers,  yet  retained  he  fome  of  the  former  ones,  as  we 

fhall  relate  in  its  proper  place. 

To  the  chief e  and  principall  Captaims  he  alTigned  large  revenues ,  to  the 
ficondawe^y  competent  maintenance,  and  to  thofe  of  the  th/r^  fort,  fuffi- 
cient.  Hetookc  away  all  the  Princes  and  X<?;^;of  vaflals  and  fubje<5ts, 
without  leaving  one;  he  prohibited  by  a  rigorous  law,  that  none  of  the 

P  2  Hoyali 

loS"^        TheHijlory  ofCHI3S(J.  Parti. 

Royall  family, ndiha  in  peace  nor  warre,nor  in  any  cafe,  might  beare  office 
in  ihtCommm'tvealth.eithcx  civil,  crimindl^ox  milit  arj-^ntkh^x  mi^hi  they 
be  (uiFercd  to  enter  luioih^ oi.imimtions^  to  receive  their  degree  '(the 
which  iaft  prohibition,  as  I  have  formerly  faid,  hath  been  lately  taken  a- 
wayinpart.)  He  placed  the  whole  Government  in  the  Littcrati^  who  are 
created  fuch  by  way  of  concunence,(as  hath  been  declared,  whenj  fpalte 
of  the  examinations)  without  any  dependance  at  all  on  the  Magiftratcs,  or 
the  King  himfclfe,  but  only  by  the  merit  of  their  learning,  good  parts^and 
vermes?  He  did  not  annul!  thofe  ancient  lawes,  which  concerned  good 
Government,  and  hindred  not  his  intent ;  which  was  only  to  perpetuate  the 
j^Jomrchy'mhis  Pvjlcritie.  Buthemaie  many  new  ones,  and  modelled 
the  Common- wealth  and  the  Government  into  that  form,wherein  it  ftan- 
deth  at  prefent  5  although  in  fo  many  years,  and  in  fo  vaft  a  Monarchic ,  \i 
hath  not  been  pofrible,''but  that  it  (hould  receive  feme  alt erarion^  though 
not  in  any  elTentiall  part  thereof*  -' '"•  '  ^i 

The  King'is  called  by  diverfe  names.  For  the  better  underftanding 
whereof,  you  mufl  know  that  there  arc  thirteen  things  remarkable  at  his 
Coronation.  The  firft\si\\t  changing  of  the  account  of  years,  beginning 
their  fuppiration  a  new  from  the  entrance  of  the  new  Kings  reigne  •  and 
this  not  only  in  their  ordinary  difcourfe,  biu  in  all  letters,  difpatchcS;,  pro- 
viCoes,  writings,  c^^.  The  (econdj  that  there  is  coyncdnewmony,  witPi 
the  letters  of  his  name,although  the  former  contlnueth  current  alfo.  The 
third  iSy  That  he  Crowneth  his  true  wife,  making  her  as  it  were,  Emprejfe, 
JhG fourth  is,  That  he  g iygth  the  name  of  ^leentofix  Concubims.  The 
fifth  is,  That  there  are  great  facrifices  made  to  Heaven,  to  the  Earth,  to  the 
SprifSj  &c.  The/^x^5  That  there  are  great  (lore  of  Aimes  given  to  the 
poore.Theprf'i'^^//^,That  all  prifoncrs  are  fet  at  libertie,  whofe  freedom  is 
not  prejudicial!  to  a  third  party.  The  eighth, Jhzt  there  are  f  umptuous  ban- 
quets made  for  theMagiftratcs.Thew;?? //,That  all  the  women  are  to  depart 
out  of  the  Palace,  that  have  been  Concubines  to  the  former  King.  The 
tenth,  The  Palaces,  which  are  foure  in  number,  wherein  the  other  wo- 
men lived,are  furniftied  againe  with  new  women,pickt  &  chofen  through- 
out the  whole  realme :  in  time  of  which  fcarch  there  are  many  marriages 
made,  every  one  endeavouring  to  deliver  his  daughter  from  that  fubjeSi- 
on.  The  eleventh,TheNobilitieo(r\\chloud  ri^rf// do  fend  deputies  (not 
every  one,  but  all  thofe  of  one  City)  to  render  obedience  to  the  King, 
and  to  acknowledge  him  for  fuch  .•  In  like  manner  alfo  do  the  Titttladoes, 
which  cannot  do  it  in  their  owne  pcrfons.  The  twelfth  is,That  all  Officers, 
from  Vice  royes  to  the  meaneft  Judges  of  Townes,go  in  perfon  to  Court Jio 
render  the  fame  obedience,  on  the  behalfe  of  their  Provinces,  Cities,  and 
Towncs.  Laftly  the  Kings  name  is  changed,  as  is  ufed  among  us  at  the  c- 
ledlion  of  the  Pvfs  •  and  this  is  that  name,  which  is  written  in  all  publicfc 
a(5ts,  on  money  es,c^f.  It  is  a  name  of  a  particular,  but  royal!  perfon,  as 
that  of  this  Kings  Grandfather  w:is,Fam  Lie  -,  of  his  father.  Thai  Cham  5  of 
his  Brother  who  raigned  ^x{k,Thien  Khi-^  and  of  this  King,7>///wC^/>». 

They  have  moreover  three  names,  which  lignifieaKing:  The/r/?is 
Jdun,  and  by  this  they  ufe  to  call  foireigne  Kings ;  Thcfecondis  Vam,  and 
bv  this  name  they  call  the  Infantoes^or  Kings  children ;  joyning  them  to- 


Chap.zi.  TheHiJloryof  CHI 3^  J.  wF 

gether  Khw  Fam^  they  make  a  name,  by  which  their  King  may  be  called. 
But  the  principal!  name  is  Ho  i^m  7/,  that  is^Emperour. 

In  the  Palace,the  Women,Eiinuchs,  and  other  domefticks  thereof  call 
him  C/m,  that  is.  Lord.  They  call  him  alfo  Thien  Ztt^  which  is  to  fay, 
Some  of  Heaven '^  not  bccaufc  they  believe  him  tobefuch,  butbecaufe 
they  hold,  that  Er/^pn  is  a  gift  of  heaven ;  as  alfo  to  render  the  refpedt, 
which  is  due  to  the  royal  1  perfon,  morefacred:  and  in  realitie,  the  reve- 
rence which  they  ufe  towards  him/eemeth  more  befitting  a  Divine,  than 
humane  perfon  ^  and  the  manner  how  they  behave  themfelves  at  this  day 
in  his  prcfence,  is  more  proper  for  a  Church,than  a  prophane  Palace. 

I  faid  at  this  day,  becaufe  in  former  times  it  was  not  fo.  For  then  the 
Kings  of  Chim  lived  according  to  the  falhion  of  the  greatcft  part  of  the  o- 
ther  Princes  of  the  world:  They  went  abroad^converfed,  hunted-,  and 
there  was  one  of  them  fo  greedy  of  this  recreation,that,whereby  he  might 
have  the  opportunity  of  fpending  whole  months  together  in  hunting 
without  returning  to  Court,  and  attending  upon  the  affaires  of  govern- 
mentjdid  fubfticute  one  of  his  Sonnes  in  his  place.  The  Empercurs  did  vi"' 
{it  in  perfon  the  whole  Kins^dome,  at  what  time  there  happened  that  (lo- 
ry which  is  fo  famous  in  chma^and  which  defcrveth  likewife  to  be  known 
in  Europe. 

The  £;;2p^;'<?«r  going  this  progreflTe,  in  a  certaine  way  met  with  a  com- 
pany of  men,  who  were  leading  certaine  prifoners.  He  caufed  the  coach 
to  flop,  and  enquired  what  the  matter  was  •  which  as  foone  as  he  had  un- 
derftood,he  fell  a  weepin^?.  They  who  accompanied  him  began  to  cova^ 
fort  him,  and  one  of  them  faid  unto  him ,  Sir,  It  is  not  po(fihle^  but  that  in  a 
Common-wealth  there  mufi  be  ehafiifements-^  it  camotue  avoided  •,  fo  have 
the  former  Kings ^  y0t4r  predccejfours^  commanded  it  to  be  •  fo  have  the  laws 
ordaimd  tt  •,  fo  doth  the  government  of  the  ft  ate  require  it.  The  King  an- 
fwered,  Ijveepe  not  to  fee  thefe  men  prifoners,  nor  to  fee  them  chafijfed :  ikncrv 
ver^j  nvell^that  Without  rewards  the  good  are  not  encouraged^  and  without jh  a- 
fit  Cement  the  wicked  an  not  re  [trained^  and  that  chaflifement  is  as  neceffary  to 
the  government  of  a  Kingdome^  as  bread  is  for  the  nouriflment  and  fufienance 
thereof.  But  J  weepejyecaufe  my  time  is  ^^jl^happy^as  that  of  old  was^  when  the  ^, 
vertuesoflJje  Princes  were  fuch^that  they  ferved  aia  bridle  to  the  people  ^  and 
their  example  wasfuffcient  to  re^raine  the  whole  Kingdome  without  any  other  ^^ 
chaflijcment.  This  was  a  Heathen^  who  fpake  thus :  and  who  feech  not  ^' 
how  much  reaTon  we  have  to  envy  thefe  //^4/to^,  who,  although  they 
are  excei^dtd  by  us  in  the  knowledge  of  things  belonging  to/^/V/',  do  yet 
oftentimes  furpaffe  us  in  the  pradifc  of  moral/ vcrtues  f 

According  as  I  have  faid,  the  ancient  Kings  did  perfonally  attend  the 
Government,  givingaudienceveiyeahly  and  very  frequenrly  to  all  their 
fubjeds.  In  the  time  of  King  Tham  there  was  a  Colao^  who  having  bcea 
his  Mafter,  was  very  powerfull  with  him,  who,to  prefcrve  himfelfe  in  his 
grace  ^nd  favour,  ftudied  more  to  fpeak  what  fliould  plcafe  the  King,  than 
to  tell  him  the  truth  for  the  good  of  his  (late;  a  mofl  abominable^thing. 
But  the  Chincffes  feeing  his  honour  was  great,  andtheKin^s  favour  tO' 
wards  him  very  ex'traordinary,  did  diflemble  it  all  •,  notwkhftanding  they 
forbore  not  to  fpeak  of  it  among  themfelves,  andtotaxcthe  flattery  of 


110  The  Hijlory  of  CHl^d.        Pabt.i 

the  CoUo^  One  day  certaine  Captaines  of  the  guard  difcourfing  among 
themfelvcs  in  the  Palace  concerning  this  pointjOne  of  them,  being  a  little 
warmed  with  the  difcourfe,  fecrctly  withdrawing  himfelfe  out  of  the 
company,  went  into  the  halljwhcrethe  iCing  then  was^Sc  kneeled  downc 
upon  his  knees  before  h\m,  the  King  asking,  what  he  would  have? He  an- 
fvvered-.  Leave  to  cut  off  the  headofaflattermgfubieci*  Andwhisthat^ie- 
plied  the  King^ Su:h  a  one^  thatftands  there^  ani'wered  the  other.The  King 
being  angry,faid,>^^4/>y?  m^  M  after  dare  youpropofe  this^  and  in  my  f^re fence* 
Let  them  take  him  away  and  cut  off  his  head.  When  they  be^an  to  lay  hands 
upon  him,  he  caught  hold  of  a  wooden  balanfter,  and  as  there  were  many 
pulling  of  him.  and  he  holding  with  a  great  deale  of  ftrength,  the  balan- 
fter broke.  By  that  time  the  Kings  anger  was  over  •,  and  he  commanded 
they  Ihonld  let  him  go,  and  gave  order,  that  the  balanfter  fliould  be  men. 
ded,  and  that  they  (houldnot  make  a  new  one,  that  it  might  remainea 
wicnefle  of  the  fa<ft,  and  the  Memorial! o(  a  fubjed,  that  was  not  afraid  to 
advife  his  King,  w  hat  he  ought  to  do. 

Such  was  the  facility,  with  which,  not  only  the  Officers,  but  anyone 
whofoever  of  the  people,  might  have  admififion  to  the  King,-  fo  that  with- 
in the  firft  gate  of  the  Palace,  there  was  always  a  Bell,  a  Drumme,  and  a 
Table  overlaid  with  a  white  varnifh,  as  it  were,  playftcred  over  5  upon 
this,he  that  would  not  fpeak  to  the  King  in  perfon, wrote  what  his  requeft 
was,  which  was  prefently  carried  to  the  King:  But  whofoever  would 
fpeak  with  him,  rang  the  Bell,  or  beat  the  Drumme,  and  prefently  they 
were  brought  in,  and  had  audience. 

The  Drumme  remaines  even  to  this  day  •,  but  as  it  fccmeth  to  me,  ra- 
ther in  memory  of  the  times  part,  than  for  any  ufe  of  the  prefent ;  for  du- 
ring twenty  two  years  time,  I  do  not  remember,  that  it  was  ever  beaten 
above  once :  and  he  that  did  it,  was  prefently  paid  his  penfion  in  ready 
Baftinadoes  •,  for  having  difquieted  the  King,  who  was  about  halfe  a  league 
off.  After  this  hard  penance^  he  was  heard,  and  allowed,  not  to  fee  or 
fpeak  to  the  King,  but  according  to  the  cuflome  now  in  ufe,  in  a  petition. 
So  that  the  Kings  are  now  become  fo  retired,  and  removed  from  the  fight 
of  the  people,  and  as  it  were,  fo  idolized,  and  mewed  up  in  their  Palaces, 
that  they  give  them  occafion  to  think  in  other  Countries,that  the  King  of 
china  never  fuffereth  himfelfe  to  be  feen,  and  that  he  is  always  fliut  up  in 
a  glaffe,  and  only  flieweth  one  foot,  and  fuch  like  things. 

He  who  firft  put  himfelfe  in  this  manner  of  living,  vJZSFamLie^  the 
Grandfather  of  him  that  reigneth  at  prefent  •,  he  had  fome  occafion  to  do 
it,  becaufe  he  was  fo  fat,  that  it  put  him  to  great  paine  and  carry 
himfelfe  in  publick,  with  that  Gravitie and  Majeftiey  that  is  proper  to  a 
King-  and  therefore  he  did  exempt  himfelfe  wholly  from  tbistrouble* 
He  gave  no  (Audience ;  he  went  not  to  the  facrifices  •,  he  went  not  out  in 
publick:  neverthelefTe  he  was  a  perfon  of  great  prudence  and  judgement 
in  managing  the  government :  He  was  much  eftecmed  of  the  Mandarines^ 
though  he  made  little  account  of  them.  He  ufcd  to  fay  many  times,whcn 
any  one  was  troublefome  by  replying  often  with  their  memoriallsor  pe- 
titions, in  which  kinde  the  Chine([esziQ  very  itnportunate,  JrvasaKing^ 
findgovmud  before  this  fellow  rvas  borne  ^  and  yet  he  rvilltrndertake  to  teaeh  me. 


Chap.zz.  The  Hijiory  0/ CH  1 3\(  J.  iii 

His  Sonne,  who  ruccceded  himjchangcd  alfo  the  former  falhion.  as  al- 
fo  they  that  foUowcd,  going  out  indeed  in  publick,  but  fo  moderately, 
that  ic  is  only  foretimes  in  the  month  to  hold  a  Koyal  Audience^  and  fonre 
times  a  yeare  they  go  out  of  the  Palace,  and  our  of  the  City,  to  Sacrifice 
at  the  foure  feafons  of  the  yeare,to  Heaven^  and  to  the  Earthy  in  a  Tem^k 
built  for  this  purpofe  without  the  walls  of  the  City. 

This  Temple  is  truly  Rojall^zs  well  in  the  greatnefTe  thereof,  as  in  the 
exquilicenclTe  of  the  workmanfh^.p  .•  the  figureof  it  is  round,  with  three 
rcwes  of  pillars  one  above  another,  for  it  (lands  as  ic  were  on  a  Hill  or 
Mount  compaiTed  about  with  thofe  pillars.  The  wall  of  the  Temple  be- 
ginneth  at  the  top  of  the  third  row-,  there  are  foure  paire  of  flaires  by 
which  they  afcend  co  it.  placed  towards  the  foure  windes,  all  of  white 
marble  and  very  well  wrought. 

The  Temple  o{  Nank/m  is  a  very  perfect  and  compleat  piece  of  work- 
mandiip,  it  hath  five  lilcs  fuftained  by  pillars  ofwood,  which  have  no 
painting  or  ornament  upon  them,  except  on  thch Pedcflaf/s,  that  it  may 
bee  feen  that  each  is  made  of  one  entire  piece  ofwood.  Truly  they  are 
the  goodlienr  trees,  the  biggeft,  higheft ,  moft  uniform  and  equall(al- 
though  they  are  very  many}that  can  be  imagined.  And  as  for  my  part,  I 
confefTe  it  is  one  ofthe  remarkable  things  I  have  feen  in  Chim-,  and  that 
one  fliall  hardly  find  in  all  the  refi:  of  the  world,  fo  many  trees  of  that 
beauty  auduniformitie.  The5^^//;?g-isallgui!ded,and  although  it  bea- 
bovezooycares  fmce  it  was  done,  and  that  it  be  farre  remote  from  the 
eye  of  the  King,fthe  Sacrifices  not  being  made  therein,  which  are  wont 
to  be  performed  only  at  the  Court,  where  the  King  refideth)  yet  it  dotli 
to  this  day  keep  its  fplendour.    In  the  middle  thereof  arcraifed  two 
Thrones  made  of  the  moft  pi  ecious  marbles,on  one  of  them  theKing  ufed 
to  fit  when  he  came  thitherto  facrifice;  the  other  was  left  empty  forihe 
Spirit^  to  whome  the  Sacriffcc  was  offered.  The  gates  are  all  adorned 
withplatesof  Copper,  enriched  with  feverall  works  and  embofliTients, 
all  gilt:  without  the  Temple  are  many  Alters,\vith  the  ftatues  of  the  Suf7w^ 
Moon,  Planets, Spirits,  Mount aines^  Rivers  &c. Round  about  the  Temple  are 
feverall  cells»They  fay  that  ancientlythcy  were  Baths,  where  the  King 
and  the  Miniffers  that  were  to  Sacrifice,did  waflithemfelves.The  Grove, 
which  flandcth  onthercrt  of  the  plaine,  confifteth  of  feverall  trees,  bi.t 
the  greateft  part  are  Pines;  not  fo  much  as  a  Twigge  of  them  may  be  cut 
off  under  mofl  grevious  penalties. The  wal  char  encompafTeth  it  is  cover- 
ed with  glazed  riles,fomeofyellowcolour,others  of  green.  The  circuit 
thereof  is  twelve  miles. 

To  this  Temple, zsl  faid,  theKing  cometh,  and  when  he  cometh 
forth, the  wayesare  Barracado'ed,  leaving  only  free  thit  part  through 
which  the  King  is  to  pade;  who  bringeth  with  him  (o  many  Eunuches^ 
who  encomcpafie  him,  fo  many  Officers  that  sccompanie  him,  and  fo 
many  Souldiers  that  guard  him,  that  it  is  altogether  impolTible  for  him 
to  be  feen,  cfpecially  being  carried  in  a  Sedan.  i 

Thcfe  aie  the  only  occafions,  wherein  the  King  eltlier  appeareth 
or  goeth  abroad,  All  the  reft  of  his  time  he  f^aieth  at  home  in  his  Palace, 
like  a  King  of  Bec?,withouc  either  feeing  or  being  feen. Many  are  perfwa- 


m  IheHiftoryofCHLK^.  ^^^^Ta 

ded,  that  this  is  not  to  live  like  a  King,  but  hkc  a  criminall  Pcrfon  con- 
dctnncd  to  pcrpetuall  impiifonmcnt.  How  ever,it  fcemeth  to  mt  a  great: 
matter,  that  a  man,  without  being  feen,  by  his  power  only  fbould  be  the 
moft  reverenced,  the  moil  obeyed  and  feared,  of  all  the  Kings  in  the 
world.  And  as  for  the  prifon,  if  we  will  call  his  PaUce  fo,  it  is  very  large 
and  pleafant  for  to  give  him  delight,  befides  that  he  hath  thelibertie  to  go 
out  wh^nfocver  he  pleafetb,&  his  habitations  therein  are  fo  commodious, 
and  full  of  all  manner  of  emertainment.ofpleafureand  recreation^that  he 
haih  no  need  to  feck  abroad  v^herewith  to  content  himfelf. 

His  PMccSj  laying  every  thing  together  that  is  contained  in  them,  I 
think  are  the  beftthat  arc  to  be  foundinthe  world.Thofeof  iV^^^^^iw?, 
which  are  the  biggeft ,  containe  about  five  miles  in  circuic .  Thofe  of  Pe- 
kim^  are  fomewhat  lefle,  but  much  the  better.  Thefe  are  not  all  one  P^- 
/^?ce,butmany,5atagooddifi:anceonefromtheother.That  of  the  King^ 
That  of  the  ^.eenUhzi  of  the  Prme.That  of  the  Younger  Somes.That  of 
his  Daughters  who  are  married.  That  of  the  Secorjd  and  Third  ^eer}s,Yot  the 
Concubines  there  are  fourc,  at  the  fourc  corners,  and  are  from  them  na- 
med the  Palaces  of  the  Ladies. There  arc  alfo  iome  Palaces  for  the  old  and 
Penitent  women,  which  they  call  Lemcum^  that  is,  the  cold  Palaces.  Be- 
fides there  are  colledges  for  the  Eunuehes^^ox  th?  LitteratiyPriefis^  fw>iing' 
w^^3C<JWf^/4;?^&c.  and  almoft  infinite  habitations  for  fo  many  Offices 
as  there  are  there  within,  and  for  that  multitude  of  people  that  are  em- 
ployed there,  who  are  at  the  leaft  1 7000  perfons* 

The  ftrudture  of  the  Palaces  is  very  cxa(5t,having  many  things  in  it  af- 
£er  the  manner  of  ours,  as  Arches jBalanfiers^Columnes ixtid^{\xc\\\^e.<Q^ 
Marble  excellently  wrought,  with  feverall  little  workes  and  curious  en- 
richments,as  alfo  emboflements,  or  figures  in  ?*^//>i'f,fo  well  raifed  and 
ftand  ing  out,  that  they  feem  to  hang  in  the  aire.  That  which  is  wrought 
in  wood,  is  all  varninied  over  with  their  Charan^  painted  and  guildcd  ve- 
ry exquifitely. 

The  H^//^andRoomes,  although  they  are  not,  as  it  is  here  reported, 
one  of  Gold,  another  of  Silver^  another  of  precious  ftones, neither  do 
theyufe  any  hangingsj  yet  the  hand  of  the  Archited,  and  the  penfilof 
thepainter  doth  fupply  all  other  ornaments.  The  Bafe  Courts  are  very 
neat  and  fpacious.  There  are  alfo  many  pleafant  Gardens,  and  a  River 
which  runneth  among  the  Palaces ,  and  yeeldcth  them  much  delight  with 
his  windings  and  turnings.  There  arc  many  artificial!  mounts  with  very 
rare  Beafts  and  Birds,  many  Gardens  made  with  exquifite  diligence,  and 
all  manner  of  curiofitie.There  was  a  certaine  King  among  them,  who  be- 
ing difcontented  at  the  fpoile  which  the  winter  made  in  the  beauty  of  the 
trees,  depriving  them  both  of  leaves  and  flowers,  commanded  that 
many  artificiall  ones  fhould  be  made,  with  great  labour  and  cxpence^  and 
little  fatisfa(5lion  of  the  Magiftrates,  who  did  much  blame  him. 

The  whole  fabrique  is  encompaffcd  with  two  walls  that  have  foure 
gates  opening  to  thefourewindes,^/!/?,  Weft^  Northland  Southland  this 
laft  is  the  chiefeft,  and  maketh  a  beautifull  and  fightly  facciata  or  afpe(5t 
tothe  Palaces, 

At  every  gate  there  {land  every  night  five  Elephants  (which  are  not 


HAP  .11.  TheHiftory  of  (^Hl^A.  1 15 

bred  in  that  Countrie,  but  come  from  other  parts)  with  their  Souldiers 
belonging  to  thenijand  the  whole  wall  round  about  is  guarded  withSoul- 

Within  the  faid  Gates/here  is  a  Court  able  to  containe  30000  Perfons^ 
and  there  ftandech  al waies  a  Guard  of  3  0000  men . 

At  the  uper  end  of  this  Court  there  are  five  Gates,  which  lead  into  a 
very  large  Haloi  the  Palace-^'in  the  midfl  whereof  is  placed  a  RoyalThrom^ 
which  ftandeth  empty,  ard  is  caWcd^Tk  Throne  of courtef!esjbcc:iu\c  all 
they,  who  go  oiitjdo  make  their  reverence  to  it,  as  you  (hall  hear  anone. 

As  for  the  Women,there  is  only  one  of  them,  which  is  the  Kings  true 
wife,  and  hath  the  name  of  i/<?4f«H^«,  which  fignifieth  Emprefje-^and  is 
acknowledged  for  fuch,  having  her  feate  behind  that  of  the  Kings.  There 
ate  alfo  other  fix  Women,  who  have  the  title  of  Queens,  and  are  alfo 
much  refpedcd.  In  the  Palaces  o^Nankim,  which  becaufe  they  are  emp- 
ty, are  more  eafie  to  be  feen,  there  isa^^jf^Z/Tv^r^/^^raifed  upon  feveiall 
fleps,  and  a  cloth  of  ftate  over  it,  with  two  Royall  feates,  one  for  the 
King,  and  the  other  for  the  Queen.  And  lower  behind  that,  there  ftand 
fix,three  on  the  one  fide,  and  three  on  the  other,  for  the  fixQneens.  The 
King  hath  thirty  Worn  en  morcj  who  are  all  much  honoured  and  refpec- 

The  other  Ladies  of  the  PMce^vj\\o  as  they  fay,  are  about  3000  in 
number,  have  tht^ir  Appartments  in  the  foure  Palaces  above-faid,  and  are 
bcautifull  Damfelsjfought  out  on  purpofe  through  the  whole  Kingdome. 
To  thefe  the  King  goeth,  when  he  pleareth^  and  to  which  of  them  liketh 
him  befl. 

The  prefent  King  hath  the  reputation  to  be  chaf^e,  and  they  ufeto  f-iy 
of  hini;  Pajcti  Cum/.hat  I'^Jje goeth  not  to  the  PaUce^.Thsre  have  been  for- 
merly other  Kings,liketo  him  in  this,whoare  much  commended  in  their 
biflories^  as  on  the  contrary,  others  who  are  much  blamed-,  fuch  was  one 
of  them,  whofe  bcaflial  appetite,  not  being  able  ro  determine  to  what  ?^- 
/4<rf,  or  to  what  part  of  it  he  fhoald  go,  uffd  in  this  irrefo!ution  to  fuflPer 
himfelf  tobe  leadand  guided  by  beafts,th.u  is/lie  had  a  little  chariot 
drawn  with  Goates,  in  which  he  rid  to  the  Palaces ^  and  wherefoever  they 
cntredjOr  ftopped,thither  he  went  in. 

Another,  to  Hive  himfelf  the  labour  of  goins^  to  the  Palaces^  caufed 
Pi(5turcstobedrawnofevervLidie,and  according  as  he  fancied  each 
Picture,  he  fent  for  the  originall  to  be  brought  to  him  •,  leaving  the 
beauty  ofeachoftheminthepowerofthe  Painter,  (he  being  ftill  made 
the  fayrefl,  who.n  he  favoured  moftjOrfrom  whom  he  received  the 
befl  Prefent. 

But  concerning  theKings  children.,if  the  Empreffe  and  true  wife  of  the 
King,  hath  a  fonne,at  what  time  foever  he  be  borne,hetaketh  place  of  the 
rcfl  .•  but  if  Ibee  have  none,  the  firft  fonne  of  any  of  his  women  whatfo- 
ever,  taketh  place-,  although  the  King  dcfire,that  another  fliould  have  the 
precedency-  So  it  happened  to  Famlie^  who  although  he  had  none  by 
his  lawful  wife,  the  Emprejfei,yet  had  two  Tonnes,  one  by  a  waiting  maid, 
which  was  the  eldef^,  and  another  younger  fonnc  by  one  of  the  Qieenes 
his  ^oncubms  5  which  fonne  he  loved  very  much-,  and  by  reafon  of  the 

Q  particulai 

11^  TheHiJlory  of  QHl^A.  Part.i; 

particular  affection  he  bore  him,  would  by  all  means  leave  bim  the  King- 
dom, fayingjThat  by  reafon  he  had  no  Sonne  by  his  lawful!  wife,  the  fuc- 
ceffion  was  not  due  by  right  to  any  of  the  rcft,but  that  it  belonged  to  him, 
t6eled  which  of  them  he  pleafed;  andbecauf^  the  elder  was  the  Sonne 
of  a  fervantjhe  chole  rather  to  leave  the  Kingdomc  to  the  other  ♦,  notwith- 
flandingjthe  Officers  of  the  Court  did  very  ftoutly  oppofe  him,  faying. 
That  fincc  he  had  had  commerce  with  that  fervant,{he  was  cnoblcd  by  a 
fuperiour  law,  and  that  her  fonne^bcing  the  eldeft,he  ought  not  to  lofe  the 
rights  and  priviledge  of  his  birth.  There  happened  upon  this  a  'Tragedy^ 
with  feverall  adts  of  difcontent.  For  the  King  perfifted  to  carry  on  his  in- 
tention, and  the  Officers  in  refifting  him:  whereupon  many  loft  their  of  v 
fices,  the  King  taking  them  away  -^  others  left  theirs  of  their  owne  accord, 
and  having  laid  downe  the  enfignes  of  their  dignity,hung  them  up  at  the 
gate  of  the  Pahce^  and  departed  to  their  own  houfes,  defpifing  at  once  the 
honour,  profic,  dignity  and  revenue  of  their  places,  only  for  the  defence 
of  reafon,  and  of  the  laws  and  cuftoms  of  the  Kingdom.  A  courage  wor- 
thy to  be  imitated, in  divine  affaires  at  leaft,  ifnotinallfecularcaufes.At 
length  the  King,  being  no  longer  able  to  contraft,  was  forced,  bcfides  his 
wont,to  hold  a  Rojall  Atidienee^zvi^.  taking  his  eldeft  fonne,now  as  Prince, 
placed  him  next  bchinde  him,  and  (hewing  him  to  th^  Mandarines,  he  re- 
commends unto  them  the  care  of  the  publick  peace,  and  quiet  without 
doores,  affuring  them,  that  within  the  Palace  all  was  quiet,  and  that  Thai 
chdm^  that  was  the- name  of  the  prefent  Prince,  fliould  fucceed  him  with- 
out fayle  in  the  Kingdom,  as  in  effect  it  fell  out.  So  prevalent  is  reafon_, 
and  the  conftancy  of  Counfellours  even  againft  the  moft  powerfulKings. 
Among  the  Domefticks  of  the  Palace^  the  Eunuchs  mzke  the  greateft 
number.-  In  the  year  1626.  there  were  reckoned  to  be  12000.  of  them, 
and  for  the  moft  part  their  number  is  very  little  greater ;  or  lefTe.  They 
are  all  diftributed  into  their  Pdlaces^  Colledges^  CUjJes ,  Tribunals ,  ^ndOccu- 
fations :  So  that  within  the  Royall  Palace^  there  arc  as  many  Tribunals^  to 
decide  caufes,  as  there  are  without  5  not  to  fpeak  of  the  womcn,who  have 
their  juftice  apart  •  there  being  among  them  fome,  who  are  appointed  to 
governe  and  judge  the  reft,  and  to  decide  their  differences  •  as  alfoto  con- 
demne  and  punifh  them  :  and  this,  no  more  than  is  neceffary. 

The  firft  and  principall  ColUdge  oi  iht  Eunuchs^h  called,^//  Li  Kien^^zuA 
confiftethof  the  great  ^^^r^^^m  of  purity-,  of  the  chancery  within  the 
Palace^  and  of  many  Aififtants,  who  are  always  advanced  in  the  fame  O/- 
ledge  according  to  their  examinations  and  trialls.  Thefe  always  accompa- 
ny the  Kings  perfon  •,  and  when  he  gocth  abroad,  have  the  place  next  his 
body.  Thefe  may  enter  without  being  called  ^  and,  the  manner  of  the 
Kings  governing,  being  by  way  of  petitions,  and  refcripts,  every  thing 
paffeth  through  their  hands. 

r.'Next  followeththe  CoUedge^  which  they  call,  Thum  Cham  ^/^,which  is, 
as  it  were,a  Soveraigne  Tribunalloi )w[i\cc^  over  all  the  Eunuchs,  This  cau- 
fetb  their  perfons  to  be  arrcfted,  this  condemneth  and  caufeththera  to  be 
puniftied  jand  not  only  the  Eunuchs ,  but  alfo  other  perfons  of  great  Jutho- 
y//)',  in  matters  of  high  concernment  are  remitted  to  them  5  and  it  is  the 
meft  rigorous  Tribunal  oijudkc  of  all  thofe  in  China,  The  Preftdcnt  is  alfo 


GHAP.n.  1  he  Hi/lory  of  CHI^/1.  uV 

Captame  of  the  Kings  guard,  which  confifteth  of  pooo.  men,  6000.  foof 
and  3000.  horfe.  In  time  of  vvarre  he  entreth  inro'the  Coumell  of  wane 
where  he  is  allowed  the  higheft  place. 

There  are  alfo  other  Co/ledges  and  Trihutids  5  as  thofe  of  feverall  Trea- 
furies,  the  Treafurie  of  Jewells ^  of  rich  Moveables j  of  Habits^  of  Maga^ 
zines^  &c. 

There  is  alfo  a  Colledge  of  ^-udiciall  i^firologers,  who  obfcrve  the  flars 
and  the  motion  of  the  Heavens,    who  together  with  the  chiefe  Mathema^ 
tkian^  who  is  always  a  Mandarine  abroadjdo  make  the  i^lmanacke  for  the 
year  following. 

There  is  a  ^tf/Z^t/^^  of  particular  Priejls^  c2\\tdLAon  Su^  (^oxth^Bonzi 
are  not  adniitted,  neither  may  they  enter  into  the  Kings  Palaces)  thefe 
have  the  charge  of  the  Divine  fervice,  the  Chappells,  Offices,  and  Sepul- 
tures of  the  dead  ^f.  There  are  alfo  C^//f,53f^(?^  of  Mufitians^  Comedians  ov: 
Flayers^  PaJraers^  Geldfmiths,  every  one  performing  his  office  rcqui/ite  to 
a  well  ordered  Common-wealth. 

Without  the  Palace  many  are  prcfeifls  of  the  publick  works.,  of  the 
guards  which  keep  watch  every  night  without  the  Palaces^  of  the 
Kings  fepultures,  of  the  Gabells  and  Impofitions,  and  other  fuch  employ- 
ments ,  by  which  they  grow  very  rich:  and  by  reafon  they  have  no  chil- 
dren (though  ihey  arc  moft  of  them  married,)  they  make  great  expenfes  .• 
they  have  fumptuous  Country- houfes  without  the  City,  and  within,  Pala- 
ces full  of  all  delights, richly  fui'nifhed3&  a  ftately  traine  of  Servants,Their 
fepulchres  are  the  mofl  coff  ly,  they  have  the  ftrongefl  perfwafion  ofthe 
Tranfmigration  ofSoules^  and,that  they  might  be  well  provided  when  they 
take  their  next  new  forme,  are  the  mofl  devouteftworfliippcrs  ofthe  I- 

The  Eumchs  arc  exempted  from  all  thofe  Courtefies  &  complements, 
which  others  are  obliged  to  pay  the  Mandarines  •,as,lighcing  off  their  hor- 
fcs,  or  coming  out  of  their  chaires  vi'henthey  meet  them.  In  the  Court 
they  are  not  permitted  to  have  many  fervants  after  them ,  nor  to  weare  ve- 
ry rich  apparell,  and  but  few  are  allowed  to  be  carried  in  a  fcdan,  yet  al- 
mofl  all  of  them  are  fufFered  to  ride  on  horfe- back. 

When  in  the  Palace  there  is  not  an  Eunuch  that  is  the  K.\ng%  favourite 
the  Eunuchs  which  live  without  the  Palace  are  wont  to  make  great  Court 
to  the  Mandarines,  lend  them  their  faire  and  commodious  houfes,  and 
endeavour  by  all  obfervance  to  gaine  their  good  will.  But  if  it  happen, 
that  the  King  have  an  Eunuch  loins  favourite  ^^s  fomctimcs  it  falleth  out, 
prefcntly  they  grow  infolent,  the  governments  are  conferred  upon  them, 
and  then  they  get  the  upper  hand. 

Thclaft  King  had  an  Eunuch^  who  arrived  to  all  that  grace  and  favour 
with  him,  that  can  be  imagined  :  this  fellow  governed  with  fo  great  info- 
lence  and  T'^ranny^  that  he  apprehended,chafl:ifcd,  and  put  to  death,  even 
Perfons  ofthe  greateft  J^alitie,  To  touch  him,  though  but  in  imaginati- 
on, was  an  excefTe  of  Treafon.  And  though  the  Chincjfes  are  very  free  and 
bold  in  fpcaking  the  truth,  even  to  the  King  himfelfe,  yet  none  durft  fpcak 

The  Princey  who  is  now  King,  undertooke  the  bufmclTt^  who  only  told 

ii6  The  Hi/lory  of  CHl^d.        Pa r x.i . 

the  King  his  father,  that  h  IS  fubjedls  Perfons  of  worth  and  quality  were 
ill  ufed.  This  was  fufficient  ro  banifh  the  Bumch  out  of  the  Palace,  who 
at  length  miferably  ended  his  daycs.  For  as  foone  as  the  King  was  dcs^d^ 
he  poyfoned  himfelfe ;  and  at  the  {lime  time  put  a  period  co  his  favour  and 
his  life-,  but  not  to  the  peoples  hatred, who  as  foone  as  he  was  dead»  drag- 
ged him  about  the  ftreets,  and  tore  him  to  pieces  ••  All  his  goods  were 
confifcate  to  the  King:they  amounted  to  agreatvaluc/or  there  wasfcnrcc 
any  body  who  had  not  formerly  prefcnted  him,  and  many  had  given  him 
very  rich  prefencs.  Among  orher  things  there  were  found  two  chefls  full 
of  Pearle  only  •,  it  was  (aid,  he  had  robbed  the  Kings  Treafury  of  theni. 
The  fumptuous  works,  which  were  cither  begun  or  ended  through  the 
whole  Kingdom,  in  honour  of  him,  as  Temples  to  place  his  itatue  in 
(which  they  call  Temples  cf  the  livings  andufe  toere(5i;  them  to  eminent 
perfons,  who  have  deferved  well  of  the  King  and  Kingdomc  j  Palaces^Tri- 
nmf  hall  Arches^  and  fuch  like  fabriqucs,wcrc  all  caft  down  to  the  ground, 
leaving  no  other  memory  of  them,  than  a  comedy,  which  was  prefently 
madeofhira,  and  is  yet  adted  to  this  day,  concerning  his  difgrace  and 
driving  out  of  the  Palace, 

.'  Now  becaufe  fome  of  thefe  Emuchs^ate  many  times  difmifTed,  and  tur- 
ned away,  others  grow  old,  and  many  die,  from  time  to  time  there  are 
young  ones  chofen  in,  to  be  put  in  their  places:  upon  this  account  there 
comes  almoft  infinite  of  thefe  Eumchs  to  the  Court,  who  are  made  fuch 
by  their  parents-,cither  for  the  profit  which  they  make  by  it,  becaufe  they 
are  always  bought  of  them  for  a  price,  or  elfe  for  the  advantage  they  may 
receive  by  them,  when  they  come  to  preferment  in  the  Palace,or  for  thofe 
other  conveniences,  which  are  certaine  and  alfured  to  perfons  of  this  con- 

At  every  eledlion,  there  are  chofen  about  3000  of  them  5  at  what  time 
they  principally  confider  in  their  choife,  their  age,  good  (liape  and  beha- 
viour, their  fpeech  and  gracefull  pronunciation^  but  above  all,  that  they 
wholly  want  that,  which  they  pretend  to  have  left,  and  that  they  be  com- 
ip\t2it\^  caflrated'^dXiA  moreover,  every  fourth  year  they  are  vifitcd.leafl 
any  thing  (hould  grow  out  againe,  which  hath  not  been  well  taken  a- 

When  the  ele(5lion  is  done,  the  reft  are  fent  away  from  the  Court,  and 
thofe  that  are  chofen,  are  defttibuced  to  thofe  lodgings,  occupations  and 
offices,  to  which  they  are  to  apply  thcmfelves.  This  is  done  almofl,  as  it 
were  by  d£ftiny,for  without  obferving  of  them  any  more  than  a  few  days, 
fome  are  put  to  ftudy,  and  go  to  the  Collcdges  of  the  greatefl  credit, 
honour  and  profit,  others  are  chofen  for  Priefls,  others  for  Singers,  Co- 
medians, &€.  And  others  for  the  kitchin^  and  fuch  like  meane  and  labo- 
rious occupations^ 

This  is  that  which  palTeth  in  the  P^/^f^  within  the  gates  in  whatap- 
pertaincth  to  the  Kings  pcrfon  and  fervice.  That  which  pafieth  without 
doores  is  alfo  very  particular,  and  with  fo  much  cxadnefTe,  that  it  excce- 
deth  all  Hjperkle  :and  although  the  kingdome  be  fo  vaft  and  large,  yet  it 
is  not  fufficient  to  hide  one  guilty  perfon,  that  would  make  his  efcape* 
The  very  trees  fecm  to  be  afraid  to  cover  him  with  their  fliadc.  If  a  per- 

Chap.zz.  TheHiftou of  CHI^A.  11^7 

fon  of  qualirie  be  to  be  apprehended,  they  fend  the  Minifters  of  jufticero 
him-,  who  have  no  more  to  do,  but  to  throw  the  cord  or  chaine  at  his 
feet-,  the  which  he  hfmfeffe  takcth  up,  and  putteth  about  his  neck^  as  if  it 
were  a  chaine  of  Gold;  and  the  very  name  of  thefe  is  fufficient  to  flrikf  ^ 
rerrour  in  any. 

In  the  City  of  Sncheii  in  the  Province  oiNadim,  there  lived  a  Manda- 
rwe,  a  grave  Perfon^  who  had  pafTed  through  moft  of  the  greateft  Offi- 
ces in  thcKingdome,  with  gi'eat  fatisfa(51:ion  and  good  liking  of  the  peo- 
pie,it  tvas  in  the  time  of  that  powerfull  EuneuchjOivihom  we  fpake  even 
now  y  this  man  had  intelligence  that  thefe  Minifters  of  juflice  would 
be  fent  to  him,  he  flayed  not  their  coming,  but  made'a  banquet  to  hiskin- 
dred  and  friends,  toward  the  end  thereof  going  out,  as  if  it  had  been  upon 
fome  other  occafion^hecaflhimfelfeoutofa^Balconeinto  a  fiQi  Pond, 
where  he  drowned  hfmfelfe.  His  Guefls  feeing  him  ftay  fo  long,  went 
out  to  looke  him  ,  and  found  upon  a  Table  a  paper  having  thefe  words 
written  with  his  own  hand ,  Turning  torvards  the  Palace^  I  prforme  the  re- 
verence due  to  my  King^whom  I  have  alwayts  endeavoured  to  fervc  %vhh  refo- 
Ititwns  becoming  afatthfullfuhjeB  :  and  it  is  }wt  reafonable^that  I  fl^ould  fujfer 
from  the  hand  of  an  Eunuch  affronts  worthy  a  hafe  and  criminall  Perfon. 

There  needs  no  more  than  two  letters  fent  from  the  King,  and  put  in 
any  place,  to  make  it  remaine,3s  it  were,  inchanted  .•  fo  that,  if  they  want 
anything  in  the  Palace, as  Cha, Fruit.  &c.itisfufficienttofend  to  the 
Countrie, where  thofe  things  are  they  defire,to  give  them  notice only,and 
to  fet  up  thofe  two  letters,  Xim  Chi^  that  is,  the  mil  of  the  King,  and  pre- 
fently  every  thing  is  made  ready,  and  none  dare  ftir  fo  much  as  a  leafe  of 
it.  The  fame  thing  hapneth  when  there  is  any  extraordinarie  bufineffe 
to  be  done,  which  carrieih  fome difficultie  with  it*,  for  it  isTuificient  to 
fet  up  the  two  letters  above-faid,  and  all  oppofition  is  levelled,  as  it  fell 
out  when  the  King  gave  the  houfes  of  an  Eunuch^  who  was  a  prifoner,  to 
the  Fathers  of  our  company,for  a  burying  place,  by  clapping  the  faid  let- 
ters upon  tliem. 

In  all  the  Cities  of  the  Kingdome  every  monetb,  on  the  firft  day  of  the 
moonc  the  Magiftrates  aflemble  themfelves  at  the  tribunall  of  the  Gover- 
nour  before  a  Throne,  where  ^replaced  i\k Royall  En^gncs-^and  there 
they  do  reverence  to  them  in  the  fame  manner,  as  they  would  do  to  the 
King  hirafelfe,  if  he  were  prefent.  They  doe  the  like  alfo  on  his  birth  day. 

At  thcbeginning  of  every  years  each  Province  fcndeth  an  EmbafTa- 
dour  to  vifit  the  King-,  and  as  often  as  they  write  letters  to  him,  they 
do  not  fend  themby  wayofthepoft,buraprincipall  Mandarine  goeth 
to  carry  them.  But  their  mcmorialls,  or  petitions  they  fend  by  the  Poft. 
Every  three  yc€res,all  the  great  ii/W4r/>;^^ofthe  Kingdome,  go  to  do 
homage  to  the  King. 

None  may  enter  into  the  5^;y4//P4/4^^;,  no  not  into  the  firft  gate,  if  he 
be  clothed  in  Mourning,  neither  do  they  go  to  make  their  reverence  in  an 
ordinarie  habits  but  in  that  extraordinarie  one  appointed  iotCottrtefies ,  and 
the  Magiflrates  are  to  put  on  a  red  garment* 

None,of  what  condition  foever,may  paffe  before  the  gates  of  the  Pa- 
lace on  horfe-back,  nor  in  a  Sedan,  nor  in  any  other  manner,  except  on 


1,8  WkHijlory  ofCHLT^^.         ¥I^i. 

foot,  no  not  ii' they  be  women-,  and  by  how  much  the  ^ditie  of  the 
Perlon  is  the  greater,  fo  much  the  further  off  is  he  to  hght^  and  goa- 


All  the  Officers  and  Petfons  of  ^^i/V/^,  who  come  to  the  Court,  are 
prefently  obliged  either  in  the  morning  early,  if  they  come,  or  late  at 
niohtjif  they  go  out,to  go  toKtm  Chaofi\2t  iSjthe  Court  of  CerememesyV^s  is 
abovc'faidjand  before  the  Roy  ail  Throne^  which  is  placed  in  a  Hall,  al- 
though the  King  be  not  there,  who  at  that  hourc  is  for  the  moft  part  in 
bed,  and  when  all  that  came  in  that  morning,  are  a(Tembled,(  there  being 
no  morning  that  there  is  not  a  good  number  of  them)  the  Mafter  of  the 
Ceremonies  commeth,  and  with  a  loud  voice  declare  th  the  Ceremonies ^ 
which  every  one  ought  to  performe,  and  they  all  in  the  fame  manner  put 
them  in  execution;  and  if  by  misfortune  any  one  committeth  an  errour  or 
doth  any  gefture  not  reverently  enough,  it  belongeth  to  the  Maftcr'of  the 
Cenmomes  to  give  the  King  notice  thereof  by  a  memoriall,as  in  like  man- 
ner doth  the  Pcrfon  that  is  culpable,  accufing  himfclfe,and  requiring 
fomc  pe:nance  for  it  .•  but  this  is  done  purely  out  o^Ceremopjy,  the  king  ne- 
ver taking  any  heed  to  it. 

All  Embaffadonrs  are  obliged  likewife  to  the  fame  Ceremoms^vjhcn 
they  enter  into  the  Court,  or  go  out  thereuf:  they  ufe  to  be  lodged  in  one 
of  the  Pakces  ,'^hlch  are  within  a  fpacious  circuit  of  wal,neere  to  the  Roy- 
al! PaUce,  and  are  alwayes  kept  in  a  readinefle  for  that  purpofe,  where 
they  are  royally  treated,  and  at  great  cxpence^  but  they  may  not  go  out4  of 
that  circuit,  and  if  they  would  have  any  thing  out  of  the  City,  it  Is 
brought  to  them  into  that  place;  they  neither  fee  nor  fpeak  to  the  King-, 
but  only  the  Couneellof  Rites  by  the  Kings  order  treateth  with  them,  and 
difpatched  them*  s 

The  Portugheffes^  thofe  two  feverall  times  they  werefcnt  thither  from 
the  City  of  Mmcao,  were  not  only  treated  with  extraordinary  magnifi- 
cence, and  liberalitieibut  had  alfo  that  particular  priviledge  to  lodge  out 
of  that  place;  and  the  firfl:  of  them  that  were  fent,  faw  King  Thienkhie^ 
the  brother  of  him  who  now  rcigneth,  he  was  very  young,  and  out  of 
curiofitie  to  fee  men  of  a  ftrange  Nation,  he  caufcd  them  to  come  to  the 
PaUee^  and  although  it  was  at  a  good  diftance,  yet  he  faw  them,  and  was 
plainly  feen  by  them. 

Every  one  in  the  Kings  prefencc  fpeaketh  to  him  on  his  knees,  if  he  be 

in  the  RoyailMall  withtheMagi{lrates,hcgocth  away  before  they  rife 

up,  if  he  be  fick  and  they  come  to  vifit  him,  they  fpcak  to  him  in  the  fame 

manner,  and  before  they  rife  off  their  knees  a  Curtainc  is  drawn  before 

him,  orelfc  he  turneth  himfelfe  on  the  other  fide.  When  they  fpeak  to 

him,  they  hold  in  their  hands  before  their  mouth  a  Tablet  of  Ivory  a 

palm  and  a  half  long,  and  three  or  foure  inches  broad:  it  is  an  ancient  Cf- 

remony^  for  in  old  time,  when  they  fpakc  in  a  more  familiar  manner  io  the 

King,  out  of  reverence  they  held  fomething  bctweenjto  keep  their  breath 

from  coming  to  the  Kings  face,  and  alfo  when  they  difcourfcd  with 

him  of  many  bufineffesjtl  cy  carried  the  heads  of  them  written  thereon, 

that  they  might  not  forget  them.  But  now  that  they  fpeake  to  the  King 

at  luch  adiflance,  and  rot  fo  long,  this  Cnemome  might  be  excufcd, 


C^^^;.  TheHifioryofQUlD^A.  np 

if  it  were  not,  that  they  will  keep  up  an  old  cuftome. 

The  Kings  Garmems  differ  not  in  fafhion  from  thofeofthe  reft,  but  in 
the  ftufife,  which  is  very  rich,  and  in  certaine  Dragons  which  are  woven 
and  embroydered  in  them,  and  no  other  Perfons  may  weare  them,  but  on- 
ly the  King,  and  rhofe  that  are  of  kin  to  him  5  as  the  Prmces  of  the  Blotid, 
and  particularly  the  women,3nd  theEmuds  of  the  Kings  family , but  with 
foraediftindiion.  The  colour  is  yellow,  not  but  that  other  colours  may 
be  worne  in  the  Palace,  for  they  weare  light  colours  of  all  forts,  but  yel- 
low is  fo  proper  to  the  King,  and  to  all  that  he  wears,  that  none  elfe  may 
ufe  it. 

HoJi?  the  IQngs ofChimare  Married. 

AT  that  time,  when  there  were  feverall  Kings  and  Lords  mChina^  they 
♦*cookeoneanothers  daughters  iox  Wives  ^  as  they  do  in  Europe^  Buc 
they  being  at  an  end,  and  the  Momrchj  reduced  under  one  only  Lord,  and 
he  being  never  to  take  a  v^ife  out  of  the  Kingdom,  it  is  neceflfary,  that  he 
marry  a  daughter  of  one  of  his  fubje(5l:s.  Peifons  of  j^4%  will  not  give 
him  their  daughters  •  for  he  being  to  fee  them,  whether  he  likes  them  or 
no,  and  tbey  being  to  be  turned  off,  if  they  pleafe  him  not,no  perfon  of  a- 
ny^alHy  will  fhcw  his  daughter,  becaufe  fhe  may  be  rcfufcd,  after  fhe 
isfeen-,  efpeciallyby  reafon  that  the  fight  and  triallof  them  is  to  pafTe 
further  then  to  what  is  feen  in  the  outward  frontifpiece.  They  donor, 
nor  may  nor  marry  with  their  kindred ,though  in  never  fo  remote  a  degree: 
and  therefore  there  is  fought  through  the  whole  Kingdoma  Damfellof 
twelve  or  fourteen  years  of  age,of  a  perfed  beauty,of  good  naturall  parts, 
and  well  inclined  to  thofe  vettucs,  which  are  required  in  a  ^een^  in  the 
fame  manner,  as  in  ancient  times  the  Shunamite  was  fought  out  for  David^ 
and  Efther  for  t^haffucrus :  and  this  is  done  without  exception  of  per- 
fons: whence  for  the  raoft  part  the  ^^e??  is  the  daughter  of  fome  ^/^r- 

When  they  have  found  out  fuchaone,  as  they  looked  for,  they  con- 
figne  her  to  two  ancient  Matrons,  who  fee  that  which  all  may  not  fee-  and 
if  they  finde  no  difpleafing  marke,  or  deformity  about  her  body,  they 
make  her  runne  toputherinafweat,  that  they  may  examine,  whether 
there  be  any  unpleafing  fmcllfromit:  when  thefe  Matrons  are  fatisficd 
with  the  diligence  they  have  ufed,  (he  is  brought  to  Court,  with  a  great 
traine  of  women  and  men  fervants,  and  with  an  equipage  becoming  a  per- 
fon, who  from  hence  forward  doth  apperraine  to  the  King :  to  whom  fhe 
is  prefcnted  in  his  Palace,  who  after  he  hath  ended  his  complements,  he 
giveth  her  to  the  Prince  for  a  wife :  and  this  is  afterwards  the  true  ^een.- 
Within  the  Palace,  they  appoyntto  waite  on  her  vertuous  women,  of 
prudence,  and  underftanding,  that  they  may  inftrud  her,  asweJIinver- 
tue,  as  in  complements,  and  the  flile  of  the  Palace,  endeavouring  to  breed 
her  in  fuch  manner,that  fhe  may  deferve  the  name  of  a  ^jieeriy  whom  they 


120  ^  The  Hi/lory  of  CBL^d.         Pabt.i 

commonly  call  ^e  Mu^  that  Is,  Mother  of  the  Kingdom  ;  And  as  their 
Hiftories  relate,  there  have  been  many  of  thefe  of  great  worth  and  merit. 
They  arc  very  commonly  devoute  and  charitable -^and  many  of  them  have 
been  prudent  and  verruous. 

Such  was  one  of  them,  who  being  the  daughter  of  a  Mafon,  after  fhe 
came  to  be  ^een^  fhc  kept  always  by  her  an  Iron  Trewell  -^  and  when  the 
Prince  her  Sonne,  upon  any  occafion,  behaved  himfelfe  more  haughtily 
than  became  him,  flie  fcnt  to  (hew  him  that  Inftrument,  with  which  his 
Grandfather  ufed  to  lay  ftones  for  his  living ;  by  which  means,  (he  redu- 
ced him  to  his  Devoir.  In  old  times  when  Kings  took  it  in  good  part  to 
be  reproved  for  their  errours,  KingTas  hadaO/^^,  who  at  the  Royall 
Audience  would  tel  him  his  faults  without  any  indulgence:One  day,whc- 
ther  the  King  had  given  more  caufc,  or  that  the  excefle  was  on  the  C^^^aos 
part,  the  Audience  being  ended,  the  King  returned  into  the  Palace  very 
much  offended,  faying,  He  would  cut  off  the  head  of  that  impertinent  fel- 
low.The  ^een  asked  him  the  caufeof  his  difpleafure.-thc  King  anfwercd. 
There  is  an  unmannerly  Clown^that  never  ceafeth  to  tel  me  of  my  faults, 
and  that  publickly,  lamrefolved  to  fend  one  totakeoffhis  head.  The 
^een  tooke  no  notice  of  it,  but  retired  to  her  Appartment,  and  put  on  a 
particular  garment  proper  only  for  feaftivalh^andvifits,  and  in  this  habit 
llie  came  to  the  King,  who  wondring  at  it,  asked  her  the  caufe  of  this  No- 
njeltj.  The  £ls^en  anfwered,  Sir,  I  come  to  wifh  your  Majefty  much  joy: 
Of  what,  replied  the  King»  That  you  have  a  fubje6t,raid  flie,  that  feareth 
nor  to  tell  you  your  faulcs^to  your  face,  feeing  that  a  fubje(5ts  confidence, 
in  ("peaking  fo  boldly,  muft  needs  be  founded  upon  the  opinion  he  hath  of 
the  vertue  and  greatnefTe  of  his  Princes  minde.  that  can  endure  to  hear 
him.  There  have  been  many  other  like  to  this  Queen^ 

The  kindred  of  the  Maiden  are  prefently  exalted  to  honours  and  em- 
ployments; The  family  is  already  accounted,  rich  and  honourable ;  and 
by  how  much  more  the  ^ueen  gaineth  favour  within,  they  without  are 
fo  much  the  more  advanced. 

The  reft  of  the  iCings  Sonnes  arc  married  after  the  fame  manner :  on- 
ly  they  do  not  ufe  fo  much  diligence,and  caution  in  finding  out  the  bride, 
but  for  the  moft  part  fhe  is.fought  for,  and  found  in  the  Court  it  felfe.  But 
the  manner  of  marrying  the  daughters  is  very  different.  There  arc  twelve 
young  men  fought  out  of  the  age  of  17  on  §  years,  theluftieftandthe 
handfomeft  they  can  (inde  ,•  thefe  are  brought  into  the  Palace  to  a  place, 
where  the  Princcfie  may  fee  them,  andnorbe  feen  •,  and  when  (he  hath 
well  con(io!ered  them,  (lie  feledeth  two  of  them :  Thefe  are  prefcnted  to 
the  King,  who  chufeth  which  of  them  heliketh  bcft,  to  be  his  Sonne- in- 

;^4w?//V,the  Grandfather  of  the  prefentKing,  upon  the  like  occafion, 
feeing  one  of  the  two  young  men  prefcnted  to  him,  very  well  cloathed, 
and  the  other,though  neat,  yet  poorly  habited,  asked  him,  what  was  the 
reafon,  be  was  not  To  well  cloathed  as  the  other.  The  youth  anfwered. 
Sir,  my  father  is  poore,  and  cannot  afford  it  me.  Then  replied  the  King,  I 
will  have  you  that  are  the  poorcft  for  my  Sonne,  in-law  ;  and  being  thus 
chofenj  he  did  afterward  carry  himfdfc  worthy  cf  commendations.  And 


C  H  A  p  .14-.  T^he  Hiftory  of  QH 1 3\C  ^-  i^* 

— \ , 

truly  a  youth  ought  not  to  be  afliamed  of  his  povertie,  nor  a  King  for  ha- 
ving chofen  a  poorc  man.  The  reft  are  fenc  home  againe,  but  are  accoun- 
ted JSTo^Ie  ever  after,  for  having  had  the  honour  to  be  admitted  to  that  c- 

Piefently  two  Mandarines  oii\\Q  moft  confiderable  in  the  Court,  are 
appoynted  for  Tutours  unto  thtk  Fum  May{oi\\ty  call  the  Kings  Sonne- 
in-laws,  to  infl:ru6t  them  in  learning,  manners,  and  Courtly  behaviour 
^c.  He  is  obliged  every  day  to  make  the  foure  ordinary  reverences  upon 
his  knees  to  his  wife,  till  (he  hath  brought  him  a  child,  alTooneasfheis 
delivered,this  obligation  ceafeth,  although  there  are  ftill  a  great  many  o- 
ther  conftraints,  and  inconveniences  upon  them,which  is  the  reafon,,tha£ 
no  man  oifyalitie  will  be  the  Kings  Sonne  in-law.  For  this  reafon  the 
ufuall  cuftomeof  chufing  twelve  is  now  left  off,  and  if  the  King  do  ear- 
neftly  invite  any  per  fon  of  ^alitie^ox  Litter  ato  of  reputation,  to  be  his 
Sonne-in-law,  (  as  it  hath  fometimes  fa  lien  out)  he  excufcth  himfelfe  with 
all  the  skill  and  friends  he  hath,  fotii  the  Pri?jcej[e  take  a  didikc  againfl: 
her  husband  (as  it  often  happcncth)  fhe  gives  him  af  fli(5tion  enough  for 
all  his  life. 

Chap,  24. 
0/the  !J\(obilitie  of  China, 

THc  Nohilitieoi china  at  this  day  is  much  changed  from  what  it  was 
anciently,  when,by  reafon  there  were  many  Kings  and  Soveraignc 
Lords,  they  matched  into  one  anothcrs  families,and  the  Kings  themfelves, 
made  many  noble  men,  whom  they  ufed  to  employ,  as  alio  their  neereffc 
kinfmen,  in  charges  and  governments  of  tlie  greatcft  importance,  and  by 
this  means  their  families  continued  on  foot  for  many  years.  At  this  day 
the  moft  of  the  I^obilitie  have  been  raifed  by  their  learning,to  the  higheft 
honours,  from  a  low  condition,  many  of  them  having  been  the  Sonnes  of 
K^rtizans  and  Handicrafts- men^  as  alfo,  for  want  of  learning,  their  fami- 
lies decline  and  grow  againe  into  povertie,  fo  that  it  is  a  rare  thing  to  fee  a 
family  laft  to  the  fift  generation :  forasthefirft  beginners,  being  forced 
by  neceflitiv,  and  ftirred  up  by  a  defire  to  advance  themfelvcs,  ftudy  and 
take  paines  to  obtaine  their  degrees,  and  confequently  Governments  and 
other  Prehemincnces ;  So  the  reft,  who  follow,  and  are  borne  rich,  and 
bred  up  in  delights,  and  wantonnefTejfuffer  tbemfelves  to  be  carried  away 
with  the  pleafures  of  living  high,  and  the  vices  which  accompany  it,ftudy 
little,  and  fpend  much,  fo  that  in  a  /liort  time,  they  finde  themfelves  re- 
duced to  the  firft  condition  of  their  Anceftours,  Notwithftanding,there 
is  fome  fhadow  and  refemblanceleftof  the  nncknt  Nehilitie,  and  it  may 
ije  reduced  to  five  orders,  not  mentioning  thofe  common  people,who  are 
of  no  account. 

The  firft  Nohilitie  is  of  the  King^  Prince^  the  Kings  Children,  and  the 
Koyall family,  which  is  prefewcd  in  this  manner.  The  Frince  fuccecdeth 
his  father  in  manner  above- fald, 

.  R  To 

1Z2  TheHiJlory  of  CHi:hCd,         Part.i 

To  his  Tounger  Somes  the  King  afligneth  a  habitation^out  of  the  Court, 
in  fach  a  Province  or  City  as  fliall  fcem  beft  to  him,  with  Palaces,  Furni- 
ture, and  Servants  fuitable  to  his  high  qualitie-,  and  lands  and  revenues, 
which  he  purchnfeth  for  him  in  the  fame  place-,as  alfo  a  competent  pcnfi- 
on  out  of  the  Kings  exchequer. 

He  that  dwelt  in  the  Province  of  Xenft,  where  I  lived,  for  fometime, 
had,as  I  was  informed,3^oooo  Cvowncs  ^er  amtm^and  the  title  of  a  King 
conferred  on  him-,and  all  the  Officers  of  theProvince  were  obliged  to  pay 
hira  refpc<ft  fuitable  to  his  Title;  whence  every  firft  and  fifteenth  day  of 
the  Moone  they  went  to  do  him  reverence  in  like  manner,  as  is  done  ac 
Court  to  the  King^  there  being  nothing  wanting  to  him  to  make  him  an 
abfolute  King,  but  only  Authority  and  Jurifdidion-,of  which  he  had  no^ 
thing  at  all?  neither  over  the  people,nor  in  the  government^  the  King  re- 
ferving  all  that  to  himfclfe^  neither  hath  he  libcrtie  to  go  out  of  the  City 
and  Territorie, where  he  hath  his  refidence. 

The  Eliiefl  Sonne  fucceedeth  his  Father  in  his  cftate  and  goods -the  reft 
marry  and  make  feverall  Families,  which  ftil  grow  lefler,  although  they 
be  great-,  and  the  King  giveth  them  an  allowance  competent  for  them; 
and  ss  they  are  removed  flill  to  a  further  degree  from  the  Kings  bloud, 
fo  like  wife  their  penfion  diminilheth,till  it  cometh  to  fourcfcorc  Crowns 
a  yeare,  and  there  it  ftoppeth^  there  being  none  fo  remote  from  the  Rojall 
Stem?ne,  that  hath  not,atthe  leaft,  this  Revenue.  Yet  nevertheleffe,  all 
this  is  to  be  underftood  only,  if  thofe  that  are  dcfcended  from  him,  have 
certaine  conditions,  that  are  required  of  them-,  for  if  thefc  be  wanting, 
they  have  nothing  given  them  at  all. 

The  Firft  condition  is,  that  they  be  Males-,  for  if  they  be  Females, there 
is  no  account  made  of  them,  and  the  Father  marricth  them  to  whom,and 
when  he  will-,  but  not  toPrihccs'of  the  bloud-,  (neither  may  the  Sonnes 
marry, but  with  Women  of  other  Families}and  he  is  to  marry  them  at  his 

The  Second contlitioff  \s,  thdXthe  Sonne  he  lawfully  kgonen  on  the  true 
wife-,  not  only  baflards  being  excluded,  but  alfo  the  Sonnes  of  their  con- 
cubincSjif  they  have  any. 

The  Third  is,  that  alfoon  as  his  Sonne  is  borne,  he  do  give  a  memorial 
to  the  King,  to  give  him  a  name,  which  is  to  be  regiftred  in  the  roll. 

The  Fourth  is,  that  having  attained  the  age  of  14  yeares,  he  give  ano- 
ther memoriall  to  the  King,  praying  him  to  give  order,  that  he  may  re- 
ceive halfe  his  penfion^  which  he  after  receivcth  every  year  at  fet  times. 

The  Fifthj  that  when  he  cometh  to  age  to  be  married,  there  be  ano- 
thcr  memoriall  given  to  the  King,  wherein  is  required  leave  for  him  to 
marry,  and  then  he  rcceiveth  the  whole  penfion  which  is  alfigned  him^ 

Thefeare  the  Primes  of  the  Bloud,  dcfcended  from  the  King  by  a  right 
wale  line  Thefe  are  not  to  live  in  the  two  Courts  oiPekim  and  Nankim^ 
nor  in  all  the  Provincesindifferently.butonly  in  fome  certaine  places; 
and  are  fo  numerous,  that  they  are  bcleeved  to  amount  to  60000. and 
ate  all  maintained  by  the  King,  But  they  have  this  advantage,  that 
ihey  may  help  themfelves  by  their  indu.ftric,in  buying  and  felling,  and 
playing  the  Merchants. 


Chap.Z4..       '      TheHipryo/CHlU^C^.  ill 

For  the  government  of  them^andtoprefent  their  mcnnorialls  to  the 
King;  to  decide  their  controvefies^andtopunirtnhcm,ifthere  be  caufe, 
they  have  a  particular  Mandarine^ih^r.  is  proper  to  them. But  if  they  have 
any  fuits  with  others,  who  are  not  of  the  bloud  Royall,  fuch  caiifes  are 
under  the  cognizance  of  the  ordinary  juflicCjWho  may  reprove  them,  but 
hath  not  the  power  to  punifh  them-,  but  ifany  of  them  commit  any  nota- 
ble iliforcjer^he  giveth  notice  thereof  to  the  King,  who  for  fuch  occafions 
hath  a  Caftlc  in  the  Province  ot  A'/4w/?,  encompaffed  with  a  very  high 
wall,  whither  he  confincth  them  during  Jife* 

The  Secopd  Order  o^Ncbilitie  is  of  the  TitnUu^  or  Noblemen  that  have 
Titles  conferred  upon  them:  who  nocwithftanding  are  but  the  fhadov/  of 
what  they  were  in  former  times,  Thefe  are  divided  into  foure  orders. 
The  F/r^  they  C2\\^ec}im,  a  new  Title,  and  are  only  foure  Families, 
who  were  raifed  by  the  }^m^Humvu,  and  are  defcended  from  foure  vali  • 
ant  Captainesjwhoferved.thefaid  King  againft  the  Tartars,  They  arc, 
as  it  wcre,Dukes  and  Captaines-Generall  of  the  Militia^  and  do  aflift  in 
that  QuAlitie,  at  certaine  military  adtions  of  great  importance,  when  they 
are  done  in  the  Cities  where  they  inhabit-,  but  they  never  go  to  the  war. 
ThcSecondoxttieui.  ^hc  Third  Pe.  The  Fourth  Chi  Ho  Ei,^\\  cLUcknt 
Titles.  They  have  Offices  in  the  Militia,  and  a  competent  revenue,  and 
all  of  them  fucceed  their  Fathers  in  their  power,authority,and  command. 
They  giveplace  to  many  Officers  of  the  X/«^r4^/:  but,  at  an  aflembly  in 
the  Royall  Hall,they  precede  all  of  them. 

Thcr/6/yJor^^rcontaineth  all  them,  who  either  have  or  doe  admini- 
nifter  in  the  Government  of  the  Kingdome,  whether  they  be  officers  of 
warre,  as  Ceneralls  or  Capaines.ot  of  the  Politick  and  Civill  Government'^ 
whether  they  be  fuprcam,fuch  as  arc  thtColaiyOx.  inferiour  Minifters ,  as 
well  the  Mandarines  of  other  Cities,  as  thofeof  the  Court,  even  to  thofe 
of  the  fmallcft  Burghs  and  Villages ;  neither  are  they  excluded  from  this 
order,  who  neither  Govern,  nor  have  governed,  but  are  in  Ele(5tion  to  be 
received  into  the  Government-,  fuch  are  all  Graduates,  as  Bo^iours^Licen* 
tiates  znd  SatcheloursJ.n  a  word,this  order  confilteth  o^Litterati. 

The  fourth  is  of  Students  ^who^dXthou^h  they  have  never  taken  any  de- 
gree, yet  only  for  being  Students,  and  that  they  are  in  a  way  to  obtain 
them»  arc  put  into  the  rank  of  the  Nobtlitie^  and  treated  as  fuch,  although 
they  have  no  priviledge  or  authoritie. 

The  Fifth  is  of  thofe  Perfons,  whom  they  call  2Nrm/,or  cleanly  mcn^ 
who  live  either  of  their  Rents  or  Merchandize.-  and  when  their  wealth  is 
much,  their  honour  is  not  little:  and  although  without  learning  their 
power  and  credit  is  not  fo  great  as  among  us-,  yet  they  arc  much  refpe<i- 
tcd  by  the  people. 

R  2  GHAp, 

i^^!  1  he Hifiory ofCHLT^^.  '      Pl^i. 


Of  the  Goyernment  of  China  ^  anhof 
the  Officers, 

THe  principall  Government  of  Cte4,whicherabraceththefl:ateof 
the  whole  Monarchic  is  divided  mo  fix  Counctls^  called  by  them  Vu, 
Thefe  do  not  only  governe  in  the  two  Courts  where  they  do  refide, 
but  from  ihefc,  as  from  the  firft  movers,  the  reft  of  the  government  de- 
pendeth  ••  and  to  thefe  perfons,  caufes,  and  matters,  according  as  apper- 
taineih  unco  each,  all  is  fubordinate^with  an  incredible  dependancc  and 

Every  one  of  thefe  Ctf//;?c<r/j  hath  its  Prefident,  whom  they  call  Cham 
Xft  with  two  Afliftants,one  of  the  left  hand,  who  is  the  firft,  called  Co  Xi 
Lamr,  the  other  of  the  Right,  named  Gen  Xi  Lam,  Thefe  are  the  chiefcfl: 
and  moft  profitable  offices  of  the  whole  Kingdom,  except  the  CoUi^o^ 
whom  \?ve  will  fpeak  hereafter;  fo  that  when  a  Fice-roy  of  any  Province, 
even  of  the  moft  principall,  after  he  hath  given  good  Teftimonie  of  his 
abilitie,  is  to  be  preferred,  he  holdeth  himfelf  well  provided  for,  not 
only  if  he  be  made  Prefident  of  one  of  thefe  Coumelsy  but  alfo  if  he  come 
to  be  one  of  the  Affejfonrsox  AffiJlantSy  either  of  the  left  hand,  or  the 

^Befides  thefe,  who  are  the  chiefeft  of  the  CoumeO^  there  are  ten  others 
of  the  fame Tr'thmaU^  almoft  all  equall  in  dignitie^who  are  diftributed  in- 
to feverall  offices  and  employments.  To  thefe  are  added  other  great 
and  leffer  officers,  as  Notaries^  Scribes^  Secretaries j  Mimfers,  Captaines  of 
^nfiice^  and  many  others,  who  are  not  ufuall  among  us  in  Ettrope. 

The  Firft  znd  chiefeft  CeufjcelljVjhkh  is  oi  the  greateft  authoritie  and 
profic,isther<?«w^/^^/5?4?^5called5'/P«.  To  them  it  belongethto  pro- 
pofe  the  Mandates  of  the  whole  Kingdome,  concerning  Officers,  to 
change  and  promote  them  .•  for  after  any  one  hath  been  once  provided  of 
an  Office,  he  alwaiesrifeth  by  degrees  to  greater  employments  ••  nor  are 
they  ever  excluded  from  the  Government,unlefre  it  be  for  fome  rorable 
fault  committed  cither  by  themfcIves,or  by  fuch  as  apperraine  to  them, 
as  their  Sons,  neerekindred^and  the  like.  TothhTrihmaS  2\(o  belong- 
eth  the  power  to  reftore  againe  any  that  is  turned  outofhis  ofGce.-as,if 
a  AfW^n»<?,  by  fome  accident,  lofe  his  office,  they  can  eafily  put  him 
in  again:  and  upon  this  account  they  have  very  many,  and  very  great 
bribes  given  them. 

The  Seconals  the  CotmceU  of  Warre^  called  Pirn  Vu>.  This  alfo,  as  well 
as  the  CouncellofState,  hath  authoritie  over  all  the  Magiftrates  of  the  X//" 
terati^^s  alfo  over  the  officers  of  warrCjand  takcth  cogiiizance  of  allaffiures 
belonging  to  the  Militia^  and  is  of  great  profit. 

The  Thirdis  the  Coimcell  of  Rites^  named  Lim  Pu^  This,  although  it 
hath  not  fo  great  command,  nor  bringeth  fo  much  profit,  is  notwithftan- 
ding  more  confidcrable,  becaufe  the  Mandarines  thereof  are  of  the  Ko'jat 
Colkdge,  and  arc  from  hence  preferred  to  be  Cohi^  which  is  the  chiefeft 


CHAP.Z5.  lheEiflory(^fQUl3^A.  125 

dignitieinC/>/;?4,  To  this  O//^^^^  doth  appercaine  all  affaires  concerning 
Letters^  Temples ^  Ceremonies,  Sacrifices^  the  Bonz,iyStrangers^  Embajfadours, 
and  fuch  like  things. 

The  fourth  is  the  ComceUofthe  Kings  Patrimonj,  called  Hu  Fu^  it  taketh 
care  ofthe  Kings  Revenues,  Taxes,  Impofitions,  Gabells,  Excife,  Tri- 
bute, and  generally  whatfoever  concerneth  the  Kings  Domaine^ 

The  fifi  is  called  Cum  Pu^  it  is  fuper-intendcnt  over  all  publick  v;orks, 
particularly  the  Kings  buildings,  as  thofeof  the  Palaces  that  are  made  for 
the  Kings  children,  for  the  O  fficers-  over  Walls,  Gates,  Bridges,  Cawfe- 
v^^aies,  cleanfing  of  Rivers,  and  whatfoever  belongeth  to  the  Ships  and 
BarkeSj  as  well  for  the  fervice  of  the  King  and  the  pubJique,  as  for  the 

The/AT?  hath  the  care  of  all  Criminall  matters,  and  to  infli(51:  puni/Ii- 
raents ;  it  is  called  HimPn,  and  is  Judge  of  the  higheft  Criminall  matters, 
and  or  her  things  appertaining  there  to» 

Befides  xhtkfix  Cotincells^  which  are  the  mofl:  principal!  of  the  Court, 
there  are  other  nine  Tribunnlls ^called  Kicu  Kim,\m\h  feverall  offices  which 
do  particularly  belong  to  the  Kings  houfliold. 

Ihcjirfl  is  called  Thai  ListiyZs  one  would  hy, The  great  reafon-.  it  is,as  it 
were,  the  great  Chancery  of  the  Kingdom*  They  examine,  as  being  the 
laft  appeaic,the  judgements  and  fentcncesof  theTiibunallsofthe  Court  ^ 
and  thither  are  brought  nil  fads  of  great  momenr.It  confifteth  of  thirteen 
Mandarines^  that  is,  one  Preftdent^  trvo  Collaterals^  and  ten  Counfelloars, 

The  fecondls  called  Quan  Lo  Sn,  and  is  as  it  were.  High  Steward  of  the 
Kings  houfhold^  to  whofe charge  it  belongeth  to  provide  the  diet,  for  the 
King,  theQueen^  the  Ladies  ^  the  Eunuchs^  and  to  have  the  laying  out  of  the 
whole  expc^nce  of  ihePalaccr,  to  pay  the  Salaries  to  the  officers  of  the  Court ^ 
and  toallthofe  that  come  thither  upon  publick  buffncfTe  •,  to  Embaffa- 
dours,  which  come  from  other  Countries,  and  other  fuch  like 
haih  a.  Prefident^  two  /^Jfejfors^^ndfeaven  Cotmfellours, 

The  thirds  Thai  Pa  Cu  Si\  and  is,  as  it  were,  Chicfe  M  after  of  the  horfe  to 
the  King,  and  they  have  not  only  the  charge  of  all  Horfes  for  the  Kings 
fervice^  but  of  all  that  belong  to  the  Ports,  and  generally  of  ail  other?, 
which  belong  to  the  publick  fervice  of  the  Kingdom.  It  hath  a  Prefident^ 
SLV.dfeaven  Connfellotirs, 

The  fourth  is,  as  it  were,  Mafierofthe  Ceremonies  and  complements  of  the 
Court.  It  belongeth  to  them  to  affifi  at  all  the  Ceremonies  of  the  publick 
Adions  of  the  King,  at  feaflivalls,  and  other  times  and  occafions  which 
prefent  themfelves,  and  alfo  at  the  daily  Ceremonies.,  which  are  performed 
in  the  Palace^  by  thofe  that  come  in,  or  out,  as  is  abovefaid.  It  hath  a  Pre* 
fiaerit,  trvo  Ajfeffors^  and  feaven  Counfellcurs, 

Thefift  is  oi Rites  inmore  pardcular  matters,  and  in  that  it  is  different 
from  the  firft,  but  it  hath  the  fame  forme  with  its  Affeffors.  It  taketh  care 
of  the  facrifices,  of  the  Royall  fepulchres,  of  Mountaines5Groves,  and  all 
that  belong  CO  them,  as  Singers,  Inftruments^  living  creatures  for  facri- 

Moreover,  China  hath  another  Trihunall^  which  hath  only  charge  of  the 
Memorialise  which  are  prefented  to  the  King,  and  is^as  it  wcre^  a  Chancer^ 


of  Rcqueftsj  fo  that  fuch  petitions,  as  are  not  approved  of  by  thcrrij  arc 
never  criven  the  King.  This  Tribiwall  was  the  occafion,  in  the  time  of  the 
perfcctition  of  the  Chriftiansi6i6,  that  when  we  would  have  given  an 
account  of  the  law,  which  we  preached,  and  of  the  things  which  were 
imputed  to  us,  our  ivfw;^m// could  never  paffe,  it  being  ftill  rcje(5ted  by 


There  are  other  three  in  the  fame  form^wlth  leverall  charges  &  offices, 
Befide  the  abovcfaid  Trihtwalls^xhcve.  are  two  more,  one  called  Quelij  the 
other  Tauli:  thcfe,  although  they  have  their  eye  upon  feverall  Provinces, 
each  upon  thofc  matters  which  appertaineto  them^  neverthekfie  their 
proper  occupation  and  principall  office  is^  to  take  notice  of  the  crrours  and 
diforders  of  the  Kingdom ,  and  to  advertife  the  King  of  his  own  fai- 
lings, if  he  hath  any,  as  alfo  of  the  faults  of  the  Mandarines  and  their  Go- 
vernment :  and  as  it  was  neve  r  hard  for  any  to  tell  the  faults  of  others,  yet 
thefe  have  a  particular  Talent  in  it,  and  doc  it  with  great  liberty,  though 
many  times  with  little  Juftice. 

Their  manner  is  to  frame  a  i\/(r«?(?r/4//,  and  prefent  it  to  the  King  (for 
thofe  of  thefe  two  Trihunalls  do  not  paffe  through  theChancery  o^Memo^ 
rialls)  and  then  prefcntly,  fas  they  call  it,  Fa  'C  Heo  that  is,)  to  tranfTcribe 
it ,  and  fo  to  fend  a  copy  of  it  to  the  Notaries,  whereof  there  are  many  de- 
flined  for  this  worke.  thefe  write  many  copies  of  it,  which  are  fentby 
1[he  next  ports,  from  the  Court  to  be  difperfcd  through  the  whole  King- 
dom .•  and  by  this  means  it  is  prefently  known  every  where,  by  whom, 
and  againft  whom, this  Memoridl  is  prefented.  &  the  mifdeeds  contained 
thercin,of  what  quahcie  foever  they  be.  AfToone  as  this  Memorial^  which 
they  call  Fuen,  is  publifhed,  prefently  the  Magiftrate,  or  other  perfon,  a- 
gainfl  whom  ic  is  framed,  is  obliged  to  do  two  things^  whether  it  be  with, 
or  againft  his  will,  (which  is  more  ordinary.;  Thefirji  is,  that  he  give  in 
2  Memorial,  noun  his  own  defence,  (fortoexcufe  himfelfwereto  (hew 
little  humility,)  but  he  muft  fay  therein,  that  the  Tauli  hath  great  reafon ; 
that  he  hath  committed  a  great  errour,  and  is  in  fault,  and  doth  defervc  to 
have  a  penance  laid  upon  him,  and  that  with  all  fubjedionj  hewillfub- 
rait  to  any  punifhmcnt,  that  (hall  be  impofed.  Tbefecofid  is,  that  he  pre- 
fently retire  himfelte,  and  leave  the  Triluml,  and  fo  all  Ads  of  Juftice  are 
fufpendcd>fo  that  he  neither  giveth  audience,  nor  endeth  any  fuite,  uniill 
the  King  have  anfwered  his  petition,  and  declared  his  pleafure  thereon  ^ 
•  the  which  is  fomttimes  in  his  favour,  and  then  he  continueth  his  office  5 
andfometimesagainflhim^morcorlefTe,  according  to  the  quality  of  his 
faulf.  There  is  no  doubt,if^this  way  were  executed  with  reafon  and  good 
confcience,  but  that  it  would  be  much  in  favour  of  Juftice,  and  the  good 
Government  of  the  Common-wealth;  as  on  the  contrary  fide,  it  is  an  o- 
pen  gate  to  many  caufelcfTe  troubles  and  difgraces.  Itfallethout  many 
limes,  that  a  i^W^r/V?^  in  pel  forming  his  office,  and  acquitting  himfelfe 
of  the  duty  of  his  place,  doth  make  himfelfe  many  cncmjcs.  Some  one  of 
thefe,  if  he  be  a  perfon  that  hath  intereft  with  any  that  is  an  Officer  of 
thofe  wo  Tribunals^  as  kinfman,  friend,  d'c.  he  giveth  accountof  icto 
the  Court,  t  he  i\/fw^r/W/flyeth  abroad,  and  God  help  the  poorc  Mania- 
rim.  When  they  arc  IciTei:  Mandarines jZs  Jffd^esy  Jjfijlants  to  Govcrnours, 


Chap. 25.  TkBifiorjof  QUIU^A.  hy 

or  Mandarinei  in  iArtnts ;  at  one  blow,  they  lay  him  flat  on  the  ground*  If 
they  be  great  MandarineSy  there  is  more  difficulty.-  but  if  they  know,  how 
to  finde  a  hole  in  their  coatcs^  and  the  Tanli  and  ^^// gee  him  in  their 
clawes,  they  never  give  them  over,  till  they  have  un-horfed  them,  fo  that 
the  King  himfelfe  is  hardly  able  to  favethem. 

The  like  accident  happened  to  that  Tyrant  Ji»,  who  in  the  year  1^26 
(being  Xi  cam  in  Nankim)  raifed  a  perfecution  againft  tbe  Chriftians,  and 
caufcdtbe  fathers  to  be  baniihed,  as  fhall  be  related  in  its  proper  place- 
He  arrived  afterwards  to  the  dignity  of  a  CoUo  •,  and  caufed  fourc  enfic^nes 
to  be  hanged  out  at  the  4  corners  of  his  VaUcCy  (I  was  then  prefent  in  the 
fame  City  that  is  in  Hamcheu)  and  made  other  demonftrations  of  extraor- 
dinary joy.  But  whether  it  were,  that  the  Lord  would  chaftife  him  for 
the  perfecutions  he  raifed  againft  hisele(51:,  or  whether  he  deferved  pu- 
nifliraent  for  any  other  particular  crimes  according  to  humane  laws  or  for 
both  together,  aflbone  as  his  orders  were  come,  and  before  he  was  de- 
parted to  go  to  Courtjthcre  was  fo  terrible  a  Mtmoridl  put  in  againft  him, 
ihdit  a  Chrifti an  Mandarine  told  me,  it  would  not  be  polTible  for  him  to 
hold  up  his  head  .-  and  fo  he  was  prefcncly  glad  to  take  in  his  Standard 
and  depart  with  ordinary  Ceremonies,  He  was  notwithftanding  a  politikc 
crafty  man,and  had  purchafed  with  his  mony  in  the  Falace,i\^aQQ^  vvii[ 
both  of  the  Ladies  and  the  Eunuchs^  who  are  not  wont  to  fell  the?r  favours 
at  a  low  rate.  Thefedidnotonly  caufca  i»/f^^r/V/ro  be  difpatched  in 
his  favour,  but  ufed  means  for  him  to  be  fent  for  to  Court.  At  lenc'th  he 
wentjbut  after  a  few  months  there  was  another  Memoriall  given  in  againft 
him,  and  after  that  feverall  others,  to  the  number  of  twenty  feven  ^  and 
the  crimes  laid  to  his  charge  were  fuch,  that  the  King  could  not  help  him, 
fo  that  he  was  forced  to  quit  his  Government,  and  retire  to  his  houfe. 

Beiidc  rhefe  two  'tribunals^  there  is  another  which  is  fuperiour  to  all  tlie 
reft,  and  isthefupreame  dignity  of  the  Kingdom-,  to  which  none  do  ar- 
rive, but  thofe  of  the  Rojall  Celledge^cAXtdi  Han  Lifj,  after  they  have  Go- 
verned a  long  time,and  given  fuch  teftimony  of  their  dilitie  and  integrities 
that  never  any  Memoriall  was  given  in  againft  them.  They  arc  calkd  by 
the  name  of  Colao^  they  are  commonly  but  fonrey  and  may  never  exceed 
the  number  o^fix. 

The  old  King  (Grandfather  to  him  that  reigneth  atprefcnt)never  made 
but  one  of  them  at  a  time .  faying,That  more  were  fuperfluons.  Thefe 
have  no  particular  office,  but  have  an  eye  over  the  Government  of  the 
whole  Kingdomc.  We  may  not  unfitly  call  them  the  fipreame  Prcjidents 
of  all  the  ComfellSj  and  of  the  whole  Government,  although  they  are  ne- 
ver prefent  at  them,  but  affift  the  King  at  all  difpatches  of  affaircs-and  now 
that  the  King  doth  not  ufe  to  be  prefent  there  himfelfe,  they  alwayes  affift 
in  the  Palace,  to  receive  and  anfwer  all  bufineffe,  and  the  Memorialise 
which  are  every  day  given  in.  Thefc  repoit  them  to  the  King,  who  pro- 
nounceth  the  laft  fentence  upon  them.  Thefe  CoUi  are  very  much  rcfpe(5t- 
cd  by  all  thcMagijlratesymd  at  fct  times  they  do  them  reverence  as  to  their 
fupcriourSjinapublickHall.  TheO/^i  ftandup,  and  all  the  Officers  of 
the  Court  paffe  before  them  in  their  order  •,  and  when  they  come  rioht 
over  againft  them,  they  turnetowards-themjapd  make  them  a  profound 


iiS  TheHiftory  of  QHl^A.  Parti. 

Reverence  to  the  very  ground.  They  call  this  (Ceremony  ^o  Tham,ih^z  is. 
To  paflfe  the  Hall.  Their  enfignes,  or  badges  of  honour,  arc  different  ftom 
thofc  of  the  reft,  and  their  girdle,  which  they  call  Tu  Xe,  is  richly  fee  \i^ith 
precious  ftones.  They  only  are  allowed  to  v^eare  it,  and  it  is  given  them 
by  the  King,  as  in  Europe  Kings  doe  ufe  to  give  Collars  of  their  orders  to 
their  knights.  And  when  they  are  fick,  it  is  only  to  thefe,  that  the  King 
fendcth  to  vifit  them  with  Regaloes  and  dainties  from  the  Palace^  and  they 
do  fuificiently  gratifie  the  Eunuch  that  brings  them,  fonhe Icaft  they 
give  him  is  fifty  crownes^  which  is  more  in  that  Country,   than  200 


Befide  thefc  fupreame  and  generall  Governonrs  at  the  Court,  who  do 
not  only  govern  chat,  but  the  whole  Kingdom  alfo,  there  are  likcwifc  par- 
ticular and  ordinary  Governours  and  Judges  of  every  City,  and  thefe  ob- 
ferve  the  fame  manner  of  Government  as  well  in  the  Cities  and  Townes 
of  the  other  Provinces,  as  alfo  in  thofe  of  Pekim  and  Narjkim,  where  the 
two  Courts  are,  as  lliallbe  related  hereafter. 


Of  the  Government  of  the  thirteen 

'E  have  formerly  fpoken  of  the  univerfall  Government  of  the 
whole  Kingdomc,  which  refideth  in  the  two  Courts^  it  followeth 
now,  that  \vt  (hould  fpeak  of  the  particular  Government  of  the  Provinces^ 
every  one  whereof  is  a  large  Kingdom.  This  Government  refideth  ordi- 
narily in  the  Metropolis  ot  chiefe  City  of  each  Province*  In  each  of  thefe 
there  are  five  Tribunalls,  that  have  a  generall  command  over  the  whole 
Province^  and  diftinc^  offices  among  themfelves.  Of  thefe  five,  two  are 
fupreame,  to  which  all  others,  both  of  the  Cities  and  Townes,  are  fubor- 
dinate.-  Bur  they  amon^  themfelves  arc  not  fubje(5ted  one  to  the  other, 
but  are  immediatly  fubbordinate  to  the  King  and  the  Royall  TrihunaSs, 
Thefe  confift  of  one  Prefidentpx  Iudge,without  any  Affiftam  or  Councel- 
lour,  although  they  have  many  other  Officers. 

The  ^r/ of  thefe  two  is  the  rics-roy  of  the  Province,  whom  they  call 
Tut  Ham  J  or  Kiun  Muen.  He  hath  power  over  all  the  Magiftrates,  and  peo- 
ple of  the  Province.  He  Governeth  for  three  years,  and  hath  conftant 
Po(ls,that  come  &  go  from  the  Court  at  fet  times,  being  to  give  account 
ofwhatfoever  palTtth  in  the  Province.  He  is  received  into  the  City  in 
great  pompe  and  iiatc.When  he  is  ready  to  depart  thcCourt,raany  of  the 
officers  of  his  Tribunal  go  thither,  to  receive  him,  others  meet  him  a 
good  part  of  the  way,  where  from  City  to  City  he  is  honourably  accom- 
panied both  by  horfe  and  foot  .•  And  three  miles  before  he  cometh  to  the 
City,  where  he  is  to  refide,  there  go  out  cercaine  Captaines  with  3000 
Souldiers  to  receive  him,  after  thefe  follow  the  Magiftrates,  and  after 
them  an  innumerable  company  of  people. 


The  Second  of  ice,  which  is  alfo  abfolute,  is  called  C^a  ^ven^  we  have 
no  Office  in  £»/<>;><?,  that  is  anfwerablc  to  it:  heiSiasitwerejr/y7fd«r  o£ 
thli'r^jv/  lafteth  only  a  yeare,  it  is  of  great  rigour  and  much  feared. 
H^Jiath  authority  to  take  Cognizans  of  all  caufcs  both  CrmimH  znd  civilly 
qf^e  LMilitia'^  of  the  Kings  Patrimome-,  fn  a  word,  of  all.  He  vifiteth'  ^ 

chquireth,  and  informeth  himfelf  of  all^  even  to  the  Fice-roy  himfclf.-  the 
inferiour  Mandarines  and  Judges  he  may  puni(h,or  rurne  them  out  of  their 
places.  Concerning  the  greater  Mandarines, \h^^^^  be  caufe,he  is  to  give 
in  Memorialise  Qr\d  they  are  from  thence  forward  fufpendcd  from  the 
fun(5tion  of  their  Offices,  till  the  Kings  anfwcr  come  from  Court. 

To  him  it  belongeth  to  caufe  the  fentenccs  of  Death,  given  through 
the  whole  Prevince^xo  be  put  in  execution,  in  order  to  which  he  affign- 
eth  the  day  and  the  City,  whither  all  thofe  that  arc  condemned,  fliall  be 
brought  to  him:and  there  he  is  prefented  with  a  Lift  oftheir  names-,  then 
taking  his  penfill,  he  maikcth  fix  or  feaven  of  them,  ffor  if  he  prick  more 
they  count  him  cruell  j  thefe  arc  prefcntly  carried  to  execution,and  the 
reft  returned  to  the  prifons  whence  they  came.  It  belongeth  alfo  to  him 
to  vifit  the  Wals,  CaftleSjand  publick  places  &c.He  fettech  forth  with  a 
great  traine  and  pomp^having  banners  carried  before  him  and  other  En- 
fignes  of  Rigour  and  Majeftie.This  is  ufually  every  year. 

There  is  another  extraordinarie  Officer  of  the  fame  name.He  is  crea- 
ted  from  time  to  time  at  the  Qiieens  requeft  ••  he  hath  great  power  and 
authoritic,  but  it  is  only  in  favour  of  Piety  and  Mercy:  he  vifiteth  all 
the  Prifons  of  the  Province,  and  freeth  all  fuch  as  arc  imprifoned  for 
light  faults,and  that  have  no  profecutours,  and  all  thofe  miferable  wret- 
ches,that  have  no  meanes  to  free  them[elves:hetakethintoprotc(5lion 
fueh  caufcs  as  have  been  reje(fted,and  parties  that  could  obtainc  no  favour.* 
he  revoketh  fuch  fentenccs, as  have  been  unjuflly  given;  he  maketh  him- 
fclf eProtedour  of  the  poorc,  and  in  a  word,  his  whole  authoritic  is  cm-, 
ployed  about  works  of  mercy. 

The  Third  office  is  the  Treafurer,  who  is  fuper  intendent  of  the  Kings 
Patrimonie  through  the  whole  Province,  He  is  fubordinate  to  the  Coun- 
ccll  of  the  Patrimonie  at  Court.  He  hath  wo  Ajfiftants,  one  of  the  right 
hand,  and  the  other  of  the  left :  each  of  thefe  have  their  houfe  and  7>/2«- 
nallmthm  the  circuit  of  the  Treafurer s  Palace.Uc  hath  under  him  16  lefler 
Maf9darines,that  have  feverall  charges  and  employments,  befides other 
Officers  great  and  fmall^  of  which  fort  there  are  very  many  belonging  to 
this  Tribunall. 

To  him  it  belongeth  to  ovcrlooke  the  cuflomes,  excife,  and  other  du- 
ties appertaining  to  the  K;ing,of  what  kind  foever:  to  regulate  all  weights 
and  meafurcs,  allfultes,  controverfies,  punifhments  and  fcntcnces  apper- 
taining to  the  Kings  Patrimonie,  or  at  leaft  to  remit  them  to  what  Tribti* 
nail  he  pleafeth;  to  pay  the  ordinarie  falaries,to  allMagiftratcs,tothe 
Kings  kindred,  to  the  Captaines  and  Souldiers:  to  provide  all  cxpences 
for  the  examinations:  to  furnifh  and  give  the  badges  of  honour  to  all 
Graduates  :to  lay  out  money  for  the  publick  workes,  as  Bridges^  High- 
wayes.  Palaces  of  the  Mandarines ,  Ships  for  the  Navy  &c.  In  a 
word^hc  is  fupcrintcndcnt  of  whatfoever  is  fpcnt  or  received  of  the  Kings 

S  Revenue 

ijo  TheHiJtouofCHI.K^.  Part.i. 

Revenue  immcdiatly  fiom  the  Governours,  ludgcs  and  Tauii,  each  for 
his  own  precind  j  and  though  the  fumme  be  never  fo  fmall,  they  rauft 
alwayes  be  paid  in  fine  Silver,  which  is  afterwards  melted  by  the  Treafa- 
nr  into  /;>^tff^, weighing  fifty  Crownes  a  piece,  with  the  Kings  ftanvp  and 
the  Founders  name  upon  thcra^that  in  cale  any  of  them  be  falfified,  they 
might  know  whom  to  accufcj  and  in  this  forme  they  are  returned  into  the 
Kigs  Exchequer. 

The  Revenue  of  the  Province  is  divided  into  three  parts ;  one  whereof 
is  put  into  the  Treafure  of  the  City/or  extraordinary  expcnfes-  the  other 
into  the  Goffers  of  the  Treafurer^fov  to  defray  ordinarie  expences.  This 
T'reafurie^hdidc  that  the  doores  and  locks  are  made  as  fccurc  as  can  be,yet 
it  is  guarded  every  night  by  a  conflant  watch  of  Souldiers.  The  third  is 
fent  publickely  to  Court, but  with  a  ftrong  Guard. 

This  Silver  is  put  into  round  pieces  of  wood,  fawed  through  in  the 
middle  and  hollowed  within,  and  joyned  together  with  Iron  hoops  and 
both  ends  clofcd  faft  with  plates  of  Iron.  Within  every  one  of  thefe 
pieces  of  wood  is  conveighed  as  much  Silver  as  two  men  are  able  to  car- 
rie.  Tlie  revenue  of  the  whole  Kingdome(according  to  the  fupputation 
of  Father  Matted  Riccius^  who  lived  many  yeares  in  china^  as  appeareth 
by  his  book  printed  in  the  year  1 6i  i  )is  faid  to  amount  to  an  hundred  and 
fifty  Millions  of  Crtffl?;?^  .Father  ^ohn  Rodriquez^who  alfo  travailed  much 
about  Chinay  and  was  very  curious  to  know  the  affaires  of  this  Kingdome, 
in  a  writing  which  he  left  behind  him  concerning  the  fourc  notable 
things  of  C^/«'«,  faith;  That  it  doth  amount  but  to  fifty  five  J//iQf/^w,To 
make  them  both  agree,  my  opinion  is,  that  the  whole  Revenue  is  a  hun- 
dred and  fifty  Millions,as  Father  Riccius  faid-,  &  that  which  is  brought  to 
Court  is  but  fifty  five,  as  Father  Rodriqutz,  would  have  it;  the  reft  re- 
maining, as  hath  been  faid,  in  the  Frovinces.  As  I  have  not  made  any  dili- 
gent enquiry  concerning  this  mattcr,fo  I  will  forbearc  to  add  any  thing 
to  the  Teftimonie  of  thefe  grave  P^r/^^4^-?j. 

The  Fourth  Tribunal  is  called  Can  Cha  Sci,  and  is,  as  it  were,  a  Tribunal 
Criminak  it  hath  JJfeJfourSyCouncelloufs,  and  74«//.  And,  as  every  Province 
is  divided  into  Shires,  and  Precin<5ls5  according  to  the  number  of  the 
Cities  thereof,  it  belongeth  to  thefe  T4«// to  vifit  them,  and  to  do  juftice 
in  the  feveial  places  alfigncd  them-punifhing  M3lefa(5tours,  and  exercifing 
their  jurifdi^tion,  which  extendeth  it  felfe  even  to  the  Souldicrie,  and  the 
affaires  of  the  Seajif  the  Province  be  maritime. 

The  Fifth  Tribunall  is  ovevkatmr\g  and  letters,  to  examinCjand  con- 
fer degrees ,  and  the  like,and  is  particularly  kt  over  all  them  that  have  ta- 
ken the  degree  oiBatchelhr'^  but  DoBors  are  exempt  from  their  furifdi^i- 
on.  There  is  a  Chanallour  over  the  whole  Province^  who,at  fet  times,  vifi- 
teth  all  theCities  and  To wnes,holding  cxaminations,and  informing  him- 
felf  of  every  ones  behaviour-,and  according  as  hefindeth  it,  he  rcproveth, 
chaftifeih,and  fometimcs  depriveth  them  of  their  degree,  but  leaving 
them  alwayes  the  libcrtic,  as  I  have  faid.of  returning,(if  they  pkafe,jto  a 
new  examination. 

There  are  moreover  in  every  City  two,  whom  they  call  Mandarines  of 

the  Sciences^  Hioquan-^viho  belong  tothehmeTribunaH:  but  their  ft^ 

rifdi^ion  doth  not  cxund  it  fclf  further  than  to  the  £atch(Urs  of  the  fame 

-  ^  City, 

C^.z6.  TheHiftoryof  CHIJ^/I.  ^ 

City, and  the tcrriroric  thereof.  And  although  they  have  not  the  power 

toconferreadegreejOrtotakeicaway,butonly  topuniflKhem-nc-verthe- 
leffc  it  IS  they  that  givethemthcmodtroublejby  reafon^  that  living  al- 
wayes  in  the  fame  City,they  often  call  them  before  them,  examine  them, 
&c.They  are,  as  it  were,Prefcas  of  the  Claffcs. 

All  thcfe  offices  whereof  I  have  fpoken,have  authoritie  over  the  whole 
Province^  and  over  all  the  Cities5Villages  and  Townes  thereof. 

But  the  Cities  have  moreover  their  particular  Governmenr,  a?  arnong 
us  in  Europe.  In  every  City  there  are  foure  principall  AIaf?dafmes^  one 
whereof  is  Pre{ident,whom  they  call  Chf  FUj  and  is,  as  it  wcrc^  Gover- 
nourof  the  City: the  reft  are  Collateralls,  they  are  called  T'/?//?;^ C^v^ 
ThmFhuon^Chiu  ^ort.  Every  one  of  thefc  holdeth  his  TV/^///^^/ apart, 
and  hath  greater  and  lelTer  officers  belonging  to  him. 

Befidethefe,  every  City  hath  nineteen  IcfTer  Magifirates  employed 
infeverall  Offices  fubordinare  to  the  principall.  Two  whereof  have  a 
Freftdent  and  foure  Comcellours^  the  nine  others  have  only  one  Prefident 
and  an  AjfiJliWt j^nd  the  other  eight  have  only  one  Prefident,  but  they  have 
all  of  them  their  Officers  jMlniftcrs,  and  a  convenient  number  of  Servants 
belonging  to  their  Courts. 

The  Villages  have  a  Judge  and  three  Councellours.  The  Judge  is  cal- 
led C/'i  H/Vw.Tbe  Firfl:  Counccllour  fium  Chim,  The  Second  C/'w  Phn. 
The  Third  Tnn  StiJXhty  have  each  of  them  their  Palaces  and  Tribunals  a- 
part,  as  alfo  their  fubordinateOfficcrs,Notaries  and  others.  The  Judge 
may  give  fentence  of  death,  but  cannot  put  it  in  execution^ 

Bcfides  thefc  Mandarims ^v^hich  rcfide  in  the  Cities  and  Villagcs5there 
are  others  who  have  not  the  power  either  to  Chaflife  or  condemn,  but 
only  to  make  their  report,  and  are,  as  it  ^cxe^Referendaries.  There  are  al- 
fo of  them  in  Caftles,if  they  be  grcat.and  farre  from  any  City  or  Village: 
thefe  are  made  ordinarily  out  of  the  inferiour  Notaries  of  rf/^»;?tf/5,  for 
out  of  the  great  ones  are  commonly  made  the  Councellours  to  the  Judg- 
es of  Villages. 

But  it  muft  be  obferved,  that  both  the  greater  and  the  lefTer  officers 
Ji^ve  not  fo  much  authoritie,  as  ours  in  Europe,  Befides,  every  Hamlet 
(whereof  there  are  almoft  Infinite  in  C^/>;/i, no  labourer,  or  husbandman 
dwelling  either  in  City  or  Village,  but  in  the  Fields)  hath  a  Head  or  Thi- 
thing-man  called  Licham.  The  houfes  are  divided  by  tens ,  like  Tithin^s 
or  Decur^es,  with  a  Head  or  Tithing-man  belonging  to  each,  by  which 
meanes  the  Government  becometh  more  cafie ,  and  the  contribution 
which  is  exacted  jmorc  certainc. 

S  2  CHAP. 


Of  the  "Badges  of  Honour,  or  Bnfgne% 
of  the  Mandarines. 

Ll  Officers,who  either  have,or  have  had  c5  nandjhave  their  Enfigns, 
^  -hby  which  they  are  diftinguilTied.not  only  trom  the  people,  but  from 
others  as  well  Litterati ,  as  "Noblemen  of  another  rank.  Thefe  confift 
in  five  things,  that  is,the  Cap,the  Hdit, the  Girdle,  the  Soots^zJ^d  the  Gorvn, 
The  Cav  is  of  black  Silk,lined  with  a  certaine  ftiffc  &  ftrong  Stufte.They 
all  of  them  have  it  made  after  the  fame  fa{hion>  only  in  the  Cap  of  the  Co- 
ld there  is  fome  difference,  it  is  called  in  the  Chinefje  language  Xamao, 

The  Habit ^  (  for  fo  they  call  it,  and  we  have  nothing  in  Europe  that  an- 
fwerethtoit,)isarquarepiece,whichthey  wearon  their  breaft,  richly 
cmbroydered  round  about,  in  the  middle  wherof  is  the  device  of  their 
Office  and  dignitie;  and,  as  thofe  are  diverfe,  accordingly  their  devices 
are  different.  It  is  called  P/'/X?'-  The  Ar^^z/^r^rf/ of  letters  have  an  £4^/^, 
a  Bearn^  a  Bird  of  the  Sunne,  or  fuch  like ;  the  Magijlrates  of  armes,  have  a 
V  anther, 2,  Tiger^^n  UnicornyH  L'jPn  &c. 
The  (?/W/^,vvhich  is  not  made  to  Gird  them  withall,  for  it  isfo  wide,thaC 
they  are  fain  to  faften  it  atthe  fides.tokccp  it  from  falling,  \%  called  <X»on 
Tlm-^  it  is  foure fingers  broad,  and  divided  into  little  fquares^  it  is  faftcned 
before  (it  the  Girdle  be  rich)  with  large  Buckles  of  Gold  or  Silver :  fome 
vveare  them  nine  inches  broad»Thcre  arc  nine  forts  of  Buckcls,  that  is,  of 
Bufalo^o't  Rhimceroshorne,o£ Ivory ^oi Tortoife-Jhell^ of  Lignum  AquiUyOt 
CaUmbd,  of  Silver,  Gold,  and  precious  ftones.  Every  one  may  no:  wear 
them  indifferently  according  to  their  Fancies,  but  fuitable  to  the  qua- 
litie  of  the  Office  which  he  bearcth.   The  laft  Girdle ^vi\{\c\\  is  of  a 
precious  ftone,  called  TuXeM  given  bytheKinghimfelfetotheC^/^/, 
when  they  enter  into  their  Office,  nor  is  any  other  fuffcred  to  wearc  it. 

The  Boots,  (which  they  call  ^/'y^,)  are  not  ordinarie,  but  of  a  cer- 
taine particular  make.They  are  all  black.and  turned  down. 

The  Vefly  or  Gowney  is  worne  over  their  ordinary  habit,  and  is  in  all, of 
the  fame  fafhion.  It  is  large,  loofe,  and  very  becoming.The  colour  is  at 
their  own  choife,  but  for  the  moft  part  it  is  modcft :  but  on  Feaftivall 

Thefe  are  the  Enfignes  of  the  Magiftratcs ,  when  ever  they  ap- 
pear in  publick :  for  at  home  they  leave  them  off,and  wear  only  the  ordi- 
narie  habit  of  the  Litterati:  and  in  the  fame  manner  they  go  among  their 
friends  to  Banquets,  and  places  of  recreation,  efpecially  in  hot  weather. 
Their  externall  Enfigncs,when  they  go  abroad,  arc  the  Sedan,  or  Lit- 
ter, inlaid  with  Ivory,  and  richly  gilded,  all  open,  without  any  cover  at 
top,to  the  end  they  may  be  the  better  feen.  There  are  fome  of  them  car- 
tied  by  two  men,  others  by  foure,  others  by  fix,  and  fome  by  eight,  ac- 
cording to  the  qualitie  of  the  Mandarine,  When  there  are  fix  or  eight 
men,  only  foure  do  carry  the  Scdan,the  others  go  by  on  each  fide,  and 


Ch  AP.zy.  Ihe  Bijlory  ofCHI^A  i  ^ 

take  their  turnes.  The  traine  which  followeth  after  them  is  more  or  lefTc 
^iccotdingtoihcdigmleoi  the  Magjftr ate  :  thofeof  thcgreatcfl:  ^alitie 
caufe  two  men  to  march  before  them  at  a  great  diftance,  with  a  round 
ftaffe  in  the  hands  of  each,  offomething  more  than  a  mans  length,  only 
forterrour  (for  the  king  only  may  ftrikc  with  a  round  ftaffe)  and  all  the 
way  they  go,  they  make  a  cry*  Then  follow  two  men  bearing  tv/o  Tab  - 
lets  filvered  over,  whereon  is  written  in  great  letters  the  Title  of  his  dig- 
nitie,  thencomefoureor  fix  more,  trayling  after  them  cudgells  made  of 
a  great  tree  called  Bdmbtt,  wherewith  they  are  wont  in  thofc  Countries  to 
give  the  Ba/Iimdoto  Delinquents^then  follow  others  with  chaines  in  their 
hands,  and  other  inftruments  of  Torture,  A  httle  brfore  the  Sedan  there 
marchethone  withanWw^r^//45orSun'Skreen,  and  fometimes  two  •  the^7 
arc  madcof  fiike,  and  are  as  biggeas  three  of  ours.  Clofe  by  the  Sedan  on 
one  fide,  is  carried  a  great  gilded  fanne,  fo  bigge  that  a  man  is  hardly  able 
to  beare  it,with  which  the  Sun  is  kept  off  from  him/or  the  Umbrellas  fcrve 
only  for  ftiew  and  Parade.  Immediatly  before  the  Sedan  is  carried  the 
Kings  feale  in  a  gilded  Coffer,  placed  upon  a  Machine^  (like  to  that  which 
we  ufe  in  our  Countries,  to  carry  the  Images,  and  Rcliques  of  Ssints 
upon  in  proccfTion)  underadoathof  (btc  borne  up  with  foure  fmall 
pillar*;.  This  is  carried  by  two  men.  Behind  the  Sedan  follow  the  Paces 
and  other  people,  both  on  horfe  and  foot.  ^    ' 

When  he  goeth  through  the  ftreet,  if  there  beany  thing  unfeemly  at 
the  windowcs,  as  cloathes  hanged  out  a  drying,  or  fuch  like  things,  pre- 
fenily  they  are  taken  in  .-  if  they  meet  with  any  BcerSj  or  Hearl^s,  fuch  as 
the  dead  are  carried  to  buriall  withall,thcy  overturnc  them  to  the  ground: 
people  of  Qualitie  turne  downc  fome  other  ftreet  fo  avoyd  mectincr  of 
thcra :  they  that  are  on  horfe-back  alight :  they  that  are  carried  in  chaires 
are  fet  downe,  &  the  people  fet  themfelves  in  ranke  on  both  fides  the  way. 
If  it  be  a  great  Mandarm^xhe  multitude  that  (f  and  looking  upon  him,  keep 
a  profound  filence.  In  the  meanc  while  he  fitteth  in  his  chaire  with  fo 
much  gravity  and  compofure  of  body,  that  he  doth  not  fo  much  as  move 
his  eyes ;  for  to  but  lookc  on  one  fide  or  oiher  would  in  them  be  eftcemed 
a  notable  fault. 

When  they  make  their  firft  entrie  into  any  City  or  Towne,  befides  the 
traine  which  is  appoynted  to  accompany  them,  all  the  way  they  oq^  and 
the  Souldiers  which  guard  them,  through  the  Towncs  and  Cities  where 
they  paffe,  and  the  Officers  of  their  owne  Tribunal^  who  go  many  dales 
journyes  ofPro  receive  them,  and  the  Souldiers  oi  his  owne  Government 
who  go  out  many  miles  to  meet  them,  and  all  the  inferiour  Mandarines, 
who  go  out  of  the  City  to  congratulate  thein  •  at  the  gates  of  the  Towne 
or  City,  ftandalltheold  men  of  that  place  in  great  number,  with  their 
reverend  white  beards,who  on  their  knees  bid  him  welcome  in  the  name 
of  the  people. 

The  Mothers  and  wives  of  the  Officers,  as  their  Sonnes  or  Husbands 
are  preferred  and  advanced  to  higher  offices  and  dignities ,  are  appointed 
by  the  King  certainc  honourable  diflinaions  in  their  habit,  as  alfo  Titles, 
whereby  they  are  called  J  fuch  as  are  among  us,  your  Honour,  andycur 
Excellency  •,  nor,  that  they  a  re  the  fame,  b^  that  they  have  fome  refem- 
blance  more  or  Icffe.  *  When 

I  ?  4.  The  Hiflory  of  QHl^SQi.         P  a  b  t  .1 ; 

When  any  one  of  the  moft  Eminent  Officers  die^  the  King  fendeth  a- 
way  pofta  Mandarine  of  the  Court  to  folemnize  his  funcralls,  and  this 
not  only  to  the  confines  of  the  Kingdom,  but  even  out  of  it,  as  to  the 
Ifland  oiHainam^is  it  happened  in  the  year  1 617  at  what  time  I  fpake  with 
him  who  was  fent  heth^r  by  the  King,  only  for  that  purpofe. 

The  King  alfo,  after  his  death,  beftoweth  the  office  of  a  Mandarine 
upon  his  Sonne,  or  Nephew :  and  if  the  deceafed  perfon  be  a  ColaOj  he  be- 
ftoweth the  like  honour  upon  all  his  Sonnes  or  Nephewes,  who,  if  they 
give  a  good  Teftimony  of  their  abiliiie  in  their  Government,  are  advan- 
ced yet  higher,  and  come  to  be  Governours  of  Cit)es. 

The  Palaces  where  they  inhabit  are  large,  convenient,  and  ftately, their 
Trihunals^whac  they  do  Juftice,  are  magnificently  adorned^and  attended 
by  great  dove  of  Officers  Jn  the  City  of  Nankim^  befide  many  others, 
there  arc  five  Tribunals^  foure  of  the  fourc  windes,  for  fo  they  call  them , 
and  they  are  accord  ingly  placed  in  the  C  ity  toward  the  North ttov^dxA  the 
SoHth^  &c.  The  fift  is  in  the  middle  of  the  Gity  :  yet  are  they  inferiour 
Jrihunals^  for  every  one  hath  a  Frefident  and  two  Collaterals ,  and  the 
Prefidciit  is  no  more  than  a  Dolour,  and  the  two  C^/^^/^r^/j  are  either 
fimple  54/f:/jJ^r;,  or  elfcraifed  from  the  office  of  Notarie.  It  is  true  that 
in  fmall  and  ordinary  caufes,  thefc  are  the  hands  and  feet  of  the  Manda- 
rines^ being faithfull  and  diligent  executers  of  whatfoevcr  they  command 
them.  There  arejn  every  one  ofihtf^Tribunals  more  than  300  menjWho 
ferve  them,  as  NotarieSj  Clerks,  and  Serjeants ,  fomc  to  apprehend  men, 
others  to  whip  them,  others  to  carry  letters  and  writings,  and  fuch  other 
Cbmmiffionsjbuttheydonotfervcallatone  time,  but  take  their  turnes 
in  order. 

Now  that  I  have  treated  of  the  fmall  Tribunals^  I  will  fpeak  of  a  great 
one,  which  is  xh:>xof  XhQ  Fice-ro'j  of  Cantene^  which,  for  fome  caufcs,  I 
had  occafion  to  obferve  very  diftindlly,  as  alfo  many  others.  The  Tribu- 
nal^ wherein  rhe  Fice-ro]  doth  Juftice,  is  joyncd  to  the  Palace^  where  he 
hath  his  refidence. 

There  is  firft  a  great  fquare  Court,  which  looketh  toward  the  South, 
without  having  any  gate  in  the  wall  right  before  it,  but  only  two  at  the 
two  fides  thereof.  At  the  foure  Corners  of  this  Court  there  are  foure  ve- 
ry high  Mafts,  on  the  top  of  each  is  difplayed  a  white  banner,  w^hcreon 
arc  written  two  letters  fo  bigge,that  they  almoft  take  up  the  whole 
flagge.  The  letters  are  Kiun  Mmn^  that  is,  Vice-roj^  Within,round  about 
theCourt,arc  Chambers  for  the  Notaries^  for  grcar  and  lelTcr  Officers, 
and  many  fmall  Mandarines ^  who  are  to  be  alwayes  ready  at  the  Fice-roys 
beck.  In  the  middle  of  the  Court  is  a  Theater  of  ftone,  with  fteps  to  a- 
fcend  to  ir.  There  Hand  drums^flutes  fifes  and  Cornets  of  BrafTe :  and  be- 
fore the  F/ce-  King  giveth  audience,all  thefc  inftruments  are  founded  with 
certain  paufcs  or  Intervalls.  They  are  founded  three  times  for  fome  fpace, 
and  at  the  end  of  each,thcre  are  three  Bombards^oi:  old  fafliion'"d  Cannon. 
difchargediat  the  third  and  laft  time  the  gates  are  opened,&  all  they ,  who 
have  any  bufineiTc  with  him,  arc  permitted  to  enter  into  the  firft  Court. 

On  the  North  fide  whereof,  which  anfwereth  to  the  front,where  there 
is  no  Gate^there  is,a  great  Pertal^yNhkh  Icadcth  into  another  quadrangu- 

"^  •  lar 

Chap.zS.  IheHiJloryofCHl^A.  jjy 

lar  Courr,  which  is  longer  than  it  is  broad .  This  Portall  hath  three  gates 
in  it,  after  the  fa(hion  of  our  churches :  that  in  the  middle  is  the  biggeft, 
the  other  two  are  leflcr :  each  of  thefe  gates  openeth  upon  an  entry  ,which 
is  raifcd  three  or  foure  palmes  from  the  ground,  and  is  fcaven  or  eight 
palmes  broad,  but  that  in  the  middle  is  larger.  At  each  entry  ftand  two 
ranks  of  Souldicrs  with  their  armes  in  their  bands ;  through  the  middle  of 
whom  thofc  that  have  bufineife  are  to  paflfe^  ^ntring  at  the  left  gate, 
and  coming  out  at  the  right  5  for  at  the  middle  gate,  none  either  go  in, or 
come  out,  but  the  Fke-roy^  and  they  that  vifit  or  accompany  him.  At  the 
end  of  this  Court  is  the  place  of  the  Vice-rojy  which  hath  neither  Hall,  nor 
Gallery,  but  is  a  kind  of  building,  that  parcicipateth  of  both.  It  is  like  a 
Hall  for  its  forme,  and  like  a  Gallcry,in  that  it  hath  no  doore^but  lyes  all 
open.  In  it  ftandeth  a  fmall  Table  covered  with  a  Carpet  of  filke,  where* 
upon  lyeth  the  Kings  feale,  with  red  and  black  inke  by  it,  and  ftones  for 
to  grind  it  fmall,  and  penfills  for  to  write  withall  5  but  above  all,  there  is 
the  Cafe  of  the  Cheu  Ctt^  that  is,Litile  Tallies  of  wood,each  of  which  im- 
^oncihfi've  lajhes'So  that  when  the  Vice-roy  throwcth  downe  two  of  them, 
in  the  languages  of  Juftice,  it  fignifieth  Ten  lajhes  5  if  he  throweth  downe 
fiXjThirty,  and  fo  of  the  reft*  Ncerc  unto  the  feat  of  the  Vice-roj  on  each 
hand  ftand  twelve  Captaines  richly  cloathed,  with  their  Morions  on  their 
heads,  and  their  Scimitars  by  their  fides.  Behinde^ftand  two  Pages  with 
fannes  in  their  hands  to  make  winde,  in  cafe  the  weather  be  hot  ^  but  in 
winter  they  do  not  ufe  them.  All  'tribunals  arc  not  of  this  forme^although 
there  are  many  things  common  to  them  all,and  the  reft  is  proportionable 
to  the  dignity  of  the  Ji//iW4r/»^j  who  hold  them. 

Ch  AP.28. 

Of  the  frtfons^  fentences  and  pnni/hments 
o/the  ChiriQkQs, 


Heirprifons  for  Malefadours  are  more  commodious  and  fpacious 
than  ours.  They  are  all,throughout  the  Kingdom,of  the  fame  forme, 
with  very  little  difference  •,  fo  that  by  treating  of  one,  we  fliall  give  a  de- 
fcription  of  them  all.  They  are  for  themoft  part  either  joyncd,  ornot 
farrediftant  from  the  Palaces  ^nd  Tribtmals  of  xht  Mandarines^  to  which 
they  belong.  They  have  no  grates  towards  the  ftreet^  but  within  the  out- 
ward gate  ttec  is  a  narrow  entry,which  leadeth  to  a  fecond  gate,  within 
which  is  a  Court,  which  is  alwaies  bigger  or  IcfTer  according  to  the  re- 
ceipt and  concourfe  of  the  prifon.  Then  follovveth  a  third  gatc,where  the 
lodgings  of  the  keepers  and  warders  are,  who  are  commonly  three ;  be- 
yond that  is  another  gate ,which  openeth  into  a  great  fquare  Court,along 
the  foure  (ides  whereof  are  the  chambers  of  the  prifoners,  which  have  no 
walls  towards  the  Court,  but  in  ftead  thereof,  Columnesof  wood  placed 
fo  neere  together,  that  they  rather  fecme  to  be  grates.  Thedoores  arc  not 
made  ofboard,  but  of  grates  of  the  fame  wood,  fo  that  all  is  open  to  the 


i^6      '"^^neHiJiory  of  QHIJ^J.  "      ?I^^. 

ayrc-thcfc  Lodges  or  Chambcrs^are  the  Prifonsof  the  ordinary Prifoncrs. 
At  the  end  of  one  of  thefe  rowes  of  chambers,ftandeth  the  fccretjOr 
clofe  Prifon,for  fuch  as  arc  committed  for  crimes  of  a  higher  nature. 
This  they  call  Chtim  Kkn^  that  iSjthe  heavy  Prifon ;  fothat  having  palfed 
through  the  common  Prifon,  there  are  other  grates  made  in  the  like  man- 
ner as  the  firft,  within  which  are  the  clofe  Prifons,  where  the  moft  crimi- 
nal! Perfons  are,  who  ^e  alwaycs  kept  locked  up  .•  the  other  Prifons  are 
opened  every  day,  and  the  Prifoners  have  liberty  to  go  from  one  cham- 
ber to  another,  and  to  converfe  together  in  the  Bafe-  Courts. 

Every  evening  there  is  a  view  taken  of  the  Prifoners,cau{ing  them  all, 
for  this  purpofe,to  come  into  the  outward  Court,and  one  of  the  warders 
with  a  rol  in  his  hand  calleth  them  over  one  by  one.-cach  man  as  he  is  cal- 
led,goeth  into  his  prifonjwhcre  he  is  locked  up  for  that  night.  ^ 
Thofe  of  the  dole  Priron,although  they  go  not  out  of  itjCwhich  happen- 
cth  only  to  thofe,  who  have  no  money,  for  if  they  have  wherewithal!  to 
fee  the  Gaolers,  they  go  out  when  they  wil,  and  are  lodged  where  they 
pleafeOYet  arc  they  all  day  at  libertie  in  their  Prifon ;  but  at  night  they 
are  fc^urcd  in  this  manner,  They  flccp  at  night  upon  planks,  at  the  lower 
end  whereof,  where  their  feet  lie,  there  is  a  great  piece  of  Timber  laid  a- 
thwart,  which  hath  ftore  of  holes  in  it,  whereinthcir  feet  are  put, and  fo 
locked  up  ;  on  their  hands  they  put  manacles :  on  the  (idc  of  each  are 
two  Iron  rings  fattened  into  the  Boards,through  which  is  pafTcd  an  Iron- 
Chaine  of  a  good  bigneffe,  and  is  carried  over  their  brefts  from  the  right 
fide  to  the  leftjfo  that  if  this  Chaine  be  ffreightncd  a  little(which  is  at  the 
courteGe  ofthe  Keepers)rhe  poor  Prifoner  isl^ot  able  to  turnc  himfelf,ha- 
ving  not  only  his  hands  and  feet,  but  his  whole  body  bound.  This  is  the 
caution  which  they  ufe  for  the  night. 

In  the  middle  ofthe  Court  where  the  aforcfaid  chambers  arc,  there  is^ 
as  it  were,  a  little  corps  d'e  gard,  where  there  are  foure  who  keep  watch 
by  turnes.  If  there  happen  any  noife,  or  ftir,  in  the  Prifons,  or  any  thing 
which  givcthfufpicion,  although  it  be  only  the  going  out  of  the  light, 
which  is  to  bee  kept  burning  all  night  long,  prefently  they  give  notice 
thereof  to  the  Gaolers ,  who  immediately  come  in  haft  to  take  care 
of  it» 

They  arevifited  every  moneth  by  one  oithokMAndarms^'Viho  have  the 
care  ofthe  Prifons  commited  to  them.  Afloon  as  he  hathtaken  his  featc 
in  the  outward  Court^he  caufeth  to  be  brought  before  him  all  thofe  who 
have  been  condemned  to  die.Thofe  wretches  prefent  themfclves  before 
him  with  their  haire  hanging  down  and  uncombed, a  (ickly  countenance, 
their  head  hanging  on  one  {ide,&  almoft  falling  off,but  alio  on  as  they  are 
remanded  to  the  prifon,  and  have  loft  the  fight  ofthe -^W^r///^,  they 
begin  to  skip,  and  are  as  found  as  a  fifh.Thc  reafon  of  this  dilfimulation  is, 
becaufe  if  the  LMandarine  find  them  fat  and  in  good  liking,  he  caufeth 
them  to  bebaftinadoed,  which  they  call  T^  Foiti^  that  is,  10  fall  upon  the 
/^^(7;if/',  faying,  that  they  keep  them  there,  to  do  penance,  to  grow  leane 
and  die,  and  not  to  make  good  checre.  The  other  Prifoncrs  alfo  arc 
brought  before  him  one  hy  one,  and  the  Mandarim  cnquireth  of  the 
GaolciSj  how  they  behave  themfclves,  and  accordingly  hedifpenfeth 


Chap  .z 8.  TheHiftorj  of  QHI^A.  137 

his  Baftimdoes,  to  thofc  that  are  troublefomc,  unquiet  and  Gamefters. 

After  that,he  vifitcth  the  chambers  of  the  Prifoners,  where  he  fuffer- 
rcth  them  to  have  no  manner  of  convenicncie,if  he  find  either,  Scats,  Ta- 
bles, Beds,or  fuch  like  thingSjhe  caufcth  them  prcfcntly  to  be  taken  away; 
for  they  will  not  have  their  Prifons  to  be  as  ours  are,  for  the  fecuring 
only  of  their  Pcrfons,  but  alfo  to  punifli  their  bodies. 

They  who  are  committed  to  prifon,are  not  only  fubjed  to  the  impri- 
fonment,  but  alfo  to  many  contributions  and  paiments.  The  Mandarines 
have  a  tablet  done  over  with  a  white  varnifli^whereon  is  written  the  name 
and  crime  of  the  perfon  apprehended ,  this  is  given  to  the  officer,  who 
having  received  it^carrieth  him  away  prefently  to  Prifon,  and  makcth  him 
pay  for  his  journey,  which  fee  they  call  Tablet-monq,  When  he  entreth 
the  fecond  gate,  commeth  the  Notarie  Generall  of  the  Prifoners,  who  is 
commonly  one  of  them  himfelf:  he  hath  his  Seare  and  Table  Cwhich 
is  only  that  whereon  the  Prifoners  eat)  he  askethhim  his  name  and  the 
cauleofhisimprifonment,  which  he  prefently  cnrollcth  in  the  book  of 
Prifoners^  making  him  pay  for  the  honour  which  he  receivcth  in  having 
his  name  entred.  Next  after  that,he  is  delivered  to  the  Gaolers  and  ovcr- 
feers  ofthcfeverall  chambers,  or  to  forae  one  of  them,  and  if  the  Prifo- 
ners are  many,  they  begin  to  diflribute  them  to  one  another:  if  it  be  one 
man  only,they  bid  him  go  to  the  chambers  of  the  North,  or  of  the  South 
&c,and  prefently  the  overfcer  of  that  is  to  be  paid  his  fee.  Affoon  as  he 
is  come  to  his  quarter,  there  cometh  to  him  another  little  fcribe,  whofc 
office  is  only  to  take  his  name,  and  to  write  it  in  the  particular  Table  of 
that  warde,  which  alwaieshangcth  up  thcrcf,  and  here  he  is  to  pay  ano- 
ther fee  for  this  writing.  After  that  cometh  another,  who  is  the  fweepcc 
of  the  Prifonjand  tellcth  him,Sir,Cleanlinc{fe  is  very  necefTary  here,  this 
place  is  to  be  fwept  and  kept  clcane^  your  fire  to  be  made  &c.  all  which 
cannotbe  dons  without  opening  the  purfe.  In  the  mean  while  cometh 
one  of  the  Prifoners  with  a  pair  of  Iron  Manacles,  the  ftreightefl  he  caa 
find,  which  he  putteth  on  upon  him  ;  about  halfe  an  houre  after  he  com- 
eth again  with  another  wider  paire^  and  tellcth  him,Brother  J  know  thofe 
Manacles  are  very  flreight  and  painfull,I  wil  therefore  change  them  for 
thefe  wider,if  you  wil  pay  me  for  thecourtefie^Sc  if  he  hath  no  money  to 
give  him,  he  caketh  his  Cap,  or  clfe  fome  part  of  his  cloaths.  Thefe  are 
the  fmall  charges,  with  which  the  poor  Prifoners  purfe  is  drained. 

Then  follow  the  Gaolers,  who  being  to  receive  a  greater  fee,  allow 
him  longer  time;  for  twodaics  after  his  imprifonment  they  let  him  alone, 
to  fee  what  he  will  give  of  his  own  accord,  and  if  in  that  time  he  prefent 
them  not  with  fomcthing,for  every  night  after, till  they  arcfatisfied  they 
give  him  trouble  and  torment  enough.  This  payment  is  not  limited ,  but 
is  at  the  difcretion  of  the  Gaolers,  who  endeavour  to  draw  from  every 
one  as  much  as  they  can,  that  is,  a  great  fumme  from  thofc  who  are  rich, 
IclTefrom  the  poor,  and  from  thofc  that  have  nothing,  they  take  no- 

This  duty  is  no  fooner  fatisfied,  but  the  laft  Rights  raufl  be  paid,  that 
is  for  the  facrifices  of  the  Idol ,  or  Pagod  of  the  Prifon,  for  in  eve- 
ry one  of  them  there  is  a  Chappel  or  two^  where  every  month  the  Gao- 

T  lets 

128  TheBijiory  of  CBID^A.  Part.i. 

Icrs  offer  Sacrifice  on  the  firft  and  fifteenth  day  of  theMoon^  which 
confiftcth  commonly  of  a  Cock,  a  piece  of  Pork,  two  Fifties,  Bread, 
Fruit,  and  other  things.  Thefe  they  feeth  a  little  in  water,  and  the  Cock 
is  to  be  boy  led  no  more  than  that  he  may  be  made  to  ftand  upright  upon 
a  Table  which  is  placed  before  the  ?Agody  where  the  other  things  are  fet 
in  handfome  order  about  him,  and  after  it  hath  ftood  there  an  hourc,they 
come  and  take  it  away;and  drelTe  the  Fifh  and  Flefh  ancw,feafoning  it  ve- 
ry well,  and  then  they  make  a  Bmqaet. 

The  new  Piifoners  muft  contribute  to  furnifh  this  expence^  they, who 
are  admitted  afcerthisSacrificejtill  the  next,  which  is  fifteen  dales  after, 
furnilhech  the  cxpences  of  the  next  Sacrifice*,  and  they  that  come  after 
that,of  the  next,  and  then  they  are  freed  from  paying, 

Thefe  Chappels  dedicated  to  the  Idols,  do  not  only  ferve  the  Prifoncrs 
to  make  their  Sacrifices  there,but  alfo  for  other  more  common  ufes-  that 
is,  for  the  Prifoners  to  make  their  vows,  to  draw  lots,  although  many 
times  with  an  untortunate  event5for  having  Ubettie  and  a  happfe  delive- 
rance promifed  them  by  the  lot,  they  receive  afterward  at  the  Trih^- 
mis  B^pnadoes  and  torments. 

I  was  one  day  prefent  when  a  poor  heathen  drew  his  Jot,  kneeling 
on  his  knees  with  much  devotion,  and  becaufe  he  could  not  read,  he  cal- 
led another  to  inftru^t  him  out  of  the  little  book,  which  is  kept  for  tha£ 
purpofe  in  the  Chappels;  having  drawn  his  lot,  faith  this  poor  man,well, 
what  have  I  got c' Shall  I  be  tormented  at  the  TrUfumlkThc  other  reading 
over  the  leafe  cryed  out,Be  of  good  courage,  all  is  well,  you  have  a  good 
lot.  Shall  I  not  have  the  R^ck  given  me,rcplyed  the  poor  wretch^  Which 
was  a  kind  of  torment  which  he  was  much  afraid  of.  Fear  not,  anfwered 
the  Interpreter,  you  (hall  have  no  harme.  That  very  moaning  this  poor 
G entile  ^ds  brought  tohisTryall,who  in  truth  was  innocent,  the  h&y 
for  which  he  was  committed,  being  done  by  his  brother,  who  had  recei- 
ved ftollen  goods  into  his  houfc,and  knowing  that  he  was  difcovered, 
fled  away^and  fo  this  poor  wretch  was  apprehended  in  his  ftead.  When 
he  was  examined,  the  Mandarine ,  not  fatisficd  with  his  anfwers,  com- 
manded he  (hould  have  the  Rack  given  him.  He  being  loath  to  be  carried 
away,  made  what  refiftance  he  could5fo  that  they  were  fain  to  drag  him 
by  main  force,  and  being  a  ftrong  fturdy  young  man,  defended  himfelfe 
with  fo  much  courageand  violence,  that  ten  or  twelve  men  were  nota- 
ble to  rule  him,but  tumbling  up  and  downc  from  one  fide  to  another,  and 
catching  hold  of  whatfoever  he  came  neer,  he  hit  by  chance  againft  the 
Mandarines  Table,  and  overturn'd  it  to  the  ground  with  all  that  was  upon 
it,  by  which  accident  he  did  fo  anger  the  Judge,  and  enrage  the  Ser-> 
jeants  agaiofl  him,that  when  they  hod  fcifed  him,they  gave  him  the  Rack 
in  fo  cruel  a  manner,  that  they  Were  faine  to  fend  him  back  to  Prifon  up- 
on other  mens  Shoulders,  having  his  heel- bones  out  of  joynt.  The  next 
day,  when  his  pain  was  fomething  mitigated,  and  be  more  capable  of  rea- 
fon,  I  went  to  vifit  him,much  compaffionating  his  fufFerings,he  related  to 
me  all  particulars  of  the  ftorie,  and  I  began  to  touch  upon  that  point  of 
the  lots  and  their  interpretation,  faying  unto  him,  what  hath  your  Jdol 
done  for  youf  T/&f  Devilfidd  hCitakc  the  I  del  and  his  lots,fir  they  are  aHfuch 

C  H  A  p  ■  z  8 .  IheHijlory  ofCHIih(ji.  ,39 

as  he  is'y  and  fomc  other  words,  which  are  not  proper  to  be  related  here. 

ThePrifonersdopaffcthcfummer  well  enough,  but  in  winter,as  tl'ie 
cold  Is  very  grcar.and  the  fuftenance  of  many  very  little,  they  muft  needs 
fuffer  much:  and  although  the  Mandarines^  for  the  good  of  the  poor  Pri- 
foncrs,  do  often  commute  Corporal  punifhmcnts  into  Pecuniary  MMs-^y^t 
when  this  is  done,  there  is  not  enough  for  all.Thieves,  when  rbey  are  ta- 
ken,are  generally  abandoned  of  their  friends  and  kindred^  neither  is  there 
any,  who  will  own  them,  and  ro,many  of  them  perifli  mifcrably.  I  have 
often  feen  fix  or  feaven  dead  bodies  thrown  out  ac  a  time. 

They  have  a  notable  i^^/'frr/?///^;?  concerning  the  dead,  which  is,  that 
they  will  not  fuffer  the  Body  when  it  is  dead,  to  be  carried  out  at  that 
Gate  whereat  itentrcd  when  it  was  living.  And  to  take  a  way  this  diffi- 
cultie,  in  the  outward  Court,  whereof  we  have  fpoken,  there  Is  a  little 
doore,  or  hole  in  the  wall,  where  they  are  thrown  out;  if  it  be  a  perfon  of 
qualitie,there  is  alwayes  leave  obtained  for  him  to  go  out  of  Prifon  before 
he  dieth,  that  he  might  not  have  his  CarcaflTe  thrown  out  at  that  hole,  ac- 
counting it  the  mofl  ilumef  ull  difgrace  that  can  befall  them.Hence  one 
of  the  moft  horrible  imprecations  and  curfes  that  is  ufed  in  that  King- 
dome  \s^La  Laotlyi\\2X  iSytnaifl  thou  be  dragd  through  the  hole  of  a  Prifon, 

The  Prifofis^h:\wmg  no  grate  on  the  outfide  of  them,  they,  who  would 
vifit  or  fpeak  with  any  Pr ifoner,  muft  of  neccffitie  enrer  into  the  Prifon; 
and  thereis  this  inviolable  cuflome  among  them,that  none  is  to  vifita  Pri- 
foner  without  bringing  him  fomething  to  eate,  more  or  Icffe  according  to 
his  ability ,  and  if  by  accident  he  bringcth  nothing ,  he  raaketh  his 
cxcufe  for  having,  broken  a  cuftomc  fo  generally  received.  But  per- 
haps fotne  will  ask  me  how  I  came  to  be  fo  expert  in  thefc  poynts.-f  Tru- 
ly I  muft  anfwer  him  in  a  word,  that  though  this  knowledge  be  not  much 
worth,yet  it  coft  me  very  deare. 

Their  trialls  di^'er  very  little  from  ours,  bur  only  chat  the  dclaies  and 
the  replies  are  not  fo  many  .•  every  thing  is  done  by  way  o? Petitions  or 
j»/f;w<?r/4//y,and  in  thefe  every  one  is  allowed  to  fay  what  he  can  for  him- 
felf.  There  are  fome  who  get  their  living  only  by  drawing  up  fuch  wri- 
tings as  thefe  for  Prifonersj  but  we  do  not  admit  them  to  the  Sacra- 
ment of  Baptifm,unleffe  they  leave  this  employment:  for  they  tcl  fo  many 
lies  in  them,that  ihcMandarines  had  need  of  a  great  deal  ofexperience,and 
difcretion  to  find  out  any  truth  amongfl  fo  many  falflioods;but  fomtimes> 
when  they  are  taken  in  them,  they  are  well  paid  for  them  inBaJlinadoes, 
.  The  Vice-roy  of  Nankim^  who  was  a  great  friend  to  our  Fathers,  and, 
though  a  heathen,  was  well  affecfled  to  the  Chriftian  religion,  and  well 
acquainted  with  the  dodlrine  o(  it,  told  me  one  day  this  ftory.  As  I  was 
giving  audience,  faid  he,  at  my  Tribunal^  and  hearing  of  caufes,  there  was 
one,  who  among  others,  prefented  me  a  Memoriall ,  I  tooke  it  and  read  k, 
and  found  it  full  of  nothing  but  revilings  and  Slanders  againfl  the  C/;r^- 
ftian  Religion, zv\di  the  Chrijlian  Chinejfes  of  that  City,  fpeaking  fufficiently 
ill  of  both.  I  asked  him  then,  Do  you  underftand  this  law,  and  do  you 
know  this  people  ^  Yes  Sir,  anfwered  he.  It  is  an  up  ft  art,  pcrverfc, 
ftrange  law,  &c.  Speaking  yet  more  cvill  of  it  than  he  had  written  in  his 
Memoriall,  I  prcfefltly  put  my  hand  to  my  Tallies j  and  flung  out  fix,  the 

T  2  Officers 

140  The  Hi/lory  of  CHI^Nj^.        Pabt.i; 

^^_ -^ _ 

Officers  prefently  gave  him  thirty  Bdflwadoes  (and  thofc  which  are  given 
at  thcfe  Tribunals^  are  commonly  well  fet  on)  aflbonc  as  he  had  gotten  up 
upon  his  legges,  and  had  a  little  com pofed  himfelfe,  I  told  him,  that  I 
faw  his  petition  was  not  well  enough  digefted  for  a  bufineffc  of  fo  great 
moment,  and  bid  him  go  and  confidcr  better  of  ic,and  more  diligently  in- 
forme  himfelfe,  and  to  come  and  give  mean  account  of  it  •,  but  from  that 
day  ro  this  I  never  heard  more  of  him. 

The  petition  is  prefented  by  the  party,  or  by  feme  other  in  his  name, 
after  this  manner.  The  Courtjbefore  the  TribunAll^  is  commonly  full  o£ 
people  that  have  fuites  there,  but  there  is  an  entry  in  the  middle  of  them, 
which  leadeth  diredtly  to  the  Mandarines  feat  that  is  alwaies  kept  empty, 
and  free  to  palTe  through.  He  that  hathapctiuon  to  prefcnt,  when  his 
timecometb,  kneelcth  on  his  knees  in  that  paflage,  having  his  petition  in 
his  hand  lifted  up  as  high  as  his  head.  Then  the  Mandarine  fendeth  one 
to  take  it,  and  if  he  hath  any  queftion  to  aske  him,  he  askcth  it ;  then  if  he 
acccpteth  the  petition,  he  foldcth  if,  and  layeth  it  on  the  Table^  if  not,  he 
prefently  throweth  it  away  •,  and  if  he  judgcth  the  petition  to  be  imperti- 
nent, he  appoyntcth  a  certaine  number  of  Bajlinadoes,  to  be  bcftowedon 
the  petitioner,  aS  hath  been  already  (aid :  and  many  times  for  no  other  rca- 
fon^but  becaufe  the  Judge  is  in  ill  humour,although  he  that  prefenteth  the 
petition  is  not  the  party  whom  it  dot  h  concerne,  I  faw  the  like  cafe  hap  • 
pen  to  a  Bonzo^  (for  they  alfo  are  fubje<5t  to  the  fecular  power)  for  no  o- 
ther  reafon,  but  that  the  Mandarine  was  peevilh. 

The  5^;a2i<?ufed  the  ordinary  Ceremony  with  his  petition  :  his  accep- 
tance was,  that  the  Mandarine  prefently  turned  towards  the  Table,  and 
caft  downe  two  Tallies  of  wood,  which  was  no  fooner  done,  but  prefent- 
ly there  were  two  men, that  tooke  the  Bonzo,  one  by  the  head,  and  the  o- 
ther  by  the  hecles,  and  throwing  him  downe  to  the  ground,  ftripped 
downe  his  drawers  to  his  very  feete,  and  beftowed  ten  Baftinadoes  up- 
on him,  with  fo  much  dexrcritie,  that  the  bufincffewas  done  before  any 
was  aware  of  ir. 

Their  condemnations  are  for  the  moft  part  pecuniary,  and  fometimes, 
though  fcldome,  they  are  fent  into  baniflimenr,  ortothe  Gallies,  or  ra- 
ther fomething  equivalent  to  it.  For  to  fpeak  the  truth,  they  have  not  that 
puni(hment,but  one  very  like  it,that  is,they  are  put  to  worke  on  the  rivers, 
in  the  Kings  fhips  and  velTels,  they  tugge  at  the  oare,and  do  other  ferviccs, 
being  bound  two  together  in  one  chaine^ 

They  only  are  condemned  to  death,  (which  is  commonly  executed  by 
bangingjftrangling,  or  cutting  off  the  head,)  who  falfifie  the  Kings  mony, 
or  commit  murder :  if  there  be  many  guilty  of  the  fame  crime,  one  man 
only  is  executed,  the  reft  have  other  puniihments  infli(Sed  on  them  :  but 
robbers  by  the  high-waies  are  all  to  die,  if  the  fa(5tbe  fufficlently  proved, 
Leifcr  thceves  for  the  firft  fault,  if  the  theft  be  of  fmall  value,  arc  Bajiina- 
docdj  and  imprifoned  for  a  certaine  time.  If  they  be  taken  a  fecond  time, 
they  have  the  fame  punifhment  with  fome  advantage;  or  elfe  they  have 
thefe  two  letters  Za  Tao  imprinted  on  the  outfide  of  their  arme,  both 
which  do  lignifie  Thiefe,  Thefe  two  letters  are  neatly  carved  on  a  piece 
of  wood,  and  being  rubbed  over  with  inke,  they  do  make  theimprclfion 


Chap. 2 8.  ^heHijinryof  QUIHJ,  i\i 

ofihemonthfirflcfli,  and  then  with  another  piece  of  wood,  wherein 
arc  foure  needles  conveniently  placed,  they  do  prick  holes  in  that  pare  of 
their  fltili  which  is  coloured  with  inke,  and  when  the  bloud  comethj  they 
rub  it  with  their  hands,  to  give  entrance  to  the  inke ;  and  by  that  means 
the  impreflion  remaineth  for  ever.  Adulfcrers  arc  feverely  puni/lied,  al- 
though not  with  death,  and  befidcs  other  chaftifemcnts  they  are  fufiici- 
cntly  loaden  with  Baflinadoes,  The  women  alfo  taken  in  the  fame  fault,  if 
they  have  been  formerly  of  honcfl:  repute,  arcwhiptor  Bafiimdoed,  with 
their  drawers  or  CaUones  pulled  downe  to  their  heeles,  to  make  them  the 
morcafliamed ,  and  fometimes  alfo  they  are  whipt  in  the  publick  ftreets  .• 
bur,  if  they  have  formerly  loft  both  their  (hameand  their  honour,  they 
beat  them  only  upon  their  Calzsnes. 

They  do  many  times  die  o(  the  Bajlwadoes  they  receive,  efpeciallyif 
the  delinquent  defcrve  dcatli,  and  they  have  a  minde  to  difpatch  him 5  for 
it  is  impoflfible  a  man  (liould  live,  after  he  hath  received  feventy  or  eighty 
Bapftadoes^  efpecially  as  they  are  laid  on,  when  it  is  before  a  great  Tri^w 
mU  In  the  year  16 17  there  was  in  the  City  of  Nmkim  a  kinde  of  ConfrA* 
lernifiej  or  fociety  of  fifty  men,  called  by  them  Thien  Cam.  Thefe  accor- 
ding to  an  agreement  made  among  themfelves,  did  alv/aiesaffifl  oneano- 
ther .-  an  injury  refenred  by  one, was  vindicated  by  all,  and  by  this  meanes 
they  committed  a  thoufand  infolencies .-  at  length  they  were  almoft  all 
apprchended,&  diftributcd  to  the  feverall  prifons  of  theCity^whcre  there 
are  at  leaft  fourteen  or  fifteen :  at  their  very  firft  cntrance,thcy  put  about 
thencckofcich^  KianHao  Cofwhichvvewillfpeak  hereafter)  foheavie, 
thatitwasimpolfiblefor  him  that  bore  it,  toftirreoufofhis  place-,  and 
when  any  of  them  was  to  be  brought  out,  he  was  forced  to  have  two  men 
to  help  him  to  carry  ir.  They  were  brought  toa  triall  before  the  Gover- 
nour  of  the  City,  who  caufed  them  to  receive  threefcore  and  ten  bio wes  a 
man,  whereof  they  all  dyed. 

For  ordinary  crimes  they  inflia  a  certain  punifhmenr,  that  is  not  in  ufe 
among  us  in  Pcrtugall-,  they  call  it  Kian  is  a  great  thick  board,  foure 
or  five  Palmes  fquare,  with  a  hole  cut  in  the  middle  of  it  about  the  big- 
ncfle  of  a  mans  neck.  This  they  faften  about  their  necks,  and  to  it  are  hun» 
two  fcroUs  of  paper  of  a  hands  breadth,  wherein  are  written  his  fault,  and 
the  caufeofhispunifhment- they  ferve  alfoto  (hew  that  the  board  hath 
not  been  opened  :  and  fo  with  thefe  great  boards  about  their  necks,  thefe 
poore  wretches  are  brought  out  every  day,  and  expofed  to  ihame  in  the 
publick  ftreets,  for  fifteen,  twenty,  or  thirty  days,  according  as  they  are 
adjudged  by  their  fcntence,  whofe  grcateft  rigour  is,  that  during  all  that 
time  thefe  boards  are  not  taken  off  their  necks,  neither  night  nor  day.  And 
all  this  muft  be  underftood  to  be  done  after  they  have  received  their 
Baft/mdoes^  which  are  never  wanting,  there  being  no  condemnation  in 
Chifta,  CunlcfTe  it  be  pecuniary,)  without  this  previous  difpolition ;  nei- 
ther is  it  neceftary  to  make  mention  of  it  in  their  condemnation,  this  be- 
ing alwaics  underdoodtobe  their  firft  difb,  and  as  a  neceffary,  though 
acceiTIiry  circumftance  •,  and  then  followeth  their  fentence,  as  the  prin- 
cipal! verb,  Andthetiuthis,  that,  as  the  G/appof?elfes  arc  wont  to  fay, 
they  cannot  Governe  wfthoui:  the  Cahwaj  that  is,  the  Scimitar  or 


H^^  IheBiftouofCalK^.  FIr^- 

Sword  •,  fo  it  may  be  faid  of  the  Chmejfes,  that  without  Bambtt^  that  is,  the 
cudgeli  or  Baflon^  with  which  they  ufe  to  beat  men,  it  is  not  poffible  they 
(hould  be  ruled.  For  the  better  undcrftanding  of  this,  I  will  briefly  de- 
clare the  ufe  of  it.  ,..,,. 

In  every  Trihumll  of  China,  when  the  Mamarwe  givcth  audience^there 
ftand  necre  unto  his  Table  ten  or  twelve  men  on  both  fides  thereof,  with 
lon^  Cudgells  m  their  hands,  refted  upon  the  ground  f  and  fometimcs  for 
the  greater  terrour,  they  will  place  fourty  men  about  them,  as  they  did, 
when  the  fathers  were  brought  before  them  for  their  Religion.)  Thefe 
Cudgells  are  fcaven  palms  long ,  being  at  the  bottom  about  a  hands 
breadth  in  circumference,  tapering  flill  cowards  the  top.  where  they  are 
fmail  and  flender,that  they  might  more  coramodioufly  be  ufed  with  both 
hands.  They  arc  made  of^4w^«,  which  hath  fomerefcmblance to  Crf;?^, 
in  that  it  is  knotty  and  hollow  within,  but  is  different  in  this,  that  it  is  a 
maffic,  ft  1  ong,  heavie,  hard  wood . 

Moreover,on  the  Table  ohh^Mandarm  ftandeth  that  cafe  of  wooddcn 
'laUies^  whereof  we  have  fpoken,  and  every  Tally  importeth  five  blowesj 
wherefore  when  the  Mandarine  would  have  any  one  Ba^inadoed^  he 
throvvelh  downe  as  many  Tallies^  as  make  up  the  number  of  the  blowcs 
he  would  have  given.  Every  one  of  the  Up  (as  the  Portughejfes  call  them 
who  carry  the  iB^T?^?;^^  is  ready  to  take  his  Trf^j',  others  to  fiezc  the  pati- 
ent, and  to  lay  him  on  the  ground.  AfToone  as  his  breeches  are  pulled 
downe,  prefently  one  of  theZ//'/  lay eth  five  Bafiinadoes  upon  his  naked 
flefli,  according  to  the  import  of  his  Tallfy  and  withdrawcth  himfelfe. 
Then  cometh  another,  and  laye[h  on  other  five,  and  fo  it  isalwayes  done 
by  a  frcfli  hand,  till  he  hath  received  the  number  afligned  him  :  when  the 
Mandarine  thro  weth  the  Tallies  out  of  the  cafe,  he  is  not  to  give  any  rea- 
fonforir,  neither  mufi  he  be  asked,  but  his  commands  are  prefently  put 
in  execution,  and  only  in  fome  fmaller  offences  the  patient  may  ob- 
tain with  his  money,  that  the  blowes  be  not  altogether  fo  fierce  and 


Thisistobeundcrftoodj  when  the  Ji/Wim^  httcthonhis  Tribunal^ 
for  in  no  other  place  hemaketh  ufe  of  thofe  Tallies^  although  hcbeal- 
v^^ayes  waited  on  with  thofe  O^dgells  \  and  by  reafon  the  ufe  of  them  is  fo 
frequent,  they  alwayes  accompany  the  Mandarine^  whomakethufe  of 
them  in  any  place,and  upon  any  occafion.  It  were  a  fufficient  caufe  if  any 
one  that  met  him  on  horfe-back  did  not  alight,  or  that  he  croffed  his  way, 
which  bccaule  it  is  a  flight  fault,  is  chaflifed  only  with  five  or  ten  blowes. 
And  the  Mandarim  hath  this  power,  not  only  in  the  Townes  and  Cities 
of  his  owne  Jnrifdi^ion^  but  alfo  in  any  place  whatfocver,  though  it  be 
not  properly  under  his  Authoritj. 

Before  I  left  the  Ciiy  o^  Nankim,  (the  Metropolis  of  the  Province  of 
Kiamf^  where  we  have  a  Church,  a  houfe,  and  a  good  number  of  Chrifli- 
ans,)  there  came  thither  a  Mandarine^viho  was  Judge  of  one  of  the  neigh- 
bouring Townes,  and  palTed  through  our  ftreet,  which  is  one  of  the  moft 
frequented ofthat  City .>  There  was,in areraote  corner  thereof,a fortune- 
teller, one  of  thofe,  who  ufed  to  fell  good  fortunes  to  the  people,  fitting 
inhischaire,  with  his  Table,  books,and  other  things  before  him.  The 


Chap.zS.  'fheHifioryofCHl^^A.  14? 

Mandarine  pafTed  once  up,  and  another  time  downe  the  ftrect;,  and  the 
Smn  Mim  (for  fo  they  call  thefe  Di-vimrs)  never  moved  himfelfe  off  his 
chaire,  either  the  firft  or  the  fccond  time.  After  a  few  houres  the  Uanda- 
y/>^had  occafion  to  palTe  through  the  fame  ftreet  againe,  and  coming  to 
a  little  riaz&a,  in  a  corner  whereof  this  unhappy  fortune-tellej:  had  his 
feat,the-?»/W4r^>ecalled  outto  him  Jay  ing,you  make  no  difference  oi  men, 
neither  do  you  doe  your  Courtefie  to  the  Kings  Mandarines :  take  him  a- 
way,  and  give  him  what  he  deferveth  ;  prefently  in  the  flreef,  before  his 
owncfeat,  they  gave  him  ten  Baflinadoes,  Go  your  wales  now  faid  the 
Mandarine t  and  learn  manners,  and  ftudy  better  that  art  of  yours, fince  you 
have  not  been  able  to  forcfeethis  good  fortune,  that  hath  befallen  you  : 
with  fo  much  facility  do  they  beftow  their  ^^jf/V^^i'^j-  neither  do  men 
make  any  account  of  thera,although  they  alwaie^  pay  them  in  ready  coyn,- 
all  do  give  them,  all  receive  them,  and  all  have  felt  them,  neither  doth  it 
feeme  ftrange  to  any  one,  nor  doth  any  hold  himfelfe  aggrieved  for  them. 
In  the  fame  manner  do  Lords  and  Mafi:ers  chaftife  their  fervants,  except 
only,  that  for  the  moft  part  they  do  not  take  downe  their  breeches.  The 
like  do  Schoole-Mafters  ufein  their  Schooles  to  their  Scholars,ofwhat: 
cjualicy  foever  they  be-,  beating  them  on  the  buttocks  v^'ith  their  breeches 
on,  and  laying  them  not  upon  the  ground,  but  upon  a  forme.  The  fame 
sKo  do  they  ufe  to  little  children,  for  they  have  neither  whips  nor  difci- 
plines,but  rather  abhorre  them  •  wondring  how  we  can  chaftifc  our  chil- 
dren with  a  whip,  which  they  apprehend  to  be  a  very  cruell  thing  -,  and 
the  children  themfelvcs,becaufc  the  whip  fmarteth  more,  and  tis  (Iruck 
upon  their  naked  skin,  do  rather  choofe  the  54;»^//.  And  that  you  might 
want  nothing,  there  are  in  china  certain  perfons,  who  do  buy  thefe  Bafti- 
nadoesdirho.  Tribunals-^  or  (to  fpeak  more  corre<aiy,  ;  do  fell  the  recei- 
ving of  them  in  fleadofothers.  But  this  is  only  in  fomc  flight  caufes,  for 
in  others  they  neither  may  nor  will.  But  when  the  caufe  is  fuch  that  this 
may  be  done,  he  agreeth  with  the  party  for  fo  much  a  Baflinado,  and  ap- 
peareth  before  the  Mandarine  in  the  place  of  the  delinquent,  and  r-eceiveth 
them  for  him. 

The  Rack  is  ufed  alfo  in  certain  ncceffary  cafes.  I  do  not  know  that 
they  have  above  two  kindes  of  it.  That  of  the  feet,  and  that  of  the  hands. 
For  the  feet  they  ufe  an  inftrument  called  Kia  ^n,  it  confifteth  of  three 
pieces  of  wood  put  in  one  Traverfe,  that  in  the  middle  is  fixe,  the  other 
two  are  moveable,  between  thefe  their  feet  are  put,  where  they  are  fquee- 
zed  and  preff ,  till  the  heele-bone  run  into  the  foot :  for  the  hands  they  ufe 
alfo  certain  fmall  pieces  of  wood  between  their  fingers,  they  call  them 
Tean  Zti^  then  they  flraiten  them  very  hard,  and  feale  them  round  about 
with  paper^  and  fo  they  have  them  for  fome  fpace  of  time. 


14.4  TheHijlory  of  QRlU^d.        Pabt.i 

C  H  A  P,   15^. 

0[  fome  particular  things  ^  rphichdo 
facilitate  and  reUifie  the  Go^ 
yernment  inChinsL. 

^"Y^Hc  Firft  i^that  the  King  doth  bear  the  charges  of  his  Officers,  fur- 

X  niihing  them  with  all  manner  of  expences,by  this  meancs,taking 
from  them  all  occafions,  which  might,  through  their  neceffities  either  en- 
gage them  to  feverall  Perfons,  or.runnc  them  much  into  debt,  obliging 
them  by  the  fame  meanes  more  ftri<aiy  to  obferve  the  lawes,and  to  walk 
more  diredily  in  the  paths  of  juftice. 

After  that  a  Dolour ,  or  Licmiate^  or  any  other  hath  an  employment 
beftowed  upon  him  at  Court,  and  departeth  thence  to  go  to  his  Govern* 
ment,  all  the  expences  of  his  perfon.  Servants  and  Familie,  as  well  in  tra- 
veiling  by  water  as  by  land,  including  the  hire  of  Boats,C arts jHorfcs, 
Porters,and  other  things,  are  all  defrayed  by  the  King. 

Throughout  their  whole  journey  they  never  lodge  at  Innes,  but  In  all 
the  Townes  and  Cities,  there  are  Palaces  appointed  for  to  entertain  them, 
where  all  things  fitting  are  provided  for  them.  They  alwayes  fend  a  man 
before  as  an  harbenger,fo  that  by  that  timethey  arrive,all  things  arc  in  or- 
der for  their  reception.  And  if  it  fall  out,as  fometimes  it  doth,  that  they 
cannot  reach  to  a  good  Town,  there  are  in  certain  places,  houfes  built  for 
this  purpofe  by  the  King,  which  they  call  Ti?//,  where  every  thing  is  pro- 
vided for  them.  The  worft  is,  that  becaufe  it  is  all  at  the  Kings  charges  it 
is  done  more  profufely  and  lavifhly  than  is  requifitc :  as  for  example, 
when  the  Mandarine  hath  occafion  for  ten  horfes  to  carry  his  familie,they 
require  fifteen  or  twenty-,and  there  is  likewifc  provifion  made  for  fo  ma- 
ny through  the  whole  journey,andthcgreateft  part  of  them  receive  this 
in  money. 

Neither  doth  the  matter  flop  here,  but  goeth  yet  further.  There  being 
fome,  who  have  not  fo  much  care  of  their  credit  and  reputation,  as  of 
their  purfe^  and  when  they  are  to  have  fo  many  difhes,  and  fo  many  fe- 
verall forts  of  meat,  according  to  the  Kings  appointment,  they  give  or- 
der, that  the  provifion  fhould  be  lelTe  and  receive  the  reft  in  money,  ne- 
vcrthelefTe  there  are  but  few  who  dare  be  guilty  of  fuch  bafeneffe. 

Neither  doth  the  King  only  furnifli  thecxpcnce  of  their  perfons,  but 
thatairo,which  is  requifite  to  fuflainethe  honour  and  dignirie  of  their  pla- 
ces, as,men  on  horfc  back,and  on  foot  to  accompany  them  from  Town  to 
Town  through  all  places  where  they  are  to  paffe. 

The  Second  is,  that  in  the  places  where  their  Governments  are,he  pro- 
videth  them  Palaces  for  their  habitation,incafethey  have  none  of  their 
own,asairorich  Furniture  and  moveables,  and  all  manner  ojf  Servants 
within  doors,  and  without  doqis  even  to  the  pages,  who  are  never  fo  few, 
but  that  he  alloweth  eight  tstitn  of  them  to  a  Judge  of  thefmallefl 


Cha  P.29 .  'fheHiJlory  of  QH I  ^J.  i^y 

Town-,  yet  they  do  not  waitcall  ar  one  time,  unlcfTe  it  be  whtn  the  M.m^ 
dArine  giveth  a  particular  command  for  it. 

The  Third  Isy  that  theMaf}danmSj\n  treating  with  the  h)h]c6ts^zte  very 
warie  and  circumfped,  never  dilcourfing  nor  treating  in  fecret  with  any, 
bur  alwayes  publickly,  fo  that  every  onemaybewitnefTetowhatthey 
fay. Their  Palaces  ave  alwayes  kept  fhut  within  &  without- After  they  have 
given  audience(which  they  do  condantly  every  day  •&  many  rimes  both 
morning  and  evening,for  there  is  alwayes  fpmecing  to  do)they  retire,and 
the  Palace  is  fhut  within,for  the  Mandarines,  ilnd  withour,for  the  Officers. 
And  although  the  gates  are  opened  as  often  as  he  hath  a  mind  to  go  a- 
broad,  yet  it  is  never  done  fecretly,buc  one  beateth  a  drumme  within,  to 
whom  another  anfwereth  without,  and  prefently  the  Officers  and  other 
people,  who  are  to  accompany  him, come  together-,  aflToon  as  they  are  all 
affembledjthe  gates  of  thePaUce^LXc  opened, &  the  Mandarine  comethout. 
The  Fourth  is,  that  no  pcrfon  of  their  houfe,  whether  they  be  Sonnes, 
Coufins^or  Servants  that  dwell  with  them,  may  go  out  to  vifit,  converfe, 
or  treat  ofanybufinefle,  for  fear  leaft  they  fliould  receiye  any  bribe  or 
prefcnt.  The  Pourvey  our, or  Cater  our,  dv/elleth  without,  and  is  of  the  fame 
Tribunal/^  as  well  as  the  refl  of  the  Officers,and  hath  every  day  given  bini 
in  writing,  what  he  is  to  buy.  And  becaufeit'is  not  convenient  that  the 
gates  of  the  Palace  (hould  be  opened  upon  every  fmall  occafion,they  have 
all  turning  wheeles,  by  which  they  receive  in,  and  fend  out,  whatfoevcr 
there  is  occafion  for. 

The  Fifth  is,that  they  govern  only  three  years  in  one  place,  by  which 
meanes  they  are  prevented  from  eftablifhing  themfelves  too  ftrongly, 
and  from  contrading  any  flrcight  alliances  or  friendfhips.None  govern- 
eth  in  his  own  Countrie,  except  the  Captains,  who  are  prefumedj,  when 
there  is  occafion,will  defend  and  preferve  their  own  Countrie,  with  grea- 
ter affedtions  ^nd  endeavours  than  flrangers. 

The  Si^th  is,  that  amongtbe  Mandarines, there  is  a  g  rcat  fubordination 
of  fome  to  others.  The  inferiours  with  all  reverence  and  obedience>  re- 
fytdthclr  Suferiours^:iud  alfo  vifit  them  courteoufly,  and  at  certain  fee 
times  do  make  them  prefents* 

The  Seventh  isjthat  there  is  a  flri(5l  watch  kept  over  the  Government. 
For  befidestheT^iw/iand^W/,  whofe  office  it  is  to  inform  themfelves 
of  whatfoever  palfeth,and  accordingly  to  give  advice  thereof  to  the  King, 
every  Province  hath  a  V ifitour ^not  for  many  years,  but  a  new  one  every 
year,  to  the  end  he  might  do  his  Office  more  exa(^Iy,  and  that  he  might 
either  cha{iife,or  give  notice  to  the  King  of  fuch  as  do  not  comply  with 
their  duty,accordingto  their  obligation. 

The  Eighth  is,that  every  three  years  there  is  a  general  vifitation  held  up  - 
on  all  the  Mandarines  of  the  Kingdome5partly  by  meanes  of  the  informa- 
tion of  the  Fifitours^^nd  partly  by  private  inquifition,  and  it  is  held  the 
fame  year,  where in,from  all  parts  of  the  Kingdome,  the  ^.Mandarines  go 
to  render  obedience  to  the  King  in  P^)^/w,  and  fo  the  execution  of  this 
review  is  done  at  the  Court  it  felf  by  chaflifing  fome,  abafing  others,  and 
taking  their  offices  away  .The  principal!  caufes  for  which  they  are  punifh- 
ed,are  thcfc  following. 

rheUiJlory  of  CHLHJ.        Pabt.!; 

Firfi  if  they  fell  juftice,  by  receiving  bribes,  thefelofe  their  Offices, 
and  are  fent  home  to  their  haufes. 

The  Secondis^  if  they  be  rigorous  and  crucll,  puniflning  men  beyond  all 
humanitie5chere  lofe  both  their  Office  and  honour,  and  are  put  into  the 
ranck  of  the  common  people. 

The  Thirdis^x^  they  be  neghgent  or  carelefTe  in  their  governmenr,they 
lofe  their  Office,  but  retain  ftill  the  Enfignes  of  their  dignitie. 

The  Fourth  is,  if  they  be  haflie  and  precipitate,  and  not  deliberate  e- 
nough  in  giving  their  judgment,thefc  are  abafed  to  lower  Offices,asfrom 
a  Governour  to  a  Judge,and  the  like. 

The  Fifth  isjif  they  be  tooyoungjand  their  Anions  light  and  Juvinile, 
thefe  are  likevvifedegraded,and  employed  in  lower  charges. 

The/A'/jifthey  beoldjand  have  not  ftrength  to  undergo  the  paines 
requifite  in  their  audiences, and  other  fervices  of  the  King,  they  give  them 
their  ^uietm  efi^znd  fend  them  to  take  their  eafe  at  their  own  houfes.  And 
although  this  be  not  a  fault,  but  only  a  falling  of  nature,  yet  it  is  the  worft 
ofallj})ecaufe  theyjnot  being  able  to  remedie  the  incommodities  of  theit 
old  age,  this  defeat  ftil  encreafeth  upon  them  by  time,  and  they  are  by 
confequence  made  uncapable  of  rcturne  to  their  Offices. 

The  Seavemh  is,  if  they  be  carelefle  in  the  conduct  and  government  of 
their  houfe  and  Familie-,  whither  it  be  that,  where  they  a(5tually  dwcll,or 
that  which  is  in  their  own  Country,  which  is  governed  alfo  by  their  or- 
der, to  which,  both  their  fervants,  kindred  and  (onne?, do  yecld  an  exa(9; 
obedience(whichis  not  hard  for  them  to  obtain^  by  rcafon  of  their  great 
authoritiejthefe  hkcwife  lofe  their  Office. 

The  Ninth  thing,  which  much  facilitateth  good  government,  is,that 
the  Kings  will  Iiear  the  Mandarines  fpeak,  although  it  be  in  a  bufineffe 
that  is  difpleafing  to  them;  and  the  Mandarines  will  freely  fpeak  to  then?, 
although  it  be  with  fome  hazard  to  themfelvcs  •,  fo  that  both  the  one  and 
the  other  are  much  to  be  admired,  In  the  Mandarines  fiidr  liberty  in  advi- 
fing,  And  in  the  Kings,  their  facility  in  hearing,Tn  the  Mandarines^  their 
zeale  to  juftice  and  good  government.  And  in  the  Kings,  their  {inceritie 
and  defire  to  fettle  and  eff  ablilli  it.  They  have  many  examples  of  this 
in  their  Hiftorie,and  I  am  willing  to  fet  down  two  or  three  of  them. 

From  a  certain  Province,  x\\qyq.  was  fent  unto  the  King,  a  damfell  of  a 
rare beautie,and  incomparable  features.  Now  his  predecefTour  had  been 
formerly  intrigued  and  engaged  in  the  like  occa{ion,&  very  great  damma- 
geshad  refulred  thereby  unto  the  Kingdome  (for  fuch  like  perfonsare 
feldome  caules  of  much  good  jand  the  fame  inconveniences  were  feared 
at  prefent.  A  Colao  undertook  the  buiinefle,  and  refolved  to  fpeak  to  the 
King  about  it;  he  was  admitted,  and  fpake  with  fo  much  efficacy  and 
perfwafion  that  the  King  told  him ,  that  afToon  as  flie  was  brought  to  the 
Palaee^fljeP)ould  l?e  difmifed  and  fent  away. SUirc}p\ycd  the  Mandarirte^  your 
Majefty  would  do  well  to  command  her  to  be  fent  away  fuddenly,  im- 
mediatly/or  if  flie  once  enter  into  your  houfe,and  that  you  have  fcen  her, 
and  heard  her  fpeak,  your  hands  will  trcmble^for  women  have  the  pow- 
er to  enchaunt  without  witch-craft  :  neither  will  I  go  out  atone  gate  of 
the  Palace XiW  fhe  be  firft  fent  away  at  another.The  which  was  according- 
ly put  in  execution.  There 

Chap.25>.  1  he  Hifiory  of  QB13\!^A.  j^j 

There  was  a  King  fo  taken  with  the  love  of  Birds,  that  he  caiifcd  the 
moft  curious  and  beautifull  Birds  to  be  fought  for  through  the  woods  of 
the  whole  Kingdome :  and  as  the  Kings  will  is  like  the  frimum  mobile^  im 
giving  motion  to  the  hands  of  his  fubje(5is,  this  fearch  was  put  in  executi- 
on with  great  labour  and  opprelTion  ofthcpcopIe,crpeciallyof  one  Pro* 
vincCjWhere  this  chafe  was  continually  made  by  many,infomuch  that  the 
husbandmen  could  not  attend  their  Ploughing  and  Sowing :  fo  that  by  this 
mcanes  they  came  to  fuffcr  great  want.  It  happened  that  a  Mandmm 
pafTed  through  that  Trovince^  as  he  came  from  another,  who  had  more 
2ealeand  compallion  for  them,  than  they  who  governed  there,  Affoon  as 
hewascometoCourtheprefentedail/ifw^i^r/W/to  the  King,  wherein  he 
did  fo  lively  fet  forth  thefmall  importance  of  that  chafe,  and  the  great 
trouble  and  difturbance  which  it  caufed  to  the  people,  that  the  King, 
not  only  bounded  his  curiofity,  and  commanded  they  (hould  defift  from 
takingany  more  Birds-but  alfo  gave  libertieto  thofcjWhich  were  already 
taken,  commanding  th^  doors  of  the  Aviaries  andC^^^^  to  be  fet  open* 
that  they  might  fly  away. 

In  the  City  of  Pekim^in  the  Palace  of  one  of  the  Kings  daughters, 
whom  they  call  C«wzC^«,  there  was  one  of  her  Servants,  who  was  very 
infolcnt,  having  committed  many  high  crimes,  and  one  among  the  reft^ 
which  deferved  death  .•  the  Mandarines  much  defired  to  apptchend  him, 
but  in  the  Palace  they  couid  nor,  and  he  never  went  abroad,  but  when  he 
way  ted  on  his  Princejfe,  At  length  there  was  a  Mandarine^  who  refolved  to 
take  him  by  any  meanes  he  could,  and  to  this  elfedf ,  when  the  PnncefJ'e 
went  next  abroad,  he  with  his  men  fet  himfelf  before  the  coaches,  and 
made  them  ftop,  and  then  prefently  laid  hands  on  that  man,  and  carried 
him  away.ThcPr/wfjf^jrefenting  the  afront  that  was  done  her,  returned 
prefently  to  the  Palace  full  of  indignation,  and  was  fo  tranfported  with 
colar,  that  flie  would  nor  flay  till  the  King  came  back  from  the  audi- 
ence, where  he  then  was,  but  went  thither  her  felf  in  perfon  to  complain, 
The  Mandarine  was  prefently  fent  for,  who  had  put  himfelf  in  a  readinefs, 
well  imagining  he  fliould  be  called:  he  prefemeth  himfelf  before  the 
King,who  iharply  reproved  him.  He  anfwered  him,  Sir,l  have  done  no- 
thingbut  that  which  j<?//r  Ma](fiiecommandeth^^  the  law  erdaineth.But  you 
ought,replyed  the  King,to  have  fought  fome  other  time  and  opportunity. 
I  have  fought  it  long  cnough,anfwered  the  Mandarine,  but  I  fhould  never 
have  found  it.  At  Ieaft,replyed  theKing,ask  ray  daughter  pardoo.and  bow 
your  head.    Where  there  is  no  fault,   anfwered  the  other,  there  is 
no  need  of  pardon,  neither  will  I  ask  pardon  for  having  difcharged  my 
Office.  Then  the  King  commanded  tvvoiv/W^r/w^;,  that  by  force  they 
fhould  bow  his  head  down  to  the  ground :  but  he  by  ftrength  kept  him- 
felf up  fo  ftiff,that  it  was  not  poifibie  for  them  to  do  it;  fo  that  the  King 
was  conftrained  to  fend  him  away.  A  few  daics  after  the  King  gave  or- 
dcr,that  he  fliould  have  a  better  Office  bcftowed  upon  him,  being  much 
fatisfied  with  his  integrity^  I  forbear  to  relate  many  like  cafesj  which 
I  might  bring  in  confirmation  of  this. 

TheTV^z/iisthe  ftiickt  watch  and  ward,  which  is  kept  in  the  Cities. 
Tovvncs  and  Villages-,  in  every  ftrccc  there  is  placed  a  man,and  if  it  be 

V  2  !on?v 

^8  TheHiJlorj  of  CHIH.^.  Part.i. 

long,  two  or  more  •,  who  arc  appointed  to  take  care  of  any  diforders  that 
may  arife  there^  In  every  ftrcct  likcwife  there  is  a  kinde  of  prifon  cal- 
led Lemfhuy  that  is,  the  cold  [hop ^  where  upon  a  fudden  occafion  they 
may  imprifon  a  delinquent,  untill  notice  be  given  thereof  to  fome  Ma- 


The  Eleventh  is^that  every  night  infallibly  all  the  gates  of  the  City  are 
fliut  up  as  we  have  already  faid.  The  ftreets  alfo  arc  fliut  up  with  grates 
made  for  that  purpofe ;  But  the  ftreets  are  nor  alwaies  (hut  up,  nor  in 
all  parts  of  the  City,  but  only  in  fome,  and  that  upon  forae  certain  occa- 
lions  and  occurrences. 

The  'Twelfth  is, that  perfons  of  honour  and  authority  do  beare  great  re- 
fpe(5tone  to  another.,  and  it  would  be  accounted  a  great  difgraccfor  any 
of  them  to  quarrell  with  another  openly.  Hence  it  happeneth,  that  al- 
though many  times  they  have  occafiOnof  difguft  and  hatred,  yet  out- 
wardly they  alwaies  obferve  their  Beeorum  •,  neither  do  they,upon  this 
account,avoyd  any  meetings  that  they  might  not  come  together. 

The  thirteenth  is,  that  none  do  beare  armes  except  the  Souldiers,  and 
they  only  at  their  mufters,  or  when  they  do  accompany  the  O^aftdarms, 
The  common  people,  who  contrariwifc  do  eafily  quarrell  one  with  ano- 
ther, do  makeufe  only  of  their  fijis^  and  he  that  catcheth  the  other  firft 
by  the  haire  gaineth  the  battell*,  nay,if  they  have  any  thing  in  their  hands, 
that  might  draw  bloud^  as  a  ftaffe,  a  piece  of  wood  or  iron,  or  fuch  like 
thing,  prcfently  they  lay  it  dov/ne,  and  go  to  it  with  their//?/. 

The  Fourteenth  is,  that  the  whores  and  curte2ans,who  are  many  times 
the  caufes  of  great  diforders,  do  lodge  without  the  walls,  neither  is  any 
of  them  fuffered  to  dwell  within.  They  have  no  particular  houfcs,  but 
manyot  them  live  together  with  a  man,  who  hath  the  care  and  govern- 
ment of  them,  and  is  obliged  to  give  an  account  of  any  diforder  that  fal- 
leth  out  in  their  lodgings. 

The  J^/^^tf/^^^  is,  that  they  forbid  all  commerce  with  ft  rangers  with  in 
the  Kingdom,  leaft  they  might  infe(5t  them  with  new  cuftomes  and  man- 
ners, and  difturbe  their  ancient  way  of  government,  which  is  a  law,  that 
was  in  part  obferved  alio  by  the  Lacedemonians ,  upon  the  very  fame  mo- 
tive. Yet  they  have  never  prohibited  Embajfadoun  from  other  King- 
doms, and  accordingly  many  are  received,  who  are  fcnt  from  the  neigh- 
bouring Kings  .*  only  they  lay  this  obligation  upon  them,  that  when  they 
are  arrived  at  the  firft  City  of  the  Kingdom,  they  are  to  ftay  there,  where 
the  Magiftrates  dotreate  them  with  all  honour  and  refpe(^>,  and  prefently 
give  the  King  advice  of  their  arrival),  who  fendcth  them  leave  to  come  to 
the  Court,  without  which  licence,  they  arc  not  permitted  to  go  forward^ 
When  they  are  come  to  Court,  they  are  lodged  in  a  particular  Fdace^ 
whence  they  may  not  go  our,  but  in  the  manner  we  have  above  related. 

Above  all,  they  have  their  certain  laws,  ftatutes,  and  ordinances,  by 
which  both  they  and  their  Kingdom  are  governed. Thefc  are  of  two  forts, 
Thefiiftconfifteth  in  ancient  rites,  cuftoraes  and  ceremonies,  common 
to  the  whole  Kingdom,  and  are  contained  in  five  BookeSj  and  arc  cfteemed 
to  be,  as  it  were  Sacred.  Of  the  fecond  fort  arc  the  laws  of  the  Kingdom, 
according  to  which  Jufticc  is  adminiftred  in  particular  cafes,  bothcivill 


CHAP.zp.  TheHifioryofCHl^A.  14.9 

and  criminall,  concerning  all  that  is  to  be  obfervcd  in  the  execution  of 
them.  Thefeare  likewife  very  ancient,  and  arc  all  founded  upon  thofe 
five  Cardi  mil  venues  J  fo  much  eftcemed  by  their  K^nce^otirsy  and  which 
are  at  this  day  held  in  great  veneration  among  them,  that  is,  Gm^T^Li^ 
Chi^  Sin :  Pietiey  Jufiice^  Polk'te^  Prudcmeand  Fidclitie, 

Gin  J  fay  they,  fignifieth  Fietie,  Humanitie,  Charitie,  Reverence^  Love  and 
Comfaffion.  Which  they  expliane  after  this  manner,To  efteeme  ones  felfe 
lede  than  others,To  be  affable,To  fuccour  thofe  that  arc  affli(ftcd,To  help 
thofe  that  are  in  necelfitie,To  have  a  tender  and  compaflionate  hearr.To 
beare  good  will  to  all  men,  and.  To  ufeall  this  more  particularly  tovvard 
their  parents,  fuftaining  them  while  they  arc  in  health,  and  taking  care  to 
have  them  cured  while  they  arc  fick,  ferving  them  while  they  live,  and 
honouring  them  with  funerall  obfcquics,  when  they  arc  dead . 

7",  according  to  their  expofition,  is  ^•uftice,  Equalitie^  Integrities  conde- 
fcention  in  things  reafonableand  juft.  In  this  manner  the  Judge  is  to  cive 
every  man  his  owne.  The  rich  man,  To  take  heed  he  be  not  proud  of  his 
wcalth>and,To  give  fome  part  of  it  to  the  poore.  To  worfhip  heaven.  To 
rcfpec^lthe  earth,Not  to  be  contentious,Not  to  be  obftinatc>To  yeeld  to 
what  is  juft  and  conformable  to  reafon. 

Li,  they  fay,  is  Polic!e,CourteJie,to  honour  and  reverence  others  as  is  fit- 
ting: which  confifteth,ln  the  mutuall  rcfpecH:  one  man  is  to  beare  another, 
In  the  mature  confidcratlon  &  circumfpedion,which  is  to  beufed  iti  the 
ordering  of  their  affaires,  In  the  modeftie  of  their  outward  deportmenf. 
In  obedience  to  the  c^Ugiftrates^  In  being  affable  to  young  men>  and  re- 
fpe(5tfull  to  old  men. 

Chifigm^cth  Prudence  and  Wifdom^  the  which  they  place,ln  reading  of 
bookes,In  learning  of  Sciences,  In  being  perfed:  in  the  liberall  artSjTo  be 
learned  in  matters  of  Antiquitie,Tobcwcllverfed  in  the  knowledge  of 
moderne  affaireSjTo  obferve  well  what  is  paft,  thereby  to  better  regulate 
the  prefent  and  future  occafions,To  difcerne  right  from  wrong. 

Sin^  they  fay,  is  Fidelitic  and  f'eritie.  It  confifleth  in  a  fincerc  heart  and 
areall  intcntion,To  do  only  that  which  is  good,To  imitate  what  is  juft,To 
make  their  works  and  words  agree,  and  that  which  is  hidden  within,  to 
that  which  appeareth  outwardly. 

According  to  this  diftribution  of  their  dodlrine,  they  reduce  the  Com- 
mon-wealth to  five  orders  of  perfons,  correlative  to  one  another  in  what 
conccrneth  the  obfervance  and  duty  of  each,  that  is,the  King  and  the  Sul^' 
jeB^  Father  and  Sonne j  Husband  and  Wifcy  Elder  Brothers  and  Tounger  Bro- 
thrrs^  and  Friends  one  to  another. 

The  King  is  to  obfervc  toward  his  SubjcBs^  Figilancie,  Love  and  Cle- 
mencie^znd  thd  Suh\e5is  toward  the  King, Loyalty^  Reverence,  and  obedience » 
The  Father  toward  his  Children^Love  and  Compafpon^  They  toward  their 
F  at  her, obedience  md  Pietie,  The  Husband  toward  the  Wife^Loveznd  Uni' 
on.  She  toward  her  Husband,  Fideljtie,  Refpe^,  and  Comftacency,  The 
Eider  Brothers tovjardtherounger^Love 2nd  Jnftru^ion^  The  roimgerxo- 
ward  the  £/^cr,  that  is,  to  all  their  brothers  that  are  elder  than  they,  Obe- 
dienceznd  Refpe^^  jFr/Wy  toward  one  ^notha  Fidelftie^  Truth ^r\d  Sin^ 


,5o  The  Hifiory  ofCBlK^.         Part.i. 

^This  is  the  manner  of  living,which  rhcy  obfervcd  in  ancient  times,  and 

in  the  golden  age  :  when  their  lawcs  were  few,  and  they  that  gave  obedi- 
ence to  them  many,  being  all  founded  upon  the  light  and  principalis  of  na- 
ture as  is  yet  to  be  feen  in  their  books,  expreffed  almoft  in  the  fame 
termes  they  are  in  ours :  when  men  took  no  plcafurein  governing,  btic 
retired  from  the  Court,  and  left  their  government,  if  they  faw  the  people 
were  not  profited  by  their  authoritie  and  example,  or  that  Kings  did  not 
moderate  themfelves  by  their  admonitions ;  and  fo  withdrew  themfelvcs 
to  their  owne  poflefTions,  which  they  tilled  with  their  owne  hands,  as  I 
have  already  touched  in  another  place. 

But  after  that  Ambition  and  i^varice  prevailed  over  I'ertue,  and  pri- 
oJAte  Interefl  had  blinded  Honour  and  Generofttie,  this  manner  of  living  be- 
gan to  decay,  and  lawesto  encreafe :  the  new  Pr/W^j changing fome, 
moderating  others,  and  adding  many,  cfpecially  Htmvu^  thefirftofthis 
familie  which  raigneth  at  prefent,  who  finding  the  Kingdome,  by  having 
been  fomc  years  under  the  Tyranny  of  the  Tartars,  to  have  changed  many 
of  their  ancient  cuflomes,  for  thofe  of  {Grangers,  wholly  altered  the  form 
of^overnment,  and  reduced  the  Kingdom,  which  was  formerly  divided 
aniong  many  Princes^  into  fiitecn  Pro'vinces  and  one  Sole  Monarch :vjheDCC 
hcwasconHvainedto  make  new  lawes,  having  notwithllanding  alwaies 
regard  unto  the  ancient  ones. 

"Moreovcr,the  chineffes  have  their  Commandemcnts,  and  in  fome  fro- 
ojimes  they  print  them  very  well,  and  flick  them  up  on  the  pofls  of  their 
doores  towards  the  flrcet-,  I  believe  they  are  not  very  ancient,  and  have 
fomc  correfpondcnce  with  our  Decalogue,  as  Not  to  kill^  Not  to  ftede. 
Not  to  lie.  To  Honoi*r  their  Father  and  Mother, &:c.  And  in  this  point  of  Ho- 
fiotirin^  their  Parents,  we  have  much  to  learne  of  the  Chinejfes^  as  alfo  all  o- 
ther  nations,  who,  in  my  judgement,  are  all  exceeded  in  this,  by  C/'/>/^. 
Many  excellent  ancient  things  about  Honouring  their  Parents,  mcxo  this 
day  growne  out  of  ufe,  not  in  their  fpeaking  and  vvruing,  but  in  the  exe- 
cution of  them,wherein  they  are  now  too  negligent.  Butthere  are  others, 
which  although  anciently  they  were  better  ordered,  yet  are  to  this  day  in 
force  and  vigour  enough,and  are  exadly  obferved  from  the  King  even  to 
the  meanefl  Plebeian,  not  only  in  fuflaining  their  Parents^  making  much  of 
them,  and  having  a  fpeciall  care  of  them,and  fo  much  the  greater,by  how 
much  the  elder  they  are,  but  by  refpe(5ting  of  them  alfo  with  an  incredi- 
ble reverence  and  fubmiffion,  and  this,  what  degree,  age,  and  condition 
foever  their  children  are  in. 

The  King  himfelfe,  on  certain  dales  of  the  year,vifiteth  his  Mother^vfho 
is  feated  on  a  Throne,  and,foure  times  on  his  feet,  and  foure  times  on  his 
knees,he  maketh  her  a  profound  reverence,  bowing  his  head  even  to  the 
around.  The  fame  cuftome  is  alfo  obferved  through  the  greatefl  part  of 
the  Kingdom,  and  if  by  chance  any  one  be  negligent,  or  deficient  in  this 
duty, low^rdlm Parents,  they complaineto  tbeit/4^//?r4/f/,  who  piinifh 
fuch  offenders  very  feverely. 

Nor  is  the  refped  lefTe,  which  they  beare  their  Mafters  and  Tutonys. 
And  Mfs/tlexander  could  fay,  that  we  owe  more  to  our  Mafters^  who  in- 
{lru6t  us,  than  to  our  Parents  who  beget  us,  it  feemeth  to  me,  that  in  China 


OTa p  .? o.  TheHiftory  of  (;HI^J.  :  iji 

only  this  duty  is  underftood,  and  difchargcd as  it  ought  co  be :  for  befides 
the  refped,  which,  during  their  whole  life,  they  profelTe  to  their  Mafters 
they  are  never  wantins  at  certain  times  to  make  them  prefenrs-  and  when 
they  are  advanced  to  degrees  and  offices^  they  conferre  on  their  ^afters 
very  confiderable  benefits  and  favours. 

The  <9/iw^;?alfo  in  this  Kingdom  have  their  place  and  advantage,  the 
Chineffes  honouring  them  no  lefTc  than  they  were  anciently  cfteemed  a- 
mong  the  Lacedemonians . 

When  they  meet  together,  although  there  be  Tome  of  the  company, 
who  are  of  greater  Nobilitie  (if  they  have  not  a  dignitie  or  office-,  for  thcfe 
alwaies  keep  their  place,  jthe  old  men  have  the  precedence,  and  theyoun^^ 
men  upon  all  occafions  pay  them  great  refpcdt.  The  Magiftrates  do  them 
honour  pubjickly,  cfpecially,  when  they  are  not  only  o/^  in  years, 
butalfoinvertueand  good  life,  having  lived  without  fcandall  and  re- 
proach, and  particularly,  if  they  have  never  been  cited  into  any  Courr 
nor  accufed  of  any  crime,  which  among  them  is  taken  for  a  Tejiimony  of 
very  great  probitie  and  goodnefTc .-  hence  came  their  provcrb,vvhich  faith 
XinFuKkff,  ^on^ieu-Xita  Pao,  that  is.  The  man  whohnth  never  fccna 
Mandarine  ( they  mean  fitting  in  judgement  upon  hint ;  is  a  f  red  cm 

The  Magiftrates  every  yeare  make  them  a  publick  banquet,at  the  Kin^s 
charges,  with  Royall  magnificence  and  ceremonies  of  great  Honour  and 
refpe(51:,  (liewing  thereby,  what  is  due  to  grey  haires,  which  arc  venerable 
not  only  for  their  years,  but  alfo  for  their  vertucs. 

To  conclude,  the  Chinejfes  have  their  books  full  of  Sentences  and  good 
coUQcells,  did  they  but  as  well  obferve  them  in  the  pradife,  as  they  keep 
them  carefully  in  their  papers.  1  will  only  repeat  fome  few  of  them, 
which  come  firft  to  my  memory . 

In  doing  ferviceto  our  Maflers  and  old  men  j  thefrincipallpirrt  is  reverence 
and  court cfie. 

We  muji  hide  other  mens  faults  •  and  not  fubltjh  our  orvneperfe^iions. 

In  thegemrall  Government,  there  mufl  he  no  particular  ajfe^iion, 

Wemuft  not  do  evilly  though  h  he  never  fo  Itttle,  nor  leave  a  good  deed  un- 
done^ hecaufe  it  is  not  great . 

The  vertuous,  although  young  men.aretobeHonmrcd^  and  the  vicio&s^  al- 
though old  men 3  are  to  be  avoided. 

Chap.  30. 

Of  the  MooreSy  fen^es^  and  other  J\(a^ 
tions,  that  are  in  China. 

IHavefpokcnbikflyof  theKingdome  of  China^  the  people,  Iheircii- 
*ftoms  and  manners,  as  well  as  I  have  been  able,  in  regard  I  am  at  this 
prefent  out  ol  the  Country,  and  deprived  of  the  ufe  of  their  books^^  oiit  of 
which  I  might  have  taken  many  things  of  worth  andcuriofitic.  But  fee- 

15Z  TheHijiorj  of  QHIH^A.       '  PAaT.i, 

ing  that  at  this  time  I  cannot  fay  all  that  is  to  be  faid  of  any  thing,  it  will 
not  be  amiffe,  to  fay  fomcthing  of  all,  and  therefore  I  will  now  fpcak  of 
the  other  nations,  who  live  among  them. 

•^  In  defer  ibing  the  Provinct  of  Cant  one  ;l  faid  that  the  Ifland  of  ffajpam, 
whichls  very  great,  and  wholly  appertaineth  mito  CFina^is  divided  inlo 
two  partsTthe  firft,  which  is  neercft  to  the  continent,is,on  the  North  part 
t  hereof,  inhabited  by  Chineffes,  and  governed  by  them :  the  other,  which 
lieth  toward  the  SQuth^  upon  the  confines  of  C^ochinfh'tna ,  is  inhabited 
by  a  barbarous  people.who  have  their  particular  language,  and  their  laws 
and  cuftomes  different ,without  medling  at  all  with  the^-^/W/f j^unlefTe  it 
be  in  fome  things  of  commerce. 

•  I  faid  alfo,  that  between  the  Provinces  of  ChincheOjCantone^  and  Kiamfi^ 
there  are  certain  Mountaines  which  unite  them,as  in  C^M/gg;?4  the  Moun- 
raines  oiMon^M  dojunjtejhat  Province  to  th<^_Kingdoi^ 
and  how  within  thofe  Mountaines  there  wasafmallKingdome,which 
was  likewife  Governed  by  it  {c\k^  not  admitting  any  thing  from  the  chi- 
mffes^^xcc^i  PhyficianSjMcdicine^and  fome  little  traffique. 

Bcfide  thefc  in  the  Province  of  Tunnan^  which  is  very  large,  lying  to- 
wards the  South jin  the  latitude  of  24  degrees,  there  is  a  great  Countrie  in- 
habited by  a  particular  people,  who  ufe  another  language  and  other  cu- 
ftomes. They  have  a  little  King  called  by  the  Chine(/es,Thu  ^uon,2i  Man- 
darine  of  earth^thty  pay  tribute  to  the  Kingof  C/r/V^^jthey  ufe  traffiquc,and 
live  in  peace. 

The  fame  things  hath  been  faid  of  the  Province  oi  Sltte^Ciheu^  where, 

in  the  confines  thereof,there  is  a  people,  who  have  their  particular  heads, 

and  Governours,  without  any  other  dependance  on  the  Chimjfesy  than 

the  Inveftiturc  of  the  Title,  by  which  they  are  called. 

—  There^remoreoyer  in  Chind.Moors  in  great  abundance,not  in  all  the 

,^         •  ^-    ProvlncesTnonn  everyLCity,but  yet  in  the  more  princip_all.  They  fpeak 

»v  9^  the  language  of  the  Countrie,  and  know  nothing  of  their  own  tong^ue,  a 

■p^rf  ^  ^.r4     ^^  wordsonly  excepted «Thcy  arc  acquainted  alfo  with  many  things  of 

'   ^  the  holy  Scriptuie.  ,j>;V)'u.;y  .. 

Illi^£^(^Jio55i2"li^^how?sborna  breci  in  that  Cit:e,that  pro- 
nounced to  me  'Davids  ^^^^^  ^P^i^^i^ -^^jdito^ly  as  Ijcould^ 
my  fclfr  In'their  Ph(ioznomies\o[Q^,ts^^i beard  and  face^ they  are  alto- 
together  like  the  Cbinejfes. Ihcy  are  Merchants,  Phyficians  &c»They 
have  Offices  in  the  Tribunals :\hty  ftudy  and  are  admitted  to  the  examina- 
tions, and  come  many  times  to  be  Mandarines ^wt  not  of  the  great  ones.- 
for  the  moft  part  they  flop  at  the  degree  of  Licentiate.ComvaouXy  where 
they  live^there  are  Beef- Shambles,  bccaufe  they  eat  no  Pork,  therefore 
whcrefoever  they  are,  they  kill  and  fell  Beef^  and  it  feemeth  to  me  to  be 
the  greateft  advantage  the  Country  ha  h  by  them^for  where  they  are  not, 
there  is  Seldome  any  of  that  flefh  to  be  fould.  They  have  their  publick 
Mdfches  allowed  them  by  the  King,They  follow  their  own  rcligion,but 
not  very  exadly  .They,who  arrive  at  the  degree  of  Litter ato^ot  to  the  dig* 
nity  of  fome  Officc,do  not  much  care  to  be  advanced  higher. 

They  preferve  their  Nation  entire,  by  marrying  with  one  another,  al- 
though fomctimes  they  take  Chineffe  Women  for  their  Wives  ^  but  they 


C  H  A  r  .^  o.  TheHiftorj  of  CHI^^.  "15? 

never  give  their  Daughters  in  mnrrbgc  to  the  Sonnes  oi  Chimffes,  The 
rcafon  is,  becaufc  in  China  the  wife  followeth  the  husband jfhe  is  brouoht 
to  her  husbands- Fathers  houfe,  there  fhe  livcth  and  followeth  hisrelfoi. 
on.  therefore  when  a  Cert  tile  is  brought  to  the  houfe  of  a  Meorflic  becom- 
cch  a  Moor,  and  a  Moonfh  Woman  being  brought  to  the  houfe  of  a  Gentile^ 
muft  infallibly  become  a  Gentile. 

TheC/'/^/^/defpife  them  as  being  (Grangers,  and  call  them  Hocitet* 
HociUocL  The  letters,  with  which  they  write  their  name, hath  no  other 
fignifjcation,  but  only  proper  to  exprcfTethat  people,  neverthekfTe  they 
arc  very  angry  and  grieved,  when  they  are  called  by  it.  The  name  by 
which  they  call  themfelves  is  Kia  Muen.ih^^r.  is,  the  gate  of  Injlru^ions.  \i 
they  be  dcfpifed  of  the  Chineffes  ^nhty  no  leffe  defpife  them>  becaufe  they 
worfhip  Idols,  and  ^i^  Gentiles:  and  thus  the  one  is  not  behind  hand  with 
the  other.  In  the  City  o^Nankim  they  have,  as  ic  were  a  mount  of  Pietie^ 
or  Lombard ,  with  which  they  help  only  thofe  of  their  Nation^but  not 
thofe,  who  are  Prifoners  for  their  mifdeeds  and  wickedneffe. 

They  came  into  C/'/^rf  about  700  years  fince  being  called  from  Tur- 
^//^j?4;?,bytheKingofthattime,toaidhimagainft  a  rebellion  that  Was 
then  in  the  Kingdome,  wherein  they  had  fo  good  fucccffe,  that  they  who 
were  willing  to  remain  therejwere  allowed  to  enjoy  the  fame  priviledge 
with  the  natives  of  the  Country -fince  which  time  they  have  fo  multiply- 
cd,that  at  this  time  there  arc  many  thoufands  of  them.  Afterwards  in  the 
warre  which  King  Hum  had  with  the  Tartars  about  300  yeares  fince, 
they  took  his  part  and  came  in,to  his  afTiftancc-,  aL  which  time  the  King 
gaining  the  vi(n:orie  they  grev/  into  greater  eftccm  and  were  admit* 
ted  to  take  part  in  the  government  of  the  Kingdome. 

We  have  already  fpoken  of  the  entrie  which  is  made  into  china^  every 
three  and  every  five  years,  with  an  Epthpe^nd  prefents  to  the  King;  and 
though  they  arc  all  ^(?^w,  yet  they  are  of  feverall  Countries  and  King- 
domes,  and  very  rarely  any  of  them  remain  in  China. 

^  There  are  likewifc  ^ga^jin  china^  although  atjthistjmc  no^reat  num-  -      y 
ber  of  them  :  but  when,  or  howjthcy  camejhither  I  am  not  able  to  fay.  ,^     vW^ 
Anciently  there  was  greater  fi:ore  ofthem.^uf  they'have  been  dlminiflicd 
bylitt  le^and  little,  many  of  t  heni  turning  Moors,  there  1  i  ve  more  of  them  ^^ 
iTvtHe  Province  of  ^<?/?>g7inthe  capital  1  City  thereof,  called  Cai  Fum  Fu, 
than  in  any  other  place.  They  have  thereaS'y^^^yg.welJJbujkand  a-  ^ 
dorned  in  the  fafliion  of  a  great  Chappe],andfetou:  with  curtaincs.They 
fay  they  have  th  ere  a  very  ancienyjebrcw_Bibje.  Vzthcv  Julius  Alems^ 
one  of  our  com  pany,  was  among  them  for  fome  time;  they  fhcwed  J]]m 
their  Sjnagogues^  bu^would  not  draw  their  curtaines  and  let  him  fee  the 
Bible,  Father  MatthAnsKicciHsj^mQ\h^'th2.t  according  to  the  relation 
which  tile  yfipj  themfelvcrmadelo  himThereof  in  Pekm^  it  was  noy: 
all^ifferlrig^from  oiirs .  TheyHave  no  knowledge  at  all  of  Chrl§,  fo  that 
it  fecmeth,they  were  cntred  jnto  dim  before  he  came  mto  the  World; 
or  at  leali,  if  they  h  ave  evcrlieard  of  him,  the  memoric  of  it  is  quite  loft  : 
and  therefore  it  wo  uld  b^of  great  confequence  to  fee  their  mhle :  for  per-  ^ 
haps  they  have  not  corrupted  our  Jews  have  done^to  obfcure  the  gb-., 
ikofowx  Redeemer,  ^ 

X  Thefs 

154-  TheHifioryofCHlT^^.  Part.i. 

Thefe,  as  they  are  in  no  great  number,  fo  it  is  not  probable  they  fhould 
long  prefer vcthemfelvcs.  They  who  at  the  Court  had  fome  difcourfe 
with  our  Fathers,  did  much  lament  that  they  had  loft  themfelvcs  for 
want  of  the  ffehrew  Torigm^  and  by  the  little  knowledge  they  had  of  their 
law,and  faid,that  after  fome  rime  they  (hould  all  become  cither  Moons  or 
Centtks:  that  the  ruler  of  their  Synagogue  at  that  time  was  a  decrepit  old 
man,and  his  fonne,who  was  to  fuccecd  him  in  his  Office^young  and  igno- 
rant of  the  things  of  their  law,and  that  indeed  there  were  very  few  among 
themjwho  were  zealous  obfervers  of  it. 

Moreover  thefe  fews  did  feem  to  be  much  troubled  and  weary  of  the  re- 
proacheswhich  ihtGentiles  laid  upon  fome  ceremonies  of  their  lavv,which 
is  a  fign  they  have  no  great  afFe(ftion  for  it:  as,  their  not  eating  of  S wines 
flefli,  their  not  touching  a  beaft,  which  hath  been  killed  by  the  hand  of  a 
Gentile,  but  efpecially  the  circumcifing  their  Infants  on  the  eighth  day; 
which  their  wives  and  Chinejfe  kindred  tell  them,  is  a  cruell  and  harharom 

"*  At  this  time  w_ehave,in  that  City  ofCaiFunifu  a houfe and  Church 5 
and  (when  I  left  that  Kingdom^)  a  good  number  of  Chriftians^  which 
dailj^aKreafei'iiqtvvithoutho^eaHb^d^  be  done  up- 

on tholejews^  who  being  fo  ready  to  change  their  religion,  will  moreca- 
fily  embrace  the  true  one,  which  hath  more  conformitie  to  theirs,  than  at 
ny  other. 

Chap.  31. 

Of  the  Chrijlian   Keligion  planted  many  ages 
fince  in  China  ;  and  of  a  yery  Ancient 
/lone  lately  dijcqvered  there  ,  vphich 
is  anadniirMeJTMhn^ 

^^  IT  hath  jlwayes  been^a  well  grounded  opinion.that  the  Chrifiian  Reli- 
■'^ion  hath^cn  very  anciently  planted  in  Chil^^>  Paulus  Vemtus  making" 
a  relation  of  that  Counttieffrom  whence  it  is  certain  that  he  went  many 
daies  journey  into  the  Countrie  of  the  Tartars')  afTureth  us,  that  in  that 
time  therejwere  a  great  number  of  Chnftians  /'^C^4,whohad  veryfump- 
tuous  Churches;  and  naiiieclthc  Citiesjyherc  thexljyed.  He  wrot  this 
withycry'much  truth-,  forofalUh  at  which  he  mentioneth.  there  arc  yet 
remaining  many  houfcs;and  in  other  plac«;hc  rumes  aTefii- 
monie  of  it. 

To  this  may  be  added  the  Tefiimonk  of  other  grave  Authours,whcre- 

in  we  read,  that  the  preaching  of  the  Gof^ell  penetrated  as  farre  as  China^ 

f     /  y/     -  bYlb^  Mint^rie  nf^thc  A^Q^le  St ^Thmas  and  his  Difcipl  ts.  Among  other 

*;^^^^^l^wntings,  out  of  which  this  may  be  drawn,  thc^W^g  books  concerning 

the  lndianChri(fiamtic  cultivated  by  the  meancs  of  the  faid  Apoftjc^re  oF 
J. i j^Q 

nofmall moment,  the  which  itjiceifainj^arctothisday  prefer ver^jnj^^  ^ 
^epnn  the  t^rch'Bjjho^rkkol.  Gran7amtir^  ox  Delta  S  err  a,  (jlMtisQf  the 
Mountaines)  as  it  is  vulgarl^caljed.;  tranflaredjoutof  that  language  Jw 
o^^c^^pCJ^c  ArcEJbElKip-thcr^^  by  thcpainsand  indu- 

flry  ofone  of  our  fathers,who  was  very  skilfull  in  that  tongue.  The  tranf-  ^ 
latwnjsjnjiatinjbjjuhati^  we  will  -», 

curne  what  is  cited  ojjt  of  it,into  the  vulgar. 

^—  DTneofthcfebook^Is  a  Breviary,  wjiichjn  one  of  the  leflons  bcIon<y-   ^^ 
ing  to  the  fecond  nodurnall^hathtbcfew;^^ 

Sy  the  mansjf  S,  Thomas  the  erroars  of  the  Idolatry  of  the  Indians  were 
dijfifated.  By^ themanes^f  S r » Thomas  the  Chinefles  and  iEtTiiopians 

♦  mre  converted  to  thejmh^  ^Hh^^.^^^^ ^^t .  Tlioraas  iheyjkained  the  ^^ 
vert  fte  of  ^3pn[m^  andjthiA.doption  of  Sonn^s^  By  the  mean&s  of  St  Tho- 
nvisthejflelievedmthe  Father,  Sonne,an3  Holy  Ghoft.  5^  the  manes  of  ^^ 
StV  Tnomzft^ef^epTthat  faJtF^rvFkfThey  had  promt  fed  to  God.  By  the 
meancsof  St,  Thomas /^g  bearnesofthekiwwledgeof  life  enlighnedallln-  '" 
dia,  Bjlhemanes  of  St.  Thomas  the  Kingdome  of  Ujavenjleiv  and  entred  ^ 
WloCMv^.  And  pre fently  there  folio  wcth  an  Antiphona,  which  fairb. 

The  Indians,  the  Chinclfes,  the  i?CTfians,/«W  the  other  Ijlanders,  they  of 
Siria,  ArracniajGrsecia  and  Romania » in  commemoration  of  St,  Thomas  do 
oficxthdvf^ deration  unto  thy  moft  Holy  Name,0  great  God, 

-     In  the  Summarie  of  the  Conflitutions  fvnodalKpart«2«cap:i9^  concer-  »i 
Hing  Sijhops  and  Metropolitans y  there  is  a  Canon  of  the  Patriark  Theodotins, 
which  hath  thcfe  wordsj 

In  like  manner  alfo  the  Bifhops  of  the  great  Frovince^fuchasjrefor  themoJl 
part  the  Metropolitans  of  China. 

"~    After  thearnyaU^hhe^r^^  Cocchjne^he  governouf  of  the  ^ 

«  Mountaines o^Maldervfho  W3s  caljcd.Z^g;?.P/Vje^ entitled  himfelf  Afe/rg. 
poUian  o^IndiA  and  cEma:  as  did  ^\{oDon  Giufeppej  who  died  at  Rome. 
Thefc  were  the  c-//w/>;z?7}//^j  of  that  Church-,and  being  taken  ^\  ^^^^ 
ther  are  ftrong  arguments^that  the  Chriftian  Religion  did  formerly  flou- 
ridi  in  China,  .    . 

-  Thefe  were  the  powcrfull  motives,  thar  did  engage  us,  after  our  arri^ 
vail  thither ,  with  much  care  and  fervour  to  trace  the  ruines  and  footftcps 

In  the  Hjftories  of  that  Kingdome,which  we  have  very  diligently  per- 
ufcd,  we  found  no  nicntjon  jhereof,  to  our  great  admiration,  knowing 
well,  how  curious  and  diligent  Inquifitours  the  Chineffes  are  in  the  affaires 
of  their  owne  Countrie,  that  they  might  eternize  the  memory  of  them.  Ic 
is  true,  we  had  information,  that  there  were  fome  in  thofe  parts,  who  did 
reverence  Xh&CroJfe  and  made  the  figneofitover  their  meat,  without. 
knowing  the i  eafon  why  they  did  it.   When  I  was  in  the  capitall  City  of  ^ 
Kiaw^,  I_was  informed  by  a  Chriflianj  that  in  the  little  Towne  of  Tamo.^  _, 
Xanj  which  was  not  farre  off^there  were  fome,  who  when  tiiey  went  out 
ofdoores,  did  make  the  figne  of  the  Cy^//e  upon  their  forehead,  and  be-"* 
ing  asked  the  reafon  of  that  cufl:orae,they  an  fwe  red  only,  that  they  had-' 
learnt  it  of  their  Ancefiours, 

■*  in  the  Court  ofPckim^iomc  of  our  fathers  being  onedaytovifita  Jew, 

X  2  he 

Jj  *i^r~ 

1^6  IheHifiorjofCHl'NiA.  Part.i. 

he  difcourkd  more  particularly  to  them  concerning  this  matter^  and  na- 
med to  them  thcplaces  and  families,  who  did  pra^ife  this  figning  vvuh 
thcCrfijfe.  We  fcnt  a  brother  of  ourfociety  thither^  with  this  informati- 
on but  with  all  the  diligence  he  could  ufe,  he  was  not  able  to  difcover  a- 
ny  thine  of  what  he  fought  for,  whether  ic  were  that  they  had  a  fufpicion 
ofhim,  or  that  really  this  cuftom,  orthofe  families  were  cxtind.  Not- 
withftanding  the  Jew  did  ftill  affirme,  That  there  were  anciently  many 
of  thefe,  who  did  reverence  the  Crdffe,  particularly  in  the  Northern  Pro- 
vinceSj  and  that  having  gained  a  great  reputation  by  their  skill  in  learning 
and  armcs,they  did  caufe  the  Chinejfes  to  have  a  great  fufpicion  of  them, 
fo  that  thinking  themfeives  no  longer  fafc,  they  dffperfed  tbcmfclves  in- 
to feverall  places .-  others  who  remained  behind,  diffembled  the  Religi- 
on they  had  profclTed  ;  others  becamc,either  Moores  or  Jewes,  and  by 
this  means  they  came  to  be  extinguifhed.  This,  as  the  Jew  faid,  wasa- 
bout  5o  years  before,  and  it  is  now  about  30  years  fincc  he  made  this  re-« 


^  During  thefe  thirtic  years,  we  have  gone  about  all  Chinaj  and  founded 
ChurGhesiD  feverall  of  the  bJogeftTowns,  planting  the  Chrjilian  Religion^ 
andu{uig  all  diligencejrp  dlfcoyer  this  truths  without  having  beenablcjo 
obtainour  purpofe  in  thelcaft.'^  It  is  true,  we  found  a  fmall  Bell,  fuch  as . 
is  uTed  at  Made^with  Greekc  letters  round  about  it,anda  Cf^^  very  hand- 
fomely  gravedrBut  this  may  have  been  broughtjn  lately  from  otherparts, 
-  upon  fome  occafion,  fuch  as  fall  out  often  in  that  Countrie ;  as  it  was  like- 
wife  probable,  that  book  of  Efops  Fables  in  ladn  did,  bound  up  after  our 
manner,which  1  faw  in  the  Province  o^Nankim^  We  then,confidering  on 
one  fide  the  great  fcarcitie  of  evident  fignes  for  the  proving  a  thing  of  fo 
great  importance,  &  which  was  Authorized  by  fo  many  pens  and  power- 
tull  reafons,  it  was  no  marvell,  if  we  were  in  doubt,  and  perplexitie  :  and 
on  the  other  fide  holding  the  thing  for  infallible,  as  really  it  is,  we  made 
ufeoffome  other  waies,  to  finde  out  other  reafons  and  motives,  why  wc 
thus  failed  of  all  manifeft  fignes  ,different  from  what  the  jCew  had  told  us, 
difcourfing  with  our  felves  in  this  manner. 

*  '  When  the  Tartars  cm^^^ttdchina  there  were  many  Chriflians^  who 
had  I'uniptuous  gItuixH es,  bcingjm  favoured  by  thegi,as  appearcth  hy 
therelatioji^ofP4y«^r(«?^^^^//yteriPva  titmvu  endeavoured  to 

re  gaine  the  Kingdom,and  made  warre  upon  the  Tartars^  the  Moores  tookc 
part  with  the  C^/»^j(/^/,  and  lent  them  their  alfiftance  for  the  gaining  of 
the  Kingdom,  and  of  the  vi<5iory  which  they  obtained,  in  acknowledge- 
ment whereof  they  were  allowed  torcmaine  iViChina^  with  libertie  of 
their  Religion  and  of  their  Mofches.  The  Chriftians  inclined  to  the  Tartars, 
and  they  being  overcome  in  that  warre,  the  Chrifiians  alfo  were  deprived 
of  their  Eftates, -and  ferae  being  (lain,  others  changing  their  Religion,  o- 
thers  flying  and  hiding  themfeives  in  fecret  pbcesjn  a  fhort  time,all  fignc 
and  memory  of  our  Religion  perifhed,  fo  that  it  was  not  poflible  for  us 
to  difcover  any  thing, with  all  the  diligence  we  ufed  to  that  purpofe. 

"~  Toconclude,we remained yerydifconfqlatein the midft offo grcatdark-  . 
ncfTe,  when  it  pleafed  The  onlyjiumawe  of  light  to  drawHs^iiefthis  objcuri'  _ 
^i^  tv/><&  a  meft  clear  Teflinton'jy  thatthJ  Gofpel  had  flour  ifhed  there  man^  <i^^ 
(inse  :The  thing  fell  out  thus.  In 


7  he  Eiflory  ofQRIV\QA. 


*  InthcYcari62^.asthcv  weredigging^thc^gyndati^ 
building  neerc  to  the  City  oiJiz^njn,  thcCnpitallCitjeofthe  Province 
of  Xentjj^  the  workcmcn  lighted  upon  a  table  of  ftonc  above  nine  pal  meg 
long,  andmore  thanjo^ir^  breadth,  and  above  one  pajme  in  thick  ncttf. 
The  top  ofK^^tliat  is,  one  of  the  extremities^  or  ends,  of  the  length  there- 
of,} cndcth]nd]£fqrnie piiP}^^  above  two  palmes  in  height,  and 
above  one  palmes  breadth  at  the  Bafis.  "On  the  plaIneoFjh[s  Pyramid^ 
there  is  awcir^m^grgi^g,  thccxtrgmities  whereof  endinfloyycr-delu- 
ccsi  afterTheTafliion  ohhuxCroJfcy  which  is  reported  to  have  been  fouhd 
graved  on  thc^epulchrc  of  the  Apoftle  SJhomas  in  the  Towne  q^MdU' 
^,- and  as  they  were  anciently  painted  in  Europe^  of  which  there  are  Tome 
yet  to  be  feen  at  this  day. 

This  Cr^j!/^  is  encompaffed,  as  it  were,  wirh  certain  clouds,  and  at  the 
footjhereof^vvere  three  Traycrfd^  each  confiftingof  three  great  Jet- 
Tcri.  being  alf  fuch  as  are  commonly  ufcd  '^€hi»a^  very  fa[rly_graven  .• 
with  the  fame  fort  of  letters  is  engraven  the  whole  Snperfcies  of  the  ftone, 
as  aifo  the  thickneflTe  thereof,  the  which  notwithftanding  diflfercth  from 
the  reft,  in  that  fomeof  the  letters  graven  thereon,  arefbrraine,  neither 
were  they  knowne  here  at  the  firft  finding  of  ir. 

^*  Scarcely  had  ih^Chinejfes  difcovered  and  cleanfed  this  notable  piece  of 
Antiquitje,  wh^n  cxcitedbyjhe  fervour  of  thcirnaturaHcuriofityjthJy 
rannetothcGovernourtogivcTmn  noticeofit,  who  being  much  joy^d 
at  this  newes,  prefently  came  to  fee  it,  and  caufed  it  to  be  placed  upon  a 
faire  Pedeftall,under  a  fmall  Arch,fuftaincd  by  pillars  at  each  end  thereof, 
and  openat  the  fides,  that  it  might  be  both  defended  from  the  injuries  of 
theweather^andalfofeafltheeyesoffuchas  are  true  Lovers  of  venera- 
ble Antiquity.  He  caufed  it  alfo  to  be  fet  within  the  circuit  of  a  Temple 
belonging  to  the  Bonz^i^  not  farre  from  the  place  where  it  was  taken  up. 

There  was  a  wonderfull  concourfe  of  people  to  fee  this  ftone,  partly 
forjEcAntiquity  thereof,  a ndpartlyjfor  the  novelty  of  the  ftrangc  Cha- 
racters, which  was  to  be  fccn  thereon :  and  as  the  knowledge  of  our  Reli- 
gion is  at  this  day  very  much  fpread  abroad  in  China^  a  Gentile^  who  was  s 
great  friend  unto  a  grave  Chriflian  Mandarine  named  Leo,  being  prcfcnt 
there,  prefently  undcrftood  the  myftery  of  that  writing,  and  believing,  it 
would  be  very  acceptable  to  his  friend,  fent  him  a  copy  thereof,  although 
he  was  diflant  above  a  month  and  a  halfes  voyage,the  Mandarine  dwelling 
mrhtdty  o^ Hawcheuy  whither  our  fathers  had  retired  thcmfelves,  by 
reafon  of  the  former  perfecution,  whereof  we  (hall  fpeak  in  its  proper 
place.  This  copy  was  received  with  a  fpirituall  ^ubilee^  and  many  exteri- 
ourdemonn:rationsofjoy,  as  an  irrefragable  Teftimony  of  the  Ancient 
Chiftianity  in  China,  which  had  been  fo  much  defired  and  fought  after  .- 
for  no  Icffe  was  conrained  in  this  writing,  as  we  fhall  fliew  anon. 

Tliree  pars  after  in  the  yeaj;^i628fcme  of  ou^^  went  into  th^t 

Province  in  the  company  ofa  Chrijlian  Mandarine,  who  had  occafion^  to 
go  thither,  tjieyjqujnded  aj^u^  L^i^- 

offer  the  fervice  of  oiir  gqodjGod,  that  he,  who  was  plea  fed  to  difcover 
(o  precious  a  mcmoriall  of  the  poffeflion  taken  in  that  Country  b,yj^  di- 
vinelaw^  would  a] fq  facilitate  the  rcftitution  th^reofin  the  fame  place. It 


158  TheHiJlory  of  QHl^A.  Part.i. 

was  my  good  fortune  to  be  one  of  the  fir  ft,  and  I  efteemed  it  a  happy  a- 
bode,  m  that  I  had  the  opportunity  to  feetheftone,  and  being  arrived  I 
took  no  thought  for  any  thing  elfe.  I  faw  it  and  read  it,  and  went  often  to 
read,  behold,  and  confider  it  at  leifurc,  and  above  all,  I  did  much  admire, 
that  being  fo  ancient,  it  fliould  be  fo  entire,  and  have  the  letters  fo  plainly 
and  neatly  graven. 

On  the  thickncs  of  the  fides  thereof,  it  hath  many  Chimfse  letters^which 

containe  many  names  of  the  Priefts  and  B^Jhopsofthat  time.  There  are  al- 

fo  many  other  letters,  which  were  not  then  knowne,  for  they  are  neither 

^  .  ,  Hebrew  nor  Greek  .*  and  (for  as  much  as  I  now  underftand)  they  containe 

L7c.ttion  ex- 'the  fame  names,  that  if  peradvcmure  fome  ftrangers,  might  not  under- 

pkined  by       fl-gi^d  the  letters  of  the  Countrie,  they  might  perhaps  be  better  acquain- 

Sodror.:Cop!  t^d  With  thofc  of  3  fortaigne  eKtraaion, 

op.j,p3g.73.  p a\Xm^  by  Cocc hi ffe  I  czme  to  Crangamr^  where  is  the  Rejideme  o[thc 
jirchlpijhdpoiCeJia^zocoQMt  about  thefe  letters  with  father  Jittem  Fgr- 
mndts  one  of  our  focietie,  who  is  very  skilfuU  in  the  books  and  writings 
of  thofe  ancient  Chriftians  converted  by  S.  Thomas.  He  told  me  the  let- 
ters vi^ere  Syriack,  and  the  very  fame  which  are  ufed  there  at  this  day. 

But  let  us  come  now  to  the  infcription  of  our  Marble  which  no  doubt, 
ere  this  hath  raifed  an  appetite  in  the  reader  to  know  it, 

Thofe  three  lines,  which  are  at  the  foot  of  the  Crolfsj  each  confifting 
of  three  letters,  as  we  have  faid,  being  faithfully  tranflated,  as  alfo  all  the 
reft,  as  neere  as  pofTibly  I  could/ay  thus. 

J  Relation  in  the  Praife  and  eternaU  mcmorie^  efthe  law  of 
the  light  of  truth  br  ought  from  ^udea^  and 
preached  in  China . 

THe  writing  is  graved  on  the  plaine  fide  of  this  ftone  in  its  proper 
letters,  placed  in  lines  running  from  top  to  bottom  after  the  Chi- 

fomewhr'     nclse  f afhion.  The  firft  line,  which  is  the  fhorteft  faith  thus. 

diffcringfrom        ]  A  Piologuc  made  by  the  Prieft  of  the  Kingdom  of  ludea  named  Kim 

Prodmm'''^"*  ^^"^'  The  reft  of  the  infcription  in  a  magnificent  Orientall  ftile,  contai- 

Copt  cap.       neth  that  which  folio weth. 

3  p3g.  53  •  \\  oh  how  true  and  profound  is  the  eternally  and  the  incomprehenfihle  mofi 

fpiritu  tli  [pea  king  of  time  pajl,  he  is  without  beginning^  and  of  time  to  come  he 
is  without  end^  andalwaies  in  the  fame  perfeBion,  He  tooke  nothingy  and  with 
it  he  made  all.  He  is  a  principall^conftfling  of  Trinitie  and  Unirie,  re^  without 
any  reall  principle.  The  Lord  OXooyu,  He  madethe  foure  parts  of  the  world  in 
figure  of  a  Cxoffc^  He  moved  the  Ch^QS  and  made  the  two  principles.  There 
wa^s  an  alteration  made  in  the  AbyfTe,  and  heaven  and  earth  appeared^  Nature 
M  the  beginning  was  fur  e^  and  exempt  from  difordinate  faff  tons,  and  the  heart 
w<u  cleane^  without  the  unrulinejfe  of  the  appetites. 

Ill  (Jlian  came  afterward  to  fall  into  the  deceits  of  Sztm,  who  covering 
with  words  the  mifchiefe  he  had  plotted jperverted  the  innocence  of  the  firfl  man. 
T rom  this  principle  fprangiS^  Seds,  which  by  reafonthey  were  fo  many  did 
me  drive  away  the  other i  andof  all  of  them  was  made  a  net .^  wherein  the  world 
was  caught.  Some  chofe  the  creatures  and  appropriated  Divinity  to  themiothers 
were  plungsd  in  that  errotir  of  thinking  that  all  is  nothings  and  ends  in  nothing. 


Chap,?i.  1  he  Bijlory  of  QHI^A.  ,jp 

Others  make  facrifices  to  invite  good  fertum  witkOthcrs  counUrfeit  ^ertueio 
deceive  the  world.  The  under fimdmg  corrupted  with  err  our  s^  and  the  Will  with 
f>afftons  ^  are  altogether  obfcured.  Men  walked  forwards  without  ever  arriving 
at  the  end  they  aimed  at.  The  world  wa^s  all  in  a  mi fer  able  comhuflion,  Man 
fi ill  multiplied  the  darknejfe,  andloofitfg  his  waj^  wandredlong  time  iisit^  with- 
out finding  the  truth, 

IV.  Then  theMt{fas,cn€  of  the  ihrccpcxCons^  covered  his  true  OUajefiy 
and  making  himfelfa  man,  appeared  unto  the  world,  i^n  Angell  came  to  ma- 
rnfefi  the  Myftcry,4«^4  Virgin  brought  forththe  Holy  one.  A  Srarre  appta- 
red^  which  gave  notice  of  his  birth  to  thofe  of  the  Kingdo7ne  of  Voz\x:  They  cam 
to  offer  him'Xnhuc^  and  all  wa^  done  according  to  what  had  been  foretold  by 
the  foure  and  twenty  Saints.  Hepublifhedtothe  world  the  mofi  pure  law, He  pu- 
rifiedtheir  cufiomes^  and  re^ified  the  faith.  He  cleanfedthe  world.He  perfehed 
vert  tie  y  and  therein  founded  the  three  venues.  He  opened  the  way  to  life, and flnit 
up  that  of  death.  He  manife(led  the  bright  day^  mci  banifbed  obfcure  darkeneffe. 
He  conquered  the  obfcure  feate, at  what  time  the  devill  remained  whollj  fubdued^ 
andfuccoured  With  his  mercy  the  finking  world,  that  men  might  afcend  to  the 
hahitati(vs  of  light,  *^fter  he  hid  perfecied  his  works  ^  he  afcenkd  into  the 
heavens  at  Midd  ay.  7  hert  remained  1 7  books  of  holy  Scripture,  There  was  0  - 
fened  the  gate  to  Converfton  by  means  of  that  water  ^  which  clean feth^  and  fur  i- 
fieth,  Hts  Miniflers  made  ufe  of  the  Holy  C10&,  they  made  their  abode  no 
more  in  one  place  than  in  another^  that  they  might  illuminate  the  whole  worlds 
The  world  being  thm  reduced  unto  Union ^  men  did  walke  after  their  example 
and  (thus  did  they  open  the  way  of  life  and  glory. 

V.  They  fuffered  their  beard  to  grow,  and  did  pjew  by  this  means^  that  they 
were  li  ke  other  men  in  their  externa/lpart.  They  cut  their  haire,even  to  the  roots^ 
upon  the  top  of  their  headland  by  this  they  fhewed^  that  they  hadm  internall 
tvordlj  ajfeBions.  They  kept  no  jerv  ants  ^  the  Noble  and  the  common  men  were 
with  them  the  fame  thing.  They  tookeno  riches  from  men.  Thef  gave  to  the 
poore  that  which  they  had.Theyfafled  and  watched  to  bring  the  fie fl)  intofubjeBi- 
on  to  thefpirit,  Seaven  times  a  day  they  offered  facrifices  ofpraifejoy  which  they 
helped  the  living  and  the  dead.  Every  feaventh  da'j  they  did  offer.  They  purified 
their  hearts  to  receive  the  holy  innocence.  The  true  law  hath  no  namethat  doth 
wcllfuitewithit.,  andthatis  ahleto  explaine  the  excellency  thereof-^  therefore 
becaufe  it  wanteth  another  name^we  will  call  itThe  law  of^nghtneffe. The  law^ 
if  it  be  not  holy,  cannot  be  called  great:  andifholineffe  be  not  anfwcrable  to  that 
which  the  law  teacheth^  it  may  not  have  that  name.  But  in  this  law  the  holineffe 
correffondeth  to  the  law^  and  the  law  to  the  holineffe. 

VI.  If  there  be  not  Kingly  Perfons  to  favour  itythe  law  cannot  well  be  propa- 
gated.^ if  they  receive  not  the  law.,  they  cannot  grow  truly  great.  When  they  and 
the  law  doagree^prefently  the  world  is  enlightened.  By  this  means,  at  the  time, 
when  a  King  named  Tai  Zum  Veil  Hoam  did  governe  with  famous  prudence 
and  fani^itie^  there  came  from  ^udea  a  man  of  high  vertue,  by  name  Olopiicnj 
who  being  guided  by  the  clouds  brought  the  true  doBrine,  And  in  the  year  Chin 
Quom  Kieufu  he  arrived  at  the  Court,  The  King  commanded  the  Colao 
Fam  K'zulin ,  that  he  (J)0uldgo  and  meet  him  dsfarre  as  the  Wefi.,  and  that  he 
fhonld  treate  him  as  his  guefi  with  all  manner  ofkindneffe.  He  caufed  this  doH- 
fine  to  be  tranjlated  in  his  palace  ^  and  feeing  the  law  to  be  true^  he  powerfully 


i6o  TheBiJlory  of  QHl^d.        Pabt.i: 

commnn^td it  ^ouldht  divulged  through  the  Kingdome^  and  frefemly  'after ^ 
hefent  forth  a  royall patent, rvhich  cor)tMned  that  rvhich  foHoweth . 

"t he  true  lavp  hath  no  determinate  name .  The  Minijlers  thereof  go  about  in 
(.very  fart  to  teach  itttnto  the  worlds  having  no  other  aim  ^  hut  to  befrojitable 
iothofethatliveinit,  fn  the  Ktngdome of  T^ch'w^  this  Olopucn,  being  a 
ffian  of  great  vertue, hath  brought  from  fo  remote  a  Countrie  Ve^rines  andlma^ 
ges  5  and  is  come  to  place  them  in  our  Kingdome,  Having  well  examined 
that  rvhich  he  propofeth ,  rve  find  it  to  be  very  excellent,  and  without  any 
out fvar d  noife.  and  that  it  hath  its  principall  Foundation  even  from  the  Crea- 
tion of  the  World:  hisdo^rine  is  brief,  neither  doth  he  fou^dhis  truth  in 
fuperficiall  appear  ances'jtbringeth  with  it  the  falvation  andbeneft  of  men : 
wherefore  I  have  thought  it  convenient,  that  it  Jhould  be  fublijhed  through 
ear  Empire. 

He  commanded  the  Mandarines  of  this  Court  of  iWwjQw,  that  they 
Ihould  build  there  a  great  Church,  with  21  Mioifters,  weakening  by  that 
mcancs  the  Monarchic  o^chen  Olao  Fu^  head  of  the  (c6t  ofTauzw,  which 
was  carried  in  a  black  Chariot  toward  the  Weft  :  fo,  the  great  Tarn  be- 
ing eblightened  together  with  7^4^,  the  Holy  Gofpel  came  into  China  and 
a  little  while  after,  the  King  commanded,  that  olopuen  bis  Pidiure  fliould 
be  painted  on  the  vvalsoftheTemple,where  it  fhineth,  and  his  memoric 
willalwaycsfhine  in  the  World. 

VII  According  to  the  records  of  the  Empires  of /T^w  and  (/«^i  the 
Kingdome  o^Tachin  bordereth  Southward  upon  the  red  Sea,  and  North- 
v;ard  on  the  Mountaines  of  Pearls,  Weft  ward  on  the  Forcft  I>elle  Fule 
P(?r  £/ .y 4»f /,Gaft  ward  on  the  Countrie  of  C^^^^F/^w,  and  the  dead  water, 
TheCountrieproduccth  a  Lake  Afphaltitisof  fire,Balfome,  Pearlesand 
Carbuncles  :  it  hath  no  robbers,  but  all  live  in  joyiull  peace. The  Gofpel 
only  is  allowed  in  that  Kingdome :  and  honours  are  conferred  only  on 
thole  that  are  vert uouf .Their  houfes  are  great,and  all  is  illuftrious  by  their 
order  and  good  cuftomes. 

Vin  ThegreatEmperour^4^:(^/w,theSonneof  74/:^«w,  continued 
with  good  decorum  the  intention  of  his  Grand  Father ,  enlarging  and  ador- 
ning the  works  of  his  Father. For  he  commanded,  that  in  all  his  Provin- 
ces,Churchcs  fhould  be  built,  and  honours  conferred  on  olopuen^  beftow- 
ing  upon  him  the  Title  of  Bifliop  of  the  great  law-^by  whichlaw  he  gover- 
ned the  Kingdome  ofC^/>4  in  great  peace,  and  the  Churches  filled  the 
whole  countrie  with  the  profperitie  of  preaching. 

IX  In  the  year  Xim  Lte  the  Bcnz.i  of  the  Se(5t  of  the  Pagods  ufing  their 
wonted  violcnce,did  blafphcme  this  new  and  holy  Iaw>  in  this  place  of 
Turn  Chew,  and  in  the  year  Sien  Tien,  iomc  particular  Perfonsin  Sigan^ 
with  laughter  and  difparagcment  did  mock  at  it. 

X  Then  one  of  the  chief  of  the  Priefts,  called  John,  and  another  of 
great  vertue,  named  Kie  Lie.,  with  fome  others  of  their  Countrie ,  Priefts 
of  great  fame,  being  difingaged  from  the  things  of  the  world,  began  to 
take  up  again  that  excellent  net,  and  to  continue  the  thrcd,  which  was 
now  broken.  K!ing  Hi  vtn  7^m  Chi  Tao  commanded  five  little  Kings  to 
come  in  perfon  to  the  happie  houfe,  and  to  fet  up  Altars.Then  in  the  year 
Tien  ?ao,\\\'z  pillar  of  thcIav^jWhich  had  been  cafl  down  for  a  while  began 


Chap.^i.  TheHiftoryofCHl^A.  i6i 

to  grow  great  .•  King  Taciam  Kiumgave  command  to  CaolieSic  that  the 
Pidturcs  of  five  Kings  his  anccftours  fhould    be  placed  in  the  Churches 
with  a  hundred  Prefents  to  honour  the  folemnitie.  Although  the  great 
beards  of  the  Dragon,werc  afarrc  off,  yet  could  they  lay  hands  on  their 
Bowes  and  their  Swords.  The  brightncffe  which  floweth  from  thefc 
Pidures,  maketh  them  feem,  as  if  the  Kings  themfelves  were  prefent.  In 
the  third  year  oiTien  Pao^  the  Prieft  Kieho  was  in  /W/4,  who  guided  by 
the  ftarrcs  came  to  Chwa^Sc  beholding  the  Sunne,came  to  the  Emperour, 
who  commanded  that  5^tf^;?^andP4«/,  and  other  Prie/is  {hou\d  bejoyned 
unto  him,  to  exercife  Holy  works  in  Kim  Kim^  a  place  within  the  palace. 
Then  were  hung  up  in  Tables  in  the  Churches  the  Kings  letters  richly  a- 
dorned,  by  publique  order,  with  red  and  blew  colours,  and  the  Kings 
pen  filled  the  cmptines :  it  mounted  on  high,  and  tranfcended  the  Sunj 
his  favours  and  donatives  may  be  compared  to  the  tops  of  the  Moun- 
taines  ot  the  South-,  and  the  abundance  of  his  benefits  h  equall  to  the  bot,. 
Com  of  the  eaftcrn  Sea.Reafon  is  not  to  be  reje(5ledithere  is  nothing  which 
the  Saints  cannot  do^  and  their  deeds  are  worthy  of  memorie.   For  this 
caufe  \  Ven  Mim  commanded5'that  Churches fliould  be  built  in 
this  Lmvtij  and  in  five  Cities.   He  was  of  an  excellent  nature,  and  open- 
ed the  Gate  to  the  common  profperitie  of  the  Kingdome,  by  which 
mcanes  the  affaires  of  the  Empire  began  to  flourifh  again- 
XI  KmgTaizum  Fenvtt  caufed  happie  times  to  return  again-,doing  things 
without  labour  and  trouble. -al way es  at  the  feaft  of  the  nativitie  of  Chrift 
he  fent  Heavenly  perfumes  to  the  Royal!  Churches,  to  honour  the  Mini- 
fters  of  this  holy  law.  Truly,  heaven  givcth  beautie  and  profit  to  the 
world,  and  liberally  produccthallthings.This  King  imitated  hcaven,and 
therefore  he  knew  how  to  fuftaine  and  nourifh  his  fubjed:s. 

XII  King  Kien  chum  Xim  Xtn  Venvu  ufed  eight  wayes  of  government 
for  to  reward  the  good  and  chaftife  the  wicked,  and  nine  wayes  to  renew 
the  eflate  of  the  Gofpcl.  Let  us  pray  to  God  for  him,  without  being  a- 
fliamed  of  it.  He  was  a  man  of  much  vertue-,  humblc,and  defirous  of 
peace;  and  ready  to  forgive  his  neighbour,  and  to  affift  all  men  with  cha* 
ritie.  Thefearetheftepsof  our  holy  law  ;  to  caufe  the  winds  and  the 
raines  to  retire  at  their  fcafons ;  that  the  world  fliould  live  in  peace,  men 
be  well  governed,  and  affaires  well  eff ablifliedj  that  the  living  fliouId 
profper,and  the  dead  be  inhappincfTc-,  all  this  proceeds  from  our  Faith. 

XIII  The  King  gave  many  honourable  Titles  in  his  Court  to  the 
Prieft  T^«,a  great  Preacher  of  theLa  w,and  alfo  a  garment  of  a  red  colour^ 
becaufe  he  was  peaceable,and  took  delight  in  doing  good  to  all.He  came 
from  afarre  off"  into  fhma^  from  theCountiy  of  Tarn  XeChiChim,  His! 
vertue  furpafTed  our  three  famous  Families-,he  enlarged  the  other  fciences 
perfedly.  He  ferved  the  King  in  the  Palace,  and  afterward  had  his  name 
in  the  Royall  book.  The  little  King  of  Fuen  Tarn,  who  had  the  Title  of 
Chum  Xulim,znd  called  himfelf  Cozuy^kxycd  2it  firft  in  the  warrcs  of 
ihefc  parts  of^^/rfw.  King  Sozum  commanded  r^^that  he  fliould  affift 
Cozuy  very  much  above  all  the  reft  .-  neither  did  he  for  this  change  his  or- 
dinariecuftome-,  being  the  Nailes  and  Teeth  of  the  Common- Wealth? 
the  EyeS  and  Eares  of  che  Army.  He  knew  well  how  to  diftribute  his  re- 

y  venue n 

i6z  TheHiftorjofCHlTsCA.  Part.i 

venue -he  was  not  fparing  in  any  thing:  he  offered  a  precious  Gift,  called 
j'(?//,to  the  Church  ofthis  place  of  X/;?f/^«^;?:  he  gave  Golden  Carpets 
to  that  of  Cie  Ki,  He  repaired  the  old  Churches,  and  eftablifhcd  the 
houfeofthe law, adorning  the  chambers  and  galleries  thereof, making 
them  fhinc  like  flying  lights-,  he  laid  out  his  whole  ftrcngth  upon  works  of 
charitic .'every  year  he  afifembled  thePrieftsof  the  foure  Churches,  fer- 
ving  them  with  a  good  heart,and  making  them  honourable  entertainment 
for  thefpaceof  fifty  daies-,  he  fed  the  hungrie^  cloathed  the  naked,  cu- 
red the  fick,  and  buried  the  dead. 

XI  III  In  the  time  of  T^  So,m\h  all  his  parfimonic,  there  was  not  fuch 
ooodnefTe,  as  this  to  be  feen  ;but  in  the  time  o[  this  law  wc  fee  fuch  men, 
who  do  fuch  good  works  as  thefe.  For  this  reafon  have  I  graved  this 
Stone,  that  thereby  they  might  be  publifhed . 

I  fay  then^  thar  the  true  God  had  no  beginning,but  being  pure  and  qui- 
et,was  alwayes  after  the  fame  manner  .-he  was  the  fir  ft  Artificer  of  the  fre- 
ation^  he  uncovered  the  earth,and  elevated  the  Heaven. One  of  the  three 
Perfons  made  himfelf  man  for  our  cternall  falvation :  he  afccnded  like  the 
Sunneonhigh,  and  defeated  darkneffc ;  in  every  thing  he  did  difcovcr 
the  profound  Truth. 

XV  The  illuftrious  King,  being  really  the  firft  of  the  firft,  making 
life  of  a  fit  time,  put  a  ftop  to  mens  invention  :|the  heaven  was  3ilatcd,and 
the  earth  extended.  Moft  isright  is  our  law :  the  which,  when  Tarn  came 
to  the  Kingdome,and  propagated  the  dodrine,  and  builded  Churches, 
was  zs^nBarquCfholh  for  the  living  and  the  dead,  and  gave  reft  to  the 
whole  world* 

XV I  Cao  ^m  following  the  example  of  his  Grand  Father,  built  new 
Churches.  The  beautifull  Temples  of  peace  filled  the  whole  earth. 
The  true  law  was  illuftratedjhc  gave  a  title  of  honour  to  the  Bijhof-^  and 

men  enjoyed  repofe. 

XVII  The  wife  King  H/r//jZ//w  followed  the  right  way^  the  royal 
Tables  were  illuftrious^thc  Kingly  letters  fhone  therein,Thc  Pidures  of 
the  Kings  gave  light  on  high,  and  all  the  people  did  reverence  them -and 
all  men  had  joy  and  gladneffe. 

XVIII  When -y^^rtzw  reigned,  he  came  in  pcrfon  to  the  Church.  The 
Bol-f  Stmne  did  fhine,  and  the  bright  cloudes  fwept  away  the  darkneflc  of 
the  night ;  Profperitie  was  united  to  the  Royall  family  5  misfortunes  cea- 
fcdjtheheatofdiffcntionswas  abated.-  he  quieted  the  rumours,  and  he 
renewed  our  Empire. 

XIX  King  Taizutt  was  obedient-,  in  vcrtue  cquall  to  heaven  and  earth.- 
he  gave  life  unto  the  people,  and  advancement  to  their  affaires :  he  exer- 
cifed  works  of  charitie  -  he  offered  perfumes  to  the  Church.  The  Sunne 
and  Moone  were  united  in  his  perfon. 

XX  When  King  Kien  Chum  reigned,  he  did  illuftrate  famous  vertue  5 
and  with  his  armes  reftorcd  peace  to  the  foure  feas  :and  with  his  learning 
he  pacified  loooo  confines.  As  a  torch  he  did  enlighten  the  fccrcts  of  men, 
he  faw  all  things  as  in  a  glaiTe  .•  He  received  the  Barbarians,  who  all  took 
rules  from  him, 

XXI  The  law  is  great  and  pcrfcd;,  and  cxtcndcth  it  fclfe  to  all  things, 


Chap  .?i .  TheHi/lorj  of  QHl^NJ.  167, 

defiring  to  frame  a  name  for  ir,I  cannot  but  call  xx^Thc  Divine  Law.  FCfngs 
know  bcft  to  difpofe  their  affaires,  I,  who  am  a  fubje<5t,  can  only  caufc, 
them  to  be  recited  on  this  rich  ftone,  for  to  magnifie  our  great  felicitie. 

XXII  In  the  Empire  of  great  Tam,  the  fecond  year  of  Kicn  Chum^  the 
feaventh  day  of  the  Month  of  Auturane,  was  this  ftone  cre(5tcd.  Nin  Cia 
being  Bifhep^and  Governing  the  Church  of  C^/>;4.Thc  tJf^l andar ine^c^iWcd 
Litt  Sicuyen  entitled  Chadylam  (in  which  office  before  him  was  Tai  Ckft  Sn 
Sic  Kan  Kim)  graved  this  (lone  with  his  owne  hand* 

This  is  the  Interpretation  of  thatZw/?r//?i/^;;5tranflared  as  faithfully  as  wc 
could  pof!ibly,out  of  the  Chinejfe  Phrafe. 

It  will  not  be  impertinent  now  to  make  {omtAnnotations  upon  the  rextj,' 
having  forborne  on  purpofe  to  do  it  before,  that  J  might  not  brcake  the 
thread  of  the  difcourre,and  therefore  we  will  take  thcParagraphs  in  order , 
noting  the  words  which  wc  will  cxplaine,  and  giving  fome  advertifement 
upon  them. 

I  Giudxa.  This  word  is  written  hift  thus  without  any  other  difference, 
but  that  the  Characters  are  C/?/>?fjf/'tf.  The  fame  is  found  alfo  in  the  othet 
words  or  names,  of  Satanas  and  Mejpas ,  which  arc  in  the  iii  and  iiii 

II  olooyu.  This  word  is  written  juft  thus  In  the  ftone^  and  it  is  proba- 
ble he  meant  Eloi  which  is  a  name  of  God.T^^f  two  principalis,  of  which  he 
fpcakcth  aftcrward,are  matter  and  forme  according  to  their  Phylofophic. 

III  7'k  kingdom  of  Pozu^ln  the  Chinejfe  maps  ylyethEad  of  fudea.  The 
^OfSaints  may  well  be,The y^«r^  great  Prophets^The  twelve  fmallProphefSj 
Abraham,  Ifaac,  ^acob^  ^oh,  Mofes^  Jojhua^David  and  Zacharias.iht  father 
of  fohn  the  Baptifl^  who  put  togcthcr,make  up  that  number^  and  have  fpo- 
ken  the  plainefl  concerning  the  coming  ot  C hrift. 

IV He  conquered  the  feat^^cAt  feemeth  that  he  fpeaketh  of  thcRedeemers 
defcent  into  hell.  Twenty  feaven  is  probable  he  meaneth  the  new 
Tcftameot,  thatiSjThefoure^'i;^;?^^///?/,  The  ^^j  of  the  Apofiles^lho. 
fourteen  Epiftles.of  S.  Paul^  one  of  S.  ^ames^  two  of  S.  Peter^  thrcb 
of  S.  lohn^  one  of  S, 5^//^^,  and  the  Revelation, 

V  Seaventimesaddythey  offered  dec.  He  feemeth  tofpeak  of  the  fea- 
venCanonicallhoures.  Every  feaventh  day  Sec-  Signifieth  the  facrificc 
of  the  M  affe,  which  was  celebrated  every  Lords  day. 

Vl.VlI.7/'^_jf^4r<?/^/w^^w&c.  According  to  the  computation  of 
their  Hiftorics,  it  is  the  year  ot  our  Redemption  6^6.  Weakening  the  Monar- 
chic ^c.  Thisclaufe  is  an  Elogie  given  to  that  Prince  by  the  Authour  of 
(this  Infcription.  Was  carried  in  a  black  chariot  toward  the  Wefi  &c.  It  is  to 
be  underftood,  that  it  went  away  out  of  china, 

VIII  Caoz,ttmM  appearcch  by  their  books,that  he  reigned  in  the  year  of 
our  Lord  65 1. 

IX  Ximlie.  According  to  the  Chriftinn  Computation,  was  the  year 
699.  Tumchett^  The  opinion  of  the  Tranflatour  is,that  ir  was  a  particular 
place  in  the  Province  o'tHonam.Sien  Tien  is  the  year  712,  Sicham^  Called 
at  prefent  Sig^m^  was  the  ancient  Court  in  the  Province  of  xcmfi. 

X  KingHiVenZum^SiCC.  Began  toraigneintheyear  ii/s^,  Tien  tdo 

Y  2  lived 

1(54.  TheHiftoryofCBll^A.  Part.i. 

lived  in  the  year  745.  CaoLie  Sic,  is  the  name  of  an  Eunuch,  who  was  ve- 
ry powerfull  with  that  King.  The  Beards  ^c.  This  claufe  is  another  Elo- 
giefmadebythc  Authour)  of  thofe  Kings.  The  Dragon  &c.  According 
to  the  interprcter,this  is  an  ancient  fable  of  that  Kingdom,which  rclatcth, 
That  one  of  their  Kings  rid  through  the  ayre  mounted  upon  that  beaft, 
which  his  fubje(5ls,  who  accompanied  him,  had  laden  with  their  armcs, 
but  they  which  came  after  plucked  off  the  beard  of  the  Bragen^  and  took 
fomeofthearmes;  that  thefe  might  remain  by  them  as  a  memorial  1  of 
that  Prince,  whom  they  did  fancy  to  be  prefcnt  with  them  in  thefe  rc- 
liques.  This  fable  might  haply  take  its  Orginall  from  the  cuftomc  which 
their  Kings  have,  of  embroydcring  Dragons  on  their  garments;)  and  other 
things,  which  belong  to  them.  The  third  year  of  Tien  Pao  Sec,  falleth  out, 
according  to  our  account,  to  be  the  year  745 .  Sozm  Fen  Mim^  reigned  ia 

the  year  757- 

XU  Tai  ZunFemvu,h€gmtova\gnc  in  the  year  7^4. 

XII  X/V^^C/^^^^X/w^was  King  in  the  year  781. 

XIII  ^^w  Xe  Chi  Chim  is  a  place  in  the  Country  of  the  Pagods,  and 
fignifieth  a  remote  Countrie.  PoU^  faith  the  interpreter,  is  fomevefTcl  of 


XIV.  Tafo  was  a  Bonzo  of  the  fedi  of  the  Pagods,  who  made  a  great 
affembly  of  the  Bonzi^to  treate  of  the  publike  affaires  of  that  rcligion5and 
tooke  care  to  lodge  them,  and  provide  all  ncccfTaries  for  them. 

XlX  The  Sunnt  and  Moonehcc.  Signifieth,  that  all  obeyed  that  King. 

XX^I  Kien  C  htm,  VJBS  they  cat  ySz.  In  the  other  P^y^^rrf^^/ whereon 
we  have  made  no  Annotations ^thac  is  nothing  of  obfcuritie  to  require  it; 

It  appeareth  then  evidently,  by  the  teftimony  of  this  venerable  Anti- 
quity,that  the  Chriftian  Religion  was  planted  in  China  by  the  means  above- 
faid  ,in  the  year  of  Chrifi  6^6  j  neverthekfle,  it  is  not  to  be  iraagined,that  it 
was  not  formerly  brought  thither  by  the  preaching  of  the  Apoftlcs,  who 
as  the  holy  Scripture  faith,  did  difperfc  themfelves  through  the  whole 
earth:  but,  as  it  happened  in  fcverail  other  Countries,  that  after  it  had 
once  been  propagated  there  by  them,  it  came  in  time  tobeextinguifhed, 
and  was  againe  rcnucd  by  the  induftry  of  ethers  5  fo  it  fell  out  in  India^ 
where  S.  Thomas  the  Apoftle  had  once  preached  the  Gofpel  5  but  all  me- 
mory thereof  being  loft,  about  the  year  800 ,  a  rich  Armenian  Chriftian, 
called  Thomas  the  Canaanite  reftored  the  ancient  Religion  in  the  Citie  of 
Mogo  Doven,  or  Patana^  repairing  the  Churches,  which  had  been  former- 
ly built  by  that  holy  Apoftle  r,  and  erc(5ling  others.  And  upon  this  oc- 
cafion  of  the  likenefTe  of  their  names,  many  have  miftaken  them  to  be  all 
built  by  the  fiift  T^tfw^tf.  The  fame  thing  may  probably  have  happened 
in  China;^\\Qxt  the  Gofpel  being  received,  prci'ently  after  if,  began  to  be 
publiflied  to  the  world-,  and  being  afterward  extinguiftied,  it  was  intro- 
duced again  a  fecond  time,  whereof  this  infcription  maketh  raentionj 
and  laftly  a  third  time,  whereof  wc  purpofeto  treat  in  the  fecond  part. 
Itleemethneceffariethus  to  ftate  the  matter,  that  we  may  not  derogate 
from  the  Tcftimonie  of  thofe  grave  Authours,  whom  I  have  formerly 
cited,  how  5f.  T/'tfw^i  l^f^^/^//^  did  preach  in  C^,/>4,  and  converted  ic 



Chap.^1.  ne  tiijlory  ofCBlHj^.  1 6? 

The  time  wherein  the  memorie  of  the  Holy  Apoftlcs  preaching  was 
loft,  was  not  much  different  both  in  India  and  China-^  for  by  fcverall  con- 
jectures it  appcareth,  that  Thomas  the  Cananite  renewed  it  in  India  in  the 
eighth  Century  after  Chrift-,  and  by  this  ftone  it  is  manifeft,that  it  was  in 
the  feventh  Ccnturie  after  Chrift,  when  it  was  preached  in  China  .•  and 
therefore  without  much  difficultie  it  may  be  Concludedjthat  thiswas  not 
the  firftcftablifhmentoftheChriftiaa  Religion  thcrcj  but  rather  a  re- 
cftablifhmentof  it. 

The  end  of  the  firft  part 


1 66 

TheUiflou  ofCHl^d.        Part.z; 


W^^^J^^i^^s  contained 

The  Chriftianitie  of  the  Kingdome 



Chap.  1. 

Of  the  firH  beginnings  of  the  T^reachingo/the 
(jo [pel  in  China, 

^ooooooooo  o  otfj|rrnrr^mg  tothc  o^imoVioi SocrAtcs^hf^zs^ioht 
'^^^"^^     p  ^  -  cftecmed  no  IcfTc  injurious,  who  fpake  againft  the 

Sunnc,  than  he,  who  fhould  dcnic  the  bcautie  of 
the  light  thereof,  with  which  it  makcth  the  day, 
and  of  that  which  is  the  fruit  thcrof,as7<?r^«/,alIe- 
gorizcth  itjthat  is.the  flower.It  would  be  no  lefle 
a  fault,but  rather  more  unpardonable  in  hinijWho 
treating  of  the  converfion  of  China^  iliould  deny 
Francifcus  Xaverius  to  have  bin  the  flower  of  that 
day  of  Grace,  which,  having  bin  fet  there  for  fo  many  ages,  is  now  rifen 
again  upon  the  Gentiles  of  that  Monarchie.  He  was  the  firft  who  came  to 
the  gates  thcrof  with  thatTrcafurc  of  the  holy  Gofpcl, after  he  had  comu- 
nicatcd  it  to  fo  many  feverall  K'ngdomes  and  Provinces.  The  glorious 
Saint  Leo  fpeaking  of  the  Apoftlc  St.  Peter  faith,  ^am  Populos^  qui  in  cir- 
cumeijione  credideruntjerttdierat  :  ]a,m  AmiochenAm  EccUftAm  fmdaverat : 
jam  Pontum,  GaUtiam^  Cappadociam,  Ajiam  at  que  Bithyniam^  legibm  EvAn^ 
gdicA  PrAdicationis  impleverAt :  nee  atft  duhim  deproveEiu  operis,  aut  de  fpa- 
tiofHA  igmrus  MAtk^  Trofhxum  C  rue  is  Chrijli  Romams  arcihm  infer  eb  at. 


Ch  A  p .  1 .  The  Eiflory  ofQUI^KA.  1 6^ 

All  IndU  doth  confefTe  no  leffc  of  their  Apoftlc,  to  whom  the  bounds  of 
the  £4/?,  though  very  large,fecmed  but  narrow,  having  already  inftruacd 
in  the  faith  the  principall  Cities  thereof  Goo,  and  Cochin^  having  planted 
theGofpel  on  the  coafts  of  P</^4r/4,  having  converted  the  Country  of 
TrAvancor.^  inftrudled  Camhaia^  and  propagated  the  faith  at  Malacca^  prea- 
ched the  true  religion  at  Mdcazar^dc  the  Molucche  Iflands;  and  finalIy,con- 
vcrted  the  King  of  Bungo  in  Giaffon^  and  filled  all  that  Kingdom  with  the 
knowledge  of  the  law  of  Chrifl  •,  yet  ftill  the  defire  of  a  greater  harveft, 
and  to  profit  other  Nations,  fuffcrcd  him  not  to  reft.  Studium  froficiendi 
aliiSy  otii  ilium  im^ittientem  reddidit^  as  Eohertu6  Jhhas  faith  of  another  La- 
bourer in  the  Gofpel ;  tinde  mc  aut  dttbiu^  defroveiitt  oj?erii^dut  defpatiofud 
igaaru^s  at  at  is  Trofhxum  CrucU  ChriftiSinicis  arcibus  infer  eb  at. 

This  was  his  ayme,  thcfc  were  his  hopes  and  defires,  with  which  he 
undertookethe  voyage  of  Cte^,  when  being  zn'weAztSanciano,  where 
the  T>i'vim  Providence  had  appointed  he  fhould  end  his  daies  •,  (that  being 
true  which  7Vr;«//;4»  faith,  Deus  omnittm  conditornilmnratione  frovidit^ 
difpofftit^  ordinavit.)  And  the  Lord  being  well  appayed  with  the  intenti- 
on of  his  fervant,  and  the  ardent  defires  which  he  had,  to  facrificc  bis  life 
in  this  enterprifejas  Abraham  had  to  facriHce  thclife  of  his  fonne  Jfaac, 
caufing  him  to  afcend  up  into  Mount  Sancian ,  (as  he  did  Mofes  into 
Mount  i\r^^aiter  he  had  fhewed  him  the  land  he  fo  much  dcfired  to  con- 
quer; Mortms  ejl,  jubente  deo :  the  good  man  died  by  the  ordination  and 
appointment  of  Heaven?  after  he  had  feenand  (bewed  unto  his  Sons  that 
land, which  he  had  gained  {like  another  ^acoh  [oxjofeph^mth  the  bow  of 
his  will,and  tbearrowes  of  his  de{ires,Ieaving  them  for  an  inheritance  the 
conqucft  thcrcof,together  with  his  hereditary  fpirit-,which  his  fonnes  and 
followers  having  received  (in  part,)  made  their  affault,  and  at  length  en- 
tred  this  place  5  and  it  is  now  about  fifty  years  that  they  have  kept  it  with 
many  labours,  travels,  perfccutions,  imprifonments,  Bajiinadoes,  and  in  a 
word,  Egentes,  Angujiiati^  JffliSli'^  Thefc  being  the  armes  with  which 
thcftandard  of  the  Chriftian  faith  is  fet  up  in  the  Kingdomes  of  the  Gen-  ' 

f/7^^,  and  by  means  whereof  (together  with  the  grace  of  God  J  fomany 
mcnhavcbeen  converted  unto  Chriftianitie,  as  you  (hall  finde  in  this  fol- 
lowing relation. 

After  my  returne  into  Europe^  and  that  my  intention  of  feeking  Labou- 
rers for  this  vine-yard  was  once  divulged,  prefently  there  were^fomany 
pretenders,  who  made  fuit  to  me  to  be  received,that  there  is  fcarce  a  Pro- 
vince of  our  fociety,  from  whence  I  have  not  received  many  letters  from 
fcverallof  the  fathers,  wherein  they  did  not  only  offer  themfelves,  but 
made  it  their  moft  earncflrequeft,that  I  would  accept  of  them,  ro  ferve  as 
Souldiers  in  this  entcrprifc;  as  if  the  trouble  and  paincs  they  were  to  fuffcr 
in  thcfc  long  and  dangerous  voyages,  and  the  perfccutions  they  are  fo  cer- 
tainc  to  undergo  in  this  exercife,  were  to  this  undertaking,  as  the  prickles 
are  to  Rofes,whereof  S.  Jmbrofe  faith,That  they  are  Amatoria  cjfudam  //- 
leHamenta.  And  in  the  Province  oiPortugall^  as  being  moft  conveniently 
fcituated  for  this  voyage,  onlyoutofthetwoColIedgesof  c<?w>7/^r4and 
£hora^  I  had  a  lift  of  90  perfons,  all  fo  ready  and  defirous  to  labour  in  this 
Mijfion^  t^iat  many  of  them,  not  being  content  to  declare  their  defires  by 


^8  The  Hi/lory  of  QHID^A7~~~  Part.i.' 

ordinary  words  written  with  pen  and  inkc,  have  fcnt  me  very  long  letters 
concerning  their  holy  pretention,  all  written  and  figncd  with  thier  owne 
blood,  witneffing  in  this  manner,  that  they  had  a  holy  courage,  that  could 
dcfpife  the  threats  of  Martyrdom;  offering  cheerfully  to  the  Lord  that 
little  blood,  as  a  Tcflimony  of  the  great  defire  they  had  to  flied  it  all  for 

his  fake. 

Who  now  can  doubt,  whether  thefc  be  not  the  marvellous  effects  of 
that  fpirit  and  zeale  whichi^'r^;?^//^^  Xaverim  communicated  to  them,oc- 
cafioning  inwardly  in  the  breafl  of  each  of  them,  that  which  a  little  while 
fincehedid  outwardly  in  that  great  Champion  MarceUmSpineUus,  by 
fending  him  to  Giappon,  wheic  he  crowned  that  glorious  cntcrprife  with 
his  blood. 

Sanaa;}  is  one  of  thofe  many  Iflands,  which,  on  that  fide,  give  a  begin- 
ning to  the  Kingdom  of  cto<«:  it  is  a  high  mountain  covered  with  trees, 
and  though  very  pleafant,yet  un-inhabited.  When  the  Portughejfes  iirft 
began  their  trade  with  Chma^t\{\s  Ifland  ferved  them  for  a  Porc,and  there 
they  built  houfes  with  ftraw,  like  huts,  which  ferved  them  only  for  the 
time  of  their  Negotiation^^  whilefl  they  expeded  their  merchandife-,but 
as  foone  as  that  came,they  abandoned  that  habitation,and  prefently  fetting 
faile,returned  into  India,  Fourc  and  fiftic  miles  from  thence,  more  within 
the  Kingdom,  there  is  another  Ifland  named  GauXany  and  by  the  fortu- 
gheffes  MacaQ^  it  is  but  fmall,and  fofull  of  rocks,  that  it  is  very  eafie  to  be 
defended,  and  very  opportune  for  the  rcndevous  of  P;jrats  and  robbers  •  as 
indeed  it  was  at  that  time,when  many  of  them  having  got  together  in  that 
place,  did  much  infcfl  all  the  Iflands  thereabouts.  The  Chinejfes  were  in 
confultation  how  they  might  remedy  that  mifchiefe,  but  whether  it  was 
that  they  wanted  courage  to  undertake  it,  or  that  theychofe  rather  to 
have  it  done  without  running  any  danger  themfelvcs,  and  at  other  mens 
cofl,  knowing  well  the  vafour  of  the  Portughefes,  they  fet  them  upon  the 
cnterprife,  promifing  them,that  if  they  could  drive  out  the  Pyrats^k  fhould 
be  granted  to  them  for  an  habitation. 

The  Portughejfes  accepted  of  the  condition  with  much  picafure  and 
contentment :  and  though  they  were  but  few  and  much  inferiour  in  num- 
ber to  the  P^r^z/jnevertheleffe  being  more  skilfull  in  military  affaircs^thcy 
put  themfelves  in  order,  andfct  upon  them  with  fo  much  courage,  that' 
without  the  lofTe  of  one  man  on  their  owne  party,  though  with  great 
flaughter  of  the  enemie,  they  prefently  became  Mafleis,  both  of  the  field 
and  Ifland*  They  began  prefently  upon  this  to  build,  every  one  taking 
that  place  and  ground  which  fee  med  good  to  him;  But  that  which  coft 
nothing  at  firft,  came  after  to  be  fold  very  deare,  and  atfo  high  a  rate  at 
this  prefent,  that  it  would  hardly  be  beleevcd,  how  much  the  leafl  piece 
of  ground  to  build  on  in  that  City  would  cofl.  For,  trade  beginning  to 
faile  every  where  in  India^  doth  here  encreafe  flill  every  day,  and  the  in- 
habitants are  growne  fo  rich,  that  the  covetoufncfTc  of  the  Hollanders 
have  made  them  have  a  great  longing  to  it,  and  did  oni:e  attempt  to 
take  it. 

In  the  moncth  of  I  me  1622.  Fourteen  faile  of  Hollanders  came  into 
that  Port,  with  fo  much  rcfolution  and  affurance  to  take  that  C  icy,  that 


C  » A  p .  t .  The  Hijlory  of  QRID^QA.  i  6^ 

they  had  already  divided  (in  their  thoughts)  the  principall  parts  there- 
of among  thcmldveSjand  many  Captaines  and  old  Souldiers  came  alon^^ 
in  this  fleet,  only  out  of  hopes  to  have  their  former  fetvices  paid  them 
here,  and  to  fettle  themfelves  in  a  condition  of  cafe  and  plenty  after  all  che 
hardfhips  they  had  endured  .They  landed  700  men  on  MidlomerEve33oo 
of  them  ftaid  upon  the  (hoic  to  guard  the  Cannon,  the  other  400  having 
drawn  up  themfelves  intoafquadron,went  totheHillofourZ^^^y^^//^ 
GuidAy  marching  towards  the  Citie  with  fo  great  order  and  chcerfulnefTej 
as  if  they  had  the  vi(5toric  already  in  their  hands. 

They  were  no  fooncr  difcovcred  from  the  Mountain  of  5.P4«/,but  they 
were  received  with  two  or  three  falutes  from  the  cannon  on  that  fide,  (o 
well  levelled,  that  beginning  to  abate  of  their  fury,  they  left  the  diredt 
way  toward  the  Gitic,and  turned  on  the  left  hand  toward  the  Mountain 
of  our  Ldk  del  hmn  pno  :  and  becaufe  there  was  a  Garrifon  therc,they 
kept  offabout  twice  Musket-fhor,  and  fortified  themfelves  on  the  fides  of 
the  U'lW  sphere  St.Maries  Church  ftands.  But  the  Portughejfes  difcharged 
upon  them  fo  fcafonably5and  with  fo  much  valour  and  courage,  that  they 
put  them  to  flight,  and  made  them  run  down  the  hill  toward  the  Sea, 
where  the  other  Souldiers  flood  by  the  fhips.  They  fled  in  fo 
much  difordcr  and  confufion,  that  although  there  were  above 
300.  there  to  guard  their  Artilleric,  who  did  fuccour  them  with 
frefli  Men,  and  encourage  them  to  face  about ,  yet  all  was  in  vain, 
and  fo  both  the  one  and  the  other  forced  to  runne  into  the  water  up  to  the 
chin,  to  get  into  their  boatcs :  and  thcfe  fcapcd  well 3  for  many  went  over 
head  and  earcs-,  and  a  barque  by  reafon  of  the  confufion  and  diforder  of 
thofe  that  got  into  her,  funk  down  right,  and  above  460  men  were  drow- 
ned.The  number  of  the  wounded,is  not  knownj  but  it  is  conje(5tured,they 
could  not  be  few ;  for  whilefl  they  embarqued,  our  Muskettiers,  who 
flood  upon  a  hill  jufl  over  them,  played  continually  upon  them.  Of  the 
Tortughefes  there  were  flain  only  three  or  four,  and  fome  Servants*  The 
Hollanders  being  ill  fatlsficd  with  this  entcrtainmentaprefently  fet  faile,and 
durfl  never  fince  hazard  themfelves  upon  the  like  enterprife. 

This  was  the  caufe  of  fortifying  the  Town  oiMacao^mxh  a  wall  round 
about  it,  having  fix  Buharks-xhn  o(St.Paul,which  ferveth  as  a  cittaddellj 
(landing  higher  than  the  Town,having  fifteen  pieces  of  Cannon,  a  Court 
of  Guard,  and  a  Caflellan  belonging  to  it.That  of  the  Port,  having  four- 
teen piece  of  cannon,  among  which  arc  fix  great  ones,  that  carry  each  of 
them  a  ball  of  50  pound  weight,and  another  Court  of  Guard.  The  third 
Bulwark  is  that  of  our  LadU  del  baon  porto ,  with  eight  piece  of  cannon^ 
The  fourthjthat  oiSt.Frajicis^ovJ2ix6.  the  Mountain,with  other  eight  pjecc 
of  Cannon.  The  fift  is,  that  of  St.  Peter, mih  five  piece  of  Cannon.  The 
fixtis,that  o^  St,  gCtf^»,with  three  piece  of  Cannon.  And  becaufe  the 
Mountain  of  our  Ladie  della  Gu/da  commandeth  both  the  Bulwark  of  St.' 
Paul  and  the  Citie,it  was  fortified  in  the  year  1637  in  the  fame  manner  as 
the  Rock  of  Charil  is :  it  hath  ten  great  brafTe  Cannon* 

The  Citicis  not  great,  there  are  in  it  about  900  or  1000  Pmughejfes, 
who  are  all  rich,  and  live  very  fplcndidly  :  there  are  many  Chmefs 
Ghriflians,  who  arc  cloathed,and  live  after  the  Portughejfe  falhion^  the;e 

Z  are 

lyo  TheU'tjlory  of  CHID\(A.  Part.z. 

are  alfo  Chimfes  who  are  Gentiks^znd  are  cloathed^  and  live  after  the  fa- 
{hion  ot  their  own  Coiintrie :  all  the  Artizans  of  the  Ckic  confift  of  this 
laft  fort,  as  alfo  the  Shop-keepers  and  Retailers  &c.  and  arc  in  all  about 
J  or  6000. 

There  lefideth  alfo  in  the  fame  Citic  an  Auditor,  who  is  fent  thither  by 
the  King  o^ Portugal,  and  is  fuperintendent  of  thetraffique  and  commerce 
of  that  Iflc.The  trade  with  Gia^po/j  (not  to  fpeak  of  that  oiManila^  which 
is  worth  very  much)  yeeldeth  the  King  every  year,  for  his  rights  and  cu- 
flomesat  ten  fcr  cent,  many  thoufands  of  Crowacs/>^r  anmtm^  In  the 
year  1635  it  was  worth  to  him  14000  T^^^^which  are  better  than  Crowns* 
The  Citie  fpcndcth  every  year,one  year  with  anotherjin  their  Artillerie, 
Gunpowder,  and  the  charges  of  their  walls,and  other  things  belonging 
to  their  Militia,  (as  appeareth  by  the  books  of  publique  accounts)  above 

The  rights  and  cuftomcs  of  the  Faircot  Cantone^  at  6  and  7  per  cent* 
imporceth  about  40  or  50000  Crowns.  The  Navigation  to  Giappon  with 
the  Prefcnt  which  is  fcnt  to  the  King,and other  Prefcnts  to  the  Tom  ot  that 
Iflandjc'ofteth  between  twenty  and  five  and  twenty  thoufand  Crownes. 
Their  houfe  of  Mercy  ftandeth  them  every  year  in  8  or  9  thoufand 
Crownes.They  mantain  two  Hofpif als.three  parifli  Churches,  five  Mona- 
fteries,{oureofMenandoneof  Women,befides  the  continuall  Almes, 
which  they  diftribute  to  the  poor  Ghriftians  of  thofe  Countries-,  and  par- 
ticularly to  them  of  C>&/>4.- and  although  the  ordinaiie  Almcs,  which 
the  King  of /'5r/«^4^alloweth  them  komGoahath  not  been  paid  thefe  ip 
years,yct  are  they  wel  relieved  by  the  liberalitic  of  the  Citizens  ofMacao.I 
doubt  not  but  the  Lord  doth  favour  this  Citic  for  their  many  Alraesdecds, 
and  for  the  great  care  they  take  about  the  Service  and  Worlhip  of  God. 
Finally  ,this  Citie  of  Macao  is  a  continuall  Seminarie,  wherein  are  educa- 
ted and  brought  up  many  of  thofe  LabourerSjWho  cultivate  not  only  C^i- 
na  and  Giappon^  but  alfo  all  other  Chriftianities  of  the  Neighbouring  is  alfo  a  San(auarie  and  place  of  Refuge,  whcrc,in  times  of 
troubles  and  perfecutions,  they  may  allfhelrerthemfelvesjasit  werein 
another  Moab.^  being  \yponQ\[ocz2.C\ons,Refugw?na  Facie  Vafiatoris^ 

One  ot  the  Convents  ofthis  Citie  is  a  Colledge  belonging  to  our  So- 
cietic.There  are  commonly  between  thrcefcore  and  fourcfcorc  perfons 
in  it,  more  or  leffe,  according  to  the  number  of  the  perfons  they  receive, 
or  fend  away.  For  all  Miffwns  being  furnifhed  out  of  them,  their  num- 
ber muft  needs  be  very  uncertain.There  are  in  that  Colledge  twoLcdurcs 
in  Divinitie;  one  of  Cafes  of  Confcicnce-,  one  courfe  of  fuperiour  ff  udies5 
two  claffcs  of  Latin-,one  fchoole  for  children,  fo  numerous,  that  the  low- 
er forme  thereof  containeth  above  ^o  children  of  the  Fortughefes,  and  pco- 
ple'of  that  Countrie. 

Out  ofthis  Houfe,  (v;hich  at  the  beginning  was  very  imall,and  the  la- 
bourers there  very  few,  )firft  came  the  Souldiers  of  this  enterprifc. 
Father  ^lexmder  yalignanofh^^i^y  memoric,  who  was  then  Vifitcur, 
refolved  to  fend  fome  of  theFathers  into  China  to  endevour  to  convert  that 
vaft  Kingdomc  to  the  faith  of  Chrift-  when  prefcntly  the  firft  difficulties 
began  at  the  Colledge  it  felfe,  a  manifeft  prognoftication  of  the 


C  H  A  p .  z .  Ihe  Hijlory  ofQUIDMlA.  1 71 

manythatfliould  happen  in  the  progrtfle  of  the  woik,  and  execution  of 
the  undertaking.  For  ro  feme  of  the  Fathers,by  reafon  of  the  knowledge 
and  experience  rhey  had  oftheKingdonae  of  Ch'tnA^  this  enterprife  fee- 
raed  not  only  difficult,  but  alfo  rafh  and  unadvifed,  wherefore  they  advi- 
fed  the  Vifitour  not  to  fet  his  mind  upon  ir.  But  our  Lord,  who  bringcth 
wonderfull  things  to  paffe  from  weak  and  troublcfome  beginningSj 
would  have  this  defign  put  in  execution. 

Father  Michel  Roggiero  was  the  firft,  who  was  named  to  rake  paincs  in 
this  conqueft-,he  was  followed  by  the  Fathers  Framifcus  Pajfius ,  Amonl- 
US  de  tyilmeid^  Duarte^  Matthdus  Riccius^  and  others,  who  came  after  and 
helped  on  the  work,and  like  the  foundation-ftones  of  that  building,fuft:ii- 
nedthefirft  weight  thcreofand  greater  difficulties,  labours  and  troubles, 
than  any  Miffiens  of  our  focietie  had  ever  felt.  For  the  difficulties  in  new 
Milfsons'mo  Kingdomes  fo  remote  and  different,  from  our  Batofc  in 
language,  cuftome,  conveifation,  diet  &c.  are  not  ordinarie;  neither 
can  they  be  few.  But  thofe  in  the  Miffion  of  Chim  do  far  exceed  all  o- 
thers.    The  language  fcemeth  m^re  difficult  than  any  in  the  world,  be- 
ing all  oi  mmfjllables^  cure  and  ^quivocall.-and  in  this  difficulty  the  Fa- 
tbers  were  without  any  Mafter  to  teach  them,  withoiit  any  interpreter  to 
explain  what  was  faid  tplhemifo  that  they  neither  under ftood  others ^nor 
others  them-,  butby  force  of  diligence  and  unwearied  paines  they  wcnc 
on  conquering  and  gaining  ground  .•  and  although  they  never  arrived ^t 
any  petfedion  in  the  language,  or  good  accent  in  pronouncing  it-,  yet 
they  difcoveredthe  myftcries  of  that  tongue,and  fet  them  dov/n  info  plain 
a  forme,  that  they  made  it  much  more  eafic  for  thofe  who  came  after 
them.  To  this  may  be  added  the  painfull  ftudy  of  their  letters,  which  of 
it  felfe  alone  is  abufinefTe  of  incredible  labour,  they  being  fo  many  and 
fo  various-  and  in  this  M'lffton^  (contrarie  to  what  is  done  in  others)  the 
Fathers  do  ftudy  them  all  with  fo  much  diligence,that  they  have  not  only 
learned  to  write ,  and  to  read  their  books  very  perfectly, but  do  alfo  com- 
pofe  others  themfelves,  an  J  have  of  late  publifhed  many  to  the  great  ad- 
vancement of  C^r//?/4^/>y. -and  in  truth,theJ'4/^^rj  in  china  ^o  juftly  de- 
ferve  this  praife,that  that  language  being  fo  hard,  and  they  having  the 
letters  too  to  be  ftudied  which  are  not  very  eafie,  yet  they  do  fpeak  that 
language  much  better,  than  any  others  do  thofe,  of  their  Af/jf/^^wj  for 
of  themfelves  they  are  able  to  catechife,  preach,  treate,  and  coiivcrfe  with 
thegreateft  A/'4;?/i4/'/»f5oftheKingdome,andto  fpeak  to  the  King  him- 
fclf,ifthere  were  occafion,  without  making  ufe  of  any  ones  tongue,  but 
their  own^  their  endeavours  in  this  particular  being  extraordinarie,  and 
fuch,  as  arc  not  ufed  in  other  parts  :  and  our  Lord  by  his  fingular  provi- 
dence doth  fweeren  this  labour,  and  feafon  thofe  difficulties  they  under- 
go for  his  fake  with  much  joy  and  confolation.  Moreover ,there  is  to  be  a 
generallchangcthroughout  their  whole  bodies;  in  their  beard  and  their 
baire,  which  they  mnftfuffer  to  grow  very  longe^  in  the  falliion  of  their 
cloathes,  in  their  manner  of  converfation ,  in  their  cuftomes  and  be- 
haviour, and  all  other  tilings- which  arc  as  differcntaasthey  ate  remote 
from  ours.  / 

Befides  all  thcfe  ordinarie  difficulties,  (which  are  found  mote  or  kffe, 

Z  2  in 

lyi  TheHiJlory  of  QHl^d.         Pabt.z 

in  all  Mipm)\t  is  not  to  be  belccvcd,how  (harp  a  warrc  the  devil  hath  rai- 
fed  up  againft  this^  endeavouring  by  the  ftrcngth  of  difficulties  and  pcr- 
fecutions  to  make  us  defift  from  the  enterprife :  and  it  went  fo  farre,  that 
Father  falignanxhc  Vifitour,confidering  the  great  obftru(5tions  we  found 
every  where,  the  extraordinarie  difficultie  there  was  to  enter,  and  the 
great  trouble  there  was  to  ftay  there,  how  little  good  we  could  do  there, 
and  yet  how  much  we  fuffcred^refolved  to  call  back  the  Fathers  to  MaenOt 
to  enjploythem  in  fome  other  ii/^jf/z^woflelTc  danger  and  trouble,  and 
where  a  greater  profit  of  Soulcs  might  be  made.  But  the  Lord ,  who  had 
otberwifc  ordained  it  for  the  good  ofhiscle(^,  would  not  fuffer  the  La- 
bourers to  come  away,and  leave  the  work  begun  in  that  Kingdome^ where 
it  was  to  have  fo  advantageous  a  progreffe. 

C  H  A  p.2,. 

X  Of  the  proceedings,  and  perfecutions 
of  the  Fathers  y  before  thej  ar^ 
n'ue^  ^^  Nankim. 

■npHe  Fathers  did  ftill  perfevcre  in  the  Rcfolutlon  they  had  taken  to  en- 
•■'  ter  and  fettle  themfclvcs  in  Chtm-^  and  accordingly  three  times  the 
fame  year  they  attempted  with  all  diligence  to  make  their  entirejbut  were 
as  often  repulfedjandfent  back  out  of  the  Kingdome,  with  that  refent- 
ment  and  grief,  which  is  eafily  imaginable  they  had,  to  find  almoft  every 
fpark  of  hope  extinguifhed  by  fuch  extraordinarie  difficulties,  as  they 
found,  and  by  that  great  avcrfion,the  Chincjfes  had  to  admit  of 

I  have  been  told,that  about  that  time,Father  Valigmn  looking  one  day 
out  of  a  window  of  the  Colledge  of  Macao  toward  the  Continent,  the 
good  old  man  cried  out  with  a  loud  voice,  and  the  moft  intimate 
affediion  of  his  heart/peaking  to  China-jAh  Rock^  Rock^  when  wilt  thou  ofe». 
Rock':  But  (as  there  is  no  councell  againft  God,  who  feeth  and  knoweth 
the  times  and  moments  of  his  divine  Refolutionsjwhen  the  entrance  fee- 
med  more  (hut  up  than  ever,  and  more  encompaffed  with  difficulties,  af- 
ter fo  many  attempts  and  endeavours  had  been  fruft rated,  nay,  after  they 
had  been  fliarply  reproved  by  the  Vice-rojoiCaritone,  and  by  publick  or- 
der been  fent  back  to  Macao-^  then  did  the  Lord  our  God  open  the  gate  by 
fuch  meanes  as  were  not  to  be  imagined. 

The  Fathers  had  not  been  full  fcvcndaies  returned  to  Macao^  wholly 
defpairing  of  the  bufineffe,  when  there  arrived  a  meffenger  from  the  go- 
vernour  of  Cayitone^n^vatdChi  J«,bringing  letters  from  the  f7V^rd^y,where- 
in  he  invited  the  Fathers  loXaokim.^  the  Capital!  Citie  of  Cmtme^  where 
thcfamer/Ve-r<>>ofthe  Provinces  of  Cantone  and  ^/^^w/z^had  tiis  refi- 
dcnce-  offering  them  there  a  place  for  their  Church  and  Houfe. 

The  Fathers  entred  into Xaokimm  Scfttmber  1583.  with  no  little  joy  to 


C H AP  .2.  The  Htjlory  of  QUl^A.  1 75 

fee  rhcmfclvcs  eftablifhed  inamonrcnr,  whcrc,beforc  with  all  their  en- 
deavours they  could  never  fo  much  as  fet  their  foot.  They  built  a  houfe 
and  Church,  and  gave  a  beginning  to  their  inrention,by  tranflating  the  ten 
Commandements,  as  well  as  they  could,  into  the  Chwejfe  language-,  and 
fctting  forth,  how  neceffary  the  obfervance  of  them  was.   The  worth  of 
thcfencw  guefts  was  more  admired  in  the  City,  for  their  good  works 
andholineffeoflife,  than  for  their  words,  not  being  able  yet  to  fpeak 
that  language  fufficiently-,  but  almoft  continuall  troubles  and  perfecutions 
were  never  wanting  to  them.  The  covering  of  their  houfe  was  fo  loaden 
with . (tones  by  the  infolcnce  of  the  people  from  a  neighbouring  Tower, 
that  they  were  in  great  danger  of  their  lives:  and,  becaufe  a  fervant  of  the 
houfelaidholdofalitdcboy,  and  threatncd  to  complaine  of  him,  pre- 
fcntly  an  accufation  was  fet  on  foot  againfl  the  Fathers^thar  they  had  mif- 
ufed  the  Son»e  o^  aC/tizert  :  but  in  the  end  they  were  cleared  by  evi- 
dence of  the  fa(fi :  foone  after,  other  calumnies  were  raifed  againft  them, 
particularly  againft  Father  Raggiero,  whom  they  accufcd  of  Adultery  •  but 
his  innocence  was  foone  cleared,  it  being  proved,  that  he  was  at  that  time 
more  than  two  months  journy  from  the  place,  where  that  crime  was  faid 
to  be  committed.  Then  did  the  people  of  J^^X'/w  begin  to  throwing  of 
ftoncs  againe,  with  which  they  did  fo  mine  and  batter  the  houle,that  the 
Fathers  mlded  very  little  of  being  killed.-all  this  while  did  their  condition 
fceme  like  unto  a  rempeff  uous  fea.  Bur  amongft  fo  great  tribulations  and 
dangers,  the  Lord  was  pleafed  to  fend  them  fome  dafes  of  peflce  and  tran- 
quilitie  •  and  among  fo  many  thorns  they  gathered  fome  rofes,  and  fome 
fruit  of  their  labours  :  which  was  the  rcafon  that  their  fufferings  did  not 
fecme  fo  grievous  to  them,  neither  did  they  undergo  them  without  joy 
and  delight,  hoping  to  make  a  greater  progreffe,  when  the  defired  calrae 
fhould  happen.  Neither  were  the  Fathers  wanting  (particularly  Father 
MMtheus  Riccms,)hy  their  knowledge  in  Mathem/itiques,  and  principally 
by  a  defcription  of  the  world  in  a  new  Mappe^  to  give  reputation  to  the  af- 
faires oiEnrepCt,  and  to  make  acquaintance  and  friend  (hip  with  per  fims  of 
qualitic  •,  when  behold,  by  the  coming  of  a  new  Vice-roj  there  was  fo  ter- 
rible a  ftormeraifed,thatnotvvithftanding  all  the  diligence  and  addrcffes 
which  were  made,not  only  by  the  Fathers.but  alfo  by  their  friends,it  was 
impoflible  to  finde  any  remedy, or  to  put  a  flop  co  the  fentence,  which  that 
rke-roy^  fulminated  againft  the  Fathers  -,  which  was.  That  they  fliould  all 
immediatly  returne  to  Mac^e^mthout  fjiving  them  any  time  of  flay  there, 
or  fuffcring  them  to  go  into  any  other  Country;  but  that  they  Hiould  pre- 
fently  depart,  and  fhould  be  brought  precifcly  to  Macao,  They  were  for- 
ced to  yecld  obcdience,and  fo  leaving  fome  things  belonging  to  the  houfe 
in  the  hands  of  their  friends,  and  carrying  other  things  along  with  them, 
after  they  hadmadeafliort  prayer  unto  God,  recommending  unro  him 
that  little  flock,which  they  were  forced  to  leave  among  Wolves  without 
a  fhepherd,  and  after  they  had  exhorted  the  Chriftians  to  continue  fted- 
faftinthe  faith,  wherein  they  had  been  fevcn  years  inftruaed,  they  de- 
parted downe  the  current  of  the  river  .  both  the  Chriftians,  which  re- 
mained there,  as  alfo  the  Fathers,  who  tooke  their  leave,  weepinc^  very 
much5&  recommending  each  other  to  the  divineProvince  andProteaion, 


17^  IheHiftoryofCHiy^^.  Part.2. 

When  they  were  arrived  at  the  Metropolis  of  Canton j  the  Admirall  of 
thtChiniffe^dSiti  oxHaitao^  who  was  to  conduct  them  to  Macao,  was 
not  to  be  found :   where,  while  they  ftayea  to  expc(5l  him,  they  wrote  to 
the  Vifitour  iciMacA6,i\\3X  after  two  or  three  dales  they  were  to  be  baniOied 
by  order  of  the  Vice-roy^oux.  they  had  hardly  paflcd  a  day  there,when  they 
cfpied  a  boate  coming  toward  them  with  all  fpeed ,  fent  from  ther/f^rc^, 
to  invite  them  back  ^g2\ntioXdok'm.  It  feemed  to  them,  that  they  were 
returned  from  death  to  life  by  the  unexpci^ed  invitation  5  although  they 
underftood  well  enough,  that  they  were  called  backe  to  undergo  new 
troubles,  no  lefle  than  the  former.  When  they  were  returned  ro  the  Vice- 
roj  dX  Xaokim^  he  would  have  paid  the  charges  the  Fathers  had  been  at  in 
building  their  Church  and  houfe,  which  by  no  means  they  would  fuffer 
himtodo;and(afterfcverall  comrafts)  they  obtained  leave  of  him  to 
dwell  in  another  City  belonging  to  his  GovernmcntjCalled  Xaocheu,^Nii\\ 
this  permiffion  the  Fathers  departed  from  X4f?^/>»  on  the  15th.  dayof  y^«- 
gufl  158^,  and  being  after  a  few  daies  arrived  at  Xaocheu,  they  had  enough 
todotoavoydthe  lodgings  which  were  offered  them  in  a  A/i!?;;<«/?fn> of 
5^;?^:/.  Atlengihby  Gods  alTiftance they  were  admitted  intothe  City, 
and  were  well  lookt  upon  by  the  Magiflrates  •  they  built  a  houfe  and 
Church,  and  began  to  preach  the  Gofpel  with  their  whole  endeavours. 
Notwithftanding  that, they  were  ever  accompanied  with  perfections, 
contrafts  and  calumnies-,  and  in  truth,  it  is  hardly  tobcbeleeved,  how 
many  of  thefe  they  did  undergo,  I  did  once  reckon  them  up  to  fatisfiemy 
curiofitie  ;  counting  thofe  which  are  related  in  thcHiftory  of  Father  Tri- 
gmltius^  and  others  which  are  not  fet  downe  there,  till  the  perfecution  of 
Nankim^  I  found  them  in  all  to  be  fifty  foure,  the  greateft  part  were  at  the 
beginning,  and  in  the  Province  of  Canton^  which  as  it  is  a  paffage  to  the 
reft,  may  be  called  the  Tromontor'j  of  tor  meats  •,  fo  that  as  oft  as  we  (hall 
have  occafion  to  mention  it,  there  will  alwaies  recurre  fome  new  troubles 

Our  fervants  were  many  times  taken  and  Baftinadoed  for  no  other  occa- 
fion,  but  that  they  had  defended  themfelves  againft  affaults  of  the  infolent 
people-,  and  one  time  alfo  brother  SebafianFernandes^  who  went  out  to 
c^efend  thofe  innocents  with  reafons  and  prayers,  was  put  to  publique 
fhame.  But  the  perfecution  was  worfe,  which  brother  Francis  Martines 
fuffered  through  a  vaine  fufpicion  they  had,that  he  had  attempted  to  raifc 
a  rebellion  mChifja,  and  chat  he  was  a  Magician:  upon  which  occafion  af- 
ter he  had  been  many  times  beaten  and  tormented,  and  after  a  tedious 
and  noyfome  iraprironment,and  in  the  end,  after  his  laft  punifhment  by 
an  unmercifull  heating,being  brought  back  into  the  prifon,hedied,a  death 
fo  much  the  more  glorious, by  how  much  it  was  fupporred  by  anunfpeak- 
able  patience,  and  for  fo  holy  an  occafion,  as  the  procuring  the  falvation 
of  that  people  was.  After  that,  brother  Francis  Mender^,  g^^^^g  ^^  ^^'^^  ^^' 
iropolis  of  Canton  upon  occafion  of  bufinclTe,  and  to  help  a  fervant  of  ours, 
who  was  kept  there  in  prifon,  fuffered  very  much :  for  being  come  into 
the  prifon,  the  Gaoler  prefently  clapt  Manacles  upon  him,  and  fufpeding 
him  to  be  a  Prieff,pulled  0^  his  C3p,and  fearched  whether  his  crowne  was 
fliavenor  no;  and  finding  no  figneof  any  thing  he  could  lay  hold  on, 


C^ITJ.  The  HifioryofCHlH^'  ^7? 

only  bccaufe  hcwasaC^r/y?/4;?3andbcIorgedtotheFathers,  hcfuffeicd 
him  not  to  go  out  of  the  prifon,  till  there  were  beftowed  many  ciucU  Ba- 
ftinadoes  on  him.  Like  wife  two  Fathers  going  from  Ccmton  further  up 
into  Chimy  that  is,Father  Julm  t^lexis,^nd  another  Father,  were  appre- 
hended, and  after  very  great  fuffcrings  fet  at  libcrtie. 

The  Chriftian  Religion  began  to  make  fo;Tie  progreffe  atonr  Refi- 
dence  of  Xaocheu  •,  and  in  another  place  neerc  unto  it,  named  Namhim^ 
whither  Father  Mmhaus  Riccius  was  gone,  and  had  reduced  fome  Gen- 
tiles to  the  fhecpfold  of  Chrift.  But  the  bufinefle  was  fo  full  of  difficulties 
and  dangers,  that  brother  Sehafiian  FermndeSy  Calthough  a  Chineffe  by  na- 
tion,  (but  brought  up  m  Macao  by  his  Parents  who  were  Chrijliam ., )  and 
who  entred  into  our  focietic  after  he  was  growne  a  man,  and  a  rich  Mer- 
chant, and  ferved  therein  many  years,  even  to  his  death,with  great  paines 
to  himfelfe  and  a  great  example  to  all  thatChriff  ianitie, )  told  the  Father, 
we  (hould  do  well  to  go  to  Giappn-^kcmg  the  Lord  did  favour  that  King- 
dom with  fo  great  a  converflon^and  fo  manyBaptifmes,and  fpend  our  lives 
there  tvhere  we  might  receive  abundant  fiuit  of  our  labours.  But  the  Fa- 
ther, who  had  a  more  lively  faith,  and  a  hope  better  grounded,  feemed  to 
have  anfwered  him  by  the  fpirit  of  prophefie,that  which  afterwards  came 
CO  pafTe,  giving  him  hopes  of  more  copious  fruit,  fuchaswefind  at  this 
day ;  And  even  at  that  tirne  alfo,  within  foure  years,  wherein  he  had  cul- 
tivated that  vine-yard,  in  fpight  of  thofe  great  Tribulations,  he  made  a 
good  harvcft  of  many  Chriftians  •,  who  many  times  do  prove  the  beft  in 
times  of  trouble  and  perfecution  ;  and  there  were  fome  of  them  very  e- 
mincnt,  with  fome  of  which  I  have  fince  fpoken  and  converfed,  who  fee- 
med to  me,  to  be  like  chriftians  of  the  Primitive  Time  5  and  by  degrees 
there  were  many  more  alfo  converted . 

In  the  mean  while  about  the  year  1 594  two  perfons  of  this  Houfe  de- 
parted to  a  better  life  5  for  if  the  people  of  this  Province  are  not  good,  the 
temper  of  the  aire  is  much  worfe.  Till  this  time,  the  Fathers  had  gone  in 
the  fame  garbe  they  entred  in,  with  their  beards  and  the  crowne  of  their 
heads  fhaven,  and  their  hairc  cut  fhort,  as  we  weare  \ihQxt\n  Eurepei,  and 
there  alfo  the  Bmzi^  or  Priefts  of  their  Idols,  who  in  that  kingdome,  con- 
trarie  to  the  cuftome  of  others,  are  in  very  mean  efleem.  But  now  they 
were  better  acquainted  with  the  ftate  of  things  there,  it  feemed  to  them 
to  be  more  ^advantageous  for  the  credit  of  our  religion^as  alfo  for  the  prea- 
chers thereof,  that  they  (hould  take  a  habit  different  from  the  Benz^i:  and 
that  feeing  they  were  inwardly  unlike  them,  that  they  fhould  no  longer 
outwardly  refemble  themicfpecially,  feeing  that  firft  outward  form  was  a 
great  impediment  to  hinder  them  from  treating  with  Decorum  and  famili- 
arity,  with  Officers  and  men  of  qualitie,  who  without  the  vefture  of  cour- 
tefie  2X\dih2\M  oi^L  Letter ato y  do  by  no  means  admit  any  one  to  familiar 
convcrfation  with  them.  So  that  leaving  their  former  garbe  and  habit, 
they  took  the  other  of  Letterati,m\h  z  great  applaufe  of  the  Chriftians 
and  their  friends-,  as  alfo  of  the  MagijlrateSy  andbecaufe  thty  had  takeo 
no  degree  in  their  learning,  they  were  accounted  and  efteemcd,  fas  they 
are  alfo  at  this  day,)  for  Letterati  o^Ettrope ;  bciides  many  other  good  ad- 
vantages and  effects  which  it  produced. 


lytf     '  The  Hi/lory  of  Qiil^^'         Pabt.i. 

In  May  the  year  following ,  Father  Matthdus  Kiccius^  went  to  Nankim, 
in  the  companie  o{ 2i  Mandarine^  who  was  a  grave  Perfon  and  his  friend, 
who  went  thither  with  commiffion  to  be  General  in  the  warre  againft  the 
Giapfonefes  in  theKingdome  of  Cona-^c  wanted  not  troubles  by  the  way, 
efpecially  in  a  dangerous  fhipwrack  which  he  fufFered,  the  barque  being 
overturned,  and  the  Father  falling  into  the  water  over  head  and  eares,  not 
having  any  skill  in  fwimmingjnor  any  hope  of  life.  But  the  ^Lord  aflifted 
him  with  his  paternal  providence;  for  without  knowing  how  it  carae,there 
he  found  a  rope  of  the  Barque  in  his  hand,  by  which  he  was  pulled  up:nc- 
veitheleffe  he  lofl  his  companion,  who  being  carried  away  by  the  force 
and  violence  of  the  water,  was  never  more  feen. 

At  length  he  arrived  at  Nankim-^  butthehoure  of  that  famous  Citie 
was  not  yet  come.  Wherefore  although  fome  friends  there  did  defire  to 
favour  him  ^  yet  one ,  with  whom  he  had  contracfted  in  Camene^ 
and  whofc  favour  he  did  now  endeavour  to  gain  ,  was  not  only 
wanting  to  him  in  what  he  requeflcd,  but  was  To  far  changed  from 
what  he  was,  that  he  put  the  Father  in  great  danger-  and  was  theoccafi- 
oPjthat  he  was  difgracefully  (ent  out  of  the  Citie«and  all  this  upon  no 
other  account,  but  left  it  fliould  be  faid  ,that  he  was  the  occafion  of  the 
Fathers  coming  thither,  contrarie  to  the  lawes  of  China. 

The  Father  departed  from  Nankim,  and  went  into  the  Province  of  Ki-^ 
amfij  which  licth  between  that  oi  Namkim  and  that  oiCantme^  he  was  re- 
ceived into  the  Capitall  Citie  thereof,  named  Nanchum^zvid  treated  very 
kindly  by  the  raoft  confiderable  people  there-,  and  efpecially  by  a  great 
Lord,  named  Kien  Gam  Vam^  who  was  the  Kings  ncer  kinfman.  He  was 
2lfo  very  courteoufly  ufed  by  the  r/c^r^jf,  with  no  ordinarie  demonflra- 
tions  of  kindnelTe-,  which  was  none  of  the  leaft  occafions  that  a  refidence 
was  founded  in  this  City 5  then.  Father  ^iccius  \x{\xs%  all  diligence  to  ob- 
tain leave  to  fct  up  a  Houfc  chere,the  Lord  provided  him  of  a  companion, 
named  J-acohui  Socirus^  fcnt  from  Macao  very  opportunely  to  refide 
there  ;  and  then  prcfently  they  purchafed  fome  few  fmall  houfes 
in  this  City-,  but  not  without  the  ufuall  rcfiflance  and  contradidion  of 
the  neighbourhood,  as  alio  from  other  parts-,  which  in  proccffcof  time 
did  fo  encreafcjthat  this  Houfe  may  well  compare  with  that  of  X/<^f^^« 
for  perfecutions :  for  if  the  people  of  that  City  are  bad,  truly  ,they  of  this 
City  are  notvcry  good.The  Fathers  were  fometimes  molcfted  by  the  Let- 
terati'^oihtxvi\\Ac%  by  the  2n^^///>/>-,  of  which  fort  there  are  many  ftill  re- 
{iding  in  this  City :  they  were  troubled  alfoby  the  people-,and  fometimes 
by  the  Chriftians  themfelves.  For  there  is  never  wanting  a  Judas  to  raife 
perfecution  among  the  good  difciples.  Ncvertheleflejt  pleafed  God  to 
make  that  Houfcjand  Ghriftianity  there  to  flourifli,  and  to  bring  into  them 
many  perfons  of  qualitie-,  and  particularly  that  neer  Kinfman  of  the  King, 
with  his  whole  Houfc  and  Familie-,who  by  his  holy  life  and  other  vcr- 
tues  did  much  edifie  that  Church.And  though  he  had  no  children, while 
he  was  a  Gentile,yet  it  pleafed  the  Lord  to  fend  him  many,  after  he  was 
Ixcome  a  Chriftian.  There  were  alfo  many  other  Families  converted, 
which,  although  they  were  inleriour  to  his  in  bloud,  yet  did  they  not 
come  much  behind  him  in  Chriftian  Pictic. 


After  that  Father  Riccius  had  a  companion,  to  whofecarehe  miehc 
leave  that  Houfe  recommended,  he  began  to  undertake  afrefh  the  entcr- 
prifc  o^Nankim:  and  he  had  a  good  opportunitie  offered  him  by  a  Mmdn. 
riM  of  quah'tic,  and  his  friend,  who  took  him  along  in  his  company.  By 
this  meanes  he  returned  again  to  that  City  in  the  year  1 598.  and  although 
at  the  beginning,  by  reafon  of  the  warre,  which  the  Giapfomjfes  made  a- 
gainft  the  Kingdome  oi  Corea^  threatning  alfo  that  of  ChinA^ht 
found  great  diflficultic  to  be  admitted  (for  thcfe  two  alwaycs  <7o  to- 
gether)yet  at  length  it  was  facilitated  by  the  good  fuccefs  o^Corea^nd  the 
friendfhip  of  forne  perfons  of  Qualitiejand  of  the  Fice-roj  himfelf^the  Di- 
vine providence  alwaycs  opening  that  way  ,  which  he  knew  was  mort 


Chap,  5. 
Of  Ki^hat:  happened  after  ^  till  the  Fathers 
entred  into  l^ekim. 

Aihex  MAtth^s  Iticdus  never  ceafed  to  endeavour  a  finall  cllablifh- 
rucntof  the  Church  in  that  Kingdome-,  which  did  wholly  depend  up- 
on the  entrance  of  the  Fathers  into  the  Royall  City  of  Pek/m^vAKic  the 
King  and  chief  Court  do  refide  .•  and  fo  after  he  had  afTayed  diverfe 
meanes,  at  length  he  refolved  to  go  thither  in  the  company  of  the  fame 
Manhrim  his  friend,  who  had  brought  him  to  Nankm^znd  fo  he  took  no 
houfe  at  that  time  in  Nankm.  He  departed  then  along  with  Father  Laza- 
rns  CMamus  his  companion^  and  two  Cbmejfes  who  were  Brethren,  taking 
their  way  by  watery  which  was  above  a  moneths  voyage,  although  the 
LMandarine  got  thither  in  a  fhorter  time  by  land. 

But  at  length  being  arrived  at  Pfir/>», without  any  hinderancc  or  dift  ur- 
bance,  the  firft  thing  they  did,was  to  go  waite  upon  their  friend,  who  had 
caufed  them  to  come  thither,  and  was  arrived  there  before  them.  He  re- 
ceived them  with  all  kind  neffe  and  civilitie,  and  endeavoured  to  favour 
and  afififl  them  in  every  thing,&  efpecially  in  recommending  them  to  the 
acquaintance  of  an  Mmich  his  friend. The  Fathers  had  brought  withthcm 
fome  curiofities  of  Europe,  to  make  a  Prefent  of  them  to  the  King,  to  wit. 
Two  excellent  Pictures  Painted  on  Linoencloath,  the  one  of  our  Saviour, 
the  other  of  the  B.  yirgin-^^an  Karpftcon,  ^t\  inftrument  which  had  never 
been  heard;  a  flriking  Clock,  a  thing  which  had  never  been  fcen  there 
before-,  and  fome  triangular  glaffes,  with  all  which  the  Eunuch  was  well 
pleafed.'but  not  finding  that  gain  from  the  Fathers^  which  heexpec^led, 
and  which  was  the  only  thing  he  lookt  after ,  he  excufed  himfelf,  that  he 
could  not  prefent  them  to  the  King,  by  reafon  of  the  troubles  of  the  war, 
which  the  Giapponefes  made  upon  C<7r<r^,  and  which  were  every  day  ex- 
pe(5ted  in  Chwa-,  faying;  that  it  was  not  a  fitting  time  to  f peak  to  the  King 
about  flrangers  affaires,Of  the  fame  opinion  alfo  was  that  Ma»Jarme  their 
friend,  who  being  to  returne  to  Nankim^  where  he  had  a  Government  be- 
(lowed  upon  him,  would  willingly  have  carried  the  Fathers  back  again 
with  him*  But  it  fecmed  better  to  them,  that  the  Hopes  which  they  h;?d 

A  a  conccivecf 

lyS  TheHifiory  of  CH13^^.        Part.2. 

conceived,  (hould  not  be  fo  foon  loft-,  nor  fo  much  labour  and  cxpcncc  be 
caft  away  in  vain  .'Wherefore  they  remained  in  Pekim  above  a  raoneth 
after  the  departure  of  the  Mandarine^  ufing  all  endeavours,  and  fceking 
out  all  wayespoffible,  to  fee  if  they  could  compaffe  their  intention.  But 
all  their  diligence  was  in  vain-,  for  the  Mandarine  being  once  gone,  all  the 
reft  withdraw  themfelves-,  fo  that  there  was  not  one  of  the  Mandarines  of 
the  Courtjthat  would  admit  chera  fo  much  as  to  a  Vifite. 

The  difficulties  then  being  fo  great,  and  they  finding  no  way  to  over- 
come them,the  Fathers  were  forced  to  returne  into  that  Country,  where 
they  were  more  known,  and  had  been  better  reccivedj  and  fo  they  came 
back  to  Nankjm,  but  not  with  fo  much  eafc,  as  they  thought  they  ihould 
hive  done.  For  the  Winter  overtaking  them  in  their  voyage,  and  the  Ri- 
ver being  frozen  up,  they  were  forced  to  winter  by  the  way. 

But  Father  Matth^m  Riccim,  being  loath  to  lofe  any  opportunitie,Iefc 
his  companions  in  the  Barque,and  took  his  way  by  land,avoyding  by  this 
meanes  the  trouble  and  hinderanceof  the  Wintering,  but  not  the  cold  of 
the  journey,  which  was  fo  excefTivcthat  many  times  it  hindred  him  from 
going  forward*  But  at  length  having  overcome  all  difficulties,  he  arrived 
at  the  Citie  ofSucheu,  which  without  all  contradi(5iion,  is  the  moft  plea- 
fant  and  delightful!  City  of  all  Chma-,  fo  that  they  have  a  proverbe  which 
faith.  That  the  City  oiSucheu  &  ffancheu,\s  that  upon  earth,whicb  the  ha- 
bitation of  the  bleffcd,  is  in  heaven.  It  is  fcituated  in  a  plcafant  River  of 
f  rcfh  Water,juft  as  Venice  is  in  the  Sea:  it  hath  the  greateft  traffique  of  all 
the  Kingdome^  the  Merchandize  from  Macao  being  firft  brought  thither^ 
from  whence  they  are  afterwards  difperfed  to  all  other  parts. 

Here  the  Father  found  ^itaizo^  his  ancient  friend,  in  the  Province  of 
C anion ^y  whom  he  was  received  with  all  manner  of  kindneffe  and  f  riend- 
/hip,  and  was  alfo  by  him  introduced  and  brought  into  credit  with  the 
whole  City.  And  being  the  Sonne  of  aprincipall  Mandarme^oyjz,^z 
great  help  to  him  in  gaining  the  f  ricndfhip  of  fcverall  Mandarines  of  great 
authorities  for  which  and  other  good  turnes  he  did  us  in  ^4/?/^;?  and  o- 
thcr  places,  and  efpecially  in  Nankimfic  deferveth  no  fmall  commendati- 
ons and  acknowledgment.Thc  Father  gave  him  a  triangular  glaffe,  which 
by  his  friend  was  taken  for  fo  precious  a  Jewel,that  he  tipt  both  the  ends 
of  it  with  Gold,  and  made  aCafeofSilvertoputitin-,andafterfoldic 
for  above  500.  Crownes.  Thishoneft  man  much  defired,  that  the  Fa* 
thcr  would  fettle  himfelf  in  that  Citie,  and  found  a  Houfe  there,where  he 
might  alfift  and  promote  him  with  more  convenience-,  propofing  many 
difficulties  which  would  hinder  the  refidence  of  the  Fathers  at  Nankim. 
Neverthele{re,having  weighed  things  better,  and  taking  that  rcfolution, 
which  vvas  moft  fuitablc  to  their  occafions,  they  went  both  of  them  to 
Nankim^  in  the  year  1 5^9.  where  they  found  the  ftate  of  affaires  much 
altered  from  what  it  wab  the  time  before. 

The  Citie  did  now  enjoy  a  profound  peace  and  tranquillity,  the  Ciap^ 
fonefes  being  beaten  back  into  their  own  Countrie.  The  Mandarine  their 
friend  was  very  glad  of  their  coming,  ^d  did  them  many  fingular  fa» 
vours,as  did  alfo  many  others,  both  Magi ftrates,  and  other  grave  men 
and  perfons  of  account  in  that  City,particularly  a  Colif  which  is  a  kind  of 


Chap.;.  TheHtJloryofCHl:^!.  17  p" 

fenforox  Sfndic  ro'jall^  named  choxtlim  :  wherefore  the  Father,  not  only 
by  their  confentjbut  alfo  by  their  pcrfwafion,rerolved  to  fettle  a  refidence, 
and  found  a  Houfe  in  that  Noble  City,  which  is  the  fecond  of  the  tvhole 

While  the  Father  made  his  abode  there,  he  gave  great  proofe 
of  him  (elf  and  of  the  Sciences  of  Europe-^  particularly  of  the  Mathema- 
tiques.Wc  made  a  new  Mappe  of  the  World,  with  the  explanation  thereof 
in  the  C^/>^jftf  language  and  charajffcersjwbich  gained  great  reputation, 
not  only  to  the  authour,  but  alfo  to  Europe:,  feeing  there  fuch  a  multitude 
of  Noble  Kingdomes  and  Cities .-  fo  that  the  fdme  ^itaizo^wd  others, 
with  very  Selemrt  Ceremonies,  made  themfelves  Difciples  to  Father  KkcU 
us.  Neither  was  the  authoritie  leiTc  which  the  Father  gained  by  the  pub- 
lick  Difputes,which  he  held  concerning  matters  of  Religion,  wherein,  to 
the  admiration  of  all  the  Councels ,  he  ever  had  the  Vi(^orie  ;  fo  that 
the  Fathers  came  to  fuch  a  height  of  reputation,  that  they  were  celebra- 
ted by  many  Letter ati  in  Epigrams  and  Elogies. 

In  the  meane  time  the  companions  of  Father  Riccim  arrived,  after  they 
had  wintered  by  the  way,  and  endured  many  labours  and  hardfliips.  But 
when  they  found  the  Father,  in  that  City,  where  a  little  before  he  was 
not  only  not  received,  but  alfo  driven  out  with  ignominie  and 
to  have  fuch  credit  and  applaufe,  and  fomany  friends  who  favoured  him, 
they  forgot  all  their  former  fufferings,  and  gave  moft  hearty  thanks  to  the  ' 
Lord  our  God  for  that  prefent  profperitie*  Not  long  after,they  began  to 
think  of  buying  an  Houfe:  for,  that  wherein  they  lived,  was  only 
hired.  Many  were  offered  to  them,  but  fuch  for  the  mofl  part  as  were  in- 
convenient for  them-,  among  which  there  was  one  that  was  very  large 
and  capacious,  but  haunted  with  Divells  and  Fhantafmes ,  fo  that  none 
durft  dwell  in  it.This  inconvenience  ufeth  commonly  to  be  advantageous 
to  us^for  wee  not  fearing  thcfe  fpirits,  which  vanifh  at  the  firfl  on.fett,doe 
commonly  purchafe  fuch  houfes  at  a  very  low  rate<  and  fo  it  happened 
to  Father  Eiccins:  wherefore  after  the  bargain  and  Tale  was  concluded ,the 
Fathers  came  over  a  while  to  dwell  in  that  houfe,  where  they  lived  very 
quietly  without  receiving  any  diflurbance  or  inconvenience  from  thofe 

AfToon  as  the  Fathers  had  their  Hoiife  and  Church,  there  were  not 
wanting  thofe  who  did  frequent  it.  The  firft  who  was  baptized  in  this 
City,wasanoldman  of  feventy  years  of  age,  he  was  z  Noble  many  and 
had  the  office  of  Chinociy  whereof  we  fpake,  when  we  treated  of  that  No- 
h/lity, which  defcendcth  by  way  of  blood.  Prefently  his  fonne  followed 
him,  who  was  already  a  Letterato-^  and  was  afterward  made  a  great  CMan- 
dmne-^  and  alfo  his  whole  Familie,  his  Grand- Sonnes  and  Daughters  &c, 
I  knew  them  many  yeares  afterwardSjV;hen  they  hdd  made  great  progrcfs 
in  Vertue  and  Chriflian  Pietie,  and  are  therefore  worthy  of  Etcrnall  me- 
morie,  with  many  particular  cafes,  whereof  we  lliall  make  mention  here- 
after. This  Famt-ie  was  followed  by  others,  the  number  of  Chriflians 
flillencrcafing,  as  alfo  their  zeale  to  good  works  jefpecially  after  the  per- 
fecution,  whereof  we  will  fpeak  anon.  So  that  it  may  be  faid  to  be  the 
bcft  ChrifltAnitie  oichina^  although  the  mofl  perfecuted  and  molcfted. 

Aa  z  The 

i8o  IheHifloryofCHlT^A.  Part.z. 

The  affaires  of  iNT^^/t/wfuccceding  thus  profperoufly,  and  thcfe  good 
beginnings  (hewing  that  that  Houfc  would  not  only  continue,  but  alfo  be 
enlarged  and  advanced.  Father  Riccius  fent  one  of  his  connpanions,  F.  La- 
zarus Cataneus  to  Macao,  partly  to  give  an  account  to  the  fuperiours  of 
what  had  palled,  partly  to  get  fome  curioficies  of  Eur  of  e  to  make  Prcfents 
of;  and  partly  to  leek  out  fome  new  companions  to  labour  in  that  plenti- 
ful! harveft. 

The  Father  arrived  at  Macap  with  chcfc  glad  tidings, which  were  recei- 
ved with  that  joy  was  fitting  •,  and  (liortly  after,  having  procured 
fome  Picfents  for  the  King,  and  a  frelh  recruit  of  other  Fathers, 
he  returned  to  Nankim^  where  Father  Riccius  ftayd  for  him  .*  who  having 
bis  whole  defires  fer  upon  Tekimy  after  he  had  received  the  PreCcnts,  and 
a  frefli  fupply  of  companions,  deferred  no  longer  to  begin  his  fecond  voy- 
age for  Tckim ;  having  not  only  the  opinions,  but  alfo  the  propitious  affi- 
ftance  of  fome  principall  Mandarines,  in  his  favour. 

It  was  the  lixteenth  day  of  May,  in  the  year  i5"oo.  when  the  Fathers 
Matthdus  Ricciusj^nd  Didacus  Pantoidy  and  brother  Sebafiian  Fernandes  de- 
parted the  fecond  time  for  the  Court,  in  the  fame  manner  as  beforej  by 
water,  having  accomrnodation  given  them  in  a  barque  belonging  to  an 
Eunuch  r,  who  the  more  he  convcrfcd  with  the  Fathers,  had  ftiil  the  more 
afipcdtion  for  them. 
'     Having  palled  the  Province  of  Nankim,  and  being  come  into  that  of 
Xantum^  in  the  City  where  the  Fice-roy  of  that  Province  doth  refide.  Fa- 
ther Riccim  was  received  with  extraordinary  refpedt  by  that  Vice-roy,  He 
was  vifited  inthe  barquc,prefented5  and  very  much  made  off.  The  me- 
moriall,  or  petition,  which  he  intended  to  prefent  to  the  King,  was  men- 
ded for  him,  and  put  into  a  better  form-,  and  lafl:  of  all,  he  had  many  letters 
of  recommendation  given  him  to  the  (Mandarines  oi  Pekim.  This  Ficc" 
roy  had  had  fome  knowledge  of  Father  Riccim  by  means  of  a  fon  of  his, 
who  had  very  frequently  and  familiarly  converfcd  with  the  Father  at 
Nankim»  and  had  heard  from  him  many  things  concerning  our  Religion* 
Their  voyage  continued  very  profperous,  without  any  confiderable 
obftrudtion^  untill  they  came  to  a  City,  where  there  wasan  Eunuch  na- 
med Mathan^  who  was  Collecftour  of  the  Kings  cuftoms  and  rights,  and 
of  many  wrongs  alfo,  which  he  did  to  moft  paffengcrs,  and  was  accoun- 
ted a  wicked  cruell  man.  He  was  very  often  viliccd  by  the  Eunuch,  in 
whofe  company  the  Fathers  travelled,with  his  hands  laden  withPrefent?, 
but  could  never  be  admitted,  becaufe  his  gifts  were  nor  proportionable  to 
the  greedinelTe  of  that  Harpye^  And  becaufe  the  time  grew  ncere,  where- 
in if  he  came  not  to  Court,  he  fliould  be  in  great  danger,  not  only  of  his 
goods,  but  of  his  life  alfo  ^  he  refolvcd  to  betray  the  Fathers^  to  free  him- 
fclfc :  And  to  that  purpofc  informed  the  Eunuch^  that  ihofe  ftrangers  car- 
ried Prefencs  for  the  King,  which  he  b^  fcen  •,  adding  withall,  that  they 
might  poffibly  have  other  thingsofgreaierprice^out  of  which  Mathm 
might  make  a  great  advantage  to  himfclfe.Upon  this  occalion  the  Fathers 
runne  a  great  hazzard,  not  only  to  lofe  what  they  had,  but  alfo  to  be  kil- 
led, being  left  in  the  hands  of  that  covetous,  cruell  wretch.  For  the  Ew^ 
TwxchMathan^  although  at  the  beginning  heOicwcd  himfelfe  fomething 


Chap,:?-  "^/^^  Hifiory  of  QHI^A.  ,  gi 

courteous,  ycc  it  was  not  long,  ere  it  was  manifefl:,  what  intentions  he  had 
towards  thcm.Firft  he  defired  only  rofcc  chePrcfents  which  they  carried 
and  accordingly  the  Fathers  (hewed  them  him  with  all  courtefic  and  rc- 
fped :  after  tharjbc  woul  d  needs  take  the  charge  upon  him  of  prcfenting 
them  to  the  King :  Another  time  he  carried  them  to  his  Palace,  after  that 
theKinghadanfweredtohisAf^w<?rM,  that  he  fhould  write  him  word, 
what  ihofe  things  were  whichcameto  bcprefentedtohim.  Laftofall, 
Mathm  came  with  abovezoo  men  armed^who  were  juft  fo  many  thecves' 
and  he  their  Captainc-,  and  without  any  termes  of  refped,  orcourtcfie' 
but  with  a  furious  countenance,  ranfack'd  aU  their  goods,  andina^reat 
rage  laid  by  whatfoever  pleafed  him.  When  he  favv  any  thing  that  had  not 
been  (howen  him  before,  he  would  cry  out;,  as  if  he  had  been  robbed-,  but 
efpecially  he  made  moft  horrible  exclamations,  when  he  had  found  a  Crn- 
c'tp,  faying, That  they  were  to  make  ufe  of  it  in  their  enchantments  and 
conjurations,  wherewith  they  purpofed  to  kill  the  King.   To  which  the 
Father  anfwered  with  all  modefty,  declaring  x.o\\\^\X\tSacndm'j^er'j, 
which  was  reprefented  by  that  Image ;  But  the  Bumch  not  admitting  of 
any  reafon  at  all,  crycd  out.  That  fuch  deceivers  as  they  ought  to  be  fe- 
verely  puniihed.  In  conclufion,  having  taken  whatfoever  liked  him,  he 
made  an  invcntary  of  all,together  with  thePrefents  that  were  for  theKing, 
and  fent  them  all,  along  with  the  Fathers  into  the  Fort,  where  they  had^a 
continuall  guard  upon  them.  The  Fathers  were  much  dejeaed  by  this  ac- 
cident,  fearing  to  lofe  in  one  moment  all  that  they  had  thitherto  gained 
with  fo  much  fweat. 

Yet  did  they  not  lofe  the  confidence,  which  they  had  in  Godsaflfi- 
ftance,whereofthey  had  had  fo  frequent  experience:  and  therefore  fee- 
ing themfelves  deprived  of  all  liumarc  help,thcy  wholly  caft  themfelves 
into  the  armes  of  the  divine  providence,  and  with  prayers  and  mortificati- 
ons, did  by  a  holy  violence  wrcftlc  witli  the  divine  mercy.that  he  would 
vouchafe  to  turnc  his  eyes  toward  thefalvationof  fomany  foules,  that 
had  been  redeemed  with  the  precious  blood  of  Chrift,  the  which',  as  it 
fcemcd  probable  to  them,  wholly  depended  upon  the  fucceffc  of  that  ex- 
pedition. They  fent  a  fervant  to  the  t  ity  with  letters  to  another  Eunuch^ 
wherein  they  defired  his  favour  to  procure  them  leave  to  prcfent  thofc 
things  to  the  King,  belceving,  that  becaufc  it  was  a  bufincffe,  wherein  he 
might  gaine  favour  andefteeme  from  the  King,  ihz  Eunuch  would  very 
willingly  undertake  ir.  But  whether  it  were  for  feare  of  Mathan^  or  that 
he  were  already  pre-poflclTed  by  him,  the  anfvver  was,  to  mif-ufe  the  fer- 
vant both  with  words,  and  with  blowes. 

They  fought  yet  another  expedient  to  endeavour  to  get  out  of  that  mi^ 
fery.  They  writ  to  a  Ar^W^r/;?^,  who  had  fliewedhimfelfe  very  friendly 
to  them,  before  they  fell  into  this  tribulation,  and  had  really  favoured 
them  upon  feverall  occafions .-  But  he  alfo  feeing  the  letter,  was  afraid  to 
accept  of  it  5  neither  would  he  returne  any  anfwer .  neverthelcffc  he  told 
our  fervant^that  the  Fathers  were  in  as  dangerousa  condition  as  might  be.° 
for  the  Eunuch  was  refolved  to  prefent  a  iife-w^m// to  the  King  againft 
them,  wherein  he  would  declare,  that  they  did  dcfigne  to  take  away  the 
Kings  life  by  witchcraft,  as  alfo  many  other  things  in  their  prejudice,  to 


U  TheHiJlory  of  QHI^A.  Part.x; 

difcredit  them,  and  colour  hisowneimpofture^  wherefore  his  opinion 
was,  that  they  (liould  endeavour  by  any  means  poffible,  to  make  their  e* 
fcape,  and  to  get  back  againe  to  Canton  •,  and  that  they  fhould  efteeme  it  a 
great  gaine  to  lofe  all  they  had,  fo  they  might  efcape  that  death,  which 
hung  over  them ,  while  they  were  in  the  hands  of  that  crucll  Bunuch. 
And  jfthey  were  not  cither  able,  or  willing,  to  put  this  in  execution,  at 
lead  they  fhould  endeavour  to  get  a  Mtmeriall  prefented  to  the  King,  by 
the  means  of  fome  Mandarine  at  Court,  who  was  their  friend. 

You  may  well  imagine,in  what  condition  the  fathers  were  at  this  mef- 
fage,andhovv  apprehenfive  they  were  of  the  danger  they  were  in;  yet 
would  they  not  accept  6f  thefirft  counfell,  left,  being  innocent,  they 
might  make  themfclves  guilty  by  their  flight ;  efteeming  it  a  lefTe  misfor- 
tune, to  fufFer  for  rightcouf nes  fake,  than  to  give  occafion  to  thofe  who 
knew  them  not,  to  believe  thofe  things  probable,  which  the  Eunuch  layd 
to  their  charge.  But  the  fecond  counfell  fcemedmore  reafonable  unto 
them,  and  therefore  they  prefently  difpatched  toward  the  Court  Brother 
SehaJIian  Fernandes  vji^h  letters  to  their  friends,  to  give  them  an  account 
of  the  condition  they  were  in ;  But  as  in  fuch  cafes,  there  are  few  friends 
to  befound,fo  there  was  none  there,who  would  give  them  any  affiftance, 
wherefore  the  brother  returned  without  having  done  any  thing.Then  did 
the  Fathers  well  perceive,  that  there  was  now  no  longer  any  remedy  left 
them  in  their  owne  induftrie,  in  their  friends,  and  in  humane  counfclls; 
neither  would  they  try  any  other  means,but  fubmitting  themfelvcs  whol- 
ly to  the  will  of  God,  did  cheerfully  expc(5t:  what  iiTuc  the  Lord  would 
be  pleafed  to  fend  them  of  their  bufineflc. 

Six  months  had  the  Farhers  remained  in  that  imprifonment,  expeding 
the  affiftance  of  the  Lord,  by  whom  only  they  could  be  fuccoured.  When 
beyond  all  thought  of  theirs,and  without  their  knowledge,  there  cometh 
a  decree  from  the  King,  wherein  they  are  called  to  Court,with  their  Pre- 
fent.  They  fay,  the  King  himfelfc  one  day,  without  being  put  in  minde 
of  it  by  any  body,  calling  to  his  remembrance  the  Eunuchs  Memomll^  ask- 
ed where  that  Bell  was,  which  range  of  it  felfe  •,  and  which,  as  they  tell 
me,  is  brought  me  by  a  flranger/'To  which  the  Eunnch^  who  always  wai- 
teth  upon  him,  anfwered,  That  it  was  not  yet  come  to  Court,  becaufe  his 
Majeflyhad  not  given  order  for  it  to  come.  Whereupon  the  King  pre- 
fently gave  order  for  it,  and  Mathan  was  forced  againft  his  will  to  fend  the 
Fathers  with  their  Prefent ,  and  the  reft  of  their  goods.  They  began  then 
to  take  heart  againe,  and  forgetting  all  theirformer  troubles,  they  imme- 
diatly  fet  out  upon  their  journy  5  and  becaufe  they  could  not  do  it  by  wa- 
ter by  reafon  the  river  was  frozen  up,  they  tooke  their  way  by  land,  recei- 
ving from  the  Mandarines ^3i  the  Kings  cxpence,  whatfoever  they  had 
need  of,  both  for  their  owne  pcrfons,  as  alfo  for  the  carriage  of  their 


Chap 4-  TheHtjloryof  QHIHJ'  18 j 


T^he  Fathers  enter  into  Pekim ,  and 
fettle  there. 

T He  Fathers  cntred  into  Pekim  on  the  fourth  day  of  January  i6oj, 
where  they  were  well  received,  and  entertained  in  a  Palace, which 
an  Eumchhzd  lent  them  for  that purpofe. They  made  ready  theirPrefcnt, 
and  the  day  following  with  a  great  traine  and  Parade,  the  Eunuchs  carried 
it  into  the  Palace,and  prefentcd  it  to  the  King ;  who  made  great  account 
ot  every  thing.  He  did  highly  prizethe  pi(5turcs  of  our  Saviour  and  of  the 
lileffed  Firgin  •,  he  much  admired  the  Harp/icon  •,  and  prcfently  gave  order, 
thatforaeofthe£tf»/*r^jfhouId  learncto  play  upon  it.  When  he  came 
to  the  Clock,  which  was  a  piece  of  much  skill  and  workmanihip,  and  an 
invention  altogether  unknowne  to  the  Chineffes^  becaufe  he  knew  it  ftruck 
the  hourcs  of  its  ownc  accordjand  that  at  prefent  it  was  not  in  ordcr,nor  fo 
much  as  to  be  (hewed,  he  commanded  that  the  Fathers  fliould  prefently 
come  into  the  Palace,  and  fct  it  a  going.  So  they  were  called  in  hafte,and 
admitted  within  the  fecond  wall  (for  within  the  third  and  fourth,  none 
may  enter,unle(rc  it  be  the  Ettmchs^znd  the  Souldiers  of  the  night- guard,) 
where  by  the  Kings  order  given  to  one  of  the  chiefe  Eunuchs^  the  Fathers 
were  received  and  entertained  with  all  magnificence  and  courtefie. 

They  flayed  there  three  daies,  partly  fitting  the  Clock  to  fervc  for  the 
prefent  •,  (for  afterwards  for  the  greater  ftate  there  was  a  Tower  of  wood 
made  for  it  of  much  coft  and  workmanfhip,)  partly  in  teaching  fourc  £«* 
mchs  how  to  fee  and  order  it ;  and  partly  in  fatisfying  fuch  demands,  as 
were  made  them  concerning  Eurspe^  what  kindc  of  Countrie  it  was,  what 
Kingdoms,  what  people,  what  cuftomes  it  had,  and  a  thoufand  other  par- 
ticularitiesjwhich  were  all  afterwards  by  the  Eunuchs  related  to  the  King, 
who  was  much  delighted  therewith,  feeming  to  be  very  much  fatisfied 
with  every  thing:he  much  defired  to  fee  the  Fathers,but  becaufe  he  would 
not  change  the  ancient  ftile  and  cuftome  of  the  Kingdom,  according  to 
which  the  King  is  never  to  be  feen  by  any  ftranger,  he  caufcd  their 
pi(5tures  to  be  drawneat  length,  contenting  Jiimfelfe,  to  fee  only  the  fi- 
gures ofthofe  men,  of  whom  he  himfclfe  might  not  be  feen. 

All  things  fucceededprofperoufly,  byreafonot  the  great  fatis faction, 
which  all  they  of  the  Palace  received  from  the  Fathers*,  and  efpccially 
by  reafon  of  the  contentment  the  King  tooke  in  every  thing  •,  and  the  de- 
light with  which  he  received  the  Prcfents  •,  fo  that  now  all  feemed  to  be 
iecure,  and  that  there  was  nothing  more  to  feare.  But  there  being  no  fecu- 
rity,or  calme,that  is  long  lading  in  this  world,  the  Fathers  quickly  found 
themfelves  in  new  troubles ;  the  occafion  whereof  was  a  ^W^n';?^ ofthe 
Tribunal  Lipu^tovjhomxihdongcd  byvertueof  his  office,  to  have  had 
the  Prefent  brought  to  him,  and  by  his  means,  to  have  had  it  prefented  to 
the  King,  he  being  to  aifift  at  all  Embalfies,  and  Prefents,  that  are  offered 
to  his  Majcftie,  He  therefore  taking  it  il],thac  the  FatherSj  who  knew  no- 


,84-  TheHiJiorjofCHl?^^.  Part.z. 

thing  of  this,  had  made  ufe  of  the  Etwucks  to  carry  their  Prefent  to  the 
King,  contrary  to  the  ordinary  ftile  of  the  Court,  and  without  making  a- 
ny  mention  of  thofe  Officers,  prcf|j)tly  fell  upon  the  v/eakeft  parr,  and 
commanded  the  Fathers  to  be  apprehended,  and  put  into  the  Hmfeof 
/}ra}J!^ers,in^moxc  difcourteous  manner  than  was  ufualL  The  Officers 
and  Sergeants  having  ufcd  more  infolcnce  in  the  apprehending  them^than 
perhaps  they  were  commanded  to  doe.  Upon  this  occafion  they  were 
brouc»ht  before  the  Trihunai^  and  examined  in  publick,  although  by  their 
anfwers  their  caufc  was  fufficiently  juftificdjand  the  paffionof  the  Judge 
fomething  moderated. 

They  had  not  been  above  three  daics,  v^hen  they  were  fcnt  for  thence 
to  the  palace,  to  perform  the  ordinary  Ceremonies  in  the  Court  of  courtc- 
lies  whereof  we  have  fpoken  in  the  f? rft  part.  The  very  fame  day  they 
were  ac^aine  examined  by  the  publick  Notaries;  by  order  of  the  fame  Pre- 
fidcnt  concerning  many  other  things.  The  poynt  they  mod  infifted  on, 
was  •,  to  what  end  they  were  come  into  Chma.-what  their  intentions  were, 
and  v^hat  they  did  pretend  by  thcPrefent  which  they  had  given  the  King? 
The  Fathers  judged  it  neceffary  to  anfwer  cleerly  and  in  forme.,and  there- 
fore told  them.  That  they  came  to  preach  the  law  of  the  true  God,  who 
was  fole  Lord  and  Governour  of  heaven  and  earth.  And  that  they  had 
brought  that  Prefent  to  the  King,  not  that  they  did  pretend  any  thing  by 
it,  cither  office,  dignitie,  or  rccompence,but  as  a  Tcftimony  of  the  obedi- 
ence they  ought  him,  having  been  inhabitants,  for  fo  many  years,  of  that 
Kingdom-,  and  that  all  they  did  defire,  was  to  have  leave  to  live  and  die 
in  that  Court,or  in  any  other  part  of  the  Kingdom,which  the  King  (hould 
thinke  fit,  as  they  had  already  lived  there  many  years.  • 

The  Notaries  having  drawne  up  this  anfwer,  carried  it  to  the  Prejident^ 
who  having  feen  and  confidered  it,drcw  up  his3/fw^r/4// thereupon  to  the 
King,  partly  in  favour  of  the  Fathers,  and  partly  againft  them.  But  the 
King  being  well  affected  towards  them,  becaufe  there  was  fomething  in  it 
aoainft  the  Fathers,  gave  no  anfwer  to  it  •,  which  is  there  the  fame  thing 
as  to  rejcdt  it :  But  the  Fathers  underftood  by  the  Enmchs,  that  the  King 
was  much  troubled,  when  he  knew,  they  were  kept  asprifoners  in  the 
Hoafeo^  ftrangers. 

The  Mandarine  feeing  there  was  no  anfwer  given  to  his  petition,  pre- 
fently  judged  the  King  was  inclined  to  favour  the  ftrangers,  wherefore  he 
thought  it  fit  to  change  his  flile  towards  them,  ufing  them  with  all  cour- 
tefie  and  kindenes,  and  commanded  they  fliould  be  better  provided  for  in 
every  thing,  than  the  reft  of  the  ftrangers,  who  v/cre  kept  there.  And 
contrary  to  the  law  and  cuftome  of  that  refti  aint,  he  gave  them  libcrtic  to 
go  into  the  City  about  their  affaires,  and  to  vifit  their  friends.  But  with- 
all  he  prefcntcd  a  fccond  Memorial!  to  the  King  concerning  the  Fathers, 
wherein  he  did  not  only  fay  nothing  againft  them,  but  pofitively  com- 
mended their  perfons,  and  their  good  behaviour,and  manner  of  life ;  only 
there  was  this  cvill  in  it,  that  he  befoughc  him  to  fend  them  away  from 
Tekim^  becaufe  it  was  againft  his  lawes5that  ftrangers  fhould  inhabit  in  the 
Court.  But  becaufe  the  Emuchs^  who  had  care  of  the  Clock,  were  afraid 
of  the  abfencc  of  the  Father  s,becaufG  the  ordering  of  it  depended  on  their 


C^Av./^.  TheHiJloryofCHID^A.  185 

\ -  _ ■     - 

direit'ons,  and  the  King  alfo  had  a  defire  they  fliould  ftay^this  fecond 
Memoriall\'\Vt\\\{c  received  no  anfwer. 

In  the  mcane  while  the  Fathers,having  hbertie  to  go  abroad  when  they 
plcafed,  frequently  Vifited  the -A/4»^4r/>7w,  made  new  friends,  and  trea- 
ted with  thofe  of  the  Councel  of  Rites,  called  Lipu^  before  whom  their 
bufinede  was,that  they  would  be  plcafed  in  their  Memorialise  to  fignific 
that  they  thought  it  fie  that  the  Fathers  rtiould  be  permitted  to  refide  in 
Tekim-^  telling  them,  that  they  might  plainly  perceive,  that  the  king  rcfu- 
fcd  to  give  an  anfwer  to  them,  bccaufe  he  was  willing  they  fhould  flay 
there.  But  they  ftillobftinatelyoppofed  that  point-,  and  accordingly  in 
their  third,  and  many  other  Memorials^  which  they  prefented  conceining 
the  Fathers,  although  in  the  whole  or  at  leafl:  the  greater  part  they  fee- 
med  to  favour  thera^  yet  in  that,which  concerned  their  ftay  at  Court, 
they  were  al  vvayes  excluded-,  but  in  the  like  manner  the  kings  anfwer  was 
alwayes  fufpcndcd,  there  never  comming  any  decree  from  him,  eyther 
for  or  againft  rhem. 

The  Fatheis  perceiving  this  long  delay,  and  whence  it  came,defircd 
in  the  meane  time  to  be  freed  from  that  rcftrainr,  which  is  impofed  upon 
all  ftrangers*,  wherefore  they  obtaided  by  meanes  of  certain  MnnAarines^ 
who  were  their  friends,  the  favour  to  be  difcharged  from  that  place,  un- 
lill  the  King  fliould  returne  his  anfwer  unto  the  fore-faid  Memerials^znA 
to  have  leave  to  hire  a  Houfe  for  themfelves.  This  was  a  new  thing  and 
wholy  different  from  the  Stile  of  Chim^  and  therefore  fo  difficult  that  it 
was  accounted  impoffible  to  be  done  without  a  particular  order  from  the 
King.  But  when  God  would  have  it  fo,  all  things  are  eafily  brought  a- 
bout^and  fo  this  licence  was  obtained,  rather  as  a  thing  granted  from 
Heaven,  than  acquired  by  humane  induft ric  on  earth .  The  Fathers  thca 
had  f  ul  leave  to  go  out  of  that  walled  place.they  hired  a  Houfc,and  began 
to  live  in  it,  as  if  they  had  been  natives  of  that  Countrie, 

The  Fathers  then  feeing  themfelves  in  that  condition  which  was  much 
better  than  what  they  could  hitherto  obtain,  prefently  endeavoured  with 
all  their  might  to  get  their  fettlement  at  the  Court  fecured,that  none 
might  be  able  to  trouble  them  any  more  upon  that  account,  underftan- 
ding  very  well,  how  much  the  fecuritie  of  their  other  houfes  depended 
upoa  their  perfonall  refidence  at  that  Court.  NeverthelefTe  with  all  the 
diligence  that  they  themfelves,  and  feverall  Mandarines  their  friends, 
could  ufc,  they  were  never  able  to  obtain  a  decree  for  it :  it  is  trae,  they 
were  afTured  by  the  Eunuchesfi\2X  the  King  had  faid,that  they  might  d  wel 
fecurclyatthe  Court,and  that  they  (hould  by  no  meanes  think  of  returning 
tothe  Southern  Provinces-^for  if  they  di  ^  he  (hould  be  difpleafed  at  it. 

This  anfwer  was  very  fufficientjand  being  authorized  with  the  Kings 
name,  fcrved  inftead  of  a  decree  abfolutcly  ro  fecure  their  habitation 
there:  another  favour  alfo  being  added  to  this,  by  which  it  was  more 
confirmed,  and  that  was  the  appointing  by  the  Kings  own  order,to  have 
a  competent  penfion  allowed  the  Fathers  out  of  his  exchequer,  for  the 
maintenance  of  themfelves,  and  fourc  Servants,  which  allowance  they 
were  to  receive  quarterly  ♦By  thefe  favours,  and  the  friendfbip  of  the  Bw 
mehesoi  the  Palace, and  of  foracpriilcipalli\/W4r;»^/,  their  habitation 

B  b  wal 

iS6  TheHiftoryofCHlK^.         Part.z. 

was  not  only  fecured,  but  brought  into  fuch  credit,  that  their  friends  en- 
crcafcd  dailic,  and  the  people  flocked  continually  to  our  Houfe,  fome  to 
fee  ftrangers,  fome  to  hcare  fomething  concerning  our  Sciences ^im^  fome 
to  underftand  the  truth  ot  our  holy  Law ;  and  this  was  that  which  was 
moft  pleafing  to  the  Fathers,  and  moft  profitable  to  the  Chine jfes. 

Among  the  Princip  all  ^4Ai^4r/;?ej,  who  at  this  beginning  contracted 
f  riendfhip  with  the  Fathers,  there  was  one,  who  was  named  Lige  ;(/w. 
He  was  a  Native  of  the  City  oiUamcheti^  a  man  of  great  Talents  and  in- 
genuitie,  and  was  known  to  be  fuch  through  the  whole  KingdomejaC 
the  examinations  for  the  degree  of  X>  e^our^vihcrc  in  that  degree  is  given 
to  about  500,  he  obtained  the  fifth  place,which  is  a  very  great  reputation 
among  them.  He  was  extreamly  curious,  and  being  aflifted  by  his  own 
naturall  ingenuicie,  and  the  friendihip  of  Father  Matthdus  Riccius^hc  lear- 
ned many  curiofitics  in  the  Matbemattques.  He  tranflated  feverall  of  the 
Fathers  Books  into  the  C^/;?^/«  language-,  and  whileft  he  was  yet  a  Gen- 
tile hcput  our  Catechifrae  into  an  excellent  Stile.  It  is  reported  of  him, 
thatwhenhcwasCompofingof  it,  feeing  the  powerful  reafons  which 
were  brought  in  that  Book  to  prove  the  Sanftitie  of  our  Religion,  that 
although  he  did  not  believe  them  to  be  true,he  cryed  owtywhat  an  excellent 
fieceis  this  and  hetv  accurately  CmpofeM  But  in  time  he  began  to  penitrate 
better  into  thcm,and  at  length  acknowledging  them  to  be  true,  he  refol- 
ved  to  become  a  Chriftian:hut  his  defire  not  being  capable  to  be  put  in 
effect  at  that  time  in  his  own  perfon ,  by  reafon  of  that  inconvenience  of 
his  having  many  Wives  (which  in  Cte4  is  the  ordinarie  hindrance  and 
obftru(5tion  in  men  of  that  Qaalitie)  neverthelcffe  he  would  have  his 
whole  FamilicBaptized^and  he  himfclf,  after  he  had  fctled  and  jouftcd 
his  affaires,  as  was  rcquifire  for  that  purpofe,  was  Chriftcncd  alfo,and  na^ 
med  leo;  and  is  the  fame  who  is  fo  frequently  mentioned  in  the  yearly 
Letters,  for  his  Pietie  and  zeal,  and  for  being  one  of  the  Supporters  and 
Pillars  of  that  Chriftianitie,  carrying  himfelf  in  fuch  manner,  that  by  his 
example  and  perfwafion  he  gained  many  perfons  of  Qualitie  to  our  holy 
faithi  among  which  number  a  grave  perfon,  named  MichaelyWasoT\e» 
who  is  alfo  often  mentioned  in  the  Icttcrs-,and  of  whom  we  (hall  fpeak, 
when  it  commeth  to  his  turne. 

When  he  was  now  become  a  cM;/?/4;i. he  governed  in  feverall  places 
oftheKingdomCjbutalwayes  with  that  obfcrvancc,  which  was  due  to 
the  Religion  he  profeffed.  Among  other  honourable  employments,  he 
had  the  ^Office  of  Tauli  (which  is  a  place  of  great  honour  and  profit) 
in  the  Citie  oiCaojeu  in  the  Province  of  Nankim,  he  found  in  the  Palace 
there,  a  Chappcl  full  of  Idols,  which  the  curiofity,  or  devotion  of  his 
prcdccelTours,  had  prcferved  and  adorned  with  cxtraordiaarie  care  and 
and  cofl.  The  devout  Leo  judging  it  not  convenient  to  have  fuch  ill  com- 
pany in  the  Houfe  where  he  dwelt,  commanded  his  Servants,  to  throw 
down  thofc  Idols  from  the  Alters  where  they  flood,  and  to  hew  them  to 
pieces  with  Hatchets,  and  after  that  they  were  given  to  the  Cook,  to 
confumc  them  in  the  fire  with  all  their  Gold  about  them.  The  officers 
of  his  Ttibunall,  as  Secretaries,  Sergeants,  and  others  were  aftoniflicd  at 
it,  and  looking  one  upon  another,  faid,  fure  our  Caoye,  (  for  fo  they  call 


Chap. 5.  The  Hiftoryof  CHI^A.  187 

thtix  Matidarm)is  out  of  his  rr/V/j^  not  underftanding  that  indeed   he  had 
fhewcd  this  more  in  that  particular,  than  in  any  other. 

After  he  had  ferved  his  King  many  years,he  thought  good  to  retire  him- 
fclfe,  that  he  might  more  fervently  &  devoucly  fervc  the  King  of  heaven. 
He  wcht  therefore  to  his  houfe  in  the  City  of  Hamcheu- ,  where  he  dedica- 
ted  himfelfe  with  his  whole  heart  to  the  affairs  of  his  falvation.  He  built 
a  new  Church  and  Houfe  for  the  Fathers,  which  was  very  requifitc  in  fo 
vaft  and  populous  a  City,  although  we  had  then  another  there  at  the 
fame  time.This  ftood  fo  necr  his  owne  Houfe,that  it  gave  him  a  continual 
occafion  to  converfc  very  frequently  with  the  Fathers,which  washis  only 
delight.  And  that  he  might  wholly  employ  himfelf  in  the  Service  of  that 
new  Chriftianity,hegavc  himfclfccoTranflatc  our  Books^ which  is  an  ex- 
cellent way  to  introduce  the  underftanding  of  our  Sciences,and  with  them 
the  knowledge  of  our  holy  Faith.To  this  end  he  requefted  to  have  one  of 
theFathcrs  al  wayes  with  him,who  might  give  himfelfe  wholly  tothat  em- 
ployment.There  was  afligned  \\\mzccotdim^y ^Vdxh^t  Franci feus  Fnrt ado, 
by  whofe  afliftance  he  compofed  thofe  books  de  Ccel0,and  Printed  them  at 
his  own  charges, with  the  great  applaufc  of  all  China.  He  undertook  after- 
wards to  have  fet  out  a  Lo^icJ^, which  he  had  finifhed  and  reviewed,&  was 
ready  for  the  prefTe,  wh?n  the  Lord  was  pleafed  to  give  him  the  recom- 
pence  of  his  pious  zeal,by  calling  him  to  a  better  life,after  he  had  received 
the  Sacramenty  and  teftified  much  refentmcnt  of  the  Mercy  of  God,  and 
many  hopeful  (igns  of  his  owne  falvation. 

Returning  now  to  the  Fathers,  whom  wcleft  at  Court-,  there,  where 
their  Affairs  profpered  every  day  more  and  more,  the  Lord  being  plea- 
fed  to  comfort  them,  by  letting  them  fee  the  fruit  of  their  laboursjby  ad- 
vancing the  efteem  of  our  Holy  Faith  every  day  more  than  other  among 
the  Gentiles,  many  continually  turning  Chriftians^  and  the  reputation  of 
the  Idols  growing  every  day  leffe  and  Jeffe,  by  reafonof  the  many  dif- 
putes,  which  the  profelTours  of  their  Sedis,  held  with  the  Fathers,  where- 
in they  were  not  only  vanquifhed,  but  even  confounded  by  the  Truth. 

CHAP,  5. 

0/  the  proceedings  andruine  of  our  Hou/e 
at  Xaocheu. 

WHileft  our  affaires  at  Court  profpered,  and  the  Fathers  ufed  theii? 
utmofl  endeavours  to  fettle  their  abode  there,  in  the  meane  time* 
the  Fathers,  who  refided  in  the  houfes  of  the  other  Provinces ,  omitted 
no  opportunitie  to  promote  the  preaching  of  the  holy  Gofpcl,  and  had 
very  good  fruit  of  their  labour  :  neither  did  the  enemy  of  mankind  ceafc 
tofhcwhowmuchherefcnted,  to  have  fo  many  foules  taken  out  of  his 
clutches,  neythet  was  he  flow  to  invent  new  difturbances  and  troubles. 

The  Houfe  which  we  had  in  the  Province  of^4///tf/?,  in  the  City  of 
Xaocheu,  incrcafcd  every  day  in  the  number  of  new  Chrifiians^  and  in  the 

Bb  a  rcraaikabk* 

TiT         The  Hijlory  of  CHIS\(A .    "  Part.z. 

remarkable  converfions  of  many  confidcrable  perronages-,among  whom 
were  three  ;\iW4nw^J,in  the  manner  oF  their  behaviour,  with  examples 
of  vertue  far  furpafling  the  carriage  of  Neophytes^  or  new  Converts.In  fine, 
there  was  a  great  Gate  opened  to  the  Golpel,  but  in  like  manner  to  many 
adverfaries  alfo,  ^ 

Father  NicoUus  Longohardm  was  employed  in  this  convernonj  and 
when  he  endeavoured  with  the  greatcft  fervour  and  zcale  to  drive  all  I- 
dols  out  of  the  Houfcs  of  the  Gentiles y  behold  there  cometh  one  into 
his  Houfe,  brought  upon  mens  Shoulders  in  a  long  procefTion-,  who, 
with  a  great  deale  of  noife  and  ftirre,  demand  Almes  for  thcFabrique 
of  a  Temple,  that  was  to  be  built  for  it.  Every  one  fccth  the  danger 
of  that  dcmandjbut  Chriftian  valour  cxpofing  it  fclf  to  all  events,  did  va- 
liantly repulfe  that  charge  .-and  although  the  noife  was  great, the  de- 
mand fraportunate,  and  their  out-cries  reaching  even  to  heaven,  yet  the 
Lord  not  permitting  them  to  do  any  other  violence,  they  went  their 
waycs  without  getting  any  thing  of  him. 

In  the  Villages,the  Letteratse  were  ftark  mad  againft  the  ChriftiansJn 
the  Citie  the  report  was  every  where  divulgedj  that  in  their  journey  to 
?<•/&/»?,  the  Fathersjwho  went  toward  the  Court,  were  apprehended  and 
imprifoned  by  the  Eunuch  Mathan^  out  of  whofe  hands,  if  ever  they 
went  alive,  it  would  be  after  a  very  fevere  chaftifement.  And  as  the  De- 
vill  makes  his  advantage  of  every  thing,  there  was  added  to  this  another 
worfe  report,  by  reafon  the  Scene  was  laid  neerer  hand-,  which  was,That 
our  Fathers  were  banilbed  out  oFthc  Citic  of  Xaokim,  and  that  all  they 
whohad  turned  C/'rz/Mw,  were  apprehended  and  chaftifcd.  It  is  not  to 
be  beleeved  how  much  this  ncwcs  diflurbed  the  people,  and  troubled 
the  Fathers-,  and  fo  much  the  more,  by  reafon  this  prattle  had  fome  foun- 
dation of  truth.  But  as  truth  doth  ft  ill  prcvaile  in  the  end ,  fo  this  tribu- 
lation lafted  not  very  long-,  but  fcemed  rather  to  give  place  to,  new  trou- 
bles, which  were  prepared  againft  us .  ^  i  r '  - ' , 

There  happened  to  be  a  great  drought  that  year,  and  the  Gentiles  had 
many  times  offered  Prayers  and  Sacrifices  unto  their  Pagcds^  but  all  was 
to  no  effc(5i:  ••  and  not  knowing  what  to  do  more ,  they  confulted  with  an 
old  woman,  who  was  a  Pythomjfe,  asking  her  the  reafon,  why  it  did  not 
raine,  and  why  the  P4^<?^/  did  not  give  an  ear  to  their  juft  prayers  in  that 
common  neceflitie.She  anfwercd,  bccaufe  there  arc  many,  who  burn  the 
Ribs  of  Con  Him  (which  is  the  name  of  a  Female  Idoll,)  meaning  there- 
by, that  they  who  turned  Chriftians  did  burn  the  Ms  which  formerly 
they  worftiipped  m  their  Houfcs:  with  this  anfwcr  of  the  old  woman,  as 
if  flie  had  been  an  oracle,  it  is  not  to  be  beleeved,  into  what  fury  and 
madnefte  the  Gentiles  fell :  fo  that  if  they  did  not  fet  fire  on  the  Chri- 
ftians Houfes,  it  was  only  for  feare  of  the  LMandarines .  but  they  fwore 
to  kill  the  Father ,  if  ever  he  came  againe* 

I n  th e  Citic  the  ^o;;2i/ nor  being  able  any  longer  to  endure,  nor  dif- 
fcmble  the  rage  which  they  had  conceived  againft  the  Fathersauor  to  fee 
thcfmokeof  theIdols,which  were  burnt  every  day  by  thofc  who  were 
converted,confpiring  with  many  more  of  the  people,  refolycd  to  put  an 
end  once  for  all  to  this  bufineffcjthey  framed  a  divcllifh  Petition,whcrcin 


Chap.5.  TheHi/ioryo/CHI3\CA  i8p 

they  touched  fiich  poynts,  that  were  able  to  pu  tfear  into  any  Magiftratc 
whatfocvcrj  and  fo  much  the  more,  becaufc  fome  of  thofe  things,  which 
they  faid  there  were  true,  at  leaft  in  part,and  could  not  be  denied^  as  that 
they  were  ftrangers  5  that  they  pcrfwadcd  people  to  live  after  their  way, 
and  to  obfervc  their  law  5  that  they  afTemblcd  congregations,  which  is  a 
dangerous  thing  mChina,  for  feare of  Inrurre<5tions.  To thcle  they  added 
many  other  things,  in  confirmation  of  their  opinion.  The  MemoridU  was 
prefcntcd  to  the  Officers,neithcr  was  it  received  with  an  ill  will.  But  the 
Lord,  whoalway  afliftethhis  fcrvants,  and  with  his  divine  Providence 
helpcth  them  out  of  their  grcateft  ftraits,  kcptaftrong  windein  readi- 
nestodiflipatethefcclowds.  ; 

This  was  a  grave  Mandarine^  who  cxcrcifed  the  office  of  TauU  in  thit 
City,  who  undertookc  our  defence ;  and  with  a  fpeech  which  he  made  to 
the  Mandarines  and  the  people,  concerning  the  probity  and  honefty  of  the 
Fathers,  of  their  good  manner  of  life  and  con  verfation,  and  of  the  fecuriiy 
which  was  in  them,  quieted  and  appeafed  this  tempeft.  Of  fo  great  power 
upon  all  occafions  is  the  authority  of  one  who  govcrncth:  and  in  this  par- 
ticularly, wherein,according  to  their  manner  of  Government,  one  would 
have  thought,  that  this  T'W/,  (hould  have  been  our  greateftadverfary,  it 
pleafcd  the  Lord  by  his  means  fo  farre  to  quiet  all  difturbances,  that  they 
made  no  fmall  advantage,  even  of  thefe  temptations. 

Their  affaires  continued  thus,  between  tempefts  and  calmes ;  which 
latter  commonly  were  of  the  (horter  continuance  ;  and  to  conclude  the 
Hiftoryof  this  Houfe,  I  will  only  relate  two  notable  palTages  concern- 
ing it. 

About  this  time  the  HollaKders  did  infeft  India^  and  were  come  as  farre 
as  C^ina  with  a  defigne  to  gaine  a  Port  in  that  Kingdom,  and  particularly 
to  take,  if  they  could,the  City  o^Macao^  as  they  did  afterwards  attempt  to 
do,  according  as  I  have  already  related,  upon  this  occafion  that  City  re- 
folvcd  to  fortifie  it  felfe,  as  afterward  it  did,  and  although  the  defigne  did 
not  take  cffe<^  at  that  time,y€t  thofe  beginnings  and  preparations  of  warre 
were  fufficient  to  make  the  Chine ffes^  (who  arc  timorous  and  fufpicious  c- 
ven  by  nature)  to  beleeve  that  the  Portugheffes  had  fome  defigne  on  foot 
againft  them.  This  fufpicion  was  encrcafed  by  the  coming  of  Father 
Laz,arm  Catanms  oxatoi  Chinaio  Macas  2Lii\\t  fame  time.  He  was  a  man 
fome  what  corpulent  by  nature,and  of  a  tall  ftature,and  of  a  bold  and  live- 
ly mind  or  afpe^t,  and  was  now  become  more  venerable  by  reafon  of  hit 
long  beard ;  fo  that  to  any  one  who  was  not  acquainted  with  him,  he  fee- 
med  fitter  to  carry  a  Pike  than  a  Breviary.  The  Chinejfes  were  petfwaded 
that  this  Father  had  a  defigne,to  make  himfelfe  Mafter  of  their  Kingdom, 
and  that  the  Fortugheffes  had  chofen  him  for  their  Captain  in  that  enrer- 
prife  J  partly  \n  confidcration  of  his  pcrfon,  and  partly  for  the  knowledge 
he  had  of  the  waics  in  that  Country,  by  reafon  he  h^d  been  in  both  the 
Courts -adding  with  all,  that  there  would  arrive  very  fhordy  two  Ar- 
mies to  their  affiftancc,  one  from  India  oi  Fortttghejfrs,  the  other  from  (7/- 
appon of  Giapponeffes J  who  are  their  deadly  enemies :  and  that  the  Fathers, 
who  were  the  companions  of  Father  Z4;2i4r«/ J  were  gone  before  into  the 
Kingdom,  partly  as  fpics,  and  partly  to  flirrc  up  the  people  to  take  part 


ipo  TheBiJlory  of  QBl^HJ.        Part.i! 

with  their  defigncs.  A  malicious  but  ridiculous  invention  of  the  Devil, 
as  if  4  or  5  poorc  religious  men,  with  a  handfull  of  Chrifiiam^  had  been  a- 
blc  to  conquer  fo  powerfuU  a  Kingdom, 

This  rumour  began  by  little  and  little,  till  at  length,  (as  is  ufuall  in  fuch 
cafes)  it  grew  fo  ftrong  in  the  bclicfe  of  the  Chinejjes^i\\2X  as  many  of  them 
3s  dwelt  in  ii/4c^tf,  either  Merchants  or  Inhabitants,  fled  all  away  to  Can- 
ton.  Whereupon  they  ofthc  Province  of  C4;?^<?»  gave  thcmfelvcs  for  half 
loft,  and  being  filled  with  frights  and  terrours,they  made  no  qucftion  but 
the  bufincflc  was  very  certain.  The  newes  had  already  arrived  to  the  Vm^ 
reyjeares,  who  in  haft  made  great  levies  both  for  fea  and  land.  In  the 
principall  City  of  the  Province,  all  the  Houfes  were  caufcd  tobe  pulled 
downe,  which  were  built  along  the  wall  on  the  outfide,  which  were  very 
many,  and  the  poorc  people  received  an  cxccffive  lofte  by  it.  The  gates 
which  opened  towards  Macao  were  walled  up  with  lime  and  ftonCjand  up- 
on the  walls  were  placed  Sentinells  to  keep  watch  both  night  and  day.  A 
proclamation  was  publilhed,  which  under  very  great  penalties  did  prohi- 
bite  ail  manner  of  commerce  with  Macao,  and  that  no  ftranger  whatfoever 
lliould  be  admitted,  and  in  particular  not  Father  Cauhaus^  who  was  he, 
that  was  to  make  himfdfe  King,  In  this  manner  was  the  Metropolis  infla- 
med with  a  military  heat,  while  the  neighbouring  Cities  were  ready  to 

Who  would  ever  have  doubted,  that  a  fire  fo  unfortunately  begun, 
fhould  not  have  reached  as  farre  as  our  Refidcnce  o^XAocheu^o.  City  of  the 
fame  Province,  and  not  very  farre  from  the  Metropolis^  and  fhould  not 
there  have  burnt  up  whatfoever  it  found  in  it,  together  with  all  our  other 
Houfes  in  that  KingdonjJ*They  ruftied  fuddcnly  into  the  Houfe  with  fuch 
a  fury  as  you  may  eafily  believe  them  to  be  in  upon  fuch  occafion :  they 
made  a  very  ftrickt  fearch,  and  turned  every  thing  upfide  downe,  to  fee  if 
they  could  finde  any  armes,  and  having  not  found  what  they  fought  for, 
having  imagined  to  finde  a -W4^/«2.^*wtf  or  Armory  there,  the  tumult  began 
toceafe,  and  the  people  went  out  of  the  Houfe  .*  neverthelefTe  they  fet 
guards  upon  us  for  their  greater  fccuritie  *,  and  from  this  time  that  fire  be- 
gan to  be  extinguiftied. 

Ther/V^r<?7  had  already  given  order  to  the  Captain  General!  of  that 
Province,  whom  they  call  turn  Pivt,  that  with  all  the  ftrength  of  the 
Country  he  fhould  fall  uponAf4w<>,and  that  he  ibould  fack  and  deftroy  it. 
But  he,  like  a  prudent  man,  would  not  put  himfclfc  upon  an  entcrprife  of 
fo  much  hazzard  and  danger  (for  the  Portugheffes  would  not  have  fuffered 
themfelves  to  have  been  fo  eafily  deftroyed,  as  they  ftiewed  afterwards 
againft  the  HollAnders,  a  people  of  another  manner  of  valour  than  the  Chi- 
mJfes)bdoic  he  had  received  better  and  more  certain  information.Thcre- 
fore  he  fent  fpies  to  Macao^  who  went  up  and  downe  the  City  very  freely^ 
for  by  reafon  they  had  no  fufpicion  of  any  thing,all  pafTages  were  free  and 
open.  When  the  fpies  had  remained  in  alUibertie  in  Macao^  as  long  as  they 
though  fit,  they  returned  with  certain  intelligence,  that  there  was  not  any 
preparation  for  warre  in  3/4^4<? ,  no  levies  of  Souldicrs,  nor  anyfigneof 
that  ncwes,  which  had  been  fpread  abroad-,  but  all  was  in  peace  &  quict- 
ncffe,  favc  only  that  the  City  was  divided  into  two  fa<aions^  by  reafon  of 
fome  particular  quarrels,.  upon 

Ch  AP.5.  The  Hijlou  ofQHlU^A.  i  pi 

Upon  this  intelligence  he  ^i^  forbcarc  to  put  the  Vice-rop  orders  in  ex. 
ecution,  and  in  the  mean  time  things  began  to  be  better  cleared,  and  the 
truth  to  appearc.  The  Citizens  o^  Canton  did  open  their  gates,  and  their 
feaics  began  to  blow  over  and  every  thing  to  fettle  in  a  great  dealc  of  qui  - 
ctnes,  which  was  much  promoted  by  the  coming  of  that  Mandarine,  ct{ 
whom  we  have  formerly  made  mention,  that  he  did  appeafc  another  tu- 
jTUilt  againft  the  Fathers  in  the  City  ofXaodeu^Hc  had  been  at  the  Court, 
and  was  returned  from  thence,  upon  the  occafion  of  his  being  promoted 
to  an  Office.  He,upon  the  acquaintance  he  had  formerly  had  with  the  Fa  • 
thcrs,  and  efpecially  by  reafoiiof  thencw  fricndfhip  he  had  contradcd 
with  the  Fathers  at  Pekjm,mib  whom  he  had  had  a  very  great  familiarity, 
ablolutcly  fctled  all  thofe  diftenipers  there  for  that  time- for  this  Province 
is  like  a  Turbulent  fea,  for  thcre,ftormes  arc  never  wantirjg,  one  ft  ill  fuc- 
cccding  another,  untill  they  had  utterly  ruined  our  Houfe  at  Xaecheu, 

It  was  the  year  of  our  Lord  1615,  when  the  people  of  this  City,  after 
many  contrafts,(vvhether  it  were  that  their  finnes  did  render  them  un  wpr- 
thy  of  thofe  mercies  the  Lord  would  have  conferred  on  them,  or  that  the 
Lord  was  pleafed  by  this  means  to  provide  the  Fathers  a  more  quiet  and 
fecure  abode)  confpiredin  that  violent  manner  againfl  the  Fathers,  that 
the  Mandarines  jinoz  being  able  to  refift  the  fury  of  the  Litterati ^the  Bonzi., 
and  the  common  people,  who  with  one  accord  cryed  out  againft  the 
ftrangcrs,)  did  banift  them  by  a  publick  fentence  pronounced  againft 
them,  which  notwithftanding  had  thus  much  of  good  in  it  to  them,  that 
the  banifhmcnt  was  not  out  of  the  Kingdom,  as  they  did  very  much  feare 
it  would  be,  but  fcemed  rather  a  confinement  to  detain  them  in  the  King- 

They  pillaged  our  houfe,  and  committed  other  fuch  infolences,  as  are 
iifuall  upon  the  like  fentenccs,  and  with  fuch  perfons.  They  placed  over 
the  doore  in  figne  of  their  vidlory  a  ftone  with  a  long  infcription  on  it  a- 
gainflthe  Fathers,  and  our  holy  faith.  But  when  things  began  to  clofe, 
the  Chriftiam  procured  one  night  to  have  it  peckt  over  with  an  iron  toole, 
and  fo  defaced  it,  that  it  was  never  after  to  be  read. 

The  Fathers  departed  from  that  City  with  great  contentment  of  the 
Gentiles^  and  a  greater  refentment  of  the  Chrifiians  who  wept  all  downe 
right :  and  going  up  the  river  towards  the  North,  they  arrived  in  a  few 
daics  at  Mount  Muilin^vjhcxe  the  Source  and  Head  of  that  river  rifech .  At 
the  foot  thereof  lyah  the  City  oiTiamhium^  which  terminareth  that  Pro- 
vince. Here  the  Lord  was  pleafed,  that  their  Barque  fliould  reft,  like  that 
of  Noah  on  the  Mountaines  of  Armenia,  And  without  asking  any  leave, 
or  defiring  the  favour  of  any  Mandarines  ^  only  putting  their  truft  in  the 
Lord,  they  hired  a  houfe  in  that  City,  (where  it  was  not  hard  for  them  to 
find  one  for  their  turnc)  without  the  moleftationor  prohibition  of  any 
onewhatfoevcr«  for  when  the  Lord  will  have  a  thbg  cometopafTe,  all 
is  eafie,  even  without  pains  and  induftry.  There  they  lived  with  that  little         ^ 
which  they  had  faved  out  of  their  ftiipwrack  at  Xaocheu^  anddreftupa 
Chappell  in  their  houfe:  and  as  the  report  of  the  arrivall  of  thefe  ftrangers 
began  to  raife  their  curiofity,  fo  thcconcourfe  of  the  people,  and  their  vi- 
fits  to  them  did  open  a  doorc  to  the  preaching  of  the  GofpelL 


T^I  TfeHiflory  of  Qtil^A.  Part.z; 

So  that  Father  Gasfcr  Ferrera,  who  had  been  with  them  in  the  late 
troubles,  prefently  began  to  baptize  fome  of  them»  And  the  year  foUo- 
wingi  as'l  paffed  by  that  place,  to  go  to  Nankim,  there  was,  although  not 
a  numerous,  yet  a  good  and  well  inftrui^ed  Chrijiiamtie^  who  enjoyed  all 
peace  and  quictnelTe,  untilliheyeari6i6,  whentheperfecutionat  iV4^- 
/^/>w-began.     ^^'.^ . . :  •  . 


'^^  Of  the  pro(^refs  of  the  Qhrijlicin  religion  atthetm 
rejidenctes  o/Nancham  andN.ankim,andof 
the  death  of  Father  "^^tthtusKiccius. 

T  He  Fathers  BmmAmel  Dias^^ndfoames  Sosrius  laboured  with  very 
good  fruit  in  the  refidcnce  o^Nancham^  which  Is  theprincipall  City 
of  the  Province  of  A'/4w/if :  and  although  the  greateft  part  of  the  chrifiian$ 
were  but  of  the  common  people,  yet  there  were  fome  alfo  of  the  NBbtUtie^ 
^ndoUhQ  Kings  kwdredy  who  were  baptized,  and  carried  themfelvcs  ve- 
ry exemplarily  to  the  edification  of  all  the  reft.  I  have  fince  known  fome 
of  them,  who  did  very  much  benefit  that  Chrlfi'tAmtie  by  the  good  pattern 
and  example  of  their  livcs-,and  when  I  departed  from  ckna^BonPedro  was 
then  living,  who  is  fo  often  mentioned  in  the  yearly  letters,  for  having 
carried  himfelfe  like  a  good  Chriflian  upon  all  occafions,  and  even  in  the 
torments  which  he  fuftained  with  great  conftancy  •,  his  houfe  many  times 
affording  a  Sandtuary  to  the  Fathers,  and  a  Church  tothe  chiftiam^v/ho 
went  commonly  tKether  during  their  troubles,  and  perfecutions,  which 
were  not  wanting  there  •,  neither  did  they  failcto  produce  that  fruit,  which 
they  are  wont  to  do  in  new  C/'r//?/4w>/w. 

There  dwell  in  this  City  many  of  the  Kings  kindred,  who  for  the  mofl 
part  are  very  infolent-,  partly  by  reafon  of  the  authority  of  their  blood  ^and 
partly  by  reafon  of  the  idle  and  eafie  life  they  lead.  Thefe  did  often  give 
the  fathers  much  trouble,  and  one  time  were  refolved  to  furprize  the 
houfe,  where  they  lived,  and  to  turne  them  out  of  the  City,  and  had  pro- 
ceeded Co  farre  in  it,that  there  is  no  doubt,but  that  they  had  put  their  pur- 
pofe  in  execution,  had  not  the  Governour  of  the  City  been  changed;  who 
having  ended  his  time  refigned  his  place  to  another,who  although  he  was 
new  in  that  Office,  yet  was  not  new  in  the  acquaintance  of  the  Fathers. 

The  Lftteratiiyfho  when  they  have  only  taken  their  firft  degree  of  Bd" 
chelour^  are  another  fort  of  troublefome  people)  had  undertaken  to  oppofe 
the  C^r//?/^;?  religion,  and  to  per  fecute  the  Preachers  thereof-,  as  accor- 
dingly they  did  many  times,  but  once  in  particular,  many  of  them  con- 
fpiring  together  to  pluck  up  this  evill  tvecde,as  they  called  it,  by  the  roots, 
{nmtdzMemmall,  wherein  they  named  fome  of  the  Fathers  by  their 
names,  and  affirmed  that  they  were  Traytours  to  the  King,  and  that  upon 
this  defigne  they  had  difperfed  themfelvcs  into  five  feverall  Provinces. 


C  H  A  p .  tf .  The  Hipry  of  CHI^J.  ip  ^ 

that  they  kept  a  conftant  correfpondence  one  with  another,-  that  they 
went  up  and  down  the  Rivers  to  rob  and  alTafTinate  the  people-,  that  they 
taught;  men  not  to  reverence  the  Images  of  their  anceftors,and  not  to 
'Worfliipthc  Pago^Sybm  brake  and  burned  them- that  they  fcduced  the 
ignorant  peoplcjand  taught  them  to  worihip  a  Moori^x  fo  in  that  Province 
they  call  the  Eurof^am)  faying^that  he  was  the  true  God^  that  they  made 
affemblics  and  meetings,  and  hindred  people  from  following  their  bufi- 
nclTe^  that  they  had  almoft  perverted  the  whole  Citie^  and  though  at  the 
beginning  there  were  but  a  few  of  their  Seft,yet  now  they  were  multi- 
plyed  to  20000.  In  fine,  they  faid  many  other  things,  which  founded  fo 
ill,  that  there  was  none  who  doubted  but  that  they  would  be  fufficicnt 
wholly  to  extirpate  the  Father s-,  befide  their  adverfaries  were  many,  uni- 
ted in  one  Body,  and  Litter  Mi  too,  who  knew  very  well  how  to  ufc  their 
pen,  and  are  commonly  the  better  heard  for  that  reafon. 

They  prefented  their  MemorialUo  the  MagiftrateSy  who  received  it,  and 
cited  ihe  Fathers  to  their  T'rihmAlt,  where  they  were  examined  about 
their  life  and  manners,and  concerning  the  dodlrine,  which  they  preached. 
They  gave  an  account  of  themfclves,  and  were  alfo  very  wcUheaid. 
They  brought  along  with  them  the  Catechifm  which  they  taught,  printed 
in  the  Chinejfe  Language,  and  prefented  itto  the  Mandarines  in  ftead  of  a 
Memeriali  This  was  fo  well  looked  upon,  that  ihey,not  only  admired 
therein  the  foundation  and  principle  of  all  vertues,  but  alfo  greatly 
praifed  the  precepts  of  the  ten  Commandments.  In  finc,the  bufineffe  went 
fo  well,  and  fo  contrary  to  what  their  adverfaries  did  hope  and  expect, 
and  fo  much  in  favour  of  the  Fathers^  that  the  Law  sf  God  was  publickly 
commended  and  approved  by  the  very  G^/?^/7f ithemfelves^and  the  abode 
of  the  Fathers  in  that  City  confirmed  by  a  publique  fentcnce,  and  drawn 
up  in  writing,  which  till  that  time  could  never  be  obtained -and  the  Crojfe 
ofchrift  triumphed  in  fpitc  of  all  the  Devils  in  Hell-  and  from  thence  for- 
ward they  that  were  Chriftians  already,  enjoyed  all  the  liberty  they 
could  defire^  and  they  that  had  a  mindtoturneChriftians,coulddoit 
without  any  caution  or  fecrecic  :  and  truly  there  were  many  of  them  that 
proved  examples  of  great  edification^  and  though  I  do  purpofely  for- 
bear to  mention  them  for  brevities  fake,  yet  I  will  relate  one  belonging  to 
the  fame  refidence,  becaufe  it  was  told  me  by  the  fame  Chriftian  himfclf, 
a  little  before  my  departure  for  Europe. 

I  was  ftanding  one  day,  in  the  church  which  we  have  in  this  City, 
when  I  faw  a  man  come  in  thither  to  fay  his  prayers,  and  not  knowing 
him,  I  ft  ay  ed  till  he  came  out,  and  thenIaskedhim,iNhohewas.-He  an- 
fwered,  J'4//'fr,  I  am  a  Chriftian,  and  was  born  in  this  Cityjbutamby 
profelTion  a  Merchant  in  Nankim,ar\d  at  certain  times  I  come  hither  to  fee 
my  Parents,&  then  I  come  to  Church  according  to  my  dutie.I  asked  him; 
who  did  Baptize  him^ He  anfwered  me,  Father  ^ofjn  dclla  Rocca:  ^nii'ix. 
was,faid  hf,in  this  manner;!  had  been  fickly  many  yeareSjand  had  fpentall 
my  poor  fortune  upon  the  Phyfitians  without  receiving  sny  help  from 
them ,  my  friends  ufed  to  vifit  me,  and  among  them  two  Chriftians,vjho 
one  day  being  moved  with  compaflion  towards  me,  told  me  that  I  (hould  . 
do  well  to  turn  Chrifiian,  and  it  might  be,  that  the  Lord  would  grant  me 

C  e  my 

T^  TheBfiory  of  QHI^A.  Part.i. 

my  health . I  anfvvercd  thcmjf  your  God  would  rcftorcme  my  health  Jam 
content  to  turn  Chrifiian.  They  went  prefentiy  ro  the  Father  to  ask  him 
for  a  little  Holy  water,to  give  me  to  drink,  hoping  that  it  would  have  a 
good  effect.  'S>\\tx.\\^  Father  anfwered  themJF  he  have  a  defire  to  turn 
chrifiian^  let  him  do  it,and  our  Lord  will  fend  him  heahh,if  it  be  hisplea- 
fure*,and  if  he  do  not,  yet  at  lesft  let  him  take  care  of  the  health  of  his 
Soule,  which  is  more  neceffary  than  that  of  the  body^  As  for  miracles,  the 
Lord  doth  them  only  when  he  pleafethjand  if  upon  this  occafionhe 
fhould  not  do  a  Miracle^  then  would  that  Gentile  dcfpife  and  undervalue 
ourreligion.  They  returned  to  me  fufficiently  difconfolate,  but  I  was 
much  more  deje(5led  when  I  heard  that  anfwer.  About  two  dayes  after, 
the  fame  two  Chrift'ians  being  with  me,  there  came  in  another  called  Peter, 
with  whom  I  was  alfo  acquainted;  and  he  was  a  very  zealous  and  fervent 
Chrifliw.They  told  him  what  had  happened  to  them  with  the  Father-^but 
he  replyed,  What  need  have  we  of  the  Father  for  this  matter^ I  have  holy 
water  my  felf  at  home-,  let  us  give  him  (ome  of  it,  and  I  hope  our  Lord 
will  gi'ant  him  his  health.  He  went  prefentiy  home,  and  fetched  a  little 
ofit;  they  gave  it  me,  and  I  drank  it^  and  not  long  after  I  perfedly  reco- 
vered-, and  that  which  many  medicines  were  not  able  to  do  in  fo  many 
years,  the  Uolj  water  did  in  a  very  (liorc  time.  I  went  prefentiy  to  churchy 
to  render  thanks  to  the  Lord  for  that  great  mercy  he  had  ihewed  me;  and 
after  I  had  been  well  Catechifed and  inft rucied  in  the  principall  matters  of 
our  Holy  Faith  J  was  Baptized. 

I  hjvc  made  choi(e  of  this  example  in  particular,  becaufe  it  was  rela- 
ted to  me  by  the  perfon  himfelf,  to  whom  it  happened,although  there  ne- 
ver wanted  many  cthei  s  of  the  like  kind^wherewith  the  Lord  doth  favour 
that  church ,  ftrengthen  the  chriflians ,  and  comfort  the  Preachers 

The  Refidence  of  Nankimdid  this  while  enjoy  a  perfe(51:  peace  and 
tranquilitie^and  the  Fathers  gained  a  great  deale  of  credit  and  reputati- 
on, and  were  much  cfleemed  by  feverall  of  the  Mag/ftrates^vjho  did 
greatly  favour  them.  The  number  and  devotion  of  the  Faithful!  encrea- 
fed  every  day',  and  for  (he  greater  help  thereof  there  was  founded  a  con- 
gregation of  the  B  Virgin^  with  thofe  eflFe(5ts  and  fruits,  which  are  ufually 
obtained  by  her. 

Diverfe  perfons  of  very  confiderable  qualitie  did  prefent  themfelves 
to  receive  Holy  Baptifm^  among  whom  Kui  Tai  ^  was  onc;  who  indeed 
was  worthy  of  al!  praife,  for  the  great paines  he  took  in  this  Citie  to  aflift 
the  Fathers^  and  for  the  many  advantages  he  gained  ihem  by  his  authori- 
tie.  This  man,  notwithftanding  that  he  was  our  intimate  friend,  did  ftill 
perfiftinhis  Heathemfme^and  although  he  commended  our  Holy  Laxo, 
and  approved  the  Truth  and  Certainty  thereof,  yet  he  thought  it  very 
troublcfome  to  obftrve-,a  conceit  which  doth  ufually  with-hold  very  ma- 
ny from  the  undertaking  of  it.But  at  length  having  overcome  himfelf  and 
all  other  dif[iculties,he  was  Baptized, and  c;illed  Ipiatius^  making  his  con- 
fcflion  and  publick  profeflion  fo  refolute  and  devoutly,  that  he  did  much 
comfort  the  Fathers^  and  encourage  the  reft  of  the  Faithfull:  neither  was 
he  content  only  to  recite  ir,but  gave  it  in- writing  as  apledg  of  his  determi- 

Chap  <J.  The HiJloryofQHIihC/l.  195 

nafc  rcfolution,  the  which  for  the  publick  edification  I  have  thought  fit 
CO  infert  in  this  place.and  it  faith  thus. 

Kui  Ignatius  hern  in  thefecend  Moon  of  the  year  called  Ciea,  (which  ivas  d* 
bout  the  month  (?/ March,  z»  the  year  i^^9)ititheCitie0f  Clzncku^ofthe 
CottntrieofSucki}^  in  the  Province  of  V^aDkim^  in  the  Kingdom  ^/Tamin 
(forfo  they  caHthe  Kingdome  efC\\\v\2L)  I  being  drawn  by  a  profound  confide- 
ration,  and  moved  by  a  moflfncible  (orrorvfor  myfinnes^  do  deftre  to  ask  par- 
don ofalmightie  God^that  he  might  give  me  the  ftving  water  <?^Baptifm  for  to 
canceUthem^  and  that  he  would  grant  me  fu^ idem  grace  to  enter  into  his  moft 
Holy  Law.  /  confider  with  myfelf  that  being  now  ^-j  years  of  age,  I  have  had 
€yes  all  this  while,  And  yet  have  never  looked  into  his  Holy  Law:  I  have  had 
tarts^  and  yet  have  never  heard  of  his  Sacred  Name-,  hut  on  the  contrary  have 
followed  the  Seti  tf/Scechia(vvhich  is  the  name  of  a  very  famous  Idoll)  4;?^ 
Although  I  under ^ood^  that  it  was  repugnant  both  to  truth  and  reafon^  I  did 
very  much  enlarge  an^fpread  abroad  that  fuperflition-^  thewhich  I  acknowledge 
to  be  m)  very  great  faulty  andalmojl  Infnitefinne,  which  mthout  doubt  dtdde- 
ferve  no  lejfe  than  the  lowefl  depth  ef  Hell.  Of lite  years  it  was  my  good  fortune 
to  meet  with  the  Maflers  of  the  truth, who  came  from  the  great  Weft,Matt  heus 
Riccius  W  Lazarus  Catana?us  together  with  their Cof^panionS^bMzn  Fer- 
nandes.  Thefe  were  the  firfl  that  did  open  unto  me  the  My  fteries  of  Divine 
truth.' W  now  again  of  latent  mett  with  John  Delia  Rocca  andhis  Companiori 
Frances  Martinez .  Thefe  did  confirm  me  in  the  heleefof  thofe  things  I  had  aL 
ready  heard;  by  meanes  of  thefe  Maflers  I  learned  j  hat  Heaven  and  Earth^Man- 
kind  and  all  other  things  were  made  by  God  and  that  all  things  have  their  de- 
dependance  on  him-^andare  neceffarilie  fuhjeol  unto  his  commandnthat  no  other 
Seii,  or  law^  whatfoever  beftdes  this^is  conformable  to  truth;  thatfinnes  are  for- 
given only  by  God  by  the  intermiffion  of  his  Mini flers-^t  hat  by  him  only  the  joy  es 
of  Heaven  are  conferred  upon  fuch^  who  have  a  true  and  fjncere  forrow  for  their 
ftnnes :  and  hecaufe  f  heleeve  that  by  thefe  meanes  a  man  may  obtain  from  God, 
Grace  and  other  benefits  J  be feech  his  Divine  Majeftie,  that  he  would  fo  fill  me 
with  this  truth,  that  I  may  put  it  in  execution  by  good  works ^  and  may  he  able 
with  a  confiant  and  firme  refolution  to  worfhip  the  Heavenly  Ma/eft ie  and  to 
conformemyfelf  to  his  Holy  precepts  and  ordinances.  And  from  the  day  where- 
in Ijhall  receive  Baptifme,  which  clean feth  and  wafheth  all  filth  and  unclea- 
neffefrom  the  Soule^  I  do  promt  fe  by  his  Grace  for  the  time  t$  come^wholly  td  ex- 
tirpate out  of  my  thoughts  the  SeB  of  the  vain  and  falfe  GodS'^  as  alfo  their 
doctrines,  which  are  repugnant  to  reafon-y  and  to  take  car e^  that  my  thoughts  do 
not  in  any  wife  runne  after  the  fuperfluous  deftre  of  riches y  the  vanitie  of  the 
war  Id,  or  the  falfe  and  fool tfh  pleafures  thereof  I  will  obey  the  Sovereign 
Lord  and  Father  efall  things^  and  will  follow  the  dtrcEi  way  of  his  lawr,  and  by 
a  conftant  watch  upon  my  fences^  I  will  endeavour,  as  much  as  is  poffihle  for  mc, 
fo  reduce  the  light  of  that  reafon,  which  God  hath  given  me, to  its  former  Splen- 
dour,/ will  begin  with  my  felf,  and  afterward  communicate  unto  others,  the  be- 
nefit of  thofe  Graces  I  jhall  receive  from  his  bounttfull  hand. 

For  as  much  as  appertaineih  unto  the  Articles  of  our  Faith,  although  J  am 
not  able  to  comprehend  thegreatneffe  of  each  Myflerie^  nevertbdeffe  I  do  from 
my  he  Art  fubmit  my  felfto  them;  and  do  firmly  believe  whatfoever  is 
contained tnthem-ybefeeching  the  Holy  Ghoi^y  that  he  wot/Id  illuminate  my 

Dd  2  underfiandwg 

The  Hi/lory  of  QiiL^d.         Part.:?. 

mder (landing  vo'nh  hisUght,  that  I  might  be  the  better  Me  to  comprehend 
them.  Now  therefore,  jhce  J  have  begun  again  to  feele  thefrjl  imprejfms  of 
faith  my  heart  is  like  a  tender  eare  of  come.,  which  ps  not  jet  come  to  tts  maturity^ 
ivherefore  1  be feech  the  Mother  oi  God,  that  jhe  mil  grant  me  firength  and 
courage.,  by  her  Inter ccfCion  for  me  with  God  her  Sonne,  that  this  my  firm 
purpofe  &  con^ant  refolution  might  never  be  ftaggeredor  (haken-.that  he  would 
open  the  powers  ofmyfoule,  and  grant  me  a  eleane  and  pure  heart:  Thai  he  would 
open  my  mouth  to  declare  his  Divine  law  through  the  whole  Kingdom^  the  end 
that  none  might  he  ignorant  of  the  law  of  the  True  God^  or  refufe  to  give  obe- 
dience to  it. 

This  was  the  profeiTion  in  writing  of  Ignatius.  There  was  alfo  baptized 
in  this  houfe  by  the  hands  of  Father  ^ohn  della  Rocca,  who  was  fuperiour 
thereof,  Deciour  Paul^  whofe  life  we  (liall  fct  downe  more  at  lirge  toward 
the  end  of  this  relation,  and  who  mayjuftly  be  called  the  pillar  of  the 
Chrijlianitie  of  Chwa^  who  was  fo  much  celebrated  in  the  yearly  lettcrs/o 
eminent  in  dignitie  and  honour,  having  home  the  higheft  office  of  the 
Kingdom,  that  is,  ofCclao  •  fo  zealous  in  the  Ghriftian  religion  ^  fo  cxatSt 
in  the  obfervance  of  it^  lo  humble;  fo  vertuous  and  holy,  that  every  great 
thing  may  worthily  be  faid  of  him. 

This  feed  of  the  Holy  Gofpel  was  not  contained  within  the  walls  of  the 
City  o^Nankim,  but  fprcad  it  felfe  over  the  Province  of  the  fame  name  5 
for  upon  the  occafion  of  Dr.  Paf4ls  turning  C hrifian^  and  oi  his  Fathers 
deat*h,  at  what  time  he  went  to  Scianhai  to  celebrate  bis  funeralls.  Father 
Lazarus  Catan^us  went  thether,partly  to  vifit  him,  and  partly  to  fee  how 
that  Countrie  was  difpofed  to  receive  the  word  of  God.  His  journey  had 
fuch  good  fuccfeffe,  that  prefently  after  one  Af^jf^,  there  were  fifty  Bapti- 
zed^ and  in  two  years  after  the  number  was  encrcafed  to  two  hundred.-the 
example  of /)r.  Paul  being  of  great  efficacy  to  that  purpofe. 

There  happened  alfo  at  that  time  feverail  miracles;  as,  driving  out  of 
Devills,  healing  of  the  (ick,  and  fuch  like,  with  which  this  new  Chrifti- 
anitie  was  vj:iucd,  and  the  earth  difpofed  to  bring  forth  more  fruit,  fuch 
as  were  afterwards,  and  areftill  gathered  there  at  this  day.  There  was  al- 
fo a  houfe  founded  in  that  Towne  5  and  it  is  now  oncofthebcft  Chr/fiia- 
nities  in  all  China. 

Whileft  the  Fathers  of  the  three  Southerne  Refidencics,  under  went  fo 
much  paincs  and  trouble,  V\ithtr  Matt heus  Riccius  was  not  idle  at  Pekim  5 
but  rather  was  fo  bufied,  that  he  had  fcarce  time  to  breath,  partly  for  the 
vifitsoftheC^/>fj(/"^^,  which  he  was  alfo  obliged  torcturnethem,  nor 
could  he  have  omitted  it  without  injury  and  difcourtefie-,  and  partly  with 
iht  Chrijlians  and  Catechumeni-^  andpartl)  in  compofing  thofe  bookes, 
which  are  fo  much  efleemed  by  the  Chinejfes,  In  the  mean  while  the  re- 
pitation  and  effeeme  of  our  religion  was  everyday  advanced,  and  the 
number  o{Chrifiians  encrcafed  by  rare  and  miraculous  events.  One  of  the 
Neophites^oincvj  Chrijlians,  being  delivcrea  from  death,  which  he  was 
unjuiily  condemned  to  fuffer,  by  the  apparition  of  a  man,  like  unto  the 
Image  of  our  Saviour,one  night  to  that  judge,  who  was  to  confirmc  the 
fentcnccjwho  commanded  him  to  favc  the  life  of  that  Tnnocent:and  two  o- 
thers J  whofe  recovery  was  dcfpaircd  of  by  the  Phy ficians,  were  cured  by 


C  H  A  p .  7-  T^he  Hijlory  of  (^HI3\(j^.  ip  7 

the  favour  oFthe  B.  P^irgin,  who  viiibly  appeared  to  them,  ipake  to  them 
and  ciimfortcd  them. 

Notvvithftanding  his  great  employments,  Father  Mauheus  did  note- 
mit  the  other  fundions  of  his  charge  in  the  Houfc,  he  being  fuperiour  and 
having  the  care  of  the  whole  Utffwn^\\\Q\\  he  governed  with  great  care, 
prudencejand  charityrby  reafon  ofthefecontinuall  paines  and  care  which 
hetooke,  (or  rather  becaufe  the  Lord  was  pleafcdto  deliver  his  fervant 
out  of  the  troubles  of  this  life,  to  give  him  the  reward  of  his  fufferings)he 
fell  into  a  {ickneffe,  and  although  all  humane  means  were  applycd,  and  all 
polTible  care  ufc  d  to  fave  his  lif e^  yet  all  was  to  no  purpofc.  fie  defired  to 
receive  the  Sacrdmems^  which  accordingly  he  received  with  very  great  re- 
fentmcnt  and  devotion ;  The  Fathers  defired  his  blcfTing  before  he  dyed: 
about  many  queflions  which  they  asked  him,  he  gave  particular  anfwers 
toall ;  among  the  reff^toone  who  asked  him,  Why  he  would  leave  them 
atatime,  when  they  had  fo  great  need  of  his  company^Heanfwered,  I 
leavc^outhe  gate  Of  en  to  great  I'iciories,  which  notxvithflanding  are  not  to  he 
obtained  without  great  fains  and  combats,  ^nd  fo  entertaining  with  difcourfe, 
fomctimes  the  Fathers,  fometimes  the  new  Chripans^  and  very  often  rai- 
fing  up  his  heart  ;inJ  voice  towards  heaven,  in  amorous  Colloquies^  lying  ia 
his  bed,  without  any  motion  at  all  of  his  body,  and  clofing  his  eyes,  as  if 
he  were  entring  int.)  a  fweet  fleep,  he  gave  up  his  foule  into  the  hands  of 
his  Maker,  with  the  generall  greife  and  refencmcnt,  not  only  of  thofe  of 
thehoure,andoftheC/;r//?i4w,  butalfoof  the  Gentiles j  they  all  calling 
hlm^  a  per fe^  Many  a  Saint  J  an  /Ipoftle.  I  will  forbearc  to  fpeak  any  more 
of  him  for  brevities  fake,  by  reafon  his  life  is  already  written  in  the  Hiito- 
ry  of  Father  Trigaltim, 


Of  the  TBurfm^placey  yphich  x^asbejlovpedupon 

us  hy  the  Kjngy  ando/theprogrefse  of  the 

Chrijlian  religion,  tmliUthe  time  of 

theperfecutionat  Nankim. 

IT  is  a  cuflom  among  the  Chine ffes,  fas  we  have  already  related,)  to  have 
■■a  particular  place  appoyntcd  for  the  buriall  of  their  dead.  The  Fathers, 
who  had  very  hardly  a  place  allowed  them  for  to  live  in,  were  altogether 
deflituteof  aplace  of  Sepulture;  wherefore  they  were  in  great  doubr, 
where  they  fliould  bury  the  Father.  But  the  Lord  who  is  a  guide  unto  hi?,* 
and  who  had  a  particular  intention  to  honour  his  fervant,  put  them  upon 
a  very  difficult  undertaking,  and  as  farre  as  f  am  able  to  judge  by  the  cu- 
ftome  of  ^/'/^/f,  without  his  fpeciall  afriftance,altogether  impolfible.  This 
was  to  Petition  the  King,  defiring  his  favour,  tohave  a  place  ailigned  us 
for  the  buriall  of  our  dead.  And  becaufe  it  vvas  the  Lord,  who  had  fir  ft: 
fet  thisbufinelTe  on  foor,without  any  confideration  of  the  great  difficultie, 

ip8  TheH'tjloryofCBHK^.  Part.z. 

which  they  were  like  to  find,  they  prcfcntly  framed  a  MemorUUto  be  prc- 
[entcd  CO  the  King,  wherein  they  laid  downe  the  reafons,  which  moved 
them  to  make  this  humble  rcqueft. 

The  very  paflfing  of  this  i^/irw^m//,  according  to  the  Stile  which  is  requi- 
(ite  upon  that  occafion,  feemed  fo  impoffiblc  a  thing,  that  the  CoUo  him  - 
felte,  who  dcfired  to  affift  them  as  a  friend,  accounted  it  a  very  difficult 
cnterprlfe.  Neverthclcffe  after  they  had  recommended  their  bufinelTe  to 
Almighty  God,  theMemoriall  was  prcfentcd  to  the  Mandarine^  to  whofe 
office'it  belonged  fir  ft  to  over  look  it,  and  the  Lord  was  plcafcd  to  favour 
us  fo  farre,  that  it  paflfed  theChancery  without  any  difficultie,which  at  fir  ft 
feemed  to  bethegrcateft.  When  it  was  prcfested  to  the  King,  without 
doubt  he  thatholdeth  the  hearts  of  Kings  in  his  hand,  did  difpofc  and  in- 
cline him  to  favour  us,  andheremembringthe  former  Prefent,  and  the 
Clock  which  he  had  alwaies  by  him,  did  icferre  it  to  the  Colao^  together 
wiih  many  other  petitions,  according  to  the  Stile  of  that  Court,  and  he  to 
the  CpunccU  of  Rites,  becaufe  it  was  a  bufinelTe  of  ftrangers,  which  did 
propel  ly  belong  to  them.  But  after  they  of  that  Councell  had  confidercd 
it,  they  judged  it  to  be  a  fpeciall  favour  of  the  Kings,and  that  it  did  there- 
fore belong  to  the  Councell  of  the  Kings  Patrimonie,  Wherefore  they 
did  remit  our  Memor fall  to  them.  Aflbone  as  the  Fathers  underftood  this, 
and  knowing  ihey  had  no  friends  in  that  Councell,  and  that  there  was  no- 
thing to  be  expeded  from  them  without  favour,  they  made  fuch  means, 
by  way  ofother, friends,  that  the  C^emoriall  vjas  not  only  remanded  a- 
gaine  to  the  Councell  of  Rites,  wherein  the  Fat  hers  had  levcrall  friends, 
but  that  they  alio  did  receive  it,  andpafTe  fentence  in  favour  of  them,  as 
accordingly  they  did  in  this  form. 

Tour  MAJeflie  hathgi'ven  command^  that  the  Councell  to  whom  this  hu/iffejfe 
did  belong  Jfhmld give  their  judgement  concerning  this  petition,  i^nd  it  being 
come  into  our  hands .^  we  have  well  confideredthe  laws  and  conjiitutions  of  this 
Kingdom^  and  we  find  one  which  faith  :  ThatifanyofthofeStt^ngets^  which 
are  wont  to  come  into  this  Kingdom^fhould  chance  te  die  by  the  way  ; ;/  he  were  a 
fubje^  or  T^affalljSov  fometimcs  there  come  Kings  and  Princes  thithcr)W 
were  not 'jet  arrived  at  the  Court,  the  Treasurer  of  the  Province  ^where  he  dyeth^ 
/ball  affigne  him  a  place  of  bur  tall,  where  there  fhall  be  Cet  up  an  infer  iption  gra  - 
ven  infione^  wherein  jhall  be  exprejfedthe  occafion  of  his  coming  hither. 

There  is  alfo  another  law  which  fait  h^  If  a  Stranger  come  into  this  Kingdom, 
and  die  after  he  is  arrived  at  the  Court  ^  if  he  have  not  received  the  Kings  gra^ 
iuit%and  reward,  according  to  the  ufuallcuftome^  the  Cover nour  of  the  City 
pull  defra-^  the  cofis  ofhisfunerall :  B  dt  if  he  hath  received  his  gratuity,  it  jhall 
he  done  at  his  owne  expence. 

In  order  to  thefe  two  laws  ffrora  which  I  cannot  well  fee  how  an  argu- 
ment, fliould  be  drawne  to  favour  our  caufe,  becaufe  the  Fathers  had  al- 
ready received  their  gratuity)  the  Mandarine  knew  fo  well  how  to  make 
up  the  bufincffe,  ard  to  find  out  fo  many  reafons  and  conveniences  to  ob- 
tain that  favour,  which  Father  fames  Pantoia  required  of  his  Majeftie,  for 
the  buriall  of  his  deceafed  companion,  that  affoone  as  the  Memor iall  came 
againe  into  the  Kings  hands,  he  prefently  referred  it  ro  the  CoUo,  that  he 
(houldgivcwhatanlwcrtoit  he  thought  fit.  TheC<?/4<?drewitupinthis 


Chap.7.  fheBtJioryofCniV^A.  i;>9 

formc^That  it  fccmcd  very  reafonable  unto  him,theftrangeisfliould  have 
that  favour  granted  them,  which  they  did  dcfire.  And  (o  it  was  againe 
brought  to  the  King,  who  figned  it  with  his  ownc  hand,  and  put  to  it  his 

This  expedition  put  an  end  to  our  troubles  •  and  the  Fathers  ceafed  not 
torenderthanksto  Almighty  God  for  that  favour,  which  they  were  fo 
clcerly  to  owne  from  his  goodncffe,  and  which  was  of  fo  great  impor- 
tance for  the  Fathers  refidcncein  that  Court,  and  in  the  reft  of  the  King- 
dom, that  conccflion  of  the  King,  ferving  not  only  for  a  Sepulture  for 
their  deadjbut  alfo  for  a  h"cenfe  for  us  to  remain  there  during  our  lives.  For 
he  having  granted  us  a  place  in  that  Kingdom,  to  lie  in  after  our  death,  it 
was  manifeft  that  he  granted  us  alfo  a  place  ol-  abode  there  during  life:and 
the  words  of  the  Grant  runne  thu?,rtf  hur'j  tkirFatherKkcius  and  his  com- 
f  anions.  Andaccordingly  they  who  die  in  that  Court  at  this  day  are  bu- 
ried in  the  fame  place. 

Having  overcome  the  firft  part  of  the  bufineffe,  (which  was  the  raoft 
difficult  J  without  any  trouble,  but  rather  with  a  great  dealeot  eafe  and 
facilitie,  there  remained  ftill  the  fecond,  which  was  the  execution  of  it  5 
which  could  not  want  very  much  oppofition :  but  by  having  many  Man- 
^<ir/Wj  to  their  friends,  and  by  procuring  the  good  will  of  others,  with 
fome  Sun-dialls  of  Ivory ,( which  the  Chimffes  do  highly  cfteeme,  and  Fa- 
ther Fantoia  had  the  skill  of  making  them  very  cxa^iy)  our  poverty  not 
being  able  to  extend  it  felfe  to  any  great  matter,  at  length  they  overcame 
the  f  mailer  difficulties,  and  the  execution  of  their  defires  became  more  ea- 
fie  for  them  5  efpccially  the  Fathers  having  the  Colao^  (who  is  able  to  do 
any  thing,)  for  their  friend  :  who  indeed  was  fo  well  affe(5ted  to  the  bufi- 
nelTe,  that  Father  Prntoia  going  a  fecond  time  to  vifit  him^  to  rcfrefli  his 
memory,  fearing  left  the  multitude  of  bufineflfc,  which  lay  upon  him 
might  caufe  him  to  forget  them,  before  the  Father  could  open  his  mouth, 
the  C(7/^5  tookc  him  by  the  hand,  telling  him,  that  he  did  not  forget  his 
bufinelfe-,  but  fearing  leaft  any  delay  might  be  prejudicial!  to  them,he  had 
part  it  himfclfe,  and  fcnt  it  to  the  Governour  with  particular  recommcn- 
dations,  although  he  thought  it  needlelTe,  becaufe  he  knew  him  already 
tobevery  wellaffe(5ledtothebufinclle,andthathehad  done  the  like  to 
feverall  other  officers,  through  whofe  hands  the  bufinefle  was  topaffe: 
Upon  the  recommendations  of  a  perfon  of  fo  great  qualitie,  the  bufineffe 
was  not  only  received,  but  very  much  favoured.  There  vi^as  prefently  or- 
der given  to  the  inferiour  Officers,  by  whole  hands  it  was  immediately  to 
be  difpatchedj  that  they  fhould  findeout  a  proper  place  for  that  purpofe  : 
who  being  alwaics  very  obedient  to  the  commands  of  their  fuperiours, 
and  knowing  what  haftethe  bufineffe  did  require,they  went  immediately 
about  it  •,  and  having  found  out  foureplaces>which  to  them  feemcd  all  ve- 
ry convenient,they  came  to  the  Fathers,and  dcfired  them  that  they  would 
be  pleafed  to  go  and  fee  them,  and  make  choifc  of  that  which  liked  them 
beft,  and  then  the  King  (liould  be  made  acquainted  with  it. 

Among  thefcfoure  places,  there  was  one  veryneere  the  walls  of  the 
City,  with  a  very  faire  and  ftately  houfe  and  garden,  which  had  formerly 
belonged  to  one  of  the  chiefe  Eunuchs  of  the  palace  j  who  for  I  know  not 


200  TheBJlory  of  CHlO^Qd.         Pabt.z, 

what  crime  was  condemned  to  dic-and  was  ftill  kept  a  Prifoner.This  man 
before  he  was  condemned/ceing  he  fhould  certainly  be  ruined ,  and  that 
his  whole  eftatewouldbcconifircatedtotheKingjhadadcfign  to  fave 
this  Garden,  by  putting  it,  as  it  were,  into  Sandluaric;  wherefore  he  cau- 
fed  the  Gate  thereof  to  be  altered,  turning  it  into  an  habitation  of  Bonsii^ 
and  confecrated  the  great  Hall  for  a  Temple  of  Idols,ferting  over  it  this 
Magnificent  \vi^cx\^\\onjThc7emple  of  the  Science  of  Goednejfe,  This  place 
was  very  commodious,  and  having  but  one  only  Bonzo  that  lived  in  it ,  it 
feemed  to  be,  as  it  were ,  abandoned,  and  that  there  would  be  but  little 
difficultie  in  obtaining  it^  That  place  then  being  defigned  and  chofen, 
there  was  not  wanting  a  Mandmne,  who  hoping  to  draw  iomething  out 
of  the  Fathers  by  ir,  was  very  earneft  to  have  the  place  prized  ;  but  there 
was  another  Mandarine^  who  prefently  took  him  up,  and  told  him,  that 
the  favours  of  Princes  were  above  all  price-,  and  that  they  were  not  to  be 
put  to  an  out-  cry » The  Governour  having  notice  that  we  had  found  out  a 
pi?ce,&  who  was  the  owner  of  it^prefently  drew  up  an  Order  in  this  form , 
The  Temple  of  the  Science  of  goodnejfe, for  as  much  as  it  did  belong  unto  an 
Eunuch^n'/'^  was  condemned  to  death  by  the  King, ought  not  to  be  beught  with 
money. Let  the  Bonzo,  who  dm/leth  therein, jbefent  arvay^and  the  place  prefently 
conftgnedto  Father  James  Pentioa,4;?^^/i  companions. 

This  Order  was  executed  in  the  form  of  a  Sentence  .•  and  bccaufe 
the  Tathers  did  imagine,that  the  Bonzo  would  make  fome  difficulty  in  be- 
ing got  out  of  the  place,  after  they  had  given  thanks  to  the  G over notir^ 
they  defircd he  would  be pleafed  to  fend  for  the  Bonzo  locomQhdoxQ. 
him,  and  to  command  him  to  leave  the  Temple  He  difpatched  prefently 
two  men  for  him,  who  brought  him  away  in  much  fear  and  doubt,  what 
might  befall  him,  by  reafon  of  the  great  danger  that  men  ordinarily  runne 
into  by  fuch  vifits.  When  he  was  come,  the  Governour  commanded  him 
immediatly  without  any  reply,  that  he  fhould  quit  that  habitation,  and 
feek  out  another.  He  obeyed  him  very  willingly,  being  very  glad  the  bu- 
fincflewas  not  fo  bad  as  he  had  feared:  and  the  very  fame  day  the  Fathers, 
having  fome  other  Chriflians  in  their  company,  took  poflcflfion  of  the 
Templc,Houfe  and  Garden,giving  thanks  to  the  Lord  for  their  good  fuc- 
cefTe,  thinking  the  bufinelTe  to  be  now  at  an  end  •  not  forefi  eing  the  great 
contrafts  and  oppofitions,  which  they  were  afterwards  to  find. 

The  fecrecie  and  expedition  ,  with  which  this  bufineffe  was 
carried,  gave  no  time  for  news  to  come  to  the  ears  of  the  Funuch  in  Pri- 
fon,  what  became  of  the  Temple,  which  he  ftill  accounted  to  be  his.But 
affoon  as  it  was  underftood  abroad  that  it  was  granted  to  the  ftrangers,  it 
is  not  to  be  imagined  what  complaints  and  murmures  it  occaiioned  in  the 
Kindred,  friends  anddifciples  of  the  Eunuch-,  and  how  all  of  them,  fomc 
one  way,and  fome  another ,undertook  to  oppofe  it,  and  to  ufe  che'ir  ut- 
moft  power  to  have  it  revoked  by  the  King, 

Firft,  there  went  a  company  of  inferiour  Eunuchs  to  the  Temple,where 
atthattimethey  found  only  a  Brother  of  the  Societie-,  after  a  long  dif- 
courfe  they  told  him,that  there  were  there  fcverall  goods  and  pieces  of 
Houfliold-ftufTe  not  comprehended  in  the  Kings  grant  to  them.  And  at 
length  before  their  dcparturCjthey  made  {evcrall  fpcechesto  the  Idoll, 


C  H  A  p.  7.  Ihe  Hijlorj  ofQHl^A.  201 

fome  bidding  him  adieu  for  evcr^for  now  they  never  hoped  to  have  hbcr- 
tic  to  come  thither  again.-  another  in  great  rage  called  him,  MafTc  of  durt 
and  dung,  (although  the  Jdoll  were  niadeof  Chaulk,and  gilt) telling 
him,  that  feeing  he  had  not  ftrength  enough  to  defend  himfelf,he  would 
not  hope  for  any  affiftancefromhim-profcrtingtohis  face,  that  he  was 
not  worthy  of  any  honour-,  and  that  from  henceforward  he  would  not 
fhew  any  fign  of  gratitude  or  memorie  towards  him:othersfaid,This 
ftatuc  had  formerly  the  name  of  another  IdoU,  which  was  afterwards 
changed: behold, what  revenge  he  taketh  upon  him  that  ufurped  ir» 

But  t  he  £«wf^j  of  greater  authoritie  left  no  way  nor  meanes 
tempted^they  made  their  application  to  the  chid  Eunuchs  of  the  Palacc,as 
alfo  to  the  CMandarims  without,  and  other  pcrfons  of  great  power,  tha£ 
they  might  carry  on  their  intent.  And  truly  they  prevailed  fo  far,that  ihey 
perfwadcd  the  CuUkien  to  interpofe  his  authority^who  is  Secretary(as  they 
call  it)of  the  Puritie,  chief  of  the  Eunuchs,  and  who  haih  the  frequenteft 
accede  to  the  Kirgs  perfon.  ButafToonashe  underftood,thatitwas 
done  by  the  Kings  (irder,  he  would  meddle  no  more  with  the  bufineffe. 

There  was  not  left  any  perfon  of  greater  authoritie,  but  only  the  Kings 
Mother,who  was  a  very  devout  worfhipper  of  Idols-,  by  her  meanes  they 
did  endeavour  to  bring  their  defign  about^  a  certain  Eunuch^  who  was 
much  in  favour  with  her,  being  made  the  fir  ft  mover  of  this  revolution* 
He  told  her  with  great  lamentations,  that  a  Temple  of  his  Gods  had  been 
taken  away  from  him-,  that  it  was  worth  many  thoufands  of  Crownes; 
that  it  had  been  given  to  certain  ft  rangers,  who  did  not  only  render  them 
no  worfhip  nor  refpe<5^,  but  did  alfo  deftroy  them-,  and  that  he  was  cer- 
tain, they  would  break  them  in  pieces  and  burn  them;  wherefore  he  ear- 
ncftly  befought  her  Majefiie^xhsx  flie  would  vouchfafe  to  fpeaka  word 
concerning  it  to  the  King.  But  ftie  would  by  no  meanes  allow  of  his  rc- 
queft:  and  it  was  known  afterwards,  that  iheanfwered  him  in  this  man» 
Ticr^What  though  the  Temple  he  of  that  value  yon  fpeak  of  <  What  is  that  f?i 
comtarifon  of  the  Kings  LMagnifcence  <  the  very  mentioning  offuch  a  huft- 
neffenow  the  King  hath  done  them  that  favour^  if  the  Jlr  anger  s  jhould  but  make 
their  comflaint^wouldhe  fufftcient  to  takeaway  theltfe  of  that  Eunuch,  who  is 
in  Prifont  and  already  condemned.Toconc\ude^\n[p\tc  of  all  the  powerfull 
endeavours,  in  fpite  of  all  the  craft  and  machinations  which  were  ufcd  a- 
gainft  them,  the  determination  ofthebulinefte  was  in  favour  of  the  poor 
ftrangers,  who  were  prote(5ted  by  a  Divine  power^  and  £o  having  over- 
come  all  difficulties  and  obftruiflions,  the  Fathers  went  to  the  Palace, 
according  to  the  ufuall  manner,  to  render  Thanks  to  the  King. 

This  place  which  was  granted  them,  is  diftant  from  the  gate  of  the 
Citie,  about  a  third  part  of  a  Mile;  the  building  is  very  neat,  and  all  of 
Brickjand  had  not  then  been  built  above  thirty  ycars;it  is  reported  to 
have  coft  14000.  Crownes- which  is  an  exceflfive  fumme  in  China.Xo' 
ward  Morning  the  Body  of  Father  i?/V^/«j  was  brought  thither,  having 
been  already  laid  in  a  Coffin,  which  was  very  well  clofed,and  varnifhcd 
over  after  the  Chinejfe  Fafhion*  A  great  number  of  new  Chrijlians  did  ac- 
company it,  with  lighted  Candles  in  their  hands,  following  the  Crojfc 
which  was  carried  before  very  richly  adorncdj  and  fonheprefemthe 

D  d  Coffin 

aot  rheUijlory  of  QHl^^d.        Pabt.z. 

Coffin  was  put  in  a  room  on  one  fide  of  the  Chappcl,  that  there  might  be 
a  convenience  to  pcrforme  thofe  ceremonies,  which  were  requifite  after 
the  manner  oi China-,  after  that,it  was  transferred  to  the  Tformitorie  alrea- 
dy prepared  for  it.  At  the  further  end  of  the  Garden  there  is  a  Chappell 
confiftinf'  of  fix  fides ;  it  is  made  of  brick,  and  vaulted.  From  the  fides 
come  out  two  walls,built  compaifing  in  figure  of  a  Semi-circle.This  place 
was  chofen  by  the  F  athers  for  a  Coemeterie,  round  about  it  there  are  four 
Cyprefes,  which  are  alfo  among  the  Chineffes  accounted  mournfull  and 
funerall  Trees:  they  feemed  as  if  they  had  been  planted  there  on  purpofe, 
to  ftiade  the  Tomb  of  Father  Rkciusy  which  was  alfo  built  there  of  Brick5 
and  the  chief  Idol  being  beaten  to  pieces,  ferved  in  ftead  of  Lime,tbat  the 
Father  might  even  after  death,  triumph  in  the  deftrudion  of  Idols.  They 
caufed  the  ChappelofIdolstobecleanfed,and  confecratcdit  to  Chrift 
our  Saviour.There  was  inthe  Hal  a  very  ftately  Alrar,whcrcon  was  placed 
the  principall  Idol,  all  gilt  from  head  to  foot, of  a  vaft  bignefTe,  called  by 
the  C/;/>f/f^,T/V4w-,  and  their  conceit  is,  that  he  doth  prefide  over  the 
carth,and  all  treafures^and  is  the  very  fame  with  Vluto,  having  a  Scepter  in 
his  hand,  'and  a  Qowne  on  his  head,  juft  as  we  paint  our  Kings.On  each 
fide  of  him  flood  foure  Minifters,  or  Servants,  all  made  of  the  fame  mat- 
ter-, on  each  fide  of  the  Hall  were  placed  Two  great  Tables,  upon  each 
of  which  flood  five  inferiour  Kings  of  Hell-,  the  fame  Kings  were 
alfo  to  be  feen  painted  on  the  wallsof  cachfide,fittingon  a7r/to4//, 
and  condemning  Sinners  to  the  punifiiments  and  paines  of  Hell^  there 
were  alfo  to  be  feen  Painted  horrible  Devils,carrying  Inflruments  of  tor- 
ment in  their  handstand  likewife  ft verall  forts  of  punifhments  which  are 
infli(5led  on  the  damned  wretches,  and  their  caverns  full  of  flames.  Ser- 
pents and  terribk  fiends.  There  was  alfo  Painted  a  great  Ballance,  and  in 
one  of  the  Scales  was  to  be  feen  a  man  laden  with  finnes  and  wickednefTe, 
and  in  the  other  the  book  of  prayers  belonging  to  that  Se6t,  which  did 
out- weigh  all  the  Sinnes  ,and  deliver  him  who  doth  frequently  rchearfe 
them.  There  was  alfo  a  River  of  fire,  which  fwallowed  up  very  many 
men-,over  it  there  were  two  Bridges,  one  of  Gold,  and  the  other  of  Sil- 
ver-,and  over  thefe  did  the  Minifters  of  the  Idols  condud  men  to  places  of 
pleafure  and  delight.  There  were  alfo  to  be  feen  fome  of  the  Benzi^v^ho 
plucked  their  Fathers  out  of  the  flames  and  torments  in  defpite  of  the  De- 
vils, and  other  fuch  things,  by  which  thofe  Minifters  did  gain  a  great  re- 
pute to  themfelves:  and  over  every  fort  of  torment  there  was  this  infcrip- 
tion,Whofcever  fhall  call  athoufand  times  upon  the  name  of  fuch  an  L 
dolljftiall  be  delivered  from  this  fort  of  punifhment.  All  was  thrown 
down  and  deftroyed  by  our  Servants,who  ftrove  who  fliould  do  itfafteft; 
by  reafon  that  the  chineffes  do  put  into  the  bellies  of  their  Idols,Tnoney, 
Medals ^zv[di  alfo  Jewcls,The  walls  were  playftered  over  a  new,and  over  a 
Dew  Altar  was  erected  the  Image  of  our  B .  Saviour. 

On  the  day  of  all  Saints  the  firft  Maffe  was  celebrated  there,  with  al! 
pofTible  Solemnitie,  and  with  found  of  Organs  and  other  inftrumcnts. 
All  the  Cbripam  were  there  prcfent,  and  after  a  brief  exhorrar ion,  the 
body  of  Father  Mattheus  Riccius  was  carried  to  the  place  of  Sepulture  by 
the  chiefcft  of  them,  and  followed  by  all  the  reftj  particularly  by  Doc- 

Chap.7.  TheHiJloryofCHl^A 

tour  P^///,  who  loved  him  asaFathcr,  andthcrc,withtheccremoncs  of 
the  Church  he  wasentcrred,  there  having  been  firft  placed  in  that  Chap^ 
pic  another  Image  of  our  Saviour.  The  Fathers  alfo  built  there  another 
little  Chappie  to  the  B.  Virgin  in  a  place  convenient  for  that  purpofe^  to 
which  they  had  obliged  themfelvcs  by  a  vow,  which  they  made  when 
they  firft  undertook  this  bufincfle. 

Finally  over  the  firft  Gate  they  placed  in  two  Chinejfes  Charaders  this 
Infcription,  B'j  the  Kings  liber ditie-^  which  among  them  is  counted  a  grea- 
ter honour  than  will  here  cafily  be  beleeved.  Curiofity  brought  many 
thither,  to  fee  the  accommodation  they  had  made,  which  was  commen- 
ded and  admired  by  all.-  neither  truly  ought  it  to  feem  a  fmall  matter,  that 
in  the  face  of  the  King  and  the  Court,  Alters  (liould  be  overturned, 
and  Idols  beaten  to  pieces  by  a  few  poor  ftrangers,  and  that  too,cven 
withappiobationof  the  greateft  officers.  This  extraordinarie  Grace  con* 
ferred  by  the  King  upon  us  was  (hortly  after  divulged  in  Pekim^  which 
gave  n©  fraall  ftrength  and  vigour  to  our  afFuires  there. Their  houfcs  were 
more  frequentcd,the  Fatheis  better  looked  upon,and  the  fruits  of  the  Go- 
fpel  daily  encreafcd. 

They  had  only  foure  Refidencies  at  that  time,  which  was  in  the  year  - 
l6i  o,but  they  were  fo  difpofed,  that  they  did  as  it  were  comprehend  the 
whole  Kingdome  from  South  to  North,  upon  the  great  road  from  Can- 
ton  to  Pekim^  but  the  Fathers  defiring,  after  they  had  runne  in  a  manner 
from  pole  to  pole,  to  follow  alfo  the  courfe  of  the  Sunne,  and  to  cxalc 
the  light  of  the  Gofpel  through  the  Eaft  and  Wcftern  parts,  (where 
there  are  many  famous  Cities,)  the  occafion  was  offered  them  by  DoBot 
Leo'^  for  his  Father  being  dead,  he  was  forced  to  leave  his  government, 
and  to  return  into  his  Country  to  bury  him^and  to  obferve  that  Mour- 
ning, which  is  required  by  the  cuftome  of  the  Country,  wherefore  he 
took  along  with  him  fome  of  the  Fathers,  partly  for  his  own  particulat 
confolation,  and  to  inftru(5l  the  Chriflians  in  his  Familie,  and  to  Baptifc 
fuch  as  had  not  yet  been  converted-,  and  partly  to  endeavour  to  found  a 
houfe  in  that  his  native  City  o[  Hamchets.  The  firft  happy  encounter 
thcre.was  that  of  Dodour  r^w,  named  afterwards  at  his  Baptifm^  Micha- 
€/,who  is  much  celebrated  in  our  yearly  letters.  Wtv^^iSz  Mandarine^  of 
great  account,  and  a  Kinfm an  of  I>o5iour  Leo^  and  had  been  for  feaven 
years  together  Chancellour  of  the  whole  Province  of  Nankim,  which  is 
an  Office  of  very  great  importance,and  was  very  rich,  of  a  great  Houfe, 
and  allyed  to  the  principall  Families  ofthatCitie-,  and  above  all,  he  was 
very  devout  towards  the  Pagods^  in  fo  much  that  he  had  built  a  Temple 
for  them  within  his  own  Palace,  with  a  certain  number  of  5^/?;t/  to  fervc 
them,  whom  he  maintained  at  his  own  charges.  But  he  did  this  more  ouc 
of  ignorance  than  malice,  and  therefore  the  Lord  fliewed  mercy  unto 
him.  He  was  one  of  the  firft  that  vifited  the  Fathers,  and  being  very 
much  addi(5ted  to  the  defence  of  his  Religion,  he  began  a  very  hot  difputc 
with  a  more  than  ordinarie  zeal  for  the  upholding  of  his  Sc(5l;  the  which 
he  continued  likewife  the  day  following,  and  the  next  day,  and  fo 
for  nine  dayes  together  ,  alwaycs  producing  new  arguments 
and    propofing   new    difficulties  ^    not  that    he    had  a  dcfign 

Dd  2  to 

Z04.  IheHipuofCHlT^y^.         Part.z; 

to  impugne^but  only  to  difcover  the  truth. The  ninth  day  he  ycclded  him- 
felte,  crying  out,  e/^  true  God,  k^  true  Lm,  k^  true  BoHrine.  And  after 
he  had  been  very  diligently  Catechifed  aud  inltrudled,  he  was  Baptized,  to 
the  great  confolation  of  the  Fathers^  and  alfo  of  Dr,  Lee^  (who  did  much 
rejoice  at  it  •,  and  to  the  Angular  grief  e  and  (hamc  of  the  Bonzi^  who  were 
prefcntly  dircarded,and  their  Temple  converted  into  a  Church  dedicated 
to  the  Saviour  of  the  rvorl^. 

Now  did  thcfe  twofleroes  feem  two  firme  and  ftable  pillar$,very  proper 
to  fuftainc  that  infant  Church,  with  a  certain  hope,  that  their  example 
would  draw  many  others  tothe  law  of  C^r(/?3  and  that  there  would  be  a 
flourifhlng  Cbrlftiamtk  founded  in  that  fo  populous  a  Metropolis ^vf\\\ch  in 
my  opinion  is  the  richeft,  the  mo  ft  delicious  and  magnificent  in  Temples 
and  other  {tru(5tures  of  any  in  that  Kingdom.  But  for  the  generalitie  the 
leafl:  difpofed  to  receive  our  Hdyfaith^  whether  if  werethen  for  this  caufc, 
or  becaufe  their  hour  was  not  yet  come,  which  required  a  greater  difpo- 
{ition:  there  was  fo  little  fruit  of  the  Gofpel  at  that  time,  that  the  Fathers 
judged  it  better  to  give  place  to  time,  and  for  the  prefent  to  leave  that  a- 
bode,  and  to  finde  out  fome  other  place,  better  difpofed  to  receive  the 
feed  of  faith.  They  proceeded  fofarreasto  propofe  their  intention  to 
Father  'Hicolam  Lengobardus,  fuperiour  of  that  Miffiottj  who  would  nei- 
ther approve,  nor  rejed  their  opinion,  but  remitted  the  bufineffcto  the 
judgement  of  the  Houfe  at  Nankim,  where  I  was  then  at  that  time,  and  by 
the  grace  of  God,  we  were  there  in  all,  nine  of  the  Societie.  The  matter 
was  debated,  and  it  was  rcfolved  by  all  of  us,  that  according  as  experience 
had  taught u$3  they  fhould  proceed  with  patience  and  longanimitie,  grea- 
ter difficulties  having  been  overcome  by  thcfe  weapons.  So  without  any 
more  thoughts  of  change,the  Fathers  remained  labouring  in  that  City,not 
knowing  the  great  good  which  the  Lord  had  there  prepared  for  thcm,and 
which,timc  afterwards  dif covered  5  not  only  by  founding  there,  one  of 
the  raoft  numerous  and  beft  inflrud:cd  Churches  that  is  in  China,  but  be- 
caufe that  houfe  was  ever  a  fafe  Port  to  us  in  all  Tempefts,  and  a  ifccurc  re- 
fuge in  all  perfecutions,  as  (hall  be  feen  hereafter. 

ChrifHanitk  alfo  was  much  cncreafed  in  Xauhoi^  the  Country  of  Drl 
Paul  5  for  his  Father  and  all  his  houfhold  had  been  Baptized^  and  many  o-* 
ther  people  of  that  place  :and  although  we  had  there  no  fetled  houfe5there 
was  nevertheleffe  a  Church,  and  every  year  the  Chriftiam  were  viiitcd, 
both  to  confirme  the  old  ones,  and  convert  new  ones. 

In  the  foure  ancient  houfes,  the  Fathers  faid  Maffe,  preached  and  exer^ 
cifed  the  Myfleries  and  Ceremonies  of  our  Hol'j  Faith,  very  quietly  and  with- 
out any  diflurbance  at  all.  The  Chrijlians  cxercifed  their  devotion,  and 
many  Gentiles  endeavoured  to  finde  the  way  of  their  Salvation-^  the  Chrifli- 
an  Religion  flourifhcd  every  day  more  and  more, with  an  abundant  number 
of  new  Converts^  and  alfo  of  new  Labourers^  which  were  fent  to  us  from 
Macao^vthQit  they  were  firft  inflruded  in  the  language  and  cuflomeof  the 
Country.  In  the  mean  time  we  were  fent  unto  from  many  places  and 
from  feverall  perfons,  to  defire  us  to  come  into  their  Country,  and  to 
preach  the  Gofpel  to  thcra . 

This  City  oiyamcheu^  which  is  necrc  utiioNankim,  had  fo  great  a  de^ 


C  H  A  p .  8 .  Ihe  Hiftory  ofCHlU^/1.  2  o  5 

fire  robe  made  partakers  of  our  dodrine,  that  the  Litterati  there  wrot  a 
letter  to  Father  K^lfhonfm  Vdgnone^  in  Nankim^vjhcvc  he  was  at  that  time 

♦  fuperiour,  which  was  fubfcribcd  by  forry  ofthem,  wherein  they  did  in- 
vite the  Father  to  come  to  them,  with  many  prayers  and  entreaties,  and 
very  earneftly  dcfired  him,that  he  would  not  deterre  his  comraing,&  that 
good  which  they  fo  much  longed  for.  They  did  alfo  the  like  in  many  o- 
thcr  places  ^  whether  the  fame  of  our  Holy  Faith  was  arrived.either  by  the 
books  we  had  printed  there,  or  by  the  relation  of  the  Gentiles  •  (for  thefe 
dofomctimesferveasaguidetothereft,  and  lhadonceoneofthem,who 
did  help  me  to  Catechife  )  or  elfe  by  their  converfation  with  Chriftians 
thcmfelves.  And  this  was  done  with  fo  much  fervour,  that  really  it  fee- 
med  to  us,  the  time  was  come,  wherein,  after  all  ftorms  and  tribulations 
were  blown  over,  the  winter  was  pafTed  away,  and  the  fpring  time  be- 
gan to  appeare,  bringing  forth  flowers  worthy  the  fight  of  that  celcftiall 
Gardiner  •,  or  rather,  that  the  crop  was  now  ripe,and  expe<5ted  a  happy  har- 
veft.  The  Ftff^^yijbeing  animated  with  thefe  fucceffes,  and  well  pleafed 
with  the  many  occafions,  which  continually  prefented  themfelves,  were 
not  fp^ring  to  make  good  ufe  ofthem,  hoping  that  they  would  have  been 
daylycncreafcd.  But  who  is  able  to  comprehend  the  judgements  of  the 

'-Lord,<'Or  who  hath  been  his  Counccllour  <  ^hileft  things^ftoodjn  this  -- 
£rofperous  condition,  whether  it  werefor  the  finnerofthit  Kingdgrn/or 
for  ours  in  particular,  or  becaufc  the  Lord  was  JleafedTo  prove  and  exc  r- 
cife  his  fervantSjthcrc  was  raifcd  in  iV4;;&,(where  that  houfc  was  foun- 
ded with  much  quiet,and  had  continued  in  greater  tranquility  than  the 
reft  j  the  following  perfecution. 

CHAP,  8. 

A  fierce  per fecution  is  raifed  againft  the 
Chriflians  in  Nankini. 

THls  F/7;/?f«|/^  which  was  the  mofl  terrible  of  all  we  have  yet  fuf-      ,'       /  '%>  ' 
fercd,  began  in  tfac  year  i^i^-uporuhls  occarioh  wTiichl  niaTIa^  Af^^'-^/i^ 
late.  '   t/i^n  twA  k. 

**-  There  was  this  year  fent  from  Vekim  to  mnkim  z  Mandarine  called  ^;  /^*  Ci/linf/i*"^^ 
Xirtyto  be  an  afliftant  of  the  third  Tribunal^  named  Z/;%which  taketh  cog-  /^S^'  ^^S"^ 
nJMnceofall^/>«,^<r^/,5/r4;?^fri  and  fuch  like/-' 1^  thtt^X 

he  was  extreamly  averfe  both  to  our  He^  Faitf^^nd  to  the  Fathers-^  and  on 
the  contrary,veryjnuchMdi<3edtothewprn]i/of  Idoh  * 

red  up  by  fcvcrall  occafions,  to  bcare  aparticular  hatred  towards  us  jFiTft  '» 
byreafanoFa  bookc  written  againft  our  religion  by  a  F^;;^^,  an  intimate 
friend  of  his,  which  was  fo  well  confuted  by  Dr.  PaHl,{hat  the  BonzohxgVc  ^ 
his  heart  with  the  very  griefe  andfliame  he  conceived  at  it.  "Moreover  tlie  "* 
^onx:i  o^Nankim,  had  given  him  a  handlome  bribe,  reported  to  be  looco 
crownes,  to  drive  us  away  •,  hoping  thereby, that  fire  might  be  extinguid^ 
cd,  wJaich  had  bet  n  kindled  againft  their  Gods. '  To  thcfcjnay  be  Med 

'   ' ths 

zo6  The  Hijlory  of  QHl^NjA .  Part.z, 

the  fpleen  he  had  againft  J^r^lMh^^^r^MkhM^y  who  difcourfing  with 
him,  the  one  iwPehm^  and  the  other  in  Ceehian^  did  by  fuch power Eill  ar- 
guments vilify  thpfe  Idols,  he  did  worfhip,  ihat,  having  nothing  left  tq^n- 
fwer  for  himlelfe,  he  converted  his  filencc  intqjage,  and  his  mame  into 
1  venome .  But  his  fpitc  and  malice  was  much  more  encreafcd ,whcn  he  un-  . 
^  derftood,  that  two  Memorialls  had  been  prefented  to  the  King,  byus^ 
i/4«/^4r/;?<£ofgreat4iialitip,  wherein  they  djd^arneftly  mpvejhe  King, 
''  that  the  Fathe^jnight  be  perfwaded  rotranilate  the  books  of  Europe  into 
J  the  Ctofj2^  language,  and  that  they  lliould  be  employed  in  the  reform^- 
j  tjon  of  their  calendar  •  Xin  not  being  able  to  digeft^  that  ftrangers  fliould 
beheldinfuch  efteeme,  who  were  enemies  to  his  fecft,  to  the  manifeft 
danger  and  ruine  of  his  Idols;  and  laft  of  all,  that  which  did  ftrongly  ani- 
mate him  to  that  enterprife,  was  the  ambition  he  had  to  be  CoUo,  hoping, 
that  this  his  zeale  for  the  ancient  U'ttes^  and  for  the  religion  oFhis  Fathers^ 
would  aduance  him  to  that  dignitie-  efpecially  finccit  belonged  to  his  of- 
fice, to  have  a  vigilent  eye  over  fuch  matters. 

Therefore  befidcs  other  things,  which  belonged  to  his  charge  and,qf- 
fice,he  caufcd  a  ^3imn2^\^Inforinauon\.oht  drawne  y^  agajnft  thef  4/^/^ 
proving  therein  by  feigned  and  colourable  reafons,  that  they  ought  to  be 
baniflicd  the  Kingdom. He  fa  id  they  had  intruded  themfelves  into  chin  a 
without  leave,making  ufe/or  proofe  thereof,of  a  certain  Memonall  which 
we  have  formerly  mentioned  to  have  been  made  by  the  ftudents  of  Nan- 
ibiw,  wherein  they  befought  the  Mandarines  to  banifh  the  Fathers  out  of  the 
Kingdom,  asperfonswho  were  very  pernicious  to  the  Common  wealth, 
and  had  fecret  Michinations  againft  the  King  and  Kingdom  •,  for  faid  they, 
if  it  be  not  for  this  reafon,  for  what  other  end  and  purpofe  are  they  come 
with  fo  much eagernclfe and  zeale  into  another  world,  and  had  aban- 
doned their  owne  habitations  and  eftiites'' The  other  Tepmonics  which  he 
brought,  were  other  fuch  like  impofturcs,wherewith  a  neighbour  of  ours 
in  Nankim  had  furnifned  him-  that  many  nights  in  the  yearjUnder  pretenfe 
of  fome  folemmtie  concerning  the  divine  worfhip,  there  were  many  great 
affemblies  held  in  our  houfe  confifting  of  thoufand^  of  men  and  women(a 
moft  groffe  lie^  and  that  before  the  break  of  day  they  all  difperfed  them- 
felves to  their  owne  houfes  •,  that  every  new  Chrijlian  had  given  him  five 
falfe  duckats,  made  by  Alchimjy  after  he  had  been  enrolled  in  a  lift,which 
they  kept  of  them,  and  that  they  had  ftrange  and  barbarous  names  impo- 
fed  upon  them  at  their  admittance,  and  were  taught  to  make  the  figne  of 
the  crofTe  i  pon  their  forehead,  to  ferve  them  as  a  marke  of  diftinftion  in 
the  time  of  their  rebellion  and  infurredion.  That  they  had  their  houfes 
full  of  Armes,  and  other  fuch  like  lies  very  well  coloured  over. 

Ofalhhefc  arguments  put  together  he  framed  a  ^/(rw^r/^^,  which  he 
prefented  to  the  Ki'^g  in  the  Month  of  Maj  \6\6.  The  fubftance  whereof 
was.  Our  entrance  hjftcalth  into  the  Kingdcme,  The  frepagation  of  a  Law  con* 
Irary  to  that  of  the  laols,  which  had  been  the  religion  'f  their  Anceflonrs.  7hc 
concnrrance  which  there  woi  in  high  Titles  between  our  God  and  their  Kingjbc' 
twixt  our  Wefl  and  their  Eaft,  Our  [nbtletie  and  craft  in  gaining  of  friends. The 
defirucJionofthe  Aftrologie<?/China4j  falfe  and  erroneous,  occaJJ^ned by  the 
reading  of  t  bat  0fEuvoi^y^ndinchhkG  things,  Theconclufion  of  it  was, 


C  H  A  p .  8.  The  Hifiou  of  CHI^KJ. "  "       207 

7'hat  it  rvas  mcejfaryfor  the  fubltke good,  that  heflwuldcanfe  ageneraU  MafTa- 
cxchothofthe  Fathers  andtkerefiof  the  Chriftians,  before  their  force  and 
number  could  f  rove  dangerous  to  the  Kingdom . 

To  this  MemoriallyVjhkh  was  prefentcd  to  the  King  very  fecretly, there 
was  no  anfwer  returned  within  the  ufuall  time,  NeverthelcfTe^/^^-.  A//Vy&//- 
ff/had  notice  of  it  by  means  of  a  Mandarine  ^vfho  was  a  friend  both  to  him, 
and  to  the  faid  Xin  :  he  prefently  gave  advife  thereof  to  the  Fathers^  with 
directions  what  they  fliould  do.  He  wrote  many  letters  to  feverall  Manh- 
rines  in  our  favour,  and  one  directed  to  xin^  wherein  without  difcovcring 
that  he  knew  his  intention,  he  confuted  all  his  arguments  ^gainft  the  Fa- 
thers and  their  religion.  Laft  of  alljhe  invited  the  Fathersio  retire  them- 
fclves  to  his  houfc  in  the  City  oiHamchen^  untill  the  were  over.  In 
the  mean  time^we  laboured  to  obtain  the  help  and  fuccourof  Almighty 
God,  by  re-doubling  our  prayers  and  mortifications*,  and  withall,we  went 
to  Dr.  Leo^  who  lived  two  daycs  journey  off,and  (hewed  him  the  Jpologie 
written  by  Dr.  Michael [ot  our  aiTiftance  and  counfeli,  to  which  headded 
a  difcourfe  in  commendations  o{ the  Fathers^  and  oFtheir  religion^  and  by 
their  hands  he  difperfed  many  advertifements  neccffary  for  that  time  and 
occafion,  throughout  the  whole  City  .•  neither  were  the  Fathers  wanting 
with  fervent  exhortations  to  do  the  office  of  faithfall  Pafte/trs,  animating 
and  encouraging  all  tofuffer  for  the  defence  of  Go  js  honour,  and  his  Holy 
Jieligfon^  And  the  Chriftians,  ftiiving  who  fliould  prepare  himfelfe  beft 
againft  the  ftorme,  frequented  our  houfe  and  the  Holy  Sacraments^  and 
toolcc  counfeli  how  to  carry  themfelves  in  cafe  of  Perfecution.  There  was 
among  the  refl:  a  prudent  and  learned  perfon  named  fohn  Vaoy  who  had 
prepared  foure  fmall  banners^wherein  he  wrote  his  name,  Sir-name,  and 
Country,  and  the  Chriftianitie  both  of  himfelfe  and  of  his  tamilie  5  which 
might  fcrve  him  for  enfignes  of  his  profeflion  in  time  of  Perfecution-^  nei- 
ther did  he  ccafe  to  declare  himfelfe  to  be  fuch,  and  to  exhort  others  to  a 
conftant  confefTion  of  their  faith. 

Three  Months  after  the  firft  Memoriall^  Xin  having  received  no  anfvvcr 
from  the  King,  prefented  another  to  the  fame  purpofe  by  the  hand  of 
Xamxu^vtho  was  Lifu  of  the  third  Tribunal  in  Pekim^  having  perfwaded 
himalfo  to  frame  another  of  the  fame  Tenour,  and  to  prefenuc  along 
with  his.  The  Mathematician,  who  had  perfwaded  the  Fathers  to  corre(S 
and  amend  the  Chinejfe  Calendar^  difcovercd  their  plot,  and  privately  ta^ 
Icing  a  copy  of  their  petitions,  he  gave  it  to  the  Fathers  and  to  Dr.  Paul, 
who  in  one  night  wrote  anLyfpologie  for  the  Fathers  to^refent  to  the  King, 
when  there  wasoccafion,  and  difpatched  a  c^4W4r/^^,  his  difciple,  a 
man  very  well  verfed  in  the  manage  of  affaires  at  Court,  to  the  Prefident 
ofLipu,  that  having  fufficiently  informed  him  of  the  truth,  he  might  per- 
fwadc  him  not  to  favour  the  intentions  of  .Y/>.  This  Prefident  concealed 
the  venome  he  had  in  his  heart  under  f  aire  and  fpecious  piomifes  5  but  in 
efFe(5t,he  gave  in  a  moft  pernicious  Memorial/^  wherein  he  af1irmed,That 
thcrequefl:  of  A^;>3was{o  juft  and  neceflfary  for  the  prefervation  of  the 
Kingdom,  that  for  his  part  hefliouldhave  thought  he  had  done  well,  if 
without  cxpe(fting  any  other  leave  from  the  King, but  only  by  the  duty  of 
tiis  place,  he  had  difpatched  orders  throughout  all  the  Provinces  for  the 



8  TheBi(loryofCiil7^A*  Part.z 

extermination  and  banifhmcnt  of  all  the  Fathers,  excepting  only  thofc  of 
fekiw  becaufc  he  faw  them  well  backt  and  f  upported  •,  taxing  by  thcfe 
words  both  the  King  and  the  Mdndarines  who  did  proteifl  them.  The 
MmoYiaU^2,%  fo  handfomely  woven^and  the  words  placed  fo  equivocal- 
ly that  he  could  have  given  them  quite  another  interpretation,  if  need  had 


Thefe  two  Memomils^jhconcof^Xw^  and  the  other  of  the  Prefident, 

WerepFerented^tlK  fifte^  ^^^  ^f^l^l^  andsTter  that  a  third,  that  we 
could  get  no  intelligence  of  ^  till  it  was  prefented.On  the  twentieth  of  the 
fame  month  they  were  publifhed,  according  to  the  Stile  oiChim^  by  ex- 
prcffeCwrnVn,  throughout  all  the  Provinces  of  the  Kingdom,  together 
with  a  particular  order  from  the  Treftdent,  forihe  imprifonment  of  the  Fa- 
ihers.  The  people  were  amazed  to  fee  three  Mandarines  confpire  againft 
thofe,  whom  the  whole  Kingdom  had  admired,  and  whom  almoft  all  the 
i^«^r4f?hadrefpeaed,vi{itcd,  andcflcemed^  but  they  well  perceived, 
that  thefe  accufations  were  but  forged  calumnies,  which  proceeded  from 
a  corrupt  and  malicious  fpirit. 

On  the  thirtieth  of  the  fame  moneth,  about  midnight,  by  means  of  a 
Currier  difpatched  for  that  purpofe,  by  the  ^oi  o^Pekim,  the  news  came 
to  the  Fathers  in  Nankim  of  what  had  paffed  at  Court.  Immediately  they 
ran  to  the  Church,  and  prcfented  themfelvesas  Vi(5times  and  Sacrifices 
untothe  Lord ;and  afterwards  packing  up  their  Pidures,and  the  facred 
Veffcls  that  belonged  to  the  Church,  they  conveighed  them  thence  into 
the  Houfe  of  a  Chrijiiar}-,  hoping  by  that  meancs  to  fecure  them.  Affoon 
as  it  was  day,the  Fathers, Nicolam  Longobardus  fuperiour  of  theil/////tf;?,and 
5^«//WZ:m/,dcparted  towards  P^^/w,  to  give  what  afliftance  they  were 
able  to  the  reft.  There  remained  in  Nankim  the  Fathers  t/4lfhonfus  Fag' 
none  and  i^lvarus  Semedo  (the  Authour  of  this  Relation^}  who  expected  e- 
very  moment, when  they  fliould  be  feifcd  on  by  the  Sergeants  and  Execu- 
tioners. Not  long  aftetjcame  three  ii^Wmw^  to  us  from  the  Prcfident 
of  the  CounccU  of  warre,to  give  us  notice^  that  that  Prefidcnt  and  Xin 
were  deputed  to  put  the  Proclamation  in  execution,  which  had  been  late- 
ly iflfued  for  our  banifliment  out  of  chat  Kingdom^  neverthcleffe,  they  fee- 
med  to  condole  with  us,becaufc,as  they  faid,they  were  very  well  fatisfi- 
ed,  both  of  our  innocence  and  dcferts  J  yet  advifed  us  to  give  place  wil- 
linoly  to  force,  before  we  (hould  be  necelTitated  to  undergo  the  difcour- 
teous  aud  barbarous  ufageofj/>2;  and  that  the  Preftdent  would  give  or- 
der,that  we  might  not  receive  any  affront,nor  moleftation  in  our  journey-, 
alfo  one  of  the  three  did  advifc  us  as  from  him felf,  that  we  fliould  not 
make  too  much  haft,  for  that  he  hoped  through  our  Innoccnce^and  the  fa- 
vour of  the  Fathers  friends  at  Pekiwy  thcfe  troubles  would  fliortly  be  ap- 

Toward  the  cvcning,there  was  a  company  of  Souldiers  fcnt  by  Xin  to 
bcfet  the  Houfe,  and  about  the  break  of  day,  the  firft  of  September,  there 
appeared  three  Sergeants  to  apprehend  the  Fathers  ^^nd  to  fearch  every 
hole  and  corner  of  the  houfe:  and  although  they  had  a  fpeciall  order  from 
Xinxo  abufe  and  evill  intrcate  the  Fathers,  nevertheleffc  they  carryed 
themfelvcs  very  courtcoufly,  and  fcnt  in  their  meflage  in  writing  to 


Chap.8.  TheHiJloryofCHlD^A.  aop 

Father  r^^w^w^^whicb  is  a  great  poynt  o^  Civilitie  in  China.  Theyfcta 
guard  upon  the  doores^  and  made  an  inventary  of  whatfoever  they  found 
in  the  Houfe. 

In  the  meane  while  Father  Vagnone  fcnt  a  Chriftian,  called  Donatus^vin- 
der  pretence  that  he  was  our  Caterer,  to  Father  Longobardtis^  to  tell  him 
what  had  happened,  and  toadvifc  him  to  take  heed,  that  he  did  not  fall  in- 
to the  enemies  clutches.  Donates  did  his  mcfTage,  and  returned  with  pro- 
vifion  for  our  fuppcr  in  his  hands,  although  he  was  jeared  by  the  Souldi- 
ers,  that  he  would  returne  into  the  cage  of  his  owne  accord,  yet  he  prefer- 
red that  prifon  before  the  liberty  he  might  have  enjoyed  elfe  where.  For 
at  the  very  firft  rumour  of  the  perfecution,  He  returned  to  the  houfe  pUr- 
pofely  to  fcrve  us,  being  refolved  either  to  live  or  die  with  us  for  the  de- 
fence of  that  faithjof  which  (though  he  was  of  very  young  years)  he  was 
fo  zealous  and  obfervant ;  having  converted  many  •,  and  in  efFe(5l,God  did 
give  him  the  grace  to  fuffer  much  for  his  religion  •,  both  inimprifonmcnt 
and  ftripes,  he  was  our  conftant  companion. 

When  the  inventary  was  finifhed,  to  the  great  edification  of  the  Serge- 
ants, who  did  not  exped  to  finde  fuch  povertie  •,  and  when  they  had  feal- 
ed  our  chefls  and  whatfoever  could  be  fhut  up,  rhey  carryed  away  Father 
Vagnom  in  a  fedan,  and  brought  him  before  X/>?,  leaving  Father  Semedo  ly- 
ing (ick  in  a  chamber,  which  they  had  fealed  up.  Adoone  as  he  was 
brought  out,there  was  a  great  noyfc  and  fliouting  made  by  the  meaner 
fort  of  people,  and  fo  great  a  crowde,  that  the  Officers  were  forced  to 
make  their  way  by  blowes.  After  they  had  gone  two  mileSjthey  ftaycd 
according  to  the  orders  which  X/»  had  given,  atthehouleot  the  Tauli, 
who  was  a  Kinfman  o^Xim,  fpending  at  leaft  two  houres  in  giving  him 
an  account  of  what  had  palTcd:  during  which  time^Father  Vagnom  was  left 
in  the  open  ftreet  expofcd  to  theinjurics^fcoflfes  and  abufes  of  the  infolent 
people.  At  length  the  Sergeants  being  returned,  made  their  excufes  to 
the  Father, ^ot  their  long  ftay-,and  fo  carried  him  to  prifon^recommcnding 
him  to  the  Gaolers^  as  an  innocent  perfon, 

A  little  after,  the  chief  of  the  Sergeants  fenC  him  from  his  Houfe  a 

good  Supper  and  a  bed  ^the  other  Sergeants  did  alfo  the  like  in  their  turns, 

every  one  taking  his  day.There  were  two  of  our  domcftiqueServants  who 

waited  upon  Father  r4g";?<?^^  in  the  prifon-,  one  whereof  was  called  Ciam 

Matthew,  he  was  a  very  zealous  Chriftian,  and  for  three  years  before^  had 

retired  himfelfc  to  our  houfe,  that  he  might  with  more  liberty  ferve  God, 

and  waite  upon  the  Fathers,  without  expe«5i:ingany^ other  recompcnfe,but 

that  of  the  next  life.  This  man,  aifoone  as  the  Sergeants,  were  come  into 

our  houfe,  prefented  himfclfe  firft  of  all  to  give  them  his  name,  that  he 

might  have  the  opportunitic  to  be  carryed  along  with  the  FatheriyZSVEi 

effect  he  was,and gained  a  happy  crowne  by  this  Perfecution.  \  L :  v, , ->  vnvA^ 

At  the  news  of  the  imprifonmcnt  of  Father  Vagnone,  the  Chriftians  mr 

flamed  with  zcale,  ran  to  our  houfe,  neither  could  the  guards  hitider  fomc 

of  them  from  going  in.The  moft  zealous  of  all  the  reft  was  fehn  r4tf,who 

fticking  in  his  cap  one  of  the  above  mentioned  banners,  and  holding  up 

in  his  right  hand  a  fcrowl  of  paper,  wherein  were  contained  the  chiefe 

heads  ofoiH:religion,and  the  neceffity  ofthemjbcingaskcdby  the  guard. 

Z^  7heHiJioryofCH^K'^'  ^^^^"^'^ 

what  he  meant  by  itjanfwered^To  die  with  the  F^,thers  liVcaChnfiianfov 
the  faith  of  Chrift.  The  Souldicrs  were  ranch  aftonifhed  at  that  anfwer  - 
yet  they  put  a  halter  about  his  neck,and  lead  him  to  the  Mandarines ^whcxc 
being  asked,  what  he  was,  anfwered  boldly  and  with  a  loudc  voice,Thac 
he  was  a  chriftian^^  that  he  came  to  give  an  account  of  the  law  of  Chrift, 
if  they  would  be plcafcd  to  hearken  to  him.  They  immediately  caufed 
the  halter  to  be  taken  from  about  hisncck,and  gave  him  a  feat  to  reft  him- 
felfc  on  5  much  admiring  his  refolution  and  conftancy,  the  like  whereof 
had  not  till  that  time  been  feen  in  Chm. 

In  the  mean  tm^^Xin  underftanding  that  the  Sergeants  had  left  one  Fa- 
ther in  the  houfe,  and  ufed  the  other  civilly,  was  very  angry ,3nd  reproved 
them  ftiarply  for  k^  commanding  them  to  go  next  morning  to  a  garden, 
which  we  had  without  the  City  for  our  recreation,  telling  them  they 
(hould  finde  there  ftorc  of  armes  concealed  •,  and  at  their  returne  to  carry 
the  other  Father  to  prifon.They  found  nothing  in  the  garden  of  what  they 
looked  for-,  but  they  carried  Father  5fw^^tf  out  of  the  houfe  to  priron,to- 
gether  with  foure  feivants,  and  foure  other  ChriftianSy  who  had  come  in- 
to the  houfe,  as  alfo  brother  Sebafiian  Ftrmnda,  and  another  ftudent,  who 
was  a  native  of  the  City  of  Maca9. 

The  Chrifiians  of  Nankim  wrote  an  account  of  what  had  happened,  to 
Father  Longobardm ,  who  was  departed  for  Pekim^  The  melTenger  over- 
tooke  him  in  Cauxeu^  where  he  prefently  confulted  with  Dr.  Leo^  who  was 
Governour  at  that  time  of  two  territories;  it  was  refolved,that  the  Fathtr 
fhould  go  alone  to  Fekim^  that  he  might  the  more  cafily  be  fuflPeredto 
pafTc,  and  that  hefliouid  leave  his  companion  there.  He  furnifliedhim 
with  an  hundred  crownesto  defray  fuch  expenfesas  fhould  be  rcquifitc 
for  the  making  of  their  defence.  He  wrote  alfo  to  feverall  Mandarines  <£ 
Nankim^^nd  to  the  Vice-rof  himfelfe.  He  procured  many  letters  from  his 
friends  to  others  in  the  Court  in  favour  of  the  prifoners:he  comforted 
them  with  letters,  and  mony,andcloaths  againft  winter,  which  began  to 
grow  very  (harpej  neither  was  his  fortitude  inferiour  to  his  charity,  rcfift- 
ing  valiantly  his  kindred  and  friends,  who  did  every  day  fet  upon  him  to 
pcrfwadc  him  to  leave  that  fo  open  defence  and  protedion  of  the  Father Sy 
which  might  prove  fo  prejudiciall  and  dangerous  to  him-,  but  he  gave 
themfo  good  reafons  for  what  he  did,that  they  were  all  filencedj  and  he 
and  his  whole  family  perfevered  in  the  way  they  had  begun. 

3r,  MichaeKhevjed  himfelfe  no  lefte  zealous,  aflbone  as  he  underftood 
the  newes  by  the  letters,  which  were  fent  him  by  the  Chrifiians  oi Nankim 
and  Nanham  5  for  he  ad  vifed  the  Father  who  was  at  ffamkeu^(iov  the  other 
was  gone  to  vifit  the  C^//?/>w  thereabouts)  that  he  ftiould  get  him  gone 
out  of  the  City  5  which  accordingly  he  did  with  many  tearcs  of  the  Chri- 
ftiansy  and  fervour  and  zcale  of  the  Catechumeni^  who  accompanied  him 
to  the  boote  5  as  did  Dr.  J//V^4f/likewife  and  his  two  fonnes,  and  a  bro- 
ther of  his,  who  was  a  Gentile,  ^nd  three  other  Letterati^  walking  on  footc 
a  great  way,  that  cold  and  wet  feafon  of  the  year.  He  gave  alfo  a  hundred 
crownes  to  that  lay- brother,  whom  the  Fathers  fent  to  eauxeu,  to  Father 
Longehardusytovfztds  the  expence  of  hij  voyage,  the  which  mony  Father 
Longobardus  fent  aftei^wardj  by  the  fame  brother  to  Nankim,  for  the  re- 
licfe  of  our  prifoncrs.  When 

Ch AP , 8.  The  Hiftorj  of  CHI^J.  in 

When  Longobardus  was  arrived  at  Pekim^  he  found  the  Fathers,faccbus 
Pamofay{r\d  SabbAtinus  D'  Orfi,  who  negotiated  our  bufinelFe,  according  to 
the  diredtions  and  inftru(5tions  of  Dr.  Paul^  It  is  hardly  credible,  what 
care  and  paines  he  tooke  in  writing  of  letters  and  learned  Apologies, zr\d  all 
other  imaginable  diligences,  both  openly  and  under- hand/or  the  defence 
of  the  Chrifiian  Religiorty  which  things  I  forbeare  to  mention  here,  bccaufe 
they  (hall  be  related  in  his  life.  Yet  for  all  this,  was  he  never  able  to  get  a 
Memoriall  paffed  to  the  Kings  hands,  Jf/«  having  craftily  fliut  up  all  en- 
trance to  him  ^  neverthcleffe  thofe  K^fohgies  were  difperfed  through  the 
whole  Kingdom,  and  did  fufficicntly  manifefl  the  malice  of  our  advcrfa- 
ries,  and  the  injuflice  of  the  perfecution. 

While  the  Chriftians  with  one  accord  endeavoured  to  make  our  inno- 
ccncie  appeare,  and  defended  it  with  all  their  might,  X/>?  grew  flill  the 
more  outragious  againft  the  Chriflians^  and  particularly  againft  the  poore 
prifoners.  He  fuffered  them  not  to  be  together  above  five  daics,but  com- 
manded they  fhould  be  feparated  and  put  into  five  feverall  prifons,  and 
vetyflridly  forbid  they  fliouldbe  allowed  any  convcrfation  or  vifits, 
ftrengthening  their  guards,  upon  pretence,that  thofe  men  could  vanjfh  out 
of  fight  when  they  pleafed.  But  he  was  cxtrcamly  vexed,  when  he  faw 
he  could  not  fo  colour  his  caufejbut  thatit  appeared  to  moft  men  to  be  un- 
juft,  and  occafioned  mccrly  by  malice-  as  alfo  obferved,  that  the  Manda- 
rines (hewed  us  the  fame  kindneffe  and  refpe(5t,  as  they  had  done  in  the 
time  of  our  profperity :  but  that  which  affli(5tcd  him  mofl  was  the  joy  and 
cheerful neffe,  which  all  thofe  prifoners  fliewed  in  their  fufferings  for  the 
love  of  Chrift ,  without  ever  giving  any  figne  of  fadnefTe,  or  diicontentjin 
all  their  mifery. 

Xin  not  being  able  to  fliike  the  conftancy  of  men,  would  needs  try 
whether  he  could  overcome  the  courage  of  children,  commanding  thaC 
fiveboyes,  who  were  left  behind  in  ourhoufeby  reafon  of  their  tender 
years,  (hould  be  apprehended  by  the  officers  andcarryedto  prifon:  an 
a6t  which  was  accounted  bai  barous,evcn  in  the  opinion  of  thofe  that  did 
not  favour  us.  He  deprived  of  his  degree  o{  Batchelor  Philippe  Sin^  who 
was  Maftcr  of  the  Chinejfe  tongue  to  the  Fathers  j  who  forefeeing  the 
blow,  kept  himfelfc  retired  for  a  while  in  his  houfe  .*  But  afibone  as  the 
occz(\ouo{\\\s  Degradation  \\:^s^\M\{)[\^d  J  which  was  for  having  taught 
the  language  to  the  Fathers-^  then  he  went  abroad  ,  rejoycing  publickly, 
that  he  had  had  the  honour  to  obtain  a  more  noble  degree ,  by  fuffcring 
for  the  faith  of  ^efta  Chrtfl. 

After  iKiSyXtn  did  very  much  endeavour  to  finde  out  fome  letter,  writ- 
ten by  Dr,  Leo^  or  Dr.  Paul^  or  by  the  Fathers  •,  that  he  might  pick  fome 
occafion  out  of  it  to  raife  a  calumny  upon  them  .•  but  this  atrcmpt  proving 
fruitlcfle,  he  betooke  himfelfc  to  compafie  his  defire  by  a  fleighr,  writing 
to  Dr.  Leo  in  the  name  of  Father  Vagnone,  on  purpofe  to  draw  an  anfwer 
from  him,  which  he  might  cenfure,  and  make  his  owne  comment  upon^ 
which  in  China  is  no  hard  thing  to  do,  by  reafon  of  the  cuftome  they  have 
of  writing  and  fealing  letters  with  the  hand  and  fealc  of  another .-  But  nei- 
ther did  this  invention  take  effed.  For  Dr.  Leo  prefently  difcovcred  the 
cheat  by  theftilc  &  maaer  of  writing,&did  bm  laugh  at  him  for  his  pains^ 

Ee  a  In 

212  TheHiJlory  of  QHIH.^.  Part.x; 


In  the  mean  time  there  arrived  at  i\r4;?^/>;j  that  lay -brother,  who  was 
fent  from  Father  Longohardta  toaiTift  the  prifoners  and  Chr'tftims  there  5 
where  he  fo'jnd /^W'^^^J  ^j4,a  learned  man,  a  good  C^r//?i4«/and  kinfniati 
of  Pr.  Leo  who  was  fent  thither  from  Cattxeu^  to  caufe  an  ^fohgit^ 
which  the  Dr,  had  written,to  be  printed  and  difperfed  in  that  Court.This 
lay-brother  undertooke  the  care  ot  the  prefTe,  and  having  chofen  out  Six 
c:;^r///4»jofthe  Art,  he  carried  on  the  worke  in  a  private  garden  that  be- 
lon^^ed  fo  one  of  them.  The  uncle  of  this  Chriftian  to  whom  the  garden 
belonged,  wherein  the  preffc  was,  having  counfelled  them  ia  vain  to  dc- 
fiftj  by  reafon  of  the  danger  they  put  him  in  Avent  and  difcovcred  it  to  Xm, 
who  gave  him  a  good  gratuity  for  his  news-,  and  that  night  fent  Officers, 
who  tooke  them  all  and  brought  them  before  Xin^  who  was  very  joyfull 
to  have  found  this  new  occafion  of  travcrfing  the  Fathers.  They  were  fenc 
to  prifon,  and  ihortly  after  carry ed  before  that  TauU^  who  was  a  k/nfman 
oiXin :  who  having  read  the  Apohgie^  and  underftood  the  caufe,  finding 
nothirtg  in  it  to  lay  hold  upon,  to  free  himfelfe  of  the  trouble,  fent  them 
to  another  rW/',  who  imitating  the  firft,  fent  them  before  another  great 
Mandarine  •,  who  having  heard  the  caufe,  faid  they  were  not  guilty  of  any 
thing  •,  and  to  conclude  the  bufincffe,  gave  his  fentence  in  writing,  That 
thofc  men  ought  in  juftice  to  be  fer  at  libertie-,but  if  they  were  to  have  an^ 
chaftifement,  he  thought  fifteen  Bajlinadoestothtchitkoiih^mviouid 
be  fufficient^and  that  hi^  opinion  was  they  ought  to  be  fet  at  liberty,with- 
out  being  fent  any  more  to  any  other  Tribunall :  never theleffe,  he  reman* 
ded  them  back  to  Xin  out  of  the  rcfpe<5t  he  bore  to  his  great  office,  fully 
perfwading  himfelfe,  that  he  would  fet  them  at  libertie. 

When  Xin  heard  the  fentence,  he  was  ready  to  burft  with  rage  and  an- 
ger :  but  not  knowing  how  to  help  it  for  the  prefent,  he  fent  them  to  pri- 
fon to  Father  Vagnone^  after  he  had  caufed  fifteen  Baftinadoes  to  be  given 
the  poore  brother  in  fo  cruell  a  manner,  that  he  was  in  great  pain  and  mi- 
'  fcry.  IjyiH  not  ftand  now  to  recount  the  villanies  and  outrages  which 
they  fuffered,  whileft  they  were  remanded  from  one  7rihunall  to  another; 
that  tempeft  of  Cufes.,  Kicks.,  Thrufis,  boxes  of  the  care,  fpitting  upon,  dirt 
throwing  in  their  faces,  pulling  of  the  haire  of  their  beads  and  beards,  and 
other  infolencies,  which  ufe  to  be  done  there  to  poore  prifonerSjWhen  the 
mony  floweth  not  largely  to  the  Officers-,  as  it  happened  to  thefc  poore 
Chriftians  •  leaving  all  to  the  confideration  of  the  pious  Reader. 

After  this,they  were  fent  by  Xin  to  the  Mandarines  of  his  Tribunall  to 
be  examined-,  the  examination  lafted  fix  houres  upon  thefe  Articles;  W64? 
law  is  this  law  df purs  ?  How  came  jou  into  Chinas  Flowdoyottr  frofe(fours 
live  i  Hbw  do  they  maintain  themfelves  1  What  Government  have  they  <  What 
commerce  with  Maao^and  the  Fathers  of  that  placed  But  at  length  the  exami^ 
nation  was  ended  without  torments,  by  means  of  a  Mandarine^  who  was 
a  Countriman  of  Dr,  Paul^  and  Dr.  ^ohn,  from  whom  he  had  received  let- 
ters in  favour  of  us.  Xinvjas  highly  enraged  at  this,  and  having  fharply 
reproved  the  ii/4W4r/»e,  he  removed  the  caufe  from  that  Trihu»4ll.,  and 
fent  it  to  a  higher  Court,dcfiring  the  Tauli  thereof  to  put  on  rigour  in  fuch 
a  caufe  as  this  was.  They  were  examined  by  him  for  a  little  while,  and 
having  pardoned  the  reft,  he  commanded  twenty  ftripes  to  be  given  to 

yuPaulyVfho  was  owner  of  the  Gar df?n^,  and  twenty  more  to  the  Lay* 
brother,  whofe  wounds  were  not  yet  healed  which  he  had  received  by 
the  other  fifteen  ftripesj  and  (o  fent  them  to  Xin-,  who  not  contented  with 
thefe  torments,  fent  them  again  to  the  Mafidari/ses  of  his  own  Trihriall^ 
where  they  were  examined  a  nevv;  and  for  the  Satisfadtlon  of  Xm,  were 
racked  Caftcr  that  manner  which  we  haive  defcribed,  when  we  fpake  of  the 
torments  among  \\\tChincjfes)\o  make  them  confefTe  that  which  they 
knew  notjThefc  vaHanc  Chrifiians  yver^  very  ill  handjed  by  thefe  torraen- 
tours-,  not  having  any  crime  to  confeffe,  they  were  accufed  to  have  per- 
fwaded  fevers!  Women  to  turne  C^rz/^fW^afli ft ing therein  Father  Vagmm^ 
wherefore  by  a  new  Sentence  they  were  all  54/?/»4^«?<'^  in  the  manner  a- 
bove-faid,except  a  very  old  man,and  two  of  the  Printers,who  were  Gen^ 
tflcf.B\it  feeing  the  Lay-Brother  and  ^«  Paul  fo  torne  and  wounded  with 
the  Stripes  they  had  received  ^they  gave  over,  and  fent  them  back  to  pii- 
fon.  -- 

They  being  cured  and  healed  there  by  Father  r^^w^;/^,  as  well  as  he 
could  poflfible,  in  that  mifery  and  poverty  he  was  in,  fifteen  dayes  after 
they  were  brought  again  before  ^j^,  who  cxam]ning  them  very  particu- 
larly/aid  to  the  Brother^^i^^^  krnd  of  Law  is  that  ^^jom^which  holdetb  ^ 
forth  for  a  God,  a  man  who  was  executed  for  a  MdefaBour?  '  Whereupon  the  ^ 
Brother  took  occafion,  with  a  great  deale  of  Spirit,  to  open  xhcM^eri^ 
thcjrjcarfidtion  tohim-ThcT-yr^;?^  would  not  endure  that  liberty  of  fpeech:  ' 
but  to  take  off  his  promptnefTejCommanded  there  (hould  be  twenty  ftripes 
given  him-,and  as  his  former  wounds  were  not  quite  healed, he  endured  an 
incredible  pain  in  having  them  opened  again  with  new  blowes;  which 
were  laid  onfoluffily,thatthebloudfpurted  as  farre  as  where  J/w  fate; 
by  which  being,  as  it  were,  more  inflamed, he  grew  out-ragious  a^infl:  the 
young  man,  whom  he  beleevcd  to  have  brought  the  Apology  of  'Doclsur 
P4«/from  Pekim.,\vhkh  although  it  were  falfe ,  yet  that  he  might  not  dif- 
cover  the  (rue  bringer,  he  under- went  willingly  a  furious  load  of  ftripes^ 
for  the  love  of  C^r//?>  and  for  his  Hily  Faith.  After  this,  they  were  led 
through  the  City  to  the  Prifon,  whicn  was  three  miles  off^  whither  not- 
with  ftanding  the  Brother  was  carried  upon  a  boavdj  being  of  himfelf  not 
able  to  move. 

The  courage  and  defire  of  thefe  Valiant  Confeffeurs  grew  ftill  the  flron- 
ger,by  how  much  thefe  torment?  had  wcakned  their  Body.  They  had 
no  other  regret,  but  thauhey  had  not  loft  their  lives  together  with 'their 
bloudj  and  fo  in  the  healing  of  their  wounds,  which  being  almbft  frozen 
by  reafon  of  the  extraordinary  cold,  required  new  cuttings  and  incifions 
from  the  hands  of  thofe  unskilfull  Surgeons  of  the  Prifon^  they  rejoyced 
in  thofe  new  torments  which  they  fuffered  in  fo  glorious  a  caufc.  All  the 
forrow  and  trouble  fell  to  the  lot  of  I/Vi,  who  ftill  thirfting  after  Chrifliaji 
bloud,remittedthe  caufe  of  thefe  Prifoners  to  the  judge  criminall.  But  the 
fucccfTe  fell  out  contrary  to  his  expedation,for  that  Judge,  after  he  had 
conferred  with  Xon  Xu,  the  Prefidcnt  of  his  Tribunall,conccrning  the  en- 
ditement  of  thefe  Prifoners,  pronounced  them  innocent .-  but  that  never^ 
theleiTe^  they  were  to  expedt  what  the  Kings  pleafure  would  be  concer- 
ning them.  In  the  meane  time  he  gave  them  good  words,  an i  fent  them        *' 

back  to  Prifon-,  but  after  five  daycs,tie  fet  them  at  libertic,  and  fcnt 
them  home  to  their  Houfes,  under  pretence  oi  getting  their  wounds 


Ch  AP.9. 

The  Continuation  of  the  Terfecution^ 
and  the  TBaniJhment  of  the  Fa^ 
thersout  of  China. 

S  foon  as  Xin  was  acquainted  with  the  Sentence  which  the  Judge  Crt- 
minall  had  given,  he  began  to  contrive  new  Troubles  for  them,that  he 
might  not  feem  to  have  perfecuted  Innocent  Perfons.  Firft  he  writ  and 
difperfcd  abroad  libels  againft  thofe  chriftUns^  accufing  them  to  have 
printed  an  Apologie  againft  certain  of  the  chiefeft  Mandarines, in  favour  of 
the  Fathers^s^ho  were  Traytours  and  Difturbers  of  the  peace  of  the  King- 
dome.  After  that  ,he  privately  ftirred  up  the  Cenfors  of  the  people  who 
had  rccourfc  to  him,as  to  their  Superiour5to  receive  rules  from  him  for  the 
ordering  of  the  lives  and  manners  of  the  people.  The  anfwer  he  gave 
them  was, That  they  fhould  take  heed  oiVz^Fagneneand  his  companions, 
who  were  Seducers  of  the  people,  and  difturbers  of  the  publick  peace,by 
teaching  a  law,which  did  infringe  their  fidclitic  to  their  Prince,  the  reve- 
rence  of  their  Anceftors,  the  worfliip  of  the  Gods,  and  the  exercife  of  all 
other  vertues,  which  have  been  from  all  times fo  highly  cfteemed  in  chi" 
»4.andintheconclu(ion,  much  deplored  the  mifery  and  unhappincffe 
of  thofe  times,  wherein  there  were  fo  may  Perfons,  who  fuffercd  them- 
fclvcs  to  be  bewitched  by  fuch  Deceivers. 

Upon  thiSjthere  was  a  Mandarine  of  the  Trihunalloi  Xin^znd  two  other 
Dodiours  of  fmall  efteem  and  reputation,  who  began  to  write  againft  the 
Tathers^znA  one  of  them  in  particular,  who  had  formerly  been  in  the  fhi- 
//p^/>;^  Iflands,  wrote,  'XhziihtChrifiians  6\A  worfhip  a  Crucified  Man^ 
That  they  figned  their  Foreheads  withthe^r^/f^That  they  fetit  on  the 
top  of  their  Houfes  and  Steeples,and  wore  it  about  their  necks  as  a  Jewels 
That  under  pretence  of  Preaching  their  Law,  they  had  made  themfelvcs 
Mafters  of  the  Philippines,  o^  Mahcca^and  of  the  W/>j;Th3t  of  late  years 
they  had  flain  many  Chinejfes  upon  no  occafion  given  them  •,  Tli^t  their 
Religious  men  did  commit  horrible  Sacrilcdge  with  the  women,  who  fre- 
quented their  Churches,  drawing  out  all  their  Secrets  from  them  under  a 
picrence  of  Piety  •,That  the  defigne  of  their  coming  into  China  was  to  con- 
quer the  Kingdom,  under  colour  of  fuch  deceits  and  impofturcs^  and 
that  therefore  undoubtedly  they  ought  tobedrovenoutthcnce,  as  the 
peft  and  plague  of  the  Common  Wealth,  Befides  thefe  writings  publiflicd 
by  ;t/»,and  fent  to  the  Court  of  Pekim,he  laboured  fo  powerfully  with 
thcTril?Hnalso£ Pekf m^thsit  he  perfwaded  them  toprdcntzMemorialho 
the  King  againft  the  Fathers,  and  the  law  which  they  Preachcdj  and  pro- 

Chap. p.  1  he  Hiftory  of QHI^A.  zi  5 

cured  alfo  to  have  it  figned  with  the  Scale  of  the  Eumch,  who  is  there  in 
ftead  of  Vice  rof. 

This  Memoriall  was  prefenred  the  laft  day  o^September-^rhQ  day  follow- 
ing they  gave  in  another,  wherein  they  befought  the  King  to  give  a  dif- 
patch  to  the  A/l?w^r/Wj  already  prefentedt  On  the  eighth  of  oMer,  xin 
prefented  a  third ;on  the  thirteenth  day  he  caufcd  a  fourth  to  be  prefentcd 
by  the  hand  of  a  TW/^  and  afterward  a  fifth  by  meanes  of  a  certain  Colt  of 
I^ankim^  who  was  one  of  the  Kings  Remembramers. 

For  all  this  the  Kings  anfwer  did  not  yet  appeare*,  andinthemeanc 
while  Honour  Paul  wrote  his  fecond  i^poiogie  againft  ail  thcfe  calunfi- 
nics  and  Slanders^  which  being  joyned  to  his  firfl^'^and  to  that  which  Doc- 
tour  Machacl  made ,  and  other  Memorials  and  Treatifes,  made  a  good 
large  volume.  Thus  did  that  primitive  Church  glory  to  defend  the  ho- 
nour of  their  Holy  Faith,  both  with  their  bloud  and  pens.  The 
writings  of  our  Dodours  were  Authorized  by  the  patience  of  our  Prifo 
ners,  who  cheerfully  undcr-went  all  the  ill  ufagc  which  was  fhewn  them; 
partly  for  the  fatisfadiion  of  A"//;-,  and  partly  for  want  of  money  ^the  Tjram 
not  futf ering  the  leaft  thing  in  the  world  to  be  brought  to  us  from  our 
Houfe.They  lay  three  months  hin  the  worft  place  of  all  the  Prifon,with 
Manacles  on  their  armes  -•  their  food  was  only  a  little  Rice  ill-boylcd  ,and 
a  few  hearbs  without  any  Scafoning;  and  this  too  alwayes  cold,they  boy- 
ling  ftill  as  much  at  once  as  might  fervc  them  three  or  foure  daycsjf  there 
were  any  Almes  fent  them  from  the  Ckriftjam,  either  all  or  part  of  it  was 
ftoUcn  from  them  by  the  Prifoners  and  guards,  who  alwayes  fwarmcd  a- 
bout  them  like  Wafpes. 

Father  .yg^g^g,  and  Brother  Sebajlian  Fernandes  were  put  together  in 
onePrifon,  whereby  way  of  an  extraordinaric  favour  they  had  allowed 
them  half  a  Duck  Egge  a  picce^dried  and  falted  in  ftead  of  hearbs_;and  al- 
though two  of  thofe  Egges  at  leafl  be  fold  for  a  farthing,  yet  was  one  of 
them  divided  between  two  men.  Father  Semedo  lay  continually  fick  nine 
nooneths  together,  and  through  the  convenience  of  this  worthy  Infir- 
roarie,  and  the  charity  of  his  tenders,  he  was  twice  in  great  danger  of 
death-  although  he  was  once  pardoned  r\\t Bajlinadoeshe^ovXdhz.'Vt 
received  by  reafon  they  found  him  in  fo  weak  a  condition. 

The  other  Chriftians  fell  fick  likewife  through  their  great  fufferings 
and  durance i  wherefore  there  were  feverall  times  Memorials  prefented  to 
A'/>;,to  defire  liberty,  according  to  the  cuftome,  for  them  to  go  to  their 
own  Houfes  to  recover  tberafelves,  having  firft  given  in  good  fecurity  for 
their  rcturne.  But  there  were  only  two  or  three  who  could  obtain  this 
leave,  and  that  for  foure  dayes  that  two  happily  ended  their 
lives,  only  through  the  hard/hip  they  endured.  The  one  of  them  was 
called  Peter  Hyao£  NankimyZgtd  about  22  years  .•  he  had  been  five 
years  a  Chri(lian,ofzvexy  cxcmplarie  life-,  in  which  time  he  vowed  pcrpe- 
tuall  Cha(litie^  and  endeavoured  to  prefcrvc  it  by  frequent  penances,  and 
by  keeping  a  ftrid  watch  upon  his  fenfcs-,  not  looking  upon  fo  much  as  his 
ncercft  Kinf- women-  as  alfo  by  frequent  prayer  day  and  night-,  infomuch 
that  his  knees  were  become  horny  and  callous.  He  came  every  day  to 
-*^4/g,althongh  he  lived  four  miles  ofif.-  he  was  very  difacct  in  his  fpcecb, 


'^  The Hijlou  of  QHl^HA.  Part.z. 

andof  afincereconfcience,  endeavouring  to  avoyd  every  fmall  imper- 
fedions,andtheleaftfliadowofevill.  What  he  got  by  the  handy- craft 
trade  he  ufcdjhe  ftill  gave  part  of  it  to  his  parenrs^and  the  poore  Chriftims; 
he  was  very  patient  of  in  juries  ,faying,He  ought  to  be  a  lambe  who  would 
imitate  Chrifl  •,  and  fuch  a  one  did  he  fhew  himfelfe  to  be,  more  than  ever, 
in  his  laft  fickneffe:  for  it  being  contrary  to  the  lawcs  of  that  Kingdom  to 
fufFer  any  prifoner  to  die  in  prifon,  Xin  fent  to  the  Father  of  the  faid  Feter, 
that  he  (Iiould  take  him  home  till  he  were  recovered ;  but  the  Father 
through  mcere  hatred  to  his  fonnc,  becaufe  he  was  a  ChrijiUn^  would  not 
receive  him.  Then  Xin  fent  him  by  the  Sergeants  to  his  Mother-in-law, 
who  becaufe  (he  was  an  iMatreJJcy  ufed  him  very  wickedly,  yet  did  he 
never  fliew  the leaft  figne of  difcontent,  but  alwaicsof  modefty  and  ad- 
mirable patience.  At  length,when  he  was  ncere  death,hc  was  fetcht  back 
into  prifon/rom  whence  he  flew  into  eternal!  libcrtie.  And  this  was  the 
firft  lay-man  who  died  there  in  prifon  for  his  religion  ^  his  corps  was  gran- 
ted to  his  Father  to  bury  it,  but  without  any  Ceremony  at  all. 

The  fccond  who  dyed  in  prifon  was  called  Hkrome  Vem  •,  he  was  taken 
iaourhoufe  coming  thither  toafliftus.*  he  alfo  died  of  pure  fufferance. 
His  wife  prefentcd  many  Memoria/Is  to  the  Mandarines^  that  he  might  be 
brought  home  to  recover  his  health,  but  all  was  in  vaine.  At  length  (he 
had  recourfe  to  Xin^  who  underftanding  that  her  husband  was  a  Chriflian, 
gave  her  no  other  anfwer  but  this,You  fee  what  good  you  get  by  the  reli- 
gion they  profcfTe  5  and  with  this  anfwer  left  her  difconfolate  and  quite 
out  of  hope  :  not  long  after  her  husband  died  with  fo  much  the  more  glo- 
ry, by  how  much  the  leffe  he  had  of  humane  help,  inthatfickneflTc  hefo 
patiently  endured  for  the  love  oifefus  Chrijl,  and  the  maintenance  of  his 

The  death  of  thcfe  men  did  ftirre  up  in  the  reft  of  the  Chrifiian  prifoners 
a  holy  envie,and  a  new  fervour  to  fuffer  for  chrift-,  neither  were  the  Chri- 
^lians  without  wanting  to  {hew  themfelves  true  followers  of  that  perfecu- 
tcd  religion.  They  divided  the  prifons  among  them,  fo  that  every  day  the 
Chriftian  prifoners  were  vifited,  and  fuccoured  as  much  as  might  be,  and 
had  alfo  notice  given  them  of  the  defignes  and  proceedings  of  X/;;,and  the 
othex  Mandarines :  neither  were  they  content  with  this,  but  relieved  alfo 
the  wives  and  children  of  the  prifoners,  pawning  fometimes  their  houf- 
hold-ftuffe,  that  they  might  not  want  wherewithal!  to  do  ita 

Captain  Ignatius  O';;,although  he  was  but  newly  converted  to  the  faith, 
yet  was  as  forward  and  eminent  in  this  work  o^Charitie^  as  could  poflibly 
bedefired-,  as  alfo  three  other  families,  with  the  hazzard  of  being  made 
infamous  for  ever;  namely ,that  oi Lucius  Ciam^  Captain  of  armes;,  that  of 
Andrew  H/4wafmith;  and  that  of  fr^w/i^  a  guilder;  where  I  cannot  but 
admire,  the  great  charity  of  the  faid  .^Wrw,  who  having  received  fomc 
crowncs  from  Father  Fagnoneiov  the  reliefe  of  the  prifoners,  made  no  ufe 
of  them,  but  by  the  daily  pains  and  labour  of  himfelfe  and  his  fonne^ 
made  provifion  every  day  for  two  prifons,  reftoring  afterwards  to  the 
Father  the  mony  he  had  put  in  his  hands.  There  were  alfo  certainc  de- 
vout Chriftian  women,  who  making  a  purfe  out  of  the  fruit  of  their  ia- 
bofs,beftow'd  it  in  the  prifons  according  to  the  ncccflTities  of  the  prifoners 


Chap  ,9.  The Hifiory of  CHI^\(J.  ^^i  7 

there  was  alfo  one,  who  being  himfclfc  a  prifoner,  fpared  ftill  fome- 
thingoutofthe  penny,  which  was  given  him  everyday  for  his  mainte- 
nance :  and  when  he  had  made  up  a  fmall  fumme,  he  divided  it  among  the 
moft  neceffitous  of  the  prifoners,  with  fo  much  the  greater  liberaHtie,  by 
how  much  the  induftry  of  that  C^aritie  was  more  fubtle. 

At  the  beginning,  when  the  Fathers  were  firfl:  apprehended,  there  were 
not  wanting  certain  wicked  perfons,  who  feigning  themfclves  to  be  rainf- 
fters  of  juftice,went  from  houfe  to  honfe  to  difturbc  the  Chrijlians^on  pur- 
pofeto  drawmony  from  them-,  andifinfearching  every  corner  of  the 
houfe,  they  happened  tofinde  any  Images,  they  threatned  to  accufethcm 
toX/>.  ThisIaftedtillai»/W/<;'/>;(r,  who  had  notice  of  this  roguery,  ap- 
prehended many  of  them,  and  caufcd  them  to  be  well  Bafiinadoed^  and 
one  of  them  for  no  other  caufe,  but  that  he  had  inform'd  againft  a  man  to 
the Tauliy that  he  was  a  Chr'i^ian.  NeverthelelTejthere  were  fome  accufed 
before  ^/>,  only  for  being  C^n/?/"^;;/ .  he  accepted  the  accufation,  and  re- 
mitted it  to  the  Court  Criminally  whither  the  highcft  offenders  are  fenr. 
They  v/ere  rigoroufly  examined,  and  after  that  declared  innocent,  with  a 
foule  ftaine  upon  xin^hoih.  of  fnjuftice  and  ignorance. 

Neither  was  the  infamy  leffe  which  he  received  by  the  words  of  two 
great  C^andarines.  The  one  of  them  (called//^;  in  a  great  affembly  of 
LetteratiyZskcd  him,For  what  reafon  he  had  imprifoned  the  Fathers  i  and 
he  anfwcring  5  Becaufe  they  preached  a  law  contrary  to  theirs  -,  the  other 
replied.  Why  do  you  not  then  imprifonfo  many  others,who  follow  laws 
much  more  contrary  to  ours,  than  that  of  the  Fathen  is  /*  They  have  nor, 
fald  xin,  any  accufers.  And  thcfe  Fathers^xc^Xytdi  //i>,Who  accufeth  them 
toyourLord(hipf  He  knew  not  whatanfwer  to  make  him,  but  feeing 
himfelfe  thus  confuted,  left  there  fhould  be  a  laughter  raifedathim,  he 
withdrew  himfelfe  out  of  the  (^jfemblie.  The  other,  who  was  Prejident 
oftherr/^«w4//ofwarre,fliarply  reproved  him,  that  without  reafon  he 
had  fo  mif-ufed  the  Fathers^  who  had  committed  no  fault,  nor  had  ever 
offended  him  .•  And  although  Xin  did  endeavour  to  juftifie  himfelfe,  yet 
the  Prefident  threatned  to  accufchim  to  the  King,  foradifturber  of  the 
peace  of  the  Kingdome,  and  in  effecSthe  difparcheda  Cour/ierto  Pekim^ 
with  a  ftoute  Mernoriall  againft  him  5  which  nevertheleffe  he  did  after- 
wards re- call,  by  reafon  that  many  Mandarines  didinterpofe  themfelves 
in  the  bufincffe;  but  he  would  never  after  maintain  any  friendfhip  with  fo 

Very  admirable  at  the  fame  time  was  the  Charitie  of  a  new  Chriftian  of 
Pekim^  who  had  taken  the  degree  oiBatcheUr  •  who  having  under  ftood  of 
the  Fathers  imprifonment,  rannc  to  JV4;;)(r/>wjand  although  he  had  never 
feen  them,  he  went  to  vifit  them,  and  much  alfiftedthem  in  their  neceili- 
ties ;  and  not  only  invited,  but  alfo  petfwaded  feverall  of  his  friends  to  do 
the  like ;  who  extended  alfo  their  Charitie  to  the  other  Chriflian  prifoner s: 
And  for  this  caufe  only  he  remained  there  many  months  5  he  accompani- 
ed the  C^r//?/4»j  to  the  Trihunalls ,  healed  their  ftripes,  encouraged  and 
comforted  them  all .  to  which  the  quality  and  reputation  of  fo  grave  and 
learned  a  perfon  did  very  much  conduce.  He  undertooke  alfo  to  difpute 
with  a  AfW4rwr,  who  had  written  a  declaration  againft  the  Fathers  in 

Vi  favour 

xi8  TheHiftory  of  QHI^A.  Part.z. 

favour  of  X/7J,and  ufcd  fuch  powerfull  perlwafions  to  him,  that  he  chang- 
ed his  resolution,  and  brought  him  to  favour  the  Fathers  lo  farre,  tharhe 
did  publiqucly  praifc  and  extoll  them. 

In  the  mean  while,  our  adverfary  feeing  that  the  Kings  anfwer  was  dc- 
layedj  ufed  his  utmoft  endeavour  to  gaine  the  CoUo  to  his  party,  who  was 
Cotherwife)  not  much  averfe  to  us  •,  and  at  length  pcrfwaded  him  to  pre- 
fent  a  MemoridUio  the  King,  by  the  hands  of  an  Eamch,  whom  he  had  al- 
ready prepared  for  the  bufinefle  with  a  very  great  bribe,  to  procure  the 
Kings  order  upon  it.  The  Emuchs  palfed  this  pitition  fo  fecretly  among 
themfelves,  that  without  fhowing  it  to  the  King,  they  brought  it  againe  to 
ihtCoko^  requiring  him  in  the  Kings  name  to  draw  up  an  order  for  our 
banifnment  ^  the  which  he  did  in  this  manner. 

For  (ts  much  as  rve  are  informed  by  the  CoUaterall  Lypu  of  the  third  Tribu- 
nall  ^/Pckim,  that  there  remain  in  this  mr  Court  certain  firangers^  who  do  ex, 
feB  our  good  leave  anddtfpatch  •  and  thefaid  Tribunall  hath  be  fought  us^  that 
wemnld  fmdow  orders  to  ^^(f  Provinces,  that  they  Jhould  fend  them  away  to 
their o^vneCountries^A}^\\on{us  Vagnone  and  Jacobus  Pantoia  with  their 
comp4nions^  who  under  pretence  of  preaching  a  certain  law^  do  much  difturbe  the 
people, and alfo  fecretly  endeavour  to  make  an  infurreBion  in  the  Kingdom:  We 
do  therefore  ordaine^  that  notice  be  given  to  the  Lypu  ^/Nankim,  to  give  order 
to  the  Mandarines  of  the  refpeBive  Provinces,  wherein  any  ofthefe  men  Jhall 
be  founds  that  they  fend  them  with  a  guard  of  S^uldiers  to  the  Province  and  City 
^/Canton,  to  the  end  they  may  returne  from  thence  to  their  owne  Countries^  lea- 
ving  China  in  peace  and  quietnejfe.   And  becaufi  the  lafl  year  we  were  given 
to  underfiand  by  feveraU  perfons^that  Jacobus  Pantoia  and  his  companions  ^who 
came  into  this  Kingdome  to  enjoy  the  delights  andpleafures  thereof,  were  very  ft 
to  be  employed  in  the  emendation  of  our  Calender,  whereupon  they  were  aggre- 
gated to  the  number  of  the  Mandarines  •  yet  notwithftanding  the  f aid  aggrega- 
tion^ we  will  and  command,  that  they  he  forthwith  difmiffed^  andfentawayto 
their  owne  Countries .  Let  this  fentence  be  given  to  the  Lypu  dnd  to  the  Ciayan 
the  twenty  eighth  of  the  twelfth  Moone. 

AlToone  as  this  Order  was  drawne  up,  at  the  foot  of  the  MemoriaU^  the 
Coho  fent  it  back  into  the  Valace  to  be  figned  by  the  King  according  to  the 
cuftome.  Prefcntly  the  Eunuchs  being  all  gained  by  the  Prefents  of  Xin^ 
fraudulently  contrived  a  way  to  get  it  fubfcribed-,  or,as  fome  fay,they  put 
it  among  a  great  heape  of  petitions,  fo  that  the  King  figned  it  without  ta- 
king notice  what  it  was ;  or  as  others  fay,  they  perfwaded  the  Queen  to 
fubfcribe  it,to  whom  the  King  doth  often  remit  the  figning  of  Memorialls, 
And  truly  it  is  not  very  probable,  that  the  King  who  had  lent  but  a 
dcafc  eare  to  fo  many  former  Memorialls,  fhould  be  fo  foone  pcrfwaded  to 
it-,  befidesthatjitis  more  conformable  to  the  fWe  of  that  Court  to  have 
fent  them  rather  to  fome  Province  lying  in  the  middle  of  the  Kingdom, 
than  to  fend  them  away  after  they  had  gained  fo  perfect  a  knowledge  and 
full  information  of  the  affaires  oi  China.  However  it  was,the  fentence  was 
publifljed  the  fourteenth  oi February^  which  is  the  folcmnc  beginning  of 
their  new  year. 

The  news  was  blowne  of  a  fudden  through  the  whole  Kii^dome  .The 
Mandarines oiNanchiumiVi^^c'^tOMmtcyiC^ton^  where  Father  Gafpar 


CflAP.p.  1  he  Hifiory  of  CHI3\CA.  2x9 

Ferrer  A  was,  did  in  a  very  quiet  and  civiU  manner  give  him  notice  ot  the 
order,allovving  him  with  all  liberty  to  ftay  till  his  companions  carae.Not- 
withftanding,the  Father  thought  it  more  fie  to  fell  the  Houfe,and  to  re- 
tire himfelfe  to  another  CMijfion^  according  to  the  inftru(5iions  he  had  re- 
ceived from  Father  Lorjgobardus.  In  Hamlti  there  were  two  Fathers,  who 
were  brought  thither  by  I>  o^our  Michaels  meanes;  but  they  had  no  notice 
given  them  of  the  Order,  the  Mdndarines  forbearing,  as  it  fccmcth,  to  do 
it^outof  refpedltotheirProtedour^whowritto  the  Father  fuperbur  to 
fend  him  two  more,  which  accordingly  he  did  with  very  good  fuccefTe. 
Father  5^^^;?  i?<?r<r4  with  two  others  of  Na^ch/am^  vjhac  he  left  Brother 
Pafquel  Mendez,  for  the  confolation  of  thofc  Chrifti3ns5camctoC/;/^;^ 
C^/4w  in  the  Province  of  C/j/4w/?,  where  he  kept  himfelfe  private  in  the 
Houfcs  of  the  Chriftians,  untill  the  Lord  fent  better  times. 

In  Pekim  the  Colao  made  cxcufes  to  the  Fathers j  in  that  he  was  obljoed 
by  his  place  to  give  them  notice  of  the  Kings  Order,  promifing  them^al- 
fo  his  Affiftanceto  hinder  their  going,  in  cafe  they  fliould  think  good 
to  prefent  a  Memorialho  the  King  to  that  effed.  But  all  paffages  were  fo 
fhut  up,  that  it  was  impoflible  for  them  ever  to  prefent  one :  wherefore  gi- 
ving place  to  time  and  ncccffity,  having  encouraged  the  Ci&?//?/^;^/,  after 
the  diftribution  oi  Palmes,  that  very  Sunday  they  departed  for  Canton^  the 
Mandarmcs  having  ftridly  forbid  the  people  to'offer  them  any  injuries  by 
the  way  ••  and  left  the  Houfe  which  the  King  had  granted  them  in  the 
cuftody  of  a  good  Chrijiian,  having  obtained  a  licence  of  the  Mandarines 
to  that  cffe(5l. 

The  greateft  ftirrc  was  in  iV^wi'/w,  where  affoon  as  the  Courier  vj^s 
arrivedjhe  would  needs  give  notice  himfelfe  to  the  Fathers  of  their  ba- 
ni(hment,thinking  it  a  high  favour.that  they  were  not  cut  in  pieces.  AiToon 
as  it  was  known  abroad,the  Mandarines  came  to  vide  them  with  much  ho- 
nour and  congratulations.  On  the  fixt  day  of  March.iht  Fathers  were 
brought  firft  before  a  Tribunallof  fix  Mandarines-^andahcr:  that^before 
X/;j  to  be  examined,  v^rith  a  halter  about  their  necks-,  and  Yather^Semedo 
was  brought  upon  a  board,  not  being  able  through  weakncffe  to  ftand  up- 
-onhisleggs.  Xjn^kcr  gnother  cxammation;  declai  cd,That  although  they  • 
had  defcrved  death  for  preaching  a  new  law  in  C/^7;?4,  y^t  their  life  was 
grante3them  by  the  Kings  clem_etide9  ngtwithftanding^he  condemned 
them  to  receive  ten  Bajlinadoes  apiece,  and  fo  to  be  fent  away  to  their  own 
Country.  Father  Semedo  was  excufed  by  reafon  of  his  fickneffe,  ButJFr- 
Vagnone  received  them  in  fo  cruel  a  manner,that  he  lay  very  ill  upon  it^nd 
it  was  above  a  moneth  before  his  wounds  were  clofed.  In  conclufi-  ^ 
on,their  hou(e  arid  goods  were  confifcated;  and  many^  books  were  pub- 
liflied  againraem,which  declared  them  to  be  unworthy  the  name  of  X^-  ^ 
mati.  They  themfelves  were  put^jnto  very  naiTow  Cages  of  wood, 
({uch  as  are  uTedin  that  Country  to  Cranfport  perfons  condemned  to 
death,  from  one  place  to  another)  with  Iron  Chaines  about  their  necks, 
and  Manacles  on  their  Wrifts,  with  their  haire  hanging  down  long,  and 
Iheir  Gownes  accoutred  in  an  odde  fa{hion,asafigneof  a  ftrangc  and 
Barbarous  people.  The  thirtieth  of  Aprill,  they  were  brought  out  of 
Prifontoarr/^;?4/^,  where  they  were  fliut  up  in  chofe  ftraighc  Frames, 

Ffz  and 

220  rheUijlory  of  QHlS^d.         Part.z. 

and  fcaled  with  the  Kings  Scale-,  and  order  was  given  to  the  Mandarines  of 
the  Guard,  to  take  them  out  at  fuch  times,  as  were  allowed  them  to  cjte 
and  fleep  in. In  this  manner  were  the  Fathers  carried  with  an  inexpreflibk 
noifcwhich  the  Miniflcrs  made  with  their  ratling  of  Fetters  aud  Chaincs. 
Before  them  were  carried  three  7 ablets^  written  on  with  great  letters,  de- 
claring^ the  Kings  Sentence,  and  forbidding  all  men  to  have  any  com- 
merce or  converfation  with  them. 

In  this  equipage  they  went  out  ofNankim^and  were  carried  in  thefc  Ca- 
ges for  thirty  dayes  together,untill  they  came  to  the  firft  City  of  the  Pro- 
vince of  Cmoft^  where  they  were  prefcnted  to  the  Tutart-^  who  having 
fharply  reproved  them  for  preaching  a  new  law  inCte^^caufcd  them  to 
be  configned  to  the  Mandarines :  whence  they  were  carried  in  that  manner 
throughout  all  the  'Tribunals  with  all  the  people  running  after  them .  In 
conclufion,they  were  taken  out,  and  after  a  few  dayes  were  fenc  away  to 
Macao  along  with  the  Fathers  which  came  from  Pekim. 

The  Chrifiians  which  remained  in  Prifon,aftcr  many  fufFerings and  mif- 
ufages,  were  in  conclufion,  by  the  power  and  foUiciration  of  their  adver- 
-farie  X/>^, condemned  to  receive  70  Bafiinadoes  apiece.  Thetwo Lay- 
Brothers,  becaufe  they  were  Chinegej.^hct  feyerali  outj^ages  and  ^4/«?4- 
does,  were  condemned,  one  ofdicm  to  ferve  at  the  Tartars  wa[lj  theothcr 
to  tow  the  Kings  barques,  as  Oxen  do  in  our  Country.  NeverthcJciTe^ 
there  was  fcen  in  all  the  chrifiians  n  v/onderfull  conftancie  and  joy  to  fuf- 
fer  for  Chrift,  who  (hewed Jo  much  chccrfulnejfe  outwardly,  tjiarthc 
C?^;?f/7^j  did  much  admire  atlt.  There  was  a  Woman,  who  having  heard 
that  our  Brother  Sebaflian  Farnandes  had  been  Tortured  at  an  examinati- 
on by  the  fqueezing  and  pinching  of  his  hands  and  fingers,defired  that  fa- 
vour of  the  Lordjthat  (he  her  felf  might  likewife  undergo  it.,and  her  prayer 
was  granted  her  in  part  ;,for  being  one  day  in  praycr,ihe  fawin  a  Vifion  Xin 
fitting  on  his Tiibunall,  who  commanded  her  to  renounce  the  Faith  of 
Cy&r//?,which(henotconfentingt05hecaufed  the  fame  Torture  to  be  gi- 
vcn  to  her.  When  the  Vifion  was  ended,  the  Marks  were  to  be  fcen  for 
fome  time  on  her  hands,and  the  black  and  blue  ftripes  on  her  body^ which 
was  a  very  great  comfort  and  contentment  to  her. 

Chap.  \o, 

HoKP  things  began  to  be  calmed  again  af- 

ter  the  Terfecution^  and  of  the 

Foundation  ofjeverall 


Ll  the  other  pcrfccutions,  which  happened  before  this  oiNnnkim^ 
^werc  particular,  and  commonly  the  fire  went  notfarrc.For  the  caufe 
belonging  to  the  i»/4^//?r4/«  of  that  Frovinctythe  fcntencc  was  alwayes 
given  there,  without  extending  it  fcif  to  the  Refidencits  of  other  remote 


Chap  a  o.  The Hijiory  of  (^HI3\(jf.  221 

Provinces.  But  m  this  Perfecutio/t  the  Tyrant  accounted  it  too  mcane  an 
cnterprife  to  difchargc  his  choler  on  the  Chriftiam  o^NAnkim  only.  And 
therefore  he  would  ftrfkc  at  the  Chriftiamtie  of  the  whole  Kingdom,  to 
root  it  out  at  one  blow*  He  prcfcnted  the  caufe  to  the  King,  that  his  fen^ 
tence  might  include  all,  with  the  greater  rigour  and  authoritie.  But  this 
Tragedic  being  ended ,t he -T^/^^r/  being  baniOied  from  their  deficiencies^ 
their  Houfcsconfifcated  and  fold,  the  Churches  ruincd,and  that  of  Nani 
kim  thrown  to  the  ground  by  the  fury  of  ^in,their  goods  loft^  and  finally, 
the  Fathers  o^Nankim  fent  away  from  that  Court  with  fo  much  hubbub 
and  noife,  that  it  feemed  to  be  the  day  of  Judgment-  it  is  hardly  to  be  be- 
lieved, how  much  mifchicfe followed  upon  it,  how  much  good  was  hin- 
drcd  by  it, and  how  every  thing  was  changed.The  Fathershyhld^tho. 
Chriftians  wereincontinuallfeare,  the  Genttles  encouraged,  the  Tyrant 
Vidorious,and  his  followers  fo  free  and  infoient,  that  every  one  was  rea- 
dy to  trouble  the  Chriftans,  and  to,accufethem,efpecially  in  the  City  of 
Nan  kim, 

]<le\/e:the]c({hj^iti4dom/msjucIicavit  melius  de  mdis  bene  facere  qukm 
mala  nulla  ejfe permittere,  ciccoxding  to  his  D.vine  difpenfation  he  drew 
much  good  even  from  thcfc  evils.  For  although  the  liberty  and  facilitic 
of  making  new  Cbrifiians  was  impeded  at  that  time  ^  yet  it  manifefted  the 
conftancie  and  valour  of  thofethat  were  already  fuch-,  all  of  them  fhew- 
ing  how  highly  they  did  cftcem  the  being  followers  of  the  Law  of  Gsd^ 
and  how  much  they  did  defire  to  keep  the  Fathers  in  their  Kingdom,that 
they  might  be  ftill  inftrudted  in  the  Doctrine  which  they  had  already 
received  :  and  fo,  many  of  them,  which  live  in  other  Cities,  either  fent, 
or  came  in  perfon,  to  receive  the  Fathers,  and  carry  them  to  their  Houfes. 
Which  was  the  reafon,  that,  except  in  the  two  Courts,  we  found  good 
fhelter  in  other  places,  whereby  the  Chriftians  were  comforted  in  their 
fufferings,  and  confirmed  in  their  P4/V^,  and  the  Churches  (I  fpeak  not 
of  materiall  ones)  maintained  and  upheld,  as  alfo  many  new  ones  fet  up^as 
we  ftiall  (hew  hereafter. 

At  the  Court  oi  Pekim  there  remained  two  of  our  Brothers,  in  the 
place  of  Sepulture  given  us  by  the  King:  for,being  Chineffes  they  were  not 
comprehended  in  the  Sentence  of  banifhmnr,  wherefore  under  pretence 
of  Piety  and  Devotion,  whereof  the  Chinejfes  make  great  efteem,  they  re- 
mained there  to  keep  it,although  with  much  trouble  and  many  contrafts 
which  they  had  with  the  £«w/f^^:  for  they,  affoon  as  they  faw  the  Fa- 
thers out  of  the  Court,  thought  the  Houfe  had  been  without  a  head,  and 
that  the  brothers  alone  would  never  have  had  ftrength  enough  to  rcfift 
their  batteries ;  and  therefore  it  is  almoft  incredible,  what  attempts  they 
made  every  way  to  arrive  at  their  defign,  and  how  many  times  they 
brought  the  brothers  into  the  Tribunalls,  accufing  and  troubling  them, 
but  alwayes  to  nocffe<9:.  For  the  Lord,who  had  granted  that  place  to  the 
Fathers,  that  they  might  be  buried  there  after  their  death,  would  keep  it 
for  them,  to  ferve  them  as  a  retrcate  and  hiding  place,  even  in  their  life 
timc-,difpofing  it  fo  by  his  providence,  that  Do^iour  Paul  fliould  refide  in 
the  Court  at  that  time;  and  that  by  his  authoritie  he  fhould  overthrow  all 
the  plots  of  our  enemies* 


222  TheHifiouofCHl?^yi.  Part.z. 

Once  cfpcciaUy  the  Emuchs  had  put  their  bufinclTe  infuchaforme, 
that  it  it  feemed  impoflTib'e  for  them  not  to  carry  their  defign- partly 
bccaufc  they  had  (astheyfaid)  corrupted  fomeoftheMagift rates  with 
bribes-,  and  partly  C  which  was  more  confiderable  )becaule  they  had  the 
Chi  Fu,  or  Govcinour  of  the   C  ity  on  their  fide,  to  whom  they  had  fpo- 
ken  very  effedually  concerning  the  bufinefTe,  and  he  had  promifed  them 
his  favour  in  it.  The  worft  was,  they  gave  the  Brothers  iuchfliort  war- 
ning to  appeare,  that  they  had  hardly  time  to  give  Dolour  Paid  notice  of 
it,  and  he  to  write  a  letter  to  the  (7<?i^fr;?^«r  of  the  City,  giving  Order  to 
the  Servant  which  carried  it,  that  he  fliould  give  it  him,  in  what  place  fo- 
cver  he  mcthim,althoughit  were  in  the  ftreet :  and  fo  he  did,  finding  him 
almoft  cntring  into  the  Tribunal-^  (  for  in  Pekim  they  are  without  the  Hou- 
fes  where  they  dwell)  where  there  was  gathered  together  a  great  com* 
panyof£«/?«^/'5,  who  did  already  alTurethemfelvcs  of  good  fuccelTcby 
rcafon  of  the  care  and  diligence  they  had  ufed  in  the  bufineffc.  The  Go- 
verrjorir  after  he  had  read  the  letter,called  the  caufc :  and  the  Eumchs jWith 
greater  ftore  of  words  than  reafons  began  to  plead  for  themfelves.  The 
Brother  being  callcd,did  no  more  but  fhew  his  Patent ,whercin  was  contai- 
ned how  the  Officer,  and  former  Governour^  by  Order  from  the  King,  had 
granted  that  Houfe,and  the  Gardens  thereunto  adjoyning,  for  the  Sepul* 
ture  of  Father  Matth^us  Riccius  and  his  companions.  The  Governour  took 
it  and  read  it,  and  in  (lead  of  the  favour  he  was  to  do  rhe  Bumichs^  did 
ftrengthen  it  with  one  Seale  more,  putting  to  it  the  Scale  of  his  Office,and 
telling  the  £«»«f^j,  That  which  is  once  well  done,  ought  not  to  be  un- 
dozie,  So  the  fuit  was  ended  for  the  Fathers  advantage,  not  only  this,  but 
alfo  many  other  times^whileft  the  neer  Kindred  of  theimprifoned  Bumtch 
lived,  they  never  gave  over  their  endeavours  to  re- gain  it- whereby  they 
got  often  fome  fmall  fummes  of  money,  which  were  given  them  on  pur- 
pofe  to  avoyd  fuits  and  contrafls* 

The  Brothers,  who  kept  the  Houfe,  making  ufeof  this  opportunity, 
went  fometimes  one,  fometimcs  another  to  vifit  the  Chrifiiam  of  that  Ci- 
ty .•  and  after  the  perfecution  began  to  be  over,and  the  fury  of  the  tempcft 
was  allayed,  one  of  the  Fathers  wasfent  thither  in  diguife-,  who  although 
he  was  glad  to  lie  hid  there,  yet  did  he  much  affifl:  the  Chrifi'iAns,  and  un- 
der the  protcdion  of  the  old  ones,converted  many  new  ones  alfo. 

The  Houfe  which  we  had  in  C4;?/(?;?,the  moft  Southerly  Province  ol 
Ci^/w^,  was  totally  ruined-,  for,  although  at  the  beginning  there  was  ano- 
ther fmall  Houfe'taken,  where  fome  of  the  Lay-Brothers  fhould  have  rc- 
fided  for  the  reception  ohht  Fathers  in  their  paffage  to  the  City  of  Nan- 
^/«?»,  yet  upon  better  confideration  it  feemed  good  to  them  to  take  it 
wholly  away,  becaufe  the  place  was  very  fubjed  to  tempefts  and  trou* 
blcs.  The  Father  who  had  his  Refidence  there,  as  I  have  already  faid,went 
up  farther  into  the  Country,  as  did  alfo  the  Lay  Brother,  with  a  promifc 
nevcrtheleffe,and  obligation  upon  him,  to  come  and  vifit  the  C^r'iflians  of 
that  Country  every  year. 

Father  Rocca^mth  other  two  Fathers^  who,  (as  we  have  faid,)  depar- 
ted from  !Hatjkiam,  aCity  in  the  Province  of  Kiamft^  retired  to  the  City  of 
Kmcham,  in  the  fame  Province-,  where  they  were  vifitcd  hy  ^Chrifiiart, 


Chap.Io.  TheHiJloryofCHlJ^A.  1^ 

Ste^henM  ^  Noble  Family,  and  one  of  the  chicfefi  of  that  place,  being 
alfo  the  Sonne  of  a  ^Mandarime  yVjho  was  afterwards  himfelf  converted  to 
the  C)^r/y?/4;;ReIigion.The  Fathers  at  their  arrivall  there,  were  received 
with  all  manner  d^ChrifiUn  love  and  charitic,  and  were  lodged  in  a  houfe 
neerto  the  walk  ofthc  Cicy/uch  a  one  as  they  cal  a  HottfeofStadies^vfh^i^ 
they  had  an  appartiment  provided  for  them,conrifting  of  fourc  chambers, 
with  the  Offices  belonging  tothem,  and  a  faire  Hall,  which  fcrved  them 
for  aChappel  At  the  beginning  there  camcthither  only  thofc  of  the  houf- 
hold  of  their  Hoft,  who  were  all  Chrifiians,  Afterward,  their  Kindred 
who  were  Gentiles,  and  their  moft  Familiar  acquaintance-,  and  by  occafion 
of  thefe  Vifics,  there  was  alwayes  fome  one  or  other  gained  to  the  Faith5 
and  thefe  hkewife  brought  in  others-,  and  fo  by  little  and  little  this  Chri- 
ftianity  encreafed  fo,  that  when  I  came  thither  about  two  years  after,  they 
faid3//ijf£^onHolydayes,with  Muficall  Inftrumcnrs,  and  with  the  con- 
courfe  of  a  good  number  of  Chrift  Jans.  They  who  played  on  the  Inftru- 
mcnts,  were  the  Sonnes  of  Chriftians-,  and  among  them  the  Letter atiyzndi 
thofc  of  the  bert  quality  ferved  at  the  Majfe  in  their  coatcs  foure  at  a  time, 
as  1  faw  at  my  being  there.  At  this  day  there  is  a  good  Refideme^  with  a 
copious  and  well  inftrudted  Chriftianity,  which  hath  annexed  to 
it  two  Churches  in  the  Province  of  C^/w^f(7,  which  bordereth  upon  it, 
and  are  vifited  every  year  by  the  Father  of  this  Houfe. 

The  Rejidenee  of  Hamcheu  doth  flourifh  mod  of  all  under  the  Pr ote(5fcion 
oi  Dr.  Michael,  For  though  the  Fathers  went  out  from  thence  publickly 
at  noone  day,  that  the  world  might  take  notice  of  their  obedience  to  the 
Kings  proclamation,  accompanied  by  the  faid  Dr.  zndihcChrifliamoi 
thebeft  quality-,  yet  Dr.  M/V^^^/  having  prepared  a  fair  c  appartiment  in 
his  Palace  J  provided  with  Chambers,  Offices,  Chappcl,Hall,  (jrc,  did 
build  alfo  a  new  range  of  Chambers,  furnifliing  thcra  all  after  our  fafliion, 
that  there  might  be  roone  enough  for  all  of  us,  if  there  fliould  be  occafi- 
on ;  and  when  he  had  fitted  every  thing,he  fent  for  the  Father s^who  came 
thither  very  fecretly,  although  he  was  not  very  foUicitous  to  conceale 
them ;  But  three  years  after  told  Xift^  who  being  a  nitivc  of  that  City,was 
now  come  to  live  at  his  owne  Palace^  That  he  hnd  the  Fathers  with  him  in 
his  houfe,  and  perfwdded  him  to  come  and  vifit  them,and  difcourfc  with 
them-  Telling  him,  he  fliould  findc  them  other  manner  of  men  than  he 
took  them  for. 

This  houfe  was  in  thofe  troublefome  times  the  moft  fecure,  commodi- 
ous, and  eafie  refuge,  which  the  Fathers  h2id.  Here  lived  the  Superionr^ 
hither  came  all  bufinefle,  and  upon  any  ftraite,  the  greatefl:  part  ofthe  Fa^ 
thers ,  who  fometimes  made  a  confidcrable  number :  and  although  there 
was  care  taken,  that  no  Gentik  (hould  come  in  amongft  them,  unlefTe  he 
were  very  well  knowne,  neverthelcfre,therc  was  MaJfe  faid,  and  a  fermoa 
every  Holy  day,  with  a  great  concourfe o^Chriflians^md  a  good  number 
of  new  ones  converted  to  the  faith. 

The  greateft  temped  fell  upon  the  Church  at  iV4»^/w/  for  as  the  Fa- 
thers were  prifoncrs  a  long  time  there,  and  after  they  had  received  their 
fentence,  were  fent  out  in  cages,  being  carried  through  the  whole  City 
with  3  great  noifc  and  (houting  of  the  guard,  and  an  infinite  concouifc  of 


~^  TheHiJlory  of  QHL^K,^.         Pabt.z. 

people,  their  cafe  was  more  notorious  and  ignonainious,  and  the  Gentiles 
were  more  alienated  from  the  Chrifiians,  accufmg  them  upon  every  occa- 
fion  to  the  Magiftrate.  Wherefore  for  divcrfe  years  after  there  was  almoft 
every  year  fome  particular  vexation,  and  the  C^riftians  were  brought  be- 
ioxc  the  Trihnalls,  and  troubled,  and  many  times  were  Bafimadoed-,  all 
which  they  fuffered  with  great  conftancy  and  cheer fulneffc,  ^mdentes  A 
confpe6iuCencili],^qmmAm  digni  hditifmtfro  nomine^efa  contumelmm  patL 
Neither  truly  is  there  any  doubt,  but  as  the  Lord  did  cxercife  this  Church 
o^Nmkim  with  particular  tribulation?,  fo  he  did  alfo  cndowe  it  more 
particularly  with  the  vertue  of  Patience,  as  was  feen  upon  all  occafions. 

In  this  manner  were  our  ancient  houfes  demoliihed,  although  the  Chri- 
pans  belonging  to  them,  were  preferved,  who  divided  thcmfclvcs  into 
companies,  making  by  that  means  feverall  Ce- fraternities :  the  moft  anci- 
ent and  pious  among  them  did  vifit  and  comfort  the  reft  :  the  Fathers  alfo 
at  certaine  times  came  to  confefTe  and  communicate  them,  and  ftaicd  a- 
mongft  them  as  long  as  they  could.-But  as  they  durft  not  ftay  long,at  leaft 
in  fome  places,  they  were  forced  to  find  out  other  places  of  abode,which 
was  an  occafion  of  laying  the  foundation  of  new  Refidencies,  which  were 
afterwards  brought  to  perfedion,  and  became  well  ordered  Houfes  and 
Churches,  as  they  are  to  be  feen  at  this  prefent  time. 

Thefirft  Reftdence,  which  was  begun  in  the  time  of  our  troubles  and 
Bamjhment^  was  in  the  Province  oiKiamfi,m  the  City  o( Kiendam^VfhQxe- 
of  1  have  formerly  fpokcn. 

The  fecond  was  the  Province  o^Nankim  in  the  City  o^Kiat/m^  where 
Dr.  Ignatius  dwelt,  a  Chrifiian  of  great  power  and  authority,  who  was  af- 
terwards Viceroy  of  the  Vtov\v\ctoi  Xantum  :  he,a{roone  as  he  had  notice 
of  the  fentence  pronounced  againft  the  Fathers,  immediately  difpatched 
one  of  his  Sonnes  to  Father  Lazarus  Catanms,  who  lived  in  HamcheUtmrh 
a  letter,  wherein  after  the  iifuall  complements,he  wrote  him  only  thefe 
words,  "There  is  a  hnfinejfe  of imjfdrtanee, which  I  mujl  neceffarily  treate  of  with 
your  Reverence  before  you  leave  this  Kingdome.Whtn  this  letter  was  brought 
to  ihe  Fat  hers, they  were  putting  themfelves  inareadineffe  to  depart  out  oi 
that  City,  as  accordingly  they  did,  with  a  defigne  to  go  to  Xanhai^  which 
VJZsBr. Pauls  Country.but  having  received  this  inviiation,that  they  might 
give  fatisfa(5lion  to  both  parties,  the  Fathers  divided  themfelves,  and  Fa- 
ther Francis  Sanbiafi,  went  to  the  City  ofKiatim  to  Dr.  Ignatius,  who,by 
thattime  the  J'4//;^r  arrived  there, had  got  ready  the  lodgings  neerc  his 
houfe,  which  ferved  him  for  a  place  of  ftudy,  and  ftood  within  the  walls 
of  his  Palace  J  being  very  convenient  for  his  occafions,  having  feverall 
Chambers  and  a  Chappel  to  fay  Mafe  in,  and  being  provided  with  all  ne- 
ceffary  furniture  :  and  although  that  Chappel  was  bigge  enough  for  the 
reception  of  the  Chriftians  of  his  owne  houfhold ;  yet  nevcrthclefTcjhe  did 
afterwards  build  i n  the  fame  place  a  f aire  Church,  which  though  it  was 
not  very  great,  yet  was  of  perfect  good  v^rchite^ure.  The  Fathers  did  af- 
terwards draw  many  people  to  them  by  their  preaching  and  difcourfcs ; 
fo  that  when  I  was  there  about  foure  years  after,  I  found  a  well  formed 
Chriftianity^'vexy  devout,and  both  men,womenand  children, very  diligent 
in  hearing  oiMajft  and  fcrmons,as  alfo  in  confcffing  thcmfclves,with  fuch 

Ch  A  p.  n .  The  Hiftory  ofCHi:A(jl.  225 

an  aflPcdion  to  the  Holy  Saeramem  of  the  i^lur^  that  they  fccmcd  even 
Chrifiiam  brought  up  in  Europe,  I  forbeare  to  mention  many  examples  of 
much  edification,  referring  my  Reader  to  the  yearly  letters. 

This  Houfe  alfo  ferved  tor  an  K^cademieio  our  people  that  came  new- 
ly over  .•  for  the  City  being  very  private,  and  having  but  little  trade,  and 
theHoufes  being  fpacious  and  convenient,  they  who  were  to  ftudy  the 
Chwejfe  language  and  letters,  did  conftantly  come  thither  .•  fo  that  the 
number  o^  Fathers  and  Students(who  were  Chineffes  of  Macao,  whom  we 
bred  up  and  inftrucSted  in  vertue  and  the  learning  ofChma^ihaz  they  might 
afterward  be  helpfull  to  us  in  propagating  theGofpeljwas  about  eleven  or 
twelve,  which  confidering  the  time^  was  a  great  number. 

Father  Catandus  went  to  Xankai,  where  he  laboured  in  the  fame  manner, 
confirming  the  old  chriftians^  and  adding  new  ones  continually  to  the 
church.  In  the  meane  time  Dr,  Paul czms  from  Court  to  his  owne  houfe, 
and  by  his  prefence  gave  a  greater  libertie,  with  Icffe  danger  to  preach  and 
reduce  that  people:  SothattheBaptifmes  grew  rofuchanumber,  that 
the  Father  was^  forced  to  write  for  afliftance,  and  to  call  a  companion  to 
him,and  fometimes  they  were  three^and  Dr.  Paul ^to  enlarge  that  Church 
did  in  a  manner  pull  it  all  downe,  and  build  it  a  new  ^  and  fo  it  continueth 
to  this  day  with  a  very  numerous  Chrifliamy  belonging  to  It, 

At  the  fame  time  began  the  Refidence  of  Xamfi,  which  hath  at  this  day 
belonging  to  it,  one  of  the  moft  flourifhing  Chrijliamties  of  all  China.  It 
had  its  beginning  by  occafion  of  a  Chrifiia»  named  Petert,  who  went  to  be 
Mandarine  in  that  Province^znA  carried  with  him  Father  Julius  AlexiSythzX, 
he  might  be  there  infafctie  under  his  prote<5iion,  and  that  he  might  alfo 
prove  the  difpofition  of  that  people,  whether  they  would  be  apt  to  enter- 
taine  the  preaching  of  the  Goffel  in  a  place  where  the  Fathers  had  never 
yet  come  5  and  although  the  Houfe  was  not  pcrfe(5i:ed  at  that  time,  yet 
things  were  put  in  fuch  order,  that  it  was  brought  afterwards  to  perfc^ion 
with  much  facilitie,  as  we  (hall  fhew  anon. 

In  Macao  they  were  more  particularly  fenfible  of  the  fucceffe  of  the 
Perfection  and  troubles  •,  by  which,  foure  Fathers  of  the  two  Courts  were 
brought  prifoners  to  that  Colledgc,  Neverthelefle,  by  the  refentment  of 
thofe  troubles,  their  defires  were  more  inflamed  to  enter  afreHi  upon  the 
work,  and  to  affift  their  brethren,  who  remained  behinde,  expofed  to  all 
dangers  and  fuffcrings,labouring  under  the  heavie  burthen  oiihcPropag^ 
tien  of  the  Gofpel.  Ail  thedifficultie  was,  how  to  get  the  foure /^//S'frj 
backe  again,  by  reafon  they  were  fo  well  knowne  there,  and  were  particu- 
larly named  in  the  proclamation  for  their  Banijhment:  it  was  judged  there- 
fore more  fit  for  them  to  delay  their  returne  for  a  while,  during  which 
time  thcLord  was  pleafed  to  take  to  himfelfcthe  Fathers  of  P^i^/w,namcly, 
Vdxhci^acobus  Pantoia^  and  Father  Sabatinus  dcUrfs  :  who  having  been 
the  ancientefl:  labourers  in  that  vine-yard ,  were  called  firft  ofall  to  re- 
ceive their  reward.  It  was  more  dangerous  for  the  other  two  Fathers  o£ 
Nankim  to  returne  backe  againe,  by  reafon  their  banilhment  was  more 
publiciue  •,  they  having  been  carried  before  many  Tribunalls^  and  through 
fcveral  Provinces^  during  that  Perfecution^  Neverthelcffe,  Father  Jlvarus 
Semedoy  who  had  lived  there  a  lefTer  time,  and  confcquently  was  IcfTc 

Gg  knowncj 

^^^       ^     TheBijlory  of  Q^l^d.  Pabt,2, 

knowne,  returned  back  about  three  years  after,  having  changed  the  name 
and  Sir-name,  which  he  ufed  in  that  Country  ;  and  about  two  years  after 
that  Father  r/«f/?^/?c  did  the  like  5  whoisthereliving  atthisday  inthc 
Court  of  Xwft',  where,  although  he  be  growne  very  old,  yet  is  he  as  pain- 
full and  diligent,  as  any  young  man  whatfoevcr. 

In  this  condition  ftood  the  ftatc  of  ChriflUn  aflPaircs,which  ftill  profpc- 
red  and  encreafed  in  every  place,by  the  great  induftrie  and  caution  which 
was  ufed  •,  as  alfo  by  the  protcdion  of  fome  Cbriflians  of  quality,  as  like- 
wife  of  fome  Gentiles  that  were  our  friends  ^  and  by  this  means  the  ancient 
Churches  were  confirmed,  and  fome  new  ones  fet  up ;  when  the  fecond 
tempcft  began  in  Nattkim-,  which  although  it  were  not  fo  great  as  the  fir  ft, 
feecaufe  it  came  not  to  the  Kings  ears,  ye  was  it  fuller  of  trouble  and  vex- 

ation to  USi 


\  - 

0/  the  fecond  per/ecution  of  Nankini,  and 

of  the  Martyr  dome  of  a  Qhriftian, 

named  Andrew. 

THe  affaires  o^Chriftiamtte  in  China  fcemed  to  be  in  a  calme  and  pro- 
fperous  condition,and  we  hadalmoft  as  much  libertie,and  as  much 
fruit  of  our  endeavours  as  we  could  rcafonably  have  expecacd.Only  in  the 
City  of  Nankim^  which  was  much  diftcrapered  by  reafon  of  the  former 
Perfecution^  there  were  alwaies  fome  troubles  more  or  leffe,  according  as 
the  occafion  happened ;  but  the  beft  was,  that  they  were  never  fo  great, 
that  many  perfons  were  engaged  in  them.In  the  year  1622. in  the  Frovinct 
of  Xrf^fz/wijtherc  happened  a  rebellion  by  a  certain  people  of  a  fed  which 
they  call  PalienKm^Yfhctcoi  we  have  formerly  fpoken  in  its  proper  place. 
Thefe  alTaultcd  andtookethe  barques  laden  with  vi6l:uals,  which  paffed 
through  that  Province  ro  Pekim  •,  and  after  that,certain  Townes-,and  laft  of 
all,they  tooke  a  City,  where  they  put  very  many  to  the  fword.  This  news 
prefcntly  alarmed  the  neighbouring  Provinces,  and  efpecially  the  Court- 
whence  theii/W4r/;^^x  immediately  difpatched  orders  through  the  whole 
Kint'dome  for  the  apprehending  and  chaflifing  all  people  of  this  Se^,  In 
the  more  remote  Previnces, thexc  was  no  great  heed  taken  to  this  Proclama- 
iion  5  but  in  the  Province  oiNAnkim^  which  bordereth  upon  that  of  J4;;- 
tum^  there  were  great  rewards  propofed  to  him  that  (hould  difcover  any 

It  happened  about  that  time,  that  certain  Sergeants  did  moleftand 
trouble  a  neighbour  of  a  certain  Chriftian^  who  going  out  to  help  him,be- 
caufe  he  faw  him  much  injured  without  any  pretence  of  reafon  for  if, 
drew  them  all  upon  himfelfe,  who  following  of  him  into  his  houfc  with 
ittuch  rage  and  paffionj&  finding  there  a  Crojfe  &  an  Image  of  our  Saviour^ 
tfieytookc  them  and  carried  them  to  the  Mandarine^  accufing  that  Chrifti- 
nfjto  bc^  follower  oithcLarp  oftklordofHuven^Yihidi  was  all  one  with 
.^iiwcifl/i  that 

Cha  P.U .  The  Hiftt>ry  ofCHlD\(^  A.  127 

that  of  the  ? alien  Kiao ,  The  Mandarine  fent  to  apprehend  him,  and  giving 
him  the  rack,he  queftioned  himjWho  were  the  other  followers  of  his  Se^i 
He  named  only  the  Paynter,  who  had  paynted  the  Image,  and  was  alfo 
a  Chriftian.  He  being  apprehended  and  tormented  in  the  fame  manner, 
(whether  it  were  through  ignorance,  or  that  it  fecmed  to  him5thac  he  did 
by  that  means  give  a  greater  authority  to  the  law  he  followed,^  impeach- 
ed many  of  his  companions-,naming  at  leaft  fourty,and  among  them  thofc 
who  were  left  as  heads  and  Overfccrs  of  the  reft  •,  and  in  abfence  of  the  Fd- 
thers  did  affemble  the  reft  in  the  Chappels  and  Oratories^vfhctc  they  ufcd  to 
exhort  them  to  vertue  and  piety. 

Upon  this,  rather  (implc  confeflion,  than  malicious  accufation,  the 
Mandarineknt  prefently  to  apprehend  thofc  perions  who  had  been  nam- 
ed to  him,  fo  that  it  feemed  as  if  the  furies  of  hell  had  been  turned  loofe 
that  day  into  Nankim.  There  was  no  other  noife  heard  in  the  ftreets,  but 
ratling  of  chaincs,the  voyccs  and  exclamations  of  the  Sergeants,who  ask- 
cd,Where  is  the  houfeC  Whither  is  he  gone  •:  Where  fhall  I  finde  him.? 
When  will  he  corned  Being  fo  much  the  more  eager  in  their  purfuit  of 
the  Chrifiians,  by  how  much  the  more  they  faw  the  Mandarines  bent  to 
ruine  them.  When  they  found  out  any  one  of  them,they  prefently  ruftied 
into  the  houfe,&  feized  upon  their  Beads^CroJfesJmages,B09h,CatechifnieSi 
for  commonly  all  of  them  ufed  to  have  them  in  their  houfes.    Then  they 
fcized  on  their  perfons,  dragging  them  through  the  ftteets  with  a  chaine 
faftened  about  their  necks,  and  manacles  about  their  wrifts,  carrying  be- 
fore them  the  enfignes  of  their  faith  which  they  had  taken,  with  a  great 
noife,  and  out-cry  of  the  people,  that  they  were  of  the  Se^  of  Palien  Kiao: 
The  number  of  thofe  who  were  taken  was  thirty  foure,befide  the  two  firft, 
and  they  were  all  prefently  put  to  the  torment  of  prefting  their  hands  and 
feet,  to  make  them  difcover  others.  But  they  taking  warning  by  the  igno- 
rance of  thetwofirft,  faid  only  thztthey  vjei'cChriJiians^  they  and  their 
wives  and  children ;  that  they  followed  the  Law  efthe  true  God^  who  alone 
can  punifh  and  reward  both  in  this  life  and  the  next  •,  and  that  their  law 
was  not  the  law  of  Palien  Kiao,  neither  had  it  any  rcferablance  to  it :  and 
more  than  this  they  faid  not  any  thing. 

Among  the  prifoners  there  was  a  certain  Chriftidn  named  ^$hn  Tao. 
This  man  had  been  formerly  imprifoned(as  we  have  already  related  j  with 
thcFdthers  in  the  other  perfecution  by  Xin,8c  had  be  en  fometimes54y?/W-i 
doedbcfovc  thcTribunalsjSc  was  at  laft  condemned  to  bctheKings  flave  for 
certain  years  (which  is  much  like  putting  into  the  Gallies  with  us : )  but 
was  now  returned  from  his  flavcry,and  began  again  to  edifie  the  brethren 
by  the  example  of  his  holy  life,in  the  fame  maner  as  he  had  formerly  done 
in  that  City.  This  man  hearing  that  fome  chriftians  were  apprehended, 
and  that  they  fought  for  him,  never  ftaid  till  he  was  difcovered,  but  went 
of  his  owne  accord  and  prcfented  himfelfc  to  the  Mandarine,  and  kneeling 
in  the  fight  of  the  Chriffiians  that  were  tormented,  told  him,  that  he  was  a 
Chijlian,  znd  thBt  the  Law  fifChrifi  was  the  true  law,  and  other  fuch  like 
things  which  the  Lord  put  in  his  heart.  When  the  Mandarine  heard  him, 
he  told  him  (with  what  intention  is  not  knowne)that  he  did  not  fee  in  him 
any  garbc  or  appearance  ofa  preacher  ot  the  law,  and  therefore  charged 

Gg;^  him 

Z28  TheUiftoryofCHlTsQA.  Part.z. 

him  to  begone,  and  ncvcx  to  appear  before  him  again.  Whereupon 
gf^i^^^roreupandwent  his  way,  leaving  an  eminent  Tcftimony  of  the 
Dwim  Lapp,  and  the  Chmejfes  aftpniilicd  at  fo  great  a  courage. 

Such  another  thing  was  done  by  the  fame  Mmlmnty  although  the  end 
and  rcafon  which  moved  him  to  do  it,  were  not  known.  Of  tiie  fix  and 
thirty  which  he  had  apprehended  and  tormented,  he  fet  foureand  twenty 
ofthcm  at  hberty;and  the  others  who  did  ufe  to  aflemble  the  Chrifikns^ 
and  preach  to  them,  he  fent  before  the  fix  chief  Tribunals;  vyhere  they 
w<er&  all  Bafltmdoed,  fome  at  one,  and  fome  at  another-,  the  worft  Tribu- 
nal of  all  being  that  of  an  Eunuch:,  who  having  nothing  of  Humanity  in 
him  but  his  outward  (hapc,  not  confidering  they  had  bin  already  torment- 
ed and  Baftim^oedhy  the  other  Mandarms,  commanded  twenty  blows  a- 
piecc  to  be  giving  to  each  ofthcm;  by  which  the  good  Chriftiam  were  fo 
wcakned^that  they  were  faine  to  be  laid  upon  boards^and  to  be  carried 
back  upon  mens  fliDuldicfs  into  Prifon. 

But  they  were  not  ufed  fo  by  the  ^ecHm{  who  is  equal!  to  one  of  our 
Dukes)  before  whom  they  were  brought :  for  feeing  them  in  fo  miferablc 
a  condition  by  reafon  of  the  torments  and  ftripes  they  had  received ,  he 
did  not  only  nor  caufe  them  to  be  beaten,  but  cdmplaining  of  their  ill  u- 
fage,  faid  publiquely,Th3t  he  was  well  informed  concerning  the  Religion 
theyprofefTedvandthaticwasagoodandtrue  Zftjr,and  To  fent  them  a- 
way  with  good  words  •,  that  Gentile  giving  a  clears  Teftimony  to  our  Holf 
Faith,  to  which  thofe  Chriftiam  had  -born  witnefle  with  their  bloud . 

While  thefe  things  were  doing,thcchiefii/4;f^4r/;;^  of  the  fix  before 
whom  they  were  prefented,  drew  up  the  Sentence  againfl  them;  which 
being  faithfully  tranflated  out  of  the  c^/W/'/^flanguaoejrunncth  thus;  The 
Law  of  the  Lerdof  heaven  is  falfe^  it  hlindeth  the  tinder  ft  andingef  men, and 
caufeth  dangerous  ajfemblies.  of  late  years  there  was  a  Mcmoriall  prefented 
againft  tt  to  the  King^  who  did  very  feverely prohihite  it.     y^nd  now  they 
who  follow  that  Law,  are  convinced  not  to  have  ohejed  his  commands^   Where* 
fore  according  to  th  Lawes  of  the  Kingdom  there  ought  to  i>e  an  inquifttiort 
made  againfl  them^and  they  to  be  rigor oujly  pumjhed.  But  confidering  they  are 
men  of  little  knowledge  ^or  underjlanding^we  do  order  ^  that  the  fir  angers  of  O' 
ther  Countries  he  fent  home  with  a  Guard  to  convoy  them-^  and  that  they  (hall  all 
have  the  charges  of  their  journey  defrayed  out  of  the  Kings  exchequer  ;    hat 
for  the  Natives  of  this  Court ^we  condemn  them  to  carry  a  board  about  their  necks 
y2»r  4  w^;?<?/^  ( which  is  a  kind  of  punifhment  we  have  formerly  given  an 
account  of)  and  when  that  time  is  expired^they  fhall  be  carried  before  the  Tri- 
bunal, where  they  were  examined^  and  there  they  fliall  be  admonijhed  to  ebferve 
the  Kings  orders  ^and  not  to  follow  this  Law  any  longer. The  Books  ^  Images  ^and 
fuch  like  things  ^which  were  found  with  the  Chriftians,jhallbe  kept  in  the  Kings 
Treafurie.  Thus  farr?  the  fcntence  of  their  condemnation. 

The  Fathers  had  heard  nothing  of  thefe  proceedings  at  Nankim,  when 
there  arrived  at  ffamchett^  which  is  diftant  from  that  Court  about  fix 
dales  journey  by  Und^'SiChriftiafi  km  on  purpofe  to  give  them  notice  of  the 
dangerous  eftate  and  condition  ofthcC)&w^/4»i  at  Nankim.  Father  Hoc- 
C4  fuperiour  oiXh%  Miffion  chanced  to  be  atthaCtimcin/^^JW^^«,who 
pr^fentlyendeavoiii'ed  to  find  fome  rcmedie  for  it^by  fpcdking  with  jyoc- 


Ghap.Ij.  i:he  Hiflory  of  QHl^d.  225> 

iour  Mkhnel^  and  writing/fo  Dodiour  Faul^  that  by  their  letters  they  would 
perfwadc  the  Mandrjnes  o^ntnkim  to  fhew  fome  favour  to  ty<c  Chriftiajts- 
which  accordingly  they  did,  with  madv  zcale  and  eificacie,  efpecrally 
BoBonr  Paul,  who  obferved  to  them  in  his  writings  fourteen  prindpall 
poyntSj  wherein  om  Holy  Law  did  diflfer  fronn  the  Scd  of  P  alt  en  Km^lhc 
letters  had  notthat  cWcdi  that  was  hoped  of  them,  lomeof  the  Mandarines 
being  rendered  very  avcrfe  to  them  by  the  power  and  perfwafion  of  Xtn, 
who  adiually  enjoying  at  that  time  the  dignity  oi  Colao^Gvcry  one  en- 
deavoured to  gain  his  favour  by  following  his  inclinations.  And  that  was 
plainely  feen  by  their  anfwcrSjWhich  arc  not  wont  to  be  in  fuch  rermes  to 
iVaW4n;2^j  of  foconfiderabic  Quality  as  thofc  Chrtflians  were.  The  an- 
fwer  fo  Dolour  Paul  was,  that  the  Larv,  which  his  Lordflnp  faid  was  diffe- 
rent from  that  Sed  of  P alien  Kiao.was  not  fo,  but  the  very  fame,  both  of 
them  profeffing  not  to  obey  the  King  nor  his  Miniftcrs-,  as  was  plainly  to 
be  feen  by  the  F4/^fr^,  who  being  banifhed  out  of  the  Kingdom  by  the 
Kings  order,  yet  were  fo  audacious,  that  they  ftill  remained  there;  and  o- 
ther  things  of  the  fame  ftraine^  which  evidently  fhewed,  that  they  who 
gave  fuch  anfwers,  were  changed,  as  alfo  for  whole  fake  they  gave  theno. 
This  unpleafing  anfwcr  was  followed  by  a  thing  of  greater  dangcr-jCfor 
in  China,  even  in  the  qui^eft  times,  it  is  neceffary  to  live  very  retired'  and 
refervedly)  which  was  the  Intelligence,  that  Do^mr  Fatd  had  received, 
how  that,not  many  daics  before,two  Mandarines  ofthe  fame  City  o^Nan- 
him  had  prefented  a  MemorialUo  the  King  againfl:  the  Law  of  Chrijl-^  both 
againft  the  Chinejfes  who  were  followers  of  it,  as  alfo  the  Fathers y  that 
did  preach  and  propagate  it,  accufing  DoBour  Michael  by  name  for  being 
a  Chrifiian  ,  and  for  keeping  the  Fathers  in  his  Houfe-,  they  did  alfo  accufc 
feverall  others  for  keeping  of  them;  and  although  they  did  not  name 
X>i?^<;//rP^«/,yetitmightbeca{ily  underff  ood,  that  they  meant  him  for 
one.  ■:  '^ 

This  news  did  require  their  moftferiousdeliberation-jfor  when  a  bufi- 
ncffe  is  brought  before  the  King,  it  is  altvaycs  of  dangerous  confequence, 
and  doth  ever  fhavc  or  fl  ea .  ^   .; 

Dolour  Patd  immediately  wrote  to  thtF'dhers.Wm  in  what  place  foe- 
ver  they  were,  they  (hould  without  any  farther  delay  refolve  to  retire 
themfelves,  and  to  break  off  all  commerce  with  all  mannet  of  perfons 
whatfoevcr,  although  they  thought  them  never  fo  fafe  or  trufty,  giving 
way  to  the  necefHty  of  the  times,  as  at  that  prcfent  was  very  convenient 
for  them.  DoBour  Michael \V2S  of  the  contrary  opinion-,at  leaft  he  would 
not  fuffer  thofe  which  lived  in  his  own  Houfe  to  hide  themfelves.  Dolour 
Ignatius  his  Sonne  alfo,who  dwelt  in  the  City  of  Kiatim,vfds  of  opiniort, 
that  the  Fathers  fliould  keep  themfelves  private  and  concealed-,  for  if  any 
thing  ftiould  be  decreed  totheirdifad vantage,  it  could  not  be  executed 
fo  fuddenly,45Ut  that  there  would  be  time  enough  for  them  to  make 
their  efcape,  efpecially  fiilce  the  Mandarines  of  the  City  were  tliein 

Although  this  were  a  very  young  man,  yet  his  Fathtr^  who  lived  then 
at  the  Court,  was  much  fatisfied  vvith  his  opinion  in  that  cafe.  Never- 
theleffcyit  was  judged  more  expedient,  that  wc  ihould  withdr^wr  our 


zjo  The  Hiftory  of  QHI^A.  Part.z. 

fclves,  before  the  ftorm  appeared,  and  that  afterward  thofc,who  could 
not  hidethcmfelveSjfhould  fly,  before  they  were  apprehended  by  jufticc. 
But  the  difficulty  was,  where  to  find  another  fecrct  place  bcfide  that 
where  we  were,  which  was  in  a  very  populous  City,  and  among  many  of 
our  trufty  and  faithfull  friends :  and  bccaufe  it  was  fo  difficult  to  lie  hid  in 
that  place,  we  did  think  of  fearching  out  fome  defert^but  by  reafon  that 
ci'/;?4  is  fo  populous,  that  was  no  eafie  thing  to  be  done.- At  length  it  was 
rcfolved,thatwe{houldall  quit  the  habitations  we  were  in,  fome  going 
to  the  Country  Houfes  of  the  fame  Chrifliansy  fome  to  the  fepulchrcs  of 
others,  with  a  caution,  that  if  there  did  not  come  a  favourable  anfwet 
from  the  King,  there  fhould  be  boates  provided  in  a  rcadincflc  for  to  car* 
ry  them  up  and  down  the  Rivers ,  where  the  not  remaining  long  in  a- 
ny  certain  place,would  be  a  good  way  to  fecure  them,  till  the  Lord  fhould 
dire(5t  them  to  a  better- 

During  this  time,  Do^<?«rP4«/ kept  a  man  on  purpofe  in  the  City  of 
Sucheu{y}\itxt  the  Vict  roy  of  the  Province  hath  his  Refidcnce^for  he  may 
not  dwell  in  the  City  of  Nankim,  becaufc  it  is  the  Kings  Court,  as  well  as 
P^i&/>»J  that  aflbon  as  the  Kings  anfwer  came,  he  might  prefently  bring 
him  word  of  it ;  and  according  to  the  ftile  of  that  Country,  it  was  concei- 
ved, that  it  might  be  delayed  yet  many  dayes.  The  Fathers  cxpedcd  ten 
weeks  to  their  great  difcommodation  and  inconvenience,  becaufe  thofc 
things  which  might  eafiiy  have  been  had  in  the  Towns  and  Cities,  could 
not  be  come  by  butwithagrcatdealeof  trouble,  as  they  lay  thus  bids 
neither  did  any  anfwer  come  in  all  this  time :  for  which  there  were  feve- 
rall  reafons  given,  but  the  beft  feemed  to  be,  that  thefe  Memorials  againft 
our  Holy  Faith  were  fent  with  an  Orders  that  they  ftiould  fir  ft  be  regiftred 
by  Xin.iox  whofe  fake  they  were  prcfented,  who  at  the  fame  time  was 
put  out  of  his  Office.  So  that  when  the  Memorials  came,  he  had  now  no 
power  nor  authority  to  preferrc  them-,  and  fo  they  were  not  prefented  at 
all-,  for  if  they  had  been  prefented,  whether  the  King  had  anfwcred  them 
or  no,  we  fliould  have  been  fure  to  have  had  notice  of  it.  Thus  the  ftorm 
ended,  which  feemed  to  threaten  us  with  a  greater  danger^  and  the  effecfl 
of  it  was  turned  upon  Xirt^  although  upon  another  occafion  .•  for  it  is  moft 
certain,  that  at  the  fame  time,  when  the  Petitions  againfl  the  law  ofchrift 
'Vicxci&OiiiomthtSoutherrHoihcNdrthern  Court, the  King  took  away 
his  Office  of  Colao^hy  xtziovaht  Mandarines o^ fekim  had  petitioned  a- 
gainft  him-,3nd  although  they  had  endeavoured  his  difgrace  for  1 6  months 
before,  yet  they  could  never  bring  it  about  till  then.  So  that  it  feemeth, 
the  Lord  did  referve  the  fall  of  this  iyrant,  for  that  time  wherein  he 
might  have  done  the  grcateft  mifchiefe,  and  would  fhew  us,what  truft 
and  confidence  we  ought  to  have  in  him  upon  the  like  occafions. 

Our  DoSiours  being  of  the  opinion,  that  the  Memorials^  neither  were, 
nor  would  be  prefented,  the  Fathers  returned  all  to  their  K^ncient  Rejiden- 
cies;  although  they  were  obliged  to  ufe  more  caution,  and  to  make  fewer 
affemblies-,  and  this  the  rather,  becaufe  they  did  not  yet  receive  good 
news  from  iS74;?iJ:/>w,  where  there  were  new  cdi(5ls  publifhed  againft  the 
Chrifi  tan  Religion:  which  news,  although  on  the  one  fide  it  occafioncd 
niuch  grief  to  the /'/i^^rfi?,  yet  on  the  other  fide  it  gave  them  much  com- 

C  H  A  p  jf .  The  Hifiory  of  QHI^/1.  ^  * , 

fort  by  the  relation  of  the  Martyrdme  of  a  certain  Chriftian,cd\kd  Andrew 
concerning  whofe  life  and  adtions  very  much  might  be  faid,  and  efpecial- 
ly  of  that  courage  and  conftancy  which  he  (hewed  in  all  the  torments  they 
gave  him ;  which  is  fo  much  the  more  admirable  in  a  Chineffe  •  becaufe 
that  Nation  is  by  nature  very  cowardly  and  timorous :  yet  we  have  had 
certain  experience,  that  even  to  this  day  the  Chriftian  Chimffes^  in  all  oc- 
cafions  of  Perfecutions  and  Troubles  that  have  happened  to  them  have  ever 
continued  firme  in  the  Faith :  (Jo  that  by  the  grace  of  God  they  have  not 
been  wanting  xoMartyrdome^  but  Martyr  dome  hath  been  wanting  to  them  ) 
as  was  feen  in  thofc  of  Nrnkim,  and  was  proved  in  this  good  Chrijliln 

^\{\%Artdrerv\^z,%homtmthc?rovifJceoiKimfi,  where  after  he  had 
lived  many  yeares,  he  removed  from  thence  into  the  Province  oiNankim 
where  having  had  fome  information  concerning  our  religion,  h^  came  to 
the  F^/^fH;  and  after  he  had  been  well  inflrudted  by  them  in  the  princi- 
pal! points  of  our  F^/V^,  he  received  Baptifme  from  them,  together  with 
themmeo[J?>drerp.  Some  few  dales  after  his  whole  familie  was  Bapti" 
zedby  the  hand  o(F4t her RoccdyVjho  was  Superiounhcre  at  that  time- After 
his  BAptifme.Andrew  became  a  pattern  and  example  to  the  reft  of  the  Chrt- 
fttam^hy  endeavouring  to  communicate  to  others  the  good  which  he  had 
rcccived,and  to  draw  others  to  Chrifl^  which  fucceeded  very  happily,  ve- 
ry many  being  54/>// Why  his  perfwafions^  He  had  a  great  devotion  to 
the  B.  Virgin  J  and  was  the  moft  zealous  man  of  a  whole  fraternitic,  which 
before  ihtPerfecution  o^Nankim  was  dedicated  to  her  in  our  Church  there: 
and  after  that,  when  the /•4^^^n  were  banifhed,  he  built  an  oratory  in  his 
owne  houfe  to  the  honour  of  that  Holy  Mother .,  whither  he  ufed  to  aflcm- 
Hc  the  Chrijlians,  and  to  exhort  them  to  devotion  and  obfervance  of  our 
JiolylAw.  At  the  time  i\\^  Father swqiq  imprifoned  there,  and  the  other 
Chrtfiiam  were  divided  into  five  prifons,  he  without  any  fear  of  that  dan- 
ger to  which  he  did  expofe  himfelfe,  tooke  upon  him  to  ferve  them,  to  vi- 
fit,  comfort  and  aflfift  them,  efpecially  the  Fathers,  with  many  almes  at  his 
owne  expcnce ;  not  being  content  to  pcrforme  thefe  offices  of  Charitie  in 
his  owne  perfon  only,  he  im ployed  in  them  alfo  a  little  boy  that  was  his 
fonne,  whom  he  fent  to  the  Fathers,  that  they  might  make  nfe  of  him  to 
fend  him  of  errants,  and  other  little  occafions.  Like  wife  at  our  return  thi- 
ther,he  lent  us  his  houfc  for  our  habitation  when  we  went  to  vifit  the  Chru 
fiians  of  that  place,  and  for  an  Infirmary,  or  Hofpitall,when  any  were  fick, 
whom  he  fcrved  and  tooke  care  of  with  great  charity  and  affe(^ion.  Thefe 
and  other  good  works  did  the  Lord  pay  him  by  crowning  him  with  Mar- 
tyrdsme^  and  making  him  to  fuffer  death  for  his  fake«  The  good  old  man 
patiently  fuffered  the  torments  and  SafUmdoesaho^cmtmontd-^and  when 
as  the  laft  which  he  received,befide  that  they  were  very  cruell  ones,  were 
alfo  laid  on  upon  the  wounds  and  ftripes,  but  lately  infli(acd  on  him  be- 
fore other  TribunaUs^xt  is  no  wonder,that  an  old  man,who  though  he  were 
ftrong  in  courage,  yet  was  but  weakc  in  body,(houId  render  his  life  to  the 
violence  of  thofe  torments  •,  (ince  the  youngeft  of  thofe  Chriftiansy  and 
thofe  of  the  moft  robuft  complexion  did  hardly  efcape  with  life.  Thus  he 
dycdj  leaving  that  Church  much  edified  by  his  good  example,  and  much 


""^  ^laed  for  theToflfeof  him.  For  he  was,  as  it  were  a  f^f^fr  to  them  all^ 

andinthcabfcnceof  the  Fathers,  ^Mafter,  He  was  buried  decently  in  a 
particular  Sepulchre  by  himfelfe,  to  the  end  that  one  day  he  may  have 
thofe  honours,  which  are  due  to  him,  performed  with  greater  folemnitie. , 

C  H  A  P,  U^ 

How  things  began  to  be  quiet  and  fetled,  and 

hoTp  the  Fathers  wrejent  for  to  Court  by 

order  of  the  Mandarines* 


N  the  mean  time  there  came  better  news  from  N/mkim^  whither  the  Fa- 
then  had  fcnt  a  man  on  purpofejwith  letters  from  themfclvsjas  alfo  from 
our  Do^  comfort  and  ftrengthcn  the  Chrifiians  there  in  their  affli- 
(Slioiis  and  troubles-,although  the  Lord  had  fo  filled  their  hearts  with  cou- 
rage and  contentment,  that  they  had  little  need  of  any  humane  confolati- 
on.This  man  returned  with  a  confirmation  of  the  news,  which  was  alrea- 
dy fpread  abroad,  affuring  them  that  all  things  were  quiet;  the  fame  alfo 
was  written  by  xh^Chrijlians  in  their  letters.For  thcMapidarines Seeing  that 
the  plot  did  not  take,  and  that  the  Memorialls  were  not  prefcnted  at  Pekiffi^ 
and  on  the  other  fide,  that  Xin  was  turned  out  of  his  Officc,they  prefcntly 
changed  their  ftile  and  opinion  5  they  fet  the  Chrifiians  at  liberty,  and  alfo 
moderated  the  punidiment  that  had  been  impofed  upon  them.  Only  there 
remained  in  prifon  ihxcQChriflians  of  Chincheo^viho  expected  every  day  to 
be  fent  into  their  owne  Province^  as  it  afterwards  fell  out.  From  Pekim  al- 
fo the  Father  J  who  lay  hid  there,  wrote,  that  all  the  hopes  of  our  enemies 
oiNankim^QXt  quite  overthrown  at  that  Court  ^  and  that  the  face  of 
things  was  fo  changed,  fincethe  departure  oi  Xin^  that  our  friends  did 
counfell  him  to  treatc  with  the  Chriftian  Mandarines^  and  fuch  other  of 
them,as(3\though  they  were  Gentilcs,yet)had  a  good  afFcdion  for  us,  to 
finde  out  fomc  way  for  him  to  go  publickly  abroad,and  for  us  to  be  intro- 
duced thither  againe. 

By  this  time  there  had  fix  or  feven  years  pafled,  fince  the  firft  Perfecu^ 
tion  ofNankim-.^nd  the  Tartars  made  a  cruell  warre  upon  the  Chinejfes^znd 
had  already  not  only  defeated  feverall  of  their  armies,  but  alfo  gained  di- 
verfe  places  from  them  in  the  Province  oiLeaotunt ;  neither  did  they  well 
know  which  way  fo  put  a  flop  to  the  'advance  of  their  army.  Neverthe- 
IcfTe,  the  Fathers  did  endeavour  to  finde  fome  way  to  manifeft  themfelves 
to  the  Kingdome,  and  to  appeare  in  publick,  according  to  the  tcnour  of 
what  had  been  written  them  from  Pekim  :  But  becaufe  their  banifliment 
was  decreed  by  the  King,  they  found  no  fmall  difficulty  in  the  bufincife. 
Notwithftandingjthc  Chrijlians^'and  the  DoBottrs  that  were  our  friends  re- 
folved  to  frame  a  CMemoriall-^^zVmg  the  occafionfrom  the  warre  with  the 
T attars^  and  the  extremities  to  which  the  Chinejfes  were  reduced,  and  to 
prefent  it  to  the  King  •,  fctting  forth  in  the  firfl  place  the  misfortunes  of  the 
warre,  the  mortality  and  damages  which  they  had  received  •,  the  lofTc  of 


Chap.h.  The  Eijlory  of  CH I  J\(  a.  239 

their  Towncs  and  Cities,withour  having  been  able  for  the  [pace  of  fo  ma- 
ny years,  after  fuch  infinite  cxpcnce  of  treafure  and  lofTe  of  men,  either  to 
divert  or  ftop  the  courfe  of  that  calamitfe.  In  the  fccond  place  they  did  rc- 
raonftrate  the  crrour,  which  was  committed  in  banilhing  the  Eurofaan 
Father s^who^  befidcthat  they  were  vertuous,  learned,and  men  capable  of 
the  management  of  great  affaires,  they  were  alfo  very  great  Mathematici- 
ans, who  without  doubt  had  particular  fecrets,  and  extraordinary  inventi- 
ons.which  might  be  made  ufe  of  to  their  extraordinary  advantage  in  that 
great  ftraite  wherein  the  Kingdom  was  at  prefent ;  and  that  if  they  were 
in  the  Court^as  they  had  formerly  been,thac  they  would  be  able  to  reduce 
the  affaires  of  (late  into  a  better  condition .  Laft  of  all  they  added,  that  it 
was  probable ,  that  they  were  not  all  yet  departed ,  and  that  ic 
was  not  po0ible,  that  fo  manyl  men  fhould  be  able  to  paiTe  through  fo 
great  a  Kingdom,  through  fo  many  ftraireand  uncouth  waiesjThat  his 
Majefly  (hould  do  well  to  give  order  for  diligent  fearch  to  be  made 
through  the  whole  Kingdom,  to  fee  if  any  of  them  were  ftill  to  be  found 
there,  and  to  fend  for  them  to  Court,  that  they  might  be  ferviceable  to 
him  in  this  prefent  conjundurc  of  the  warre. 

The  Fathers  made  great  oppofition  againft  this  particular  means  which 
was  taken  fortheir  re-eflabUfhment-,by  reafon  they  were  altogether  igno- 
rant in  matters  of  warre  and  armes,  and  all  things  belonging  to  that  pro- 
fcffion :  and  therefore  they  did  not  thinke  it  convenient,  that  they  fliould 
be  petitioned  for  under  that  prctencc.To  this,as  I  underflandjDr.Xw  who 
was  one  of  the  chiefe  Adours  in  this  Tragedie,  prefently  made  anfwcr, 
Fathers^  let  not  this  trouble  you,  for  this  pretence  of  arms  fhall  (land  us  in 
no  more  {lead,then  the  needle  d,)th  a  Taylour,who  when  he  hath  drawne 
through  the  thred  he  foweth  with,  and  the  garment  is  finifhcd,  prefently 
takcththe  needle  away-,let  yourReverenccs  once  get  in  by  theKingsorder, 
and  the  armes  to  fight  with,  (hall  be  turned  into  pens  to  write.  In  conclu- 
{ion,the  Memorialises  drawne  up  very  well^  they  having  excellent  skill  to 
firame  a  petition  after  their  manner  5  it  was  prefented  in  the  Chancery  of  Pe- 
titions, and  they  tooke  fuch  paines  in  folliciting  their  friends,  that  they  got 
it  pafTed,  and  prefented  to  the  Kings  hands,  with  fuch  goodfuccefTe,  that 
immediately  he  made  a  favourable  reference  of  it  to  the  CotwcellofxvArre ; 
who  did  not  only  favour  the  difigne,  but  added  alfo,  that  they  did  verily 
beleeve,  that  the  Fathers  by  their  skill  in  the  C^athematicks  v/ould  be  able 
fo  to  enchant  the  Tartars,  that  they  fliould  not  be  able  to  manage  their 
armes  againft  them.  They  therefore  immediately  gave  order,  that  they 
fhould  be  fought  out  with  all  poiTible  diligence:  But  there  was  no  need  to 
take  much  pains  to  finde  them  out^  for  he  that  was  to  feeke  them,  knew 
well  enough  where  to  have  them. 

FatherRocc a ^owx  Superieur ywho  refided  at  that  time  in  the  Southern  parts, 
had  prefently  news  of  theKings  order-,&that  he  was  to  fend  ivfoFathers  to 
ibat  Court.  It  is  almoft  incredible  what  joy  there  was  both  among  the  Fa- 
thers  &  the  reft  of  theC^r//?/4»i-they  knowing,that  this  was  the  moft  cer- 
tain way,  for  the  Fathers  to  return e  publickly  into  the  Kingdom, &  for  the 
propagation  of  the  Gofpcl,with  the  fame  libertic  they  formerly  enjoyed. 

Father  Nicolas  Longobardus  andFatherEwamel  Bias  were  named  for  this 
>  H  h  expedition  5 

~^  7  he  Hiprj  ofCtUT^J.  Part.z. 

expedition-,  who  affoone  as  they  had  fitted  themfelvcs  for  their  journy, de- 
parted for  Pekim  •,  where  they  made  their  entrance  publickly.  And  be- 
caufe  fomc  years  had  now  palTedjfince  beards  of  the  Eurofam  fafhion  had 
been  fecn  in  thatCity,thcre  was  fo  great  a  concourfe  of  people  to  fee  them, 
that  they  could  hardly  make  their  way  through  them.The  firft  thing  they 
did,  was  to  prefcnt  themfelves  to  the  Tribumll  of  xvarre^  fthe  care  of  fee- 
king  them  out  having  been  recommended  to  the  Mandarines  of  that  Tri^ 
hunAU  )  who  received  them  with  all  manner  of  courtefie  and  civility,  and 
profered  to  take  the  care  themfelves  of  their  lodging  and  accommodation, 
which  the  F^r/^^n  would  by  no  means  accept,  excufing  themfelvcs,  that 
they  had  nor  yet  merit  enough  to  accept  of  their  oflFer.-but  gave  them  very 
great  thanks,  and  promifed  to  receive  their  kindncffe,  when  they  (bould 
fee  a  fit  time  for  it.  But  the  true  reafonwas^  partly  that  they  might  not 
be   burthenfome  to  them,  and  partly  that  they  might   remain  the 
freer  by  having  the  IcfTc  obligation  to  be  employed  in  their  affaires  of 
warrejunder  which  title  they  had  been  brought  in  thither.  As  for  aHoufe^ 
it  feezed  good  to  the  ChrifiianSy  that  they  fliould  returneto  that,  where 
they  had  formerly  made  their  abode  for  fo  many  years,  and  where  they 
were  yet  well  knowne  and  beloved  of  the  neighbourhood  .*  Befidcs  that, 
by  that  means  the  world  would  more  clearly  underftand,  upon  how  little 
reafonthey  were  baniilied  •,  and  moreover,  they  fhould  fave  building  of  a 
new  Chui  chjthe  old  one  having  been  bought  on  purpofe  by  a  Chrifiiaft : 
only  there  was  great  need  of  rcpayring  ♦,  for  the  buildings  of  China^  con- 
fiding principally  of  wood5are  not  fo  ftrong  and  lading  as  ours :  But  Dr. 
Ignatim,  who  refided  at  that  time  in  the  Court,  tooke  upon  him  to  repaire 
all  at  his  owne  charges,  and  did  accommodate  them  very  excellently,  e- 
fpecially  the  Church  •,  and  when  every  thing  was  ready,  the  Fathers  went 
thitherto  dwell  •,  where  they  do  >ct  inhabit  to  this  very  day,  medling  on- 
ly with  fuch  things  as  belong  to  their  profeifion,  without  being  ever  fpo- 
ken  to  concerning  warre,  Tartars  or  Kyirmes, 

The  afEiires  ofthe  Court  being  thus  happily  accomplifhed,and  the  Fa- 
^i^frj  dwelling  freely  and  openly  in  their  ancient  Houfe,  they  began  to  fet 
on  foote  their  former  exercifes.  They  did  cultivate  and  perfcdl:  the  know- 
ledge ofthe  christians  ^  they  preached  to  the  Gentiles  •  they  received  the 
vifits,  which  the  Mandarines  and  their  friends  did  pay  them5with  the  fame 
familiaritie  as  formerly,  and  without  any  other  cautions,  but  fuch  as  are  at 
all  times  necefTary  in  C^/;?4.  This  fecuritie  and  libertie  in  the  Court  by 
publique  approbation,  was  in  a  little  while  after  communicated  to  the  o- 
ther  Houfes,  where  the  reft  ofthe  Fathers  did  rcfide.  So  that  by  little  and 
little,  preaching  and  other  exercifes  of  religion  were  fo  happily  encrcafed 
and  enlarged,  that  in  the  year  I628.  and  29.  whilefl  we  lived  peaceably 
in  the  places  of  our  abodc,a  doore  was  opened  to  the  Gofpel,and  the  way 
cleared  to  the  convetfion  ofthe  Gentiles  ^  without  finding  any  oppofition, 
or  refinance,  to  the  defignes  which  God  had  encouraged  us  to  undertake^ 
although  it  was  alwaies  neccflfary  to  make  fomeA/4^//?r4r^  our  friend  in  the 
place  of  our  employment. 

Inthefamemcafurc  that  our  libertie  cncreafed,  theGofpelwas  like- 
wife  divulged  in  fcvcrall  parts  5  new  Rcfidcncics  were  fet  up,  with  Houfes 


Chap  .12.  TheHifloryof  CHI^J.  255 

and  Churches  belonging  to  them,  and  Fathers,  were  fentto  make  their 
abode  at  them.  Two,  befide  Oratories,  were  inftitutcd  in  the  Province  of 
Fokien^  both  of  them  very  numerous  in  Chrifiians.  In  the  Province  of 
Xanfly  there  was  one  fet  up,  and  in  that  of  Xunfi^  anot  her,  as  alfo  another  in 
xht  Province  oi  Henan,  all  which  do  flourifh  at  this  day  in  a  copious  Chri- 
fiimitie.  At  my  departure  thence,thcre  was  another  beginning,  vyhich  is 
now  finifhed,  having  a  Church  and  fomc  ftore  oichrijlians^  and  they  did 
rcfolvc  to  fend  fome  Fathers  to  refide  there.  But  becaufe  hereafter  there 
will  be  an  account  given  of  them  all  in  particular,!  will  ftay  no  longer  up- 
on this  fubje6t. 

The  Fathers  returned  to  their  ancient  Houres3(which  were  five  in  all  be- 
fore the  perfecution)  after  they  had  repaired  and  put  them  in  forae  hand- 
forae  condition.  That  of  Pekim^  (with  the  accommodation  of  the  Houfe 
and  Church,asisabove-faid5)had  ihi^t  Fathers  ^^ont  Lay-Brother,  who 
laboured  very  fucceffefully  in  encreafing  the  number  of  Chrifiians,  That 
of^4?«^/^^«  had  a  new  Houfe  and  Church,  and  more  capacious  than  the 
former- which  was  indeed  very  neceflfary,  by  reafon  of  the  great  number 
o(  Chriftiam,  both  Old  and  new  ones,  of  which  there  are  fome  madec- 
veryday.  That  of  /C/4«;j/ had  likwife  a  new  Church  and  Houfe  fcitua- 
tcd  in  the  raoftpublique  Street  of  that  City.  That  o[  Canton  was  let  v^- 
lone,  not  only  becaufe  (beforcjit  could  not  be  continued  as  the  reft  were^ 
but  alfo  out  ofconfideration  that  it  was  better  to  leave  a  place  fo  fubjed: 
to  ftormes  and  troubles,  and  in  ftead  thereof  to  take  another,  where  wc 
might  find  more  profit  and  fecurity .  Neverthekfre,  the  Chrifiians  there 
are  very  carefully  vifited  every  year. 

At  the  Houfe  of  Tiankim  we  had  enough  to  do^  for  the  fhrifiiam  of 
that  Church  could  not  endure,  that  they  having  been  the  firft  in  perfecu- 
tions  and  troubles,  and  the  moftcxercifed  in  them,  (hould  be  the  laft  in 
fpirituall  favours-  and  not  only  the  laft-,  but  even  when  other  Houfes  were 
well  provided  with  Fathers  ^   their  Church  only  (hould  want  them. 
The  Fathers  alfo  did  much  defire  a  Refidency  thcre,&  did  therefore  very 
frequently  vifit  them.  But  to  fet  up  a  publique  and  open  Houfe,  was  very 
difficult, by  reafon  of  the  perfecutions  that  had  happened  there.     But  at 
length,all  difficulties  were  overcome;&  a  Refidencie  was  inftituted  there, 
although  it  were  late  firft-,which,next  under  God,weowetoI>r.p4///,vvho 
that  he  might  alwayes  do  good,did  this  even  after  his  death,in  thismaner. 
The  F^//j<rr^  had  no  other  hope  of  this  bufineftc,but  the  opportunity 
of^omcChriftian  c^4W^/'/w^orfriend,whoiliould  cometo  governe  that 
City-,ihat  under  his  protedlion  they  might  be  introduced  with  greater  fa- 
cility and  fecurity.  It  happened  about  that  time,that  a  Difciple  of  Dolour 
Pauls  was  fent  thither  to  be  Prefident  of  the  Councell  of  Warre^  and  as  the 
Z)o<^(?//r  was  very  vigilant  in  this  matter,  he  prefently  helped  the  Fathers 
to  that  which  t  hey  defired-,  that  M4«^4n»^  being  of  great  authority,  and 
being  his  Difciple,  he  would  do  whatfoever  he  fhould  require  of  him. 
This  overture  pleafed  the  Fathers  very  well  .-and  becaufe  they  would 
fend  thither  an  experienced  perfon,  the  place  being  of  fuch  great  danger 
and  fuch  great  importance,  they  did  for  fome  time  retard  the  execution  of 
it,  becaufe  they  were  to  take  a  Father  av^ay  from  fome  other  Place,  which 

Hha  fo 

zjd        TheHiJlory  of  QHI^A.  Part.z. 

fo  was  to  remainc  unprovided.  In  the  mcane  while  Dolour  PaulkU  fick, 
who  was  at  chat  time  acStually  CoUo  in  the  Court;  yet  did  not  his  ficknefTe 
hinder  him  from  writing  and  fending  a  letter  to  the  Mandarine  in  favour  ot 
us.  But  his  ficknelfe  increafing,  by  that  time  the  letter  arried  at  Nankim^ 
the  good  DoSiour  Paul  was  gone  to  a  better  life.  But  the  Mandarine  rccci  • 
vcd  the  letter,(  which  the  Father  gave  him  with  fome  hcfiration)  not  as 
from  3  dead  friend,  but  from  a  living  Mafter  .•  he  received  alfo  the  Father 
with  all  demonftrations  of  courtelle  and  good  will.  By  his  favour  and 
order  a  Houfe  was  taken ;  and  the  other  Mandarines  feeing  how  he  ufed 
the  Father,  to  pleafe  him  (for  all  dc fire  to  fecond  the  great  one^)  they 
did  likewife  (hew  him  many  favours^  not  only  with  their  authority  and 
frequent  vifits,  but  alfo  by  giving  him  money  toward  the  buying  of  the 
Houfes.  In  this  manner  was  that  Chusch  well  provided  for,  and  the 
Chrifiians  comforted,  who  have  been  fince  very  much  encreafcd. 

About  that  time,  which  was  in  the  year  1^32  the  affaires  of  that  Church 
did  proceed  in  a  much  different  manner,from  what  they  had  done  former- 
ly-,fo  that  it  feemed  thatthofc  ftormes  had  only  raifed  the  little  barque  of 
that  Church  to  a  greater  height-,nor  only  in  the  number  of  the  Baptized^ 
which  without  comparifon  every  year  encreafed,  but  alfo  the  peace  and 
quiet  they  enjoyed,  and  the  liberty  they  had  to  preach:  fo  that  there  was 
a  gencrall  knowledge  of  our /^«3/y  ^^//>/tf  difperfed  over  the  whole  King- 
dome^infomuch  that  there  is  hardly  a  place  in  it,  whither,  cither  by  books 
written  upon  that  fubjed^,  or  by  the  acquaintance  of  Chriflians,  or  by  the 
report  of  Gentiles  themfelves,ic  is  not  arrivcd^and  this  nor  only  in  the  in- 
nermoft  parts  of  the  Kingdome^where  for  the  moft  part  the  Fathers  are 
employed,  but  alfo  in  the  skirts  and  extremities  thereof. I  will  bring  fomc 
examples,  which  will  clearly  demonftrate  it. 

There  came  fometimcs  to  the  City  o^ Macao  (which  is  inhabited  by 
Portftgkfes^and  is  fcituated  on  the  Confines  of  China)(ome  Chrifiian  Man- 
darines  about  fl:ate  affaires;  who  have  not  onely  publickly  declared  thcm- 
felves  to  he^Chriflians,  but  have  alfo  made  it  appear  that  they  were  well 
inftruded  in  the  principles  of  our  faithjand  have  carried  themfelves  with 
fo  much  cdificationj  and  fandity  of  life  in  the  cxercife  of  all  fhriftian  ver^ 
tues,  that  they  have  much  edified  that  people,  and  may  be  examples  to 
chriflians  ofmuch  greater  antiquity. 

In  the  year  163 1  the  Portugheffe  fhips  fetting  faile  from  Macao  toward  Gi- 
apponizs  ufually  they  do  every  year)aboutthe  height  of  Fokien  a  Province 
oi  China  fine  of  the  (hips  was  caft  away;  and  all  the  men  drowned,  except 
onely  1 2  perfon?,  who  faved  themfelves  in  the  long  boate  almoft  by  mi- 
racle, by  reafon  it  happened  in  the  night,  and  the  wind  blew  very  flrong, 
and  the  fcas  ran  exceeding  high  .•  yet  at  length  with  much  ado-,  although 
they  had  neither  needle  nor  compaflre,they  came  a  fhore,and  landed  in  the 
faid  Province  oi  Fokien.  Prefently  the  people  flocked  about  the  poor 
fliipwrackt  men  who  had  more  need  of  food  and  clothing  than  of  being 
examined  who  they  were-  but  becaufe  the  Hollanders  f  of  whom  the  cJb^. 
nejfes  have  a  very  ill  conceit)  did  ufe  about  that  time  to  excrcife  much  pi- 
racy and  robbery  upon  thofe  coafis,  they  put  them  in  prifon,  where  by 
reafon  they  were  not  only  flrangers,  but  were  alfo  accounted  enemies, 


Cha  P.1J.  The  Eiftory  of  QUI  JA^  A.  2J7 

they  endured  extraordinary  want  &  mifcry  .Many  people  went  to  fee  them 
out  of  curiofity,  becaufe  they  were  ftrangers,who  as  they  are  feldome  ad- 
mitted into  that  Country,  are  thought  a  rare  fpedlacle.  Among  the  reft, 
there  were  forae  Cbrifiians  (which  is  that  I  would  fhew)  who  were  led  i6 
fee  them  out  of  the  fame  curiofity  that  others  had  .•  and  taking  notice  that 
they  carried  beads,  and  crofTes  about  them,  and  that  they  ufed  to  fay 
over  their  beads ,  they  judged  them  to  be  of  the  fame  profcflion  as 
themfelves  were  :  therefore  they  made  diligent  enquiric  about  it;  and  be- 
ing affured  that  they  were  ChriftUns^  ahhough  they  wereftridly  forbid  to 
{hew  them  any  kindneflc,yet  Charitie,which  is  alwayes  ingenious,found  a 
way  for  them  to  help  them,  and  to  provide  them  with  what  they  were  a- 
ble.  To  cloath  them  they  ufed  this  pious  fhift:  they  would  go  into  the 
prifon  (for  as  I  have  fomerly  faid,he  that  vifiteth  a  prifoner  muft  of  ne- 
cefTity  go  into  the  prifon  j  having  a  double  fuit  of  cloathes  one  over  the  o- 
rher :  and  as  foon  as  they  were  got  in,  they  would  very  dexteroufly  flip  off 
their  under  garments,and  give  them  to  thofe  poor  men,  and  go  out  again 
onely  with  their  own  cloathes,  without  any  difcovery  of  fo  feafonable  a 
charity  ,for  the  reliefe  of  thofe  unfortunate  wretches. 

Whilft  Hived  in  the  Province  of  Kiamfi  at  NanchAm.tht  capital  Ciry 
thereof-,  where  we  have  a  Church  and  Houfe,  there  came  thither  a  Chri- 
//4»  of  another  City,  on  purpofc  to  conferre  with  me  concerning  his 
confciennce,and  other  fpirituall  matters  rand  becaufe  the  place  where  he 
lived  was  far  diftant  from  us,  and  he  could  not  often  make  that  journeyj 
his  cuftome  was  to  make  a  pretty  long  (lay  when  he  did  come,  and  then 
after  his  generallconfefTion  and  pennance  was  ended,  to  returne  home  a! 
gain.  One  time  at  his  departure  Idefired  him  to  ufehis  beft  endea- 
vours to  perfwade  his  kindred,  friends,  neighbours  and  other  perfons,to 
embrace  our  Holy  i='4/>/j»,  and  that  ifhe  found  any  difpofition  or  inclinati- 
on in  them  to  it,he  (hould  prefently  give  me  notice  of  it.  He  did  fo,  and 
about  a  month  after,  he  lint  me  an  invitation  to  come  thither,  for  that 
there  was  an  opportunity  of  cafting  my  nets  ,•  I  went  thither,  and  becaufe 
he  had  not  a  Houfe  bigge  enough  to  receive  the  company  that  would 
come  to  treate  with  me,  I  did  accommodate  my  felf  in  one  of  thofe  Hou- 
fes,which  the  Chintjfes  call  Zutham^^nd  do  belong  to  a  whole  Family  in 
com  mon,  where  at  fet  times  of  the  yeare  the  whole  Family  do  alfemble 
themfelves  to  treate  ofthe  affaires  ofthat  Family,  and  of  the  behaviour 
and  manner  of  living  of  fome  of  that  Kindred^and  there  they  reprove, 
chaftifc,  give  orderSj&c^thefe  Houfes  for  the  moft  part  ftand  empty,  only 
there  is  fome  one  or  other,  who  kcepeth  and  taketh  care  of  them .  Necre 
unto  that  dwelt  a  Mandarine'^  who  having  heard  of  my  arrivall,  and  that  I 
was  a  flranger,drawn  as  I  beleeve  by  his  curiofity ,came  prefently  to  vifit 
rac.  But  as  we  do  not  ufe  in  thcfe  vifits  to  let  flip  any  opportunity  of  ad- 
vancing the  Gofpel  of  Jefus  Chrift,  I  cntred  into  difcourfe  with  him 
concerning  that  matter.  He  asked  me  thereupon  many  extravagant  que- 
ftions^  and  not  being,  as  it  fcemed,  much  pi eafed  with  myanfwerSjhe 
took  his  leave  of  me  with  a  great  deale  of  civility;  and,  when  he  had  done, 
he  went  and  accufed  me  to  the  fecond  Governour  oUhe  City;  telling  him, 
that  there  dwelt  a  ftranger^  that  the  times  were  dangerous  5  and  more- 

2}8  TheUifiory  ofCHl^d.         Pabt.2. 

ovcfjthat  I  taught  a  new  Iavv,which  was  contrary  to  thcirs^and  prejudicial 
to  the  State-,  that  therefore  it  did  behoove  his  Lordfhip  to  ufe  all  care  and 
diligence  to  prevent  the  mifchicfe  that  might  cnfue  upon  it.  Lcffe  than 
this  would  have  been  fufficient  to  have  caufcd  me  to  be  apprehended,  if 
thtMaYidarine  had  not  been  a  cautious  and  difcrcct  perfon.  Nevcrthekffc, 
he  fent  fome  of  his  Officers  for  me :  there  came  into  the  Houfe  where  I 
was  about  thirty  or  fourty  men,  fome  of  them  being  fent,  and  others  only 
out  of  curiofity  to  fee  me^as  alfo  the  Tifam  of  that  ftreet,  (who  is  obliged 
to  give  account  of  what  ever  pafeh  there)and  brought  an  order  for  me  to 
appear  before  the  GovermHr,]vSi  in  that  inltant  in  came  the  Chriftian  who 
had  fent  for  me,  who  was  a  Litter ato^  and  well  cfteemcd  in  that  City*,  and 
taking  me  by  the  hand,would  needs  go  along  to  give  an  account  of  mc  to 
the  Govermurr,  where  he  found  alfo  the  Manddrine  that  had  accufed  me. 

The  ChriftUn told  the  Mandar/fie^thzt  Hived  in  the  Metro f»lis  of  the 
Prtf'i;/>f^5andthatlhadafriend(hipwith  the  Vicc-roy  and  other  Manda- 
rines of  Quality  (  which  was  very  true:)  and  that  for  the  Lm  which 
I  taught,  it  was  no  fecret,  but  that  I  did  preach  it  openly  at  the  Court}  and 
that  my  companions  did  the  fame  every  where  public  kly^  as  the  Manda^ 
rims  of  the  Metropolis  knew  very  well.  The  Governour  having  heard  thefc 
words,  from  a  perfon  of  that  merit,  would  make  no  further  cnquirie  into 
the  caufe,but  remitted  it  to  the  firft  (^^i^^r^^^r,  whom  we  found  on  his 
Trihnnall.  The  Tifam  began  to  give  him  an  account  of  the  bu{incfle,but  he 
being  not  well  inftrudedinit5Couldnot  make  him  underftand  it.  Then 
the  chriftian  began  to  fpeak,and  to  give  an  account  of  what  had  happened, 
in  the  prefcnce  of  almoft  an  infinite  multitude  of  people-,  of  which  num- 
ber there  being  two,  who,  hearing  him  talk  of  the  lavp  ef  God^  figncd 
thcmfelves  with  the  Signe  of  the  Crojfe  in  the  fight  of  a  young  man  who 
flood  near  them:The  young  man  asked  them,If  they  were  Chrtftians{Yhty 
anfwered ,  No,  but  that  they  had  a  friend  who  was  a  chriftian ,  and 
that  he  had  taught  them  to  make  the  figne  of  the  CrofTe ,  and  to  re- 
hearfe  feveral  prayers. The  Governour^'affoon  as  he  heard  oi'ihien  ChuKiao^ 
that  is^  The  Law  of  the  Lordoi  heaven-,hc  faid  :  this  law  hath  many  follow- 
ers in  my  Country ,  and  is  a  very  good  Latv  :  what  would  the  Father 
haveelfe?  Thc.Chriftian  anfwered  :  nothing,;^)'  Lord^hut  only  to  give 
an  account  of  himfelf  in  anfwer  to  what  he  is  accufed  of  by  Bioqmn  (for 
that  was  the  name  of  the  Mandarine  that  had  complained  of  me  j  neere  un- 
to whom  he  d  welletb.  Then  the  Governour  replyed,Tell  the  Father  he  li- 
veth  in  no  good  neighbour- hood-,  and  wifh  him  to  find  a  better.  The  Chri- 
ftian anfwered,fince  your  Lordfl)ip  would  have  him  change  his  habitation, 
be  pleafed  to  command  he  fhould  have  a  Houfe  allowed  him  during  the 
fliort  time  he  is  to  make  his  abode  in  this  City.  The  advice  pleafed  him, 
and  prefently  he  gave  order;  there  (liould  be  fome  Chambers  provided 
for  me  in  a  certain  Palace^  and  in  them  1  lived  during  the  Whole  time  that 
1  fpent  there  ••  fo  that  by  the  occafion  of  the  others  turning  mc  out  of 
the  Houfe,  I  came  to  get  one  that  was  farre  better. 

As  a  Portughefe  Carrack  was  on  her  way  from  Macao  toward  ManiU,{he 

flrook  unfortunately  upon  the  fands  of  P«/^j{/?j  and  was  caft  away-,  there 

being  hardly  fourty  pcrfons  faved  in  the  long  boatcj  who  fleering  as 

«.,.  well 

Chap,!^  1  he  Hijlorj  of  QHI^A.  ^59 

well  as  they  could  towards  the  next  land,  aftei  feme  dales,  arrived  at  the 
Ifland  of  Hiii;?^;?,  which  is  but  a  little  way  diftanr  from  the  Wefterne 
part  of  the  Province  o^Cantany  and  from  Macao  two  daies  faile  with  a  good 
winde.  Aflfoon  as  they  landed,  they  were  prefcnly  apprehended  accor- 
ding CO  the  cuftomeof  that  Ifland,  with  a  noife  and  ftir  which  boded  no 
good  to  thofe  poor  fliipwrackt  men.  They  found  fome  Chrijlians  in  that 
Iflind,  who  were  very  helpfull  to  them,  and  among  the  reft  there  was  a 
Mandarine  c^Wcdi  I gnatimy  who  had  been  a  long  time  a  Chriftian^zs  alfo 
his  whole  Family,  a  very  good  and  devout  perfon,  as  I  had  formerly 
known  him  to  be  at  Nankim.  It  pleafed  God  for  the  comfort  and  folace  of 
thofe  poorF<9y/«^^f/^/,that  he  fliould  govern  the  Ifland  at  that  time.  Affoon 
as  he  had  underftood  what  had  happened  to  thofe  prifoners,  fearing  what 
might  fall  our,  he  commanded  the  caufe  to  be  brought  unto  his  Trtbunall, 
When  therefore  the  poor  prifoners  were  brought  into  his  prefence-,  and 
after  that  he  underftood  they  were  Chilians,  he  nor  only  commiferatcd 
their  condition,  but  prefently  commanded  they  (bould  be  fet  at  liberty, 
and  kept  them  for  fome  tinie  in  his  Palace.  It  is  hard  to  expreffe  the  Cha- 
rity and  Love^Wvh  which  he  entertained  them ,  endeavouring  to  refrefh 
and  comfort  them  after  the  labours  and  dangers  they  had  paffed,  conver- 
fing  with  them  fo  familiarly  and  fo  cordially,  and  giving  them  fuch  an  ex- 
ample  in  his  own  perfon  of  all  Chilian  venues,  that  the  Portughejfes  did 
afterwards  very  highly  commend  him,  both  in  Macao  and  many  other  pla- 
ccs,and  not  only  his  own  carriage  and  behaviour,buc  alfo  that  of  his  houf- 
hold-,  but  above  alljthey  did  admire  the  care  and  diligence  with  which  he 
gave  them  notice  both  of  Fafts  and  Holy-dayeSjto  the  end  they  might  ob- 
ferve  them;  fo  that  while  they  ftayed  there,  he  ferved  them  alfo  in  (lead 

On  the  day  of  S.v4gneSj^h\ch  was  that  whereon  his  wife  was  Baptized, 
and  called  by  the  fame  name,  he  made  a  very  great  Feafl :  firft  a  Spiritual! 
one  in  his  Chappel,  where  they  all  met  to  do  their  devotions,  and  recom- 
mend themfclvs  unto  Ctf^j  and  after  thatjhe  gave  them  a  Sumptuous  and 
Splendid  banquet.  After  he  had  entertained  them  a  good  while,  and  that 
they  had  recovered  their  health  and  ftrength  againe,he  lent  them  a  Barque 
and  Marriners  to  carry  them  to  Macao.l  could  bring  many  other  examples, 
which  I  omit  for  brevities  fake,  feeing  thefe  are  fuff  icient  to  prove  what  I 
faid  before;Th3t  the  Chripan  Religionpne  way  or  other,  is  difperfed  over 
the  whole  Kingdome  of  C^/;?^. 

Chap.  I], 

7 he  life  and  death  of  T>octour   Leo: 
and  the  Conclufion  of  this 

THe  chim(fe  Chriflimitj  hath  fo  great  an  obligation  to  the  fingulat 
pietie,  ind  charitable  alfiftance  afforded  them  upon  all  occaflons  by 


2^0  TheBiJlou  of  Cm^A.  Part. 2. 

VoBoar  Leo,  that  I  cannot  finilli  this  relation  without  giving  a  briefe  EJfay 
of  his  life  and  death,  which  may  fcrve  alfoforateftimony  of  the  great 
zcale  of  thofe  new  Chrifiians  •,  although  I  (hall  forbearc  to  mention  many 
things  concerning  his  fanditlc-,  as  alfo  (everall  graces  and  gifts  conferred 
uponhimby  Almighty  God,  referring  xhtReadtr  to  the  yearly  letters, 
where  they  arc  more  particularly  fetdowne. 

JDr.  Leo  was  borne  in  the  City  o^Hamcheu  in  the  Province  of  Chekiam, 
and  having  happily  finiflied  the  courfc  of  his  ftudics,  he  removed  to  the 
Court  oiTckiw^  where  he  obtained  the  degree  of  Do<51:our5  and  executed 
the  firft  employment,  which  was  conferred  upon  him  after  his  degree. 
There  he  faw  and  converfed  with  Father  Matthatis  Ekcius^zs  did  alfo  the 
greatefl  part  of  the  chief  e  Officers  and  Letter  ati  •,  moved  by  a  curiofitic  of 
feeing  men  of  f/^r^p^  ThisX^tf,  befidesthathcwasofaquick  and  viva- 
cious wit,  had  a  moft  eager  and  intenfe  defire  of  knowledge  •,  by  which 
means  he  did  the  more  engage  himfelfe  to  an  inward  friendfliip  and  con. 
verfation  with  the  Father^  being  allured  thereunto  by  the  folidity  and  no- 
velty Q^owxScienceS'^  and  particularly  by  the  delight  he  tooke  in  fome  maps 
and  other  curiofities ;  fo  that  he  could  have  been  willing  to  have  lived  al- 
waies  in  his  company.  In  the  meanc  while,  together  with  humane  Scien- 
«r^the  Father  did  inftru^t  him  in  the  heavenly  wifdome  of  the  Law  of  God-, 
and  he  was  growne  fo  skilfuU  aiid  well  verfcd  in  it,  that  he  was  able  to 
help  the  Father  in  the  corredion  and  augmentation  of  a  Catechifmey  which 
he  had  made  fome  years  before,  and  was  then  about  to  re-print  it.  He  did 
therein  much  admire  the  great  conformitie  of  our  Myfler'ies^vi\i\\\ht  prin* 
cipallsofreafon,  the  concordance,  order,  and  admirable  confcquencc  of 
the  points  of  our  Faith:  and  although  he  did  not  at  that  time  give  an  entire 
credence  to  them,  ncvertheleffe  he  was  much  delighted  to  fee  every  thing 
therein  fo  well  ordered  and  dirpofed-,being  wont  often  to  fayjThat  ifthefe 
things  were  not  true,  they  were  wifely  invented,  and  very  conformable 
to  the  light  of  nature.  He  continued  the  fame  affection  toward  the  Father 
for  fome  years  •,  wherein  he  much  afTified,  both  with  his  counfell  and 
authority ,  the  foundation  of  that  Houfe ;  and  indeed  he  was  the  firft 
that  did  encourage  the  Father  to  the  enterprife  5  and  furnifbcd  him  with 
mony  to  buy  the  ground,  and  to  build  the  Church, 

All  thefe  good  works ,  accompanied  with  the  fafimgs  and  Pename 
which  he  performed,  while  he  was  yet  a  Gentile,  were  as  fo  many  difpofi- 
tions ,  to  fit  and  prepare  him  for  the  reception  of  that  divine  light, 
which  the  Lord  was  picafed  to  communicate  unto  him.  He  was  then  fa^ 
tisfied  in  the  truth  of  our  Holy  faith,  and  did  much  defire  to  be  baptized ; 
which  notwithflanding  Father  Riccius  would  not  confent  unto,  by  reafon 
ofa  certain  impediment  which  he  had  at  that  time  ^  but  being  afterwards 
fick  and  in  great  danger  of  death,  the  Father  was  conflrained  to  Baptiz,e 
him.  And  imrnediatly  aftcr,the  Lord  was  pleafed,  by  means  and  vertuc 
ohhzt  Sacrament andtheothcx  of  Extreame  UnSiton,  to  deliver  him  from 
that  death,  which  he  expected  every  hour^as  he  himfelfe  confeflTcd  during 
his  whole  life,  and  al waies  gave  particular  thanks  fo  God  for  it. 

Not  long  aftcr,hc  returned  home  to  his  owne  Houfe-,where,having  bu- 
fied  himfelfe  one  evening  in  breaking  andburniog  all  the  Ms  he  could 


Cha  p  .13.  The  Hi/lory  of  Qfil^KJ.  24.1 

finde,  Br.  Michael  his  ancient  friend,  (though  ycc«a  Gemtle  and  very  zea- 
lous in  the  worfhip  ot /-s/^//,  and  obfervant  in  their  fuperflTition)  came  in 
to  vifit  him.  He  was  much  aftonifhed  at  the  fight,and  could  not  forbearc 
to  reprove  him  for  it:  but  by  the  others  anfwcr^hc  received  fo  much  fatif- 
fa<5tion,  that  he  had  an  carneft  defire  to  hearc  and  underftand  better  the 
Law  efChrifli^hich  he  afterwards  received-,&  the  fameDr.  Leo  afliftcd  him 
as  God-father  at  his  Baptifme-^^ot  about  that  time  there  came  to  live  in  Leo's 
Houfe,  the  Fathers j  Laz,aru6fiatan£us^zn6.  Nicolas  Trigaultiw ^-viho  did  of- 
ten difcourfe  there,  with  Br,  Michael-^  he  carried  them  to  a  Country  houfc 
of  his,(whither  he  went  often  to  dwell,)  that  he  might  with  more  free- 
<lom  and  leifure  difcourfe  with  them  concerning  the  Law  of  God:  he  doing 
this  often,was  at  length  converted  and  Baptized-^  wherein  Br»  i^^^had  the 
greKcft  (hare  and  merit ;  conferring  a  moft  important  benefit  upon  this 
Churchjby  the  converfion  of  a  perfon  of  thar^4%,who  for  many  years 
together,  in  the  heateand  trouble  of  the  greatcft  perfecutions,did  ever  re- 
ceive, prote(5l,and  favour  us  above  mealure. 

From  that  day  forward  thefe  two  BoBoun^  Michael  and  Leo  were  the 
heads  and  pillars  of  our  Hoi)  faith  in  thofe  Kingdoms :  for,  in  the  greateft 
fury  of  that  perlecution,wherein  the  Fathers  were  banifhed  the  Kingdom, 
eight  of  them  concealed  themfelvesinthat  City  ;not  only  maintaining 
what  they  had  already  gained,  but  alfo  cncreafing  it  fo  much,  that  where- 
as about  8  or  10  years  before,  there  were  but  three  Churches  in  all  Chirut^ 
we  have  at  this  day  many  in  eight  Provinces,  as  alfo  twelve  Houfes,  the 
number  of  the/4i/^/«// being  very  much  encrcafed  every  where, 

Br.  Leo  made  continual!  progrcffc  in  the  chrijlian  religion^  and  (hewed 
in  a(fl,upon  all  occa(ions,what  he  had  before  embraced  and  rcfolved  in  his 
miflde.   When  he  went  to  rake  poffeilion  of  the  fir(t  office,  which  was 
given  him  after  he  was  a  Chrifiiart,  he  was  advertifed  by  the  Minifters  and 
Officers,  that,  according  to  the  cufl:ome,hc  (hould  go  and  worfliip,  and 
take  his  oath  before  the  /^i>/i, which  in  great  number  were  placed  in  a  cer- 
tain Hall  of  i\i2X  Palace^  where  he  was  to  lodge.  The  Dolour  went,  and 
being  corne  to  the  roome  where  the  ^dols  were,  the  Ceremonie  he  perlor- 
med  was,  to  caufc  them  to  be  all  overturned  and  throwne  to  the  ground, 
and  then  to  be  broken  in  pieces  :  fo  that  the  Sergeants  themfelves,  who 
were  conftrained  to  execute  this  Commandement,which  fecmed  to  them 
a  very  great  impiety,  faid  among  themfclvcs,^//r^  this  new  Lord  of  ours  is  not 
very  vuelHn  his  witsSo  great  was  the  horrour  and  hatred  which  he  had  con- 
ceived againft  the  devill.    He  was  in  this  particular  very  fevere  and  terri- 
ble all  the  time  of  his  life-  neither  did  he  account  them  men,  that  were 
deceived  in  that  point3&  had  fo  little  fenfc,as  to  believe  Idols  to  be  g  ods  ^ 
and  thofe,  who  had  any  occafion  to  heare  the  Law  ofGed^  or  to  read  the 
books  which  treated  of  it,  and  did  not  judge  it  to  be  true,  to  want  braines, 
andtobevoydofunderftanding.  He  perfwaded  himfelfe,  that  all  they 
who  could  read,and  took  a  delight  in  the  reading  of  books,that  it  was  not 
polfiblcjbut  that  they  fhould  have  a  great  paffion  for  the  Learning  and  Sci- 
ences of  Europe  •,  and  that  by  means  of  them,  they  muft  needs  arrive  at  the 
knowledge  of  the  true  God,  and  receive  his  Holy  law.  Therefore  his  grea- 
teft care  always  was  to  perfvvadc  the  Fathers  to  apply  themfelves  to  the 

I  i  tranflating 

z^2  The  Hi/lory  of  QHl^A.  Part.z. 

craoflating  the  books  o^Etdrope-,  and  he  himfclfc  did  help  them  in  it  all  he 
could,  which   was   not  a  little. 

Hence  it  was^that  ever  fince  he  knew  the  Fathers,  which  was  about  the 
fpacc  of  thirty  years,  healmoftalwaks  bufied  himfclfc  in  this  sxercifc; 
which  he  followed  with  fo  much  ftudy  and  application,  that  even  in  the 
Country^at  rccrcations,vifits  and  banquets,henever  went  without  a  book 
in  his  fleeve,  or  in  the  chaire,  wherein  he  was  carried  on  mens  (boulders  5 
and  when  he  was  alone,hc  did  either  read  or  write  •,  although  It  was  more 
troublefome  to  him,  than  it  would  have  been  to  another  of  lefTe  ingenui- 
ty and  capacity,by  reafon  of  his  want  of  fight  in  one  eye,  which  he  had  a[- 
raoft  loft  5  and  the  little  fight  he  had  in  the  other  which  was  left;  fo  that  in 
writing  or  reading  he  was  faine  almoftto  touch  the  paper  with  his  eye 
And  truly  he  made  fuch  progreffe  in  our  Sciences^  that  he  could  have  dif- 
courfed  upon  any  fubje<a  better  than  many  in  Europe^  that  cfteeme  thera- 
fclves  learned  men. 

H^pcrfedly  underftood  the  firft  fix  books  of  Euclid  5  which  are  now 
tranflated  into  ihtChineffe  tongue^he  had  learned  all  the  kinds  o^owv  Arhh^ 
metkk^wkh  many  particular  rules  and  fubtletie?  which  arc  taught  in  that 
Art  s  oi  which  fubje(5t  he  compofed  feaven  Tomes ;  he  was  very  well  ac- 
quainted with  all  that  belongeth  to  the  S pheare, znd£uch  like  cftriofities^hut 
what  is  moft  of  all,  he  underftood  very  well,  and  helped  to  tranflate  the 
books  oiAnJietle  dc  Cdo  5  together  with  the  queftions,which  are  handled 
upon  them  by  the  Schoolc  o^Commhra  ^  fo  that  he  had  perfedly  penetra- 
ted into  that  matter :  and  finally,  he  learnt  a  great  part  of  our  Logick^  con- 
cerning which  he  left  20  Tomes  in  the  ChmejfeXmgmgt  to  be  printed  5  be- 
fidcs,hc  difcourfed  fo  pertinently  of  allthefc  and  other  macrers,  with  lb 
much  eafc  and  delight,  that  it  was  not  fo  facile  for  others,  who  were  well 
verfed  in  thcmjto  follow  him.  He  never  made  account  ofthofe  curious 
commodities,  which  came  from  Europe,  and  which  were  fo  much  eftce- 
med  by  ochers-,  all  his  delight  and  content  was,to  fee  fomc  new  and  curi- 
ous book,  that  was  brought  out  o^EuropeiXhcn  would  he  figh  to  fee  him- 
fclfc old  and  alone,  not  finding  in  other  Chrifiiarfs  the  zeale,  which  he  had 
of  a  thing  fo  important,  to  the  convcrfion  of  that  Kingdom,as  was  the  hel- 
ping us  in  the  tranflation  of  fuch  books.  With  the  Fathers  he  never  dif- 
courfed of  any  thing,  but  either  o^God^  or  of  our  Sciences,  It  was  a  knowa 
thing  among  us,  that  when  he  faw  us,(which  he  did  many  times  a  week,) 
the  firft  thing  he  would  ask,was, What  book  it  was  we  were  about  tranfla-- 
ting-,and  if  he  knew  the  fubje(a,how  much  wc  had  already  tranflated^T  And 
I  can  fpeak  it  with  truth,  that  of  fifty  works  which  the  Fathers  have  tran- 
flated into  the  Chineffe  tongue,  both  oiDiv'mitie  &  other  Sciences,  among 
which  there  are  fomc  which  do  confift  of  manyTow^w,  there  is  hardly  one 
which  hath  not  paiTed  through  his  hands,  he  cither  correding  it  himfcJfe, 
or  helping  us  to  doit,  or  revifing  and  fitting  it  for  a  new  imprcflion;  or  dfc 
tend  ring  it  of  more  Authority,  with  the  addition  of  prologues  and  other 
compofitions  of  his  owne.Hc  had  an  unfpeakable  plcafure  in  thofc  works^ 
neither  could  be  have  a  greater  Prefent  fent  him,  than  one  of  our  books 
newly  printed  in  the  chinejfehngiidge, 
From  hence  there  grew  in  him  a  great  and  infatiable  defirc,  wherein 


Chap.  I J  7  he  Hijlory  of QHIU^CJ-  H3 

he  fcemed  to  confume  himfelfe  •,  which  was  to  have  many  Fathers  come 
into  ChinA .  and  it  was  fo  vehement  in  him,that  it  made  him  fall  into  com- 
plaints againft  our  Superiours,  hying,  They  did  not  underftand,  bccaufc 
they  could  not  fee  with  their  eyes  the  importance  of  that  bufinclTes  &  that 
therefore  they  did  not  fupply  that  want  fomuch  as  was  neccfTary.  One 
day  falling  into  a  great  heat  upon  this  fubje^:,  the  Father  with  whom  he 
difcourfed5mildely  replied.  Sir,  we  thank  you  for  your  zcale,  and  do  ac- 
knowledge the  favour  you  fliew  us,  in  complaining  on  this  manner- but 
our  Sffpermrs  have  many  places  to  fuccour  and  fupply,  and  it  is  nor  poffi- 
ble  for  them  to  do  it  to  the  fatisfa(5lion  of  all.  To  which  he  replied  very 
gracefully ,Your  Reverence  doth  reprove  me  for  daring  to  murmurea- 
gainft  our  Fathers  and  Stiperionrs  5  but  it  is  not  fo ;  but  only  I  fay,  That  I 
lliould  be  very  glad  to  have  the  opportunity  to  fpcak  in  perfon  with  our 
Reverend  F/ither  Gener all  (inthcfe  verytcarmeshefpake  it  in  the  Chinejft 
tongue,  and  when  ever  he  mentioned  the  Superiours  of  the  Company ,  he 
alwaies  called  them  Our  Fathers  and  Superiours)  becaufe  J  would  very  ear- 
neftlydefireofhim,  that  he  would  be  pleafed  feafonably  to  fupply  our 
Kingdomc  of  China  with  ftore  of  Fathers,  by  reafon  the  letters  and  lan- 
guage are  fo  difficult  to  be  learnt :  for  ere  long  your  Reverences  will  be  fo 
old  and  worne  out,  that  you  will  not  be  able  to  reach  thofe,  who  are  new 
comers.  Thus  he  fpake,  and  this  was  his  opinion  concerning  it.  And  a 
good  Teftimony  thereof  will  appeare  in  a  letter  which  he  wrote  in  anfwcr 
to  one,  vfhkh  F athcr  CMugaez,  Ma fcaregnas  thtAfjijiant  of  Portuga/I  had 
fent  him  ;  wherein  he  offered  to  fend  him  whatfoever  curiofitie  or  raritie 
he  dcfired  out  of  Enropexo  which  point  his  anfwer  was,that  he  neither  wi- 
fhed,nor  defined  any  thing,  but  only  that  he  would  earneftly  endeavour  to 
fend  more  oftheSocietie  into  C/>/;j4.  l 

In  proportion  to  the  love  he  had  ioixhtFathers,  his  zeale  and  care  for 
their  ftudies  and  health  did  encreafe  -,  as  alfo  that  they  fhould  be  v/ell  ac- 
commodated, and  that  they  Should  know  how  to  converfe  with  thofe  of 
the  Country,  in  fuch  TcrmeSj  Ceremonies,  and  Compliments,  as  were 
moft  efteemed  among  them  ;  admonifhing,  and  inftrudting  us  with  great 
confidence  upon  all  occafions,when  ever  he  faw  us  miftaken  in  the  Stile  oi 
that  Country.  He  had  fo  tender  a  kindenefie  for  us^that  many  times  with 
his  owne  hands  he  would  open  our  gowns  before  to  fee  whether  we  were 
fufficiently  provided  with  cloaths  to  defend  us  from  the  cold .  When  a- 
ny  ofus  wasfick.hecaufed  the  medicines,  ro  be  boyled  and  prepared 
at  his  owne  Houfe,  faying,  That  either  through  the  ignorance,  or  umkil- 
fulnefie  of  our  fervants  they  might  lofe  their  force,  and  fo  the  fick  per- 
fon would  receive  no  help  by  them.  At  the  firft  fight, after  2  little  difcourfe, 
hecouidvery  well  judge  of  the  talents  and  parts  of  every  one  of  us,  and 
had  a  great  facilitie  in  gaining  our  aflfe(5lions»  He  had  a  great  eftecme  and 
aff  edion  for  us  all  in  generally  but  much  more  for  thofe  who  were  newly 
come,  and  could  not  yet  fpeak  thclanguage-,  of  whom  he  had  alwaies  a 
very  great  care,  much  compaffionating  the  labour  and  paines  they  were  to 
take  in  the  ftudyofthat  language,  and  the  letters  belonging  to  it*  and  to 
encourage  them,  would  much  rejoyce  at  every  word,  which  he  heard 
them  bring  out,  when  they  began  to  fpcak  it.  He  gave  thcra  very  particu- 

li  2  iar 

2^4-  TheHiJlory  of  CHJ-K/^-         Pabt.2. 

lar  inftru<5i:ions  concerning  the  manner  and  method  they  were  to  ftudy  it 
by.  He  gave  them  the  names  of  the  books  to  which  they  were  raoft  to  ap- 
ply themfelves  •,  and  many  times  he  fcnt  them  to  them,written  in  his  owne 
hand, concerning  the  poynts  and  ftrokcs,of  which  in  Chinaih/tic  is  a  ^dxti- 
cmW  Science,  It  was  an  incredible  confolation,  and  trudy  did  caufe  no 
leflcthenouradmiration,tohcarethc  two  Dolours ^  Leo  Siud  Michael  to 
gethcr,  when  they  came  both  at  once,  (as  they  did  often,)  to  our  Houfe ; 
for  they  fcarce  fpokeofany  thing  clfc  but  of  the  way  how  to  propagate 
the  Gofpel,  and  how  to  profC(5t,dctend  and  authorize  the  preachers  thcre^ 
of  throughout  the  whole  Kingdom-,  confulting  with  themfelves  to  which 
of  their  friends  they  fhould  recommend  them^what  books  they  would  ad- 
vifc  them  to  write  •,  to  which  Province  it  were  bcft  to  go  firft  j  and  which 
j'^/z^f/' were  fitted  to  be  required  o^ the  Superiouriot  fuchapart-  In  the 
cnd,ail  their  confultations  concluded  in  (ighs,  faying:  We  are  old  men,  ro 
morrow  we  (hall  die-,  \^hom  (hall  wee  leave  inourfteadto  carry  on,  that 
which  we  have  feen  begun  in  our  daies  <  Sometimes  tranfported  by  their 
affe<aion6,they  did  imagine  themfelves  to  be  then  at  the  Court,  informing 
the  King  himfelfe  by  theirAf(fw^n4//of  the  fan<5lity  and  purity  of  our  (^hri- 
ftian  Faith  •,  and  having  obtained  leave  and  authority  of  him  to  fet  up  pub  - 
lick  Churches, they  did  already  in  their  imagination  make  choice  of  the 
ground  and  fcituation,  and  defign  the  form  of  the  buildings  ^otherwhilc 
they  fancied  themfelves  tobeaccufed  forthfscaufe,  to  be  laid  in  prifon, 
and  after  that  to  be  beheadedjand  all  with  fo  much  courage  and  cheerful- 
neffej  as  did  well  (hew  theeftecm  they  made  of  the  honour  oi  Martyrdem-^ 
and  the  ardent  defires  they  had  to  lofe  their  lives  for  the  intei  eft  of  Gods 

Neither  did  he  (top  at  difcourfes  and  defires  •,  for  I  can  juftly  affirmc. 
That  of  all  the  Houfes  and  Churches  our  Socictie  hath  in  Chim^  there  is 
not  one  of  them,  which  Dr.  X^^  hath  not  helped  both  to  build  and  to  pre- 
ferve  ♦,  giving  towards  fome  of  themialthough  he  was  not  rich,  a  coniidc- 
rable  fumme  of  money. 

But  that  zealous  love  oiLeo  wasmoft  remarkable,in  that  occafion  of  re- 
calling the  Fathers  to  the  Court  and  City  of  P^^/w^where  they  formerly 
refided .  He  contrived  all  poffiblc  means  toeffe<Sl  it,  and  made  ufe  of  all  op- 
portunities ;  and  by  reafon  that  china  was  then  infefted  by  the  tartars , 
and  the  Court  o^Pekim  in  danger,  he  tooke  advantage  by  that  occafion  to 
remonftrate  to  the  King,  that  befides  our  learning  and  skill,  which  might 
be  c^great  ufe  to  him,  in  this  conjuncture  of  time,we  had  alfo  great  power 
and  inrereft  with  the  inhabitants  of  ii/4t*rf(7,  from  whom  we  could  eafily 
obtaine  a  confidcrable  fuccour  of  men  and  armes  to  his  ailiftance ;  and  the 
better  to  perfwade  the  King  and  his  counfell  to  it,  he  ufed  fo  much  Rhets- 
y/Vj&,and  produced  fo  many,and  fuch  apt  and  proper  examples  out  of  their 
books  and  ancient  Chronicles,  wherein  he  was  excellently  well  verfed, 
that  I  doubt  not,  but  the  Reader  would  receive  much  delight,  if  I  (hould 
give  him  a  little  taft  of  that  excellent  memoriall  of  his,  did  not  that  Bre- 
viticwhichl  have  tied  my  fclf  to  in  this  relation,  forbid  it.  Inconcla- 
/ion,he  did,and  faid  fo  much,  that  he  obtained  his  defirc^  wherein  he  re- 
ceived lio  leffc  fatisfat^ion  than  we  have,and  ever  (bal  have  obligation  to 


Chap  ,15-  TbeHifioryof  £HI^/1.  2^^ 

him  for  it.Neverthelefrc,he  loft  the  great  office  he  had ,  only  upon  this  ac- 
count»  throngh  the  mah'ce  of  his  enemies-,  who  accufcd  him  to  the 
King-,  though  they  had  nothing  to  lay  to  his  charge,but  the  neare  friend^ 
fhip  he  had  had  with  Fathr  Matthxus  Rkms ^and  that  he  did  beleeve  and 
profefTc  a  certain  Law,  which  that  Father  taught,and  which  was  different 
from  the  Law  of  that  Kingdome. 

But  it  plcafedthe  Lord  to  recompenfe  him  abundantly  for  what  be 
then  loft;  reftoring  him  4  or  5  years  after  to  the  fame  place  with  much 
more  honour  and  Fame  throughout  the  whole  Kingdom  5by  means  ofDr. 
P/W.who  being  alfo  a  Chriflian^zndi  of  To  much  courage  &  underftanding, 
as  to  be  able  to  affift  and  favour  our  afiFairs,broughc  it  about  upon  occafion 
of  the  reformation  of  the  iT^/^Wf^  He  accepted  of  the  employment,  the 
better  to  enable  him,  together  with  DoSieur  Paul^  to  promote  the  intereft 
of  the  Gofpel-  and  fo  he  began  his  journey  toward  the  Court;  but,  befidc 
the  infirmities  of  his  old  age,  the  length  of  the  voyage,  and  the  exceffivc 
cold  of  the  winter,  did  fo  weaken  him,  that,  not  many  moncths  after  his 
arrivall,  he  ended  his  life  on  the  day  o^  All-Saints, \v\{\c\\  was  the  very  day, 
whereon  foure  years  before  the  firft  Mdjfe  was  faid  in  that  Houfe ,  which 
he  built  on  purpofe  to  beftow  upon  the  Society^  where  at  this  day  is  one  of 
the  two  Residencies,  which  we  have  in  the  City  of  Hamcheu, 

I  will  not  ftand  torehearfe  the  Piety ,compun(5ion,and  refentment,with 
which  he  did  feverali  times  confeffe  himfclf  during  his  (ickneffe-,  nor  the 
confolation  with  which  he  received  the  holy  Sacraments  of  the  Commi*- 
nion  and  extreame  un^isnyZnd  with  what  devotion  he  hearkned  to  the  dif- 
courfes  and  exhortations ,  which  were  made  to  him  (at  that  time  by 
three  of  the  Fathers,  who  were  prefeni-;  at  his  death,  (are- 
ward  which  certainly  the  Lord  was  pleafcd  to  beftow  upon  that  love  and 
affe6Hon,  with  which  he  had  alwayes  helped  and  favoured  us,  from  the 
£r(t  time  he  knew  us,)I  forbear,  I  fay,to  mention  them,  by  reafon  anyone 
may  imagine  them  in  fo  learned  a  man  and  perfed  a  Chrifilan,  I  will  only 
take  notice  briefly  of  what  he  faid  at  that  time  to  Dolour  Paul^  whom  he 
tooke  by  the  hand,juft  as  he  was  about  to  depart,&  alter 'he  had  given  him 
thanks  for  the  favours  he  had  received  of  him  upon  many  occafions,  and 
particularly  in  that  laft,he  faid  tohim  with  tearesinhise\es.  Sir ,1  dye 
much  comfortedte  fee  with  mf  €)es  how  well  (7«r  Fathers  Arere-ellahlilhed^  and 
froteBedb'i  yourzeale.  I  will  not  recommend  themto  yoHy  hecanfe  I  know  the 
f  lace  they  hold  in  your  heart.  My  finnes  have  made  me  umvorth")  to  have  any 
jhare  in  this  work^to  which  yfuhav€  done  me  the  favour  to  caH  me  for  your 
companion. But  tf  after  this  wtirk  is  ended  you  would  be  f  leafed  to  make  ufe  of  my 
name  to  an)  things  which  might  refult  to  the  glory  of  Godj  andthe  propagation 
ef  his  moft  Holy  Law,  you  would  do  me  a  high  favour  ♦,  andfo^  Sir^  J  leave  up- 
on  your  Shoulders  the  Chriftiamtie  g/China.With  thefe  words^which  /hew- 
ed fufficicntly  the  efleem  he  had  of  the  Gqlpel,and  of  the  pjeach^rs 
thereof,/><?g(?«yX<g  ended  pipufly  and  holily that  Hfe-^agood  part  wherc- 
oT  he  had  fpentrnthe  affiftanceqf  this  new  Church.  He  dyed  on  the 
firft  of  November  16^0  although  his  memory  wTlTalwayeslivCjinithe 
breafts  of  the  Labourers  of  our  Society-  and  we  hope,  that  his  ex- 
ample will  be  prefcrvcd  in  other  generous  mindes  of  the  chineffeNo- 
bilitie.  To 

24.<J  TheBifiorjofCHl'J^A.  Part.z. 

-  To  this  ftate  and  condition  is  the  Church  o^  China  arrived,  after  the 
contmuall  labour  and  paines  of  the  Fathers^  di^rjngfi^ty  eight  years ;  aji^d 
truly  fo  happy  and  profperous  a  fuccelTe  could  never  have  been  cxpc<5lcd 
from  fuch  difficult  beginnings,  andjuch  weak  meanes.  Neverthdefle, 
from  the  contexture  of  this  Narration,  ic  may  well  be  perceived,  what 
paines,  trouble,  caution,  patience  and  longanimity  have  alwayes  accom- 
panied this  enterprife,  and  alfo  upheld  it  in  thegreateft  perfccucions.  The 
zeale  and  heate  of  thofe  perfons,  who  would  convert  the  world  perfcdly 
on  a  fudden^is  much  to  be  commcnded-,and  we  do  efteeme,and  reverence 
it  in  all-,  neverthelefTe,  in  new  particularly  in  fuch,  which  are 
not  fufceptible  of  this  fire,  which  flameth  out  fo  fuddenly,but  do  require 
to  be  difpofed  to  it  by  longer  time,  we  do  endeavour  to  retain  them  with- 
in the  limits  of  prudence,  more  fafe,  and  the  bounds  of  patience,  more 
profitable,  for  that  which  is  pretended  to,  by  our  Society,  when  ever  we 
meet  with  any  of  fuch  a  Spirit  among  us-,and  if  that  will  not  ferve,  we  fend 
thcmtothepulpctsand  auditories  of  £«r<?/>f,  where  that  fire  may  fhine 
out  without  any  danger  of  burning.  And  this  is  obfervcd  by  us  in  order  to 
the  Gentiles, 

As  for  the  new  chrifiiam^  I  doubt  not  at  all,  but  that  it  is  a  holy  and  de- 
fireable  thing,  prefc  ntly  to  f afhlon  and  accommodate  them  to  the  comon 
way  of  the  univcrfall  Church,  to  her  lawe^,  decrees,  ftatures,&c.  Never- 
thelefTe, we  muft  look  how  farrc  that  is  poflfiblej  and  if  polTible,  whether 
it  be  convenient-,  and  whether  it  would  not  be  more  for  the  deftrudion 
then  edification  of  fuch  tender  plants.  Our  Saviour  Chrift  and  the  Apo- 
ftles  have  left  us  this  do(5lrinefoclecr,  that  there  doth  not  ft  em  any  place 
tobeleftforcrrour.  St.  \^mhrofi  faith,  It  is  a  property  of  falfe  Apo- 
fllcs  to  teach  every  thing  to  every  one  without  diflference  of  perfons-,  the 
which  difference  was  alwayes  obfervcd  by  our  Saviour  in  his  holy  doc- 
trine, y4//V^r^w>«/'/'f////V,  diter  Icquebatur  di[apulis,  St. Paul  the  preacher 
of  the  Gentiles, znd  Mafter  of  preachers,wrote  to  the  Corinthims^Lac  ojobis 
ptum  dedi:  (it  is  wel  to  be  feen,(raith  St  (7r?^i>/-)f)thathe  brought  them  up 
and  inftruded  them  as  Children .- they  were  newly  begotten  unto  the 
GofpeljC faith  St,  K^mbrofe)  Jdeo  (syfpoftolu^^  vir  divinti^Qr  medic u^  fpri- 
tmlis  vnicaique  fectmdum  vires  illius^Aoiirinam  iradebat.)  A  nd  to  the  Galati  • 
ans  he  {ziih^Scitis^quia  per  infrmitatem  cArnis  evangelizavi  vobis.  Wherefore 
accommodating  himfelfeto  the  rveaknejfe  oftheflefh,  the  Apojlle  did  preach 
no  higher  things  to  them: faith  Si,  HieromeMt  infirmosGalatas  lucrifaceret. 
of  this  opinion  alfo  is  Toftatus  cap»^,quefl.p.upon  .Jr.Mar, 

The  fame  St.PW,  when  he  would  lay  the  foundation  of  Chriflianitieot 
Athens ihtg2S\  with  that  \v\{c,n^\\ovi^Ignoto deo^ot  fas  St  Hierem  will  have 
\t)Di]s  Afix^Burofs  ^  Ljbiitjlijs  ignotis  ^  peregrinis  :  And  without  evec 
reprovingthofe  words,  or  condemning  the  fuperftition,  (although  it  was 
bad  enough)  judging  it  more  convenient  at  the  firft,  he  made  ufe  of  this 
^4r;l'»fj(/'^  to  communicate  light  to  them  by  it*  The  Apoftlcs  in  the  firft 
councell  treated  only  of  the  facilitating  of  the  converfion  of  the  Gentiles^ 
Vifumeflffirituifanifo&  nobis  nihil  ultra  imponere  vobis  oneris^quam  b£C 
necejfaria :  ut  abjlineatis  vos  ab  immolatis  fimttlachrorum,  &  ffijfocat0^& 
fanguine.  So  that  in  thefe  three  things,they  did  include  the  whole  obliga- 

Chap.13.  The  Hijlory  ofCH^K^-  H7 

tion  of  the  ^ui  fsfttivum^  to  which  thofc  new  chriftimsv/ac  obliged;  and 
(what  is  more;  thcfe  were  (all  ih^QQ)  ftwifh  Ctremonks-^  which  if  they 
fliould  be  obfervcd  at  this  day,would  give  much  rcandal.Neverthekfs,to 
facilitate  the  converfion  of  the  Gentiles  y^xA  to  avoyd  giving  Scandd  to  the 
Jewei,(t\ty  wcrc,at  that  time^  judged  necelTaiy-The  fame  thing  happened 
about  circumcifion,  the  which  S ,  Paul  not  only  permitted ,  but  even  ex- 
crcifedhimfelfcontheperfonofhis  difciple  Timothy^  condefcending  to 
the  weaknelfe  and  ignorance  of  thofc  firft  Chriftiam, 

Of  this  opinion  was  Fa»ormhams(cap. licet  Gr£Cos^  de  Baptifmo  ^ejus  ef- 
fe^  :  )  where  he  faith,  Peteji  ^  debet  venientes  noviter  ad  fidem  tolerare  in 
morihus  ^  ritihtts  eerttm  antiquis-.  For  otherwife3(asC«/^;j^  faith)  there 
would  rather  be  a  perturbation  than  an  edification.  oportet  infirmitati 
hominnm  flerumque  condefcendere  nifivergat  contra  ^ternam  falutem.(  which 
is  very  raanifcft,  every  man  being  chiefly  concerned  to  take  care  of  his 
own eternall  Salvation,  ne  cum nlijs fradicaverit^iffe  reprohu^  efficiatur:) 
nam  exa6iaw  qu<trere  conformitatem  in  omnihm ,efl  f  otitis  pacem  turbare.  This 
opinion  likewifc  is  favoured  by  the  Glo{fe,(/»  capit.Reus  qui^  depanitentia 
dr  remipone. )  where  it  is  faid,That  in  favour  of  thofe  who  are  newly  con- 
verted to  the  Faith,  detrahendttm  eft  jure.  The  Church  hath  often  pra(5tifed 
the  fame,and  particularly  in  the  Councel  ot  Florence-^  where  Pope  Eugenim 
the  Fourth  did  very  prudently  diflemble  with  the  Greeks,  concerning  the 
point  of  marriage^  for  the  Greeks  not  confenting  to  create  any  thing 
concerning  Marriage ,  and  the  Pope  having  alfo  already  determined 
the  point  :  y  ec  Sjnodice ,  ^ ,  Armeniis ,  in  decreto  fuo ,  credendum 
tradens'^  mirum  diBu-^  GrMos  ob  communem  concordiam  recentur  initam,  forti- 
us ftabiliendam,  non  explicit^  ad  hoc  credendum  ebftrinxit^  imh  pertinaciam  eO' 
rum  in  rdiquis^violata  pace^ne  reftUrent^videns  non  vidit'^vel(ut  in  A5iis  Con- 
cilij  patet),non  condemnavitM  this  was  done  to  Perfons  of  that  authority, 
quality  and  antiquity  :  what  (ball  we  fay  of  poor  Neophytes^  but  only  that 
of  St.  Gregory:  Duris  mentibus  (imul  omnia  abfcindere  impoffibile  e(fe  not  duhi- 
urn  efi:  quia  is^  qui  locum  afcendere  nititurj  gradibus  velpafftbtiSj  non  faltibm 
e/ei/^r/zr.Sothatinthe  converfion  oftheGentiles(according  to  St^Gregorj) 
Suaviter  ^  prudenter  fubinfinuare^  non  violenter  abrumpere^  Apofiolici  mune- 
rii  eft,  St.  Peter ^zo  preferve  thofe  Plants  he  had  newly  planted ;  Inter  Gen » 
tiUfgentiliterJnterjud^os judaic} vi^itavit^  And  Sf,Paul,Fa^m  e^^ud^ls 
tdnquam  fudaus.ut  Jud^os  lucrifaceret-.^  ijs  qui  fub  lege er ant y  quaft  (ub  lege 
effet^^uteosquifubligeerantjucrifaceret^dqueprudenter  ad  bonum  animarum 
(as  Baroniusdechretb  in  his  Annals  in  the  year  5 1  .)This  is  that,which  the 
t^poftles.SaffJts^CouncellSfand Fathershawc taughtby  precept  and  exam- 

And  notwithftanding  all  thefclnftruiftionsj  how  difficult  is  it  to  take 
the  middle  way  by  accommodating  ones  felfe  to  places,  times,  and  per- 
fons, and  the  feverall  courfe  of  things  ?  and  how  much  good  is  loft,  not  to 
fay,  how  much  cvill  donc(and  even  fuch  cvill  as  at  this  day  we  fee  and 
lament  J  by  following  everyone  his  own  judgment  and  fancy  wharfoevcr  it 
be;  leaving  that  more  ccrtain^and  faving  way  which  was  ufed  by  the 

I  will  conclude  this  Relation  with  a  Paragraph  of  a  LettcrjWhichthc  Pa- 


24-8  '    TheHi/lory  of  CHL^^A.         Part.z. 

triark  o^<^thiopa  Don  Alfhenfo  Mendez.  wrote  horn  Go  a  to  the  Caidinalis 
of  the  Congregation  df  prepagandJijide  •  who  for  his  Learning, /Authority, 
and  Venue,  and  above  all,  tor  his  experience  oi  Mfperfs^v/httcm  he  la- 
boured and  fuffered  much,  doth  very  much  defervc  to  be  believed.  He 
faith  thus: 

But  at  the  end  of  this  Letter  I  do  judge  it  not  from  ourfurfofe  to  bemind  your 
Eminencies,^/'^^  God  hath  formetly  commanded^  that  a  vine-yard  fhould  net  U 
fowedwith  diverfe  feeds  •,  nor  that  agarment  oughtto  bewovenof  Linnen4;?^ 
Woollen,tr//^  which  the  Queen  and  Spoufe  is  to  be  cloathed-^wherein  is  impli- 
ed,That  the  feverallinflitutions  and  different  manners  of  living  of  Religious  Or- 
ders,ought  not  to  be  entruded  upon  young  and  tender  Churches^fuch  as  are  but  yet 
in  a  manner  fucklings  •,  hut  only  to  be  introduced  into  fuch  Churches^  as  are  come 
to  their  full  jlrength^  and  are  fortified  by  a  long  continuance  of  years.  For  many 
times  J  emulation  growing  among  them^  and  many  wanting  prudence,  and  others 
abounding  in  an  indifcreet  zeale,  they  do  many  things,  which  tend  rather  to  ru- 
ine  than  edification  6cc.  The  Lord  blejfeyour  Eminencies  &c.  From  Goa  the 
eleventh  i*/ November  1638, 




^yi^nhoU  Iwplrt  of  C  UrvcL 



OR    THE 



The  Great  and  moft  Renowned 

Empire  of 


By  the  Invafion  of  the  T  A  R  T  A  R  S,  who 

in  thefe  laft  fevcn  years,  have  wholly 

fubdued  chat  vafl:  Empire. 

Together  with  a  Map  of  the  Provinces,  and  chief  Cities 

of  the  Countries^  for  the  better  uaderftanding 

of  the  SToRT, 

Written  originally  in  Latin  b  by  MArti ft  Martimus^  prciknt  in  the 

Countrey  atmoftoi  the  Paffages  herein  related,  And  now 

faithfully  Tranflated  into  Englilh. 


Printed  for  John  Crool^^  stnd  are  to  be  fold  at  his  Shop  at  the  Sign  of 
the  Ship  in  S.Pauls  Church-yard.  1^55* 

Kk  2  TO 


i  SI 


To  the  Reader. 


^ereas  in  the  courfe  of  this  infuing  ffiflory  there  occurs 
frequent  menthn  oft  I  e  chief e  Provinces  and  Cities  in 
China;  which  hAve  either  been  affaulted  and  defended^ 
fubdued  or  deftroyed^  by  the  fever  all  Armies^  its  xvell 
from  North  to  Souths  as  from  Eajl  to  IVtfi .  jeafi  the 
pleafure  and  delight  of  thisUiflorj^  Jhouldbeany  way 
diminifhed  by  the  frequent  re-encounter  of  harfh  and 
barbarous  names  of  Countries^  and  Towns  unknown  to 
the  European  deader  ^  /  thought  it  good  to  frefixa 
little  Geographical  table  of  the  Countries^  and  chiefe  Cities  y  which  might  ferve 
as  a  guide  to  condu^  the  eye  of  the  under  ft  anding^in  thepurfuit  of  the  mentioned 
victories,  I  confeffe  it  is  not  fo  exaSi  as  the  rigour  of  Geography  e)ca5is,  but  yet 
it  is  fuch  an  om^asrviis  drawn  by  the  hands  of  their  learned  Phylo fathers,  and 
may  well  give  afufficient  notion  of  all  the  places  mentioned. 

As  for  more  exquiftt^  and  rare  Maps  both  univerfal  and  particular^  as  well  of 
the  Countries  i  as  of  the  Cities^  and  of  all  the  rarities  they  contain^  together  with 
the  exa6i  knowledge  of  their  Longitudes  and  Latitudes^  and  ofaE  that  does  he- 
long  either  to  Aftrommy  or  Geography  in  relation  to  them ;  with  what  may  be  ex- 
peUedfrom  Natural  or  Humane  Hiftory,  Ireferve  aUthefe  to  my  Atlas  of  Chi- 
na n^^/V^/^wf^wp^?/?/?^  5  taken  from  their  own  ancient  records  ever  fince  the 
time  of  Noah  %  aU  which  I  have  with  much  pains  and  indujiry  gathered  up  to- 
gether^ and  tranf ported  with  me  to  Europe.  /  w'iti>  not  therefore  for  the  prefent 
deflower  that  work  of  its  greateft  beauty^  by  an  unfeafonable  expofition  of  it  to  the 
Readers  view  5  but  expe^  till  it  grow  to  that  per feii ion ^as  I  hope  wiSfatisfe  the 
appetite  of  this  our  curieus  Age. 







TheHiJlory  ofthelVarres  o/^^^ Tartars 
in  China,  (^c. 

g^^;^^^fjy^^ap*y|He  mod  ancient  Nation  o^tdrtars  in  Afia^  the  Pa- 
*  rcnt^ofmany  Nations,  hath  been  an  Enemy  to  the 

Empire  of  C/&/»/i  above  tour  thoufand  yearsrduring  The  tartars 
which  time,  they  have  had  many  fliarp  Wars  with  g^'/^f^""^'"' 
thofc  oiChim^  in  which  they,  though  fomccimes  china^ 
worfted,  yet  for  the  moft  part,  have  remained  the 

-  I  call  that  Nation,r4r/4rj,which  inhabitcth  the 
Northern  parts, bchindjh at  famous  Wall  which  f^-,^'f; 
flretching  out  above  ;qo.  German  Leagues  from  Eafl:  to  Weft,  hath  ever 
feTved^foFa KZmpar t  to  hinder  their  irruptions  into  the  faid  Empire. 

This  Country  ihtCJmefes  having  a  dcfe(5t  of  the  letter  R. anciently  cal- 
led Tat  A :  comprehending  under  this  namc,not  only  the  occidentall,  but 
the  Oriental  Tartars y  hitherto  much  unknown  to  us  in  Buro^e^  containing 
the  Provinces,  Sumahania,  Tanyu^Nmhe^  Niulhan,  and  the  like,  from  the 
lertetT^r^dr^,  and  Kingdom  of  Crf/r^y-,  to  the  Oriental  Sea  above  ^apony^ 
where  they  arc  fcparated  by  the  Streight  of  Amarf,  from  ^ev'tra  in  Am&- 
rica^  if  yet  it  be  a  Streight  and  not  a  Continent. 

But  it  is  not  my  intention  to  write  all  the  Warrs  which  have  pafled  be- 
twixt them  •,  but  only  of  fuch  as  have  happened  in  our  memory , and  in  my 
prefence ;  All  the  reft  (hall  appear  at  large  in  my  Abridgement  ot  the  Hi- 
ftory  oi china.  And  that  we  may  proceed  with  more  Order,  it  will  be 
neccffary  to  reflect,  how  and  from  whence  thofe  Troubles  had  their  be- 

It  is  therefore  firft  to  be  known,  that  the  ancient  Weftern  Tartars^z.^iti  jhe  rmm 
they  had  fubdued  almoft  all  ^7?4  to  their  power,  waged  war  againftC^//?^,  T'^T'^o 
Cof  which  Paulns  Venetus,  and  A)ton  make  mention  under  the  names  of  ^^^^  "^^°' 
Cauje  and  Manin^in)  and  this  before  the  times  of  great  Tamberl^n,  who  Tambjriwt 
never  fubdued  China,  as  fomc  have  falfty  writ  ^  for  he  flouriOied  about  the  ^^^^1 - 
yearMCCCCVI;  in  which  time  !r^/Vto^«^,  Emperourof^i^/;?4,and  ^ 
the  fccond  of  the  Taimingian  Family  (the  Tartars  being  before  beaten  out 


2^6  Vellum  l^artaricum. 

ofhisKingdom;  governed  peaceably  all  the  Provinces  included  within 
thecompafsofthat  Vaft  Wall  which  before  I  ment  ioned. 

But  the  War  which  Paulus  Vemtus  toucheth,  betwixt  the  Chimjfes  and 
Tartars  began  in  the  year  MCCVI.  as  their  Hiftory  and  Chronology  te- 
ftify,which  lafting77.ycars,at  laft  xhtrartArsiwxhQ  year  MCCLXXVUI. 
having  totally  conquered  all  that  potent  Erapirejextinguifhed  the  Imperi- 
all  Family  of  the  Sungas^  and  ereded  a  new  Regal  Family,which  they  cal- 
led fuoja .  of  which  Tartarian  Race  nine  Emperors  by  defcent,  go* 
The  Tartars    vcmcd  in  the  Kingdom  of  China  for  the  fpace  of  LXX.  years  in  Peace 
Emperours  of  and  Qufetnefs  5  and  about  the  end  of  that  War,  came  Paulus  Venetus  into 
china*  chirjamththcTartars^  as appeareth  by  his  Writings. 

In  this  trad  of  time,  the  Tartars  forgetting  their  ancient  Vigour  of 
Mind  and  warlike  Spirits,  which  the  pleafurcs  and  deliccs  of  that  Coun- 
try had  quailed  and  tamed,  and  being  alfo  weakned  by  fo  long  a  Peace, 
became  of  a  fofter  temper,  and  received  a  deep  Tindturc  of  the  Nature 
and  DifpofitioD  of  the  Natives  of  China. 

Whereupon  a  contemptible  perfon  (who  was  fervant  to  one  of  thofc 
deputed  to  offer  Sacrifice  to  their  Idols)  called  Chu^  prefunied  to  rcbell  a- 
gainft  them. 

This  man  commiferating  the  condition  of  his  enflaved  Country,  and  al- 
fotouched  with  the  ambition  of  Reigning,  firfl  afted  the  part  of  a  Thief, 
or  High-way  man  5  and  being  of  a  Generous  Nature,  bold,  and  as  quick 
of  hand,as  in  wit-,  wanted  neither  Courage,nor  Art,nor  Companions,nor 
Fortune,  to  gather  fuch  a  multitude  as  in  fhort  time  made  up  the  vaft  body 
of  an  Army  5  whereupon  depofing  the  perfon  of  a  Thicf,hc  became  a  Ge- 
neral ;  and  with  a  bold  attempt  prefumed  to  fet  upon  the  Tartars^  and  ha- 
ving fought  many  battailes  with  them,  obtained  many  fingular  Vidories; 
fo  as  in  the  year  i  j^S.he  finally  drove  them  out  of  the  Kingdom  of  China^ 
receiving  for  fo  memorable  anadion,  the  whole  Empire  of  Chinazsz. 
worthy  reward  of  his  Heroical  Adions. 

It  was  he  firft  creded  the  Imperial  Family  of  the  Taminges^  and  being 
hewasthcfirft  Emperour  of  that  Race,  ftiledhimfelfby  the  name  of 
Hunguus  •,  which  fignifies  as  much  as,  The  famous  Warriottf, 

After  fuch  anilluftrious  Adion,  it  was  no  wonder  if  all  the  Provinces 
fubmittcdto  him^,  both  as  to  one  that  was  a  Native  of  their  Country  ^  and 
alfo  becaufe  they  looked  on  him  as  a  man  who  had  redeemed  them  from 
Thraldome :  for  it  is  the  Nature  of  the  people  of  China  to  love  and  efleem 
their  own,as  much  as  they  hate  and  vilifie  Strangers. 

Wherefore  he  firft  placed  his  Court  at  Nanking  neer  to  the  bank  of  that 
great  River  of  Kiang^  which  the  Chinejfes^m  refpe6t  of  the  huge  Mountains 
of  water  which  it  difcharges  into  the  Ocean,  call  the  Son  of  the  Sea :  And 
having  fpeedily  ordered,  and  eftablifticd  that  Empire,  fearing  no  Infur- 
re(5i:ions  from  thefe  new  redeemed  Creatures,  he  was  not  contented  to 
have  chafed  the  Tartars  out  of  China^  but  he  made  an  irruption  into  Tarta^ 
ry  it  fclfe,  and  fo  followed  the  point  of  his  Vi6i;ory,as  that  he  routed  thera 
fcveral  times,  wafted  all  their  Territories,  and  finally  brought  the  Orien- 
tal 'Tartars  to  fuch  ftrcights,  as  he  forced  them  to  lay  down  their  Arms,  to 
pay  Tribute,  and  even  begge  an  Ignominious  Peace.  This  Storm  of  War 


Vellum  Tartaricum.  ^jy 

fell  chiefly  on  the  74r/4rjofthe  Province  of  iV/W^f,  whither  the  TArtars 
oiChim  being  expelled  ;Wcre  retired. 

Afterward  thofe  Tartars  every  yeare,  either  as  Subje(5i:$  or  Friends, 
came  into  Chma  by  the  Province  oi Leaotungio  traffick  with  the  Inhabi- 
tants-, For,  being  brought  to  poverty  and  mifery,  they  thought  no  more  of 
making  Wirrc  againft  China.  The  Merchandife  they  brought  were  fevc* 
rail,  as,  the  root  cal'd  Gmfemfa  much  eftecraed  amongft  the  Chittefes-^  and 
all  forts  of  precious  skins,as  thofe  o^CaJlor^  Martais  and  ^bellens-^  and  al- 
fo  Horfe-hair,  of  which  the  Chinefes  make  their  Nets,  and  the  men  ufc 
if  in  tying  up  their  hair,  as  the  handfomeft  dreffe  they  can  appear  in.  But 
thofe  T'artars  multiplyed  fo  faft,  as  they  grew  quickly  into  fcven  Govern- 
ments which  they  call  //^r^^j;  and  thefe  fighting  one  againfl  another,  at 
length  about  the  year  of  Chrifl  MDL.  were  united  into  one  Kingdome, 
called  the  Kingdome  of  Niuche. 

—  Xk"J.  ftood  china  in relatjpn  t qthe  Eaflein  Tartars-.^M  to  the  Wcflern    '-- 
Tartars  they  payed  Tributc^maskcd  under  the  Title  of  Prcfcnts,  that  they 
niiglit  dcEff  from  War, 

For  the  Chinefes  efleem  it  very  unhandfome  to  make  war  againft  any  ^f  ^^ 
by  any  other  means  their  Country  can  beconfcrved  in  peace  and  quiet-,, 
nefsjbeing  taught  this  by  their  Philofophers. 

-  But  in  the  meanc  time,  being «ver  jealous  of  the  Enemies  to  their  an-  a  great  Gasi- 
tjent  riches,  they  never  left  that  great  Wall,  which'  extends  from  Eaft^to  WaKinft 
Weft,  without  a  mill  ion  of  Souldiers  to  guard  it.  tfacVdrSr" 

'^Therefore  this  Kingdome  of  China  bein^  th  us  cftablifhcd  in  the  Tai- 
mh^innVjim^ ,en joyed  a cqnflant pciccjmdjquietnefl^^ for  CCL.yea«. -fnCMna^ ^^^^ 
and  whilft  the  fcven  Tartarian  Lords  or  Govern  ours  made  civil  wars,that "     "^ 
renowned Emperour of Chwa^ known  by thehame  of  Vanlej  being  the 
thirteenth  Emperour  of  Taiminges  Family,  governed  happily  the  King-       ^ 
dome  of  china  from  theycarj57j.  to  the  year  1620.  with  as  much  Pru-     l^2£  • 
dcnce  as  Juflice  and  Equity . 

— ^'But  in  this  time  ihtTartars  of  Niuche  had  fo  multiplied  and  fpread  The  r^rr^rx 
themfclvcs,after  incorporated  into  a  Kingdome,  that  they  became  daily  think  of  inva. 
more  form  id  able  to  C^/;;^;  And  th^fore  the  Governours  of  the  borde-  *^'"^  ^*'"^* 
ring  Provinces,  confulted  privately  amongfl  themfclvs  how  they  might 
curb  and  reflraine  thefe  people  within  their  limits:  For  their  Governours 
have  fo  much  Power  and  Authority,  that  although  they  live  as  Slaves  to 
their  Prince,yet  when  there  is  queftion  of  a  Common  and  publick  good, 
they  govern  abfolutely  and  uncontrouIably-,unlcfs  by  fome higher  powers 
their  orders  be  reflrained. 

Firfl  therefore  the  Prefects  or  Governours,  did  abufe  the  Merchant  j^^  ^^^  ^  ^^ 
Tartars  oi Niuche  when  they  came  into  Xm^^/w^,  which  is  a  Province  ^tLkiS* 
confines  next  to  them.  ^'nwar. 

Then  again  when  the  King  ofiV/W^tf  would  have  married  his  Daugh-Tbefccoad 
tcr  to  another  King  of  the  r4rf4r^,they  hindred  this  marriage  by  rcprefca-  "u^c 
ting  fome  pretended  reafons  of  State. 

And  finally,when  the  King  of  Niuche  fufpe^ed  nothing  from  them  he  ^5^.^"'^ 
conceived  his  friends,  they  took  him  by  deceit,  and  killed  him  perfidi-  ^ 

L 1  Wherefore 


Bellum  Tartaricum. 

Wherefore  to  revenge  thcfe  injuries,  the  Kings  Son  gathered  a  ftrong 
TbefirftirrDp.  /^fjny,  and  taking  his  time,found  meanes  to  get  over  the  great  Wall  I 
TanMrs'mto  mentioned^  and  the  great  River  being  frozen,  he  prelently  fct  upon  the 
china.  great  City  Kaiyven,{or  as  others  call  it)T4Ar//;;,which  lies  upon  the  Con- 

fines o^Tartary,  which  he  took  in  the  year  MDCX  VI. 
Trom  this  City  he  writ  a  Letter  in  Tartarian  Characters  to  the  Empe- 
rr^.  ^  rour  of  ehha^vfhkh  though  writ  in  Barbarian  Charadlers^  yet  contained 

Prmefhdona-  nothing  Batbarous.  By  this  Letter,  which  he  fent  by  one  of  their  Ifidian 
gainft  China.  Priefts(whom  they  call  Lama)  in  a  very  humble  and  fubmlflive  manner 
he  declared  to  him,  that  he  had  invaded  his  Country  to  revenge  the  in- 
juries he  had  received  from  the  Governours  of  the  neighbouring  Pro- 
vinces. But  yet  that  he  was  ready  to  reftore  the  City  he  had  taken,  and 
depofe  his  Armes,  if  his  complaints  might  be  heard,  and  fatisfa(5lion  gi- 
ven him.  The  Empcrour  of  China^  called  ra»ley^  having  received  this 
Letter,  though  otherwife  of  an  eminent  wifdome,  and  of  as  great  expe- 
rience, yet  being  now  broken  with  Age,  in  this  bufinefle  feems  to  have 
proceeded  with  lelTe  Prudence  than  that  which  accompanied  the  former 
Anions  of  hislifcj  For,thinking  it  not  to  be  a  bufinefs  of  "that  moment  as 
that  it  deferved  to  be  treated  before  him  in  his  own  Court,  he  remitted  it 
to  the  chief  Governours  and  Commanders.  And  thefe  men  puffed  up 
with  their  ufuall  pride,  thought  it  not  fit  fo  much  as  to  give  an  anfwer  to 
the  Barbarian  King,  but  refented  it  very  highly  that  he  durft be  fo  bold  as 
to  complain  to  the  Emperor  of  any  injury  received. 

The  Tartariarf  King,  feeing  they  vouchfafed  no  anfwer  to  his  juft  de- 
TheBarb:-      mahds,turninghis  angcr  into  rage-,  vowedto  Celebrate  his  Fathers  Fune- 
fii"k)us  Vow  ^"  rals  with  the  lives  of  two  hundred  Thoufand  of  the  Inhabitants  of  Chitta> 
of  the  Tartaric  For  It  is  the  cuftome  of  the  Tartars  when  any  man  of  quality  dyctb,to 
dnKing.        caft  lUto  that  fire  which  confumes  the  dead  Corps,  as  many  Servants, 
Women,  and  Horfes,  with  bows  and  Arrows,  as  may  be  fit  to  atend  and 
ferve  them  in  the  next  life;  Though  now  fince  they  conquered  China, 
they  have  left  off  this  Barbarous  cuflome,  being  reprehended  and  correc- 
.  tedforitbythcC/^/;?^jf^jthemfelvcs.   After  this  fuperftitious  Vow,  ad- 
ty^oUeloy^ne  vanciughis  rcvcuging  Armes,  he  befiegcd  leaotung(vfh\ch  was  rhe  chief 
bdiegedaud    City  of the  Proviuce  of  X^4^jf4«^)  v^  50000.  men.  But  the  City  was 
taken.  defended  by  exceeding  many  men,  who  generally  were  all  armed  with 

Mufquets:  The  Tartars  had  nothing  but  their  Scy  metars,  with  Bows  and 
Arrows,  which  they  difcharge  with  ftrange  Dexterity  and  Art.But  be- 
A  Stratagem   caufe  thcy  chfcfly  feared  the  mufquet  bullets,  they  refolved  by  a  Strata- 
againftmuf-    gem  to  make  that  unkuowu  Infttument  lefic  hurtfull  to  them  than  their 
quets.  enemies  did  iniagin.  For  the  74rf4r/4»  King  commanded  fuch  as  made 

the  firft  on-fet,  to  carry  a  thick  hard  board  for  their  Shield,  which  was  as 
good  to  them  as  a  wooden  Wall^  thefe  men  were  feconded  by  other 
Companies  who  carried  Ladders  to  climb  up  the  Walls;  and  the  Horfe 
came  up  in  the  Rear.In  this  manner  he  fet  upon  the  City  in  fourc  quarters, 
and  received  the  difcharge  of  their  Mufquets  againft  his  wooden  wall; 
Then  in  a  moment  the  fcaling-Iaddcrs  being  applied,  before  they  could 
charge  again,  they  were  upon  the  Walls  and  entrcd  the  Cicy 5  for  fuch  is 
thbquickncffcandnimblcneffeofthe  "Tartars  (in  which  they  excel!  all 


Vellum  Tartaricum*  259 

Nadoas,  and  in  which  alfo  they  place  their  chief  art)  that  in  a  trice,  they 
either  prevail  in  their  dcngns,  or  retire.-  and  the  little  skill  the  Chineffes 
hadintheufcofMufquets,  wasnofmall  hinderancc  to  the  warre.  For 
the  Tartars  quickneile  and  nimblene/Ic  pot  giving  them  time  to  charge  a- 
gain,  being  aftoniflied  with  the  fudden  inundation  of  armed  men,  they 
prcfcntly  fled  which  way  foever  they  could-,  but  being  purfued  by  the 
fwift '74>/4r/4;?Horfe,moftofthem  periflied  in  the  taking  of  this  great 
Ci  y»  This  City  being  t3ken,the  Tartar  like  a  Torrent  over- run  many  o- 
thers  of  lefTe  note-,  but  amongft  others,  he  took  that  Noble  City  Evamg-  Many  other 
ningy  and  overrunning  moft  ipeedily  the  whole  Country  of  Leaotung^  he  ^'"^'  "^^"' 
cntred  the  Province  oiPekin-^  and  comming  within  feven  Leagues  of  the 
very  Imperiall  City,  He  dur(t  not  advance,  fearing  the  Hnemy  might 
coinpafTe  or  f  urround  him,  becaufe  he  heard  that  a  world  of  men  came  in  > 
to  help  their  diftrefled  Prince.  ^iMthtTartar  ftruck  fuch  aterrour  into 
the  hearts  of  all  the  Countries  he  had  palTed,  as  both  Souldier  and  Citi- 
zen quitting  their  Houfes  left  the  empty  walls  to  the  Tartarians  pofTeflionj 
knowing  the  r^r/^r  to  have  that  cuftom  and  pradife,  to  deftroy  and  put 
all  fo  fire  and  fword  that  did  refift,  and  only  pillage  the  Cities  that  fub- 
mittcd,  leaving  the  Citizens  alive,  and  treating  themcourreoufly."By  ^^,/^3  j[?- 
vyhich  mcanes  having  colle(5ted  a  world  of  riches.he  returned  to  Leaotung  conVueW  '"^ 
vidorlous.  And  becaufe  his  South -fayers  had  perfwaded  him  that  the  '^^^a^* 
ftanding  of  the  old  Walls  were  unfortunate,  he  beat  them  down^and      v 
compared  it  about  with  new,  fortifying  them  with  new  Munitions,  and 
liL^I£R^^I?^<^J^^"^^clf  Emperour  o^ China :  For  although  as  yet  he  had  jh^Tartar 
taker}  nothing  o^  China,  but  only  the  skirts  of  the  Eaftern  Country  of  .the  cTps  KimTeif 
Province  oiLeaotun2:-,y^x.  in  his  hopes  &  afpiring  thoughts  he  had  devpu-  fPf^-^ 
r^^^ejwholeJCingdom ;  wjicrefore  he  was  called  in  the  c:/6/;74  lan^age  i^^' 

tk^H^^J^I'^^^^  ^^c  ^^^^^  y^3^  of  h^s  Reign,  which  was  in  that  of  one 
thoufand  fix  hundred  and  eighteen. 

In  this  year,  fome  in  authority  about  the  Empcrour  Fanley,  demanded 
the  baniQiment  ofthe  Pn'cfts,  who  did  then  preach  the  Chriftian  Religi- 
on to  that  Nation-,  But  the  Emperour(who  in  his  heart  loved  Chriftanity, 
and  thofe  particularly  that  firft  planted  that  Religion  amongfi:  them jgave 
no  eare  for  a  long  while  to  their  demands  j  But  at  length  overcome  by  the 
importunity  of  a  chief  Commander,  who  had  ever  been  a  fore  Enemy  to 
Chriftian  Religion,  and  was  called  J5/W^/^,  it  was  ordained  and  procla- 
med  that  all  thofe  Fathers  that  did  propagate  Chriftan  Religion  fhould 
be  baniflied  the  Kingdo  ne.  Upon  which  fome  of  them  were  fecretly 
concealed  in  feverall  Provinces  by  fome  Chriftian  Governours,  others 
being  taken  were  carried  in  great  Cages  to  Macao ^  wherein  being  (hut  up  God  puniftcd 
day  and  night,  they  fulfered  extreamly-,  whilft  others  alfo  being  whiptcAw^ for  their 
out  ofthe  Country,  rejoyced  to  undcrgocfomething  for  his  fake  whofe^*^j[^g|"jJ'"  '*^. 
name  they  bore-,  but  that  which  added  more  affli<i^ion  to  all  thefe  mifc- 
ries,  was  the  Emperour  Vanlefs  Prohibition  to  all  his  to  profcflfe  Chrifti- 
an Religion.  But,  upon  this  occafion,  the  Chriftians  oichina{\v\\o  from 
the  horrid  wildernelTe  of  Infidelity,  had  been  brought  to  the  plcafant 
Pafturcs  of  Chriftianityj  gave  illuftrious  examples  of  their  Faith  and 
Conftancy-,  but  the  longer  Narration  of  this  glorious  perfccution  is  rcfer- 

Ll  2  vcd 

x(jo  Bellum  Tartaricum. 

ved  for  another  place.  I  only  touch  it  here,  to  admire  the  Divine  Provi- 
dence of  God,  who  raifed  fo  (harp  War  againft  ChmayVfhcn  they  negle<a  ♦ 
cd  Chriftian  Peace  •,  and  permitted,  at  the  fame  time,  thefe  Tartars  to  take 
fo  deep  a  root  in  this  Empire  of  qfiirnt^  as  afterward  grew  to  that  height, 
as  to  extirpate  the  Royal  Family  of  the  Tam'tnges,  together  with  the  King. 
dom,at  the  very  fame  time  they  went  about  utterly  to  deftroy  all  Chrifti- 
anity .  But,  (as  ordinarily  it  doth;  by  this  very  perfecution,  Chriftian  Re- 
ligion grew  to  that  height  and  greatneffe,  that  the  Church  glories  to  be- 
hold it-  whilft,  (unleffe  God  vouchfafe  to  lend  a  potent  helping  hand,)thc 
vaft  Kingdom  o^China  is  utterly  overthrown. 

In  the  mean  time,thc  Chine fes  were  very  folicitous  to  expell  this  Enemy 
from  the  bowclls  of  cheir  Country  •,  and  firft,they  felc^cd  very  chief  and 
eminent  men  for  Commanders  and  Governours  •,  then  they  gatheredan 
Army  of  fix  hundred  thoufand  cboife  Souldiers.  The  King  of  C^^r^  al^fo 
j(ji<p-  fent  to  the  Emperour  o^chlm^  twelve  thoufand  •,  with  this  potent  Army 

therefore  they  went  out  in  the  beginning  o^MarchMDCXlX .to  give  Bat- 
tail  to  the  Enemy.  The  Tartars  refolved  to  meet  them  with  an  undaunted 
courage ;  and  for  a  good  while  the  event  and  vi<5tory  was  very  doubtful!  5 
but  in  the  end  the  Armyof  C/;/;?;^  was  wholly  routed,&  their  chief  Com- 
manders, with  fifty  thoufand  men,  were  all  flain.-  The  T^y^^n  according 
to  their  cuftomc,  profecute  the  vidory  with  all  quickneflfc  and  diligence ; 
for  the  fame  day  they  took  and  facked  two  Cities  which  they  burned,Af- 
ter  this,  they  over-run  that  whole  Country.and  came  to  the  very  Walls  of 
PekirJy  the  Emperours  Court  •  but  durft  not  venture  to  befiegeit,  becaufe 
they  knewfbefides  the  infinite  number  of  Canons  it  contained;  there  was 
lodged  fourfcore  thoufand  Souldiers  in  it. 

But  the  Chinefes  confefs  that  there  was  fuch  a  fear  and  confternation  in 
the  City,  that  the  King  thought  to  have  left  that  City  and  gone  into  the 
Southern  parts  of  the  Kingdom :  which  he  had  ef!e(5tually  performed,had 
not  fome  Commanders  fuggefted,  that  his  flight  would  give  courage  to 
the  Vidlorious,  and  breed  trouble  and  confufion  in  the  whole  Empire,  be- 
ing that  to  fly  is  nothing  elfe  but  to  yeeld  up  the  land  to  the  Enemy.  Nay 
more,  they  fay,  the  diforders  were  fuch  in  the  City,  that  if  the  Tartar  had 
come  on,he  infallibly  had  made  himfelf  Mafter  of  it.  But  the  Enemy  was 
more  greedy  of  Prey  •  and  therefore  they  difperfed  themfelves  abroad, 
fpoilirig  and  burning  all  Towns  and  Cities,  and  killing  and  deftroyfng  an 
immenfe  company  oi chinefes  in  a  moft  cruell  manner ;  and  fo  leaving  all 
1^^—^'  thefe  places  difmantled  and  without  Garifons,  laden  with  infinite  Riches, 
gicat  rTJcs.    they  returned  victorious  to  Leaotmg^  where  they  had  their  firft  footing. 

^  After  thefe  things  had  paffed ,  that  renouned  Emperour  of  China  cajjld 
'%^i"pfiouj-  y^pjey  died 5  and  left  his  Son  Taichangus  to  fuccced  him-,who  begun  Co  ga- 
Tifching^''  ther  a  new  Army  againfl  the  Tartars  5  but  after  four  moneths  reign  he  alfo 

fuccctds  and     died* 

Theinh-   '         T^^  ^^^  fuGcccded  Thewkins,  who  as  foon  as  he  afTumed  the  Crown, 
5o|nf^'    fent^anEmbaftadour,  with  many  magiiificetitPrefenis,^ 

china  Monarchy  to  the  King  oiCorea  •,  The  end  of  this  EmbafTage  was  to 
thank  him  for  the  Auxiliary  forces  fent  to  his  Grandfather,as  alfo  to  com- 
fort him  for  the  loffc  he  had  received  in  the  late  fervice  oiC^ina-^  &  finally 


Vellum  ^artaricum.  't6i 

to  follicitc  and  prcfTc  for  further  fuccours  5  For  it  fccnis  thofe  of  Corea,  as 

they  are  nearer  to  ^avon%  fo  they  participate  more  of  that  warlike  Spirit  '^''^'^  °f  ^'"^^'* 

and  Fortitude,  than  thofe  of  Chim  do.  Z'thf '"' 

Befides,  that  he  might  more  cflpc(5i;ually  divert  the  imminent  danger  of  chmfcs. 
his  Kingdoms  ruin,  helcavied  new  Forces  throughout  ail  the  Kingdom  ♦,  .^"^L^S'" 
which  he  fent  into  the  Province  of  hinder  the  irruption  of  the  !rc"rlmi'" . 
Tartars  any  further  into  the  Gountery  •  And  for  their  better  fupply  with 
necefTary  Provi{ion,he  maintained  a  great  Navie  in  the  Haven  o^Thiemn 
tocarry  Corn  and  other  neceffaries  for  their  main:  enance*  This  Port^of 
2j^/>A;f/;»  is  a  Station  to  which  an  incredible  number  of  (hips  reibrt,both  by  'f^fi^^l^  ^^^ 
Sea  and  Rivers,  from  all  parts  of  China^  So  as  bY_tfe  means,  by  a  very 
(hoxi and^compendious  way,  they  were eafjly  provide JwItHall  necelTa- 
rl!es.  For  all  the  whole  Country  of  Zffcf«^  is  almoft  invironed  withjhc 
St2^  and  the  furtbeft  part  is  but  tvvo^daics  dif^ant  by  water  from  this  Port 
of  Thiencin  •,  but  by  land  far  more  time  is  neceffary. 
-  Amongfi  otherCommandcrs  which  came  with  fuccours  to  their  Prince,  Tj>e  vaiiint 
there  was  one  Herojck  Lady,  whom  we  may  well  call  the  Amazort  or  Ven-  ^^m  9^ 
thefiUan  of  China,  SJie  brought  along  with  her  three  thoufand,  frpmjhc  ^'""*^' 
rem_ote  Province  of  Suchtien^carTjingall^nox.  only  Mafciiline  minds,  but 
mens  habits  alfo,  and  affumlng  Titles  more  becoming  men  than  women. 
This  noble  and  generous  Lady  gave  many  rare  proofs  of  her  courage  and 
valour,  not  only  againft  thefe  Tartars^  but  alfo  againft  the  Rebells  which 
afterwards  rifs  againft  their  Lord  and  Emperour.But  now  (he  came  in  this 
War  to  fupply  her  Sons  place,  whom  flie  left  at  home  in  bis  own  King- 
dom, as  being  yet  a  Child,  and  not  able  to  perform  that  Homage  and  Du- 
ty to  which  he  was  obliged .  For  in  the  mountains  of  the  Country  of  5»- 
chncn  there  is  a  King,  not  fubjed  to  him  ofchjm^  but  an  abfolute  Prince  5 
yet  fo  as  he  receives  the  Honour  and  Title  of  a  King  from  the  Emperour 
of  C^''^4  5  after  which  Inveffiture,  hisSubjedls  only  obey  him  and  pay 
Tribute  ^  But  becaufc  they  furpafTe  all  others  in  Valour  and  Courage, ther- 
forc  they  arc  ufed  by  the  Kings  of  China  in  warlick  Affairs. 
'  Byoccafion  of  this  war  the  two  noble  Chriftian  Do(5tours,  P/i///  and  Mi-  "^^^M  >>' 
chael^  found  means  to  pe  rfwadc  the  Emperour  to  demand  of  the  Fortuge-  cSian/^^ 
fes^ojMaca$, fomc^reater  Pieces^and alfo fome Gunnes and  Gunncrs-,ho- advance  Cfir;-. 
ping  by  this  means  alfo  to  reff  ore  thcTjanifhed  Fathers  of  Chriftianity,  as  ^'''""^* 
alfo  the  Religion  it  felf.  And  their  Propofition  took  cffea:  5  for  both  the 
one  and  the  other  were  fent  for  5  and  the  Fathers  who  hitherto  fccretly  ne- 
gotiated the  bufinefTe  of  Religion  were  publickly  admitted  again,  and  ma- 
ny new  Souldiers  oi Portugal  came  to  help  th^  Army. 

And  God  did  moft  abundantly  recompence  to  the  Emperour  this  fa- 
vour done  to  Chriftianity ;For,before  the  Fmugefe  arrived,  his  Army  had 
caft  theTartars  out  of  Leaotmg^hy  means  of  the  Inhabitants  of  that  Coun- 
try, who  being  much  cxafperated  by  the  Tartarians  cruelty,  opened  tlieir 
City  Gates  as foon  as  the  Kingoi China's  Army  appeared,  and  rifing  a- ^-[^^ 
gainft  their  Garifon,  gave  entrance  to  the  Army.  Infomuch  as  they  reco-  ^^^ 
vered  the  Metropolitan  Town  of  Leaotung :  For  the  King  of  Tartary  be- 
ing diverted  by  other  Wars  at  home  could  not  come  foon  enough  to  re- 
lieve it :  So  as  by  this  means  the  affairs  of  china  b^an  to  recover  Life, 


The  Tartars 
caA  out. 


Vellum  Tartaricum. 

The  Tartars 
make  war 
They  befiege 

take  it. 

rewarded  by 
the  Enemy. 

Tfcc  Tart  ATS 
Habits  and 

and  Strengrh,  and  the  Tartars  fccmcd  wholly  reft  rained. 

But  though  Fortune  feemed  now  to  (hew  a  fmiling  face  for  China,  yer, 
ns  her  cuftome  Is,  (he  ftood  not  long  conftant  and  liable :  For  the  Tarta- 
rian King  having  difpatched  his  affairs  mTartarjJknt  prcfently  fixty  thou- 
fand  Horfe to bcdegc  LtAojang  again,  promifing  that  himfclf  inperfon 
would  follow  with  greater  Forces.  And  this  /^rmy  took  that  ftrong  City 
in  the  fpace  of  forty  hours  5  both  patties  fighting  with  fuch  vigour  and 
fiercenefSj  that  thirty  thoufand  of  the  Garifon  wer^  killed,  and  the  Tartars 
loft  about  twenty  thoufand  of  theirs.  Nay  ihc  C^im^es  affirm,  that  they 
had  never  woon  the  City,  had  not  the  Governor  been  corrupted  by  great 
promifes  oft  ewjrd,  to  open  them  one  of  the  Gates  of  the  Town.  But  be 
it  as  it  will,  the  Tartars  woon  the  Town .,  The  Vice  Roy  hanged  himfelf 
for  grief  •,  The  Kings  Vifitor  was  taken  by  the  enemy,  but  could  never  be 
brought  to  fubmit  himfelf,  or  to  beftow  the  Title  of  a  King  upon  the  Bar- 
bari.w ;  for  which,  in  admiration  and  reward  of  his  Conftancy  and  Fide- 
lity, he  obtained  life  and  freedom  ^  but,  knowing  that  according  to  the  cu- 
ftom  of  C/;w^,he  was  guilty  of  death,  only  l^ccaufe  he  had  fought  unfor- 
tunately, more  cruel  to  himfelf  than  the  barbarous  Enemy,  he  hanged 

ThcTart^rs  having  taken  the  City,proclamed  by  Edi(5l,that  they  fliould 
kill  none,  if  they  would  cut  their  hair,and  life  the  Tartarians  HMt.Vov  the 
Tartars  (that  I  may  fay  fomethingof  their  Manners,  as  my  fubje(Ji  gives 
me  occafion)  do  (have  both  the  Head  and  Beard,  referving  only  the  Mu- 
flachces,  which  they  extend  to  a  great  length,  and  in  the  hinder  part  of 
■  their  heads  they  leave  a  Tuff,  which  being  cut  ioufly  woven  and  plated, 
they  let  hang  down  care'efly  below  their  fliouldcrs-they  have  a  round  and 
low  Cap,  which  is  al  waies  garnifhed  round  with  fome  pretious  skin  three 
fingers  hi o^d^ofC after  oxZibcUin,^  ferveth  to  t^cfend  theirTemples^Ears, 
and  Foreheads  fioin  colds  &  other  Tempefts.  That  which  appears  above 
the  skin  being  covered  over  either  with  curious  red  filke,orelfe  wiih  black 
and  purple  horfc"hair,which  they  die  and  drcfte  moft  curioufly^fo  as  theit 
appurtenances  being  decently  joy  ned  together,  makes  the  cap  both  com- 
modious and  handfom.  Their  Garments  are  long  Robes  falling  down  to 
the  very  foot,but  their  fleeves  are  not  fo  wide  and  large  as  the  Chine fes  ufe, 
but  rather  fuch  as  are  ufed  in  Polon^^  Sc  Hungary ^ovXy  with  this  difference, 
tha  ttheyfaft)ion  the  extremity  of  the  Sleeve,  ever  like  a  Horfe  his  Hoof. 
At  their  Girdle  there  hangs  on  cither  fide  two  Handkcrchiefesto  wipe 
their  face  and  hands  •,  befides,  there  bangs  a  Knife  for  all  necefTary  ufes, 
with  two  Purfes,  in  which  they  carry  Tobacco,  or  fuch  like  Commodities. 
On  their  left  fide  they  hang  their  Scymiters,  but  fo  as  the  point  goes  be- 
fore, and  the  handle  behind,  and  therefore  when  they  fight  they  draw  it 
out  with  the  right  hand  behind  them  without  holding  the  Scabbard  with 
the  other.  They  fcldorae  weare  Shoes  5  and  ufe  no  fpurrs  to  their  Boots, 
which  they  make  either  of  Silk,or  ofHorfc-skin  very  neatly  dreft-but  they 
often  ufe  fair  Pattins,  which  they  make  three  Fingers  high.  In  riding  they 
ufc  Stirrups,  their  Trappings  are  both  lower  and  broader  than  ours,  their 
faces  arc  comely,  and  commonly  broad  as  thofe  oi  China  alfo  have,  their 
coJour  is  white,  but  their  Nofc  is  not  fo  flat,  nor  their  eyes  fo  little,  as  the 

Chine  fes 

Vellum  T'artaricum, 

chimfes  arc5They  fpeak  littie,  and  ride  penfis^cly.  In  the  reftofthcic 
manners  they  refemble  outtdttarso^ Europe,  though  they  be  nothing  fo 
barbarous.Thcy  rejoy  ce  to  fee  Strangers: They  no  way  like  the  grimnefs 
and  fourenefs  of  the  Chineffe  gravity,and  therefore  in  theirfirft  abords  they 
appear  more  humane. 

Having  thus  briefly  defcribed  their  manners,  we  refume  our  former 
dircourfe,and  return  to  the  vi<5torious  Tartars  in  the  City  they  had  takcnjln 
which,  finding  many  rich  and  wealthy  Merchants  of  other  Provinces, 
they  publiilieda  Licence  that  they  might  depart  with  their  Goods-,  and 
withall  commanded  them  fpeedily  to  void  the  Qty^  who  prefently  obey-  The  Tartars 
ing  rhe  order,  carried  away  all  their  goods  and  riches^  little  fufpedting  the  perfidioufncfs. 
pe'rfidcous  treachery  of  the  Tartars-^Vot  they  had  hot  gone  three  miles 
from  the  Town,  but  being  fct  upon  by  the  Tartars,  they  were  plundred  of 
their  goods,  and  loft  all  their  lives-,  which  being  done,  they  returned  into 
the  fcarfuU  City,  laden  with  Riches,  the  Citizens  trembling,  left  they 
^might  happely  experience  the  like  perfidioufneffe. 

But  the  T'artar  confidering  at  how  dear  a  rate  he  had  bought  the  mi- 
ftering  of  that  City,  and  fearing  alfo  to  find  the  like  provifion  and  pre- 
paration in  other  Cities,they  durft  not  make  any  further  attempt-,for  they 
knew  well  that  the  Emperour  had  not  only  fortified  all  the  ancient  places, 
but  ercded  alfo  new  muivitions,  in  the  ftraights  of  many  hard  and  rude 

And  amongft  all  other  ftrong  Holds,  that  of  Xanghai^  fcituated  in  the 
Ifland  of  Cu^  was  moft  eminent-,  containing  a  vaft  number  of  men  in  the 
Gariifon,  to  rcfift  the  further  progrefTe  of  the  T^r/^m;?  Forces.  But  that 
which  moft  of  all  repreffcd  the  Tartars^  was  the  great  valour  of  the 
incomparable  Commmder  LMMvenlmgus  -  who  having  with 
his  great  Fleet  taken  an  Ifland  necr  Corea  in  the  mouth  of  the  River 
T4A?,vexedmurhtheir  Army  in  the  Rear,  and  was  victorious  in  feverall  The  viiiameft 
Skirmifhes  againfl  them;  fo  that  the  Tartars  bent  all  their  care  and  Commander 
thoughts  againft  this  their  Enemy.  This  renowned  perfon  was  born  in 
the  Province  o^Bvangtungy  where  being  neer  the  Pertugefeoi  Macao,  he 
had  much  perf  eifted  himfelf  in  the  Art  of  war,  and  he  brought  with  him 
many  great  pieces  of  Artillcrie,  which  he  had  recovered  from  the  Ship- 
wrack  of  a  BfoHajjd  Ship,  upon  the  coafls  of  that  Territorie.  And  becaufc 
the  Emperour  o^ China  had  declared  the  C\iyo£Ninguyventohtt\\6 
chief  (in  place  o^ Leao'jartg)(yj\\txc  alfo  he  had  placed  a  new  Ficeroy^z{\dL 
his  Royall  Vifitor  jthcreforc  Mmvenlurtgrn  placed  the  bcft  part  of  his  Ar*-' 
tdlarie  upon  the  Walls  of  this  City. 

The  Tartars  therefore  adiied  nothing  till  the  year  1625.  and  becaufc 
they  refolved  to  befiegc  the  new  Metropolitan  City  of  Nrnguyverf,  they 
firftpufpofed  ioimMaovenlungus  his  fidelity-,  offering  him  halfc  of  the  -pi^^^^.^,^^^^^ 
Empire  of  Chwa,  if  he  would  help  them  to  gain  it;  But  that  noble  Soul  of  ne^c  of  the " 
his,  proved  as  faithfull,  as  valiant,  by  rcjetfiing  thofe  demands  with  indig-  f  ommander« 
natiofl-and  came  prefently  with  his  Forces  to  fuccour  the  City  Ningtt'fvw  *"    ^'"** 
which  they  befieged-,  by  which  means,  the  74r//<rj  having  loft  ten  thou-  yj,c overthrow 
fandmen,wercputtoflght-,and  amongft  the  reft,  the  King  o^  tartarfs  ^i^htT^rtars,' 
own  Sonne  was  killed.  Wherefore  being  furious  with  anger,thcypaf- 



26^  Vellum  Tartaricum. 

fed  the  frozen  Sea,  and  invaded  the  Ifland  Thaoyven,  where  they  killed 

ten  thoufand  that  kept  Garrifons  there, together  with  all  the  Inhabitants; 

and  by  this  one  A6t,  having  revenged  their  former  diTcomfiture,  they  re- 

X  cruelty.  ^^^^^^  ^^^^  Tartary^not  with  a  refolution  to  fit  ftill,but  an  intention  to  re- 

turne  with  greater  Forces-,  By  which  retreat, all  things  retnaincd^quietull 

the  year  1627. in  which  the  Empcrour  Thienk'tus  dyed  in  theflpw!r_of 

The  Kings  of  his  age,  and^with  him  the  whole  Empire  of  Cto4  fccmed  to  fall  to  ruin 

cKJnd'^r-  2j^'(j  deftru^ion-,  andjjn  the  fame  year,  the  King  of  the  Tartars,  who  had 

MT^jothdjcd.  ^j^jy-^^^-£^^^  himfelfe  augmented  the  number  of  the 

*-»  AftcrT/'/e»i^/«J,in  the  Empire  of  C^/;?4,  fucccedcd  that  unhappy  Em-  - 

peroiir  ^«;j^f^/>/»^,  brother  to  the  former,(of  whom  more  hereafter .) 
^I/A'^^  ^_  And  ahcr  Thiefiwwgus  King  of  Tartar j,  fucceeded  Thienzmgtts  his  Son, 
rou/oT c/iiE'  wHo  changed  the  manner  of  his  Fathers  Government ,  and  by  good 
fBenxungw    QqxxwccW  began  rogoverne  the  Chinefes  in  courteous  and  fweet  manrier; 

S?Sp4c*S"tt^o"g^^^^^^^^"^^^  ^^"^"^^^  ^^"^  ^  good  example  for  his 

cltfors.         Son  to  conquer  China  more  by  Civifity  and  Humanitie^than  by  force  of 


'  lnthisyear,great  Mapvenlmgus  Souldiers  being  i nfqlc titjb^  want  of  a ^i- 
Sicn".«  ex-  on,  grew  very  troublefomc  and  oilenfive,  by  their  Rapines  and  Diforder?, 
afperatc the  to  the  Corcam^  who  were  friends  and  Allies-,  and  particularly  they  much 
Country  of  Co-  ^xafperated  the  Province  of  Bienkin-^  infomuch  that  fome  of  the  Inhabi- 
'^''**  tantsof  that  place,  moved  with  indignation  of  feverall  pafTages,  fecretly 

treated  with  the  Tartarian  King,  to  invade  the  Chimjfes  Army,  in  the  ha- 
bit and  attire  of  the  Inhabitants  of  Corf^,  from  whom  they  could  exped 
-no  treafon,  being  leaguerd  with  them  in  friendfhip  and  amitie  ••  to  effe(5t  - 
which  dcfign ,  thcfe  Traitours  both  to  their  Country ,  Kin^ ,  and 
the'Emperour  of  China,  promifed  their' bcft  afTiflance.  This  Goun- 
fel  pleafed  the  Tartar-,  and  therefore  he  fenta  Vice-roy  wfth  a  potent  A  r- 
ThtTartars    j^y  to  which  the  Orf4WJ (hcwcd  the  wayes,and  guided  them  through 

(nto  Corea      all  thc  paffages-,  who  falling  upon  the  Chinefa  Armie  (which  fufpe^ing 
nothing,  was  divided,  nnd  many  ftragling  up  and  down  the  Country; 

are  biOu 

Trf.     aiitnc 

^  madea  huge  Carnage  amongft  them .  But  when  Maovenlmgus  perceived  ^^ 
they  were  T4y/4rj,  he  prefently  made  head,  rallied  his  forces,  and  vigo- 
roufly  oppofed  all  thofe  (harp  affaults.Butj^et  at  length  he  was  forced  to  "' 
yeeld  the  Field-,  and  therefore  leaving  a  Regiment  or  two,to  hold  the  E- 
nemie  in  adioti  whilft  his  Army  retreated,  he  fled  to  his  fhips,  and  to  thc 
•  Ifland  which  he  had  fortified.  The  Tartars  were  vexed  and  grieved,both 
to  fee  their  victory  fo  bloody,  and  alfo  that  Maovenlungns,  v^hom  they 
chiefly  aimed  at,  had  efcapcd  with  mofl  of  his  Army-,and  therefore  enra- 
^'  gcd  with  anger»they  fell  upon  thc  Ct>rf4;;  Traitors,asfallrtothcm,and 
,j  killcci  every  man;  (vvhichadtion  the  King  o[  Tartary  himfelf  afterward 
muchcondemnedj)  and  then  turning  their  wrath  to  thc  four  Northern 
Corea  wafted.'  Provinces,  which  border  upon  tartary,  they  vyaftcd  and  dcftroycd  them 
all  in  a  moment. 

'  In  the  mean  time  the  King  of  C$rea  gathered  an  Army  to  refiff  the  Tar* 
tars-,  and  Maovenlmgus  alfo,  having  recruited  his  Forces,  came  into  Corea^ 
to  revenge  thc  received  lolfe.  The  victorious  Tartars  were  come  within 


Vellum  Tartar icum*  26 f 

fcven  Leagues  of  the  principalleft  City  of  all  Cerea.   And,  finding  the 
King  to  have  taken  the  Straights  and  PafTagcs  of  the  Mountains  .which 
lead  unto  it,  they  defperately  refolved  to  force  their  paflTage*  The  Battel 
-was  hardly  begun,  when  MAOvedungm^  after  a  long  march,  falls  in  upon 
their  R ear:the  T4r/^rj  finding^theniicl yes  enconipaffed  before  &  behind, 
nor  any  means  to  eTcape  bucbydintjof  Sword,  fought  moft  delperately^ 
fuEainingthe  (hock  of  two  Armics;  fuch  was  the  fji^ry_of  thjs  batteil,  as 
<gyg4  ngycnaw7for,f  it  is  ftrange  to  write,yet  ve£yjrue~)o£the"thrce_Ar- 
mies,  nonewas  vicaorousib^^      a  manner,  deft  royed.  Of  the  rmari'  The  Fight  and 
4;^ Annie  fifty   thoufaud    were   found  wanting-  The  Or(rd«  ArmiefKughteroTj. 
loft    feveity    thoufand^  and    few   or  none  efcaped  of  the  Chinefes-,  A^mlev;  - 
for  their  Qinrter  being  moft  commodious  for  the  Tartars  flight,  they 
there  made  their  moft  vigorous  Charges,and  fo  forced  their  way  towards 
their  own  Coantry,  So  as  none  of  them  all  gained  the  ficld,or  could  pro- 
fecute  the  courfe  of  a  Vi(5tory.  Yet  the  King  o^Corea  made  a  (liift  to  rallie 
To  many  together  again,  as  to  take  pofleffion  of  thofe  his  Countries  which 
the  Tart ariaffs  by  thck  flight  had  left  dcfolate.  But  the  Tartars  after  all 
their  lo(res,ceafed  not  to  make  frequent  in-rodes  into  the  Country  oiLeaO' 
tmgy^iM\  took  all  the  Oriental!  part  of  it.  From  thence  they  made  incur-  ^^^  ^^^^^^ 
{ions  into  the  other  part,and  carried  away  great  Preys  and  Booties^  But  part'of  i/i)^ 
they  were  alwayes  fo  beaten,  and  fo  defeated,  as  they  could  never  fix  a  r««^  is  under 
conftant  habitation  there-  For  by^this  time  were  arrived  feven  excellent  ^^  •^'*''^'*''* 
Gunners  from  the  Portughefe  quarters,  vvhij:h  both  by  themfelvcs,  and_by  The  Fomgeje 
teaching  the  Chinefes,  advanced  infinitely  the  King  of  Chirta  his  affairs;  renTfuccour. 
crpedally  where  that  Chriftan  Vice- Roy ,  gaUed  Sm  Ignatius  ^  was 
Conimander  in  chie^-^of  whofe  aflPairs  we  fhal  fay  fomething  hereafter. 
*-  In  tnls  conjun^ure  of  affairs,  the  Empcrour  ^mgchmifis  kxM  2^  new   *" 
Commander  called  7/vems  iv^^o_Leamng,  wjt  h  a  new  Armie  an^dlull 
,  power  to  conclude  a  Peace  vyith  the  Tartars,  li they  would  admit jt :  For  Amfty  Com« 
the  diforders  oftfie  time's  had  caufed  fo  matiy  needy  perrons5Thccvs,and  c/;/>frt  Army/ 
Cut  throats,  that  the  Emperour  grew  more  anxious  how  to  fupprelTc 
this  great  domeftick  Enemie,which  feemed  to  aim  at  the  Kingdoms  ruin, 
than  he  was  of  the  Tartarian  Forces.  This  Tvenusvizs  a  crafty  and  fubt'ili  . 
wit,moft  eloquent  both  in  fpeaking  and  writing;  who  by  politick  difcour- 
fes,  drawn  ffom  his  tbilitary  experience,  had  wrought  fo  much^  not  only 
upon  the  Emperours  mind,  but  alfo  upon  all  the  CounceU,  that  tBey  c- 
ijeeiped  what  he  concluded  as  a  Law  to  be  obfcrved  ;  Wherefore  the 
Chinefes  put  all  their  confidence  in  him*,  nor^had  they  been  fruft rated  of 
their  hopes,  had  not  this  wicked  man  been  more  wedded  to  his  own  inte- 
tereft,  and  love  ofRiches,  than  to  the  publick  good,  and  fidelitie  to  his 
Prince :  For  firft  he  received  of  the  Tartan  a  vaft  Summe  of  gold;  which  ^ 
wrought  lomuch  upon  him,as  that  having  invited  to  a  Banquet  that  moft 
,  Valorous  and  Faithful!  Champion  Maovenlungus^  whom  the  Tartars  on-  * 
ly  feared,  he  there  poifoned  that  great  Commander,  After  this  he  made  polfbned! "^'^ 
a  moft  ignominious  and  (hamefull  Peace  with  the  T4/-/4rj,condefccnding  .» 
to  all,that  thofe  that  had  fed  him  with  Riches,  could  dcfire.But  when  the:>:» 
Emperour  had  perufed  the  Tieatic,  he  prcfencly  found  his  Plenipotcntia- 
rian  had  fold  himjand  therefore  rcfufed  to  ratifie  or  confirm  the  Articles,  "^ 

Mm  "^Whac 

2<j<J  Bellum  Tanaricum. 

.-  VVhatfliould  rvenusz^m  this  exigents  That  he  might  force  the  Empc 
tour  to  admit  them,  be  pcrfwaded  the  T^rMr;,  in  the  year  i6joV  to  enter 
r/f?  o        CBm\i^  another  Country  than  that  which  was  committed  to  his  charge, 
>     -^  -  *      prom \ring  them  for  hisjgarj,  he  would^  way  with  his  Army  hinder 
thUr  progrep7Trhe74r/4rjlcnew  that  his  avarice  had  fo  potent  an  Af* 
cendcnt  over  hlra,as  that  they  need  to  fear  no  hurt  from  him^and  upon 
that  confidence  admitted  of  his  Counfell.  Wherefore  being  fecure  from 
all  alTaults  from  any  Enemie  behind  them5thcy  entred  the  Province  oiPe- 
/t/?2^j&  at  length  bcfiegcd  the  Kings  Court;  Infomuch  that  his  Councel 
Court  SI    perlwaded  him  to  leave  the  ImperialCity,and  retire  to  the  Southern  Pro- 
s^'^*  vinccs-jbut  he  protefted  he  would  rather  die,  than  quit  the  Northern 

quarters^and  not  only  fo^but  he  forbade  any  to  depart  the  Court,  or 
Townbefiegcd-    In  the  mean  time, the  Tartars  mzkQ  many  fierce  af- 
faults,  and  as  often  were  valiantly  beaten  back  with  great  lofle  and 
C2imzgt,r'venus  was  called  to  refift  the  Tartars ,  for  as  yet  his  Traiterous 
Complots  were  not  difcovered.  And  left  he  fhould  difcover  his  Trea- 
fon,  he  comes  with  his  Armic  neer  the  very  Walls  of  the  Court,  which 
was  of  a  vaft  extent,  and  as  it  were  a  great  partition  between  the  two  Ar- 
mies from  which  both  the  C^/W/<r  and  T'/ir/^ry  forces  were  perfedly  dif- 
cerned.  But  though  Tvenus  was  under  the  Empcrours  eye,  yet  he  adtcd 
little-,  for  his  only  aim  being  to  returne  home  laden  with  Riches,  he  ne- 
ver d'efiftcd  to  perfwade  the  Emperour  to  admit  his  conditions  of:  Peace. 
So  that  the  Emperour  finding  him  evidently  to  be  a  Traitor,  difclofing 
his  intention  to  none  of  his  Councel  nor  Governours,  fends  to  invite  him 
to  a  private  Councel  of  war,  giving  alfo  order  that  he  (hould  be  admit- 
ted into  the  City  over  the  Walls,  left  if  any  Gate  (hould  be  open,  the 
Tartar  being  fo  neer  might  preffe  in  upon  them.,but  indeed  he  ordered  the 
bufinefTc  in  this  manner,  left  he  ftiould  bring  his  Armieinto  the  City 
with  him,  ri;f»»uherefore  knowing  he  had  many  chief  men  about  the 
Emperous  perfon,  who  were  both  his  favourities  and  friends,  and  that 
none  of  them  gave  him  the  Icaft  fign  of  any  diftafte  that  the  Emperour 
might  conceive  againft  him,  boldly  and  fccurely  prefented  himfelf  at 
SS^kiSed  Court.,  and  as  foon  as  he  appeared,  he  was  prcfently  arrefted,  and  after 
fomefew  queftions,the  Emperour  commanded  him  to  be  killed  .The  Tar- 
The  '^^^^^^^    tars  hearing  of  his  death(  before  the  China  Armic  had  a  new  General  alTig- 
cSVof  k-  ned)raife  the  fiege,ranfack  all  the  Country  round  about,and  after  they  had 
king,^  depart,  made  cxcurfions  tothenextbordcringProvinccof  Xantung^nchXyXzdiCii 
with  all  manner  of  Spoiles,  returne  to  their  firft  xt£\dtnctm  Leaotuvg, 
From  thefe  times  til  the  year  1 6^6  xht  event  of  their  Warrs  was  very  va- 
^^     riouSibut  in  general  we  obferve,that  the  Tartars  could  never  fix  a  foot  in 
r^rurjdies;   Chiffa,hut  they  were prefently  beaten  out  again.In  thisfarae ytziThienzm' 
another  fuc-'  gus^mg  of  the  Tartar s  diedjafter  whom,fucceeded  his  Son  ZangteuSfVa- 
^"**'*  ther  to  him  that  now  governs  Chinapi  whom  we  now  muft  begin  to  treat. 

This  Prince,  before  his  Rcign,  cxprelfed  much  judgement  in  feverall 
f^^^t^i  Occurrences,  furpafling  all  the  Kings  of  Tartary  in  Hunaanity,  and  obli- 
Trfj-r    ging  courtcfic ;  For  when  he  was  y  oung,hc  was  fcnt  by  his  Father  into  Chi- 
dent &-n»4We.  ^^^ ^^^^^  j^g  jj^g^j  fccretly,and  learned  the  chinas Manners^Doi^rine  and 
Language,  and  now  coming  to  the  Kingdom,  he  changed,  and  far  furpaf- 


Vellum  Tartaricum.  2^7 

kd  all  the  Examples  of  his  Predeccffors :  For  having  obfcrved,  that  their 
too  hard  and  cruel  ufagc  of  the  Cbineffes^  had  been  the  principal  obftacle 
of  their  advancement,  to  the  end  he  might  conquer  that  Empire  he  fo 
much  thirfted  afrer,as  well  by  Love  as  by  Arms,he  courteoufly  entertain-  Gcmknffs^"'^ 
ed  and  cherilhed  all  thofe  of  China  which  came  unto  himjufing  all  Prifon-  be  uicd  m 
ers  with  great  fwectnes,  and  inviting  them  either  to  fubmit  freely  to  his  Conquering 
Government,  or  rake  their  courfe  with  full  freedom.  The  fame  of  his  hu-    ^"°"^* 
manitie  was  fpred  tar  andneer-,  which  induced  many  Commanders  and 
chief  officers  to  fly  unto  him  •,  by  whofe  means  and  help,  at  length  he  be- 
came Emperour  of  that  fpacious  and  flourifliing  Country.  For  experience 
fliews  uSjthatLove  andHumanity  do  work  more  upon  mens  hcartSjin  con- 
quering and  conferving  Kingdomes,  than  Arms ;  and  crueltieof  the  Con- 
querors hath  loft  that,  which  ftrcngth  of  Arms  had  happily  fubdued. 
Wherefore  when  the Chwejfes  came  to  undeiftand,  that  the  King  of  Tar- 
tary  did  not  only  afford  them  a  refuge,    but  friendfhip,  many  great 
perfons  flying  the  Indignation  of  the  King  of  C^ina^  fhelfered  themfelves 
under  the  Tartars  prote(5lion.  For,  by  rcafon  of  the  China's  great  Avarice 
and  Perfidioufnefs,it's  a  necefTary,  (though  mod  inhumanej  Maxim,  that 
thofe  Officers  perifh,  who  have  managed  the  Kingdomes  Affairs  witli  Prindp?e°of 
Icfle  fucceffe.  For  they  cafily  are  brought  to  belceve,  that  fuch  unhappy  tiic  chmfes. 
cventSjdo  not  proceed  fo  much  from  the  frown  of  inconftant  Fortune,as  \t 
doth  from  the  per  fid  ie  or  negligence  of  the  Commanders.  So  as  if  any 
fought  unhappily,  or  if  he  loft  the  Country  committed  to  his  charge,  if  a- 
ny  Sedition  or  Rebellion  happened,  the  Governors  hardly  ever  cfcaped 
alive.  Seeing  therefore  they  found  fo  much  Humanitie  in  the  Tartar ^  and 
fo  much  Inhumanity  in  the  Emperor,  they  rather  chofe  to  fly  to  the 

By  this  occafion  give  me  leave  to  relate  what  happened  to  that  incom-  hnatm  the 
parable  Commander  (renowned  both  for  Fidelitic  and  Fortitude)  called  ^''1?^""'"" 
Ignatius »  This  Heroick  mind  prcferd  his  fidelitie  to  his  Prince,  before  his  chriftians 
life,  before  the  Tartarian  s  proted^ion,  yea  even  before  the  ftrength  of  his  ""J^^'x  ^'l'<^^- 
formidable  Army^  and  chofe  rather,with  his  unparallel'd  Fidelity ,to  fub- 
mit his  head  to  a  Block  by  an  unjuft  fentence,  than  to  abandon  his  Coun- 
try, or  once  commit  the  leaft  fault  againft  his  Soveraign,  though  guilty  of 
much  injuftice  towards  Him  :  He  might  perchance  have  fwayed  the  So-  ignatht^  his 
veraign  Scepter  o£  china,  if  he  would  have  hearkened  to  his  SouldietSjbut  fidelity. 
he  rather  chofe  to  die  glorioufly,  than  to  be  branded  with  the  name  of  a 

After  this  man  therefore  had  gained  fevcral  Viiflories  againft  the 
Tartars^znd  recovered  many  Cities  from  their  pofTeffion,  fo  as  he  hoped 
fhortly  wholly  to  extirpate  them  out  of  ChinayHis  Souldicrs  being  long 
without  pay,  feditioufly  plundred  and  pillaged  a  Town  which  had  ever 
been  fairhfull  to  the  KmgJgnatiM  by  fcveral  petitions  and  Remonftranccs 
to  the  Emperour,  had  declared  his  wants  of  mony,  and  their  want  of  Pay; 
but  becaufe  he  fed  not  thofe  venal  fouls  that  mannaged  the  bufineffe  for  .  , . 
mony  and  prefentSjthey  al waies  fupprefTcd  his  humble  addreffes  for  relief.  Pi"f>T  " 
Befides,  this  man  being  a  very  pious  Chriftian,  he  did  nothing  in  his  go- 
vernment, but  what  was  conform  to  Rcafon  and  Jufticc  •,  which  was  the 

Mm  2  caufc 

x(J8  Bellum  Tartaricum. 

caufe  he  incurred  the  hatred  of  all  the  ancient  Prefects-,  who  ufiially  recei- 
ving Bribes  from  the  contcfting  parties,  demanded  favour  oUgmtm  for 
their  Clients.But  it  was  in  vain  to  intercede  for  any,  unkfTe  the  juftncfle  of 
the  caufe  did  alfo  ballance  their  Petitions.  And  thefe  men  attributing  this 
proceeding,  not  to  vertue,  but  to  his  Pride,  thinking  themfelvcs  underva- 
lued by  him,  dealt  under-hand  with  the  Prefe(5ls  in  the  Court,  to  ftop  the 
Armies  pay,  that  fo  they  might  deftroy  this  innocent  man.  Moreover,  he 
was  envied  by  the  Commanders  in  the  very  Court,  bccaufe  he  came  to 
this  eminent  dignitie  by  his  own  valour  and  induftry  5  which  they  imagi- 
ned was  only  to  be  given  to  Do<5tors,and  Ignatius  was  but  a  Licenciat-,as  if 
the  moft  learned  muii  needs  be  alfo  the  moft  valorous.  In  this  conjund:urc 
of  affairs,  the  Souldiers  not  contented  with  the  feditious  pillage,  feeing  the 
moft  imminent  danger  hanging  over  their  moft  efteemed  and  belovedGo- 
vernour,  by  reafon  of  their  folly,  go  about  to  perfwadc  him  to  make  him- 
felf  King  of  that  Province  •,  nay  more,  to  take  the  whole  Empire  to  him- 
felf,  as  a  thing  due  to  hit.  Prowefs  and  Merits;  promifing  their  whole 
ftrength  to  effe(5t  the  bufinelTe  5  and  alfo  to  extirpate  thofe  men  about  the 
Emperour,  that  aimed  more  to  c6mpatfe  their  malicious  ends,than  to  pro- 
mote the  general  affaires  of  the  Empire :  But  Ignatius^  by  pious  admonici  - 
ons,ftaved  them  off  from  further  vioience,made  them  obedient  and  quiet, 
commanded  all  to  ftand  faithfull  to  the  Emperour  of  China^  and  punifhed 
the  chief  of  that  fedition» 

This  fuprcme  3(51  of  fidelity  deferved  a  better  efteemand  acceptance, 
than  th  It  which  was  returned  by  the  Emperour  and  hi?  Court;  who  fligh- 
ting this  his  allegcance,  fent  another  Vice-Roy  in  his  place,  and  comman- 
ded him  to  appear  in  Court  :  He  then  perceived  they  aimed  at  his  life; 
and  the  Souldiers  fufpciflcd  the  bufincfTe  5  and  therefore,  mad  with  anger, 
they  all  jointly  rofe  in  Arms  for  him,  {"wearing  they  would  live  and 
die  with  him,  and  that  he  fhould  not  prefent  himfclfe  at  Court,//  is  cur  da- 
ty  (fay  they  j  tocenfervethylife^  which  hafl  heenfo  c/irefullof  mrsr,  andwc 
have  ftreiigth  md  c enrage  eneugh  toreftft  all  theforceofthy  ferjidimi  EnC' 
„   ,  ,  But  Ignatius  was  deaf  to  all  thefe  allurements,  and  ftudied  by  all  means 

rather^raic,  to  fwceten  their  exulcerated  minds ;  alwaies  inculcating  to  them  to  die 
than  either  to  truc  and  loyall  to  their  Soveraigns  fervice ;  chufing  rather  to  water  that 
ferveThV**     ungtatcfuU  Soil  of  his  native  Country  with  the  ftreams  of  his  Blood,  than 
Tartars.        either  to  fpill  his  Enemies  blood  by  the  force  and  pow'r  of  his  Souldiers^ 
or  to  retire  to  the  Tartarian  King,  which  offered  him  fo  fair  preferments. 
But  many  of  his  Captains  fell  off  to  the  Tartars -^  following,  in  this,  not 
his  example,  but  that  of  many  others,  whom  they  faw  eminently  promo- 
ted amongft  the  Tartars»Somc  of  thofe  that  then  fled  from  the  Emperour, 
are  now  chief  Commanders  under  the  Tartarian  King,  in  their  China  Em- 
pire ;  fome  alfo  have  obtained  the  dignity  of  Princes,or  Royolets  in  feve* 
ral  Countries,  for  the  reward  of  their  Valour  and  faithfull  Service  againft 
China.  Sb  much  more  piercing  is  that  rvedge^  whieh  is  made  of  the  fame  wood. 
But  although  hitherto  thtkTartarianV^zxs  had  caufed.great  troubles  & 
tempcfts  in  the  China  Empire,  yet  all  things  now  fcemed  (o  calmed  and 
pacified,  as  they  fecmed  fecure  from  any  further  danger  5  forthc  Wcffern 


Vellum  7artaricum,  z6p 

part  oiLcaotung  was  ftrongly  fortified,  and  there  was  a  great  Army  in  tiae 
Iflind  ofC«,  and  the  bordering  quartcrs^which  hindered  thcTartars  in  the 
Eaftern  part  of  the  Country,  which  they  poffcfled,  from  further  paflage. 
But  now  the  chiefeft  danger  was  from  the  Traitors  and  Thcevcs  which  j^'^^J^^^J'* 
were  in  the  very  Bowells  of  the  Country  5  who  finally  deflroyed  it,  and  cLf  occaHon 
gave  it  up  in  Prey  to  the  Tartars,  of  its 

I  touched  fomthing  of  their  Commotions  before,  now  we  muft  treat  a  ''^"''''■'^'^* 
little  more  largely  of  their  proceedings,  that  the  Reader  may  fee  how  the 
7'artars  came  to  lubdue  and  conquer  Chma. 

The  fird  Combination  of  thefe  Rovers  appeared  in  the  remote  Coun-  Seveiali 
ixy  o^ Suchuen^  whohavingpillaged  divers  Cities,  and  emboldened  by  ^''^^^^** 
profpcrous  fucceffe,  ventured  to  befiegc  the  chief  City  of  that  Country 
co\\*dCwgtU'^  which  they  had  infallibly  taken,  if  that  valiant  Amazon, 
whom  I  mentioned  before,  had  not  come  to  relieve  it  with  her  Army^but  They  are 
by  her  valour  they  were  beaten  off  with  great  loffe  •  and,  not  being  whol-  defeated,  bat 
lycxtingui(]3ed,!thcy  retired  into  the  mountains  to  recruit  their  Forces.  "°^  ^^"'^"'^'"'^ 
Thefc  were  feconded  by  a  like  race  of  people  in  the  Province  oi ^leicheu 
who  took  occafion  of  rifingby  rcafon  of  an  unjufl  Sentence  pafTed  ina  fute 
betwixt  two  Grandees  of  that  Country,  he  who  loft  the  caufe  being  offen- 
ded with  the  Governors.Thefe  roving  companions,  firfl  kill'd  all  the  Ma " 
giftrates  which  had  pronounced  that  unjufl  fenrcnce-,  and  then  they  defea- 
ted the  Vice  Roy  his  Army ;  yet  afterwards  he  routed  them  with  a  new  ^^"^'^ 
Army,  but  could  not  extinguifh  them,  Befides  thefe,  the  Famin  increafing  ¥Cs"  '^"'' 
in  the  Northern  quarters  in  the  Countries  oLxenfi  and  Xamung^  by  reafon 
of  a  great  inundation  of  Locufls  which  devoured  alU  there  rifs  up  by  this 
occafion,  many  loofe  fell  owes  which  lived  by  Rapin.   Thefe  men  at  firft 
were  tew  in  number,  and  fmall  in  ftrength,and  after  only  preying  in  little 
places,  prcfently  fled  to  the  Mountains  •  but  finding  they  got  bodi  Meat 
and  Riches,  with  little  labour  and  lefTe  coft,  they  quickly  got  Compani- 
ons to  reinforce  them  •,  This  Sedition  being  alfo  much  augmented  by  the 
Empcrour  Zungchinius  his  notable  avarice,"  who  fo  exhaufted  the  people  And  the 
by  Impoflsand  Taxes, as  if  it  had  been  a  year  of  the  golden  Age.  The  Emperom  i..-. 
Prefers  of  the  Provinces,  not  being  able  prcfently  to  reprcffe  the  info- '*''"'""' 
lency  of  thofe  people,  they  daily  increafcd  in  courage  and  (trength  5  Info- 
much  as  in  feveral  Countries  they  had  eight  very  confiderable  Armies. 
They  chofethe  flrongefl  &  valianteft  men  amongff:  them  for  their  Com- 
manders ;,  and  thefe  perfons  being  grown  rich  and  potent  by  preying,  de- 
pofed  now  the  pcrfon  of  Ring-leaders  of  Theeves,  and  afpired  to  no  leffe 
than  to  the  Empire  of  China.  And  at  firft  they  fought  one  againft  another,  TheComman- 
every  one  pillaging  another  of  what  he  could  .•  But  at  length  things  were  fhe  e  n''"'^ '° 
brought  to  that  paffe,  that  two  of  the  Commanders  being  only  left  alive, '  '  '"^"'^ 
thefc  two  prevailed  with  the  Souldiers  of  thofe  that  were  killed,to  follow 
their  Enfignes  and  Fortune-,  and  they  knowing  well  that  if  they  were  taken 
by  the  Emperors  Officers,  they  could  not  efcape  a  moft  certain  death,  ea- 
fily  refolved  to  (helter  themfelves  under  the  Arms  of  thefe  two  vidtori- 
ous  perfonsi  The  name  of  one  of  thefe  chief  Brigands  was  Licungzt^-^ihc  tic  chSo  ^'^ 
fecond  was  called  Chdnghimchtrngus',  two  notorious  bold  roguifh  fellows-,     ^  '^  ^  °"^ 
who  left  they  fhould  deftroy  one  anothcrs  fortunes  by  their  ambitious 


27®  "Be Hum  Tartaricum. 

emulation,  feparatcd  thcmfelves  far  from  one  another,  refolving  both  to 
purfuethcirprofperous  fortunes.  Lkungz^m  therefore  poirclTcd  himfclfe 
of  the  Northern  parts  oiXenfi  and  Honan  5  and  the  other  tyrannized  over 
the  Countries  o^Suchnen  and  Huquang.  But  that  we  may  not  interrupt  our 
difcourfe,  by  delivering  the  Adts  of  both  thefe  together,  we  will  firfl  treat 
o^Ltcnngzus  his  feats,being  he  was  the  caufe  of  the  Tartars  coming  to  the 
Empire^  ("which  he  himfelf  might  have  pofTefTed,  if  his  proceedings  had 
been  moderate  and  humanej)  and  of  the  other  we  (hall  fpeak  hereafter. 
Therefore  in  the  year  1641.  thefc  pilferers  having  got  immenfe  riches  in 
the  Province  Xenfi,  made  an  irruption,  in  a  vaft  body,  into  that  delicious 
They  vex  IeTe»  fwcet  Province  o^Homn,  and  went  ftrait  to  the  chief  City  called  Caifung^ 
rai  Frorinces.  which  thev  beficged.  There  was  in  that  place  a  very  great  and  flrong  Ga- 
rifon^who  by  the  benefit  of  Artillery  mounted  upon  hand- wheelingCars^ 
foi  ced  them  to  quit  the  fiege  5  then  they  fell  upon  all  the  neighbouring 
Cities,  plundring,fpoiling,  and  burning  all  they  could  mafter.  Having 
hoorded  up  (lore  of  provifion  of  Corn,  and  augmented  their  Army  by  a 
company  of  rafcally  Vagabonds  and  loytering  Fellows,  they  returned  a- 
They  beficgc  gain  to  bcficgc  the  Metropolitan  City  •  but  difpairing  to  take  it  by  Force 
the  noble  City  or  Affaults.they  refolved  to  ruin  it  by  a  long  fiege,  that  they  might  enjoy 
(^(i^fwg.        ^^^  immenfe  Riches  of  that  noble  City  5  and  though  this  Town  be  three 
great  Leagues  in  circumference,  yet  they  rounded  it  fo  by  their  lines,  as 
nothing  could  enter  the  City^this  drave  them  to  fome  (Iraits^for  although 
the  Purveyer  for  vi(5tualls  had  brought  in  good  flore  of  provifion  in  the 
two  moneths  fpace  in  which  they  were  abfent,  yet  becaufe  that  Province 
which  ufed  to  be  moft  plentifull,  was  now  deficient  in  Corn,  they  could 
not  make  fufficient  provifion  for  fix  moneths  fiege,  for  fuch  an  infinite 
multitude  of  people  as  were  retired  within  the  Walls- Yet  it  held  out  moft 
refoiutely  for  the  fpace  of  fix  moneths,  in  which  time  though  they  were 
brought  to  hard  (hifts,  yet  hoping  alwaies  for  fuccour  from  their  Empe- 
ror, they  would  never  fubmit  to  any  conditions*  I  dare  not  relate  to  what 
an  exccffc  this  Famincame  to-,  but  it  feems  it  furpafTed  the  Famin  offfieru- 
Jalem  •,  a  pound  of  Rice  was  worth  a  pound  of  Silver  •,  and  a  pound  of  any 
Fam^n.  ""^  °  old  rotten  skin  was  fold  at  ten  C  rowns  •,  dead  mens  flefh  was  fold  publick- , 
ly  in  the  Shambles  as  Hogs  flefli ,  and  it  was  held  an  zGt  of  Piety  to  cxpofe 
the  dead  in  the  ft reets  for  others  to  feed  on,  who  fhortly  were  to  be  food 
for  others  •,  but  I  will  pafTc  over,  and  conceal  yet  more  horrible  things 
than  I  have  related.  This  City  lies  towards  the  South  fide  of  that  vaft  and 
precipitate  River  which  the  ch'mefes  cAXHoang^  becaufe  the  ftreams  al- 
waies appear  of  a  yellowifh  faffron  colour  •,  and  becaufe  the  River  is  high- 
er than  the  plain  levell  downs,of  a  Leagues  diftance  from  the  Town,thcy 
built  upon  theRiver  fidc,a  long  and  ftrongBulwark  of  great  fquare  ftoncs, 
to  prevent  all  'inundations.  The  Emperours  Army,  after  long  expe(aati- 
on,  came  to  relieve  the  Town,  and  advanced  as  far  as  thefe  Bulwarks,  and 
having  confidered  the  fituation  of  the  Country  and  Enemies  Camp,it  was 
thought  the  fitteft  &  eafieft  way  to  raife  the  fiege  without  giving  battail, 
and  to  let  in  the  water  upon  the  enemies  Army,  by  fome  breaches  made  in 
that  long  Wall  or  Bulwark.  It  was  in  K^utumn  when  they  took  this  rcfo- 
lution,  and  the  River,  by  reafon  of  extraordinary  rains,  was  fwoln  bigger 


Vellum  T'artaricum,  %yi 

than  ever  before  •,  and  they,  making  the  Sluces,or  inlets,  too  greac,and  the 
Breaches  coo  wide,  gave  way  to  fuch  an  Ocean  of  water,  as  it  overran  the 
walls  of  the  Town  (which  were  very  (lately  and  high)  involving  not  on- 
ly many  of  the  enemies  in  its  ruin  and  deftrudlion  •  but  alfo  300000.  men,  Sf«^"L'^^ 
and  the  City  it  felf  perished  in  thofe  floods  of  water.  So  the  ancient  City,  drownd!* 
which  heretofore  had  been  honoured  by  the  Emperor's  Refidence,3ppea- 
red  no  more  a  place  of  plearure,but  a  vaft  Pool  or  Lake  for  Monfters  of  the 
waters  to  inhabit;for  the  houfes  of  the  Town  were  not  over  run  with  wa- 
ter, but  alfo  beaten  down  •,  and  alfo  the  Church  of  the  Chriftians,  toge- 
ther with  their  Prieft,  who  was  one  ohhe  Society  of  Jefus  •,  who  when  he 
could  timely  enough  have  faved  himfelfc,chofe  rather  to  laydown  his  life 
for  the  fheepe:  For  that  City  had  many  Chriftians.The  deftru(51:ionof  this 
Cily  happened  the  ninth  of  0<J?.  1^42.  about  which  time  this  famous 
Condu(^our  of  Theeves  took  the  name  of  King,  with  an  addition  of  js:«;;-  The  General 
va/jgj  which  founds  as  much  as  ProfperouSj  and  fo  was  fiiled  Licungzui  the  ^^^''^  J'^"v« 
profferous  •,  and  having  in  a  manner  taken  all  the  Country  of  Hof}af$  into  his  ofa'^K;n^^»  "  ^ 
Dominion,  he  returned  into  the  Province  ofXenfiy  and  won  it  wholly  to 
his  fubjedion.  When  he  came  to  Si^an,  which  is  the  Metropolis  ofXenfij  ceilnt"  ^oi 
he  found  fome  rcfiftancc  from  the  Garrifon*  but  yet  he  took  it  in  three  jr^y?T^° 
daics,  and  for  a  reward  and  encouragement  to  his  Souldiers,  he  gave  it  to 
them  to  pillage  alfo  for  three  dales  fpace  •,  and  then  he  gathered  up  all  the 
Corn  of  the  whole  Province,  as  well  to  keep  all  the  Country  in  their  duty 
to  him,  as  alfo  to  leave  no  Provifion  for  the  Empcrours  Army.  And  now 
thinking  himfelf  fecure  of  the  whole  Empire,  he  took  the  namcof  Empe- 
rour  upon  him,and  ftiled  the  Family  wherein  he  thought  to  eftablifli  this  ^  ..        j 
Dignity,  rhienxnmm^  as  much  as  to  fay,  obedient  to  Heaven  i,  By  which  Emperow.^ 
Title  he  perfwaded  the  Souldiers  and  the  People,  that  it  was  by  thedifpo- 
fall  of  the  Heavens  that  he  (hould  raign,  that  he  might  deliver  the  people 
from  theEmperours  Avarice,and  extirpate  thofe  wicked  Governours  that 
fo  much  vexed  the  Nation,&  deliver  them  from  all  their  perfidious  plots. 
For  he  knew  well,  that  this  Glorious  Title  would  be  very  acceptable  to 
them  o^chim^who  beleeve  that  Kingdoms  and  Empires  come  only  from 
Heaven,  and  are  not  gained  by  any  Art  or  Induftry  of  Man ;  and  that  his 
anions  might  carry  a  face  correfpondent  to  his  illuftrious  Title,  he  began 
to  ufe  the  People  with  all  humility  and  fweccncffe  •  not  permitting  any 
Souldier  to  wrongor  injure  thein-,only  heperfecuted  all  theOfficers  call'd  xhe  Tfiecves 
Prcfidcnts,  which  he  could  find,  and  all  thofe  he  put  to  death  •  and  as  for  good  GoY€rn- 
thofe  that  had  been  Prefidents,  becaufe  he  found  them  rich,hc  made  them  ™^"'* 
pay  great  Fines,  and  let  them  live-,  remitting  all  Taxes  in  the  places  hefub- 
ducd-,{everely  commanding  that  the  fubje(5ts  fhouldbc  treated  with  all 
civility  and  courtcfie.  So  as  all  men  applauding  and  loving  fo  fwcct  and 
railde  a  Government,  eafily  fubmitted  to  his  Power  and  Dominion  5  but 
where  the  Governours  ufe  Tyranny,  there  the  fubjedt  hath  little  care  of 
Fidelity.  There  were  in  this  City  Sigan  two  Pricfts  which  fervcd  the 
Chriflians  that  were  Jefuits,  and  fuffcrcd  much  inthefaccage  of  the  Ci- 
ty, but  being  afterwards  known  for  Strangers,  they  were  ufed  with  all 
In  the  mean  time  a  third  caufe  of  this  Empires  ruin  grew  up  in  the 


271  Vellum  Tartaricum. 

Courti  which  was  hatched  in  the  Emperour  Thknkius  bis  time :  For  that 
The  Prefects  Empetour  exalted  an  Eunuch  called  Gueio^  to  fuch  a  height  and  power,  as 
Difcordwas     he  gavc  the  abfolutc.and  foveraign  Command  into  his  hands,  and  paf- 

anothercaulc  S»"    .  ,  n  1    1  •      1         1  r  t'     1        r^\  •  ' 

of  the  ruine  of  fcd  fo  far,as  al  waycs  to  (tile  him  by  the  name  ot  Father.  This  extravagant 
China,  power  caufed  much  Envy,  Diirention,and  banding  one  againft  another, 

amongft  the  Govcrnours,  Prefidents,  Commanders,  and  Counfellors: 
and  the  Eunuch  alio  added  much  to  incenfe  theflame,  by  his  indifcrcet  u- 
fage  of  the  favour  he  poffcfTed^  for  if  any  man  had  touched  him,  either  in 
word  or  writing,  or  expreflfed  lefTerefpedt  unro  him  in  converfation,  or 
behaviour,  or  did  not  flatter  the  bafe  fellow,  he  would  prefently  give  or- 
der to  put  him  to  death,  though  he  were  a  very  eminent  perfon-, 
or  at  Jeaft  degrade  him  from  all  Office  or  Dignity.  By  vvhich  means  he 
exafperated  many ,  and  amongft  the  reft  he  offended  Zunchinius  when 
Prince-,  who  now,  by  the  death  of  his  Brother  without  iffue,  was  come  to 
to  be  Emperour  of  China.  This  Emperour  knew  that  the  Eunuch  had  mo- 
ved Heaven  and  Earth  to  hinder  his  coming  to  the  Crown-  but  feeing  he 
could  not  effe<5t  that,  at  leaft  he  maintained  a  feditious  fa(5i:ion  againft  the 
great  ones,  which  finally  proved  the  deflrucSijon  of  the  Eftate^  For  thcfe 
men  banding  in  two  factions,  ftudied  more  how  to  deftroy  one  another, 
than  to  advance  the  publique  good ;  yet  both  parties  pretended  the  gene  - 
ral  benefit,  but  both  negledcd  it-,  Every  party  endeavouring  to  extoll  and 
exalt  his  own  Creatures  into  places  of  truft  and  pov/er :  All  which  when 
^unchinim  the  emperour  went  about  to  redrcffe,  he  exafperated  the  minds 
of  many  ofthe  Commanders  againft  him-,  for  as  foonas  he  came  to  the 
Crown,he  cruelly  perfecuted  all  that  favoured  the  Eunuch-,  and  in  fine, 
'  killed  this  very  Eunuch  which  had  been  his  Predeccffors  Favourite,  to- 

gether with  many  more  of  his  partie-  of  which  Tragedy  I  will  only  re- 
late the  Cataftrophe.  The  Em^txom  Zungchinius  rcfolving  to  deftroy 
both  the  Eunuch  &  all  his  power  jfent  him  an  order  to  go  vifit  the  Tombs 
of  his  Anceftors,  to  confider  if  any  of  thofe  ancient  Monuments  wanted 
reparation  :thcEunuch  could  not  refufefo  honourable  an  imploymenr, 
which  feemed  rather  an  addition  to  his  former  hounours;  but  he  had  not 
gone  far  upon  his  journey ,but  there  was  prefcnted  to  him  (from  the  Em- 
pcrourja  Box  of  Silver  gilt,  with  a  Halter  of  Silk  folded  up  in  it  jby  which 
he  underftood  he  was  to  hang  himfelf  by  the  Emperors  order ;  which  he 
could  not  refufcjbeing  that  kind  of  deathCamongft  the  Chinefes)  is  conn- 
ted  honourable,  when  it  is  accompanied  with  fuch  formalities.  But  by 
this  occafioDtbe  Emperour  raifed  againft  himfelf  new  Fa(5i:ions  and  more 
Traitours.which  held  fecret  correfpondence  with  the  Theeves  Army. 
Hence  it  came  to  pafTe,  that  no  Army  was  fent  to  oppofe  them-,  or  if  any 
went,they  did  no  manner  of  adlion,  being  alwaycs  hindered  by  the  emu- 
lation of  others-,  nay  it  happened  often,  that  when  they  might  have  taken 
great  advantages,  yet  the  occafion  was  negleded,lcft  the  Commanders 
fhould  increafc  other  men$.Power  and  Credit,  (by  their  Vi(5torics,}  with 
the  Emperour^  Thefe  Diflcntions  and  Emulations  happend  fo  feafonably 
to  the  Roving  Army  of  Theeves ,  as  that  to  come ,  to  fee ^  and  f^;?- 
^wf?- J  was  to  them  one  and  the  felf  fame  thing,  asHhall  declare  unto 

^°""  /  Whilcft 

Vellum  T'artaricum.  173 

Whilcftthefetranfa(5tionsp3ircdin  the  Comt^  Licungz^us  GondudOi'       _ 
of  the  Thee  vcs,  having  fctled  all  things  in  the  Country  of  a:^^/?,  pafTed  to  ^tethepl'o- 
the  Eaft-,nnd  coming  to  the  famous  great  River  oiCroceus^^ndxn^  no  bo-  vincc  of  Xenfi 
dytodcfendit,  hepaiTcd  over  with  as  much  facility,  as  it  might  have 
been  maintained  wirh  eafe,  if  there  had  been  placed  but  ahandfuilot 
Souldiers.  For  this  River  runnes  with  a  violent  rapid  courfc,anda  va.'l: 
Sea  of  waters  from  Weft  to  Eaft;  but  being  there  was  no  man  to  defend 
it.they  paffing  it  eafily,  prefently  feized  upon  the  chief  and  richcft  City  in 
all  thofe  quarters,  called  KaUngcheu^  which  is  fituated  neer  the  South 
bankfide  of  that  River^  and  being  carried  on  with  a  ftrong  gale  of  For- 
tune, he  feized  upon  many  other  Cities,  every  one  defiring  either  to  free 
themfelves  from  further  vexation,  or  blindly  and  fondly  fubmitting 
themftlves  to  any  new  change  of  Government.    For  we  commonly  de- 
light in  varieties  and  novelties,and  hoping  for  better,  we  find  worfe.  On- 
ly the  City  of  Thaijvcn  made  fome  refiftance,  but  being  prefently  fubdu- 
cd5was  fined  with  great  fumes  of  money  for  their  temerity.  The  Emperour 
Zmgchmitts  hearing  theTheeves  had  pafTcd  the  River  Cr<?c^»^,  and  were 
advanced  to  the  very  Confines  of  Xf;?/z(wh!ch  borders  upon  the  Province 
where  he  had  placed  his  Throne  an  d  Royall  Seat)he  fent  an  Army  under 
the  Lord  Marilhal  oiChim^  to  hold  them  at  leaft  in  play,  if  he  could  not 
overthrow  them;  But  this  Army  did  juft  nothing;  nay  moft  of  the  Soul- 
diers ran  to  the  Thieving  party,  in  fo  much  as  the  Lord  Marfhal  himfelf , 
called  Cohiis  Lms^  feeing  Affairs  grew  fo  defperate,  Hang*d  himfelf  for 
fear  of  further  fhame  and  difhonour.  The  Emperour  hearing  of  the  ill  fuc- 
celfe  of  his  Affairs,  began  to  think  of  leaving  the  Northern  parts,  where  TheEmp 
his  Royal  City  ofPe^/<«^  is fituated,  and  to  paiTe  to  Ndnkuing  which  \^1^o^^\X 
far  more Southwardi  but  he  was  dilfwaded  from  this  intended  courfe  as 
well  by  his  loyal,  as  difloyal  fubjcifls  .*  by  thefe,thar  they  might  give  him 
up  more  fpeedily  into  the  enemies  hands,  before  their  treachery  was  dif- 
covered-,  and  by  the  others,  left  his  flight  might  trouble  the  Kingdome 
more,  and  difcourage  all  his  Subjc(51:s  from  giving  their  bcft  alfiftance; 
for  they  thought  the  City  impregnable,  being  fortified  with  fo  ftrong  a 
Garrifon^nor  did  they  doubt  that  the  Kings  prefence  would  draw  the  for- 
ces of  the  whole  Kingdom  to  him.  And  their  Counfcl  had  been  good,  if 
the  Court  had  been  purged  of  Traytors, 

In  the  mean  time  the  Thecvcs  GonduQ:orj  who  was  no  lefTe  quick  and  xiie  Snatagct 
nimble  in  execution,  than  witty  in  invention,  fowing  a  Fox  his  tail  to  the  of  the  Thecf. 
Lions  skin,  caufed  many  of  his  Souldiers  in  a  difguifed  habit  to  creep  in- 
to that  Princely  City,  and  gave  them  money  to  trade  in  trifling  ware,  till 
he  affaulted  the  walls  with  the  body  of  his  Army  ;for  then  they  had  order 
to  raife  fedition,and  tumult  in  the  City?  and,  confidering  they  were  a 
Company  of  defperate  Fellows,  and  of  a  very  low  and  bafc  fortune,  it  is 
ftupendious  to  think  how  they  could  keep  fo  profound  fecrecy  in  a  mat- 
ter of  fo  high  concernment  .*  But  to  this  mine,  which  was  prepared  in  the 
bowels  of  the  City,  he  held  a  fecret  train  of  Intelligence,  with  the  Lieu- 
tenant of  the  City-,  who  feeing  the  Emperours  Affairs  defperate,  is  faid 
10  have  dealt  with  the  Condudtor  of  thcfc  Brigants  about  giving  up  the 
City  unto  thcii:  power;  But,  however  it  was,  thcfc  Pilferers  came  in  a 

Nn  fl^oTt 



^ellum  Tartaricum. 

fliort  time  to  beficge  the  Royal  City  of  Peking.  There  was  in  that  C ity  a 
vaft  Garriron,and  as  great  a  quantity  of  Artillery  5  but  on  the  Quarters  up- 
on which  the  enemy  made  their  aflault^ there  was  none  charged  with 
Bullets,but  only  with  Powder. 

Wherfore  being  fecure  from  any  annoy  from  thaf  fide,  in  the  year 
q/ o^l^  MDCXLIV.  before  the  rifing  of  the  Sun,  they  entred  the  Metropolitan 
is'tikenf  City  of  all  chwa  by  one  of  the  Gates  which  was  opened  to  them; 
nor  was  there  any  long  refiftance  made,evcn  by  thofe  that  were  faithful! 
totheirPrince-ZortheSouldiersoftheTheefjWhich  lay  lurking  in  the 
City,  made  f uch  a  tumult  and  confufion,  as  none  knew  whom  to  oppofc, 
in  which  refpeft  they  made  a  great  flaughter,  fo  as  Licungzus  in  this  Ba- 
bylonian confufion,  marched  vidorious  through  the  City,till  he  came  to 
the  very  Emperours  Palace-,  where  though  he  found  forae  refiftance  from 
the  faithfulleft  Eunuchs,  yet  notwithftandingheprefenrly  entred  that  fa- 
mous and  renowned  Palace;  And  that  which  exceeds  all  admiration,  the 
enemy  had  pafled  the  firft  Wall,  and  Precindt,  and  yet  the  Emp.rour 
knew  nothing  of  fo  ftrange  a  paffage;  for  the  Traiterous  Eunuchs,  which 
wereof  moft  Authority,  fearing  he  might  efcapc  by  flight,defcrd  to  ad- 
moniih  him  of  his  own  danger,  or  of  the  taking  of  the  City,  till  they  faw 
he  could  not  polTibly  evade:  Who  hearing  this  dolefuU news, firft  de- 
manded if  he  could  getawayby  any  means;  but  when  he  heard  that  all 
paffages  were  befet,  he  is  faid  to  have  left  a  Letter  writ  with  his  own 
Blood,  in  which  he  bitterly  cxpreffed  to  all  pofterity,  the  infidelity  and 
perfidioufneflfe  of  his  Commanders,  and  the  innocency  of  his  poor  Sub- 
TheEm  ^ro^^t']^^^coU]\^^th2CLktix\%th.t  Heavens  had  caft  the  Scepter 
kvfng^Sfd  Ms  into  his  hands,  he  would,  for  his  fake,  take  revenge  of  fuch  perfidious 
Djughcerhan- (Creatures.  After  this  reflecting  that  he  had  a  Daughter  Marriageable, 
ged  himfclf.  ^^^  falling  ittto  the  villains  hands  ruight  receive  fome  affronts,  he  called 
for  a  Sword,  and  beheaded  her  with  his  own  hands  in  the  place-,  then  go- 
ing down  into  an  Orchard,making  a  Rope  of  his  Garter,he  hung  himfelf 
upon  a  Prune  tree.  Thus  that  unfo^^tunate  Emperour  put  a  period,  as 
welltothat  Empire,  which  had  flouriftiedro  long  with  much  fplendor, 
riches,  and  pleafure,as  to  his  Illuftrious  Family  oiTaimwgtts^  by  finifliing 
his  life  upon  fo  contemptible  a  Tree,  and  in  fuch  an  infamous  manner: 
To  all  which  circumftances,  I  adde  one  more-,  that  as  the  Empire  wasc- 
reded  by  a  Theef,  fo  it  was  axtinguifhed  by  another-,for  although  other  s 
were  chofcn  to  fucceed  him,  as  we  fhall  relate  hereafter,  yet  becaufe  they 
held  a  fmal  parcel  of  the  Empire,  they  are  not  numbred  amongft  the  Em- 
perours.His  example  was  followed  by  the  Queen,  and  by  the  Lord  Mar- 
fball,  who  is  call'd  in  their  language  CoUus,  together  with  other  faithfull 
Eunuchsj  So  as  thofe  pleafant  Trees  which  fcrvcd  heretofore  for  their 
Sports  and  pleafures,  now  became  the  horrid  and  fureft  Inftrumentsof 
their  death.  And  this  cruell  butchering  of  themfelves  palled  not  only  in 
the  Court  but  alfo  in  the  City^where  many  made  themfelves  away.eithcr 
by  hanging,  or  drowning  by  leaping  into  Lakes-,  For  it  is  held  by  this 
Nation  to  be  the  higheft  point  of  fidelity,  to  die  with  their  Prince,  and 
not  to  live  and  be  fubjeffc  to  another. 

"Whilcft  tbcfe  things  were  acting,  Licmgzm  enters  the  Falacc  VidorJ- 


Vellum  Tartaricum.  275 

ous  and  afccnding  up  to  the  Chair  of  State,  (ate  himfclf  down  in  that  Im  ■ 
pariall  Throne^  bur  it  is  recorded,  that  ia  exccuring  this  firft  Adt  of  Roy- 
alty, he  fat  fo  reftlefly  and  uaquietly.yea  fo  totteringly,as  if  even  then  thu 
Royal  Chairc  would  forerel  the  fliort  durance  of  his  felicity.  The  next 
day  after,  he  coaimanded  the  body  of  the  dead  Emperour  to  be  cut  into  Th-Theef* 
fmal  pieces,accufing  him  of  oppreilion  and  cruelty  againft  his  fubjed:s»,  As  Tyranny  and 
if  he,being  a  villanous  Traitor,and  a  Theef,after  the  faccaging  &  burning  '^'"^^^y* 
fo  many  Provinces,  and  (bedding  fuchan  Ocean  of  blood,  had  been  of 
abetter  difpofition.  So  wc  often  condemn  others, when  we  do  worfeour 
fclves,and  remark,  yea  augment,  the  leaft  faults  of  others,  when  we  ei- 
ther take  no  notice  of,  or  diminifli  our  own .  This  Emperour  ^ngchinm 
was  Father  of  threeSons,of  which  the  cldeff  could  never  be  found,though 
all  imaginable  means  was  ufed  for  his  difcovcry^fome  think  he  found 
means  to  fly  away-,others  think  he  perifhed  by  leaping  with  others  into  the 
Lake^the  two  others  being  yet  little  Childrenjwere  by  the  Tyrants  com- 
mand  beheaded  three  days  after^bis  barbarous  humour  not  fparing  even 
innocentblood:  Which  difpofition  he  made  further  to  appearjWhen  cafting 
off  that  vail  of  Piety  and  Humanity,  with  which  he  had  for  fomctime 
charmed  the  people ,  he  commanded  all  the  Principal  Magiftrates  to 
be  apprehended,  of  which  he  murdered  many  with  cruel  torments,  o- 
thers  he  fined  deeply,  and  rcfervcd  the  Imperiall  Palace  for  his  own  a", 
boad.  He  filled  that  moft  noble  and  rich  City  with  ranfacking  Souldi- 
crs,  and  gave  it  up  to  their  prey  and  plunder-,  where  they  eommitted  fuch 
execrable  things,  as  are  both  too  long,  and  not  fit  to  be  related.    But  by 
this  his  horrid  cruelty,  and  Tyranny,heloft  that  Empire  which  he  might 
have  preferved  by  courtefie  and  humanity. 

Amongft  the  other  impri(oned  Magiftrates,therc  was  one  a  venerable 
perfon  called  Us^  whofe  Son  Ufangueius  governed  the  Army  of  China^  in 
the  Confines  of  LcAotung,  againft  the  tdrtars.  The  Tyrant  Licungzus 
threatned  this  old  man  with  a  moft  cruel  death,  if  by  his  patcrnall  power 
over  his  Son,  he  did  not  reduce  him  with  his  whole  Army,  to  fubjedfon 
and  obedience  to  his  power;  promifing  alfo  great  Rewards  and  Honours 
to  them  both,  if  by  his  fatherly  powerfwhich  they  hold  facrcd)hedid 
prevail  for  his  fubmiffion.Whereforc  the  poor  old  man  writ  to  his  Son 
this  enfuing  Letter, 

It  is  xveU  known  that  the  Heavens^  Earth,  and  Fate  can  c/iufe  the fejlrange 
*vicif(itttdes  of  Fortune  which  rve  behold',  know  my  Son^that  the  Emperour 
7aVir\cWmus^andthe  whole  family  of  TBimiDgus  are  ferified^  The  Heavens 
have  caft  it  upon  Licungzus*,  we  mtifi  obferve  the  times, and  by  making  a  ver^ 
tue  of  necefftty^avoyd  his  Tyranny, and Ciiferience  his  Uberalitj'^he  fromifeth  to 
thee  a  Royal  dignity  ^  if  with  thy  {^rmy  thou  fubmit  to  his  Dominion^  and  ac- 
knowledge him  as  Emperour\my  life  depends  upon  thy  anfwer-jConJider  what 
thou  oivefl  to  him  that  gave  thy  life. 

To  this  Letter  his  Son  Ufangueius  returned  this  (hort  anfwcr.  He  that 
is  not  fdithfull  to  his  Soveraign^  will  never  be  faithful  to  me :  and  if  you  forget 
your  duty  and  fidelity  to  our  Emperour^  no  man  will  blame  me  if  J  for- 
get  wv  duty  and  obedience  to  fuch  a  father,  I  wiU  rather  die  thanfervi 

Nn  2  And 


Bellum  Tartmcum. 

And  prefcntly  after  the  difpatch  of  this  Letter,  he  fent  an  Embaflfador 

The  tartan    (q  thc  King  oi'Turury^dtCmng  his  help  and  force  tofubduc  this  Ufurper  of 

cwwa^i'inft  the  Empire-,  and  knowing  that  the  Tdr/^r^  abound  in  men,  but  want  wo- 

tbeThecvcs.  men,  hc  promifed  to  fend  him  fome  ftoreof  themjandprefentcd  him 

with  leverall  curious  Silks^and  fent  him  great  ftore  of  Silver  and  Gold, 

The  Tartarian  King  negle(5ted  not  this  good  occafion ,  but  prefently 

marched  with  fourefcore  thoufand  men,which  were  in  Garrifon  in  Lea@  • 

tttrtg^  to  meet  General  Ufangueim^  to  whom  he  exprclTed  himfelf  in  thefc 

words. T(?  the  end  to  make  our  Vi^ory  undoubted^  I  eoanfellyoH  te  caufe  a// your 

t/irmy  to  be  clad  like  Tartars,/^r/^  the  Theefm/l  thwk  us  all  Tartars  j/^e/;?^ 

I  cannot  call  greater  Forces  out  ofmyKingdomefofoon  as  is  required, 

Ufangueius,  thirfting  nothing  but  revengc,admitted  all  conditions,  lit- 
tle thinking  (as  the  Chinejfes  fay  j  that  he  brought  in  Tigres  to  drive  out 
The  Theeves  Dogs,  Licungx,m  hearing  the  march  of  the  7>/4r^,togcther  with  Ujanguei- 
rJZn  ^^^     «i^)knowing  himfelf  not  able  to  refift,  quitted  the  Court  and  Palace  as  ea- 
fily  as  he  had  taken  it  .•  but  he  carried  with  him  all  the  rich  fpoyls  of  the 
Court,  and  marched  away  into  the  Province  of  X^r;;/,  where  he  eflablifh- 
ed  his  Court  in  the  noble  City  o^Sigan ,  which  heretofore  had  been  the 
featoftheEmperours.  It  is  accounted  th  at  for  eight  daies  fpacc  by  the 
four  Palace  gates,  there  was  nothing  fccn  but  a  continual!  fucceffion  of 
Coaches,  Horfes,  Camels,  and  Porters,  carrying  away  the  precioufeft 
J^J^^^J^^^''!!!^^"^  treafures-,  though  they  left  alfo  much,  bccaufe  the  enemy  approached. 
S^of  the^^  Thus  the  immenfe  Riches  of  Gold  and  Silver,  which  the  Emperours  of 
Palace.  the  Taimtngean  Family  had  at  leafure  hoordcd  up,  in  the  fpace  of  two 

hundred  and  fourfcorc  years,  were  in  a  moment  difpcrfed.  But  although 
they  fled  very  fpeedily,  yet  they  could  not  avoid  the  fwift  Tartarian  Hor- 
fes^ for  overtaking  their  Luggage,  and  the  Rear  of  the  Army ,  they  pilla- 
ged and  vexed  them  for  eight  daies*,  but  yet  they  cither  could  not,  or 
would  not  pafTe  the  River  Crocetts^  that  fo  they  might  fpeedily  returne  to 
amufe  the  trembling  hearts  of  the  Territory  of  Pf^/>a^.  The  7'<«r/4r/ re- 
turne therefore  victorious  and  rich  into  the  City  Peking,  and  there  being 
admitted  by  the  Chimfes^  they  gave  them  the  Empire.  Where  it  is 
to  be  obfervcd,  that  although  Zungteus^  the  Tartarian  King,  dying  at  the 
"  ^^^^^-ingfirfi:  entrance  into  C^/;?4,  did  not  obtain  that  noble  Empire  he  fo  much 
y,; ""—*  thirfted  afcer-,  yet  he  gave  thofe  In(tru(aions,  of  the  manner  of  conque- 
ring it,  to  his  Councel,  that  they  never  defifted  till  they  obtained  it.  This 
Prince  dying,  declared  his  Son  of  lix  years  old,  his  SuccefTor*,  comman- 
ding all  his  own  Brethren  to  manage  the  Childs  AflFairs  with  all  fidelity 
and  circumfpedion,  making  his  eldefl  brother  his  Tutor-,  and  all  thofe 
brethren, being  uncles  to  the  Child,  by  a  ftupendious  union,  and  never 
to  be  parallcl'd  in  any  ambitious  Nation,  exalted  this  Infant  to  the  pofTef- 
fion  of  the  Empire. 
Thcfe  things  being  thus  paffcd, Ufanguemst  feeing  the  Thief  expelled. 
The  Tartars    began  to  think  of  creating  a  new  Emperour,  one  of  the  Taimngds  Fami- 
refUfe  to  dc-    ly ,  who  was  3  Princc  not  far  diflant  .•  But  firft  being  mindfull  of  his  pro- 
pare  China,     ^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^  Tartar s^  he  offers  them  their  rewards*,  he  highly  extols 
their  Fortitude  and  Fidelity  in  the  Kingdomcs  quarrcljand  finally,  defircs 
them  now  to  depart  the  Country  quictly,and  to  entertain  a  ftrid  alliance 


Vellum  Tartaricum.  zjy 

and  fricndfhip  with  it,fecing  they  had  abundantly  revenged  all  torraer  in- 
juries. To  this  demand  the  ^^rr^rj  returned  a  long  premeditated  anfwer, 
but  far  contrary  to  what  Ufaffgrnas  expeded  ,  which  they  delivered  in 
thcfe  rearms. 

We  do  not  think  it  yet  a  jit  titni  to  leave  you  and  this  Empire^  unlefs,  having 
heard  our  Reafons,  youjha/l  ft  ill  preffe  it-,  for  we  consider  ^  that  many  of  the 
Theeves  are  fitll  extant^  and feem  rather  differ  fed  than  extingmjhed  i,  and  we 
hear  tha  their  great  Condu^or  Licungzus,  hath  fixed  his  Imperial  Seat  in  Si- 
^z^,the  Metropolis  of  the  Province  of  Xtmi  •  hy  which  means  he  ftiH  pojfejftth 
the  richeft  and  mo  ft  populous  Provinces,  which  are  fltU  under  his  Dominion,  If 
we  depart  J  worfe  is  to  be  feared  will  follow :  He  feared  us  Tartars^  when  he  hears 
we  are  gone y  having  now  time  to  recruit  his  Forces^  he  will  doubt leffe  make  new 
Invaftons, and  perchance  wefhallnot  be  able  to(endnewSuccours:We  t  her  fore  re- 
folve  to  profecute  the  Vi^ory,  and  quite  extinguiftj  thofe  Vagabonds,  that  foyou 
may  deliver  the  Empire  to  your  defigned  King,  in  full  peace  and  tranquility .  Be 
mtfolicitous  of  paying  our  promifed  rewards^  for  they  are  as  fafe  in  yours  ^  as  in 
our  own,  hands.  That  which  we  now  deft  re  to  execute, is, that  which  prejfeth  moft, 
andfeems  to  us  to  require  no  delay .,  that  you  y  with  part  of  your  Army  and  part  of  Their  Craft 
ours,  march  ffeedily  againft  Licungzus^  and  we  with  the  reft, take  our  march  to-  ^""^  ^^^"^' 
wards  the  Province  of  Xantung,  to  extirpate  thofe  'theevesthat  havefetled 
there  ^  By  this  means  the  peace  of  the  Kingdome  will  be  firmly  eftabliflfed. 

W/4;?g-tt/V«j  cither  did  not  underftand  the  Stratagem,  or  if  he  did,  he 
condefcended  not  to  irritate  an  Army  which  was  in  the  Bowclls  of  the 

Before  the  Tartars  (which  were  called)  cntrcd  China,  they  fent  into 
their  ov/n  and  otherKingdoms  to  raife  as  many  men  aspoiOTibly  they  could , 
to  the  end  they  might  conquer  the  Empire  after  they  had  acquitted 
themfelves  of  their  promifed  afififtancc  againft  the  Theevcs.  But  thefe 
Succours,  not  being  arrived  to  re-inforce  them,  therefore  they  thought  it 
beft  as  yet  to  ufc  no  force,  but  gain  time  by  fair  words  and  new  proje<5i"s. 
-  But  whilft  this  bufinefle  was  contriving,  there  came  an  immcnfe  compa-  - 
ny  of  Tartars  into  the  Empire^  not  only  from  the  Kingdoms  ofNiuche^and  p.,rfy  "r^r^x 
jV/W^4w,  bur  alfo  from  the  old  Occidental  Tartary,  and  from  a  Country  «:"^"  china, 
called  Tupiy  which  is  more  Oriental,and  lyes  above  the  elevation  oifapon. 
This  people  is  called  Tupi^by  rcafon  they  make  their  Coats  of  defence,  or 
Breafl  plates,of  fiflies  skin,which  are  in  a  maner  impregnable.  Nay,  which 
is  more,  I  faw  very  many  who  were  come  as  far  as  the  River  Folga-^whlch 
people  thefc  Tartars  call  K^lga-Tartars,  and  I  find  they  have  a  Notion  of 
MufcovytZndPolan  •  but  they  are  far  more  barbarous  than  the  Oriental 
Tartars  be-,  with  thefe auxiliary  Forces,camein  the  infant  Kingof  fix  years 
old,  Son  to  tIBelate  dcceafed  King  o^Ta)  tary  ^^nd  when  thcfe  weTejoyncd 
with  the  body  of  the  Army,  then  they  publickly  proclaimed  their  rightjp  The  Tartars 
the  Empire,  aod  openly  declared  their  concealed  intentions  5  and  proclai-  ^^^  "fc°Gf ''^^ 
med  this  child  of  fix  yea^old,  Emperour  of  C^/114,  by  the  mmtol  Xunchi-^  dina.^^ 
and  the  new  ere(Scd  Imperial  Family  tfiey  ftiledby  the  name  of  Tricing,  x^ncbuiaovi. 
,,  The  Child  of  fix  years  old_took  pofTefTion  of  the  ancient  Throncp_£Jbii5  Empe?o^u'iS,f 
Forefathers,  with  a  great  Gravity  and  Majefty,from  whence  he  delivered  tiie  r^rr^r,'  ;ii 
''  this  judicious  Speech  to  the  Commanders  and  to  his  Army.     ^         ^*""* 



TBellum  T^artaricum. 

It  isyonr  flrength  mdpxver  mere  than  my  felicity  {my  dear  and  generous  Un- 
cles^ ^you  the  reft  of  my  neble  Commanders)  which  fupports  my  rveaknejfe^  and 
makes  mefo  undantedly  ajcend  andpojfefs  this  Imperial  Throne,  My  prefent  af- 
furance  and  this  Chairs  flabilit)^  Ihope^  ts  as  happy  aftgn  of  my  future  pro fperi- 
ty^  as  its  tetteringproved  unfortunate  to  the  Thief  Licxxngms  his  Tyrannie,  Tm 
fee  myfirjl  (lep  to  the  Empire  -,  But  I  know  yeur  valour  to  befucb^  that  I  look  not 
only  upon  the  Kingdom  of  Ch'm^  as  my  own^  hut  conceive  the  Empire  of  the 
World,  not  only  by  me  poffeffedj  but  alfo  eflablifljed.  The  rewards  due  tofuch  in- 
comparable Fertues^fhall  be  no  other  than  therichesofthe  Empire^  and  Roy  all 
dignities  •,  proceed  therefore  valiantly  andfioutly.  The  whole  Court  was  a- 
ftonifhed  to  hear  a  Child  of  fix  years  old  (peak  fuch  things,and  hence  con- 
cluded,that  fate  orHeaven  had  cle<5tcd  him  for  King-the  young  Prince  did 
alTume  his  eldeft  Uncle,  as  his  Tutor  and  Father,  the  fame  day  he  was  ad- 
mitred  to  the  Empire  .-  and  therefore  the  Tartars  in  their  language,  called 
him  ^mahan^  as  much  as  to  fay,  the  Father  King ;  which  very  thing,  the 
C/^/Wi  exprefs  by  the  word  Amavang,  To  this  man  therefore  he  remit- 
Thefideiity  of  (^j  all  the  Condud  of  his  Wars,  and  to  him  it  is,  the  Tartars  owe  all  their 
lor  caii'd    "'  greatneffe  and  Dominion :  for  as  he  excelled  in  Counfel  and  Prudence,fo 
Atmvangw.    alfo  he  wasas  eminent  in  fortitude  and  fidelity^and  withal! , by  the  ftrength 
and  force  of  his  Reafons  and  Counfels  did  ravifh  th"fe  wifeft  men  amongft 
the  Chinefes',  and  his  J  uft ice  and  Humanity  did  wholly  enthrall  and  en- 
chant the  popularity.  To  all  which  I  adde  thofe  fugitive  Magiftrates,who, 
as  1  related  heretoforc^had  fled  to  the  Tartars  fto  avoid  the  Emperoiirs  in- 
dignationj  and  did  not  a  little  promote  their  caufe ;  for  thefe  men,  fomc* 
times  by  word  and  example,  did  feduce  the  hearts  of  the  Subjects,  and 
fometimcs  fuggefted  excellent  Counfels  to  the  Tartars,  againft  their  own 
Country  -,  and  by  both  thefe  means  advanced  themfelves  to  high  and  emi- 
nent dignities  amongft  the  Tartars, 

The  fame  day  fomc  Bands  of  Souldiers  were  difpatched,  with  order  to 
proclameW/4;ji^«^/W  a  Tributary  King  to  this  new  enftalled  Emperours 
which  they  performed  with  great  magnificence,  adding  to  his  name  (as  u- 
fually  they  do)  the  Sirname  oiPingfi^  which  founds  as  much  as  Pacifer  of 
the  Weftern  jvcr/^i/reftablifhing  his  Kingdom  in  the  Capital  City  in  the  Pro- 
vince of  Xf»/?.This  Prince  confidering,that  he  could  expert  no  more  ho- 
nourable Dignity  from  the  lawfull  Succcfibur  to  the  Empire  of  ^^/^^-jand 
that  the  Tartars  were  come  into  the  Empire,  in  fo  vaft  a  number,  that  he 
could  never  hope  to  Conquer  them,  found  means  to  difpence  with  his  hi- 
therto uncorruptcd  fidelity,  admitting  the  dignity,  andfubmittingtothe 
vfanguem     Empcrour,  and  fo  he  that  had  hitherto  waged  War  for  china  againft  the 
iotccd  10  fcrve  Thccvcs,  now  was  forced  to  march  againfl  China  to  fubdue  its  Provinces 
tiK  Tarxm.     jq  ^j^g  Tartarian  Empire.  And  as  he  was  a  Great  Commander,  fo  alfo  by 
the  help  of  the  T/ir/rfrj  he  quickly  drove  out  the  Thcevcs  from  his  Httlc 
Kingdom  ofXenf^  where  to  this  day  he  rcigneth  in  the  Metropolitan  City 
oisigan.  But  by  thefe  honours  the  7'4?'/4r/ removed  him  from  the  pra- 
<ftice  of  Arras,  who  remaining  Armed,  might  have  proved  a  dangerous 
J  .  Enemy. 

knowiTwhat  It  was  hithcrto  never  known  what  became  o£ Licungzw-Sovac  think  he 
became  oV  ^vas  killed  by  Ufangmttu  in  the  fight  5  though  he  never  appeared  morc,nei^ 
LicNR^Mxt  thcr 

Vellum  Taftaricum.  279 

ther  dead,  nor  alive,  after  this  fightjin  which  all  his  forces  were  diffipared, 
or  cut  off.  And  with  the  fame  facility  the  Tartars  fubdued  the  Provinces 
oi Peking  and  Xarttung .  where  they  immcnfly  augmented  their  Arrnies^by 
the  acceffeof  the  ChitaCs  Souldiers  and  Commanders  which  fubmitted  to 
them-,  for  the  tartarians  admitted  all,cven  the  Conquered^to  their  Army, 
if  they  did  cut  their  hair,  and  wear  their  habits  after  the  Tartarian  fafhion; 
for  in  this  Puntillio  of  habit  and  hair  they  were  fo  rigorous,  as  they  pro- 
clamed  ic  high  Treafon  in  all  that  did  forbear  \t.  Which  Law,  did  many 
times  endanger  them,  and  difturb  the  whole  frame  of  ihcir  Affairs:For  the 
Chimjfes  both  grieved,  and  fought  more  valiantly  for  their  hair  and  habir, 
than  for  their  Kingdom  and  Emperourj  So  as  many^rimcs  they  chofe  ra- 
ther to  die,  or  lofe  their  heads,than  obey  the  Tartars  in  thefe  Ceremonies* 
of  which  1  could  relate  many  examples,unlef!c  in  this  relation  I  had  refol- 
ved  to  be  brief.  But  all  thefe  little  rubs,  <^idnot  hinder,  but  that  in  Icffe 
than  the  fpace  of  a  year,  (not  counting  Leaotmg)  they  had  conquered  Pe-  "TLc  tarms 
king,  Xanft,  Xenft,  and  XAntmg,  which  are  the  four  vaft  Northern  Provin-  ptovTncer''^ 
ces  Q^  china.  In  all  which  they  changed  nothing  in  their  Political  manner 
of  Government,  n3y,they  permitted  the  ufual  cuftom  of  the  Philofophers 
of  china  to  govern  the  Towns  and  Provinces-,  they  left  alfo  the  fame  Ex- 
amcns  as  were  ufed  for  the  approving  of  learned  men  5  for  by  this  prudent 
Counfel  they  wrought  this  effcdi:,  that  having  given  the  places  of  honour 
and  truft  to  men  of  their  own  Creation,  they  found  they  furpalTed  the  ve- 
ry Tartars  in  fidelity  to  them ;  yet  they  kept  the  Militia  in  their  own  hands, 
and  the  ordering  thereof,  and  yet  they  flicked  not  to  admit  even  to  thefe  If^y  change_d 
Offices,  fuch  of  the  Country  as  were  faithfull  to  them ;  fo,  as  in  the  Royal  ^~^' 

City  they  retained  flill  the  fame  Orders  and  degrees  of  Prefe(f^s,  together * 

with  the  fix  high  Tribunals,  as  they  were  eftablifhed  in  the  former  Em - 
perourstime:  butfo,  as  they  were  now  compounded  of  Chineffes^  and 

—  In  the  mean  time  the  news  of  the  Emperours  danger  came  to  the  Sou-  -  - 
thern  parts  o^China^^ind  the  Prefe(Sts  of  every  City  gathering  together  ve* 
ry  great  forces  marched  towards  the  City  of  Peking^  but  in  their  march 
they  received  the  fad  news  of  the  Emperours  death,  and  the  taking  of^- 
king  -,  they  therefore  Tpeedily  called  back  their  Forces,  and  allb  all  their 
Ships,  which  yearly  ufed  to  carry  Provifions  to  the  Emperours  Court  •  a 
little  after  this,  they  received  the  news  how  the  T^artar  was  invefled  in  the 
Kingdom  and  proclaimed  Erapcrour.  I  was  then  my  felfc  in  the  great  Cir 
ty  Nanquin^  where  I  beheld  a  flrange  conft ernation  and  confufion  in  all  Jtel'^i"^  ' 
things,  till  at  length  having  recolledcd  themfelvcs,  the  Prefers  rcfolved  ^Tor'a  '^'"' 
fo  choofe  an  Emperour  of  the  Family  oi  the  TaimingeSjVjhom  they  called  ^«iMzn. 
Hungqnangus,  This  man  had  come  hither  (flying  from  the  Thceves)  out 
of  the  Province  o?//i?»4»,  and  being  he  was  Nephew  to  that  famous  Em- 
perourr/iw/d5f,&  cofin  Germain  toZmgchiniustheha  deceafcd  Emperour, 
they  Crowned  him  vvith  great  pomp  and  oftentation,  hoping  for  better 
fortune  under  his^ovcrnment.  As  fbbn  as  this  Prince  was  chofcn,he  fent 
an  Embaflage  to  the  Tartars,  begging  Peace,  rather  than  demanding  it.,foj 
he  offered  them  aH  the  Northern  Provinces  which  they  had  taken^  if  they 
would  joyn  in  amity  with  him,But  the  TarPars  well  underftood  the  Policy 


28 o  Bellum  Tartaricum. 

of  thefe  Prefers  and  Counfellours  •,  which  was  only  to  amufe  them  with 

a  Peace,  whilft  they  could  recover  their  ftrength  and  force  •,  And  there- 

?'i^no  Peace  ^^^^  ^^^^  returned  anfwcr,that  they  would  not  receive  as  a  gift,that  which 

eacc  ^^^^  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^^  l^y  j^^^^  of  Arms  •  but  feeing  they  had  chofcn  a  new 

Emperour,  they  might  do  well  to  defend  him  •,  but  as  for  them,  they  were 

refolved  to  have  all  or  nothing.  This  Legacy  comming  to  nothing-whilft 

Zufichiniitf  his  both  parties  prepare  to  take  the  Field,  appears  at  Nankuing  a  young  man, 

I^Sr'  ^'  ""^^^  g^^^  himfelfe  out  to  be  the  eldeft  Son  to  the  late  deceafed  Emperour 

:{uf?chmus .  and  he  gave  no  fmall  evidences  of  this  truth  and  Claime-,  nay, 
he  was  acknowledged  by  many  of  the  Eunuchs.  But  the  new  ele(5tedEm- 
perour  Hunquangus ^h^hg  ftrongly  pofTeiTed  with  an  ambition  of  raigning, 
would  never  acknowledge,  nor  admit  him  •  but  commanded  him  to  be 
imprifoned,and  killed,  as  an  Impoftor-  though  many  of  the  Prefers  en- 
raged to  hear  of  this  order,  hindered  the  execution  of  the  fentencc.  But 
blcsln  cLnT"  ^^  ^^^^  accident, things  grew  into  a  fedition,  and  the  difputc  was  fo  high, 
~        ~  '  that  it  gave  occafion  to  the  Tartars  of  aflailing  the  Province  and  City  of 
Nankuing  ^  fome  of  the  Prefe(fl:5  winking  at  it,  if  not  enticing  them  under- 
hand tb  this  exploit.  The  Tarta?s^  vigilant  to  lay  hold  of  all  advantages, 
hearing  of  thefe  emulations  &  divifions,prefently  march  out  into  the  Ter- 
ritory of  the  City  o^  Hoaigan^  and  comming  to  the  Eafi:  fide  of  the  River 
Croceusy  they  paffe  over  fpeedily  by  the  help  of  their  Boats ;  on  the  other 
fide  of  this  River  flood  the  Army  of  C^/>4,  which  was  fo  numerous,  as  if 
they  had  bur  cafl  off  their  very  fhoos,  they  had  ere.fted  fuch  a  Rampart  a* 
gainft  the  Tartars,  as  all  the  Horfe  would  hardly  have  furmounrcd  it.  But 
it  is  the  refolution  and  valour  in  War,  that  carries  the  Trophies,  not  the 
number  of  men  :  for  hardly  had  the  Tartars  fet  foot  in  their  13oats,  but  the 
The  fiighc  of  Chwefes  ran  all  away,  as  Sheep  uk  to  do  when  they  fee  the  Wolf,  leaving 
the  Chinefes.    jj^^  wholc  (liote  unfencedjto  their  landing.  The  Tartars  having  pafTed  the 
River,  finding  no  enemy  to  refifl-,  enter  the  mofl  noble  Province  ofNan^ 
kingy  and  in  a  trice  make  them felves  Maflers  of  all  the  North  part  of  the 
Country,  which  lies  upon  the  great  Riverof  it*/^;?^,  which  is  fo  vafl,  ask 
is  worthily  called  the  Son  of  the  Sea  •,  where  it  deferves  particularly  to  be 
noted  as  a  rare  thing  in  the  Warfare  of  the  7'4r/4r/,  that  before  they  enter 
into  any  Country,  they  chufe  and  name  both  the  Governours,  and  Com- 
panies, with  all  the  Officers  necefTary  for  all  the  Cities  and  places  which 
they  aym  to  take  ^  fo  as  in  a  moment  they  run  like  a  lightning,  and  no  foo- 
ner  they  pofTeffe  it  but  it  is  f  ortified,armed,  and  defended.  There  was  one 
City  in  thefe  Quarteis  which  made  a  generous  refiflancetoall  their  re- ite- 
rated affauks,  cdWcd  Tangcheu^  where  the  Tartars  loflthe  Son  of  a  little 
ri/«W«Tcfift- Royalet.  ThisCity  wasdeff 'ded  by  that  faithful  Imperial  Champion 
ing  the  Tartar  Called  Zuuts  CoUhs  ♦,  but  though  he  had  a  mightie  Garrifbn,  yet  he  was  at 
taJ"  '""^    length  forced  to  yield,  and  the  whole  City  was  facked,  and  both  Citizen 
and  Souldier  put  to  the  Sword ;  and  Icafl  the  multitude  of  the  dead  Carca- 
fes,(hould  corrupt  the  Air,  and  ingender  the  Plague,they  laid  them  all  up- 
on the  tops  of  the  Houfes,  and  fetting  fire  both  to  the  City  and  Suburbs 
brought  all  to  aihes,  and  to  a  total  dcfolation. 
The  TanaYs       ^^  ^^^^  ptogrcffc  thtc  Fotccs  of  thc  Tartar  much  encreafcd  j  for  the  Go- 
take  fdvtrat*  ^   vcrnours  of  many  places,  &  fevcral  Regiments  came  to  fubmit  to  his  'Do^ 
p'aew.  ,  rainioD* 

Vellum  Tartarimm.  281 

minion.  To  all  whom  he,  commonly,  continued  the  fame  Commands 
and  Offices  they  were  cftablifhed  in  before,  and  advanced  many  of  thera 
to  higher  dignity-,  and  fo  by  this  Humanitie  with  which  he  treated  all  that 
came  flying  to  him,  and  by  the  criielrie  he  ufed  to  thofc  that  refolved  to 
make  rcfiftance  to  the  Force  of  his  Arms,he  gained  this,that  moft  men  re- 
Iblved  to  partake  of  his  fweet  treatie,rather  than  of  his  cruelty- fo  he  cafily 
conquered  all  that  which  lies  on  the  North  fide  of  that  Rivcr,which  I  na- 
med before  the  Son  of  the  Sea.  This  River  beinga  (7f/«;<?«  League  in 
breadth,and  rifing  from  the  Weft  of  C^/>?4,holds  its  courfe  to  the  Eaft,and 
divides  the  Kingdom  into  Northernand  Southern  Quarters-it  alfo  divides 
the  Country  oi Nanking  in  the  very  middle  •,  though  Nanking  the  Metro- 
politan and  Royal  City  be  placed  in  the  Southern  part.  To  Mafter  this 
great  Citie,  they  were  to  pafTe  this  River.They  gathered  therefore  toge- 
ther many  Ships,to  Conquer  this  new  Empcrial  fear,  and  alfo  the  new  fet- 
tled Emperour.  The  Fleet  of  C/^/V/^coinmanded  by  the  moft  generous  and 
faithfull  Admiral  called  Hoangchoangus,  lay  towards  the  other  fide  of  this 
River.  Here  the  Admiral  fought  fo  gallantly  and  refolutely,that  he  made 
it  appear  to  the  world,that  the  Tartars  were  not  invincible  \  Till  at  length 
one  of  his  own  Commanders  czWedTbienvs  born  in  the  Citie  o^Leaotung, 
being  corrupted  by  the  Tartars,  (h#t  him  with  an  Arrow  to  death :  which 
Arrow  fixed  the  unconftant  wheel  of  Chinas  fortune,  and  loft  the  whole 
Empire,  But  the  Traitor,nor  contented  with  this  perfidious  Ad:,  began 
himftlf  to  run  away,  aiid  by  his  example  drew  all  the  reft  to  imitate  this 
Ignominious  Aaion.His  impudence  paffed  yet  to  a  higher  ftrain:for  com- 
ming  to  the  Imperial  Citie,  and  finding  the  Emperour  preparing  to  retire, 
he  joyned  himfelfe  with  him,  as  a  faithfull  friend,  participatin^r  of  his  ad- 
verfity  5  till  he  faw  the  Tartars  fwho  pafling  the  River  followed  the  Kings 
flight  with  all  imaginable  diligence;  were  come  near  him,  &  then  he  took 
the  Emperour  Prifoner,  and  delivered  him  to  the  Tartarian  Army  in  the  The  Emperour 
year  MDCXLIV.This  unfortunate  Prince  being  thus  betrayed  before  he  nkTanrkii- 
had  raigned  full  one  year,  was  fent  to  Peking^  and  there  upon  the  Town  led."  """ 
Walls  was  hanged  publickly  in  a  Bow  ftrin:,^,  which  kind  of  death  the 
Tartars  efteem  moft  noble.  The  pretended  Son  to  the  Emperour  "^Hnchi^ 
nius^  (whether  he  were  true  or  falfejrun  the  fame  courfe  of  fortune,  when 
they  had  difcovcred  him  being  kept  ft  ill  in  Prifon :  for  they  did  not  onely 
put  to  death  all  thofe  which  belonged  tothe  Imperial  Family  of  the  Taj. 
ntinges  by  Confanguinitie,  but  after  a  diligent  fearch  extirpated  all  they 
could  find,  which  belonged  to  them  even  by  Affinitie ;  for  it  isa  cuftom 
in  i^fxa,  if  any  one  conquer  a  Kingdom,  to  root  out  all  that  belong  to  the 
Royal  Family, 

After  this,thcy  divided  their  Army  into  two  parts  J  the  one  they  fenC 
to  conquer  the  Mediterranean  Provinces  of  Kianft^  Huqmng,  &  ^ang-^ 
tung^  which  are  all  of  a  marvellous  extent-  the  other,  like  a  fwift  Torrent, 
over-run  all,  till  they  came  to  the  very  Walls  of  the  renowned  and  vaft 
C\t^oiHangch€u,\v\nc\\  is  the  head  City  of  the  Province  ofchekiang.ln^  r!.n  toTh? 'q. 
to  this  City  the  principal  fugitives  of  the  Army  of  China  were  retired^and  ty  ffangchen. 
thofe  not  only  of  the  common  Souldiers,  but  many  great  Commanders, 
and  Prefers-, where  they  refolvcd  to  chufe  a  new  Emperour  calkdLo'van- 

Oo  gus^ 

xg2  Vellum  Tartaricum. 

guf,  of  the  ancient  Family  o{Taim'wgm\  But  this  Prince  would  never  af- 
fumc  the  Title  of  Empcrour,  bu:  contented  himfelt  with  the  Title  of 
King-,  thinking  his  fall  would  be  Iclfe^and  his  death  not  fo  bitter,  as  if  he 
fell  from  the  Throne  of  an  Emperour :  but  yet  to  the  end  to  animate 
them  to  fight  with  morevigour  than  they  had  done  heretofore,  he  pro- 
mifed  them  to  take  that  Title  when  they  had  re-gained  one  Imperial  City. 
He  had  not  reigned  three  dayes(a  (hotter  fpace  than  their  perfonated 
»    Kings  ufe  many  times  to  reign  in  their  Tragedies) but  the  Tartars  arrive; 
Which  the  fugitive  Souldiers  feeing,&  thinking  by  this  pinch  of  neccffity 
to  force  their  pay  from  the  King  and  City,retured  to  fight  before  they 
had  received  their  falary.It  was  on  this  occafion,  that  King  Lovangus  his 
heart,  being  not  able  to  bear  fuch  a  defolatic -n  of  the  City,  of  his  people 
and  fubje(as5as  he  forefaw,gavc  (uchan  example  of  his  Humanity  and 
King  Lovin^w  Picty ,as  Eurofc  never  faw;  for  he  mounted  upon  the  City  Walls,  and  cal- 
CbV'^s.^*      ling  upon  his  Knees  to  the  Tartarian  Captains,  begged  the  life  of  his  Svh- 
\t6t%.Sfare  not  w^(quoth  he)/  wil  willingly  be  my  Suhje^s  viBime-,^  hav  ing 
faid  this,hc  prefently  went  out  to  the  Tartars  Army,  and  was  taken.  This 
Illuftriousteftiraony  of  his  love  to  his  Subjeds  had  not  wanted  a  reward 
to  Crown  fo  Heroick  an  A(5lion5  if  it  had  met  with  a  generous  Soul, 
like  that  oi^^lexander  or  of  Cdfa  r.  When  they  had  the  King  Prifoncr, 
they  commanded  the  Citizens  to  fhut  the  Gates,  and  keep  the  Walls, 
leaft  cither  their  own,  or  the  Kings  Souldiers  (hould  enter  the  City 5  and 
prefently  they  fell  upon  the  Kings  men,  whom  they  butchered  in  a  moft 
cruel  manner ,    but  yet  the  water  dcftroyed  more,  than  their  Swords  or 
Arrows,  for  many  caft  thcmfelves  headlong  into  the  great  River  of  Cw;?- 
fto^,  which  is  a  League  broad,  and  runs  necr  the  City-,  others  leaping 
Many  of  tiie    and  Overcharging  the  Boats  in  the  River  were  prefently  funck^others  fly- 
Kings  Souidi-  -pg  ji^2y  fuif  Qf  f(-aj  and  confufion,  thruft  one  another  at  the  River  fide 
ersdrowne .    .^^^  ^j^^^  unmerciful  Element;  and  by  all  thefe  many  thoufands  periflied. 
Hangcheu  is    The  Tartars  wanting  boats  to  paffe  this  River,  having  thus  expelled  or 
taken.  killed  the  Souldiery,they  returned  Triumphant  to  the  City,  where  they 

ufcd  neither  force,  nor  violence-,  by  which  means  this  noble  City  was 
conferved,  whofe  beauty,  greatne(re,and  riches,  I  hope  to  defcribe  elfc- 
where,  not  by  hear- fay,  but  by  what  I  faw,  in  the  three  years  fpace  I  lived 
in  it,from  which  I  lately  came  into  Earope.lhis  City  of  Hangcheu  hath  an 
Artificial  Channel  or  Dike  to  pafs  by  water  to  the  Northern  parts  of  Chi- 
»4jThis  Chanel  is  onely  feparated  by  the  high  part  of  the  way  like  a 
Caufeway  from  the  River,  which  as  I  faid,  runs  on  the  South  part  of  the 
City,  The  Tartars  therefore  drew  many  Boats  out  of  this  Chanel  over 
the  Caufeway  into  the  River  Cientbang^  and  with  the  help  of  thefe  Boats 
they  pafled  the  River  withoutrefiftance,and  found  the faireft  City  in  all 
cA/»4,called  X4/>/&/>ii^,prone  enough  to  fubmit  to  their  vidorious  Arracs. 
This  City  in  bigncffe  yields  to  many  others,  but  in  dcanneffe  and  comli- 
nefleitfurpaficsall :  it  is  foinvironcd  withfweet  waters  as  a  man  may 
contemplate  its  beauty  by  rounding  it  in  a  Boat 5  it  hath  large  and 
fair  Streets  paved  on  both  fides  with  white  fquare  ftoncs.  and  in  the  mid- 
dle of  them  all  runs  a  Navigable  Chanel, whofc  fides  are  garoiflicd  with 
the  like  ornament,  and  of  the  fame  ftonclhcrc  arcaMblwiltaaanyfeirs 


'Bellum  Tartaricum, 


Bridges  and  Triumphant  A rchcs-,thcHoufcs  alfo,  (which  I  obferve  no 
where  clfe  in  Chwd)ave  built  of  the  fame  fquare  ftonc-fo  as,in  a  word  I  faw 
nothing  neater  in  all  Chm.lhcy  took  this  Town  without  any  refiftance 
and  fo  they  might  have  done  all  the  reft  of  the  Southern  Towns  of  this 
VovinccoiChek/arfg.  But  when  they  commanded  all  by  Proclamation 
to  cut  off  their  Hair,  then  both  Souldier  and  Citizen  took  up  Armes  and  t 
fought  more  defperately  for  their  Hair  of  their  Heads,  than  they  did  for  d^('nd\hfi 
King  or  Kingdomc,  and  beat  the  Tartars  not  only  out  of  their  City  ^^''' 
buc  repulftthem  to  the  River  Cienthang:   nay  forced  them  to  pafTc 
the  River,  killing  very  many  of  them.  In  truth,  had  they  paft  the  River 
they  might  have  recovered  the  Metropolis  with  the  orher  Towns  • 
But  they    purfucd   their  vidory  no  further,  being  fufficicntly  con*, 
tented  that  they  had  prefcrved  their  Hair,  refifting  them  only  on  the 
South  fide  of  the  (hore,  and  there  fortifying  themfclves.   By  this  means 
the  conquering  Armes  of  the  Tartars  were  reprefTed  for  a  whole  year  Buc 
the  Chinois  that  they  might  have  a  Head,  chofe  Lu  Regulus  of  theTaiwift^ 
gian  Family  for  their  Emperour^who  would  not  accept  therof,but  would 
beonly  ftiled  JheRcftorerof  theEmpire.In  the  mean  time  the  Tartars 
had  fent  for  new  forces  out  of  M/>^,  with  which  they  left  nere  a  Stone 
unturnedjthat  they  might  get  over  the  River  Ciemhanghut  all  was  in  vain. 
The  drooping  affairs  therforc  of  the  Chinois  now  breached  Jlgain,  nay,ha- 
ving  gathered  together  more  Forces,  they  promifed  themfelves  greater 
vi(5tories.  But  the  ambition  and  emulation  of  ruling  fruftrated  all  their 
hopes.  For  the  Commanders,  and  Prefidents  which  fled  out  of  the  Pro- 
vince of  C^^^m;?  into  the  Country  of  Fokiert.coxxkdi  with  them  one  of 
Taim'mga's  Family ,called  Thangus-^  and  this  man  they  chofe  Kin(»  in  the 
Country  oiFokiert^  which  confines  with  C^ekiang,  This  P  rince ^preten- 
ded that  the  King  called  Z«,  fhould  yceld  up  his  right  to  him,  both  bc- 
caufc  he  had  but  a  few  Cities  under  him,  and  alfo  becaufe  he  was  fijr- 
ther  removed  from  the  Imperial  Race,  than  he  was.   But  King  Lu 
pretended  he  was  Proclaimed  by  the  Army,  before  him,and  failed  not 
to  fet  forth  his  Vi(5lories  over  the  Tartars^  By  which  two  contentions, 
thcTartars  kept  the  Crown- for  thefe  two  Royalets,  would  never  yeeld' 
to  one  another,  nor  fo  unite  their  Armies,  as  joyntly  to  repreffc  the  Tar- 
tars. Since  therefore  this  petty  King  Lu  had  onely  eight  Cities  under  his 
command,  whofc  Contributions  were  not  able  to  maintain  the  necefTary 
pay  of  his  Army,  he  never  durft  venture  to  pafTc  over  the  River,  but  en- 
deavoured only  to  defend  himfcIf.But  the  Tartars  fought  all  means  poffi- 
bly  to  get  over  this  River,yet  they  durft  not  venture  to  palTe  in  Boats,  be- 
caufe King  Lu  had  many  {hips,and  good  ftore  of  Artillery  which  he  had 
caufcd  to  be  brought  from  Sea.  But  the  Tartars  felicity,  and  profperous 
fortune,  overcame  this  difficulty:  for,  as  it  happened,  that  year  being 
dryer  than  ordinary,  this  River  towards  the  South,where  it  runs  betwixt 
high  Mountains,and  is  deprived  of  the  flowing  of  the  Sea,  had  loft  much 
of  its  depth?  and  here  the  r^r^^r^Horfe  found  it  paffable^and  becaufe  Tftcr^^r^,, 
the  rudcncffc  of  thofc  Mountains,fccmcd  a  fufficient  Guard  to  the  Coun-  P^^^  ^^^  ^'^ers 
try,thcyfoundnoSouldicrstorefift.butas  foon  as  the  Clowns  efpiedSwTSt* 
twenty  of  their  Horfc  to  have  palled  the  River,  they  prcfcntly  ad  vcrtifcd 

Oo  2  the 


^ellum  Tartaricum. 

the  Army,  and  they  all  betook  themfelvcs  to  flight.  King  Lu  him  felf  left 
the  City  Xaoking^  and  not  daring  to  truft  himfclf  to  the  Continent, he  took 
Ship  and  failed  to  the  Ifland  called  cheuxan,  which  lies  oppofit  to  the  Ci- 
tie  of  Nimfus ;  where  he  remains  to  this  day  fafe,  and  keeps  ftill  his  Regal 
The  Ifland  of  dignitie-,  which  Ifland  being  heretofore  only  a  rctreit  for  Fifliermcn,  and 
cJh:cJL    fome  Clowns,  now  is  become  a  potent    Kingdom-,  by   rcafon  that 
comts  a         many  fly  from  China  to  this  King  Z«,  as  to  their  fan(auary  to  conferve  the 
Kingdom.       libertieot  their  Hair.  In  this  Ifland  there  are  now  found  thrcefcoreand  ten 
Cities,  with  a  ftrong  and  formidable  Army,  which  hitherto  hath  contem- 
ned all  the  Tartarian  Power  and  Forces,  and  watch  for  fome  happy  occa- 
lion  to  advance  again  their  Kingdom  in  China^^ur.  by  this  mcans,the  Tar- 
tar s  took  aWthtC'iUQ^  and  Towns  of  the  County  oiChekiang  into  their 
Dominion.   One  only  City  oiKinhoa,  whofe  Prcfident  was  afwcl  a  Na- 
tive of  the  place,  asalfothe  Commander  in  chief,  and  my  very  fingular 
friend,  (uftained  the  T^y/^r^aflaults  for  fome  months.  But  to  the  end  the 
refiftancc  of  this  City  fliould  not  be  a  hindrance  to  the  courfe  of  their  Vi- 
dtories,  the  Tartars  divided  their  Army  into  three  parts.The  firft  part  mar- 
ched by  the  City  Kiucheu,md  the  Mountainsithe  fccond  by  the  City  Fen- 
cheu,  and  the  Sea  fliore,  into  the  Province  of  Tokien  5  and  the  third  obfti- 
kmIuL  nately  beficged  the  City  oiKinhoa.  At  which  time  I  by  leave  from  the 
and  dcftroycd,  Empctour  Longuvus^  rcfidcd  in  Henxas  a  City  fubje(5l  to  that  of  Venchen, 
which  prefcntly  after  was  befieged,and  taken  by  the  74y/4r/,together  with 
many  other  neighbouring  Cities.  I  dwelt  in  a  very  fair  houfe  of  the  City 
Venxus^  the   whole    Town  then  being  in  a  tumult  by  reafon  of  the 
fearc  and  flight  of  moft  of  the  Citizens.  Aflbone  as  I  underiiood  of  the  ap- 
proach of  the  Tartars  y  I  fixed  over  thefaireft  gate  of  the  houfe,  a  red  paper 
very  long  and  broad,with  this  Infcription  upon  it.  Here  dwells  the  Europe- 
an  DoBw  of  the  Divine  Law.  For  I  had  obferved  the  C^ina  Governours 
when  they  take  any  journy  to  affixefuch  Infcriptions  upon  the  houfes 
where  they  happen  to  Iodge,that  all  men  may  take  notice  what  great  per- 
fons  are  there.     Likewife  at  the  entrance  of  the  greater  Hall,I  fet  out  my 
greateft  and  fairefl:.bound  books :  to  thefe  I  added  my  Mathematical!  In- 
ftruments,  profpecflives,  and  other  optick  glaflcs,  and  what  elfe  I  thought 
might  make  the  greateft  fliow  5  and  withall  I  placed  the  pidure  of  our  Sa- 
viour upon  an  altar  erecfled  for  that  purpofe.By  which  fortunate  ftratagem 
I  not  ont  only  efcaped  the  violence  and  plunder  of  the  common  Souldicr, 
but  was  invited,  and  kindly  entertained  by  the  Tartarian  Vice-Roy  .-Who 
demanded  of  me  whether  I  would  with  a  good  will  change  my  cto^  ha- 
bit,and  cut  off  my  hair.  To  which  I  readily  confcnted^and  fo  he  comman- 
ded me  to  be  fhaven  there  in  bis  prcfence ;  and  I  telling  him,  that  a  (haven 
head  would  not  fo  well  fuitc  with  a  C/;/;^^- Garment,  he  pluk't  ofFhis  own 
boots,  and  made  me  draw  them  on,  put  his  Tartar  bonnet  on  my  head,fc3- 
ftcd  me  at  his  Table,  and  accommodating  me  with  his  Paflcjdifmiflfcd  me 
to  my  ancient  quarters  in  the  noble  City  Haneheu^  where  we  had  a 
ftatdy  Church  and  CoUedge  :   In  the  fiege  of  Kinhoa^  the  Tartars 
by  rcafon  of  great  Guns  which  continually    plaid  upon    them, 
and  by  the  wife  condu^  and  courage  of  their  noble    Comman- 
dcr,  fuffcrcd  many  and  great  loflcs  5  infomuch  as  he  forced  them  to  pitch 


Bellum  Tartaricum.  085 

their  Camp  further  from  the  City;  But  at  length  they  alfo  brought  Ar- 
tillery from  the  chief  City  of  the  Province,  by  which  they  made  fo  many 
breaches  in  the  WallSjas  thefe  being  in  a  manner  difmantled,  they  found 
cntrance^and  burned  and  facked  it  with  all  imaginable  Hoftility.  The 
Govcrnour  blew  up  himfelf  and  all  his  Family  with  a  Barrel  of  Gunpow- 
der in  his  own  PallacCjleaft  he,  or  his,  (hould  fall  into  the  Enemies 

The  Province  o£Fokien  is  invironed  with  the  bordering  Countries  of 
^uamgtungiKianfi^  and  Chekiangi,  from  all  which  it  is  fcparated  by  a  con- 
tinuall  Chain  of  Mountains  which  are  in  breadth  of  three  dayes  journey 
to  palTe  overs  and  withall^  fo  full  of  ragged  and  ruggy  Clifts,  and  obfc  ure  \'^ 

Vallics,  as  they  make  the  very  Paths  horrid,  dark  and  obfcure  at  Noon 
day.  Infomuch,  as  without  any  exaggeration,they  may  well  be  parallel- 
led cither  to  the  Grecian  Straits  o^Thermo^olis ^oi  to  the  t^fian  ruggy  and 
ftraic  paffage  of  Taurus,  Thefe  places  might  have  been  caiily  defen- 
ded if  they  had  but  placed  a  few  Clowns,  to  repel  the  Enemy,  or  croffed 
the  waycs  by  any  incumbrances  5  but  the  very  imagination  of 
a  Tartar  was  grown  fo  terrible  to  thcm,as  they  fled  at  the  very  fight  of 
their  Horfcs^  leaving  therefore  thefe  Mountains  wholly  ungarniihed,  the 
Tartars  found  a  paffage,  but  fo  very  painful,  and  full  of  diflBculties,as  they  The  Tartars 
were  forced  to  leave  much  of  their  Baggage  behind  them-and  loft  many  "'''  '"gf5'*^" 
of  their  Horfes,  in  thofe  fearfull  precipices^  but  by  this  meanes  they  took  "^'^ " '  ^ 
theProvinceofi^^/r/Vwwithasmucheafe,  asit  might  have  been  defcn- 
ded-,for  they  hardly  fpent  as  much  time  in  taking  it  as  a  man  would  doc  to 
walk  the  extent  of  it.The  King  himfelf  named  Lmgimiyvhkh  iignifieth  a 
Waiiike  DragonJ  fhewed  himfelf  a  fearful  Sheep,flying  away  with  a 
good  Army  of  men,  if  that  word  rightly  can  be  apply  ed  to  a  numerous 
multitude  that  had  no  hearts;  but  his  fight  fcrved  him  for  nothing-  for  the 
Tartars  following  him  with  their  fwift  and  nimble  Horfes,  (hot  all  this 
flock  offilly  Sheep  to  death  with  is  thought  the  King  himfelf  fl3^"„^  '^ 
was  involved  in  this  Maflacrejfor  he  tiever  appearcd,nor  was  heard  of  af- 

Now  becaufe  the  whole  Province  fubmitted'  it  felf  voluntarily  unto 
them  without  any  refinance,  it  did  not  only  fuffer  little  from  the  Tartars, 
but  they  had  many  choifeand  feledt  Souldiers  out  of  it-,  and  having  thus  a- 
gain  recruited  their  Army,they  made  another  irruption  into  the  Countrie 
oi  ^antgtungs  and  its  worth  remarking,  that  the  other  Tartarian  Com- 
mander, who.  when  the  Army  was  divided'^as  I  related  before,)  had  or- 
der to  fubduc  the  Mediterranean  Countries,  with  the  fame  felicity  and 
expedition  paflfing  vi(5torious  through  the  Provinces'of  ff«^«4;?^and  of%^^^^''"^" 
Kiangft,  entred  alfo  on  one  fide  of  this  Countrie  oiS^amgtungy  whilft  i$  taken.  ^  ^^ 
the  other  came  in  by  Fokien  upon  the  other  fide^and  becaufe  the  Town  of 
Nankitmg  refolved  to  fight  it  our,they  confumed  it  all,  by  fire  and  fword. 
So  the  poor  Country  oi  ^amgtmg  oppreffed  by  a  double   victorious 
Army, was  quickly  over-run  &fubdued.  After  this,one  of  thefe  vidlorious 
Armics,enriched  with  all  the  rarities  of  Chma^  was  called  back  to  Peking^ 
but  yet  they  left  a  Garrifon  in  every  City,  afligning  in  the  name  of  the 
King  of  Tartars  both  Civil  and  Martial  Officers,  for  the  Countries  Go- 
vernment. The 

igtf  Vellum  Tartarictim. 

The  happie  fucceffc  in  taking  the  impregnable  Province  of  Fokien,  is 
attributed  by  wife  men,  (to  whofe  judgement  I  alfo  fubmit)  to  a  more  re- 
w  mote  and  hidden  caufe,which  I  will  briefly  relate.  There  was  at  this  time  - 
a  famous  and  renowned  Py  rat  called  Chhtchilungtu  •  this  man  was  born  in 
the  Province  ot  J^/VWjOf  which  we  are  treating  •,  he  firftlerved  the  PortU' 
ahefe  in  CMacM-,  then  he  ferved  the  Hollander  in  the  Ifland  called  Formofa^ 
where  he  was  known  to  all  ftrangers  by  the  name  oilquon.  After  this  he 
became  a  Pyrar,  but  being  of  quick  and  nimble  wit,  he  grew  from  this 
fmall  and  flcndc  r  fortune,  to  fuch  a  height  and  power^as  he  was  held  ei- 
A  famous  Py-  ther  Superiour  or  equal  to  the  Emperour  oichinafox  he  had  the  Trade  of 
rate  in  chtna.    JndU  in  his  hand  ',  and  he  dealt  with  the  Portugefe  in  Macao  j  with  the  Spa- 
niards  in  the  Phtlliffins ;  with  the  Hollanders  in  the  Ifland  Fermsfa^  and 
new  Holland'^  with  the  ^apemam,  and  with  all  the  Kings  and  Princes  of 
the  Eaftern  parts  in  all  manner  of  rich  commodities.  He  permitted  none 
totranfpoitthe  WaresofC/>/>4burhimfelrforhis,  to  whom  he  brought 
back  the  riches  and  the  Silver  of  M^repe  and  Indies-^  for  after  he  once  rathet 
extorted,  than  obtained  pardon  of  the  King  oi  China  for  his  Pyracies,  he 
became  (o  formidable,as  that  he  had  no  lelTc  than  three  thoufand  Ships  of 
which  he  was  Lord  and  Malter,  Nor  was  he  contented  with  this  fortune, 
but  afpired  privately  to  no  leflc  than  to  the  Empire ;  But  becaufe  he  knew 
he  never  (hould  be'  accepted  of  the  Prefers  and  people,  as  long  as  there 
was  any  of  the  Imperial  Family  of  the  T4/w/;5|f^/ alive,  he  hoped  by  the 
r^?'^^^^  means  to  extinguifh  them  wholly,  and  after  this  was  done,  then 
he  refolved  to  difplay  his  Banners  and  Enfigns  in  fo  pious  a  caufe,  as  the 
driving  out  the  common  Enemy  from  the  bowels  of  the  Kingdom-,and  no 
doubt  but  under  this  pretext,  they  would  all  have  followed, helped  and  e- 
ven  adored  him,  as  their  Saviour,  It  was  therefore  evident  that  he  had  fe- 
cret  correfpondence  with  the  Tartars  •  and  that  he  favoured  them  for  his 
own  profit  5  And  that  which  made  the  bufineflc  more  fufpicious  was,that 
at  that  time  when  the  tartars  made  their  irruption  into  Fokien^t  was  then 
declared  Lord  Marlhal  of  the  Kingdom,  and  all  the  Generals,  Comman- 
ders and  Souldicrs,  were  either  of  his  affinity,  or  wholly  at  his  Command 
and  Obedience.  And  therefore  it  is  no  wonder,  if  the  Tartars  found  an  ca- 
iie  admittance  into  the  Country  of  Fekien  •,  of  which  they  prefently  made 
him  King  Pwgnan^  (as  much  as  to  fay^ Paafer  efthe  South)  and  they  added 
The  Tartars  many  Other  Dignitie^and  Offices  of  truft,  that  they  might  more  fpeciouf* 
dcceiTc  thePy-  jy  \\\^^q  him  •,  for  either  they  knew  his  afpiring  mind,  or  elfe  his  great  po- 
him'piifoncr    wct  and  authotltie  was  fufpicious  and  formidable  to  them .,  but  yet  all  the 
ky  mcer  Art.  while  that  the  General  of  the  Tartars  remained  in  Fokien^  they  never  ex- 
preffed  the  leaft  diffidence  in  him,but  both  with  favours,  courtcfies,  pre- 
fents  and  honours,  they  ffudied  how  further  to  ingage  him,  and  promifed 
him  the  Government  of  many  more  Provinces.  He  made  himfelf  there- 
fore fecure  of  the  Government  of  all  the  Southern  Provinces ;  but  all  hap- 
pened quite  contrary  to  his  cxpedation;  for  when  this  General  of  the  Tar^ 
tars.vjho  was  obferved  as  a  little  King,  was  to  depart  to  Peking^  thecu- 
ftom  was  for  all  the  Officers  of  the  Kingdom  to  conduct  him,  for  fome 
part  of  his  journy,  to  give  him  an  honourable  farcwell^which  /aft  duty  of 
CiviUty/^i^ow  could  not  handfomcly  avoid,  nor  indccd,had  he  any  reafon 


Bellum  T'ariaricum,  287 

to  be  diffident  in  hiai  j  fo  as  he  left  his  Navic  in  the  Port  of  Fecheu  and 
accompanied  the  Royolet  with  great  fplcndor  and  magnificence.  But  when 
he  came  to  take  leave,  and  demand  Licence  to  return,  the  General  of  the 
Tartars^  invited  hira  a  long  to  Peking^  where  he  promifed  him  yet  greater 
honours  from  the  Kings  own  perfon,  to  reward  his  Merits.He  endeavour- 
ed by  all  imaginable  impediments,  toexcufethis  journey,  but  nothing 
was  accepted,  he  was  forced,  by  their  kindnefle,  to  accompany  them  to 
Peking ',  and  fo  he  was  taken  by  Art,  who  by  Arms  fccmed  Infuperable. 
He  is  yet  detained  in  Prifon  in  P^i^/Vg-,  becaufchis  Brothers  and  KindrcJ 
hearing  of  his  Captivitie,  prefently  feazed  on  the  Fleet  5  with  which  they 
have  much  intefted  China^  as  we  fhall  touch  hereafter. 

In  the  mean  time  the  other  Army  which  had  palTed  the  Mediterranean  the  T^-urs 
ViosVi\ct^  oiHuquang^Kianfiy  and  ^amgtung^  invaded  the  Country  of  °^*=^^^'''^w 
^angfi.  But  here  it  was  that  the  Arms  of  the  Tartars  which  hitherto  were  •^*"^"^^' 
held  in  vincible,  we  re  Hiewed  to  be  weak,&  where  they  leaft  expcdcd  op- 
pofition,there  they  found  a  flop  to  their  happened  that  in  this 
Province  o^ ^ttangfi  the  Vice-Roy,  called  Khiu  Thomas^  was  a  Chriftianj 
and  alfo  all  the  ii//7/>/<«  of  that  Country  was  comnaanded  by  C^^iw^  Z«^^, 
vvhofe  family  for  five  Generations  has  ferved  thcEmperours  off /;/;^4^ with 
as  much  conftancy  and  fidelity,  as  they  did  Chrift.  Thcfe  two  having  ga- 
thered many  together,  which  fled  from  all  parts  into  S^angft^  after  the 
Tartars  had  taken  many  places  in  the  Country,  overthrew  the  Tartariam 
in  a  fet  Battail-,and  pafling  into  the  confining  Province  of  ^4w^;»/;^,they 
recovered  all  the  Weftern  part  of  it.  After  this,  that  they  might  have  a 
head  to  fight  for,and  who  might  command  and  govern  them  in  all  Oc- 
currences, and  withall,  to  draw  the  minds  and  hands  of  the  Chinefes  to  the 
common  defence  of  the  Country,  knowing  that  in  the  City  of  ^eilin^ 
which  is  the  head  City  of  ^Mgft^  there  was  one  of  the  Taminges  Fami-  Jmgiey  mad^ 
ly  living,  who  was  Nephew  to  the  Great  Vanleius,  they  eleded  him  Em-  ^^perour  of 
perour,and  called  by  the  name  offurjgley.  This  Prince  Bxcd  his  Impcri-  ^*''"'' 
al  feat  in  the  noble  City  of  chat  king  in  the  Province  o(  Ji^awgtung,  and 
hitherto  has  fought  feveral  times  with  the  Tartars,  with  good  fucceffc. 
And  in  this  Princes  Court,  the  chief  Eunuch  called  Pang  o/lchilleusy  is  the 
greateft  favourite,  and  a  great  Servant  of  Chrift,  whom  he  hath  long  pro- 
feffed  finccrcly  to  worfhip,  both  by  word  and  d^ctd ;  for,  to  propagate 
Chriftianitie,  he  has  ever  maintained  a  million  of  Jefuitcs  about  him,  by 
whofe  painfull  endeavours  many  have  embraced  the  Faith  of  Chrift-,Ana 
amongft  others  the  very  Mother  of  this  Emperour,  his  Wife,  and  his  el-  ^^^  ^^ 
defl  Son,  Heir  of  the  Empire,  called  Conflantin,  did  allimbrace  Chriflia-  the'^Em^rV^ 
nity .  May  this  Man  by  the  praiers  of  all  Chriftians  prove  another  Cenfiari'  t'ecomcs 
tifie  to  the  Empire  of  China'  The  Emperour  himfclf  is  not  averfc  from  ^'^"^'^"• 
Chriftianitie,  but  hitherto  he  hath  defer*d  his  Baptifm,  but  yet  he  permit- 
ted his  Wife  to  fend  a  Father  of  the  Society,  to  do  homage  to  the  Sea  A- 
poftolick,  as  all  Europe  has  heard.  God  of  his  goodncfte  grant  him  that  fe- 
licity, which  may  redound  to  the  univerfal  good  o^Chma^nd  Gods  gr^a^ 
tcr^ory.  ,oca 

But  it  was  not  only  in  St^ngfi  that  the  Chinefes  bcgaiv  to  rcfumc  tbci«  Theevcs  infeft 
courage,  but  in  the  Province  oiFokien  alfo  •  for  no  fooncr  was  the  tJir/a-  p^^^'^J'^^^  ''^ 


288  "BeUum  Tartmmm. 

rian  Army  called  back  to  Pekingy  but  a  petty  Heathen  Pricft  broke  out 
of  the  Mountains  o^Fokien^yNiih  a  band  of  feditious  fellows.and  fubduing 
the  Tartarian  Garrifons  took  the  fair  City  of  Kiennmg,  and  many  others 
from  their  fubjeiSlion*,  and  others  which  lay  lurking  in  the  Mounraines 
fdllowing  his  example,  recovered  alfo  many  other  Cities-,  about  which 
time  alfo  the  friends  and  Kindred  of  the  Captive  iquon  did  extremely  in- 
feft  the  Sea,  and  making  defcents  upon  the  Land,vcxed  the  Province  ex- 
tremely about  the  Quarters  ofSiueacheu^^ndChangchett.  At  this  time  a 
chief  Governour  of  the  Tartariam,  Vice-roy  of  two  Provinces  was  at 
Chekfaffg;  who  hearing  of  thefe  commorions  came  prcfently  by  night  in 
great  haff  e  with  all  the  force  he  could  make,  towards  the  Mountains  of 
Fokien;  for  he  with  reafon  feared  left  they  fhould  take  poffeffion  of  the 
PafTagesof  thofe  places,  which  if  they  had  done,  the  whole  Province 
had  been  rc-gained. But  when  this  Vice-roy, called  Cto^w;,  found  the 
Mountains  and  Paffages  clear,&  no  oppofition  made  in  fuch  difficult  pla- 
ces, he  then  proclamed  himfclf  vi6torious,and  his  enemies  perfidious  Rc- 
changw  the    bels ;  wherefore  coming  without  refiftance  into  the  Country,hc  befieged 
^("^h^Tmars  ^be  Ci'ty  Kienning,  which  was  defended  by  rAngusj:\\h  Siege  held  fome 
beiieges  Kien-  wecks,  but  he  never  could  take  the  place  by  force, ,  and  therefore  ha- 
n'mg  in  vain,     ^jj^g  \q^  ^^^y  Qf  j^j^  ^^^  by  affaults,  he  judged  it  beft  rather  to  block  up 
the  place  afar  off,  than  to  befiege  itfo  clofe  and  ncer.  But  yet  by  this, 
he  hindred  other  forces  from  joyning  with  Vangm,  fo  that  he  was  not 
ftrong  enough  to  fally  out  upon  them. 

When  the  noyfe  of  thefe  com  motions  came  to  P^^//^^,  the  Empcrour 
prefently  fent  a  new  fupply  to  appcafc  thefe  tumults-,  and  this  fi  e(h  Army 
It  is  at  length   commingto  joyn  witiithc  othcr,broughtthe  City  to  great  ftreights-  but 
taken  and  ra-  y^^  ^j^^y  could  not  Win  it,  til  at  length  they  found  means  by  a  rare  inventi- 
'^^^'  on  to  tranfport  their  Canons  over  the  Mountains  upon  Por  ters  Shoulders, 

by  which  means  they  difmantled  the  Town,  and  put  all  whatfocver  to 
the  Sword^  to  the  number  of  thirty  thoufand  perfons ,  as  my  own 
friends  writ  unto  me^and  not  content  with  this,  they  fet  fire  on  the  Town, 
and  brought  it  all  toafhes,  by  which  means,  the  (lately  Church  eredfcd 
bytheChriftiansfortheferviceof  God.  was  alfo  confumed  by  that  de- 
vouring flame-,  yet  the  Priefts  that  fcrved  in  that  Church  got  out  miracu- 
loufly  as  Lot  did  out  oiSodom-^  which  name  was  appropriated  to  this  Ci- 
ty, by  reafon  of  that  infamous  vice.  This  City  being  taken,  it  was  no 
hard  matter  to  recover  the  Countrie-,  for  fome  fled  to  fave  them felves  in 
the  Mountains,  others  ran  to  the  Sea,  and  fo  when  this  new  Array  had 
pacified  all,  they  were  called  back  to  Peking-,  where  it  is  not  amilTe  to  ob- 
ferve  the  policy  which  the  Tartars  ufe  in  the  Government  and  ordering  of 
their  Army  .'They  are  ever  calling  back  fome,  and  fending  out  othersj  in 
which  proceeding  they  aim  at  two  things ;  firft  to  keep  the  Countries  in 
awe  and  fubje(5lion,  by  feeing  variety  of  Troops  continually  paflingup 
and  down ;  and  fecondly,to  provide  for  the  poorer  fort  of  Souidiersjfor 
the  wealthy  Souldier  is  called  back  to  recreat,  and  cafe  labours,  and  the 
poor  Souldier  feeing  his  Companion  grown  rich,takes  heart  and  courage 
to  run  the  fame  cburfe  upon  hopes  of  the  like  good  fortune. 
*  Yet  for  all  thefe  preventions  and  cautions,  their  Empire  was  not  fo 


Vellum  Tartaricum.  289 

cftablifhcd,  but  by  frequent  rebellions  it  was  often  indangered-,  and  parti- 
cularly by  one  Rebellion,  which  now  I  will  relate,  which  fhakcd  fhrewd- 
ly  the  foundations  of  the  new  Empire.  The  Kingdome  ofchma  is  of  fo 
vafl:  an  extent,  as  it  is  a  bufinefTe  of  main  importance,  to  diftribute  judici-  """^  tiic  Tar- 
oufly  the  Armies  and  Garrifons.  Now  becaufe  the  Tartars  alone  cannot  IhH  q^°^^ 
fuffice  to  furni/Ti  both,  they  are  forced  roufe  the  help  of  the  Chinefes^om. 
thcmfelves,  although  they  have  a  fpeciall  care  never  to  leave  or  place  ei- 
ther Commander  or  Souldier,  who  is  a  Native,  in  the  fame  Country ;  yet 
this  care  could  not  exempt  them  from  feveral  Treafons,  and  Rebel! ions j 
though  they  d  iftributc  &  order  their  ii//7///i«jWith  great  circumfpec^tion-, 
for  the  chief  Commander  or  Governour  refides  in  the  Metropolitan  Ci- 
ty, whom  all  inferiour  Officers  obey.  This  man   maintaines  alwayes 
a  complcat  Army,  which  he  commands  to  march,  when  he  hears  of  any 
rifings.  Every  City  has  alfo  their  own  proper  Governour,  with  a  compe- 
tent number  of  Souldiers,  but  thofe  for  the  mod  part  arc  Tartars^  and 
thefe  are  Chines,  But  all  this  Politicall,  and  well-eflabliihcd  Government 
could  not  defend  them  from  Traitors  amongft  themfelves.  The  firft  man 
that  did  revolt  from  them  was  one  Kinus  Governour  of  the  Province  of  fc-;,„,  r .  . 

r         f-r«1    •  1  •  1  1  />     •      •  ti.tnUS  VTOVCI- 

Ktangji^   This  man  was  born  m  Leaotung,  and  becaufe  it  is  a  Country  that  nour  of  a  pjo- 

bordcrs  upon  Tartary^ihe  King  commonly  raoft  confides  in  the  Natives  T'"^^  ^^''^^^ 

ofthatProvince.Ichappenedlknownot  how,thatthisGovernour,byrea- 

fon  of  fome  corruptions, and  Avarice  of  the  Vifitor  ofthe  Country,  had 

fome  contcfts  with  him,  which  grew  by  little  and  little  to  a  fecret  hatred; 

and  although  they  both  diflcmbled  their  private  malice,  as  ufually  they  The  hatred 

do  in  china^  yet  at  length  the  flame  broke  out  to  the  ruin  of  the  Country  5  betwm  the 

for  being  the  one  was  Governour  of  the  Armes,and  the  other  of  Jufticc,  Sibs  tf/ 

there  was  a  neceflity  of  often  meetings,  &  feaftings  alfo.It  happened  once  Counrry  of 

that  whilfl  they  were  feafted  with  a  fumptuous  Banquet, they  were  alfo  ^''*"^' 

entertained  by  a  plcafant  Comedy;  in  which  the  A6lors  were  attired  with 

the  habits  of  C^/>4, which  were  more  comely  and  fairer  than  thofe  which 

the  Tartars  ufe-,  upon  which  occafion  Kims  turning  himfclf  to  the  Vifitor 

faid,  Is  not  this  habit  better^  ^  graver  thm  ours  ^This  innocent  fpeech  was 

interpreted  by  his  corrival  Judge,as  if  he  had  contemned  the  Edi(51:  about 

changing  of  Ha  bits,and  expreffed  too  much  love  to  the  Chines  Garments, 

before  thofe  of  the  Tmars-j  and  of  this  he  fent  an  ExprcfTe  to  advertile 

the  Emperour.  \ 

But  the  Governour  Kims^  had  corrupted  a  Secretary,  which  fcrved 
the  Lord  Chief  J uflicc-,  who  gave  him  intelligence  of  all  that  paffed  in 
word  or  deed  in  his  Ma(ters  Houfe.  And  as  foon  as  he  had  notice  that  this 
Letter  was  fent  to  the  Court,  he  prefently  difpatched  thofe,  who  inter- 
cepted the  Packet-,  which  the  Governour  having  read,  went  prefently 
armed  to  the  Judges  Palace,  whom  he  fuddenly  killed  .Then  prefently  he 
with  the  whole  Province  revolted  from  the  Tartars,zr\d  with  the  great  ap- 
plaufe  of  all  the  Chinefes,hc  fubmitted  himfelf  to  funglej  the  new  ele(5lcd 
Emperour.  One  only  City  called  CancheUyVihXch.  was  governed  by  an  in- 
corrupted  T4rf4r,refufed  to  fubmit-,which  was  the  whole,  and  only  cauf<?, 
that  the  Tartars  did  recover  the  two  Provinces  Kianfi  and  Q^mtmg')30ih 
which  Provinces  revolted  at  the  fame  time  with  their  Commanders,  and 

Pp  both 

2po  Vellum  Tanaricum. 

Many  places    ^oth  fubmittcd  alfo  to  the  new  elc(5ted  Eraperour.  Lihuzus  was  Govet- 
IZtana^     nour  of  ^amgtufig  at  that  time^who  refolved  to  joyn  his  Forces  with  Ki- 
ms, and  lo  to  caft  the  tartars  out  of  the  Empire-,which  it  is  believed  they 
might  have  cffeded,  if  the  Governour  of  Crfw^f«,  which  is  the  Key  and 
entrance  into  four  Provinces,  had  not  cunningly  uudermined  all  their  dc- 
figncs  and  intentions.  But  this  nnan  hearing  that  had  revolted,and 
marched  to  joyn  his  Army  with  Kimsy  difpatched  to  him  this  deceitfuU 
Tiie  deceipt  of  Letter,  I  have  not  hitherto  ftthmitted  te  Yiimsjbecaufe  I  kmn>  his  forces  were 
theGovernoui  not equal^  noT ahU  toreftji  the  Tartars :  But  feeing  theu.mojl  renowned  and 
of  cancheu,     valiant  Capainjbeginnefi  alfo  to  march  againft  hopes  concerning  them 
are  at  end  J  am  thine  ^andimbrace  thy  caufet^whenfoever  thoujhalt  come^or  fend^ 
I  mil  render  mj  City  to  thee  or  thine.  But  in  the  mean  time  he  fent  to  all  the 
Governours  in  Fokien^  to  fend  him  fecrccly  all  the  poflible  fuccour  they 
could  raife  altogether*  Lihuzus  having  received  the  Letter  marched  to- 
wards him,  cheerfully,  and  confidently;  But  though  he  found  the  Gates 
of  the  City  open,  yet  he  was  furioufly  repelled  by  the  Tartarians  oppofiti- 
onj  which  uncxpedcd  accident  fo  aflonifhcd  his  Souldiers,  as  many  of 
them  pcrifhed,  and  amongft  the  reft  it  is  thought  himfclf  was  killed,  for 
he  was  never  heard  of  after. 

This  reverfe  and  crofTe  fortune  did  much  difturb  the  progreffc  of  the 
Emperour  ^ungleys  affairs^  though  Kinm  in  the  mean  time  had  many  fin- 
gular  vi(5tories  over  the  Tartars^^  for  when  the  chief  Goveroour  of  all  the 
Weftcrn  parts  ofchina^  who  had  placed  bis  chief  Seat  in  Nanking,  had 
gathered  great  Forces  to  reprefTc  his  afplring  mind,  yet  he  was  feverall 
times  routed  &  overthrownc  by  himjand  MKinus  had  purfued  the  courfc 
of  his  viaorics,  he  might  have  come  to  the  very  Walls  of  Nanking-^  but 
he  was  follicitous  ofthc  City  o^ Cancheu,  which  obliged  him  to  a  retreir- 
for  neither  was  it  fafc  for  him  to  leave  an  enemy  behind  him,  nor  could  he 
receive  vidualsfrora  the  Emperour  Jungley^  but  by  Cancheu,  which  is  the 
natural  defcent  of  the  River-,  and  therefore  when  he  heard  ofLihuzf/s  de- 
fear,  he  prefently  befieged  that  City  with  his  whole  Army-,But  whilfl  he 
was  beficging  this  City^there  came, unfortunately ^a  new  Army  of  Tartars 
from  the  Imperial]  City  oiPekifig  ,which  had  order  fo  recover  this  Pro- 
vince of  KiatJgJt'j  and  therefore  Kinus  was  forced  to  raife  his  Siege  to  op- 
pofe  their  entrance  by  the  Northern  parts  of  the  Country  ^  And  at  firft  ha- 
ving a  vaft  Army,  and  ufcd  to  the  Tartarian  warfare,  he  fought  both  va- 
beHe  ed  ^^^ntty  and  happily^  but  not  being  able  to  fuftain  any  longer  their  redou* 
hy^ihiTanfrs.  bled  violent aflaults,  he  was  forced  fo  retire  for  his  fccurity  to  Nanchang^ 
the  chief  City  of  that  Country-,  which  City  the  74r/4r/durft  not  venture 
to  take  by  force,  but  refolved  to  reduce  it  by  a  long  Siege^  for  which  end 
they  gathered  together  a  Company  of  Country  Clowns  to  make  a  large 
and  fpacious  Trench  round  about  the  City  to  the  River,  and  there  ihcy 
placed  Ships,  fo  as  no  Provifion  could  poflibly  enter.  This  City  of  'Han- 
chang  is  great  and  extremely  full  of  inhabitants,  befides  the  multitude  of 
Souldicrs  which  defended  it  at  that  time,  fo  as  although  iT/^w  had  made 
great  Provifion  for  a  Siege^yet  after  fome  moncths  he  came  to  great  want 
and  pcnnury^and  yet  he  held  it  out  though  many  dyed,expe<5Hng  ftil  fome 
fuccours  from  the  Emperour  fungley^  which  coald  not  be  fcnt;  bccaufe 


Bellum  T^artaricum.  2pi 

the  SoLildicrs  ot  ^mrngtimg  could  never  fubdue  the  Gity  oiChanchett^  by 
which  his  fuccour  was  to  palTe ;  wherefore  Kinus  being  brought  to  great 
extremity,  cxprcffed  his  mind  to  his  Souldicrs  in  thefe  words.  There  is  no 
further  ho^e^  {mj  faithful  Companions)  but  in  our  own  valour  and  fir  engtb  we 
muft  force  our  way  through  the  Tarrarian  <^rmy  by  dint  of  Sword -^  be  couragi- 
tf//j,  rfw^y^/Ztfip^^^y  f.v^zw/'/f.  And  having  ordered  all  affairs,  he  fuddainly 
made  a  Sally  out  of  the  Town  upon  their  Trenches  ^  where,  though  he  out'^fthrcty, 
found  a  vigorous  oppofition,  yet,  with  great  difficulty,  he  palfed  and  for- 
ced their  Trenches,  by  which  means  he  faved  him feU  and  his  Army,  ha- 
ving killed  many  Tartars  •  for  it  is  conftantly  reported  that  Kinus  with  a 
good  part  of  his  Army  lives  in  the  Mountains,  expeding  there  fomc  good 
occafion  to  renew  the  War. 

He  being  thus  efcaped,  x\\Q  Tartars  pillaged  thcCiry,  and  put  all  the  tj^^q,  oi 
Citizens  to  the  fword,tor  it  is  the  Tartars  cuftom  to  fpare  all  Cities  which  Nalchalg\i 
fubmit  to  them  5  and  to  thofe  which  have  made  re/iftance  before  they  be  '^^^^oyed. 
taken,  they  arc  more  cruell-,  but  they  never  fpare  or  pardon  thofe  Cities 
which  revolt  after  they  have  once  been  taken.  In  this  Slaughter  they  killed 
the  two  Priefls  which  there  aflifted  the  Chriftians  •,  and  their  ancient  and 

-  fair  Church  was  burned  in  the  City.  After  this, the  Tartars  cafily  recover-   s 
ed  the  whole  Country 3  and  having  appeafed  all,  and  left  new   Garifons  in 
ailplaces,  the  Array  returned  vi6i:onous  to  the  Royal  City  of  Peking.  In 

'  tTie  mean  time  this  Court  prepared  new  Armies  to  rtduce^amgtung  with 
the  other  Provinces  which  acknowledged  Jungley  for  the  Emperour  of 
China  •  for  the  Tutor  to  the  young  King  oiTartary^  finding  the  dcfe<5lions 
and  rebellions  in  the  Southern  parts  to  be  very  frequent,  rcfolvcd  to  give 
thofe  Quarters  over  tofome  Tributary  Royolets,  the  better  to  contain  JJ-^^  ^.''jp 
thofe  Countries  in  their  Juties;whereforc  in  the  year  MDCXLIX.he  fcnt  S^yVS^' 
three  Armies,  confifting  ipmlyotfartars.,  and  partly  oichinefes^  under  ""^^^Jmb/ 
tfirec  Tributary  Princes,  to  govern  thefe  Provinces  with  abfolutc  power  If/c&r^"' 
and  Dominion- one  of  thefe  was  King  oiFokien^  another  o[  ^amgtung^  ~~ — * 
and  the  third  of  the  Province  of  ^angfi-^but  with  this  condition,that  firft , 
of  all  they  fliould  joyn  their  Forces  to  recover  theCountry  o^^amgtung, 
and  drive  away  the  Emperour  ff*fJgley^  But  we  (hall  fay  more  of  this  hcrc- 
afrerj  now  having  feen  the  Rebellions  of  the  South,let  us  look  a  little  back 
on  the  Rebellions  in  the  North  againfl:  the  T^rMr/ alfo. 
—  In  thefe  Northern  parts  theChinefes  ihewed  their  defire  of  Liberty  as    -  - 
much  as^they  had  done  mtfie  South  ;  where  the  Commanders  though  o- 
vcrthrown,yernoc  taken,  retired  into  the  abrupt  and  precipitious  Moun- 
tains,wherethey  held  Counfel,  how  they  might  fhake  off  the  Tartars  Do- 
minion 5  three  of  thefe  heads  inhabited  the  thickeft  and  highefl  places  of 

-  that  mountanous  Country  •,  the  chief  eft  of  whom  was  called  Hou^  •  this  ^•^wrifecii 
man  being  flrong  in  men,  invited  the  reft  to  joyn  with  him,  to  deliver  his  xm^s!"^ 
Country  from  this  miferable  thraldome*  oneofthemconfentcd,  theo-  ^ 

thcr  could  not  come,but  fent  him  two  thoufand  men  to  affift  him^fo  as  ffoi' 
«*  marched  out  with  five  and  twenty  thoufand  men  5  which  was  no  coo-' 
temptible  Army  if  they  had  been  as  couragious,  as  numerous  .*  He  put  out 
a  Proclamation,  in  which  he  challenged  the  Tartars,  and  threatened  them   ■ 
all  extremities  5  and  to  the  C^inefes^  he  promifcd  all  liberty  and  freedom  ; 

Pp  2  and 

2pz  Be  Hum  Tartaricum. 

and  upon  thefc  hopes jinany  Towns  and  Cities  admitted  him  very  willing- 
ly. Sigan^iht  Metropolitan  of  the  Country ,was  the  only  place  able  to  re* 
(ift  him,havin<' within  its  Walls  three  thoufand  T^rMrj,  andtwothou- 
fand  felcded  menof  C^/»</,who  ferved  the  Tartar  JXhc  Governour  of  this 
Town  hearing  oiJiom  his  motion,  gathered  all  things  neceffary  for  a  long 
Siege,  till  a  new  fupply  of  Tartarian  Forces  could  be  fent  him.  But  when 
he  heard  that  all  the  Towns  and  Cities  in  the  Country  did  voluntarily 
The  baibarous  fubmit  themfelvcs  to  Horn  J  to  prevent  the  like  effcd  in  this  City,  he  refol- 
rcfolution  of  a  ^^^  ^^  mutder  all  the  Citizens  moft  barbaroufly-,  nor  would  he  ever  be  re- 
Govemo"ur.     moved  from  this  unhumane  fentence,  till  the  Vice-Roy  commanding  and 
perfwading,  and  the  Citizens  promifing  all  faithfuU  fervicc,  at  length  he 
changed  thisTyrannical  Counfel.But  he  commanded  under  pain  of  death, 
that  the  ChimfeSj  who  loved  fo  much  their  Hair,  that  they  only  cut  a  little 
of  it  away,  about  their  Temples,  fliould  hereafter  (have  it  off  wholly  and 
totally,  that  fo  he  might  diftinguifli  the  Citizens  from  any  others,  if  per- 
chance they  entred ;  he  ordained  befides,  that  if  any  fpokc  more  than  two 
together,  they  Ihould  all  be  prefently  killcd-,he  forbad  all  men  to  walk  up- 
on the  Walls,  or  to  walk  in  the  ftreets  by  night,  or  to  keep  a  fire  or  candle 
in  his  houfe  by  night-,and  finally  difarmed  all-, declaring  it  death  to  infringe 
any  of  thefc  orders. 
Thefe  tilings  being  thus  ordered, he  fent  out  fome  Scouts  to  difcovcr  the 
IKt^n  7s  cnenM^  who  were  partly  killed,  and  partly  came  flying  back  to 

bcdcged.        the  City ;  but  this  Tartarian  Governour,  as  well  to  make  an  oftentation  of 
his  flrength,  as  of  his  feeurityjcommandcd  the  City  Gates  to  be  lefc  open, 
nor  would  he  permit  the  Draw- Bridge  to  be  raifed  or  pulled  up,  to  (hew 
he  feared  nothing.  But  for  all  this,the  Commander  Boui  befieges  this  Ci- 
ty afar  off,  Cwbich  was  three  leagues  compsffe,)  out  of  the  reach  of  their 
Artillery  •,  and  to  the  end  he  might  make  a  (hew  of  greater  forces  than  in- 
deed he  had,  he  joyned  to  his  Army  a  company  of  dull  headed  Clowns, 
by  which  means  he  made  up  a  body  of  thirty  thoufand  men.  The  Gover- 
nour of  the  City  feeing  luch  an  Army, as  appeared, believed  them  all  to  be 
Souldiers,  and  left  his  Citizens  (hould  jpyn  with  them,  he  thought  again 
of  cutting  all  their  throats;  but  his  friet^ds  ever  diverted  him  from  this 
outragiaus  cruelty  •,  and  it  diverted  him  from  luch  horrid  proje(5ts,  when 
he  walking  upon  the  Walls,  faw  the  Chinefes  under  his  colours  fight  fo 
valiantly  againft  Hous  •  for  when  he  faw  this,  he  ufed  to  cry  out  in  their 
Language,  koo  Manz.u^  (as  much  as  to  fay)  Ogeod  Barbarians ;,  for  fo  the 
Tartars  call  thcC/&/;»4«,as  conquering  Nations  ufc  to  expofc  the  conquer- 
ed to  fcornand  derifion-,  and  he  crowned  this  feoff  with  thefe  words, 
Maumxa  Manz^u^  as  much  as  to  fay,Let  the  barbarous  kill  the  barbarous  % 
and  when  they  returned  vi6loriouSjhe  did  not  onely  praife  them,  but  gave 
chemMony,  and  other  precious  rewards,  which  were  expofed  to  publick 
view  upon  the  WallSjto  animate  them  to  high  and  generous  exploits  ^  fo 
as  i^fl«y  finding  no  Body  ftirin  the  City,asheexpeded,  could  do  nothing? 
befidcs,therc  came  new  fuccours  to  the  Tmartan  Armyjwhich  wheOi^tf^/ 
undcrftoodbyhisfpies,  he  prefently  retired.  But  yet  this  flight  did  not 
fcrve  his  turn,nor  could  he  wholly  efcape  the  Tartars  hands^for  the  Horfc* 
mcnpurfuing  them,  fell  upon  the  {vear,  and  killed  many,  ca/rying  away 
V-  ^  qu  great 

Vellum   Tattaricum.  295 

great  ftorc  of  Riches,  which  the  Commander  diftributcd  in  fuch  propor- 
tion, as  he  gave  moft  to  fuch  as  were  wounded  •,  what  became  ofHous  af- 
ter this  a<5tion,  is  unknown,  and  therefore  I  conclude^that  thcfe  Northern 
revolts  produced  no  other  erfe(5l,  but  the  fpoy  1,  Rapin  and  Plunder  of  all 
thofe  Qnarters,  as  it  had  produced  the  like  in  the  Southern  parts.  The 
Tartars  having  happily  overcome  all  difficulties  hitherto,  fell  into  another  The  Tartan 
by  their  own  infolency-,  from  the  year  MDCXLIX.  thcEmperour  of '»'^^*^""^5 
theTarurj,  being  now  grown  up  to  mans  Eftate,  defired  to  Marry  the  S'^ng^';!;'^  -'"' 
Daughter  of  the  King  of  Tayngut  who  is  Prince  of  the  Wcftern  Tartars, 
hoping  by  this  match.,  to  conferve  the  friendfliip  of  him.^  whofe  Forces  he 
feared  •,  for  this  end  he  fent  his  uncle  to  him,  who  was  King  of  Pauang^ 
This  Prince  palTed  by  the  impregnable  City  o^Taitung ;  which  as  it  is  the 
Jaft  City  towards  the  North,foalfo  it  is  the  Key  and  Bulwark  of  the  Pro- 
vince o^Xanfi  againft  the  irruption  of  theWeftern  Tartnrs^^^ox  it  commands 
all  the  Souldicis  which  keep  the  many  Fortifications  of  thofe  Quarters, 
where  a  fair  Level  down  extending  it  felf  beyond  that  famous  Wall,  I 
mentioned  heretofore,  gives  a  fit  occafion  for  the  incurfion  of  the  Tartars  o 
The  Women  of  this  City  are  held  the  moft  beautifull  of  all  China  •  and 
therefore  it  happened,  that  feme  of  the  Embaffadours  followers  did  ravidi 
fome  of  themj  arid  alfo  carried  away  by  a  Rape,  a  Perfon  of  quality,  as  fhe 
was  carried  home  to  her  Spoufe,  which  was  a  thing  never  heard  of  here- 
tofore amongft  the  Chine fes.  The  people  had  recourfe  for  thefe  injuries  to 
Kiangus^  who  governed  thofe  Quarters  iotihtTartarsi,  who  hearing  of 
this  grolTe  abufe,  fent  to  that  petty  Prince  Vauang^  to  demand  the  new 
Married  Lady  to  be  rcftored,and  to  defire  liim  to  prevent  future  diforders 
in  that  nature-,  but  be  gave  a  very  flight  Ear  to  fuch  complaints  •  and  there- 
fore Kiangtis  himfelf  went  unto  him,  who  was  not  only  flighted,  but  even 
caft  out  of  the  Palace-  His  anger  was  quickly  turned  into  rage  ^  ^^'^^^'^Kungusxikih 
made  him  refolve  to  revenge  that  injury  by  the  Tartars  bloud-,he  therefore  ^gamft  the 
Mufters  up  his  Souldier3,and  prcfently  falls  on  the  Tartars^ih  all  he  could  ^^''^'■'^• 
encounter  •,  the  EmbafTadour  himfelf  being  let  down  by  the  Walls  of  the 
Town,  hardly  cfcaped  by  fwift  Horfes.  Then  Kiangus  difplayed  a  Ban- 
ner, wherein  he  declared  himfelf  a  Subje6t  to  the  Empire  of  C;^/>4,but  na- 
med no  Emperour  in  particular,  becaufc  perchance  he  had  heard  nothing 
of  the  Empcrour  5C/^;?^/#y,  byreafonoffovaftadiflance.  But,  however, 
he  invited  all  the  C^/;«f/^i  to  the  defence  of  their  Country^  andto  expell/cwn^^H^gatheis 
the  Tartars  ^  and  many  Captains  as  well  as  Souldiers,  came  in  to  him^yea  s^^wt  Forces, 
even  the  very  Weftern  Tartars  againft  whom  he  had  ever  born  Arms,be- 
ingpromifed  great  rewards,fent  him  the  Forces  which  he  demanded. This 
accident  extremely  troubled  the  Court  •,  for  they  knew  well  that  the  We- 
ftern  Tartars  did  both  afpire  to  the  Empire  oichina^  and  alfo  were  envi- 
ous at  their  profperous  courfc  of  fortune  ^  they  alfo  knew  that  they  were 
more  abundant  in  Men  and  Horfes  than  they  wcre-,f  or  from  hence  it  is  they 
bought  all  their  beft  Horfes,  and  they  feared  that  now  they  fliould  have 
no  more  •,  and  therefore  they  refolved  to  fend  prefently  a  good  flrong  Ar- 
my againft  him,  before  hrftiould  gather  a  greater  ftrength.  But  Hiangus 
who  was  as  crafty  as  valiant,  and  one  who  by  long  experience  knew  how 
to  deal  with  the  TartArsy%x^  feigned  to  fly  wivh  bis  Army^  But  in  the  Rear 



Vellum  Tariaricum. 

Kiangus  over- 
throws tUe 
Tartars  by  a 
He  beats  the 
turtars  again. 

againft  Kian- 

The  Tartars 

Iht  Tartars 
delight  in  han- 

he  placed  very  many  Carts  and  Wagons,  which  were  all  covered  very 
carefully  as  if  they  had  carried  the  richeft  Treafures  they  poffeded,  but  in 
real  truth  they  carried  nothing  but  many  great,  and  leffer,  pieces  of  Artil- 
lery, with  their  mouths  turned  upon  the  Encmie:  all  which  the  Tartars 
percciving,prefently  purfue;  they  fight  without  any  order,  and  fall  upon 
the  prey  with  great  Avidirie  •,  but  thofe  that  accompanied  the  Wagons, 
firing  the  Artillery,  took  off  the  greateft  part  of  the  Army  ^  andwithall, 
Kimgus  wheeling  about,came  up  upon  them,  and  made  a  (trange  carnage 
amongft  thera-,and  after  this  he  (liev^ed  himfelf  no  lefTe  admirable  in  Stra- 
tagems than  in  fortitude  and  courage  •,  when  he  fought  a  fet  pitched  Field, 
with  a  new  recruited  Army  of  the  tartars^  in  which  he  obtained  fo  noble, 
and  renowned  a  vidory, that  he  filled  all  the  Court  at  ? eking  with  fear  and 
trembling-,  for  by  this  means  vidtorious  liungm  had  gathered  fo  vaftan 
army,  as  he  counted  no  leffe  than  a  hundred  and  fortie  thoufand  Horfe,and 
foure  hundred  thoufand  foot,  all  men  having  reccurfc  to  him,  to  defend 
their  Country  againftthe  Tartariar$  army-,  and  therefore  i^mavangu^^ 
Tutor  to  the  Emperour,  thinking  it  not  fit  to  commit  this  bufincffe  to  any 
other,  refolved  himfelf  to  go  againfl  Kiangus^zn^  trie  the  laft  turne  of  for- 
tune for  the  T^trf^n  •  he  therefore  drew  out  all  the  eight  Colours,  that  is, 
the  whole  Forces  that  were  then  in  Peking  •,  for  under  thefc  eight  colours 
are  comprehended  all  the  Forces  of  the  Kingdom  o^  China,  whether  they 
be  Natives  or  Tartars, nh^  firft  of  which  is  White,called  the  Imperial  Ban- 
ner •,  the  fecond  is  Red  •,  the  tliird  is  Black  j  the  fourth  is  Yellow-,  and  thefe 
three  laft  are  governed  and  commanded  by  the  Uncle  of  the  Emperour, 
but  the  firft  is  immediatly  fubje(a  to  the  Emperour ;  of  thefe  four  colours 
by  feveral  mixtures,  they  frame  four  raore/o  as  every  Souldier  knows  his 
own  colours,  and  to  what  part  of  the  City  to  repnii-,  where  they  have  ever 
their  Arms  andHorfes  ready  for  any  expedition^fo  as  in  one  half  hour  they 
all  are  ready-,  for  they  blow  a  Horn  juftinthe  fafhion  of  that,  which  we 
appropriate  ufually  ro  our  Tritons,  and  by  the  manner  of  winding  it,  they 
prefently  know,  what  Companies  and  Captains  muft  march,  fo  as  they 
are  ready  in  a  moment  to  follow  their  Enfign,  which  a  Horfe-  man  carries 
tied  behind  him,  though  commonly  none  but  the  Commander  and  En- 
fign knows  whither  they  go :  this  profound  fccrecyin  their  exercife  of 
War,has  oftenaftonifhcd  the  Chinefes.ior  many  rimes,when  they  thought 
to  oppofe  them  in  one  part,  they  prefently  heard  they  were  in  another 
Quarter :  and  it  is  no  wonder  they  are  fo  quick,  for  they  never  carric  with 
them  any  Baggage,nordo  they  take  care  for  Provifion: for  they  feed  them- 
feives  with  what  they  finde,  yet  commonly  they  eat  Flefti,  though  half 
rofted,  or  half  boyled ;  if  they  find  none,  then  they  devour  their  Horfcs, 
or  Camels :  but  ever  when  they  have  leafure,they  go  a  hunting  all  manner 
of  wild  Beafts,  either  by  fome  excellent  Dogs  and  Vultures,  which  they 
bring  up  for  that  end,  or  elfe  by  incompaffing  a  whole  Mountain,  or  large 
Field,  they  beat  up  all  the  wild  Beafts  into  a  circle,  and  drive  them  into  fo 
narrow  a  compaffe,  as  that  they  can  take  as  many  as  they  pleafe,  and  dif- 
mifTc  the  reft.  The  earth  covered  with  their  Horfc-cloath  is  their  iBed,fbr 
they  care  not  for  Houfes,  and  Chambers  5  but  if  they  be  forced  to  dwell 
in  Houfes,  their  Horfcs  muft  lodge  with  them,  and  they  muft  have  many 


Vellum   Tartaricum.  295 

holes  beaten  in  the  Walls-,  but  yet  their  Tents  are  moft  beautiful,  which 
they  fix  and  remove  with  fuch  Art  and  dexterii£y,as  they  never  retard  the 
fpeedy  naarch  of  an  Army.Thus  the  Tartars  train  their  Souldiers  to  hard- 
ncde  for  War. 

Out  of  all  thefe  Enfigncs  Amavangus  chofe  the  choiccft  men  to  accom- 
pany hispeffon.  And  bcfides,  he  took  part  of  thofe  which  he  had  depu- 
ted to  follow  the  three  Royalets  which  he  diTpatched  to  the  South^order- 
ing  them  to  take  as  many  out  of  the  feverall  Garrifons  through  which 
they  pafTed,  as  might  fupply  this  defe(5i:.  But  although  t^mivangas  had 
fo  gallant,  and  fuch  a  flouri/hing  Army,  yet  he  never  durft  give  Batcail  to 
Kiangusy  left  he  might  feem  to  expofe  the  whole  Empire  of  the  Tartars  to  . 
the  fortune  of  one  Battail;  So  that  although  Kiangm  did  frequently  offer  duTft^noffight 
him  Battail-,  yet  hceverrefufed  to  fight,  expeding  ftilltohearwhatre-  ^^^^  K-itngns, 
ply  the  Weftern  Tartars  would  make  to  his  Propofition  of  his  Nephews 
Marriage5for  he  had  fcnt  a  Legate  to  that  TVir/rfri^;?  King  with  pretious 
gifts,  as  well  to  demand  his  Daughter  for  the  Emperour  of  Chimy  as  to 
defire  him  to  afford  no  f  uccour  to  the  Rebel  KUrtgusf  The  precious  gifts 
ofGoIdjOfSilk,  ofSilver, and  ofWomen,  obtained  whatsoever  he  de- 
manded-, and  therefore  Kiangm  feeing  himfelf  deferred  oithcTartars^thzt 
he  might  provide  as  well  as  he  could  for  his  own  affjirs,  returned  to  the 
City  74/V«;jf^5ofwhich  he  foon  repented  himfelf,  when  it  was  too  late; 
for  Amavangus  calling  in  an  innumerable  number  of  Pe2antS5in  the  fpace 
of  three  daycs,  with  an  incredible  diligence,  caft  up  a  Trench  of  tcti 
Leagues  compaflTe,  which  he  fo  fortified  with  Bulwarks  and  Ramparts, 
that  in  a  trice  he  blocked  up  that  Gity.Then  did  Kiangus  fee  his  errour  in 
granting  them  leafure  to  draw  their  Trench,  which  he  knew  would  debar 
him  from  all  manner  of  Provifion-  And  therefore  being  enraged  with 
anger,  as  he  was  a  man  full  ofmettal,  and  a  great  Souldier,  turning  him- 
fclf  to  his  Souldiers,  he  faid,  Jflmuft  dye^  I  had  rather  dye  hj  the  Stvord^than 
by  Famine'jZnd  upon  this  marched  out  prefently  to  the  Enemies  Trench 
with  his  whole  Army.  Here  it  was  that  both  the  parties  fought  moft  ob- 
ftinately,  the  one  to  feck  his  PaflTage,  the  other  to  hinder  his  Advance^fo 
as  the  fortune  was  various,  and  the  vidory  doubtfull,  untill  an  unlucky 
Arrow  tranfpierc'd  ir/4;si^»y-,  and  in  him  all  the  hope  o(  China  pevlOaed,  i^j^^^^^,. 
His  Souldiers  feeing  him  dead,  partly  ran  away,  and  partly  fubmitted  to  tilled. 
the  Tartars^vfho  received  them  with  all  courtefic  and  humanity-  for  they 
had  canfe  enough  of  joy,  to  fee  they  had  efcaped  the  danger  of  lofing  the 
Empire,  and  that  they  had  conquered  fo  formidable  a  Commander.   But 
yet  they  Plundered  the  City  Taitung, and  burned  the  City  o^  Pucheu^ 
where  the  Church  of  the  Chriftians  alfo  peri(hed.From  hence  the  Tartars 
returned  to  Peking^  where  I  faw  them  enter  overladen  with  Riches  and 
triumphant  hzuxeh-fiwiK^mavangus  purfued  his  journey  to  the  Weftern 
Tartars:,  where  he  ratified  his  Nephew  Xmchius  his  Marriage,  and 
brought  back  with  him  an  infinite  Company  of  Horfe  from  the  Tartars  of 
the  Kingdomc  ofTanytt,  Xamhim  tf.e 

In  the  mean  time,  the  three  Royalets  which  went  to  the  Southern  SLT' 
Kingdoracs,topacifie  thofe  unquiet  Provinces,  tooke  their  journey  by 
the  defccnt  of  the  River  Cne^zx\d  when  they  paflfed  through  that  Pro- 

2p(S  'Bellum  Tartaricum. 

vince,  which  the  Emperour  had  given  the  rtartm  to  inhabit,  and  culti- 
vate after  he  had  expelled  the  Chinefcs  for  their  Rebellion,  moft  of  thele 
PezantSjbeing  wholly  ignorant  of  tilling  and  manuring  the  ground,  as  ha- 
ving never  been  ufed  to  mannage  a  Spade  or  a  Plough,  but  their  Swords-, 
thcfe  men,!  fay,  defired  carneftly  thefe  Princes,  that  they  might  acccom- 
pany  them  in  thefe  Wars,and  in  their  expeditions-.  Two  of  thefe  Princes 
rejedcd  their  Petitions^  but  the  third  calIed;'X(?;3fe«/  without  any  confenC 
or  order  from  the  Emperour,  lifted  them  amongft  his  own  Troups-,  up- 
on which  they  joyfully  changed  their  ruftical  inftruments  into  weapons 
for  war-,whenthe  Emperour  heard  of  this  proceeding,he  fent  word  to  Ken- 
gus  to  difmifs  them-,  but  he  pretended  various  cxcufes,and  did  negk(5l  the 
Empcrours  orders.He  therfore  commanded  the  fupremc  Governour  of  all 
the  Southern  Quarters  who  refides  ever  at  ISlank'mg cither  to  take  Kengus  a- 
live,  or  caufe  him  to  be  flaine.He  prefcntly  caft  about  how  to  compafle  the 
Emperours command  with  all  fecrecy,&  received  the  three  Royolets  with 
all  forts  of  divertifcmentSjof  Comedies,Banqucts,6e  the  like  pleafures,as  if 
he  had  received  nodiftaflful  order  from  the  Emperour.  And  when  the  day 
was  come  that  they  rcfolved  to  profecute  their  journey  by  the  great  Ri- 
ver of  Kimgt  the  faid  Governour  contrived  his  bufineffe  fo,  as  he  met 
them  again  in  the  River,  and  under  pretence  of  taking  his  laft  farewell,  he 
entertained  them  nobly  with  a  Royal  feaf]:,and  in  as  Royall  a  Junck? 
which  in  Chin  a  are  fo  magnificent,  as  they  refemble  rather  fome  gilded 
P  alaces  than  floating  VeBels.  In  this  Princely  Ship  he  entertained  thefe 
Princes  in  all  jollity  and  mirth,  untill  their  Army  had  advanced  a  good 
way  before,  and  then  he  declared  to  X^^jI^wj  the  Emperours  order-,  who 
prefently  promifed  all  fubmiflion,  and  to  returne  to  Nanking  with  him,  if 
he  would  onely  permit  him  to  go  to  his  Ship,  which  expe&d  him  in  the 
River,  to  order  fome  little  affairs  of  his  own-,  which  being  granted,  he  no 
Ktnfus  hangs  fooHcr  got  into  his  Ship,  but,  knowing  he  could  not  avoid  death  by  ano- 
himftif,        ther  mans  hand ,  he  chofe  rather  to  be  his  own  executioner-,  and  fo  hang- 
ed himfelf.  Yet  for  all  this,  the  fupreme  Governour  in  the  Emperours 
name,  granted  to  this  Mans  Son  the  fame  Dignity  and  Province  which 
had  been  conferred  upon  the  Father-,  and  thus  the  three  Royolets  joynfng 
again,  having  paffed2\r4;?^/»^  and  X/^v^J?,  came  at  length  into  the  Pro- 
vince of  ^amtung^  to  carry  on  the  War  againft  the  Emperour  ^mg- 
leji,  and  at  their  firfl  entrance,  they  took  many  Cities,which  durfl  not  op- 
pofetheftrength  oftheir  Armiesj  onely,  the  City  of  jgf/4»i^c^e«  refolved 
to  try  its  fortune  and  flrength. 

ThisCityof^/<;!?j:i^^f«isamoftrichand  beautiful  place,  environed 
vi^ith  large  waters-,only  the  Northern  Gate  joines  to  the  Gontinent,on  all 
other  fides  it  is  entrable  only  by  boate.  In  this  Town  was  the  Son  of  the 
Captive  Jquof9  whom  I  mentioned  before;  befides,  there  was  a  ftrong 
Garrifon  to  defend  it,  and  amongfl  others  many  fugitives  from  MacM, 
who  were  content  to  ferve  the  Emperour  fnftgly  for  great  ftipends^and  by 
Kdi^on  the  Tartars  had  neither  Ships,  nor  skill  to  govern  them,  and  that 
the  Town  had  both  the  one  and  the  other,  it  is  no  wonder  if  they  endu- 
red almofl:  a  whole  years  Siege,  having  the  Sea  open  for  their  relief;  the 
ir4rf4«  made  many  alTaults,  in  which  they  loft  many  men,  ^nd  were  ever 


TBellmn  ^  artaricum,  191 

beaten  back,anclvigorou(ly  repelled.  This  courage  of  ch  irs,  made  the 
Tartars  h\\  upon  a  refolution  ot  beating  d  vvn  the  Town  Walls.with 
thsT  great  Cannt^n,  which  had  fuch  cfFe(5t  as  in  fine  they  took  it  the  24.of 
November  M  DCL.and  becaufe  it  was  remarked  that  they  gave  to  one  of 
the  Pi'e'c(5ts  of  ( iie  Town,  the  fame  Office  he  had  before,  it  was  rurpe(5ted 
it  was  dehvered  by  Treafon.The  next  day  after,  they  began  to  Plunder  The.c,ty  of 
the  City,  and  the  Lckage  endured  from  the  24.  of  Nove?n^er{\\U\\Q  5.  of  '^anichen  is 
J)ecember,\n  which  they  neither  fpared  Man,  Woman  or  Child;  but  all  V^^'V"'^  ^'^' 
whofoevcr  came  in  their  way  were  cruelly  put  to  th^*  Sword-,  nor  was  ^^'^ 
there  heard  any  other  Speech^  But,  KHl^kiU  thefs  barbarous  Bebels-.yet 
ihey  fpared  fordc  Aitificers  to  confervc  the  neceffary  Arts,  as  alfo  fome 
ftrona  and  lufty  men,  fuch  as  they  faw  able  to  carry  awav'  the  Pillage  of 
the  City  5  but  finally  the  6  day  of  December  came  out  an  Edi(5t,which  for- 
bad all  further  vexation,  after  they  had  killed  a  hundred  thoufand  men, 
befidcsall  thofe  that  per.fhcd  feverall  waycs  during  the  Siege    After 
this  bloody  Tragedy,  all  the  Neighbouring  Provinces  fent  voluntarily 
their  Legates  to  fubmit,  demanding  mercy,  which  they  obtained  by  the 
many  rich  prefents  whicfrwerc offered.  After  this  the  Royalct  marched 
with  his  Army,againft  the  City  Chaoking^  where  the  Emperour  J'mgUy 
held  h's  Court-,  but  he  knowing  himlelf  far  infcriour  in  Forces ,  and 
unable  to  refiff ,  fled  away  with  his  whole  Army  and  Family,  leaving  the 
City  to  the  Tartars  mercy.  But  whither  this  Eraperou-  flid  ^  is  yet  whol-  The  Empe- 
ly  unknown  to  me,for  at  this  time  I  took  Shipping  in  Fokien  to  the  Pbthf-  flyes.  "^^ 
fines, 2i^6.  from  thence  I  wa---  commanded  to  go  for  Europe^by  thofe  whom 
1  mufl:  not  difobey.  But  I  make  no  doubt,  but  the  E  iiperour  retired  into 
the  adioyning  Province  called  ^tngp. 

Now  to  give  the  Reader  a  litilc  touch  how  the  Tartars  (land  aflFedted 
to  Chiiffianityj  in  the  Metrop  »litan  City  of  ^angchtu^  which  (as  I 
now  rtfl^ted)  was  utterly  deflroyed,  we  had  a  ftatejy  Church,  and  there 
was  a  venerable  perfon,  who  had  the  care  and  fuperintendency  of  all  the  ^^^  ^^^^^^ 
Chrift iansjwhofe  name  was  o/lharm  Semedo  a  Jcfuit -this  Man  they  took  th^  Rv  lad^ 
&  rye  \  hand  &  foot  for  many  daye<,and  ^hreatned  to  kil  him  every  houre,  of  c/jin^. 
unlefTe  he  would  deliver  theChrift  ansTrcafures-but  the  poor  man  had  no 
Treafure  to  producejfo  as  he  fuffered  much, till  at  length  the  King  hearing 
of  his  cafe,took  pitty  of  hisvenerable  gray  Heirs  and  comely  Pei  fon,  and 
gavehim  not  onelv  his  life  and  liberty  ,but  a  Bible,and  a  Breviary  ^together  Ther^rf^rx 
with  a  good  fumme  of  Money  for  an  Almes-,and  finally  a  Houfe  to  build  a  to^cUttiins^ 
Church  for  Chriflians-,  and  this  is  lefTe  to  be  wondred  at  from  h^m,  be- 
caufe heretofore  he  had  been  a  Souldicr  under  that  famous  Sun  tg- 
patfus^vjhom  I  mentioned  before,  where  he  knew  what  belonged  to 
Chriflianiy,  and  alfo  had  feen  th-  J  fuits  in  his  Camp,  from  whence  he 
fled  to  the  Tartars,  Nor  is  it  onely  this  Tartar  that  favours  us  Chrift ians, 
but  in  a  manner  all  the  reft  do  love,  honour,  and  efteem  thofe  Fathers, 
and  many  hive  imbraced  our  Religion,  nor  do  we  doubt  but  many  more 
would  follow  their  example,  if  we  could  enter  Tartaric  as  now  it  is  pro- 
je(Siing,  where  doubrleffe  many  great  things  may  be  performed,  for  the 
reducing  ofthat  Nation  to  the  Faith  of  Chrift-,and  perchance  God  has 
opened  a  way  to  the  Tartars  to  enter  China^  to  give  Chriftianity  a  paffa^e 

Qji  into 

^pg  ~~  "Bellum  Tartaricum. 

Cored  revolted 
ficm  thelrfi'f 

into  TartaYy,\N\{\c\\  hitherto  to  us  hath  been  utiknown  and  inacceflible. 
About  this  time  alfo  they  m^ide  War  againft  the  Kingdome  of  Corea-^ 
who  oflate  years  became  alfo  Tributary  to  the  Tartars^  upon  condition 
that  they  (liould  ftill  conferve  their  Hair  and  Habits :  but  now  the  Tartars 
would  needs  conftrain  them  to  conform  themfelvcs  to  the  Tartarian  faflii- 
on;  and  therefore  all  that  Kingdome  revolted  from  the  Tartars-^  but  my 
departure  hindrcd  me  from  knowing  fince  what  has  paffcd. 

But  all  thefe  glorious  vidories  were  much  eclipfed,  by  the  forrowfull 
/^/?,vn/<i;r£«j     ^^^^^  ^£  AmAvangm^  which  happened  in  the  beginining  of  the  year 
^ '  MDGLl.He  was  a  Man  to  whom  the  Tartars  owe  their  Empire  in  Chwa^ 

and  fuch  an  one  as  whom  both  Tartars  and  Cbmfes  loved  and  feared,  for 
his  prudence,  Juftice,  humanity,  and  skill  in  Martial  affairs.  The  death 
of  this  Potentate  did  much  trouble  the  Couit.,for  the  Brother  to  this  Man 
called  ^rigtusy  would  needs  pretend  to  the  Government  of  the  Empire, 
and  of  the  young  Emperour  Xunchiusi,  but  both  the  Tartars  &  the  Chimfes 
refifted  his  claime,alledging,thar,being  of  fixteen  year  oId,he  was  able  to 
govern  the  Kingdom  himfelf;&  in  conformity  to  this  opinionjall  the  Pre- 
fidents  depofcd  the  Enfignes  of  their  Offices^refufing  ever  to  receive  them 
from  any, but  from  the  young  inftalled  Emperour  J/^w^//s/^.  To  which 
Conftancy  the  King  iir«i;?///^,UncIeto  the  Emperour,  prudently  yeelded, 
left  he  fliouldexafperate  the  minds  of  many,  and  raife  greater  troubles 
in  the  Empire, 

But  I  cannot  doubr,  but  the  death  of  Amavangns^  muft  needs  endanger 
the  Tartarian  Empire,  and  bring  all  their  affairs  inro  great  difturbancc;  for 
they  will  hardly  find  a  Man  fo  beloved ,  feared ,  and  expert  in  all 
Military  Difcipline  and  Government  as  he  in  effedl:  fliewed  himfelf  to  be- 
but  time  wil  teach  us,  what  will  become  of  aU,f  or  fince  his  death  we  have 
no  certainty  of  any  relation. 
*-*-  Now  let  us  turne  the  threed  of  our  difcourfe  as  I  promifed  here  a- 
bo  ve,  and  confider  thcjortune  and  (uccefs  of  the  other  Great  Brigand  ,ca- 
ledcto^)5'/>wto^«;>  to  let  the  Reader  underftand  how  the  Tartars  did 
invadejuot  onely  the  Mediterranean  and  Oriental  parts,but  alfo  the  Occi- 
,.         dental  Quarters  of  that  vaft  Kingdome* 
ch^^'ct\A      But  before  I  begin  to  fpeak  of  this  monfter  of  nature,  Imujljngeniouf- 
"■t^rant.         ly  conf cfs,  1  am  both  afhamcd,  and  alfo  touched  with  a  kind  o£hqrrour , 
to  dcclarclfirs  villanies,  bo^Tn  refpcd  they  feem  to  exceed  all  belief,  and 
therefore  I  may  pcrcRance  be  held  to  write  Fables^  gs  alfo  becaufe  it  is  no 
g^atcFiH  tliingjo  rnake7efl_e<5|:ionson  fuch  $ubjcdis-,yetl  may  fincerely  pro* 
tcftjthat  Itiave  in  my  hands  a  long  relation  of  all  his  Ad?,  written  byiwo 
Religious  perfons,  who  were  then  in  the  Vxo\\vicc  o^Suchum  to  exercife 
their  Fun(5^ions^  which  Country  was  the  Theater^  of  all  his  BrutaJitjes, 
which  I  fliail  relate-,  and  becaufe  I  judge  thcfe  two  perlons  to  be  of  an  in- 
corrupted  Faith,  I  judge  therefore  that  a  mortal  Man  might  arrive  to  this 
pitch  ofwickednefsand  inhumane  Cruelty.  l_thercfore  gathered  out  of 
tliat  relation,  what  I  here  relate^which  is  nothing  elfe  but  a  vaft  MaHepf 
fuch  abominable  Cruelty,  as  I  doubt  nor  even  the  moft  mildeft  Reader 
wil  toke  the  Authour  to  be  no  Man  but  fome  horrid  wild  Bcafl:,or  rathcr,if 
no  more  execrable  name  occurrcs,  fome  Devill  tranf  vefted  in  our  humane 
Nature,  This 

Vellum   T'artaricum.  299 

This  mdDfter,  like  a  wild  Bear^entrcd  into  divers  Provinces,  filling  all 
with  Rapin,  Death,  Fire  and  Sword,  with  all  other  imaginable  miferies: 
for  he  had  a  mind  to  deftroy  all,that  fo  he  might  have  no  enemies,or  leave 
any  alive  that  might  revolt  from  him,  but  only  content  himfelf  with  his 
own  Soiildiers  vind  oftentimes  he  [pared  not  thefe.  But  the  Province  of 
Suchuen^  where  be  ufurped  the  Title  of  a  King  was  the  chief  Theater  of 
his  barbarous  crueltie  •,  for  after  he  had  afflidted  and  vexed  the  Provinces 
of  Httquartg  and  Honan^  and  part  of  that  oi  Nanking  and  KtAngL  he  entred 
the  Province  of  ^w^tf^;?  in  the  year  MDCXLIV.  and  having' taken  the 
principal  Citie  called  C^/>^r«,  in  the  heat  of  his  fury  he  killed  a  King  of 
therrf/w/;?f /4;«Race^which  here  had  eftablifhcd  his  Court-,as  he  hath  done 
alfo  to  feven  other  Grandees  of  the  fame  family.  Thefe  were  the  Preludes 
of  the  Tragical  Ads,  whofe  Sences  I  go  about  briefly  to  defcribe,  that  fo  He  kiis  divers 
lEuro^t  may  fee^what  a  horrid  and  execrable  thing  an  unbridled  and  armed  I'rinces, 
crueltie  appears  to  be,  when  it  furioufly  rageth  in  thcdarkncffe  of  Infi- 

This  Brigand  had  certain  violent  and  fuddain  motions  of  furious  cruel- 
tie,  and  maxims  drawn  from  the  very  bowels  of  vengeance  it  felf  •  for  if 
he  were  never  fo  little  offended  by  another,  or  fufpcded  another' to  be 
offended  with  him,  he  prefently  commanded  fuchto  be  maflaered-,  and 
having  nothing  in  his  mouth  but  murder  and  death,he  often  for  one  fingle 
Mans  fault  deftroy'd  all  the  Family jtefpeaing  neither  Children,nor  Wo- 
men with  Child  5  nay  many  times  he  cut  off  the  whole  Street  where  the 
offender  dwelled, Involving  in  the  Slaughter,  as  well  the  innocents  as  no-  Fofone  oficn- 
cents.  It  happened  once  he  fcnt  a  man  poft  into  the  Country  of  X^;?/?,who  ^^"1^^^!^" - 
being  glad  he  was  got  out  of  the  Tyrants  hands,  would  not  return  -,  to  re- 
venge this  imaginary  injury,  hcdeftroyedallthe  Quarter  of  the  Citie  in 
which  he  dwelt,  and  thought  he  much  bridled  his  ficrceneffe,  that  he  did 
not  wholly  extinguifh  all  the  Citie.To  this  I  addc  another  unhumane  Ad, 
about  his  hangman,  whom  it  feems  he  loved  above  the  reff ,  becaufe  he 
was  crueller^thisman  dying  of  a  difeafe,he  caufed  the  Phyfician  who  had 
given  him  Phyfick  to  be  killed  ,•  and  not  content  with  this,  he  Sacri- 
ficed one  hundred  more  of  that  Profelfion  to  the  Ghofl  of  his  deceafed 

He  was  affable  and  fweet  towards  his  Souldiers  •,  he  plaied,banquet ted, 
and  fcafted  with  them,  converfing  familiarly  with  them  ;  and  when  they 
had  performed  any  Militaric  A(5lion,  with  honour  and  valour,  he  gave 
them  precious  gifts  of  Silks  and  Monies-,  but  yet  many  times  he  comman- 
ded fomeof  them  to  be  cruelly  put  to  death  before  him  upon  very  fmali 
caufe,efpecially  fuch  as  were  of  theProvince  oiSmhuin  where  he  raigned; 
(whom  he  intirely  hated,  becaufe  bethought  they  did  not  rejoyce  in  his 
Royal  dignitie.  j  Infomuch  as  he  hardly  ever  did  any  publick  Aaion,which 
though  it  began  like  a  Comedie,  yet  had  not  in  fine,  the  fad  Cataftrophe 
ofa  Tragedies  for  if,  walking  out,  hedidbutefpieaSouldierill  clad,  or  "'^  ^^^■"^'^  "^^ 
whofe  manner  of  Gate  or  walking  was  not  fo  vigorous  or  Mafculine  as  he  'slllct  °^ 
dcfired,  he  prefently  commanded  him  to  be  killed.  He  once  gave  a  Soul- 
dier  a  piece  of  Silk,  who  complained  to  his  fellows  of  the  poorncffe  of  the 
piece,  and  being  over-heard  by  a  fpie,  (ofwhichhehadagrcat  number) 

Qjq  2  who 


Vellum  Tartaricum. 

\vho  prcfcntly  acquainted  him  with  what  was  faid,he  prefently  comman- 
ded him,  and  this  whole  Legion  which  were  of  two  thoufand  men,  to  be 

HccutsofFa       He  had  in  his  Royal  Citieforae  fix  hundred  Prefcd:s,  or  Judges,  and 
onf  raailuit.  men  belonging  to  the  Law,  fuch  as  managed  the  principal  Offices  -,  and  in 
He kils  many  '  thrccycars  fpacc  there  was  hardly  twentie  left,having  pue  all  the  reft  to  fc- 
Cicy  officers.  ^^ ^.^j  jj^aths  for  Very  flight  caufes  •,  He  caufed  a  Sergeant  Major  which  the 
Chittefes  call  Pingpt^j  to  be  flea'd  alive,  for  having  granted  leave  to  a  China 
Phiiofopher,  without  fpecial  order,  to  retire  a  little  to  his  Country  Houfe. 
And  whereas  he  had  five  hundred  Eunuchs  taken  from  the  Princes  of  the 
Taimingean  family,  after  he  had  put  their  Lords  to  death;  he  commanded 
all  thcfe  to  be  cruelly  put  to  death ;  onely  becaufe  one  of  them  had  prefu- 
And  he  killed  medtoftile  him,  not  by  the  Title  of  a  King,  but  by  the  bare  name  of 
aifo  the  Eu-     changhimhungH6^  as  if  he  then  were  no  Theef. 
""'  *'  Nor  did  he  fpare  the  Heathenifh  Priefts,  who  facrificed  to  their  Idols. 

Thcfe  fort  of  men,  before  he  came  into  this  Country,  having  feignd  many 
crimes  againft  the  Priefts,  which  preached  the  Faith  of  Chrift,  had  raifed 
a  bitter  pcrfecution  againft  them  •,  which  God  of  his  goodneffe  did  turn  fo 
much  to  their  good,  as  they  had  permiffion  to  teach  and  preach  publickly 
the  Law  of  Chrift.  But  after  this  Tyrant  came  into  the  Countrie,  the 
chief  of  thefc  Heathenifh  Priefts  was  apprehended  for  fome  words  let  fall 
againft  him,and  in  the  prefence  of  the  Fathers,who  by  accident  were  then 
at  audience  with  the  Tyrant,  he  was  beheaded ;  And  although  they  had 
learned  of  Chrift  to  do  good  for  evill,  yet  knowing  the  phrcnctical  anger 
and  fury  of  this  monfter^  who  urea  to  punifli  thcfe  that  interceded,  with 
the  puniflimcntof  the  offender,  they  durft  not  make  any  motion  for  the 
leaft  favour,  it  is  true,  this  cruel  Bcaft  loved  thcfe  Fathers,  and  would  of- 
ten converfc  with  them,  whom  he  experienced  wife  and  learned,  and  he 
would  often  call  them  to  the  Palace  to  entertain  him  in  difcourfe-,but  they 
knowing  well  his  precipitous  anger,  >yent  ever  prepared  for,  and  expe(5t- 
ing  death  ;and  indeed  they  were  thrice  deputed  to  death-,and  a  fourth  time 
efcaped  alfo  by  Gods  particular  providence,  as  we  fhall  relate  in  time  and 
place.  But  he  was  not  contented  with  the  death  of  one  of  thefe  fame  Hea- 
ihenifli  Priefts,  but  having  got  together  about  twemie  thoufand  of  the 
fame  profeffion,  he  fent  them  all  to  hell,  fo  vifit  their  Matters  whom  they 
hadferved*  And  then  he  would  applaud  himfelf,  asifhehaddoncave- 
(Mckih^  ry  Heroical  A6f  ion,  faying  to  them,  Thefe  men  would  have  taken  away  your 
twenty  thou-  Uves  j  but  thtencheufo  they  call  God,which  fignifies  the  Lord  of  Heaven, 
^- '  has  fent  me  to  revenge  your  caufe,  ^  infltB  due  punijhment  upon  thefe  wretches, 

'  He  would  often  confer  alfo  with  the  Fathers  of  Chriftian  Religion,  and 
tKat  fo  properly 5  as  a  man  would  fake  him  for  a  Chrift iaii.  He  prai(ed,and 
highly  extolled  the  Religion  of  Chriftians,  which  he  well  underftood, 
partly  by  the  conferences  which  he  frequently  had  with  the  Fathers,  and 
partly  by  reading  their  books,which  for  the  Inftru(aion  of  Chriftians  they 
had  writ  in  the  China  lan^uagc-,&  hath  often  promifed  to  build  a  Church 
to  the  God  of  Chriftians,  worthy  ofhis  magnificence,  when  he  once  came 
to  be  Empcrour  of  Chifta  5  and  indeed  all  the  works  he  credcd  were  very 
fpleodid  and  magnificent  3  but  he  polluted  them  all  with  the  blood  of  the 


Bellum  ^artarimm,  ooi 

Workmen-,for  if  he  found  they  had  but  committed  the  Icaft  crrour  or  the 
leaft  imperfe(5lion,  he  prcfently  put  them  to  death  upon  the  place. 

On  the  North  part  of  the  Country  o^  Suchue  ft,  where  it  confines  with 
the  Province  ofXfrtfi^  lies  the  ftrong  City  c%\lcdNapchupgj  which  though 
it  be  feated  in  the  County  ofxenfiy  yet  in  refpeS,  it  is  both  To  ftrong  and  "^  «odtavour? 
offo  great  an  extent,  it  is  held  to  be  the  Key  of  both  the  two  Provinces,  cw' ^'"'' 
The  Tyrant  endeavoured  by  all  induftry  to  make  himfelf  Mafter  of  this 
important  p^c^,  as  being  a  convenient  paflage  to  thcreft ;  whercfor^in 
the  year  MDCXLy.  hekviedavaft  Army,  confifting  of  one  hundred 
and  fourfcore  thoufand  men,  all  Natives  of  the  Cquntic  of  Suchum^  be- 
fidcs  thofe  of  his  own,  which  had  alwaies  followed  him.  Hefent  before 
this  numerous  Army,  which  befieged  the  Town  a  long  timcjbut  found  fo 
rigorous  rcfiftance,  that  they  began  to  be  weary,  and  about  fourtie  thou- 
fand of  thofc  Souldicrs  of  Suchuen  revolted  to  the  Prefers  which  govern- 
ed the  be- leagured  Cities  by  which  means  the  Army  was  conftrained  to 
return  to  the  Tyrant,  without  any  memorable  A(5lion :  and  he  being  enrar 
ged  with  anger  to  fee  them  retiire,  commanded  all  the  reft  of  the  Souldiers 
of  the  Province  Q^Suchtien^{^\\\c\\  were  in  number  one  hundred  and  four-  He  kjlj 
i\t  thoufand  J  to  be  all  maffacired  by  the  reft  of  the  Army,  This  horrible  '"^T"*  '^f" 
Butchery  laftedfour  dales-,  in  which  flaughtcr  he  commanded  many  of '"°^^^^^^* 
them  to  have  their  skins  pulled  off, which  he  filling  with  ftraw,and  fowing 
on  the  head,  commanded  to  be  carried  publickly  and  vifibly  into  the 
Towns  where  they  were  born,  fotoftrikemoretcrrour  into  the  hearts  of 
the  inhabitants-and  after  all  this,  yet  he  had  fuch  a  nialitious  hatred  againft 
this  Country  ,that  he  never  ceafcd  to  vex  and  torment  it,even  when  it  was 
in  a  manner  left  defolate.  Many  uncxpcrt  perfons,  without  head  or  guide, 
did  take  Arms  againft  him,  but  he  quickly  difperfcd  them,  being  wholly 
unexperienced  inMilitaryDifcipline-,  others  that  were  wifer,  leaving  the 
City,  retired  into  the  Mountains,  which  were  in  a  manner  the  onely  men 
who  efcaped  his  fury. 

After  this  he  called  allthe  Students  of  the  Country  to  be  examined 
for  their  degrees,promifing  to  give  thofe  honourSjto  whomfoever  fliould 
deferve  them  beft-,and  the  Chmfesavc  fo  bewitched  with  the  dcfire  of  He  kiis  an  die 
thefe  dignities,  that  they  did  not  conceive  the  perfidious  Stratagem  of^^"^^""- 
the  Tyrant.  There  appeared  therefore  in  the  publick  Hall  deputed  for 
that  Ceremony  about  eighteen  thoufand  perfons-,  all  which  he  comman- 
ded his  Souldiers  to  maffacre  moft  barbaroufly,  faying-, Thefe  were  the 
people  who  by  their  cavilling  fophifms,follicited  the  people  to  rebellions^ 
JJhavc  a  horrgur  to  relate  To  many  unhumane  flaughrers,  and  jet  J  fee 
my  felf  over- whelmed  with  new  ones;  for  what  an  addition  is  it  to  all  his 
related  barbarities,  to  tell  you,That  he  never  {pared  Children,  Boys,  nor 
Girls,no  nor  Matrons  with  Child5and  ready  tolyedown^  what  an  excefs„  ... 
of  all  inhumanity  to  take  the  Prefers  Wives;  v/hen  their  Husbands  were  children  lru{ 
icondcmned,  but  yet  alive,  and  to  cxpofc  thefe  Women  to  all  kind  of  vil-  expofcs  the 
lanies-,  and  then  to  kill  them  fT  This  was  fo  refented  by  many,  as  thcy^""^""^' 
rather  chofe  to  kill  themfelves,than  to  undergoe  fo  infamous  and  publick 
a  n  opprobry  to  their  honefty ,  I  forbear  to  relate  more  of  fuch  deteftablc 
and  execrable  examples,  left  I  offend  the  cars  and  minds  of  the  Reader  by 
fu^ch  abominations.  Let 



"Bellum  Tartaricum. 

^  Let  us  therefore  fuppreflc  tbefe  impurities,  and  p^iTe  fO-WhatJhappened 
\n^yc^xMDCl^]^-'whtuiht  Tartars  entred  into  the  Province  of 
Xenft  to  give  him  Battail,  fo  as  he  was  forced  to  go  out  to  meet  thent.And, 
to  the  end  he  might  leave  the  Country  behind  him  with  more  fecurity, 
herefolvedtocutoffallthe  inhabitants,  f except  thofe  which  inhabited 
the  North-Eaft  Qi^rtersby  which  he  was  to  paffe,  and  therefore  muft 
needs  rcferve  thcfe  Creatures  to  aflifl:  and  furnifti  his  Army  with  all  ne- 
ccdaries-,  and  therefore  he  deferred  their  death  to  another  time.)  Firft 
therefore  he  commanded  all  the  Citizens  of  what  quality  or  condition  fo- 
evcr,  that  did  inhabit  his  Metropolitan  City  o^Chingtu  to  be  bound  hand 
and  foot,  which  was  done  by  a  part  of  the  Army,  which  he  had  called  in; 
and  then  riding  about  thcm,(  which  vaft  multitude  is  related  to  have  been 
above  fix  hundred  thoufand  Souls, ) he  viewed  them  all  with  lefTe  com- 

paffionthan  the  cruelleftTygre  would  have  done-,whilefl:  in  the  mean  time, 
^hi  cf  *'°°°  thefe  poor  vi(5tims  with  lamentable  crys,  which  penetrated  the  very  vault 
a]nltu7      of  Heaven,  and  might  have  moved  a  heart  compofed  of  ftone  or  Rock, 
holding  up  their  hands,  begged  of  this  outragious  Tyrant  to  fpare  the 
lives  ofhis  innocent  people.  He  ftood  a  while  Penfive,  like  an  aftonifhcd 
and  amazed  Creaturc-,foasitfeemedtobean  imperfe(51:  Crijjs^  wherein 
humane  nature  ftrugglcd  a  little  with  thofe  bowels,  and  that  heart  which 
was  compofed  of  all  cruelty^  but  prefently  returning  to  his  beaftly  nature. 
Kill,  jti/5f,faitb  he,  and  cut  offa/Ithefe  Rekls,  upon  which  words,  they  were 
all  maffacredin  one  day  out  of  the  City.Wals,in  the  prefence  of  this  bloo- 
dy monfter.  Thofe  Religious  perfons^  which  were  there,  the  Fathers  of 
Chriftianity ,  refolved  to  make  their  addri^fTes  for  the  Tyrant  to  fave  their 
converts  lives; and  though  all  men  judged  it  a  defperatc  attempt,  y^t  they 
obtained  the  lives  ofthofe  they  claimed.  So  as  they  diftributed  thcm- 
felves  at  the  City  Gates,  and  as  their  Clients  paflTed  bound  to  the  Sham- 
bles, they  mercifully  unbound  their  Shakles,  and  refcucd  them  from 
death.  By  which  occafion  alfo  they  performed  another  acceptible  Sacri- 
fice to  God,in  Baptizing  an  infinite  number  of  Children,which  the  Soul- 
dlcrs  willingly  permitted,  fo  as  the  horrid  and  execrable  cruelty  of  this 
Tyrant  proved  as  advantagious  to  thefe  little  Angels,  as  Hereds  (laughter 
did  to  the  Bleffed  Innocent?. 
ManyGhil-        They  write,that  in  this  maffacre  there  was  fo  much  blood  fpilt,  as 
dren  Baptized.  j^^^jYe  great  River  of  ^/4;»^,  which  runs  by  the  City,  to  increafe  and 
(well  vifiblyj  and  the  dead  Corps  being  caft  into  the  River,  and  carried 
downwards  to  the  other  Cities,  did  denounce  unto  them ,  that  they  were 
to  expert  no  better  Treaty  from  this  Tyrants  hands.  And  it  quickly  pro- 
ved  true,  for  he  difpatched  his  Army  to  the  reft  of  the  Cities,  and  killed 
all  that  he  could  lay  hands  oil-,  and  thus  this  Tyrant  did  bring  that  popu  - 
lous  Province  of  Suchmn  into  a  vaft  wildernefte^  After  this,  he  muftered 
all  his  Souldiers  in  a  Field,  which  in  every  City  oi  C^imis  deputed  for 
that  cnd»  and  is  called  by  the  Natives  Kioochangt  in  this  place,  he  deli- 
vered himfelf  thus  unto  them,  /  hope  hy  your  'valour  to  obtam  the  Empire  of 
the  world,  when  J  have  expelled  the  Tartar s-^but  I  defire  to  fee  pu  yet  quicker 
AndnimbUr  than  hitherto  you  have  been-,  you  all  know,  to  free  you  from  all  bur- 
dens and  heavy  luggage^  how  J  funk  thrsefcore  Ships  full  of  Si  her  in  the  River 


Be  Hum  Tartaricum.  ^03 

p/'Kiang^,  xvbich  I  can  eafily  recover,  to  reward  nur  fains  and  merits,  when  I 
(hall once  have  obtained  the  Empre;(Y\c  had  indeed  fiinck  the  Ships^and  kil- 
led the  Ship  men,  to  conceal  the  placed  but  there  remaines  yet  a  greater  en- 
cumbrance,tvbich  retards  ntuch  our  journey ^and  all  our  enter frifes^which  is 
your  Wives ^  which  are  a  heavy  burden  to  pu  all-^  Therefore  now  put  on  a  gene- 
rous reColution-^There  will  not  be  wanting  other  ex  qui  fit  Women^when  we  are 
come  to  pojpjfethe  Empire-^  and  although  as  Emperour  I  ought  to  have  fome 
Prerogative,  and  make  a  difference  betwixt  you  and  my  Roy  all  per fon^  yet  I  am 
content  i»  this^  to  give  you  aU  a  leading  example^which  moyferve  as  a  Trefident.  He  uHs  alhh< 
After  this  Spcech5of  three  hundred  handfome  and  beautiful  Maids,which  ^|^et.'" 
he  kept  for  his  voluptuous  pleafures,  he  onely  refcrved  twenty  to  ferve  "  ^ 
his  three  QueenSjand  comniandcd  all  the  reft  to  be  killed  upon  the  place. 
The  Souldicrs  prefently  followed  the  example  and  command  of  their 
cruel  Tyrant,  and  cut  off  the  heads  of  innumerable  innocent  Women,  as 
if  they  had  been  their  mortal  enemies. 

Having  now  no  more  men  in  the  Province  of5«f^//M  to  put  to  death, 
he  turned  his  fury  and  hatred  againft  the  Cities,  Houfcs  and  Palaces ;  for  PaUce?n'the^ 
whereas  he  had  built  himfelf  a  very  ftatcly  and  magnificent  Palace  in  the  city  of  ch'mg- 
City  oSchingtu^  he  confumed  that,  and  with  it,  a  great  part  of  that  noble  ^"' 
City  with  fire^befidcs  he  cut  down  all  Trees  and  WoodSjthat  they  might 
profit  no  man»  And  thusfas  he  faidj  having  purged  his  Army,  he  march- 
ed on  into  the  Province  of  J^;?// to  meet  the  T4r/4ri;  but  as  he  marched, 
it  he  found  any  man  remaining  alive,  he  commanded  him  to  be  killed. 
And  not  content  with  all  this,  if  he  efpied  any  Souldier  which  marched 
cither  too  far  before,  or  too  far  behind,  though  the  fault  were  never  fo 
little,  he  killed  him  prefently.  He  killed  all  his  fick  or  weak  SouIdiers,that 
they  might  be  delivered  (as  he  faid)  out  of  fo  miferable  and  ruined 
a  Country. I  fupprelTc  many  more  pafTagcs  of  his  cruelty,  becaufe  I  will 
haften  to  the  Cataftrophe  of  this  Tragedy. 

He  was  no  fooner  cntred  into  the  Province  of  X^;?/,  but  one  of  the 
Emperours  Uncles  meets  him  with  five  thoufand  Tartars,  the  Body  of 
the  Army  marching  after  himj  R\q  Horfemen  are  fent  out  before  the 
Army  (  as  ufually  they  do  amongft  the  Tartars-^ )  who  if  they  be  well 
received  of  the  enemy,  they  take  it  as  a  fign  of  Peace  and  fubmiflioni  but 
if  they  receive  any  A(51:  of  hoftility,then  the  Army  marcheth  up  to  fight- 
Thefe  Horfemen  were  efpied  by  the  Tyrants  Scouts-,  who  prefently 
brought  him  Tydings  of  their  approach.  But  he  laughed  at  the  news, 
and  jeftingly  asked  them ,  If  the  Tartars  had  learned  to  fly.  He 
drove  at  that  time,  many  perfons  bound  before  him,  which  he  intended 
to  malTacre,  and  amongft  the  reft  two  of  the  Jefuits,  for  asking  leave 
toreturne  into  Suchuen^  which  was  the  Country  they  had  undertaken 
to  convert  to  Ghriftianity.  But  the  fuddain  death  of  this  Arch-brigand 
delivered  them  all  from  the  imminent  danger-,  for  at  the  fame  time  came 
in  his  chief  Commanders,  alluring  him  the  Tartar  was  upon  him-  upon 
which  news,  he  being  of  a  bold  and  couragious  humour,  burft  out  of 
his  Tent,  and  without  cither  head -piece  or  breft- PI  ate,  (hatched  up  a 
Lance,  and  went  out  with  a  few,  to  view  the  enemy.  The  forefaid  five 
Tartars  prefently  aftaulted  the  Tyrant-  and  the  firft  Arrow  was  ftiot, 


ooA  Vellum  1  artaricum . 

The  Tyrant  u  ( hippy  to  the  Tartars ,  and  many  ochers, )  pierced  the  heart  of  chat  mon- 

^""*       ^  ftcr  of  Cruelty,  killing  that  Man,  who  had  an  intention  ro  make  an  end  of 

*'  all  Men-,  andwhotromthe  bafe  condition  of  a  ra  kally  Thecf,  pre- 

^  fumed  to  take  the  Sacrtd  Title  oi  King  and  Emperour.     The  head 

^  hch^'  dovjn^xhc  tartars  eafilyfc'zed  on  the  body  of  his  Army;  many 

of  the  Souldiers  fubmitted  to  them,  orhcrs  were  kiUcd,  others  ran  away; 

and  the  poor  inhabitants  of  the  Province  of  ^^c/^we^  received  the  Tartars 

The  Province  as  their  Saviours.By  which  me  ms  this  Province  whc  his  the  moft  Wc- 

o(suchuen  .s    ^      j^  chwa. .^nd  borders  upon  the  Kingdome  of  T/^^r^  became  fubjea 

made  lubj.ct  ••  t^        • 

to  the  Tartars,  to  the  ^  attartan  Empire, 

When  they  had  cftablifhed  Garrifons,and  all  their  other  Affairs  in  that 
Country, they  prepared  ro  rcturneto  the  Royall  City  of  ^^^/;»^-, leading 
with  them  the  two  Captive  Prieflswhich  they  had  found  in  Chains, 
as  a  prcfcnt  moft  acceprablc  to  the  Trfr;4W4»Enr»,therje^I  fa_w 
them,  and  left  them  in  great  veneration  and  honourjn  theyearMDCi. 
o  ic  f  {i»  -But  this  vi(5torious  Conqucrour  returning  crowned  with  Laurels ,  was 

Empc?ours'  111  rccetved  and  worfe  recompenfc d,  by  his  Brother  the  creat  ^mavan* 
Uncles  is. 11,  c-*^^  (  who  wa^  the  Emperours  Tutor; )  andinfteadof  a  deferved  tri- 
"'^'^'^'  umph.he  received  an  unworthy  death-,  for  being  to  make  a  march  of 

many  Months,  to  undergo  much  labour,  and  many  troubles,  it  happe- 
ned fo,  th  It  he  loft  more  Men  in  marching  than  in  fighting-  upon  which 
he  was  accufed  of  great  negligence  in  governing  his  Ar  r.y-,  and  being 
of  a  generous  nature,  he  thought  he  deferved  high  praife,  but  no  blame, 
and  therefore  he  took  his  Tartarian  Cap,  and  fcornfully  trampled 
it  upon  ihe  ground,  (  which  is  the  greatcft  fign  of  indignation,  which 
they  can  eKprefte, )  upon  which  fddt  he  was  committed  fo  a  Prifon  pro- 
per to  thofe  of  the  blood  Royall  which  he  accufed  of  any  Crime; 
But  he  fcorned  to  be  the  fir  ft  of  the  Tartarian  Family,  which  ihould  fuf^ 
fc  r  this  opprobry  in  China  -,  and  therefore  before  he  was  carried  to  this 
Prifon  c  lied  by  the  0nm\t  Coactang^\\t  hung  himfelt  miferably  in  his 
?k  hangs  h.m-  ^^^  pji^^e.  A  Gallant  Prince,  and  worthy  of  a  better  fortune.  Ma- 
ny think  this  dif  grace  to  have  grown  from  K^mavangtts\i\%  eldeft  Bro- 
thers emulation  -,  bur  I  think  that  ^mavangus  was  aSraid  that  this  Man, 
though  wanting  no  courage,  yet  of  a  precipitit  nature,would  quickly  ruin 
the  Tartarian  affairs,  by  his  rafh  proceedings.  And  here  I  will  put  a  peri- 
^  od    to  this  brief  Narration  of  the  Tartaxs  War  to  the  year  MDCLI. 

in  which  year  I  was  fenc  to  Europe,hy  thofe  that  may  command  me. 
^^  In  which  relation  if  there  be  nothingclfe  worthy  of  admiration, yent 
o,  fcerns  wonderfull  to  confiderjthatinfcven  years  fpace  they  conquered 
more  ground, than  an  entire  Army  could  have  walked  through  in^he 
^j  whole  length  &  breadth  thereof  in  that  fpace  of  timc;for  thev  over- ran  the 
twelve  vaft  Province's  of  China-j  bcfidcs  the  imm_cnfc  extents  ofLeaojurfg, 
■'^  ^Jihe  Kingdom.of  corea. 

^  What  (ince  has  pafl: ,  in  fuch  viciflitudc  of  fortune  ,  I 
know  not;  but  as  foon  as  God  (hall  bleffc  mc  with  a  profperous  re- 
turne  into  my  beloved  China -^  or  that  my  friends  acquaint  me 
with  any  new  Occurrences  by  Letters,  I  will  procure  that  all  tttrope  fliall 
underftand  thcllfue  of  thefe  prodigious  revolutions. 




An  Addition  to  the  former  Hiftory^ 

taken    out  of  the  laft  Letters  from  C/?//?^'''' 
Written  in  the  years  1651.    51.  and  53, 

^  Frcr  the  Printing  of  this  our  Hiftory  of  the  Tarfa^ 
r'tan  Wars,  returning  to  'Brunch  ft om  Amfietdam 
(where  I  ufed  alJ  pofTible  expedition  to  bring  my 
Atlas  Sini em  to  the  Prcflc)  I  there  received  ray 
long  dc  fired  Letters  from  chim^  fcnt  by  my 
friends  from  Reme-^  feme  of  which  being  dated 
the  14.  oi November  16  5 1 ,  were  writ  by  a  Sieili-' 
an-,  called  Father  Francis  Br  am  at  us,  who  fojurn$ 
in  the  City  of  Xanchai^  in  the  P  rovince  of  Nan- 
king'^  and  rcfle(fting,  that  happily  it  would  not  be  ungratefull  to  our  Eu- 
rofeans^  if  I  made  a  private  relation,  of  publick  ufe^  I  rcfol ved  to  draw  out 
this  little  enfuing  Narration  from  thofe  Letters  written  in  fever  all  ycar^. 
The  Empire  of  China  is  now  grown  to  a  more  fixed  and  fetled  Eftate, 
fince  the  death  oi  Amavangus  Uncle  to  the  whofe  expediti- 
on in  invading  that  Empire  and  Vigilance  in  conferving  it,the  Tartars  owe 
their  happy  fuccclTc. 

But  yet,  the  opinion  framed  of  him  after  his  death,  was  far  different 
from  the  authority  and  power  he  carried  in  his  life;  for  no  fooncr  was  the 
cxercifeofgoverning  by  his  death  devolved  into  the  hands  of  his  Ne- 
pheWjCalled  Xunchi\  but  that  this  Emperour,  though  a  youth  in  years,  be- 
gan his  raign  by  the  approbation  of  all  eftatcs  and  orders,  with  fuch  matu- 
rity of  judgemcnt,and  counceljas  he  feemed  to  furpaffe  the  gray  and  hoary 
heads  of  his  wifeft  Counlcllors.  He  was  no  fooner  enthroned,then  he  ex- 
preffed  a  flrangc  ripcnefTe  of  judgcment,and  feverity  of  Juftice  joyned  to- 
gether 5  for  having  difcovcrcd  his  Uncles  wicked  counfels  and  defigns, 
and  traced  the  obfcure  track  of  his  abhominable  vices,  which  were  hid  du- 
ring his  life  .•  he  did  fo  much  refent  thofe  deteftable  k^s^  as  he  comman- 
ded his  body  to  be  digged  up,and  his  magnificent  Sepulchre  to  be  beaten 
down-,  which  kind  of  punifhment  araongftthe  Chinefes  is  held  to  be  the 
greateft  that  can  be  inflifted ;  being  taught  by  their  Religion,  to  carry  all 
veneration  and  refpc(5t  to  the  tombs  of  dead  perfons .  The  Carcafle  being 
dragged  out,  they  firft  beat  it  with  Clubs,  then  they  fcourged  it  with 
Rods  5  and  finally ,cutting  off  the  head,  they  made  it  a  rpe(5tacle  to  all  cri- 
minal opprobies.  Thus  the  fplendour  of  his  Tomb,  was  brought  to  duft  5 
and  fortune  paid  him  after  his  death,  the  difgrace  (he  owed  him  in  his  life. 

Rr  He 

2o6  ^^^  Addition 

J  i 

Hepunifhedaifo  all  the  Officers  and  Prefers,  which  weie  privietohis 
eouncels-,  putting  Tome  to  death,  and  depriving  others  of  their  dignities, 
Amongft  all  which  I  find  the  fortune  of  General  F//«^  to  have  been  very 
variou . :  who  though  he  be  no  Chriftian,  yet  being  a  fiogtflar  friend,  and 
prott  (^or  of  cur  rocicty,and  particularly  knowo  to  my  felf, I  cannot  but  re- 
joycetohearhimreftored,  to  his  place  and  dignity,  after  his  discovered 
innocency*  In  the  mean  time  the  Emperour  X«w^/af, growing  up  to  mans 
eftate,  and  foUcitous  to  propagate  his  honour  to  his  pofterity,  refolvcd  to 
accomplifh  his  long  intended  Marriage  with  the  Daughter  to  the  Empe- 
rourof  the  Occidental  T^rMr/;  In  which  adkion,  ihtTArtars  imitate  the 
European  cuftom-,for  they  take  a  Lady  of  fomc  like  illuftrious  blood  or  dc-. 
fcent  j  But  the  Empcrours  o^Chim  feem  little  to  value  the  nobility  of  blood, 
but  fele(5t  the  pri  neft  beauty  •  nor  will  they  rcfiife  a  perfon  of  a  mean  for- 
tune, if  flic  be  but  graced  with  beauty .  In  fo  much,  as  the  Wife  to  the  late 
Emperour  o^China^  was  Daughter  to  a  man,  that  got  his  living  by  makings 
ftraw  Shoos.  So  King  K^hafmrus  raifed  a  poor  Captive  maid  to  be  Coni4 
fort  with  liim  in  his  Royal  Throne.-  which  kind  of  cuftom  happily  the? 
Chinefes  drew  {xomihtPerftam^  ortheP^r//<f»;  from  them.  Buttoreturii; 
to  the  fuhjedt  that  caufed  this  little  digrcffion.  T he  Emperours  Wcdditig! 
was  performed  with  a  Fomp  and  fplcndor  proportionable  to  fuch  an  Em- 
pire .*  nor  was  there  any  magnificence  wanting  on  the  Spoufe$  ^^xt'^  for  ac^ 
cording  to  the  fafliion  of  the  Nation,  Hie  came  accompanied  with  whole 
Armies  of  men,  and  fo  many  Troops  of  Hoife,  as  they  feemed  innumcra- 
ble-,nature  feeming  to  have  framed  the  riches  of  the  Tdrtars  more  for  war- 
like affairs,  than  for  pleaf  ure.  Nor  is  this  inffnic  multitude  of  Horfc  incre- 
dible, for  I  my  felf  hnvc  feen  eighty  thoufand  Horfe,  all  at  one  time,  fcnt 
as  a  prefent  from  the  Occidental  T^r/^rj  to  the  King  o{ China, 

Which  boundkffc  power  of  the  T^r/^ir/jas  it  cannot  be  conf aired  with- 
in any  limits,  fo  alfo  it  hath  lately  broke  out  into  the  Province  of  G^Am- 
/«w^,  which  they  have  wholly  fubdued  ;  and  out  of  that^  like  an  impetu- 
ous Torrenl*,  they  ran  into  the  P  lo vince  of  Si^iAng^i  •,  which  th  ey  like wi  c 
have  conquered  to  their  Empire.  So  as  the  King  of  China  called  fttn^ley, 
with  his  chief  favourit  the  Eunuch,  called  Pang  v^chileui y^ho  profcf- 
fcth  Chriftianity,  were  feign  to  fly  to  the  Confines  of  Tunking^  being  in  a 
manner  excluded  the  whole  Empire.  In  fo  much  as  a  friend  of  mme 
writes  out  of  the  Province  of  Fokien,  that  the  King  fttngley  fearing  to  fall 
into  the  Tartars  hands5was  feign  to  leave  the  Land, and  fly  to  Sea.Ncither 
have  we  any  news  of  our  Father  L^^ndrew  Xaverius  Koffler  who  follow- 
ed the  Court  oiKAWg^mgley^  having  had  the  happincffc  to  have  Bap- 
tized his  Queen,his  Sonne,  and  his  Mother,  with  many  others  of  that 

In  the  mean  time,  whilft  one  C^ng^  a  Royolet  amongfl  the  'Tartars Jiuh" 
dued  the  Province  of  SitaAgft,  the  Colam^  who  was  Governour  of  the 
Country,  and  a  Chriftian,fell  into  the  Enemies  hands ;  and  the  T^rwr/,' 
hoping  by  rewards  and  promifes  of  dignities,  to  win  the  fubmiffion  of  this 
fo  gallant  a  man,  and  fo  eminent  a  Philofopher ,  abftaincd  three  daies 
from  any  cruelty,  or  ill  ufage  toward  him-  But  he  fcorned  to  prefer  his 
life  before  his  allcgeance  and  fidelity  to  his  King  •,  and  therefore  loft  his 
head.  But 

To  the  former  Hijlorj.  ^oj 

But  yctjthis  generous  Adion  was  admired  and  honoured  by  thofcbru- 
tifii  Souls,  who  prefently  ere(5ted  a  magnificent  Tomb,  in  memory  of  fo 
honourable  an  Ad  ♦,  for  ahhough  ihc  Tartars  follicit  the  Chinefes  to  revolt 
from  their  Princc,ya  they  honour  and  praifefuch  as  fhew  themfelves  con- 
ftantrohim^  And  this  memorial  of  him,  I  owe  aswelltothe  fingular 
fiiendfhip  he  was  pleafed  to  contrad  with  me,  as  alfo  to  his  eminent  vcr- 
tuesjof  which  I  my  felf  &  the  whole  Church  of  Chriftians  in  China^  were 
both  Spedatots  and  Admirers,for  the  fpaceof  twenty  years.He  was  Born 
in  the  Province  o^Nanquin^m  the  City  Charjgcho ^bcing  called  KiuThorKas, 
a  Name  moft  worthy  of  eternal  Memory. 

During  the  laccage  of  thefe  Provinces,  news  arrives  from  the  Country 
o^Suchnen^  ( which  the  notorious  Brigand  called  Changhienchungus^  fa- 
mous for  his  ft  range  cruelty .  arid  abhominable  villanies,  had  fo  wafted,) 
that  it  begins  again  to  be  fliaken  with  feverall  tcmpcftsof  War  5  &  though 
hefeemedtobequitedeftroyed  in  the  laft  Battails,  yet  from  thence 
doth  appear  again  new  trouble  and  vexation  to  the  Empire. 

The  Province  of  Fekien  alfo  begins  togrone  under  the  f^me  miferable 
condition  of  War  •,  for  the  Reverend  Father  Teter  Canevary  Native  of  G^- 
/?»4,writes  out  of  the  City  Changcheu,\\i\{\d\yi2s  befieged  the  io,o{ March 
1652.  that  ^efwgus^ds'm^  made  a  dcfcent  from  his  Ships  into  thatPro- 
vince,hath  overrun  the  whole  Country ,taken  fome  Cities  and  Towfls,and 
carried  on  the  War^with  great  terrour  to  the  Inhabitants.Infomuch  as  the 
Tartarian  Commanders  kecpe  themfelves,  and  their  Army  in  their  Forts, 
and  other  places  of  ftrength,  not  daring  to  appear  in  the  field  to  oppofc 
himj  but  yet  he  faid  they  expeded  new  Forces  and  Succours  from  Peking-^ 
by  which  they  doubt  not,  but  quickly  to  fubdue  him. 

This  ^cftngtis^  who  now  vexeth  this  Province  ofFokien^  is  Son  to  the 
facnous  Pyrarc  Iquon  or  Chmbilmgo  whom  the  Tartars  imprifoned  by  a 
flight,  as  I  recounted  to  you  in  my  former  Hiftory. 

And  to  let  you  know  what  I  further  heard  from  fome  paflengers  of  C^/- 
fjM^  who  in  the  month  offamary  165  3.  were  caft,  in  a  Ship  oichina^  up- 
on the  Coaftsof  an  Ifland  called  2^ii'//c//W;whither  I  had  been  brought 
before  by  their  Barks,  and  Souldiers,  as  their  Prifoner  •  Thefe  men  rela- 
ted that  a  great  Army  o^Tartars  was  arrived,  to  fubdue  ^ejingits  •,  whofe 
Commander  thought  it  fit  to  joyn  Art  to  hisForce-,and  therefore  he  com- 
manded a  handfull  of  men,  to  charge  the  chimfe  Army,  and  prefently  by 
feigning  flight,  to  retire  to  more  advantageous  and  (urer  places.  In  the 
meantime,  he  had  placed  a  number  of  Horfe  in  a  deep  valley  behind  a 
Mountain,  towards  which  Quarters  the  fugitive  Troops  retired.  This 
flight  gave  courage  to  the  Chimfe^  and  the  dcfire  of  vidory,  made  them 
venture  fo  far  from  the  River  C^^;^^,  where  their  ftiips  lay  at  Anchor,  as 
they  found  themfelves  environed  by  the  Tartars  Army.  This  defperate 
condition  which  excluded  the  Chimfes^  from  returning  to  their  Ships, 
caufcd  a  very  great,  and  bloody  flaughter,  in  which  there  perifticd  above 
80000  of  the  chinefes  Army  -,  whilft  ^efingus  a  fpedator  of  this  fad  acci- 
dent from  the  Maft  of  his  Ships,  as  they  relate,  was  heard  to  fay,  that  he 
would  once  more  try  his  fortune  againft  the  Tartars  ^  but  if  flie  proved 
again  adverfe  unto  him,  he  then  would  fubmitj  and  ftiave  his  Hair, like  a 
Tartar.  Rr  2  Concerning 

2o8  ^^   Addition^&c. 

~~  Concerning  the  prefent  Sate  of  ChriftianRcligion,being  at  Btufsels  this 
laft  lum.m  the  year  1654,  I  received  letters  from  China  •,  in  which  tKcy 
gave  me  notice,  that  the  Father  Jefuitr,  were  very  favourably  treated  by 
the  tartars ;  yea  better  than  before  5  that  they  permit  free  excrcife  of  the 
Chriftian  Catholick  Religion,  through  all  their  Kingd0ms,graoting  them 
leave  not  onely  to  enjoy  their  ancient  Churches,  but  alfo  liberally  contri- 
buting to  build  new  ones ;  fo,  by  the  goodnelTc  of  God,that  which  enda- 
maged others^proveth  gain  to  them.  But  I  referve  all  particulars  to  a 
largerRelation  in  a  greater Volume,which  (hall  c ontinueT>'/^rf»//»^  hisHi- 
{{ory  of  thmijfwfjsdifpatchedmto  China,  concluding  with  the  year  1610, 
to  thefe  our  prcfcntTimcs. 




Book^i  printed  for,and  robe  fold  by  John  Qrook  at  the 
fign  of  th^  Ship  in  St  Pauls  Church-yard. 

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