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OF    THE 






Vol.  IV. 






Entered  according  to  Act  of  Congress,  in  the  year  1852,  by 


In  the  Clerk's  Office  of  the  District  Court  of  the  United  States,  for  the  Southern 

District  of  New  York. 

Cambridge : 
Presswork  by  John   Wilson  and  Son. 




The  approach  of  Revolution,  3 — The  unity  of  the  human  race,  5 — Its 
progress,  8 — History  records  that  progress,  9 — The  American  Revolution,  12 
— Its  character  and  extent,  12 — Relation  of  the  Thirteen  Colonies  to  the 
Metropolis,  15 — The  Duke  of  Newcastle  as  Colonial  Minister,  18 — He  retires, 
21 — Succeeded  by  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  21. 



Congress  at  Albany  in  1748,  24 — Plans  of  Clinton  and  Colden,  25 — The 
Massachusetts  Delegation  to  the  Congress,  26  —  Shirley,  26  —  Oliver  and 
Hutchinson,  27 — Treaties  with  the  Six  Nations  and  the  Miamis,  28 — Oliver 
and  Hutchinson  propose  the  interposition  of  the  king  to  provide  an  American 
fund,  29 — Boundary  claimed  by  the  French,  30 — Indian  mission  and  village 
at  Ogdensburg,  31 — Shirley  and  Clinton  advise  coercion  of  the  Colonies  by 
Parliament,  32 — Murray  the  principal  adviser,  34 — Clinton  resolves  to  com- 
pel the  interposition  of  parliament,  34 — Spirited  resistance  of  the  New- York 
Assembly,  35 — Halifax  becomes  head  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  36 — He  finds 
France  encroaching  in  America,  37 — and  the  colonies  tending  towards  Inde- 
pendence, 37 — South  Carolina,  38 — North  Carolina,  38 — Virginia,  38 — Penn- 
uylvania,  39 — New  England,  39 — New  Jersey,  40 — Halifax  seeks  to  confine 
France  by  planting  a  new  Colony  in  the  Ohio  Valley,  41 — The  French  take 
measures  to  prevent  it,  42 — Their  claims  in  Acadia,  43 — Halifax  plants  a 
British  Colony  in  Nova  Scotia,  45 — The  Acadians,  46 — The  Micmac  Indians, 


Indians,  47 — The  Lords  of  Trade  go  to  Parliament  for  absolute  power,  48 — 
Protest  of  the  Colonies,  49 — Massachusetts  becomes  a  Hard  Money  Colony, 
50 — Further  intrigues  of  the  Crown  Officers  in  America,  51 — Firmness  of 
the  Representatives  of  New  York,  53 — Charles  Townshend  enters  the  Board 
of  Trade,  54 — The  Colonies  develop  a  life  of  their  own,  55. 



The  Ministry  resolve  on  a  new  system  of  Colonial  Administration,  56— 
Zeal  of  Halifax  and  Bedford,  57 — Incessant  importunities  of  Crown  Officers 
in  America,  57 — Stamp  tax  proposed,  58 — Spirit  of  New  England,  59 — 
Jonathan  Mayhew,  59— The  British  Ministry  persevere,  61 — New  Develop- 
ments of  the  Commercial  System,  62 — The  Slave  Trade,  62 — Restrictions  on 
American  Manufactures,  63 — The  policy  unwise,  64 — Prophecy  of  Turgot's, 
65 — Divisions  in  the  Cabinet,  66 — The  French  and  English  in  Nova  Scotia, 
07 — Halifax  and  Bedford  disagree,  69— Newcastle  against  Bedford,  70— The 
English  take  Chiegnecto,  71 — British  and  French  Commissioners,  72 — A 
French  Brigantine  seized,  73 — Vermont,  74 — The  Ohio  Valley,  74 — Explored 
by  Gist,  75 — The  richness  of  its  lands,  78 — Council  at  Picqua,  79 — Message 
to  the  English,  80— To  the  French,  80— Gist  returns,  81 — Second  journey  of 
Croghan,  82. 


ADMINISTRATION    CONTINUED.       1751 1753. 

Lords  of  Trade  renew  their  design,  83— Calendar  regulated,  84 — Plan  for 
an  American  Civil  List,  84 — Postponed  by  division  in  the  Cabinet,  86 — Colo- 
nies left  to  protect  themselves,  88 — Zeal  of  the  French,  89— Plan  of  union  of 
the  Americans,  91 — New  powers  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  92 — Relations  with 
France  in  America,  93 — The  French  begin  hostilities,  95 — Council  at  Shaw- 
nee Town,  95 — Dinwiddie's  Report,  97 — State  of  England,  97 — Measures  of 
the  Board  of  Trade,  100 — Discontent  of  the  Western  Indians,  101— Decision 
of  tho  king,  101— The  Board  busy  in  attempting  to  reduce  New  York,  102 — 
They  fail,  104. 


TION   CONTINUED.       1753 1754. 

Progress  of  the  French  at  the  West,  106 — Protest  of  the  Indians,  107 — 
Washington's  mission  to  Fort  Le  Bceuf,  108 — The  first  Fort  at  Pittsburg,  112 


— Measures  of  the  Colonies,  113 — Plans  for  taxes  by  Parliament,  115 — 
"Washington  marches  towards  the  Ohio,  116 — The  French  at  Pittsburg,  117 — 
Combat  with  Jumonville,  118 — The  affair  at  Great  Meadows,  120 — Congress 
at  Albany,  121 — Treaty  with  the  Six  Nations,  122 — Franklin's  plan  of  union, 
193 — Franklin  advises  colonizing  the  West,  126. 



The  American  Colonies,  127 — Their  population,  127 — White,  128— Black, 
129— Georgia,  130 — South  Carolina,  131 — North  Carolina,  132— Virginia, 
133 — Maryland,  137 — Pennsylvania  and  Delaware,  139 — New  Jersey,  142 — 
New  York,  144 — New  England,  148 — Its  traditions,  151 — Its  creed,  154. 


the  ministers  are  advised  to  tax  america  by  act  of  parliament. — 
Newcastle's  administration.     1754 — 1755. 

Newcastle  first  Minister,  159 — Commons  impatient  of  their  subordination 
to  the  Lords,  161 — State  of  the  Whig  party,  162 — Policy  towards  New  York, 
164 — Plan  of  American  union  by  Halifax,  165 — Parliament  invoked  to  tax 
America,  167 — Grant  of  Lands  in  the  Great  Western  Valley,  167 — Progress 
of  affairs  with  France,  168 — Duke  of  Cumberland,  169 — Braddock  appointed 
General  in  America,  170 — Mutiny  Act,  170 — Regulation  of  Quotas,  171 — 
Shirley's  plans,  172 — Franklin's  opinions  of  them,  173 — Shirley  on  Franklin, 
174 — Want  of  concert  among  the  Colonies,  175 — Discussions  with  France,  176 
— Braddock  and  five  governors  recommend  taxation  of  America  by  Parlia- 
ment, 177 — Taxation  advocated,  178 — Right  of  America  to  Independence,  181. 


england  and  france  contend  for  the  ohio  valley  and  for  acadia.— 
Newcastle's  administration  continued.     1755. 

Plan  for  1755,  182 — Howe  captures  the  Alcide  and  the  Lys,  183 — Brad- 
dock advances  slowly,  184— The  Ninth  of  July,  186— The  Battle,  188— The 
Defeat,  189 — Death  of  Braddock,  191 — General  consternation,  192 — Peace 
among  the  Southern  Indians',  193 — The  Acadians,  193 — Their  disaffection, 
196— They  are  disarmed,  197— The  English  take  Beau  Sgour,  197— The  re- 
moval of  the  Acadians  projected,  199 — Approved  of  by  Belcher,  201 — Ef- 
fected, 202— Their  sufferings,  205. 




ADMINISTRATION   CONTINUED.      1755 — 1756. 

American  Army  at  Lake  George,  207 — Dieskau's  approach,  209 — The 
battle,  210 — Shirley  fails  to  reach  Niagara,  213 — His  opinion  on  Independ- 
ence, 214 — Musings  of  John  Adams,  215 — French  ships  seized,  216 — England 
urges  Russia  to  supervise  Germany,  218 — Pitt  opposes,  219 — Soame  Jenyns 
and  Rigby  become  Lords  of  Trade,  220 — Plans  for  1756,  221 — Shirley  pro* 
poses  to  the  Ministry  a  Stamp  Duty  for  America,  222 — Washington's  self- 
sacrificing  spirit,  223 — Affairs  of  Pennsylvania,  224 — Supremacy  of  the  Mili- 
tary in  America,  226 — Appointment  of  Loudoun  as  Commander-in-Chief,  228 
—Foreign  officers  employed,  231 — Cumberland  thought  of  as  king,  232. 


TRATION  CONTINUED.      1755 — 1756. 

Declaration  of  "War  against  France,  233 — Rule  of  '56,  233 — Delay  in  pre- 
parations for  war,  235 — "Washington  neglected,  235 — Soldiers  billeted  in  pri- 
vate houses,  236 — Capture  of  Oswego  by  Montcalm,  237 — Loudoun  uses  his 
army  only  against  the  Americans,  240 — Affair  of  Kittanning,  241 — Colony 
on  the  Santilla,  242 — Intrigues  in  the  English  Court,  243 — Pitt  forms  a 
Ministry  without  Newcastle,  247 — Pitt  protects  American  Liberty,  249 — Is 
dismissed,  250. 



Adventures  near  Lake  George,  251 — Congress  at  Philadelphia,  252 — State 
of  Pennsylvania,  253 — Franklin,  its  agent,  254 — Summer  wasted  in  America, 
256 — Prince  George  takes  an  interest  in  the  Colonies,  257 — Siege  of  Fort 
William  Henry,  258 — Its  surrender,  264 — The  massacre,  265 — Pusillanimity 
of  the  British  Officers,  266— General  discontent,  269— The  result,  270— The 
Aristocracy  cannot  rule  without  the  People,  271. 




No  one  dares  take  Pitt's  place,  272 — He  forms  a  Ministry  with  Newcastle, 
273— The  man  of  the  people,  275— The  Great  Question,  276— The  Catholic 
Powers,  277— Frederic  of  Prussia,  279— State  of  France,  280— The  new- 
Alliances,  281 — Frederic  invades  Bohemia,  282 — His  defeat  at  Colin,  282 — 
His  retreat  and  reverses,  283 — Battle  of  Rossbach,  285 — New  reverses  in 
Silesia,  286— Battle  of  Leuthen,  287— Prussia  saved,  289. 


CONTINUED.      1757 — 1758. 

Pitt  plans  the  Conquest  of  French  America,  290 — Self-imposed  taxes  of 
Massachusetts,  293 — Sufferings  of  the  Canadians,  294 — -Amherst  and  Wolfe 
sent  to  America,  295 — Siege  of  Louioburgh,  296 — Its  capture,  297 — Gathering 
of  troops  at  Lake  George,  298 — They  embark  for  Ticonderoga,  300 — Death 
of  Lord  Howe,  302 — Abercrombie  defeated  by  Montcalm,  303 — The  retreat, 
806 — Skirmishes,  307 — Bradstreet  takes  Oswego,  308 — Expedition  to  the 
West,  809 — Defeat  of  Grant,  311 — Washington  in  command  of  the  advance 
party,  312 — His  success,  313 — The  naming  of  Pittsburg,  813 — Honors  con- 
ferred on  Washington,  813. 



Plans  for  1759,  315— Successes  of  England,  316 — Lord  George  Sackville, 
317 — Spirit  of  America,  319 — Niagara  taken,  320 — Inactivity  of  Gage,  822 — 
Amherst  reaches  Crown  Point,  322 — Wolfe  and  Saunders  in  the  St.  Lawrence, 
324— Wolfe  offers  battle,  328 — Is  repulsed,  329— Desponds,  330— The  Briga- 
diers suggest  a  landing  above  the  town,  330 — Wolfe  prepares  to  execute  it, 
831— The  Landing,  333— The  Battle,  334— Death  of  Wolfe,  836— Of  Mont- 
calm, 337 — Surrender  of  Quebec,  338. 



invasion  of  the  valley  of  the  tennessee.- 
continued.    1759 — 1760. 

George  Townshend  at  Boston,  339 — Lyttleton  and  the  Cherokees,  340—  -Fie 
provokes  a  War,  342 — The  Legislature  oppose,  3.45 — A  Council  with  the 
Cherokees,  345 — The  march  into  their  country,  347 — Lyttleton's  Perfidy,  348 
— His  ill  success  and  triumph,  349 — The  Cherokees  do  and  suffer  wrong,  350 
— New  Expedition  into  their  country,  351 — Hasty  retreat,  354 — Fort  Lou- 
doun surrenders,  355 — The  frontier  left  unprotected,  356. 


possession  taken  of  michigan  and  the  country  on  the  lakes. — pitt's 
administration  continued.     1760. 

Quebec  besieged  by  the  French,  358 — Relieved,  359 — Canada  capitulates, 
360 — Possession  taken  of  the  North-West,  361 — Earl  of  Bath  pleads  for  keep- 
ing Canada  at  the  peace,  363 — William  Burke  and  others  oppose,  364 — 
Franklin  rejoins,  366 — Prophecy  of  American  Independence,  369 — Plans  to 
prevent  it,  370 — And  for  taxing  America,  370 — Pennsylvania  in  strife  with  its 
proprietaries  and  with  the  Lords  of  Trade,  371 — Lord  Mansfield  and  Edmund 
Burke,  375 — Increase  of  contraband  trade,  376 — Bernard  made  Governor  of 
Massachusetts,  377 — He  appoints  Hutchinson  Chief  Justice,  378 — The  Lords 
of  Trade  advise  taxing  America  at  the  peace,  379 — Death  of  George  II.,  381. 



THE   THIRD    DRIVES    PITT   FROM   THE   CABINET.       1760 1761. 

Intrigues  at  Court,  382 — The  first  speech  to  the  Council,  383 — Bute  in  the 
Cabinet,  384 — General  welcome  to  the  new  king,  385 — First  impressions  of 
his  character,  386 — His  Favorite,  387 — Relations  with  Prussia,  389 — The 
Elections,  390 — Bute  becomes  a  Secretary  of  State,  391 — Negotiations  with 
France  for  peace,  392 — Choiseul,  394 — Pitt  impracticable,  395 — Magnanimity 
of  Frederic,  397 — Pitt  does  not  favor  peace,  398— More  humane  views  of 
Bedford,  400— Affairs  of  Spain,  401— The  Family  Compact,  403— Special 
Convention  between  France  and  Spain,  404 — The  ultimatissimum  of  Franco, 
105 — Pitt  proposes  to  declare  war  against  Spain,  406 — Is  outvoted  in  the 
Cabinet,  408 — Pitt  resigns,  409 — Accepts  a  pension,  410. 



COLONIAL   GOVERNMENTS.      1761 — 1762. 

George  Grenville  remains  in  office,  412 — Bedford  joins  the  Ministry,  412— 
Acts  of  Trade  resisted  in  Boston,  414 — Speech  of  James  Otis  on  "Writs  of 
Assistance,  415 — EiFects  of  his  eloquence,  417 — His  character,  419 — ITe  is 
chosen  a  representative  of  Boston,  420 — Virginia  opposes  the  Slave  Trade,  421 
— South  Carolina  desires  to  restrain  it,  422 — Expedition  against  the  Chero- 
kees,  423 — Fight  on  the  Cowhoowee,  424 — Peace  established  by  mutual  con- 
cessions, 425 — Discontent  of  South  Carolina,  426 — The  independence  of  the 
judiciary  throughout  America  subverted,  427. 



REPUBLIC.      1762. 

League  of  the  Catholic  Powers,  432 — Proposed  Federation  of  Maritime 
States,  433 — England  oners  Austria  acquisitions  in  Italy,  433 — Firmness  of 
Frederic,  433 — Death  of  the  Empress  of  Russia,  434 — Alliance  of  Russia  and 
Prussia,  434 — England  deserts  Prussia,  435 — Conquest  of  Martinico,  436 — 
Newcastle  resigns,  436 — Decline  of  the  Whig  Aristocracy,  437 — Prediction  of 
the  decline  of  the  great  Monarchies,  438 — Reorganization  of  the  Cabinet, 
438 — Negotiations  for  peace  opened,  439 — Liberties  of  America  menaced 
after  the  peace,  439 — No  more  Judges  but  at  the  king's  will,  440 — The  king 
pays  the  Chief  Justice  of  New- York,  440 — Maryland  and  Pennsylvania  repri- 
manded, 441 — Bedford  negotiates  for  a  Peace,  442 — Siege  of  Havana,  444 — 
Moro  Castle  taken,  444 — The  town  surrenders,  445 — Negotiations  for  Peace 
continued,  446 — Rupture  of  the  king  with  the  great  Whig  Lords,  446 — 
Charles  Townshend  plans  taxing  America,  447 — Otis  in  the  Massachusetts 
Assembly  denies  the  power,  447 — His  theory  of  Government,  448 — His 
popularity,  449 — General  apprehension  of  encroachments  on  rights,  449. 


engiand,  grasping  at  the  colonies  of  france  and  spain,  risks  her  own. — 
Bute's  ministry.    1762 — 1763. 

George  III.  persists  in  desiring  peace,  451 — Choiseul  yields  to  necessity 
151 — The  treaty  of  peace,  452 — Parliament  approves  the  treaty,  453 — The 


intention  to  tax  the  Colonies  avowed,  454 — Prussia  concludes  a  glorious 
peace,  464 — The  sufferings  of  Europe  during  the  war,  455 — Results  of  the 
peace,  456 — Diffusion  of  the  English  Tongue,  456 — Hi-founded  joy  of  England 
in  its  conquests,  457  —  France  as  a  colonizing  State,  457  —  Institutions  ot 
New  France,  458 — Institutions  of  New  England  and  the  other  British  Colo- 
nies, 459 — Consequences  of  the  acquisition  of  Canada  predicted  in  1748,  460 — 
Opinion  of  Vergennes  in  1763,  461 — The  old  Colonial  system  self-destruc- 
tive. 462. 






VCL.    IV. 




♦  » 




In  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hun- 
dred and  forty-eight,  Montesquieu,  wisest  in  his  age  of 
the  reflecting  statesmen  of  France,  apprized  the  culti- 
vated world,  that  a  free,  prosperous  and  great  people 
was  fonning  in  the  forests  of  America,  which  England 
had  sent  forth  her  sons  to  inhabit.1  The  hereditary 
dynasties  of  Europe,  all  unconscious  of  the  rapid 
growth  of  the  rising  power,  which  was  soon  to  in- 
volve them  in  its  new  and  prevailing  influence  were 
negotiating  treaties  among  themselves  to  bring  their 
last  war  of  personal  ambition  definitively  to  an  end. 

1  De  VEsprit  des  Lois.  Liv.  xix.  portant  avec  lui  la  prosperity,  on 

clmp.  xxvii.      Elle  [une  nation  li-  verroit  88  former  de  grands  pen  pies 

bre]  donneroit  aux  penples  de  ses  dans  les  forfits  mSmes  qu'elle  enver- 

bolonies  la  forme  de  son  gonverne-  roit  Labiter. 
ment  propro :   et  ce  gouvernement 




The  great  maritime  powers,  weary  of  hopes  of  con- 
quest and  ignorant  of  coming  reform,  desired  repose. 
To  restore  possessions  as  they  had  been,  or  were  to 
have  been,  was  accepted  as  the  condition  of  peace; 
and  guaranties  were  devised  to  keep  them  safe 
against  vicissitude.  But  the  eternal  flow  of  existence 
never  rests,  bearing  the  human  race  onwards  through 
continuous  change.  Principles  grow  into  life  by  in- 
forming the  public  mind,  and  in  their  maturity  gain 
the  mastery  over  events ;  following  each  other  as 
they  are  bidden,  and  ruling  without  a  pause.  No 
sooner  do  the  agitated  waves  begin  to  subside,  than, 
amidst  the  formless  tossing  of  the  billows,  a  new  mes- 
senger from  the  Infinite  Spirit  moves  over  the  waters ; 
and  the  bark  which  is  freighted  with  the  fortunes 
of  mankind,  yields  to  the  gentle  breath  as  it  first 
whispers  among  the  shrouds,  even  while  the  behold- 
ers still  doubt  if  the  breeze  is  springing,  and  whence 
it  comes,  and  whither  it  will  go. 

The  hour  of  revolution  was  at  hand,  promising 
freedom  to  conscience  and  dominion  to  intelligence. 
Histoiy,  escaping  from  the  dictates  of  authority  and 
the  jars  of  insulated  interests,  enters  upon  new  and 
unthought-of  domains  of  culture  and  equality,  the 
happier  society  where  power  springs  freshly  from 
ever-renewed  consent ;  the  life  and  activity  of  a  con- 
nected world. 

For  Europe,  the  crisis  foreboded  the  struggles  of 
generations.  The  strong  bonds  of  faith  and  affection, 
which  once  united  the  separate  classes  of  its  cisol 
hierarchy,  had  lost  their  vigor.  In  the  impending 
chaos  of  states,  the  ancient  forms  of  society,  after 
convulsive  agonies,  were  doomed  to  be  broken  in 
pieces;   and  the  fragments   to   become  distinct,  and 


seemingly  lifeless,  like  the  dust ;  ready  to  be  whirled  CIIAI> 
in  clouds  by  the  tempest  of  public  rage,  with  a  force  *-»- , — > 
as  deadly  as  that  of  the  sand  storm  in  the  Libyan  des-  1748* 
ert.     The  voice  of  reform,  as  it  passed  over  the  desola- 
tion, would  inspire  animation  afresh ;  but  in  the  classes 
whose  power  was  crushed,  as  well  as  in  the  oppressed 
who  knew  not  that  they  were  redeemed,  it  might  also 
awaken  wild   desires,   which   the   ruins  of  a  former 
world  could  not  satiate.     In  America,  the  influences 
of  time  were  moulded  by  the  creative  force  of  reason, 
sentiment,  and  nature.     Its  political  edifice  rose   in 
lovely  proportions,  as  if  to  the  melodies  of  the  lyre. 
Peacefully  and  without  crime,  humanity  was  to  make 
for  itself  a  new  existence. 

A  few  men  of  Anglo-Saxon  descent,  chiefly  farm- 
ers, planters,  and  mechanics,  with  their  wives  and 
children,  had  crossed  the  Atlantic  in  search  of  free- 
dom and  fortune.  They  brought  the  civilization 
which  the  past  had  bequeathed  to  Great  Britain; 
they  were  followed  by  the  slave-ship  and  the  African ; 
their  happiness  invited  emigrants  from  every  lineage 
of  Central  and  Western  Europe ;  the  mercantile  sys- 
tem, to  which  they  were  subjected,  prevailed  in  the 
councils  of  all  metropolitan  states,  and  extended  its 
restrictions  to  every  continent  that  allured  to  con- 
quest, commerce,  or  colonization.  The  accomplish- 
ment of  their  independence  w^ould  agitate  the  globe, 
would  assert  the  freedom  of  the  oceans  as  commercial 
highways,  vindicate  power  in  the  commonwealth  for 
the  united  judgment  of  its  people,  and  assure  to  them 
the  right  to  a  self-directing  vitality. 

The  authors  of  the  American  Kevolution  avowed 
for  their  object  the  welfare  of  mankind,  and  believed 


CHIAP-  that  they  were  in  the  service  of  their  own  and  of  all 
^~ y— '  future  generations.  Their  faith  was  just;  for  the 
1748-  world  of  mankind  does  not  exist  in  fragments,  nor  can 
a  country  have  an  insulated  existence.  All  men  are 
brothers ;  and  all  are  bondsmen  for  one  another.  All 
nations,  too,  are  brothers,  and  each  is  responsible  for 
that  federative  humanity  which  puts  the  ban  of  exclu- 
sion on  none.  New  principles  of  government  could 
not  assert  themselves  in  one  hemisphere  without  affect- 
ing the  other.  The  very  idea  of  the  progress  of  an 
individual  people,  in  its  relation  to  universal  history, 
springs  from  the  acknowledged  unity  of  the  race.    . 

From  the  dawn  of  social  being,  there  has  appeared 
a  tendency  towards  commerce  and  intercourse  be- 
tween the  scattered  inhabitants  of  the  earth.  That 
mankind  have  ever  earnestly  desired  this  connection, 
appears  from  their  willing  homage  to  the  adventu- 
rers and  to  every  people,  who  have  greatly  enlarged 
the  boundaries  of  the  world,  as  known  to  civilization. 
The  traditions  of  remotest  antiquity  celebrate  the 
half-divine  wanderer  who  raised  pillars  on  the  shores 
of  the  Atlantic ;  and  record,  as  a  visitant  from  the 
skies,  the  first  traveller  from  Europe  to  the  central 
rivers  of  Asia.  It  is  the  glory  of  Greece,  that,  when 
she  had  gathered  on  her  islands  and  among  her  hills 
the  scattered  beams  of  human  intelligence,  her  nu- 
merous colonies  carried  the  accumulated  light  to  the 
neighborhood  of  the  ocean  and  to  the  shores  of  the 
Euxine.  Her  wisdom  and  her  arms  connected  con- 

When  civilization  intrenched  herself  within  the 
beautiful  promontory  of  Italy,  and  Rome  led  the  van 
of  European  reform,  the  same  movement  continued 
with  still  vaster  results ;  for,  though  the  military  re- 


public  bounded  the  expansive  spirit  of  independence  cnIAP- 
by  giving  dominion  to  property,  and  extended  her  own  ■ — <— 
influence  by  the   sword,  yet,  heaping  up  conquests,  1718' 
adding  island  to  continent,  crushing  nationalities,  offer- 
ing a  shrine  to  strange  gods,  and  citizenship  to  every 
vanquished  people,  she  extended  over  a  larger  empire 
the  benefits  of  fixed  principles  of  law,  and  a  cosmo- 
politan polytheism  prevailed  as  the  religion  of  the 

To  have  asserted  clearly  the  unity  of  mankind 
was  the  distinctive  glory  of  the  Christian  religion. 
No  more  were  the  nations  to  be  severed  by  the  wor- 
ship of  exclusive  deities.  The  world  was  instructed 
that  all  men  are  of  one  blood ;  that  for  all  there  is 
but  one  divine  nature  and  but  one  moral  law;  and 
the  renovating  faith  taught  the  singleness  of  the  race, 
of  which  it  embodied  the  aspirations  and  guided  the 

The  tribes  of  Northern  Europe,  emerging  freshly 
from  the  wild  nurseries  of  nations,  opened  new  re- 
gions to  culture,  commerce,  and  refinement.  The 
beams  of  the  majestic  temple,  which  antiquity  had 
reared  to  its  many  gods,  were  already  falling  in ; 
the  roving  invaders,  taking  to  their  hearts  the  rege- 
nerating creed,  became  its  intrepid  messengers,  and 
bore  its  symbols  even  to  Iceland  and  Siberia. 

Still  nearer  were  the  relations  of  the  connected 
world,  when  an  enthusiast  reformer,  glowing  with 
selfish  ambition,  and  angry  at  the  hollow  forms  of 
Eastern  superstition,  caught  life  in  the  deserts  of 
Arabia,  and  founded  a  system,  whose  emissaries  hur- 
ried lightly  on  the  camel's  back  beyond  pathless 
Bands,  and,  never  diverging  far  from  the  warmer 
zone,  conducted  armies  from  Mecca  to  the  Ganges 


CEi^p'  and  the  Ebro.     How  did  the  two  systems  animate 

— «— '  all  the  continents  of  the  Old  World  to  combat  for 

the  sepulchre  of  Christ,  till  Europe,  from  Spain  to 

Scandinavia,  came  into  conflict  and  intercourse  with 

the  South  and  East,  from  Morocco  to  Hindostan ! 

In  due  time  appeared  the  mariner  from  Genoa. 
To  Columbus  God  gave  the  keys  that  unlock  the 
barriers  of  the  ocean ;  so  that  he  filled  Christendom 
with  his  glory.1  The  voice  of  the  world  had  whis- 
pered to  him  that  the  world  is  one  ;  and  as  he  went 
forth  towards  the  west,  ploughing  a  wave  which  no 
European  keel  had  entered,  it  was  his  high  purpose 
not  merely  to  open  new  paths  to  islands  or  to  con- 
tinents, but  to  bring  together  the  ends  of  the  earth, 
and  join  all  nations  in  commerce  and  spiritual  life. 

While  the  world  of  mankind  is  accomplishing  its 
nearer  connection,  it  is  also  advancing  in  the  power  of 
its  intelligence.  The  possession  of  reason  is  the  en- 
gagement for  that  progress  of  which  history  keeps 
the  record.  The  faculties  of  each  individual  mind 
are  limited  in  their  development ;  the  reason  of  the 
whole2  strives  for  perfection,  has  been  restlessly  form- 
ing itself  from  the  first  moment  of  human  existence, 
and  has  never  met  bounds  to  its  capacity  for  improve- 
ment. The  generations  of  men  are  not  like  the 
leaves  on  the  trees,  which  fall  and  renew  themselves 
without  melioration  or  change ;  individuals  disappear 
like  the  foliage  and  the  flowers ;  the  existence  of  our 
kind  is  continuous,  and  its  ages  are  reciprocally  de- 
pendent.    Were  it  not  so,  there  would  be  no  great 

1   Columbus  to  Ferdinand  and    nen  Geschichte  in  Weltbiirgerlicher 
Isabella  on  his  fourth  voyage.  Ansicht.    Saniintliche  Werke.  vii^ 

8  Kant's  Idee  zu  einer  allgemei-    i.  319. 


tmtlis   inspiring  action,  no    laws   regulating  human  cn1Ali 
achievements  ;    the   movement  of  the    living  world  *— v** 
would  be  as  the  ebb  and1  flow  of  the  ocean  ;  and  the  1748- 
mind  would  no  more  be  touched  by  the  visible  agen- 
cy of  Providence  in   human   affairs.      In  the  lower 
creation,  instinct  is  always  equal  to  itself ;  the  beaver 
builds  his  hut,  the  bee  his  cell,  without  an  acquisition 
of  thought,  or  an  increase  of  skill.     "  By  a  particular 
prerogative,"  as  Pascal  has  written,  "  not  only  each 
man  advances  daily  in  the  sciences,  but  all  men  unit- 
edly make  a  never-ceasing  progress  in  them,  as  the 
universe  grows  older ;  so  that  the  whole  succession  of 
human  beings,   during  the  course  of  so  many  ages, 
ought  to  be  considered  as  one  identical   man,  who 
subsists  always,  and  who  learns  without  end." 

It  is  this  idea  of  continuity  which  gives  vitality  to 
history.  No  period  of  time  has  a  separate  being ;  no 
public  opinion  can  escape  the  influence  of  previous  in- 
telligence. We  are  cheered  by  rays  from  former  cen- 
turies, and  live  in  the  sunny  reflection  of  all  their 
light.  What  though  thought  is  invisible,  and  even 
when  effective,  seems  as  transient  as  the  wind  that 
raised  the  cloud  ?  It  is  yet  free  and  indestructible ; 
can  as  little  be  bound  in  chains  as  the  aspiring  flame ; 
and,  when  once  generated,  takes  eternity  for  its  guar- 
dian. We  are  the  children  and  the  heirs  of  the  past, 
with  which,  as  with  the  future,  we  are  indissolubly 
linked  together ;  and  he  that  truly  has  sympathy 
with  every  thing  belonging  to  man,  will,  with  his  toils 
for  posterity,  blend  affection  for  the  times  that  are 
gone  by,  and  seek  to  live  in  the  vast  life  of  the  ages.1 
It  is  by  thankfully  recognising  those  ages  as  a  part 

1  Vivre  dans  la  grande  vie  des  stecles. 



chap.  0£  ^.]ie  grea^  existence  in  which  we  share,  that  his- 
tory wins  power  to  move  the  soul.  She  comes  to  us 
with  tidings  of  that  which  •  for  us  still  lives,  of  that 
which  has  become  the  life  of  our  life.  She  embalms 
and  preserves  for  us  the  life-blood,  not  of  master- 
spirits only,  but  of  generations  of  the  race. 

And  because  the  idea  of  improvement  belongs  to 
that  of  continuous  being,  history  is,  of  all  pursuits,  the 
most  cheering.  It  throws  a  halo  of  delight  and  hope 
even  over  the  sorrows  of  humanity,  and  finds  promises 
of  joy  among  the  ruins  of  empires  and  the  graves  of 
nations.  It  sees  the  footsteps  of  Providential  Intelli- 
gence every  where ;  and  hears  the  gentle  tones  of  his 
voice  in  the  hour  of  tranquillity ; 

"  Nor  God  alone  in  the  still  calm  we  find ; 

He  mounts  the  storm  and  walks  upon  the  wind." 

Institutions  may  crumble  and  governments  fall,  but 
it  is  only  that  they  may  renew  a  better  youth,  and 
mount  upwards  like  the  eagle.  The  petals  of  the  flow- 
er wither,  that  fruit  may  form.1  The  desire  of  per- 
fection, springing  always  from  moral  power,  rules  even 
the  sword,  and  escapes  unharmed  from  the  field  of 
carnage ;  giving  to  battles  all  that  they  can  have  of 
lustre,  and  to  warriors  their  only  glory;  surviving 
martyrdoms,  and  safe  amid  the  wreck  of  states.  On 
the  banks  of  the  stream  of  time,  not  a  monument  has 
been  raised  to  a  hero  or  a  nation,  but  tells  the  tale 
and  renews  the  hope  of  improvement.  Each  people 
that  has  disappeared,  every  institution  that  has  pass- 
ed away,  has  been  but  a  step  in  the  ladder  by  which 
humanity  ascends  towards  the  perfecting  of  its  nature. 

1  Kant's  Werke. 


And  how  has  it  always  been  advancing;  to  the  just 
judgments  of  the  past,  adding  the  discoveries  of  succes- 
sive ages!  The  generations  that  hand  the  torch  of 
truth  along  the  lines  of  time,  themselves  become  dust 
and  ashes ;  but  the  light  still  increases  its  ever-burning 
flame,  and  is  fed  more  and  more  plenteously  with  con- 
secrated oil.1  How  is  progress  manifest  in  religion, 
from  the  gross  symbols  of  the  East  to  the  sublime 
philosophy  of  Greece,  from  the  Fetichism  of  the  sav- 
age to  the  Polytheism  of  Rome ;  from  the  multiplied 
forms  of  ancient  superstition  and  the  lovely  represen- 
tations of  deities  in  stone,  to  the  clear  conception  of 
the  unity  of  divine  power,  and  the  idea  of  the  pres- 
ence of  God  in  the  soul !  How  has  mind,  in  its  inqui- 
sitive freedom,  taught  man  to  employ  the  elements  as 
mechanics  do  their  tools,  and  already,  in  part,  at  least, 
made  him  the  master  and  possessor  of  nature  !2  How 
has  knowledge  not  only  been  increased,  but  diffused ! 
How  has  morality  been  constantly  tending  to  subdue 
the  supremacy  of  brute  force,  to  refine  passion,  to  en- 
rich literature  with  the  varied  forms  of  pure  thought 
and  delicate  feeling!  How  has  social  life  been  im- 
proved, and  every  variety  of  toil  in  the  field  and  in 
the  workshop  been  ennobled  by  the  willing  industry 
of  freemen !  How  has  humanity  been  growing  con- 
scious of  its  unity  and  watchful  of  its  own  develop- 
ment, till  public  opinion,  bursting  the  bonds  of  nation- 
ality, knows  itself  to  be  the  spirit  of  the  world,  in 
its  movement  on  the  tide  of  thought  from  generation 
to  generation ! 

1  Milton's    Animadversions   np-  *  Descartes.    Discours  de  la  Me- 

on  the  Remonstrants'  Defence.  "  O  thode.   Sixieme  Partie.   (Euvres  i. 

tliou   that  hast  the  seven  stars,"  192. 
&(.     &c. 



chap.  From  the  intelligence  that  had  been  slowly  ripen- 
ing in  the  mind  of  cultivated  humanity,  sprung  the 
American  Revolution,  which  was  designed  to  organize 
social  union  through  the  establishment  of  personal 
freedom,  and  thus  emancipate  the  nations  from  all 
authority  not  flowing  from  themselves.  In  the  old 
civilization  of  Europe,  power  moved  from  a  superior  to 
inferiors  and  subjects ;  a  priesthood  transmitted  a 
common  faith,  from  which  it  would  tolerate  no  dis- 
sent ;  the  government  esteemed  itself,  by  compact  01 
by  divine  right,  invested  with  sovereignty,  dispensing 
protection  and  demanding  allegiance.  But  a  new 
principle,  far  mightier  than  the  church  and  state  of 
the  Middle  Ages,  was  forcing  itself  into  power.  Suc- 
cessions of  increasing  culture  and  heroes  in  the  world 
of  thought  had  conquered  for  mankind  the  idea  of  the 
freedom  of  the  individual ;  the  creative  but  long  latent 
energy  that  resides  in  the  collective  reason  was  next  to 
be  revealed.  From  this  the  state  was  to  emerge,  like 
the  fabled  spirit  of  beauty  and  love  out  of  the  foam 
of  the  ever- troubled  ocean.  It  was  the  office  of  Ame- 
rica to  substitute  for  hereditary  privilege  the  natural 
equality  of  man ;  for  the  irresponsible  authority  of  a 
sovereign,  a  dependent  government  emanating  from 
the  concord  of  opinion ;  and  as  she  moved  forward  in 
her  high  career,  the  multitudes  of  every  clime  gazed 
towards  her  example  with  hopes  of  untold  happiness, 
and  all  the  nations  of  the  earth  sighed  to  be  renewed. 
The  American  Revolution,  of  which  I  write  the 
history,  essaying  to  unfold  the  principles  which  or- 
ganized its  events,  and  bound  to  keep  faith  with  the 
ashes  of  its  heroes,  was  most  radical  in  its  character, 
yet  achieved  with  such  benign  tranquillity,  that  even 
conservatism  hesitated  to  censure.     A  civil  war  armed 


men  of  the  same  ancestry  against  each  other,  yet  for  CHAP- 
the  advancement  of  the  principles  of  everlasting  peace  *— > — 
and  universal  brotherhood.  A  new  plebeian  demo-  '  • 
cracy  took  its  place  by  the  side  of  the  proudest  em- 
pires. Religion  was  disenthralled  from  civil  institu- 
tions. Thought  obtained  for  itself  free  utterance  by 
speech  and  by  the  press.  Industry  was  commissioned 
to  follow  the  bent  of  its  own  genius.  The  system  of 
commercial  restrictions  between  states  was  reprobated 
and  shattered ;  and  the  oceans  were  enfranchised  for 
every  peaceful  keel.  International  law  was  humanized 
and  softened ;  and  a  new,  milder  and  more  just  mari- 
time code  was  concerted  and  enforced.  The  trade  in 
slaves  was  branded  and  restrained.  The  home  of  the 
language  of  Bacon  and  Milton,  of  Chatham  and  Wash- 
ington, became  so  diffused,  that  in  every  zone,  and  almost 
in  every  longitude,  childhood  lisps  the  English  as  its 
mother  tongue.  The  equality  of  all  men  was  declared  ; 
personal  freedom  secured  in  its  complete  individuality , 
and  common  consent  recognised  as  the  only  just  origin 
of  fundamental  laws,  so  that  the  people  in  thirteen 
separate  states,  with  ample  territory  for  creating  more, 
each  formed  its  own  political  institutions.  By  the 
side  of  the  principle  of  the  freedom  of  the  individual 
and  the  freedom  of  the  separate  states,  the  noblest 
work  of  human  intellect  was  consummated  in  a  federa- 
tive union.  And  that  union  put  away  every  motive 
to  its  destruction,  by  insuring  to  each  successive  gene- 
ration the  right  to  better  its  constitution,  according  to 
the  increasing  intelligence  of  the  living  people. 

Astonishing  deeds,  throughout  the  world,  attended 
these  changes.  Armies  fought  in  the  wilderness  for 
rule  over  the  solitudes  which  were  to  be  the  future 
dwelling-place  of  millions.     Navies  hunted  each  other 


chap,  through  every  sea,  engaging  in  battle  now  near  the 
^r^-'  region  of  icebergs,  now  among  the  islands  of  the  tro 
■  pics.  Inventive  art  was  summoned  to  make  war  more 
destructive,  and  to  signalize  sieges  by  new  miracles  of 
ability  and  daring.  Africa  was  invaded  and,  in  part, 
appropriated  by  rival  nations  of  white  men.  Asia 
was  subjected  to  the  influence  and  dominion  of  the 
higher  culture  of  Europe,  and  an  adventurous  com- 
pany of  British  traders  succeeded  by  conquest  to  the 
empire  of  the  Great  Mogul. 

For  America,  the  period  abounded  in  new  forms  of 
virtue  and  greatness.  Fidelity  to  principle  pervaded 
the  masses.  An  unorganized  people  of  their  own 
free  will  suspended  commerce  by  universal  assent. 
Poverty  rejected  bribes.  Heroism,  greater  than 
that  of  chivalry,  burst  into  action  from  lowly 
men.  Citizens,  with  their  families,  fled  from  their 
homes  and  wealth  in  towns,  rather  than  yield  to  op- 
pression. Battalions  sprung  up  in  a  night  from  spon- 
taneous patriotism.  Where  eminent  statesmen  hesita- 
ted, the  instinctive  action  of  the  multitude  revealed 
the  counsels  of  magnanimity.  Youth  and  genius  gave 
up  life  freely  for  the  liberties  of  mankind.  A  nation 
without  union,  without  magazines  and  arsenals,  without 
a  treasury,  without  credit,  without  government,  fought 
successfully  against  the  whole  strength  and  wealth  of 
Great  Britain.  An  army  of  veteran  soldiers  capitula- 
ted to  insurgent  husbandmen. 

The  world  could  not  watch  with  indifference  the 
spectacle.  The  oldest  aristocracy  of  France,  the  proud- 
est nobles  of  Poland,  the  bravest  hearts  of  Germany, 
sent  their  representatives  to  act  as  the  peers  of  plebe- 
ians, to  die  gloriously,  or  to  live  beloved,  as  the  cham- 
pions  of  humanity  and  freedom.      Russia  and   the 



northern  nations  protected  the  young  republic  by  an  c^p. 
armed  neutrality ;  while  the  catholic  and  feudal  mon- 
archies of  France  and  Spain,  children  of  the  Middle 
Age,  were  wonderfully  swayed  to  open  the  gates 
of  futurity  to  the  new  empire  of  democracy;  so 
that,  in  human  affairs,  God  never  showed  more  vis- 
ibly his  gracious  providence  and  love. 

Yet  the  thirteen  colonies,  in  whom  was  involved, 
the  futurity  of  our  race,  were  feeble  settlements  in  the 
wilderness,  scattered  along  the  coast  of  a  continent, 
little  connected  with  each  other,  little  heeded  by  their 
metropolis,  almost  unknown  to  the  world.  They  were 
bound  together  only  as  British  America,  that  part  of 
the  Western  hemisphere  which  the  English  mind  had 
appropriated.  England  was  the  mother  of  its  language, 
the  home  of  its  traditions,  the  source  of  its  laws,  and 
the  land  on  which  its  affections  centred.  And  yet  it 
was  an  onset  from  England,  rather  than  an  integral 
part  of  it ;  an  empire  of  itself,  free  from  nobility  and 
prelacy,  not  only  Protestant,  but  by  a  vast  majority 
dissenting  from  the  Church  of  England ;  attracting 
the  commoners  and  plebeian  sects  of  the  parent  coun- 
try, and  rendered  cosmopolitan  by  recruits  from  the 
nations  of  the  European  continent.  By  the  benignity 
of*  the  law,  the  natives  of  other  lands  were  received  as 
citizens ;  and  political  liberty,  as  a  birthright,  was  the 
talisman,  that  harmoniously  blended  all  differences 
and  inspired  a  new  public  life,  dearer  than  their  native 
tongue,  their  memories  and  their  kindred.  Dutch, 
French,  Swede  and  German,  renounced  their  national- 
ity, to  claim  the  rights  of  Englishmen. 

The  extent  of  those  rights,  as  held  by  the  colo- 
nists, had  never  been  precisely  ascertained.     Of  all 



the  forms  of  civil  government  of  which  they  had  ever 
heard  or  read,  no  one  appeared  to  them  so  well  calcu- 
lated to  preserve  liberty,  and  to  secure  all  the  most 
valuable  advantages  of  civil  society  as  the  English  j1 
and  of  this  happy  constitution  of  the  mother  country, 
which  it  was  usual  to  represent,  and  almost  to  adore, 
as  designed  to  approach  perfection,2  they  held  their 
own  to  be  a  copy,  or  rather  an  improvement,  with  ad- 
ditional privileges  not  enjoyed  by  the  common  people 
there.3  The  elective  franchise  was  more  equally  dif- 
fused ;  there  were  no  decayed  boroughs,  or  unrepre- 
sented towns;  representation,  which  was  universal, 
conformed  more  nearly  to  population ;  in  colonies 
which  contained  more  than  half  the  inhabitants,  the 
legislative  assembly  was  chosen  annually  and  by  bal- 
lot, and  the  time  for  convening  the  legislature  was 
fixed  by  a  fundamental  law ;  the  civil  list  in  every 
colony  but  one  was  voted  annually,  and  annually  sub- 
jected to  scrutiny  ;  appropriations  of  money  often,  for 
greater  security  against  corruption  and  waste,  included 
the  nomination  and  appointment  of  the  agents  who 
were  to  direct  the  expenditures ;  municipal  liberties 
were  more  independent  and  more  extensive ;  in  none 
of  the  colonies  was  there  an  ecclesiastical  court,  and  in 
most  of  them  there  was  no  established  church  or  reli- 
gious test  of  capacity  for  office  ;  the  cultivator  of  the 
soil  was  for  the  most  part  a  freeholder ;  in  all  the 
continent  the  people  possessed  arms,  and  the  able-bo- 
died men  were  enrolled  and  trained  to  their  use ;  so 
that  in  America  there  was  more  of  personal  indepen- 
dence and  far  more  of  popular  power  than  in  England 

1  Writings  of  Samael  Adams  in    mentaries,  book  i.  c.  i.  §  v.  Note  12. 
1748.  8   Writings  of  Samuel  Adams  in 

a   Compare    Blackstone's  Com-     1748. 


This  colonial  superiority,  which  had  grown  from  m*Tt 
sufferance  and  from  circumstances,  was  a  subject  of  in-  ^ — ■ 
cessant  complaint  on  the  part  of  the  officers  of  the  1748« 
crown,  upon  whose  struggles  the  metropolis  might 
cease  to  look  with  indifference ;  the  relations  of  the 
colonies  to  Great  Britain,  whether  to  the  king  or  to 
the  parliament,  were  still  more  vague  and  undefined. 
They  were  planted  under  grants  from  the  crown,  and, 
to  the  last,  the  king  in  council  was  their  highest 
court  of  appeal ;  yet,  while  the  court  lawyers  of  the 
seventeenth  century  asserted  for  the  king  unlimited 
legislative  authority  in  the  plantations,  the  colonies 
set  bounds  to  the  royal  prerogative,. either  through  the 
charters  which  the  crown  was  induced  to  grant,  or  by 
the  traditionary  principles  of  English  liberty,  or  by  the 
innate  energy,  which,  aided  by  distance,  fearlessly  as- 
sumed self-direction. 

The  method  adopted  in  England  for  superintend- 
ing American  affairs,  by  means  of  a  Board  of  Commis- 
sioners for  Trade  and  Plantations,  who  had  neither  a 
voice  in  the  deliberation  of  the  cabinet  nor  access  to 
the  king,  tended  to  involve  the  colonies  in  ever- 
increasing  confusion.  The  Board  framed  instructions 
without  power  to  enforce  them,  or  to  propose  measures 
for  their  efficiency.  It  took  cognizance  of  all  events, 
and  might  investigate,  give  information,  or  advise;1 
but  it  had  no  authority  to  form  an  ultimate  decision  on 
any  political  question  whatever.  In  those  days  there 
were  two  secretaries  of  state  charged  with  the  manage- 
ment of  the  foreign  relations  of  Great  Britain.  The 
executive  power  with  regard  to  the  colonies  was 
reserved  to   the   Secretary  of   State,   who   had  the 

*  Chalmers's  Political  Annals  of    chap.  iii.  236.   Opinions  of  Eminent 
the   United    Colonies.       Book   ii.,    Lawyers ;  Preface  viii.,  ix. 
vol.  iv.  2 



CHIAP-  care  of  what  was  called  the  Southern  Department, 
^~v~^  which  included  the  -conduct  of  all  relations  with  the 
Spanish  peninsula  and  France.  The  Board  of  Trade, 
framed  originally  to  restore  the  commerce  and  en- 
courage the  fisheries  of  the  metropolis,  was  compell- 
ed to  hear  complaints  from  the  executive  officers  in 
America,  to  issue  instructions  to  them,  and  to  receive 
and  consider  all  acts  of  the  colonial  legislatures; 
but  it  had  no  final  responsibility  for  the  system  of 
American  policy  that  might  be  adopted.  Hence  from 
their  very  feebleness  the  Lords  of  Trade  were  ever 
ready  to  express  their  impatience  at  contradiction; 
easily  grew  vexed  at  disobedience  to  their  orders; 
and  were  much  inclined  to  suggest  the  harshest  me- 
thods of  coercion,  knowing  that  their  petulance  would 
exhale  itself  in  official  papers,  unless  it  should  touch 
the  pride  or  waken  the  resentment  of  the  responsible 
minister,  the  crown  and  parliament. 

The  effect  of  their  recommendations  would  depend 
on  the  character  of  the  person  who  might  happen  to 
be  the  Secretary  of  State  for  the  South,  and  on  his 
influence  with  the  parliament  and  the  king.  A  long 
course  of  indecision  had  hitherto  multiplied  the  ques- 
tions, on  which  the  demands  and  the  customary  pro- 
cedure of  the  colonies  were  utterly  at  variance  with 
the  maxims  that  prevailed  at  the  Board  of  Trade. 

In  April,  1Y24,  the  seals  for  the  Southern  Depart- 
ment and  the  colonies  had  been  intrusted  to  the  Duke 
of  Newcastle.  His  advancement  by  Sir  Robert  Wal- 
pole,  who  shunned  men  of  talents  as  latent  rivals,  was 
owing  to  his  rank,  wealth,  influence  over  boroughs, 
and  personal  imbecility.  For  nearly  four-and-twenty 
years  he  remained  minister  for  British  America ;  yet 


to  the  last,  the  statesman,  who  was  deeply  versed  in  CH^P' 
the  statistics  of  elections,  knew  little  of  the  continent  ' — r~~ 
of  which  he  was  the  guardian.     He  addressed  letters,  1748« 
it  used  to  be  confidently  said,  to  "  the  island  of  New 
England "!  and  could  not  tell  but  that  Jamaica  was 
in  the  Mediterranean.2     Heaps  of  colonial  memorials 
and  letters  remained  unread  in  his  office  ;  and  a  paper 
was   almost  sure  of  neglect,  unless  some   agent  re- 
mained with   him  to  see  it  opened.3      His  frivolous 
nature  could  never  glow  with    affection,  or  grasp  a 
great  idea,  or  analyse  complex  relations.     After  long 
research,  I  cannot  find   that  he  ever  once  attended 
seriously  to  an  American  question,  or  had  a  clear  con- 
ception of  one  American  measure. 

The  power  of  the  House  of  Commons  in  Great 
Britain,  rested  on  its  exclusive  right  to  grant  annually 
the  supplies  necessary  for  carrying  on  the  govern- 
ment ;  thus  securing  the  ever-recurring  opportunity  of 
demanding  the  redress  of  wrongs.  The  strength  of 
the  people  in  America  consisted  also  in  the  exclusive 
right  of  its  assemblies  to  levy  and  to  appropriate  co- 
lonial taxes.  In  England,  the  king  obtained  a  civil 
list  for  life ;  in  America,  the  rapacity  of  the  governors 
made  it  expedient  to  preserve  their  dependence  for 
their  salaries  on  annual  grants,  of  which  the  amount 
was  regulated,  from  year  to  year,  by  a  consideration 
of  the  merits  of  the  officer,  as  well  as  the  opulence  of 
the  province.  It  was  easy  for  the  governors  to  ob- 
tain of  their  patrons  in  the  ministry  instructions  to 
demand  peremptorily  a  large,  settled  and  permanent 
support;  but  the  assemblies  treated  the  instructions 

1  James  Otis  on   the  Rights  of  ten  years  of  the  reign  of  George  II. 

the  Colonies.    MS.  Letter  of  J.  Q.  8  Memoires,  &c,  i.  343.     Gov. 

Adams.  Clinton,  of  New- York,  to  tne  Earl 

8  Walpole's  Memoires  of  the  last  of  Lincoln,  April,  1748. 


chap.  as  binding  only  on  executive  officers,  and  claimed  an 
- — , —  uncontrolled  freedom  of  deliberation  and  decision. 
1748.  *j<0  remove  the  inconsistency,  the  king  must  pay  his  offi- 
cers from  an  independent  fund,  or  change  his  instruc- 
tions. Newcastle  did  neither.  He  continued  the  in- 
structions, which  he  privately  consented  should  be 
broken.  Often  arbitrary  from  thoughtlessness,  he  had 
no  system,  except  to  weaken  opposition  by  bestowing 
office  on  its  leaders.  He  was  himself  free  from  ava- 
rice ;  but  having  the  patronage  of  a  continent,  in  co- 
lonies where  consummate  discretion  and  ability  were 
required,  he  would  gratify  his  connections  in  the  aris- 
tocratic families  of  England  by  intrusting  the  royal 
prerogative  to  men  of  broken  fortunes,  dissolute  and 
ignorant,  too  vile  to  be  employed  near  home ;  so  that 
America  became  the  hospital  of  Great  Britain  for  its 
decayed  members  of  parliament,  and  abandoned  cour- 
tiers.1 Of  such  officers  the  conduct  was  sure  to  pro- 
voke jealous  distrust,  and  to  justify  perpetual  oppo- 
sition. But  Newcastle  was  satisfied  with  distributing: 
places ;  and  acquiesced  with  indifference  in  the  policy 
of  the  colonists,  to  keep  the  salaries  of  all  officers  of 
the  crown  dependent  on  the  annual  deliberations  of 
the  legislature.  Placed  between  the  Lords  of  Trade, 
who  issued  instructions,  and  the  cabinet,  which  alone 
could  propose  measures  to  enforce  them,  he  served  as 
a  non-conductor  to  the  angry  zeal  of  the  former,  whose 
places,  under  such  a  secretary,  became  more  and  more 
nearly  sinecures  ;  while  America,  neglected  in  Eng- 
land, and  rightly  resisting  her  rulers,  went  on  her 
way  rejoicing  towards  freedom  and  independence. 
Disputes  accumulated  with  every  year ;  but  New- 

1  Huske  to  a  Friend,  inclosed    Jan.  1758,  in  Phillimore's  Memoirs 
in  Lyttelton  to  Ms  Brother,  30th    of  Lord  Lyttelton,  ii.  604. 


castle  temporized  to  the  last,  and  in  February,  1748,  CHA1> 

on  the  resignation  of  the  Earl  of  Chesterfield,  he  es-  ■ — . — ■ 

eaped  from  the  embarrassments  of  American  affairs  17t8- 
by  taking  the  seals   for  the  Northern   Department. 
Those  of  the  Southern,  which  included  the  colonies, 
were  intrusted  to  the  Duke  of  Bedford. 

The  new  secretary  was  "  a  man  of  inflexible  hon- 
esty and  good-will  to  his  country,"  "  untainted  by 
duplicity  or  timidity."  His  abilities  were  not  bril- 
liant ;  but  his  inheritance  of  the  rank  and  fortune  of 
his  elder  brother  gave  him  political  consideration. 
In  1744,  he  had  entered  the  Pelham  ministry  as  First 
Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  bringing  with  him  to  that 
board  George  Grenville  and  the  Earl  of  Sandwich. 
In  that  station  his  orders  to  Warren  contributed 
essentially  to  the  conquest  of  Louisburg.  Thus  his 
attention  was  drawn  to  the  New  World  as  the  scene 
of  his  own  glory.  In  the  last  war  he  had  cherished 
"the  darling  project"  ot  conquering  Canada^  and 
u  the  great  and  practicable  views  for  America "  were 
said  by  Pitt  to  have  "  sprung  from  him  alone."  Proud 
of  his  knowledge  of  trade,  and  accustomed  to  speak 
readily  on  almost  every  subject,  he  entered  without 
distrust  on  the  administratior  of  a  continent. 

Of  the  two  dukes,  who,  at  this  epoch  of  the  culmi- 
nating power  of  the  aristocracy,  guided  the  external 
policy  of  England,  each  hastened  the  independence  of 
America.  Newcastle,  who  was  childless,  depended 
on  office  for  all  his  pleasure  ; — Bedford,  though  some- 
times fond  of  place,  was  too  proud  to  covet  it  always. 
Newcastle  had  no  passion  but  business,  which  he  con- 
ducted in  a  fretful  hurry,  and  never  finished ; — the 
graver  Bedford,  though  fond  of  "  theatricals  and  jol- 


22  THE   AMEBIC  AN  ke volution. 

lity,"1  was  yet  capable  of  persevering  in  a  system, 
Newcastle  was  of  "  so  fickle  a  head,  and  so  treacher- 
ous a  heart,"  that  Walpole  called  his  "name  Perfidy;"2 
Henry  Fox,  the  first  Lord  Holland,  said,  "  he  had  no 
friends,  and  deserved  none;"  and  Lord  Halifax  used 
to  revile  him,  in  the  strongest  terms,  as  "  a  knave  and  a 
fool ;" 8  he  was  too  unstable  to  be  led  by  others,  and, 
from  his  own  instinct  about  majorities,  shifted  his  sails 
as  the  wind  shifted ; — Bedford,  who  was  bold  and  un- 
bending, and  would  do  nothing  but  what  he  himself 
thought  "  indisputably  right,"  was  "  always  governed," 
and  was  also  "immeasurably  obstinate  in  an  opin- 
ion once  received;"4  being  "the  most  ungovernable 
governed  man  in  England,"5  and  the  most  faithful  to 
the  vulgar  and  dissolute  "bandits"  who  formed  his 
political  connection.  Neither  was  cruel  or  revenge- 
ful ;  but  while  the  one  "  had  no  rancor  or  ill-nature," 
and  no  enmities  but  freaks  of  petulance,  the  other 
carried  decision  into  his  attachments  and  his  feuds. 
Newcastle,  with  no  elevation  of  mind,  no  dignity  of 
manner,  lavished  promises,  familiar  caresses,  tears  and 
kisses,6  and  cringing  professions  of  regard  with  prodi- 
gal hypocrisy ;  —  Bedford,  whose  hardy  nature  knew 
no  wiles,  was  too  haughty  to  practise  even  conceal- 
ment, and  was  blunt,  unabashed,  and,  without  being 
aware  of  it,  rudely  impetuous,  even  in  the  presence  of 
his  sovereign.  Newcastle  was  jealous  of  rivals;  — 
Bedford  was  impatient  of  contradiction.  Newcastle 
was  timorous  without  caution,  and  rushed  into  diffi- 

1  Pelham  to  Newcastle  in  Coxe's  3  Bubb  Dodington's  Diary,  20G. 
Pclham  Administration,  ii.  365.  4  Walpole's  Memoires  of  George 

2  Lord  John  Russell's  Introduc-  II.,  i.  162. 

tion  to  the  Bedford  Correspondence,  6  Henry  Fox,  Lord  Holland. 

L  xxvi.  6  Dodington's  Diary,  149. 


culties  which  he  evaded  by  indecision ;  —  the  fearless,  CU^F- 

positive,  uncompromising  Bedford,  energetic  without  ' — . — • 
sagacity,  and  stubborn  with  but  a  narrow  range  of  1748* 
thought,  scorned  to  shun  deciding  upon  any  question 
that  might  arise,  grew  choleric  at  resistance,  could 
not  or  would  not  foresee  obstacles,  and  was  known 
throughout  America  as  ever  ready  at  all  hazards  to 
vindicate  authority. 



1748— 1749. 

The  sun  of  July,  1748,  shed  its  radiance  on  the 
banks  of  the  Hudson.  The  unguarded  passes  of  its 
1748.  Highlands  derived  as  yet  no  interest,  but  from  the 
majestic  wildness  that  enhanced  the  grandeur  of 
their  forms.  The  shadows  of  the  mountains,  as  they 
bent  from  their  silent  repose  to  greet  the  infrequent 
bark  that  spread  its  sails  to  the  froward  summer 
breeze,  were  deepened  by  dense  forests,  which  came 
down  the  hill-sides  to  the  very  edges  of  the  river. 
The  masses  of  verdant  woodland  were  but  rarely  bro- 
ken by  openings  round  the  houses  of  a  thinly  scatter- 
ed tenantry,  and  by  the  solitary  mansions  of  the  few 
proprietaries,  who,  under  lavish  royal  grants,  claim- 
ed manors  of  undefined  extent,  and  even  whole  coun- 
ties for  their  inheritance.  Through  these  scenes, 
George  Clinton,  an  unlettered  British  admiral,  who, 
being  closely  connected  with  the  Duke  of  Newcastle 
and  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  had  been  sent  to  America 
to  mend  his  fortunes  as  governor  of  New  York,  was 
making  his  way  towards  Albany,  where  the  friendship 
of  the  Six  Nations  was  to  be  confirmed  by  a  joint 


treaty  between  their  chiefs   and  the  commissioners  C1J£P 
from   several    colonies,    and    the    encroachments   of 
France  -were  to  be  circumscribed  by  a  concert  for 

As  his  barge  emerged  from  the  Highlands,  it  near- 
ed1  the  western  bank  to  receive  on  board  Cadwallader 
Golden,  the  oldest  member  of  the  royal  council. 
How  often  had  the  governor  and  his  advisers  joined 
in  deploring  "the  levelling  principles2  of  the  people 
of  New  York  and  the  neighboring  colonies;"  "the 
tendencies  of  American  legislatures  to  independence  f 
their  unwarrantable  presumption  in  "  declaring  their 
own  rights  and  privileges;"  their  ambitious  efforts 
"to  wrest  the  administration  from  the  king's  offi- 
cers," by  refusing  fixed  salaries,  and  compelling  the 
respective  governors  to  annual  capitulations  for  their 
support!  How  had  they  conspired  to  dissuade  the 
English  government  from  countenancing  the  opulent 
James  Delancey,  then  the  Chief  Justice  of  the  Pro- 
vince and  the  selfish  and  artful  leader  of  the  opposi- 
tion !  "  The  inhabitants  of  the  plantations,"  they  re- 
iterated to  one  another  and  to  the  ministry,  "  are  gen- 
erally educated  in  republican  principles ;  upon  repub- 
lican principles  all  is  conducted.  Little  more  than  a 
shadow  of  royal  authority  remains  in  the  Northern 
Colonies." 3  Very  recently  the  importunities  of  Clinton 
had  offered  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  "  the  dilemma  of 
supporting  the  governor's  authority,  or  relinquishing 
power  to  a  popular  faction."     "  It  will  be  impossible," 

1  Clinton  to  the  Duke  of  Bed-  8  MS.  Memorial  prepared  as  a  reply- 
ford,  15  August,  1748.  to  the  Representation  of  the  New 

*  Clinton  to  Colden,  11  March,  York  Assembly  of  19  May,  1747. 

174-8.  Colden  to  Clinton,  21  March,  Journals  of  N.  Y.  Assembly,  ii.  149 

1748.     Colden  to  the  Duke  of  New-  -155. 
castle,  21  March,  1748.    Clinton  to 
Colden,  25  April,  1748. 


C^P*  said  one  of  his  letters,  which  was  then  under  consider- 
— y—   ation1  in  England  before  the  king,  "  to  secure  this  val- 
Juj8    ua^e  province   from  the  enemy,  or  from  a*  faction 
within  it,  without  the  assistance  of  regular  troops, 
,     two  thousand  men  at  least.     There  never  was  so  mucb 
silver  in  the  country  as  at  present,  and  the  inhabit- 
ants never  were  so  expensive  in  their  habits  of  life, 
They,  with  the  southern  colonies,  can  well  discharge 
tins  expense."2 

The  party  of  royalists  who  had  devised  the  con- 
gress, as  subsidiary  to  the  war  between  France  and 
England,  were  overtaken  by  the  news,  that  prelimi- 
naries of  peace  between  the  European  belligerents 
had  been  signed  in  April ;  and  they  eagerly  seized  the 
opportunity  of  returning  tranquillity,  to  form  plans 
for  governing  and  taxing  the  colonies  by  the  supreme 
authority  of  Great  Britain.  A  colonial  revenue, 
through  British  interposition,  was  desired,  for  the 
common  defence  of  America,  and  to  defray  the  civil 
list  in  the  respective  provinces.  Could  an  indepen- 
dent income  be  obtained  for  either  of  these  purposes, 
it  might,  by  degrees,  be  applied  to  both. 

To  the  convention  in  Albany  came  William  Shir- 
ley, already  for  seven  years  governor  of  Massachu- 
setts ;  an  English  lawyer,  artful,  needy,  and  ambitious ; 
a  member  of  the  Church  of  England ;  indifferent  to 
the  laws  and  the  peculiar .  faith  of  the  people  whom 
he  governed,  appointed  originally  to  restore  or  intro- 
duce British  authority,  and  more  relied  upon  than  any 
crown  officer  in  America. 

With  him  appeared  Andrew  Oliver  and  Thomas 

1  Board  of  Trade  to  Clinton,  29        s  Clinton  to  Newcastle,  from  the 
June,  1748.  draught. 



Hutchinson,  both  natives  and  residents  of  Boston,  as 
Commissioners  from  Massachusetts.  Oliver  was  bred  ^~ r- 
at  Harvard  College,  had  solid  learning  and  a  good  ^f8 
knowledge  of  the  affairs  of  the  province,  and  could 
write  well.  Distinguished  for  sobriety  of  conduct, 
and  for  all  the  forms  of  piety,  he  enjoyed  public  con- 
fidence; but  at  heart  he  was  ruled  by  the  love  of 
money ;  and  having  diminished  his  patrimony  by  un- 
successful traffic,  was  greedy  of  the  pecuniary  rewards 
of  office. 

The  complaisant,  cultivated,'  and  truly  intelligent 
Hutchinson  was  now  the  Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Assembly  in  Massachusetts ;  the  most  plausible  and 
the  most  influential,  as  well  as  the  most  ambitious 
man  in  that  colony.  Loving  praise  himself,  he  sooth- 
ed with  obsequious  blandishments  any  one  who  bade 
fair  to  advance  his  ends.  To  the  congregational 
clergy  he  paid  assiduous  deference,  as  one  of  their 
most  serious  and  constant  supporters ;  but  his  conduct 
did  not  flow  from  a  living  faith ;  and  his  pious  life 
and  unfailing  attendance  "  at  meeting,"  were  little  more 
than  a  continuous  flattery.  He  was  one  who  shunned 
uttering  a  direct  falsehood ;  but  he  did  not  scruple  to 
conceal  truth,  to  equivocate,  and  to  deceive.  He 
courted  the  people,  but  from  boyhood,  inwardly  dis- 
liked and  despised  them ;  and  used  their  favor  and 
confidence  only  as  steps  to  his  own  promotion,  fie, 
too,  though  well  educated,  and  of  uncommon  endow- 
ments, and  famed  at  college  as  of  great  promise,  so 
coveted  money,  that  he  became  a  trader  in  his  native 
town,  and  like  others,  smuggled  goods  which  he 
sold  at  retail.  Failing  of  profits  in  mercantile  pur- 
Buits,  he  withdrew  from  business  in  which  he  had  ra- 
ther impaired  his  inheritance,  but  his  ruling  passion 


was  unchanged ;  and  to  gain  property  was  the  most 
ardent  desire  of  his  soul  ;l  so  that  his  avarice  was  the 
great  incentive  to  his  ambition.  He  had  once  been  in 
England  as  agent  of  Massachusetts  at  the  time  when 
the  taxing  America  by  parliament  first  began  to  be 
talked  of,  and  had  thus  had  occasion  to  become  ac- 
quainted with  British  statesmen,  the  maxims  of  the 
Board  of  Trade,  and  the  way  in  which  Englishmen 
reasoned  about  the  colonies.  He  loved  the  land  of 
his  nativity,  and  made  a  study  of  its  laws  and  history ; 
but  he  knew  that  all  considerable  emoluments  of 
office  sprung  not  from  his  frugal  countrymen,  but 
from  royal  favor.  He  was  a  man  of  clear  discern- 
ment, and  where  unbiassed  by  his  own  interests,  he 
preferred  to  do  what  was  right ;  but  his  sordid  nature 
led  him  to  worship  power ;  he  could  stoop  to  solicit 
justice  as  a  boon ;  and  a  small  temptation  not  only 
left  him  without  hardihood  to  resist  oppression,  but 
would  easily  bend  him  to  become  its  instrument.  At 
the  same  time  he  excelled  in  the  art  of  dissimulation, 
and  knew  how  to  veil  his  selfishness  by  the  appear- 
ance of  public  spirit. 

The  congress  at  Albany  was  thronged  beyond  ex- 
ample by  the  many  chiefs  of  the  Six  Nations  and 
their  allies.2  They  resolved  to  have  no  French  with- 
in their  borders,  nor  even  to  send  deputies  to  Canada, 
but  to  leave  to  English  mediation  the  recovery  of 
their  brethren  from  captivity.  It  was  announced, 
that  tribes  of  the  Far  West,  dwelling  on  branches  of 
Eiie  and  the  Ohio,  inclined  to  friendship  ;  and  nearly 
at  that  very  moment  envoys  from  their  villages  w  ere 

1  John  Eliot.    Sub  voce  Hutch-  s  Minutes  of  the  Congress  held 

inson.  at  Albany,  July,  1748. 


at  Lancaster,  solemnizing  a  treaty  of  commerce  with  CI}£P* 
Pennsylvania.1  Returning  peace  was  hailed  as  the 
happy  moment  for  bringing  the  Miamis  and  their 
neighbors  within  the  covenant  chain  of  the  English, 
and  thus,  as  Europeans  reasoned,  extending  British 
jurisdiction  through  Western  New  York  to  the 

The  lighted  calumet  had  been  passed  from  mouth 
to  mouth ;  the  graves  of  the  tawny  heroes,  slain  in 
war,  had  been  so  covered  with  expiating  presents, 
that  their  vengeful  spirits  were  appeased ;  the  wam- 
pum belts  of  confhxned  love  had  been  exchanged; 
when  the  commissioners  of  Massachusetts,  acting  in 
harmony  with  Clinton  and  Shirley,  and  adopting  their 
opinions  and  almost  their  language,  represented  to 
them  in  a  memorial,  that  as  Massachusetts,  New  Hamp- 
shire, and  New- York  were  the  barrier  of  America 
against  the  French,  the  charge  of  defending  their 
frontiers  ought  as  little  to  rest  on  those  provinces,  as 
the  charge  of  defending  any  counties  in  Great  Britain 
on  such  counties  alone ;  that  the  other  governments 
had  been  invited  to  join  in  concerting  measures,  but 
all,  excepting  Connecticut,  had  declined ;  they  there- 
fore urged  an  earnest  application  to  the  king  so  far  to 
interpose,  as  that,  whilst  the  French  were  in  Canada, 
the  remoter  colonies  which  were  not  immediately  . 
exposed,  might  be  obliged  to  contribute  in  a  just  pro- 
portion towards  the  expense  of  protecting  the  inland 
territories  of  New  England  and  New  York.2  "  We,"  Au, 
subjoined  Clinton  and  Shirley,  as  they  forwarded  the 

1  Narrative  of  George  Croghan,  s  Memorial  of  Oliver,  Hutchin- 

M"S.     Causes  of  tlie  alienation  of  son  and  Choate,  through  Clinton 

the   Delaware  and  Shawanese  In-  and  Shirley, 
dians.    56, 126. 


paper  to  the  Board  of  trade,  "  agree  with  the  memo- 
rialists." 1 

The  attitude  of  the  French  justified  cautious 
watchfulness  on  the  part  of  every  officer  of  British 
America.  The  haste  or  the  negligence  of  their  pleni- 
potentiaries at  Aix  la  ChapeUe  had  left  their  boun- 
dary in  America  along  its  whole  fine,  determined 
only  by  the  vague  agreement,  that  it  should  be  as  it 
had  been  before  the  war ;  and  for  a  quarter  of  a 
century  before  the  war,  it  had  never  ceased  to  be  a 
subject  of  altercation.  In  this  wavering  condition  of 
an  accepted  treaty  of  peace  and  an  undetermined 
limit  of  jurisdiction,  each  party  hurried  to  occupy  in 
advance  as  much  territory  as  possible,  without  too 
openly  compromising  their  respective  governments. 
Acadia,  according  to  its  ancient  boundaries,  belonged 
to  Great  Britain ;  but  France  had  always,  even  in  times 
of  profound  peace,2  urgently  declared  that  Acadia  in- 
cluded only  the  peninsula;  before  the  restoration  of 
Cape  Breton,  an  officer  from  Canada  had  occupied  the 
isthmus  between  Baye  Verte  and  the  Bay  of  Funcly ; 
a  small  colony  kept  possession  of  the  mouth  of  the 
St.  John's  River ; 3  and  the  claim  to  the  coast  as  far 
west  as  the  Kennebeck  had  never  been  abandoned.4 

At  the  West,  also,  France  had  uniformly  and 
frankly  claimed  the  whole  basin  of  the  Saint  Law- 

1  Clinton  and   Shirley  to  the  Trade,   2    June,  1749.      Lords   of 

Board  of  Trade,  18  August,  1748,  Trade    to     Bedford,    10     August, 

in  the  collection  of  documents  ob-  1749.  De  Boisherbert,  French  Coin- 

tained  for  the  State  of  New  York,  mandant  at  St.  John's,  to  Colonel 

by  its  agent,  John  Roraeyn  Brod-  Cornwallis,  16  August,  1749.    Corn* 

head.    London  Documents,  xxviii.  wallis   to  Lords  of  Trade,  20  Au- 

68.  gust,  1749. 

8  Representation  of  the  Board  of  4  La  Galissoniere  to  Col.  Masca- 

Trade  to  the  king,  1721.  rene,  15  January,  1749. 

8  Col.  Mascarene  to  the  Board  of 


tence  and  of  the  Mississippi,  and  in  proof  of  its  right-  0I{AP« 
ful  possession  pointed  to  its  castles  at  Crown  Point,  - — . — 
at  Niagara,  among  the  Miamis,  and  within  the  1748, 
borders  of  Louisiana.  Ever  regarding  the  friendship 
of  the  Six  Nations  as  a  bulwark  essential  to  security, 
La  Galissoniere,  the  governor-general  of  Canada,  in- 
sisted on  treating  with  them  as  the  common  allies  of 
the  French  and  English;1  and  proposed  direct  nego- 
tiations with  them  for  liberating  their  captive  war- 
riors. When  Clinton  and  Shirley  claimed  the  delivery 
of  the  Iroquois  prisoners  as  subjects  of  England,  the 
Canadian  governor  denied  their  subjection,  and  sent 
the  letter  to  be  read  to  the  tribes  assembled  round 
the  grand  council-fire  at  Onondaga.  M  We  have  ceded 
our  lands  to  no  one,"  spoke  their  indignant  orator, 
after  due  consultation;  "we  hold  them  of  Heaven 
alone." 2 

Still  further  to  secure  the  affections  of  the  confe- 
deracy, it  was  resolved  to  establish  an  Indian  mission 
on  the  southern  bank  of  the  St.  Lawrence ;  and  the 
self-devoted  Abbe  Francis  Picquet,3  attracted  by  the 
deep  and  safe  harbor,  the  position  at  the  head  of  the 
Rapids,  the  height  and  size  of  the  surrounding  oak 
forests,  the  surpassingly  rich  soil,  selected  Oswegat- 
chie,  now  Ogdensburg,  with  a  view  to  gather  in  a 
village  under  French  supremacy,  so  many  Iroquois 
converts  to  Christianity,  as  would  reconcile  and  bind 
all  their  kindred  to  the  French  alliance.  And  for  the 
more  distant  regions,  orders  were  sent  in  October  to 
the  Commandant  at  Detroit,  to  oppose  every  English 

1  La  Galissoniere  to  Clinton,  25  2  Nov.,  1748.     K  Y.  Paris  Doc 
August,  1748.     Shirley  to  Board  of  x.  8. 

Trade,  28  October,  1748.  3    Documentary   History  of   N. 

2  Acte   Autkentique,   &c.,   &c,  Y.,  i.  423,  &c. 




establishment  on  the  Maumee,  the  Wabash,  and  the 
Ohio,  by  force ;  or,  if  his  strength  was  insufficient,  to 
summon  the  intruder  to  depart,  under  highest  perils 
for  disobedience.1 

Plausible  reasons,  therefore,  existed  for  the  memo- 
rial of  Hutchinson  and  Oliver;  but  the  more  che- 
rished purpose  of  those  who  directed  the  councils  of 
the  Congress  at  Albany,  was  the  secure  enjoyment  of 
the  emoluments  of  office  without  responsibility  to  the 
respective  American  provinces.  "From  past  expe- 
riments," added  Clinton  and  Shirley  jointly,  as  they 
forwarded  the  ostensibly  innocent  petition,  "we  are 
convinced  that  the  colonies  will  never  agree  on  quotas, 
which  must,  therefore,  be  settled  by  royal  instruc- 
tions." 2  "  It  is  necessary  for  us  likewise  to  observe  to 
your  lordships,"  thus  they  proceeded  to  explain  their 
main  design,  "  on  many  occasions  there  has  been  so 
little  regard  paid  in  several  colonies  to  the  royal 
instructions,  that  it  is  requisite  to  think  of  some  me- 
thod to  enforce  them." 3 

What  methods  should  be  followed  to  reduce  a 
factious  colony  had  already  been  settled  by  the 
great  masters  of  English  jurisprudence.  Two  sys- 
tems of  government  had  long  been  at  variance ;  the 
one  founded  on  prerogative,  the  other  on  the  suprema- 
cy of  parliament.  The  first  opinion  had  been  pro- 
fessed by  many  of  the  earlier  lawyers,  who  consider- 
ed the  colonies  as  dependent  on  the  crown  alone. 
Even  after  the  Revolution,  the  chief  justice  at  New 
York,  in  1702,  declared,  that,  "in  the  plantations  the 

1  Journal  de  ce  qui  s'est  pass6,    N.  Y.  London  Doc.  xxviii.,  60. 
&c.     N.  Y.  Paris  Doc.  x.  8  Bayard's  Trial  at  New  York, 

2  Clinton  and  Shirley  to  Board.    1702. 


king  governs  by  his  prerogative  ;,n  and  Sir  John  Holt  CH1^r' 
had  said,  "  Virginia  being  a  conquered  country,  their  *— * — 
law  is  what  the  king  pleases."  But  when,  in  1711,  1748- 
New  York,  during  the  administration  of  Hunter,  was 
left  without  a  revenue,  the  high  powers  of  parlia- 
ment were  the  resource  of  the  ministers;  and  they 
prepared  a  bill,  reciting  the  neglect  of  the  province, 
and  imposing  all  the  taxes  which  had  been  discon- 
tinued by  its  legislature.  Northey  and  Raymond,  the 
attorney  and  the  solicitor  general,  lawyers  of  the 
greatest  authority,  approved  the  measure.1  When,  in 
1724,  a  similar  strife  occurred  between  the  crown 
and  Jamaica,  and  some  held  that  the  king  and  his 
Privy  Council  had  a  right  to  levy  taxes  on  the  in- 
habitants of  that  island,  the  crown  lawyers,  Lord 
Hardwicke,  then  Sir  Philip  Yorke,  and  Sir  Clement 
Wearg,2  made  the  memorable  reply,  that  "  a  colony 
of  English  subjects  cannot  be  taxed  but  by  some 
representative  body  of  their  own,  or  by  the  parlia- 
ment of  England."  That  opinion  impressed  itself 
early  and  deeply  on  the  mind  of  Lord  Mansfield, 
and  in  October,  1744,  when  the  neglect  of  Penn- 
sylvania to  render  aid  in  the  war  had  engaged  the 
attention  of  the  ministry,  Sir  Dudley  Rider  and  Lord 
Mansfield,  then  William  Murray,  declared,  that  "a 
colonial  assembly  cannot  be  compelled  to  do  more 
towards  their  own  defence  than  they  shall  see  fit, 
unless  by  the  force  of  an  act  of  parliament,  which 
alone  can  prescribe  rules  of  conduct  for  them."3 
Away,  then,  with  all  attempts  to  compel  by  prerog- 

1  Knox,  Controversy  Reviewed.        8  Chalmers'  Introduction,  MS.  ii. 

2  Opinions  of  eminent  Lawyers.     86. 
i.  223.     Mansfield's  opinion  in  the 
case  of  Campbell  v.  Hall. 

vol.  iv.  3 



ative,  to  govern  by  instructions,  to  obtain  a  revenue 
by  royal  requisitions,  to  fix  quotas  by  a  council  of 
crown  officers.  No  power  but  that  of  parliament  can 
overrule  the  colonial  assemblies. 

Such  was  the  doctrine  of  Murray,  who  was  him- 
self able  to  defend  his  system,  being  unrivalled  in 
debate,  except  by  William  Pitt  alone.  The  advice  of 
this  illustrious  jurist  was  the  more  authoritative,  be- 
cause he  "  had  lorn?  known  the  Americans."  "  I  be- 
gan  life  with  them,"  said  he,  on  a  later  occasion,  "  and 
owe  much  to  them,  having  been  much  concerned  in 
the  plantation  causes  before  the  Privy  Council.  So 
I  became  a  good  deal  acquainted  with  American 
affairs  and  people." l  During  the  discussions  that 
are  now  to  be  related,  he  was  often  consulted  by  the 
agents  of  the  American  royalists.  His  opinion,  coin- 
ciding with  that  of  Hardwicke,  was  applauded  by  the 
Board  of  Trade,  and  became  the  corner-stone  of 
British  policy. 

On  this  theory  of  parliamentary  supremacy  Shir- 
ley and  his  associates  placed  their  reliance.  Under 
his  advice,2  it  was  secretly,  but  firmly,  resolved  to 
bring  the  disputes  between  governors  and  American 
assemblies  to  a  crisis  ;  New  York  was  selected  as  the 
theatre,  and  the  return  of  peace  as  the  epoch,  for  the 
experiment ;  elaborate  documents  prepared  the  minis- 
try for  the  struggle ;  and  Clinton  was  to  extort  from 
the  colonial  legislature  fixed  salaries  and  revenues  at 
the  royal  disposition,  or,  by  producing  extreme  disor- 

1  Holiday's  Life  of  Lord  Mans-    1749.     That  Clinton  acted  by  the 
field,  248.  advice  of  Shirley  appears  from  se- 

8  ClintOE    tc  Bedford,  17    Oct.     veral   letters. 


der,  to  compel  the  interposition  of  the  parliament  of  c^p 
Great  Britain.1  < — . — - 

To  the  Assembly  which  met  in  October,  1748,  1^9 
Clinton,  faithful  to  his  engagements,  and  choosing 
New  York  as  the  opening  scene  in  the  final  contest 
that  led  to  independence,  declared,  that  the  methods 
adopted  for  colonial  supplies  "  made  it  his  indispen- 
sable duty  at  the  first  opportunity  to  put  a  stop  to 
these  innovations;"  and  he  demanded,  what  had  so 
often  been  refused,  the  grant  of  a  revenue  to  the 
king  for  at  least  five  years.  The  Assembly,  in  reply, 
insisted  on  naming  in  their  grants  the  incumbent  of 
each  office.  "From  recent  experience,"  they  con- 
tinue, "  we  are  fully  convinced  that  the  method  of  an 
annual  support  is  most  wholesome  and  salutary,  and 
are  confirmed  in  the  opinion,  that  the  faithful  rep- 
resentatives of  the  people  will  never  depart  from  it." l 
Warning  them  of  the  anger  of  "  parliament," 2  Clinton 
prorogued  the  Assembly,  and  in  floods  of  letters  and 
documents  represented  to  the  secretary  of  state,  that 
its  members  "had  set  up  the  people  as  the  high 
court  of  American  appeal ;"  that  "  they  claimed  all 
the  powers  and  privileges  of  parliament ;"  that  they 
"  virtually  assumed  all  the  public  money  into  their 
own  hands,  and  issued  it  without  warrant  from  the 
governor ;"  that  "  they  took  to  themselves  the  sole 
power  of  rewarding  all  services,  and  in  effect,  the 
nomination  to  all  offices,  by  granting  the  salary  an- 
nually, not  to  the  office,  but,  by  name,  to  the  person 

1  Clinton  to  Shirley,  5  August,  tober,  and  same  to  same,  30  October. 

1718;  Shirley  to  Clinton,  13  An-  Clinton  to  Bedford,  22  November, 

gust;  Clinton   to  Bedford,   15  Au-  2  Journals    of  N.  Y.  Assembly, 

gust  ;  same  to  same,  20  October,  ii.  246. 

and   same    to    same,    30  October.  8  Clinton  to   Bedford  from   the 

Clinton  to  Lords  of  Trade,  20  Oc-  Draught. 


in  the  office" ;  that  the  system,  "  if  not  speedily  reme- 
died, would  affect  the  dependency  of  the  colonies  on 
qo1?"  the  crown."1  And  he  entreated  the  king  to  "make 
,  a  good  example  for  all  America,  by  regulating  the 
government  of  New  York."  "  Till  then,"  he  added, 
"  I  cannot  meet  the  Assembly,  without  danger  of  ex- 
posing the  king's  authority  and  myself  to  contempt." 2 

Nov.  Thus  issue  was  joined  with  a  view  to  involve  the 

British  parliament  in  the  administration  of  the  colo- 
nies, just  at  the  time,  when  Bedford,  as  the  secretary, 
was  resolving  to  introduce  uniformity  into  their  ad- 
ministration by  supporting  the  authority  of  the  cen- 
tral government;  and  his  character  was  a  guarantee 
for  resolute  perseverance.  "  Considering  the  present 
situation  of  things,"  he  had  declared  to  Newcastle,3 
"  it  would  be  highly  improper  to  have  an  inefficient 
man  at  the  head  of  the  Board  of  Trade ;"  and,  at  his 
suggestion,  on  the  first  day  of  November,  1748,  two 
months  after  the  peace  of  America  and  Europe  had 
been  ratified,  the  Earl  of  Halifax,  then  just  thirty-two 
years  old,  entered  upon  his  long  period  of  service  as 
First  Commissioner  for  the  Plantations.  He  was 
fond  of  splendor,  profuse,  and  in  debt;  passionate, 
overbearing,  and  self-willed ;  "  of  moderate  sense,  and 
ignorant  of  the  world." 4  Familiar  with  a  feeble  class 
of  belles-lettres,  he  loved  to  declaim  long  passages 
from  Prior ; 5  but  his  mind  was  not  imbued  with  politi- 
cal theories,  or  invigorated  by  the  lessons  of  a  manly 
philosophy.     As  a  public  man,  he  was  fond  of  autho- 

1  MS.  Present  state  of  the  Pro-    August,    1748.      Bedford    Corres- 
vince  of  N.  Y.  pondence,  i.  441. 

2  Clinton  to  Bedford,  20  Octo-        4  Walpole's  George  II. 

ber,  1748.  5  Richard  Cumberland's  Memoirs 

8    Bedford     to     Newcastle,    11    of  Himself. 



rity ;  without  sagacity,  yet  unwilling  to  defer  to  any 
one ;  and  not  fearing  application,  he  preferred  a  post  s-^ — 
of  business  to  a  sinecure.  To  the  imagination  of  the  l$*y' 
British  people  the  American  plantations  appeared  as 
boundless  and  inhospitable  deserts,  dangerous  from 
savages  and  dismally  wild : — Halifax  beheld  in  them 
half  a  hemisphere  subjected  to  his  supervision ;  and, 
glowing  with  ambition,  he  resolved  to  elevate  himself 
by  enlarging  the  dignity  and  power  of  his  employment. 
For  this  end,  unlike  his  predecessors,  he  devoted 
himself  eagerly  and  zealously  to  the  business  of  the 
plantations,  confiding  in  his  ability  to  master  their 
affairs  almost  by  intuition ;  writing  his  own  dispatches ; 
and,  with  the  undoubting  self-reliance  of  a  presump- 
tuous novice,  ready  to  advance  fixed  opinions  and 
propose  plans  of  action. 

The  condition  of  the  continent,  whose  affairs  he 
was  to  superintend,  seemed  to  invite  and  to  urge  his 
immediate  and  his  utmost  activity,  to  secure  the  pos- 
sessions of  Great  Britain  against  France,  and  to  main- 
tain the  authority  of  the  central  government  against 
the  colonies  themselves.  As  he  looked  on  the  map  of 
America,  he  saw  the  boundary  line  along  the  whole 
frontier  rendered  uncertain  by  the  claims  of  France ; 
both  nations  desiring  unlimited  possessions ; — France, 
to  bound  British  enterprise  by  the  Penobscot  or  the 
Kennebeck,1  and  the  Alleghanies ;  England,  to  bring 
the  continent  under  her  flag,  to  supply  the  farthest 
wigwam  from  her  workshops,  to  fill  the  wilderness 
with  colonies  that  should  trade  only  with  their  metro- 

As  he  read  the  papers  which  had  accumulated  in 

1  Galissoniere  to  Col.  Mascarene,1  *  Jan.,  1749. 



the  Board  of  Trade,  and  the  dispatches  which  were 
^—r—  constantly  coining  in,  as  fast  as  the  crown  officers  in 
■^v8  the  colonies  became  aware  of  the  change  in  the  spirit 
of  the  administration,  the  affairs  which  he  was  to 
manage,  seemed  from  the  irresolution  of  his  predeces- 
sors, to  have  become  involved  in  universal  confusion, 
tending  to  legislative  independence  and  rebellion. 
u  Here"  wrote  Glen,  the  governor  of  South  Carolina, 
"  levelling  principles  prevail ;  the  frame  of  the  civil 
government  is  unhinged ;  a  governor,  if  he  would  be 
idolized,  must  betray  his  trust  ;!  the  people  have  got 
the  whole  administration  in  their  hands ;  the  election 
of  members  to  the  assembly  is  by  ballot ;  not  civil 
posts  only,  but  all  ecclesiastical  preferments,  are  in  the 
disposal  or  election  of  the  people ;  to  preserve  the 
dependence  of  America  in  general,  the  Constitution 
must  be  new  modelled." 2 

In  North  Carolina,  no  law  for  collecting  quit-rents, 
had  been  perfected ;  and  its  frugal  people,  whom  their 
governor  reported  as  "  wild  and  barbarous,"  paid  the 
servants  of  the  crown  scantily,  and  often  left  them  in 


In  Virginia,  the  land  of  light  taxes  and  freedom 
from  paper  money,  long  famed  for  its  loyalty,  where 
the  people  had  nearly  doubled  in  twenty-one  years, 
and  a  revenue,  granted  in  perpetuity,  with  a  fixed 
quit-rent,  put  aside  the  usual  sources  of  colonial  strife, 
the  insurgent  spirit  of  freedom  invaded  the  royal 
authority  in  the  Established  Church;  and  in  1748, 
just  as  Sherlock,  the  new  bishop  of  London,  was  inter- 
ceding with   the   king  for   an  American  episcopate, 

1  Glen    to    Bedford,    27    July,     1748,  received  17  November. 
1748.  3  Gabrill   Johnston   to  Bedford, 

8  Glen  to  Bedford,  10  October,    without  date. 


which  Bedford  and  Halifax  both  favored  as  essential  CT[f*' 
to   royal   authority,   Virginia,  with    the    consent   of  ■ — . — 
Gooch,  its  heutenant-governor,  transferred  by  law1  the  ^  ®/ 
patronage  of  all  the  livings  to  the  vestries.     The  act 
was  included  among  the  revised  laws,  and  met  with  the 
king's  approbation.2     But  from  the  time  that  its  pur- 
pose was  perceived,  Sherlock  became  persuaded,  that 
u  "Virginia,  formerly  an  orderly  province,  had  nothing 
more   at   heart  than  to   lessen  the  influence  of  the 
crown." 3 

Letters  from  Pennsylvania  warned  the  ministers, 
that  as  the  "obstinate,  wrong-headed  Assembly  of 
Quakers "  in  that  province  "  pretended  not  to  be  ac- 
countable to  his  Majesty  or  his  government,"  they 
"  might  in  time  apply  the  public  money  to  purposes 
injurious  to  the  crown  and  the  mother  country." 

But  nowhere  did  popular  power  seem  to  the 
royalists  so  deeply  or  dangerously  seated  as  in  New 
England,  where  every  village  was  a  little  self-consti- 
tuted democracy,  whose  organization  had  received  the 
sanction  of  law  and  the  confirmation  of  the  king.  Espe- 
cially Boston,  whose  people  had  liberated  its  citizen 
mariners,  when  impressed  by  a  British  admiral  in 
their  harbor,  was  accused  of  ua  rebellious  insurrec- 
tion." "  The  chief  cause,"  said  Shirley,4  u  of  the  mob- 
bish  tnrn  of  a  town  inhabited  by  twenty  thousand 
persons,  is  its  constitution,  by  which  the  management 
of  it  devolves  on  the  populace,  assembled  in  their 
town -meetings." 

With  the  Assembly  which  represented  the  towns 

1  Hening's  Statutes  at  large,  vi.  8  Bishop  of  London  to  the  Board 

90.      xxii.  Geo.  II.,  chap,  xxxiv.  §  7.  of  Trade. 

8  Dinwiddie  to  the  Earl  of  llol-  *  Shirley  to  the  Board  of  Trade, 
dernesse,  5  June,  1753. 


CI*  ap.  of  Massachusetts  the  wary  barrister  declined  a  decided 
« — i — '  rupture.  When,  in  November,  the  legislature  of  that 
^ov8'  Provmce>  jealous  from  a  true  instinct,  reduced  his 
salary  one  third,  on  the  plea  of  public  distress,  he 
answered  plausibly,  that  the  province  had  doubled  its 
population  within  twenty  years;  had  in  that  time 
organized  within  its  limits  fi  ve-and-twenty  new  towns ; 
and,  at  the  close  of  the  long  war,  was  less  In  debt 
than  at  its  beginning.  But  his  hopes  of  sure  emolu- 
ments rested  in  England,  and  were  connected  with  the 
success  of  the  applications  from  New- York. 

The  same  conspiracy  against  the  colonies  extended 
Dec.  to  New  Jersey.  In  December,  the  council  of  that 
province  likewise  found  it  "their  indispensable  duty 
to  represent  to  his  Majesty  the  growing  rebellion  in 
their  province." l  The  conflict  for  lands  in  its  eastern 
moiety,  where  Indian  title  deeds,  confirmed  by  long 
occupation,  were  pleaded  against  claims  derived  from 
grants  of  an  English  king,  led  to  confusion  which  the 
rules  of  the  English  law  could  not  remedy.  The 
people  of  whole  counties  could  not  be  driven  from 
their  homesteads,  or  imprisoned  in  jails;  Belcher,2 
the  temporizing  governor,  confessed  that  "he  could 
not  bring  the  delegates  into  measures  for  suppressing 
the  wicked  spirit  of  rebellion."  The  proprietors,  who 
had  purchased  the  long  dormant  claim  to  a  large  part 
of  the  province,  made  common  cause  with  men  in 
office,  invoked  British  interposition,  and  accused  their 
opponents  of  throwing  off  the  king's  authority  and 
treasonably   and  boldly   denying  his  title  to   New 

'  James  Alexander  to  0.  Colden,        s  Belcher  to  the  Board  of  Trade, 
3  January,  1749.  Jan.,  1749. 


Jersey.     These  appeals  were  to  "  tally  witli  and  accre- 
dit the  representation  from  New- York." ' 


Such  was  the  aspect  in  which  official  records  pre- 
sented America  to  the  rash  and  inexperienced  Hali- 
fax. From  the  first  moment  of  his  employment,  he 
stood  forth  the  busy  champion  of  the  royal  authority ; 
and  in  December,  1748,  his  earliest  official  words  of 
any  import,  promised  "a  very  serious  consideration 
on"  what  he  called  athe  just  prerogatives  of  the 
crown,  and  those  defects  of  the  constitution,"  which 
had  "  spread  themselves  over  many  of  the  plantations, 
and  were  destructive  of  all  order  and  government,"2 
and  he  resolved  on  instantly  effecting  a  thorough 
change,  by  the  agency  of  parliament.  While  await- 
ing its  meeting,  the  menaced  encroachments  of  France 
urgently  claimed  his  attention;  and  with  equal 
promptness  he  determined  to  secure  the  possession  of 
Nova  Scotia  and  the  Ohio  valley.  1749 

The  region  beyond  the  Alleghanies  had  as  yet  no 
English  settlement,  except,  perhaps,  a  few  scattered 
cabins  in  Western  Virginia.  The  Indians  south  of 
Lake  Erie  and  in  the  Ohio  valley  were,  in  the  recent 
war,  friendly  to  the  English,  and  were  now  united  to 
Pennsylvania  by  a  treaty  of  commerce.  The  traders, 
chiefly  from  Pennsylvania,  who  strolled  from  tribe  to 
tribe,  were  without  fixed  places  of  abode,  but  drew 
many  Indians  over  the  lake  to  trade  in  skins  and 
furs.  The  colony  of  New  York,  through  the  Six  Na- 
tions, might  command  the  Canadian  passes  to  the 
Ohio  valley ;  the  grant  to  William  Penn  actually  in- 

0.  Coklen  to  Clinton,  12  Ja-  *  Letter  of  December,  to  Glen 

nnary,  1749.       Compare    too    1 1  a-     of  South  Carolina. 
milton's  Speech  to  the  Assembly  of 
the  Jerseys  at  Perth  Amboy. 


CI{£P-  eluded  a  part  of  it;  but  Virginia  bounded  its  ancient 
— v— '  dominion  only  by  Lake  Erie.  To  secure  Ohio  for  the 
m9,  English  world,  Lawrence  Washington  of  Virginia, 
Augustus  Washington,  and  their  associates,  proposed 
a  colony  beyond  the  Alleghanies.  "  The  country 
west  of  the  great  mountains  is  the  centre  of  the  Bri- 
tish dominions,"  wrote  Halifax  and  his  colleagues,  who 
were  inflamed  with  the  hope  of  recovering  it  by  hav- 
ing a  large  tract  settled ;  and  the  favor  of  Henry 
Pelham,  with  the  renewed  instance  of  the  Board  of 
Trade,1  obtained  in  March,  1749,  the  king's  instruc- 
tions to  the  governor  of  Virginia,  to  grant  to  John 
Hanbury  and  his  associates  in  Maryland  and  Vir- 
ginia five  hundred  thousand  acres  of  land  between 
the  Monongahela  and  the  Kenawha,  or  on  the  north- 
ern margin  of  the  Ohio.  The  company  were  to  pay 
no  quit-rent  for  ten  years,  within  seven  years  to  colo- 
nize at  least  one  hundred  families,  to  select  imme- 
diately two-fifths  of  their  territory,  and  at  their  own 
cost  to  build  and  garrison  a  fort.  Thomas  Lee,  pre- 
sident of  the  Council  of  Virginia,  and  Robert  Din- 
widdie,  a  native  of  Scotland,  surveyor-general  for  the 
southern  colonies,  were  among  the  shareholders. 

Aware  of  these  designs,  France  anticipated  Eng- 
land. Immediately,  in  1749,  La  Galissioniere,  whose 
patriotic  mind  revolved  great  designs  of  empire,  and 
questioned  futurity  for  the  results  of  French  power, 
population,  and  commerce  in  America,2  sent  De  Cele- 
ron de  Bienville,  with  three  hundred  men,  to  trace 
and  occupy  the  valley  of  the  Ohio,8  and  that  of  the 

1  Representation  of  the  Board  of  s  Memoire  sur  les  Colonies  de  la 

Trade  to  the  kins;.     Coxe's  Pelham  France  par  M.  de  la  Galissoniere, 

Administration,  ii.  277,  278.  Frank-  N.  Y.  Paris  Doc.  x.  25. 

iin's  Writings,  iv.  336.     Shelburne  3  Compare  Shirley  to  Lords  of 

to  Fauquier,  8  Oct.  1707.  Trade,  4  July,  1749/ 


Saint  Lawrence,  as  far  as  Detroit.  On  the  southern  if* 
banks  of  the  Ohio,  opposite  the  point  of  an  island,  — **■* 
and  near  the  junction  of  a  river,  that  officer  buried, 
at  the  foot  of  a  primeval  red-oak,  a  plate  of  lead  with 
the  inscription,  that,  from  the  farthest  ridge  whence 
Water  trickled  towards  the  Ohio,  the  country  be- 
longed to  France :  while  the  lilies  of  the  Bourbons 
were  nailed  to  a  forest  tree  in  token  of  possession.1 
"  I  am  going  down  the  river,"  said  he  to  Indians  at 
Logstown,  "  to  scourge  home  our  children,  the  Mi- 
amis  and  the  Wyandots ; "  and  he  forbade  all  trading 
with  the  English.  "  The  lands  are  ours,"  replied  the 
Indians,  and  they  claimed  freedom  of  commerce. 
The  French  emissary  proceeded  to  the  towns  of  the 
Miamis,  expelled  the  English  traders,  and  by  letter 
re( [nested  Hamilton,  the  governor  of  Pennsylvania,  to 
prevent  all  farther  intrusion.  But  the  Indians  brood- 
ed over  the  plates  which  he  buried  at  the  mouth  of 
every  remarkable  creek.  "We  know,"  thus  they 
murmured,  "it  is  done  to  steal  our  country  from  us;" 
and  they  resolved  to  "go  to  the  Onondaga  council" 
for  protection.2 

On  the  northeast,  the  well  informed  La  Galisso- 
niere  took  advantage  of  the  gentle  and  unsuspecting 
character  of  the  Acadians  themselves,  and  of  the 
doubt  that  existed  respecting  occupancy  and  ancient 
titles.  In  1710,  when  Port  Royal,  now  Annapolis, 
was  vacated,  the  fort  near  the  mouth  of  the  St.  John's 
remained  to  France.  The  English  had  no  settlement 
on  that  river ;  and  though  they  had,  on  appeal  to 
their  tribunals,  exercised  some  sort  of  jurisdiction,  it 

1  Proccs   Verbal,   N.   Y.   Paris        9  Cro^lian's  MS.  Account  of  his 
Doc.  x.  9  Transactions,  &c.  &c. 


chap.  ]ja{j  no^  keen  clearly  recognised  by  the  few  inhabit- 
— , — -  ants,  and  had  always  been  denied  by  the  French  gov- 
1749.  ernment.  It  began  to  be  insinuated,1  that  the  ceded 
Acadia  was  but  a  part  of  the  peninsula  lying  upon 
the  sea  between  Cape  Fourches  and  Cape  Canso,  and 
that  therefore  the  descendants  of  the  French  still 
owed  allegiance  to  France.  The  Abbe  La  Loutrc 
missionary  and  curate  of  Messagouche,  now  Foil 
Lawrence,  which  is  within  the  peninsula,  favored  this 
representation  with  alacrity ;  and,  sure  of  influence 
over  his  people  and  his  associate  priests,  he  formed 
the  plan,  with  the  aid  of  La  Galissoniere  and  the 
court  of  France,  to  entice  the  Acadians  from  their 
ancient  dwelling-places,  and  plant  them  on  the  fron- 
tier as  a  barrier  against  the  English.2 

But  even  before  the  peace,  Shirley,  who  always 
advocated  the  most  extended  boundary  of  Nova  Sco- 
tia, represented  to  George  the  Second,  that  the  in- 
habitants near  the  isthmus,  being  French  and  Catho- 
lic, should  be  removed  into  some  other  of  his  Majes- 
ty's colonies,  and  that  Protestant  settlers  should 
occupy  their  lands.8  From  this  atrocious  proposal, 
Newcastle,  who  was  cruel  only  from  frivolity,  did  not 
withhold  his  approbation ;  but  Bedford,  his  more 
humane  successor,  restricting  his  plans  of  colonization 
to  the  undisputed  British  territory,  sought  to  secure 
the  entire  obedience  of  the  French  inhabitants  by  in- 
termixing with  them  colonists  of  English  descent.4 

1  La  Galissoniere  to  Col.  Masca-  8  Shirley's  Memoirs  of  the  liast 
rene,  15  January,  1749.  War,  77,  75. 

2  Memoires  sur  les  Affaires  du  4   Bedford  to  the  Duke  of  Cum- 
Canada,  depuis  1749,  jusqu'a  1760,  berland,  28  Oct.,  1748. 


The  execution  of  this  design,  which  the  Duke  of  clluV' 
Cumberland,  Pelham,  and  Henry  Fox  assisted  in  — «— ' 
maturing,  devolved  on  Halifax.  Invitations  went 
through  Europe  to  invite  Protestants  from  the  conti- 
nent to  emigrate  to  the  British  colonies.  The  good- 
will of  New  England  was  encouraged  by  care  for  its 
fisheries ;  and  American  whalemen,  stimulated  by 
the  promise  of  enjoying  an  equal  bounty1  with  the 
British,  learned  to  follow  their  game  among  the  ice- 
bergs of  the  Greenland  seas.  But  the  main  burden 
of  securing  Nova  Scotia  fell  on  the  British  treasury. 
While  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts,2  through 
their  agent  in  England,  sought  to  prevent  the  French 
from  possessing  any  harbor  whatever  in  the  Bay  of 
Fundy,  or  west  of  it  on  the  Atlantic,  proposals  were 
made,  in  March,  1749,  to  disbanded  officers  and  sol- 
diers and  marines,  to  accept  and  occupy  lands  in 
Acadia ;  and  before  the  end  of  June,  more  than  four- 
teen hundred  persons,3  under  the  auspices  of  the 
British  parliament,  were  conducted  by  Colonel 
Edward  Cornwallis,  a  brother  of  Lord  Cornwallis, 
into  Chebucto  harbor.  There,  on  a  cold  and  sterile 
soil,  covered  to  the  water's  edge  with  one  continued 
forest  of  spruce  and  pine,  whose  thick  underwood 
and  gloomy  shade  hid  rocks  and  the  rudest  wilds, 
with  no  clear  spot  to  be  seen  or  heard  of,  rose  the 
Grst  town  of  English  origin  east  of  the  Penobscot.4 

3  Lords  of  Trade  to  Cornwallis, 

1  22  George  II.,  c.  xlv.  15  May,  1749. 

2  Instructions   to  Massachusetts        4  Hon.  Col.  Cornwallis  to  Lords 
Agent,  20  June,  1749.  of  Trade,   22  June,  1749,  and  20 

August,  1749. 


chap.  prom  the  minister  whose  promptness,  vigilance,  and 
v^-~  Spirit  gave  efficiency  to  the  enterprise,  it  took  the 
1749>  name  of  Halifax.  Before  winter  three  hundred  houses 
were  covered  in.1  At  Minas,  now  Lower  Horton,  a 
blockhouse  was  raised,  and  fortified  by  a  trench  and 
a  palisade;  a  fort  at  Pesaquid,  now  Windsor,  pro- 
tected the  communications  with  Halifax.  These, 
with  Annapolis  on  the  Bay  of  Fundy,  secured  the 

The  ancient  inhabitants  had,  in  1730,  taken  an 
oath  of  fidelity  and  submission  to  the  English  king, 
as  sovereign  of  Acadia,  and  were  promised  indul- 
gence in  "  the  true  exercise  of  their  religion,  and 
exemption  from  bearing  arms  against  the  French  or 
Indians."  They  were  known  as  the  French  Neutrals. 
Their  hearts  were  still  with  France,  and  their  reli- 
gion made  them  a  part  of  the  diocese  of  Quebec. 
Of  a  sudden  it  was  proclaimed  to  their  deputies 2  con- 
vened at  Halifax,  that  English  commissioners  would 
repair  to  their  villages,  and  tender  to  them,  uncondi- 
tionally,3 the  oath  of  allegiance.  They  could  not 
pledge  themselves  before  Heaven  to  join  in  war 
against  the  land  of  their  origin  and  their  love ;  and, 
in  a  letter  signed  by  a  thousand  of  their  men,  they 
pleaded  rather  for  leave  to  sell  their  lands  and  effects, 
and  abandon  the  peninsula  for  new  homes,  which 
France  would  provide.4  But  Cornwallis  would  offer 
no  option  but  between  unconditional  allegiance  and 
the  confiscation  of  all  their  property.     "  It  is  for  me," 

1  Cornwallis    to   the    Board  of        8  Ordonnance  of  Cornwallis,  &o. 

Trade,  October,  1749.  &c,  1  August,  1749. 

8  Minutes   of  Council  of  Nova        *  Letter  of   tlie  French  Inhabi* 

Scotia,  14  July,  1749.  tants  to  Cornwallis,  7  Sept.,  1749. 


said  he,  "to  command  and  to  be  obeyed";1  and  he  Clll^t- 
looked  to  the  Board  of  Trade  for  further  instructions.2  - — . — 

With  the  Micmac  Indians,  who,  at  the  instigation 
of  La  Loutre,3  the  missionary,  united  with  other  tribes 
to  harass  the  infant  settlements,  the  English  gover- 
nor dealt  still  more  summarily.  "The  land  on  which 
you  sleep  is  mine :"  such  was  the  message  of  the  im- 
placable tribe;4  "I  sprung  out  of  it  as  the  grass  does; 
I  was  born  on  it  from  sire  to  son ;  it  is  mine  forever." 
So  the  council  at  Halifax5  voted  all  the  poor  Red 
Men  that  dwelt  in  the  peninsula 6  to  be  "  so  many  ban- 
ditti, ruffians,  or  rebels ;"  and  by  its  authority  Com- 
wallis,  "  to  bring  the  rascals  to  reason," T  offered  for 
every  one  of  them  "taken  or  killed"  ten  guineas,  to 
be  paid  on  producing  the  savage  or  "  his  scalp." 8  But 
the  source  of  this  disorder  was  the  undefined  state  of 
possession  between  the  European  competitors  for 
North  America. 

Meantime,  La  Galissoniere,  having  surrendered 
his  government  to  the  more  pacific  La  Jonquiere,  re- 
paired to  France,  to  be  employed  on  the  commission 
for  adjusting  the  American  boundaries.  La  Jonquiere, 
saw  the  imminent  danger  of  a  new  war,  and  like 
Bedford  would  have  shunned  hostilities;  but  his  in- 
structions from  the  French  ministry,  although  they 
did  not  require  advances  beyond  the  isthmus,  com- 

1  Answer  of  the  Governor  in  5  Resolutions  of  Council,  Hali- 

Council  to  the  French  Inhabitants,  fax,  1  October,  1749. 

7  September,    1749.  6  u  These  Micmacks  include  the 

8  Cornwallis  to    the    Board  of  Cape  Sable,  St.  John's  Island,  Cape 

Trade,  11  September,  1749.  Breton  and  all  inhabiting  the  pe- 

8  "  One  Leutre,  a  French  Priest."  ninsula."     Cornwallis  to  the  Board 

Board  of  Trade  to  Bedford,  16  Oc-  of  Trade. 

tober,  1749.     "  De  Lutre,  a  priest."  7  Cornwallis    to    the    Board  of 

Cornwallis.  Trale.  17  October,  1749. 

4  Micmac  Indians  to  Governor  8  Proclamation  against  the  Mio- 

Oornwallis.  23  September,  1749.  mac  Indians,  2  October,  1749. 



pelled  him  to  attempt  confining  the  English  within 
the  peninsula  of  Acadia.1 

Thus,  while  France,  with  the  unity  of  a  despotic 
central  power,  was  employing  all  its  strength  in  Cana- 
da to  make  good  its  claims  to  an  extended  frontier, 
Halifax  signalized  his  coming  into  office  by  planting 
Protestant  emigrants  in  Nova  Scotia,  as  a  barrier 
against  encroachments  on  the  North  East,  and  by 
granting  lands  for  a  Virginia  colony  on  both  banks  of 
the  Ohio,  ia  order  to  take  possession  of  the  valley  of 
the  Mississippi.  With  still  greater  impetuosity  he 
rushed  precipitately  towards  an  arbitrary  solution  of 
all  the  accumulated  difficulties  in  the  administration  of 
the  colonies. 

Long  experience  having  proved  that  American 
assemblies  insisted  on  the  right  of  deliberating  freely 
on  all  subjects  respecting  which  it  was  competent  for 
them  to  legislate,  the  Board  of  Trade,  so  soon  as  Hal- 
ifax had  become  its  head,  revived  and  earnestly  pro- 
moted the  scheme  of  strengthening  the  authority  of 
the  prerogative  by  a  general  act  of  the  British  par- 
liament. At  its  instance,  on  the  third  day  of 
March,2  1749,  under  the  pretext  of  suppressing  the 
flagrant  evils  of  colonial  paper-money,  the  disappoint- 
ed Horatio  Walpole,  who,  for  nearly  thirty  years,3  had 

1  La  Jonquiere   to    Cornwallis,  Treasury  and  applied  to  any  other 

25  October,  1749.      Cornwallis  to  use  than  what  it  was  designed  for 

La  Jonquiere,  1  November,  1749.  by  the  Assembly  that  granted  it, 

John  H.  Lydius  to  Cornwallis,   1  except  for  a  perquisite  which  the 

December,   1749.      Abbe  Maillard  King's    Auditor    of    his    revenue 

to  Gerard  Beaubassin,  3  May,  1749.  claimed;  and  you  know,  sir,  what 

9  Commons'  Journals,  xxv.  246.  influence  the  governors  were  under 

8  u  I  have  been  near  thirty  years  at  that  time  to  make  them  do  this." 

in  the  Council  of  this  Province,  *  *  Horatio  Walpole,  the  Auditor,  was 

and,  in  all  that  time,  I  do  not  re-  brother   to    Sir    Robert   Walpole. 

member  that  any  public  money  was  MS.   Letter  to    Governor   Shirley 

drawn  by  any  governor  from  the  from  New  York,  July  1749. 



vainly  straggled,  as  auditor-general  of  the  colonies,  to  CHj^p- 
gain  a  sinecure  allowance  of  five  per  cent,  on  all  colo- 
nial revenues,  reported  a  bill  to  overrule  charters,  and 
to  make  all  oiders  by  the  king,  or  under  his  authority, 
the  highest  law  of  America. 

•  Such  a  coalition  of  power  seemed  in  harmony 
with  that  legislative  supremacy,  which  was  esteemed 
the  great  whig  doctrine  of  the  revolution  of  1683  ;  it 
also  had  the  semblance  of  an  earlier  precedent.  In 
the  reign  of  Henry  the  Eighth,  parliament  sanctioned 
"what. a  king,  by  his  royal  power,  might  do,"1  and 
gave  the  energy  of  law  to  his  proclamations  and  or- 
dinances. In  this  it  did  but  surrender  the  liberties  of 
its  own  constituents :  Halifax  and  his  board  invited 
the  British  parliament  to  sequester  the  liberties  of 
other  communities,  and  transfer  them  to  the  British 

The  people  of  Connecticut,2  through  their  agent, 
Eliakim  Palmer,  protested  against  "  the  unusual  and 
extraordinary"  attempt,  "  so  repugnant  to  the  laws 
and  constitution"  of  Great  Britain,  and  to  their  own 
"  inestimable  privileges"  and  charter,  "  of  being  gov- 
erned by  laws  of  their  own  making."  By  their  birth- 
right, by  the  perils  of  their  ancestors,  by  the  sanctity 
of  royal  faith,  by  their  own  affectionate  duty  and 
zeal,  by  their  devotion  of  their  lives  and  fortunes  to 
their  king  and  country,  they  remonstrated  against  the 
bill.  Pennsylvania  and  Rhode  Island  pleaded  their 
patents,  and  reminded  parliament  of  the  tribute  al- 
ready levied  on  them  by  the  monopoly  of  their  com- 

2  81  Hen.  VIII.  c.  viii.     Com-  2  Journal    of   Commons,  xxv. 

pare  1   Ed.  VI.,  c.   xii.,   Hallam's    793. 
Constitutional  Hist,  of  England,  i. 
47, 48, 50. 

VOL.    IV.  4 


C^P-  merce.  For  Massachusetts,  William  Bollan,  through 
— t — •  "  the  very  good-uatured  Lord  Baltimore,"  represented, 
*  that  the  bill  virtually  included  all  future  orders  of  all 
future  princes,  however  repugnant  they  might  be  to 
the  constitution  of  Great  Britain,  or  of  the  colonies ; 
thus  abrogating  for  the  people  of  Massachusetts  their 
common  rights  as  Englishmen,  not  less  than  their 
charter  privileges  The  agent  of  South  Carolina  cau- 
tiously intimated,  that,  as  obedience  to  instructions 
was  already  due  from  the  governors,  whose  commis- 
sions depended  on  the  royal  pleasure,  the  deliberative 
rights  of  the  assemblies  were  the  only  colonial  safe- 
guard against  unlimited  authority.1 

"  Venerating  the  British  constitution,  as  establish- 
ed  at  the  Be  volution,"  Onslow,  the  speaker  of  the 
House  of  Commons,  believed  that  parliament  had 
power  to  tax  America,  but  not  to  delegate  that 
power ;  and,  by  his  order,  the  objections  to  the  pro- 
posed measure  were  spread  at  length  on  the  journal.2 
The  Board  of  Trade  wavered,  and  in  April  consented, 
reluctantly,  "  to  drop  for  the  present,  and  reserve," 
the  despotic  clauses  ;3  but  it  continued  to  cherish  the 
spirit  that  dictated  them,  till  it  had  driven  the  colo- 
nies to  independence,  and  had  itself  ceased  to  exist. 

At  the  same  time  Massachusetts  was  removing 
every  motive  to  interfere  with  its  currency  by  abol- 
ishing its  paper  money.  That  province  had  demanded, 
as  a  right,  the  reimbursement  of  its  expenses  for  the 
capture  of  Louisburg.  Its  claim,  as  of  right,  was 
denied ;  for  its  people,  it  was  said,  were  the  subjects, 

1  Commons'  Journal,  xxv.,  793,  3  Bollan,     the     Massachusetts 

794,  813,  814,  815,  818.  agent,    to    Secretary    Willard, 

s  MS.  Memoirs  of  Bollan's  Ser-  April,  1749. 


and  not  the  allies  of  England ;  owing  allegiance,  and  c^' 
not  entitled  to  subsidies.  The  requisite  appropriation  ^-r— ' 
was  made  by  the  equity  of  parliament;  yet  Pelham  1  49 
himself,  the  prime  minister,  declared  that  the  grant 
was  a  boon.  Massachusetts  had  already,  in  January, 
1749  by  the  urgency  of  Hutchinson,  voted,  that  its 
public  notes  should  be  redeemed  with  the  expected 
remittances  from  the  royal  exchequer.  Twice  in  the 
preceding  year,  it  had  invited  a  convention  of  the 
neighboring  colonies,  to  suppress  jointly  the  fatal 
paper-currency ;  but  finding  concert  impossible,  it  pro- 
ceeded alone.  As  the  bills  had  depreciated,  and  were 
no  longer  in  the  hands  of  the  first  holders,  it  was  in- 
sisted, that  to  redeem  them  at  their  original  value 
would  impose  a  new  tax  on  the  first  holders  them- 
selves; and  therefore  forty-five  shillings  of  the*  old 
tenor,  or  eleven  shillings  and  threepence  of  the  new 
emission,  were,  with  the  approbation  of  the  king  in 
council,  redeemed  by  a  Spanish  milled  dollar.  Thus 
Massachusetts  became  the  "  hard-money  colony"  of  the 

The  plan  for  enforcing  all  royal  orders  in  Amer- 
ica by  the  act  of  the  British  parliament  had  hardly 
been  abandoned,  when  the  loyalty  and  vigilance  of 
Massachusetts  were  perverted  to  further  the  intrigues 
against  its  liberty.  In  April,  1749,  its  Assembly, 
which  always  held  that  Nova  Scotia  included  all  the 
continent  east  of  New  England,  represented  to  the 
king  "  the  insolent  intrusions"  of  France  on  their  ter- 
ritory, advised  that  "the  neighboring  provinces 
should   be   informed   of  the   common   danger,"   and 

1  Hutchinson's    Correspondence.    Hutchinson's  Hist.  ii.    Felt's  Mas- 
3achusetts  Currency. 


C^P*  begged  "  tliat  no  breach  might  be  made  in  any  of  the 
*— « — '  territories  of  the  crown  on  the"  American  "conti- 
nent."  It  was  on  occasion  of  transmitting  this  ad- 
dress, that  Shirley  developed  his  system.  To  the 
Duke  of  Bedford1  he  recommended  the  erecting  and 
garrisoning  of  frontier  "fortresses,  under  the  direction 
of  the  king's  engineers  and  officers."  "A  tax  for 
their  maintenance,"  he  urged,  "  should  be  laid  by  par- 
liament upon  the  colonies,  without  which  it  will  not 
be  done."  From  the  prosperous  condition  of  Amer- 
ica, he  argued,  that  "  making  the  British  subjects  on 
this  continent  contribute  towards  their  common  secu- 
rity could  not  be  thought  laying  a  burden ;"  and  he 
cited  the  Acts  of  Trade  and  the  duty  laid  on  foreign 
sugars  imported  into  the  northern  colonies,  as  prece- 
dents that  established  the  reasonableness  of  his  pro- 

Shirley's  associates  in  New  York  were  equally 
persevering.  The  seventh  day  of  May,  1749,  brought 
to  them  "  the  agreeable  news,  that  all  went  flowingly 
on"2  as  they  had  desired.  Knowing  that  Bedford, 
Dorset,  and  Halifax  had  espoused  their  cause,  they 
convened  the  legislature.  But  it  was  in  vain.  M  The 
faithful  representatives  of  the  people,"  thus  spoke  the 
Assembly  of  New  York  in  July,  "  can  never  recede 
from  the  method  of  an  annual  support."  "  I  know 
well,"  rejoined  the  governor,  "  the  present  sentiments 
of  his  Majesty's  ministers;  and  you  might  have 
guessed  at  them  by  the  bill  lately  brought  into  par- 

1  Shirley  to  the  Duke  of  Bed-  ingly  on ;  Assembly  to  be  reproved 
ford,  24  April,  1749,  and  18  Feb.  and  dissolved ;  the  new  minister, 
1748-9.  viz.:  Duke  Bedford,  Duke  Dorset, 

2  J.   Ayscough,    Clinton's    pri-  Lord    Halifax,    &c,    presenting  a 
vate  secretary,  to  Colden,  9  May,  memorial  to  his  Majesty  in  favor 
1749.     u  Catherwood  sends  us  the  of  his  Excellency,"  &c.  &c. 
agreeable  news,  that  all  goes  flow- 


liament  for  enforcing  the  king's  instructions.  Con- 
sider," lie  adds,  "  the  great  liberties  you  are  indulged 
with.  Consider,  likewise,  what  may  be  the  conse-  1749- 
quences,  should  our  mother  country  suspect  that  you 
design  to  lessen  the  prerogative  of  the  crown  in  the 
plantations.  The  Romans  did  not  allow  the  same 
privileges  to  their  colonies,  which  the  other  citizens 
enjoyed ;  and  you  know  in  what  manner  the  republic 
of  Holland  governs  her  colonies.  Endeavor,  then,  to 
show  your  great  thankfulness  for  the  great  privileges 
you  enjoy." 

The  representatives1  adhered  unanimously  to  their 
resolutions,  pleading  that  "governors  are  generally 
entire  strangers  to  the  people  they  are  sent  to  govern; 

they  seldom  regard  the  welfare  of  the  people, 

otherwise  than  as  they  can  make  it  subservient  to 
their  own  particular  interest ;  and,  as  they  know  the 
time  of  their  continuance  in  their  governments  to  be 
uncertain,  all  methods  are  used,  and  all  engines  set  to 
work,  to  raise  estates  to  themselves.  Should  the  pub- 
lic moneys  be  left  to  their  disposition,  what  can  be 
expected  but  the  grossest  misapplication,  under  va- 
rious pretences,  which  will  never  be  wanting  ?"  To 
this  unanimity  the  governor  could  only  oppose  his  de- 
termination of  "most  earnestly"  invoking  the  atten- 
tion of  the  ministry  and  the  king  to  "  their  proceed- 
ings;" and  then  prorogued  the  Assembly,  which  he 
afterwards  dissolved. 

To  make  the  appeal  to  the  ministry  more  effective, 
Shirley,  who  had  obtained  leave  to  go  to  England, 
and  whose  success  in  every  point  was  believed  to  be 

1  Journals    of   the    New-York  Assembly,  ii.  2G7,  2G9. 


chap,  most  certain,1  before  embarking  received  from  Colden 

— t — '  an   elaborate    argument,  in    which   revenue   to   the 

1749.  crowm   independent   of   the   American   people,   was 

urged  as  indispensable ;  and  to  obtain  it,  "  the  most 

prudent   method,"    it   was   insisted,    "  would   be   by 

application  to  parliament.'1 2 

But  before  Shirley  arrived  in  Europe,  the  ministry 
was  already  won  to  his  designs.  On  the  first  day  of 
June,  the  Board  of  Trade  had  been  recruited  by 
a  young  man  gifted  with  "  a  thousand  talents," 3  the 
daring  and  indefatigable  Charles  Townshend.  A 
younger  son  of  Lord  Townshend,  ambitious,  capable 
of  unwearied  labor,  bold,  and  somewhat  extravagant 
in  his  style  of  eloquence,  yet  surpassed,  as  a  debater, 
only  by  Murray  and  Pitt,  he  was  introduced  to  office 
through  the  commission  for  the  colonies.  His  extra- 
ordinary and  restless  ability  rapidly  obtained  sway  at 
the  board ;  Halifax  cherished  him  as  a  favorite,  and 
the  parliament  very  soon  looked  up  to  him  as  u  the 
greatest  master  of  American  affairs." 

How  to  regulate  charters  and  colonial  govern- 
ments, and  provide  an  American  civil  list  indepen- 
dent of  American  legislatures,  was  the  earliest  as 
well  as  the  latest  political  problem  which  Charles 
Townshend  attempted  to  solve.  At  that  time,  Mur- 
ray, as  crown  lawyer,  ruled  the  cabinet  on  questions 
of  legal  right ;  Dorset,  the  father  of  Lord  George 
Germain,  was  president  of  the  Council ;  Lyttelton 
and  George  Grenville  were  already  of  the  Treasury 
Board ;  and  Sandwich,  raised  by  his  hold  on  the 
affections  of  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  presided  at  the 

1  Clinton  to  Colden,  6  Novem-        3  "  Of  a  thousand  talents."    This 
ber,  1749.  praise  came  from  David  Hume. 

8  Colden   to    Shirley,   25    July, 


Admiralty ;   Halifax,  Charles  Townshend,  and  their  ci*ap. 
colleagues,  were  busy  with  remodelling  American  con-  - — . — 
stitutions  ;  while  Bedford,  the  head  of  the  new  party  1749, 
that  was  in  a  few  years  to  drive  the  more  liberal 
branch  of  the  whig  aristocracy  from  power,  as  Secre- 
tary of  State  for  the  Southern  Department,  was  the 
organ  of  communication  between  the  Board  of  Trade 
and  the  crown. 

These  are  the  men  who  proposed  to  reconcile  the 
discrepancy  between  the  legal  pretensions  of  the 
metropolis  and  the  actual  condition  of  the  colonies. 
In  vain  did  they  resolve  to  shape  America  at  will, 
and  fashion  it  into  new  modes  of  being.  The  infant 
republics  were  not  like  blocks  of  marble  from  the 
quarry,  which  the  artist  may  group  by  his  design, 
and  gradually  transform  by  the  chisel  from  shapeless 
masses  to  the  images  of  his  fancy;  they  resembled 
living  plants,  whose  inward  energies  obey  the  Divine 
idea  without  effort  or  consciousness  of  will,  and 
unfold  simultaneously  their  whole  existence  and  the 
rudiments  of  all  their  parts,  harmonious,  beautiful 
and  complete  in  every  period  of  their  growth.1 

These  British  American  colonies  were  the  best  tro- 
phy of  modern  civilization ;  on  them,  for  the  next  forty 
years,  rests  the  chief  interest  in  the  history  of  man.2 

1  Bacon  de  Augmentis  Scienti-  parit  et  producit :    eodem   modo, 

arum.     Lib.  vii,  cap.  ii.     Quemad-  etc.,  etc.     Lord  Bolingbroke,  in  his 

modum    enim  Statuarius,    quando  Idea  of  a  Patriot  King,  translates 

simulacmra  aliquod  scnlpit  ant  in-  the  words  of   the   great    master : 

cidit,  illius  solummodo  partis  figu-  k*  Nature  throws  out  altogether  and 

ram  effingit,circa  quam  manus  oecu-  at  once  the  whole  system  of  every 

pata  est,   non    autem   cajterarum,  being,  and  the  rudiments  of  all  the 

(veluti  si   faciem   efformet,  corpus  parts." 

reliquum  rude  permanet  et  informe         s  John  Adams's  Works,   v.  405. 

saxum,  donee  ad  illud  quoque  per-  "  The  history  of  the  American  Re- 

venerit)     e   contra     vero    natura,  volution  is   indeed    the   history  of 

qimndo  florem  molitur,  aut  animal,  mankind  during  that  epoch." 
rudimenta  partium  omnium  siinul 




1749— 1750. 

chap.         The  world  had  never  witnessed  colonies  with  in- 
v_rl,  stitutions  so  free  as  those  of  America ;  but  this  result 
1749.  did  not  spring  from  the  intention  of  England.     On 
J'    the  twelfth  of  July,  1749,  all  the  ministers  of  state  as- 
sembled at  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  deliberated,  from 
seven  in  the  evening  till  one  the  next  morning,1  on  the 
political  aspect  of  the  plantations.     The  opinions  of 
Sir  Dudley  Eider  and  William  Murray  were  before 
them.     They  agreed,  that  "all  accounts  concurred  in 
representing   New   Jersey  as  in   a  state   of   disobe- 
dience to  law  and  government,  attended  with  circum- 
stances which  manifested  a  disposition  to  revolt  from 

dependence  on  the  crown While  the  governor 

was  so  absolutely  dependent  on  the  Assembly,  order 
could  not  possibly  be  restored."  And  they  avowed  it 
as  their  "  fundamental "  rule  of  American  government, 
that  the  colonial  officers  of  the  king  should  have 
"some   appointment  from  home."     Such  was   "their 

1  Letter  from  the  Solicitor,  F.  J.  Paris,  in  James  Alexander  to  0. 
Colden,  25  Sept..  1749 


fixed  maxim  and  principle."1     The  English  ministry  c^p> 
viewed  it  as  a  narrow  question,  relating  to  a  subordi-  ' — . — 
nate   branch  of    executive   administration;   America      4  ' 
knew  that  it  involved  for  the  world  all  hope  of  estab- 
lishing the  power  of  the  people. 

The  agents  of  the  American  royalists  continued 
indefatigable  in  their  solicitations.  They  had  the  con- 
fidential advice  of  Murray,2  who  instructed  them  how 
best  to  increase  their  influence  with  the  ministry.  To 
this  end  they  also  fomented  a  jealous  fear  of  "the 
levelling  principles  which  had  crept  into  New  York 
and  New  Jersey,"  and  which  were  believed  to  prevail 
in  New  England  and  Pennsylvania.  "Drink  Lord 
Halifax  in  a  bumper,"  were  the  words  of  Clinton,  as 
he  read  his  letters  from  England;  "though  I  durst 
say,"  he  added,  "the  rest  are  as  hearty."  Especially 
the  Duke  of  Bedford,  on  the  first  day  of  November, 
gave  assurances  to  Clinton,3  that  the  affairs  of  the 
colonies  would  be  taken  into  consideration,  and  that 
he  might  rely  on  receiving  all  proper  assistance  and 
vigorous  support  in  maintaining  the  king's  delegated 
authority.  The  secretaiy  was  in  earnest,  and  for  the 
rest  of  his  life  remained  true  to  his  promise,  not 
knowing  that  he  was  the  dupe  of  the  profligate 
cupidity  of  worthless  officers. 

In  a  document  designed  for  the  eye  of  Halifax, 
Colden  hastened  to  confirm  the  purpose.  Of  popular 
power  "the  increase  in  the  northern  colonies  was  im- 


1  Report  of  Facts  agreed  on  by  Sharpes,  for  they  were  by  far  the 

the    Board    of    Trade     26     July,  best  hands  one  could  be  in  for  inter- 

1749,  in  F.  J.  Pari*  to  James  Alex-  est  with  the  ministry."     Letter  of 

ander,   26    July,    1749.     Board    of  Gov.  Clinton  of  9  Feb.,  1749. 

Trade   to   Gov.   Belcher,  of   New  3  Bedford  to  Clinton,    1  Novem- 

Jorsey,  28  July,  1749.  ber,    1749.      Clinton    to     Colden, 

8  u  Solicitor  Murray  advised  Mr.  5  Feb.,  1749-50. 
Catherwood     not     to     leave    the 


°uif •  measurable."  Royalty  would  have  in  New  York  but 
— , — '  "  the  outward  appearance "  of  authority,  till  a  gover- 
1749.  nor  an(i  "proper  judges"  should  receive  "independent 
salaries."  "  I  do*  not  imagine,"  he  wrote  in  November, 
1749,  "that  any  assembly  will  be  induced  to  give  up 
the  power,  of  which  they  are  all  so  fond,  by  granting 
duties  for  any  number  of  years.  The  authority  of 
parliament  must  be  made  use  of,  and  the  duties  on 
wine  and  West  India  commodities  be  made  general 
for  all  North  America."  "  The  ministry,"  he  added, 
"  are  not  aware  of  the  number  of  men  in  North  Ame- 
rica able  to  bear  arms,  and  daily  in  the  use  of  them. 
It  becomes  necessary  that  the  colonies  be  early  looked 
into,  in  time  of  peace,  and  regulated."1  As  a  source 
of  revenue,  William  Douglas  in  Boston,  a  Scottish 
physician,  publicly  proposed  "  a  stamp  duty  upon  all 
instruments  used  in  law  affairs." 2  But  the  suggestion 
had  nothing  of  novelty.  In  1728,  Sir  William  Keith 
had  advised  extending,  "  by  act  of  parliament,  the 
duties  upon  parchment  and  stamps,  to  America," 8  and 
eleven  years  later  the  advice  had  been  repeated  by 
merchants  in  London,  with  solicitations4  that  won  for 
the  proposition  the  consideration  of  the  ministry. 

Thus  had  the  future  colonial  policy  of  England 
been  shadowed  forth  to  statesmen,  who  were  very 
willing  to  adopt  it.  Morris,  the  chief  justice  of  New 
Jersey,5  interested  in  lands  in  that  province,  and 
trained  by  his  father  to  a  hatred  of  popular  power, 
was  much  listened  to ;  and  the  indefatigable  Shirley 

1  Compare   Clinton  to   Bedford,  4Proposals    for  establishing   by 

17    Oct.,   1749.      Same    to   Lords  Act  of  Parliament  the  duties  upon 

of  Trade,  same  date.  Stamp  Paper  and  Parchment  in  all 

8  Douglas:  Historical  and  Politi-  the  British  American  colonies. 

cal  Summary,  i.  259.  5  Gov.  Belcher  to  Partridge,  15 

8  Sir   Win.  Keith's  Remarks  on  Nov.,  1750. 
the  most  Rational  Means,  &c,  &c. 


not  quite  successful  with  the  more  reasonable  Felham,  C1l^' 
line  the  eulogist  and  principal  adviser  of  Cumber-  — r— ' 
land,  of  Bedford,  and  of  Halifax.     Should  Massachu-  ' 

letts  reduce  his  emoluments,  he  openly  threatened  to 
bppeal  to  "an  episcopal  interest,  and  make  himself 
Independent  of  the  Assembly  for  any  future  support."1 

The  menace  to  Massachusetts  was  unseasonable. 
The  public  mind  hi  that  province,  and  most  of  all  in 
Boston,  was  earnestly  inquiring  into  the  active  powers 
of  man,  to  deduce  from  them  the  right  to  uncontrolled 
inquiry,  as  the  only  security  against  religious  and  civil 
bondage.  Of  that  cause  the  champion  was  Jonathan 
May  hew,  offspring  of  purest  ancestor's,  nurtured  by  the 
OCeanVside,  "sanctified"  from  childhood,  a  pupil  of 
New  England's  Cambridge.  "  Instructed  in  youth." 
thus  he  spoke  of  himself,  "  in  the  doctrines  of  civil 
liberty,  as  they  were  taught  by  such  men  as  Plato, 
Demosthenes,  Cicero,  and  others  among  the  ancients, 
and  such  as  Sidney  and  Milton,  Locke  and  Hoadley, 
among  the  moderns,  I  liked  them;  and  having  learned 
from  the  Holy  Scriptures,  that  wise,  brave,  and  vir- 
tuous men  were  always  friends  to  liberty,  that  God 
gave  the  Israelites  a  king  in  his  anger,  because  they 
had  not  sense  and  virtue  enough  to  like  a  free  com- 
mon  wealth,  and  that  where  the  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is, 
there  is  liberty,  this  made  me  conclude  that  freedom 
is  a  great  blessing." 2  From  early  life,  Maybe w  took 
to  his  heart  the  right  of  private  judgment,  clinging  to 
it  as  to  his  religion.  Truth  and  justice  he  revered  as 
realities  which  every  human  being  had  capacity  to 
discern.     The  duty  of  each  individual  to  inquire  and 

1  Shirley   to  Secretary   Willard,        *  Sermon  of  Mayhew's,  printed 
29  Nov.,  1749.  in  1766. 


C?nP'  ju%e  ne  deduced  from  the  constitution  of  man,  and 
1 — i — '  held  to  be  as  universal  as  reason  itself.     At  once  be- 
'     '  coming  revolutionary,  he  scoffed  at  receiving  opinions 
because   our  forefathers   had   embraced   them ;    and 
pushing  the  principle  of  Protestantism  to  its  universal 
expression,  he  sent  forth  the  American  mind  to  do  its 
work,  disburdened  of  prejudices.     The  ocean  which  it 
had  crossed  had  broken  the  trail  of  tradition,  and  it 
was  now  to  find  its  own  paths  and  make  for  itself  a 
new  existence,  with  not  even  its  footsteps  behind  it, 
and  nothing  before  it  but  its  own  futurity. 
175)  In  January,  1750,  the  still  youthful  "Mayhew,  him- 

self a  declared  "  volunteer "  in  the  service,  instinc- 
tively alarmed  at  the  menaced  encroachments  of  power, 
summoned  every  lover  of  truth  and  of  mankind  to 
bear  a  part  in  the  defensive  war  against  "  tyranny 
and  priestcraft."1  He  reproved  the  impious  bargain 
"  between  the  sceptre  and  the  surplice."  He  preached 
resistance  to  "the  first  small  beginnings  of  civil  tyr- 
anny, lest  it  should  swell  to  a  torrent  and  deluge 
empires."  M  The  doctrines,"  he  cried,  "  of  the  divine 
right  of  kino^  and  non-resistance  are  as  fabulous  and 
chimerical  as  the  most  absurd  reveries  of  ancient  or 
modern  visionaries."  "  If  those  who  bear  the  title  of 
civil  rulers  do  not  perform  the  duty  of  civil  rulers, — 
if  they  injure  and  oppress, — they  have  not  the  least 
pretence  to  be  honored  or  obeyed.  If  the  common 
safety  and  utility  would  not  be  promoted  by  submis- 
sion to  the  government,  there  is  no  motive  for  sub- 
mission ;"  disobedience  becomes  "  lawful  and  glorious," 
— "  not  a  crime,  but  a  duty." 

Such  were  the  "litanies  of  nations"2  that  burst 

Sermons  of  Mayhew,  preached        8  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson's  Poems, 
and  printed  in  1750.  The  Problem. 


from  the  boldest  and  most  fervid  heart  in  New  Eng-  c"|r 
land,  and  were  addressed  to  the  multitude  from  the  ^^ 
pulpit  and  through  the  press.     Boston  received  the  mo* 
doctrine,  and  its  ablest  citizens  delighted  in  the  friend- 
ship of  the  eloquent  teacher. 

The  words  of  Mayhew  were  uttered  at  a  time 
when  "the  plantations  engaged  the  whole  thoughts 
of  the  men  in  power,''  who  were  persuaded  that  all 
America  was  struggling  to  achieve  a  perfect  legisla- 
tive independence,  and  that  New  Jersey  at  least  was 
in  a  state  of  rebellion.  At  a  great  council  in  Febru-  * 
ary,  1750,  the  Board  of  Trade1  was  commanded  to 
propose  such  measures  as  would  restore  and  establish 
the  prerogative  in  its  utmost  extent  throughout 
the  colonies.  "Bedford,2  the  Lords  of  Trade,  the 
Privy  Council,"  —  all,  had  American  affairs  "  much 
at  heart,"  and  resolved  to  give  ease  to  colonial  gover- 
nor's and  "  their  successors  for  ever."  The  plea  for 
the  interposition  of  the  supreme  legislature  was  found 
in  the  apprehension  that  a  separate  empire  was  form- 
ing. "  Fools,"  said  the  elder  proprietary,  Penn,  "  are 
always  telling  their  fears  that  the  colonies  will  set  up 
for  themselves;"3  and  their  alarm  was  increased  by 
Franklin's  plan  of  an  Academy  at  Philadelphia. 
Fresh  importunities  succeeded  each  other  from  Amer- 
ica ;  and  when  Bedford  sent  assurances  of  his  purpose 
to  support  the  royal  authority,  he  was  referred  by  the 
crown  officers  of  New  York  to  the  papers  in  the 
office  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  relating  to  Hunter,  who, 

1  R.  IT.  Morris  of  "New  Jersey  to        2  Earl  of  Lincoln  to  Clinton,  12 
the   Governor  of  New   York,   12    February,  1750. 
February,  1750.  3  Thomas  Penn  to  James  Hamil- 

ton, 12  February,  1750. 



°nif  •  from  1710  to  171 4,  had  struggled  in  that  province  for 
the  prerogative.  Under  the  sanction  of  that  prece- 
dent, Clinton 1  urged,  in  March,  that  "  it  was  abso- 
lutely necessary  to  check  the  insolence  of  faction  by  a 
powerful  interposition;"  and  he  advised  imposts  on 
wine  and  West  India  produce.  "These,  if  granted 
by  parliament,  would  be  sufficient  for  supporting  t  lie 
civil  list.  If  made  general  over  all  the  colonies,  they 
could  be  in  no  shape  prejudicial  to  trade." 2  He  in- 
sisted, that  the  proposition  contained  its  own  evidence 
of  being  for  the  service  of  the  king.  "This  pro- 
vince," he  repeated,  in  April,3  "  by  its  example,  great- 
ly affects  all  the  other  colonies.  Parliament,  on  a 
true  representation  of  the  state  of  the  plantations, 
must  think  it  their  duty  to  make  the  royal  officers  less 
dependent  on  the  assemblies,  which  may  be  easily 
done  by  granting  to  the  king  the  same  duties  and  im- 
posts, that,  in  the  plantations,  are  usually  granted 
from  year  to  year." 

But  neither  the  blunt  decision  of  Bedford,  nor  the 
arrogant  self-reliance  of  Halifax,  nor  the  restless  ac- 
tivity of  Charles  Townshend,  could,  of  a  sudden, 
sway  the  system  of  England  in  a  new  direction,  or 
overcome  the  usages  and  policy  of  more  than  a  half 
century.  But  new  developments  were  easily  given  to 
the  commercial  and  restrictive  system.  That  the  col- 
onies might  be  filled  with  slaves,  who  should  neither 
trouble  Great  Britain  with  fears  of  encouraging  poli- 
tical independence,  nor  compete  in  their  industry  with 
British  workshops,  nor  leave  their  employers  the  en- 
tire security  that  might  prepare  a  revolt,  liberty  io 

1  Clinton  to  Bedford,  19  March,         3  Clinton  to  Lords  of  Trade,  3 
1750.  April,  175,  and  same  to  Bedford,  9 

2  Same  to  same,  26  March,  1750.    April. 


trade1  —  saddest  concession  of  freedom  —  to  and  from  c^Pi 
any  part  of  Africa,  between  Sallee,  in  South  Barbary,  — < — 
and  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  was,  in  1750,  extended  175°- 
to  all  the  subjects  of  the  king  of  England.     But  for 
the  labor  of  free  men  new  shackles  were  devised. 

America  abounded  in  iron  ore  ;  its  un wrought  iron 
was  excluded  by  a  duty  from  the  English  market ; 
and  its  people  were  rapidly  gaining  skill  at  the  fur- 
nace and  the  forge.  In  February,2  1750,  the  subject 
encra^ed  the  attention  of  the  House  of  Commons. 
To  check  the  danger  of  American  rivalry,  Charles 
Townshend  was  placed  at  the  head  of  a  committee, 
on  which  Horatio  Walpole,  senior,  and  Robert  Nu- 
gent, afterwards  Lord  Clare,  —  a  man  of  talents,  yet 
not  free  from  "bombast  and  absurdities,"3  —  were 
among  the  associates.  After  a  few  days'  deliberation, 
he  brought  in  a  bill  which  permitted  American  iron, 
in  its  rudest  forms,  to  be  imported  duty  free ;  but  now 
that  the  nailers  in  the  colonies  could  afford  spikes 
and  large  nails  cheaper  than  the  English,  it  forbade 
the  smiths  of  America  to  erect  any  mill  for  slitting 
or  rolling  iron,  or  any  plating  forge  to  work  with 
a  tilt-hammer,  or  any  furnace  for  making  steel. 
"The  restriction,"  said  Penn,  "is  of  most  dangerous 
consequence  to  prevent  our  making  what  we  want 

for  our  own  use It  is  an  attack  on  the  rights  of 

fthe  king's  subjects  in   America."4     William'  Bollan, 

•the  agent  of  Massachusetts,  pleaded  its  inconsistency 

with  the  natural  rights  of  the  colonists.5     But  while 

England  applauded  the  restriction,  its  owners  of  iron 

1  23  Geo.  II.  c.  xxxi.  §  1.  4  Douglas:  Historical  and  Politi- 

9  Journals   of    Commons,   xxv.,  cal  Summary,  ii.,  109. 

)79,  986,  998.  5  W.  Bollan  to   the  Speaker  of 

3  Walpole's  Memoirs  of  Geo.  II.,  the     Massachusetts    Assembly,    5 

,  171,  ami  Letters.  April  1750. 



C?n.P'  mmes  grudged  to  America  a  share  of  the  market  for 
the  rough  material ;  the  tanners,  from  the  threatened 
inaction  of  the  English  furnaces,  feared  a  diminished 
supply  of  bark ;  the  clergy  and  gentry  foreboded  in- 
jury to  the  price  of  woodlands.1  The  importation  of 
bar  iron  from  the  colonies  was  therefore  limited  to 
the  port  of  London,  which  already  had  its  supply 
from,  abroad.  The  ironmongers  and  smiths  of  Bir- 
mingham thought  well  of  importing  bars  of  iron 
free,  but,  from  "  compassion"  to  the  "  many  thou- 
sand families  in  the  kingdom"  who  otherwise  "  must 
be  ruined,"  they  prayed  that  "the  American  people" 
might  be  subject  not  to  the  proposed  restrictions  only, 
but  to  such  others  a  as  may  secure  for  ever  the  trade 
to  this  country."  Some  would  have  admitted  the 
raw  material  from  no  colony  where  its  minute  manu- 
facture was  carried  on.  The  House  even  divided 
on  the  proposal,  that  every  slitting-mill  in  America 
should  be  demolished ;  and  the  clause  failed  only  by 
a  majority  of  twenty-two.  But  an  immediate  return 
was  required  of  every  mill  already  existing,  and  the 
number  was  never  to  be  increased.2  There  was  no 
hope  that  this  prohibition  would  ever  be  repealed.3 

England  did  not  know  the  indignation  thus  awak- 
ened in  the  villages  of  America.  Yet  the  royalist, 
Kennedy,  a  member  of  the  Council  of  New  York, 
and  an  advocate  for  parliamentary  taxation,  publicly 
urged  on  the  ministry,4  that  "  liberty  and  encourage- 

1  Journals    of    Commons,  xxv.,        4  A.  Kennedy's  Observations  on 
1053,  1091,  1096.  the  Importance  of  the   Northern 

2  23  Geo.  II.,  c.  xxix.  Colonies,  1750. 

3  Thomas  Penn  to  James  Hamil- 
ton, 1  May,  1750 



menl  are  the  basis  of  colonies."  "  To  supply  ourselves,"  c ^f- 
he  urged,  "with  manufactures  is  practicable;  and 
where  people  in  such  circumstances  are  numerous 
and  free,  they  will  push  what  they  think  is  for  their 
interest,  and  all  restraining  laws  will  be  thought  op- 
pression, especially  such  laws  as,  according  to  the 
conceptions  we  have  of  English  liberty,  they  have 
no  hand  in  controverting  or  making.  .  .  They  cannot 
be  kept  dependent  by  keeping  them  poor;"  and 
he  quoted  to  the  ministry  the  counsel  of  Trenchard,1 
that  the  way  to  keep  them  from  weaning  them- 
selves was  to  keep  it  out  of  their  will.  But  the 
mother  country  was  more  and  more  inclined  to  rely  on 
measures  of  restraint  and  power.  It  began  to  be  con- 
sidered, that  the  guard-ships  were  stationed  in  the  colo- 
nies not  so  much  for  their  defence,  as  to  preserve  them 
in  their  dependence  and  prevent  their  illicit  trade.2 

In  the  same  year  Turgot,  then  but  three-and- 
twenty  years  of  age,  one  day  to  be  a  minister  of 
France,  and  a  friend  to  the  United  States,  then  prior 
of  Sorbonne,  mingled  with  zeal  for  Christianity  the 
enthusiasm  of  youthful  hope,  as  he  contemplated  the 
destiny  of  the  western  world.  "Vast  regions  of 
America !"  he  exclaimed,  in  the  presence  of  the  assem- 
bled clergy  of  France,  just  twenty-six  years  to  a  day 
before  the  Declaration  of  Independence,  "Equality 
keeps  from  them  both  luxury  and  want ;  and  pre- 
serves to  them  purity  and  simplicity  with  freedom. 
Europe  herself  will  find  there  the  perfection  of  her  po- 
litical societies,  and  the  surest  support  of  her  well- 

1  Trenchard  in    Cato's  Letters,        a  Memorial  from  New  York  to 
1722.  the  Admiralty,  1750. 

VOL.   IV. 


chap,  being." l  "  Colonies,"  added  the  young  philosopher,2 
<^J^  "  are  like  fruits,  which  cling  to  the  tree  only  till  they 
1750  ripen;  as  soon  as  America  can  take  care  of  itself,  it 
will  do  what  Carthage  did."  For  a  season,  America 
must  have  patience  ;  England's  colonial  policy  was 
destroying  itself.  The  same  motive  which  prevailed 
to  restrain  colonial  commerce  and  pursuits  urged  Eng- 
land to  encroach  on  the  possessions  of  France,  that 
the  future  inhabitants  of  still  larger  regions  might  fall 
under  English  rule  and  become  subservient  to  English 
industry.  In  the  mercantile  system  lay  the  seeds  of  a 
war  with  France  for  territory,  and,  ultimately,  of  the 
union  and  independence   of  America. 

But  the  attempt  to  establish  that  system  of 
government,  which  must  have  provoked  immediate 
resistance,  was  delayed  by  jealousies  and  divisions  in 
the  cabinet.  "  Dear  Brother,"  Pelham  used  to  say 
to  Newcastle,  "  I  must  beg  of  you  not  to  fret  your- 
self so  much  upon  every  occasion." 3  But  the  Duke 
grew  more  and  more  petulant,  and  more  impatient  of 
rivalry.  "  It  goes  to  my  heart,"  said  he,  "  that  a  new, 
unknown,  factious  young  party  is  set  up  to  rival  me 
and  nose  me  every  where ;" 4  and  he  resolved  to  drive 
out  of  the  administration  the  colleague  whom  he  dis- 
liked, envied  and  feared.  For  it  always  holds  true, 
that  Heaven  plants  division  in  the  councils  of  the 
enemies  of  freedom.  Selfishness  breeds  as  many  fac- 
tions as  there  are  clashing  interests ;  nothing  unites 

1  Discours    de    Turgot,  Prieur  2  Second  Discours.     (Euvres  de 

de  Sorbonne,  prononce  le  3  Juillet,  Turgot,  ii.  602.     Ce  que  fera  an 

1750,  in  (Euvres  de  Turgot,  ii.  591,  jour  l'Amerique. 

592.    L'Europe  elle-meme  y  trou-  3  Pelham     to    Newcastle,    in 

vera  la  perfection  de  ses  societes  Coxe,  i.  460. 

politiques,  et  le  plus  ferme  appui  de  4  Newcastle  to  Pelham,  May  9- 

ea  fdicite.  20.     Coxe,  ii.  336. 


indissolubly,  but  that  love  of  man  which  truth  and  C^AP 
justice  and  the  love  of  all  good  can  alone  inspire. 


The  affairs  of  Nova  Scotia,  of  which  Newcastle 
was  ignorant,  served  at  least  his  purposes  of  intrigue.1 
The  French  saw  with  extreme  anxiety  the  settlement 
at  Halifax.  To  counteract  its  influence,  a  large  force 
under  the  command  of  the  recklessly  sanguinary  par- 
tisan, La  Corne,  had  through  the  winter  held  posses- 
sion of  the  Isthmus  of  the  peninsula ;  and  found  shel- 
ter among  the  Acadians  .south  of  the  Messagouche,  in 
the  town  of  Chiegnecto,  or  Beaubassin,  now  Fort  Law- 
rence. The  inhabitants  of  that  village,  although  it 
lay  beyond  the  limits  which  La  Corne  was  instructed 
to  defend,  were  compelled  to  take  the  oaths  of  alle- 
giance to  the  French  king ; a  and  in  the  name  of  three 
chiefs  of  the  Micmac  Indians,3  orders  had  been  sent  to 
the  Acadians  of  the  remoter  settlements,  to  renounce 
subjection  to  England,  and  take  refuge  with  the 

Cornwallis,  who  had  received  the  first  notice  of 
the  movement  from  La  Jonquiere  himself,4  desired 
immediately  to  recover  the  town.  He  sought  aid 
from  the  Massachusetts  ; 5  but  only  received  for  answer, 
that,  by  the  constitution  of  that  province,  the  assem- 
bly must  first  be  convinced  of  the  necessity  of  raising 
supplies  ; 6  that  to  insure  cooperation,  compulsory  niea- 

1  Illustrative    Correspondence.  March,  1750.    Read  at  the  Board, 

Newcastle  to  Pelham.  3  May,  1750. 

*  Cornwallis    to    Bedford,    19  4  Cornwallis  to  Lords  of  Trade, 

March,  1750.  7  Dec.  1749. 

8  Orders  of  Three  Indian  Chiefs  5  Cornwallis  to  Lords  of  Trade, 
to    the    Inhahitants    of    Pesi(|uid,  30  April,  1750. 
Mines,  &c.  &c,  inclosed   in  Corn-          •  Lieut.   Gov.  Phips  to   Corn- 
wallis to  the  Lords  of  Trade,   19  wallis.    Boston,  20  Feb.  1750. 


Ch1P   sures  must  be  adopted  by  the  British  government  to- 

' — 1-~>  wards  all  the  colonies. 

1750.  jje  wag  therefore  able  to  send  from  Halifax  no 
more  than  a  party  of  four  hundred  men,  who,  just 
at  sunset  on  the  twentieth  of  April,  arrived  not  far 
from  the  town  at  the  entrance  of  what  is  now  called 
Cumberland  Basin.  The  next  day  the  transports 
sailed  near  the  harbor ;  the  flag  of  the  Bourbons  was 
raised  on  the  dikes  to  the  north  of  the  Messagouche  ;l 
while,  to  the  south  of  it,  the  priest  La  Loutre  himself 
set  fire  to  the  church  in  Chiegnecto,  and  its  reluctant, 
despairing  inhabitants,  torn  by  conflicting  passions, 
attached  to  their  homes  which  stood  on  some  of  the 
most  fertile  land 2  in  the  world,  yet  bound  to  France 
by  their  religion  and  their  oaths,  consumed  their 
houses  to  ashes,  and  escaped  across  the  river  which 
marks  the  limit  of  the  peninsula.3 

On  Sunday,  the  twenty-second,  Lawrence,  the 
English  commander,  having  landed  north  of  the  Mes- 
sagouche, had  an  interview  with  La  Corne,  who 
avowed  his  purpose,  under  instructions  from  La  Jon- 
quiere,  to  defend 4  at  all  hazards,  and  keep  possession 
of  every  post  as  far  as  the  river  Messagouche,  till  the 
boundaries  between  the  two  countries  should  be  set- 
tled by  commissaries. 

La  Corne  held  a  strong  position,  and  had  under 
his  command  Indians,  Canadians,  regular  troops,  and 
Acadian  refugees,  to  the  number,  it  was  thought,  of 
twenty-five  hundred.  The  English  officer  was,  there- 
fore, compelled  for  his  safety  to  embark,  on  the  very 

1  Journal  of  Lawrence.  s  Memoires,  8. 

2  Cornwallis    to    the    Lords  of         *  Cornwallis  to  Bedford,  1  May, 
Trade  10  July,  1750.  1750. 


day  on  which  he  landed,1  leaving  the  French  in  un- 
disturbed possession  of  the  isthmus. 

A  swift  vessel  was  dispatched  expressly  from 
Halifax  to  inform  the  government,  that  La  Corne  and 
La  Loutre  held  possession  of  the  isthmus,  that  a  town 
which  was  within  the  acknowledged  British  limits, 
had  been  set  on  fire;  that  its  inhabitants  had 
crossed  over  to  the  French  side ;  that  the  refugees, 
able  to  bear  arms,  were  organized  as  a  military  force ; 
that  the  French  Acadians,  remaining  within  the  penin- 
sula, were  rebels  at  heart,  and  unanimously  wished  to 
abandon  it  rather  than  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  to 
the  English  king;  that  the  savages  were  incited  to 
inroads  and  threats  of  a  general  massacre;  that  the 
war  was  continued  on  the  part  of  the  French  by  all 
open  and  secret  means  of  violence  and  treason.2  At 
the  same  time  the  governments  of  New  Hampshire 
and  the  Massachusetts  Bay  were  informed  of  "the 
audacious  proceedings  "  of  the  French,  and  invited  to 
join  in  punishing  La  Corne  as  "  a  public  incendiary." 8 

The  ~New  England  colonies  received  the  news 
without  any  disposition  to  undertake  dislodging  the 
French.  In  England  the  Earl  of  Halifax  insisted4 
effectually  that  prompt  support  should  be  sent  to  the 
colony,  of  which  the  settlement  was  due  to  his  zeal. 
Authority  had  already5  been  given  to  disarm  the 
Acadians;  new  settlers  were  now  collected  to  be 
transported  at  the  public  expense,6  and  an  Irish  regi- 

1  Cornwallis    to    the    Lords  of  4  Lords  of  Trade  to  Bedford,  4 

Trade,  30  Sept.  1750.  June,  1750. 

8  Cornwallis  to  Lords  of  Trade,  5  Lords  of  Trade  to  Cornwallis, 

30  April,  and  same  to  Bedford,  1  16  February,  1750. 

May,  1750.  6  Lords  of  Trade  to  Cornwallis, 

3  Cornwallis  to  Lientenant-Gov-  8  June,  1750. 
ernor  Phips  at  Boston,  3  May,  1750. 




ChlP*  men^  was  sent  over  with  orders,  that  Chiegnecto 
' — <-^  should  be  taken,  fortified,  and  if  possible,  colonized  by 
protestants.1  Yet  a  marked  difference  of  opinion 
existed  between  the  Lords  of  Trade  and  their  supe- 
rior. Bedford  was  honorably  inclined  to  a  pacific 
adjustment  with  France ;  but  Halifax  was  led  by  his 
pride  and  his  ambition  to  disregard  all  risks  of  war ; 
and  becoming  impatient  at  his  subordinate  position, 
he  already  "  heartily  hated  " 2  his  patron,  and  coveted 
a  seat  in  the  cabinet  with  exclusive  authority  in  the 
department,  with  all  the  impetuous  ardor  of  inexpe- 
rienced ambition. 

Newcastle  was  sure  to  seize  the  occasion  to  side 
with  Halifax.  "  Act  with  vigor,"  said  he  to  his 
brother,  u  and  support  our  right  to  the  extended  boun- 
dary of  Nova  Scotia.  If  you  do,  you  may  run  a  risk 
of  a  war  with  France ;  that  risk  is  to  be  run." 3  But 
"the  great  object"  that  filled  his  thoughts  and  dis- 
turbed his  rest,  was  the  dismissal  of  Bedford.  Even 
the  more  cautious  Pelham  began  to  complain  of  the 
secretary's  "  boyishness  "  and  inattention  to  business ; 4 
the  king's  mistress,  who  had  thought  Bedford  too  im- 
portant a  person  to  be  trifled  with,  was  soothed  into  a 
willingness  to  have  him  discarded.  "  His  office  is  a 
sinecure,"  said  the  king,  who  missed  the  pedantry  of 
forms ;  "  he  receives  his  pay  easily ;"  and  to  Newcastle 
he  added,  "  you,  your  brother  and  Hardwicke  are  the 
only  ministers." 5  It  seemed  as  if  Halifax  would  at 
once  obtain  the  seals  of  the  Southern  Department  with 

1  Lords  of  Trade  to  Cornwallis,        4  Pelham  to  Newcastle,  25  July 
14  June,  1750.  —5  August,  1750..  Coxe  ii.  305. 

2  Pelham  to  Newcastle  in  Coxe's        5   Newcastle  to   Pelham,    12-23 
Pelham  Ad.  ii.  378.  August,  1750,  and  Coxe's  Pelhum 

8    Newcastle  to    Pelham,   9-20    Ad.  ii.  129. 
June,  1750.      Coxe  ii.  345. 




the  entire  charge  of  the  colonies.  "  Halifax,"  wrote  m. 
Pelham,  who  favored  his  advancement,  "  amongst  the 
young  ones,  has  the  most  efficient  talents." 1  "  He 
would  be  more  approved  by  the  public,"  thought 
Hardwicke,  "  than  either  Holdernesse  or  Waldegrave." 
"  He  is  the  last  man,  except  Sandwich,  I  should  think 
of  for  secretary  of  state,"  exclaimed  Newcastle.  "  He 
is  so  conceited  of  his  parts,  he  would  not  be  in  the 
cabinet  one  month  without  thinking  he  knew  as  much 
or  more  of  business  than  any  one  man.  He  is  imprac- 
ticable ; the  most  odious  man  in  the  kingdom. 

A  man  of  his  life,  spirit,  and  temper,  will  think 

he  knows  better  than  any  body."  Newcastle  would 
have  none  of  tc  that  young  fry."  But  above  all,  he 
would  be  rid  of  Bedford.  "  I  am,  I  must  be  an  errant 
cipher  of  the  worst  sort,"  said  he  in  his  distress,  "if 
the  Duke  of  Bedford  remains  coupled  with  me  as  sec- 
re  tary  of  state."  To  get  rid  of  Bedford  was  still  to 
him  "  the  great  point,"  "  the  great  point  of  all," 2  more 
than  the  designation  of  the  next  emperor  of  Ger- 
many, and  more  than  a  war  with  the  Bourbons. 

The  two  dukes  remained  at  variance,  leaving  Corn- 
wallis  to  "  get  the  better  in  Nova  Scotia  without  pre- 
vious concert  with  France."8  In  August  a  second 
expedition  left  Halifax  to  take  possession  of  Chiegnecto. 
It  succeeded,  but  not  without  loss  of  life.  Indians 
and  Acadian  refugees,  aided,  perhaps,  by  French  in 
disguise,  altogether  very  few  in  number,  had  in- 
trenched themselves  strongly  behind  the  dikes,  and 
opposed   their  landing.     Nor  were   they   dislodged 

1  Pelham  to  Newcastle,  24  Aug.        8  Pelham  to  Newcastle  in  Coxe 
—4  Sept.,  1750.  ii.  344. 

8  Newcastle  to  Ilardwicke,  8-19 
Sept.  17,  1750. 




without  an  intrepid  assault,  in  which  the  English  had 
six  killed  and  twelve  wounded.1  Thus  was  blood  first 
shed  after  the  peace  of  Aix  la  Chapelle.  Fort  Lawrence 
was  now  built  on  the  south  of  the  Messagouche,  but 
the  French  had  already  fortified  their  position  on  the 
opposite  bank  at  Fort  Beau  Sejour  as  well  as  at  Bay 
Verte.  Having  posts  also  at  the  mouth  of  the  St. 
John's  River  and  the  alliance  of  the  neighboring  In- 
dians, they  held  the  continent  from  Bay  Verte  to  the 
borders  of  the  Penobscot. 

Such  was  the  state  of  occupancy,  when,  in  Septem- 
ber, at  Paris,  Shirley,  who  had  been  placed  at  the  head 
of  the  British  Commission,  presented  a  memorial, 
claiming  for  the  English  all  the  land  east  of  the  Pe- 
nobscot and  south  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  as  constituting 
the  ancient  Acadia.2  The  claim,  in  its  full  latitude, 
by  the  law  of  nations,  was  preposterous ;  by  a  candid 
interpretation  of  treaties,  was  untenable.  France 
never  had  designed  to  cede,  and  had  never  ceded,  to 
England,  the  southern  bank  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  nor 
any  country  north  of  the  forty-sixth  parallel  of  lati- 
tude. In  their  reply  to  the  British  claim,  the  French 
commissaries,  in  like  manner  disregarding  the  ob- 
vious construction  of  treaties,  narrowed  Acadia  to  the 
strip  of  land  on  the  Atlantic,  between  Cape  St.  Mary 
and  Cape  Canseau.8 

There  existed  in  France  statesmen  who  thought 
Canada  itself  an  incumbrance,  difficult  to  be  defended, 
entailing  expenses  more  than  benefits.  But  La  Galis- 
soniere4  pleaded  to  the  ministry,  that  honor,  glory, 

1  Cornwallis  to  Lords  of  Trade.  explanatory  Memorial,  16  Noveni- 

8  Memorials  of  the  English  Com-  ber,  1750. 

ruissaries,  21  Sept.,  1750.  4  La  Galissoniere :  Memoire  sur 

8  Memorial  of  the  French  Com-  les  Colonies  de  la  France,  Decem- 

missaries,   21  September,  and    an  ber,  1750. 



and  religion  forbade  the  abandonment  of  faithful  and  CI1I1fp# 
affectionate  colonists,  and  the  renunciation  of  the 
great  work  of  converting  the  infidels  of  the  wilder- 
ness ;  that  Detroit  was  the  natural  centre  of  a  bound- 
less inland  commerce ;  that  the  country  of  Illinois  was 
in  a  delightful  climate,  an  open  prairie,  waiting  for 
the  plough ;  that,  considering  the  want  of  maritime, 
strength,  Canada  and  Louisiana  were  the  bulwarks  of 
France  in  America  against  English  ambition.  De 
Puysieux,  the  French  minister  for  foreign  affairs,  like 
the  English  Secretary,  Bedford,  was  earnestly  desi- 
rous of  avoiding  war ;  but  a  fresh  collision  in  America 
touched  the  sense  of  honor  of  the  French  nation,  and 
made  negotiation  hopeless. 

A  French  brigantine  with  a  schooner,  laden  with 
provisions  and  warlike  stores,  and  bound  from  Quebec 
to  the  river  St.  John's,  was  met  by  Eous  in  the 
British  ship  of  war  Albany  off  Cape  Sable.  He  fired 
a  gun  to  bring  her  to ;  she  kept  on  her  course :  he 
fired  another  and  a  third ;  and  the  brigantine  prepar- 
ed for  action.  The  English  instantly  poured  into  her 
a  broadside  and  a  volley  of  small  arms ;  and  after  a 
short  action  compelled  her  to  strike.  The  Albany 
had  a  midshipman  and  two  mariners  killed;  the 
French  lost  five  men.  The  brigantine  was  taken  to 
Halifax,  and  condemned  in  the  Admiralty  Court.1 
On  the  side  of  France,  indignation  knew  no  bounds; 
it  seemed  that  its  flag  had  been  insulted ;  its  mari- 
time rights  disregarded;  its  men  wantonly  slain  in 
time  of  peace ;  its  property  piratically  seized  and  con- 
fiscated. There  was  less  willingness  to  yield  an  ex- 
tended boundary. 

1  Cornwallis  to  Lords  of  Trade,  27  November,  1750. 




The  territory  which  is  now  Vermont  was  equally 
in  dispute.  New  York  carried  its  limits  to  the  Con- 
necticut River,  as  a  part  of  its  jurisdiction ;  France, 
which  alone  had  command  of  Lake  Champlain,  ex- 
tended her  pretensions  to  the  crest  of  the  Green 
Mountains;  while  Wentworth,  the  only  royal  gov- 
ernor in  New  England,  began  to  convey  the  soil 
between  the  Connecticut  and  Lake  Champlain  by 
grants  under  the  seal  of  New  Hampshire. 

A  deeper  interest  hung  over  the  valley  of  the 
Ohio.  What  language  shall  be  the  mother  tongue 
of  its  future  millions  ?  What  race,  the  Romanic  or 
the  Teutonic,  shall  form  the  seed  of  its  people  ?  The 
Six  Nations  expressed  alarm  for  their  friends  and 
allies  on  the  Ohio,  against  whom  the  French  were 
making  preparations,  and  asked  what  reliance  they 
might  place  on  the  protection  of  New  York.  After 
concert  with  the  governor  of  Pennsylvania,  Clinton, 
in  September,  1750,  appealed  to  the  Assembly  for 
means  to  confirm  their  Indian  alliances,  and  to  assist 
Pennsylvania  "  in  securing  the  fidelity  of  the  Indians 
on  Ohio  River." l  The  Assembly  refused ;  and  the 
Onondagas,  whose  chief  was  a  professed  Roman 
Catholic,  whose  castles  contained  a  hundred  neo- 
phytes, whose  warriors  glittered  in  brave  apparel 
from  France,  scoffed  with  one  another  at  the  parsimo- 
nious colonists.2 

The  tendency  of  the  Americans  themselves  towards 
union,  and  the  desire  on  the  part  of  England  to  con- 
centrate its  power  over  the  colonies  by  the  aid   of 

1  Journals  of  New  York  Assera-    Hazard's  Register  of  Pennsylvania, 
bly,  i.  283,  284.  iv.  222. 

8  Letter  of  Conrad  Weisser,  in 


the  authority  of  the  British  parliament,  were  alike  c5uP' 
developed  in  connection  with  the  necessity  of  resist-  *—  * — • 
hig  encroachments  on  the  side  of  Canada.     The  unity  ' 

of  the  French  system  of  administration  promised  suc- 
cess by  ensuring  obedience  to  "one  council  and  one 
voice." !  To  counteract  their  designs  effectually  along 
the  tthole  frontier,  the  best  minds  in  New  York,  and 
in  other  provinces,  were  busy  in  devising  methods 
for,  u  uniting  the  colonies  on  the  main ;"  for,  unless 
this  were  done,  Ohio  would  be  lost.  Of  all  the 
Southern  provinces,  South  Carolina  was  most  ready 
to  join  with  the  rest  of  the  continent.2  Doubting 
whether  union  could  be  effected  "without  an  im- 
mediate application  to  his  Majesty  for  that  purpose," 
the  Council  of  New  York,  after  mature  and  re- 
peated deliberation  on  Indian  affairs,  still  determined, 
that  the  governor  "  should  write  to  all  the  governors 
upon  the  continent,3  that  have  Indian  nations  in  their 
alliance,  to  invite  commissioners  from  their  respective 
governments"  to  meet  the  savage  chiefs  at  Albany. 
But,  from  what  Clinton  called  "  the  penurious 4  tem- 
per of  American  assemblies,"  this  invitation  was  not 
generally  accepted,5  though  it  forms  one  important 
step  in  the  progress  of  America  towards  union. 

While  Pennsylvania,  in  strife  with  its  proprietaries, 
neglected  its  western  frontier,  the  Ohio  Company 
of  Virginia,  profiting  by  the  intelligence  of  Indian 
hunters,6  who  had  followed  every  stream  to  its  head- 

1  Clinton  to  Governor  of  Penn-  Ayscough,  Fort  George,  11  Decem- 

sylvania,  8  October,  1750.  uer,    1750.     Clinton    to   Governor 

8  Letters  of  Glen,  Governor  of  of  Pennsylvania,  19  Jnne,  1751,  &o. 

South   Carolina,  to  Clinton,  and  of  *  Clinton  to  the  Board  of  Trade. 

Clinton  to  Glen,  July — December,  6  Belcher  of  New  Jersey  to  Clin- 

1750,  in    the  New  York  London  ton,    18    April,    1751.      'Belcher's 

Documents,  xxx.  Letter  Books,  vii.  78,  79,  117. 

1  Letter  of  Clinton's  Secretary,  8  Washington's  Writings,  ii.  302. 




spring  and  crossed  every  gap  in  the  mountain  ranges, 
discovered  the  path  by  Will's  Creek  to  the  Ohio. 
Their  stores  of  goods,  in  1750,  were  carried  no  fur- 
ther than  that  creek.  There  they  were  sold  to 
traders,  who,  with  rivals  from  Pennsylvania,  pene- 
trated the  West  as  far  as  the  Miamis. 

To  search  out  and  discover  the  lands  westward 
of  "  the  Great  Mountains,"  the  Ohio  Company l  sum- 
moned the  adventurous  Christopher  Gist  from  his 
frontier  home  on  the  Yadkin.  He  was  instructed 
to  examine  the  Western  country  as  far  as  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio,  to  look  for  a  large  tract  of  good  level 
land,  to  mark  the  passes  in  the  mountains,  to  trace 
the  courses  of  the  rivers,  to  count  the  falls,  to  observe 
the  strength  and  numbers  of  the  Indian  nations. 

On  the  last  day  of  October,2  the  bold  messenger 
of  civilization  parted  from  the  Potomac.  He  passed 
through  snows  over  "the  stony  and  broken  land" 
of  the  Alleghanies ;  he  halted  among  the  twenty 
Delaware  families  that  composed  Shanoppin's  town 
on  the  southeast  side  of  the  Ohio ;  swimming  his 
horses  across  the  river,  he  descended  through  the 
rich  but  narrow  valley  to  Logstown.  "  You  are 
come,"  said  the  jealous  people,  "  to  settle  the  In- 
dians' lands:  you  never  shall  go  home  safe."  Yet 
they  respected  him  as  a  messenger  from  the  English 
king.  From  the  Great  Beaver  Creek  he  crossed  to 
the  Muskingum,  killing  deer  and  wild  turkeys.  On 
Elk's  Eye  Creek  he  found  a  village  of  the  Ottawas, 
friends  to  the  French.     The  hundred  families  of  Wy- 

1  Instructions  of  the  Ohio  Com-  Thomas  Pownall,  in  the  Appendix 

pany  to  Christopher  Gist,  11  Sep-  to  Thomas  PownalFs  Topographs 

tember,  1750.  cal  Description  of  North  America, 
8    Journals  of  Gist,   printed  by 



Midots  or  Little  Mingoes  at  Muskingum  were  divided  ;  ™{\l 
one  half  adhering  to  the  English.  George  Croghan,  — *~~ 
the  emissary  from  Pennsylvania,  was  already  there ; l 
and  traders  came  with  the  news,  that  two  of  his  peo- 
ple were  taken  by  a  party  of  French  and  Indians,  and 
cai  ried  to  the  new  fort  at  Sandusky.  *  Come  and 
live  with  us,"  said  the  Wyandots  to  Gist ;  "  bring 
great  guns  and  make  a  fort.  If  the  French  claim 
the  branches  of  the  Lakes,  those  of  the  Ohio  be- 
long to  us  and  our  brothel's,  the  English."  When 
they  heard  that  still  another  English  trader  had 
been  taken,  they  would  have  killed  three  French 
deserters  for  revenge.  In  January,  1751,  after  a  175] 
delay  of  more  than  a  month,  the  Wyandots  held  a 
council  at  Muskingum ;  but  while  they  welcomed 
the  English  agents,  and  accepted  their  strings  of 
wampum,  they  deferred  their  decision  to  a  general 
council  of  their  several  nations.  Leaving  the  Wy- 
andots, and  crossing  at  White  Woman's  Creek,  where 
had  long  stood  the  home  of  a  weary  New  England 
captive,  the  agent  of  Virginia  reached  the  last  town  of 
the  Delawares,  five  miles  above  the  mouth  of  the 
Scioto.  These,  like  the  others  of  their  tribe,  who 
counted  in  all  five  hundred  warriors,  promised  good- 
will and  love  to  the  English. 

Just  below  the  mouth  of  the  Scioto  lay  the  houses 
of  the  Shawnees,  on  each  side  of  the  Ohio.  Their 
room  of  state  was  on  the  north  side,  in  length  ninety 
feet,  roofed  with  bark.  They  gratefully  adhered  to 
the  English,  who  had  averted  from  them  the  wrath  of 
the  Six  Nations. 

From  the  Shawnee  town  the  envoys  of  the  Eng- 

'  Croghan's    MS.   Journals,    in    New    York    London    Documents, 
xxx  iv,  16. 


Cui?'  -^h  world  crossed  the  Little  Miami,  and  journeyed 
• — . — ■  in  February  towards  the  Miami  River ;  first  of  while 
1  *  men  on  record,  they  saw  that  the  land  beyond  the 
Scioto,  except  the  first  twenty  miles,  is  rich  and  level, 
bearing  walnut  trees  of  huge  size,  the  maple,  the  wild 
cherry,  and  the  ash;  full  of  little  streams  and  rivu- 
lets ;  variegated  by  beautiful  natural  prairies,  covered 
with  wild  rye,  blue  grass  and  white  clover.  Turkeys 
abounded,  and  deer  and  elks,  and  most  sorts  of  game , 
of  buffaloes,  thirty  or  forty  were  frequently  seen 
feeding  in  one  meadow.  "  Nothing,"  they  cried,  "  is 
wanting  but  cultivation  to  make  this  a  most  delightful 
country." l  Their  horses  swam  over  the  swollen  cur- 
rent of  the  Great  Miami;  on  a  raft  of  logs  they 
transported  their  goods  and  saddles;  outside  of  the 
town  of  the  Picqualennees,  the  warriors  came  forth 
with  the  peace-pipe,  to  smoke  with  them  the  sacred 
welcome.  They  entered  the  village  with  the  English 
colors,  were  received  as  guests  into  the  king's  house, 
and  planted  the  red  cross  upon  its  roof. 

The  Miamis  were  the  most  powerful  confederacy 
of  the  West,  excelling  the  Six  Nations,  with  whom 
they  were  in  amity.  Each  tribe  had  its  own  chief; 
of  whom  one,  at  that  time  the  chief  of  the  Pianke- 
shaws,  was  chosen  indifferently  to  rule  the  whole  na- 
tion. They  formerly  dwelt  on  the  Wabash,  but,  for 
the  sake  of  trading  with  the  English,  drew  nearer  the 
East.  Their  influence  reached  to  the  Mississippi,  and 
they  received  frequent  visits  from  tribes  beyond  that 
river.  The  town  of  Picqua  contained  about  four  hun- 
dred families,  and  was  one  of  the  strongest  in  that 
part  of  the  continent. 

*  Gist's  Journal  in  Pownall's  Appendix,  11. 


On  the  night  of  the  arrival  of  the  envoys  from  C3^p' 
Virginia  and  Pennsylvania,1  two  strings  of  wampum,  *-v^ 
given  at  the  Long  House  of  the  villages,  removed  1761* 
trouble  from  their  hearts  and  cleared  their  eyes ;  and 
four   other  belts   confirmed   the   message   from   the 
Wyandota  and  Dela wares,  commending  the  English 
to  their  care. 

In  the  days  that  followed,  the  traders'  men  helped 
the  men  of  Picqua  repair  their  fort;  and  distributed 
clothes  and  paint,  that  they  might  array  themselves 
for  the  council.  When  it  was  told  that  deputies  from 
the  Wawiachtas,  or,  as  we  call  them,  Weas,  and  from 
the  Piankeshaws,  were  coming,  deputies  from  the 
Picquas  went  forth  to  meet  them.  The  English  were 
summoned  to  the  Long  House,  to  sit  for  a  quarter  of 
an  hour  in  the  silence  of  expectation,  when  two  from 
each  tribe,  commissioned  by  their  nations  to  bring 
the  Long  Pipe,  entered  with  their  message  and  their 

On  the  twenty-first  day  of  February,  after  a  dis- 
tribution of  presents,  articles  of  peace  and  alliance 
were  drawn  up  between  the  English  of  Pennsylvania 
on  the  one  side,  and  the  Weas  and  Piankeshaws  on 
the  other ;  were  signed  and  sealed  in  duplicate,  and 
delivered  on  both  sides.  All  the  friendly  tribes  of 
the  West  were  also  to  meet  the  next  summer  at 
Logstown,  for  a  general  treaty  with  Virginia.2 

The  indentures  had  just  been  exchanged,3  when 
four  Ottawas  drew  near  with  a  present  from  the 
governor  of  Canada,  were  admitted  at  once  to  the 

1  De  la  Jonquiere  to  Clinton,  *  Croghan's  Journal  of  Trans- 

JO  Aug.  1751.  actions,  iVc. 

•  Gist  in  Pownall,  12,  13. 


C  rn.P'  council?  and  desired  a  renewal  of  friendship  with  their 
■ — . — '  fathers,  the  French.1  The  king  of  the  Piankeshaws, 
setting  up  the  English  colors  in  the  council,  as  well 
as  the  French,  rose  and  replied :  "  The  path  to  the 
French  is  bloody,  and  was  made  so  by  them.  We 
have  cleared  a  road  for  our  brothers,  the  English, 
and  your  fathers  have  made  it  foul,  and  have  taken 
some  of  our  brothers  prisoners."  They  had  taken 
three  at  the  Huron  village,  near  Detroit,  and  one  on 
the  Wabash.  "This,"  added  the  king,  "we  look 
upon  as  done  to  us;"  and  turning  suddenly  from 
them,  he  strode  out  of  the  council.  At  this,  the 
representative  of  the  French,  an  Ottawa,  wept  and 
howled,  predicting  sorrow  for  the  Miarnis. 

To  the  English  the  Weas  and  Piankeshaws,  after 
deliberation,  sent  a  speech  by  the  great  orator  of 
the  Weas.  "  You  have  taken  us  by  the  hand,"  were 
his  words,  "  into  the  great  chain  of  friendship.  There- 
fore we  present  you  with  these  two  bundles  of  skins, 
to  make  shoes  for  your  people,  and  this  pipe  to  smoke 
in,  to  assure  you  our  hearts  are  good  towards  you, 
our  brothers." 

In  the  presence  of  the  Ottawa  ambassadors,  the 
great  war-chief  of  Picqua  stood  up,  and  summoning  in 
imagination  the  French  to  be  present,  he  spoke : 

"  Fathers !  you  have  desired  we  should  go  home 
to  you,  but  I  tell  you  it  is  not  our  home ;  for  we  have 
made  a  path  to  the  sun-rising,  and  have  been  taken 
by  the  hand  by  our  brothers,  the  English,  the  Six 
Nations,  the  Delawares,  the  Shawnees,  and  the  Wy- 
andots ;  and  we  assure  you,  in  that  road  we  will  go. 

1  Compare  Des    Essais   d'Eta-  s  De  la  JonqnieretotheFren< 

blissements  des  Anglais  a  la  Belle    Minister,  17  October,  1751. 
Riviere.    22  Sept.  1751. 


And  as  you  threaten  us  with  war  in  the  spring,  we  c"f^.1* 
tell  you,  if  you  are  angry,  we  are  ready  to  receive  s-  * — ' 
you,  and  resolve  to  die  here,  before  we  will  go  to  ' 

yon.     Tli at  you  may  know  this  is  our  mind,  we  send 
you  this  string  of  black  wampum. 

"Brothel's,  the  Ottawas,  you  hear  what  I  say; 
1  ell  that  to  your  fathers,  the  French;  for  that  is  our 
mind,  and  we  speak  it  from  our  hearts." 

The  French  colors  are  taken  down ;  the  Ottawas 
are  dismissed  to  the  French  fort  at  Sandusky.  The 
Long  House,  late  the  senate-chamber  of  the  United 
Miami's,  rings  with  the  music  and  the  riotous  motions 
of  the  feather-dance.  A  war-chief  strikes  a  post :  the 
music  ceases,  and  the  dancers,  on  the  instant,  are 
hushed  to  silent  listeners ;  the  brave  recounts  his 
deeds  in  war,  and  proves  the  greatness  of  his  mind 
by  throwing  presents  lavishly  to  the  musicians  and 
the  dancers.  Then  once  more  the  turmoil  of  joy  is 
renewed,  till  another  warrior  rises  to  boast  his  prow- 
ess, and  scatter  gifts  in  his  turn. 

Thus  February  came  to  an  end.  On  the  first 
day  of  March,  Gist  took  his  leave.  The  Miamis,  re- 
solving never  to  give  heed  to  the  words  of  the 
French,  sent  beyond  the  Alleghanies  this  message: 
u  Our  friendship  shall  stand  like  the  loftiest  mountain." 

The  agent  of  the  Ohio  Company  gazed  with  rap- 
ture on  the  valley  of  the  Great  Miami,  "  the  finest 
meadows  that  can  be."  He  was  told,  that  the  land 
was  not  less  fertile  to  the  very  head-springs  of  the 
river,  and  west  to  the  Wabash.  He  descended  to  the 
Ohio  by  way  of  the  Little  Miami,  still  finding  many 
u  clear  fields,"  where  herds  of  forty  or  fifty  buffaloes 
were  feeding  together  on  the  wonderfully  tall  grasses. 

VOL.    IV.  6 




He  checked  his  perilous  course,  when  within  fifteen 
miles  of  the  falls  at  Louisville ;  and  taking  with  him, 
as  a  trophy,  the  tooth  of  a  mammoth,  then  a  novel 
wonder,  he  passed  up  the  valley  of  the  Kentucky 
River,  and  through  a  continuous  ledge  of  almost  in- 
accessible hills  and  rocks  and  laurel  thickets,  found  a 
path  to  the  Bluestone.  g  He  paused  on  his  way,  to 
climb  what  is  now  called  "  The  Hawk's  Nest,"  whence 
he  could  "  see  the  Kenhawa  burst  through  the  next 
high  mountain ;"  and  having  proposed  the  union,  and 
appointed  at  Logstown  a  meeting  of  the  Mingoes,  the 
Delawares,  the  Wyandots,  the  Shawnees,  and  the 
Miami  nations,  with  the  English,  he  returned  to  his 
employers  by  way  of  the  Yadkin  and  the  Roanoke. 

In  April,  1751,  Croghan  again  repaired  to  the 
Ohio  Indians.  The  half-king,  as  the  chief  of  the 
mixed  tribe  on  the  branches  of  the  Ohio  was  called 
in  token  of  his  subordination  to  the  Iroquois  confed- 
eracy, reported,  that  the  news  of  the  expedition  under 
Celoron  had  swayed  the  Onondaga  council  to  allow 
the  English  to  establish  a  trading-house ;  and  a  bell 
of  wampum,  prepared  with  due  solemnity,  invite< 
Hamilton,  of  Pennsylvania,  to  build  a  fort  at  th( 
forks  of  Monongahela. l 

1  Croghan's  Journal  of  his  Transactions. 




The  thoughts  of  the  British  ministry  were  so  chap. 
engrossed  by  intrigues  at  home,  as  to  give  but  little  ^^ 
heed  to  the  glorious  country  beyond  the  Alleghanies.  1751. 
Having  failed  in  the  attempt  to  subject  all  the  colo- 
nies by  act  of  parliament  to  all  future  orders  of  the 
king,  the  Lords  of  Trade  sought  to  gain  the  same  end 
in  detail.  Rhode  Island,  a  charter  government,  of 
which  the  laws  were  valid  without  the  assent  of  the 
king,  continued  to  emit  paper  currency,1  and  the  more 
freely,  because  Massachusetts  had  withdrawn  its  notes 
and  returned  to  hard  money.2  In  1742,  twenty-eight 
shillings  of  Rhode  Island  currency  would  have  pur- 
chased an  ounce  of  silver ;  seven  years  afterwards,  it 
required  sixty  shillings;  compared  with  sterling 
money,  the  depreciation  was  as  ten  and  a  half  or  eleven 
to  one.  This  was  pleaded  as  the  justification  of  the 
Board  of  Trade,  who,  in  March,  1751,  presented  a 
bill  to  restrain  bills  of  credit  in  New  England,  with 
an  additional  clause  giving  the  authority  of  law  to  the 

1  Potter's    Rhode    Island    Cur-        *  J.  B.  Felt's  Massachusetts  Cur- 
rency. 12.  rency,  133,  134. 



king's  instructions  on  that  subject.1  In  "  the  dan- 
gerous precedent,"  Bollan,  the  agent  for  Massachusetts, 
discerned  the  latent  purpose  of  introducing  by  de- 
grees the  same  authority  to  control  other  articles. 
He  argued,  moreover,  that  "  the  province  had  a  natu- 
ral and  lawful  right  to  make  use  of  its  credit  for  its 
defence  and  preservation."2  New  York  also  urged 
"  the  benefit  of  a  paper  credit."  Before  the  bill  was 
engrossed,  the  obnoxious  clause  was  abandoned.8 
Yet  there  seemed  to  exist  in  the  minds  of  "  some  per- 
sons of  consequence,"  a  fixed  design  of  getting  a  par- 
liamentary sanction  of  some  kind  or  other  to  the 
king's  instructions;  and  the  scheme  was  conducted 
with  great  perseverance  and  art.4 

Meantime,  parliament,  by  its  sovereign  act,  on  the 
motion  of  Lord  Chesterfield,  changed  the  commence- 
ment of  the  year,  and  regulated  the  calendar  for  all 
the  British  dominions.  As  the  earth  and  the  moon, 
in  their  annual  rounds,  differed  by  eleven  days  from 
the  English  reckoning  of  time,  and  would  not  delay 
their  return,  the  legislature  of  a  Protestant  kingdom, 
after  centuries  of  obstinacy,  submitted  to  be  taught  by 
the  heavens,  and  conquering  a  prejudice,  adopted  the 
calendar  as  amended  by  a  pope  of  Rome. 

The  Board  of  Trade  was  all  the  while  maturing 
its  scheme  for  an  American  civil  list.5     The  royal  pre- 

1  Journal  of  the  Commons,  xxvi.        6  Representation  of  the  Board 
65,  119,  120,  187,  206,  265.  of  Trade  upon  the  State  of  New 

2  Compare  Lind  on  Acts  relating  York,  2  April,  1751,  in  N.  Y.  Lon- 
to  the  Colonies,  238.  don    Doc.    xxx.  5.     Compare   also 

8  24  Geo.  II.  c.  liii.  order  of  the  Privy  Council   of  6 

4   Bollan,  agent  for  the  Massa-  August,  1751,  ar.d  the  justificatory 

chusetts  Bay  to  the  Speaker  of  its  Representation    of    the    Lords    of 

Assembly,   7  March,  12  April,  12  Trade,    4    April,    1754.      London 

July,  1751.  Doc.  xxxi.  39. 


rogative  was  still  the  raain-spring  in  their  system. 
With  Bedford's  approbation,1  they  advised  the  ap- 
pointment of  a  new  governor  for  New  York,  with  a 
stricter  commission  and  instructions ;  the  New  York 
islature  should  be  ordered  to  grant  a  permanent 
revenue,  to  be  disbursed  by  royal  officers,  and  suffi- 
cient for  Indian  presents,  as  well  as  for  the  civil  list. 
At  the  same  time,  it  was  resolved  to  obtain  an  Amer- 
ican revenue  by  acts  of  parliament.2  The  excessive 
discriminating  duties  in  favor  of  the  British  West 
Indies,  "given  and  granted"  in  1733,  on  the  pro- 
ducts of  the  Foreign  West  India  Islands,  imported 
into  the  continental  colonies,  were  prohibitory 
in  their  character,  and  had  never  been  collected. 
England,  which  thought  itself  able  to  make  such  a 
grant,  to  be  levied  in  ports  of  a  thinly  inhabited  con- 
tinent, could  never  give  effect  to  the  statute  ;  and  did 
but  discipline  America  to  dispute  its  supreme  author- 
ity. The  trade  continued  to  be  pursued  with  no 
more  than  an  appearance  of  disguise ;  and  Newcastle, 
who  had  escaped  from  the  solicitations  and  importuni- 
ties of  the  British  West  Indians  by  conceding  the 
law,  had  also  avoided  the  reproaches  of  the  colonists 
by  never  enforcing  it. 

This  forbearance  is,  in  part,  also,  to  be  ascribed  to 
the  moderation  of  character  of  Sir  Robert  Walpole. 
Hr  rejected  the  proposition  for  a  colonial  stamp-tax, 
being  content  with  the  tribute  to  British  wealth  from 
colonial  commerce ;  and  he  held  that  the  American 
evasions  of  the  acts  of  trade,  by  enriching  the  colo- 
nics, did  but  benefit  England,  which  was  their  final 
mart.     The  policy  was  generous  and  safe ;  but  can  a 

1  Thos.  Penn  to  Gov.  Hamilton,        s  MSS.  of  William  Bollan. 
30  March.  1751. 





minister  excuse  his  own  acts  of  despotic  legislation  by 
his  neglect  to  enforce  them  ?  The  administration  of 
Sir  Robert  Walpole  had  left  English  statutes  and 
American  practice  more  at  variance  than  ever.  Woe 
to  the  British  statesman  who  should  hold  it  a  duty 
to  enforce  the  British  laws  ! 

In  1740,  Ashley,  a  well  informed  writer,  had  pro- 
posed to  establish  a  fund  by  such  "  an  abatement  of 
the  duty  on  molasses  imported  into  the  northern  col- 
onies,"1 as  would  make  it  cease  to  be  prohibitory. 
"  Whether  this  duty,"  he  added,  "  should  be  one, 
two,  or  three  pence  sterling  money  of  Great  Britain 
per  gallon,  may  be  matter  of  consideration."  The 
time  was  come  when  it  was  resolved  to  discard  the 
policy  of  Walpole.  Opinions  were  changing  on  the 
subject  of  a  stamp-tax ;  and  the  Board  of  Trade,  in 
1751,  entered  definitively  on  the  policy  of  regulating 
trade,  so  as  to  uproot  illicit  traffic  and  obtain  an 
American  revenue.2  To  this  end,  they  fostered  the 
jealous  dispute  between  the  continental  colonies  and 
the  favored  British  West  Indian  Islands ;  that,  under 
the  guise  of  lenity,  they  might  lower  the  disregarded 
prohibitory  duties,  and  enrich  the  exchequer  by  the 
collection  of  more  moderate  imposts. 

But  the  perfidious  jealousy  with  which  the  Duke 
of  Newcastle  plotted  against  his  colleague,  the  Duke 
of  Bedford,  delayed  for  the  present  the  decisive  inter- 
position of  parliament  in  the  government  of  America. 
Besides,    Halifax   with   his    Board    was    equally    at 

8  John   Ashley's    Memoirs    and  colonies  more  beneficial  to  Great 

Considerations      concerning      the  Britain. 

Trade,  &c,  of  the  British  colonies,        8  Bollan's  Sketch  of  his  Services, 
with  proposals  for  rendering  those 




variance  with  his  superior.  The  former  was  eager  to  IV 
foster  the  settlement  of  Nova  Scotia  at  every  hazard ; 
Bedford  desired  to  be  frugal  of  the  public  money, 
and  was  also  honestly  inclined  to  maintain  peace  with 
France.  The  governor  of  that  colony1  had  writ- 
ten impatiently  for  ships  of  war ;  and  Halifax  in  the 
most  earnest  and  elaborate  official  papers  had  sec- 
onded Ins  entreaties  ;2  but  Bedford  was  dissatisfied  at 
the  vastness  of  the  sums  lavished  on  the  new  planta- 
tion, and  was,  moreover,  fixed  in  the  purpose  of  leav- 
ing to  the  pending  negotiation  an  opportunity  of  suc- 
cess. He  was  supported  by  the  Admiralty,  at  which 
Sandwich  was  his  friend ;  while  Newcastle,  with  his 
timorous  brother,  enforced  the  opinion  of  Halifax. 
The  intrigue  in  the  cabinet  had  come  to  maturity. 
Bedford's  neglect  of  the  forms  of  office  had  vexed  the 
king ;  his  independence  of  character  had  paid  no  de- 
ference to  the  king's  mistress.  Sandwich  was  dismissed 
from  the  Admiralty.  Admitted  in  June  to  an  audi- 
ence at  court,  Bedford  inveighed  long  and  vehe- 
mently against  his  treacherous  colleague,  and  re- 
signed.3 His  successor  was  the  Earl  of  Holdernesse, 
a  very  courtly  peer,  proud  of  his  rank,  formal,  and  of 
talents  which  could  not  excite  Newcastle's  jealousy, 
or  alarm  America  for  its  liberties.  The  disappointed 
Halifax,  not  yet  admitted  to  the  cabinet,  was  con- 
soled by  obtaining  a  promise,  that  the  whole  patron- 
age and  correspondence  of  the  colonies  should  be 
vested  in  his  Board.  The  increase  of  their  powers 
might  invigorate  their  schemes  for  regulating  Ameri- 
ca ;  for  which,  however,  no  energetic  system  of  admin- 

1  Cornwallis  to  Lords  of  Trade,     Bedford,  16  Jan.  and  7  March,  1751. 
30  Sept.  and  27  Nov.,  1750.  8  Hardwicke  in  Coxe's  Pelham 

2  Halifax  and  Lords  of  Trade  to    Administration,  ii.  189. 


chap,  istration  could  be  adopted,  without  the  aid  of  the 
new  party  of  which  Bedford  was  the  head. 


During  the  progress  of  these  changes,  the  colonies 
were  left  to  plan  their  own  protection.  But  every 
body  shunned  the  charge  of  securing  the  valley  of  the 
Ohio.  Of  the  Virginia  Company  the  means  were 
limited.  The  Assembly  of  Pennsylvania,  from  mo- 
tives of  economy,  refused  to  ratify  the  treaty  which 
Croghan  had  negotiated  at  Picqua,  while  the  propri- 
etaries l  of  that  province  openly  denied  their  liability 
"to  contribute  to  Indian  or  any  other  expenses;"2 
and  sought  to  cast  the  burden  of  a  Western  fort  on 
the  equally  reluctant  "  people  of  Virginia."  New 
York  could  but  remonstrate  with  the  governor  ot 

The  deputies  of  the  Six  Nations  were  the  first  to 
manifest  zeal.  At  the  appointed  time  in  July,  they 
came  down  to  Albany  to  renew  their  covenant  chain , 
and  to  chide  the  inaction  of  the  English,  which  was 
certain  to  leave  the  wilderness  to  France. 

When  the  congress,  which  Clinton  had  invited  to 
meet  the  Iroquois,  assembled  at  Albany,  South  Caroli- 
na came  also,4  for  the  first  time,  to  join  in  coun- 
cil with  New  York,  Connecticut,  and  Massachu- 
setts, —  its  earliest  movement  towards  confederation. 
From  the  Catawbas,  also,  hereditary  foes  to  the  Six 
Nations,  deputies  attended  to  hush  the  war-song 
that  for  so  many  generations  had  lured  their  chiefs 

1  Thomas  Penn  to  Governor  *  Drayton's  South  Carolina,  91 
Hamilton,  25  February,  1751.  and  239.     Clinton  to  Bedford,  17 

2  Hamilton's  Message  to  the  July,  1751,  in  New  York  London 
Pennsylvania  Assembly,  21  August,  Documents,  xxx.  16,  and  Clinton  to 
1751,  in  Hazard,  iv.  235.  Lords  of  Trade,  same  date. 

8  Clinton  to  La   Jonquiere,  12 
June,  1751. 


along  the  Blue  Eidge  to  Western  New  York.  They  chap. 
approached  the  grand  council,  singing  the  words  of  — , — - 
reconciliation,  bearing  their  ensigns  of  colored  feath-  1751- 
ers,  not  erect,  as  in  defiance,  but  horizontally,  as  with 
friends;  and,  accompanied  by  the  rude  music  from 
their  calabashes,  they  continued  their  melodies,  while 
their  great  chief  lighted  the  peace-pipe.  He  him- 
self was  the  first  to  smoke  the  sacred  calumet , 
then  Hendrick,  of  the  Mohawks ;  and  all  the  princi- 
pal sachems  in  succession.  Nor  was  the  council  dis- 
missed, till  the  hatchet  was  buried  irrecoverably  deep, 
and  a  tree  of  peace  planted,  which  was  to  be  ever 
green  as  the  laurel  on  the  Alleghanies,  and  to  spread 
its  branches  till  its  shadow  should  reach  from  the 
Great  Lakes  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  Thus  was  South 
Carolina  first  included  in  the  same  bright  chain  with 
New  England.  When  would  they  meet  in  council 
again  ?  Thus  did  the  Indians,  in  alliance  with  Eng- 
land, plight  faith  to  one  another,  and  propose  mea- 
sures of  mutual  protection. 

To  anticipate  or  prevent  the  consummation  of  these 
designs  remained  the  earnest  effort  of  the  French. 
They  sent  priests,  who  were  excited  partly  by  ambi- 
tion, partly  by  fervid  enthusiasm,  to  proselyte  the  Six 
Nations  ;  their  traders  were  to  undersell  the  British ; 
in  the  summer  of  1751,  they  launched  an  armed  ves- 
sel of  unusual  size  on  Lake  Ontario,1  and  converted 
their  trading-house  at  Niagara  into  a  fortress ; 2  they 
warned  the  governor  of  Pennsylvania,3  that  the  Eng- 

1  Memorial  on  Indian  Affairs  in  Clinton,  10  August.  Alexander's 
Clinton  to  Lords  of  Trade,  1  Octo-  Remarks  on  tlte  Letters,  sent  to  Dr. 
ber,  1751.  Mitchell. 

2  Clinton  to  De  la  Jonquiere,  12  3  La  Jonquiere  to  Governor  ITam- 
Jnne,  1751.      De  la  Jonquiere  to  ilton,  of  Pennsylvania,  6  June,  1751. 


chap,  lish  never  should  make  a  treaty  in  the  basin  of  the 
^ — -  Ohio ;  they  sent  troops  to  prevent  the  intended  con- 
1751.  gress  of  red  men ; '  and  they  resolved  to  ruin  the  Eng- 
lish interest  in  the  remoter  West,  and  take  vengeance 
on  the  Miamis. 

Yet  Louis  the  Fifteenth  disclaimed  hostile  inten- 
tions; to  the  British  minister  at  Paris  he  himself 
expressed  personally  his  concern  that  any  cause  of 
offence  had  arisen,  and  affirmed  his  determined  pur- 
pose of  peace.  The  minister  of  foreign  relations,  De 
Puysieux,  who,  on  the  part  of  France,  was  respon- 
sible for  the  treaty  of  Aix-la-Chapelle,  a  man  of  honor, 
though  not  of  ability,  was  equally  disinclined  to  dis- 
turb the  public  tranquillity.  But  Saint-Contest,  who, 
in  September,  1751,  succeeded  him,  though  a  feeble 
statesman  and  fond  of  peace,  yet  aimed  at  a  federa- 
tive maritime  system  against  England  f  and  Bouille, 
the  minister  of  the  marine  department,  loved  war  and 
prepared  for  it.  Spain  wisely  kept  aloof.  "  By  anti- 
pathy," said  the  Marquis  of  Ensenada,  the  considerate 
minister  of  Ferdinand  the  Sixth,  "  and  from  interest 
also,  the  French  and  English  will  be  enemies,  for  they 
are  rivals  for  universal  commerce  ;"  and  he  urged  on 
his  sovereign  seasonable  preparations,  that  he  might, 
by  neutrality,  recover  Gibraltar,  and  become  the  arbi- 
ter of  the  civilized  world.3 

Every  thing  seemed  to  portend  a  conflict  between 
England  and  France  along  their  respective  frontiers  in 
America.     To  be  prepared  for  it,  Clinton's  advisers 

1  Letter  from  Jonathan  Edwards,  sen  ted  to  Ferdinand  VI.  in  1751. 

August,  1751.  See  Coxe  et  Muriel :  Espagne  sous 

*  Flassan :  Hist,  de  la  Diploma-  les  Rois  de  la  Maison  de  Bourbon, 

tie  Franaise,  vi.  15.  iv.  294. 

8  De  la  Ensenada's  Report,  pre- 


recommended  to  secure  the  dominion  of  Lake  Ontario  CI[^P* 
by  an  armed  sloop  and  by  forts  upon  its  shore.     But,  « — , — » 
it  was   asked,  how  is   the   expense   to  be  defrayed?  175l« 
And  the  question  did  but  invite  from  the  governor  of 
New  York  new  proposals  for  "  a  general  duty  by  act 
of  parliament ; '  because  it  would  be  a  most  vain  ima- 
gination to  expect  that  all  the  colonies  would  severally 
agree  to  impose  it." 

The  receiver-general  of  New  York,  Archibald 
Kennedy,  urged,  through  the  press,  "  an  annual  meet- 
ing of  commissioners  from  all  the  colonies  at  New 
York  or  Albany."  "  From  upwards  of  forty  vears' 
observation  upon  the  conduct  of  provincial  assemblies, 
and  the  little  regard  paid  by  them  to  instructions,"  he 
inferred,  that  "  a  British  parliament  must  oblige  them 
to  contribute,  or  the  whole  would  end  in  altercation 
and  words."  He  advised  an  increase  of  the  respective 
quotas,  and  the  enlargement  of  the  union,  so  as  to 
comprise  the  Carolinas;  and  the  whole  system  to  be 
sanctioned  and  enforced  by  an  act  of  the  British 

"  A  voluntary  union,"  said  a  voice  from  Philadel-  175  2 
phia,  in  March,  1752,  in  tones  which  I  believe  were 
Franklin's,3  "  a  voluntary  union,  entered  into  by  the 
colonies  themselves,  would  be  preferable  to  one  im- 
posed by  parliament ;  for  it  would  be,  perhaps,  not 
much  more  difficult  to  procure,  and  more  easy  to 
alter  and  improve,  as  circumstances  should  require 
and  experience  direct.  It  would  be  a  very  strange 
thing,  if  Six  Nations  of  ignorant  savages  should  be 

1  Memrrial   on   Indian  'Affairs,  tance  of   gaining  and   preserving 

Clinton  to  Lords  of  Trade,  1  Octo-  the  Friendship  of  the  Indians,  &c, 
ber,  1751.  8  Anonymous  Letter  from  Phil- 

*  Archibald  Kennedy's    Impor-  adelphia,  March,  1752. 



chap,  capable  of  forming  a  scheme  for  such  an  union,  and 

^^  be  able  to  execute  it  in  such  a  manner,  as  that  it 

1752-  has  subsisted  for  ages,  and  appears  indissoluble ;  and 

yet  that  a  like  union  should  be  impracticable  for  ten 

or   a   dozen   English   colonies,   to  whom  it  is   more 

necessary,  and  must  be  more  advantageous." 

While  the  people  of  America  were  thus  becoming 
familiar  with  the  thought  of  joining  from  their  own 
free  choice  in  one  confederacy,  the  government  of 
England  took  a  decisive  step  towards  that  concentra- 
tion of  power  over  its  remote  dominions,  which  for 
thirty  years1  had  been  the  avowed  object  of  attain- 
ment on  the  part  of  the  Board  of  Trade.  Halifax 
with  his  colleagues,  of  whom  Charles  Townshend  was 
the  most  enterprising  and  most  fearlessly  rash,  was 
appointed  to  take  charge  of  American  affairs ;  with 
the  entire  patronage  and  correspondence  belonging 
to  them.2  Yet  the  independence  of  the  Board  was 
not  perfect.  On  important  matters  governors  might 
still  address  the  Secretary  of  State,  through  whom, 
also,  nominations  to  offices  were  to  be  laid  before  the 
king  in  council.  We  draw  nearer  to  the  conflict  of 
authority  between  the  central  government  and  the 
colonies.  An  ambitious  commission,  expressly  ap- 
pointed for  the  purpose,  was  at  last  invested  with  the 
care  of  business,  from  which  party  struggles  and  court 
intrigues,  or  love  of  ease  and  quiet  had  hitherto  di- 
verted the  attention  of  the  ministry.  Nor  did  the 
Lords  of  Trade  delay  to  exercise  their  functions,  and 

1  See   the  very  elaborate  Re-  2  Order  in  Council,  11  March, 

port  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  signed     1752. 
by  Chetwynde,  Dominique,  Bladen, 
and  Ashe,  8  September,  1721. 


to  form  plans  for  an  American  civil  list  and  a  new  chap 
administration  of  the  colonies.     They  were  resolved  _^ 
to  attach  large  emoluments,  independent  of  American  1752. 
acts  of  assembly,  to  all  the  offices,  of  which  they  had 
now  acquired  the  undivided  and  very  lucrative  pa- 
tronage.   Their  continued  subordination  served  to  con- 
ccal  their  designs  ;  and  the  imbecility  of  Holdernesse 
left  them  nothing  to  apprehend  from  his  interference. 

But  in  the  moment  of  experiment,  the  thoughts  of 
the  Board  were  distracted  by  the  state  of  relations 
with  France. 

Along  the  confines  of  Nova  Scotia,  the  heat  of 
contest  began  to  subside ;  but  danger  lowered  from 
the  forest  on  the  whole  American  "frontier.  In  the 
early  summer  of  1752,  John  Stark,  of  New  Hamp- 
shire, as  fearless  a  young  forester  as  ever  bivouacked 
in  the  wilderness,  was  trapping  beaver  along  the  clear 
brooks  that  gushed  from  his  native  highlands,  when 
a  party  of  St.  Francis  Indians  stole  upon  his  steps, 
and  scalped  one  of  his  companions.  He,  himself,  by 
courage  and  good  humor,  won  the  love  of  his  cap- 
tors ;  their  tribe  saluted  him  as  a  young  chief,  and 
cherished  him  with  hearty  kindness ;  his  Indian  mas- 
ter, accepting  a  ransom,  restored  him  to  his  country. 
Men  of  less  presence  of  mind  often  fell  victims  to  the 
fury  of  the  Indian  allies  of  France. 

At  the  same  time,  the  Ohio  Company,  with  the 
express  sanction1  of  the  Legislature  of  Virginia,  were 
forming  a  settlement  beyond  the  mountains.  Gist  had, 
on  a  second  tour,  explored  the  lands  southeast  of 
the  Ohio,  as  far  as  the  Kenhawa.     The  jealousy  of  the 

1  Laws  of  Virginia,  February,     of  Lewis  and  Walker  to  Lord  Bote- 
1752.     25  Geo.  II.,  c.  25.     Report    tourt,  2  February,  1769. 


chap.  Indians  was  excited.     "Where,"  said  the  deputy  of 
v^^  the  Delaware  chiefs,  "where  He  the  lands  of  the  In- 
1752    dians?    The  French  claim  all  on  one  side  of  the  river, 
and  the  English  on  the  other." 

Virginia,  under  the  treaty  of  Lancaster,  of  1744, 
assumed  the  right  to  appropriate  to  her  jurisdic- 
tion all  the  lands  as  far  west  as  the  Mississippi.  In 
May,  1752,  her  commissioners  met  chiefs  of  the  Min- 
goes,  Shawnees  and  Ohio  Indians,  at  Logstown.  It 
was  pretended !  that  chiefs  of  the  Six  Nations  were 
present ;  but  at  a  general  meeting  at  Onondaga,  they 
had  resolved  that  it  did  not  suit  their  customs  "  to 
treat  of  affairs  in  the  woods  and  weeds."2  "We 
never  understood,"  said  the  Half-King,  "that  the 
lands  sold  in  1744,  were  to  extend  farther  to  the  sunset- 
ting  than  the  hill  on  the  other  side  the  Alleghany 
Hill.  We  now  see  and  know  that  the  French  design 
to  cheat  us  out  of  our  lands.  They  plan  nothing  but 
mischief,  for  they  have  struck  our  friends,  the  Miamis ; 
we  therefore  desire  our  brothers  of  Virginia  may 
build  a  strong  house  at  the  fork  of  Monongahela." 

The  permission  to  build  a  fort  at  the  junction  of 
the  two  rivers  that  form  the  Ohio,  was  due  to  the 
alarm  awakened  by  the  annually  increasing  power  of 
France,  which  already  ruled  Lake  Ontario  with  armed 
vessels,  held  Lake  Erie  by  a  fort  at  Niagara,  and 
would  suffer  no  Western  tribe  to  form  alliances  but 
with  themselves.  The  English  were  to  be  exclude< 
from  the  valley  of  the  Miamis ;  and  in  pursuance  oJ 
that  resolve,  on  the  morning  of  the  summer  solstice, 
two  Frenchmen,  with  two  hundred  and  forty  French 

1  Lieut.  Gov.  Dinwiddie  of  Vir-    ernor  Clinton,   26  March,  1753,  ii 
gniKi,  to  Gov.  Glen,  23  May,  1753.     New  York  Documentary  History, 

2  Col.  William  Johnson  to  Gov-    ii.  624.     Plain  Facts,  38,  44. 


Indians,  leaving  thirty  Frenchmen  as  a  reserve,  snd-  chap. 

(Icnly  appeared  before  the  town  of  Picqua,  when  most  , ^ 

of  the  people  were  absent,  hunting,  and  demanded  the  1752. 
surrender  of  the  English  traders  and  their  effects. 
Tlio  king  of  the  Piankeshaws  replied:  "They  are 
here  at  our  invitation ;  we  will  not  do  so  base  a  thing 
MS  to  deliver  them  up."  The  French  party  made  an 
assault  on  the  fort ;  the  Piankeshaws  bravely  defended 
themselves  and  their  guests,  till  they  were  over- 
whelmed by  numbers.  One  white  man  was  killed,  and 
five  were  taken  prisoners;  of  the  Miamis,  fourteen 
were  killed ;  the  king  of  the  Piankeshaws,  the  great 
chief  of  the  whole  confederacy,  was  taken  captive, 
and,  after  the  manner  of  savages,  was  sacrificed  and 

"When  William  Trent,  the  messenger  of  Virginia, 
proceeded  from  the  council-fires  at  Logstown  to  the 
village  of  Picqua,  he  found  it  deserted,  and  the  French 
colors  flying  over  the  ruins.2  Having  substituted  the 
English  flag,  he  returned  to  the  Shawnee  town,  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Scioto,  where  the  messengers  of  the 
allied  tribes  met  for  condolence  and  concert  in  revenge. 

"Brothers,"  said  the  Delawares  to  the  Miamis, 
"we  desire  the  English  and  the  Six  Nations  to  put 
their  hands  upon  your  heads,  and  keep  the  French 
from  hurting  you.  Stand  fast  in  the  chain  of  friend- 
ship with  the  government  of  Virginia." 

"  Brothers,"  said  the  Miamis  to  the  English,  "  your 
country  is  smooth;  your  hearts  are  good;  the  dwell- 

1  Lieut.  Gov.  Dinwiddie  to  Lords  221,  where  the  date  is  1751,  instead 

of   Trade,   Dec.,   1752.       Message  of  1752.     Dr.  Win.  Clarke's  Obser- 

from  the  Twightwees  to  the  Gov.  vations,  9. 

of  Pennsylvania.     Indian  Treaties,  8  Mr.  Trent's  Report  and  Jour- 

19.    Mitchell's  Contest  in  America,  nal.     Board  of  Trade  Papers. 


chap,  ings  of  your  governors   are  like  the   spring  in  its 

^^L,  bloom." 

1752.  "Brothers,"  they  added  to  the  Six  Nations,  hold- 
ing aloft  a  calumet  ornamented  with  feathers,  "  the 
French  and  their  Indians  have  struck  us,  yet  we  kept 
this  pipe  unhurt ;"  and  they  gave  it  to  the  Six  Na- 
tions, in  token  of  friendship  with  them  and  with  their 

A  shell  and  a  string  of  black  wampum  were  given 
to  signify  the  unity  of  heart ;  and  that,  though  it  was 
darkness  to  the  westward,  yet  towards  the  sun-rising 
it  was  bright  and  clear.  Another  string  of  black 
wampum  announced  that  the  war-chiefs  and  braves  of 
the  Miamis  held  the  hatchet  in  their  hand,  ready  to 
strike  the  French.  The  widowed  queen  of  the  Pianke- 
shaws  sent  a  belt  of  black  shells  intermixed  with 
white.  "Brothers,"  such  were  her  words,  "I  am 
left  a  poor,  lonely  woman,  with  one  son,  whom  I  com- 
mend to  the  English,  the  Six  Nations,  the  Shawnees, 
and  the  Delawares,  and  pray  them  to  take  care  of 

The  Weas  produced  a  calumet.  "  We  have  had 
this  feathered  pipe,"  said  they,  "  from  the  beginning 
of  the  world;  so  that  when  it  becomes  cloudy,  we 
can  sweep  the  clouds  away.  It  is  dark  in  the  west, 
yet  we  sweep  all  clouds  away  towards  the  sun-rising, 
and  leave  a  clear  and  serene  sky." 

Thus,  on  the  alluvial  lands  of  Western  Ohio,  be- 
gan the  contest  that  was  to  scatter  death  broadcast 
through  the  world.  All  the  speeches  were  delivered 
again  to  the  deputies  of  the  nations,  represented  at 
Logstown,  that  they  might  be  correctly  repeated  to 
the  head  council  at  Onondaga.  An  express  messenger 
from  the  Miamis  hurried  across  the  mountains,  bearing 


to  the  shrewd  and  able  Dinwiddie,  the  lieutenant-  chap. 
governor  of  Virginia,  a  belt  of  wampum,  the  scalp  ^^ 
of  a  French  Indian,  and  a  feathered  pipe,  with  letters  1752. 
from  the  dwellers  on  the  Maumee  and  on  the  Wabash. 
"  Our  good  brothers  of  Virginia,"  said  the  former, 
u  we  must  look  upon  ourselves  as  lost,  if  our  brothers, 
the  English,  do  not  stand  by  us  and  give  us  arms." 1 
"Eldest  brother,"  pleaded  the  Picts  and  Windaws, 
u  this  string  of  wampum  assures  you,  that  the  French 
king's  servants  have  spilled  our  blood,  and  eaten  the 
flesh  of  three  of  our  men.  Look  upon  us,  and  pity 
us,  for  we  are  in  great  distress.  Our  chiefs  have  taken 
up  the  hatchet  of  war.  We  have  killed  and  eaten  ten 
of  the  French  and  two  of  their  negroes.  We  are 
your  brothel's;  and  do  not  think  this  is  from  our 
mouth  only  ;  it  is  from  our  very  hearts." 2  Thus  they 
solicited  protection  and  revenge. 

In  December,  1752,  Dinwiddie  made  an  elaborate 
report  to  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  asked  specific 
instructions  to  regulate  his  conduct  in  resisting  the 
French.  The  possession  of  the  Ohio  valley  he  fore- 
saw would  fall  to  the  Americans,  from  their  numbers 
and  the  gradual  extension  of  their  settlements,  for 
whose  security  he  recommended  a  barrier  of  Western 
forts ;  and,  urging  the  great  advantage  of  cultivating 
an  alliance  with  the  Miamis,  he  offered  to  cross  the 
mountains,  and  deliver  a  present  to  them  in  person,  in 
their  own  remote  dwelling-places. 

The  aged  and  undiscerning  German  prince  who 
still  sat  on  the  British  throne,  methodically  narrow, 
swayed  by  his  mistress  more  than  by  his  minister, 

1  Message  of  the  Twightwees  to        8  Message  of  the  Picts  and  Win- 
Dinwiddie,  21  June,  1752.  daws  to  Dinwiddie. 

VOL.    IV.  7 


chap,  meanly  avaricious  and  spiritless,  was  too  prejudiced  to 
v^_  gather  round  liim  willingly  the  ablest  statesmen,  and 
17 52-  cared  more  for  Hanover  than  for  America.  His  min- 
isters were  intent  only  on  keeping  in  power.  "  To  be 
well  together  with  Lady  Yarmouth,"  Pelham  wrote, 
"  is  the  best  ground  to  stand  on." *  "  If  the  good -will 
of  the  king's  mistress,"  continued  England's  primo- 
minister  to  its  principal  secretary  of  state,  M  if  that 
shakes,  we  have  no  resource."  The  whig  aristocracy 
had  held  exclusive  possession  of  the  government  for 
nearly  forty  years ;  its  authority  was  now  culminating ; 
and  it  had  nothing  better  to  offer  the  British  people, 
than  an  administration  which  openly  spoke  of  seats  in 
parliament  as  "a  marketable  commodity," 2  and  gov- 
erned the  king  by  paying  court  to  his  vices. 

The  heir  to  the  throne  was  a  boy  of  fourteen,  of 
whose  education  royalists  and  the  more  liberal  aristo- 
cracy were  disputing  the  charge.  His  birth  was 
probably  premature,  as  it  occurred  within  less  than 
ten  months  of  that  of  his  oldest  sister  ;  and  his  organi- 
zation was  marked  by  a  nervous  irritability,  whicl 
increased  with  years.  "  He  shows  no  disposition 
any  great  excess,"  said  Dodington  to  his  mother. 
"  He  is  a  very  honest  boy,"  answered  the  princess, 
who  still  wished  him  "  more  forward  and  less  childish." 
"  The  young  people  of  quality,"  she  added,  "  are  s< 
ill  educated  and  so  very  vicious,  that  they  frightei 
me ;"  and  she  secluded  her  son  from  their  society 
The  prince,  from  his  own  serious  nature,  favored  this 
retirement ;  when  angry,  he  would  hide  his  passion  in  tbi 
solitude  of  his  chamber;  and  as  he  grew  up,  his  strid 

1  Pelham  to  Newcastle,   12-24        8  Bubb  Dodington's  Diary. 
October,  1752,  in  Coxe's  Pelham, 
Ad.  ii.  463. 


sobriety  and  also  his  constitutional  fondness  for  domes-  chap. 


tic  life  were  alike  observable.  He  never  loved  study ;  ^^ 
but  when  he  excused  his  want  of  application  as  idle-  1752. 
ness,  "  Yours,"  retorted  Scott,  "  is  not  idleness ;  you 
must  not  call  being  asleep  all  day  being  idle." 1  "  I 
really  do  not  well  know,"  said  his  mother,2  "  what  his 
preceptors  teach  him ;  but,  to  speak  freely,  I  am  afraid 
not  much  ;"  and  she  thought  logic,  in  which  the 
1  >ishop,  his  tutor,  instructed  him,  "  a  very  odd  study 
for  a  child  of  his  condition."  "  I  do  not  much  regard 
books,"  rejoined  her  adviser,  Dodington ;  "  but  his 
Royal  Highness  should  be  informed  of  the  general 
frame  of  this  government  and  constitution,  and  the 
general  course  of  business."  "  I  am  of  your  opinion," 
answered  the  princess ;  "  and  Stone  tells  me,  upon 
those  subjects  the  prince  seems  to  give  a  proper  atten- 
tion, and  make  pertinent  remarks."  "  I  know  no- 
thing," she  added,  "  of  the  Jacobitism  attempted  to 
be  instilled  into  the  child;  I  cannot  conceive  what 
they  mean ;"  for  to  a  German  princess  the  supremacy 
of  regal  authority  seemed  a  tenet  very  proper  to  be 
inculcated.  But  Lord  Harcourt,  the  governor,  "com- 
plained strongly  to  the  king,  that  dangerous  notions 
and  arbitrary  principles  were  instilled  into  the  prince ; 
that  he  could  be  of  no  use,  unless  the  instillers  of  that 
doctrine,  Stone,  Cresset,  and  Scott,  were  dismissed ;" 
and  the  Earl  of  Waldegrave,  Harcourt's  successor, 
"  found  Prince  George  uncommonly  full  of  princely  pre- 
judices, contracted  in  the  nursery,  and  improved  by  the  / 
Bociety  of  bed-chamber  women,  and  pages  of  the  back  * 
Stairs.  A.  right  system  of  education  seemed  impracti- 

1  Waldegrave's  Memoirs.  8  Waldegrave's  Memoirs. 

2  Dodinsjton's  Diary. 


chap.  Neither  the  king  nor  the  court  of  the  Prince  of 
^^,  Wales  was,  therefore,  ready  to  heed  the  communica- 
1753.  tion  of  Dinwiddie;  but  it  found  the  Lords  of  Trade 
bent  on  sustaining  the  extended  limits  of  America. 
In  the  study  of  the  "Western  World  no  one  of  them 
was  so  persevering  and  indefatigable  as  Charles  Town  • 
shend.  The  elaborate  memorial  on  the  limits  of 
Acadia,  delivered  in  Paris,  by  the  English  commis- 
sioners, in  January,  1753,  was  entirely  his  work,1  and, 
though  unsound  in  its  foundation,  won  for  him  great 
praise 2  for  research  and  ability.  He  now  joined  with 
his  colleagues  in  advising  the  secretary  of  state  to  the 
immediate  occupation  of  the  eastern  bank  of  the  Ohio, 
lest  the  valley  of  the  "  beautiful  river "  should  be 
gained  by  France. 

Many  proposals,  too,  were  "  made  for  laying  taxes 
on  North  America."  The  Board  of  Trade  had  not 
ceased  to  be  urgent  "for  a  revenue  with  which  to 
fix  settled  salaries  on  the  Northern  governors,  and 
defray  the  cost  of  Indian  alliances."  u  Persons  of  con- 
sequence," we  are  told,  "  had  repeatedly,  and  without 
concealment,  expressed  undigested  notions  of  raising 
revenues  out  of  the  colonies."3  Some  proposed  to 
obtain  them  from  the  post-office,  a  modification  of  the 
acts  of  trade,  and  a  general  stamp  act  for  America.4 
With  Pelham's  concurrence,  the  Board  of  Trade5    ou 

1  Reply  of  the  English   Cora-  «  Political  Register,  i.  248.  The 
missaries,  in  All  the  Memorials,  &c.  paper,  here  referred  to,  mixes  error 
Note  to  page    195.     Jasper  Mau-  with  much  that  is  confirmed  from 
duit  to  the  Speaker  of  the  Massa-  more  trustworthy  sources, 
chusetts  Assembly,  12  March,  1763.          5  Walpole's  Memoirs  of  George 

2  North  Briton,  No.  20.  II.      Letter    of    Wm.   Bollan,    of 

3  Thomas  Penn  to  James  Ham-  Charles,  the  New  York  Agent   of 
ilt.on,  9  January,  1753.  Wm.  Bol-  the  Proprietary  of  Pennsylvania. 
Ian  to  Secretary  Willard,  10  July, 
1752,  and  24  May,  1753. 


the  eighth  day  of  March,   1753,  announced  to  the  chap. 
House  of  Commons  the  want  of  a  colonial  revenue ;  ^^L, 
as  the  first  expedient,  it  was  proposed  to  abolish  the  1758. 
export  duty  in  the  British  West  Indies,  from  which 
no  revenue  accrued ;  and  with  a  slight  discrimination 
in  their  favor,  to  substitute  imposts  on  all  West  In- 
dian  produce   brought  into   the    northern   colonies. 
This  project  was  delayed  at  that  time  for  the  purpose 
of  inquiries,  that  were  to  serve  to  adjust  its  details ; 
but  the  measure  itself  was  already  looked  upon  as  the 
determined  policy  of  Great  Britain. 

Meantime  the  Indians  of  Ohio  were  growing 
weary  with  the  indecision  of  England  and  its  colo- 
nies. A  hundred  of  them,  at  Winchester,  in  1753, 
renewed  to  Virginia  the  proposal  for  an  English 
fort  on  the  Ohio,  and  promised  aid  in  repelling  the 
French.1  They  repaired  to  Pennsylvania  with  the 
same  message,  and  were  met  by  evasions. 

The  ministry  which  had,  from  the  first,  endeavored 
to  put  upon  America  the  expenses  of  Indian  treaties 
and  of  colonial  defence,  continued  to  receive  early 
and  accurate  intelligence  from  Dinwiddie.2  The  sys- 
tem they  adopted  gave  evidence  not  only  of  the  reck- 
less zeal  of  the  Lords  of  Trade  to  extend  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  Great  Britain  beyond  the  Alleghanies,  but 
also  of  the  imbecility  of  the  cabinet.  The  king  in 
council,  swayed  by  the  representations  of  the  Board, 
decided,  that  the  valley  of  the  Ohio  was  in  the  west- 
ern part  of  the  colony  of  Virginia;  and  that  "the 
march  of  certain  Europeans  to  erect  a  fort  in  parts" 
claimed  to  be  of  his  dominions,  was  to  be  resisted  as 

1  Dinwiddie  to   Glen  of  S.  C.        2  Lieutenant  Gov.  Dinwiddie  to 
23  Ma.y,  1753.  Lords  of  Trade,  16  June,  1753. 


chap,  an  act  of  hostility.  Having  thus  invited  a  conflict 
■ — ^  with  France  by  instructions  necessarily  involving  war, 
1753.  the  cabinet  took  no  effective  measures  to  sustain  the 
momentous  claims  on  which  it  solemnly  resolved  to 
insist.  The  governor  of  Virginia  was  reminded  of 
the  great  number  of  men  enrolled  in  the  militia  of  that 
province.  These  he  was  to  draw  forth  in  whole  or  in 
part ;  with  their  aid,  and  at  the  cost  of  the  colony 
itself,  to  build  forts  on  the  Ohio  ;  to  keep  the  Indians 
in  subjection ;  and  to  repel  and  drive  out  the  French 
by  force.  But  neither  troops,  nor  money,  nor  ships 
of  war  were  sent  over ;  nor  was  any  thing,  but  a  few 
guns  from  the  ordnance  stores,  contributed  by  Eng- 
land. The  Old  Dominion  was  itself  to  make  the  con- 
quest of  the  West.  France  was  defied  and  attacked : 
and  no  preparation  was  made  beyond  a  secretary's 
letters,1  and  the  king's  instructions.2  A  general  but 
less  explicit  circular  was  also  sent  to  every  one  of  the 
colonies,  vaguely  requiring  them  to  aid  each  other  in 
repelling  all  encroachments  of  France  on  "the  undoubt- 
ed"3  territory  of  England.  Such  was  the  mode 
in  which  Holdernesse  and  Newcastle  gave  effect 
to  the  intimations  of  the  Board  of  Trade. 

That  Board,  of  itself,  had  as  yet  no  access  to  the 
king ;  but  still  it  assumed  the  direction  of  affairs  in  its 
department.  Busily  persevering  in  the  plan  of  reform- 
ing the  government  of  the  colonies,  it  made  one  last 
great  effort  to  conduct  the  American  administration 
by  means  of  the  prerogative.     New  York  remained 

1  Earl  of  Holdernesse  to  Lieut.  *  Circular  of  Holdernesse  to  the 

(iov.  Dinwiddie,  August,  1751.  American  Governors,   28    August, 

8  Instructions  to  Lieut.  Governor  1753. 
Dinwiddie,  August,  1753. 


the  scene  of  the  experiment,  and  Sir  Dan  vers  Os-  chap. 
borne,  brother-in-law  to  the  Earl  of  Halifax,  having  t>v^ 
Thomas  Pownall  for  his  secretary,  was  commissioned  1753, 
■8  its  governor,  with  instructions  which  were  princi- 
pally "advised"1  by  Halifax  and  Charles  Townshend, 
and    were  confirmed  by  the  Privy  Council,2  in  the 
presence  of  the  king. 

The  new  governor,  just  as  he  was  embarking,  was 
also  charged  "  to  apply  his  thoughts  very  closely  to 
Indian  affairs;1'3  and  hardly  had  he  sailed,  when,  in 
September,  the  Lords  of  Trade  directed  commission- 
el's  from  the  northern  colonies  to  meet  the  next  sum- 
mer at  Albany,  and  make  a  common  treaty  with  the 
Six  Nations.  On  the  relations  of  France  and  Ens:- 
land  with  those  tribes  and  their  Western  allies, 
hung  the  issues  of  universal  peace  and  American 

During  the  voyage  across  the  Atlantic,  the  agita- 
ted mind  of  Osborne,  already  reeling  with  private 
grief,  brooded  despondingly  over  the  task  he  had  as- 
sumed. On  the  tenth  of  October,  he  took  the  oaths 
of  office  at  New  York ;  and  the  people  who  welcomed 
him  with  acclamations,  hooted  his  predecessor.  "I 
expect  the  like  treatment,"  said  he  to  Clinton,  "  be- 
fore I  leave  the  government."  On  the  same  day,  he 
was  startled  by  an  address  from  the  city  council, 
who  declared  they  would  not  "  brook  any  infringe- 
ment of  their  inestimable  liberties,  civil  and  religious." 
On  the  next,  he  communicated  to  the  Council  his  in- 
structions, which  required  the  Assembly  "  to  recede 
from  all  encroachments  on  the  prerogative,"  and  "to 

Representation  of  Ilalifax  and  8  Thomas  Penn  to  James  Ham* 
Townshend,  &c  5  July,  1753.  ilton,  12  August,  1753. 

8  Order  in  Council,  10  August, 


chap,  consider,  without  delay,  of  a  proper  law  for  a  perma- 
^^  nent  revenue,  solid,  definite,  and  without  limitation." 
175  3.  All  public  money  was  to  be  applied  by  the  governor's 
warrant,  with  the  consent  of  Council,  and  the  Assem- 
bly should  never  be  allowed  to  examine  accounts. 
With  a  distressed  countenance  and  a  plaintive  voice, 
he  asked  if  these  instructions  would  be  obeyed.1  All 
agreed  that  the  Assembly  never  would  comply.  He 
sighed,  turned  about,  reclined  against  the  window- 
frame,  and  exclaimed,  "  Then,  why  am  I  come  here  P 
Being  of  morbid  sensitiveness,  honest,  and  scru- 
pulous of  his  word,  the  unhappy  man  spent  the  night 
in  arranging  his  private  affairs,  and  towards  morning 
hanged  himself  against  the  fence  in  the  garden.  Thus 
was  British  authority  surrendered  by  his  despair. 
His  death  left  the  government  in  the  hands  of  James 
Delancey,  a  man  of  ability  and  great  possessions.  A 
native  of  New  York,  of  Huguenot  ancestry,  he  had 
won  his  way  to  political  influence  as  the  leader  of  op- 
position in  the  colonial  Assembly ;  and  Newcastle  had 
endeavored  to  conciliate  his  neutrality  by  a  commis- 
sion as  lieutenant-governor.  He  discerned,  and  acknow- 
ledged, that  the  custom  of  annual  grants  could  never 
be  surrendered.  "  Dissolve  us  as  often  as  you  will," 
said  his  old  associates  in  opposition,  "  we  will  never 
give  it  up."  But  they  relinquished  claims  to  executive 
power,  and  consented  that  all  disbursements  of  pub- 
lic money  should  require  the  warrant  of  the  governor 
and  council,  except  only  for  the  payment  of  their  own 
clerk  and  their  agent  in  England.  Nor  did  public 
opinion  in  Great  Britain  favor  the  instructions. 
Charles  Townshend  was,  indeed,  ever  ready  to  defend 

1  Smith's  History  of  New  York,  ii.  159,  160. 


them  to  the  last ;  but  to  the  younger  Horace  Walpole  chap. 
they  seemed  "better   calculated  for  the  latitude  of  ^^ 
Mexico  and  for  a  Spanish  tribunal,  than  for  free,  rich  1753. 
British  settlements,  in  such  opulence  and  haughtiness, 
that  suspicions    had    long  been   conceived   of  their 
meditating  to  throw  off   their  dependence   on   the 
mother  country.' 

» i 

Walpole's  Memoires  of  George  II. 




New  York  offered  no  resistance  to  the  progress 
of  the  French  in  America.  From  Virginia  the  Ohio 
1753.  Company,  in  1753,  opened  a  road  by  Will's  Creek, 
into  the  Western  valley ;  and  Gist  established  a  plan- 
tation near  the  Youghiogeny,  just  beyond  Laurel  Hill. 
Eleven  families  settled  in  his  vicinity ;  a  town  and  fort 
were  marked  out  on  Shurtee's  Creek ;  but  the  British 
government  did  nothing  to  win  the  valley  of  the  Ohio, 
leaving  the  feeble  company  exposed  to  the  wavering 
jealousy  of  the  red  men,  and  without  protection 
against  the  impending  encroachments  of  France. 

The  young  men  of  the  Six  Nations  had  been 
hunting,  in  April,  near  the  rapids  of  the  St.  Law- 
rence. Suddenly  they  beheld  a  large  body  of  French 
and  Indians,  equipped  for  war,  marching  towards  On- 
tario ;  and  their  two  fleetest  runners  hurried  through 
the  forest  as  messengers  to  the  grand  council  at  Onon- 
daga. In  eight-and-forty  hours  the  decision  of  the 
council  was  borne  by  fresh  posts  to  the  nearest  Eng- 
lish station ;  and  on  the  nineteenth  of  April,  at  mid- 
night, the  two  Indians  from  Canajoharie,  escorted  by 


Mohawk  warriors,  that  filled  the  air  with  their  whoops  chap 
{iiid  haUoos,  presented  to  Johnson  the  belt  of  warning  ^^ 
which  should  urge  the  English  to  protect  the  Ohio  1758 
Indians  and  the  Miamis.1    In  May  more  than  thirty 
canoes  were  counted  as  they  passed  Oswego;  part  of 
an  army  going  to  "the  Beautiful  River"  of  the  French.2 
The  Six  Nations  foamed  with  eagerness  to  take  up  the 
hatchet;  for,  said  they,  "  Ohio  is  ours." 

On  the  report  that  a  body  of  twelve  hundred  men 
had  been  detached  from  Montreal,  by  the  brave 
Duquesne,  the  successor  of  La  Jonquiere,  to  occupy 
the  Ohio  valley,  the  Indians  on  the  banks  of  that 
river,  —  promiscuous  bands  of  Delawares,  Shawnees, 
and  J  Lingoes,  or  emigrant  Iroquois,  —  after  a  council 
at  Logstown,  resolved  to  stay  the  progress  of  the 
white  men.  Their  envoy  met  the  French,  in  April,  at 
Niagara,  and  gave  them  the  first  warning  to  turn 
back.  As  the  message  sent  from  the  council-fires  of 
the  tribes  was  unheeded,  Tanacharisson,  the  Half-King, 
himself  repaired  to  them  at  the  newly  discovered 
harbor  of  Erie,  and,  undismayed  by  a  rude  reception, 
delivered  his  speech. 

"  Fathers !  you  are  disturbers  in  this  land,  by 
taking  it  away  unknown  to  us  and  by  force.  This  is 
our  land,  and  not  yours.  Fathers!  both  you  and 
the  English  are  white ;  we  live  in  a  country  between. 
Therefore  the  land  belong  to  neither  the  one  nor  the 
other  of  you.  But  the  Great  Being  above  allowed  it  to 
be  a  dwelling-place  for  us ;  so,  Fathers,  I  desire  you  to 
will  id  raw,  as  I  have  done  our  brothers,  the  English;" 
and  he  gave  the  belt  of  wampum. 

1  Col.  Johnson  to  the  Governor     Mav,    1753.     Holland    to   Clinton, 
of  New  York,  20  April,  1753.  15  May,  1753.     Smith  to   Shirley, 

8  Stoddard     to      Johnson,     15     24  Decemher,  1753. 


chap.         The  French  officer  treated  with  derision  the  sim- 

^^  pie   words  of  the  red   chieftain  of  vagrants  of  the 

1753.  wilderness,  men  who  belonged  to  no  confederacy, 
except  as  they  were  subordinate  to  the  Six  Nations. 
"  Child,"  he  replied,  "  you  talk  foolishly ;  you  say  this 
land  belongs  to  you ;  but  not  so  much  of  it  as  the 
black  of  your  nail  is  yours.  It  is  my  land ;  and  I 
will  have  it,  let  who  will  stand  up  against  it ;"  and 
he  threw  back  the  belt  of  wampum  in  token  of  con- 

The  words  of  the  French  commander  filled  the 
Half-King  with  dismay.  In  September,  the  mightiest 
men  of  the  Mingo  clan,  of  the  Delawares,  the  Shaw- 
nees,  the  Wyandots,  and  the  Miamis,  met  Franklin,  of 
Pennsylvania,  with  two  colleagues,  at  Carlisle.  They 
wished  neither  French  nor  English  to  settle  in  their 
country ;  if  the  English  would  lend  aid,  they  would 
repel  the  French.  The  calm  statesman  distributed 
presents  to  all,  but  especially  gifts  of  condolence  to 
the  tribe  that  dwelt  at  Picqua ; l  and  returning,  he 
made  known  that  the  French  had  successively  estab- 
lished posts  at  Erie,  at  Waterford,  and  at  Venango, 
and  were  preparing  to  occupy  the  banks  of  the  Mo- 

Sanctioned  by  the  orders  from  the  king,  Dinwid- 
die,2  of  Virginia,  resolved  to  send  "a  person  of  dis- 
tinction to  the  commander  of  the  French  forces  on 
the  Ohio  River,  to  know  his  reasons  for  invading  the 
British  dominions,  while  a  solid  peace  subsisted." 
The  envoy  whom  he  selected  was  George  Washington. 
The  young  man,  then  just  twenty-one,  a  pupil  of  the 

1  Hazard's  Register,  iv.  236. 

~  Dinwiddie  to  Sharpe,  of  Maryland,  24  Nov.,  1753. 


wilderness,  and  as  heroic    as  La  Salle,  entered  with  chap 

alacrity  on  the  perilous  winter's  journey  from  Wil-  ^^1^ 

liamsburg  to  the  streams  of  Lake  Erie.  1753. 

In  the  middle  of  November,  with  an  interpreter 
and  four  attendants,  and  Christopher  Gist,  as  a  guide, 
lie  left  Will's  Creek,  and  following  the  Indian  trace 
through  forest  solitudes,  gloomy  with  the  fallen  leaves 
aud  solemn  sadness  of  late  autumn,  across  mountains, 
rocky  ravines,  and  streams,  through  sleet  and  snows, 
he  rode  in  nine  days  to  the  fork  of  the  Ohio.  How 
lonely  was  the  spot,  where,  so  long  unheeded  of  men, 
the  rapid  Alleghany  met  nearly  at  right  angles  "  the 
deep  and  still "  water  of  the  Monongahela  !  At  once 
Washington  foresaw  the  destiny  of  the  place.  "  I 
spent  some  time,"  said  he,  u  in  viewing  the  rivers  f 
"  the  land  in  the  Fork  has  the  absolute  command  of 
both."  "  The  flat,  well  timbered  land  all  around  the 
point  lies  very  convenient  for  building."  After 
creating  in  imagination  a  fortress  and  a  city,  he  and 
his  paily  swam  their  horses  across  the  Alleghany,  and 
wrapt  their  blankets  around  them  for  the  night,  on  its 
northwest  bank. 

From  the  Fork  the  chief  of  the  Delawares  con- 
ducted Washington  through  rich  alluvial  fields  to  the 
pleasing  valley  at  Logstown.  There  deserters  from 
Louisiana  discoursed  of  the  route  from  New  Orleans  to 
Quebec,  by  way  of  the  Wabash  and  the  Maumee,  and 
of  a  detachment  from  the  lower  province  on  its  way 
to  meet  the  French  troops  from  Lake  Erie,  while 
Washington  held  close  colloquy  with  the  Half-King ; 
the  one  anxious  to  gain  the  West  as  a  part  of  the  ter- 
ritory of  the  Ancient  Dominion,  the  other  to  preserve 
it  for  the  red  men.  "  We  are  brothers,"  said  the  Half 
King  in  council ;  "  we  are  one  people ;  I  will  send  back 



chap,  the  French  speech-belt,  and  will  make  the  Shawnees 

^^,  and  the  Delawares  do  the  same." 

1753.  On  the  night  of  the  twenty-ninth  of  Novembe 
the  council-fire  was  kindled ;  an  aged  orator  was 
selected  to  address  the  French ;  the  speech  which  he 
was  to  deliver  was  debated  and  rehearsed;  it  was 
agreed,  that,  unless  the  French  would  heed  this  third 
warning  to  quit  the  land,  the  Delawares  also  would  be 
their  enemies ;  and  a  very  large  string  of  black  and 
white  wampum  was  sent  to  the  Six  Nations  as  a 
prayer  for  aid. 

After  these  preparations  the  party  of  Washington, 
attended  by  the  Half-King,  and  envoys  of  the  Dela- 
wares, moved  onwards  to  the  post  of  the  French  at 
Venango.  The  officers  there  avowed  the  purpose  of 
taking  possession  of  the  Ohio ;  and  they  mingled  the 
praises  of  La  Salle  with  boasts  of  their  forts  at  Le 
Bceuf  and  Erie,  at  Niagara,  Toronto,  and  Frontenac. 
"  The  English,"  said  they,  "  can  raise  two  men  to  our 
one ;  but  they  are  too  dilatory  to  prevent  any  enter- 
prise of  ours."  The  Delawares  were  intimidated  or 
debauched ;  but  the  Half-King  clung  to  Washington 
like  a  brother,  and  delivered  up  his  belt  as  he  had 

The  rains  of  December  had  swollen  the  creeks. 
The  messengers  could  pass  them  only  by  felling  trees 
for  bridges.  Thus  they  proceeded,  now  killing  a 
buck  and  now  a  bear,  delayed  by  excessive  rains  and 
snows,  by  mire  and  swamps,  while' Washington's  quick 
eye  discerned  all  the  richness  of  the  meadows. 

At  Waterford,  the  limit  of  his  journey,  he  found 
Fort  Le  Bceuf  defended  by  cannon.  Around  it  stood 
the  barracks  of  the  soldiers,  rude  log-cabins,  roofed 
with  bark.      Fifty  birch-bark   canoes,  and  one  hun- 


dred  and  seventy  boats  of  pine  were  already  prepared  cnAi\ 

for  the  descent  of  the  river,  and  materials  were  col-  , ,  L_ 

lected  for  building  more.  The  commander,  Gardeur  1758, 
do  St.  Pierre,  an  officer  of  integrity1  and  experience, 
and,  for  his  dauntless  courage,  both  feared  and  be- 
loved by  the  red  men,  refused  to  discuss  questions  of 
right.  "I  am  here,"  said  he,  "by  the  orders  of  my 
general,  to  which  I  shall  conform  with  exactness  and 
i  esolution."  And  he  avowed  his  purpose  of  seizing 
every  Englishman  within  the  Ohio  valley.  France 
was  resolved  on  possessing  the  great  territory  which 
her  missionaries  and  travellers  had  revealed  to  the 

Breaking  away  from  courtesies,  Washington  has- 
tened homewards  to  Virginia.  The  rapid  current  of 
French  Creek  dashed  his  party  against  rocks;  in 
shallow  places  they  waded,  the  water  congealing  on 
their  clothes ;  where  the  ice  had  lodged  in  the  bend 
of  the  rivers,  they  carried  their  canoe  across  the  neck. 
At  Venango,  they  found  their  horses,  but  so  weak, 
the  travellers  went  still  on  foot,  heedless  of  the  storm. 
The  cold  increased  very  fast ;  the  paths  grew  "  worse 
by  a  deep  snow  continually  freezing."  Impatient  to 
get  back  with  his  despatches,  the  young  envoy,  wrap- 
ping himself  in  an  Indian  dress,  with  gun  in  hand 
and  pack  on  his  back,  the  day  after  Christmas  quitted 
the  usual  path,  and,  with  Gist  for  his  sole  companion, 
by  aid  of  the  compass,  steered  the  nearest  way  across 
the  country  for  the  Fork.  An  Indian,  who  had  lain 
in  wait  for  him,  fired  at  him  from  not  fifteen  steps' 
distance,  but,  missing  him,  became  his  prisoner.  "  I 
would  have  killed  him,"  wrote  Gist,  u  but  Washing* 

1  La  Galissoniere  to-  the  minister,  23  Oct.  1748. 


chap,  ton  forbade.     Dismissing  their  captive  at  night,  they 
. — , — -  walked  about  hall'  a  mile,  then  kindled  a  fire,  fixed 

1753.  their  course  by  the  compass,  and  continued  travel- 
ling all  night,  and  all  the  next  day,  till  quite  dark. 
Not  till  then  did  the  weary  wanderers  "  think  them- 
selves safe  enough  to  sleep,"  and  they  encamped,  with 
no  shelter  but  the  leafless  forest-tree. 

On  reaching  the  Alleghany,  with  one  poor  hatchet 
and  a  whole  day's  work,  a  raft  was  constructed  and 
launched.  But  before  they  were  half  over  the  river, 
they  were  caught  in  the  running  ice,  expecting  every 
moment  to  be  crushed,  unable  to  reach  either  shore. 
Putting  out  the  setting-pole  to  stop  the  raft,  Wash- 
ington was  jerked  into  the  deep  water,  and  saved 
himself  only  by  grasping  at  the  raft-logs.  They  were 
obliged  to  make  for  an  island.  There  lay  Washing- 
ton, imprisoned  by  the  elements ;  but  the  late  De- 
cember night  was  intensely  cold,  and  in  the  morning 
he  found  the  river  frozen.     Not  till  he  reached  Gist's 

1754.  settlement,  in  January,  1754,  were  his  toils  lightened. 

Washington's  report  was  followed  by  immediate 
activity.  The  Ohio  Company  agreed  to  build  a  fort 
at  the  Fork,  and  he  himself  was  stationed  at  Alexan- 
dria to  enlist  recruits.  In  February,  the  General 
Assembly,1  unwilling  to  engage  with  France,  yet 
ready  to  protect  the  settlers  beyond  the  mountains, 
agreed  to  borrow  ten  thousand  pounds,  taking  care 
to  place  the  disbursement  of  the  money  under  the 
superintendence  of  their  own  committee.  "The 
House  of  Burgesses,"  Dinwiddie  complained,  "  were 
in  a  republican  way  of  thinking ;"  but  he  confessed 

1  Herring's  Statutes  at  large,  vi.  417. 


himself  unable  "  to  bring  them  to  order."     The  As-  chap. 

sembly  of  Virginia,  pleading  their  want   of  means,  ^^^ 

single-handed,  "  to  answer  all  the  ends  designed,"  ap-  1754. 
pealed  to  the  "  royal  beneficence."  ' 

In  England,  it  was  the  "  opinion  of  the  greatest 
men,"  that  the  colonies  should  do  something  for 
themselves,  and  contribute  jointly  towards  their  de- 
fence.2 The  ministry  as  yet  did  nothing  but  order 
the  independent  companies,  stationed  at  New  York 
and  at  Charleston,  to  take  part  in  defence  of  Western 
Virginia.  Glen,  the  governor  of  South  Carolina,  pro- 
posed a  meeting,  in  Virginia,  of  all  the  continental 
governors,  to  adjust  a  quota  from  each  colony,  to  be 
employed  on  the  Ohio.  "  The  Assembly  of  this  Do- 
minion," observed  Dinwiddie,8  "  will  not  be  directed 
what  supplies  to  grant,  and  will  always  be  guided  by 
their  own  free  determinations ;  they  would  think  it 
an  insult  on  their  privileges,  that  they  are  so  veiy 
fond  of,  to  be  under  any  restraint  or  direction." 
North  Carolina  voted  twelve  thousand  pounds  of  its 
paper  money  for  the  service  ;  yet  little  good  came  of 
it.  Maryland  accomplished  nothing,  for  it  coupled  its 
offers  of  aid  with  a  diminution  of  the  privileges  of  the 

Massachusetts  saw  the  French  taking  post  on  its 
eastern  frontier,  and  holding  Crown  Point  on  the 
northwest.  The  province  had  never  intrusted  its 
affairs  to  so  arbitrary5  a  set  of  men,  as  the  Council 
and  Assembly  of  that  day.  They  adopted  the  re- 
Virginia  Address  to  the  King.  8  Dinwiddie  to  H.  Sharpe,  8 
Knox,  Controversy  Reviewed,  129,     April,  1754. 

180.  4  H.  Sharpe  to  Lord  Baltimore, 

a  Penn   to   Hamilton,   29  Jan.     2  May,  1754.     Same  to  C.  Calvert 
1754.     H.   Sharpe  to  Calvert,  Se-    29  Nov.  1753.     3  May,  1754. 
eretary  fur  Maryland  in  England,  6  Opinion  of  Samuel  Adams. 

&  May,  1754. 

vol.  iv.  8 


crap,  commendations  of  Hutchinson  and  Oliver.  "The 
^^w  French,"  said  they,  "  have  but  one  interest ;  the  Eng- 
1754.  hsh  governments  are  disunited;  some  of  them  have 
their  frontiers  covered  by  their  neighboring  govern- 
ments, and,  not  being  immediately  affected,  seem  un- 
concerned." They  therefore  solicited  urgently  the 
interposition  of  the  king,  that  the  French  forts  within 
his  territories  might  be  removed.  "  We  are  very 
sensible," 1  they  added,  "  of  the  necessity  of  the  colo- 
nies affording  each  other  mutual  assistance  ;  and  we 
make  no  doubt  but  this  province  will,  at  all  times, 
with  great  cheerfulness,  furnish  their  just  and  reason- 
able quota  towards  it."  Shirley  was  at  hand  to  make 
the  same  use  of  this  message,  as  of  a  similar  petition  six 
years  before.  But  his  influence  was  become  greater. 
He  had  conducted  the  commission  for  adjusting  the 
line  of  boundary  with  France,  had  propitiated  the 
ftivor  of  Halifax  and  Cumberland  by  flattery,  and  had 
been  made  acquainted  with  the  designs  of  the  Board 
of  Trade.  His  counsels,  which  were  now,  in  some 
sense,  the  echo  of  the  thoughts  of  his  superiors,  were 
sure  to  be  received  with  deference,  and  to  be 
cited  as  conclusive;  and  he  repeatedly  assured  the 
ministry,  that  unless  the  king  should  himself  deter- 
mine for  each  colony  the  quota  of  men  or  money, 
which  it  should  contribute  to  the  common  cause,  and 
unless  the  colonies  should  be  obliged,  in  some  effectual 
manner,  to  conform  to  that  determination,  there  could  . 
be  no  general  plan  for  the  defence  of  America. 
Without  such  a  settlement,  and  a  method  to  enforce 
it,  there  could  be  no  union.2     Thus  was  the  opinion, 

1  Message    from    the    General  January,   1754.      The  day   of  the 

Assembly  of  Massachusetts  Bay  to  month    is   not  given.     Referred  to 

Governor  Shirley,  4  January,  1754.  the  Secretary,  to  be  laid  before  the 

a  Shirley  to  the  Lords  of  Trade,  King,  4  April,  1754. 



which   was   one   day  to  lead  to   momentous   conse- 
quences, more  and  more  definitively  formed. 

Pennsylvania,  like  Maryland,  fell  into  a  strife  with 
the  proprietaries,  and,  incensed  at  their  parsimony, 
the  province,  at  that  time,  perfected  no  grant,  al- 
though the  French  were  within  its  borders,  and  were 
preparing  to  take  possession  of  all  that  part  of  it  that 
lay  west  of  the  Alleghany.  Ignorant  of  the  unequiv- 
ocal orders  to  Virginia,  they  seized  on  the  strict  in- 
junctions of  Holdernesse,  in  his  circular,  "  not  to 
make  use  of  armed  force,  excepting  within  the  un- 
doubted limits  of  his  Majesty's  dominions ;"  of  which 
they  thought  "it  would  be  highly  presumptuous  in 
them  to  judge." 

In  April,  the  Assembly  of  New  York  voted  a 
thousand  pounds  to  Virginia,  but  declined  assisting 
to  repel  the  French  from  a  post  which  lay  within  the 
proprietary  domain  of  Pennsylvania.1  The  Assembly 
of  New  Jersey  would  not  even  send  commissioners  to 
the  congress  at  Albany.  In  the  universal  reluctance 
of  the  single  colonies,  all  voices  began  to  demand  a 
union.  "A  gentle  land-tax,"  said  Kennedy,  through 
the  press  of  New  York  and  of  London,  "  a  gentle 
land-tax,  being  the  most  equitable,  must  be  our  last 
resort."  He  looked  forward  with  hope  to  the  con- 
gress at  Albany,  but  his  dependence  was  on  the  par- 
liament ;  for  u  with  parliament  there  would  be  no 
contending.  And  when  their  hands  are  in,"  he 
added,  "  who  knows  but  that  they  may  lay  the  foun- 
dation of  a  regular  government  amongst  us,  by  fixing 

1  New  York  Assembly  Journals    for    April,    1754.     Smith's    New 
York,  ii.  173. 


chap,  a  support  for  the  officers  of  the  crown,  independent  of 

.>*-,_■.  an  assembly  V* 

1754.  James  Alexander,  of  New  York,2  the  same  who, 
with  the  elder  William  Smith,  had  limited  the  pre- 
rogative, by  introducing  the  custom  of  granting  but 
an  annual  support,  thought  that  the  British  parlia- 
ment should  establish  the  duties  for  a  colonial  reve- 
nue, which  the  future  American  Grand  Council,  to  be 
composed  of  deputies  from  all  the  provinces,  should 
have  no  power  to  diminish.  The  royalist,  Colden, 
saw  no  mode  of  obtaining  the  necessary  funds  but  by 
parliamentary  taxation ;  the  members  of  the  Grand 
Council,  unless  removable  by  the  crown,  might  be- 
come dangerous.  The  privilege  of  fixed  meetings  at 
stated  times  and  places,  was  one  which  neither  the 
parliament  nor  the  Privy  Council  enjoyed,  and  would 
tend  to  subvert  the  constitution.  England,  he  was 
assured,  "will,  and  can,  keep  its  colonies  dependent." 
But  Franklin  looked  for  greater  liberties  than  such  as 
the  British  parliament  might  inaugurate.  Having  for 
his  motto,  "  Join  or  die,"  he  busied  himself  in  sketch- 
ing to  his  friends  the  outline  of  a  confederacy  which 
should  truly  represent  the  whole  American  people. 

Dinwiddie  was  all  the  while  persevering  in  his 
plans  at  the  West.  Trent  was  already  there ;  and 
Washington,  now  a  lieutenant-colonel,  with  a  regi- 
ment of  but  one  hundred  and  fifty  "  self-willed,  un- 
governable" men,  was  ordered  to  join  him  at  the 
fork  of  the  Ohio,  "  to  finish  the  fort  already  begun 
there  by  the  Ohio  Company ;"  and  u  to  make  prison- 
ers, kill,  or  destroy  all  who  interrupted  the  English 

1  Kennedy's  Serious  Considera-        2  T.  Sedgwick's  Life  of  W.  Liv- 
tions,  21,  23,  &c.  ingston. 


But  as  soon  as  spring  opened  the  Western  rivers,  chap. 
and  before  Washington  could  reach  Will's  Creek,  the  ^^ 
French,  led  by  Contrecceur,  came  down  from  Venan-  1754. 
go,  and  summoned  the  English  at  the  Fork  to  surren- 
der.    Only  thirty-three  in  number,  they,  on  the  sev- 
enteenth of  April,  capitulated  and  withdrew.     Con- 
trecceur occupied  the  post,  which  he  fortified,  and, 
from  the  governor  of  New  France,  named  Duquesne. 
The  near  forest-trees  were  felled  and  burned  ;  cabins 
of  bark,  for  barracks,  were  built  round  the  fort,  and 
at  once,  among  the  charred  stumps,  wheat  and  maize 
sprung  up   on  the    scorched    fields    where    now    is 

"  Come  to  our  assistance  as  soon  as  you  can  f 
such  was  the  message  sent  by  the  Half-King's  wam- 
pum to  Washington ;  "  come  soon,  or  we  are  lost,  and 
shall  never  meet  again.  I  speak  it  in  the  grief  of  my 
heart."  And  a  belt  in  reply  announced  the  approach 
of  the  Half-King's  "brother  and  friend."  The  raw 
recruits,  led  by  their  young  commander,  could  ad- 
vance but  slowly,  fording  deep  streams,  and  painfully 
dragging  their  few  cannon.  In  the  cold  and  wet  sea- 
son,  they  were  without  tents  or  shelter  from  the  wea- 
ther ;  without  a  supply  of  clothes ;  often  in  want  of 
provisions;  without  any  thing  to  make  the  service 
agreeable.  On  the  twenty-fifth  of  May,  the  wary 
Half-King  sent  word,  "  Be  on  your  guard ;  the 
French  army  intend  to  strike  the  first  English  whom 
they  shall  see." 

The  same  day,  another  report  came,  that  the 
French  were  but  eighteen  miles  distant,  at  the 
crossing  of  the  Youghiogeny.  Washington  hurried 
to  the  Great  Meadows,  where,  u  with  nature's  assist- 


chap,  aiice,  he  made  a  good  intrenchment,  and,  by  clearing 
v_y_,  the  bushes  out  of  the  meadows,  prepared"  what 
1754.  he  called  "a  chairning  field  for  an  encounter."  A 
small,  light  detachment,  sent  out  on  wagon-horses  to 
reconnoitre,  returned  without  being  able  to  find  any 
one.  By  the  rules  of  wilderness  warfare,  a  party  that 
skulks  and  hides  is  an  enemy.  At  night  the  little 
army  was  alarmed,  and  remained  under  arms  from 
two  o'clock  till  near  sunrise.  On  the  morning  of 
the  twenty-seventh,  Gist  arrived.  He  had  seen  the 
trail  of  the  French  within  five  miles  of  the  American 

In  the  evening  of  that  day,  about  nine  o'clock, 
an  express  came  from  the  Half-King,  that  the  armed 
body  of  the  French  was  not  far  off.  Through  a  heavy 
rain,  in  a  night  as  dark  as  can  be  conceived,  with  but 
forty  men,  marching  in  single  file  along  a  most  nar- 
row trace,  Washington  made  his  way  to  the  camp  of 
the  Half-King.  After  council,  it  was  agreed  to  go 
hand  in  hand,  and  strike  the  invaders.  Two  Indians, 
following  the  trail  of  the  French,  discovered  their 
lodgment,  away  from  the  path,  concealed  among 
rocks.  With  the  Mingo  chiefs  Washington  made 
arrangements  to  come  upon  them  by  surprise.  Per- 
ceiving the  English  approach,  they  ran  to  seize  their 
arms.  "  Fire  !"  said  Washington,  and,  with  his  own 
musket,  gave  the  example.  That  word  of  command 
kindled  the  world  into  a  flame.  It  was  the  signal  for 
the  first  great  war  of  revolution.  There,  in  the 
Western  forest,  began  the  battle  which  was  to  banish 
from  the  soil  and  neighborhood  of  our  republic  the 
institutions  of  the  Middle  Age,  and  to  inflict  on  them 
fatal  wounds  throughout  the  continent  of  Europe.  In 
repelling  France  from  the  basin  of  the  Ohio,  Wash- 


ington  broke  the  repose  of  mankind,  and  waked  a  chap. 
struggle,  which  could  admit  only  of  a  truce,  till  the  ^^ 
ancient  bulwarks  of  Catholic  legitimacy  were  thrown  1754. 

An  action  of  about  a  quarter  of  an  hour  ensued. 
Ten  of  the  French  were  killed ;  among  them  Jumon- 
ville, the  commander  of  the  party;  and  twenty-one 
Were  made  prisoners. 

When  the  tidings  of  this  affray  crossed  the  Atlan- 
tic, the  name  of  Washington  was,  for  the  first  time, 
heard  in  the  saloons  of  Paris.  The  partisans  of  abso- 
lute monarchy  pronounced  it  with  execration.  They 
foreboded  the  loss  of  the  Western  World ;  and  the 
flatterers  of  Louis  the  Fifteenth  and  of  Madame  Pom- 
padour, the  high-born  panders  to  royal  lust,  out- 
raged the  fair  fame  of  the  spotless  hero  as  a  violator 
of  the  laws  of  nations.  What  courtier,  academician,  or 
palace  menial  would  have  exchanged  his  hope  of  fame 
with  that  of  the  calumniated  American  ?  The  death 
of  Jumonville  became  the  subject  for  loudest  com- 
plaint; this  martyr  to  the  cause  of  feudalism  and 
despotism  was  celebrated  in  heroic  verse,  and  conti- 
nents were  invoked  to  weep  for  his  fall.  And  at 
the  very  time  when  the  name  of  Washington  became 
known  to  France,  the  child  was  just  born  who  was 
one  day  to  stretch  out  his  hand  for  the  relief  of 
America  and  the  triumph  of  popular  power  and  free- 
dom. How  many  defeated  interests  bent  over  the 
grave  of  Jumonville !  How  many  hopes  clustered 
round  the  cradle  of  the  infant  Louis ! 1 

1  See  the  last  part  of  the  last  est  Thomme   de  cour   on  d'Acade- 

voiume  of  Chateaubriand's  Etudes  niie,    qui  auroit    voulu    changer   k 

Historiques,    the  Analyse    Raison-  cette  i poque  son  nom  coutre  celui 

nee  de  Tilistoire  de  France.     Quel  de  ce  plauteur  Anitricain,  &c.  &c. 


chap.         The  dead  were  scalped  by  the  Indians,  and  the 

^^L^  chieftain,  Monacawache,  bore  a  scalp  and  a  hatchet  to 

1754    each  of  the  tribes  of  the  Miamis,  inviting  their  great 

war-chiefs  and  braves  to  go  hand  in  hand  with  the 

Six  Nations  and  the  English. 

While  Washington  was  looking  wistfully  for  aid 
from  the  banks  of  the  Muskingum,  the  Miami,  and 
the  Wabash,  from  Maryland  and  Pennsylvania,  and 
from  all  the  six  provinces  to  which  appeals  had  been 
made,  no  relief  arrived.  An  independent  company 
came,  indeed,  from  South  Carolina ;  but  its  captaiu, 
proud  of  his  commission  from  the  king,  weakened  the 
little  army  by  wrangling  for  precedence  over  the 
provincial  commander  of  the  Virginia  regiment ;  and 
it  is  the  sober  judgment  of  the  well-informed,1  that, 
if  Washington  had  remained  undisputed  chief,  the 
defeat  that  followed  would  have  been  avoided.  While 
he,  with  his  Virginians,  constructed  a  road  for  about 
thirteen  miles  through  the  gorge  in  the  mountains  to 
Gist's  settlement,  and  a  party  was  clearing  a  path  as 
far  as  the  mouth  of  the  Redstone,  the  Half-King  saw 
with  anger  that  the  independent  company  remained  in 
idleness  at  Great  Meadows  "  from  one  full  moon  to  the 
other ;" 2  and,  foreboding  evil,  he  removed  his  wife 
and  children  to  a  place  of  safety. 

The  numbers  of  the  French  were  constantly  in- 
creasing. Washington,  whom  so  many  colonies  had 
been  vainly  solicited  to  succor,  was,  on  the  first  day 
of  July,  compelled  to  fall  back  upon  Fort  Necessity. 
the  rude  stockade  at  Great  Meadows.  The  royal 
troops  had  done  nothing  to  make  it  tenable.  The 
little  intrenchment  was  in  a  glade  between  two  emi- 

1  Lieut.   Gov.    Sharpe   to  Lord        8  Hazard's  Register, 
Bury,  5  November,  1754. 


nences  covered  with  trees,  except  within  sixty  yards  chap 
of  it.  On  the  third  day  of  July,  about  noon,  six  ^^ 
hundred  French,  with  one  hundred  Indians,  came1  in  1754, 
sight,  and  took  possession  of  one  of  the  eminences, 
where  every  soldier  found  a  large  tree  for  his  shelter, 
and  could  fire  in  security  on  the  troops  beneath.  For 
nine  hours,  in  a  heavy  rain,  the  fire  was  returned. 
The  tranquil  courage  of  Washington  spread  its  influ- 
ence through  the  raw  provincial  levies,  so  inferior  to 
the  French  in  numbers  and  in  position.  At  last,2  after 
thirty  of  the  English,  and  but  three  of  the  French 
had  been  killed,  De  Villiers  himself  fearing  his  ammu- 
nition would  give  out,  proposed  a  parley.  The  terms 
of  capitulation  which  were  offered  were  interpreted 
to  Washington,  who  did  not  understand  French,  and, 
as  interpreted,  were  accepted.  On  the  fourth  day  of 
July,  the  English  garrison,  retaining  all  its  effects, 
withdrew  from  the  basin  of  the  Ohio.  In  the  whole 
valley  of  the  Mississippi,  to  its  head-springs  in  the 
Alleghanies,  no  standard  floated  but  that  of  France. 

Hope  might  dawn  from  Albany.  There,  on  the 
nineteenth  day  of  June,  1754,  assembled  the  mem- 
orable congress 3  of  commissioners  from  every  colony 
north  of  the  Potomac.  The  Virginia  government, 
too,  was  represented  by  the  presiding  officer,  Delan- 
cey,  the  lieutenant-governor  of  New  York.  They 
met  to  concert  measures  of  defence,  and  to  treat  with 
the  Six  Nations  and  the  tribes  in  their  alliance. 
America  had  never  seen  an  assembly  so  venerable  for 

1  Journal  of  De  Villiers  in  New        8  II.   Sharpe    to    his    Brother, 
Yoik  Paris  Documents.     Varin  to     Annapolis,  19  April,  1755. 
Bigot,  24  July,  1754.     Correspond-        3  Massachusetts  Historical    Col- 
cnce  of  H.  Sharpe  lections,    xxx.     New   York   Docu- 

mentary History,  ii. 



the  States  that  were  represented,  or  for  the  great  and 
able  men  who  composed  it.  Every  voice  declared  a 
union  of  all  the  colonies  to  be  absolutely  necessary. 
And,  as  a  province  might  recede  at  will  from  an 
unratified  covenant,  the  experienced  Hutchinson,  of 
Massachusetts,  proud  of  having  rescued  that  colony 
from  thraldom  to  paper  money,  Hopkins,  a  patriot  of 
Rhode  Island,  the  wise  and  faithful  Pitkin,  of  Con- 
necticut, Tasker,  of  Maryland,  the'  liberal  Smith,  of 
New  York,  and  Franklin,  the  most  benignant  of 
statesmen,  were  deputed  to  prepare  a  constitution  for 
a  perpetual  confederacy  of  the  continent ;  but  Frank- 
lin had  already  "  projected"  a  plan,  and  had  brought 
the  heads  of  it  with  him.1 

The  representatives  of  the  Six  Nations  assembled 
tardily,  but  urged  union  and  action.  They  accepted 
the  tokens  of  peace.  They  agreed  to  look  upon 
"  Virginia  and  Carolina"  as  also  present.  "  We  thank 
you,"  said  Hendrick,  the  great  Mohawk  chief,  "  we 
thank  you  for  renewing  and  brightening  the  covenant 
chain.  We  will  take  this  belt  to  Onondaga,  where 
our  council-fire  always  burns,  and  keep  it  so  securely 
that  neither  the  thunderbolt  nor  the  lightning  shall 
break  it.  Strengthen  yourselves,  and  bring  as  many 
as  you  can  into  this  covenant  chain."  "  You  desired 
us  to  open  our  minds  and  hearts  to  you,"  added  the 
indignant  brave.  "  Look  at  the  French ;  they  are  men ; 
they  are  fortifying  every  where.  But,  we  are  ashamed 
to  say  it,  you  are  like  women,  without  any  fortifica- 
tions. It  is  but  one  step  from  Canada  hither,  and  the 
French  may  easily  come  and  turn  you  out  of  doors.'' 

The  distrust  of  the  Six  Nations  was  still  stronger 

1  Hutchinson's  History  of  Massachusetts,  iii.  21. 



tli an  was  expressed.  Though  presents  in  unusual  cn^p- 
abundance  had  been  provided,  and  a  general  invita- 
tion had  been  given,  but  one  hundred  and  fifty  war- 
riors appeared.  Half  of  the  Onandagas  had  with- 
drawn, and  joined  the  settlement  formed  at  Oswegat- 
chie  under  French  auspices.  Even  Mohawks  went  to 
the  delegates  from  Massachusetts  to  complain  of 
fraudulent  transfers  of  their  soil,  —  that  the  ground 
on  which  they  slept,  and  where  burned  the  fires  by 
which  they  sat,  had  never  been  sold,  but  had  yet  been 
surveyed  and  stolen  from  them  in  the  night.1  The 
lands  on  the  Ohio  they  called  their  own ;  and  as  Con- 
necticut was  claiming  a  part  of  Pennsylvania,  because 
by  its  charter  its  jurisdiction  extended  west  to  the 
Pacific,  they  advised  the  respective  claimants  to 
remain  at  peace. 

The  red  men  having  held  their  last  council,  and 
the  congress,  by  its  president,  having  spoken  to  them 
farewell,  the  discussion  of  the  federative  compact  was 
renewed,  and  the  project  of  Franklin  being  accepted, 
he  was  deputed  alone  to  make  a  draught  of  it.  On 
the  tenth  day  of  July,  he  produced  the  finished  plan 
of  perpetual  union,  which  was  read  paragraph  by 
paragraph,  and  debated  all  day  long. 

The  seat  of  the  proposed  federal  government 
was  to  be  Philadelphia,  a  central  city,  which  it  was 
thought  could  be  reached  even  from  New  Hampshire 
or  South  Carolina  in  fifteen  or  twenty  days.  The 
constitution  was  a  compromise  between  the  preroga- 
tive and  popular  power.  The  king  was  to  name  and 
to  support  a  governor-general,  who  should  have  a  nega- 

1  Alexander  Colden  to  C.  Colden,  July,  1754. 


chap,  tive  on  all  laws ;  the  people  of  the  colonies,  through 
w^_  their  legislatures,  were  to  elect  triennially  a  grand 
1754.  council,  which  alone  could  originate  bills.  Each  colony 
was  to  send  a  number  of  members  in  proportion  to 
its  contributions,  yet  not  less  than  two,  nor  more  than 
seven.  The  governor-general  was  to  nominate  mili 
tary  officers,  subject  to  the  advice  of  the  council, 
which,  in  turn,  was  to  nominate  all  civil  officers.  No 
money  was  to  be  issued  but  by  their  joint  order. 
Each  colony  was  to  retain  its  domestic  constitution; 
the  federal  government  was  to  regulate  all  relations  of 
peace  or  war  with  the  Indians,  affairs  of  trade,  and 
purchases  of  lands  not  within  the  bounds  of  particular 
colonies ;  to  establish,  organize,  and  temporarily  to 
govern  new  settlements ;  to  raise  soldiers,  and  equip 
vessels  of  force  on  the  seas,  rivers,  or  lakes ;  to  make 
laws,  and  levy  just  and  equal  taxes.  The  grand  coun- 
cil were  to  meet  once  a  year,  to  choose  their  own 
speaker,  and  neither  to  be  dissolved  nor  prorogued, 
nor  continue  sitting  longer  than  six  weeks  at  any  one 
time,  but  by  their  own  consent. 

The  warmest  friend  of  union  and  "the  principal 
hand  in  forming  the  plan,"  *  was  Benjamin  Franklin. 
He  encountered  a  great  deal  of  disputation  about  it ; 
almost  every  article  being  contested  by  one  or  ano- 
ther.2 His  warmest  supporters  were  the  delegates 
from  New  England ;  yet  Connecticut  feared  the 
negative  power  of  the  governor-general.  On  the  roy- 
alist side  none  opposed  but  Delancey.  He  would  have 
reserved  to  the  colonial  governors  a  negative  on  all 
elections  to  the  grand  council;  but  it  was  ausweied, 

1  Shirley  to  Sir  Thomas  Robin-        2  MS.    Letter     from     Benjamin 
son,  24  December,  1754.  Franklin,  of  21  July,  1754. 


that  tlie  colonies  would  then  be  virtually  taxed  by  a  crap. 
congress  of  governors.     The  sources  of  revenue  sug-  ^^ 

ted  in  debate  were  a  duty  on  spirits  and  a  gene-  1754. 
ral  stamp-tax.1  At  length  after  much  debate,  in  which 
Franklin  manifested  consummate  address,  the  commis- 
sioners agreed  on  the  proposed  confederacy  "  pretty 
unanimously."  "  It  is  not  altogether  to  my  mind," 
said  Franklin,"  giving  an  account  of  the  result;  "but 
it  is  as  I  could  get  it," 2  and  copies  were  ordered,  that 
every  member  might  "  lay  the  plan  of  union  before  his 
constituents  for  consideration  ;"  a  copy  was  also  to  be 
transmitted  to  the  governor  of  each  colony  not  repre- 
sented in  the  congress. 

New  England  colonies  in  their  infancy  had  given 
birth  to  a  confederacy.  William  Penn,  in  1697,  had 
proposed  an  annual  congress  of  a]l  the  provinces  on 
the  continent  of  America,  with  power  to  regulate  com- 
merce. Franklin  revived  the  great  idea,  and  breathed 
into  it  enduring  life.  As  he  descended  the  Hudson, 
the  people  of  New  York  thronged  about  him  to  wel- 
come him ; 8  and  he,  who  had  first  entered  their  city 
as  a  runaway  apprentice,  was  revered  as  the  mover  of 
American  union. 

Yet  the  system  was  not  altogether  acceptable 
either  to  Great  Britain  or  to  America.  The  fervid  at- 
tachment of  each  colony  to  its  own  individual  liberties 
repelled  the  overruling  influence  of  a  central  power. 
Connecticut  rejected  it ;  even  New  York  showed  it 
little  favor ;  Massachusetts  charged  her  agent  to  op- 

1  Smith's  New  York,    ii.    185.  July,  1754.     "  Gentlemen  have,  for 

Gordon's  History  of  the  American  this  hour  past,  been  going  in  and 

Revolution,  i.  coming  out  from  paying  their  com- 

MS.  Letter  of  Franklin.  pliments  to  Mr.  Franklin." 

8  Letter  from    New   York,   17 



chap,  pose   it.1      The   Board  of   Trade,  on   receiving  the 
^^1^  minutes  of  the  congress,  were  astonished  at  a  plan  of 
1754.  general  government  "complete  in  itself.2     Reflecting 
men  in  England  dreaded  American  union  as  the  key- 
stone of  independence. 

But  in  the  mind  of  Franklin  the  love  for  union 
assumed  still  more  majestic  proportions,  and  com  pre 
hended  "  the  great  country  back  of  the  Apalachian 
mountains."  He  directed  attention  to  the  extreme 
richness  of  its  land ;  the  healthy  temperature  of  its 
air ;  the  mildness  of  the  climate ;  and  the  vast  con- 
venience of  inland  navigation  by  the  Lakes  and  great 
rivers.  "  In  less  than  a  century,"  said  he  with  the 
gift  of  prophecy,  "it  must  undoubtedly  become  a 
populous  and  powerful  dominion."  And  through 
Thomas  Pownall,  who  had  been  present  at  Albany 
during  the  deliberations  of  the  congress,  he  advised 
the  immediate  organization  of  two  new  colonies  in 
the  west;  with  powers  of  self-direction  and  govern- 
ment like  those  of  Connecticut  and  Rhode  Island: 
the  one  on  Lake  Erie ;  the  other  in  the  valley  of  the 
Ohio,  with  its  capital  on  the  banks  of  the  Scioto. 

Thus  did  the  freedom  of  the  American  colonies, 
their  union,  and  their  extension  through  the  west,  be- 
come the  three  great  objects  of  the  remaining  years  of 
Franklin.  Heaven,  in  its  mercy,  gave  the  illustrious 
statesman  length  of  days,  so  that  he  lived  to  witness 
the  fulfilment  of  his  hopes  in  all  their  grandeur. 

1    Massachusetts   to   Bollan,   31     Trade,  29  October,  1754,  in  Planta- 
December,  1754.  tions  Gen.  B.  7.  xlii. ;  and  at  Albany 

8  Representation  of  the  Board  of    London  Documents,  xxxi.  64. 




In  1754  David  Hume,  whose  penetrating  mind  chap 
had  discovered  the  hollowness  of  the  prevailing  systems  v^^ 
of  thought  in  Europe,  yet  without  offering  any  better  1754. 
substitute  in  philosophy  than  a  selfish  ideal  skepticism, 
or  hoping  for  any  other  euthanasia  to  the  British 
constitution  than  its  absorption  in  monarchy,  said  of 
America  in  words  which  he  never  need  have  erased, 
and  in  a  spirit  which  he  never  disavowed,  "  The  seeds 
of  many  a  noble  state  have  been  sown  in  climates, 
kept  desolate  by  the  wild  manners  of  the  ancient  in- 
habitants, and  an  asylum  is  secured  in  that  solitary 
world  for  liberty  and  science."  The  thirteen  Ameri- 
can colonies,  of  which  the  union  was  projected,  con- 
tained, at  that  day,  about  one  million  one  hundred  and 
sixty-five  thousand  white  inhabitants,  and  two  hun- 
dred sixty-three  thousand  negroes ;  in  all,  one  million 
four  hundred  and  twenty-eight  thousand  souls.  The 
Hoard  of  Trade *  sometimes  reckoned  a  few  thousands 

1  The  representation  of  the  Board  eluded  Nova  Scotia,  and  according 
to  the  king,  founded  in  part  on  mus-  to  the  authority  of  Chalmers  in 
ter-rolls  and  returns  of  taxables,  in-    the  History  of  the  Revolt,  estimated 



chap,  more;  and  some,  on  revising  their  judgment,  stated 

^^_  the  amount  at  less. 

1754.  Of  persons  of  European  ancestry,  perhaps  fifty 
thousand  dwelt  in  New  Hampshire,  two  hundred  and 
seven  thousand  in  Massachusetts,  thirty-five  thousand 
in  Rhode  Island,  and  one  hundred  and  thirty-three 
thousand  in  Connecticut;  in  New  England,  therefore, 
four  hundred  and  twenty-five  thousand  souls. 

Of  the  Middle  Colonies,  New  York  may  have  had 
eighty-five  thousand ;  New  Jersey,  seventy-three  thou- 

the  population   of   British 
nental  America,  in  1754,  at 
1,192,896  whites, 
292,738  blacks, 


1,485,634  souls. 
Thomas  Pownall,  whose  brother  was 
secretary  to  the  Board  of  Trade, 
adhering  more  closely  to  the  lists 
as  they  were  made  out,  states  the 
amount,  for  the  thirteen  colonies, 
at  1,250,000.  See  A  Memorial  most 
humbly  addressed  to  the  sovereigns 
of  Europe  on  the  present  state  of 
affairs  between  the  Old  and  the 
New  World.  The  Report  of  the 
Board  of  Trade  on  the  29  August, 
1755,  constructed  in  part  from 
conjecture,  makes  the  whole  num- 
ber of  white  inhabitants,  1,062,- 
000.  Shirley,  in  a  letter  to  Sir 
Thomas  Robinson,  15  August,  1755, 

writes  that  "the  inhabitants  may 
be  now  set  at  1,200,000  whites  at 
least."  The  estimate  in  the  text 
rests  on  the  consideration  of  many 
details  and  opinions  of  that  day, 
private  journals  and  letters,  re- 
ports to  the  Board  of  Trade,  and 
official  papers  of  the  provincial 
governments.  Nearly  all  are  im- 
perfect. The  greatest  discrepancy 
in  judgments  relates  to' Pennsylva- 
nia and  the  Carolinas.  lie  who 
like  II.  C.  Carey,  in  his  Principles 
of  Political  Economy,  part  iii.  25, 
will  construct  retrospectively  gene- 
ral tables  from  the  rule  of  increase 
in  America,  since  1790,  will  err 
very  little.  From  many  returns 
and  computations  I  deduce  the  an- 
nexed table,  as  some  approximation 
to  exactness. 




1750   to   1790. 




























Tho    estimates 

of   the    Board 


that  of 

George   the   Second,  and 

Trade   in  1714, 

on  the    accession 

in  1754, 


,  according  to  Glial- 

of  George    the  First,  in  1727, 





•     Total 














sand ;  Pennsylvania,  with  Delaware,  one  hundred  and  chap 
ninety-five  thousand;  Maryland,  one  hundred  and  four  ^^ 
thousand;  in  all,  not  far  from  four  hundred  and  fifty-  17  54. 
seven  thousand. 

For  the  Southern  Provinces,  where  the  mild  climate 
invited  emigrants  to  the  inland  glades, — where  the 
crown  lands  were  often  occupied  on  warrants  of  sur- 
veys without  patents,  or  even  without  warrants, — 
where  the  people  were  never  assembled  but  at  mus- 
ters, there  was  room  for  glaring  mistakes  in  the  enu- 
merations. To  Virginia  may  be  assigned  one  hundred 
and  sixty-eight  thousand  white  inhabitants ;  to  North 
Carolina,  scarcely  less  than  seventy  thousand ;  to  South 
Carolina,  forty  thousand ;  to  Georgia,  not  more  than 
five  thousand;  to  the  whole  country  south  of  the 
Potomac,  two  hundred  and  eighty-three  thousand.1 

The  white  population  of  any  one  of  five^  or  per- 
haps even  of  six  of  the  American  provinces,  was 
greater  singly  than  that  of  all  Canada,  and  the  aggre- 
gate in  America  exceeded  that  in  Canada  fourteen 

Of  persons  of  African  lineage  the  home  was  chiefly 
determined  by  climate.  New  Hampshire,  Massachu- 
setts, and  Maine  may  have  had  six  thousand  ne- 
groes ;  Rhode  Island,  four  thousand  five  hundred ; 
Connecticut,  three  thousand  five  hundred ;  all  New 
England,  therefore,  about  fourteen  thousand. 

New  York  alone  had  not  far  from  eleven  thou- 

1  The  Board  of  Trade  in  August,  Delaware,  220,000 ;  to  New  Jersey, 

1755.  assign  to  Georgia,  3,000  white  75,000;  to  New- York,  55,000;    to 

inhabitants:    to    South     Carolina,  Connecticut,    100,000;     to   Rhode 

25,000;  to  North  Carolina,  50,000;  Island,    30,000;    to   Massachusetts 

to  Virginia,  125,000;  to  Maryland,  Bay,  200,000;  to  New  Hampshire, 

100,000;    to    Pennsylvania,    with  75,000. 

VOL.   IV.  9 


ci^ap.  sand ; 1  New  Jersey,  about  half  that  number ;  Pennsyl- 
— , — -  vania,  with  Delaware,  eleven  thousand;    Maryland, 
17G4.  forty-four  thousand  ;  the  Central  Colonies,  collectively, 
seventy-one  thousand. 

In  Virginia  there  were  not  less  than  one  hundred 
and  sixteen  thousand ;  in  North  Carolina,  perhaps 
more  than  twenty  thousand ;  in  South  Carolina,  full 
forty  thousand ;  in  Georgia,  about  two  thousand , 
so  that  the  country  south  of  the  Potomac,  may  have 
had  one  hundred  and  seventy-eight  thousand. 

Of  the  Southern  group,  Georgia2  —  the  chosen 
asylum  of  misfortune — had  been  languishing  under 
the  guardianship  of  a  corporation,  whose  benefits  had 
not  equalled  the  benevolence  of  its  designs.  The 
council  of  its  trustees  had  granted  no  legislative  rights 
to  those  whom  they  assumed  to  protect,  but,  meeting 
at  a  London  tavern,8  by  their  own  power  imposed 
taxes  on  its  Indian  trade.  Industry  was  disheart- 
ened by  the  entail  of  freeholds ;  summer,  extending 
through  months  not  its  own,  engendered  pestilent 
vapors  from  the  lowlands,  as  they  were  opened  to  the 
sun ;  American  silk,  it  is  true,  was  admitted  into 
London  duty-free,  but  the  wants  of  the  wilderness  left 
no  leisure  to  feed  the  silkworm  and  reel  its  thread ; 
nor  had  the  cultivator  learned  to  gather  cotton  from 
the  down  of  the  cotton  plant ;  the  indigent,  for  whom 
charity  had  proposed  a  refuge,  murmured  at  an  exile 
that  had  sorrows  of  its  own ;  the  few  men  of  sub- 
stance withdrew  to  Carolina.  In  December,  1751, 
the  trustees  unanimously  desired  to  surrender  their 

1  O'Callaghan's  Documentary  Ilis-        8  Knox,  162, 164.     Stokes  on  the 
tory  of  New-York,  Hi.,  843.  Colonies,  164. 

2'  Chalmers'  Revolt,  ii.,  803. 


charter,  and,  with  the  approbation  of  Murray,1  all  chap. 
authority   for   two   years   emanated   from   the   king  - — , — 
alone.     In  1754,2  when  the  first  royal  governor  with  1754. 
a  royal   council  entered  upon  office,  a  legislative  as- 
sembly convened  under  the  sanction  of  his  commis- 
sion.    The  crown  instituted  the  courts,  and  appointed 
executive  officers  and  judges,  with  fixed  salaries  paid 
by  England  ;  but  the  people,  intrenching  itself  in  the 
representative  body,  and  imitating  the  precedents  of 
older  colonies,  gained  vigor  in  its  infancy  to  restrain 
every  form  of  delegated  authority. 

South  Carolina  prospered  and  was  happy.  Its 
fiery  people,  impatient  of  foreign  restraint,  easily 
kindling  into  a  flame,  had  increased  their  power  by 
every  method  of  encroachment  on  the  executive,  and 
every  claim  to  legislative  self-direction ;  but  they  did 
not  excite  English  jealousy  by  competing  with  En- 
glish industry,  or  engaging  largely  in  illicit  trade; 
and  British  legislation  was  ever  lenient  to  their  in- 
terests. In  favor  of  rice,  whose  culture  annually 
covered  their  inexhaustibly  fertile  swamps  with  its 
expanse  of  verdure,  the  Laws  of  Navigation  were 
mitigated  ;  the  planting  of  indigo,  which  grew  wild 
among  their  woodlands,  was  cherished,  like  the  pro- 
duction of  naval  stores,  by  a  bounty  from  the  British 
exchequer ;  and  they  thought  it  in  return  no  hard- 
ship to  receive  through  England  even  foreign  manu- 
factures, which,  by  the  system  of  partial  drawbacks, 
came  to  them  burdened  with  a  tax,  yet  at  a  less  cost 
than  to  the  consumer  in  the  metropolis.     They  had 

1  Chalmers'  Opinions  of  Eminent    Reynolds,  24  July,  1754.   Sir  James 
Lawyers,  i.,  187,  188.  Wright  to  Hillsborough,   28  Feb., 

*   Lords  of  Trade  to  Governor    1771. 


chap,  desired  and  had  obtained  the  presence  of  troops  to 
^~J^,  intimidate  the  wild  tribes  on  their  frontiers  and  to 
1754  overawe  their  slaves.  The  people  were  yeomen, 
owing  the  king  small  quitrents,  which  could  never 
be  rigorously  exacted  ;  a  title  to  portions  of  the  royal 
domain  was  granted  on  easy  terms ;  and  who  would 
disturb  the  adventurer  that,  at  his  own  will,  built 
his  cabin  and  pastured  his  herds  in  savannas  and 
forests  which  had  never  been  owned  in  severalty  ? 
The  slave-merchant  too  willingly  supplied  laborers 
on  credit.  Free  from  excessive  taxation,  protected  by 
soldiers  in  British  pay,  the  frugal  planter  enjoyed 
the  undivided  returns  of  his  enterprise,  and  might 
double  his  capital  in  three  or  four  years.  The  love 
for  rural  life  prevailed  universally;  the  thrifty  me- 
chanic exchanged  his  workshop,  the  merchant  aban- 
doned the  exciting  risks  of  the  sea,  to  plant  estates  of 
their  own. 

North  Carolina,  with  nearly  twice  as  many  white 
inhabitants  as  its  southern  neighbor,  had  not  one  con- 
siderable village.  Its  rich  swamps  near  the  sea  pro- 
duced rice ;  its  alluvial  lands  teemed  with  maize ; 
free  labor,  little  aided  by  negroes,  busily  drew  tur- 
pentine and  tar  from  the  pines  of  its  white,  sandy 
plains ;  a  hardy  and  rapidly  increasing  people,  mas- 
ters of  their  own  free  wills,  lay  scattered  among  its 
fertile  uplands.  There,  through  the  boundless  wilder- 
ness, hardy  emigrants,  careless  of  the  strifes  of  Eu- 
rope, ignorant  of  deceit,  free  from  tithes,  answerable 
to  no  master,  fearlessly  occupied  lands  that  seemed 
without  an  owner.  Their  swine  had  the  range  of  the 
forest ;  the  open  greenwood  was  the  pasture  of  their 
untold  herds  ;  their  young  men,  disciplined  to  frugal- 


ity  and  patient  of  toil,  trolled  along  the  brooks  that  ciiap. 
abounded  in  fish,  and  took  their  pleasant  sleep  under  ^^^ 
the  forest-tree ;  or  trapped  the  beaver ;  or,  with  gun  1754. 
and  pouch,  lay  in  wait  for  the  deer,  as  it  slaked  its 
thirst  at  the  running  stream ;  or,  in  small  parties, 
roved  the  spurs  of  the  Alleghanies,  in  quest  of  mar- 
vel nble  skins.  How  could  royal  authority  force  its 
way  into  such  a  region  ?  If  Arthur  Dobbs,  the  royal 
governor,  an  author  of  some  repute,  insisted  on  intro- 
ducing the  king's  prerogative,  the  legislature  did  not 
scruple  to  leave  the  whole  expense  of  government 
unprovided  for.  Did  he  attempt  to  establish  the 
Anglican  Church  ?  The  children  of  nature,  free 
from  bigotry  and  from  sectarian  prejudices,  were 
ready  to  welcome  the  institution  of  public  worship,  if 
their  own  vestries  might  choose  their  ministers.  Did 
he  seek  to  collect  quitrents  from  a  people  who  were 
nearly  all  tenants  of  the  king  ?  They  deferred  indefi- 
nitely the  adjustment  of  the  rent-roll. 

For  the  Carolinas  and  for  Virginia,  as  well  as 
other  royal  governments,  the  king,  under  his  sign 
manual,  appointed  the  governor  and  the  council ; 
these  constituted,  also,  a  court  of  chancery ;  the  pro- 
vincial judges,  selected  by  the  king  or  the  royal 
governor,  held  office  at  the  royal  pleasure ; *  for  the 
courts  of  vice-admiralty  the  Lords  of  the  Admiralty 
named  a  judge,  register,  and  marshal;  the  commis- 
sioners of  the  customs  appointed  the  comptrollers  and 
the  collectors,  of  whom  one  was  stationed  at  each 
considerable  harbor;  the  justices  and  the  militia 
officers  were  named  by  the  governor  in  council.     The 

1  Opinions  of  Eminent  Lawyers,  i.  222,  223. 


chap,  freeholders  elected  but  one  branch  of  the  legislature, 
^^  and  here,  as  in  every  royal  government,  the  council 
1754  formed  another.  In  Virginia  there  was  less  strife 
than  elsewhere  between  the  executive  and  the  As- 
sembly, partly  because  the  king  had  a  permanent 
revenue  from  quitrents  and  perpetual  grants,  partly 
because  the  governor  resided  in  England,  and  was 
careful  that  his  deputy  should  not  hazard  his  sinecure 
by  controversy.  In  consequence,  the  Council,  by  its 
weight  of  personal  character,  gained  unusual  influ- 
ence. The  Church  of  England  was  supported  by 
legislative  authority,  and  the  plebeian  sects  were  as  yet 
proscribed,  but  the  great  extent  of  the  parishes  pre- 
vented all  unity  of  public  worship.  Bedford,  when 
in  office,  had  favored  the  appointment  of  an  Anglican 
bishop  in  America ;  but,  as  his  decisive  opinion  and 
the  importunities  of  Sherlock  and  Seeker  had  not 
pre  vailed,  the  benefices  were  filled  by  priests  ordained 
in  England,  and  for  the  most  part  of  English  birth, 
too  often  ill-educated  and  licentious  men,  whose 
crimes  quickened  Virginia  to  assume  the  advowson  of 
its  churches.  The  province  had  not  one  large  town  ; 
the  scattered  mode  of  life  made  free  schools  not 
easily  practicable.  Sometimes  the  sons  of  wealthy 
planter's  repaired  to  Europe ;  here  and  there  a  man 
of  great  learning,  some  Scottish  loyalist,  some  exile 
around  whom  misfortune  spread  a  mystery,  sought 
safety  and  gave  instruction  in  Virginia.  The  country 
within  tide-water  was  divided  among  planters,  who, 
in  the  culture  of  tobacco,  were  favored  by  British 
legislation.  Insulated  on  their  large  estates,  they 
were  cordially  hospitable.  In  the  quiet  of  their  soli- 
tary life,  unaided  by  an  active  press,  they  learned 
from  nature  what  others  caught  from  philosophy,  to 


reason  "boldly,  to  bound  their  freedom  of  mind  only  chap 
by  self-circumscribed  limits.  They  were  philosophers  v^-L 
after  the  pattern  of  Montaigne,  without  having  heard  1754 
of  him.  The  horse  was  their  pride ;  the  county 
eourts  their  holidays ;  the  race-course  their  delight. 
On  permitting  the  increase  of  negro  slavery  opinions 
bere  nearly  equally  divided ;  but  England  kept 
slave-marts  open  at  every  court-house,  as  far,  at  least, 
as  the  Southwest  Mountain, — partly  to  enrich  her 
slave-merchants,  partly,  by  balancing  the  races,  to 
weaken  the  power  of  colonial  resistance.  The  indus- 
try of  the  Virginians  did  not  compete  with  that  of 
the  mother  country  ;  they  had  few  mariners,  took  no 
part  in  the  fisheries,  and  built  no  ships  for  sale. 
British  factors  purchased  their  products  and  furnished 
their  supplies.  Their  connection  with  the  metropolis 
was  more  intimate  than  with  the  northern  colonies. 
England  was  their  market  and  their  storehouse,  and 
was  still  called  their  "  home." 

Yet  the  prerogative  had  little  support  in  Virginia. 
Its  Assembly  sent,  when  it  would,  its  own  special 
agent  to  England,  elected  the  colonial  treasurer,  and 
conducted  its  deliberations  with  dignity  and  inde- 
pendence. Among  the  inhabitants,  the  pride  of  indi- 
vidual freedom  paralyzed  all  royal  influence.  They 
were  the  more  independent,  because  they  were 
the  oldest  colony,  the  most  numerous,  the  most  opu- 
lent, and,  in  territory,  by  far  the  most  extensive. 
The  property  of  the  crown  in  its  unascertained 
domain  was  admitted,  yet  the  mind  easily  made 
theories  that  invested  the  ownership  rightfully  in  the 
colony  itself.  Its  people  spread  more  and  more 
widely  over  the  mild,  productive,  and  enchanting  ter- 
ritory     They  ascended  rivers  to  the  uplands,  and 


chap,  gathered  in  numbers  in  the  valleys  of  its  lovely 
_^_  mountain  ranges,  where  the  productive  red  soil  bore 
1754.  wheat  luxuriantly,  and  gave  to  fruits  the  most  deli- 
cate flavor.  In  the  pleasant  region  of  Orange  County, 
among  its  half-opened  forests,  in  a  home  of  plenty,1 
there  sported  already  on  the  lawn  the  child,  Madison, 
round  whose  gentle  nature  clustered  the  hopes  of 
American  union.  Deeper  in  the  wilderness,  on  the 
Highlands  of  Albemarle,  Thomas  Jefferson,  son  of  a 
surveyor,  of  whose  ancestral  descent  memory  pre- 
served but  one  generation,  dwelt  on  the  skirt  of  for- 
est life,  and  from  boyhood  gazed  on  the  loveliest  of 
scenes,  with  no  intercepting  ridge  between  his  dwell- 
ing-place and  the  far  distant  ocean ;  a  diligent  stu- 
dent of  the  languages  of  Greece  and  Rome,  and  of 
France,  treading  the  mountain-side  with  elastic  step  in 
pursuit  of  game.  Beyond  the  Blue  Ridge  men  came 
southward  from  the  glades  of  Pennsylvania ;  of  most 
various  nations,  Irish,  Scottish,  and  German;  ever 
in  strife  with  the  royal  officers ;  occupying  lands 
without  allotment,  or  on  mere  warrants  of  survey, 
without  patents  or  payment  of  quitrents ;  baffling  to 
the  last  the  settled  policy  of  England.  Everywhere 
in  Virginia  the  sentiment  of  individuality  was  the 
parent  of  its  republicanism.  Its  dauntless  mind,  not 
dissenting  from  established  forms,  was  impatient  of 
restraint,  and  submitted  only  to  self-direction. 

1  The  illustrious  Madison  detailed  whole  charge  for  keeping  the  boy 
to  me  incidents  in  his  career  from  and  his  horse  was  eight  pounds, 
his  boyhood  to  his  old  age.  He  Virginia  currency,  for  the  year; 
was  sent  to  school  in  King  and  for  tuition,  forty  shillings  a  year. 
Queen's  County  to  Donald  Robert-  In  the  former  generation,  Madi- 
son, a  good  scholar,  an  emigrant  son's  father  went  to  school  to 
from  the  Highlands  of  Scotland,  Chancellor  Pendleton's  elder  broth- 
suspected  of  having  joined  in  the  er,  a  good  teacher,  and  the  whole 
rebellion  of  1745,  and  of  being  a  cost  of  board  and  instruction  was 
Roman  Catholic.  Madison,  when  five  pounds  per  annum. 
at  school,   had  a  pony,   and   the 


North  of  the  Potomac,  at  the  centre  of  America,  chap 


were  the  proprietary  governments  of  Maryland  and  v^^L, 
of   Pennsylvania,  with  Delaware.      There  the  king  1754. 
had  no  officers  but  in  the  customs  and  the  admiralty 
courts ;  his  name  was  hardly   known  in  the  acts  of 
government,  and  could  not  set  bounds   to  popular 

During  the  last  war,  Maryland  enjoyed  unbroken 
quiet,  furnishing  no  levies  of  men  for  the  army,  and 
very  small  contributions  of  money.  Its  legislature 
hardly  looked  beyond  its  own  internal  affairs;  and 
its  rapid  increase  in  numbers  proved  its  prosperity. 
The  youthful  Frederic,  Lord  Baltimore,  sixth  of  that 
title,  dissolute  and  riotous,  fond  of  wine  to  madness, 
and  of  women  to  folly,  as  a  prince  zealous  for 
prerogative,  though  negligent  of  business,  was  the 
sole  landlord  of  the  province.  To  him  seemed  to 
belong  the  right  of  initiating  all  laws,  though  the 
popular  branch  of  the  legislature  had  assumed  that 
power,  leaving  only  to  the  proprietary  a  triple  veto, 
by  his  council,  by  his  deputy,  and  by  himself.  He 
established  courts  and  appointed  all  their  officer's; 
punished  convicted  offenders,  or  pardoned  them; 
appointed  at  pleasure  councillors,  all  officers  of  the 
colony,  and  all  the  considerable  county  officers ;  and 
possessed  exclusively  the  unappropriated  domain. 
Reserving  choice  lands  for  his  own  manors,  he  had 
the  whole  people  for  his  tenants  on  quitrents,  which, 
in  1754,  exceeded  twenty-five  thousand  dollars  a  year, 
and  were  rapidly  increasing.  On  every  new  grant 
from  the  wild  domain  he  received  caution  money ; 
his  were  all  escheats,  wardships,  and  fruits  of  the 
feudal  tenures.  Fines  of  alienation,  though  abolished 
in  England,  were  paid  for  his  benefit  on  every  trans- 


chap,  fer,  and  fines  upon  devises  were  still  exacted.      He 

^^s  enjoyed  a  perpetual  port  duty  of  fourteen  pence  a 

1754.  ton,  on  vessels  not  owned  in  the  province,  yielding 

not  far  from  five  thousand  dollars  a  year ;    and  he 

also  exacted    a  tribute  for  licenses  to  hawkers    and 

pedlers,  and  to  ordinaries. 

These  were  the  private  income  of  Lord  Baltimore. 
For  the  public  service  he  needed  no  annual  grants. 
By  an  act  of  1704/  which  was  held  to  be  perma- 
nent, an  export  tax  of  a  shilling  on  every  hogshead 
of  tobacco  gave  an  annually  increasing  income  of 
already  not  much  less  than  seven  thousand  dollars, 
more  than  enough  for  the  salary  of  his  lieutenant- 
governor  ;  while  other  officers  were  paid  by  fees  and 
perquisites.  Thus  the  Assembly  scarcely  had  occasion 
to  impose  taxes,  except  for  the  wages  of  its  own 

Beside  the  power  of  appointing  colonial  officers, 
independent  of  the  people,  Lord  Baltimore,  as  prince 
palatine,  could  raise  his  liegemen  to  defend  his  prov- 
ince. His  was  also  the  power  to  pass  ordinances 
for  the  preservation  of  order ;  to  erect  towns  and 
cities;  to  grant  titles  of  honor;  and  his  the  ad  vow- 
son  of  every  benefice.2  The  colonial  act  of  1702  had 
divided  Maryland  into  parishes,  and  established  the 
Anglican  Church  by  an  annual  tax  of  forty  pounds 
of  tobacco  on  every  poll.  The  parishes  were  about 
forty  in  number,  increasing  in  value,  some  of  them 
promising  soon  to  yield  a  thousand  pounds  sterling  a 
year.  Thus  the  lewd  Lord  Baltimore  had  more 
church  patronage  than  any  landholder  in  England: 
and,  as   there  was   no   bishop   in    America,   ruffians, 

1  Bacon's  Laws    of    Maryland,         8  Trott's  Collection  of  Laws,  &c, 
1704,  c.  x.  211.  172. 



fugitives  from  justice,  men  stained  by  intemperance  chap. 

and  lust,1  (I  write  with  caution,  the   distinct  allega-  ^ 

tions  being  before  me,)  nestled  themselves,  through  1754. 
his    corrupt   and   easy   nature,    in    the    parishes   of 

The  kins:  had  reserved  no  rirfit  of  revising  the 
laws  of  Maryland,  nor  could  he  invalidate  them, 
except  as  they  should  be  found  repugnant  to  those 
of  England.  Though  the  Acts  of  Trade  were  in  force, 
the  royal  power  was  specially  restrained  "  from  im- 
posing or  causing  to  be  imposed  any  customs  or 
other  taxations,  quotas,  or  contributions  whatsoever, 
within  the  province,  or  upon  any  merchandise,  whilst 
being  laden  or  unladen  in  its  ports."2  The  people, 
of  whom  about  one-twelfth  were  Roman  Catholics,3 
shared  power  through  the  Assembly ;  and  as  their 
soil  had  never  been  ravaged,  their  wealth  never  ex- 
hausted by  taxation,  the  scattered  planters  enjoyed, 
in  their  delightful  climate,  as  undisturbed  and  as 
happy  a  life  as  was  compatible  with  the  prevalence 
of  negro  slavery  and  the  limitations  on  popular 

In  Pennsylvania  with  the  counties  on  Delaware, 
the  people,  whose  numbers  appeared  to  double  in 
sixteen  years,4  were  already  the  masters,  and  to  dis- 
pute their  authority  was  but  to  introduce  an  apparent 
anarchy.  Of  the  noble  territory  the  joint  proprietors 
were  Thomas  and  Richard  Penn ;  the  former  holding 
three  quarters  of  the  whole.     Inheritance  might  sul> 

1  Several  Letters  of  the  Lieuten-        8  Charter  for  Maryland,  §  xvii. 

ant -governor   Sharpe.     But  see  in  and  §  xx. 

particular  II.  Sharpe  to  Hammers-         *  The  estimate  is  that  of  Lieu- 

ly,  '22  -lime,  17(58,  and  T.  B.  Chanel-  tenant-governor  Sharpe. 
ler  to  S.  Johnson.  9  June,  1767.  4  Franklin's  Works,  iv.  40. 


c"ap.  divide  it  indefinitely.  The  political  power  that  had 
- — <—>  been  bequeathed  to  them  brought  little  personal 
1754.  dignity  or  benefit.  The  wilderness  domain  was 
theirs ;  though  Connecticut,  which  claimed  to  extend 
to  the  Pacific,  was  already  appropriating  to  itself  a 
part  of  their  territory,  and,  like  the  Penns,  sought 
to  confirm  its  claim  by  deeds  from  the  Six  Nations.1 

The  lieutenant-governor  had  a  negative  on  legis- 
lation, but  he  himself  depended  on  the  Assembly  for 
his  annual  support,  and  had  often  to  choose  between 
compliance  and  poverty.     To  the  Council,  whom  the 
proprietaries    appointed,   and    to    the    proprietaries 
themselves,  the  right  to  revise  legislative  acts   was 
denied,  and  long  usage   confirmed  the  denial.2      In 
the  land  of  the  Penns,  the  legislature  had  but  one 
branch,  and  of  that  branch  Benjamin  Franklin  was 
the  soul.     It  had   an   existence   of  its   own ;    could 
v  meet  on  its  own  adjournments,  and  no  power  could 
prorogue  or   dissolve  it ;    but  a  swift   responsibility 
brought  its  members  annually  before  their  constitu- 
ents.    The  Assembly  would  not  allow  the  proprie- 
taries in  England  to  name  judges  ;  they  were  to  be 
named  by  the  lieutenant-governor  on  the  spot,  and 
like  him  depended  on   the  Assembly  for  the  profit 
of  their  posts.     All  sheiiffs  and  coroners  were  chosen 
by  the  people.     Moneys  were   raised   by  an  excise, 
and   were   kept   and   were  disbursed  by   provincial 
commissioners.      The   land-office   was  under  proprie- 
tary control,  and,  to  balance  its  political  influence, 
the    Assembly    passionately  insisted    on   continuing 

1  Treaty  between  the  Connecti-     Chiefs  of  the  Six  Nations,  Albany, 
cut    Susquehanna    Company    and     11  July,  1754. 

8  ProucTs  Pennsylvania,  ii.  284. 


antler  their  own  supervision  the  loan-office  of  paper  chap. 
money.  ■ — , — 

Tlie  laws  established  for  Pennsylvania  complete  1754. 
enfranchisement  in  the  domain  of  thought.  Its  able 
press  developed  the  principles  of  civil  rights ;  its 
principal  city  cherished  science  ;  and,  by  private  mu- 
ni licence,  a  ship,  at  the  instance  of  Franklin,  had  at- 
tempted to  discover  the  Northwestern  passage.1  A 
library,  too,  was  endowed,  and  an  academy  chartered, 
giving  the  promise  of  intellectual  activity  and  inde- 
pendence. No  oaths  or  tests  barred  the  avenue  to 
public  posts.  The  Church  of  England,  unaided  by 
law,  competed  with  all  forms  of  dissent.  The  Pres- 
byterians, who  were  willing  to  fight  for  their  liberties, 
began  to  balance  the  enthusiasts,  who  were  ready  to 
sutler  for  them.  Yet  the  Quakers,  humblest  amongst 
plebeian  sects,  and  boldest  of  them  all, — disjoined 
from  the  Middle  Age  without  even  a  shred  or  a  mark 
of  its  bonds, — abolishing  not  the  aristocracy  of  the 
sword  only,  but  all  war, — not  prelacy  and  priestcraft 
only,  but  outward  symbols  and  ordinances,  external 
sacraments  and  forms, — pure  spiritualists,  and  apostles 
of  the  power  and  the  freedom  of  mind, — still  swayed 
legislation  and  public  opinion.  Ever  restless  of  au- 
thority, they  were  jealous  of  the  new  generation  of 
proprietaries  who  had  fallen  off  from  their  society, 
regulated  the  government  with  a  view  to  their  own 
personal  profit,  shunned  taxation  of  their  colonial 
estates,  and  would  not  answer  as  equals  to  the  plain, 
untitled  names,  which  alone  the  usages  of  the  Society 
of  Friends  allowed.2 

1  MS.  Letter   of  B.   Franklin,  *  Letters  of  T.  &  J.  Penn  to  the 

Philadelphia,  28  Feb.  1753.  Lt.  Governor  of  Pennsylvania. 


chap.  New  Jersey,  now  a  royal  government,  enjoyed, 
k^L,  with  the  aged  Belcher,  comparative  tranquillity. 
1754.  The  generality  of  the  people  he  found  to  be  "very 
rustical,"  and  deficient  in  "  learning."  *  To  the  Cal- 
vinist  governor  the  Quakers  of  this  province  seemed 
to  want  "  orthodoxy  in  the  principles  of  religion  f 
but  he  parried  for  them  the  oppressive  disposition  of 
the  Board  of  Trade,  and  the  rapacity  of  the  great 
claimants  of  lands,  who  held  seats  in  the  Council. 
"  I  have  to  steer,"  he  would  say,  "  between  Scylla 
and  Charybdis ;  to  please  the  king's  ministers  at 
home,  and  a  touchy  people  here ;  to  luff  for  one,  and 
bear  away  for  another." 2  Sheltered  by  its  position, 
New  Jersey  refused  to  share  the  expense  of  Indian 
alliances,  often  left  its  own  annual  expenses  unpro- 
vided for,  and,  instead  of  showing  zeal  in  assuming  the 
burdens  of  war,  its  gentle  and  most  obstinate  enthu- 
siasts trusted  in  the  extension  of  the  peaceable  king- 
dom "  from  sea  to  sea,"  and  the  completion  of  the 
prophecies,  that  "  nation  shall  not  lift  up  the  sword 
against  nation,  nor  learn  war  any  more." 

There,  too,  on  the  banks  of  the  Delaware,  men 
that  labored  for  inward  stillness,  and  to  live  in  the 
spirit  of  truth,  learned  to  love  God  in  all  his  manifes- 
tations in  the  visible  world ;  and  they  testified  against 
cruelty  towards  the  least  creature  in  whom  his  breath 
had  kindled  the  flame  of  life.  Conscious  of  an  en- 
largement of  gospel  love,  John  Woolman,  a  tailor  by 
trade,  content  in  the  happiness  of  humility,  "  stood  np 
like  a  trumpet,  through  which  the  Lord  speaks  to  his 
people," 8  to  make  the  negro  masters  sensible  of  the 

1  Gov.  Belcher  to  the  Earl  of        8  A   testimony  of  the  Monthly 
Leven.  Meeting  of  Friends,  held  in   Bur- 

3  Belcher  to  Sir  Peter  Warren.      lington,  N.  J. 


evil  of  holding  the  people  of  Africa  in  slavery  ;*  and  ciiAr 
by  his  testimony  at  the  meetings  of  Friends,  recom-  ^J^, 
mended  that  oppressed  part  of  the  creation  to  the  1754. 
notice  of  each  individual  and  of  the  society.  Having 
discerned  by  a  bright  and  radiant  light  the  certain 
evidence  of  divine  truth,  and  not  fearing  to  offend 
man  by  its  simplicity,  he  travelled  much  on  the  con- 
tinent of  America,  and  would  say  to  thoughtful  men, 
that  "  a  people  used  to  labor  moderately  for  their 
living,  training  up  their  children  in  frugality  and 
business,  have  a  happier  life  than  those  who  live  on 
the  labor  of  slaves ;  that  freemen  find  satisfaction  in 
improving  and  providing  for  their  families ;  but  ne- 
groes, laboring  to  support  others  who  claim  them  as 
their  property,  and  expecting  nothing  but  slavery 
during  life,  have  not  the  like  inducement  to  be  indus- 
trious." "  Men  having  power,"  he  continued,  "  too 
often  misapply  it ;  though  we  make  slaves  of  the  ne- 
groes, and  the  Turks  make  slaves  of  the  Christians, 
liberty  is  the  natural  right  of  all  men  equally." 2 

"  The  slaves,"  said  he,  "  look  to  me  like  a  burden- 
some stone  to  such  who  burden  themselves  with  them. 
The  burden  will  grow  heavier  and  heavier,  till  times 
change  in  a  way  disagreeable  to  us."  "It  may  be 
just,"  answered  one  of  his  hearers,  "  for  the  Almighty 
so  to  order  it."  And  while  he  had  fresh  and  heaven- 
ly openings  in  respect  to  the  care  and  providence  of 
the  Almighty  over  man,  as  the  most  noble  amongst 
his  creatures  which  are  visible,  and  was  fully  per- 
suaded, that  as  the  life  of  Christ  comes  to  reign  in  the 
earth,  all  abuse  and  unnecessary  oppression  will  draw 

1  The  Testimony  of  Friends  in  50,  51.     I  am  indebted  to  some  tra- 

Yorksliire.  named  friend  for  a  copy  of  this  un- 

8  The  Life    and  Travels  of  John  commonly   beautiful    specimen    of 

Woolman.     5th  edition,  25,  28,  47,  spiritual  autobiography. 


chap,  towards  an  end,  yet,  under  the  sense  of  the  overflow- 
^^  ing  stream  of  unrighteousness,  his  life  was  often  a  life 
1754.  of  mourning;  and  it  was  a  matter  fixed  in  his  mind, 
that  this  trade  of  importing  slaves,  and  way  of  life  in 
keeping  them,  were  dark  gloominess  hanging  over  the 
land.  "Though  many  willingly  ran  into  it,  yet  the 
consequences  would  be  grievous  to  posterity."  There- 
fore he  went  about,  environed  with  heavenly  light 
and  consolation,  persuading  men  that  "  the  practice  of 
continuing  slavery  was  not  right;"  and  in  calmest 
and  most  guarded  words  he  endeavored,  through  the 
press,1  "  to  raise  an  idea  of  a  general  brotherhood,  and 
a  disposition  easy  to  be  touched  with  a  feeling  of  each 
other's  afflictions."  The  men  whom  he  addressed  on 
both  banks  of  the  Delaware  were  not  agreed,  in  all 
the  branches  of  the  question,  on  the  propriety  of 
keeping  negroes ;  yet  generally  the  spirit  of  emanci- 
pation was  prevailing,  and  their  masters  began  the 
work  of  setting  them  free,  u  because  they  had  no  con- 
tract for  their  labor,  and  liberty  was  their  right." 

But  New- York  was  at  this  time  the  central  point 
of  political  interest.  Its  position  invited  it  to  foster 
American  union.  Having  the  most  convenient  har- 
bor on  the  Atlantic,  with  bays  expanding  on  either 
hand,  and  a  navigable  river  penetrating  the  interior, 
it  held  the  keys  of  Canada  and  the  Lakes.  Crown 
Point  and  Niagara,  monuments  of  French  ambition, 
were  encroachments  upon  its  limits.  Its  unsurveyed 
inland  frontier,  sweeping  round  on  the  north,  disputed 
with  New  Hampshire  the  land  between  Lake  Cham- 

1  The    works  of    John    Wool-    Negroes.    First  printed  in  the  year 
man.      Part   the    Second.      Some    1754. 
Considerations  on  the  Keeping  of 


plain  and  the  Connecticut,  and  extended  into  unmea-  chap. 

...  VI. 

sured  distances  in  the  west.     Within  its  bosom,  at  w^^ 

Onondaga,  burned  the  council-fire  of  the  Six  Nations,  1754. 
whose  irregular  bands  had  seated  themselves  near 
Montreal,  on  the  northern  shore  of  Ontario,  and  on 
the  Ohio ;  whose  hunters  roamed  over  the  North- 
west and  the  West ;  whose  war-parties  had  for  ages 
strolled  to  Carolina.  Here  were  concentrated  by  far 
the  most  important  Indian  relations,  round  which  the 
great  idea  of  a  general  union  was  shaping  itself  into  a 
reality.  It  was  to  still  the  hereditary  warfare  of  the 
Six  Nations  with  the  Southern  Indians,  that  South 
Carolina  and  Massachusetts  first  met  at  Albany ; 
it  was  to  confirm  friendship  with  them  and  their 
allies,  that  New  England,  and  all  the  Central  States 
but  New  Jersey,  had  assembled  in  congress.  But  a 
higher  principle  was  needed  to  blend  the  several 
colonies  under  one  sovereignty ;  that  principle  also 
existed  on  the  banks  of  the  Hudson,  and  the  states- 
men of  New  York  clung  perseveringly  and  with- 
out wavering  to  faith  in  a  united  American  empire. 
England  never  possessed  the  affection  of  the  coun- 
try which  it  had  acquired  by  conquest.  British  offi- 
cials sent  home  complaints  of  "  the  Dutch  republicans  " 
as  disloyal.  The  descendants  of  the  Huguenot  refu- 
gees were  taunted  with  their  origin,  and  invited  to 
accept  English  liberties  gratefully  as  a  boon.  No- 
where was  the  collision  between  the  royal  governor 
and  the  colonial  Assembly  so  violent  or  so  inveterate. 
Nowhere  had  the  legislature,  by  its  method  of  grant- 
ing money,  so  nearly  exhausted  and  appropriated  to 
itself  all  executive  authority.  Nowhere  had  the  rela- 
tions of  the  province   to  Great  Britain  been  more 

VOL.   IV.  10 


chap,  sharply  controverted.  The  Board  of  Trade  esteemed 
— , — .  the  provincial  legislature  to  be  subordinate,  resting  for 
I754<  its  existence  on  acts  of  the  royal  prerogative,  the 
king's  commissions  and  the  king's  instructions,  and  pos- 
sessed of  none  of  the  attributes  of  sovereignty ;  while 
the  people  looked  upon  their  representatives  as  a  body 
participant  in  sovereignty,  existing  by  an  inherent 
right,  and  co-ordinate  with  the  British  House  of  Com- 



Affaii-s  of  religion  also  involved  political  strife.  In 
a  province  chiefly  of  Calvinists,  the  English  Church 
was  favored,  though  not  established  by  law ;  but  an 
act  of  the  prerogative,  which  limited  the  selection  of 
the  president  of  the  provincial  college  to  those  in 
communion  with  the  Church  of  England,  agitated  the 
public  mind,  and  united  the  Presbyterians  hi  distrust 
of  the  royal  authority. 

The  Laws  of  Trade  excited  still  more  resistance. 
Why  should  a  people,  of  whom  one  half  were  of 
foreign  ancestry,  be  cut  off  from  all  the  world  but 
England?  Why  must  the  children  of  Holland  be 
debarred  from  the  ports  of  the  Netherlands  ?  Why 
must  their  ships  seek  the  produce  of  Europe,  and,  by 
a  later  law,  the  produce  of  Asia,  in  English  harbors 
alone?  Why  wrere  negro  slaves  the  only  consider- 
able object  of  foreign  commerce  which  England  did 
not  compel  to  be  first  landed  on  its  shores  ?  The 
British  restrictive  system  was  never  acknowledged  by 
New  York  as  valid,  and  was  transgressed  by  all  Ame- 
rica, but  most  of  all  by  this  province,  to  an  extent 
that  could  not  easily  be  imagined.  Especially  the 
British  ministry  had  been  invited,  in  1752,  to  observe, 
that,  while  the  consumption  of  tea  was  annually  in- 
creasing in  America,  the  export  from  England  was 

THE   OLD   THIRTEEN    COLONIES.       '  147 

decreasing.1  For  the  next  twenty  years,  England  chap. 
Bought  for  a  remedy;  and,  meantime,  the  little  island  ,^1^ 
of  St.  Eustatia,  a  heap  of  rocks,  but  two  leagues  in  1754. 
length  by  one  in  breadth,  without  a  rivulet  or  a  spring, 
gathered  in  its  storehouses  the  products  of  Holland, 
of  the  Orient,  of  the  world ;  and  its  harbor  was  more 
and  more  filled  with  fleets  of  colonial  trading-vessels, 
which,  if  need  were,  completed  their  cargoes  by  enter- 
ing the  French  islands  with  Dutch  papers.  The 
British  statutes,  which  made  the  commercial  relations 
of  America  to  England  not  a  union,  but  a  bondage, 
did  but  disguise  the  foreign  trade  which  they  affected 
to  prevent.  America  bought  of  England  hardly  more 
than  she  would  have  done  on  the  system  of  freedom ; 
and  this  small  advantage  was  dearly  purchased  by  the 
ever-increasing  cost  of  cruisers,  custom-house  officers, 
and  vice-admiralty  courts ;  so  that  Great  Britain,  after 
deducting  its  expenses,  received,  it  was  said,  less  bene- 
fit from  the  trade  of  New  York  than  the  Hanse  Towns 
and  Holland ;  while  the  oppressive  character  of  the 
metropolitan  legislature  made  the  merchants  principal 
supporters  of  what  royalists  called  "  faction." 

The  large  landholders — whose  grants,  originally 
prodigal,  irregular,  and  ill-defined,  promised  opulence 
for  generations — were  equally  jealous  of  British 
authority,  which  threatened  to  bound  their  preten- 
sions, or  question  their  titles,  or,  through  parliament, 
to  impose  a  land-tax.  The  lawyers  of  the  colony, 
chiefly  Presbyterians,  and  educated  in  Connecticut, 
joined  heartily  with   the    merchants   and  the  great 

1  Clinton   to  Board  of  Trade,  4  easy  to  imagine  to  what  an  enor- 

October,  1752.      uTlie   faction  in  mous  height  this  transgression  of 

tliis   province   consists    chiefly   of  the  Laws  of  Trade  goes  in  North 

merchants.'"     "Entire  disregard  of  America,"  &c,  <fcc.     N.Y.London 

the  Laws  of  Trade"     "It  is  not  Documents,  xxx.  43. 


chap,  proprietors  to  resist  every  encroachment  from  Eng- 
v_v_.  land ;  meeting  the  political  theories  of  colonial  subor- 
1754.  dination   at   the  threshold;   teaching  the  method  of 
increasing   colonial   power  by  the  system  of  annual 
grants;   demanding  permanent  commissions  for  their 
judicial  officers ;  opposing  the  extension  of  the  admi- 
ralty jurisdiction ;  and  vehemently  resisting  the  admis- 
sion of   bishops,   as    involving    ecclesiastical    courts 
and  new  prerogatives.     In  no  province  was  the  near 
.   approach  of  independence  discerned  so  clearly,  or  so 
openly  predicted. 

New  York  had  been  settled  under  large  patents  of 
lands  to  individuals;  New  England  under  grants  to 
towns ;  and  the  institution  of  towns  was  its  glory  and 
its  strength.  The  inhabited  part  of  Massachusetts 
was  recognised  as  divided  into  little  territories,  each 
of  which,  for  its  internal  purposes,  constituted  a  sepa- 
rate integral  government,  free  from  supervision,  having 
power  to  choose  annually  its  own  officers;  to  hold 
meetings  of  all  freemen  at  its  own  pleasure ;  to  discuss 
in  those  meetings  any  subject  of  public  interest;  to  see 
that  every  able-bodied  man  within  its  precincts  was 
duly  enrolled  in  the  militia  and  always  provided  with 
arms,  ready  for  immediate  use ;  to  elect  and  to  instruct 
its  representatives;  to  raise  and  appropriate  money 
for  the  support  of  the  ministry,  of  schools,  of  high- 
ways, of  the  poor,  and  for  defraying  other  necessary 
expenses  within  the  town.  It  was  incessantly  deplored 
by  royalists  of  later  days,  that  the  law  which  con- 
firmed these  liberties  had  received  the  unconscious 
sanction  of  William  the  Third,  and  the  most  exten- 
sive interpretation  in  practice.  Boston,  even,  on  more 
than  one  occasion,  ventured  in  town  meeting  to  ap- 



point  its  own  agent  to  present  a  remonstrance  to  the  chap, 
Board  of  Trade.1  New  Hampshire,  Connecticut,  ^—^ 
Rhode  Island,  and  Maine,  which  was  a  part  of  Massa-  1754. 
chusetts,  had  similar  regulations;  so  that  all  New 
England  was  an  aggregate  of  organized  democracies. 
But  the  complete  development  of  the  institution  was 
to  be  found  in  Connecticut  and  the  Massachusetts 
Bay.  There  each  township  was  also  substantially  a 
territorial  parish ;  the  town  was  the  religious  congre- 
gation; the  independent  church  was  established  by 
law ,  the  minister  was  elected  by  the  people,  who 
annually  made  grants  for  his  support.  There,  too,  the 
-tern  of  free  schools  was  carried  to  great  perfection ; 
so  that  there  could  not  be  found  an  adult  born  in  New 
England  unable  to  write  and  read.  He  that  will  un- 
derstand  the  political  character  of  New  England  in 
the  eighteenth  century,  must  study  the  constitution  of 
its  towns,  its  congregations,  its  schools,  and  its  militia.2 
Yet  in  these  democracies  the  hope  of  indepen- 
dence, as  a  near  event,  had  not  dawned.  Driven  from 
England  by  the  persecution  of  the  government,  its 
inhabitants  still  clung  with  confidence  and  persevering 
affection  to  the  land  of  their  ancestry,  the  people  of 
their  kindred,  and  the  nationality  of  their  language. 
They  were  of  homogeneous  origin,  nearly  all  tracing 
their  descent  to  English  emigrants  of  the  reiinis  of 
Charles  the  First  and  Charles  the  Second.  They 
were  a  frugal  and  industrious  race.  Along  the  sea- 
side, wherever  there  was  a  good  harbor,  fishermen, 
familiar  with  the  ocean,  gathered  in  hamlets ;  and 
each  returning  season  saw  them  with  an  ever  increas- 
ing number  of  mariners  and  vessels,  taking  the  cod 

Shirley  to  the  Board  of  Trade,        2  John  Adams:  Works,  v.  495. 
January,  1755. 


chap,  and  mackerel,  and  sometimes  pursuing  the  whale  into 
^^^  the  icy  labyrinths  of  the  Northern  seas;  yet  loving 
1754.  home,  and  dearly  attached  to  their  modest  freeholds. 
At  Boston  a  society  was  formed  for  promoting  domes- 
tic manufactures:  on  one  of  its  anniversaries,  three 
hundred  young  women  appeared  on  the » common,  clad 
in  homespun,  seated  in  a  triple  row,  each  with  a  spin- 
ning-wheel, and  each  busily  transferring  the  flax  from 
the  distaff  to  the  spool.  The  town  built  "  a  manu- 
facturing house,"  and  there  were  bounties  to  en- 
courage the  workers  in  linen.  How  the  Board  of 
Trade  were  alarmed  at  the  news !  How  they  cen- 
sured Shirley  for  not  having  frowned  on  the  busi- 
ness! How  committees  of  the  House  of  Commons 
,  examined  witnesses,  and  made  proposals  for  prohib- 
itory laws,  till  at  last  the  Boston  manufacturing 
house,  designed  to  foster  home  industry,  fell  into 
decay,  a  commentary  on  the  provident  care  of  Eng- 
land for  her  colonies !  Of  slavery  there  was  not 
enough  to  affect  the  character  of  the  people,  except 
in  the  southeast  of  Bhode  Island,  where  Newport 
was  conspicuous  for  engaging  in  the  slave-trade,  and 
where,  in  two  or  three  towns,  negroes  composed  even 
a  third  of  the  inhabitants. 

In  the  settlements  which  grew  up  in  the  interior, 
on  the  margin  of  the  greenwood,  the  plain  meeting- 
house of  the  congregation  for  public  worship  was 
every  where  the  central  point ;  near  it  stood  the  pub- 
lic school,  by  the  side  of  the  very  broad  road,  over 
which  wheels  enough  did  not  pass  to  do  more  than 
mark  the  path  by  ribbons  in  the  sward.  The  snug 
farm-houses,  owned  as  freeholds,  without  quitrents, 
were  dotted  along  the  way;  and  the  village  pastor 
among  his  people,  enjoying  the  calm  raptures  of  devo- 


tion,  "  appeared  like  such  a  little  white  flower  as  we  chap. 
see  in  the  spring  of  the  year,  low  and  humble  on  the  _^L> 
ground,  standing  peacefully  and  lovingly  in  the  midst  1754. 
of  the  flowers  round  about;  all,  in  like  manner,  open- 
ing their  bosoms  to  drink  in  the  light  of  the  sun."1 
In  every  hand  was  the  Bible;  every  home  was  a  house 
of  prayer ;  in  every  village  all  had  been  taught,  many 
bad  comprehended,  a  methodical  theory  of  the  divine 
purpose  in  creation,  and  of  the  destiny  of  man. 

Child  of  the  Reformation,  closely  connected  with 
the  past  centuries  and  with  the  greatest  intellectual 
struggles  of  mankind,  New  England  had  been  planted 
by  enthusiasts  who  feared  no  sovereign  but  God.  In 
the  universal  degeneracy  and  ruin  of  the  Roman 
world,  when  freedom,  laws,  imperial  rule,  municipal 
authority,  social  institutions,  were  swept  away, — < 
when  not  a  province,  nor  city,  nor  village,  nor  family 
was  safe,  Augustin,  the  African  bishop,  with  a  burn- 
ing heart,  confident  that,  though  Home  tottered,  the 
hope  of  man  would  endure,  rescued  from  the  wreck 
of  the  old  world  the  truths  that  would  renew  human- 
ity, and  sheltered  them  in  the  cloister,  among  succes- 
sive generations  of  men,  who  were  insulated  by  their 
vows  from  decaying  society,  bound  to  the  state  nei- 
ther by  ambition,  nor  by  allegiance,  nor  by  the  sweet 
attractions  of  wife  and  child. 

After  the  sighs  and  sorrows  of  centuries,  in  the 
dawn  of  serener  days,  an  Augustine  monk,  having 
also  a  heart  of  flame,  seized  on  the  same  great  ideas, 
and  he  and  his  followers,  with  wives  and  children, 

1  Autobiographical     Sketch     of  this  sketch  ;  lie  used  to  speak  of  it, 

Jonathan  Edwards  in  Works,  i.  28.  page  35,  36,  as  containing  the  most 

Worcester  Edition.     The  late  Dr.  vivid  expression  of  an  overpower- 

Chanuing  called  my   attention   to  iug  sense  of  God's  omnipresence. 


chai\  restored  them  to  the  world.  At  his  bidding,  truth 
v^^  leaped  over  the  cloister  walls,  and  challenged  every 
1754.  man  to  make  her  his  guest;  aroused  every  intelli- 
gence to  acts  of  private  judgment ;  changed  a  de- 
pendent, recipient  people  into  a  reflecting,  inquiring 
people  ;  lifted  each  human  being  out  of  the  castes  of 
the  Middle  Age,  to  endow  him  with  individuality, 
and  summoned  man  to  stand  forth  as  man.  The 
world  heaved  with  the  fervent  conflict  of  opinion. 
The  people  and  their  guides  recognised  the  dignity  of 
labor ;  the  oppressed  peasantry  took  up  arms  for  lib- 
erty ;  men  reverenced  and  exercised  the  freedom  of 
the  soul.  The  breath  of  the  new  spirit  moved  over 
the  earth ;  it  revived  Poland,  animated  Germany, 
swayed  the  North ;  and  the  inquisition  of  Spain 
could  not  silence  its  whispers  among  the  mountains  of 
the  Peninsula.  It  invaded  France  ;  and  though  bon- 
fires, by  way  of  warning,  were  made  of  heretics  at  the 
gates  of  Paris,  it  infused  itself  into  the  French  mind, 
and  led  to  unwonted  free  discussions.  Exile  could 
not  quench  it.  On  the  banks  of  the  Lake  of  Geneva, 
Calvin  stood  forth  the  boldest  reformer  of  his  day ; 
not  personally  engaging  in  political  intrigues,  yet,  by 
promulgating  great  ideas,  forming  the  seeclplot  of 
revolution ;  bowing  only  to  the  Invisible ;  acknow- 
ledging no  sacrament  of  ordination  but  the  choice  of 
the  laity,  no  patent  of  nobility  but  that  of  the  elect 
of  God,  with  its  seals  of  eternity. 

Luther's  was  still  a  Catholic  religion  ;  it  sought  to 
instruct  all,  to  confirm  all,  to  sanctify  all ;  and  so, 
under  the  shelter  of  principalities,  it  gave  established 
forms  to  Protestant  Germany,  and  Sweden,  and  Deri- 
mark,  and  England.  But  Calvin  taught  an  exclusive 
doctrine,    which,   though   it   addressed   itself  to   all, 


rested  only  on  the  chosen.  Lutheranism  was,  there-  chap. 
fore,  not  a  political  party ;  it  included  prince,  and  ^^^^ 
nol)le,  and  peasant.  Calvinism  was  revolutionary;  1754. 
wherever  it  came,  it  created  division ;  its  symbol,  as 
set  upon  the  "  Institutes  "  of  its  teacher,  was  a  flam- 
ing sword.  By  the  side  of  the  eternal  mountains, 
and  the  perennial  snows,  and  the  arrowy  rivets  of 
Switzerland,  it  established  a  religion  without  a  pre- 
late, a"  government  without  a  king.  Fortified  by  its 
faith  in  fixed  decrees,  it  kept  possession  of  its  homes 
among  the  Alps.  It  grew  powerful  in  France,  and 
invigorated,  between  the  feudal  nobility  and  the 
crown,  the  long  contest,  which  did  not  end,  till  the 
subjection  of  the  nobility,  through  the  central  despot- 
ism, prepared  the  ruin  of  that  despotism,  by  promot- 
ing the  equality  of  the  commons.  It  entered  Holland, 
inspiring  an  industrious  nation  with  heroic  enthusiasm ; 
enfranchising  and  uniting  provinces ;  and  making 
burghers,  and  weavers,  and  artisans,  victors  over  the 
highest  orders  of  Spanish  chivalry,  over  the  power  of 
the  inquisition,  and  the  pretended  majesty  of  kings. 
It  penetrated  Scotland:  and  while  its  whirlwind 
bore  along  persuasion  among  glens  and  mountains,  it 
shrunk  from  no  danger,  and  hesitated  at  no  ambition ; 
it  nerved  its  rugged  but  hearty  envoy  to  resist  the 
flatteries  of  the  beautiful  Queen  Mary ;  it  assumed  the 
education  of  her  only  son ;  it  divided  the  nobility ; 
it  penetrated  the  masses,  overturned  the  ancient 
ecclesiastical  establishment,  planted  the  free  parochial 
school,  and  gave  a  living  energy  to  the  principle 
of  liberty  in  a  people.  It  infused  itself  into  Eng- 
land, and  placed  its  plebeian  sympathies  in  daring 
resistance  to  the  courtly  hierarchy :  dissenting  from 
dissent;    longing  to    introduce    the   reign    of    righ- 


chap,  teousness,  it  invited  every  man  to  read  the 
v^^-L,  Bible,  and  made  itself  dear  to  the  common  mind, 
1754.  by  teaching,  as  a  divine  revelation,  the  nnity  of  the 
race  and  the  natural  equality  of  man ;  it  claimed 
for  itself  freedom  of  utterance,  and  through  the  pul- 
pit, in  eloquence  imbued  with  the  authoritative 
words  of  prophets  and  apostles,  spoke  to  the  whole 
congregation  ;  it  sought  new  truth,  denying  the  sanc- 
tity of  the  continuity  of  tradition ;  it  stood  up 
against  the  Middle  Age  and  its  forms  in  church 
and  state,  hating  them  with  a  fierce  and  unquenchable 

Imprisoned,  maimed,  oppressed  at  home,  its  inde- 
pendent converts  in  Great  Britain  looked  beyond  the 
Atlantic  for  a  better  world.  Their  energetic  passion 
was  nurtured  by  trust  in  the  divine  protection,  their 
power  of  will  was  safely  intrenched  in  their  own 
vigorous  creed ;  and  under  the  banner  of  the  gospel, 
with  the  fervid  and  enduring  love  of  the  myriads 
who  in  Europe  adopted  the  stern  simplicity  of  the 
discipline  of  Calvin,  they  sailed  for  the  wilderness, 
far  away  from  "  popery  and  prelacy,"  from  the  tra- 
ditions of  the  church,  from  hereditary  power,  from 
the  sovereignty  of  an  earthly  king,  —  from  all  domin- 
ion but  the  Bible,  and  "  what  arose  from  natural 
reason  and  the  principles  of  equity." 

The  ideas  which  had  borne  the  New  England  emi- 
grants  to  this  transatlantic  world  were  polemic  and 
republican  in  their  origin  and  their  tendency.  And 
how  had  the  centuries  matured  the  contest  for 
mankind !  Against  the  authority  of  the  church  of 
the  Middle  Ages  Calvin  arrayed  the  authority  of  the 
Bible ;   the  time  was  come  to  connect  religion  and 


philosophy,  and  show  the  harmony  between  faith  and  chap. 
reason.     Against  the  feudal  aristocracy  the  plebeian  ^^ 
reformer  summoned  the  spotless  nobility  of  the  elect,  1754. 
foreordained  from  the  beginning  of  the  world;  but 
New  England,  which  had  no  hereditary  caste  to  beat 
down,  ceased  to  make  predestination  its  ruling  idea, 
and,  maturing  a  character  of  its  own, 

u  Saw  love  attractive  every  system  bind." 

The  transition  had  taken  place  from,  the  haughtiness 
of  its  self-assertion  against  the  pride  of  feudalism,  to 
the  adoption  of  Love  as  the  benign  spirit  which  was 
to  animate  its  new  teachings  in  politics  and  religion. 

From  God  were  derived  its  theories  of  ontology, 
of  ethics,  of  science,  of  happiness,  of  human  perfecti- 
bility, and  of  human  liberty. 

God  himself  is  "  in  effect  universal  Being."  Na- 
ture in  its  amplitude  is  but  u  an  emanation  of  his  own 
infinite  fulness ;"  a  flowing  forth  and  expression  of 
himself  in  objects  of  his  benevolence.  In  every  thing 
there  is  a  calm,  sweet  cast  of  divine  glory.  He  com- 
prehends "  all  entity  and  all  excellence  in  his  own  es- 
sence." Creation  proceeded  from  a  disposition  in  the 
fulness  of  Divinity  to  flow  out  and  diffuse  its  exist- 
ence. The  infinite  Being  is  Being  in  general.  His 
existence  being  infinite,  comprehends  universal  exist- 
ence. There  are  and  there  can  be  no  beings  distinct 
and  independent.     God  is  "  AL1  and  alone." ] 

The  glory  of  God  is  the  ultimate  end  of  moral 
goodness,  which  in  the  creature  is  love  to  the  Creator. 
Virtue  consists  in  public  affection  or  general  benevo- 
lence.    But  as  to  the  New  England  mind  God   in- 

1  End    for   which  God   created  the  World,  in  Works  of  Edwards, 
ri.  33.  53,  58,  59,  and  Works,  i.  35. 


citap.  eluded  universal  bein^r,  to   love   God  seemed  to  in- 

^^ ,  elude  love  to  all  that  exists ;  and  was,  therefore,  in 

1754.  opposition  to  selfishness,  the  sum  of  all  morality, 
the  universal  benevolence  comprehending  all  righ- 

God  is  the  fountain  of  light  and  knowledge,  so 
that  truth  in  man  is  but  a  conformity  to  God  ;  know- 
ledge in  man,  but  "  the  image  of  God's  own  know- 
ledge of  himself."  Nor  is  there  a  motive  to  repress 
speculative  inquiry.  u  There  is  no  need,"  said  Edwards, 
"  that  the  strict  philosophic  truth  should  be  at  all 
concealed  from  men."  "  The  more  clearly  and  fully 
the  true  system  of  the  universe  is  known  the  better." 
Nor  can  any  outward  authority  rule  the  mind ;  the 
revelations  of  God,  being  emanations  from  the  infinite 
fountain  of  knowledge,  have  a  certainty  and  reality ; 
they  accord  with  reason  and  common  sense ;  and  give 
direct,  intuitive,  and  all-conquering  evidence  of  their 

God  is  the  source  of  happiness.  His  angels  minis- 
ter to  his  servants ;  the  vast  multitudes  of  his  ene- 
mies are  as  great  heaps  of  light  chaff  before  the 
whirlwind.  Against  his  enemies  the  bow  of  God's 
wrath  is  bent,  and  the  arrow  made  ready  on  the 
string,  and  justice  bends  the  arrow  at  their  heart,  and 
strains  the  bow.8  God  includes  all  being  and  all 
holiness.  Enmity  with  him  is  enmity  with  all  true 
life  and  power ;  an  infinite  evil,  fraught  with  infinite 
and  endless  woe.  To  exist  in  union  with  him  is  the 
highest  well-being,  that  shall  increase  in  glory  and 
joy  throughout  eternity. 

1  J.  Edwards'  Works,  vi.  53,  73,        s  Edwards'  Works,  vi.  33,  &c,  i 
&0.  61,  v.  348,  iv.  2Sf    238. 

s  Edwards'  Works,  vii.  483,  496 


God  is  his  own  chief  end  in  creation.     But  as  lie  chap. 

includes  all  being,  his  glory  includes  the  glory  and  the  ■L^w-^- 

perfecting  of  the  universe.  The  whole  human  race,  1754. 
throughout  its  entire  career  of  existence,  hath  oneness 
k and  identity,  and  "constitutes  one  complex  person," 
"  one  moral  whole." l  The  glory  of  God  includes  the 
redemption  and  glory  of  humanity.  From  the  mo- 
ment of  creation  to  the  final  judgment,  it  is  all  one 
work.  Every  event  which  has  swayed  "  the  state  of 
the  world  of  mankind,"  "  all  its  revolutions,"  proceed 
as  it  was  determined,  towards  "  the  glorious  time  that 
shall  be  in  the  latter  days,"  when  the  new  shall  be 
more  excellent  than  the  old. 

God  is  the  absolute  sovereign,  doing  according  to 
his  will  in  the  armies  of  heaven,  and  among  the 
inhabitants  on  earth.  Scorning  the  thought  of  free 
agency  as  breaking  the  universe  of  action  into  count- 
less fragments,  the  greatest  number  in  New  England 
held  that  every  volition,  even  of  the  humblest  of  the 
people,  is  obedient  to  the  fixed  decrees  of  Providence, 
and  participates  in  eternity. 

Yet  while  the  common  mind  of  New  England  was 
inspired  by  the  great  thought  of  the  sole  sovereignty 
of  God,  it  did  not  lose  personality  and  human  free- 
dom in  pantheistic  fatalism.  Like  Augustin,  who 
made  war  both  on  Manicheans  and  Pelagians,  —  like 
the  Stoics,  whose  morals  it  most  nearly  adopted,  it 
asserted  by  just  dialectics,  or,  as  some  would  say,  by 
a  subUme  inconsistency,  the  power  of  the  individual 
will.  In  every  action  it  beheld  the  union  of  the  mo- 
live  and  volition.  The  action,  it  saw,  was  according 
to  the  strongest  motive,  and  it  knew  that  what  proves 

1  Edwards'  Works,  vi.  437,  439,  v.  129,  &c,  ii.  377. 


chap,  the  strongest  motive  depends  on  the  character 
__^_  of  the  will.  Hence,  the  education  of  that  faculty 
1754.  was,  of  all  concerns,  the  most  momentous.  The 
Galvinist  of  New  England,  who  longed  to  be 
"  morally  good  and  excellent,"  had  no  other  object 
of  moral  effort  than  to  make  "  the  will  truly  lovely 
and  right." 

Action,  therefore,  as  flowing  from  an  energetic, 
right,  and  lovely  will,  was  the  ideal  of  New  Eng- 
land. It  rejected  the  asceticism  of  entire  spiritual- 
ists, and  fostered  the  whole  man,  seeking  to 
perfect  his  intelligence  and  improve  his  outward 
condition.  It  saw  in  every  one  the  divine  and  the 
human  nature.  It  did  not  extirpate,  but  only  sub- 
jected the  inferior  principles.1  It  placed  no  merit  in 
vows  of  poverty  or  celibacy,  and  spurned  the  thought 
of  non-resistance.  In  a  good  cause  its  people  were 
ready  to  take  up  arms  and  fight,  cheered  by  the 
conviction  that  God  was  working  in  them  both  to 
will  and  to  do. 

1  Edwards'  Works,  vi.  428,  480. 





Such  was  America,  where  the  people  was  rapidly  c^p 

becoming  sovereign.  It  was  the  moment  when  the 
aristocracy  of  England,  availing  itself  of  the  formulas 
of  the  Revolution  of  1688,  controlled  the  election  of 
the  House  of  Commons,  and  possessed  the  govern- 

To  gain  a  seat  in  parliament,  the  Great  Com- 
moner himself1  was  forced  to  solicit  the  nomination 
and  patronage  of  the  duke  of  Newcastle.  On  the 
death  of  Henry  Pelham,  in  March,  1754,  Newcastle, 
to  the  astonishment  of  all  men,  declaring  he  had 
been  second  minister  long  enough,  placed  himself  at 
the  head  of  the  treasury ; 2  and  desired  Henry  Fox, 

1  Mr.  Pitt  to  the  duke  of  New-  2  Orford's  Memoires  of  the  last 
castle,  in  Chatham  Correspond-  Ten  Years  of  the  Reign  of  George 
ence,  i.  85,  86.  the  Second,  i.  331. 



c™*>>  then  secretary  at  war,  to  take  the  seals  and  conduct 
*7^-'  the  House  of  Commons.  The  "  political  adventurer," 
who  had  vigor  of  mind  and  excelled  in  quick  and 
concise  replication,  asked  to  be  made  acquainted  with 
the  disposition  of  the  secret  service  money.  u  My 
brother,"  said  Newcastle,  "never  disclosed  the  dis- 
posal of  that  money,  neither  will  I."  "Then,"  re- 
joined Fox,  "  I  shall  not  know  hoiv  to  talk  to  mem- 
bers of  parliament,  when  some  may  have  received 
gratifications,  others  not."  He  further  inquired,  now 
the  next  parliament,  of  which  the  election  drew  near, 
was  to  be  secured.  "  My  brother,"  answered  New- 
castle, "  had  settled  it  all." 

Fox  declining  the  promotion  offered  him,  the  in- 
efficient Holdernesse  was  transferred  to  the  North- 
ern Department ;  and  Sir  Thomas  Robinson,  a  dull 
pedant,  lately  a  subordinate  at  the  Board  of  Trade, 
was  selected  for  the  Southern,  with  the  manage- 
ment of  the  new  House  of  Commons.  "  The  duke," 
said  Pitt,  "  might  as  well  send  his  jackboot  to  lead 
us."  The  House  abounded  in  noted  men.  Besides 
Pitt,  and  Fox,  and  Murray,  the  heroes  of  a  hun- 
dred magnificent  debates,  there  was  "  the  universally 
able"1  George  Grenville ;  the  solemn  Sir  George 
Lyttleton,  known  as  a  poet,  historian  and  orator ; 
Hillsborough,  industrious,  precise,  well  meaning,  but 
without  sagacity;  the  arrogant,  unstable  Sackville, 
proud  of  his  birth,  ambitious  of  the  highest  stations ; 
the   amiable,    candid,    irresolute    Conway  ;    Charles 

4  Mr.  Pitt  to  the  Earl  of  Hardwicke,   6  April,   1754,  in  Chatham 
Correspondence,  i.  106. 


Townshend,  confident  in  his  ability,  and  flushed  with  chap. 
success.     Then,  too,   the    young    Lord  North,  well  *«^L. 
educated,  abounding  in  good-humor,  made  his  entrance  1754. 
into  public  life  with  such  universal  favor,  that  every 
company  resounded  with  the  praises  of  his  parts  and 
merit.     But  Newcastle  had  computed  what  he  might 
dare  ;  at  the  elections,  corruption  had  returned  a  ma- 
jority devoted  to  the  minister  who  was  incapable  of 
settled  purposes  or  consistent   conduct.     The  period 
when  the  English   aristocracy  ruled  with  the  least 
admixture  of  royalty  or  popularity  was  the  period 
when  the  British  empire  was  the  worst  governed. 

One  day,  a  member,  who  owed  his  seat  to  bribery, 
defended  himself  in  a  speech  full  of  wit,  humor,  and 
buffoonery,  which  kept  the  House  in  a  continued  roar 
of  laughter.  With  all  the  fire  of  his  eloquence,  and 
in  the  highest  tone  of  grandeur,  Pitt,  incensed  against 
his  patron,  gave  a  rebuke  to  their  mirth.  "The  dig- 
nity of  the  House  of  Commons,"  he  cried,  "  has,  by 
gradations,  been  diminishing  for  years,  till  now  we 
are  brought  to  the  very  brink  of  the  precipice,  where, 
if  ever,  a  stand  must  be  made,  unless  you  will  degen- 
erate into  a  little  assembly,  serving  no  other  purpose 
than  to  register  the  arbitrary  edicts  of  one  too  pow- 
erful subject."1    "  We  are  designed  to  be  an  appendix 

to 1  know  not  what ;  I  have  no  name  for  it," — 

meaning  the  House  of  Lords. 

Thus  did  Pitt  oppose  to  corrupt  influence  his 
genius  and  his  gift  of  speaking  well.  Sir  Thomas 
Robinson,  on  the  same  day,  called  on  his  majority  to 
show  spirit.     "  Can  gentlemen,"  he  demanded,  "  can 

1  Fox  in  Waldegrave's  Memoirs,  147. 

VOL.    IV.  11 


chai\  merchants,  can  the  House  bear,  if  eloquence  alone  is 

VII.  ,  , 

^^^  to  carry  it  ?  I  hope  words  alone  will  not  prevail  f  l 
1754.  and  the  majority  came  to  his  aid.  Even  Fox,  who 
"  despised  care  for  the  constitution  as  the  object  of 
narrow  minds,"2  complained  to  the  heir  of  the  Duko 
of  Devonshire,  that,  u  taking  all  share  of  power  from 
the  Commons  is  not  the  way  to  preserve  Whig 
liberty.  The  Lords  stand  between  the  crown  and 
the  privilege  of  both  peers  and  commons ;"  "  after  we 
are  nothing,"  he  continued,  addressing  the  great  chief- 
tains of  the  Whig  clans, "you  will  not  long  continue 
what  you  wish  to  be." 8  George  the  Second,  the  aged 
king,  was  even  more  impatient  of  this  thraldom  to 
the  aristocracy,  which  would  not  leave  him  a  nega- 
tive, still  less  an  option  in  the  choice  of  his  servants. 
"  The  English  notions  of  liberty,"  thought  he,  "  must 
be  somewhat  singular,  when  the  chief  of  the  nobility 
choose  rather  to  be  the  dependents  and  followers  of  a 
Duke  of  Newcastle  than  to  be  the  friends  and  coun- 
sellors of  their  sovereign."  4  The  king  was  too  old  to 
resist ;  but  the  first  political  lessons  which  his  grand- 
son, Prince  George,  received  at  Leicester  House,  were 
such  a  use  of  the  forms  of  the  British  constitution  as 
should  emancipate  the  royal  authority  from  its  humil- 
iating dependence  on  a  few  great  families.  Thus  Pitt 
and  Prince  George  became  allies,  moving  from  most 
opposite  points  against  the  same  influence — Pitt 
wishing  to  increase  the  force  of  popular  representa- 
tion, and  Leicester  House  to  recover  independence  for 
the  prerogative. 

These    tendencies    foreshadowed    an    impending 

'  Walpole's  Memoirs  of  George        *  Waldegrave's     Memoirs,      20 
II.  i.  355.  and  152. 

8  Chesterfield  on  Fox.  4  Ibid.  133. 


change  in  the  great  Whig  party  of  England.  The  chap. 
fires  had  gone  out ;  the  ashes  on  its  altars  were  grown  ^_^ 
cold.  It  must  be  renovated  or  given  over  to  dissolu-  1754. 
tion.  It  had  accomplished  its  original  purposes,  and 
was  relapsing  into  a  state  of  chaos.  Now  that  the 
principle  of  its  former  cohesion  and  activity  had  ex- 
hausted its  power,  and  that  it  rested  only  on  its  tradi- 
tions, intestine  divisions  and  new  combinations  would 
necessarily  follow.  The  Whigs  had,  by  the  Revolu- 
tion of  1688,  adjusted  a  compromise  between  the 
liberty  of  the  industrial  classes  and  the  old  feudal 
aristocracy,  giving  internal  rest  after  a  long  conflict. 
With  cold  and  unimpassioned  judgment  they  had 
seated  the  House  of  Hanover  on  the  English  throne, 
in  the  person  of  a  lewd,  vulgar  and  ill-bred  prince, 
who  was  neither  born  nor  educated  among  them,  nor 
spoke  their  language,  nor  understood  their  constitu- 
tion ;  and  who  yet  passively  gave  the  nameof  his  House 
as  a  watchword  for  toleration  in  the  church,  freedom 
of  thinking  and  of  speech,  the  security  of  property 
under  the  sanction  of  law,  the  safe  enjoyment  of  Eng- 
lish liberty.  They  had  defended  this  wise  and  deli- 
berate act  against  the  wounded  hereditary  affections 
and  the  monarchical  propensities  of  the  rural  districts 
of  the  nation ;  till  at  last  their  fundamental  measures 
had  ceased  to  clash  with  the  sentiment  of  the  people, 
and  the  whole  aristocracy  had  accepted  their  doc- 
trines. Murray,  afterwards  Lord  Mansfield,  called 
himself  a  Whig,  was  one  of  the  brightest  ornaments  of 
the  party,  and  after  Hardwicke,  their  oracle  on  ques- 
tions of  law.  Cumberland,  Newcastle,  Devonshire, 
Bedford,  Halifax,  and  the  Marquis  of  Rockingham, 
were  all  reputed  Whigs.  So  were  George  and 
Charles  Townshend,  the  young  Lord  North,    Gren- 


chap,  ville,  Conway  and  Sackville.  On  the  vital  elements 
^^L;  of  civil  liberty,  the  noble  families  which  led  the  seve- 
1754.  ral  factions  had  no  systematic  opinions.  They  knew 
not  that  America,  which  demanded  their  attention, 
would  amalgamate  the  cause  of  royalty  and  oligarchy, 
and  create  parties  in  England  on  questions  which  the 
Revolution  of  1688  had  not  even  considered. 

It  was  because  the  Whig  party  at  this  time  had 
proposed  to  itself  nothing  great  to  accomplish,  that  it 
was  possible  for  a  man  like  Newcastle  to  be  at  its 
head ;  with  others  like  Holdernesse,  and  the  dull  Sir 
Thomas  Robinson,  for  the  secretaries  of  state.  The 
new  system  of  governing  America  became  one  of  the 
first  objects  of  their  attention ;  and,  with  the  incon- 
siderate levity,  rashness,  and  want  of  principle  that 
mark  imbecile  men  in  the  conduct  of  affairs,  they 
were  ever  ready  to  furnish  precedents  for  future  mea- 
sures of  oppression.  The  Newcastle  ministry  pro- 
ceeded without  regard  to  method,  consistency,  or  law. 

The  province  of  New  York  had  replied  to  the 
condemnation  of  its  policy,  contained  in  Sir  Danvers 
Osborne's  instructions,  by  a  well-founded  impeachment 
of  Clinton  for  embezzling  public  funds  and  concealing 
it  by  false  accounts ;  for  gaining  undue  profits  from 
extravagant  grants  of  lands,  and  grants  to  him- 
self under  fictitious  names ;  and  for  selling  civil  and 
military  offices.  These  grave  accusations  were  neg- 

But  the  province  had  also  complained  that  its 
legislature  had  been  directed  to  obey' the  kings  in- 
structions. They  insisted  that  such  instructions, 
though  a  rule  of  conduct  to  his  governor,  were  not  the 
measure  of  obedience  to  the  people ;  that  the  rule  of 


obedience  was  positive  law  ;  that  a  command  to  grant  chap. 
money  was  neither  constitutional  nor  legal ;  being  in-  ^^i, 
consistent  with  the  freedom  of  debate  and  the  rights  1754 
of  the  assembly,  whose  power  to  prepare  and  pass  the 
bills  granting  money,  was  admitted  by  the  crown.1  It 
was  under  these  influences  that  the  Assembly  of  New 
York,  in  a  loyal  address  to  the  king,  had  justified  their 
conduct.  The  Newcastle  administration  trimmed  be- 
tween the  contending  parties.  It  did  not  adopt  effec- 
tive measures  to  enforce  its  orders ;  while  it  yet 
applauded  the  conduct  of  the  Board  of  Trade,2  and 
summarily  condemned  the  colony  by  rejecting  its 
address.8  But  the  opinion  of  the  best  English  law- 
yers4 became  more  and  more  decided  against  the 
legality  of  a  government  by  royal  instructions ;  en- 
couraging the  Americans  to  insist  on  the  right  of  their 
legislatures  to  deliberate  freely  and  come  to  their  own 
conclusions;  and  on  the  other  hand  leading  British 
statesmen  to  the  belief,  that  the  rule  for  the  colonies 
must  be  prescribed  by  an  act  of  the  British  parlia- 

The  feebleness  of  the  ministry,  in  which  there  was 
not  one  single  statesman  of  talent  enough  to  avoid  a 
conflict  with  France,  encouraged  the  ambition  of  that 
power.  At  the  same  time  it  was  seen  that  the  people 
of  America,  if  they  would  act  in  concert,  could  ad- 
vance the  English  flag  through  Canada  and  to  the 
Mississippi;  and,  as  a  measure  of  security  against 
French  encroachments,  Halifax,  by  the  king's   com- 

1  See  the  case  prepared  by  Mr.  8  Smith's  New  York,  ii. 
Charles,  the  New  York  agent,  in  4  Opinion  of  Hay  in   Smith,  ii. 
Smith's  New  York,  ii.  195.  197.      No    doubt    this  was     also 

2  Representation  of  the  Board  of  George  Grenville's  opinion. 
Trade,  4  April,  1754,  in  N.  Y.  Lon- 
don Documents,  xxxi.  39. 


°vuP'  mand,1  proposed  an  American  union.2  "A  certain 
— • — '  and  permanent  revenue,"  with  a  proper  adjustment  of 
'  quotas,  was  to  be  determined  by  a  meeting  of  one 
commissioner  from  each  colony.  In  electing  the  com- 
missioners, the  council,  though  appointed  by  the  king, 
was  to  have  a  negative  on  the  assembly,  and  the  royal 
governor  to  have  a  negative  on  both.  The  colony  that 
failed  of  being  represented  was  yet  to  be  bound  by 
the  result.  Seven  were  to  be  a  quorum,  and  of  these 
a  majority,  with  the  king's  approbation,  were  to  bind 
the  continent.  The  executive  department  was  to  be 
intrusted  to  one  commander-in-chief,  who  should,  at 
the  same  time,  be  the  commissary-general  for  Indian 
affairs.  To  meet  his  expenses,  he  was  "to  be  empow- 
ered to  draw"  on  the  treasuries  of  the  colonies  for 
sums  proportionate  to  their  respective  quotas.  A 
disobedient  or  neglectful  province  was  to  be  reduced 
by  "  the  authority  of  parliament ;"  and  the  interposi- 
tion of  that  authority  was  equally  to  be  applied  for, 
if  the  whole  plan  of  union  should  be  defeated.8 

Such  was  the  despotic,  complicated,  and  impracti- 
cable plan  of  Halifax,  founded  so  much  on  prerogative, 
as  to  be  at  war  with  the  principles  of  the  English 
aristocratic  revolution.  Nor  was  any  earnest  effort 
ever  made  to  carry  it  into  effect.  It  does  but  mark  in 
the  mind  of  Halifax  and  his  associates,  the  moment  of 
that  pause,  which  preceded  the  definitive  purpose  of 
settling  all  questions  of  an  American  revenue,  gov- 
ernment, and  union,  by  what  seemed  the  effective, 
simple,  and  uniform  system  of  a  general  taxation  of 

1  Sir  Thomas  Robinson  to  the  ject  for  general  concert,  August, 
Board  of  Trade,  14  June,  1754.  1754.    Representation  of  the  Board 

2  Lords  of  Trade  to  Sir  Thomas  of  Trade  to  the  king,  9  August,  1754. 
Robinson,  3  July,  1754.  Same  to  3  Representation  of  the  Board  of 
same,  9  August,  1754,  inclosing  pro-  Trade  to  the  king,  9  August,  1754. 


America  by  the  British  legislature.     The  secretary  of  chap. 
Etate  and  the  Board  continued,  as  before,  to  enjoin  a  ^  _, , 
concert  among  the  central  provinces  for  their  defence,  1754 
and,  as  before,  the  king's  command  was  regarded  only 
as  proposing  subjects  for  consideration  to  the  colonial 

"  If  the  several  assemblies,"  wrote  Penn  from  Eng- 
land, "  will  not  make  provision  for  the  general  service, 
an  act  of  parliament  may  oblige  them  here."  *  "  The 
assemblies,*'  said  Dinwiddie,  of  Virginia,  u  are  obsti- 
nate, self-opinionated  ;  a  stubborn  generation  ;"  and  he 
advised  "  a  poll-tax  on  the  whole  subjects  in  all  the 
provinces,  to  bring  them  to  a  sense  of  their  duty."3 
Other  governors,  also,  "  applied  home "  for  compul- 
sory legislation  ; 8  and  Sharpe,  of  Maryland,  who  was 
well  informed,  held  it  "  possible,  if  not  probable,  that 
parliament,  at  its  very  next  session,  would  raise  a  fund 
in  the  several  provinces  by  a  poll-tax,"  or  by  imposts, 
"  or  by  a  stamp-duty,"  which  last  method  he  at  that 
time  favored.4 

These  measures  were  under  consideration  while  the 
news  was  fresh  of  Washington's  expulsion  from  the 
Ohio  valley.  Listening  to  the  instance  of  the  House 
of  Burgesses  of  Virginia,  the  king  instructed  the  Earl 
of  Albemarle,  then  governor-in-chief  of  that  Domin- 
ion, to  grant  lands  west  of  the  great  ridge  of  moun- 
tains which  separates  the  rivers  Roanoke,  James,  and 
Potomac  from  the  Mississippi,  to  such  persons  as 
should  be  desirous  of  settling  them,  in  small  quantities 

1  Thomas  Penn  to  Hamilton,  10        8   Dinwiddie  to   H.  Sharpe,    of 

Jane,  1754.  Maryland. 

*  Lieut.  Gov.  Dinwiddie  to  the        *  Lieut.  Gov.  II.  Sharpe  to  the 

Lords    of    Trade,    23    September,  Secretary,  C.  Calvert,  15  Septem- 

1754.  ber,  1754. 


chap,  of  not  more  than  a  thousand  acres  for  any  one  person, 
^^^  From  the  settlement  of  this  tract  it  was  represented 
1754  that  great  additional  security  would  be  derived  against 
the  encroachments  of  the  French.1  Thus  Virginia 
seemed  to  have  in  charge  the  colonization  of  the  west ; 
and  became  the  mother  of  states  on  the  Ohio  and  the 

But  the  ministry  still  doubting  what  active  mea- 
sures to  propose,  sought  information2  of  Horatio  Gates, 
a  young  and  gallant  officer  just  returned  from  Nova 
Scotia.  He  was  ready  to  answer  questions,  but  they 
knew  not  what  to  ask.  On  the  advice  of  Hanbury, 
the  quaker  agent  in  England  for  the  Ohio  Company, 
they  appointed  Sharpe,  of  Maryland,  their  general. 
Newcastle  would  have  taken  Pitt's  opinion.  "  Your 
Grace  knows,"  he  replied,  "  I  have  no  capacity  for 
these  things."8  Horace  Walpole,  the  elder,  advised 
energetic  measures  to  regain  the  lost  territory.4 
Charles  Townshend  would  have  sent  three  thousand 
regulars  with  three  hundred  thousand  pounds,  to  New 
England,  to  train  its  inhabitants  in  war,  and,  through 
them,  to  conquer  Canada.  After  assuming  the  hero, 
and  breathing  nothing  but  war,  the  administration 
confessed  its  indecision;  and  in  October,  while  Eng- 
land's foolish  prime  minister  was  sending  pacific  mes- 
sages "  to  the  French  administration,  particularly  to 
Madame  de  Pompadour  and  the  Duke  de  Mirepoix,"5 
the  direction  and  conduct  of  American  affairs  was  left 
entirely  to  the  Duke  of  Cumberland,  then  the  captain- 
general  of  the  British  army. 

1   Representation  of  the   Board  *  Coxe's  Life  of    Horace  Wal- 

of  Trade  to  the    king,   10   June,  pole,  ii.  3G7. 

1768.  5  Newcastle  to  Walpole,  20  Oct., 

8  Walpole's  Memoires  of  George  1754.     Walpole's  Memoires,  i.  847. 

the  Second.  Compnre  Flassan  :  Hist,  de  la  Di« 

8  Dodington's  Diary.  plomatie  Fran^aise. 


The  French  ministry  desired  to  put  trust  in  the  chap. 
solemn  assurances  of  England.     Giving  discretionary  ^^ 
power  in  case   of  a   rupture,   they  instructed   Du-  1754. 
quesne  to  act  only  on  the  defensive  ; 1   to  shun  effu- 
sion of  blood,  and  to  employ  Indian  war-parties  only 
when  indispensable  to  tranquillity.     Yet  Canada,  of 
which  the  population  was   but  little   above   eighty 
thousand,  sought  security  by  Indian  alliances.    Chiefs 
of  the  Six  Nations  were  invited  to  the  colony,2  and, 
on  their  arrival,  were  entreated,  by  a  very  large  belt 
of  wampum  from  six  nations  of  French  Indians,  to 
break  the  sale  of  lands  to  the  English  on  the  Ohio. 
"  Have  regard,"  they  cried,  "  for  your  offspring ;  for 
the  English,  whom  you  call  your  brothers,  seek  your 
ruin."      Already   the   faithless   Shawnees,8  the   most 
powerful  tribe  on  the  Ohio,  made  war  on  the  English, 
and  distributed  English  scalps  and  prisoners  among 
the  nations  who  accepted  their  hatchet. 

Fond  of  war,  "the  cruel  and  sanguinary"  Cum- 
berland entered  on  his  American  career  with  eager 
ostentation.  He  was  heroically  brave  and  covetous 
of  military  renown,  hiding  regrets  at  failure  under 
the  aspect  of  indifference.4  Himself  obedient  to  the 
king,  he  never  forgave  a  transgression  of  "the  mi- 
nutest precept  of  the  military  rubric." 5  In  Scotland, 
in  1746,  his  method  against  rebellion  was  "threaten- 
ing military  execution."  "  Our  success,"  he  at  that 
time  complained  to  Bedford,  "  has  been  too  rapid. 
Il  would  have  been  better  for  the  extirpation  of  this 

1  Le  Garde  des  Sceaux  to  Du-        8  Duqnesne  to  De  Drucourt,  8 
qrteane,    1754.      New  York  Paris    March,  1755. 

Doc,  x.,  44.  *   Waldeirrave's  Memoirs,  21-23. 

2  Holland  to  Lieut.  Gov.  Delan-        5    Walpokft   Memoires  of  Geo. 
cey,  1  Jan.,  1755.  II.,  i.,  86. 


chap,  rabble,  if  they  had  stood."  "  All  the  good  we  have 
—vL,  done,"  he  wrote  to  Newcastle,  "  has  been  a  little 
it 54.  bloodletting."1  His  attendant,  George  Townshend, 
afterwards  to  be  much  connected  with  American  af- 
fairs, promised  his  friends  still  "  more  entertainment" 
in  the  way  of  beheading  Scotchmen  on  Tower  Hill ; 
and  he  echoed  Cumberland,  as  he  wrote,  "  I  wish  the 
disaffection  was  less  latent,  that  the  land  might  be 
more  effectually  purged  at  once."  2 

For  the  American  major-general  and  commander- 
in-chief,  Edward  Braddock  was  selected,  a  man  in 
fortunes  desperate,  in  manners  brutal,  in  temper 
despotic ;  obstinate  and  intrepid ;  expert  in  the 
niceties  of  a  review ;  harsh  in  discipline.8  As  the 
duke  had  confidence  only  in  regular  troops,  it  was 
ordered 4  that  the  general  and  field  officers  of  the  pro- 
vincial forces  should  have  no  rank,  when  serving  with 
the  general  and  field-officers  commissioned  by  the 
king.  Disgusted  at  being  thus  arrogantly  spurned, 
Washington  retired  from  the  service,  and  his  resri- 
ment  was  broken  up. 

The  active  participation  in  affairs  by  Cumberland 
again  connected  Henry  Fox  with  their  direction. 
This  unscrupulous  man,  having  u  privately  foresworn 
all  connection  with  Pitt,"  entered  the  cabinet  without 
appointment  to  office,  and,  as  the  most  efficient  man 
in  the  ministry,  undertook  the  conduct  of  the  House 
of  Commons.  Desiring  to  introduce  into  the  English 
service  the  exactness  of  the  German  discipline,  and  to 

1  Coxe's  Pelham  Ad.,  i.,  303.  4  Orders  for  governing  his  Ma- 

2  Jesse's  George  Selwyn,  i.,  114.     jesty's  Forces  in  America,  in  Two 
8    Walpole's   Memoires  of  Geo.     Letters  to  a  Friend,  1755,  pp.  14, 

II.,  i.,  390,  confirmed  by  many  let-     15. 
ters  of  Washington,   the  younger 
Shirley,  and  others. 


ground  his  despotism  in  an  appearance  of  law,  Cum-  chap. 

berland  had  caused  the  English  Mutiny  Bill  to  be  . r~ 

revised,  and  its  rigor  doubled.  On  a  sudden,  at  a  1764, 
most  unusual  period  in  the  session,  Fox  showed  Lord 
Egmont  a  clause  for  extending  the  Mutiny  Bill  to 
America,  and  subjecting  the  colonial  militia,  when  in 
adual  service,  to  its  terrible  severity.1  Egmont  inter- 
ceded to  protect  America  from  this  new  grievance  of 
military  law ;  but  Charles  Townshend  defended  the 
measure,  and,  turning  to  Lord  Egmont,  exclaimed, 
f  Take  the  poor  American  by  the  hand  and  point  out 
his  grievances.  I  defy  you,  I  beseech  you,  to  point 
out  one  grievance.  I  know  not  of  one."  He  pro- 
nounced a  panegyric  on  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  de- 
fended all  their  acts,  in  particular  the  instructions  to 
Sir  Danvers  Osborne.  The  petition  of  the  agent 
of  Massachusetts  was  not  allowed  to  be  brought  up. 
That  to  the  House  of  Lords  no  one  would  offer ;  * 
and  the  bill,  with  the  clause  for  America,  was  hur- 
ried through  parliament. 

It  is  confidently  stated,  by  the  agent  of  Massachu- 
setts, that  a  noble  lord  had  then  a  bill  in  his  pocket, 
ready  to  be  brought  in,  to  ascertain  and  regulate  the 
colonial  quotas.8  All  England  was  persuaded  of 
"the  perverseness  of  the  assemblies,"4  and  inquiries 
were  instituted  relating  to  the  easiest  method  of  taxa- 
tion by  parliament.  But,  for  the  moment,  the  pre- 
rogative was  employed ;  Braddock  was  ordered  to 
exact  a  common  revenue  ;    and  all  the  governors  re- 

1  Calvert  to  Lieut.  Gov.  Sharpe.  3  W.  Bollan  to  the  Speaker,  80 
Walpole's  Memoires,  i.,  365.  May,  1755. 

2  Letter  of  W.  Bollan  to  Secre-  4  Secretary  Calvert  to  Lt.  Gov. 
tary  Willard,  21  Dec.,  175-4;  and  to  Sharpe,  20  Dec,  1754. 

the  Speaker  of  the  Massachusetts 
Assembly,  29  Jan.,  1755. 


chap,  ceived  the  king's  pleasure  "  that  a  fund  be  established 


^^^  for  the  benefit  of  all  the  colonies  collectively  in  North 

1754.  America."1 


Men  in  England  expected  obedience  ;  but  in 
cember,  Delancey  referred  to  "  the  general  opinion  of 
the  congress  at  Albany,  that  the  colonies  would  differ 
in  their  measures  and  disagree  about  their  quotas; 
without  the  interposition  of  the  British  parliament  to 
oblige  them,"  nothing  would  be  done.2 

In  the  same  moment,  Shirley,  at  Boston,  was 
planning  how  the  common  fund  could  be  made  effi- 
cient; and  to  Franklin — who,  in  December,  1754, 
revisited  the  region  in  which  he  drew  his  first  breath, 
and  spent  his  earliest  and  most  pleasant  days, — he 
submitted  a  new  scheme  of  union.  A  congress  of 
governors  and  delegates  from  the  councils  was  to  be 
invested  with  power  at  their  meetings  to  adopt  mea- 
sures of  defence,  and  to  draw  for  all  necessary  moneys 
on  the  treasury  of  Great  Britain,  which  was  to  be 
reimbursed  by  parliamentary  taxes  on  America. 

"The  people  in  the  colonies,"  replied  Franklin,3 
"  are  better  judges  of  the  necessary  preparations  for 
defence,  and  their  own  abilities  to  bear  them.  Gov- 
ernors often  come  to  the  colonies  merely  to  make 
fortunes,  with  which  they  intend  to  return  to  Britain ; 
are  not  always  men  of  the  best  abilities  or  integrity ; 
have  no  natural  connection  with  us,  that  should  make 
them  heartily  concerned  for  our  welfare."  "The 
councillors  in  most  of  the  colonies  are  appointed  by 

1  Sir  T.   Robinson's  Circular  of  8  Franklin  to   Shirley,  17  Deo 

26  Oct.,  1754.  and  18  Dec.  1754,  in  Works,  iii. 

8  Lieut.   Gov.   Delancey   to  the  57,  58. 
Lords  of  Trade,  15  Dec.  1754. 


the  crown,  on  the  recommendation  of  governors,  fre-  chap. 


quently  depend  on  the  governors  for  office,  and  are  ^^_ 
therefore  too  much  under  influence.  There  is  reason  it 54 
to  be  jealous  of  a  power  in  such  governors.  They 
might  abuse  it  merely  to  create  employments,  gratify 
dependents,  and  divide  profits."  Besides,  the  mer- 
cantile system  of  England  already  extorted  a  second- 
ary tribute  from  America.  In  addition  to  the  benefit 
to  England  from  the  increasing  demand  for  English 
manufactures,  the  whole  wealth  of  the  colonies,  by 
the  British  Acts  of  Trade,  centred  finally  among  the 
merchants  and  inhabitants  of  the  metropolis. 

Against  taxation  of  the  colonies  by  parliament, 
Franklin  urged,  that  it  would  lead  to  dangerous 
animosities  and  feuds,  and  inevitable  confusion ;  that 
parliament,  being  at  a  great  distance,  was  subject  to 
be  misinformed  and  misled,  and  was,  therefore,  un- 
suited  to  the  exercise  of  this  power ;  that  it  was  the 
undoubted  right  of  Englishmen  not  to  be  taxed  but 
by  their  own  consent,  through  their  representatives ; 
that  to  propose  taxation  by  parliament,  rather  than 
by  a  colonial  representative  body,  implied  a  distrust 
of  the  loyalty,  or  the  patriotism,  or  the  understand- 
ing of  the  colonies;  that  to  compel  them  to  pay 
money  without  their  consent,  would  be  rather  like 
raising  contributions  in  an  enemy's  country  than 
taxing  Englishmen  for  their  own  benefit ;  and,  finally, 
that  the  principle  involved  in  the  measure  would,  if 
carried  out,  lead  to  a  tax  upon  them  all  by  act  of  par- 
liament for  support  of  government  and  to  the  dis- 
mission of  colonial  assemblies,  as  a  useless  part  of 
the  constitution. 

Shirley  next  proposed  for  consideration  the  plan 
of  uniting  the  colonies  more  intimately  with  Great 


chap.  Britain,  by  allowing  them  representatives  in  parlia- 
^^Ls  ment;  and  Franklin  replied,  that  unity  of  govern- 
1754.  ment  should  be  followed  by  a  real  unity  of  country; 
that  it  would  not  be  acceptable,  unless  a  reasonable 
number  of  representatives  were  allowed,  all  laws  re- 
straining the  trade  or  the  manufactures  of  the  colo- 
nies were  repealed,  and  England  ceasing  to  regard  the 
colonies  as  tributary  to  its  industry,  were  to  foster  the 
merchant,  the  smith,  the  hatter,  in  America  not  less 
than  those  on  her  own  soil. 

Unable  to  move  Franklin  from  the  deeply-seated 
love  of  popular  liberty  and  power  which  was  at  once 
his  conviction  and  a  sentiment  of  his  heart,  Shirley 
turned  towards  the  Secretary  of  State,  and  renewed 
his  representations  of  the  necessity  of  a  union  of  the 
colonies,  to  be  formed  in  England  and  enforced  by 
act  of  parliament.  At  the  same  time  he  warned 
against  the  plea  of  Franklin  in  behalf  of  the  Albany 
plan,  which  he  described  as  the  application  of  the  old 
charter  system,  such  as  prevailed  in  Rhode  Island  and 
Connecticut,  to  the  formation  of  an  American  confed- 
eracy.1 The  system,  said  he,  is  unfit  for  ruling  a  par- 
ticular colony;  it  seems  much  more  improper  for 
establishing  a  general  government  over  all  the  colo- 
nies to  be  comprised  in  the  union.  The  prerogative 
is  not  sufficiently  secured  by  the  reservation  to  the 
crown  of  the  appointment  of  a  President  of  the 
Union  with  a  negative  power  on  all  acts  of  legis- 
lation. As  the  old  charter  governments  subjected  the 
prerogative  to  the  people,  and  had  little  or  no  ap- 

1  It  has  been  thought  probable,  See  Shirley  to  Sir  Thomas  Robin- 
that  Shiriey  was  not  particularly  son,  24  December,  1754;  24  Jan- 
hostile  to  the  Albany  plan  of  uary ,  1755,  and  4  Feb.  1755,  but 
union.  His  correspondence  proves  particularly  the  letter  of  Dec.  1754. 
his  bitter  enmity   to   the  scheme. 


pearance  of  dependency,  so  the  Albany  plan  of  union  chap. 
would,  in  like  manner,  annihilate  royal  authority  in  ^_, 
the  collective  colonies,  and  endanger  their  dependency  1754. 
upon  the  crown. 

Franklin  and  Shirley  parted,  each  to  persevere  in  1755 
liis  own  opinions.  Early  in  1755,  Shirley  wrote  to 
the  Secretary  of  State,  that  he  wras  convinced  of  "  the 
necessity  not  only  of  a  parliamentary  union  but  taxa- 
tion."1 During  the  winter,  Sharpe,  who  had  been 
appointed  temporarily  to  the  chief  command  in 
America,  vainly  solicited2  aid  from  every  province. 
New  Hampshire,  although  weak  and  young,  "  took 
every  opportunity  to  force  acts  contrary  to  the  king's 
instructions  and  prerogative."  The  character  of  the 
Rhode  Island  government  gave  "no  great  prospect 
of  assistance."  New  York  hesitated  in  providing 
quarters  for  British  soldiers,  and  would  contribute  to 
a  general  fund  only  when  others  did.  New  Jersey 
showed  "  the  greatest  contempt"  for  the  repeated  so- 
licitations of  its  aged  governor.  In  Pennsylvania,  in 
Maryland,  in  South  Carolina,  the  grants  of  money 
by  the  assemblies  were  negatived,  because  they  were 
connected  with  the  encroachments  of  popular  power 
on  the  prerogative,  "  schemes  of  future  independency," 
"  the  grasping  at  the  disposition  of  all  public  money 
and  filling  all  offices ;"  and  in  each  instance  the  veto 
excited  a  great  flame.  The  Assembly  of  Pennsylva- 
nia in  March  borrowed  money  and  issued  bills  of 
credit  by  their  own  resolves,  without  the  assent  of  the 
governor.      "  They  are    the    more    dangerous,"  said 

1  Shirley. to  Sir  Thomas  Robin-    his  brothers  William   Sharpe  and 
son,  4  February,  1755.  John  Sharpe,  and  to  Lord  Baltd- 

1  H.  Sharpens  Letters  in  1755  to    more. 


chap.  Morris,  "because  a  future  Assembly  may  use  those 
^^^  powers  against  the  government  by  which  they  are 
1755.  now  protected;"  and  he  openly  and  incessantly  so- 
licited the  interference  of  England.  The  provincial 
press  engaged  in  the  strife.  "Redress,"  said  the 
Pennsylvania  royalists,  "  if  it  comes,  must  come  from 
his  Majesty  and  the  British  parliament.171  The 
Quakers  also  looked  to  the  same  authority,  not  for 
taxation,  but  for  the  abolition  of  the  proprietary 
rule. 2 

The  contest  along  the  American  frontier  was  rag- 
ing fiercely,  when,  in  January,  1755,  France  proposed 
to  England  to  leave  the  Ohio  valley  in  the  condition 
in  which  it  was  at  the  epoch  before  the  last  war,  and 
at  the  same  time  inquired  the  motive  of  the  arma- 
ment which  was  making  in  Ireland.     Braddock,  with 
two  regiments,  was  already  on  the  way  to  America, 
when  Newcastle  gave  assurances  that  defence  only 
was  intended,  that  the  general  peace  should  not  be 
broken ;  at  the  same  time,  England  on  its  side,  return- 
ing the  French  proposition  but  with  a  change  of  epoch, 
proposed  to  leave  the  Ohio  valley  as  it  had  been  at 
the  treaty  of  Utrecht.     Mirepoix,  in  reply,  was  wil- 
ling that  both  the  French  and  English  should  retire 
from  the  country  between  the  Ohio  and  the  Allegha- 
nies,  and  leave  that  territory  neutral,  which  would 
have  secured  to  his  sovereign  all  the  country  north 
and  west  of  the  Ohio.      England,  on  the  contrary, 
demanded  that  France  should  destroy  all  her  forts  as 
far  as  the  Wabash,  raze  Niagara  and  Crown  Point, 
surrender  the  peninsula  of  Nova  Scotia,  with  a  strip  of 
land  twenty  leagues  wide  along  the  Bay  of  Fundy  and 

1  Brief  State  of  Pennsylvania. 

8  Answer  to  Brief  State  of  Pennsylvania. 


the  Atlantic,  and  leave  the  intermediate  countiy  to  chap. 
the  St.  Lawrence  a  neutral  desert.     Proposals  so  un-    * 
reasonable  could  meet  with  no  acceptance;  yet  both  1755. 
parties  professed  a  desire  —  in  which  France  appeal's 
to  have  been  sincere  —  to  investigate  and  arrange  all 
disputed  points.     The  credulous  diplomatist  put  trust 
iu  the  assurances  l   of  friendly  intentions,  which  New- 
castle lavished  upon  him,  and  Louis  the  Fifteenth, 
while  he  sent  three  thousand  men  to  America,  held 
himself  ready  to  sacrifice  for  peace  all  but  honor  and 
the  protection  due  to  his  subjects;2  consenting  that 
New  England  should  reach  on  the  east  to  the  Penob- 
scot, and  be  divided  from  Canada  on  the  north  by 
the  crest  of  the  intervening  highlands.3 

While  the  negotiations  were  pending,  Braddock 
arrived  in  the  Chesapeake.  In  March,  he  reached 
"Williamsburg,  and  visited  Annapolis;  on  the  four- 
teenth day  of  April,  he,  with  Commodore  Keppel, 
held  a  congress  at  Alexandria.  There  were  present, 
of  the  American  governors,  Shirley,  now  next  to 
Braddock  in  military  rank ;  Delancey,  of  New  York ; 
Morris,  of  Pennsylvania ;  Sharpe,  of  Maryland ;  and 
Dinwiddie,  of  Virginia.  Braddock  directed  their 
attention,  first  of  all,  to  the  subject  of  colonial  rev- 
enue,4 on  which  his  instructions  commanded  him  to 
insist,  and  his  an^er  kindled  "  that  no  such  fund  was 
already  established."  The  governors  present,  reca- 
pitulating their  strifes  with  their  assemblies,  made 
answer,  "  Such  a  fund  can  never  be  established  in  the 
colonies   without   the    aid    of    parliament.      Having 

1  Stanley  to  Pitt,  in  Thackeray's        s  Secret   Instructions    to    Vaa« 

Chatham,  ii.  581.  dreuil,  1  April,  1754,  Ibid.  x.  8. 

5  Instructions  to   Varin,  N.  Y.         4  II.  Sharpe  to  Lord  Baltimore,  19 

Paris  Documents,  xi.  2.  April,  1754. 

VOL.    IV.  12 


chap,  found  it  impracticable  to  obtain  in  their  respective 
^^  governments  the  proportion  expected  by  his  Majesty 
1755.  towards  defraying  the  expense  of  his  service  in  North 
America,  they  are  unanimously  of  opinion  that  it 
should  be  proposed  to  his  Majesty's  ministers  to  find 
out  some  method  of  compelling  them  to  do  it,  and  of 
assessing  the  several  governments  in  proportion  to 
their  respective  abilities." l  This  imposing  document 
Braddock  sent  forthwith  to  the  ministry,  himself  also9 
urging  the  necessity  of  some  tax  being  laid  through- 
out his  Majesty's  dominions  in  North  America.  Din- 
widdie  reiterated  his  old  advice.  Sharpe  recom- 
mended that  the  governor  and  council,  without  the 
assembly,  should  have  power  to  levy  money  "after 
any  manner  that  may  be  deemed  most  ready  and 
convenient."  *  A  common  fund,"  so  Shirley  assured 
his  American  colleagues,  on  the  authority  of  the 
British  secretary  of  state,  "  must  be  either  voluntarily 
raised,  or  assessed  in  some  other  way." 

I  have  had  in  my  hands  vast  masses  of  corres- 
pondence, including  letters  from  servants  of  the  crown 
in  every  royal  colony  in  America;  from  civilians,  as 
well  as  from  Braddock,  and  Dunbar,  and  Gage ;  from 
the  popular  Delancey  and  the  moderate  Sharpe,  as 
well  as  from  Dinwiddie  and  Shirley ;  and  all  were 
of  the  same  tenor.  The  British  ministry  heard  one 
general  clamor  from  men  in  office  for  taxation  by  act 
of  parliament.  Even  men  of  liberal  tendencies  looked 
to  acts  of  English  authority  for  aid.     "  I  hope  that 

1  Minutes  of  Council,  held  at  2  Memoire  contenant  le  Precis 
the  camp  at  Alexandria,  in  Virgi-  des  Faits  avec  les  pieces  justifica- 
nia,  April  14,  1755,  [and  following  tives,  188.  Une  taxe  sur  les  do- 
days].  My  copy  is  from  that  inclos-  maines  de  sa  majestic  Braddock 
ed  in  Major  General  Braddock's  to  Sir  Thomas  Rohinson,  14  April, 
Letter  of  19  April,  1755,  to  the  Se-  1755,  in  the  State  Paper  Oiiice. 
cretary  of  State.  Am.  and  W.  I.  lxxxii. 


Lord  Halifax's  plan  may  be  good  and  take  place,"  said  chap. 
Alexander,    of   New   York.     Hopkins,   governor   of  ^^L, 
Rhode  Island,  elected  by  the  people,  complained  of  1755. 
the  men  "  who  seemed  to  love  and  understand  liberty 
better  than   public   good  and  the  affairs  of   state." 
"Little  dependence,"  said  he,  "can  be  had  on  volun- 
tary union."     "In  an  act  of  parliament  for  a  general 
fund,"  wrote  Shirley,  "  I  have  great  reason  to  think 
the  people  will  readily  acquiesce." 

In  England,  the  government  was  more  and  more 
inclined  to  enforce  the  permanent  authority  of  Great 
Britain.  No  Assembly  had  with  more  energy  as- 
sumed to  itself  all  the  powers  that  spring  from  the 
management  of  the  provincial  treasury  than  that  of 
South  Carolina ;  and  Richard  Lyttleton,  brother  of 
Sir  George  Lyttelton,  who,  in  November,  1755,  en- 
tered the  cabinet  as  chancellor  of  the  exchequer, 
was  sent  to  recover  the  authority  which  had  been 
impaired  by  "  the  unmanly  facilities  of  former  rulers." 
Pennsylvania  had,  in  January,  1755,  professed  the 
loyalty  of  that  province,  and  explained  the  danger  to 
their  chartered  liberties  from  proprietary  instruc- 
tions ;  but,  after  a  hearing  before  the  Board  of  Trade, 
the  address  of  the  colonial  legislature  to  their  sover- 
eign, like  that  of  New  York  in  the  former  year,  was 
disdainfully  rejected.  Petitions  for  reimbursements 
and  aids  were  received  with  displeasure ;  the  people 
of  New  England  were  treated  as  Swiss  ready  to  sell 
their  services,  desiring  to  be  paid  for  protecting  them- 
selves. The  reimbursement  of  Massachusetts  for  tak- 
ing Louisburg  was  now  condemned,  as  a*  subsidy  to 
subjects  who  had  only  done  their  duty.  "  You  must 
fight   for   your   own   altars   and   firesides,"   was   Sir 


chap.  Thomas  Robinson's  answer  to  the  American  agents, 

VII  .  .  >i 

v_y_^  as  they  were  bandied  to  himself  from  Newcastle  and 
1755.  from  both  to  Halifax.  Halifax  alone  had  -decision 
and  a  plan.  In  July,  17 55,  he  insisted  with  the  min- 
istry on  a  "general  system  to  ease  the  mother 
country  of  the  great  and  heavy  expenses  with  which 
it  of  late  years  was  burdened."  *  The  letters  from 
America  found  the  English  Administration  resolved 
"  to  raise  funds  for  American  affairs  by  a  stamp-duty, 
and  a  duty"  on  products  of  the  Foreign  West  Indies, 
imported  into  the  continental  colonies.2  The  English 
press  advocated  an  impost  in  the  northern  colonies  on 
West  India  products,  "  and  likewise  that,  by  act  of 
parliament,  there  be  a  further  fund  established"  from 
"  stamped  paper." 8  This  tax,  it  was  conceived,  would 
yield  "  a  very  large  sum."  Huske,  an  American, 
writing  under  the  patronage  of  Charles  Townshend, 
urged  a  reform  in  the  colonial  administration,  and 
moderate  taxation  by  parliament,  as  free  from  "the 
risks  and  disadvantages  of  the  Albany  plan  of 
union."4  Delancey,  in  August,  had  hinted  to  the 
New  York  Assembly,  that  a  "  stamp-duty  would  be 
so  diffused  as  to  be  in  a  manner  insensible."5  That 
province  objected  to  a  stamp-tax  as  oppressive, 
though  not  to  a  moderate  impost  on  West  India  pro- 
ducts ;  and  the  voice  of  Massachusetts  was  unheeded, 
when,  in  November,  it  began  to  be  thoroughly 
alarmed,  and  instructed  its  agent  "  to  oppose  every 
thing  that   should  have  the   remotest  tendency  to 

1  Board  to  Secretary  of  State,  Colonies,  &c,  &c.     LondoD,  1755. 
July,  1755.  at  pages  89  and  92. 

2  Charles  to  Committee  of  New  4  Huske's  Present  State  of  the 
York,  15  Aug.,  1755.                  ,  Colonies. 

3  A   miscellaneous  Essay,   con-  5   Delancey  to  the   New    York 
cerning    the    courses   pursued   by  Assembly,  6  Aug.,  1755. 
Great  Britain  in  the  Affairs  of  her 


raise  a  revenue  in  the  plantations."     Every  body  in  chai\ 

parliament  seemed  in  favor  of  an  American  revenue  , ,_ 

that  should  come  under  the  direction  of  the  govern-  1755. 
ment  in  England.     Those  who  once  promised  oppo- 
sition to  the  measure  resolved  rather  to  sustain  it, 
and  the  very  next  winter  was  to  introduce  the  new 

The  civilized  world  was  just  beginning  to  give  to 
the  colonies  the  attention  due  to  their  futurity. 
Hutcheson,  the  greatest  British  writer  on  ethics  of 
his  generation, — who,  without  the  power  of  thor- 
o  uglily  reforming  the  theory  of  morals,  knew  that  it 
needed  a  reform,  and  was  certain  that  truth  and  right 
have  a  foundation  within  us,  though,  swayed  by  the 
material  philosophy  of  his  times,  ne  sought  that  foun- 
dation not  in  pure  reason,  but  in  a  moral  sense, — saw 
no  wrong  in  the  coming  independence  of  America. 
"  When,"  he  inquired,  "  have  colonies  a  right  to  be 
released  from  the  dominion  of  the  parent  state  ?" 
And  this  year  his  opinion  saw  the  light : — u  When- 
ever they  are  so  increased  in  numbers  and  strength 
as  to  be  sufficient  by  themselves  for  all  the  good  ends 
of  a  political  union." 

1  Bollan  to  the  Speaker  of  Mass.  Assembly. 



c£TArP.         Anarchy  lay  at  the  heart  of  the  institutions  of 

VIII.  i  ... 

— , — >  Europe ;  the  germ  of  political  life  was  struggling  for 

1755.  fts  development  in  the  people  of  America.  While 
doubt  was  preparing  the  work  of  destruction  in  the 
Old  World,  faith  in  truth  and  the  formative  power 
of  order  were  controlling  and  organizing  the  free  and 
expanding  energies  of  the  New.  As  yet,  America 
refused  union,  not  from  unwillingness  to  devote  life 
and  fortune  for  the  commonwealth,  but  from  the  firm 
resolve  never  to  place  its  concentrated  strength  under 
an  authority  independent  of  itself.  It  desired  not 
union  only,  but  self-direction. 

The  events  of  the  summer  strengthened  the  pur- 
pose, but  delayed  the  period,  of  taxation  by  parlia- 
ment. Between  England  and  France  peace  existed 
under  ratified  treaties;  it  wras  proposed  not  to  invade 
Canada,  but  only  to  repel  encroachments  on  the  fron- 
tier from  the  Ohio  to  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  For 
this  end,  four  expeditions  were  concerted  by  Brad- 
dock  at  Alexandria.     Lawrence,  the  lieutenant-gov- 


ernor  of  Nova  Scotia,  was  to  reduce  that  province  chap. 
according  to  the  English  interpretation  of  its  bounda-  ^^L, 
ries ;  Johnson,  from  his  long  acquaintance  with  the  1755. 
Six  Nations,  was  selected  to  enroll  Mohawk  warriors 
in  British  pay,  and  to  conduct  an  army  of  provincial 
militia  and  Indians  against   Crown   Point ;    Shirley 
proposed  to  win  laurels  by  driving  the  French  from 
Niagara ;   wrhile  the  commander-in-chief  himself  was 
to  recover  the  Ohio  Valley  and  the  Northwest. 

Soon  after  Brad  dock  sailed  from  Europe,  the 
French  also  sent  a  fleet  with  reinforcements  for  Can- 
ada, under  the  veteran  Dieskau.  Boscawen,  with 
English  ships,  pursued  them,  though  England  had 
avowed  only  the  intention  to  resist  encroachments  on 
her  territory ;  and  when  the  French  ambassador  at 
London  expressed  some  uneasiness  on  the  occasion, 
he  was  assured  that  certainly  the  English  would  not 
begin.1  At  six  o'clock,  on  the  evening  of  the  7th  of 
June,  the  Alcide,  the  Lys,  and  the  Dauphin,  that  had 
for  several  days  been  separated  from  their  squadron, 
fell  in  with  the  British  fleet  off  Cape  Race,  the 
southernmost  point  of  Newfoundland.  •  Between  ten 
and  eleven  in  the  morning  of  the  eighth,  the  Alcide, 
under  Hocquart,  was  within  hearing  of  the  Dunkirk, 
a  vessel  of  sixty  guns,  commanded  by  Howe.  "Are 
we  at  peace  or  war?"  asked  Hocquart.  The  French 
affirm,  that  the  answer  to  them  was,  "  Peace,  Peace ;" 
till  Boscawen  gave  the  signal  to  engage.2  Howe, 
who  was  as  brave  as  he  was  taciturn,  obeyed  the 
order  promptly ;  and  the  Alcide  and  Lys  yielded  to 
superior  force.     The  Dauphin,  being  a  good  sailer, 

1  .Flassan  :  Histoire  de  la  Diplo-    pole's  Meinoires  of  Geo.  II.,  i.,  389. 
matie  Franchise,  vi.,  34.  Barrow's  Life  of  Howe. 

*  Precis  des  Faits,  273.      Wal- 


chap,  scud  safely  for  Louisburg.  Nine  more  of  the  French 
^^  squadron  came  in  sight  of  the  British,  but  were  not 
1755  intercepted;  and,  before  June  was  gone,  Dieskau  and 
his  troops,  with  De  Vaudreuil,  who  superseded  Du- 
quesne  as  governor  of  Canada,  landed  at  Quebec, 
Vaudreuil  was  a  Canadian  by  birth,  had  served  in 
Canada,  and  been  governor  of  Louisiana.  The  Cana- 
dians nocked  about  him  to  bid  him  welcome. 

From  Williamsburg,  Braddock  had  promised 
Newcastle  to  be  "  beyond  the  mountains  of  Alle- 
ghany by  the  end  of  April ;"  at  Alexandria,  in  April, 
he  prepared  the  ministry  for  tidings  of  his  successes 
by  an  express  in  June.  At  Fredericktown,  where  he 
halted  for  carriages,  he  said  to  Franklin,  "  After 
taking  Fort  Duquesne,  I  am  to  proceed  to  Niagara, 
and,  having  taken  that,  to  Frontenac.  Duquesne 
can  hardly  detain  me  above  three  or  four  days,  and 
then  I  see  nothing  that  can  obstruct  my  march  to 
Niagara."  "  The  Indians  are  dexterous  in  laying  and 
executing  ambuscades,"  replied  Franklin,  who  remem- 
bered the  French  invasion  of  the  Chickasaws,  and 
the  death  of  Artaguette  and  Vincennes.  "  The  sav- 
ages," answered  Braddock,  "  may  be  formidable  to 
your  raw  American  militia ;  upon  the  king's  regulars 
and  disciplined  troops  it  is  impossible  they  should 
make  any  impression."  Still  the  little  army  was  "  un- 
able to  move,  for  want  of  horses  and  carriages ;"  but 
Franklin,  by  his  "great  influence  in  Pennsylvania," 
supplied  both,  with  a  "promptitude  and  probity" 
which  extorted  praise  from  Braddock  and  unanimous 
thanks  from  the  Assembly  of  his  province.1     Among 

1  Franklin  to   Shirley,  22  May,     State,   5  June,   1755.      Votes    of 
1755.     Braddock  to  Secretary  of    Pennsylvania  Assembly,  v.,  397. 


the    wagoners  was  Daniel  Morgan,  famed  in  village  chap. 
groups  as  a  wrestler ;    skilful  in  the  use  of  the  mus-  ^^L, 
ket;    who   emigrated,   as  a  day-laborer,  from  New  1755. 
Jersey  to  Virginia,  and  husbanded  his  wages  so  that 
he  had  been  able  to  become  the  owner  of  a  team ;  all 
unconscious  of  his  future  greatness.     At  Will's  Creek, 
which  took  the  name  of  Cumberland,  Washington,  in 
May,  joined  the  expedition  as  one  of  the  general's 

Seven-and-twenty  days  passed  in  the  march  of  the 
army  from  Alexandria  to  Cumberland,  where,  at  last, 
two  thousand  effective  men  were  assembled ;  among 
them,  two  independent  companies  from  New  York, 
under  the  command  of  Horatio  Gates.  "  The  Amer- 
ican troops,"  wrote  Braddock,  "have  little  courage, 
or  good- will.  I  expect  from  them  almost  no  military 
service,  though  I  have  employed  the  best  officers  to 
drill  them  ;" 1  and  losing  all  patience,  he  insulted  the 
country  as  void  of  ability,  honor,  and  honesty.  "  The 
general  is  brave,"  said  his  secretary,  young  Shirley,2 
"  and  in  pecuniary  matters  honest,  but  disqualified  for 
the  service  he  is  employed  in  f  and  Washington 
found  him  "  incapable  of  arguing  without  warmth,  or 
giving  up  any  point  he  had  asserted,  be  it  ever  so 
incompatible  with  reason  or  common  sense." 

From  Cumberland  to  the  fork  of  the  Ohio  the 
distance  is  less  than  one  hundred  and  thirty  miles. 
In  the  last  day  of  May,  five  hundred  men  were  sent 
forward  to  open  the  roads,  and  store  provisions  at 
Little  Meadows.  Sir  Peter  Halket  followed  with  the 
first  brigade,  and  June  was  advancing  before  the  gen- 
eral was  in  motion  with  the  second.     "  Braddock  is 

1  Brad  dock's  Letter  of  2  June,        *  Shirley  the  younger  to  R.  H. 
1756,  in  the  Precis,  &c,  198.  Morris. 



chap,  not  at  all  impatient  to  be  scalped,"  thought  men  in 

v_*    England.      Meantime  Fort   Duquesne  was  receiving 

1755.  reinforcements.      "We  shall  have  more  to  do,"  said 

Washington,    "than  to   go   up  the  hills   and  come 


The  army  moved  forward  slowly  and  with  mil 
taiy  exactness,  but  in  a  slender  line,  nearly  four  miles 
long  ;  always  in  fear  of  Indian  ambuscades  ;  exposed, 
by  attacks  on  its  flanks,  to  be  cut  in  pieces  like  a 
thread.  The  narrow  road  was  made  with  infinite  toil 
across  mountains  and  masses  of  lofty  rocks,  over 
ravines  and  rivers.  As  the  horses,  for  want  of 
forage,  must  feed  on  the  wild  grasses,  and  the  cattle 
browse  among  the  shrubs,  they  grew  weak,  and  began 
to  give  out.  The  regular  troops  pined  under  the  wil- 
derness fare. 

On  the  nineteenth  of  June,  Braddock,  by  Wash- 
ington's advice,  leaving  Dunbar  behind  with  the  resi- 
due of  the  army,  resolved  to  push  forward  with 
twelve  hundred  chosen  men.  "The  prospect,"  says 
Washington,  "conveyed  to  my  mind  infinite  de- 
light ;"  and  he  would  not  suffer  "  excessive"  illness  to 
detain  him  from  active  service.  Yet  still  they 
stopped  to  level  every  molehill,  and  erect  bridges 
over  every  creek.  On  the  eighth  of  July  they  arrived 
at  the  fork  of  the  Monongahela  and  Youghiogeny 
Rivers.  The  distance  to  Fort  Duquesne  was  but 
twelve  miles,  and  the  Governor  of  New  France  gave 
it  up  as  lost. 1 

Early  in  the  morning  of  the  ninth  of  July,  Brad- 
dock  set  his  troops  in  motion.      A  little  below  the 

1  Vaudreuil  to  the  Minister,  24  July,  1755. 


Youghiogeny  they  forded  the  Monongahela,  and  chap. 
marched  on  the  southern  bank  of  that  tranquil  w^^L 
stream,  displaying  outwardly  to  the  forests  the  per-  1755. 
Section  of  military  discipline,  brilliant  in  their  daz- 
zling uniform,  their  burnished  arms  gleaming  in  the 
bright  summer's  sun,  but  sick  at  heart,  and  enfeebled 
by  toil  and  unwholesome  diet.  At  noon  they  forded 
the  Monongahela  again,  and  stood  between  the  rivers 
that  form  the  Ohio,  only  ten  miles  distant  from 
their  junction.  A  detachment  of  three  hundred  and 
fifty  men,  led  by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Thomas  Gage,1 
and  closely  attended  by  a  working  party  of  two  hun- 
dred and  fifty,  under  St.  Clair,  advanced  cautiously, 
with  guides  and  flanking  parties,  along  a  path  but 
twelve  feet  wide,  towards  the  uneven  woody  country 
that  was  between  them  and  Fort  Duquesne.2  The 
general  was  following  with  the  columns  of  artillery, 
baggage,  and  the  main  body  of  the  army,  when  a 
very  heavy  and  quick  fire  was  heard  in  the  front. 

Aware  of  Braddock's  progress  by  the  fidelity  of 
their  scouts,  the  French  had  resolved  on  an  ambus- 
cade. Twice  in  council  the  Indians  declined  the 
enterprise.  "  I  shall  go,"  said  De  Beaujeu,  "  and  will 
you  suffer  your  father  to  go  alone  ?  I  am  sure  we 
shall  conquer ;"  and,  sharing  his  confidence,  they 
pledged  themselves  to  be  his  companions.8  At  an 
early  hour,  Contrecceur  detached  De  Beaujeu  the  com- 
mandant at  Fort  Duquesne,  Dumas,  and  De  Lignery, 
with  less  than  two  hundred  and  thirty  French  and  Ca- 
nadians, and  six  hundred  and  thirty-seven  savages, 

1  Gage  to  Albemarle,   24   July,         s  Relation  depuis  le  Depart  dea 
1755,  in  Keppel's  Keppel,  i.  213.         Troupes   du   Quebec,  jusqu'au   80 

8  Journal  of  General  Braddock's     Sept.  1755. 
Expedition,    in    British    Museum, 
King's  Lib. vol.  212. 


chap,  under  orders  to  repair  to  a  favorable  spot  selected  tlie 
^^i,  preceding  evening.1  Before  reaching  it,  they  found 
1755.  themselves  in  the  presence  of  the  English,  who  were 
advancing  in  the  best  possible  order ;  and  De  Beau- 
jeu  instantly  began  an  attack  with  the  utmost  vivacity. 
Gage  should,  on  the  moment,  and  without  waiting  for 
orders,  have  sent  support  to  his  flanking  parties.  His 
indecision  lost  the  day.2  The  onset  was  met  cour- 
ageously, but  the  flanking  guards  were  driven  in,  and 
the  advanced  party,  leaving  their  two  six-pounders  in 
the  hands  of  the  enemy,  were  thrown  back  upon  the 
vanguard  which  the  general  had  sent  as  a  rein- 
forcement, and  which  was  attempting  to  form  in  face 
of  a  rising  ground  on  the  right.  Thus  the  men  of 
both  regiments  were  heaped  together  in  promis- 
cuous confusion,8  among  the  dense  forest  trees  and 
thickset  underwood.  The  general  himself  hurried 
forward  to  share  the  danger  and  animate  the  troops ; 
and  his  artillery,  though  it  could  do  little  harm,  as  it 
played  against  an  enemy  whom  the  forest  concealed, 
yet  terrified  the  savages  and  made  them  waver.  At 
this  time  De  Beaujeu  fell,  when  the  brave  and  hu- 
mane Dumas,  taking  the  command,  gave  new  life  to 
his  party ;  sending  the  savages  to  attack  the  English 
in  flank,  while  he,  with  the  French  and  Canadians, 
continued  the  combat  in  front.  Already  the  British 
regulars  were  raising  shouts  of  victory,4  when  the  bat- 
tle was  renewed,  and  the  Indians,  posting  themselves 
most  advantageously  behind  large  trees  "  in  the  front 

1  Relation  du  Combat  de  9  Juil-  tion.  Report  of  the  Court  of  In- 
let, 1755.  qniry    into  the  Behavior    of  the 

2  Mante's  History  of  the  late  Troops  at  Monongahela.  Sir  John 
War  in  North  America.  26.  Gage  St.  Clair  to  Sir  Thomas  Robinson, 
tried  to  defend  himself.     See  Gage  3  Sept.  1755. 

to  Albemarle,  22  January,  1 755.  4  Relation   du    Combat.     New 

3  Journal  of  Braddook's  Expedi-     York  Paris  papers,  xi.  14. 


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X  Frtmh  ,ui,l  lii,/inn.<  whit  i/wrvivm/  />>  MM  o'ui,/,: 

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Tin  l>i.'t<in,-e  lif in  l'Vazicrs  Jlmisc  /<•  I'ort   Hu  Qucsiu- 
lU-  7  Ci'iiif'iitetl  Mi/f.i . 

by  &ooxge  (>  Smith  . 


of  the  troops,  and  on  the  hills  which  overhung  the  chap. 
right  flank,"  invisible,  yet  making  the  woods  re-echo  ^^ 
their  war-whoop,  fired  irregularly,  but  with  deadly  1755. 
aim,  at  "  the   fair  mark "   offered   by  the   "  compact 
body  of  men  beneath  them."     None  of  the  English 
that  were  engaged  would  say  they  saw  a  hundred  of 
the  enemy,1  and  "many  of  the  officers,  who  were  in 
the  heat  of  the  action  the  whole  time,  would  not  as- 
sert that  they  saw  one." 2 

The  combat  was  obstinate,  and  continued  for  two 
hours  with  scarcely  any  change  in  the  disposition  of 
either  side.3  Had  the  regulars  shown  courage,  the 
issue  would  not  have  been  doubtful ;  but  terrified  by 
the  yells  of  the  Indians,  and  dispirited  by  a  manner 
of  fighting  such  as  they  had  never  imagined,  they 
would  not  long  obey  the  voice  of  their  officers,  but 
fired  in  platoons  almost  as  fast  as  they  could  load,  aim- 
ing among  the  trees,  or  firing  into  the  air.  In  the  midst 
of  the  strange  scene,  nothing  was  so  sublime  as  the 
persevering  gallantry  of  the  officers.  They  used  the 
utmost  art  to  encourage  the  men  to  move  upon  the 
enemy ;  they  told  them  off  into  small  parties  of  which 
they  took  the  lead  ;  they  bravely  formed  the  front ; 
they  advanced  sometimes  at  the  head  of  small  bodies, 
sometimes  separately,  to  recover  the  cannon,  or  to  get 
possession  of  the  hill ;  but  were  sacrificed  by  the  sol- 
diers who  declined  to  follow  them,  and  even  fired 
upon  them  from  the  rear.4     Of  eighty-six    officers, 

1  H.  Sharpe  to  Baltimore.   Aug.  *  Letter  of  Wm.  Smith,  of  New- 
1755.  York,  of  27  July,  1755.     Account 

2  II.  Sharpe  to   Secretary  Cal-  sent  to  Lord  Albemarle, — in  parti- 
vert,  11  August,  1755.  cular,  the  Report  of  the  Court  of 

8  Memorandum.    On  the  Sketch  Inquiry.     So  too,  Sharpe  to  Lord 

of  the  Field  of  Battle,  No.  2.  Baltimore,  August,  1755. 


chap,  twenty-six  were  killed, — among  them,  Sir  Peter  Hal- 
^_  _^.  ket, — and  thirty-seven  were  wounded,  including  Gage 
1755.  and  other  field-officers.  Of  the  men,  one  half  were 
killed  or  wounded.  Braddock  braved  every  danger. 
His  secretary  was  shot  dead ;  both  his  English  aids 
were  disabled  early  in  the  engagement,1  leaving  the 
American  alone  to  distribute  his  orders.  u  I  expected 
every  moment,"  said  one  whose  eye  was  on  Washing- 
ton, "to  see  him  fall."2  "Nothing  but  the  superin- 
tending care  of  Providence  could  have  saved  him." 
An  Indian  chief — I  suppose  a  Shawnee — singled  him 
out  with  his  rifle,  and  bade  others  of  his  warriors  do 
the  same.  Two  horses  were  killed  under  him ;  four 
balls  penetrated  his  coat.  "Some  potent  Manitou 
guards  his  life,"  exclaimed  the  savage.3  "Death," 
wrote  Washington,  "was  levelling  my  companions 
on  every  side  of  me ;  but,  by  the  all-powerful  dispen- 
sations of  Providence,  I  have  been  protected." 4  "  To 
the  public,"  said  Da  vies,  a  learned  divine,  in  the  fol- 
lowing month,  "  I  point  out  that  heroic  youth,  Colonel 
Washington,  whom  I  cannot  but  hope  Providence  has 
preserved  in  so  signal  a  manner  for  some  important 
service  to  his  country."  "  Who  is  Mr.  Washington  ?" 
asked  Lord  Halifax  a  few  months  later.  "  I  know 
nothing  of  him,"  he  added,  "  but  that  they  say  he 
behaved  in  Braddock's  action  as  bravely  as  if  he 
really  loved  the  whistling  of  bullets." 5  The  Virginia 
troops  showed  great  valor,  and  were  nearly  all  mas- 
sacred.   Of  three  companies,  scarcely  thirty  men  were 

1  Washington  to  his  mother,  18  4  Washington  to  his  brother,  18 

July,  1755.  July,  1755. 

8  Craik,   in  Marshall's    Life    of  6   Ilalifax  to  Sir  Charles  Hardy 

Washington,  ii.  19.  31  March,  1756. 

8  Same   to  Mr.   Custis,    of  Ar- 


loft  alive.     Captain  Peyronney  and   all  his  officers,  chap. 
down  to  a  corporal,  were  killed ;  of  Poison's,  whose  ^^i, 
bravery  was  honored  by  the  Legislature  of  the  Old  1755. 
Dominion,  only  one  was  left.     But  "  those  they  call 
regulars,  having  wasted  their  ammunition,  broke  and 
ran,  as  sheep  before  hounds,  leaving  the  artillery,  pro- 
visions, baggage,  and  even  the  private  papers  of  the 
general,  a  prey  to  the  enemy.     The  attempt  to  rally 
them  was  as  vain  as  to  attempt  to  stop  the  wild  bears 
of  the  mountain."  *     "  Thus  were  the  English  most 
scandalously  beaten."      Of  privates,   seven   hundred 
and  fourteen  were  killed  or  wounded ;  while  of  the 
French  and  Indians,  only  three  officers   and   thirty 
men  fell,  and  but  as  many  more  were  wounded. 

Braddock  had  five  horses  disabled  under  him ;  at 
last  a  bullet  entered  his  right  side,  and  he  fell  mortally 
wounded.2  He  was  with  difficulty  brought  off  the 
field,  and  borne  in  the  train  of  the  fugitives.  All  the 
first  day  he  was  silent ;  but  at  night  he  roused  him- 
self to  say,  "  Who  would  have  thought  it  ?"  The 
meeting  at  Dunbar's  camp  made  a  day  of  confusion. 
On  the  twelfth  of  July,  Dunbar  destroyed  the  remain- 
ing artillery,  and  burned  the  public  stores  and  the 
heavy  baggage,  to  the  value  of  a  hundred  thousand 
pounds, — pleading  in  excuse  that  he  had  the  orders8 
of  the  dying  general,  and  being  himself  resolved, 
in  midsummer,  to  evacuate  Fort  Cumberland,  and 
hurry  to  Philadelphia  for  winter-quarters.  Accord- 
ingly, the  next  day  they  all  retreated.  At  night 
Braddock  roused  from  his  lethargy  to  say,  "  We  shall 
better  know  how  to  deal  with  them  another  time," 

1  Report  of  the  Court  of  Inquiry        8    Sir  John    Sinclair   to  Sir  T. 
and  Washiu^tor's  Letters.  Robinson,  3  Sept.  1755. 

2  Robert  Orme  to  Gov.  Morris, 
18  July,  1755. 


chap,  and  died.1     His  grave  may  still  be  seen,  near  the  na- 
tional road,  about  a  mile  west  of  Fort  Necessity. 


The  forest  field  of  battle  was  left  thickly  strewn 
with  the  wounded  and  the  dead.  Never  had  there 
been  such  a  harvest  of  scalps  and  spoils.  As  evening 
approached,  the  woods  round  Fort  Duquesne  rung 
with  the  halloos  of  the  red  men ;  the  constant  firing  of 
small  arms,  mingled  with  a  peal  from  the  cannon  at 
the  fort.  The  next  day  the  British  artillery  was 
brought  in,  and  the  Indian  warriors,  painting  their 
skin  a  shining  vermilion,  with  patches  of  black,  and 
brown,  and  blue,  gloried  in  the  laced  hats  and  bright 
apparel  of  the  English  officers.2 

At  Philadelphia  nothing  but  victory  had  been  an- 
ticipated. "  All  looks  well,"  wrote  Morris ;  "  the 
force  of  Canada  has  vanished  away  in  an  instant ;" 
and  of  a  sudden  the  news  of  Braddock's  defeat,  and 
the  shameful  evacuation  of  Fort  Cumberland  by 
Dunbar,  threw  the  people  of  the  central  provinces 
into  the  greatest  consternation.3  The  Assembly  of 
Pennsylvania  immediately  resolved  to  grant  fifty  thou- 
sand pounds  to  the  king's  use,  in  part  by  a  tax  on  all 
estates,  real  and  personal,  within  the  province.  Mor- 
ris, obeying  his  instructions  from  the  proprietaries, 
claimed  exemption  for  their  estates.  The  Assembly 
rejected  the  demand  with  disdain ;  for  the  annual  in- 
come of  the  proprietaries  from  quitrents,  groundrents, 
rents  of  manors,  and  other  appropriated  and  settled 
lands,  was  nearly  thirty  thousand  pounds.4     Sharpe 

1  Orrae  in   Franklin's  Autobio  8  Lt.  Gov.  Dinwiddie  to  Lords  of 

grapliy.  Trade,  6  Sept.  1755.     H.  Sharpe  to 

8  Personal  Narrative  of  Colonel  C.  Calvert,  July,  1755. 

James  Smith,  in  J.  Pritt's  Mirror  4  True   and   Impartial    State  of 

of  Olden  Time  Border  Life.     385.  Pennsylvania,  125. 


would  not  convene  the  Assembly  of  Maryland,  be-  chap. 

cause  it  was  "  fond  of  imitating   the   precedents   of  , ^ 

Pennsylvania."     And  the  governors,   proprietary  as  1755. 
well  as  royal,  reciprocally  assured  each  other  that  no- 
thing could  be  done  in  their  colonies  without  an  act 
of  parliament.1 

The  months  that  followed  were  months  of  sor- 
row. Happily,  the  Catawbas  at  the  South  remained 
faithful ;  and  in  July,  at  a  council  of  five  hundred 
Cherokees  assembled  under  a  tree  in  the  highlands  of 
Western  Carolina,  Glen  renewed  the  covenant  of 
peace,  obtained  a  cession  of  lands,  and  was  invited  to 
erect  Fort  Prince  George  near  the  villages  of  Cona- 
satchee  and  Keowee. 

At  the  North,  New  England  was  extending  Brit- 
ish dominion.  Massachusetts  cheerfully  levied  about 
seven  thousand  nine  hundred  men,  or  nearly  one-fifth 
of  the  able-bodied  men  in  the  colony.  Of  these,  a 
detachment  took  part  in  establishing  the  sovereignty 
of  England  in  Acadia.  That  peninsular  region — ■ 
abounding  in  harbors  and  in  forests  ;  rich  in  its  ocean 
fisheries  and  in  the  product  of  its  rivers ;  near  to  a 
continent  that  invited  to  the  chase  and  the  fur-trade  ; 
having,  in  its  interior,  large  tracts  of  alluvial  soil — 
had  become  dear  to  its  inhabitants,  who  beheld 
around  them  the  graves  of  their  ancestors  for  several 
generations.  It  was  the  oldest  French  colony  in 
North  America.  There  the  Bretons  had  built  their 
dwellings  sixteen  years  before  the  Pilgrims  reached 
the  shores  of  New  England.  With  the  progress  of 
the  respective  settlements,  sectional  jealousies  and  re- 

1  Correspondence  of  Morris  and    Sharpe.    Lt.  Gov.  Sharpe  to  Shir- 
ley, 24  August,  1755. 

vol.  iv.  13 


chap,  ligious  bigotry  had  renewed  their  warfare ;  the  off- 
^^L,  spring  of  the  Massachusetts  husbandmen  were  taught 
1755.  to  abhor   "Popish  cruelties"   and   "Popish  supersti- 
tions ;"    while    Roman    Catholic    missionaries    perse- 
vered in  propagating  the  faith  of  their  church  among 
the  villages  of  the  Abenakis. 

At  last,  after  repeated  conquests  and  restorations, 
the  treaty  of  Utrecht  conceded  Acadia,  or  Nova  Sco- 
tia, to  Great  Britain.  Yet  the  name  of  Annapolis, 
the  presence  of  a  feeble  English  garrison,  and  the 
emigration  of  hardly  five  or  six  English  families,  were 
nearly  all  that  marked  the  supremacy  of  England. 
The  old  inhabitants  remained  on  the  soil  which  they 
had  subdued,  hardly  conscious  that  they  had  changed 
their  sovereign.  They  still  loved  the  language  and 
the  usages  of  their  forefathers,  and  their  religion  was 
graven  upon  their  souls.  They  promised  submission 
to  England ;  but  such  was  the  love  with  which 
France  had  inspired  them,  they  would  not  fight 
against  its  standard  or  renounce  its  name.  Though 
conquered,  they  were  French  neutrals. 

For  nearly  forty  years  from  the  peace  of  Utrecht 
they  had  been  forgotten  or  neglected,  and  had  pros- 
pered in  their  seclusion.  No  tax-gatherer  counted 
their  folds,  no  magistrate  dwelt  in  their  hamlets. 
The  parish  priest  made  their  records  and  regulated 
their  successions.  Their  little  disputes  were  settled 
among  themselves,  with  scarcely  an  instance  of  an 
appeal  to  English  authority  at  Annapolis.  The  pas- 
tures were  covered  with  their  herds  and  flocks ;  and 
dikes,  raised  by  extraordinary  efforts  of  social  indus- 
try, shut  out  the  rivers  and  the  tide  from  alluvial 
marshes  of  exuberant  fertility.  The  meadows,  thua 
reclaimed,  were  covered  by  richest  grasses,  or  fields 


of  wheat,  that  yielded  fifty  and  thirty  fold  at  the  har-  crap. 
vest.     Their  houses  were  built  in  clusters,  neatly  con-  ^^L 
structed  and  comfortably  furnished,  and  around  them  1755. 
all    kinds   of  domestic  fowls  abounded.      With  the 
spinning-wheel  and  the  loom,  their  women  made,  of 
flax  from  their  own  fields,  of  fleeces  from  their  own 
locks,  coarse,  but  sufficient  clothing.     The  few  foreign 
luxuries  that  were  coveted  could  be  obtained  from 
Annapolis  or  Louisburg,  in  return  for  furs,  or  wheat, 
or  cattle. 

Thus  were  the  Acadians  happy  in  their  neutrality 
and  in  the  abundance  which  they  drew  from  their 
native  land.  They  formed,  as  it  wTere,  one  great 
family.  Their  morals  were  of  unaffected  purity. 
Love  was  sanctified  and  calmed  by  the  universal 
custom  of  early  marriages.  The  neighbors  of  the 
community  would  assist  the  new  couple  to  raise  their 
cottage,  while  the  wilderness  offered  land.  Their 
numbers  increased,  and  the  colony,  which  had  begun 
only  as  the  trading  station  of  a  company,  with  a 
monopoly  of  the  fur-trade,  counted,  perhaps,  sixteen 
or  seventeen  thousand  inhabitants.1 

When  England  began  vigorously  to  colonize  Nova 
Scotia,  the  native  inhabitants  might  fear  the  loss  of 
their  independence.     The  enthusiasm  of  their  priests 

1  Shirley  said  16,000,  Raynal  and  Lieutenant-Governor  Lawrence,  in 
flaliburton,  17,000.  The  Board  of  his  circular  to  the  different  ^over- 
Trade,  in  1721,  put  the  number  nors,  11  August,  1755,  refers  to 
vaguely  at  "  nearly  3,000 ;"  these,  those  only  who  remained  after 
in  1755,  but  for  emigration  to  large  emigrations.  Compare  too 
French  America,  would  hardly  have  Lawrence's  State  of  the  English 
become  more  than  10,000;  but  and  French  Forts,  quoted  in  Sir 
there  were  more.  Mascarene  to  Thomas  Robinson  to  Lieutenant- 
Lords  of  Trade,  17  Oct.,  1748.  says,  Governor  Lawrence,  13  August, 
there  were  4,000  or  5,000  French  1755.  The  number  there  given  was 
inhabitants,   able    to    bear    arms.  8,000. 


chap  was  kindled  into  fervor  at  the  thought  that  heretics, 
^^i,  of  a  land  which  had  disfranchised  Catholics,  were  to 
1755,  surround,  and  perhaps  to  overwhelm,  the  ancient  Aca- 
dians.  "Better,"  said  the  priests,  "surrender  your 
meadows  to  the  sea,  and  your  houses  to  the  flames, 
than,  at  the  peril  of  your  souls,  take  the  oath  of  alle- 
giance to  the  British  government."  And  they,  from 
their  very  simplicity  and  anxious  sincerity,  were  uncer- 
tain in  their  resolves ;  now  gathering  courage  to  flee 
beyond  the  isthmus,  for  other  homes  in  New  France, 
and  now  yearning  for  their  own  houses  and  fields, 
their  herds  and  pastures. 

The  haughtiness  of  the  British  officers  aided  the 
priests  in  their  attempts  to  foment  disaffection.  The 
English  regarded  colonies,  even  when  settled  by  men 
from  their  own  land,  only  as  sources  of  emolument 
to  the  mother  country ;  colonists  as  an  inferior  caste. 
The  Acadians  were  despised  because  they  were  help- 
less. Ignorant  of  the  laws  of  their  conquerors,  they 
were  not  educated  to  the  knowledge,  the  defence,  and 
the  love  of  English  liberties ;  they  knew  not  the  way 
to  the  throne,  and,  given  up  to  military  masters,  had 
no  redress  in  civil  tribunals.  Their  papers  and  records, 
the  titles  to  their  estates  and  inheritances,  were  taken 
away  from  them.  Was  their  property  demanded  for 
the  public  service  ?  "  they  were  not  to  be  bargained 
with  for  the  payment." 1  The  order  may  still  be  read 
on  the  Council  records  at  Halifax.  They  must  com- 
ply, it  was  written,  without  making  any  terms,  "  im- 
mediately," or  "  the  next  courier  would  bring  an 
order  for  military  execution  upon  the  delinquents." 
And  when  they  delayed  in  fetching  firewood  for  their 

1  Haliburton's  History  of  Nova  Scotia,  i.  169. 



oppressors,  it  was  told  them  from  the  governor,  "  If  chap. 
they  do  not  do  it  in  proper  time,  the  soldiers  shall  ^^ 
absolutely  take  their  houses  for  fuel."  The  unoffend-  1755. 
ing  sufferers  submitted  meekly  to  the  tyranny.  Un- 
der pretence  of  fearing  that  they  might  rise  in  behalf 
of  France,  or  seek  shelter  in  Canada,  or  convey  pro- 
visions to  the  French  garrisons,  they  were  directed  to 
surrender  their  boats  and  their  firearms;1  and,  con- 
scious of  innocence,  they  gave  up  their  barges  and 
their  muskets,  leaving  themselves  without  the  means 
of  flight,  and  defenceless.  Further  orders  were  after- 
wards given  to  the  English  officers,  if  the  Acadians 
behaved  amiss  to  punish  them  at  discretion ;  if  the 
troops  were  annoyed,  to  inflict  vengeance  on  the  near- 
est, whether  the  guilty  one  or  not, — "  taking  an  eye 
for  an  eye,  and  a  tooth  for  a  tooth." 

The  French  had  yielded  the  sovereignty  over  no 
more  than  the  peninsula.  They  established  them- 
selves on  the  isthmus  in  two  forts, — one,  a  small 
stockade  at  the  mouth  of  the  little  river  Gaspereaux, 
near  Bay  Verde ;  the  other,  the  more  considerable 
fortress  of  Beau-Sejour,  built  and  supplied  at  great 
expense,  upon  an  eminence  on  the  north  side  of  the 
Messagouche,  on  the  Bay  of  Fundy.  The  isthmus  is 
here  hardly  fifteen  miles  wide,  and  formed  the  natural 
boundary  between  New  France  and  Acadia. 

The  French  at  Beau-Sejour  had  passed  the  pre- 
vious winter  in  unsuspecting  tranquillity,  ignorant  of 
the  preparations  of  the  two  crowns  for  war.  As 
spring  approached,  suspicions  were  aroused;  but  De 
Vergor,  the  inefficient  commander,  took  no  vigorous 
measures  for  strengthening  his    works,  nor   was  he 

1  Memorials  of  the  Deputies  of    Minas  and  Pisiquid,  delivered  to 
Captain  Murray,  10  June,  1755. 


chap,  fully  roused  to  his  danger,  till,  from  the  walls  of  his 
w^  fort,  he  himself  beheld  the  fleet  of  the  English  sailing 
1755.  fearlessly  into  the  hay,  and  anchoring  before  his  eyes. 
The  provincial  troops,  about  fifteen  hundred  in 
number,  strengthened  by  a  detachment  of  three  hun- 
dred regulars  and  a  train  of  artillery,  were  disem- 
barked without  difficulty.  A  day  was  given  to  repose 
and  parade ;  on  the  fourth  of  June,  they  forced  the 
passage  of  the  Messagouche,  the  intervening  river. 
No  sally  was  attempted  by  De  Vergor ;  no  earnest 
defence  was  undertaken.  On  the  twelfth,  the  fort  at 
Beau-Sejour,  weakened  by  fear,  discord,  and  confusion, 
was  invested,  and  in  four  days  it  surrendered.1  By 
the  terms  of  the  capitulation,  the  garrison  was  to  be 
sent  to  Louisburg ;  for  the  Acadian  fugitives,  inasmuch 
as  they  had  been  forced  into  the  service,  amnesty  was 
stipulated.  The  place  received  an  English  garrison, 
and,  from  the  brother  of  the  king,  then  the  soul  of 
the  regency,  was  named  Cumberland. 

The  petty  fortress  near  the  river  Gaspereaux,  on 
Bay  Verde,  a  mere  palisade,  flanked  by  four  block- 
houses, without  mound  or  trenches,  and  tenanted  by 
no  more  than  twenty  soldiers,  though  commanded  by 
the  brave  De  Villerai,  could  do  nothing  but  capitulate 
on  the  same  terms.  Meantime,  Captain  Rous  sailed, 
with  three  frigates  and  a  sloop,  to  reduce  the  French 
fort  on  the  St.  John's.  But  before  he  arrived  there, 
the  fort  and  dwellings  of  the  French  had  been  aban- 
doned and  burned,  and  he  took  possession  of  a  deserted 
country.  Thus  was  the  region  east  of  the  St.  Croix 
annexed  to  England,  with  a  loss  of  but  twenty  men 
killed,  and  as  many  more  wounded. 

No  further  resistance  was  to  be  feared.     The  Aca- 

1  Lieutenant-Governor  Lawrence  to  the  Lords  of  Trade,  28  June,  1755, 

THE    OIIIO    VALLEY    AND    ACADIA.  199 

dians  cowered  before  their  masters,  hoping  forbear-  ctiap. 


Mice;  willing  to  take  an  oath  of  fealty  to  England;  ^^^ 
in  their  single-mindedness  and  sincerity,  refusing  to  1755. 
pledge  themselves  to  bear  arms  against  France.  The 
English  were  masters  of  the  sea,  were  undisputed 
lords  of  the  country,  and  could  exercise  clemency 
without  apprehension.  Not  a  whisper  gave  a  warning 
of  their  purpose,  till  it  was  ripe  for  execution. 

But  it  had  been  "determined  upon"  after  the 
ancient  device  of  Oriental  despotism,  that  the  French 
inhabitants  of  Acadia  should  be  carried  away  into 
captivity  to  other  parts  of  the  British  dominions. 
"  They  have  laid  aside  all  thought  of  taking  the  oaths 
of  allegiance  voluntarily;"  thus  in  August,  1754, 
Lawrence,  the  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Nova  Scotia, 
had  written  of  them  to  Lord  Halifax.  "  They  possess 
the  best  and  largest  tract  of  land  in  this  province; 
if  they  refuse  the  oaths,  it  would  be  much  better 
that  they  were  away." l  The  Lords  of  Trade  in 
reply  veiled  their  wishes  under  the  decorous  form  of 
suggestions.  "  By  the  treaty  of  Utrecht,"  said  they 
of  the  French  Acadians,  "  their  becoming  subjects  of 
Great  Britain  is  made  an  express  condition  of  their 
continuance  after  the  expiration  of  a  year ;  they 
cannot  become  subjects  but  by  taking  the  oaths 
required  of  subjects;  and 'therefore  it  may  be  a  ques- 
tion, whether  their  refusal  to  take  such  oaths  will  not 
operate  to  invalidate  their  titles  to  their  lands.  Con- 
sult the  Chief  Justice  of  Nova  Scotia  upon  that  point ; 
his  opinion  may  serve  as  a  foundation  for  future  mea- 

France  remembered  the  descendants  of  her  sons 

1  Lawrence    to    the     Lords    of        a  Halifax  and  his  colleagues  to 
Trade,  1  August,  1754.  Lieutenant-Governor  Lawrence,  29 

October,  1754. 


chap,  in  the  hour  of  their  affliction,  and  asked  that  they 

VIII  ■ 

^^  might   have    time    to   remove    from   the   Peninsula 

1755.  with  their  effects,  leaving  their  lands  to  the  English; 

but  the  answer  of  the  British  minister  claimed  them 

as  useful  subjects,  and  refused  them  the  liberty  oi 


The  inhabitants  of  Minas  and  the  adjacent  coun- 
try pleaded  with  the  British  officers  for  the  restitution 
of  their  boats  and  their  guns,  promising  fidelity,  iJ 
Ihey  could  but  retain  their  liberties,  and  declaring 
that  not  the  want  of  arms,  but  their  conscience, 
should  engage  them  not  to  revolt.  "  The  memorial," 
said  Lawrence  in  council,  "  is  highly  arrogant,  insidi- 
ous, and  insulting."  The  memorialists,  at  his  summons, 
came  submissively  to  Halifax.  "You  want  your 
canoes  for  carrying  provisions  to  the  enemy :"  said  he 
to  them,  though  he  knew  no  enemy  was  left  in  their 
vicinity.  "  Guns  are  no  part  of  your  goods,"  he  con- 
tinued, "  as  by  the  laws  of  England  all  Roman  Cath- 
olics are  restrained  from  having  arms,  and  are  subject 
to  penalties  if  arms  are  found  in  their  houses.  It  is 
not  the  language  of  British  subjects  to  talk  of  terms 
with  the  crown,  or  capitulate  about  their  fidelity  and 
allegiance.  What  excuse  can  you  make  for  your  pre- 
sumption in  treating  this  government  with  such  indig- 
nity, as  to  expound  to  them  the  nature  of  fidelity? 
Manifest  your  obedience,  by  immediately  taking  the 
oaths  of  allegiance  in  the  common  form  before  the 
council." 2 

The  deputies  replied  that  they  would  do  as  the 

1  Proposition  of  the  French  Am-  on  Thursday  the  3d  July,  1755.  It 
bassador  to  the  British  Secretary  of  has  been  supposed,  that  these  re- 
State,  May,  1755,  and  answer.  cords  of  the  council  are  no  longer 

s  Record  of  a  council  hoi  den  at  in  existence.     But  I  have  authentic 

the  Governor's  House  in  Halifax,  copies  of  them. 


generality  of  the  inhabitants  should  determine ;  and  chap. 


they  merely  entreated  leave  to  return  home  and  con-  v_^, 
suit  the  body  of  their  people.  1755. 

The  next  day,  the  unhappy  men,  foreseeing  the 
sorrows  that  menaced  them,  offered  to  swear  allegiance 
unconditionally ;  but  they  were  told  that  by  a  clause 
in  a  British  statute1  persons  who  have  once  refused  the 
oaths  cannot  be  afterwards  permitted  to  take  them, 
but  are  to  be  considered  as  Popish  Recusants ;  and  as 
such  they  were  imprisoned. 

The  Chief  Justice,  on  whose  opinion  hung  the  fate 
of  so  many  hundreds  of  innocent  families,  insisted  that 
the  French  inhabitants  were  to  be  looked  upon  as  con- 
firmed "  rebels ;"  who  had  now  collectively  and  with- 
out exception  become  "  recusants."  Besides :  they  still 
counted  in  their  villages  "  eight  thousand"  souls,  and 
the  English  not  more  than  "three  thousand;"  they 
stood  in  the  way  of  "  the  progress  of  the  settlement ;" 
"  by  their  non-compliance  with  the  conditions  of  the 
treaty  of  Utrecht,  they  had  forfeited  their  possessions 
to  the  crown ;"  after  the  departure  "  of  the  fleet  and 
troops  the  province  would  not  be  in  a  condition  to  drive 
them  out."  "Such  a  juncture  as  the  present  might 
never  occur ;"  so  he  advised  "  against  receiving  any  of 
the  French  inhabitants  to  take  the  oath,"  and  for  the 
removal  of  "  all"  of  them  from  the  province.2 

That  the  cruelty  might  have  no  palliation,  letters 
arrived,  leaving  no  doubt,  that  the  shores  of  the  Bay 
of  Fundy  were  entirely  in  the  possession  of  the 
British ; 3  and  yet  at  a  council,  at  which  Vice-Admi- 

1  Geo.  TT.  c.  xiii.  8  Council  holden  at  the  Govor- 

•  Mr.    Chief    Justice    Belcher's    nor's  House  in  Halifax,  on  Thurs- 

Opinion  in  Council  as  to  the  remo-    day  the  15th  July,  1755. 

val  of  the  French    Inhabitants  in 

Nova  Scotia,  28  July,  1755. 


chap,  ral  Boscawen  and    the  Rear- Admiral  Mostyn  were 
VIII.  ....  . 

^^L,  present  by  invitation,1  it  was  unanimously  determined 

1755.  to  send  the  French  inhabitants  out  of  the  province; 
and  after  mature  consideration  it  was  further  unani- 
mously agreed  that,  to  prevent  their  attempting  to 
return  and  molest  the  settlers  that  may  be  set  down 
on  their  lands,  it  would  be  most  proper  to  dis- 
tribute them  amongst  the  several  colonies  on  the 

To  hunt  them  into  the  net  was  impracticable ;  arti- 
fice was  therefore  resorted  to.  By  a  general  proclama- 
tion, on  one  and  the  same  day,  the  scarcely  conscious 
victims,  "  both  old  men  and  young  men,  as  well  as  all 
the  lads  of  ten  years  of  age,"  were  peremptorily 
ordered  to  assemble  at  their  respective  posts.  On  the 
appointed  fifth  of  September,  they  obeyed.  At 
Grand  Pre,  for  example,  four  hundred  and  eighteen 
unarmed  men  came  together.  They  were  marched 
into  the  church  and  its  avenues  were  closed,  when 
Winslow,  the  American  commander,  placed  himself  in 
their  centre,  and  spoke : — 

a  You  are  convened  together  to  manifest  to  you 
his  Majesty's  final  resolution  to  the  French  inhabit- 
ants of  this  his  province.  Your  lands  and  tenements, 
cattle  of  all  kinds,  and  live  stock  of  all  sorts,  are 
forfeited  to  the  crown,  and  you  yourselves  are  to  be 
removed  from  this  his  province.  I  am,  through  his 
Majesty's  goodness,  directed  to  allow  you  liberty  to 
carry  off  your  money  and  household  goods,  as  many 

1  Lieut.  Governor  Lawrence  to  2  Council  hoi  den  at  the  Gover- 

Vice- Admiral  Boscawen,  and  Rear-  nor's  House  in  Halifax,  on  Monday 

Admiral  Mostyn,  Halifax,  14  July,  the  28th  July,  1755. 

THE    OHIO    VALLEY    AND   ACADIA.  203 

as  you  can,  without  discommoding  the  vessels  you  go  chap. 
in."     And  he  then  declared  them  the  king's  prison-  v_^ 
ers.     Their  wives  and  families  shared  their  lot;  their  1755. 
sons,  five  hundred  and  twenty-seven  in  number,  their 
daughters,  five  hundred  and  seventy-six  ;  in  the  whole, 
women  and  babes  and  old  men  and  children  all  in- 
dialed,   nineteen    hundred    and   twenty-three    souls. 
The  blow  was  sudden  ;  they  had  left  home  but  for 
the  morning,  and  they  never  were  to  return.     Their 
cattle  were  to  stay  unfed  in  the  stalls,  their  fires  to 
die  out  on  their  hearths.     They  had  for  that  first  day 
even  no  food  for  themselves  or  their  children,  and 
were  compelled  to  beg  for  bread. 

The  tenth  of  September  was  the  day  for  the  em- 
barkation of  a  part  of  the  exiles.  They  were  drawn 
up  six  deep,  and  the  young  men,  one  hundred  and 
sLxty-one  in  number,  were  ordered  to  inarch  fiist  on 
board  the  vessel.  They  could  leave  their  farms  and 
cottages,  the  shady  rocks  on  which  they  had  reclined, 
their  herds  and  their  garners;  but  nature  yearned 
within  them,  and  they  would  not  be  separated  from 
their  parents.  Yet  of  what  avail  was  the  frenzied 
despair  of  the  unarmed  youth  ?  They  had  not  one 
weapon ;  the  bayonet  drove  them  to  obey ;  and  they 
marched  slowly  and  heavily  from  the  chapel  to  the 
shore,  between  women  and  children,  who,  kneeling, 
prayed  for  blessings  on  their  heads,  they  themselves 
weeping,  and  praying,  and  singing  hymns.  The 
seniors  went  next ;  the  wives  and  children  must  wait 
till  other  transport  vessels  arrive.  The  delay  had  its 
horrors.  The  wretched  people  left  behind,  were  kept 
together  near  the  sea,  without  proper  food,  or  raiment, 
or  shelter,  till  other  ships  came  to  take  them  away ; 
and  December  with  its  appalling  cold,  had  struck  the 


chap,  shivering,  half-clad,  broken-hearted  sufferers,  before 
^^_  the  last  of  them  were  removed.  u  The  embarkation 
1755.  of  the  inliabitants  goes  on  but  slowly,"  wrote  Monck- 
ton,  from  Fort  Cumberland,  near  which  he  had  burn- 
ed three  hamlets ;  "  the  most  part  of  the  wives  of 
the  men  we  have  prisoners  are  gone  off  with  their 
children,  in  hopes  I  would  not  send  off  their  husbands 
without  them.'-  Their  hope  was  vain.  Near  Anna- 
polis, a  hundred  heads  of  families  fled  to  the  woods, 
and  a  party  was  detached  on  the  hunt  to  bring  them 
in.  "  Our  soldiers  hate  them,"  wrote  an  officer  on  this 
occasion,  "  and  if  they  can  but  find  a  pretext  to  kill 
them,  they  will."  Did  a  prisoner  seek  to  escape  ?  He 
was  shot  down  by  the  sentinel.  Yet  some  fled  to 
Quebec ;  more  than  three  thousand  had  withdrawn  to 
Miramichi,  and  the  region  south  of  the  Ristigouche ; 1 
some  found  rest  on  the  banks  of  the  St.  John's  and 
its  branches ;  some  found  a  lair  in  their  native  forests ; 
some  were  charitably  sheltered  from  the  English  in 
the  wigwams  of  the  savages.  But  seven2  thousand  of 
these  banished  people  were  driven  on  board  ships, 
and  scattered  among  the  English  colonies,  from  New 

Hampshire  to  Georgia ; one  thousand  and  twenty 

to  South  Carolina  alone.3  They  were  cast  ashore  with- 
out resources  ;  hating  the  poor-house  as  a  shelter  for 
their  offspring,  and  abhorring  the  thought  of  selling 
themselves  as  laborers.     Households,  too,  were  sepa- 

1  Petition  of  the  French  Acadi-  transporting  the  said  French  inhab- 

ans  at  Miramichi,  presented  to  De  itants  to  the  amount  of  near  sev- 

Vaudreuil,  the  Governor  of  Oana-  en  thousand   persons,"  &c.     Com- 

da,  in  July  1756.     Compare  Lieut,  pare  Lieut.  Governor    Lawrence's 

Gov.  Belcher  to  Lords  of   Trade,  circular  to  the  Governors  in  Amer- 

14  April,  1761.  ica,    11    August,    1755.       "Their 

8  Representation  of  the  Lords  of  numbers    amount    to    near    seven 

Trade  to  the  King,  20  December,  thousand  persons." 

1756.     "  The  resolution  being  car-  3  Governor  Lyttleton  to  Sec.  H. 

ried    into  effectual  execution    by  Fox,  16  June,  1796. 


rated;  the  colonial  newspapers  contained  advertise-  chap. 
ments  of  members  of  families  seeking  their  compan-  ^^ 
ions,  of  sons  anxious  to  reach  and  relieve  their  parents,  1755. 
of  mothers  mourning  for  their  children. 

The  wanderers  sighed  for  their  native  country; 
but,  to  prevent  their  return,  their  villages,  from  Anna- 
polis to  the  isthmus,  were  laid  waste.  Their  old 
homes  were  but  ruins.  In  the  district  of  Minas,  for 
instance,  two  hundred  and  fifty  of  their  houses,  and 
Biore  than  as  many  barns,  were  consumed.  The  live 
stock  which  belonged  to  them,  consisting  of  great 
numbers  of  horned  cattle,  hogs,  sheep  and  horses,1 
were  seized  as  spoils  and  disposed  of  by  the  English 
officials.  A  beautiful  and  fertile  tract  of  country  was 
reduced  to  a  solitude.  There  was  none  left  round  the 
ashes  of  the  cottages  of  the  Acadians  but  the  faithful 
watch-dog,  vainly  seeking  the  hands  that  fed  him. 
Thickets  of  forest-trees  choked  their  orchards;  the 
ocean  broke  over  their  neglected  dikes,  and  desolated 
their  meadows. 

Eelentless  misfortune  pursued  the  exiles  wherever 
they  fled.  Those  sent  to  Georgia,  drawn  by  a  love 
for  the  spot  where  they  were  born  as  strong  as  that  of 
the  captive  Jews,  who  wept  by  the  side  of  the  rivers 
of  Babylon  for  their  own  temple  and  land,  escaped  to 
sea  in  boats,  and  went  coasting  from  harbor  to  har- 
bor ;  but  when  they  had  reached  New  England,  just 
as  they  would  have  set  sail  for  their  native  fields, 
the}'  were  stopped  by  orders  from  Nova  Scotia.2  Those 
who  dwelt  on  the  St.  John's  were  torn  once  more  from 
their  new  homes.3    When  Canada  surrendered,  hatred 

1  J.   Pownall  to  S.    Martin,   25    Representations   of  the  Board   of 
Ifarch,  1760,  in  "Nova  Scotia.  B.T.  36.     Trade  against  Reynolds,  Governor 

2  Oov.  Lynleton  of  S.  C.  to  Fox,     of  Georgia. 

16  .June,  1756.      Gov.   Lawrence,         3  Gov.    Lawrence  to  Lords  of 
Circular,   1  July,  1756.    See  also    Trade,  11  May,  1760. 


chap,  with  its  worst  venom  pursued  the  fifteen  hundred, 
v—,^,  who  remained  south  of  the  Ristigouche.1  Once 
1755.  those  who  dwelt  in  Pennsylvania  presented  a  humble 
petition  to  the  Earl  of  Loudoun,  then  the  British 
commander-in-chief  in  America  ;  and  the  cold-hearted 
peer,  offended  that  the  prayer  was  made  in  French, 
seized  their  five  principal  men,  who  in  their  own* 
land  had  been  persons  of  dignity  and  substance,  and 
shipped  them  to  England,  with  the  request,  that  they 
might  be  kept  from  ever  again  becoming  troublesome 
by  being  consigned  to  service  as  common  sailors  on 
board  ships  of  war.2  No  doubt  existed  of  the  king's 
approbation.8  The  Lords  of  Trade,  more  merciless 
than  the  savages  and  than  the  wilderness  in  winter, 
wished  very  much  that  every  one  of  the  Acadians 
should  be  driven  out ;  and  when  it  seemed  that  the 
work  was  done,  congratulated  the  king  that  "the 
zealous  endeavors  of  Lawrence  had  been  crowned 
with  an  entire  success."4  I  know  not  if  the  annals  of 
the  human  race  keep  the  record  of  sorrows  so  wan- 
tonly inflicted,  so  bitter  and  so  perennial,  as  fell  upon 
the  French  inhabitants  of  Acadia.  "  We  have  been 
true,"  they  said  of  themselves,  "  to  our  religion,  and  true 
to  ourselves ;  yet  nature  appears  to  consider  us  only 
as  the  objects  of  public  vengeance."5  The  hand  of  the 
English  official  seemed  under  a  spell  with  regard  to 
them ;  and  was  never  uplifted  but  to  curse  them. 

1  Lieut.  Gov.  Belcher  to  Lords  great  expense  which  the  public  has 

of  Trade,  14  April,  1701.  been  at  in  removing  the  French  in- 

8  Loudoun  to  Secretary  of  State,  habitants,    there    should    yet    be 

25  April,  1757.  many   of  them    remaining.     It  is 

8  Lords  of  Trade  to  Gov.  Law-  certainly  very  much  to  be  wished, 

rence,  25  March,  1756.  that  they  could  be  entirely  driven 

4   Lords  of  Trade  to  the  King,  20  out  of  the  Peninsula.1' 

Dec.   1759.     Same  to    Gov.    Law-  8  From    a   petition   of  those  at 

rence.     kk  We  are  extremely  sorry  Miramichi,  in  M.  moires  sur  les  Af- 

to  find,  that  notwithstanding  the  faires  du  Canada. 




While  the  British  interpretation  of  the  bounda-  chap. 
ries  of  Acadia  was  made  good  by  occupation,  the  ^^ 
troops  for  the  central  expeditions  had  assembled  at  1755. 
Albany.  The  army  with  which  Johnson  was  to  re- 
duce Crown  Point  consisted  of  New  England  militia, 
chiefly  from  Connecticut  and  Massachusetts.  A  regi- 
ment of  five  hundred  foresters  of  New  Hampshire 
were  raising  a  fort  in  Coos,  on  the  Connecticut ;  but, 
under  a  new  summons,  they  made  the  long  march 
through  the  pathless  region  to  Albany.  Among  them 
was  John  Stark,  then  a  lieutenant,  of  a  rugged  nature, 
but  of  the  coolest  judgment ;  skilled  at  discovering  the 
paths  of  the  wilderness,  and  knowing  the  way  to  the 
hearts  of  the  backwoodsmen.  The  French,  on  the  other 
hand,  called  every  able-bodied  man  in  the  district  of 
Montreal  into  active  service  for  the  defence  of  Crown 
Point,  so  that  reapers  had  to  be  sent  up  from  Three 
Rivers  and  Quebec  to  gather  in  the  harvest.1 

Early  in  August,  the  New  England  men,  having 
Phinchas  Lyman  for  their  major-general,  were  finish- 

1  Breard  to  the  Minister,  13  August,  1755, 


chap,  ing  Fort  Edward,  at  the  portage  between  the  Hudson 
^^L  and  the  headsprings  of  the  Sorel.  The  forests  were 
1755.  never  free  from  secret  danger;  American  scalps  were 
sought  for  by  the  wakeful  savage,  to  be  strung  toge- 
ther for  the  adornment  of  the  wigwam.  Towards  the 
end  of  August,  the  untrained  forces,  which,  with  In- 
dians, amounted  to  thirty-four  hundred  men,  were 
conducted  by  William  Johnson  across  the  portage  of 
twelve  miles,  to  the  southern  shore  of  the  Lake,  which 
the  French  called  the  Lake  of  the  Holy  Sacrament. 
"  I  found,"  said  Johnson,  "  a  mere  wilderness  ;  never 
was  house  or  fort  erected  here  before  ;" l  and  naming 
the  waters  Lake  George,  he  cleared  space  for  a  camp 
of  five  thousand  men.  The  lake  protects  him  on  the 
north ;  his  flanks  are  covered  by  a  thick  wood  and  a 
swamp.  The  tents  of  the  husbandmen  and  mechanics, 
who  form  his  summer  army,  are  spread  on  a  rising 
ground ;  but  no  fortifications  are  raised,  nor  is  even  a 
trench  thrown  up.2  On  week-days,  the  men,  accus- 
tomed to  freedom,  saunter  to  and  fro  in  idleness ;  or 
some,  weary  of  inaction,  are  ready  to  mutiny  and  go 
home.  On  Sunday,  all  come  forth  and  collect  in  the 
groves  for  the  worship  of  God ;  three  hundred  red 
men,  also,  regularly  enlisted  under  the  English  flag, 
and  paid  from  the  English  treasury,  seat  themselves 
on  the  hillock,  and,  while  the  light  of  a  summer's 
afternoon  is  shedding  its  sweetest  influence  on  the 
tops  of  the  forest-clad  mountains  and  on  the  still  wa- 
ters of  the  deep  transparent  lake,  they  listen  gravely 
to  the  interpretation  of  a  long  sermon.  Meanwhile, 
wagon  after  wagon  brought  artillery,  and  stores  and 

1  Johnson    to  Lords  of  Trade,        2  Elisha  Hawley  to  his  brother 
8  Sept.  1 755.  Joseph    Hawley.    Seth    Pomroy's 



boats  for  the  troops  that  were  listlessly  whiling  away  chap 
the  season.     The  enemy  was  more  adventurous. 


"  Boldness  wins,"  was  Dieskau's  maxim.1  Aban- 
doning the  well-concerted  plan  of  an  attack  on  Os- 
wego,2 Vaudreuil  sent  him  to  oppose  the  army  of 
Jolinson.  For  the  defence  of  the  crumbling  fortress 
at  Crown  Point,  seven  hundred  regulars,  sixteen  hun- 
dred Canadians,  and  seven  hundred  savages  had  as- 
sembled. Of  these,  three  hundred  or  more  were  emi- 
grants from  the  Six  Nations,  domiciliated  in  Canada. 
Eager  for  distinction,  Dieskau,  taking  with  him  six 
hundred  savages,  as  many  Canadians,  and  two  hun- 
dred regular  troops,  ascended  Lake  Champlain  to  its 
head,  and,  after  a  three  days'  march,  designed,  at 
nightfall  on  the  fourth,  to  attack  Fort  Edward.  The 
guides  took  a  false  route ;  and,  as  evening  came  on, 
the  party  found  itself  four  miles  from  the  fort,  on  the 
road  to  Lake  George.  The  red  men,  who  never  obey 
implicitly,  but  insist  upon  deliberating  with  the  com- 
mander and  sharing  his  secrets,  refused  to  attack  the 
fort,  but  were  willing  to  go  against  the  army  at  the 
lake,  which  was  thought  to  have  neither  artillery  nor 

Late  in  the  night  following  the  seventh  of  Sep- 
tember, it  was  told  in  the  camp  at  Lake  George,  that 
a  large  party  of  men  had  landed  at  the  head  of  South 
Bay,  and  were  travelling  from  Wood  Creek  to  the 
Hudson.  On  the  next  morning,  after  a  council  of  war, 
Ephraim  Williams,  a  Massachusetts  colonel,  the  same 
who,  in  passing  through  Albany,  had  made  a  bequest 
of  his  estate  by  will  to  found  a  free  school,  was  sent 

1  Doreil  to  the  Minister,  28  Oct.        s  Vandreuil  to  the  Minister,  24 
1755.  July,  1755. 

VOL.   IV.  14 



chap.  vv^h  a  thousand  men  to  relieve  Fort  Edward.    Anions? 

17  5  5. 

them  was  Israel  Putnam,  to  whom,  at  the  age  of 
thirty-seven,  the  Assembly  at  Connecticut  had  just 
given  the  rank  of  a  second  lieutenant.1  Two  hundred 
warriors  of  the  Six  Nations  went  also,  led  by  Hen- 
drick,  the  gray-haired  chieftain,  famed  for  his  cleai 
voice  and  flashing  eye.  Tbey  marched  with  rasJ 
confidence,  a  little  less  than  three  miles,  to  a  deilh 
where  the  French  and  Indians  had  posted  themselv 
on  both  sides  of  the  way,  concealed  on  the  left  b] 
the  thickets  in  the  swamps,  on  the  right  by  rocks  am 
the  forest  that  covered  the  continued  rising  grouin 
Before  the  American  party  were  entirely  within  tin 
ambush,  the  French  Indians  showed  themselves  t< 
the  Mohawks,  but  without  firing  on  their  kindre< 
leaving  the  Abenakis  and  Canadians  to  make  tin 
attack.  Hendrick,  who  alone  was  on  horseback,  w 
killed  on  the  spot.  Williams  also  fell ;  but  Nathai 
Whiting,  of  New  Haven,  conducted  the  retreat 
good  order,  often  rallying  and  turning  to  fire. 

The  camp  had  still  no  intrenchments.     When  tin 
noise  of  musketry  was  heard,  two  or  three  cannoi 
were  hastily  brought  up  from  the  margin  of  the  lak< 
and  trees  were  felled  for  a  breastwork.   These,  all  to< 
few  to  lie  contiguously,  formed  with  the  wagons  an< 
baggage  some  protection  to  the  New  England  niilith 
wdiose  arms  were  but  their  fowling-pieces,  without 
bayonet  among  them  all.     It  had  been  Dieskau's  pui 
pose  to  rush  forward  suddenly,  and  to  enter  the  cam}) 
with  the  fugitives ;  but  the  Iroquois  took  possession  ol 
a  rising  ground,  and  stood  inactive.     At  this  the  Ab< 
nakis  halted  also  ;  and  the  Canadians  became  intimi- 

1  Records   at   Hartford    for    29     the  3rd  Regiment  of  Connecticut 
Geo.  ii.     Putnam's  commission  as     forwarded  not  before  September 
2nd  Lieut,  in  the  6th  company  of    reached  him  after  the  battle. 






elated.  Dieskau,  who  was  near  the  camp,  advanced  chap 
with  the  regular  troops  to  attack  the  centre,  still  ^^ 
hoping  to  be  sustained.  But  the  Indians  and  Cana-  1755. 
(linns  scattered  themselves  through  the  wilderness  of 
pitch-pines,  and  ascended  a  knoll  within  gun-shot, 
where  they  crouched  below  the  undergrowth  of  shrubs 
and  brakes.  "  Are  these  the  so  much  vaunted  troops  P 
cried  Dieskau,  bitterly.  The  battle  began  between 
eleven  and  twelve ;  Johnson,  slightly  wounded,  left 
the  field  at  the  beginning  of  the  action,  and  for  five 
hours  the  New  England  people,  under  their  own  offi- 
cers,  good  marksmen  and  taking  sight,  kept  up  the 
most  violent  fire  that  had  as  yet  been  known  in  Ame- 
rica. Almost  all  the  French  regulars  perished  ;  Dies- 
kau was  wounded  thrice,  but  would  not  retire.  Two 
Canadians  came  to  carry  him  off;  one  was  shot  dead 
by  his  side  ;  he  dismissed  the  other,  and,  bidding  his 
servants  place  his  military  dress  near  him,  he  seated 
himself  on  the  stump  of  a  tree,  exposed  to  the  rattle 
of  the  bullets.  At  last,  as  the  Americans,  leaping 
over  their  slight  defences,  drove  the  enemy  to  flight, 
a  renegade  Frenchman  wantonly  fired  at  the  unhappy 
man,  and  wounded  him  incurably. 

Brief  was  the  American  career  of  the  fearless 
Dieskau.  In  June  his  eye  had  first  rested  on  the  cliff 
of  Quebec;  he  had  sailed  proudly  up  the  stream 
which  was  the  glory  of  Canada ;  had  made  his  way  to 
the  highland  sources  of  the  Sorel ;  and  now,  mangled 
and  helpless,  lay  a  prisoner  within  the  limits  of  the 
pretended  French  dominion.1 

Of  the  Americans  there  fell  on  that  day  about  two 
hundred  and  sixteen,  and  ninety-six  were  wounded ; 

1   Diesknn  to  the   ministers,  14  September,  1755,  and  also  to  Vau 
dreuil     Letters  of  MontreuiL 


chap,  of  the  French,  the  loss  was  not  much  greater.  Towards 
^^s  sunset,  a  party  of  three  hundred  French,  who  had 
1755.  rallied,  and  were  retreating  in  a  body,  at  two  miles 
from  the  lake,  were  attacked  by  McGinnes,  of  New 
Hampshire,  who,  with  two  hundred  men  of  that  col- 
ony, was  marching  across  the  portage  from  Fort 
Edward.  Panic-stricken  by  the  well  concerted  move- 
ment, the  enemy  fled,  leaving  their  baggage ;  but  the 
brave  McGinnes  was  mortally  wounded. 

The  disasters  of  the  year  led  the  English  ministry 
to  exult  in  the  defeat  and  repulse  of  Dieskau.  The 
House  of  Lords,  in  an  elegant  address,  praised  the 
colonists  as  "  brave  and  faithful ;"  Johnson  became  a 
baronet,  and  received  a  gratuity  of  five  thousand 
pounds.  But  he  did  little  to  gain  the  victory,  which 
was  due  to  the  enthusiasm  of  the  New  England  men. 
"  Our  all,"  they  cried,  "  depends  on  the  success  of  this 
expedition."  "  Come,"  said  Pomeroy,  of  Massachusetts, 
to  his  friends  at  home,  "  come  to  the  help  of  the  Lord 
against  the  mighty ;  you  that  value  our  holy  religion 
and  our  liberties  will  spare  nothing,  even  to  the  one 
half  of  your  estate."  And  in  all  the  villages  "  the 
prayers  of  God's  people  "  went  up,  that  "  they  might 
be  crowned  with  victory  to  the  glory  of  God ;"  for 
the  war  with  France  seemed  a  war  for  Protestantism 
and  freedom. 

But  Johnson  knew  not  how  to  profit  by  success ; 
with  a  busy  air,  he  kept  the  men  all  day  on  their 
arms,  and  at  night,  "  half  of  tbe  whole  were  on 
guard."  Shirley  and  the  New  England  provinces,  ami 
his  own  council  of  war,  urged  him  to  advance ;  but 
while  the  ever  active  French  took  post  at  Ticonde- 
roga,  as  Duquesne  had  advised,  he  loitered  away  the 
autunm,  "  expecting  very  shortly  a  more  formidable 


Ifctack  with   artillery,"    and  building  Fort    William  chap. 
Henry,   a  useless   fort  of  wood  near  Lake   George.  ^^ 
When  winter  approached,  he  left  six  hundred  men  as  1755- 
a  garrison,  and  dismissed  the  New  England  militia  to 
their  firesides. 

Of  the  enterprise  against  "Western  New  York 
Shirley  assumed  the  conduct.  The  fort  at  Niagara 
was  but  a  house,  almost  in  ruins,  surrounded  by  a 
pi  nail  ditch  and  a  rotten  palisade  of  seven  or  eight 
feet  high.  The  garrison  was  but  of  thirty  men,  most 
of  them  scarcely  provided  with  muskets.  There 
Shirley,  with  an  effective  force  of  little  less  than  two 
thousand  men,  was  to  welcome  the  victor  of  the  Ohio. 

But  the  news  of  Braddock's  defeat  overtook  and 
disheartened  the  party.  The  boatmen  on  the  Mo- 
hawk were  intractable;  at  the  carrying  place  there 
were  not  sledges  enough  to  bear  the  military  stores 
over  the  morasses.  On  the  twenty-first  of  August, 
Shirley  reached  Oswego.  Weeks  passed  in  building 
boats ;  on  the  eighteenth  of  September,  six  hundred 
men  were  to  embark  on  Lake  Ontario,  when  a  storm 
prevented ;  afterwards  head  winds  raged ;  then  a 
tempest  made  navigation  difficult ;  then  sickness  pre- 
vailed ;  then  the  Indians  deserted ;  and  then  the  sea- 
son gave  him  an  excuse  for  retreating.  So,  on  the 
twenty-fourth  of  October,  having  constructed  a  new 
fort  at  Oswego,  and  placed  Mercer  in  command,  with 
a  garrison  of  seven  hundred  men,  he  left  the  borders 
of  Lake  Ontario. 

At  this  time  a  paper  by  Franklin,  published  in 
Boston,  and  reprinted  in  London,  had  drawn  the 
attention  of  all  observers  to  the  rapid  increase  of  the 


chap,  population  in  the  colonies.1  "  Upon  the  best  inquiry 
^^,  I  can  make,"  wrote  Shirley,  u  I  have  found  the  calcu- 
1755.  lations  right.  The  number  of  the  inhabitants  is  dou- 
bled every  twenty  years ;"  and  as  the  demand  for 
British  manufactures,  with  a  corresponding  employ- 
ment of  shipping,  increased  with  even  greater  rapid- 
ity, he  found  in  them  inexhaustible  resources  of  wealth 
for  a  maritime  power.  But  this  great  increase,  com- 
bined with  the  political  vigor  and  sagacity  which  was 
displayed  in  the  plan  of  union  framed  by  the  Con- 
gress at  Albany,  excited  alarm  in  England,  lest  the 
regions  of  which  she  was  making  the  conquest  should 
assert  their  independence.  But  Shirley  calmed  the 
rising  fear.  "Apprehensions,"2  said  he,  "have  been 
entertained,  that  they  will  in  time  unite  to  throw  off 
their  dependency  upon  their  mother  country,  and  set 
up  one  general  government  among  themselves.  But 
if  it  is  considered  how  different  the  present  constitu- 
tions of  their  respective  governments  are  from  each 
other,  how  much  the  interests  of  some  of  them  clash, 
and  how  opposed  their  tempers  are,  such  a  coalition 
among  them  will  seem  highly  improbable.  At  all 
events,  they  could  not  maintain  such  an  independency 
without  a  strong  naval  force,  which  it  must  for  ever 
be  in  the  power  of  Great  Britain  to  hinder  them 
from  having.  And  whilst  his  majesty  hath  seven 
thousand  troops  kept  up  within  them,  with  the  In- 
dians at  command,  it  seems  easy,  provided  his  Gov- 
ernors and  principal  officers  are  independent  of  the 
Assemblies  for  their  subsistence,  and  commonly  vigi- 

:  Paper    annexed     to    William  2  Gov.   Shirley  to    Sir  Thomas 

Clarke's   Observations  on  the  late  Robinson,  15  Aiurust,  1755,  reeeiv- 

and  present  conduct  of  the  French,  ed  in  London  20  November,  1755. 


lant,  to  prevent  any  step  of  that  kind  from  being  cnAP. 
taken."     Thus  was  the  jealousy  of  the  British  govern-  s_,_ 
ment  excited,  and  thus  was  it  soothed.     Little  was  it  1755. 
foreseen,  that  the  measures  proposed  to  secure  the 
colonies,  were  to  be  the  means  of  effecting  their  union 
and  separate  existence. 

The  topic  which  Shirley  discussed  with  the  minis- 
try, engaged  the  thoughts  of  the  Americans,  who  saw 
visions  of  coming  glory.  At  Worcester,  a  thriving 
village,  of  about  a  thousand  people,  or  perhaps  less, 
the  whole  town  was  immersed  in  politics.  The  inter- 
ests of  nations  and  the  horrors  of  war  made  the  sub- 
ject of  every  conversation.  The  master  of  the  town 
school,  where  the  highest  wages  were  sixty  dollars  for 
the  season,  a  young  man  of  hardly  twenty,  just  from 
Harvard  College,  and  at  that  time  meditating  to 
become  a  preacher,  would  sit  and  hear,  and,  escaping 
from  a  maze  of  observations,  would  sometimes  retire, 
and,  by  "laying  things  together,  form  some  reflections 
pleasing"  to  himself;  for  he  loved  the  shady  thickets 
and  gloomy  grottoes,  where  he  would  sit  by  the  hour 
and  listen  to  the  falls  of  water.1  "  All  creation,"  he 
would  say  in  his  musings,  "is  liable  to  change. 
Mighty  states  are  not  exempted.  Soon  after  the  re- 
formation, a  few  people  came  over  into  this  new  world 
for  conscience1  sake.  This  apparently  trivial  incident 
may  transfer  the  great  seat  of  empire  into  America. 
If  we  can  remove  the  turbulent  Gallics,  our  people, 
according  to  the  exactest  calculations,  will,  in  another 
century,  become  more  numerous  than  England  itself. 
All  Europe  will  not  be  able  to  subdue  us.  The  only 
way  to  keep  us  from  setting  up  for  ourselves  is  to  dis- 

1  John  Adams'  Diary,  264. 


chap,  unite  us." l     Such  were  the  dreams  of  John  Adams, 

ix  .     . 

v_^  while  teacher  of  a  New  England  free  school.     Within 

1755.  twenty-one  years  he  shall  assist  in  declaring  his  coun- 
try's independence ;  in  less  than  thirty,  this  master  of 
the  town  school  of  Worcester,  after  a  career  of  dan- 
ger and  effort,  shall  stand  before  the  king  of  Great 
Britain,  the  acknowledged  Envoy  of  the  free  and 
United  States  of  America. 

The  military  operations  in  America  might  be  re- 
spectively explained  as  acts  of  defence,  to  be  settled 
by  an  adjustment  of  boundaries.  The  capture  of  the 
Alcide  and  the  Lys  by  Boscawen,  known  in  Londoi 
on  the  fifteenth  of  July,2  was  an  act  of  open  hostility, 
and  it  was  considered  what  instructions  should  be 
given  to  the  British  marine.  The  princess,  mother  of 
George  the  Third,  inveighed  most  bitterly  "against 
not  pushing  the  French  every  where ;  the  parliament 
would  never  bear  the  suffering  the  French  to  bring 
home  their  trade  and  sailors."8  She  wished  Hanover 
in  the  sea,  as  the  cause  of  all  misfortunes.  Newcastle 
suggested  trifles,  to  delay  a  decision,  "  If  we  are  con- 
vinced it  must  be  war,  I,"  said  Cumberland,  "  have  no 
notion  of  not  making  the  most  of  the  strength  and 
opportunity  in  our  hands."  The  Earl  of  Granville 
was  against  meddling  with  trade.  "It  is  vexing  your 
neighbors  for  a  little  muck."  "  I,"  said  Newcastle, 
the  prime  minister,  "  think  some  middle  way  may  be 
found  out."  He  was  asked  what  way.  "  To  be  sure,' 
he  replied,  "Hawke  must  go  out;  but  he  may  be 

1  Letter  of  John  Adams,  12  Oc-  with  other  most  interesting  mana- 

tober,  1755.     I  quote  from  the  ori-  scripts. 

ginal  letter,  which  the  late  John  s  M/ moire  contenant  le  Precis 

Quincy  Adams  had  the  goodness  to  des  Faits,  54,  55. 

leave  with,  me  for  a  time,  together  3  Dodington's  Diary. 


ordered  not  to  attack  the  enemy,  unless  lie  thinks  chap. 
it  worth  while."  He  was  answered,  that  Hawke  was  s— ^. 
too  wise  to  do  any  thing  at  all,  which  others,  when  1755 
done,  were  to  pronounce  he  ought  to  be  hanged  for. 
"What,"  replied  the  Duke,  "if  he  had  orders  not  to 
fall  upon  the  French,  unless  they  were  more  in  num- 
ber together  than  ten  ?"  The  Brest  'squadron,  it  was 
replied,  is  but  nine.  UI  mean  that,"  resumed  New- 
castle, "of  the  merchantmen  only."  Thus  he  proceed- 
ed with  inconceivable  absurdity.1  France  and  Eng- 
land were  still  at  peace ;  and  their  commerce  was  mu- 
tually protected  by  the  sanctity  of  treaties.  Of  a  sud- 
den, hostile  orders  were  issued  to  all  British  vessels  of 
war  to  take  all  French  vessels,  private  as  well  as  pub- 
lic ;  and,  without  warning,  ships  from  the  French  col- 
onies, the  ships  bound  from  Martinico  to  Marseilles, 
freighted  with  the  rich  products  of  plantations  tilled 
by  the  slaves  of  the  Jesuits,2  the  fishing-smacks  in 
which  the  humble  Breton  mariners  ventured  to  New- 
foundland, whale-ships  returning  from  their  adven- 
tures, the  scanty  fortunes  with  which  poor  men 
freighted  the  little  barks  engaged  in  the  coasting 
trade,  were  within  one  month,  by  violence  and  by 
cowardly  artifices,  seized  by  the  British  marine,  and 
carried  into  English  ports.  "  What  has  taken  place," 
wrote  Rouille,  under  the  eye  of  Louis  the  Fifteenth, 
u  is  nothing  but  a  system  of  piracy  on  a  grand  scale, 
unworthy  of  a  civilized  people.  In  time  of  full  peace, 
merchant-ships  have  been  seized,  to  the  value  of  thirty 
millions  of  livres."     As  no  declaration  of  war  had 

1  Dodington'a  Diary.     Walpole's        9  De  Tocqueville  :  Histoire  Phi- 
Memoires   of  fteorge  III.  and  let-     losophique  du  regne  de  Louis  XV. 
ters.    Wnldeprave's  Memoirs.   Fins-     ii.  287. 
san :    Histoire    de    la    Diplomatic 
Franchise,  vi. 


chap,  taken  place,  the  courts  of  Admiralty  could  not  then 
s^y^-  interpose,  to  give  a  warrant  to  the  outrage.  The  sum 
1755.  afterwards  paid  into  the  British  exchequer,  as  the 
king's  share  of  the  spoils,  was  about  seven  hundred 
thousand  pounds.  Eight  thousand  French  seamen 
were  held  in  captivity.  All  France  resented  the  per- 
fidy. "  Never," 'said  Louis  the  Fifteenth,  "  will  I  for- 
give the  piracies  of  this  insolent  nation ;"  and,  in  a 
letter  to  George  the  Second,  he  demanded  ample  repa- 
ration for  the  insult  to  the  nag  of  France  by  Boscawen, 
and  for  the  piracies  of  the  English  men-of-war,  com- 
mitted in  defiance  of  international  law,  the  faith  of 
treaties,  the  usages  of  civilized  nations,  and  the  reci- 
procal duties  of  kings.1  The  wound  inflicted  on 
France  by  this  robbery  of  private  property  on  the 
high  seas  before  a  declaration  of  war,  rankled  inward- 
ly, and  for  a  whole  generation  was  ready  to  bleed 
afresh.  At  the  time,  the  seizure  of  so  many  thousand 
French  seamen  was  a  subject  of  boast  in  the  British 
parliament ;  and  the  people,  proud  of  their  strength 
on  the  ocean,  were  almost  unanimous  for  engaging  in 
war.  But  its  successful  conduct  seemed  to  require 
united  activity  in  America  and  allies  in  Europe. 

Corruption  and  force  are  the  instruments  of  fee- 
bleness ;  the  incompetent  ministry  knew  not  how  to 
use  the  one  or  the  other.  They  turned  to  Russia ; 
and  with  as  much  blindness  to  the  interests  of  their 
country,  as  indifference  to  every  thing  but  the  posses- 
sion of  place,  they  instructed  Sir  Hanbury  Williams, 
the  new  envoy  at  St.  Petersburg,  a  diplomatist  boast- 
ful of  his  powers  of  observation,  and  yet  credulous 

1  Louis  XV.  to  Geo.  II.,  21  October,  1755. 


and  easily  deceived,  to  introduce  Russia  as  supervisoi  chap. 
of  the  affairs  of  Germany.  "  Seize  the  opportunity/  _,_ 
such  was  the  substance  of  the  instructions  given1  by  l?S5 
the  British  ministry  to  the  British  ambassador  of  that 
day,  "seize  the  opportunity  to  convince  the  Russians, 
that  they  will  remain  only  an  Asiatic  power,  if  they 
allow  the  king  of  Prussia  to  carry  through  his  plans 
of  aggrandizement ;"  and  full  authority  was  given  to 
effect  an  alliance  with  Russia  to  overawe  Prussia,  and 
control  the  politics  of  Germany.  Yet  at  that  time 
Frederic  manifested  no  purpose  of  making  conquests. 
In  this  manner  a  treaty  was  concluded  by  wdiich. 
England,  on  the  point  of  incurring  the  hostility  of  the 
Catholic  princes,  bound  itself  to  pay  to  Russia  at  least 
half  a  million  of  dollars  annually,  and  contingently 
two  and  a  half  million  of  dollars,  in  order  to  balance 
and  paralyze  the  influence  of  the  only  considerable 
protestant  monarchy  on  the  continent.  The  English 
king  was  so  eagerly  bent  on  this  shameful  negotiation, 
that  Bestuchef,  the  Russian  minister,  obtained  a  gra- 
tuity of  fifty  thousand  dollars,  and  one  or  two  others 
received  payments  in  cash  and  annuities.  "  A  little 
increase  of  the  money  to  be  paid,"  said  Bestuchef, 
"  would  be  extremely  agreeable.  Fifty  thousand 
pounds  for  the  private  purse  of  the  empress  would  put 
her  and  her  court  at  his  majesty's  management."2 
So  venal  were  the  princes  of  that  day,  that  the  aid  of 
the  Russian  empire  was  for  sale ;  and  the  empress  her- 
self in  the  market  at  fifty  thousand  pounds.3  At  the 
same  time  an  extravagant  treaty   for  subsidies   was 

1  Instructions  from  Lord  Holder-        2  Sir  Ilanunry  Williams  to  Hol- 

nesse  to  Sir  llanbury  Williams,  11  dernesse,  9  and  11  August;  1755. 
April,  1755.     Von  liaumer's  Bey-        3  Friedricli  von  Raumcr's  Konig 

trago,  ii.  286  Friedricli  II.  und  seine  Zeit,  294. 


cha.p.  framed  with  Hesse,1  whose  Elector  bargained  at  high 
v_r_L/  rates  for  the  use  of  his  troops  for  the  defence  of  Han- 
1755.  over,  or  if  needed,  of  the  British  dominions.  New- 
castle was  sure  of  his  majority  in  the  House  of  Com- 
mons ;  but  William  Pitt,  though  poor,  and  recently 
married,  and  holding  the  lucrative  office  of  paymaster, 
declared  his  purpose  of  opposing  the  treaty  with  Rus- 
sia. Newcastle  sent  for  Pitt,  offered  him  kind  words 
from  his  sovereign,  influence,  preferment,  confidence. 
Expressing  devotion  to  the  king,  Pitt  was  inexorable ; 
he  would  support  the  Hessian  treaty,  which  was  only 
a  waste  of  money ;  but  not  a  system  of  treaties,  dan- 
gerous to  the  liberties  of  Germany  and  of  Europe. 
Nervous  from  fright,  Newcastle  was  disposed  at  once 
to  resign  power  to  Fox.  "  You  are  not  fit  to  be  first 
minister,"  was  the  sneer  of  Granville  ;  and  Newcastle 
did  not  recover  courage  till  in  November  Fox  con- 
sented to  accept  the  seals  and  defend  the  treaties.  At 
the  great  debate,2  Pitt  taunted  the  majority,  which 
was  as  three  to  one,  with  corruption  and  readiness 
"  to  follow  their  leader ;"  and,  indirectly  attacking  the 
subjection  of  the  throne  to  aristocratic  influence,  de- 
clared that  "  the  king  owes  a  supreme  service  to  his 
people."  Pitt  was  dismissed  from  office,  and  George 
Grenville,  with  Legge,  the  Chancellor  of  the  Exche- 
quer, and  Charles  Townshend,  went  into  retirement  in 
his  company. 

Having  nothing  to  rely  on  but  the  corrupt  influ- 
ence of  the  aristocracv,  Newcastle  now  sought  to 
unite  it,  by  a  distribution  of  pensions  and  places. 
This  is  the  moment  when  Hillsborough  first  obtained 
an  employment,  when  the  family  of  Yorke  named 

1  Jenkinson's  Collection  of  Trea-        *  Walpole's  Memoires  of  George 
ties,  iii,  30—53.  I.,  i.  418. 


Sosine  Jenyns  for  a  Lord  of  Trade ;  and  when  Bed-  chap. 
ford  was  propitiated  by  the  appointment  of  his  par-  ^_ 
tisan,  Richard  Rigby,  to  a  seat   at  the  same  Board.  175  5. 
The  administration  proceeded,  possessing  the  vote  but 
not  the  respect  of  parliament ;  at  variance  with  the 
people   of  England  and    with   the   colonies;    beaten 
from  the  Ohio  valley,  and   in   Europe  squandering 
English  money  to  engage  armies  which  were  to  be 
used   only   against    England   and    her   allies.      The 
treaty   was   hardly   concluded,   before   the   ministry 
yielded  to  the  impulse  given  by  Pitt;  and,  after  subsi- 
dizing Russia  to  obtain  the  use  of  the  Russian  troops 
against  Frederic,  it  negotiated  an  alliance  with  Fred- 
eric himself,  not  to  permit  the  entrance  of  Russian 
or  any  other  foreign  troops  into  Germany. 

At  the  head  of  the  American  forces  this  ministry 
had  placed  Shirley,  a  worn-out  barrister,  who  knew 
nothing  of  war.  In  the  security  of  a  congress  of  gov- 
ernors at  New  York,  he  in  December  planned  a 
splendid  campaign  for  the  following  year.  Quebec 
was  to  be  menaced  by  way  of  the  Kennebec  and  the 
Chaudiere ;  Frontenac  and  Toronto  and  Niagara  were 
to  be  taken ;  and  then  Fort  Duquesne  and  Detroit 
and  JVIichilimackinac,  deprived  of  their  communica- 
tions, were  of  course  to  surrender.  Sharpe,  of  Mary- 
land, thought  all  efforts  vain,  unless  parliament  should 
interfere  ;  and  this  opinion  he  enforced  in  many  let- 
ters to  his  correspondents.1  His  colleagues  and  the 
officers  of  the  army  were  equally  importunate.  "If  175  6. 
they  expect  success  at  home,"  wrote  Gage,  in  January, 
17f>G,  echoing  the  common  opinion  of  those  around 

See   the    Correspondence    of   Sharpe    with  his  brother  in  Eng- 
land, and  his  colleagues  in  America. 


chap,  him,  "  acts  of  parliament  must  be  made  to  tax  the 
^^L,  provinces,  in  proportion  to  what  each  is  able  to  bear; 
1V5  6.  to  make  one  common  fund  and  pursue  one  uniform 
plan  for  America." 1  "  You,"  said  Sir  Charles  Hardy, 
the  new  governor  of  New  York  to  the  Lord?  of 
Trade,  "  you  will  be  much  more  able  to  settle  it  for 
us,  than  we  can  ourselves." 2 

From  the  Old  Dominion,  Dinwiddie  continued  to 
urge  a  general  land-tax  and  poll-tax  for  all  the  colo- 
nies. "  Our  people,"  said  he,  "  will  be  inflamed,  if 
they  hear  of  my  making  this  proposal ;"  but  he  reiter- 
ated the  hopelessness  of  obtaining  joint  efforts  of  the 
colonies  by  appeals  to  American  assemblies.  He 
urged  also  the  subversion  of  Charter  governments; 
"  for,"  said  he  to  the  Secretary  of  State,  "  I  am  full 
of  opinion  we  shall  continue  in  a  most  disunited  and 
distracted  condition,  till  his  majesty  takes  the  propri- 
etary governments  into  his  own  hands.  Till  these 
governments  are  under  his  majesty's  immediate  direc- 
tion, all  expeditions  will  prove  unsuccessful.  These 
dominions,  if  properly  protected,  will  be  the  Western 
and  best  empire  in  the  world." 8 

With  more  elaborateness  and  authority,  Shirley,4 
by  his  military  rank  as  commander-in-chief,  taking 
precedence  of  all  the  governors,  renewed  his  plans, 
and  still  pleading  for  "a  general  fund,"  he  assured 
the  ministers  that  the  several  assemblies  would  not 
agree  among  themselves  upon  such  a  fund ;  that, 
consequently,  it  must  be  done  in  England ;  and  that 
the  only  effectual  way  of  doing   it  there  would  bo 

'  Gage  to  the  Earl  of  Albemarle,  3  Lieutenant-Governor   Dinwid- 

22  Jan.,  1756.  die  to  Secretary  Fox,  1750. 

2  Sir  Charles  Hardy  to  the  Lords  *   Shirley  to  Lords  of  Trade,  5 

of  Trade,  January,  1756.  January,  1756. 


by  an  act  of  parliament,  in  which  he  professed  to  chap. 
have  great  reason  to  think  the  people  would  readily  w^-L 
acquiesce.     The  success  of  any  other  measure  would  175  6, 

doubtful;  and,  suggesting  a  "stamp-duty,"  as 
well  as  an  excise  and  a  poll-tax,  he  advised  "  for  the 
general  satisfaction  of  the  people  in  each  colony,  to 
leave  it  to  their  choice  to  raise  the  sum  assessed 
upon  them  according  to  their  own  discretion;"  hut, 
in  case  of  failure,  "proper  officers"  were  to  collect 
the  revenue  "by  warrants  of  distress  and  imprison- 
ment of  persons." 1  Shirley  was  a  civilian,  versed  in 
English  law,  and  now  for  many  years  a  crown  officer 
in  the  colonies.  His  opinion  carried  great  weight, 
and  it  became,  henceforward,  a  firm  persuasion 
among  the  Lords  of  Trade,  especially  Halifax, 
Soame  Jenyns,  and  Rigby,  as  well  as  with  all  who 
busied  themselves  with  schemes  of  government  for 
America,  that  the  British  parliament  must  take  upon 
itself  the  establishment  and  collection  of  an  American 

"While  the  officers  of  the  Crown  were  thus  con- 
spiring against  American  liberty,  the  tomahawk  was 
uplifted  along  the  ranges  of  the  Alleghanies.  The 
governor  of  Virginia2  pressed  upon  Washington  the 
rank  of  colonel  and  the  command  of  the  volunteer 
companies  which  were  to  guard  its  frontier,  from 
Cumberland,  through  the  whole  valley  of  the  She- 
nandoah. Difficulties  of  all  kinds  gathered  in  his 
path.     The  humblest  captain  that  held  a  royal  com- 

1     See    the    Pamphlet    •written  lonies    Reviewed,    pp.    196,    197. 

jointly  by   Wm,  Knox  and  George  a  Dinwiddie  to  Lords  of  Trade, 

Grenville.      The   Controversy   be-  6  September,  1755. 
tween  Great  Britain  and  her  Co- 


chap,  mission  claimed  to  be  his  superior ;  and,  for  the  pur- 
_,_  pose  of  a  personal  appeal  to  Shirley,1  he  made  a 
1756.  winter's  journey  to  Boston.  How  different  was  to  be 
his  next  entry  into  that  town  !  Shirley,  who  wished 
to  make  him  second2  in  command  in  an  expedition 
against  Fort  Duquesne,  sustained  his  claim.8  When 
his  authority  was  established,  his  own  officers  still 
needed  training  and  instruction,  tents,  arms,  and  am- 
munition. He  visited  in  person  the  outposts,  from 
the  Potomac  to  Fort  Dinwiddie,  on  Jackson's  River ; 
but  he  had  not  force  enough  to  protect  the  region. 
The  low  countries  could  not  spare  their  white  men, 
for  these  must  watch  their  negro  slaves.  From  the 
Western  Valley  every  settler  had  already  been 
driven.  From  the  valley  of  the  Shenandoah  they 
were  beginning  to  retreat,  in  droves  of  fifties,  till 
the  Blue  Ridge  became  the  frontier  of  Virginia. 
"The  supplicating  tears  of  the  women  and  moving 
petitions  of  the  men,"  wrote  Washington,  "  melt  me 
into  such  deadly  sorrow,  that,  for  the  people's  ease, 
I  could  offer  myself  a  willing  sacrifice  to  the  butcher- 
ing enemy." 

The  interior  settlements  of  Pennsylvania  were  ex- 
posed to  the  same  calamities,  and  domestic  faction 
impeded  measures  of  defence.  In  that  province, 
where  popular  power  was  intrenched  impregnably, 
the  proprietaries,  acting  in  concert  with  the  Board  of 
Trade,  sought  to  enlarge  their  prerogatives ;  to  take 
into  their  own  hands  the  management  of  the  revenue 

1  Dinwiddie  to  Shirley,  1756.  3   Shirley  to  Sharpe,  5  March, 

9    Shirley  to  Sharpe,    16   May,     1756. 
1756.     Halifax  to  Sir  Charles  Har- 
dy, 31  March,  1756. 


from  excise  ;   to  restrain  and  regulate  the  emissions  chap 
of  paper  money ;  to  make  their  own  will,  rather  than  ^~> 
good  behavior,  the  tenure  of  office.      But  the  As-  i75o. 
sembly  was  inflexible  in  connecting  their  grants  for 
the  public  service  with  the  preservation  of  their  ex- 
ecu  tive   influence   and   the   taxation  of   "all  estates 
real  and  personal,  those  of  the  proprietaries  not  ex- 

While  these  passionate  disputes  were  raging,  it 
was  represented  in  England  that  the  frontier  of  the 
province  was  desolate  and  defenceless ;  that  the 
Shawnees  had  scaled  the  mountains,  and  prowled 
with  horrible  ferocity  along  the  branches  of  the  Sus- 
quehanna and  the  Delaware ;  that,  in  the  time  of  a 
yearly  meeting  of  Quakers,  the  bodies  of  a  German 
family,  murdered  and  mangled  by  the  savages,  had 
been  brought  down  to  Philadelphia ;  that  men  had 
even  surrounded  the  Assembly,  demanding  protec- 
tion, which  was  withheld. 

But  the  Assembly  had  already,  by  provincial 
laws,  provided  quarters  for  the  British  soldiers ;  had 
established  a  voluntary  militia ;  and,  when  the  pro- 
prietaries consented  to  pay  five  thousand  pounds  to- 
wards the  public  defence,  had  granted  fifty-five  thou- 
sand more.  Franklin,  who  was  one  of  the  commis- 
sioneis  to  apply  the  money,  yielded  to  the  wish  of 
the  governor,  and  took  charge  of  the  northwestern 
bordei .  Men  came  readily  under  his  command,  and 
he  led  them  through  dangerous  defiles,  to  build  a  fort 
at  Gnadenhutten  on  the  Lehigh.  The  Indians  had 
made  the  village  a  scene  of  silence  and  desolation ; 
the  mangled  inhabitants  lay  near  the  ashes  of  their 
houses  unburied,  exposed  to  birds  and  beasts  of  prey. 
With  Franklin  came  every  thing  that  could  restore 

VOL.    IV.  15 


chap,  security  ;  and  Iris  prudence,  humanity,  and  pj 
v^-L  tience  succeeded  in  establishing  the  intended  line 
1756.  forts.  Recalled  to  Philadelphia,  he  found  that  tin 
voluntary  association  for  defence  under  the  militii 
law  went  on  with  great  success.  Almost  all  the  ii 
habitants,  who  were  not  Quakers,  joined  together  t( 
form  companies  which  themselves  elected  their  oi 
cers.  The  officers  of  the  companies  chose  Franklii 
colonel  of  their  regiment  of  twelve  hundred  men,  and 
he  accepted  the  post. 

Here  again  was  a  new  increase  of  popular  power. 
Franklin,  with  his  military  command,  might,  it  was 
feared,  wrest  the  government  from  the  proprietaries  ; 
nor  would  the  metropolis  tolerate  a  mihtia  which  had 
the  appointment  of  its  own  officers.  In  the  House  of 
Commons,  Lord  George  Sackville  charged  the  situa- 
tion of  affairs  in  America  "  on  the  defects  of  the  con- 
stitution cf  the  colonies."  He  would  have  "  one 
power  established  there."1  "The  militia  law  of 
Pennsylvania,"  he  said,  "  was  designed  to  be  ineffec- 
tual. It  offered  no  compulsion,  and,  moreover,  gave 
the  nomination  of  officers  to  the  people."  The  ad- 
ministration hearkened  to  a  scheme  for  dissolving 
the  Assembly  of  that  province  by  act  of  parlia- 
ment, and  disfranchising  "  the  Quakers  for  a  limited 
time,"  till  laws  for  armed  defence  and  for  diminish- 
ing the  power  of  the  people  could  be  framed  by 

After  the  long  councils  of  indecision,  the  ministry 
of  Newcastle,  shunning  altercations  with  colonial  as- 
semblies, gave  a  military  character  to  the  interference 

1  Walpole's  Memoires  of  Geo.  II.,  ii.,  8. 


of  Great  Britain  in  American  affairs.     To  New  York1  cHAr. 


instructions  were  sent  "not  to  press  the  establish-  ^^^ 
ment  of  a  perpetual  revenue  for  the  present."  The  175  6. 
northern  colonies,  whose  successes  at  Lake  George 
had  mitigated  the  disgraces  of  the  previous  year, 
were  encouraged  by  a  remuneration  ;  and,  as  a  mea- 
sure of  temporary  expediency,  not  of  permanent 
policy  or  right,  as  a  gratuity  to  stimulate  exertions, 
and  not  to  subsidize  subjects,  one  hundred  and  fifteen 
thousand  pounds  were  granted  to  them  in  proportion 
to  their  efforts.  Of  this  sum  fifty-four  thousand 
pounds  fell  to  Massachusetts,  twenty-six  thousand  to 
Connecticut,  fifteen  thousand  to  New  York.2  At  the 
same  time  the  military  affairs  of  the  continent  were 
consolidated,  with  some  reference  to  opinions  and 
precedents  as  old  as  the  reign  of  William  the  Third. 
The  Board  of  Trade,  first  called  into  existence  in 
1G96,  had  hardly  been  constituted,  before  it  was 
summoned  to  plan  unity  in  the  military  efforts  of  the 
provinces;  and  Locke,  with  his  associates,  despaired 
on  beholding  them  "  crumbled  into  little  govern- 
ments, disunited  in  interests,  in  an  ill  posture  and 
much  worse  disposition  to  afford  assistance  to  each 
other  for  the  future."  The  Board,  in  1697,  "after 
considering  with  their  utmost  care,"  could  only  re- 
commend the  appointment  of  "a  captain-general  of 
all  the  forces  and  all  the  militia  of  all  the  provinces 
on  the  continent  of  North  America,  with  power  to 
levy  and  command  them  for  their  defence,  under 
such  limitations  and  instructions  as  to  his  Majesty 
should  seem  best ;"  "  to  appoint  officers  to  train  the  in- 

1  Lords  of  Trade  to  Sir  Charles    Treasury,  12  Feb.,  1756;    and  to 
Hardy.  Secretary   of   State,    16   January, 

8  Lords  of  Trade  to  Lords  of  the    1756. 



chap,  "habitants  f    "  from  the  Quakers  to  receive  in  money 

^^Ly  their  share  of  assistance;"    and    "to  keep  the  Five 

175  6.  Nations  firm  in  friendship."      "Rewards"  were  to  be 

given  "  for  all  executions  done  by  the  Indians  on  the 

enemy,  and  the  scalps  they  should  bring  in  to  be  well 

paid  for." 1 

In  1721,  this  plan  of  a  military  dictatorship  was, 
in  a  most  elaborate  state  paper,  revived  and  modified. 
All  the  provinces  were  to  be  placed  "under  the 
government  of  one  lord-lieutenant  or  captain-general," 
to  be  "  constantly  attended  by  two  or  more  council- 
lors deputed  from  each  plantation,"  and  to  "  have  a 
fixed  salary  independent  of  the  pleasure  of  the  inhab- 
itants." "  By  this  means,  it  was  thought,  a  general 
contribution  of  men  or  money  might  be  raised  upon 
the  several  colonies,  in  proportion  to  their  respective 
abilities." 2  How  an  American  revenue  was  to  flow 
from  such  an  appointment  was  not  fully  disclosed. 
At  that  time  the  Earl  of  Stair 8  was  selected  as  vice- 
roy ;  but  he  declined  the  post  before  the  arrange- 
ments were  completed.  The  plan  was  now  to  be  par- 
tially carried  into  effect.  On  the  instance  of  Cum- 
berland and  Fox,  Shirley  was  superseded  and  ordered 
to  return  to  England,  and  the  Earl  of  Loudoun,  a 
friend  of  Halifax,  passionately  zealous  for  the  subor- 
dination and  inferiority  of  the  colonies,  was  appointed 
commander-in-chief  of  the  army  throughout  the  Brit- 
ish continental  provinces  in  America.  His  dignity 
was  enhanced  by  his  appointment  as  governor  of  the 
central,  ancient,  and  populous  dominion  of  Virginia. 

1  Plantations  General,  A.  59. 

2  See  the  elaborate  Representa- 
tion of  the  Lords  of  Trade  to  the 
King,  1721.   N.  Y.  Lon.  Documents. 

8  The  Earl  of  Stair's  Plan  oi 
Government,  is  in  the  British  Mu- 



This  commission,  which  was  prepared  by  the  chancel-  chap. 
lor,  Hard wi eke,  established  a  military  power  through-  v— , — » 
out  the  continent,  independent  of  the  colonial  govern-  1766. 
ors,  and  superior  to  them.  They  in  right  of  their 
office  might  claim  to  be  the  civil  and  military  repre- 
sentatives of  the  king ;  yet  they  could  not  give  the 
word  within  their  own  respective  provinces  except 
in  the  absence  of  the  continental  commander  and 
his  representatives ; 1  and  this  commission,  so  con- 
trary to  the  spirit  of  the  British  constitution,  was  re- 
newed successively  and  without  change  till  the  period 
of  independence.  Such  were  the  powers  with  which 
Loudoun  was  sent  forth  to  unite  America  by  mili- 
tary rule,  to  sway  its  magistrates  by  his  authority, 
and  to  make  its  assemblies  u  distinctly  and  precisely 
understand"  that  the  king  "  required"  of  them  "  a 
general  fund,  to  be  issued  and  applied  as  the  com- 
mander-in-chief should  direct,"  and  "  provision  for 
all  such  charges  as  might  arise  from  furnishing  quar- 

The  administration  was  confirmed  in  its  purpose 
of  throwing  the  burden  of  furnishing  quarters  upon 
the  colonies  by  the  authority  of  Murray.  His  opinion 
against  the  statute  of  Pennsylvania,  which,  in  extend- 
ing the  act  of  parliament  to  punish  mutiny,  regulated 
the  providing  of  quarters,  drew  a  distinction  between 
Englishmen  and  Americans.  "  The  law,"  said  he, 
f  assumes  propositions  true  in  the  mother  country, 
and  rightly  asserted  in  the  reign  of  Charles  the  First 
and  Charles  the  Second,  in  times  of  peace,  and  when 
soldiers  were  kept  up  without  the  consent  of  parlia- 
ment ;  but  the  application  of  such  positions,  in  time 

1  See  the  Commission  and  Instructions. 



chap,  of  war,  in  the  case  of  troops  raised  for  their  pro- 
^^i^  tection  by  the  authority  of  parliament, — made  the 
1756.  first  time  by  an  assembly,  many  of  whom  plead 
what  they  call  conscience  for  not  joining  in  the  mili- 
tary operations  to  resist  the  enemy, — should  not  be 
allowed  to  stand  as  law."  This  act,  therefore,  was 
repealed  by  the  king  in  council ;  and  the  rule  was 
established1  without  limitation,  that  troops  might 
be  kept  up  in  the  colonies  and  quartered  on  them  at 
pleasure,  without  the  consent  of  their  American  par- 

Thus,  after  sixty  years  of  advice  from  the  Board  of 
Trade,  a  permanent  army  was  established  in  Amer- 
ica. Nothing  seemed  wanting  but  an  act  of  parlia- 
ment for  an  American  revenue.  The  obstinacy  of 
Pennsylvania  was  pleaded  as  requiring  it.2  On  the 
questions  affecting  that  province,  the  Board  of  Trade 
listened  to  Charles  Yorke  on  the  side  of  prerogative, 
while  Charles  Pratt  spoke  for  colonial  liberty;  and 
after  a  long  hearing,  Halifax  and  Soame  Jenyns,  and 
Bedford's  dependent,  Richard  Bigby,  and  Talbot 
joined  in  advising  an  immediate  act  of  the  British 
legislature  to  overrule  the  charter  of  the  colony.  But 
the  ministry  was  rent  by  factions,  and  their  fluctua- 
ting tenure  of  office  made  it  difficult  to  mature  novel 
or  daring  measures  of  legislation.  There  existed  no 
central  will,  that  could  conquer  Canada,  or  subvert 
the  liberties  of  America. 

A  majority  of  the  Treasury  Board,  as  well  as  the 
Board  of  Trade,  favored  American  taxation  by  act  of 
parliament ;  none  scrupled  as  to  the  power ;  but  "  the 

1  Order  in  Council,  7  July,  1756.     in  the  House  of  Commons,  Feb.  3, 
8  Garth's  Report  of  the  Debate    1766. 


unfit"  Lyttelton,  then   chancellor  of  the  exchequer,  chap, 
though   fixed    in    his    opinions,    could    not    mature  »_f—, 
schemes  of  finance;    and  the  British  statutes,1  which  1756, 
manifest  the  settled  purpose 2  of  raising  a  revenue  out 
of  the  traffic  between  the  American  continent  and 
the   West  India  Islands,  show  that  the  execution  of 
(hat  purpose  was  at  that   session,    and   twice   after- 
wards, deferred  to  a  quieter  period. 

Still  parliament,  in  the  session  of  1756,  extended 
its  authority  signally  over  America.  There  foreign 
Protestants  might  be  employed  as  engineers  and  offi- 
cer to  enlist  a  regiment  of  aliens.8  Indented  ser- 
vants might  be  accepted,  and  their  masters  were  re- 
ferred for  compensation  to  the  respective  assemblies ; 4 
and  the  naval  code  of  England  was  extended  to  all 
persons  employed  in  the  king's  service  on  the  lakes, 
great  waters,  or  rivers  of  North  America.5  The 
militia  law  of  Pennsylvania  was  repealed  by  the  king 
in  council;  the  commissions  of  all  officers  elected 
under  it  were  cancelled;  the  companies  themselves 
were  broken  up  and  dispersed.  And  while  volun- 
teers were  not  allowed  to  organize  themselves  for  de- 
fence, the  humble  intercession  of  the  Quakers  with 
the  Delawares,  the  little  covenants  resting  on'  confi- 
dence and  ratified  by  presents,  peaceful  stipulations 
for  the  burial  of  the  tomahawk  and  the  security  of 
the  frontier  fireside  and  the  cradle,  were  censured  by 
Lord  Halifax  as  the  most  daring  violation  of  the 
royal  prerogative.  Each  northern  province  also  was 
forbidden  to  negotiate  with  the  Indians ;  and  their  re- 

1  29  Geo.  II.,  c.  xxvi. ;   31   Geo.         8  29  Geo.  IT.,  c.  v. 
II.,   c.   xxxvi.,   §  3 ;    1   Geo.  III.,        4  29  Geo.  IT.,  c.  xxxv. 
c.  iv.  8  29  Geo.  II.,  c.  xxvii. 

a  Letter  of  Boll  an  to  Massachu- 
setts, in  May,  1756. 



chap,  lations  were  intrusted  solely  to  Sir  William  Johnsoi 

ix  . 

w^  with  no  subordination  but  to  Loudoun. 

1756.         Yet  all  could  not  prevail.     "  In  a  few  years,"  sai( 

one,  who,  after  a  long  settlement  in  New  Englan< 

had  just  returned  home,  the  colonies  of  u  Ainerics 

will  be  independent  of  Britain ;"   and  at  least  one 

voice  was  raised  to  advise  the  sending  out  of  Duke 

William  of  Cumberland  to  be  their  sovereign   an< 

emancipating  them  at  once. 




TnE  open  declaration  of  war  was  not  made  by 
England  till  May;  though  her  navy  had  all  the  x.  ' 
while  been  employed  in  despoiling  the  .commerce  ^T^ 
of  France.  At  the  commencement  of  avowed  hos- 
tilities, she  forbade  neutral  vessels  to  carry  mer- 
chandise belonging  to  her  antagonist.  Frederick  of 
Prussia  had  insisted,  that,  "  by  the  law  of  nations,  the 
goods  of  an  enemy  cannot  be  taken  from  on  board 
the  ships  of  *a  friend;"  that  free  ships  make  free 
goods.  Against  this  interpretation  of  public  law,  the 
learning  of  Murray  had  been  called  into  service; 
and,  pleading  ancient  usage  against  the  lessons  of 
wTiser  times,  he  gave  the  elaborate  opinion  which 
formed  the  basis  of  English  policy  and  Admiralty 
law,1  that  the  effects  of  an  enemy  can  be  seized 
on  board  the  vessel  of  a  friend.  This  may  be 
proved,  said  Murray,  by  authority;  and  the  illus- 
trious jurist   did   not  know   that  humanity  appeals 

1  representation  to  the  King  chell,  Secretary  to  the  Prussian 
(drawn  hy  Murray),  18  January,  Embassy  at  London,  8  February, 
1753.    Duke  of  Newcastle  to  Mi-    1753. 


chap,  from  the  despotic  and  cruel  precedents  of  the  pas 
n_y_,  to  the  more  intelligent  and  more  humane  spiri 
175  6  of  advancing  civilization.  Neutral  nations  believed 
in  their  right  "  to  carry  in  their  vessels,  unmo- 
lested, the  property"  of  belligerents  ;  but  Britain,  to 
give  efficacy  to  her  naval  power,  "seized  on  the 
enemy's  property  which  she  found  on  board  neutral 
ships."  With  the  same  view,  she  arbitrarily  invaded 
the  sovereignty  of  Holland,  capturing  its  vessels 
whose  cargoes  might  be  useful  for  her  navy.  The 
treaties  between  England  and  Holland  *  stipulated 
expressly  that  free  ships  should  make  free  goods,  that 
the  neutral  should  enter  safely  and  unmolested  all  the 
harbors  of  the  belligerents,  unless  they  were  block- 
aded or  besieged ;  that  the  contraband  of  war  should 
be  strictly  limited  to  arms,  artillery,  and  horses,  and 
should  not  include  materials  for  ship-building.  But 
Great  Britain,  in  the  exercise  of  its  superior  strength, 
arbitrarily  prohibited  the  commerce  of  the  Nether- 
lands In  naval  stores ;  denied  them  the  right  to  be- 
come the  carriers  of  French  colonial  products,  and 
declared  all  the  harbors  of  all  France  to  be  in  a  state 
of  blockade,  and  all  vessels  bound  to  them  lawful 
prizes.2  Such  was  the  rule  of  1756.  "  To  charge 
England  with  ambition,"  said  Charles  Jenkinson,3  an 
Oxford  scholar,  who  had  given  up  the  thought  of 
entering  the  church,  and  hoped  for  success  in  public 
life  ;  "  to  charge  England  with  ambition  must  appear 
so  absurd  to  all  who  understand  the  nature  of  her 
government,  that  at  the  bar  of  reason  it  ought  to  be 

'  Treaty  of  Commerce  between  caise,  vi.,  64,  65.     Ileeren's  Ilisto- 

Ensrland  and  Holland,  1  December,  ruche  Werke,  ix.,  47. 

1674.  3    A   Discourse  on  the  Conduct 

2  Van  Kampen's  Geschichte  der  of  tbe  Government  of  Great  Britain 

Niederlande,    ii.,    443.       Flassan  :  in  respect  to  Neutral  Nations,  dur- 

Histoire  de  la  Diplomatic    Fran-  ing  the  present  War. 


treated  rather  as  calumny  than  accusation."  The  chap. 
grave  confidence  of  his  discourse  was  by  his  own  v^^!^ 
countrymen  deemed  conclusive;    but  the   maritime  1756 

imptions  of  England  were  turning  against  her  the 
sympathies  of  the  civilized  world. 

The  genius  of  the  nation  was  a  guarantee  against 
discomfiture  on  the  ocean  ;  the  feebleness  of  the  admin- 
istration appeared  conspicuously  in  America.  April 
was  almost  gone  before  Abercrombie,  who  was  to  be 
next  in  command  to  the  Earl  of  Loudoun,  with 
Webb  and  two  battalions,  sailed  from  Plymouth  for 
New  York.  Loudoun  waited  for  his  transports,  that 
were  to  cany  tents,  ammunition,  artillery,  and  in- 
trenching tools,  and  at  last,  near  the  end  of  May, 
sailed  without  them.  The  man-of-war  which  bore 
one  hundred  thousand  pounds  to  reimburse  the  colo- 
nies for  the  expenses  of  1755,  and  stimulate  their 
activity  for  1756,  did  not  sail  till  the  middle  of  June. 
The  cannon  for  ships  on  Lake  Ontario  did  not  reach 
America  till  August.  u  We  shall  have  good  reason 
to  sing  Te  Deum,  at  the  conclusion  of  this  campaign," 
wrote  the  Lieutenant-governor  of  Maryland,  "  if  mat- 
ters are  not  then  in  a  worse  situation  than  they  are  at 

On  the  fifteenth  of  June,  arrived  the  forty  Ger- 
man officers  who  were  to  raise  recruits  for  Loudoun's 
royal  American  regiment  of  four  thousand.  At  the 
same  time  came  Abercrombie.  Letters  awaited  him 
in  praise  of  Washington.  uHe  is  a  very  deserving 
gentleman,"  wrote  Dinwiddle,  "and  has  from  thq 
beginning  commanded  the  forces  of  this  Dominion. 
He  is  much  beloved,  has  gone  through  many  hard- 
ships in  the  service,  has  great  merit,  and  can  raise 


chap,  more  men  here  than  any  one."  He  therefore  urged 
^^  his  promotion  in  the  British  establishment.  But 
1756.  England  trusted  foreigners  rather  than  Americans. 
"  1  find,"  said  Abercrombie,  "  you  will  never  be  able 
to  carry  on  any  thing  to  any  purpose  in  America,  til] 
you  have  a  viceroy  or  superintendent  over  all  the 
provinces."1  And  Loudoun's  arrival  was  to  produce 
"  a  great  change  of  affairs." 

On  the  twenty-fifth  of  June,  Abercrombie  arrived 
at  Albany,  firmly  resolved  that  the  regular  officers 
should  command  the  provincials,  and  that  the  troops 
should  be  quartered  on  private  houses.  On  the  next 
day,  Shirley  acquainted  him  with  the  state  of  Os- 
wego, advising  that  two  battalions  should  be  sent  for- 
es  i  o 

ward  for  its  protection.  The  boats  were  ready; 
every  magazine  along  the  passage  plentifully  sup- 
plied. But  the  general  could  not  think  of  the  wants 
of  the  garrison,  and  was  meditating  triumphs  of 
authority.  "  The  great,  the  important  day  for  Al- 
bany dawned."  On  the  twenty-seventh,  "  in  spite  of 
every  subterfuge,  the  soldiers  were  at  last  billeted 
upon  the  town."  2  The  mayor  wished  them  all  to  go 
back  again ;  "  for,"  said  he,  "  we  can  defend  our  fron- 
tier ourselves."  Thus  Abercrombie  dilatorily  whiled 
away  the  summer,  ordering  a  survey  of  Albany,  that 
it  might  be  ditched  and  stockaded  round  ;  and  men 
talked  "  of  certain  victory  and  conquest." 

On  the  twelfth  of  July,  the  brave  Bradstreet  re- 
turned from  Oswego,  having  thrown  into  the  fort  six 
months'  provision  for  five  thousand  men,  and  a  great 
quantity  of  stores.     He  brought  intelligence  that  a 

1  Letter  of   Alexander  Colden.        s  Journal  of  A.  Golden.   Albany. 
New  York,  19  June,  1756.  27  June. 



French  army  was  in  motion  to  attack  the  place ;  and  chap. 
Webb,  with  the  forty-fourth  regiment,  was  ordered  ^^ 
to  hold  himself  in  readiness  to  march  to  its  defence.  ^56. 
But  nothing  was  done.  The  regiments  of  New  Eng- 
land, with  the  provincials  from  New  York  and  New 
Jersey,  amounted  to  more  than  seven  thousand  men  ; 
with  the  British  regular  regiments,  to  more  than  ten 
thousand  men,  besides  the  garrison  at  Oswego.  In 
the  previous  year  the  road  had  been  opened,  the  forts 
erected.  Why  delay  ?  But  Abercrombie  was  still 
lingering  at  Albany,  when,  on  the  twenty-ninth  of 
July,  the  Earl  of  Loudoun  arrived.  There  too  "  the 
viceroy"  loitered  with  the  rest,  doing  nothing,  having 
ten  or  twelve  thousand  men  at  his  disposition,  keep- 
ing the  provincials  idle  in  their  camps,  without  the 
skill  and  experience  necessary  to  take  care  of  them- 
selves, and  victims  to  disease,  which  want  of  employ- 
ment and  close  quarters  generated. 

The  French  were  more  active ;  and,  while  the 
savages  made  inroads  to  the  borders  of  Ulster  and 
Orange  counties,  they  turned  all  their  thoughts  to 
the  capture  of  Oswego.  De  Lery,  leaving  Montreal 
in  March  with  a  party  of  more  than  three  hundred 
men,  hastened  over  ice  and  snow  along  the  foot  of 
mountains ;  by  roads  known  to  savages  alone,  they 
penetrated  to  Fort  Bull,  at  the  Oneida  portage, 
gained  it  after  a  short  struggle  and  a  loss  of  three 
men,  destroyed  its  stores,  and  returned  with  thirty 
prisoners  to  Montreal.1  Near  the  end  of  May,  eight 
bundled  men,  led  by  the  intrepid  and  prudent  De 
Villiers,  made  their  palisaded  camp  under  the  shelter 
of  a  thicket  near  the  mouth  of  Sandy  Creek.     From 

1  Tonrnal,   &c,    from  October,  1755,  to  June,  1756.      Paris  Doc, 
xii.,  18. 


chap,  this  place  he  could  send  little  parties  to  hover  round 
^^s  the  passes  of  Onondaga  River,  and  intercept  supplies 
175  6    for  Oswego. 

Of  the  Six  Nations,  the  four  lower  ones,  the 
Onondagas,  Oneidas,  Cayugas,  and  Mohawks,  assem- 
bled in  council,  and  sent  thirty  of  their  chiefs  to 
Montreal  to  solicit  neutrality.  "  Our  young  braves/' 
they  were  answered,  "  seek  their  foes  wherever  they 
are  to  be  found ;  but  if  you  do  not  join  the  English, 
they  shall  do  you  no  harm ;"  and  the  envoys  of  the 
neutral  tribes  returned  laden  with  presents. 

Just  then,  the  Field-Marshal  Marquis  de  Montcalm 
arrived  at  Quebec ;  a  man  of  a  strong  and  well-stored 
memory ;  of  a  quick  and  highly  cultivated  mind  ;  of 
small  stature ;  rapid  in  conversation ;  and  of  restless 
mobility.  He  was  accompanied  by  the  Chevalier  de 
Levis  Leran,  and  by  Bourlamarque,  colonel  of  in- 
fantry. Travelling  day  and  night,  he  hurried  to  Fort 
Carillon,  at  Ticonderoga;  by  two  long  marches  on 
foot,  he  made  himself  familiar  with  the  ground,  and 
took  measures  for  improving  its  defences.1  He  next 
resolved  by  secrecy  and  celerity  to  take  Oswego. 
Collecting  at  Montreal  three  regiments  from  Quebec, 
and  a  large  body  of  Canadians  and  Indians,  on  the 
fifth  of  August  he  was  able  to  review  his  troops  at 
Frontenac,  and  on  the  evening  of  the  same  day  an- 
chored in  Sackett's  Harbor. 

Fort  Oswego,  on  the  right  of  the  river,  was  a 
large  stone  building  surrounded  by  a  wall  flanked 
with  four  small  bastions,  and  was  commanded  from 
adjacent  heights.  For  its  defence,  Shirley  had  crowned 
a  summit  on  the  opposite  bank  with  Fort  Ontario. 

1  Montcalm  to  the  minister,  20  July,  1756. 


Against  this  outpost,  Montcalm,  on  the  twelfth  of  chap. 
August,  at  midnight,  opened  his  trenches.  From  the  ^^^ 
following  daybreak  till  evening,  the  fire  of  the  garri-  175  6, 
son  was  well  kept  up  ;  when,  having  expended  their 
am  munition,  they  spiked  their  cannon,  and  retreated 
to  Foil  Oswego.  Immediately  Montcalm  occupied 
tlie  height,  and  turned  such  of  the  guns  as  were  ser- 
viceable against  the  remaining  fortress.  His  fire 
killed  Mercer,  the  commander,  and  soon  made  a  breach 
in  the  wall.  On  the  fourteenth,  just  as  Montcalm  was 
preparing  to  storm  the  intrenchments,  the  garrison, 
composed  of  the  regiments  of  Shirley  and  Pepperell, 
and  about  sixteen  hundred  in  number,  capitulated. 
Forty-five  perished  ;  twelve  of  them  in  action,  the 
rest  by  the  Indians  in  attempting  to  escape  through 
the  woods.1  The  prisoners  of  war  descended  the  St. 
Lawrence;  their  colors  were  sent  as  trophies  to  deco- 
rate the  churches  of  Montreal,  Three  Rivers,  and 
Quebec ;  one  hundred  and  twenty  cannon,  six  vessels 
of  war,  three  hundred  boats,  stores  of  ammunition  and 
provisions,  and  three  chests  of  money  fell  to  the  con- 

Amidst  the  delight  of  the  Canadians  and  the 
savages,  the  missionaries  planted  a  cross  bearing  the 
words,  "  This  is  the  banner  of  victory  f  by  its  side 
rose  a  pillar  with  the  arms  of  France,  and  the  inscrip- 
tion, "  Bring  lilies  with  full  hands."  Expressions  of 
triumphant  ecstasy  broke  from  Montcalm;  but,  to 
allay  all  jealousy  of  the  red  men,  he  razed  the  forts 
and  left  Oswego  a  solitude. 

1    Loudoun    to    J.   Osborne,   13  Vandreuil  to  the  minister,  80  Au- 

Sept,,  1756,  finds  no  evidence  of  a  gust,   1756.      N.   Y.   Paris    Doc., 

massacre  at  Oswego ;  considers  tlie  xii.  39. 
rumor    without    foundation.      De 


chap.         Webb,  who  should  have  relieved  the  place,  went 
^^  tardily  to  the  Oneida  portage,  and,  after  felling  trees 
1756.  to  obstruct  the  passage  to  the  Onondaga,  fled  in  terror 
to  Albany. 

Loudoun  approved  placing  obstacles  between  his 
army  and  the  enemy ;  for  he  also  "  was  extremely 
anxious  about  an  attack"  from  the  French,  while 
"  flushed  with  success."  "  If  it  had  been  made  on 
the  provincials  alone,  it  would,"  he  complacently  as- 
serted, "  have  been  followed  with  very  fatal  conse- 
quences." Provincials  had,  it  was  true,  saved  the 
remnant  of  Braddock's  army ;  provincials  had  con- 
quered Acadia;  provincials  had  defeated  Dieskau; 
but  Abercrombie  and  his  chief  sheltered  their  own 
imbecility  under  complaints  of  America.  After  wast- 
ing a  few  more  weeks  in  busy  inactivity,  Loudoun, 
whose  forces  could  have  penetrated  to  the  heart  of 
Canada,  left  the  French  to  construct  a  fort  at  Ticonde- 
roga,  and  dismissed  the  provincials  to  their  homes,  the 
regulars  to  winter  quarters.  Of  the  latter,  a  thousand 
were  sent  to  New  York,  where  free  quarters  for  the 
officers  were  demanded  of  the  city.  The  demand  was 
resisted  by  the  mayor,  as  contrary  to  the  laws  of  Eng- 
land and  the  liberties  of  America.  "  Free  quarters 
are  everywhere  usual,"  answered  the  commander-in- 
chief;  "I  assert  it  on  my  honor,  which  is  the  highest 
evidence  you  can  require ;"  and  he  resolved  to  make 
New  York  an  example  for  the  other  colonies  and 
towns.  The  citizens  pleaded  in  reply  their  privileges 
as  Englishmen,  by  the  common  law,  by  the  petition  of 
right,  and  by  acts  of  parliament.  "God  damn  my 
blood,"  was  the  official  answer  of  the  "  viceroy  "  to 
the  mayor ;  "  if  you  do  not  billet  my  officers  upon 


free  quarters  this  day,  Til  order  here  all  the  troops  CIIXAP- 
in   North  America  under  my  command,  and  billet  ^y^ 

1  7Sfi 

them  myself  upon  the  city."  So  the  magistrates  got 
up  a  subscription  for  the  winter  support  of  officers, 
who  had  done  nothing  for  the  country  but  burden 
its  resources.  In  Philadelphia  Loudoun  uttered  the 
same  menace,  and  the  storm  was  averted  only  by  an 
adjustment.  The  frontier  had  been  left  open  to  the 
French ;  this  quartering  troops  in  the  principal  towns 
at  the  expense  of  the  inhabitants  by  the  illegal 
authority  of  a  military  chief,  was  the  great  result  of 
the  campaign. 

Yet  native  courage  flashed  up  in  every  part  of  the 
colonies.  The  false  Delawares,  thirsting  for  victims 
and  secret  as  the  night,  from  their  village  at  Kittan- 
ning,  within  forty-five  miles  of  Fort  Duquesne,  stained 
all  the  border  of  Pennsylvania  with  murder  and  scalp- 
ing. To  destroy  them,  three  hundred  Pennsylvanians 
crossed  the  Alleghanies,  conducted  by  John  Armstrong, 
of  Cumberland  County,  famed  as  inheriting  the  courage 
of  the  Scottish  covenanters. 

In  the  night  folio  wing  the  seventh  of  September,  the 
avenging  party,  having  marched  on  that  day  thirty 
miles  through  the  unbroken  forests,  were  guided  to 
the  Indian  village  of  Kittanning,  by  the  beating  of  a 
drum  and  the  whooping  of  warriors  at  their  festival ; 
and  they  lay  quiet  and  hush  till  the  moon  was  fairly 
set.  They  heard  a  young  fellow  whistling  near  them, 
as  a  signal  to  a  squaw  after  his  dance  was  over ;  and 
in  a  field  of  maize,  on  the  margin  of  the  river,  they 
saw  the  fires  near  which  the  Indians  took  their  rest 
with  no  dreams  of  danger.  At  daybreak  three  com- 
panies which  lagged  in  the  rear  were  brought  over  the 

VOL   IV.  16 

17  5  6. 


chap,  last  precipice ;  and  at  the  same  inonient  the  attack  be- 
gan on  the  Delawares  who  had  slept  abroad,  and  on 
the  houses  which  lay  discovered  under  the  light  of 
morning.  Jacobs  raised  the  war-whoop,  crying,  "  The 
white  men  are  come ;  we  shall  have  scalps  enough." 
The  squaws  and  children  fled  to  the  woods ;  the  war- 
riors fought  with  desperate  bravery  and  skill  as 
marksmen.  u  We  are  man,"  they  shouted ;  "  we  will 
not  be  made  prisoners."  The  town  being  set  on  fire, 
some  of  them  sang  their  death-song  in  the  flames. 
Their  store  of  powder,  which  was  enough  for  a  long 
war,  scattered  destruction  as  it  exploded.  Jacobs  and 
others  attempting  flight,  were  shot  and  scalped ;  the 
town  was  burned  to  ashes,  never  to  be  rebuilt  by 
savages.  But  the  Americans  lost  sixteen  men ;  and 
Armstrong  himself  was  among  the  wounded.  Hugh 
Mercer,  captain  of  the  company  which  suffered  most, 
was  hit  by  a  musket-ball  in  the  arm,  and  with  five 
others  separated  from  the  main  body ;  but,  guided 
by  the  stars  and  rivulets,  they  soon  found  their  way 
back.  The  conduct  of  Armstrong  in  leading  his  party 
through  the  mountainous  wilderness,  and  reaching 
the  town  without  being  discovered,  was  universally 
applauded.  Philadelphia  voted  honors  to  him  and 
his  gallant  band ;  Pennsylvania  has  given  his  name 
to  the  county  that  includes  the  battle-field. 

At  the  remotest  south,  adventurers  formed  a  set- 
tlement beyond  the  Alatamaha,  on  the  banks  of  the 
Santilla  and  the  island  of  Cumberland ;  established 
their  own  rules  of  government ;  preserved  good  order 
amongst  themselves  ;  and  held  the  country  as  far  as 
the  St.  Mary's,  in  defiance  of  South  Carolina  and  of 
the  Spaniards  at  St.  Augustine. 


At  the  same  time  men  of  European  origin  were  chap 
penetrating  the  interior  of  Tennessee  from  Carolina ;  ^_^L, 
and  near  the  junction  of  the  Telliquo  and  the  Ten-  1756. 
nessee,  a  little  band  of  two  hundred  men,  three-fifths 
of  whom  were  provincials,  under  the  command  of 
Captain  Demere,  were  engaged  in  completing  the 
New  Fort  Loudoun,  which  was  to  insure  the  com- 
mand of  the  country.  They  exulted  in  possessing  a 
train  of  artillery,  consisting  of  twelve  great  guns 
which  had  been  brought  to  the  English  camp,1  "  from 
such  a  distance  as  the  seaport,  and  over  such  prodi- 
gious mountains."2  The  Cherokees  wrere  much  di- 
vided in  sentiment.  "  Use  all  means  you  think  pro- 
per," wrote  Lyttleton,  "to  induce  our  Indians  to  take 
up  the  hatchet.  Promise  a  reward  to  every  man  who 
shall  bring  in  the  scalp  of  a  Frenchman  or  of  one  of 
the  French  Indians."  3 

In  December,  the  Six  Nations  sent  a  hundred  and 
eighty  delegates  to  meet  the  Nepissings,  the  Algon- 
quins,  the  Potawatamies,  and  the  Ottawas,  at  a  con- 
gress at  Montreal.  All  promised  at  least  neutrality ; 
the  young  braves  wished  even  to  join  the  French ; 
and  they  trod  the  English  medals  under  foot. 

The  imbecility  which  marked  the  conduct  of  Bri- 
tish affairs  in  America,  showed  itself  still  more  deci- 
dedly in  the  cabinet,  which,  though  united  and  com- 
manding a  subservient  majority,   was   crumbling  in 

1  Gov.  Lyttleton  of  South  Caro-  2  Demere  to  Gov.  Lyttleton,  Dec. 
lin  i  to  the  Lords  of  Trade,  31  Dec.  1756.  Lyttleton  to  Lords  of  Trade, 
1756.  25  December,  1756. 

8  Gov.   Lyttleton   to   Lords    of 
Trade,  31  Dec.  1756. 


chap,  pieces  from  the  sense  of  its  real  weakness,  and  the 
_vl^  weariness  of  the  people  of  England  at  the  un- 
1756.  mixed  government  of  the  aristocracy.  "If,"  said 
William  Pitt,  the  Great  Commoner,  a  poor  and  now  a 
private  man,  "  if  I  see  a  child  driving  a  go-cart  on  a 
precipice,  with  that  precious  freight  of  the  king  and 
his  family,  I  am  bound  to  take  the  reins  out  of  such 
hands ;"  and  the  influence  of  popular  opinion  came  in 
aid  of  his  just  ambition.  A  new  authority  was  also 
growing  up ;  and  to  win  the  direction  of  the  cabinet, 
he  connected  himself  with  the  family  of  the  successor. 
In  June,  1756,  Prince  George,  being  eighteen,  became 
of  age,  and  Newcastle,  with  the  concurrence  of  the 
king,  would  have  separated  his  establishment  from 
that  of  his  mother.  They  both  were  opposed  to  the 
separation.  Pitt  exerted  his  influence  against  it,  with 
a  zeal  and  activity  to  which  they  were  most  sensible.2 
The  Earl  of  Bute  had  been  one  of  the  lords  of  the 
bed-chamber  to  Frederic,  the  late  Prince  of  Wales, 
who  used  to  call  him  "  a  fine,  showy  man,  such  as 
would  make  an  excellent  ambassador  in  a  court  where 
there  was  no  business."  He  was  ambitious,  yet  his 
personal  timidity  loved  to  lean  on  a  nature  firmer 
than  his  own.  Though  his  learning  was  small, 
he  was  willing  to  be  thought  a  man  of  erudition,  who 
could  quote  Horace,  and  find  pleasure  in  Virgil  and 
Columella.  He  had  an  air  of  the  greatest  importance, 
and  in  look  and  manner  assumed  an  extraordinary 
appearance  of  wisdom.8  Unacquainted  with  business 
and  unemployed  in  public  ofiice,  yet  as  a  consistent 
and  most  obsequious  royalist,  he  retained  the  confi- 

1  Walpole's  Memoires  of  George        s  Chatham  Correspond.,  i.  157. 
II.,  ii.  39.  Waldegrave's  Memoirs,  38. 


dence  of  the  princess  dowager,  and  was  the  instructor  chap. 
of  the  future  sovereign  of  England  in  the  theory  of  ^^, 
the  British  constitution.1     On  the  organization  of  his  1756. 
household,  Prince  George  desired  to  have  him  about 
his  person. 

The  request  of  the  prince,  which  Pitt  advocated, 
was  resisted  by  Newcastle  and  by  Hardwicke.  To 
embroil  the  royal  family,  the  latter  did  not  hesitate 
to  blast  the  reputation  of  the  mother  of  the  heir  ap- 
parent by  tales  of  scandal,2  which  party  spirit  delight- 
ed to  perpetuate.  But  in  the  first  public  act  of 
Prince  George,  he  displayed  the  firmness  of  his  cha- 
racter. Heedless  of  the  prime  minister  and  the  chan- 
cellor, the  young  man  of  eighteen,  with  many  profes- 
sions of  duty  to  the  king,  expressed  "  his  desires,  nay, 
his  fixed  resolutions,"  to  have  u  the  free  choice  of  his 
servants." 8  u  This  family,"  said  Granville  of  the  Han- 
overian dynasty,  "  always  has  quarrelled,  and  will 
quarrel  from  generation  to  generation."4  Having 
wantoned  with  the  resentment  of  the  successor 
and  his  mother,  Newcastle  became  terrified  and 
yielded.  The  king  gave  his  consent  reluctantly. 
"  You,"  said  he  angrily  to  Fox,  "  you  have  made  me 
make  that  puppy  Bute,  groom  of  the  stole."  While 
Pitt  formed  intimate  relations  with  the  favorite  of 
Leicester  house,  Charles  Townshend,  who  had  recent- 

1  Adolpbus:  Hist,  of  England,  with  the  insinuation.  But  the 
i.  12.  princess  seems  to   have  been   re- 

2  The  scandal  against  the  Prin-  served  and  decorous,  as  became  the 
cess  Dowager,  the  mother  of  Geo.  aged  mother  of  a  large  family;  and 
III.,  has  been  often  repeated;  yet  to  have  had  no  friendships  but  with 
it  seems  to  have  sprung  from  the  those  friends  of  her  husband  who 
malicious  gossip  of  a  profligate  were  most  naturally  her  counsel- 
court.      Waldegrave,    a  licentious  lors. 

man,  is   the  chief  accuser;    Hard-  s  Chatham  Corr.  i.  171. 

wicke,  a  disappointed  politician,  in  4  Walpole's    Memoires,    ii.    68, 

a  private  letter,  points  a  period  85,  86. 


chap,  ly  married  the  Countess  Dowager  of  Dalkeith,  firsl 

^J^,  cousin  to  the  Earl  of  Bute,  thought  even  more  meanl; 

1756.  of  Bute  than  of  Newcastle.     "Silly  fellow  for  sill; 

fellow,"  said  he,  "  it  is  as  well  to  be  governed  by  nr 

uncle  with  a  blue  riband,  as  by  my  cousin  with 

green  one." 

Restless  at  sharing  the  disgrace  of  an  imbecih 
administration,  which  met  every  where  with  defeat 
except  in  the  House  of  Commons,  where  corruptioi 
could  do  its  work,  and  ashamed  of  the  small  degree 
of  real  power  conceded  to  him,  Fox  was  unwilling  to 
encounter  a  stormy  opposition  which  would  have  had 
the  country  on  its  side.  "  My  situation,"  said  he  to 
Newcastle  in  October,  "  is  impracticable ;" 1  and  he  left 
the  cabinet.  At  the  same  time  Murray  declared  that 
he,  too,  would  serve  as  Attorney-General  no  longer; 
he  would  be  Lord  Chief  Justice,  with  a  peerage,  or 
retire  to  private  life.  Newcastle  dared  not  refuse  or 
make  more  delay.  The  place  had  been  vacant  a  term 
and  a  circuit  ;2  the  influence  of  Bute  and  Leicester  House 
prevailed  to  bring  Murray  as  Lord  Mansfield  upon 
the  Bench,  and  into  the  House  of  Peers.3  There  was 
no  one  in  the  House,  who,  even  with  a  sure  majority, 
dared  attempt  to  cope  with  Pitt.  Newcastle  sought 
to  negotiate  with  him.  "  A  plain  man,"  he  answered, 
"  unpractised  in  the  policy  of  a  court,  must  never  pre- 
sume to  be  the  associate  of  so  experienced  a  minister." 
"  Write  to  him  yourself,"  said  Newcastle  to  Hard- 
wicke.  "  Don't  boggle  at  it ;  you  see  the  king  wishes 
it ;  Lady  Yarmouth  advises  it ;" 4  and  Hardwicke  saw 

1  Fox  to  the  Duke  of  Newcastle,  3  Bute  in  Adolphus's  History  of 
13  Oct.  1756.  George  III.,  i.  117. 

2  Henley's  Life  of  Lord  North-  4  Newcastle   to  flardwicke,   15 
ington,  22-24.  Oct.  1756. 


hi  in.  But  Pitt,  after  a  three  hours'  interview,  gave  chap. 
him  a  totally  negative  answer.  "  The  great  obstacles,"  ^^L> 
Bays  Hardwicke,  "were  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  and  175  6 
his  measures ;  and  without  a  change  of  both,  'tis  im- 
possible for  him  to  come."1  Newcastle  next  sought 
comfort  from  the  king;  insisting  that  there  was  no- 
thing alleged  against  him  but  conducting  the  war 
according  to  the  king's  own  desire ;  so  that  he  himself 
was  about  to  become  a  victim  to  his  loyalty.2  But 
Pitt,  who  had  never  before  waited  upon  Lady  Yar 
mouth,  now  counterworked  the  duke  by  making  a 
long  visit  to  the  king's  mistress.  The  duke  attempted 
to  enlist  Egremont,  offered  power  to  Granville,  and  at 
last,  having  still  an  undoubted  majority  in  the  House 
of  Commons,  the  great  leader  of  the  Whig  aristocracy 
was  compelled  to  recognise  the  power  of  opinion  in 
England  as  greater  than  his  own,  and  most  reluctantly 
resigned.  The  Whig  party,  which  had  ruled  since  the 
accession  of  the  House  of  Hanover,  had  yet  never 
possessed  the  affections  of  the  people  of  England  and 
no  longer  enjoyed  its  confidence  ;  and  at  the  very  height 
of  its  power,  sunk  down  in  the  midst  of  its  worship- 

In  December  William  Pitt,  the  man  of  the  people, 
the  sincere  lover  of  liberty,  having  on  his  side  the 
English  nation,  of  which  he  was  the  noblest  represen- 
tative and  type,  was  commissioned  to  form  a  ministiy. 
In  this  he  was  aided  by  the  whole  influence  of  Leices- 
ter House ;  he  found  the  Earl  of  Bute  "  transcend- 
ingly  obliging;"  and  from  the  young  heir  to  the 
throne,  "  expressions  "  were  repeated,  "  so  decisive  of 

1  Hardwicke  to  his  Eldest  Son,        8  Newcastle  to  Hardwicke,    20 
21  Oct.  1756.     The  interview  with     Oct  1756. 
Pitt  was  on  the  19th.  3  W.  0.  Bryant's  Poems. 


chap,  determined  purposes"  of  favor,  "in  the  present  or 
s_vW  any  future  day,"  that  "Ids  own  lively  imagination 
1 7C6.  could  not  have  suggested  a  wish  beyond  them." *  For 
the  chief  of  the  Treasury  Board,  he  selected  the  Duke 
of  Devonshire,  with  Legge  as  chancellor.  Temple 
presided  over  the  Admiralty.  George  Grenville  was 
made  treasurer  of  the  navy.  To  Charles  Townshend, 
who  could  ill  brook  a  superior,  and  who  hated  Pitt, 
was  offered  a  useless  place,  neither  ministerial  nor 
active  ;  and  his  resentment  at  the  disdainful  slight  was 
not  suppressed,  till  his  elder  brother  and  Bute  inter- 
ceded, and  "  at  last  the  name  of  the  Prince  of  Wales 
was  used."  Thus  began  the  political  connections  of 
Charles  Townshend  with  George  the  Third,  and  they 
were  never  broken.  Restless  in  his  pursuit  of  early 
advancement,  he  relied  on  the  favor  of  that  prince, 
and  on  his  own  eloquence,  for  the  attainment  of  power. 
While  he  identified  himself  with  none  of  the  aristo- 
cratic factions,  he  never  hesitated,  for  his  own  ends,  to 
act  under  any  of  them.  Pitt,  applauding  his  genius  for 
debate,  despised  his  versatility. 

But  the  transition  in  England  from  the  rule  of  the 
aristocracy  to  a  greater  degree  of  popular  power,  was 
not  as  yet  destined  to  take  place.  There  was  an 
end  of  the  old  aristocratic  rule ;  but  it  was  not  clear 
what  should  come  in  its  stead.  The  condition  of  the 
new  minister  was  seen  to  be  precarious.  On  entering 
office  Pitt's  health  was  so  infirm,  that  he  took  the  oath 
at  his  own  house,  though  the  record  bears  date  at  St. 
James's.  The  House  of  Commons,  which  he  was  to 
lead,  had  been  chosen  under  the  direction  of  Newcas- 
tle, whom  he  superseded.     His  subordinates  even  ven- 

1  Chatham  Corr.  i.  191,  192. 


tured  to  be  refractory  ;  so  that  when  Charles  Towns-  cnAP. 
hend,  on  one  occasion,  showed  himself  ready  to  second  ^J^ 
Fox  in  opposition,  Pitt  was  obliged  to  chide  him,  1766. 
before  the  whole  House,  as  deficient  in  common  sense 
or  common  integrity ;  and,  as  Fox  exulted  in  his  ally, 
exclaimed,  loud  enough  to  be  heard  by  half  the  as- 
sembly, "  I  wish  you  joy  of  him."  The  court,  too, 
was  his  enemy.  George  the  Second,  spiritless  and 
undiscerning,  and  without  affection  for  Leicester  House, 
liked  subjection  to  genius  still  less  than  to  aristocracy. 
"  I  do  not  look  upon  myself  as  king,"  said  he,  "  while 
I  am  in  the  hands  of  these  scoundrels,"  meaning  Pitt 
as  well  as  Temple.1  On  the  other  hand,  Prince 
George,  in  March,  sent  assurances  to  Pitt  of  "the 
firm  support  and  countenance"  of  the  heir  to  the 
throne.  "  Go  on,  my  dear  Pitt,"  said  Bute ;  "  make 
every  bad  subject  your  declared  enemy,  every  honest 
man  your  real  friend.  How  much  we  think  alike.  I, 
for  my  part,  am  unalterably  your  most  affectionate 
friend." 2  But  even  that  influence  was  unavailing.  In 
the  conduct  of  the  war  the  Duke  of  Cumberland 
exercised  the  chief  control ;  in  the  House  of  Commons 
the  friends  of  Newcastle  were  powerful ;  in  the  coun- 
cil the  favor  of  the  king  encouraged  opposition. 

America  was  become  the  great  object  of  Euro- 
pean attention ;  Pitt,  disregarding  the  churlish  cavils 
of  the  Lords  of  Trade,8  at  once  pursued  towards  the 
colonies  the  generous  policy,  which  afterwards  called 
forth  all  their  strength,  and  ensured  their  affections. 
He  respected  their  liberties,  and  relied  on  their  wil- 
ling co-operation.     Halifax  was  planning  taxation  by 

1  Glover's  Memoirs,  55.    Walde-        8  Lords  of  Trade  to  Sec.  W.  Pitt, 
grave's  Memoirs,  95,  96.  21  January,  1757. 

2  Chatham  Correspondence,  i.  224. 


chap,  parliament,  in  which  he  was  aided,  among  others,  by 
_^   Calvert,  the  Secretary  of  Maryland,  residing  in  Eng- 
1757.  land.     In  January,  1757,  the  British  press  defended 
the  scheme,  which   had  been    "often  mentioned   ii 
private,  to  introduce  a   stamp-duty  on   vellum   am 
paper,    and   to   lower   the   duty  upon  foreign   rum, 
sugar,  and  molasses,  imported  into  the  colonies." 1 
revenue  of  more  than  sixty  thousand  pounds  sterling 
annually  was  confidently  promised  from  this  source 
The  project  of  an  American  stamp-act  was  presse< 
upon  Pitt  himself.     "  With  the  enemy  at  their  bacl 
with  English  bayonets  at  their  breast,   in   the   da; 
of  their   distress,   perhaps  the  Americans,"  thoughl 
he,    "would   submit   to   the  imposition."2     But  the 
heroic  statesman  scorned  "  to  take  an  unjust  and  un- 
generous advantage"  of  them.     He  turned  his  eye  t< 
the  mountains  of  Scotland  for  defenders  of  America, 
and  two  battalions,  each  of  a  thousand  Highlanders,3 
were  raised  for  the  service,  under  the  command  of 
Lord  Eglinton  and  the  Master  of  Lovat. 

Still  he  possessed  no  real  power,  and  was  thwarted 
in  his  policy  at  every  step  during  the  short  period  of 
his  stay  in  office.  Soon  the  Duke  of  Cumberland  was 
appointed  to  conduct  the  campaign  in  Germany,  and 
was  unwilling:  to  leave  England  without  a  change  in 
the  cabinet.  Temple  was,  therefore,  dismissed  ;  and 
as  Pitt  did  not  resign,  the  king,  in  the  first  week  in 
April,  discarded  him,  and  his  chancellor  also.  Eng- 
land was  in  a  state  of  anarchy,  to  which  the  conduct 
of  affairs  in  America  aptly  corresponded. 

1  Proposals  for  uniting  the  Colo-        3  Anecdotes  of  Lord  Chatham, 
nies,  January,  1757.  i.  298. 

8  Pitt  in  the  House  of  Commons, 
14  January,  1766. 




The  rangers  at  Fort  William  Henry  defy  the  cHAr 
winter.  The  forests,  pathless  with  snows,  the  frozen 
lake,  the  wilderness,  which  has  no  shelter  against  1757 
cold  and  storms,  the  perilous  ambush,  where  defeat 
may  be  followed  by  the  scalping-knife,  or  tortures, 
or  captivity  among  the  farthest  tribes, — all  cannot 
chill  their  daring.  On  skates  they  glide  over  the 
lakes ;  on  snow-shoes  they  penetrate  the  woods.  In 
January,  1757,  the  gallant  Stark,1  writh  seventy-four 
rangers,  goes  down  Lake  George,  and  turns  the  strong 
post  of  Carillon.  A  French  party  of  ten  or  eleven 
sledges  is  driving  merrily  from  Ticonderoga  to 
Crown  Point.2  Stark  sallies  forth  to  attack  them ; 
three  are  taken,  with  twice  as  many  horses,  and  seven 
prisoners.  But  before  he  can  reach  the  water's 
edge,  he  is  intercepted  by  a  party  of  two  hundred 
and  fifty  French  and  Indians.  Sheltered  by  trees 
and  a  rising  ground,  he  renews  and  sustains  the 
unequal  fight  till  evening.  In  the  night,  the  survi- 
vors retreat ;    a  sleigh,  sent  over  the   lake,  brings 

1  Life  of  John  Stark.  s  Montcalm's  Account 



chap,  home  the  wounded.     Fourteen  rangers  had  fallen,  sl 

, ,  were  missing.     Those  who  remained  alive  were  a] 

1757.  plauded,  and  Stark  received  promotion. 

The  French  are  still  more  adventurous.  A  d< 
tachment  of  fifteen  hundred  men,  part  regulai 
and  part  Canadians,  are  to  follow  the  younger  Vai 
dreuil  in  a  winter's  expedition 1  against  Fort  Williai 
Henry.  They  must  travel  sixty  leagues ;  the  snoi 
shoes  on  their  feet,  their  provisions  on  sledges,  drawi 
where  the  path  is  smooth,  by  dogs ;  for  their  coucl 
at  night,  they  spread  on  the  snow-bank  a  bearski] 
and  break  the  evening  breeze  with  a  simple  veil ; 
thus  they  go  over  Champlain,  over  Lake  George.2 
On  St.  Patrick's  night,  a  man  in  front  tries  the 
strength  of  the  ice  with  an  axe ;  the  ice-spurs  ring, 
as  the  party  advances  over  the  crystal  highway, 
with  scaling  ladders,  to  surprise  the  English  fort.3 
But  the  garrison  was  on  the  watch,  and  the  enemy 
could  only  burn  the  English  batteaux  and  sloops, 
the  storehouses,  and  the  huts  of  the  rangers  within 
their  pickets. 

For  the  campaign  of  1757,  the  northern  colonies, 
still  eager  to  extend  the  English  limits,  at  a  congress  of 
governors  in  Boston,  in  January,  agreed  to  raise  four 
thousand  men.4  The  Southern  governors  of  North 
Carolina,  Virginia,  Maryland,  and  Pennsylvania, 
meeting  at  Philadelphia,  settled  the  quotas  for  their 
governments,5  but  only  as  the  groundwork  for  com- 
plaints  to   the  Board  of  Trade ;   they  said  plainly, 

1  VaudreuiTs  Account,  22  April,  *    Loudoun  to  the  Congress  of 

1757.  Governors,  at  Boston,  29  January, 

*  Montcalm  to  the  Minister,  24  1757.     Hutchinson  iii.  50,  51. 

April,  1757.  5    Minutes  of  a  meeting  of  the 

3    Letter  of   Eyre,   dated   Fort  Southern  Governors  with  the  Earl 

William  Henry,  22  March,  1757.  of  Loudoun,  March,  1759. 


that  nothing  effectual  would  be  done  by  the  colo-  chap. 

.        J  XI. 

nies.  -— y— 

Of  the  central  provinces,  Pennsylvania  approached  1757. 
most  nearly  towards  establishing  independent  power. 
Its  people  had  never  been  numbered,  yet,  with  the 
counties  on  Delaware,  were  believed  to  be  not  less 
than  two  hundred  thousand,  of  whom  thirty  thou- 
sand were  able  to  bear  arms.2  It  had  no  militia 
established  by  law ;  but  forts  and  garrisons  protected 
the  frontier,  at  the  annual  cost  to  the  province  of 
seventy  thousand  pounds  currency.  To  the  act  of  the 
former  year,  granting  sixty  thousand  pounds,  the  As- 
sembly had  added  a  supplement,  appropriating  one 
hundred  thousand  more,  and  taxing  the  property  of 
the  proprietaries.  But  they  would  contribute  nothing 
to  a  general  fund,  and  disposed  of  all  money  them- 
selves. The  support  of  the  governor  was  either  not 
paid  at  all,  or  not  till  the  close  of  the  year.  When 
any  office  was  created,  the  names  of  those  who  were 
to  execute  it  were  inserted  in  the  bill,  with  a  clause 
reserving  to  the  Assembly  the  right  of  nomination  in 
case  of  death.  The  sheriffs  and  coroners,  and  all  per- 
sons connected  with  the  treasury,  were  thus  nomi- 
nated or  were  chosen  by  the  people,  annually,  and 
were  responsible  only  to  their  constituents.  The  As- 
sembly could  not  be  prorogued  or  dissolved,  and 
adjourned  itself  at  its  own  pleasure.  It  assumed  al- 
most all  executive  power,  and  scarce  a  bill  came  up 
without  an  attempt  to  encroach  on  the  little  residue. 
In  the  Jerseys  and  in  Pennsylvania,"  wrote  Loudoun, 
thinking  to  influence  the  mind  of  Pitt,  "  the  majority 

1  H.  Sharpe  to  his  brother,  the  s  Peters  on  the  Constitution  of 
Secretary  to  the  Privy  Council,  Pennsylvania,  drawn  up  for  Lord 
24  March,  1757.  Loudoun.     Hazard,  v.  339. 


chap,  of  the  Assembly  is  composed  of  Quakers;  whilst 
_,_  that  is  the  case,  they  will  always  oppose  every  niea- 
175  7.  sure  of  government,  and  support  that  independence 
which  is  deep-rooted  every  where  in  this  country. 
The  taxes  which  the  peojDle  pay  are  really  so  trifling, 
that  they  do  not  deserve  the  name ;  so  that  if  some 
method  is  not  found  out  of  laying  on  a  tax  for  the 
support  of  a  war  in  America  by  a  British  Act  of  Par- 
liament, it  appears  to  me,  that  you  will  continue  to 
have  no  assistance  from  them  in  money,  and  will 
have  very  little  in  men,  if  they  are  wanted." *  While 
the  royal  officers,  with  Loudoun  at  their  head,  were 
soliciting  the  arbitrary  interposition  of  parliament,  it 
is  most  worthy  of  remark,  that  the  deep-seated,  reluc- 
tantly abandoned  confidence  in  the  justice  and  love  of 
liberty  of  the  parliament  of  England,  still  led  the 
people  of  Pennsylvania  to  look  to  that  body  for  pro- 
tection ;  and  in  February,  1757,  Benjamin  Franklin 
was  chosen  agent  "  to  represent  in  England  the  un- 
happy situation  of  the  province,  that  all  occasion  of 
dispute  hereafter  might  be  removed  by  an  act  of  the 
British  legislature." 

Massachusetts  had  already  given  the  example  of 
an  appeal  to  the  House  of  Commons  in  favor  of 
popular  power  against  prerogative ;  and  its  complaint 
had,  in  1733,  been  rebuked  "as  a  high  insult,  tend- 
ing to  shake  off  the  dependency  of  the  colony  upon 
the  kingdom."  Jamaica  had  just  been  renewing  the 
attempt ;  and,  while  Franklin  was  at  New  York  to 
take  passage,  and  there  was  no  ministry  in  England 
to  restrain  the  tendencies  of  the  Lords  of  Trade,  the 

1  Earl  of  Loudoun  to  Secretary  W.  Pitt,  25  April,  1757. 


House  of  Commons  adopted  the  memorable  resolve,  chap 

that    "  the  claim  of  right  in   a  colonial  assembly  to  . r-L 

raise  and  apply  public  money,  by  its  own  act  alone,  is  175^ 
derogatory  to  the  crown  and  to  the  rights  of  the 
people  of  Great  Britain;"  and  this  resolve,  so  preg- 
nant with  consequences,  asserting  for  "  the  people  of 
Great  Britain"  a  control  over  American  legislation, 
was  authoritatively  communicated  to  every  Ameri- 
can assembly.  "The  people  of  Pennsylvania,"  said 
Thomas  Penn,  "  will  soon  be  convinced  by  the  House 
of  Commons,  as  well  as  by  the  ministers,  that  they 
have  not  a  right  to  the  powers  of  government  they 
claim."1  The  debates  between  the  proprietaries  of 
Pennsylvania  and  its  people  involved  every  question 
in  dispute  between  the  crown  and  the  provinces, 
making  Pennsylvania  the  central  figure  in  the  strug- 
gle ;  and  Benjamin  Franklin,  whom  Kant,  in  IT 5 5, 
had  heralded  to  the  world  of  science  as  the  Prome- 
theus of  modern  times,2  stood  forth  the  foremost 
champion  of  the  rights  and  the  legislative  free  will 
of  America.  Every  day  brightened  his  fame  and 
increased  his  influence. 

a  The  House  of  Commons,"  said  Penn,  "  will  end 
the  business  entirely  to  our  satisfaction."  Still  the 
exertion  of  the  extreme  authority  of  parliament  was 
postponed.  The  Privy  Council  was  as  yet  persuaded, 
that  they,  with  the  king,  had  of  themselves  plenary 
power  to  govern  America.  "  Your  American  Assem- 
blies," said  Granville,  its  President,  to  Franklin, 
"  slight  the  king's  instructions.  They  are  drawn  up 
by  grave  men,  learned  in  the  laws  and  constitution  of 
the    realm ;    they   are   brought   into   Council,   thor- 

•  T  Penn  to  Hamilton,  7  July,        2  Kant's  Werke,  vi.  280. 


chap,  ouglily  weighed,  well  considered,  and  amended,  if 
^^  necessary,  by  the  wisdom  of  that  body ;  and  when 
1757.  received  by  the  Governors,  they  are  the  laws  of  the 
land ;  for  the  king  is  the  legislator  of  the  colonies." 
This  doctrine  which  Franklin  received  soon  after  his 
arrival  in  London,  fell  on  him  as  new ;  *  and  was 
never  effaced  from  his  memory.  In  its  preceding 
session  parliament  had  done  little,  except  in  the  hope 
of  distressing  Canada  and  the  French  islands  by 
famine,  to  lay  grievous  restrictions  on  the  export  of 
provisions  from  the  British  colonies.2  The  act  pro- 
duced a  remonstrance.  "America,"  said  Granville 
the  Lord  President,  to  the  complaint  of  its  agents, 
"  America  must  not  do  any  thing  to  interfere  with 
Great  Britain  in  the  European  markets."  "If  we 
plant  and  reap,  and  must  not  ship,"  retorted  Franklin, 
"  your  Lordship  should  apply  to  parliament  for  trans- 
ports to  biing  us  all  back  again." 

But  in  America  the  summer  passed  as  might  have 
been  expected  from  "  detachments  under  commanders 
whom  a  child  might  outwit  or  terrify  with  a  pop- 

To  Bouquet  was  assigned  the  watch  on  the  fron- 
tiers of  Carolina.  Stanwix,  with  about  two  thousand 
men,  had  charge  of  the  West,  while  Webb  was  left 
highest  in  command,  with  nearly  six  thousand  men, 
to  defend  the  avenue  of  Lake  George ;  and  on  the 
twentieth  day  of  June,  the  Earl  of  Loudoun,  having 
first  incensed  all  America  by  a  useless  embargo,  and 
having,  at  New  York,  at  one  sweep,  impressed  four 
hundred  men,  weighed   anchor   for   Halifax.      Four 

1  Franklin  to  Bowdoin,  13  Jan.,        2  30  Geo.  II.,  c.  ix. 
1772.     Writings,  vii.  549. 


British   regiments,   two   battalions   of  royal   Ameri-  chap 
cans,   and   five   companies   of  rangers,   accompanied  w^-L 
him."     "His  sailing,"  said  the  Canadians,  "is  a  hint  1757. 
for  us  to  project  something  on  this  frontier." 1     Lou- 
doun reached  Halifax  on  the  last  day  of  June,  and 
found  detachments  from  England  already  there  ;  and 
on  the  ninth  of  July  the  entire   armament  was  as- 

At  that  time,  Newcastle  was  "  reading  Loudoun's 
letters  with  great  attention  and  satisfaction,"  and 
praising  his  "great  diligence  and  ability."  "My 
Lord,"  said  he,  "  mentions  an  act  of  parliament  to 
be  passed  here;  I  don't  well  understand  what  he 
means  by  it."  Prince  George,  not  surmising  defeat, 
was  thoughtful  for  the  orthodoxy  of  America.  A 
class  of  bold  inquirers,  Shaftesbury,  Collins,  Toland, 
Bolingbroke,  Hume,  had  attacked  the  scholastic  phi- 
losophy and  the  dogmas  of  the  Middle  Ages,  had 
insinuated  a  denial  of  the  plenary  inspiration  of  the 
Bible  and  of  the  credibility  of  miracles,  and  had 
applied  the  principle  of  skeptical  analysis  to  super- 
natural religion,  and  the  institutions  and  interests 
connected  with  the  Established  Church.  They  were 
freethinkers,  daring  to  question  any  thing ;  they  were 
deists,  accepting  only  the  religion  of  nature  and  rea- 
son. In  Europe,  where  radical  abuses  in  canon  law 
introduced  anarchy  and  skepticism  into  the  heart  of 
faith,  these  writers  assisted  to  hasten  a  revolution 
in  the  public  mind ;  they  pointed  the  epigrams  of 
Voltaire,  and  founded  a  school  of  theology  in  Ger- 
many, while  in  England  one  half  the  cultivated  class 
received  their  opinions.     Fearing  their  influence  in 

1   Mnlartie  to  the  Minister,  16  June,    1757.      N.  Y.  Paris    Doc, 
xiii.  21. 

VOL.  iv.  17 


chap,  the  New  World,  the  amiable  young  heir  to  the 
throne  sent  over  a  hundred  pounds'  worth  of  answers 

17  57.  to  deistical  writers.  But  in  America,  free  inquiry, 
which  dwelt  with  the  people,  far  from  being  of  a  de- 
structive tendency,  was  conducting  them  towards  firm 
institutions,  and  religious  faith  was  not  a  historical 
tradition,  encumbered  with  the  abuses  of  centuries, 
but  a  living  principle. 

Loudoun  found  himself  in  Halifax  at  the  head  of 
an  admirable  army  of  ten  thousand  men,  with  a  fleet 
of  sixteen  ships  of  the  line,  besides  frigates.  There 
he  landed,  levelled  the  uneven  ground  for  a  parade, 
planted  a  vegetable  garden  as  a  precaution  against 
the  scurvy,  exercised  the  men  in  mock  battles,  and 
sieges,  and  stormings  of  fortresses,  and,  when  August 
came,  and  the  spirit  of  the  army  was  broken,  and 
Hay,  a  major-general,  expressed  contempt  so  loudly 
as  to  be  arrested,  the  troops  were  embarked,  as  if  for 
Louisburg.  But  ere  the  ships  sailed,  the  reconnoitring 
vessels  came  with  news  that  the  French  at  Cape 
Breton  had  one  ship  more  than  the  English,  and  the 
plan  of  the  campaign  was  changed.  Part  of  the  sol- 
diers landed  again  at  Halifax,  and  the  Earl  of  Lou- 
doun, leaving  his  garden  to  weeds,  and  his  place  of 
arms  to  briers,  sailed  for  New  York.  He  had  been 
but  two  days  out,  when  he  was  met  by  an  express, 
with  such  tidings  as  were  to  have  been  expected. 

How  peacefully  rest  the  waters  of  Lake  George 
between  their  ramparts  of  highlands !  In  their  pel- 
lucid depths,  the  cliffs,  and  the  hills,  and  the  trees 
trace  their  image,  and  the  beautiful  region  speaks  to 


the  heart,  teaching  affection  for  nature.     As  yet,  not  chap. 

a  hamlet  rose  on  its  nianrin ;  not   a   straggler  had  . 

thatched  a  log-hut  in  its  neighborhood;  only  at  its  1757 
head,  near  the  centre  of  a  wider  opening  between  its 
mountains,  Fort  William  Henry  stood  on  its  bank, 
almost  on  a  level  with  the  lake.  Lofty  hills  over- 
hung and  commanded  the  wild  scene,  but  heavy  artil- 
lery had  not  as  yet  accompanied  war-parties  into  the 

Some  of  the  Six  Nations  preserved  their  neutrality, 
but  the  Oneidas  danced  the  war-dance  with  Vau- 
dreuil.  "  We  will  try  the  hatchet  of  our  father  on 
the  English,  to  see  if  it  cuts  well,"  said  the  Senecas 
of  Niagara;  and  when  Johnson  complained  of  de- 
predations on  his  cattle,  "You  begin  crying  quite 
early,"  they  answered ;  "  you  will  soon  see  other 
things." 1 

"  The  English  have  built  a  fort  on  the  lands  of 
Onontio,"  spoke  Vaudreuil,  governor  of  New  France, 
to  a  congress  at  Montreal  of  the  warriors  of  three- 
and-thirty  nations,  who  had  come  together,  some  from 
the  rivers  of  Maine  and  Acadia,  some  from  the  wil- 
derness of  Lake  Huron  and  Lake  Superior.  "I  am 
ordered,"  he  continued,  "  to  destroy  it.  Go,  witness 
what  I  shall  do,  that,  when  you  return  to  your  mats, 
you  may  recount  what  you  have  seen."  They  took 
his  belt  of  wampum,  and  answered, — "  Father,  we  are 
come  to  do  your  will."  Day  after  day,  at  Montreal, 
Montcalm  nursed  their  enthusiasm  by  singing  the 
war-song  with  the  several  tribes.  They  clung  to 
him  with  affection,  and  would  march  to  battle  only 
with  him.     They  rallied  at    Fort   St.  John,  on  the 

1  Vaudreuil  to  the  Minister,  13  July,  1757 


chap.  Sorel,  their  missionaries  with  them,  and  hymns  were 
v_v_  suDg  in  almost  as  many  dialects  as  there  were  nations. 
1757  On  the  sixth  day,  as  they  discerned  the  battlements 
of  Ticonderoga,  the  fleet  arranged  itself  in  order,  and 
two  hundred  canoes,  filled  with  braves,  each  nation 
with  its  own  pennons,  in  imposing  regularity,  swept 
over  the  smooth  waters  of  Champlain,  to  the  landing- 
place  of  the  fortress.  Ticonderoga  rung  with  the 
voices  of  thousands ;  and  the  martial  airs  of  France, 
and  shouts  in  the  many  tongues  of  the  red  men,  re- 
sounded among  the  rocks  and  forests  and  mountains. 
The  Christian  mass,  too,  was  chanted  solemnly ;  and 
to  the  Abenaki  converts,  seated  reverently,  in  decor- 
ous silence,  on  the  ground,  the  priest  urged  the  duty 
of  honoring  Christianity  by  their  example,  in  the  pre- 
sence of  so  many  infidel  braves. 

It  was  a  season  of  scarcity  in  Canada.  None  had 
been  left  unmolested  to  plough  and  plant ;  the  miser- 
able inhabitants  had  no  bread.  But  small  stores  were 
collected  for  the  army.  They  must  conquer  speedily 
or  disband.  "  On  such  an  expedition,"  said  Montcalm 
to  his  officers,  "  a  blanket  and  a  bearskin  are  the 
warrior's  couch.  Do  like  me,  with  cheerful  good- 
will.    The  soldier's  allowance  is  enough  for  us." * 

During  the  short  period  of  preparation,  the  parti- 
sans were  active.  Marin  brought  back  his  two  hun- 
dred men  from  the  skirts  of  Fort  Edward,  with  the 
pomp  of  a  triumphant  warrior.  M  He  did  not  amuse 
himself  with  making  piisoners,"  said  Montcalm,  on 
seeing  but  one  captive ; 2  and  the  red  men  yelled  for 
joy  as  they  counted  in  the  canoes  two-and-forty  scalps 
of  Englishmen. 

1  Montcalm's  Circular  to  his  Of-        9  Montcalm    to    Vaudreuil,    27 
ficers,  25  July,  1757.  July,  1757. 


The  Ottawas  resolved  to  humble  the  arrogance  of  ciiap 
the  American  boatmen ;  and  they  lay  hid  in  ambuscades  v^^-L 
all  the  twenty-third  of  July,  and  all  the  following  night.  1757. 
At.  daybreak  of  the  twenty-fourth,  Palmer  was  seen  on 
the  lake  in  command  of  two-and-twenty  barges.     The 
Indians  rushed  on  his  party  suddenly,  terrified  them 
by  their  yells,  and,  after  killing  many,  took  one  hun- 
dred and  sixty  prisoners.     "To-morrow  or  next  day," 
said  the  captives,  "  General  Webb  will  be  at  the  fort 
with  fresh  troops."     "  No  matter,"  said   Montcalm ; 
"  in  less  than  twelve  days  I  will  have  a  good  story  to 
tell  about  them."     From  the  timid  Webb  there  was 
nothing  to  fear.     He  went,  it  is  true,  to  Fort  William 
Henry,  but  took  care  to  leave  again  with  a  large 
escort,  just  in  season  to  avoid  its  siege. 

It  is  the  custom  of  the  Red  Man,  after  success,  to 
avoid  the  further  chances  of  war  and  hurry  home. 
"To  remain  now,"  said  the  Ottawas,  "would  be 
to  tempt  the  Master  of  life." *  But  Montcalm,  after 
the  boats  and  canoes  had,  without  oxen  or  horses, 
by  main  strength,  been  borne  up  to  Lake  George, 
held  on  the  plain  above  the  portage  one  general  coun- 
cil of  union.  All  the  tribes  from  the  banks  of 
Michigan  and  Superior  to  the  borders  of  Acadia, 
were  present,  seated  on  the  ground  according  to  their 
rank,  and,  in  the  name  of  Louis  the  Fifteenth,  Mont- 
calm produced  the  mighty  belt  of  six  thousand  shells, 
which,  being  solemnly  accepted,  bound  all  by  the  ho- 
liest ties  to  remain  together  till  the  end  of  the  expe- 
dition. The  belt  was  given  to  the  Iroquois,  as  the 
most  numerous  ;  but  they  courteously  transferred  it  to 
the  upper  nations,  who  came,  though  strangers,   to 

1  Bougainville  to  the  minister,  19  August,  1757. 



chap,  their   aid.     In   the   scarcity   of  boats,   the   Iroquois 
_,_,  agreed  to  guide  De  Levi,  with  twenty-five  hundred 
1757.  men,  by  land,  through  the  rugged  country  which  they 
called  their  own. 

The  Christian  savages  employed  their  short  leisure 
at  the  confessional ;  the  tribes  from  above,  restlessly 
weary,  dreamed  dreams,  consulted  the  great  medicine- 
men, and,  hanging  up  the  complete  equipment  of  a 
war-chief  as  an  offering  to  their  Manitou,  embarked 
on  the  last  day  of  July. 

The  next  day,  two  hours  after  noon,  Montcalm 
followed  with  the  main  body  of  the  army,  in  two 
hundred  and  fifty  boats.  The  Indians,  whom  he 
overtook,  preceded  him  in  their  decorated  canoes. 
Rain  fell  in  torrents ;  yet  they  rowed  nearly  all  the 
night,  till  they  came  in  sight  of  the  three  trian- 
gular fires,  that,  from  a  mountain  ridge,  pointed  to 
the  encampment  of  De  Levi.  There,  in  Ganousky, 
or,  as  some  call  it,  Northwest  Bay,  they  held  a 
council  of  war,  and  then,  writh  the  artillery,  they 
moved  slowly  to  a  bay,  of  which  the  point  could  not 
be  turned  without  exposure  to  the  enemy.  An  hour 
before  midnight,  two  English  boats  were  descried  on 
the  lake,  when  some  of  the  upper  Indians  paddled 
two  canoes  to  attack  them,  and  with  such  celerity, 
that  one  of  the  boats  was  seized  and  overpowered. 
Two  prisoners  being  reserved,  the  rest  were  massa- 
cred. The  Indians  lost  but  one  warrior,  a  great 
chieftain  of  the  nation  of  the  Nepisings. 

On  the  morning  of  the  second  day  of  August,  the 
savages  dashed  openly  upon  the  water,  and,  forming 
across  the  lake  a  chain  of  their  bark  canoes,  they 
made  the  bay  resound  with  their  war-cry.  The  Eng- 
lish were  taken  almost  by  surprise.     Their  tents  still 


covered  the  plains.     Montcalm  disembarked  without  chap. 


interruption,  about  a  mile  and  a  half  below  the  fort,  v_^_ 
and  advanced  in  three  columns.  The  Indians  hurried  1757. 
to  burn  the  barracks  of  the  English,,  to  chase  their 
cattle  and  horses,  to  scalp  their  stragglers.  During 
the  day  they  occupied,  with  Canadians  under  La  Corne, 
the  road  leading  to  the  Hudson,  and  cut  off  the  com- 
munication. At  the  north  was  the  encampment  of 
De  Levi,  with  regulars  and  Canadians ;  while  Mont- 
calm, with  the  main  body  of  the  army,  occupied 
the  skirt  of  the  wood,  on  the  west  side  of  the  lake. 
His  whole  force  consisted  of  six  thousand  French  and 
Canadians,  and  about  seventeen  hundred  Indians. 
Fort  William  Henry  was  defended  by  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Monro,1  of  the  thirty-fifth  regiment,  a  brave 
officer  and  a  man  of  strict  honor,  with  less  than  five 
hundred  men,  while  seventeen  hundred  men  lay  in- 
trenched near  his  side,  on  the  eminence  to  the  south- 
east, now  marked  by  the  ruins  of  Fort  George. 

Meantime,  the  braves  of  the  Nepisings,  faithful  to 
the  rites  of  their  fathers,  celebrated  the  funereal 
honors  of  their  departed  brother.  The  lifeless  frame, 
dressed  as  became  a  war-chief,  glittered  with  belts, 
and  ear-rings,  and  the  brilliant  vermilion;  a  riband, 
fiery  red,  supported  a  gorget  on  his  breast ;  the  tom- 
ahawk was  in  his  girdle,  the  pipe  at  his  lips,  the  lance 
in  his  hand,  at  his  side  the  well-filled  bowl ;  and  thus 
the  departed  warrior  sat  upright  on  the  green  turf, 
which  was  his  death-couch.  The  speech  for  the  dead 
was  pronounced ;  the  death-dances  and  chants  began ; 
the  murmurs  of  human  voices  mingled  with  the  sound 
of  drums  and  the  tinkling  of  little  bells.     And  thus 

1  Captain  Christie  to  Governor  Pownall>  10  August,  1757. 



chap,  arrayed,  in  a  sitting  posture,  he  was  consigned  to  the 
^__^  earth,  well  provided  with  food,  and  surrounded  by 
1757.  the  splendors  which  delighted  him  when  alive.1 

On  the  fourth  of  August,  the  French  summoned 
Monro  to  surrender ;  but  the  gallant  old  soldier  sent 
an  answer  of  defiance.  Montcalm  hastened  his  works ; 
the  troops  dragged  the  artillery  over  rocks  and 
through  the  forests,  and  with  alacrity  brought  fascines 
and  gabions.  The  red  men,  unused  to  a  siege,  were 
eager  to  hear  the  big  guns.  Soon,  the  first  battery, 
of  nine  cannon  and  two  mortars,  was  finished ;  and, 
amidst  the  loud  screams  of  the  savages,  it  began  to 
play,  while  a  thousand  echoes  were  returned  by  the 
mountains.  In  two  days  more,  a  second  was  estab- 
lished, and,  by  means  of  the  zigzags,  the  Indians  could 
stand  within  gun-shot  of  the  fortress.  Just  then  ar- 
rived letters  from  France  conferring  on  Montcalm  the 
red  riband,  with  rank  as  knight  commander  of  the 
order  of  St.  Louis.  "  We  are  glad,"  said  the  red  men, 
"  of  the  favor  done  you  by  the  great  Onontio  ;  but  we 
neither  love  you  nor  esteem  you  the  more  for  it ;  we 
love  the  man,  and  not  what  hangs  on  his  outside." 
"Webb,  at  Fort  Edward,  had  an  army  of  four  thousand, 
and  might  have  summoned  the  militia  from  all  the 
near  villages  to  the  rescue.  He  sent  nothing  but  a 
letter,  with  an  exaggerated  account  of  the  French 
force,  and  his  advice  to  capitulate.  Montcalm  inter- 
cepted the  letter,  which  he  immediately  forwarded  to 
Monro.  Yet,  not  till  the  eve  of  the  festival  of  St. 
Lawrence,  when  half  his  guns  were  burst,  and  his 
ammunition  was  almost  exhausted,  did  the  dauntless 
veteran  hang  out  a  flag  of  truce. 

Lettres  Edifiantes  et  Curieuses. 


With,  a  view  to  make  the  capitulation  inviolably  chap. 
binding  on  the  Indians,  Montcalm  summoned  their  war-  ^^ 
chiefs  to  council.     The  English  were  to  depart  with  1757. 
the  honors  of  war,  on  a  pledge  not  to  serve  against 
the  French  for  eighteen  months ;  they  were  to  aban- 
don all   but  their  private  effects;  an  escort  was  to 
attend  them  on  their  departure ;  every  Canadian  or 
French  Indian  made  captive  during  the  war  was  to  be 
liberated.     The  Indians  applauded ;   the  capitulation 
was  signed.     Late  on  the  ninth  of  August,  the  French 
entered    the  fort,  and  the   English   retired  to  their 
intrenched  camp. 

Montcalm  had  kept  from  the  savages  all  intoxicat- 
ing drinks,  but  they  solicited  and  obtained  them  of 
the  English,  and  all  night  long  they  were  wild  with 
dances  and  songs  and  revelry.  The  Abenakis  of 
Acadia  excited  the  angry  passions  of  other  tribes,  by 
recalling  the  sorrows  they  had  suffered  from  English 
perfidy  and  English  power.  At  daybreak,  they 
gathered  round  the  intrenchments,  and,  as  the  terrified 
English  soldiers  filed  off,  began  to  plunder  them,  and 
incited  one  another  to  swing  the  tomahawk  recklessly. 
Twenty,  perhaps  even  thirty,  persons  were  massacred, 
while  very  many  were  made  prisoners.  Officers  and 
soldiers,  stripped  of  every  thing,  fled  to  the  woods,  to 
the  fort,  to  the  tents  of  the  French.  To  arrest  the 
disorder,  De  Levi  plunged  into  the  tumult,  daring 
death  a  thousand  times.  French  officers  received 
wounds  in  rescuing  the  captives,  and  stood  at  their 
tents  as  sentries  over  those  they  had  recovered.  "  Kill 
me,"  cried  Montcalm,  using  prayers,  and  menaces,  and 
promises  ;  u  but  spare  the  English,  who  are  under  my 
protection ;"  *    and   he   urged    the   troops   to  defend 

1  Montcalm  to  the  Minister,  8  Sept.,  1757. 


chap,  themselves.     The  march  to  Fort  Edward  was  a  flight  i 

^^  not  more  than  six  hundred  reached  there  in  a  body. 

1757.  From  the  French  camp  Montcalm  collected  together 

more  than  four  hundred,  who  were  dismissed  with 

great  escort,  and  he  sent  De  Vaudreuil  to  ransoi 

those  whom  the  Indians  had  carried  away.1 

After  the  surrender  of  Fort  William  Henry,  tl 
savages  retired.  Twelve  hundred  men  were  employed 
to  demolish  the  fort,  and  nearly  a  thousand  to  lade 
the  vast  stores  that  had  been  given  up.  As  Mont- 
calm withdrew,  he  praised  his  happy  fortune,  that  his 
victory  was,  on  his  own  side,  almost  bloodless,  his  loss 
in  killed  and  wounded  being  but  fifty-three.  The 
Canadian  peasants  returned  to  gather  their  harvests, 
and  the  Lake  resumed  its  solitude.  Nothing  told  that 
civilized  man  had  reposed  upon  its  margin,  but  the 
charred  rafters  of  ruins,  and  here  and  there,  on  the 
side  hill,  a  crucifix  among  the  pines  to  mark  a  grave.9 

Pusillanimity  pervaded  the  English  camp.  Webb 
at  Fort  Edward,  with  six  thousand  men,  was  expect-, 
ing  to  be  attacked  every  minute.  He  sent  his  own 
baggage  to  a  place  which  he  deemed  secure ;  and 
wished  to  retreat  to  the  highlands  on  the  Hudson. 
"  For  God's  sake,"  wrote  the  officer  in  command  at 
Albany,  to  the  governor  of  Massachusetts,  "  exert 
yourselves  to  save  a  province ;  New  York  itself  may 
fall ; *  save   a  country  ;  prevent  the  downfall  of  the 

1  Montcalm  to  Loudoun,  14  Au-  of  the  War,  82-85. — French  Ac- 
gust,  1757.  Journal  de  l'Expedi-  counts  in  New  York  Paris  Docn- 
tion,  &c,  &c.  ments,  xiii. — Compare  Smith's  New 

2  M;  moires  sur  Canada. — Lettres    York. Uoyt's  -Antiquarian     Ke- 

Edifiantes    et    Curieuses.—  Corres-  searches. — Dwight's  Travels, 

pondeuce  of  A.  Colden.     II.  Sharpe  3  Capt.  Christie  to  Gov.  Pownall, 

and  others. — Knox's  Journal. — Ro-  10  August,  1757. 

gers's  Journal.      Mante's    History 


British  government  upon  this  continent."1     Pownall  chap 
>rdered  the  inhabitants  west  of    Connecticut  Kiver  _yW 
o  destroy  their  wheel-carriages  and  drive  in  their  1757. 
•attle.     Loudoun  proposed  to  encamp  on  Long  Island, 
or  the  defence  of  the  continent.     Every  day  it  was 
said,  "  My  Lord  Loudoun  goes  soon  to  Albany,"  and 
'till  each  day  found  him  at  New  York.      u  We  have  a 
ijreat  number  of  troops,"  said  even  royalists,    "  but 
he  inhabitants  on  the  frontier  will  not  be  one  jot  the 
;afer  for  them." 

The  English  had  been  driven  from  every  cabin  in 
;he  basin  of  the  Ohio;  Montcalm  had  destroyed 
very  vestige  of  their  power  within  that  of  the  St. 
Lawrence.  France  had  her  posts  on  each  side  of  the 
Lakes,  and  at  Detroit,  at  Mackinaw,  at  Kaskaskia,  and 
it  New  Orleans.  The  two  great  valleys  of  the  Mis- 
sissippi and  the  St.  Lawrence  were  connected  chiefly 
oy  three  well  known  routes, — by  way  of  Waterford 
oo  Fort  Duquesne,  by  way  of  the  Maumee  to  the 
Wabash,  and  by  way  of  Chicago  to  the  Illinois.  Of 
:he  North  American  continent,  the  French  claimed, 
ind  seemed  to  possess,  twenty  parts  in  twenty-five, 
leaving  four  only  to  Spain,  and  but  one  to  Britain. 
Their  territory  exceeded  that  of  the  English  twenty- 
bid.  As  the  men  composing  the  garrison  at  Fort 
Loudoun,  in  Tennessee,  were  but  so  many  hostages  in 
:he  hands  of  the  Cherokees,  the  claim  of  France  to 
;he  valleys  of  the  Mississippi  and  the  St.  Lawrence 
leemed  established  by  possession. 

America  and  England  were  humiliated.  They 
i  onged  to  avenge  themselves ;  yet,  Sharpe,  of  Mary- 
land, made  the  apology  of  the  "viceroy,"  approved 

1  Capt.  Christie  to  Gov.  Pownall,  11  August,  1757. 




chap,  his  system,  and  again  and  again  nrged  taxation  I 
^^L,  parliament.     From  every  royal  province   complain 
1757.  Laving  the  same  tendency  were  renewed.     FromN( 
Hampshire,  Wentworth  wrote  that  M  the  prerogati 
of  the  crown  was  treated  with  contempt;  the  roj 
commission  and  instructions  were  rendered  useless 
"the  members  of  both  houses  were  all  become  Con 
monwealth's  men."  *     There  were  not  royalists  enoug 
in  New  Hampshire  to  form  a  council.     "  I  cannot  pr< 
vail  with  this   republican  assembly,"  said  Dobbs,  c 
North  Carolina,  "  to  submit  to  instructions.     If  the; 
raise  the   money,  they  name  the  persons  for  publi 
service."2     William  Smith,  the  semi-republican  histc 
rian  of  New  York,  insisted  that  "  the  Board  of  Trad' 
did  not  know  the  state  of  America,"  and  he  urged  s  { 
law  for  an  American  union  with  an  American  parlia _ 
ment.     "  The  defects  of  the  first  plan,"  said  he,  "  wil 
be  supplied  by  experience.     The  British  constitutioi 
ought  to  be  the  model ;  and,  from  our  knowledge  o 
its  faults,  the  American  one  may  rise  with  more  healtl 
and  soundness  in  its  first  contexture  than  Great  Britaii 
will  ever  enjoy." 

But  Loudoun  still  adhered  to  the  plan  of  over 
awing  colonial  assemblies  by  a  concentrated  military 
power.  Recruiting  officers  from  Nova  Scotia,  asking 
the  justices  of  peace  at  Boston  to  quarter  and  billet 
them,  as  provided  by  the  British  mutiny  act,  were 
refused ;  for  the  act,  it  was  held,  did  not  extend  to 
America;  and  the  general,  in  November,  demanded 
immediate  submission.  "  He  would  prevent  the  whole 
continent  from  being  thrown  into  confusion."  "  I  have 
ordered,"  these  were  the  words  of  his  message,  u  I 

1  Wentworth  to  Lords  of  Trade,        2  Dobbs  to  Lords  of  Trade,  26 
Oct.,  1757.  Dec,  1757. 


lave  ordered  the  messenger  to  wait  but  forty-eight  chap 
lours  in  Boston ;  and  if,  on  his  return,  I  find  things  _^_ 
lot  settled,  I  will   instantly  order  into  Boston   the  1757. 
hive  regiments  from  New  York,  Long  Island,  and 
Connecticut ;  and  if  more  are  wanted,  I  have  two  in 
lie  Jerseys  at  hand,  besides  three  in  Pennsylvania." 

Yet  Loudoun  yielded  to  the  view  of  Massachu- 
setts; and  the  Assembly  and  Council,  won  by  the 
•omlescension,  allowed  Thomas  Hutchinson,  then  of 
he  Council,  to  draft  for  them  a  memorable  message, 
n  which  he  recommended  himself  by  introducing  the 
loctrines  of  the  Board  of  Trade.  "  Our  dependence 
>n  the  parliament  of  Great  Britain,"  thus  ran  the 
tate  paper,  "  we  never  had  a  desire  or  thought  of 
essening."  "  The  authority  of  all  acts  of  parliament, 
vhich  extend  to  the  colonies,  is  ever  acknowledged  in 
ill  the  courts  of  law,  and  made  the  rule  of  all  judicial 
oroceedings  in  the  province.  There  is  not  a  member 
)f  the  General  Court,  and  we  know  no  inhabitant 
^vithin  the  bounds  of  the  government,  that  ever  ques- 
tioned this  authority."  And  the  principles  of  inde- 
pendence imputed  to  them  by  Loudoun  they  utterly 
lisavowed.  Yet  the  opinion  in  the  provinces  was 
^ery  general,  that  the  war  was  conducted  by  a  mix- 
ture of  ignorance  and  cowardice.  They  believed  that 
^hey  were  able  to  defend  themselves  against  the 
Trench  and  Indians  without  any  assistance  or  embar- 
rassments from  England.  "  Oh  that  we  had  nothing 
.-o  do  with  Great  Britain  forever,"  was  then  the  wish 
)f  John  Adams  in  his  heart.1 

Everywhere  the  royal  officers  actively  asserted  the 
authority  of  the   king  and  the  British  nation   over 

1  John  Adams  to  George  Alex.  Otis,  19  Feb.,  1822.      Jay's  Jay, 
i.  416. 




chap    America.     Did   tlie  increase  of  population  lead  t 
^,-^  legislatures  to  enlarge  the  representative  body?     T 
17  57.  right  to  do  so  was  denied,  and  representation  was 
to  be  a  privilege  conceded  by  the  king  as  a  boon, 
limited  by  his  will.     Did  the  British  commander 
lieve  that  the  French  colonies  through  the  neutr 
islands  derived  provisions  from  the  continent  ?     E 
his  own  authority  he  proclaimed  an  embargo  in  evei 
American  port.     Did  South  Carolina,  by  its  Assei 
bly,  institute  an  artillery  company  ?     Lyttleton  inte 
posed   his   veto,  for   there   should    be    no   compan 
formed  but  by  the  regal  commission.     By  another  ac 
the  same  Assembly  made   provision   for  quarterin 
soldiers,  introducing   into    the    law   the   declarator 
clause,  that  "  no  soldier  should  ever  be  billeted  anion  j 
them."     This,  also,  Lyttleton  negatived ;  and  but  fc  - 
the  conciliatory  good  temper  of  Bouquet,  who  con 
manded  at  Charleston,  the  province  would  have  bee 
inflamed  by  the  peremptory  order  which  came  fror 
Loudoun  to  grant  billets  under  the  act  of  parliamem 

Thus  did  the  government  of  the  English  aristc 
cracy  paralyze  the  immense  energies  of  the  Britisl 
empire.  In  the  North,  Russia  had  been  evoked  fron 
the  steppes  of  Asia  to  be  the  arbiter  of  Germany.  Ii 
the  Mediterranean  Sea,  Minorca  was  lost ;  for  Hanover 
Cumberland  had  acceded  to  a  shameful  treaty  of  neu 
trality ;  in  America,  England  had  been  driven  fron 
the  valley  of  the  Mississippi  and  the  whole  basin  oJ 
the  St.  Lawrence  with  its  tributary  lakes  and  rivers. 

And  yet  sentence  had  been  passed  upon  the  mo- 
narchy of  feudalism.  The  enthusiast  Swedenborg 
had  announced  that  its  day  of  judgment  was  come, 
The  English  aristocracy,  being  defeated,  summoned  to 


their  aid,  not,  indeed,  the  power  of  the  people,  but,  at  chap 
t,  influence  with  the  people,  in  the  person  of  Wil-  ^^L, 
iiam  Pitt.  A  private  man  in  England,  in  middle  life,  1757. 
with  no  fortune,  with  no  party,  with  no  strong  family 
connections,  having  few  votes  under  his  sway  in  the 
House  of  Commons,  and  perhaps  not  one  in  the  House 
of  Lords, — a  feeble  valetudinarian,  shunning  pleasure 
and  society,  haughty  and  retired,  and  half  his  time 
disabled  by  the  agonies  of  hereditary  gout,  was  now 
the  hope  of  the  English  world.  Assuming  power,  as 
with  the  voice  of  an  archangel,  he  roused  the  states  of 
Protestantism  to  wage  a  war  for  mastery  against  the 
despotic  monarchy  and  the  institutions  of  the  Middle 
Ages,  and  to  secure  to  humanity  its  futurity  of  free- 
dom. Protestantism  is  not  humanity ;  its  name  implies 
a  party  struggling  to  throw  off  some  burdens  of  the 
past,  and  ceasing  to  be  a  renovating  principle  when 
its  protest  shall  have  succeeded.  It  was  now  for  the 
last  time,  as  a  political  element,  summoned  to  appear 
upon  the  theatre  of  the  nations,  to  control  their 
alliances,  and  to  perfect  its  triumph  by  leaving  no  oc- 
casion for  its  reappearance  in  arms.  Its  final  victo- 
rious struggle  preceded  the  reddening  in  the  sky  of 
the  morning  of  a  new  civilization.  Its  last  war  was 
first  in  the  series  of  the  great  wars  of  revolution  that 
founded  for  the  world  of  mankind  the  power  of  the 





"  The  orator  is  vastly  well  provided  for,"  thoug 
Bedford,  in  1746,  on   tlie  appointment   of  Willia 
1757.  Pitt  to  a  subordinate  office  of  no  political  influence. 
"  I  assure  your  grace  of  my  warmest  gratitude,"  wrot 
Pitt  himself,  in  1750,  to  Newcastle,  who  falsely  pr 
tended  to  have  spoken  favorably  of  him  to  the  king ; 
and  now,  in  defiance  of  Bedford  and  Newcastle,  and 
the  antipathy  of  the  king,  he  is  become  the  foremos 
man  in  England,  received  into   the  ministry   as   i 
"  guide,"  because  he  alone  was  the  choice  of  the  pe 
pie,  and,  by  his  greatness  of  soul  and  commanding  el 
quence,  could  restore  the  state. 

On  his  dismissal  in  April,  no  man  had  the  bar 
hood  to  accept  his  place.  A  storm  of  indignatio 
burst  from  the  nation.  To  Pitt  and  to  Legge,  who  ha 
also  opposed  the  Russian  treaty,  London,  with  man 
other  cities,  voted  its  freedom ;  unexampled  disc  on 
tent  pervaded  the  country.  Newcastle,  whose  pusi 
lanimity  exceeded  his  vanity,  dared  not  attempt  form 
ing  a  ministry ;  and  by  declining  to  do  so,  renewe 



his  confession  that  the  government  of  Great  Britain  chap. 
could  no  longer  be  administered  by  a  party,  which  _^ 
had  for  its  principle  to  fight  up  alike  against  the  king  1757. 
and  against  the  people.  The  inebriate  Granville,  the 
President  of  the  Council,  would  have  infused  his 
jovial  intrepidity  into  the  junto  of  Fox ;  but  Fox  him- 
self was  desponding.1  Bedford  had  his  scheme,  which 
he  employed  Rigby  to  establish ;  and  when  it  proved 
impracticable,  indulged  himself  in  reproaches,  and  the 
display  of2  anger,  and  withdrew  to  Woburn  Abbey. 
In  the  midst  of  war,  the  country  was  left  to  anarchy. 
"  We  are  undone,"  said  Chesterfield ;  "  at  home,  by 
our  increasing  expenses  ;  abroad,  by  ill-luck  and  inca- 
pacity ; "  the  Elector  of  Hesse  Cassel,  the  Duke  of 
Brunswick,  destitute  of  the  common  honesty  of  hire- 
lings, were  in  the  market  to  be  bid  for  by  the  ene- 
mies of  their  lavish  employer ;  the  King  of  Prussia, 
Britain's  only  ally,  seemed  overwhelmed,  Hanover 
reduced,  and  the  French  were  masters  in  America. 
So  dark  an  hour,  so  gloomy  a  prospect,  England  had 
not  known  during  the  century. 

But  the  mind  of  Pitt  always  inclined  to  hope. 
"  I  am  sure,"  said  he  to  the  Duke  of  Devonshire, 
*  I  can  save  this  country,  and  nobody  else  can." 
For  eleven  weeks  England  was  without  a  ministry ; 
so  long  was  the  agony ;  so  desperate  the  resistance ; 
so  reluctant  the  surrender.  At  last  the  king  and  the 
aristocracy  were  alike  compelled  to  recognise  the 
ascendency  and  yield  to  the  guidance  of  the  man 
whom  the  nation  trusted  and  loved.  Made  wise  by 
experience,  and  relying  on  his  own  vigor  of  will  for  a 

1  Walpole's  Memoires.  9  Bedford  Corr.  ii.  245. 

VOL.   IV.  18 


chap,  controlling  influence,  he  formed  a  ministry  from  man 
^^^  factions.  Lord  Anson,  Hardwicke's  son-in-law,  took 
*757  again  the  highest  seat  at  the  Board  of  the  Admi- 
ralty. Fox,  who  had  children,  and  had  wasted  his 
fortune,  accepted  the  place  of  paymaster,  which  the 
war  made  enormously  lucrative.  Newcastle  had  pro- 
mised Halifax  a  new  office  as  third  secretary  of  state 
for  the  colonies.  "  I  did  not  speak  about  it,"  was  the 
duke's  apology  to  him ;  "  Pitt  looked  so  much  out  of 
humor,  I  dared  not."1  And  the  disappointed  man 
railed  without  measure  at  the  knavery  and  cow- 
ardice of  Newcastle.2  But  Pitt  reconciled  him  by 
leaving  him  his  old  post  in  the  Board  of  Trade,  with 
all  its  patronage,  adding  the  dignity  of  a  cabinet 
councillor.  Henley,  afterwards  Lord  Northington, 
became  Lord  Chancellor,  opening  the  way  for  Sir 
Charles  Pratt  to  be  made  Attorney-General,  and 
George  Grenville  was  Treasurer  of  the  Navy.  The 
illustrious  statesman  himself,  the  ablest  his  country 
had  seen  since  Cromwell,  whom  he  surpassed  in  the 
grandeur  and  in  the  integrity  of  his  ambition,  being 
resolved  on  making  England  the  greatest  nation  in 
the  world,  and  himself  its  greatest  minister,  took  the 
seals  of  the  Southern  Department,  with  the  conduct  of 
the  war  in  all  parts  of  the  globe.  With  few  personal 
friends,  with  no  considerable  party,  and  an  aversion  to 
the  exercise  of  patronage,  he  left  to  Newcastle  the 
first  seat  at  the  Treasury  Board,  with  the  disposi- 
tion of  bishoprics,  petty  offices,  and  contracts,  and  the 
management  of  "all  the  classes  of  venality."3  At 
that  day,  the  good  will  of  the  people  was,  in  England, 

1  Podington's  Diary,  208.  9  Almon's     Biographical    Aneo- 

*  Rigby  to    Bedford,    18  June,     dotes,  iii.  362 
1757,  in  Bedford's  Corr.  ii.  249. 



the  most  uncertain  tenure  of  office  ;   for  they  had  no  chap. 
strength  in  parliament ;  their  favorite  held  his  high  J^-L, 
position  at  the  sufferance  of  the  aristocracy.     "I  bor-  1757. 
row,"  said  Pitt,  "the  Duke  of  Newcastle's  majority  to 
carry  on  the  public  business."1 

The  new  ministry  kissed  hands  early  in  July, 
1757.  "Sire,"  said  the  Secretary,  "give  me  your 
confidence,  and  I  will  deserve  it."  "  Deserve  my  con- 
fidence," replied  the  king,  "and  you  shall  have  it;"2 
and  kept  his  word.  All  England  applauded  the 
Great  Commoner's  elevation.  John  Wilkes,8  then 
just  elected  member  of  parliament,  promised  "  steady 
support  to  the  measures "  of  "  the  ablest  minister,  as 
well  as  the  first  character,  of  the  age."  Bearing  a 
message  from  Leicester  House,  "  Thank  God,"  wrote 
Bute,  "  I  see  you  in  office.  If  even  the  wreck  of  this 
crown  can  be  preserved  to  our  amiable  young  prince, 
it  is  to  your  abilities  he  must  owe  it.  You  have  a 
soul,  that,  instead  of  sinking  under  adversity,  will 
rise  and  grow  stronger  against  it." 

But  Pitt  knew  himself  called  to  the  ministry 
neither  by  the  king,  nor  by  the  parliament  of  the 
aristocracy,  nor  by  Leicester  House,  but  "by  the 
voice  of  the  people ;"  and  the  affairs  of  the  em- 
pire were  now  directed  by  a  man  who  had  de- 
manded for  his  countrymen  an  uncorrupted  repre- 
sentation, a  prevailing  influence  in  designating  min- 
isters, and  "  a  supreme  service"  from  the  king. 
Assuming  power,  he  bent  all  factions  to  his  authori- 
tative will,  and  made  "  a  venal  age  unanimous." 
The  energy  of  his  mind  was  the  spring  of  his  elo- 

1  Harris's  Life  of  Hardwicke,  iii.  8  Chatham    Correspondence,  i. 

150.  240. 

*  Almon's  Anecdotes,  i.  229. 


chap,  quence.  His  presence  was  inspiration ;  he  himself 
^^L,  was  greater  than  his  speeches.  Others  have  uttered 
1757.  thoughts  of  beauty  and  passion,  of  patriotism  and 
courage  ;  none  by  words  accomplished  deeds  like  him. 
His  voice  resounded  throughout  the  world,  impelling 
the  servants  of  the  British  state  to  achievements  of 
glory  on  the  St.  Lawrence  and  along  the  Ganges. 
Animated  by  his  genius,  a  corporation  for  trade  did 
what  Rome  had  not  dreamed  of,  and  a  British  mer- 
chant's clerk  made  conquests  as  rapidly  as  other  men 
make  journeys,  resting  his  foot  in  permanent  triumph 
where  Alexander  of  Macedon  had  faltered.  Ruling 
with  unbounded  authority  the  millions  of  free  minds 
whose  native  tongue  was  his  own,  with  but  one  con- 
siderable ally  on  the  European  continent,  with  no  re- 
sources in  America  but  from  the  good-will  of  the  colo- 
nies, he  led  forth  the  England  which  had  planted  pop- 
ular freedom  along  the  western  shore  of  the  Atlantic, 
the  England  which  was  still  the  model  of  liberty,  to  en- 
counter the  whole  force  of  the  despotisms  of  Catholic 
Europe,  and  defend  "  the  common  cause"  against  what 
he  called  "the  most  powerful  and  malignant  confe- 
deracy that  ever  threatened  the  independence  of  man- 

The  contest',  which  had  now  spread  into  both  hem- 
ispheres, began  in  America.  The  English  colonies, 
dragging  England  into  their  strife,  claimed  to  advance 
their  frontiers,  and  to  include  the  great  central  valley 
of  the  continent  in  their  system.  The  American 
question,  therefore,  was,  Shall  the  continued  coloniza- 

1  Chatham  Corr.,  i.  226. 


fcion  of  North  America  be  made  under  the  auspices  of  chap 


English  Protestantism  and  popular  liberty,  or  shall  ^^i, 
the  tottering  legitimacy  of  France,  in  its  connection  1757. 
with  Koman  Catholic  Christianity,  win  for  itself  new 
empire  in  that  hemisphere  ?  The  question  of  the  Eu- 
ropean continent  was,  Shall  a  Protestant  revolution- 
ary kingdom,  like  Prussia,  be  permitted  to  rise  up 
and  grow  strong  within  its  heart  ?  Considered  in  its 
unity,  as  interesting  mankind,  the  question  was, 
Shall  the  Eeformation,  developed  to  the  fulness  of 
Free  Inquiry,  succeed  in  its  protest  against  the  Mid- 
dle Age  ? 

The  war  that  closed  in  1748  had  been  a  mere 
scramble  for  advantages,  and  was  sterile  of  results ; 
the  present  conflict,  which  was  to  prove  a  Seven 
Years'  War,  was  an  encounter  of  parties,  of  reform 
against  the  unreformed ;  and  this  was  so  profoundly 
true,  that  all  the  predilections  or  personal  antipathies 
of  sovereigns  and  ministers  could  not  prevent  the  al- 
liances, collisions,  and  results  necessary  to  make  it  so. 
George  the  Second,  who  was  also  sovereign  of  Han- 
over, in  September,  1755,  contracted  with  Russia  for 
the  defence  of  that  electorate  ;  but  Russia,  which  was 
neither  Catholic  nor  Protestant,  tolerant  in  religion, 
though  favoring  absolutism  in  government,  could 
not  be  relied  upon  by  either  party,  and  passed  alter- 
nately from  one  camp  to  the  other.  England,  the 
most  liberal  Protestant  kingdom,  had  cherished  inti- 
mate relations  with  Austria,  the  most  legitimate  Ca- 
tholic power,  and,  to  strengthen  the  connection,  had 
scattered  bribes,  with  open  hands,  to  Mayence,  Co- 
logne, Bavaria,  the  Count  Palatine,  to  elect  Joseph 
the  Second  King  of  the  Romans.  And  all  the  while, 
Austria  was  separating  itself  from  its  old  ally,  and 


chap,  forming  a  confederacy  of  the  Catholic  powers ;  whi] 
^^  George  the  Second,  though  he  personally  disliked  his 
1757.  nephew,  Frederic,  was  driven  irresistibly  to  lean  on 
his  friendship. 

A  deep,  but  perhaps  unconscious,  conviction  of 
approaching  decrepitude  bound  together  the  legiti- 
mate Catholic  sovereigns.  In  all  Europe,  there  was  a 
striving  after  reform.  Men  were  grown  weary  of  the 
superstitions  of  the  Middle  Age ;  of  idlers  and  beg- 
gars, sheltering  themselves  in  sanctuaries ;  of  hopes  of 
present  improvement  suppressed  by  the  anxious  ter- 
rors of  hell  and  purgatory ;  the  countless  monks  and 
priests,  whose  vows  of  celibacy  tempted  to  licentious- 
ness. The  lovers  and  upholders  of  the  past  desired  a 
union  among  the  governments  that  rested  upon  medi- 
aeval traditions.  For  years  had  it  been  whispered 
that  the  House  of  Austria  should  unite  itself  firmly 
with  the  House  of  Bourbon  ;*  and  now  the  Empress 
Maria  Theresa,  herself  a  hereditary  queen,  a  wife  and 
a  mother,  religious  even  to  bigotry,  by  an  autograph 
letter  caressed  endearingly  the  Marchioness  de  Pom- 
padour, once  the  French  king's  mistress,  now  the  pro- 
curess of  his  pleasures,  to  win  her  influence  for  the 
alliance.  Kaunitz,  the  minister  who  alone  had  her 
confidence,  a  man  who  concealed  political  sagacity  and 
an  inflexible  will  under  the  semblance  of  luxurious 
ease,  won  favor  as  ambassador  at  the  court  of  Ver- 
sailles by  his  affectations  and  his  prodigal  expense. 
And  in  May,  1756,  that  is,  in  the  two  hundred 
and  eightieth  year  of  the  jealous  strife  between  the 
Houses  of  Hapsburg  and  of  Capet,  France  and  Aus- 

1  Sir  Charles  Hanbury  Williams    August,  1747,  in  Appendix  to  Wal- 
to  a  private  friend.     Dresden,  27    pole's  Memoires,  ii.  474. 


fcria  put  aside  their  ancient  rivalry,  and  joined  to  de-  chap. 
fend  the  Europe  of  the  Middle  Age,  with  its  legiti-  ^^ 
mate  despotisms,  its  aristocracies,  and  its  ecclesiastical  1757. 
powers,  against  Protestantism  and  the  encroachments 
of  free  inquiry. 

Among  the  rulers  of  the  European  continent,  Fre- 
deric,  with  but  four  millions  of  subjects,  stood  forth 
alone,  "  the  unshaken  bulwark  of  Protestantism  and 
freedom  of  thought."  *  His  kingdom  itself  was  the 
offspring  of  the  Reformation,  in  its  origin  revolutionary 
and  Protestant.  His  father — whose  palace  life  was 
conducted  with  the  economy  and  simplicity  of  the 
German  middle  class, — at  whose  evening  entertain- 
ments a  wooden  chair,  a  pipe,  and  a  mug  of  beer  were 
placed  for  each  of  the  guests  that  assembled  to  discuss 
politics  with  their  prince,2  — harsh  as  a  parent,  severe 
as  a  master,  despotic  as  a  sovereign — received  with 
painfully  scrupulous  piety  every  article  of  the  Lutheran 
creed  and  every  form  of  its  worship.  His  son,  who 
inherited  an  accumulated  treasure  and  the  best  army 
in  Europe,  publicly  declared  his  opinion,  that,  "  politi- 
cally considered,  Protestantism  was  the  most  desirable 
religion ;" 8  that  "  his  royal  electoral  house,  without 
one  example  of  apostasy,  had  professed  it  for  centu- 
ries ;"  and  Protestantism  saw  in  him  its  champion. 
As  the  contest  advanced,  the  fervent  Clement  the 
Thirteenth  commemorated  an  Austrian  victory  over 
Prussia  by  the   present  of   a   consecrated   cap   and 

1  Daum's  Denkwiirdigkeiten,  iv.         8  Schlosser,  i.  249,  252. 
387.     Politz:   Umriss    des   Preus-        3  Preuss:  Leben  Friedrichll.,  L 
sischen  Staates,  195,  210,  237,  242.     105,  106. 
Schlosser's    Gescliichte    des    acht- 
zehnten  Jabrhunderts,  ii.  276 



chap,  sword  ; *  while,  in  the  weekly  concerts  for  prayer 

^^  New  England,  petitions  went  np  for  the  Prussian  hero, 

1757    "who  had  drawn  his  sword  in  the  cause  of  religious 

liberty,  of  the  Protestant  interest,  and  the  liberties  of 

Europe."     "  His  victories,"  said  Mayhew,  of  Boston, 

"  are  our  own." 8 

The  Reformation  was  an  expression  of  the  right  of 
the  human  intellect  to  freedom.  The  same  principle 
was  active  in  France,  where  philosophy  panted  for 
liberty ;  where  Massillon  had  hinted  that  kings  are 
chosen  for  the  welfare  of  the  people  ;  and  Voltaire,  in 
the  empire  of  letters,  marshalled  hosts  against  priest- 
craft. Monarchy,  itself,  was  losing  its  sanctity.  The 
Bourbons  had  risen  to  the  throne  through  the  frank 
and  generous  Henry  the  Fourth,  who,  in  the  sports  of 
childhood,  played  barefoot  and  bareheaded  with  the 
peasant  boys  on  the  mountains  of  Beam.  The  cradle 
of  Louis  the  Fifteenth  was  rocked  in  the  pestilent 
atmosphere  of  the  Regency ;  his  tutor,  when  from  the 
palace-windows  he  pointed  out  the  multitudes,  had 
said  to  the  royal  child,  u  Sire,  this  people  is  yours  ;" 
and  as  he  grew  old  in  profligate  sensuality,  he  joined 
the  mechanism  of  superstition  with  the  maxims  of 
absolutism,  mitigating  his  dread  of  hell  by  the  belief, 
that  Heaven  is  indulgent  to  the  licentiousness  of  kings. 
In  France,  therefore,  there  was  no  alliance  between  the 
government  and  liberal  opinion,  and  that  opinion 
migrated  from  Versailles  to  the  court  of  Prussia.  The 
renovating  intelligence  of   France    declared   against 

1    (Euvres  Posthumes  de  Fred.  Mayhew,  20,  22,  23.     Too  much  at- 

II.,  iii.   343,   344.      Ranke:    Ges-  tention  has  been  given  to  the  pos- 

chichte  der  Papste,  iv.  192,  193.  thumous  calumnies  in  which  Vol- 

8  Boston  Evening  Post,  27  June,  taire  exhaled  his  suppressed  malice 

1757.  and  spleen.     In  point  of  character 

8  Sermon  of  Cooper,  of  Boston,  Voltaire  was  vastly  inferior  to  Fre- 

24.    Two  Discourses  by  Jonathan  deric. 


Louis  the  Fifteenth  and  his  system ;  and,  awaiting  a  chap. 
better  summons  for  its  perfect  sympathy,  saw  in  Fre-  w^_ 
deric  the  present  hero  of  light  and  reason.     Thus  the  1757. 
subtle  and  pervading  influence  of  the  inquisitive  mind 
of  France  was  arrayed  with    England,  Prussia,  and 
America,  that  is,  with  Protestantism,  philosophic  free- 
dom, and  the  nascent  democracy,  in  their  struggle  with 
the  conspiracy  of  European  prejudice  and  legitimacy, 
of  priestcraft  and  despotism. 

The  centre  of  that  conspiracy  was  the  empress  of 
Austria  with  the  apostate  Elector  of  Saxony,  who  was 
king  of  Poland.  Aware  of  the  forming  combination, 
Frederic  resolved  to  attack  his  enemies  before  they 
were  prepared ;  and  in  August,  1756,  he  invaded 
Saxony,  took  Dresden,  blockaded  the  Elector's  army 
at  Pirna,  gained  a  victory  over  the  imperial  forces  that 
were  advancing  for  its  relief,  and  closed  the  campaign 
in  the  middle  of  October,  by  compelling  it  to 
capitulate.  In  the  following  winter,  the  alliances 
against  him  were  completed ;  and  not  Saxony  only, 
and  Austria,  with  Hungary,  but  the  German  empire, 
half  the  German  States, — Russia,  not  from  motives  of 
public  policy,  but  from  a  woman's  caprice, — Sweden, 
subservient  to  the  Catholic  powers  through  the  de- 
grading ascendency  of  its  nobility, — France,  as  the 
ally  of  Austria, — more  than  half  the  continent,  took 
up  arms  against  Frederic,  who  had  no  allies  in  the 
South,  or  East,  or  North,  and  in  the  West  none  but 
Hanover,  with  Hesse  and  Brunswick.  And  as  for 
Spain,  not  even  the  offer  from  Pitt  of  the  conditional 
restitution  of  Gibraltar,1  and  the  evacuation  of  all 
English  establishments  on  the  Mosquito  Shore  and  in 

1  Pitt  to  Keene,  28  Aug.,  1757.    Chat.  Corr.,  i.  249. 


shap.  the  Bay  of  Honduras,  nor  any  consideration  what* 
^^^  ever,  could  move  the  Catholic  monarch  "  to  draw  the 
1757.  sword  in  favor  of  heretics." * 

May.  As  spring  opened,  Frederic  hastened  to  meet  the 

Austrian  army  in  Bohemia.  They  retired,  under  the 
command  of  Charles  of  Lorraine,  abandoning  well 
stored  magazines,  and,  in  May,  1757,  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  Prague,  risked  a  battle  under  its  walls.  After 
terrible  carnage,  the  victory  remained  with  Frederic, 
who  at  once  framed  the  most  colossal  design  that  ever 
entered  the  mind  of  a  soldier, — to  execute  against 
Austria  a  series  of  measures  like  those  against  Saxony 
at  Pirna,  to  besiege  Prague  and  compel  the  army  of 
Charles  of  Lorraine  to  surrender.     But  the  cautious 

June.  Daun,  a  man  of  high  birth,  esteemed  by  the  empress 
queen  and  beloved  by  the  Catholic  Church,  pressed 
slowly  forward  to  raise  the  siege.  Dazzled  by  hope, 
Frederic,  leaving  a  part  of  his  army  before  Prague, 
went  forth  with  the  rest  to  attack  the  Austrian  com- 
mander, and,  on  the  eighteenth  of  June,  attempted  to 
storm  his  intrenchments  on  the  heights  of  Colin. 
His  brave  battalions  w^ere  repelled  with  disastrous 
loss.  Left  almost  unattended,  as  he  gazed  at  the 
spectacle,  "  "Will  you  carry  the  battery  alone  V  de- 
manded one  of  his  lieutenants;  on  which,  the  hero 
rode  calmly  towards  the  left  wing  and  ordered  a 

The  refined,  but  feeble,  August  William,  Prince  of 
Prussia,  had  remained  at  Prague.  "  All  men  are 
children  of  one  father ;"  thus  Frederic  had  once  re- 
proved his  pride  of  birth ;  "  all  are  members  of  one 

1  Keene  to  Pitt,  26  Sept.,  1757.    Chat.  Corr.,  i.  271. 


family,  and,  for  all  your  pride,  are  of  equal  birth,  and  chap 
of  the  same  blood.     Would  you  stand  above  them  ?  .L^L, 
Then  excel  them  in  humanity,  gentleness,  and  virtue."  1757 
At  heart  opposed  to  the  cause  of  mankind,  the  Prince 
had,  from  the  first,  urged  his  brother  to  avoid  the 
war ;  and  at  this  time,  when  drops  of  bitterness  were 
falling  thickly  into  the  hero's  cup,  he  broke  out  into  pu- 
sillanimous complaints,  advising  a  shameful  peace,  by 
concession  to  Austria.     But  Frederic's  power  was  now 
first  to  appear  ;  as  victory  fell  aAvay  from  him,  he  stood 
alone  before  his  fellow-men,  in  unconquerable  great- 

Eaising  the  siege  of  Prague,  he  conducted  the 
retreat  of  one  division  of  his  army  into  Saxony  with- 
out loss ;  the  other  the  Prince  of  Prussia  led  in  a 
manner  contrary  to  the  rules  of  war  and  to  common 
sense,  and  more  disastrous  than  the  loss  of  a  pitched 
battle.  Frederic  censured  the  dereliction  harshly ;  in 
that  day  of  disaster,  he  would  not  tolerate  a  failure  of 
duty,  even  in  the  heir  to  the  throne.1 

The  increasing  dangers  became  terrible.  "  I  am  July, 
resolved,"  wrote  Frederic,  in  July,  "  to  save  my 
country  or  perish."  Colin  became  the  war-cry  ot 
French  and  Russians,  of  Swedes  and  Imperialists;  a 
Russian  army  invaded  his  dominions  on  the  east ;  the 
Swedes  from  the  north  threatened  Pomerania  and 
Berlin  ;  a  vast  army  of  the  French  was  concentrating 
itself  at  Erfurt  for  the  recovery  of  Saxony ;  while 
Austria,  recruited  by  Bavaria  and  Wurtemberg,  was 
conquering  Silesia.  "  The  Prussians  will  win  no  more 
victories,"  wrote  the  queen  of  Poland.     Death  at  this 

1  The  royalist  writers  make  an  the  vain  and  mean-spirited  Prince 
outcry  against  Frederic  for  his  jus-  of  Prussia  the  honors  of  martyr- 
tice  on  this  occasion ;  and  award  to     dom. 


chap,  moment  took  from  Frederic  his  mother,  whom  he 


^-r-L,  loved  most  tenderly.     A  few  friends  remained  faithful 

1757.  to  him,  cheering  him  by  their  correspondence.     "  0, 

that  Heaven  had  heaped  all  ills  on  me  alone !"  said 

his   affectionate  sister ;  "  I  would  have  borne  thei 

with  firmness." 

Aug.  Having  vainly  attempted  to  engage  the  enemy  in 

Silesia  in  a  pitched  battle,  Frederic  repaired  to  the 
West,  to  encounter  the  united  army  of  the  Imperial- 
ists and  French.  "  I  can  leave  you  no  large  garrison," 
was  his  message  to  Fink  at  Dresden  ;  u  but  be  of  good 
cheer  ;  to  keep  the  city  will  do  you  vast  honor."  On 
his  way,  he  learns  that  the  Austrians  have  won  a  vic- 

Sept.  tory  over  Winterfeld  and  Bevern,  his  generals  in 
Silesia,  that  Winterfeld  had  fallen,  that  Bevern  had 
retreated  to  the  lake  near  Breslau,  and  was  opposed 
by  the  Austrians  at  Lissa.  On  the  eighth  of  Sep- 
tember, the  day  after  the  great  disaster  in  Silesia,  the 
Duke  of  Cumberland,  having  been  defeated  and  com- 
pelled to  retire,  signed  for  his  army  and  for  Hanover 
a  convention  of  neutrality.1  "  Here,"  said  George  the 
Second,  on  meeting  the  Duke,  "  is  my  son,  who  has 
ruined  me  and  disgraced  himself."  Voltaire  advised 
Frederic  to  imitate  Cumberland.  "  If  every  string 
breaks,"  wrote  Frederic  to  the  Duke  Ferdinand 
of  Brunswick,  "throw  yourself  into  Magdeburg. 
Situated  as  we  are,  we  must  persuade  ourselves  that 
one  of  us  is  worth  four  others."  Morning  dawned  on 
new  miseries ; 2  night  came  without  a  respite  to  his 
cares.  He  spoke  serenely  of  the  path  to  eternal  rest, 
and  his  own  resolve  to  live  and  die  free.     "  O  my 

1  CEuvres  de  Fred.  II.,  iii.  132,        s  Epitre  au   Marquis  d'Argona 
183.  CEuvres  vii.  176,  178,  180. 



beloved  people,"  lie  exclaimed,  "  my  wishes  live  but  chap. 
for  you ;  to  you  belongs  every  drop  of  my  blood,  and  s^^ 
from  my  heart  I  would  gladly  give  my  life  for  my  1757. 
country."     And,  reproving  the  meanness  of  spirit  of 
Voltaire,  "  I  am  a  man,"  he  wrote,  in  October,  in  the    Oct. 
moment  of  intensest   danger ;    "  born,   therefore,   to 
suffer ;  to  the  rigor  of  destiny  I  oppose  my  own  con- 
stancy ;   menaced  with  shipwreck,  I  will  breast  the 
tempest,  and  think,  and  live,  and  die,  as  a  sovereign." 
In  a  week,  Berlin  itself  was  in  the  hands  of  his  enemies. 

When,  on  the  fourth  of  November,  after  various  Nov. 
changes  of  position,  the  king  of  Prussia,  with  but 
twenty-one  thousand  six  hundred  men,  resumed  his 
encampment  on  the  heights  of  Rossbach,  the  Prince 
de  Rohan  Soubise,  who  commanded  the  French  and 
Imperial  army  of  more  than  sixty-four  thousand,  was 
sure  of  compelling  him  to  surrender.  On  the  morn- 
ing of  the  fifth,  the  combined  forces  marched  in  flank 
to  cut  off  his  retreat.  From  the  battlements  of  the 
old  castle  of  Rossbach,  Frederic  gazed  on  their  move- 
ment ;  his  sagacity,  at  a  glance,  penetrated  their  de- 
sign ;  and,  obeying  the  flush  of  his  exulting  mind,  he 
on  the  instant  made  his  dispositions  for  an  attack. 
"  Forward  !"  he  cried,  at  half-past  two  ;  at  three,  not 
a  Prussian  remained  in  the  village.  He  seemed  to 
retreat  towards  Merseburg;  but,  concealed  by  the 
high  land  of  Reichertswerben,  the  chivalrous  Seidlitz, 
with  the  Prussian  cavalry,  having  turned  the  right 
of  the  enemy,  planted  his  cannon  on  an  eminence. 
Through  the  low  ground  beneath  him,  they  were 
marching  in  columns,  in  eager  haste,  their  cavalry  in 
front  and  at  a  distance  from  their  infantry.  A  mo- 
ment's delay,  an  inch  of  ground  gained,  and  they 
'would  have  come  into  line.     But  Seidlitz  and  his 


chap,  cavalry  on  their  right,  eight  battalions  of  infantry  on 
w^^.  their  left,  with  orders  precise  and  exactly  executed, 
175  7.  bore  down  impetuously  on  the  cumbrous  columns,  and 
routed  them  before  they  could  form,  and  even  before 
the  larger  part  of  the  Prussian  infantry  could  fire  a 
shot.  That  victory  at  Rossbach  gave  to  Prussia  the 
consciousness  of  its  existence  as  a  nation. 

To  his  minister  Frederic  sent  word  of  this  be^in- 
ning  of  success ;  but  far  u  more  was  necessary."  He 
had  but  obtained  freedom  to  seek  new  dangers  ;  and, 
hastening  to  relieve  Schweidnitz,  he  wrote  to  a 
friend,  "  This,  for  me,  has  been  a  year  of  horror ;  to 
save  the  state,  I  dare  the  impossible."  But  already 
Schweidnitz  had  surrendered.  On  the  twenty-second 
of  November,  Prince  Bevern  was  surprised  and  taken 
prisoner,  with  a  loss  of  eight  thousand  men.  His 
successor  in  the  command  retreated  to  Glogau.  On 
the  twenty-fourth,  Breslau  was  basely  given  up,  and 
nearly  all  its  garrison  entered  the  Austrian  service. 
Silesia  seemed  restored  to  Maria  Theresa.  "Does 
hope  expire,"  said  Frederic,  "the  strong  man  must 
stand  distinguished."  Treachery,  the  despair  of  his 
army,  midwinter  in  a  severe  clime,  the  repeated  disas- 
ters of  his  generals,  could  not  move  him. 

Not  till  the  second  day  of  December  did  the 
Dec.  drooping  army  from  Glogau  join  the  king.  Every 
power  was  exerted  to  revive  their  confidence.  By 
degrees,  they  catch  something  of  his  cheerful  resolute- 
ness ;  they  share  the  spirit  and  the  daring  of  the  vic- 
tors of  Kossbach  ;  they  burn  to  efface  their  own  igno- 
miny. Yet  the  Austrian  army  of  sixty  thousand 
men,  under  Charles  of  Lorraine  and  Marshal  Daun, 
veteran  troops  and  double  in  number  to  the  Prus- 


sians,  were  advancing,  as  if  to  crash  them  and  end  chap 
the  war.  "  The  Marquis  of  Brandenburg,"  said  Vol-  ^^ 
taire,  "will  lose  his  hereditary  states,  as  well  as  those  1757. 
which  he  has  won  by  conquest." 

Assembling  his  principal  officers  beneath  a  beech- 
tree,  which  is  still  to  be  seen  between  Neumarkt  and 
Leuthen,  Frederic  addressed  them  with  a  gush  of 
eloquence.  "While  I  was  restraining  the  French 
and  Imperialists,  Charles  of  Lorraine  has  succeeded 
in  conquering  Schweidnitz,  repulsing  Prince  Bevern, 
mastering  Ereslau.  A  part  of  Silesia,  my  capital,  my 
stores  of  war,  are  lost ;  my  disasters  would  be  ex 
treme,  had  I  not  a  boundless  trust  in  your  courage, 
firmness,  and  love  of  country.  There  is  not  one  of 
you,  but  has  distinguished  himself  by  some  great  and 
honorable  deed.  The  moment  for  courage  has  come. 
Listen,  then  ;  I  am  resolved,  against  all  rules  of  the 
art  of  war,  to  attack  the  nearly  threefold  stronger 
army  of  Charles  of  Lorraine,  wherever  I  may  find  it. 
There  is  no  question  of  the  number  of  the  enemy,  nor 
of  the  strength  of  their  position.  We  must  beat 
them,  or  all  of  us  find  our  graves  before  their  batte- 
ries. Thus  I  think,  thus  I  mean  to  act ;  announce 
my  decision  to  all  the  officers  of  my  army ;  prepare 
the  privates  for  the  scenes  which  are  at  hand;  let 
them  know  I  demand  unqualified  obedience.  They 
are  Prussians ;  they  will  not  show  themselves  un- 
worthy of  the  name.  Does  any  one  of  you  fear  to 
share  all  dangers  with  me,  he  can  this  day  retire ;  I 
never  will  reproach  him."  Then,  as  the  enthusiasm 
kindled  around  him,  he  added,  with  a  serene  smile, 
"  I  know  that  not  one  of  you  will  leave  me.  I  rely 
on  your  true  aid,  and  am  assured  of  victory.  If  I 
fall,  the   country  must  reward  you.      Go,  tell  your 


chap,  regiments  what  you  have  heard  from  me."  And  he 
added,  "The  regiment  of  cavalry  which  shall  not 
instantly,  at  the  order,  charge,  shall  be  dismounted 
and  sent  into  garrisons  ;  the  battalion  of  infantry  that 
shall  but  falter  shall  lose  its  colors  and  its  swords. 
Now  farewell,  friends ;  soon  we  shall  have  vanquished, 
or  we  shall  see  each  other  no  more." 

On  the  morning  of  December  fifth,  at  half  past 
four,  the  army  was  in  motion,  the  king  in  front,  the 
troops  to  warlike  strains  singing, 

"  Grant,  Lord,  that  we  may  do  with  might 
That  which  our  hands  shall  find  to  do  1" 

"  With  men  like  these,"  said  Frederic,    "  God  will 
give  me  the  victory." 

The  Austrians  were  animated  by  no  common 
kindling  impulse.  The  Prussians,  on  that  day,  moved 
as  one  being,  endowed  with  intelligence,  and  swayed 
by  one  will.  Never  did  the  utmost  daring  so  com- 
bine with  severe  prudence,  as  in  the  arrangements  of 
Frederic.  His  eye  seized  every  advantage  of  place, 
and  his  manoeuvres  were  inspired  by  the  state  of  his 
force  and  the  character  of  the  ground.  The  hills  and 
the  valleys,  the  copses  and  the  fallow  land,  the  mists 
of  morning  and  the  clear  light  of  noon,  came  to  meet 
his  dispositions,  so  that  nature  seemed  instinct  with 
the  resolve  to  conspire  with  his  genius.  Never  had 
orders  been  so  executed  as  his  on  that  day ;  and 
never  did  military  genius,  in  its  necessity,  so  summon 
invention  to  its  rescue  from  despair.  His  line  was 
formed  to  make  an  acute  angle  with  that  of  the  Aus- 
trians ;  as  he  moved  forwards,  his  left  wing  was  kept 
disengaged ;  his  right  came  in  contact  with  the  ene- 
my's left,  outwinged  it,  and  attacked  it  in  front  and 


flank ;  the  bodies  which  Lorraine  sent  to  its  support  chap. 
were  defeated  successively,  before  they  could  form,  ^  * , 
and  were  rolled  back  in  confused  masses.  Lorraine  1757. 
was  compelled  to  change  his  front  for  the  defence  of 
Leuthen ;  the  victorious  Prussian  army  advanced  to 
continue  the  attack,  now  employing  its  left  wing  also. 
Leuthen  was  carried  by  storm,  and  the  Austrians 
were  driven  to  retreat,  losing  more  than  six  thou- 
sand in  killed  and  wounded,  more  than  twenty-one 
thousand  in  prisoners.  The  battle,  which  began  at 
half  past  one,  was  finished  at  five.  It  was  the  master- 
piece of  motion  and  decision,  of  moral  firmness  and 
warlike  genius ;  the  greatest  military  deed,  thus  far, 
of  the  century.  That  victory  confirmed  existence  to 
the  country  where  Kant  and  Lessing  were  carrying 
free  inquiry  to  the  sources  of  human  knowledge. 
The  soldiers  knew  how  the  rescue  of  their  nation 
hung  on  that  battle  ;  and,  as  a  grenadier  on  the  field 
of  carnage  began  to  sing,  "  Thanks  be  to  God,"  the 
whole  army,  in  the  darkness  of  evening,  standing 
amidst  thousands  of  the  dead,  uplifted  the  hymn  of 

Daun  fled  into  Bohemia,  leaving  in  Breslau  a  gar- 
rison of  twenty  thousand  men.  Frederic  pressed 
forward,  and  astonished  Europe  by  gaining  possession 
of  that  city,  reducing  Schweidnitz,  and  recovering  all 
Silesia.  The  Russian  army,  which,  under  Apraxin, 
had  won  a  victory  on  the  northeast,  was  arrested  in 
its  movements  by  intrigues  at  home.  Prussia  was 
saved.  In  this  terrible  campaign,  two  hundred  and 
sixty  thousand  men  had  stood  against  seven  hundred 
thousand,  and  had  not  been  conquered. 

VOL.    IV.  19 



1757 — 1758. 
chap.         The   Protestant   nations    compared   Frederic   to 


^^^  Gustavus  Adolphus,  as  the  defender  of  the  Reforma- 
1757.  tion  and  of  freedom.  With  a  vigor  of  hope  like  his 
own,  Pitt,  who,  eight  days  before  the  battle  of  Ross- 
bach,  had  authorized  Frederic  to  place  Ferdinand  of 
Brunswick  at  the  head  of  the  English  army  on  the 
continent,  planned  the  conquest  of  the  colonies  of 
France.  Consulted  through  the  under  secretaries, 
Franklin  gave  full  advice  on  the  conduct  of  the  Amer- 
ican war,  criticised  the  measures  proposed  by  others, 
and  recommended  and  enforced  the  conquest  of 

In  the  House  of  Commons,  Lord  George  Sackville, 
a  man  perplexed  in  action  and  without  sagacity  in 
council,  of  unsound  judgment  yet  questioning  every 
judgment  but  his  own,  restless  and  opinionated,  made 
the  apology  of  Loudoun.  "  Nothing  is  done,  nothing 
attempted,"  said  Pitt  with  vehement  asperity.  "  We 
have  lost  all  the  waters ;  we  have  not  a  boat  on  the 
lakes.      Every  door  is  open  to  France."     Loudoun 

CONQUEST    OF   THE    VALLEY    OF   THE    WEST.  291 

was  recalled,  and  added  one  more  to  the  military  of-  chap. 
ficers,  who  advised  the  magisterial  exercise  of  British  — , — 
authority,  and  voted  in  parliament  to  sustain  it  by  l757 
fire  and  sword. 

In  1746  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  then  at  the  head  of 
the  admiralty,  after  considering  "the  conduct  and 
principles"  of  the  Northern  colonies,  had  declared 
officially  that  it  would  be  imprudent  "  to  send  twenty 
thousand  colonists  to  plunder  the  Canadians  and  con- 
quer their  country,  on  account  of  the  independence  it 
might  create  in  those  provinces,  when  they  should  see 
within  themselves  so  great  an  army  possessed  of  so 
great  a  country  by  right  of  conquest."  He  had,  there- 
fore, advised  "  to  place  the  chief  dependence  on  the 
fleet  from  England,  and  to  look  on  the  Americans 
as  useful  only  when  joined  with  others."  But  Pitt, 
rejecting  the  coercive  policy  of  his  predecessors, 
their  instructions  for  a  common  fund,  and  their 
menaces  of  taxation  by  parliament,  invited  the 
New  England  colonies,  and  New  York,  and  New 
Jersey,  each  without  limit,  to  raise  as  many  men  as 
possible,  believing  them  "  well  able  to  furnish  at  least 
twenty  thousand,"  for  the  expedition  against  Montreal 
and  Quebec,  while  Pennsylvania  and  the  southern 
colonies  were  to  aid  in  conquering  the  West.  He 
assumed  that  England  should  provide  arms,  am- 
munition and  tents;  he  "expected  and  required" 
nothing  of  the  colonists,  but  u  the  levying,  clothing, 
'  and  pay  of  the  men  ; "  and  for  these  expenses  he  prom- 
ised that  the  king  should  "  strongly  recommend  to 
parliament  to  grant  a  proper  compensation."  More- 
over, in  December,  1757,  he  obtained  the  king's  order 
that  every  provincial  officer  of  no  higher  rank  than 


chap,   colonel  should  have  equal  command  with  the  British. 

XIII.  .  ' 

^^L  according  to  the  date  of  their  respective  commissions. 

175  8  Pitt  was  a  friend  to  liberty  everywhere,  and  sought 

new  guarantees  for  freedom  in  England.  It  was  dur- 
ing the  height  of  his  power,  that  a  bill  was  carried 
through  the  House  of  Commons,  extending  the  pro- 
visions for  awarding  the  writ  of  habeas  corpus  to  all 
cases  of  commitment ;  and  when  .the  law  lords  ob- 
tained its  rejection  by  the  peers,  he  was  but  the  more 
confirmed  in  his  maxim,  that  "  the  lawyers  are  not  to 
be  regarded  in  questions  of  liberty."  In  a  like  spirit, 
Pitt  now  frowned  upon  every  attempt  against  the 
rights  of  America.  Charles  and  others, 
ever  disposed  to  cavil  at  the  promise  of  recompense, 
as  contrary  to  their  plan  of  taxation  by  parliament 
and  a  surrender  of  authority,  were  compelled  to  post- 
pone their  complaint,  that  the  Americans,  in  peace 
the  rivals  of  England,  assumed  in  war  to  be  allies, 
rather  than  subjects. 

Of  the  designs,  secretly  maturing  at  the  Board  of 
Trade  by  Halifax  and  Rigby,  the  colonies  were  unsus- 
picious. The  genius  of  Pitt  and  his  respect  for  their 
rights,  the  prospect  of  conquering  Canada  and  the 
West,  and  unbounded  anticipations  of  future  great- 
ness, roused  their  most  active  zeal.  In  some  of  them, 
especially  in  New  England,  their  contributions  ex- 
ceeded a  just  estimate  of  their  ability.  The  thrifty 
people  of  Massachusetts  disliked  a  funded  debt,  and 
avoided  it  by  taxation.  In  addition  to  the  sums  ex- 
pected from  England,  their  tax,  in  one  year  of  the 
war  was,  on  personal  estate,  thirteen  shillings  and 
fourpence  on  the  pound  of  income,  and  on  two  hun- 
dred pounds  income  from  real  estate  was  seventy-two 
pounds,  besides  various  excises  and  a  poll  tax  of  nine- 

CONQUEST    OF   THE    VALLEY    OF   THE    WEST.  293 

teen  shilling  on  every  male  over  sixteen.     Once,  in  chap 


1 7.r>9,  a  colonial  stamp-tax  was  imposed  by  their  legis-  ^L 

lature.     The  burden  cheerfully  borne  by  Connecticut  175  8. 
was  similarly  heavy. 

The  Americans,  powerful  in  themselves,  were  fur- 
ther strengthened  by  an  unbroken  communication 
with  England.  The  unhappy  Canadians,  who  had 
not  enjoyed  repose  enough  to  fill  their  garners  by  cul- 
tivating their  lands,  were  cut  off  from  regular  inter- 
course with  France.  "I  shudder,"  said  Montcalm, 
in  February,  1758,  "when  I  think  of  provisions. 
The  famine  is  very  great."  "For  all  our  suc- 
cess," thus  he  appealed  to  the  minister,  "  New 
France  needs  peace,  or  sooner  or  later  it  must 
fall ;  such  are  the  numbers  of  the  English,  such  the 
difficulty  of  our  receiving  supplies."  The  Canadian 
war-parties  were  on  the  alert;  in  March  a  body 
of  Iroquois  and  other  Indians  waylaid  a  detachment 
of  about  two  hundred  rangers  in  the  forests  near  Fort 
Carillon,  as  the  French  called  Ticonderoga,  and 
brought  back  one  hundred  and  forty-six  scalps,  with 
three  prisoners,  as  "living  messages."  But  what 
availed  such  small  successes  ?  In  the  general  dearth, 
the  soldiers  could  receive  but  a  half-pound  of  bread 
daily ;  the  inhabitants  of  Quebec  but  two  ounces  daily. 
Words  could  not  describe  the  misery  of  the  people. 
The  whole  country  was  almost  bare  of  vegetables, 
poultry,  sheep,  and  cattle.  In  the  want  of  bread  and 
beef  and  other  necessaries,  twelve  or  fifteen  hundred 
horses  were  distributed  for  food.  Artisans  and  day- 
laborers  became  too  weak  for  toil. 

On  the  recall  of  Loudoun,  Henry  Seymour  Con- 
way desired  to  be  employed  in  America,  but  was 
refused  by  the  king.      Lord  George   Sackville  was 


chap  invited  to  take  the  command,  but  declined.  Three 
^^  several  expeditions  were  set  m  motion,  lne  cir- 
175  8.  cumspect,  impenetrable  Jeffrey  Amherst,  a  man  oi 
solid  judgment  and  respectable  ability  in  action,  with 
James  Wolfe,  was  to  join  the  fleet  under  Boscawen, 
for  the  siege  of  Louisburg;  the  conquest  of  the  Ohio 
valley  was  intrusted  to  Forbes ;  and  against  Ticon- 
deroga  and  Crown  Point,  Abercrombie,  a  friend  01 
Bute,  was  commander-in-chief,  though  Pitt  selected 
the  young  Lord  Howe  to  be  the  soul  of  the  enterprise. 
None  of  the  officers  won  favor  like  Howe  and 
Wolfe.  To  high  rank  and  great  connections  Howe 
added  manliness,  humanity,  a  capacity  to  discern 
merit,  and  judgment  to  employ  it.  As  he  reached 
America,  he  adopted  the  austere  simplicity  befitting 
forest  warfare.  Wolfe,  then  thirty-one  years  old, 
had  been  eighteen  years  in  the  army ;  was  at 
Dettingen  and  Fontenoy,  and  won  laurels  at  Laf- 
feldt.  Merit  made  him  at  two-and-twenty  a  lieu- 
tenant-colonel, and  his  active  genius  improved  the 
discipline  of  his  battalion.  He  was  at  once  authorita- 
tive and  humane,  severe  yet  indefatigably  kind ; 
modest,  but  aspiring  and  conscious  of  ability.  The 
brave  soldier  dutifully  loved  and  obeyed  his  widowed 
mother,  and  his  gentle  nature  saw  visions  of  happiness 
in  scenes  of  domestic  love,  even  while  he  kindled  at 
the  prospect  of  glory,  as  "  gunpowder  at  fire." 

On  the  twenty-eighth  day  of  May,  Amherst,  after 
a  most  unusually  long  passage,  reached  Halifax.  The 
fleet  had  twenty-two  ships  of  the  line  and  fifteen 
frigates;  the  army  at  least  ten  thousand  effective 
men.  Isaac  Barre,  who  had  lingered  a  subaltern 
eleven  years  till  Wolfe,  rescued  him  from  hopeless 

CONQUEST    OF   THE    VALLEY    OF   THE    WEST.  295 

obscurity,   was   in    the    expedition    as    a   major   of  chap 
brigade.  ^ — 

For  six  days  after  the  British  forces,  on  their  way  ltJ5is- 
from  Halifax  to  Louisburg,  had  entered  Chapeau 
Kouge  Bay,  the  surf,  under  a  high  wind,  made  the 
rugged  shore  inaccessible,  and  gave  the  French  time 
to  strengthen  and  extend  their  lines.  The  sea  still 
dashed  heavily,  when,  before  daybreak,  on  the  eighth 
of  June,  the  troops,  under  cover  of  a  random  fire  from 
the  frigates,  attempted  disembarking.  Wolfe,  the 
third  brigadier,  who  led  the  first  division,  would  not 
allow  a  gun  to  be  fired,  cheered  the  rowers,  and,  on 
coining  to  shoal  water,  jumped  into  the  sea ;  and,  in 
spite  of  the  surf  which  broke  several  boats  and  upset 
more,  in  spite  of  the  well-directed  fire  of  the  French, 
in  spite  of  their  breast- work  and  rampart  of  felled 
trees  whose  interwoven  branches  made  one  continued 
wall  of  green,  the  English  reached  the  land,  took  the 
batteries,  drove  in  the  French,  and  on  the  same  day 
invested  Louisburg.  At  that  landing,  none  was  more 
gallant  than  Richard  Montgomery ;  just  one-and- 
twenty ;  Irish  by  birth  ;  an  humble  officer  in  Wolfe's 
brigade ;  but  also  a  servant  of  humanity,  enlisted  in 
its  corps  of  immortals.  The  sagacity  of  his  com- 
mander honored  him  with  well  deserved  praise  and 
promotion  to  a  lieutenancy. 

On  the  morning  of  the  twelfth,  an  hour  before 
dawn,  Wolfe,  with  light  infantry  and  Highlanders 
took  by  surprise  the  lighthouse  battery  on  the  north 
east  side  of  the  entrance  to  the  harbor;  the  smaller 
works   were  successively  carried.     On   the    twenty 
third,  the  English  battery  began  to  play  on  that  of 
the   French   on   the   island  near  the  centre  of  the 
mouth  of  the  harbor.     Science,  sufficient  force,  union 


chap,   among  the  officers,  heroism  pervading  mariners  and 

s- .  soldiers,   carried   forward   the   siege,   during   whic 

175  8.  Barre  by  his  conduct  secured  the  approbation  o 
Amherst  and  the  friendship  of  Wolfe.  Of  the 
French  ships  in  the  port,  three  were  burned  on  the 
twenty-first  of  July ;  in  the  night  following  th 
twenty-fifth,  the  boats  of  the  squadron,  with  small 
loss,  set  fire  to  the  Prudent,  a  seventy-four,  an 
carried  off  the  Bienfaisant.  Boscawen  was  prepare 
to  send  six  English  ships  into  the  harbor.  But  th 
town  of  Louisburg  was  already  a  heap  of  ruins 
for  eight  days,  the  French  officers  and  men  had 
had  no  safe  place  for  rest;  of  their  fifty-two  can 
non,  forty  were  disabled.  They  had  now  but 
five  ships  of  the  line  and  four  frigates.  It  was 
time  for  the  Chevalier  de  Drucour  to  capitulate. 
The  garrison  became  prisoners  of  war,  and,  with 
the  sailors  and  marines,  in  all  five  thousand  six 
hundred  and  thirty-seven,  were  sent  to  England. 
On  the  twenty-seventh  of  July,  the  English  too 
possession  of  Louisburg,  and,  as  a  consequence,  of 
Cape  Breton  and  Prince  Edward's  Island.  Thus  fell 
the  power  of  France  on  our  eastern  coast.  Halifax 
being  the  English  naval  station,  Louisburg  was  de- 
serted. The  harbor  still  offers  shelter  from  storms ; 
the  coast  repels  the  surge ;  but  only  a  few 
hovels  mark  the  spot  which  so  much  treasure  was 
lavished  to  fortify,  so  much  heroism  to  conquer. 
Wolfe,  whose  heart  was  in  England,  bore  home 
the  love  and  esteem  of  the  army.  The  trophies 
were  deposited  with  pomp  in  the  cathedral  of  St. 
Paul's ;  the  churches  gave  thanks ;  Boscawen,  him- 
self a  member  of  parliament,  was  honored  by  a 
unanimous   tribute   from  the   House   of    Commons. 



New  England,  too,  triumphed ;  for  th*-  praises  chap. 
awarded  to  Amherst  and  Wolfe  recalled  the  deed*  «*f  _ — 
her  own  sons.  !  75S- 

On  the  surrender  of  Louisburg,  the  season  was  tuu 
for  advanced  to  attempt  Quebec.  Besides,  a  sudden 
message  drew  Amherst  to  Lake  George. 

The  summons  of  Pitt  had  called  into  being  a 
numerous  and  well  equipped  provincial  army.  Mas- 
sachusetts, .which  had  entered  upon  its  alarm  list 
more  than  forty-five  thousand  men,  of  whom  more 
than  thirty-seven  thousand  were  by  law  obliged  to 
train  and  in  case  of  an  invasion  to  take  the  field,  had  ten 
thousand  of  its  citizens  employed  in  the  public  ser- 
vice ;  but  it  kept  its  disbursements  for  the  war  under 
the  control  of  its  own  commissioners.  Pownall,  its 
governor,  complained  of  the  reservation,  as  an  in- 
fringement of  the  prerogative,  predicted  confidently 
the  nearness  of  American  independence ;  and  after 
vain  appeals  to  the  local  legislature,  repeated  his 
griefs  to  the  Lords  of  Trade.  The  Board,  in  reply, 
advised  dissimulation.  "The  dependence  which  the 
colony  of  Massachusetts  Bay  ought  to  have  upon  the 
sovereignty  of  the  crown,"  thus  they  wrote  Pownall, 
"  stands  on  a  very  precarious  foot ;  and  unless  some 
effectual  remedy  be  applied  at  a  proper  time,  it  will 
be  in  great  danger  of  being  totally  lost."  The  letter 
was  sent  without  the  knowledge  of  Pitt,  who  never 
invited  a  province  to  the  utmost  employment  of  its 
resources  with  the  secret  purpose  of  subverting  its 
liberties,  as  soon  as  victory  over  a  foreign  foe  should 
have  been  achieved  with  its  concurrence.  Such 
a  policy  belonged  only  to  the  Board  of  Trade,  where 
Halifax  still  presided,  and  Oswald,  Soame  Tenyns? 
Higby,  and  William  Gerard  Hamilton  sat  as  mem- 


chap.   bers.     But  the  proposal  of  a  change  in  the  colonial 

— —  administration,  cherished  by  Halifax   from    his  first 

J  7  58-  entrance  into  office  and  never  abandoned,  was  reserv 

till  the  peace  should  offer  the  seemingly  safe  "  occ 

sion  "  for  interposition. 

Meantime  nine  thousand  and  twenty-four  pr 
vincials,  from  New  England,  New  York,  and  N 
Jersey,  assembled  on  the  shore  of  Lake  Geor 
There  were  the  six  hundred  New  England  rangers, 
dressed  like  woodmen  ;  armed  with  a  firelock  and  a 
hatchet ;  under  their  right  arm  a  powder-horn  ;  a 
leather  bag  for  bullets  at  their  waist ;  and  to  each 
officer  a  pocket  compass  as  a  guide  in  the  forests. 
There  was  Stark,  of  New  Hampshire,  now  promoted 
to  be  a  captain.  There  was  the  generous,  open- 
hearted  Israel  Putnam,  a  Connecticut  major,  leaving 
his  good  farm  round  which  his  own  hands  had  helped 
to  build  the  walls  ;  of  a  gentle  disposition,  brave,  a 
artless.  There  were  the  chaplains,  who  preached 
the  regiments  of  citizen  soldiers  a  renewal  of  the  days 
when  Mose3  with  the  rod  of  Grod  in  his  hand  sent 
Joshua  against  Amalek.  By  the  side  of  the  pro- 
vincials rose  the  tents  of  the  regular  army,  six  thousand 
three  hundred  and  sixty-seven  in  number;  of  the 
whole  force  Abercrombie  was  commander-in-chief; 
but  the  general  confidence  rested  solely  on  Howe. 

Early  in  the  spring,  Bradstreet,  of  New  York, 
had  proposed  an  attempt  upon  Fort  Frontenac; 
Lord  Howe  overruled  objections;  and  the  gallant 
provincial  was  to  undertake  it,  as  soon  as  the  army 
should  have  established  itself  on  the  north  side  of  th 

On  the  fifth  day  of  July,  the  armament  of  more 
than  fifteen  thousand  men,  the  largest  body,  of  Euro 




ean  origin,  that  had  ever  been  assembled  in  Amer-  chap. 

o  XIII. 

struck   their   tents   at    daybreak,    and   in   nine  ^1 

tmdred  small  boats  and  one  hundred  and  thirty-five  *758 
-halt4- boats,  with  artillery  mounted  on  rafts,  embark- 
.1  ou  Lake  George;  the  fleet,  bright  with  banners, 
ml  cheered  by  martial  music,  moved  in  procession 
own  the  beautiful  lake,  beaming  with  hope  and  pride, 
bough  with  no  witness  but  the  wilderness.     They 

d  over  the  broader  expanse  of  waters  to  the  first 
arrows ;  they  came  where  the  mountains,  then  mantled 
ith  forests,  step  down  to  the  water's  edge  ;  and  in 
lie  richest  hues  of  evening  light,  they  halted  at  Sab- 
atli-day  Point.  Long  afterwards,  Stark  remembered, 
hat  on  that  night  Howe,  reclining  in  his  tent  on  a 
ear-skin,  and  bent  on  winning  a  hero's  name,  ques- 
loned  him  closely  as  to  the  position  of  Ticonderoga 
ad  the  fittest  mode  of  conducting  the  attack. 

On  the  promontory,  where  the  lake,  through  an 
utlet  or  river  less  than  four  miles  long,  falling  in  that 
istance  about  one  hundred  and  fifty-seven  feet,  enters 
bamplain,  the  French  had  placed  Fort  Carillon, 
avins:  that  lake  on  its  east,  and  on  the  south  and 
)uthwest  the  bay  formed  by  the  junction.  On  the 
orth,  wet  meadows  obstructed  access ;  so  that  the 
uly  approach  by  land  was  from  the  northwest.  On 
lat  side,  about  a  half-mile  in  front  of  the  fort,  Mont- 
ilm  marked  out  his  lines,  which  began  near  the 
leadows  and  followed  the  sinuosities  of  the  ground 
11  they  approached  the  outlet.  This  the  road  from 
iake  George  to  Ticonderoga  crossed  twice  by  bridges, 
etween  which  the  path  was  as  a  cord  to  the  large 
PC  made  by  the  course  of  the  water.  Near  the  bridge 
t  the  lower  falls,  less  than  two  miles  from  the  fort, 
le  French  had  built  saw- mills,   on   ground   which 


chap,  offered  a  strong  military  position.  On  the  first  of  Ju 
y^-i,  Montcalm  sent  three  regiments  to  occupy  the  he; 
1758.  of  the  portage  ;  but  they  had  been  recalled.  On  tl 
morning  of  the  fifth,  when  a  white  flag  on  the  mou 
tains  gave  warning  that  the  English  were  embarke 
a  guard  of  three  pickets  was  stationed  at  the  landin 
place,  and  De  Trepezee,  with  three  hundred  men,  w 
sent  still  further  forward,  to  watch  the  movements  ( 
the  enemy. 

After  a  repose  of  five  hours,  the  English  army,  b 
hour  before  midnight,  was  again  in  motion,  and  by  nir 
the  next  morning  disembarked  on  the  west  side  of  tr 
lake,  about  a  mile  above  the  rapids,  in  a  cove  shelte 
ed  by  a  point  which  still  keeps  the  name  of  Lord  How< 
The  three  French  pickets  precipitately  retired. 

Immediately  on  landing,  as  the  enemy  had  burr 
the  bridges,  the  army,  leaving  behind  its  provision: 
artillery  and  all  heavy  baggage,  formed  in  four  co 
umns,  the  regulars  in  the  centre  and  provincials  on  th 
flanks,  and  began  its  march  round  the  bend  along  th 
west  side  of  the  outlet,    over  ground   uneven  an< 
densely  wooded.     "  If  these  people,"  said  Montcaln 
"  do  but  give  me  time  to  gain  the  position  I  hav 
chosen  on  the  heights  of  Carillon,  I  shall  beat  them. 
The  columns,  led  by  bewildered  guides,  broke  an( 
jostled  each  other ;  they  had  proceeded  about  tw( 
miles,  and  an  advanced  party  was  near  Trout  Brook 
when  the  ri^ht  centre,  where  Lord  Howe  had  com 
mand,  suddenly  came  upon  the  party  of  De  Trepezee 
who  had  lost  his  way  and  for  twelve  hours  had  beei 
wandering  in  the  forest.     The  worn-out  stragglers 
less  than  three  hundred  in  number,  fought  bravelv 
but  were  soon  overwhelmed ;  some  were  killed ;  somt 
drowned  in  the  stream ;  one  hundred  and  fifty-nine 

CONQUEST    OF   THE    VALLEY    OF    THE    WEST.  301 

;urrendered.     But  Lord  Howe,  foremost  in  the  skir-  chap. 
nish,  was  the  first  to  fall,  expiring  immediately.  The  — , — - 
pief  of  his  fellow-soldiers  and  the  confusion  that  fol-  1,r58- 
wed  his  death,  spoke  his  eulogy  ;   Massachusetts  soon 
iffcer  raised  his  monument  in  Westminster  Abbey; 
Ymerica  long  cherished  his  memory. 

The  English  passed  the  following  night  under 
inns  in  the  forest.  On  the  morning  of  the  seventh, 
Yborcrombie  had  no  better  plan  than  to  draw  back 
o  the  landing-place.  An  hour  before  noon,  Brad- 
-treet,  with  a  strong  detachment,  rebuilt  the  bridges, 
.nd  took  possession  of  the  ground  near  the  saw-mills ; 
>n  which  the  general  joined  him  with  the  whole  army, 
nd  encamped  that  night  not  more  than  a  mile  and  a 
lalf  from  the  enemy. 

Early  the  next  day,  Abercrombie  sent  Clerk,  the 
hief  engineer,  across  the  outlet  to  reconnoitre  the 
•>ench  lines,  which  he  reported  to  be  of  flimsy  con- 
duction, strong  in  appearance  only.  Stark,  of  Ne  w 
Hampshire,  as  well  as  some  English  officers,  with  a 
eerier  eye  and  sounder  judgment,  saw  well  finished 
reparations  of  defence.  But  the  general,  apprehend  - 
ig  that  Montcalm  already  commanded  six  thousand 
len,  and  that  De  Levi  was  hastening  to  join  him  with 
iiree  thousand  more,  gave  orders,  without  waiting  for 
union  to  be  brought  up,  to  storm  the  breastworks 
lat  very  day.  For  that  end,  a  triple  line  was  formed 
ut  of  reach  of  cannon-shot ;  the  first  consisted,  on  the 
ift,  of  the  rangers ;  in  the  centre,  of  the  boatmen ;  on 
le  right,  of  the  light  infantry ;  the  second,  of  pro- 
incials,  with  wide  openings  between  their  regiments  ; 
le  third,  of  the  regulars.  Troops  of  Connecticut  and 
■  ew  Jersey  formed  a  rear  guard.  Daring  these  ar- 
ingements,  Sir  William  Johnson  arrived  with  four 



chap,  hundred  and  forty  warriors  of  the  Six  Nations,  wh 
~^;  gazed  with  inactive  apathy  on  the  white  men  that  ha 
1758.  come  so  far  to  shed  each  other's  blood. 

On  the  sixth  of  July,  Montcalm  called  in  all 
parties,  which  amounted  to  no  more  than  two  thoi 
sand  eight  hundred  French  and  four  hundred  and  fift 
Canadians.  That  day  he  employed  the  second  ba  - 
talion  of  Berry  in  strengthening  his  post.  The  ne? 
day,  his  whole  army  toiled  incredibly;  the  office1 
giving  the  example,  and  planting  the  flags  on  th 
breastwork.  In  the  evening,  De  Levi  returned  froi 
an  intended  expedition  against  the  Mohawks,  bringin 
with  him  four  hundred  chosen  men ;  and  at  night,  a 
bivouacked  along  the  intrenchment.  On  the  mornin 
of  the  eighth,  the  drums  of  the  French  beat  to  arm 
that  the  troops,  now  thirty -six  hundred  and  fifty  i 
number,  might  know  their  stations,  and  then,  withoi 
pausing  to  return  the  fire  of  musketry  from  Englis 
light  troops  on  the  declivities  of  the  mountain,  the 
resumed  their  work.  The  riorht  of  their  defences  reste 
on  a  hillock,  from  which  the  plain  between  the  line 
and  the  lake  was  to  have  been  flanked  by  four  piece 
of  cannon ;  but  the  battery  could  not  be  finished  ;  th 
left  extended  to  a  scarp  surmounted  by  an  abattis.  Fc 
a  hundred  yards  in  front  of  the  intermediate  breas 
work,  which  consisted  of  piles  of  logs,  the  approac 
was  obstructed  by  felled  trees  with  their  branch* 
pointing  outwards,  stumps,  and  rubbish  of  all  sorts. 

The  English  army,  obeying  the  orders  of  a  con 
mander  who  remained  out  of  sight  and  far  beliin 
during  the  action,  rushed  forward  with  fixed  bayonet 
to  carry  the  lines,  the  regulars  advancing  through  th 
openings  between  the  provincial  regiments,  and  tal 
ing  the  lead.     Montcalm,  who  stood  just  within  th 

CONQUEST    OF   THE    VALLEY    OF   THE   WEST.  303 

trendies,  threw  off  his  coat  for  the  sunny  work  of  the  chap 

A  111. 

July  afternoon,  and  forbade  a  musket  to  be  fired  till  

he  commanded;  then,  as  the  English  drew  very  near  1758 
in  three  principal  columns  to  attack  simultaneously 
the  left,  the  centre  and  the  right,  and  became  entan- 
gled among  the  rubbish  and  broken  into  disorder  by 
clambering  over  logs  and  projecting  limbs,  at  his 
word  a  sudden  and  incessant  fire  from  swivels  and 
small  arms  mowed  down  brave  officers  and  men  by 
hundreds.  Their  intrepidity  made  the  carnage  terri- 
ble. The  attacks  were  continued  all  the  afternoon, 
generally  with  the  greatest  vivacity.  When  the  Eng- 
lish endeavored  to  turn  the  left,  Bourlamarque  op- 
posed them  till  he  was  dangerously  wounded ;  and 
Montcalm,  whose  rapid  eye  watched  every  movement, 
sent  reinforcements  at  the  moment  of  crisis.  On  the 
right,  the  grenadiers  and  Scottish  Highlanders  charged 
for  three  hours  without  faltering  and  without  confu- 
sion ;  many  fell  within  fifteen  steps  of  the  trench ; 
some,  it  was  said,  upon  it.  About  iive  o'clock,  the  col- 
umns which  had  attacked  the  French  centre  and  right, 
concentrated  themselves  on  a  salient  point  between 
the  two ;  but  De  Levi  flew  from  the  right,  and  Mont- 
calm himself  brought  up  a  reserve.  At  six,  the  two 
parties  nearest  the  water  turned  desperately  against 
the  centre,  and,  being  repulsed,  made  a  last  effort  on 
the  left.  Thus  were  life  and  courage  prodigally 
wasted,  till  the  bewildered  English  fired  on  an  ad- 
vanced party  of  their  own,  producing  hopeless  dejec- 
tion ;  and  after  losing,  in  killed  and  wounded,  nineteen 
hundred  and  sixty-seven,  chiefly  regulars,  they  fled 

The  British  general,  during  the  confusion  of  the 
battle,  cowered  safely  at  the  saw-mills,  and  when  his 


chap,  presence  was  needed  to  rally  the  fugitives,  was  no- 
— ^  where  to  be  found.     The  second  in  command  gave  nc 
175  8.  orders;  while  Montcalm,  careful  of  every  duty,  dij 
tributed  refreshments  among  his  exhausted  soldiers 
cheered  them  by  thanks  to  each  regiment  for  the 
incredible  valor,  and  employed  the  coming  night  i 
strengthening  his  lines. 

The  English  still  exceeded  the  French   fourfol 
Their  artillery  was  near  and  could  easily  force  a  p 
sage.   The  mountain  over  against  Ticonderoga  was  i 
their  possession.     "  Had  J  to  besiege  Fort  Carillon 
said  Montcalm,  "  I  would  ask  no  more  than  six  mo 
tars  and  two  pieces  of  artillery."     But  Abercrombi 
a  victim  to  the  "  extremest  fright  and  consternation 
hurried  the  army  that  same  evening  to  the  landing 
place  with  such  precipitancy,  that  but  for  Bradstreet's 
alertness,  it  would  have  rushed  into  the  boats  in  a 
confused  mass.      On  the  morning  of  the  ninth  t 
British  general  embarked,  and  did  not  rest  till 
had  placed  the  lake  between  himself  and  Montcalm. 
Even  then  he  sent  artillery  and  ammunition  to  Albany 
for  safety. 

The  news  overwhelmed  Pitt  with  melancholy; 
but  Bute,  who  insisted  that  "  Abercrombie  and  the 
troops  had  done  their  duty,"  comforted  himself  in 
"the  numbers  lost"  as  proof  of  "the  greatest  intre- 
pidity," thinking  it  better  to  have  cause  for  "  tears  I 
than  "  blushes ;  "  and  reserved  all  his  sympathy  for  the 
"  broken-hearted  commander."  Prince  George  ex- 
pressed his  hope  one  day  by  "superior  help"  to  "re- 
store the  love  of  virtue  and  religion." 

While  Abercrombie  wearied  his  army  with  lining 
out  a  useless  fort,  the  partisans  of  Montcalm  were 
present  everywhere.     Just  after  the   retreat  of  t 


^  f 


English,  they  fell  upon  a  regiment  at  the  Half-way  chap. 

Brook  between  Fort  Edward  and  Lake  George.     A  ^i 

fortnight  later,  they  seized  a  convoy  of  wagoners  at  175  8. 
the  same  place.  To  intercept  the  French  on  their  re- 
turn, some  hundred  rangers  scoured  the  forests  near 
Woodcreek,  marching  in  Indian  file,  Putnam  in  the 
rear,  in  front  the  commander  Rogers,  who,  with  a 
British  officer,  beguiled  the  way  by  firing  at  marks. 
The  noise  attracted  hostile  Indians  to  an  ambuscade. 
A  skirmish  ensued,  and  Putnam,  with  twelve  or  four- 
teen more,  was  separated  from  the  party.  His  com- 
rades were  scalped  ;  in  after-life  he  used  to  relate  how 
one  of  the  savages  gashed  his  cheek  with  a  tomahawk, 
bound  him  to  a  forest-tree,  and  kindled  about  him  a 
crackling*  fire  ;  how  his  thoughts  glanced  aside  to  the 
wife  of  his  youth  and  the  group  of  children  that  gam- 
bolled in  his  fields ;  when  the  brave  French  officer, 
Marin,  happening  to  descry  his  danger,  rescued  him 
from  death,  to  be  exchanged  in  the  autumn. 

Better  success  awaited  Bradstreet.  From  the  ma- 
jority in  a  council  of  war,  he  extorted  a  reluctant 
leave  to  proceed  against  Fort  Frontenac.  At  the 
Oneida  carrying-place,  Brigadier  Stanwix  placed  un- 
der his  command  twenty-seven  hundred  men,  all 
Americans,  more  than  eleven  hundred  of  them  New 
Yorkers,  nearly  seven  hundred  from  Massachusetts. 
There,  too,  were  assembled  one  hundred  and  fifty 
warriors  of  the  Six  Nations ;  among  them  Red  Head, 
the  renowned  war-chief  of  Onondaga.  Inspired  by  his 
eloquence  in  council,  two-and-forty  of  them  took 
Bradstreet  for  their  friend  and  grasped  the  hatchet 
as  his  companions.  At  Oswego,  towards  which  they 
moved  with  celerity,  there  remained  scarce  a  vestige 
of  the  English  fort ;  of  the  French  there  was  no  me- 

VOL.  IV.  20 


ohap.  morial  but  "  a  large  wooden  cross."  As  the  Ameri- 
^^  cans  gazed  with  extreme  pleasure  on  the  scene  around 
175  8.  them,  they  were  told  that  farther  west,  in  a  Genesee 
and  Canasadaga,  there  were  lands  as  fertile,  rich  and 
luxuriant  as  any  in  the  universe."  Crossing  Lake 
Ontario  in  open  boats,  they  landed,  on  the  twenty- 
fifth  of  August,  within  a  mile  of  Fort  Frontenac.  It 
was  a  quadrangle,  mounted  with  thirty  pieces  of 
cannon  and  sixteen  small  mortars.  On  the  second 
day,  such  of  the  garrison  as  had  not  fled  surrendered. 
Here,  also,  were  military  stores  for  Fort  Duquesne 
and  the  interior  dependencies,  with  nine  armed  ves- 
sels, each  carrying  from  eight  to  eighteen  guns.  Of 
these,  two  were  sent  to  Oswego.  After  razing  the 
fortress,  and  destroying  such  vessels  and  stores  as 
could  not  be  brought  off,  the  Americans  returned  to 
Lake  George. 

There  the  main  army  was  wasting  the  season  in 
supine  inactivity.  The  news  of  the  disastrous  day  at 
Ticonderoga  induced  Amherst,  without  orders,  to 
conduct  four  regiments  and  a  battalion  from  Louis- 
burg.  They  landed  in  September  at  Boston,  and  at 
once  entered  on  the  march  through  the  greenwood. 
In  one  of  the  regiments  was  Lieutenant  Richard 
Montgomery,  who  remained  near  the  northern  lakes 
till  1760.  When  near  Albany,  Amherst  hastened  in 
advance,  and  on  the  fifth  of  October  came  upon  the 
English  camp.  Early  in  November,  dispatches  ar- 
rived, appointing  him  commander-in-chief.  Return- 
ing to  England,  Abercrombie  was  screened  from 
censure,  maligned  the  Americans,  and  afterwards 
assisted  in  parliament  to  tax  the  witnesses  of  his 

Canada  was  exhausted.     "  Peace,  peace,"  was  the 

CONQUEST    OF   THE   VALLEY    OF   THE    WEST.  30 1 

crv :  "  no  matter  with  what  boundaries."  "  I  have  not  chap. 

"  XIII. 

lost  courage,"  wrote  Montcalm,  "  nor  have  my  troops  ;  ^^^.. 
we  are  resolved  to  find  our  graves  under  the  ruins  of  i  ?58- 
the  colony." 

Pitt,  who  had  carefully  studied  the  geography  of 
North  America,  knew  that  the  success  of  Bradstreet 
had  gained  the  dominion  of  Lake  Ontario  and  opened 
the  avenue  to  Niagara  ;  and  he  turned  his  mind  from 
the  defeat  at  Ticonderoga,  to  see  if  the  banner  of 
England  was  already  waving  over  Fort  Duquesne. 
For  the  conquest  of  the  Ohio  valley  he  relied  mainly 
on  the  central  provinces.  Loudoun  had  reported  the 
contumacy  of  Maryland,  where  the  Assembly  had 
insisted  on  an  equitable  assessment,  "  as  a  most  violent 
attack  on  his  Majesty's  prerogative."  "I  am  per- 
suaded," urged  Sharpe  on  his  official  correspondent 
in  England,  "  if  the  parliament  of  Great  Britain  was 
to  compel  us  by  an  act  to  raise  thirty  thousand 
pounds  a  year,  the  upper  class  of  people  among  us, 
and,  indeed,  all  but  a  very  few,  would  be  well  satis- 
fied." And  he  sent  "  a  sketch  of  an  act "  for  "  a 
poll-tax  on  the  taxable  inhabitants."  But  that  form 
of  raising  a  revenue  throughout  America,  being 
specially  unpalatable  to  English  owners  of  slaves  in 
the  West  Indies,  was  disapproved  "  by  all "  in 
England.  While  the  officers  of  Lord  Baltimore  were 
thus  concerting  with  the  Board  of  Trade  a  tax  by 
Parliament,  William  Pitt,  though  entreated  to  inter- 
pose, regarded  the  bickerings  between  the  proprie- 
tary and  the  people  with  calm  impartiality,  blaming 
both  parties  for  the  disputes  which  withheld  Mary- 
land from  contributing  her  full  share  to  the  conquest 
of  Fort  Duquesne. 


chap.  After  long  delays,  Joseph  Forbes,  who  had  the 
L^~L>  command  as  brigadier,  saw  twelve  hundred  and  fifty 
175  8  Highlanders  arrive  from  South  Carolina.  They  were 
joined  by  three  hundred  and  fifty  Royal  Americans. 
Pennsylvania,  animated  by  an  unusual  military  spirit 
which  seized  even  Benjamin  West,  known  afterwards 
as  a  painter,  and  Anthony  Wayne  then  a  boy  of 
thirteen,  raised  for  the  expedition  twenty-seven 
hundred  men.  Their  senior  officer  was  John  Arm- 
strong, already  famed  for  his  display  of  courage  and 
skill  at  Kittanning.  With  Washington  as  theii 
leader,  Virginia  sent  two  regiments  of  about  nineteen 
hundred,  whom  their  beloved  commander  praised  as 
"  really  fine  corps."  Yet,  vast  as  were  the  prepara- 
tions, Forbes  would  never,  but  for  Washington,  have 
seen  the  Ohio. 

The  Virginia  chief  who  at  first  was  stationed  at  Fort 
Cumberland,  clothed  a  part  of  his  force  in  the  hunt- 
ing shirt  and  Indian  blanket,  which  least  impeded  the 
progress  of  the  soldier  through  the  forest ;  and  he  en- 
treated that  the  army  might  advance  promptly  along 
Braddock's  road.  But  the  expedition  was  not  merely 
a  military  enterprise ;  it  was  also  the  march  of  civili- 
zation towards  the  West,  and  was  made  memorable 
by  the  construction  of  a  better  avenue  to  the  Ohio. 
This  required  long  continued  labor.  September  had 
come,  before  Forbes,  whose  life  was  slowly  ebbing, 
was  borne  in  a  litter  as  far  as  Raystown.  "  See  how 
our  time  has  been  misspent,"  cried  Washington,  angry 
at  delay,  and  obstinately  opposed  to  the  opening  the 
new  route  which  Armstrong,  of  Pennsylvania,  as  ob- 
stinately advocated.  But  Forbes  preserved  a  clear 
head  and  a  firm  will,  or  as  he  himself  expressed  it,  was 
"  actuated  by  the  spirits  "  of  William  Pitt ;    and  he 


decided  to  keep  up  the  direct  connection  with  Phila-  chap 

A  1  I  1. 

delphia    as  essential  to  present   success   and   future  - — , — - 
security.  1'r58- 

While  Washington,  with  most  of  the  Virginians, 
joined  the  main  army,  Bouquet  was  sent  forward 
with  two  thousand  men  to  Loyal  Hanna.  There  he 
received  intelligence  that  the  French  post  was  de- 
fended by  but  eight  hundred  men,  of  whom  three 
hundred  were  Indians.  Dazzled  by  vague  hopes  of 
glory,  Bouquet,  without  the  knowledge  of  his  supe- 
rior officer,  entrusted  to  Major  Grant,  of  Montgomery's 
battalion,  a  party  of  eight  hundred,  chiefly  High- 
landers and  Virginians,  of  Washington's  command, 
with  orders  to  reconnoitre  the  enemy's  position.  The 
men,  who  were  all  accustomed  to  the  mountains, 
and  of  whom  the  Virginians  were  clad  in  the  light 
Indian  garb,  easily  scaled  the  successive  ridges,  and 
took  post  on  a  hill  near  Fort  Duquesne.  Not 
knowing  that  Aubry  had  arrived  with  a  rein- 
forcement of  four  hundred  men  from  Illinois,  Grant 
divided  his  troops  in  order  to  tempt  the  enemy  into 
an  ambuscade,  and  at  daybreak  of  the  fourteenth 
of  September,  discovered  himself  by  beating  his 
drums.  A  large  body  of  French  and  Indians,  com- 
manded by  the  gallant  Aubry,  immediately  poured 
out  of  the  fort,  and  with  surprising  celerity  attacked 
his  troops  in  detail,  never  allowing  him  time  to  get 
them  together.  They  gave  way  and  ran,  leaving  two 
hundred  and  ninety-five  killed  or  prisoners.  Even 
Grant,  who  in  the  folly  of  his  vanity  had  but  a  few 
moments  before  been  confident  of  an  easy  victory, 
gave  himself  up  as  a  captive ;  but  a  small  party  of 
Virginians,  under  the  command  of  Thomas  Bullitt, 
arrested  the  precipitate  flight,  and  saved  the  detach- 


chap,   ment  from  utter  ruin.     Of  these,  on  their  return  to 

.A.  1 1 1. 

— , — -  the  camp,  the  coolness  and  courage  were  publicly  ex- 
1758.  tolled  by  Forbes ;  and  in  the  opinion  of  the  whole 
army,  regulars  as  well  as  provincials,  their  superiority 
of  discipline  reflected  honor  on  Washington. 

Not  till  the  fifth  of  November  did  Forbes  himself 
reach  Loyal  Hanna ;  and  there  a  council  of  war  de- 
termined for  that  season  to  advance  no  further.  But, 
on  the  twelfth,  Washington  gained  from  three 
prisoners  exact  information  of  the  weakness  of  the 
French  garrison  on  the  Ohio,  and  it  was  resolved  to 
proceed.  Two  thousand  five  hundred  men  were 
picked  for  the  service.  For  the  sake  of  speed,  they 
left  behind  every  convenience  except  a  blanket  and  a 
knapsack,  and  of  the  artillery  took  only  a  light  train. 
Washington,  who,  pleading  a  "  long  intimacy  with 
these  woods  "  and  familiarity  "  with  all  the  passes  and 
difficulties,"  had  solicited  the  responsibility  of  leading 
the  party,  was  appointed  to  command  the  advance 
brigade,  the  pioneers  of  America  in  its  course  to  the 
West.  His  party  was  of  provincials,  and  they  toiled 
cheerfully  at  his  side.  Forbes,  now  sinking  into  the 
grave,  had  consumed  fifty  days  in  marching  as  many 
miles  from  Bedford  to  Loyal  Hanna.  Fifty  miles  of 
the  wilderness  still  remained  to  be  opened  in  the  late 
season,  through  a  soil  of  deep  clay,  or  over  rocky 
hills  white  with  snow,  by  troops  poorly  fed  and  poorly 
clad.  But  Washington  infused  his  own  spirit  into  the 
men  whom  he  commanded,  and  who  thought  light  of 
hardships  and  dangers  while  "under  the  particular 
directions  "  of  "  the  man  they  knew  and  loved."  Every 
encampment  was  so  planned  as  to  hasten  the  issue.  On 
the  thirteenth  the  veteran  Armstrong,  who  had  proved 
his  superior  skill  in  leading  troops  rapidly  and  secretly 


through  the  wilderness,  pushed  forward  with  one  chap 
thousand  men,  and  in  five  days  threw  up  defences  w-^ 
witliin  seventeen  miles  of  Fort  Duquesne.  On  the  fif-  1758. 

•nth,  Washington,  who  followed,  was  on  Chestnut 
Ridge;  on  the  seventeenth,  at  Bushy  Run.  "All,"  he 
reported,  "  are  in  fine  spirits  and  anxious  to  go  on."  On 
the  nineteenth,  Washington  left  Armstrong  to  wait 
for  the  Highlanders,  and,  taking  the  lead,  dispelled 
by  his  vigilance  every  "  apprehension  of  the  enemy's 
approach."  When  on  the  twenty -fourth,  the  general 
encamped  his  whole  party  among  the  hills  of  Turkey 
Creek  within  ten  miles  of  Fort  Duquesne,  the  dis- 
heartened garrison,  then  about  five  hundred  in  num- 
ber, set  fire  to  the  fort  in  the  night  time,  and  by  the 
light  of  its  flames  went  down  the  Ohio.  On  Satur- 
day, the  twenty-fifth  of  November,  the  little  army 
moved  on  in  one  body,  and  at  evening  the  youthful 
hero  could  point  out  to  Armstrong  and  the  hardy 
provincials,  who  marched  in  front,  to  the  Highlanders 
and  Royal  Americans,  to  Forbes  himself,  the  meeting 
of  the  rivers.  Armstrong's  own  hand  raised  the  Brit- 
ish flag  over  the  ruined  bastions  of  the  fortress.  As  the 
banners  of  England  floated  over  the  waters,  the  place, 
at  the  suggestion  of  Forbes,  was  with  one  voice  called 
Pittsburg.  It  is  the  most  enduring  monument  to  Wil- 
liam Pitt.  America  raised  to  his  name  statues  that  have 
been  wrongfully  broken,  and  granite  piles,  of  which 
uot  one  stone  remains  upon  another ;  but,  long  as  the 
Monongahela  and  the  Alleghany  shall  flow  to  form 
the  Ohio,  long  as  the  English  tongue  shall  be  the  lan- 
guage of  freedom  in  the  boundless  valley  which  their 
waters  traverse,  his  name  shall  stand  inscribed  on  the 
gateway  of  the  West. 

The  twenty-sixth  was  observed  as  a  day  of  public 


°xniP'  thanksgiving  for  success,  and  when  was  success  of 
_ ^ —  greater  importance  ?  The  connection  between  the  sea 
1758-  side  and  the  world  beyond  the  mountains  was  estab- 
lished for  ever ;  a  vast  territory  was  secured ;  th< 
civilization  of  liberty  and  commerce  and  religion  wa 
henceforth  "to  maintain  the  undisputed  possessioi 
of  the  Ohio.1'  "  These  dreary  deserts,"  wrote  Forbes 
"  will  soon  be  the  richest  and  most  fertile  of  any  pos 
sessed  by  the  British  in  North  America." 

On  the  twenty-eighth,  a  numerous   detachmenl 
went  to  Braddock's  field,  where  their   slaughterec 
comrades,  after  more  than  three   years,  lay  yet  ui 
buried  in  the  forest.     Here  and  there  a  skeleton  wag 
found  resting  on  the  trunk  of  a  fallen  tree,  as  if 
wounded  man  had  sunk  down  in  the  attempt  to  fl; 
In  some  places,  wolves  and  crows  had  left  signs  oi 
their  ravages  ;  in  others,  the  blackness  of  ashes  marke< 
the  scene  of  the  revelry  of  cannibals.     The  trees  sti] 
showed   branches   rent  by   cannon ;    trunks  dotte< 
with  musket  balls.    Where  the  havoc  had  been  th( 
fiercest,   bones   lay  whitening  in   confusion.     Non( 
could  be   recognised,   except   that  the  son   of    Sii 
Peter   Halket   was  called   by  the   shrill   whistle  of 
a  savage  to  the  great  tree    near   which   his  fathei 
and   his   brother   had   been  seen  to  fall  together 
and  while  Benjamin  West  and  a  company  of  Penn- 
sylvanians  formed  a   circle  around,   the  Indians  r( 
moved    the    thick    covering    of    leaves,    till     the^ 
bared  the   relics   of  the   youth  lying   across   thos< 
of  the  older  officer.     The  frames  of  the  two,  thi 
united  in  death,  were  wrapped  in  a  Highland  plaid, 
and  consigned  to  one  separate  grave,  amidst  the  cere- 
monies that  belong  to  the  burial  of  the  brave.     Th< 
bones  of  the  undistinguishable  multitude,  more  than 


four  hundred  and  fifty  in  number,  were  indiscrimin-  chap. 

m  AMI. 

ately  cast  into  the  ground,  no  one  knowing  for  whom  — „ — . 
specially  to  weep.  The  chilling  gloom  of  the  forest  175  8. 
at  the  coming  of  winter,  the  religious  awe  that  mas- 
tered the  savages,  the  grief  of  the  son  fainting  at  the 
fearful  recognition  of  his  father,  the  groups  of  soldiers 
sorrowing  over  the  ghastly  ruins  of  an  army,  formed 
a  sombre  scene  of  desolation.  How  is  all  changed  ! 
The  banks  of  the  broad  and  placid  Monongahela  smile 
with  orchards  and  teeming  harvests  and  gardens ; 
with  workshops  and  villas  ;  the  victories  of  peace  have 
effaced  the  memorials  of  war ;  a  railroad  that  sends 
its  cars  over  the  Alleghanies  in  fewer  hours  than  the 
army  had  taken  weeks  for  its  unresisted  march,  passes 
through  the  scene  where  the  carnage  was  the  worst ; 
and  in  all  that  region  no  sounds  now  prevail  but  of 
life  and  activity  and  joy. 

Two  regiments  composed  of  Pennsylvanians,  Ma- 
rylanders,  and  Virginians,  remained  as  a  garrison,  un- 
der the  command  of  Mercer ;  and  for  Washington, 
who  at  twenty-six  retired  from  the  army  after  hav- 
ing done  so  much  to  advance  the  limits  of  his  coun- 
try, the  next  few  weeks  were  filled  with  happiness 
and  honor.  The  people  of  Frederictown  had  chosen 
him  their  representative.  On  the  last  day  of  the 
year,  "  the  affectionate  officers  "  who  had  been  under 
him  expressed,  with  "  sincerity  and  openness  of  soul," 
their  grief  at  "  the  loss  of  such  an  excellent  command- 
er, such  a  sincere  friend,  and  so  affable  a  companion," 
"  a  man  so  experienced  in  military  affairs,  one  so  re 
nowned  for  patriotism,  conduct  and  courage."  They 
publicly  acknowledged  to  have  found  in  him  a 
leader,  who  had  "  a  quick  discernment  and  invariable 
regard  for  merit,  an  earnestness  to  inculcate  genu- 


CxinP'  *ne  sent]ments  of  true  honor  and  passion  for  glory  ;r 
^^~  whose  "example  inspired  alacrity  and  cheerfulness 
in  encountering  severest  toils;"  whose  zeal  for  "strict 
discipline  and  order  gave  to  his  troops  a  superiority 
which  even  the  regulars  and  provincials  publicly  ac- 
knowledged." On  the  sixth  of  the  following  Jan- 
uary,  the  woman  of  his  choice  was  bound  with  him 
in  wedlock.  The  first  month  of  union  was  hardly 
over,  when,  in  the  House  of  Burgesses,  the  speaker, 
obeying  the  resolve  of  the  House,  publicly  gave 
him  the  thanks  of  Virginia  for  his  services  to  his 
country;  and  as  the  young  man,  taken  by  surprise, 
hesitated  for  words,  in  his  attempt  to  reply, — "  Sit 
down,"  interposed  the  speaker ;  a  your  modesty  is  equal 
to  your  valor,  and  that  surpasses  the  power  of  any 
language  I  possess."  After  these  crowded  weeks, 
Washington,  no  more  a  soldier,  retired  to  Mount  Ver- 
non with  the  experience  of  five  years  of  assiduous  ser- 
vice. Yet  not  the  quiet  of  rural  life  by  the  side  of 
the  Potomac,  not  the  sweets  of  conjugal  love,  could 
turn  his  fixed  mind  from  the  love  of  glory ;  and  he 
revealed  his  passion  by  adorning  his  rooms  with 
busts  of  Eugene  and  Marlborough,  of  Alexander,  of 
Caesar,  of  Charles  the  Twelfth;  and  of  one  only 
among  living  men,  the  king  of  Prussia,  whose 
struggles  he  watched  with  painful  sympathy.  Thus 
Washington  had  ever  before  his  eyes  the  image  of 
Frederic.  Both  were  eminently  founders  of  nations, 
childless  heroes,  fathers  only  to  their  countries.  The 
one  beat  down  the  dominion  of  the  aristocracy  of  the 
Middle  Ages  by  a  military  monarchy;  the  Provi- 
dence which  rules  the  world  had  elected  the  other  to 
guide  the  fiery  coursers  of  revolution  along  nobler 
paths,  and  to  check  them  firmly  at  the  goaL 




America  more  and  more  drew  the  attention  of  chap. 

tatesnien;   and  Pitt,  who  was  well  informed,  and,  ^^L 

hough  at  that  time  inaccessible  to  Franklin,  had,  oc-  1759. 
asionally,  through  his  under-secretaries,  continued  to 
>rofit  by  Franklin's  wisdom,  resolved  that  the  bound- 
ess  North  of  that  continent  should  be  a  conquest 
or  his  country.  With  astonishing  unanimity,  par- 
iament  voted  for  the  year  twelve  millions  sterling, 
.nd  such  forces,  by  sea  and  land,  as  till  those  days  had 
>een  unimagined  in  England.  "  This  is  Pitt's  doing," 
aid  Chesterfield,  "  and  it  is  marvellous  in  our  eyes. 
le  declares  only  what  he  would  have  them  do,  and 
hey  do  it." 

In  the  arrangements  for  the  campaign,  the  secre- 
ary  disregarded  seniority  of  rank.  Stanwix  was  to 
complete  the  occupation  of  the  posts  at  the  West  from 
Pittsburg  to  Lake  Erie;  Prideaux  to  reduce  Fort 
Niagara;  and  Amherst,  now  commander-in-chief  and 
:he  sinecure  governor  of  Virginia,  to  advance  with  the 
nain  army  to  Lake  Champlain.     To  command   the 


chap   fleet  which  was  to   support  the   attack  on  Que' 
^^i  Pitt   selected  the   generous  and   kind-hearted  S* 
1759    ders,  an  officer  who  to  unaffected  modesty  and  ste; 
courage  joined  the  love  of  civil  freedom.     The  o 
mand  of  the   army  in  the    river   St.  Lawrence  ^ 
conferred  on  Wolfe,   who,   like    Washington,   co 
have  found  happiness  in  retirement.     His  nature, 
once  affectionate  and  aspiring,  mingled  the  kindli 
gentleness   with  «an   impetuous   courage,   which   ^ 
never  exhausted  or  appalled.     He  loved  letters  i 
wrote  well ;  he  had  studied  the  science  of  war  p 
foundry,  joining  to  experience  a  creative  mind;  a 
the  vehement  passion  for  immortal  glory  overcame 
motives  to  repose.     "  I  feel  called  upon,"  he  had  01 
written,   on   occasion  of    his    early   promotion,    " 
justify  the  notice  taken  of  me  by  such  exertions  a 
exposure  of  myself  as  will  probably  lead  to  my  fa 
And  the  day  before  departing  for  his  command,  in  t 
inspiring  presence  of  Pitt,  he  forgot   danger,  gloi 
every  thing  but  the  overmastering  purpose  to  devc 
himself  for  his  country. 

All  the  while,  ships  from  every  part  of  the  woi 
were  bringing  messages  of  the  success  of  Briti 
arms.  In  the  preceding  April,  a  small  English  sqm 
ron  made  a  conquest  of  Senegal;  in  December,  i 
groes  crowded  on  the  heights  of  the  island  of  Gor 
to  gaze  on  the  strange  spectacle  of  war,  and  to  witn< 
the  surrender  of  its  forts  to  Commodore  August 
Keppel.  In  the  Indian  seas,  Pococke  maintained  t 
superiority  of  England.  In  the  West  Indies, 
January,  1759,  a  fleet  of  ten  line-of-battle  ships,  wi 
six  thousand  effective  troops,  made  a  fruitless  atta< 
on  Martinico ;  but,  sailing  for  Guadaloupe,  the  best 
the  West  India  possessions  of  France,  after  the  loss 


id  daring  deeds  of  more  than  three  months,  in  May,  chap. 

gained,  by  capitulation,  that  delightful  and  well  , ^ 

atered  island,  whose  harbor  can  screen  whole  navies  1759. 
can  hurricanes,  whose  position  gives  the  command 
:  the  neighboring  seas. 

Froni  the  continent  of  Europe  came  the  joyous 
surance,  that  a  victory  at  Minden  had  protected 
[.-mover.  The  French,  having  repulsed  Prince  Ferdi- 
ind  of  Brunswick  at  Frankfort,  pursued  their  advan- 
ige,  occupied  Cassel,  compelled  Munster  to  capitulate, 
id  took  Minden  by  assault ;  so  that  Hanover  could 
e  saved  only  by  a  victory.  Contades  and  Broglie, 
le  French  generals,  with  their  superior  force,  were 
■lured  from  their  strong  position,  and  accepted  battle 
q  narrow  and  inconvenient  ground,  on  which  their 
orse  occupied  the  centre,  their  foot  the  wings.  The 
rench  cavalry  charged,  but,  swept  by  artillery  and 
le  rolling  fire  of  the  English  and  Hanoverian  infan- 
y,  they  were  repulsed.  At  the  moment,  Ferdinand, 
hose  daring  forethought  had  detached  the  hereditary 
rince  of  Brunswick  with  ten  thousand  men  to  cut  off 
le  retreat,  sent  a  message  to  the  commander  of  the 
British  cavalry,  Lord  George  Sackville,  by  a  German 
i'l-(le-camp.  Lord  George  affected  not  to  understand, 
.igonier  came  next,  with  express  directions  that  he 
lould  bring  up  the  cavalry  and  attack  the  French, 
ho  were  faltering.  "  See  the  confusion  he  is  in," 
™ied  Sloper  to  Ligonier ;  "  for  God's  sake  repeat 
our  orders."  Fitzroy  arrived  with  a  third  order  from 
'erdinand.  "  This  cannot  be  so,"  said  Lord  George ; 
would  he  have  me  break  the  line  ?"  Fitzroy  urged  the 
)mmand.  "  Do  not  be  in  a  hurry,"  said  Lord  George. 
I  am  out  of  breath  with  galloping,"  replied  young 


chap.  Fitzroy,  "which  makes  me  speak  quick;  but  i 
_^  orders  are  positive ;  the  French  are  in  confusion ;  h( 
i759.  is  a  glorious  opportunity  for  the  English  to  distingui 
themselves."  "  It  is  impossible,"  repeated  Lord  Geor^ 
"  that  the  Prince  could  mean  to  break  the  line."  ' 
give  you  his  orders,"  rejoined  Fitzroy,  "word  ] 
word."  "  Who  will  be  the  guide  to  the  cavalry 
asked  Lord  George.  "  I,"  said  the  brave  boy,  and  1 
the  way.  Lord  George,  pretending  to  be  puzzled,  tv 
reminded  by  Smith,  one  of  his  aids,  of  the  necessi 
of  immediate  obedience;  on  which,  he  sent  Smith 
lead  on  the  British  cavalry,  while  he  himself  rode 
the  Prince  for  explanation.  Ferdinand,  in  scorn,  ] 
newed  his  orders  to  the  Marquis  of  Granby,  the  secoi 
in  command,  and  was  obeyed  with  alacrity ;  but  t 
decisive  moment  was  lost.  "  Lord  George's  fall  w 
prodigious,"  said  Horace  Walpole;  "nobody  sto< 
higher ;  nobody  had  more  ambition  or  more  sens< 
Pitt  softened  his  misfortune  with  all  the  offices 
humanity,  but  condemned  his  conduct.  George  £ 
Second  dismissed  him  from  all  his  posts.  A  cou 
martial,  the  next  year,  found  him  guilty  of  disobeyii 
orders,  and  unfit  for  employment  in  any  milita: 
capacity;  on  which,  the  king  struck  his  name  out 
the  council-book  and  forbade  his  appearance  at  cou] 
The  ability  of  Sackville  had  been  greatly  overrate 
He  was  restless,  and  loved  intrigue ;  ambitious,  opi 
ionated,  and  foil  of  envy ;  when  he  spoke,  it  was  arr 
gantly,  as  if  to  set  others  right ;  his  nature  combim 
haughtiness  and  meanness  of  spirit ;  without  fidelit 
fixed  principles,  or  logical  clearness  of  mind,  unfit 
conduct  armies  or  affairs,  he  joined  cowardice  wil 
love  of  superiority  and  "malevolence."1 

1  Lord  Mahon's  History  of  Eng-    Sackville's  courage.      See  Geor 
land,  iv.  271.    George  III.  doubted    III.  to  Lord  North. 


In   America  success   depended  on  union.      The  chap. 


ard  of  Trade  was  compelled  to  adjourn  questions  ^^L> 
of  internal  authority;  while  Pitt  won  the  free  servi-  1759. 

9  of  the  Americans  by  respecting  their  liberties  and 
alleviating  their  excessive  burdens  from  the  British 

chequer.  Every  colony  north  of  Maryland  sec- 
onded his  zeal.  The  military  spirit  especially  per- 
vaded New  York  and  all  New  England,  so  that 
there  was  not  one  of  their  villages  but  grew  famil- 
iar with  war  from  the  experience  of  its  own  people. 
Massachusetts,  though  it  was  gasping  under  the 
fruitless  efforts  of  former  years,  sent  into  the  field, 
to  the  frontier,  and  to  garrisons,  more  than  seven 
thousand  men,  or  nearly  one  sixth  part  of  all  who 
were  able  to  bear  arms.  Connecticut,  which  distin- 
guished itself  by  disproportionate  exertions,  raised, 
as  in  the  previous  year,  five  thousand  men.  To 
meet  the  past  expense,  the  little  colony  incurred 
heavy  debts,  and,  learning  political  economy  from 
native  thrift,  appointed  taxes  on  property  to  discharge 

The  whole  continent  was  exerting  its  utmost 
strength,  and  eager  to  prove  its  loyalty.  New  Jersey, 
in  which  the  fencible  men  in  time  of  peace  would 
have  been  about  fifteen  thousand,  had  already  lost 
one  thousand  men,  and  yet  voted  to  raise  one  thou- 
sand more.1  Its  yearly  expenditure  for  the  service  of 
the  war  was  equal  to  about  five  dollars  for  each  living 
being  in  the  province.  Such  was  the  aid  willingly 
furnished  to  an  administration  which  respected 
colonial  liberty. 

To  encounter  the  preparations  of  England  and 

1  Gov.  Bernard  (successor  to  Belcher)  to  Secretary  W.  Pitt,  Perth 
Ainboy,  20  March,  1759. 


°S£?>  America,  Canada  received  scanty  supplies  of  provi 
- — , —  sions  from  France.  "  The  king,"  wrote  the  ministe: 
1759.  t0  Montcalm,  "  the  king  relies  on  your  zeal  and  obsti 
nacy  of  courage."  But  Montcalm  informed  Belle 
Isle  plainly,  that,  without  unexpected  good  fortune 
or  great  fault  in  the  enemy,  Canada  must  be  takei 
this  campaign,  or  certainly  the  next.  Its  censu 
showed  but  a  population  of  about  eighty-two  thou 
sand,  of  whom  not  more  than  seven  thousand  mei 
could  serve  as  soldiers ;  the  eight  French  battalion: 
counted  but  thirty-two  hundred ;  while  the  Englisl 
were  thought  to  have  almost  fifty  thousand  men  ii 
arms.  There  was  a  continuing  scarcity  in  the  land 
the  fields  were  hardly  cultivated ;  the  domestic  ani 
mals  were  failing ;  the  soldiers  were  unpaid;  pape: 
money  had  increased  to  thirty  millions  of  livres,  anc 
would  that  year  be  increased  twelve  millions  more 
while  the  civil  officers  were  making  haste  to  enricl 
themselves  before  the  surrender,  which  was  to  screer 
their  frauds. 

The  western  brigade,  commanded  by  Prideaux 
composed  of  two  battalions  from  New  York,  a  bat 
talion  of  Royal  Americans,  and  two  British  regiments 
with  a  detachment  of  royal  artillery,  and  reinforce 
ments  of  Indian  auxiliaries  under  Sir  William  John 
son,  was  the  first  to  engage  actively.  Fort  Niagara 
stood,  as  its  ruins  yet  stand,  on  the  flat  and  narrow 
promontory  round  which  the  deep  and  rapid  Niagara 
sweeps  into  the  lower  lake.  There  La  Salle,  first  oi 
Europeans,  had  driven  a  light  palisade.  There 
Denonville  had  constructed  a  fortress  and  left  a  gar- 
rison for  a  winter.  It  commanded  the  portage 
between  Ontario  and  Erie,  and  gave  the  dominion  oi 
the  western  fur-trade.     Leaving  a  detachment  with 


Colonel  Haldiraand  to  construct  a  tenable  post  at  the  chap 

.  XIV 

mouth  of  the  "  wild  Oswego,"  the  united  American,  ^^L 
British,  and  Indian  forces  embarked,  on  the  first  day  1759. 
of  July,  on  Lake  Ontario,  and  landed  without  oppo- 
sition at  one  of  its  inlets,  six  miles  east  of  the  junc- 
tion of  the  Niagara.     The  fortress  on  the  peninsula 
was  easily  invested. 

Aware  of  the  importance  of  the  station,  D'Aubry 
collected  from  Detroit  and  Erie,  Le  Bceuf  and  Ve- 
nango, a  little  army  of  twelve  hundred  men,  larger 
than  that  which  defeated  Braddock,  and  marched 
to  the  rescue.  Prideaux  made  the  best  dispositions 
to  frustrate  the  design ;  but,  on  the  fifteenth  of  July, 
he  was  killed  by  the  bursting  of  a  cohorn,  leaving 
his  honors  immature.  Sir  William  Johnson,  who 
succeeded  to  the  command,  commemorated  his  rare 
abilities  and  zeal,  and  carefully  executed  his  plans. 
He  posted  the  British  army  on  the  left,  above  the 
fort,  so  as  to  intercept  the  approach  of  the  enemy 
and  to  support  the  guard  in  the  trenches.  On  the 
morning  of  the  twenty-fourth  of  July,  the  French 
made  their  appearance.  The  Mohawks  gave  a  sign 
for  a  parley  with  the  French  Indians  ;  but,  as  it  was 
not  returned,  they  raised  the  war-whoop.  "While  the 
regulars  advanced  to  meet  the  French  in  front,  the 
English  Indians  gained  their  flanks  and  threw  them 
into  disorder ;  on  which,  the  English  rushed  to  the 
charge  with  irresistible  fury.  The  French  broke, 
retreated,  and  were  pursued.  The  carnage  contin- 
ued till  fatigue  stayed  its  hand.  The  bodies  of  the 
dead  lay  uncounted  among  the  forests.  On  the  next 
day,  the  garrison,  consisting  of  about  six  hundred 
men,  capitulated.  Thus  did  New  York  extend  its 
limits  to  the   Niagara  River   and  Lake   Erie.     The 

VOL.   IV.  21 


chap,  victory  was  so  decisive,  that  the  officer  and  troops 
^^L,  sent  by  Stanwix  from  Pittsburg  took  possession  of 
1759.  the  French  posts  as  far  as  Erie  without  resistance. 

The  success  of  the  English  on  Lake  Ontario  drew 
De  Levi,  the  second  in  military  command  in  New 
France,  from  before  Quebec.  He  ascended  beyond 
the  rapids,  and  endeavored  to  guard  against  a 
descent  to  Montreal  by  occupying  the  passes  of  the 
river  near  Ogdensburg.  The  number  of  men  at  his 
disposal  was  too  few  to  accomplish  the  object;  and 
Amherst  directed  Gage,  whom  he  detached  as  succes- 
sor to  Prideaux,  to  take  possession  of  the  post.  But 
Gage  made  excuses  for  neglecting  the  orders,  and 
whiled  away  his  harvest-time  of  honor. 

Meantime,  the  commander-in-chief  assembled  the 
main  army  at  Lake  George.  The  tranquil  temper 
of  Amherst  was  never  ruffled  by  collisions  with  the 
Americans ;  his  displeasure,  when  excited,  was  con- 
cealed under  apparent  apathy  or  impenetrable  self- 
command.  His  judgment  was  slow,  but  safe ;  his 
mind  solid,  but  never  inventive.  Taciturn,  and  stoic- 
al, he  displayed  respectable  abilities  as  a  command- 
er, without  fertility  of  resources,  or  daring  enter- 
prise. In  five  British  regiments,  with  the  Royal 
Americans,  he  had  fifty-seven  hundred  and  forty- 
three  regulars;  of  provincials  and  Gage's  light  in- 
fantry he  had  nearly  as  many  more.  On  the  long- 
est day  in  June,  he  reached  the  lake,  and,  with 
useless  precaution,  traced  out  the  ground  for  a  fort . 
On  the  twenty-first  of  July,  the  invincible  flotilla 
moved  in  four  columns  down  the  water,  with  artil- 
lery, and  more  than  eleven  thousand  men.  On  the 
twenty-second,  the  army  disembarked  on  the  eastern 


shore,  nearly  opposite  the  landing-place  of  Abercrom-  chap. 
bie ;  and  that  night,  after  a  skirmish  of  the  advanced  ^-^L 
guard,  they  lay  under  arms  at  the  saw-mills.     The  175  9. 
next  day,  the  French  army  under  Bourlamarque,  leav- 
ing a  garrison  of  but  four  hundred  in  Fort  Carillon, 
deserted  their  lines,  of  which  possession  was   imme- 
diately taken. 

Conscious  of  their  inability  to  resist  the  British 
artillery  and  army,  the  French,  on  the  twenty-sixth, 
abandoned  Ticonderoga,  and,  five  days  afterwards, 
retreated  from  Crown  Point  to  intrench  themselves 
on  Isle-aux-Noix.  The  whole  mass  of  the  people  of 
Canada  had  been  called  to  arms  ;  the  noblesse  piqued 
themselves  much  on  the  antiquity  of  their  families, 
their  own  military  glory  and  that  of  their  ancestors  •/ 
nor  had  the  world  known  greater  courage  and  loy- 
alty than  they  displayed.  So  general  had  been  the 
levy,  that  there  were  not  men  enough  left  to  reap  the 
fields  round  Montreal;  and,  to  prevent  starvation, 
women,  old  men,  and  children  were  ordered  to  gather 
in  the  harvest  alike  for  rich  and  poor.  Yet,  as  the 
chief  force  was  with  Montcalm  near  Quebec,  as  the 
Indians  no  longer  thronged  to  the  camp  of  the  French, 
the  army  that  opposed  Amherst  had  but  one-fourth  of 
his  numbers,  and  could  not  be  recruited.  An  imme- 
diate descent  on  Montreal  was  universally  expected. 
In  a  fortnight,  Crown  Point  was  occupied,  without 
opposition.  Amherst  must  advance,  or  Wolfe  may 
perish.  But,  after  repairing  Ticonderoga,  he  wasted 
labor  in  building  fortifications  at  Crown  Point,  which 
tlie  conquest  of  Canada  would  render  useless.  Thus 
he  let  all  August,  all  September,  and  ten  days  of  Oc- 

1  Murray  to  Shelbume,  30  August,  1766. 


chap,  tober  go  by,  before  boats  were  ready ;  and  when  al 
_,_  last  he  embarked,  and  victory,  not  without  honor, 
175  9.  might  still  have  been  within  his  grasp,  he  received 
messengers  from  Quebec,  and  turned  back,  having 
done  nothing  but  occupy  and  repair  deserted  forts. 
Sending  a  detachment  against  the  St.  Francis  Indians, 
he  himself  went  into  winter-quarters,  leaving  his  un- 
finished work  for  another  costly  campaign.  Amhersl 
was  a  brave  and  faithful  officer,  but  his  intellect  w* 
dull.  He  gained  a  great  name,  because  New  France 
was  occupied  during  his  chief  command;  but,  ha< 
Wolfe  resembled  him,  Quebec  would  not  have  fallen. 

June.  As  soon  as  the  floating  masses  of  ice  permitted, 

the  forces  for  the  expedition  against  Quebec  ha( 
repaired  to  Louisburg;  and  already  Wolfe,  by  his 
activity  and  zeal,  his  good  judgment  and  the  clearness 
of  his  orders,  inspired  unbounded  confidence.  His 
army  consisted  of  eight  regiments,  two  battalions  oi 
Royal  Americans,  three  companies  of  rangers,  artil- 
lery, and  a  brigade  of  engineers, — in  all,  about  eighl 
thousand  men ;  the  fleet  under  Saunders  had  two-and- 
twenty  ships  of  the  Hue,  and  as  many  frigates  an< 
armed  vessels.  On  board  of  one  of  the  ships  wi 
Jervis,  afterwards  Earl  St.  Vincent ;  another,  whicl 
followed,  bore  as  master  James  Cook,  the  navigator, 
who  was  destined  to  explore  and  reveal  the  unknown 
paths  and  thousand  isles  of  the  Pacific.  The  brigades 
had  for  their  commanders  the  brave,  open-hearted, 
and  liberal  Robert  Monckton,  afterwards  governor  of 
New  York  and  conqueror  of  Martinico  ;  George  Town- 
shend,  elder  brother  of  Charles  Townshend,  soon  to 
succeed  his  father  in  the  peerage,  and  become  known 
as  a  legislator  for  America,  a  man  of  quick  perception, 


but  unsafe  judgment ;  and  the  rash  and  inconsider-  chap. 
ate  James  Murray.     For  his  adjutant-general,  Wolfe  w^-1 
selected  Isaac  Barre,  an  old  associate  at  Louisburg;  1759. 
an  Irishman  of  humble  birth,  eloquent,  ambitious,  and 
fearless.     The  grenadiers  of  the  army  were  formed 
into  a  corps,  commanded  by  Colonel  Guy  Carleton;  a 
detachment  of  light  infantry  were  to  receive  orders 
from    Lieutenant-Colonel,    afterwards    Sir    William, 

On  the  twenty-sixth  of  June,  the  whole  arma- 
ment arrived,  without  the  least  accident,  off  the  Isle 
of  Orleans,  on  which,  the  next  day,  they  disembarked. 
A  little  south  of  west  the  cliff  of  Quebec  was  seen 
distinctly,  seemingly  impregnable,  rising  precipi- 
tously in  the  midst  of  one  of  the  grandest  scenes  in 
nature.  To  protect  this  guardian  citadel  of  New 
France,  Montcalm  had  of  regular  troops  no  more  than 
six  wasted  battalions;  of  Indian  warriors  few  ap- 
peared, the  wary  savages  preferring  the  security  of 
neutrals ;  the  Canadian  militia  gave  him  the  supe- 
riority in  numbers;  but  he  put  his  chief  confidence 
in  the  natural  strength  of  the  country.  Above  Que- 
bec, the  high  promontory  on  which  the  upper  town  is 
built  expands  into  an  elevated  plain,  having  towards 
the  river  the  steepest  acclivities.  For  nine  miles  or 
more  above  the  city,  as  far  as  Cape  Rouge,  every 
landing-place  was  intrenched  and  protected.  The 
river  St.  Charles,  after  meandering  through  a  fertile 
valley,  sweeps  the  rocky  base  of  the  town,  which  it 
covers  by  expanding  into  sedgy  marshes.  Nine  miles 
below  Quebec,  the  impetuous  Montmorenci,  after  fret- 
ting itself  a  whirlpool  route,  and  leaping  for  miles 
down  the  steps  of  a  rocky  bed,  rushes  with  velocity 




chap,  towards  the  ledge,  over  which,  falling  two  hundred 
xiv  • 

^^L,  and  fifty  feet,  it  pours  its  fleecy  cataract  into  the  chasm. 

As  Wolfe  disembarked  on  the  Isle  of  Orleans, 
what  scene  could  be  more  imposing  ?  On  his  left  lay 
at  anchor  the  fleet  with  the  numerous  transports  ;  the 
tents  of  his  army  stretched  across  the  island ;  the  in 
trenched  troops  of  France,  having  their  centre  at  the 
village  of  Beauport,  extended  from  the  Montmorenci 
to  the  St.  Charles ;  the  city  of  Quebec,  garrisoned  by 
five  battalions,  bounded  the  horizon.  At  midnight, 
on  the  twenty-eighth,  the  short  darkness  was  lighted 
up  by  a  fleet  of  fire-ships,  that,  after  a  furious  storm 
of  wind,  came  down  with  the  tide  in  the  proper  di- 
rection. But  the  British  sailors  grappled  with  them 
and  towed  them  free  of  the  shipping. 

The  river  was  Wolfe's;  the  men-of-war  made  it 
so  ;  and,  being  master  of  the  deep  water,  he  also  had 
the  superiority  on  the  south  shore  of  the  St.  Law- 
rence. In  the  night  of  the  twenty-ninth,  Monckton, 
with  four  battalions,  having  crossed  the  south  chan- 
nel, occupied  Point  Levi ;  and.  where  the  mighty  cur- 
rent, which  below  the  town  expands  as  a  bay,  nar- 
rows to  a  deep  stream  of  but  a  mile  in  width, 
batteries  of  mortar  and  cannon  were  constructed. 
The  citizens  of  Quebec,  foreseeing  the  ruin  of  their 
houses,  volunteered  to  pass  over  the  river  and  destroy 
the  works ;  but,  at  the  trial,  their  courage  failed 
them,  and  they  retreated.  The  English,  by  the  dis- 
charge of  red-hot  balls  and  shells,  set  on  fire  fifty 
houses  in  a  night,  demolished  the  lower  town,  and 
injured  the  upper.  But  the  citadel  was  beyond  their 
reach,  and  every  avenue  from  the  river  to  the  cliff 
was  too  strongly  intrenched  for  an  assault. 

As  yet  no  real  progress  had  been  made.     Wolfe 



was  eager  for  battle ;  being  willing  to  risk  all  his  chap. 


hopes  on  the  issue.  He  saw  that  the  eastern  bank  of 
the  Montmorenci  was  higher  than  the  ground  occu-  175  9. 
pied  by  Montcalm,  and,  on  the  ninth  of  July,  he  y* 
ci'ossed  the  north  channel  and  encamped  there ;  but 
the  armies  and  their  chiefs  were  still  divided  by  the 
river  precipitating  itself  down  its  rocky  way  in  im- 
passable eddies  and  rapids.  Three  miles  in  the 
interior,  a  ford  was  found ;  but  the  opposite  bank 
was  steep,  woody,  and  well  intrenched.  Not  a  spot 
on  the  line  of  the  Montmorenci  for  miles  into  the 
interior,  nor  on  the  St.  Lawrence  to  Quebec,  was  left 
unprotected  by  the  vigilance  of  the  inaccessible 

The  general  proceeded  to  reconnoitre  the  shore 
above  the  town.  In  concert  with  Saunders,  on  the 
eighteenth  of  July,  he  sailed  along  the  well  defended 
bank  from  Montmorenci  to  the  St.  Charles ;  he 
passed  the  deep  and  spacious  harbor,  which,  at  four 
hundred  miles  from  the  sea,  can  shelter  a  hundred 
ships  of  the  line ;  he  neared  the  high  cliff  of  Cape 
Diamond,  towering  like  a  bastion  over  the  waters, 
and  surmounted  by  the  banner  of  the  Bourbons ;  he 
coasted  along  the  craggy  wall  of  rock  that  extends 
beyond  the  citadel ;  he  marked  the  outline  of  the 
precipitous  hill  that  forms  the  north  bank  of  the 
river, — and  every  where  he  beheld  a  natural  fastness, 
vigilantly  defended,  intrenchments,  cannon,  boats, 
and  floating  batteries  guarding  every  access.  Had 
a  detachment  landed  between  the  city  and  Cape 
Rouge,  it  would  have  encountered  the  danger  of 
being  cut  off  before  it  could  receive  support.  He 
would  have  risked  a  landing  at  St.  Michael's  Cove, 
three  miles  above  the  city,  but  the  enemy  prevented 




chap,  him  by  planting  artillery  and  a  mortar  to  play  upon 

w^L,  the  shipping. 

Meantime,  at  midnight,  on  the  twenty-eighth  of 
July,  the  French  sent  down  a  raft  of  fire-stages,  con- 
sisting of  nearly  a  hundred  pieces ;  but  these,  like  the 
fire-ships  a  month  before,  did  but  light  up  the  river, 
without  injuring  the  British  fleet.      Scarcely  a  da 
passed   but  there   were   skirmishes   of  the   Englis 
with  the  Indians  and  Canadians,  who  were  sure  t 
tread  stealthily  in  the  footsteps  of  every  exploring 

Wolfe  returned  to  Montmorenci.  July  was  almost 
gone,  and  he  had  made  no  effective  advances.  He 
resolved  on  an  engagement.  The  Montmorenci,  after 
falling  over  a  perpendicular  rock,  flows  for  three  hun- 
dred yards,  amidst  clouds  of  spray  and  rainbow 
glories,  in  a  gentle  stream  to  the  St.  Lawrence. 
Near  the  junction,  the  river  may,  for  a  few  hours  of 
the  tide,  be  passed  on  foot.  It  was  planned  that 
two  brigades  should  ford  the  Montmorenci  at  the 
proper  time  of  the  tide,  while  Monckton's  regiments 
should  cross  the  St.  Lawrence  in  boats  from  Point 
Levi.  The  signal  was  made,  but  some  of  the  boats 
grounded  on  a  ledge  of  rocks  that  runs  out  into 
the  river.  "While  the  seamen  were  getting  them  off, 
and  the  enemy  were  firing  a  vast  number  of  shot  and 
shells,  Wolfe,  with  some  of  the  navy  officers  as  com- 
panions, selected  a  landing-place;  and  his  desperate 
courage  thought  it  not  yet  too  late  to  begin  the 
attack.  Thirteen  companies  of  grenadiers,  and  two 
hundred  of  the  second  battalion  of  the  Royal  Ameri- 
cans, who  got  first  on  shore,  not  waiting  for  support, 
ran  hastily  towards  the  intrenchments,  and  were 
repulsed  in  such  disorder  that  they  could  not  again 


come  into   line ;   though  Monckton's  regiments  had  chap. 
arrived,  and  had  formed  with  the  coolness  of  invinci-  v^^L 
ble  valor.      But  hours  hurried  by;  night  was  near;  1759, 
the  clouds  of  midsummer  gathered  heavily,  as  if  for  a       y' 
storm  ;  the  tide  rose ;  and  Wolfe,  wiser  than  Frederic 
at  Colin,  ordered  a  timely  retreat.     A  strand  of  deep 
mud,  a  hill-side,  steep,  and  in  many  places  impracti-    ' 
cable,  the  heavy  fire  of  a  brave,  numerous,  and  well 
protected  enemy,   were   obstacles   which   intrepidity 
and  discipline  could  not  overcome.      In  general  or- 
ders, Wolfe  censured  the  impetuosity  of  the  grena- 
diers ;    he  praised  the  coolness  of  Monckton's  regi- 
ments, as  able  alone  to  beat  back  the  whole  Canadian 

This  severe  check,  in  which  four  hundred  lives 
were  lost,  happened  on  the  last  day  of  July.  Murray 
was  next  sent,  with  twelve  hundred  men,  above  the  Aug. 
town,  to  destroy  the  French  ships  and  open  a  com- 
munication with  Amherst.  Twice  he  attempted  a 
landing  on  the  north  shore,  without  success  ;  at 
Deschambault,  a  place  of  refuge  for  women  and 
children,  he  won  advantages  over  a  guard  of  invalid 
soldiers ;  and  learned  that  Niagara  had  surrendered  ; 
that  the  French  had  abandoned  Ticondero^a  and 
Crown  Point.  The  eyes  of  Wolfe  were  strained  to 
see  Amherst  approach.  Vain  hope !  The  com- 
mander-in-chief, though  opposed  by  no  more  than 
three  thousand  men,  was  loitering  at  Crown  Point, 
nor  did  even  a  messenger  from  him  arrive.  Wolfe 
was  alone  to  struggle  with  difficulties  which  every 
hour  made  more  appalling.  The  numerous  body  of 
armed  men  under  Montcalm  "  could  not,"  he  said, 
c  be   called    an   army;"    but    the    French    had   the 


chap,  strongest  country,  perhaps,  in  the  world,  on  which 
^.^  to  rest  the  defence  of  the  town.  Their  boats  were 
175  9  numerous,  and  weak  points  were  guarded  by  floating 
g*  batteries.  The  keen  eye  of  the  Indian  prevented 
surprise.  The  vigilance  and  hardihood  of  the  Cana- 
dians made  intrenchments  every  where  necessary. 
The  peasantry  were  zealous  to  defend  their  homes, 
language,  and  religion.  Old  men  of  seventy  and 
boys  of  fifteen  fired  at  the  English  detachments  from 
the  edges  of  the  wood.  Every  one  able  to  bear  arms 
was  in  the  field.  Little  quarter  was  given  on  either 
side.  Thus  for  two  months  the  British  fleet  had 
ridden  idly  at  anchor;  the  army  had  lain  in  their 
tents.  The  feeble  frame  of  Wolfe  sunk  under  the 
energy  of  his  restless  spirit,  and  the  pain  of  anxious 

Yet,  while  disabled  by  fever,  he  laid  before  the 
brigadiers  three  several  and  equally  desperate  meth- 
ods of  attacking  Montcalm  in  his  intrenchments  at 
Beauport.  Meeting  at  Monckton's  quarters,  they 
wisely  and  unanimously  gave  their  opinions  against 
them  all,  and  advised  to  convey  four  or  five  thou- 
sand men  above  the  town,  and  thus  draw  Montcalm 
from  his  impregnable  situation  to  an  open  action. 
Wolfe  acquiesced  in  their  proposal,  and,  with  despair 
in  his  heart,  yet  as  one  conscious  that  he  lived  under 
the  eye  of  Pitt  and  of  his  country,  he  prepared  to  carry 
it  into  effect.  Attended  by  the  Admiral,  he  examined 
once  more  the  citadel,  with  a  view  to  a  general  assault. 
Although  every  one  of  the  five  passages  from  the 
lower  to  the  upper  town  was  carefully  intrenched, 
Saunders  was  willing  to  join  in  any  hazard  for  the 
public  service ;  "  but  I  could  not  propose  to  him," 
said  Wolfe,  "  an  undertaking  of  so  dangerous  a  nature 


and  promising  so  little  success."      He  had  the  whole  chap. 
force  of  Canada  to  oppose,  and,  by  the  nature  of  the  _,_ 
river,  the  fleet  could  render  no  assistance.     "  In  this  1759. 
situation,"  wrote  Wolfe  to  Pitt,  on  the  second  of  Sep- 
tember,  "  there  is  such  a  choice  of  difficulties,  that  I 
am  myself  at  a  loss  how  to  determine.     The  affairs  of 
Great  Britain  require  most  vigorous  measures;  but 
then  the  courage  of  a  handful  of  brave  men  should 
be  exerted  only  where  there  is  some  hope."     England 
read  the  dispatch  with  dismay,  and  feared  to  hear 
further  tidings. 

Securing  the  posts  on  the  Isle  of  Orleans  and 
opposite  Quebec,  he  marched,  with  the  army,  on  the 
fifth  and  sixth  of  September,  from  Point  Levi,  to 
which  place  he  had  transferred  all  the  troops  from 
Montmorenci,  and  embarked  them  in  transports  that 
had  passed  the  town  for  the  purpose.  On  the  three 
following  days,  Admiral  Holmes,  with  the  ships, 
ascended  the  river  to  amuse  Bougainville,  who  had 
been  sent  up  the  north  shore  to  watch  the  move- 
ments of  the  British  army,  and  prevent  a  landing. 
New  France  began  to  feel  a  sentiment  of  joy,  believ- 
ing the  worst  dangers  of  the  campaign  over.  De 
Levi,  the  second  officer  in  command,  was  sent  to  pro- 
tect Montreal  with  a  detachment,  it  was  said,  of  three 
thousand  men.  Summer,  which  in  that  climate  hur- 
ries through  the  sky,  was  over ;  and  the  British  fleet 
must  soon  withdraw  from  the  river.  "  My  constitu- 
tion," wrote  the  General  to  Holdernesse  on  the  ninth, 
just  four  days  before  his  death,  "  is  entirely  ruiued, 
without  the  consolation  of  having  done  any  consider- 
able service  to  the  state,  and  without  any  prospect 
of  it." 


chap.  But,  in  the  mean  time,  Wolfe  applied  himself  in- 
tently to  reconnoitring  the  north  shore  above  Quebec. 
Nature  had  given  him  good  eyes,  as  well  as  a  warmth 
of  temper  to  follow  first  impressions.1  He  himself 
discovered  the  cove  which  now  bears  his  name, 
where  the  bending  promontories  almost  form  a 
basin  with  a  very  narrow  margin,  over  which  the  hill 
rises  precipitously.  He  saw  the  path  that  wound  up 
the  steep,  though  so  narrow  that  two  men  could  hard- 
ly march  in  it  abreast ; 2  and  he  knew,  by  the  num- 
ber of  tents  which  he  counted  on  the  summit,  that  the 
Canadian  post  which  guarded  it  could  not  exceed  a 
hundred.  Here  he  resolved  to  land  his  army  by 
surprise.  To  mislead  the  enemy,  his  troops  were  kept 
far  above  the  town,  while  Saunders,  as  if  an  attack 
was  intended  at  Beauport,  set  Cook,  the  great  mari- 
ner, with  others,  to  sound  the  water  and  plant  buoys 
along  that  shore. 

The  day  and  night  of  the  twelfth  were  employed 
in  preparations.  The  autumn  evening  was  bright ;  and 
the  General,  under  the  clear  starlight,  visited  his  sta- 
tions, to  make  his  final  inspection,  and  utter  his  last 
words  of  encouragement.  As  he  passed  from  ship  to 
ship,  he  spoke  to  those  in  the  boat  with  him  of  the 
poet  Gray,  and  the  Elegy  in  a  Country  Churchyard. 
"  I,"  said  he,  "  would  prefer  being  the  author  of  that 
poem  to  the  glory  of  beating  the  French  to-morrow  ;"3 
and  while  the  oars  struck  the  river  as  it  rippled  in 

1  Wolfe  to  Win.  Rickson,  1  Dec,  bee ;  to  whose  personal  kindness  I 

1758.  am  indebted  for  explanations  given 

8  Vice    Admiral     Saunders    to  me  on    the    battle   ground   itself. 
Secretary  Pitt,  20  Sept.,  1759.  The  Picture  of  Quebec,  published 

9  I  owe  my  knowledge  of  this  by  Hawkins,  in  1834,  is  indebted  to 
incident  to  J.  0.  Fisher,  of  Que-  him  for  its  historical  value. 


the  silence  of  the  night  air  under  the  flowing  tide,  he  chap 


repeated  :  - — , — 

"  The  boast  of  heraldry,  the  pomp  of  power,  Sept. 

And  all  that  beauty,  all  that  wealth  e'er  gave, 
Await  alike  the  inexorable  hour ; 

The  paths  of  glory  lead  but  to  the  grave." 

Every  officer  knew  his  appointed  duty,  when,  at 
one  o'clock  in  the  morning  of  the  thirteenth  of  Sep- 
tember, Wolfe,  with  Monckton  and  Murray,  and 
about  half  the  forces,  set  off  in  boats,  and,  without 
sail  or  oars,  glided  down  with  the  tide.  In  three 
quarters  of  an  hour  the  ships  followed,  and,  though 
the  night  had  become  dark,  aided  by  the  rapid  cur- 
rent, they  reached  the  cove  just  in  time  to  cover  the 
landing.  Wolfe  and  the  troops  with  him  leaped  on 
shore ;  the  light  infantry,  who  found  themselves 
borne  by  the  current  a  little  below  the  intrenched 
path,  clambered  up  the  steep  hill,  staying  themselves 
by  the  roots  and  boughs  of  the  maple  and  spruce  and 
ash  trees  that  covered  the  precipitous  declivity,  and, 
after  a  little  firing,  dispersed  the  picket  which 
guarded  the  height.  The  rest  ascended  safely  by  the 
pathway.  A  battery  of  four  guns  on  the  left  was 
abandoned  to  Colonel  Howe.  When  Townshend's 
division  disembarked,  the  English  had  already  gained 
one  of  the  roads  to  Quebec,  and,  advancing  in  front  of 
the  forest,  Wolfe  stood  at  daybreak  with  his  invinci- 
ble battalions  on  the  plains  of  Abraham,  the  battle- 
field of  empire. 

1  It  can  be  but  a  small  party,  come  to  burn  a  few 
houses  and  retire,"  said  Montcalm,  in  amazement 
as  the  news  reached  him  in  his  intrench ments  the 
other  side  of  the  St.  Charles ;  but,  obtaining  better 


chap,  information, — "  Then,"  lie  cried,  "  they  have  at  last 
^^i.  got  to  the  weak  side  of  this  miserable  garrison ;  we 
175  9.  must  give  battle  and  crush  them  before  mid-day." 
ep  And  before  ten  the  two  armies,  equal  in  numbers, 
each  being  composed  of  less  than  five  thousand  men, 
were  ranged  in  presence  of  one  another  for  battle. 
The  English,  not  easily  accessible  from  intervening 
shallow  ravines  and  rail  fences,  were  all  regulars,  per- 
fect in  discipline,  terrible  in  their  fearless  enthusiasm, 
thrilling  with  pride  at  their  morning's  success,  com- 
manded by  a  man  whom  they  obeyed  with  confidence 
and  love.  The  doomed  and  devoted  Montcalm  had 
what  Wolfe  had  called  but  "  five  weak  French  bat- 
talions," of  less  than  two  thousand  men,  "mingled 
with  disorderly  peasantry," *  formed  on  ground  which 
commanded  the  position  of  the  English.  The  French 
had  three  little  pieces  of  artillery ;  the  English  one  or 
two.  The  two  armies  cannonaded  each  other  for 
nearly  an  hour;  when  Montcalm,  having  summoned 
Bougainville  to  his  aid,  and  dispatched  messenger 
after  messenger  for  De  Vaudreuil,  who  had  fifteen 
hundred  men  at  the  camp,  to  come  up,  before  he 
should  be  driven  from  the  ground,  endeavored  to 
flank  the  British  and  crowd  them  down  the  high 
bank  of  the  river.     Wolfe  counteracted  the  move- 

1  Three  several  French  accounts  followed  in  the  New  Picture  of 

represent  Montcalm's  forces  in  the  Quebec,  345,  makes  the  number  of 

battle  as  only  equal,  or  even  in-  Canadian  militia  in  the  battle  5,000. 

ferior,  to  the  British.     Jugement  But  Bougainville  had  2,000  up  the 

Impartial  sur  les  Operations  Mili-  river;  1,500  remained  at  the  camp 

taires  de  la  Campagne  en  Canada  with  Vaudreuil ;  De  Levi  had  also 

en  1759,  5,  printed  at  Quebec  in  been  sent  with  a  detachment  to  as- 

1840.     Compare  also,  in  the  New  sist  in  opposing  Amherst.     There 

York   Paris  Papers,   Extrait   d'un  were  not  Indians  enough  with  the 

Journal,  tenu  al'Arm'e,  &c,  and  French  to  be  of  moment.     In  the 

the  letter  of  Bigot  to  the  Minister,  summer  of  1837,  I  examined  the 

of  October   25,   1759.     Knox,  in  country  round  Quebec. 
Journal,  i.,  74,  which  seems  to  be 


raent  by  detaching  TWnshend  with  Amherst's  regi-  chap. 

ment,  and  afterwards  a  part  of  the  royal  Americans,  , ^ 

who  formed  on  the  left  with  a  double  front.  1759. 

Waiting  no  longer  for  more  troops,  Montcalm  led     ep  ' 
the  French  army  impetuously  to  the  attack.      The 
ill-disciplined  companies  broke  by  their  precipitation 
and  the   unevenness   of  the   ground  ;  and   fired   by 
platoons,   without    unity.      The    English,   especially 
the  forty-third  and  forty-seventh,  where   Monckton 
stood,  received  the  shock  with  calmness ;    and  after 
having,  at  Wolfe's  command,  reserved  their  fire  till 
their  enemy  was  within  forty  yards,  their  line  began 
a  regular,  rapid,  and  exact  discharge  of   musketry. 
Montcalm  was  present  every  where,  braving  danger, 
wounded,  but  cheering  by  his  example.     The  second 
in  command,  De  Sennezergues,  an  associate  in  glory 
at  Ticonderoga,  was  killed.     The  brave  but  untried 
Canadians,  flinching  from  a  hot  fire  in  the  open  field, 
began  to  waver ;  and,  so  soon  as  Wolfe,  placing  hini- 
Belf  at  the  head  of  the  twenty-eighth  and  the  Louis- 
burg  grenadiers,  charged  with  bayonets,  they  every 
where  gave  way.     Of  the  English  officers,  Carleton 
was  wounded  ;  Barre,  who  fought  near  Wolfe,  receiv- 
ed in  the  head  a  ball  which  destroyed  the  power  of 
vision  of  one  eye,  and  ultimately  made  him  blind. 
Wolfe,  also,  as  he  led  the  charge,  was  wounded  in 
the  wrist,  but  still  pressing  forward,  he  received  a 
second  ball ;  and,  having  decided  the  day,  was  struck 
a  third  time,  and  mortally,  in  the  breast.     "  Support 
me,"  he  cried  to  an  officer  near  him :  u  let  not  my 
brave  fellows  see  me  drop."     He  was  carried  to  the 
rear,  and  they  brought   him   water   to   quench   his 
thirst.     "They  run,  they  run,"  spoke  the  officer  on 
whom  he  leaned.     "  Who  run  ?"  asked  Wolfe,  as  his 


chap,  life  was  fast  ebbing.     "  The  French ,"  replied  the  offi- 
xiv  .  •  . 

^^Ls  cer,  "  give    way  every  where."     "  What,"  cried  the 

17  59.  expiring  hero,  "do  they  run  already?  Go,  one  of 
q' '  you,  to  Colonel  Burton  ;  bid  him  march  Webb's  regi- 
ment with  all  speed  to  Charles  River  to  cut  off  the 
fugitives."  Four  days  before,  he  had  looked  forward 
to  early  death  with  dismay.  u  Now,  God  be  praised, 
I  die  happy."  These  were  his  words  as  his  spirit 
escaped  in  the  blaze  of  his  glory.  Night,  silence,  the 
rushing  tide,  veteran  discipline,  the  sure  inspiration  of 
genius,  had  been  his  allies;  his  battle-field,  high 
over  the  ocean-river,  was  the  grandest  theatre  on 
earth  for  illustrious  deeds;  his  victory,  one  of  the 
most  momentous  in  the  annals  of  mankind,  gave  to 
the  English  tongue  and  the  institutions  of  the  Ger- 
manic race  the  unexplored  and  seemingly  infinite 
West  and  North.  He  crowded  into  a  few  hours 
actions  that  would  have  given  lustre  to  length  of 
life ;  and  filling  his  day  with  greatness,  completed  it 
before  its  noon. 

Monckton,  the  first  brigadier,  after  greatly  distin- 
guishing himself,  was  shot  through  the  lungs.  The 
next  in  command,  Townshend,  brave,  but  deficient  in 
sagacity  and  attractive  power  and  the  delicate  per- 
ception of  right,  recalled  the  troops  from  the  pursuit ; 
and  when  De  Bougainville  appeared  in  view,  declined 
a  contest  with  a  fresh  enemy.  But  already  the  hope 
of  New  France  was  gone.  Born  and  educated 
in  camps,  Montcalm  had  been  carefully  instructed, 
and  was  skilled  in  the  language  of  Homer  as 
well  as  in  the  art  of  war.  Greatly  laborious,  just, 
disinterested,  hopeful  even  to  rashness,  sagacious  in 
council,  swift  in  action,  his  mind  was  a  well-spring 
of  bold  designs;  his  career  in  Canada  a  wonderful 


struggle  against  inexorable  destiny.     Sustaining  hun-  chap. 
ger  and  cold,  vigils  and  incessant  toil,  anxious  for  his  _^L 
soldiers,  unmindful  of   himself,  he  set,  even  to  the  J  759. 
forest-trained  red  men,  an  example  of  self-denial  and     epfc' 
endurance ;  and  in  the  midst  of  corruption  made  the 
public  good  his  aim.     Struck  by  a  musket-ball,  as  he 
fought  opposite  Monckton,  he  continued  in  the  engage- 
ment, till,  in  attempting  to  rally  a  body  of  fugitive 
Canadians  in  a  copse  near  St.  John's  gate,1  he  was 
mortally  wounded. 

On  hearing  from  the  surgeon  that  death  was 
certain, — "  I  am  glad  of  it,"  he  cried ;  how  long 
shall  I  survive?"  "Ten  or  twelve  hours,  perhaps 
less."  "  So  much  the  better ;  I  shall  not  live  to  see 
the  surrender  of  Quebec."  To  the  council  of  war 
he  showed  that  in  twelve  hours  all  the  troops  near 
at  hand  might  be  concentrated  and  renew  the  attack 
before  the  English  were  intrenched.  When  De  Ram- 
say, who  commanded  the  garrison,  asked  his  advice 
about  defending  the  city, — "To  your  keeping,"  he 
replied,  "I  commend  the  honor  of  France.  As 
for  me,  I  shall  pass  the  night  with  God,  and  prepare 
myself  for  death."  Having  written  a  letter  recom- 
mending the  French  prisoners  to  the  generosity  of  the 
English,  his  last  hours  were  given  to  the  hope  of  end- 
less life,  and  at  five  the  next  morning  he  expired. 

The  day  of  the  battle  had  not  passed,  when  De 
Vaudreuil,  who  had  no  capacity  for  war,  wrote  to 
De  Ramsay  at  Quebec  not  to  wait  for  an  assault, 
but,  as  soon  as  his  provisions  were  exhausted  to  raise 
the  white  flag  of  surrender.3     "  We  have  cheerfully 

1  Big;ot  to  the  minister,  25  Octo-  s  Vaudreuil  to  De  Ramsay,  13 
ber,  1759,  N.  Y.  Paris  Documents,  Sept.,  1759,  N.  Y  Paris  Docu- 
xvi.  39.  meats,  xvi.  27. 

vol.   IV.  22 



chap,  sacrificed  our  fortunes  and  our  houses,"  said  the  citi- 


zens ;  "  but  we  cannot  expose  our  wives  and  children 
to  a  massacre."1     At  a  council  of  war,  Fiedmont, 
captain  of  artillery,  was  the  only,  one  who  wished  t< 
hold  out2  to  the  last  extremity;  and,  on  the  seven- 
teenth of   September,  before  the    English  had  con- 
structed batteries,  De  Ramsay  capitulated. 

America  rung  with  exultation;  the  towns  wen 
bright  with  illuminations,  the  hills  with  bonfires ; 
legislatures,  the  pulpit,  the  press,  echoed  the  genera] 
joy ;  provinces  and  families  gave  thanks  to  God. 
England,  too,  which  had  shared  the  despondency  oi 
Wolfe,  triumphed  at  his  victory  and  wept  for  his 
death.  Joy,  grief,  curiosity,  amazement,  were  on  ev< 
ry  countenance.8  When  the  parliament  assembled, 
Pitt  modestly  and  gracefully  put  aside  the  praises 
that  were  showered  on  him.  M  The  more  a  man  is 
versed  in  business,"  said  he,  "  the  more  he  finds  the 
hand  of  Providence  every  where."  "I  will  own  I 
have  a  zeal  to  serve  my  country  beyond  what  the 
weakness  of  my  frail  body  admits  of;"4  and  he  fore- 
told new  successes  at  sea.  November  fulfilled  his 
predictions.  In  that  month,  Sir  Edward  Hawke 
attacked  the  fleet  of  Constans  off  the  northern  coast 
of  France ;  and,  though  it  retired  to  the  shelter  of 
shoals  and  rocks,  he  gained  the  battle  during  a  storm 
at  night-fall. 

1  Relation  du  Siege  de  Quebec.        3  Walpole's  Memoires  of  the  Reign 

2  Proees  Verbal  du  Conseil   de     of  Geo.  II. 

Guerre,  15  September,  1759,  N.  Y.  4  Report  of  the  speech  by  Jared 

Paris  Documents,  xvi.  28,  and  oth-  Ingersoll  of  Connecticut,  in  a  letter 

er  papers  on  the  subject  in  the  same  dated  22  December,  1759. 




The  capitulation  of  Quebec  was  received  by 
Townshend,  as  though  the  achievement  had  been  his 
own  ;  and  his  narrative  of  the  battle  left  out  the 
name  of  Wolfe,  whom  he  indirectly  censured.  He 
had  himself  come  over  for  a  single  summer's  carn- 

gn,  to  be  afterwards  gloried  about  and  rewarded.1 
As  he  hurried  from  the  citadel,  which  he  believed 
untenable,  back  to  the  secure  gayeties  of  London, 
Charles  Paxton,  an  American  by  birth,  one  of  the 
revenue  officers  of  Boston,  ever  on  the  alert  to  pro- 
pitiate members  of  government  and  men  of  influence 
with  ministers,  purchased2  his  future  favor,  which 
might  bring  with  it  that  of  his  younger  brother,  by 
lending  him  money  that  was  never  to  be  repaid. 

Such  was  the  usage  of  those  days.  Officers  of  the 
customs  gave  as  their  excuse  for  habitually  permit- 
ting evasions  of  the  laws  of  trade,  that  it  was  their 

1  Barrington's  Barrington.  •  J.  Adams  :  Diary,  220. 


175  9. 



chap,  only  mode  of  getting  rich ;  for  they  were  "  quartered 
^^  upon"  by  their  English  patrons  for  more  than  the 
1759.  amount  of  all  their  honest  perquisites.1  TWnshend 
returned  home,  to  advocate  governing  America  by 
concentrating  power  in  England ;  and  like  Braddock, 
Sharpe,  Shirley,  Abercrombie,  Loudoun,  Amherst, 
Gage,  and  so  many  more  of  his  profession,  to  look 
upon  taxation  of  the  colonies  by  the  metropolis  va 
the  exercise  of  a  necessary  duty. 

In  Georgia,  Ellis,  the  able  governor,  who  had  great 
influence  in  the  public  offices,  was  studying  how  the 
colonies  could  be  administered  by  the  central  authority. 
In  South  Carolina  Lyttleton  persuaded  himself  that 
he  had  restored  the  royal  sway.  Yet  the  fruits  of  his 
administration  were  distrust  and  discontent.  The 
arbitrary  manner  in  which  he  had  suspended  a  coun- 
cillor, had  even  made  it  a  matter  of  pride  with  the 
planters  of  Carolina  not  to  accept  appointments  to  the 
royal  council;8  and  their  confiding  loyalty  was  re- 
quited by  contemptuous  insolence,  more  difficult  to 
be  endured  than  oppression. 

While  victory  protected  the  northern  frontiers  of 
America,  the  South  would  have  enjoyed  unbroken 
repose  but  for  the  pride  of  Lyttleton,  who  at  once 
contended  with  South  Carolina,  "  to  regain  the  pow- 
ers of  government  which  his  predecessors,"  as  he  said, 
"had  unfaithfully  given  away,"8  and  awakened  an 
Indian  war  by  his  zeal  for  reducing  the  native  moun- 
taineers to  his  own  criminal  code.     He  could  not  dis- 

1  See  their  own    statement   to        2  Lieut.  Gov.  Bull  to  Secretary 
Hutchinson,    in     the    Hutchinson    of  State. 

Correspondence.  s  Chalmers's  History  of  the  Re- 

volt of  the  Colonies,  ii.  794. 


corn  in  the  red  man's  morals  the  eternal  principles  chap. 
which  inspire  all  justice  ;  and  as  he  brought  the  max-  ^^ 
ims  of  civilized  society  into  conflict  with  the  unwritten  1759. 
law  of  the  Cherokees,  the  European  rule  proved  the 
most  treacherous  and  cruel. 

The  Cherokees  had  ever  been  in  friendship  with 
the  English,  as  Virginia  had  acknowledged  in  1755 
by  a  deputation  with  a  present.  In  1757,  their  war- 
Hoi's  had  volunteered  to  protect  the  American  fron- 
tier south  of  the  Potomac ;  yet,  after  they  had  won 
trophies  of  honor  in  the  general  service,  they  were 
disregarded  by  the  State,  and  would  have  been  left 
to  return  without  reward,  or  even  supplies  of  food, 
but  for  the  generosity  of  Washington  and  his 

The  parties,  which,  in  the  following  year,  joined 
the  expedition  to  the  Ohio,  were  neglected,  so  that 
their  hearts  told  them  to  return  to  their  cherished 
highlands.2  In  July,  1758,  the  backwoodsmen  of 
Virginia,  finding  that  their  half-starved  allies  took 
what  they  needed  on  their  way  home,  seized  their 
arms,  and,  in  three  skirmishes,  several  of  the  "be- 
loved men"  of  the  Cherokees  were  slain  and  scalped.3 

The  wailing  of  the  women  for  their  deceased  rela- 
tives, at  the  dawn  of  each  day  and  at  the  gray  of  the 
evening,  provoked  the  nation  to  retaliate.  "  The 
blood  of  your  beloved  kinsmen  calls  for  revenge," 
cried  the  Muskohgees ;  and  the  chiefs  of  the  Chero- 
kees sent  out  their  young  men  to  take  what  they 
deemed  such  just  and  equal  vengeance  as  became 
good  warriors.4     The   upland   settlements   of  North 

1  Washington's  Writings,  ii.  10,        3  Fle-wat's  Ilistory  of  South  Ca- 

114,  147,  260,  2G1,  269,  270.  rolinn.  ii.  214. 

8  Adair's  History  of  the  Ameri-        4  Adair,  247. 
can  Indians. 



chap.  Carolina  ceased  to  be  safe ;  of  the  garrison  at  Telli 

s_^  quo,  two  soldiers  fell  victims. 

1759.  In  November,  1758,  Tiftoe  and  five  other  chieffcai] 
came  down  from  their  mountains  to  Charleston  t< 
reconcile  differences  and  treat  of  an  amnesty.1  The 
old  covenant  between  them  and  the  English,  of  wind 
one  of  the  clauses  stipulated  that  murderers  shouli 
be  given  up,  was  revived ;  they  accepted  presents  t< 
cover  up  their  losses,  and  gave  pledges  of  inviolable 
peace.  Before  the  return  of  the  delegates  of  the 
remote  upper  towns,2  warriors  of  Settico  on  the  Ten- 
nessee and  of  Telliquo  had  been  out8  on  the  Yadkii 
and  the  Catawba,  beyond  the  jurisdiction  of  Soutl 
Carolina;  but  the  Cherokee  chiefs  themselves  inter- 
posed to  recall  them,  and  soothed  their  anger.  11 
now  seemed  to  them,  that  aggression  and  equal  re 
venge  had  reciprocally  done  their  work,  and  that 
harmony  was  restoreeL 

Not  so  reasoned  Lyttleton,  who  could  not  hear  the 
voice  of  humanity  as  it  spoke  from  the  mountai] 
glades.  The  legislators  of  Carolina,  who  understooe 
the  jurisprudence  of  forest  life,  meeting  at  Charleston 
in  March,  1759,  refused  to  consider  hostilities  with  the 
Cherokees  as  existing,  or  to  be  apprehended ;  bu1 
Lyttleton  set  aside  their  decision  as  an  invasion  of  the 
prerogative,  which  alone  could  treat  of  peace  or  war, 
and  give  directions  for  training  and  employing  the 

Having  inflamed  the  colonists  by  asserting  autho- 

1  Speech  of  Gov.  Lyttleton  to        s  Letter  from  Old  Hop  and  the 

Oconostata,  on  council  records,  of  Little  Carpenter. 
22  Oct.,  1759.    Chalmers's  History        3  Lyttleton's  Talk  to  the  Chero- 

of  the  Revolt,  ii.  793.  kee  Chief,  22  May,  1759. 


ritv  so  exclusive,  he  next  made  a  demand  on  the  Head-  chap. 
J  xv. 

men  and  Warriors  of  the  towns  on  the  branches  of  the  s_^L, 

Tennessee,  to  " give  him  satisfaction  for  the  past," '  "by  1759. 
which,"  as  he  explained,  was  "  meant  that  a  certain 
number  of  Cherokees  guilty  of  the  murders,  should 
be  delivered  up  or  be  put  to  death  in  their  na- 
tion." 2  "  This  would  only  make  bad  worse,"  answered 
the  Red  Men;  "the  Great  Warrior  will  never  con- 
it  to  it;"  at  the  same  time  they  entreated  peace.8 
"  We  live  at  present  in  great  harmony,"  wrote  Demere 
from  Fort  Loudoun  ;  "  and  there  are  no  bad  talks." 4 

Tranquillity  and  confidence  were  returning,  but  in 
obedience  to  orders,5  Demere  insisted  on  the  surren- 
der or  execution  of  the  offending  chiefs  of  Settico  and 
Telliquo,  while  Coytmore,  at  Fort  Prince  George,  in- 
tercepted all  ammunition  and  merchandise  on  their 
way  to  the  Upper  Nation.  Consternation  spread 
along  the  mountain  sides ;  the  hand  of  the  young  men 
grasped  at  the  tomahawk;  the  warriors  spoke  much 
together  concerning  Settico  and  Telliquo,8  and  hos- 
tile speeches  went  round.  Still  they  dispatched  to 
Charleston  a  letter  with  friendly  strings  of  wampum  ; 
while  the  Middle  and  the  Lower  Settlements,  which 
had  taken  no  part  in  the  expedition  complained  of, 
sent  also  their  belts  of  white  shells.1 

But  Lyttleton,  dreading  some  concert  of  the 
Cherokees  with  the  Creeks,  rigorously  enforced  the. 

1  Lyttleton's  Letter  to  the  em-  6    Instructions  to  Capt.  Demere 

peror  Old  Hop  and  the  Little  Car-  and  to  Lient.  Coytmore,  22  May, 

penter,  22  May.  1759.  1759.     Lyttleton  to  Lords  of  Trade, 

*  Governor  Lyttleton  to  Lords  of  16  Oct.,  1759. 

Trade.  22  October,  1759.  8    Capt.   Paul   Demere  to   Gov. 

8  Old  Hop  and  Little  Carpenter  Lyttleton,  22  July,  1759. 

to  Gov.  Lyttleton,  27  June,  1759.  7    Gov.   Lyttleton   to  Lords    of 

4  Capt  Paul  Demero  to  Lyttle-  Trade,  1  Sept.,  1759. 
ton,  10  July,  1759. 


chap,  interruption  of  trade  as  a  chastisement ;  and  haughtily 

w^  added,  "if  you  desire  peace  with  us,  and  will    send 

1759.  deputies  to  me  as  the  mouth  of  your  nation,  I  promise 

you,  you  shall  come  and  return  in  safety." 

The  Indians  had  become  dependent  on  civil  iz<* 
tion;  and  to  withhold  supplies,  was  not  only  like 
general  embargo,  but  also  like  disarming  a  natioi 
The  English,  said  they,  would  leave  us  defenceless, 
that  they  may  utterly  destroy  us.  Jealousy  spread 
from  wigwam  to  wigwam ;  belts  circulated  more  and 
more  among  the  villages.  They  feared  the  worst,1 
and  narrowly  watched  the  roads,  that  no  white  man 
might  pass.  "  We  have  nothing  to  do,"  said  some 
among  them,  wild  with  rage,  "  but  to  kill  the  white 
.  people  here,  and  carry  their  scalps  to  the  French, 
who  will  supply  us  with  plenty  of  ammunition  and 
every  thing  else." 2  The  nation  was,  however,  far 
from  being  united  against  the  English ;  a  large 
number  of  towns  were  even  ready,  if  they  had 
been  encouraged,  to  fight  on  their  side;3  but  the 
general  distrust  announced  the  approach  of  war.4 
Lyttleton,  hurried  on  by  zeal  to  display  authority, 
and  eager  to  gain  the  glory  of  conducting  an  unusual 
expedition  against  the  Cherokees,  instantly  gave 
orders  to  the  colonels  of  three  regiments  of  militia 
nearest  the  frontier  to  fire  an  alarm  and  assemble  their 
corps ;  called  out  all  the  regulars  and  provincials  in 

1  Captain  Paul  Demere  to  Gov.  s  Ibid. 

Lyttleton,  13  September,  1759.    "  I  3  Adair,  248,  249. 

can   assure  you,  that  the  Indians  4  Captain  Stuart    to    Governor 

over    here    were    peaceable    until  Lyttleton,     2G    September,    1759. 

they  heard   the    ammunition  was  Lieutenant  Coytmore  to  Lyttleton, 

Btopt,   and  then   they  grew  very  26  September,  1759. 


Charleston ;   asked  aid  of  the   governors  of  Georgia  chap. 
and  North  Carolina ;  invited  Virginia  to  send  rein-  ^^L. 
forcements  and  supplies  to  Fort  Loudoun  by  the  road  1759. 
from  that  province ;  sought  the  active  alliance  of  the 
Chickasaws  as  ancient  enemies  to  the  French  ; l  of  the 
Catawbas,  the  Tuscaroras,  and  even  the  Creeks,  whose 
hostility  he  pretended  to  have  feared;2  and  then  con- 
vening the  legislature,  on  the  fifth  of  October  sent  a 
message  to  the  Assembly  for  supplies.     Aware  of  his 
intentions  to  make  a  declaration  of  war,  they  address- 
ed him  against  so  precipitate  a  measure,  "  unanimously 
desiring  him  to  defer  it."      He    readily    consented,3 
promising  that  "  he  would  do  nothing  to  prevent  an 
accommodation,"  on  which  the  Assembly  made  grants 
of  money  and  provided  for  calling  fifteen  hundred 
men  into  service,  if  necessary.      The    perfidious    gov- 
ernor reproved  them  for  the  scantiness  of  the  supply ; 
and  breaking  his  promise,  not  yet  a  day  old,  he  added 
that  "  he  should  persevere  in  his  intended  measures."  4 
On  the  twelfth  of  October,  he  ordered  the  alarm 
to  be  fired  in  all  parts  of  the  province,  where  it  had 
not  been  before ;  and  "  one  half  of  the  militia  was 
draughted  to  be  in  readiness  to  repel  any  invasion,  or 
suppress  any  insurrection  that  might  happen  during 
his  absence." 

But  hardly  had  the  word  been  spoken  when,  on 
the  seventeenth  of  October,  a  great  deputation  from 
the  Upper  and  Lower  Towns,  Oconostata  the  great 
wanior  himself,  with  thirty  other  of  the  most  hon- 

1  J.  Buckells  to  J.   Courtonne,  8  "  I  consented  to  do  so."  Lyttle- 

Journal   of    a  Chickasaw  Trader,  ton's  own  account. 

May,  1759.  4  See  the  Legislative  Documents, 

*  Governor    Lyttleton     to    the  and    Lvttleton's   own    account  to 

Lords  of  Trade,  16  October,  1759.  Lords  of  Trade,  18  October,  1759. 


chap,  ored  men,  relying  on  their  safe  conduct  from  the  gov- 
_^1  ernor,  arrived  in  Charleston  to  deplore  all  deeds  of 
1759.  violence,  and  to  say  that  their  nation  truly  loved 
peace.  Bull,  the  discreet  lieutenant  governor,  urged 
the  wisdom  of  making  an  agreement,  before  more 
blood  should  be  spilt.1  The  Cherokees  were  unequiv- 
ocally sincere ;  and  many  of  their  towns  were  thor- 
oughly devoted  to  the  English.2 

"  I  am  come,"  said  Oconostata  in  council  on  the 
eighteenth,  "  to  hearken  to  what  you  have  to  say,  and 
to  deliver  words  of  friendship."  But  Lyttleton  would 
not  speak  to  them,  saying  :  "  I  did  not  invite  you  to 
come  down ;  I  only  permitted  you  to  do  so ;  there- 
fore, you  are  to  expect  no  talk  from  me,  till  I  hear 
what  you  have  to  say." 8 

The  next  day,  the  proud  Oconostata  condescended 
to  recount  what  had  been  ill  done ;  explained  its  caus- 
es ;  declared  that  the  great  civil  chief  of  the  Chero- 
kees loved  and  respected  the  English ;  and  making  an 
offering  of  deer-skins,  and  pleading  for  a  renewal  of 
trade,  he  added  for  himself:  "  I  love  the  white  people ; 
they  and  the  Indians  shall  not  hurt  one  another;  I 
reckon  myself  as  one  with  you."  4 

Tiftoe  of  Keowee  complained  of  Coytmore,  the 
officer  in  command  at  Fort  Prince  George,  as  intem- 
perate and  licentious.  The  former  commander  had 
been  more  acceptable  to  them.  But  still  he  would 
hold  the  English  fast  by  the  hand. — The  head  warrior 
of  Estatoe  would  have  "  the  trade  go  on,  and  no 
more  blood  spilt."  —  Killianaca,  the  Black  Dog  of 

1  Hewat's  S.  Carolina,  ii.  217.  4  Minutes    of  Council,    Fridaj 

3  Adair's  History,  248,  249.  19  October,  1759. 

3  Minutes  of  Council,  Thursday, 
18  October,  1759. 


Hiwassie,  was  able  to  say  that  no  English  blood  had  chat. 
ever  been  spilled  by  the  young  men  of  his  village ;  ^^ 
and  he  gave  assurances  of  peace  from  all  the  towns  in  1^59. 
his  region. 

But  the  governor,  by  a  precipitate  exercise  of  the 
prerogative,  had,  against  the  wish  of  the  province,  call- 
ed out  the  militia,  and  invited  the  governors  of  Geor- 
gia,  North  Carolina,  and  Virginia,  the  warriors  of  the 
Catawbas,  Chickasaws,  Creeks,  Tuscaroras,  and  other 
friendly  Indians,  to  join  his  expedition ;  and  therefore, 
in  spite  of  the  opposition  of  four  of  his  council,1  he 
went  on.  "  I  am  now  going  with  a  great  many  of  my 
warriors  to  your  nation,"  said  he  finally  to  the  depu- 
ties, "  in  order  to  demand  satisfaction  of  them.  K 
you  will  not  give  it,  when  I  come  to  your  nation,  I 
shall  take  it." 

Oconostata,  and  those  with  him,  claimed  for  them- 
selves the  benefit  of  the  safe  conduct  under  which 
they  had  come  down.  And  Lyttleton  spoke,  conceal- 
ing his  purpose  under  words  more  false  than  the 
wiles  of  the  savage :  "  You,  Oconostata,  and  all  with 
you,  shall  return  in  safety  to  your  own  country  ;  and 
it  is  not  my  intention  to  hurt  a  hair  of  your  head. 
There  is  but  one  way  by  which  I  can  insure  your 
safety ;  you  shall  go  with  my  warriors,  and  they  shall 
protect  you." a 

On  Friday,  the  twenty-seventh,  Lyttleton,  with 
the  Cherokee  envoys,  left  Charleston  to  repair  to 
Congaree,  the  gathering  place  for  the  militia  of  Ca- 

1  Speaker  of  S.  C.  Ilonse  of  As-        9  Minutes    of  Council  held  22 
senibly,  to  Mr.  Wright,  their  Agent,     October,  1759. 
Charleston,  10.  November  1759. 


chap,  rolina.  Thither  came  Christopher  Gadsden,1  born  ii 
^^s  1724,  long  the  colonial  representative  of  Charleston 
W*0-  dear  to  his  constituents;  at  whose  instance  and  undei 
whose  command  an  artillery  company  had  just  Leer 
formed,  in  a  province  which  till  then  had  not  had  a 
mounted  field-piece.  There,  too,  was  the  heroic  Fran- 
cis Marion,2  as  yet  an  untried  soldier,  just  six-and 
twenty,  the  youngest  of  five  sons  of  an  impoverished 
planter,  reserved  and  silent,  small  in  stature,  and  of  a 
slender  frame,  so  temperate  that  he  drank  only  water, 
elastic,  persevering,  and  of  sincerest  purity  of  soul.8 
Yet  the  state  of  the  troops,  both  as  to  equipments 
and  temper,  was  such  as  might  have  been  expected 
from  the  suddenness  of  their  summons  to  take  the 
field  against  the  judgment  of  their  legislature.  It 
was  still  hoped  that  there  would  be  no  occasion  to 
make  use  of  them.4  Before  leaving  Congaree,  Oco- 
nostata  and  his  associates,  though  their  persons  were 
sacred  by  the  laws  of  savage  and  of  civilized  man, 
were  arrested  ;  and  on  arriving  at  Fort  Prince  George, 
they  were  crowded  into  a  hut  hardly  large  enough 
for  six  of  them. 

To  Attakulla-kulla,  the  Little  Carpenter,  a  feeble 
old  man,  who  in  1730  had  been  in  England,  but  now 
had  little  influence  with  the  tribe,  Lyttleton,  on  the 
eighteenth  day  of  December,  1759,  pronounced  a  very 
long  speech,  rehearsing  the  conditions  of  their  treaty. 
"  There  are  twenty-four  men  of  your  nation,"  said  he, 
"  whom  I  demand  to  be  delivered  up  to  me,  to  be  put 
to  death,  or  otherwise  disposed  of,  as  I  shall  think  fit 

1  Ramsay's    History    of    South  8  H.  Lee's  Southern  Campaign, 

Carolina,  ii.  458.  432. 

8  Simms's  Life  of  Marion,  33,  46.  4  Speaker  of  the  House  of  As- 

I  have  not  seen  James's  Life  of  sembly  to  Mr.  Wright  the  Agent, 

Marion.    Weems's  Marion,  22.  27  Oct.  1759. 


Your  people  have  killed   that  number  of  ours,  and  chap. 
more,  and  therefore  that  is  the  least  I  will  accept  of.  ^^'^ 
I  shall  give  you  till  to-morrow  morning  to  consider  of  1759. 
it,  and  then  I  shall  expect  your  answer." 1     "  I  have 
er  been  the  firm  friend  of  the  English,"  answered 
the  chief ;  "  I  will  ever  continue  so ;  but  for  giving  up 
the  men,  we  have  no  authority  one  over  another." 

Yet  after  the  governor  had  exchanged  Oconostata 
and  one  or  two  more  for  other  Indians,  he  sent  again 
to  Attakulla-kulla,  and  on  the  twenty-sixth  of  Decem- 
ber got  the  signature  of  six  Cherokees  to  a  treaty  of 
peace,  which  seemed  to  sanction  the  governor's  retain- 
ing the  imprisoned  envoys  as  hostages,  till  four-and- 
twenty  men  should  be  delivered  up  to  undergo  pun- 
ishment for  the  murders.  It  was  further  covenanted 
that  the  French  should  not  be  received  in  their  towns, 
and  that  the  English  traders  should  be  safe. 

This  treaty  was  not  made  by  chiefs  duly  author- 
ized, nor  ratified  in  council ;  nor  could  Indian  usage 
give  effect  to  its  conditions.  Hostages  are  unknown 
in  the  forest,  where  prisoners  are  slaves.  No  one  was 
deceived.2  Lyttleton,  in  fact,  had  only  with  profligate 
falsehood  violated  the  word  he  had  plighted,  and  re- 
tained in  prison  the  ambassadors  of  peace,  true  friends 
to  the  English,  "  the  beloved  men  "  of  the  Cherokees, 
who  had  come  to  him  under  his  own  safe  conduct. 
And  yet  he  gloried  in  having  obtained  concessions 
such  as  savage  man  had  never  before  granted ;  and, 
returning  to  Charleston,  he  took  to  himself  the  honor 
>f  a  triumphant  entry. 

The  Cherokees  longed  to  secure  peace ;  but  the 

1  The  speeches  are    in  Hewat,        a  Ellis,  Governor  of  Georgia,  to 
i.  219.  the  Lords  of  Trade,  15  Feb.  17C0. 


chap,  young  braves,  whose  names  were  already  honor 
^.^  ed  in  the  glades  of  Tennessee,  could  not  be  sur- 
1760.  rendered  to  death  or  servitude;  and  Oconostata  re- 
solved to  rescue  the  hostages.  The  commandant  at 
Fort  Prince  George  was  allured  to  a  dark  thicket  by 
the  river  side,  and  was  shot  by  Indians  in  an  ambush. 
The  garrison  had  reason  to  be  incensed  ;  but  in  then 
anger,  they  butchered  every  one  of  their  unfortunate 
prisoners,  and  to  conceal  the  atrocity  of  their  crime,  in- 
vented foolish  falsehoods  of  a  plan  that  their  hostages 
had  formed  to  poison  the  wells  of  the  garrison.1 

At  the  news  of  the  massacre,  the  villages  of  which 
there  was  scarce  one  that  did  not  wail  for  a  chief, 
quivered  with  anger,  like  a  chafed  rattlesnake  in  the 
heats  of  midsummer.  The  "spirits,"  said  they,  "of 
our  murdered  brothers  are  flying  around  us,  scream- 
ing for  vengeance."  The  mountains  echoed  the  war- 
song;  and  the  braves  dashed  upon  the  frontiers  for 
scalps,  even  to  the  skirts  of  Ninety-Six.  In  their 
attack  on  that  fort,  several  of  them  fell.  "  We  fatten 
our  dogs  with  their  carcasses,"  wrote  Francis  to  Lyt- 
tleton ;  M  and  display  their  scalps,  neatly  ornamented, 
on  the  tops  of  our  bastions." 2  Yet  Fort  Loudoun,  on 
the  Tennessee,  was  exposed  to  the  savages,  beyond 
the  reach  of  succor.8  From  Louisiana4  the  Cherokees 
obtained  military  stores;  and,  extending  their  alli- 
ance, they  exchanged  with  the  restless  Muskohgees 
the  swans'  wings  painted  with  red  and  black,  and 
crimsoned  tomahawks,  that  were  the  emblems  of 

1  Ensign  Miln  to  Gov.  Lyttle-        *  J.  Francis  to  Gov.  Lyttleton, 
ton,    24   February,    1760.     Adair,     6  March,  1760.     Drayton's  South 
250.     Lyttleton  to  Lords  of  Trade,     Carolina,  246. 
8  March,  1760.  8  Adair's  History,  254. 

4  Annual  Register,  iii.  61. 


Carolina  was    now   in   conflict   with   the   moun-  chap. 


taineers.  Yet,  at  the  meeting  of  the  legislature  in  _^ 
February,  1760,  the  delegates,  still  more  alarmed  at  i7oo. 
the  unwarrantable  interference  of  Lyttleton  with  the 
Mages  of  colonial  liberty,  first  of  all  vindicated  "their 
birthrights  as  British  subjects,"  and  resisted  "the 
violation  of  undoubted  privileges."  But  no  governor 
was  more  esteemed  by  the  Lords  of  Trade ;  they 
never  could  find  words  strong  enough  to  express  their 
approbation  of  his  whole  conduct.  His  zeal  for  the 
prerogative,  and  his  powerful  connections  in  England 
gained  him  advancement ;  and  he  was  not  only  trans- 
ferred from  South  Carolina  to  the  more  lucrative 
government  of  Jamaica,  but  directed  to  return  home 
to  receive  his  instructions,  a  direction  which  implied 
a  wish  on  the  part  of  the  Board  of  Trade  to  consult 
him  on  questions  of  colonial  administration.1 

In  April,  General  Amherst,  whose  thoughts  were 
all  intent  upon  Canada,  detached  from  the  central 
army  that  had  conquered  Ohio  six  hundred  High- 
landers and  six  hundred  Boyal  Americans  under 
Colonel  Montgomery,  afterwards  Lord  Eglinton,  and 
Major  Grant,  to  strike  a  sudden  blow  at  the  Chero- 
kees  and  return.  At  Ninety-Six,  near  the  end  of 
May,  they  joined  seven  hundred  Carolina  rangers, 
among  whom  Moultrie,  and,  as  some  think,  Marion, 
served  as  officers. 

On  the  first  day  of  June,  the  little  army,  after  a 
march  of  eighteen  miles  from  Beaver  Dams,  crossed 
Twelve-mile  River ;  and  leaving  their  tents  standing 

1  See  Lord  Lyttelton  to  his  bro-    same  to  same,  4  Dec.  1759.    Ibid. 
tlier,  Gov.  Lyttleton,  30  January,     622. 
1758,  in  Phillimore,  ii.   601;    and 


chap,  on  advantageous  ground,  at  eight  in  the  evening  they 

^  moved  onward  through  the  woods  to  surprise  Esta- 

17 go.  toe,  which  was  twenty-five  miles  distant.  The  bay- 
ing of  a  watch-dog  alarmed  the  village  of  Little 
Keowee,  when  the  English  rushed  upon  its  people 
and  killed  nearly  all  except  women  and  children. 

Early  in  the  morning,  they  arrived  at  Estatoe, 
which  its  inhabitants  had  but  just  abandoned,  leaving 
their  mats  still  warm.  The  vale  of  Keowee1  is  famed 
for  its  beauty  and  fertility,  extending  for  seven  or 
eight  miles,  till  a  high,  narrow  ridge  of  hills  comes 
down  on  each  side  to  the  river.  Below  the  ridge  it 
opens  again  for  ten  or  twelve  miles  more.  This 
lovely  region  was  the  delight  of  the  Cherokees ;  the 
sides  of  the  adjacent  hills  bore  their  habitations,  and 
on  the  rich  level  ground  beneath  stood  their  fields  of 
maize,  all  clambered  over  by  the  prolific  bean.  The 
mountain-sides  blushed  with  flowers  in  their  season, 
and  resounded  with  the  melody  of  birds.  The  river 
now  flowed  in  gentle  meanders,  now  with  arrowy 
swiftness,  between  banks  where  the  strawberry  mixed 
its  crimson  with  the  rich  verdure,  or  beat  against  the 
hills  that  rose  boldly  in  cones  upon  the  border  of  the 
interval,  and  were  the  abutments  of  loftier  mountains. 
Every  village  of  the  Cherokees  within  this  beautiful 
country,  Estatoe,  Qualatchee,  and  Conasatchee,  with 
its  stockaded  town-house,  was  first  plundered  and 
then  destroyed  by  ^re.2  The  Indians  were  plainly 
observed  on  the  tops  of  the  mountains,  gazing  at  the 
flames.  For  years,  the  half-charred  rafters  of  their 
houses  might  be  seen  on  the  desolate  hill-sides.  u  I 
could  not  help  pitying  them  a  little,"  writes  Grant ; 

4  Bartram's  Travels,  354,  331. 

*  VirgiDia  Gazette,  496,  2,  1,  11  July,  1760. 


■  their  villages  were  agreeably  situated  ;  their  houses  chap. 

neatly  built ;    there  were   every  where   astonishing  , ri, 

magazines  of  corn,  which  were  all  consumed."  The  i7«o. 
surprise  was  in  every  town  almost  equal,  for  the 
whole  was  the  work  of  a  few  hours ;  the  Indians  had 
no  time  to  save  even  what  they  valued  most ;  but  left 
lor  the  pillagers  money  and  watches,  wampum  and 
skins.  From  sixty  to  eighty  Cherokees  were  killed ; 
forty,  chiefly  women  and  children,  were  made  prison- 
el's.  Those  who  escaped  could  live  only  on  horse- 
flesh and  wild  roots,1  or  must  fly  over  the  mountains. 

Kesting  at  Fort  Prince  George,  Montgomery  sent 
Tiftoe  and  the  Old  Warrior  of  Estatoe  through  the 
Upper  and  Middle  Town,  to  summon  their  head  men 
to  treat  of  peace,  or  all  the  towns  in  the  Upper 
Nation  should  be  reduced  to  ashes.2  But  the  chiefs 
of  the  Cherokees  gave  no  heed  to  the  peremptory 
message ;  and  the  British  army  prepared  to  pass  the 
barriers  of  the  Alleghany. 

From  the  valley  of  Keowee,  Montgomery,  on  the 
twenty-fourth  day  of  June,  1760,  began  his  march, 
and  at  night  encamped  at  the  old  town  of  Oconnee. 
The  next  day  he  passed  from  the  vale  of  the  Seneca 
Eiver  over  the  Oconnee  Mountain,  and  encamped  at 
the  War- Woman's  Creek.  On  the  twenty-sixth,  he 
crossed  the  Blue  Mountains  from  the  head  spring  of 
the  Savannah  to  the  vale  of  the  Little  Tennessee,  and 
made  his  encampment  at  the  deserted  town  of  Stecoe. 
The  Royal  Scots  and  Highlanders  trod  the  rugged 
defiles,  which  were  as  dangerous  as  men  had  ever 
penetrated,  with  fearless  alacrity,  and  seemed  re- 
freshed by  coming  into  the  presence  of  mountains. 

1  Timberlake  on  the  CL  erokees.  *  Virginia  Gazette.  496,  2,  1. 

VOL.    IV.  23 


chap.  On  the  morning  of  the  twenty-seventh,  the  whole 
^^L,  party  began  their  march  early,  having  a  distance  of 
17  60.  eighteen  miles  to  travel  to  the  town  of  Etchowee,  the 
nearest  of  the  middle  settlements  of  the  Cherokees. 
"  Let  Montgomery  be  wary,"  wrote  Washington ; 
"  he  has  a  subtle  enemy,  that  may  give  him  most 
trouble  when  he  least  expects  it."  The  army  passed 
down  the  valley  of  the  Little  Tennessee,  along  the 
mountain  stream  which,  taking  its  rise  in  Rabun 
County  in  Georgia,  flows  through  Macon  County  in 
North  Carolina.  Not  far  from  Franklin,  their  path 
lay  along  the  muddy  river  with  its  steep  clay  banks, 
through  a  plain  covered  with  the  dense  thicket,  over- 
looked on  one  side  by  a  high  mountain,  and  on  the 
other  by  hilly,  uneven  ground.1  At  this  narrow  pass, 
which  was  then  called  Crow's  Creek,  the  Cherokees 
emerged  from  an  ambush.2  Morrison,  a  gallant 
officer,  was  killed  at  the  head  of  the  advanced  party. 
But  the  Highlanders  and  provincials  drove  the 
enemy  from  their  lurking-places ;  and  returning  to 
their  yells  three  huzzas  and  three  waves  of  their 
bonnets  and  hats,  they  chased  them  from  height  and 
hollow.  At  the  ford,  the  army  passed  the  river; 
and,  protected  by  it  on  their  right,  and  by  a  flanking- 
party  on  the  left,  treading  a  path  sometimes  so  nar- 
row that  they  were  obliged  to  march  in  Indian  file, 
fired  upon  from  the  rear,  and  twice  from  the  front, 
they  were  not  collected  at  Etchowee  till  midnight, 
and  after  a  loss  of  twenty  men,  besides  seventy-six 

For   one   day,   and  one   day  only,   Montgomery 

1    Gentleman's    Magazine,    xxx.         8  Virginia  Gazette,  501,  2,  1.  15 
442.  Aug.,  1760. 

8  Adair's  History,  252. 


rested  in  the  heart  of  the  Alleghanies.1     If  he  had  chap. 


advanced  to  relieve  the  siege  of  Fort  Loudoun,  he 
must    have   abandoned   his   wounded   men   and    his  17  60. 

-gage.  On  the  following  night,  deceiving  the 
Cherokees  by  kindling  lights  at  Etchowee,  the  army 
retreated,  and,  marching  twenty-five  miles,  they  never 
halted  till  they  came  to  War- Woman's  Creek  in  the 
valley  of  the  Savannah.  On  the  thirtieth,  they  crossed 
the  0  con  nee  Mountain  ;  and  on  the  first  day  of  July, 
reached  Fort  Prince  George. 


The  retreat  of  Montgomery  was  the  knell  of  the 
famished  Fort  Loudoun.  By  the  unanimous  resolve 
of  the  officers,  James  Stuart,  afterwards  Indian  agent 
for  the  Southern  division,  repaired  to  Chotee,  and 
agreed  on  terms  of  capitulation,2  which  neither  party 
observed ;  and,  on  the  morning  of  the  eighth  of 
August,  Oconostata  himself  received  the  surrender  of 
the  fort,  and  sent  its  garrison  of  two  hundred  on 
their  way  to  Carolina.  The  next  day,  at  Telliquo, 
the  fugitives  were  surrounded;  Demere  and  three 
other  officers,  with  twenty-three  privates,  were  killed. 
The  Cherokee  warriors  were  very  exact  in  that  num- 
ber, as  being  the  amount  of  hostages  who  had  been 
retained  by  Lyttleton8  in  the  previous  December. 
The  rest  were  brought  back  and  distributed  among 
the  tribes.4  Their  English  prisoners,  including  cap 
tives  carried  from  the  back  settlements  of  North 
and  South  Carolina,  were  thought  to  have  amounted 
to  near  three  hundred  souls.5 

1  Lieut.  Gov.  Bull  to  Montgom-        8  Lieut.  Gov.  Bull  to  the  Lords 
ery,  12  July,  1760.    Same  to  Lords    of  Trade,  9  September,  1760. 
of  Trade,  2*0  July,  1760.  4  Lieut.  Gov.  Fauquier  to  Lords 

8  In  Lords  of  Trade,  of  Nov.  11,     of  Trade,  17  Sept.,  1760. 
1760  «  Lieut.  Gov.  Bull  to  Lords  of 

Trade,  21  Oct.,  1760. 



chap.  But  friendship  lives  in  the  heart  of  the  savage, 
^^Ls  Listen  to  the  tale  of  a  red  man's  fidelity.  Attakulla- 
17C0.  kulla,  hearing  that  Stuart,  his  friend,  was  a  prisoner, 
hastened  to  ransom  him,  by  giving  every  thing  he 
could  command ;  and  when  Oconostata,  in  a  gre 
council  at  Chotee,  would  have  compelled  the  assi 
ance  of  the  English  agent  in  the  proposed  siege 
Fort  Prince  George,  the  Little  Carpenter  took  him 
away  as  if  to  hunt  for  venison,  and  struck  through 
the  wilderness  for  Virginia.  Nine  days  and  nights 
they  travelled,  with  such  game  as  they  killed  for 
their  food,  with  the  light  in  the  sky  for  their  guid 
through  gaps  rarely  trodden,  even  by  wild  beasts, — 
for  the  beasts  of  the  forest  pick  their  paths; — on 
the  tenth  day,  they  met  a  detachment  of  Virginians 
on  Holston  River.1 

The  country  beyond  the  mountains  was  deserted ; 
nor  was  Carolina  safe.  But  Montgomery,  by  his 
expedition  had  only  inflamed  the  war,2  and,  having 
obeyed  the  letter  of  his  instructions  by  reaching  the 
countiy  of  the  Cherokees,3  he  prepared  to  embark  pre- 
cipitately for  the  North.  The  province  was  in  the 
greatest  consternation.  On  the  eleventh  of  July,  the 
General  Assembly  represented  their  inability  to 
"  prevent  the  Cherokees  from  ravaging  the  back  set' 
tlements ;"  and  "  unanimously  entreated"  the  lieuten- 
ant governor  "  to  use  the  most  pressing  instances  with 
Colonel  Montgomery  not  to  depart  with  the  king's 
troops,  as  it  might  be  attended  with  the  most  per- 
nicious   consequences."      But    Montgomery,    though 

'  Major  Lewis  to  the  Honorable  5  Bull  to  Lords  of  Trade,  July, 

Col.   Byrd,    of  Virginia,   without  1760. 

date,  but  probably  near  the  8th  of  3    Col.   Montgomery    to    Lieut. 

September,  in  Lords  of  Trade,  of  Governor  Bull,  July,  1760. 
11  Nov.,  1760. 


warned,  that  he  was  but  giving  the  Cherokees  occa-  ciiap. 
sion  to  boast  throughout  the  wilderness  in  their  own  ^^ 
towns,  and  among  the  Choctaws,  the  Chickasaws,  and  1760. 
the  Creeks,  of  their  having  obliged  the  English  army 
to  retreat,  not  from  their  mountains  only  but  from 
the  province,  shunned  the  path  of  duty,  and  leaving 
four  companies  of  Royal  Scots,  sailed  for  Halifax  by 
way  of  New  York ;  for,  wrote  he,  "  I  cannot  help  the 
people's  fears."     And  afterwards,  in  his  place  in  the 
House  of  Commons,  he  acted  as  one  who  thought  the 
Americans  factious  in  peace  and  feeble  in  war. 

Ellis,  the  governor  of  Georgia,  wiser  than  Lyttle- 
ton,  had  been  less  peremptory  with  the  Creeks,  and 
had  been  able  to  secure  their  good  will1 

1  Ellis  to  Lords  of  Trade,  20  Ocf^,  1760. 




chap.  Had  Amherst  been  more  active,  the  preceding 
campaign  would  have  reduced  Canada.     His  delay 

1760.  and  retreat  to  Crown  Point  gave  De  Levi,  Montcalm's 
successor,  a  last  opportunity  of  concentrating  the  re- 
maining forces  of  France  at  Jacques  Cartier  for  the 
recovery  of  Quebec.  In  that  city  Saunders  had  left 
abundant  stores  and  heavy  artillery,  with  a  garrison 
of  seven  thousand  men,  under  the  command  of  the 
brave  but  shallow  Murray.  When  De  Levi  found  it 
impossible  to  surprise  the  place  in  mid-winter,  he  still 
resolved  on  undertaking  its  reduction.  George  Towns- 
hend,  now  in  England,  publicly  rejected  the  opinion, 
u  that  it  was  able  to  hold  out  a  considerable  siege  f 
and  Murray,  the  commander,  himself  prepared  for 
"  the  last  extremity,"  by  selecting  the  Isle  of  Orleans 
for  his  refuge. 

As  soon  as  the  river  opened,  De  Levi  proceeded 
with  an  army  of  less  than  ten  thousand *  men  to  be- 

1  Murray  in  his  official  account    ter  comes  down  to  "  10,000  men 
writes  15,000,  and  in  the  same  let-    and  500  barbarians." 


siege  Quebec.  On  the  twenty-eighth  of  April,  the  chap. 
vainglorious  governor,  marching  out  from  the  city.  v_^_> 
left  the  advantageous  ground  which  he  first  occupied,  17G0. 
and  incautiously  hazarded  an  attack  near  Sillery 
Wood.  The  advance-guard,  under  De  Bourlamarque, 
met  the  shock  with  firmness,  and  returned  the  attack 
with  ardor.  In  danger  of  being  surrounded,  Murray 
was  obliged  to  fly,  leaving  "  his  very  fine  train  of 
artillery,"  and  losing  a  thousand  men.  The  French 
appear  to  have  lost  about  three  hundred,1  though 
Murray's  report  iu creased  it  more  than  eight-fold. 
During  the  two  next  days,  De  Levi  opened  trenches 
against  the  town ;  but  the  frost  delayed  the  works. 
The  English  garrison,  reduced  by  death  during  the 
winter,  sickness,  and  the  unfortunate  battle,  to  twenty- 
two  hundred  effective  men,  exerted  themselves  with 
alacrity.  The  women,  and  even  the  cripples,  were  set 
to  light  work.  In  the  French  army  not  a  word  would 
be  listened  to  of  the  possibility  of  failure.  But  Pitt's 
sagacity  had  foreseen  and  prepared  for  all.  A  fleet  at 
his  bidding  was  on  its  way  to  relieve  the  city ;  and  to 
his  wife,  the  sister  of  Lord  Temple  and  George  Gren- 
ville,  he  was  able  to  write  in  June, — "  Join,  my  love, 
with  me,  in  most  humble  and  grateful  thanks  to  the 
Almighty.  The  siege  of  Quebec  was  raised  on  the 
seventeenth  of  May,  with  every  happy  circumstance. 
The  enemy  left  their  camp  standing,  abandoned  forty 
pieces  of  cannon.  Swanton  arrived  there  in  the  Van- 
guard on  the  fifteenth,  and  destroyed  all  the  French 
shipping,  six  or  seven  in  number.  Happy,  happy 
day  !     My  joy  and  hurry  are  inexpressible."2 

1  Mante,  281.    The  loss  of  the    183.    L'on  perdit  dans  le  choc  en- 
French  was  "  not  so  considerable  "     viron  300  homines, 
as  that  of  the  English.    Memoires,        *  Pitt  to  Lady  Hester,  27  June. 


chap.         Amherst  had  been  notified  of  the  intended  siege ; 
_y^  but  he  persevered  in  the  systematic  and  tardy  plan 
J  7  60    which  he   had   formed.      When  the   spring   opene< 
he  had  no  difficulties  to  encounter  in  taking  possessioi 
of  Canada,  but  such  as  he  himself  should  create, 
country  suffering  from  a  four  years'   scarcity,  a  dis 
heartened,  starving  peasantry,  the  feeble  remains  oi 
five  or  six  battalions,  wasted  by  incredible  services 
and  not  recruited  from  France,  offered  no  oppositioi 
The  party  which  was  conducted  from  Crown  Poinl 
towards  Montreal,  by  Colonel  Haviland,  found  the  foi 
on  Isle-aux-Noix  deserted.     Amherst  himself  led  th( 
main  army  of  ten  thousand  men  by  way  of  Oswego 
it  is  not  easy  to  say  why ;   for  the  labor  of  getting 
there  was  greater  than  that  of  proceeding  directh 
upon  Montreal.     After  toiling  to  Oswego,  he  descend- 
ed the  St.  Lawrence  cautiously,  taking  possession  oi 
the  feeble  works  at  Ogdensburg;  treating  the  hel] 
less   Canadians  with  humanity,  and  with  no  loss  oi 
lives  except  in  passing  the  rapids,  on  the  seventh  of 
September  he  met  before  Montreal  the  army  under 
Murray,  who,  as  he  came  up  from  Quebec,  had  in- 
timidated the  people  and  amused  himself  by  now  and 
then  burning  a  village  and  hanging  a  Canadian.     The 
next  day,  Haviland  arrived  with  forces  from  Crown 
Point.     Thus  the  three  armies  came  together  in  over- 
whelming strength  to  take  an  open  town  of  a  few 
hundred  inhabitants,  which  Vaudreuil  had  resolved  to 
give  up  on  the  first  appearance  of  the  English ;  and 
on  the  eighth  day  of  September,  the  flag  of  St.  George 
floated  in  triumph  on  the  gate  of  Montreal,  the  ad- 
mired island  of  Jacques  Cartier,  the  ancient  hearth  of 
the  council-fires  of  the  Wyandots,  the  village  conse- 
crated by  the  Roman  Church  to  the  Virgin  Mary,  a 


site   connected  by  rivers  and  lakes  with  an  inland  chap. 


world,  and  needing  only  a  somewhat  milder  climate  to  ^-^ 
be  one  of  the  most  attractive  spots  on  the  continent.  1760. 
The  capitulation  included  all  Canada,  which  was  said 
to  extend  to  the  crest  of  land  dividing  branches  of 
Erie  and  Michigan  from  those  of  the  Miami,  the 
Wabash,  and  the  Illinois  rivers.  Property  and  reli- 
gion were  cared  for  in  the  terms ;  but  for  civil  liberty 
no  stipulation  was  even  thought  of.  Thus  Canada, 
under  the  forms  of  a  despotic  administration,  came 
into  the  possession  of  England  by  conquest ;  and  in  a 
conquered  country  the  law  was  held  to  be  the  pleasure 
of  the  king. 

On  the  fifth  day  after  the  capitulation,  Rogers 
departed  with  two  hundred  rangers  to  carry  English 
banners  to  the  upper  posts.1  At  Frontenac,  now 
Kingston,  an  Indian  hunting-party  brought  them  wild 
fowl  and  venison.  At  Niagara,  they  provided  them- 
selves with  the  fit  costume  of  the  wilderness.  From 
Erie  in  the  chilly  days  of  November  they  went 
forward  in  boats,  being  the  first  considerable  party  of 
men  whose  tongue  was  the  English  that  ever  spread 
sails  on  Lake  Erie  or  swept  it  with  their  oars.  The 
Indians  on  the  Lakes  were  at  peace,  united  under  Pon- 
tiac,  the  great  chief  of  the  Ottawas,  happy  in  a  coun- 
try fruitful  of  corn  and  abounding  in  game.  As  the 
Americans  advanced  triumphantly  towards  the  realms 
where  the  native  huntsman  had  chased  the  deer 
through  the  unbroken  woodlands,  they  were  met  at 
the  mouth  of  a   river2    by  a  deputation  of  Ottawas 

1  Rogers:  Journals,  197.  Journal,  214.     The  River  was  not 

*  Rogers:    Concise   Account   of    the  Cuyahoga,  but  one    forty-six 

North     America,    240.      Rogers :     miles  to  the  eastward  of  the  river 



chap,  from  the  west.  "  Pontiac,"  said  they,  "  is  the  chief 
.^^  and  lord  of  the  country  you  are  in ;  wait  till  he  can 
1760.  see  you  with  his  own  eyes." 

When  Pontiac  and  Rogers  met,  the  savage  chief- 
tain asked, — "  How  have  you  dared  to  enter  my 
country  without  my  leave  ?"  "  I  come,"  replied  the 
English  agent,  "  with  no  design  against  the  Indians, 
but  to  remove  the  French  out  of  your  country ;"  and 
he  gave  the  wampum  of  peace.  But  Pontiac  re- 
turned a  belt,  which  arrested  the  march  of  the  party, 
till  his  leave  should  be  granted. 

The  next  day,  the  chief  sent  presents  of  bags  oi 
parched  corn,  and,  at  a  second  meeting,  smoked  the 
calumet  with  the  American  leader,  inviting  him  to 
pass  onward  unmolested,  with  an  escort  of  warriors, 
to  assist  in  driving  his  herd  of  oxen  along  the  shore. 
The  tribes  southeast  of  Erie  were  told  that  the 
strangers  came  with  his  consent ;  yet  while  he  studied 
to  inform  himself  how  wool  could  be  changed  into 
cloth,  how  iron  could  be  extracted  from  the  earth, 
how  warriors  could  be  disciplined  like  the  English,  he 
spoke  as  an  independent  prince,  who  would  not  brook 
the  presence  of  white  men  within  his  dominions  but 
at  his  pleasure. 

After  this  interview,  Rogers  hastened  to  the 
straits  which  connect  Erie  and  St.  Clair,  and  took 
possession  of  Detroit.  Thus  was  Michigan  won  by 
Great  Britain,  yet  not  for  itself.     There  were  those 

then  called  the  Elk,  and  one  hun- 
dred nine  and  a  half  miles  to  the  east- 
ward from  Sandusky  Bay.  Howe's 
Ohio,  125.  See  the  maps  of  Evans, 
1755,  and  of  T.  Pownall,  1776. 
On  parting  from  Pontiac,  Rogers 
says  lie  kept  a  southwesterly  course 
for  about  forty-  eight  miles ;  which 

could  not  be  done  by  a  vessel  sail- 
ing from  Cleveland  to  Sandusky. 
Rogers  seems  not  accurate,  though 
professing  to  be  so  to  the  half  or 
the  quarter  of  a  mile.  The  dis- 
tances appear  to  refer  to  the  Ashta- 
bula River;  the  name  Chogage  to 
the  Geauga. 

^SESSION   TAKEN    OF   THE    COUNTRY    ON   THE   LAKES.         363 

who  foresaw  that  the  acquisition  of  Canada  was  the  chap. 
prelude  of  American  independence.  ^— y-^ 


England  began  hostilities  for  Nova  Scotia  and  the 
Ohio.  These  she  had  gained,  and  had  added  Canada 
and  Guadaloupe.  "I  will  snatch  at  the  first  moment 
of  peace,"  said  Pitt.  "  The  desire  of  my  heart,"  said 
George  the  Second  to  parliament,  "is  to  see  a  stop 
pat  to  the  eflusion  of  blood ;"  and  the  public  mind 
iras  discussing  how  far  the  conquests  should  be  re- 
tained. So  great  a  subject  of  consideration  had  never 
before  presented  itself  to  British  statesmen. 

"  We  have  had  bloodshed  enough,"  urged  Pulte- 
nev,  Earl  of  Bath,  who,  when  in  the  House  of  Com- 
mons, had  been  cherished  in  America  as  the  friend 
of  its  liberties,  and  who  now  in  his  old  age  pleaded 
for  the  termination  of  a  truly  national  war  by  a  solid 
and  reasonable  peace.  u  Our  North  American  con- 
quests," said  he  to  Pitt  and  Newcastle,  and  to  the 
world,  "  cannot  be  retaken.  Give  up  none  of 
them ;  or  you  lay  the  foundation  of  another  war." 
"  Unless  we  would  choose  to  be  obliged  to  keep 
great  bodies  of  troops  in  America,  in  full  peace,  we 
can  never  leave  the  French  any  footing  in  Canada." 
"Not  Senegal  and  Goree,  nor  even  Guadaloupe, 
ought  to  be  insisted  upon  as  a  condition  of  peace,  pro- 
vided Canada  be  left  to  us."  Such  seemed  "  the  infi- 
nite consequence  of  North  America,"  which,  by  its 
increasing  inhabitants,  would  consume  British  manu- 
factures ;  by  its  trade,  employ  innumerable  British 
ships ;  by  its  provisions,  support  the  sugar  islands ; 
by  its  products,  fit  out  the  whole  navy  of  England. 

Peace,  too,  was  to  be  desired  in  behalf  of  Eng- 
land's ally,  the  only  Protestant  sovereign  in  Germany 



chap,  who  could  preserve  the  privileges  of  his  religion 
^^i,  front  being  trampled  under  foot.  "  How  calmly," 
1760.  said  Bath,  "the  King  of  Prussia  possesses  himse] 
under  distress !  how  ably  he  can  extricate  himself !" 
having  "  amazing  resources  in  his  own  unbounde< 
genius."  "  The  warm  support  of  the  Protestant  na 
tion"  of  Great  Britain  must  be  called  forth,  or  a  th< 
war  begun  to  wrest  Silesia  from  him"  would,  "  in  th< 
end,  be  found  to  be  a  war"  to  "  overturn  the  liberties 
and  religion  of  Germany." 

Peace  was,  moreover,  to  be  solicited  from  love  t< 
political  freedom.     The  increase  of  the  navy,  army, 
and  public  debt,  and  the  consequent  influence  of  th( 
crown,  was  "  much  too  great  for  the  independency  o1 
the  constitution."  * 

The  generous  and  wise  sentiments  of  the  Earl  oi 
Bath  were  acceptable  to  the  people  of  England.     Bu1 
there  were  not  wanting  a  reflecting  few  who  doubted. 
Foremost  among  them,  William  Burke,2  the  kinsmai 
and   friend,    and    often    the   associate,   of    Edmunc 
Burke,  found  arguments  for  retaining  Guadaloupe  h 
the  opportunity  it  would  afford  of  profitable  invesi 
ment,   the   richness   of  the  soil,  the   number  of  i1 
slaves,  the  absence  of  all  rivalry  between  Englan< 
and  a  tropical  island.    Besides,  he  added,  to  alarm 
countrymen,  "  if  the  people  of  our  colonies  find  n< 
check  from  Canada,  they  will  extend  themselves  al- 

1  Earl  of  Bath's  Letter  to  Two 
Great  Men,  &c,  1760. 

8  Remarks  on  the  Letter  to  Two 
Great  Men.  Compare  Almon's 
Biographical  Anecdotes  of  Emi- 
nent Persons,  ii.  347.  "  Mr.  Wil- 
liam Burke  has  always  been  said 

and  believed  to  have  been  the  au- 
thor." I  know  no  authority  foi 
attributing  the  pamphlet  to  Ed- 
mund Burke ;  but  compare  on  th< 
intimacy  between  the  two,  Ed- 
mund Burke's  Correspondence,  i. 


most  without  bound  into  the  inland  parts.     They  will  chap. 
increase  infinitely  from  all  causes.     What  the  conse-  t_^_ 
quence  will  be,  to  have  a  numerous,  hardy,  indepen-  1760. 
dent  people,  possessed  of  a  strong  country,  communi- 
cating little  or  not  at  all  with  England,  I  leave  to 
your  own  reflections." 

"By  eagerly  grasping  at  extensive  territory,  we 
may  run  the  risk,  and  in  no  very  distant  period,  of 
losing  what  we  now  possess.  A  neighbor  that  keeps 
us  in  some  awe  is  not  always  the  worst  of  neigh- 
bors. So  that,  far  from  sacrificing  Guadaloupe  to 
Canada,  perhaps,  if  we  might  have  Canada  without 
any  sacrifice  at  all,  we  ought  not  to  desire  it.  There 
should  be  a  balance  of  power  in  America."  And  the 
writer  revealed  his  connections  by  advising,  that,  as 
the  war  had  been  "  an  American  war,"  *  Lord  Hali- 
fax," one  of  the  "  few"  whom  "  inclinations,  studies, 
opportunities,  and  talents  had  made  perfectly  masters 
of  the  state  and  interests  of  the  colonies,"  should  be 
appointed  to  negotiate  peace. 

Private  letters1  from  Guadaloupe  gave  warning 
that  a  country  of  such  vast  resources,  and  so  distant 
as  North  America,  could  never  remain  long  subject 
to  Britain.  The  acquisition  of  Canada  would 
stremrthen  America  to  revolt.  "  One  can  foresee 
these  events  clearly,"  said  the  unnamed  writer ;  "  it  is 
no  gift  of  prophecy.  It  is  a  natural  and  unavoidable 
consequence,  and  must  appear  so  to  every  man 
whose  head  is  not  too  much  affected  with  popular 
madness  or  political  enthusiasm.  The  islands,  from 
their  weakness,  can  never  revolt ;  but,  if  we  acquire 
all  Canada,  we  shall  soon  find  North  America  itself 

1  Almon's  Anecdotes  of  the  Earl  of  Chatham,  iii.  Appendix  M. 



chap,  too  powerful  and  too  populous  to  be  governed  by  us 

^^i,  at  a  distance." 

1760.  If  Canada  were  annexed,  "  the  Americans,"  it  was 
objected  in  conversation,  "would  be  at  leisure  to 
manufacture  for  .themselves,  and  throw  off  their  de- 
pendence on  the  mother  country." 1 

On  the  other  side,  Benjamin  Franklin,  having  many 
in  England  and  all  reflecting  men  in  his  native  land  for 
his  hearers,  replying  to  Burke,  defended  the  annexation 
of  Canada  as  the  only  mode  of  securing  America.  The 
Indians,  from  the  necessity  of  commerce,  would  cease 
to  massacre  the  planters,  and  cherish  perpetual  peace. 
There  would  be  no  vast  inland  frontier  to  be  de- 
fended against  France,  at  an  incalculable  expense. 
The  number  of  British  subjects  would,  indeed,  in- 
crease more  rapidly  than  if  the  mountains  should 
remain  their  barrier ;  but  they  would  be  more  dif- 
fused, and  their  employment  in  agriculture  would 
free  England  from  the  fear  of  American  manufactures. 

"With  Canada  in  our  possession,"  he  remarked, 
"  our  people  in  America  will  increase  amazingly.  I 
know  that  their  common  rate  of  increase  is  doubling 
their  numbers  every  twenty-five  years,  by  natural 
generation  only,  exclusive  of  the  accession  of  foreign- 
ers. This  increase  continuing  would,  in  a  century 
more,  make  the  British  subjects  on  that  side  the 
water  more  numerous  than  they  now  are  on  this." 
Should  the  ministry  surrender  their  own  judgment  to 
the  fears  of  others,  it  would  "  prevent  the  assuring  to 
the  British  name  and  nation  a  stability  and  perma- 
nency that  no  man  acquainted  with  history  durst  have 

1  Rutherford's  Importance  of  the  Colonies,  9, 10. 

POSSESSION   TAKEN    OF   THE    COUNTRY    ON   THE   LAKES.         30? 

hoped  for,  till  our  American  possessions  opened  the  chap. 
pleasing  prospect."  w^L 

To  the  objection,  that  England  could  supply  only  1760. 
the  seacoast,  that  the  inhabitants  of  the  interior  must 
manufacture  for  themselves,  Franklin  evoked  from 
futurity  the  splendid  vision  of  wide  navigation  on  the 
(Treat  rivers  and  inland  seas  of  America.  Even  the 
poor  Indian  on  Lake  Superior  was  already  able  to 
pay  for  wares  furnished  from  French  and  English 
factories ;  and  would  not  industrious  farmers,  here- 
after settled  in  those  countries,  be  better  able  to  pay 
for  what  should  be  brought  them  ? 

"  The  trade  to  the  West  India  Islands,"  he  con- 
tinued, "  is  undoubtedly  a  valuable  one  ;  but  it  has 
lone:  been  at  a  stand.  The  trade  to  our  northern 
colonies  is  not  only  greater,  but  yearly  increasing 
with  the  increase  of  people ;  and  even  in  a  greater 
proportion,  as  the  people  increase  in  wealth." 

"  That  their  growth  may  render  them  dangerous 
I  have  not  the  least  conception.  We  have  already 
fourteen  separate  governments  on  the  maritime  coast 
of  the  continent;  and  shall  probably  have  as  many 
more  behind  them  on  the  inland  side.  Their  jeal- 
ousy of  each  other  is  so  great,  they  have  never  been 
able  to  effect  a  union  among  themselves,  nor  even  to 
agree  in  requesting  the  mother  country  to  establish 
it  for  them.  If  they  could  not  agree  to  unite  for 
their  defence  against  the  French  and  Indians,  who 
were  perpetually  harassing  their  settlements,  burning 
their  villages,  and  murdering  their  people,  is  there 
any  danger  of  their  uniting  against  their  own  nation, 
which  they  all  love  much  more  than  they  love  one 
another  ? 

u  Such   a  union   is   impossible,  without  the  most 


chap,  grievous  tyranny  and  oppression.  People  who  Lave 
^^  property  in  a  country,  which  they  may  lose,  and 
1760.  privileges  which  they  may  endanger,  are  generally 
disposed  to  be  quiet,  and  even  to  bear  much,  rather 
than  hazard  all.  While  the  government  is  mild  and 
just,  while  important  civil  and  religious  rights  are 
secure,  such  subjects  will  be  dutiful  and  obedient. 
The  waves  do  not  rise,  but  when  the  winds  blow." 
Thus  Franklin  offered  the  great  advice  which 
sprung  from  his  love  of  English  freedom  and  his  truly 
American  heart.  Appealing  also  to  the  men  of  let- 
ters, he  communed  with  David  Hume  on  the  jealousy 
of  trade ;  and  shared  the  more  agreeable  system  o 
economy  that  promised  to  the  world  freedom  of  com- 
merce, a  brotherhood  of  the  nations,  and  mutual 
benefits  from  mutual  prosperity.  He  rejoiced  tha 
the  great  master  of  English  historic  style, — who  by 
his  natural  character  and  deliberate  opinion  was  at 
heart  a  republican,1 — loved  to  promote  by  his  writ- 
ings that  common  good  of  mankind,  which  the  Amer- 
ican, inventing  a  new  form  of  expression,  called  "  the 
interest  of  humanity;"2  and  he  summoned  before 
the  mind  of  the  Scottish  philosopher  that  audience 
of  innumerable  millions  which  a  century  or  two  would 
prepare  in  America  for  all  who  should  use  English 
well.  England  cheerfully  and  proudly  accepted  the 
counsels  which  his  magnanimity  inspired.  Promising 
herself  wealth  from  colonial  trade,  she  was  also  occu- 
pied by  the  thought  of  filling  the  wilderness,  instruct- 
ing it  with  the  products  of  her  intelligence,  and 
blessing  it  with  free  institutions.     Homer  sang  from 

1  Hume's  Correspondence  in  Bur-        2  Franklin  to  name,  27  Sept , 
ton's  Life  of  Hume.  1760.    Writings,  viii.  210. 


isle  to  isle ;  the  bards  of  England  would  find  "  hear-  chap. 
ers  in  every  zone,"  and  in  the  admiration  of  genius  ^^L 
continent  respond  to  continent.  17 go. 

Pitt  would  not  weigh  the  West  India  islands 
against  half  a  hemisphere ;  he  desired  to  retain  them 
both ;  but  being  overruled  in  the  cabinet  he  held  fast 
to  Canada.  The  liberties  of  the  English  in  America 
were  his  delight ;  he  made  it  his  glory  to  extend  the 
boundaries  throughout  which  they  were  to  be  enjoy- 
ed ;  and  yet,  at  that  very  time  the  Board  of  Trade 
retained  the  patronage  and  internal  administration  of 
the  colonies,  and  were  persuaded  more  than  ever  of 
the  necessity  of  radical  changes  in  the  government  in 
favor  of  the  central  authority.  While  they  waited 
for  peace  as  the  proper  season  for  their  interference, 
Thomas  Pownall,  the  Governor  of  Massachusetts,  a 
statesman  who  had  generous  feelings,  but  no  logic, 
flashes  of  sagacity,  but  no  clear  comprehension,  who 
from  inclination  associated  with  liberal  men,  even 
while  he  framed  plans  for  strengthening  the  preroga- 
tive, affirmed,  and  many  times  reiterated,  that  the 
independence  of  America  was  certain,  and  near  at 
hand.  "  Not  for  centuries,"  replied  Hutchinson,  who 
knew  the  strong  affection  of  New  England  for  the 
home  of  its  fathers.1 

But  the  Lords  of  Trade  shared  the  foreboding.  In 
every  province,  the  people,  from  design,  or  from  their 
nature  and  position,  seemed  gradually  confirming 
their  sway.  Virginia,  once  "  so  orderly,"  had  assum- 
ed the  right  of  equitably  adjusting  the  emoluments 
secured  by  law  to  the  Church.     In  1759,  Sherlock, 

1  See  Hutchinson  to  T.  Pownall,  8  March,  1766,  where  Pownall  is 
reminded  of  the  prophecy. 

vol  IV.  24 


ottaf.  then  Bishop  of  London,  had  confided  his  griefs  to  the 
^_^_,  Board  of  Trade,  at  "  the  great  change  in  the  temper 
1760.  of  the  people  of  Virginia."  "It  is  surely  high  time," 
said  he,  "  to  look  about  us  and  consider  of  the  several 
steps  lately  taken  to  the  diminution  of  the  preroga- 
tive of  the  crown.  The  rights  of  the  clergy  and  the 
authority  of  the  king  must  stand  or  fall  together." 

"  Connecticut,"  wrote  a  royalist  Churchman,  in 
July,  17 GO,  to  Seeker,  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury, 
"  Connecticut  is  little  more  than  a  mere  democracy ; 
most  of  them  upon  a  level,  and  each  man  thinkim 
himself  an  able  divine  and  politician ;"  and  to  make 
them  "  a  good  sort  of  people,"  he  urged  upon  Halifax 
and  Pitt,  that  "the  Church  should  be  supported," 
"  and  the  charters  of  that  colony,  and  of  its  eastward 
neighbors,  be  demolished."  "The  present  republi- 
can form  of  those  governments  was  indeed  pernicious. 
The  people  were  rampant  in  their  high  notions  of 
liberty,  and  thence  perpetually  running  into  intrigue 
and  faction ;"  and  he  advocated  an  act  of  parliament 
establishing  one  model  for  all  America.  As  "  a  prin- 
ciple of  union,"  a  viceroy,  or  lord-lieutenant,  was  to 
be  appointed,  with  a  council  of  two  from  each  prov- 
ince, like  the  Amphictyons  of  Greece,  to  consult  for 
union,  stability,  and  the  good  of  the  wmole ;  and 
"  there  being  the  strongest  connection  between  fear- 
ing God  and  honoring  the  king,"  "  prayer"  was  made 
for  "  bishops,  at  least  two  or  three." * 

In  the  winter  after  the  taking  of  Quebec,  the  ru- 
mor got  abroad  of  the  fixed  design  in  England  to 
remodel  the  provinces.2     Many  officers  of  the  British 

1  From  the  draught  of  a  corres-        2  John  Adams;  Works,  iv.  6,  7. 
pondence  with  Archbishop  Seeker. 

POSSESSION   TAKEN    OF   THE   COUNTRY    ON   THE   LAKES.         371 

army  expressed  the  opinion  openly,  that  America  chap. 
should  be  compelled  to  yield  a  revenue  at  the  disposi-  ^ — ■ 
tion  of  the  crown.  Some  of  them,  at  New  York,  176° 
suggested  such  a  requisition  of  quitrents,  as  would  be 
virtually  a  general  land-tax,  by  act  of  parliament. 
"While  I  can  wield  this  weapon,"  cried  Livingston, 
the  large  landholder,  grasping  his  sword,  "England 
shall  never  get  it  but  with  my  heart's  blood."1  In 
the  Assembly  at  New  York,  which  had  been  chosen 
in  the  previous  year,  the  popular  party  was  strength- 
ened by  those  who  battled  with  Episcopacy,  and 
the  Livingstons,  descendants  of  Scottish  Presbyteri- 
ans, were  recognised  as  its  leaders.  Of  these  were 
Philip,  the  popular  alderman,  a  merchant  of  New 
York,  and  William,  who  represented  his  brother's 
manor,  a  scholar,  and  an  able  lawyer,  the  incorrupti- 
ble advocate  of  civil  and  religious  liberty,  in  manners 
plain,  by  his  nature  republican.  Nor  may  Robert  R. 
Livingston,  of  Duchess  County,  be  forgotten, — an 
only  son,  hen  to  very  large  estates,  a  man  of  spirit 
and  honor,  keenly  sensitive  to  right,  faultless  as  a  son, 
a  son-in-law,  a  husband,  possessing  a  gentleness  of 
nature  and  a  candor  that  ever  endeared  him  to  the 
friends  of  freedom. 

In  the  opinion  of  Cadwallader  Colden,  the  presi- 
dent of  the  Council,2  u  the  democratical  or  popular 
part"  of  the  American  constitution  "  was  too  strong 
for  the  other  parts,  and  in  time  might  swallow  them 
both  up,  and  endanger  the  dependence  of  the  plan- 

1  Reunion  of  Great  Britain,  &c.,  tenant-governor,  and  after  the  death 
88.  of   Delaneey.     He  includes   in   his 

2  This  plan  is  in  Colden  1s  hand-  plan  permanent  commissions  to  the 
writing.     No  date  is  annexed  ;    but  judges,  which  was  the  subject  that 
Its  genera]  tone  points  to  the  year  at  that  time  occupied  his  mind. 
1700,  just  before  he  was  made  lieu- 



chap,  tations  on  the  crown  of  Great  Britain."  His  renie* 
J^_  dies  were,  "  a  perpetual  revenue,"  fixed  salaries,  and 
1760  "an  hereditary  council  of  privileged  landholders,  in 
imitation  of  the  Lords  of  parliament."  At  the  same 
time,  he  warned  against  the  danger  of  applying  a 
standing  revenue  to  favorites,  or  bestowing  beneficial 
employments  on  strangers  alone,  to  the  great  dis- 
couragement of  the  people  of  the  plantations.  In* 
fluenced  by  a  most  "favorable  opinion"  of  Colden's 
"  zeal  for  the  rights  of  the  crown,"  Lord  Halifax 
conferred  on  him  the  vacant  post  of  lieutenant-gov- 
ernor of  New  York.1 

In  the  neighboring  province  of  New  Jersey, 
Francis  Bernard,  as  its  governor,  a  royalist,  selected 
for  office  by  Halifax,  had,  from  1758,  the  time  of  his 
arrival  in  America,  been  brooding  over  the  plans  for 
enlarging  royal  power  which  he  afterwards  reduced 
to  form.  But  Pennsylvania,  of  all  the  colonies,  led 
the  van  of  what  the  royalists  called  "  Democracy." 
Its  Assembly  succeeded  in  obtaining  its  governor's 
assent  to  their  favorite  assessment  bill,  by  which  the 
estates  of  the  proprietaries  were  subjected  to  taxa- 
tion. They  revived  and  continued  for  sixteen  years 
their  excise,  which  was  collected  by  officers  of  their 
own  appointment ;  and  they  kept  its  ."  very  consider- 
able" proceeds  solely  and  entirely  at  their  own  dis- 
posal. "This  act  alone,"  it  was  thought,  "must,  in 
effect,  vest  them  with  almost  all  the  power  in  that 
government."  Still,  these  measures,  they  said,  "  did 
not  yet  sufficiently  secure  their  constitution  ;"  and  by 
other  bills  they  enlarged  popular  power,  taking  from 

1  Compare  Colden  to  Halifax,  11  August,  1760,  and  Colden  to  John 
Pownall,  12  August,  1761. 


the  governor  all  influence  over  the  judiciary,  by  chap. 
making  good  behavior  its  tenure  of  office.  Mary-  ^^L, 
land  repeated  the  same  contests,  and  adopted  the  1760. 
same  policy. 

Already  the  negative  had  been  wrested  from  the 
Council  of  Pennsylvania,  and  from  the  proprietaries 
themselves.  The  latter,  therefore,  in  March,  1760, 
appealed  to  the  king  against  seventeen  acts  that  had 
been  passed  in  1758  and  1759,  "as  equally  affecting 
the  royal  prerogative,  their  chartered  immunities,  and 
their  rights  as  men."  When,  in  May,  1760,  Franklin 
appeared  with  able  counsel  to  defend  the  liberties  of 
his  adopted  home  before  the  Board  of  Trade,  he 
was  encountered  by  Pratt,  the  attorney-general,  and 
Charles  Yorke,  the  son  of  Lord  Hardwicke,  then  the 
solicitor-general,  who  appeared  for  the  prerogative 
and  the  proprietaries.  Of  the  acts  complained  of,  it 
was  held  that  some  "  were  unjust  to  the  private  for- 
tunes of  the  Penns,"  and  all,  by  their  dangerous 
encroachments,  "  fatal  to  the  constitution  in  a  public 
consideration."  In  behalf  of  the  people  it  was 
pleaded,  that  the  consent  of  the  governor,  who  was 
the  deputy  of  the  proprietaries,  included  the  consent 
of  his  principals.  To  this  it  was  replied,  that  his 
consent  was  fraudulent,  for  the  amount  of  his  emolu- 
ments had  depended  on  his  compliance ;  that  it  was 
subversive  of  the  constitution  for  the  Assembly  first 
to  take  to  themselves  the  supervision  of  the  treasure, 
and  then  to  employ  it  to  corrupt  the  governor.  Even 
the  liberal  Pratt,  as  well  as  Yorke,  "  said  much  of 
the  intention  to  establish  a  democracy,  in  place  of  his 
Majesty's  government,"  and  urged  upon  "  the  propri- 
etaries their  duty  of  resistance."  The  Lords  of  Trade 
found  that  in  Pennsylvania,  as  in  every  other  colony, 



chap.  "  the  delegates  far  exceeded  the  largest  claims  of  the 
xvi  .  . 

^^L,  House  of  Commons,  not  only  by  raising  the  money, 

17 go.  but  by  investing  themselves  with  the  sole  application 
of  it,  and  usurping  by  this  means  the  most  valuable 
prerogative  of  the  executive  power."  The  Board, 
therefore,  in  June,  assured  the  cabinet  ministers,  that 
"  experience  had  shown  how  vain  it  was  to  negotiate 
away  his  Majesty's  authority,  since  every  new  con- 
cession became  a  foundation  for  some  new  demand, 
and  that  of  some  new  dispute ;"  and  they  recom- 
mended that  "  the  constitution  should  be  brought 
back  to  its  proper  principles,  to  restore  to  the  crown, 
in  the  person  of  the  proprietaries,  its  just  preroga- 
tive, to  check  the  growing  influence  of  assemblies, 
by  distinguishing,  what  they  are  perpetually  con- 
founding, the  executive  from  the  legislative  power." 

When,  in  July,  the  subject  was  discussed  before 
the  Privy  Council,  Lord  Mansfield  made  the  extraor- 
dinary motion,  "  that  the  attorney  and  solicitor  gene- 
ral be  instructed  to  report  their  opinion  whether  his 
Majesty  could  not  disapprove  of  parts  of  an  act  and 
confirm  other  parts  of  it." 1  But  so  violent  an 
attempt  to  extend  the  king's  prerogative,  at  the  ex- 
pense of  the  people  of  the  colonies  and  the  propri- 
etaries, met  with  no  favor. 

At  last,  of  the  seventeen  acts  objected  to,  the  six 
which  encroached  most  on  the  executive  power  were 
negatived  by  the  king ;  but  by  the  influence  of  Lord 
Mansfield,  and  against  the  advice  of  the  Board  of 
Trade,  the  assessment  bill,  which  taxed  the  estates  of 
the  proprietaries,  was  made  the  subject  of  an  informal 
capitulation  between  them  and  the  agent  of  the  peo- 

Proprietary  to  Thomas  Penn,  22  August,  1760. 

POSSESSION   TAKEN    OF   HIE    COUNTRY    ON   THE   LAKES.         375 

pie  of  Pennsylvania,  and  was  included  among  those  chap. 
tli at  were  confirmed. 


There  were  two  men  in  England  whose  interest 
in  these  transactions  was  especially  memorable :  Pitt, 
(lie  secretary  of  state  for  America,  and  Edmund 
Burke,  a  man  of  letters,  at  that  time  in  the  service 
of  William  Gerard  Hamilton,  the  colleague  of  Lord 
Halifax.  Burke  shared  the  opinions  of  the  Board  of 
Trade,  that  all  the  offensive  acts  of  Pennsylvania 
should  be  rejected,  and  censured  with  severity  the  tem- 
porizing facility  of  Lord  Mansfield  as  a  feeble  and  un- 
manly surrender  of  just  authority.1  The  time  was 
near  at  hand  when  the  young  Irishman's  opinions 
upon  the  extent  of  British  authority  over  America 
would  become  of  moment.  Great  efforts  were  made 
to  win  the  immediate  interposition  of  William  Pitt, 
to  appall  the  colonies  by  his  censure,  or  to  mould 
them  by  British  legislation.  After  diligent  and 
long-continued  inquiry,  I  cannot  find  that  he  ever  con- 
sented to  menace  any  restriction  on  the  freedom  of 

1  The    early    life    of    Edmund  name.    Edmund  came  to  be  agent 

Burke  is  not  much  known.     I  have  of  New  York,  but  at  a  later  day 

seen  a  letter  from  John  Pownall  to  and  under  other  auspices.     At  this 

Lieut.  Gov.  Colden  of  New  York,  time  he  acted  in  the  employment 

dated   10  January,    1760,   recom-  of  one  of  the  Board  of  Trade ;  and 

mending   Thomas    Burke    for   the  at  that  Board  and  in  Ireland  ren- 

post  of  agent  for  that  colony,  and  dered    service    enough    to    obtain 

describing  him  as  a  gentleman  of  through  Halifax  a  pension  of  £300. 

honor,  ability,  and  industry,  "  who  It  is  observable  that  Burke  never 

has   particularly    made    the    state  reveals  any  thing  relating  to    his 

and   interest  of    our    colonies  his  employers ;    and    in     his    historic 

study."      If    this    was   meant  for  sketches  of  the  origin  of  the  trou- 

Edniund  (and  thereappears  to  have  bles  with  America,  spares  the  me- 

been  no  one  of  the  Burkes  named  mory    of     Halifax.       Indeed    the 

Thomas),  it  would  seem  that  the  name  of  Halifax   scarcely  appears 

great  orator  was  not  then  a  person  in  all  his  published  writings.     We 

of  importance  enough  tor  a  patron-  may   see  in    what    school    Burke 

izing    secretary   of  the    Board   of  learnt  the  doctrine  of  the  right  of 

Trade  to  remember  his  christian  Parliament  to  tax  America. 



chap,  the  people  in  the  colonies,  or  even  so  much  as  ex- 
^^L  pressed  an  opinion  that  they  were  more  in  fault  than 
1760  the  champions  of  prerogative.  So  little  did  he  inter- 
est himself  in  the  strifes  of  Pennsylvania,  that,  during 
his  whole  ministry,  Franklin  was  never  once  admitted 
to  his  presence.  Every  one  of  his  letters  which  I 
have  seen — and  I  think  I  have  seen  every  considerable 
one  to  every  colony — is  marked  by  liberality  and 
respect  for  American  rights;  and  the  governor  of 
Maryland,  who  desired  taxation  by  parliament,  and 
had  appealed  to  the  secretary,  "in  hopes  that  mea- 
sures would  have  been  taken  to  end  the  dispute" 
between  the  officers  of  the  crown  and  the  Assembly, 
was  left  to  complain  "  that  his  Majesty's  ministers  had 
not  as  yet  interfered,"  that  Pitt  would  "  only  blame 
both  houses  for  their  failure  to  make  appropriations." 
The  threat  of  interference,  on  the  close  of  the  war, 
was  incessant  from  Halifax  and  the  Board  of  Trade ; 
I  can  trace  no  such  purpose  to  Pitt.1 

Yet  a  circular  from  the  secretary,  who  was  in- 
formed by  Amherst  that  the  French  islands  were 
supplied  during  the  war  with  provisions  from  Ame- 
rica, was  connected  with  the  first  strong  expressions  of 
discontent  in  New  England.     American  merchants 

1  In  the  history  of  the  American  from  it.     I  have  seen  Fauquier's 

Revolution  by  the  inquisitive  but  correspondence ;  both  the  letters  to 

credulous  Gordon,  Pitt  is  said  to  have  him,  and  his  replies;  and  there  is 

told  Franklin,  that,  "  when  the  war  nothing  in  either  of  them  giving  a 

closed,"  he  should  take  measures  shadow  of    corroboration   to    the 

of  authority  against   the  colonies,  statement.    Gordon  may  have  built 

This  is   erroneous.     Pitt  at    that  on  rumor,  or  carelessly  substituted 

time  had  not  even  seen  Franklin,  as  the  name  of  Pitt  for  Halifax  and 

we  know  from  a  memoir  by  Frank-  the  Board  of  Trade.     The  narrative 

lin  himself.    Gordon  adds,  that  Pitt,  in  the  text  I  could  confirm  by  many 

in  1759  or  1760,  wrote  to  Fauquier,  special   quotations,  and  still  more 

of  Virginia,  that  "  they  should  tax  by  the  uniform  tendency  of  the  cor- 

the  colonies   when  the  war    was  respnndence  at  that  time  between 

over,"  and  that  Fauquier  dissuaded  England  and  America. 


were  incited,  by  the  French  commercial  regulations,  to  chap. 
engage  in  the  carrying-trade  of  the  French  sugar  ^^i 
Islands;  and  they  gained  by  its  immense  profits.  17  60. 
This  trade  was  protected  by  flags  of  truce,  which 
were  granted  by  the  colonial  governors.  u  For  each 
flag,"  wrote  Horatio  Sharpe,  who  longed  to  share  in 
the  spoils,  "  for  each  flag,  my  neighbor,  Governor 
Denny,  receives  a  handsome  douceur,  and  I  have  been 
told  that  Governor  Bernard  in  particular  has  also  done 
business  in  the  same  way."1  "I,"  said  Fauquier,  of 
Virginia,  "  have  never  been  prevailed  on  to  grant 
one ;  though  I  have  been  tempted  by  large  offers,  and 
pitiful  stories  of  relations  lying  in  French  dungeons 
for  want  of  such  flags." 2  In  vehement  and  imperative 
words,  Pitt  rebuked  the  practice ;  not  with  a  view 
permanently  to  restrain  the  trade  of  the  continent 
with  the  foreign  islands,  but  only  in  time  of  war  to 
distress  the  enemy  by  famine. 

In  August,  the  same  month  in  which  this  impas- 
sioned interdict  was  issued,  Francis  Bernard,  whom 
the  Board  of  Trade  favored  as  the  most  willing  friend 
to  the  English  Church  and  to  British  authority,  was 
removed  from  the  government  of  New  Jersey  to  that 
of  Massachusetts.  But  the  distrust  that  was  never  to 
be  removed,  had  already  planted  itself  very  deeply  in 
the  province.  "These  English,"  men  said  to  one 
another,  "  will  overturn  every  thing.  We  must  re- 
sist them;  and  that  by  force."  And  they  reasoned 
together  on  the  necessity  of  a  general  attention  to  the 
militia,  to   their   exercises  and   discipline ;    for  they 

1  Lieutenant  Gov.  Sharpe  to  Ids        s  Fauquier  to  Pitt,  1760.     I  have 
brother  Philip,  8  Feb.,  1760.  very  many  letters  on  this  subject. 


chap,  repeated,  "  we  must  resist  in  arms." *     In  September  of 
__^^  that  year,  Bernard  manifested  the  purpose  of  his  ar> 
17 go.  pointment,  by  informing  the  legislature  of  Massachu- 
setts "  that  they  derived  blessings  from  their  subjec- 
tion to  Great  Britain."     Subjection  to  Great  Britai] 
was  a  new  doctrine  in  New  England;  whose  people 
professed   loyalty  to   the  king,  but  shunned  a  ne^ 
master   in  the   collective  people  of   England.     Tin 
Council,  in  its  reply,  owned  only  a  beneficial  M  relatioi 
to   Great   Britain ;"    the    House   of    Representatives 
spoke  vaguely  of  u  the  connection  between  the  mothei 
country  and  the  provinces,  on  the  principles  of  fili* 
obedience,  protection,  and  justice." 

The  colonists  had  been  promised,  after  the  con- 
quest of  Canada,  that  they  should  "  sit  quietly  under 
their  own  vines  and  fig-trees,  with  none  to  make  thei 
afraid;"  and  already  they  began  to  fear  aggressions 
on  their  freedom.  To  check  illicit  trade,  the  officers 
of  the  customs  had  even  demanded  of  the  Supreme 
Court  general  writs  of  assistance ;  but  the  writs  had 
been  withheld,  because  Stephen  Sewall,  the  chief  jus- 
tice of  the  province,  a  man  of  great  integrity,  respect- 
ed and  beloved  by  the  people,  doubted  their  legality. 
In  September,  Sewall  died,  to  the  universal  sorrow 
of  the  province;  and  the  character  of  his  successor 
would  control  the  decision  of  the  court  on  the  legality 
of  writs  of  assistance,  involving  the  whole  subject  of 
enforcing  the  British  Acts  of  Trade  by  the  utmost 
exertion  of  arbitrary  and  irresponsible  discretion ;  as 
well  as  the  degree  of  political  support  which  the  ju- 
diciary would  grant  to  the  intended  new  system  of 
administration.  Had  the  first  surviving  judge  been 
promoted  to  the  vacancy,  a  place  would  have  been 

1  John  Adams's  Works,  iv.  6. 

POSSESSION    TAKEN    OF   THE    COUNTRY    ON    THE    LAKES.         370 

left  open  for  James  Otis,  of  Barnstable,  at  that  time    chap. 
Bpeaker   of  the   house   of  representatives,   a    good  s-v^L 
lawyer,  to  whom  a  former  governor  had  promised   17^o. 
a    seat    on    the    bench.1      But    Bernard    appointed 
Thomas  Hutchinson,  originally  a  merchant  by  pro- 
fession, subservient  in  his  politics,  already  lieutenant- 
governor,  councillor,  and  judge  of  probate.     A  burst 
of  indignation  broke  from  the  colony  at  this  union  of 
such  high  executive,  legislative,  and  judicial  functions 
in  one  person,  who  was  not  bred  to  the  law,  and  was 
expected  to  interpret  it  for  the  benefit  of  the  preroga- 
tive.    Oxenbridge  Thacher,  a  lawyer  of  great  merit, 
a  man  of  sagacity  and  patriotism,  respected  for  learn- 
ing, ability,  purity  of  life,  and  moderation,  discerned 
the  dangerous  character  of  Hutchinson's  ambition,  and 
from  this  time   denounced  him  openly  and  always; 
while  James  Otis,  the  younger,  offended  as  a  son  and 
a  patriot,  resigned  the  office  of  advocate-general,  and 
by  his  eloquence  in  opposition  to  the  royalists,  set  the 
province  in  a  flame.     But  the  new  chief  justice  re- 
ceived the  iterated  application  for  writs  of  assistance, 
and  delayed  the   decision  of  the  court  only  till  he 
could  write  to  England. 

There  the  Board  of  Trade  had  matured  its  system. 
They  agreed  with  what  Dobbs  had  written  from 
North  Carolina,  that  "it  was  not  prudent,  when  unu- 
sual supplies  were  asked,  to  litigate  any  point  with 
the  factious  assemblies;  but  upon  an  approaching 
peace,  it  would  be  proper  to  insist  on  the  king's  pre- 
rogative." "  Lord  Halifax,"  said  Seeker  of  that  no- 
bleman, about  the  time  of  his  forfeiting  an  advanta- 

1  Oakes  Angiers  Journal,  i. 


chap,  geous  marriage  by  a  licentious  connection  with  an 
^^Ls  opera  girl,  "  Lord  Halifax  is  earnest  for  bishops  in 
17  60.  America,"  and  he  hoped  for  success  in  that  "great 
point,  when  it  should  please  God  to  bless  them  with  a 
peace."  The  opinions  of  Ellis,  the  governor  of  Geor- 
gia, who  had  represented  the  want  of  "  a  small  mili- 
tary force"  to  keep  the  Assembly  from  encroach- 
ments; of  Lyttleton,  who,  from  South  Carolina,  had 
sent  word  that  the  root  of  all  the  difficulties  of  the 
king's  servants  lay  "in  having  no  standing  revenue," 
were  kept  in  mind.  "  It  has  been  hinted  to  me," 
said  the  secretary  of  Maryland,  "that,  at  the  peace, 
acts  of  parliament  will  be  moved  for  amendment  of 
government  and  a  standing  force  in  America,  and 
that  the  colonies,  for  whose  protection  the  force  will 
be  established,  must  bear  at  least  the  greatest  share 
of  charge.  This,"  wrote  Calvert,  in  January,  1760,1 
"  will  occasion  a  tax ;"  and  he  made  preparations  to 
give  the  Board  of  Trade  his  answer  to  their  proposi- 
tions on  the  safest  modes  of  raising  a  revenue  in 
America  by  act  of  parliament. 

"  For  all  what  you  Americans  say  of  your  loy- 
alty," observed  Pratt,  the  attorney-general,  better 
known  in  America  as  Lord  Camden,  to  Franklin, 
"  and  notwithstanding  your  boasted  affection,  you 
will  one  day  set  up  for  independence."  "No  such 
idea,"  replied  Franklin,  sincerely,  "  is  entertained  by 
the  Americans,  or  ever  will  be,  unless  you  grossly 
abuse  them."  "  Very  true,"  rejoined  Pratt ;  "  that  I 
see  will  happen,  and  will  produce  the  event." 2 

Peace  with  foreign  states  was  to  bring  for  Amer- 
ica an  alteration  of  charters,  a  new  system  of  adminis- 

1  0.  Calvert  to  H.  Sharpe,  Jan-        8  Quincy's  Life  of  Quincy.    209. 
nary,  1760. 


tration,  a  standing  army,  and  for  the  support  of  that  chap 
army  a  grant  of  an  American  revenue  by  a  British  ^^i 
parliament.     The  decision   was  settled,  after   eleven  17G0. 
years'   reflection    and    experience,    by    Halifax    and 
his  associates  at  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  for  its  exe- 
cution needed  only  a  prime  minister  and  a  resolute 
monarch  to  lend  it  countenance.     In   the  midst   of 
these  schemes,  surrounded  by  victory,  the  aged  George 
the  Second  died  suddenly  of  apoplexy ;  and  on  the 
morning  of  the  twenty-fifth  day  of  October,  1760,  his 
grandson,  the   pupil   of  Leicester   House,   then   but 
twenty-two  years  of  age,  while  riding  with  the  Earl  of 
Bute,  was  overtaken  by  a  secret  message  that  he  was 




chap.         "  My  horse  is  lame  "  said  the  new  king,  as  a  rea- 
xvn.  .  .  .  . 

^^  son  for  turning  back  ;  nor  did  he  manifest  any  sign  of 

1760.  emotion  or  surprise  at  the  intelligence  which  he  had 

received.     Continuing  his  concealment,  "  I  have  said 

this  horse  was  lame,"  he  remarked  to  the  groom  at 

Kew ;  "  I  forbid  you  to  say  the  contrary ;"   and  he 

went  directly  to  Carleton  House,  the  residence  of  his 


The  first  person  whom  he  sent  for  was  Newcastle ; 

who  came  in  a  great  hurry  as  soon  as  he  could  "  put 

on  his  clothes."     None  knew  better  than  those  who 

were  to  receive  the  duke,  that  Pitt  had  forced  a  way 

into  the  highest  place  in  the  ministry  over  the  heads 

of  an  envious  and  unwilling   aristocracy ;    and  that, 

under  a  reluctant  coalition,  there  rankled  an  incurable 

alienation  between  the  members  of  the  administration 


Newcastle  had  no  sooner  entered  Carleton  House, 

than  Bute  came  to  him,  and  told  him  that  the  king 

would  see  him  before  any  body  and   before  holding  a 

council.     "  Compliments  from  me,"    he  added,  "  are 

1  Walpole's  George  III.  i.  6.  of  the  Present  Discontents.    Worki 

2  BurkeV  Thoughts  on  the  Cause     i.  862- 


now   unnecessary.     I  have   been  and  shall  be  your  chap. 

friend,  and  you  shall  see  it."     The  veteran  courtier  ^^J, 

caught  at  the  naked  hook  as  soon  as  thrown  out,  and  17  60. 
,  .     xl  ,     .  Oct. 

answered  in  the  same  strain. 

The  king,  so  young  and  so  determined  to  rule, 
praised  the  loyalty  of  Newcastle,  who  in  return  was 
profuse  of  promises.1  "  My  Lord  Bute,"  said  the  king, 
M  is  your  good  friend.  He  will  tell  you  my  thoughts 
at  large."  And  before  the  ashes  of  the  late  king 
were  cold,2  the  faithless  duke  was  conspiring  with  the 
new  influences  on  and  around  the  throne  to  subvert 
the  system,  by  which  Pitt  had  not  only  restored  but 
exalted  his  country. 

On  meeting  the  council,  the  king,  and  with  good 
reason,  appeared  agitated  and  embarrassed ;  for  his 
speech,  which  had  been  drawn  by  Bute,  set  up  adhe- 
sion to  his  plan  of  government  as  the  test  of  honesty ; 
calumniated  the  war  as  "  bloody "  and  expensive ; 
and  silently  abandoned  the  king  of  Prussia.  New- 
castle, who  was  directed  to  read  it  aloud,  seemed  to 
find  it  unexceptionable ;  and  opportunely  lowered  his 
voice  at  the  offensive  parts,  so  that  his  words  could 
not  be  distinguished.  "  Is  there  any  thing  wrong  in 
point  of  form  V  asked  the  king ;  and  then  dismissed 
his  ministers  ;  and  the  declaration  was  projected,  exe- 
cuted and  entered  in  the  council  books  without  any 
previous  notice  to  Pitt. 

The  Great  Commoner  was  "  extremely  hurt ;" 8  he 
discerned  what  was  plotting  ;  and  after  vainly  seeking 
to   inspire    Newcastle  with  truth    and  firmness,4  he 

1    Newcastle  himself  gives   the  the  publication  of  Newcastle's  letter 

account  of  all  this.    u  I  made  suita-  to  llardwicke,  26  Oct.,  1760,  con-- 

ble  returns."  containing  his  own  account  of  his 

8    William   Pitt    to  Nuthall,   10  interview  with  the  king. 
Dec,    1765.     Chat.    Corr.  ii.    349.         3  Harris's  Hardwicke,  iii.  215. 
It  was   not   known   how   literally         *  Wal pole's  Memoirs  of  George 

true  was  the  accusation  of  Pitt,  till  III.,  i.  10. 



chap,  insisted  that  the  address  should  be  amended;   that 

X  V  il 

, ,  it  was  false  to   say  the  war  had   been  to   Englanf 

17  6  0.  a  bloody  war;1  and  after  an  altercation  of  two  oi 
three  hours  with  Lord  Bute,  he  extorted  the  king's 
reluctant  consent  to  substitute  as  his  own  thes( 
words :  "As  I  mount  the  throne  in  the  midst  of  ai 
expensive  but  just  and  necessary  war,  I  shall  endeavoi 
to  prosecute  it  in  a  manner  most  likely  to  bring  oi 
an  honorable  and  lasting  peace  in  concert  with  nr 

The  amendments  of  Pitt  gave  to  the  address  dig- 
nity and  nationality.  The  wound  to  the  royal  author- 
ity rankled  in  the  breast  of  the  king.  He  took  car( 
to  distinguish  Newcastle  above  all  others ;  and  on  th( 
third  day  after  his  accession,  he  called  Bute,  who  w* 
but  his  groom  of  the  stole,  and  who  had  forfeite< 
Pitt's  friendship,2  not  to  the  Privy  Council  only,  bu1 
also  to  the  cabinet.3 


On  the  last  day  of  October,  the  king  published  a 
proclamation  u  for  the  encouragement  of  piety,  an( 
for  preventing  immorality."  This  public  appeal  cor- 
responded with  his  personal  habits ;  and  in  a  king- 
dom, where,  for  nearly  fifty  years,  the  king's  mis- 
tresses, in  rank  the  peeresses  of  the  highest  aris- 
tocracy, had  introduced  vulgarity  with  licentioi 
ness,  and  had  rivalled  the  ministry  in  political  in- 
fluence, the  serious  people  of  England  were  fired 
with  loyalty  towards  a  monarch  who  had  been  trained 
in  seclusion  as  temperately  and  chastely  as  a  nun. 

To  the  draft  which  Hardwicke  and  Pitt  had  made 

1  Newcastle  to  Hardwicke.  8    Walpole's   Memoirs    of    tno 

8  Adolphus:   Hist,  of  England,     Reign  of  King  George  III.,  i.  8, 

1. 11,  and  Sir  Denis  Le  Marchant's  Note. 


for  his  first  speech  to  parliament,  he  on  his  own  au-  chap. 
thority  added  the  words,  "  Born  and  educated  in  this  ^^ 
country,  I  glory  in  the  name  of  Briton :"  thus  putting  1760. 
himself  with  just  complacency  rather  than  invidiously 
in  contrast  with  his  predecessors,  who  were  Hanove- 
rians by  birth  and  by  affection.  A  greater  concourse 
of  "  tin,  beauty  and  gentility"  of  the  kingdom  attend- 
ed him  at  parliament  than  had  ever  graced  that 
assembly.*  "His  manner,"  said  Ingersoll,  of  Con- 
necticut, who  was  present,  u  has  the  beauty  of  an 
accomplished  speaker.  He  is  not  only,  as  a  king,  dis- 
posed to  do  all  in  his  power  to  make  his  subjects 
happy,  but  is  undoubtedly  of  a  disposition  truly  reli- 
gious." Horace  Walpole  echoed  the  praises  of  his 
grace,  dignity,  and  good-nature;  expressed  his  admi- 
ration in  courtly  verses,  and  began  a  friendly  corre- 
spondence with  Bute.  "All  his  dispositions  are 
good,"  said  Seeker,  the  archbishop ;  "  he  is  a  regular, 
worthy,  and  pious  young  man,  and  hath  the  interest 
of  religion  sincerely  at  heart."1  The  poet  Churchill 
did  but  echo  the  voice  of  the  nation,  when  he  wrote : 

"  Stripped  of  her  gaudy  plumes  and  vain  disguise, 
See  where  Ambition,  mean  and  loathsome,  lies ! 
Reflection  with  relentless  hand  pulls  down 
The  tyrant's  bloody  wreath  and  ravished  crown. 
In  vain  he  tells  of  battles  bravely  won, 
Of  nations  conquered,  and  of  worlds  undone. 
But  if,  in  searching  round  the  world,  we  find 
Some  generous  youth,  the  friend  of  all  mankind, 
Whose  anger,  like  the  bolt  of  Jove,  is  sped 
In  terrors  only  at  the  guilty  head, 
Whose  mercies,  like  heaven's  dew,  refreshing  fall 
In  general  love  and  charity  to  all, 
Pleased  we  behold  such  worth  on  any  throne, 
And  doubly  pleased,  we  find  it  on  our  own." 

1  Seeker  to  Johnson,  4  Nov.,  in  Chandler's  Life  of  Johnson,  182. 
VOL.    iv.  25 




Such  acclamations  welcomed  the  accession  of  Geonre 

the  Third,  whom  youth  and  victory,  conquest  and 
176  0.  the  love  of  glory,  popular  acclamation  and  the  voice 
of  Pitt,  the  prospect  of  winning  all  America  and  all 
the  Indies,  could  not,  as  it  seemed,  swerve  from  the 
fixed  purpose  of  moderation  in  triumph  and  the  ear- 
liest practicable  peace.  But  the  ruling  idea  of  his 
mind,  early  developed  and  indelibly  branded  in,  was 
the  restoration  of  the  prerogative,  which  in  America 
the  provincial  assemblies  had  resisted  and  defied ; 
which  in  England  had  one  obstacle  in  the  rising  iin- 
portance  of  the  people,  as  represented  by  Pitt,  and 
another  in  the  established  power  of  the  oligarchy  un- 
der the  banner  of  Newcastle.1  The  man  at  maturity 
is  but  the  continuation  of  the  youth ;  from  the  day  of 
his  accession,  George  the  Third  displayed  an  innate 
love  of  authority,  and,  with  a  reluctant  yielding  to 
present  obstacles,  the  reserved  purpose  of  asserting  his 
self-will,  which  doomed  him  in  a  universe  of  change 
to  oppose  reform,  and  struggle  continuously,  though 
hopelessly,  against  the  slow  but  resistless  approaches 
of  popular  power. 

u  Our  young  man," 2  wrote  Holdernesse,  one  of  the 
secretaries  of  state,  "  shows  great  attention  to  his 
affairs,  and  an  earnest  desire  of  being  truly  informed 
of  the  state  of  them.  He  is  patient  and  diligent  in 
business,  and  gives  evident  marks  of  perspicuity  and 
good  sense."  "  Nothing  can  be  more  amiable,  more 
virtuous,  or  better  disposed,  than  our  present  mon- 
arch," reported  Barrington,3  the  secretary  at  war,  but 
a  few  weeks  later ;  "  he  applies  himself  thoroughly  to 

1  Burke :  Thoughts  on  the  Cause        8   Lord   Barrington  to  Sir   An- 
of  tlie  present  Discontent.  drew  Mitchell,  5  Jan.,  1761.  in  the 

2  Holdernesse  to  Mitchell. 

British  Museum. 


his  affairs,  and  understands  them  astonishingly  well,  cttap. 

.  .  XVII 

His  faculties  seem  to  me  equal  to  his  good 'intentions.  ^^_* 
A  most  uncommon  attention,  a  quick  and  just  concep-  17G0. 
lion,  great  mildness,  great  civility,  which  takes  no- 
thing from  his  dignity,  caution  and  firmness  are 
conspicuous  in  the  highest  degree."  "  The  king," 
said  the  chief  proprietary  of  Pennsylvania,1  "  attends 
daily  to  business ;  shows  great  steadiness  in  his  reso- 
lutions, and  is  very  exact  to  all  his  applications,  whe- 
ther of  business  or  recreation."  But  Charles  Town- 
shend,  being  questioned  as  to  his  character,  deliber- 
ated a  moment,  and  replied,  "  The  young  man  is  very 
obstinate ;"  and  four  months  had  not  passed,  when 
Pratt,  the  attorney-general,  predicted  that  "  this 
would  be  a  weak  and  inglorious  reign."  * 

To  place  himself  above  aristocratic  dictation  and 
dictation  of  all  sorts,  was  the  ruling  passion  of  George 
the  Third ;  and  for  its  gratification  he  was  bent  on  se- 
curing "  to  the  court  the  unlimited  and  uncontrolled 
use  of  its  own  vast  influence  under  the  sole  direction  of 
its  private  favor."8  For  his  instrument  in  accomplish- 
ing this  purpose,  he  cherished  the  Earl  of  Bute,  whom 
he  valued  only  because  he  found  in  him  an  obsequious 
friend,  ready  to  give  effect  to  the  new  system ;  and 
within  five  weeks  from  the  commencement  of  his 
reign,  Bute  was  planning  how  to  make  a  place  for 
himself  among  the  ministers.  To  the  party  of  the 
court  he  brought  no  strength  whatever.  He  had 
neither  experience,  nor  political  connections,  nor 
powerful  family  friendships,  nor  great  capacity ;  and 

1  Penn  to  Hamilton.  of  the  Present  Discontent.  Works, 

2  Nicholas  Recollections.  i.  358. 

3  Burke:  Thoughts  on  the  Cause 



chap,  owed  his  public  distinction  solely  to  the  royal  favor. 

XVII.  .  .  . 

He  was  to*  the  king  such  a  confidential  companion  as 
the  attendant  on  a  heroine  in  the  plays  of  the  earlier 
French  dramatists.  By  theory  he  acquiesced  in  royal 
authority.  He  was  inferior  to  George  the  Third,  even 
in  those  qualities  in  which  that  prince  was  most  de- 
ficient ;  greatly  his  inferior  in  vigor  of  understanding 
and  energy  of  character.  The  one  had  a  daring  har- 
dihood and  self-relying  inflexibility,  which  danger 
could  not  startle  and  the  dread  of  responsibility 
could  not  appall ;  while  Bute,  who  was  timid  by  na- 
ture, united  persistence  with  pusillanimity ;  and  as  a 
consequence,  had  the  habit  of  duplicity.  He  was 
ignorant  of  men  and  ignorant  of  business,  without  sa- 
gacity or  courage ;  so  that  it  is  difficult  to  express  ade- 
quately his  unfitness  for  the  conduct  of  a  party,  or  the 
management  of  the  foreign  relations  and  public  affairs 
of  his  country. 

Had  Bute  been  left  to  his  own  resources,  he  must 
have  failed  from  the  beginning.  Even  his  earnest 
desire  to  restore  peace  could  not  have  brought  about 
his  advancement ;  the  way  was  opened  for  him  by 
the  jealous  impatience  of  the  aristocracy  at  power 
derived,  independently  of  themselves,  from  the  good 
opinion  of  the  people  of  England.  "  The  ministers 
will  drop  off,  ere  long,"  wrote  the  vain,  rich  Doding- 
ton ;  "  think  with  yourself  and  your  royal  master  of 
proper  persons  to  fill  up  the  first  rank  with  you,  in 

case  of  death   or  desertion Remember,  my 

noble  and  generous  friend,  that  to  recover  monarchy 
from  the  inveterate  usurpation  of  oligarchy  is  a  point 
too  arduous  and  important  to  be  achieved  without 
much  difficulty  and  some  degree  of  danger."  "  They 
•will  beat  every  thing,"  said  Glover,  of  Bute  and  the 


kin<r :  "  only  a  little  time  must  be  allowed  for  the  chap 

°  .  XVII. 

madness  of  popularity  to  cool."  But  from  that  day  ^ 
forward,  "popularity,"  as  the  influence  and  power  of  1760. 
the  people  were  sometimes  called  by  the  public  men 
of  England,  was  the  movement  of  the  age,  which 
could  as  little  be  repressed  as  Providence  dethroned ; 
and  George,  who  hated  it  almost  to  madness,  was  the 
instrument  chosen  by  Heaven  to  accelerate  that 
movement,  till  it  proceeded  with  a  force  which 
involved  the  whole  human  race,  and  could  not  be 
checked  by  all  the  weight  of  ancient  authority. 

The  king  was  eager  to  renounce  the  connection  1761, 
with  Prussia,  and  to  leave  that  kingdom  to  meet  its 
own  ruin,  while  he  negotiated  separately  with  France ; 
but  Pitt  prevailed  with  the  cabinet  to  renew  the 
annual  treaty  with  Frederic,  and  with  parliament  to 
vote  the  subsidy  without  a  question.  u  He  has  no 
thought  of  abandoning  the  continent,"  said  Bute,  in 
January ;  "  he  is  madder  than  ever."  But  Newcastle, 
clinging  fondly  to  office,  and  aware  of  the  purposes 
of  the  king,  shrunk  from  sustaining  the  secretary,  and 
professed  himself  most  sincerely  desirous  of  peace, 
most  willing  to  go  any  length  to  obtain  it.  Pitt,  on 
his  part,  never  ceased  to  despise  the  feebleness,  and 
never  forgave  the  treachery  of  Newcastle.  "They 
neither  are  nor  can  be  united,"  said  Bute  ;  and  early 
in  January,  1761,  his  friends  urged  him  "  to  put  him- 
self at  the  head,  in  a  great  office  of  business,  and  to 
take  the  lead." 

But  Newcastle  began  also  to  be  conscious  of  his 
own  want  of  favor.  He  had  complained  to  Bedford, 
whc  despised  him,  M  of  the  very  little  weight  he  had 
in  the  closet,  and  of  the  daily  means  used  to  let  him 
have  as  little  in  the  coming  parliament,  and  talked  of 



chap,  resignation ;"  then,  conspiring  against  Pitt  and  suT> 
^~L  mitting  to  every  thing,  he  remained  at  his  post.  In 
1761.  the  approaching  election,  he  was  thwarted  in  his 
desire  to  use  for  his  own  purposes  his  old  system  of 
corruption ;  but  of  whatever  he  complained,  it  was 
answered,  "  The  king  had  ordered  it  so."  To  the 
king's  boroughs  the  king  himself  would  name.  Where 
a  public  order  gave  permission  to  the  voters  in  the 
king's  interest,  to  vote  as  they  pleased,  a  private  one 
was  annexed,  "  naming  the  person  for  whom  they 
were  all  to  vote ;"  and  Newcastle  was  limited  to  those 
where  the  crown  had  only  an  influence.  "  The  new 
Feb.  parliament,"  said  Bute,  confidently,  "  will  be  the 
king's."  George  the  Third  began  his  reign  by  com- 
peting with  the  aristocracy  at  the  elections  for  the 
majority  in  that  body ;  and  in  the  choice  of  the 
twelfth  parliament,  his  first  effort  was  successful. 

Changes  in  the  cabinet  were  preparing.  From  the 
opening  of  the  new  reign  Holdernesse  had  been  ready 
to  quarrel  with  his  fellow-ministers,  and  throw  up  in 
seeming  anger,  so  that  Bute  might  then  come  in  with- 
out appearing  to  displace  any  one.  But  this  was  too 
foolish  a  scheme  to  be  approved  of.  "  It  is  very  easy," 
thought  the  Favorite,  in  February,  "  to  make  the 
Duke  of  Newcastle  resign,  but  who  is  to  take  it  ?"  He 
had  not  courage  to  aim  at  once  at  the  highest  station. 

March  On  the  nineteenth  of  March,  1761,  as  the  session 
closed,  the  eleventh  parliament  of  Great  Britain  was 
dissolved.  On  the  same  day,  to  gratify  a  grudge  of 
George  the  Third,  conceived  when  Prince  of  Wales, 
Legge,  the  chancellor  of  the  exchequer,  was  dismissed. 
When  it  was  known  that  that  officer  was  to  be  turned 
out,  George  Grenville,   who   piqued  himself  on  his 


knowledge  of  finance,  "expressed  to  his  brother-in-  chap. 

.  XVII. 

law  his  desire  of  the  vacant  place  ;  but  Pitt  took  no  ^^-J. 
notice  of  Ins  wishes,  upon  which  a  coolness  commenced  lToi. 


between  them."  "Fortune,"  exclaimed  Barrington, 
on  receiving  the  appointment,  "  may  at  last  make  me 
pope.  I  am  equally  fit  to  be  at  the  head  of  the 
Church  as  of  the  exchequer.  But  no  man  knows 
what  is  good  for  him.  My  invariable  rule,  therefore, 
is.  to  ask  nothing,  to  refuse  nothing."  He  was  willing 
to  serve  with  any  ministry,  making  the  king's  wish 
his  only  oracle. 

Two  days  later,  the  resignation  of  Holdernesse 
was  purchased  by  a  pension,  with  the  reversion  of  the 
wardenship  of  the  Cinque  Ports  for  life ;  and  Bute, 
on  the  king's  own  recommendation,1  accepting  Charles 
Jenkinson,  afterwards  Earl  of  Liverpool,  as  his  confi- 
dential secretary,  took  the  seals  for  the  Northern 

At  the  same  time  an  office  was  given  to  Sir 
Francis  Dashwood,  the  open  and  resolute  opponent 
of  Pitt's  engagements  with  Germany;  and  Charles 
Townshend,  described  by  Hume  as  "the  cleverest 
fellow  in  England,"  celebrated  for  his  knowledge  of 
America,  and  his  zeal  for  new-modelling  its  govern- 
ments, "  swore  allegiance  to  Bute,"  at  least  for  a  time, 
and  was  made  secretary  at  war.  He  who  holds  that 
post  is  not  a  member  of  the  cabinet,  but  rather  the 
king's  military  secretary ;  and,  as  such,  is  frequently 
admitted  to  the  closet.  Townshend  was  ever  careful 
to  cultivate  the  favor  of  his  sovereign.  He  was,  in 
parliament  and  in  life,  "  for  ever  on  the  rack  of  exer- 

1  Tlmt  Jenkinson  was  recom-  by  Bute  to  the  kincr,  I  liave  ro- 
niended  by  the  kin^  to  Bute,  and  ceived  from  private  information  of 
not,  as  is  sometimes  said,  :ntroduced     the  highest  authority. 


chap,  tion ;"  of  ill-regulated  ambition  ;  unsteady  in  his  polit* 
v_i_  ical  connections ;  inclining  always  to  the  king,  yet  so 
1761.  conscious  of  the  power  conferred  on  him  in  the  House 
of  Commons  by  his  eloquence,  as  never  to  become  the 
servant  of  the  king's  friends.  Too  able  to  be  depend- 
ent, too  indifferent  to  liberty  to  advocate  it  freely,  he 
floated  between  the  two  parties,  not  from  change  of 
views,  but  because,  from  his  nature  and  his  convic- 
tions, he  was  attached  sincerely  to  neither. 

In  the  House  of  Commons,  Charles  Townshend 
never  feared  to  appear  as  the  rival  of  the  minister; 
that  there  might  also  be  in  the  cabinet  one  man  who 
dared  to  stand  up  against  Pitt,  contradict  him,  and 
oppose  his  measures,  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  though 
without  employment,  was,  by  the  king's  command, 
summoned  to  attend  its  meetings.  The  Duke  was 
indifferent  to  office,  and  incapable  of  guile ;  as  bold 
and  as  open  as  Pitt,  and  more  regardless  of  conse- 
quences. Halifax,  who  had  so  long  been  trained 
at  the  Board  of  Trade  to  the  assertion  of  the  preroga- 
tive, was  sent  as  Lord  Lieutenant  to  carry  out  the 
system  in  Ireland  ;  while  the  patronage  and  chief  cor- 
respondence with  the  American  colonies  were  taken 
from  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  restored  to  the  South- 
ern Department. 

These  changes  in  the  cabinet  hastened  the  period 
of  conflict  with  the  colonies ;  the  course  of  negotia- 
tions for  peace  between  England  and  France  was 
still  more  momentous  for  America. 

"  Since  we  do  not  know  how  to  make  war,"  said 
Choiseul,  "we  must  make  peace."  Choiseul  had 
succeeded  Bernis,  as  the  minister  of  foreign  affairs ; 
in  January,    1761,  had,  on  the  death   of  Belle-Isle, 


become  minister  of  war,  and  soon  annexed  to  these  chap. 

.  .  XVII 

departments  the  care  of  the  marine.  "  It  is  cer-  L^^L 
tain,"  said  Grimaldi,  the  Spanish  ambassador  at  Paris,  17G1. 
"  the}'  ardently  wish  for  a  negotiation  for  peace  here." 
Kaunitz,  of  Austria,  who  might  well  believe  that 
Silesia  was  about  to  be  recovered  for  his  sovereign, 
interposed  objections.  "  We  have  these  three  years," 
answered  Choiseul,  "  been  sacrificing  our  interests  in 
America  to  serve  the  queen  of  Hungary  ;  we  can  do 
it  no  longer."  "  France  will  not  be  bound  by  the 
will  of  her  allies." *  Spain  saw  with  alarm  the  dispo- 
sition for  peace  ;  she  had  demanded  the  evacuation  of 
the  British  posts  in  the  Bay  of  Honduras,  and  on  the 
shore  of  Campeachy;  and  in  the  pride  of  maritime 
ascendency,  England,  violating  treaties  and  its  own 
recognition  of  its  obligations,  required  that  Spain 
should  first  come  into  stipulations  for  the  continuance 
of  the  trade  which  had  occasioned  the  intrusive  settle- 
ments. Unwilling  to  be  left  to  negotiate  alone,  Gri- 
maldi, urging  the  utmost  secrecy,  "  began  working  to 
see  if  he  could  make  some  protecting  alliance  with 
France."  "  You  have  waited,"  he  was  answered,  "  till 
we  are  destroyed,  and  you  are  consequently  of  no  use." 
And  on  the  twenty-fifth  day  of  March,  within  five 
days  of  Bute's  accession  to  the  cabinet,  on  occasion  of 
proposing  a  general  congress  at  Augsburg,  for  the 
pacification  of  the  Continent,  Choiseul  offered  to  nego- 
tiate separately  with  England.  Pitt  assented.  Little  April 
did  the  two  great  statesmen  foresee  that  their  at- 
tempts at  a  treaty  of  peace  would  only  generate  per- 
manent  passions   and  alliances,  which   would   leave 

1  Flassan:  vi.  377,  381.     Grimaldi  to  Fuentes  in  Chatham    Corres- 
pondence, ii.  92. 


chap.  England  without  a  friend  in  its  coining  contest  with 

Clioiseul  was,  like  Pitt,  a  statesman  of  consum- 
mate ability ;  but  while  Pitt  overawed  by  the  author- 
itative grandeur  of  his  designs,  the  lively  and  indis- 
creet Choiseul  had  the  genius  of  intrigue.  He  was 
by  nature  an  agitator,  and  carried  into  the  cabinet 
restless  activity  and  the  arts  of  cabal.  Pitt  treated 
all  subjects  with  stateliness;  Choiseul  discussed  the 
most  weighty  in  jest.  Of  high  rank  and  great  wealth, 
he  was  the  first  person  at  court,  and  virtually  the  sole 
minister.  Did  the  king's  mistress,  who  had  ruled  his 
predecessor,  interfere  with  affairs  ?  He  would  reply, 
that  she  was  handsome  as  an  angel,  but  throw  her 
memorial  into  the  fire ;  and  with  railleries  and  sar- 
casms, he  maintained  his  exclusive  power  by  a  clear 
superiority  of  spirit  and  resolution.1  For  personal 
intrepidity  he  was  distinguished  even  among  the 
French  gentry,  so  remarkable  for  courage  ;  and  as  he 
carried  the  cabinet  by  his  decided  character,  so  he 
brought  into  the  foreign  politics  of  his  country  as 
daring  a  mind  as  animated  any  man  in  France  or 
England.  It  was  the  judgment  of  Pitt,  that  he  was 
the  greatest  minister  France  had  seen  since  the  days 
of  Richelieu.  In  depth,  refinement,  and  quick  percep- 
tions, he  had  no  superior ;  and  his  freedom  from 
prejudice  opened  his  mind  aud  affections  to  the  philo- 
sophic movement  of  his  age.  No  motive  of  bigotry 
or  antipathy  could  lead  him  to  crush  the  power  of 
Frederic,  or  to  subject  France  to  the  influence  of  a 
state  still  overshadowed,  like  Austria,  by  the  cum- 
brous forms  and  superstitions  of  the  Middle  Age.    To 

4  Stanley  to  Pitt. 


the  Dauphin,  who  cherished  the  traditions  of  the  past,  ciiap 
he  said,  "I  may  one  day  be  your  subject,  your  ser-  ^J, 
vaiit  never."  A  free-thinker,  an  enemy  to  the  cler-  1761. 
gy,  and  above  all  to  the  Jesuits,  he  united  himself 
eely  with  the  parliaments,  and  seemed  to  know  that 
public  opinion  was  beginning  to  outweigh  that  of  the 
monarch.  Perceiving  that  America  was  lost  to 
Prance,  he  proposed,  as  the  basis  of  the  treaty,  that 
'tlic  two  crowns  should  remain  each  in  the  possession 
of  what  it  had  conquered  from  the  other ;"  and  while 
lie  named  epochs  from  which  possession  was  to  date 
in  every  continent,  he  was  willing  that  England  itself 
should  suggest  other  periods.  On  this  footing,  which 
left  all  Canada,  Senegal,  perhaps  Goree  also,  and 
the  ascendency  in  the  East  Indies  to  England,  and  to 
France  nothing  but  Minorca  to  exchange  for  her 
losses  in  the  West  Indies,  all  Paris  believed  peace  to 
be  certain.  George  the  Third  wished  it  from  his 
heart ;  and  though  Fuentes,  the  Spanish  ambassador 
at  London,  irritated  by  the  haughtiness  of  Pitt, 
breathed  nothing  but  war,  though  the  king  of  Spain 
proposed  to  France  an  alliance  offensive  and  defen- 
sive, Choiseul,  consulting  the  well-being  of  his  ex- 
hausted country,  sincerely  desired  repose. 

But  the  hardy  and  unaccommodating  nature  of  Pitt, 
inflamed  by  success,  was  unfit  for  the  work  of  recon- 
ciliation. He  expected,  and  had  led  his  countrymen 
to  expect,  that  the  marked  superiority  of  England 
would  be  imprinted  on  the  treaty  of  peace.  He 
accepted  as  the  basis,  that  each  nation  should  retain 
its  acquisitions ;  but  delayed  the  settlement  of  the 
epochs,  till  the  fleet  of  one  hundred  and  fifteen 
vessels,  which  had  sailed  on  the  very  day  of  his 
answer  to  the  proposition  of  Choiseul,  could  make  the 


chap,  conquest  of  the  island  of  Belle-Isle.  This  is  the 
^^_  great  stain  on  the  fame  of  William  Pitt.  Every 
17Gf-  object  of  the  war  had  been  accomplished;  but  he 
insisted  on  its  continuance  for  the  purpose  of  making 
more  extended  acquisitions.  England  may  forgive  a 
lofty  and  impassioned  attachment  to  her  greatness: 
impartial  history  awards  the  palm  to  the  tempered 
ambition  of  the  young  sovereign,  who  desired  the 
purer  glory  of  arresting  victory  by  a  reasonable 

"There  may  be  quarrelling  yet,"  predicted  Gri- 
May.  maldi.  To  further  the  negotiations,  Bussy  repaired 
to  London,  furnished  with  authority  to  offer  bribes  to 
members  of  the  English  cabinet ; *  and  the  circumspect, 
distrustful  Hans  Stanley,  who  dared  only  reflect  the 
will  of  his  employer,  made  his  way  to  Paris.  But 
the  frank  haughtiness  and  inflexibility  of  Pitt  were 
apparent  from  the  beginning ;  and  Choiseul,  deluding 
himself  no  more  with  belief  in  peace,  employed  the 
remaining  years  of  his  ministry  to  unite  around  France 
the  defenders  of  the  freedom  of  the  seas, 
lune.  Still  the  negotiation  continued,  and   subjects   of 

detail  were  brought  into  discussion.  Here  the  great- 
ness of  Pitt  appeared,  in  his  quickness  of  perception, 
his  comprehensiveness,  and  sagacity ;  in  the  energy  of 
his  nervous,  imperative  dialectics,  resting  on  exact 
information,  and  throwing  light  on  the  most  abstruse 
questions.  Concede  that  a  continuance  of  the  war 
was  no  crime  against  humanity,  and  the  courage, 
sagacity,  and  prudent  preparations  of  Pitt  must  extort 

1  Hassan -•  Hist,  de  la  Diplomatic  Francaise,  vi.  399. 


With  regard  to  the  German  war,  France  proposed  chap. 
that  England,  on  recovering  Hanover,  should  refrain  s^^J. 
from  interference.      In  favor  of  this  policy  a  large  17  61, 
party  existed  in  England  itself,  and  had  its  head  in     une* 
the  king,  its  open  supporter  in  the  Duke  of  Bedford. 
The  king  of  Prussia,  whose  chances  of  ruin,  even  with 
I  he  aid  of  England,  were  computed  as  three  to  one, 
knew  that  George  the  Third  was  indifferent  to  his 
interests  and  disliked  his  character;  and  his  ministers 
had  reported  that  Bute  and  the  British  king  would 
advise  him  to  make  peace  by  the  sacrifice  of  territory. 
u  How  is  it  possible,"  such  were  the  words  addressed 
1  >  y  Frederic 1  to  Pitt,  "  how  can  the  English  nation 
propose  to  me  to  make  cessions  to  my  enemies ;  that 
nation  which  has  guarantied  my  possessions  by  au- 
thentic acts,  known  to  the  whole  world  ?     I  have  not 
always  been  successful ;  and  what  man  in  the  universe 
can  dispose  of  fortune  ?     Yet,  in  spite  of  the  number 
of  my  enemies,  I  am  still  in  possession  of  a  part  of 
Saxony,  and  I  am  firmly  resolved  never  to  yield  it 
but  on  condition  that  the  Austrians,  the  Russians,  and 
the  French  shall  restore  to  me  every  thing  that  they 
have  taken  from  me. 

"  I  govern  myself  by  two  principles :  the  one  is 
honor,  and  the  other  the  interest  of  the  State  which 
Heaven  has  given  me  to  rule.  The  laws  which  these 
principles  prescribe  to  me  are,  first,  never  to  do  an 
act  for  which  I  should  have  cause  to  blush,  if  I  were 
to  render  an  account  of  it  to  my  people ;  and  the 
second,  to  sacrifice  for  the  welfare  and  glory  of  my 
country  the  last  drop  of  my  blood.  With  these 
maxims  I  can  never  yield  to  my  enemies.      Rome, 

•  Chatham  Corr.,  ii.  109,  111,  without  date. 


chap  after  the  battle  of  Cannae, — your  great  Queen  Eliza 
^^Js  beth,  against  Philip  the  Second  and  the  invincible 
1701.  armada, — Gustavus  Vasa,  who  restored  Sweden, — the 
Prince  of  Orange,  whose  magnanimity,  valor,  and 
perseverance  founded  the  republic  of  the  United 
Provinces, — these  are  the  models  I  follow.  You,  who 
have  grandeur  and  elevation  of  soul,  disapprove  my 
choice,  if  you  can, 

u  All  Europe  turns  its  eye  on  the  beginning  of  the 
reign  of  kings,  and  by  the  first  fruits  infers  the  future. 
The  king  of  England  has  but  to  elect,  whether,  in 
negotiating  peace,  he  will  think  only  of  his  own  king- 
dom, or,  preserving  his  word  and  his  glory,  he  will 
also  have  care  for  the  welfare  of  his  allies.  If  he 
chooses  the  latter  course,  I  shall  owe  him  a  lively 
gratitude ;  and  posterity,  which  judges  kings,  will 
crown  him  with  benedictions." 

"Would  to  God,"  replied  Pitt,  "that  the  moments 
of  anxiety  for  the  states  and  the  safety  of  the  most 
invincible  of  monarchs  were  entirely  passed  away  f 
and  Stanley,  in  his  first  interview  with  Choiseul, 
avowed  the  purpose  of  England  to  support  its  great 
ally  "  with  efficacy  and  good  faith."  But  France  had 
no  motive  to  ruin  Prussia ;  a  just  regard  for  whose 
interests  would  have  been  no  insurmountable  obstacle 
to  the  peace. 

When  France  expressed  a  hope  of  recovering 
Canada,  as  a  compensation  for  her  German  conquests, 
"  They  must  not  be  put  in  the  scale,"  said  Pitt  to 
Bussy.  "  The  members  of  the  Empire  and  your  own 
allies  will  never  allow  you  to  hold  one  inch  of  ground 
in  Germany.  The  whole  fruit  of  your  expeditions, 
after  the  immense  waste  of  treasure  and  men,  will  be 
to  make  the  house  of  Austria  more  powerful." 


wonder,"  said  Choiseul  to  Stanley,  "that  your  great  chap 
Pitt  should   be   so   attached    to    the    acquisition   of  ^^ 

.id a.  The  inferiority  of  its  population  will  never  1.7.61.. 
goffer  it  to  be  dangerous  ;  and  being  in  the  hands  of  mic' 
France,  it  will  always  be  of  service  to  you  to  keep 
y<  >ur  colonies  in  that  dependence  which  they  will  not 
fail  to  shake  off,  the  moment  Canada  shall  be  ceded."1 
And  he  readily  consented  to  abandon  that  province 
to  England. 

The  restitution  of  the  merchant-ships,  which  the 
English  cruisers  had  seized  before  the  war,  was  justly 
demanded.  They  were  afloat  on  the  ocean,  under 
every  guaranty  of  safety ;  they  were  the  property  of 
private  citizens,  who  knew  nothing  and  could  know 
nothing  of  the  diplomatic  disputes  of  the  two  coun- 
tries. The  capture  was  unjustifiable  by  every  reason 
•of  equity  and  public  law.  "  The  cannon,"  said  Pitt, 
u  has  settled  the  question  in  our  favor ;  and  in  the 
absence  of  a  tribunal,  this  decision  is  a  sentence." 
"  The  last  cannon  has  not  yet  been  fired,"  retorted 
Bussy ;  and  destiny  showed  in  the  shadowy  distance 
still  other  desperate  wars  between  the  nations  for 
dominion  and  for  equality  on  the  seas. 

France  desired  to  escape  from  the  humiliating 
condition  of  demolishing  the  harbor  of  Dunkirk. 
"  Since  England  has  acquired  the  dominion  of  the 
seas,"  said  Pitt  to  Bussy,  "  I  myself  fear  Dunkirk  but 
little;  but  the  people  regard  its  demolition  as  an 
eternal  monument  of  the  yoke  imposed  on  France." 2 

Ohoiseul  was  ready  to  admit  concessions  with 
regard  to  Dunkirk,  if  France  could  retain  a  harbor  in 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  with  the  freedom  of  the 

1  Second  Thoughts,  or  Observations  upon  Lord  Abingdon's  Thoughts. 
f  Flassao,  vi.  403,  405. 


chap,  fisheries.      Without  these,  he  would  himself  decline 


further  negotiation.  In  those  days,  maritime  power 
1 7  o  1 .  was  thought  to  depend  on  the  encouragement  of  the 
fisheries  ;  and  to  renounce  them  seemed  like  renounc- 
ing the  power  of  manning  a  navy.  Pitt  refused 
the  fisheries  altogether.  The  union  of  France  with 
Spain  was  the  necessary  consequence,  and  was  pro- 
moted by  the  reduction  of  Belle-Isle.  "  You  have 
effectually  roused  France  in  every  part  of  it,"  wrote 
Keppel,  in  June,  just  after  that  success ;  "  they  feel 
themselves  so  hurt  and  dishonored,  that  they  will 
risk  their  ships  and  every  thing  to  wipe  it  off."1 
Towards  such  efforts  Pitt  looked  in  the  proud  se- 
renity of  conscious  strength  ;  and  yet  it  was  observed 
that  he  was  becoming  sombre  and  anxious  ;2  for  his 
own  king  had  prepared  for  him  opposition  in  the 
jDiy.  "  The  peace  which  is  offered,"  said  Granville,  the 

Lord  President,  "  is  more  advantageous  to  England 
than  any  ever  concluded  with  France,  since  King 
Henry  the  Fifth's  time."  "  I  pray  to  God,"  said  Bed- 
ford to  Bute,  in  July,  "his  majesty  may  avail  himself 
of  this  opportunity  of  excelling  in  glory  and  magna- 
nimity the  most  famous  of  his  predecessors,  by  giving 
his  people  a  reasonable  and  lasting  peace."  Did  any 
argue  that  efforts  could  be  made  during  the  summer 
from  Belle-Isle?  Bedford  expected  nothing,  but 
"  possibly  the  taking  another  island,  or  burning  a  few 
more  miserable  villages  on  the  continent." 8  Did  Pitt 
say,  "  Before  December,  I  will  take  Martinico  T 
"Will  that,"  rejoined  Bedford,  "be  the  means  of 
obtaining  a  better  peace  than  we  can  command  at 

1  Keppel  to  Pitt,  18  June,  1761.        8  Wiffen's  House  of  Russell,  ii. 
9  Flassan,  vi.  406.  468,  469,  470,  471. 


present,  or  induce  the  French  to  relinquish  a  right  of  chap. 
fishery  ?"  "  Indeed,"  he  pursued,  with  good  judgment  s_v_ 
and  good  feeling,  "the  endeavoring  to  drive  France  1T«1. 
entirely  out  of  any  naval  power  is  fighting  against 
nature,  and  can  tend  to  no  one  good  to  this  country ; 
but,  on  the  contrary,  must  excite  all  the  naval  powers 
in  Europe  to  enter  into   a   confederacy  against  us, 
as   adopting   a  system  of  a  monopoly  of  all  naval 
power,  dangerous  to  the  liberties  of  Europe.     .     .     . 

.  .  In  case  it  shall  be  decided  to  carry  on  the 
war  for  another  campaign,  I,"  he  added,  "  wash  my 
hands  from  all  the  guilt  of  the  blood  that  may  be 

At  the  king's  special  request,  Bedford  attended 
the  cabinet  council  of  the  twentieth  of  July,  to  dis- 
cuss the  conditions  of  peace.  All  the  rest  who  were 
present  cowered  before  Pitt,  in  dread  lest  he  should 
frown.  Bedford  "  was  the  single  man  who  dared  to 
deliver  an  opinion  contrary  to  his,  though  agreeable 
to  eveiy  other  person's  sentiments."  *  "  I,"  said  New- 
castle, "  envy  him  that  spirit  more  than  his  great 
fortune  and  abilities."  But  the  union  between  France 
and  Spain  was  already  so  far  consummated,  that,  in 
connection  with  the  French  memorial,  Bussy  had  3n 
the  fifteenth  of  July  presented  a  note,  requiring  Eng- 
land to  afford  no  succour  to  the  king  of  Prussia,  and 
a  private  paper,  demanding,  on  behalf  of  Spain, 
indemnity  for  seizures,  the  right  to  fish  at  Newfound- 
land, and  the  demolition  of  the  English  settlements  in 
the  Bay  of  Honduras.  "  These  differences,  if  not 
adjusted,  gave  room,"  it  was  said,  "to  fear  a  fresh 
war  in  Europe  and  America." 

Rigby  in  Witfen,  ii.  472.    See  also  Bedford  Corr. 
VOL.    IV.  26 






This  note  and  this  memorial,  containing  the  men- 
ace of  a  Spanish  war,  gave  Pitt  the  ascendency.  To 
the  private  intercession  of  the  king  he  yielded  but  a 
little,  and  in  appearance  only,  on  the  subject  of  the 
fishery.  "  I  was  overruled,"  said  he  afterwards,  a  I 
was  overruled,  not  by  the  foreign  enemy,  but  by 
another  enemy  ;"  and  at  the  next  council  he  presented 
his  reply,  to  France,  not  for  deliberation,  but  accept- 
ance. Bute  dared  not  express  dissent,  and  as  Bedford 
disavowed  all  responsibility  and  retired  with  indig- 
nant surprise,  Pitt,  with  the  unanimous  consent  of  the 
cabinet,  returned  the  memorials  relative  to  Prussia 
and  to  Spanish  affairs  as  wholly  inadmissible ;  de- 
claring that  the  king  a  would  not  suffer  the  disputes 
with  Spain  to  be  blended  in  any  manner  whatever  in 
the  negotiations  of  peace  between  the  two  nations." 

On  the  twenty-ninth  of  July,  Stanley,  bearing 
the  ultimatum  of  England,  demanded  Canada ;  the 
fisheries,  with  a  limited  and  valueless  concession  to 
the  French,  and  that  only  on  the  huiniliating  con- 
dition of  reducing  Dunkirk ;  half  the  neutral  islands, 
especially  St.  Lucia  and  Tobago ;  Senegal  and  Goree, 
that  is,  a  monopoly  of  the  slave-trade ;  Minorca ; 
freedom  to  assist  the  king  of  Prussia;  and  British 
ascendency  in  the  East  Indies.  The  ministers  of 
Spain  and  Austria  could  not  conceal  their  exultation. 
"  My  honor,"  replied  Choiseul  to  the  English  envoy, 
"  will  be  the  same  fifty  years  hence  as  now  ;  I  am  as 
indifferent  to  my  place  as  Pitt  can  be  ;  I  admit  with- 
out the  least  reserve  the  king's  propensity  to  peace  ; 
his  Majesty  may  sign  such  a  treaty  as  England  de 
mands,  but  my  hand  shall  never  be  to  that  deed."1 

1  Thackeray's  Life  of  Chatham,  ii.  580. 


And  claiming  the  right  to  interfere  in  Spanish  affairs,  chap 
with  the  approbation  of  Spain,  he  submitted  modifica-  ,_^_ 
tions  of  the  British  offer.     He  still  desired  peace;1  1761. 
but  he  already  was  convinced  that  Pitt  would  never      Dg' 

to  a  reasonable  treaty,  and  his  only  hope  was  in 

Thus  far  Pitt  had  encountered  in  the  cabinet  no 
a  rowed  opposition  except  from  Bedford.  On  this 
point  the  king  and  his  friends  made  a  rally,2  and  the 
answer  to  the  French  ultimatum,  peremptorily  reject- 
ing it  and  making  the  appeal  to  "  arms,"8  was  adopted 
in  the  cabinet  by  a  majority  of  but  one  voice. 
"  Why,"  asked  George,  as  he  read  it,  "  why  were  not 
words  chosen  in  which  all  might  have  concurred  ?" 
and  his  agitation  was  such  as  he  had  never  before 
shown.4  The  friends  of  Bedford  mourned  over  the 
continuance  of  the  war,  and  the  danger  of  its  in- 
volving Spain.  "  Pitt,"  said  they,  "  does  govern,  not 
in  the  cabinet  council  only,  but  in  the  opinions  of  the 
people."  Bigby  forgot  his  country  so  far  as  to  wish 
ill  success  to  its  arms ; 5  but  with  the  multitude,  the 
thirst  for  conquest  was  the  madness  of  the  times. 
Men  applauded  a  war  which  was  continued  for  no 
definite  purpose  whatever. 

But  on  the  fifteenth  of  August,  the  very  day  on 
which  Pitt  despatched  his  abrupt  declaration,  Choiseul 
concluded  that  Family  Compact6  which  was  designed 
to  unite  all  the  branches  of  the  House  of  Bourbon  as 
a  counterpoise  to  the  maritime  ascendency  of  Eng- 

1  Bussy  to  Pitt,  5  Aug.,  1761.  8  Rigby  27  Aug.  in  Wiffen,  fa. 

8  Wiffen's  Russell,  ii.  473.  473. 

*  Pitt  to  Bnssy,  15  Aug.,  1761.  •  Martens:  Receuil,  vi.  69. 

•  Bute  to  Pitt,  14  Aug.,  1761. 



chap.  land.  From  the  period  of  the  termination  of  existing 
-^-^r  hostilities,  France  and  Spain,  in  the  whole  extent  of 
1761.  their  dominions,  were  to  stand  towards  foreign  powers 
as  one  state.  A  war  begun  against  one  of  the  two 
crowns  was  to  become  the  personal  and  proper  war  of 
the  other.  No  peace  should  be  made  but  in  common. 
In  war  and  in  peace,  each  should  regard  the  interests 
of  his  ally  as  his  own ;  should  reciprocally  share 
benefits  and  losses,  and  make  each  other  correspond- 
ing compensations.  This  is  the  famous  treaty  which 
secured  to  America  in  advance  aid  from  the  super- 
stitious, kind-hearted,  and  equitable  Charles  the  Third 
of  Spain.  For  that  monarchy,  which  was  the  weaker 
power  and  more  nearly  insulated,  having  fewer  points 
for  collision  in  Europe  and  every  thing  at  hazard  in 
America,  the  compact  was  altogether  unwise.  We 
shall  see  presently,  that,  as  its  only  great  result  in  the 
history  of  the  world,  it  placed  the  fleets  of  the 
European  sovereign  whose  power  was  the  most  abso- 
lute, whose  colonies  were  the  most  extended,  on  the 
side  of  a  confederacy  of  republican  insurgents  in  their 
struggle  for  independence. 

On  the  same  fifteenth  of  August,  and  not  without 
the  knowledge  of  Pitt,  France  and  Spain  concluded  a 
special  convention,1  by  which  Spain  herself  engaged 

1  Of  this  special  convention  Pitt 
was  correctly  informed.  He  knew, 
also,  that  the  court  of  Spain  want- 
ed to  gain  time,  till  the  fleet  should 
arrive  at  Cadiz.  Compare  the  let- 
ters of  Grimaldi  to  Fuentes,  of  Au- 
gust 31,  and  September  13,  in 
Chatham  Correspondence,  ii.  139- 
144,  and  the  private  note  of  Stan- 
ley to  Pitt,  of  September  2. 

The  existence  of  this  special  con- 
vention, so  well  known  to  Pitt,  and 
so  decisive  of  his  policy,  appears 

to  have  escaped  the  notice  of  British 
historians,  with  the  exception  of 
Lord  Mahon.  In  the  edition  of 
Adolphus's  History  of  England, 
published  in  1840,  that  writer  as- 
sumes that  Pitt  was  misinformed, 
and  hazards  the  conjecture,  that 
"  the  communication  made  to  Mr. 
Stanley  was  a  refined  piece  of 
finesse  in  the  French  ministry." — 
Adolphus,  i.  46,  note.  Yet,  in  the 
second  edition  of  Flassan's  His- 
toire  de  la  Diplomatic  Fran^aise, 


to  declare  war  against  England,  unless  contrary  to  chap 
all  expectation,  peace  should  be  concluded  between  v_^J. 
France  and  England  before  the  first  day  of  May,  1762.  1761. 
Extending  his  eye  to  all  the  states  interested  in  the      °8' 
rights  of  neutral  flags,  to  Portugal,  Savoy,  Holland, 
and  Denmark,  Choiseul  covenanted  with  Spain  that 
Portugal  should  be  compelled,  and  the  others  invited, 
to  join  the  federative  union  "  for  the  common  advan- 
tage of  all  maritime  powers."1 

Yet,  still  anxious  for  peace,  and  certain  either  to  Sept. 
secure  it  or  to  place  the  sympathy  of  all  Europe  on 
the  side  of  France,  Choiseul  resolved  on  a  last  "  most 
ultimate"  attempt  at  reconciliation  by  abundant  con- 
cessions; and  on  the  thirteenth  day  of  September, 
just  five  days  after  the  youthful  sovereign  of  Eng- 
land had  taken  as  his  consort  the  blue-eyed,  con- 
siderate, but  not  very  lovely  German  princess  of 
Mecklenburg-Strelitz, — a  girl  of  seventeen,  who  be- 
came well  known  as  the  parsimonious  and  correct 
Queen  Charlotte, — Bussy  presented  the  final  proposi- 
tions of  France.  By  Pitt,  who  was  accurately  ac- 
quainted with  the  special  convention  between  France 

vi.  322-326,  an  abstract  of  the  con-  on  war  with  that  power,  till  he 
vention  itself  may  be  found.  I  en-  had  evidence  in  his  possession,  that 
deavored  to  obtain  from  the  French  Spain  had  already  made  itself  a 
archives  an  authentic  copy  of  the  party  to  the  war  by  a  ratified  treaty 
whole  paper ;  but  was  informed  with  France.  The  advice  of  Pitt 
that  the  document  had  been  mis-  on  this  occasion  was  alike  wise  and 
placed  or  lost.  The  allusion  of  Gri-  just.  The  error  comes  from  con- 
maldi,  in  his  letter  of  September  founding  the  Special  Convention, 
13,  "  to  the  stipulations  of  the  regulating  the  conditions  on  which 
treaty  between  the  two  courts,"  is  an  immediate  war  was  to  be  con- 
also  to  the  special  convention ;  ducted,  with  the  General  Treaty  of 
though  the  editors  of  the  Corre-  alliance  between  the  princes  of  tho 
Bpondence  of  the  Earl  of  Chatham,  House  of  Bourbon.  The  last  was 
in  their  comment  on  the  passage,  no  ground  for  war;  the  first  was 
refer  it  to  the  Family  Compact.  war  itself. 

The  accurate  knowledge  of  this        '  Article  vi.  and  vii.  of  the  Spe- 

transaction  is  essential  to  a  vindica-  cial  Convention.    Flassan,  vi.  322, 

tion  of  the  course  pursued  by  Pitt  823. 
towards  Spain.     He  did  not  insist 



chap,  and  Spain,  they  were  received  with  disdainful  indif- 
L^l  ference.  A  smile  of  irony,  and  a  few  broken  words, 
ijei  were  his  only  answer;  and  when  the  negotiation  was 
broken  off,  Pitt  said  plainly,  that  his  own  demands 
throughout  had  been  made  in  earnest.  "  If  I  had  been 
the  master,"  he  added,  "  I  should  not  have  gone  so  far  ; 
the  propositions  which  France  finds  too  severe,  would 
have  appeared  too  favorable  to  a  great  part  of  the 
English  nation." 1 

A  war  with  Spain  could  no  longer  be  avoided  by 
England.  To  the  proposal  for  "  the  regulation  of  the 
privilege  of  cutting  logwood  by  the  subjects  of  Great 
Britain,"  the  Catholic  King  replied  through  Wall,  hi3 
minister,  by  a  despatch  which  reached  England  on 
the  thirteenth  of  September.  M  The  evacuation  of  the 
logwood  establishments  is  offered,  if  his  Catholic 
Majesty  will  assure  to  the  English  the  logwood  !  He 
who  avows  that  he  has  entered  another  man's  house 
to  seize  his  jewels  says,  4I  will  go  out  of  your  house,  if 
you  will  first  give  me  what  I  am  come  to  seize.' "  Pitt's 
anger  was  inflamed  at  the  comparison  of  England 
with  house-breakers  and  robbers;  and  his  vehement 
will  became  "  more  overbearing  and  impracticable" 
than  ever.  He  exulted  in  the  prospect  of  benefits  to 
be  derived  to  his  country,  and  glory  to  be  acquired 
for  his  own  name,  in  every  zone  and  throughout  the 
globe.  With  one  hand  he  prepared  to  "smite  the 
whole  family  of  Bourbons,  and  wield  in  the  other  the 
democracy  of  England." 2  His  eye  penetrated  futuri- 
ty ;  the  vastest  schemes  flashed  before  his  mind, — to 
change  the  destinies  of  continents,  and  mould  the  for- 
tunes of  the  world.     He  resolved  to  seize  the  remain- 

1  Flassan,  vi.  445.  8  Grattan's  Character  of  Pitt. 


French,  islands,  especially  Martinico ;  and  to  con-  ctiap. 
quer  Havana.     "You  must  take   Panama,"1   he   ex-  ^^L 
claimed,  to  a  general  officer.     The  Philippine  islands  1761. 
were  next  to  fall;  and  the  Spanish  monopoly  in  the    5ep 
New  World  to  be  broken  at  one  blow  and  for  ever 
by  a  "  general  resignation  of  all  Spanish  America,  in 
all   matters   wrhich   might   be   deemed   beneficial   to 
Great  Britain." 

But  humanity  had  reserved  to  itself  a  different 
mode  of  extricating  Spanish  America  from  colonial, 
monopoly.  On  the  eighteenth  day  of  September, 
Pitt,  joined  only  by  his  brother-in-law,  the  Earl  of 
Temple,  submitted  to  the  cabinet  his  written  advice 
to  recall  Lord  Bristol,  the  British  ambassador,  from 
Madrid.  At  three  several  meetings,  the  question  was 
discussed.  "From  prudence,  as  well  as  spirit,"  af- 
firmed the  secretary,  "  we  ought  to  secure  to  ourselves 
the  first  blow.  If  any  war  can  provide  its  own  re- 
sources, it  must  be  a  war  with  Spain.  Their  flota  has 
not  arrived ;  the  taking  it  disables  their  hands  and 
strengthens  ours."  Bute,  speaking  the  opinion  of  the 
king,  was  the  first  to  oppose  the  project  as  rash  and 
ill-advised ;  Granville  wished  not  to  be  precipitate ; 
Temple  supported  Pitt ;  Newcastle  was  neuter.  Dur- 
ing these  discussions,  all  classes  of  the  people  of  Eng- 
land were  gazing  at  the  pageant  of  the  coronation,  or 
relating  to  each  other  how  the  king,  kneeling  before 
the  altar  in  Westminster  Abbey,  with  piety  formal 
but  sincere,  reverently  put  oif  his  crown,  as  he  re- 
ceived the  sacrament  from  the  archbishop.  A  second 
meeting  of  the  cabinet  was  attended  by  all  the  minis- 
ters; they  heard  Pitt  explain  correctly  the  private 

1  Chatham    Anecdotes,   i.   3GG.  Choiseul  in  his  later  Correspondence 
says  lie  was  aware  of  Pitt's  Plans. 


chap,  convention  by  which  Spain  had  bound  itself  to  declare 

XVII  .  ... 

fmm0  war  against  Great  Britain  in  the  following  May,  but 

1761.  they  came  to  no  decision.  At  a  third  meeting  all  the 
great  Whig  lords  objected,  having  combined  with  the 
favorite  to  drive  the  great  representative  of  the  peo- 
ple from  power.  Newcastle  and  Hardwicke,  Devon- 
shire and  Bedford,  even  Ligonier  and  Anson,  as  well 
as  Bute  and  Mansfield,  assisted  in  his  defeat.  Pitt, 
with  his  brother-in-law  Temple,  stood  alone.  Stung 
by  the  opposition  of  the  united  oligarchy,  Pitt  remem- 
bered how  he  made  his  way  into  the  cabinet,  and 
what  objects  he  had  steadily  pursued.  "  This" — he  ex- 
claimed to  his  colleagues,  summoning  up  all  his  haugh- 
tiness as  he  bade  defiance  to  the  aristocracy  and  ap- 
pealed from  them  to  the  country  which  his  inspiring 
influence  had  rescued  from  disgrace, — "This  is  the 
moment  for  humbling  the  whole  House  of  Bourbon  ; 
if  I  cannot  in  this  instance  prevail,  this  shall  be  the 
last  time  I  will  sit  in  this  council.  Called  to  the 
ministry  by  the  voice  of  the  people,  to  whom  I  con- 
ceive myself  accountable  for  my  conduct,  I  will  not 
remain  in  a  situation  which  makes  me  responsible  for 
measures  I  am  no  longer  allowed  to  guide."  "  If  the 
right  honorable  gentleman,"  replied  Granville,  "  be 
resolved  to  assume  the  right  of  directing  the  opera- 
tions of  the  war,  to  what  purpose  are  we  called  to  this 
council  ?  When  he  talks  of  being  responsible  to  the 
people,  he  talks  the  language  of  the  House  of  Com- 
mons, and  forgets  that  at  this  board  he  is  responsible 
only  to  the  king."  l 

The  Duke  of  Newcastle  was  never  seen  in  higher' 

1  Annual  Register,  iv.  42.    Hist.  Minority.    Walpole's  George  III, 
iv.  144.    Adolphus,  i.  44. 


spirits,1  than  on  this  occasion.     His  experienced  hand 2  chap 
had  been  able  to  mould  and  direct  events  so  as  to  ^^^ 
thwart  the  policy  of  Pitt  by  the  concerted  junction  of  1761 
Bute  and  all  the  great  Whig  Lords.     The  minister 
attributed  his  defeat  not  so  much  to  the  king  and  Bute 
as  to  Newcastle  and  Bedford ;  yet  the  king  was  hiin- 
Belf  a  partner  in  the  conspiracy ;  and  as  he  rejected 
the  written  advice  that  Pitt  and  Temple  had  given 
him,  the    man    "whose8  august  presence    overawed 
majesty,"  resolved  to  resign. 

On  Monday,  the  fifth  day  of  October,  William 
Pitt,  now  venerable  from  years  and  glory,  the  greatest 
minister  of  his  century,  one  of  the  few  very  great 
men  of  his  age,  among  orators  the  only  peer  of 
Demosthenes,  the  man  without  title  or  fortune,  who 
finding  England  in  an  abyss  of  weakness  and  dis- 
grace, conquered  Canada  and  the  Ohio  valley  and 
Guadaloupe,  and  sustained  Prussia  from  annihilation, 
humbled  France,  gained  the  dominion  of  the  seas, 
won  supremacy  in  Hindostan,  and  at  home  vanquished 
faction,  stood  in  the  presence  of  George  to  resign  his 
power.  It  was  a  moment  to  test  the  self-possession 
and  manly  vigor  of  the  young  and  inexperienced  king. 
He  received  the  seals  with  ease  and  firmness,  without 
requesting  that  Pitt  should  resume  his  office ;  yet  he 
manifested  concern  for  the  loss  of  so  valuable  a  min- 
ister, approved  his  past  services,  and  made  him  an 
unlimited  offer  of  rewards.  At  the  same  time,  he  ex- 
pressed himself  satisfied  with  the  opinion  of  the 
majority  of  his  council,  and  declared  he  should  have 
found  himself   under  the  greatest    difficulty  how  to 

1  Sir   George  Colebrooke's  Me-        8  Pitt  to  Nutliall,  in   Chatham 
moire  in  a  note  to  Walpole's   Geo.     Corr.  ii.  345. 
HI.,  i.  82.  8  Grattan's  Character  of  Pitt. 


v^yu'  have  acted,  had  that  council  concurred  as  fully  in 
— ^  supporting  the  measure  proposed,  as  they  had  done 
Ott. '  in  rejecting  it.  The  Great  Commoner  began  to  reply ; 
but  the  anxious  and  never  ceasing  application,  which 
his  post  as  the  leading  minister  had  required,  com- 
bined with  repeated  and  nearly  fatal  attacks  of  hered- 
itary disease,  had  completely  shattered  his  constitu- 
tion, and  his  nervous  system  was  becoming  tremulous 
and  enfeebled.  "  I  confess,  Sir,"  said  he,  "  I  had  but 
too  much  reason  to  expect  your  Majesty's  displeasure. 
I  did  not  come  prepared  for  this  exceeding  goodness  ; 
pardon  me,  Sir,  it  overpowers  me,  it  oppresses  me ; " 
and  the  man  who  by  his  words  and  his  spirit  had  re- 
stored his  country's  affairs,  and  lifted  it  to  unprece- 
dented power  and  honor,  to  extended  dominion  and 
proud  self-reliance,  burst  into  tears.1  On  the  next 
day,  the  king  seemed  impatient  to  bestow  some  mark 
of  favor  ;  and  as  Canada  had  been  acquired  by  the 
ability  and  firmness  of  his  minister,  he  offered  him 
that  government,  with  a  salary  of  five  thousand 
pounds.  But  Pitt,  whose  proud  hardihood  never 
blenched  in  the  presence  of  an  adversary,  had  a  heart 
that  overflowed  with  fond  affection  for  his  wife  and 
children.  The  state  of  his  private  affairs  was  distressed 
in  consequence  of  the  exemplary  disinterestedness  of 
his  public  conduct.  "  I  should  be  doubly  happy,"  he 
avowed,  "  could  I  see  those  dearer  to  me  than  myself 
comprehended  in  that  monument  of  royal  approba- 
tion and  goodness."  A  peerage,  therefore,  was  con- 
ferred on  lady  Hester,  his  wife,  with  a  grant  of  three 
thousand  pounds  on  the  plantation  duties,  to  be  paid 
annually  during  the  lives  of  herself,  her  husband  and 

1  Annual  Register  for  1761. — The  Grenville  Papers,  I.  413. 


her  eldest  son.  And  these  marks  of  the  royal  appro-  c^\\ '■ 
bation,  very  moderate  in  comparison  with  his  merits,  ^.^ 
if  indeed  those  merits  had  not  placed  him  above  all    Oct. 

irds,  were  accepted  "with  veneration  and  grati- 
tude." Thus  he  retired,  having  destroyed  the  balance 
of  the  European  colonial  system  by  the  ascendency 
of  England,  confirmed  the  implacable  hostility  of 
France  and  Spain  to  his  country,  and  impaired  his 
own  popularity  by  accepting  a  pension  and  surren- 
dering his  family  as  hostages  to  the  aristocracy. 



1761— 1762. 

chap.  Lord  Barrington,  who  was  but  an  echo  of  the 
v^_  opinions  of  the  king,  approved  the  resignation  of  Pitt, 
1761.  jjg  "important"  and  "fortunate;"  Dodington,  now 
raised  to  the  peerage  as  the  ostentatious  and  childless 
Lord  Melcombe,  "  wished  Bute  joy  of  being  delivered 
of  a  most  impracticable  colleague,  his  Majesty  of  a 
most  imperious  servant,  and  the  country  of  a  most 
dangerous  minister."  But  Bute  at  the  moment  had 
misgivings ;  for  he  saw  that  his  own  "  situation  was 
become  more  perilous." 

The  Earl  of  Egremont,  Pitt's  successor,  was  a  son 
of  the  illustrious  Windham,  of  a  Tory  family,  himself 
both  weak  and  passionate,  and  of  infirm  health; 
George  Grenville,  the  husband  of  his  sister,  renounced 
well-founded  aspirations  to  the  speaker's  chair  for  a 
sinecure,  and,  remaining  in  the  ministry,  still  agreed 
"  to  do  his  best"  in  the  House  ;  while  Bedford  became 
Lord  Privy  Seal. 

Peace  was  an  immediate  object  of  the  king ;  and 
as  the  letters  of  Bristol,  the  English  minister  at  Ma- 


drid,  promised  friendly  relations  with  Spain,  the  king  chap. 
directed,  that,  through  Fuentes,  the  Spanish  ambassa-  v_v_( 
dor  at  London,  the  French  court  should  be  invited  to  17C1. 
renew  its  last  propositions.     "  It  is  only  with  a  second 
Pitt,"  said  Choiseul,  "  that  I  should  dare  to  treat  on 
such  offers.    War  is  the  only  part  to  be  chosen.    Firm- 
ness and  patience  will  not  build  ships  for  us  ;  but  they 
will  give  us  a  triumph  over  our  enemies."     As  the 
weeks  rolled  on,  and  the  Spanish  treasure  ships  ar- 
rived, Spain  used  bolder  language,  and   before  the 
year  was  over,  a  rupture  with  that  power  was  un- 

Yet  peace  was  still  sought  with  perseverance ;  for 
it  was  the  abiding  purpose  of  the  young  sovereign  to 
assert  and  maintain  the  royal  authority  in  Great 
Britain,  in  Ireland,  and  in  America.  "  I  was  bred  and 
will  die  a  monarchy  man,"  said  Melcombe,  who  was 
to  Bute  what  Bute  was  to  George  the  Third ;  tt  men 
of  the  city  are  not  to  demand  reasons  of  measures ; 
they  must  and  they  easily  may  be  taught  better  man- 
ners." "  He  is  the  best  and  most  amiable  master  that 
ever  lived  since  the  days  of  Titus,"  said  Barrington  of 
the  king,  to  whom  he  devoted  himself  entirely ;  hav- 
ing no  political  connection  with  any  man,  joining  those 
who  declared  that  it  was  for  the  king  alone  to  con- 
sider whom  he  should  raise  to  his  council,  or  whom 
he  should  exclude  for  ever  from  his  closet :  God  had 
adorned  him  with  the  prerogative,  and  left  to  his  ser- 
vants the  glory  of  obedience.  "  Cost  what  it  may,"  ■ 
wrote  Halifax,  the  Lord  Lieutenant,  from  Ireland, 
"  my  good  royal  master's  authority  shall  never  suffer 
in  my  hands;"  and  the  measures  for  reducing  the 
colonies  also  to  obedience  were  in  like  manner  vigor- 
ously prosecuted. 





America  knew  that  the  Board  of  Trade  had  pro 
posed  to  annul  colonial  charters,  to  reduce  all  the  co 
onies  to  royal  governments,  and  to  gain  a  revenue  b 
lowering  and  collecting  the  duties  prescribed  by  th 
Sugar  Act  of  1733.     She  knew,  that,  if  the  Britis 
legislature  should  tax  her  people,  it  would  increase  th 
fees  and  salaries  of  the  crown  officers  in  the  planta 
tions,  and  the  pensions  and  sinecure  places  held  b 
favorites  in  England.     The  legislature  of  Massach 
setts  still  acknowledged  that  "  their  own  resolve  coul 
not  alter  an  act  of  parliament,"  and  that  every  pr 
ceeding  of  theirs  which  was  in  conflict  with  a  Britis 
statute  was  for  that  reason  void.     And  yet  the  ju 
tice  of  the  restrictions  on  trade  was  denied,  and  thei 
authority  questioned;    and  when  the  officers  of  th 
customs  asked  for    "  writs  of   assistance"  to  enforc 
them,  the  colony  regarded  its  liberties  in  peril.     Thi 
is  the  opening  scene  of  American  resistance.1  It  bega 
in  New  England,  and .  made  its  first  battle-ground  i 
a  court-room.     A  lawyer  of  Boston,  with  a  tongue  o 
flame  and  the  inspiration  of  a  seer,  stepped  forwar 
to  demonstrate  that  all  arbitrary  authority  was  uncon 
stitutional  and  against  the  law. 

In  February,  1761,  Hutchinson,  the  new  chief  j 
tice,  and  his  four  associates,  sat  in  the  crowded  council 
chamber  of  the  old  Town-House  in  Boston,  to  hea 
arguments  on  the  question,  whether  the  persons  em 
ployed  in  enforcing  the  Acts  of  Trade  should  hav 
power  to  invoke  generally  the  assistance  of  all  th 
executive  officers  of  the  colony. 

A  statute  of  Charles  the  Second,  argued  Jeremial 
Gridley  for  the  crown,  allows  writs  of  assistance  to 

1  John  Adams  to  the  Abbe  Hably.     Works  v.  492. 


be  issued  by  the  English  Court  of  Exchequer;  a  colo-  chap. 
nial  law  devolves  the  power  of  that  court  on  the  s_^ 
Colonial  Superior  Court ;  and  a  statute  of  William  the  17  61. 
Third  extends  to  the  revenue  officers  in  America  like 
powers,  and  a  right  to  "like  assistance,"  as  in  Eng- 
land,    lb  refuse  the  writ  is,  then,  to  deny  that  "the 
parliament  of  Great  Britain  is  the  sovereign  legislator 
of  the  British  empire." 

Oxenbridge  Thacher,  who  first  rose  in  reply,  rea- 
soned mildly,  wisely,  and  with  learning,  showing  that 
the  rule  of  the  English  courts  was  in  this  case  not 
applicable  to  America. 

But  James  Otis,  .a  native  of  Barnstable,  whose 
irritable  nature  was  rocked  by  the  stormy  impulses  of 
his  fitful  passions,  disdaining  fees  or  rewards,  stood  up 
amidst  the  crowd,  the  champion  of  the  colonies  and 
the  prophet  of  their  greatness.  "  I  am  determined," 
such  were  his  words,  "  to  sacrifice  estate,  ease,  health, 
applause,  and  even  life,  to  the  sacred  calls  of  my  I 
country,"  "  in  opposition  to  a  kind  of  power,  the  exer- 
cise of  which  cost  one  king  of  England  his  head  and 
another  his  throne."  He  pointed  out  the  nature  of 
writs  of  assistance ;  that  they  were  "  universal,  being 
directed  to  all  officers  and  subjects"  throughout  the 
colony,  and  compelling  the  whole  government  and 
people  to  render  aid  in  enforcing  the  revenue  laws  for 
the  plantations ;  that  they  were  perpetual,  no  method 
existing  by  which  they  could  be  returned  or  account- 
ed for ;  that  they  gave  even  to  the  menial  servants 
employed  in  the  customs,  on  bare  suspicion,  without 
oath,  without  inquiry,  perhaps  from  malice  or  revenge, 
authority  to  violate  the  sanctity  of  a  man's  own  house, 
in  which  the  laws  should  be  as  the  impregnable  bat* 
tlements  of  his  castle.     "  These  writs,"  he  exclaimed, 



chap.  u  are  the  worst  .instrument  of   arbitrary  power,  the 
_^  most  destructive  of  English  liberty  and  the  mndainen- 
1761.  tal  principles  of  law."     And  he  invoked  attention  t( 
the  whole  range  of  an  argument  which  "  might,"  h( 
acknowledged,  "  appear  uncommon  in  many  things,7 
and  which  rested  on  universal  "  principles,  founded  ii 
truth."     Tracing  the  lineage  of  freedom  to  its  origii 
he  opposed  the  claims  of  the  British  officers  by  th< 
authority  of  "  reason ;"  and  that  they  were  at  wai 
with  "  the  constitution"  he  proved  by  appeals  to  th< 
charter  of   Massachusetts  and  its    English  liberties 
The  precedent  cited  against  him  belonged  to  the  reigi 
of  Charles  the  Second,  and  was  but  evidence  of  th< 
subserviency  of  some  "  ignorant  clerk  of  the  exch< 
quer."     But  even  if  there  were  precedents,  "  all  pn 
cedents,"  he  insisted,  "  are  under  the  control  of  th< 
principles  of  law."     Nor  could  the  authority  of  ai 
express  statute  sanction  the  enforcement  of  Acts  oi 
Trade  by  general  writs  of  assistance.     "No  act  oi 
parliament,"  such  were  his  memorable  words,  "cai 
establish  such  a  writ ;  even  though  made  in  the  ver 
language  of  the  petition,  it  would  be  a  nullity.   .   . 
An  act  of  parliament  against  the  constitution  is  void." 

1  Authorities  to  be  relied  on  for 
this  speech  of  Otis  are  the  con- 
temporary ones:  1.  The  minutes 
taken  down  at  the  time,  and  insert- 
ed in  Minot,  and  now  published 
more  correctly  in  the  appendix  to 
the  Diary  of  John  Adams,  523, 
524:  2.  Various  incidental  allu- 
sions in  letters  of  Bernard ;  3.  Let- 
ters of  Hutchinson ;  and  4.  The 
History  of  Hutchinson,  of  which 
the  plan  was  formed  as  early,  at 
least,  as  in  1762.  All  agree,  parti- 
cularly the  letters  of  Hutchinson, 
that  this  argument  by  Otis  was  the 
origin  of  the  party  of  revolution 
in  Massachusetts.    The  account  of 

the  speech,  which  I  give  in  the 
text,  goes  to  that  extent,  and  in- 
cludes the  revolutionary  doctrine 
ultimately  relied  on,  which  esteem- 
ed reason  and  the  constitution  su- 
perior to  an  act  of  parliament.  In 
his  extreme  old  age,  the  elder 
Adams  was  asked  for  an  analysis 
of  this  speech,  which  was  four  oi 
five  hours  long.  He  answered, 
that  no  man  could  have  written 
the  argument  from  memory  "  the 
day  after  it  was  spoken,"  much 
less  "  after  a  lapse  of  fifty -seven 
years!"  And  he  then  proceeded 
to  compose  a  series  of  letters  on 
the    subject,    filling    thirty-three 



Thus  did  Otis  lay  a  foundation  for  independence.  His 
words  were  as  a  penetrating  fire,  kindling  the  souls  of 
his  hearers.  The  majority  of  the  judges  were  awe- 
struck, and  believed  him  in  the  right.  Hutchinson 
cowered  before  him,  as  "  the  great  incendiary"  of  New 
England.  The  crowded  audience  seemed  ready  to 
take  up  arms  against  the  arbitrary  enforcement  of  the 
restrictive  system;  especially  the  youngest  barrister 
in  the  colony,  the  choleric  John  Adams,  a  stubborn 
and  honest  lover  of  his  country,  extensively  learned 
and  a  bold  thinker,  listened  in  rapt  admiration,  and 
caught  the  inspiration  which  was  to  call  forth  his  own 



closely-printed  octavo  pages.  Com- 
paring these  letters  with  letters 
written  at  or  near  the  time,  I  am 
obliged  to  think  that  the  venerable 
man  blended  together  his  recollec- 
tions of  the  totality  of  the  influ- 
ence and  doctrines  of  Otis,  as  de- 
veloped on  various  occasions  during 
the  years  1761,  1762,  1763,  1764, 
and  1765,  and  even  1766.  It  is 
plain  that  his  statement  was  pre- 
pared by  aid  of  references  to  the 
British  statute  book  and  to  printed 
documents.  Thus,  Appendix  to 
Novanglus,  p.  294,  he  quotes  seve- 
ral laws,  and  adds,  "I  canuot 
search  for  any  more  of  these  minc- 
ing laws."  Again,  he  asserts  that 
the  "  warm1'  speech  of  1762  was 
a  second  edition  of  the  speech  on 
M  the  writs  of  assistance."  But  of 
that  warm  speech  Otis  himself  pub- 
lished a  report  which  may  be  read 
and  compared.  Further :  the  doc- 
trine of  the  virtual  representation 
of  America  in  the  British  parlia- 
ment does  not  seem  to  have  come 
into  public  discussion  till  the  win- 
ter of  1763-4;  and  Bernard  ex- 
pressly writes,  that  the  power  of 
parliament  to  levy  port-duties  had 
not  been  questioned  or  denied  in 
Boston  till  the  year  1764.  On 
page  294,  Mr.  Otis  is  said  to  have 

quoted,  in  1761,  a  remark  first  made 
by  a  member  of  parliament  in  1766. 
"  The  principle,"  says  Mr.  Adams, 
"  I  perfectly  remember.  The  au- 
thorities in  detail  I  could  not  be 
supposed  to  retain."  I  own  I 
have  had  embarrassment  in  adjust- 
ing these  authorities;  but,  after 
research  and  deliberation,  adhering 
strictly  to  the  rules  of  historical 
skepticism,  weighing  the  accounts 
of  contemporaries  written  at  the 
time,  I  will  trust  that  my  narrative 
conveys  with  precision  the  scope  of 
the  remarks  of  Otis.  The  truth, 
for  which  there  is  clear  evidence,  is 
sufficient  for  illustrating  his  glory 
and  for  establishing  his  momentous 
influence.  A  protest  against  negro 
slavery  seems  not  to  have  been  ut- 
tered on  that  occasion ;  but  he  pro- 
nounced such  a  protest  in  a  later 
year,  as  will  be  related  in  its  place. 
My  readers  must  pardon  this  long 
note,  which  is  prompted  by  my 
great  anxiety  and  care  to  make 
statements  exactly  right,  and  to 
have  them  so  recognised.  In  nar- 
rating the  incidents  which  are  of 
universal  interest,  I  desire  to  escape 
exaggeration,  and  yet  not  from  tim- 
idity to  divest  any  fact  of  its  proper 

VOL.    IV. 



chap,  heroic  opposition  to  British  authority.  From  that 
^^J,  time  he  declares  that  he  could  never  read  the  Acts  of 
1761.  Trade  without  anger,  "nor  any  section  of  them  with- 
out a  curse." *  The  people  of  the  town  of  Boston,  a 
small  provincial  seaport  of  merchants  and  ship-build- 
ers, with  scarcely  fifteen  thousand  inhabitants,  became 
alive  with  political  excitement.  It  seemed  as  if  the 
words  spoken  on  that  day  were  a  spell  powerful 
enough  to  break  the  paper  chains  that  left  to  America 
no  free  highway  on  the  seas  but  that  to  England,  and 
to  open  for  the  New  World  all  the  infinite  paths  of 
the  ocean.  Nay,  more  !  As  reason  and  the  constitu- 
tion are  avowed  to  be  paramount  to  the  power  of 
the  British  parliament,  America  becomes  conscious  of 
a  life  of  her  own.  She  sees  in  dim  outlines  along  the 
future  the  vision  of  her  own  independence,  with  free- 
dom of  commerce  and  self-imposed  laws.  Her  under- 
standing is  not  yet  enlightened  and  convinced,  but 
her  sentiments  are  just.     Not  from  the  intellect, 

|  "  Out  of  the  heart, 

Rises  the  bright  ideal  of  that  dream."  2 

The  old  members  of  the  Superior  Court,  after 
hearing  the  arguments  of  Thacher  and  Otis,  the 
"  friends  to  liberty,"  inclined  to  their  side.  "  But  I," 
said  the  ambitious  Hutchinson,  who  never  grew 
weary  of  recalling  to  the  British  ministry  this  claim 
to  favor,  "  I  prevailed  with  my  brethren  to  continue 
the  cause  till  the  next  term,  and  in  the  mean  time 
wrote  to  England."  The  answer  came ;  and  the  sub- 
servient court,  obeying   authority,  and   disregarding 

1  John  Adams  to  Wm.  Tudor,  in        *  Longfellow's  Spanish  Student 
Appendix  to  Novanglus,  269. 


law,  granted  writs  of  assistance,  whenever  the  officers  chap. 


of  the  revenue  applied  for  them.1  ^— r— - 


But  Otis'  was  borne  onward  by  a  spirit  which 
mastered  him,  and  increased  in  vigor  as  the  storm 
rose.  Gifted  with  a  delicately  sensitive  and  most 
sympathetic  nature,  his  soul  was  agitated  in  the 
popular  tempest  as  certainly  as  the  gold  leaf  in  the 
electrometer  nutters  at  the  passing  by  of  the  thunder- 
cloud. He  led  the  van  of  American  patriots.  Yet 
impassioned  rather  than  cautious,  disinterested  and  in- 
capable of  cold  calculation,  now  foaming  with  rage, 
now  plaintive  without  hope,  he  was  often  like  one 
who,  as  he  rushes  into  battle,  forgets  his  shield.  Ex- 
citable and  indulging  in  vehement  personal  crimina- 
tions, he  yet  had  not  a  drop  of  rancor  in  his  breast, 
and,  when  the  fit  of  passion  had  passed  away,  was 
mild  and  easy  to  be  entreated.  His  impulses  were 
always  for  liberty,  and  full  of  confidence ;  yet  his  un- 
derstanding, in  moments  of  depression,  would  often 
shrink  back  from  his  own  inspirations.  He  never  met 
an  excited  audience,  but  his  mind  caught  and  in- 
creased the  contagion,  and  rushed  onward  with  fervid 
and  impetuous  eloquence ;  but  when  quieted  by  re- 
tirement, and  away  from  the  crowd,  he  could  be 
soothed  into  a  yielding  inconsistency.  Thus  he  toiled 
and  suffered,  an  uncertain  leader  of  a  party,  yet  thrill- 
ing and  informing  the  multitude;  not  steadfast  in 
conduct,  yet  by  flashes  of  sagacity  lighting  the  people 
along  their  perilous  way ;  the  man  of  the  American 
protest,  not  destined  to  enjoy  his  country's  triumph. 
He   that   will   study   closely  the   remarkable   union 

1  Bernard  to  Shelburne,  22  Dec,  1766. 



chap,  in  Otis  of  legal  learning   with   speculative  opinion, 

_^_J  of  principles   of  natural  justice   the   most   abstract 

1761.  and  the  most  radical,  with  a  deeply-fixed  respect  for 

the  rights  of  property  and  obedience  to  'the  law,  will 

become  familiar  with  a  cast  of  mind  still  common  in 

New  England. 

The  subserviency  of  Hutchinson  increased  the 
public  discontent.  Men  lost  confidence  in  the  in- 
tegrity of  their  highest  judicial  tribunal.  Innovations 
under  pretence  of  law  were  confirmed  by  judg- 
ments incompatible  with  English  liberties.  The  Ad- 
miralty Court,  hateful  because  instituted  by  a  British 
parliament  to  punish  infringements  of  the  Acts  of 
Trade  in  America  without  the  intervention  of  a  jury, 
had  in  distributing  the  proceeds  of  forfeitures,  vio- 
lated the  very  statutes  which  it  was  appointed  to 
enforce.  Otis  endeavored  to  compel  a  restitution  of 
the  third  of  forfeitures,  which  by  the  revenue  laws  be- 
longed to  the  king  for  the  use  of  the  province,  but  had 
been  misappropriated  for  the  benefit  of  oificers  and  in- 
former's.1 "  The  injury  done  the  province"  was  ad- 
mitted by  the  chief  justice,  who  yet  had  no  jurisdiction 
to  redress  it.  The  Court  of  Admiralty,  in  which  the 
wrong  originated,  had  always  been  deemed  grievous, 
because  unconstitutional;  its  authority  seemed  now 
established  by  judges  devoted  to  the  prerogative. 

Unable  to  arrest  the  progress  of  illiberal  doctrines 
in  the  courts,  the  people  of  Boston,  in  May,  1761, 
with  unbounded  and  very  general  enthusiasm,  elected 
Otis  one  of  their  representatives  to  the  Assembly. 
"  Out  of  this,"  said  Euggles  to  the  royalist  Chandler, 
of  Worcester,  "a  faction  will  arise  that  will  shake 

1  Gov.  Bernard  to  Lords  of  Trade,  6  August,  1761.    Boston  Gazette, 
14  Sept.,  1769.     Bernard  to  Shelburne,  22  Dec.,  1766. 


tli is  province  to  its   foundation."      Bernard   became  chap. 

•  XVIII. 

alarmed,  and  concealing  his  determined  purpose  of  v^^^J 
effecting  a  change  in  the  charter  of  the  colony,  he  1763. 
en  fixated  the  new  legislature  to  lay  aside  "divisions 
and  distinctions."  "  Let  me  recommend  to  you,"  said 
he,  "to  give  no  attention  to  declamations  tending  to 
promote  a  suspicion  of  the  civil  rights  of  the  people 
being  in  danger.  Such  harangues  might  well  suit  in 
the  reigns  of  Charles  and  James,  but  in  the  times  of 
the  Georges  they  are  groundless  and  unjust."  Thus 
he  spoke,  regardless  of  truth ;  for  he  knew  well  the 
settled  policy  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  and  was 
secretly  the  most  eager  instrument  in  executing  their 
designs ;  ever  restless  to  stimulate  them  to  encroach- 
ments that  should  destroy  the  charter  and  efface 
the  boundaries  of  the  province. 

Massachusetts  invalidated  the  British  commercial 
system,  which  Virginia  resisted  from  abhorrence  of 
the  slave-trade.  Never  before  had  England  pursued 
the  traffic  in  negroes  with  such  eager  avarice.  The 
remonstrances  of  philanthropy  and  of  the  colonies  were 
unheeded,  and  categorical  instructions  from  the  Board 
of  Trade  kept  every  American  port  open  as  markets 
for  men.  The  legislature  of  Virginia  had  repeatedly 
showed  a  disposition  to  obstruct  the  commerce ;  a 
deeply-seated  public  opinion  began  more  and  more  to 
avow  the  evils  and  the  injustice  of  slavery  itself;  and 
in  1761,  it  was  proposed  to  suppress  the  importation 
of  Africans  by  a  prohibitory  duty.  Among  those 
who  took  part  in  the  long  and  violent  debate  was 
Richard  Henry  Lee,  the  representative  of  Westmore- 
land. Descended  from  one  of  the  oldest  families  in 
Virginia,  he  had  been  educated  in  England,  and  had 




returned  to  his  native  land  familiar  with  the  spirit  of 
Grotius  and  Cud  worth,  of  Locke  and  Montesquieu ; 
1  7  61.  his  first  recorded  speech  was  against  negro  slavery,  in 
behalf  of  human  freedom.  In  the  continued  importa- 
tion of  slaves,  he  foreboded  danger  to  the  political 
and  moral  interests  of  the  Old  Dominion ;  an  increase 
of  the  free  Anglo-Saxons,  he  argued,  would  foster  arts 
and  varied  agriculture,  while  a  race  doomed  to  abject 
bondage  was  of  necessity  an  enemy  to  social  happi- 
ness. He  painted  from  ancient  history  the  horrors  of 
servile  insurrections.  He  deprecated  the  barbarous 
atrocity  of  the  trade  with  Africa,  and  its  violation  of 
the  equal  rights  of  men  created  like  ourselves  in  the 
image  of  God.  a  Christianity,"  thus  he  spoke  in  con- 
clusion, "  by  introducing  into  Europe  the  truest  prin- 
ciples of  universal  benevolence  and  brotherly  love, 
happily  abolished  civil  slavery.  Let  us  who  profess 
the  same  religion  practise  its  precepts,  and,  by  agree- 
ing to  this  duty,  pay  a  proper  regard  to  our  true 
interests  and  to  the  dictates  of  justice  and  human- 
ity." *  The  tax  for  which  Lee  raised  his  voice  was 
carried  through  the  Assembly  of  Virginia  by  a  ma- 
jority of  one  ;  but  from  England  a  negative  followed 
with  certainty  every  colonial  act  tending  to  diminish 
the  slave-trade. 

South  Carolina,  also,  appalled  by  the  great  in- 
crease of  its  black  population,  endeavored  by  its  own 
laws  to  restrain  importations  of  slaves,  and  in  like 
manner  came  into  collision  with  the  same  British 
policy.  But  the  war  with  the  Cherokees  weaned  its 
citizens  still  more  from  Great  Britain. 

1  Lee^  Lee,  chap.  ii. 


"lam  for  war,"  said  Saloue,  the  young  warrior  of  chap. 
Estatoe,    at   a  great  council  of  his   nation.      "The  v.^^, 
spirits  of  our  murdered  brothers  still  call  on  us  to  1761. 
avenge  tliem ;  he  that  will  not  take  up  this  hatchet 
and  follow  me  is  no  better   than   a  woman."      To 
reduce  the  native  mountaineers  of  Carolina,  General 
Amherst,  early  in   1761,  sent  a  regiment  and  two 
companies  of  light  infantry,  under  Lieutenant-Colonel 
James   Grant,   the   same   who,   in   1758,    had   been 
shamefully   beaten    near    Pittsburg.      The   province 
added  to  the  regular  forces  a  regiment  of  its  own, 
under  the  command  of  Henry  Middleton,  who  counted 
among  his  officers  Henry  Laurens,  William  Moultrie,1 
and  Francis  Marion. 

At  Fort  Prince  George,  Attakulla-kulla  met  the 
expedition,  entreating  delay  for  a  conference.  But  on 
the  seventh  day  of  June,  the  army,  which  was  formed 
of  about  thirteen  hundred  regulars,  and  as  many  more 
of  the  men  of  Carolina,  pursued  their  march,  followed 
by  about  seven  hundred  pack-horses,  and  more  than 
four  hundred  cattle.  A  party  of  Chickasaws  and 
Catawbas  attended  as  allies.  On  the  eighth,  they 
marched  through  the  dreaded  defiles  of  War- Woman's 
Creek,2  by  a  rocky  and  very  narrow  path  between 
the  overhanging  mountain  of  granite  and  a  deep  pre- 
cipice which  had  the  rushing  rivulet  at  its  base.  Yet 
they  came  upon  no  trace  of  the  enemy,  till,  on  the 
next  day,  they  saw  by  the  way-side,  crayoned  in  April 
vermilion  on  a  blazed  forest-tree,  a  war-party  of 
Cherokee  braves,  with  a  white  man  as  a  captive. 

On  the  morning  of  the  tenth,  at  about  half  past 
eight,   as   the   English   army,  having   suffered   from 

1  Moultrie's  Memoirs  of  the  Amer-         s  Virginia  Gazette,  554,  2,  2. 
lean  Revolution,  ii.  223 


chap,  forced   marches    and   rainy  weather,   were   walking 


w^^J  through  thick  woods  on  the  bank  of  the  Cowkowee, 
1761.  or,  as  we  call  it,  the  Little  Tennessee,  about  two  miles 
from  the  battle-ground  of  Montgomery,  at  a  place 
where  the  path  runs  along  the  foot  of  a  mountain  on 
the  right,  and  near  the  river  on  the  left,  the  Chero- 
kees  were  discovered  hovering  over  the  right  flank, 
while  others  fired  from  beyond  the  river.  Quintine 
Kennedy,  with  a  corps  of  ninety  Indians  and  thirty 
Carolina  woodsmen,  began  the  attack.  The  unseen 
enemy  were  driven  from  their  ambush  near  the  river, 
but  again  rallied,  mingling  the  noise  of  musketry  with 
shouts  and  yells.  After  three  hours'  exposure  to  an 
irregular  fire,  the  troops,  following  the  river,  emerged 
from  the  defile  into  an  open  savanna.  Meantime  the 
Indian  whoop  was  heard  as  it  passed  from  the  front 
to  the  encumbered  rear  of  the  long-extended  line, 
where  the  Cherokee  fire  seemed  heaviest ;  but  Mid- 
dleton  sent  opportune  relief,  which  secured  the  bag- 
gage. Happily  for  Grant,  the  Cherokees  were  in 
great  need  of  ammunition.  Of  the  white  men,  ten 
were  killed  and  forty  badly  wounded;  to  save  the 
dead  from  the  scalping-knife,  the  river  was  their  place 
of  burial.  Not  till  midnight  did  the  army  reach  its 
place  of  encampment  at  Etchowe. 

For  thirty  days  the  whites  sojourned  west  of  the 
Alleghanies.  They  walked  through  every  town  in 
the  middle  settlement  ;  and  the  Outside  Towns, 
which  lay  on  another  branch  of  the  Tennessee.  The 
lovely  hamlets,  fifteen  in  number,  were  pillaged, 
burned,  and  utterly  destroyed.  That  year  the  Chero- 
kees had  opened  new  fields  for  maize,  not  in  the  vales 
only,  but  on  the  sides  and  summits  of  the  hills,  where 
the  fugitives  from  the  lower  settlements  were  to  make 


their  bread.  But  all  the  plantations,  teeming  with  chap 
prodigious  quantities  of  corn,  were  laid  waste ;  and  ^^, 
four  thousand  of  the  red  people  were  driven  to  wan-  1761. 
der  anions:  the  mountains. 

The  English  army,  till  its  return  in  July  to  Fort 
Prince  George,  suffered  from  heat,  thirst,  watchings, 
and  fatigue  of  all  sorts ;  in  bad  weather  they  had  no 
shelter  but  boughs  and  bowers ;  for  twenty  days  they 
were  on  short  allowance  ;  their  feet  were  torn  by 
briers  and  mangled  by  the  rocks  ;  but  they  extended 
the  English  frontier  seventy  miles  towards  the  west ; 
and  they  compelled  the  Cherokees  to  covenant  peace, 
at  Charleston,  with  the  royal  governor  and  council. 
"  I  am  come  to  you,"  said  Attakulla-kulla,  "as  a  mes- 
senger from  the  whole  nation,  to  see  what  can  be  done 
for  my  people  in  their  distress."  Here  he  produced 
the  belts  of  wampum  from  the  several  towns,  in 
token  of  his  investment  with  full  authority  from  all. 
"  As  to  what  has  happened,"  he  added,  "  I  believe 
it  has  been  ordered  by  our  Great  Father  above.  We 
are  of  different  color  from  the  white  people  ;  but  the 
same  Great  Spirit  made  all.  As  we  live  in  one  land, 
let  us  love  one  another  as  one  people."  And  the 
Cherokees  pledged  anew  to  Carolina  the  friendship, 
which  was  to  last  as  long  as  the  light  of  morning 
should  break  above  their  villages,  or  the  bright  foun- 
tains gush  from  their  hill-sides.1  Then  they  re- 
turned to  dwell  once  more  in  their  ancient  homes. 
Around  them  nature,  with  the  tranquillity  of  exhaust- 
less  power,  renewed  her  beauty;  the  forests  blos- 
somed as  before;  the  thickets  were  alive  with  mel- 
ody ;  the  rivers  bounded  exultingly  in  their  course ; 

1  Lieut,  Gov.  Bull  to  the  Lords  of  Trade,  23  Sept.,  1761.     Terms  of 
Peace  for  the  Cherokees,  in  the  Lords  of  Trade,  of  11  Dec.,  1761. 


chap,  the  glades  sparkled  with  the  strawberry  and  the  wild 
^^,  flowers  ;  but  for  the  men  of  that  region  the  inspiring 
1761.  confidence  of  independence  in  their  mountain  fast- 
nesses was  gone.  They  knew  that  they  had  come 
into  the  presence  of  a  race  more  powerful  than  their 
own ;  and  the  course  of  their  destiny  was  irrevocably 

In  these  expeditions  to  the  valley  of  the  Ten- 
nessee, Gadsden  and  Middleton,  Moultrie  and  Marion, 
were  trained  to  arms.  At  Pittsburg,  the  Virginians, 
as  all  agreed,  had  saved  Grant  from  utter  ruin ;  the 
Carolinians  believed  his  return  from  their  western 
country  was  due  to  provincial  courage.  The  Scottish 
colonel  concealed  the  wound  of  his  self-love  by  affect- 
ing towards  the  Southern  colonists  that  contemptuous 
superciliousness  which  had  been  promoted  by  Mont- 
gomery, and  which  had  so  infused  itself  into  the  Brit- 
ish nation,  that  it  even  colored  the  writings  of  Adam 
Smith.  Resenting  the  arrogance  with  scorn,  Middle- 
ton  challenged  his  superior  officer,  and  they  met. 
The  challenge  was  generally  censured ;  for  Grant  had 
come  to  defend  their  frontiers ;  but  all  the  province 
took  part  in  the  indignant  excitement,  and  its  long- 
cherished  affection  for  England  was  mingled  with  dis 
gust  and  anger. 

The  discontent  of  New  York  sprang  from  a  cause 
which  influenced  the  calmest  minds,  and  was  but 
strengthened  and  extended  by  deliberate  reflection. 
It  was  not  because  the  Episcopal  clergy  of  that 
lony  urged  Seeker,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  to 
romote  the  abrogation  of  provincial  charters ;  for 
the  correspondence  was  concealed.  It  was  not  be- 
cause  they    importunately    demanded    "  bishops    in 


America,"   as  was  their  duty,  if  they  sincerely  be-  chap. 
licved  that  renovating  truth  is  transmitted  from  gene-  ^^ 
ration  to  generation,  not  through  the  common  mind  of  17G1. 
the  ages,  but  through  a  separate  order  having  perpe- 
tual succession;  for,  on  this  point,  the  British  min- 
ifli iy  was  disinclined  to  act,  while  the  American  people 
were  alarmed  at  Episcopacy  only  from  its  connection 
frith  politics.     New  York  was  aroused  to  opposition, 

a  use,  as  the  first  fruits  of  the  removal  of  Pitt  from 
power,  within  six  weeks  of  his  resignation,1  the  inde- 
pendency of  the  judiciary  was  struck  at 2  throughout 
all  Ajnerica,  making  revolution  inevitable. 

On  the  death  of  the  chief  justice  of  New  York, 
his  successor,  one  Pratt,  a  Boston  lawyer,  was  ap- 
pointed at  the  king's  pleasure,  and  not  during  good 
behavior,  as  had  been  done  "  before  the  late  king's 
death."  The  Assembly  held  the  new  tenure  of  judi- 
cial power  to  be  inconsistent  with  American  liberty ; 
the  generous  but  dissolute  Monckton,  coming  in  glory 
from  Quebec  to  enter  on  the  government  of  New 
York,  before  seeking  fresh  dangers  in  the  West  Indies, 
censured  it  in  the  presence  of  the  Council;8  even 
Colden  advised  against  it.4  "As  the  parliament," 
argued  Pratt,6  himself,  after  his  selection  for  the  va- 
cant place  on  the  bench,  and  when  quite  ready  to  use 
the  power  of  a  judge  to  promote  the  political  inter- 
ests of  the  crown,  "  as  the  parliament  at  the  Revolu- 
tion thought  it  the  necessary  right  of  Englishmen  to 
have  the  judges  safe  from  being  turned  out  by  the 
crown,  the  people  of  New  York  claim  the  right  of 

1    Representation  of   the  Board  8  Letter  to  the  Lords  of  Trade, 

of  Trade  to  the  king,  11  Novein-  7  April,  1762. 

ber,  1761.  *  Colden  to  the  Board  of  Trade,' 

8  Egremont  to  Monckton,  9  De-  25  Sept.,  1761. 

cember,  1761.  5  Pratt  to  Colden,  22  Aug.,  1761. 



chap  Englishmen  in  this  respect ;"  and  he  himself  was  treated 
with  such  indignity  for  accepting  the  office  on  other 
terms,  that  it  was  thought  to  have  shortened  his  life.1 
But  the  idea  of  equality  in  political  rights  between 
England  and  the  colonies  could  not  be  comprehended 
by  the  English  officials  of  that  day;  and  in  Novem- 
ber, about  a  month  after  Pitt's  retirement,  the  Board 
of  Trade  reported  to  the  king  against  the  tenure  of 
good  behavior,  as  "a  pernicious  proposition,"  " sul> 
versive  of  all  true  policy,"  "  and  tending  to  lessen  the 
just  dependence  of  the  colonies  upon  the  government 
of  the  mother  country."2  The  representation  found 
favor  with  George ;  and,  as  the  first  fruits  of  the  new 
system,  on  the  ninth  of  December  the  instruction 
went  forth  through  Egremont  to  all  colonial  gover- 
nors, to  grant  no  judicial  commissions  but  during 

To  make  the  tenure  of  the  judicial  office  the 
king's  will  was  to  make  the  bench  of  judges  the 
instruments  of  the  prerogative,  and  to  subject  the 
administration  of  justice  throughout  all  America  to 
the  influence  of  an  arbitrary  and  irresponsible  power. 
The  Assembly  of  New  York  rose  up  against  the  en- 
croachment, deeming  it  a  deliberate  step  towards 
despotic  authority ;  the  standing  instruction  they  re- 
solved should  be  changed,  or  they,  on  their  part, 
would  grant  no  salary  whatever  to  the  judges. 

1762.  "Things  are  come  to  a  crisis,"  wrote  Pratt,  in 
January,  1762,  guided  by  his  interest,  and  chiefly 
intent  on  securing  a  good  salary.  "  If  I  cannot  be 
supported  with  a  competent  salary,  the  office  must  be 
abandoned,  and  his  Majesty's  prerogative  must  suffer." 

1  Elbridge  Gerry  to  S.  Adams,        2  Representation  of  the  Lords  oi 
2  Nov.,  1772.  Trade  to  the  king,  18  Nov.,  1761. 


"  Why,"  asked  Colden,  u  should  the  chief  justices  of  chap. 
Nova  Scotia  and  Georgia  have  certain  and  fixed  sala-  ^J, 
from  the  crown,  and  a  chief  justice  of  so  con-  176  2. 
Miderable  a  province  as  this  be  left  to  beg  his  bread  of 
the  people  ?"  and  reporting  to  the  Board  of  Trade 
the  source  of  opposition  in  New  York,  "For  some 
years  past,"  said  he,  "  three  popular  lawyers  educated 
in  Connecticut,  who  have  strongly  imbibed  the  inde- 
pendent principles  of  that  country,  calumniate  the 
administration  in  every  exercise  of  the  prerogative, 
and  get  the  applause  of  the  mob  by  propagating  the 
doctrine,  that  all  authority  is  derived  from  the  people." 
These  "  three  popular  lawyers  "  were  William  Living- 
ston, John  Morin  Scott,1  and — alas,  that  he  should 
afterwards  have  turned  aside  from  the  career  of 
patriotism  ! — the  historian,  William  Smith. 

The  news  of  the  resignation  of  Pitt,  who  was 
"  almost  idolized  "  in  America,  heightened  the  rising 
jealousy  and  extended  it  through  the  whole  continent. 
"  We  have  such  an  idea  of  the  general  corruption," 
said  Ezra  Stiles,  a  dissenting  minister  in  Rhode  Island, 
"  we  know  not  how  to  confide  in  any  person  below 
the  crown." 2  "  You  adore  the  Oliverian  times,"  said 
Bernard  to  Mayhew,  at  Boston.  "  I  adore  Him  alone 
who  is  before  all  times,"  answered  Mayhew,  and  at 
the  same  time  avowed  his  zeal  for  the  principles  of 
"the  glorious  Be  volution"  of  1688,  especially  for 
"  the  freedom  of  speech  and  of  writing." 8  Already  he 
was  known  among  royalists  as  "  an  enemy  to  kings." 

The  alarm  rose  every  where  to  an  extreme  height, 

1  Rev.  T>.  Johnson  to  the  Arch-        3    Bradford's  Life  of  Jonathan 
bishop  of  Canterbury.  Mayhew,  222. 

8  Ezra  Stiles  to  Franklin,  Dec, 


chap,  and  every  question  of  authority  in  church  and  state 
^^J  was  debated.  The  old  Puritan  strife  with  prelacy 
'762.  was  renewed;  and  Presbyterians  and  Congregation- 
alists  were  jealous  of  the  favor  shown  by  the  royal 
governors  to  the  established  church.  In  New  York 
the  college  was  under  Episcopal  direction ;  as  New 
England's  Cambridge  was  in  the  hands  of  Dissenters, 
Bernard  sealed  a  charter  for  another  seminary  in  the 
interior.  A  fund  of  two  thousand  pounds  was  sub- 
scribed to  a  society,  which  the  legislature  of  Massa- 
chusetts had  authorized,  for  propagating  knowledge 
among  the  Indians  ;  but  the  king  interposed  his  nega- 
tive, and  reserved  the  red  men  for  the  Anglican  form 
of  worship.  Mayhew,  on  the  other  hand,  marshalled 
public  opinion  against  bishops;  while  Massachusetts, 
under  the  guidance  of  Otis,  dismissed  the  Episcopalian 
Bollan,  its  pedantic  but  honest  agent,  and — intending 
to  select  a  Dissenter  who  should  be  able  to  employ  for 
the  protection  of  their  liberties  the  great  political 
influence  of  the  Nonconformists  in  England — they 
intrusted  their  affairs  to  Jasper  Mauduit,  who,  though 
a  Dissenter,  was  connected  through  his  brother  with 
Jenkinson  and  Bute  and  the  king. 

But  the  great  subject  of  discontent  was  the  en- 
forcement of  the  Acts  of  Trade  by  the  Court  of 
Admiralty;  the  court  which  was  immediately  subject 
to  the  king,  and  independent  of  the  province,  where  a 
judge  determined  questions  of  property  without  a 
jury,  on  information  furnished  by  crown  officers,  and 
derived  his  own  emoluments  exclusively  from  his  por- 
tion of  the  forfeitures  which  he  himself  had  the  sole 
power  to  declare.  The  governor,  too,  was  sure  to 
lean    to  the  side  of  large   seizures ;  for  he  by  law 


enjoyed  a  full  third  of  all  the  fines  imposed  on  goods  chap. 
that   were  condemned.      The  legislature,  angry  that  ^^.J 
Hutchinson,  as   chief  justice,  in  defiance  of  the  plain  1702. 
principles  of  law,  should  lend  himself  to  the  schemes 
of  the  crown  officers,  began  to  perceive  how  many 
olfices  he  had  selfishly  accumulated  in  his  own  hands. 
Otis,  whose  mind  was  deeply  imbued  with  the  writings 
of  Montesquieu,  pointed  out  the  mischief  of  uniting  in 
the  same  person  executive,  legislative,  and  judicial  pow- 
- ;  but  four  or  five  years  passed  away  before  the  dis- 
tinction was  much  heeded ;  and  in  the  mean  time  the 
judges  were  punished  by  a  reduction  of  their  salaries. 
The  general  writs  of  assistance,  which  were  clearly 
illegal,1  would  have  been  prohibited  by  a  provincial 
enactment,  but  for  the  negative  of  the  governor. 

The  commotion,  which  at  first  was  confined  to 
Boston,  was  expected  to  extend  to  the  other  ports. 
The  people  were  resolved  that  their  trade  should  no 
longer  be  kept  under  restrictions ;  and  began  to  talk 
of  procuring  themselves  justice.2 

'•The  decision  of   the  Courts    Bottetourt,  and  the  Council  of  Vir» 
of  Connecticut,  and  the   decision    ginia. 
of  the  Royalist   Governor,    Lord        s  Bernard  to  Lords  of  Trade. 




CxixP*  ^HE  wor^  ^  no*  a*  once  Perceive  the  purposes 
• — , — <  of  the  new  ministers,  who  were  careful  at  first  tc 
1762-  adopt  as  literally  as  possible  the  orders  of  William 
Pitt,  and  his  plan  for  conducting  the  war.  He  had 
infused  his  own  haughtiness  and  determined  spirit 
into  the  army  and  navy  of  England ;  the  strings  which 
he  had  struck  with  power  still  vibrated;  his  light, 
like  that  of  "an  annihilated  star,"  still  shone  bril- 
liantly to  the  world ;  and  it  was  without  fear,  that,  in 
the  first  days  of  January,  1762,  England,  justified  by 
the  avowed  alliance  between  the  branches  of  the 
House  of  Bourbon,  extended  the  strife  to  the  Penin- 
sula and  the  colonies  of  Spain. 

Behold,  then,  at  last,  the  great  league  of  the  Roman 
Catholic  powers,  France,  Spain,  Austria,  and  the 
German  Empire,  the  mighty  authorities  of  the  Mid- 
dle Age,  blessed  by  the  consecrating  prayers  of  the 
see  of  Rome,  and  united  in  arms ;  but  America  and 
the  future  of  humanity  were  already  safe.  The 
character  of  the  war  was  changed.     The  alliance  of 


France  and  Spain  had  been  made  nnder  the  influence  chap. 
of  Choiseul,  a  pupil  of  the  new  ideas,  the  enemy  of  .       r 
the  Jesuits,  and  the  patron  of  philosophy;  and  the  17G2. 
federation  of  the  weaker  maritime  states  presented  it- 
self to  the  world  as  the  protector  of  equality  on  the 
seas.     England,  on  the  other  hand,  had  no  motive  to 
continue  hostilities,  but  the  love  of  rapine  and  of  con- 
quest ;  and  on  the  twelfth  of  January,  about  a  week 
after  the  declaration  against  Spain,  the  king  directed 
measures  to  be  taken  to  detach   Austria   from  the 
House  of  Bourbon,  and  recover  its  alliance  for  Eng- 

The  proposition  was  made  through  Sir  Joseph 
Yorke,  at  the  Hague,  who  was  to  tempt  the  empress 
by  "  the  hope  of  some  ulterior  acquisitions  in  Italy." 
The  experienced  diplomatist  promptly  hinted  to  his 
employers  that  offers  from  Prussia,  that  is,  the  offer  of 
the  restoration  of  Silesia,  would  be  more  effective.  A 
clandestine  proposition  from  England  to  Austria  was 
itself  a  treachery  to  Frederic  and  a  violation  of  trea 
ties ;  it  became  doubly  so,  when  the  consequence  of 
success  in  the  negotiation  would  certainly  have  been 
the  employment  of  England's  influence  to  compel  , 
Frederic  to  the  cession  of  Silesia.  To  promise  acqui- 
sitions in  Italy,  with  all  whose  powers  England  was  at 
peace,  was  an  outrage  on  the  laws  of  nations;  the 
proposition,  if  accepted,  equally  implied  perfidy  in 
Austria  towards  France.  "  Her  Imperial  Majesty 
and  her  minister,"  said  Kaunitz,  "  cannot  understand 
the  proper  meaning  of  this  confidential  overture  of 
the  English  f  and  it  did  not  remain  a  secret. 

No  one  desired  the  cessation  of  hostilities  more 
than  Frederic,  if  he  could  but  secure  his  own  posses- 
sions.     "  To   terminate    this   deadly    war    advanta 

VOL.    TV-  28 


chap,  geously,"  thus  he  wrote,  in  January,  IT 62,  to  George, 
w^  "  there  is  need  of  nothing  but  constancy ;  but  we 
1762,  must  persevere  to  the  end.  I  see  difficulties  still 
without  number;  instead  of  appalling  me,  they  en- 
courage me  by  the  hope  of  overcoming  them.1'  No- 
thing could  be  more  praiseworthy  than  the  desire  of  the 
British  Government  to  establish  peace;  but  nothing 
could  be  more  pusillanimous  than  the  method  adopted 
to  promote  it.  Ignorant  of  continental  affairs,  George 
the  Third  and  his  Favorite  held  it  necessary  to  break 
or  bend  the  firmness  of  will  of  the  king  of  Prussia ; 
and  with  that  view  invoked  the  interposition  of  Rus- 
sia. The  female  autocrat  of  the  North,  the  Empress 
Elizabeth,  who,  during  her  reign,  abolished  the  pun- 
ishment of  death,  but,  by  her  hatred  of  the  Prussian 
king,  brought  provinces  into  misery  and  tens  of  thou- 
sands to  massacre  on  battle-grounds,  a  childish  person, 
delighting  in  dress  and  new  clothes,  in  intoxication 
and  the  grossest  excesses  of  lewdness,  was  no  more. 
So  soon  as  it  was  known,  that  she  had  been  succeeded 
by  her  nephew,  the  frank,  impetuous  Peter  the 
Third,  who  cherished  an  unbounded  admiration  and 
sincere  friendship  for  Frederic,  the  British  minister  at 
St.  Petersburg  was  provided  with  a  credit  of  one  hun- 
dred thousand  pounds  to  be  used  as  bribes,1  and  was 
instructed  by  Bute  to  moderate  the  excessive  devoted- 
ness  of  the  emperor  to  Frederic;  the  strength  of  that 
attachment  was  a  source  of  anxiety.2 

At  the  same  time  an  attempt  was  made  to  induce 
parliament  to   abandon   the   Prussian    alliance ;  and 

1  Bute  to  Keith,  6  Feb.  1762,  in        8  Bute   to  Keith,  26  February, 
Raumer,  ii.  492.    There  is  a  copy    1762,  in  Raumer,  ii.  501. 
of  the  letter   among  the  Mitchell 
Papers  in  the  British  Museum. 


early  in  February,  Bedford,  though  a  member  of  the  ciiap. 
cabinet,  offered  a  resolution  in  the  House  of  Lords  XIX* 
linst  continuing  the  war  in  Germany.  In  the  de-  1762. 
bate  Bute  did  but  assume  an  appearance  of  opposi- 
tion, and  the  question  was  only  evaded  and  post- 
poned. It  was  evidently  the  royal  wish  to  compel 
Frederic  to  the  hard  necessity  of  ceding  territory  to 
A  ostria.  A  statement  was  demanded  of  him  of  his 
idea  on  the  subject  of  peace,  and  of  his  resources  for 
holding  out,  as  a  preliminary  to  the  renewal  of  the 
subsidy  from  England.  But  he  rendered  no  such  ac- 
count, which  could  have  been  but  an  inventory  of  his 
weakness.  The  armies  of  Russia  were  encamped  in 
Prussia  Proper ;  to  Gallitzin  the  minister  of  Russia  at 
London,  Bute  intimated  that  England  would  aid 
the  emperor  to  retain  a  part  of  the  conquests  made 
from  the  king  of  Prussia,  if  he  would  continue  to  hold 
him  in  check.  But  the  chivalric  Czar,  indignant  at 
the  perfidy,  inclosed  Gallitzin's  despatch  to  Frederic 
himself,1  and  hastening  to  reconcile  his  empire  with 
his  illustrious  friend,  restored  all  the  conquests  that 
had  been  made  from  the  kingdom  to  that  prince,  set- 
tled with  him  a  peace  including  a  guaranty  of  Silesia, 
and  finally  transferred  a  Russian  army  to  his  camp. 
The  fact,  that  Prussia  had  transformed  Russia  from  an 
enemy  into  an  ally,  while  England  had  a  new  enemy 
in  Spain,  and  a  dependent  in  Portugal,  gave  a  plausi- 
ble reason  for  discontinuing  the  grant  to  Prussia. 
Still  the  subsidy  was  promised  ;  but  "  the  condition 
of  the  bounty2  of  this  nation,"  wrote  Bute,  at  the 
king's  command,  uis  the  employment  of  it  towards 

1  Histoire  de  la  Guerre  de  Sept    and  Bute  to  Mitchell,  in  Appendix 
Ans,  chap.  15.  But  compare  the  de-     to  Adolphus,  i.  587. 
nial,   in  Adolphus:  Hist.,   i.    80,        8  Bute  to  Mitchell,  9  April  1762. 


chap,  the  procurement  of  peace,  not  the  continuance  of 
^_^_  war."  "This  Englishman,"  said  Frederic,  "thinks 
1762.  that  money  does  every  thing,  and  that  there  is  no 
money  but  in  England." 1  And,  deserted  by  his  ally, 
he  was  left  to  tread  in  solitude  the  paths  of  greatness. 
Little  did  George  the  Third  dream  that  he  was  filling 
his  own  cup  with  bitterness  to  the  brim ;  that  the 
day  was  soon  to  come,  when  he  in  his  turn  would  en- 
treat benefits  from  Frederic,  and  find  them  inexorably 

During  these  negotiations,  and  before  the  end  of 
March,  news  reached  Europe  of  victories  in  the  West 
Indies,  achieved  by  Monckton  with  an  army  of  twelve 
thousand  men,  assisted  by  Rodney  and  a  fleet  of  six- 
teen sail  of  the  line  and  thirteen  frigates.  On  the 
seventh  of  January,  the  British  armament  appeared 
off  Martinico,  the  richest  and  best  of  the  French 
colonies,  strongly  guarded  by  natural  defences,  which 
art  had  improved.  Yet,  on  the  fourteenth  of  Feb- 
ruary, the  governor  and  inhabitants  were  forced  to 
capitulate.  Grenada,  St.  Lucia,  St.  Vincent's,  were 
soon  after  occupied ;  so  that  the  outer  Caribbee  Islands, 
in  the  whole  extent  of  the  arc  which  bends  from  St. 
Domingo  towards  the  continent  of  South  America, 
were  British.  For  the  siege  of  Havana  the  conti- 
nental colonies  were  ordered  to  contribute  quotas  of 
men,  and  reinforcements  were  on  their  way  from 

These  successes  gave  new  courage  to  the  king's 
friends  to  pursue  their  system.  Newcastle,  who  had 
received  "  all  kinds  of  disgusts  "  from  his  associates  in 
the  cabinet,  seized  the  occasion  of  withholding  the  sub« 

Histoire  de  la  Guerre,  &c.  in  (Euvres  Posthumes,  iv.  284. 


sidy  from  Prussia  to  indulge  with  Bute  his  habit  of  citap 
complaint.     But  "  the  Earl  never  requested  me  to  con-  ^^L 
tinue  in  office,"  said  Newcastle,  "nor  said  a  civil  thing  1762 
to   me;"  and   at  last   most   lingeringly  the   veteran 
statesman  resigned.     English  writers  praise  his  disin- 
terestedness, because  the  childless  man,  who  himself 
[assessed  enormous  wealth,  who  while  in  office  had 
provided  bountifully  for  his  kindred,  and  who  left  his 
post  only  to  struggle  in  old  age  to  recover  it  and  act 
Lis  part   anew,  did  not  accept  a  pension.     America 
gives   him  the   better  praise,   that,  beneath   all  his 
frivolity  and   follies,  he  had  a  vein  of  good  sense, 
which  restrained  him  from  decisive  attacks  on  colonial 

So  fell  the  old  whig  aristocracy  which  had  so  long 
governed  England.  It  was  false  to  the  cause  of  liberty 
and  betrayed  the  man  of  the  people,  only  to  be 
requited  with  contumely  by  those  who  reaped  bene- 
fits from  its  treachery.  Its  system  of  government  un- 
der its  old  form,  could  never  be  restored.  It  needed 
to  be  purified  by  a  long  conflict  with  the  inheritors  of 
its  methods  of  corruption,  before  it  could  be  awakened 
to  a  perception  of  its  duty  and  animated  to  undertake 
the  work  of  reform.  But  the  power  of  the  people 
was  coming  with  an  energy  which  it  would  be  neither 
safe  nor  possible  to  neglect.  Royalty  itself  no  less  than 
aristocracy  was  perilled.  In  the  very  days  in  which 
the  English  whig  aristocracy  was  in  its  agony,  Rous- 
seau, the  most  eloquent  writer  of  French  prose,  told 
the  world,  that  "  nature  makes  neither  princes,  nor  rich 
men,  nor  grandees;"  that  "the  sovereignty  of  the  peo- 
ple is  older  than  the  institutions  which  restrain  it ;  and 
that  these  institutions  are  not  obligatory  but  by  con- 


chap,  sent.1     "  You  put  trust "  said  he,  "  in  the  actual  order 


^^s  of  society,  without  reflecting  that  this  order  is  sub- 
1762-  ject  to  inevitable  changes.  We  are  approaching  the 
state  of  crisis  and  the  age  of  revolutions."  "  Were  all 
the  kings  put  away,  they  would  hardly  be  missed, 
and  things  would  go  on  none  the  worse." 2  "I  hold  it 
impossible  that  the  great  monarchies  of  Europe  should 
endure  much  longer." 8 

On  the  retirement  of  Newcastle,  Bute,  near  the 
end  of  May,  transferring  the  seals  of  the  Northern 
Department  to  George  Grenville,  became  first  lord  of 
the  treasury,  the  feeblest  of  British  prime  ministers. 
Bedford  remained  privy  seal;  Egremont,  Grenville's 
brother-in-law,  secretary  of  state  for  the  Southern 
Department  and  America ;  while  the  able  Lord  North 
retained  his  seat  at  the  Treasury  Board.  Early  in 
June,  on  the  death  of  Anson,  Halifax  returned  from 
Ireland  to  join  the  cabinet  as  first  lord  of  the  admi- 
ralty. Charles  Townshend  was  still  secretary  at  war, 
yet  having  that  confidence  in  his  own  genius  which 
made  him  restless  in  occupying  a  station  inferior  to 

The  confidence  of  the  ministry  was  confirmed  by 
success  in  war.  The  British  army  and  navy  had 
acquired  a  habit  of  victory ;  the  British  men-of-war 
reposed  in  the  consciousness  of  maritime  supremacy ; 
and,  as  the  hawk,  from  his  resting-place  among  the 
clouds,  gazes  calmly  around  for  his  prey,  their  eye 
glanced  over  every  ocean  in  search  of  the  treasure- 
ships  of  Spain.     "  Great  monarchies,"    Choiseul  had 

'    Contrat    Social,    printed     in        8  Note  to  a  passage  in  the  Third 
April,  1762.  Book   of  Emile.     That  work  was 

3  From  Emile.  published  in  May,  1762. 

TIIE   DAWN    OF   THE   NEW    EEPUBLlC*.  439 

paid1    in    April,    "spite  of    redoubled   misfortunes,  chap. 
should  have  confidence  in   the  solidity  of  their  ex-  ^J, 
istence.     If  I  were  the  master,  we  would  stand  against  1762. 
England  as  Spain  did  against  the  Moors ;  and  if  this 
coui'se  were  truly  adopted,  England  would  be  reduced 
and  destroyed  within  thirty  years." 

But  the  exhausted  condition  of  France  compelled 
hei  to  seek  peace ;  in  February  and  March,  the 
subject  had  been  opened  for  discussion  through  the 
ministers  of  Sardinia  in  London  and  Versailles ;  and 
after  passing  April  in  the  consideration  of  plans, 
early  in  May  Bute  was  able  to  submit  to  Bedford  his 
project.  u  I  am  glad  of  the  peace  as  it  has  been 
chalked  out,"  said  Bedford ;  u  a  much  longer  con- 
tinuance of  the  war,  however  relieved  by  the  lustre 
of  farther  conquests,  is  likely  to  prove  fatal  to  the 
nation;"  and  in  July  he  accepted  the  embassy  to 
France,  though  the  appointment  was  not  declared  till 
the  first  of  September. 

A  good  peace  with  foreign  enemies,"  said  Hutch- 
inson, from  Massachusetts,  as  early  as  March,  "  would 
enable  us  to  make  a  better  defence  against  our  do- 
mestic foes."  The  relations  of  Ireland  and  of  Ame- 
rica  to  the  British  king  and  the  British  parliament 
were  held  to  be  the  same.  By  Poyning's  Act,  as  it 
was  called,  no  bill  could  be  accepted  in  Ireland,  until 
it  had  been  transmitted  to  England,  and  returned 
with  the  assent  of  the  Privy  Council.  The  principle 
had  already  been  applied  by  royal  instructions  to 
particular   branches   of    American   legislation.      The 

1    Choiseul's  Despatch  of  5   April,  1762.      Flassan:  Histoire  de  la 
Diplomatie  Franchise,  vi.  466 


chap,  design  began  to  be  more  and  more  openly  avowed,  of 
^^L  demanding  a  suspending  clause  in  every  act. 
17  62.  It  had  been  already  decided  that  every  American 
judge  should  hold  his  appointment  at  the  royal 
pleasure.  Hardy,  governor  of  New  Jersey,  having 
violated  his  instructions,  by  issuing  a  commission 
during  good  behavior,  was  promptly  dismissed ;  and 
at  a  time  when  the  new-modelling  of  the  charter  gov- 
ernments was  contemplated,  William  Franklin,  the 
only  son  of  the  great  adversary  of  the  proprietaries 
of  Pennsylvania,  to  "  the  .extreme  astonishment  and 
rage  "  of  the  younger  Penn,  at  the  suggestion  of  Bute, 
became  his  successor. 

When  New  York  refused  to  vote  salaries  to  its 
chief  justice,  unless  he  should  receive  an  independent 
commission,  the  Board  of  Trade,  in  June,  1762,1  re- 
commended that  he  should  have  his  salary  from  the 
royal  quitrents.  "  Such  a  salary,"  it  was  pleaded  to 
the  Board  by  the  chief  justice  himself,  "  could  not 
fail  to  render  the  office  of  great  service  to  his  Majesty, 
in  securing  the  dependence  of  the  colony  on  the 
crown,  and  its  commerce  to  Great  Britain." 2  It  was 
further  hinted,  that  it  would  insure  judgments  in  favor 
of  the  crown  against  all  intrusions  upon  the  royal 
domain  by  the  great  landed  proprietors  of  New  York, 
and  balance  their  power  and  influence  in  the  Assem- 
bly. The  appeal  was  irresistible,  and,  by  the  direc- 
tion of  Bute  and  his  colleagues,  all  of  whom  favored 
American  taxation  by  act  of  parliament,  the  measure 
was  adopted.  Thus  was  consummated  the  system  of 
subjecting  the  halls  of  justice  to  the  prerogative. 
The  king,  in   the  royal  provinces,  instituted  courts, 

1  Representation  of  the  Board  to        8  Pratt  to  the  Lords  of  Trade, 
the  king,  11  June,  1762.  24  May,  1762. 


named  the  judges,  removed  them  at  pleasure,  fixed  chap 
the  amount  of  their  salaries,  and  paid  them  out  of  *_/_ 
funds   that  were   independent  of   legislative   grants.  11 M* 
The   system,  established  as  yet  in  one  only  of  the 
older  provinces,  was  designed  for  all.     In  no  part  of 
the  continent  was  opposition  to  the  British  govern- 
ment more  deeply  rooted,  more  rational  and  steadfast, 
than  in  New  York,  where  the  popular  lawyers  con- 
tinued their  appeals,  through  the  weekly  press,  to  the 
public  mind,  and,  supported  by  the  great  landholders, 
excited  the  people  to  menace  resistance  and  to  fore- 
bode independence. 

It  began  to  be  widely  known,  that  at  the  end  of 
the  war  some  general  regulation  of  the  governments 
of  the  colonies  would  be  attempted ;  and  the  officers  of 
the  crown  who  wished  to  escape  the  responsibility  at- 
tached to  a  dependence  on  the  people,  were  quite  cer- 
tain that  a  provision  would  be  made  for  their  indepen- 
dent support.1  The  purpose  of  raising  a  revenue  by 
parliament  at  the  peace  was  no  longer  concealed  ;  and 
chastisement  was  prepared  for  Maryland  and  Penn- 
sylvania,, the  refractory  provinces  which  had  so  much 
tasked  the  attention  of  the  great  English  lawyers, 
Mansfield,  Charles  Yorke,  and  Pratt.  The  persever- 
ance of  Maryland  in  disobeying  the  royal  requisition 
was  laid  before  the  king,  who  expressed  what  was 
called  "  just  displeasure"  at  the  "  obstinate"  disobe- 
dience of  the  Assembly  of  that  province.  He  cen- 
sured them  as  not  "  animated  by  a  sense  of  their  duty 
to  their  king  and  country."  u  Though  there  is  little 
room,"  added  Egremont,  "  to  expect  a  change  in  per- 
sons who  seem  determined  to  adhere  to  their  own 

1  Bernard  to  Shell- nrne,  4  January,  1767.    Compare,  too,  Novan- 


chap,  opinion,  bis  Majesty  has  judged  it  proper  to  direct  me 

, ^  to  express  his  sentiments  on  the  conduct  of  the  As- 

17G2.  sembly  of  your  province,  that  they  may  not  deceive 
themselves  by  supposing  that  their  behavior  is  not 
seen  here  in  its  true  light." 1  The  despatch  bore  the 
impress  of  George  the  Third,  and  shadowed  forth  his 

The  reprimand  of  the  legislature  of  Pennsylvania 
was  delayed  till  Sir  Jeffrey  Amherst  could  report  its 
disregard  of  his  final  appeal.  On  receiving  from  him 
full  accounts,  a  similar  letter  conveyed  to  the  Assem- 
bly of  Pennsylvania  "  the  king's  high  disapprobation 
of  their  artfully  evading  to  pay  any  obedience  to  his 
Majesty's  requisitions."  2 

No  one  was  more  bent  on -reducing  the  colonies  to 
implicit  obedience  than  the  blunt,  humane,  and  hon- 
est, but  self-willed  Duke  of  Bedford,  who,  on  the 
sixth  day  of  September,  sailed  for  France  with  full 
powers  to  negotiate  a  peace.  Scarcely  was  he  gone, 
before  Egremont,  Pitt's  successor,  desiring,  like  Pitt,  to 
conduct  the  negotiation  from  ministry  to  ministry, 
limited  the  powers  of  Bedford.  The  angry  duke  re- 
monstrated to  Bute,  who  just  then,  in  company  with 
the  Duke  of  York,  had  been  decorated  with  the  order 
of  the  Garter,  at  a  very  full  chapter,  where  Temple 
sat  directly  by  his  side  in  silent  sullenness.  The 
prime  minister  incurred  the  enmity  of  Egremont,  by 
promising  to  ask  of  the  cabinet  a  restitution  to  Bed- 
ford of  his  full  powers.  uAre  you  sure  of  the  cabi- 
net's concurrence  T  asked  Rigby.     "  The  king  will  be 

1  H.   Sharpe   to    Egremont,   25        8  Egremont  to  Gov.  of  Pennsyl* 
April,  Egremont  to  H.  Sharpe,  10    vania,  27  Nnv.,  1762. 
July,  1762. 


obeyed,"  replied  Bute,  "  and  will  talk  to  the  two  secre-  chap. 
tones  on  their  scruples."  And  it  was  so.  The  young  s^J, 
man  of  three-and-twenty  subdued  his  two  secretaries  '762. 
of  state,  secretly  laughing  all  the  while  at  their  dis- 
pleasure and  dismay.  "  Judge  of  Grenville's  counte- 
nance," said  he  to  Bute,  "by  that  of  his  brother," 
Earl  of  Temple,  "  at  the  installation."  "  Lord  Egre- 
mont  was  wise  enough  to  fly  into  a  passion  in  the 
closet."  "  I  have  but  one  sentiment  to  offer,"  said  he 
to  the  king, — "  which  is,  to  send  the  Duke  of  Bedford 
fixed  articles  for  the  preliminaries,  upon  no  event  to 
be  changed,  and  if  the  French  refuse  to  comply,  im- 
mediately to  recall  him."  "The  sentiment,"  said 
George,  who  repeated  the  conversation,  "is  totally 
different  from  mine ;  a  boy  of  ten  years  old  might  as 
well  have  been  sent  to  Paris  on  this  errand."  The 
secretary  yielded,  and  some  subjects  were  left  at  the 
discretion  of  Bedford;  but  Bute,  with  singular  per- 
fidy, indirectly,  through  the  Sardinian  minister,  and 
in  his  own  handwriting,  communicated  *  to  the  French 
ambassador  the  decision  adopted,  and  even  minutes  of 
the  advice  given  by  the  various  members  of  the  cabi- 
net council,  on  condition  that  the  details  should  be 
kept  religiously  from  Spain,  and  from  the  Duke  of 
Bedford.  Thus  the  ministry  of  the  hostile  power,  with 
which  Bedford  was  to  negotiate  a  peace,  was,  without 
his  knowledge,  made  acquainted  with  his  most  secret 
instructions.  Nothing  better  explains  the  character  of 
Bute,  and  its  discovery  drew  on  him  the  implacable 
displeasure  and  contempt  of  Bedford. 

The  consummation  of  the  peace  languished  and 
was  delayed ;  its  failure  even  was  anticipated,  because 

1  Wiffen's  House  of  Russell,  ii.  506. 



chap.  Grirnaldi,  for  Spain,  was  persuaded  that  the  expedi 
v_^_/  tion  of  the  English  against  Havana  must  be  defeat 
17  62.  ed.     But  before  the  end  of  the  twenty-ninth  day  ol 
September  news  arrived  of  a  very  different  result. 

Havana  was  then,  as  now,  the  chief  place  in  the 
West  Indies,  built  on  a  harbor  large  enough  to  shel- 
ter all  the  navies  of  Europe,  capable  of  being  made 
impregnable  from  the  sea,  having  docks  in  which 
ships  of  war  of  the  first  magnitude  were  constructed, 
rich  from  the  products  of  the  surrounding  country, 
and  the  centre  of  the  trade  with  Mexico.  Of  this 
magnificent  city  England  undertook  the  conquest. 
The  command  of  her  army,  in  which  Carleton  and 
Howe  each  led  two  battalions,  was  given  to  Albe- 
marle, the  friend  and  pupil  of  the  Duke  of  Cumber- 
land. The  fleet  was  intrusted  to  Pococke,  already 
illustrious  as  the  conqueror  in  two  naval  battles  in 
the  East. 

Assembling  the  fleet  and  transports  at  Martinico, 
and  off  Cape  St.  Nicholas,  the  adventurous  admiral 
sailed  directly  through  the  Bahama  Straits,  and  on 
the  sixth  day  of  June  came  in  sight  of  the  low  coast 
round  Havana.  The  Spanish  forces  for  the  defence  of 
the  city  were  about  forty-six  hundred ;  the  English 
had  eleven  thousand  effective  men,  and  were  recruited 
by  nearly  a  thousand  negroes  from  the  Leeward 
Islands,  and  by  fifteen  hundred  from  Jamaica.  Before 
the  end  of  July,  the  needed  reinforcements  arrived 
from  New  York  and  New  England ;  among  these  was 
Putnam,  the  brave  ranger  of  Connecticut,  and  num- 
bers of  men  less  happy,  because  never  destined  to 
revisit  their  homes. 

On  the  thirtieth  of  July,  after  a  siege  of  twenty- 

TTIE   DAWN    OF   THE   NEW    REPUBLIC.  445 

nine  (lays,  during  which  the  Spaniards  lost  a  thousand  chap. 
men,  and  the  brave  Don  Luis  de  Velasco  was  mortally  ^^L, 
wounded,  the  Moro  Castle  was  taken  by  storm.     On  1762. 
the  eleventh  of  August,  the  governor  of  Havana  ca- 
pitulated, and  the  most  important  station  in  the  West 
Indies  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  English.     At  the 
me  time,  nine  ships  of  the  line  and  four  frigates 
were  captured  in  the  harbor.     The  booty  of  proper- 
ty belonging  to  the  king  of  Spain  was  estimated  at 
ten  millions  of  dollars. 

This  most  memorable  siege  was  conducted  in  mid- 
summer, against  a  city  which  lies  just  within  the 
tropic.  The  country  round  the  Moro  Castle  is  rocky. 
To  bind  and  carry  the  fascines  was,  of  itself,  a  work 
of  incredible  labor,  made  possible  only  by  aid  of  Af- 
rican slaves.  Sufficient  earth  to  hold  the  fascines 
firni  was  gathered  with  difficulty  from  crevices  in  the 
rocks.  Once,  after  a  drought  of  fourteen  days,  the 
grand  battery  took  fire  by  the  flames,  and  crackling 
and  spreading  where  water  could  not  follow  it,  nor 
earth  stifle  it,  was  wholly  consumed.  The  climate 
spoiled  a  great  part  of  the  provisions.  Wanting 
good  water,  very  many  died  in  agonies  from  thirst. 
More  fell  victims  to  a  putrid  fever,  of  which  the 
malignity  left  but  three  or  four  hours  between  robust 
health  and  death.  Some  wasted  away  with  loath- 
some disease.  Over  the  graves  the  carrion-crows 
hovered,  and  often  scratched  away  the  scanty  earth 
which  rather  hid  than  buried  the  dead.  Hundreds  of 
carcasses  floated  on  the  ocean.  And  yet  such  was  the 
enthusiasm  of  the  English,  such  the  resolute  zeal  of 
the  sailors  and  soldiers,  such  the  unity  of  action 
between  the  fleet  and  army,  that  the  vertical  sun  of 
June  and  July,  the  heavy  rains  of   August,  raging 


chap,  fever,   and  strong  and  well   defended   fortresses,  all 


^_y_,  the   obstacles   of  nature   and   art,  were  surmounted, 
1762.  and    the    most    decisive    victory    of    the    war   was 

The  scene  in  the  British  cabinet  was  changed  by 
the  capture  of  Havana.  Bute  was  indifferent  to  fur- 
ther acquisitions  in  America,  for  he  held  it  "  of  much 
greater  importance  to  bring  the  old  colonies  into 
order  than  to  plant  new  ones ;" 1  but  all  his  colleagues 
thought  otherwise  ;  and  Bedford  was  unwilling  to  re- 
store Havana  to  Spain  except  for  the  cession  of  Porto 
Rico  and  the  Floridas.  The  king,  who  persisted  in 
the  purpose  of  peace,  intervened.  He  himself  solicit- 
ed the  assent  of  Cumberland  to  his  policy ;  he  caused 
George  Grenville,  who  hesitated  to  adopt  his  views,  to 
exchange  with  Halifax  the  post  of  secretary  of  state 
for  that  of  the  head  of  the  admiralty ;  and  he  pur- 
chased the  support  of  Fox  as  a  member  of  the  cabi- 
net and  leader  of  the  House  of  Commons  by  the  offer 
of  a  peerage.  These  movements  enraged  both  the 
people  and  the  aristocracy ;  Wilkes,  through  The 
North  Briton,  inflamed  the  public  mind ;  while  the 
Duke  of  Devonshire  and  the  Marquis  of  Rockingham 
resigned  their  offices  in  the  royal  household.  An 
opposition  seemed  certain;  nor  was  it  expected  by 
the  friends  of  the  prerogative,  that  "  ancient  systems 
of  power  would  fall  to  the  ground  without  a  strug- 
gle." 2  "  The  king's  rest  is  not  disturbed,"  said  Bute ; 
"  he  is  pleased  to  have  people  fairly  take  off  the 
mask,  and  looks  with  the   utmost  contemj3t  on  what 

1  Knox  Extra  official  papers,  ii.     tion  to  vol.  iii.  of  the  Bedford  Cor- 
29.  respoiidence,  xxvii. 

e  Lord  John  Passell's  Introduc- 



he  sees  is  going  forward ;" 1  and  on  the  last  day  of  chap, 
October,  he  called  for  the  council-book,  and  struck  ^^i 
from  it  the  name  of  the  Duke  of  Devonshire;  a  high  17  62. 
indignity,  almost  without  example. 

The  principal  representatives  of  the  old  whig  aris- 
tocracy were  driven  into  retirement,  and  the  king  was 
passionately  resolved  never  again  to  receive  them  into 
a  ministry.  In  the  impending  changes,  Charles  Town- 
shend  coveted  the  administration  of  America,  and 
Bute  gladly  offered  him  the  secretaryship  of  the  plan- 
tations and  Board  of  Trade.  Thrice  Townshend  had 
interviews  with  the  king,  whose  favor  he  always 
courted;  but  for  the  time  he  declined  the  station 
from  an  unwillingness  to  attach  himself  to  Fox  and 
Bute,  and  not  from  any  apprehension  of  the  sweeping 
whirlwind  which  was  just  beginning  to  rise  at  the 
menace  of  danger. 

At  that  very  time,  men  were  earnestly  discussing 
in  Boston  the  exclusive  right  of  America  to  raise  and 
to  apply  its  own  revenues.  The  governor  and  council 
had,  in  advance  of  authority  by  law,  expended  three 
or  four  hundred  pounds  sterling  on  a  ship  and  sloop, 
that  were  to  cruise  against  privateers,  for  the  protec- 
tion of  fishermen.  Otis,  in  September,  1762,  seized 
the  opportunity  in  a  report  to  claim  the  right  of  ori- 
ginating all  taxes  as  the  most  darling  privilege  of  the 
representatives.  "  It  would  be  of  little  consequence  to 
the  people,"  said  he,  on  the  floor  of  the  House,  "  whe- 
ther they  were  subject  to  George  or  Louis,  the  king 
of  Great  Britain,  or  the  French  king,  if  both  were  ar- 
bitrary, as  both  would  be,  if  both  could  levy  taxes 
without  parliament."     "Treason!    treason!"    shouted 

1  Wiffen,  ii.  503. 


chap.  Paine,  the  member  from  Worcester.     "  There  is  not 
_,_  the  least  ground,"  said  Bernard  in  a  message,  "  for  the 

1762.  insinuation  under  color  of  which  that  sacred  and  well 

beloved  name  is  brought  into  question."     Otis,  who 

was   fiery,  but   not   obstinate,    erased    the   offensive 

words,  as  his  sentiments  were  fully  expressed  without 

them ;  but  immediately,  claiming  to  be  one 

"  Who  dared  to  love  his  country  and  be  poor," 

he  vindicated  himself  through  the  press. 

Invoking  the  authority  of  "  the  most  wise,  most 
honest,  and  most  impartial  Locke,"  "  as  great  an  orna- 
ment as  the  Church  of  England  ever  had,"  because  "  of 
moderate  and  tolerant  principles,"  and  one  who  "  wrote 
expressly  to  establish  the  throne  which  George  the 
Third  now  held,"  he  undertook  to  reply  to  those  who 
could  not  bear  that  "  liberty  and  property  should  be 
enjoyed  by  the  vulgar." 

Deeply  convinced  of  the  reality  of  "  the  ideas  of 
right  and  wrong,"  he  derived  his  argument  from  ori- 
ginal right.  "  God  made  all  men  naturally  equal. 
The  ideas  of  earthly  grandeur  are  acquired,  not  in- 
nate. Kings  were  made  for  the  good  of  the  people, 
not  the  people  for  them.  No  government  has  a  right 
to  make  slaves  of  the  subject.  Most  governments  are, 
in  fact,  arbitrary,  and  consequently  the  curse  and 
scandal  of  human  nature  ;  yet  none  are,  of  right,  arbi- 
trary. By  the  laws  of  God  and  nature,  government 
must  not  raise  taxes  on  the  property  of  the  people, 
without  the  consent  of  the  people  or  their  deputies." 
And  it  was  reasoned,  that  "  the  advantage  of  being  a 
Briton  rather  than  a  Frenchman,  consisted  in  liberty." 

As  a  question  of  national  law,  Otis  maintained 
the  rights   of   a  colonial    assembly  to   be    equal   to 


those  of  the  House  of  Commons,  and  that  to  raise  or  chap. 

•  XIX 

apply  money  without  its  consent,  was  as  great  an  in-  ^^i, 
novation  as  for  the  king  and  House  of  Lords  to  usurp  1762. 
legislative  authority. 

The  privileges  of  Massachusetts,  it  was  held,  were 
safe  under  the  shelter  of  its  charter  and  the  common 
law ;  yet  Otis  did  not  fail  to  cite,  also,  the  preamble 
to  the  British  statute  of  1740,  for  naturalizing  foreign- 
el's,  where  "  the  subjects  in  the  colonies  are  plainly 
declared  entitled  to  all  the  privileges  of  the  people  of 
Great  Britain." 

In  conclusion,  he  warned  "  all  plantation  govern- 
ors" not  to  spend  their  whole  time,  as  he  declared 
"  most  of  them"  did,  "  in  extending  the  prerogative 
beyond  all  bounds ;"  and  he  pledged  himself  "  ever, 
to  the  utmost  of  his  capacity  and  power,  to  vindicate 
the  liberty  of  his  country  and  the  rights  of  mankind." 

The  Vindication  of  Otis  filled  the  town  of  Boston 
with  admiration  of  the  patriotism  of  its  author,  and 
the  boldness  of  his  doctrines.  "  A  more  sensible 
thing,"  said  Brattle,  one  of  the  Council,  "  never  was 
written."  By  the  royalists  its  author  was  denounced 
as  "the  chief  incendiary,"  a  "seditious"  "firebrand," 
and  a  "  leveller."  "  I  am  almost  tempted,"  confessed 
the  unpopular  Hutchinson,  "  to  take  for  my  motto, 
Odi  profcmum  vulgus"  hatred  to  the  people.  " I 
will  write  the  history  of  my  own  times,  like  Bishop 
Burnet,  and  paint  characters  as  freely  ;  it  shall  not  be 
published  while  I  live,  but  I  will  be  revenged  on 
some  of  the  rascals  after  I  am  dead  ;"  and  he  pleaded 
fervently  that  Bernard  should  reserve  his  favor  ex- 
clusively for  "  the  friends  to  government."  "  I  do  not 
say,"  cried  Mayhew  from  the  pulpit,  on  the  annual 
Thanksgiving  day,  "  I  do  not  say  our  invaluable  rights 

VOL.    iv  29 


chap,  have  been  struck  at;  but  if  they  have,  they  are  not 
^^L  wrested  from  us  ;  and  may  righteous  Heaven  blast  the 
i  7  0  2.  designs,  though  not  the  soul,  of  that  man,  whoever  he 
be  amongst  us,  that  shall  have  the  hardiness  to  attack 
them."  Thomas  Hollis,  a  wealthy  Englishman,  a 
lover  of  humanity,  a  devoted  friend  to  America,  sent 
word  to  Boston  to  build  no  hopes  upon  the  king,  and 
already  foresaw  the  approaching  and  certain  inde- 
pendence of  America. 




While   it  was   yet  uncertain   who  among    British  cf  §? 
statesmen   would    be    selected    to    establish    British  ^^» 

17  6  2. 

authority  in  the  colonies,  the  king,  on  the  twenty- 
sixth  of  October,  offering  to  return  Havana  to  Spain 
for  either  the  Floridas  or  Porto  Kico,  urged  the 
instant  consummation  of  the  treaty.  "  The  best  dis- 
patch I  can  receive  from  you  will  be  these  prelimina- 
ries signed.  May  Providence,  in  compassion  to  human 
misery,  give  you  the  means  of  executing  this  great 
and  noble  work."  Thus  beautifully  wrote  the  young 
monarch  to  Bedford,  not  dazzled  by  victory,  and  re- 
pressing the  thirst  for  conquest;  a  rare  instance  of 
moderation,  of  which  history  must  gratefully  preserve 
the  record.  The  terms  proposed  to  the  French  were 
severe,  and  even  humiliating.  "But  what  can  we 
do  r  said  Choiseul,  who  in  his  despair  had  for  a  time 
resigned  the  foreign  department  to  the  Duke  de 
Praslin.  "  The  English  are  furiously  imperious  ;  they 
are  drunk  with  success;  and,  unfortunately,  we  are 
not  in  a  condition  to  abase  their  pride."      France 



chap,  yielded  to  necessity,  and  on  the  third  day  of  Novem- 

_^_  ber  the  preliminaries  of  peace,  a  peace  so  momentous 

1TG2.  for  America,  were  signed  between  France  and  Spain 

on  the  one  side,  and  England  and  Portugal  on  the 


To  England  were  ceded,  besides  islands  in  th 
West  Indies,  the  Floridas  ;  Louisiana  to  the  Mississippi, 
but  without  the  island  of  New  Orleans  ;  all  Canada  ; 
Acadia  ;  Cape  Breton  and  its  dependent  islands ;  and 
the  fisheries,  except  that  France  retained  a  share 
in  them,  with  the  two  islets  St.  Pierre  and  Mique- 
lon,  as  a  shelter  for  their  fishermen.  For  the  loss 
of  Florida  France  on  the  same  day  indemnified  Spain 
by  ceding  to  that  power  New  Orleans,  and  all  Lou- 
isiana west  of  the  Mississippi,  with  boundaries  un- 

In  Africa,  England  acquired  Senegal,  with  the 
command  of  the  slave-trade. 

In  the  East  Indies,  France,  according  to  a  modifi- 
cation proposed  and  insisted  upon  by  Bedford,  only 
recovered  in  a  dismantled  and  ruined  state  the  little 
that  she  possessed  on  the  first  of  January,  1^49  ; 
England  obtained  in  that  region  the  undoubted  sway. 
In  Europe,  where  Frederic  was  left  to  take  care  of 
himself,  each  power  received  back  its  own ;  Minorca, 
therefore,  reverted  to  Great  Britain. 

"  England,"  said  the  king,  "  never  signed  such  a 
peace  before,  nor,  I  believe,  any  other  power  in 
Europe."  "  The  country  never,"  said  the  dying  Gran- 
ville, "  saw  so  glorious  a  war,  or  so  honorable  a  peace." 
It  maintains,  thought  Thomas  Hollis,  no  flatterer  of 
kings,  the  maritime  power,  the  interests,  the  security, 
the   tranquillity,  and  the  honor  of   England.     The 


judgment  of  mankind,  out  of  England,  then  and  ever  chap. 
since,  lias   pronounced  on  it  similar   decisions.     For  ^^1^ 
once,  to  the  surprise  of  every  body,  Bute  spoke  well,  UG2. 
rising  in  its  defence  in  the  House  of  Lords.     "  I  wish," 
said  he,  "  no  better  inscription  on  my  tomb  than  that 
I  was  its  author." 

On  the  morning  of  the  ninth  of  December,  the 
very  day  on  which  the  preliminaries  were  to  be  dis- 
cussed in  parliament,  Charles  Townshend  resigned  his 
place  as  secretary  at  war.  The  opposition,  on  his 
resigning,  had  great  hopes  of  his  joining  with  them. 
But,  always  preserving  intimate  relations  with  George 
the  Third,  he  still  aspired  to  the  management  of  the 
plantations  as  third  secretary  of  state ;  and  when  Pitt 
spoke  against  the  peace  for  three  hours  and  twenty 
minutes, — for  the  first  hour  admirably,  then  with  flag- 
ging strength,  "  though  even  in  his  scrawls  showing 
the  masterly  hand  of  a  Raphael,"  and  an  a  indisputa- 
ble superiority  to  all  others," — Charles  Townshend,  in 
a  speech  of  but  twenty-five  minutes,  made  an  answer 
"  with  great  judgment,  wit,  and  strength  of  argument," 
on  the  side  of  humanity.1 

On  the  division  the  opponents  of  the  treaty  were 
but  sixty-five  against  three  hundred  and  nineteen. 
"Now,"  said  the  princess  dowager,  on  hearing  the 
great  majority,  "  my  son  is  indeed  king  of  England." 
Yet  Townshend,  who  had  so  much  contributed  to 
swell  the  vote,  in  the  progress  of  his  own  ambition, 
had  for  a  rival  Halifax,  his  old  superior  at  the  Board 
of  Trade,  who  was  equally  desirous  of  the  department 
of  the  colonies,  with  the  rank  of  a  secretary  of  state. 

In  the  first  days  of  January,  1763,  it  was  publicly 

1  See  Powlett  to  Horatio  Gates,  4  January,  1763. 


chap,  avowed  what  had  long  been  resolved  on,  that  a  stand- 

rLs  ing  army  of  twenty  battalions  was  to  be  kept  up  in 

1763.  America  after  the  peace ; 1  and,  as  the  ministry  were 
all  the  while  promising  great  things  in  point  of 
economy,  it  was  designed  that  the  expense  should  be 
defrayed  by  the  colonists  themselves. 

On  the  tenth  day  of  February,  1763,  the  treaty  was 
ratified ;  and  five  days  afterwards,  at  the  hunting-castle 
of  Hubertsburg,  a  definitive  treaty  closed  the  war  of 
the  empress  queen  and  the  Elector  of  Saxony  against 
the  great  Frederic.  The  year  of  1761  had  ended  for 
Frederic  in  gloom.  Hardly  sixty  thousand  men  remain- 
ed to  him  to  resist  the  whole  circle  of  his  enemies.  He 
has  himself  described  the  extremity  of  his  distress,  and 
has  proudly  bid  the  world  learn  from  his  example, 
that,  in  great  affairs,  perseverance  lifts  statesmen  above 
perils.2  To  the  firm  man  the  moment  of  deliverance 
assuredly  comes.  Deserted  most  unexpectedly  by 
George  the  Third,  the  changes  in  Russia  had  been 
equally  marvellous.  That  empire  from  an  enemy  had 
become  an  ally,  desirable  from  its  strength,  yet  dan- 
gerous from  the  indiscretions  of  its  sovereign.  But 
when  the  arbitrary  seizure  of  the  domains  of  the  Rus- 
sian clergy  by  Peter  the  Third,  and  the  introduction 
into  the  army  of  an  unwonted  system,  had  provoked 
the  clergy  and  the  army  to  effect  a  revolution  by  his 
dethronement  and  murder,  his  wife,  Catharine, — a  Ger- 
man princess  who  had  adopted  the  religion  and  care- 
fully studied  the  language,  the  customs  and  institu- 
tions of  Russia ;  a  woman  of  such  endowments,  that 

1  A.  Oldham  to  H.  Gates,  6  Ja-  8    Frederic :     (Euvres     Postlm- 

nnarv,    17C>3.      Bernard,   in   1765,  mes,  i.  273.     Hist,  de  la  Guerre  de 

says   the   new  measure   had  been  Sept  Ans. 
44  loncf '  determined  on. 


she  was  held  to  be  the  ablest  person  in  its  court; — was  chap. 

advanced,  over  the  ruin  of  her  husband,  of  which  she  , ^ 

<  not  guilty,  to  the  imperial  throne  of  the  Czai-s.  ncs 
More  wise  than  her  predecessor,  she  abandoned  his 
projects  of  war  and  revenge,  and  in  the  midsummer  of 
1762,  recalling  the  Russian  army,  she  gave  to  the 
world  the  instructive  lesson  of  moderation  and  neu- 
trality. The  territories  of  Prussia,  which  France 
had  evacuated,  Bute  left,  as  he  said,  "  to  be  scrambled 
for ;"  but  there  was  no  one  to  win  them  from  Frede- 
ric ;  and  after  seven  years  of  unequalled  effort 
against  the  aristocracies  and  despotisms  of  continental 
Europe,  the  hero  of  Prussia  won  a  triumph  for 
freedom  by  the  glorious  treaty  of  Hubertsburg, 
which  gave  security  of  existence  to  his  state 
without  the  cession  of  a  hand's  breadth  of  his 

Thus  was  arrested  the  course  of  carnage  and 
misery ;  of  sorrows  in  private  life  infinite  and  un- 
fathomable ;  of  wretchedness  heaped  on  wretchedness ; 
of  public  poverty  and  calamity  ;  of  forced  enlistments 
and  extorted  contributions;  and  all  the  unbridled 
tyranny  of  military  power  in  the  day  of  danger. 
France  was  exhausted  of  one  half  of  her  specie ;  in 
many  parts  of  Germany  there  remained  not  enough 
of  men  or  of  cattle  to  renew  cultivation.  The  num- 
ber of  the  dead  in  arms  is  computed  at  eight  hundred 
and  eighty-six  thousand  on  the  battle-fields  of  Europe, 
or  on  the  way  to  them.  And  all  this  devastation  and 
waste  of  life  and  of  resources  produced  for  those  who 
planned  it  no  gain  whatever,  nothing  but  weakness 
and  losses.  Not  an  inch  of  land  was  torn  from  the 
dominions  of  Frederic ;  not  a  limit  to  the  boundaries 


chap,  of  any  state  was  contracted  or  advanced.  Europe,  in 
_^L,  its  territorial  divisions,  remained  exactly  as  before. 
1763.  But  in  Asia  and  America  how  was  the  world  changed ! 

In  Asia,  the  victories  of  Clive  at  Plassy,  of  Coote 
at  the  Wanderwash,  and  of  Watson  and  Pococke  on 
the  Indian  seas,  had  given  England  the  undoubted 
ascendency  in  the  East  Indies,  opening  to  her  sud- 
denly the  promise  of  untold  treasures  and  territorial 
acquisitions  without  end. 

In  America,  the  Teutonic  race,  with  its  strong 
tendency  to  individuality  and  freedom,  was  become 
the  master  from  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  to  the  poles ; 
and  the  English  tongue,  which,  but  a  century  and  a 
half  before,  had  for  its  entire  world  a  part  only  of 
two  narrow  islands  on  the  outer  verge  of  Europe,  was 
now  to  spread  more  widely  than  any  that  had  ever 
given  expression  to  human  thought. 

Go  forth,  then,  language  of  Milton  and  Hampden, 
language  of  my  country,  take  possession  of  the  North 
American  continent !  Gladden  the  waste  places  with 
every  tone  that  has  been  rightly  struck  on  the  Eng- 
lish lyre,  with  every  English  word  that  has  been 
spoken  well  for  liberty  and  for  man !  Give  an  echo 
to  the  now  silent  and  solitary  mountains ;  gush  out 
with  the  fountains  that  as  yet  sing  their  anthems  all 
day  long  without  response ;  fill  the  valleys  with  the 
voices  of  love  in  its  purity,  the  pledges  of  friendship 
in  its  faithfulness  ;  and  as  the  morning  sun  drinks  the 
dewdrops  from  the  flowers  all  the  way  from  the 
dreary  Atlantic  to  the  Peaceful  Ocean,  meet  him  with 
the  joyous  hum  of  the  early  industry  of  freemen ! 
Utter  boldly  and  spread  widely  through  the  world 


the  thoughts  of  the  coming  apostles  of  the  people's  chap. 
liberty,  till  the   sound  that  cheers   the  desert  shall  v_^L, 
thrill  through  the  heart  of  humanity,  and  the  lips  of  1768. 
the  messenger  of  the  people's  power,  as  he  stands  in 
beauty  upon  the  mountains,  shall  proclaim  the  reno- 
vating tidings  of  equal  freedom  for  the  race  ! 

England  exulted  in  its  conquests ;  enjoying  the 
glory  of  extended  dominion  in  the  confident  expecta- 
tion of  a  boundless  increase  of  wealth.  But  its  success 
was  due  to  its  having  taken  the  lead  in  the  good  old 
struggle  for  liberty  ;  and  was  destined  to  bring  fruits, 
not  so  much  to  itself,  as  to  the  cause  of  freedom  and 

France,  of  all  the  states  on  the  continent  of 
Europe,  the  most  powerful  by  territorial  unity,  wealth, 
numbers,  industry  and  culture,  seemed  also  by  its 
place,  marked  out  for  maritime  ascendency.  Set  be- 
tween many  seas,  it  rested  upon  the  Mediterranean, 
possessed  harbors  on  the  German  ocean,  and  embraced 
within  its  wide  shores  and  jutting  headlands,  the  bays 
and  open  waters  of  the  Atlantic ;  its  people,  infolding 
at  one  extreme  the  offspring  of  colonists  from  Greece, 
and  at  the  other,  the  hardy  children  of  the  Northmen, 
were  called,  as  it  were,  to  the  inheritance  of  life  upon 
the  sea.  The  nation,  too,  readily  conceived  or  appro- 
priated great  ideas,  and  delighted  in  bold  resolves. 
Its  travellers  had -penetrated  farthest  into  the  fearful 
interior  of  unknown  lands;  its* missionaries  won  most 
familiarly  the  confidence  of  the  aboriginal  hordes ;  its 
writers  described  with  keener  and  wiser  observation 
the  forms  of  nature  in  her  wildness,  and  the  habits 
and  languages  of  savage  man ;  its  soldiers,  and  every 
lay  Frenchman  in    America  owed   military  service, 


chap,  uniting  beyond  all  others  celerity  with  courage,  knew 
^^^  best  how  to  endure  the  hardships  of  forest  life  and  to 
1763  triumph  in  forest  warfare.  Its  ocean  chivalry  had 
given  a  name  and  a  colony  to  Carolina,  and  its  mer- 
chants a  people  to  Acadia.  The  French  discovered 
the  basin  of  the  St.  Lawrence ;  were  the  first  to  ex- 
plore and  possess  the  banks  of  the  Mississippi,  and 
planned  an  American  empire  that  should  unite  the 
widest  valleys  and  most  copious  inland  waters  of  the 

But  New  France  was  governed  exclusively  by  the 
monarchy  of  its  metropolis  ;  and  was  shut  against  the 
intellectual  daring  of  its  philosophy,  the  liberality  of 
its  political  economists,  the  movements  of  its  industrial 
genius,  its  legal  skill,  and  its  infusion  of  protestant 
freedom.  Nothing  representing  the  new  activity  of 
thought  in  Modern  France,  went  to  America.  No- 
thing had  leave  to  go  there,  but  what  was  old  and 
worn  out.  The  government  thought  only  to  transmit 
to  its  American  empire,  the  exhausted  polity  of  the 
Middle  Ages ;  the  castes  of  feudal  Europe ;  its  mon- 
archy, its  hierarchy,  its  nobility,  and  its  dependent 
peasantry ;  while  commerce  was  enfeebled  by  protec- 
tion, stifled  under  the  weight  of  inconvenient  regu- 
lations, and  fettered  by  exclusive  grants.  The  land 
was  parcelled  out  in  seignories  ;  and  though  quitrents 
were  moderate,  transfers  and  sales  of  leases  were  bur- 
dened with  restrictions  and  heavy  fines.  The  men 
who  held  the  plough  were  tenants  and  vassals,  of 
whom  few  could  either  write  or  read.  No  village 
school  was  open  for  their  instruction ;  nor  was  there, 
one  printing  press    in  either  Canada1   or  Louisiana 

1  General  Murray  to  the  Earl  of    "  The    former  government  would 
Egremont,  Quebec,  5  June,  1762 :    never  suffer  a  printing  press  in  the 


The  central  will  of  the  administration,  though  checked  chap. 
by  concessions  of  monopolies,  was  neither  guided  by  s__, 
local   legislatures,  nor  restrained   by  parliaments   or  1768. 
courts  of  law.     But  France  was  reserved  for  a  nobler 
influence  in  the  New  World,  than  that  of  propagating 
institutions,  which  in  the  Old  World   were    giving 
tip  the  ghost ;  nor  had  Providence  set  apart  America 
for  the  reconstruction  of  the  decaying  framework  of 
feudal  tyranny.1 

The  colonists  from  England  brought  over  the 
forms  of  the  government  of  the  mother  country,  and 
the  purpose  of  giving  them  a  better  development  and 
a  fairer  career  in  the  Western  World.  The  French 
emigrants  took  with  them  only  what  belonged  to  the 
past,  and  nothing  that  represented  modern  freedom. 
The  English  emigrants  retained  what  they  called 
English  privileges,  but  left  behind  in  the  parent  coun- 
try, English  inequalities,  the  monarch,  and  nobility, 
and  prelacy.  French  America  was  closed  against 
even  a  gleam  of  intellectual  independence  ;  nor  did  it 
contain  so  much  as  one  dissenter  from  the  Roman 
Church ;  English  America  had  English  liberties  in 
greater  purity  and  with  far  more  of  the  power  of  the 
people  than  England.  Its  inhabitants  were  self-or- 
ganized bodies  of  freeholders,  pressing  upon  the  re-, 
ceding  forests,  winning  their  way  farther  and  farther 
forward  every  year,  and  never  going  back.  They  had 
schools,  so  that  in  several  of  the  colonies  there  was  no 
one  to  be  found  beyond  childhood,  who  could  not  read 
and  write ;  they  had  the  printing-press,  scattering  among 

country."     And  again  Gen.  Murray  or  none  can   read;    printing  was 
to  Secretary  Shelburne,  30  August,  never  permitted  in  Canada,  till  we 
17G6:    "They  are  very   ignorant,  got  possession  of  it." 
and  it  was  the  policy  of  the  French  l  Gayarre  Histoire  de  la  Louis- 
government  to  keep  them  so ;  few  iane,  ii.  121. 


chap,  tli em  books,  and  pamphlets,  and  many  newspapers : 
s^yw  they  had  a  ministry  chiefly  composed  of  men  of  their 
1763.  own  election.  In  private  life  they  were  accustomed 
to  take  care  of  themselves  ;  in  public  affairs  they  had 
local  legislatures,  and  municipal  self-direction.  And 
now  this  continent  from  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  to  where 
civilized  life  is  stayed  by  barriers  of  frost,  was  become 
their  dwelling-place  and  their  heritage. 

Reasoning  men  in  New  York,  as  early  as  1748, 
foresaw  and  announced  that  the  conquest  of  Canada, 
by  relieving  the  Northern  Colonies  from  danger, 
would  hasten  their  emancipation.  An  attentive  Swe- 
dish traveller  in  that  year  heard  the  opinion,  and  pub- 
lished it  to  Sweden  and  to  Europe ;  the  early  dreams 
of  John  Adams  made  the  removal  of  "  the  turbulent 
Gallics"  a  prelude  to  the  approaching  greatness  of  his 
country.  During  the  negotiations  for  peace,  the  kins- 
man and  bosom  friend  of  Edmund  Burke,  employed 
the  British  press  to  unfold  the  danger  to  England 
from  retaining  Canada ;  and  the  French  minister  for 
foreign  affairs  frankly  warned  the  British  envoy,  that 
the  cession  of  Canada  would  lead  to  the  independence 
\     of  North  America.1 

Unintimidated  by  the  prophecy,  and  obeying  a 
•higher  and  wiser  instinct,  England  happily  persisted. 
"  We  have  caught  them  at  last," 2  said  Choiseul  to 
those  around  him  on  the  definitive  surrender  of  New 
France ;  and  at  once  giving  up  Louisiana  to  Spain,  his 
eager  hopes  anticipated  the  speedy  struggle  of  Amer- 
ica for  separate  existence.     So  soon  as  the  sagacious 

1  Hans  Stanley  to  William  Pitt,  me  by  the  late  Albert  Gallatin, 
1760,  printed  in  Thackeray's  Chat-  confirmed  by  papers  in  my  posses- 
ham,  sion,    relating   to   periods   a  little 

8  From  oral  communications  to  earlier  and  a  litfe  later. 


and  experienced  Vergennes,  the  French  ambassador  at  chap. 
Constantinople,  a  grave,  laborious  man,  remarkable  ^^ 
for  a  calm  temper  and  moderation  of  character,  heard  1768. 
the  conditions  of  the  peace,  he  also  said  to  his  friends, 
and  even  openly  to  a  British  traveller,1  "the  conse- 
quences of  the  entire  cession  of  Canada  are  obvious. 
[  am  persuaded,"  and  afterwards  he  himself  recalled 
his  prediction  to  the  notice  of  the  British  ministry,2 — 
u  England  will  ere  long  repent  of  having  removed  the 
only  check  that  could  keep  her  colonies  in  awe. 
They  stand  no  longer  in  need  of  her  protection  ;  she 
will  call  on  them  to  contribute  towards  supporting 
the  burdens  they  have  helped  to  bring  on  her ;  and 
they  will  answer  by  striking  off  all  dependence." 
Lord  Mansfield,  also,  used  often  to  declare  that  he 
too,  "  ever  since  the  peace  of  Paris,  always  thought 
the  Northern  Colonies  were  meditating  a  state  of  in- 
dependency on  Great  Britain.8 " 

The  colonial  system,  being  founded  on  injustice, 
was  at  war  with  itself.  The  principle  which  confined 
the  commerce  of  each  colony  to  its  own  metropolis, 
was  not  only  introduced  by  England  into  its  domestic 
legislation,  but  was  accepted  as  the  law  of  nations  in 
its  treaties  with  other  powers ;  so  that  while  it  wan- 
tonly restrained  its  colonists,  it  was  jealously,  and  on  / 
its  own  theory  rightfully  excluded  from  the  rich  pos- 
sessions of  France  and  Spain.  Those  regions  could 
be  thrown  open  to  British  traders,  only  by  the  general 
abrogation  of  the  mercantile  monopoly,  which  would 
extend   the   benefit  to    universal   commerce,  or  by 

1  Lind's  three  letters  to  Price,    ford,  Secretary  of  State.     No.  19. 
187.  Separate.     31  October,  1775. 

*  Lord   Stormont,   British    Am-        *  Lord  Mansfield  in  the  llonse  of 
bassador  at  Paris,  to  Lord  Booh-    Lords,  20  Dec.  1775,  in  Almon.  v 

107.     Force,  vi.  233. 


chap.  British  conquest,  which  would  close  them  once  more 
_^  against  all  the  world  but  the  victors;  even  against  the 
1763.  nations  which  had  discovered  and  planted  them. 
Leaving  the  nobler  policy  of  liberty  to  find  its  defend- 
ers where  it  could,  and  wilfully,  and  as  it  were  fatally 
blind  to  what  would  follow,  England  chose  the  policy 
of  conquest  and  exclusion ;  and  had  already  acquired 
much  of  the  empire  of  Spain  in  America,  and  nearly 
the  whole  of  that  of  France  in  both  hemispheres. 

The  balance  of  the  colonial  system  was  destroyed 
for  ever ;  there  existed  no  longer  the  community  of 
interest  for  its  support  on  the  part  of  the  great  mari- 
time powers  of  Europe.  The  Seven  Years'  War  which 
doubled  the  debt  of  England,  increasing  it  to  seven 
hundred  millions  of  dollars,  had  been  begun  by  her 
for  the  possession  of  the  Ohio  Valley.  She  achieved 
that  conquest,  but  not  for  herself.  Driven  out  from 
its  share  in  the  great  colonial  system,  France  was 
swayed  by  its  own  commercial  and  political  interests, 
by  its  wounded  pride,  and  by  that  enthusiasm  which 
the  support  of  a  good  cause  enkindles,  to  take  up  the 
defence  of  the  freedom  of  the  seas,  and  heartily  to 
desire  the  enfranchisement  of  the  English  plantations. 
This  policy  was  well  devised ;  and  we  shall  see  that 
England  became  not  so  much  the  possessor  of  the 
Valley  of  the  West,  as  the  transient  trustee,  commis- 
sioned to  transfer  it  from  the  France  of  the  Middle 
Ages  to  the  free  people,  who  were  making  for  hu- 
manity a  new  existence  in  America. 

END    OF   VOL.    TV. 
