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H  I  S  T  ()  H  Y 


Wkstchesteu  County 

^K^V    YOKK 

From  Its  Earliest  Settlement  to    iiik   Year  1900 











Two  tufiEs  Receivfo 

NOV  26  1900 

tojiyngM  Hrtf) 


Oellirmd  to 

NOV  27  1900 


The  New  York  History  Cniiipany 




HE  pre] )arii lory  work  for  this  History  was  l)('j>uu  liy  llic 
editor  several  years  ai;ti  aloiii;-  tlie  lines  of  i-eseaicii  and 
of  tlie  collection  and  systematizing;  of  nialerials.  Tlie 
identification  of  .Mr.  Sjiooner  with  the  enterprise  dates 
from  a  later  period,  hnt  in  its  relative  imjiortance  is  not  to  be  esti- 
mati'd  by  its  dnration.  To  him  the  credit  of  the  antlioi'ship  of  the 
History  is  uudividedly  dne.  The  editor's  personal  shai-e  in  the  joint 
iindertakinji' — apart  from  the  selection  of  the  ])lan  of  the  work  and 
the  procnrement  and  arrangement  of  materials — has  been  mostly 
that  of  sn])ervision;  or,  more  ]iro](erly  expressed,  of  such  co-oiieration 
with  ^Ir.  Spooner  as  personal  knowledge  of  the  snbject  and  zealous 
interest  in  the  project  have  enabled  him  to  render  in  the  ])arlicnlars 
specially  of  recommendation,  contribution,  and  criticism.  This  His- 
tory is  therefore  not  a  work  of  collaboration,  e.vcept  in  the  s(^nse 
here  ]irecisely  indicated.  As  a  literary  work  it  is  the  exclusive  pi'o- 
ihictidii  (if  .Ml-.  Sjiooner;  and  whatever  satisfaction  the  editor  may 
icasonably — without  an  excess  of  comjilacency — take  io  himself  in 
view  of  his  own  association  in  the  entei'pi-ise,  rests  in  a  peculiar 
mannei-  u])on  his  appreciation  i>{  the  conscieutious  deNotinn  and  ai-- 
cnm]dished  ability  with  which  .Mr.  Sjiooner  has  biouyht  it  lo  its  jirac- 
lical  issue. 

Althouiih  the  ])revioiis  histories  of  W'eslidiester  Counlw  liolton's 
and  Scharfs,  ai-e  works  (d'  i;reat  \dlume  and  information,  they  are 
\\orks  of  riderence  strictly,  and  as  sue  h  b(doiii;  rather  to  I  lie  dejtart- 
nieiit  i>\'  histoiical  miscellany  than  to  that  of  bo(dcs  adapted  foi-  i)o]»- 
ular  i'ea<lin.n.  Holton's  History  is  a  collection  of  local  chronicles  en- 
tirely; S(  harfs  is  on  the  same  plan,  with  a  number  of  ucneral  artii  les 
added.  Both  represent  historical  labors  of  ureat  foiniality  ami 
seriousness,  \\iiich  ai-e  entitled  to  res])ect  and  whose  aii^re^ate  results 
l)ossess  endui-inj;  value  for  in(iuirinii  jiersons.  Hut  mi'i-e  collections 
of  historical  facts — even  if  com])r(diendin.i;  all  the  (demental  facts  (d' 
a  jiiven  snbject — do  not  afford  a  satisfyinii  view  of  history  itscdf. 
That  can  be  doiu'  oidy  by  the  adiMpiate  treatment  of  facts — by  Hie 
orderly,  disci'eet,  and  able  coiijoiniuii-  id'  them  in  a  com]irchensive 
narration.     The   t  w cut  v-tive   town    histories  of   Westidiester  ('oiiiiiy. 



li(i\\c\('r  >'xliiiiistiv('l_y  and  cxccllcnl  1  v  wiittcn,  (]ii  not  ((Piistitutc  a  liis- 
tory  <if  the  county;  and  for  a  consecutive  understandiui;  of  the 
<ienei-al  cimnty  liistorv  the  reader  of  liolton  or  Scharf  must  rcdy  upon 
his  own  constructive  iuiicnuity — must  indeed  be  liis  own  liistorian. 

Lonii  before  the  work  now  jiiven  to  tlie  ]inlilic  was  conceived  as  a 
]iractical  project,  tlie  present  editor  realized  tlie  force  of  tliese  consid- 
erations and  (  lierished  not  <iuly  a  ho])e  tliat  a  genuine  narrative  his- 
tory of  tlie  county  Tui^ht  some  day  be  juddnced,  but  an  ambition  to 
become  personally  instrumental  in  acliie\  iii;L;  so  imjiortant  a  result. 
His  attention  was  especially  directed  to  the  matter  by  his  observa- 
tions diirinii  his  connectioTi  with  the  schools,  from  whicli  he  became 
(•(uninced  (d'  the  e.\treni(dy  elementary  idiaracter  of  the  general 
knowlediic  of  this  county's  liistory,  even  in  relation  to  the  Kevolution, 
whereof,  indeed,  anytliini;'  like  a  well  <-o-ordinate(l  undei-standin^  is 
most  excei)tional  aniouii  the  ]>eo]ile,  and  (luite  incapalde  of  Ixdni^' 
taujiht  to  the  youn,ii  because  of  tlie  unsuitability  for  tliat  jiurpose  of 
all  books  heretofort"  imblished  that  lieai'  on  the  subject. 

In  foiniulatinji' the  plan  for  the  ])resent  work  the  editor  had  funda- 
menlaily  in  view  a  lucid  continuous  narrative,  thoroujih  in  its  treat- 
ment of  the  outlines  of  the  subject  and  reasonably  attenti\'e  to  local 
details  without  extendini;'  to  minuteness.  These  lines  have  been  bd- 
lowed  Ihi'ouiihout.  All  exist inii  materials,  so  far  as  accessible,  have 
In  en  utilized,  ])ro]ier  credit  beini;  ;Lil\-en  to  the  sources  from  whicli 
borrowinjis  have  been  made.  The  work  conipi-ehends  a  variety  of 
new  materials,  whiidi  have  been  interwoven  in  the  text.  Porticms  of 
the  manuscript  have  been  reAisi'd  or  criticised  by  jiersons  jiarticiilaily 
W(dl  informed  on  certain  jihases  id'  the  subject;  and  to  all  of  tjiese 
critics  the  editor  extends  his  thankful  aidvnowlediiinents. 

Special  credit  is  due  to  Mr.  James  L.  \Vells  for  his  editoi-ia!  super- 
vision of  the  entire  work  so  far  as  concerns  the  sections  of  the  oriijinal 
county  now  constituting  the  Borough  of  the  Bronx,  New  York  City; 
and  thanks  must  also  be  expressed  to  Mr.  Wells  for  the  crest  of 
Jonas  Broiudc  (the  first  settler  of  Westchester  County),  intioduced 
by  his  kind  permission  in  the  title-])age.  It  is  probably  not  generally 
known  that  from  the  Broncdc  crest  have  been  derived  some  of  the 
essential  features  of  the  arms  of  the  State  of  New  York. 

"  Shon.vaud  IIojii:sT]:.\r)." 
AUCiTTST,  11)00. 



Editor's    rrefjuH' iii 

("llAl'TKIt      I 

I'liysiciil  Description  ot  I  lie  ('(niiity 1 

ClIAl'lKK     II 
Tlif  Aboriyiual  luhabitauls 17 

("llAI'TKR      III 

DiscoVk-ry  and  rreliiuinary  \'icw .")! 

("iiAi-i'in;.    I\' 
The  Earliest  Settlers — I>rnn(d<,  Anne  Ilutrldnsim,  'riirockninr.Dn, 
Tornell    T."> 

("IIAI'I'KK     \' 

Tlie  Kedenbtable  Caplain  dolin   rnderliill      Dr.  Adrian   \'an  der 
Dimek    !>•; 

("iiAi'i'i:i;     \'l 
Iteuininniis  ot  Sei-ious  Sel  I  lenienl      \\'est(  iiesler  Town.  Kye in 

("hai'ti:!;    \'1I 
"The  Portion  of  the  North   Kidinti  on  the  Main" — l'n)j>Tess  of 
Settlement  and  Bejiinniniis  (d'  I  lie  .Mamii'ial  Estates \'.V2 

CiiAriDii     \lll 
Tlie  riiiliiises  and  tlie  \'an  Corthindls l.").") 

CiiArrKi:    IX 
Telliani   .Manor  and   New   Korlielle     Caleb   JleatlH-ote  and   Sears 
dale  .Manoi'— -( ieneral  ( ?bser\al  ions  on  ;  he  .Manors \'i-'> 

( 'llAI'TKI;      X 

(ieneral    Ilistorieal    Hex  lew   lo  llie   l!et;innin,i:'  of   the   Eii;lile(-ni  li 
Cenlnry — ('(inii)letion  of  ilie  Work  ef  Original  Sel 'lenient  ...  .    I'.i-"! 

('iiAi'ri:u    XI 
A  (I  lance  a  I  tlie  Hoi-onuh  Tow  n  of  Westtdiester 22(> 


Chapter  XII 
The  Election  on  the  (Jreen  ;it  Kiistcliester,  17;« 235 

CllAl'TlOIl    XIII 
The  Aristocratic  I'aiiiilies  and  Their  Intlueuces 25r) 

From  the  Stainji  Act  to  I  he  Last  Session  of  the  Colonial  Assembly  277 

<'11A1'TEII    XV 
Westchester  County  in   i.iiie  for  Indcjicudence — Events  to  .Inly 
0,    1 77(1 2;t(i 

ClIAI'TEU    X\'I 

The  State  of  New   Voik  liorn  at  \Vhite  IMains — Events  to  October 
12,    177(i 335 


The  Campaign  and  Battle  id'  White  IMains 357 

Chapter  XVIII 
Fort  ^^'ashin}^■ton■s  I-'nll — The  l)(din(iuencv  of  (leneral  Lee 397 

Chai'TER    XIX 
The  Strategic  Situation — TIh'  Xentral  (Jrouud 412 

ClIAl'TER     XX 

Events  of  1777  and  177S 425 

I'roni  .lannai-y.  1779,  to  September,  17S(1 44t) 

Chatter    XXII 
The  Captnre  of  Andre 4()4 

The  West(diester  Ojiei-ations  of  the  Allied  Armies,  17S1 — End  of 
the  War 4!l7 

Chapter  XXIV 
General  Ilislor\  (d  t  lie  Count  \('(Hi(lnde<l — I'riuu  tlie  KeNolulion 
to  the  Completion  of  tiie  Croton  A(|ueduct    (  1S42) 52t) 

Chai'ter    XXV 
Cieneral  Ilistorv  of  the  Conntv  Concluded 573 




HE  ("oimty  ot  Westclit'.ster,  as  a  detiuitely  bounded  and  or- 
gauized  political  unit,  was  created  on  the  1st  of  November, 
l(iS3,  by  the  provisions  of  an  act  of  the  first  Provincial 
Assembly  of  New  York,  held  under  the  administration  of 
the  Royal  Governor  Dongan,  which  formally  marked  off  the  province 
into  the  twelve  original  counties.  By  the  terms  of  this  act,  Westchester 
CouutA'  was  to  comprise  "  East  and  West  Chester,  Bronxland,  Ford- 
ham,  and  all  as  far  eastward  as  the  province  extends,''  and  to  run 
northward  along  the  Hudson  Tfiver  to  the  Highlands,  its  southern 
limits  being,  of  course.  Long  Island  Sound  and  the  waters  between  the 
mainland  and  Manhattan  Island  or  New  York  County.    Of  the  bound 
aries  thus  described,  only  the  western  and  northern  have  continued 
unchanged  to  the  present  time.     The  precise  location  of  the  eastern 
line,  constituting  the  boundary  betAveen  New  Y'ork  and  Connecticut, 
was  a  matter  of  serious  contention  througjiout  the  early  histoi-y  of  the 
county,  and,  indeed,  was  not  established  to  the  linal  satisfaction  of 
both  parties  to  the  dispute  until  1880.    This  long-standing  and  curious 
conti-oversy  as  to  the  eastern  boundary  involved,  however,  notliing 
more  than  rival  claims  of  colonial  jurisdiction,  arising  from  matiiemat- 
ical  inaccuracies  in  original  calculations  of  distance,  and  from  pecu- 
liar conditions  of  early  settlement  along  the  Sound,  which  jir(>sented 
a  mere  problem  of  territorial  rectification  upon  the  basis  of  reciprocal 
concessions  by  the  two  provinces  and  subsequently  the  two  common- 
wealths concerned;  and.  accordingly,  while  leaving  a  jiortion  of  the 
eastern  border  line  of  Westchester  County  somewhat  indeterminable 
for  two  centuries,  the  issues  at  stake  never  affected  the  integrity  of 
its  aggregate  area  as  allotted  at  the  beginning.     On  the  other  hand, 
the  southern  boundary  of  the  old  county  lias  undergone  extremely 
radical   nuiditicatioiis.   which   are  still   in   progress.     Since  1873,  by 
various  legislative  acts,  large  sections  of  it  have  been  cut  away  and 
transferred  to  the  City  of  New  York,  comprising  what  until  r<'cent 
Aears  were  known  as  the   •  annexed  districts  "  of  the  metropolis,  now 


officially  si,\h-(l  t\w  ••  Itoiouiili  ol'  the  Jtroiix  ""  ot  the  Greater  City. 
Altlionjiii  tile  ci.uiity  still  n-tains  its  two  most  populous  muuicipali- 
ties,  Youkois  aud  .Alouut  \'eruou,  the  New  York  City  liue  lias  been 
pushed  ri.L;ht  up  to  their  borders,  and  there  is  uo  i-easonable  doubt  that 
within  a  few  more  yeai-s  they,  too,  Mill  be  absorbed.  Already  forty- 
one  and  one-half  square  miles,  or  20,500  acres,  have  been  annexed  to 
the  city. 

In  these  pages  the  story  of  old  Westchester  County  is  to  be  told; 
and  whenever  the  county  as  a  whole  is  mentioned  without  specific 
indicatidii  of  the  present  limits,  the  reader  will  uuderstan<l  that  the 
original  county,  including  those  portions  which  have  actually  passed 
under  a  new  political  jurisdiction,  is  meant. 

Wesl Chester  County,  thus  considered  in  its  primal  extent,  is  some- 
thing more  than  five 
hundred  square  miles  in 
area,  and  lies  centrally 
distant  some  one  htin- 
dred  miles  from  Al- 
bany. From  its  north- 
western point,  Antho- 
ny's Xose,  at  the  en- 
trance to  the  Highlands 
of  the  Hudson,  to  its 
southeastern  extremity, 
Byram  Point,  on  the 
i^ound,  it  is  entirely  sur- 
rutmded  by  the  waters  of 
the  Hudson  River,  Simy- 
ten  Dtiyvil  Creek,  the 
Harlem  IJiver,  and  Long 
Island  Sound,  forming  a 
shore  line  more  than  one 
hundred  miles  in  length 
illowance  is  nuide  for  the 




— considerably  more,  indeed,  if  scrupulo 
Avindings  of  the  coast  ahuig  the  Sound 

The  Hudson  Kiver,  completing  its  nan-ow  ami  lortuous  course 
through  the  Highlands  at  the  northern  liouiidarv  of  Westchester 
County,  runs  thence  to  the  sea  in  an  almost  due  south  direction.  For 
a  short  distance  below  Anthony's  Nose,  however,  it  continues  decid- 
edly narrow,  until,  at  the  very  termination  of  this  portion  of  its  course, 
a  place  called  ^'erplanc  k's  Point,  its  banks  ai)iiroach  quite  close  to- 
gether, being  only  one  mile  apart.  Ileiv  was  located  the  famous 
King's  Ferry  (d'  the  Pevohition,  an  extreiiielA  important  line  (d'  inter- 



roiiiiiiunitadou  bet  wren  tlir  iialiiot  loix-rs  ol'  ihe  East  and  the  West; 
and  on  tlir  opposite  hank  stood  ilic  fortress  of  Stony  Point,  the 
scene  of  Wa.vnc's  niidniiilit  exploit.  Jnst  bidow  Verplaiud^'s  tlie  river 
suddenly  widens,  forniiiii;  the  ina.niiilicenl   liaversliaw  \\;i\.    This,  in 


variations  of  widtli,  the  baulcs  liaviuj;  a  luean  distaui-c  apart  of  a  little 
more  than  a  mile. 

From  Antliony's  Nose,  the  northernmost  point  of  Westchester 
County  on  the  Hudson,  to  the  Spuvten  Duyvil  Creek,  the  southern- 
most, is  a  distance,  as  the  crow  files,  of  thirty-four  miles.  The  breadth 
of  the  county  varies  from  twenty-five  to  eight  and  one-half  miles. 
Throujihout  its  entire  extent  along  the  liudson  the  Westchester  shore 
rises  abru])tly  from  the  river  edge  to  elevations  seldom  less  than  one 
liuiidrcd  feet.  Nowhere,  however,  does  the  Westchester  bank  ascend 
precipitously  in  the  manner,  or  even  at  all  resembling  the  manner,  of 
the  Palisade  formation  on  tlie  western  shore.  The  acclivity  is  often 
()uitc  sharp,  but  everywhere  admits  of  gradual  approach,  for  both 
pedestrians  and  carriages,  to  the  high  ridges.  Thus  the  whole  western 
border  of  the  county  botli  affords  a  splendid  view  of  the  entrancing 
panorama  of  the  Fludsou,  and  is  perfectly  accessible  from  the  railroad, 
which  runs  along  the  bank  of  the  river.  Moreover,  beyond  the  ridges  in 
the  interior  the  land  has  a  uniform  and  gentle  descent  into  lovely  val- 
leys, Avhich  permit  convenient  and  rapid  travel  from  all  directions. 
These  physical  conditions  render  the  western  section  of  the  county  one 
of  the  most  inviting  and  favored  localities  in  the  world  for  costly  resi- 
dences and  grand  estates;  and  from  the  earliest  period  of  European 
settlement  of  this  portion  of  America,  the  Hudson  shore  of  West- 
chester County  has  been  a  chosen  abode  for  families  of  wealth  and 
distinction.  But  every  other  part  of  the  county — at  least  every  part 
conveniently  reached  from  the  railroads — is  also  highly  esteemed  for 
select  residence  purposes;  and,  indeed,  Westchester  County  through- 
out its  extent  is  jjeciiliarly  a  residential  county. 

Spuyten  J)uyvil  Creek  and  the  Harlem  River,  which  separate  Man- 
hattan Island  from  the  mainland  and  form  a  portion  of  the  southern 
boundary  of  the  old  County  of  Westchester,  are  in  reality  only  an  arm 
of  the  sea;  and  though  to  the  superficial  observer  they  may  appear 
to  constitute  one  of  the  mouths  of  the  Hudson,  they  have  no  such 
function,  and,  indeed,  receive  none  of  its  How.  The  two  are  strictly 
to  be  considered  not  as  a  river,  but  as  a  strait,  connecting  the  tide 
waters  of  the  East  River  and  Sound  with  those  of  the  North  Kiver. 
Their  length  is  about  eight  miles.  The  Harlem  River  at  its  eastern  ex- 
tremity is  divided  by  Randall's  Island  into  tAVo  channels — the  south- 
ern and  principal  one  comnuinicating  with  Hellgate,  and  the  northern 
one  (unnavigable),  called  the  Bronx  Kills,  passing  between  the 
island  and  the  Westchester  shore  into  Long  Island  Sound.  The 
Ilarlem  and  Spuyten  Duyvil  waterway  presents  the  remarkable  phe- 
nomenon of  double  tides,  which  vary  decidedly  in  height,  time  of 
occurrence,  duration  of  rise  and  fall,  and  swiftness  of  flow.     "The 

PHYSICAL    DKSt'ltiri'lo.N     Ol'    TIIK    CorNTY  5 

ticles  ill  Ihc  llarknii  Kivcr,"  savs  (Ifiinal  .Idlm  Ncwiiiu,  in  a  i-cpori 
to  the  War  Departiueiit,  -arc  cliicllv  due  id  ilic  in-opajiaicd  Ilfll<>ate 
wave.  Avliile  tlic  latter  is  llic  result  <\i  ilie  cuiiracl  of  tlie  Sound  and 
Sandy  Uook  tides.  The  tides  in  the  Hudson  Itiver  and  Spnylen  Duyvil 
are  ]»rodiu-ed  by  the  pntpagation  of  the  sea  li(h'  tiirougli  the  Upi)er 
and  i.ower  hays."  Tlie  mean  rise  of  tlie  li(h'  in  the  Harlem  is  from 
tive  and  one-half  to  six  feet;  in  the  S])iiyten  Duyvil  ("i-eek  it  is  iJu'ee 
and  eij;'bt-teuths  feet.  The  mean  iiiiih  water  level  in  the  Hudson 
liiver  at  Spuyteii  Duyvil  t'reeU  is  nearly  a  foot  lower  and  an  hour  and 
forty  minutes  earlier  than  in  the  Harlem,  and  the  mean  duration  of 
the  rise  of  tide  in  the  former  is  thirty-six  minutes  shorter  than  in  the 
latter.  The  westei-ly  current,  from  Ilellgarc,  is  swifter  than  the  east- 
erly, from  the  Hudson.  The  jdacc  of  "divide"  between  the  Harlem 
I\iver  and  the  S]  my  ten  Duyvil  ( 'reck  is  usually  located  at  Kin<;sbridge. 
In  early  times  the  Harlem  was  naviiiable  for  most  (d'  its  leiiiith.  but 
owing  to  artihcial  obstructions  (notably  that  of  ^lacomb's  Daiui. 
which  were  begun  in  the  first  part  of  the  present  cent  iiry.  i  he  (  haniiel 
above  the  present  Central  Bridge  became  both  shallow  ami  con- 
tracted. The  mean  natural  depth  of  Si)nyte]i  Dnyvil  Creidc  lias  always 
been  com]iaralively  slight.  Owing  to  the  importance  of  this  water- 
way as  a  means  of  short  transit  for  craft  plying  between  the  Hudson 
Kiver  and  ports  on  the  Sound  and  in  New  England,  the  United  Stales 
Government  has  in  our  own  time  dredged  a  channel,  whi(  h.  from  the 
Hudson  to  Hellgate.  has  a  de])th  of  from  twelve  to  fifteen  feet.  This 
impro\ement,  knov\n  as  tlie  Harlem  Shi])  ("anal,  was  ojuMied  to  com 
inerce  on  the  17th  of  June,  lS9o.  The  Harlem  Kiver  and  S|iiiyien 
Duyvil  Creek  are  crossed  at  iiresent  by  thirteen  bridges. 

Along  the  Spuyten  Dnyvil  and  Harlem  Kiver  [loiiion  of  its  water 
line,  as  along  the  Sound,  the  ddd  i  (oiinty  of  Westchester  loses  the 
comparatively  lofty  feature  whicli  (  haraclerizes  its  Hudson  shore, 
anil  the  land  is  generally  Ioav.  sinking  into  marshy  tracts  in  some 
localities  near  the  S<mnd.  The  Westchester  coast  on  the  Sound, 
stretching  from  the  mouth  id'  the  Harlem  River  to  the  mouth  of  the 
liyrani  Kiver  (  where  the  Connecticut  State  line  begins  i,  is  broken  by 
numerous  necks  and  iioints,  with  corresponding  inlets  and  coves. 
Among  the  more  impoi-tant  (d'  llu'  ])rojecting  ])oints  of  laud  are  Stony 
Point  I  Tort  Morris  i,  Dak  Point,  P>arreto  Pr)int.  Hunt's  Point,  Coi-nell's 
Neck  (Clason's  Point).  Throgg's  Neck  (with  Fort  Schuyler  at  its  ex- 
tremity), Kodman's  (I'elham)  Xeck,  Davenport's  Neck,  De  Lancey 
Point,  and  Kye  Neck.  S(une  of  these  localities  are  famous  in  the  his- 
tory of  the  county,  ihein-ovince,  and  the  State.  The  coast  indentations 
imliide  the  outlets  (d  the  TSronx  Tliver,  Westchester  Creek,  and  tlu' 
Hut(  hinson  liiver;  Eastchester  l?ay,  Pelham  Bay,  De  I.ancey  Cove  and 



J.aicliiuuiit  lliubur,  MaiuaruiU'ck  Harbor,  aud  B^raui  Harbor.  Mucli 
of  the  contraband  trade  of  colonial  times  was  supposed  to  have  found 
L-over  in  the  unobserved  retreats  which  the  deep  inlets  of  this  toast 
afforded;  and  of  some  of  the  earlier  settlements  along  the  t^ound  it  is 
supposed  that  they  were  undertaken  quite  as  much  to  provide  secure 
places  of  rendezvous  for  commerce  ;iiore  or  less  outside  the  pale  of  the 
law  as  to  iH'oniote  the  development  of  the  country.  In  close  prox- 
imitv  to  the  shore  are  manv  islands,  of  which  the  more  notable  are 


those  between  Pelham  Bay  and  Xew  IJochelle,  including'  City,  Hart's, 
Hunter's,  David's,  and  Glen  Islands. 

The  New  York  City  limits  on  the  Hudson  now  reach  to  the  northern 
bounds  of  the  hamlet  of  Mount  Saint  Vincent,  and  on  the  Sound  to  a 
]>oinl  about  ojiixisite,  taking  in  also  Hunter's,  Hart,  and  City  Islands. 
Of  the  more  than  one  hundred  miles  of  coast  line  originally  and  until 
1873  possessed  by  Westchester  County,  about  thirty  have  passed  to 
the  city — thi*ee  miles  on  the  Hudson,  eight  on  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek 
and  the  Harlem  Uiver,  and  the  I'emaindtu'  on  the  Sound. 

The  eastern  boundarv  of  the  couutA'  is  an  entireh*  arbitrarA-  one. 


ill  iiu  rcsiK'cl  lullnwiii-i  ualmal  liiics  df  division,  (if  whicii,  indeed, 
tJiere  are  none  of  a  eoutinuous  cliavai-ter  at  this  portion  of  liie  eastern 
confines  of  New  York  Stale.  To  t  lie  reader  iiiifaniiliar  witii  I  lie  jiistory 
of  the  New  York  and  Connecticut  honndary  dispute,  this  /.ij^zaj;-  line 
will  appear  to  liave  been  traced  (|uiie  without  reference  to  any  sym- 
metrical division  of  territory,  hut  tor  the  accoininodation  of  special 
ol)jects  ill  territ(u-ial  adjustment.  This  is  largely  true,  although  the 
line,  as  finally  drawn,  was  rednced  as  nearly  to  a  simple  construction 
as  could  he  done  consistently  with  the  very  dillicnlt  circumstances  of 
the  boundary  dispnti'. 

On  the  iKU'th  the  limit  fixed  for  the  couiily  at  the  lime  of  its  erec- 
tion was  the  ttoint  where  the  Tlighlands  of  the  Hudson  begin.  Pur- 
suant to  this  provision  the  line  between  \Yestciiester  and  I'utnam 
Counties  starts  on  the  Hudson  at  Anthony's  Nose  and  follows  an  east- 
erly course  to  the  Connecticut  boundary. 

The  surface  of  the  county  consists  of  several  ranges  of  hills,  with 
valleys  stretching  between,  in  wliicli  are  numerous  streams  and  an 
abundance  of  lakes.  None  of  the  jihysical  features  of  Westchester 
County  (if  we  except  its  lovely  i)ros|>('ct  of  the  Hudson)  are  in  any 
wise  r<Miiarkable  from  the  viewpoint  of  the  tourist  in  (|uest  of  natural 
wonders.  On  the  other  hand,  its  entire  surface  lu'csents  sceiiei-y  of 
diversified  beauty  and  interest,  not  the  less  gratifying  to  the  contem- 
plative eye  because  umhanucably  niodest  in  its  pretensions. 

The  princi]ial  chain  of  hills  is  the  (Uie  i  losely  bordering  the  Hudson, 
already  noticed.  This  is  the  southern  ]ir(dongation  of  the  Highlands. 
Its  elevations  dis])lay  a  constant  diminishing  tendency  southward. 

Another  range,  likewise  extending  iKirtli  and  south,  is  found  near 
the  Connecticut  border.  The  ^fatteawan  .Moiintaiiis  enter  the  noi-th- 
western  corner  of  the  county,  and  thence  cross  the  lludson.  A  high 
ridge,  called  the  Stone  PHll  (the  watershed  <>{'  the  c(ninty),  passes 
from  the  town  of  Blount  Pleasant  on  the  Hudson  eastward  tiirougli 
the  towns  of  New  Castle,  Bedford,  Poundridge,  and  Salem  into  Con- 
necticut. In  spite  of  this  exce])(ioii.  however,  the  general  trend  of  the 
hills  is  north  and  south,  a  fact  illustrated  by  the  almost  uniformly 
southerly  course  of  the  more  considerable  streams,  and  by  the  usually 
level  character  of  the  roails  running  north  and  south,  as  contrasted 
with  the  c(ms]»icuous  uneveiiuess  of  those  which  extend  east  and  west. 
Famous  in  our  county's  history  are  the  North  Castle  or  Chaiijiaciua 
Hills,  above  White  Plains,  into  which  Washington  retired  with  the 
<'ontinental  army  after  the  engagement  near  the  latter  place  (October 
2S,  177(1 1,  and.  mi  account  of  the  .strength  of  the  new  position  thus 
gained,  ciuupelled  tieneral  Howe,  with  his  greatly  su]teri(u-  forc<'.  to 
return  to  New  'S'ork.     The  highest  point  in  Westchester  County  ( ac- 



cording  to  the  figures  of  till-  i'liitci]  States  ('o;ist  Survey  l  is  Antiionv's 
Nose,  !)no  feet  above  half  tide  h-vei. 


Of  tlio  streams  of  AVestcliestor  County  the  iiaiiics  of  two,  the  Croloii 
and  tlio  lironx,  have  become  widely  familiar.  Tlie  former  riv<'r  is  ilie 
chief  source  of  tlie  water  su])ii]y  of  New  Yorlc  City;  I  he  latter — wliicii, 
by  the  way,  also  furnishes  water  to  New  York — has  nmny  historic 
and  romantic  associations,  tU^ar  to  New  Yorkers  as  well  as  West- 
chester people,  and  its  name  has  been  adopted  for  one  of  the  beautiful 
new  ])arks  of  the  city,  and  also  for  one  of  the  five  grand  divisions 
which  constitute  the  Greater  New  York. 

t^ome  half  dozen  streams  of  noticeable  size  find  their  outlets  in  the 
Hudson.  Peekskill  Creek  gathers  its  waters  from  the  hills  of  the 
northwestern  corner  of  the  county,  and  flows  into  the  Hudson  just 
above  the  village  of  Peekskill.  Furnace  ISrook  is  a  small  rivulet 
which  empties  into  the  river  several  miles  farther  south.  Then  comes 
the  Croton,  having  its  outlet  in  Croton  Buy,  as  the  northeastern  por- 
tion of  the  Tappau  Sea  is  called. 

The  Croton  has  its  sources  in  Dutchess  County — these  sources  com- 
prising three  "  branches  "  (the  East,  Middle,  and  West),  which  unite 
in  the  southern  \n\vt  of  Putnam  County.  In  its  course  through  ^Yest- 
ciiester  County  to  its  mouth,  the  Croton  receives  as  tributaries  the 
Mnscoot,  Titicns,  Cross,  and  Kisco  Rivers.  The  Muscoot  is  the  outlet 
of  the  celebrated  Lake  Mahopac  in  I'utnam  County,  and  the  Cross 
(also  called  the  Peppenegheck )  of  Lake  Waccabuc,  one  of  the  largest 
of  the  Westchester  lakes.  The  Croton  watershed  lies  almost  wholly 
in  the  State  of  New  York,  although  draining  a  small  ar<'a  in  Connec- 
ticut. It  extends  abcmt  thirty-three  miles  north  and  soiiili  and  eleven 
miles  east  and  west,  and  has  an  area  of  339  square  miles  above  the 
present  Croton  Dam.  to  Avhich  about  twenty  square  miles  will  be 
a<lded  when  the  great  new  dam,  now  in  process  of  construction,  is 
com])leted.  This  watershed  embraces  thirty-one  lakes  and  jionds  in 
Westchester  and  Putnam  Counties,  many  of  which  have  been  utilized 
as  natural  storage  basins  in  connection  with  the  New  Y'ork  City 
water  supply  by  cutting  down  tlieir  outlets  and  building  dams  across. 
Besides  Croton  Lake,  there  are  two  very  large  reservoirs  in  our  county 
incidental  to  the  Croton  system — the  Titicns  Reservoir  near  I'urdy's 
and  the  Amawalk  lleservoir.  The  Croton  i.ake  is  l)y  far  the  most  ex- 
tensive sheet  of  water  in  the  county.  It  is  formed  by  a  <lam  about 
five  miles  east  of  the  mouth  of  the  Croton,  and  has  an  ordinary  length 
of  some  three  and  one-half  miles.  When  the  new  dam  is  finished  the 
lengtli  of  the  lake  will  be  in  excess  of  eleven  miles.  From  t  he  lake  t  w<. 
aciueducts,  the  "  Old  "  and  tlie  "New,"  leail  to  the  city.  Th<>  former  is 
thirty-eight  ami  the  latter  thirty-three  miles  long,  the  distance  in  each 
case  beiuii measured  to  the  receiving  reservoir.    It  is  the  old  a(pieduct 



which  crosses  the  Havh-m  River  over  High  Bridge;  the  uew  is  carried 
underneath  the  stream. 

South  of  tlie  ("roton  iliver  the  next  Hudson  tributary  of  interest  is 
the  Sing  Sing  Kill,  which  finds  its  nioutli  tlirough  a  romantic  ravine 
crossed  by  the  notable  Aqueduct  Bridge.  Next  comes  the  Pocantico 
River,  entering  the  Hudson  at  Tarrytown.     The  last  feeder  of  the 


Hudson  lioiii  WestL-lu'stt'i-  Cimiity,  and  the  last  received  by  il  bcfm-e 
discliargiug-  its  waters  into  the  sea,  is  the  Sawmill  (or  Xepperhaiii 
Eiver,  at  Youlcers.  To  tliis  stream  is  due  the  credil  for  the  creation  of 
a  very  considerable  i»ortion  of  the  manufacturini;  imlustries  of  the 
county,  and  consequently,  also,  to  a  i^reat  extent,  thai  for  ihc  building 
up  of  the  City  of  Yonkers. 

Into  the  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  empties  Tibbel's  I'.rook,  a  small 
runlet  which  rises  in  the  Town  of  Youlcers  and  Hows  south,  passing 
throujih  Van  Cortlandt  Lake  (artificial). 

The  most  noteworthy  of  the  streams  emptying  into  the  Sound  is  the 
Bronx  Kiver,  whose  outlet  is  between  Hunt's  I'oint  and  Cornell's 
Neck.  The  Bronx  lies  wholly  within  Westchester  County,  having  its 
headwaters  in  the  hills  of  the  toAvns  of  Mount  IMeasant  and  New 
Castle.  It  traverses  and  partially  drains  the  middle  section  of  the 
county.  This  river,  with  other  Avaters  which  have  been  artificially 
connected  with  it,  afl'ords  to  New  York  City  a  water  sui)ply  of  its  own, 
quite  independent  of  the  Croton  s3-stem--a  fact,  perhaps,  not  generally 
understood.  It  is  dammed  at  Kensico  Station,  making  a  storage 
reservoir  of  250  acres.  A  similar  dam  has  been  thrown  across  the 
Byram  River,  and  another  across  the  outlet  of  Little  Bye  Bond.  By 
the  damming  of  Little  Kye  Pond  that  body  of  water,  witli  Bye  Bond, 
has  been  converted  into  a  single  lake,  having  an  area  of  2S(>  acres. 
The  three  parts  of  this  system — the  Bronx,  Byram,  and  Bye  Bond 
reservoirs — are,  as  already  stated,  connected  aiMiticially,  ami  the 
water  is  delivered  into  a  receiving  reservoir  at  \\'illiams's  Bridge 
through  the  so-called  Bronx  Biver  pipe  line,  a  conduit  of  forty-eight- 
iuch  cast-iron  pipe.  The  portion  of  the  Bronx  watershed  draiuerl  for 
this  jmrpose  has  an  area  of  thirteen  and  one-third  scpiare  miles. 

Bast  of  the  mouth  of  the  Bronx  Biver  on  the  Sound  are  the  outlets 
of  Westchester  and  Eastchester  Creeks — tidal  streams — em])tying, 
respectively,  into  Westchester  and  Ea.stchester  Bays.  The  Hutciiinson 
Biver  rises  in  Scarsdale  and  tloAVs  into  Eastchester  Bay.  The  Mania- 
roneck  Biver  has  its  source  near  White  I'lains  aiul  Harrison,  tinding 
its  outlet  in  Mamaroneck  Harbor.  The  B.yram  Biver,  which  enters 
the  Sound  above  Bortchester,  and  at  its  mouth  separates  our  county 
from  Connecticut,  drains  parts  of  North  Castle  and  Bye.  Blind  BrooU 
empties  at  Milton,  after  draining  portions  of  Harrison  and  Bye. 
Most  of  tlie  streams  flowing  into  the  Sound  afford,  by  the  reflux  of  the 
tidi',  an  intermitting  hydraiilic  power. 

The  MiaTius  Biver,  rising  in  North  Castle,  and  Stamford  .Mill  Kiver, 
rising  in  Boundridge,  find  their  way  to  the  Sound  through  Connecticut. 
Some  minor  streams  in  the  northern  section  of  the  county  How  into 
Putnam  Countv. 



The  lakes  of  AYestclioster,  like  the  hills  and  streams,  boast  no  fea- 
tures of  exceptional  interest,  but  are  strictly  in  keeping  with  the 
quiet  beauty  of  the  general  landscape.  The  largest,  as  already  men- 
tioned, is  Crolon  Lake,  entirely  artiticial;  and  we  hav(^  also  seen  that 

several  of  the  natural  lakes  have  been  utilized  for  purposes  of  water 
supph'.  Lake  Waccabuc,  in  the  Town  of  Lewisboro,  has,  since  1S70, 
been  connected  with  the  Croton  system.  It  covers  over  two  hundred 
acres,  and  is  very  deep  and  ])ure.    In  the  Town  of  Poundridge  several 

PHYSICAL    DKSCKll-llOX     VF    TlIK    CUCNTY  13 

poii»ls<  have  beeu  artiliciallv  joined  tu  vnv  unullier,  loriiiiiii;  a  hand- 
some body  of  water,  called  Trinity  Lake,  a  mile  aud  a  (luarter  long, 
which  supplies  the  City  of  Staiiifofd,  Conn.  A  dam  twenty  feet  high 
has  been  erected  across  its  outlet.  Other  lakes  of  local  importance 
and  intei'est  are  Peach  Lake,  on  the  Putnam  County  border;  Mohegan 
and  ^lohansic  lakes,  in  Yorktown;  Valhalla  Lake  (through  which  the 
Bron.\  Ikiver  flows j,  between  Mount  Pk-asant  and  North  Caslle;  Kye 
Lake,  near  the  Connecticut  line;  Byram  Lake,  in  Bedford  and  North 
Castle,  the  feeder  of  the  Byram  River,  and  Cross  Pond  (100  acres  i  in 

The  rocks  of  Westchester  County  consist  mainly  of  gneiss  aud  mica- 
schist  of  many  dissimilar  varieties,  and  white  crystalline  limestone 
with  thin  interlying  beds  of  serpentine,  all  of  ancient  origin  and 
entirely  devoid  of  fossils.  Professor  Ealph  S.  Tarr,  of  Cornell  Univer- 
sity, in  a  recent  sei'i<^s  of  jiajiers'  on  the  geology  of  New  York  State, 
embodying  the  latest  investigations  aud  conclusions  on  the  subject, 
assigns  to  the  southern  angle  of  the  State,  including  Westchester 
County,  the  name  of  the  "  (Jneissic  PTighbind  Pi-ovince."  This  ]»rov- 
ince,  he  says,  is  of  complex  structure,  and  one  in  which,  in  its  main 
and  most  typical  part,  the  rocks  are  very  much  folded  and  disturbed 
metamorphic  strata  of  ancient  date.  "  These  rocks,"  he  continues, 
"  are  reallj'  an  extension  of  the  highlands  of  New  Jersey,  which  reach 
across  the  southern  angle  of  New  Y'ork,  extend  northeastward,  and 
enter  Connecticut.  Besides  thes(^  Archean  gneisses  theT'c  is  some 
sandstone  and  a  black  diabese  or  trap,  which  form  the  Palisades, 
besides  extensive  la.vers  of  limestone,  gneiss,  and  schist,  which  extend 
across  the  region  occupied  by  th<*  City  of  New  Yoi-k.  This  whole 
series  of  strata  is  intricately  associated.  Except  at  the  very  seashore 
line,  the  province  is  a  moderate  highland,  with  rather  rough  topog- 
raphy and  with  hills  rising  in  some  ])laces  to  an  elevation  of  1.000  or 
1,200  feet  above  the  sea  level.  Wliei'e  there  is  limestone  or  sand- 
stone in  this  area,  there  is  usually  a  lowland,  while  highlan<ls  occnr 
where  the  hard  gneiss  comes  to  the  surface  not  immediately  at  the 
seashore.  This  is  extremely  well  illustrated  in  Kockland  County, 
where  the  gneissic  Ramapo  Mountains  are  faced  at  their  southeastern 
base  by  a  lowland,  a  somewhat  rolling  ]ilain,  which,  however,  is 
bounded  on  its  eastern  margin  by  another  highland  where  the  trap 
of  the  Palisades  rises  close  by  the  Hudson  River." 

In  the  opinion  of  I'i'of<»ssor  Tarr,  this  region,  with  the  large  Adiron- 
dack area,  at  the  beginning  of  the  Paleozoic  were  mountainous  hinds 
facing  the  sea.  which  stretche<l  away  to  the  westwaid.  and  beneath 
which  all  the  rest  of  the  site  of  New  York  State  was  submerged.    The 

Bulletin  of  the  American  Geographical  Society,  vol.  xxviii. 


southwestern  lliiilihind  mountains  extended  northward  into  Now 
Eniihmd,  and  toward  the  east  thev  prohahly  reached  seaward  alonji 
the  present  coast  line.  This  mountain  ranfje  extended  southwestward 
alonj;'  tlie  eastern  i)art  of  the  sea(i;ast  States,  and  west  of  it  Avas  a 
i;reat  sea  in  tiie  ])resent  Mississijipi  N'alley.  Whether  the  Adiron- 
daclcs  and  this  Ilisilihind  mountain  range  were  ever  connected,  and 
wliat  was  tlie  actual  extension  of  tiie  two  areas,  can  not  be  told  in  the 
present  state  of  ucolo.nical  knowledge,  the  record  of  much  of  the 
early  history  havinii  been  hidden  beneath  the  strata  of  later  ages. 
However,  in  very  early  Paleozoic  times  the  waves  of  the  sea  beat  at 
the  western  base  of  the  southern  Highlands,  and  these  were  then  at 
least  separated  from  the  Adirondacdc  area,  which  was  at  that  time  an 
island  in  the  Paleozoic  sea. 

Professor  James  I).  Dana,  in  an  inquiry  concerning  the  relations 
of  the  limestone  belts  of  Westchester  County,  arrives  at  the  conclu- 
sinji  tliat,  \\ith  those  of  New  York  Island,  tliey  are  ](r(>bably  of  l.o\\-cr 
Silurian  age,  assigning  also  to  the  same  age  the  coniformably  asso- 
ciated metamorphic  rocks.  He  holds  to  the  view  that  Westchester 
County  belongs  to  the  same  geologic  period  as  the  Green  Mountain 
region,  resembling  in  its  order  that  portion  of  the  latter  which  is  now 
western  Connecticut.  Other  geologists  find  reason  for  believing  that 
the  Westchester  rocks  are  older  than  those  of  the  Green  Mountain 
area,  and  belong  to  an  even  earlier  age  than  the  Lower  Silurian.  It 
is  pointed  out  that  the  marbles  of  Vermont  and  the  marbles  of  West- 
chester Countj-,  with  their  associated  rocks,  are  essentially  different 
from  one  another,  and  can  hardly,  therefore,  belong  to  a  common 
formation;  the  Vermont  marbles  being  found  in  a  single  belt  and 
being  almost  pure  carbonates  of  lime,  and  of  mottled  and  banded 
api)earance,  fine  grained,  with  gray  siliceous  limestones,  quartzites, 
and  slates  identified  with  them;  whereas  the  Westchester  marbles 
constitute  a  series  of  parallel  belts  and  are  "  coarsely  crystalline  dolo- 
mites (double  carbonates  of  lime  and  magnesia),  generally  of  uniform 
white  or  whitish  color,  and  have  no  rocks  associated  with  them  that 
can  re]U'esent  the  quartzites  and  argillites  of  Vermont." 

Still  another  opinion  regarding  the  origin  of  the  rocks  of  the  West- 
chester County  I'egions  is  that  of  Prof.  I.  S.  Newberry,  who  believes 
that  they  date  from  the  Laurentian  age. 

The  limestone  beds  are  distributed  through  every  geographical  sec- 
tion of  the  county.  At  Sing  Sing  occur  marble  deposits — very  heavy 
beds  which  have  been  extensively  <|uarried.  It  was,  in  fact,  largely 
for  the  purpose  of  employing  convict  laboi-  for  the  quarrying  of  the 
marble  that  this  ])lace  was  chosen  as  the  location  for  the  New  York 



State  Penitentiary.  Tlie  Sing  Siug  marble,  however,  altliougli  au 
admirable  building  stone  for  many  purposes,  is  of  comparatively 
coarse  and  inferior  (luality,  beconuug  stained  iu  the  course  of  time 
by  the  action  of  the  sea  air  on  account  of  the  presence  of  grains  of  iron 
[lyritt'S.     ^larblc  is  also  qiiarried  at  Tuckahoe. 

Abundant  indications  are  afforded  of  extensive  and  radical  glacial 
action.  "  Crotou  Point,  on  the  Hudson,  and  other  places  in  the  couuty, 
show  evidences  of  glacial  moraines.  Deep  striit  and  lighter  scrati'hes 
still  remain  upon  manj'  exposed  rock  surfaces,  and  others  have  been 
smoothly  polished."  A  prominent  feature  is  the  presence  iu  great 
profusion  of  large  granite  bowlders,  undoubtedly  transported  by 
glaciers  from   Massachusetts  and    New    Hampshire,   with   an   inter- 



mingling  of  bowlders  of  conglomerate  from  the  western  side  of  tlu' 
Hudson,  the  latter  containing  numerous  shell  fossils.  The  so-called 
••  Cobbling  Stone,"  in  the  Town  of  North  Salem,  is  a  well-known  speci- 
men of  the  glacial  bowlders  of  Westchester.  It  is  a  prodigious  rock  of 
red  granite,  said  to  be  the  solitary  one  of  its  kind  in  the  county. 

The  minerals  fouinl  iu  the  county,  in  greater  or  lesser  (juautities, 
embrace  magnetic  iron  ore,  iron  and  copper  i)yrites,  green  malachite, 
sulphuret  of  zinc,  galena  and  other  lead  ores,  native  silvi-r.  serpen- 
tine, garnet,  beryl,  ajiatite,  trcmolile,  wliile  ])yr()xeni',  chlorite,  black 
tourmaline,  Silliiuanite,  monazite,  I'.ruciic  cpidoie.  and  sphene.  Rut 
Westchester  has  never  been  in  any  sense  a  seat  nf  the  mining  industry 
l)roper,  as  distinguished  from  the  (|uarrying.     In  early  times  a  silver 


luiiic  was  Ulcerated  at  Sliij;  Siiiji,  very  uear  where  the  prisun  uow 
stauds,  aud  uot  tar  from  the  same  h)cality  an  attempt  was  iiuuh'  some 
seventy  years  ago  to  mine  for  e-opper.  Both  of  these  mining  ventures 
are  of  mere  curious  historical  interest,  representing  ut)  actual  success- 
ful production  of  a  definite  cliaracter.  In  tlie  ridges  along  thi'  north- 
ern borders  of  the  county  considerable  deposits  of  iron  ore  are  found. 
It  is  stated  by  Mr.  Charles  E.  Culver,  in  his  History  of  Somers,  that 
the  iron  ores  of  that  town  hav(%  upon  assay,  "  yielded  as  high  as  (Jl 
per  cent."  Peat  swamps,  affording  a  fuel  of  good  quality,  exist  in 
several  parts  of  the  county,  notably  the  Town  of  Bedford. 

There  are  various  mineral  springs,  as  well  as  other  s])riiigs,  yielding 
water  of  singularly-  pure  (piality,  the  latter  being  utilized  in  some 
cases  with  commercial  pi-ofit.  A  well-known  mineral  spring,  for 
whose  waters  medicinal  virtues  are  tdaimed,  is  the  Chappaqua  Spring, 
three  miles  east  of  Sing  Sing. 

The  prevailing  soil  of  Westchester  County  is  the  product  of  disinte- 
grations of  the  primitive  rocks,  and  is  of  a  light  and  sandy  character, 
for  the  most  part  not  uncommonly  fertile  naturally,  although  the 
methods  of  scientific  farming,  which  have  been  pursued  from  very 
early  times,  have  rendere<l  it  highly  productive.  It  is  not  generally 
adapted  to  wheat,  summer  crops  succeeding  best.  Drift  deposits  and 
alluvium  occur  along  the  Sound  and  in  some  localities  elsewhere,  with 
a  consequently  richer  soil.  Agriculture  has  always  been  the  repre- 
sentative occupation,  although  during  the  last  half  century  extensive 
manufacturing  industries  have  been  develo])ed  in  several  localities. 


TlIK  Ar.(H:li;iNAI,    IMIAI'.I-I'A.NTS 

T  Wiis  nut  uiilil  Kid'.t,  one  liiinilrcd  jiikI  sc\ciilccii  vcai's  after 
till'  discovery  nl'  ilie  New  \\()rl(l,  that  I']uin|ieaii  enter- 
prise, destined  lo  lead  lo  delinile  colonization  and  develop- 
ment, was  directed  fo  lliat  ])ortion  of  the  Xortli  American 
continent  wliere  the  nietrtt]Milis  of  ilie  Western  hemisphere  and  the 
Empire  State  of  the  American  Inion  have  since  been  erected.  The 
entire  North  American  mainland,  in  fact,  from  Florida  to  Flndson's 
Bay,  althongh  explored  by  voyagers  of  different  nationalities  within 
com]paratively  brief  periods  after  the  advent  of  Colnmbus,  had  been 
practically  neglected  throughout  the  sixteenth  century  as  a  field  for 
serious  purposes  of  civilized  occupation  and  exploitation.  The  early 
French  attempts  at  settlement  in  <  "anada,  in  the  first  half  of  that  cen- 
tury,  and  the  colonizing  exjjeditions  sent  by  Sir  Walt<'r  Kaleigh  to  the 
shores  of  North  Carolina,  in  the  second  half,  were  dismal  failures,  and 
in  the  circumstances  could  not  have  resulted  diflerently.  Vov  these 
undertakings  were  largely  without  reference  to  intelligent  and  \)ro- 
liressive  cultivati(ni  of  such  resources  as  the  country  might  aft'ord, 

being  incidental,  or,  at 
least,  secondary,  to  the 
absoibing  conviction 
of  tlie  tinu's  that  the 
riches  of  India  lay 
somewhere  beyond  the 
.\merican  coast  bar- 
rier, and  would  still 
y  i  e  1  d  themselves  to 
bold  search.  Naturally, 
few  mi'u  of  substantial 
FROM  AN  OLD  I  KiNi.  character    and    decent 

antecedents  could  be  jiersuaded  to  embark  as  volunteers  in  such 
doubtful  entei'prises.  The  tiist  settlers  on  the  Saint  I.aurc  iicc  were 
a  band  of  lobbers,  swindlers,  mnidcrers,  and  iir(uniscuous  rutlians, 
released  from  the  prisons  of  I'rance  by  the  government  as  a  heroic 
means  of  ju'ovidiug  colonists  for  an  exiiedilion  which  could  noi  be 
r.M-ruilcd  ri-.:m  ilie  i.eoid<-  at  large.     TIk'  seiilers  sent  by  Sir  Walter 


I\aleijj;h  under  his  pateut  from  Elizabeth  iu  1585  for  establishiuji  eoh)- 
nies  nortli  of  the  Spanish  dominions  in  Florida  Avere.  according  to 
IJanci'oft.  a  body  of  "  br(>lven-(loA\  ii  yciitlemen  and  libertines,  more 
fitted  to  corrujit  a  reitnblii  than  to  loniid  one,"  with  very  few  mechan- 
ics, farmers,  or  laborers  among  1  hem — mere  buccaneering  adven- 
turers, Mho  carried  hi-e  and  sword  into  the  land  and  bad  no  higher 
object  before  them  than  to  ]ilunder  and  enslave  the  natives.  It  is 
true  that  very  early  iu  the  sixteenth  century  the  fishermen  of  Nor- 
mandy and  liritanny  began  to  seek  the  waters  of  Newfoundland  for 
the  legitimate  ends  of  their  vocation,  and  soon  built  up  a  gainful  t  rade, 
which,  steadily  expanding  aiul  attracting  other  votaries,  eiii|>loyed 
in  1583  more  than  four  liundi-ed  European  fishing  ci-aft.  I'.ut  this 
business  was  conducted  almost  exclusively  for  tiie  ])i-ofits  of  the 
fisheries,  and  althougli  the  vess(ds  devot<'(l  to  it  ranged  all  along  the 
Ne\\'  England  coast,  theic  was  no  consecutiM'  occuitation  of  the 
cotmtry  with  a  view  to  its  earnest  settlement  until  after  the  dawn  of 
the  seventeenth  century. 

Throughout  the  era  of  original  Anu'rican  discoAcry  and  coast  ex- 
ploration, the  returning  mariners  bad  agreed  in  describing  the  re- 
gion to  the  north  of  the  (Julf  of  Mc^xico  and  the  ('aribbe;ni  Sea  as 
utterly  lacking  in  indications  of  aecumidated  ri(dies,  inhabited  only  by 
savage  races  wlio  ])ossessed  no  gold  and  sihcr  oi-  otjiei'  \alnable  ja-o]'- 
erty,  enjoyed  no  civilization,  offered  no  commodities  to  commerce  ex- 
cept the  ordinary  products  of  the  soil  and  the  (diase,  and  could  com- 
municate nothing  definite  respecting  more  substantial  wealth  farther 
to  the  west.  The  ancient  civilizations  of  Mexico,  Central  America,  and 
Peru  liaving  been  subverted  by  the  Spaiusli  comiuistadores,  and  their 
stores  of  jtrecious  metals  largcdy  absorbed,  it  was  fondly  h.ojied  thai 
the  un]ienetrated  wilds  of  the  north  might  contain  new  realms  with 
siuiilar  abundant  treasures.  Narvaez,  in  1528,  and  De  Soto,  in  15.'>!l,  led 
finely  appointed  expeditions  from  the  l^lorida  coast  into  tin'  interior 
in  (|uest  of  the  imagined  eldorados — em])i'ises  which  ])roved  absolutely 
barren  of  encouraging  results  and  from  A\bich  only  a  few  nnserable 
surviMirs  returned  to  tell  tbe  disillusionizing  tale  (d'  dreadful  \\ilder- 
ness  marcdies,  ap])alling  sufferings,  and  fruitless  victories  over 
wretched  tribes  owiung  no  goods  worth  carrying  aAvay.  The  iuipress- 
ive  record  of  these  disastrous  failures,  iu  connection  with  the  uni 
foi'uily  unfialtering  accounts  of  the  lands  farther  north,  deterred  all 
Enrojiean  nations  friun  like  pouipous  adveiiturings.  The  i)overty  of 
the  native  inhabitants  of  North  America  saved  them  fnun  the  swift 
fate  whi(di  overtook  tin-  rich  peo])les  of  the  south,  and  for  a  century 
pi-eserved  them  even  from  intrusion,  except  of  the  most  fugitive  kind. 

This  fact  of  their  complete  poverty  is  by  far  the  most  conspicuotis 



awprct  of  the  origiual  L-uiiiparativc  t(iii(liii<)ii,  iu  botli  ocoiioniiL'  and 
social  iviiards,  of  the  Xortb  American  Indians,  as  well  as  of  the  his- 
tory of  their  gradual  expulsion  ami  extirpation.  Possessing  nothing 
l)iit  laud  and  the  simplest  concomitants  of  primitive  existence,  they 
<lid  not  present  to  the  European  invaders  au  established  and  meas- 
urably advanced  and  ailluent  orgainzation  of  society,  inviting  s])eedy 
and  comprehensive  overthrow  and  the  immediate  substitution  on  a 
general  scale  of  the  suprenuicy  and  institutions  of  the  subjugators. 
Uisi)ersed  through  the  primeval  forests  in  small  conimtmilies,  they 
did  not  confront  the  stranger  foe  with  formidable  masses  of  |(o])ula- 
tiou  requiring  to  be  dealt  with  by  the  summary  methods  of  foi'mal 
comiuest;  ami  skilled  in  but  few  industries  and  arts,  which  they  ju-ac- 
ticed  lutt  acquisitively  but  only  to  serve  the  most  necessary  ends  of 
daily  life,  and  maititaining  themselves  in  a  decidedly  struggling  and 
adventitious  fashion  by  a  rude  agriculture  and  the  pursuits  of  hunt- 
ing and  tishing,  their  numbers  in  the  aggregate,  following  well-known 
laws  of  pojtulation.  were,  indeed,  cimiparatively 
few.  Vet  the  same  conditions  ma<le  tiiem  the 
ruggedest,  bravest,  and  nu>st  imlepemlcnt  of 
races,  and  utterly  unassimilable.  Thus,  as  found 
by  the  Europeans,  while  because  of  their  poverty 
jjrovoking  no  programme  of  systematic  conquest 
and  dispossession,  they  were  foredoomed  to  in- 
evitable in-ogressive  dislodgement  and  ultimate 
extermination  or  segregation.  Thi'  cultivated 
and  numerous  races  of  Mexico  and  I'eru,  on  the 
other  hand, exciting  the  cupidity  of  theS])aniards 
by  their  wealth,  were  reduced  to  subjection  at  a 
blow.  But  though  ruthlessly  slaughtered  by  the 
most  bloody  atid  cruel  conquerors  known  to  the 
crimimil  annals  of  history,  these  more  refined 
pe(q)le  of  the  south  had  reserved  for  them  a  less 
niehmcholy  destiny  than  that  of  the  untutored 
children  of  the  wilderness.  Their  survivors  read- 
ily gave  themselves  to  the  processes  of  absor])- 
tiou,  and  their  descendants  to-day  are  colieirs,  in 
all  degrees  of  consanguinity,  witli  tlie  |)rogeny  of 
the  despoih'i". 

The  origin  of  the  native  races  of  America  is.  in  the  i>resent  stat<'  ot 
know  Icilge.  a  problem  of  peculiar  dilliculty.  Nothing  is  contributed 
toward  its  solution  by  any  Avritten  records  now  known  to  exist.  None 
of  the  aboriginal  inhabitants  of  either  of  the  Americas  left  any  writ- 
ten annals.    The  ouiuion  is  held  bv  some  scholars,  who  favor  the  the- 



oi-v  ol  A^^iatic■  oi-igiii,  that  when  the  as  yet  unpublished  treasxires  of 
aucieut  Chinese  literature  come  to  be  spread  before  the  world  detiuite 
lifjht  may  be  cast  upon  the  subject.  There  is  a  strong-  probability  that 
the  civilization  of  the  Aztecs  was  either  of  direct  Mongolian  derivation 
or  partially  a  de\elo])nient  from  early  Alonjicdian  transplantations. 
This  view  is  sustained,  lirst,  by  certain  superticial  resemblances,  and, 
second,  by  various  details  in  old  Chinese  manuscripts  suyyestive  of 
former  intercourse  with  the  shores  of  Mexico  and  South  America.  The 
belief  that  man's  initial  appearance  on  this  hemisphere  was  as  a  wan- 
derer from  Asia  finds  plausible  supitort  in  the  fact  of  the  very  near 
apiJroach  of  the  American  land  mass  to  Asia  at  the  north,  the  two  be- 
ing separated  by  a  narrow  strait,  while  a  continuous  chain  of  stepping- 
stone  islands  reaches  from  coast  to  coast  not  far  below.  Accepting 
the  Darwinian  theory  of  man's  evolution  from  the  lower  orders,  the 
idea  of  his  indigenous  growth  in  America  seems  to  be  precluded;  for 
no  traces  have  been  found  of  the  existence  at  any  time  of  his  proximate 
ancestors — the  higher  species  of  apes,  from  which  alone  he  could  have 
come,  having  no  representatives  here  in  the  remains  of  bygone  times. 

The  question  of  man's  relative  anticjuity  on  tlie  Western  hemisphere 
is  also  a  matter  of  pure  speculation.  Here  again  the  absence  of  all 
written  records  prevents  any  assured  historical  reckonings  backward. 
Ancient  remains,  including  those  of  the  Aztecs  and  their  associated 
races,  the  cliff-dwellers  of  Arizona  and  the  mound-builders  of  the 
Ohio  and  Mississi})pi  valleys,  are  abundant  and  highly  interesting, 
but  their  time  connections  are  lacking.  Yet  while  the  aspects  of  the 
purely  historical  ]U'ogress  of  man  in  the  New  World  are  most  unsatis- 
factory, anthropological  stvnlies  proper  are  attended  by  much  more 
favorable  conditions  in  the  Americas  than  in  Europe.  In  the  Old 
^^'orld,  occcupied  and  thickly  settled  for  many  historic  ages  by  man 
in  the  various  stages  of  civilized  development,  most  of  the  vestiges  of 
prehistoric  man  have  been  destroyed  by  the  people;  whereas  these 
still  have  widespread  existence  in  the  New. 

In  the  immediate  section  of  the  country  to  which  the  County  of 
Westchester  belongs  such  traces  of  the  ancient  inhabitants  as  have 
been  found  are  in  no  manner  reducible  to  system.  There  are  no  ven- 
erable monumental  ruins,  nor  are  there  any  of  the  curious  "  mounds  " 
of  th(>  west.  Various  sites  of  villages  occupied  by  the  Indians  at  the 
time  of  the  arrival  of  the  Europeans  are  known,  as  also  of  some  of  their 
forts  ami  burial  grounds.  Great  heaps  of  oyster  and  clam  shells  here 
and  there  on  the  coast  remain  as  landmarks  of  their  abiding  places. 
Aside  from  such  features,  which  belong  to  ordinary  historical  associa- 
tion rather  than  to  the  department  of  archaeological  knowledge,  few 
noteworthv  "  finds  "  liave  been  made.     Several  veai"s  ago  much  was 

VASK    Korxri  at 



iiuuli'  ill  the  New  York  Cilv  iiewspMiici-  jncss  ut  ccrtMiii  cxcavatidiis 
by  Mr.  Alexander  C  ("lieiiowetb,  at  liiwoud,  on  Manliattau  Island,  a 
short  distance  below  8puyten  Dn^vii.  .Mr.  Chenoweth  unearthed  a 
variety  of  interesting  objects,  inclndinn  Indian  skele- 
tons, bearthstones  blackened  by  tire,  implements,  and 
utensils.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  these  remains 
were  from  a  period  untedatini;-  (he  European  discov- 
ery. l>ut  they  possessed  no  importance  licyoml  Mint 
fact.  With  all  the  other  traces  of  the  more  aiicifiil  in- 
habitants which  have  been  found  in  this  t;('neral  re- 
gion, they  show  that  hereabouts  Indian  ((mdiiions 
as  known  to  history  did  not  differ  sharply,  in  tin-  way 
either  of  improvement  or  of  degeneration,  from  those  which  preceded 
the  beginning  of  authentic  records. 

Verrazano,  the  French  navigator,  wlio  sailed  along  the  coast  of 
North  America  in  1524,  entering  tlie  harbor  of  New  York  and  ])ossibly 
ascemling  the  riAer  a  short  distance,  speaks  of  the  natives  whom  he 
met  there  as  "  not  differing  much  "  from  those  with  whom  he  had  held 
intercourse  elsewhere,  ■"  being  dressed  out  with  the  feathei's  of  birds 
of  various  colors."  "  They  came  forward  toward  us,"  he  adds,  "  with 
evident  delight,  raising  loud  shouts  of  admiration  and  showing  us 
where  we  could  most  securely  land  witb  our  boat."  In  similar  words 
Henry  Hudson  describes  the  savages  whom  he  first  took  on  board  his 
vessel  in  the  lower  Xew  York  Bay.  They  came,  he  says,  *'  dressed  in 
maiilh's  ut  feathers  and  robes  of  fui-.  I  lie  women  clothed  in  heiii|i.  red 
copper  tobacco  pipes,  and  other  tilings  t>\  cojiper  did  they  wear  about 
their  necks."  Their  attitude  was  entirely  amicable,  for  they  brought 
no  arms  with  them.  On  his  voyage  up  the  river  to  the  head  of  naviga- 
tion, Hudson  was  everywhere  received  by  the  Indian  chief's  of  both 
banks  with  friendliness,  and  he  found  the  various  tribes  along  whose 
borders  lie  passed  to  iiossess  the  same  general  characteristics  of  ap- 
pearance, customs,  and  disposition. 

Kuttenber.  the  historian  of  the  Hudson  Uiver  Indians,  in  his  general 
classitication  of  the  different  tribes  distributcMl  along  the  banks,  sum- 
marizes the  situation  as  follows :  At  the  time  of  discovery  the  entire 
eastern  bank,  from  an  indefinable  point  north  of  Albany  to  the  sea,  in- 
cluding Lcmg  Island,  was  held,  under  numerous  sub-tribal  divisions, 
by  the  Mohicans  (also  written  Mahicans  and  Mohegaiisi.  Tlie  do- 
minion of  the  Mohicans  extended  eastward  to  tlie  t'onnecticiil,  wIhm-c 
they  were  joined  by  kindred  tribes,  and  on  liic  west  bank  ran  as  far 
down  as  Catskill,  reaching  westward  to  Schenectady.  Adjoining 
them  on  the  west  was  the  territory  of  the  ^b. hawks,  and  on  the  south 
their  neiuhbors  were  chieftaincies  of  the  ^Miusis,  a  toteniic  tribe  of  the 



J.ciiiii  l>('iiaii('s.  The  latter  cxcicist'd  ciintrdl  thence  to  the  sea  and 
westward  to  tlie  1  >elaware  Kiver.  Under  the  early  Duteh  tiovernnient. 
continues  Kuttenher,  the  M(diicans  sold  a  cousMerable  i)ortion  of  their 
land  on  the  west  side  to  Van  IJensselaer,  and  admitted  the  Mohawks 
to  territorial  sovereignty  north  of  the  ^lohawk  IJiver.  The  Mohawks 
were  one  of  the  live  tribes  of  the  iireat  lro(iuois  confederacy,  ^\hose 
other  meuibers  were  the  Oneidas,  <  )non(la_u'as,  Cayiigas,  and  Senecas. 
Thus  as  early  as  KloO  there  were  three  priiiciiial  divisions  or  nations 
of  Indians  represented  on.  the  Iltulson;  the  lro(]Uois,  Mohicans,  and 
Lenni  Lenapes  (or  Delawares ) . 

This  is  Tiuttenber's  classification.  On  the  other  liand,  it  has  been 
consi<lered  by  some  writers  on  the  Indians  that  the  Mohicans  were 
really  only  a  sttbdivision  of  the  Lenni  Lenapes,  whose  dominions,  ac- 
cordinii  to  IltHdcewelder,  extended  from  the  niontli  of  tlie  Potomac 
northeastwardly  to  the  shores  of  ]\Lissachusetts  Bay  and  the  motm 
tains  of  New  Hampshire  and  Vermont,  and  westwardly  to  the  Alle- 
ghenies  and  Catskills.     But  whether  the  ^fcdiicans  are  to  be  regarded 


as  a  separate  grand  division  or  as  a  minor  body,  the  geograpliical 
limits  of  the  territory  over  which  they  were  sprea<l  are  well  defined. 

They  were  called  by  the  Dutch  .^laikaus,  and  by  the  Freni  h  mis- 
sionaries the  "  nine  nations  of  ^[ahingans,  gathered  between  Manliat- 
tan  and  the  (nn'irons  of  (Quebec."  The  tradition  which  they  gave  of 
their  origin  has  been  stated  as  follows: 

Tlif  t'cniiitry  formerly  owned  liy  tlie  Muhheakunniik  (Moliican)  nation  was  situated  jiartly 
in  Massachusetts  and  jiartly  in  the  States  of  Vermont  and  New  York.  The  inlialiitants  dwelt 
chieHy  in  little  towns  and  villages.  Their  chief  seat  was  on  the  Hudson  Kiver,  now  it  is 
called  Albany,  which  was  called  Peinpotowwiithut-Muhheeannenw,  or  the  fireplace  of  the 
Muhheakiinuuk  nation,  where  their  allies  u.sed  to  come  on  any  business,  whether  relating-  to 
the  covenant  of  their  friendship  or  other  matters.  The  etymology  of  the  word  Miihheakun- 
mik,  according-  to  its  original  signification,  is  great  water.s  or  sea,  which  are  constantly  in 
motion,  either  ebbing  or  flowing.  Our  forefathers  assert  that  they  were  emigrants  from 
another  country  ;  that  they  passed  over  great  waters,  where  this  and  the  other  country  was 
nearly  connected,  called  Ukhokpeek  ;  it  signifies  snake  water  or  water  where  snakes  are 
abundant  ;  and  tliat  they  lived  by  the  side  of  a  great  water  or  sea,  whence  they  derived  the 
name  of  the  Muhheakiinnuk  nation.  Mnhheakannenw  signifies  a  man  of  the  Mahheakiuinuk 
tribe.  Miihlieakuiineyuk  is  a  plural  number.  As  they  were  coming  from  the  west  they  found 
many  great  waters,  but  none  of  a  How  and  ebb  like  Muhheakannnk  until  they  came  to  Hud- 
son's River.     Then  thej'  said  to  one  another,  this  is   like    Muhheakaiinuk,  our  nativity.      And 



when  they  foiinil  yiain  was  very  plenty  in  tluit  eonntry,  they  agreed  to  kiniUe  ii  tire  there 
ami  liiiny  a  kettle  whereof  they  and  thiNr  eliildren  after  them  might  di)i  unt  their  daily 

Tlic  ii;!iiie  iiiven  by  tlie  .Moliiciins  iind  ilir  Lciiaiics  to  I  lie  lliidsoii 
Ilivcr  was  tlu'  ^rohicanitiik,  or  KiviT  of  the  Moliicans,  siiiiiifviiiji  "  tli(? 
coustaiitlj'  liuwiui;  waters."  I>y  the  Iroquois  it  was  called  the  Oolui- 

The  ^roliicaiis  behniiL;ed  to  tlie  liiM'at  .MiidiKniin  race  stock,  which 
iiiav  be  said  to  have  embraced  all  the  Indian  uatioiis  from  the  Atlantic 


to  the  Mississippi.  Its  different  br.-inclies  had  a  ficiieral  similarity  of 
lan!iiiai;e,  and  whih^  the  separate  modihcations  were  numerous  and 
extreuie,  all  the  liidians  within  these  boumls  understood  one  another. 

The  ^lohican  power  is  reii'ai'ded  by  llultenber  as  hardly  less  formid- 
able than  that  of  the  Iroquois,  and  lie  points  out  that  not  withstandiniu; 
the  boasted  stipreuiac^'  of  the  Iro(|unis  in  war  I  here  is  no  historical 
evidence  that  the  Midiirans  wei-e  ever  hrouylit  under  subjection  to 
them  or  despoiled  of  any  portion  of  theii-  lerrit(H-y.  Vet  it  is  uiKpies- 
tionable  that  the  Iroquois  exactecl  and  received  tribute  fmm  tiir  Lon<; 
Island  Indians;  and  this  could  hardly  have  hapjiened  wiiiiout  jtre- 
viously  (d)tainin!.i  thuninion  over  the  Mohicans.  On  the  oilier  hand,  it 
is  certain  that  the  ^lohicans  never  tamely  submitted  to  tlic  northern 
conquerors.  "  When  the  Dutch  first  nu^t  the  >r(diicans,"  says  l{ut- 
tenber,  "  they  were  in  conflict  with  the  Mohawks  (an  Iroquois  nation), 
and  that  conflict   was  nuiinlainrij  for  nearly  three-(|mirters  nf  a  c(»n- 

■  Massaehusetts  Hist.  Soe.  Coll.,  ii..   H'l. 

The  editor  submlttert  tile  above  ti)  Mr.  Will- 
iam Wallace  Tiioker  for  his  eritical  opiiiinii. 
The   following  is   Mr.   Tooker's   repl.v: 

■•  This  ct.vnioloc.v  of    Miiliheakunnuk.  or  Miih- 

(,'ive.s  the  true  derivation  In  hia  '  Names  lu 
Conneetleiit.'  p.  :U.  viz.:  'The  Mohegans,  or 
Miililiel<aiinc'nks.  took  their  trihe  name  from 
Ilie  Ai^'onkin  maiiiKan.  "a  wolf."'  The  mapa 
anil  reconis  prove  Oils  conelnslvely." 

heoanneiiw.     is     (leeldedly      wrijny 



tury,  and  until  the  English,  wlio  were  in  aliiaiu'e  witli  both,  were  able 
to  effect  a  permanent  settlement." 

Although  the  Mohican  name  was  generic  for  all  the  tribes  on  the 
eastern  side  of  the  Hudson,  it  never  occurs,  at  least  in  the  southern 
part  of  Xew  York  State,  in  the  numerous  local  land  deeds  and  other 
documentary  agreements  drawn  by  the  settlers  with  the  Indians.  The 
tribal  or  chieftaincy  name  prevailing  in  the  district  in  question  is  uni- 
formly employed.  This  finds  a  good  illustration  in  the  affidavit  of 
King  Xiniham,  executed  October  18,  1780,  in  which  the  deponent  says 
that  he  is  "  a  Eiver  Indian  of  the  Tribe  of  the  \Yappinoes  ( Wappin- 
gers),  which  tribe  was  the  ancient  inhabitants  of  the  east  shores  of 
Hudson's  liiver,  from  the  City  (»f  New  York  to  about  the  middle  of 
Beekman's  patent  (in  the  northern  part  of  the  ])resent  County  of 
Dutchess ) ;  that  another  tribe  of  river  Indians  called  the  Mayhiccon- 
das  (Mohicans)  were  the  ancient  inhabitants  of  the  remaining  east 
shore  of  said  river;  that  these  two  tribes  constitute  one  nation."  There 
was,  however,  an  intimate  understanding  among  all  the  associated 
tribes  and  minor  divisions  of  the  Mohicans,  which  in  emergencies  was 
given  very  practical  manifestation.  The  Dutch,  in  their  early  wars 
against  the  Indians  of  Westchester  County,  were  perplexed  to  find 
that  the  Highland  tribes,  with  A^■hom,  as  they  supposed,  they  were 
upon  terms  of  amity,  were  rendering  assistance  to  their  enemies. 

The  ]\Iohicans  of  the  Hudson  should  not  be  confused  with  the  Mo- 
hegans  under  Uncas,  the  I'equot  chief,  whose  territory,  called  Molie- 
ganick,  lay  in  eastern  Connecticut.  The  latter  was  a  strictly  local 
New  England  tribe,  and  though  probably  of  the  same  original  stock 
as  the  Hudson  Kiver  Mohican  nation,  was  never  identified  with  it. 

The  entire  country  south  ol  tiie  Highlands,  that  is,  Westchester 
County  and  Manhattan  Island,  was  occupied  by  chieftaincies  of  the 
Wappinger  division  of  the  Mohicans.  The  Wappingers  also  held  do- 
minion over  a  large  section  of  the  Highlands,  through  their  sub- 
tribes,  the  Nochpeems.  At  the  east  their  lands  extended  Ix^vond  the 
Connecticut  line,  being  met  by  those  of  the  Sequins.  The  latter,  hav- 
ing jurisdiction  thence  to  the  Connecticut  Eiver,  were,  it  is  believed, 
an  enlarged  family  of  Wappingers,  ''  perhajts  the  original  head  of  the 
tribe,  from  whence  its  conquests  were  pushed  over  the  southern  part 
of  the  peninsula."  The  north  and  south  extent  of  the  territory  of  the 
Sequins  is  said  to  have  been  some  sixty  miles.  They  first  sold  their 
lands,  June  8, 1()38,  to  the  Dutch  West  India  Company,  and  upon  them 
was  erected  the  Dutch  trading  post  of  "  Good  Hope:  "  but  ten  years 
later  they  executed  a  deed  to  the  English,  embracing  "the  whole 
country  to  the  Moha^^•k  country."  On  Long  Island  were  the  Canarsies. 
Eockaways,  Merricks,   Massapeags,   Matinecocks,   Corchaegs,   Man- 

ABOKK  ;  1  \A  1.     I  M I A  P.ITAXTS 


Iiaiisclls,  Sccjitomips,  UiiUccliaugs,  Sliimic.Dcks,  iiiid  .\I<.iil;niks.  The 
prin.ip:il  tril)cs  on  the  oilier  side  of  New  Vi.rk  Bay  aud  the  west  bank 
of  the  lliidsoti  (  all  beloii-inji  to  the  Lena])e  or  Delaware  nation  )  were 
the  Navesinks,  Karitans,  Ilackinsacks.  Aiinackanonks.  Tappans,  and 

The  Wappinger  sub-tribes  or  chieftaincies  of  Westdiester  Tonnlv. 
thanks  chietiy  to  the  careful   researches  of  Bolton,  are  capable  of 

tol(>rably  exact  jieoj-raiihical  lo.a- 
tion  and  of  detailed  individual  de- 
scription. Bolton  is  followed  in  the 
main  by  lJutt<'iiber,  who,  givinj;-  due 
credit  to  the  former  while  addinji'  tlie 
results  of  his  own  iuvesti^arions.  is 
the  final  authority  on  the  wlnde  sub- 
ject at  the  present  time.  No  a])oio- 
S'ies  need  be  made  for  transferrin";-  to 
these  pases,  even  quite  literally. 
Kuttenber's  classificatiiui  of  the  In- 
dians of  the  county,  willi  iIh-  inci- 
dental descriptive  particulars. 

1.  The  Keckgawaw.ancs,  better  known  by  the  jjcneric  name  nf  Manhattans  and  so  desiirnated 
by  Brodliead  and  other  New  York  historians.  Holt(Ui  jjives  to  this  ehieftaini-v  the  name  of 
Nappeekamaks,  a  title  whieb,  however,  docs  not  a]>pear  in  the  records  exeept  as  tlio  name  of 
their  jirineipal  villa-je  on  the  site  of  Yonkers.  This  village  of  Xapjieekamak  (a  name  si^niifv- 
ing  the  ■•  rapid  water  .settlement"')  was,  says  Bolton,  sitnated  at  the  month  of  the  Xei)perlian  iir 
Sawmill  Uiver.  The  ea.stle  or  fort  of  the  Manhattans  or  Heekgawawanes  was  on  the  north- 
ern shore  of  .Spnyten  Dnyvil  Creek,  and  was  called  Xipiniehsen.  It  was  carefnllv  protected 
by  a  strong-  stockade  and  comnninded  the  romantic  .scenery  of  the  Papirinemen  or  Spnvten 
Dnyvil  and  the  Mobicanitnk,  the  jnnetion  of  whieb  two  streams  was  calleil  .Shorackappock. 
It  was  opposite  this  castle  that  the  fight  occnrred  between  Hndson  and  the  Indians  as  he  was 
returning  down  the  river.  They  held  Manhattan  Island  and  had  thereon  tbiee  vilhu'cs, 
which,  however,  it  is  claimed,  were  occnpied  only  while  they  were  on  hunting  and  tishiu"  ex- 
cursions. In  Breeden  Haedt  their  name  is  given  as  the  Heckewackes,  and  it  is  said  that  in 
the  treaty  of  1(543  Oritany,  sachem  of  the  Ilackinsacks,  declared  he  was  delegated  l)v  and 
for  those  of  Tappaeu,  Keckgawawanc.  Kicktawanc,  and  Sintsinc.  The  tract  occnpied  hv  the 
Keckgawawancs  on  the  mainland  was  called  Keekesick,  and  is  described  as  "  lying  over  against 
the  Hats  of  the  Island  of  Manbates."  In  its  northern  extent  it  included  the  site  of  the 
present  City  of  Yonkers.  and  on  the  ejvst  it  reached  to  the  Bron.v  River.  Their  chiefs  were 
Kechgawac,  for  whom  they  apjiear  to  have  been  called,  Fecquesmeck  and  Peckannieiis. 
Their  first  sachem  known  to  the  Dutch  was  Tackerew(l(!;}!)).  In  KiS'J  the  namesof  (ioharis, 
Teattanipieer  and  Wcaracpuieghier  ai)]>ear  as  the  grantors  of  larnls  to  Frederick  I'bilipse. 

2.  The  Weck(;naesgecks.  This  chieftaincy  is  known  to  have  liad,  as  early  as  Ki-tl,  three 
intrenched  castles,  one  of  which  remained  iis  late  as  l()(i.'5,  and  was  tlien  garrisoned  by  eighty 
warriors.  Their  pnnci|)al  village  w,as  where  Dobbs  Ferry  now  stands.  It  is  said  that  the 
outlines  of  it  can  still  be  traced  by  numerous  .shell  beds.  It  was  called  \Veck(piaesgeck,  and 
its  location  was  at  the  month  of  Wicker's  Creek  (called  by  the  Indians  the  \Vys(|na<pi.i 
or  \Veghi|uegbe).  Another  of  their  villages  was  .\Iipconck,  the  ■'  place  of  the  elms,"  now 
Tarrytown.  Their  territory  appears  to  have  extended  from  Xorwalk  on  the  .Somnl  to  the 
Hudson,  and  embraced  consideral)le  portions  of  the  towns  of  Mount    Pleasant,  (ireenburgh, 

"  Note  by  William  Wallace  Tooker:  This  is  au  incorrect  derivation.    The  uame  really  signiflee  "  Trap  flshing  place." 



White  Plains,  and  Rye,  being-  ultimately  very  largely  included  in  the  Manor  of  Philipsbor- 
ough.  Their  sachem  in  1G49  was  Ponuiialiowhelbshelen  ;  in  KiCO  Ackhough  ;  in  1663 
Souwenaro  ;  in  1680  Weskora  or  Weskomcu,  and  (Joharius,  his  brother;  in  1681  Wessicken- 
aiaw,  and  Conarhanded,  liis  brother.  Tliese  chiefs  are  largely  represented  in  the  list  of 
grantors  of  lands  to  the  wliites. 

3.  The  .Sint-.Sincs.  These  Indians  were  not  very  numerous.  Tlieir  most  important  vil- 
lage was  Ossing-Sing,  the  present  Sing  Sing.  They  had  anotlier  village,  called  Kestaubninck, 
between  the  Sing  Sing  Creek  aud  the  Kitchawonck  or  Croton  River.  Tlieir  lands  are  de- 
scribed in  tlu^  deed  of   sale   to   Philipse,  August  2-1,  1685,  and   were   included   in  his  manor 

4.  The  Kitchawangs  or  Kicktawancs.  Tlieir  territory  ai)parently  extended  from  the  Cro- 
ton River  north  to  Anthony's  Xose.  Ketclitawonck  was  their  leadhig  village,  at  the  mouth  of 
the  Croton  (Kitchtawonck)  River.  They  occupied  another,  Sackhoes,  on  the  site  of  Peekskill. 
Their  castle  or  fort,  wliicli  stood  at  the  month  of  the  Croton,  is  represented  as  one  of  the 
most  formidable  and  ancient  of  Indian  fortresses  south  of  the  Highlands.  Its  precise  location 
was  at  the  entrance  or  neck  of  Teller's  Point  (called  Senasqua),  and  west  of  the  cemetery  of 
the  Van  Cortlandt  family.  The  traditional  sachem  was  Croton.  There  was  apparently  a 
division  of  chieftaincies  at  one  time,  Kitchawong  figuring  as  sachem  of  the  village  and  castle 
on  the  Croton  and  Sachus  of  the  village  of  Sackhoes  or  Peekskill.  The  lauds  of  the  chief- 
taincy were  principally  included  in  tlie  Manor  of  Cortlandt,  and  from  them  the  towns  of 
Cortlandt,  Yorktowii,  Somers,  North  Salem,  and  Lewisboro  have  been  erected. 

5.  The  Tankitekes.  They  occupied  the  country  now  comprising  the  towns  of  Poundridge, 
Bedford,  and  New  Castle,   in   Westchester  County,  and  those  of   Darien,  Stamford,  and  New 

Canaan  in  Connecticut, 
all  purchased  by  Na- 
thaniel Turner  in  1640 
on  behalf  of  the  people 
of  New  Haven,  and  de- 
scribed in  the  deeds  as 
tracts  called  Toquams 
and  Shiphani.  Ponus 
was  sachem  of  the  form- 
er and  Wasenssue  of  the 
latter.  Ponus  reserved 
portions  of  Toquams  for 
the  use  of  himself  and 
his  associates,  but  with 
this  exception  the  entire 
possessions  of  the  Tan- 
kitekes a])pear  to  have 
passed  under  a  deed  to 
the  whites  without  metes 
or  bounds.  The  chief- 
taincy occupies  a  prom- 
inent place  in  Dutch  his- 
tory through  the  action 
of  Pacham,  "  a  crafty 
man,"  who  not  only  per- 
for  Director  Kieft,  but  also  was  very  largely  instrumental  in 
O'Callaghan  locates  the   Tankitekes   on   the   eastern  side  of 


formed  discreditable  services 

bringing  on  the  war  of  1645 

Tap]ian   Bay,  and   Bolton  in  the  eastern   jiortion  of  Westchester  County,  from  deeds  to  their 

lands.      They  had   villages   lieside   Wampus   Lake  in  the  town  of  Nortli  Castle,  near  Pleasant- 

ville,  in  the  town  of  Mount  Pleasant,  and  near  the  present  villages  of  Bedford  and  Katonali. 

6.  The  Siwanoys,  also  known  as  "one  of  the  tribes  of  the  seacoast."  This  was  one  of  the 
largest  of  the  Wappinger  subdivisions.  They  occupied  the  northern  shore  of  the  Sound  from 
Norwalk  twenty-fonr  miles  to  the  neighborhood  of  Ilellgate.  How  far  inland  their  territory 
extended  is  uncertain,  but  their  deeds  of  sale  covered  the  manor  lands  of  Morrisania,  Scarsdale, 
and    Pelham,  from  which  New  Roehelle,   Eastchester,  Westchester,   New   Castle,  Mamaro- 

ABORIGIXAr>     IXll  Al'.rr  A.N'IS  27 

neck,  Mini  Sfarsilale,  ami  iiiiitidiis  of  White  Plains  and  West  Farms  liavr  ln-cii  caivcd.  Tlicv 
]Hi.sscssc(l,  besides,  |i()rti(ins  of  the  towns  of  Rye  and  Hai-rison,  and  of  Stanifoi'd  (Conn.),  anil 
tlu-ie  are  f;ninn<ls  for  supposing-  that  the  tract  known  as  'I'oipiains,  assigned  to  the  Taidvitekes, 
was  jiart  of  their  doniinions.  They  had  a  very  large  villagi'  on  llu'  lianks  of  Rye  Tond 
in  the  to%yn  of  Hye,  and  in  the  southern  angle  of  that  town,  on  tlie  lieantifnl  hill  now  known 
as  Mount  Misery,  stood  one  of  their  eastles.  Another  of  their  villages  was  on  Davenixirt's 
Xeek.  Near  the  entrance  to  Pelhain  Ncek  was  one  of  their  hnrying  grounds.  Two  large 
nn)unds  are  [lointed  out  as  the  sepulehers  of  their  chiefs,  Ann-lloock  and  Nindiani.  In  the 
town  of  Westchester  they  had  a  castle  on  what  is  still  called  Castle  Hill  Neck,  and  a  village 
near  Bear  Swamp,  of  which  latter  they  remained  in  jiosscssion  until  KiSit.  One  of  their 
Sachems  whose  nana'  has  been  permanently  preserved  in  Westchester  County  was  Katonah 
(1680).  Their  chief  Aun-Hooek,  alias  Wampage,  was  prohahly  the  murderer  (if  Ann  Hutchin- 
son. One  of  their  warriors  was  Mayane  (l(i44),  "a  tierce  Indian,  who,  alone,  dared  to  attack, 
with  bow  and  arrow,  three  Christians  armed  with  guns,  one  of  whom  he  shot  <lead,  and  whilst 
engaged  with  the  other  was  killed  by  the  third  and  his  head  conveyed  to  Kort  Amsterdam.  " 

In  tlu'ir  intercourse  witli  the  whites  Ifoni  I  lie  hci^inning  the  ladiijns 
disphiyed  a  bold  independence  and  perfect  indifference  to  the  evidences 
of  snperior  and  mysterious  power  and  wisdom  which  every  as])ect  of 
tlieir  stran_i;e  visitors  disclosed.  Though  greatly  astonished  at  the  ad- 
vent of  the  "  Half  Moon,"  and  perplexed  by  the  white  skin,  remark- 
able dress,  and  terrible  weapons  of  its  crew,  they  discovered  no  fear, 
and  at  the  first  offer  of  physical  violence  or  duress  were  prompt  and 
intrepid  in  resentment.  On  his  way  up  the  river,  at  a  point  i)robably 
below  Sjiuyten  Duyvil,  Hudson  attempted  to  detain  two  of  the  natives, 
but  tliey  jumped  overltoard,  and,  swimming  to  shore,  called  back  to 
him  "  in  scorn."  1"'(M'  this  unfriendly  demonstration  he  was  attacked 
on  his  return  triji,  ;i  month  later,  off  Spuyten  Duyvil.  "  Whereu])on," 
he  says  in  his  journal.  "  two  canoes  full  of  men,  with  their  bows  and 
arrows,  shot  at  us  after  our  sterne,  in  recompense  wliereof  we  dis- 
charged six  muski'ts,  and  killed  two  or  three  of  them.  Tlien  altnve  a 
hundred  of  them  (■.•inie  to  a  point  of  land  to  shoot  at  us.  'fheic  1  slmi 
a  falcon  ;it  them  and  killed  two  of  them;  whereui)on  the  rest  fled  into 
the  woods.  Vet  tliey  manned  off  another  canoe  with  nine  or  ten  men, 
who  came  to  meet  us.  So  I  shot  a  falcon  and  shot  it  througli,  ami 
killed  one  of  tliem.  So  they  went  their  way."  Thus  in  utter  contempt 
of  the  white  man's  formidable  vessel  and  deadly  gun  Ihey  dared  assail 
him  at  the  first  opiiortunity  in  revenge  lor  his  olfense  against  ilieir 
rights,  r"liiiiiiiig  to  the  attack  a  second  tind  third  liiiic  despite  the 
havoc  thev  had  suffered. 

The  entire  conduct  of  the  Indians  in  their  sidise(pieiil  relaticuis  with 
the  Euroi)eans  who  settled  in  the  land  and  griidually  absorbed  it  was 
in  strict  keei)ing  with  the  grim  and  fearless  altitude  shown  upon  this 
first  occasion.  To  manifestations  of  force  they  opixised  all  the  re- 
sistance they  could  summon,  and  \\ith  the  fiercest  determination  and 
most  relentless  severity  administered  such  reprisals,  both  general  and 
individual,  as  thev  were  able  to  inllicl.    Their  characteristics  in  these 



resiH'cts,  iiiiil  I  heir  disposition  of  coiiiidctc  uiiteachableness  as  to 
iiiodcratioii  and  Cliiistian  precept,  are  desrrihed  in  quaint  terms  in  a 
lette]'  written  in  KililS  by  Doniiue  Jonas  iiicliaelins,  the  first  pastor  in 
New  Amsterdam.  "  As  to  the  natives  of  this  country,"  writes  the 
fjood  domine,  "  I  find  tlieni  entiridy  savage  and  wild,  slrani^ers  to  all 
decency;  yea,  uncivil  and  stupid  as  imsts.  jiroticient  in  all  wickedness 
and  i;i(dlessness;  devilish  men,  who  serve  nobody  but  the  devil,  that 


is,  tlie  spirit  which,  in  their  laniiuage,  they  call  Manetto,  under  which 
title  they  com]u-eliend  everythin*;'  that  is  subtle  and  crafty  and  beyond 
human  power.  They  have  so  much  witchcraft,  divination,  sorcery,  and 
Avick(Ml  tricks  thai  they  can  not  be  held  in  by  any  locks  or  bounds. 
They  are  as  thievish  and  treacherous  as  they  are  tall,  and  in  cruelty 
they  are  more  inhuman  than  the  i)eople  of  Barbary  and  far  exceed  the 
^Vfricans.  I  have  written  somethinii'  concerninji  tliese  thinjis  to  sev- 
eral persons  elsewhere,  not  donblinii'  that  Brother  Crol  will  have 
written  sufficient  to  your  Ri.nht  Bm-ei-end,  or  to  the  Lords;  as  also  of 


i!ic  base  treachei'v  and  tlic  imiidcrs  which  the  Mohicans,  at  tin*  upper 
part  of  tliis  liver,  against.  I'ort  ( )ran,i;e,  had  t-oniiiiifted.  .  .  .  I  have 
as  yet  been  abh^  to  discover  liardlv  a  nood  jioint,  except  tliat  they  do  not 
speak  so  jeeringly  and  so  scoffingly  of  I  lie  ( lodlike  and  i;lorions  majesty 
of  tlieir  Creator  as  tlie  Africans  dare  to  do;  but  it  is  because  tliey  have 
no  certain  kno\\ledj;e  of  llim  or  scarcely  any.  If  we  spealv  to  theni  of 
God  it  api)ears  to  them  like  a  dream,  and  we  are  compelled  to  speak 
of  Him  not  under  the  name  of  .Manelto,  whom  they  know  and  serve — 
for  that  would  be  blasphemous — but  under  that  of  some  ;.;reat  person, 
yea  of  the  chiefs  Sackienia,  by  wJiicli  name  they — living  without  a 
king — call  those  who  have  command  of  nuuiy  hundreds  among  them, 
and  who,  by  our  people,  are  called  Sackeniakers."  In  striking  con- 
trast Willi  this  stern  but  undoubtedly  just  view  of  the  Indian,  as  a  so- 
cial iii(li\  idual,  is  the  lofty  and  magnanimous  tribute  paid  to  his  char- 
acter in  its  broader  aspect  by  ('adwallader  Colden  after  more  than  a 
century  of  European  occupation  of  the  country  and  intercourse  with 
him.  In  his  "  History  of  the  Five  Indian  Nations,"  published  in  1727, 
( "oldi'u  says :  "  A  poor,  barbarous  people,  under  the  darkest  igno- 
rance, and  yet  a  bright  and  noble  genius  shines  through  these  dark 
(douds.  None  of  the  great  Ikoinan  heroes  have  discovered  as  great  love 
of  country,  or  a  greater  contempt  of  death,  than  these  barbarians 
have  done  when  life  and  liberty  came  in  competition.  Indeed,  I  think 
our  Indians  have  outdone  the  Komaiis.  .  .  .  They  are  the  fiercest 
and  most  formidable  people  in  North  America,  and  at  the  same  time 
as  ])olitic  and  judicious  as  can  well  be  conceived." 

Although  exterminating  wars  were  waged  between  the  nutcli  and 
the  Westchester  Indians,  in  which  both  sides  were  perfectly  rapacious, 
it  was  the  general  policy  of  the  Dutch  to  deal  with  the  natives  ami- 
cably and  to  attain  their  great  object,  the  acquirement  of  the  land,  by 
the  forms  of  purchase,  with  such  incidental  concessions  of  the  sub- 
stance as  might  be  required  by  circumstances.  The  goods  given  in  ex- 
change for  the  lands  comprised  a  variety  of  useful  articles,  such  as 
to(ds,  hatchets,  kettles,  chtth,  tirearms,  and  ammunition,  with  trin- 
kets for  ornament  and  the  always  indispensable  rum.  The  simplicity 
of  the  natives  in  their  dealings  with  the  whites  is  the  subject  of  many 
entertaining  narratives.  "  The  man  with  the  red  clothes  now  distrib- 
uted presents  of  beads,  axes,  hoes,  stockings,  and  other  articles,  and 
made  them  understand  that  he  would  r<'turn  home  and  come  again  to 
see  them,  bring  them  more  ])resents,  and  stay  with  them  awhile,  but 
should  want  a  little  land  to  sow  some  seeds,  in  order  to  raise  herbs  to 
]iut  in  their  broth.  .  .  .  They  rejoiced  much  at  seeing  each  other 
again,  but  the  whites  laughed  at  them,  seeing  that  they  knew  not  the 
use  of  the  axes,  hoes,  and  the  like  they  had  given  them,  they  having 


had  lliosc  liaiiiiin^  to  llicir  breasts  as  oriiaiiu'iits,  and  the  stoi-kings 
I  hey  liad  made  use  of  as  tobacco  pouches.  'I'lie  wliites  now  put  liandles 
or  h(dA('s  in  tlie  I'ornier,  and  cut  trees  down  before  their  eyes,  and  dug 
the  ground,  and  sliowcd  I  hem  t  lie  use  of  the  stoclciugs.  Here  a  gen- 
eral iaugliter  ensued  among  the  Indians,  tliat  they  iiad  remained  fur 
so  hing  a  time  ignorant  of  tjje  use  of  so  valuable  imjilements,  and  had 
boine  with  the  weight  of  such  heavy  metal  hanging  to  their  necks  for 
sucli  a  length  of  time.  .  .  .  Familiarity  daily  increasing  between 
them  and  the  whites,  the  latter  now  proposed  to  stay  with  them,  ask- 
ing for  only  so  much  land  as  the  liide  of  a  bullock  would  cover  or  en- 
i-oinjiass,  which  liide  was  brought  forward  and  spread  on  the  ground 
before  tlH'm.  'i'liat  they  readily  granted  this  re(|uest;  wheretipon  the 
whites  took  a  knife  and  beginning  at  one  place  on  this  hide  cut  it  up 
into  a  ro])e  not  thicker  than  the  finger  of  a  little  child,  so  that  by  the 
time  the  hide  was  cut  up  there  was  a  great  lieaj);  that  this  rope  was 
drawn  out  to  a  great  distance  and  llien  brought  round  again,  so  that 
tlie  ends  might  meet;  that  they  cai'efully  avoided  its  breaking,  and 
that  upon  the  whole  it  encompassed  a  large  ])iece  of  land;  that  they 
wei'c  surprised  at  the  su])erior  wit  of  the  whiles,  but  did  not  wish  to 
(•(Uitend  with  lliem  about  a  little  land,  as  tliey  had  enough;  that  they 
and  the  A\hites  li\ed  for  a  long  time  contente(lly  together,  although 
the  whites  asked  from  time  to  time  more  land  of  them,  and  jiroceeding 
higher  uj)  the  ^Mohicanitnk  the\'  believed  they  would  soon  want  the 
whole  country." 

The  tirsi  ]iui(liase  of  Indian  lands  in  what  is  now  New  York  State 
was  that  of  ^Manhattan  Island,  which  was  announced  in  a  letter  dated 
November  5,  KiiMi,  from  I'.  Schaglien,  the  nu'mbtM'  of  the  States-txcn- 
era!  of  Ibdiand  attending  the  "  Assembly  of  the  XIX."  of  the  West 
India  ("omjiany,  to  his  colleagues  in  The  Ilagtu*.  This  letter  con- 
veyed the  information  that  a  sliij)  had  arrived  the  day  before  bringing 
news  from  Ihe  new  settlement,  and  that  "They  have  bought  the 
island  ^lanliatles  from  the  wild  men  f(U'  the  value  of  sixty  guilders  " 
— $24  of  our  money.  The  ac(|uisition  of  title  to  the  site  of  what  has 
liecome  the  second  coinmei-cial  entrei>ot  of  the  world  for  so  ridiculous 
a  sum  which,  moreovei-,  was  paid  not  in  money  l)ut  in  goods — is  a 
familial'  theme  for  m  iralizing  and  didactic  writers.  Y<'t  ther*^  can  be 
no  1 1  nest  ion  that  the  value  given  the  savages  reasonably  corresponded 
to  honorable  standards  of  equivalent  recompense.  The  jiarticular  land 
with  which  they  ]iarted  had  to  them  no  more  worth  than  an  equal  area 
of  the  water  of  the  river  or  the  bay,  except  in  the  elementary  regard 
that  it  was  land,  where  man  can  abide,  and  not  water,  where  he  can 
not  al)ide;  ^\hile  to  the  Dutch  (he  sole  worth  lay  in  the  cliance  of  its 
ultimate  de\-elopnient.     On  Ihe  ollici'  hand,  the  value  received  by  the 

<>-^^:^  .^  ^^  /^^^ 

•^^^  ^  iyf^^  -^''Sc^  /w^<  2^<:?^,/??«.^?^p;).3^^ 

^fv^JV>^     <;^«e^^^,:^     :§^-/r^c^-   yvj^^^,  Ji.X>    g'^'^ 
■j-i.^^^    S-H^J^  'sa^iH^ 



SL'Itli'i-s  was  au  eiuiiu'iillv  suhstautial  (iiie,  e-oiisistiu<;  uf  possessions 
having  a  in-actioal  eeouomic  utility  beyond  auytliing-  known  to  tlieir 
pi'ovious  existence.  "  A  metal  kettle,  a  spear,  a  knife,  a  hatehet,  traus- 
fiirined  tlie  whole  life  of  a  saA'age.  A  blanket  was  to  him  a  whole 
wardrobe."  M(irc()\t-r,  the  uioi-al  phases  of  such  a  bargain  ran  not 
fairly  be  scrutinized  by  any  fixed  conception  of  the  relative  values  in- 
volved. It  was  i)urely  a  liargain  of  friendly  exchange  for  mutual  con- 
venience and  welfare.  The  Indians  did  not  understand,  and  coidd 
not  have  been  expected  to  understand,  that  it  meant  a  formal  and 
everlasting  alienation  of  their  lands;  on  the  other  hand,  they  deemed 
that  they  were  covenanting  merely  to  admit  the  whites  peaceably  to 
rights  of  joint  occupancy.  The  amount  of  consideration  paid  by  the 
latter  has  no  relevancy  to  the  merits  of  the  transaction,  which  was 
honorable  to  both  jiarties,  resting,  so  far  as  the  Dutch  were  con- 
cerned, upon  tile  principle  of  purchase  and  recompense  instead  of 
seizure  and  spoliation,  and,  on  the  part  of  the  Indians,  upon  the  basis 
of  amicable  instead  of  hostile  disposition. 

The  ])rincii)le  of  reciprocal  exchange  established  in  the  purchase  of 
^lanliattan  Island  was  adhered  to  in  all  the  jtrogressive  advances 
made  by  tlie  whites  northward.  Westchester  County  was  never  a 
s(|uatti'r"s  paradise.  Its  lands  were  not  grabbed  by  inrushing  adven- 
turers u]ion  the  Oklahoma  plan.  De  facto  occtiijancy  did  not  consti- 
tute a  sutficient  title  to  ownership  on  the  jiart  of  the  white  settlers. 
Landed  iiroi)rietorshij)  was  uniformly  founded  upon  deeds  of  pur- 
chase from  the  original  Indian  owners.  The  rivalries  between  the 
Dutcli  and  English,  cidminating  in  the  overthrow  of  the  former  by 
conquest,  were  largely  occasioned  by  antagonistic  claims  to  identical 
strips  of  land — claims  supjMirted  on  both  sides  by  Indian  deeds  of  sale. 

But  the  right  to  buy  laud  from  the  Indians  was  not  a.  necessary 
natural  right  inhering  in  any  white  settler.  The  government,  tipon 
the  well-known  ]»rinciple  of  the  supreme  right  of  discovery,  assumed 
a  fundamental  authority  in  the  disposal  of  lands,  and  hence  arose  the 
numerous  land  grants  and  land  patents  to  specified  persons,  which 
were  based,  however,  under  both  Dutch  and  English  law,  upon  pr(^- 
vious  extinguishment  of  the  Indian  title  by  deeds  of  sale.  It  is  well 
here  to  more  clearly  understand  the  ]irinciples  undeT'lying  this  govern- 
mental assumption.    They  have  been  thus  stated  : 

Upon  the  discovery  of  this  continent  the  great  nations  of  Europe,  eager  to  appropriate  as 
nmeh  of  it  as  possible,  and  conceiving  that  tlie  character  and  religion  of  its  inhabitants 
att'orded  an  apology  for  considering  tlieni  as  a  people  over  wlioni  tlic  superior  genins  of 
Europe  might  claim  an  ascendancy,  adopted,  as  by  common  consent,  this  i)rinciple  : 

That  discovery  gave  title  to  the  government  by  whose  sidijccts,  or  under  whose  authority,  it 
was  made,  against  all  other  European  governments,  wliich  title  might  be  consummated  by 
possession.      Hence  if  the  country  be   discovered   and   possessed   by  emigrants  of  an  existing 


and  ac'kiiiiwlcflged  governnient,  tlie  possession  is  deemed  taken  for  the  nation,  and  title  must 
be  derived  from  the  sovereign  in  whom  the  power  to  dispose  of  vacant  territory  is  vested  by 

Resulting  from  this  principle  was  that  of  the  sole  right  of  the  discoverer  to  acquire  the 
soil  from  the  natives  and  establish  settlements,  either  by  purchase  or  by  conquest.  Hence 
also  the  exclusive  right  can  not  exist  in  government  and  at  the  same  time  in  private  individu- 
als ;  and  hence  also 

The  natives  were  recognized  as  rightfnl  occupants,  but  their  power  to  dispose  of  the  soil 
at  their  own  will  to  whomsoever  they  pleased  was  denied  by  the  original  fundamental  prin- 
cipb'  that  discovery  gave  exclusive  title  to  those  who  made  it. 

The  ultimate  dominion  was  asserted,  and,  as  a  consequence,  a  power  to  grant  the  soil  while 
yet  in  the  possession  of  the  natives.  Hence  such  dominion  was  incompatible  with  an  ab.solute 
and  complete  title  in  the  Indians.  Conseipiently  they  had  no  right  to  sell  to  any  other  than 
the  governnient  of  the  first  discoverer,  nor  to  private  citizens  without  the  sanction  of  that 
government.  Hence  the  Indians  were  to  be  considered  mere  occupants  to  be  protected  indeed 
while  in  peaceable  possession  of  their  lands,  but  with  an  incapacity  of  transferring  the  abso- 
lute title  to  others.' 

In  many  of  the  old  Indian  title  deeds  various  conditional  clauses  ap- 
pear, the  savages  reserving  to  themselves  certain  special  rights.  For 
example,  it  was  at  times  specified  that  they  should  retain  the  white- 
wood  trees,  from  Avhich  they  constructed  their  "  dugout  "  canoes. 
They  always  remained  on  the  lands  after  sale,  continuing  their  former 
habits  of  life  until  forced  by  the  steady  extension  of  white  settlement 
to  fall  back  farther  into  the  wilderness.  Having  no  conception  of  the 
priuciph's  of  civilized  law,  and  no  idea  of  the  binding  effect  of  con- 
tracts, they  seldom  realized  that  the  mere  act  of  signing  over  their 
lands  to  the  whites  was  a  iiecessarily  permanent  release  of  them.  They 
were  incapable  of  comjireheudiug  any  other  idea  of  ownership  than  ac- 
tual ])hysical  possession,  and  in  cases  where  lands  were  not  occupied 
promi)tly  after  sale  they  assumed  tliat  no  change  had  transpired,  and 
thus  frequently  the  same  territory  would  be  formally  sold  two  or 
three  times  ((\cr.  besides,  they  considered  that  it  was  their  natural 
right  at  all  times  to  forcibly  seize  lands  that  had  been  sold,  expel  the 
settlers,  and  tiien  resell  them.  The  boundaries  of  sub-tribal  jurisdic- 
tion were  necessarily  indefinite,  and  consequently  deeds  of  sale  by  the 
Indians  of  one  locality  would  frequently  cover  portions  of  lands  con- 
veyed by  those  of  another,  which  led  to  much  confusion. 

The  military  power  of  the  Indians  of  Westchester  County  was  de- 
stroyed forever  as  a  result  of  the  war  of  lt)t:J-t.j  with  the  Dutch.  But 
it  was  not  until  after  the  close  of  the  seventeenth  century  that  the  last 
vestiges  of  tlx'ir  legal  ownershi])  of  lan<ls  in  the  county  disajipeared. 
In  succeeding  chapters  of  this  History  their  relation  to  the  progress  of 
events  and  to  the  gradual  development  of  the  county  during  the  period 
of  their  organiz<Ml  continuance  in  it  will  receive  due  notice,  and  it  is 
not  necessary  in  the  present  connection  to  anticipate  that  portion  of 

'MoiUton'8  Hist,  of  New  York,  301. 


our  iianative.  What  is  kimwii  of  their  ultimate  fate  as  a  peojjle  may, 
howc\cr.  a]i)iroiiriately  be  rehited  hen-. 

Diiriuy  the  Dutili  wars  man}'  hundreds  of  them  were  slain  and  some 
of  their  j^rincipal  villages  were  given  to  the  flames.  It  is  estimated 
that  in  a  single  Indian  ronnnuinty  (m-ar  the  present  village  of  Bed- 
ford), which  was  surrounded,  attacked,  and  burned  at  midnight,  more 
than  five  hundred  of  them  perished  before  the  merciless  onslaught  of 
the  whites.  After  the  peace  of  IGio  their  remaining  villages,  being 
absorbed  one  hj  one  in  the  extensive  land  purchases  and  grants,  were 
by  degrees  abandoned.  The  continuance  of  the  Indian  on  the  soil  was 
entirely  incompatible  with  it.s  occupancj-  by  the  white  man.  The 
country,  by  being  converted  to  the  uses  of  agriculture,  became  un- 
adapted  to  the  pursuits  of  the  natives,  as  it  was  (luickly  deserted  by 
the  game.  The  wild  animals  fled  to  the  forest  solitudes,  an<l  the  wild 
men  followed  them,  until  only  small  groups,  and  finally  isolated  fami- 
lies and  individuals,  remained.  The  locality  called  Indian  Hill,  in  the 
Town  of  Yorktown,  is  still  pointed  out  as  the  spot  where  the  last  lin- 
gering band  of  Indians  in  WestcJiester  County  had  its  abiding  place. 

The  historian  of  the  Town  of  Eye,  the  late  Rev.  Charles  W.  Baird, 
gives  the  following  particulars  (typical  for  the  whole  county)  of  tlic 
gradual  fading  awa.A'  of  the  Indians  of  that  locality: 

The  fullest  account  of  tlie  con(litii)n  of  tlic  Indians  of  Rye  is  that  of  Rev.  Mr.  Mnii-son. 
"  As  to  tlie  Indians,  tlie  natives  of  the  conntry,"  he  says,  in  a  letter  to  the  Gospel 
Propagation  Society  in  .lannary,  170.S,  "  they  are  a  decaying  ])co])le.  We  have  now  in  all 
this  parish  twenty  families,  whereas  not  many  years  ago  there  were  several  hundred. 
I  have  taken  some  pains  to  teach  some  of  them,  lint  to  no  purpose,  for  they  seem  regardless 
of  instruction."  Long  after  the  settlement  of  the  town  there  were  Indians  living  within  its 
hounds,  some  of  tliem  quite  near  tlie  village,  hut  the  greater  nuraher  hack  in  the  wilderness 
that  still  overspread  the  northern  ]iart  of  Rye.  This  was  the  ease  in  most  of  the  Connecticut 
towns,  the  law  ohliging  the  inhahitaiits  to  reserve  to  the  natives  a  sufficient  (piantity  of  plant- 
ing ground,  and  protecting  the  latter  from  insult,  fraud,  and  violence.  The  twenty  families 
of  whom  Mr.  Muirson  speaks  were  reduced  by  the  year  1720  to  four  or  five  families  of 
Indians,  writes  Mr.  Bridges,  "  that  often  abide  in  this  parish,  but  are  frequently  removing, 
almost  every  numth  or  six  weeks."  After  this  date  we  liear  little  more  of  Indians  at  Rye, 
except  as  slaves.  Tradition  states  that  in  old  times  a  l)and  of  Indians  used  to  visit  Rye  once 
a  year,  resorting  to  the  heach,  where  they  had  a  frolic  wliich  lasted  several  days.  Another 
place  which  they  frequented  as  late,  certainly,  as  tlie  middle  of  the  last  century,  was  a  spot  on 
Grace  Church  Street,  at  the  corner  of  the  road  now  called  Kirby  Avenue.  Here  a  troop  of 
Indians  would  come  every  year  and  spend  the  niglit  in  a  "  ])ow-wow,"  during  which  tlicir 
cries  and  yells  would  keep  the  whole  neighborhood  awake. 

Removing,  for  the  most  part,  northward,  the  remnants  of  the  West- 
chester Indians  became  merged  in  the  kindred  tribes  of  the  Mohican 
nation,  Avhich  stretched  to  the  limits  of  the  Moha^^k  country  al)o\c 
Albany,  and  followed  their  destinies.  The  Jlohicans,  though  vastly 
reduced  in  numbers  and  territorial  possessions,  still  retained  an  or- 
ganized e.xistence  and  some  degree  of  substantial  ]»ower  until  after 
the  Revolution.      Ilavinucoustantl  v  sustained  fi-icndl\-  relations  with 








ORXAMK.N  1  ,\I.   I'liTTI  KV    IcllND  IN 




the  settlers,  it  was  uaturallv  \\  iih  tliL*  colonists  that  rlicir  sympathies 
were  enlisted  when  the  strugyle  with  Great  IJritain  began.  As  early 
as  April,  1774,  a  message  was  dispatched  by  the  provincial  congress 
of  Massachusetts  to  the  Mohicans  and  Wappiugers  at  their  principal 
village,  Westenhuch,  on  the  western  side  of  the  llndson  jnst  below  Co- 
hoes  Falls,  with  a  letter  requesting  their  cooperation  in  the  impending 
conflict.  The  letter  was  addressed  ''  To  Captain  Solomon  Ahkannu-au- 
waumnt,  chief  sachem  of  the  Moheackonuck  Indians."  Captain  Solo- 
mon thereupon  journeyed  to  Boston,  where,  in  reply  to  the  communi- 
cation from  the  congress,  he  delivered  the  following  impressive  ad- 
dress : 

Brothers  :  Wi'  Imvc  lu'ard  yoii  speak  liy  your  letter  ;  we  thank  you  for  it  ;  we  now  make 

Brothers  ;  You  remember  when  you  first  eaine  over  the  great  waters,  I  was  jjreat  and  you 
were  very  little,  very  small.  I  then  took  you  in  for  a  friend,  and  kept  you  under  my  arms, 
so  that  no  one  might  injure  you  ;  since  that  time  we  have  ever  been  true  friends  ;  there  has 
never  been  any  quarrel  between  us.  But  now  our  conditions  are  changed.  You  have  become 
great  and  tall.  Y'ou  reach  the  clouds.  Y'on  are  seen  all  around  the  world,  and  I  am  become 
small,  very  little.  I  am  not  so  high  as  yoni-  heel.  Now  you  take  care  of  me,  and  I  look  to 
you  for  protection. 

Brothers  :  I  am  sorry  to  hear  of  this  great  quarrel  between  you  and  old  England.  It  ap- 
pears that  blood  must  soon  be  shed  to  end  this  quarrel.  We  never  till  this  day  luulerstood 
the  foundation  of  this  quarrel  between  you  and  the  ccmntry  you  came  from. 

Brothers  :  Whenever  I  see  your  blood  running,  you  will  soon  find  me  about  to  revenge  my 
brothers'  blood.  Although  I  am  low  and  very  small,  I  will  grijie  hold  of  your  enemy's  heel, 
that  he  cannot  run  so  fast  and  so  light  as  if  he  had  nothing  at  his  heels. 

Brothers  :  You  know  that  I  am  not  so  wise  as  you  are,  therefore  I  ask  your  adWce  in  what 
I  am  now  going  to  say.  I  have  been  thinking,  before  you  come  to  action,  to  take  a  run  to  the 
v/estward,  and  feel  tlie  mind  of  my  Indian  brethren,  the  Six  Nations,  and  know  how  they  stand; 
whether  they  are  on  your  side  or  for  your  enemies.  If  1  find  they  are  against  you,  I  will  try 
to  turn  their  minds.  I  think  they  will  listen  to  me,  for  they  have  always  looked  this  way  for 
advice  concerning  all  important  news  that  comes  from  the  rising  of  the  sun.  If  they  hearken 
to  me  yon  will  not  be  afraid  of  any  danger  behind  you.  However  their  minds  are  attected 
you  shall  soon  know  by  me.  Now  I  think  I  can  do  yon  more  service  in  this  way  than  by 
marching  off  immediately  to  Boston  and  staying  there  ;  it  may  be  a  great  while  before  blood 
runs.  Now,  as  I  said,  you  are  wiser  than  I  ;  I  leave  this  for  your  consideration,  whether  I 
come  down  immediately  or  wait  till  I  hear  some  blood  is  spilled. 

Brothers  :  I  would  not  have  you  think  by  this  that  we  are  falling  back  from  our  engage- 
ments.    We  are  ready  to  do  anything  for  your  relief  and  shall  be  guided  by  your  counsels. 

Brothers  :  One  thing  I  ask  of  you,  if  you  send  for  me  to  fight,  that  you  let  me  tight  in  my 
own  Indian  way.  I  am  not  used  to  fight  English  fashion,  therefore  you  must  not  expect  I 
can  train  like  your  men.  Only  point  out  to  me  where  your  enemies  keep  and  that  is  all  that 
I  shall  want  to  know. 

After  the  battle  of  Lexington,  a  year  later,  the  Mohican  braves 
marched  to  the  theater  of  war  in  Massachusetts,  arriving  in  time  to 
participate  in  the  battle  of  Bunker  Hill.  Subsequently,  addressing  a 
council  which  met  at  German  Flats  in  this  State  and  held  adjourned 
sessions  at  Albany,  Captain  Solomon  pledged  anew  the  support  of  the 
Mohicans  to  the  American  cause. 

"  Depend  upon  it,"  he  said,  "  we  are  true  to  you  and  mean  to  join  you.  \^Tierever  you  go 
we  shall  be  by  your  sides.      Our  bones  shall  lie  with  yours.      We  are  determined  never  to  be 


at  peace  with  the  redcoats  while  they  are  at  variance  witli  you.  We  have  one  favov  to  beg. 
We  shouUl  be  glad  if  yon  would  help  us  to  establish  a  niiuister  amongst  us,  that  when  our 
ineu  are  gone  to  war  our  women  and  ehiWren  may  have  tlie  advantage  of  being  instructed  by 
liini.  If  we  are  conquered,  our  lands  go  witli  yoiii's  ;  but  if  you  are  victorious,  \\v  hojie  yo>i 
will  help  us  recover  our  just  rights." 

For  about  five  years  the  Mohicans  contiinied  to  serve  as  volunteers 
in  the  patriot  army,  "  being  generally  attached,"  says  Washington,  in 
one  of  his  letters,  "  to  the  light  corps,"  and,  he  adds,  conducting  them- 
selves "  with  great  propriety  and  lidelity."  They  were  present,  and 
fought  with  conspicuous  valor,  in  a  number  of  sanguinary  encounters 
with  the  enemy  in  Westchester  County.  "  At  White  Plains,  in  Oc- 
tober, 177G,"  says  Ruttenber,  "  their  united  war  cry,  Woach,  Woach, 
Ha,  Ha,  Hach,  Woach!  rang  out  as  when  of  old  they  had  disputed  the 
supremacy  of  the  Dutch,  and  their  blood  mingled  with  that  of  their 
chosen  allies." 

In  the  spring  of  1778,  as  a  portion  of  the  forces  detached  under 
i-afayette  to  check  the  depredations  of  the  British  ou  their  retreat 
fi-om  Philadelphia,  they  assisted  in  the  routing  of  the  enemy  in  the 
cngagemeut  at  Barren  Hill.  In  July  and  August  of  the  same  year, 
being  stationed  in  Westchester  County,  they  performed  highly  valu- 
al)le  services,  culminating  in  their  memorable  fight,  August  81.  1778, 
at  Cortlandfs  Kidge,  in  the  Town  of  Yonkers.  where,  according  to  the 
I'.ritish  commander,  they  lost  "near  forty  killed  or  desperately 
wounded,"  about  half  their  number.  In  this  fight  they  first  attacked 
the  British  from  behind  the  fences,  and  then  fell  back  among  the 
recUs,  where  for  some  time  they  defied  all  efforts  made  to  dislodge 
t  liem.  They  were  charged  by  an  overwhelming  force  of  cavalry,  but 
as  the  horses  rode  them  down  "  the  Indians  seized  the  legs  of  their 
foes  and  dragged  them  from  their  saddles."  Their  chief,  Nimham, 
king  of  the  Wappingers,  finally  counseled  his  followers  to  save  them- 
selves, ailding,  however,  "  As  for  myself,  I  am  an  aged  tree;  I  will  die 
here."  When  ridden  down  by  Simcoe  he  wounded  that  officer  and 
was  about  to  pull  him  from  his  saddle  when  shot  dead  by  an  orderly. 

In  1780  the  surviving  remnant  of  the  Mohican  warriors,  some 
twenty  men,  were  honorably  discharged  from  the  army,  and  returned 
to  their  homes.  It  was  upon  this  occasion  that  Washington  wrote 
tlie  letter  above  alluded  to,  which  was  a  communication  to  congress, 
re(|uesting  that  suitable  measures  be  taken  to  provide  them  with 
necessary  clothing. 

With  the  close  of  tlie  Revolution  the  history  of  the  IMohicans  as  a 

1 |ih-  ends  completely,  and  even  their  name  vanishes.     From  that 

time  they  are  known  no  longer  as  Alohicans,  but  as  "  Stockbridge  In- 
dians," from  the  name  of  a  town  in  central  Xew  York,  to  which  they 
removed.    Leaving  their  ancient  seats  at  the  headwaters  of  the  Hud- 


son,  they  settled  in  1783-SS  near  the  Oiieidas.  They  received  a  tract 
of  land  six  miles  S(iuare  in  Aniiusta  (Oneida  ( "onnty  I  and  Stockbridge 
(Madison  County  ).  This  tract  they  subse<]uently  ceded  to  white  pur- 
chasers by  twelve  dil'ierent  treaties,  executed  in  the  years  1S18.  1822, 
1823,  1825,  1820,  1827,  182!»,  and  1830.  Some  of  them  removed  in  1818 
to  the  banks  of  the  White  lUver,  in  Indiana,  and  a  lar^e  nund)er,  in 
1821,  to  lands  on  the  ^Yisc<)nsin  and  I'ox  Txivers,  in  Wiscdusin.  which, 
with  other  New  York  Indians,  they  had  boui;lit  from  the  Menominees 
and  Winnebagoes.  The  Stockbridge  tribe  numbered  420  souls  in 
1785  and  138  in  1818. 

riiysically  the  Indians  of  Westchester  County,  as  of  this  entire  por- 
tion (if  the  country,  Avere  remarkable  specimens  of  manhood,  capable 
of  marv(dous  feats  of  endurance  and  free  from  most  of  the  diseases  in- 
cident to  civilized  society.  The  early  European  writers  testify  with- 
out exception  that  there  were  none  among  them  afflicted  with  bodily 
defornnties.  The  woukmi  delivei-ed  tlu'ir  young  with  singular  ease, 
and  immediately  after  labor  were  able  to  i-esume  the  ordinary  duties 
of  life.  The  appearance  and  general  physical  characteristics  of  the 
Indians  are  thus  descrilx^d  by  ^'an  der  Donck  : 

Tlu'v  arc  well  shaped  and  stroni;',  liavinj;  piteh-ldaek  and  lank  hair,  as  coarse  as  a  horse's 
tail,  broad  shoulders,  small  waist,  Ijrown  eyes,  and  snow-white  teeth  ;  they  are  of  a  sallow 
eolor,  abstemious  in  food  and  drink.  Water  satisfies  their  thirst;  Hesh  meat  and  fish  are 
prepared  alike.  They  observe  no  set  time  for  meals.  Whenever  hunger  demands  the  time 
for  eating  arrives.  Whilst  hunting  they  live  some  days  on  roasted  corn  carried  about  the 
person  in  a  bag.  .  .  .  Their  clothing  is  most  sumptuous.  The  women  ornament  them- 
selves more  than  the  men.  And  although  the  winters  are  very  severe,  they  go  naked  until 
their  thirteenth  year  ;  the  lower  parts  of  the  girls'  bodies  alone  are  covered.  All  wear 
around  the  waist  a  girdle  made  of  seawant  (shells).  They  bedeck  themselves  with  hair  tied 
with  small  bands.  The  hair  is  of  a  scarlet  color  and  surpassing  brilliancy,  which  is  perma- 
nent and  inetfaceable  by  rain.  The  women  wear  <a  petticoat  down  midway  the  legs,  very 
richly  ornamented  with  seawant.  They  also  wrap  the  naked  body  in  a  deerskin,  the  tips  of 
which  swing  with  their  points.  .  .  .  Both  go  for  the  most  part  bareheaded. 
Around  the  neck  and  arms  they  wear  bracelets  of  seawant,  and  some  aroimd  the  waist. 
Moccasins  are  made  of  elk  hides.  .  .  .  The  men  paint  their  faces  of  many  colors.  The 
women  lay  on  a  black  spot  only  here  and  there.  .      .      Both  are  unconnnonly  faithful. 

Although  their  society  was  u))()n  the  monogamous  plan,  and  none 
of  the  common  i((M)]»le  took  more  than  one  wife,  it  was  not  forbidden 
the  chiefs  to  follow  their  inclinations  in  this  respect.  "  Great  and 
jiowerful  (diiefs,"  says  Van  <ler  Donck,  "  frequently  have  two,  three,  or 
foni-  wives,  of  the  neatest  and  jiandsomest  of  women,  who  live  tog<'ther 
witluiut  variance."  As  the  life  of  th(>  Indian  was  spent  in  constant 
struggle  against  most  severe  ((nidilious  of  existence,  sensuality  was 
(juite  foi-eign  to  his  naturi'.  This  is  jiowerfully  illustrati'd  by  th<'  al- 
most uniformly  respectful  trealment  accorded  female  jirisoners  of 
war.  As  a  victor  the  North  American  Indian  was  entirely  merciless 
and  cruel.     His  adult  male  ca])ti\es  \\-ere  nearly  always  doomed  to 


(lealli,  and  if  imi  slain  inminlialely  after  the  battle  were  reserved  fur 
slow  terture.  Hut  the  women  who  fell  iuto  his  hands  were  seldom 
violated.  Sucii  forbearance  was  of  course  dictated  in  no  way  by  sen- 
liuieiit.  The  women,  in  common  with  the  young  children,  were  re- 
garded by  the  conciuerors  merely  as  accessions  to  their  numbers.  Un- 
chastitA'  was  an  exceptionally  rare  thing  among  the  married  females; 
and  in  no  other  jiarticular  do  the  different  accounts  of  the  natives 
given  by  the  earliest  observers  agree  more  markedly  than  in  the  state- 
ment that  both  the  women  and  the  girls  were  peculiarly  modest  in 
their  demeanor.  The  Dutch  farmers  occasionally  took  Indian  women 
for  their  wives,  refusing  to  abaiidnu  them  for  females  of  their  own 

One  of  the  most  curious  domestic  iusiinitions  of  the  Indians  of  this 
region  was  the  sweating  bath,  "made,"  says  Van  der  Douck,  "of 
earth  and  lined  with  clay."  '•  A  small  door  serves  as  an  entrance. 
The  patient  creeps  in,  seats  liimself  down,  and  places  heated  stones 
around  the  sides.  ^Vhenever  he  hath  SAveated  a  certain  time,  he 
immerses  himself  suddenly  in  cold  water;  from  which  he  derives  great 
security  from  all  sorts  of  sickness."  Of  medical  science  thej^  knew 
nothing,  except  how  to  cure  Avounds  and  hurts.  They  used  for  many 
purposes  an  oil  extracted  from  the  beaver,  which  also  was  consid- 
ered by  the  Dutch  to  possess  great  virtues.  Upon  the  "  medicine 
man,''  Avho  Avas  supposed  to  effect  cures  by  supernatural  poAvers,  their 
reliance  in  the  more  serious  cases  of  sickness  Avas  mainly  placed. 

Inured  to  abstemiousness  by  the  rigors  of  his  lot  and  but  little  dis- 
posed to  sexual  gratification,  the  Indian  yet  fell  an  easy  victim,  and 
speedily  l>ecame  an  abject  slave,  to  strong  drink.  It  was  not  the  taste 
but  tile  stimulating  properties  of  the  white  man's  rum  Avliich  en- 
thralled him.  Hudson  relates  that  Avhen  he  first  offered  the  intoxicat- 
ing cup  to  his  Indian  visitors  Avhile  at  anciKU*  in  NeAV  York  Bay,  they 
one  and  all  refused  it  after  smelling  the  liquor  and  touching  their 
Hl)s  to  it.  But  finally  one  of  their  number,  fearing  that  offense  might 
be  taken  at  their  rejection  of  it,  made  bold  to  swalloAV  it,  and  ex- 
perienced great  exhilaration  of  si)irits  in  consequence,  which  led  his 
comi)anions  to  folloAV  his  example,  Avith  like  pleasing  effects.  Robert 
Juet,  th(»  mate  of  the  "  Half  ^loon,"'  gravely  says  in  his  journal :  "  Our 
master  and  his  mate  determined  to  try  some  of  the  cheefe  men  of  the 
c(uniti-y,  Avhetlier  they  had  any  treachery  in  them.  So  they  took  them 
doAvn  into  the  cabin,  and  gaA'e  them  so  much  Avine  and  aqua-  A'ita'  that 
they  Avere  all  A'ery  merie."'    Rum.  (ir  rather  distillcMl  licpior  of .  every 

'  The  namp  of  Manhattan  Island  is  pcipularly  aliaihtanirnk.  wliirli.  in  tlic  Delaware  lan- 
snpposed  to  eoninieniorate  these  joyons  inebrie-  guage.  means  '  the  island  where  we  all  became 
ties.    Heekewelder  says:    "  They  ealled  it  Man-        intoxicated.'    "      Most      popular     writers      have 


kind,  sudii  uaiiic  to  be  valued  \>y  the  savages  above  every  other  article 
that  thej-  obtained  from  tiie  whites,  and  it  played  a  very  important  part 
both  in  proinotinj;  intercourse  and  in  ilastenin^  llieir  destruction.  A 
chief  ol'  the  Six  Naliims,  in  a  speech  delivered  before  the  connuission- 
ers  <>{  I  lie  I'nited  States  at  Fort  Stanwix,  in  1788,  said:  "  Tlu'  avidity 
of  the  while  people  for  land  and  1  lie  thirst  of  the  Indians  for  spirituous 
liquors  were  equally  insatiable;  that  the  white  men  had  seen  and 
fixed  their  eyes  upon  the  Indian's  good  land,  and  the  Indians  had  seen 
and  fixed  their  eyes  on  the  wiiite  man's  kei;-  of  rum.  And  nothing 
could  divert  either  of  them  from  their  desired  object;  and  therefore 
there  was  no  remedy  but  that  the  white  men  must  have  the  land  and 
the  Indians  the  keg  of  rum.'' 

The  Indian  cliaracter  has  always  been  a  matter  of  the  most  varied 
accounts  and  estimates.  While  there  is  no  room  for  disagreement  or 
misunderstanding  about  its  more  prominent  separate  traits,  views 
of  it  in  its  general  aspect  are  extremely  divergent,  and  extensive  as 
is  the  literattire  bearing  upon  this  subject  there  exists  no  single  i)res- 
entation  of  the  Indian  character  in  its  jjroportions,  at  least  from  a 
familiar  pen,  that  entirely  tills  and  satisfies  the  mind.  Longfellow's 
•'  Hiawatha  "  and  Cooper's  Indian  fictions  bring  out  the  romantic  and 
heroic  ]iliases;  but  no  powerful  conce])tion  of  the  Indian  type,  except 
in  the  department  of  song  and  story,  has  yet  been  given  to  literattire. 

There  is  one  safe  starting  point,  and  only  one,  for  a  correctly  bal- 
anced estimate  of  the  Indian.  lie  was  essentially  a  ]ihysical  being. 
Believing  both  in  a  supreme  good  deity  and  an  evil  spirit,  and  also  in 
an  existence  after  death,  religion  was  not,  imwever,  a  predominating 
factor  and  influence  in  his  life  and  institutions.  In  tiiis  respect  he 
differed  from  most  aboriginal  and  peculiar  types.  Of  a  stolid,  stoical, 
and  phlegmatic  nature,  possessing  little  imagination,  he  was  neither 
capable  of  s])iritual  exaltation  nor  ciiaracteristically  subject  to  sujter- 
stitious  awe  and  fear.  Idolatrous  practices  he  had  none.  Among  all 
the  objects  of  Indian  handiwork  that  have  come  down  to  us — at  least 
su(di  as  belong  to  this  section  of  tlie  country, — in(duding  the  remains  of 
pre-Etiropean  peoples,  tliere  are  none  that  are  suggestive  of  worship. 
He  appears  to  have  had  no  fanatic  ceremonials  except  those  of  the 
"  medicine  man,"  wliich  were  extemporized  functions  for  iininediate 

ao(.-t'pted  this  derivation.    Tlie  subject  of    tlie  Maii.Tliatin,  whose  oorreot  translation  is  "  the 

origin  of  the  name  Manhattan  is  dlseusserl  at  island  of  the  hills."    In  a  private  note  to  the 

length,  and   with  profuse  citations  of  autliori-  editor  of  tiiis  History  he  says:    "  If  the  deri- 

tlea    for    different    derivations— which    are    ex-  ^'ation  Heekeweider  gives  is  accurate,  Van  der 

ceedinsly    varied  —  by     Mr.     William     Wallace  Donck    would    not   have    written:    'In    the    In- 

Tooker.  in  the  "  Brooklyn  Eaj;le  Almanac  "  for  dian  languages,   which  are  rich  and  expressive, 

1897.    pp.   270-281.      Mr.    Tooker   arrives  at    the  tlicy    have   no    word   to    express    drunkenness, 

conclusion   that   the  earliest    form  of  the  word  I'nmkeii  men  they  call  fools.' " 
Manhattan,  so  far  as  has  been  discovered,  was 


plivsiral  ciul.s  latlicr  lliaii  i-i'i;ulajl.\  onlaiiit'd  itjrmularicis  cxpix'ssive 
of  a  real  system  of  abstractions.  Jle  was  a  pure  physical  barbarian. 
I  lis  coiu'cittions  of  ](rinci]i]('s  of  v\ix\\\  and  A\roiijj;',  of  social  obi  ij^al  ions, 
and  of  yood  and  bad  conduct,  were  limited  to  experience  and  customs 
having  no  other  relations  than  to  physical  well  being.  Thus  there  was 
neilher  sensibility  nor  grossness  in  his  character,  and  thus  he  stood 
solitary  and  aloof  fi-om  the  rest  of  mankind.  .Vll  sensitive  and  imagi- 
native races,  like  those  of  Mexico,  South  America,  the  West  Indies, 
and  the  Orient,  easily  commingle  with  European  conquerors;  and  the 
same  is  true  of  strictly  gross  jtcoidcs,  like  the  heathenish  native  tribes 
of  .\  IVica.  Sensibility  and  grossness,  like  genius  and  insanity,  are,  in- 
deed, closely  allied;  where  eitlu'r  (|ualify  is  present  it  affords  the  fun- 
damentals of  social  communion  for  cultivated  man,  but  where  both  are 
lacking  no  possible  basis  for  association  exists.  In  these  and  like  re- 
flections may  perhaps  be  found  the  true  key  to  the  character  of  the 

As  we  have  indicated,  the  religion  of  the  Westchester  and  kindred 
Indians  did  not  rise  to  the  dignity  of  a  defined  institution.  Ry  the 
term,  the  Indian  religion,  we  understand  only  a  set  of  elementary  be- 
liefs, unaccompanied  by  an  establishment  of  any  kind.  The  Great 
Spirit  of  the  Indians  of  this  locality  was  called  rantantowit,  who  was 
good,  all-wise,  and  all-powerful,  and  to  \vliose  ha])py  hunting  grounds 
they  hoped  to  go  after  death,  although  t  lieii'  beliefs  also  comprehended 
llie  idea  of  exclusion  from  those  realms  of  such  Indians  as  were  re- 
garded l»y  him  with  displeasure.  The  Spirit  of  Evil  they  calle<l  Ilob- 
bamocko.  The  home  of  Cantantowit  tliey  located  in  the  southwest. 
\\iience  came  the  fair  winds;  and  they  accordingly  interred  their  dead 
in  a  sitting  position  with  their  faces  looking  in  that  direction  and  their 
valuable  possessions,  including  food  for  the  soul's  journey,  beside 
them.  The  customs  and  ceremonials  attending  decease  and  sepulture 
are  thus  described  by  Ruttenber : 

When  death  occurred  the  next  of  Icin  closed  the  eyes  of  the  deceased.  The  men  made  no 
noise  over  the  dead,  but  tlie  women  made  frantic  demonstrations  of  grief,  striking  tlieir 
breasts,  tearing  their  faces,  and  calling  loudly  the  name  of  the  deceased  day  and  night. 
Their  loudest  lamentations  were  on  the  death  of  their  sons  and  husbands.  On  such  occasions 
they  cut  otf  their  hair  and  bound  it  on  the  grave  in  the  jiresciu'e  of  all  their  relatives,  jiainted 
their  faces  pitch  black,  and  in  a  deerskin  jerkin  mourned  the  dead  a  full  year  In  burying 
their  dead  the  body  was  placed  in  a  sitting  posture,  and  beside  it  were  placed  a  pot,  kettle, 
jilattcr,  s])oou,  and  money  and  provisions  for  use  in  the  other  world.  Wood  was  then  placed 
around  the  body,  and  the  whole  covered  with  earth  and  .stones,  outside  of  which  palisades 
were  erected,  fastened  in  such  a  niamu'r  that  the  tond)  resendded  a  little  liouse.  To  these 
tond)s  great  respect  was  paid,  and  to  violate  them  was  deemed  an  unpardonable  ])rovocation. 

To  review  the  separate  aspects  of  their  social  life  and  economy,  in- 
cluding their  domestic  arrangements,  their  arts  and  mannfaclnres, 
their  agriculture,  their  trade  relations  with  one  another,  and  the  like 


incideutal  details,  woulil  iviiuii-c  nnich  iiidi-i'  si)ace  than  can  be  j^iven 
iu  these  pages.  Fi»r  siuh  more  minute  partiniiars  the  reader  is  re- 
ferred to  the  various  fdi'uial  works  im  the  North  American  Indian.  Ir 
will  snttice  to  present  some  of  tlie  more  prominent  outlines. 

'i'heir  lunises,  savs  IJuttenber,  were,  for  the  most  part,  built  after 
one  i)lan,  differing  only  in  length.  They  Avere  formed  by  long,  slender 
hickory  saplings  set  in  the  ground,  in  a  straight  line  of  two  rows,  as  far 
asunder  as  they  intended  the  width  to  be,  and  the  rows  continuing  as 
far  as  they  intended  the  length  to  be.  The  poles  were  then  bent  to- 
ward each  other  in  tlie  form  of  an  arch  and  secured  together,  giving 
the  api»earance  of  a  garden  arbor.  Split  poles  were  then  lathed  up 
the  sides  and  the  roof,  and  over  this  was  bark,  lappeil  (ui  t  he  ends  and 
edges,  wliich  was  kept  in  its  place  by  withes  to  the  lathings.  A  hole 
was  left  in  the  roof  for  smoke  to  escape,  and  a  single  door  of  entrance 
was  provided.  I'arely  exceeding  twenty  feet  in  widtli,  these  houses 
were  sometimes  a  hundred  and  eighty  yards  long.  "  In  those  jihices," 
says  Y:\n  der  Donck,  "  they  crowd  a  surprising  number  of  persons, 
an<l  it  is  surprising  to  see  them  out  in  open  day."  From  sixteen  to 
eighteen  families  occupied  one  house,  according  to  its  size. 

Of  the  manufacture  of  metals  they  had  no  knowledge.  All  their 
weapons,  implements,  and  utensils  were  fashioned  from  stone,  wood, 
shells,  bone,  and  other  animal  substances,  and  clay.  Their  most  note- 
worthy manufactured  relics  are  probably  their  specimens  of  pottery. 
.Mr.  Alexander  C.  Chenoweth  draws  some  interesting  deductions  as 
to  the  processes  of  ]iott(n"y  manufacture  prevalent  in  early  times  from 
his  examinations  of  specimens  that  lie  has  unearthed.    lie  says  : 

Tliey  could  fasliion  eartlieu  jars  with  tasteful  decorations,  manufacture  cloth,  and  twist 
fibers  into  cords.  They  had  several  methods  of  moldinfj  tlieir  pottery.  One  was  to  make 
a  mold  of  hasket  work  and  press  the  clay  inside.  In  baking,  tlie  basket  work  was  burned 
off,  leavintr  its  imprint  to  be  plainly  seen  on  the  outside  of  the  jar.  Other  forms  show  that  a 
coarse  cloth  or  a  net  was  used  for  the  .same  purpose.  Another  method  of  molding,  some- 
times emjiloyed,  was  to  twist  clay  in  long  rolls  and  lay  it  spirally  to  form  a  vessel  or  jar,  the 
folds  being  pressed  togetlier.  Tliis  kind  of  vessel  breaks  easily  along  the  spiral  folds,  as  the 
method  does  not  insure  a  good  union  between  the  layers.  Tlie  vessels  range  in  size  from  a 
few  inches  in  circuiufereuce  to  four  feet,  the  depth  being  iu  proportion  to  the  diameter. 
The  study  of  the  decoration  and  method  emiiloyed  reveal  tlie  iniplemeuts  used  f-jr  that  pur- 
pose. Tlie  imprint  of  a  linger  nail  is  clearly  defined  on  some  of  the  rudest  as  a  decoration. 
Others  show  the  imprint  of  a  coarse  netting  or  cloth,  while  the  edge  of  an  escallop  shell  or 
clam  shell  was  often  used.  Pointed  sticks,  wedge-shaped  sticks,  and  straws  were  also  com- 
mon implements  for  decorating  with.  These  people  twisted  libers,  from  which  they  made 

Their  numerous  weapons,  implements,  and  utensils  of  stone — in- 
cluding mortars  and  ]K'stles,  axes,  hatchets,  adzes,  gouges,  chisels, 
cutting  to(ds,  skinning  tools,  perforators,  arrow  and  spear  heads, 
scrapers,  mauls,  hammer-stones,  sinkers,  pendants,  i)ierced  tablets, 
jiolishers,  liipes,  and   ceremonial  stones — of  all  of  which  s|»eci!nens 



have  bed)  fouud  iu  Weslclicsler  County,  were  very  well  \vi-(m.ulil,  and, 
considering'  the  extreme  difficulties  attendiujjj  their  fabrication  on  ac- 
count of  the  entire  absence  of  metal  tools,  bear  high  testinn)ny  to  the 
perseverance  and  ingenuity  of  the  Indians  as  artihcers.  Tiiey  liad 
great  art  in  dressing  skius,  using  smooth,  wedge-shaped  stones  to  i-ub 
and  woi-lc  the  pelts  into  a  jiliable  shape.  They  produced  tii-e  liy  raji- 
idly  turning  a  wooden  stick,  htted  in  a  small  cavity  of  anotiier  ])iece 
of  wood,  between  theii-  hands  mil  11  ignition  was  effected.  When  they 
wislied  to  make  one  of  their  more  dur- 
able canoes  they  had  hist  to  lell  a  suit- 
able iree,  a  task  which,  on  account  of  the 
iusuthciency  of  their  tools, I'lMpiired  much 
labor  ami  time.  Being  unable  to  cut 
down  a  tree  with  their  stone  axes,  they 
resorted  to  Hre,  btirning  th(»  tree  around 
its  truid<  and  removing  the  charred  por- 
tion with  their  stone  implements.  This 
was  continued  until  the  tree  f(dl.  Then 
they  marked  the  length  to  be  given  to 
the  canoe,  and  resumed  at  the  proper 
jdace  the  ]»rocess  of  burning  and  re- 

Their  agriculture  was  exceedingly 
primitive.  They  raised  only  one  princi- 
pal crop — maize,  or  Indian  corn.  Quite 
extensive  fields  of  this  were  grown.  In 
addition,  they  planted  the  sieva  beau, 
the  ]iumpkin,  and  tobacco.  For  culti- 
vating their  fields  they  used  only  a  hoe 

made  of  a  clam  shell  or  the  shoulder  blade  of  a  deer.  They 
domestic  animals  to  assist  them  in  their  agricultural  labors  and 
provide  them  with  manure  for  the  refreshment  of  their  exhausted 
lands  and  with  food  ])rodncts — no  horses,  sheep,  swine,  oxen,  or 
poultry;  and  even  their  dogs  Avere  mere  miserable  mongrels,  it  is 
said  that  they  used  fish  for  fertilizing  the  soil,  but  this  use  must 
liave  been  on  an  extremely  limited  scale. 

The  extent  and  character  of  the  trade  relations  between  the  Indians 
of  the  same  tribe  and  those  of  different  tribes  can  only  be  inferred 
from  known  facts  which  render  it  un(|uestionable  that  su(di  relations 
existed.  For  instance,  tobacco,  which  was  in  universal  use  ann)ng 
the  aborigines  of  North  America,  had  to  be  obtained  by  exchange  in 
all  localities  nnadapted  by  climate  and  soil  to  its  growth.  The  cop- 
]ier  ornaments  remai-ked  by  Hudson  on  the  iiersons  (d'  the  Indians 


Kid  no 


whiiiii  Ik-  met  in  ^s'ew  York  Bay  must  have  been  wrought  out  of  metal 
obtained  by  barter  or  capture  from  distant  parts  of  the  country,  since 
no  deposits  of  native  copper  exist  in  this  region.  Am]  Indian  relics 
of  various  kinds  are  constantly  found  wliicii  bear  no  cDnncction  to  the 
prevailing  remains  of  the  locality  where  discovered,  liul  on  the  other 
hand  are  perfectly  characteristic  of  other  localities. 

For  purposes  of  exchange,  as  well  as  for  ornament,  the  Indians 
used  wampum,  a  name  given  to  a  certain  class  of  cylindrical  beads, 
usually  one-fdurtli  of  an  inch  long  and  drilled  lengthwise,  which  were 
chieHy  nuinufactured  from  the  shells  of  the  common  hard-shell  clam 
(Venus  merceuariaj.  The  blue  or  violet  portions  of  the  shells  furnished 
the  material  for  the  dark  wampum,  which  was  held  in  much  higher 
estimation  than  that  made  of  the  white  portions,  or  of  the  spines  of 
certain  univalves.  According  to  Roger  Williams,  one  of  the  earliest 
New  England  writers  on  the  Indians,  six  of  the  wliiti'  beads  and 
three  of  the  blue  were  equivalent  to  an  English  penny.  The  author 
of  an  instructive  treatise  on  "  Ancient  and  Aboriginal  Trade  in  Xorth 
America"'^  (from  which  some  of  the  details  in  the  ]u-eceding  pages 
are  taken)  says  of  the  Avampum  belts,  so  often  mentioned  In  connec- 
tion with  the  history  of  the  eastern  tribes: 

They  consisted  of  broad  straps  of  leather,  upon  which  white  and  bhie  wampum-beads  were 
sewed  in  rows,  being  so  arranged  that  by  the  contrast  of  the  light  and  dark  colors  certain 
figures  were  produced.  The  Indians,  it  is  well  known,  exchanged  these  belts  at  the  conclu- 
sion of  peace,  and  on  other  solemn  occasions,  in  order  to  ratif}'  tlie  transaction,  and  to  per- 
petuate the  remembrance  of  the  event.  When  sharp  admonitions  or  threatening  demonstra- 
tions were  deemed  necessary,  the  wampum  belts  likewise  played  a  part,  and  they  were  even 
sent  as  challenges  of  war.  In  these  various  cases  the  arrangement  of  the  colors  and  the 
figures  of  the  belts  corresjjonded  to  the  object  in  view  :  on  peaceable  occasions  the  white 
color  predominated  ;  if  the  complications  were  of  a  serious  character,  the  dark  prevailed  ; 
and  in  case  of  a  declaration  of  war,  it  is  .stated,  the  belt  was  entirely  of  a  somber  hue,  and, 
moreover,  covered  with  red  paint,  while  there  appeared  in  the  middle  the  figure  of  a  hatchet 
executed  in  white.  The  old  accounts,  however,  are  not  (piite  accordant  concerning  these 
details,  probably  because  the  different  Atlantic  tribes  followed  in  this  particular  their  own 
taste  rather  than  a  general  rule.  At  any  rate,  however,  the  wampum  belts  were  considered 
as  objects  of  importance,  being,  as  has  been  stated,  the  t<jkens  by  which  the  memory  of 
remaikable  events  was  transmitted  to  posterity.  They  were  employed  somewhat  in  the 
manner  of  the  Peruvian  guijiu,  which  tliey  also  resembled  in  that  particular,  that  their  mean- 
ing could  not  be  conveyed  without  oral  comment.  At  certain  times  the  belts  were  exhibited, 
and  their  relations  to  former  occurrences  explained.  This  was  done  by  the  aged  and  experi- 
enced of  the  tribe,  in  the  presence  of  the  young  men,  who  made  themselves  thoroughly 
acipiainted  with  the  shajjc,  size,  and  mnrks  of  the  belts,  as  well  as  with  the  events  they  were 
destined  to  commemorate,  in  order  to  be  able  to  transmit  these  details  to  others  at  a  future 
time.  Thus  the  wani])um  l)elts  represented  the  archives  of  polished  nations.  Among  the 
Irocpu>is  tribes,  who  formed  the  celebrated  "  league,"  there  was  a  special  keeper  of  the  wam- 
pum, whose  duty  it  was  to  preserve  the  belts  and  to  interpret  their  meaning,  when  required. 

The  civil  institutions  of  the  Mohican  Indians  were  democratic, 
showing  but  slight  modifications  of  the  ])urely  democratic  principle. 

*  Cliarles  Rau,  Government  Printing  Office,  1873. 


"  Though  this  people,''  says  ^'all  (h-r  Dmuk,  ••  ih)  uot  make  such  a  ilis- 
tinetion  between  man  and  man  as  other  nations,  yet  they  have  high 
and  low  families,  inferior  and  superior  chiefs.''  Their  rulers  were 
called  sachems,  the  title  usually  remaining  hereditarily  in  the  family, 
although  the  people  claimed  the  right  of  election.  It  does  not  appear 
that  the  sachems  ever  assumed  oppressive  powers,  or,  on  the  other 
hand,  that  rebellions  or  intrigues  against  their  authority  were  ever 
undertaken  to  any  noticeable  extent.  The  sachem  remained  with  the 
tribe  at  all  times,  and  was  assisted  in  the  government  by  certain  coun- 
selors or  chiefs,  elected  by  the  people.  There  was  a  chief  called  a 
"  hero,"  Avho  was  chosen  for  established  courage  and  prudence  in  war; 
another  called  an  "  owl,"  who  was  reipiired  to  have  a  good  memory 
and  be  a  fluent  speaker,  and  who  sat  beside  the  sachem  in  council  and 
proclaimed  his  orders;  and  a  third  called  a  "  runner,"  who  carried  mes- 
sages and  convened  councils.  The  Indian  sachems  and  chiefs  of  the 
Hudson  have  left  no  names  familiar  to  the  general  reader — certainly 
none  comparable  with  those  of  Massasoit,  Miantouomoh,  Uncas,  and 
Phili]),  of  New  England,  or  Powhattan,  of  Virginia.  Even  to  the  local 
histurian,  indeetl,  their  names  have  little  importance  beyond  that  at- 
taching to  them  from  their  connection  with  notable  transfers  of  land 
and  witii  rivers,  lakes,  and  localities  to  which  they  have  been  applied. 

In  the  geographical  nomenclature  of  Westchester  County,  as  well 
as  of  the  whole  country  from  the  Athmtic  to  the  Pacific,  are  preserved 
numerous  permanent  memorials  of  the  vanished  aboriginal  race.  The 
fiilluwiug  article  on  the  pure  or  derived  Indian  names  of  our  county 
has  been  compiled  specially  for  this  work.  It  is  not,  however,  pre- 
sented with  any  claim  to  minute  completeness. 



The  .\iiieiiiuUaii  names  of  localities  in  Westchester  County  represent  several  dialectical 
variations  of  the  jjreat  Algouquian  langnajfe.  While  some  are  of  the  Jloliegan  dialect  and 
akin  to  those  of  Connecticut,  others  partake  more  of  the  Delaware  or  Lenap^  characteristics 
as  sjiokeu  in  New  Jersey  and  Pennsylvania.  Where  either  of  these  have  been  retained  uneliaii>,'ed 
in  their  plionetie  elements,  and  without  the  loss  of  a  syllable  or  initial  letter,  the  task  of 
identification  and  translation  of  their  components  lias  been  comi)aratively  easy.  Many, 
hinvever,  that  have  been  handed  down  collocpiiall)-  witliout  havini;'  been  recorded  in  deed  or 
record,  liave  become  so  altered  that  even  tlie  Amerind  himself,  should  lie  reapjiear  from  the 
"  happy  huntini;  ground,"  would  be  utterly  unable  to  recognize  the  present  sounds  of  the 
terms  as  part  of  his  native  speech.  Those  of  the  ])ersonal  names  bestowed  on  places  are 
especially  difticiilt  to  analyze,  owing  to  their  construction  and  the  changes  alrea<ly  noted. 
Many  of  the  ])lace  names  were  translated  many  years  ago  by  .Schoolcraft,  Trumbull,  and 
others,  some  correctly,  and  others  more  often  incorrectly.  Some  of  the  latter  were  so  erro- 
neous that  they  liave  been  passed  by  the  writer  without  notice.  The  ])reseiit  attempts  are 
based  upon  the  comparative  rules  of  .\lgouipiian  nomenclature,  and  are  therefore  not  the 
hasty  generalization  of  misapplied  Chippeway  root   terms   so  often   used   by    Schoolcraft   and 

'  Ret-enlly  adopted  by  the  Bureau  of  Etlmolog>'. 

46  _         HISTORY     OF    WESTCHESTER    COT  XTY 

folldwcd  1>3'  (itlifis.  Tlif  names  mostly  are  descriptive  appellations  of  the  localities  where 
originally  bestowed,  and  as  such  do  not  diftcr  from  those  retained  in  other  parts  of  the  coun- 
try where  the  same  language  was  spoken. 

Aci/uehotinck. — Var.,  A<iuea)ii>unci:,  Achi/iieelif^eunm.  Hutchinson's  Creek,  Eastchester 
Creek,  and  a  locality  iu  West  Farms.  The  variations  of  this  term  are  quite  numerous. 
Delaware,  Achwowdnge.u,   "high  bank."     See  AijuehniKj,  another  variant. 

AUpkonck. — "A  ])lace  of  elms."  This  iuteriuetation,  given  by  .Schoolcraft  in  1844,  is 
probably  correct.  Allowing  for  the  interchange  or  ])ermutation  of  /  and  w,  as  well  as  h  and 
/),  occurring  iu  many  dialects,  we  find  its  ])arallel  in  the  Otchipwe  Anip,  Abnaki,  anihi,  "  elm 
tree,"  which  with  the  locative  completes  the  analysis. 

Apawqunmmis. — Vav.,  Apawavuneis,  Apairamii,  E//awames.  Budd's  Xeek,  in  Rye.  The 
main  stem  of  this  name,  Appoqua,  signifies  "  to  cover; "  mis,  "  the  stock  or  trunk  of  a  tree," 
a  generic,  hence  "  the  covering  tree,"  ])o.ssihly  a  descri])tive  term  for  the  birch  tree,  and  used 
as  a  personal  name. 

Appama<ilipogh . — \'ar.,  Apparaghpoyh.  Lands  near  Verplanck's  Point,  also  a  locality  east 
of  Coitlandt.  The  main  stem  of  this  term  is  the  same  as  that  in  the  previous  name,  with  the 
sufHx /)oi((/,  "a  water-|)lace  "  or  "pond."  "The  (lodge)  covering  water-])lace,"  i.e.,  a  place 
where  the  cat-tail  Hag  {Ti/plia  Uitifolia)  was  cut.  The  Hags  were  used  for  mats  and  covering 

Aqiiehung. — A  locality  on  the  Bronx  River.  The  name  of  Staten  Island  is  the  same, 
Acipiehonga,  "  A  \ughh;m]i  itv   Mutt';"   also   Hockqueunk,   "on   high." 

Apironnnli. — Rye.      It  means  "  an  oyster,"  or  "  the  roasted  shell-fish." 

Armimck. — See  Cohamnng. 

Armenperal. — Var.,  Armenperai.  Sprain  River.  I'robably  greatly  corrupted.  Its  mean- 
ing has  not  been  ascertained.  A  district  on  the  Schuylkill  River,  was  called  Armeiweruis 
(Col.  Hist.  N.  Y.,  Vol.  I.,  p.  o93j,  probably  the  same  name,  for   the  )•  should  be  p. 

Axkemaen. — A    personal  name,  meaning  not  ascertained. 

Anpelong. — A  bold  eminence  in  Bedford.  The  main  stem  or  root  of  this  term  signifies 
"  to  raise  up,"  aspe:  Kliot  uses  it  in  the  form  ^sA/JoA^ay,  "  a  height,"  which  applies  well  to 
the  locality. 

Asitmsowis. — A  locality  in  Pelham  ;  a  personal  name  probably. 

Bis.iiglitick. — Var.,  Bisightick,  a  "  creek."  This  jjrobably  means  "  a  muddy  creek," 
phsigh-luck  :   Delaware,  Assisk-tik. 

Be-tHck-qua-pock. — Var.,  petuqiiapaen  (Van  der  I)onck"s  map).  This  was  the  "  Dumpling 
pond,"  at  (ireenwich.  Conn.  PUuhjua-paug,  "  a  round  pond,  or  water-place."  (See  Trimi- 
bull's  Names  in  Connecticut.) 

Canopus. — Name  of  a  chieftain. 

Cantetoe. — In  this  form  not  a  place  name,  but  seemingly  from  Caniecoy,  "  to  sing  and  to 
dance."  Variations,  Kante  Kante,  Cante  Cante,  etc.  It  may  have  been  derived,  however, 
from  Focantico,  which  see. 

Ciilonah. — Var.,  Katimah,  Ket-aUmah,  "  great  nu)imtain."  .Said  to  lie  the  name  of  a  eliief. 
Canleloe,  by  some  is  said  to  be  a  variant  of  Calimah. 

Ci.iqua. — See  Ki.ico.     It  does  not  mean  beaver-dam  in  its  present  form. 

Coliomong. — Var.,  Armonck,  Comonck,  Coh-a-mong  (?)  Hills,  also  Byram  River,  the  bound- 
ary bi'tween  Connecticut  and  New  Y^ork.  The  termination  denotes  a  fishing-place — amang. 
As  it  was  a  boundary  it  may  represent  a  survival  of  Chauhun-kangamaug,  "the  boundary 
fishing-place."  Byram  River  may  have  l)een  an  earlier  boundary,  and,  as  such,  retained  to  the 
present  day. 

Cowangotigh. — A  locality  in  West  Farms  ;  a  "boundary-place." 

,  .  \  Schoolcraft  suggests  Kenotin.  "  the  wind." 

Croton. — A  personal  name    -    ,         t      i\      1^1  i-i  i,-       .,1  i       1    " 

'  I  I  prefer  the  Delaware  hloUin,   "he  contends. 

Eiiketaupiicuson. — Var.,  Ekuckefau/iacusoii.  "A  high  ridge  in  Rye,"  also  applied  to  Rye 
Woods.  This  name  denotes  a  "  place  where  a  stream  opens  out  or  widens  on  both  sides," 
i.e.,  overflows,  generally  where  the  stream  Mows  through  low  lands. 

Gotrahasuasing. — A  locality  in  West  Fai-ms.  A  Delaware  form  signifying  "a  place  of 
briars,"   or  "  a  place  where  there  is  a  hedge,"  comes  from  the  same  elements. 

Haseco.  — See  Miossehassaky. 


Honge. — Blind  brook.      Probably  taken  from  Ac'/uehiinfj. 

A'lA-co. — See  Ke!:kistkonck. 

Kitrhawong. — ^'ar.,  Kicktawiinr,  Kechtawong,  Kichtawan  (Kus.ti-tchuan).  Crotoii  River, 
denotes  "a  wild,  dashing  stream."      First  suggested  by  Soliooleraft. 

Kek-e.<hirlc. —  A  locality  Ln  Yonkers.  Ketch-auke,  "the  ]irinii]ial,  or  greatest  ]ilaee,"  ])rob- 
alily  a  i>alisaded  inclosure. 

Kilrhtawan. — Var.,  Kightowank.  A  locality  in  Sing  Sing  and  in  Cortlandt.  Probably  a 
variation  of  Kitckan'ong. 

Keski.itkimck. — Var.,  Kisco,  Keskisco,  Cisijiia.  Originally  an  Indian  village  situated  on  the 
hank  of  a  creek.      Massachusetts,  Kishketiik-ock,   "  land  on  the  edge  of  a  creek." 

Keslaubnuck. — Var.,  Kastoniuck  {Keche-tanppen-auke).  "  The  great  encampment."  A  vil- 
lage of  the  Indians  (Van  der  Donck's  map).  Schoolcraft  was  mistaken  in  deriving  Nyack 
from  this  term.  Nyack  signifies  "  a  point  of  land,"  and  is  the  equivalent  of  the  Long  Island 
Nyack  (Kings  County)  Noyac  (Suffolk  County). 

Kiicigtignock. — Var.,  Keicightegnack,  He-ioeghtiquack.  An  elbow  of  the  Croton  River. 
Whipiae-tigii-ack,  "  land  at  head  of  the  cove."  Compare  Wiifuelaquock,  the  cove  at  Stoning- 
ton.  Conn. 

Laaphawachking. — Pelham.  None  of  the  ccnnponents  warrant  a  translation  "as  a  place  of 
stringing  beads."  We  would  suggest  rather  "a  plowed  field  or  plantation."  Lapechwa- 
hacking,   "  land  again  broken  up  "  for  cultivation. 

Maminketsuck. — A  stream  in  Pelham.  "A  strong  flowing  brook,"  Manuhketsuck.  Karlier 
forms  might  suggest  another  interpretation. 

Mamaroneck. — A  river,  so  named  after  Mamaronock,  a  chief  who  lived  at  Wh/uaeskeck  in 
11)14.     \'ariations,  Moworronnke,  Momoronah,  etc.     {Mohmo' -anock)  "  he  assembles  the  people." 

Manurxiiig. — Aii  island.  This  form  denotes  a  "  little  island."  Minnewits,  Miunefords, 
etc.,  was  so  called  after  Peter  Minuit. 

Alyanas. — Var.,  Meanau,  Meanagh,  Meahagh,  Mehanos,  etc.,  all  seem  to  be  simply  varia- 
tions of  the  same  name — a  personal  one,  "  he  who  gathers  together."  Mayanne  was  killed 
by  Ca])tain  Patrick  in  1(543. 

Meghkeekassin. — Var.,  Amackassin,  Mekhkakhsm,  Makakassin.  A  large  rock,  noted  as  a 
landniiu-k  west  of  Xeperah.      Delaware,  Meechek-achxiiiik,  "at  the  big  rock." 

Mn/iegan. — The  late  Dr.  D.  O.  Brinton  follows  Captain  Hendrick,  a  native  Mohegan,  in 
translating  the  name  as  "a  people  of  the  great  w'aters  which  are  constantly  ebbing  and 
Howing."  The  tribe  would  naturally  reject  a  term  which  was  applied  by  others.  I 
agree  with  Schoolcraft  and  Trmnbnll  that  it  denotes  the  "  wolf  nation."  All  the  early  mai>s 
corroborate  it.     See  Creuxi\is's  map  of  ItJOO,  for  "  Xatio  Luporii." 

Mentipathe. — A  small  stream  in  West  Farms.      Probably  a  personal  name. 

Afio.i.te  ?ia.t>:aky. — Var.,  Haseco.  "  A  great  fresh  meadow  or  marshy  land. "  The  sanu' 
name  occurs  in  ]iarts  of  Xew  Kugland  ;   ^[l>xhhasl!uck  River,  near  Providence,  R.  I. 

Mo/iux. — A  brook  in  X'orth  Salem.      A  variant  of  Cnnoptis  (?). 

Muck'/unm.t. — A  brook  in  Rye.  A  variant  from  Apatvquammis  ('?),  or  perhaps  a  personal 
name  from  the  possessive  in  s. 

^fo.■!hotu. — A  brook  in  Yonkers.  This  looks  like  a  made-up  nanu',  or  else  a  greatly  cor- 
rupted one. 

Muscoota. — "A  meadow,"  or  a  place  of  rushes,  sometimes  applied  to  grassy  flats  bcudering 

Miitighticoos. — Var.,  Maltegticos,  Tilicus.  A  personal  name,  probably  the  same  as  the 
.\bnaki  MaltegiiessS,  "the  hare." 

Nanlchiestawack. — (Van  der  Donck's  ma]).)  Delaware,  Natialschitaw-ack,  "a  place  of 
safety,  i.e.,  a  place  to  take  care  of,"  probably  a  palisaded  inclosure  erecte<l  for  defense. 

Nnpjieckamack. — Var.,  Neperhan,  Neppizan,  etc.  This  name  has  been  generally  translated 
as  the  "  rapid  water  settlement,"  which  is  evidently  an  error.  The  same  name  occurs  on 
Long  Island  as  liapnhamuck.  Both  the  n  and  r  are  intrusive.  The  suffix,  amack  or  amuck, 
di'uotes  "  a  fishing-place  " ;  the  prefix  appeh  "  a  trap  " ;  hence  we  have  appeh-amack,  "  the  trap 
fishing-place."  Neperhan  {npehhan)  "a  trap,  snare,  gin,"  etc.  At  the  locality  where  the  name 
was  originally  bestowed,  the  Indians  probably  had  a  weir  for  catching  fish,  and  this  fact  gave 
rise  to  the  name  of  the  settlement.      On   Long   Island    liapahamuck  \ia^  at  the   mouth  of  a 


creek  called  Suf/gamurl.'  {m'.iugge-amuctj  "  the  bass  flshing-place."  Wood's  X.E.  Prospect, 
1034,  says:  "  When  they  used  to  tide  it  in  and  out  to  the  rivers  and  creekes  with  long  seanes 
or  basse  nets,  which  stop  in  the  fish,  and  the  water  ebbing  from  them,  they  are  left  on  the 
dry  ground,  sometimes  two  or  three  thousand  at  a  set."  (See  Brooklyn  Eagle  Almanac  on 
"Some  In<lian  Kishiiig  Stations  Upon  Long  Island,"  1895,  pp.  o4-57.) 

Noch  Peem. — (Van  der  Donck.)  Var.,  Noapain,  Ochpeen  (Map  1688).  This  name  de- 
notes "  a  dwelling  place,"  "  an  abode,"  "  where  we  are,"  etc.  Delaware,  Achpeen,  "  a 
lodge,"   "  dwelling." 

J^ipnichsen. — Indian  village  and  castle  near  Spuyten  Duyvil.  The  name  denotes  "  a  small 
pond  or  water-place." 

Unox. — Eldest  son  of   Ponus.      Onux  {KOnnux)  "the  stranger." 

Ponus. — A  chief  ;  he  jjlaces  (.something). 

Patthunck. — A  personal  name  ;   "  pounding-mortar." 

Pachamill. — (Van  der  Donck's  map.)  Name  of  a  tribe  taken  from  the  place  where  they 
lived,  "at  the  turning-aside  ])lace."  Ue  Laet  says  :  "  Visher's  Rack,  that  is  the  fisherman's 
bend,  and  here  the  eastern  bank  is  inhabited  by  the  Pachami,  a  little  beyond  where  projects  a 
sandy  )ioint."      Pachanu,  a  sachem,  takes  liis  name  also  from  tribe  and  jdace. 

Pami.ikiipkam. — A  locality  in  C'ortlandt.  Probably  this  on  exhaustive  search  will  be  found 
a  personal  name. 

Pasipiaskerk. — (Van  der  Donck.)  Pasiptiashecl;  Pashquaahir  (Pasqnexh-auke).  "Land  at 
the  bursting  forth,"  i.  «.,  "at  the  outlet  of  a  stream  ;"  an  Indian  village  at  the  mouth  of  a 

Papirinemen. — Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  ;  also  place  at  north  end  of  Manhattan  Island.  This 
name  has  a  verbal  termination  denoting  the  act  of  doing  something,  a  suftix  not  allowable  in 
place  names.  Hence  it  was  probably  a  personal  name  denoting  "  to  parcel  out,"  to  divide, 
to  divert,  variation,  Pewinenieii. 

Pechiininakonck. — (Van  der  Donck.)  .\  locality  in  North  .Salem  ;  probably  originally  an 
Indian  village  situated  on  high  land.      Pachi/uin-ak-onk,  "  at  the  land  raised  or  lifted  np." 

Pepemig/iting. — A  river  in  Bedford.  Pepe-mightug,  "  the  chosen-tree,"  probably  a  bound- 
ary mark  originally. 

Peppenegkek. — Var.,  Peppeneghak,  a  river  and  pond  in  Bedford.  Probably  a  boundary 
mark  like  the  previous  name  ;  "  the  chosen  stake." 

Pockerhfie. — See  Tuckahoe  (?|. 

Piiningoe. — Var.,  Peningoe.  Locality  in  Rye.  Looks  like  a  personal  name,  meaning  not 

Pocantico. — Var.,  Pokanteco,  Puegkanteko,  Peckanlico.  Tarrytown.  Pohki-tuck-ut,  "at 
the  clear  creek." 

Politicus. — A  trail.     An  abbreviation  of  Mutightiroos  {>). 

Pockcotessewake. — A  brook  in  Rye  ;  also  another  name  for  Mamaroneck  River.  Var., 
PockiiUxseu-ake.  Probably  the  name  of  some  Indian.  The  chief  called  Meyhlexewakes  seems 
to  have  had  a  name  with  a  similar  termination  but  different  prefix.  Pokessake,  a  grantor  on 
the  Norwalk  deed  of  Ki.'il. 

Qiiaroppas. — White  Plains,  including  Scarsdale.      Seemingly  a  personal  name. 

Qninnnhnny. —  Hunt's  Point,  West  Farms,  "a  long,  high  place." 

Itanachipie. — Bronck's  land.  iranat7/(/»<',  "end,  point,  or  stop."  The  name  has  probably 
lost  a  locative.      .See  Seiiaxqiie. 

Nalionanes.i. — A  plain  east  of  Rye.      Probably  so  called  from  an  Indian. 

RipjMwams. — Var.,  A'^i/)/iO«'once  (Captain  John  Mason,  Hi4.'i).  "The  plautatio  of  Rippo- 
wams  is  named  Stamforde  "  (\.  H.  Rec,  Vol.  I,  p.  ()9).  This  included  the  territory  on  both 
sides  of  Mill  River.  The  late  J.  H.  Trunibidl  was  unable  to  translate  this  name.  It  may 
l)e  rather  presuming  to  suggest  where  he  failed.  We  think  we  can  see  Nipau-apuchk  in  the 
Delaware,  or  Nepau-om/isk  in  the  Massachusetts,  "a  standing  or  rising  up  rock."  In  eollo- 
qnial  use  ompsk  is  frecjuently  abbreviated  to  ams.      See  Tuiiuaina. 

Sachiis. — Var.,  Sackhoe.i.  Prom  the  possessive  seemingly  a  ])ersoual  name.  Colloquial 
use  changes  names  fieipientl}',  and  it  may  be  a  variant  of  the  Delaware  Sakmik,  "mouth  of  a 
stream."     Compare  Saugus,  the  Indian  name  of  Lynn,  Mass.,  which  has  the  same  derivation. 

Sackama  Wicker. — "  Sachems  house,"  Delaware,  Sakama-wik-ing,  "  at  the  chief's  house." 


Sack'wahunff. — A  locality  at  West  Farms.     An  evident  variant  of  Aquehung. 

Shorakapkock. — Sjmyteii  Dnyvil  Creek,  where  it  joins  the  Hudson,  "as  far  as  the  sittinj^- 
down  place,"   i.e.,  where  there  was  a  [Kirtage. 

Shiiif/nhairossinn. — A  locality  in  Pelhani.  A])plied  to  erratic  bowlders  or  rolling  stones. 
It  probably  denotes  "a  place  of  flat  stones." 

Sliii/i/>eiiiia. — Var.,  C/iappaqua.  "A  .separated  place,"  i.e.,  "  a  jdace  of  separation."  Men- 
tioned as  a  boundary  in  some  conveyances. 

Sickhdin. — A  locality  in  Cortlandt.     A  personal  name. 

Shippam. — New  Rochelle.  A  personal  name,  ])rol)al)ly, although  Eliot  gives  us  Keechepam, 
"  shore." 

Si(/ghes. — A  great  bowlder,  a  landmark  mentioned  as  a  boundary.  Another  name  for 
Meyhkaekas.iin.     From  an  original  Sior/k-e-ompsk-il,  "at  the  hard  rock." 

Sacu)ii/te  Napucke. — A  locality  in  Pelliam.  Sakunk-Napi-ock,  "  at  the  outlet  of  a  pond  or 
water-place."  Probably  used  in  some  conveyance  to  indicate  the  line  running  to  this  place, 
hence  a  boundary  designaticm 

Sdjienrdfk. — A  liook  or  Ijend  in  a  stream  at  West  Farms.  "  Land  on  a  river,"  or  "  ex- 
tended land ; "  the  name  will  bear  both  interpretations. 

Sepackena. — A  creek  at  Tarrytown. 

Sachkera/i.-—A  locality  at  West  Farms. 

Saproiti/hnh. — A  creek  at  West  Farms. 

Sepparak. — A  locality  in  Cortlandt.  The  foregoing  names  are  seemingly  variations  of  the 
same  word,  denoting  "  extended  or  spread-out  land."  A  search  for  early  forms  might  change 
this  opinion.  .  "  ] 

Sena.'Kjua. — Croton  Point  on  Hudson,  Wanasque,  "  a  point  or  ending."  This  name,  as  well 
as  Rauiichque,  has  lost  its  suttix.  On  Long  Island  it  occurs  in  Wanasquattan,  "  a  point  of 
hills,"   Wanasquetuck,  "  the  ending  creek." 

Sint  Sini-k. — Sing  Sing.  Oism-smy,  "  stone  upon  stones,"  belongs  to  the  Chippeway  dia- 
lect and  was  suggested  by  Schoolcraft  (.see  Proc.  N.  Y.  Hist.  Soc.,  1844,  p.  101).  He  is 
also  responsible  for  a  niunber  of  other  interpretations  frequently  quoted.  The  Delaware 
form,  .isiii-es-ing,  "  a  stony  place,"  is  much  better.  The  same  name  occurs  on  Long  Island 
in  tjuecns  County.  But  on  the  Delaware  River  is  a  place  called  Maetsingsiny  (see  Col. 
Hist.  N.  Y.,  Vol.  1,  pp.  .j90,  596),  which  seems  to  be  a  fuller  form  of  our  name  and  warrant- 
ing another  interpretation  :  "  Place  where  stones  are  gathered  together,"  a  heap  of  stones, 

Snnkapins. — Cornell's  Neck.  If  not  a  personal  name,  as  I  suspect,  it  may  represent  an 
earlier  Sngnpin,  "a  ground-nut." 

Siu-kelionk. — "A  black  (or  dark  colored)  place,"  a  marsh  or  meadow.  The  Hartford 
meadows,  Connecticut,  were  called  Suck'iang. 

Sodkaluck.  —  A  locality  in  Pelhani.  "The  mouth  of  a  stream."  The  same  as  Smtgaluck 
in  Connecticut. 

■Siiwaiioen. — -A  tribe  located  from  Xorwalk,  Conn.,  to  Hellgate.  They  were  the  Shawon- 
anoes,  "  the  Southerners,"  to  tribes  farther  north. 

Tammoesi.^. — Creek  near  Verplanck's  Point.  Delaware,  Tumvieu-esis,  "little  wolf,"  a  per- 
sonal name. 

Tiinrncken. — A  locality  in  Cortlandt.  Tarackan,  "  the  crane."  The  name  was  derived 
from  the  loud  and  piercing  cry  peculiar  to  the  genus,  especially  to  the  Grus  americana  or 
\\  hooping  Crane,  which,  says  Xuttall,  has  been  "not  unaptly  compared  to  the  whoo])  or  yell 
of  the  savages  when  rushing  to  battle."     (Trumbull.) 

Tfinkilekes. — Xame  of  tribe  living  back  of  Sing  Sing.  This  is  probably  a  term  of  derision 
applied  to  them  by  other  tribes  :   "  Those  of  little  worth." 

Tatomiick. — This  name  has  probably  lost  a  syllable  or  more.  The  suffix  indicates  a  "  fish- 
ing-place." On  Long  Island  j4 rAata-amucA:  denotes  "a  crab  fishing-place."  Corrupted  in 
some  records  to  Kalawamac. 

Toquam.^. — Var,,  Toquamske.  This  was  a  boundary  mark  in  some  conveyance,  or  else  a 
well  known  landmark  ;  p'txikipi-ompsk,  "  at  the  round-rock." 

Tilicus. — .\  lirook  flowing  north  and  west  across  the  State  line  into  the  Croton  River  ;  also 
a  village  and  postoffiee  in  Connecticut.      An  abbreviation  of  Mutightiaioa  or  MaKelico.i. 


Tuckahne. — Hill  in  Youkfi-s.  This  appears  in  Si)utliani])ton,  L.  I.,  and  elsewhere,  and 
seems  to  have  been  applied  to  a  species  of  trnffle  or  snhterranean  funons  (Pachyma  cocoa — 
Fries)  sometimes  called  Indian  loaf.  The  tnckaho  of  Virginia  {tockichogh,  as  Captain  John 
Smith  wrote  the  name)  was  the  root  of  the  Golden  Clnb  or  Floating  Arum  (Orantium  A(juati- 
cmn).  "  It  groweth  like  a  tlag  in  low,  marshy  i)laces.  In  one  day  a  salvage  will  gather 
sufficient  for  a  week.      These  roots  are  much  the  bigness  and  taste  of  potatoes."     (Strachey. ) 

Waumainuck. — Delancj's  Neck.  Var.,  Waimanuck,  "  land  round  about."  Some  other 
place  undeistood. 

Wiimpiis. — "  The  Opossum."      A  |)ersonal  name. 

Weckijtiaskefk. — Var.,  Wecliqiioesipieeck,  Wiei/uoeshook,  Weec(jnoesguck,  etc.  Schoolcraft's 
suggestion,  "  the  place  of  the  bark-kettle,"  and  as  re|)eated  in  various  histories,  is  absolutely 
worthless.  Tlie  name  is  simply  a  descriptive  ap])ellatiou  of  the  locality  where  the  Indians 
lived  at  the  date  of  settlement.  Delaware,  Wiquie-aakeek,  Mas.saehnsetts,  Wehque-askeet, 
Chii)pewa,   Waiekwa-ashkiki,   "  end  of  the  marsh  or  bog." 

Weghqueghe. — Var.,   Wyoquaiiiia.      A  variant  of  the  foregoing. 

Wenneehees. — A  locality  in  Cortlandt.  Probably  a  personal  name  from  the  final  s,  although 
early  forms,  if  found,  might  indicate  with  a  locative  an  original  Wmne-jie-es-et,  "  at  the  good- 
tasted  water-place,"  i.e.,   "  a  spring." 

Wishijua. — "  The  end." 

Wixxayek. — Dover.      "  Yellow-place.  ' 

Waccnhiick. — A  lake  or  pond  in  Lewi.sboro.      Wequa-haug,  "  end  or  head  of  the  pond." 



HE  allui'iuj;  hypotLifsis  of  the-  discovery  aud  settlement  of 
poi'tious  of  this  continent  by  the  Northmen  far  back  in  the 
.Middle  Aiics,  formerly  received  with  ([uite  general  consid- 
eration, tinds  few  snpporters  at  this  day  among  tlie  leading- 
ant  liorities  on  the  early  history  of  America.  That  the  Norse  colonized 
(ireenland  at  a  very  early  period  is  nnhesitatingly  admitted,  abnndant 
proofs  of  their  occujiancy  of  that  country  being  affor<led  by  authentic 
ruins,  especially  of  churches  and  baptistries,  and  collateral  testimony 
to  the  fact  being  furnished  by  old  ecclesiastical  annals,  Avhi(di  seem  to 
indicate  that  as  early  as  the  eleventh  century  Greenland  belonged 
to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Catholic  bishops  of  Iceland.  It  is  also  con- 
ceded to  be  not  impossible  that  accidental  Norse  descents  from  Green- 
land upon  the  continent  were  made  in  the  centuries  that  followed. 
Hut  this  is  merely  an  amiable  concession  to  academic  conjecture.  It 
is  insisti'd  that  no  reliable  Norse  remains  have  ever  been  found  south 
of  Davis  Straits:  aud  one  by  one  the  various  relics  thought  to  be  of 
Norse  origin  that  have  been  brought  forward,  in- 
cluding certain  supposed  Runic  inscriptions,  have 
been  pronounced  incapable  of  acceptation  as  such. 

Several  years  ago  there  Mas  found  at  Inwood. 
just  below  the  limits  of  Westcdiester  County,  by  Mr.  inwood  stonk. 
Alexander  C.  Chenoweth  (whose  Indian  excavations  in  the  same  lo- 
cality are  noticed  in  the  preceding  chapter),  a  stone  curiously  marked, 
which  was  the  subject  of  some  archjeological  discussion  at  the  time. 
The  markings  were  claimed  to  be  rude  Kunic  characters  constituting 
an  insci'ii)tion,  out  of  which  one  writer,  by  ingeniously  interpolating 
missing  letters,  formed  the  words  Kirkjussynir  akta,  which  translated 
are  "  Sons  of  the  Church  tax  (or  take  a  census)."  "  I  suppose  it  to 
mean,"  added  this  writer,  "  that  representatives  of  the  Church  of 
Rome  had  been  there  to  tax,  or  number  the  people,  and  that  this  stone 
was  inscribed  to  commemorate  the  event."'  Thus  it  is  seen  that  the 
general  region  of  which  our  county  forms  a  \k\v\  has  been  connected 
with  the  fabled  ages  of  Norse  habitation  of  America — whatever  may 
be  thought  of  the  specific  ground  for  the  connection.     The  Inwood 

'  An  Inscribed  Stone,  by  Cornelia  Horsford  (Privately  printed,  Cambridge.  1895),  p.  14. 


stone  is  possiblj-  as  plausible  a  specimen  of  "lliinie"  lettei-inn  as 
other  so-called  inscribed  stones  which  have  been  scrutinized  and  re- 
pudiated by  archfeologists  from  time  to  time.  The  all-sufficient  arjiu- 
ment  against  the  Norse  theory  is  that  no  satisfactory  traces  of  Norse 
residence,  aside  from  the  doubtful  inscriptions,  have  ever  been  dis- 
covered— no  ruins  of  dwellinf>s  or  works  of  any  kind,  no  personal  rel- 
ics, and  no  indisputable  <;raves, — whereas  such  a  people  could  not 
conceivably  have  dwelt  here  without  transmitting  to  us  some  more 
visible  tokens  of  their  presence  than  laboriously  carved  memorials. 

The  authentic  history  of  Westchester  County  begins  in  the  month 
of  September,  1G09,  when  Henry  lludson,  in  his  little  ship  the  "  Half 
Jloon,"  entered  the  harbor  of  New  York  and  ascended  the  great  river 
which-  now  bears  his  name.  But  there  are  strong  reasons  for  believing 
that  Hudson  was  not  the  first  navigator  to  appear  on  our  shores,  or  at 
least  in  their  immediate  vicinity. 

In  1524  Juan  Yerrazauo,  an  Italian  in  the  French  service,  sailing 
northward  along  the  coast,  came  to  anchor  at  a  place  apparently  out- 
side the  Narrows.  In  a  letter  dated  July  S,  1524,  to  Francis  I.,  king 
of  France,  he  reports  that  he  "  found  a  very  pleasant  situation  among 
some  steep  hills,  through  which  a  very  large  river,  deep  at  its  mouth, 
forced  its  way  to  the  sea;  to  the  estuary  of  the  river,  any  ship  heavily 
laden  might  pass  with  the  help  of  the  tide,  which  rises  eight  feet.  But 
as  we  were  riding  at  anchor  in  a  good  berth  we  would  not  ventiu-e  up 
in  our  vessel,  without  a  knowledge  of  the  mouth;  therefore  we  took 
the  boat,  and  entering  the  river  we  found  a  country  on  its  banks  well 
peopled.  .  .  .  We  passed  up  this  river  about  half  a  league, 
when  we  found  it  formed  a  most  beautiful  lake  three  leagues  in  cir- 
cuit. .  .  .  All  of  a  sudden,  as  is  wont  to  happen  to  navigators,  a 
violent  contrary  wind  blew  in  from  the  sea,  and  forced  us  to  return  to 
our  ship,  greatly  regretting  to  leave  this  region  which  seemed  so  com- 
modious and  delightful,  and  which  we  supposed  must  also  contain 
great  riches,  as  the  hills  showed  many  indications  of  minerals."  This 
description,  although  perplexing  in  some  of  its  statemenis.  and  there- 
fore suggesting  caution  as  to  conclusions,  reasonably  admits  of  the 
belief  (allowing  for  the  inaccuracies  in  detail  which  nearly  always  oc- 
cur in  the  reports  of  the  early  explorers)  that  Yerrazauo  entered  and 
inspected  the  Upper  Bay.  But  it  hardly  justifies  the  opinion  that  he 
passed  up  the  river;  the  '•  lake  three  leagues  in  circuit"  could  have 
been  no  other  body  of  water  than  the  Tapper  Bay,  and  the  "  river  "  up 
which  he  went  "  about  half  a  league  "  to  reach  it  was  evidently  the 

In  the  following  year  (1525)  Estevan  Gomez,  a  Portuguese  sailor 
employed  by  Spain  to  seek  a  passage  to  India,  explored  the  coast, 



which,  he  says,  "  turns  southward  twenty  leagues  to  Bay  St.  Chripsta- 
pel  in  31)'.  I'roni  tliat  bend  made  by  the  hind  the  coast  turns  north- 
ward, passing  said  bay  thirty  leagues  to  Kio  St.  Antonio,  in  41^,  which 
is  north  and  south  with  said  bay."  Gomez's  "Bay  St.  Chripstapel'" 
was  uncjiicstionably  the  Lower  New  Yorlc  Bay,  and  his  "Bio  St.  Anto- 
nio" (so  named  in  honor  of  the  saint  on  whose  day  he  beheld  it)  the 
Hudson  Biver.  The  latter  conclusion  is  clearly  established  by  his  de- 
scription of  the  river  as  '"north  and  soutli  with  said  bay,"  Avhich,  taken 
in  its  connections,  can  not  possibly  ajjply  to  any  other  stream.  To  have 
established  the  north  and  south  direction  of  the  river  he  must  have 
explored  it  for  some  distance.  It  hence  becomes  an  entirely  reason- 
able inference  that  in  1525,  eighty- four  years  before  Hudson's  appear- 
ance, the  Portuguese  Gomez,  sailing  under  a  commission  from  Spain, 
entered  Westchester  County  waters.  It  has  even  been  suggested  that 
Anthony's  Nose,  the  peak  which  guards  the  entrance  to  the  High- 
lands, owes  its  name  to  this  first  voyager  of  the  river.^ 

Aside  from  tlie  records  of  those  early  discoveries  of  ^'errazano  and 
Gomez,  there  is  much  historic- 
al evidence  indicating  that  at 
least  the  general  coast  con- 
formation in  the  latitude  of 
New  York  was  well  under- 
stood by  European  cartograph- 
ers and  navigators  long  before 

Hudson   made  his  memorable  ™i,^    in    (lie    "Half-Moon."  -i  -      ^^^^^^^^S^  ^  ^-*».^ 

This  is  strikingly  illustrated 
liy  Hudson's  own  statement, 
that  in  se(»king  a  way  to  India 
in  this  region  he  was  partly  influenced  by  a  hint  received  from  his 
friend,  Captain  John  Smith,  of  Virginia,  to  the  effect  that  somewhere 
almut  40"  north  there  was  a  strait  conducting  to  the  Pacific,  similar 
lo  Magcdlan's  Strait.  Indeed,  it  was  in  studied  violation  of  the  in- 
structions laid  down  for  him  by  his  employers  at  his  setting  out  that 
he  turned  his  vessel  liithei-ward.  His  instructions  were  to  sail  past 
Nova  /embla  and  the  north  coast  of  Siberia,  through  the  Bering  Strait 
into  till'  Pacific,  and  so  southward  to  the  Dutch  Indies.    The  famous 


THE    '*  HALF-MOON.' 

*  Bensou,  in  liis  *' Memoirs."  says  tliat  "tlie  promon- 
tory in  the  Hinlilands  is  called  Antonie's  Nose,  after  An- 
tonie  De  Hoogp,  sef-retary  of  the  colony  of  Rensselaer- 
wyck."  He  Rives  no  authority  for  the  opinion.  The 
Labadist  brothers  called  it  Aiitonis  Neus  (L.  I.  Hist.  Coll.i 
vol.  i..  p.  XM^),  and  say  that  all  the  Highlands  **bear  the 
names  that  were  originally  given  to  them.'"   and  this   be- 

cause it  has  the  form  of  a  man's  nose.  All  the  I>iitcli  An- 
tlionies  appear  to  have  claimed  it  in  turn;  but  what  if  it 
should  finally  api)ear  that  it  was  named  by  the  Spaniards, 
who  gave  the  whole  river  into  the  charge  of  Saint  Antliony  ? 
— SaHiiif/  Directions  of  Ilninj  I/mLwii,  tulih-il  htj  ihf  Rev. 
B.  F.  Ih:  Costa  {Alhamj,  ISCO). 



"  Sailiug  Directions  "  of  Ivar  IJardseu  tliat  he  toolv  witli  liim  to  guide 
his  course  related  exclusively  to  far  northern  latitudes. 

Thus  it  is  likely  that  neither  the  honor  of  the  original  discovery  of 
Ihe  iludsou  IJiver,  nor  such  merit  as  attaches  to  the  conception  of  the 
availability  of  this  latitude  for  adventurous  quest,  belongs  to  Henry 
Hudson.  Proper  recognition  of  these  historical  facts  does  not,  how- 
ever, involve  any  diunuisliing  from  the  uni<iueness  and  greatness  of 
his  achievement.  He  found  a  grand  harbor  and  a  mighty  and  beau- 
tiful river,  previously  uid<nown,  or  only  vaguely  known,  to  the  civil- 
ized world.  He  thoroughly  explored  both,  and,  returning  to  Eurojje, 
gave  accounts  of  them  which  produced  an  immediate  ajipreciation  of 
their  importance  and  sjieedily  led  to  measures  for  the  development  of 
the  country.  Judged  by  its  attendant  results,  Hudson's  exploit  stan<ls 
unrivaled  in  the  history  of  North  American  exploration.  Xo  other 
single  discovery  on  the  mainland  of  this  continent  was  so  (juickly, 
consecutively,  and  successfully  followed  by  practical  enterprise. 

Henry  Hudson  was  of  English  birth  and  training.  Apart  frmn  this, 
and  frcuu  the  facts  of  his  four  voyages,  which  were  made  in  as  many 
years,  nothing  is  known  of  him.  His  first  voyage  was  undertaken  in 
1G07  for  the  Muscovy  Company,  having  for  its  object  the  discovery  of 
a  northeast  route  to  China  along  the  coast  of  Spitzbergen.  His  sec- 
ond, in  1008,  to  a  like  end,  took  him  to  the  region  of  Nova  Zembla.  It 
was  on  his  third,  in  1609,  still  looking  for  a  short  way  to  the  Orient, 
that  he  came  to  these  shores.  His  fourth  and  last,  in  ])ursuit  of  the 
same  chimera,  was  in  1010-11,  the  expense  being  borne  by  three  Eng- 
lish gentlemen.  He  explored  the  bay  and  strait  to  which  his  name  has 
since  been  given,  passed  the  winter  in  the  southern  part  of  the  bay, 

and  on  the  21st  of  June,  1011,  was,  with  his 
son  and  seven  companions,  set  adrift  in  an 
open  boat  by  his  mutinous  crew,  never  to  be 
lieai'd  of  more. 

When  Hudson  adventured  forth  on  his 
momentous  voyage  of  1009  he  flew  from  the 
mast  of  his  vessel  the  flag  of  the  new-born 
Kepublic  of  the  United  Netherlands.  Just 
at  that  time  the  Netherlands  were  success- 
fully concluding  the  first  period  of  their 
gigantic  struggle  with  Spain  for  independence.  It  was,  indeed,  in  the 
same  month  that  the  "  Half-^Ioon  "  sailed  from  Amsterdam  (.\]U'il) 
that  the  twelve  years"  truce  between  the  Spanish  and  Dutch  was 
signed.  Everywhere  in  Europe  this  was  a  period  of  transition.  In 
England  the  long  reign  of  Elizabelh  had  but  recently  come  to  its  end, 
and  already, under  James  1.,  the  first  of  the  ill-fat(Ml  Stuart  dynasty, the 




events  were  shaping  Avhicli  were  to  luliuiuate  iu  the  Coiunionwealth. 
In  France  Henry  IV.  was  still  reinnini^ — that  Hcnrv  of  Navarre  who 
signed  the  Edict  of  Nantes,  gave  peace  to  the  warring  factions  of  the 
kingdom,  and  laid  the  foundations  for  the  diplomacy  of  Richelieu  and 
the  power  of  Louis  XIV.  In  the  German  Empire  the  seeds  of  the  ter- 
rible ThirtA-  Years'  ^^'ar  were  ripening.  In  Sweden  the  young  Gus- 
tavus  Adolphus  was  about  to  come  to  the  throne.  In  Russia  the  dawn 
of  a  new  era  was  being  ushered  in  by  the  accession  of  the  first  sov- 
ereign of  the  house  of  Romanoff.  In  the  south  of  Europe,  on  the  other 
hand,  the  glories  of  long  ages  of  commercial,  intellectual,  and  political 
supremacy  were  fading  away  :  the  Italian  republics  were  beginning  to 
decline,  and  the  might  of  Spain  was  tottering  to  its  fall.  To  this  pe- 
riod belong  many  of  the  world's  greatest  inventive  and  philosophical 
intellects:  Shakespeare,  Cervantes,  Rubens,  Van  Dyck,  Kepler,  Gali- 
leo, llarvey,  who  discovered  the  circulation  of  the  blood,  and  Lord 
Bacon,  who  said  of  the  early  attempts  to  utilize  the  discoveries  of 
Columbus :  "  Certainly  it  is  with  the  kingdoms  of  the  earth  as  it  is  in 
the  kingdom  of  Heaven :  sometimes  a  grain  of  mustard  seed  becomes 
a  great  tree.  Who  can  tell?  "  And  in  this  grand  epoch  of  mental  ac- 
tivity and  political  change  a  more  rational  spirit  respecting  the  uses 
to  be  made  of  America  was  becoming  conspicuously  manifest.  The 
sixteenth  century  had  been  wholly  Avasted  so  far  as  the  legitimate  de- 
velopment of  the  newly  discovered  lands  beyond  the  sea  was  con- 
cerned ;  but  with  the  first  decade  of  the  seventeenth  soberly  conceived 
plans  of  orderly  colonization  began  to  be  set  on  foot.  During  that  dec- 
ade the  French  inaugurated  their  permanent  settlements  in  Canada, 
and  the  English,  under  Captain  John  Smith,  at  last  established  an 
enduring  colony  in  Virginia — enduring  because  founded  on  the  secure 
basis  of  mutual  self-interest,  labor,  and  economy.  Even  Spain,  with 
all  her  greed  for  new  realms  to  pillage,  had  practically  abandoned  the 
futile  hope  of  forcing  a  gateway  to  them  at  the  west.  It  remained  for 
the  Dutch,  the  most  j)ractical-minded  people  in  Europe,  to  make  their 
entry  into  America,  in  matter-of-fact  times  and  circumstances  such  as 
these,  upon  a  mere  quixotic  expedition  to  the  far  Cathay — almost  the 
last  one,  happily,  of  its  grotesque  kind. 

Hudson's  employers  in  this  enterprise  were  the  Dutch  East  India 
Company,  a  powerful  corporation,  which  had  been  chartered  in  1602 
to  trade  with  the  East  Indies,  the  southern  and  eastern  coasts  of  Asia, 
and  the  eastern  coast  of  Africa.  The  new  countries  in  America,  and, 
indeed,  the  entire  waters  of  the  Atlantic,  were  excluded  from  the  field 
of  its  o])erations.  The  company,  during  the  less  than  seven  years  of 
its  existence,  had  enjoyed  extraordinary  success,  and  its  earnings  now 
represented  seventy-five  per  cent,  of  profit.    In  resolving  upon  a  voy- 

56  HISTOia     OF    \vi;sr(Ui:sTEit    rulNTY 

age  for  the  loug  de.siri'd  "  iioi-lliwcst  passage,"  the  coiupaiiy  adnpicd 
a  decidedly  conservative  phm.  There  was  to  be  no  visionary  explora- 
tion for  a  possibly  existini;  rout«*  tliroiiuli  the  coastline  of  America,  but 
a  direct  enti-ance  into  Aiclic  waters  in  the  region  of  Nova  /(Mnbla.  in 
the  hope  that  an  open  sea,  or  continuons  passage,  wonid  there  be 
found.  Hudson,  an  l^nglislniiaii,  was  i-hosen  for  the  undcn'taking  be- 
cause he  was  known  to  be  familiar  with  ilie  northern  seas — no  Dutch 
navigator  of  like  experience  being  available.  On  the  4tli  of  April, 
ir»09,  he  sailed  from  Amstei'dam  in  the  '"  Half- .Moon."  a  vessid  of  some 
eighty  tons  burden,  w  itii  a  crew  of  twenty  Dutch  and  English  sailors. 
Pursuant  to  ids  instructions  from  the  company,  he  set  a  direct  course 
for  the  northeast  coast  of  America,  which  he  reached  in  the  latitude  of 
Nova  8cotia.  Here,  however,  he  abruptly  departed  from  the  plans 
laid  out  for  him,  ttirned  southward,  passed  along  the  shores  of  Maine 
and  Cajie  ("od,  and  proceeded  as  far  as  Chesapeake  Bay.  Returning 
northward  from  that  region,  he  followed  the  windings  of  the  coastline 
until,  on  tlie  2d  day  of  September,  he  sighted  the  Highlands  of  Nave- 
sink.  Dropping  anchor  in  the  Lower  Bay  on  the  3d,  he  remained  there 
ten  dajs,  meantime  exploring  with  his  ship's  boat  the  stirrounding 
waters.  Although  his  intercourse  with  the  Indians  was  friendly,  the 
men  whom  he  sent  out  in  the  boat  provoked  a  conflict  with  them,  in 
which  one  of  the  exploring  party,  John  Coleman,  was  killed  and  two 
men  were  W'Otiuded.  On  the  12th  of  September  he  steered  the  "  Half- 
Moon  "  through  the  Narrows,  anchoring  that  evening  somewhere  in 
the  Upper  Bay,  probably  not  far  from  the  lower  extremity  of  Manhat- 
tan Island.  The  next  day  he  began  his  voyage  up  the  river,  and  after 
making  a  distance  of  eleven  and  one-half  miles  again  came  to  anchor. 
It  was  at  this  stage  of  his  journey  that  he  attempted  to  detain  two  of 
the  natives,  who,  however,  jumped  overboard,  swam  to  the  shore,  and 
cried  ba(dv  to  him  "  in  scorn."  Brodhead,  in  his  "  History  of  New 
York,"  locates  the  scene  of  this  incident  opposite  the  Indian  village  of 
Nappeckamack,  now  the  City  of  Yonkers.  But  from  the  details  given 
in  the  Journal  of  Hudson's  mate,  Eobei-t  Juet,  it  ajipears  ])robable 
that  the  point  of  aTuhorage  on  the  loth  was  not  above  the  conhnes  of 
Manhattan  Island.  It  is  significant  that  the  formidable  attack  on 
Hudson's  vessel  when  he  was  retui-inng  down  the  river,  an  attack  in 
retaliation  for  his  treacherous  act  upon  this  occasion,  occurred  at 
Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek,  and  ^^as  clearly  made  by  Manhattan  Island  In- 
dians, the  Indian  fortress  in  that  locality  being  on  the  southern  shore 
of  the  creek.  The  question,  of  course,  is  not  important  enough  to  re- 
quire any  serious  discussion,  but  upon  its  determination  depends  the 
fixing  of  the  date  of  Hudson's  entrance  into  Westchester  waters — 
that  is,  the  date  of  discovery  of  our  county  and  of  the  mainland  of 



New  York  v^lalc  To  our  luiud,  after  a  carcrul  study  of  the  records  of 
the  voya!j;e,  it  scarcely  aduiils  of  doubt  that  the  "  Half-Moou's  "  arrival 
above  Spuyteii  Diiyvil  is  to  be  assigned  not  to  the  hrst  but  to  the  sec- 
ond day  of  its  progress  up  i  he  stream.' 

Leaviug'  his  auclKuauc  below  S]niyteu  i)uy\il  on  the  inoruing  of 
the  14th  of  September, 
1609,  Hudson  travei'sed 
on  that  day  the  entire 
NA'estchester  shore,  en- 
tering the  Highlands 
befoi^^  nightfall.  The 
record  of  the  day's  sail- 
ing is  thus  given  in 
Juet's  Journal :  "  In 
the  morning  we  sailed 
up  the  river  twelve 
leagues  .  .  .  and  came 
to  a  strait  between  two 
points,  .  .  .  and  it  (the 
river)  trended  north 
by  one  league.  .  .  .  The 
I'iver  is  a  mile  broad; 
there  is  very  high  land 
on  both  sides.  Then 
Ave  went  up  northwest 
a  league  and  a  half, 
d  e  e  p  w  a  t  e  r;  then 
northeast  five  miles; 
1  hen  n  o  r  t  h  w  e  s  t  b  y 
north  two  leagues  and 
a  half.  The  lau<l  grew 
very  high  and  moun- 
tainous."'    The  "strait 

between  two  iMiints,"  wliere  they  found  the  stream  "  a  mile  broad," 
was  manifestly  tliat  portion  of  the  river  between  Verplauck's  and 
Stony  Points.  Coutinning  his  voyage,  Hudson  sailed  until  he  reached 
the  site  of  Albany-,  where,  finding  the  river  no  longer  navigable,  he  was 
coiisirain(Hl  to  turn  Itack,  emerging  from  the  llighliinds  into  the  West- 
chester section  about  the  I'ud  of  September.  Here  for  the  hrst  time 
since  lea\iug  the  Lower  Bay  blood  was  shed.    The  ship  was  becalmed 

■  n.\LF-MOON        LFAVIXG    .\MSTKRD.\M. 

*  Wood,  in  his  account  of  the  Discovery  and 
Sottiement  of  Wi-stchestor  Counl.v,  in  Scharfs 
History,  accepts  Brodbead's  date;  but  Dr.  Coie, 

in  bis  History  of  Vonkors  in  tbc  same  work 
(ii..  4).  reviewing  tbe  statements  in  Juefs  Jour- 
nal, decides  upon  the  14th  of  September. 


off  Stouy  Poiut.  ill  the  "  strait  "'  described  by  Juet,  aud  the  uatives, 
animated  solely  by  curiosity,  came  out  in  their  canoes,  some  of  them 
being  received  on  board.  The  occupant  of  oue  of  the  cauoes,  which 
kept  "  haujiing  under  the  stern,"  was  detected  in  pilfering  from  the 
cabin  windows,  having  secreted  "  a  pillow  and  two  shirts  and  two 
bandaliers."  Whereupon  the  "  mate  shot  at  him,  and  struck  him  on 
the  breast,  ami  killed  him."'  The  visitors  now  tied  precipitately,  those 
on  board  the  "  Half-Moon  "  jumping  into  the  water.  A  boat  was  low- 
ered from  the  ship  to  recover  the  stolen  property,  and  one  of  the  In- 
dians in  the  water  liad  the  temerity  to  take  hold  of  it,  at  which  "  the 
cook  seized  a  sword  aud  cut  oft"  one  of  his  hands,  and  he  was  drowned.'' 
It  is  difti'-ult  to  characterize  the  shooting  of  the  Indian  thief  otherwise 
than  as  wanton  murder,  and  this  whole  episode  stands  to  the  serious 
discredit  of  Hudson  and  his  companions.  At  Spuyten  Duyvil  the  next 
day  Avas  fought  the  historic  encounter  with  the  Indians  of  that  local- 
ity, who,  harboring  bitter  resentment  because  of  Hudson's  attempted 
forcible  detention  of  two  of  their  people  on  his  journey  up-stream,  now 
met  him  with  a  fleet  of  canoes  and  most  valorously  gave  him  battle. 
The  details  of  this  tight  have  been  given  in  our  chapter  on  the  Indians, 
and  need  not  be  repeated  here.  It  is  noticeable  that  the  only  san- 
guinary incidents  of  Hudson's  exploration  of  the  river  occurred  along 
the  Westchester  coast. 

Sailing  away  from  the  scene  of  this  bloody  conflict,  the  "  Half 
Moon  "  passed  out  of  the  Narrows  on  the  ith  of  October,  just  oue 
month  and  a  day  after  its  arrival  in  the  Lower  Bay,  and  proceeded 
direct  to  Europe,  reaching  the  port  of  Dartmouth,  England,  on  the 
7th  of  November.  The  English  authorities,  reluctant  to  concede  to 
Holland  the  right  to  Hudson's  important  discoveries,  detained  the 
vessel  for  several  months  on  the  strength  of  its  commander's  British 
nativity,  and  though  it  was  ultimately  released  to  its  Dutch  owners 
Hudson  himself  was  not  permitted  to  return  to  the  Netherlands.  As 
we  have  seen,  he  embarked  under  English  patronage  the  next  year 
upon  another  chimerical  adventure  after  the  northwestern  passage, 
aud  ended  his  career  in  1(>11  as  a  miserable  castaway  on  the  shores 
of  Hudson's  Bay.  The  "  Half-Moon  "  was  destined  for  a  somewhal 
like  melancholy  fate,  being  wrecked  five  years  later  in  the  East  Indies. 

By  the  delimitations  of  its  charter  granted  in  1002,  the  Dutch  East 
India  Company  was  excluded  from  all  commercial  operations  in 
America:  and  accordingly  no  steps  were  taken  by  that  corporation  to 
develop  the  promising  country  found  by  Henry  Hudson.  Rut  the 
alert  and  enterprising  private  traders  of  Holland  were  prompt  in 
seeking  to  turn  the  new  discoveries  to  profitable  uses.  While  Hudson 
and  his  ship  were  held  at  Dartmouth,  that  is,  during  the  winter  of 



lt»(>'.)-l(t,  an  jissiM  iatidii  (»f  Dutch  merchants  was  organized  with  the 
object  of  sending  "Ut  a  vessel  to  tiiese  lands,  and  for  a  number  of 
years  voyages  were  annually  made.  (Jf  the  tirst  ship  thus  dispatched 
Hudson's  mate  was  placed  in  command,  having  under  him  a  portion 
of  the  crew  >>(  the  "  Half-Moon."  These  cai-ly  jtrivate  nndcrtaUings 
were  mainly  in  connection  with  the  fur  trade,  which  otTi-n-d  especial 
advantages  on  the  shores  of  the  Hudson, 
wher<'  at  that  period  fur-bearing  animals, 
notably  the  beaver  and  otter,  were  very  nu 
merous.  So  abundant,  indeed,  was  the 
beaver  in  this  part  of  the  country  that  for  a 
long  period  of  years  beaver-skin.s  f(jrmed  one 
of  the  principal  items  in  every  cargo  sent  t<j 
Europe.  A  representation  of  the  lieaver  was 
the  princii)al  feature  of  the  ofticial  seal  of 
New  Netherland. 

T        1,11.1  ,1  1        .  SEAL  OK  >KW  .NtlllKl'.I,A.Nr>. 

In  lijJJ  a  memorable  voyage  was  made  to 
Hudson's  liiver  by  Henry  Christiansen  and  Adrian  Block,  two  Hol- 
landers, in  a  vessel  which  they  owned  jointly.  They  returned  with  a 
goodly  cargo  of  furs,  carrying  with  theiu  to  the  home  country  two 
sons  of  Indian  chiefs,  by  one  of  whom  Christiansen,  several  years  sub- 
sequently, was  murdered  on  a  Hudson  River  island.  In  1613,  with 
two  vessels,  the  "  Fortune  "  and  the  "  Tiger,"  they  came  back.  Chris- 
tiansen, commanding  the  "  Fortune,"  decided  to  i)ass  the  winter  on 
Manhattan  Island,  and  built  several  houses  of  branches  and  bark. 
Upon  the  spot  where  his  little  settlement  stood  (now  8!l  Broadway  i 
the  .Macomb  mansion,  occupied  by  Washington  for  a  time  while 
President,  was  constructed;  and  the  officers  of  the  Netherlands-Ameri- 
can Steamship  Fine  are  now  located  on  the  same  site.  Block's  ship, 
the  ••  Tiger,"  tO(jk  tire  and  was  completely  destroyed  while  at  her  an- 
chorage in  the  harbor.  This  great  misfortune  operated,  liowever,  only 
to  stimulate  the  enterj)rise  of  the  resourceful  Dutchmen,  who  forth- 
with, in  circumstances  as  unfavorable  for  such  work  as  can  well  be 
conceived,  proceeded  to  buihl  another,  which  was  named  the  "  On- 
rust,"  or  '■  Restless."  a  shallop  of  sixteen  tons"  burden,  launched  in  the 
spring  of  l(i]4.  With  the  "  Iicstless  "  Block  now  entered  upon  au  ex- 
ploration almost  as  important  as  Hudson's  own,  and  certainly  far 
more  dangerous.  Steering  it  through  the  East  Biver,  he  came  sud- 
denly into  the  fearful  current  <d'  Hellgate,  whose  existence  was  pre- 
viously unknown  to  Europeans,  and  which  he  navigated  safely.  Pass- 
ing the  mouth  of  the  Harlem  Biver,  he  thoroughly  exj)lored  tlx-  West- 
chester coast  along  the  Sound  and  emerged  into  that  majestic  body 
of  land-locked  water.    To  Block  belongs  the  undivided  honor  of  the 



discovery  of  Loug  Island  Sound,  whicli  had  never  before  been  entered 
by  a  European  mariner.  Indeed,  it  was  assumed  up  to  that  time  that 
the  coastline  north  of  the  eastern  extremity  of  Long  Island  was  con- 
tinuous, and  the  separation  of  Long  Island  from  New  England  is  not 
indicated  on  any  of  the  maps  of  the  period.  Block  sailed  through  the 
Sound  to  Cape  Cod,  discovering  the  CouTiofticut  TJiv(>r  and  the  other 


conspicuous  physical  features.  The  name  of  Block  Island,  off  the 
coast  of  Khode  Island,  commemorates  this  truly  distinguished  dis- 
coverer, and  his  momentous  voyage.  A  highly  interesting  result  of 
Block's  achievement  was  a  chart  of  the  country,  which  he  ]ire])ared 
and  published,  here  reproduced  in  part.  Although  the  outlines  in 
certain  respects,  particularly  in  the  case  of  Manhattan  Island,  are  ex- 
tremely crude,  they  are  surprisingly  faithful  in  the  parts  representing 
his  individual  res])onsibility.     It  will  be  observed  that  the  general 


trend  of  tlu'  Westchester  ooast  on  the  Sound  is  traced  almost  exactly. 

Keturning  to  Holland  in  the  fall  of  1614,  with  the  "  Fortune,"  hav- 
ing left  the  "  llestless  "  with  Christiansen,  Block  at  once  became  a 
beneficiary  of  an  attractive  commercial  offer  which  had  been  pro- 
chiinied  some  moutlis  previously  by  the  ytates-CJeueral,  or  central 
government,  of  the  Netherlands.  He  and  his  companion  Christiansen 
were  by  no  means  the  only  seekers  of  fortune  in  the  splendid  realms 
made  known  by  the  captain  of  the  "  Ualf-Moon."  Other  tiading  ex- 
peditions had  gone  there,  and  interest  in  the  resources  of  this  quarter 
was  becoming  quite  active.  To  further  promote  such  interest,  and  to 
arouse  fresh  endeavor,  the  States-General,  in  March,  IGll,  issued  a 
decree  offering  to  grant  to  any  person  or  number  of  persons  who 
should  discoYer  new  lands  a  charter  of  exclusive  privileges  of  trade 
therewith.  Upon  Block's  return  there  was  pending  before  the  States- 
General  an  application  for  the  coveted  charter  by  a  strong  organiza- 
tion of  merchants,  which  was  based  upon  Hudson's  discovery  and  the 
representation  that  the  hopeful  organization  was  prepared  to  make 
to  the  region  in  question  the  number  of  voyages  conditionally  required 
in  the  decree.  On  October  11,  1614,  Block  submitted  to  the  States- 
General,  at  The  Hague,  explicit  information  of  his  discoveries,  and  a 
charter  bearing  that  date  was  accordingly  granted  to  him  and  a  num- 
ber of  individuals  associated  with  him  (of  Avhom  Christiansen  was 
one),  comprising  a  business  society  styled  the  New  Netherland  Com- 
pany. This  company  had  for  its  formally  defined  aim  the  commer- 
cial exploitation  of  the  possessions  of  Holland  in  the  Mew  World,  to 
which  collectively  the  name  of  New  Netherland  was  now  applied.  It 
was  in  the  same  year  and  month  that  New  England  was  first  so  called 
by  Prince  Charles  of  Wales  (afterward  Charles  1. 1. 

The  grant  of  the  States-General  establishing  the  New  Netherland 
Company,  after  naming  the  persons  associated  in  it — these  ]1(M'S()us 
being  the  proprietors  and  skippers  of  five  designated  ships, — describes 
the  region  in  which  its  operations  are  to  be  carried  on  as  "  certain  new 
lands  situate  in  America,  between  New  France  and  Virginia,  the  sea- 
coasts  whereof  lie  between  forty  and  forty-five  degrees  of  latitude,  and 
now  called  New  Netherland."'  The  range  of  territorial  limits  in  lati- 
tude thus  claimed  for  Holland's  dominion  on  the  American  coast  is 
certainly  a  broad  extension  of  the  rights  acijuired  by  the  discoveries 
of  Hudson  and  Block,  and  utterly  ignores  the  sovereignty  of  England 
north  of  the  Virginian  region  proper.  On  the  other  hand,  the  entire 
coast  to  w  liicli  Holland  now  set  up  pretensions  had  already  bei'U  not 
only  comprehensively  claimed  by  Great  Britain,  but  allotted  in  terms 
to  the  cor])orate  ownership  and  jurisdiction  of  two  English  companies. 
In  KiOd,  three  vears  before  tlu'  vovasic  of  Hudson  and  eiiiht  vears  be- 


fore  the  tbarteriuij;  t)f  the  Xew  Xi-tlu'rlaiul  Compauy,  the  ukl  patent 
of  Sir  Walter  Ealeigh  havin*,'  been  voided  by  liis  attainder  for  treason, 
James  I.  issued  a  new  I'atent.  ])ai-tif ioiiiiiii  Rritisli  America,  tlien 
Icnowu  by  the  sinjile  name  of  N'irjiiuia,  into  two  divisions.  The  tirst 
division,  called  the  First  Colony,  was  fji-anted  to  the  London  Company, 
and  extended  finm  thirty-fuiir  dejirees  to  thirty-eijiht  degrees,  with 
the  right  of  settlement  as  far  as  forty-one  degrees  in  the  event  that 
this  company  should  be  the  first  to  found  a  colony  that  far  north.  The 
second  division,  or  Second  Colony,  assigned  to  the  Plymouth  Company, 
embraced  the  country  from  forty-one  degrees  to  forty-hve  degrees, 
Avith  the  privilege  of  acquiring  rights  southward  to  thirty-eight  de- 
grees, likewise  conditioned  u])oii  ]>i-i(irity  of  colonization.  Through- 
out the  long  controversy  between  England  and  LLolland  touching  their 
respective  territorial  rights  in  America,  it  was,  indeed,  the  uniform 
contention  of  the  English  tliat  the  Dutch  were  interlopers  in  the  in- 
terior, and  that  the  exclusive  British  title  to  the  coast  was  beyond 

Attached  to  the  charter  giAen  by  the  States-General  to  the  New 
Netherland  Company  was  Block's  "  figurative  map,"  already  alluded 
to.  The  grant  accorded  to  the  company  a  trade  monopoly,  which,  how- 
ever, was  only  "  for  four  voyages,  within  the  term  of  three  yeai-s,  com- 
mencing the  1st  of  Jauuai-y,  1G15,  next  ensuing,  or  sooner."  During 
this  three  years'  period  it  was  not  to  be  "  permitted  to  any  other  per- 
soTi  from  the  TTnited  Netherhnids  to  sail  to,  navigate,  or  fre(iuent  the 
said  newly  discovered  lands,  havens,  or  places,"  "on  pain  of  confisca- 
tion of  the  vessel  and  cargo  whereAvith  infraction  hereof  shall  be  at- 
tempted, and  a  fine  of  50,000  Netherland  ducats  for  the  benefit  of  the 
said  discovers  or  finders." 

No  obligation  to  settle  the  laud  was  prescribed  for  the  company, 
and,  indeed,  this  charter  was  i)urely  a  concession  to  private  gain-seek- 
ing individuals,  involving  no  projected  aims  of  state  policy  or  colonial 
undertaking  Avhatever,  although  wisely  bestowed  for  but  a  brief  pe- 
I'iod.  Under  the  strictly  commercial  reginu>  of  the  New  Netherland 
Company  other  voyages  were  made,  all  highly  successful  in  material 
results,  the  fur  trade  Avith  the  Indians  still  being  the  objective.  That 
the  scope  of  operations  of  these  early  Dutch  traders  comiyreheTided  the 
entire  navigable  portion  of  the  Hudson  Kiver  is  sutticiently  evidenced 
by  the  fact  that  two  forts  Avere  erected  near  the  site  of  Albany,  one 
called  Fort  Nassau,  on  an  island  in  the  riA-er,  and  the  other  Fort 
Orange,  on  the  mainland.  It  is  hence  easily  conceivable  that  not  in- 
frequent landings  Avere  made  by  the  bartering  Dutchmen  at  the  va- 
rious Indian  villages  on  our  Westchester  shore  in  these  first  days  of 
Hudson  liiver  commerce. 



On  the  1st  of  January,  1618,  the  charter  of  the  New  Netherland 
Company  expired  by  time  limitation.  Application  for  its  renewal  was 
refused,  and  from  that  date  until  July,  1621,  the  whole  of  New  Nethei-- 
hmd  was  a  free  field  for  whomsoever  might  care  to  assume  the  ex- 
pense and  hazard  of  enterprises  within  its  borders.  This  i»eculiar  con- 
dition was  not,  however,  due  to  any  tla,<>f;ing  of  interest  in  their  Ameri- 
can ])ossessions  on  the  part  of  the  Dutch  government,  but  Avas  an  in- 
cident of  a  Avell-considered  political  proj;ramme  which  Avas  kept  in 
abeyance  because  of  the  circumstances  of  the  time,  to  be  launched  in 
the  fullness  of  events. 

The  twelve  years'  truce  between  Holland  and  Spain,  signed  in  1609, 
was  now  drawing  to  its  close.  The  question  of  the  continuance  of 
peace  or  the  resumption  of  war  was  still  a  doubtful  one,  contingent 

upon  the  ultimate  disposition  of  Spain,  for  the  people  of  the  Nether- 
lands were  resolved  in  no  case  to  accept  anything  but  absolute  inde- 
pendence. In  the  eventuality  of  war  it  would  become  a  particularly 
important  ])art  of  Dutch  jiolicy  not  merely  to  provide  for  the  protec- 
tion of  the  new  provinces  in  America  and  their  prospective  inhabit- 
ants, but  to  cope  with  the  formidable  Spanish  maritime  poAver  in 
Americiin  waters,  and  as  far  as  jiossible  prey  upon  the  rich  commerce 
of  Spain  with  that  quarter  of  the  globe  and  even  wrest  territory  from 
her  there.  To  tliis  end  it  was  more  than  idle  to  consider  the  recharter- 
ing  of  a  weak  aggregation  of  skippers  and  their  financial  sponsors  as 
the  s(de  delegate  and  upholder  of  the  dignity  and  strength  of  the  re- 
public in  the  western  seas.  If  hostilities  Avere  to  be  reneAved  it  would 
be  indispensable  to  institute  an  organization  in  connection  with  NeAV 
Nethcrland  poAverful  enough  to  encounter  the  fleets  of  Spain  on  at 


leasl  au  L'qual  fuotiiii;.  A  ijci-rccl  palleru  fur  surh  an  (ii-ganizatimi  al- 
ready existed  in  the  Dutch  East  India  Companv.  The  creation  of  a 
West  India  Company  on  similar  lines  to  meet  the  expected  need  was 
the  grand  scheme  of  statecraft  which  caused  the  States-General  to 
reject  the  solicitations  of  the  worthy  traders  of  the  New  Netherland 
Company  for  a  continuatiun  of  thoir  valuable  monopoly. 

This  was,  moreover,  no  newly  devised  plan.  In  1604,  two  years  after 
the  establishment  of  the  East  India  Company,  and  long  before  the 
first  appearance  of  the  Dutch  flag-  on  the  American  coast,  the  concep- 
tion of  a  AYest  India  Company  was  carefully  formulated  in  a  paper 
drawn  up  by  one  William  T'sselinx  and  presented,progTessively,to  the 
board  of  burgomasters  of  Amsterdam,  the  legislature  or  "  states  "  of 
Holland  province,  and  the  States-General  of  the  nation.  In  this  docu- 
ment Usselinx  proposed  the  formation  of  ''a  strong  financial  corpora- 
tion, similar  to  that  exploiting  the  East  Indies,  for  the  fitting  out  of 
armed  vessels  to  attack  the  fleets  of  Spain  and  make  conquest  of  her 
possessions  in  the  American  hemisphere."^  But  it  was  deemed  inex- 
pedient to  samti(m  such  a  venture  at  the  time. 

Upon  the  termination  of  the  twelve  years'  truce,  in  the  spring  of 
1621,  and  the  revival  of  the  war  between  the  two  countries,  the  Dutch 
statesmen  had  the  details  of  the  unu-h-cherished  West  Indian  Com- 
pany enterprise  thoroughly  matured,  and  on  the  3d  of  June  of  that 
year  the  charter  of  the  new  corporation,  comprising  a  preamble  and 
forty-five  articles,  was  duly  signed.  The  subscriptions  to  its  stock, 
which  A\as  required  by  laAV  to  be  not  less  than  seven  millions  of  florins 
(12,800,000),  were  immediately  forthcoming.  But  although  the  ex- 
istence of  the  company  dated  from  July  1,  1621,  it  was  some  two  years 
before  its  charter  took  complete  effect,  various  disputed  points  not  be- 
ing immediately  adjustable.  Twelve  additional  articles  were  subse- 
quently incorporated,  the  whole  instrument  receiving  final  approval 
on  the  21st  of  June,  1623. 

The  Dutch  West  India  Company,  to  whose  care  the  conversion  of  the 
American  wilderness  into  a  habitation  for  civilized  man  was  thus  com- 
mitted, anil  under  whose  auspices  European  institutions  were  first 
planted  and  (U-ganized  government  was  erected  and  for  many  years 
administered  here,  was  in  its  basic  constitution  a  most  notable  body, 
partaking  of  the  character  of  a  civil  congress  so  far  as  that  is  practi- 
cable for  an  association  pursuing  essential  mercantile  ends.  It  had  a 
central  directorate  or  exc^cutive  board,  otficially  styled  the  assiMubly 
of  the  XIX.,  which  was  composed  of  nineteen  delegates,  eighteen  be- 
ing elected  from  five  local  chambers,  and  the  nineteenth  being  the 

Van  Pelt'fl  Hist,  of  the  Greater  New  York.  i. 


(iirect  represeutative  of  "  their  High  Mightinesses,  the  States-Geueral 
ol  the  Uuited  i'lovinces."'  The  hve  local  chambers  were  subordinate 
bodies  which  met  independently,  embracing  shareholders  from  Am- 
sterdam, Zeelaud,  the  Meuse  (.including  the  cities  of  Dort,  Rotterdam, 
and  Delft),  the  >.'orth  Quarter  (Avhich  comprised  the  cities  of  North 
Holland  outside  of  Amsterdam),  and  Frieslaud.  The  controlling  in- 
tluence  in  the  company  was  that  of  the  City  of  Amsterdam,  which  at 
hrst  sent  eight  and  later  nine  delegates  to  the  Assembly  of  the  XIX. 
The  spheres  of  trade  marked  out  for  and  confirmed  to  the  company, 
■  to  the  exclusion  of  all  other  inhabitants  or  associations  of  merchants 
within  the  botmds  of  the  United  Provinces,"'  comprehended  both  the 
Atlantic  and  the  Pacific  coasts  of  the  two  Americas,  from  the  Straits 
of  Magellan  to  the  extreme  north,  and,  in  addition,  the  African  coast 
from  the  Tropic  of  Cancer  to  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

The  rights  and  powers  vested  in  the  corporation  fell  short  of  those 
of  actual  independent  sovereignty  only  in  the  particulars  that  the 
more  weighty  acts  of  the  companj^,  as  declarations  of  war  and  conclu- 
sions of  peace,  were  subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Dutch  government, 
and  that  the  officers  appointed  to  rule  distant  countries,  and  their  un- 
derliug.s,  should  be  acceptable  to  the  States-General  and  should  take 
the  oath  of  fealty  to  the  Netherlands  republic.  "  To  protect  its  com- 
merce and  dependencies,  the  company  was  empowered  to  erect  forts 
and  fortifications;  to  administer  justice  and  preserve  order;  maintain 
police  and  exercise  the  government  generally  of  its  transmarine  af- 
fairs; declare  war  and  make  peace,  with  the  consent  of  the  States- 
General,  and,  with  their  approbation,  appoint  a  governor  or  director- 
general  and  all  other  ofiicers,  civil,  military,  judicial,  and  executive, 
who  were  bound  to  swear  allegiance  to  their  High  Mightinesses,  as 
well  as  to  the  company  itself.  The  director-general  and  his  council 
A\  ere  invested  with  all  powers,  judicial,  legislative,  and  executive,  sub- 
ject, some  supposed,  to  appeal  to  Holland,  but  the  will  of  the  com- 
pany, expressed  in  their  instructions  or  declared  in  their  marine  or 
military  ordinances,  was  to  be  the  law  of  New  Xetherland,  excepting 
in  cases  not  especially  provided  for,  when  the  Roman  law,  the  imperial 
statutes  of  Charles  V..  the  edicts,  resolutions,  and  customs  of  Patria — 
Fatherland — were  to  be  received  as  the  paramount  rule  of  action."' 

One  of  the  primary  aims  in  the  construction  of  this  mighty  corpora- 
ti(in  being  to  establish  an  efficient  and  aggressive  Atlantic  maritime 
]Hiwer  in  the  struggle  with  Spain,  very  precise  provisions  were  made 
for  that  imiiiose.  "The  States-General  engaged  to  assist  them  with 
a  million  of  guilders,  equal  to  nearly  half  a  million  of  dollars;  and  in 
case  peace  should  be  disturbed,  with  sixteen  vessels  of  war  and  foiir- 

'  De  Lancev's  Hist,  of  tlie  Manors  of  Westchester  County  (Sclmrf,  i..  42). 



teen  yachts,  fully  armefl  and  equipped — the  former  to  be  at  least  of 
three  hundred  and  the  latter  of  eighty  tons"  burden;  but  these  vessels 
were  to  be  maintained  at  the  expense  of  the  company,  which  was  to 
furnish,  unconditionally,  sixteen  ships  and  fourteen  yachts,  of  like  ton- 
nage, for  the  defense  of  trade  and  purposes  of  war,  which,  with  all 
merchant  vessels,  were  to  be  comnmnded  by  an  admiral  appointed 
and  instructed  by  their  High  ilightinesses." 

And  this  magnificent  programme  of  naval  aggression  was  no  mere 
wordy  ornamentation  woven  into  the  prosaic  context  of  a  matter-of- 
fact  commercial  agreement  for  Mattering  effect.  The  West  India  Com- 
pany, with  its  ships  of  war  and  armed  merchantmen,  under  brilliant 
commanders,  scoured  the  Spanish  Main,  capturing  many  a  richly 
freighted  bark  of  the  enemy,  and,  not  content  with  the  prizes  of  the 

high  seas,  it  dispatched  expedi- 
tions to  attack  the  Spanish  terri- 
torial possessions  in  the  Antilles 
and  South  America,  which  pro- 
ceeded from  conquest  to  conquest. 
By  its  energy  and  prowess,  in  the 
name  of  the  repxiblic  of  the  United 
Netherlands,  was  begun  in  the 
first  half  of  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury the  work  of  dismemberment 
of  the  vast  Spanish  empire  in  the 
New  World  which  now,  at  the 
close  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
has  been  so  gloriously  completed 
by  the  arms  of  the  i-epublic  of  the 
United  States.  On  the  South 
American  mainland  Brazil,  a 
province  of  Portugal,  at  that  time 
tributary  to  Spain,  was  conquered 
and  held  for  several  years  as 
Dutch  territory,  and  the  country  known  as  Dutch  Guiana,  where  the 
flag  of  Holland  still  floats,  also  yielded  itself  to  these  merchanr  lu-inces 
of  the  Netherlands.  In  addition  numerous  West  India  islands  were 
talcen.  A  celebrated  episode  of  the  company's  naval  operations  during 
the  war  was  the  capture  of  the  Spanish  "  Silver  Fleet "'  (1(128),  having 
the  enormous  value  of  .")f4,(i()0,UU0  in  our  money.  The  financial  concerns 
of  the  corporation  prospered  exceedingly  as  the  result  of  these  and 
otlier  successes.  In  1B20  a  dividend  <if  fifty  per  cent,  was  declared,  and 
in  1030  a  dividend  of  twenty-five  i)er  cent. 

As  we  have  seen;  the  status  of  the  West  India  Company's  organiza- 

-   /i} 



tion  was  not  exactly  settled  until  1623,  and  although  it  nominally  en- 
joyed exclusive  dominion  and  trade  privileges  on  the  shores  of  the 
Hudson  from  the  1st  of  July,  1021,  no  steps  were  taken  to  colonize  the 
land  in  the  as  yet  unperfected  state  of  its  affairs.  Before  coming  to 
the  era  of  formal  settlement  under  its  administration  it  is  necessary 
to  complete  our  review  of  what  is  known  of  the  history  of  the  ante- 
cedent years. 

It  is  certain  that  the  separale  voyages  undertaken  hither  by  various 
adventurous  men  between  1(510  and  1(523  resulted  in  no  settlement  of 
the  country  worthy  of  the  name.  We  find  no  record  of  any  transpor- 
tation of  yeomen  or  families  to  this  locality  for  the  announced  object 
of  making  it  their  abode  and  developing  its  resources.  Although  there 
is  no  doubt  respecting  the  utilization  of  Manhattan  Island  in  more  or 
less  serious  trading  connections  at  an  early  period,  the  history  of  thr 
first  years  of  European  occupation  is  involved  in  a  haze  of  tradition 
and  myth.  From  the  vague  reports  given  by  different  voyagers,  in- 
genious and  not  ovi-r-s(ru]iu]ous  writers  constructed  fanciful  accoiints 
of  pretended  undertakings  and  exploits  in  this  quarter,  which,  how- 
ever, being  presented  in  sober  guise,  have  had  to  be  subjected  to 
methodical  investigation.  All  historical  scholai's  are  familiar  with 
the  fanu)us  Plantagenet  or  Argall  myth.  In  KSIS  a  pamphlet  was  pub- 
lished in  England,  with  the  title,  "  A  Description  of  New  Albion,"  by 
one  Beauchamp  Plantagenet,  p]sq.,  which  assunu'd  to  narrate  that  in 
the  year  1613  the  English  Captain  Samuel  Argall,  returning  from 
Acadia  to  Virginia,  "landed  ar  ^Manhattan  Isle,  in  Hudson's  River, 
where  they  foun<l  four  houses  built,  and  a  pretended  Dutch  governor 
under  the  West  India  Company  of  Amsterdam,"  and  that  this  Dutch 
lMi])ulation  and  this  Dutch  ruler  were  forced  to  submit  to  the  tre- 
mendous power  of  Great  Britain.  The  Avhole  story  is  a  sheer  fabrica- 
tion, and  so  crude  as  to  be  almost  vulgar.  Yet  such  is  the  continuing 
strength  of  old  i)seudo-historical  statement  that  we  still  find  in  com- 
pendious historical  reference  works  of  generally  authentic  character 
mention  of  Argall's  apocryphal  feat  of  arms — the  ''  first  conquest  of 
New  Netherland  by  the  English," — usually  accompanied,  albeit,  by 
the  discreet  "(?)"  conscientiously  employed  by  such  faithful  com- 
pilers in  cases  of  incertitude. 

In  1019  occurred  the  first  known  visit  of  an  English  vessel  to  the 
waters  of  Westchester  (Aiunty  and  ^lanhattan  Island,  which  merits 
passing  notice  here  for  an  interesting  incident  attaching  to  it.  Captain 
Thomas  Dermer,  sent  by  Sir  Ferdinand  Gorges,  of  the  Plymouth  Com- 
l>any,  to  the  Island  of  ]\Ionhegan  on  the  coast  of  Maine,  partly  to  in-o- 
cure  a  cargo  of  fish  and  partly  to  return  the  unfortunate  Indian  slave 
Squanto  to  his  home,  came  sailing  through  Long  Island  Sound  in  his 



ship's  pinnace  on  a  trip  to  Virginia  wbieii  lie  had  decided  to  make 
after  dispatching  his  hulen  vessel  back  to  England.  Leaving  Martha's 
"N'ineyard,  he  shaped  his  voyage,  he  narrates,  "as  the  coast  led  me  till 
I  came  to  the  most  westerly  part  where  the  coast  began  to  fall  away 
southerly  [the  eastern  entrance  to  the  Sound].  In  my  way  I  discov- 
ered land  about  thirty  leagues  in  length  [Long  Island],  heretofore 
taken  for  main  where  I  feared  I  had  been  embayed,  but  by  the  help 
of  an  Indian  I  got  to  sea  again,  through  many  crooked  and  straight 
passages.  I  let  pass  many  accidents  in  this  journey  occasioned  by 
treachery  where  Ave  were  twice  compelled  to  go  together  by  the  ears; 
once  the  savages  had  great  advantage  of  us  in  a  strait,  not  above  a 
bow-shot  [wide],  and  where  a  great  multitude  of  Indians  let  fly  at  us 

[{  ,<j  .^,"="^^^5^^^ :. ,.. 


frimi  the  bank;  but  it  pleased  God  to  umke  us  victors.  Near  unto  this 
we  found  a  most  dangerous  cataract  amongst  small,  rocky  islands,  oc- 
casioned by  two  unequal  tides,  the  one  ebbing  and  flowing  two  hours 
before  the  other."  An  excellent  Westchester  historian,  commenting 
upon  this  description,  identifies  the  place  where  the  Indians  ''  let  fly  " 
as  Throgg's  Point  (the  "  dangerous  cataract "  being,  of  course,  Hell 
Gate),  and  adds  the  following  appropriate  remarks :  "  Such  was  the 
voyage  of  the  first  Englislimnn  Avho  ever  sailed  through  Long  Island 
Sound,  and  the  first  who  ever  belield  the  eastern  shores  of  Westchester 
County.  This  was  five  years  after  the  Dutch  skipper  Block  had  sailed 
through  the  same  Sound  from  the  Manhattans,  and  ten  years  after 
Hudson's  discovery  of  the  Great  Eiver  of  the  Mountains.  Very  singu- 
lar it  is  that  fights  with  the  Indians,  both  on  the  Hudson  and  on  the 
Sound,  and  at  points  nearly  ()])posite  each  other,  were  the  beginning 
of  civilization  in  Westchester  County,  and  that  the  first  was  witli  the 
Dutch  and  the  second  A\'ith  the  English,  the  two  races  of  whites  which, 
in  succession,  ruled  that  county  and  the  Province  and  State  of  New 

'  De  Lancey's  Hist,  of  the  Manors  (Scharf,  i.,  40). 


Notwithstanding  the  failure  of  the  old  New  Netherland  Company 
organized  by  Block,  Christiansen,  and  their  associates,  to  get  its 
charter  of  monopoly  renewed  in  IGlS,  that  organization  did  not  pass 
out  of  existence.  To  the  New  Xothcrland  Company,  moreover,  belongs 
the  honorable  distinction  of  liaving  made  the  first  tangible  proposal 
\'nv  the  actual  settlement  of  the  country- — a  proposal  quite  explicit 
and  manifestly  sincere.  On  h'ebruary  12,  1G20,  its  directors  addressed 
to  Maurice,  Prince  of  Orange,  stadtholder  or  chief  executive  of  the 
Xctherlands,  a  petition  reciting  that  "there  is  residing  at  Leyden  a 
certain  I^nglish  ])rea(li('r,  versed  in  the  Dutch  language,  who  is  well 
inclined  to  pi'oceed  thither  [to  New  Netherland]  to  live,  assuring  the 
jtetitioners  that  he  has  the  means  of  inducing  over  four  hundred  fami- 
lies to  ncc()uii)any  him  thither,  both  out  of  this  country  and  England, 
judv  ided  they  would  be  guarded  and  preserved  from  all  violence  on 
the  part  of  other  potentates,  by  the  authority  and  under  the  protec- 
tion of  your  Princely  Excellency  and  the  High  and  Mighty  Lords 
States-General,  in  the  propagation  of  the  true,  pure  Christian  religion, 
in  the  instruction  of  the  Indians  in  that  country  in  true  doctrine,  and 
in  converting  them  to  the  Christian  faith,  and  thus  to  the  mercy  of  the 
Lord,  to  the  greater  glory  of  this  country's  government,  to  i^lant  there 
anew  commonwealth. all  under  tlu^  order  and  command  of  your  Prince- 
ly Excellency  and  the  High  and  Mighty  Lords  States-General."  The 
directors,  on  their  part,  offered  to  the  intending  emigrants  free  trans- 
portation in  the  company's  vessels  and  cattle  enough  to  supply  each 
family,  upon  the  single  condition  that  the  government  would  furnish 
twn  warships  for  the  protection  of  the  expedition  from  pirates.  This 
condition  was  not  complied  with,  and  the  scheme  fell  to  the  ground. 
It  is  a  coincidence,  and  very  presumably  no  accidental  one,  that  this 
oiler  was  volunteered  in  the  same  year  that  the  Pilgrims  sailed  from 
Ibdland  in  the  "Mayflower"'  ami  landed  at  Plymouth.  Indeed,  it  is 
well  known  that  the  original  intenrion  of  the  "  Mayflower"  company 
was  to  proceed  to  New  Netherland,  and  their  landing  on  the  New 
laigland  coast  instead  was  the  result  of  a  change  of  plan  almost  at  the 
last  moment.  It  will  hence  be  observed  that  it  was  by  the  merest  cir- 
cumstance of  fortune  that  our  State  of  NeAV  York  did  not  become  the 
chosen  seat  of  the  Puritan  element.  Yet  Ncav  Netherland  as  originally 
settled  was  just  as  distinctly  a  place  of  refuge  for  persecuted  religious 
sectarians  as  New  England,  the  Walloons  who  came  to  New  York  Bay 
being  no  less  pilgrims  for  reasons  of  belief  llian  llie  much-sung  i)as- 
scngers  of  the  "  Mayllower." 

It  should  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  confines  of  New  Netherland,  as 
that  territory  was  understood  by  the  Dutch  government,  wer(»  not 
limited   to  the  shores  of  the  Hudson  Itiver,  New  York  Bay  and  its 



estuaries,  and  Loni;  Lslainl  Souud.  Heuiy  lludson,  in  his  voyage  of 
discovery  northward  from  Cliesapealce  Bay  in  IGOl),  had  entered  and 
explored  Delaware  Bay,  and  in  the  years  which  followed  that  region 
received  the  occasional  attention  (tf  ships  from  Holland.  It  was  em- 
braced, as  a  matter  of  course,  in  the  grant  made  to  the  West  India 
Company.  The  name  North  Biver,  by  which  the  Hudson  is  still  known 
at  its  mouth,  was  tirst  given  to  it  to  distinguish  it  from  the  Delaware 
Eiver  or  South  IJiver,  as  that  stream  was  called  by  the  Dutch. 

We  liave  shown,  in  perhaps  greater  detail  than  some  of  our  readers 
may  think  is  necessary  in  the  pages  of  a  local  history,  that  the  de- 
termining consideration  in  the  creation  of  the  West  India  Company 
was  the  desire  of  the  Netherlands  statesmen  to  provide,  in  view  of  the 
impending  war  with  Spain,  for  a  strong  olfensive  and  defensive  naval 
arm  in  I  he  Atlantic  (^cean;  and  that  the  energies  of  the  company  were 
devoted  on  a  great  scale  and  with  signal  success  to  the  realization  of 
this  aim.  The  peaceful  colonizing  and  commercial  functions  of  the 
company,  on  the  other  hand,  were  not  outlined  with  any  degree  of 

special  formality  in  the  char- 

ter, but  Avere  rather  left  to  the 
natural  course  of  events.  Upon 
this  point  the  document  speci- 
tied  simjily  that  the  company 
"  Further  may  promote  the 
]iopulating  of  fertile  and  unin- 
luibited  regions,  and  do  all  that 
the  advantages  of  these  prov- 
inces [the  United  Nether- 
lands], the  profit  and  increase 
of  commw'ce  shall  require." 
"  Brief  as  is  this  language,'' 
aptly  says  a  recent  historian, 
"  there  was  enough  of  it  to  ex- 
press the  vicious  principle  un- 
derlying colonization  as  con- 
ducted in  those  days.  It  was 
the  advantage  of  thr.w  provinces 
that  be  held  mainly  in 
view — t  hat  is,  the  home 
country  must  receive  the  main 
Ix'uefit  from  the  settlements 
wherever  made,  and  commerce  must  be  made  profitable.  The  welfare, 
present  (U-  prospective,  of  colonies  or  colonists,  was  quite  a  subsidiary 
consideration.     This  accounts  for  much  of  the  subsequent  injustice, 



oppression,  and  neglect  which  made  life  in  New  Netherland  anything 
but  agreeable,  and  finally  made  the  people  hail  the  conquest  by  Eng- 
land as  a  hap])y  relief."^ 

Early  in  the  month  of  May,  1623,  the  first  shipload  of  permanent 
settlers  from  Holland  came  up  New  York  Bay.  They  were  Walloons 
— thirty  families  of  them, — from  the  southern  or  Belgic  provinces  of 
the  Lower  Countries,  which,  having  a  strongly  preponderating  pro- 
Catholic  element,  had  declined  to  Join  the  northern  Protestant  prov- 
inces in  the  revolt  against  Spain.  These  Walloons,  stanch  Hugue- 
nots in  religious  profession,  finding  life  iutoh'rable  in  tlieir  native 
hind,  removed,  lilvC  the  sturdy  English  dissenters,  to  Holland,  and 
there  giatlly  embraced  opportunity  to  obtain  jiermanent  shelter  from 
jxTsecution,  as  well  as  homes  for  themse]\  es  and  tlieir  families,  in  the 
new  cniintries  of  America.  They  were  not  Hollanders,  and  ha<l  noth- 
ing in  common  with  the  Dutch  e.\cept  similarity  of  religion;  thej'  did 
not  even  speak  the  Dutch  language,  but  a  French  dialect.  The  ship 
which  bore  them,  the  "  New  Net lierland,"  \^■as  a  fine  vessel  for  those 
(lays,  of  2(>()  tons  burden.  It  came  by  way  of  the  Canaries  and  the 
^\'est  Indies,  and  Mas  under  the  protecting  escort  of  an  armed  yacht, 
the  "Mackerel."  The  whole  expedition  was  conimand(^d  by  Cajitain 
Coi'uelius  Jacobsen  May,  in  whose  honor  ("a]>e  May.  the  norihcni  pi-o- 
UKintory  at  the  eutrance  to  Delaware  P>ay,  was  named.  He  was  con- 
stituted the  governor  of  the  colony,  with  liead(]uarters  in  Delaware 
]>ay.  He  at  once  divided  the  settlers  into  a  number  of  small  parties. 
Some  were  left  on  ^lanhattan  Islaml,  and  others  were  (lis])atched  to 
Long  Island  (where  the  familiar  local  nanu'  of  the  Wallabout  still 
lireserves  the  mennu'v  of  the  Walloons),  to  Staten  Island,  to  Connecti- 
cni,  to  the  vicinity  of  Albany,  and  to  the  T>elaware  or  South  l»iver — al- 
though the  families  locating  on  theDelawaiv  returned  to  the  northern 
settlements  after  a  brief  sojourn.  It  does  not  appear  I  hat  any  of  these 
fii-st  colonists  were  placed  in  Westchester  County,  or  eveu  Avithiu  the 
northern  limits  of  Manhattan  Island.  Arriving  in  May,  with  seeds  and 
agricultural  implements,  they  Avere  able  to  raise  and  garner  a  year's 
cro]!,  and  conse(]uently  suffered  none  of  the  hardshi]is  which  iiinde  the 
lot  of  the  Puritans  during  their  first  winter  at  Plymouth  so  bitter.  Al- 
though distributed  into  little  bauds,  which  might  have  been  easily  ex- 
terminated by  organized  attacdc,  they  sustained,  moreover,  peaceful 
relations  with  the  Indians.  Thus  from  the  very  start  fortune  favored 
the  enterprise  of  European  colonization  in  New  York. 

Having  in  this  and  the  preceding  chapter,  with  tolerable  regard  for 
proportions,  as  well  as  attenticm  to  minuteness  in  the  more  important 

'  Van  Pelt's  Hist,  of  tlie  Greater  New  York.  i..  \^. 


matters  of  detail,  outlined  the  general  conditions  prevailing  pre- 
viously to  and  at  the  time  of  discovery,  and  traced  the  broader  histor- 
ical facts  preliminary  to  the  settlement  of  Westchester  County,  we 
shall  now,  in  entering  upon  the  period  when  that  settlement  began, 
have  mainly  to  do  with  the  exclusive  aspects  of  our  county's  gradual 
development,  giving  proper  notice,  however,  to  the  general  history  and 
conditions  of  the  changing  times  as  the  narrative  progresses. 




URING  the  first  fifteen  or  so  years  after  the  begiimiii;;-  of  the 
colonization  of  New  Netherland  there  was  no  attempt  at 
settlement  north  of  the  Harlem  Ki^er,  so  far  as  can  be  de- 
tcrminrd  from  the  records  that  have  come  down  to  us.  The 
earliest  recorded  occupation  of  Westchester  laud  by  an  actual  white 
settler  dates  from  about  1639.  At  that  pei"iod  at  least  one  man  of 
note  and  substance,  Jonas  Bronck,  laid  out  a  farm  and  erected  a 
dwelling  above  the  Harlem.  That  he  had  predecessors  in  that  sec- 
tion is  extremely  improbable.  The  entire  Westchester  peninsula  at 
that  time  was  a  wilderness,  inaccessible  from  Manhattan  Island,  ex- 
cept by  boat.^  The  colony  proper,  as  inaugurated  by  the  few  families 
of  Walloons,  wlio  came  over  in  ir)23,  and  as  subsecnu'utly  enlarged  by 
gradual  additions,  was  at  the  far  southern  end  of  Manhattan  Island, 
whei-e  a  fort  was  built  for  the  general  security,  and  wlu-re  alone  ex- 
isted facilities  for  trade  and  social  intercourse.  To  this  spot  and  its 
immediate  vicinity  settlemoit  was  necessarily  coufined  for  some 
years;  and  tlnnigh  by  degrees  certain  enterprising  persons  took  up 
lamJs  considerably  farther  north,  steadily  pushing  on  to  the  Harlem, 
it  is  most  uiiliki'ly  that  that  stream  was  crossed  for  purposes  ot  habi- 
tation by  any  uuremembered  adventurer  before  the  time  of  Bronck. 
Certainly  any  earlier  migration  into  a  region  utterly  uniidiabited  ex- 
cept by  Indians,  and  separated  by  water  from  all  communication  witli 
the  established  settlements,  would  have  been  an  event  of  some  im- 
portance, which  hardly  could  have  escaped  mention.  We  may  there- 
fore witli  reasonable  safety  assume  that  Bronck,  the  first  white  resi- 
dent in  Westchester  County  of  whom  history  leaves  any  trace,  was 

'  That  is.  not  conveniently  or  for  practical 
purposes  accessible  otlierwise.  At  Kingsliridgc, 
the  place  of  divide  between  Spu.vten  Duyvii 
Creek  and  the  Harlem  River— known  in  the 
earliest  times  as  "  the  fording  place  "—ven- 
turesome persons  would  occasionally  ford  the 
stream.  In  the  journals  of  Jasper  Dankers  and 
Peter  Sluyter— a  narrative  of  a  visit  to  New 
York  In  1670— it  is  related  (p.  135)  that  people 
"  can    go   over   this   creek    at   dead  low   water 

upon  rocks  and  reefs  at  the  place  called  Spyt 
den  duyvel  "  (the  original  name  of  Kings- 
bridge).  The  editor  of  this  History  has  crossed 
there  when  Ashing,  finding  the  passage  reason- 
ably safe  at  '"  dead  low  water."  .4t  other 
times,  when  the  tide  was  higher  but  not  full, 
it  was  fnrdablc.  although  dangerous,  the  ele- 
ment of  risk  being  enlarged  t\v  the  rapidity  of 
tile  current. 



the  first  in  fact,  aud  that  with  his  coming,  about  the  year  1G39,  the 
annals  of  the  civilized  occupation  of  our  couuty  begin. 

The  little  colony  of  Walloons  landed  on  Manhattan  Island  by  the 
ship  "  New  Netherland  ''  in  the  spring  of  10:23  was,  as  we  have  seen, 
only  one  of  several  infant  colonies  planted  on  the  same  occasion  and 
governed  by  a  director  of  the  Dutch  West  India  Company,  who  had  his 
hcadiiuarters  in  Delaware  Bay.  The  tirst  director,  0)ruelius  Jacob- 
sen  May,  was  succeeded  at  the  expiration  of  a  year  by  William  Ver- 
hulst,  who  in  1026  was  replaced  by  Peter  Minuit.  Previously  to 
Minuit's  ai)p()intment  little  effort  had  been  made  to  give  a  formal 
character  to  the  administration  of  tlie  local  affairs  of  New  Nether- 
laud,  although  the  interests  of  I  lie  selth'uieuts  were  not  ueglect(vl. 
In  1025  wheeled  ■\('liic]es  were  introduced,  aud  a  large  imx)ortaliou  of 
domestic  animals  from   llolhind  made,  including  horses,  cattle, 

s\\iue,    aud    sheep.      More- 
l  ,.v  -  X    over,    some    new    families 

'  s>«-jr.  ■'.         s    ;^ii,i   single   people,    mostly 

Walloons,     Avere      brought 

\Mth  the  arrival  of  Peter 
-Miuuit,  as  director-geu- 
eral,  on  IMay  4.  liiL'O,  The 
roucerus  of  the  colony  tirst 
came  under  a  carefully 
ordered  scheme  of  manage- 
ment. The  settlemeuts  in 
New  Y(uk  Bay  were  now 
made  the  .seat  of  govern- 
lueiit  of  New  Netherland. 
The  director-geueral  A\"as 
to  exercise  the  functions  of 
chief  executive,  subject  to 
the  advice  of  a  council  of, 
five  members,  which,  be- 
sides acting  as  a  legis- 
lative and  general  admin- 
istrative body,  Avas  to.  con- 
stitute a  tribunal  for  the 
trial  of  all  cases  at  law 
arising,  both  civil  and 
criminal.  There  were  two  oilier  ollicers  of  importance^' — a  secretary 
oft  he  council  and  a  sthout-tiscaal.  The  latter  performed  the  com- 
bined duties  of  public  jtrosecutor,  treasurer,  and  sheriff.     There  was 



no  provision  for  representative  government,  although  it  was  custom- 
ary in  cases  of  considerable  public  moment  to  call  in  some  of  the  prin- 
cipal citizens  as  advisers,  who  in  such  circumstances  had  an  equal 
voice  w'ith  the  members  of  the  council.  Of  this  custom  the  directors 
sometimes  took  advantage  in  order  to  place  the  responsibility  for 
serious  and  perhaps  questionable  acts  of  policy  upon  the  citizens. 
The  conduct  of  Director  Kieft  in  entering  upon  his  course  of  violent 
aggression  against  the  Imlians,  which  resulted  in  great  devastation  in 
our  county,  was  given  th<'  color  of  popular  favor  in  this  manner. 

In  the  early  months  of  Minuit's  administration  the  Island  of  Man- 
hattan was  purchased  from  the  Indians  "  for  the  value  of  sixty 
guilders,"  or  .|2I.  The  same  ship  which  carried  to  Holland  the  news 
of  this  transaction  bore  a  cargo  of  valuable  peltries  (including  7,240 
beaver  skins)  and  oak  and  hickoiy  timber.  The  first  year  of  Minuit's 
directorship  was  also  signalized  by  the  dispatching  of  an  embassy 
to  New  England,  jiartly  with  the  object  of  cultivating  trade  relations 
with  the  Puritan  settlers,  but  mainly  in  connection  with  the  rival 
English  and  Dutch  territorial  claims.  Thus  at  the  very  outset  of 
systematic  government  by  the  Dutch  in  their  new  possessions  the 
controA-ersy  with  England,  destined  to  be  settled  thirty-seven  years, 
later  by  the  stern  law  of  the  stronger,  came  forward  as  a  subject 
requiring  special  attention. 

It  should  not  be  supposed  that  the  settlement  on  Manhattan  Island 
at  this  early  period  enjoyed  any  pretensions  as  a  community.  Indeed, 
it  had  scarcely  yet  risen  to  true  communal  dignity.  According  to 
Wassanaer,  the  white  poi^ulation  in  1628  was  270.  But  this  number 
did  not  I'epresent  any  particularly  solid  organization  of  people  com- 
posed of  energetic  and  elfective  elements.  The  settlers  up  to  this 
time  were  almost  exclusively  refugees  from  religious  persecution, 
■who  came  for  the  emergent  reason  that  they  were  witliout  h(>mes  in 
Eui'ope — mostly  honest,  sturdy  people,  but  poor  and  unresourceful. 
The  inducements  so  far  offered  by  the  West  India  Company  were  not 
sufliciently  attractive  to  draw  other  classes  to  their  transatlantic 
lands,  and  the  natural  colonists  of  the  New  Xetherland,  the  yeomen 
and  linrghers  of  the  United  rrovinces,  finding  no  appearance  of  ad- 
vantage to  offset  the  plain  risks  involved  in  emigi'ation,  were  very 
reluctant  to  leave  their  native  country,  where  conditions  of  life  were 
comfortable  and  profitable  much  beyond  the  average  degree.  This 
reluctance  was  alluded  to  in  the  following  strong  language  in  a  re- 
port made  to  the  States-General  by  the  Assembly  of  the  XIX.  in  1029: 
"  The  colonizing  such  wild  and  uncultivated  countries  demands  more 
inliabitants  than  we  can  well  supply;  not  so  much  through  lack  of 
population,  in  which  our  provinces  abound,  as  from  the  fact  that  all 


76  HISTOi:V     OF     WESTCHESTER    (.'OIXTV 

/^va.w^\  i„^-^c^  cj,^y^  t7«'-^'^  •-■  ^    n."'^  ■^'"^  "^^  '^-v  •'*'-^ 

^y^w^  V  .iJoM  »/?  >«"-^>    A..Aii«.     f{t~jrviA  A./rfy,',   Mc^-ttMyi-'i-"  <■•«*"  v-A  V»4'ffi*^M<»*    V^'-^ 


•^u-SJ   ?«■  iraiiX'-j  Lat^Lf  t-t4miU»  t'.'WM^  (^C{cnr*-f-  W¥in>t^  .  i^C,  *n'o-<>«m>->  «u>Jv- 


Avbo  are  inclined  to  do  any  sort  of  worlc  here  procure  enough  to  eat 
without  any  trouble,  and  are  therefore  unwilling  to  go  far  from  home 
on  an  uncertainty." 

It  accordingly  became  a  matter  of  serious  consideration  for  the 
company  to  devise  more  effective  colonizing  plans.  After  careful 
deliberation,  an  elaborate  series  of  provisions  to  this  end  Avas  drawn 
up,  entitled  "  Freedoms  and  Exemptions  granted  by  the  Assembly  of 
the  XIX.  of  the  Privileged  West  India  Company  to  all  such  as  shall 
plant  any  C(donies  in  Xew  Xetherland,"  which  in  June,  1G29,  received 
the  ratification  of  the  States-General.  As  this  document  «as  the 
basis  ujion  which  the  celebrated  patroonships,  including  the  patroon- 
ship  of  Youkers,  were  founded,  a  brief  summary  of  i1  is  in  order. 

Any  member  of  the  West  India  Company  who  should  settle  a  "  col- 
onie  "  (i.  e.,  a  plantation  or  landed  proprietorship)  in  New  Netherland 
was  entitled  to  become  a  beneficiary  of  the  Privileges  and  Exemptions, 
but  tiiat  right  was  witliheld  from  all  other  persons.   The  whole  coun- 




try  was  tlirowu  open  midn-  the  offer,  exceptiug  "the  Ishuul  of  Man- 
hattan," wliich  was  reserved  to  the  company.  A  coh^nie,  within  the 
meaning  of  the  document,  was  to  be  a  settlement  of  "  fifty  souls,  up- 
wards of  fifteen  years  old,"  one-fourth  to  be  sent  during  the  first  yeai- 
and  the  remainder  before  the  expiration  of  the  fourth  year.  Everyone 
complying  with  these  conditions  was  to  be  acknowledged  a  patroon  of 
New  Xetherland.  The  landed  limits  of  the  patroonships  were  exten- 
sible sixteen  P^nglish  miles  "  along  the  shore — that  is,  on  one  side  of 
a  navigable  river,  or  eight  miles  on  each  side  of  a  river — and  so  far 
into  the  country  as  the  situation  of  the  occupiers  will  permit"; 
and  the  company  waived  all  pecuniary  considera- 
tion for  the  land,  merelj^  requiring  settlement. 
Upon  the  patroons  was  conferred  the  right  to 
"  forever  possess  and  enjoy  all  the  lands  h'ing 
within  the  aforesaid  limits,  together  with  the 
fruits,  rights,  minerals,  rivers,  and  fountains 
tliereof;  as  also  the  chief  command  and  lower 
jurisdiction,  fishing^  fowling,  and  grinding,  to  the 
exclusion  of  all  others,  to  be  holden  from  the 
company  as  a  perpetual  inheritance."  In  case 
"  anyone  should  in  time  prosper  so  much  as  to 
found  one  or  more  cities,"  he  was  to  "  have  power 
and  authority  to  establish  officers  and  magis- 
trates there,  and  to  make  use  of  the  title  of  his 
colonie  according  to  his  pleastire  and  the  quality 
of  the  persons."  The  patroons  were  directed  to 
furnish  their  settlers  with  "  proper  instructions,  in 
order  that  tlicy  may  be  ruled  and  governed  conformably  to  the  rule  of 
government  made  or  to  be  made  by  the  Assembly  of  the  XIX.,  as  well 
in  the  political  as  in  the  judicial  government."  i^])ecial  privileges  of 
traffic  along  the  whole  American  coast  from  Fhirida  to  Xewfound- 
land  were  bestowed  tipon  the  patroons,  with  the  proviso  that  their 
returning  ships  shotild  land  at  Maidiattan  Island,  and  that  five  per 
cent,  of  the  value  of  the  cargo  shotild  be  paid  to  the  company's  ofHcers 
there.  It  was  even  permitted  to  the  patroons  to  traffic  in  New  Neth- 
erland  waters,  although  they  were  strictly  forbidden  to  receive  in  ex- 
change any  article  of  peltry,  "which  trade  the  company  reserve  to 
themselves."  Xevertheless  they  Avere  free  to  engage  in  the  coveted 
peltry  trade  at  all  places  where  the  Company  had  no  trading  station, 
on  condition  that  they  should  "  bring  all  the  peltry  they  can  ])rocure  " 
either  to  Manhattan  Island  or  direct  to  the  Netherlands,  and  pay  to 
the  com])any  "  one  guilder  for  each  merchantable  beaver  and  otter 
skin."    The  (•omi)any  engaged  to  exempt  the  colonists  of  the  patroons 



from  all  "  customs,  taxes,  excise,  imports,  or  any  other  contributions 
for  the  space  of  ten  years."  In  addition  to  the  grants  to  the  patroons, 
it  was  provided  that  pri^  ate  persons,  not  enjoying  the  same  privileges 
as  the  patroons,  who  should  be  inclined  to  settle  in  New  Netherland, 
should  be  at  liberty  to  take  up  as  much  laud  as  they  might  be  able 
properly  to  improve,  and  to  "  enjoy  the  same  in  full  property."  The 
principle  of  recompense  to  the  Indians  for  the  lauds,  as  a  necessary 
preliminary  to  legal  ownership,  was  laid  down  in  the  stipulation  that 
"  whoever  shall  settle  any  colouit-  outside  of  Manhattan  Island  shall 
be  obliged  to  satisfy  the  Indiaus  for  the  land  they  shall  settle  upon." 
The  patroous  and  colonists  were  ciijoiued  "in  particular  and  in  the 
speediest  manner  "  to  "  endeavor  to  tiud  out  ways  and  means  wliereby 
they  may  support  a  minister  and  schoolmaster,  that  thus  the  service 
of  God  and  zeal  for  religion  may  not  grow  cool  and  be  neglected 
among  them."  With  an  eye  to  possible  infringements  upon  the  com- 
mercial monopoly  of  the  company,  the  colonists  were  prohibited  from 
making  any  woolen,  linen,  or  cotton  cloth,  or  weaving  any  other  stuffs, 
on  pain  of  banishment.  The  universal  recognition  in  those  times  of 
the  propriety  and  expediency  of  employing  negro  slaves  in  new  coun- 
tries found  expression  in  Article  XXX.  of  the  instrument,  as  follows: 
"  The  company  will  use  their  endeavors  to  supply  the  colonists  with 
as  many  blacks  as  they  conveniently  can,  on  the  conditions  hereafter 
to  be  made;  in  such  manner,  however,  that  they  shall  not  be  bound 
to  do  it  for  a  longer  time  than  they  shall  think  proper."" 

So  far  as  this  new  system  of  "  Freedoms  and  Exemptions  "  was  in- 
tended to  encourage  proprietary  enterprises  in  Xew  Xetherland.  its 
purposes  were  at  once  realized.  Indeed,  even  before  the  tinal  ratiti- 
cation  of  the  plau,  several  of  the  leading  shareholders  of  the  com- 
pany sent  agents  across  the  water  to  select  the  choicest  domains, 
which  were  duly  confirmed  to  them  as  patroous  soon  after  the  charter 
went  into  effect.  Thus  Samuel  Godyu  and  Samuel  Blommaert, 
through  their  representatives,  made  purchases  of  land  from  the 
Indiaus  on  Delaware  Bay,  one  hundred  and  twenty-eight  miles  long 
and  eight  miles  broad,  and  were  created  patroons  in  consequence. 
The  first  patroonship  erected  within  the  borders  of  the  State  of  Xew 
York  was  that  of  Eensselaerswyck,  comprising  territory  on  both 
banks  of  the  upper  Hudson,  of  wiiich  Kiliaen  Van  Rensselaer,  of  Am- 
sterdam, was  the  founder.  This  great  tract  was  subsequently  changed 
into  an  English  manor,  and  continued  under  the  proprietorship  of  a 
single  hereditary  owner  until  near  the  middle  of  the  present  century. 
Another  of  the  early  patroons,  Michael  Pauw,  acquired  lands  on  the 
west  shor(^  of  the  Xorth  River,  now  occupied  by  Jersey  City  and 
Ilobokeu,  later  adding  Staten  Islaud  to  liis  possessions,  and  named 


the  whole  district  Pavonia.  Westchester  ( Vuiuty,  as  au  inviting  lo- 
cality for  a  patroonship,  did  not  immediately  claim  notice;  but,  as  we 
shall  see,  it  received  in  due  time  its  share  of  attention  in  this  regard, 
becoming  the  seat  of  one  of  the  most  noted  of  all  the  patroous,  Adrian 
Van  der  Donck. 

Much  discontent  arose  among  the  general  membership  of  the  \Vest 
India  Company  on  account  of  the  land-grabbing  operations  of  the 
wealthy  directors,  which  was  intensified  as  time  passed  by  continuing 
evidences  of  the  self-seeking  and  general  thriftiness  of  the  patroons. 
It  was  charged  that  the  latter  paid  little  or  no  heed  to  the  plain  spirit 
of  the  charter  of  Freedoms  and  Exenifttions,  which  in  creating  the 
patroons  had  in  view  essentially  the  development  of  the  country 
granted  to  them;  and  that,  instead  of  settling  the  land  in  good  faith, 
they  sought  principally  the  profits  of  trade,  coming  into  conflict  with 
the  interests  of  the  company.  One  result  of  the  controversy  was  the 
recall  of  Minuit,  who  was  supposed  to  liave  shown  too  mucli  partiality 
for  the  patroons  and  too  little  zeal  for  the  protection  of  the  company 
against  their  jiersonal  enterprises.  This  liappcned  in  1633.  The 
next  director-general  was  Walter  A'an  T wilier,  A\ho  remained  in  of- 
fice until  1638,  being  dismissed  for  promiscuous  irregularities  of  con- 
duct, both  official  and  personal. 

From  the  pages  of  De  Laet,  the  historian  of  the  West  India  Com- 
pany, ^ve  obtain  an  interesting  statement  of  the  fiscal  affairs  of  New 
Netherland  to  the  close  of  Minuit's  directorship — that  is,  to  the  end  of 
the  first  term  of  organized  government.  The  total  exports  of  the 
Province  of  New  Netherland  from  its  foundation  to  the  beginning  of 
1683  amounted  in  value  to  454,127  florins.  The  value  of  the  imports 
during  the  same  time  was  272,847  florins.  Thus  for  the  nine  years 
the  company  realized  a  profit  on  trade  transactions  of  181,280  florins, 
or  about  f8,000  annually.  This  was  an  exceedingly  trifling  return 
on  a  capitalization  of  nearly  three  millions  of  dollars,  and  it  is  no 
wonder  that  the  practical-minded  merchants  who  controlled  the  com- 
pany began  to  look  in  a  decidedly  pessimistic  spirit  at  the  whole  XeAV 
Netherkind  undertaking,  and  as  time  went  by  conceived  a  fix(.'d  indif- 
ference to  the  local  welfare  of  such  barren  and  unprofitable  settle- 
ments. On  the  other  hand,  the  company  was  earning  magnificent 
sums  in  prize  money  from  its  captures  of  the  enemy's  merchaiit  ships, 
and  was  di'awing  handsome  revenues  from  the  newly  conquered 
dominions  in  i^ontli  America  and  the  West  Indies.  Tlie  cont.'mpt  in 
which  New  Netherland  came  to  be  held  bec^ause  of  its  unproductive- 
ness is  strikingly  illustrated  by  the  selections  of  men  to  manage  its 
affairs,  ^"an  TA\iller,  who  succeeded  ^Minuit,  was  a  mere  coarse  buf- 
foon;  and  Kieft,  who  followed  \'an  Twiller,  was  a  cruel  and  vulgar 


despot,  win)  from  the  first  regarded  lii.s  pusilioii  as  that  of  sovereign 
lord  of  the  country,  and  proceeded  to  rule  it  by  his  arbitrary-  will,  dis- 
pensing with  a  council.  It  is  sufficient  to  contrast  these  selections  of 
rulers  for  New  Netherlaud  with  the  choice  of  Prince  Maurice  of  Nas- 
sau for  governor  of  the  Province  of  Brazil,  to  appreciate  the  compar- 
atively low  and  scornful  estimation  placed  tipou  the  North  American 
realms  in  the  inner  councils  of  the  West  India  Company  after  due 
experience  iu  their  attempted  exploitation.  According  to  an  explicit 
"  Keport  on  the  Condition  of  New  Netherland,"  presented  to  the 
States-deneral  iu  1038,  the  company  declared  that  up  to  that  time  it 
had  suffered  a  net  loss  in  its  New  Netherland  enterprise;  that  it  was 
utterly  unable  to  people  the  country;  and  that  "  nothing  now  comes 
from  New  Netherland  but  beaver  skins,  minks,  and  other  furs." 

Closely  following  the  submission  of  this  significant  report  came  a 
new  dejiarture  in  policy  as  to  colonization,  which  had  far-reaching  ef- 
fects, and  under  Miiicli  before  long  a  tide  of  immigration  began  to  roll 
iiiio  our  section. 

Kealizing  at  last  that  the  splendid  scheme  of  patroonshi])s,  or  a 
landed  aristocracy,  instittited  in  l(i29,  ai)[)ealed  only  to  a  limit<'d  class 
of  ambitious  and  wealthy  men,  who  could  never  be  relie<l  upon  to  per- 
form the  tedious  and  financially  hazardous  work  of  settling  the  cotiu- 
iry  with  a  purely  agricultural  iM)])ulatiou,  the  8tates-<ieueral  on  Sep- 
tember 2,  l(i3S,  at  tlie  instance  of  the  company,  made  jcnowu  to  the 
woiid  that  henceforth  the  soil  of  New  Netherland  would  be  ojien  to 
all  conu'rs,  of  whatever  position  in  society,  whetlu'r  natives  of  the 
home  country  or  inhabitants  of  other  nations  not  at  Avar  willi  the 
Netlierlands.  The  specific  terms  attached  to  this  very  radical  jiropo- 
sition  were  the  following: 

"All  and  every  the  inhabitants  of  this  State,  or  its  allies  and 
friends,"  were  invited  to  take  up  and  ctiltivate  lands  in  New  Nether- 
land, and  to  engage  iu  traffic  with  the  people  of  that  region.  Per-, 
sons  taking  advantage  of  the  offer  of  traffic  were  required  to  have 
tlieir  goods  conveyed  on  tlie  ships  of  the  West  India  Company,  ])aying 
an  export  duty  of  ten  per  cent,  on  merchandise  sent  out  from  the 
ports  of  the  Netherlands,  and  an  import  duty  of  fifteen  per  cent,  on 
merchandise  brought  thither  from  New  Netherland.  These  certainly 
were  not  onerous  customs  exactions.  l{esi)ecting  individuals,  of 
wliaiever  nationality,  flesiring  to  acMjuire  and  cultivate  laud,  the  di- 
iimIui-  and  council  w(>re  instructed  "to  accommodate  everyone,  ac- 
cording to  his  condition  and  means,  with  as  much  land  as  he  can  prop- 
erly cultivate,  either  by  himself  or  with  his  family."  The  land  thus 
conceded  was  to  become  absolute  prixate  ])ro]>erty.  and  to  be  free 
from  burdens  of  every  kind  until  after  it  had  been  pastured  or  cuUi- 



viilcd  lour  years;  but  subsequi'utly  To  thai  pcTiod  the  owuer  was  to 
pay  to  the  company  "  the  lawful  tenths  of  all  fruit,  grain,  seed,  to- 
baroo,  cotton,  and  sucli  like,  as  well  as  of  the  increase  of  all  sorts  of 
cattle."  Those  establishinji  themselves  in  New  Xetherland  umler  this 
offer  were  bound  to  submit  themselves  to  the  regulations  and  orders 
of  the  company,  and  to  the  local  laws  and  courts;  but  there  was  no 
stipuhition  for  the  renunciation  of  allegiance  to  foreign  potentates. 
Considering  the  illiberal  tendency  of  international  relations  prevalent 
in  the  seventeenth  century,  and  the  native  self-sufficient  character  of 
the  Dutcli  race,  this  whole  measure  is  remarkable  for  its  broad  and 
generous  spirit.  There  Avas  no  allusion  in  it  to 
the  subject  of  religious  conformity,  and  the  per- 
fect toleration  thus  implied  afforded  a  strong  in- 
ducement to  persons  growing  restive  under  the 
narrow  institutions  of  the  English  colonies.  This 
element,  migrating  from  Xew  England,  found 
the  shores  of  Westchester  County  most  con- 
venient for  settlenu'ut,  and  became  one  of  the 
most  important  and  aggressive  factors  of  our 
cai-ly  ])opiilation. 

'I'lie  noteworthy  measure  of  1G3S,  whose  pro- 
visions we  have  just  analyzed,  Avas  supple- 
mented in  July,  1(;40,  by  an  act  of  the  States- 
(ieu'M'al  effecting  a  tliorough  revision  of  the 
charter  of  Freedoms  and  Exemptions  of  1029. 
The  i^atroonships  wei-c  not  abrogated,  but  the 
right  to  be  chosen  as  patroous  was  no  longer 
confined  to  mendjers  of  the  company,  and  the 
in-ivileges  and  powei-s  of  the  patroons  were  sub- 
jected to  considerable  modification.  The  legal 
limits  of  their  estates  Avere  reduced  to  four  English  miles  along  the 
shore,  although  they  miglil  extend  eiglit  miles  landward  in;  and  the 
planting  of  their  "colonies"  Avas  reiiuired  to  be  completed  within 
three  instead  of  four  years.  Trade  inivileges  along  the  coast  outside 
of  the  Dutch  dominions  were  continued  ;is  beft)re;  but  Avithin  the  ter- 
ritory of  New  Netherland  no  one  Avas  ]iermitte<l  to  comitete  with  the 
ships  of  the  company,  excepting  that  fishing  f()r  cod  and  tlie  like  was 
allowed,  on  condition  that  the  fisherman  should  sail  direct  to  some 
European  country  with  his  catch,  putting  in  at  a  Xethevlauds  ])ort  to 
pay  a  i)rescribed  duty  to  the  company.  In  this  act  uuudi  greater  rela- 
tive importance  Avas  attached  to  the  siibject  of  free  colonists,  or  colo- 
nizers other  than  ](atroous,  than  in  the  origiiial  charter  of  1020,  the 
object  manifestly  being  to  assure  the  public  that  New  Netherland  Avas 



not  a  country  set  apart  for  lords  and  o-entlemen,  but  a  Uuul  thrown 
open  in  the  most  comprehensive'  way  to  the  common  people.  Free 
colonists  were  detined  to  be  those  who  should  "  remove  to  New 
Netherland  with  five  souls  above  fifteen  years,"  and  all  such  were,  to 
be  granted  by  the  director-jieneral  "  one  lumdred  moriiens  (two  hun- 
dred acres)  of  land,  contiguous  one  to  the  other,  wherever  they  please 
to  select."  The  colonists  were  put  on  precisely  the  same  footing  as 
the  patroons  in  matters  of  trade  privilege,  and,  in  fact,  enjoyed  all  the 
material  rights  granted  to  the  patroons  except  those  of  bearing  a  title 
and  administering  great  landed  estates,  which,  however,  were  equally 
within  their  reach  in  case  of  their  ability  to  comply  with  the  require- 
ment for  the  transportation  from  the  old  country  and  introduction! 
into  the  new  of  fifty  bona  fide  settlers.  The  company  assumed  the 
resjtonsibility  of  providing  and  maintaining  "  good  and  suitable 
preachei"s,  schoolmasters,  and  comforters  of  the  sick';  and  it  ex- 
tended to  the  free  colonists,  no  less  than  the  colonists  of  the  patroons, 
exem]ition  from  all  taxes  for  a  certain  period.  The  former  clause 
regarding  negroes  A\as  renewed  in  about  the  same  language,  as  fol- 
lows: "The  company  shall  exert  itself  to  provide  the  patroons  and 
colonists,  on  their  order,  with  as  many  blacks  as  possible,  witliout, 
however,  being  further  or  longer  obligated  thereto  than  shall  be 

Thus  from  1629  to  KUO  three  distinct  i)lans  for  promoting  the  set- 
tlement of  New  Netherland  were  formulated  and  si)read  before  the 
public.  Tlie  first  plan,  after  being  tested  for  nine  years,  was  found  a 
<om])h'Ie  failure,  because  based  upon  the  theory  that  colonization 
should  naturally  and  would  most  effectively  proceed  from  the  patron- 
age of  the  rich,  who,  acquiring  as  a  free  gift  the  honors  of  title  and 
the  dignities  of  landed  proprietorship,  would,  it  was  thought,  readily 
supi»oi-t  those  honors  and  dignities  by  the  substance  of  an  established 
vassalage.  It  was  soon  found  that  such  a  theory  Avas  quite  incapable 
of  apj)lication  to  a  country  as  yet  undeveloped,  and  that  the  sole  reli- 
able and  solid  colonization  in  the  conditions  which  had  to  be  dealt 
with  would  be  that  pursued  on  the  democratic  princii)le  and  under- 
taken in  their  independent  capacity  by  citizens  of  average  means  and 
ordinary  aims.  Tt  stands  to  the  credit  of  the  West  India  Company 
and  tlie  Dutch  government  that,  having  discovered  their  fundamental 
eri'oi-  of  judgment  in  the  first  plan  of  settlement,  they  lost  no  time  in 
framing  another,  which  was  made  particularly  judicious  and  liberal 
in  its  scope  and  details,  and  was  as  successlul  in  its  workings  as  the 
original  scheme  had  been  disappointing. 

We  have  now  arrived  at  the  ju-riod  indicated  at  the  beginning  of 
this  chapter  as  that  of  the  appearance  of  tlie  first  known  settlers 


withiu  the  original  liistoiic  borders  of  our  Comity  of  Wcslcheslfr. 
The  attention  of  the  Dutch  pioneers  on  Mauliattan  Island  had  early 
been  directed  to  this  pictures(iu<'  and  jdcasant  region,  and  it  is  a 
pretty  well  accei)ted  fact  that  some  land  purchases  were  made  from 
the  Westchester  Indians  antedating  1G39,  although  tin-  records  of 
these  assumed  transactions  have  been  lost.  The  most  ancient  deed 
to  Westchester  lands  which  has  been  ])reserved  to  the  itrescut  day 
bears  date  of  August  3,  1031),  and  by  its  terms  the  Indians  dispose  of 
a  tract  called  Keskeskeck;  the  West  India  Com]iany  being  the  pur- 
chasers, through  their  representative,  Ccn-nelius  A'au  Tienhoven,  pro- 
vincial secretary  to  Director  Kielt. 

In  the  next  year  Van  Tienhoven  was  dispatclied  by  Kieft  on  similar 
important  business  to  this  same  section;  and,  Aj^ril  19,  bought  from 
the  Hlwanoy  Indians  all  the  lands  located  in  the  southeastern  portion 
of  Westchester  County,  running  as  far  eastward  in  Connt'cticut  as  the 
Xorwalk  Kiver.  The  instructions  uuder  which  he  acted  directed  him 
to  ])urchase  the  archipelago,  or  grou])  of  islands,  at  the  luoulh  (»f  the 
Norwalk  Elver,  together  with  all  the  adjoining  territory  on  the  main- 
land, and  "to  erect  thereon  the  standard  and  arms  of  the  High  and 
IMighty  Lords  States-*  ieneraj ;  to  take  the  savages  under  our  protec- 
tion, and  to  prevent  effectually  any  other  nation  encroaching  on  our 
limits."  The  ]mrchase  of  KIIO  was  in  the  line  of  state  policy,  being 
conceived  and  consummated  as  a  countercheck  to  the  English,  who, 
having  by  this  tiiue  appeared  in  considerable  numbers  on  the  banks  of 
the  Connecticut  River,  were  making  active  pretensions  to  the  whole 
Avestern  territory  along  the  Sound  and  iu  the  interior,  and  were  thus 
seriously  menacing  the  integrity  of  tiie  !  »utch  colonial  empire. 

^^'e  may  liere  a])])ropriately  ]iausi'  to  glance  at  some  ]>ertiiu^nt  as- 
pects of  l>i-i1ish  cohniial  ]>rogress  in  New  ICngland  —  asjiects  with 
which,  we  shall  be  bound  to  grant,  those  of  ci>ntein]i(iiaueons  Dutch 
deA'elo])iiient  in  New  Xetlicrland  do  not  couqiare  o\cr-favorably. 

The  Pilgrims  of  the  "Maytiower"  landed  on  I'lyiiioutli  IJock  late  in 
the  month  of  December,  1()2(),  a  little  more  than  two  yeais  before  the 
original  coni]>auy  of  Walloons  came  to  Xew  Yoi-k  Day  on  the  shiji 
"New  Xetherlaml."  The  first  I'ritisli  settlement  in  New  England  and 
the  lirst  Dutch  settlement  in  New  Netlierland  wei'i'  thus  inaugurated 
almost  simultaneously,  the  former  having  a  slight  ad\an1age  as  to 
time,  and  the  latter  a  consideiable  one  in  tlu^  ](ossession  ot  a  more 
genial  climate,  a  less  stubborn  soil,  and  a  supefior  natural  location, 
as  also  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  more  powei-fnl,  interested,  and  liberal 
hoiue  ])atronage.  Erom  the  ](arent  settlement  at  lM_Mnoutli,  the  Eng- 
lish not  only  rapidly  ad\anced  into  the  whole  suiidunding  country, 
but  in  the  course  of  a  few  years  sent  colonizing  ](ai-liesto  (piite  remote 


lociililics;  and  w  licrevrr  an  Eniilisli  advance  colony  i:,aiiicd  a  foot- 
hold, I  here  perniaucut  and  cncryctic  settlement  was  certain  very 
speedily  to  follow.  As  early  as  1()33  a  ninnbcr  of  Knjilislinien  from 
Massachusetts,  desiring  to  invcstiiiate  tlic  Indi;ui  stories  of  a  Itcttcr 
soil  to  the  south,  came  and  established  themselves  in  the  Connecticut 
^'alley.  Shortly  after^^ard  a  jiatcnt  for  this  region  was  obtained 
from  the  British  crown  by  Lord  Say  and  Seal,  Lord  Brocdi,  and  otiiers. 
In  103()  John  W'intlirop,  son  of  (iovernor  W'inthrop,  settled  on  tiie 
Connecticut  with  a  goodly  compiiny;  and  in  1038  TheoY)hilus  Eaton, 
with  the  noted  IJev.  John  Davenjiort,  led  a  large  band  of  settlers  to 
the  same  locality,  planting  the  New  Haven  colony.  IJliode  Island 
^as  brought  undei'  settlement  also  at  tluit  ]ieriod  by  Koger  Williams 
and  other  dissidents  from  tiie  intolerant  religious  institulions  of 

Now,  the  English,  in  establishing  im])ortant  and  flourishing  settle- 
ments throughout  Connecticut  and  lihode  Island,  were,  technically 
speaking,  not  in  advance  of  the  Dutch.  The  Dutch  were  the  undis- 
jmted  tirst  discoverers  nf  the  entire  Connecticut  and  Rhode  Island 
coastline,  along  which  the  intrei>id  navigator  Block  sailed  in  ltll4. 
Later,  Dutch  voyagers  returned  to  those  shores  and  trafticked  with 
the  natives;  and  finally,  in  l(i23,  when  Director  May  arrived  in  New 
York  harbor  on  his  mission  of  colonization  from  the  West  India  Com- 
pany, he  dispatched  a  number  of  his  Walloon  families  to  the  mouth  of 
the  Connecticut  Kiver.  At  the  same  place  the  arms  of  the  States- 
(ieneral  of  the  Netherlands  were  formally  erected  in  1032,  and  in  1G33 
Director-General  Van  Twiller  bought  from  the  Indians  a  tract  of  land 
called  Connittelsock,  situated  on  the  western  Connecticut  bank,  on 
which  tract,  at  a  point  sixty  miles  above  the  mouth  of  the  stream,  a 
Dutch  fort  and  trading-house,  named  (Jood  Hope,  were  built.  In- 
deed, the  English  jdoneers  of  1(533,  proceeding  down  the  Connecticut, 
found  the  Dutch  already  in  possession  there. 

But  the  Dutch  occupation  of  the  mouth  and  valley  of  the  Connec- 
ticut Ikiver  was  never  otlierwise  than  merely  nominal,  a  fact  which,  in 
view  of  the  easily  conceivable  future  importance  of  that  quarter  in 
connection  with  the  maintenance  of  Dutch  territorial  claims,  is  cer- 
tainly striking,  and  characteristically  illusirates  Dutch  deliberation 
and  inefficiency  in  colonizing  development  as  contrasted  with  English 
alacrity  and  llidroughness.  Moreover,  all  the  connecting  circum- 
stances indicate  that  the  establishment  by  the  Dutcli  of  a  fort  and 
trading-pt)st  on  the  T'onnecticut  was  not  ]ironi])ted  by  serious  designs 
of  consecutive  settlement,  bui  was  a  pure  extemi>ori/.ation  in  the  in- 
terest of  ultimate  insistence  ujxtn  lawful  ownershiii  of  that  region. 
Erom  K;:.':!,  the  year  in  which  ^fanhattan  Island  was  icgularly  settled. 


until  1G39,  a  period  of  sixteen  years,  not  a  single  Dutcli  colony  had 
been  founded,  and  probably  not  a  single  Duteli  family  had  taken  up 
its  abode,  in  all  the  country  intervening  between  the  Harlem  and  the 
Connecticut  Elvers — a  country  splendidly  wooded  and  Avatered,  with 
a  highly  interesting  coast  and  rich  alluvial  lands,  and  vastly  im- 
portant as  an  integral  and  related  portion  of  the  dominions  of  New 
Netherland.  It  may  perhaps  be  replied  that  the  whirlpool  of  Hell 
Gate  presented  a  natural  obstacle  to  convenient  intercourse  with  the 
shores  of  the  Sound,  and  consequently  to  advantageous  settlement  in 
the  entire  traus-Harlfiu  counfry.  But  if  the  Manhattan  Island  col- 
ony had  been  animated  by  any  noticeable  spirit  of  progress,  it  would 
not  have  alloAved  sixteen  years  to  pass  without  finding  access  to  this 
region,  either  from  the  northern  extremity  of  Manhattan  Island  or 
from  the  Long  Island  side.  The  truth  is,  there  was  no  general  devel- 
opment by  the  Dutch  even  of  Manhattan  Island  during  the  period  in 
question.  Only  its  scuithi-rn  end  was  occupied  by  any  regular  aggre- 
gation of  settlers,  and  this  aggregation  still  existed  mainly  for  the 
business  of  bartering  with  the  Indians  and  sending  to  Holland  "  beav- 
er skins,  minks,  and  other  furs,"  the  only  products  which,  as  declared 
in  the  "  lieport  of  1G3S  on  the  Condition  of  New  Netherland,"  were 
afforded  by  the  province. 

To  review  the  comi)arative  situation  in  1640,  Avbile  the  English  had 
steadily  and  systematically  advanced  as  an  earnest  and  practical  col- 
onizing people,  covering  the  land  from  Plymouth  Rock  to  the  Sound 
with  organized  settlements  which  sought  the  immediate  develo])ment 
of  all  its  available  resources,  the  Dutch  had  remained  stationary,  with 
only  a  single  settlement  worthj'  of  consideration.  It  is  true  they  had 
located  and  occupied  a  few  trading-posts  in  and  around  New  York 
Bay,  as  well  as  in  distant  parts  of  New  Netherland — in  Delaware  Bay, 
on  the  upper  Hudson  at  Albany,  and  on  the  Connecticut  Eiver.  But 
these  enterprises  represented  in  no  case  creditable  colonizing  en- 

It  has  been  seen  that,  in  the  years  1639  and  IGiO,  Cornelius  \'iiu 
Tienlioven,  as  the  representatiA  e  of  Director-General  Kieft,  purchased 
from  the  Indians,  first,  a  large  Westchester  tract  called  Keskeskeck, 
and,  second,  lands  covering  generally  the  southeastern  section  of  this 
county  and  extending  to  the  Norwalk  Kiver.  This  was  done  to  fore- 
stall English  claims  to  priority  of  possession,  at  that  time  conspicu- 
ously in  course  of  preparation.  But  even  in  this  matter  of  laud  jmr- 
chases  the  Dutch  were  scarcely  aforetime  of  the  alert  English.  To 
the  latter,  also,  the  Indians  executed  a  deed  of  sale,  embracing  exten- 
sive j)ortions  of  Westchester  County,  and  nearly  as  ancii'ut  as  the  first 
Dutch  land  deed.     On  July  1,  1640,  Captain  Nathaniel  Turner,  in  be- 


half  of  llif  New  Haven  colony  (Quinnipiacke),  bought  from  Pouus, 
sagamore  of  Toquams,  ami  Wascussue,  sagamore  of  Shippau,  lands 
running  eight  miles  along  the  Sound  and  extending  sixteen  miles  into 
the  northwestern  wilderness.  This  tract  was  comprehensively  known 
by  the  name  of  "  The  Toquams."  Ponus  prudently  reserved  for  him- 
self "  the  liberty  of  his  corn  and  pasture  lands."  It  included,  in  Con- 
necticut, the  present  Town  of  Stamford,  as  well  as  Darien  and  New 
Canaan,  and  parts  of  Bedford  and  Greenwich;  and,  in  Westchester 
County,  the  Towns  of  I'ouudridge,  Bedford,  and  North  Castle,  either 
in  whoh'  or  in  part.  On  the  basis  of  this  purchase,  the  settlement  at 
Stamford,  Conn.,  was  laid  out  in  1641.  In  1655  the  bargain  of  1640 
was  reattirmed  by  a  new  agreement  with  the  Indians  respecting  the 
same  district.  No  early  settlements  in  the  Westchester  sections  of 
the  tract  were  attempted  by  the  English;  but  it  is  an  interesting  point 
to  bear  in  mind  that  the  interior  sections  of  this  county  bordering  on 
Connecticut  v\ere  first  bought  from  the  Indians  not  under  Dutch  but 
under  English  auspices,  and  thus  that  the  English  fairly  share  with 
the  Dutch  the  title  to  original  sovereignty  in  Westchester  County,  so 
far  as  that  title  can  be  said  to  be  sustained  by  the  right  of  mere 

There  was  a  second  English  purchase  from  the  Indians  in  1640, 
which  t-onstructively  may  have  included  some  parts  of  \Vestchester 
County.  Mehackem,  Narawake,  and  Pemeate,  Indians  of  Norwalk, 
agreed  to  convey  to  Daniel  Patrick,  of  Greenwich,  all  their  lands  on 
the  west  side  of  "  Norwake  IJiver,  as  far  up  in  the  country  as  an 
Indian  can  goe  in  a  day,  from  sun  risinge  to  sun  settinge,"  the  consid- 
eration being  "  ten  fathoms  wamimni,  three  liatchets,  three  bows,  six 
glasses,  twelve  tobacco  pipes,  three  knives,  tenn  drills,  and  tenn 

It  was  a  year  or  two  previously  to  1640  that  Jonas  Bronck,  gener- 
ally regarded  as  the  first  white  inhabitant  of  Westchester  County, 
came  across  tiie  Harlem  Kiver  to  take  up  land  and  build  a  home.  He 
was  not  a  native  Hollander,  being,  it  is  supposed,  of  vSwedish  extrac- 
tion. But  he  appears  to  have  made  his  home  in  Amsterdam,  where 
he  was  married  to  one  Antonia  (or  Teuntje)  Slagboom.  While  there 
is  no  evidence  that  he  was  a  man  of  large  wealth,  it  is  abundantly 
manifest  that  he  was  quite  comfortably  circumstanced  in  worldly 
goods.  I'nquestionably  his  sole  object  in  emigrating  to  New  Nether- 
lanil  was  to  acquire  and  cultivate  land,  probably  under  the  liberal 
general  offer  to  persons  of  all  nations  proclaimed  by  the  States-Gen- 
eral in  1638.  He  was,  therefore,  one  of  the  first  of  the  new  and  more 
substantial  class  of  men  who  began  to  remove  hither  after  the  substi- 
tution by  the  West  India  Company  of  a  broad  and  democratic  plan  of 


coloui/aiiiiii  fdi-  the  old  rxchisivc  scliciiic  of  special  privileges  to  the 
patrooiis.  Sailiug  from  Anisierdain  in  a  ship  of  the  coiiipauy's,  with 
his  wife  and  family,  farmhands  and  their  families,  domestic  servants, 
cattle,  and  misc(dlane(His  lioods,  he  landed  on  Manhattan  Island;  and, 
not  caring  to  pnrcliase  one  i>(  the  compauj'  farms  there  (the  whole 
island  havinii  been  expi'essly  reserved  to  the  private  uses  of  the  West 
India  Companyl,  proceeded  to  s(dect  a  tract  in  the  free  lands  beyond 
the  Harlem.  Here,  pursuant  to  the  custom  peremptorily  required  by 
Dutch  law,  he  first  extinjiuished  the  Indian  title,  purchasing;-  from 
the  native  chiefs  lvanacli(|ua  and  Taekamuck  five  litmdred  acres 
"  lyiu<;  hetweeu  the  great  kill  illarlem  River)  and  tin-  AlKiuahtmji' " 
(now  the  ISronx  IJiverl.  An  old  "Tracing  of  I'.ronckslaml  "  is  still 
preserved  in  the  ofiice  of  the  secretary  of  state  at  Aloany,  upon  whicdi 
the  house  (i\'  Jonas  liroiudc  Is  located.  Its  site  as  thus  indicaled  was 
not  far  from  the  present  dejiot  (d'  the  Harlem  Iliver  branch  of  the  New 
York,  New  Haven  \-  Hartford  Railroad,  at  .Moirisania.  This  dwelling 
is  described  as  of  "  stone,"  covered  with  tiles,  and  had  connected  with 
it  a  barn,  tobacco-house,  and  two  barracks.  As  the  Dutch  word  for 
stone  (xtcriij  is  always  ambiguous  unless  accompanied  by  a  descrip- 
tive prefix,  it  is  uncertain  what  kind  of  building  stone,  whether  brick 
or  the  native  rock  of  the  country,  \\as  used  by  Bronck.  In  view  of  the 
generally  provident  character  of  the  man,  it  is  a  reasomible  stipposi- 
tion  that  he  brought  a  supply  (d'  brick  with  him  from  Holland;  and 
thtis  that  the  first  house  erected  in  the  county  Avas  made  of  that  re- 
spectable material.  To  his  estate  he  gave  the  Scriptural  name  of 
Emmiius.  From  the  inventory  of  the  per.sonal  property  Avhich  he 
left  at  his  death,  it  is  (dear  that  he  was  a  gentleman  of  cultivation. 
His  possessions  inclmled  pictures,  a  silver-mounted  gun,  silver  cups, 
spoons,  tankards,  bowls,  fine  bedding,  satin,  grosgrain  stiits,  linen 
shirts,  gloves,  nai)kins,  tablecloths,  and  as  many  as  fm-ty  books.  The 
books  were  largely  godly  volumes,  among  them  being  Calvin's  "  Insti- 
tutes," Luther's  "Psalter"  and  "Complete  Catechism,"  the  "  Praise 
of  (Mirist,"  the  "  Four  Ends  of  Death,"  and  "  Fifty  Pictures  of  Death." 
Bromk  died  in  1(143.  The  celebrated  Everardus  Bogardus,  the 
Dut(di  doniine  on  .Manhattan  Island  and  husband  of  Anneke  Jans, 
superintended  the  inventorying  of  his  estate.  His  widow  married 
Arent  \'an  Corlaer,  sheriff  of  Bensselaerswyck.  Jonas  Bronck  left  a 
son, Peter,  who  went  with  his  mother  to  her  new*  h()nie,and  from  whoni 
the  nunu'i-ous  Bronx  family  of  Albany  and  vicinity  is  descended.  The 
Bronck  ]iro])erty  on  the  Harlem  was  sold  on  July  10,  l(>ol,  to  Jacob 
Jans  Stall.  Om-  of  its  subseciuent  owners  was  Samuel  Edsall,  a 
beaver-maker  and  man  of  some  note  in  New  York  City,  Avho  had  trade 
transactions  with  the  Indians,  became  versed  in  their  laniiuauc  and 


iictiMl  ollicinllv  as  interpreter.      He  sold  it  to  Captain  Richard  .Morris, 
and  it  subsequently  became  a  jiart  of  the  Manor  of  Morrisania. 

The  Bronx  L'iver,  first  known  as  lironck's  Kiver,  or  the  Bronck 
Kiver,  was  appropriately  so  called  for  this  pioneer  settler  on  its 
banks;  and  from  the  stream,  in  our  own  day,  has  been  derived  the 
name  given  to  the  whtde  great  and  populous  territory  which  West- 
chester County  has  resigned  to  the  growing  municipal  needs  of  the 
City  of  New  York.  Whatever  changes  in  local  designations  may 
occur  in  the  American  metropolis  in  the  progress  of  time,  it  is  a  safe 
prediction  that  the  name  of  the  Borough  of  the  Bronx,  so  happily 
clHtsen  for  the  annexed  districts,  will  always  endure. 

The  exami)le  of  Bronck  in  boldly  venturing  over  upon  the  main- 
land would  doubtless  have  found  many  ready  followers  among  the 
Dutch  already  on  [Manhattan  Island,  or  those  who  were  now  arriving 
in  constantly  increasing  numbers  from  Europe,  if  the  threatening 
aspect  of  the  times  had  not  i)laiuly  suggested  to  everybody  the  inex- 
pediency of  going  into  an  open  country  exposed  to  the  attacks  of  the 
Indians.  In  the  summer  and  fall  of  1G41  events  occurred  which,  con- 
sidered in  connection  with  the  well-known  unrelenting  character  of 
Director  Kieft,  foreshadowed  serious  trouble  with  the  natives;  and 
early  in  the  spring  of  101:2  a  war  actually  broke  forth  which,  although 
at  first  conducted  without  special  animosity,  developed  into  a  most 
revengeful  and  sanguinary  struggle,  with  pitiless  and  undiscriminat- 
ing  massacre  on  botli  sides  as  its  distinguishing  characteristic.  It  is 
l)robable  that,  before  the  preliminaries  of  this  war  had  so  far  de- 
veloped as  to  fairly  warn  the  people  of  the  impending  peril,  various 
new  Dutch  farnis  and  houses  on  The  Westchester  side  were  added  to 
the  one  already  occupied  by  Bronck.  Bi'  this  at  it  may,  it  is  certain 
that  settlers  from  the  New  England  colonies  had  begun  to  arrive  at 
different  localities  on  the  Sound.  These  English  settlers,  in  many  re- 
gards the  most  important  and  interesting  of  the  Westchester  pio- 
neers, now  claim  a  good  share  of  our  notice. 

First  in  point  of  prominence  is  to  be  mentioned  the  noted  Anne 
nutchinson,  whose  name,  like  that  of  Bronck,  has  become  lastingly 
identified  with  Westchester  County  by  being  conferred  upon  a  river. 
Whether  she  was  the  first  of  the  immigrants  from  New  England  into 
Westchester  County,  can  not  be  deteruiincd  with  absolute  certainty; 
but  there  is  no  (|ii('stion  that  slie  was  among  tlie  very  earliest.  In  the 
summer  of  lti4li,  pei'mission  having  be<Mi  granted  her  by  tlie  Dutch 
authorities  to  make  her  liome  in  New  Net  lici'land,  she  came  to  t  lie  dis- 
trict now  known  as  Pelliani,  and  on  the  side  of  Hutchinson's  Kiver 
foundeil  a  little  colony.  The  coniiiany  consisted  of  her  own  younger 
chihlren,  lier  son-in-law,  .Mr.  Collins,  his  wife  and  family,  and  a  few 


congenial  spirits.  In  barely  a  year's  time  the  whole  settlement  was 
swept  to  destruction,  everybody  belonging  to  it  being  killed  by  the 
Indians,  with  the  sole  exception  of  an  eight-year-old  daughter  of  Mrs. 
Hutchinson's,  who  was  borne  away  to  captivity.  The  lady  herself 
was  burned  to  death  in  the  flames  of  her  cottage. 

The  tragical  fate  of  Anne  Uutchinsou  is  one  of  the  capital  historic 
episodes  of  Westchester  annals,  because  to  the  personality  and  career 
of  this  remarkable  woman  an  abiding  interest  attaches.  It  is  true 
that  interest  in  Anne  Hutchinson,  in  the  form  of  special  sympathy  or 
special  admiration,  may  vary  according  to  varying  individual  capabil- 
ities for  appreciation  of  the  polemic  type  of  women;  but  upon  one 
point  there  can  be  no  disagreement — she  was  among  the  foremost 
characters  of  her  times  in  America,  sustaining  a  conspicuous  relation 
to  early  controversialism  in  the  New  England  settlements,  and  must 
always  receive  attention  from  the  students  of  that  period. 

She  was  of  excellent  English  birth  and  connections.  Her  mother 
was  the  sister  of  Sir  Erasmus  Dryden,  and  she  came  collaterally  from 
the  same  stock  to  which  the  poet  Dryden  and  (though  more  distantly) 
the  great  Jonathan  Swift  trace  their  ancestry.  Her  husband,  Mr. 
Hutchinson,  is  described  as  "  a  mild,  amiable,  and  estimable  man, 
possessed  of  a  considerable  fortune,  and  in  high  standing  among  his 
Puritan  contemporaries";  entertaining  an  unchanging  affection  for 
his  wife,  and  accompanying  her  through  all  her  wanderings  and 
trials,  until  removed  by  death  a  short  time  before  her  fligln  to  our 
AN'estchester  County.  Mrs.  Hutchinson  personally  was  of  spotless 
reputation  and  high  and  noble  aims;  benevolent,  self-sacrificing;  hold- 
ing the  things  of  the  world  in  positive  contempt;  an  enthusiast  in  re- 
ligion, independent  in  her  opinions,  and  fearless  in  advocacy  of  them. 
With  her  husband  and  their  children,  she  left  England  and  came  to 
Massachusetts  Bay  in  1636.  Settling  in  Boston,  she  immediately  en- 
tered upon  a  career  of  religious  teaching  and  proselytizing.  "  Every 
week  she  gathered  around  her  in  her  comfortable  dwelling  a  congre- 
gation of  fifty  or  eighty  women,  and  urged  them  to  repentance  and 
good  deeds.  Soon  her  meetings  were  held  twice  a  week;  a  religious 
revival  swept  over  the  colony."  But,  careful  not  to  offend  against  the 
decorum  of  the  church,  she  confined  her  formal  spiritual  labors  to 
the  women,  declining  to  address  the  men,  although  many  of  the  latter, 
including  some  of  the  principal  personages,  visited  her,  and  came 
under  her  personal  and  intellectual  influence.  Among  her  cordial 
friends  and  supporters  were  Harry  Vane,  the  young  governor  of  the 
colony;  Mr.  Colton,  the  favorite  preacher;  Coddington,  the  wealthy 
citizen;  and  Captain  John  Underbill,  the  hero  of  the  Pequod  wars, 
who,  accepting  a  commission   from  the  Dutch  in  their  sanguinary 


struggle  with  the  Indians,  was  the  leader  of  the  celebrated  expedi- 
tionary force  which,  in  UUi,  the  year  aftiT  the  nnirdcr  of  Mrs.  Iliilch- 
inson,  marched  into  the  heart  of  ^^'estchester  County  and  wreaked 
dire  vengeance  for  that  and  other  bloody  deeds.  To  the  work  of  in- 
struction she  added  a  large  practical  philanthropy,  assisting  the  poor 
and  ministering  to  the  sick. 

But  it  was  not  long  before  Mrs.  Hutchinson,  by  the  independence  of 
her  opinions,  excited  the  serious  displeasure  of  the  rigid  Puritan  ele- 
ment. Her  precise  doctrinal  offense  against  the  established  stand- 
ards concerned,  says  a  sympathetic  writer,  "  a  point  so  nice  and  finely 
drawn  that  the  modern  intellect  passes  it  by  in  disdain;  a  difference 
so  faint  that  one  can  scarcely  represent  it  in  words.  Mrs.  Hutchinson 
taught  that  the  Holy  Spirit  was  a  person  and  was  united  with  the  be- 
liever; the  Church,  that  the  Spirit  descended  upon  man  not  as  a  per- 
son. Mrs.  Hutchinson  taught  that  justification  came  from  faith,  and 
not  fr(jni  works;  the  Church  scarcely  ventured  to  define  its  own  doc- 
trine, but  contented  itself  with  vague  declamation."  Although  at 
fli'st  the  Hutchinsonians  were  triumphant,  especially  in  Boston, 
where  nearly  the  entire  population  were  on  their  side,  the  i^ower  of 
the  church  speedily  made  itself  felt.  On  August  30,  1G37,  the  first 
synod  held  in  America  assembled  at  Cambridge,  its  object  being  "to 
determine  the  true  doctrines  of  the  church  and  to  discover  and  de- 
nounce the  errors  of  the  Hutchinsonians."  Eighty-two  heresies  were 
defined  and  condemned,  certain  individual  offenders  were  punished 
or  admonished,  and  Mrs.  Hutchinson's  meetings  were  declared  disor- 
derly and  forbidden.  Meantime  Vane  bad  been  deposed  as  governor, 
and  Winthrop,  an  unrelenting  opponent  of  innovations,  elected  in  his 
stead.  In  the  following  November  Anne  was  publicly  tried  at  Cam- 
bridge. "Although  in  a  condition  of  health  that  might  well  have 
awakened  manly  sympathy,  and  that  even  barbarians  have  been 
known  to  respect,  her  enemies  slmwed  her  no  compassion.  She  was 
forced  to  stand  up  before  the  judges  until  she  almost  fell  to  the  floor 
from  weakness.  Xo  food  was  allowed  her  dui'ing  the  trial,  and  even 
the  members  of  the  court  grew  faint  from  hunger.  She  was  allowed 
no  counsel;  no  friend  stood  at  her  side;  her  accusers  were  also  hei- 
judges."  She  was  condemned  by  a  unanimous  vote,  and  senlenced 
lo  be  imprisoned  during  the  winter  in  the  house  of  the  iniolerant 
Joseph  Welde,  and  to  be  banished  in  the  spring  from  the  colony. 
While  in  duress  pending  her  exile,  she  was  excommunicated  by  the 
Mrst  Church  of  Boston  for  "  i.-lling  a  lie."  In  March,  1G3S.  llie 
Hutchinson  family  left  Boston  and  removed  to  Rhode  Island.  There 
riiey  r(>mained  until  after  tin-  death  of  ]\rr.  Hutchinson,  in  lfi42.  when 
Anne  residved  to  seek  another  home  under  tlie  Dutch,  and  came  to 
what  is  now  Pelham,  at  that  time  a  complete  wilderness. 


Thwe  is  uo  record  uf  land  purrhasi'  Iroiii  llic  Indians  by  Mix. 
Hutehiuson  or  auj  of  her  party.  This  is  uudoubtediy  for  the  reason 
]M.into(l  out  by  Bolton,  that  tlie  wliole  cohmy  Avas  exterminated  before 
[)iU(  hase  eould  be  coinpleted.  Indeed,  it  does  not  appear  that  even 
the  formality  of  procuriuo;  Avritteu  license  from  the  Dutch  authorities 
to  settle  in  the  country  had  yet  been  observed.  The  massacre  oc- 
curred in  September  of  1(>4;).  It  is  said  that  an  Indian  came  to  Mrs. 
Hutchinson's  home  one  moruiuji',  professing  friendship.  Findinji  that 
the  little  colony  was  utterly  defenseless,  he  returned  in  the  evening 
with  a  numerous  party,  wiiich  at  once  proceed(-d  to  the  business  of 
slaughter.  According  to  tradition,  the  leader  of  the  murderous  In- 
dians was  a  chief  named  Wainpage,  who  subsequently  called  himself 
••  Ann-Iloock,"  following  a  friMpient  custom  among  the  savages,  by 
which  a  warrior  or  brave  assumed  the  name  of  his  victim.  In  1654, 
eleven  years  later,  this  Wampage,  as  one  of  the  i^rincipal  Indian  pro- 
prietors of  the  locality,  deeded  land  to  Thomas  Pell,  over  tlu-  signa- 
ture of  ••  Anu-Hoock."  A  portion  (d'  the  peninsula  of  Pelham  Neck 
was  h)ng  known  by  the  names  (d'  "  Annie's  Hoeck  "  and  the  "  ^lanor 
of  Ann  Iloeck's  Neck."  r.olton,  referring  to  various  conjeclures  as 
to  the  site  of  Anne's  residence,  inclines  to  tlie  opinion  that  it  was 
"located  on  the  jirojierty  of  George  A.  Prevoost,  Es(|.,  of  Pelham, 
near  the  road  leading  to  thi'  Neck,  on  the  old  Indian  Path."  The 
only  one  of  Mrs.  Hutchinson's  company  spared  by  the  attacking  party 
was  her  youngest  daughter,  quite  a  small  (diild,  who,  after  being  held 
in  captivity  four  years,  was  rtdeased  through  the  efforts  of  the  Dutch 
governor  and  restored  to  her  friends;  but  it  is  said  that  she  "  had 
forgotten  her  native  language,  and  was  unwilling  to  be  taken  from 
the  Indians."  This  girl  married  a  3Ir.  ('(de,  of  Kingston,  in  the  Nar- 
ragansett  country,  and  "  lived  to  a  considerable  age."  One  of  the 
sons  of  Anne  Tlutchinson,  who  had  remained  in  lioston  when  ids  par- 
ents and  the  younger  children  left  there  in  l(i3S,  became  the  founder 
of  an  important  colonial  family,  numltering  among  its  members  the 
Tory  governor  Hutihinsun,  of  the  Kev(dution;  also  a  grown-up 
daughter  of  Mrs.  Hutchinson's  married  and  left  descendants  in  New 

In  the  autumn  of  l(i42,  a  few  mouths  after  Anne  ITutcliinson's  first 
appearance  on  the  banks  of  the  llutclunson  Kiver,  the  foundations  of 
another  notable  English  settlement  on  the  Sound  were  laid.  John 
Throckmorton,  in  behalf  of  himself  and  associates  (among  whom  was 
])robably  his  friend,  Thomas  Cornell),  obtained  from  the  Dutch  gov- 
ernment a  license,  dated  October  2,  1(U2,  authorizing  settlement 
within  three  Dutch  (tw(dve  English)  miles  "of  Amsterdam."  In 
this  license  it  was  recited  that  "  whereas  ^Ir.  Throckmorton,  with  his 


associates,  solicits  to  settle  with  thirtytive  lamilies  w  iiliin  the  limits 
of  tlie  jurisdictiou  of  their  Hi^h  Miiihtiiiesses,  to  reside  there  iu  i)eace 
and  <'UJo3-  tlie  same  privileges  as  our  other  stilijects,  and  be  favored 
with  the  free  exercise  of  their  reliiiion,"  and  there  beiin;-  no  dansier 
that  injnrv  to  tlie  interests  of  the  West  India  Company  would  result 
from  the  proposed  settlement,  "  more  so  as  the  Euiilish  are  to  settle 
at  a  distance  of  three  miles  from  us,""  '•  so  it  is  granted."  The  locality 
selected  by  Throckmorton  was  Throgg's  Xeck  (so  called  from  his 
name,  corrupted  into  Thro.uinorton),  and  ap]»arently  the  colony  was 
ItCiiim  forthwith.  By  the  ensuinii  sjn'iui:  various  im])rovemenls  had 
been  made,  and  on  July  6,  1643,  a  land-brief,  signed  by  IHrector  Kieft, 
'•  by  order  of  the  noble  lords,  the  director  and  cottncil  of  New  Nether- 
land,"  was  granted  to  "Jan  Throckmorton,"  coniprising  "a  jnece  of 
land  (being  a  portion  of  Vredeland),  containing  as  follows:  Along  the 
East  River  of  New  Netherland,  extending  from  the  point  half  a  mile, 
which  i)iece  of  land  aforesaid  is  surrounded  on  one  side  by  a  little 
river,  and  on  the  other  side  by  a  great  kill,  which  river  and  kill,  on 
high  water  running,  meet  each  other,  surrounding  the  laud."  The 
term  "  \'redeland  "  mentioned  in  the  brief  (meaning  Free  Land  or 
Land  of  Peace)  was  the  general  name  given  by  the  Dutch  to  this  and 
ailjaceut  territory  along  the  i^ciund,  whicli  was  the  chosen  i)lace  of 
refuge  for  persons  tieeing  from  New  I'^ngland  for  religious  reasons. 

John  Throckmorton,  the  patentee,  emigrated  from  Worcester 
t'ounty,  England,  to  the  3Iassachusetts  colony,  in  1('(:U.  He  was  iu 
Salem  as  late  as  1(!30;  but,  embracing  the  Baptist  faith,  removed  soon 
afterwaril  to  lihode  Island,  where  he  sustained  relations  of  intimacy 
with  lloger  Williams.  It  is  well  known  that  Williams  came  to  New 
Netherland  in  the  winter  of  l(iI2-43,  in  onler  to  obtain  passage  for 
Europe  on  a  Dutch  vessel,  and  it  is  not  improbable  that  Throckmorton 
aci'om]ianied  him  on  his  journey  to  the  Dtitch  settlements  from  lihode 

One  of  Throckmorton's  c()m]>atiiots  was  Thomas  Coi'nell,  who  later 
settled  and  gave  his  name  to  ("ornelTs  Neck,  called  by  the  Indians 
Pnaka])ins.  He  emigrated  to  ^lassachusetts  from  Essex,  I'^nghind, 
about  l(i;'>();  ke]it  an  inn  in  Boston  for  a  time;  went  to  IJliode  Island 
in  1(!41;  and  from  there  came  to  the  ^'redeland  of  New  Netherland. 
On  the  2()th  of  July,  104(),  he  was  granted  by  the  Dutch  a  patent  to  a 
"certain  piece  of  land  lying  on  the  East  I{i\er,  beginning  from  the 
kill  of  Broiick's  land,  east-southeast  along  the  river,  extending  about 
half  a  Dutch  mile  from  the  river  to  a  little  ci-eek  over  tht^  valley 
(marsh)  which  runs  back  around  this  land."  This  patent  for  Cor- 
nell's Neck  was  issued  at  about  the  same  lime  that  the  grant  to 
Adrian  ^'an  der  Donck  of  what   is  now  Yonkers  was  made.      The 


Cornell  aud  Van  der  Douck  patents  Avere  the  first  ones  of  record  to 
lands  in  Westchester  County  bestowed  by  Dutch  authority  subse- 
quently to  the  Throckmorton  grant  of  1643.  It  is  claimed  for  Thomas 
Cornell,  of  CornelTs  Neck,  that  hv  was  the  earliest  settler  in  West- 
chester County  whose  descendants  have  been  continuously  identified 
with  the  county  to  the  present  day.  He  was  the  ancestor  of  Ezra 
Cornell,  founder  of  Cornell  T'uiversity,  aud  Alonzo  B.  Cornell,  gov- 
ernor of  New  York.  His  part  in  the  first  settlement  of  the  county 
has  been  traced  iu  au  interesting  aud  valuable  pamphlet  from  the  pen 
of  (ioveruor  Cornell.^  Both  Throckmorton  aud  C(U-uell  escaped  the 
murderous  fury  of  the  Indians  to  which  Anne  Hutchinson  fell  a  vic- 
tim iu  the  fall  of  1(U:>.  It  is  supposed  that  they  were  in  New  Amster- 
dam at  tlie  time  \\ilh  llicir  families,  or  at  all  events  with  some  of  their 
children.  Certain  it  is  that  tlic  inlaiir  seitlcment  on  Throgg's  Neck 
was  not  S])ared.  (ioveruor  \\'iiitliro]i  of  Massaclnisetts,  iu  liis  "■  His- 
tory of  New  England  from  Hi'M)  to  1040,"  says:  "  They  [the  Indians] 
came  to  ^Irs.  Htitchinson  in  way  of  friendly  neighborhood  as  they  had 
been  accust(uued,  and,  taking  tlieir  opportunity,  they  killed  her  and 
Mr.  Collins,  lier  son-iulaw,  .  .  .  and  all  her  fauuly,  and  such 
of  Mr.  Throckmortou's  and  ]\[r.  Cornell's  families  as  were  at  home,  in 
all  sixteen,  aud  put  their  cattle  into  their  barns  and  burned  them." 
Throi-kiuorton  did  not  return  to  the  Neck  to  Vive,  or  at  least  did  not 
make  that  place  his  permanent  abode.  In  1052  he  disposed  definitely 
of  the  whole  ]iroperty,  conveying  it,  by  virtue  of  jtermission  ]ietitioned 
for  and  obtained  from  the  Dutch  director-general,  to  one  Augustine 
Hermans.  From  hiiu  are  descended,  according  to  Bolton,  the  Tlirock- 
mortons  of  Middleto^n,  N.  ,T.  Coruell,  after  j-eceiving  the  grant  to 
CornelFs  Neck,  erecte(l  buildiugs  there,  which  he  oecuined  until 
forced  for  the  second  time  liy  hostile  Indian  manifestations  to  aban- 
don his  attempt  at  residence  in  the  \'redeland.  His  daughter  Sarah 
testified  in  September,  ItitJ-j,  that  he  "  was  at  considerable  charges  in 
building,  manuring,  and  planting  "  on  Cornell's  Neck,  and  that  after 
some  years  he  was  "  driven  off  tin*  said  land  by  the  barbarous  violence 
of  the  Indians,  who  burnt  his  home  and  goods  and  destroyed  his 
cattle."  This  daughter,  Sarah,  was  married  iu  New  Amsterdam  on 
the  1st  of  September,  1»;43,  to  Thomas  Willett.  She  inlierited  Cor- 
nell's Neck  from  her  father,  and  it  remained  in  the  possession  of  her 
descendants — the  Willetts,  of  whom  several  were  men  of  great  prom- 
inence in  our  county — for  more  than  a  century.  Thomas  Cornell, 
after  being  driven  away  from  Cornell's  Neck,  returned  to  Rhode  Is- 
land, where  he  died  in  1655. 

*  Some  Beginnings  of  Westchester  County  History.     Published  for  the  Westchester  County  Historical  Society,  1890. 


lu  the  preceding  pages  we  have  consecutively  traced  the  several 
known  (Efforts  at  settlement  along  the  southeastern  shores  of  West- 
ciicster  County,  from  the  time  of  Jonas  Brouck's  i^urohase  on  the 
Harlem  to  that  of  Thomas  Cornell's  flight  from  the  ruins  of  his  home 
on  Cornell's  Xeck,  covering  a  period  of  ten  years,  more  or  loss.  It  is 
a  meager  and  discouraging  record.  By  reference  to  the  map,  it  will 
be  observed  that  all  these  first  Westchester  settlements  were  closely 
contiguous  to  one  another,  and  embraced  a  continuous  extent  of  terri- 
tory. Bronck's  patent  reached  to  the  mouth  of  the  Bronx  River,  and 
was  there  joined  by  Cornell's;  beyond  which,  successively,  were 
Throckmorton's  grant  and  the  domain  occupied  by  Anne  Hutchinson. 
It  is  also  of  interest  to  note  that  the  upper  boundary  of  the  four  tracts 
corresponded  almost  exactly  with  the  present  corporate  limits  of  the 
Citv  of  New  York  on  the  Sound. 




HE  troubles  of  the  Dutch  with  the  Indians,  to  which  rrc<iucnt 
allusion  lias  been  made,  beiian  in  KUl,  as  the  result  of  a 
revengeful  personal  act,  capitally  ilhistrating  the  vindic- 
tiveness  of  the  Indian  character.      In  KlliCi.  fifteen  years  be- 
fore, a  venerable  Indian  warrior,  accompanied  by  his  nephew,  a  lad 


of  tender  age,  came  to  New  Amsterdam  with  S(uue  furs,  which  he  in- 
tended to  sell  at  the  fort.  Passing  by  the  edge  of  the  "  Collect,''  a 
natural  pond  in  the  lower  part  of  Manhattan  Island,  lie  was  stopped 


by  three  laborers  belonging-  to  the  farm  of  Director  Minuit  (said  to 
have  been  negroes),  who,  coveting  the  valnable  property  which  he 
bore,  slew  him  and  made  off  with  the  goods,  bnt  permitted  the  boy  to 
escape.  The  latter,  after  the  cnstoni  of  his  race  in  circumstances  of 
personal  grievance,  made  a  vow  of  vengeance,  which  in  KUl,  having 
arrived  at  manhood's  estate,  he  executed  in  the  most  deliberate  and 
cruel  manner.  He  one  day  entered  the  shop  of  Claes  Cornelisz  Smits, 
a  wheelwright  living  near  Turtle  Bay,  in  the  vicinity  of  Forty-fifth 
street  and  the  East  Kiver.  The  Dutcliman,  who  knew  him  well,  sus- 
pected no  harm,  and,  after  setting  food  before  him,  Avent  to  a  chest  to 
get  some  cloth  which  the  young  savage  had  said  he  came  to  purchase. 
The  other  fell  upon  him  from  btdund,  and  struck  him  dead  with  an 
ax.  This  terrible  deed  aroused  strong  feeling  throughout  the  settle- 
ments, and  Director  Kieft  demanded  satisfaction  of  the  chief  of  the 
Weckquaesgecks,  the  tribe  to  which  the  offender  belonged.  An  exas- 
perating answer  was  returned,  to  the  effect  that  the  accused  had  but 
avenged  a  wrong,  and  that,  in  the  private  opinion  of  the  chief,  it 
would  not  have  been  excessive  if  twenty  Chi-istians  had  been  killed 
in  retaliation.  The  only  recourse  now  left  was  to  declare  war  against 
tlie  savages,  and  to  this  end  all  tlii»  heads  of  families  were  summoned 
to  meet  on  August  29,  1641,  "  for  the  consideration  of  some  important 
and  necessary  matters."  The  assembled  citizens  selected  a  council 
(if  twelve  men,  who,  upon  advising  togetlier,  recommended  tliat  fur- 
ther elVorts  be  made  to  have  the  murderer  delivered  up  to  justice.  All 
endeavors  in  this  line  proving  unsuccessful,  war  was  declared  in  the 
spring  of  1642.  Hendrick  Van  Dyck,  an  ensign  in  the  company's 
service,  was  placed  in  command  of  eighty  men,  with  instructions  to 
l)roceed  against  the  Weckquaesgecks  and  ''  execute  summary  ven- 
geance upon  that  tribe  with  fire  and  sword."'  This  party  crossed  into 
our  county,  and,  under  the  direction  of  a  guide  supposed  to  be  experi- 
enced and  trustworthy,  marched  through  the  -noods  with  the  intent 
of  attacking  the  Indian  village,  which  then  occupied  the  site  of  Dobbs 
I'erry.  But  they  lost  their  way,  and  were  obliged  to  come  inglori- 
ously  back.  Shortly  afterward  a  treaty  of  peace  -was  signed  at 
Bronck's  house,  the  Indians  engaging  to  give  up  the  murderer  of 
Smits,  dead  or  alive.  The  first  period  of  tlic  war  Avas  thus  brought 
to  an  end. 

Bnt  causes  of  irritation  still  existed,  which  w^ere  not  done  away 
with  as  time  passed.  The  assassin  was  not  surrendered  according  to 
agreement,  and  the  savages  continued  to  commit  outrages,  which 
greatly  incensed  the  not  too  amiable  Dutch  director-general.  The 
next  event  of  importance  was  an  act  of  aggression  against  the  In- 
ilians,  quite  as  barbarous  as  any  ever  perpetrated  by  the  latter,  which 


has  covered  Kieft's  name  with  infamy.  Early  in  Februarj',  1643,  a 
band  of  Mohawks  from  the  north  made  a  descent  upon  the  Mohican 
tribes,  for  the  purpose  of  levying  tribute.  Many  of  the  Weck- 
quaesgecks  and  Tappaens,  to  escape  death  at  the  hands  of  the  in- 
vaders, fled  to  the  Dutch  settlements;  and  thus  large  parties  of 
Indian  fugitives  belonging  in  part  to  a  tribe  against  whom  Kieft 
cherished  bitter  resentment  were  graduallj-  congregated  within  close 
proximity  to  New  Amsterdam.  The  dii'ector,  seizing  the  opportunity 
for  vengeance  thus  presented,  secretly  dispatched  a  body  of  soldiers 
across  the  Hudson  to  Pavonia,  which  had  been  selected  by  most  of 
the  fleeing  savages  as  their  headquarters,  and  on  the  night  between 
the  25th  and  26th  of  February  these  natives  were  indiscriminately 
massacred.  "  Nearly  a  hundred,"  says  Bancroft,  "  perished  in  the 
carnage.  Daybreak  did  not  end  its  horrors;  men  might  be  seen, 
mangled  and  helpless,  suffering  from  cold  and  hunger;  children  were 
tossed  into  the  stream,  and  as  their  parents  plunged  to  their  rescue 
the  soldiers  prevented  their  landing,  that  both  child  and  parent  might 
drown."  Similar  scenes  were  enacted  at  Corlaer's  Hook,  where  forty 
Indians  wore  slaughtered.  In  1886  the  renmins  of  some  of  these  vic- 
tims of  Kieft's  inhumanity  and  treachery  were  unearthed  by  persons 
making  excavations  at  Communipaw  Avenue  and  Halliday  Street, 
Jersey  City.  A  newspaper  report  published  at  the  time,  after  recit- 
ing the  historical  facts  of  the  tragedy,  gave  the  following  particulars: 
"Trenches  were  dug  [by  the  soldiers]  and  the  bodies  thrown  into  them 
indiscriminately.  The  scene  of  the  butchery  is  now  known  as  Lafay- 
ette, and  after  nearly  two  and  a  half  centuries  one  of  the  trenches  has 
been  opened.  Crowds  gathered  around  the  place  yesterday  while  the 
excavating  was  going  on,  and  looked  at  the  skulls  and  bones.  The 
number  of  the  bodies  can  only  be  determined  by  means  of  the  skulls, 
as  the  bones  are  all  mixed  together,  and  many  of  them  crumble  at  the 
touch  into  fine  dust."  ^ 

A  furious  war  of  revenge  was  now  proclaimed  by  the  savages,  a 
general  alliance  of  the  tribes  being  effected.  Even  the  Long  Island 
Indians,  who  had  formerly  dwelt  on  terms  of  amity  with  the  settlers, 
rose  against  the  common  white  foe.  The  settlement  planted  in  the 
previous  year  at  I\Iasi)eth  by  the  Rev.  Francis  Doughty,  father  of 
Ellas  Doughty,  who  in  1666  became  the  purchaser  of  Van  der  Donck's 
patroonship  of  Yonkers,  was  entirely  swept  away;  and  another  Eng- 
lish settlement  at  C.ravesend.  presided  over  by  Lady  ]\Ioody  fan  exile 
from  Now  England,  like  Anne  Hutchinson,  on  account  of  religious 
belief),  was  three  times  fiercely  attacked,  but,  being  excellently  stock- 
aded, successfully  resisted  the  desperate  assailants.     Historical  writ- 

1  New  York  Trihiinr,  April  23, 1SS6. 


ers  upon  this  gloomy  period  vie  witli  each  other  in  vivid  descriptions 
of  its  terrors.  "The  tonialiawk,  llic  firctirand,  and  scalpin^i-lcnife," 
says  O'Callaghan,  "  were  clutched  witli  all  the  ferocity  of  frenzy,  and 
the  war-whoop  rang  from  the  Karitan  to  the  Connecticut. 
Every  settler  on  whom  they  laid  liands  was  nuirdered,  women  and 
children  dragged  into  captivity,  and,  though  the  settlements  around 
Fort  Amsterdam  extended,  at  this  period,  thirty  English  miles  to  the 
east  and  twenty-one  to  the  north  and  south,  the  enemy  burned  the 
dwellings,  desolated  the  farms  and  farmhouses,  killed  the  cattle,  de- 
stroyed the  crops  of  grain,  hay,  and  tobacco,  laid  waste  the  country  all 
around,  and  drove  the  settlers,  panic-stricken,  into  Fort  Amsterdam." 
Roger  \Mlliams,  who  was  in  New  Amsterdam  during  that  eventful 
spring  writes :  "  Mine  eyes  saw  the  flames  of  their  towns,  the  frights 
and  hurries  of  men,  women,  and  children,  and  the  present  removal  of 
all  who  could  to  Holland."  Nevertheless,  after  a  few  weeks  of  violent 
aggression,  the  Indians  were  persuaded  to  sign  another  peace,  nego- 
tiated mainly  through  the  prudent  efforts  of  the  patroon  David  Pie- 
tersen  de  Yries.  This  treaty  included  the  solemn  declaration  that 
"  all  injuries  committed  by  the  said  natives  against  the  Netherland- 
ers,  or  by  the  Netherlanders  against  said  natives,  shall  be  forgiven 
and  forgotten  forever,  reciprocally  promising  one  the  other  to  cause 
no  trouble  the  one  to  the  other." 

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  Dutch,  alarmed  for  the  very  existence  of 
their  New  Netherland  colony,  this  time  most  scrupulously  observed 
the  compact  entered  into;  but  the  Indians,  still  restless  and  unsa- 
tiated,  renewed  hostilities  with  the  expiration  of  the  summer  season. 
In  September  they  attacked  and  captui'ed  two  boats  descending  the 
river  from  Fort  Orange,  and,  resuming  their  programme  of  promiscu- 
ous slaughter,  they  soon  afterward  murdered  the  New  England  refu- 
gees on  the  coast  of  the  Sound  and  burnt  their  dwellings.  It  was 
consequently  resolved  by  the  Dutch  to  take  up  arms  once  more,  and, 
if  possible,  administer  a  crushing  blow  to  the  power  of  their  enemy,  a 
residve  which,  during  the  ensuing  winter,  tliey  were  enabled  by  good 
fortune  to  realize,  at  least  to  the  limit  of  reasonable  expectation. 

Kieft  first  sent  a  force  to  scour  Staten  Island,  which,  like  Van 
Dyck's  Westchester  expedition  of  1042,  i-eturned  without  results,  no 
foe  l)eing  encountered.  A  detachment  of  one  hundred  and  twenty 
men  was  then  dispatched  by  water  to  the  English  settlement  of 
OrccTiwicli,  on  tlie  Sound,  it  having  l)e(Mi  reported  that  a  large  body 
of  hostile  Indians  was  encamped  in  tlie  vicinity  of  that  place.  Disap- 
pointment was  also  experienced  there.  After  marching  all  night 
A\ithout  fiiiding  the  expected  enemy,  the  tr()0])s  came  to  StamforcT, 
where  they  halted  to  wait  for  fresh  information.     From  here  a  raid 



was  made  on  a  small  Indiau  village  iprobal)lY  lyini;-  within  West- 
chester borders),  and  some  twenty  braves  were  put  to  death.  An 
aycd  Indian  who  had  been  taken  jn-isoner  nov,  volunteered  t»  lead  the 
Dutch  to  one  of  the  stron<iholds  of  the  natives,  consisting  of  three 
powerful  castles.  He  kept  his  promise;  but,  although  the  castles 
were  duly  found,  they  were  deserted.  Two  of  them  were  burned,  the 
third  being  reserved  for  purposes  of  retreat  in  case  of  emergencj-. 
Thus  the  second  armed  expedition  sent  into  Westchester  County  ac- 
coiiiplislied  comparatively  little  in  the  way  of  inflicting  the  long-de- 
sired punishment  upon  the  audacious  savages.  Numbers  of  West- 
chester Indians  (mostly  women  and  children)  were  captured  and  sent 
to  Fort  Amsterdam,  where,  as  testified  by  Dutch  official  records,  they 
were  treated  with  malignant  cruelty. 

The  next  move  was  somewhat  more  successful.  A  mixed  force  of 
English  and  Dutch,  commanded  jointly  by  Captain  John  ITnderhill, 
the  celebrated  Indian  fighter  from  Xew  England,  and  Sergeant  Peter 
Cock,  of  Fort  Amsterdam,  proceeded  to  the  neighborhood  of  Heem- 
stede  (Ilempstead),  Long  Island,  and  attacked  two  Indian  villages. 
INIore  than  a  hundred  Indians  were  killed,  the  Dutch  and  English  loss 
being  only  one  killed  and  three  wounded.  But  as  the  princij)al 
strength  of  the  enemy  was  known  to  be  in  the  regions  north  of  the 
Harlem  TJiver,  whence  the  Avarriors  Avho  slew  the  settlers  and  de- 
vastated the  fields  of  Manhattan  Island  were  constantly  emerging,  it 
was  deemed  indispensable  to  conduct  decisive  operations  in  that 
quarter.  Captain  IJnderhill,  whose  long  exjterience  and  known  dis- 
cretion in  savage  warfare  indicated  him  as  the  man  for  the  occasion, 
was  sent  to  Stamford,  with  orders  to  investigate  and  report  upon  the 
situation.  Being  trustworthily  informed  that  a  very  numerous  body 
of  the  Indians  was  assembled  at  a  village  at  no  great  distance,  and 
placing  confidence  in  the  representations  of  a  guide  Avho  claimed  to 
know  the  way  to  the  locality,  he  advised  prompt  action.  Director 
Kit'ft,  ailojiting  his  recommendation,  plac(>d  him  in  command  of  one 
hundred  and  thirty  armed  men,  who  were  immediately  transported 
on  three  yndits  to  Greenwich.  This  was  in  the  month  of  Febru- 
ary, WU.' 

A  raging  snowstorm  jirevented  the  forward  movement  of  the  troops 
from  Creenwich  for  the  greater  part  of  a  day  and  night.  But  the 
weather  l)cing  more  favorable  the  next  morning,  they  set  out  about 
daybreak,  and,  led  by  (he  guide,  advanced  in  a  general  northwest- 
wai-dly  direction.  It  was  a  toilsome  all-day  niar^h  through  deep 
snow  and  oxer  mountainous  hills  ami  frequent  streams,  some  of  the 
latter  being  scarcely  fordable.  At  eight  o'clock  in  the  evening  they 
halted  within  a  few  miles  of  the  village,  "which  had  been  carefullv 


arranji^ed  for  winter  quarters,  laj-  sniifilj'  ensconced  in  a  low  moun- 
tain recess,  completely  sheltered  from  the  bleak  northerly  winds,  and 
consisted  of  a  large  number  of  huts  disposed  in  three  streets,  each 
about  eighty  paces  long."  After  allowing  his  men  two  hours  of  rest 
and  slrengthenlng  them  with  abundant  refreshments,  Uuderhill  gave 
the  word  to  resume  the  march.  The  enterprise,  attended  by  extreme 
liardsliips  up  to  this  time,  was  now,  in  its  final  stage,  favored  bj' 
peculiarly  satisfactory  conditions.  It  was  near  midnight,  the  snow 
completely  deadened  the  footsteps  of  the  avenging  host,  and  a  bril- 
liant full  moon  was  shining — "  a  winter's  day  could  not  be  brighter." 
O'Callaghan,  in  his  "  History  of  New  Netherland,"  gives  the  follow- 
ing account  of  the  resulting  conflict: 

The  Inilians  were  as  iiiiieh  on  the  alert  as  tlieir  enemy.  They  soon  disoovered  the  Dnteh 
troops,  who  eharged  forthwith,  surrounding-  the  oainp,  sword  in  hand.  The  Indians  evineed 
on  this  occasion  eonsiderahle  boldness,  and  made  a  rush  onee  or  twice  to  break  the  Dutch 
lines  and  open  some  way  for  escape.  But  in  this  they  failed,  leaving  one  dead  and  twelve 
prisoners  in  the  hands  of  the  assailants,  who  now  kept  up  such  a  brisk  fire  that  it  was  imj)os- 
sible  for  any  of  the  besieged  to  escape.  After  a  desperate  conflict  of  an  hour,  one  hundred 
and  eighty  Indians  lay  dead  on  the  snow  outside  their  dwellings.  Not  one  of  the  survivors 
diirst  now  show  his  face.  They  remained  under  cover,  discharging  their  arrows  from  behind, 
to  the  great  annoyance  of  the  Dutch  troops.  Underbill,  now  .seeing  no  other  way  to  overcome 
the  obstinate  resistance  of  the  foe,  gave  orders  to  fire  their  huts.  The  order  was  forthwith 
obe3'ed;  the  wretched  inmates  endeavoring  in  every  way  to  escape  from  the  horrid  tlames,  but 
mostly  without  success.  The  moment  they  made  their  appearance  they  rushed  or  were  driven 
preci|iitatelv  back  into  their  burning  hovels,  preferring  to  be  consumed  by  tire  than  to  fall  l)y 
our  weapons.  In  this  merciless  manner  were  butchered,  as  some  of  the  Indians  afterward 
reported,  tive  hundred  human  beings.  Others  carry  the  number  to  .seven  hundred;  "the 
l>ord  having  collected  most  of  our  enemies  there  to  celebrate  some  pecidiar  festival."  Of 
the  whiile  party,  no  more  than  eight  men  escaped  thi.i  terrible  slaughter  hy  Jire  and  sword.  Three 
of  these  were  badly  wounded.  Throughout  the  entire  carnage  not  one  of  the  sufferers — man, 
woman,  or  child — was  heard  to  utter  a  shriek  or  moan. 

This  battle,  if  battle  it  may  be  called,  was  by  far  the  most  sanguin- 
ary ever  fought  on  Westchester  soil.  At  White  Plains,  the  most 
considerable  Westchester  engagement  of  the  Kevolutiou,  the  com- 
bined losses  of  both  sides  in  killed,  wounded,  and  missing  did  not 
reach  four  hundred. 

The  site  of  the  exterminated  Indian  village  has  been  exactly  lo- 
cated by  Bolton.  It  was  called  NanichiestaAvack,  and  was  in  the  Town 
(township)  of  Bedford,  not  far  from  the  present  Bedford  village.  It 
"occupied  the  southern  spur  of  Indian  Kill,  sometimes  called  the 
Indian  P^'arm,  and  Stony  Point  (or  Hill),  stretching  toward  tiie  north- 
west. There  is  a  most  romantic  approach  to  the  site  of  the  mountain 
fastness  by  a  steep,  narrow,  beaten  track  opposite  to  Stamford  cart- 
path,  as  it  was  formerly  denominated,  which  followed  tlir  old  Indian 
trail  called  the  Thoroughfare."  The  i»ictures(|ue  ^lianns  Kiver  lh)\vs 
by  the  scene.  The  last  ghastly  memorials  of  the  slaughter  have  long 
since  passed  away,  but  local  tradition  preseiwes  the  recollection  of 


many  iiioimds  uuder  whicU  the  bones  of  the  slaiu  were  interred.  They 
were  i)r()bably  laid  tliere  by  friendly  hands.  Underliill,  in  the  bitter 
winter  season,  with  his  small  and  exhausted  party,  and  with  no  im- 
plements for  turning  the  frozen  sod,  naturally  could  not  tarry  to  give 
burial  to  five  hundred  corpses. 

Captain  John  Underbill  is  an  entirely  unique  figure  in  early  Amer- 
ican colonial  history,  both  English  and  Dutch.  Although  his  name, 
when  mentioned  apart  from  any  specific  connection,  is  usually  asso- 
ciated with  New  England,  he  belongs  at  least  equally  to  New  Nether- 
laud  and  New  Yoi'k.  Indeed,  during  more  than  two-thirds  of  his 
residence  in  America  he  lived  within  the  confines  of  the  present  State 
of  New  York,  where  most  of  his  descendants  have  continued.  West- 
chester County,  by  his  prowess  rescued  from  the  anarchy  into  which 
it  had  been  thrown  by  the  aboriginal  barbarians  and  established  on  a 
secure  foundation  for  practical  development,  became  the  home  of  one 
of  his  sons,  Nathaniel  Underbill,  from  whom  a  large  and  conspicuous 
family  of  the  county  has  descended. 

The  captain  sprang  from  the  old  Underhill  stock  of  Huningham,  in 
Warwickshire,  England.  He  was  born  about  1600,  and  eaidy  im- 
bibed an  ardent  love  of  liberty,  civic  and  religious,  by  his  service  as  a 
soldier  under  the  illustrious  Maurice  of  Nassau,  Prince  of  Orange,  in 
the  Low  Countries,  where  he  had  for  one  of  his  comrades-at-arms  the 
noted  Captain  Miles  Standish.  Coming  to  New  England  with  Gov- 
ernor \\'inthrop,  he  immediately  took  a  prominent  place  in  the  Massa- 
chusetts colony,  being  appointed  one  of  tlic  first  deputies  from  Boston 
to  the  General  Court,  and  one  of  the  earliest  officers  of  the  Ancient 
and  Honorable  Artillery  Company.  In  the  Pequod  War  (1G3G-37)  he 
was  selected  by  the  governor.  Sir  Harry  ^'ane  (who  was  hiu  personal 
friend),  to  command  the  colonial  troops;  and,  proceeding  to  the  seat 
of  the  disturbances  in  Connecticut,  he  fought  (May  2G,  1637)  the  des- 
perate and  victorious  battle  of  Mystic  Hill.  In  this  encounter  seven 
hundred  Pequods  were  arrayed  against  him,  of  whom  seven  ^yeYe 
taken  prisoners,  seven  escaped,  and  the  remainder  were  killed — a 
record  almost  identical,  it  will  be  noted,  with  that  made  at  the  battle 
in  our  Bedford  township  in  1611.  Captain  Underhill  felt  no  compunc- 
tions of  conscience  for  the  dreadful  and  almost  exterminating  de- 
structiveness  of  his  victories  over  the  Indians.  In  his  narrative  of 
the  Mystic  Hill  fight,  alluding  to  this  feature  of  tJie  subject,  he  says: 
"  It  may  be  demanded:  V^'hj  should  you  be  so  furious?  Should  not 
Christians  have  more  mercy  and  compassion?  But  I  would  refer 
you  to  David's  war.  When  a  ]H'ople  is  grown  to  sucii  a  height  of 
blood  and  sin  against  God  and  man,  and  alLcon federates  in  the  ac- 
tion, then  He  hath  no  respect  to  persons,  but  harrows  and  saws  them, 


and  puts  them  to  the  sword  aud  the  most  terriblest  death  that  may  be. 
Sometimes  the  Scripture  declareth  that  women  and  children  must 
IHTish  with  their  parents;  sometimes  the  ease  alters,  but  we  will  not 
dispute  it  now.  We  had  suilicieut  light  from  the  Word  of  God  I'or 
our  proceedings." 

Esiiousing  the  religious  doctrines  and  personal  cause  of  Anne 
LIutchiuson,  Captain  Underhill  sull'ered  persecution  in  common  with 
the  other  Hutchinsonians,  and  in  the  fall  of  1637,  only  a  few  months 
after  his  triumphant  return  from  the  wars,  was  disfranchised  and 
forced  to  leave  Massachusetts.  He  went  to  England  the  next  year, 
and  published  a  curious  book,  entitled  "  News  from  America;  or,  A 
Now  and  Experimental  Discoverie  of  New  England:  Containing  a 
true  relation  of  their  warlike  proceedings  there,  two  years  last  past, 
with  a  figure  of  the  Indian  Fort,  or  Palizado.  By  Capt.  John  Under- 
hill, a  commander  in  the  warres  there."  Eeturulng  to  America,  he 
settled  in  New  Hampshire.  Later,  he  lived  in  Stamford,  Conn.,  and 
was  a  delegate  from  that  toAvn  to  the  General  Court  at  New  Haven. 
From  the  time  that  he  accepted  his  commission  from  the  Dutch  in 
their  wars  with  the  Indians  until  his  death  he  lived  on  Long  Island. 
He  first  resided  at  Flushing,  aud  finally  made  his  home  at  Oyster  Buy, 
where  he  died  July  21,  1672.  In  1653  he  was  active  in  defending  the 
English  colonists  of  Long  Island  against  the  hostilities  of  the  Indians, 
and  in  that  year  he  fought  his  last  battle  Avith  the  savages,  at  Fort 
Neck.  In  1665  he  was  a  delegate  from  the  Town  of  Oyster  Bay  to  the 
assembly  held  at  Hempstead  under  the  call  of  the  first  English  gov- 
ernor, Nicolls,  by  whom  he  was  later  appointed  under-sheriff  of  the 
North  Biding  of  Yorkshire,  or  Queens  County.  In  1667  he  was  pre- 
sented by  the  Matinecoc  Indians  with  one  hundred  and  fifty  acres  of 
land,  to  which  he  gave  the  name  of  Kenil  worth  or  Killingworlh.  A 
portion  of  this  tract  is  still  in  the  possession  of  his  descendants. 

The  character  and  personality  of  Captain  John  Underhill  have  been 
variously  estimated  and  pictured.  No  doubt  most  of  our  readers  are 
familiar  with  Whittier's  poem,  which  quite  idealizes  him: 

Cxoodly  and  stately  and  grave  to  see, 

Into  the  clearing's  space  rode  he, 

With  the  snn  on  the  liilt  of  his  sword  in  sheath, 

And  his  silver  hnekles  anil  sjiurs  l)en<'ath, 

And  the  settlers  welcinned  him,  one  and  all, 

From  swift  Quanipcagan  to  (ionic  Kail. 

"  Tarry  with  us,"  tlie  settlers  cried, 
"  Thou  man  of  God,  as  our  ruler  and  guide." 
And  Cajjlain  t'nderliill  l)i)wed  his   head, 
"  The  will  of  the  Lord  he  done!  "  he  said. 
And  the  morrow  heheld  liim  sitting  down 
In  the  ruler's  seat  in  Cocheeo  town. 


And  he  judged  therein  as  a  just  man  should; 
His  words  were  wise  and  liis  rule  was  good ; 
He  coveted  iu)t  his  neighbor's  land, 
From  the  holding  of  bribes  he  shook  his  hand ; 
And  through  the  camps  of  the  heathen  ran 
A  wholesome  fear  of  this  valiant  man. 

A  niuu  of  independent  and  fearless  convictions  he  unquestionably 
was,  as  also  of  conscientious  princiijles.  He  was  not,  however,  a 
typical  Puritan  hero;  and  it  is  not  frojn  the  gentle  and  reverent  muse 
of  Whittier,  which  loves  to  celebrate  the  grave  and  stately  (but  other- 
wise mostly  disagreeable)  forefathers  of  New  England,  that  a  faithful 
idea  of  the  Captain  John  Underbill  of  history  is  to  be  obtained.  His 
associations  during  his  very  brief  residence  in  Massachusetts  were 
certainly  not  with  the  representative  men  of  that  rigorous  and  somber 
order,  but  with  the  imaginative,  ardent,  and  sprightly  natures,  whose 
presence  was  felt  as  a  grievous  burden  upon  the  theocratic  state.  He 
was  grimlj'  hated  and  scornfully  expelled  from  Boston  by  the  Puri- 
tans, whom  he  reciprocally  despised.  In  his  book  he  gives  decidedly 
unflattering  characterizations  of  Winthrop  and  others,  showing  this 
animus.  Captain  Underhill  was  really  a  man  of  high  and  im])etuous 
spirits,  fond  of  adventure,  always  seeking  military  emijloyment,  lead- 
ing a  changeful  and  roving  life  almost  to  his  last  days;  yet  possessing 
earnest  motives  and  substantial  traits  of  character,  which  made  him 
a  good  and  respected  citizen,  an<l  enabled  him  to  acciimulate  consid- 
erable property.  But  although  not  a  Puritan,  his  final  adoption  of 
New  Netherland  as  a  place  of  residence  was  not  from  any  special 
liking  for  the  Dutch;  in  fact,  he  never  was  satisfied  to  live  in  any  of 
the  distinctive  Dutch  settlements,  and,  though  much  inclined  to  the 
honors  and  dignities  of  public  position,  never  held  civic  ofifice  under 
the  Dutch.  During  his  life  on  Long  Island  he  made  his  home  among 
the  English  colonists,  ami  preserved  a  firm  devotion  for  English  in- 
terests, Avhich  he  manifested  on  several  occasions  long  before  the 
end  of  Dutch  rule,  by  holding  correspondence  with  the  English  au- 
thorities concerning  the  position  of  affairs  on  Long  Island. 

Soon  after  Captain  Underhill's  expedition  to  Bedford  the  Indian 
tribes  again  sued  for  peace.  "  Mamaranack,  chief  of  the  Indians  re- 
siding on  the  Kicktawanc  or  Croton  Kiver;  Mongockonone,  Pappeno- 
harrow,  from  the  \\'eck(|uaesgecks  and  Nochpeems,  and  the  Wap- 
piugs  from  Stamford,  presented  themselves,  in  a  few  days,  at  Fort 
Amsterdam;  and  having  ])le(lged  themselves  that  they  would  not 
henceforth  commit  any  injury  whatever  on  the  inhabitants  of  New 
Netherland,  their  cattle  and  houses,  nor  show  themselves,  except  in  a 
canoe,  before  Fort  Amsterdam,  should  the  Dutch  be  at  war  with  any 
of  the  Manhattan  tribes,  and  having  further  promised  to  deliver  up 


Pachara,  the  chief  of  the  Taukitekes  (who  resided  iu  the  rear  of  Sing 
Sinji),  peace  was  concluded  between  them  and  the  Dutch,  wlip  prom- 
ised, on  their  part,  not  to  molest  them  in  any  way."  It  appears  that 
this  peace  was  effected  through  the  interventiou  of  Underhill,  was 
unsatisfactory  to  the  Dutch,  and  proved  but  a  makeshift;  for  in  the 
fall  of  1G44  the  "  Eight  Men  "  wrote  as  follows  to  the  home  office  of 
the  West  India  Company:  "  A  .semblance  of  peace  was  attempted  to 
be  patched  up  last  spring  with  two  or  three  tribes  of  savages  toward 
the  north  by  a  stranger,  whom  we,  for  cause,  shall  not  now  name, 
without  one  of  the  company's  servants  having  been  present,  while 
our  principal  enemies  have  been  unmolested.  This  peace  hath  borne 
little  fruit  for  the  common  advantage  and  reputation  of  our  lords, 
etc.,  for  as  soon  as  the  savages  had  stowed  away  their  mai/e  into 
holes,  they  began  again  to  murder  our  people  in  various  directions. 
They  rove  in  parties  continually  around  day  and  night  on  the  island 
of  Manhattans,  slaying  our  folks,  not  a  tliousand  paces  from  the  fort; 
and  'tis  now  arrived  at  such  a  pass  that  no  one  dare  move  a  foot  to 
fetch  a  stick  of  firewood  without  a  strong  escort." 

It  was  not  until  the  summer  of  1045  that  a  lasting  treaty  was  ar- 
ranged. On  the  30th  of  August,  says  O'Callaghan,  a  number  of  chiefs 
representing  the  warring  tribes  "  seated  themselves,  silent  and  grave, 
in  front  of  Fort  Amsterdam,  before  the  director-general  and  his  coun- 
cil and  the  whole  commonalty;  and  there,  having  religiously  smoked 
the  great  calumet,  concluded  in  the  presence  of  the  sun  and  ocean  a 
solemn  and  durable  peace  with  the  Dutch,  which  both  the  contracting 
parties  reciprocally  bound  themselves  honorably  and  firmly  to  main- 
tain and  observe."  It  was  stipulated  that  all  cases  of  injury  on  either 
side  were  to  be  laid  before  the  respective  authorities.  No  armed 
Indian  was  to  come  within  the  line  of  settlement,  and  no  colonist  was 
to  visit  the  Indian  villages  without  a  native  to  escort  him.  Hand- 
some presents  were  made  by  Kieft  to  the  chiefs,  for  the  purchase  of 
which,  it  is  said,  he  was  obliged  to  borrow  money  from  Adrian  Van 
der  Donck,  at  that  time  sheriff"  of  Rensselaerswyck. 

The  settlement  of  the  lands  beyond  the  Harlem  was  not,  however, 
resumed  at  once.  For  some  time  the  restoration  of  the  burned  farm- 
houses and  ruined  fields  of  Manhattan  Island  claimed  all  the  energies 
of  the  Dutch;  and  the  memories  of  the  dreadful  experience  of  the 
colonies  of  Anne  Hutchinson  and  John  Throckmorton  effectually  de- 
terred other  New  Englanders  from  seeking  the  Vredeland.  In  1()4(), 
however,  two  enterprises  of  great  historic  interest  were  undertaken 
within  the  limits  of  our  county.  One  of  these  was  the  settlement  by 
Thomas  Cornell  on  Cornell's  Neck,  whose  details  we  have  already 
narrated.     The  other  was  the  creation  of  "  Colen  Donck,"  or  Donck's 





colony,  embracing  the  country  from  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  northward 
along  tlie  Hudson  as  far  as  a  little  stream  called  the  Amackassin,  and 
reaching  inland  to  the  Bronx  Kiver,  under  a  patent  granted  by  the 
Dutch  authorities  to  Adrian  Van  der  Donck. 

The  exact  date  of  Van  der  Donck's  grant  is  unknown,  and  the 
record  of  his  purchase  of  the  territory  from  the  Indians  has  not  been 
preserved.  The  tract  constituted  a  portion  of  the  so-called  Keskes- 
keck  region,  bought  from  the  natives  for  the  West  India  Company  by 
Secretary  Van  Tienhoven,  "  in  consideration  of  a  certain  lot  of  mei*- 
chandise,"  under  date  of  August  3,  1639.  That  Van  der  Donck  made 
substantial  recompense  to  the  original  owners  of  the  soil  is  legally 
established  by  testimony  taken  in  IGGG  before  Richard  Nicolls,  the 
first  English   governor  of   Isew   York,   in   which   it   is   stated   that 

the     Indian     proprietors     concerned 
"  acknowledged    to    have 
received     satisfaction     of 

Adrian  Van  der  Donck 
tieman  by  birth,  being  a  native  of 
Breda,  Holland.  He  was  educated  at 
the  University  of  Leyden,  and  studied 
and  practiced  law,becoming  ulrln-squv 
juris.  In  1611  he  accompanied  Kiliaen 
Van  Rensselaer  to  New  Netherland, 
and  was  installed  as  schout-fiscaal,or 
sheriff,  of  the  patroonship  of  Rens- 
selaerswyck.  In  this  post  he  con- 
tinued until  the  death  of  the  patroon,  in  1616.  Meantime  he  had 
manifested  a  strong  inclination  to  establish  a  "  colonic  ''  of  his  own, 
at  Katskill;  but  as  such  a  proceeding  by  a  sworn  officer  of  an  already 
existing  patroonship  would  have  been  violative  of  the  company's  reg- 
ulations, he  was  forced  to  abandon  the  project.  On  October  22,  1645, 
he  married  Mary,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Francis  Doughty,  of  Long  Is- 
land. Earlier  in  the  same  year  he  loaned  money  to  Director  Kieft,  a 
transaction  which  i)robably  helped  to  pave  the  way  for  the  prompt 
bestowal  upon  him  of  landed  rights  upon  the  termination  of  his  offi- 
cial connection  with  Rensselaerswyck. 

In  the  Dutch  grant  to  Van  der  Donck,  the  territory  of  which  he 
was  made  patroon  was  called  Nepperhaem,  from  the  Indian  name  of 
the  stream,  the  Nepperhan,  which  empties  into  the  Hudson  at  Yonk- 
ers,  where  stood  at  that  period,  and  for  perhaps  a  quarter  of  a  century 
later,  the  native  A'illage  of  Nappeckamack  (the  "  Rapid  Water  Settle- 
ment ").     The  whole  extensive  patroonship,  styled   at  first  Colen 



Donck,  soon  came  to  be  known  also  as  "  De  Jonkheer's  land,"  or  "  De 
Jonkheer's,"  meaning  the  estate  of  the  jonkheer,  or  young  lord  or 
gentleman,  as  Van  der  Donck  was  called.  Hence  is  derived  IIh'  name 
Yonkers,  applied  from  the  earliest  days  of  English  rule  to  that  entire 
district,  and  later  conferred  upon  the  township,  the  village,  and 
Uic  city.  To  the  possibilities  of  this  inngniticcnt  but  as  yet  utterly  wild 
property'  Van  der  Donck  gave  a  portion  of  his  attention  dining  the 
three  years  following  the  procurement  of  his  patent.  In  on<'  of  his 
papers  he  states  that  before  1G49  he  built  a  sawmill  on  the  estate,  be- 
sides laying  out  a  farm  and  plantation;  and  that,  having  chosen 
Spuyten  Duyvil  as  his  place  of  residence,  he  had  begun  to  build  there 
and  to  place  the  soil  under  cultivation.  His  sawmill  was  located  at 
the  mouth  of  the  Nepperhan  liiver,  and  from  its  presence  that  stream 
was  called  by  the  Dutch  "  De  Zaag  Kill,''  whence  comes  its  present 
popular  name  of  the  Sawmill  River.  Van  der  Donck's  plantation,  "  a 
flat,  with  some  convenient  meadows  about  it,''  was  located  about  a 
mile  above  Kingsbridge,  near  where  the  Van  Cortlandt  mansion  now 
stands.  "  On  the  flat  just  behind  the  present  grove  of  locusts,  north 
of  the  old  mill,  he  built  his  bouAverie,  or  farmhouse,  wdth  his  planting 
field  on  the  plain,  extending  to  the  southerly  end  of  Vault  Hill." 
It  is  not  probable  that  Van  der  Donck  lived  for  any  considerable  time 
upon  his  lands  in  our  county.  He  was  a  man  of  prominence  in  Fort 
Amsterdam,  A\as  its  first  lawyer,  and  soon  became  busied  with  its 
local  affairs  in  a  public-spirited  manner,  which  led  to  his  embroilment 
in  contentions  with  the  ruling  authoi-ities,  and,  in  that  connection,  to 
his  departure  for  Europe  and  protracted  absence  there. 

In  the  spring  of  1649  he  was  selected  a  member  of  the  advisory 
council  of  the  "  Nine  Men,"  a  body  chosen  by  the  popular  voice  to 
assist  in  the  general  government.  In  this  capacity  he  at  once  took 
strong  ground  against  the  tyrannical  conduct  of  the  new  director, 
Stuyvesant,  and,  in  behalf  of  the  Nine,  drew  up  a  memorial,  or  re- 
monstrance, reciting  the  abuses  under  which  the  people  of  New  Neth- 
erland  suffered.  Stuyvesant  at  first  treated  this  action  of  his  coun- 
cilors with  arbitrary  vindictiveness,  and  caused  Van  der  Donck  to  be 
arrested  and  imprisoned.  After  his  release,  continuing  his  coui'sc  of 
active  protest  against  misgovernment  and  oppression,  he  prcpaicd  a 
second  and  more  elaborate  memorial,  and,  with  two  others,  was  dis- 
patched to  Holland  by  the  commonalty  to  lay  the  whole  subject  be- 
fore the  States-General.  In  this  mission  he  had  thf  moral  support  of 
the  vice-director  under  Stuyvesant,  Van  Diiicklagen,  who  wrote  a 
letter  to  the  States-General  promotive  of  his  objects.  But  upon  arriv- 
ing in  the  mother  country  he  found  himself  opposed  by  the  powerful 
influences  of  the  company,  which  not  only  succeeded  in  defeating  the 


priucipal  reforms  that  lu>  sought  to  secure,  but  eventually  directed 
against  biui  the  persecution  of  the  governuieut,  and  prevented  him,  to 
his  great  inconvenience  and  loss,  from  returning  to  New  Netherlaud 
for  fully  four  years.  Yet  ^"an  der  Donck's  earnest  and  commendable 
efforts  for  the  public  weal  were  not  wholly  without  result.  An  act 
was  passed  separating  the  local  functions  of  the  principal  settlement 
on  Manhattan  Island  from  the  general  affairs  of  the  province.  By 
this  measure  the  settlement  formerly  known  as  Fort  Amsterdam  be- 
came an  incoi-porated  Dutch  city,  with  the  name  of  Ncav  Amsterdam ; 
and  thus  to  the  labors  of  Yan  der  Donck  the  first  municipal  organiza- 
tion of  what  is  now  the  City  of  Xew  York  is  directly  traceable.  In 
addition,  a  final  modification  of  the  Charter  of  Freedoms  and  Exemp- 
tions was  effected  (May  24,  1(J50),  introducing  various  improvements 
in  its  detailed  provisions.  He  even  procured  the  adoption  of  an  order 
recalling  Stuyvesant,  which,  however,  in  view  of  the  critical  position 
of  political  affairs  (a  war  witli  England  being  threatened)  was  never 

While  in  Holland  Yan  der  Donck  was  not  forgetful  of  the  interests 
of  his  colony,  but  in  good  faith  strove  to  fulfill  the  obligations  which 
he  had  assumed  in  acquiring  the  proprietorship  of  so  extensive  a 
domain.  On  March  11,  1650,  in  conjunction  with  his  two  associate 
delegates,  he  entered  into  a  contract  "  to  charter  a  suitalde  flyboat  of 
two  hundred  lasts,  and  therein  go  to  sea  on  the  1st  of  June  next,  and 
convey  to  New  Netherland  the  number  of  two  hundred  passengers,  of 
whom  one  hundred  are  to  be  farmers  and  farm  servants,  and  the  re- 
maining one  hundred  such  as  the  Amsterdam  Chamber  is  accustomed 
to  send  over,  conversant  with  agriculture,  and  to  furnish  them  with 
supplies  for  the  voyage."  In  making  this  contract  (which,  on  ac- 
count of  circumstances,  was  never  carried  out),  Yan  der  Donck  un- 
doubtedly had  in  view  the  locating  of  at  least  a  portion  of  the  two 
hundred  emigrants  on  his  own  lands.  Pursuant  to  his  perfectly  serious 
intentions  respecting  his  estate  in  this  county,  he  obtained  from  the 
States-General,  on  the  26th  of  April,  1652,  the  right  to  dispose  by  will, 
as  patroon,  "  of  the  Colonic  Nepperhaera,  by  him  called  Colon  Donck, 
situate  in  New  Netherland."  From  this  time  for  more  than  a  year 
he  was  constantly  occupied  in  seeking  to  overcome  the  obstacles  put 
in  the  way  of  his  departure  for  America  by  his  enemies  of  the  West 
India  Company.  He  evidently  regarded  the  securing  of  this  patent 
as  the  final  step  preparatory  to  the  systejnatic  colonization  and  de- 
velopment of  Colen  Donck;  for  immediately  after  its  issuance  he  em- 
barked his  private  goods,  Avith  a  varied  assortment  of  supplies  for  the 
colony,  on  board  a  vessel  lying  at  anchor  in  the  Texel.  But  upon  ap- 
plying to  the  States-General,  on  the  13th  of  May,  for  a  formal  permit 



to  i-cturn,  be  was  refused.  On  the  24:th,  renewing-  his  application,  he 
stated  that  "  proposing  to  depart  b\-  your  High  Mightinesses'  consent, 
witli  liis  wife,  mother,  sister,  brotlier,  servants,  and  maids,"  lie  liad 
"  in  that  design  jjacked  and  shipped  all  his  implements  and  goods"; 
hut  be  understood  "  that  the  Ilonorahle  Directors  [of  the  West  India 
( 'om]>any]  at  Amsterdam  had  forbidden  all  skippers  to  receive  him,  or 
his,  even  though  exhibiting  .your  lligli  Mightinesses'  express  orders 
and  consent,"  "  by  which  he  must,  without  any  form  of  procedure  or 
aTiything  resembling  thereto,  remain  separated  from  his  Avife,  mother, 
sister,  brother,  servants,  maids, 
family  connections,  from  two 
good  friends,  from  his  merchan- 
dise-, his  own  necessary  goods, 
furniture,  and  from  his  real  estate 
in  Xt'W  Netherland."  These  and 
other  strenuous  representations 
])roving  unavailing,  he  was  at  last 
compelled  to  dispatch  his  family 
and  ctfects,  remaining  himself  in 
Holland  to  await  the  more  favor- 
able dis]iosition  of  the  authorities. 
lIcsigTiing  himself  to  the  situa- 
tion, lie  now  tui'ued  his  attention 
to  literary  labors,  wliich  resulted 
in  the  composition  of  a  most  valu- 
able work  on  the  Diitch  provinces 
in  Anu'rica.  We  reproduce  here 
a  facsimile  of  the  title  page  of 
this  interesting  book,  Avhich, 
translated,  is  as  follows:  "De- 
scription of  New  Xetherland  (as 

B  li  <?  c  H   R  A'  V  I  N   c  r. 


( <!5i)clpch  (|ct  tcgciitDOO^Diglj  m  ^tact  is ) ' 

Begrijpende  de  Nature,  Aerc,  gelcgcntheyt  en  vrucht- 
bacrhcyt  van  hetfelvc  Lane  jmitigadersdc  proffijtchjckc  cn- 

dcgeivcnftctocvjllen.diealdacr  loconderhoutdcrMcofcbcn,  (foo 

uy  [  bicr  fdven  ais  van  buyten  ingebra;hc )  gcvondcn  wordea. 

A    X.    s        M    E    t>    E 

Dcmanrctc  m  ottglutniTrtc  rpgcnfcliappcn 

•  DaiiOc  nsUDcn  ofcc  ^aturcilrn  UanomllanDc, 


Een  byfooder  verhael  vanden  wonderbjcken  AerC 

endc  bet  Wcefea  der  B  E  Vt  R  S , 

Daer    Noch    By    Cevoecht   Is 

<PtnT>ifrour0  oba  Oc  ffclcgmtficpt  dan  Nieuw  Ncdcrlandc , 
mffrtin)  ccti  Ncderlaadts  pjiriot ,  cntif  cm 

Nieuw  Nederlindcr. 
"Btfchmen  doer 

A    D    R    I    A    E    N     vander     D    O    N    C 
Bcyder  Rechtcn  Doftoor,  die  tcghcnwoop* 

digh  noch  in  Nieuw  Ncderlaotis, 


t-A  t  M  s  T  I    I,  D   A   M, 

SSpEven  Nicuwenhot,  Ootthucrhoopcr ;  fflooiitiiDtop  c 

Bu|lantitmiSij)!5f-to(rIi/  Aw.u  i6(f 

TITLE  r.\(;E  OF  VAX  PER  DONTk's    BOOK. 

It  is  Today),  Comprising  the  Nature,  Character,  Situation,  and  Fer- 
tility of  the  Said  Country;  Together  with  the  Advantageous  and 
Desirable  Circumstances  (both  of  Their  Own  Production  and  as 
Rrought  by  External  Causes)  for  the  Support  of  the  People  Which 
IM'cvail  There;  as  Also  the  INfanners  and  Peculiar  Qualities  of  the 
Wild  ifen  or  Natives  of  the  Land.  And  a  Separate  Account  of  the 
Wonderful  Character  and  Habits  of  the  Reavers;  to  Which  is  .\ddid 
a  C(mversation  on  the  Condition  of  New*  Netherland  between  a 
Netlierland  Patriot  and  a  New  Netherlander,  Described  by  Adriaen 
Van  der  Donck,  Doctor  in  Roth  Laws,  Who  at  present  is  stilf 
in  New  Netherland.  At  Amsterdam,  by  Evert  Nieuwenhof,  Rook- 
sr-ller,  Ttesiding  on  the  Russia   fa  street  or  square!,  at  the   [sign  of 


the]  Writing-book.  Anno  1655."  The  book  was  probably  first  pub- 
lished in  1653,  the  copy  from  which  the  above  translation  is  made 
being  of  a  later  edition.  It  was  Van  der  Donck's  intention  to  enlarge 
upon  his  facts  by  consulting  the  papers  on  file  in  the  director-general's 
office  at  New  Amsterdam,  to  which  end  he  obtained  the  necessary 
permit  from  the  company.  But  upon  his  return  to  America,  which 
occurred  in  the  summer  of  1653,  Stuyvesant,  who  still  harbored  re- 
sentment against  him,  denied  him  that  privilege. 

"Van  der  Donck's  book,  despite  its  formidable  title,  is  a  volume  of 
but  modest  pretensions,  clearly  written  for  the  sole  object  of  spread- 
ing information  about  the  country.  Considering  the  meagerness  of 
general  knowledge  at  that  time  respecting  the  several  parts  of  the 
broad  territory  called  Ncav  Netherland,  and  remembering  that  the 
writer  peculiarly  lacked  documentary  facilities  in  its  preparation,  it 
is  a  remarkably  good  account  of  the  AAhole  region.  Especially  in 
those  parts  of  it  where  he  is  able  to  speak  from  the  results  of  personal 
observation  or  investigation,  he  is  highly  instructive,  and  is  thor- 
oughly entitled  to  be  accepted  as  an  authority.  His  description  of 
the  Indians,  though  quite  succinct,  ranks  with  the  very  best  of  the 
early  accounts  of  native  North  American  characteristics,  customs, 
and  institutions.  While  he  makes  frequent  allusion  to  his  residence 
at  Eensselaerswyck,  there  is  no  special  mention  of  that  part  of  the 
country  where  his  own  patroonship  was  located — our  County  of  West- 
chester,— a  circumstance  which  may  reasonably  be  taken  to  indicate 
that  he  never  had  made  it  his  habitation  for  any  length  of  time. 

Some  of  the  statements  which  appear  in  Van  der  Donck's  pages 
belong  to  the  decidedly  curious  annals  of  early  American  conditions. 
For  example,  he  relates  that  in  the  month  of  March,  1647,  "  two 
whales,  of  common  size,  swam  up  the  (Hudson)  river  forty  (Dutch) 
miles,  from  which  place  one  of  them  returned  and  stranded  about 
twelve  miles  from  the  sea,  near  which  place  four  others  also  stranded 
the  same  year.  The  other  ran  farther  up  the  river  and  grounded 
near  the  great  Chahoes  Falls,  about  forty-three  miles  from  the  sea. 
This  fish  was  tolerably  fat,  for,  although  the  citizens  of  Rens.selaers- 
wyck  broiled  out  a  great  quantity  of  train  oil,  still  the  w^hole  river  (the 
current  being  rapid)  Avas  oily  for  three  Aveeks,  and  covered  with 
grease."  His  accounts  of  the  native  animals  of  the  country,  excellent 
ifor  the  most  part,  become  amusing  in  places  where  he  relies  not  upon 
his  individual  knowledge  but  upon  vague  stories  told  him  by  the 
Indian  hunters  of  strange  creatures  in  the  interior.  Thus,  he  makes 
New  Netherland  the  habitat  of  the  fabled  unicorn.  "I  have  been 
frequently  told  by  the  Mohawk  Indians,"  says  he,  "  that  far  in  the 
interior  parts  of  the  country  there  were  animals,  which  were  seldom 



seen,  of  the  size  and  form  of  horses,  with  chjven  hoofs,  haviug  one 
horn  in  the  forehead  from  a  foot  and  a  half  to  two  feet  in  length,  and 
that  because  of  their  fleetness  and  strength  thev  were  seldom  oausrht 
or  ensnared.  I  have  never  seen  any  certain  token  or  siyn  of  such 
animals,  but  that  such  creatures  exist  in  the  country  is  supported  by 
the  concurrent  declarations  of  the  Indian  hunters.  There  are  Chris- 
tians who  say  that  they  have  seen  the  skins  of  this  species  of  animal, 
hut  without  the  horns."  He  also  speaks  of  ''  a  bird  of  prey  which  lias 
a  head  like  the  head  of  a  large  cat  " — probably  a  reference  to  the  cat- 
owl.  His  remarks  about  the  beaver,  based  upon  personal  study  and 
knowledge,  are  singularly  interesting.  The  deer,  he  informs  us,  "  are 
incredibly  numerous  in  this  country.  Although  the  Indians  through- 
out the  year,  and  every  year  (but  mostly  in  the  fall),  kill  many  thou- 
sands, and  the  wolves,  after  the  fawns  are  cast  and  while  they  are 
young,  also  destroy  many,  still  the  land  altounds  with  them  every- 
where, and  their  numbers  appear  to  remain  undiminished." 

Being  finally  granted  leave  to  go  back  to  New  Netherland,  \'an  der 
Donck  ajjjdied  to  the  West  India  Company  for  permission  to  i)ractice 
his  profession  of  lawyer  in  the  province.  But  the  company',  careful 
in  conceding  substantial  favors  to  a  man  who  had  caused  it  so  much 
trouble,  allowed  him  only  to  give  advice  in  the  line  of  his  i)rofes- 
sion,  forbidding  him  to  plead,  on  the  novel  ground  that,  "  as  there  was 
no  other  lawyer  in  the  colony,  there  would  be  none  to  oppose  him." 
After  his  return  to  New  Amsterdam  he  did  not  figure  prominently  in 
public  affairs.  He  died  in  1655,  leaving,  it  is  supposed,  several  chil- 
dren, whose  names,  however,  as  well  as  all  facts  of  their  subsequent 
lives  and  traces  of  their  descendants,  are  unknown. 

Van  der  Donck's  Colen  Donck  was  the  onlj'  patroonship  ever 
erected  in  Westchester  County,  and  was  the  first  of  the  great  landed 
estates  which,  during  the  seventeenth  century,  were  parceled  out  in 
this  section  to  gentlemen  of  birth  and  means,  and  various  enterprising 
and  far-seeing  individuals.  All  who  had  preceded  him  above  the 
Harlem  were  ordinary  settlers,  who  merely  sought  farms  and  honu'- 
steads,  without  any  aristocratic  pretensions  or  aspirations.  During 
the  nine  years  which  intervened  between  his  death  and  the  end  of 
the  Dutch  regime,  the  general  condition  of  the  province  was  too  un- 
satisfactory to  Justify  any  similar  ambitious  endeavor  in  the  direction 
of  extensive  land  ownership  above  the  Harlem.  The  Indians  were 
still  restless  and  inclined  to  harass  individual  settlers.  Indeed,  in 
in:")."),  the  year  of  Van  der  Donck's  death,  a  general  massacre  of  set- 
tlers by  the  Indians  occurred,  and  the  people  in  the  outlying  localities 
again  crowded  into  Fort  Amsterdam  for  protection.  It  was  not  until 
after  the  beginning  of  the  English  government  that  ])rivate  land  hold- 
ings in  Westchester  County  at  all  comparable  to  Van  der  Donck's 


were  acquircil.  lie  was  the  oiilv  Duhli  •;ciil  Iciiiau — for  Bronck  be- 
louj^cd  sti'ictlj'  to  the  burglicr  class — tlirou^hout  tbo  forty-one  years 
of  Diitcii  rule  who,  nndor  the  Charter  of  l-'reedoiiis  and  Exemptions, 
an  instrument  frameil  exjtressly  to  create  a  landed  aristocracy  in 
America,  formally  sought  to  establish  a  fief  in  this  county.  It  is 
noticeable,  however,  that  most  of  the  estate  which  he  owned  passed 
before  many  years — although  not  unlil  (he  Dutch  period  was  ended — 
into  the  hands  of  one  of  his  fellow  count  ryiiicu,  Frederick  Phiiipse,  in 
whose  family  it  continued  for  a  century.  .Moreover,  almost  the  entire 
Hudson  short'  of  Westchester  County  was  originally  acquiicd  and 
tenaciously  lield  by  Dutch,  and  not  by  English,  private  proprietors. 

The  tract  of  Nepperhaem,  or  Colen  Donck,  was  devised  by  Van  der 
Douck,  in  his  will,  to  his  widow.  This  lady  subsequently  married 
Hugh  O'Xeale,  of  Patuxeut,  .Md.,  and  resided  with  her  husband  in 
that  ju-ovince.  Apjiarently,  iiotliing  whatevei-  was  done  by  O'Neale 
and  his  wife  in  the  wa\  of  contiuuiug  the  improvements  begun  by 
Van  der  Donck;  and,  for  all  (hat  we  know  to  the  contrary,  the  estate 
remained  in  a  wholly  w  ild  and  neglected  cdndition  for  some  ten  years. 
Put  in  KKiti  the  (>"Xeales,  desiring  to  uu)re  perfectly  establish  their 
legal  title,  Willi  a  view  to  realizing  from  the  lands,  obtained  from  the 
Indians  who  had  (U-iginally  sold  the  tract  to  \'an  der  Donck  formal 
acknowledgment  of  such  sale,  and  also  of  their  having  received  from 
him  full  satisfaction;  and  tliei-eu]ioii  a  new  and  confirmatory  patent 
for  Nepperhaem  was  issued  by  (io\('ruo]'  Xicolls.  This  is  dated  "at 
I\)rt  James,  New  York,  on  the  Island  of  Manhattan,"  October  S,  KJGti. 
It  describes  the  property  in  the  following  words:  *' A  certain  tract 
of  laml  within  this  govei-nment,  u]ion  the  main,  bounded  to  the  noi-th 
wards  by  a  rivulet  called  by  the  Indians  ^fackassin,  so  running  south- 
ward to  Nepperhaem,  from  thence  to  the  kill  Shorakkapock  [f>])uyten 
Duvvil],  and  then  to  Paperinemen  |  the  locality  of  Kingsbridge], 
which  is  the  southernmost  bounds;  then  ro  go  across  the  country  to 
the  eastward  by  that  Avhich  is  cnnimnuly  Unown  by  the  name  of 
Proiudc's,  his  river  ami  laud,  which  said  ti-act  ii.itli  heretofore  been 
pui'cliased  of  the  Indian  projirietors  by  Adriaen  \'an  der  Douck,  de- 
ceased.'' The  English  patent  was  bestowed  iipon  O'Neale  and  his 
wife  jointly.  They  at  once  proceeded  to  sell  the  lands  in  fee  to  dif- 
ferent private  persons.  Notic(>  of  the  resulting  sales  must  be  de- 
ferred to  the  pi'oper  chronologiral  ]peiiod  iu  our  narrative.  It  may 
be  noted  here,  however,  that  the  princi])al  i)ur<hasers  of  \'au  der 
Donck's  lands  were  John  Ai'i  hei-  and  I're(leri<k  IMiilipse,  who  later 
became  the  lords,  respectively,  <d'  the  ]\[amirs  of  I'ordham  ami  Phil- 
ipseburgh,  the  former  lying  wimlly,  and  the  latter  ])artly,  within 
the  borders  of  tlu'  old  pati'oonshii). 



HE  destruction  by  the  Indians  of  the  early  Englisli  settle- 
ments in  the  A'redeland  on  the  Sound  was  foJlowd  by  a 
loufj-  period  of  almost  eomjdete  abstention  from  further 
colonizing  enterprises  in  that  portion  of  Westchester 
County.  It  is  trvie  that  after  the  detinite  conclusion  of  peace  be- 
tween the  Dutch  and  the  Indians  in  10i5,  both  the  Dutch  govern- 
ment of  New  Netherland  and  the  English  government  of  Connec- 
ticut began  gradually  to  give  serious  attention  to  llie  (piestion  of 
the  boundary  between  their  rival  jurisdictions,  and  that  the  result- 
ing conflict  of  interests  touching  the  ownershiji  of  those  lands  gave 
rise  to  practical  measures  on  both  sides.  It  will  be  remembered 
that  the  Dutch  authorities,  while  permitting  Throckinorton  and  his 
associates  to  settle  on  Throgg's  Neck,  and  later  granting  CornelPs 
Neck  to  Thomas  Cornell,  simply  received  these  refugees  from  New 
England  as  jjersons  coming  to  take  ui)  their  abodes  under  the  pro- 
tection of  their  gov<'rnment  and  subject  to  its  laws.  Indeed,  the 
formal  acts  of  the  Dutch  director  in  issuing  licenses  to  the  English 
colonists  are  sulifich'nt  evidences  of  the  merely  individual  character 
of  the  first  English  selllements  on  the  Sound.  But  while  willing  to 
accommodate  separate  immigrants  from  New  England  with  homes, 
the  Dutch  had  always  regarded  the  presence  of  tlie  English  on  the 
banks  of  the  Connecticut  Kiver,  and  their  steady  advance  westward 
in  an  organized  way,  with  apprehension  and  resentment.  To  secure 
the  Dutch  title  to  oriiiinal  and  exclnsive  sovereignty  over  the  whole 
country,  Kieft  made  laud  purchases  from  the  Indians,  in  1(>31)  and 
1040,  extending  as  far  east  as  the  Norwalk  archipelago,  purchases 
which,  however,  were  matched  by  similnr  early  deeds  granted  by  the 
natives  to  the  Englisli  to  much  of  territory  in  tlie  eastern  ]iart  of 
Westchester  County.  After  the  close  of  the  Dutch  and  Indian  wars, 
the  territorial  dispute  steadily  grew  in  importance,  although  it  was 
a  number  of  years  before  the  Dutch  found  any  special  cause  for 
coiiil)laint  on  the  score  of  actual  English  encroachment. 

On  .hdy  14,  1049,  Director  Stuyvesant,  repi'esenting  the  West 
India  Company,  conlirnied  the  former  Indian  deeds  of  sale  by  pur- 
chasing from  the  sachems  Megtegichkama,  Oteyochgue,  and  Wegta- 


kockkcii  tlic  wliole  country  "  bi'twixt  tlic  Nortli  and  East  Rivers." 
The  hoiuuliu-ies  of  this  tract,  wliicli  in  the  record  of  the  transaction 
is  called  Weckquaesgeck,  are  not  very  distinctly  defined;  but  the  in- 
tent of  the  purchase  was  evidently  incidental  to  the  general  Dutch 
jiolicy  of  showing  a  perfect  title  to  the  country.  At  all  events,  a 
very  large  part  of  Westchester  County  Mas  embraced  in  the  sale, 
the  recompense  given  to  the  Indians  consisting  of  "  six  fathom  cloth 
for  jackets,  six  fathom  seawant  [wampum],  six  kettles,  six  axes,  six 
addices,  ten  knives,  ten  harrow-teeth,  ten  corals  or  beads,  ton  bells, 
one  gun,  two  lbs.  lead,  two  lbs.  powder,  and  two  cloth  coats." 

The  English  of  Connecticut,  on  the  other  hand,  do  not  seem  to 
have  attached  any  peculiar  jKilitical  ^alue  to  fudian  land  purchases. 
There  is  no  record  of  any  punhase  of  Indian  lands  extending  into 
Westchester  County  on  the  i)art  of  the  government  of  Connecticut. 
The  authorities  of  that  colony  were  evidently  satisfied  to  leave  the 
westward  extension  of  lOnglish  ]iossessions  to  the  individual  enter- 
prise of  the  settlers,  meantime  ludding  themselves  in  readiness  to 
sup]iort  su(di  enterprise  by  their  sanction,  and  regarding  all  the  land 
occujiied  by  their  advancing  people  as  English  soil,  without  refer- 
ence to  the  counterclaims  of  the  Dutch. 

The  purchase  made  by  Nathaniel  Turner,  for  the  citizens  of  New 
Haven,  in  KUO,  of  territory  reaching  considerably  to  the  west  of  the 
present  eastern  boundary  of  our  county,  was  confirmed  to  the  inhab- 
itants of  Stamford  on  August  11,  l(i5.5,  by  the  Indian  chief  Pomis  and 
Dnox,  his  eldest  son.  The  tract  bought  in  1040  ran  to  a  distance 
sixteen  miles  north  of  the  Sound.  By  tlie  wording  of  the  new  deed  of 
10;"),^,  its  bounds  extended  "  sixteen  miles  north  of  the  toAvn  ))lot  of 
Stamford,  and  two  miles  still  further  north  for  the  pasture  of  their 
[the  settlers']  cattle;  also  eight  miles  east  and  west."  The  Indian 
owners,  upon  this  occasion,  received  as  satisfaction  four  coats  of 
English  cloth.  No  settlement  of  the  region  was  begun  during  the 
continuance  of  Dutch  rule  in  New  Netherland,  and  thus  the  matter 
did  not  come  prominently  to  the  notice  of  Directcn*  Stuyvesaut. 

Hut  in  the  preceding  year  a  private  English  purchase  from  the 
Indians  was  made  of  a  district  lying  nearer  the  Dutch  settlements 
and  within  the  limits  of  the  already  well-established  jurisdiction  of 
the  New  Amsterdam  authorities,  which  became  a  matter  of  acute 
irritation.  On  the  14tli  of  November,  1()54,  Thomas  Tell,  of  Fairtield, 
Conn.,  bought  from  the  sachems  Mamiuepoe  and  Anu-Uoock  (alias 
Wampage),  and  five  other  Indians,  '•  all  that  tract  of  land  called  West 
Chester,  wliich  is  bounded  on  the  east  by  a  brook,  called  Cedar  Tree 
Brook  or  Gravelly  Brook,  and  so  running  northward  as  the  said  brook 
runs   into   the   woods   about   eight    Hnglish    miles,    thence   west   to 


Bi-oiu-k"s  liivcr  to  a  icitaiu  bt'iid  iu  the  said  river,  Llieuce 
hv  marked  trees  soutli  niifil  it  reaches  the  tide  Avaters  of  the  Sound, 

toi^etlier  wit Ii  all  the  islands  Ivini;- before  tliat  tract."  This 
is  tlu'  earliest  legal  recitrd  we  have  of  the  application  of  the  name 
Westchester  to  any  section  of  our  county;  although  there  is  reason 
for  Ixdieving  that  for  several  years  previously  this  locality  on  the 
Sound  liad  been  so  called  by  the  people  of  Connecticut,  and  that  some 
squatters  had  already  made  their  way  thither.'  The  bounds  of  INdl's 
purchase  overlapped  the  old  Dutch  Vredelaud  and  encroached  upon 
the  grants  formerly  made  in  that  region  to  Throckmorton  and  Cor- 
nell. Indeed,  after  the  English  took  jxissession  of  New  Netherland, 
the  Town  of  Westchester  set  up  a  claim  to  the  whole  of  Throgg's  Neck, 
and  Pell  brought  suit  to  recover  Cornell's  Neck  from  Thomas  Cor- 
nell's heir;  but  as  it  was  a  part  of  the  English  policy  to  confirm  all 
legitimate  Dutch  land  grants,  both  these  pretensions  were  disal- 
loAved.  Westchester,  as  originally  so  styled,  covered  a  much  gr(>atei' 
extent  of  country  than  the  township  of  that  name,  (iravelly  IJrook, 
named  in  the  conveyance  from  the  Indians  as  its  eastern  boundary 
line,  is  a  creek  flowing  into  th(>  Sound  in  the  Township  of  New 
Roclielle;  so  that  the  territory  at  first  called  Westchester  included, 
besides  Westchester  toAvnship  projter,  the  townships  (or  ])orti()ns  of 
them)  of  Pelliam,  Eastchester,  and  New  Koidielle.  It  is  an  interest- 
ing fact  that  the  first  of  these  four  townships  to  be  settled  was  the 
oTie  most  remote  from  Connecticut  and  near(\st  the  seat  of  Dutch 
authority;  which  lends  color  to  the  sti-ong  suspicion  that  the  migra- 
tion of  the  English  (o  this  ([uarter  was  under  the  secret  direction,  or 
at  the  connivance,  of  the  government  of  Connecticut,  which  sought 
to  extend  settlement  as  far  as  ])ossil)le  into  the  disjiuted  border  terri- 
tory. Later,  as  roll's  purchase  became  sub-divided,  se[iarate  local 
names  were  given  to  its  several  parts,  the  name  of  Westchester  being 
retained  for  that  portion  only  Avhere  the  original  settlements  had 
been  established.  Thus  it  canie  that  the  company  making  the  first 
considerable  sub-purchase  within  the  Pell  tract  conferred  the  name 
of  Eastchester  upon  their  lands,  which  immediately  adjoined  West- 
chester town  at  the  east.  The  settlers  in  Westchester  were  not  ex- 
terminated or  driven  away,  like  those  on  Hutchinson's  Eiver  and 
Throgg's  and  Cornell's  Necks;  and,  though  interfered  with  by  the 
Dutch,  held  their  ground  ])ernianeutly.  Westchester  Avas  therefoi'e 
the  earliest  enduring  English  settlement  A\^est  of  Connecticut.      This 

>  In    IfinO    tho    OutoU    Oovornor    Stuyvesant  then  rpsklent  tliero   vvpre   survivors  of  Tlirock- 

complainprt  to  the  New  Englanrt  eommissioners  morton's  settlement  of  1642-3,  since  Throekmor- 

of    tlie    Knglisli    eneroacliments    upon    "  Oost-  ton  and  his  eolonists  had  the  express  sanction 

dorp  ■■  -as     Wi'stchfster     was     called     by     the  of  the  Dutch   government, 
nutch.     It    is    hardly    likely    that    the    English 


was  rcint'uiln'i'cd  when,  in  KiS."),  under  Eui;lisli  rule,  llu'  creel  ion  of 
rciiuliirly  orguuized  ((Hinties  was  nndeitalcen ;  and  accor<lin_nly  (lie 
name  ^^'est(•liestel■  was  s(deeted  as  the  one  must  suitable  for  tin' 
county  next  above  Manliattan   Island. 

It  is  certain  that  Eunlisli  settlci-s  had  heiiun  to  arrive  in  West- 
cliesler  before  the  execution  of  I'eH's  i\('r<\  from  the  Indians  (Novem- 
ber li,  l()54j;  for  ou  the  5th  of  November,  KJai,  nine  days  before  that 
execution,  it  was  resolved  at  a  meeting  of  the  director-general  and 
council  of  New  Netherlaiid  that  "  Whereas  a  few  English  are  begin- 
ning a  settlement  at  no  great  distance  from  our  outposts,  ou  lauds 
long  since  bought  and  i^aid  for,  near  \'redelaud,"  an  interdict  be 
sent  to  them,  forbidding  them  to  procet^d  farther,  and  commanding 
them  to  abandon  that  sjjot.  I'ell,  in  the  law  suit  which  he  brought 
in  UJ()5  against  the  heir  of  Thomas  Cornell  to  recover  Cornell's  Neck, 
stated  that  in  buying  the  Westidiester  tract  he  had  license  from  the 
governor  and  council  of  Counecticut,  "  who  took  notice  of  this  laud 
to  be  under  their  government,"'  and  "ordered  magistratical  power 
to  be  exercised  at  Westchester."  The  colonial  records  of  Connect- 
icut show  that  such  license  was  in  fact  granted  to  him  in  lti(58.  This 
sanction,  issued  nine  years  after  his  original  purchase,  was  i)robably 
])roi'uri'd  by  him  with  a  view  to  a  second  and  confii'matory  purchase. 
Whether  the  first  settlers  came  to  Westchester  as  the  result  of  any 
direct  instigation  on  the  part  of  the  Connecticut  officials  can  not  be 
determined;  but  it  is  probable  that  the  latter  were  fully  cognizant  of 
theiT-  enterprise,  and  promoted  it  by  some  sort  of  encouragement. 
Certainly  the  Westchester  pit)neers  made  no  false  pretenses,  and 
sought  no  favors  from  the  Dnti  h,  but  boldly  announced  themselves 
as  I'^nglish  c(donists.  One  of  their  tii-st  acts  was  lo  nail  to  a  tree  the 
arms  of  the  Parliament  of  I'^ngland. 

Stuyvesant  permitted  the  winter  of  l(')54-55  to  pass  without  offering 
(o  disturb  the  intruders  in  the  enjoyment  of  llie  lands  they  had  so 
unceremoniously  seized.  But  in  Ajiril  he  dispatched  an  officer,  Claes 
\an  Elslaudt,  with  a  writ  commanding  Thomas  Pell,  or  whomsoever 
else  it  nught  concern,  to  cease  from  trespassing,  and  to  leave  the 
l)rennses.  \'an  l^Mslaiidt,  u])on  arriving  at  the  lOnglish  set  I  lenient, 
was  luet  by  eight  or  nine  anued  men,  lo  whose  coiumander  he  de 
livered  the  writ.  The  latter  said:  "I  can  not  understand  Dutch. 
Why  did  not  the  tiscaal,  or  sheriff,  send  English  ?  When  he  sends 
Englisii,  theu  I  will  answer.  We  expect  the  detei'mi nation  on  tiie 
boundaries  the  next  vessel.  Time  will  tell  whether  we  shall  be  under 
l>ut(h  government  or  the  Parliament;  until  then  we  remain  here 
under  the  Commonwealth  of  England."  Notwithstanding  this  de- 
fiant behavior,  tlie  Dutch  director- gen  era  I  was  reluctant  to  act  severe- 


\y  in  the  matter,  and  ucnrly  a  year  elapsed  before  the  next  proceed- 
ings were  taken,  whieli  were  based  ifuite  as  niueh  upon  considerations 
affecting  tlae  cliaractei-  of  llic  English  settlement  as  upon  the  desire 
to  vindicate  Dutch  territorial  rights.      The  director  and  council,  by 
a  resolution  adojjted  March  G,  tt>5(j,  declared  that  the  English  at 
Westchester  were  guilty'  of  ''  encouraging  and  sheltering  the  fugi- 
tives from  this  province,"  and  also  of  keeping  up  a  constant  corre- 
spondence with  the  savage  enemies  of  the  Dutch.     On  these  grounds, 
and  also  to  defend  the  rights  of  the  Dutch  against  territorial  usurpa- 
tions, an  expedition,  commanded  by  Captains  De  Koninck  and  New- 
ton and  Attorney-General  Van  Tienhoven,  was  sent  secretly  to  West- 
chester.    On  the  14th  of  March  this  party  made  its  descent  upon  the 
village,  and,  finding  the  Englisli  drawn  up  under  arms,  prepared  for 
resistance,  overpowered  them,  and  apprehended  twenty-three  of  their 
number,  some  of  whom  were  fugitives  from  New  Amsterdam    and 
the  others  bona  lide  English  colonists.      All  the  captives  were  con- 
veyed to  Manhattan  Island,  where  the  Dutch  runaways  were  con- 
fined in  prison  and  the  English  settlers  placed  under  civil  arrest  and 
lodged  in  the  City  Hall.     The  next  day  Attorney-General  Van  Tien- 
hoven formally  presented  his  case  against  the  prisoners.     In  his  argu- 
ment he  alleged  as  one  of  the  principal  grievances  against  the  people 
of  Westchester  that  thej'  were  guilty  of  the  offense  of  "  luring  and 
accommodating  our  runaway  inhabitants,  vagrants,  and  thieves,  and 
others  who,  for  their  bad  conduct,  tind  there  a  refuge."      He  de- 
manded the  complete  exjiulsion  of  the  English  from  the  province. 
This  denuind  was  sustained  by  the  director  and  council,  with  the 
proviso,  however,  that  the    settlers    should    be    allowed    six   weeks' 
time  for  the  removal  of  their  goods  and  chattels.     At  this  stage  the 
prisoners   came  forward  with   a   decidedly   submissive  proposition. 
The}'  agreed  that,  if  iiermitted  to  continue  on  their  lands,  they  wouhl 
subject  themselves  to  the  government  and  laws  of  New  Netherland, 
only  requesting  the  privilege  of  choosing  their  own  ofTicers  for  the 
enforceuK'ut  of  their  local  laws.     This  jx^ition  was  granted  by  Stuy- 
vesant,  on  condition  that  their  choice  of  magistrates  should  be  sub- 
ject to  the  approval  of  the  director  and  coiincil,  selections  to  be  made 
from  a  double  list  of  names  sent  in  by  the  settlers.       Under  this 
amicable  arrangement.  Pell's  settlement  at   AN'estchester  (called  by 
the  Dutch  Oostdorp),  while  r(>taining  its  existence,  was  brought  under 
the  recoguizi'd  sovereignty  of  New  Netherland,  in  which  position  it 
remained  until  the  Englisli  conquest. 

The  history  of  this  first  organized  community  in  Westchester 
County  is  fortunately  traceable  throughout  its  early  years.  On 
March  23,  1656,  the  citizens  submitted  to  Director  Stuyvesant  their 


nominations  of  magistrates,  the  persons  reconiniciKlcd  lur  (hese  of- 
fifcs  being  Lientenant  Tlioinas  Wheeler,  Tlioiuas  jS'ewiiiaii,  Joliii 
Lord,  Josiali  Liilbert,  William  Ward,  and  Nicholas  Bayley.  From 
this  list  the  director  appointed  Thomas  AVheeler,  Thomas  Newman, 
and  John  Lord.  Annually  thereafter  double  nominations  wave  uiade, 
and  tlu'ee  magistrates  were  regularly  chosen.  There  is  no  indication 
in  the  records  of  New  Netherland  of  any  willful  acts  of  insubordina- 
tiou  hj  the  settlers,  or  of  any  further  delinquencies  by  them  in  the 
Avay  of  harboring  bad  characters.  The  Dutch  authorities,  on  their 
part,  manifested  a  moderate  and  considerate  disposition  in  their 
supervisorj-  government  of  the  place.  At  the  end  of  165G  Stuyvesant 
sent  three  of  his  subordinates  to  Westchester,  to  administer  the  oath 
of  office  to  the  newly  ajapointed  )nagistrates  and  the  oath  of  alle- 
giance to  the  other  inhabitants.  But  the  latter  objected  to  the  form 
of  oath,  and  would  j^romise  obedience  to  the  law  only,  provided  it  was 
conformable  to  the  law  of  God;  and  allegiance  only  "  so  long  as  they 
remained  in  the  province.''  This  modified  form  of  oath  was  gener- 
ously consented  to.  Later  (January  3,  1657),  Stuyvesant  sent  to  the 
colonists,  at  their  solicitation,  twelve  muskets,  twelve  pounds  of  pow- 
der, twelve  pounds  of  lead,  two  bundles  of  matches,  and  a  writing- 
book  for  the  magistrates.  At  that  time  the  pojmlation  of  AVest- 
Chester  consisted  of  twenty-five  men  and  ten  to  twelve  women. 

The  Dutch  commissioners  dispatched  by  Stuyvesant  to  Westches- 
ter in  1C56  left  an  interesting  journal  of  their  transactions  and  ob- 
servations there.  The  following  entry  sho\\  s  that  the  colonists  were 
typical  New  Englandcrs  in  practicing  the  forms  of  religious  worship: 

31  December. — After  dinner  Cornelius  Van  Ruy ven  went  to  see  their  mode  of  «  orsliij),  as 
they  had,  as  yet,  no  preaeher.  There  I  found  a  gathering  of  about  fifteen  men  and  ten  or  twelve 
women.  Mr.  Baly  said  the  prayer,  after  which  one  Robert  Ka.ssett  read  from  a  printed  book 
a  sermon  composed  by  an  English  clergyman  in  England.  After  the  reading  Mr.  Baly  gave 
out  another  prayer  and  sang  a  psalm,  and  tliey  all  separated. 

The  writing-book  for  the  magistrates  j)rovided,  with  other  neces- 
sary articles,  by  Governor  Stuyvesant,  was  at  once  put  (o  use;  and 
from  that  time  forward  the  records  of  the  town  were  systematically 
kept.  All  the  originals  are  still  preserved  in  excellent  condition. 
The  identical  magistrates"  book  of  1657,  with  many  others  of  the 
ancient  records  of  AA'estchester,  and  also  of  \Vest  Faruis,  are  now  in 
the  possession  of  a  private  gentleman  in  New  York  City. 

In  accepting  and  quietly  submitting  to  Dutch  rule,  the  English 
were  merely  obeying  the  dictates  of  ordinary  jirudence.  Their  hearts 
continued  loyal  to  the  government  of  Connecticut,  and  they  patiently 
awaited  the  time  when,  in  the  natural  course  of  events,  that  govern- 
ment should  extend  its  jurisdiction  to  their  locality.  After  seven 
and  one-half  years  definite  action  was  taken  by  Connecticut.       At  a 


rouii  of  tlie  general  assciiildv,  lidd  ai  Hartford,  October  9,  1602,  au 
order  was  issued  to  the  effect  that  "tins  assembly  doth  hereby  de- 
clare and  inform  the  inhabitanls  of  Westchester  that  the  plantation 
is  included  in  ye  bounds  of  our  rharter,  granted  to  this  colony  of 
Connecticut."  The  Westchester  iieo[il(?  were  accordingly  notified  to 
send  deputies  to  the  next  assembly,  ajipoinled  to  meet  at  Hartford 
in  May,  1003;  and  also,  in  mattei-s  of  k'gal  proceedings,  to  "  take 
the  benefit,"  in  common  with  the  towns  of  Stamford  and  Greenwicli, 
of  a  court  established  at  Fairticdd.  Iteadily  attaching  much  iiiipor- 
tanc<'  to  the  will  of  Connecticut  thus  expressed,  they  abstained  from 
their  usual  <ustoiii  of  nominating  magistrates  for  the  next  year  to 
CioveriKU'  Stuyvesant.  The  latter,  after  some  delay,  sent  to  make 
in([uiries  as  to  the  reason  for  this  omissi<»n;  whereat  Kichard  Mills, 
one  of  llie  local  otticers,  addi-essed  to  him  a  nu»ek  cominiiMicatiou, 
inclosing  the  notifications  from  Connecticut  and  saying:  "We 
humbly  beseech  you  to  undi'rstand  that  wee,  the  inhabitants  id'  this 
place,  have  not  plotted  nor  conspired  against  your  Honor."  This 
did  not  satisfy  Stuy^'esant,  who  caused  ^Fills  to  be  arresteil  and  in- 
carcerated in  ]N'ew  Amsterdam.  I'rom  his  place  of  continement  the 
unhappy  Westchester  magistrale  wrote  several  doleful  and  contrite 
letters  to  the  wrathful  director.  "  Ilight  Hon.  Gov.  Lord  Peter  l^tev- 
ensou,"  said  he  in  one  of  these  missives,  "  thy  dejected  prisoner, 
Richard  Mills,  do  humbly  supplicate  for  your  favor  and  commisera- 
tion towards  me,  in  admitting  of  me  unto  your  honor's  presence, 
there  to  indicate  my  free  and  ready  mind  to  satisfy  your  honor 
wherein  I  am  able,  for  any  indignity  done  unto  your  lordship  in 
any  way,  and  if  possible  to  release  me  or  confine  me  to  some  more 
wholesome  XJlace  than  where  I  am.  [  have  been  tenderly  br( d  from 
my  cradle,  and  now  antient  and  \\cakl_\,"'  etc.  The  claims  of  Con- 
necticut to  Westchester  being  persisted  in,  Stuyvesant  made  a  jour- 
ney to  Boston  in  the  fall  of  1003  to  seek  a  permanent  understanding 
with  the  New  England  officials  about  the  delicate  subject.  But  no 
conclusion  was  arrived  at,  and  the  AYestchester  affair  remained  in 
statu  quo  until  fcu'cibly  settled  by  the  triumph  of  English  force  before 
New  Amsterdam  in  the  month  of  Se])tember,  1001. 

The  Dutch-English  controversy  regarding  the  Westchester  tract 
was  one  of  the  incidental  phases  of  the  general  boundary  dis])ute, 
which  Stuyvesant,  from  the  very  beginning  of  his  arrival  in  New 
Netherland  as  director-general,  had  in  vain  sought  to  bring  to  a  deci- 
sion. In  1650,  as  the  result  of  overtures  made  by  him  for  an  amicable 
adjustment  of  differences,  he  held  a  conference  at  Hartford  with 
commis.siouers  appointed  by  the  United  English  Colonies;  and  on 
the  10th   of  Sei)tember  articles  of  agreement  were  signed  by  both 


pai'tics  in  interest,  wliicli  proviilcd  lliiit  tlic  ImhiihIs  iiixm  llic  ni:iin 
"should  beyiu  at  the  west  side  of  (ireenwifli  Bay,  beiug-  about  four 
miles  from  Stamford,  and  so  to  run  a  nortlierly  line  twenty  miles  up 
into  the  country,  and  after  as  it  shall  be  agreed  by  the  two  govern- 
ments, of  the  Dutch  and  of  Xew  Haven,  provided  the  said  line  come 
not  within  ten  miles  of  the  Hudson  Iviver.'" 

Itiii  these  articles,  constituting  a  jn'ovisional  treaty,  were  never 
lalilied  by  the  home  governments.  In  l(>r>4  the  States-General  of 
I  lie  Netherlands  instructed  their  ambassadors  in  London  to  negotiate 
a  boundary  line,  an  undertaking,  which,  however,  they  found  it  im- 
possible to  accomplish.  The  English  government,  when  approached 
on  the  subject,  assumed  a  haughty  attitude,  pretending  total  ignor- 
ance of  their  High  Mightinesses  having  any  colonies  in  America,  and, 
moreover,  declaring  that,  as  no  proposal  on  the  boundary  question 
had  been  received  from  the  English  colonies  in  America,  it  would  be 
manifestly  im^iroper  to  consider  the  uLatter  in  any  wise.  Subse(iui'nt 
attempts  to  settle  this  i.ssue  were  e(|nally  unsuccessful.  Neverthe- 
less, it  was  always  urged  by  Stuyvesaut  that,  in  the  absence  of  a  reg- 
uhirly  coulirmed  treaty,  the  articles  of  1050  imght  to  be  adhered  to 
in  good  faith  on  both  sides,  as  embracing  mulual  concessions  for  the 
sake  of  neighborly  understanding,  which  were  carefully  formulated 
at  the  time  and  had  never  been  repudiated.  It  will  be  admitted  by 
most  impartial  minds  that  this  was  a  reasonable  contention.  But 
the  Westchester  tract  was  not  the  only  territory  in  debate.  English 
settlement  had  proceeded  rapidly  on  i.,ong  Island,  and  the  onward 
movement  of  citizens  of  Connecticut  in  that  quarter  was  quite  as  in- 
consistent with  the  terms  of  the  articles  of  ir>.">(l  as  was  the  presence  of 
an  organized  English  colony  in  the  Vredelaud.  Thus  whatever 
course  might  be  suggested  by  fairness  respecting  the  ultimate  Eng- 
lish attitude  toward  Westchestei-,  that  was  only  one  local  issue  among 
others  of  very  similar  nature;  and  with  so  much  at  stake,  the  policy 
of  self-interest  required  a  studied  resistance  to  the  Dutch  claims  in 
general,  even  if  that  involved  violation  of  the  spirit  of  an  agreement 
made  in  inchoate  conditions  which,  though  in  a  sense  morally  bind- 
ing, had  never  been  legally  perfected.  Finally,  there  was  no  conceiv- 
able risk  for  the  English  in  any  proceedings  they  chose  to  take,  how- 
ever arbitrary  or  unscrupulous;  for  in  the  event  of  an  armed  conflict 
over  the  boundary  difticulty,  the  jiowc  ifiil  Xew  England  colonies 
could  easily  crush  the  weak  and  nu^ager  Dutch  settlements. 

It  is  not  known  to  what  extent,  if  any,  the  settlers  at  Westchester 
suff(U-ed  from  the  great  and  wi(les])read  Indian  massacn-  of  1(555, 
which  occurred  before  they  had  submit le<l  themselves  to  the  Dutch 
government  and  consequently  before  their  alTairs  became  matters 


of  record  at  Noav  Ainstei'dam.  On  Lbo  15th  of  Sopteiiibcr  of  that 
year  sixty-four  canoes  of  savages — •'  Mohicans,  Pachamis,  \\ith  others 
from  Esopns,  Hackiugsack,  Tapi)aan,  Stamford,  and  Onlceway,  as 
far  east  as  ('onuecticnt,  estimated  by  some  to  amount  to  nineteen 
hundred  in  number,  from  five  to  eiglit  hundred  of  Avhom  were  armed," 
— landed  suddenly,  before  daj'break,  at  Fort  Amsterdam.  They 
came  to  avenge  the  recent  killing  of  a  squaw  I)}'  the  Dutch  for  steal- 
ing peaches.  Stuyvesant,  with  most  of  the  arme<l  force  of  the  set- 
tlement, was  absent  at  the  time  upon  an  expediti<ni  to  subdue  the 
Swedes  on  the  Delaware.  A  reign  of  t<»rror  followed,  lasting  for 
three  days,  during  which,  says  O'Callaghau,  "  the  Dutch  lost  one 
hundred  people,  one  hundred  and  fifty  were  taken  into  captivity, 
and  more  than  three  hundred  persons,  besides,  were  deprived  of 
house,  home,  clothes,  and  food."  The  Westchester  people  were 
probably  spared  on  this  occasion.  It  was  a  deed  of  vengeance 
agaiust  the  Dutch,  and,  as  the  English  pioneers  liad  up  to  that  time 
firmly  resisted  Dutch  authority,  the  Indians  could  have  had  no  reason 
for  interfering  with  them.  The  reader  will  remember  that  when 
Stuyvesant's  officer,  Van  Elslant,  came  to  Westchester  with  his  writ 
of  dispossession  in  the  spring  of  the  same  year,  he  was  met  by  only 
eight  or  nine  armed  men;  whereas  one  year  later  tM'enty -three  adult 
males  were  made  prisoners  by  De  Koninck's  party  at  that  place. 
This  demonstrates  that  the  progress  of  the  settlement  had  at  least 
undergone  no  retardation  in  the  interval. 

Thomas  Pell,  to  whose  enterprise  was  due  the  foundation  of  the 
first  permanent  settlement  in  the  County  of  Westchester,  Avas  born, 
according  to  Bolton's  researches,  at  Southwyck,  in  Sussex,  England, 
about  1608,  although  he  is  sometimes  styled  Thomas  Pell  of  Nor- 
folk. He  was  of  aristocratic  and  distinguished  descent,  traciug  his 
ancestry  to  the  ancient  Pell  family  of  Waiter  Willingsley  and  Dym- 
blesbye,  in  Lincolnshire.  A  branch  of  this  Lincolnshire  family  re- 
moved into  the  County  of  Norfolk,  of  which  was  John  Pell,  gentle- 
man, lord  of  the  Manor  of  Shouldham  Priory  and  BrookhaJl  (died 
April  4,  1550).  One  of  his  descendants  was  the  Kev.  John  Pell,  of 
Southwyck  (born  about  1553),  who  married  Mary  Holland,  a  lady  of 
royal  blood.  Thomas  Pell,  the  purchaser  of  the  Westchester  tract, 
was  their  eldest  son.  As  a  young  man  in  England  he  was  gentle- 
man of  the  bedchamber  to  Charles  I.,  and  it  is  supposed  that  his 
sympathies  were  ah\ays  on  the  side  of  the  royalist  cause.  It  is 
uncertain  at  what  period  he  emigrated  to  America,  but  Bolton  finds 
that  as  early  as  1G30  he  was  associated  with  Boger  Ludlow,  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Rev.  John  Warham's  company,  who  settled  first  at  Dor- 
chester, Mass.,  and  later  removed  to  Windsor,  Conn.     In  1G35,  with 


Ludlow  au(l  U'U  families,  he  coiiimeuoed  tlic  i»laii(atiou  at  {■'airfield, 
Conn,  (called  by  the  Indians  Unquowa).  In  l(i47  he  traded  to  the 
Delaware  and  Virjiinia.  Beinj>'  summoned  in  KiiS  tc>  take  the  oatli 
of  allegiance  to  NeAv  Haven,  he  refused,  for  llic  reason  that  he  had 
already  subscribed  to  it  in  England,  "and  shnuld  nut  take  it  here." 
For  his  contumacious  conduct  he  was  fined,  and,  icfusing  to  ])ay 
the  tine,  "was  again  summoned  before  the  authorities,  au<l  again 

Thus  his  early  career  in  Connecticut  was  attended  by  circum- 
stances which,  on  their  face,  were  hardly  favorable  to  his  subse- 
quent selection  by  the  government  of  that  colony  as  an  agent  for 
carrying  out  designs  that  they  may  have  had  regarding  tlie  absorp- 
tion of  Dutch  lands.  It  is  altogether  presumable  that  in  buying 
the  Westchester  tract  from  the  Indians  in  1654  he  acted  in  a  strictly 
private  capacity,  although  the  settlers  who  went  there  may  have 
been  stimulated  to  do  so  by  the  colonial  authorities.  Pell  himself 
does  not  appear  to  have  ever  become  a  resident  of  Westchester.  He 
evidently  regarded  his  purchase  solely  as  a  real  estate  speculation, 
selling  his  lands  in  parcels  at  first  to  small  ])rivate  individuals,  and 
later  to  aggregations  of  enterprising  men. 

Of  the  more  important  of  these  sales,  as  of  the  conversion  of  much 
of  his  property  into  a  manorial  estate  called  Pelham  Manor,  due  men- 
tion will  be  made  farther  along  in  this  History.  The  erection  of  Pel- 
ham  Manor  by  royal  patent  dated  from  October  fi,  166G,  Thomas  Pell 
becoming  its  first  lord.  He  married  Lucy,  widow  of  Francis  Brew- 
ster, of  New  Haven,  and  died  at  Fairfield  without  issue  in  or  about 
the  month  of  Heptember,  KWiil.  He  left  property,  real  and  personal, 
valued  at  £1,294  14s.  4d.,  all  of  which  was  bequeathed  to  his  ne])hew, 
John  Pell,  of  England,  who  became  the  second  lord  of  the  manor. 

For  some  six  years  following  Pell's  acquisition  of  Westchester  in 
1654,  there  were,  so  far  as  can  be  ascertained,  no  other  notable  land" 
purchases  or  settlements  within  our  borders.  Van  der  Donck's  patent 
of  the  "  Yonkers  Land,"  inherited  by  his  Avidow,  continued  in  force; 
biit  the  time  had  not  yet  arrived  for  its  sub-division  and  systematic 
settlement.  The  New  Haven  Colony's  ]mrriiase  from  Ponus  and 
other  Indians  in  1640,  confirmed  to  the  ])eoiile  of  Stamf(U'd  in  1655, 
which  covered  the  Town  of  Pe(lf(U'd  and  other  ]iortions  of  AN'estchester 
County,  also  continued  as  a  mere  nominal  holding,  no  efforts  being 
made  to  develop  it.  No  new  grants  of  any  mentionable  importance 
were  made  by  the  Dutch  after  that  to  Van  der  Donck,  and  while  in- 
dividual Dutch  farmers  were  gradually  penetrating  beyond  tlie  Har- 
lem, they  founded  no  towns  or  compi'ehensive  settlements  of  which 
record  survives. 


But  M'itli  the  decade  coniiiienciiig  in  KJGO  a  general  movement  of 
land  purchasers  and  settlers  bei;an,  which,  steadily  continuing  and 
increasing,  brought  nearly  all  the  principal  eastern  and  southern 
sections  under  occupation  within  a  comparatively  brief  period. 

The  earliest  of  these  new  purchasers  were  Peter  Disbrow,  John 
Coe,  and  Thomas  Stedwell  (or  Wtudwell),  all  of  Greenwich,  Conn., 
who  in  1660  and  the  succeeding  years  bought  from  the  Indians  dis- 
tricts now  embraced  in  the  Towns  of  Kye  and  Harrison.  Associated 
with  them  in  some  of  their  later  purchases  was  a  fourth  man,  Jolm 
Budd;^  but  the  original  transactions  were  conducted  by  the  three. 
Their  leader,  I'eter  Disbrow,  says  the  Kev.  Charles  W.  Baird,  the 
historian  of  lije,  was  "  a  young,  intelligent,  self-reliant  man,"* 
who  seems  to  have  enjoyed  the  thorough  confidence  and  esteem 
of  his  colleagues.  On  January'  8,  KidO,  acting  by  authority  from 
the  Colony  of  Connecticut,  he  purchased  "  from  the  then  native 
Indian  proprietors  a  certain  true  (  of  land  Ij'ing  on  the  maine  be- 
tween a  certain  place  then  called  IJahonaness  to  the  east  and  to  the 
West  Chester  Path  to  the  north,  and  up  to  a  river  then  callfd  Moa- 
(|uanes  to  the  west,  that  is  to  say,  all  the  laud  lying  between  the 
aforesaid  two  rivers  then  called  I'euingoe,  extending  from  the  said 
I'ath  to  the  north  and  south  to  the  sea  nr  Sound."  This  tract,  on 
I'eningo  Neck,  extended  ovei-  the  lower  part  of  the  present  Town  of 
liye,  on  the  east  side  of  Blind  P.rook,  reaching  as  far  north  as  Port 
Chester  and  bounded  by  a  line  of  marked  trees. 

Six  months  later  (.Tunc  29,  KiliO)  the  Indian  owners,  thirteen  in 
number,  conveyed  to  Disbrow,  Coe,  and  .Stedwell,  for  the  consider- 
ation of  eight  coats,  seven  shirts,  and  fifteen  fathom  of  Avampuni, 
all  of  JManussing  Island,  described  as  "  near  unto  the  main,  which 
is  called  in  the  Indian  name  Peningo."  A  third  purchase  was  ef- 
fected by  Disbrow  May  22,  1661,  comprising  a  tract  lying  between 
the  Byram  IJiver  and  Blind  Brook,  "  which  may  contain  six  or  seven 
miles  from  the  sea  along  the  liyrani  Biver  side  northward."  Other 
purchases  west  of  Blind  Brook  followed,  including  Budd's  Neck  and' 
the  neighboring  islands;  the  West  Neck,  lying  between  Stony  Brook 
and  Mamaroneck  Biver,  and  the  tract  above  the  Westchester  I'ath 
and  Avest  of  Blind  Brook,  or  directly  north  of  Budd's  Neck.  This 
last-mentioned  tract  was  "the  territory  of  the  present  Town  of  llar- 
.rison,  a  territory  owned  by  the  proprietors  of  Rye,  but  wrested  from 
the  town  some  forty  years  later."      Baird  describes  as  follows  the 

» John   Budd   was  a  Quaker,   originally   from  niovod   to   Rye,    and   was   tlie   ancestor   of   tlie 

Southoia,    Suffoll<   County,   N.  Y..   and  suffered  numercnis  Horton  family  of  Westcliester  Coun- 

perseeution    there   on    account    of   his   religious  ty.     l''.)r    these    particulars    (not    uientiipued    in 

antecedents.      One    of    his    daughters    married  previous  histories)   we  are  indebted  to  Charles 

Joseph  Horton,  also  of  Southold,  who  later  re-  n.  Young,  Esq.,  of  New  Roehelle. 


aggref>a(('  liiiidcil  in-opcrty  represented  li\  llic  scvci-iil  deeds:  "The 
southeru  part  of  it  alone  eoniprised  Ilic  tract  of  land  between  Byram 
Eivei-  and  Maniaroneck  IJiver,  while  to  the  norlh  it  extended  twenty 
miles,  and  to  the  northwest  an  iudehnite  distance.  Tiiese  honn 
daries  inclnded,  besides  the  area  now  covered  by  the  Towns  of  Eye 
and  Harrison,  much  of  the  Towns  of  North  Castle  and  Bedford,  in 
New  York,  and  of  (Jreenwich,  in  Connecticnt;  whilst  iji  a  north- 
west direction  the  territory  claimed  Avas  absolntely  Avithoiil  a  fixed 
limit.  As  the  frontier  town  of  Connecticnt,  T{ye  long  cherished  ])i-e- 
tensions  to  the  whole  region  as  far  as  the  Hudson."  The  satisfac- 
tion given  the  Indians  for  all  parts  of  the  territory  consisted  chiefly 
of  nseful  articles,  and  foi-  some  of  the  section  the  recompense  be- 
stowed was  very  considerable  according  to  the  standards  obtain- 
ing in  dealings  with  the  Indians  in  those  days.  Thns,  the  value 
paid  for  IJndd's  Neck  was  "  eightie  jiounds  sterling,"  and  for  the 
Harrison  tract  twenty  ])ounds  stei-liug.  'i'iies(>  sums  certainly  con- 
ti-ast  (|uite  inii)Osingly  with  the  value  given  by  the  Dntcli  in  l(i24 
for  .Maidiattan  Island — twenty-four  dcdiars. 

Lilth'  tiuie  was  lost  in  laying  out  a  settlement.      For  this  jiurpose 
Mannssing  Island  was  selected  as  the  most  available  spot,  and  there 

a  c uiuuity  was  established  which  took  the  name  of  Hastings.      In 

Disbrow's  deed  of  May  '2'2,  KIGl,  to  the  lands  between  the  Byram 
Hiver  and  Blind  Brook,  mention  is  made  of  ''the  bounds  of  Hast- 
ings (III  the  south  and  sonthwest,"  wliicli  indicates  that  al  tliat 
early  date  the  island  village  had  already  been  inaugurated  and 
naiiud.  The  following  list  of  all  the  inhabitants  of  Hastings  Ithe 
second  town  oi-ganized  in  Westchester  Countyl  whose  names  have 
come  down  to  us  is  taken  from  Baird:  I'eter  Disbrow,  John  Coe, 
Thomas  Stud  well,  John  Budd,  William  Odell,  Richard  VoM'les,  !>?aiii- 
nel  Ailing,  Bobeit  Hudson,  John  Brondish,  I'-rederick  Harminson, 
Thomas  A])plel)e,  riiilij)  (ialpin,  George  Clere,  John  Jackson,  and 
Walter  Jackson.  It  will  be  observed  that  all  these,  with  one  ex- 
ception (("lerei,  are  good  Knglish  nanu's.  This  settlement,  only  one 
hour's  sail  from  (irecMwich,  was  too  far  removed  from  New  Amster- 
dam to  excite  the  jealous  notice  and  protest  of  Director  Sluyvesant, 
although  it  lay  c<insidei*ably  to  the  west  of  the  ])rovisional  liuuiidai-y 
line  marked  olT  in  the  articles  of  lt).")().  Its  founders  ai)pareiit  l_\'  re- 
moNcd  there  with  no  other  object  than  to  secui-e  homes  an<l  ]ilanta- 
tions,  holding  thcmschcs  in  readiness,  howcNcr,  lil<c  (hose  of  West- 
chester, to  come  under  the  ronnecticut  gdverniiicnt  in  due  time  The 
oldest  Hastings  town  document  that  has  been  ])reserved  is  a  decla- 
ration of  allegiance  to  "("liarles  the  Second,  our  lawful  hud  and 
king,"  dated  July  2<i,  ItitiL'.     At  the  same  period  when  the  pco]plc  of 


Westchester  Mere  iuiunued  that  their  territory  belonged  to  the  Col- 
ony of  Connecticut,  and  instructed  to  act  accordinoly,  lilve  notifica- 
tion Avas  sent  io  Ilastiuys.  Early  in  16G3  the  townsmen,  at  a  public 
meeting,  appointed  liichard  \'owles  as  constable,  who  went  to  Hart- 
ford and  was  duly  qualified.  John  Budd  was  selected  as  the  first 
deputy  to  the  Connc^eticut  jieneriil  court,  which  body,  on  the  Sth  of 
October,  1C()3,  designated  him  as  commissioner  for  the  Town  of  Hast- 
ings with  "  magistraticall  power." 

The  Island  of  Manussing,  only  one  mile  in  length,  Avas  in  the  course 
of  two  or  three  years  found  inadi'quate  for  the  growing  requirements 
of  the  colonists,  and  they  began  to  build  up  a  new  settlement  on  the 
mainland.  This  was  probably  in  16(54.  Meantime  other  colonists 
had  joined  them,  including  Thomas  and  Hachaliah  Browne,  George 
Lane,  George  Knil'fen,  Stephen  Sherwood,  and  Timothy  Knap.  They 
called  the  neAV  village  Rye,  "  presumably,"  says  Baird,  "  in  honor  of 
Thomas  and  Hachaliah  Browne,  the  sons  of  Mr.  Thomas  Browne,  a 
gentleman  of  good  family,  from  Rye,  in  Sussex  County,  England, 
Avho  settled  at  Cambridge,  Mass.,  in  1632."  "  The  original  division 
of  Rye  consisted  of  ten  acres  to  each  individual  planter,  besides  a 
jirivilcge  in  the  undivided  lands."  The  general  court  of  Connec- 
ticut, on  the  11th  of  May,  1665,  ordered  "  that  the  villages  of  Hast- 
ings and  Rye  shall  be  for  the  future  conjoyned  and  made  one  plan- 
tation, and  that  it  shall  be  called  by  the  appellation  of  Rye."  (Jrad- 
ually  the  island  was  abandoned.  The  village  of  Rye  became  within 
a  few  years  a  very  respectable  little  settlement.  It  lay  "  at  the 
upper  end  of  the  Neck,  along  the  eastern  bank  of  Blind  Brook,  and 
the  present  Milton  road  was  the  village  street,  on  either  side  of 
which  the  home-lots  of  the  settlers  were  laid  out.  .  .  .  The 
houses  erected  were  not  mere  temporary  structures,  as  on  INIanus- 
sins;  Island,  but  solid  buildin"S  of  wood  or  stone,  some  of  which 
have  lasted  until  our  own  day.  They  were  long,  narrow  structures, 
entered  from  the  side,  and  stood  with  gable  end  close  upon  the  road, 
and  huge  chimney  ])rojecting  at  the  rear.  Each  dwelling  generally 
containetl  t\A'o  rooms  on  the  ground  Hoor — a  kKchcn  and  '  l)est  room  ' 
—with  sleeping  apartments  in  the  lofl." 

The  original  Rye  purchases  of  Disbrow  and  liis  associates  in  ItiCiO 
antedate<l  by  only  one  year  the  ]Mirclias('  of  I  lie  adjacent  Mamaro- 
neck  lands,  extemling  from  the  Mamavoneck  River  1o  the  limits  of 
Thomas  Pell's  Westchester  tract.  On  the  23d  of  September,  16(11, 
the  Indian  projjrietors,  ^^'ai)]>aipiewam  and  Maliatahan  (brothers), 
sold  to  Jolin  Richbell,  of  Oystei'  Bay,  Long  Island,  three  necks  of 
land,  described  as  follows  in  the  conveyance:  "The  Eastermost  is 
called  Mammaranock  Neck,  and   the  Westermost  is  bounded  with 

richbell's  mamaroneck   purchase  127 

Mr.  Pell's  purfliase."  The  three  necks  later  b'-ciuue  kuo^\m  as  the 
East,  Middle,  and  West  Necks.  All  the  meadows,  vivevs,  and  islands 
thereunto  belonyiun'  were  included  in  the  sale;  and  it  was  also 
specified  that  Eichbell  or  his  assigns  might  "  fi-eely  feed  cattle  or 
cutt  timber  twenty  miles  Northward  from  the  marked  Trees  of  the 
Necks."  As  payment,  he  Avas  to  deliver  to  Wapj'iaquewaiii,  half 
within  about  a  month  and  the  other  half  in  the  following  spring, 
twenty-tAVo  coats,  one  liundred  fathom  of  A^ampum,  twelve  shirts, 
ten  pairs  of  stockings,  twenty  hands  of  powder,  twelve  bars  of  lead, 
two  firelocks,  fifteen  hoes,  fifteen  hatchets,  and  tliree  kettles.  Two 
shirts  and  ten  shillings  in  Avampum  were  given  in  part  paynu'nt  on 
the  day  of  the  transaction.  But  IJichbell  Avas  not  permitted  to  enter 
into  undislurbe(l  possession  of  Ids  fine  property.  Another  English- 
man of  Oyster  Bay,  one  Thomas  Revell,  in  the  folloAving  month  (Octo- 
ber, 16G1)  aiipeared  on  the  scene  and  undertook  to  buy  the  identical 
lands,  or  a  very  considerable  portion  of  them.  His  negoiiations 
were  with  I  lie  same  Wappaquewam  and  certain  other  Indians,  to 
Avhom  he  paid,  or  engaged  to  pay,  more  than  Eichbell  had  l)oiind 
himself  for.  Out  of  his  rival  claim  arose  a  Avordy  legal  dispute, 
wherein  affidavits  were  filed  by  various  witnesses,  one  of  \\  Ikiui  (tes- 
tifying in  Tvichbell's  behalf)  Avas  Feter  DisbroAV,  of  Manussiug  Island. 
From  the  testimony  of  Wai»paqueAvam  it  appears  that  that  chief  was 
overpersuaded  by  another  Indian,  Cockoo,  to  resell  the  territory  to 
Bevell,  upon  the  alluring  promise  that  "  he  should  have  a  cole,"  "  on 
Avhich  he  did  it."  The  bui-deu  of  the  cAidence  Avas  i)lainly  in  favor 
of  Richbell,  Avho,  in  all  the  legal  proceedings  that  restilted,  Iriuinphed 
OA'er  his  ojiponent. 

The  Indian  Cockoo,  Avho  contributed  his  good  oltices  to  the  assist- 
ance of  ReAell  in  this  enterprise,  Avas  none  other  than  the  notable 
Long  Island  interiu-eter,  Cockonoe,  Avho  was  ,lohn  Eliofs  first  in- 
structor in  the  Indiau  language,  and  Avho  Avas  a  frequent  interme- 
diary betAveeu  English  land  purchasers  and  the  native  oa\  iiers  of 
the  soil.  What  is  knoAvn  of  the  history  of  tliis  very  uni(|Ue  char- 
acter has  been  embodied  in  an  interesting  monograph  by  Mi-.  William 
Wallace  Tooker,'  to  Avhoni  Ave  are  indebted  for  the  article  on  In<lian 
local  naiiies  in  the  second  chapter  of  this  volume. 

His  name  a])i)eai's  variously  in  legal  documents  as  ('nckon,  Cokoo, 
and  Cockoe — all  abbreviations  of  the  correct  form,  Cockinioe.  Kliot, 
in  a  letter  written  in  KUfl,  descriptiA'e  of  how  he  learned  the  Indian 
tongue,  relates  that  he  became  ac(]uainted  while  living  at  Dorchester, 
Mass.,  with  a  young  Long  Island  Indiau,  "taken  in  the  I'equott 
warres,"  Avhom   he  fonml   very  ingenious,  able  to  rea<l.  and    whom 

'  CoikoiioiMlo-r.i.iii;    Islunil.    N.w    York.    ISOG. 



lie  lauglii  l((  wi'ilc,  ••  wliirli  he  quickly  k-arnt."  "IK-  was  the  first," 
says  Eliot,  "that  1  made  use  of  to  teach  me  words  and  to  be  my  in- 
terpreter." And  at  the  end  of  liis  "Indian  (irammar."  printed  at 
Cambridge  in  l(i()!i.  Kliot  testifies  more  particularly  to  the  services 
rendere(i  him  by  this  youtii.  "By  his  Iielp,"  he  says,  "I  translated 
the  ("omniandments,  tiie  Loi-d's  Prayer,  and  many  texts  of  Scripture; 
also  I  compiled  both  exhortations  and  prayers  by  his  iieip."  Cooko- 
noe  attended  Eliot  for  some  time  in  his  evan!j;elistio  expeditious,  and 
lalci-  made  his  home  amony  the  Eujilish  settlers  on  Long  Ishind, 
whom  he  stood  ready  at  all  times  to  assist  in  their  private  dealinjis 

with  the  Indians.      When 

4^  THE  i^> 

M  OR,  jjj^j. 

,S!  The  way  of  training  up  of  oitr  ^ 

<m    kno.vlcage  of  G.A,  in  ihc  ^>'> 
knowledge  ofdicScdp:unc'  ^j. 


jW.    and  in  an  a'.vliiy  to  Pfiile. 
V-X . 

•^        Compofed  t>j  I.  E. 

Li^JJ — _  ^ 

i  UiM.  3  14,15.  ,^(f  <^f,:;:.i;j.  QST 

-y    'Virflts.,/^  «>;/)  n.thcuBtjjsarl'h  ^ 

{^    khpahiiit.ic.imnfh,  wihi/i'dti^i' 

4^    ytcbAt>b:tihte:<oniclt  f§<J. 

^iij  -5)  ^^b  witch  fiufnnuti^ffi'fn-  STi 

nut  ({ nriiriicit'ipuiti,  ^t 

Thomas  Revell  son,i>ht  to 
i;('t  the  njijier  hand  of 
b'icldicjl  in  the  ])nrchase 
o(  lands  in  the  present 
Townshi}!  of  Mamaroneck, 
lie  accordiniily  brouiihr 
( 'ockonoe  with  him  from 
I.dUi;-  Island,  and  confided 
to  him  full  anthority  in 
the  premises,  ('ockonoe 
made  larjie  promises  to 
the  native  owners  in  He- 
vell's  bi-lialf,  and  readily 
induced  them  to  yrant 
him  jiower  of  attorney  to 
sell  the  lands  to  Kcxcll. 
The  u  iiderst  nndiiii;-  was 
shrewdly  planueil,  but 
Kichlxdrs  claim  was  too 
well  establ  ished  t  o  be 

Richbell.  unlike  IN-ll  in 
his  AYestchester  pur(duise, 
and  l>isbrow"  and  his  com- 
panions in  their  Eye  ven- 
ture, did  not  hold  himself  indeiieudent  of  the  l)ut(di  iM-o\'incial  admin- 
istration. He  promptly  a])plied  to  the  government  at  New  Amster- 
dam for  confirmation  of  his  landed  rlalits.  Perhaps  he  was  actuated 
in  this  step  by  a  i)rudent  desire  to  avoid  the  legal  eomi»licatioiis  and 
annoyances  Avhich  the  settlers  at  Westchester  had  experieuct-d,  and 
perhaps  he  sought  to  strengthen  his  case  against  his  competitor 
Eevell  bv  the  forms  of  ofiicial  recognition.      In  an  elaboratelj-  polite 



richbell's  mamaroneck  purchase  129 

(■(iiminmicatioii,  (Iatc(I  "In  New  Nctlici-laiids,  2JtIi  rH-ccmbci-,  KWil," 
and  addri'ssed  "To  the  most  noldc,  jircal,  and  resitcctf'nl  lords,  the 
Din-ctor-Ueucral  and  Council  iu  .New  Netherlands,"  he  solicited 
"  most  reverently  "  that  letters  patent  be  .uranted  him  loi-  his  tract, 
l)romising  not  only  that  all  i)ersons  settlinii-  njx'U  It  should  similarly 
crave  letters  jiatent  from  the  Dutch  authorities  for  such  jjarcels  of 
land  as  they  should  ac(iuire,  but  also  that  he  would  take  care  to 
"enforce  and  instruct  them  of  your  Honour's  iiovernment  and  \\iii."' 
Hy  a  document  signed  3Iay  (i,  1002,  Director  Stuyvesant  conipiicii 
with  his  request,  stipulating,  however,  that  Kichbell  and  all  ))ei'soMS 
associated  with  him  or  settling  under  him  should  "present  llicm- 
selves  before  us  to  take  the  oath  of  fidelity  and  obedience,  and  also, 
as  other  inhabitants  are  used  to,  procure  a  land  brief  of  what  they 

The  bounds  of  Richbell's  patcmt  on  the  Sound  ran  from  "  Mr.  I'ell's 
purchase"  at  the  southwest  to  the  Mamaroneck  River  at  the  north- 
east. The  three  necks,  constituting  its  water  front,  are  thus  de- 
scribed by  the  historian  of  the  Jfanors  of  Westchester  County: 

The  Middle  Xeelc  was  sometimes  styled  the  "  Great  Neek,"  from  its  longer  extent  of 
water  front,  which  led  to  the  supposition  tliat  its  area  below  Westehester  Path  was  {greater 
than  tliat  of  the  East  Neek.  Tlie  East  Xeek  extended  from  Mamaroneek  River  to  a  small 
stream  ealled  Pipin's  Brook,  which  divided  it  from  the  Great  Neek,  and  is  the  same  wliieh 
now  (188t))  crosses  the  Boston  Road  jnst  of  the  house  of  the  late  Mr.  (ieoroe  Vander- 
burgh. The  North  Neck  extended  from  the  latter  stream  westward  to  the  nuiuth  of  a  mueh 
birjjer  brook  ealled  Cedar  or  Gravelly  Brook,  wliieh  is  the  one  that  bounds  the  land  now 
Kelnnjrinr.-  to  Mr.  IMeyer  on  the  west.  And  the  West  Neck  extended  from  the  latter  to 
another  smaller  brook  still  further  to  the  westward,  also  termed  Stony  or  Gravelly  Brook, 
wliieh  was  the  east  line  of  the  Manor  of  I'elham.  A  heated  controversy  arose  between  John 
Riehbell  and  John  Pell  (second  lord  of  tlie  Manor),  as  to  which  of  the  two  brooks  last  named 
was  the  true  boundary  between  them.  Pell  claiminy-  that  it  was  the  former  and  that  the  West 
Neek  was  his  land.  After  proceedings  before  (iovernor  Lovelace  and  in  the  Court  of 
.\ssizes,  the  matter  was  finally  settled  on  the  2'Jd  of  January,  IfiTl,  by  an  agreement  prac- 
tically dividing  the  disputed  territory  between  them. 

Ikichbell  erected  a  liotise  on  the  East  Neck,  and  resided  there.  in 
the  iiiirrior  his  landed  i-iglils,  as  understood  in  his  deed  from  the 
Indians,  extended  "twenty  miles  northward."  By  letters  patent 
from  (ioveinor  Lovelace,  issned  to  him  October  10,  lOOS,  the  wlnde 
tract  was  continued  to  him,  "running  northward  twenty  miles  into 
the  woods."  This  tract  embraced  the  present  Towns  (jf  Mamaroneck, 
White  I'lains,  and  Scarsdale,  and  most  of  New  Castle.  I'.ul  the  en- 
terprising men  of  Rye  in  10S8  bought  liom  the  Indians  i  he  While 
Plains  tract — a  ])urchase  which  gave  rise  to  a  ])rolracle(l  conienlion 
about  the  ownershij)  of  that  section.  The  West  and  Middle  Necks 
went  out  of  RichbelTs  jiossession  under  nioiigage  transactions,  the 
principal  mortgagi'e  being  Cornelius  Steeiiwyck,  a  wealthy  Dutch 
merchant  of  New  York.     Most  of  the  Middle  Neck  was  subse-iueiitly 


acquired  by  the  rtihiiei-  family  (still  prominent  in  the  Tuwn  of  ^Mamar- 
oneck).  Toward  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  Peter  J.  Munro 
became  its  principal  proprietor,  from  whom  it  is  called  to  (his  day 
Munro's  Neck.  Upon  it  is  located  the  widely  known  and  exclusive 
summer  resort  of  Larchmont,  The  East  Neck  was  conveyed  by 
Richhell,  immediately  after  the  procurement  of  his  jiatcnt  from  Gov- 
ernor Lovelace,  to  his  mother-indaw,  Margery  Parsons,  who  forth- 
with deeded  it  to  her  daughter  Ann,  his  wife.  By  her  it  A\as  sold 
in  1697  to  Colonel  Caleb  Heathcote,  under  whom,  Avitli  its  interior 
extension,  it  was  erected  into  the  Manor  of  Scarsdale.  Heathcote's 
eldest  daughter,  Ann,  married  into  the  distinguished  de  Lancey 
family.  As  he  left  no  male  heir,  Ann  de  Lancey  inherited  much  of 
the  manor  property,  and  the  de  Lanceys.  continuing  to  have  their 
seat  here,  gave  their  name  to  the  locality  still  called  de  Lancey's 

John  Eichbell,  the  original  purchaser  of  all  the  lauds  whose  his- 
tory has  thus  been  briefly  traced,  was  "  an  Englishman  of  a  Hamp- 
shire family  of  Southampton  or  its  neighborhood,  who  were  mer- 
chants in  London,  and  who  had  business  transactions  with  the  West 
Indies  or  New  England."  ITe  was  engaged  for  a  time  in  commer- 
cial enterprises  in  the  British  West  India  Islands  of  Barbadoes,  then 
a  prominent  center  of  transatlantic  trade.  In  l^.^n  he  was  a  mer- 
chant in  Charlestown,  Mass.  (near  Boston).  The  next  year  he  en- 
tered into  a  peculiar  jirivate  uuderstanding  with  Thomas  Mediford, 
of  Barbadoes,  and  AVilliam  Sliarpe,  of  Sout]iaiH])ten,  England,  which 
is  supposed  to  have  afforded  the  basis  for  his  purthase,  four  years 
later,  of  the  Mamaroneck  tract.  The  details  of  the  understanding 
are  not  stated  in  terms  in  any  document  that  is  extant;  but  its 
nature  can  readily  be  conjectured  from  the  wording  of  the  "  Instruc- 
tions "  prepared  for  him  by  his  associates,  dated  Barbadoes,  Septem- 
ber 18,  1657.  He  is  advised  to  inform  himself  "by  sober  under- 
standing men"  respecting  the  seacoast  between  Connecticut  and 
the  Dutch  settlements,  and  the  islands  between  Long  Island  and 
the  main,  ascertaining  "Avithin  what  government  it  is,  and  of  what 
kiude  that  government  is,  whether  very  strict  or  very  remisse." 
Having  satisfied  himself,  in  these  and  other  particulars,  that  he 
"may  with  security  settle  there  and  without  offense  to  any,"  he  is 
advised  to  "  buy  some  small  Plantation,"  which,  among  other  ad- 
vantages, must  be  "  near  some  navigable  Ryver,  or  at  least  some 
safe  port  or  harbour,"  and  "  the  way  to  it  neither  long  nor  ditticult." 
He  is  next  to  obtain  an  indisputable  title  to  the  land,  to  settle  there  . 
with  his  family,  and  to  clear  and  cultivate  it.  Precise  directions 
are  given  him  for  his  agricultural  and  economic  operations,  includ- 

richbell's  mamaroneck  purchase  131 

ing  tbi'  I'olldwiug  signifioaut  ones:  "  Be  sure  by  the  first  opportunity 
to  put  au  acre  or  two  of  hemp  seed  into  the  ground,  of  which  you 
may  in  the  winter  make  a  quantity  of  canvass  and  cordage  for  your 
own  use.  In  the  falling  and  clearing  your  ground  save  all  your 
l)riiKipal  timber  for  pipe  stands  and  clapboard  and  knee  timber." 
Lastly,  he  is  instructed  to  "advise  us,  or  either  of  us,  how  affairs 
stand  with  you,  what  your  wants  are,  and  how  they  may  be  most 
advantageously  employed  by  us,  for  the  life  of  our  business  will 
consist  in  the  nimble,  quiet,  and  full  correspondence  with  us."  There 
can  be  no  doubt  that  all  this  was  with  a  view  to  procuring  facilities 
for  contraband  traffic.  The  navigation  laws,  at  that  time  as  through- 
out the  colonial  period,  were  extremely  burdensome,  and  large  profits 
were  to  be  made  in  evading  them.  Although  no  direct  evidence  ex- 
ists that  the  Mamaroneck  shores  were  utilized  to  this  end,  we  think 
it  highly  probable  tliat  some  illicit  trade  found  its  destination  there. 
It  is  a  fact  that  EichbelTs  lands,  unlike  those  of  Thomas  IVU  and 
Disbrow  and  his  associates,  were  not  taken  \i])  to  any  considerable 
extent  by  bona  fide  colonists  for  many  years.  Yet  he  was  a  poor 
man,  always  in  debt,  and  could  not  afford  to  let  his  property  lie  idle. 
As  late  as  1671  a  warrant  was  issued  by  Governor  Lovelace  "  for  ye 
fetching  Mr.  John  Richliell  to  \(n\n  [New  York  City]  a  prisoner," 
wherein  it  was  recited  that  "  John  Itichbi'll,  of  JIamaroneck,"  was  "  a 
prisoner  under  arrest  for  debt  in  this  city,  from  wliicli  place  he  hath 
absented  liiinself  contrary  to  liis  engagement."  It  may  hence  justly 
be  remarked  that,  on  the  otiu-r  hand,  lie  could  hardly  have  been  en- 
gaged in  any  very  extensive  or  remunerative  "nimble"  business. 

T?efore  buying  the  Mamaroneck  tract,  Richbell  had  become  an  in- 
habitant of  Long  Island,  residing  at  Oyster  Bay.  On  the  5th  of  Sep- 
tember, 1660,  he  purchased  Lloyd's  Neck,  on  that  island,  for  which 
on  December  IS.  1665,  he  obtained  a  patent  from  Governor  Nicolls. 
Tills  property  he  sold  one  year  later  for  £150.  Through  his  brother, 
Eobert  Richbell,  a  member  of  the  English  Council  of  Trade  created 
by  Charles  II.,  he  probably  received  early  information  of  the  expe- 
dition intended  for  the  conquest  of  New  Netherland  from  the  Dutch. 
After  the  conquest  he  made  his  home  at  Mamaroneck,  where  he  died 
July  26,  1681,  leaving  a  widow  and  three  daughters — Elizabeth, 
Mary,  and  Ann.  Elizabeth,  according  to  Bolton,  became  "  the  sec- 
ond wife  of  Adam  Mott,  of  Ilanistead,"  and  their  son,  William,  was 
the  ancestor  of  Dr.  Yalentine  :Mott,  of  New  York  City.  Mary  Rich- 
bell married  Captain  James  Mott,  of  Mamaroneck.  who,  in  an  entry 
in  tlie  town  records,  alludes  to  "a  certain  piece  of  land  laying  near 
the  salt  meadow,"  "in  my  home  lot  or  field  adjoining  to  my  house," 
as  being  the  burial  place  of  John  Richbell. 

CHAPTER    \11 



N  the  Gtli  of  Hepteiiibcr,  1()()4,  the  CMty  of  New  Am- 
sterdam suiTeiidercd  to  ;ui  English  fleet  whicli  had 
beeii  secretly  disiiatchcd  an'oss  the  Atlantic  lo  take 
ttossessiou  of  the  Diilili  dominions  in  America;  and 
soon  attei-ward  the  fortitied  places  id'  the-  Dntch  on  the  Dela- 
wai-c  and  the  npper  Undson  gave  in  their  allegiance  to  the 
new  rnlei'S  of  the  land.  For  man,\  years  tiie  wliole  conrse  <>(  events 
in  New  Netherland  had  been  steadily  tending  to  this  event  naiity.  As 
early  as  l()5tl,  when  tlie  llarti'oi-d  articles  of  agreement  between  Stny- 
vesant  and  the  comnnssiducrs  uj'  tlie  T'niteil  Colonies  of  New  I'hig- 
laiid  were  signed,  the  l>utcii  pi-etensions  to  teirituriai  ownersiii])  on 
tlie  banks  id'  the  Connecticnt  were  abandoned,  and  the  lOnglish  rights 
as  far  west  as  Greenwich  on  the  Sound  and  to  within  ten  miles  of  the 
llndson  liiver  in  the  interior  were  rerogiuzed.  At  the  same  time, 
sovereignty  on  Long  Island  was  fni'mally  divided  with  the  English, 
it  being  )>ioviileil  in  the  articdes  tli;it  "  upon  Long'  Island  a  line  ran 
from  the  westernmost  part  of  Oyster  i!ay,  so,  and  in  a  sti-aighl  and 
direct  line,  to  the  sea,  shall  be  the  bonnds  betwixt  the  iCnglish  and 
Dutch  there,  the  easterly  part  to  belong  to  the  English  and  the  west- 
I'rnmost  part  to  the  Dntch.'"  Snbsei|nent  (U'veloj)mi'nts  wei-e  nni- 
forndy  in  the  direction  of  the  acipusition  by  the  English  of  all  nn- 
settled  intermediate  territory.  While  the  Dutch  not  oidy  made  no 
encroa(dnaents  njion  the  sections  adjoiinng  the  English  settlements, 
but  even  neglected  all  systematic  orcn]>ation  of  the  undeveloped 
country'  indisputably  belonging  to  their  own  sjihere,  such  as  the 
regions  north  of  the  Harlem  Kiver,  the  English  were  constantly  ex- 
tending, by  actual  seizure  and  occupation,  the  limits  of  their  west- 
ward (daims.  One  after  another  the  Dutch  gave  up  to  their  rivals 
every  point  in  dispute.  In  lti(>:'>.  after  a  strenuous  endeavor  to  re- 
tain the  Westchester  tract,  wheie  they  had  preserved  the  forms  of 
jurisdiction  since  the  early  days  of  its  colonization  by  TelFs  settlers, 
tliev   resigned  this  inqiortant    vantage  ground;    and   early   in   1664, 



forced  to  an  issue  on  l>i)no  Island  h\  I  lie  siiililmrii  allihidc  ul'  ilii> 
En.nlisli  (owns  llicic,  llu-y  entered  into  an  airani^cnient  \t\  w  liicii 
all  conti-ovei-ted  matters  in  that  part  of  their  diniinishini;-  realms 
were  deterniined  ajireeably  to  the  157'ilisii  interests.  Bj'  this  hitler 
transaction  the  villain's  of  Newtown,  I'liisliinn',  .Taniaica,  Tlenipstead, 
and  (Jravesend  beeann-  English.  The  arroj^ant  general  dis|M)sition 
of  (he  English  in  Oouuectiont  u\  the  closing  period  of  the  Dntch 
rnle  is  described  as  follows  by  Stuyvesant  in  a  dispatch  to  the  West 
India  Conix>auy,  dated  IS*o\('nd)er  1(1,  Hii;.".:  "They  know  no  New 
Netherland,  uor  government 
of  New  Xethei-land,  except 
oidy  the  Dnlch  jdantation 
on  tile  Island  of  .Manhattan. 
"Tis  evident  and  clear  that 
were  ^^■estchester  and  the 
five  lOnglish  to\\iis  on  ]>ong 
Island  snrreiidered  by  us  to 
the  Colony  of  Hartford,  and 
\\iial  we  have  justly  pos- 
sessed and  settled  on  Long 
Island  left  to  ns,  it  would 
not  satisfy  them,  because  it 
would  not  be  ])ossible  to 
bring  them  sxifltieiently  to 
any  fnrtlier  arrangement 
witii  us  by  commissioners 
to  be  chosen  on  both  sides 
by  the  mediation  of  a  third 
party;  and  as  in  case  of  dis- 
agreement they  assert,  in 
addition,  that  they  may  pos- 
sess and  occupy,  in  virtue  of 
their  unlimited  patent,  the 
lands  lying  vacant  and  un- 
settled on  both  sides  of  the  Noi"th  Ttiver  ami  elsew  here,  which  would 
certainly  always  cause  and  ci-eate  ne\\'  |)re(ensions  and  dis]iutes,  even 
though  the  boundaiy  Avere  jirovisionallN  settled  here."  The  ])atent 
here  referred  to  by  Stiiyvesant  was  one  granted  by  Cliaries  II.  on 
(he  23d  of  AiM-il.  \m2.  to  the  Colony  of  Coniiecticut,  wherein  the 
westward  bounds  of  Connecticut  were  stated  to  be  "  (he  Soutli  Sea  " 
— that  is,  the  Pacific  Ocean.  The  southern  bounds  were  likewise 
fixed  at  •' the  F!ea  " — meaning  not  the  Sound,  but  the  Atlantic  Ocean 
south  of  Long  Island. 



March  23,  IGGl  fn.  s.J,  Cliark'S  11.  by  ruyal  pateut  vested  in  his 
brother,  the  Dul^e  of  York  (afterward  James  II.),  the  proprietorship 
of  all  of  New  Xetherland.  The  sole  semblance  of  justilication  of 
this  act  was  the  venerable  claim  of  England  to  the  North  American 
mainland,  based  upon  the  discovery  of  the  Cabots  in  the  reign  of 
Henry  ^'11.,  nearly  a  hundred  and  seventy  years  before.  At  the 
time  of  the  gift  to  the  Duke  of  York,  no  state  of  war  existed  be- 
tween England  and  the  Netherlands.  Neither  was  there  the  plau- 
sible excuse  of  emergency  on  the  ground  of  any  threatening  be- 
havior of  the  Dutch  in  America,  or  even  of  dangerous  differences 
between  the  provinces  of  New  Netherland  and  Connecticut;  for,  as 
we  have  seen,  the  Dutch  had  pursued  an  undeviating  course  of  for- 
bearance and  submission,  and  had  but  recently  yielded  all  for  which 
their  English  neighbors  contended.  It  was  a  deed  of  spoliation  pure 
and  simple,  and  as  such  has  been  characterized  in  varying  terms  of 
denunciation  by  all  impartial  historians.  Four  ships  of  Avar,  car- 
rying ninety-two  guns  and  about  four  hundred  and  lifty  land  troops, 
and  commanded  by  Colonel  Richard  Nicolls,  appeared  before  New 
Amsterdam  at  the  end  of  Aiigust,  and  demanded  the  surrender  of 
the  city.  Stuyvesant  desired  to  resist  to  the  last,  but  was  over- 
borne by  the  Avill  of  the  citizens,  and  on  the  6th  of  September  articles 
of  capitulation  were  signed,  whicli  were  extremeh'  generous  in  their 
provisions,  the  Dutch  being  granted  full  privilege  to  continue  in  the 
enjoyment  of  their  lands  and  otlu-r  jjossessions,  as  well  as  liberty  of 
religion  and  of  occupying  minor  civil  offices.  Nicolls  was  installed 
as  governor  of  the  province,  which  took  the  name  of  New  York. 

One  of  the  first  documents  wliicli  I  he  new  authorities  had  to  con- 
sider Avas  a  communication  from  the  "  iidiabitants  of  Westchester," 
reciting,  under  seven  different  heads,  their  local  grievances  against 
the  Dutch.  In  this  paper  no  specific  remedy  was  prayed  for,  and  it 
appears  to  have  been  drawn  mei'ely  to  put  on  record  the  real  and 
supposed  injuries  that  the  settlers  liad  suffered  from  the  New  Neth- 
erland government,  and  to  attract  official  attention  to  their  commu- 
nity. O'Callaghan  shows  that  in  some  of  its  more  serious  charges 
it  is  distinctly  untruthful,  suggesting  a  malignant  animus.  It  con- 
cluded with  the  bitter  complaint  that,  because  of  the  conduct  of  the 
Dutch,  the  plantation  is  at  "  a  low  estate,"  that  conduct  having 
operated  as  "  an  utter  obstruction  from  the  peoi)ling  and  improv- 
ing of  a  hopefiil  country." 

The  form  of  tenure  under  which  Ncav  Netherland  was  granted  to 
the  Duke  of  York  by  the  king  Avas  defined  in  the  patent  as  fol- 
lows :  "  To  be  holden  of  us,  our  heirs,  and  successors,  as  of  our 
Manor  of  Greenwich  and  our  County  of  Kent,  in  free  and  common 


socage,  aud  not  in  capltc,  uor  by  kuight  service,  yielding  aud  ren- 
dering of  and  for  tlie  same,  yearly  and  every  year,  forty  beaver 
slvins  wlieu  they  sliall  be  demanded,  or  within  ninety  days  tliere- 
after."  This  meant  simply  that  there  was  to  be  no  feudal  tenure 
of  lands  under  its  provisions  (all  feudal  t<'nures  having,  in  fad,  been 
abolished  throughout  English  dominions  by  act  of  Parliament  four 
years  previously),  but  that  the  system  introduced  should  be  strictly 
allodial,  patterned,  moreover,  upon  that  prevailing  in  "  our  Manor 
of  East  Greenwich  in  the  County  of  Kent,"  "'  the  object  being  to 
give  to  the  new  possessions  in  America  the  most  favorable  tenure 
then  known  to  the  English  law."  The  basis  of  the  ancient  and 
effete  feudal  system  was  the  complete  subjection  of  the  vassal  to 
his  lord,  the  vassal  being  bound  to  perform  military  and  other  per- 
sonal services  aud  to  be  judged  at  hu\  by  his  lord,  and  the  lord 
guaranteeing  him,  in  consideration  of  his  fealty,  sectirity  in  the  pos- 
session of  his  lands  and  general  protection.  On  the  other  hand,  allo- 
dial tenure,  or  "  free  and  common  socage,"  -was  "  a  free  tenure,  the 
land  being  a  freehold,  and  the  holder  a  freeman,  because  he,  as  well 
as  the  land,  was  entirely  free  from  all  exactions,  and  from  all  rents 
and  services  except  those  specified  in  his  grant.  So  long  as  these 
last  were  paid  or  performed,  no  lord  or  other  power  could  deprive 
him  of  his  laud,  and  he  could  devise  it  by  will,  and  in  case  of  his 
death  intestate  it  could  be  divided  among  his  sons  equally."  Thus 
in  its  very  origin,  English  rule  in  what  is  now  the  State  of  New 
York  had  for  its  basic  principle  an  absolutely  free  yeomanry.  The 
erection  of  ''  manors,"  presided  over  bj-  so-called  "  lords,"  did  not 
affect  in  the  least  this  elementary  free  status;  the  manors  being 
only  larger  estates,  and  their  lords  wealthy  proprietors  with  cer- 
tain incidental  aristocratic  functions  and  dignities  which  violat('(l  in 
no  manner  the  principle  of  perfectly  free  land  tenure^ 

New  York,  under  this  patent  from  Charles  II.,  assumed  at  once 
the  character  of  a  "  proprietary  province  " — that  is,  a  province  owned 
absolutely  by  the  beneficiary,  James,  Duke  of  York,  and  ruled  ex- 
clusively by  him  through  his  subordinates,  subject  to  the  genei-al 
laws  of  England.  In  this  character  it  continued  for  nearly  Iwniiy- 
one  years  (excepting  a  little  more  than  one  year,  when  it  was  again 
under  Dutch  sway  by  virtue  of  reconquest),  at  the  end  of  that  time 
being  merged  in  the  provinces  of  the  crown  because  of  the  acces- 
sion of  James  to  the  throne  of  England.  Kichard  Xicolls,  the  duke's 
first  governor,  after  substituting  for  the  old  uauu-  of  New  Nether- 
land  that  of  New  Y'ork,  proceeded  to  rename  the  various  parts  of 
the  province.  lie  assigned  the  comprehensive  designation  of  York- 
shire to  the  whole  district  surrounding  Manhattan  Island,  cumpris- 


Ing  Long  Island,  Stalcii  Islainl,  iind  l  lir  |mcsciiI  W'fstclicster  ( 'ounly; 
and,  following  the  local  slvl.-  (if  old  ^()l•kshil'(',  in  England,  he  snb- 
divlded  this  district  into  tlircc  so-called  "  Kidings  " — the  '"  East," 
"West,"  and  "North."  The  East  Jiiding  consisted  of  the  present 
Suffolk  County;  the  West  Kiding,  of  Staten  Island,  ilie  jiresent  Kings 
('onnty,  and  the  Town  of  Newtown,  in  the  present  (Queens  County; 
and  the  North  liidiiig,  of  the  remainder  of  the  present  Queens 
County,  together  Avith  the  Westchester  phmtation.  The  first  offi- 
cial (as  well  as  popular)  name  for  our  county,  of  mor<^  than  nu-re 
local  ajijdication,  was  "  the  jiortion  of  the  North  Kidiiig  on  the  main." 
But  the  hong  Island  jurisdiction  extended  only  to  (he  Bronx,  the 
settlements  whicli  later  sprang  up  west  of  that  sti-eani  beini;  und<'r 
the  government  of  Harlem  and  New  York  City  until  Wesli  liester 
County  came  into  existence ,  in  1(JS3. 

Goverucu-  Nicolls,  after  ])roc]aimiug  the  Duke  of  York  as  lord  pro- 
prietor of  the  province,  and  exacting  recognition  of  him  as  such, 
which  was  readily  foil  hcoming  (SI  uyvesant,  and  the  leading  Dutch 
citizeiis  generally,  suhscriljing  to  the  oath  of  allegiance),  permitted 
the  former  order  of  things  to  continue  with  as  littk'  interference  as 
possible.  ^\■ith  the  transfer  of  sovereignty,  however,  it  became  nec- 
essary to  issue  new  land  ]tatents  to  existing  owners,  extinguishing 
the  condilion  in  the  old  deeds  thai  lands  were  lield  under  allegiance 
to  the  Dutch  West  India  Comi>any,  and  instituting  instead  the  au- 
tliority  of  Ihe  new  regime.  This  formality  was  jirovided  for  in  the 
celebrated  code  known  as  "  The  Duke's  Laws,"  adopted  by  an  as- 
sembly of  delegates  from  the  towns  oi'  the  ](rovin<e  held  at  Hemp- 
stead in  the  summer  of  l(Ki5.  It  was  prescribed  that  "all  persons 
Avhatsoever  who  may  have  any  grants  or  ])atents  of  townships,  lands, 
or  houses,  within  this  goverumeni,  shall  bring  in  the  said  grants  or 
patents  to  the  said  governor  and  shall  have  them  ]'enew("d  by  au- 
thority from  his  Boyal  Highness,  the  Duke  of  York,  before  the  next 
Court  of  Assizes.  That  every  purchaser,  etc.,  shall  pay  for  every 
huudi'ed  acres  as  an  acknowh^dgnu'ut  two  shillings  and  six  pence." 
The  Dutch  submitted  cheerfully  to  the  regulation,  but  some  oppo- 
sition to  it  was  offered  b_\'  tlie  iuluibitants  of  the  English  towns  of 
Long  Island,  who,  conceiving  that  they  belonged  to  the  jurisdiction 
of  Connecticut,  were  disinclined  to  be  thus  summarily  incorporated 
under  the  new-fledged  government. 

The  bonndarj'  question  which  so  vexed  Stuyvesant  was  immedi- 
ately brought  to  the  serious  attention  of  Nicolls  by  the  Connecticut 
officials.  He  was  no  sooner  well  established  in  ](ossession  of  the 
Dutch  province  than  delegates  were  sent  to  him  from  Connecticut 
to  congratulate  him  and  arrange  a  settlement  of  the  boundary  line. 


He  api)ointe(l  oonniii.ssi()n('rs  to  iiicct  these  delej;ates,  and  (in  the 
2Sth  of  October,  1()G4,  it  was  af^reed  that  the  line  should  start  on 
tlie  Sound  at  a  point  twenty  miles  east  of  the  Ilndson  Kiver  aniJ 
imrsue  a  north-iiortliwest  course  until  it  intersected  the  line  of 
Massachusetts,  which  at  that  time  was  supposed  to  run  across  the 
continent  to  the  Pacific  Ocean.  In  locating  the  twenty-mile  start- 
ing point,  Nicolls  accepted  representations  made  by  the  Connecticut 
[leople,  and  it  was  fixed  at  tlie  mouth  of  tlie  .Mamaroneck  Kiver, 
which  in  point  of  fact,  however,  is  only  ten  miles  from  the  Hudson. 
Accordingly,  the  boundary  between  NeAV  Vork  and  Connecticut  was 
declared  to  be  "a  line  drawn  from  tlie  east  i)oint  or  side  where  the 
fresh  water  falls  into  the  salt,'  at  high-water  mark,  north-northwest 
to  the  line  of  iMassnchiisetts."  This  produced  a  line  strilcing  the 
east  bank  of  the  Hudson  just  above  Crotcm  I'oint,  and  the  west  bank 
at  West  Point — an  arrangement  which,  when  the  New  York  author- 
ilies  discovered  tlie  fact,  was  greatly  to  their  dissatisfaction,  and 
wliich  hiler  was  rectified  on  a  basis  as  nearly  as  convenient  adjust- 
able to  the  original  twenty-mile  understanding.  But  for  tiie  time 
being,  notwithstanding  the  serious  miscalculation  of  distance,  the 
division  of  territory  on  the  Sound  appeared  equitable  enough.  It 
was  unquestionable  that  eve  rything  east  of  (ireenwich  belonged  to 
("(inuecticut,  by  virtue  of  long  settlement  and  also  of  the  articles  of 
l(i.">(l.  West  of  Greenwich  there  were  only  three  settlements  on  the 
Sound — those  at  l\.\e  and  Westchester,  and  an  infant  colony  at  East- 
chester, — and  all  of  these  had  been  established  exclusively  by  Con- 
necticut people.  Wfstchester  village,  and  with  it  all  the  ti^'ritory 
on  the  Sound  as  far  as  the  Mamaronecdc  Kiver,  was  surrendered  by 
Connecticut  to  New  York,  only  the  Kye  ])urchase  being  retained.  As 
for  the  interior,  that  was  wholly  unsettled  as  yet,  and  there  was  no 
occasion  to  make  any  issue  conceriung  it.  Meantime  the  New  York 
government  was  able  to  contend  that  it  was  the  oi-iginal  intent  of 
both  parties  to  have  the  Connecticut  line  drawn  at  a  distance  of 
twenty  miles  from  the  Hudson;  and  anything  inconsistent  with  this 
in  the  ])recise  terms  of  the  arrangement  actually  effected  was  natur- 
ally subject  to  re\'isioii  in  due  time. 

Although  the  village  of  Westchester  had  attained  to  the  inijior- 
tance  of  a  separate  organized  community,  the  settlers  there  had  held 

'  "  Tlif  iilnce  where  the  fresh  water  falls  iuto  a    northerly     course,     a    rock.v    reef   originally 

llie   salt  "    is.    says  de   Laneey,    in  his  History  crossed   it  nearly  at   right  angles,   causing  the 

nf    ihe    M.innrs,    the    literal    translation    of   the  formation    of    rapids.     It    was    high    enough    to 

Uidian  name  Mamaroneik.    lie  adds:  "  A  short  prevent  the  tide  rising  over  it  at  high   water, 

distance  above  the  present  bridge  between  the  so    that   the   fresh    water  of   the    river   always 

Towns    of    Mamaroneck    and    Uye,    where    the  fell  Into  the  salt  water  of  the  harbor,  and  at 

river  bends  suddenly  to  the  east  and  then  takes  low   water  with  a  strong  rush  and  sound." 


their  lands  from  tlif  beginning  untk-r  an  arrangement  with  Thomas 
Pell,  the  original  Avhite  owner  of  the  territory,  whereby  they  were  to 
pay  him  "  a  certain  summe  of  money."  Circumstances  prevented  the 
fHlfilhiient  of  this  obligation,  and  on  the  KUh  of  June,  1664,  three 
months  befoi'e  the  surrender  of  the  province  to  the  English,  they 
signed  a  document  restoring  to  him  all  rights,  titles,  and  claims  to 
the  tract.  One  of  the  signers  was  "  John  Acer,"  probably  the  John 
Archer  who  a  few  years  subsequently  became  lord  of  the  Manor  of 
Fordham.  The  restoration  thus  made  was  only  temporary,  for  in 
1667  Westchester  received  a  town  jjatent. 

The  proprietary  liretensions  of  Thomas  Pell  were  quite  unlimited. 
Besides  undertaking  to  hold  the  Westchester  settlers  to  tlie  letter 
of  their  agreement  with  him,  he  asserted  and  attempted  to  legally 
enforce  a  claim  to  Cornell's  Neck,  which  in  1646  had  been  patented 
by  the  Dutch  director,  Kieft,  to  Thomas  Cornell,  and  from  him  had 
descended  to  his  eldest  daughter,  Sarah,  the  wife  of  Thomas  Willett 
and  later  of  Charles  Bridges.  Shortly  after  the  English  govern- 
ment of  IS'ew  York  had  become  established,  Pell  sought  to  oust  Mrs. 
Bridges  from  the  possession  of  Cornell's  Neck,  and  in  consequence 
of  his  arbitrary  proceedings  she,  with  her  husband,  brought  suit 
to  restrain  him  from  interfering  with  her  in  the  enjoyment  of  her 
inheritance.  The  action  was  tried  before  a  jury  on  the  29th  of 
September,  1665.  It  i)rt)ved  to  be  a  test  case  as  to  the  validity  of 
Dutch  grants  in  the  whole  territory  which  had  been  in  dispute  be- 
tween New  Netherland  and  Connecticut,  Pell  set  up  the  plea  that 
the  so-called  CorneH's  Neck  was  comprehended  within  the  tract  that 
he  had  bought  from  the  Indians  in  1654;  that  the  governor  and 
council  of  Connecticut  had  taken  "notice  of  this  land  to  be  under 
their  government,"  and  had  licensed  him  to  purchase  it;  and  that 
any  prior  Dutch  grant  ought  to  be  voided,  since  "  where  there  is  no 
right  there  can  be  no  dominion,  so  no  patent  could  be  granted  by 
the  Dutch,  they  having  no  rigid."  On  the  other  hand,  the  plaintiffs 
alleged  "  ye  articles  of  surrender,  and  the  King's  instructions,  where- 
in any  grant  or  conveyance  from  the  Dutch  is  confirmed."  The 
jury  promi^tlj-  returned  a  vei'dict  for  the  plaintiffs,  with  sixpence 
damages;  and  it  was  ordered  "that  the  high  sheriff  or  the  under- 
sheriif  of  ye  North  Biding  of  Yorkshire  upon  Long  Island  do  put 
the  i)laintifi's  in  jjossession  of  the  said  land  and  premises;  and  all 
persons  are  required  to  forbear  the  giving  the  said  plaintiffs  or 
their  assigns  any  molestation  in  their  peaceable  and  quiet  enjoy- 
ment thereof."  Under  this  decision  the  absolute  ownership  of  Cor- 
nell's Neck  by  the  descendants  of  Thomas  Cornell  was  never  sub- 
sequently questioned.     Mrs.  Bridges  deeded  the  Neck  to  her  eldest 



son,  William  Wilk-tt,  who  on  tliL-  ir)tli  of  April,  KiCT,  procured  from 
Governor  NicoUs  a  new  and  more  earcfiilly  worded  patent  to  it. 
The  Neck  continued  in  the  AVillett  family  for  more  than  a  century 
afterward,  and,  althongh  never  invested  with  manorial  dij^nity,  was 
recognized  throughout  the  colonial  period  as  one  of  the  most  im- 
portant landed  estates  in  Westchester  County,  the  heads  of  the  Wil- 
lett  family  vying  in  social  and  public  prominence  with  the  Mor- 
rises, Philipses,  de  Lauceys,  and  Van  Cortlandts. 

oi-R  SAINT  Paul's  church,  eastchester. 

But  though  defeated  in  his  attempt  to  acquire  CoruelTs  Neck,  Pell 
was  recognized  as  the  "  one  only  master  "  of  the  territory  reaching 
from  the  eastern  confines  of  that  locality  to  the  Mamaroneck  pur- 
chase of  Thomas  Kichbell.  We  have  seen  that  the  title  to  the  West- 
chester planiation  was  reconveyed  to  him  by  the  settlers  on  the  IGth 
of  June,  ir>(i4;  and  in  the  same  month  another  circumstance  occurred 
indicating  that  I'ell's  aulliority  over  the  whole  domain  was  undis- 
puted.     On  the  24th  of  June,  1G64,  he  granted  to  "James  Evarts 



and  Philip  IMiiekiK^v,  lor  tluMns<^]vos  and  their  associates,  to  the 
number  of  ten  faniilit^s,"  the  privih'ue  "  to  settle  (h»\vn  at  Hutch- 
inson's, that  is,  "where  the  house  stood  at  the  mca^lows  ami  uplands, 
to  Hutchinson's  IJivc^r/'  This  new  English  e<»lonv,  located  just  above 
Wt'stchester,  on  the  strij)  belw'on  Thi-o^^'s  an<l  l*elliani  Necks,  was 
culled  Eastchester,  or  the  "  Ten  I'^anns."  All  the  graut(M's  came  from 
Fairfield,  PelTs  liome.  The  oriuina!  ten  families  were  soon  joined 
bj  otlu^rs,  making  (w<*nt.y-six  families  in  all.  A  curious  cov<*nant, 
comprising  t\\'enty-seven  paragraphs,  was  adoit'cH  fur  the  govern- 
ment of  the  place,  in  which  ]»lain  rules  for  the  observance  of  all 
Avere  laid  down.^       To  lM^tt(M'  s<^<'ure  themselves  in  the  pi)S(^ssi(tn  of 

^  Inipriniis,  that  we  by  lln'  ^'nicc  <if  (lod,  sitt 
down  on  the  tr:K-k  of  laud  lU'iig  belwext 
Hiitlu'^son's  bi'oo(.'k,  whoar  the  bouse  was,  un- 
leil  H  c-om  unto  the  river,  that  rnneth  iu  at  the 
head  ol"  the  lueados. 

2.  That  we  iudeavor  to  keepe  aud  maintayu 
christiau  love  aud  sivell  honisty. 

3.  That  we  faithfully  eoussall  wliat  may  be 
of  lulinnyti  iu  auy  onv  "f  ns. 

4.  I'hiiulie  tn  deallr  niic  with  auotlier  in 
ehrisllan  love. 

ft.  If  auy  tri'spas  be  dun,  the  trespaed  aud 
the  tresjiaser  sluill  tow  of  this  eouipany. 
aud  tliHy  a  thirde  man  if  need  be  recpiiird.  T<i 
end    the   uiater,    without    auy  further   trubell. 

r..  Thai  all  and  every  oue  of  us,  or  that 
sliall  be  of  us,  do  paye  unto  the  minester. 
aeeordiug  to  his  meadr. 

7.  That  none  exceed  the  qnaiitily  uf  liflciii 
acres,   uulil  all  have  that  quantily. 

s.  That  every  man  hath  that  mradow  that, 
is  most  convenient  for  him. 

Ji.  That  every  man  build  aud  inhabit  <tu  bis 
home   lot   before  the   next   winter. 

10.  That  no  man  make  sale  of  his  lot  before 
he  bath  bnilt  aud  inhabited  one  yi'ar,  and  then 
ti)  render  it  to  the  company,  or  lo  a  man  whom 
they  approve. 

11.  That  any  man  may  sell  part  of  bis  alot- 
meut  to  his  nei^^bbor. 

12.  That  uo  uuin  shall  engrosse  to  himsi-lf  by 
buying  his  neighbor's  lot  for  his  particular  in- 
terest, but  with  respect  to  sell  it  if  an  ap- 
Ijroved  man  come,  and  that  witliout  much  ad- 
vantage, to  be  judged  by  the  company. 

13.  That  all  public  altairs,  all  bridges,  high- 
ways, or  mil;,  be  carried  on  jointly,  according 
to  meadow  and  estates. 

14.  That  provision  be  endeavoured  for  educa- 
tion of  childreu,  and  then  encouragement  be 
given  unto  any  that  shall  take  pains  accord- 
ing to  our  former  way  of  rating. 

15.  That  uo  man  shall  give  entertainment  to 
a  foreigner  who  shall  carry  himself  obnoxious 
to  the  company  except  ameudment  be  after 
warning  given. 

IG.  That  all  shall  join  in  guarding  of  cattle 
when  the  company  see  it  convenient. 

17.  Tluu  ever.\  man  make  and  maintain  a 
good  fence  about  all  his  arable  land,  and  iu 
due  time  a  man  dioscn  to  view  if  the  coui- 
jiany's  be  good. 

IN.  That  evi-ry  iiuni  su\v  his  lainl  when  most 
of   I  he  company   sow  or  plant  iu  tbtdr  fields. 

VX  That  we  give  new  encouragement  to  Mr. 
Brewster  each  other  week,  to  give  us  word 
nf  exhortation,  and  that  when  we  are  settled 
we  meet  together  every  other  weeke.  oue  hour, 
to  talk  of  the  best  things. 

2u.  That  one  man,  either  of  himself,  or  by 
consi'Ut.  may  give  entertainment  to  strangers 
for  money. 

21.  That  one  day,  e\'cr.\'  spring,  he  iui|)ru\cd 
for  the  destroying  of  rattle  snakes. 

22.  That  some,  every  Lord's  day,  stay  at 
home,  for  safety  of  our  wives  and  rbildren. 

23.  That  every  num  get  and  keep  a  good  lock 
to   his   door  as  soon   as   be   can. 

2t.  That  a  Cfmvenient  place  be  apitointed  for 
oxen   if  need   require. 

25.  If  any  man's  meadow  or  upland  be  worse 
iu  quality,  that  be  considered  iu  quantity. 

2G.  That  every  man  that  bath  taken  up  lottes 
shall  pay  to  all  publick  charg<'S  equal  with 
tliose  that  got  none.  That  all  that  hath  or 
shall  take  up  lots  within  this  track  of  land 
mentioned  in  tlie  premises  shall  snbserilte  to 
1  hese  articles. 
Thomas  Sbnte 
The  mark  of 

Nathaniel  Tompkins, 
riiilip    rinkney. 
The  mark  of  X  Joseph  Joans, 
John    IToitt, 
James   Everts, 

The  mark  of  X  Daniel   Godwin, 
The  mark  of  X  AVilliam   Squire, 
David  Osburn, 
John    Goding, 
Samuel   Drake, 
John  Jackson, 

The  mark  of  John  Drake,   I  D 
The  mark  of 

Nathaniel  White, 



llicir  l.-iinis,  Ihcy  olilaiiicd  a  fuiilK  i-  grant  Iruni  \\n_-  liidians  in  JGGO; 
and  (in  I  lie  Dili  day  ol"  .March  of  that  year  a  ]iatent  was  issued  to 
llicni  by  Nicolls,  IlinniL;!!  ilicir  representatives — Philip  I'iiiclcney, 
-lames  Evarts,  and  \\  illiani  liaydeii.  They  wei-e  to  have  tlie  privi- 
lege ot  eiecling  a  dejinly  constable,  bnt  in  all  other  matters  were  to 
••  have  relation  to  ye  town  and  conrt  of  Westchester.""  Certain  bor- 
der lands  between  them  and  the  Westcheslei-  i(eo](le  were  "to  lye  in 
common  between  Iheni  and  ye  inhabitants  of  Westchestei',"  a  pro- 
vision which  later  gave  rise  to  a  good  deal  of  local  controversy. 
.Mthongh  the  Eastchester  settlement  was  made  by  men  fresh  from 
ConiKM  licut,  its  citizens  do  not  appear  to  have  songht  at  any  time 
to  remain  under  that  colony. 

Having  parted  with  all  that  section  of  his  lands  below  Hutchin- 
son's Kiver,  Thomas  I'ell  next  turned  bis  attention  lo  the  erection  of 
the  remainder  into  one  imposing  estate.  This  was  aocomijlished  by 
letters  i)ati'nt  procured  from  Governor  Xicolls  the  Stli  of  October, 
l()(i(l,  a  document  under  which  the  first  manor  in  Westchester  County 
was  organized.  The  boundaries  given  it  were  Hutchinson's  Kiver 
on  the  west  and  Cedar  Tree  Brook  or  (Jravelly  Brook  on  the  east; 
and  it  was  lo  include  "all  the  islands  in  the  l?>ound,  not  already 
granted  nr  otherwise  dis|)osed  of,  lying  before  that  tract,'"  and  to 
"run  into  the  woods  about  eight  English  miles  in  br(>adth.""  The 
whole  was  declared  to  be  "an  enfranchised  toMUship,  mauiu',  and 
jilace  by  itself,""  and  lo  b<'  entirely  free  from  "the  rules,  orders,  or 
directions  of  any  riding,  townsliiji  or  townships,  place,  or  jnrisdic- 
liou,  either  upon  the  main  or  upon  Long  Islaml.""  The  iiroprietor 
was  to  pay  annually  to  the  Duke  of  York  "  oni'  landi  upon  the  lirst 
day  of  -May,  if  the  same  shall  be  demanded.""  The  snbse(pieut  history 
of  I'elham  .Manor  will  be  traced  in  due  chronological  order. 

'{'he  inhabitants  of  Westchester  village  acce])ted  rlie  gd\crnmenl 
of  New  York  without  demur.  Applying  to  (iovernor  Xicolls  for  a 
town  patent,  Ihey  were  informed  by  him  iDecember  2S,  \i\i'ut)  that 
he  Would  defer  issuing  it  until  the  whole  could  be  e(|ually  dividi'd 
into  lots  according  lo  each  man's  assessed  valuaiion.  Earl.\'  in  HKiT 
il'ebruary  i:'>i  the  desired  inslrumeut  was  granted  to  them,  being  the 
lirsi  of  lis  kind  in  our  c((unt.\'.  The  jtiMsous  mentioned  in  the  docu- 
ment are  "  dolm   *Juiml>,\,   dohn    I'erris,    Nicholas    ilayley.    William 

Willi.'im   H:ii<Ii)ii'.s  in;iik,   11 

The-  mark  of  .Idlin  (!ny,  I    G 

.Iciliii    .\.    rinUin-y. 

Till-  mark  of  .Tolin   'i'miiitkins.  O 

liiiliard  Sliiitr. 

Thr  mark  of  .Tolni    Mulliii.l.    I    U 

Mos.'s   U..itto. 

Iti.liaril    Moadloy, 

Till'  mark  of  Hniry  .\   Kfowlir, 
.Tohn    Emory, 
Moses  Jackson, 
John   Clrtrko, 

This  is  a  true  copy  aivorilini;  iinio  Ihi'  oris- 
inall,  transirihi'i!  by  inc,  Uichanl  Shuli'.  this 
23d  day   of  Nov.   'GS. 


Betts,  and  Edmund  Waters,  as  patentees  for  and  on  behalf  of  them- 
selves and  their  associates,  ve  freeholders  and  inhabitants  of  ye  said 
town."  The  boundiiries  fixed  were:  At  the  west,  "the  Avestern  part 
of  the  lands  commonly  called  Brouks  Land  ";  at  the  south,  the  Sound, 
or  East  River;  and  at  the  east,  Ann's  Hook,  or  Pelham  Neck.  At 
the  north  they  extended  "into  the  woods  without  limitation  for 
range  of  cattle."  "  All  ye  rights  and  privileges  belonging  to  a  town 
within  this  government "  were  bestow'ed. 

"■  Bronks'  land,"  whose  "  western  part  "  was  indicated  as  the  limit 
of  Westchester  town  in  the  direction  of  the  Hudson  Biver,  was  a 
territory  of  quite  uncertain  dimensions.  Together  with  the  lands 
beyond  along  the  Harlem  and  the  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek,  it  was 
dotted  with  the  farms  of  Dutch  settlers  who  had  been  gradually 
coming  over  from  the  Manhattan  Island  side. 

On  Manhattan  Island,  from  the  mouth  of  the  Harlem  Biver  to 
Spuyten  Duyvil,  the  land  was  well  occupied;  and  at  the  northeast- 
ern extremity  of  the  island  a  village  called  Harlem  had  been  built 
up.  The  interests  of  the  settlers  on  both  sides  began  to  demand 
that  ferry  communication  be  established.  As  early  as  1658  this 
need  had  received  attention  from  the  Dutch  authorities,  an  ordinance 
having  been  passed  in  that  year  with  a  vieAV  to  the  inauguration  of 
a  ferry  from  Harlem  to  the  mainland,  and  the  construction  of  a  sub- 
stantial wagon  road  from  Fort  Amsterdam  to  Harlem.  Nothing 
practical  was  done  by  the  Dutch  in  connection  with  these  projected 
improvements.  But  in  1G66  Governor  Jsicolls  granted  to  the  people 
of  Harlem  a  charter  pro\  iding  for  "  a  ferry  to  and  from  the  main," 
and  authorizing  them  "  at  their  charge  to  build  one  or  more  boats 
for  that  purpose  tit  for  the  transportation  of  men,  horses,  and  cattle, 
for  which  there  will  be  such  a  certain  allowance  given  as  shall  be 
adjudged  reasonable."  A  ferry  was  soon  afterward  imt  in  opera- 
tion, conducted  by  Johannes  Verveelen,  in  whom  the  privilege  was 
vested  for  six  years.  He  was  required  to  maintain  a  tavern  for  the 
accommodation  of  the  public.  Special  favors  Avere  extended  to  him 
in  consideration  of  the  expense  that  he  Avas  under  and  to  encourage 
him  in  his  enterprise.  He  Avas  given  a  small  piece  of  land  on  the 
Bronx  side  to  build  a  liouse  on.  The  sole  right  to  remove  cattle 
from  one  'shore  to  the  oth(>r  belonged  to  him,  and  persons  'iwimmiHg 
cattle  over  were  obliged  to  pay  him  half  the  fei-riage  rate  per  head. 
The  "  fording  place  "  on  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  Avas  fenced  about  so 
as  to  prevent  its  surreptitious  use  for  cattle.  Finally,  he  was  ex- 
empted from  all  excise  duties  on  Avine  or  beer  retailed  by  him  for 
the  space  of  one  year.  The  ferriage  charges,  as  fixed  by  lav.,  were: 
For  every  passenger,  tAVo  pence  silver  or  six  pence  wampum;  for 


every  ox  or  cow  bronslit  into  th:'  fcrvyhonl,  ciuht  ])('iicc  oi'  twenty- 
four  stivers  Avanipuni;  cattle  iniilcr  a  ycai-  <ilil,  six  |)«ii(  i-  or  cioliteen 
stivers  wanipnm.  Goverunient  luessaiios  between  New  Vorl<  and 
Couueetient  were  free.  Each  passenger  wlioni  lie  entertained  was 
to  pay  "  for  liis  meal,  eight  pence;  every  man  for  his  lodging,  two 
pence  a  man;  every  man  for  his  horse  shall  ]k\}  four  pence  for  his 
night's  hay  or  grass,  or  twelve  stivers  wampum,  provided  the  grass 
be  in  the  fence." 

The  site  of  the  ferry  landing  on  the  Manhattan  side  is  located 
by  Kiker,  in  his  "  History  of  Harlem,"  at  the  north  of  One  Hun- 
dred and  Twenty-third  Street,  three  hundred  feet  Avest  of  First  Ave- 
nue. But  the  Harlem  and  Westchester  ferry  proved  nnprotitable, 
and  in  IGG'J  was  abandoned.  This  step  was  partly  occasioned,  how- 
ever, by  the  growing  promise  of  more  favorable  conditions  over 
toward  Spnyten  Dnyvil,  where,  on  the  Westchester  side,  the  foun- 
dations of  the  Town  of  I'^oi'dham  were  being  laid  and  an  era  of 
active  settlement  had  set  in;  and  there  Yeiweelen  obtained  a  new 
ferry  franchise,  running  from  the  1st  of  November,  KiGO. 

The  reader  will  recall  that  the  whole  great  tract  knoA\n  vari- 
ously as  Nepperhaem,  Colen  Douck,  and  the  Jonkheer's  Laud,  or 
Yonkers  Land,  embraced  between  tlie  Hudson  and  Bronx  Kivers.  and 
extending  to  above  the  limits  of  the  present  City  of  Yonkers,  granted 
by  the  Dutt-h  West  India  Company  as  a  patroonship  to  Adrian  \'an 
der  Douck,  was  inherited  after  his  death,  in  1005,  by  his  wife,  Mary, 
daughter  of  the  Eev.  Francis  Doughty,  of  Maspeth,  Long  Island.  She 
presently  took  another  husband,  Hugh  O'Xeale,  and  removed  with 
him  to  his  home  in  Patuxent,  Md.  After  the  English  conquest  and 
the  issuance  of  notification  to  existing  land  proprietors  to  renew 
their  patents,  she  and  her  husband  journeye<l  to  New  York,  and  ap- 
peared before  Governor  Nicolls  with  satisfactory  evidence  of  legal 
ownership  of  this  tract.  The  governor  therefore  (October  S,  1()00| 
granted  a  royal  patent  to  "  Hugh  O'Neale  and  Mary  his  v>ife,""  con- 
firming them  in  its  possession,  its  limits  being  thus  described: 
"Bounded  to  the  northwards  by  a  rivulet  called  by  th(>  Indians 
Macakassin,  so  running  southward  to  Neperhaem  [Yonkers],  from 
theu'-e  to  the  Kill  Shorakkapoch  [Spuyten  Duyvil]  and  I  lieu  to 
Pai»rinimen  [Kingsbridge],  which  is  the  soulhernmost  bounds,  then 
to  go  across  the  country  to  the  eastward  by  that  which  is  com- 
monly known  by  the  name  of  Bronck's  his  rivei'  and  laud."  As 
these  limits  wer(»  the  original  ones  of  the  ]iatroonship,  it  follows 
that  no  part  of  the  Yonkers  ti-act  had  been  disjjosed  of  since  Yan 
der  Donck's  death,  and  thai  any  persons  lixiui:  upon  it  ]irevionsly 
to  October.  1000,  were  either  tenants  or  mei-e  squatters. 


The  U"Xc'uk-s  lost  no  tiiiic  in  divesting  tliomselves  completely  of 
the  ownership  of  the  properly,  which  they  donbtless  considered 
troublesome  because  of  its  i-emoteness  from  their  Maryland  home. 
On  October  30,  KKKi,  twenty-two  days  after  the  procureuK-nt  of  the 
Nicolls  patent,  it  was  conveyed  1o  lOlias  Douiihty,  of  Fiushini^,  Mrs. 
O'Neale's  brother — a  conveyance  which  was  lurtlier  and  finally  per- 
fected May  16,  1667. 

The  ncAV  proprietor  very  soon  be<;aii  to  receive  and  accept  offers 
for  portions  of  the  estate.  In  March  and  September,  1667,  he  sold 
to  John  Archer,  of  Westchester,  '•  fourscore  acres  of  hind  and  thirty 
acres  of  meadow,"  in  the  vicinity  of  the  i)resent  Kingsbridye,  "  lying 
and  being  betwixt  Brothers  River  and  the  watering  place  at  the  end 
of  the  Island  of  Manhatans."  This  was  the  beginning  of  a  new 
manorial  estate — tlie  seccmd  of  our  country  in  ijoint  of  anviquity. 
Doughty  also  sold,  July  6,  1668.  to  NA'illiani  Betts  and  (ieoi'ge  Tippett, 
his  son-in-law  (for  wliom  Tibbet's  Brook  is  named),  about  two  thou- 
sand acres,  reaching  from  the  Hudson  to  the  I'.roux.  witli  its  south- 
ern boundary  starting  just  Ixdow  Kingsbridge  and  abcve  Archer's 
lands,  and  its  northern  ]»assing  through  \'an  ("orthmdt  Lake  along 
tlie  nortli  si(h'  of  "  Van  dei'  l)oiick"s  j)lauting  held."  About  the  same 
time  I  Jiine  7,  166S),  for  the  value  of  a  liorse  and  to,  Douglity  con- 
veyed to  Jose])li  Iladden  some  three  liundred  and  twenty  aci-es  di- 
rectly north  of  \'an  der  Donck's  planting  hehl,  lying  in  uncciual  ])arts 
on  both  sides  of  Tibbet's  Brook.  In  1670  he  sold  a  tract  one  mile 
scpiarc  istill  called  "'the  Alile  Sipmre '"i,  bordering  on  the  Bi-onx 
liiver,  to  Francis  French,  Ebene/.er  Jones,  and  Jolin  Westcott.  And 
flually,  on  tlie  29th  of  November,  1672,  all  that  remained  of  the 
Yonkers  Land  was  dis])osed  of  in  ('([ual  tliirds  to  'fhomas  DelavaK 
Thomas  Lewis,  and  Frederick  I'hilipse. 

Of  these  various  sales,  the  rti-st,  to  Arcliei',  and  the  hist,  to  I'hilipse 
and  others,  are  of  special  historic  interest,  each  of  the  two  being  fol- 
loAved  by  consecutive  devf^lopments  which  will  demand  particular 

John  Archer,  the  earliest  sub-j)ui-cliasei'  in  the  original  Van  der 
Donck  tract,  was,  as  already  stated,  an  inhabitant  of  the  Town  of 
Westchestei'.  There  is  some  uncertainty  wiu'tlu'r  he  was  of  Englisli 
or  Dxitch  origin.  According  to  Bolton  he  was  a  descendant  of  Hum- 
phrey Archer  of  Warwickshire  (ir)27-()2),  whose  ancestor  Avas  Fulbert 
I/Aicher,  one  of  the  companions  of  William  the  Coiujueror;  and  from 
Humphrey  the  same  authority  carefully  traces  John's  descent.  Bol- 
ton is  of  the  o])inion  that  he  caine  with  the  early  Westchester  settlers 
from  I'airtield,  ("onn.,  about  16.")4-r).  But  the  wh(de  English  i)edigree 
for  John  Arclier  which  Bolton  has  so  painstakingly  constructed  is  of 



at  least  (lnulil  fnl  mil  Ik '111  icily.  Kil<ci-,  tlii'  hist<ii-i;iii  (if  llarlciii,  states 
lliat  in  the  orijiiiial  records  of  tiiat  village  liis  uame  occasionally  aj)- 
pears  in  connection  with  For<l]iani  and  similar  matters,  and  that  it 
is  invariably  written  "Jan  Arccr."  It  is  supposed  by  l\iker  and 
others  that  he  came  from  Amsterdam.  Iltillaiid,  and  that  marrying  in 
this  conntry  an  Englislnvoman,  and  liviiii;  in  an  Ens;iisli-s])eakin<i' 
settlement,  he  nltimately  an.ylicized  his  original  l)nt(h  name  into 
John  Archer. 

Tlis  pnrchase  in  1607  from  ]>onglity  of  lands  below  Kingsbridge 
was  bnt  one  step  toward  the  tinal  acMpiireiuent  of  a  handsome  estate, 
comprising  (Bolton  says)  1,253  acres.  All  this  property,  willi  (he 
exception  of  the  hnudred  odd  acres  sold  to  him  by  Donght}-,  was 
boiiglit  from  the  Indians.  There  still  snr^i\t'S  the  record  of  an 
Indian  deed  to  him  of  territory  running  from  Papirinemen  down  to 
a   ]iiiiiii    on   the  Harlem,   and   exiending   to   tlie   rti'ojix.       This   pnr- 



V    M  ii 

''tis  ft*  Uv  l'^J3Qi^>""V^  jl#' 
Iv .  'i'  r'T-^''^'?'-;  i,**?^-*"-**--,,  .i^i^^^^ 


chase,  wliicli  mad.e  him  the  sole  owner  pi-(diably  as  far  south  as 
High  Bridge,  was  effected  on  the  I'Stli  of  September,  UJtiO,  the  con- 
sideration given  by  him  tit  the  Indians  being  "  lo  coats  of  Duffels, 
one-halfe  anchor  of  Knme,  2  cans  of  Brandy,  wine  with  several  other 
small  matters  to  ye  value  of  (iO  guilders  wamimm."  The  lands  which 
he  bought  from  Douglity  in  liWiT,  and  otlier  adjacent  lands  which  he 
possessed,  were  leased  liy  liini  in  iwenty  and  iweuty  fniir  acre  pai-- 
cels  to  su(di  persons  as  would  clear  and  cullivale  tliem,  and  accord- 
ingly became  occui)ie(l  in  KiCtS-CiO  by  a  lunuber  of  former  Harlem 

A  little  settlement  sjtrang  up  which,  says  Edsall  in  his  "ITislory 
of  Kingsbridge,"  was  located  "  on  the  uidand  just  across  the  meadow 
from  Papirinemen."  The  i.lace.  from  l><-ing  lu-ar  the  "  foi-diug  place," 
was  called  Fordham.      "It   !iad   the  countenance  and  protection  of 

'  Thi-    building    shown    in    the    cut    w;is    Mivouil.s  i  i.l.iijiil.     It   was  blown  down  in  18,'>li. 


tile  L;(>\('iii(ir.  tu'iiiii  ill  !i  ((iiivcniciit  phici'  U>v  llic  rclid'  of  si  ranticrs, 
it  bciiiii  till'  road  tor  piisscii^crs  to  j^o  to  and  from  tlic  main,  as  well 
as  for  nuitnal  inti'rt-onrsc  with  tlic  nciiilihorinj;  colonv.  The  villa<;t' 
consisted  of  about  a  dozoii  houses  in  an  extended  line  aloni;-  the  base 
of  Tetard's  Hill,  crossed  at  the  middle  b.v  the  '  old  Westchester  Tatli  " 
llJoston  Post  l\oad),  leadinii'  ui>  over  the  hill  toward  (Vtiinecticut. 
\o  traces  of  these  old  habitations  remain."  ( M'  course  the  reader 
will  not  confound  the  Fordham  of  Toe's  Cotta.uc  (now  a  station  on 
the  NeAV  York  and  Harlem  Kailroad)  with  this  ancient  community 
on  Spuyten  l>u_\\il  (  rei'k. 

The  people  settled  al  INu'dliam  and  thereabouts  on  botli  shores 
felt  sorely  aii'jirioved  al  liie  divei-sion  of  eastern  travel  fidui  its  nat- 
ural rout(>  across  the  wading'  jdace  to  the  ferry  al  Harlem.  The 
assumjition  exercised  by  the  Harlem  ferryman  and  his  fellow  towns- 
men in  ftMicinii'  in  the  font  so  as  to  ])rotect  tlu'  ferry  monojioly  was 
mucli  resented  by  them,  and  they  threw  down  the  fence  and  claimed 
the  i-iiiht  to  cross  at  ]tleasure.  I'Mnally,  in  ItiGD,  the  controversy  was 
settled  by  tlie  transfer  of  the  ferry  to  their  locality.  John  \'er- 
veelen  was  continued  in  chari^e.  ojierated  the  line  until  his  death, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  son.  Daniel,  who  was  still  ferryman  at 
the  time  of  the  erection  of  the  Kini;"s  liridiic  (1(>!M|.  The  elder 
^'erveelen,  u]ion  assumiuin  his  m-w  functions,  received  "tlie  Island, 
or  ni'ck  of  land,  rajiirinemen  "  for  his  use.  where  he  was  "required 
to  ]>ro\ide  a  dwelling  house  furnished  with  llii'ee  or  four  ^ood  beds 
f(U-  the  eutertainnu'ut  of  strani^crs;  also  ])rovisions  at  all  seasons  for 
them,  (heir  horses  and  cattle,  with  stabling  and  siallinu;  also  a  suf- 
ticient  and  able  boat  to  transfer  passeniicrs  and  cattle  on  all  occa- 
sions. He  was  charged  with  one-thiid  the  exi>ense  of  a  causeway 
built  ai-ross  the  meadow  from  rapiiinemen  to  l'\)rdham.  It  is  note- 
worthy that  al)ont  the  tinu-  when  the  l'(U-dham  ferry  was  ])ut  in  op- 
eration the  Albany  aiul  Boston  Post  Koads  were  projected  and  their 
construction  begun. 

In  the  contract  made  with  ^'erv(>eh>n  for  takini;  chari;-e  of  the 
ferry,  its  location  was  fixed  ''at  the  place  commonly  called  Spuyten 
Huyvil,  between  ^Fauhattan  Island  ami  llie  new  \illai;('  calleil  I'ord- 
ham."  This  name  S|>uyten  Duyvil,  now  restricted  to  tli(>  point  of 
contluenc(>  of  the  Hudson  IJixcr  and  Spuyten  I>uyvil  Creek,  was,  says 
Hdsall,  originally  "  aiiplieil  to  a  strip  on  the  ^lanhallan  island  side 
of  the  wadin,n'  place,  then  to  the  ci'ossinii-  itself,  and  liiially  to  the 
neck,  which  still  retains  it."  ' 

'  Thei'e    lias   always   boon    controvoi's.v    as    to  jort    from    tlio    I!iv.    l>r.    CuU'.   our    wi'U  known 

tlio  (Irrlvatlou  anil  orisinal  signlflcance  nf  tlio  Wi'stohoslor  auUioril.v  on  the  Duti'li  porlotl  and 

lurions   name  Snu.vton    Dnj-vil.     Tlio   cilltor  of  Dulcli    names.      'I'lio    following    is    Dr.     Colo's 

lliis  Hlstor.v  roiiui'sfoil  an  opinion   on   tlio  sub  ropl.v: 



Tlic  \ill;ip'  ipf  l"uiilli;uii,  lilvc  thai  nf  Ihirlcin,  liad  ils  (Irpriidcnce 
iilKiii  llic  iiiiiviii'"s  coMi-l  of  New  Voi-k,  alllinii-li  causes  iiiviil\  iii^  less 
tliaii  £."»  coiild  be  Inrall.v  (lisi)(is('(l  of  tliciT. 

.Idliii  Ai-clicr  was  ikiI  (nily  llic  rniinilci'  (if  I'ni'dhaiii,  ImiI  rcaiaiiicd 
its  jiriiicipal  man  and  conti-ollini;  s])irit  nnlil  his  (i<-alii.  ( »n  May  3, 
KiOl),  he  received  aMtlioi'ity  from  (ioveninr  l>()V(dacc  (o  sellie  sixtoon 
families  on  (he  mainland  "  m-ai-  liie  wadiiiii  pinco."  In  the  i)eriod 
l(!(il)-71  he  leased  \arions  farms  alioni  I'ordhani  In  lenarils.  IJul  Ids 
private  affaii's,  like  Ihose  of  IJicdihell  of  Mamarnneck,  had  become  in- 
volved, and,  like  Hiclibell,  he  soniihr  ndief  b.v  morlyafi;ing  lands  to 
the  iMilcli  merchant,  Cornelius  Steenwvck.  On  vSejiteniber  18,  1()«J9, 
he  execnled  to  Steenwvek  a  morti;ai;e  for  2,2(10  liiiilders;  on  Novem- 
ber 14,  1(>71,  another  for  7,(100  i;nilders;  and  on  November  24,  1()7(), 
a  third  for  24,000  <;iiilders,  the  last  mentioned  heinii  payable  in  seven 

Meanwidie,  iiowcver,  despite  his  financial  complications.  Archer 
obtained  from  (Jovernor  Lovelace  a  ro\al  pa(ent  consoli(latin<j;  his 
landed  jiossessions  into  one  compleie  pro])erly,  w  hich  was  appointed 
to  be  "an  entire  and  enfranchised  township,  manor,  and  place  of 
itself."  It  iminded  the  handet  of  I'ordliam,  and  was  styled  Ford- 
ham  .Manor,  beinii  "k"  secon<l  in  point  of  time  amonj;  the  six  manors 
of  \\'est(diester  ( 'oiinly.  Next  to  the  Manor  of  Morrisaina,  which  em- 
braced all  the  mainland  liirectiy  south  of  it,  it  was  the  smallest. 
Its  northern  line  beyan  not  far  from  (lie  preseid  Kin^sbri(l^(■,  where 
the  ypuyten   Diiyvil  Creek   bends  due  south,  meryinn  into  the  llar- 

3ly  Dt'ar  Mr,  Shoitnard — 

Of  course  till"  pi>pular  notion  of  ■'  Spuyten 
Dii.vvll  "  comes  from  nving"s  New  York  (lioolj 
VII..  einiptcr  vll.),  with  wliieh  \vp  arc  both 
familiar.  If  .vou  have  the  book  at  hand,  notice 
his  spcllhif;— "  en  spljt  (leu  du.vvll."  It  is  not 
"  sptiyt."  bnt  "  spljt."  I  do  not  know  how 
nnicli  of  a  Diilcli  selioiai'  Irving  was.  but  as  an 
orif^lnal  for  "in  spile  of  the  devil  "  ills  speil- 
liiK  (■■  spljt  "I  is  correct. 

"  SjiijI  "  and  "  spnyt."  In  tlie  Dutch,  are 
wholly  dilTi-rent  wortls.  "  .*<|)Ijt  "  Is  an  emo- 
tion, as  sorrow,  tfi-lcf,  displeasure,  vexation, 
oto.  Our  ICni;llsh  word  "  spite."  with  ail  its 
milder  and  more  Intense  tletuilt  Ions,  meets  It 

"  Spuyt  "  Is  very  dllTerent.  Onr  words 
"spont."  "spit"  (F^at..  "  sputare  "),  meaning 
to  throw  out  or  belcli  forth,  are  Its  equiva- 

In  till'  phrase  of  which  you  speak  as  sug- 
gested by  some  rule,  viz.:  "point  of  tlie  dev- 
Hs,"  the  Word  Is  confounded  with  anotlier  and 
still  wholly  dllTerent  Tentonle  root,  which  Is 
neither  "  spljt  "  nor  "  spuyt,"  but  "  spit  "  or 
"spits."    We    have    this    In    our    English    word 

"  spit."  a  siiarp  pale  or  point  on  wiilcli  we  im- 
pale. We  use  this  Inslruniciil  in  oni-  r-ooking 

The  onl.v  imitter  to  be  der*ided  with  our 
phrase  Is  how  It  was  originally  spelled.  Was 
li  Spljt  den  Duyvli,  or  Spuylen  Ifuyvii?  If  It 
were  the  latter,  it  meant  "Spouting  r>evli," 
and  could  mean  nothing  else.  It  might  have 
been  suggested  by  an  euerg<Mie  or  iioiling 
spring  In  the  vicinity.  This  would  turn  en- 
tirely on  :i  <iuesthm  of  fact.  Was  there  sucii  a 
local  si)ringV  See  a  footnote  of  Dr.  Thomas 
H.  Kdsall,  on  page  748  of  Vol.  I.  of  Scharf's 
History,  lie  suggests  that  It  may  have  re- 
ferred to  a  strong  dasliing  of  the  tides  at  cer- 
tain times  upon  the  l>ar  at  the  entrance  to  the 
strait.  We  do  not  know  on  what  historic 
fact  the  name  rests,  and  so  we  can  not  know 
whether  the  original  root  was  "spljt"  or 
"spuyt."  of  course,  Irving's  fun  decides 
nothing.  11  may,  however,  Inive  rested  on 
some  tradition  which  has  not  come  down  tons. 

Yours  as   ever,    very   cordially. 

David  Coi.k. 
Yonkers,   February  26,  ISOO. 



Iciii  Kivcr;  jind  its  soiitlici'ii  stni'tcd  froiii  a  jioint  on  tlic  Uailciu  bi'low 
Ilijjh  Bi'idge.  Its  eastern  boundary  was  the  Bronx.  As  "acknowl- 
edgment and  quit  rent  '"  for  his  manorial  ])atent,  Arclier  was  to  pay 
yearly  "  twenty  bushels  of  good  ]ieas,  upon  the  first  day  of  March, 
when  it  shall  be  demanded." 

The  history  of  Fordhani  ^lanor  is  brief.  Already  mortgaged  in 
])art  two  years  before  its  creation,  and  again  mortgaged  for  a  much 
larger  amount  on  the  very  day  after  the  issuance  of  the  royal  patent, 
it  never  recovered  from  the  burden  of  indebtedness  thus  laid  upon  it. 
^Moreover,  at  the  end  of  the  fifth  year  of  its  existence,  it  became 
pledged  beyond  the  hope  of  redemption.  In  Archer's  mortgage  of 
1676  to  Steenwyck,  all  his  rights  in  the  manor  were  transferred  to 
the  latter,  conditioned  only  upon  the  proviso  that  if  before  the  24th 

of  November,  1683,  he  should  repay  the 
amount  borrowed,  at  six  per  cent, 
yearly  interest,  he  should  re-enter  as 
])roprietor.  The  debt  was  not  dis- 
charged, and  Steenwyck  took  the  wlioh' 
estate  as  his  property.  By  the  will  of 
Cornelius  Steenwyck  and  his  wife,  ;Mar- 
garetta,  drawn  November  20, 1684,  they 
devised  the  manor  without  any  reser- 
vations to  "the  Nether  Dutch  Eeformed 
< '(Migregation  within  the  City  of  New 
^'(lrk.'■  By  that  congregation  it  was 
])i('sci'ved  intact  fits  lands  being  leased 
to  various  persons)  until  17.")."),  when  an 
act  was  passed  permitting  the  minister, 
elders,  and  deacons  of  the  church  to  sell 
the  lands. 

.John  Archer,  the  iiatenlce  and  lord  of  the  manor,  is  referred  to 
in  the  Avill  of  the  Steeuwycks  as  '•  the  late  John  Archer,"  and  there- 
fore must  have  died  some  time  before  No\'ember  20,  1684,  the  date 
Avhich  that  document  bears.  "  It  is  said  (we  quote  from  Bolton) 
that  lie  suddenly-  expired  in  his  coach  while  journeying  from  his 
manorial  residence  to  New  York  City,  and  was  interred  on  Tetard 
Hill."  lie  was  a  contentious  man,  being  involved  in  many  legal 
disputes  with  liis  tenants  and  neighboring  land  owners.  T^pon  one 
occasion  Hie  nuiyor's  court  in  New  York,  acting  ui)on  a  complaint 
from  the  people  of  Fordhani  that  he  had  undertaken  to  goxcrn  them 
by  "rigour  and  force,"  and  had  "been  at  soAeral  times  the  occasion 
of   sireat   troubles  betwixt    the   inhabitants   of  the   said    town,"   ad- 



moiiislicd  liiiii  "  to  Ir'Iuivc  liiiiisclf  for  tlic  future  civilly  and  (]ui('tly, 
as  he  Avlll  answer  for  the  same  at  his  peril. "'  lie  held  the  (dtice  of 
slieritr  of  New  York  City.  His  son,  John,  inluriled  wliat  was  left 
of  his  property.  To  (^note  ayain  from  IJolton,  it  is  said  tiiat  three 
hnndred  acres  upon  which  stood  the  old  nianoi'ial  residence  were, 
througli  the  liberality  of  Mrs.  Steenwyck  (wlio  survived  her  hus- 
band), exempted  from  the  bequest  to  the  Dutch  Church,  and  con- 
tiuued  in  the  possession  of  the  Archers.  At  all  events,  mend>ers  of 
the  family  continued  to  I'eside  upon  tlu'ir  anct'stral  lands,  and  in 
the  ei;;hteenth  century  Benjamin  Archer,  a  direct  descendant  of  the 
first  Jidin,  o\\  ned  in  fee  a  considerable  section  of  the  (dd  manoi'. 
The  pi'o,ueny  of  J(din  Archei'  in  Westchester  County  at  the  present 
lime  are  numerous. 

Although  the  settlers  in  Fordham  Manor  were  brou.yht  under  the 
jurisdiction  of  Manhattan  Island,  its  lands  owed  their  development 
mainly  to  the  activity  of  men  belouginn  to  the  ancient  Town  of 
Westchester;  and  it  is  with  the  history  of  Westchester  town  that 
this  old  manorial  i)atent  will  always  be  associated.  Indeed,  the 
limits  of  the  Town  (townshij))  of  Westchester  as  originally  created 
by  the  legislature  of  the  State  of  New  York  embraced  all  the  ter- 
ritory of  Fordham  and  also  of  Morrlsania  Manor.  Out  of  West- 
chester township,  as  thus  first  established,  was  subsecpiently  (lS4(i) 
carved  the  new  Township  of  West  Farms,  which  included  both  Ford- 
ham and  ]Morrisaina  Manors;  and  West  Farms  was  in  turn  sub- 
divided, the  lower  section  of  it  being  erected  (IS.")."))  into  another 
township,  called  Morrisauia,  whose  bounds  coincidecl  gi^nerally  with 
those  of  the  historic  Morrisania  Manor,  having  for  their  northern 
limit  a  line  beginning  on  the  Harlem  River  near  tlie  High  Bridge; 
and  finally,  in  1S72,  the  Township  of  Kingsbridge  was  organized,  con- 
sisting (if  all  the  former  Towushi])  of  Yonkers  lying  south  of  the  south- 
erly line  of  the  City  of  Yonkers.  This  township  included  the  whole 
of  the  original  Maiior  of  Fordham.  The  three  names — I''ordliani, 
West  Farms,  and  .Morrisania — are  all  of  seventeenth  cenhiry  oiigin; 
and  the  three  localities,  as  individual  ])arts  of  the  original  Township 
of  Westchester,  came  into  existence  within  the  same  general  period 
of  time.  Having  given  in  brief  the  history  of  the  village  an<l  Manor 
of  Fordham,  it  is  proper  to  notice  its  neighboring  and  associated  lo- 
calities of  West  Farms  and  Morrisania  before  turning  our  attention 
again  to  other  ])oi-tions  of  the  county. 

The  West  lanus  tract,  like  that  of  the  "Ten  Farms,"'  or  East- 
chester,  never  attained  to  manorial  dignity.  It  was  a  stri]>  abing 
the  Bronx  Bivei-,  extending  to  the  vicinity  of  what  is  still  known 
as  West  Farms  village  (now  a  part  of  the  City  of  New  York).      By 


a  deed  dated  "West  Chester,  Mareli  the  12th,  1GG3,"  this  strip  was 
sold  by  nine  Indians  tt)  Edward  Jessup  and  John  Kichardson,  of 
Westchester,  who  on  the  25th  ot  April,  lOGG,  were  confirmed  in  its 
proprietorsliip  by  royal  letters  patent  fro)u  (iovernor  Nicolls,  each 
being  allotted  one-half  of  the  whole.  Jessup"s  lialf,  after  his  death, 
came  into  the  possession  of  Thomas  Hunt,  of  \\estchester,  and  l\ich- 
ardson's  was  inherited  by  his  three  married  daugliters,  one  of  whom 
was  the  wife  of  Gabriel  Leggett,  progenitor  of  the  \Vest  Farms  Leg- 
getts,  and  the  other  the  Avife  of  Joseph  Hadley,  of  the  Yonkers.  The 
whole  patent  was  originally  divided  into  twelve  parcels,  collectively 
styled  "  The  West  Farms,''  a  name  descriptive  of  its  local  relation 
to  Westchester,  by  whose  citizens  it  was  opened  up  and  upon  whose 
government  it  depended.  Between  the  West  Farms  iiatcnt  and  the 
lauds  of  the  Morrises,  at  the  southwest,  lay  a  strip  whose  owner- 
ship was  long  in  controversy,  and  which  hence  was  called  ''  the  de- 
batable ground." 

The  foundations  of  the  great  Morris  estate  were  begun  about  1070, 
when  Captain  Kichard  Jlorris,  an  English  merchant  from  Barbadoes, 
purchased,  in  belmlf  of  himself  and  his  brother  Lewis,  from  Samuel 
Edsall,  the  old  Bronxland  tract.  This  was  the  identical  land,  con- 
sisting of  some  five  hundred  acres,  which  about  1639  was  granted 
by  the  Dutch  West  India  Company  to  Jonas  Bronck,  the  first  known 
settler  in  Westchester  County.  After  Bronck's  death,  it  was  owned 
by  his  Avidow  and  her  second  husband,  the  noted  Arendt  van  Curler 
(or  Corlaer),  from  whom  it  passed  through  several  proprietors  to 
Samuel  I]dsall,  a  beaver-nuiker  in  New  Amsterdam.  Edsall's  pur- 
chase was  made  on  the  22d  day  of  October,  IGOl,  almost  immedi- 
ately after  the  conquest  of  New  Netherland  by  the  English;  and  he 
promptly  took  out  a  patent  for  it  from  Governor  Nicolls.  The 
Nicolls  patent  describes  it  as  "  a  certaine  tract  or  parcel  of  land 
formerly  in  the  tenure  or  occupation  of  Jonas  Bronck's,  commonly 
calh'd  by  the  Indians  hx  the  uauu'  of  Bauackque,  and  by  the  Eng- 
lish Bronck's  laud,  lying  and  being  on  the  maine  to  the  east  and 
over  against  Harlem  town,  having  a  certain  small  creek  or  Kill 
which  ruus  between  the  north  east  part  of  it  and  Little  Barnes 
Island,  near  Hellgate,  and  so  goes  into  the  East  Biver,  and  a  greater 
creek  or  river  which  divides  it  from  Manhattan  Island,  containing 
about  ."OO  acres  or  250  margou  of  bind."  It  is  an  interesting  his- 
torical reminiscence  tliat  this  r.ronxlau.l  tract,  now  the  most  thickly 
populated  portion  of  the  old  County  of  Westchester,  was  not  only 
the  first  locality  within  our  borders  to  be  settled  under  the  Dutch, 
but  was  also  the  object  of  the  first  private  purchase  nmde  under 
the  English. 


TliL'  brutlicrs  IJlchai'd  and  Lewis  Morris,  wIid  bcciune  owners  of 
Brouxlaud  by  purcliasc  from  Edsall  iu  ItiTO,  were  descendi'd  from 
au  ancient  Welsh  family  of  Monmouthsiiire.  Lewis  inherited  the 
paternal  estate  of  Tintern  in  tliat  county,  wlii(  h  was  confiscated  by 
Charles  I.  because  of  his  connection  witli  tlie  Parliament  party,  in 
whose  service  he  fought  as  commander  of  a  troop  of  horse.  For 
the  loss  thus  suffered  he  was  later  indemnified  by  ("romwell.  Emi- 
grating to  IJarbadoes,  he  bougiit  u  splendid  projK'rty  on  that  island. 
He  took  part  in  the  successful  English  expedition  agaiust  Jamaica, 
having  received  from  CroniAvell  the  commission  of  colonel.  Adopt- 
ing the  princiides  of  the  Qualvers,  he  became  a  leading  member  of 
that  sect,  and  entertained  George  Fox  upon  his  visit  to  Barbadoes 
in  1G71. 

Bichard  Morris,  a  younger  brother  of  Lewis,  fought  with  him  in 
support  of  the  rarliameut,  being  a  captain  in  his  regiment.  He 
followed  him  to  Barbadoes  after  the  Bestoration,  and  there  mar- 
ried Sarah  I'ole,  a  wealth}-  lad}-.  The  attention  of  the  brothers  was 
attracted  to  New  York  as  a  place  offering  favorable  opportunities 
for  enterprise,  and  it  was  decided  that  Bichard  should  remove  to 
that  quarter  and  buy  a  large  landed  property.  Articdes  of  agree- 
ment were  entered  into  between  the  brothers,  i)roviding  that  "  if 
either  of  them  shoidd  di<'  without  issue,  the  survivor,  or  issue  of 
the  survivor,  if  any,  should  take  the  estate."'  By  an  instrument 
dated  August  10,  1G70,  Captain  Kichard  Morris,  who  is  styled  "  a 
merchant  of  XeA\-  York,"  and  Colonel  Lewis  ^lorris,  "  a  merchant 
of  Barbadoes,"  jointly  purchased  from  Edsall  the  five  hundred  Bnmx- 
land  acres.  Here  Bichard  made  his  home  with  his  young  wife  and 
a  number  of  uegro  slaves  whom  he  had  brought  from  the  West 
Indies.  Both  Bichard  and  Sarah  Morris  died  in  the  fall  of  1G72, 
leaving  an  infant  son,  Lewis  Morris  the  younger. 

Information  being  sent  to  Colonel  Lewis  Morris  of  the  decease  of 
his  brother,  he  came  to  New  Y^ork  in  1073  to  look  after  the  in- 
terests of  the  estate.  Meantime  the  province  had  been  recaptured 
by  the  Dutch,  ami  the  new  governor,  Anthony  Colve,  finding  that 
"Colonel  Morris,  being  a  citizen  of  Barbadoes,  was  not,  under  the 
terms  of  the  capitulation,  entitled  to  the  same  liberal  terms  as 
British  subjects  of  Yirginia  or  Connecticut,"  and  "  also  that  the  in- 
fant owned  only  one-third  of  the  estate  and  th(»  uncle  two-thirds," 
resolved  upon  the  confiscation  of  the  latter's  two-thirds.  Never- 
theless, the  uncle  managed  to  arrange  matters  advantageously  with 
the  Dutch  officials,  and  was  not  only  ap])oiuted  administrator  of 
Bichard's  estate  and  guardian  of  the  infant,  but  was  finally  "  granted 
the  entire  estate,  buildings,  and  materials  thereon,  nn  a  valuation  to 


be  made  by  impartial  appraisers  for  the  benefit  of  the  miuor  child, 
but  Colve  '  appropriated  '  (due  regard  being  had,  of  course,  to  the 
infant's  interests)  all  the  fat  cattle,  such  as  oxen,  cows,  and  hogs." 

The  elder  Lewis  Morris,  having  thus  brought  about  a  tolerably 
satisfactory  adjustment  of  the  matter,  returned  to  Harbadoes  to 
close  up  his  private  interests.  This  accomplislied,  he  came  to  New 
York  again  in  1675,  with  the  resolve  of  making  it  his  permanent 
home.  During  his  absence  the  English  had  resumed  the  govern- 
ment of  the  country.  On  March  25,  107G,  Governor  .\ndros  issued 
to  him  a  patent  covering  not  only  the  original  five  liundi'cd  acres 
of  Bronck,  but  some  1,420  adjoining  acres  in  addition.  The  word- 
ing of  this  important  patent,  in  its  description  of  the  propcity,  is  as 
follows:  "Whereas,  Colonel  Morris  of  the  Island  of  Harba- 
does,  hath  long  enjoyed,  and  by  patent  stands  possest,  of  a  certain 
plantation  and  tract  of  land,  lying  and  being  upon  the  niaine,  over 
against  the  town  of  Harlem,  commonly  called  Bronck's  land,  the 
same  containing  about  live  hundred  acres  or  two  hundred  and  Hfty 
morgen  of  land,  besides  the  meadow  thereunto  annexed  or  adjoin 
ing,  called  and  bounded  as  in  the  original  Dutch  gr<nind  brief  and 
patent  of  confirmation  is  set  forth;  and  the  said  Colonel  Morris 
having  made  good  improvement  upon  the  said  land,  and  there  lying 
lands  adjacent  to  him  not  included  in  any  patent  or  grants,  which 
land  the  said  Colonel  Morris  doth  desire  for  further  improvement, 
this  said  land  and  addition  being  bounded  from  his  own  house  over 
against  Harlem,  running  up  Harlem  river  to  Daniel  Turner's  land, 
and  so  along  his  said  land  northward  to  John  Archer's  line  [Ford- 
ham  Manor],  and  from  thence  stretching  east  to  the  land  of  John 
Bichardson  and  Thomas  Hunt  [West  Farms  patent],  and  thence 
along  the  Sound  about  soutlnvt'st,  through  Bronck's  kill  to  the  said 
Colonel  Morris  his  house,  the  additional  land  containing  (accord- 
ing to  the  survey  thereof)  the  quantity  of  fourteen  hundred,  and 
the  whole,  one  thousand,  nini-  hundred  and  twenty  acres."  In  con- 
sideration of  this  grant  Colonel  Morris  was  to  pay  "  yearly  ami  every 
year,  as  a  quit-rent  to  his  royal  highness,  five  bushels  of  good  Avinter 
wheat."  The  land  of  Daniel  Turner,  mentioned  in  the  patent,  was 
a  narrow  strip  of  about  eighty  acres  extending  along  the  Harlem 
Biver  just  below  Fordham  Manor.  Turner  was  one  of  the  original 
patentees  of  Harlem,  and  was  one  of  the  first  men  of  that  village  to 
compete  with  the  Westchester  ])eople  in  ac(|uiring  lands  beyond  the 

Colonel  ]\rorris,  to  render  his  title  to  the  whole  estate  absolutely 
invulnerable,  took  the  precaution  of  olttaining  a  deed  from  the  In- 
dians, dated  February  7,  1GS5.      Of  course  this  formality  Mas  not 


necessary  as  to  the  portion  *>(  ilif  ]>r(ij(crty  wliicli  t'orincrl^'  belonged 
to  Edsall,  and  be  bad  in  view  simply  to  secure  liiniself  beyond  all 
possibility  of  legal  disptite  in  tlie  i)ossession  of  tlie  additional  lands 
granted  to  him  by  Audros. 

In  the  same  year  that  the  patent  for  Bi-onxland  and  its  adjacent 
territory  \Aas  issued,  Colonel  Jlorris  bought  a  very  extensive  traet 
in  East  Jersey,  to  which  he  gave  the  name  of  Tinteru  and  Mon- 
mouth, after  his  ancestral  seat  in  the  old  country.  His  New  Jer- 
sey property  amounted  to  about  3,500  acres.  Thus,  besides  found- 
ing one  of  the  principal  hereditary  domains  of  Westchester  County, 
he  was  among  the  earliest  of  large  landed  proprietors  in  New  Jer- 
sey, where  also  he  selected  Avhat  has  since  become  a  very  conspicu- 
ous and  valuable  section,  lie  lived  on  his  JJronxland  property  until 
Ills  death,  in  1091,  occupying  a  handsome  residence,  which  even  in 
those  early  colonial  times  was  a  place  of  liberal  hospitality,  lie 
was  a  prominent  man  in  the  province,  sustaining  intimate  relations 
with  (iovernor  .Vndros  and  other  celebrated  official  characters,  and 
from  1(583  to  lOyO  was  a  member  of  (Joveruor  Dougau's  council.  Dur- 
ing his  lifetime,  although  possessing  abundant  means  and  enjoy- 
ing the  distinction  of  aristocratic  birth  and  antecedents,  no  steps 
were  taken  to  erect  the  estate  into  a  manor.  He  was  twice  mar- 
ried, but  left  no  descendants,  his  sole  heir  being  his  nephew,  Lewis, 
the  only  son  of  his  brother,  Kichard.  The  value  of  Colonel  Morris's 
personal  property,  etc.,  exclusive  of  his  real  estate,  as  appraised  by 
Stephanus  Van  Cortlandt,  Nicholas  Bayard,  John  Pell,  and  William 
Kichardsou,  was  estimated  at  above  £4,000.  Among  the  chattels 
enumerated  iu  the  inventory  were  tlie  following: 


22  mail  negroes  at  20  1 440  0         0 

11  women  at   1.5  1 1G5  0          0 

G  lx)vs  at  15  1 90  0         0 

2  ga'rles  iit  12  1 24  0^0 

2.5  children  at  ,5  1 12.5  0         0 

844         0         0 

In  the  will  of  Colonel  Morris  ajipears  this  interesting  item:  ''I 
give  and  bequeathe  unto  my  honored  friend,  William  Penn,  my  negro 
man  Yaff,  provided  said  I'enn  shall  come  to  dwell  iu  America."  Ke- 
ferring  to  this  bequest  at  a  meeting  of  Friends  in  Philadeli)hia  in 
4700,  Penn  said:  "As  I  am  now  fairly  established  here  in  America, 
T  may  readily  obtain  the  servant  by  mentioning  the  affair  to  my 
young  friend,  Lewis  Morris;  although  a  concern  hath  laid  upon  my 
mind  for  some  time  regarding  the  negroes,  and  I  almost  determined 
to  give  my  own  blacks  their  freedom.     For  I  feel  that  the  poor  cap- 


tured  Africaus,  like  otluT  human  beiu<;s,  have  natural  rights,  which 
can  not  be  withheld  from  them  without  great  injustice."  Upon  the 
same  occasion  Penu  spoke  of  his  loug  and  familiar  acquaintance  with 
Colonel  Morris,  Avhich  intimacy,  he  said,  had  its  influence  in  in- 
ducing him  (Morris),  altliough  mauj-  years  older,  to  become  a  Friend. 
Colonel  Morris  retained  his  Quaker  convictions  to  the  last,  and  in 
his  will  provided  for  the  paynu'ut  of  annuities  to  the  meeting  of 
Friends  at  Shrewsbury,  N.  J.,  and  the  meeting  in  the  province  of 
New  York.  To  his  nephew  and  heir,  young  Lewis  Morris,  he  refers 
in  the  will  with  considerable  severity,  adverting  to  "  his  many  and 
great  miscarryages  and  disobedience  toward  me  and  my  wife,  and 
his  causeless  absenting  himself  from  my  house,  and  adhering  to  and 
advizeing  with  those  of  bad  life  and  conversation."  This  graceless 
youth  soon  2>roved  himscdf,  however,  eminently  deserving  of  his  fine 
inheritance.  Under  him  the  Bronxland  estate  was  converted  into 
the  Maiu)r  of  Morrisania  iu  1097.  He  rose  to  be  one  of  the  most 
distinguished  men  of  his  times  in  Auu^rica,  holding,  among  other 
prominent  positions,  those  of  chief-justice  of  New  York  and  governor 
of  New  Jersey. 



E  have  seen  that  I  lie  old  patrooiiship  of  Colen  Donck,  after 
beiiifi'  conflruR'd  by  (iovcrnor  Nit-oUs  iu  IGlKi  lo  ^'all  dcr 
])oiick"s  widow  and  licr  second  liiisbaud,  llntj;h  O'Xcah', 
Mas  eouvej'ed  by  them  to  Mrs.  O'Neale's  brother,  Elias 
Doughty,  and  by  him  sohl  in  parcels  to  a  number  of  pimdiiiscrs. 
The  southernmost  portion  was  bought  b}*  John  Ardicr,  aud,  willi 
other  laud  adjoining,  was  erected,  under  his  proprietorship,  into 
the  Lordsliip  and  Manor  of  Fordhiim  in  KJTl.  Nortli  of  Ardier's 
purchase  was  a  tract  of  about  two  tliousaud  acres,  sohl  to  NN'illiam 
Betts  and  George  Tibbetts,  which  stretched  from  the  Hudson  River 
to  the  Bronx,  forming  a  piirallclograui.  Othci-  purchasei-s  Mci'e  John 
Iladdcu,  \\ho  bought  some  three  hundred  and  twenty  acres  on  both 
sides  of  Tippett's  Brook  just  north  of  the  present  Van  Cortlandt 
Lake,  and  Francis  French  and  associates,  \\ho  were  the  original 
owners  of  the  "Mile  Square"  in  the  present  City  of  Youkers. 
Finally,  all  the  remainder  of  the  Yonkers  land,  aggregating  7,70S 
acres,  Avas  disposed  of  by  Doughty,  ISToveniber  29,  ir)72,  iu  equal 
thirds,  to  Thomas  Delaval,  Thomas  Lewis,  aud  Frederick  I'hilipse. 

After  Archer,  none  of  these  purchasers  except  Philipse  requii'e 
special  mention,  all  the  others  having  been  ordinary  farmiug  uien, 
who,  while  good  citizens  aud  substantial  promoters  of  the  progress 
of  settlement,  left  little  impress  upon  the  development  of  the  country. 
TiblK'tts  came  from  Flushing,  Long  Island.  Betts  had  lived  for  a 
number  of  years  in  Westchester,  Avhere  he  served  as  one  of  Stuyve- 
sant's  magistrates,  and  later  was  a  patentee  of  the  town  under  the 
English  patent.  Tibbetts,  Iladdeu,  and  Betts,  as  settlers  outside 
the  liuiits  of  Fordham,  had  various  disputes  with  the  authorities  of 
that  place,  and  especially  with  Archer,  the  lord  of  the  manor.  Being 
summoned  to  assist  in  the  building  of  the  "causeway"  from  the 
ferry  terminal  to  the  firm  land,  tlipy  objected,  representing  to  the 
governor  that  this  improvement  would  be  of  less  value  to  them  than 
a  bridge  across  the  Bronx  on  the  road  to  Eastchester,  to  whose 
construction  they  promised  to  devote  themselves  if  excused  from 
contributing  to  the  other  work.  The  governor  sagaciously  decided 
that  both  enterprises  should  be  carried  through,  and  directed  that 


Tibbetts,  Betts,  and  Jladdcii  should  iirst  join  tlie  Foi-dhaiu  peuple  iu 
making  the  causeway,  alter  which  au  equivalent  amount  of  help 
should  he  given  by  the  tt)wnsiiieTi  toward  the  building  of  tlie  Bronx 
bridge.  Tlie  latter  structure  was  completed  iu  due  tinu',  bi-ing  pro- 
vided with  a  gate  on  the  Eastchester  side  to  prevent  the  "  Hoggs" 
from  coming  over.  All  tlu*  lands  north  of  Archer's  line,  with  tlie 
sole  exception  of  the  ::\lile  Square,  were  eventually  absorbed  iu  the 
great  riiilipse  purchase;  and  accordingly  by  June  12,  1693,  the  date 
on  which  tlie  royal  charter  for  the  Manor  of  I'hilipseburgh  was  is- 
sued, the  independent  holdings  of  Huddeii,  Belts,  and  Tibbetts  had 
beeu  completely  extinguished.  Such  of  their  former  proprietors,  or 
their  descendants,  who  continued  to  live  on  the  lands,  remained  not 
as  OAvners  but  as  tenants  of  the  Philipses.  Even  the  so-called  ishind 
of  Papirinemen^  (now  Kingsbridge),  where  the  ferry  from  Manhattan 
Island  terminated,  became  a  pai-t  of  the  manorial  lauds.  The  south- 
ern section  of  the  old  Van  der  Douck  patroonship,  embracing  the 
parcels  originally  bought  from  Doughty  by  Betts,  Tibbetts,  and  Mad- 
den, was  called  the  Lower  Yonkers,  the  residue,  which  embraced 
more  than  three-fourths  of  the  wliole,  beiug  known  as  the  Tapper 

Frederick  Philipse,  in  his  first  appearance  as  a  purchaser  of  lands 
in  this  county,  acted  only  as  one  of  three  associates,  who  combined 
to  ac(juire  all  that  was  left  of  the  Van  der  ]>onck  grant  alter  the 
first  sales  of  it  to  various  persons,  each  of  the  three  agreeing  to  take 
an  equal  third  of  the  property.  By  this  arrangement  he  became 
seized  in  1G72  of  some  twenty-nine  hundred  acres  in  the  Upper 
Yonkers — certainly  a  large  proprietorship,  very  much  larger  than 
either  the  Archer  or  the  Morris  patents.  But  this  was  only  the 
initial  venture  in  a  series  of  laud-buying  transactions,  at  least  eight  in 
number,  which  continued  over  a  period  of  fifteen  years,  and,  when 
completed,  made  him  .sole  owner  of  the  country  from  Spuyten  Duyvil 
to  the  Croton  Biver  and  from  the  Hudson  to  the  Bronx.  He  bought 
additional  lands  successively  as  follows:  1681  (confirmed  in  1683), 
the  Pocantico  tract,  covering  the  territory  around  Tarrytown;  1682 
(confirmed  in  B)84),  the  Bissightick  tract,  or  Irvington;  1682  (con- 
firmed in  1684),  the  Weekquaesgeck  tract,  or  Dobbs  Ferry;  16S4  (con- 
firmed in  1684),  the  Xepperhan  tract,  stretching  from  the  north  line 
of  the  present  Yonkers  to  the  extreme  northern  limits  of  the  manor, 
between  the  Sawmill  and  Bronx  Elvers;  1685,  the  equal  thirds  of  his 

^  In  ancieut  times  tbe  Spuytcn  I)ti,\vil  Creek  \\ay  was  the  so-called   Island  of  Papirinemeu, 

at  Kingsbridge,  while  identical   with   Ihe  pres-  \\'here    Verveelen's    ferry    terminated.      It    was 

out     channel,     formed    at     high     tide     another  across    the   shallow    tidcwa.v   that   the    "  cause- 

(thongh    shall(iw)    tideway;    and    the    land    in-  way  "  was  bnilt  before  the  days  of  the  King's 

closed  between  the  main  channel  and  this  tide-  IJridge. 


associates  of  KITl',  'I'Ikuikis  I>c1;i\;i1  iiml  'riiomas  J,c\\  is,  in  liic  rppcr 
Youkers  tract;  1G8G,  liic  Sim  Sinck  liact,  or  SSius;'  Siiii:,  wiiicii  IiihI 
previonslv  hccii  imicliascd  In  and  coiilirincil  to  his  son,  I'liilijt  I'liil- 
ipse;  H'(S7,  111,.  •■  Tappan  Meadows"  iKockland  Couiitvi;  ami  liiially, 
at  a  dale  oi-  dates  now  iiideleniiinalc,  Imt  previously  to  June  12, 
l()it:>,  the  hohlinjis  of  I'.etts,  Tihhetls,  and  ITadden  in  the  ivower 
YoiiUers  tract,  toL;etlu'i-  A\itli  tlie  island  or  tial  of  I'apiriai'iiien.  This 
\asl  reiiion,  whose  iii(li\iduai  ]>arts  iiad  liccii  srparalelv  coiitiniied  to 
hini  as  jmrchased.  ^\■as  vested  in  him  as  a  whole  by  (iovernor  I'^letclier 
on  the  12th  of  June,  1()93.  The  document  is  one  of  (he  most  elali- 
orate  of  ancient  land  deeih^.  P.esides  t  outiiinini;  him  in  liie  o\\  iier- 
shi]),  it  erects  the  estate  into  a  manor  called  rhili|iseliui-;:h  or  I'liil- 
i[)sel)orouiih,  and  also  confers  u])oi>  I'hilipse  the  jiriviieuc  of  hniid- 
iiiji  a  bridge  across  Spuyten  l»iiy\il  Creek  at  l'a])ii-iuemen,  on  the 
liiu'  of  the  then  existinii  ferry,  and  authorizes  him,  in  recomiienso 
for  his  expenses  in  that  enterprise,  to  collect,  for  his  own  belaxd',  fares 
from  all  persons  using-  the  bridoe. 

Althou;L;li  aloujn  the  Hudson  the  lands  of  Pliilipse  reiiched  as  far 
north  as  Croton  Bay,  their  limits  in  the  interior  were  considerably 
farihei'  south,  not  being  above  the  headwaters  of  the  Bronx  River; 
and  thus  the  northern  boundary  of  his  i)roperty,  as  tinally  converted 
into  the  Manor  of  rhilipseburgh,  was  a  southeast  line  from  the  mouth 
of  the  Croton  to  the  sources  of  the  Bronx.  At  its  northwest  corner 
it  touched  the  estate  of  Stei)hanus  Van  Cortlandt,  the  brother  of  liis 
second  wife — an  estate  which  also  ilCiIlT)  became  one  of  the  great 
manors,  called  Cortlandt  ^lanor,  running  east  from  Croton  Bay  to 
the  Connecticut  line,  and  including,  besides  ahuost  the  whole  of  tlu- 
northern  iiart  of  Westchester  County,  a  tract  on  the  west  bank  of  the 
Hudson.  \'an  Cortlandt's  imrchases  did  not  begin  until  l(i83,  about 
three  years  after  riiilipse  had  enter(<l  actively  npon  his  land-absorb- 
ing operations. 

In  addition  to  his  various  i)ui'chases  in  this  connly,  I'liiliiise  bought 
of  white  people,  in  IfiST,  tiie  Tajijian  salt  meadows  lying  ojiposite 
Irvington  and  Dobbs  Ferry  in  the  ]tresent  County  of  iiockland,  a 
comparatively  small  but  liiiely  situated  tract,  which  was  incorpor- 
ated in  ilie  nuinor  grant  of  Jnnc  12,  Hi'.i-"'.,  and  always  remained  a 
part  of  the  hereditary  manor. 

The  ancestors  of  Frederick  l'hili]ise  arc  said  lo  lia\cbeen  Hussites 
of  I!(diemia,  who,  diiven  fnmi  llieii-  home  by  religious  ]tersecution, 
I'migi'ated  to  Friesland,  one  of  the  jtrovinces  of  the  Fnited  Nether- 
lands. There  his  father,  Frederick,  mairicd  .Margaret  i)a<-res,  sup- 
posed to  have  becTi  a  lady  >>{  good  family  from  Hie  jiarish  of  Dacre, 
in  England.      The  son  was  born  in  I'.olsw  anl.  Friesland.  in  l(i2<;.  and. 



he   was  engaged  in  the   shivt 

according  to  Bolton,  came  to  New  Xcthcrlantl  some  time  previously 
to  1(553,  in  Avhich  year  he  was  appointed  one  of  the  appraisers  of  the 
house  and  lot  of  Augustine  Ileermaus,  in  New  Amsterdam,  llis  sur- 
name in  Dutch  was  variously  written  Flypse,  Flypseu,  Vlypse,  N'lyp- 
sen  (meaning  the  sou  of  Pliilip),  which  Avas  anglicized  into  IMiilipse 
(pronounced  Phillips).  Wlietlier  lie  came  to  this  country  in  the  pos- 
session of  any  comfortable  amount  of  means  is  unknown;  but  it  is 
certain  that  as  a  young  man  in  New  Amsterdam  he  began  life  in  a 
humble  capacity,  working  af  the  trade  of  ciiri)»mter.  But  soon  em- 
barking in  commerce,  and  develo[)ing  great  shrewdness  and  money- 
getting  ability,  his  fortunes  rapidly  improved,  lie  nuuh^  hirge 
])rofits  from  transactions  with  the  Indians  and  from  the  sliipping 
business,  and,  having  the  tact  and  address  to  place  himsidf  (in  good 
terms  with  the  government,  he  enjoyed  from  an  early  period  valu- 
able special  favors.  From  Stiiyvesant  h<'  received  grunts  to  desir- 
able lands  on  ^Manliattau  Island.       There  is  little  if  any  doubt  that 

trade  and  also  in  contrabantl  and 
piratical  traffic.  Final- 
ly, at  the  age  of  thirty- 
six,  in  1  ()()2,  he  con- 
tracted a  very  advan- 
tageous marriage,  es- 
]  lousing  Margaret  Har- 
denbroek  DeViies,  the 
daughter  of  Adolf  llar- 
denbi'oek  and  widow  of 
Pi(4ries  Tvudoljihus  De 
Tries,  a  wealthy  New 
Amsterdam  mere h ant. 
This  lady  proved  to  be 
hardly  less  energetic 
and  resourceful  than 
Philipse  himself,  and, 
retaining  the  manage- 
ment of  her  own  affairs,  added  uol  a  little  to  the  growing  wealth  of 
the  famih'.  She  continued  the  business  of  her  first  husband,  and 
made  frequent  voyages  to  and  from  Holland  on  the  vessels  which 
she  owned,  acting  as  supercargo.  In  the  well-known  ''Journal  of  a 
Voyage  to  New  York  and  Tour  in  Several  of  the  American  Colonies 
in  lf!79-S0,"  by  Jasper  Dnukers  and  Peter  Slnyter  (published  by  the 
Long  Island  Ilistorical  Society),  the  writers,  who  crossed  on  one  of 
her  shi])s,  make  various  allusions  to  her  business  characteristics, 
which,  while  by  no  means  complimentary,  give  an  exccdh-nt  idea  of 



her  extreme  carefulness  of  lici'  private  interests.  "  Tlic  I']n,iilisli  mate, 
who  afterward  became  captain,"  these  nari-afors  say,  "  was  very  chise, 
but  was  compeHed  to  be  much  closer,  in  orch'r  to  i)lease  JMarii'aret. 

It  is  not  to  be  told  Avhat  miserable  jicuph'  .Mar,i;aret  ;iiid 
Jan    (her   man)    were,   and   especially   their  excessive    covetctusness. 

Margaret  and  her  husband  would  not  have  a  suitable  boat 
for  the  ship  built  in  Falmouth,  but  it  must  be  done  in  New 
York,  where  timber  was  a  little  cheaper.  ...  A  nirl  attempt- 
ing to  rinse  out  tlie  shii)'s  mop  let  it  fall  overboard,  whereu])on  the 
captain  put  the  ship  immediately  to  the  wind  and  launched  the  jolly- 
boat,  into  which  tM'o  sailors  placed  themselves  at  the  risU  of  their 
lives  in  order  to  recover  a  miserable  swab,  which  was  not  worth  six 
cents.  As  the  Avaves  were  running  high,  there  was  no  chance  of 
getting  it,  for  we  could  not  see  it  from  the  shij).  Vet  the  whole 
voyage  must  be  delayed,  three  seamen  be  sent  i-oving  at  tiie  risk 
of  their  lives,  and  Ave,  Avitli  all  the  rest,  must  work  fruitlessly  for 
an  hour  and  a  half,  and  all  that  merely  to  satisfy  and  phase  the 
miseiable  covetousness  of  Margaret." 

"Within  a  comparatively  few  years  after  liis  marriage  to  .Margaret, 
Frederick  Philipse  liad  become  by  far  the  wealthiest  man  in  N(w 
York.  During  the  IMitcli  interregnum,  iu  1^74,  his  jiossessiiuis  wei'c 
\alued  by  commissionei's  ajjpointed  by  (iovernor  ("ohc  at  St),(l((0  guil- 
ders, an  amount  which,  though  large  for  the  times,  was  small  coin- 
])ared  with  the  wealth  that  he  ultimately  amassed.  In  KlUll,  Mai- 
garet  having  died,  he  mari-ied  foi-  his  secoml  wife  Catherina,  daughlei- 
of  (Moff  Stevense  Van  Corllandl  and  widow  of  John  Dei-vall — an- 
other fine  alliance  from  the  substantial  ])oint  of  \iew.  His  cniuinei'- 
cial  and  linancial  operatimis  continmilly  greA\  in  niagnit\idi'  and 
profitableness.  He  was  the  largest  trader  with  the  I'ive  Nations  at 
Albany,  sent  ships  to  both  the  East  and  West  Indies,  imported 
slaves  from  Africa,  and,  besides  enjoying  the  ])rofits  of  irregnhir 
commerce,  shared,  as  has  been  with  good  reason  alleged,  in  the  gaius 
of  ])iratical  cruises.  All  the  tiiue  he  maintained  his  former  judicious 
relations  with  the  government.      He  was  a  membei'  of  the  governor's 

council  for  twenty  years,  extending  i'v the  administration  of  .\n 

dros  to  that  of  Bellomont.  lie  resigned  IVom  the  council  in  Kl'.tS, 
in  antici])ation  of  his  removal  by  the  home  government  in  iCngland, 
which  followed,  in  fact,  not  long  ;ifter.  Tiiis  removal  was  the  re- 
sult of  satisfactory  evidence  that  he  was  intei-ested  in  the  i)iratical 
East  Indian  trade,  having  its  rendezvous  in  Madagascar — evidence 
upon  which  a  number  of  New  ^■<n•k  citiy.ens  had  based  a  petition, 
l)raying  that  "Fi-edericl^  Philips,  whose  gi-eat  concerns  in  illegal 
trade  are  not   onlv  the  subject   of  ■•oiuinon   Cami',  but  are  fully  and 


particularly  proved  by  depositions,"  "be  removed  from  his  i)lace  in 
the  c-ounoil."  Fie  died  in  1702.  His  children,  four  in  inuiiber — 
Phili|),  Adolplins.  Annelje,  and  Kumbont, — were  all  by  liis  tirst  wife. 
Philip  and  IJoiiibout  died  before  himself  (the  latter  probaldy  in  child- 
hood), and  he  accordingly  divided  the  manor  between  his  grandson, 
Frederick  (Thiliii's  son),  and  his  son  A(loli)hiis,  the  former  taldng  the 
section  from  Dobbs  Ferry  southward,  and  the  latter  the  remainder. 
Frederick,  the  grandson,  succeeded  to  the  title  of  lord  of  the  manor; 
and  his  eldest  son,  Frederick,  was  not  only  the  third  lord,  but  in- 
herited the  whole  original  estate  (Adolphus  I'hilipse  having  died 
without  issue).  Under  Frederick,  the  third  lord,  the  manor  con- 
tinued to  exist  in  its  integrity  until  the  devolution,  when,  in  conse- 
(juence  of  his  being  a  Tory  partisan,  and  his  removing  himself  to  the 
British  lines,  the  Avhole  property  was  confiscated,  to  be  sub-divided 
and  s(dd  in  due  time  by  the  State  commissioners  of  forfeiture.  Annetje 
Philipse,  the  daughter  of  Frederick,  the  tirst  lord  of  the  nmnor,  mar- 
ried Philip  French,  and  left  descendants  who  intermarried  with  prom- 
inent patriotic  families,  including  the  Brockholsts,  Livingstons,  and 
Jays.  The  first  Frederick  Philipse  also  had  an  adopted  daughter, 
Eva  (child  of  his  wife  Margaret  by  her  first  husband),  who  married 
the  eminent  New  York  merchant.  Jacobus  Van  C'ortlandt,  a  brother 
of  Catherina,  the  second  wife  of  Frederick  rhili])se  the'  tirst.  Jaco- 
bns  Yan  Cortlandt  bought  fifty  acres  from  his  father-in-law  in  the 
Lower  Yonkers  tract,  which  formed  the  nucleus  of  the  historic  "S'an 
Cortlandt  estate  in  the  present  Borough  of  the  Bronx  (whenci'  the 
names  of  Van  Cortlan<lt  Lake  and  Van  Cortlandt  Park). 

Frederick  Philipse,  the  original  proprietor,  with  whose  history 
alone  we  are  concerned  in  this  portion  of  our  narrative,  not  long 
after  beginning  the  systematic  upbuihliiig  of  liis  great  estate,  took 
steps  toward  erecting  two  residences  upon  it,  one  on  the  banks  of 
the  Nepperhan,  not  far  from  the  site  of  Van  der  Donck's  mill,  and 
the  other  on  the  I'ocantico,  near  Tarrytown,  in  the  present  Town  of 
Mount  Pleasant.  At  what  period  the  Yonkers  residence,  wlii(  li  later 
became  the  "Jlanor  House"  of  the  Philijiscs,  was  begiin  is  a  ipies- 
tion  that  has  never  Ixm'u  settled  satisfaclorilv,  although  it  lias  in- 
vohcd  some  very  animated  controversy.  The  date  1(582  was  ac- 
cei)ted  at  the  time  when  the  "  Manor  TTouse  "'  bcH^ame  the  City  ITall 
of  Yonkers;  but  it  is  sturdily  maintained  by  respectable  authorities 
on  the  early  history  of  Philipseburgh  IManor  that  the  dwelling  did 
not  have  its  beginning  until  many  years  later.  The  time  of  the 
erection  of  the  I'ocantico  house,  stjded  "  Castle  Philipse,"  is  like- 
wise unknown.  Ultimately  the  "  Manor  House  "  at  Yonkers  became 
the  principal  seat  of  the  family,  much  excelling  the  Pocantico  house 


in  architectural  pretensions;  but  of  the  two  dwellings  as  originally 
built,  the  latter  was  undoubtedly  the  finer,  a  fact  of  which  suffi- 
cient evidence  is  afforded  by  the  circumstance  that  it  was  ilie  pre- 
ferred habitation  of  the  proprietor  after  the  procurement  of  the  ma- 
norial patent.  The  selection  of  the  Yonkers  site  for  one  of  the  resi- 
dences was  undoubtedly  determined  by  the  existence  there  of  Van 
der  Donck's  mill  and  the  conspicuous  natural  advantages  of  the 
locality.  The  other,  being  intended  as  the  family  seat  for  the  dis- 
tant northern  section  of  the  property,  was  naturally  located  on  the 
most  important  stream  falling  into  the  Hudson  in  that  section,  the 
Pocantico  Eiver. 

Opinions  differ  as  to  whetlier  Philipse  had  a  predecessor  on  the 
Pocantico  as  on  the  Nepperhan.  Although  in  the  former  quarter 
his  proprietorship  was  the  earliest  of  legal  record,  the  question 
whether  private  settlers  boasting  no  legal  pretensions  had  not  ar- 
rived there  before  his  purchase  is,  of  course,  a  fair  one.  Bolton  finds 
no  evidence  of  any  such  ancient  occupancy.  The  Rev.  Dr.  David 
Cole,  in  his  "  History  of  Yonkers,"  written  in  18S6,  discussing  the 
subject  of  the  two  houses,  makes  no  allusion  to  possible 
settlements  at  or  near  Tarrytown  antedating  Philipse's  appearance, 
or  to  the  pre-existence  of  a  mill  there,  simple'  remarking  that  he 
chose  the  banks  of  the  Pocantico  "  as  a  site  for  a  new  mill."  More- 
over, in  the  same  connection,  speculating  with  regard  to  the  period 
at  which  Philipse  established  himself  in  his  residence  on  the  Po- 
cantico, Dr.  Cole  concludes  that  it  was  not  until  after  the  death  of 
his  first  wife,  :Margaret,  in  1G90  or  1 091 .  Yet  in  his  historical  discourse 
delivered  at  the  third  centennial  of  the  old  Dutch  Church  of  Tar- 
rytown, October  11,  1897,  Dr.  Colo,  after  fixing  upon  1083  as  the  year 
when  Philipse  removed  to  the  Tarrytown  dwelling,  says  that  he  found 
there,  at  that  early  date,  "a  small  community  already  gathered." 
Already,  he  informs  us,  there  was  upon  the  Pocantico  "  a  mill  site 
like  the  Van  der  Donck  site  of  Yonkers,"  which  already  had  upon 
it  "  a  simple  dwelling  for  the  miller,"  upon  whose  foundations  Castle 
Philipse  Avas  built.  Continuing,  Dr.  Cole  says  that  "  around  were 
farmers  who  brought  to  the  mill  their  grain  to  be  ground  and  their 
logs  to  be  sawed.  They  (the  Philipses)  found  the  old  graveyard,  as 
old  as  the  settlement,  with  r(>gard  to  which  T  have  no  difficulty  in 
accepting  Mr.  Irving's  belief  that  it  had  bc^-n  started  as  early  as 
1645,  and  that  it  had  in  it  three  graves  by  10.50,  and  fifty  by  1075. 
and  one  hundred  and  eighty  by  1700."'     According  to  this  changed 

»  Apropos  of  thr-  question  of  tlio  antiquity  of  interments,  and  Ills  opinion  Is  apparently  oon- 

the  graveyard,  see  the  statement  by  Benjamin  curred  In  by  the  antlior  of  Scliarfs  nrticle  nn 

F.  Cornell,  superintendent  of    the  Sleepy  Hol-  the  Town   of    Mount   Ple.isant.   the   late   Rev. 

low  Cemetery,   In  Scharf,  li.,  293.    Mr.   Cornell  John  A.  Todd. 
adopts  the   date   1645   as   that   of   the   earliest 


vii'W  of  Dr.  C(>k''s,  I'arrvtowii  and  the  cuuiilry  round  about  bolouj;- 
to  the  oldest  settled  localities  of  the  county.  Of  course  the  fact  of  the 
])r('sence  of  a  mill  before  Ihe  cominj;-  of  Philipse  would  lend  color 
to  the  belief  that  settlers  in  some  numbers  had  been  there  and  in 
that  vicinity  for  a  period  of  years.  This  much  is  certain:  that  a  mill', 
whether  an  old  one  established  bj'  some  enterprisinii'  pioneer  whose 
name  is  unknown  to  us,  or  a  new  one  built  by  Philii)se,  was  in 
operation  on  the  Pocantico  from  the  time  that  Castle  Philipse  was 
erected  by  the  proprietor.  The  Yonkers  and  Tarrytown  mills  were 
styled  by  Philipse,  respectively,  the  Lower  Mills  and  the  Upper 

The  residence  on  the  Xepperhan  at  Yonkers  was  very  substan- 
tially built,  "  the  bricks,  and  indeed  all  the  buildinsj-  materials,"'  says 
Mrs.  Lamb,  "  beinji'  imported  from  Holland  at  what  was  then  es- 
teemed a  prodigal  expenditure.  The  great  massive  door,  which  still 
swings  in  the  center  of  the  southern  front,  was  manufactured  in 
Holland  and  imported  by  the  first  Lady  Philipse  in  one  of  her  own 
ships."  Only  the  southern  front  of  the  structure  was  built  by  the 
first  Frederick.  Here  he  livc-d  for  a  time  with  his  wife  ^largaret;  at 
least  during  the  summer  seasons.  Traces  of  an  undergiound  pass- 
age, ai^parently  leading  from  the  ]\fanor  House,  were  recently  dis- 
covered by  some  workmen  I'ngaged  in  nmking  excavations  in  Yonk- 
ers; and  it  has  been  surmised  that  this  was  a  secret  means  of  exit 
for  the  occupants  of  the  dwelling,  connecting  probably  with  a  neigh- 
boring blockhouse,  to  be  iised  in  case  of  an  Indian  raid.  In  1SS2, 
two  hundi-ed  years  after  the  presumed  erection  of  the  original  build- 
ing, the  ;\lanor  House,  renamed  Manor  Hall,  after  having  been  ])ut 
in  a  state  of  permanent  preservation,  Avas  formally  dedicated  to  tlit> 
uses  of  the  City  of  Yonkers  as  a  munici]jal  building. 

Castle  Philipse,  on  the  Pocantico,  was  also  very  substantially  built,' 
and  possessed  a  feature  entirely  lacking  in  the  ^lanor  House,  being 
carefully   fortified  to  resist  attack.      Its   walls  were  pierced   with 

'  Mr.  William  F.  Miunerl.v,  well  known  in  iuclios  rtooii,  t<>  tlip  s.nmp  height  as  before,  and 
Tarrytown  as  a  builder,  states  that  in  1S64  he  a  new  jiartition  built,  fifteen  feet  long  and 
was  employed  to  make  some  alterations  in  the  nine  feet  high.  The  remainder  of  the  brieks 
old  (Pooantieo)  Manor  House.  One  was  in  that  came  out  of  the  rhimney— for,  strange  to 
taking  down  the  chimney,  which  was  ver.v  saj-,  there  was  a  remainder,  and  a  large  one, 
large.  In  the  second  story  he  found  that  a  too— Mr.  .Minnerly  bought,  and  with  them  he 
room  about  four  feet  siinare  had  been  built  in  fliled  in  a  new  house,  twenty-two  feet  front  by 
the  chimne.v,  to  be  used  as  a  smoke-house  for  twent.v-eight  feet  deep  and  two  stories  high, 
smoking  meat.  The  number  of  bricks  in  this  and  found  them  amply  sufficient  for  the  pur- 
chimney  was  a  marvel.  They  had  all  been  pose.  The  bricks  were  so  hard  that  when  the 
brought  from  Holland,  and  landed  on  the  north  masons  who  did  the  work  wished  to  cut  them 
sliore  of  the  rocantico,  very  near  the  old  mill.  the.v  were  obliged  to  use  a  hatcliet.  In  size, 
one  of  the  prominent  objects  on  the  manor.  each  bi-ick  was  an  inch  and  a  <iuarter  thick. 
The  portion  of  the  chimney  taken  down  was  three  and  one-h:ilf  inches  \vidc,  and  scvi-n 
rchiii]  will]  Itic  lii'icks,  five  feet  breast,  sixteen  inches  long. — ^cjiarf,  ii.,  309. 


port  au(l  loop  lioK'S  for  cannon  and  mnsketrv.  The  dilVcrcnco  be- 
tween the  two  residences  in  this  respect  is  convincing-  proof  that  dur- 
ing- tlie  last  twenty  years  of  the  seventeenth  centnry,  while  llic  lower 
portion  of  the  connty  had  become  practically  secnre  against  Indian 
depredations,  tli(>  middle  section  was  still  deemed  somewliat  unsafe. 
The  building-  of  Castle  Philipse  was  followed  <iuiclvly  by  the  advent 
of  tenants,  and  in  a  comparatively  few  years  quite  a  nund)er  of 
farming-  people  had  secured  homes  as  far  north  as  Tarrytown  and 
beyond.  The  progress  made  tOAvard  the  general  settlement  of  tlic 
lands  of  that  locality  was  so  encouraging  that  Philipse  deemed  him- 
self under  obligations  to  provide  the  people  with  fiicilities  for  re- 
ligious Avorship.  To  this  worthy  deed  he  was  prompted  iiy  his  first 
Avife,  Margaret;  and  his  second  Avife,  Catherina,  also  took  a  deep  in- 
terest in  the  matter.  The  result  was  the  building  of  the  Dutch 
Keformed  Church  of  t^leepy  IIoHoav,  one  of  tlie  most  noted  of  old 
religious  edifices  in  America.  From  certain  circumstances  Dr.  Cede, 
in  the  centennial  address  already  referred  to,  feeds  justified  in  ex- 
pressing the  conviction  that  the  ei'ection  of  tlie  clun-ch  Avas  com- 
menced by  Philipse  as  early  as  1084.  He  points  out  tlmt  its  bell 
Avas  cast  to  order  in  1G85 — "  proof  positive,"  he  deidares,  "  that  the 
building  liad  already  been  begun."  But  according  to  the  oidy  au- 
thentic records  in  existence,  it  Avas  not  until  1697  that  the  (dmndi 
organization  Avas  effected  and  a  niinisrer,  Rev.  Ciuiliam  Bertiiolf, 
summoned.  The  tablet  over  tlie  door  of  Die  (Imrch  stales  that  it 
Avas  built  in  lODO.  but  this  tablet  Avas  probably  not  put  up  until 
Avithin  comparatively  recent  years,  and  it  reiords  the  accejited  date 
of  the  completion  of  the  structure,  making  no  mention  of  the  time 
at  Avhich  it  was  begun.  Phili])se  Avas  a  Avorshipper  witliin  its  walls, 
and  he  Avas  buried  in  a  vault  beneath  it,  Avhich  was  prepared  ex- 
pressly for  his  family.  His  decided  preference  for  tlie  Pocantico 
house  as  his  ])ermanent  place  of  residence  is  illustrated  by  his  selec- 
tion of  the  Pocantico  instead  of  the  Xepperhan  settlement  as  the 
location  for  the  church  building. 

We  have  now  traced  the  early  hist(n'y  of  the  various  original  land 
patents  and  grants  along  the  shore  line  of  W'estcln'sler  County,  ex- 
tending from  the  mouth  of  the  Byram  River  on  the  Sound  to  the 
Hudson,  with  incidental  accounts  of  the  i)rincii)al  patentees  or 
grantees  and  of  the  settlements  established.  This  embraces  all  the 
exterior  jiortions  of  the  county  exce]it  the  section  from  Crotou  Bay 
to  the  Highlands — that  is,  the  present  Town  of  (N>rtlandt.— which,  as 
we  haA-e  indicated,  Avas  bought  by  Stephanus  \';ni  Cortlandt  in  a 
series  of  purchases  commencing  in  ](>s:^,  and,  with  its  eastward  ex- 
tension to  the  Connecticut   line,  together  Avith  a   tract  on  the  west 



sido  of  the  Hudson  Elver,  was  erected  into  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt 
in  1697. 

Stephanns  Van  Cortlandt  was  the  eldest  of  the  seven  children  of 
Oloff  Stovense  Van  Cortlandt  and  Annotjo,  sister  of  Govert  Locker- 
mans,  a  very  wealthy  and  distinguished  burgher  of  New  Amster- 
dam. His  father,  Oloff,  was  a  man  of  note  in  New  Amsterdam 
and  New  York  for  forty  years.  He  came  to  New  Netherland  in 
1638,  with  Director  Kieft,  as  a  soldier  in  the  service  of  the  Dutch 
West  India  Company.  Oloff  was  a  native  of  the  province  of  Utrecht, 
in  Holland,  possessed  a  good  education,  and  is  supposed  to  have 
been  of  thoroughly  respectable  if  not  gentle  descent,  although  noth- 
ing definite  is  known  of  his  ancestry.  After  remaining  a  brief  time 
in  the  military  service  in  New  Amsterdam,  he  was  appointed  by 
Kieft  to  official  position,  from  which  he  resigned  in  1648  to  en- 
gage in  mercantile  and  browing  pursuits,  wherein  he  was  very  suc- 
cessful, soon  acquiring  a  large  fortune.     He  was  burgomaster  (mayor) 

of  New  Amsterdam  al- 
g^fy  most  uninterruptedly 

^^^%>  -^>^s,jr,-^    \  lish  conquest.     At  the 

■  "^     ~  time  of  the  surrender  of 

the  province  to  Nicolls 
he  was  one  of  the  Dutch 
commissioners  to  nego- 
tiate the  terms  of  the 
capitulation.  Under  the 
Englisli  government  he 
continued  to  be  a  prom- 
inent and  influential 
citizen  until  his  death 
(April  4, 1684).  He  mar- 
ried Annetje  Locker- 
mans  on  the  26th  of 
February,  1642,  and  by 
her  had  seven  children, 
three  sons  and  four 
daughters.^  Of  these  children  Stephanus,  the  eldest  (born  May  7, 
1643),  and  Jacobus,  the  youngest  (born  -July  7,  16581,  were  the  pro- 
genitors of  all  the  Van  Cortland  Is  of  subsequent  generations;  Steph- 
anus being  the  f(tunder  of  the  so-called  elder  Van  Cortlandt  branch, 


1  Stephauus,  whose  history  is  given  in  the 
text;  Maria,  man'led  Jeromias  Van  Rensselaer; 
Johannes,  died  a  bachelor;  Sophia,  married 
Andries  Teller;  Catherina,  married,  first,  John 

Dervall,  and,  second.  Frederick  Philipse  the 
lirst;  ('ornelia,  married  Brandt  Schuyler;  and 
Jacolins.  noticed  in  the  text. 


of  CorlluudL  Mauov,  ami  Jacobus  (,\\iio  married  p]va,  stepdaughter  of 
the  first  Frederick  Philipsej  the  founder  of  the  youuger  or  Vonkers 

Stephauus,  a  uative-boru  Dutch-Americau,  received  an  excellent 
education  under  the  direction  of  the  scholarly  Dutch  clergymen  of 
New  Amsterdam.  He  had  just  become  of  age  when  the  English 
fleet,  in  1004,  in  the  name  of  the  British  king  and  of  James,  Duke 
of  York,  demanded  aud  received  the  submission  of  New  Netherland. 
His  first  public  employment  was  therefore  under  English  rule.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  original  Court  of  Assizes  created  by  the  duke's 
laws,  and  thereafter  was  constantly  engaged  in  olficial  service,  hold- 
ing practically  every  position  of  importance  in  the  province  except 
that  of  governor.  His  career  was  probably  the  most  conspicuous 
and  creditable  of  that  of  any  inhabitant  of  New  York  in  the  seven- 
teenth century,  and  "  undoubtedly  the  first  brilliant  career  that  any 
native  of  New  York  ever  ran."  In  1077,  at  the  age  of  thirty-four, 
he  was  appointed  mayor  of  New  York,  being  the  first  native  Amer- 
ican to  hold  that  office,  in  which  he  continued  Avith  hardly  an  in- 
terruption until  his  death.  He  was,  with  Philipse,  one  of  the  orig- 
inal members  of  the  governor's  council,  and  served  in  that  body 
without  any  intermission  to  the  end  of  his  life.  At  the  time  of 
the  Leisler  regime,  the  responsibility  for  the  government  of  the 
province  was  temporarily  committed  to  him  and  Philipse  by  the  de- 
parting lieutenant-governor,  Nicholson,  and,  although  a  kinsman  of 
Leisler's,  he  firmly  resisted  the  latter"s  assumption  of  authority,  an 
act  which  for  a  time  endangered  his  life,  so  that  he  was  obliged 
to  flee  from  the  city.  He  was  later  one  of  the  justices  of  the  Supreme 
Court  of  the  province,  and  for  several  mouths  previously'  to  his  death 
was  its  chief  justice.  "  He  Avas  prominent  in  all  the  treaties  and 
conferences  with  the  Indians  as  a  member  of  the  council,  and  was 
noted  for  his  influence  with  them.  His  letters  and  dispatches  to 
GoAernor  Andros,  and  to  the  different  boards  and  ofiicers  in  Eng- 
land charged  with  the  cai'e  of  the  colonies  and  the  management  of 
their  affairs,  remain  to  show  his  capacity,  clear-headedness,  and 
courage.  Equally  esteemed  and  confided  in  by  the  governments  of 
James  as  duke  and  king,  and  by  William  and  JIary  in  the  troublous 
times  in  which  he  lived,  and  sustained  by  all  the  governors,  even 
though,  as  in  Bellomont's  case,  they  did  not  like  him  personally,  no 
greater  proof  could  be  adduced  of  his  ability,  skill,  and  integrity." 
He  died  on  the  25th  of  November,  1700. 

Under  date  of  November  16,  1077,  \'an  Cortlandt  received  from 
Governor  Andros  a  license  authorizing  him  to  acquire  such  lands 
"  on  the  east  side  of  Hudson's  Eiver  "  as  "  have  not  yet  been  pur- 


chased  of  the  ludyau  proprietors,"  "  payment  whereof  to  be  made 
Ijubliely  at  the  Fort  or  City  Ilall.''  He  did  not  begin  to  avail  him- 
self of  this  privilege,  however,  until  six  years  later,  when  (August  24, 
1G83)  he  bought  from  seven  Indians,  "  in  consideration  of  the  sum 
of  twelve  pounds  and  several  other  merchandises,"  what  is  known 
as  Verplanck's  Point  (called  by  the  Indians  JNIeanagh,  whence  the 
present  local  name  of  Meahagh),  together  with  an  adjacent  tract 
running  eastward,  called  Appamapogh.  The  general  situation  of 
the  purchase  thus  made  is  described  in  the  deed  as  follows:  "  Being 
on  the  east  side  of  the  Hudson  Kivcr,  at  the  entering  in  of  the 
Highlands,  just  over  against  llaverstraw." 

Earlier  in  the  same  year  (July  13,  1683)  Van  Cortlandt  purchased 
from  the  Haverstraw  Indians  a  tract  of  about  fifteen  hundred  acres 
on  the  west  side  of  the  Hudson,  "directly  opposite  to  the  promon- 
tory of  Anthony's  Nose  and  north  of  the  Dunderberg  Mountain, 
forming  the  depression  or  valley  tlirough  the  upper  part  of  which,  in 
the  Kevolutionary  War,  Sir  Henry  ('linton  came  down  and  cap- 
tured Forts  Clinton  and  Montgomery." 

The  territory  below  Verplanck's  Point,  extending  to  the  mouth  of 
the  Croton  Piver,  was  originally  bought  from  the  Indians  in  part 
by  one  Cornelius  Van  Bursum,  of  New  York  City,  and  in  part  by 
Governor  Hongan.  Van  Bursum  was  the  first  white  owner  of  the 
peninsula  of  Croton  I'oint,  which  in  the  Indian  language  was  called 
by  the  pleasing  name  of  Benas(]ua,  and,  before  receiving  its  present 
name,  had  long  been  known  as  Teller's  Point  (also  Sarah's  Point), 
from  William  and  Sarah  Teller,  who  were  early  settlers  ui)on  it. 
Governor  Dongan's  lauds  (purchased  from  the  Indians  in  1GS5)  em- 
braced all  the  river  shore,  exce])tiug  Croton  Point,  from  the  mouth 
of  the  Croton  to  Van  Coi'tlandt's  property,  and  in  the  interior  reached 
to  the  Cedar  Ponds.  Both  Van  Bursum's  and  Dongan's  holdings 
were  later  sold  to  Van  Cortlandt.  To  him  was  conveyed  also  a 
tract  owned  by  "  Hew  MacGregor,  (Jentleman,  of  the  City  of  New 
York,"  lying  above  Veri)lanck's  I'oint. 

Thus  Stephanus  Van  Cortlandt  became  the  proprietor  of  nearly 
the  whole  of  Westchester  County  along  the  Hudson  from  Croton 
Bay  to  the  Highlands.  In  the  inlerior  his  bounds,  both  at  the  north 
and  the  south,  ran  due  east  tAventy  miles  to  the  Connecticut  border 
(which  boi-dei'  was,  by  the  interprovincial  agreenu^nt  between  Con- 
necticut and  New  York,  considered  to  be  at  a  distance  of  twenty 
miles  from  the  Hudson).  But  there  were  two  strips  of  land  above 
Verplanck's  Point  of  whi(di  neitlier  A'an  Cortlandt  nor  his  heirs  ever 
obtained  the  ownershij).  One  was  the  so-called  Pyke's  patent,  a 
tract  called  by  the  Indians  Sachus   or   Sackhoes,   embracing   about 


I'igliti'cu  liuiidi-cd  ;u'ivs  hctwTcu  N'ci-plaiick's  and  i'ccUskill  Crci'U, 
ft-liereou  a  largL'  portion  of  the  villaj^c  of  Pt'ekskill  has  been  built. 
Tliis  tvacf  was  boiiyht  li-om  the  Indians,  Ajiril  21,  KiS.j,  by  Kichanl 
Abi-anisen,  Jacob  Abrainscu,  Tennis  Dekey  (or  DcKay),  iSeba,  Jacob, 
and  John  Harxse,  and  soon  afterward  was  patented  to  them  for  a 
quit-rent  of  "  ten  busiiels  of  <j;ood  winter  merchantable  wheat  year- 
ly." Tlie  name  of  liyke's  patent  is  Dutch  for  Kichard's  patent,  so 
called  after  Kichard  Abrainseu,  the  princii)al  patentee,  who  later 
assumed  the  Enijlish  name  of  Lent.  Substantially  the  whole  tract 
passed  to  Hercules  Lent,  liichard's  son,  about  i7;>().  The  second  of 
the  two  striiJs  on  the  Hudson  which  always  remained  independent 
of  the  Van  Cortlandt  estate  was  a  three-hundred-acre  parcel  front- 
ing on  the  inner  and  upper  part  of  Peekskill  Bay,  which  was  deeded. 
on  April  25,  1G85,  to  Jacobus  DeKay  "  for  the  value  of  four  iiun- 
dred  guilders,  seawant,"  and  which  ultimately  became  the  projx'rty 
of  John  Krankhyte  (ancestor  of  the  Cronkhites).  LTpon  this  stri])  is 
the  Peekskill  State  Camp  of  Military  Instruction. 

The  area  of  the  Van  Cortlandt  estate  in  Westchester  County,  omit- 
ting the  two  Peekskill  strips  just  noticed,  was  8(5,203  acres,  and, 
adding  that  of  the  tract  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  Hudson,  aggre- 
gated 87,713  acres.  Van  Cortlandt,  as  a  man  of  large  business  con- 
cerns and  important  official  interests  in  New  York,  continued  to  live 
in  the  city,  or  at  least  to  spend  most  of  his  time  there,  iicdwith- 
standing  his  extensive  landed  acquisitions  and  his  ultimate  design 
of  procuring  for  them  manorial  dignity.  I'ut  ii  was  probably  as 
early  as  1083  that  the  historic  mansion  of  the  faunly  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Croton  Ei\er,  which  is  still  standing  in  a  good  stale  of  |(ri'S(M'- 
vatiun,  had  its  beginning.  This  house  was  originally  intended  as  a 
trading  ])lace  and  a  fort,  and  was  built  ^\■ith  vei-y  thicdc  stone  walls, 
]iier(<Ml  \\itli  loopholes  for  musketiy,  all  of  which  ha\'e  been  IiIIimI  in 
savi-  one,  in  \\hat  is  iioAV  the  sitling-rooni,  A\hicii  is  i)resci-\ed  as  a 
memento  of  olden  times  and  of  the  anti(|uity  of  tlii'  dwelling.  Sit- 
uated just  where  the  road  from  Sing  Sing  to  Croton  Landing  crosses 
the  wide  mouth  of  the  Croton  l.'iver,  where  that  stream  empties  into 
the  Hudson,  it  commands  a  magniticent  view  of  the  bi-oad  Tajqian 
Sea.  In  foimer  times  the  ferry  across  the  ('rnion  Kixci-  nmulli, 
whi<-h  was  the  only  means  (d'  reaching  the  country  above  without 
making  a  wide  detour,  had  its  northern  terminus  near  the  mansion. 
During  the  first  ten  years  after  its  construction  ilie  house  was  proh 
ably  occu]iied  by  the  ])roprietor  oidy  as  a  tem])oi'ary  residence  when 
visiting  his  lands:  but  later  it  was  enlarged  and  im])roved  to  i>e- 
come  suitable  for  the  pnrjiose  of  a  manor  house  and  the  accommo- 
dation of  the  nunuMous   familv  of   its   weallhv  owner.       Ft    has  re- 


mained  in  the  possession  of  tlie  Van  Cortlandts  continuously  since 
the  time  of  Stephanus,  and  has  always  been  used  as  a  habitation  by 
some  member  of  the  family.  Near  it  is  the  Van  Cortlandt  burial 
ground,  a  small,  square  inclosure,  where  a  number  of  the  most  emi- 
nent descendants  of  Stephanus,  including  the  noted  General  and 
Lieutenant-Governor  Pierre  Van  Cortlandt  of  the  Kevolution,  are  in- 

Apart  from  the  erection  of  this  dwelling,  and  of  mills  for  the 
benefit  of  his  existing  and  prospective  tenants,  Van  Cortlandt  ac- 
complished little  in  the  way  of  developing  his  estate.  On  the  17th  of 
June,  1697,  the  whole  was  established  as  the  Lordship  and  Mauor  of 
Cortlandt,  by  royal  letters  patent  from  Governor  Fletcher,  a  quit- 
rent  of  "  forty  shillings  current  money  "  to  be  paid  annually  to  the 
governor  "  on  the  feast  day  of  Annunciation  of  our  Blessed  Vii'gin 
Mary,"  "  in  lieu  and  stead  of  all  other  rents,  services,  dues,  duties, 
and  demands  whatsoever."  Van  Cortlandt  died  at  the  early  age  of 
fifty-seven,  three  years  and  one-half  after  the  issuance  of  this  manor 
grant.  Judging  from  the  well-known  character  of  the  man,  it  may 
readily  be  believed,  in  the  words  of  the  historian  of  the  "  Manors  of 
Westchester  County,"  that  "  had  he  lived  to  be  seventy-five  or  eighty 
years  old,  like  so  very  many  of  his  descendants  in  every  generation, 
instead  of  dying  at  fifty-seven,  leaving  a  large  family,  mostly  minors, 
it  is  probable  that  he  would  have  left  his  mauor  as  flourishing  and 
as  populous  in  proportion  as  that  of  Eensselaerswyck  at  the  same 
date."  The  great  distance  of  Cortlandt  Manor  from  New  York  City 
and  its  surrounding  settlements,  as  well  as  its  difficulty  of  access  from 
the  country  immediately  below  on  account  of  the  obstruction  pre- 
sented by  the  Croton,  delayed  for  many  years  the  occupation  of  its 
lands;  and  so  meagre  was  its  population  that  it  was  not  until  1734  that 
the  Manor  of  Cortlandt  availed  itself  of  the  privilege  conferred  in  the 
grant  of  sending  a  representative  to  the  general  assembly.  The  first 
settlements  were  in  the  neighborhood  of  Croton  and  Peekskill.  The 
Indians  continued  numerous,  though  for  the  most  part  peaceable, 
until  an  advanced  period  in  the  eighteenth  century. 

Stephanus  had  fourteen  children,^  of  whom  eleven  were  living  at 

^  1.  Joliauues,  married  Anne  Sophia  Van  (Mary),  married,  first,  Kilaeu  Van  Uensselaer, 
Scliaacli,  and  left  one  child,  Gertrude,  who  fourth  patroon  and  lirst  manorial  lord  of  Rens- 
married  Philip  VerplaneU,  grandson  of  Abra-  selaersw.vcli.  6.  Oertrude.  died  unmarried.  7. 
ham  Isaacseu  Verplanck,  the  first  of  that  name  Philip,  married  Catherine  de  Peyster,  daughter 
in  America.  2.  Margaret,  married  Colonel  of  the  first  Abraham;  from  this  couple  sprang 
Samuel  Bayard,  only  son  of  Nicholas  Bayard,  the  eldest  line  of  Van  Cortlandts,  now  British 
the  youngest  of  the  three  nephews  of  Gov-  subjects.  8.  Stephen,  married  Catalina  Staats; 
ernor  Sttiyvesant.  3.  Ann,  married  Etienne  these  were  the  ancestors  of  the  "  Van  Cort- 
(Stephen)  de  Lancey,  founder  of  the  de  Laneey  landts  of  Second  River  "  (the  Passaic),  N.  J., 
family  of  New  Yorlt  City  and  Westchester  now  extinct  in  the  males.  9.  Gertrude,  mar- 
County.    4.  Oliver,    died   a   bachelor.    5.  Maria  ried    Colonel    Henry    Beekman;    no    Issue.    10. 








the  time  of  the  father's  death;  aud  he  devised  the  manor  lands  to 
them  in  equal  shares,  excepting  that  the  eldest,  Johannes,  received, 
iu  addition  to  his  equal  portion,  the  whole  of  the  peninsula  of  Ver- 
plauck's  Point.  (This  peninsula  was  so  called  for  Philip  Wrplanck, 
grandson  of  Johannes,  who  inherited  it,  and  iu  whose  family  it  con- 
tinued until  sold  to  a  New  York  syndicate  in  the  first  half  of  the 
present  century.)  One  of  the  (deven  children,  Oliver  Van  Cort- 
landt,  dying  without  issue  in  1706,  bequeathed  his  share  equally 
among  his  brothers  and  sisters  and  their  heirs.  The  ten  rfuiaiiiing 
heirs  kept  the  property  intact  and  undivided  until  1730,  when  a  divi- 
sion was  determined  upon,  which  followed  in  due  course.  Cort- 
landt  Manor  remained  a  separate  political  division  (embracing  also, 
for  purposes  of  representation  in  the  assembly,  the  IJyke  and  the 
Krankhjte  patents)  until  divided  into  townships  by  the  New  York 
State  act  of  1788.  The  original  toAvnships  carved  out  of  it  were 
Cortlandt,  Y'orktown,  Stephentown  (now  Soniers),  Salem  (now  North 
Salem  and  Lewisboro),  and  about  a  third  of  Poundridge.  In  area 
it  was  the  largest  of  the  six  Westchester  County  manors,  consider- 
ably exceeding  in  this  respect  the  Manor  of  Philipseburgh,  which 
iu  its  turn  was  several  times  larger  than  the  four  other  manors  (Pel- 
ham,  Scarsdale,  Ford- 
ham,  and  Morrisania) 
combined.  Its  eastern 
boundary  was  fixed 
in  the  governor's 
grant  at  a  distance 
twenty  miles  from  the 
Hudson,  and  coincid- 
ed at  the  time  with 
the  boundary  line  be- 
tween NeAv  York  and 
( 'onnecticut ;  but  the 
ultimate  State  line, 
as  adjusted  by  com- 
promise under  the 
"  Oblong"  arrangement,  ran  somewhat  to  the  east  of  it;  so  that  the 
extreme  northeastern  j^ortion  of  the  county,  as  w(dl  as  a  ]>ai't  of 
the  extreme  northwestern  section,  was  never  included  in  this  manor. 
Jacobus  Van  Cortlandt,  younger  brother  of  Stephanns  and  an- 


Gysbert,  died  young.  11.  Eliz.ibeth,  died 
young.  12.  Eliz.Tbetli,  2d,  mnrripd  Rev.  William 
Sldnnor,  of  Pertli  Amljoy.  N.  .1.  13.  Catharine, 
married  Andrew  Jolinston,  of  New  Jersey.  14. 
Cornelia,    married   John   Schuyler,    of   Albany; 

those  were  the  progenitors  of  the  Schuylers 
descended  from  Oerieral  Philip,  who  was  their 
son,  aud  from  iiis  brothers  and  sislers.  (The 
above  is  taken  from  Edward  Floyd  de  Lancey's 
History  of  the  Manors.) 


ccstor  of  the  so-called  Voiikcis  brjiiicli  of  ilic  \'aii  CoillaiKK  laiiiily, 
was  born  ou  the  7th  of  July,  1(>.")S,  ami  on  I  lie  Tlli  <>(  .May,  1(I!M, 
married  Eva  Philipse,  adopted  daiiiihter  cd'  Hie  lirsl  I'l-cdcrick  I'hil- 
ipse.  In  IG'JK  he  purehascd  from  his  latln-r-inlaw  fifty  acres  of 
choice  land  in  the  "Lower  Vonkers,"  a  ])ropertY  wliich  lie  increased 
to  several  hundred  acres  by  siibse(]uent  ])nrchases.  (Mil  of  this  land 
was  erected  the  historic  \'an  Corthindt   estate,  about   a   mile  above 

Kinjisbridge.      He  left  the  property  to  his  son,  Frederick,  w  li ar- 

ried  a  daniihter  of  Augustus  Jay  (ancestor  of  Chief  Justice  John 
Jay).  Frederick  built  in  ITJrS  the  tine  Van  (Jortlandl  mansion, 
which,  together  with  the  then  existing  residue  of  the  estate,  was 
purchased  by  the  City  of  New  York  in  ISSK,  the  land  being  con- 
verted into  a  public  park  (Van  Cortlandt  I'arki  and  the  mansion 
placed  in  the  custody  of  the  Colonial  DauK's  of  the  Stale  t>{  New 
York,  anil  by  them  utilized  for  the  puiposes  of  a  historical  museum. 

Jacobus  ^'au  Cortlandt,  the  ancestor  of   the   Yonkers   \'an  C(»rt 
landts,  also  owned  a  large  estate  in  the  Town  of  Bedfoni,  part   of 
which  descended  to  Chief  Justice  John  Jay  and  is  still   in  the  jios- 
session  of  the  Jay  family. 

Our  narrative,  from  the  period  when  the  acri\('  ac(|nisition  of 
the  lauds  of  Westchester  County  began,  about  tlie  time  of  the  Fug- 
lish  conquest  (IGtU),  has  naturally'  followed  the  course  of  the  pro- 
gressive new  purchases  and  occupation  running  from  the  seat  of  the 
already  settled  localities  on  the  Sound  westward  and  northward 
along  the  formerly  unpunduised  or  undevelo]KMl  shores  of  the  Har- 
lem liiver,  Si)uyten  Duyvil  Creek,  and  the  Hudson.  Pursuing  this 
natural  course,  our  attention  has  been  mainly  claimed  by  the  great 
laud  grants  of  Morrisauia,  Fcu-dham,  IMiilipseburgh,  and  Cortlandt 
Manors,  extending  consecutively  from  near  the  mouth  of  the  Bronx 
to  Anthony's  Nose,  and  covering  substantially  the  whtde  of  the  west- 
ern half  and  northern  section  of  the  county.  The  reader  has,  of 
course,  borne  in  mind  that  throughout  the  period  we  have  traversed 
in  tracing  the  originial  land  acquisitions  under  English  rule  in  the 
western  division  of  the  county — that  is,  a  period  reaching  to  the  end 
of  the  seventeenth  century, — the  nu)re  complete  settleuH'Ut  of  the 
already  wel]-occu]iied  eastern  division  was  steadily  ])roceeding,  and, 
besides  resulting  in  the  constant  uid)uildiug  of  the  little  communities 
ou  the  Sound,  was  inciik'ntally  bringing  all  [ireviously  neglected  dis- 
tricts of  the  interior,  np  to  I  lie  conlims  of  IMiilipse's  and  Van  Cort- 
landt's  lands,  under  detinite  i)rivate  ownership,  and  distributing 
through  them  an  enterprising  and  energetic  elenn-ut  cd'  new  settlers. 
To  this  onward  movement  from  the  east  the  inhabitants  of  all  the 
existing  patents  from  Westchester  town  to  Byram  I'oinI  contributed; 


aud,  moreover,  the  people  of  the  adjoiniug  parts  of  Couuectiout  con- 
tinued to  manifest  a  hearty  interest  and  to  share  in  the  work  of  oc- 
cupation aud  development.  As  will  be  shown  later,  much  of  the 
most  notable  enterprise  uudertakeu  from  the  east  was  by  certain 
communities  of  settlers,  or  by  individuals  having  only  comparatively 
small  personal  interests,  as  distinguished  from  lai-ge  lauded  proprie- 
tors. Indeed,  notwithstandiug  the  iJreseuce  of  two  quite  extensive 
aud  very  solidly  founded  manor  grants  on  the  Sound  (Pelham  and 
Scarsdalc),  the  general  character  of  the  original  settlement  and  suc- 
ceeding history  of  the  eastern  division  of  Westchester  Couuty  differs 
totally  fi'om  that  of  the  western,  in  that  the  former  represents 
mainly  the  results  of  communal  aud  minor  individual  interest  and 
activity,  while  the  latter  sprang  essentially  from  manorial  aspira- 
tion, proprietorship,  and  patronage. 

But  in  recurring  to  the  history  of  the  eastern  portions  of  the 
county  and  of  the  gradual  movement  of  settlers  thence  into  the 
interior,  we  shall  first  review  the  progress  of  events  in  the  two 
large  proj^rietary  estates  of  that  division:  the  Pell  estate,  which, 
when  last  noticed,  had  been  erected  into  a  manor  under  the  lord- 
ship of  its  founder,  Thomas  Pell;  and  the  estate  of  John  Richbell, 
of  Mamaroneck,  transmitted  after  his  death  to  his  Avife,  Ann,  and 
from  her  purchased  by  Caleb  Heathcote,  who  soon  afterward  pro- 
cured its  erection  into  the  Manor  of  Scarsdale.  So  luany  of  our  im- 
mediately preceding  pages  have  been  devoted  to  the  origin  and  early 
history  of  Fordham,  Mori-isania,  Philipseburgh,  and  Cortlandt  Man- 
ors, that  similar  accounts  of  the  two  remaining  manors  may  very 
fittingly  follow  here.  This,  with  some  general  observations,  will 
complete  what  is  necessary  to  be  said  about  the  foundations  of  the 
manors  of  Westchester  County. 




HOMAS  PELL  died  in  the  month  of  September,  1669,  three 
years  after  obtaining  from  Governor  Nicolls  the  manorial 
patent  for  his  magnificent  estate  on  the  Sound,  stretching 
from  Hutchinson's  River  to  Richbell's  Mamaronecli  grant. 
Leaving  no  issue,  he  willed  all  his  possessions,  excepting  certain 
personal  bequests,  to  his  nephew,  John  Pell,  then  residing  in  Eng- 
land, the  only  son  of  his  only  brother,  the  Rev.  John  Pell,  D.D. 
Doctor  Pell,  Thomas's  brother,  was  a  man  of  brilliant  intellectual 
accomplishments,  served  as  ambassador  to  Switzerland  under  Crom- 
well, and  subsequently  took  or<lors  in  the  Church  of  England.  But 
despite  his  talents  he  had  faults  of  temperament  which  prevented 
him  from  advancing  in  the  church,  and  being  of  an  improvident  dis- 
position he  wasted  his  property  to  such  a  degree  that  he  was  com- 
mitted to  the  King's  Bench  Prison  for  debt.  To  his  son,  John,  the 
golden  inheritance  from  the  rich  uncle  in  America  must  have  been 
singularly  Avelcome. 

John  Pell,  the  successor  of  Thomas  in  the  ''  lordship  "  of  Pelham 
ISranor,  was  born  on  the  8d  of  February,  1643.  He  arrived  in  Amer- 
ica and  entered  into  his  propriettu'ship  in  the  summer  of  1670.  On 
the  25th  of  October,  1687,  a  new  royal  patent  of  Pelham  Manor  was 
issued  to  him  by  frovernor  Dougan,  the  reason  for  this  proceeding 
being,  as  stated  iu  the  patent,  that  he  desired  "  a  more  full  and  firmc 
grant  and  confirmation  "  of  his  lands.  The  bounds  of  the  manor  as 
specified  iu  the  new  instrument  wove  precisely  the  same  as  those  pre- 
scribed in  the  Nicolls  patent  to  his  uncle — Ilutchiuson's  River  on 
the  soudi  and  Cedar  Tree  or  Gravelly  Brook  on  tlic  north,  willi  Ihe 
neighboring  islands;  but  the  dignifies  ntt.Tching  to  the  manorial  lord- 
ship were  somewhat  more  elaborately  defined,  and  instead  of  i)ay- 
ing  to  the  royal  governor  as  quit-rent  "  one  lamb  on  the  first  day  of 
^fay,"  as  had  been  required  of  Thomas  Pell,  he  was  to  pay  "twenty 
shillings,  good  and  lawful  money  of  this  ]irovince,"  "on  the  five  and 
twontyeth  day  of  the  month  of  March."  He  married  (16S."))  Rachel, 
daughter  of  Philip  Pinkney,  one  of  the  first  ten  proprietors  of  East- 


cht'Ster.  He  rfsidcd  ou  his  cstntc,  and  seeuis  to  have  taken  an  active 
and  influential  interest  in  publir-  matters  related  to  Westchester 
County,  having-  been  appointed  by  (governor  Andros  (August  25,  1(JS8) 
the  first  judge  of  Westchester  ('ounty,  and  serving  as  delegate  from 
our  county  in  the  provincial  assembly  from  1691  to  1695.  He  died 
in  1702.  The  tradition  is  that  he  perished  in  a  gaU'  while  upon  a 
pleasure  e.vcursion  in  his  yacht  off  City  Island. 

The  most  notable  event  of  John  Pell's  administration  of  his  manor 
was  the  conveyance  by  him  through  the  celebrated  Jacob  Leisler  of 
six  thousand  acres  as  a  place  of  settlement  for  the  Huguenots — a 
transaction  out  of  which  resulted  the  erection  of  the  Town  of  New 

The  Edict  of  Nantes,  a  decree  granting  a  measure  of  liberty  to  the 
Proteh'tants  of  France,  promulgated  in  l.">98  by  King  Henry  IV.,  was 
on  tlie  22d  of  October,  1685,  revoked  by  Louis  XI  \'.,  and  by  that  act 
of  state  policy  the  conditions  of  life  in  tlie  French  kingdom  were 
made  quite  intolerable  to  most  ]»ersons  of  steadfast  Protestant  faith. 
For  some  years  previously  to  tiie  revocation  numerous  French  Prot- 
estants had  begun  to  seek  homes  in  foreign  lands,  especially  America; 
and  after  1085  the  emigration  grew  to  large  proportions.  A  great 
many  of  the  Huguenots  came  to  New  York  City.  Several  of  the  lead- 
ers of  the  sect  abroad  enter('<l  into  correspondence  with  Leisler 
(known  to  them  as  a  responsihh'  merchant  and  influential  citizen 
of  New  York  and,  moreover,  a  man  of  strong  liberal  principles),  with 
a  view  to  the  pui-chase  by  him  as  agent  of  eligible  land  for  the  estab- 
lishment of  a  Huguenot  colony.  It  happened  that  a  number  of  the 
Huguenot  immigrants  in  New  York  City,  looking  about  them  for 
suitable  phices  of  residence,  had  in  168()  and  1()87  chosen  and  secured 
from  John  Pell  parcels  of  land  in  that  portion  of  Pelham  Manor  now 
occupied  by  the  present  City  of  New  Kochelle.  From  this  circum- 
stance Leisler,  as  the  constituted  agent  of  the  Huguenots,  was  led  to 
locate  the  settlement  at  that  place.  He  entered  into  negotiations 
with  Pell,  and  on  the  20th  of  September,  1689,  "John  Pell  and 
Rachel  his  wife "  conveyed  to  him,  "  in  consideration  of  the  sum 
of  sixteen  hundred  and  seventy-five  pimnds  sterling,  current  silver 
money  of  this  province,"  ''all  I  hat  tract  of  land  lying  and  being 
within  said  Manor  of  Pelham,  containing  six  thousand  acres  of  land, 
and  also  one  hundred  acres  of  land  more,  which  the  said  John  I'ell 
and  Rachel  his  wife  do  freely  give  and  grant  for  the  French  church 
erected,  or  to  be  erected,  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  said  tract  of 
land,  or  by  their  assignees,  being  butted  and  bounded  as  herein  is 
after  expressed,  beginning  at  the  west  side  of  a  certain  white  oak 
tree,  marked  on  all  four  sides,  standing  at  high  water  mark  at  the 


sontli  ciul  of  Hog  N(H^k,  by  shoals,  Iiai-houi',  .-mil  runs  iioi-t  ln\csfci-ly 
tlirongli  the  great  fresh  inea(lo\\'  lying  bclANccn  the  load  ami  Ihc 
S^ound,  and  from  the  north  si(h'  of  the  said  meadow  to  run  from 
thence  due  north  to  Brouekes  I'iver,  which  is  the  west  division  lini> 
between  the  said  John  Pell's  land  and  the  aforesaid  trad,  Imunded 
on  the  southeasterly  by  the  Sound  and  Salt  Water,  and  to  run  east- 
northerly  to  a  certain  piece  of  salt  meadow  lying  at  the  salt  creek 
which  runneth  up  to  Cedar  Tree  brook,  or  Gravelly  brook,  and  is 
the  bounds  to  Southern.  Bounded  on  the  east  by  a  line  that  runs 
from  said  meadow  northwesterly  by  marked  trees,  to  a  certain  black 
oak  tree  standing  a  little  below  the  road,  marked  on  four  sides,  and 
from  thence  to  run  due  north  four  miles  and  a  half,  more  or  less,  and 
from  the  north  side  of  the  said  west  line,  ending  at  Broncke's  river, 
and  from  thence  to  run  easterly  till  it  meets  with  the  north  end  of  tlie 
said  eastern  most  bounds,  together  with  all  and  singular  the  islands 
and  the  islets  before  the  said  tract  of  land  lying  and  being  in  the 
sound  and  salt  water,"  etc.  This  was  an  absolute  deed  of  sale  of 
the  ]iropei-ty.  The  sum  ])aid  for  it,  £1,075,  was  extraordinarily  large, 
in  comparison  with  the  usual  amounts  given  in  those  times  for  un- 
improved landed  property,  and  is  a  demonstration  of  the  entirely 
substantial  character  of  the  st^ttlement  of  New  Bochelle  at  its  \('ry 
foundation.  In  addition  to  the  i)urchase  money,  "  said  Jacol)  Leisler, 
his  heirs  and  assigns,"  Avere  to  yield  and  pay  "unto  the  said  John 
I'ell,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  loi-ds  of  the  said  ^lanor  of  I'eiliam,  to 
the  assigns  of  them  or  him,  or  their  or  either  of  tliem,  as  an  aclcnowl- 
edgnieiit  to  the  lords  of  the  said  manor,  one  fal  calf  on  cvcrii  four  (iinl 
1innH<lh  (hiji  of  June,  yearly  and  every  year  forever — if  demanded."' 
This  proviso  was  incorporated  conformably  \\itli  the  customs  of  the 
times,  which  required  the  vouchsafing  of  peculiar  courtesies  to  the 
lords  of  manors  on  the  jiart  of  individuals  u])on  whom  they  bestowed 
their  lands.  The  ceremony  of  the  presentation  of  the  fat  calf  was 
duly  observed  for  many  years,  and  was  always  made  a  festival  oc- 

Although  the  deed  of  sale  specified  the  Bronx  River  as  the  western- 
most boumlary  of  the  tract,  its  bounds  as  finally  established  stopped 
at  Hutchinson's  River  or  creek.  The  six  thousand  acres  comprised 
the  wliole  northern  section  of  tlie  manor,  I'ell  retaining  the  southern 
portion,  a  wedge-sha])ed  territory,  about  one-half  less  in  area  than  the 
part  conveyed  to  I.eisler. 

Shortly  after  the  consumuiatiou  of  the  i)urchase,  Troisier  began  to 
release  the  lands  to  the  Ilugueiiols,  and  the  place  was  settled  with 
reasonable  rapidity.  It  was  called  New  iloclielle  in  honor  of  La 
Bochelle  in   France,  a   comniuniiy   lUdininriii  ly   identified   with   the 



Huguenot  cause  in  the  religious  wars.  From  tlie  first  tlie  French 
refugees  proved  themselves  most  desirable  additions  to  the  popu- 
lation of  our  county,  and  the  entire  history  of  New  Kochelle  is  a 
gratifying  record  of  progress. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  John  Eichbell's  original  purchase  from 
the  Indians  of  what  is  now  the  Township  of  Mamaroneck — a  purchase 
confirmed  to  him  at  the  time  by  the  Dutch  authorities,  and  later  by 
the  English  governor,  Lovelace — comprised  three  necks  on  the  Sound 
between  the  Mamaroneck  River  and  Thomas  Pell's  lands,  and  that 
the  interior  extension  of  the  purchase  was  twenty  miles  northward 
"  into  the  woods."  Of  the  three  necks,  called  the  East,  Middle,  and 
West  Necks,  the  first  was  deeded  by  Hichbell  to  his  mother-in-law, 
Margery  Parsons,  and  by  her  immediately  conveyed  to  his  wife,  Ann; 
but  the  latter  two  were  mortgaged  and  finally  lost  to  Richbell's 

estate.  These  Middle  and  West 
Necks,  with  their  prolongation 
into  the  interior,  formed  a  tri- 
angular tract  of  land  owned  by 
several  persons,  which  lay 
wedge-shaped  between  the 
Manor  of  Pelham,  at  the  south- 
west, and  what  later  became 
the  Manor  of  Scarsdale,  at  the 
northeast.  The  East  Neck,  ter- 
minating at  the  mouth  of  the 
Mamaroneck  Iviver,  continued 
to  be  the  property  of  Mrs.  Rich- 
bell  until  its  sale  by  her  to  Caleb  Heathcote,  in  1697.  It  formed 
the  nucleus  of  Scarsdale  Manor,  erected  in  1701.  It  is  of  interest, 
before  coming  to  the  period  of  Heathcote's  proprietorship,  to  glance 
at  the  origin  of  the  village  of  Mamaroneck,  which  we  have  omitted  to 
do  in  our  account  of  Richbell's  connection  with  this  section. 

Soon  after  procuring  his  English  patent  (1668),  John  Richbell  and 
his  wife  set  apart  for  the  purpose  of  allotments,  or  house  lots,  a 
strip  of  land  running  from  llie  Mamaroneck  River  westward  along 
the  harbor  shore,  and  fronting  on  the  old  Westchester  path.  These 
lots  were  eight  in  number:  one  he  reserved  for  himself,  one  he  deeded 
as  a  gift  to  John  Basset  (1669),  and  the  others  he  leased  or  sold. 
Among  the  purchasers  was  Henry  Disbrough,  or  Disbrow,  in  1676, 
who  the  next  year  erected  on  his  lot  the  famous  Disbrow  house. 
Travelers  along  the  Boston  Post  Road  may  still  see,  on  the  western 
outskirts  of  Mamaroneck,  a  stone  chimney,  all  that  remains  of  this 
structure.     The  ruin  is  remarkable  for  its  great  size,  giving  an  idea 




of  tho  enormous  fireplaces  in  use  at  the  time  when  the  house  was 
built.  It  is  said  that  the  Disbrow  house  is  one  of  the  landmarks 
described  by  James  Fenimoro  Cooper  (who  lived  in  Mamaroneck)  in 
the  "  Spy,"  and  that  a  secret  cupboard  in  the  chimney  served  as  a 
hiding  place  for  Harvey  Birch,  the  hero  of  that  story.  The  strip 
devoted  by  Eichbell  to  the  Mamaroneck  house  lots  was  called  "  Eich- 
bell's  two-mile  bounds,"  from  the  fact  that  each  lot  ran  two  miles 
"  northwards  into  the  woods."  Such  was  the  beginning  of  the  ven- 
erable village  of  Mamaroneck.  For  many  years,  however,  only  a 
very  few  settlers  lived  there,  and  in  an  instrument  drawn  as  late 
as  1707,  by  "  the  freeholders  of  Mamaroneck  "  in  common,  the  names 
of  only  eight  persons  appear  as  signers. 

Just  before  his  death  John  Eichbell  was  engaged  in  a  controversy 
with  the  townspeople  of  Eye  concerning  the  ownership  of  a  tract 
called  by  the  Indians  Quarop- 
pas,  which  had  already  become 
known  among  the  whites  as 
"the  White  Plains."  This  land 
was  unquestionably  embraced 
within  the  limits  of  Eichbell's 
original  purchase,  described  as 
running  northward  twenty 
miles  into  the  woods;  but  in 
1(18.3  the  people  of  Eye  bought 
the  .same  White  Plains  district 
from  the  Indians  claiming  its 
pro])ri('torship.  At  that  time 
the  New  York  and  Connecticut 
boundary   agreement  of  1664 

was  still  in  force,  whereby  the  dividing  line  between  the  two  provinces 
started  at  the  mouth  of  the  Mamaroneck  Ei\er  and  ran  north-north- 
west. Under  the  then  existing  boundary  division,  therefore,  Eye 
was  still  a  part  of  Connecticut,  and,  moreover,  the  White  Plains  tract 
also  fell  on  the  Connecticut  side.  This  circumstance,  strengthened 
by  the  incorporating  of  it  within  the  Eye  limits  while  the  old  bound- 
ary understanding  still  prevailed,  enabled  the  Eye  men  to  advance 
plausible  pretensions  to  it  when,  very  soon  afterward  (in  fact,  only 
si.x  days  subsequently),  a  new  boundary  line  was  fixed,  beginning  at 
the  mouth  of  the  Byram  Eiver,  which  gave  both  the  White  Plains 
and  Eye  to  New  York.  The  claim  set  uj)  by  Eye  to  the  White 
Plains  caused  Eichbell's  title  in  the  upward  reaches  of  his  twenty- 
mile  patent  to  assume  a  decidedly  cloudy  aspect;  and  to  the  confu- 
sion thus  brought  about  was  due  the  comparatively  limited  range  of 

ANCIKXT  IiI<r.KO\\    Hi>r 



the  bounds  of  the  Manor  of  Scarsdale,  which  otherwise  woiihl  liave 
run  twenty  miles  north  from  the  mouth  of  the  Mamaroneck  River, 
instead  of  stopping  short  at  the  White  Plains. 

After  Eichbell's  death  (July  26,  1GS4),  his  widow  continued  in 
quiet  possession  of  the  estate,  making  no  efforts  to  further  develop 
or  improve  it,  and,  with  the  exception  of  a  renewed  protest  against 
tbe  intrusion  of  the  Eye  men  iu  the  White  Plains  tract,  doing  nothing 
in  the  way  of  asserting  lier  proprietary  rights  outside  of  the  East 
Neck,  where,  of  course,  they  were  unquestioned.  In  IfiOG  she  gave 
to  Caleb  Heathcote,  of  the  Town  of  Westchester,  her  written  consent 
to  his  procuring  from  the  Indians  deeds  of  confirmation  of  the  old 
Richbell  patent;  and  in  the  same  year  Cioveruor  Fletcher  granted  to 
Colonel  Heathcote  a  license  authorizing  him  to  buy  vacant  and  un- 
appropriated lands  in  Westchester  County  and  to  extinguish  the  title 
of  the  natives.  On  December  2.S,  1097,  Heathcoie  bought  from  Mrs. 
Tkichbell  her  entire  landed  estate  for  £G00,  New  Yorlc  currency.  Avail- 
ing himself  of  the  rights  and  privileges  thus  accpiired,  he  not  only 
became  the  founder  and  lord  of  au  organized  manor,  but  embarked 
iu  comprehensive  original  purchases  of  the  interior  lands  of  West- 
chester County,  which  ultimately  gave  him,  in  association  with 
others,  the  title  to  most  of  the  county  between  the  Manors  of  Cort- 
landt  on  the  north,  Philipseburgh  on  the  west,  Scarsdale  on  the 
south,  and  the  Connecticut  line  on  the  east.  These  latter  purchases, 
made  under  Governor  Fletcher's  license  of  1690,  were  entirely  dis- 
connected from  his  manor  grant  of  Scarsdale,  and  resulted  in  ex- 
tensive new  patents,  which  are  known  in  the  history  of  the  county 
as  the  "  Three  Great  Patents  of  Central  Westchester,"  named  re- 
spectively the  West,  Middle,  and  East  Patents,  and  having  an  aggre- 
gate area  of  some  seventy  thousand  acres.  The  history  of  the  Three 
Patents  belongs,  however,  with  our  account  of  Colonel  Heathcote  as 
one  of  the  great  early  proprietors,  and  will  receive  brief  notice  after 
the  story  of  Scarsdale  Manor  has  been  told. 

Caleb  Heathcote  was  born  in  Chesterfield,  Derbyshire,  England, 
in  1065,  and  was  the  sixth  of  the  seven  sons  of  Gilbert  Heathcote, 
gentlenmn,  of  that  place.  "  The  family  was  an  ancient  one,  the 
first  of  whom  there  is  authoritative  mention  having  been  a  master 
of  the  Mint  under  IJichai'd  II."  His  father,  Gilbert,  was  a  Round- 
head and  stanch  adherent  of  the  Parliament  in  the  civil  wars,  serv- 
ing creditably  in  the  Parliamentary  army.  He  held  the  office  of 
mayoi"  of  Chesterfield.  All  of  the  seven  sons  became  successful 
merchants.  The  eldest,  Sir  Gilbert,  was  "Lord  Mayor  of  London, 
member  of  Pai'liament,  one  of  the  founders  and  the  first  governor  of 
the  Bank  of  England,  knighted  by  Queen  Anne,  and  created  a  baronet 



in  1732  by  George  II."  His  descendants  have  ever  since  belonged 
to  the  British  aristocracy,  and  his  grandson,  the  third  Sir  Gilbert, 
was  raised  to  the  peerage  as  Baron  Aveland.  Another  son,  Samuel, 
was  the  progenitor  of  the  Baronets  Ileathcute,  of  Uarsk'v  I'ark, 
County  of  Hampshire. 

Caleb  came  to  America  about  1691,  making  his  home  in  New 
York  and  pursuing  trade  there.  It  is  said  tliat  his  removal  (o  this 
country  was  occasioned  by  an  unfortunate  love  affair,  his  bride- 
elect  having  broken  off  her  engagement  with  him  to  marry  his 
brother  Gilbert.  He  immediately  became  a  prominent  man  in  the 
city  and  province,  and  served  at 
various  times  in  a  number  of  im- 
portant olHces,  among  llicm  being 
those  of  surveyor-general  of  His 
Majesty's  customs  for  the  eastci'ii 
district  of  Noi'th  America,  judge 
of  file  Court  of  Admiralty  for  the 
provinces  of  New  Yoi'k,  New  Jer- 
sey, and  Connecticut,  member  of 
the  governor's  council,  mayor  of 
New  Ycu'k  City,  judge  of  the  Court 
of  Common  Pleas  of  Westchester 
County,  colonel  of  the  Westchester 
County  militia,  and  mayor  of  the 
borough  Town  of  Westchester.  It 
was  from  his  connection  with  the 
military  that  he  obtained  his  title 
of  "  Colonel,"  by  which  he  was 
alwavs  known.  He  was  niavor 
of  New  York   at  the   same  time  ^^•^""  "^^^^".cotk. 

that  his  brother  Gilbert  was  Lord  ilayor  of  London.  lie  was  firmly 
attached  to  the  Church  of  England,  and  probably  did  more  than  any 
other  man  of  his  times  to  promote  its  dominance  in  New  York,  being 
one  of  the  founders  of  the  parish  of  Trinity  Church  in  New  York 
City,  and  the  leading  person  in  establishing  the  parishes  of  West- 
chester, Eastchester,  and  Rye  in  Westchester  County.  As  lord  of 
Scarsdale  3Ianor  he  caused  that  manor  to  be  constituted  one  of  the 
precincts  of  tlie  parish  of  Bye,  of  which  he  was  chosen  warden  and 
vestryman.  He  is  described  by  a  contemporary  writer  as  "a  gen- 
tleman of  rare  (|nalities,  excellent  tein]»iT,  and  virtuous  life  and 

At  an  early  period  of  his  residence  in  New  York,  Heathcote  began 
to  take  a  decided  interest  in  the  advantages  offered  by  this  couniy, 


and  bought  property  both  in  the  Town  of  Westchester  and  East- 
chester  patent.  In  1696,  through  his  inllnence,  Westchester  was 
created  a  "  borouoh  (own,"  patterned  in  all  particulars  after  the 
old  English  borough  towns.  It  is  noteworthy  that  only  two  borough 
towns  were  ever  established  in  New  York  Province,  one  being  West- 
chester and  the  other  Schenectady.  Westchester's  town  charter, 
dated  April  16,  1696,  conferred  the  "  municipal  privileges  of  a  mayor 
and  aldermen  and  assistants,  and  the  additional  one  of  a  repre- 
sentative of  its  own  in  the  assembly  of  the  province";  and  Colonel 
Heathcote  was  appointed  its  first  mayor.  It  was  in  this  same  year, 
as  we  have  seen,  that  he  took  the  steps  which  led  to  the  creation  of 
the  Manor  of  Scarsdale  and  to  the  great  purchases  by  him  and  asso- 
ciates of  the  vacant  and  unappropriated  lands  in  the  central  part 
of  Westchester  County  which  comprised  the  "  Three  Patents." 

By  the  terms  of  Mrs.  Richbell's  conveyance  to  him  of  the  Rich- 
bell  estate  in  1697,  he  succeeded  to  all  of  her  property  rights,  both 
on  the  East  Neck  and  in  the  interior  region  patented  to  h(>r  hus- 
band by  Governor  LoA^elace,  running  northward  "  twenty  miles  into 
the  woods."  This  conveyance  did  not  include,  however,  the  "allot- 
ments "  previously  made  to  various  persons  in  the  "  two-mile  bounds  " 
(upon  which  the  foundations  of  the  Village  of  Mamaroneck  had  al- 
ready been  begun);  and  there  was  also  a  small  tract  of  thirty  acres 
on  wliai  is  now  de  Lancey's  Neck,  previously  deeded  by  Mrs.  Rich- 
bell  to  James  Mott,  which  Colonel  Heathcote  did  not  acquire.  With 
these  exceptions,  he  became  the  absolute  owner  of  all  the  lands  in 
Westchester  County  left  by  John  Richbell  at  his  death.  Prepara- 
tory to  his  application  for  a  manorial  grant,  he  procured  Indian  con- 
firmations of  his  title  to  various  portions  of  thf^  property  thus  bought; 
and  he  also  extended  its  limits  southward  to  the  Eastchester  patent 
by  purchasing  from  the  Indians  all  the  country  between  the  head- 
waters of  the  Hutchinson  River  and  the  Bronx,  a  strip  known  as  the 
Fox  Meadows. 

On  the  21st  of  March.  1701.  letters  patent  for  the  Manor  of  Scars- 
dale  were  issued  to  Caleb  Heathcote  by  LieTitenant-Governor  Nanfan. 
Its  bounds  are  not  very  clearly  described  in  that  document.  Accord- 
ing to  the  spirit  of  the  grant,  its  northward  projection  was  to  be  a 
distance  of  twenty  miles,  as  in  the  original  Richbell  patent;  but 
an  express  proviso  ^vas  made  that  no  further  title  should  be  given 
to  Heathcote  than  that  ■«'hich  he  "  already  hath  to  y<'  lands  called 
ye  White  Plains,  Avliich  is  in  dispute  between  ye  said  Caleb  Heath- 
cote and  some  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  Town  of  Rye."  In  point  of 
fact,  Scarsdale  Manor  was  always  limited  at  the  north  by  the  White 
Plains  tract,  Heathcote  never  having  been  able  to  legally  establish 


bis  ownership  of  the  disputed  lauds.  The  uorthern  line  of  the 
mauor  followed  the  Mamaroneok  River  from  its  nioutli  for  about 
two  iiiilef^,  and  thence  proceeded  <o  the  Brcnix.  At  the  west  and 
east  it  was  bordered,  rt>spectively,  b^'  the  Bronx  and  the  Sound.  Ou 
the  south  it  was  bounded  by  the  wedge-shaped  private  lands  already 
mentioned,  by  the  extreme  northern  corner  of  the  old  Pelham  Manor 
(included  in  the  New  Kochelle  purchase  of  the  Huguenotsj,  and  by 
the  Eastchester  patent.  The  annual  quit-rent  fixed  in  the  grant 
was  "  five  pounds  current  money  of  New  Yorke,  upon  the  Nativity 
of  our  Lord." 

Tlie  manor  was  called  Scarsdale  by  its  proprietor  after  that  por- 
tion of  Derbyshire  in  England  where  he  was  born — a  locality  known 
as  "  the  Hundred  of  Scarsdale."  Although  his  proprietary  interest 
in  the  town  lots  of  Mamaroneck  was  confined  to  his  personal  owner- 
ship of  two  of  them,  he  was  always  regarded  by  the  settlers  there 
as  the  controlling  spirit  of  the  place,  and  he  gave  much  attention  to 
the  promotion  of  its  development  and  welfare. 

Concerning  the  improvements  made  by  him  upon  the  manor,  and 
his  general  administration  of  it,  we  quote  from  the  account  \\ritten 
by  his  descendant,  Edward  F.  de  Lancey: 

Colonel  lleatlieote  established  a  grist  mill  on  the  Maniaroneek  River  near  the  original 
bridg-e  crossed  by  the  "  Old  Westchester  Path,"  and  a  sawmill  high  np  on  that  river,  now  the 
site  of  the  present  Mamaroneck  Water  Works,  ujion  which  site  there  eontinned  to  be  a  mill 
of  some  kind  nntil  it  was  bonght  two  years  ago  [1S84]  to  establish  those  works,  lie  made 
leases  at  different  points  thronghont  the  manor,  l)nt  did  not  sell  in  fee  many  farms,  thongh 
always  ready  and  willing  to  do  so,  the  whole  number  of  the  deeds  for  the  latter  on  record 
being  only  thirteen  during  the  twenty-three  years  or  thereabout  which  elapsed  between  his 
purchase  from  ilrs.  Richbell  and  his  death.  .Some  of  these  farms,  however,  were  of  great 
extent.  He  did  not  establish,  as  far  as  now  known,  any  manor  courts  under  his  right  to  do 
so.  The  population  was  so  scant,  and  the  manor,  like  all  others  in  the  comity,  being  subject 
to  the  jn<licial  provisions  of  the  provincial  legislative  acts,  there  was  really  no  occasion  for 
them.  He  personally  attended  to  all  duties  and  matters  connected  with  his  manor  and  his 
tenants,  never  having  appointed  any  steward  of  the  manor.  Papers  still  in  existence  show  that 
his  tenants  were  in  the  habit  of  commg  to  him  for  aid  and  coimsel  iu  their  most  private  affairs, 
especially  in  the  settlement  of  family  disputes,  and  he  was  often  called  upon  to  draw  their 

Upon  the  eminence  at  the  head  of  the  [Mamaroneck]  Harbor,  still  called  lleatlieote 
Hill,  he  built  a  large  double  brick  manor  house  iu  the  style  of  that  day  in  England,  with  all 
the  accompanying  ofiiees  and  outbuildings,  including  the  American  addition  of  negro 
quarters  in  accordance  with  the  laws,  habits,  and  customs  of  the  period.  Here  he  lived 
during  the  remainder  of  his  life,  which  terminated  on  the  'iStli  of  Pebruary,  1720-1,  in  his 
fifty-sixth  year.  The  house  stood  till  some  six  or  seven  years  liefore  the  American  Kev(du- 
tion,  occupied,  however,  only  by  tenants  after  the  death  of  his  widow  in  173G.  1-ater  it  was 
accidentally  destroyed  by  tire.  The  present  double  frame  building  standing  on  a  iiortion  of 
the  old  site  was  "built  in  1792  by  the  late  John  Peter  de  Lancey,  a  grandson  of  Colonel 
Heathcotc,  who  had  succeeded  to  the  property. 

Colonel  Ileathcote  married  IMartha,  daughter  of  tlie  distinguished 
William  Smith  (''Tangier"  Smith),  of  Saint  George's  Manor,  Long 
Island,  who  was  chief  justice  and  president  of  the  council  of  the 



province.  They  had  six  children,  two  sons  and  four  daughters,  but 
both  the  sons  and  two  of  the  daughters  died  in  early  life.  Thus 
Caleb  Heathcote  left  no  descendants  in  the  male  line.  One  of  his 
daughters,  Anne,  married  James  de  Lancey,  afterward  royal  chief 
justice  and  governor  of  New  York,  the  progenitor  of  the  present 
de  Lancej's  of  Westchester  County.  The  other  surviving  daughter, 
Martha,  became  the  wife  of  Lewis  Johnston,  of  Perth  Amboy,  N.  J. 

The  descendants  of  this 
branch  have  never  been 
identified  with  our  coun- 
ty. ^Irs.  de  Lancey  and 
Mrs.  Johnston  inherited 
from  their  father  the 
Avlinlc  (if  the  manor  prop- 
erty in  equal  shares. 
Various  parcels  were 
gradually  disposed  of  by 
the  two  heirs,  and  in  1775 
a  general  partiticm  sale 
was  held,  under  which 
both  the  de  Lancey  and 
Johnston  interests  were 
divided  up  among  numer- 
ous purchasers.  Scars- 
dale  IManor,  as  it  existed  before  the  partition,  comprehended  the  pres- 
ent Towns  of  Mamaroneck  and  Scarsdale,  with  a  small  part  of  Har- 

The  reader  will  remember  that  Ileathcote,  in  addition  to  buying 
the  Richbell  estate  and  some  adjacent  Indian  lands,  called  the  Fox 
Meadows  (the  latter  being  secured  in  order  to  extend  the  limits  of 
his  proposed  manor  southward  to  the  Eastchester  boundary),  pro- 
cured from  Governor  Fletcher  a  license  to  purchase  vacant  and  un- 
appropriated land  in  Westchester  County,  and  extinguish  the  title 
of  the  natives.  Under  this  license,  dated  October  12,  1090,  he,  with 
a  number  of  associates,  bought  up  practically  all  of  the  county  that 
si  ill  remained  in  the  i)ossession  of  its  aboriginal  owners — that  is, 
all  of  the  previously  unpurchased  portions  bounded  on  the  south  by 
Harrison's  Purchase  and  Scarsdale  Manor  (or,  rather,  Harrison's 
Purchase  and  the  disymted  White  Plains  tract),  on  the  east  by  Con- 
necticut, on  the  north  by  Cortlandt  Manor,  and  on  the  west  by  Phil- 
i])seburgh  ^lanor.  In  the  aggregate,  the  purchases  thus  made  em- 
bi'aced  about  seventy  thousand  acres,  or  some  twelve  thousand 
seven  hundred  acres  of  so-called  "  improvable  land,"  and  they  were 



hiruclv  ((iiilinned  to  Heatlicole  and  his  associates  iu  three  patents 
issued  by  Lieutenant-Goveruor  >\aiifan,  known  as  the  West,  ^Miil- 
dUs  and  East  Patents.  The  West  I'atent,  dated  February  14,  1701, 
lo  JU>bert  Walter  and  nine  other  patentees,  included  all  of  the 
large  angle  between  Philipsebuviih  and  Cortlaudt  IManors,  and 
stretched  eastwardly  to  the  Liryani  IJiver  and  the  Town  of  Bed- 
ford. It  contained  five  thousand  acres  of  improvable  lanti.  The 
Middle  Patent,  dated  February  17,  1701,  to  Caleb  Heathcol(;  and 
tAvehe  others,  extended  from  the  West  Patent  to  the  Mianus  IJiver, 
and  had  fifteen  hundred  acres  of  improvable  land.  The  East  Patent, 
the  largest  of  the  three,  embracing  sixty-two  hundred  acres  of  im- 
provable land,  was  granted  on  the  20th  of  March,  1701,  to  K.  Walter 
and  ten  others,  and  covered  much  of  the  northeastern  section  of  the 

In  the  purchases  consolidated  in  these  three  patents  Heathcote  was 
the  original  mover,  but  had  the  co-operation  of  several  other  active 
parties,  notably  Eobert  Walter  and  Joseph  Horton.  Heathcote,  with 
a  view  to  protecting  his  individual  interests  already  acquired  in  the 
deed  from  Mrs.  Kichbell  (\Aiiich  transferred  to  him  such  rights  as 
she  and  her  husband  had  previously  possessed  "  northward  twenty 
miles  into  the  woods"'),  had  a  proviso  inserted  iu  each  of  the  new 
patent  deeds  reserving  to  himself  any  lands  possibly  included  in 
these  purchases  whereof  he  might  already  be  the  owner.  The  first 
of  the  purchases  leading  up  to  the  three  patents  was  made  by  him 
personally,  October  19,  IGDO  (seven  days  after  the  procurement  of 
his  license  from  Governor  Fletcher),  from  Pathunck,  Wampus,  Co- 
hawney,  and  five  other  Indians.  This  is  known  as  "  Wampus's  Land 
Deed,"  or  the  "  North  Castle  Indian  Deed,"  and  was  "  for  and  iu  con- 
sideration of  100  pounds  good  and  lawful  money  of  New  York." 
Among  the  names  of  Indian  cliiefs  participating  in  the  sales  of  the 
northern-central  Westchester  lands  to  Ileathcote  and  his  associates 
is  the  familiar  one  of  Katonah.  None  of  the  three  patents  was  ever 
erected  into  a  manor  or  developed  as  any  recognized  separate  do- 
main or  sphere  of  settlement.  All  the  lauds  comprised  in  them 
were  gradually  disposed  of  to  incoming  individual  aggregations  of 
settlers  wishing  to  enlarge  their  limits.  As  an  example  of  this 
process,  the  tract  known  as  the  Middle  Patent,  or  Whitefields,  was 
iu  173S  sub-divided,  by  agreement  of  the  surviving  patentees,  into 
thirteen  lots,  having  a  total  estimated  value  of  £1,989,  upon  which, 
in  1739,  fifteen  settlers  were  living;  and  in  1765  final  settlement  with 
the  individual  occupants  of  the  lands  (at  that  time  twenty-six  in  num- 
ber) was  effected  by  the  proprietors  on  tlie  basis  of  nine  shillings 
per  acre. 


All  the  Three  Patents  were  granted  in  the  same  j'ear  (1701)  that 
the  Manor  of  iScarsdale  was  erected.  AVith  the  purchases  upon  which 
this  manor  and  the  Three  Patents  were  constructed,  the  original  ac- 
quisition of  great  areas  of  land  in  Westchester  County  by  individual 
proprietors  came  to  an  end,  there  being,  indeed,  no  more  "  vacant 
and  unappropriated  "  soil  to  be  absorbed.  It  may  therefore  be  said 
that  with  the  beginning  o'f  the  eighteenth  century-,  but  not  until  then, 
the  whole  of  our  county  had  come  under  definite  tenure — a  period 
of  some  seventy-five  years  after  the  first  organized  settlement  on 
Manhattan  Island  having  been  required  for  that  eventuality.  With 
the  exception  of  a  few  localities  of  quite  restricted  area — namely,  on 
the  Sound  the  Eye,  Harrison,  Mauiaroneck,  New  Eochelle,  East- 
chester,  and  Westchester  tracts  and  settlements;  on  the  upper  Hud-*' 
son  the  Eyke  and  Kranckhyte  patents,  upon  which  the  village  of 
Peekskill  lias  been  built;  and  in  the  interior  the  disputed  White 
Plains  lands,  the  Bedford  tract,  and  some  minor  strips  bought  or  oc- 
cupied by  men  from  the  older  settlements  on  the  Sound, — all  of  West- 
chester County,  as  originally  conveyed  by  the  Indians  under  deeds  of 
sale  to  the  whites,  was  parceled  out  into  a  small  number  of  great 
estates  or  patents  representing  imposing  single  proprietorships,  as 
distinguished  from  ordinary  homestead  lots  or  moderate  tracts  taken 
up  incidentallj'  to  the  progi'ess  of  bona  fide  settlement.  These  great 
original  proprietorships  were,  indeed,  only  nine  in  number,  as  fol- 
lows: (1)  Cortlaudt  Manor,  the  property  of  Stephanus  Van  Cortlandt, 
which  went  after  his  death  to  his  children  and  was  by  them  pre- 
served intact  for  many  years;  (2)  Philipseburgh  Manor,  founded  by 
Frederick  Philipse  and  retained  as  a  whole  by  the  Philipse  family 
until  confiscated  in  Eevolutionary  times;  (3)  Fordham  Manor,  estab- 
lished by  John  Archer,  subsequently  forfeited  for  mortgage  indebted- 
ness to  Cornells  Steenwyck,  and  by  him  and  his  wife  willed  to  the 
Nether  Dutch  Congregation  in  New  York,  which  continued  in  sole 
ownershij)  of  it  until  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century;  (4)  Morris- 
ania  Manor,  the  old  "  Bronxland,"  built  up  into  a  single  estate  by 
Colonel  Lewis  Morris,  by  him  devised  to  his  nephew,  Lewis  Morris 
the  younger,  who  had  the  jjroperty  erected  into  a  manor,  and  whose 
descendants  continued  to  own  it  entire  for  generations;  (5)  Pelham 
Manor,  originally,  as  established  under  Tlioiiias  Pell,  its  first  lord,  an 
estate  of  9,10(5  acres,  but  by  his  nephew  John,  the  second  lord,  di- 
vided into  two  sections,  whereof  one  (the  larger  division)  was  sold  to 
the  Huguenots,  and  the  other  was  i)reserved  as  a  manor  until  after 
the  death  of  the  third  lord;  ((J)  kScarsdale  Manor,  the  estate  of 
Colonel  ("aleb  Heathcote,  which  for  the  most  part  remained  the  prop- 
erty of  his  heirs  until  sold  by  partition  in  1775;  and  (7,  8,  9)  the 


Three  Great  Patents  of  Central  Westchester,  granted  to  Heathcote 
and  associates  on  the  basis  of  purchases  from  the  Indians,  and  by 
the  patentees  gradually  subsold,  mainly  to  settlers  who  in  the  course 
of  time  occupied  the  lands.  In  the  nine  estates  and  ])alen1s  thus 
enumerated  were  contained,  at  a  rough  estimate,  about  225,000  of  the 
300.000  acres  belonging  to  the  old  County  of  Westchester. 

It  will  be  observed  that  with  the  single  exception  of  Pelham  the 
six  manors  of  the  county  long  retained  their  territorial  integrity. 
A  small  portion  of  the  Manor  of  I'hilipseburgh,  it  is  true,  was  trans- 
ferred by  the  Philipses  to  the  younger  branch  of  the  Van  Cortlandts, 
but  this  was  a  strictly  friendly  conveyance,  the  two  families  being 
closely  allied  by  marriage.  Even  in  the  three  manors  where  no  second 
lord  succeeded  to  exclusive  proprietorship — Cortlandt,  Fordham,  and 
Scarsdale — sales  of  the  manorial  lands  in  fee  to  strangers  were  ex- 
tremely rare,  and  it  was  an  almost  invariable  rule  that  persons  set- 
tling upon  them,  as  upon  Philipseburgh,  Morrisania,  and  Pelliam 
Manors  (where  the  ownership  devolved  upon  successive  single  heirs), 
did  not  acquire  possession  of  the  soil  which  they  occupied,  but  merely 
held  it  as  tenants.  The  disintegration  of  the  manors,  and  the  substi- 
tution of  small  landed  proprietorship  for  tenantry,  was  therefore  a 
very  slow  process.  Throughout  the  colonial  period  tenant  fanning 
continued  to  be  the  prevailing  system  of  rural  economy  outside  of 
the  few  settlements  and  tracts  which  from  the  start  were  independ- 
ent of  the  manor  grants — a  system  which,  however,  did  not  operate 
to  the  disadvantage  of  population  in  the  manor  lauds.  Upon  this 
point  de  Laneey,  the  historian  of  the  manors,  says:  "  It  will  give  a 
correct  idea  of  the  great  extent  and  thoroughness  of  the  maiioiiai 
settlement  of  Westchester  County,  as  well  as  the  satisfactory  nature 
of  that  method  of  settlement  to  its  inhabitants,  although  a  surprise, 
probably,  to  many  readers,  when  it  is  stated  that  in  the  year  ITOO  one- 
third  of  the  population  of  the  county  lived  on  the  two  manors  of 
Cortlandt  and  Philipseburgh  alone.  The  manors  of  Fordham,  Mor- 
risania, Pelham,  and  Hcarsdale,  lying  nearer  to  the  City  of  New 
York  than  these  two,  and  more  accessible  than  either,  save  only  the 
lower  end  of  Philipseburgh,  were,  if  anything,  much  more  settled. 
It  is  safe  to  say  that  upward  of  live-eighths  of  the  people  of  West- 
chester County  in  17G9  were  inhabitants  of  the  six  manors.'" 

The  distinguishing  characteristics  of  the  manors  demand  notice 
here,  although  oiir  space  does  not  permit  any  elaborate  treatment  of 
this  particular  subject.*  First,  it  should  be  understood  that  the 
manors,  one  and  all,  were  only  ordinary  landed  estates,  granted  to 

1  Readers   desiring   a    more   detailed   account       "  Origin     and    History     of    the     Manors,"    In 
are  referred     to    Edward    Floyd   de   Lanccy's       Scharfs   "  History  of  Westchester  County." 


certain  English  subjects  in  America  wlio,  while  popularly  styled 
"  lords  "  of  the  manors,  enjoyed  no  distinguished  rank  whatever, 
and  were  in  no  way  elevated  titiilarly,  by  virtue  of  their  manorial 
proijrietorships,  above  the  common  people.  In  no  case  was  a  mano- 
rial grant  in  Westchester  County  conferred  upon  a  member  of  the 
British  nobility,  or  even  upon  an  individual  boasting  the  minor  rank 
of  baronet;  and  in  no  case,  moreover,  was  such  a  grant  bestowed  in 
recognition  of  services  to  the  crown  or  as  a  mark  of  special  honor 
by  the  sovereign.  Without  exce]ition,  the  proprietors  of  tlie  manors 
were  perfectly  plain,  untitled  gentlemen.  Yet,  says  de  Lancey,  "  we 
often,  at  this  day,  see  them  written  of  and  hear  them  spoken  of  as 
nobles.  'Lord  Philipse  '  and  'Lord  Pell'  are  familiar  examples  of 
this  ridiculous  blunder  in  Westchester  County.  No  grant  of  a  feudal 
manor  in  England  at  any  time  from  their  first  introduction  ever  car- 
ried with  it  a  title,  and  much  less  did  any  grant  of  a  New  York 
freehold  manor  ever  do  so.  Both  related  to  land  only.  Tlie  term 
Lord  of  a  Manor  is  a  technical  one,  and  means  simply  the  owner,  the 
possessor  of  a  manor — nothing  more.  Its  use  as  a  title  is  simply 
a  mark  of  intense  or  ignorant  republican  proA'incialism.  '  Lord  '  as 
a  prefix  to  a  manor  owner's  name  was  never  used  in  England  nor 
in  the  Province  of  New  York." 

The  manor  was  a  very  ancient  institution  in  England,  but  by  the 
statute  of  quia  empiorcs,  enacted  in  12!)n,  the  erection  of  new  manors 
in  tliat  kingdom  was  foi'ever  put  to  an  end.  The  old  Englisli  man- 
ors, founded  in  the  Middle  Ages,  were  of  course  based  upon  the  feudal 
system,  involving  military  service  by  the  fief  at  the  will  of  his  lord, 
and,  in  general,  the  complete  subjectitai  of  the  fief.  The  whole 
feudal  system  of  land  1  enure  having  been  abolished  by  the  statute 
of  Charles  II.  in  1G60,  and  the  system  of  "  free  and  common  socage  " 
(meaning  the  right  to  hold  land  uuvexed  by  the  obligation  of  feudal 
service)  having  been  substituted  in  its  stead.  New  York,  both  as  a 
proprietary  province  under  the  Duke  of  Y'ork  and  subsequt-ntly  as  a 
royal  province,  never  exhibited  any  traces  of  feudality  in  the  mat- 
ter of  land  tenures,  but  always  had  an  absolutely  free  yeomanry. 
But  it  was  never  contemplated  that  New  Y^ork  or  any  of  the  other 
provinces  in  America  should  develop  a  characteristically  democratic 
organization  of  government  or  basis  of  society.  Titled  persons  were 
sent  to  rule  over  them,  and,  particularly  in  New  York,  there  was  a 
manifest  tendency  to  render  the  general  aspect  of  administration  and 
social  life  as  congenial  as  possible  to  people  of  high  birth  and  ele- 
gant breeding.  Moreover,  there  being  no  provision  for  the  creation 
of  an  American  titled  aristocracy,  it  was  deemed  expedient  to  offer 
some  encouragement  to  men  of  aristocratic  desires,  and  the  institu- 


tion  of  tlie  mauor  was  selected  as  llie  must  practicable  cuucession 
to  the  aristocratic  instinct — a  concession  which,  while  carrying  with 
it  no  title  of  nobility,  did  carry  a  certain  wei<;hty  dignity,  based 
upon  the  one  universally  recognized  founchilion  for  all  true  original 
aristocracy — large  landed  proprietorship,  coupled  wilh  formally  con- 
stituted authority.  The  establishment  of  new  mauoi'S  in  England 
was  discontinued  by  the  statute  of  1-"JU  for  tlie  sole  reason  that  at 
that  period  no  crown  lands  remained  out  of  wliich  such  additional 
manors  could  be  formed,  the  esscjitial  ])relimiuary  to  a  manor  being 
a  land  grant  by  the  sovereign  to  a  subject.  But  in  the  American 
provinces,  where  extensive  unacquired  lands  were  still  awaiting  ten- 
ure, the  manor  system  was  capable  of  wide  application  at  discre- 
tion; and  in  A'ew  York  and  some  of  the  other  provinces  it  was  the 
policy  of  the  English  government  from  the  beginning  to  encourage 
the  orgauization  of  manors.  "  The  charter  of  Pennsylvania,"  said 
the  learned  Chief  Judge  Denio  of  the  Kew  York  Court  of  Appeals,  in 
his  opinion  in  the  Kensselaerswyck  case,  "empowered  Penn,  the  pat- 
entee, to  erect  manors  and  to  alien  and  grant  parts  of  the  lands  to 
such  purchasers  as  might  wish  to  purchase,  'their  heirs  and  assigns, 
to  he  hdd  of  tlu  said  William  Pcuii,  his  heirs  and  assif/iis,  hj  such  serv- 
ices, customs,  and  rents  as  should  seem  fit  to  said  William  Penn,  etc., 
and  not  immediafeh/  of  the  said  Kin;/  Charles,  his  heirs  or  suceessors,'  not- 
withstanding the  statute  of  quia  einptarcs."  Similarly  in  New  York, 
the  manor  grants  issued  during  the  time  that  it  remained  a  propri- 
etary province  (namely,  those  to  Thonuis  Pell  in  IGtiti  and  to  John 
Archer  in  ICTlj  were  made  by  the  authority  and  in  the  name  of  the 
Duke  of  York  as  proprietor,  and  not  of  the  king.  After  New  York 
was  changed  into  a  royal  province,  the  nmnor  grants  were  continued 
by  the  authority  aud  in  the  name  of  the  king. 

The  privileges  attaching  to  the  manor  grants  in  Westchester 
County  varied.  All  of  them,  however,  had  one  fuudanu'ulal  char- 
acteristic. Each  manor  was,  in  very  2>i'ecise  language,  appointed  to 
be  a  separate  and  independent  organization  or  jurisdiction,  eiitindy 
detached  from  other  established  ])(ditical  divisions.  To  give  the 
reader  an  idea  of  the  formality  with  which  such  separation  was 
made,  we  reproduce  the  wording  of  one  of  the  manor  grants  u|Hin 
this  i)oiut,  Avhich  is  a  fair  siH'ciiiien.  In  his  letters  patent  to  John 
Archer  for  the  Mauor  of  Ford  ham,  (iovernor  Lovelace  says:  "  1  doe 
gi'ant  unto  ye  said  John  Ardiei-,  Ids  heirs  and  assigns,  that  the  house 
which  he  shall  erect,  together  with  ye  said  ]>arc(d  of  land  and  pnMu-,  shall  be  forever  hereafter  held,  claiuied,  reputed  and  be  an 
entire  and  enfranchised  township,  manor,  and  place  of  itself,  and  shall 
always,  from  time  to  time  and  at  all  times  hereafter,  have,  hold,  and 



enjoy  like  and  equal  pvivilej>es  and  immunities  with  any  town  en- 
franchised or  manor  within  this  government,  and  shall  in  no  manner 
or  way  be  suhordinaie  or  belonging  unto,  have  any  dependence  upon,  or  in 
any  wise  be  tinder  the  ride,  order,  or  direction  of  any  riding,  township,  place, 
or  jurisdiction,  either  upon  the  main  or  Long  Island." 

Thus,  first  of  all,  and  as  its  great  essential  characteristic,  the  ma- 
norial estate  was  always  made  a  political  entity.  As  such  it  was 
under  the  government  of  its  proprietor  and  his  subordinates,  who, 
however,  in  all  their  acts  were  subject  to  the  general  laws  of  the 
land,  simply  applying  those  laws  as  circumstances  and  conditions 

required.  According  to  the 
theory  of  the  old  English  manors, 
a  so-called  "  Court  Baron  "  was 
an  indispensable  attachment  of 
every  manor — that  is,  a  court  for 
the  trial  of  civil  cases,  over  which 
the  lord  or  his  steward  presided, 
the  jurors  being  chosen  from 
a  m  0  n  g  the  freehold  tenants. 
There  was  also  usually  a  so- 
called  "  Court  Leet,"  which  has 
been  described  as  "  a  court  of 
record  having  a  similar  jurisdic- 
tion to  the  old  sheriff's  '  Tourns  ' 
or  migratory  courts  held  by  the 
shei'iff  in  the  different  districts  or 
*  hundreds  '  of  his  county,  for  the 
punishment  of  minor  offenses  and 
the  preservation  of  the  peace," 
which  was  provided  for  in  order 
that  the  lords  of  manors  "  might 
administer  justice  to  their  tenants  at  home."  In  all  the  West- 
chester County  manor  grants,  except  Pordham,  authority  is  given 
to  the  grantee  to  hold  "  one  Court  Leet  and  one  Court  Baron."  This 
privilege  was  not  always  availed  of;  for  example,  we  have  seen 
that  in  the  Slanor  of  Scarsdale  the  manorial  courts  were  never  or- 
ganized. It  is  worth}'  of  note  in  this  connection  that  among  the 
manor  lords  of  Westchester  County  were  several  of  the  early  judges 
of  the  province,  including  John  Pell  (second  lord  of  Pelham  Manor), 
who  was  the  first  judge  of  Westchester  County;  Caleb  Heathcote,  of 
Scarsdale  Manor,  who  served  as  county  judge  for  twenty-seven  years, 
and  was  also  an  admiralty  judge;  Lewis  Morris,  of  Morrisania,  one 
of  the  most  famous  of  the  royal  chief  justices;  and  the  second  Fred- 



erick  Phllipse,  who  was  a  puisne  judoe  of  tlie  Supreme  C(»urt.  To 
this  list  should  be  added  the  name  of  the  celebrated  chief  justice 
and  royal  aovernor,  James  de  Laocey,  who  married  the  eldest  daujj^h- 
ter  of  Caleb  Heathcote.  In  addition  lo  tlieir  civil  functions,  the  pro- 
prietors of  four  of  the  manors  (Cortlandt,  J'hilipseburoh,  Pelham, 
and  Morrisania)  enjoyed  the  riylit  of  advowson  and  church  patron- 
age, under  which  they  had  the  power  to  exercise  controlling  influ- 
ence in  church  matters  within  their  domains.  The  prevailing  sec- 
tarian tendencies  of  different  localiiies  in  Westchester  County  during 
the  colonial  era  and  for  many  years  subsequently  were  owing  mainly 
to  the  particular  religious  preferences  and  activities  of  the  respective 
manor  lords  of  those  localities.  In  Westchester,  Eastchester,  and 
Rye  the  Church  of  England  early  secured  a  firm  foundation  through 
the  zeal  of  Colonel  Caleb  Heathcote,  of  Scarsdale,  who  Avas  its  earnest 
supporter.  A  similar  influence,  with  a  similar  result,  was  exercised 
in  the  Yonkers  land  by  the  second  Frederick  Philipse,  who  had  been 
educated  in  England,  where  he  became  attached  to  the  Established 
Church,  and  who  as  proprietor  of  the  lower  part  of  Philipseburgh 
Manor  founded  Saint  John's  Church  at  Yonkers,  which  to  this  day 
maintains  the  leading  position  in  that  community.  On  the  other 
hand,  at  Tarrytown,  on  the  upper  part  of  Philipseburgh  Manor,  the 
Dutch  Reformed  Church  enjoyed  supremacy  from  the  beginning,  on 
account  of  the  patronage  accorded  it  by  the  first  lord  and  by  his 
son  and  successor  in  that  division  of  the  manor,  Adolph. 

Upon  one  of  the  Westchester  manors,  Cortlandt,  was  bestowed  an 
extraordinary  privilege:  that  of  being  represented  in  th(>  general 
assembly  of  the  province  by  a  special  member.  This  privilege 
was  granted  to  no  other  manor  of  New  York,  except  Rensselaers- 
wyck  and  Livingston,  although  it  was  enjoyed  also  by  the  two  bor- 
ough towns,  Westchester  and  Schenectady.  But  it  was  provided 
that  the  exercise  of  the  privilege,  so  far  as  Cortlandt  Manor  was 
concerned,  was  not  to  begin  until  twenty  years  after  the  grant  (/.  e., 
in  1717).  At  the  expiration  of  that  time,  Stephanus  Van  Cortlandt, 
his  heirs  or  assigns,  had  full  authority  to  "return  and  send  a  dis- 
creet inhabitant  in  and  of  the  said  manor  to  be  a  representative  of 
the  said  manor  in  every  assembly,"  who  should  "  be  received  into 
the  house  of  representatives  of  asscMubly  as  n  member  of  the  said 
house,  to  have  and  enjoy  such  privilege  as  the  other  representatives 
returned  and  sent  from  any  other  county  and  manors."  Cortlnndi 
Manor  did  not,  however,  choose  a  I'epresentative  in  the  assembly 
until  1734;,  when  Philip  Verplanck  was  (dected  to  sit  for  it.  He 
continued  to  serve  in  that  capacity  for  thirty-four  years,  being  suc- 
ceeded by  Piei-re  Van  Cortlandt,   who  remained  a  member  of  the 


assembly  until  1775.  Kotwitlistandinji'  the  exceptional  privilege 
of  representation  given  to  Cortlandt  Manor  as  a  manor,  the  other 
manors  of  Westchester  County  were  equally  able  to  make  their  influ- 
ence felt  in  that  body.  In  addition  to  the  special  members  from 
Cortlandt  Manor  and  Westchester  town,  the  county  as  a  whole  was 
entitled  to  representation  by  two  general  delegates.  Heathcote, 
John  Pell,  the  Philipses,  and  the  Morrises  all  sat  at  various  times 
for  the  county. 

The  original  purpose  of  the  manor  grants  being  to  encourage  the 
development  of  the  semi-aristocratic  system  for  which  they  provided, 
no  onerous  charges  in  the  way  of  special  taxation  were  assessed  upon 
the  manor  proprietors.  In  each  grant  was  incorporated  a  provision 
for  the  payment  of  annual  "  quit-rent"  to  the  provincial  goveimment, 
but  the  amount  fixed  was  in  every  case  merely  nominal.  The  vari- 
ous quit-rents  exacted  were,  for  the  Manor  of  Pelham,  as  originally 
patented  to  Thomas  Pell,  "  one  lamb  on  the  first  day  of  May  (if  the 
lamb  shall  be  demanded)  ";  for  Pelham,  as  repatented  to  John  Pell, 
"twenty  shillings,  good  and  lawful  money  of  this  province,  at  the 
City  of  New  York,  on  the  five  and  twentieth  day  of  March";  for 
Fordham,  "  twenty  bushels  of  good  peas,  upon  the  first  day  of  March, 
when  it  shall  be  demanded";  for  Philipseburgh,  "on  the  feast  day 
of  the  Annunciation  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,  .  .  .  the  an- 
nual rent  of  four  pounds  twelve  shillings  current  money  of  our  said 
province";  for  Morrisania,  "on  the  feast  day  of  the  Annunciation 
of  our  Blessed  Virgin,  .  .  .  the  annual  rent  of  six  shillings"; 
for  Cortlandt,  "  on  the  feast  day  of  our  Blessed  Virgin  Mary,  the 
yearly  rent  of  forty  shillings,  current  money  of  our  said  province"; 
and  for  Scarsdale,  "  five  pounds  current  money  of  New  York,  upon 
the  nativity  of  our  Lord."  Appended  to  most  of  the  quit-rent  leases 
was  the  significant  statement  that  the  prescribed  payment  was  to  be 
"in  lieu  of  all  rents,  services,  and  demands  whatever,"  apparently 
inserted  to  emphasize  the  well-understood  fact  that  the  manor  grants 
were  strictly  in  the  line  of  public  policy,  and  were  in  no  way  intended 
to  become  a  source  of  revenue  to  the  government. 

The  importance  of  the  manorial  proprietorships  in  Westchester 
County,  in  their  relations  to  its  political  and  social  character  and 
to  its  eventful  history  for  a  hundred  years,  can  not  be  overestimated. 
All  the  founders  of  the  six  manors  were  men  of  forceful  traits,  native 
ability,  and  wide  influence.  With  a  single  exception,^  they  left  their 
estates,  entirely  undiminished  and  unimpaired,  either  to  children  or 
to  immediate  kinsmen,  who  in  turn,  by  their  personal  characters  and 

1  John  Arelipr,  of  Fordham.       In   consequence       continued  to  be  a  respectable  and  useful  one 
of  flnancial    complications,    his   manor   did   not        in   the  country, 
remain   in   his  family.    Yet   the  Archer  family 


qualities,  as  well  as  by  their  marital  alliauces,  solidilied  tiie  already 
substantial  foundations  which  had  been  laid,  and  greatly  strenf^th- 
ened  the  social  position  and  enlarged  the  spheres  of  their  families. 
To  enumerate  the  marriages  contracted  during  the  seventeenth  and 
eighteenth  centuries,  in  the  male  and  feniah*  lines,  by  the  Van  Oort- 
hiudts,  the  riiiliiises,  the  Morrises,  the  Pells,  and  the  descendants 
of  Caleb  lleathcote,  would  involve  almost  a  comidete  recapitulation 
of  the  more  conspicuous  and  wealthy  New  York  families  of  the 
entire  colonial  period,  besides  many  prominent  families  of  other 
provinces.  To  the  Westchester  manorial  families  belonged  some  of 
the  most  noted  and  influential  Americans  of  their  times — men  of 
shining  talents,  fascinating  manners,  masterful  energy,  and  splendi<l 
achievement;  statesmen,  orators,  judges,  and  soldiers — who  were 
among  the  principal  jiopular  leaders  and  civic  oHicials  of  the  prov- 
ince and  who  aaoh  renown  both  in  the  jjublic  service  and  in  the  field 
during  the  devolution.  Alike  to  the  patriot  cause  and  the  Tory 
faction  these  families  contributed  powerful  and  illustrious  support- 
ers. As  the  issues  between  the  colonies  and  Great  Britain  became 
more  closely  drawn,  and  the  inevitable  struggle  approached,  the  in- 
tluences  of  the  representative  members  of  the  Westchester  families 
were  thrown  partly  on  one  side  and  partly  on  the  other.  The  tenants 
in  each  case  were  controlled  largely  by  the  pi'oprietor,  and  thus  an 
acute  division  of  sentiment  and  sympathies  was  occasioned  wliich,  in 
connection  with  the  unique  geographical  position  of  this  county  in 
its  relations  to  the  contending  forces  of  the  Revolution,  caused  it 
to  be  torn  by  constant  broils  and  to  be  devastated  by  innumerable 
conflicts  and  depredations.  Keraembering  that  the  old  manorial 
families  of  Westchi'ster  County  rested  ujion  an  original  foundation 
of  very  recognizable  aristocratic  dignity,  which  was  made  possible 
only  by  monarchical  institutions;  that  the  pride  of  lineage  had,  at 
the  time  of  the  Revolution,  been  nourished  for  the  larger  jtart  of  a 
century;  and  that  the  disposition  of  attachment  to  the  king  naturally 
arising  from  these  conditions  had  been  much  strengthened  by  con- 
tinuous intermnrriage  with  other  families  of  higli  sorial  ])retensiou 
and  political  conservatism,  it  seems  at  this  day  renuirkable,  or  at 
least  a  source  of  peculiar  satisfaction,  that  their  preferences  and 
efforts  were,  on  the  whole,  rather  for  the  poinilar  cause  than  against 
it.  Even  in  the  formative  period  of  the  Revolution, before  passions  hail 
been  stirred  by  experience  and  example,  and  before  actual  emergency 
impelled  men  to  ])ut  aside  caution,  it  was  distinctly  ai)iiaren(  that  the 
Tory  i)arty  was  thi-  weaker,  both  numerically  and  in  ]ioint  of  leader- 
ship; and  at  a  very  early  period  of  the  war,  notwithstanding  the 
loss  of  New  York  Citv  to  the  American  armv  and  the  retreat  of 


Washhiiiton  into  New  Jersey,  Toryism  became  an  unwholesome  thinjj 
throughout  much  the  larger  part  of  Westchester  County.  The  in- 
fluence of  the  Tory  landlords,  cAen  upon  their  own  tenantry,  was, 
indeed,  a  constantly-  diminishing  factor,  while  that  of  the  patriotic 
leaders  steadily  grew.  This  could  not  have  been  the  case  if  the 
weight  of  sentiment  among  the  principal  families  of  the  county  had 
not  been  genuinely  on  the  side  of  American  freedom. 



N  tracing  to  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  the 
history  of  the  great  laud  purchases  and  manor  erections, 
only  incidental  alhision  has  been  made  to  tlie  general 
history  of  the  times  during  the  first  few  decades  which 
f(»lloweil  the  surrender  of  New  Xetherland  by  the  Dutch,  and  to 
the  coincident  progress  of  such  settlements  as  were  not  directly  asso- 
ciated with  the  manorial  estates.  After  briefly  summarizing  the 
general  history  of  the  province  and  the  county  during  that  period, 
we  shall  complete  the  account  of  original  local  settlement.  The 
narrative  as  a  whole  will  then  proceed  more  uniformly  and  rapidly. 

Eichard  Nicolls,  the  first  of  the  English  governors,  continued  in 
office  until  1G68,  when  he  was  succeeded  l)_\  I'vaucis  Lovelace.  Dur- 
ing Nicolls's  administration,  the  old  Dutch  land  patents  throughout 
the  province  were  reissued,  bfiug  altered  oidy  so  as  to  provid(>  for 
allegiance  to  the  Duke  of  York  and  the  government  of  England,  in- 
stead of  the  Dutch  West  India  Company  and  the  government  of  the 
United  Netherlands;  the  boundary  liii«'  betw(>en  New  York  and  Con- 
necticut was  provisionally  established,  although  upon  a  basis  soon 
to  be  totally  reimdiated;  and  the  code  known  as  "the  Duke's  Laws," 
for  the  general  government  of  the  province,  was  adopted.  This  code 
"  established  a  ver}*  unmistakable  autocracy,  making  the  governor's 
will  supreme,  and  leaving  neither  officers  nor  measures  to  ihe  choice 
of  the  peojjle."'  Among  its  detailed  features  were  "  trial  by  jury,  equal 
taxation,  tenure  of  land  from  the  Duke  of  York,  no  religio\is  estab- 
lishment but  requirement  of  some  church  foiin,  freedom  of  religion 
to  all  professing  Christianity,  obligatory  service  in  each  parish  on 
Sunday,  a  recognition  of  negro  slavery  under  certain  restrictions, 
and  general  liability  to  military  duty." 

The  legitimacy  and  ])ropriety  of  owning  negro  slaves  was  never 
questioned  in  New  York  or  elsewhere  in  America  in  those  days. 
Bondmen,  both  black  and  white,  were  brought  here  during  the  earli- 
est period  of  settlenient  by  the  Dutch ;  and  witli  the  arrival  of  Director 



Kieft,  iu  1038,  the  practice  of  furnisbing  uegroes  to  all  who  desired 
them  had  become  a  thoroughly  established  one.  A  distinct  article 
providing  for  the  furnishing  of  blacks  to  settlers  Avas  incorporated  in 
the  "  Freedoms  and  Exemptions  "  of  the  Dutch  West  India  Com- 
pany, a  series  of  regulations  adojjted  to  promote  colonization.  All 
the  leading  English  families  who  came  to  the  province  after  the  con- 
quest owned  negroes,  both  as  laborers  and  as  house  servants.  Colonel 
Lewis  Morris,  as  has  been  noticed  in  another  place,  possessed  at  his 
death  sixty-six  negroes,  of  an  aggregate  value  of  £844;  and  the  house- 
hold slaves  left  by  the  first  Frederick  Philipse,  in  1702,  as  shown 
by  an  inventory  of  his  estate,  numbered  fortj'.  According  to  a 
census  of  the  year  1703,  says  a  historian  of  New  York  City,  there  was 
"hardly  a  family  that  did  not  have  from  half  a  dozen  to  a  dozen 
or  more   in  their  service."      This  custom   of  regarding  negroes  as 

absolute  property  was,  moreover,  viewed 
with  entire  and  unquestioning  approval 
in  the  mother  country  at  tliat  period.  In 
a  curious  docuiiieiit  drawn  uj)  by  "the 
Committee  of  the  Council  of  Foreigne 
Plantations,"  about  1(>S3,  "certaine  prop- 
ositions for  the  better  accommodating 
the  Foreigne  Plantations  with  servants" 
are  duly  formulated.  Tliey  are  prefaced 
witli  the  statement  that  "it  being  uni- 
versally agreed  that  people  are  llie  foun- 
dations and  imi)rovement  of  ail  planta- 
tions, and  tliat  people  are  encreased  prin- 
cipally by  sending  of  servants  thither,  it 
is  necessary  that  a  settled  course  be  taken 
for  tlie  furnishing  them  with  servants." 
"  Servants,"  it  is  next  stated,  "  are  either 
blaclvs  or  whiles,'"  and  the  status  of  the  former  is  defined  as  follows: 
"  Blacks  are  such  as  are  brought  by  waye  of  trade  and  are  sould  at 
about  £20  a  hi  ad  one  with  anotlier,  antl  are  the  ]>rinci})all  and  most 
usefuU  appurtenances  of  a  plantation,  and  are  such  as  are  perpetuall 
servants."  It  would  be  difficult  to  find  in  the  literature  of  slavery 
under  English  rule  a  more  accurate  and  ingenuons  definition  of  the 
position  of  the  negro  as  understood  in  olden  times. 

Lovelace,  who  succeeded  Nicolls  as  governor  in  1668,  coiuinued  his 
predecessor's  liberal  policy  toward  the  Dutch  po])ula1ion.  and  ad- 
ministered affairs  successfully  and  smoothly  until  suddenly  forced 
to  resurrender  the  province  to  its  original  owners  in  1673.  During 
liis  incumbency  the  settlers  in  our  county  rapidly  increased.      He 




took  an  active  interest  in  iniprovini;  tlie  means  of  oonnnnnicalion 
between  the  ontlvini;  localiUes  and  New  York  City.  lie  slronj^ly 
urged  upon  tlie  i)eoi)Ie  of  Harlem  village  the  necessity  of  buihling 
a  good  wagon  road  to  the  fort,  and  at  an  early  period  of  liis  govern- 
ment (he  ferry  service  at  Kingsbridge  was  inaiignraled.  I-'i'om  his 
time  dates  the  opening  of  the  first  regular  loute  of  travel  to  Con- 
necticut, what  was  later  improved  into  the  I'.oslon  Posf  TJond.  "  Once 
a  month,  beginning  with  .January  1,  U\~'.],  the  postman,  monntcd  npon 
a  goodly  horse,  which  had  to  carry  him  as  far  as  Hartford,  collected 
the  accumulated  mail  into  his  saddlebags.  At  Hartford  he  to<»k' 
another  horse,  and  wended  his  Avay  as  best  he  might  tlirongli  woods 
and  swamps,  across  rivers,  and  along  Indian  ti-ails,  if  he  was  happy 
enough  to  find  such.  On  his  r(>turn,  the  city  coffe(>-house  received 
his  ])r('cious  burden,  and  ujion  a  broad 
table  the  various  missives  were  displayed 
and  delivered  when  paid  for."  ^  The  begin- 
ning of  these  regular  trips  between  New 
York  and  the  New  England  colonies  was, 
of  course,  an  event  of  great  importance  to 
all  the  settlers  in  the  eastern  ]>art  of  West- 
chester County,  and  the  road  was  steadily 
developed  into  a  substiuitial  llioronghfare 
for  vehicles. 

Louis  XIV.  of  France,  liaving  deter- 
mined to  crush  the  Dutch  Ueimblic  for  in- 
terfering with  some  of  his  designs  of  state- 
craft, induced  Charles  TI.  of  England  to 
join  him  in  that  enterprise.  Tlie  Nethi'r- 
lands,  hoMever,  o])posed   a   ])owerful    and 

eventually  successful  resistance  to  the  allies,  botli  on  land  and  sea. 
The  dykes  wvrv  ojiened,  the  Priure  of  Orange,  \\ho  had  been  invested 
with  supreme  authority,  brilliantly  defended  liis  country  against  the 
invader  at  every  point,  and  the  French  armies  were  forced  to  retire. 
The  Dutch  navy,  triumi>liing  over  both  th<'  French  and  l]nglish 
fleets,  in  a  number  of  decisive  engagements,  soon  enter((l  npon  a 
course  of  aggression  beyond  the  seas.  A  s(|UMdi'iin  undei'  .\dmirals 
Evertsen  an<l  P.inckes,  after  making  a  successful  descent  in  the  W<'st 
Indies,  jjroceeded  to  New  Y'ork,  anchoring  off  Sandy  Hook  on  -Inly 
29,  1073.  Governor  Lovelace  was  away  at  the  tinu'.  ujton  business 
relating  to  our  county,  in  connection  with  the  new  P.oston  Post  IJoad. 
Some  resistance  Avas  offei'ed,  whicli  was  s]i(^edily  ovcrconu',  thi'  Eng- 
lish gari'ison  capitulated,  and  soon  Dutch  atithority  was  restored  full- 

•  Van  Pelt's  Hist,  of  tlio  Greater  Now  York,    I.,  67. 



fledged  tliroughout  the  Province  of  New  York.     The  city  was  renamed 
NeAV  Orange,  in  honor  of  the  prince,  and    Captain    Anthony   Colve 
was  installed  as  governor.      He  immediately  took  measures  to  put 
the  city  in  a  capital  condition  f>f  defense.     To  that  end,  and  for  the 
general  purposes  of  his  government,  he  caused  the  estates  of  the 
citizens  to  be  appraised,  and  taxed  them  accordingly.      It  was  as 
an  incident  of  this  proceeding  that  Frederick  Philipse  was  ascer- 
tained to  be  the  wealthiest  inhabitant,  with  a  fortune  of  80,000  guil- 
ders.    One  of  Colve's  summary  acts  was  his  attempted  confiscation 
of  the  i)roperty  of  the  infant  Lewis  Morris,  which  he  was  prevented 
from  accomplishing  by  the  skillful  address  of  Colonel  Morris.      The 
governor  very  promptly  notified  the  settlements  of  the  existence  of 
the  new  regime,  and  demanded  their  obedient  submission.      One  of 
the  first  to  receive  his  attention  in  this  regard  was  Westchester,  or 
Oostdorp,  whose  recalcitrant  behavior  at  the  advent  of  the  English 
in  1664  will  be  recalled  by  the  reader.     To  the  citizens  of  that  back- 
slidden tOAvn  Colve,  on  August  13,  sent  notification  to  appear  before 
him  and  his  council  without  delay,  "  together  with  their  constables' 
staves  and  English  flags,  and  they  Avould,  if  circumstances  permitted, 
be  furnished  with  the  prince's  colors  in  place  of  the  British  ensign." 
Needless  to  say,  this  command  was  complied  with,  and  the  West- 
chester men  were  warned  that  "  in  future  they  should  demean  them- 
selves as  loyal  subjects."      The  government  of  the  place  was  re- 
organized on  the  Dutch  plan,  with  a  new  set  of  magistrates  and  new 
local  regulations,  among  which  was  the  requirement  that  tlie  pc^ople 
should  be  of  the  Reformed  Christian  religion  in  uniformity  with  the 
Synod  of  Dort,  or  at  least  well-affectioned  thereunto.       The   village 
of  Fordhani,  also,  was  constrained  to  adapt  its  local  affairs  to  the 
new  conditions.      Colve  caused  its  citizens  to  nominate  to  him  six 
of  their  number  best  qualified  to  act  as  magistrates,  all  of  whom 
should  be  of  the  Reformed  Christian  religion,  and  at  least  one-half 
men  of  Dutch  nationality.      This  action  as  to  Fordham,  however, 
was  in  part  the  result  of  the  initiative  of  the  people  of  the  place,  who 
desired  a  new  status  of  village  government.      The  secretary  of  the 
province  under  Colve,  it  is  worthy  of  mention,  was  Cornelius  Steeu- 
wyck,  who  subsequently  became  the  owner  of  the  Manor  of  Fordham. 
During  the  Dutch  restoration,  which  lasted  fifteen  months,  New 
York  province  (or  the  Province  of  New  Orange,  as  it  was  styled)  did 
not  revert  to  the  proprietorsliip  of  the  Dutch  West  India  Company, 
but  was  subject  direct  and  solely  to  the  States-General  of  the  Nether- 
lands.    The  great  commercial  corporation  which  had  settled  it  and 
rule<l  it  for  forty-one  years  had  fallen  upon  unprosperous  times.     The 
affluent  condition  of  the  company  during  its  early  career  was  mainly 

GENERAL    HISTORICAL    REVIEW    TO    1700  197 

due  to  its  revenues  from  the  prizes  of  war  and  from  wealtby  cap- 
tured provinces  in  the  West  Indies  and  South  America.  These  reve- 
nues were  cut  off  by  the  conclusion  of  yciicc  with  Spain,  and  its 
affairs  bej;au  to  decline,  until  "  finally  its  liabilities  exceeded  its  as- 
sets by  more  than  five  millions  of  florins.  Various  schemes  were 
proposed  and  tried  to  save  it  from  bankruptcy  or  dissolution,  but 
none  availed  to  ward  off  disaster.  In  1G73  it  was  practically  extinct, 
but  it  was  not  until  1G74  that  it  was  officially  dissolved."  Such  was 
the  melancholy  end  of  this  ma;j;nificent  oriianizatioii,  which  can\e 
to  pass  in  the  very  year  that  Dutch  authority,  after  a  litful  period 
of  renewal,  was  terminated  forever  in  New  Yorlc. 

Early  in  1G74,  by  the  Treaty  of  Westminster,  peace  was  restored 
between  England  and  Holland,  each  party  agreeing  to  return  to  the 
other  whatever  possessions  had  been  conquered  dui'ing  the  war.  On 
November  10  of  that  year  New  York  was  peacefully  handed  over  to 
the  representative  of  the  Duke  of  York,  Edmund  Andros,  who  as- 
sumed its  government.  This  new  change  was  attended  by  no  fur- 
ther inconvenience  to  the  citizens  than  the  obligation  to  take  the 
oath  of  allegiance  to  England. 

Nothing  of  importance  in  the  general  concerns  of  the  province 
after  the  resumption  of  English  rule  requires  our  notice  until  108.3. 
In  that  year  two  events  of  great  consequence  occurred — first,  the 
division  of  New  York  into  counties,  and,  second,  the  revision  of  the 
New  York  and  Connecticut  boundary  agreement  of  16G4. 

On  the  17th  of  October,  1GS3,  the  first  legislative  assembly  in  the 
history  of  NeAV  York  convened  in  New  York  City.  It  was  summoned 
by  the  new  governor,  Thomas  Dongan,  who  "  came  with  instructions 
to  allow  the  people  in  their  various  towns  to  elect  reiiresenta fives  to 
a  general  assembly,  which  was  to  constitute  a  sort  of  lower  house, 
with  the  governor's  council  as  the  upper  house  of  legislation,  the 
governor  acting  as  the  sovereign  to  approve  or  veto  the  bills  passed. 
The  assembly  was  to  meet  once  in  three  years  at  least,  and  to  num- 
ber not  more  than  eighteen  members."  This  first  New  York  assem- 
bly consisted  of  fourteen  representatives,  of  whom  four  were  from 
Westchester,  as  follows:  Thomas  Hunt,  Sr.,  John  Palmer,  Richard 
Ponton,  and  William  Richardson.'  The  assembly  passed  an  act,  ap- 
proved by  the  governor  on  November  1,  from  which  we  quote  the  per- 
tinent portion :  "  Having  taken  into  consideracon  the  necessity  of 
divideing  the  province  into  respective  countyes  for  the  better  govern- 
ing and  setleing  Courts  in  the  same.  Bee  It  Enacted  by  the  Gover- 
nour,  Councell  and  Representatives,  and  by  authority  of  the  same. 
That  the  said  Province  bee  divided  into  twelve  Countyes,  as  fol- 

»  "  civil  History  of  Westchester  County,"  by  Rev.  William  J.  Cmiinihig,  Scharf,  1.,  017. 


lowetli :  .  .  .  The  Countje  of  Westchester,  to  contain  West  and  East 
Chester,  Bronx  Land,  Ffordhaju,  Anne  Hooks  Xeck  [Pelham  2\eck], 
lliclibcH's  [de  Luncey's  Nerk],  Miuiford's  Island  [City  Island],  and 
all  the  Laud  on  the  Maine  to  the  Eastward  of  Manhattan's  Island, 
as  fan-  as  the  Government  Extends,  and  the  Yonckers  Land  and 
Northwards  along  Hudson's  IJivcr  as  far  as  the  High  Lands."  The 
other  eleven  counties  named  and  erected  were  New  York,  Kichmond, 
Kings,  Queens,  Suffolk,  Dutchess,  Orange,  Ulster,  and  Albany,  with 
Duke's  and  Cornwall,  the  latter  two  embracing  territory  noAV  belong- 
ing to  the  States  of  Massachusetts  and  Maine,'  but  at  that  time  the 
property  of  the  Duke  of  York.  It  was  also  provided  that  there 
should  be  a  high  sheriff  in  each  county,  and  that  courts  sliould  be 
established,  including  town  courts,  countje  courts,  a  Court  of  Oyer 
and  Terminer,  and  a  Court  of  Chancery,  the  Supreme  Court  of  the 
province  consisting  of  the  governor  and  council.  Westchester  was 
appointed  to  be  the  shire  town,  or  county  seat,  of  the  county.  It 
continued  as  such  until  after  the  burning  of  the  courthouse  (Febru- 
ary 4,  1758),  when  White  Plains  was  selected.  By  one  of  the  acts 
passed  by  the  assembly  of  1G83,  entitled  "  An  act  for  the  more  orderly 
hearing  and  determining  matters  of  controversy,"  courts  of  session 
for  Westchester  County  were  directed  to  be  held  on  the  tirst  Tues- 
days of  June  and  December,  one  at  Westchester  and  the  other  at 
Eastchester;  and  on  the  first  AVednesday  of  December  a  Court  of 
Oyer  and  Terminer  and  General  Jail  Delivery  was  to  be  held.  The 
County  Court  of  Westchester  County  did  not  begin  its  existence 
until  1(588,  when  John  Pell  was  appointed  its  tirst  judge.  The  first 
high  sheriff  of  the  county,  Benjamin  Collier,  was,  however,  appointed 
almost  immediately  (November  9,  1G83),  and  in  1684  a  county  clerk, 
John  Kider,  was  appointed.  From  the  beginning,  all  the  principal 
officers  were  appointive,  and  held  their  places  during  the  pleasure 
of  the  governor,  excepting  only  representatives  in  the  general  as- 
sembly, who  were  chosen  by  the  people. 

One  of  the  chief  enactments  of  the  assembly  of  1G83  was  a  pro- 
posed "  Charter  of  Liberties  and  Priviledges,  granted  by  his  Royal 
Highness  to  the  Inhabitants  of  New  York  and  its  dependencies,"' 
which,  howevei",  was  disapproved  Avhen  transmitted  to  England.  In- 
deed, before  the  time  for  the  convening  of  the  second  general  as- 
scMubly  arrived,  this  representative  body  was  abolished  altogether, 
the  Duke  of  York  having  mounted  the  throne  as  James  II.  and  having 
come  to  the  conclusion  that  it  was  not  expedient  for  the  people  of 
the  province  to  participate  in  its  government.     It  was  not  until  1691, 

'Duke's    Count.v    embraced 'Nautuekot.    Mar-        Mans   Land:   and   Cornwall    County   comprised 
tha's     Vineyard,     Elizabeth     Island,     and     No        I'cmaquid  and  adjacent  territory  in  Maine. 

GENERAL    HtSTOKICAL    REVIEW    TO    1(00  199 

after  the  accession  of  William  and  Mary,  that  the  assembly  again 
came  together,  to  continue  as  a  ijermauent  iustitui  ion. 

The  basis  of  the  New  York  and  ("oniiecticut  bniiiidai-y  agreement 
of  October,  1004,  as  understood  by  (ioveruor  Nicolls  and  as  uni- 
formly insisted  upon  by  the  New  York  provincial  government,  was 
a  line  starting  at  a  pidnl  on  the  Sound  twenty  nules  from  tlie  Hud- 
son Kiver.  It  was  represented  tn  NiroUs  by  the  ( 'ounecticut  com- 
missioners thai  this  point  was  at  the  mouth  dI'  the  Mamaroneck 
Kiver — a  very  couvenient  iilace,  moreover,  from  the  ('ounecticut  [)oint 
of  view,  for  the  line  to  begin,  since  it  would  just  take  in  the  Kye 
settlement.  So  the  starting  ijoint  was  fixed  at  the  Mamaroneck's 
mouth,  wheuce  the  bouudary  was  to  run  north-Tiortln\'est  until  it 
should  intersect  the  soul  hern  line  of  .Alassachuselts.  Here,  again, 
great  injustice  was  done  to  New  Y'ork;  lor  iliis  north-northwest  line 
would  cut  the  Iludson  below  the  Highlands,  utterly  dismeuibering 
the  Province  of  New  York,  and  giving  to  Connecticut  all  of  the  river 
above  the  Highlands,  inclnding  the  settlements  at  Albany  and  other 
places  along  the  stream.  Of  course  such  a  division,  when  its  true 
nature  became  realized,  could  not  be  submitted  to.  13ut  there  was 
no  immediate  occasion  for  a  different  adjustment.  New  Y'ork  at  that 
period  was  not  at  all  disposed  to  claim  Kye,  which,  from  the  be- 
ginning, had  belonged  without  question  to  the  jurisdiction  of  Con- 
necticut; and  as  for  the  interior,  it  mattered  little  for  the  time  being 
how  far  Connecticut's  nominal  boundary  reached,  as  no  settleuuuits 
had  yet  been  begun  there,  and  even  private  proprietary  interests  on 
the  part  of  subjects  of  New  Y'ork  (excepting  only  Richbell's  patent) 
had  not  yet  come  into  being.  The  whole  matter  was  left  in  abeyance 
for  nineteen  years. 

A  new  boundary,  substantially  the  one  now  existing,  was  estab- 
lished by  articles  coniduded  between  Governor  Dougau  and  council 
of  New  Y'ork  and  the  governor  and  delegates  of  Connecticut  on  the 
24th  day  of  November,  1083.  Important  concessions  were  made  on 
both  sides.  New  Y'ork  demanded,  as  the  fundauiental  thiug,  that 
the  original  intention  of  a  twenty-mile  distance  from  the  Iludson 
should  be  adhered  to;  and,  moreover,  that  the  boujulary  should  run 
north  and  south,  or  parallel  to  the  Hudson,  instead  of  uorth-uorlh- 
west — a  demand  to  which  Connecticut  yielded.  On  the  other  hand, 
it  was  conceded  to  Connecticut  that  she  should  retain  her  older  set- 
tlements on  the  Sound,  extending  as  far  westward  as  the  liuiits  of 
the  Town  of  (Jreenwit-lu  or  the  uuiutli  of  the  ISyraui  Kiver;  but  as 
this  arrangement  would  cut  off  from  New  ^■oI■k  a  considerable  ter^- 
ritory  along  the  Sound  that  rightfully  belonged  to  lun-  under  the 
twenty-mile  agreement,  the  deprivation  thus  suffered  was  to  be  com- 



pensated  for  by  assigning  to  New  York  an  "  equivalent  tract "  (i.  e., 
a  tract  equal  in  area  to  the  surrendered  Sound  lands)  along  the 
whole  extent  of  the  fundamental  north  and  south  boundary. 

The  divisional  line  traced  in  conformity  with  these  mutual  con- 
cessions is  probably  the  most  curious  of  American  State  boundaries, 
and  must  be  an  iuexi)Iicable  jjuzzle  to  all  pei'sons  not  familiar  with 
the  historical  facts  which  we  have  recited.  It  has  no  fewer  than 
five  points  of  departure.  After  following  the  Byram  River  for  a 
short  distance,  it  abruptly  leaves  that  stream  and  ruus  in  a  straight 
direction  northwest;  then,  forming  a  right  angle,  goes  northeast; 

then  returns  again  at  a  right  angle  to 
northwest;  and  finally,  at  a  very  ob- 
tuse angle,  proceeds  in  a  continuous 
course  to  the  Massachusetts  boundary. 
But  liowever  eccentric  in  appearance, 
it  was  constructed  with  strict  refer- 
ence to  a  fair  and  regular  division  of 
territory  under  the  terms  of  the  com- 
promise and  the  iJeculiar  conditions 
of  existing  settlement  which  made 
such  a  compromise  necessary. 

Beginning  at  the  mouth  of  the 
Byram  Eiver,  the  line,  as  thus  decided 
upon  in  1683,  ran  up  that  stream  as 
far  as  the  head  of  tidewater  (about  a 
mile  and  a  half),  where  Avas  a  "  wad- 
ing-place"  crossed  by  a  road,  and 
where  stood  a  rock  known  as  "  The 
Great  Stone  at  the  Wading-place." 
From  this  point  as  a  natural  boundary 
mark  it  went  north-northwest  to  a  dis- 
tance eight  miles  from  the  Sound, 
which  was  deemed  to  be  a  reasonable 
northward  limit  for  the  Connecticut 
Sound  settlements.  From  here,  making  a  right  angle,  the  line  paral- 
leled the  general  course  of  the  shore  of  the  Sound  for  twelve  miles. 
Thus  the  strip  on  the  Sound  set  olf  to  Connecticut  formed  a  parallelo- 
gram eight  by  twelve  miles.  But  as  the  eastern  terniiuatiou  of  the 
twelve-mile  line  was  beyond  the  twenty-mile  distance  from  the  Hud- 
son, another  north-northwest  line  was  drawn  from  that  termination, 
Avhich,  after  running  some  eight  miles,  came  to  a  point  distant  from 
the  Hudson  the  required  twenty  miles.  Here  began  the  straight 
line  to  the  Massachusetts  border,  pursuing  a  course  parallel  to  the 


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GENERAL    HISTORICAL    REVIEW    TO    1700  201 

general  direction  of  the  Hudson  River.  Along  these  latter  two  sec- 
tions of  the  boundary,  the  so-called  "  equivalent  tract  "  or  •  ( )l)long," 
having  an  area  of  Gl,440  acres,  was,  in  recompense  for  the  ^ouiul  set- 
tlements which  Kew  York  surrendered,  i:\kvu  from  Connecticut  and 
given  to  New  York;  and  as  llnis  rectified  (lie  whole  north  and  south 
boundary  line,  beginning  at  the  uortlieast  corner  of  the  Connecticut 
parallelogram,  was  located  some  t\\o  miles  to  the  eastward  of  the 
basic  twenty-mile  distance  originally  agreed  upon. 

The  settlements  on  the  Sound  which  fell  to  Connecticut  by  this 
deternunation  of  the  boundary  were  Hve  in  number — Greenwich, 
Stamford,  Darien,  New  Canaan,  and  Norwalk.  A  sixth  settlement. 
Rye,  which  had  previously  belonged  to  Connecticut,  was  for  the  most 
part  transferred  to  New  York,  although  a  portion  of  its  lauds  fell  on 
the  Connecticut  side  of  the  line.  It  was  in  large  measure  owing  to 
the  aggressiveness  of  the  Rye  settlers,  and  to  the  questions  arising 
out  of  the  territorial  claims  made  by  the  Town  of  Rye  as  the  west- 
ernmost locality  of  Connecticut,  that  the  boundary  matter  was  forced 
to  an  issue  in  168.3.  The  Rye  people,  conceiving  that  the  Connecticut 
colony  extended  all  the  way  to  the  Hudson  River,  complained  to  the 
legislature  of  Connecticut  about  the  purchases  or  pretensions  of 
New  York  citizens  along  the  Hudson  wliich  came  to  their  notice;  and 
the  Connecticut  governor  brought  the  subject  to  the  attention  of  the 
governor  of  New  Y''ork  and  urged  a  settlement.  And  now,  under 
tlie  ne\\-  boundary  treaty  of  the  U\i)  pl"o^  iuces,  Rye  itself  was  rudely 
sundered  from  its  parent  colony  and  made  a  part  of  New  York.  This 
was  extremely  repugnant  to  the  settlers  of  Rye,  who,  indeed, 
continued  to  deem  themselves  as  belonging  to  Connecticut,  and 
ultimatelj-,  rather  than  submit  to  the  government  of  New  York,  when 
that  government  took  certain  steps  distasteful  to  tliem,  b(ddly  re- 
volted against  its  authority  and  organized  the  famous  "Rye  Rebel- 
lion." Nor  was  Rye  the  only  settlement  founded  by  Connecticut 
men  and  governed  by  Connecticut  which,  against  its  will,  was  incor- 
porated in  New  Y'ork.  The  histoiy  of  the  Town  of  Bedfoi-d  is  almost 
as  interesting  in  this  respect  as  that  of  liye.  Previously  to  l(iS3  the 
Bedford  settlement  had  been  begun  by  Stamford  men,  and  for  years 
after  the  boundary  agreement  of  that  year,  Bedford,  like  Ry(>,  was 
much  disaffected  toward  New  York.  It  was  an  active  party  to 
the  "  Eye  Rebellion." 

The  boundary  line  fixed  by  interprovincial  agreement  on  tlu'  24th 
of  Novendjin",  1G83,  was  approved  by  the  legislature  of  Connecticut 
on  the  8th  of  May,  1684,  and  a  surveyor  was  appointed  to  lay  off  the 
line.  This  surveyor,  with  the  co-operation  of  ollicers  from  New  York, 
traced  the  first  sections  of  the  boundarv  as  far  as  the  termination 


of  the  agreed  line  parallel  to  the  Soimd.  Thus  the  territory  retained 
by  Connecticut  on  the  Sound  was  formally  marked  off  without  de- 
lay; but  the  "equivalent  tract"  or  "Oblong"  to  which  New  York 
was  entitled  was  not  apportioned  ujjou  that  occasion,  although  its 
approximate  width  was  calculated  and  indicated  by  the  surveyors. 
The  new  boundary,  while  accepted  by  the  two  provinces,  did  not  re- 
ceive ratilication  in  England,  probably  because  no  special  attention 
was  paid  to  the  matter;  and  the  lack  of  such  ratification  enabled 
Connecticut,  after  the  revolt  of  Rye  and  Bedford,  to  contend  that 
the  whole  arrangement  was  without  legal  effect,  and  to  insist  that 
it  be  passed  upon  by  the  king  before  it  could  be  considered  binding. 
It  was  accordingly  taken  to  King  William  for  final  decision,  who  in 
March,  1700,  confirmed  it,  ordering  live  and  Bedford  to  return  to 
the  jurisdiction  of  New  York;  and  on  the  10th  of  October  follow- 
ing the  two  towns  were,  by  the  legislature  of  Connecticut,  absolved 
from  all  allegiance  to  that  colony. 

So  far  as  the  political  status  of  Rye  and  Bedford  was  concerned, 
this  forever  ended  all  doubt  on  that  point;  btit  the  exact  location  of 
the  boundaiy  line  along  each  of  its  various  sections  still  continued 
a  subject  of  dispute,  and,  in  fact,  the  controversy  did  not  end  tmtil 
the  present  generation.  The  history  of  this  dispute  of  two  hundred 
years'  standing  may  conveniently  be  completed  in  the  present  con- 
nection. We  quote  from  the  excellent  summary  of  it  given  in  the 
Rev.  Mr.  Baird's  "  History  of  Rye  ": 

After  various  failures  to  effect  a  settlement,  New  York  aiitl  Connecticut  selected  com- 
missioners, who  met  at  Rye  in  April,  1725,  and  l)egau  the  work  of  marking  tlie  boundary. 
They  started  iit  "  the  Great  Stoue  at  the  Wading-place,"  which  had  been  designated  as  the 
point  of  beginning  forty-one  years  before.  Their  survey  was  extended  as  far  as  that  of  1084, 
to  "  tlie  Duke's  Trees,"  at  the  northwest  angle  of  the  Town  of  Greenwich,  wliere  three  white 
oaks  had  been  marked  as  the  termination  of  the  former  survey.  Here  the  work  was  sus- 
pended for  want  of  funds,  and  it  was  not  resumed  until  the  spring  of  1731.  The  survey  was 
then  completed  to  the  Massachusetts  line;  the  "  equivalent  tract  "  or  "  Oblong  "  was  meas- 
ured and  "  set  off  to  New  Y^ork,"  and  the  line  dividing  the  Province  of  New  Y'ork  from  the 
Cobmy  of  Connecticut  was  designated  by  monuments  at  intervals  of  two  miles.  "  The  (ireat 
Rock  at  the  Wading-place  "  may  still  l)e  fomul  at  the  northeastern  end  of  the  bridge  crossing 
the  Ryram  River.  Starting  at  tliis  rock,  the  boundary  line  strikes  across  the  King  Street 
and  follows  the  course  of  that  road  for  about  two  miles.  At  the  distance  of  five  miles  from 
the  W^ading-place  it  crosses  Blind  Brook  near  the  head  of  that  stream  at  an  angle  which 
terminates  the  territory  of  Rye.  The  famous  "  Duke's  Trees  "  are  about  two  miles  north  of 
this  point. 

The  boimdary  line  laid  down  in  1731  remained  without  disturbance  until  1855,  when  the 
question  arose  as  to  its  existing  definiteness.  On  some  portions  of  the  line  the  marks  had 
disappeared,  and  along  the  whole  distance  the  greatest  imcertainty  existed.  Residents  near 
the  l)order  refrained  from  voting  in  either  State,  while  officers  of  justice  and  tax  collectors 
hesitated  to  exercise  their  authority  up  to  any  well-defined  limit.  These  circiunstauces  were 
taken  advantage  of  by  those  wishing  to  evade  the  payment  of  taxes  or  the  enforcement  of  the 
law.  In  May,  1855,  the  General  Assembly  of  Connecticut  took  steps  to  have  the  true  position 
of  the  boundary  hue  ascertained,  by  means  of  a  new  survey  and  the  erection  of  new  monu- 
ments.    In  the  following  year  the  New  York  legislature  took   similar  action,  and  the  com- 

GENERAL    HISTORICAL    REVIEW    TO    1700  203 

missioneis  appointed  luider  the  several  acts  employed  an  engineer  to  niii  tlic  line.  Tin- 
commissioners  could  not  agree,  however,  as  to  the  method  of  running  the  line,  and  nothing 
was  done.  In  Ang\ist,  1859,  new  cmnmissioners  were  ajipointed  on  the  part  of  each  State, 
but,  owing  to  the  tenacity  with  which  Connecticut  adhered  to  the  claim  that  a  straight  line 
should  be  run,'  regardless  of  existing  momiuieuts  to  indicate  the  original  course,  no  agree- 
ment could  be  reached. 

The  last  step  taken  in  the  matter  occurred  in  ISGO.  On  the  3d  of  April  in  that  year 
the  legislature  of  New  York  passed  an  act  empowering  the  eonnnissioners  formerly  appointed 
"  to  survey  and  mark  with  suitable  monuments  "  tlie  "  line  between  the  two  States,  as  lixed 
by  the  survey  of  1731."  They  were  to  give  due  notice  of  their  purpose  to  the  eonnnissioners 
of  Connecticut,  inviting  them  to  join  in  the  duties  imposed  upon  them.  But  in  case  of  their 
refusal  or  neglect  to  do  so,  they  were  to  proceed  alone  and  perform  the  work  assignetl.  The 
commissioners  of  New  York,  acting  under  these  instruciions,  held  several  confereiu^:s  with 
those  of  Connecticut,  but  the  latter  adhered  inflexibly  to  the  prin(riple  that  the  honudary  to 
be  established  must  be  a  straight  one.  The  commissioners  from  New  York  therefore  pursued 
the  cinirse  enjoined  upon  them.  They  fixed  and  marked  the  boundary  line  between  thi^  two 
States,  placing  monuments  along  its  course,  at  intervals  of  one  mile,  from  the  Massachusetts 
line  to  the  mouth  of  the  Byram  Kiver.  This  work  was  undertaken  on  the  8th  of  June,  IStJO, 
and  was  completed  in  the  autumn  of  that  year.  On  December  o,  1879,  this  line  was  agreed 
to  by  the  legislatures  of  New  Y'ork  and  Comiecticut,  and  continued  bv  congress  during  the 
session  of  1880-81. 

The  oxisteiice  of  Xew  York  as  a  proprietary  province,  hclongiug  to 
James,  Duke  of  York,  termiuuled  iu  IGbo,  wlieu,  Cliarles  li.  liaviug 
(lied  without  leaving  legitimate  issue,  James,  his  brother,  succeeded 
to  the  sovereignty.  This  was  an  event  of  considerable  importance, 
not  alone  for  Xew  York,  but  also  for  the  colonies  of  2sew  England 
and  New  Jersey.  New  York  at  once  lost  its  separate  status  as  a 
proprietary  province,  and  became,  like  the  New  England  and  New 
Jersey  possessions  of  Great  Britain,  an  ordinary  j)rovince  of  the 
crown.  Governor  Dongau,  identified  with  so  many  conspicuous  meas- 
ures of  change  and  progress  in  New  York,  now  t)riginated  the 
projjosition  for  uniting  the  colonies  of  New  Jersey,  New  York,  and 
New  England  under  a  single  government.  "  By  reason  of  the  dif- 
ferent proprietorships  of  the  various  colonies,  no  uniform  rule  of 
import  or  export  duties  prevailed.  An  article  heavily  tax;'d  iu  New 
York  might  be  free  iu  New  Jersey  or  Connecticut.  The  customs 
at  New  York  suffered  greatly,  and  trade  was  thrown  into  much  con- 
fusion by  reason  of  vessels  running  over  to  the  New  Jersey  shore  of 
the  river  and  there  unloading  their  goods.  These  were  gradually 
smuggled  into  Ncav  York,  and  sold  at  a  price  below  that  of  articles 
which  had  honestly  passed  the  custom-house.  Dongau,  therefore, 
urged  the  expediency  of  consolidating  all  (he  king's  colonies  from  the 
Delaware  to  and  including  Oonnecticut  and  ^lassacliusetts."  -  De- 
spite some  local  opposition  this  was  done,  and  in  KISS  Sir  Edmund 

» The  representatives  of  Connecticut  contend-  tliem.    On    the    r)tli.r    liaiiil.     Ilii>    cnnimlsslon- 

0(1  for  a  straight  line  between  the  two  extreme  ers   of    New    YorlJ    considered    their    iiuthorit.v 

points,   flft.v-three  miles  apart,  because  the  old  limited     to     "ascertaining"    the  boiindar.v   as 

nicinunuMits  and  marks  upon  the  line  were  gen-  originall.v  defined.— Sehnrf,    i.,   5. 

orall.v  removed,  and  the  oiiginal  line  eould  not  =  Van  Pelt's  Hist,  of  the  Gci'ator  New  York, 

be  traced   with  any   certainty   by   reference   to  i.,   SO. 


Audros  was  appointed  the  first  governor  of  the  combined  provinces, 
with  headquarters  in  Boston.  A  lieutenant-governor,  Colonel  Fran- 
cis JS'icholsou,  was  deputized  to  take  chai'ge  of  the  separate  affairs 
of  the  Province  of  ^'ew  York.  The  old  governor's  council  was  re- 
tained, although  nothing  was  as  yet  done  toward  reviving  the  as- 
sembly. Lieutenant-Governor  Nicholson's  councilors  were  Anthony 
Brockholst,  Frederick  I'hilipse,  Stephauus  Van  Cortlandt,  and  Nicho- 
las Bayard.  Dongan,  before  being  superseded,  granted  to  the  City 
of  New  York,  in  IGSG,  its  first  charter  as  a  corporation,  under  the 
style  of  "  The  Mayor,  Aldermen,  and  Commonalty  of  the  City  of  New 
York,"  the  city  having  two  years  previously  been  divided  into  wards 
and  made  to  include  the  whole  of  Manhattan  Island.  This  advance 
step  taken  by  the  city  is  fairly  representative  of  the  general  develop- 
ment which  had  fairly  begun  at  that  period — a  development  to  which 
Westchester  County  contributed  its  share. 

The  reign  of  James,  the  last  of  the  Stuart  monarchs,  was  brief. 
Three  years  after  he  ascended  the  throne  the  people  of  England, 
weary  of  the  tyrannj-,  corruption,  and  religious  intolerance  of  his 
dynasty,  rose  against  him,  and  received  with  open  arms  the  Prot- 
estant William,  Prince  of  Orange,  Avho,  as  the  husband  of  Mary,  one 
of  the  daughters  of  James,  was  eligible  to  rule  over  them.  It  was 
a  bloodless  revolution.  In  February,  1689,  ^Villiam  and  Mary  were 
proclaimed  king  and  queen.  James,  after  making  a  stand  in  Ireland, 
where  he  fought  the  disastrous  battle  of  the  Boyne,  fled  to  Catholic 

The  news  of  the  landing  of  William  stirred  the  American  colonies 
Ijrofouudly.  Aside  from  their  natural  preference  for  a  Protestant 
king,  they  apprehended  that  the  dethroned  James  would  enlist  in 
his  cause  the  power  of  France,  and  that  they  would  soon  have  to 
deal  with  a  French  invasion.  James's  officials  were  accordingly 
treated  without  ceremony.  In  Boston  Governor  Andros  was,  in  April, 
1689,  deposed  and  cast  into  prison.  In  New  York  Lieutenant-Gov- 
ernor Nicholson,  having  by  unguarded  behavior  and  unbecoming  lan- 
guage provoked  popular  resentment  and  distrust,  found  himself  con- 
fronted by  the  determined  hostility  of  the  captains  of  the  training 
bands,  who,  in  June,  compelled  him  to  vacate  his  office  and  return 
to  England.  The  province  was  thus  left  without  a  head,  and  the 
people  were  quite  unwilling  to  intrust  affairs  to  the  council,  com- 
posed as  it  was  of  the  old  royal  favorites.  The  training  band  cap- 
tains, assuming  temporary  authority  in  the  name  of  the  people,  called 
a  convention  of  delegates  from  all  the  counties,  which  assembled  on 
June  26,  and  appointed  a  committee  of  safety.  By  this  committee 
Jacob  Leisler,  one  of  the  captains  and  a  prominent  member  of  the 

GENERAL    HISTORICAL    REVIEW    TO    1700  205 

fommimity,  was  placed  in  military  ooiumaud  of  the  province,  and 
the  citizens  were  called  upon  to  come  together  and  choose  by  popular 
election  a  successor  to  Steidiaiuis  Van  Cortlandt  in  the  mayoralty 
of  the  city,  which  they  did  accordingly.  Finally,  in  December,  by  vir- 
tue of  a  letter  from  their  majesties,  addressed  to  "  Francis  Nicholson, 
Esq.,  Lieutenant-Governor  and  Commander-in-Chief  in  our  Province 
of  New  York,  and  in  /n".s  absence  io  stick  as  for  the  time  heinij  take  care  for 
preserving  the  peace  and  administering  the  laws,"  Leisler,  at  the  direction 
of  the  committee  of  safety,  assumed  the  functions  of  lieutenant-siov- 
ernor  pro  tempore,  in  addition  to  those  of  military  commander.  The 
committee,  consisting  of  eight  members,  now  transformed  itself,  at 
Leisler's  request,  into  a  gubernatorial  council. 

This  unprecedented  and  peculiar  rc^gime  lasted  for  a  litth-  more 
than  a  year  after  Leisler's  elevation  to  the  executive  office,  or  nearly 
two  years  from  the  time  of  Nicholson's  deposition.  Born  of  a  pop- 
ular uprising,  it  was  in  its  entire  character,  spirit,  and  conduct  a 
people's  government.  This  was  one  of  the  principal  charges  brought 
against  it  by  the  opposing  aristocratic  party,  who,  however,  did  not 
vouchsafe  it  so  reputable  a  name,  but  styled  it  an  organization  of 
"  the  rabble."  The  leading  members  of  Nicholson's  council — Bay- 
ard, Philipse,  and  Van  Cortlandt — not  only  lent  no  countenance  to 
the  training  band  captains,  the  committee  of  safety,  or  the  popularly 
chosen  lieutenant-governor,  but  boldly  opposed  each  step  in  the  new 
order  of  things.  Bayard,  the  most  active  of  the  three,  was  arrested 
by  Leisler's  order  in  January,  3090,  tried,  and  condemned  to  death  for 
treason  on  the  ground  of  his  opposition  to  the  king's  representative; 
but  suing  for  pardon,  he  received  a  commutation  of  his  sentence. 
Philipse,  at  the  beginning  of  the  troubles,  left  the  city,  but  returned, 
and,  conducting  himself  with  tolerable  prudence,  was  not  molested. 
Van  Cortlandt,  who  was  not  only  one  of  Nicholson's  councilors,  but 
mayor  of  New  York,  at  first  remained  at  his  post,  and  after  th(>  choice 
of  his  successor  by  the  elective  process  declined  to  recognize  the  act 
as  legal  and  refused  to  deliver  up  his  books  and  seals.  At  the  time 
of  Bayard's  arrest,  fearing  a  like  fate,  he  saved  himself  by  hasty 
flight.  It  is  an  interesting  fact  that  Leisler  was  related  by  marriage 
to  both  Van  Cortlandt  and  Bayard;  and  Philipse  also  became  of  kin 
to  Leisler's  family  by  marrying  Van  C^rtlandt's  sister.  Yet  so  in- 
tense were  the  passions  of  the  times  that  these  ties  of  relationship 
counted  for  nothing,  and  Leisler's  own  kinsmen  were  the  most  bitter 
and  unrelenting  of  the  enemies  who  resisted  him  during  the  days  of 
his  authority  and  pursued  him  to  ignominious  death  after  his  down- 

Late  in  1G90  King  William  appointed  Colonel  ITenry  Sloughter  as 


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his  royal  governor  for  New  York,  with  Major  Richard  Ingoldsby  as 
lieutenaut-sovernor.  Injioldsby  was  the  first  to  arrive,  and  demanded 
the  transfer  of  the  goverunient  to  himself,  a  demand  witli  whieh 
Leisler  refused  to  comply,  because  Ingoldsby  was  unable  1o  show 
])ro])er  credentials. 

This  misunderstanding  was  followed  by  an  nnfoi-tunale  attack 
upon  the  royal  troops  by  Leisler's  followers,  and,  although  ho  dis- 
avowed responsibility  for  the  manifestation,  it  was  charged  up  to 
him  as  one  of  his  offenses.  Upon  the  arrival  of  Governor  Rloughter, 
in  March,  1691,  he  was  imprisoned,  and  then,  by  swift  proceedings, 
sentenced  to  die  the  death  of  a  traitor.  On  May  17,  less  than  two 
months  after  giving  up  the  reins  of  government,  he  was  hanged,  to- 
gether with  his  son-in-law,  Jacob  jrilbourne.  No  appeal  of  his  case 
to  England  was  permitted,  a  melancholy  circumstance  in  view  of 
the  action  of  Parliament  four  years  later  in  formally  reversing  his 
attainder  of  treason  after  a  dispassionate  review  of  all  the  facts. 

The  name  of  Jacob  Leisler  is  conspicuously  and  honorably  iden- 
tified with  the  early  history  of  West- 
chester rounty  through  his  i)urchase 
and  sale  to  the  Huguenots,  already  no- 
tic(Ml,  of  about  two-thirds  of  the  old 
^lanor  of  Pelham,  a  tract  of  soiiu'  «ix 
thousand  acres.  There  is  no  doubt 
th;it  in  making  this  purchase  and  in 
disjiosing  of  the  lands  to  the  Frencli 
religious  refugees  he  was  animated  en- 
tirely l)y  unselfish  and  sympathetic 
considerations.  A  German  Protest- 
ant by  birth,  and,  moreover,  the  son  of 
a  clergyman  of  the  Peformed  Ghurch, 
he  became  known  in  New  York  as  a  zealous  supporter  and  promoter 
of  the  Protestant  religion.  It  Avas  in  consequence  of  the  reputation 
which  he  thus  enjoyed  that  the  Ifugui'uots,  before  emigrating  to  New 
York,  ap])lied  to  him  to  select  and  .secure  a  suitable  locality  for  their 
contemplated  settlement.  As  a  few  individual  Huguenots  had  al- 
ready bull  I  liomes  on  Pelham  Manor,  that  quarter  was  already  indi- 
cated as  the  one  to  be  chosen.  In  the  original  purchase  from  John 
and  Kachel  Pell,  September  20,  1689,  "Jacob  Leisler,  of  the  City  of 
New  York,  merchant,"  was  the  sole  person  interested;  and  his  con- 
scientious spirit  in  the  transaction  is  indicated  l)v  the  significant 
l)rovision  of  the  deed  that,  besides  the  six  thousand  acres  conveyed 
to  him,  a  parcel  of  one  hundr(>d  acres  should  be  set  ai)art  from  Pell's 
l>roperty  as  a  free  gift  to  the  I'rcncli  church.      Moreover,  he  gave  for 



the  lands  the  large  sum  of  "  sixteen  hundred  and  seventy-five  shillings 
sterling,  current  silver  money  of  this  province,"  paying  the  entire 
amount  on  the  day  of  purchase — a  sum  whose  comparative  magni- 
tude will  be  appreciated  when  it  is  remembered  that  eight  years 
later  Caleb  Heathcote,  in  buying  from  Mrs.  Richbell  her  title  to  most 
of  the  present  Township  of  Mamaroneck  and  other  lands  (liaving  an 
aggregate  area  much  larger  than  the  New  Rochelle  tract),  paid  for 
his  acquisition  only  £600.  Leisler  rapidly  transferred  his  whole  pur- 
chase to  the  Huguenots,  and  before  his  executiou  they  were  in  full 
possession  of  it. 

Smith,  in  his  "  History  of  New  York,"  gives  the  following  inter- 
esting item:  "Leisler's  party  was  strengthened  on  the  3d  of  June, 
1689,  by  the  addition  of  six  captains  and  four  hundred  men  in  New 
York,  and  a  company  of  seventy  men  from  Eastchester,  who  had 
all  subscribed  on  that  day  a  solemn  declaration  to  pi-eserve  the 
l*rotestaut  religion  and  the  Port  of  New  York  for  the  Prince  of 
Orange  and  the  governor  whom  the  prince  might  appoint  as  their 
protector."  The  action  of  the  seventy  volunteers  of  our  Town  of 
Eastchester  in  marching  down  to  New  York  to  give  their  support 
to  Leisler  is  highly  significant.  The  men  of  Eastchester  were  dem- 
ocrats of  democrats  in  all  their  antecedents,  but  at  the  same  time 
were  godly  and  sober  citizens,  who  would  not  have  lightly,  or  for 
mere  emotional  or  adventurous  reasons,  espoused  a  factional 
cause.  They  evidently  believed,  most  completely  and  ardently,  in 
the  righteousness  and  also  the  sufficiency  of  the  imi^rovised  govern- 
ment. It  is  indeed  impossible  to  question  the  sincere  and  virtuous 
animus  of  Leisler's  followers. 

Leisler,  raised  to  authority  by  the  people,  fully  recognized  the 
people  as  the  source  of  power.  Notwithstanding  the  previous  aboli- 
tion of  the  ]^^o^•incial  assembly,  he  promptly  appealed  to  the  repre- 
sentatives of  the  people  when  a  grave  public  emergency  arose  soon 
after  he  became  acting  governor.  In  February,  1690,  the  settlement 
of  Schenectady  was  burned  and  its  inhabitants  were  massacred  by 
the  Indians  at  the  instigation  of  the  French.  Leisler  at  once  sum- 
moned a  general  assembly  for  the  purpose  of  providing  means  and 
supplies  for  retributive  measures.  In  that  body  Thomas  Browne 
was  the  delegate  from  Westchester  County. 

The  influence  of  Leisler  as  a  plain  citizen,  before  by  the  stress  of 
events  placed  in  the  control  of  affairs,  was  uniformly  on  the  side  of 
the  public  welfare,  of  intelligence,  and  progmss;  and  the  history  of 
his  personal  career  is  that  of  a  vigorous,  successful,  and  honest  man, 
wlio  eminently  deserved  the  position  he  won.  He  came  to  New 
York  in  1660,  while  the  city  was  still  known  as  New  Amsterdam, 

(ilO.NKKAI.     IIISTOKICAI.     KKVIKW    TO    1700  209 

being  vuv  ol'  a  rumiumy  ui  liltciMi  soldiers  toi-  tlie  re-eut'oiveiiieiit  of 
the  garrison.  Afterward  lie  traded  with  the  Indians  and  ae(iuired 
considerable  means.  He  served  under  Dongan  as  one  of  the  com- 
missioners of  the  Admiralty  Court.  In  UWu  he  was  one  of  the  jurors 
in  a  case  of  witchcraft  tried  at  Brookhaven,  Long  Island,  against 
Ralph  ITall  and  his  wife,  which  resuKed  iu  a((iuittal.  As  one  of  the 
captains  of  the  training  bands  he  enjoyed  (he  unusual  conlidence  of 
the  citizen  soldiers — a  confidence  which,  because  of  his  reputation 
in  the  community,  was  shared  by  the  public  in  general  when  the 
necessities  of  the  situation  constrained  them  to  assume  the  tempo- 
rary direction  of  the  government.  He  was,  moreover,  sustained 
throughout  his  administration  by  some  of  the  best  and  most  substan- 
tial citizens,  notwithstanding  the  opposition  and  intrigues  of  the 
former  governing  class;  and  the  persistent  continuance  of  a  per- 
fectly respectable  "  Leislerian  party  "  for  many  years  after  his  trag- 
ical end  is  convincing  tribute  to  the  excellence  of  both  his  i)rivate 
and  civic  character.  Ilis  descendants  at  this  day  are  very  numer- 
ous, and  have  representatives  in  many  of  the  old  and  highly  re- 
spectable families  of  New  York  and  Westchester  County.  Included 
among  them  are  those  of  the  Gouverneur  Mori'is  and  Wilkins 
branches  of  the  Morrises  of  Morrisania.  For  the  pedigree  of  the 
Westchester  County  descendants  of  Leisler,  we  refer  our  readers  to 
Bolton's  "  History  of  Westchester  County,"  rev.  ed.,  i.,  585. 

When  at  last,  in  March,  1(>91,  the  government  of  the  province  was 
resumed  by  a  direct  appointee  of  the  king.  Colonel  Henry  Sloughter, 
it  was  ordered  that  the  i)rovincial  assembly  should  be  re-establisiied. 
No  time  was  lost  by  Governor  Sloughter  in  bringing  this  to  pass; 
and  on  April  9,  1(>91,  the  second  regidarly  constituted  assembly  of 
New  York  came  together,  with  John  Pell,  of  the  :Manor  of  Pelham, 
and  Joseph  Theale,  of  the  Town  of  Rye,  sitting  as  representatives 
from  Westchester  County.  The  assembly  "consisted  of  seventeen 
members,  but  was  afterwards  increased  to  twenty-seven. 
I'.y  tlie  act  of  .May  8,  1099,  the  representatives  were  elected  by  the 
freeholders  of  £40  in  value,  who  were  residents  of  the  electoral  dis- 
trict at  least  three  months  prior  to  the  issue  of  the  act.  The  elections 
were  held  by  the  sheriff  at  otu'  place  in  each  county,  and  voting  was 
rim  rorr.  The  act  of  November  25,  1751,  direct(Hl  the  sherilT  to  hold 
his  court  of  election  near  the  Presbyterian  meeting-house  at  White 
Plains.  Previously  it  had  been  held  in  the  southern  part  of  the 
county,  doubtless  at  Westchester.  Cathcdics  could  neither  vote  nor 
hold  oflice,  and  at  one  time  the  Quakers  and  :Moravians  were  also 
virtually  disqnalifieil  by  tlieii'  niiwillingness  to  take  the  oath."  * 

'  Seh.irf,  1.,  647. 




Their  Majefties  Province 

O  F 



As  they  were  Ena^ed  in  divers  Scffions,  the  firft  of 
which  began  Afrily  the  9th,  Annoq;  Pomini, 

1  6^1. 

S  ^  C-;<i  ^  <i"  ^&<& 

.*•  -5-  .* 


At  'New'Tork 

Printed aiicl'Sold  by  WiHiim  Bradford,  Printer. to  tTieir  MajeftleSj  KJr.j 


GENERAL    HISTORICAL    REVIEW    TO    1700  211 

ExcL'ptiii.y  the  rein-esentatives  in  llie  guucrul  iissembly,  only  the 
strictly  local  officers — supervisors,  collectors,  assessors,  and  consta- 
bles— were  elective.  Tlie  most  ini]K(rl;iiil  dl'  (licse,  the  supervisors, 
date  from  an  early  period. 

By  the  "  Duke's  Laws,"  promulgated  in  1665,  the  Courts  of  Sessious  levied  the  taxes 
upDU  the  towus.  By  an  act  of  the  general  assenilily,  passed  Oetoher  IS,  1701  (Kith  William 
III. I,  tlie  justiees  of  the  peaee,  in  speeial  or  general  .session,  were  direeted  to  levy  onc-e  a  year 
the  necessary  county  and  town  charges  and  allowauies  for  their  representative  in  the  general 
assenddy,  to  make  provi.sion  for  the  poor,  and  to  issue  warrants  for  the  election  of  two 
assessors  aiul  one  collector,  and  for  the  collection  of  ta.xes.  These  duties  were  transferred 
to  a  lioard  of  supervisors  hy  an  act  of  general  assemhly  passed  June  10,  17(),'5  (2d  Anne), 
entitled  "  An  Act  for  the  better  ex)daining  and  more  ert'ectually  putting  into  execution  an  act 
cd'  general  assemhly  made  in  the  third  year  of  the  reign  of  tlu'ir  late  nuijesties.  King  William 
and  (jueen  Mary,  entith'd  An  Act  for  defraying  the  puhlick  and  necessary  charges  thro'ont 
this  province,  and  for  maintaining  the  poor  and  preventing  vagabonds."  The  freeholders 
and  inliabitants  of  each  town  were  authorized  to  choose  once  each  year,  on  the  first  Tuesday 
of  April  (  unless  otherwise  directed),  one  supervisor,  two  assessors,  and  one  collector.  The 
supervisors  elected  were  directed  to  meet  in  the  county  town  on  the  first  Tuesday  of  October, 
ascertain  the  contingent  charges  of  the  county  and  such  sums  as  were  imposed  hy  the  laws 
of  the  colony,  apportion  to  each  town,  manor,  liberty,  jurisdiction,  and  precinct  their  respective 
quotas,  and  to  transmit  them  to  the  assessors  of  the  different  towns,  etc.,  who  should  appor- 
tion them  among  the  inhahitants.  The  supervisors  were  authorized  to  choose  annually  a 
treasni'cr.  The  court  of  sessions  was  thus  relieved  of  that  portion  of  its  duties  which  was 
legislative  and  not  judicial.  Supervisors  had  been  cho.sen  in  several  of  the  towns  before  the 
I>assage  of  the  act  of  1703  (Eastchester,  1(186;  Mamaroneck,  1697;  New  Koehclle,  1700); 
Imt  wliat  tlieir  duties  were  it  is  impossible  to  state." 

During  the  ten  years  following  the  arri^ul  of  the  hrst  royal  gov- 
ernor under  King  William,  and  the  definite  erection  of  representative 
government  in  tiu'  province,  tlicre  was  a  steady  expansion  of  ])oi)ula- 
tion,  wealth,  and  enterprise.  Sloughter  died  onh*  two  months  after 
Leisler's  execution,  and  was  succeeded  as  governor  the  next  year  by 
Benjamin  Fletcher,  who  was  superseded  in  1(>!18  by  the  Earl  of  Bello- 
mont,  one  of  tlie  best  and  most  conscientious  of  New  York's  early 
colonial  rulcis.  I'hilipse  and  Van  Cortlandt,  who  luid  licen  sent 
into  I'etirement  by  Leisler,  were  recalled  to  the  council  by  Sloughtcr, 
and  both  of  them  thus  resumed  their  old-time  ])romiuence.  It  has 
already  been  recorded  how  rhiiipse,  on  account  of  the  notoriety  at- 
taching to  his  connection  with  unlawful  Iratlic,  was  finally  forced  to 
resign  from  the  council.  Tliis  trattic,  while  vexatious  to  liie  gov- 
ernment othci;ils  and  iucicasingly  demoralizing,  was  far  from  being 
regarded  with  general  disapprobation  by  the  commercial  commu- 
nity of  New  York.  Too  many  were  intereste<l  in  its  gains  to  admit 
of  sucli  hostility,  and,  indeed,  the  large  private  interests  concerned  in 
it  were  mainly  responsible  for  the  extensive  proportions  to  which  it 
grew  in  the  closing  years  of  the  seventeenth  century.  It  was  not 
confined  to  the  ordinary  forms  of  smuggling — mere  surreptitious  im- 
l)ortations  of  taxable  i:iiio|ie;iii  goods. — but  included  relations  of  more 

'  Scharf,   645. 


or  less  iiitiuuu-y  with  the  pirates  of  tlic  liii;]i  seas.  •' Tlie  most  ap- 
proved course  usually  i>nrsiie(l  \\as  to  load  a  ship  with  yoods  for 
exchange  and  sale  on  the  Island  of  Madagascar.  Rum  costing  two 
shillings  ]>er  gallon  in  New  York  would  fetch  fifty  to  sixty  shillings 
ill  .Madagascar.  A  pipe  of  Madeira  wine  costing  nineteen  pounds  in 
New  York  could  be  sold  for  three  hundred  pounds  in  that  distant 
island.  Not  that  just  so  nuich  specii^  would  be  given  for  these 
articles  there.  Eut  here  was  the  rendezvous  of  the  jnrates,  or  buc- 
caneers, of  tlie  Indian  Ocean,  and  the  goods  they  offered  in  exchange 
were  extremely  costly."  ^  Probably  the  princi]ial  reason  of  Governcn- 
Fletcher's  I'ecall  was  his  tolerance  of  such  intercourse.  Bellonu)nt, 
who  followed  him,  was  charged  expressly  to  deal  summarily  with  it; 
and  in  consequence,  Frederick  riiilipse  found  it  expedient  to  teruii- 
nate  his  membership  in  the  council,  and  so  avoid  disgraceful  expul- 
sion. It  was  as  an  incident  of  Bellomont's  vigorous  policy  in  this 
line  that  Captain  William  Kidd,  whose  name  and  fame  ha\e  become 
immortal  in  the  legendary  annals  of  piracy,  was  arrested,  tried,  and 
hanged  (May,  1701).  Kidd  originally  appears  in  the  virtuous  and 
noble  character  of  a  pirate  hunter.  A  number  of  particularly  re- 
si^ectable  and  distinguished  subscribers  (among  them  King  William 
and  Lord  Bellomont,  at  that  time  not  yet  governor),  having  at  heart 
the  siippression  of  piracy,  equipped  a  stanch  vessel  for  Kidd,  who 
was  known  as  a  bold  and  experienced  mariner,  and  sent  him  forth 
to  search  for  these  evil  men  wheresoever  they  might  ply  their  horrid 
vocation,  and  scourge  them  froin  the  seas.  As  the  story  runs,  he  ren- 
dered valuable  services  for  a  time  in  this  chivalric  canse,  but  later 
fell  into  degenerate  ways,  and  himself  became  a  most  desperate  cor- 
sair. His  favorite  hannts  after  returning  from  his  cruises  Avere  the 
inlets  and  islands  of  Long  Island  Sound,  where  he  landed  his  precious 
cargoes,  and,  according  to  tradition,  buried  his  gold,  silver,  and  jeAv- 
els.  It  is  said  that  when  brought  to  trial  he  confided  to  the  autlior- 
ities  the  location  of  a  treasure  secreted  on  Gardiner's  Island,  and 
that  it  was  duly  found  and  ai)propriated  by  them.  From  the  authen- 
ticated accounts  of  Captain  Kidd's  frequentings  of  the  coast  of  the 
Sound,  it  may  safely  be  said  that  from  time  to  time  he  must  have 
steered  his  bark  into  some  of  the  numerous  places  of  retreat  along 
The  Westchester  shore.  This,  however,  is  only  a  reasonable  infer- 
ence. There  is  nothing  to  show  that  he  ever  had  a  rendezvous  Avithin 
our  waters.  In  the  course  of  time  popular  imagination,  stimulated 
by  the  fiction  of  his  buried  wealth,  even  ascribed  to  him  expeditions 
up  the  Tludson  River  as  far  as  the  Highlands.  Bolton  reproduces  a 
very  enterlaining  account  of  an  attempt  during  the  present  century 

>  Van   PrU's  Hist,  of  tlic  GroaU-r  New  Yorl;.    1.,  9S. 


tu  luisi-  a  siiiikcu  bark  olT  Caldwell's  l.undiii.n  in  I  lie  I  lii;hl:Miil.s,  sup- 
posed to  have  been  Captain  Kidd's  jn-ivate  sliiji.  Suiuc  .*i:(l,(MI(l  was 
spent  in  tlie  enterprise'  'I'lie  pre-eminence  which  Captain  Ividd  lias 
always  enjoyed  in  the  poi)nlar  iniaj;i nation  is  much  out  of  propor- 
tion to  liis  achievements.  His  formal  ])iratical  career  was  at  all 
events  very  brief.  It  was  in  October,  l(>!)li,  that  he  was  dispatched 
to  hunt  down  pirates,  and  at  that  time  he  must  have  had  a  fairly 
honest  reputation.  Less  than  live  years  later  he  nni  his  doom  on  the 
.^allows.  His  exceptional  p()i)nlarity  as  a  pirate  hen>  is  doubtless 
due  to  the  fanciful  stories  of  his  buried  treasures,  t(»  which  a  certain 
substantial  foun<lation  was  supposed  to  have  been  <;iven  by  the  un- 
earthing of  one  of  them — in  all  probability  tli(>  only  one — by  the  au- 

At  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  .Manhattan  Island  had 
attained  a  population  of  nearly  six  thousand  souls,  and  about  one 
thousand  houses  had  been  erected  upon  it.  Westchester  County, 
established  upon  practically  the  same  boundary  lines  as  exist  to-day 
(considering  the  county  in  its  original  integrity),  had  acquired  the 
elements  of  serious  development  in  all  its  parts.  Practically  all  its 
land  had  been  approi^riated  by  purchase.  Means  of  convenient  com- 
munication with  New  York  had  been  secured,  and  a  bridge  across 
the  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  buill.  All  of  the  six  manorial  estates  had 
been  granted  by  letters  patent,  and  in  part  settled  by  tenants,  with 
here  and  there  the  foundations  of  villages  laid.  The  old  settlements 
on  the  Sound  had  made  steady  advancement  and  new  settlers  had 
generally  begun  to  occupj'  the  non-manorial  lands  in  the  interior. 
The  progress  of  the  Sound  settlements  and  of  interior  occupation 
outside  of  the  manors  remains  to  be  glanced  at  in  ordi-r  to  com]dete 
tlie  history  of  the  county  to  the  period  at  which  we  have  arrived. 

The  Rye  settlement,  which  grew  out  of  i)ur(diases  made  by  citizens 
of  (Jreenwich,  Conn.,  on  the  New  York  side  of  the  I'yram  Uiver,  be- 
ginning in  KJIill,  flourished  from  the  start,  and  gradually  ex])anded 
r)ver  ail  the  adjacent  counti-y.  Included  within  the  Colony  of  Con- 
necticut by  the  boundary  compact  of  KitU,  there  Tievcn-  existed  any 
(|UesIion  as  to  its  political  status  until,  under  the  new  boundary  ad- 
justment of  1688,  it  was  detached  from  Connecticut  and  incorporated 
in  New  York.  Even  during  the  aggressive  Dutch  rest(U'alion  of 
lt>7;>-74,  although  Mamaroneck  was  summoned  to  submit  and  readily 
yielded,  no  atteniju  was  made  to  subdue  the  peo])le  of  liye,  who, 
however,  in  anticipation  (d'  (rouble,  made  ]ire])aration  for  a  sturdy 
resistance,  and  uinied  with  those  of  Slaniloril  and  Cireeiiwich  in  i)e- 
titioniug  the  general   louil    lor  hel]i.      I'nm:   the    earliesi     ]ieiiod    of 

»  Bolton,  rev.  cd.,  I.,  161. 


tile  Rye  settlemcut,  ovou  bofure  IJye  itself  had  come  into  being,  and 
while  the  founders  of  the  place  were  still  liviug  ou  Mamissing 
Island  iu  a  comiuuuity  kuowu  as  Hastings,  the  town  had  rep- 
resentation in  the  Connecticut  general  court  at  Hartford,  and 
received  due  attention  and  care  from  that  bodj'.  It  was  probably 
due  to  the  i^rivilege  of  direct  representation  thus  enjoyed,  quite  as 
much  as  to  the  circumstance  of  their  Connecticut  nativity,  that  the 
Eye  people  so  stoutlj'  i^orsisted,  long  after  being  legally  annexed  to 
New  York,  iu  holding  themselves  allegiant  to  the  mother  colony,  and 
so  bitterly  resented  the  assumption  of  authority*  over  them  by  an 
alien  aristocratic  government  which  for  a  considerable  term  of  years 
conceded  no  representative  rights  whatever  to  its  inhabitants,  and 
even  after  instituting  a  general  assembly  granted  no  immediate  rep- 
resentation to  the  indivitlual  towns. 

In  enumerating  here  the  various  additional  purchases  of  the  Itye 
people,  it  is  not  necessary  to  go  into  minute  particularization  regard- 
ing the  several  tracts.  In  lij(i'2  they  bought  the  territory  of  the 
present  Town  of  Harrison — a  territory  which  was  subsequently  grant- 
ed by  the  provincial  government  of  New  York  to  John  Harrison  and 
others,  and  on  that  account  became  the  bone  of  contention  between 
the  Kye  men  and  the  New  York  authorities,  leading  to  the  celebrated 
revolt.  In  1680  and  1081  occurred  what  were  known  as  "  Will  "s 
Purchases  "  from  an  Indian  chief  named  Lame  ^^'ill,  or  Limping  Will, 
extending  into  the  present  To^^•u  of  North  Castle.  And  liually,  in 
1()S3,  just  before  the  new  boundary  articles  were  concluded,  tht-  Qua- 
roppas,  or  White  I'laius,  tract  was  bought,  another  purchase  destined 
to  be  a  source  of  difficulty  because  of  the  claim  to  previous  owner- 
ship set  up  by  John  KichbcU  and  later  persevered  in  by  his  widow 
and  by  her  successor  in  the  IJichbell  estate.  Colonel  Caleb  Heathcote. 

It  has  been  mentioned  in  our  account  of  the  boundary  revision  of 
l(i8;^  that  the  aggressive  attitude  of  the  Town  of  Eye  in  its  territorial 
pretensions  as  the  frontier  settlement  of  Connecticut  was  one  of  the 
principal  causes  leading  to  that  revision.  "  May,  1G82,  John  Ogden, 
of  Eye,  presented  himself  before  the  general  court  and  on  behalf  of 
the  people  complained  that  sundry  persons,  and  particularly  Fred- 
erick Philipse,  had  been  making  improvements  of  lands  within  their 
bounds.  Mr.  Philipse  had  been  building  mills  near  Hudson  Kiver, 
encroaching  thereby  upon  the  town's  territory,  which  was  believed  to 
extend  in  a  uorthAvesterly  direction  from  the  mouth  of  Mamaroneck 
Eiver  to  the  Hudson,  and  even  beyond.  The  general  court  gave  Mr. 
Ogden  a  letter  to  the  governor  of  New  York,  protesting  against  such 
proceedings,  and  reminding  him  that  by  the  agreement  made  in  1GG4 
a  line  running  northwest  from  tlie  month  of  Mamaroneck  Eiver  to 


the  Massachusetts  liuc  was  to  be  the  dividing  line  beLwccii  Con- 
necticut and  New  Yorlc."  '  On  the  I'Sth  of  November  of  the  follow- 
ing  year,  by  tlie  new  boumliiiy  artiiles,  live  was  ccibMl  to  New  York, 
and  (iovernor  Tri'at  of  ( 'onuccticuf  ])ronii)tly  noLitied  the  inliabitants 
of  tiiis  change.  The  (own,  while  reluctant  to  accept  the  fate  ap- 
pointed for  it,  desisted  from  electing  deputies  to  the  general  court 
of  Connecticut,  and  did  not  renew  that  jjractice  until  the  "I'cvolt  " 
in  1097.  Nevertheless,  attempts  v.-ere  made  from  time  to  time  to 
secure  some  sort  of  official  recognition  from  Connecticut,  reiiresenl- 
atives  being  dispatched  to  deal  with  the  governor  and  general  court 
as  to  various  special  matters.  A  summons  from  Governor  Dongan 
of  New  York,  in  H\S~->,  commanding  the  Rye  settlers  to  appear  before 
him  and  prove  their  titles  to  the  lauds  Avhich  they  occupied,  was 
ignored.  On  the  other  hand,  Rye  had  the  honor  of  contributing  one 
of  the  two  rejjresentatives  from  Westchester  County  to  the  earliest 
sessions  of  the  New  York  provincial  assembly  held  after  the  organiza- 
tion of  that  body  on  a  permanent  basis.  Joseph  Theale,  one  of  the 
leading  men  of  Kye,  was  elected  to  the  New  York  assembly  for 
the  years  1(>91  to  1094,  inclusive,  and  again  for  1097.  "  For  ten 
years,"  says  Dr.  Baird,  "disaffection  smoldered,  the  a\ithority  of 
the  ])rovince  was  ignored,  taxes  were  paid  but  irregularly  to  either 
government,  and  whenever  possible  matters  in  controversy  were  car- 
ried \i\)  to  Hartford,  and  Hartford  magistrates  came  down  to  per- 
form their  functions  at  Rye.  .  .  .  Feuds  and  dissensions  auiong 
themselves  added  to  the  perplexity  of  the  inhabitants.  Some  of  them, 
it  would  appear,  sided  with  the  province  in  the  controversy,  and  hence, 
doubtless,  some  of  the  actions  for  defamation  and  other  ]iroofs  of 
disturbance  which  we  find  on  record  about  this  time."' 

In  1()95  a  tract  of  land  which  for  more  than  thirty  years  had  be- 
longed to  the  IJye  settlers,  "situated  abov(»W<'stchest(r  Path,  between 
Blind  Brook  and  Mamaroneck  River,  and  extending  as  far  north  as 
Rye  Pond,"  was  bought  by  a  certain  John  Harrison  from  an  Indian 
who  ])rofessed  to  be  "  the  true  oMuer  and  ])i-o])rietor."  After  having 
been  surveyed  by  order  of  Governor  Fletcher,  of  New  York,  this  tract, 
called  "Harrison's  Purchase,"  was  patented  (June  25,  10901  to  Har- 
rison and  four  associates — -William  Nicols,  Ebenezer  Wilson,  David 
Jamison,  and  Samuel  Haight.  In  vain  did  the  people  of  Rye  protest 
against  so  unrighteous  a  proceeding.  The  land  was  wholly  unim- 
proved and  unsettled,  its  rightful  prior  ownershi|>  was  claimed  by 
the  Indian  from  whom  Harrison  bought  it,  and,  iiioreovei-,  the  Rye 
men,  by  having  contemptuously  neglected  to  avail  themselves  of 
the  opportunity  extended  to  them  by  Dongan  in  IGSo  to  ]irove  their 

•  Balrd's  Hist,  of  Rye. 



land  titles,  had  incapacitated  themselves  from  establisliin<i-  a  supe- 
rior title  by  the  records.  The  issuance  of  the  Harrison  patent  was 
followed,  about  the  end  of  1696,  by  a  verdict  adverse  to  Rye  ren- 
dered in  the  New  York  courts  in  a  suit  brought  by  Mrs.  Ann  Rich- 
bell  against  the  Rye  people  for  intrusion  on  the  White  Tlains  lands. 
These  two  events  brought  matters  to  a  crisis.  Rye  seceded  from  New 
York,  ai)])lied  to  be  received  back  into  Connecticut,  and,  meeting 
with  encouragement,  resumed  formal  connection  with  the  latter  guv- 

ernment,  until  by  order  of 
the  king  compelled  to  aban- 
don it. 

Rye's  petition  to  the  gen- 
eral court  of  C-onnecticut,  in 
conjunction  witli  a  similar 
one  from  Bedford,  was  sub- 
mitted on  January  19,  1G97, 
and  was  graciously  re- 
ceived. On  the  8th  of  April 
following  an  overt  manifes- 
tation against  New  York's 
authority  was  made  at  Rye 
by  Major  Sellick,  of  Stam- 
ford, "  with  about  fifty  dra- 
gones,  whom  he  called  his 
life-guard,  with  their  arms 
presented."  The  major  and 
his  "  dragones  "  presumed  to 
interfere  with  an  election 
which  was  being  conducted 
there  by  Benjamin  Collier, 
liigh  sheriff  of  Westchester 
County,  for  representative 
in  the  New  York  assembly. 
Apparently  no  actiml  vio- 
lence was  done,  but  the  show 
of  force  excited  strong  feel- 
ing in  New  York,  and  was 
promptly  characterized  in 
very  severe  terms  by  the  pro- 
vincial assembly.  Governor 
Fletcher  issued  a  proclamation  ordering  Rye  and  Bedford  to  return 
to  their  allegiance,  and  also  entei-ed  into  communication  on  the  sub- 
ject with   the  governor   of   Connecticut,   from   whom,    however,   he 



obtuiui'd  uo  satisfiu-liuu.  lu  addiLiun,  Fk'Lciier  trk'il  cniuiliatdry 
measures,  dispatchiug  Colonel  Caleb  Ileatbcote,  oue  of  the  members 
of  bis  council,  to  Ivve,  Avitb  instructions  to  do  what  be  could  by  means 
of  his  personal  inlluence  toward  settliu<;  the  troubles,  lleatbcote's 
report  gives  a  very  clear  idea  of  the  merits  of  the  controversy,  show- 
ing that  the  live  settlers  bad  only  themselves  to  blame  for  the  loss 
of  the  llarrison  lands.  "  1  asked  them,''  says  ileatbcote,  "  why  they 
did  not  take  out  a  patent  when  it  was  tendered  them  [by  Dongan]. 
They  said  they  never  beard  that  they  could  have  one.  I  told  them 
that  their  argument  might  pass  with  such  as  knew  nothing  of  the 
matter,  but  that  I  knew  better;  for  that  to  my  certain  knowledge 
they  might  have  had  a  patent  had  they  not  rejected  it,  and  that  it 
was  so  far  from  being  done  in  haste  or  in  the  dark  that  there  was 
not  a  boy  in  the  whole  town,  nor  almost  in  the  whole  county,  but 
must  have  heard  of  it;  and  that  1  must  always  be  a  witness  against 
them,  not  only  of  the  many  messages  they  have  had  from  the  govern- 
ment about  it,  but  likewise  from  myself.  ...  I  told  them  as 
to  the  last  purchase  Avhereiu  I  was  concerned  [that  of  the  Eichbell 
estates,  including  the  White  Plains  tract],  if  that  gave  them  any 
dissatislaction,  that  I  would  not  only  (]uit  my  claim  but  use  my  inllu- 
ence in  getting  them  any  part  of  it  they  should  desire.  Their  an- 
swer was  they  valued  not  that;  it  was  Harrison's  patent  thai  was 
their  ruin."' 

For  three  years,  1697  to  1699,  inclusive,  Kye  was  represented  in 
the  Connecticut  general  court  by  regularly  elected  delegates.  Dur- 
ing this  jicriiKl  and  for  one  year  longer,  the  town  was  designated 
otticially  by  its  inhabitants  as  being  "  in  the  County  of  Fairfield." 
New  York  made  no  attempt  at  coer<-ion,  but  referred  the  matters  at 
issue  to  the  king;  and  in  ilarch,  1700,  an  order  of  the  king  in  council 
was  issued,  not  only  approving  the  boundary  agreement  of  1683-84, 
but  directing  the  revolted  towns  "forever  thereafter  to  be  and  re- 
main under  the  government  of  the  Province  of  New  York."  This 
decision  was,  as  a  matter  of  course,  accepted  by  all  parties  as  final. 
Pyc  never  recovered  the  Ilarrisdu  ]mrcbase,  although  some  of  her 
iidiabitants  bought  laud  there  and  Ixcame  influential  in  its  alVairs. 
Moreover,  "  tintil  the  Revohilioii  ilie  inliahitauts  of  the  i)ur(hase 
jiarticiiiated  m  ith  those  of  Kye  in  I  lie  transactioji  of  town  business, 
without  any  other  distinction  than  ihal  of  having  their  own  olli- 
cers  for  the  discharge  of  local  rnnrtions  ";  ami  llairison  also  I'oinied 
"one  of  the  six  precincts  of  the  ]>aiisb  of  Kye,  under  the  semi-eccle- 
siastical system  that  prevaik'd."  llarrison  Avas  settled  largely,  how- 
ever, by  Quakers  from  Long  Island.  The  White  Plains  dispute  was 
not  determined  adversely  to  Rye.      Caleb  FTeatlicote,  while  never  in 


legal  form  reliuquishing  bis  claim  to  "  the  White  Phiius,"  did  uot 
attempt  to  enforce  it,  and,  indeed,  uniformly  treated  the  Rye  people 
interested  Avitli  generous  fairness.  He  consented  to  the  insertion 
in  the  letters  patent  for  his  Manor  of  Scarsdale  of  a  clause  expressly 
withholding  from  him  any  further  title  to  the  White  Plains  than 
that  which  he  already  possessed.  The  Kye  settlers  of  White  Plains 
always  retained  the  lands  which  they  acquired  there,  and  at  length, 
in  1722,  obtained  a  patent  for  the  whole  tract  of  4,435  acres.  •'  White 
Plains,"  says  Dr.  Baird,  ''  drew  largely  on  the  strength  of  the  com- 
munity of  Eye.  .  .  .  Some  branches  of  nearly  all  the  ancient 
families  established  themselves  there,  and,  indeed,  those  families 
are  now  represented  there  more  numerously  than  in  the  parent  set- 

According  to  the  "  Lists  of  Persons  and  Estates  "  kept  by  the 
general  court  of  Connecticut,  there  were  in  Eye  in  1(]65  twenty-five 
"  persons,"  possessed  of  estates  valued  at  £1,211;  in  1GS3,  fortj-seven, 
worth  £2,339;  and  in  1G99,  sixty,  worth  £3,306.  By  "persons"  in 
this  connection  are  probably  to  be  uuderstood  heads  of  families.  The 
population  of  Eye,  including  White  Plains,  in  1712,  as  shown  by 
an  enumeration  then  taken,  was  510,  the  town  being,  next  to  W\'st- 
chester  (which  had  572  inhabitants),  the  most  populous  in  the  county. 

A  celebrated  fact  in  connection  with  the  history  of  Eye  during  the 
first  half  of  the  eighteenth  century  is  the  establishment  of  the  ferry 
to  Oyster  Bay,  Long  Island.  This  was  authorized  by  royal  letters 
patent,  dated  the  18th  of  July,  1739,  to  John  Budd,  Hachaliah  Brown, 
and  Jonathan  Brown.  The  fare  fixed  for  "  every  person  "  using  the 
ferry  was  one  shilling  and  six  pence;  and  in  addition  rates  of  car- 
riage for  a  great  variety  of  articles  were  specified.  For  the  i)rivi- 
lege  thus  conferred  upon  them,  the  patentees  paid  an  annual  quit- 
rent  of  two  shillings  and  six  pence.  The  operation  of  this  ferry  was 
very  instrumental  in  contributing  to  the  growth  of  population  in 
the  towns  of  Eye  and  Harrison,  and  in  the  central  portions  of  the 

The  early  history  of  White  Plains  has  been  so  frequently  referred 
to  in  the  course  of  our  narrative  that  this  subject  may  be  dismissed 
here  with  a  brief  summary.  By  virtue  of  the  grants  to  John  Eich- 
bell,  issued  both  by  the  Dutch  government  and  the  first  English 
governor,  it  was  long  claimed  that  White  Plains  (or  "  the  White 
Plains,"  as  originally  and  for  many  years  called)  was  included  in  the 
Eichbell  lands  running  northward  from  the  Mamaroneck  TJiver 
"  twenty  miles  into  the  woods."  In<lee(l,  for  nearly  forty  years 
after  the  first  appearance  there  of  settlers,  or  intending  settlers,  the 
legal  title  to  this  region  remained  undetermined.     On  November  22, 


1()S,3,  six  days  before  the  sigiiin<i-  of  tlic  new  Ii(Miii<lai-y  ail  ides  hc- 
tweci)  New  Yoi-k  and  Coniu'eticul,  I  he  ciilcipi'isiiij;-  men  ol  live  imr- 
cliasrd  tlic  wliolc  tract,  known  by  tlie  Indian  jianie  of  (^naronpas, 
from  liic  naiive  diitd's  wlio  at  tliat  time  jn-ofcsscd  to  own  it.  Tlius 
Kye  oaine  under  tlie  goveranient  of  New  York  with  a  very  plausible 
titk'  to  tlie  White  Plains,  (^iradually  l\ye  men  began  to  occiijiy  llie 
lands — a  movement  that  attracted  tiie  attention  of  Mrs.  Kiciilicii, 
Willi  in  Hi'.Ki  iMouglil  an  ejeclmenf  suit  and  obtained  a  favorable  ver- 
dict, which,  ho-\vever,  was  not  enforced.  During  the  lifetime  of 
Colonel  Caleb  Heathcote,  successor  to  Mrs.  Ivichbell's  rights  and 
lUdjiiietor  (d'  Scarsdale  Manor,  nothing  was  done  toward  settling 
the  (luestion  of  ownership.  Heathcote  died  on  the  28th  of  Febru- 
ary, 1721,  and  soon  afterward  a<'tiA-e  measures  were  begun  by  the 
White  Plains  settlers  toward  securing  a  patent  from  the  govern- 
ment. In  this  endeavor  they  were  put  to  considerable  vexation 
and  expense  by  the  authorities.  "  Three  times  were  they  compelle'l 
to  make  surveys  of  their  goodly  land,  three  times  required  to  notify 
the  owners  of  adjoining  lands  that  such  surveys  were  about  to  bt' 
made,  and  all  to  furnish  pretexts  for  oppressive  charges  by  the 
officers  of  the  governor's  council."  '  The  royal  patent  was  finally 
grant(Ml  on  the  13th  of  ]March,  1722,  to  Joseph  Rudd  and  others.  It 
was  for  ■'  All  that  said  tract  or  parcel  of  land,  situate,  lying,  and 
being  in  the  County  of  Westchester,  commonly  known  by  the  name 
of  the  White  Plains."  Among  the  names  of  the  settlers  at  that 
jieriod  luentioued  in  the  otlicial  documents  we  tind  the  following: 
Daniel  Brundage,  Joseph  Hunt,  Joseph  Budd,  John  Hoit,  Caleb  Hy- 
att, Humphrey  Underhill,  Jose])h  I'urdy,  (ieorge  Lane,  Daniel  Lane, 
Moses  Knapp,  John  Horton,  David  llorton,  Jonathan  Lynch,  Peter 
Hatfield,  James  Travis,  Isaac  Covert,  Benjamin  Brown,  John  Turner, 
David  Ogden,  and  William  Yeomans.  This  list  is  but  a  partial  one, 
being  confined  to  the  patentees.  "  xVt  the  time  this  patent  was  is- 
sued," says  the  author  of  the  chapter  on  White  Plains  in  Scharf's 
History,  •'  Broadway,  w'ith  its  home-lots,  had  long  been  established." 
After  the  procurement  of  the  patent  the  population  increased  so  rap- 
idly that  "in  1725  the  inhabitants  assumed  an  indeiiendent  organ- 
ization, elected  ofiieers,  and  proceeded  to  manage  tlu-ir  own  a  Hairs." 
In  the  progress  of  this  History,  we  have  so  far  followed  the  move- 
ments of  settlement  and  development  along  closely  connecting  lines. 
It  has  thus  hapi)eued  that  I  lie  settlement  of  the  Town  of  P.edford, 
Avhich,  under  a  strictly  chronological  arrangement,  should  have  re- 
ceived notice  among  the  com])aratively  early  events,  has  not  as  yet 
been  traced,  or  even  referred  to,  except  in  the  merest 

>  "  History   of   White   Plains,"   by   Joslah   S.  Mitchell,  Scbarf,  1.,  721. 



Bcdfui-d,  as  one  of  the  aiu'icnl  towns  of  the  county,  jjreseuts  inii(ine 
aspects.  It  is  the  only  one  of  tlie  first  si>ttlenients  havin>;'  an  inland 
locafioTi,  and  the  onl\  one  whose  oiininal  history  stands  (luite  ai)art 
from  that  of  the  remainder  of  the  county,  M"ith  no  associations  or 
relations  binding-  it  to  other  Westchester  settlements  of  early  orijiin 
and  respectable  importance.  In  common  with  Westchester,  East- 
chester,  I'elham,  and  IJye,  it  Avas  settled  by  Connecticut  people;  but, 
unlike  these  communities,  it  Avas  by  its  isolation  in  the  northern  cen- 
tral ]iortion  of  the  county  removed  com})letely  from  Ncav  York  en- 
vironment and  influence.     Bedford,  at  least  until  within  recent  times. 


is  to  be  regarded  as  a  jmrely  New  England  village  accidentally  ab- 
sorbed by  New  York. 

\\']ia1  is  now  the  Townsliii)  of  Bedford  Avas  a  jiortion  of  the  pur-  made  by  Nathaniel  Turner,  for  the  NeAV  Haven  colony,  July  1, 
Ki-lO,  of  a  tract  of  land  eight  miles  long  on  the  Sound  and  extending 
sixteen  miles  into  the  wilderness  to  the  northwest.  Ui)on  that  tract 
the  village  of  Stamford  Avas  begun  in  KUl;  and  in  105.")  its  interior 
extension  Avas  repurchased  from  the  Indians  by  the  people  of  Stam- 
ford. No  attempt  at  settlement  on  the  portion  of  the  tract  now 
knoAvn  as  Bedford  toAvn  Avas  made  until  lOSO.    In  that  year  the  Town 


(if  SI:iiiirni-(]  i;i-;iiilc(l  lo  t  wcuty-t  \vo  Slain  f(ii-<l  lucii'  llic  lands  kiKiwii 
as  1!h'  "  Hop  Oroiinds  ""  lyin.u-  "  at  tliu  north  end  of  Stamford  bounds." 
Under  tliis  i^rant  tlu'  beneficiaries,  on  the  23d  of  Deeeniber,  IGSO, 
bou.yht  from  Katouah,  Koelcaway,  ami  several  other  Indians,  the 
territory  in  question,  7,(i73  acres,  for  the  value  of  £4(i  ICs.  fid.  The 
pui-cliase  thus  mach'  became  known  as  "  Bedfitrd  Three  .Miles  S(iuare." 
The  whole  of  the  southeastern  portion  of  the  present  township^ 
sometliinii  more  than  one-third  of  the  whole  township  in  area — Avas 
included  in  it.  Subsequent  purchases  were  added  at  various  times, 
the  last  beinj^-  effected  on  the  2;id  of  January,  1722,  foi-  a  considera- 
tion of  £20.  The  various  deeds  of  sale  from  the  natives  durinj;'  the 
eighty-two  years  from  1(140  to  1722  W(<re  signed,  altogether,  by  thirty- 
five  Indians. 

According  to  Dr.  Raird  in  his  ''  History  of  the  Bedfoi-d  Church," 
Hie  original  settlers  were  nearly  all  the  sons  of  English  Puritans, 
founders  of  the  Colony  of  ^Massachusetts  15ay,  and  there  is  no  author- 
ity for  the  statement  that  they  came  from  Bedfordshire,  England, 
and  from  that  circumstance  gave  the  Town  its  name.  The  name 
Bedford,  says  Dr.  Baird,  was  probably  bestowed  by  the  general 
court  of  Connecticut,  in  accordance  with  the  principle  adopted  many 
years  before,  intending,  as  they  quaintly  expressed  it.  '' tlieicby  to 
keep  and  leave  to  posterity  the  memorial  of  several  jilaces  of  note 
in  our  dear  native  country  of  England."  In  March,  KJSl,  liouse-lots 
were  laid  out,  under  a  rule  providing  tlial  each  man's  lot  be  "  pro- 
liortionable  in  quantity  to  what  it  lacks  in  (|uality."  The  other  lands 
were  di\ided  on  the  same  principle.  The  house-lots  adjoined  one 
another  on  the  village  street,  it  being  deemed  advisable  for  tlie  set- 
tlers to  live  close  together  as  a  precaution  in  case  of  Indian  attack. 
-May  12  the  genei-al  court  at  Hartford  officially  recognized  the  set- 
tlement, and  recommended  that  "  tliei'e  be  a  suitable  loot  laid  out 
for  ye  first  minister  of  \e  |)lace,  and  a  loot  for  ye  ministry  to  be  and 
belong  to  ye  ministry  forever."  This  pious  injunction  was  ])r(>nii)ily 
obeyed,  and  as  early  as  December,  IfiSl,  tln^  town  took  stejis  to  jiro- 
cure  a  minister.  The  general  court,  on  May  1(!,  1()S2,  issued  an 
order  to  the  effect  that  "  T'po71  the  ])etition  of  the  ]ieople  of  llie  iIo|> 
Cround,  this  court  doth  grant  them  the  ]triviledge  of  a  ]ilantation, 
and  doe  oi-dei-  that  the  name  of  the  towue  shall  hencetorth  be  calleil 
I?edford.'"  Jose])li  Theale  was  ap])ointi'<I  as  the  "  chiefe  niililary 
officer  for  the  trainiiiu   band,"  and    Abrarn    .\inbler  as   magistiate. 

>  Rlfliani   Amblci-.    -Miniliam    Amliler.    Jnsr|ili  itl  .Toni's.  Tlmnins  .Inliri  IIdHui's.  .Ir.. 

Tlioalo.    Oanlfl    WcimI.    Klcazcr    Slawsnn.    John  Honjainlii     Slovens.     John     (Jrccn.    Sr..    Oavld 

Wpseol.    .Tnnathaii     I'i'lit.     .lolin     Cniss,     Ji>hu  Wati'ilmi-y.    Sanmol    Wcnl.    and   .lonnlhaii    KM- 

Miller,  Xlclinlas  WcbsliT.  Kiolianl  .\.vri'S.  Will-  l)orn. 
lam  Clark,  Jouas  Set-ly,  Joseph  Stevens,  Dau- 


New  ])i()|)iicl()r«  were  <iia«lnally  admitted  iipon  payin<;  forty  shillings 
each  for  shares  in  tlic  undivided  lands.  About  the  end  of  the  first 
year  Joshua  ^Vebb  was  received  as  an  inhabitant  upon  the  under- 
standing that  he  would  ei'ect  and  operate  a  niill.  This  arrange- 
ment was  carried  out,  the  mill  being  built  on  the  Mianus  Kiver.  All 
(he  newcomers  for  very  many  yeai-s  were  New  England  people. 

Xotwitlistanding  the  exclusion  of  Bedford  from  ronnecticut  by 
the  provisions  of  the  boundary  agreement  of  1683-84,  Bedford  con- 
tinued to  recognize  the  sole  authority  of  Connecticut.  Her  people, 
like  those  of  Kye,  disregarded  the  summons  of  Governor  Dongan  of 
NcAv  York  in  1685,  to  take  out  patents  for  their  lands,  although  this 
omission  did  not,  as  in  the  case  of  Rye,  cause  them  any  ultimate  loss 
of  territory.  Frecjuent  ai)i)lications  were,  however,  made  to  the 
Connecticut  authorities  for  a  town  patent:  and  on  May  21,  1697,  after 
Bedford  and  Bye  had  been  taken  under  the  jn'otection  of  that  colony, 
rliese  efforts  were  finally  rewarded.  The  Connecticut  patent  for  Bed- 
ford issued  on  that  date  w^as  to  "  John  Miller,  8enr.,  Daniel  Simkins, 
Zachariali  Boberts,  Cornelius  Seely,  Jeremiah  Andrews,  John  AYest- 
coate,  John  Miller,  Jtinr.,  John  Holmes,  Junr.,  and  the  rest  of  the 
present  proprietors  of  Bedford,"'  and  in  it  the  tract  was  described 
as  follows:  "All  those  lands,  boadi  meadows,  swamps  and  uplands, 
within  these  abuttments,  \iz. :  Soutlierly  on  the  IkjuuiIs  of  the  town- 
shi|)  of  Stamfiii-d ;  Westerly  on  (lie  wilderness;  Northerly  on  the  wil- 
derness; and  easterly  on  the  wilderness,  or  land  not  yet  laid  out. 
iM'ery  of  Avhiili  sides  is  six  miles  in  length,  to  A\itt:  from  the  east 
side  AN'csleily,  anil  trnm  I  he  south  side  northerly,  and  is  a  township 
of  six  miles  sipiare,  or  six  nules  on  every  side,  which  saiil  lands  have 
been  by  purchase  or  otherwise',  lawfully'  obtained  of  the  Hidian  na- 
tive proprietors.-'  Ai)ril  8,  1704,  this  Connecticut  patent  was  con- 
firmed by  New  York,  an  annual  (piit-rent  of  £5  b(  ing  provided  for. 

By  reference  to  a  lua])  of  the  manors  of  Westchester  Cotmty  it  will 
be  observed  that  the  northern  section  of  Bedford  I'atent  overlaps 
Cortlandt  ^lanor,  taking  a  quite  considerable  area  from  that  manor. 
On  the  other  hand,  Steplianus  ^'an  Cortlandt's  manor  grant,  dated 
June  17,  1697,  called  for  a  southern  boundary  beginning  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Crolon  Biver  and  running  due  east  "  twenty  English  miles  " — 
that  is,  in  a  continuous  line  from  the  Hudson  Biver  to  Connecticut. 
This  interce])tion  of  the  soutlu  iii  boundary  of  Cortlandt  Manor  by 
the  Bedford  I'atent  re(|uires  ex])lanation. 

At  tlie  (ime  when  the  Cortlandt  Mam)r  grant  was  issued  the  Bed- 
fdi-d  I'atent  for  a  tract  six  miles  square  based  upon  Stamford  bounds 
on  the  south,  as  conferred  by  the  general  court  of  Connecticut,  was 
already  in  existence,  having,  in  fact,  been  obtained  some  six  weeks 


])icvi(His]y.  ('onsequently,  says  a  Bedford  historian,  "  when  Van 
Coi-tlaiidt's  surveyor,  AvorkiiiiLi  on  Ids  '  due  east  '  line,  was  advaneinji' 
tbrougli  Bedford,  lie  was  doublless  apprised  by  our  settlers  that  he 
was  on  Connecticut  soil.  No  use  to  go  farther;  so  he  ran  his  line 
around  the  uorth  side  of  Bedford,  leaviui;-  her  out  of  the  Van  Cort- 
landt  Mauor."  ^  Indeed,  Coi'tlandt  or  his  heirs,  fully  acceptlnj;- 
the  claims  of  the  Bedford  people  regarding  their  northern  limits, 
built  along  those  limits,  to  indicate  the  line  of  separation  between 
Bedford  and  the  manor,  a  solid  stone  wall,  much  of  which  still  re- 
mains. This  wall  is  to-day,  says  the  writer  from  whom  we  have 
just  quoted,  "  imdoubtedly  the  most  notable  landmark  in  this  part 
of  the  county,''  and  ''  for  nearly  two  miles  extends  right  across  the 
country,  without  regard  to  the  lay  of  the  ground,  broken  only  by 
two  highways,  and  until  lately  Avith  not  even  a  barway  through  it." 

By  the  census  of  1712  Bedford  was  given  a  population  of  172. 
There  are  reasons,  however,  for  supposing  that  this  was  an  under- 
enumeration.  It  is  noteworthy  that  no  slaves  were  then  owned  in 
Bedford,  ''  the  people  here  being  too  poor  at  that  early  date  to  in- 
dulge in  such  luxuries." 

Early  in  the  eighteenth  century  Jacobus  Van  Cortlandt,  son  of 
Oloff  Pteveuse  Van  Cortlandt,  and  younger  brother  of  Rtephanus 
Van  Cortlandt,  of  Cortlandt  IManor,  became  one  of  the  principal 
landed  proprietors  of  Bedford.  Tliis  was  the  same  Jacobus  Van 
Cortlandt  who  married  Eva,  adopted  daughter  of  the  first  Frederick 
Philiitsc,  and  founded  the  Van  Cortlandt  estate  of  the  Little  or 
Tx)wer  Yonkers,  above  Kingsbridge.  He  purchased  lands  of  the 
Indians  and  settlers  of  Bedford  as  late  as  1714,  and  his  landed  pos- 
sessions in  the  town  ultimately  amounted  to  5,11.5  acres,  which  he 
bequeathed  to  his  son  Frederick  Van  Cortlandt,  of  the  Lower  Yon- 
kers, and  his  three  daughters,  ^largarct,  wife  of  Abraham  de  Peyster; 
Anne,  wife  of  John  Chambers,  and  ^Vfaiw,  wife  of  Peter  Jay.  The 
whole  of  the  original  estate  was  partitioned  in  1743.  Frederick  Van 
Cortlandt  receiving  1.424  acres.  Abraham  de  Peyster  1,110  acres, 
John  Chambers  1,282  acres,  and  Peter  Jay  1,299  acres.  Upon  the 
death  of  Peter  Jay  (1782)  his  share  was  divided  among  his  sons, 
Peter,  Frederick,  and  John  (the  chief  justice").  John  Jay  subsequently 
became  the  sole  proprietor  of  the  Bedford  estate,  and  after  his  re- 
tirement from  public  life  made  it  his  home,  dying  in  the  old  Jay  man- 
sion in  1S29.  lie  was  succeeded  in  the  proprietorship  by  his  soti,  the 
distinguished  Judge  William  Jay,  who  in  turn  was  succeeded  by  his 
son,  the  Hon.  John  Jay. 

The  great  "  West,  Middle,  and  East  Patents  "   of  central   West- 

'  "  lUstory   of   Bedford,"   by   Joseph    Barrett,    Scliarf,   li.,  59G. 

224  IIISTOKY     OF     ^^•I^;ST('HESTEI!    COUNTY 

Chester,  A\lii(li  wi-  linve  alicady  described,  secured  by  Caleb  Heath- 
cote  ami  otliers  from  Lientenaiit-Oovernor  Xaufau  in  1701.  were 
amonii'  the  foundations  u])on  Avliich  such  i)ortious  of  the  county  north 
of  the  White  Plains  and  Harrison  tracts  as  were  not  included  in  the 
Rye  and  Bedford  Patents  and  the  Philipseburfj;h  and  Cortlandt  Manor 
tiranls  were  setth-d.  The  West  Patent,  Icnowu  as  "Wampus's  Laud 
T)eed,"'or  the  "Xorth  Castle  Indian  Deed,"' based  upon  a  purcliasc  from 
the  Indians  made  by  Heathcote  in  1()0(>.  but  not  patented  until  Febru- 
ary 14,  1702,  was  bounded  on  the  east  by  the  Byram  River  and  the 
Bedford  line,  on  the  north  by  the  Croton  River,  and  at  the  west  took 
in  all  llie  wedge-shaped  laud  between  Philipseburjjh  and  Cortlandt 
Manors,  forming  an  acute  angle  on  the  Hudson  at  the  Croton's  numth. 
Its  northern  b(mudary,  howevej',  was  subsequently  removed  from  the 
Croton  to  tlie  southern  line  of  Cortlamlt  !>rauor,  in  order  to  conform 
to  the  Cortlandt  Manor  grant.  Out  of  the  West  Patent  was  erected 
much  of  the  Town  of  Xorth  Castle.  The  patentees,  ten  in  number, 
included  men  of  promiueiu-e  and  influence  in  the  province,  wliose 
"  intei'est  A\'as  not  that  of  settlers  seeking  a  honu-.  but  merely  that 
of  speculators."  The  lands  began  to  be  settled  about  171P-20  by 
Quaker  faruun's  from  Long  Island,  who  came  by  way  of  Harrison's' 
purchase,  and  whose  descendants  to  this  day  belong  to  the  principal 
families  of  tlmt  section  of  our  county,  among  them  the  Haights, 
Weckses,  Carpenters,  Suttous,  Quimbys,  Hunt.s,  Birdsalls,  Barneses, 
and  Havilands.  In  August,  1712,  the  settlei's  petitioned  Governor 
Bu'iiett  to  iuc(n"porate  their  lands  into  a  township,  mentioning  in 
tliat  document  that  tluur  number  comprised  thirty  men  able  to  bear 
arms.  Letters  patent  were  soon  afterward  issued  for  the  Town  of 
Xorth  Castle.  In  addition  to  the  lands  represented  by  the  West 
Patent,  Xorth  Castle  originally  embraced  a  portion  of  the  Middle 
Patent  and  also  a  separate  grant  made  in  1700  to  Ann  Bridges,  Roger 
^lomix'sson,  and  seven  others.^  It  cA'en  encroached  on  the  bounds 
of  the  East  Patent,  covering  a  considerable  part  of  the  present  Town 
of  Pf)undridge.  The  number  of  settlers  increased  ra])idly,  and  we 
are  informed  that  at  the  time  of  its  division  by  the  setting  off  of 
X^ew  CastU'  ''  it  was  the  second  town  in  the  county  in  assessed  valu- 
ation, ranking  next  to  Westchesler  in  that  respect,  and  the  first  in 
population."  '  Inasmuch  as  X(uth  Castle  lay  entirely  in  the  interior, 
and  quite  remote  from  Xew  'S'ork  City,  its  excc^ptional  prosperity  is 

1  This  grant  lay  Ix-twi^ou  the  West  and  Miti-  Thuniiis  ^\'enll:^n,  a  nieinl>er  of  the  governor's 

(lie    Patents.      Ann    Bridges    was    the    wife    of  council. 

Chief  .Tustiei'  .Tohn  Tlrirlges.     Roger  Monip(^sson  -  "  TTistory  of  Xew  Ca.stle,"   by  Josepli    Rar_ 

^vas  chief  Jnstice  of  the  province  at  the   time.  rett.  Seliarf,  ii.,  G15. 
One    of    their    associates   in   the   patent   was 


a  strikhni-  ])roof  of  tlie  fact    tluit    the  \vc;illli  (if  our  couuty  had  its 
m-ifiiu  exclusively  in  tlic  at;Ticul(ur;il  interest. 

'I'lie  old  Town  of  Salem,  now  constiluting  the  Towns  of  North  Salem 
and  Lewisboro,  also  has  an  interesting;  e.arly  history,  on  account  of 
llie  inclusion  in  it  of  all  of  the  lands  of  the  "Oblong,"  or  "Equiva- 
lent Tract."  It  will  be  remembered  that  the  Oblong  was  not  laid 
off  and  monumented  until  1731.  In  1709  twenty-five  citizens  of 
("onnecticut  (mostly  residents  of  NorAvalk)  obtained  from  the  gov- 
ernment of  that  colony-  the  grant  of  what  is  known  as  the  Eidge- 
lield  Patent,  whose  western  boundary  was  the  New  York  State  line, 
ar  that  time  supposed  to  be  twenty  miles  from  the  Hudson.  After 
the  measuring  off  of  the  Oblong,  the  Kidgefield  patentees,  discov- 
ering that  a  portion  of  their  j^roperty  lay  in  New^  York  State,  peti- 
tioned the  New  York  authorities  for  a  patent  for  fifty  thousand 
acres  within  the  Oblong  bounds,  which  was  duly  granted,  June  8, 
1731.  These  patentees  were  headed  by  the  Eev.  Thomas  Hawley, 
and  are  described  in  the  document  as  "  inhabitants  of  ye  town  of 
IJidgefield."  These  Oblong  acres  subsequently  became  the  eastern 
|i()ition  of  the  original  Town  of  Salem,  whereof  the  western  portion 
was  taken  from  Cortlandt  Manor. 

The  Town  of  Poundridge  was  settled  by  farming  people  from  Con- 
necticut, who  began  to  take  up  lands  within  its  borders  in  the  latter 
jiiirt  of  the  first  half  of  the  eighteenth  century.  The  name  comes 
"  from  the  ancient  '  Indian  pound,'  wliich  formerly  stood  at  the  foot 
of  a  high  ridge  a  little  south  of  the  present  locality  known  as  Pound- 
ridget  where  the  Indians  set  their  traps  for  wild  game."  The  first  set- 
tler is  supposed  to  have  been  Deacon  John  Fancher.  He  came  in 
1730.  In  1741  Joseph  Lockwood,  James  Brown,  David  Potts,  Ebe- 
nezer  Scofield,  and  others  from  Stamford,  made  a  settlement  on  the 
site  of  the  present  village.  The  Lockwood  family  was  long  the  most 
pronunent  one  in  the  town.  From  an  early  period  the  settlers  of 
Poundridge  united  the  handicraft  of  shoemaking  to  their  rural  pur- 
suits. They  "  went  to  the  '  shoe-shops  '  in  the  adjoining  towns,  re- 
ceived their  work  ciit  out,  and  took  it  home,  each  one  making  the 
whole  article,  whether  boot  or  shoe."^  The  decline  in  the  population 
of  the  town  since  1850  is  largely  due  to  the  unprofitableness  of  this 
ancient  industiw,  consequent  upon  the  use  of  machinery  for  the  manu- 
facture of  shoes. 

'  George  Thatcher'Smith,  in;Schar£,ii.,  5(13. 



IIE  earliest  eimnicriitioii  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  I'rovince 
of  New  York  was  made  in  lGi)8  "  by  the  hij'h  sheriffs  and 
jnstlees  of  llie  peace  in  eaeli  respective  oonnty,"  at  the 
direction  of  (lovernor  Belbunont.  It  showed  a  total  pop- 
ulation of  1S,0G7,  inclndins'  2,170  uej;Toes,  of  whom  1,003  (917  whites 
and  14(5  negroes)  Avere  in  West<-liester  Counly.  At  that  date  West- 
cliester  was  the  lifth  in  rank  anioiii;  Ihe  ten  counties  embraced  within 
the  present  limits  of  Xew  York  Slate,  being  exceeded  by  New  York, 
Suffolk,  Kiniis,  Queens,  and  Albany.  At  the  next  census,  taken  in 
170o,  A\'esTchester's  population  had  increased  to  1,94();  in  1712,  to 
2,815;  and  in  1723,  to  l,40'.t.  Tlius  in  the  first  .piarter  of  a  century 
after  the  coujity  as  a  whole  had  bci;un  to  display  a  general  set11e<l 
condition  the  number  of  i(s  inhabifants  had  increaseil  threefold.  In 
1731  its  people  were  0,03:;;  in  1737,  0,74.");  in  1740,  9,235;  in  1749, 
10,703;  in  1750,  13,257;  and  in  1771  ( tlie  last  of  tlie  colonial  censuses), 

Tlie  folbiwiu;^  details  from  (lie  census  of  1712  show-  the  distribu- 
lion  of  iio]iulation  thiouiilioul  tlic  \arious  civil  diAisions  then  ex- 




New   Rochelle 







Cortlandt    Manor 

Ryke's  Patent  (Peekskill) . 















The  jMirtions  of  the  county  styled  Yonkers  and  rhilii)seburuli  at 
1hat  ]><  lied  were,  res]iectively,  th«'  lower  and  upper  divisions  of  I'hil- 


ipse'lmr^li  Manor,  tlu'  forincr  bciu^  prcsidi'd  over  by  Frederick  Phil- 
ipse,  2d,  and  the  latter  bv  Adolpli  I'liilipse,  his  uncle.  After  the 
unele's  dt-ath,  the  whole  manor  was  reunited  under  Frederick  Pliil- 
ipse,  2d,  and  continued  as  a  sinjile  political  division  until  after  the 
Revolution.  To  the  above-named  civil  divisions  of  1712,  the  only 
new  ones  added  durinti'  the  reniaininji  sixty  odd  years  of  tln^  colonial 
era  were  White  Plains,  North  Castle,  Salem,  and  Poundridsi'e. 

Under  this  census  the  ancient  Town  of  Westchester  led  all  the 
other  localities  of  the  county  in  population,  with  572  inhabitants, 
havinji',  indeed,  a  very  decided  jireponderauce  over  every  community 
except  Rye,  which  numbered  516  souls.  But  it  must  be  borne  in 
nund  that  in  1712  Rye  as  a  political  division  in<duded  certainly  the 
White  Plains  and  Harrison  tracts;  and  probably  not  a  few  settlers 
dispersed  throuoh  the  interior  scM-tions  of  the  county  not  as  yet  com- 
prehended in  definitely  named  settlements  were  counted  also  in  the 
Hye  enunu^ration. 

We  have  referred  in  \arious  connections  to  the  peculiar  privilege 
bestowed  upon  the  Town  of  Westchester  by  its  erection  in  IfiOfi  into 
a  borough,  a  privilege  enjoycnl  by  only  one  other  community  of  New 
York  Province  (Schenectady)  from  the  beii'inninu  to  the  end  of  the 
colonial  ])erio(l.  It  was  entirely  fittinji;  that  Westchester  should  be 
singled  out  for  this  distinction.  It  was  the  seat  of  the  earliest  or- 
uanized  and  successful  Fni^lish  settlement  in  the  province  north  of 
the  Harlem  River,  datinii'  back  to  lfi54  (and  probably  earlier);  it 
gave  its  name  to  the  great  County  of  Westchester,  and  it  had  always 
been  a  rural  commnnity  of  exceptional  respectability  and  progres- 
siveness.  Detached  from  the  jurisdiction  of  Manhattan  Island  by  a 
broad  river,  it  occui)ied  an  isolated  position,  and  its  local  affairs  were 
thus  incapal>le  of  being  connected  ^\i(h  those  of  the  island.  More- 
over, Westchester,  with  its  attached  locality  of  West  Farms,  was 
peculiai-ly  justified  in  ai)i>ealing  for  sjiecial  privileges,  in  view  of  the 
excejitiomil  functions  I  hat  had  been  conferi-ed  ujion  the  adjacent 
luannrial  hinds  of  Morrisania,  Fordham,  Philipseburgh,  and  Pelham. 
These  lauds  had  been  erected  into  "entire  and  enfi-anchised  towu- 
shii)s,  manors,  and  ]daces  by  themselves,''  for  the  gi-atification  of 
wealthy  individnal  projn-ietors.  On  the  other  hand,  here  Avas  a 
thriving  deniociatic  town,  whose  settlement  antedated  that  of  any 
of  the  manorial  estates,  and  which  ii\as  more  important  than  aTiy  of 
them  in  the  matter  of  |io])ulation  and  develo])ment.  It  was  reason- 
able in  such  circninstaiices  to  demnnd  for  it  some  unusu;il  politicfil 

Westchester  received  its  fii'st  town  patent  froTu  Oovernor  Nicolls 
on  ilie  ].~)1h  of  February,  KWl.     In  that  instrument  "  all  ye  rights  and 


]ii-ivilc'^c!s  bulonging  lu  a  t(»\\ii  wilbiu  this  jTovcruuK'Ut  ""  \\(n\'  be- 
st owud  upon  (be  patentees.  In  l(i8(>  it  was  <b„>emed  advisable  by 
the  inbabiiants  to  proenre  a  second  patent,  wbleli  was  accordingly 
issut'd  (Jjinuary  (>)  by  (TO\('rnor  Dongan.  Under  tbis  second  patent 
twelve  men'  were  designated  as  the  "  Trustees  of  the  Freeholdei-s 
and  Comuionaltj-  of  the  Town  of  Westchester,"  these  trustees  being 
constituted  as  "one  body  corporate  and  politick."  In  oider  to  dis- 
l)ose  forever  of  any  possible  hostile  claims  lo  lands  williin  their 
town  limits  on  the  ground  of  irregularities  or  defects  in  the  original 
inirchases  from  the  Indians,  the  trustees,  on  the  2Ttli  of  IMay,  1<»!)2, 
obtained  a  final  deed  of  sale  from  four  Indians — Maminepoe,  Wam- 
page  (alias  Ann  Hook),  Chrohamanthense,  and  Mamertekoh — by 
which  the  latter,  for  the  consideration  of  goods  valued  at  £8  is  Gd, 
released  unconditionally  to  the  "  county  town  of  Westchester  "  what- 
ever i^roprietary  pretensions  they  bad  to  its  territory.  Also  steps 
were  taken  by  the  trustees  to  mark  off  the  noi-thern  bounds  of  the 
town,  where  it  adjoined  "  JMr.  Pell's  purchase."  The  records  of  the 
town  were  kept  with  regularity  from  1657.  As  early  as  lOTS  a  bridge 
had  been  built  joining  Throgg's  Neck  to  the  mainland.-  The  polit- 
ical limits  of  the  town  were  always  understood  and  e.\i)ressed  as 
extending  from  the  westernmost  part  of  Bronxland  to  '*  ^Ir.  Pell's 
purchase,"  and  thus  Cornell's  Neck,  West  I'^arms,  and  Morrisania 
]\Iaii()r  belonged  to  the  i)olitical  territorj^  of  the  town.  Indeed,  the 
|ir(i])rietors  of  Cornell's  Neck  I  the  Willetts),  as  also  the  various  fam- 
ilies co7isti1uiing  the  settlement  of  West  Farms,  were  at  all  times 
thoroughly  ideiititied  with  the  local  concerns  of  Westchesrer  town. 

In  l(!7(l  the  good  people  of  Westchester  were  somewhat  exercised 
by  llie  a]i]>earance  of  a  supposed  witch  amongst  them.  An  oi'der  ap- 
pears in  tlie  Assize  P.ook,  dated  July  7,  107(1,  for  the  removal  of  one 
"  Katherine  Harrison  late  of  Wetbersfield  in  his  Ma*'®®  Colony  of  Con- 
necticott  widdoAv."  In  this  order  it  is  related  that  "contrary  to  ye 
consent  iS:  good  liking  of  ye  ToAvne  she  wouhl  settle  amongst  them  & 
she  being  reputed  to  be  a  i)erson  lyeing  und'"  ye  sujiposiciou  of  Witch- 
craft bath  given  some  cause  of  ainu-ehension  to  ye  Inbabiiants  there." 
Accordingly,  the  constable  and  ovi-rseers  are  directed  to  notify  her 
to  remove  out  of  the  precincts  "  in  some  short  tynie,"  and  also  to  ad- 
monish her  to  "returne  to  ye  place  of  her  former  abode."  Subse- 
(pienlly,  however,  Katherine  Harrison  was  fully  exonerated. 

'William   Richnrflson.    .Toliii     limit.    Eilwaril  "  It  is  oi'dei-ed  that  .ve  bridge  betwixt  Throgg's 

Wal<'rs.  RobfM't  Hiiostis,  Richai-d  I'untoii.  Will-  Npcke   and  the  To^^■ue  be  maintainod   and  up- 

ian:    Barni'S.   .John   Bugbie,   .Tohn    I'.ailey,   John  licld  by  a  rate  to  be  levied  and  assissed  upon 

'i'u<l<ir.     .lolin     Ferris.     Josepli       I'almer,     and  ail   persons  and    estates    that   are  putt   in    the 

Thomas  Baxter.  county    rate     belungins     to     the    Township    of 

-  Ill  this  connection  tlie  following  entry  from  AVestchester,   East  Chester  excepted." 
the  towa  records,  dated  .luly  9,  KITS,    is  of  interest : 


A  fact  of  curious  intorest,  illustrating  in  u  striking  way  tlio  active 
enterprise  which  characterized  the  Town  nf  Westchester  and  its 
associated  districts  from  the  beginning,  has  been  brought  to  the 
attention  of  the  present  writer  b>  the  kindness  of  the  Kev.  Theodore 
A.  Leggett,  D.D.,  of  Staten  Island,  a  descendant  of  one  of  the  West 
Farms  patentees.  We  have  seen  that  Elizabeth  Kichardson,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  Kichardson,  co-patentee  with  Edward  Jessup  of  West 
Farms  (16G6),  married  Gabriel  Leggett.  Gabriel  had  a  brother,  John 
Leggett,  who  also  was  a  landed  proprietor  in  the  section  embraced 
iu  the  political  bounds  of  Westchester  town.  John  Leggett  was  a 
shipbuilder,  and  under  date  of  November  30,  1()7G,  he  executed  a 
bill  of  sale  reading  as  foHoAvs:  "  John  Leggett  of  Westchester,  within 
the  Province  of  N.  Y.,  sliii)riglit,  to  Jacob  Leysler  of  N.  Y.  City,  mer- 
chant, a  good  Puick,  or  ship,  Susannah  of  New  York,  now  laying  in 
this  harbour,  and  hi/  xdid  L((i(i(it  hiiiJf  in  Bfoiicl-'s  )-iver  near  Wc.slclicslcr, 
together  Avith  masts.  Lay  boat,  and  other  materials."  Thus  tlie  ship- 
building industry  Avas  introduced  at  the  mouth  of  the  Bronx  as 
early  as  KiTti  (probably  earlier) — that  is,  seven  years  or  nu)re  before 
the  organization  of  the  County  of  Westchester.  This  Johu  Leggett, 
builder  of  the  "  Susannah,"  died  in  tlie  West  Indies  in  1679.  It 
is  interesting  to  note  that  he  named  as  his  executor  the  first  Fred- 
erick Philipse,  with  whom  he  seems  to  have  sustained  a  business 
partuersliip  of  some  kind,  and  t(»  whom  he  bequeathed  the  sum  of 
thirty  pounds  sterling. 

U])on  tile  organization  n{  our  county,  in  1G83,  Westchester  was 
appointed  to  be  its  shire-town,  and  in  legislative  acts  passed  shortly 
after  tlie  regular  institution  of  ])arliauieiitary  government  in  the 
pi'ovince  this  community  was  tlie  object  of  respectful  attention.  By 
an  act  passed  May  H,  U\[)',i,  "a  public  and  open  market"  was  ap- 
pointed to  be  held  every  Wednesday  at  Wesicliester;  and  it  was 
enacted  that  "there  shall  likewise  be  held  and  kept  twice  yearly 
and  every  year  a  fair,  to  which  fair  it  shall  and  may  be  likewise  lawful 
for  all  and  every  pi'rson  to  go  and  frequent,  .  .  .  the  first  to 
be  kept  at  the  Town  of  Westchester  in  the  said  county  on  the  second 
Tuesday  of  May  and  to  end  on  the  Friday  following,  being  in  all 
four  days,  inclusive,  and  no  longer;  and  (he  second  fair  to  be  kept 
at  Bye  in  the  said  county  on  the  second  Tuesday  in  October  yearly, 
and  to  end  the  Friday  following,"  etc. 

From  the  foregoing  survey  of  the  lu-ogress  of  Westchester  town 
nji  to  the  time  of  its  conversion  into  a  borough,  the  read(>r  will  see 
liial  if  had  well  earned  the  right  to  that  honor.  Tlu>  royal  charter 
constituting  it  a  borough  town  is  a  very  elaborate  document,  which 
if  reproduced  entire  would  occupy  some  fifteen   of  our  ])ages.      It 


bears  dulc  the  lUtli  of  April,  lODG,  aud  is  signed  by  Governor  Ben- 
jamin Fletclier.  After  instancing  the  previous  grants  of  patents  to 
tlie  town  aud  describing  it  witli  extreuie  aud  redundant  particularity 
(its  bounds  being  specified  as  the  westernmost  part  of  "  Brunks  laud  " 
at  the  west  and  the  westernmost  line  of  "  Mr.  Pell's  pattent  "  at  the 
east),  the  charter  provides  that  the  former  Town  of  Westchester 
shall  in  future  be  styled  "  the  borrough  aud  town  of  AVcstchester." 
The  re4uirement  is  uiade  that  the  local  authorities  shall  pay  an- 
nually to  the  governor  of  New  York,  on  the  25th  day  of  ^larch,  "  the 
sum  of  thirty  shillings  current  money  of  N.  York"  as  quit-rent.  It 
is  directed  that  the  freeholders  shall  elect  annually  twelve  trustees, 
whose  duties  shall  be  confined  to  dis])osiug  of  any  undivided  lands 
within  the  town.  Next  follows  the  provision  that  "  in  the  s''  town 
corporate  there  shall  be  a  body  politick  consisting  of  a  mayor,  six 
alderuien,  aud  six  assistants,  or  common  council,  ...  to  be 
called  and  known  bj'  the  name  of  the  mayor,  aldermen,  and 
commonalty  of  the  borough  aud  town  of  AY.  Chester."  Colonel 
Caleb  Ueathcote  is  api)ointed  a.-^  the  first  major,  with  "  William 
Barns,  Jno.  Stuert,  William  Willett,  Thos.  Baxter,  Josiah  Stuert,  and 
Jno.  Baily,  gents.,"  as  aldermen,  and  ''  Israel  lioneywell,  Kobert  LIus- 
tis,  SanrT  Hustis,  Sam'l  Ferris,  Dauiel  Turner,  and  Miles  Oakley, 
gents.,"  as  assistants.  But  these  offices,  after  the  expiration  of  the 
first  year,  are  declared  to  be  elective,  and  are  to  be  filled  annually  by 
a  majority  vote  of  the  freeholders  on  the  first  Monday  of  May.  Pro- 
vision is  made  for  the  contimmnce  of  the  weekly  market,  and  two 
yearly  fail's  (instead  of  one,  as  previously  provided)  are  to  be  held 
at  Westchester,  the  first  in  Maj'  an<l  the  second  in  October.  Ketail 
liquor  sellers  are  to  be  licensed  at  the  discretion  of  the  mayor,  the 
animal  license  fee  exacted  being  such  sum  of  money  as  the  licensee 
"  shall  agree  for,  not  exceeding  the  sum  of  20s."  Finally  the  "  may- 
or, aldermen,  and  common  council  •'  are  authorized  "  to  return  and 
send  one  discreet  burgess  of  the  s'^  toAvn  and  borough  into  every 
general  assembly  hereafter  to  be  summoned  or  holden  within  this 
our  province  of  N.  Y^'ork." 

Caleb  Ueathcote,  as  mayor,  organized  the  government  of  the  bor- 
ough town  on  the  (5th  of  June,  1096.  In  October  of  that  year  he  pre- 
sented the  corporation  with  an  official  seal.  The  first  representa- 
tive in  the  assembly  was  Josiah  Hunt,  who  served  from  1702  to 
1710.  The  subsequent  representatives  were  Lewis  Morris,  Sr.  (1710- 
2S),  Gilbert  Willett  (1728-32),  Lewis  Morris,  Jr.  (1732-50),  Peter  de 
Lancey  (1750-68),  Lewis  Morris,  3d  (176!)),  John  de  Lancey  (1769-72), 
aud  Isaac  AYilkins  (1772-75) — all  men  of  distinction,  force,  and  influ- 
ential faiuilv  connections.     The  official  stvle  of  "the  Borough  and 

KuniB.  4.S. 

f  HE 

New-York  Gazette 

Front  Sefttntber  26.  to  Monday  Oaobtr  j.   1726. 

A  Liji  of  tht  Nimti  of  the  freferif  Kefrtfenmivcs 
Eleiledand  chafin  by  the  ftverdCttiei  Mid  CoMttties 
in  tkisColonyto  fcFvctn<Jtti^r^:iifiml>in', ' 

For  the  City  4»d  Ctnntj  of  Nc^rYork, 

ADolfh  PbHipfe,  Efq;  Spcaketi-  ' 
Stefhtn  De  Lancij,    Ef(j; 
Capt.  Gerrit  fun  Hsrnt, 
Capt.  Anlhony,  Rmgrifi, 

Tor  th*  Ctty  Mid  Con"!}  <>f  Albany, 
Coll.   Mjnderl  Schaylir,        KyerCcrrttJe,  Efqi 
Capt.  Jaeoi  Clin, 
Capt.  Jeremiah  Ranjlaer, 
Mr.  Robtrt  Li'jingpoti,.  jun. 

Fir  the  County  oj  UlfVir, 
Coll.  Ahrahitm  Gaasbeck^  Chan  bers,  ■ 
Mr.  ailbirt  Piiwling, 

For  Dutchcfs  County, 
Mr.  Henry  BeekntAii, 
Mj*.  JthM^n:/  vMK/ecl^ 

For  the  Burrdugh  ftf  fVefichejltrl 
Coll.  LeWU  Morris. 

"  '^iwthe. County y^-Wefithifiivi    ' 

Coll.  mti*$n  miuty       »  '  '■ 

Wljor  Fredrick^  Phtlipfe. 

For  Queem  Cuintf^ 
Coll.  Ifaac  Htcks, 
Capt.  Btnjmmin  Hicks. 

For  Kmgs  County, 
Coll.   Richard  StiUwett. 
Clpt.   Samuel  Gerrufe; 

For  Sufik.  County, 
Capt.  EpenetHi, 
Mr.  Samuel  Huichmfin^ 

For  Ricijmond Country 
Mr.  Richard  Mcrnt, 
Mr.  ')'!'»  Le  Count. 

For  Orange  County. 
Capf.  LancaBer  Syrru, 
Capt.  Corntdis   H»rtng. 

Which  Rcprcfchtativej  being  convened  tn 
General  Afscmbly,  onthe  l/ih  of  Sefumb.-r  his 
Excellency  thcOovcrnoui  madetho  following 

Speech  to  them,  *»«., 

Ontlemtn  ; 

THE  Choice. which  the  People' of  this 
Jnovince  h«ve  fo  lately  made  of  you  to 
^eprcl'cnt  them,  gives  Mcafrcfh  Op- 
iioreunity  of  knowing  their  Sentiments  and  In- 
«linatiorr,',I.h«in&,ftIway  S  endeavoiircdto  promote 
thculnterctttaihfi  uunpllef  isy^tlity.jhd 

■  it  will  add  to  my  Pleafurc  to  do  it  in  the  manner 
which  the^thcmrdves  (Jtfirc. 
"  AVhcri-you  enquire  into  the  (late  of  theprc- 
ient  Revenue,  I  believe  you  will  find  it  inluffi- 
cicnt  toanlwcrthcuCual  Expcncc  foriheSupport 
of   the    Government.      And    confidcring   the 
tiounfhing  and  Encreafing  Condition  of  the 
Colony,  It  would  be  toiriDiihonour,  as  wcUa* 
Diiadvantage,  to  IciFen  the  Encoumgmient  that' 
has  been  given  to  the  ncccfiary  Officers  ot  the 
Government.     I  depend  on  your  Readinefs  to 
the  bed  of  Kings,  who  has  flicwn,  during  the 
whole  courfc  of  His  Reign,  Thu  tie  confl ant  Em^ 
Btoymem  of  Hts  Thoughts,  and  the  moji  e.ineji  W  iihes  of 
I^ti Heart,  tend u holly  to  t'e  Securingto  His  Subjeat 
thftrjuft  Rights  and  Mvnt.iges.     You  need  noc 
fear  that  any  of  His  Servants  will  dare  to  abufe 
the  Confidence  repofed  in  them,  when  they  muft 
expcft,  that  their  Neglea  of  Duty  or  Abufe  of 
Fruft,  will  draw  upon  them  His  iuft  Difplca- 
lure.  ' 

c  ^^L^"  ^"'^'  ''"'^  ^^^  Supply  laft  provided 
rorrhtWhJng  the  new  Apartments  in  the  Fort, 
has  been  imployed  with  the  utmoft  Frugality ; 
and  I  hope,  that  by  the  fame  Management,  the 
Repairs  of  the  Roof  of  the  Chappel  and  the 
.Barracks,  which  arc  in  a  Condition  entirely 
Ruinous,  will  require  no  very  large  Sum,  tho' 
.ic  IS  plain,  that  the  Charge  of  doing  it  will  cn- 
;crcale  confiderably,  if  it  is  delay'd  sny  longer 
;  than  the  next  Spring,  which  Obliges  Me  to  Re- 
commend it  to  your  Care  at  pref.nt.thatProvifion 
may  be  made  for  fo  prcffing  and  neceflary  a 

I  <nuft  Remind  you,  that  your  Agent  continues 
his  Dib'gence  in  watching  over  the  Interefts  of 
the  Province,  tho'  he  has  rcmam'd  a  long  time 
without  any  Allowance;  fo  generous  a  Condudl-, 
onhis  part,  will  not  fail  of  cngnging  you  to  take 
care  that  his  paft  Services  may  not  go  unrewarded, 
and  that  fo  ultful  a  Perlon  may  be  fixed  in  your 
Service,  and  a  lettled  Provilion  made  for  his 

I  {hall  lay  before  you  my  late  Conferences 
with  the  Six  AW/om,  in  which  I  flatter  my  fclf, 
that  I  have  contributed  not  a  little  to  fix  them  in 
their  Duty  to  His  Majclty,  their  Aftlftion  to 
this  Government,  and  their  juft  Apprchcnfions 
of  the  ill  Dcfigns  of  the  People  of  Canada,  in 
Fortifyingfo  near  to  them  at  ':;.igara.  1  have  lint 
a. fit  Pcrlon  to  refidc  among  the  5rw;.-V  this 
Winter,  -who  ism  t  permuted  to  Ti-adc,  and  will 
thcreljy  ,hav«  thoinorc  weight  and  crtdit  with. 




Town  of  W't'stcliester  "  was  not  aljolislunl  until  1785,  when,  by  a  leg- 
islative act,  it  was  changed  to  "  the  Township  of  Westchester." 

Westchester  borough  was  the  birthphice  in  our  county-  of  the  in- 
stitution of  the  Established  Church  of  England.  On  this  point  Mr. 
Fordham  Morris,  in  his  essay  on  "  The  Borough  Town  of  Westches- 
ter," takes  occasion  to  correct  some  mistaken  popular  impressions. 

Some  (lie  says)  liave  likened  this  aiieieiit  town  to  those  of  Xevv  Englaml  and  Long 
Island,  while  others,  zealous  nieinliers  of  the  Episeopal  Cluireh,  have  tried  to  make  themselves 
and  others  lielieve  that  the  town  was  a  reproduetion  of  an  Knglish  parish  of  the  eighteenth 
eentury,  siieh  as  we  read  of  in  the  Spectator  or  the  tales  of  Fielding'  and  Smollett.  They 
fancy  the  sipiire  in  his  high-baeked  pew,  the  parson  in  his  wig,  gown,  and  surplice,  telling 
the  congregation  its  duty  to  their  Maker,  and  also  as  to  the  titlies,  the  rojal  family,  the 
House  of  Hanover,  and  the  Protestant  succession.  Neither  is  a  correct  similitude.  The 
ofKcials,  though  elected,  were  subject  to  the  governor  s  approval,  and  no  rigid  rule  as  to 
church  membership  prevailed  as  in  the  New  England  towns.  The  town,  not  the  church 
wardens  and  vestry,  attended  to  most  of  the  temporalities,  such  as  highways  and  bridges,  and 
though  the  vestry  levied  the  church  rates,  the  town  built  and  paid  for  the  church,  and  in 
very  late  colonial  times  released  its  interest  in  the  church  projierty  to  the  rector,  church 
wardens,  and  vestry.  Though  the  church  was  supported  partially  by  a  tax,  the  schoolmaster 
was  supported  by  the  borough,  but  until  post-Kevolutionary  times  the  poor  were  a  j)arish 
charge.  Though  an  act  for  settling  orthodox  nuuisters  in  the  province  was  passed  shortly 
after  the  establishment  of  the  English  colonial  system  (for  of  course,  the  English  was  the 
orthodox  church  in  colonial  times),  those  sous  of  Cromwellian  soldiers,  Quaker  refugees,  and 
Iudej)endents  did  not  at  first  take  kindly  to  a  State  church,  and  good  Parson  Bartow 
did  not  eviui  wear  a  surplice.  Many  of  the  people  were  graduall3"  won  over  to  mother  church, 
so  far  as  a  student  can  judge  from  reading  the  good  minister's  letters  to  the  Society  in 
England,  more  by  his  own  loving  kindness  and  self-respect  rather  than  any  inherent  love  those 
hard-working  farmers  had  for  the  Church  of  England.  Besides,  the  Quakers  had  established 
their  meeting-house  in  the  town  almost  as  early  as  the  Church  of  England  edifice  was  erected, 
and  its  graveyard  is  still  to  be  found,  adjoining  the  Episcojial  churchyard,  tliough  the  meeting- 
house and  those  who  were  moved  l)y__tlie  Spirit  within  it  h.ave  loiig^since  departed. 

In  a  previous  chajiter,  in  connection  with  our  account  of  the  foun- 
dation of  the  settlement  of  ^^'estchester,  we  have  reproduced  from 
the  journal  of  one  of  the  Dutch  commissioners  who  visited  the  place 
in  JG5G  a  description  of  the  forms  of  AvorshiiD  then  in  vogue  there, 
from  which  it  appears  that  there  was  no  ofticiatiag  clergyman,  and 
that  the  exercises  were  cimducted  in  homely  fashion.  Not  until 
1G84  was  any  formal  measure  taken  to  procure  a  minister.  It  was 
then  voted  in  town  meeting  (April  2)  "  that  the  Justices  and  Vestry- 
men of  Westchester,  Eastchester,  and  Yonckers  do  accept  of  Mr.  War- 
ham  Mather  as  our  minister  for  one  whole  year;  and  that  he  shall 
have  sixty  pound,  in  country  produce  at  moiu'y  price,  for  his  salary, 
and  that  he  shall  be  paid  every  quarter."  Apparently  the  arrange- 
ment was  not  effected,  or  at  least  did  not  endure  for  long;  for  in 
1G92  the  town  voted  that  "there  shall  be  an  orthodox  minister,  as 
soon  as  jiossible  may  be,"  and  requested  ("olonel  Caleb  Ueathcote,  "  in 
his  travels  in  New  England,"  to  procure  one. 

Septeiuber  21,  1G93,  the  provincial  assembly  of  New  York  passed 
an  ecclesiastical  act,  under  which  Westchester  County  was  divided 


into  two  imi'islios,  Westchester  aud  JJyc,  tlie  former  to  iiicliiile  the 
ToAvus  of  Westchester,  Eastchester,  and  Yonkers,  aud  the  Manor  of 
Pelhani,  and  llie  hitter  the  Towns  of  Rye,  Mainaroneck,  and  Bedford. 
Westchester  was  required  to  raise  £50  yearly'  for  the  minister's  sup- 
port, and  to  elect  on  the  second  Tuesday  of  January  ten  vestrymen 
and  two  churcli  wardens.  In  lODo  the  Kev.  Warham  Mather  was 
ongaged  as  the  Church  of  Enghind  chn'g^'uian  at  Westchester.  He 
was  succeeded  in  1702  by  the  Kev.  John  Barto^-,  a  missionary  of  the 
Venerable  Society  for  the  I'ropagation  of  the  (iospel,  newly  arrived 
from  England,  who  continued  to  ohiciate  until  his  death,  in  172G.  He 
was  a  man  of  excellent  learning  and  high  character,  aud  his  letters 
(of  which  nuuierous  ones  are  reproduced  by  Bolton)  are  of  much  in- 
terest to  students  of  the  early  conditions  in  Westchester  County. 
The  orthodox  church  at  Westchester  was  formally  chartered  under 
the  name  of  Saint  Peter's  by  Lieutenant-Governor  Clai'ke  in  1762. 

Eastchester,  incorporated  in  the  parish  of  Westchester  by  the  act 
of  1693,  was  made  a  separate  parish  in  1700.  From  early  times 
Eastchester  parish  was  known  as  Saint  Paul's.  To  this  day  the 
Westchester  and  Eastchester  Episcopalian  churches  preserve  their 
original  names  of  Saint  Peter's  and  Saint  Paul's,  respectively.  The 
preseut  Saint  Peter's  Church  edifice  in  Westchester  village  is  en- 
tii-ely  modern,  but  Saint  Paul's  in  Eastchester  dates  from  ai)out  1764, 
and  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  of  the  old-time  structures  in  our 

This  is  uot  the  connection,  however,  in  which  to  relate  the  church 
history-  of  Westchester  County,  or  even  to  note  with  particularity 
the  local  facts  of  church  ami  religious  concerns  in  the  Town  of  West- 
chester aud  its  associate<l  localities,  interesting  though  those  facts 
are.  We  are  occupied  with  tlie  general  story  of  Westchester  County 
on  broad  lines.  It  has  been  lifting  to  intercept  our  general  narra- 
ti\e  for  a  glance  at  the  borough  Town  of  Westchester,  whose  creation 
constitutes  one  of  the  essential  phases  of  the  general  history  of  the 
county.  Having  discharged  this  duty  in  as  succinct  a  manner  as 
possible,  we  now  proceed  with  the  broader  narrative. 

The  local  history  of  Westchester  County  from  the  beginning  of 
the  eighteenth  century  to  the  Bevolutiou  involves  nothing  remark- 
able, aside  from  the  aspects  of  the  peculiar  character  from  the  first 
assumed  by  the  county  wliicli  iiave  been  described  in  our  account  of 
the  (U'igin  au<l  erection  of  tlie  great  manorial  estates.  Following 
the  lines  of  development  naturalh'  resulting  from  its  selection  as  the 
seat  of  wealth^'  and  influential  landed  proprietors,  Westchester 
County  very  soon  took  a  prominent  ])osition  on  this  account,  and, 
through  the  powerful  aiul  distinguished  men  whose  homes  aud  in- 


terests  were  within  its  boi-dcrs,  cxci'tcd  iiii  intiuciHc  of  tlic  lirsl  iiii- 
portaijce,  both  upon  cuiTcnt  i)ul)lic  alTiiirs  and  in  I  he  shaping  of 
issues  and  conditions  wliieli  were  to  lead  lo  ui-and  events.  Tlie  liis- 
lor.v  of  ^^'esl(•llester  County,  as  a  oonnly,  diirin;n  lliis  i)eriod,  is  one 
of  steady  and  reputable  growth,  but  is  not  specially  distinguishable 
from  that  of  other  rural  New  York  counties.  No  large  towns  were 
built  up,  and  aside  from  jiolilical  contests  nothing  of  exciting  in- 
terest or  unusual  significance  transpired  lo  attract  general  atten- 
tion to  the  county  or  to  become  memorable  in  a  large  way.  Tlie 
liurely  inlernal  history  of  Weslchester  County  for  three-(|uarlers  of 
a  ceiidiry  following  (lie  (•om]>ai-ali\'e  coniiilcl  ion  of  iis  settlement 
comprelicnds,  indeed,  not  hing  more  limn  I  he  ordinary  (dii'oiucles  of  a 
(cw  scattered  communities  and  of  a  nnxed  laud-owning  and  farming 
po|iulalion,  li\ing  togellicr  in  cii'cnmstances  of  good  nndcrsianding 
and  of  jdeasing  though  (piite  une\cntfiil  prospei-it_\-  and  ]>rogi-css.  It 
is  in  the  general  historical  associations  attacliing  to  the  cai-eers  of 
i'epres(-n(ative  Westchestei' men  that  tliebi-oad  interest  of  onr  coun- 
ty's story  u])  to  1  he  e\cnts  antecedent  to  I  he  Ke\olut  ion  is  found. 

CllAl'TEK    XII 


iBi/^"'  ■■■-..   ■  '■ 

HE  estate  of  ^lorrisiniin,  cstaldislied  by  ( "olojicl  J^-wis  Morris, 
of  the  island  of  Uarbadix-s,  upou  the  fouudatious  of  the  ohl 
I  )utch  Brouxland  grant — an  estate  consisting  of  nearly  two 
thousand  acres, — was  inherited  at  the  colonel's  dealh,  in 
1(J!)1,  by  his  neijhew,  Lewis,  who  at  that  time  had  just  come  of  age. 
^'onug  Lewis  Morris  as  a  boy  was  of  a  vivacious  and  somewhat  way- 
ward disposition,  and,  tiring  of  the  Innndrum  life  in  the  home  of  his, 
um  Ic,  ii  stei-u  old  Covenanter  and  rigid  (^nakei-,  ran  away  and  roiimed 
iiltout  in  the  world  until  his  craving  for  ii  more  animated  existence 
liad  been  pretty  well  gratihid.  He  first  went  to  Virginin,  ;ui(l  then 
to  -laiiiaica,  trying  to  support  himscdf  as  a  (copyist  and  in  other  ways, 
and  finally  returned,  tractable  enough,  to  his  uncle's  roof.  The  old 
gentleman  ]iot  only  granted  him  full  j)ar(lon,  but  i)romptly  to(d<  an 
interest  in  procuring  a  suitable  wife  for  him,  with  the  result  that,  in 
November,  1G91,  he  received  the  hand  of  Isabella,  daughter  of  James 
(iraham,  Esq.,  attorney-general  and  one  of  the  ](rincipal  men  of  the 
province.  Being  his  uncle's  s(de  heir,  lie  inherited  not  only  the  Mor- 
risania  estate,  but  the  large  tract  of  land  which  ('(donel  .Morris  had 
bought  in  Monmouth  Tounty,  N.  J.  Turning  his  attention  to  the 
interests  of  the  latter  pi-operty,  he  took  up  his  residence  on  that 
jiortion  of  it  call  Tintern.  Here,  it  is  said,  was  established  the  first 
iron  mill  in  this  country.  He  at  once  took  an  active  part  in  i)ublic 
affairs  in  New  Jersey.  In  1092  lie  was  appointed  a  judge  of  the 
Court  of  Common  Kight  in  East  Jersey,  and  he  also  became  a  mem- 
ber of  the  council  of  Governor  Hamilton.  He  did  not,  however,  neg- 
lect his  proiK'rty  in  NeAV  York.  Following  the  example  of  other  large 
land-owners,  he  had  his  'Westchester  County  estate  erected  into  the 
"Loi'dsliip  or  Manor  of  Morrisania."  This  was  done  by  letters  patent 
granted  to  him  on  the  Sth  of  May,  l(i!)7,  by  Covernor  Fletcher,  where- 
in authority  was  given  him  and  his  successors  to  hold  a  court  leet 
and  court  baron,  to  exercise  jurisdiction  over  all  waifs,  estrays, 
wrecks,  deodands,  goods,  or  felons  hap[H'ning  and  being  within  the 


luauor  limits,  and  to  t'lijoy  tlie  advowson  and  right  of  patronage  over 
all  churches  in  the  manor.  It  aa^rs  a  considerable  time,  however,  be 
fore  the  Manor  of  Morrisania  became'  lariicly  tcnianted.  At  the  census 
of  1712  its  ])opulation  was  only  sixty-tAAo.  This  Avas  probably  due  in 
part  to  the  preference  manifested  by  its  young  lord,  during  the  first 
years  of  his  proprietorship,  for  residence  and  political  activity  in  NeAV 
Jersey,  and  in  part  to  his  disinclination  during  that  period  to  take 
any  particularly  vigorous  measures  toAvard  tenanting  its  lands.  It 
Avas  not  until  1710  that  Lewis  Morris  was  first  elected  to  represent 
Westchester  Borough  in  the  general  assembly  of  New  York. 

A  man  of  ardent  teiuperament,  fine  talents,  high  ambitions,  and 
abundant  Avealth,  and  one  of  the  new-fiedged  manorial  "lords"  of 
the  province,  it  A\ould  not  have  been  surprising  it  Morris  had  from 
the  beginning  of  his  career  associated  himself  with  the  ultra-aristo- 
cratic party  and  liad  uniformly  confined  his  sympathies  and  activities 
to  th(>  aristocratic  sphere.  There  were  feAV  encouragements  in  those 
times  for  (he  development  of  independent  and  lofty  civic  character. 
All  high  positions  Avere  appointive,  depending  upon  the  faA'or  of  the 
royal  go\ernor,  who  was  as  likely  as  not  to  be  a  man  utterly  cor- 
r-upt,  mercenary,  and  unscrupulous.  But  from  an  early  period  of  his 
public  life,  ^Morris  disiilayed  a  bold  and  aggressive  spirit,  and  an  espe- 
cial contempt  for  consequences  Avhen,  in  his  judgment,  opposition  to 
the  acts  of  the  governors  became  a  matter  of  duty.  The  sou  of  a  cap- 
tain iu  CroniAvell's  army,  and  reared  from  infancy  by  an  uncle  who 
had  fought  Avith  distinction  on  the  same  side  and  Avho  was  charac- 
terized by  particularly  inflexible  personal  conscientiousness,  his  birth 
and  training  gave  him,  moreover,  instiucis  of  vigorous  hostility  to 
arrogaut  and  sellish  despotism.  It  can  not  be  doubted  that  this  latter 
element  of  his  character  Avas  the  cliief  contributing  influence  Avhich 
led  him,  at  the  zenith  of  his  career,  to  sacrifice  his  elevated  position 
and  stake  his  entire  reputation  in  the  cause  of  righteous  resistance 
to  official  tyranny,  an  act  whicli,  as  Ave  shall  presently  see,  was  the 
occasion  of  the  first  grand  assertion  of  the  principle  of  American 

After  the  appointment  of  Jeremiah  Basse  as  governor  of  New  Jer- 
sey, in  1698,  Morris  Avas  one  of  the  principal  leaders  of  the  party 
which  refused  to  acknowledge  his  authority.  lie  was  in  consequence 
expelled  from  the  council  and  fined  £50  for  contempt.  In  1700,  when 
Hamilton  was  again  made  governor  of  Ncav  Jersey,  Morris  Avas  ap- 
pointed president  of  the  council.  In  this  po.sition  he  strongly  adA'o- 
cated  the  surrender  of  the  proprietary  government  of  New  Jersey  to 
the  crown,  persuaded  the  Ncav  Jersey  x>i'oprietors  to  lend  their  co- 
operation to  the  project,  and  Avent  to  England  to  urge  the  reform 

THE    ELECTION    OF    1733 


iijxiii  I  lie  (jiK^'n.  Ilis  proposals  were  received  with  favor,  and  he  was 
nominated  for  the  Jioveruorshli)  of  New  Jersey  nn(h'r  the  new  ar- 
r;nii;enient;  but  as  it  was  finally  decided  to  appoint  a  singl(>  <fov- 
criior  for  the  two  provinces  of  New  York  and  New  Jersey,  Lord 
Cornbnry,  a  cousin  of  (^ueen  Anne,  being  chosen  for  that  post,  Mor- 
ris's appointment  was  not  confirmed.  He  was,  however,  placed  in 
I  lie  ((iiincil.  This  was  in  1703.  As  one  of  Gornbury's  councilors  he 
made  an  honorable  record  of  uncompromising'  antagonism  to  that 
iiKist  cori'uitt,  tyrannical,  and  villainous  of  New  York's  colonial  gov- 
ernors. Smith,  the  Tory  historian  of  New  York — certainly  not  a 
]ii'eju(lic('(l  authority  in  this  particular  connection, — says  of  Lord 
( 'ornbury :  ''  We  never  had  a  governor  so  universally  detested,  nor  any 
who  so  richly  deserved  the  public 
abhorrence.  In  spite  of  his  noble  de- 
scent, his  behavior  was  trifling, 
mean,  and  extravagant.  It  was  not 
uncommon  for  him  to  dress  in  a 
wcman's  habit,  and  then  to  ]iati'ol 
I  lie  fori  in  which  he  lived.  Such 
Iri'uks  of  low  hiimor  exposed  him  to 
I  he  univevsal  contempt  of  th<'  whole 
j)eo])lc.  Their  indignation  was  kin- 
dled by  his  despotic  rule,  savage  big 
otry,  insatiable  avarice,  and  injus 
lice,  iiol  only  to  the  public,  but  even 
to  his  private  creditors."  In  brief, 
be  ])lun(lered  the  public  treasni'y, 
convei'ted  subscription  funds  to  his 
personal  uses,  and  borrowed  sums 
riglil  and  left,  which  he  coolly  re- 
])udiale(l.     After  his  removal  from 

the  ollice  of  governor  he  was  arrested  and  imprisoned  for  debt  in 
New  York;  but  by  the  death  of  his  father,  the  Karl  of  Clarendon,  he 
became  a  member  of  the  House  of  Jjords,  a  dignity  which  carrh'd 
with  it  exemi^tion  from  being  held  for  debt,  whereof  he  took  advan- 
tage to  decamp  without  settling  with  his  creditors.  IMorris,  as  a 
member  of  the  council,  became  at  once  a  thorn  in  Cornbury's  si(k'. 
The  governor  removed  liini  in  17(14.  l!y  order  of  Queen  Anne  he 
was  reinstated  the  next  year,  only  to  be  again  and  i)ermanently  dis- 
nussed  by  Coi-nburv.  He  then,  as  a  member  of  the  New  Jersey  leg- 
islature, ])nt  himself,  witli  (lordon  and  Jennings,  at  the  heail  of  tiie 
liarly  that  sought  to  drive  Cornbnry  from  oflh-e.  To  this  end  resolu- 
lions  were  passed  detailing  the  evils  and  infamies  of  his  administra- 


238  inSTOItV    01'    WESTCHESTER   COUNTY 

tioii,  which  were  sent  to  En^liiml  mid  resulted  in  Cornbury's  recall 
(1708).  Durinj;  tlie  brief  nde  of  I.oi-d  Lovelace,  Morris  again  sat  in 
the  coiuK-il ;  but  under  L()\elace"s  siiceessor,  Ini;f)l(lsby,  he  was  once 
more  suspended  because  of  personal  unacceptability  to  tlie  executive. 

l'"'inaily,  in  1710,  a  governor  was  sent  over  witli  wlioni  Morris  was 
able  to  establish  the  most  satisfactory  relations,  lioth  official  and 
personal — tlie  noted  (Jeiieral  l{obert  Hunter.  His  arrival  is  memora- 
ble ill  New  York  iirovincial  ;iiiii;ils  because  of  the  great  Palatinate 
iiiiiiiigration  fif  whicli  it  marked  (lie  beginning.  Some  three  thou- 
sand I'alatinatcs — refugees  from  the  Palatine  or  Pfalz  provinces  of 
Germany,  wiiom  continual  wars  and  religious  persecutions  had  driven 
from  their  homes — sailed  witli  Cbivernor  Hunter  from  Plymouth,  Eng- 
land. The  vessels  bearing  tiieni  were  separated  by  terrible  siorms  at 
sea,  and  hundreds  of  the  immigrants  died  before  port  was  reached. 
These  Palatine  immigrants  and  their  countrymi-n  who  followed  them 
Ave»re  distributed  mainly  among  the  central  and  upjier  Hudson  Piver 
counties — Orange,  Ulster,  and  Dutchess — and  throughout  the  Mo- 
hawk Valley.  But  very  many  of  them  naturally  remained  in  New 
York  City,  and  from  there  gradually  made  their  way  into  the  sur- 
rounding country.  Individual  Palatine  families  sought  homes  from 
time  to  time  in  Westchester  County,  but  our  county  was  not  one  of 
the  chosen  places  of  colonization  for  these  people,  and  no  Palatinate 
settlements  were  established  here. 

Hunter  was  an  entirely  different  manner  of  man  from  the  gover- 
nors who  preceded  him.  He  boasted  no  dazzling  ancestry.  As  a 
lad  he  was  apprenticed  to  an  apothecary,  but  left  that  employment 
to  enter  the  army,  as  a  private,  without  either  money  or  influence. 
Possessing  marked  natural  abilities,  he  soon  attracted  the  attention 
of  his  superiors,  and  was  steadily  promoted  until  he  attained  the 
rank  of  brigadier-general.  He  associated  and  corresponded  on  terms 
of  intimacy  with  the  celebrated  literary  characters  of  that  sparkling 
age,  and,  although  not  himself  a  man  of  great  pretensions,  had  very 
excellent  parts,  especially  "  a  pleasant  wit,  and  was  never  more 
happy  in  his  sallies,  as  he  wrote  to  his  fi-iend  Dean  Swift,  than  when 
he  was  most  annoyed."  Tn  Lewis  Morris  he  found  a  congenial  soul. 
The  two  collaborated  in  the  composition  of  a  farce  entitled  "  Andro- 
borus,"  which  hit  off  the  peculiarities  of  some  of  their  opponents  in 
a  lively  fashion.  Morris  was  iiromptly  installed  by  Hunter  as  presi- 
dent of  the  council.  Tt  was  in  1710,  the  year  of  Hunter's  assumption 
of  the  governorship,  that  he  entered  the  New  York  assembly  as  a 
delegate  from  the  borough  Town  of  Westchester,  and  in  that  body 
he  at  once  became  a  zealous  supporter  of  the  governor.  Tn  this 
chiiiiipionship  he  strongly  ojiposed  the  jiopular  party,  which  resisted 




^'m^  yj'do  c/ar^^:i^^ /^a/'Ti^  i^£^^  fPrr-^icci  /'t:^^>/^/^£/s^^ 

U/>ff7?  £wue^Aie/%M&ymQ  yiUey0/Cy^inac<f Inland  trc/^^  93a7m.  c^f^mmeif/l^i 


^ani)  ^^gar^U<^d/j^^nc£/^  '^^aj&z^'^'Tia  ^jiprm  7?6t/ 

;  /^eift/t;'  a:^^c^^  olni*^^  ^/aSm/r^£^^^^^Oir7c^/re^  a^^^^O/re'/^Ji/ci 

•^^^zdd  dY//&  7?ame/i:Hi'.  ^imie^^e^ff^  ^/^u^c^an^  Ufi&Jii^h^nq.  cf 

^/^,£mie^ii'C7V^  C(ji^oiZtm2^  ^eiu-'oca^iy7  ^enJde^^'OJihT;  <7p' ^-ire/ 





THE    ELECTION    OF    1733  239 

the  governor's  desire  for  the  grantinj!:  of  supplies  in  bulk  and  for  a 
mimber  of  years  at  once,  and  "insislcd  iijxm  granting  supplit-s  of 
money  only  from  year  to  year,  and  with  applications  specified,  thus 
fixing  the  salaries  for  governor  and  other  officials  only  per  annum  and 
by  name,  so  that  obnoxious  persons  were  in  danger  of  being  left  nn- 
paiil."  The  issue  was  a  radical  one,  and  gave  rise  to  strong  feeling 
on  both  sides.  It  is  a  curious  fact  that  Lewis  Morris,  whose  chief 
claim  to  remembrance  is  his  identification  with  the  great  popular 
agitation  of  a  later  period,  whereof,  indeed,  he  was  one  of  the  heroes, 
was,  in  this  early  controversy  between  the  "  Court  party  "  and  the 
people,  the  mainstay  of  the  former.  Moreover,  the  warmth  of  his 
advocacy  of  the  governor's  cause  was  such  that,  on  account  of  violent 
language  in  the  course  of  debate,  he  was  expelled  from  the  assem- 
bly. He  was  thereupon  re-elected  to  his  seat  by  his  Westchester  con- 

Morris  was  appointed  to  the  office  of  chief  justice  of  New  York  by 
Governor  ITunter  on  the  13th  of  March,  1715.  He  still  continued  to 
sit  for  Westchester  Borough  in  the  assembly,  and  did  not  retire  from 
that  body  until  1728.  His  Westchester  County  colleagues  in  the 
assembly  during  his  eighteen  years  of  service  for  the  borough  from 
1710  to  172S  were  Joseph  Budd,  Joseph  Drake,  John  Hoite,  Josiah 
Hunt,  Jonathan  Odell,  Edmund  Ward,  William  Willet,  Frederick 
Philipse,  2d,  and  Adolph  Philipse.  As  chief  justice  he  served  unin- 
terruptedly until  August  21,  1733,  when,  on  account  of  his  attitude 
in  the  Van  Dam  case,  he  was  removed  by  Governor  Cosby,  and  James 
de  Lancey,  the  son-in-law  of  Caleb  Heathcote,  of  Scarsdale  Manor, 
was  named  in  his  stead. 

Tlie  affairs  of  the  ProA'incf>  of  New  Y(n'k  moved  along  smoothly 
enough,  exceptinj::  for  the  differences  between  the  assembly  and  th" 
executive,  from  the  time  of  Hunter's  appointment  as  governor,  in 
1710,  until  the  arrival  of  Cosby,  in  .\ugust.  1732.  Hunter  T\as  suc- 
ceeded by  Williaui  Burnet,  also  a  highly  polished  and  amiable  man, 
with  M'hom  ^forris  sustained  relations  quite  as  friendly  and  agree- 
able as  with  Hunter.  Burnet  was  followed  by  Colonel  John  IMout- 
gomerie,  remembered  as  the  grantor  of  the  Monttromerie  Charter  of 
New  York  City,  who  died  suddenly  on  the  1st  of  .July,  1731,  a  victim, 
as  is  supposed,  of  a  smallpox  epidemic  then  raging. 

.\t  the  head  of  ^rontgomerie's  council,  occupying  that  position  by 
virtue  of  his  long  service  as  a  councilor,  coverimj-  a  period  of  twenty- 
nine  years,  was  an  old  and  very  resyiected  New  "^'ork  mei'chant,  Rij) 
Y;in  T);im.  He  was,  as  his  name  indicates,  a  thorough  Dutchman, 
and  wiis  a  ty]ucal  representative  of  the  t1irif(y  and  solid  Dutch 
trading-class,   who,  not\\i(hstandiug  the  English  conquest  and  the 



chanjiC'S  bvmiiilit  about  by  it,  bad  ucver  ceased  to  enjoy  the  highest 
staudiiiji'  iu  the  commuuity  and  to  share  in  tlie  government  of  the 
city  and  province.  A  native  American  (having  been  born  in  Albany), 
he  was  an  entirely  self-made  man,  modest,  honest,  and  public  spirited. 
It  also  stood  to  his  credit  that  he  was  the  father  of  a  family  of  fifteen 
childi'en.*  Ponding  the  selection  of  a  new  governor  by  the  appointive 
power  in  England,  Van  Dam,  in  his  cai^acity  of  president  of  the  coun- 
cil, became  vested  Avith  the  authority  of  acting  chief  magistrate. 
None  of  the  complicated  circumstances  attending  the  like  eleva- 
tion of  the  unfortunate  Leisler  forty  years  before  existed  at  this  time. 
The  regularity  of  his  official  succession  was  beyond  question,  no  fac- 
tional controversy  of  any  sort  resulted  from  it,  and,  indeed,  the  whole 

public  viewed  Avith  satisfaction  the  tem- 
porary exercise  of  power  by  a  native  cit- 
izen of  so  much  respectability. 

The  citizen-governor  continiied  to  ad- 
minister affairs  for  thirteen  months,  duly 
turning  over  the  office  to  his  chosen  suc- 
cessor, William  Cosby,  in  the  month  of 
August,  1732.  This  Cosby  was  another 
Corn1)nry — narrow,  vain,  avaricious,  un- 
l  principled,  contemptible,  and  tyrannical. 
Tie  had  previously  been  governor  of  the 
Island  of  Minorca,  using  the  opportuni- 
ties of  that  position  to  promote  his 
private  financial  interests.  After  his 
apiioiuiment  as  governor  of  New  York, 
while  still  in  England,  he  had  been  paid 
fees  and  perquisites  amounting  to  sev- 
eral thousand  pounds  as  his  due,  al- 
though he  had  not  yet  begun  to  perform  the  functions  of  the  place. 
From  Van  Dam's  accounts  he  found,  to  his  great  disgust,  that  the  pro 
tempore  governor  had  drawn  and  pocketeil  the  entire  salary  belong- 
ing to  the  position  during  the  thirteen  mouths  of  his  occupancy  of 
it.  Such  ridiculous  conduct  on  the  part  of  a  mere  acting  governor, 
who  was  only  a  plain,  merchandizing  citizen  and  Dutchman,  could 
not  be  submitted  to  by  the  sensitive  Cosby.  He  demanded  that  Kip 
Van  Dam  should  deliver  over  to  him  one-half  of  the  salary  thus  taken. 
Van  Dam  shrewdly  responded  tlint  he  would  cheerfully  do  so  if  Cosby 
Avould,  on  his  part,  relinquish  half  the  fees  that  had  been  paid  him 


1  One  of  his  sons,  Rip  Van  D.nm,  .7r..  iiiar- 
riod  Jurtith  nny.ird,  !i  grantldaugliter  of  Sfcpli- 
anus  Van  Cortlandt.  Tliis  couple  had  a  daugh- 
ter,   Margaret    Van    Dam,    who    married    Will- 

iam Coclu-oft,  of  New  York  Cit.T,  whose 
lirollier  .Tames  was  tlie  aneestor  of  the  present 
Coeiiroft  famiiy  of  Sing  Sing. 

THE    ELECTION    OK    1733  241 

for  the  same  [tcriod.  Cosby  scornfully  rcfuscMl  lo  Jislcii  to  so  iiiipii- 
(Iciil  a  proposal,  and  Van  Dam  stubbornly  declined  lo  accept  any 
less  e(|uitable  terms.  This  unseemly  disjiute  over  a  jiallry  matler  of 
salary  led  to  oflicial  ]iroceedin|L;s  of  tlie  most  jjcciiliar  and  arhilrary 
nature,  wliiidi  aroused  the  ])eople  to  stronjj,-  resentment,  and  out  of 
wliich  was  developed  a  question  of  ]io])ular  light  as  fumlameidal  and 
\veit;hty  as  any  that  ever  came  up  for  decision  in  c(donial  times. 

Governor  Cosby,  still  determined  to  wrino-  the  money  from  the  ob- 
stinate Van  Dam,  was  now  compelled  to  resort  to  the  forms  of  law 
to  com])ass  tiiat  eml.  Not  content  to  leave  the  case  to  the  decision 
of  the  ordinary  courts  of  the  i)rovince,  he  ju'occ'eded  to  erect  a  Courl 
of  Chancery  foi'  its  trial.  E(piity  courts,  of  which  tlie  no^crnoi-  was 
r.r  officio  chanccdlor,  had  always  been  extremely  distasteful  to  the 
people,  and  beini;  constituted  liy  the  exclusiAc  act  of  the  executive, 
witlii>ut  the  consent  of  the  leiiislatuT-e,  wei-e,  according  to  the  best 
legal  o|iinion,  tribunals  of  at  least  doubtful  authority.  The  assump- 
tion of  the  powers  of  chancellor  by  former  governors  had  given  rise 
to  intense  jxijuilai-  discontent,  and  the  more  intelligent  predecessors 
of  Cosby  had  shrunk  from  attempting  to  exercise  them,  except  quite 
sparingly.  But  Cosby  recognized  no  such  scruples  of  prudence.  He 
designated  three  of  the  Supreme  Court  judges — Chief  Justici-  ^forris, 
Frederick  I'hiliiise,  and  James  de  l^ancey — as  <'quity  judges  to  act  in 
the  Van  Dam  prosecution,  stopping  short  only  of  the  extreme  meas- 
ure of  personally  sitting  at  the  head  of  the  coui-t  as  chancellor.  Van 
Dam's  counsid,  ^^■illiam  Smith  "the  elder,"  and  James  Alexander, 
when  the  cause  came  up,  boldly  denied  the  legality  of  the  court, 
maintaining  that  the  governor  and  council  were  utterly  without 
power  to  organize  such  a  body.  To  the  great  astonishment  of  Judges 
l'liili]ise  and  de  Lancey,  Chief  Justice  Morris  at  once  held  with 
Smith  and  Alexander,  and,  on  the  ground  that  the  Equity  Court  was 
a  tribu7ial  of  irregular  creation,  delivered  a  decision  in  favor  of  Van 
Dam.  This,  of  course,  brought  matters  to  a  crisis.  Cosby,  incensed 
at  tlie  act  of  the  chief  justice,  wrote  to  him  in  decidedly  discourteous 
terms,  re(]uesting  a  copy  of  his  opinion.  IMorris,  in  transmitting  the 
document  to  him,  accompanied  it  with  a  communication  couched  in 
strong  but  dignified  language.  "This,  sir,"  he  wrote,  "is  a  copy  of 
the  paper  1  read  in  court.  I  have  no  reason  to  expect  that  it  or 
anything  that  I  can  say  will  be  at  all  grateful  or  have  any  weight 
with  your  Excellency,  after  the  answer  I  received  to  a  message  T 
did  myself  the  hoTior  to  send  you,  concerning  an  ordinance  you  were 
about  to  make  for  establishing  a  Court  of  l']quity  in  the  Supreme 
Court  as  being  in  my  opinion  contrary  to  law,  which  T  begged  might 
be  delaved  till   T  could   be  heard   on   that  head.     T  thought    mvself 



well  ill  the  <lnry  of  my  oflicc  in  sending  this  iue8sa;j,(',  aud  iiopc  I 
(jo  not  flatter  nivsclf  in  tliiiii<in.u-  I  shall  be  justified  in  it  bj  your 
sn])erl(>i-s,  as  well  as  mine.  The  answer  yonr  EKcellenry  was  pleased 
to  send  me  was,  that  I  need  not  liive  myself  any  trouble  about  that 
affair,  that  you  would  neither  receive  a  visit  nor  any  message  from 
me,  that  you  would  neither  ndy  upon  my  integi-ity  nor  depend  on 
my  judgment,  that  you  thoufiht  me  a  person  not  at  all  fit  to  be  trusted 
with  any  concerns  relating  to  the  king,  that  ever  since  your  coming 
to  the  government  I  had  treated  you  both  as  to  your  person  and  as 
the  king's  representative  with  slight,  rudeness,  and  impertinence; 
that  you  did  not  desire  to  hear  or  see  anything  further  of  me."  De- 
fending himself  against  the  various  charges  and  intimations  made 
by  the  governor,  he  reminds  his  excellency  that  "  if  judges  can  be  so 

intimidated  as  not  to  dare  to  give 
any  opinion  but  what  is  pleasing 
to  a  governor  and  agreeable  to 
his  private  views,"  the  people  of 
the  province  must  suffer  in  for- 
tune or  even  life.  In  relation  to 
the  accusation  of  inattention  or 
Avant  of  politeness,  and  other 
IK'vsonal  matters,  he  adds  these 
]iointed  words:  "If  a  bow  awk- 
wardly made,  or  anj^thing  of  that 
kind,  or  some  defect  in  ceremo- 
nial in  addressing  j'ou,  has  occa- 
sioned that  remark,  I  beg  it  may 
be  attributed  to  want  of  courtly 
education,  or  to  anything  else 
'}  rather  than  to  want  of  respect  to 
his  Majesty's  representative.  As 
to  my  integrity,  I  have  given  you 
no  occasion  to  call  it  in  question. 
^^  ^  I   have   been   in   office   almost 

twenty  years.  My  hands  were 
never  soiled  with  a  bribe,  iioi-  am  I  conscious  to  myself  that  power 
or  ]»overty  hath  been  able  to  induce  me  to  be  partial  in  favor  of 
eithei-  of  them;  and  as  I  have  no  reason  to  expect  any  favor  from 
you,  so  1  am  neither  afraid  nor  ashamed  to  stand  the  test  of  the 
strictest  inquiry  you  can  make  concerning  my  conduct.  I  have  served 
the  public  faithfully  and  honestly,  according  to  the  best  of  my  knowl- 
ed're,  and  I  dare  and  do  appeal  to  it  for  my  justification."  Cosby, 
without  cercmonv,  now  deinivcd  ^lorris  of  his  office  bv  handing  to 



THK    ELECTION    OF    1733  243 

the  yt)uug  James  de  Lancey  a  notice  of  his  appointment  as  chief 

.Mt)iTis  Avas  removed  from  tlie  chief  justiceship  on  the  21st  of  Au- 
i-ust,  1733.  Five  years  previously  he  had  terminated  his  Umg  service 
in  the  New  York  assembly.  Thus,  after  more  than  forty  years  of 
connection  with  public  affairs,  interrupted  only  by  brief  suspen- 
sions from  office  during  his  early  career,  he  was  now  retired  to  pri- 
vate life.  From  the  be^iuninfij  of  Cosby's  arbitrary  proceedings  in 
the  Van  Dam  matter,  the  indignation  of  the  people  had  been  power- 
fully stirred.  Always  opposed  to  the  institution  of  the  Court  of  Chan- 
cery, the  extemporization  of  that  tribunal  by  Cosby  for  the  special 
purpose  of  procuring  a  judgment  in  his  own  favor  was  an  outrage 
deeply  offensive  to  their  sense  of  decency  and  right;  and  the  rude 
expulsion  of  Chief  Justice  Morris  from  the  bench,  because  of  his  un- 
willingness to  be  a  party  to  such  a  flagrant  transaction,  was,  in 
their  eyes,  a  deliberate  and  insolent  attempt  at  despotic  power.  Mor- 
ris was  universally  regarded  as  a  victim  of  official  tyranny,  and  the 
people  were  not  slow  to  find  in  his  personality  a  rallying  point  for 
the  effective  expression  of  their  feeling.  He  was  urged  to  stand  as 
a  candidate  for  the  assembly  at  the  coming  election,  a  demand  to 
which  he  willingly  acceded,  offering  himself  for  the  suffrages  of  the 
electors  of  Westchester  County,  William  Willet,  one  of  the  members 
for  the  county,  having  retired  in  his  favor.  The  other  representa- 
tive of  the  county  at  that  time  was  Frederick  Philipse.  Lewis  Morris, 
Jr.,  son  of  the  chief  justice,  had  been  elected  the  preceding  year  to 
sit  for  the  Borough  of  Westchester. 

The  resulting  election,  held  on  the  29th  of  October,  on  "  the  (xreen  " 
at  the  Town  of  Eastchester,  was  probably  the  most  notable  one  in 
the  whole  colonial  history  of  Westchester  County.  The  elaborate  and 
trraphic  description  of  it,  published  in  the  first  number  of  the  famous 
Xew  York  WnTclji  Jnurnnl,  November  5,  1733,  is  undoubtedly  familiar 
to  many  of  our  readers,  having  been  frequently  reproduced.  This 
description  gives,  however,  so  interesting  a  picture  of  the  political 
customs  of  the  times,  and,  in  its  entirety,  is  so  pertinent  to  our  nar- 
rative, that  we  copy  it  here  withoxit  abridgment: 

October  29,  1 1^^. 
On  this  day,  Lewis  Morris,  Ksq.,  late  Chief  'tice  of  this  Province,  was  by  a  majority 
of  voices  elected  a  Representative  from  the  Coiinty  of  Westchester.  It  was  an  Election  of 
great  Expectation :  the  Court  and  the  County's  interest  'was  exerted*'(as  is  said)  to  the 
utmost.  I  shall  fjive  my  readers  a  particular  account  of  it.  Nicholas  Cooper,  Esq.,  Ilifjh 
Sheriff  of  the  said  County,  ha\'inf;  by  papers  affixed  to  the  Church  of  Eastchester  and  other 
public  places,  ji^ven  notice  of  the  D.av  and  Place  of  Election,  without  mentioning  any  time  of 
Day  when  it  was  to  be  done,  which  made  the  Electors  on  tlie  side  of  the  late  Judge  very 
suspicious  that  some  Fraud  was  intended — to  prevent  which  about  fifty  of  them  ke)>t  wntcli 
upon  and  about  the  Green  at  Eastchester  ftlie  Place  of  Election)  from  12  o'clock  the  night 
before  till   the  Morning  of  the   Day.     The  other   Electors,  beginning   to  move  on  .Sunday 


aftt'iniidii  and  fveniiig,  so  as  to  be  at  New  Rocliellc  by  Midniglit,  their  way  lav  thrmi-jb 
Hariison's  Purchase,  the  Inliabitants  of  whieli  provided  for  their  Entcrtaiimient  as  they 
passed  each  linuse  in  their  way,  having  a  table  jdentifidly  covered  for  that  Purpose.  About 
midnight  they  all  met  at  the  lionsc  of  William  Lc  Court  at  New  RochcUe,  whose  house  not 
being  large  enough  to  entertain  so  great  a  number,  a  large  fire  was  made  in  the  street  by 
which  they  sat  till  daylight,  at  which  time  they  began  to  move.  They  were  joined  on  the 
hill  at  the  East  end  of  the  Town  by  about  seventy  horse  of  the  Electors  of  the  lower  ])art  of 
the  County;  and  then  proceeded  toward  the  place  of  Election  in  the  following  order,  viz: 
First  rode  two  trumpeters  and  three  violins;  next,  four  of  the  princi|)al  Freeholders,  one  of 
which  carried  a  banner,  on  one  side  of  which  was  affixed  in  gold  capitals  "  King  George  "  and 
on  the  other  in  golden  capitals  "Liberty  and  Law";  ne.xt  followed  the  Candidate,  Lewis 
Morris,  Esq.,  then  two  Colours;  and  at  sun  rising  they  entered  upon  the  fireen  at  Eastchester, 
followed  by  above  three  hundred  horse  of  the  princi])le  Freeholders  of  the  County,  a  greater 
nundier  than  had  ever  api)eared  for  one  man  since  the  settlement  of  that  County. 

After  having  rode  three  times  round  the  (ireeu,  they  went  to  the  houses  of  Josejih 
Fowler  and  Mr.  Child,  who  were  well  prepared  for  tlieir  reception;  the  late  Chief  .Justice 
was  met  on  his  alighting  by  several  (ieutlemen  who  came  there  to  give  their  votes  for  him. 
About  11  o'clock  appeared  the  Candidate  of  the  other  side,  'William  Forster,  Esc].,  the 
schoolmaster,  appointed  by  the  Society  for  Proi)agation  of  the  (Tosjiel,  and  lately  made,  by 
eonnnission  frcmi  his  Excellency  the  present  (iovernor.  Clerk  of  the  Peace  and  Common 
Pleas  in  that  C(mnty;  which  commission  it  is  said  he  purchased  for  the  valuable  consideration 
of  one  hundred  pistoles  given  the  Governor.  Next  came  two  ensigns  borne  by  two  of  the 
Freeholders;  then  followed  the  Honourable  James  I)e  Laneey,  Escp,  Chief  Justice  of  the 
Province  of  New  York,  and  the  Honourable  Frederick  Phillipse,  Esq.,  Second  Judge  of  the 
said  Province  and  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  attended  by  about  a  hundred  and  seventy  horse 
of  the  Freeholders  and  friends  of  the  said  Forster  and  the  two  Judges ;  they  entered  the 
Green  on  the  East  side;  and  riding  twice  round  it.  their  word  was  '^No  Land  Tax." 

As  they  passed,  the  second  Judge  civilly  saluted  the  late  Chief  Justice  by  taking  otV  his 
hat,  which  the  late  Judge  returned  in  the  same  manner,  some  of  the  late  Judge's  party  crying 
out  "  No  Excise,"  and  one  of  them  was  heard  to  say  (though  not  by  the  Judge),  "  No 
Pretender,"  upon  which  Forster,  the  Candidate,  replied,  "  I  will  take  notice  of  you."  They 
after  that  retired  to  the  house  of  Mr.  Baker,  which  was  prepared  to  receive  and  entertain 
them.  About  an  hour  after,  the  High  Sheriff  came  to  town,  finely  mounted;  the  housings 
and  holster  ca])s  being  scarlet,  richly  laced  with  silver.  Upon  his  apjiroach,  the  Electiu's  on 
lioth  sides  went  into  the  (ireen,  where  they  were  to  elect,  and,  after  having  read  his  Majesty's 
writ,  bid  the  Electors  proceed  to  a  choice,  which  they  did,  and  a  great  majority  api)eared  for 
Mr.  Morris,  the  late  Judg(^;  upon  which  a  poll  was  demanded,  but  by  whom  is  not  known  to 
the  relator,  though  it  was  said  by  many  to  be  done  l>y  the  Sheritf  himself. 

Morris,  the  Candidate,  several  times  asked  the  sheriff  upon  whose  side  the  majority 
api)eared,  but  could  get  no  other  rejdy  but  that  a  i)oll  must  be  had;  and,  accordingly,  after 
about  two  hours'  delay  in  getting  benches,  chairs  and  tables,  they  began  to  poll.  Soon  after, 
one  of  those  called  Quakers,  a  man  of  known  worth  and  estate,  came  to  give  bis  vote  for  the 
late  Judge.  Upon  this,  Forster  and  the  two  Fowlers,  Moses  and  William,  chosen  by  him  to 
be  inspectors,  questioned  his  having  an  estate,  and  re(piired  of  the  Sheriff  to  tender  him  the 
book  to  swear  in  due  form  of  law,  which  he  refused  to  do,  but  offered  to  take  his  solenm 
affirmation,  which  lioth  by  the  laws  of  England  and  of  this  Province  was  indulged  to  the 
people  called  Quakers,  and  had  always  been  practiced  from  the  first  election  of  representatives 
in  tlus  Province  to  this  tinu',  and  never  refused,  but  the  Sheriff  was  deaf  to  all  that  could  be 
alleged  on  that  side;  and,  notwithstanding  that  he  was  told  by  the  late  Chief  Justice  and 
James  Alexander,  Esq.,  one  of  his  Majesty's  Council  and  Coimcillor  at  Law,  and  by  William 
Smith,  E-scj.,  Councillor  at  Law,  that  such  a  ])rocedure  was  contrary  to  law,  and  a  violent 
attempt  of  the  liberties  of  the  i)eople,  he  still  ]>ersistcd  in  refusing  the  said  Quaker  to  vote, 
and  in  like  manner  did  refuse  seven-and-thirty  Quakers  more — men  of  known  and  visible 

This  Cooper,  now  High  Sheriff  of  the  said  Comity,  is  said  not  only  to  be  a  stranger  in 
that  County,  but  not  having  a  foot  of  land  or  other  visible  estate  in  it,  unless  very  lately 
grantc'd,  and  it  is  believed  lie  had  not  wherewithal  to  purchase  any.  The  polling  bad  not 
long  been  continued  before  Mr.  Edward  Stephens,  a  man  of  a  very  considerable  estate  in  the 

THE   ELECTION   UK    1733  245 

said  County,  (lid  iiprnly,  in  till'  licarinj;'  of  all  tlio  FrcclidldiTS  tluTc  asscnilili'd,  c'liai'f;c  Williain 
Foi'stci',  Ksi),,  tlu'  Candidati'  on  the  otiirr  side,  with  liiMiio-  a  .lacobite,  and  in  the  interest  of 
the  Pretender,  and  that  he  shoidd  say  to  Mr.  William  Willet  (a  i)erson  of  good  estate  and 
known  intei;rity,  who  was  at  that  time  present  and  rea<ly  to  make  oath  to  the  truth  of 
what  was  said)  that  true  it  was  that  he  had  not  taken  the  oaths  to  his  Majesty  Kinj;-  George, 
and  enjoyed  a  plaee  in  the  (iovernment  under  liim  whieh  gave  liim  his  bri'ad;  yet  notwith- 
standing that,  should  King  James  come  into  England  he  should  think  himself  oliliged  to  go 
there  and  tight  f(U-  him.  This  was  loudly  and  strongly  urged  to  Forster's  faee,  who  denied 
it  to  be  true;  and  no  more  was  said  of  it  at  that  time. 

About  11  o'clock  that  night  the  poll  was  closed,  and  it  stood  thus: 

For  the  Late  Cliief  Justice 2^1 

The    Quakers 38 


For  William  Forster,  Ksij 151 

The  Difference 118 

Total 269 

So  that  the  late  Chief  Justice  carried  it  by  a  great  majority  without  the  Quakers.  Upon 
closing  the  poll  the  other  candidate,  Forster,  and  the  Sheriff,  wished  the  late  Chief  Justice 
much  joy.  F^orster  said  he  hoped  the  late  ,Jndge  would  not  think  the  worse  of  him  for 
setting  up  against  liim,  to  which  the  Judge  replied  he  believed  he  \vas  put  upon  it  against  his 
inclinations,  but  that  he  was  highly  blamablc,  and  who  did  or  should  know  better  for 
putting  the  Sheriff',  who  was  a  stranger  and  ignorant  upon  such  matters,  upon  making  so 
violent  an  attempt  upon  the  liberty  of  the  people,  which  would  him  to  ruin  if  he  were 
worth  <;;i(),0()(),  if  the  people  aggrieved  should  commence  suit  against  him.  The  people  made 
a  loud  huzza,  which  the  late  Chief  Judge  blamed  very  iiiueli,  as  what  he  thimght  not  right. 
Forster  replied  he  took  no  notice  of  what  the  common  people  did,  since  Mr.  Morris  did  not 
put  them  njion  the  doing  of  it.  The  indentures  being  sealed,  the  whole  body  of  Klectors 
waited  on  their  new  Representative  to  his  lodgings  with  trumpets  sounding  and  violins 
playing,  and  in  a  little  time  took  their  leave  of  him,  and  thus  ended  the  Election  to  the  general 

Tli(»  rallying  cries  of  the  two  parties,  "  No  Land  Tax  "  and  "  No 
Excise,'"  related  to  a  current  political  issue  of  some  importance.  I'hil- 
ipse  had  opposed  the  levying  of  quit-rents  on  his  manor,  which  his 
jiartisans  tei-nied  a  "  land  tax,"  and  instead  of  it  had  advocated  the 
raising  of  revenue  by  excise  duties.  This  issue,  however,  was  only 
an  incidental  one  in  the  great  contest  of  1733.  (^uit-rents  had  always 
been  exceedingly  objectionable  to  the  rural  population,  and  excise 
iluties  wen-  almost  e(|  un]H)pular.  As  the  I'hilipse  and  de  Lan- 
rcy  ]iai-ty  chose  to  take  tlieir  stand  against  the  so-called  laml  tax, 
the  .Morrisites  met  thiejn  by  raising  the  counter  issue  of  no  excise. 
I'ul  ill  reality  it  was  a' contest  on  the  sole  question  of  the  go\('rSior's 
outrageous  abuse  of  authority,  and  as  such  it  became  a  ])errecl"  test 
of  the  disposition  and  readiness  of  the  people  to  shake  olf  ilic  fetters 
ol'  an  odious  government  and  to  array  themseh'es  for  free  institu- 
lioiis.  There  was  no  mistaking  the  true  nature  of  the  emergency, 
and  llie  minds  (d'  the  ])eo]ile  wei-e  not  to  be  confused  by  the'  pre- 
tense liial   it    was  an  ordinarv  struggle  over  the  oiijiosing  docti-ines 


of  "  land  tax  ""  and  "  excise."  All  the  government  influence  was  ar- 
rayed against  Morris,  and  w  ith  a  formality  and  determination  most 
conspicuous.  The  Morris  party,  on  the  other  hand,  stood  just  as  un- 
mistakably and  resolutely  for  the  principle  of  popular  defiance  of  op- 
pressive government.  The  electors  of  the  county  were  conscious  that 
the  verdict  which  they  Avere  called  ujjon  to  render  would  have  the 
greatest  moral  Aveight,  and  would  be  taken  as  a  crucial  test  of  the 
state  of  public  opinion.  In  these  circumstances,  emphatic  as  was 
the  majority  for  Morris,  the  character  and  composition  of  his  fol- 
loAving  were  even  more  significant  than  the  mere  proportions  of  his 
vote.  We  are  told  that  his  supporters  from  the  lower  part  of  the 
county  "  numbered  only  about  seventy  liorse."  The  remainder  came 
from  far  and  wide,  contributed  by  every  portion  of  the  county  except 
the  borough  Town  of  Westchester,  which  was  a  constituency  by  itself, 
and  the  Manor  of  Philipseburgh,  Avhich,  under  the  influence  of  its 
proprietor,  was  a  unit  for  his  antagonist.  From  Pelham  and  New 
Rochelle  to  the  remotest  parts  of  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt  the  word 
had  gone  forth  to  gather  on  the  Green  at  Eastchester  early  on  the 
morning  of  Monday,  the  29th  of  October.  Even  the  Quakers,  the 
strictest  of  Sabbath  observers,  joined  in  the  throng  which  began  to 
move  thither  on  Sunday  morning  and  afternoon.  It  was  a  sponta- 
neous assembling  of  the  people  to  register  their  votes  in  a  great  cause. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  government  candidate  commanded  practically 
no  support,  except  that  which  was  directly  subordinate  to  the  will 
of  the  powerful  landlord  Philipse  and  the  influence  of  Chief  Justice 
de  Lancey.  This  sujiport  was  in  the  aggregate  of  no  mean  propor- 
tions, but  when  measured  against  the  sentiment  of  the  untrameled 
people  of  the  county  it  was  utterly  overborne. 

The  cry  of  the  Morris  party,  "  No  Pretender!  "  and  the  altercation 
about  the  supposed  Jacobite  principles  of  Forster  aftord  added  illus- 
tration of  the  fundamental  character  of  the  contest.  At  that  period 
the  exiled  Stuarts  were  still  scheming  to  make  their  way  back  to 
the  throne  of  England.  In  the  minds  of  the  plain  people,  particularly 
in  the  American  colonies,  the  associations  of  the  degraded  dynasty 
were  entirely  those  of  oppressive  rule,  licentiousness,  corruption,  and 
religious  intolerance.  No  severer  political  reproach  could  attach  to 
an  American  subject  (especiallj^  if  he  sought  elective  office)  than  the 
suspicion  of  being  a  Jacobite  or  sujjporter  of  the  Stuart  Pretender. 
Hence  the  alacrity  with  which  that  reproach  Avas  flung  at  the  govern- 
ment candidate  by  the  democratic  Morrisites.  With  such  an  accu- 
mulation of  aristocratic  sins  upon  him,  it  was  truly  an  inconvenient 
position  in  which  Forster  stood  when  he  faced  the  Westchester  yeo- 

THE    ELECTION    OF    1733 


Tlic  ncwspaixT  report  of  the  election  reproduced  above  was  writ- 
ten by  a  i)rlnter  from  New  Yorlc,  one  Jolin  Peter  Zenger,  who  liad 
gone  to  Eastchester  to  witness  the  struggle,  and  doubtless  intended 
his  account  of  it  for  the  columns  of  the  New  York  Weeklij  Gazette, 
at  that  time  the  only  news])aper  in  the  province.  The  first  number 
of  the  Gazrftc  appeared  on  October  1(5,  1725,  under  the  direction  of 
William  Bradford,  who  was  originally  a  printer  in  Philadelphia,  but 
since  1693  had  been  government  printer  in  New  York  on  a  salary 
of  £40  per  annum  over  and  above  what  he  might  earn  at  his  craft. 
The  Gazette,  naturally  a  government  organ,  had,  throughout  the  Van 
Dam  controversy,  been  scrupulously  carefxil  to  print  nothing  objec- 
tionable to  the  governor  and  his  partisans;  and  Zenger's  strongly 
pro-Morris  I'eport  of  the  Westchester 
County  election  was  therefore  quite  uu- 
adapted  for  insertion  in  it.  It  is  said 
that  Zenger,  before  returning  to  New 
York,  showed  his  manuscript  to  a  lead- 
ing Friend,  who,  referring  to  the  Quak- 
er vote,  said:  "Send  me  eight-and- 
thirty  copies."  At  all  events,  he  at  once 
took  steps  to  begin  the  publication  of  a 
rival  newspaper;  and  a  week  later  the 
first  issue  of  the  New  Y'ork  Weekli/  Jour- 
nal came  from  the  press.  The  election 
report  accompanied  the  edition  proper 
as  a  broadside,  or  supplement;  and,  in 
addition,  appeared  the  following  notable  piece  of  new's: 

On  Wednt'sdaj',  tlie  31st  of  October,  tlie  late  Chief  .Justii/e,  but  now  Representative,  lauded 
in  this  city  about  five  o'cloek  at  the  Ferry  stairs.  On  his  landing  he  was  saluted  by  a  General 
Fire  of  the  guns  from  the  merchant  vessels  lying  in  the  Roads,  and  was  received  by  great  num- 
bers of  tlie  most  considerable  Merchants  and  Inhabitants  of  the  city,  and  by  them  with  loud 
acclamations  of  the  people  as  he  walked  in  the  streets,  conducted  to  the  Black  Horse  Tavern 
[northwest  corner  of  .Smith  Street,  now  William,  and  Garden  Street,  now  Exchange  Place], 
where  a  handsome  entertainment  was  prepared  for  him  at  the  charge  of  the  gentleinen  who 
received  him,  and  in  the  middle  of  one  side  of  the  room  was  fixed  a  tablet  with  golden 
Capitals,  "  King  George,  Liberty  and  Law." 

Indeed,  the  greatest  enthusiasm  prevailed  among  all  classes  of  the 
people  except  those  immediately  identifieil  with  the  governor's  cause, 
and  the  news  was  hailed  with  rejoicing  in  distant  ])arts  of  the  coun- 
try. The  bells  of  the  Middle  Dutch  Church,  on  Nassau  Street,  of 
which  Kip  Van  Dam  was  a  member,  rang  out  a  jubilant  peal,  and 
the  bellringer,  to  commemorate  the  event,  carved  deep  in  the  wooden 
wall  of  the  cupola  the  inscription  "  L.  M.  Oct.  31,  A.D.  1733,"  which 
could  still  be  deciphered  at  the  time  when  that  ancient  edifice  was 
dismantled,  some  twenty  years  ago. 



Zenger's  attendanoo  as  a  self-ooiistituted  reporter  at  the  election 
at  Eastchester,  and  his  resulting-  establishment  of  the  New  York 
Wiekli/  Journal,  led  to  a  train  of  remarkable  consequences.  Like 
Leisier,  Zeuger  was  a  (ierman  by  birth — a  topical  representative  of 
the  early  class  of  alien  imniigi-ants  who  came  to  America  to  better 
their  condition,  and  readily  adajited  themselves  to  the  institutions 
which  they  found  here,  lie  came  over  as  a  lad  in  the  Palatinate 
immigration  of  1710,  served  as  an  a]i])rcntice  at  the  printing  trade 
with  William  Bradford  for  eight  years,  and  later  opened  a  printing 
ollicc  (if  his  own,  wliicli  was  located  on  Stone  Street,  near  the  corner 
of  W'iiitfhall.  Zealously  devoted  lo  the  lu-iiiciides  of  the  anti-Cosby 
parly,  he  embarked  boldly  in  his  oi>[iosition  newsjiaper  publishing 
venture  without  weighing  and  doubtless  witliout  caring  Uw  the  con- 
siderations of  caution  wliicli  naturally  sliould  have  suggested  them- 
sehes  to  a  ])erson  assuming  such  a  resjiousibility  in  those  times  of 
very  limited  license  for  the  jiress.  He  was  immediately  supported 
and  encouraged  by  the  foremost  leaders  of  the  ijopular  party — men 
like  \'au  Dam,  ilorris,  and  the  two  most  eiiiiuent  New  York  lawyers 
of  the  period,  James  Alexander  and  William  Smith,  both  of  whom 
had  been  ])resent  in  Morris's  belialf  at  the  Westchester  County  elec- 
tion. These  and  others  furnished  him.  for  his  paper,  numerous  able 
and  aggressive  articles  u]Kin  1o])ics  germane  to  the  absorliing  ques- 
tion of  popular  rights,  wliicli  were  printed  over  iitiiiii<  dc  iihniif.  The 
rone  of  the  WcelJji  Jniinuil  gradually  became  more  direct,  personal- 
ities were  indulged  in,  and  unsjtaring  i)oetical  eifusiuiis,  of  very  man- 
ifestly personal  application  to  the  governor  and  his  creatures,  were 
]U'ovi(led  from  time  to  time  for  a  smiling  public.  Governor  Cosby 
endured  these  wicked  polemics  and  exacerbating  satires,  though  not 
without  much  misery  of  soul,  for  the  s])ace  of  about  a  year.  Then, 
unable  longer  to  restrain  his  rage,  he  resolved  to  crush  the  atrocious 
sheet  forever  and  to  visit  condign  punishment  upon  its  owner. 

In  lliis  undertaking  the  governor  had  the  cordial  assistance  of 
Chief  Justice  de  Lancey,  who  a])])lied  to  the  grand  jury  to  find  an 
indictment  against  Zenger.  But  that  body,  made  up  from  the  ranks 
of  the  people,  ignored  the  demand.  Next,  Cosby  caused  his  council 
to  send  to  the  general  assembly  a  message  on  the  subject  of  the 
scurrilous  publications.  The  assembly,  no  more  com])laisant  than 
the  grand  jury,  calmly  laid  the  matter  on  the  table.  Finally,  in  con- 
sequence of  some  new  and  particularly  llagitious  publications,,  de 
Lancey  procured  from  the  gi'and  jury  a  jn-esentment  against  the  spe- 
cial numbers  of  the  paper  containing  them,  which  were  accordingly 
burned  by  the  hangman.  But  what  was  most  desired,  the  indictment 
of  Zenger,  was  still  refused.     Tie  was  nevertheless  arrested  on  an  in- 

THE    ELECTION    OF    1733 


fdrnintioii  for  lilicl,  and,  aftci-  laiinuisliiui;  in  prison  several  months, 
was  hi-DUiilil  to  trial  on  a  charge  of  printing  matter  that  was  "  false, 
scandalous,  and  seditions."  His  connsel,  Alexander  and  Smith,  conr- 
a;;cously  tool;  I  lie  ground  that  the  whole  proeeedini;s  before  de  l.,an- 
cey  were  illegal,  inasmucli  as  the  new  chief  justice  had  l)een  ap- 
pointed by  the  nieri'  execntive  act  <d'  the  governor,  withont  the  con- 
sent of  the  council.  De  I^ancey  met  this  contention  by  summarily 
disbarring  the  two  lawyers.  With  their  exit  from  the  scene  the 
entire  defense  seemed  doomed  to  fall  to  the  ground,  as  there  was  no 
other  surticiently  able  lawyer  in  New  York  to  take  it  up.  In  this 
emergency  Andrew  Hamilton,  of  Philadeljjhia,  an  advocate  of  con- 
summate intellectual  qualities 
and  fascinating  ehxiuence,  and 
the  Nestor  of  the  whole  colo- 
nial bar,  was  persuade(l  to 
come  to  New  York  and  assume 
the  defense  of  the  unfortunate 
printei'.  ITamilton  admitted 
the  jiublication  of  the  matters 
complained  of,  but  demanded 
tliat  witnesses  be  summoned 
to  prove  them  libelous.  This 
was  not  to  the  taste  of  the  chief 
justice,  and  was  denied  on  the 
princii)Ie  that  "the  greater 
the  truth,  the  greater  the 
libel."  Thereupon,  accejiting 
with  good  grace  the  ruling 
of  the  court,  Hamilton  pro- 
ceeded to  address  a  power- 
ful plea  to  the  jury  as  judges 
both  of  the  law  and  the  facts. 

He  urged  them,  as  ]iatriots  and  freemen,  to  dismiss  all  prejudice 
from  their  minds  and  determine  fi-om  the  facts  whether  the  ac- 
cused had  not  I'eally  published  the  tinitli,  or  what  re|iresented  legiti- 
mate jiublic  opinion,  which  he  had  the  right  to  do  and  which 
tliei-e  was  need  of  doing  under  a  free  government.  "  I  make  no 
doubt,"  said  he,  in  i)rophetic  words,  "  but  your  upright  conduct  this 
day  will  not  only  entitle  you  to  the  love  and  esteem  of  your  fellow- 
citizens,  but  every  man  who  prefers  freedom  to  a  life  of  slavery  w-ill 
l)less  and  honor  you  as  men  who  have  baflh'd  the  attempts  of  tyranny, 
and,  by  an  impartial  and  incorrupt  verdict,  have  laid  a  noble  founda- 
tion for  securing  to  ourselves,  our  posterity,  and  our  neighbors  that 



to  which  nature  and  the  laws  of  our  country  have  given  us  a  right — 
the  liberty  of  both  exposing  and  opposing  arbitrary  power  in  these 
parts  of  the  world,  at  least  by  speaking  and  writing  truth."  To  this 
unanswerable  argument  the  jury  responded  by  an  almost  immedi- 
ate verdict  of  acquittal.  Hamilton  was  hailed  by  the  people  with 
acclaims  even  more  enthusiastic  and  flattering  than  those  which  had 
greeted  Morris.  He  was  presented  by  the  common  council  with  the 
freedom  of  the  city  in  a  gold  box,  and  ujion  his  departure  for  Phila- 
delphia a  salute  was  fired  in  his  honor.  It  was  in  the  month  of  Au- 
gust, 1785,  that  this  crowning  victory  of  the  people  over  their  tyran- 
nous governor  was  won — just  two  years  after  the  humiliation  of 
Chief  Justice  Morris. 

The  Zenger  verdict  established  forever  the  principle  of  the  liberty 
of  the  press  in  America.  During  the  long  controversy  and  agitation 
which  preceded  it,  the  people  had  familiarized  themselves  with  the 
doctrine  of  resistance  to  tyrants.  "  If  all  governors  are  to  be  rever- 
enced," said  one  of  the  writers  in  Zenger's  Journal,  "  why  not  the 
Turk  and  old  Muley,  or  Nero?"  It  became  decidedly  the  fashion  to 
exalt  the  people  above  their  rulers,  and  to  make  pungent  retorts  to 
those  who  urged  the  old  ideas  of  obedience  to  authority.  In  the  spirit 
of  political  independence  nurtured  and  matured  during  that  period, 
reflective  historical  writers  have  recognized  one  of  the  earliest  foun- 
dations of  the  Amei'ican  Revolution.  That  spirit,  as  an  active  force, 
underwent  a  suspension  after  the  realization  of  its  immediate  ob- 
ject, only  to  be  revived,  however,  with  increased  energy,  when  the 
issues  antecedent  to  the  Eevolution  began  to  take  shape.  From  that 
October  day,  when  the  people  of  AVestchester  County  gathered  in 
front  of  the  old  Eastchester  church  to  rebuke  the  presumption  of 
the  royal  governor,  the  ultimate  attitude  of  New  York  concerning 
any  question  of  popular  right  never  could  have  been  in  doubt.  The 
sentiment  so  emphatically  expressed  by  Westchester  County  was 
most  heartily  sustained  by  the  people  of  New  York  City  whenever 
the  citizens  of  that  municipality  had  ojjportunity  to  make  their  at- 
titude felt.  The  public  bodies  of  the  city  were  uniformly  opposed 
to  Cosby's  attempts.  In  September,  1734,  when  the  agitation  arising 
out  of  the  \"an  Dam  mattei',  Morris's  dismissal,  and  the  course  of 
the  Weekly  Journal  was  at  its  height,  an  election  for  aldermen  and 
assistants  was  held,  at  which  only  one  of  the  government  candi- 
dates was  successful.  As  we  have  seen,  the  grand  jury  from  first 
to  last  refused  to  indict  Zenger;  and  the  comuion  council  was  equally 
refractory  when  demands  were  made  upon  it  hj  the  governor,  and  at 
the  happy  termination  of  the  Zenger  prosecution  celebrated  the 
grand  popular  victory  hy  awarding  the  highest  public  honors  to 


New -York  Weekly    JOURNAL 

Conmmng    the    frejhejl    Ad-viccj,,  aod,    Domcfiick. 

MUNDAT  November  12,  1733 

Mr.  Zenger. 

INcert  the  following  in  your  next. 
and  you'll  oblige  your  FrienJ, 


Mm  temporum  fflicitas  iJiif-ntiri  qua 
veils,  &  qua  feiaras  dicere  lldt. 


THE  Liberty  of  the  Prefs 
is  a  SubjicT:  of  the  great- 
ejt  ImportflncCj  and  in 
which  every  Individual 
is  as  much  concern'd  as 
I'C  is  in  any  other  Part  of  Liberty  : 
Ti.crefjrc  it  will  not  be  improper  to 
comiiiunit.ite  to  the  I'ablitk  theSenti- 
rnrnts  of  a  liic  exrellent  Writer  upon 
this  Poin'.  fuch  is  the  Elegance  and 
Pcrfpiryiiy  of  his  Writings  fuch  the 
inimitjbL-  Fcce  of  his  Ri-.ifjnini,  that 
it  will  be  difiic'jlt  to  fay  any  Thing 
new  that  he  has  not  faid,  or  not  to 
fay  that  much  woiTc  which  he  has 

There  are  tiro  Sorts  of  Monarchies, 
an  abfolute  and  a  limited  one.  In  the 
firfl,  the  Liberty  of  the  Prefs  can  never 
be  maintained,  it  is  inconfiflent  with 
it  •,  for  \('hat  abfolute  Monarch  would 
fuffer  any  Subjofl  to  animadvert 
On  his  Actions,  when  it  is  in  his  Pow- 
er to  declare  the  Criiiie,  and  to  nomi- 
nate the  Punifhmcnt  >  This  would 
inakc  it  very  dangerous  to  exercifefuch 
a  Liberty  Bcfidcs  the  Objefl:  againd 
wiiich  thole  Pens  niuft  be  direfled,  is 

th^^t  Sovereign,  the  tole  fupreamMi- 
!il  r  ti    f^^  t.''>;'-c  being  no  Law  in 
thole  Monarchies,  but  the  V/Jll  of  tha 
I  rince,    „  makes   it  nrceifary  for  his 
Mmiikrs  to  confult  his  Plcafure    be- 
fore any  Thmg  can  be  undcTtSUcn  : 
He   IS  therefore    properly   chnrgfdb!- 
with  the  Grievances  of  his  Siibicfls, 
and  what  the  Minifter  there  afts  bdir.g 
m  Obedience  to  the  Prince,   he  ought 
not  to  incur  the  Haticd  of  the  People  ; 
for  It  would  be  hard  to  impute  ih.i-  10 
him  for  a  Crimea jwhich  is  theFruit  of 
his  Allegiance,  and  for  refufing  which 
he  might  incur  the  Penalties  of  Trea- 
fon.      Bcfides,   in  an  abfolute  Monar- 
chy, the  Will  of  the  Prince  being  the 
Law,a  Liberty  of  the  Prefs  to  complain 
of  Grievances  would  be  complainn;^ 
againft  the  Law,  and  the  Conftitution, 
to  which  they  have  fubmitted,or  have 
been  obliged  to  fubmit-,  and  therefore 
in  one  Scnfe,   may  bo  fai'd  to  delerve 
Punifhment,     So  that  under  in  abio 
lute  Monarchy,  I  fay,  fuch  a  Liberty 
is  inconfiftent  with  the  Conflitution, 
having_ no  proper  Subjeft   in  Politics, 
on  which  it  mig!it  be  excrci,'d,  and  if 
cxcrcis'd  Would  incur  a  certain Pemkv 
But  in  a  limited  Monarchy,  a-  Fng 
land  IS,   our  Laws  are  known,   lixed 
and  edablilhed.    1  hey  are  the  llreigh 
Rule  and  fureOuide  to  dir'eft  theKing, 
the  Minifters,   and  other  his  Subjcas  : 
And  therefore  an  Offence  againft  the 
Laws  is  fuch  an  Offence  againfl  Ihe 
Conftitution  as  ought  to  receive  a  pto 
per  adequate  Punifhment ;  the  (event 




Zt'Uj;('i''s  lawyer.  No  ulhcr  uttiHuk'  was  to  have  becu  cxiH-ctinl,  how- 
ever, of  New  York  City,  with  its  largely  preponderant  element  of 
tra(lcsi)co]ile  and  other  plain  citizens,  \a1io  were  substantially  united 
in  opposition  to  offensive  manifestations  of  power.  P>ut  in  West- 
chester County,  dominated  to  so  great  an  extent  by  conservative 
landlords,  the  case  was  widely  ditferent.  In  this  county  the  real 
battle  was  fought  and  won,  determining  unmistakably  the  exist- 
ence of  a  decisive  majority  against  royal  oppression  among  the  peo- 
ple of  the  province  at  large.  Nothing  is  more  interesting  in  con- 
nection with  the  Westchester  electoral  contest  of  1733  than  the  fact 
that  the  lines  of  local  division  upon  which  it  was  fought  were  pre- 
cisely the  ones  that  divided  the  rival  Whig  and  Loyalist  factions  of 
the  county  when  they  came  to  make  their  trial  of  sti'ength  forty 
years  later  on  the  issue  of  co-operation  or  non-co-operation  with  the 
general  cause  of  the  American  colonies.  At  the  historic  meeting  of 
the  freeholders  of  ^^'estchester  ('ounty  held  at  White  Plains  on  the 
11th  of  April,  1775,  the  contending  parties  were  again  led  by  the 
heads  of  the  Morris  and  I'hilipse  families — Lewis  Morris,  3d,  grand- 
son of  the  chief  justice,  and  Frederick  Philipse,  3d,  son  of  the  Judge 
I'hilipse  of  Cosby's  Court  of  Chancery.  And  the  result  was  the  same 
as  on  the  first  occasion — a  com]dete  triumph  for  the  Morris  pJirty, 
representing,  as  before,  the  princi]ile  of  non-obodience  to  objection- 
able government. 

Lewis  Morris,  the  deposed  chief  justice,  upon  re-entering  the  as- 
sembly became  at  once  the  leader  of  the  po]iular  forces  in  that  body. 
It  being  decided  to  send  a  representati\e  to  lOngland  to  inform  the 
home  government  of  Cosby's  ba<l  acts,  and  if  possible  get  him  re- 
called, Morris  was  selected  to  go  on  that  errand.  lie  made  the 
journey  in  1731,  duh'  laid  the  grievances  of  the  colonists  before  the 
privy  council,  and  procured  a  decision  pronouncing  the  grounds  of 
his  own  removal  from  the  chief  justiceship  inadequate,  but  received 
no  further  satisfaction.  Soon  afterward,  in  173(>,  Cosby  died.  Morris, 
upon  his  return  to  America,  was  very  warndy  greeted  by  the  people. 
Notwithstanding  his  pronnnent  connection  with  the  events  whose 
history  Ave  have  traced,  and  in  spite  of  the  comparative  failure  ol 
his  mission  to  England,  he  retained  the  friendship  and  appreciation 
of  inlluential  men  at  the  British  court,  ;ni(l  was.  in  173S,  appointed 
colonial  governor  of  New  Jersey,  a  iiosition  which  he  continued  to 
hold  until  his  death.  May  21,  1746.  He  left  his  Morrisania  property 
jointly  to  his  son  Lewis  and  his  widow,  directing  that  the  whole 
should  go  to  the  former  upon  the  latter's  <leath.  His  New  Jersey 
property  he  bequeathed  to  another  son,  Robert  Hunter  Morris,  who 
held,  at  the  time  of  the  father's  death,  the  distinguished  office  of 

THE     EI.ECTION     OF     1733 


chicr  justice  of  lliat  province.  Lewis  Morris,  Sr.,  represented  the 
County  of  Westchester  in  tlie  ]provin(ial  assembly  until  his  appoint- 
ment as  jiovernor  of  New  Jersey,  when  he  resigned,  retiring  perma- 
nently from  public  life  in  New  York. 

Chief  Justice  Morris  gave  bis  Manor  of  Morrisania  to  his  eldest 
son,  Lewis,  third  of  the  name,  who  was  known  by  his  contemi)ora- 
ries,  and  is  referred  to  in  all  historical  works,  as  Lewis  Morris,  Jr. 
lie  was  the  father  of  Colonel  Lewis  Morris,  the  signer  of  the  Declara- 
tion of  Independence;  of  the  still  more  noted  statesman,  Gouverneur 
Morris;  of  Judge  Richard  ^Alorris,  successor  to  John  Jay  as  chief 
justice  of  the  Su])reme  Court  of  New  York  State;  and  of  (Jeneral 
Staats  Long  Morris,  of  tlie  British  army. 

Lewis  Morris,  Ji-.,  third  proprietor  and  second  lord  of  the  Jlorris 
estates  in  AN'estchester  County,  was 
born  September  23,  1098.  jMost  of  his 
]iolitical  career  was  conteinjioraneous 
Avith  that  of  his  father,  which  it  closely 
re.sembled  in  its  general  characteris- 
tics. He  was  a  deputy  for  Westchester 
Borough  in  the  general  assembly  from 
1732  to  1750,  serving  as  speaker 
in  17:>7.  Trevionsly  to  entering  the 
assembly  he  had  been  a  member  of 
the  go\-ernor's  council  for  some  years, 
but  liad  been  removed  from  that 
body  in  1730  because  of  his  deter- 
mined  opposition  to  the  policies  of 
Oovernor  ^fontgomerie.  Tie  was,  in- 
deed, quite  as  heartily  disliked  by 
!\rontgomerie    as    his   father    was   by 

Cosby,  and  a]ii)ai'ently  for  quite  similar  reasons.  In  justilication 
of  his  course  in  the  council  he  wrote  a  very  able  letter  to  the 
English  government,  w  liich  is  a  luminous  presentation  of  the  par- 
tisan dilTerences  of  the  time.  ^Vhen  the  great  po])ular  issue  arose 
in  1733  on  the  Van  Dam  salary  (|nestion  he  Avas  a  zealous  supi)orter 
of  his  father's  cause.  Cosby,  in  liis  denunciatoi-y  communications  to 
tlic  {.mils  of  'rradc  I'espectiiig  the  attitude  of  Cliief  Justice  .M(u-ris, 
sjK'aks  wiiji  savage  resent meni  of  the  son  also,  who,  he  says,  lia\ing 
"got  himself  elected  an  assemblyman  for  a  boi'ough,  gave  all  th<' 
opposition  he  could  to  the  measures  the  house  took  to  make  the  gov- 
ernment easy."  \Vith  this  wanton  behavior  of  the  junior  ^lorris, 
Cosby   continues,    the    father    was    well    i)leased,   "wherein    without 



flrmbt  he  bad  an  eye  on  the  Boston  assembly,'  whose  spirit  bej^ins  to 
(liriuse  itself  too  much  amongst  the  other  provinces.''  Durinjj;  the 
absence  of  the  deposed  chief  justice  in  England  (1734-36)  the  son 
took  his  place  here  in  public  leadership.  After  Cosby's  death,  early 
in  173(1,  an  animated  controversy  sprang  up  concerning  the  legality 
of  the  accession  of  Clarke,  at  that  time  president  of  the  council,  to 
(lie  position  of  lieutenant-governor,  the  popular  faction  declaring  his 
assumption  of  power  to  be  irregular.  This  was  the  occasion  of  nu- 
merous official  letters  of  complaint  by  the  vinhappy  lieutenant-gov- 
ernor. He  related  how  Morris  and  liis  son,  Van  Dam,  Smith,  and 
Alexander  had  by  their  long-continued  acts  '•wrought  the  people  to 
a  pitch  of  rebellion."  "These  are  the  men,"  he  said,  "who  declaim 
against  the  king's  prerogative,  who  poison  the  minds  of  the  people, 
who  libel  the  governor  and  all  in  authority  in  weekly  printed  papers, 
and  who  have  endeavored  to  distress  the  governor  in  his  just  ad- 
minislration."  TTe  went  so  far  as  to  recommend,  as  a  drastic  remedy, 
thar  the  younger  Morris  and  others  be  sent  to  England  for  sedition, 
a  thing  which  he  regretted  he  could  not  venture  to  do  without  orders, 
because  "forbidden  by  Tlis  Majesty's  instructions  to  send  any  pris- 
oners to  England  without  sufficient  proof  of  their  crimes  to  be  trans- 
mitted with  them."  They  were  a.  worrisome  set,  these  Morrises,  to 
royal  governors  having  a  fancy  for  arbitrary  power  and  a  strong  dis- 
taste for  popular  interference  with  their  executive  ease. 

The  younger  Morris  was  also  a  judge  of  the  Court  of  Admiralty, 
and  at  one  time  a  judge  of  the  Court  of  Oyer  and  Terminer.  He  was 
twice  married,  his  first  wife  being  Catherine  Staats,  and  his  second 
Sarah  Gouverneur.  Like  his  father,  he  possessed  a  positive  tempera- 
ment, an  unbending  will,  and  a  rather  domineering  manner.  His 
uncompromising  disposition  in  all  matters  of  opinion  and  feeling 
is  well  illustrated  by  the  celebrated  direction  given  in  his  will  re- 
garding the  education  of  his  son  Gouverneur.  "  It  is  my  wish,"  he 
says,  "  that  my  son  Gouverneur  shall  have  the  best  education  that 
can  be  furnished  him  in  England  or  America,  but  my  express  will  and 
directions  are  that  under  no  circumstances  shall  he  be  sent  to  the 
Colony  of  Connecticut  for  that  purpose,  lest  in  his  youth  he  should 
imbibe  that  low  craft  and  cunning  so  incident  to  the  people  of  that 
country,  and  which  are  so  interwoven  in  their  constitution  that  they 
can  not  conceal  it  from  the  world,  though  many  of  them,  under  the 
sanctified  garb  of  religion,  have  attempted  to  impose  themselves 
upon  the  world  as  honest  men." 

lit  was  durine  tlif  poiinri  of  the  pvpnts  re-        nnrt  Peter  obtained  employment  with  him  and 

corded     in     this    ehapter    that     Faneuil     Hall.        inhorUed    his    fortune.    In    1740    the    people    of 

identified  so  eonspienousiy  with  the  subseqnent        Boston  were  divided  in  opinion  npon  the  ques- 

.-igitatiiin    for    Anieriean    liberty,    was   built    in  „  r.     »     i   »r     i    * 

„  .,       .  .  .^  lion  of  the  erection  of  a  new  Central   Market 

I'.ostou.     Peter     Faneuil.     for     whom     it     was  „  ,,  ^  ,     ^.^         ,     ,, 

,  ,,  .  m  „        *    -NT  „  Ha    .    and    much    bitter    feeling    was    aroused, 

named,    was    a    native    of    our    Town    of    New  " 

Uochelle,  whence  he  went  to  Boston  In  the  Thereupon,  Peter  Faneuil,  actuated  by  public 
year  1720,  at  the  age  of  eighteen.  His  uncle  spirit,  erected  Faneuil  Hall,  and  presented  It 
Andrew  was  a  wealthy  merchant  of  that  city,        to  the  city. 



HE  great  Manor  of  Pliilipsclmiiili  at  the  death  of  its  founder, 
llie  Fiv(lei'u-k  riiilijisc,  Xovi-nibci'  0,  1702,  was  divided 
hetMeen  two  heirs,  his  son,  Adolphus  or  Adolph,  and  his 
i>randson,  Fredericli.  Adolph  took  the  northern  portion, 
cxtciidiiii;  on  (lie  soiitli  to  the  present  r)obV)S  Ferry  and  bounded  on 
tlie  west  bA-  the  Hudson  Eiver,  on  the  north  by  a  line  ruuninj;'  from 
the  month  of  the  Croton  to  the  sources  of  the  Bronx,  and  on  the 
cast  by  the  Bronx  IJiver.  Frederiek's  share,  also  reachiuin-  from  the 
Hudson  to  the  Bronx,  had  for  its  southern  limits  Spuyten  Duyvil 
Creek  and  the  line  of  Fordham  Manor.  In  this  divided  condition  the 
manor  remained  until  the  death  of  Adol])h  in  1749,  when,  as  no  Issue 
survived  him,  it  was  consolidated  under  the  sole  ow'uership  of  Fred- 
erick. By  him  the  whole  manor  was  transmitted  at  his  death  in 
17.")1  to  his  (ddest  son,  the  third  I'rederick,  who  continued  in  ])os- 
session  of  it  until  the  lievolution. 

When  the  first  Frederick  Philipse  died,  the  manor  had  been  in  ex- 
istence only  nine  years.  But  he  had  previously  devoted  many  years 
lo  tlie  purchase  of  the  estate  and  its  si'rfidual  preparation  for  aristo- 
cratic iireteusions,  had  built  two  mansions,  one  on  the  Nepperhan 
and  one  on  the  Pocautico,  had  established  well-equipped  mills,  and 
had  encduraiicd  the  comino'  of  tenants  by  f^ivinjj-  them  land  on  the 
most  liberal  terms.  After  the  erection  of  the  manor  he  Avas  active 
in  various  Avays  in  improving  the  property  and  promoting  its  avail- 
ability for  permanent  settlement.  He  built  across  the  Spuyten 
Duyvil  Creek,  in  1004,  the  first  bridge  connecting  the  mainland  witii 
Manhattan  Island,  Avhich  has  been  known  from  that  day  to  this  as 
llie  King's  Bridge.  HaA'ing  established  his  ])ermanent  country  resi- 
dence at  Castle  Pliili]ise,  on  tiie  present  site  of  Tai'rytown,  lu^  built 
near  there  the  first  clnncli  in  the  Avestern  section  of  the  county — the 
far-famed  Dutch  Cliun  li  of  Sleepy  HoIIoaa.^   In  a  communication  from 

'  Sec   p.   ]G3.     AVliiU'   tlii'  iircsciit    History   has  every  personal  and  local  name,  of  its  four  f;rcat 

l>eeii   K.iins  tlirousb   tile  press,   there   has   been  lefflsters  of  inember.s,  consistorvmon,  baptisms, 

published  a  little  book  entitled,  "  First  Record  „„„    ,„,,,, .|„gos,    from    lis    on.'ani7.ation    to    the 

l!.iok  of  the  f)hl   nutdi  Church  of  Sleepy  Hoi-  „         .        ,        , 

,         ,,         •      ,   ■     .m-         I            tv.     t^i    i  r.  ond  of  the  elfchteenth  einturv.    Translated  and 

Imw.   ort'aniziMl  in  IdOT.  and  now  the  First  Re-  " 

|-.,riii,il  rinirch  of  Tarrytown.  N.  Y.  An  orig-  copied  from  the  oricinnl.  and  carefully  proof- 
lual  Irauslatiou  of  ils  brief  historical  matter.  read,  by  Iti-v.  Iiavid  Cole,  Vonkers. 
anil    a    n'liroduethm.    faithful    to    the    letter   of        N.  Y." 



(iovcnior  P.ellomont  to  the  Ivords  of  Trade,  Avritten  in  1698,  it  is 
stated  that  at  tliat  liinc  llierc  w<'re  not  more  than  twenty  "poor 
faniilit'S  "  in  the  w  hoh'  .Manor  of  I'liilijischiir^h;  but  there  are  strong 
reasons  for  regarding  this  as  an  utterly  unreliable  estimate.  Bello- 
mont  was  a  governor  of  reform  tendencies,  and  was  partieularly  nn- 
sjiai'ing  in  liis  denuneiations  of  the  enormous  land  grants  of  his 
predecessors.  He  naturally  wished  to  make  these  grants  appear  in 
as  bad  a  light  as  jiossible,  and  so,  in  writing  upon  the  subject  to 
his  sui)eriors,  represente<l  that  practically  nothing  had  been  done 
by  tlie  grantees  toward  populating  their  lands.  It  is  unquestion- 
able that  the  tii'st  lord  of  the  manor  laid  substantial  foundations  for 
its  develo]unent  and  transmitted  it  to  liis  successors  in  a  condition 
of  reasonably  good  preparediu'ss  for  rapid  progress.     At  tlie  census 

of  1712,  only  ten  years  after  Ids  death,  the 
po])ulation  of  rhilipseburgh  Manor  was 
fiOS — more  than  one-fifth  of  the  whole 
lH)]nilation  of  the  county. 

All    of   the   first    I'rpderick's    children 
were  the  offspring  of  his  first  wife,  Mar- 
garet  Hardenbi-ook   De  Vries.      Flis  sec- 
ond Avifp,  CaTlierina,  a  sister  of  Stephanas 
Yaji  Cortlandt  and   widow  of  ,Tolin  Der- 
A'.'ill,  survived  him   many  years,  dying  in 
1730.  She  liveil  with  her  step-^on,  Adoljiii, 
at  Castle  rhiii])se,  and    was  uiuversally 
beloved   for   her   gentle   and    jiions   (diar- 
acter.     In  th<'  records  of  the  Slee])y  TI(d- 
Inw    church    she    is    spoken    of    as    "  the 
Iiiglit    Honorable,  (lodfearing,   vei-y  wise 
and  iirudoil   Lady  Calherinc  riiili](se.'"     l!y  her  will  she  left  to  the 
congregation  of  that  cliuicli  a  chalice  hearing  lier  name,  a  baptismal 
bowl,  and  a  damask  cloth. 

Both  .\dol])h  and  I'-redericdc,  the  surviving  male  heirs  of  the  first 
lord,  were  men  of  mark  and  intluence,  not  only  as  Westchester  County 
landlords,  but  in  the  geni-ral  concerns  of  the  province.  Adolph  was 
his  second  son  and  Frederick  his  grandson — the  only  child  of  his 
eldest  son,  Philip,  who  died  ou  the  Island  (d'  I'arbadoes  in  171)11. 

Ad(d]ih  I'hilipse  was  born  in  New  York  <'ity,  November  15,  1(5(55. 
He  was  reared  to  mercantile  pnr.suits,  and  according  to  all  accounts 
Avas,  like  his  father,  a  shrewd  and  successful  man  of  affairs.  From 
old  official  documents  it  ajjpears  that  he  was  his  father's  trusted  and 
active  lieutenant  in  the  conduct  of  delicate  transactions  with  the 
l)irafical  skipi>ers  of  the  Indian  Ocean.     Xot(U-ious  as  Avero  the  rela- 



(i<Mis  wliicli  I'liili]tsc  iiiid  nllicrs  siisl;iin''il  with  ihc  |pir;il(s,  i(  was 
(if  course  iidl  sale  t'oi-  llic  pii-alc  sliijis  lo  alli'in|ii  lo  dclivrr  tlieir 
cariincs  at  \r\\  \'(H'k.  di'  ryt'w  lo  rcii(lc/,\ oils  within  too  close  |»r((x- 
iiiiitv  to  that  port.  It  was  tlie  i  iistoiii  to  dispatch  li-oiii  New  N'ork 
\essels  to  meet  lh(  III  at  more  or  less  distant  poiuts  aloiij;'  the  coast, 
w  liich  \('ssels,  at'ter  recei\iini  their  valuahle  merchandise,  would 
either  return  to  the  \icinity  of  New  ^■(lrk  and  await  opjiortunity  to 
smuiiiile  the  stulT  in,  or  sail  to  l'>iirope  and  disjiose  of  it  llu're.  Adolph 
was  tlie  discreet  re|)reseiitati\e  of  tlie  house  of  I'hilipse  in  llie  man- 
ajicment  of  these  imiioilant  details.  In  a  memorable  report  of  the 
liritisli  Board  id'  Trade,  October  19,  1()!>S,  on  the  connections  sub- 
sisting;- between  the  New  York  merchants  and  the  pirates,  the  opera- 
tions of  the  (dever  Adoljili  in  one  instance  are  explicitly  described.  A 
ship  or  sloop  calieil  tlie  ■•  I'rederick,"  b(d()nf;iuii'  to  Frederick  Pliilipse, 
at  that  time  "  one  of  his  Majesty's  ( 'oiiucii  of  New  York,"  was,  "  upon 
exjiectalion  of  a  \cssel  from  Madaj^ascar,"  sent  otit  under  tlie  con- 
duct of  A(ltd|)h  l'hili]ise.  This  was  "  upon  pretence  of  a  voya.H'e  to 
\'ir^inia,  but  really  to  cruize  at  sea,  in  order  to  meet  The  said  vessel 
from  ^Iadaiiasc:ir.  I'pon  meetinii of  that  vessel  ^reat  ](aicells  of  East 
India  i^oods  were  b\-  direction  of  the  said  .Vdolphus  I'liilipse  taken 
out  of  her,  and  put  aboard  the  said  sloop  '  Frederick,'  with  which,  by 
his  order,  she  sayled  ro  Dcdaware  Bay  an«l  lay  there  ])rivately.  He 
in  ye  meanwhile  returned  in  the  Mailaiiascar  sliiji  (having  then  only 
nej;roes  on  boardi  to  \ew  ^'ork,  and  after  some  days  came  as^ain  to 
the  •  I'rederii  k  "  sloop  in  Delaware  Bay.  There  the  said  sloo]i  deliv- 
ered some  small  |)art  of  Ivisi  India  carii'o.  and  frftm  thence,  l)y  his 
direction,  s.iyhd  with  the  rest  (North  about  Scotlani!)  to  IIaniburi;li, 
where  some  seizure  having;  been  made-  by  Sii-  I'aul  Kicaut  (His  ^laj- 
esty's  Besident  Iherei,  and  the  men  sent  hither  (London),  they  have 
eai  h  (d  them  severally  iiiaile  depositions  ndatino,'  to  that  matter  be- 
fore Sir  Charles  Ilediics,  Judye  of  the  Admirality.  We  observe  that 
Cornelius  -lacobs  (the  niasteri  ajijiears  to  be  the  same  Capn.  Jacobs 
who  is  named  to  li;i\c  traded  with  the  Pirates.''  B(datious  with  the 
pirates  on  the  jiart  of  Fre<lerick  and  Adolph  I'hilipse  beinj;  thus 
established  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  authorities  in  England,  both 
father  and  sou  fell  under  the  (lisfavf)r  of  the  government.  Frederick 
riiiliiise  was  forced  to  give  up  the  seat  in  the  council  which  he  had 
held  for  a  score  of  years;  and  Adolph,  who  had  been  nominated  for 
membei'ship  in  that  body  a  short  time  jireviously  by  (iovernor  Bello- 
inont,  was  pronounced  unworthy  of  such  an  honor,  and  his  name 
was  withdi-awn.  ISut  the  disgrace  was  only  a  passing  (loud.  No 
judicial  pro<-eedings  were  taken  against  either  of  the  Philii)ses.     The 



fiithcr  (lied  soon  after,  and  the  son  was  jirariouslv  f(iriii\rn  in  <lno 

Adoljili  I'liilipsf  in  tliu  yc-ar  bctoi-c  lliis  episode  of  tlie  "  l'i-edei-ici<  " 
had  become  on  his  oMn  acconnt  one  of  the  principal  land  o\\  iieis  of 
the  ])i'ovince.  On  the  ITIh  of  Jnne,  KJ'JT,  Governor  Flelcher  i;ranted 
to  him  a  patent  (known  historically  as  "The  (ireat  llij;hland  l*atent"i 
for  the  territory  immediately  above  Westchester  Connty,  rnnninjj, 
from  the  Hudson  to  the  Connecticut  line,  a  distance  of  some  twenty 
miles,  and  extending  nortlnvard  about  twelve  miles.  Out  of  the 
patent  thus  conferred  Putnam  County  (then  a  poition  of  r)utchess 
County)  has  since  been  ei-ected.  Tlie  sole  consideration  cliarj^cd  for 
the  jirant  v\'as  a  "  Yearly  Rent  of  twenty  Shillings  Currant  money  of 

our  said  Province,"  payable  u])on  the 
feast  day  of  the  Annunciation  of  the 
Blessed  Virgin  ^Fary.  Adolph  Philipse, 
al  Ids  death,  left  the  ITighland  Patent, 
with  .ill  his  other  landed  possessif)ns,  to 
his  neohew,  the  second  Frederick,  who 
divided  it  ecpially  among  his  three  chi! 
dren — Frederick  (3d),  IMary,  wife  of  Iloger 
Morris,  a  colonel  iti  the  British  army,  and 
Susannah,  wife  of  ("<doiud  Beverly  llobin- 
son,  also  a  noted  Tory.  The  whole  patent 
Avas  partitioned  off  into  three  parts  and 
nine  lots,  each  child  receiving  one-third 
](ail  and  three  lots.  The  lots  ai-ipiired  by 
Colonel  Kobinson  and  Major  Morris,  says 
Blake  in  his  '•History  of  Putnam  Coun- 
ty," were  confiscated  by  the  legisla- 
ture, but  the  reversionary  interest  was  not  affected  by  this  action, 
and  that  interest  was  purchased  of  the  heirs  for  fldO.ddO  by  the 
first  John  Jacob  Astor,  who  ten  years  aftei'ward  received  for  it  fi-om 
the  State  of  Xew  York  .'tf.")()O,()00  in  State  stock  at  six  per  cent. 

After  the  death  of  his  father,  Adolph  became  the  head  of  the 
faniilj',  a  position  which  he  divided  with  his  nephew.  Frederick,  when 
the  latter  came  of  age.  On  the  7th  of  February,  1705,  he  was  ap- 
pointed a  member  of  the  governor's  council,  and  in  1718  he  was  made 
one  of  the  commissioners  for  nmning  tlie  boundary  line  between 
New  York  and  Connecticut.  He  was  removed  from  tiie  council  in 
1721,  on  the  representation  of  Governor  Burnet,  for  opposing  the  con- 
tinuance of  the  assembly  after  His  Excellency's  arrival.  In  1722  he 
was  (dected  a  member  of  the  assembly  fi'om  Westchester  County, 
of  which  body  he  was  chosen  speaker  in   172.3.     He  sat    for   West- 



Chester  County  until  the  ch'ctidu  of  172(),  beinp;  then  returned  as 
one  of  the  four  members  from  New  York  City.  lie  oecnpied  the 
speaker's  oliair  until  1737,  when  he  lost  his  seat;  but  at  an  election 
held  soon  aflci-ward  to  fill  a  vacancy  from  the  city  he  was  once 
more  returned,  although,  it  was  charged,  only  by  means  of  the  "most 
bar<'faced  villany  "  practiced  in  his  behalf  by  the  sheriff.  He  was 
again  chosen  speaker  in  1739,  and  I'cmained  as  such  until  1745,  when, 
at  the  age  of  eighty,  his  legislative  careei-  was  terminated.  He  died 
in  1740.     He  was  never  married. 

It  is  llius  seen  that  Adoljjh  rhilii)se  was  one  of  the  most  ini])()rtant 
public  characters  of  his  times,  being  speaker  of  the  assembly  for 
eighteen  years.  ITis  retirement  as  a  member  for  Westchester  County 
was  in  the  interest  of  his  nephew,  Frederick,  who  promptly  took 
the  seat  that  he  vacated,  retaining  it  without  any  interruption  for 
twenty-four  years. 

In  the  memories  of  the  pe()])le  of  Westchester  County  the  name  of 
Philipse  is,  from  the  political  point  of  view,  iiientified  exclusively 
with  the  idea  of  ultra  devotion  to  royal  authority  in  the  person  of 
the  king's  constiluted  representative.  It  is  hence  an  extremely  curi- 
ous fact  that,  six  years  before  the  i*emoval  of  Lewis  Morris  from  the 
chief  justiceship,  Adolph  Philipse,  the  senior  member  of  this  family, 
gave  his  voice  and  exercised  his  official  power  in  exactly  the  same 
cause  as  that  to  which  Morris  became  a  martyr — the  cause  of  oppo- 
sition to  the  Court  of  Chancery  as  an  extra-constitutional  organiza- 
tion, none  the  less  (indeed,  all  the  more)  illegal  and  odious  because 
finding  its  sole  Avarrant  for  existence  in  the  governor's  prerogative. 
In  1727  we  find  Governor  Burnet  bitterly  complaining  to  the  Lords 
of  Trade  about  some  "  extraordinary  resolves  ''  concerning  the  Court 
of  Chancery,  "  which,"  he  says,  "  was  all  done  at  the  suggestion  of 
their  speaker,  who  had  lately  lost  a  cause  in  chancery."  Philipse, 
he  continues,  had  "the  least  reason  of  any  man  to  disown  the  Court 
of  Chancery,  for  he  himself  was  a  member  of  council  when  that  court 
was  established  by  the  council  and  when  the  Lords  of  Trade  ap- 
proved that  establishment,  and  he  himself  three  years  ago  being  cast 
in  a  suit  at  common  law  brought  it  into  chancery  and  obtained  some 
relief  from  it."  Btirnet  intimates  that  the  conduct  of  Speak(>r  Phil- 
ipse in  this  matter  was  not  occasioned  by  any  high  sense  of  principle, 
but  was  merely  personal;  and  certainly  Philipse  had  no  cause  in  (his 
connection,  or  regarding  any  other  question  of  policy,  to  make  him- 
self specially  complaisant  toward  Governor  Burnet,  who  had  pro- 
cured his  dismissal  from  the  council.  On  the  other  hand,  antago- 
nism to  the  Court  of  Chancery  was  emphatically  a  popular  cause, 
only  less  so  in  degree  fbecause  of  the  less  emergent  circumstances) 



in  IJiinicfs  tiiiK^  tluiii  in  Cosby \s;  and  whati'Vcr  personal  niotivus 
niav  liavc  intlucnccd  IMiilipse's  course,  that  course  could  not  be  sepa- 
rated from  a.ssociaTion  with  the  popular  feeling-.  Adolph  Philipse, 
moreover,  was  never  an  intense  ](artisan;  and  his  loun-coutlnued 
service  as  speaker  of  Ihe  assembly  is  sufficient  testimony  to  the 
f>eueral  fairness  and  acceptabi]il.\'  of  his  ])(diti(al  disposition.  lie 
ahvays  adliei-ed  to  Ihe  simph'  rdinious  faith  in  wliicli  he  had  been 
broniilit  up,  that  of  the  Dutcli  ileformed  ("hurch,  althouiih  the 
('hnrcli  of  iMiiibuid  imi-easinuly  clainied  the  attachment  of  the  rich, 
jxiwerfnl,  and  ambitions;  and  il  occasioned  jL;i-ie\'ous  rejiret  to  the 
Episcopalians  that  a  man  of  his  pidininence  should  be  so  conspicu- 


ously  unidentiticd  with  '•tlie"  Churc  h.  His  public  character  has  beeu 
summed  up  in  words  of  un(|ualihed  approval  by  the  eminent  patriot 
and  statesman,  John  Jay.  "  lie  was,"  says  Jay,  "a  man  of  superior 
talents,  well  educated,  sedate,  highly  respected,  and  popular.  Except 
that  he  was  penurious,  I  have  heard  nothing  to  his  disadvantaije." 

Frederick  Philipse,  2d,  co-heir  with  his  uu<de  Adolph  under  the 
will  of  the  first  lord  of  the  manor,  Avas  born  on  the  Island  of  Bar- 
badoes  in  1G95.  His  parents  wei-e  Philip,  eldest  son  of  Frederick  and 
IMargaret  Philipse,  and  ilaria,  daughter  of  Governor  Sparks,  of  Bar- 
badoes.     Philip  Philipse,  born  in  New  York  City  in  1G63,  went  to 


Barbadot'S  to  ivside  on  an  estate  of  liis  ralliei's  railed  S]irin^  Head. 
Frederick  was  the  only  child,  and  was  left  an  oriihan  al  ilie  age  of 
five.  Ilis  grandfather,  Avho  was  still  living,  theren[)on  sold  the  Bar- 
badoes  in'oi)erty,  and  the  boy  was  sent  to  England  to  be  reared  by 
his  mother's  people.  There  he  remained  nutil  his  early  manhood,  en- 
joying every  educational  and  social  advantage  which  wealth  and  dis- 
tingnished  connections  could  give.  Although  from  these  associa- 
tions he  derived  marked  aristocratic  predilections,  which,  in  turn, 
were  inbred  in  his  children,  and  became  the  cause  of  their  undoing 
in  the  evil  days  of  the  IJevolution,  his  character,  as  thus  foi'uied,  was 
that  of  an  accomidished  and  aunable  gentleman,  (]uite  free  from 
corrupt  and  arrogant  traits.  By  his  tenants  and  the  public  he  was 
always  known  as  "Lord"  Thilipse,  and  his  personality  wcdl  corres- 
ponded to  his  title.  "  lie  was,"  says  Mrs.  Lamb,  "  polished  in  his 
manners,  hospitable,  generous,  cordial,  nuiidy.  Ills  cultivated  Euro- 
pean tastes  were  soon  distinguishable  in  his  improvements.  The 
manor  house  swelled  into  thrice  its  former  size,  and  was  beautiful 
in  innumerable  ways.  The  two  entrances  on  the  new  eastern 
front  were  ornamented  with  eight  columns  and  corresponding 
pilasters.  A  broad,  velvety  lawn  appeari'd  skirted  by  garden  ter- 
races, horse  chestnuts,  and  the  old  Albany  and  New  York  Post 
Road,  above  which  rose  Locust  Hill.  To  the  right  and  left  were 
laid  out  gardens  and  grounds,  in  which  floui'islied  valuable  trees  and 
choice  shrubs  and  howers,  and  through  which,  in  all  directions, 
sti'etched  graveled  walks,  bordered  with  box.  To  the  west  the  green- 
sward sloped  gradually  toward  the  river,  dotted  with  tine  specimens 
of  ornamental  trees,  and  was  emparked  and  stockt-d  with  deer.  The 
roof  of  the  manor  house  was  surmounted  by  a  heavy  line  of  balus- 
trade, foi'uiing  a  terrace,  Avhich  commanded  an  extensive  view.  The 
interior  of  the  new  part  was  elaborately  tinished.  The  walls  were 
wainscoted,  and  the  ceilings  highly  ornamented  in  arabesijue  work. 
The  marble  mantels  were  imported  from  England,  and  were  curious 
specimens  of  ancient  an  in  the  way  of  carving.  The  main  halls  of 
the  entrance  were  about  foui-teen  feet  wide,  and  the  sui)erb  stair- 
cases, with  their  mahogany  handrails  ami  balusters,  were  ])ropor- 
tionately  broad.  The  city  <\stab]ishnii'nt  of  the  family  was,  in  its 
interior  arrangements,  (piite  as  ])retenlious  as  the  manor  house,  and 
it  was  whei-e  flu  courtly  aristocracy  ol  tlie  ]n<>\ince  were  wont  to 
meet  in  gay  and  joyous  throng."  "  It  was  he,"  says  .Vllison  in  his 
"  History  of  Vonkers,"  "  who  enlarged  the  ^lanor  House  on  the  Xep- 
perhan  in  171."),  by  extending  it  lo  the  noiili,  changing  its  front  to 
the  east,  ami   gi\ing  it    its  impusiiig  array  of  windows,  its  too  |)or- 


ticocs  as  now  seen,  aud  its  surroumliug  balustrade,  from  which  views 
of  the  river  and  the  Palisades  are  commanded." 

About  the  time  of  his  return  to  America  to  claim  his  inheritance, 
young  Frederick  was  married  to  Joanna,  daughter  of  Lieutenant- 
Ciovernor  Anthony  Brockholst,  who  also  had  been  tenderly  reared  in 
England.  During  the  first  few  years  of  his  residence  on  his  estate  he 
took  no  part  in  public  life.  But  from  the  time  of  his  first  election  to 
the  assembly,  in  172G,  until  his  death,  in  1751,  he  was  constantly  in 
official  position.  His  career  in  the  assembly  was  not  specially  note- 
worthy. Despite  the  rivali-y  of  the  Morrises,  who  stood  for  political 
views  radically  opposed  to  his  own,  his  seat  in  the  assembly  seems 
never  to  have  been  imi^eriled.  It  was  an  understood  thing  in  West- 
chester County  for  more  than  half  a  century  that  one  of  the  county 
members  should  always  be  a  i'hilipse.  He  was  appointed  by  Gover- 
nor Montgomerie  on  June  24,  1731,  third  judge  of  the  Supreme  Court 
of  the  province,  and  on  August  21,  1733,  b}'  the  removal  of  Morris 
from  the  chief  justiceship  aud  the  elevation  of  de  Lancey  to  that 
office,  he  became  second  judge,  continuing  as  such  until  his  death, 
lie  was  also,  from  1735  until  his  death,  judge  of  the  Court  of  Com- 
mon I'k-as  of  Westchester  County. 

in  opposing  Chief  Justice  Morris  and  siding  with  de  Lancey  upon 
the  question  of  the  legality  of  the  Court  of  Chancery  appointed  to 
try  the  Van  Dam  case,  Frederick  I'hilipse  followed  the  natural  bent 
of  his  sympathies.  It  is  related  in  Governor  Cosby's  official  letter  to 
the  home  government  concerning  Morris's  famous  decision  that  Jus- 
tice Philipse,  in  common  with  Justice  de  Lancey,  heard  "  with  aston- 
ishment "  the  abrupt  declaration  by  the  chief  justice  that  the  Court 
of  Chancery  was  not  a  legal  tribunal;  and  this  no  doubt  was  a  quite 
faithful  representation  of  his  mental  attitude  on  that  trying  occa- 
sion. \Vhatever  may  be  thought  of  the  conduct  of  the  ambitious  de 
T.aiucy,  riiilipse's  action  was  unmistakably  ingenuous.  It  probably 
never  occurred  to  him  to  doubt  the  peifcct  regularity  and  sutliciency 
of  a  court  which  had  been  set  over  the  people  at  the  discretion  of 
the  king's  governor  and  his  advisers.  Philipse's  career  on  the  bench, 
exceiiting  in  this  single  case,  was  uneventful  and  wholly  acceptable. 
After  the  Van  Dam  decision  the  Supreme  Court  was  dominali'il  by 
the  individuality  of  de  Lancey,  as  it  had  previously  been  by  that  of 
^lorris,  and  the  function  of  a  second  judge  was  not  an  onerous  one. 
Judge  Philipse  is  descrilied  in  an  official  communication  from  the 
council  to  the  English  government  as  "a  very  worthy  gentleman  of 
plentiful  fortune  and  good  education." 

On  his  manor — or  rather  his  section  of  the  manor,  for  it  was  only 
during  the  last  two  years  of  his  life,  after  the  death  of  his  uncle 


iVddliili,  I  hat  he  ciijoyt'd  possession  of  tlie  whole  property — he  ruled 
Avith  nuich  appreciiitioii  of  his  proprietary  dij;nity  and  eorresponding 
observance  of  eereniony,  but  (o  the  uniform  satisfaction  of  his  ten- 
ants, rie  disjdayed  none  of  the  puffed-up  characteristics  of  the  par- 
venue  lord,  but  was  liind,  approachable,  moderate,  and  good  to  the 
poor,  lie  presid<'d  in  ])erson  over  the  manorial  court.  Tlie  inhab- 
itants of  the  estate,  exce])t  liis  immediate  liousehold,  continued  to 
be  tenant  farmers.  He  is  said  to  have  had  fifty  family  servants,  of 
whom  thirty  were  whites  and  twenty'  were  negro  slaves.  He  was  a 
devoted  member  of  the  Chnrcli  of  England,  and  was  the  founder  of 
Saint  John's  Ejiiscopal  Church  of  Yonkers.  Bnt  it  was  not  until  after 
his  death  that  that  church  had  its  beginning;  during  his  life  he  was 
content  at  sucli  times  of  the  year  as  he  resided  in  the  Manor  House 
to  worship  at  the  family  altar,  his  tenants  being  under  the  mis- 
sionary care  of  the  Parish  of  Westchester.  The  first  Church  of  Eng- 
land minister  established  at  Westchester  whose  duties  included  visi- 
tations of  the  Yonkers  portion  of  riiilipseburgh  Manor  was  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Bartow.  He  died  in  1726.  "  As  often  as  he  could,"  says  a  con- 
temporaneous church  writer,  "  he  visited  Yonkers.  A  large  congre- 
gation, chielly  of  Dutch  people,  canu'  to  hear  him.  There  was  no 
church  built  here,  so  they  assembled  for  divine  worship  at  the  house 
of  'Sir.  Joseph  Bebits,  and  sometimes  in  a  barn  when  emi)ty."  That 
this  unsatisfactory  condition  of  things  was  i)ermitted  by  the  second 
lord  to  continue  throughout  his  lifetime,  although  meanwhile  he 
made  the  most  elaborate  expenditures  upon  his  manorial  mansion 
and  grounds,  must  be  set  down  positively  to  his  discredit.  When, 
finally,  by  his  will  he  directed  his  executors  to  expend  £400  for  the 
erection  of  a  churcli,  he  took  care  to  specify  that  the  money  should 
come  out  of  the  rentals  from  the  tenants.  He  dona*^ed.  however,  a 
farm,  with  residence  and  outbuildings,  lying  east  of  the  Sawmill 
TJivci-,  as  a  gleb<>  for  the  minister.  The  cliunli  was  promptly  built 
(1752-53)  by  his  heir. 

He  died  in  1751.  He  had  ten  children,  of  whom  only  f(Uir — Fred- 
erick, Philip,  Susanna,  and  ]\Iary — grew  to  luatui'ity.  Frederick  was 
the  third  and  last  lord  of  the  manor;  Philip  died  in  1708,  leaving 
three  children;  and  Susanna  and  Mary,  as  already  noted,  mari'ied, 
resiiectively,  Colonel  Beverly  Kobinson  and  Major  Roger  i\Iorris. 
This  Mary  was  the  celebrated  ilary  l'hilii)se  for  whom  George  Wash- 
ington, according  to  some  of  his  biographers,  formed  in  his  youth  a 
romantic  attachment. 

The  Manor  of  Scarsdale,  patented  to  Colonel  t'aleb  Heathcote  in 
1701,  had  only  a  nominal  continuance  after  his  death  (1721').  He  left 
no  male  heir  to  take  a   pcrsoual  interest  in  the  development  of  the 




])i-(i|)ci-ty  as  KiH'  dl'  Ihc  lii'cal  lamily  (•slat(s  >>[  W'cslclicslcr  ("oniity, 
and  I  lins  Scai-sdalc  iic\'ci- ranked  wiili  i  lie  nt  Iut  inanni-s.  Il  was  pre- 
served iiitacl,  l)(i\ve\'ei-,  under  the  joint  inoprietdrslii]!  nC  Heath- 
cole's  two  dauiiliters,  until  just  l)el'ore  llie  iJe\dlulion,  w  lien  iis  lands 
were  dis]Mis('d  of  to  various  jiersons  hy  parliliini  sale.  Its  ]U'onress 
in  pojMilaiion,  although  vei'v  slow  at  Mrsi,  was  ultimately  alioul  the 
sauH'  as  that  of  the  ordinary  i-ural  sections  of  the  counly.  The  vil- 
laiic  of  ;\Ianiar()iU'ck,  lyiui;  within  iis  iiordi  is,  hut  Jiot  lielou^inji'  to 
the  nianin-ial  estate,  enjoyed  sleady  hut  slow  growth  as  one  of  the  (dd 
connnunilies  (m  tlie  Sound. 

lleallicote's   daughters,   Ann    and    .Martha,    niarried,    resi)ectivel\, 
•lauK  s  de  I.ancey,  of  New    ^■ork   City,   and   Dr.   Lewis  .Johnston,  of 
rei-th  Anilxty,  N.  -1.     Of  these  two  nu-ii,  the  latter 
re(|uires  no  s])ecial  not  ice  in  our  ])aii('s;  but  de  Lan- 
cey  has  uhm-c  than  (udiiuiry  (hums  u])on  our  at- 
teiilion.     This  remarkable  man,  besides  beini;'  the 
son  in  law  of  Heat  licole,  was  a  orandson  of  Stepha- 
nus  \'au  Cortlaudt,  the  fonmler  of  A'aii  Cortlandt 
]\raiior,  and  1hei-ef(u-e  may  be  reyardetl  as  one  of 
^^'estc•h ester's  sons.    As  the  hnsband  of  Ann  Ileatii- 
cote  he  became  a  lariic  Westchester  County  land 
o\\ner.     The  de'ey  family  of  the  c(Uiuty,  de- 
scended in  jtart   from  him  and  in  part  from  liis  brother  I'eter.  is  one 
to  which  uncommon  histiuical  interest  atla(dies. 

His  father,  Stejdien  de  l.ancey,  a  descendant  in  the  Huguenot 
branch  of  an  r.ncient  and  noble  I'^rendi  house,  tied  from  France  after 
the  re\<ication  of  the  ICdict  of  Nantes,  and  in  lOStJ  arrived  in  New 
York  with  a  capital  id'  £:!(l(l.  Embarking  in  mercantile  i)nrsults,  he 
soon  amassed  wealth  ami  gained  a  vei'V  influential  position,  not  only 
in  the  commercial  c(uumunity  of  NeA\'  '\'ori<,  but  in  the  government. 
He  was  a  meml)er  ol'  the  general  assembly  for  many  years,  was  a 
vestryman  of  Trinity  Church  in  New  York,  and  was  noted  for  his 
public-s]iirited  interest  in  the  concerns  of  the  city.  He  was  a  waian 
friend  of  the  llugnenots  of  New  Iiocdndle.  In  1700  he  married  Ann, 
secoml  daughter  of  Steidianus  \'an  Coi'tlandt.  .Tanu-s  do  Lancey, 
the  future  (hief  jnstice  and  govei-nor,  was  their  eldest  sou,  boi-n  in 
New  ^'ork  City,  November  27,  17().'>. 

James  was  educated  al  the  Fniversity  of  Camliridge,  lOngland.  In 
172!)  h(>  Avas  api»oiuted  a  iiiendier  ol'  Hie  go\-ernor's  council,  snooeed- 
ing  John  Barberie,  who  was  his  nncle  by  marriage.  In  17:51  ho  was 
niaile  an  associate  justice  <d'  the  Sniu-enu'  Court,  and  in  17:}o,  at  the 
age  of  thirty,  was  piomoted  to  (he  chief  justicoshii).  Whatovor  may 
liave  been  the  (h'teiani in ng  reasons  for  his  su]»i)ort  of  Cio\crnor  Cosby 


luid  jiiiliii^oiiisni  of  ('lii(  r  .liislicc  .Mollis  in  tli:'  \';in  Dam  case,  lie 
imbesitatiiijiiy  followed  to  iis  lojiical  coiiclusioii  I  lie  course  liial  lie 
adopted  \i\u)u  Ilia!  occasion.  Of  a  \ cry  proud  nature,  lie  deeply  rt-- 
seiited  the  assnniption  by  t  lie  other  side  of  siijierior  virtue  and  superior 
reiiard  for  liberty  and  law.  .Morris  was  a  man  of  positive  traits,  and 
by  the  exercise  of  nn(|iiest ioned  judicial  authority  had  lirown  dicta- 
torial in  his  old  aiic  Incensed  at  the  attitude  of  his  yoniiiii  associate 
justices,  both  of  whom  were  still  in  their  thirties,  he  did  not  hesitate 
to  make  known  his  personal  views  of  their  conduct.  "On  the  day 
after  the  \'an  Dam  decision,"  writes  (Jovernor  Cosby  to  the  Duke  of 
Newcastle,  "  the  (diief  justice,  coming  to  court,  told  those  two  jndji'es, 
op(>nly  and  publiidy  upon  the  beiudi  before  a  nuinerous  audience,  thai 
I  heir  reasons  for  their  o]iinion  wei'e  mean,  weak,  and  futile;  that  they 
were  only  his  assistants,  j^iviiii;  them  to  understand  that  their  ojiin- 
ions,  or  rather  jiidf^iiieiits,  were  of  no  siiiiiification."  One  can  imaiiine 
how  the  haii.ulity  spii-it  of  de  Lancey  must  have  chafed  under  such  lan- 
siuafje.  .Mliiounh  tlie  (piarrel  resulted  in  the  dismissal  of  .Morris 
and  his  own  a]i|>ointuieiit  to  the  vacated  oflice,  he  had  to  suiter  for 
two  years  the  humiliation  of  extreme  unpo[mlarity  and  of  utter 
failure  to  c(mi]iel  acceptation  for  his  otliciai  orders  and  rulinjis  in 
the  further  devcdopments  of  the  controvei-sy.  The  t;rand  jury,  de- 
siiite  his  strenuous  and  i'e])ealed  application,  refused  to  indict  Zeni;er, 
and  on  the  final  trial  of  that  an  h-lilxder  the  jury  in  the  case  con- 
teiii])tuoiisly  scorned  the  urgeiit  instructions  jiiNcii  them  by  the  chief 
justice  to  liud  against  tli(>  accused,  and  instantly  rendered  a  verdict 
of  not  nuilty  aiuid  the  i-ajiturous  a](]daiise  of  the  assembled  ]iopiilace. 
15uf  after  the  subsidence  (d'  the  passions  of  that  excitinii  jierioil,  the 
real  wortii  of  de  Lancey's  (  haracter  became  by  dejArees  apjireciated. 
Stroniiw  illed  and  anil)itious,  he  was  yvt  a  man  of  perfect  honesty  and 
o])enness,  frt'c  from  all  meanness  and  low  craft  and  servility  to  the 
SiTcat.  To  the  manliest  of  jiersonal  (pialitics  he  added  brilliant  abil- 
ities, an  extraordinary  capacity  for  ])ublic  affairs,  and  an  alTability 
and  ^race  t,{'  manner  whi(  h  made  him  an  (diject  of  i;eneral  admira- 
tion and  affection.  Duriiiii  the  administration  of  the  royal  (Jovernor 
Cliulou,  faliier  i>\'  Sir  Henry  ("Jintou,  he  severed  his  connections  with 
the  "court  party"  and  was  conseiiuently  re.yarded  with  scant  favor 
by  tile  executi\'e  and  his  adherents.  He  \\as  app(dnted  to  the  oHice 
of  lieutenant-governor  by  the  ]u-o]ter  authority  in  lCm;]aiid,  biil  ('iiii- 
loii  re\-eniiefull\'  wifliludd  the  commission  for  six  years,  dtdivering  it 
to  him  only  upon  the  e\('  of  his  own  iternianent  retirement.  This 
liap|icii(d  in  (>ciober,  IT.").'!,  when  the  newly  apiminted  ^oxcinor.  Sir 
Danveis  ( »sboru,  arrived.  A  very  few  da\s  latei-  ( ►sborii  committed 
suicide,  and  de  i.ancey  thus  became  act inj;  ,uo\<'i-iior.     lie  held  tliepo- 


sitidii  uutil  1755,  serviiio-  so  acceptably  that  when  aiidtlici-  vacancy 
occinTcd  in  1757  the  lionic  government  permitt"(l  Jiim  to  pi-acdcally 
succeed  to  the  full  diiiiiily  of  liovcrnor,  havinii  decided  to  make  no 
new  .appointment  to  the  place  durinin  his  lifetime.  Thus  de  Lancey 
was  the  first  native  American  to  serve  regularly  as  governor  of  the 
Province  of  New  York,  as  his  grandfather,  Stephanus  Van  Cortlandt, 
was  the  first  to  hold  the  office  of  mayor  of  New  York  City.  He  died 
on  the  30th  of  July,  1700,  being  at  that  time  both  governor  and  chief 
justice  of  NeAV  York. 

Governor  de  Lancey  had  three  sons  who  grew  up — James,  Stephen, 
and  John  Peter.  James  was  prominent  politically  after  his  father's 
(lea 111  until  the  Kevolution,  and  then  became  a  Tory;  he  marrie<l  a 
(hiugliter  of  Chief  Justice  William  Allen,  of  Pennsylvania;  two  of  his 
sons  \\ere  otiicers  in  the  British  nulitary  and  uaval  service.  Stephen 
received  from  his  father  as  a  gift  what  is  now  the  Town  of  North 
Salem  in  this  county  (which  came  to  the  elder  de  Lancey  as  his 
share  in  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt).  It  was  under  his  laud  sales  that 
that  town  was  settled.  He  built  a  large  double  dwelling,  later  con- 
verted into  the  North  Salem  Academy,  where  many  distinguished 
men  (including  Governor  Daniel  D.  Tompkins  and  Chancellor  Kent) 
have  been  educated.  John  Peter  was  the  ancestor  of  the  Mamaroueck 
de  Lanceys.  He  received  a  military  education  in  England,  and  fought 
on  the  British  side  in  the  Bevolution,  but  after  the  war  retired  from 
the  army  and  returned  to  America,  taking  up  his  residence  on  the 
Heathcote  estates  on  Scarsdale  Manor,  which  he  inherited  from  his 
mother,  and  where  he  built  the  dwelling  still  known  as  Heathcote 
Hill.  He  married  Elizabeth  Floyd,  daughter  of  Colonel  Kichard 
Floyd,  of  Long  Island,  and  among  his  children  were  Bishop  William 
Heathcote  de  Lancey,  of  Western  New  York,  and  Susan  Augusta  de 
Lancey,  who  married  James  Fenimore  Cooper. 

A  young  brother  of  Governor  de  Lancey,  Peter,  was  politically 
prominent  in  Westchester  County,  and  left  a  numerous  family,  sev- 
eral of  whom  became  noted  or  made  advantageous  marital  alliances. 
He  lived  at  West  Farms  and  was  known  as  "  Peter  of  the  Mills."  He 
represented  the  borough  Town  of  Westchester  in  the  assembly  from 
1750  to  17()S.  He  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Governor  Cadwalla- 
der  Colden.  Among  his  children  were  John,  who  sat  in  the  assembly 
for  AV'estchester  Borough  from  1708  to  1775,  and  was  high  sheriff"  of 
the  county  in  1709-70;  James,  high  sheriff  from  1770  to  1777,  the 
famous  colonel  of  the  Westchester  Light  Horse  (British),  Avho  after 
the  Kevolution  lived  and  died  a  refugee  in  Nova  Scotia;  and  Oliver,  of 
West  Farms,  a  lieutenant  in  the  British  navy,  who  resigned  his  com- 

By  the  Honourable 

His  Majeftfs   Lii  tttenant-Governor  and  Commana  r  in  Chiefs  in  and 

over  the  Province  of  New-York,  and  the  Territor. 
in  America. 

M,    Proclamation. 

r,     Efq; 

'es  depending  thereon 

WIIEREASjit  appears,  That  certain  Perfons  lefiding  on  flncar  the  Eaftern  Borders  of 
this  Provirft,  have  entered  irrto  a  Combination  to  difpoflefb  Rohirt  ^M/i^y?cn,  jun.  Ef^i  Proprietor  of  the 
Alamr  of  LuingJIon^  within  this  Province,  and  the  Tenant  hoidirtg  failer  him,  of  the  Lands  comprifed 
within  the  aid  Manor,  under  Pretence  of  Title  from  the  Ooverfimeiijof  the  Mfija.hujitii  Bo)'^  a^  alfo  cf 
anIf>dianPuchafe  lately  made  by  (be  faidPerions  }  altho' tib  moift  rtotdrcus  thai  ttvr  X»id  Manor  hatli,  'til 
very  h^i^becn  peaceably  hcW  'and  cnipye^Vy  the  faid  R^Ofrf  Livin^bn^  afiii'iws /\nceftur&,  for   Seventy 

Y<ag.b[flp^:~3P^*?St*r<  £W?fg»e-rh«wy<i  *rit^»,  miiimrrii  Vmii mi  VHni  ilftmitAnfill.  %i^<pon^%^y^  only  't;-  cefreei^^j 

the  faid  Government  can  legally  fAid  their  Claim.  Notwiihftanding  which  clear  and  nunif*  /Right  on  the  Part  ol  (his  Ciovotn- 
f-with  their  former  Intrufionson  His  Mjjefty's  Lands  wihi  the  fame,  hrft  bcg^n  tu  carry  their 
punng  to  corrupt  and  turn  Mr.  Livin^?on's  own  Ttiian  againli  him,  in  which  they  fo  far 
16  'til  within  a  few  Years  held  Lands  as  Tenants  ijntl>.f  and  paid  their  Rtnti  to  him,  now 
ptnce  of,  and  fct  up  a  p(elcnded  Right  againft  him,  under  ;C  Government  ot  the  Majjoihujettt 
iPurchafe;    by  which  illegal  Proceedings,  fupportcd    wilh    drcc,    the  Courfe  of 

ment,  lire  faid  Perfons,  not  contei 
Defigns  into  Execution,  by    cndc. 
fijcceeded,  that  feveral  Perloi 
keep  PoQeffion  of  the  Landb  in  D< 
Bayt  wd  the  aforementioned  Ind 

liice  fiath. 
been  obftruiied,  the  Lives  of  fev(  ^1  of  his  Majeft^'s  Subjei£ls  loft,  and"private  Piopcrty  u  ringe^  and  grc.nly  injured.  And 
Whereas  Thirty  One  of  fuch  evil  inded  Perfons,  m  order  to  profccute  their  unjuft  Dtfigns,liu  the  7th  Day  ot  . !•/«'>  laft,  armed 
and  riotoufly  ailemblcd  themfelve^  :  Tadhunui^  at  the  Houfe  of  Jonathm  Du/bu^  which  lland|Bt  the  Dillancc  uf  not  more  than 
Eighuen  Miles  from  Hudfon%  Riv,  ,  among  whom  were  the  faid  Jonathan  Darbies  alfo  Johmnn  Rtrfft  Iloiifuk  E^vfity  Jcfrph 
VanitldfT^  and  bis  Brother,  faid  t  be  Andriet  f'an^eldtr,  Samuel  TayUr,  Ebtntxtr  T'2)hr,  :  id  J>iJiui  'J.  Rf^'e ,  sno  being  fo 
riotoufly  aflembled,  were  comman*  ij  to  difperfc  by  the  Deputy  Sheriff  of  the  County,  in  thu  frefcnce  ot  one  of  His  Majclty  s 
Joflices  of  the  Peace,  two  Conftabl  »,  and  other  Perfons  who  came  thither  with  the  laid  Mcbi  \'ti^mgJloR^  to  fupprefs  the  Riot, 
and  c'ifperfe  the  Rioters  ;  four  only  f  whom  went  off,  the  others  fhutting  thcmfcives  up  in  the  I  t4  Darby's  Houfe,  in  which  ^ihcte 
were  Loop  Hole,  fired  through  the  une,  and  before  they  difpcrfcd,  feveral  were  wounded  on  hv  1  Sides,  one  of  whom  died  in  about 
ao  Hour  therea.'ier,  and  another  fon  j  Time  after,  of  the  Wounds  they  then  received.  IN  Ord<  therefore  to  put  a  Stop  as  much  as 
may  be  to  P'occ.-rdingi,  the  Confc(  fences  whereof  have  already  been  fatal  to  fome,  and  wh'ch  if  not  timely  prevented,  may  flill 
be  produ^ve  of  the  worft  EvUs  to  niers  ;  and  to  eftablifh  and  keep  up  Peace  and  a  good  Und  ftanding  among  the  Bofdcrefs,  till 
thii  unhappy  Controverfy  (ball  be  i^jiA  in  a  legal  Courfe  :  I  HaVE  thought  fit,  with  the  A  -ice  of  His  Majcfty's  Council,  to 
ifliie  this  Proclamation,  Hereby  in  l3i  Maiefty':.  Name,  ftri*£lly  enjoining  all  His  Majcfty's  gnoKubjeas  in  this  Province,  to  fot- 
bear  and  refrain  from  fee h  violent  an  unjuft  Proceedings,  as  every  Inftance  of  that  Nature  will  Bpuniflicd  with  the  utmoft  Rigouf 
of  the  Law.  And  that  the  Offcnde  before  named  may  be  brought  tojuftice,  the  Sheriffs  of  tfc  Counties  of  Man;  zn4  Dauhefs 
and  all  other  Officers  ihci^ein,  are  h(  fey  commanded  and  required  to  apprehend  the  faid  Jumthaimparhit^  Jobanntt  Kffp,  Htndno 
Brvfuy  "joftph  VangtlMry  Samuit  Ta    ir,  Ebtntztr  Toskr,  and  Andriti  J.  R//s,  and   all    -■  '  " 

r  of  their  Affociates,   who  fliali 

■ppcar  to  have  been  aiding  or  abctii  Uhc  faid  Offenders  in  the  Riot  aforefaid  j  and  them  and  cvJy  of  them  to  keep,  or  caufe  to  be 

committed,  infafc  Cuftody,   inihe(  jinty  Goal,  until  delivered  by  due  Couife  of  Law:   AnJb  like  Manner,  to  apprehend  and 

keep  in  fafe  Cuftody   all  and  every  <  riPcrfon  and  Perfons  who  fball  hereafter  be  guilty  of  I   tb  riotous    and   illegaJ    Pra<ilicci. 

And  all  His  Majcfty'sSubje^s  m  t  faid  Counties  of  ^/ijny  and  Z)u/fA,/f»  are  to  give  due  AiliK    kc  to  the  faid  Shcnft  within  their 

refpedivc  Counties,  who  ate  hereby  fipowercdflnd  required,  if  neceffary*   to  fummon  the  PulVt,  ft  whole  Power  of  the  County,  for 
putting  the  Premifes  Iri  Execution. 

GIVEN  under  my  Han,  find  Seal  at  Jrms,  at  Fort-George,  in  the  City  of  iftw-Vork,  tU  Eighth  Day  «/ 
June,  One  Tboufand  S  k»  Hundred  and  Fifty  Sevcn^  in  the  Thirtieth  Tear  ,  '  the  Reign  of  our  Sovereign 
Lord  G^OKGE  the  i  :ond^  ^  the  Grace  cf  GO Dy  0/ Great-Britain,  hrAudgonJ  IrcUnd,  King,  Defender 
of  the  Faith,  andfofo   h. 

Ey  Kia  Honour's  Command, 

Gtr.  Banyar,  Dep.  Set  y 


)E  LAN  GEY. 


GOD  Save  the  KliNG. 

1M:0(  I.AMATION  SKiNK.I)    ItY    I>F.    LANCEY. 


naission  rather  than  tii;lil  a-iaiiisl  liis  nativi'  huid,  and,  rcturiiiuj;  to 
this  countrj,  speiit  the  remainder  of  liis  life  at  Westchester. 

AiKdlier  hrotlier  of  (ioxcrnor  de  Lancey,  Oliver,  was  a  eonspicnous 
figure  in  puldic  life  until  the  end  (d'  the  (-(doniai  regime,  alliiougli 
never  connected  with  Westchester  ("on nty.  In  the  Kevolution  lie  v»as 
the  British  commander  of  th<>  r)e])artment  of  Long  Island,  and  raised 
three  regiments,  known  as  "  De  Lancey's  Battalion,"  of  which  he 
was  brigadier-general.  His  descendants  contracted  hrilliant  mar- 
riages with  p]nglish  fannlies. 

Governor  de  Lancey  had  two  sisters — Susan,  who  married  Admiral 
Sir  Peter  Warren,  and  Anne,  who  became  the  wife  of  John  Watts, 
Sr.,  whose  son  becanu'  county  judge  of  Westchester  County. 

The  de  Lancey  fandly,  as  a  Avliole,  was  emphatically  pro-British 
in  the  American  struggle  for  independence,  and  contributed  many 
brave  officers  to  the  armies  of  the  king.  In  this  latter  respect  the 
de  Lanceys  contrast  with  the  l*hilipses,  who,  while  Tory  to  the  heart's 
core,  were  not  fighters,  and  kept  themselves  at  a  safe  distance  from 
the  scenes  of  carnage-.  Vet  an  element  of  the  de  Lanceys  Ixdongi'd 
to  the  ]jatriot  side,  and  leading  members  of  the  family  who  took  ujt 
arms  for  Great  Britain  became  reconciled  to  the  situation  after  the 
recognition  of  independence,  and  made  themselves  acceptable  citi- 
zens of  the  republic.  The  family  has  always  since  been  honorably 
connected  with  Westchester  County. 

The  Manor  of  Cortlandt,  devised  by  Stephanus  Van  Cortlandt  at 
his  death,  in  1700,  to  his  eleven  surviving  children  in  equal  shares 
(except  that  his  eldest  son,  J(diannes,  received,  in  addition  to  his 
equal  ])ortion,  what  is  now  Verplamdc's  Point  on  the  Hudson,  a  Tract 
of  some  twenty-tive  hundred  acri^s),  remaiTied  undivided  for  many 
years.  The  family  was  a  very  united  one.  The  widow  of  Ste])haiius, 
Gertrude  Schuyler,  outlived  her  liusband  twenty-three  years,  and  it 
was  tacitly  agreed  that  during  her  lifetime  nothing  should  be  done 
toward  splitting  up  the  estate.  Meanwhile  one  of  the  eleven  heirs, 
Oliver,  <lied  childless,  willing  his  interest  to  his  brothers  and  sistcM*.-;. 
The  manor  thenceforth,  until  its  final  dismemberment,  comprised  ten 
proprietary  interests.  Although  after  the  death  of  Stephanus  tlicir 
was  always  a  recognized  "head"  of  the  \'an  Corthiiidt  family,  there 
was  never  a  second  ''loi'd"  of  the  manor. 

Johannes,  the  eldest  son  of  Steidianus,  died  at  a  comparativcdy 
early  age,  leaving  one  child,  Gertrude,  who  married  Philip  \'er- 
planck,  a  descendant  of  one  of  tlie  early  Dutch  settlei-s  of  New  Am- 
sterdam' and  a  man  of  varied  abilities.    Among  his  accomplishments 

'  Abrabmii  Isancspn  Vcipl.nnf  k.  or  riani'U.  He  ipImthI;.  who  (Ipscoiulnnts  still  livlnj;  In  tills 

was  oiip  of   tho   Instigators  of   tho   Diitfli  war  coiiTit.w      The    Verplancks    of      Fisliklll-on-dic- 

of  retaliation  affainst  the  Uulians  (1643-1&43).  Hudson  belong  to  another  branch  of  the  family. 
Verplanck's  Point  was  named  tor  rhiiip  Ver- 



\\!is  ail  expert  kiiowlciluc  of'  siirvcyini;'.  lly  iirficlcs  of  n.urot'liiciir  cn- 
t('r<'(l  into  by  the  \';\n  ( "(HtliUKlt  heirs  in  Xoxciiilx  i-,  1  ToO,  Philii) 
\'ei-]plaii(k  was  apiidiiited  to  sin-\('y  ami  lav  out  tlie  inaiiof  into  lliirty 
lots.  This  coiiiinissicm  was  duly  executed,  althounJi  N'eiidanek's  sui'- 
\{'y  was  coutined  to  the  juirtiou  of  (lie  iiiaiioi-  iioi-tli  of  the  ('I'otoii 
Ki\'et'.  The  lots  wei'e  soon  aftei->\'af(l  conveyed  to  the  several  parlies 
in  interest  by  jiartition  deeds,  aiijiraisals  of  value  haviiii;  been  made 
by  Daniel  and  Samuel  I'urdy,  who  were  sjiecially  s(dected  f(n-  that 
]iurpose.  The  followinji  table  shows  tlu'  number  of  acres  and  their 
estimate*]  value  at   this  time  (IT.'io)  apportioned  for  (-acli  share: 



Philip  Verplanek' (!,8:}1  £973 

Margaret  Bayartl= 7,.'i98  948 

Stephen  de  I^anoey' 7,377  999 

Phili|)  Vail  Corthiiult 6,648  975 

Steplien  Van  Cortlaiidt 6,894  972 

Jiiliu  Mihi^ 7,714  988 

fiertnide  Keekmaii= 8,062  912 

Williaiii  Skinner" 8,163  951 

Andrew  Johnston' 9,023  889 

John  Sehnyler,  Jr. " 7,364  1,018 

75,474  £9,625 

'Grandson   of  Jolianiies   Van    Cortlandt.  ''  lIiishMinl  nf  O.iinnlr   \':iii  ('(irtl.-imlt. 

-'  Mai-^aret    Van    Cortlamlt.    wife    of    Colonel  "  HusIimikI  of  KlizalH-ili  Van 

S.Miinu'l   i;ayanl.  Mlnshnnd  nf  Catherine  Van  Cortlaniit. 

■'Husband  of  Ann  Van  Cortlandt.  "  Husliand  "f  Cormlia  Van  Ciirllandt. 
*  Second  husband  of  Maria   Van  Cortlandt. 

Thus  in  17:*>;!  all  of  Wcsltdiester  ("onnty  north  of  the  ("rotoii  Kiver, 
atid  between  that  stn  am  and  the  Connecticut  line,  having  an  ajijire- 
liate  area  of  over  seveiity-tive  thousauil  acres,  was  ap]iraised  for  the 
paltry  sum  of  ."Ji;4S,(l(l().  This  territory  now  imdndes  the  Towns  of 
Cortlandt,  Yorktown,  Somers,  ^Xoith  Salem,  Lewisboro,  and  a  jtorliou 
of  Poundi'idji*',  whose  combined  taxable  value  amounts  to  not  a  few 

In  1753  the  manoi'  lands  south  of  the  Croton  Kiver  wei-e  di\ided. 
The  heirs-at-law,  eiiteriiiif  into  eiiioyment  of  their  individual  ]ii-o]ier- 
ties  as  iiartitii'iied  to  them,  ni-adiially  leased  the  lands  to  settlers  or 
S(dd  tlieni  in  fee.  The  subsetpieiit  history  of  the  whole  .i;reat  Van 
Coitlandt  estate,  from  the  ])ro](rietarv  point  of  view,  is  well  repre- 
sented by  that  of  the  share  whi(di  fidl  to  yoiinu  Ste])lieii  de  Lancey, 
the  son  of  the  (  hief  justice — a  share,  as  already  lueiil  ioiied,  embraciufj; 
nearly  all  of  the  jiresent  Town  of  North  Salem.  We  (|Uote  fioui  Mr. 
lOdward   1"1(M(1  de  J^ancey's  "  History  of  the  .Mamus": 

Chief  Justice  de  Lancey  in  1744  conveyed  them  (liis  Cortlandt  Manor  lots),  as  a  gift,  to 
his  .second  son,  Stephen.      .Stephen  a  few  years  later  began  tlieir  settlement,  and  hronj^ht   in 


many  fanners  and  scinie  ineuhanies.  Tlif  wliole  tract  was  laid  i)ut  into  farms,  rectangular  in 
sliape,  of  two  hundred  acres  each  as  a  rule.  These  were  leasi^d  for  lou<>-  terms  of  y^'iii's  at 
low  rents,  the  liighest  not  being  more  than  tlO  and  the  lowest  about  £2  or  £{i.  The  rent 
rolls  and  niaj)  showed  the  farms,  which  were  all  nund)ered,  the  tenants'  names,  and  the  rent 
|iayable  by  each.  It  was  always  understood  that  the  tenants  might  buy  "the  soil  right,"  as 
I  he  fee  was  termed,  at  any  time  the  parties  could  agree  upon  price.  In  praetiei",  however, 
tlie  tenants  did  not  begin  to  api>ly  for  the  fee  till  about  the  time  of  the  Revolution,  and  then 
hut  rarely,  .\ftcr  that  event  more  were  sold  to  applicants,  but  many  farms  continued  in  the 
families  of  the  tenants  till  late  in  this  century.  The  last,  which  had  descended  to  himself 
and  the  widow  of  a  deceased  brotlier,  the  writer  sold  in  1875,  after  the  expiration  of  a  lease 
for  ninety-nine  years.  The  same  sy.stem  of  leasing  out  their  lots  in  farms  was  carried  out  by 
all  tile  other  owners  of  the  manor  lands.  Some  sold  the  fee  of  their  lands  at  an  early  day  to 
relatives,  wlio  thus  increased  their  holdings.      Otlier.s  retained  them. 

NotwitlislaiKliiiy-  the  ooiui)lett^  partition  of  tlii'  estate,  tlie  "Lord- 
ship and  Manuour  "  of  Corthiudt,  as  erected  b^'  letters  palent  from 
Governor  Fletcher  in  1697,  did  not  in  any  respect  lose  its  ori<;inal 
identity  or  the  pecnliar  privileges  bcsto'ved  npon  it  by  Thr  terms  of 
that  grant.  II  continned  to  be  a  distinct  political  division,  and,  in- 
deed, was  separated  from  the  remainder  of  Westchester  ("ounty  in 
an  even  more  formal  way  than  any  of  tlie  other  manors,  since  it  en- 
joyed the  exceptional  right  of  sending  its  own  exclusive  representa- 
tive to  the  ](rovincial  assembly.  It  was  not  until  17S8,  under  the 
ri'gime  of  the  State  of  New  York,  when  Westchester  Tonnty  was 
divided  into  townshii)s,  that  Cortlaudt  Manor  ceast^d  to  exist. 

'i'lic  ajiportionment  to  this  manor  of  a  seiiarate  assembly  repre- 
sentative was  conditioned  iipi'ii  the  proviso  that  no  such  repre- 
sentative should  be  chosen  until  tlie  year  1717.  In  point  of  fact,  the 
manor  did  not  elect  its  first  delegate  to  the  assembly  until  1734. 
I'liiliii  Wrplauck  was  then  chosen.  Early  in  his  career  in  that  body 
lie  brought  in  a  bill  directing  that  "one  supervisor,  one  treasurer, 
iwii  assessors,  and  one  collector"  should  be  elected  annually  by  the 
jteople  of  the  manor,  Avhich  was  passed.  In  1750,  on  account  of  in- 
creasing population,  the  election  of  two  constables  was  authorized — 
one  for  the  portion  of  the  mani>r  near  the  Hudson  Kiver  and  the 
other  for  the  interior  sections.  In  1708  the  number  of  constables 
was  increased  to  three.  Ryck's  Patent  (Peekskilli  ac(|nircd  in  1770 
the  privilege  of  choosing  its  own  local  ohicers  imleiKMidently  of  the 
manor,  although  the  inhabitants  of  this  settleniein  still  joined  with 
the  peo])le  of  the  manor  in  electing  the  member  of  assembly.  \'er- 
]>lanck  re]iresented  Cortlaudt  ^lanor  for  the  reinark;ible  |iriiod  of 
thirty-four  years,  his  success(n-  being  i'ierre  \'an  Corthunlt,  who 
served  during  the  remaimh  r  of  the  colonial  era. 

.\fter  the  deatii  of  .lohannes  and  (»li\cr,  the  first  and  second  sons 
ef  Sie|)lianns  \'an  ('orllamll.  I'liilip  \'an  ("ortlandt,  the  lliinl  son, 
became  the  head  of  the  family.  He  was  born  in  l(is:>.  lie  was 
a    merchant    in    Xew     York,    and    has    been   describeil    as   "  a    man 


of  clear  head,  of  lioixl  aliilitics,  ami  jmsscsscd  of  i^i-cat  deci- 
sion of  cliaiacter."  I'nuii  17.">(»  until  his  death  (174(1)  he  was  a 
member  of  the  gubernatorial  council.  Ilis  eldest  son.  Ste|)lien,  died 
yoinii;',  leavinf>'  a  soji,  riiili|),  who  succeeded  as  the  next  head  of  tlie 
family.  But  this  second  l'liili]i,  preferrini;  a  military  life,  entered  the 
British  ai-niy,  in  v.iiich  he  hail  a  ]ini<x  cai-eer,  tinhtinii'  ajiaiust  Amer- 
ican freedom  in  the  Kevolulion.'  His  uncle  Pierre  (youngest  son  of  the 
first  rhilip  and  grandson  of  Steiihanus)  ultimately  becanu-  the  lead- 
ing member  of  tlie  ^'an  ("oi-tlandt   family  resident  on  the  manor. 

Pierre  ^'an  Corllandt's  is  one  of  the  great  names  of  Westolu-ster 
County,  second,  indeed,  lo  none  in  all  the  illustrious  an<l  noble  ar- 
ray. This  is  not  the  ]dace  for  a  i)ailicular  account  of  his  career, 
which,  in  its  more  distinctive-  features,  is  connected  with  the  events 
of  the  Kevolutionary  and  snbsecjueut  ])eriods.  Wlien  those  events 
come  to  l>e  treated  we  shall  see  tliat  in  the  almost  balanced  condition 
of  sentiment  in  this  country  at  the  time  (d'  the  Bevolution,  his  was 
probably  the  detei mining  influence.  Others  led  the  political  hosts 
for  independence,  l)Ut  \'an  Cortlandt's  sujjport,  calmly  and  unju-e- 
tendingly  given,  though  with  all  resoluteness  and  conviction,  was 
a  faci<u-  that  counted  for  (|uite  as  mu(  h  as  the  activities  of  the  agita- 
tors. Not  an  old  man,  and  yet  arrived  at  an  age  of  gravity:  not  a 
])olitician  in  the  common  sense,  but  well  experienced  in  ])ublic  af- 
faii-s  and  having  a  i-cpulalion  for  great  judiciousness  ami  \irtuous 
lo\c  of  truth  and  right;  the  head  of  a  family  as  rejiulable  and  a; 
Iiighly  and  \\idei,\'  connected  as  any  in  the  jirovince,  his  exampb 
was  of  inestimable  moi-al  value  to  a  cause  wliicli.  in  this  county 
at  least,  had  little  need  for  vehement  and  aggressive  advocates,  but 
niucli  for  courageous  njiludders  from  among  the  dignified  ami  con- 
servative classes  of  society.  His  services  to  the  jiali'Iot  nioveiiienl 
began  in  the  colonial  assembly,  of  whi(di  he  was  a  member,  and 
from  that  time  until  after  the  organization  of  the  government  of  the 
I'luted  States  he  was  one  of  the  most  earnest,  useful,  and  prominent 
promoters  of  political  independence  and  stable  republican  institu- 
tions. His  jirivate  life  was  identified  almost  exclusively  with  West- 
chester County.  Born  on  the  Kith  of  .January,  1712,  he  lived  on  the 
manor  from  boyhood,  taking  an  active  i)art  at  an  early  age  in  the 
family   interests.      His  father.  Philii>.  Ixniueatlied  to  him   "all   that 

'  He  was  the  aiieestor  of  Uie  EuKlisli  biaucL  ters  iiiairyiug  into  the  best   i;ii;;lisli  ami  SiiUch 

of   the  Van   Corthuiilts— the   "  ehlest  "   braneh.  families.    The    presiMit    Lonl    Klphinstoiii'.    one 

At    the    (ernilnation    of    the    war,    he    went    to  of   the    Queen's    lords    in    wailiiiK.    is   a    Kreat- 

Ensland    to   reside,   and   died   at   Ilaiishatn.    in  grandson    of    Colonel   Van    Cortlandt.    of     the 

1S14.    lie  had  twenty-three  ehildren.   twelve  of  Kn^-lish    braneh    no    niab'    ileseendant    of     tin' 

whom  reaebed  iTiat\irity,  the  sons  all  attaiuiug  name   is  livin;;.— 7'/ii'    Van   Corlldiiill   I'limihi-   '','/ 

high  rank  in  the  British  army  and  the  daugh-  J/cs.  Pknx  E.  Van  CorllumU,  Svlidrf.  ii.,  42S. 



my  lioiifSi'  and  I'anu  or  lolt  of  land, — bciiij;'  tlu-  east  town  lolt  li-oni 
Teller's  Toliit  exteudiun  all  along"  Croton  Itivev,  toii'etlier  willi  the 
I'erry  House  and  ferry  thereunto  belonniui;."  He  married  -Foanna, 
daujihter  of  (Jilbert  Liviniiston  and  j;randdaui;hter  (d'  Ivobert,  the 
tirst  lord  of  Li\nij;ston  Manor;  and  in  SeptemluT,  17-11),  he  made  the 
manor  house  his  permaueut  place  of  abode.  There  Avere  born  all  of  his 
'hihlren,  four  sons  and  three  dattnliti'is,  of  aaIioui  IMiilip,  the  distin- 
liuished  (ieneral  I'hilip  Van  ("ortlandt  <i(  the  Kevidutionary  army, 
was  the  eldest.  Those  Were  palmy  days  for  the  old  manor  house,  f'ad- 
wallader  ('olden,  writimi  to  liis  wife  in  117)'.],  said:  "I  have  had  a 
\ery  pleasant  ride  from  I'ishkill  to  ^'an  f'ortlaiidt,  where  I  lodged, 
jiassiug' easily  through  tin'  mountains.  Vouui;'  I'ierre  and  his  rliarm- 
iiiii'  \\ife  keej)  ti]*  the  hosjiitaiity  of  the  house  e(]ual  to  his  late  father." 
His  time  was  lariicly  dexoted  to  cariuii  for  tlu-  interests  of  the  numer- 
ous \'aii  Cortlaiidi  heirs  in  connection  with  the  manor  lands — a  very 
responsible  business,  invid\ini:  many  delicate  matters.  He  died  in  the 
manor  house  on  the  1st  of  !May,  1.SL4,  being  aged  more  than  ninety- 
three  years.  He  lies  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  the  Van  Cortlandts. 
The  following  is  the  inscription  on  his  tomb: 

'■  .M;iik  tlif  perftet  iiiiiii  and  beliold  the  u]uij;-lit  ;  for  tlie  end  of  that  man  is  peace." 

Ill  iiH'iuoiy  of  the  Hoiii>ia1ile  I'iene  Van  C'oitlandt,  late  Lieutenaiit-Oovernor  of  the 
State  of  New  York,  and  President  of  tlie  Convention  tliat  formed  the  C'onstitntion  tliereof 
dminjj  tlie  Kevolntionarv  war  witli  Britain.  He  departed  this  life  on  the  first  dav  of 
May,  1814,  in  the  ninety-fourth  year  of  his  age. 

He  was  a  jiatriot  of  tlie  first  order,  zealous  to  the  last  for  the  Liberties  of  his  Country. 

A  man  of  exemplary  A'irtnes  ;  kind  as  a  neighbor,  fond  and  indulgent  as  a  Parent — An 
honest  man,  ever  tlie  friend  of  the  Poor. 

Kespeeted  and  lieloved,  the  simplieity  of  his  private  life  was  that  of  an  ancient  Patri.arch. 
lie  died  a  bright  witness  of  that  perfect  Love  which  casts  out  the  fear  of  Death,  putting  his 
trust  in  the  Living  (!od,  and  with  full  assurance  of  Salvation  in  the  redeeming  love  of  Jesus 
Christ,  retaining  his  recollection  to  the  last  and  calling  upon  his  .Saviour  to  take  him  to 

The  ••  \'oidvers  branch  "  of  the  \'an  ( 'ortlandt.s,  founded  by  the  New 
^'ork  merchant.  Jacobus  V;\]i  ("orllaudt  (a  younger  sou  of  Ohdf  Stev- 
ense  \'an  Cortlandtl,  who  married  Eva,  stepdaughter  of  the  tirst  Fred- 
eri(di  l'hili])se,  was  thraughout  the  colonial  era  a  tlourishing  race, 
-lacobns  jiurchased  from  his  fathei -in-law,  IMiilipse,  in  Kiit!),  fifty  acres, 
lo  which  he  later  added  se\"eral  liumlred  acres  more,  lie  j)roinptIy 
bigan  to  impro\(  his  estate.  About  1700  he  dammed  Tiiyjx't's 
i'.iook.  thus  creating  the  pres<'iit  ^'an  ("ortlandt  Lake;  and  probably 
not  long  aflerw  aril  he  erecteil  below  the  dam  the  A'aii  Cortlandt  mill, 
which  until  as  recent  a  date  as  issil  (when  it  came  into  the  jiosses- 
sion  of  I  he  City  of  New  \'orki  continued  to  grind  corn  for  the  neighbor- 
ing fanners,  dacobus  in  his  will  bci|uc;ii  hcd  to  his  onl\'  son,  I-^ red- 
crick  V;\\i  Coiilandt,  his  farm,  "sitnale,  lying,  and  being  in  a  place 


L-oiumoiily  calkMl  ami  known  bv  lli<'  name  of  Little  or  Lower  Vonck- 
ers."  Frederick  (born  in  1(>98)  niairieil  I'raiicina,  danjiliter  of  Au- 
,<;nstns  and  Anna  ]\raria  (T!a_\ar(li  -lay,  \\hereby  Ids  descendants  be- 
came of  kin  to  Chief  Justice  John  Jay.  It  was  nnder  Frederick's  pro- 
prietorshiii  that  the  Van  Cortlandl  mansion  now  in  the  custody  of  tlie 
Colonial  Dames — a  dwelling'  wliic  h  rivals  the  Philipse  ]\ranoi-  liouse 
at  Youkers  as  a  specimen  of  hij;h-class  colonial  architecture,  and, 
like  the  latter,  is  still  in  a  state  of  jjerfect  preservation — Avas  con- 

The  Van  Coitlaiidt  Mansion  (wo  qiuite  from  the  interesting;  (leserij)tive  jianiphlet  pub- 
lished by  its  present  custodians)  is  liuilt  of  rubble  stone,  with  briek  trininiinj^s  about  tlie 
windows.  It  is  unpretentious  in  a|)pearanee,  }'et  possessing;  a  stateliness  all  its  own,  which 
grows  upon  the  visitor.  It  was  erected  in  1748  by  Frederick  ^'an  Cortlandt — a  stone  on  the 
southwest  corner  bears  the  date — and  possesses  within  and  without  many  peculiarities  of  the 
last  century.  .  .  .  The  style  of  architecture  of  the  liouse  is  essentially  Dutch.  The  old 
Dutch  builders  were  thorough  masters  of  their  trade,  and  put  up  a  structure  which  is  as 
strong  to-day  as  when  New  York  was  a  colony.  All  the  windows  on  the  front  are  surnu)unted 
by  curious  corbels,  with  faces  grave  or  gay,  satyrs  or  humans,  but  each  different  from  the 
other.  Felix  Oldboy  innocently  asked  if  they  were  portraits  of  the  Van  Cortlandts,  and  the 
owner  replied,  "  Y^es,  and  that  the  particularly  solemn  one  was  taken  after  be  had  spent  a 
night  with  the  boys."  The  window  sills  are  wide  and  solidly  b\iilt  into  tlie  thick  stone  walls, 
as  was  the  fashion  of  the  tinu',  ;uid  vary  somewhat  in  form  in  tlie  second  story.  Tlic  side 
hall  and  the  dining-romn,  with  the  rooms  above,  belong  to  an  addition  built  a  year  or  two 
later  than  the  main  house,  and  the  "  lean-to  "  is  an  addition  of  this  century. 

h^rederick  Van  Cortlandt  and  his  wife,  Francina,  had  six  children, 
(d'  whom  Jacobus,  the  eldest  (born  March  3,  1727),  became  the  jtro- 
]>rietor  of  the  "  Little  Yonkers  "  estate  after  the  father's  death,  in 
1750.  This  Jacobus  (third  proprietor)  anglicized  his  name  to  James; 
he  was  the  hij^hly  respected  and  prominent  Colonel  James  Van  Cort- 
lamli  of  the  Kevolution.  'i'honiili  an  undoubted  patriot,  and  resi- 
(h'lit  within  the  British  lines,  lie  was  not  disturbed  by  the  enemy 
in  his  possessions,  and,  indeed,  so  ^reat  was  the  respect  in  which  his 
character  was  held,  was  able  fre(|ueuily  to  exercise  powerful  influ- 
ence with  the  British  authorities  in  New  York  in  behalf  of  his  dis- 
tressed countrymen.  He  died  in  ISOO  without  issue,  whereupon  the 
"Little  Youkers"  estate  passed  to  his  brother,  Anijustus;  and  after 
the  death  of  the  latter  the  principal  ])ortion  of  it  (including  the  man- 
sion) was  held,  until  its  imrchase  by  the  City  of  New  York,  in  the 
family  of  his  daughter  Anna,  who  married  ITenry  White,  the  White 
heirs  of  Augustus  assuming  (be  niinie  of  Van  Cortlandt  agreeably 
to  a  recpiirement  of  his  will. 

The  Manor  of  Pelham,  having  been  reduced  to  one-third  its  original 
dimensions  in  consequence  of  the  sal(>  in  16S9  by  John  Pell  (second 
lord)  of  six  thousand  acres  to  the  Huguenots  of  New  Kochelle,  never 
subsequently  to  that  time  enjoyed  very  conspicuous  rank  among  the 
great  original  landed  estates  of  Westchester  County.     Moreover,  the 



successors  of  Jolin  Poll  in  its  "  lordsliii*  "  tlid  not  compare  in  influ- 
ence or  public  activity  Avith  tbe  descemlanls  of  liie  founders  of  Mor- 
risauia,  Pliilipseburfi'li,  Van  Cortlandt,  and  Scarsdale  Manors;  and 
tbe  roll  of  members  of  tbe  colonial  assembly  from  Westcbester 
County  durini;'  tbe  eiiibteentb  century  does  not  contain  tbe  name  of 
a  single  Pell.  However,  tbe  manor  was  preserved  as  sucb  until  tbe 
deatli  of  tbe  last  ''  lord,"  Josepb  Pell,  in  1776;  and  tbe  Pells  in  tbeir 
various  bi'ancbes  were  always  a  numerous  and  respectable  family, 
contracting  advantageous  marital  alliances  in  botb  tbe  male  and 
female  lines.  Tbe  principal  person  of  tbe  Pell  name  in  later  colonial 
and  Revolutionary  tiuu-s  was  Pliilip  Pell,  a  conscientious,  able,  and 
prominent  patriot,  wbo  represented  tbe  State  of  New  York  in  the  con- 
(inental  congress  of  1788,  served  as  judge-advocnte  of  tbe  American 
army,  and  after  tbe  war  was  slieriff  of  Ibe  county,  bis  son,  IMiilip 
Pell,  Jr.,  serving  for  many  years  as  surrogate. 

A  family  of  very  notable  importance  in  political  activity  and  rei)- 
resentative  cbaracter  for  maTij'  years — rival- 
ing, indeed,  tbe  Morrises,  Pbilipses,  de  Lan- 
ceys,  an<l  \'an  Tortlandts — A\as  tlie  ancient 
Willett  family  of  Cornell's  Neck  on  tbe  Sound. 
Tbe  ])bintation  of  CorneU's  Neck,  identical 
witb  ibe  present  (lason's  Point,  was  granted 
((I  Thomas  Cornell,  a  former  colonist  of  Rbode 
Island  and  Massacbusetts,  by  tbe  Dulcb  di- 
T'ector,  Kieft,  in  1640.  Tbis  ■was  the  third 
recorded  land  grant  in  point  of  time  witb- 
iu  tbe  borders  of  what  subsequently  be- 
came Westcbester  County,  being  antedated  only  by  tbe  grants  to 
Jonas  Ih'onck  of  Prouxland  and  to  Jobn  Throckmorton  and  asso- 
ciates of  Tbrogg's  Neck.  From  Tbomas  Cornell  tbe  estate  passed 
successi\'ely  to  bis  widoAA',  to  his  two  daugbters,  Sarab  and  Re- 
becca, and  to  bis  grandsctn,  ^^■illiam  \\'illett,  son  of  bis  eldest 
daughter,  Sarab,  by  ber  first  husband,  Tbomas  Willett.  William 
Willett  (liorn  1644)  in  1()()7  obtained  froiu  tbe  first  Englisli  governor, 
Nicolls,  a  new  patent  to  Cornell's  Neck,  lie  made  bis  abode  there, 
apparently,  soon  afteiward,  and  lived  in  quiet  enjoyment  of  his  hand- 
some property  until  bis  death,  in  1701.  lie  was  one  of  tbe  first  alder- 
men of  tbe  borough  Town  of  Westcbester.  Having  no  descendants — in 
fact,  be  never  married — be  left  Cornell's  Neck  to  his  younger  brother, 
tbe  noted  C(donel  Thomas  Willett,  of  I'lusjiing.  Tbe  latter  at  once 
(March  28,  1701)  conveyed  it  to  bis  eldest  son,  William,  expressing 
auiong  bis  reasons  for  Hint  a<'t  his  desii-c  for  "  (be  advancement  and 
jirefernient  of  ye  "  said  son.     The '"  adNaiueuieiil  and  lu'eferment  "  of 

1 1 1 1 1 

U?.    .T«    -t.   .1.  .t.    ,»_ 




the  sfcoud  William  Wilk'tt  transpired  immediately;  for  in  the  same 
year  he  was  elected  a  delei^ate  fnmi  Westchester  County  to  the 
provincial  assembly,  in  whicli  capacity  he  served  almost  contin- 
uously until  his  death  (1T;«|.  This  is  a  circumstance  of  peculiar 
consequence  when  it  is  remembered  that  Cornell's  Neck  was  com- 
prised within  the  limits  of  I  lie  l)ni'<)n^li  Town  of  Westchester,  which 
reiiularlv  elected  a  deputy  of  its  own  to  the  assembly.  William 
Willett  must  have  been  a  iiarticularly  forceful  character  to  have 
commanded  the  suffrages  of  I  lie  couniy  for  a  generation,  notwith- 
standing his  residence  in  the  exceptionally  favored  borough  town. 
lie  was  thoroughly  ideutitied  with  the  popular  party.    We  have  seen 

in  a  previous  chapter 
that  when  the  great 
issue  of  the  abuse  of 
the  governor's  prerog- 
ative arose,  and  a  test 
of  pojiular  sentiment 
was  instituted  by 
causing  the  deposed 
Chief  Justice  Morris 
to  stand  for  the  as- 
semldy,  William  Wil- 
lett resigned  his  seat 
in  that  body  to  afford 
opportunity  for  the 
desired  test;  and  also 
that  he  was  one  of  the 
most  zealous  of  ilor- 
ris's  partisans  at  the 
famous  electoral  con- 
t  e  s  t  on  the  East- 
chester  (ircen.  In  addition  to  his  disiiiiguished  career  in  the  as- 
sembly, he  Avas  the  successor  of  Caleb  lleathcote  (1721)  as  county 
judge  of  Westchester  County  and  colonel  of  the  Westchester  County 
militia.  His  eldest  son,  William  Willett,  3d,  also  sat  in  the  as- 
sembly for  the  count}'  (1T3S),  and  was  appointed  colonel  of  the 
nnlitia.  This  third  William's  brother,  (Jilbert  Willett,  was  sherilT 
of  the  county  from  1723  to  1727,  and  represented  Westchester  Bor- 
oiigli  in  the  assembly  from  172S  lo  his  death,  in  1732.  The  two 
brothers  Avere  joint  iirojirietoi's  of  Cornell's  Neck,  which  in  the  next 
generation  becauu^  the  exclusive  property  of  ( iilbert's  son,  Isaac  Wil- 
lett, after  whose  death  it  was  oAvned  by  his  AvidoAV,  finally  being  dis- 
tributed amongst  various  heirs. 




HE  theory  nnd  ])ii),ctiro  of  t-olouiiil  st'lt-tiovcrnment  were  of 
no  sudden  development  in  the  I'rovinee  of  New  York.  Still 
less  were  they  the  resuJl  of  mere  observation  and  imitation 
of  bold  examples  set  by  tht'  people  of  other  British  colonies 
in  Aniericii.  In  the  earliest  days  of  English  rule,  the  people  of  New 
York  were  not  only  ready  for  any  measure  of  self-government  that 
might  be  granted  to  them,  but  were  eager  and  aggressive  in  demand- 
ing the  privileges  of  free  men.  Under  the  proprietary  rule  of  that 
despotic  prince,  James,  Duke  of  York,  after  nearly  twenty  years  of 
I'xelusively  personal  adunnistration  through  his  gubernatorial  rep- 
resentative, the  pro\inee  was,  in  1(J83,  oonci-ded  a  certain  share  in 
the  government  hj  the  erection  of  a  legislative  assembly.  The  very 
lirst  act  i)assed  by  that  body  was  a  proposed  "  Charter  of  Liberties 
and  I'rivileges  gianted  by  his  Itoyal  Highness  to  the  Inhabitants  of 
New  Y'ork  and  its  dependencies,"  Avbich  was  entirely  in  the  line  of 
lioi)ular  i)arti(i])ation  in  the  direction  of  affairs  and  i^opular  limita- 
tion of  the  functions  of  the  executive.  The  Duke  ot  York  considered 
the  manifestations  of  the  assembly  of  1683  so  inconsistent  with  liis 
notions  of  essentially  prerogative  government  for  the  province  that 
the  New  York  legislature  was  never  again  convened  while  he  re- 
tained authoritA',  either  during  the  remainder  of  the  proprietary  pe- 
riod (ir  during  his  reign  as  king  of  England.  The  liberty-desiring 
pe(i])le  of  the  province  harbored  no  kindly  feeling  for  James  as  pro- 
prietor oi-  James  as  sovereign,  and  when  the  news  arrived  of  the 
Kevolution  of  1688  and  the  accession  under  liberal  auspices  of  Will- 
iam, Prince  of  Orange,  tliey  hailed  it  with  joy,  treated  James's  lieu- 
tenant-governor, Nicholson,  with  scant  courtesy,  and  finally  e-xju'lled 
him  from  his  post  and  organized  a  temporary  government  of  their 
own  which  had  all  the  character  and  effect  of  a  purely  repub- 
lican rc'gime,  although  without  the  slighrest  taint  or  suspicion 
of  anar(diy.  And  this  popular  government  of  l(iS9-Dl,  while  originat- 
ing in  force,  was  in  no  sense  a  militai-y  institution.  The  chiefs  of 
the  traiuing-ltands,  who  were  responsible  for  it  in  the  first  instance, 
immediately  sniniiioMed  a  ]ii>iMilar  assembly.  A\hich  a])])ointed  a  strict- 
ly civil  council  of  safety.     Ry  the  will  of  (he  general  governing  l)ody 



established  with  .so  iiuich  courage  vet  dccoriini,  Jacob  Leislor  took 
tlie  i)iiiiciiial  charge  of  affairs.  TIi<'  wliolc  policy  of  l.t'islcr  ami  his 
associates  was  that  of  conscientious  re}iubiican  rulers,  who,  it  is 
true,  held  the  goverunient  in  trust  for  the  new  king  of  England,  but 
held  it  as  constituted  representatives  of  the  iteople,  whos<'  will,  pend- 
ing the  detinite  expression  of  the  will  of  the  lawful  sovereign,  they 
deemed  paramount.  In  a  vital  i)ublic  emergency,  with  which  they 
were  quite  competent  to  deal  if  they  had  chosen,  they  preferred  to 
leave  the  matter  to  tlie  people,  and  accordingly  called  a  new  legis- 
lative assembly.  Eegarding  the  existing  government  of  the  City  of 
New  York  as  unadapted  to  the  changed  order  of  things,  they  did  not, 
however,  presume  to  reorganize  it  by  the  use  of  ai)])olntive  powers, 
but  orde'-"d  a  popular  election  for  the  choice  of  a  new  mayor  and 
aldermen.     The  spirit   and  transactions  of  the  Leisler  period  alTord 

convincing  evidence  of 
the  very  early  pre- 
paredness of  the  peo- 
ple of  New  York  for 
political  independence, 
and  also  of  their  per- 
fect caijacity  for  its 
orderly  and  creditable 
exercise.  There  is  no  b"tter  established  fact  than  this  in  American 
colonial  history. 

After  the  restitution  of  the  i)rovin(iai  assembly  as  a  permanent 
parliament  by  William  III.  in  KiiH,  the  ])eople  ardently  availed  them- 
selves of  the  resources  jirovidtMl  by  that  body  for  defending  snch 
rights  as  they  possessed  against  royal  invasion,  for  harassing  arbi- 
trary or  objectionable  governors,  and  for  gradually  asserting  the 
broad  principle  of  Amerit-an  liberty.  The  government  of  the  province 
was  modeled  upon  that  of  England,  with  important  differences.  The 
assembly  corresponded  to  the  house  of  commons,  to  which,  as  a 
representative  elective  body  of  the  peoi)le  at  large,  it  bore  a  perfect 
similitude.  The  council  took  the  place  of  both  the  house  of  lords 
and  the  ministerial  cabinet,  being  in  theory  partly  a  higher  chamber 
and  partly  a  body  of  executive  advisers.  It  was  in  })i'actice  wholly 
subservient  to  the  governor,  since  its  members  were  appointable  and 
removable  by  the  home  government  in  England,  subject  singly  to  his 
recommendation.  By  the  entire  absence  of  a  "  government  of  the 
day,"  executive  power  was  concenti'ated  in  the  hands  of  the  governor, 
who,  unless  a  man  of  exceptionally  virtuous  and  moderate  character 
(which  seldom  hap]iened),  was  theref(U'e  under  strong  tem])tation  to 
regard  hims<'lf  as  a  ruler  to  wht)m  uncouimou  individual  iiuthoritj' 

EVENTS     FKOJI     1765    TO     1775  279 

belonged  iu  the  natural  oi-dci-  of  things.  But  this  condition  operated 
powerfully  to  make  of  llie  assciiilily  not  merely  a  counterpoise  in 
the  go\eiiim('nt,  hut  an  irrecoiicilahlc  antagonistic  force.  As  there 
was  no  established  ministry  responsible  to  the  assembly  and  capable 
of  reversal  by  it  on  the  merits  of  administrative  acts  and  policies, 
the  assembly  was  not  a  liigldy  organized  and  nicely  related  depart- 
ment in  a  carefully  adjusted  scheme  of  government,  but  stood  with 
great  foruuility  on  an  independent  footing.  The  result  was  that,  in- 
stead of  being  a  co-operative  factor  in  the  business  of  managing  the 
province,  it  held  itself  in  an  attitude  of  confirmed  reserve  toward 
the  executive.  It  was  a  substantial  repetition  of  the  feud  between 
the  parlianu'Ut  and  the  king,  with  the  diii'erence  that,  while  that  un- 
happy feud  iu  tlie  mother  country  endured  for  only  a  brief  compara- 
tive period,  its  simulacrum  in  New  York  covered  the  entire  time  of 
the  existence  of  the  province. 

To  the  New  York  assembly,  as  to  the  British  house  of  commons, 
was  reserved  the  exclusive  right  to  originate  money  bills,  which, 
moreover,  were  unamendable  by  the  council.  This  power  was  early 
apitreciated  by  the  people  as  their  great  safeguard  against  effectual 
tyranny,  and  in  the  case  of  every  governor  of  unacceptable  behavior 
t  lu'y  enforced  it  with  unsparing  rigidity.  Holding  the  purse-strings, 
they  could  excei'dingly  embarrass  the  haughtiest  governor,  and,  iu 
fact,  there  Avas  a  per])etual  irritation  between  the  executive  and  the 
legislature  on  the  subject  of  grants  of  supplies.  Governor  after  gov- 
ernor was  sent  over  from  Englaml  with  express  instructions  to  cor- 
lect  these  exasperating  practices,  but  dismal  faihire  resulted  in  every 
instance.  To  such  a  pitch  had  the  resohite  spirit  of  the  colonists 
reached  after  sixty  years  of  representative  governnu'ut,  that  upon  the 
arrival  of  the  I'Oj'al  Governor  Osborn,  in  1753,  he  was  greeted  by  the 
city  corporation  with  an  address  in  which  was  expressed  the  signifi- 
cant expectation  that  he  would  be  as  "averse  from  countenancing 
as  we  from  brooking  any  infringements  of  our  inestimable  liberties.'' 
It  hai)]K-ned  that  Osborn  had  been  particularly  directed  by  the  British 
go\('rnment  to  curb  the  aggressive  tendencies  of  the  colonists.  He 
was  a  man  of  peculiarly  sensitive  soul,  and  the  tise  of  such  terms  iu 
an  (dticial  address  of  welconu'  from  the  capital  of  the  ])rovince  over 
wliicli  lie  was  to  rule  greatly  disturbed  liim.  Inquiring  of  sonu'  of 
the  principal  men  about  the  general  political  conditions,  he  was 
told  of  the  exlreine  obstiviacy  of  the  assembly,  notably  in  the  mat- 
ter of  voting  supplies — an  obstinacy  from  which  it  would  never  re- 
ce(h'  one  ste]),  however  commanded,  ^vlieedjed,  or  threatened.  It  was 
well  established  at  the  time  that  Governor  Osborn's  sensational  sui- 
cide was  due  to  despondency  over  the  gloomy  i)rospect  thus  held 


Iirlnrc  liiui.  A  ti'ii^ifiil  ei)is{i(lc  <>(  aiintlicr  kind,  the  "  hattk'  of 
Cioldcii  Hill,"  New  York  ("ity  |.fami:nv  111  and  20,  177(11,  rt'snltiiiji  in 
the  .slicddinj;  of  tlu'  lirst  blood  oT  liic  Kevolution,  is  direetly  tniee- 
able  lo  I  he  j^rini  policy  of  the  Xc\\  \'oik  provincial  assembly  in  re- 
lation to  money  yranls.  'Die  assenihl\-  had  ])ersistently  refused  to 
provide  certain,  articles,  such  as  beer  and  cider,  for  the  use  of  the 
British  <;arrisou  quartered  in  New  NOik  City,  and  this  conduct  had 
j^really  incoused  tlu'  soldiei-y,  avIio  had  borne  themselves  toward  the 
poi)ulace  of  the  city  with  a  particularly  swagiieriuf;  demeanor,  be- 
sides committing  overt  acts  of  serious  offensiveuess.  Hence  arose 
extreme  bad  feeling,  terminating  in  the  (!(»lden  Hill  affair.  It  was 
also  as  a  consequence  of  tlie  assembly's  course  in  the  contro\<'rsy 
about  sup[dies  for  the  troops  that  the  extraordinary  act  of  parlia- 
ment suspending  the  business  of  the  New  York  assembly  on  the 
ground  of  insubordination  was  passed  (October,  17<;7).  This  act  was 
"  for  restraining  and  prohibiting  the  governor,  council,  and  house 
of  representatives  of  the  l'ro\  incc  of  New  York,  until  provision  shall 
have  been  made  for  furnishing  the  king's  troops  with  all  the  neces- 
saries required  by  law,  from  passing  or  assenting  to  any  act  of  as- 
sembly, vote,  or  resolution  for  an^-  other  purpose.'' 

Com])ared,  however,  with  the  general  disposition  of  the  masses  of 
the  pco]ile,  the  course  of  the  assembly  toward  the  crown  and  its  orti- 
cial  r(']>res(ntatives  was  eminently  respectful  and  amiable.  The  pro- 
vincial assembly  of  New  York  was  always  entirely  loyal  to  the  king 
in  its  professi(tns,  and  also  in  its  true  spirit;  and  even  to  the  last 
days  of  its  last  session,  when  the  clouds  of  war  were  about  to  spread 
over  the  land,  was  from  being  otherwise  regarded.  It  was  a 
relatively  small  legislative  IxmIv,  never  having  more  than  thirty  mem- 
bers; and  it  uniformly  contained  a  large  proportionate  element  of 
gentlemen  of  wealth,  culture,  and  select  social  connections,  who, 
wliile  dilTering  on  jniblic  (|uestions,  and  I'Specially  on  the  great  (pu's- 
tion  of  colonial  rights,  had  an  abiding  respect  for  the  forms  of  attach- 
ment to  the  crown  so  long  a.s  thos(  forms  Avere  not  abrogated.  In- 
dee(],  des|)it(>  the  characteristic  stubbornness  of  the  assend)ly  toward 
the  gd\'ernoi-s,  it  was  not  wholly  unamenable  to  executive  persua- 
sion, e\'en  upon  critical  occasions  (d'  ])opnlar  feeling.  Concerning  the 
burning  issm'  of  su]i]>lies  for  the  troo]>s,  which  \\as  coincident  with 
the  Stamp  -Vet  agitation,  it  first  assumed  a,  jiositien  (d"  uncompro- 
niising  resistaiic<',  I'efusiiig  to  fui-nish  not  only  beer  and  cider,  but 
such  absidulel_\'  necessai-y  articles  as  fuel,  lights,  beilding;,  cooking 
utensils,  and  salt  as  well.  Yet  from  this  radical  stand  it  gradually 
recede<l,  granting  fii'st  one  it(^m  and  then  another.  The  m(>asu7'e  of 
parliament    practically    extinguishing    the    New    York    assembly — 

EVENTS     Flt("»>r     17G5    TO    1775 


wliicli  \v;is  ;iii  iicl  of  (liahnlical  tyraiiiiv  if  ever  tlicrc  was  one — was 
iiicl  not  witli  scornful  (lotiano*^  but  with  submission!  It  is  true  that 
the  assembly  continued  to  s>ive  snfticient  trouble  to  the  <i-overnor, 
but  it  caused  quite  as  much  dissatisfaction  to  the  rev(dutionary 
s])irils  among'  the  citizens,  who  could  not  brook  the  (liouuht  Ihat 
the  re])i-esentaiive  body  of  the  jieople  sliould  be  in  the  least  sub- 
servient to  I  hell'  assumed  masters.  In  the  vacillatint;,'  record  of  the 
assembly  i-;  certainly  to  be  found  the  exjdanation  (d'  the  general 
imiiression  wlii(di  has  always  existed  and  probably  never  will  be 
(|uite  removed,  that  New  York  was  comparatively  a  conservative  and 
reluctani  (actor  in  the  moA^emeut  of  iln-  thii-(een  c(donies  lor  inde- 
]iendence — an  impression  which  is 
most  unjust,  ncvt  to  be  encouraged  for 
a  moment  by  any  historical  student 
who  impartially  examines  the  evi- 
dences of  the  true  dis]iosition  of  the 
]ieopie  of  New  'N'ork  l'l-o\i!lce  through- 
out colonial  times. 

The  several  cons]iicuons  examples  of 
this  charai-teristic  iMi]nilar  disposition 
whi(  h  have  been  noted  in  the  progress 
of  oni'  narrative  need  not  be  multi- 
plied liere.  A  few  words  respecting  its 
mole  imiiorfant  special  relations  are, 
however,  necessary  to  a  proi»er  under- 
standing of  general  conditions  before 
resuming  the  thread  of  the  story. 

lieutenant  -  (iovernor  Cadwallader 
•  'niden,  who  occujiied  the  chief  magistracy  of  the  i)rovince 
most  of  the  time  from  (h'  T.ancey's  death  until  the  Kev(d>ition — an 
able  and  widl-intentioned  man,  but  an  extremist  in  the  assertion  of 
the  |)i-erogatives  of  the  crown, — very  instructively  snmmed  nji  the  par- 
tisan situation  in  one  of  his  official  rejtorts  to  the  British  nunistry. 
\\iiting  on  the  21st  of  l'\'bruary,  1770,  soon  after  the  (iolden  Hill  con- 
tlict,  he  said:  "  The  jtersons  who  ai)i)eai'  on  these  occasions  are  (d'  in- 
feri(U-  raid<,  but  it  is  not  doubted  that  they  are  directed  by  sonu'  ])er- 
sons  (d'  distinction  in  this  place.  It  is  likewise  thought  they  are  en- 
couragetl  by  some  persons  of  note  in  England.  They  consist  (diielly  of 
dissenteis,  who  are  very  numerous,  especially  in  the  counti-y,  and 
ha\«'  a  great  inlluence  over-  the  country  members  of  the  assembly. 
The  most  actixc  among  them  are  indejieiidents  from  New  Englaml, 
or  educated  there,  and  of  reimblican  ju-inciples."  On  the  other  hand, 
said  (iovernoT'  ("iddeii,  "  the  fricTuls  <d'  government  ai-e  of  the  ('hurch 




of  Eujiland,  tlio  Lntlicians,  juid  tlie  old  Dutch  congregation,  with 
several  Presbyterians."  l-'roni  this  classitication  the  great  prepon- 
derance of  aggressive  sentiment  in  the  province  is  a  very  manifest 
fact.  The  "dissenters"  were,  indeed,  overwhelmingly  in  the  major-, 
ity.  Even  in  our  County  of  Westchester,  where  powerful  inllueiices 
were  arrayed  on  the  side  of  the  Church  of  England,  its  adherents  did 
not  compare  in  numbers  witli  those  of  other  denominations.  Accord- 
ing to  a  list  compiled  by  the  Eev.  W.  S.  Coffey,  of  Mount  Vernon,  of 
the  church  edifices  erected  in  this  county  previouslj-  to  the  Revolu- 
tion, only  seven  of  those  structures  belonged  to  the  Church  of  Eng- 
land, while  nineteen  were  built  by  other  congregations,  including 
"Independents," Friends,  Presbyterians,  riuguenots,  Peformed  Dutch, 
and  Iteformed  Protestant,  (iovernor  Colden's  enumeration  of  the 
Lutherans,  the  old  Dutch,  and  "  several  Presbyterians  "  among  the 
"  friends  of  government ''  is  merely  a  recognition  that  Toryism  did 
not  wholly  depend  for  support  upon  the  aristocratic  cliurch.  The 
Lutherans,  or  (U'rmans,  and  the  "  old  Dutch,"  belonging  to  an  alien 
race,  deliberate,  slow,  easily  satisfied  with  moderately  free  institu- 
tions, accustomed  by  all  their  traditions  to  live  under  authority  with- 
out very  jealously  s(  lutiiiizing  its  nature  or  limiting  its  bounds,  had 
ways  of  thinking  (|uite  foreign  to  those  of  the  restless  propagandists 
of  American  libei-ty,  whom,  indeed,  they  ni'ither  understood  nor  de- 
sired to  understan<l.  It  was  not  a  (juarrel  of  these  German  and 
Dutch  aliens;  as  a  rule,  they  felt  <mly  a  languid  interest  in  it,  and 
held  aloof  from  it  until  forced  tis  choose  sides,  when,  as  a  rule,  f(d- 
lowing  the  conservative  instincts  of  their  natures,  they  preferred  the 
side  of  established  order  to  that  of  i-evolutionary  convulsion.  Th(^y 
really  const  it  ute<l  a  passive  element,  and  were  loyalists  nuiinly  in 
the  sense  that  they  were  not  disturbers  of  the  prevailing  conditions. 
i\s  for  the  "several  Pi-esbyterians  "  claimed  by  Govern(U'  Colden  as 
belonging  to  the  anti-revolutionaiy  party,  his  application  of  that 
diminutive  numerical  to  tliem  was  well  chosen.  In  earlier  times  the 
name  "  Presbyterians  "  was  generic  for  all  Avho  were  not  of  the 
"Court"'  part}' — that  is,  for  all  who  arrayed  themselves  politically 
against  the  "  Episcopalian,"  or  arrogant  ruling,  class — the  Chui'ch 
of  England  having  been  the  institution  of  those  who  cherished  pe- 
culiarly Iheii-  British  breeding  and  antecedc^nts,  lioliiing  tliemselves 
as  a  suiiei'ior  society  amid  a  mixed  citizenshi])  of  colonials,  and,  con- 
sistently with  such  pretensions,  forming  an  always  reliable  i)ro])  for 
the  croAvn  and  the  crow  n's  officers.  To  be  a  "  Presbyterian  "  in  the 
political  meaning  of  the  word  in  K(>w  York  at  that  early  period 
was  to  be  identified  with  the  factious  populace,  the  populace  of 
i^mith   and  Alexander,   Chief  Justice  I\Iorris  and  Peter  Zenger,  al- 

EVENTS    FROJI    1765    TO    1775 


llioiiyli  that  populace  was  far  too  respectably  led  for  ilie  desiffua- 
tiou  ever  to  have  been  oue  of  derisiou.  I>ater,  the  party  names  Whig 
and  T<»ry  came  into  vogue.  At  tlie  time  when  (Jovernor  Colden 
made  the  above  quoted  analysis  of  popular  sentiment  in  the  province 
tlie  Presbyterian  religious  sect,  like  every  oilier  non-conformist  Eug- 
lish-S])eaking  denomination,  was  almost  solidly  against  l>ritish  op- 
pression, with  only  here  and  there  an  iullnential  opponent  of  the 
2)opular  cause. 

Nor  did  the  defenders  of  tlie  crown  at  all  hazards  make  u])  in 
relative  influence  and  abilily  what  they  lacked  so  distressingly  in 
numbers.  With  all  their 
boasts  of  superiority,  the 
Tories  of  New  York  have  left 
few  names  remarkable  for 
anything  more  meritorious 
than  proud  faithfulness  to 
the  British  monarchy,  which 
faithfulness,  moreover — as, 
for  example,  in  the  lamenta- 
ble case  of  our  Frederick 
Philipse, — was  p  r  o  m  p  t  e  d 
quite  as  often  by  miseal- 
culating  conceptions  of  the 
chances  of  the  war  as  by 
nervous  scorn  for  sordid  self- 
interest.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  contributions  made  by 
New  York  to  the  roll  of  Rev- 
olutionary patriots  of  the 
more  ennnent  order  are  im- 
l>ressively  numerous.  From 
whatever  aspect  the  state  of 
political     society     in     New 

^'ork  cm  the  eve  of  the  Ikcvoliilioii  is  viewed,  (lie  ad\autage  was  with 
I  he  fi'iends  of  freedom. 

Till'  immediate  causes  of  the  {{evolution  were  the  enactments  of 
]i;irliam(Mit  for  taxing  the  colonies,  the  uncomproniising  resistance 
Willi  which  these  measures  wei-e  met  in  America,  and  the  conse- 
(|Ueiit  resentment  of  Great  Britain,  leading  to  ucav  manifestations  of 
various  kinds.  The  triumi>hant  conclusion  of  the  I'^reuch  and  In- 
dian War,  by  which  Canada  was  wrested  from  France  and  made  a 
jiait  of  the  c(donial  empire  of  England,  was  an  unmixed  blessing  for 
the  people  of  the  thirteen  colonies.     It  put  an  end  forever  to  a  con- 

KIN(i    (JEOlUiF.     III. 


(lition  which  had  bi'i'ii  a  standinii  iiiciiaci'  to  their  peace  and  pros- 
perity— the  existence  of  a  liostih-  iiciyiibor  at  the  north.  The  col- 
onists had  cheerfnlly  borne  their  part  in  tlie  yreat  acliieveineut,  and, 
if  properly  appealed  to,  would  ha\e  diseharged  as  cheerfully  their 
share  of  the  resulting  indebtedness.  But  the  British  government 
had  ni'own  weary  of  submittinii'  to  the  cajirices  of  the  cidonial  as- 
semblies in  the  matter  of  money  grants,  and,  in  looking  to  America 
after  the  close  of  the  war  for  financial  assistance  on  a  substantial 
scale,  resolved  to  make  that  necessity  the  occasion  of  some  decided 
changes  in  the  former  order  of  things.  The  changes  determine<l  upon 
were,  in  their  essential  details,  startling  innovations.  The  assem- 
blies were  required  to  abandon  tiieir  old  i)ractice  of  limiting,  in 
amount  or  as  to  time,  the  supplies  demanded  by  the  governors,  and 
to  obediently  vote  them  without  discussion.  They  were  to  vote  the 
civil  list  first  of  all  and  without  question,  which  meant  that  all  the 
royal  officers  were  to  be  made  independent  of  any  disfavor  con- 
ceived toward  them  by  the  popular  assemblies;  and,  as  a  logical  sequel 
to  this,  tenure  of  office  was  to  be  in  future  at  the  royal  pleasure, 
without  reference  to  "good  behavior."  In  order  that  the  operation 
of  these  and  other  plans  might  not  be  interfered  with  by  possibly 
conflicting  provisions  in  existing  colonial  charters,  all  such  charters 
were  i)ut  to  an  end.  The  drastic  navigation  laws,  which  had  always 
been  a  crying  grievance,  wei'e  to  be  rigidly  enforced.  Finally,  the 
colonies  were  to  be  taxed  directly  by  parliament,  through  the  me- 
dium of  stamped  paper,  whose  use  was  to  be  obligatory  in  all  mer- 
cantile transactions,  ami  even  for  marriage  licenses.  And  as  a 
means  for  compelling  acquiescence  in  the  new  regulations  a  stand- 
ing army  of  ten  thousand  men  \\as  to  be  sent  over  and  (piartered 
on  the  Americans,  who  were  recpiired  to  pay  toward  its  maintenance 
some  £100,000  annually,  or  one-third  of  the  entire  cost.  There 
was  a  i)retense  that  the  purpose  of  the  tro()])s  was  to  afford  protec- 
tion to  the  colonists,  btit  no  one  \\as  decei\('d  ity  it. 

Early  in  the  year  17(i.~)  the  Stamp  Act  was  inlidduced  in  parlia- 
ment, and  on  the  22d  of  .Alai-ch  it  receivi'd  the  signature  of  the  king. 
The  time  ap[(ointed  for  its  taking  effect  was  the  1st  of  November. 
As  soon  as  the  neA\s  of  its  passage  reached  .Vnierica,  measures  were 
set  on  foot  for  offering  as  effective  an  opposition  as  possible  to  its 
enforcement.  f\tminunications  on  the  subject  were  exchanged  by 
the  various  colonial  assemblies;  and  il  was  decided  to  hold  a  gen- 
eral congress  of  the  ((doiiies  to  discuss  the  matter  and  to  lake  stei)S 
for  united  action.  This  Ixtdy  came  togethei-  on  October  7  in  the 
assembly  (handier  (d'  the  city  hall  in  New  York,  twenty-eight  dele- 
gates being  in  attendance,  rejires^nting  lune  of  the  thirteen  colonies. 

EVENTS    FUOil    1705    TO    1775  285 

Till'  dclciiutcs  fniiii  New  ^'oT'k  wcic  Jolm  Ciuiicr,  Knbcrl  I{.  M\iii^- 
ston,  Philip  Livingston,  William  l^ayard.  and  Lcunanl  Lispenard. 
Stronii  rcscdntions  were  adojjlcd,  as  well  as  ix'dtioiis  to  tlie  kin<r, 
llic  lionsc  of  lords,  and  tlic  house  of  conimons,  for  the  repeal  of 
the  act.  On  October  23  the  shiji  bearini;-  New  York's  eonsif^nment 
of  the  staniiK'd  ])a]ier  ai-rived  in  the  harbor.  This  M'as  the  sijiiial  for 
jinoressive  popular  denH)ns( rations,  m  hieh  were  so  formidable  and 
were  attended  by  such  sicnificant  evidences  of  the  determination 
of  the  ])eople  to  prevent  the  enforcement  of  the  act  and  of  the  sj;en- 
eral  co-operation  of  the  merchants  in  that  ]iurpose,  that  the  goveru- 
meut  did  not  dare  attempt  its  execution.  Indeed,  the  first  packages 
of  stamped  ])a])er  were,  at  the  request  of  the  citizens,  turned  over 
to  the  city  corporation  for  "  .safe  keeinnji,"  and  upon  the  arrival  of  a 
second  shipment  from  England  the  vessel  bringing  it  was  boarded  by 
a  deputation  of  the  i)eople  and  the  ])ackages  were  taken  ashore  and 
burned.  But  the  most  ])owerful  weai)ou  used  by  the  inhabitants  of 
New  York  against  the  Stamp  Act  was  the  celebrated  "Non-Importa- 
tion Agreement."  This  was  a(h)pted  on  the  evening  of  October  31, 
]7t')5,  by  some  two  hundred  New  York  merchants,  at  a  meeting  held 
in  liurns's  coffee  house.  They  pledged  themselves  to  import  no  goods 
from  England  until  the  Stamp  Act  should  be  repealed.  The  merchants 
of  IMiiladelphia  ado])ted  a  like  agreement  on  November  7,  and  those 
of  Boston  on  ]>ecember  1.  The  conse(iuences  were  immediately  felt 
by  the  shipping  public  in  England,  and  were  so  disastrous  that  pres- 
sure was  brought  to  bear  u])on  ])arliament,  which  resulted  in  the 
re])eal  of  the  act  on  h"'ebruary  22,  17(><),  less  than  a  year  after  its  pro- 
mulgation. The  event  caused  great  rejoicing  in  flie  ('ity  of  Kevv 
York.  The  king's  birthday,  the  -Ith  of  June,  was  made  the  occasion 
of  a  grand  celebration,  one  of  whose  incidents  was  the  erection  of  a 
liberty  pole  under  the  auspices  of  the  Sons  of  Liberty.  This  organ- 
ization was  a  secret  confraternity  of  the  luoi-e  radical  element  of 
the  i)eo])le,  ■\Aith  ramitications  throughout  tlie  colonies.  It  a[)pears 
to  have  been  full  tledged  at  the  time  of  the  taking  effect  of  the 
Stani]!  Act,  since  the  lhoi'o\ighly  organized  i-esistance  to  the  act  Avhich 
was  oll'ered  by  the  peojile  at  large  was  uniformly  ti'aceable  to  its 
iiii'iiibeis.  The  Sous  of  Liberty  were  the  mainstay  of  the  w  liole  pop- 
uhir  ai:italion  against  I'.ritish  o|)|)ression  and  in  favor  of  American 
imlepeiideuce  from  the  time  of  the  ])assage  of  the  Stamp  Act  until 
the  champioushi])  of  tlieii-  cause  became  tlie  business  of  armies  in 
the   field. 

The  Staiii]!  .\ct  rejieal  was  followed  by  a  year  of  (|uiet.  But  in 
May,  17<i7,  aimlher  ]iarliamentary  sclieiiie  for  taxing  the  colonies 
was  instituted,  which  iuijKJsed  port  duties  on  uiany  articles  of  com- 



moil  use,  i!icludin<i  <;liiss,  jiapcr,  Iciul,  ])aint('rs'  colors,  and  tea.  Al- 
tliou<>h  intense  feeling  was  excited  tlirongliout  the  colonies  by  the 
new  law,  two  years  ])nssed  by  Iiel'ore  a  systematic  jiolicy  of  effective 
opposition  was  entered  n])oii.  Then,  in  the  sprinj;-  of  ITCiU,  Uie  mer- 
chants of  New  York  anain  met  and  formulated  a  second  Non-Impor- 
tation Ajireeinent,  under  which  no  Eniilish  ji'oods,  with  but  few  ex- 
ceptions, Avere  to  be  purchased  so  lony-  as  the  duties  should  remain 
in  force.  Tlie  mercantile  communities  of  Philadelphia  and  Boston 
were  somewhat  tardy  in  assenting;-  to  this  instrument,  but  by  the 
fall  they  gave  in  their  adhesion.  A.gain  the  British  ministry,  ap- 
palled at  the  falling  off  in  American  trade,  was  forced  to  yi(dd,  and 

in  1770  all  the  duties  objected  to,  ex- 
cept ihat  on  tea,  were  annulled. 
Meantime  New  York,  while  observ- 
iiig  to  the  letter  the  obligations  of 
the  Non-Importation  Agreement, 
ha<l  great  cause  of  complaint  against 
Boston  and  Philadelphia,  where  it 
was  secretly  violated  on  a  large  «rale 
by  tlie  merchants.  Exasperated  at 
this  lack  of  faith,  the  New  Yorkers, 
after  the  abrogation  of  all  the  taxes 
except  on  tea,  retired  from  the  agree- 
ment, wliicli  thereafter  fell  to  the 
ground  in  the  other  cities  as  w'ell. 
II    was,    liow(>ver,    generally    under- 

st 1  that  no  tea  should  be  import e<l 

whilst  the  tax  endured — an  under- 
standing which,  despite  the  greater 
historic  fame  in  that  connection  en- 
joyed by  Boston  on  account  of  iier 
so-called  "Tea  Party,''  was  executed 
with  ecjiial  (lelermination  and  success  in  New  York.  For  some 
three  years  practically  all  I  he  tea  bought  in  America  was  from 
Englamrs  Europc^ui  commercial  rivals.  Finally,  in  1778,  the  Brit- 
ish cabinet  attempted  a  master  stroke.  They  rescinded  the  large 
export  duty  taxed  on  tea  leaving  British  ports,  retaining,  however, 
the  small  import  duty  of  three  ])ence  per  pound  on  American  impor- 
tations of  the  article.  The  Boston  Tea  Party  occurred  on  the  KUh 
of  December,  1773.  Up  to  that  date  no  tea  had  arrived  at  New- 
York,  but  more  than  a  month  previously  careful  aiTangenuMits  had 
been  made  by  the  Sons  of  Liberty  and  others  to  prevent  the  landing 


EVENTS     KUOiM     1705    TO     1775  287 

of  any  and  all  the  jiackaijes  tliat  should  he  hroimlit  llici-c  Two 
tea  ships,  the  "Nancy"  and  the  "  J.ondon,"  canic  inlo  poi'l  tlic  next 
April.  One  of  (lieui  was  obliiicd  to  rcliivn  (o  ICiinland  wKliont  de- 
liverinji'  her  ear,ii(>,  and  (li(>  other  was  hoarded  by  tlie  iSons  of  Lib- 
erty, who,  brealcinji-  open  the  chests,  tlireAv  the  tea  into  the  East 

The  rejection  id'  tlie  tea  by  JJoston  liad  already  made  it  niauifest 
to  (lie  kiuo-  ami  his  ministers  that  no  plan  for  taxing-  llie  colonies  by 
direct  action  of  parliament  could  succeed  thronyh  the  operation  of 
the  ordinary  forms  of  law,  and  that  the  time  had  come  to  resort  to 
extremities.  Early  in  1774  an  act  knoAVU  as  the  Boston  Port  Bill  was 
])assed — a  ])nnitive  measure,  desiii'ni'd  to  coerce  the  city  by  closing- 
her  port.  News  of  the  proceedings  reached  New  York  on  the  12th 
of  May.  It  Avas  instantly  recocnized  that  a  like  fate  was  undoubtedly 
in  store  for  New  York,  and  accordingly  a  great  meeting  was  held, 
under  the  joint  auspices  of  the  Sons  of  Liberty  and  the  more  dig- 
nified (dasses  of  the  community,  iu"esided  over  by  Isaac  Loav,  a  prom- 
inent merchant,  a  heading  member  of  the  Church  of  England,  ami, 
although  a  sympathizer  with  the  cause  of  liberty,  well  known  for 
his  comparatively  moderate  principles.  Out  of  this  meeting  re- 
sulted the  formation  of  the  New  York  "  Committee  of  Correspond- 
ence," consisting  of  fifty-one  members,  which  assumed  the  direction 
of  the  ])o]iular  movement  througluMit  the  province,  and  Avhence  the 
measures  taken  for  organizing  the  country  districts  in  behalf  of 
American  liberties  emanated,  l^rom  the  creation  of  the  committee 
of  corresi)ondence  dates  the  beginning  (d'  the  hist  estaljlished  means 
for  bringing  the  patriotic  sentiment  of  Westchester  County  into  ac- 
tive co-operation  with  that  of  the  American  people  at  large. 

In  that  truly  astonishing  i)roduction,  the  late  Henry  B.  Dawson's 
"Westchester  County  During  the  American  Kevolution,"  ^  a  labored 
attempt  is  made  to  establish  the  reasonableness  of  the  author's  fa- 
vorite dogma  that  the  Bevolution  A\'as  a  grie\nus  offense  to  the  good 
and  loyal  i)eo])le  of  our  county,  and  found  tilth'  or  no  fa\or  among 
them,  at  least  in  the  formative  state  of  things.  ^Ir.  Dawson  i-egards 
it  as  scaiidal(Uisly  im[irobable  that  the  lionest,  discn'ct,  humble,  and 
virtuous  iuiiabitauts  of  tins  strictly  rural  couuTy,  feaiing  (!od  and 
loxing  tlK'ii-  lawful  king,  could  have  had  anything  in  coniumn  with 
the  greedy,  smuggling   nu-rcliants   and    uid)lusliing   ])olilical    dema- 

'  AlthotiKli    this  poi'fornmuc'O   (if   Oawsnn's    is  lliat      worl;.     N(itwitlist:nii1lns     tin'      onorminis 

very    elaborate',    it    is    reail.v    but    a    fraRinent,  labor  manifestly  expeuded  upon  1(,   it  possesses 

terinin.itlnd   with   the  battle  of  White    I'lains.  little    Interest    for    the    general    reader,    beinj; 

It  was  undertaken  by  its  author  as  a  eontrlbu-  prodlslonsly    formal   in   its   style  and   burdened 

tion    to    Scharfs    History,    and    oeenpies    two  with  excessive  redundaueies.    It  is  i>re-emlnent- 

liumlred  and  eiglity  pages  of  the  first  volume  of  ly  one  of  the  curiosities  of  historical  literature. 


jidjiiics  of  New  York  City,  who  sliiicd  )i]i  llir  iiiiuulity  i-chcllion  and 
l)i'('l)iir('(l  woo  and  havoc  for  the  jxxir,  h>yal  cniinli-viMan.  "  Sui-li  a 
conininnily  as  that  Avhich  constitntcil  ilic  ("ounly  of  Wcstclicster,'" 
says  he,  "a  connnnnity  of  wcll-sitnatcd,  intrlliucnt,  and  wcll-to-chi 
farmers,  diligently  and  discreetly  attendini;  to  its  own  afiairs,  with- 
ont  the  disturbing  intlucnces  t>(  any  \ilhijic  or  county  coterie,  has 
i;i'nerally  been  distiunnislied  for  ils  riyid  conservatism  in  all  its 
i-elations;  and  such  a  community  has  always  been  more  inclined  to 
maiiilaiii  those  vaiious  lonii-conl  inued,  well-setlled,  and  ucnerally 
satisfactory  ndations  with  more  than  ordinary  tenacity,  jirefei'rinji 
very  often  to  continue  an  existiniLi-  inconvenience  or  an  inlanj;il)le 
wroDfi',  to  which  it  had  become  accustomed,  rather  than  to  accept, 
in  ils  stciid,  the  possibility  of  an  advautaj^e,  indetinitely  promise<l, 
ill  an  untried  and  niu'ertain  (diannc"  This  curious  theory  he  sup- 
jMiils  in  his  application  (d'  it  to  Weslchester  County  by  the  sinj;le 
lanj;ible  statement  thai  "there  is  not  any  known  evidence  of  the 
existence,  at  auj' time,  of  any  material  excitement  amonjj-  these  farm- 
ers, on  any  subject."  It  is  of  course  unjirohtable  to  discuss  either 
the  ji(-neral  proposition  of  .Mr.  Dawson  concerninj;  the  unifoi'm  nat- 
ural conservatism  of  inl(dlii;cnt  rural  communities,  or  his  claim  that 
this  county  had  always  before  the  Hevolution  been  exem])f  from  ])o- 
lilical  excilement.  Tii  \iew,  Jiowe\'er,  of  Mr.  Dawson's  rejuilation 
as  a  minute  and  entirely  well-meaniiin  historical  writei- — a  i-epnta- 
tion  appreciat(Ml  especially  by  his  many  sur\ivini;-  friends  in  West- 
chester County, — his  study  of  oiii-  i;e\dlutionary  jieiiod  can  nut,  in 
a  woi'k  on  the  licnei-al  history  of  the  county,  i-scape  the  ])assini;-  criti- 
cism whi(di  its  s])irit  merits,  as,  on  the  other  hand,  tlie  abundant  his- 
loiical  data  that  we  owe  to  his  researches  can  not  esca])e  {irateful 
recofiuition.  It  is  greatly  to  be  regretted  that  to  an  essay  jirepared 
with  so  much  i)ainstaking  he  should,  on  grounds  not  only  the  most 
unjust ihed  but  the  most  trivial,  have  given  a  general  tendency  of 
such  extreme  uuacceptability  lo  American  readers.  We  have  char- 
acterized his  jierformance  as  astonishing,  and  we  know  of  no  other 
♦itting  term  to  be  ap])lied  to  a  cynically  i»ro-Tory  account  by  an 
.\iiierican  historian,  more  than  a  cenlury  after  the  Kevolutiouary 
War,  of  the  course  of  that  struggle  in  a  county  distinguished  for 
])rompt  acceptance  and  unfaltering  and  scdf-sacriticing  sui>pori  of  the 
issue  of  liberty  under  the  most  ditlicult  and  menacing  cii'cumstaiices 

During  the  ten  years  from  the  passage  of  the  Stamii  Act,  in  17(55, 
to  the  end  of  the  ]irovincial  assembly,  in  ITT.'),  the  county  (including 
the  Manor  of  Cortlandt  and  the  borough  Town  of  Westchester)  was 

EVENTS    FKOJi    1705   TO    1775  289 

i-c]in'scnl(Ml  in  llic  assembly,  for  loniicr  (H-  hiicfVr  periods,  by  Colonel 
I'rederick  I'hilipse  i'M),  Peter  de  Lancey  and  John,  his  brother,  Judge 
.l(din  Thomas,  riiiliii  ^'erl)lan(•k,  Pierre  Van  Cortlandt,  Isaac  Wil- 
kiiis,  and  Coh)nel  Lewis  ^Morris  (3d).  Philipse  and  Tliomas  served 
continuously  tliroughout  that  i)eriod,  both  sitting  for  the  county.  Van 
Cortlandt  succeeded  A'erplanck  as  member  from  Cortlandt  Manor. 
Morris  was  a  delegate  for  only  one  year.  The  de  Lanceys  and  Wil- 
kins  were  from  Westchester  Borough,  Wilkins  being. assemblyman 
(hiring  the  four  closing  years  (1772-75).  James  de  Lancey,  son  of 
Peter  and  a  nephew  of  the  chief  justice,  in  addition  to  his  duties 
as  high  sheriff  of  Westchester  County,  represented  a  New  York  City 
constituency  during  the  period  in  question.  With  the  names  ot 
I'liiliitse,  the  de  Lanceys,  Van  Cortlandt,  ami  ^lorris  the  reader  is 
already  familiar.  They  will  recur  prominently  in  the  succeeding 
pages.  Phili]ise  and  James  de  Lancey  were  stanch  op])onents  of  the 
wliide  Kevolutionaiy  pi-ogi-amme;  Van  Cortlandt  and  ^lorris  M'ere  as 
stanch  sui)porters  of  it.  tT«din  Thomas  was  judge  of  the  Court  of 
("onimon  Pleas  of  Westchester  County  in  1737-39,  and  again  from 
17t>5  to  177G.  He  was  a  son  of  the  Pev.  John  Thomas,  a  missionary 
and  rector  of  the  Church  of  England.  Judge  Thomas  was  a  very 
Itroniineiit  citizen  of  Pye,  and  one  of  the  most  consistent  and  valu- 
able advocates  of  independenc(%  dying  a  niartA'r  to  the  cause  in  a 
]irisnn  in  X<'w  'S'ork  City  in  1777.  Isaac  Wilkins,  of  Castle  Hill 
Neck,  in  the  Porough  of  Westchester,  was  a  brother-in-law  of  Lewis 
and  (iouverneur  Morris,  but  was  on  theojiposite  side  politically.  He 
was  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  conser\at i\e  forces  in  the  last  pro- 
vincial assembly,  and  was  suspected  of  being  the  author  of  the 
noted  'i'oi'v  tracts  published  over  the  signature  of  "  A.  W.  Fanner.*' 
lie  acted  as  spokesman  for  the  motley  adherents  of  "  Creat  George, 
our  King,"  at  the  county  meeting  at  White  Plains  in  A]iril,  1775,  and 
two  months  later  tied  to  England.  After  a  varii-d  career,  which  com- 
prehended a  prolonged  residence  (subsequently  to  the  war)  among  the 
forlorn  refugee  Loyalists  in  Nova  Scotia,  he  returned  in  17flS  to  West- 
chester and  became  rector  of  Saint  Peter's  Church.  In  the  historic 
assembly  of  1775,  when  the  issues  for  and  against  aggressive  re- 
sistance to  England  were  sharply  drawn,  Westclic^ster  County's  rep- 
resentatives were  Van  Cortlandt,  Thomas,  I'hili])se,  and   Wilkins. 

it  is  thus  seen  tliat,  as  concerns  representation  in  the  assembly, 
llie  o]i])osing  parties  of  liberty  and  loyalty  w(M'e  exactly  balanced  in 
this  county.  On  the  one  side  were  Pierre  Van  C(U-tlandt  ami  Ju<lge 
Thomas;  on  the  other,  Frederick  Philipse  and  Isaac  Wilkins.  Phil- 
ipse, of  course,  had  at  his  back  the  whole  of  his  great  manor.  M'ilkins 
really  i-ejiresenteil  the  de  Lancey  interest,  which  controlled  the  Bor- 



(;iigli  of  Westchester,  where  mIso  a  Tory  miiyor,  Nathaniel  L'liderhill, 
fjrandson  of  tlie  "  i-edoiibtable  "  Captain  .leini,  la-esided.  Aoainst 
this  powerful  eoiiser\ative  coiiihiiiatioii  stood  liie  .Moirises  in  tlie  ex- 
treme soiitliern  part  of  tlie  countv,  Judj;«'  Tliomas,  represent iu<>-  no 
landed  estates  but  the  siin]>ie  yeomanry  of  Rye,  Harrison's  Pur- 
chase, and  the  central  sections,  and  Pierre  Xnu  Cortlandt,  the  head 

of  the  great  Van  Cortlandt  family. 
The  popular  side,  therefore,  comprised 
diverse  (dements.  The  IMorrises  Avere 
known  (diietly  as  an  asigressive  polit- 
ical family,  with  a  well-defined  follow- 
ing, but  hardly  adapted  to  attract  the 
normally  conservative  or  as  yet  unde- 
cided classes.  Thomas  represented  a 
constituency  of  sturdy  settlers,  mostly 
of  New  England  antecedents  and 
largely  b(donging  to  zealous  religioiis 
sects.  Van  Cortlandt  Avas  in  all  re- 
spects a  match   for  Philipse  and  the 

de  Lanceys,  to  whatever  elevation  of 


dignity  or  social  importance  they  pre- 
tended; and  it  was  his  personalit\' 
wiiicli  gave  to  the  Kevolut ionary  movement  in  Westchester  County 
a  far  different  aspect  than  that  of  a  mere  propaganda  of  agitators. 
His  supi)ort  of  the  cause  stamped  it  necf-ssarily  as  one  demanding 
the  most  respectful  consideration  of  honest  and  intelligt'Ut  men;  for 
it  was  beyond  (luestion  that  his  attachnient  to  it  was  wholly  due  to 
a  (•oncei)tion  of  its  singular  righteousness  and  of  liis  high  duty.  He 
was  no  new  convert,  but  had  stood  for  the  rights  of  the  colonies  from 
the  beginning.  The  arts  of  the  tempter  and  briber  had,  moreover, 
been  practiced  n])oii  him  in  the  P>ritish  interest.  The  late  Mrs.  Pierre 
E.  Van  Cortlandt,  in  her  historical  account  of  the  Van  Cortlandt 
fauujy,  tells  bow  he  nobly  rebuked  the  royal  Governor  Tryon  when 
ap|)roached  by  that  personage  with  corrupt  offers: 

111  1774  Goveiiior  Tryon  came  to  Croton,  ostensiljly  on  a  visit  of  courtesy,  l)iiiioiii<r  with 
liiiii  liis  wife,  Miss  Watts,  a  daugliter  of  the  Hun.  John  Watts  (a  kinsman  of  the  \'aii 
Coitlaii(tts),  and  Colonel  Fanning,  his  secretary.  They  remained  for  a  night  at  tlie  Manor 
House,  and  the  next  morning  Governor  Tryon  proposed  a  walk.  They  all  proceeded  to  one 
of  the  highest  points  on  the  estate,  and,  pausing,  Tryon  announced  to  the  listening  Van  Cort- 
landt the  great  favors  that  would  be  granted  to  him  if  he  would  espouse  the  royal  cause  and 
give  his  adhesion  to  the  king  and  the  parliament.  Large  grants  of  land  would  be  added  to 
his  estate,  and  Tryon  hinted  that  a  title  might  be  bestowed.  Van  Cortlandt  answered  that 
"  he  was  chosen  a  representative  by  unanimous  approbation  of  a  people  who  placed  coutideuce 
ill  his  integrity  to  use  all  his  ability  for  their  benetit  and  the  good  of  his  country  as  a  true 
patriot,  which  line  of  conduct  he  was  determined  to  pursue."     Tryon,  finding  persuasion  and 

EVENTS    FROM    1765    TO    1775  291 

luibi'.s  viiin,  tuiiu'il  to  CoUiiu'l  Faiuiinn  with  the  hriuf  remark,  "  I  tiiul  our  business  here  must 
terminate,  for  uothinj;  ean  be  eifeeted  in  this  place  "  ;  and  after  hasty  farewells  they  embarked 
on  their  sloop  and  retiuued  to  New  York. 

After  the  appointment  of  tlic  coiniiiit tee  of  con-espondence  by  the 
iiHH'tiiiL;  hehl  in  New  York  in  Mny,  1774,  events  moved  rapidly  for- 
ward to  a  crisis.  Boston,  liavinu  received  earlier  news  of  the  closin"- 
(»f  her  port,  had  taken  action  on  the  matter  two  or  three  days  before 
New  York,  and  at  a  imblic  meetin<i  jiresided  over  by  Samuel  Adams 
had  adopted  a  resolution  appealing;  for  the  united  support  of  the 
colonies  in  a  new  Non-Importation  Ayreemeut.  On  the  afternoon  of 
Tuesday,  the  17th  of  May,  Paul  Revere  passed  through  Westchester 
County,  along  the  old  Boston  Post  Road,  bearing  dispatches  fiom 
tJie  Boston  citizens  to  tlieir  brethren  in  New  York  and  Philadelphia. 
New  York  responded  immediately  with  a  recommendation  for  a.  new 
colonial  congress,  which  was  adopted.  The  people  of  New  York  City 
on  July  1  elected  as  delegates  to  that  body  Philip  Livingston,  .T(din 
Alsop,  Isaac  Low,  James  Duane,  and  John  Jay. 

John  Jay,  who  on  this  occasion  made  his  first  appearance  in  a  high 
representative  capacity,  ^\•as  reared  from  infancy  in  Westchester 
C<ninty  and  began  among  us  his  career  as  a  lawyer.  His  great- 
grandfather, Pierre  Ja.\-,  a  Huguenot  of  La  Rochelle,  France,  emi- 
grated to  England  during  the  troublous  times  of  Catholic  persecu- 
tion, leaving  a  son,  Augustus,  who  came  to  New  York  about  l(iS6, 
married  Anna  ^laria  Bayard,  daughter  of  Balthazar  Bayard,  and  led 
a  prosperous  life  as  a  merchant.  Augustus's  son,  Peter,  after  ac- 
<|uiring  a  com]ietency  in  business  pursuits  in  the  city,  purchased  a 
farm  in  our  Town  of  Rye,  where  he  lived  with  his  numerous  family 
for  the  remainder  of  his  days.  He  is  described  by  Smith,  the  Tory 
historian  of  New  York,  as  "  a  gentleman  of  opulence,  character,  and 
reputation,"  and  by  Baird,  the  historian  of  Rye,  as  "  a  man  of  sin- 
cere and  fervent  piety,  of  cheerful  temper,  warm  affections,  and 
strong  good  sense."  He  married  IVfary,  daughter  of  Jacobus  Van 
Cortlandt  and  gTanddaughter  of  Oloff  Stevense  Van  Cortlandt  and 
the  first  Frederick  Philipse.  Their  eighth  child  was  John  Jay,  born 
in  NcAv  York  City,  December  12,  1745.  He  lived  with  his  parents 
throughout  his  childhood  and  youth  in  the  homestead  at  Rye — "a 
long,  low  building,  but  one  room  deep  and  eighty  feet  wide,  having 
attained  this  size  to  meet  the  wants  of  a  numerous  family."  He  Avas 
educated  at  King's  College  Cnow  Columbia),  taking  the  bachelor  of 
arts  degree  in  17(!4,  and,  after  being  admitted  to  the  bar,  entered 
upon  a  professional  career  in  which  lie  soon  gained  a  reptitation  as 
one  of  the  most  brilliant   and  intellectual   men   in  New  York.      He 



lodk  a  Icadini;-  jiai-t-  in  tho  public  discussion  nf  (lie  (incstinns  between 
tlie  colonies  and  the  mother  country,  lioldiui;  aloof  from  the  radical 

and   noisy  iKiliticians,   but    enjoying  tin-   unbound( 

)ntideuce  and 

admiiali(m  of  the  judicious  friends  of  Anu^rican  indejiendence.  By 
the  lime  matters  had  beconu'  shaped  for  the  in<'vitable,  he  stood 
foremost   among  the  well-balanced  and  sagacious   pati-iots  of  New 

York.  In  1774  lie  married  Sai-ah 
"Van  Rrngh  [a\ingston,  danghtei- 
of  William  Livingston.  .Vfter  the 
com]>letion  of  his  illustrious  ]>ub- 
lic  career,  he  retired  to  an  estate  in 
the  Town  of  Redford,  this  conuty, 
where  he  died.^  He  was  the  father 
of  the  eminent  and  beloved  .Tudge 
William  Jay,  of  our  county  bench, 
and  the  grandfather  of  the  late  dis- 
tinguished statesman,  John  Jay, 
also  a  prominent  Westchester 
County  character.  One  of  the  feat- 
ures of  the  Town  of  Rye  is  the  cem- 
etery of  the  Jay  family,  in  which 
stands  a  monument  to  the  nuMuory 
of  the  great  chief  justice. 
The  committee  of  correspondence  in  New  York  ("ity,  soon  after  its 
oi-ganization,  opened  communication  with  the  rural  counties.  A  sub- 
committee of  five  (John  Jay  being  one  of  its  members)  was  appointed 
on  the  .'iOth  of  ]May  ''to  write  a  circular  letter  to  the  supervisors  in 
the  different  counties,  acquainting  them  of  the  appointment  (d'  this 
committee,  and  submitting  to  the  consideration  of  the  inhabitants 
of  the  counties  whether  it  could  m)t  be  expedient  for  them  to  aj)- 
poiut  persons  to  correspond  with  this  committee  uixm  matters  reUv 
tiA'e  to  the  purposes  for  which  ihey  were  appointed."  A  circular  let- 
ter was  accordingly  written,  of  Miiich  thirty  cojjies  were  sent  to  the 
treasurer  of  Westchester  County,  A\itli  a  request  to  distribute  them 
among  "the  supervisors  of  the  several  districts."  It  is  not  known 
whether  this  was  done.  At  all  events,  nothing  resulted,  as  no  re- 
plies from  Westchester  County  appear  among  the  records  of  the 
committee.  Rut  in  July  a  second  circular  was  .sent,  Avhich  met  with 
a  different  treatment  from  this  count  v.     It  communicated  informa- 


'  Tlio  .lay  homestead  at  Bedford,  sn.vs  Bol- 
1o)i.  "  for  four  j:encr:itions  the  resJdonee  and 
estate  of  the  .7ay  family,"  deseeiided  to  them 

■■  tiom  their  aiieestor,  .Tacobiis  Van   Corthmdt, 
\vh(i    pnrehased    it    of    tln^    nidian    saehem   Ka- 

Ini.iiaii.   in  ITii:!."     (Uev.   ed.,   i.,  77.1 

EVENTS  inioM   ITC).")  TO  1775  2i)3 

tiou  of  (he  clcrtion  of  (k'leyatcs  to  tlic  ;ip]»i-oiicliiiiii'  foii^rcss  by  the 
( "ily  and  Coiuitj^  of  New  York,  and  i-iMincstt'd  the  other  i.-ounlics  citlifi- 
to  ai>i)<)int  additional  dclef^atcs  of  their  own  or  to  signify  their  will- 
ingness that  the  delegates  already  cdiosen  in  the  city  shonld  act  for 
lliem  als(!,  on  the  \niderstanding  that  whatever  nnnd)er  of  repre- 
sentatives sluuild  ap]iear  from  this  province  at  the  congress  they 
wonld  be  entitled  to  l)nt  one  vote.  Pnrsnant  to  this  second  circnlar 
a  \\'estchester  County  convention  was  called  to  meet  in  the  conrt- 
lioiise  at  White  I'lains,  on  the  22d  of  August,  various  towns  and 
districts  choosing  local  delegates  to  represent  them.  The  Towns  of 
Kye  and  ^\'estchester  held  particularly  well-attended  meetings  for 
that  purpose  and  adopted  rousing  resolutions.  The  Rye  delegation 
was  headed  by  .Tolni  Thomas,  Jr.,  and  the  Westchester  by  Colonel 
Lew  is  .Morris.  It  is  noteworthy,  however,  that  both  the  Kye  and  West- 
chester resolutions,  although  cx^jressing  the  views  of  the  two  most 
radical  political  leaders  in  the  county,  were  emphatic  in  the  asser- 
tion of  loyalty  to  the  king — so  far  removed  from  the  public  mind 
was  the  thought  of  rebelliori.  U])on  this  point  the  IJye  people  said: 
"That  they  think  it  their  greatest  happim-ss  lo  live  under  the  illus- 
trious House  of  Hanover;  and  that  they  will  steadfastly  and  uni- 
formly bear  true  and  faithful  allegiance  to  His  Majesty,  King  George 
ihe  Third,  under  the  enjoyment  of  their  constitutional  rights  and 
privileges  as  fellow-subjeds  with  those  of  England.."  And  the  West- 
chester citizens  declared:  "  That  we  do  and  will  bear  true  allegiance 
to  His  IMajesty,  George  the  Third,  King  of  Great  Britain,  etc.,  ac- 
cording to  the  British  Constitution." 

The  county  convention  at  White  Plains  on  August  22,  177-i,  was 
not  a  sjK'cially  important  body,  at  least  from  the  standjioint  of  its 
jiroct'cdings.  The  most  interesting  thing  in  connection  with  it  is 
that  its  presiding  officer  was  Frederick  Philipse,  the  Tory  "lord," 
who,  less  than  a  year  later,  was  to  lead  his  tenant  clans  at  the 
same  j)lace,  though  in  very  difl'erent  circumstances  and  emergencies, 
in  a  vain  protest  against  a  repetition  of  the  same  political  action  for 
wiiich  he  now  stood  the  chief  sponsor.  There  was  no  dissident  ele- 
ment in  the  convention,  and  by  unanimous  consent  the  live  men  pre- 
viously elected  by  the  people  of  New  York  City  as  delegates  to  the 
general  congress  were  accejited  as  delegates  for  the  County  of  West- 
chesti'r  likewise. 

Tlie  general  congress  of  the  colonies,  the  first  held  since  the  Stamj) 
.\ct  congress  of  17().~),  assembled  in  Philadeljihia  on  the  oth  of  Se])- 
Icmber,  1771,  and  conlinned  in  session  until  October  2<i.  It  ])roved 
in  (■\  eiv  way  wmlhy  of  the  great  occasion  which  called  it  into  being, 
and  the  result  of  i(s  delibeiations  was  to  imunMiselv  stimulate  diy- 


ciissioii  tLii-(juyli()Ut  the  colonics  and  to  strengthen  the  resolntion  an<l 
liope  of  the  jjeople.  It  prepared  and  issued  a  declaration  of  rij^hts, 
advised  the  adoiition  of  a  third  Nonimportation  Agreement,  and 
made  provision  for  the  election  in  each  colony  of  delegates  to  an- 
other congress,  which  Mas  appointed  to  meet  on  the  10th  of  May, 

The  citizens  of  Westchester  County,  having  made  a  beginning  in 
the  matter  of  public  action  on  the  rising  questions  of  the  da\',  soon 
commenced  to  display  a  lixcly  interest  in  their  narrower  considera- 
tion. This  interest  found  exin'cssion  in  all  the  varying  degrees  of 
radicalism,  moderation,  liiiiidity,  and  protest.  The  pulilic  prints  of 
the  times  contain  a  number  of  communications  from  Westchester 
County,  some  of  them  in  the  form  of  avitwals  or  (lisavo\\als,  formally 
signed,  and  some  in  that  of  anonymous  newspaper  articles  advocat- 
ing one  set  of  opinions  or  another  with  more  or  less  zeal  and  dex- 
terity. One  of  the  earliest  and  uiost  notable  of  these  documents  is 
a  communication  from  IJye,  dated  September  21,  1771,  and  jiublislied 
October  13  in  Eivington's  New  York  Gazetteer.  It  is  an  emphatic  i>ro- 
test  against  the  agitation  of  the  period,  as  follows: 

We,  the  subscriber.s.  Freeholders  and  Inhaljitants  of  tlie  Town  of  Rye,  in  tlie  County  of 
Westchester,  being  uuich  concerned  with  the  unliappy  situation  of  public  affairs,  think  it  our 
Duty  to  our  King  and  Country,  to  Declare  that  we  have  not  been  concerned  in  any  Resolu- 
tions entered  into  or  measures  taken,  with  regard  to  the  Disputes  at  present  subsisting  with 
the  Mother  Country  ;  we  also  testify  our  dislike  to  many  hot  and  furious  Proceedings,  in  con- 
sequence of  said  Disputes,  which  we  think  are  more  likely  to  ruui  this  once  happy  Country, 
than  remove  Grievances,  it  any  there  are. 

We  also  declare  our  great  Desire  and  full  Resolution  to  live  and  die  peaceable  Subjects 
to  our  Gracious  Sovereign,  Kiug  George  the  Third,  and  his  Laws. 

Then  follow  eighty-three  signatures,  headed  by  Isaac  Gidney.  Evi- 
<lentl\'  some  local  pressure  hostile  to  the  Thomas  interest  was  brought 
to  bear  upon  the  conservative  element  of  the  Eye  people;  and  evi- 
dently, also,  not  a  few  of  the  signers  had  been  overpersuaded,  for  in 
IJivington's  next  issue  appears  a  humble  disclaimer,  signed  by  fifteen 
of  them,  who  say  that,  after  mature  deliberation,  they  are  fully  con- 
vinced that  in  indorsing  the  former  paper  they  "  acted  preposter- 
(uisly  and  without  properly  adverting  to  the  matter  in  dispute,"  and 
"•  do  utterly  disclaim  every  part  thereof,  except  our  expressions  of 
Jioyalty  to  the  King  and  Obedience  to  the  Constitutional  of 
the  liealm." 

A  "Weaver  in  Harrison's  Purchase"  writes  to  Holt's  Neio  York  .lour- 
naJ  of  December  22,  1771,  combating  tlie  sophisms  of  the  Tory  pam- 
phleteer, "A.  W.  Farmer";  and  letters  from  correspondents  in  Cort- 
landt  Mancu',  representing  both  sides,  appear  in  Rivington's  Gazetteer 
and  Gaines's  New  York  Gazclh    during  the  early   months   of    1775. 

EVENTS   FROJt   1765   TO   1775  295 

Sonic  of  this  newspaper  discussion  by  Westchester  contributors  is 
couclied  in  very  strong  terms.  Indeed,  tliere  is  abundant  evidence 
tliat  nowliere  in  America  were  stronger  passions  aroused  by  the  un- 
fortunate divisions  of  tlie  period  tliau  amon<i-  the  farmers  of  West- 
chester County.  When  tlie  tinal  confiict  came,  botli  parties  in  the 
county  were  ripe  for  the  most  bitter  persecutions  and  tlie  most  re- 
venii-eful  reprisals,  which  frequently  reco^iiiiizcd  ncillicr  iK'iiihhorly 
considerations  nor  the  sacred  ties  of  blood. 



9,  1776 

HAT  was  destined  to  be  the  last  session  of  the  general  as- 
sembly of  the  Province  of  New  York  convened  on  the  lUth 
of  January,  1775,  in  New  York  City.  Althon,i;h  the  general 
aspect  of  afliiirs  had  undergone  no  improvement  since  the 
adjournment  of  the  Philadelphia  congress — and,  indeed,  the  tendency 
had  been  toward  a  further  estrangement  from  Great  Britain,  espe- 
cially through  the  operation  of  the  "  Association  "  recommended  by 
the  congress, — the  state  of  the  public  mind  was  rather  that  of  expec- 
tancy than  of  active  revolt.  Lexington  had  not  yet  been  fought,  and 
there  had  been  no  new  overt  act  of  any  very  sensational  nature  on  the 
part  of  the  British  ministry.  It  was  still  the  devout  hope  of  good 
men  that  a  reconciliation  might  eventually  be  accomplished.  In  these 
circuiiistances  the  conservative  leaders  of  the  New  York  assembly — 
among  whom  .Tames  d(^  Laucey,  Frederick  Philipse,  and  Isaac  Wilkins 
were  cons])icuoiis — had  every  advantage  througiiout  the  session,  uni- 
formly coiuiiianding  a  majority  against  the  proposals  of  the  radicals. 
IJesolutions  extending  thaid^s  to  the  New  York  delegates  to  the  Phil- 
adelplna  congress,  commending  the  New  York  merchants  for  their 
self-sacriflcing  observance  of  the  ''Association,"  and  favoring  the  elec- 
tion of  delegates  from  New  York  to  the  next  general  congress,  Aver(! 
voted  down.  On  questions  involving  a  division  the  vote  was  usually 
iifieen  to  ten,  Pierre  Van  Cortlandt  and  John  Thomas  being  inva- 
riably among  the  minority.  But  the  house  frauu'd  and  passed  a  state 
of  grievances,  iJetition  to  the  king,  memorial  to  tlie  lords,  and  rep- 
resentation or  remonstrance  to  the  commons,  to  wliicli  little  or  no 
exception  could  reasonably  be  taken.  These  papers  were  resjiectful, 
but  comiH'ehensive  and  tirm,  and  did  honor  to  the  leaders  of  the  ma- 
jority. The  complaint  made  against  the  assembly  of  1775  was  not 
on  the  score  of  its  positive  transactions,  but  of  what  it  refused  to  do. 
It  utterly  and  in  the  most  studied  manner  ignored  the  great  and 
spontaneous  manifestations  of  American  sentiment,  as  expressed  in 
such  organized  ageiu-ies  of  the  times  as  dejiarted  from  the  regular 
channels  of  legislation  and  official  administration.  This  was  felt  by 
the  impatient  people  as  a  sore  affront.    The  closing  act  of  the  assem- 

FROM    .TANUAIIV,     1(75,    TO    JULY    0,     177G  297 

111}-  was  the  aiipoiutiiu'iit  of  a  "  Standing  Comiiiittce  of  CoiT«'S])on(l- 
cnce,''  composed  almost  exclusively  of  coustrvatives,  whose  ftiiictions 
were  strict  ly  limited  to  observing  the  proceedings  of  the  British  par- 
liament and  administration  and  commnnicating  with  the  sister  colo- 
nies thereui)on.  Of  this  committee  IMiilipse  and  Wilkins  were  made 
the  members  for  Westchester  County. 

The  assembly  having  declined  to  assume  the  initiative  as  to  the 
election  of  the  provincial  delegates  to  the  approaching  general  con- 
gress, tluit  duty  reverted  to  the  still  surviving  people's  committee  in 
New  York  City.  The  committee  decided  that  the  delegates  sliould  be 
chosen  this  time  not  by  the  individual  counties  in  an  independent 
capacity,  but  by  a  provincial  convention;  and  such  a  convention  was 
called  for  the  20th  of  April,  the  counties  being  severally  recpiested 
to  send  representatives  to  it.  Circular  letters  to  this  end  were  dis- 
patched under  date  of  March  IG.  There  was  at  that  time  no  com- 
mittee existing  in  Westchester  County  to  take  cognizance  of  the  noti- 
fication and  summon  the  necessary  county  conventitm  or  meeting. 
It  hence  became  needful  for  some  private  person  or  persons  interested 
in  the  cause  to  take  the  lead  in  the  matter.  The  man  for  the  occasion 
liroved  to  be  C(donel  Lewis  ^lorris,  who,  since  the  death  of  his  father,  in 
1762,  had  l)een  at  the  head  of  i  he  Morris  family  of  Morrisania.  Colonel 
Monis  was  born  in  172r(,  and  was  graduate(l  at  Vale  in  17J:(!.  While 
inheriling  the  political  Temi)erament  and  abilities  of  his  race,  he  had 
as  yet  taken  little  part  in  public  affairs,  preferring  the  quiet  and  un- 
ostentatious life  of  a.  country  gentleman.  Even  in  the  first  move- 
ment of  protest  against  the  policy-  of  Great  Britain  organized  in  this 
county,  resulting  in  the  White  Plains  convention  of  August,  1774,  he 
had  not  bi'en  specially  consjiicuons.  But  after  the  refusal  of  the 
assembly  to  identity  itself  in  any  manner  with  the  prevailing  senti- 
ment, he  became  profoundly  impressed  with  the  importance  of  imme- 
diate and  emphatic  action  by  the  people  in  their  original  capacity.  The 
occasion  now  presented  was  one  demanding  energy  and  management. 
It  was  not  to  be  doubted  that  the  powerful  conservative  party  would 
exert  its  influence  to  the  utmost  to  prevent  any  radical  expi-ession  by 
Westchester  County.  There  was  more  than  a  suspicion  that  this  had 
been  done  deliberately,  though  insidiously,  in  1774,  when  Frederick 
Philipse,  the  head  and  front  of  the  conservatives,  had  been  chosen 
chairman  of  the  county  convention,  and  that  representative  body,  the 
first  of  its  kind  to  meet  in  the  county,  had  adjourned  without  adopt- 
ing any  aggressive  resolutions  or  apjiointing  a  committee  of  corre- 
spondence to  co-operate  with  the  one  in  the  city,  or  making  any  pro- 
vision for  the  calling  and  assembling  of  future  conventions  of  the 
county.     With  the  issues  now  more  closely  <li'awn  by  the  unfriendly 



tvttil  iidc  uf  tJiL'  provincial  asseiiibiy,  it  was  certaiu  that  Pliilipse,  Wil- 
Ivius,  the  de  Lanceys,  and  their  friends  would  assume  to  again  control 
the  course  of  Westchester  County  and  to  keep  it  well  within  the 
former  moderate  bounds. 

Principally  tlirouj;h  the  efforts  of  Colonel  Morris,  a  temporary  com- 
mittee or  caucus  for  the  county  Avas  imju-ovised,  which  on  the  28th 
of  March  met  at  White  Plains  "  for  the  purpose  of  devising  meaus  for 
taking  the  sense  of  the  county  "  relative  to  the  appointment  of  dele- 
gates to  the  jiroposed 
provincial  convention. 
There  were  present  Col- 
o  n  e  1  L  e  Av  i  s  Morris, 
T  h  o  m  as  II  u  u  t,  and 
Abraham  Leggett,  of 
Westchester;  Theodo- 
sius  Bartow,  J  a  m  e  s 
^Villis,  and  Abraham 
Guion,  of  New  Eochelle; 
W  i  1  1  i  a  m  Sutton,  of 
Mamaroneck;  ( 'aptaiu 
Joseph  Drake,  Benja- 
m  in  D  r  a  k  e,  Moses 
Drake,  and  S  t  e  p  h  e  u 
Ward,  of  Eastchester; 
and  James  Horton,  Jr.. 
of  Rye.  A  call  was 
issued  for  a  general 
meetiug  of  freeholders 
of  the  county,  to  be  held 
in  the  court  house  at 
White  Plains  on  Tues- 
day, the  11th  of  April, 
a  n  d  communications 
were  sent  to  represen- 
tative persons  in  every 
locality,  requesting 
them  to  give  notice  to  all  the  freeholders,  A\itliout  exception,  ''  as 
those  who  do  not  appear  and  vote  on  that  day  will  be  presumed  to 
acquiesce  in  the  sentiment  of  the  majority  of  those  who  vote." 

Because  of  the  well-known  radical  vie^ws  of  Colonel  Morris  and 
most  of  his  associates,  this  action  ;it  once  became  a  subject  of  general 
discussion,  causing  much  disquietude  to  the  opposing  faction.  Of 
course  no  formal  objection  to  the  projected  meeting  could  have  been 


FROM  .lANiTAUY,    ITTH,   TO   .iiiLY  !),    ITTn  209 

ollVre'd,  lor  lluit  would  Luivc  been  nut  merely  a  L-oiili'S.sioii  of  wcnk- 
ness,  but  highly  inconsistent  with  the  professed  motives  of  the  con- 
scr\ii1i^'es,  who  claimed  to  be  quite  as  much  ih'voted  as  the  radicals 
(o  tlie  liberties  of  the  country,  differing  with  Ihem  only  as  to  melhods. 
The  challenge  for  a  test  of  strength  was  promi)tly  accepted,  and  steps 
Avere  taken  throughout  the  county  to  make  as  strong  an  antagoinstic 
demonstration  as  possible  at  ^^"hite  i'lains  on  the  ap])ointed  day.  This 
was  made  manifest  by  an  address  "  To  the  Freeholders  and  Inhabi- 
tants of  the  County  of  ^^'('st(■hester,"  Avhich  apjx'ared  in  Rivington's 
New  York  Gazetteer  on  the  tlth  of  April,  signed  "A  White  Oak,''  it 
not  being  deemed  politic  by  its  author  or  authors  to  attach  any  names 
to  it.  It  is  very  significant  that,  while  the  White  Plains  call  a|>pealed 
only  to  the  freeholders — that  is,  to  the  legally  qualified  voters  ex- 
clusively,— the  counter-address  comprehended  the  "  inhabitants  "  as 
well.  As  a  body,  the  tenant  farmers  of  the  Manor  of  I'hilipseburgh 
were  not  freeholders,  but  only  non-voting  "'inhabitants";  and  of 
course  it  would  never  do,  in  the  coming  struggle  of  the  factions,  to 
accept  a  basis  of  representation  ruling  out  so  considerable  an  ele- 
ment of  support  for  the  programme  of  which  the  lord  of  that  manor 
was  the  embodiment.  The  "  ^^'hite  Oak"  address  earnestly  recom- 
mended a  full  attendance  of  "  the  friends  of  government  and  our 
hapjiy  constitution,'"  in  order  that  the  proposal  to  appoint  delegates 
to  meet  in  i)roviucial  congress — ''  a  measure  so  replete  with  ruin  and 
nusery  " — might  be  voted  down  so  far  as  Westchester  County  was 
concernt'd.  They  were  ui'ged  to  "  Remember  the  extravagant  price 
we  are  now  obliged  to  pay  for  goods  purchased  of  tlif  merchants  in 
consequence  of  the  Non-Importation  Agreement,"  "  and,"  it  was  add- 
ed, "  when  the  Non-Exportation  Agreement  takes  place,  we  shall  be 
in  the  situation  of  those  who  were  obliged  to  make  bricks  without 

Early  on  the  morning  of  the  llth  of  April  the  rival  forces  began 
to  gather  at  White  Plains.  The  supporters  of  the  announced  busi- 
ness of  the  day  made  their  headquarters  at  the  tavern  kept  by  Isaac 
Oakley,  and  the  "friends  of  government"  at  the  establishment  of 
Captain  Hatfield.  About  noon  the  former  party  proceeded  to  the 
court  house,  and,  without  waiting  for  the  appearance  of  their  friends 
of  the  other  side,  organized  a  meeting  and  elected  Colonel  Lewis  Mor- 
ris chairman.  Soon  after  the  opposite  faction  entered  in  a  body, 
headed  by  Colonel  Frederick  Philipse  and  Isaac  Wilkins,  and  Mr.  Wil- 
kius  made  a  brief  stalcment  to  the  expectant  Morrisifes.  He  informed 
tlicm  that,  "  as  they  had  been  unlawfully  called  together,  and  for  an 
unlaw  ful  jiurpose,  they  [the  friends  of  government]  did  not  intend 
to  contest  the  matter  by  a  poll,  wliicli  would  be  tacitlj'  acknowdedging 


the  authority  that  liad  suniiiioncd  them  liither;  but  that  they  came 
only  with  a  design  to  protest  ayainst  all  such  disorderly  proceedings, 
and  to  show  their  detestation  of  all  unlawful  committees  and  con- 
gresses." They  then,  according  to  the  account  of  their  transactions 
which  their  leaders  furnished  to  the  press,  "declared  their  deter- 
mined resolution  to  continue  steadfast  in  their  allegiance  to  their 
gracious  and  merciful  sovereign,  King  (Jeorge  the  Third,  to  submit 
to  lawful  authority,  and  to  abide  by  and  sui)port  the  only  true  repre- 
sentatives of  the  people  of  the  colony,  the  general  assembly.  Then, 
giving  three  huz/.as,  they  returned  to  Captain  Ilatfiidd's,  singing  as 
thej'  went,  with  loyal  enthusiasm,  the  good  and  animating  song  of — 
"  God  save  great  George  our  King; 
Long  live  our  noble  King,  etc." 

The  declination  of  the  followers  of  Thilipse  and  Wilkins  to  con- 
test the  matter  by  a  poll  was  an  unexpected  measure  of  tactics.  In 
the  address  signed  by  "  White  Oak  "  the  friends  of  government  had 
been  expressly  solicited  to  rally  at  White  Plains  in  order  to  give  their 
votes  on  the  vital  question  to  be  propounded  there,  and  the  conse- 
(|iiciices  of  failure  to  attend  and  declare  their  sentiments  in  (•ontr(d- 
liiig  numbers  had  been  pictured  in  vivid  words.  Notwithstanding  the 
organization  of  the  meeting  by  the  Morris  party,  the  conservatives 
could,  of  course,  have  made  its  ])roceedings  conformable  to  their  will 
if  they  liad  been  in  the  majority.  Their  preference  to  retire  with 
nothing  more  than  a  protest,  and  convert  themselves  into  a  mere 
rum]),  was  an  act  either  of  political  petulance  or  studied  discretion. 
The  reasonable  conclusion  is  that  they  were  with  good  cause  appre- 
hensive of  the  result  of  a  vote,  and  that  their  experienced  leaders  de- 
cided upon  the  safer  course  of  a  dignified  retreat. 

The  radicals  in  the  court  house,  being  left  to  themselves,  put 
through  the  programme  arranged  for  them  with  expedition  and  en- 
thusiasm. By  a  unanimous  vot<'  it  was  agreed  to  unite  with  the  other 
counties  in  sending  delegates  to  the  proposed  provincial  convention, 
and  eight  delegates  were  accordingly  chosen, as  follows:  Colonel  Lewis 
Morris  and  Dr.  Robert  Graham,  of  Westchester;  Stephen  Ward,  of 
Eastchester;  Colonel  James  Uolmes  and  Jonathan  Tlatt,  of  Bedford; 
John  Thomas,  Jr.,  of  Eye;  and  Samuel  Drake  and  Philip  Van  Cort- 
landt,  of  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt.  Resolutions  were  adopted  extend- 
ing thanks  to  "  the  virtuous  minority  of  the  general  assembly  of 
this  province,  and  particularly  to  John  Thomas  and  Pierre  Van  Cort- 
landt, Es(iuires,  two  of  our  representatives,  for  tlieir  firm  attachment 
to  and  zeal  for,  on  a  late  occasion,  the  preservation  of  the  union  of 
the  colonies  and  the  rights  and  liberties  of  America,"  and  also  thank- 
ing "  the  delegates  who  composed  the  late  congress  for  the  essential 





liberties' AI 

OF    THE    U] 

Againft  the  hoft 




Ramnur' .        Jg7"i 

^^^^.  ''^^^:^^^^2^  ^^'^^^ 

'^^^^%?^.  ^<^^.±f^^ ^   ^    .     '-^vith  h,s  mufjj] 


different  parts  of  this  beautiful  continent   in  the  linnnl.rnMi       j\ 
home  to  L  WendH,  wxth  h.s  pockelfp"u'LrofcL"e";"^1'L'"heal 

GOD  Sit! 







foreign  enemies, 


ting'  party  gf  fc^ 

«2--^t-^3f  c^^z-^ZZ^t-'aC' 

courfty,  attendance  \vill  be  given  bj^ 

Colonel  AafSrTOglleny^tor  the  purpole   of  receiving  the  enrolment   of 
rvirp.  ^ 


us,  namely,  a  bounty  of  twelve  dollars,  an  annual  and  fully  fufficicnt 
Tiple  ration  of  provifions,  together  with  sixty  dollars  a  year  in  gold 
13- up  for  himfelf  and  friends,  asall  articles  proper  for  his  fubtftancc  ajid 

vc,  will  have  an  opportunity  of  hearing;  and  feeing  in  a  more  particular 
jibrace  this  opportunity  of  fpcndin^  a  few  hapjjy  years  in  inewinj;  the 
able  charafter  of  a  foldier,  after  which ,  he  may,  if  he  pleafes   return 
with  laurels. 


KitoM    .lAM'Aitv,    1775,   TO  .niLY  0,    177(;  .'}01 

services  (  liev  ll.l  \  c  relideled  lo  A  lliencjl."    Tile  meet  i  lit;  I  hell  ;i<l  jdllllieil 
\y\i]\  llll-ee  clieel'S  for  the  killi;'. 

The  "friends  of  j;()\'enmieiil,"  iifler  le;niiii;  (hi-  ((lurt  JKtiise,  or- 
UJiiiized  ill!  iiideiieiideiil  iiiectinfi'  iiiid  ^Khipted  I  he  foUowiufj;'  dt'Cla- 
rjilioii,  l((  wiiicii  all   itreseiif  sii;iied   (heir  iiaiiies: 

Wi',  tin-  iiii(lcrsi}rii((l,  frc(li<il(lcrs  ruiil  iiiliabitants  of  the  ('oiiiity  "f  Wcstclicstcr,  liaviiig 
asseiiiMod  at  tlii'  Wliltf  Plains  In  (Miiisifiuciicit  of  certain  advcrtlscniciits,  do  now  dcclaic  tliat 
we  met  licic  to  express  onr  honest  al>liorronee  of  all  nnlawtid  eonfjiesses  and  eoniniittees,  and 
tliat  WI'  are  deteiinini^d  at  tlie  hazard  of  oni'  lives  and  |ii(i]>i'rti('S  to  snpport  the  kin;;  and  thf 
eonstitntion,  anil  that  we  ai'knowled;;e  no  representatives  lint  the  ^'eneral  asseiiilily,  to  whose 
wisdom  and  inte^'i'lty  we  snhiuit  the  ^nardiaiiship  of   onr  rights  and  lllierties. 

There  were  in  all  three  hundred  and  t  wehc  signers  In  liiis  dneii- 
nieiil,  headed  by  I'rederick  I'hilipse,  [satic  WilUins,  the  Ivevs.  Samuel 
Seai)iiry  and  laike  IJalx-ock,  Jnd<;('s  Jonathan  I'owler  and  ( 'aleb  l*'o\v- 
ler,  and  se\eral  olhei'  ])roniin('iit  ])orsons,  includini;-  Mayor  Natlianiel 
Underliill,  of  tlie  i;oron.i;h  of  Weslcjiester,  and  !Miili|i  j'l  11,  of  I'elhani 

The  palriolic  nieeliiiL;  al  W'iiite  I'lains  was  condnrted  wiiii  perfect 
(lecoriini,  and,  in  spile  of  the  aff<>TC'Ssivt'  spoecli  of  .Mr.  Wilkins  ajiuinst 
"disorderly  inoceedinus"  and  "unlawful  roniiiiil  lees  and  congresses,'' 
Colonel  Morris  and  his  tidhcreiits  had  the  jiood  taste  to  refrain  from 
all  \i(denl  or  \  indict  ixc  e\|iressions  or  doinf^s  on  I  iial  oc<asion.  ,\  Iso  in 
his  pnhli,>lied  report  ol  t  he  e\cnls  of  the  day  Colonel  .Morris  abstained 
from  lani;iiaL;e  llial  could  ]iossibly  jiive  offense,  continin^  iiiniseif  to 
a  dispassionate  narrative  of  facts.  I!ul  llie  "  friends  of  i;overiiiiienl  "' 
Wi-vc  not  so  moderate.  They  caused  an  elalxuale  stalemeni  to  be 
lii-iuted  in  I  he  .New  \\>\-k  press,  tilled  \\itii  animad\  crsioiis  of  an  ex- 
asjM'ratin^  naluie.  In  I  ids  slalemeiii,  wiiicli  a|(iii'are<l  in  i;i\  in^lon's 
p.ijier  on  the  L'dtli  of  A])ril,  the  day  after  the  battle  of  Lexington,  it 
Wiis  cliarjLied  that  llie  nieetin<i  held  at  Ihc  court  house  had,  by  assiini- 
iriii  to  re]ireseiit  I  he  true  sentiiiieiit  of  Westchester  ('ounly,  jinposed 
n]ioii  llie  wiirhl  and  insulted  tlie  "loyal  ("oiiiity  ol'  Weslchestei' "  in 
a  most  barefaced  manner";  tliat  it  was  "the  ad  of  i  lew  individuals 
unlawfully  assembled,"  and  tliat  it  was  well  known  tiiat  al  least  two- 
thirds  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  county  were  "  fi-ieiids  to  order  and 
fiovernment,  and  op]»osed  to  committees  and  all  unlawlnl  combina 
tions."  'i'lie  ire  of  ("(doni'l  .Moriis  was  aroused  by  such  reljeci  ions  ami 
alleviations,  and  in  a  cninmiinicat  ion  to  Ihe  press  piildisiied  soon 
afterward  he  rejilied  willi  j;reat  \i;;(»r  and  cutliiiu  satire,  also  sub- 
jectinji  the  list  i>(  sinners  to  a  merciless  analysis.  "  I  shall  pass  over," 
said  he,  "the  many  iillle  embellislmienis  willi  wiiicli  Ihe  authf)r's 
fancy  lias  einleavored  to  decoi-ate  his  narrative;  noi-  is  it  necessary 
to  call  in  (Hiesti(»n  the  reality  of  that   loyal  enthusiasm  by   whicii  it 


wiis  siiid  tlicsi'  i;uo(l  pcopk-  wrrc  iullucuoed;  and  1  really  wish  it 
liad  hccii  the  fact,  because  when  inconsistencies  and  fooleries  result 
from  inebriety  or  enthusiasni,  tliey  merit  our  pity  and  escape  iudis;:- 
nation  and  resent meiit.  Much  pains,  I  confess,  were  on  that  day 
taken  to  iiial<e  teiiiiMnai-y  enthusiasts,  and  Avith  other  exhilaratinj; 
spirit  than  tlie  si)irit  of  loyalty.  To  jjive  the  appearance  of  difiuity 
to  these  cui'ious  and  very  orderly  protestors,  the  author  has  been 
very  mindful  to  annex  everj-  man's  addition  to  his  name,  upon  a  pre- 
sumption perhaps  that  it  would  derive  weisiht  from  the  title  of  Mayor, 
Esquire,  Captain,  Lieutenant,  Judge,  etc.  But  it  is  not  easy  to  con- 
ceive why  the  publisher  should  be  less  civil  to  the  clergy  than  to 
the  gentry  or  commonalty.  Samuel  Seabury  and  Luke  Babcock  cer- 
tainly ought  not  to  have  been  sent  into  the  world  floating  on  a  news- 
paper in  that  plain  way.  The  one  is  the  Kev.  Mr.  Samuel  Seabury, 
I'ector  of  the  united  parishes  of  East  and  West  Chester,  and  one  of 
the  missionaries  for  propagating  the  Gospel,  and  not  politicks,  in 
foreign  parts,  etc.,  etc.;  the  other  is  the  Kev.  Mr.  Luke  Babcock,  who 
preaches  and  prays  for  Colonel  Philipse  and  his  tenants  at  Philipse- 
burgh."  In  his  analysis  of  the  signers  of  the  protest  he  showed  that 
no  fewer  than  one  hundred  and  seventy  of  the  three  hundred  and 
twelve  were  persons  not  possessing  the  least  pretensions  to  a  vote, 
many  of  them  being  lads  under  age;  while  of  the  one  hundred  and 
forty-two  wlio  were  freidiolders  many  h(dd  lands  at  the  will  of  Colonel 
Philipse.  "  so  that,"  he  concluded,  "  very  few  independent  freeholders 
objected  totlie  a]ipointment  of  deputies."  Theaccuracy  of  this  analysis 
was  never  challenged;  and  it  thus  appears  that  with  all  the  advant- 
ages of  prestige  enjoyed  by  the  conservative  leaders  they  were  able  to 
muster  scarcely  a  hundred  disinterested  voters  in  o]iposition  to  a  po 
litical  ])rogi-amme  ^Aiiicli  they  had  announced  to  be  ''  replete  witli 
ruin  and  misery."  IMoreover,  several  formal  recantations  of  the  pro- 
test by  ])ersons  taIio  had  signed  it  followed,  showing  that,  as  in  the 
case  of  the  Bye  protestants  of  the  year  before,  various  indixiduals 
who  lufd  been  drawn  into  support  of  Tory  principles  were  speedily 
brought  to  a  realizing  sense  of  the  odiousness  of  their  behavior. 
Among  the  recant<'rs  was  Jonatlian  Fowler,  one  of  the  judges  of 
the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  of  the  county,  \\lio,  in  a  ])ublish(^d  card, 
declared  that  "upon  deliberation  and  more  full  knowledge 
of  the  matter"  he  Inul  come  to  the  conclusion  tliat  the  sentiments 
expressed  in  tlie  ])rotest  Mere  "not  only  injurious  to  our  ])resent 
cause,  but  likewise  offensive  to  our  fellow-colonists,"  and  therefore 
repudiated  and  testified  his  abhorrence  of  them. 

The  New  York  provincial  convention  f(U'  the  appointment  of  dele- 
gates to  the  congress  at   Pliiladeljiliia  met  in  New  York  City  on  the 

FKOM    JANUARY,     1775,    TO    .1ULY    9,     1776 


20th  of  .Vpril.  All  the  represcutatives  for  \\'('st(h(sl('i"  Coiiiilv  se- 
lected hy  the  meetinp;  at  White  Plains  were  in  attcmliince  excepting 
Jonathan  Piatt  and  Colonel  James  rTolnies.  ,V  deleiialion  of  twelve 
men — live  from  New  York  Connt.v  and  (>ne  eaeli  from  Ivin^s,  Snffolk, 
Orange,  Albany,  Ulster,  Westchester,  and  Dnti^liess  Counties — was 
chosen  to  rejiresent  the  province.  The  delegate  for  Westchester 
County  was  Colonel  Lewis  Morris.  John  Jay  was  re-elected  as  a  dele- 
gate for  New  York  City.     The  convention  adjourned  on  the  22(1. 

On  tli(>  morning  of  the  next  day,  Sunday,  A])ril  23,  1775,  the  news 
of  the  battle  of  Lexington  Avas  received  by  the  people  of  our  county 


residing  along  the  Boston  Post  Koad  from  the  express  lidcr  \\  Im  had 
b<'en  dis])atch;>d  to  bear  it  as  far  as  NeA\'  York.  Spread  Ironi  nioutli 
to  mouth  thi'oughout  tlie  county,  it  cverywhei''-  iutcnsitied  the  pas- 
sions wiiich  hail  been  stirred  by  the  local  political  exents  of  the  pre- 
vious few  weeks.  Already  iiiceused  at  the  arrogant  bearing  of  the 
conseT'vati\('  jiarty,  Mhich  had  just  been  freshly  illustrated  by  the 
injudicious  narrati\i'  of  the  )ii-oce(  dings  at  W'liile  I'lains  lliat  the 
leaders  of  that  ])arty  had  insertetj  in  the  New  ^'ol■k  newspapers,  the 
pali'ioiic  element  was  aroused  by  this  alarnnng  inteliigem-e  to  bit- 
terness and  aggression.  Numerous  were  tJie  intei-\ie\\s  held  with 
signers  of  the  jirotest  who  were  sn]i]iosed   to  be  open  to  persuasion. 


iiinl  Willi  Jill  iiiilividiials  of  imviduslv  unccrlaiii  tendencies.  A  week 
later  Judjie  Jonathan  Fowler  piiblislied  his  meek  recantation,  and 
even  the  bold  spirit  of  Isaac  Wilkius,  the  eloquent  leader  of  the  ma- 

NEW- YORK,  Committee-Chamber, 

WEDNESDAY,  26tK  April,  3775. 

THE  CommitteeTiaving  taken.  Into  Conlldera.rioa tha  Commotions 
occafioned  by  the  fanguinary  Meafures  purfucd  by  the  Briiitli, 
Mmiftry,  and  that  tte  Powers  with  which  this  Committee  is 
invefted,  reftieft  only  the  AfTocixtion.  are  unanimoufly  of 
Opinion,  That  a  new  Committee  be  elefted  by  the  Freeholders 
and  Freemen  of  this  City  and  County,,  for  the  prefent  unhappy  Exigency 
of  Affairs,  as  well  as  to  obfervc  the  Conduft.  of  all  Pcrfons  touching  the 
Affbciation;  That  the  ^aid  Committee  confift  of  loo  Perfons;  that  33  be  a 
Quorum,  and  that  they  difTolvc  within  a  Fortnight  next  after  the  End  of 
the  next  Seflions  of  the  Continenul  Congrefs.  And  that  the  Senfe  of  the 
Freeholders  and  Freemen  of  this  City  and  County,  upon  this  Subjeft,  may 
be  better  procured  and  afceitained,  the  Committee  are  further  unanimoufly 
of  Opinion,  That  the  Polls  "be  taken  on  Friday  Morning  next,  at  po' Clock, 
at  the  ufual  Places  of-EIefticnln  each  Ward,  under  the  Infped\ion  of  the 
two  VeArymen  of  each  Ward,  and  two  of  this  Committee,  or  any  two 
of  the  four  J  and  that  at  the  faid  Eledions  the  Votes  of  the  Freemen  and 
Freeholder,':,  be  taken  on  the  following  Qucftions,  vis.  Whether  fuch  New. 
Committee  (hall  be  conftitufed  J  andiflVa,  of  whom  it  (hallconfift.  AntI 
this  Committee  is  further  unanimoufly  of  Opinion,  That  at  the  prefent 
alarming  Juncture,  it  is  highly  advifeable  that  a  Provincial  CongrcCs  be 
immediately  fummoned ;  and  that  it  be  recommended  to  the  Freeholders 
and  Freemen  of  this  City  and  County,  to  choofc  at  the  fame  Time  that 
they  vote  for  the  New  Committee  aforefaid.  Twenty  Deputies  to  rcprefcnt 
them  at  the  faid  Congrefs.  And  that  a  Letter  be  forthwith  prepared  and 
difpatched  to  all  the  Counties,  rec^uefting  them  to  unite  with  us  in  forming 
a  Provincial  Congrefs,  and  to  appoint  their  Deputies  withoutDelay,  to  meet 
at  New -York,  oa  Monday  the  22d  of  May  next. 

By  Order  of  the  Committee.^ 

ISAAC  LOW,  Chatrman. 


jority  in  the  provincial  assembly,  yielded  ilself  lo  tlie  inevitable. 
Against  Wilkins  jjarticularly  severe  ainniosKy  was  cherished.  It 
was  he  who,  at  ^Vhite  Plains,  had  denounced  {lie  i)atriotlc  assem- 
blage as  disorderly  and  nnlawful,  and  common  report  attributed  to 

KKOM     .lAXTAKY,     1775,     TO    .TTTIA"    9,     177G  305 

liiiii  the  iiullidi'slii]!  (>('  tlic  in-olcsliui;  ''  i!iii'ra(iv(-,"  widi  its  oH'i'iisive 
assunii)tions  and  liupiidciit  iliaracterizatious.  The  jiiililic  i-cscnt- 
iiiciit  t()A\ard  liiiii  Avas  so  d('(>]»,  and  Avas  manifested  willi  such  acliv- 
ily,  tliat  without  delay  he  formed  tlie  resoliif ion  to  h-ave  tiie  country. 
Tiiis  was  annonnced  in  an  open  letter  addressed  to  ''  My  Conntry- 
nicii,"  dated  New  York,  May  3,  1775.  The  i)recipitation  of  his  fliiiilit 
may  he  judgeil  from  Ills  statement  that  he  li'ft  beliind  " Cverytiiint; 
that  is  dear  to  me — my  wife,  my  children,  my  friends,  and  my  prop- 
erty."' He  avowed  that  he  was  aetnated  not  by  fear  or  a  conscious- 
ness of  ha\ini;  done  wroni;,  but  b^'  an  unwilliniiness  to  become  in- 
volved in  the  fratricidal  strife  that  was  impending;'.  "  I  leave 
America,  and  every  endearinf;-  connection,"  he  concluded,  "  because 
I  \\\\\  not  raise  my  hand  a;iiainst  my  Soverei,nn,  nor  will  I  draw  my 
sword  against  my  Country;  when  I  can  conscientiously  draw  it  in 
liei'  fa\'our,  my  life  shall  be  chearfully  devoted  to  her  service." 

In  New  York  City,  the  center  of  political  aiiitation  and  manage- 
UK  ut,  the  thrillini;  news  from  Lexington  evoked  more  energetic  and 
a.u^rcssive  measures  tlian  had  yet  been  attem])ted.  Although  a  pro- 
vincial con\-eiition  had  just  been  lield,  and  a  continental  congress  was 
aliout  to  meet,  it  was  decided  to  summon  a  jii-ovincial  congress;  and 
a  call  Avas  proui|)tly  issued  Utr  such  a  body  to  meet  in  New  York  City 
on  the  22(1  of  May  and  "deliberate  u])on  ami  from  time  to  tiun^  to 
direct  such  measures  as  may  be  expedient  for  our  common  safety." 
In  the  cii'cular  sent  to  the  counties  the  gravity  of  the  situation  was 
pointed  out  in  strong  language,  and  for  the  first  time  the  hint  of 
wai'  was  gi\-en  to  the  jieojile  of  the  Colony.  \\'estchester  County  re- 
sjxinded  to  this  m-w  appeal  by  holdinii  a  meeting  at  "White  Plains 
on  the  Sth  of  .May,  James  Yan  Cortlandt,  of  th(>  r5orouiili  of  West- 
chester, occupying  the  chair.  It  appointed  a  jiermanent  counly  com- 
mit tee  of  ninety  jter^ons,  twenty  of  whom  were  em])owered  to  act 
lor  the  ccomty,  and  to  that  committee  was  referred  the  authority  to 
choose  the  delegates  to  the  proposed  congress.  The  delegates  select- 
ed under  this  provision  wei'e  Couverneur  ^lorris,  Dr.  TJobert  Craham, 
Colonel  Lewis  (iraham,  and  Colonel  James  N'an  Cortlandt,  all  of  the 
Town  of  Westchester;  Ste]ihen  Ward  and  Joseph  Drake,  of  East- 
chesler;  Major  I'liiliji  Yan  Cortlandt,  of  Cortlandt  ]\LTnor;  Colonel 
Janu'S  Holmes,  of  ISedfoi-d;  John  Thomas,  Jr.,  of  TJye;  David  Dayton, 
of  North  Castle;  and  William  Paulding,  of  Philii)seburgh  Manor.  It 
is  noteworthy  that  anntng  the  i-esults  of  this  White  Plains  meeting 
two  men  whose  names  were  destined  to  rank  among  the  most  im- 
lioitant  in  the  annals  of  Westchester  County  obtained  their  first  en- 
trance into  iniblic  life — Converneur  Morris  and  Jonathan  C.  Tom])- 
kins.     The  former  headed  the  delegation  to  the  provim'ial  congress, 



niiil  the  inttcr  Avas  one  nf  tlic  piiiiciiial   iiiciiili''i-s  <if  lli<-  (•niniiiiltee 

<if  iiiiict.v  wliifli  was  cicalrd  lo  taUc  oliargv  of  atTaiis  in  tlir  coimty. 

<  i(MiV('iU('iu-  .AJonis  was  the  fniiitli  sdii  <tf  Lewis  .Morris,  .li.,  and  a 

stciihi'otlier  of  Culuiiel  Lewis  .Morris.     He  was  horn  in  T 

was  "rad- 

ualcd  at  Columbia  College  in  lT(iS,  slndicd  law  under  llie  preceptor- 
slii])  of  ^Villianl  Sniitli  llie  youni^er  (afterward  royal  chief  justice), 
and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1771,  when  only  twenty  years  old. 
He  immediately  espoused  the  cause  of  the  anti-<>overnraent  pai'ty,  al- 
thoujih  identifying'  himself,  like  Jay,  with  its  more  moderate  advo- 
cates; and  it  was  not  until  the  die  had  been  oast  by  the  introduction 
of  the  Declaration  of  Independence  in  the  continental  congress  that 
he  took  a  pronounced  position  in  support  of  radical  doctrines.  As 
a  delegate  from  Westchestei-  County  to  the  provincial  congress  of 
1775  and  177G  he  attracted  general  attention  by  his  abilities,  and 

thenceforward  his  services  were  con- 
stantly employed  in  behalf  of  the 
nation.  His  mother  was  a  lady  of 
strong  Loyalist  prejudices,  and  Gou- 
vernenr's  championship  of  the  Kevo- 
luiionary  cause  was  a  gn'ar  disap- 
pointment to  lu-r.  His  sister,  Isabella, 
married  Isaac  Wilkins,  whose  nu'lan- 
clioly  farewell  to  his  conntiymen  has 
just  been  noticed.  Couvenieur  Mor- 
ris, being  liis  father's  youngest  son, 
did  not  iulierit  any  portion  of  the 
IMorrisania  estate;  but  some  years 
after  the  conclusion  of  jyeace  with 
Creat  Britain  he  purchased  from  his 
brother.  General  Staats  Long  Morris, 
of  the  British  army,  all  that  portion 
of  the  ancestral  ])ro])erty  lying  east 
(if  .Mill  lirnok.  There  he  n'sidcd  during  the  clnsing  years  of  his  life, 
and  died  on  the  IHth  of  NoNcmber,  ISlli. 

.lonalhan  G.  Tomiddns,'  of  Scarsdale,  llic  fatlier  of  <!nverunr  and 
N'ice-President  Daniel  l».  Touipkins,  was  a  prnuiincnt  West  (duster 
County  figure  throughout  the  Ilevolutiou  and  for  many  years  after. 
His  ancestors  emigrated   from   the  north  of  England   to   .Massachu- 


*  He  was  buru  Josliu.i  Tompkins,  hoiiifi  so 
iiMtiicil  for  his  fatbor.  wbo  removed  to  Sears- 
dale  from  Westchfcsier  Town.  One  of  the 
family's  neisthbors  in  Scarsdale  was  Captain 
.lonalhan  Crin'cn.  a  well-to-do  farmer,  who, 
bi'inc   ehildless,    and   taking  a   fanr-y    to   yonns 

.Toslnia,  adopted  him  and  liad  him  baptized  by 
the  name  of  .Touatliaii  Griffeu  Tompkins.  Caji- 
lain  GrilTeu  eonvt\ved  to  liini  a  farm  of  one 
iinndrr'd  acres.  .Tonathau  G.  Tompkins  mar- 
ried a  daujrhter  of  Caleb  Hyatt,  a  respeetable 
fai-nier   in    White   riains. 

FHOM    JANUARY,    1775,    TO    JULY    9,     177G  307 

setts,  iicsides  scrviiiL;  on  the  coiitity  ('(111111111  Ice,  Ik-  was  supervisor 
for  the  Manor  of  Searsdale,  and  later  was  a  member  of  tlie  committee 
of  safety,  a  delegate  to  two  [iro\  iiieial  coniiresses,  member  of  the  as- 
sembly and  county  judge  under  flie  8tate  governmeut,  and  one  of  the 
first  regents  of  the  State  University.  He  lived  lo  ihe  venerable  age 
of  eighty-seven,  dying  in  1823. 

The  second  Continental  congress  began  its  sessions  at  I'hiladel- 
pliia  on  tlie  10th  of  May.  Accepting  the  proceedings  at  Lexington 
and  their  associated  ev(mts  as  acts  of  wai-,  it  imniediat(dy  began  to 
lay  i)iaiis  for  a  general  armed  resistance.  Steps  were  taken  for  the 
creation  of  an  army  by  the  enlisiinciil  of  V(diinteers,  Washington  was 
ajipointed  (•ommander-in-chief,  and  the  preliminary  arrangements 
were  made  for  meeting  the  expenses  of  the  struggle. 

When  the  New  York  jiroviucial  congress  assembled  on  the  22d  of 
May,  the  ])rograiiiiiie  of  revolution  had  already  been  well  marked  out. 
This  provincial  body  was  equal  to  the  emergency,  being  fully  con- 
trolled by  the  patriotic  element,  although  well  balanced  in  its  mem- 
bership. It  entered  at  once  upon  the  serious  business  of  the  hour. 
By  the  election  of  Peter  Van  I>rugli  Livingston,  an  extremist,  as  its 
]iresi(liiig  ol'licer,  it  testified  its  complete  readiness  for  co-operation 
wilh  the  sister  c(donies  in  radical  action.  Yet  it  took  a  firm  stand 
in  insisting  upon  the  local  autonomy  of  the  Colony  of  Xew  York,  one 
(>(  its  earli(^st  acts  being  the  rejection  of  a  resolution  providing  for 
iiii](licit  obedience  to  the  continental  congress  in  all  matters  excejit 
tlutse  of  local  ])(dice  regulation.  On  the  first  (\n\  of  the  session  pro- 
vision was  made  for  effective  organization  in  the  several  counties  by 
the  establishing  of  committees  in  sympathy  with  the  general  plans 
of  the  friends  of  liberty.  A  plan  for  a  continental  currency,  sub- 
mitted and  advocated  with  great  ability  by  Gouverneur  Morris,  was 
recommended  to  the  consideration  of  the  continental  congi'ess.  Final- 
ly, detailed  arrangements  were  adopted  for  iintting  the  province  in 
a  state  of  military  defense,  for  the  levying  of  troops,  ami  for  active 
local  administration  and  sujiervision  in  the  interest  of  assuring  full 
exercise  of  authority  by  the  Revolutionary  party  and  repressing  dis- 
;i  flection. 

The  British  garrison  in  Xew  York  had  given  little  trouble  lo  the 
iMPimlai-e  since  the  Golden  Hill  affray  of  January,  177(1.  During  its 
brief  stay  in  the  city  after  the  battle  of  Lexington  it  was  not  re- 
iiifoiccd.  .\lthougli  as  yet  no  armed  body  of  colonists  had  arisen  to 
ilirtaleii  ili<'  British  soldiers,  it  was  perfectly  understood  that  the 
lieojde,  and  not  llie  garrison,  were  masters  of  the  local  situation,  and 
that  at  the  slightest  manifestation  of  aggression  <ui  the  jiarl  of  llie 
troops  sanguinary  events  A\-ould  be  |ireci])ilate(|.     The  P.ritish  com- 


uiaadfi-  had  the  good  sense  to  alisiain  ri-om  aiivlliiiii;  of  tliat  uature, 
and,  on  the  other  hand,  tlie  ptipuhice  nunh'  no  atteiiii)t  to  interfere; 
witli  liiin.  But  this  forlx-arance  was  about  the  only  instance  of  mod- 
eration displaj-ed  in  the  City  of  New  Yorlv  at  that  critical  time.  The 
jK'ople,  under  the  leadership  of  the  Sons  of  Liberty,  committed  overt 
acts  which  were  in  the  line  of  open  rebellion.  A  novernnient  store- 
liotise  at  Turtle  Bay  was  seized,  and  about  one  hundred  pieces  of 
ordnance  were  carted  to  Kiuji,sbridge,  which,  as  the  point  of  com- 
munication with  the  mainland,  was  instantly  recognized  as  a  prin- 
ci])al  strategic  position,  denmndiug  intreuchment.  Indeed,  as  early 
as  the  4th  of  May  the  New  York  City  committee  ordered  ''that  Cap- 
tain Sears,  Captain  Bandall,  and  Captain  Fleming  be  a  committee  to 
procure  i»roper  judges  to  go  and  vicAV  the  ground  at  or  near  Kings- 
bridge,  and  report  to  tliis  committee,  with  all  convenient  spee<l, 
whether  it  will  answer  for  the  purposes  intended  by  it."  Thus  the 
very  first  warlike  measure  determined  upon  in  this  portion  of  the 
country  had  referi'uce  to  a  locality  ui)on  the  borders  of  our  county. 

The  supremacj'  of  the  po]iular  power  in  New  York  was  well  evi- 
denced by  the  dictatorial  authority  assumed  and  successfully  en- 
forced by  the  committee  of  one  hundred  upon  the  occasion  of  the 
de])arture  of  the  garrison  from  the  city.  This  event  occurred  early 
in  June,  tl:e  frigate  "  Asia  "  having  come  into  the  harboi-  with  oi-ders 
to  reiiioNc  tlie  soldiers  to  Iioston.  The  committee  gave  its  coiiseni 
to  th<'  transaction,  witli  the  proxiso,  however,  that  the  troops  shouhl 
carry  a\vay  Avitli  them  no  other  arms  than  tliose  u])on  their  own 
|)ersons.  An  attempt  A^as  made  to  violate  the  arl)itrary  order  thus 
pi'onniigated,  and  the  first  detaclniieiit  that  issued  fioiii  the  fort  was 
accompanied  b^'  several  vehicles  loaded  with  stacks  of  arms.  At 
the  corner  nf  Broad  and  Beaver  Streets  a  single  citizen,  ^larinus  \Vil- 
left  by  name,  emergecl  from  the  crowd,  seized  tlie  horse  of  the  leading 
vehicle  by  the  bridle,  and  commanded  the  driver  to  turn  back.  .Vn 
allei-cation  now  ensued,  several  iironiinent  genllemen  e-vju'essing  their 
o](ini(ins — among  them  Gouverneur  Morris,  wh.o,  consistently  with 
the  ]iacitic  attitude  that  he  had  taken,  deprecated  ^Villett's  act.  But 
the  aggri'ssive  faction  was  reiiresented  by  well  known  s]iokesmeii, 
haxing  behind  them  o\crwlielming  nund)ers  of  the  S(uis  of  Liberty, 
and  they  gave  it  to  be  understood  that  unless  Ihe  ai'ms  were  left  in 
the  city,  in  obedience  to  the  directions  of  the  committee,  Idood  would 
flow.  The  judicious  British  (.Iticer  in  command  yielded  to  these  re])- 
resentations,  and  the  citizens  were  ]K'rmitt(^d  to  nii]iro])riate  the  arms. 
After  that  trium]dial  ternnnation  of  the  matter,  Willett  mounted 
one  of  the  carts  and  delivered  an  imjiassioned  address  to  the  meek 
soldierv,  exhorting  them   to  desist  from   the  unnatural   business  of 

FIIO.M    .lANUAIlY,    1775,    TO    JTILY    !),    177(> 


slicddiiiL;  tlic  blood  ul'  tbt-ir  bid  lii-cii,  and  prdiuisim;  lirulrctioii  tu 
aiiv  oC  I  heir  iiuinbLT  who  should  liaNo  (he  courage  to  leave  the  ranks 
and  join  tlie  ])alrio(ic  nniltitudc  llistoi-y  records  that  one  of  the 
men  deserted  in  resjionse  lo  this  a]i]K'al.  In  all  the  i)reliininar3-  events 
of  the  ilexdintion  there  is  no  nioic  di-aniatic  episode  tliau  this  ex- 
ploit of  .Marinus  W'illett.  It  is  typical  of  the  whole  conrse  of  th<> 
peo](le  of  ^New  York  from  the  earliest  period  of  the  troubles  with 
the  mother  country — a  course  of  unfaltering'  aggression,  taking  no 
thought  of  consequences.  Willett  subsequently  became  an  ofUcer  in 
the  Anu'rican  army,  and,  as  we  shall  see,  distinguished  himself  upon 


a  notable  occasion  in  repelling  a  British  expedition  near  I'eekskill,  in 
our  county. 

The  continental  congress  at  riiiladelphia,  imrsuing  the  IJevolu 
lionary  programme  which  had  been  inaugurated  at  the  beginiung  of 
its  session,  early  turned  its  attention  to  the  subject  of  preparing  the 
Province  of  New  York  for  defensive  and  offensive  oi)erations.  In  this 
connection  the  fortitication  of  the  passes  at  Kingsbridge  and  ai  lh<' 
entrance  to  the  Highlands,  and  plans  for  obstructing  the  navigation 
of  the  Hudson  Kiver  in  case  of  necessity,  received  (diief  consideration. 
( >i>  the  li.lth  of  May  a  number  of  resolutions  ])ertaining  to  New  \drk 
were  adopted  by  I  he  congre.  s,  jncluiling  I  he  I'nl  low  ing: 

That  a  post  l)i'  iniim(Hati'ly  taken  ami  t'oititiiil  at  or  iiiai'  l<iMirsl)ri(lf;c,  in  tlip  Colony  of 
New  York  ;  and  that  tlu'  ^jround  In-  chosen  witli  a  partienhir  view  to  prevent  the  eonininniea- 
tion  between  the  City  of  New  York  and  tlie  country  from  lieing-  interrupted  liy  land. 


That  a  post  be  also  taken  in  the  Ilinhlands,  on  each  side  of  Hudson's  River,  and  bat- 
teries erected  in  such  a  manner  as  will  most  ettectually  prevent  any  vessels  ])assing  tliat  may 
be  sent  to  liarass  the  inhabitants  on  the  borders  of  said  river  ;  and  that  experienced  persons 
be  immediately  sent  to  examine  said  river,  in  order  to  discover  where  it  will  be  most  advis- 
alile  and  proper  to  obstruct  the  navigation. 

These  resolves,  with  otlicrs,  \vci<'  couuiiuuicated  to  the  provincial 
congress  of  New  York,  with  insiructious  to  keep  tliem  secret.  That 
body  referred  the  two  matters  to  separate  couimittees,  which  in  due 
time  rei)orted  plans  for  carrying  the  recommendations  into  effect. 
The  result  as  to  Kingsbridge  was  the  construction  of  three  redoubts, 
one  of  which  (on  Tetard's  llill)  was  called  Fort  Independence;  and 
the  first  iutrenchments  thus  established  were  soon  supplemented  by 
others  along  the  Harlem  and  t^puyten  Duyvil  waterway.  Fort  Wash- 
ington, on  Manhattan  Island,  overlooking  the  Hudson  at  about  the 
foot  of  ISlst  Street,  was  built  under  the  supervision  of  Colonel  Kufus 
I'utuam,  of  Washiugton's  sialV,  previously  to  Ihc  British  occupation 
of  New  York.  It  was  designed  to  Ik — and  was,  in  fact — the  main  de- 
fensive i>osi1ion  guarding  New  York  City  below  and  the  open  country 
above;  and  Fort  Washington  and  the  Kingsbridge  defenses  were 
closely  interdependent.  In  addition  to  its  function  as  a  citadel  at  the 
northern  end  of  ^lanhattan  Island,  Fort  Washington  covered  the 
passage  up  the  Hudson  Itiver,  to  which  end  Fort  Lee,  erected  about 
the  same  time  directly  opposite  on  the  New  Jersey  bank,  alst)  con- 

The  committee  having  in  charge  the  matter  of  advising  as  to  forti- 
fying both  banks  of  the  Hudson  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  High- 
lauds  and  obstructing  the  river  navigation  paved  the  way  for  equally 
important  undertakings  in  that  quarter.  Expert  commissioners  who 
were  sent  to  examine  the  country  laid  stress  in  their  report  upon 
the  natural  military  advantages  offered  by  the  northwestern  section 
of  Westchester  County,  which,  besides  guarding  the  Highlands,  was 
the  eastern  terminus  of  the  King's  Ferry  route  (at  that  time  the 
]nin(i]>al  means  of  communication  between  the  Eastern  andSouthern 
colonit'si,  and  also  afforded  an  excellent  road  leading  into  Connecticut. 
The  famous  chain  across  tlie  Hudson  at  Anthony's  Nose  was  soon 
afterward  manufactured,  it  is  said  to  have  cost  £70,000,  almost 
bankrupting  the  continental  treastiry,  whereas  no  com])ensa1ing  ben- 
efits Mere  derived  from  it.  On  tw  >)  occasions  it  bridce  from  its  own 
weight.  The  ill-fated  Forts  Clinton  and  ^Montgomery  were  con- 
structed in  the  Highlands  on  the  west  side  of  the  river,  with  Fort 
Constitution  on  an  island  opposite  West  Point.  The  erection  of  Fort 
Lafayette  at  Yerplanck's  Point  and  Fort  Independence  at  Peekskill 
(as  also  of  the  famous  wcu-ks  at  Stony  Point,  opposite  Yerplanck's) 

IKOM     lAXT'ARY,    177."),    TO    JTLY    9.    177<i  311 

ltcl(iiii;s  til  ;i  hilci-  ]icrin(l.     ( )f  ilic  \;irinus  I Jc\  iil ill i(iii;n-y  fortresses  in 
llic  Ilii;lil;iiHls  and  lliar  seftinii,  ^\■(■sl  I'oiiil  was  huill  last. 

Ill  addilidii  to  its  iiartioiihir  recoiiniieiidations  respecting  Kino's- 
liiidiic,  llie  Ilijililaiids,  and  the  iludsoii,  tlie  (•(ndinenf al  cDngress  ad- 
\ised  New  ^Oi'k  to  iiave  its  militia  i  horon^lil  y  armed  and  trained, 
and  piace'l  in  "eonslanl  readiness  to  act  at  a  moment's  warninin' "; 
and,  as  a  tinal  matter,  tJie  colony  was  summoued  to  enlist  and  efjnip 
three  thousand  volunteers,  who  were  to  serve  luilii  ilie  .31st  of  De- 
cember, 177"),  unless  sooiu'i'  discharged.  In  response  to  the  demand 
for  three  thousand  enlisted  men,  four  regiments  were  formed,  of  which 
one,  though  known  as  the  Dutchess  County  regiment,  was  composed 
to  a  considerable  extent  of  Westchester  County  men.  Its  colonel 
was  James  Holmes,  of  Bedford,  a  grandson  of  one  of  the  original 
proprietors  of  that  town,  who  had  served  with  credit  as  a  captain  in 
liie  French  and  Indian  \s'nr.  Although,  in  addition  to  accepting  this 
coiumission.  Holmes  had  been  a  delegate  to  the  provincial  congress, 
and  soon  afterward  served  with  his  command  in  ihe  invasion  of  Can- 
ada, he  subsequently  became  one  of  the  disaffected,  turned  Loyalist, 
and  was  appointed  lieutenant-colonel  in  the  corps  of  Westchester 
County  IJefugees.  Philip  Van  Cortlandt,  son  of  Pierre  \'au  Cortlaudt 
and  a  leading  member  of  the  provincial  congress,  was  made  lieuten- 
ant-colonel of  the  Dutchess  County  regiment.  Three  of  its  ten  com 
panics  were  largely  from  Westchester  County. 

In  the  summer  of  177.5  the  provincial  congress  ordered  a  complete 
reorganization  of  the  militia  of  the  colony,  and  required  every  mem- 
ber of  that  body,  between  the  ages  of  sixteen  and  fifty,  to  provide 
liimself  with  a  musket  and  bayonet,  a  sword  or  tomahawk,  a  cartridge- 
iiox  to  contain  twenly-three  rounds  of  cartridges,  a  knapsack,  one 
]ioiind  of  gunpowder,  and  three  pounds  of  balls.  There  were  no  reg- 
ulations as  to  uniform.  Cndci-  this  order  AVestchester  County  thor- 
oughly reconstrmled  its  militia,  depo.sing  all  officers  of  uusatisfac- 
toi-y  or  doubtful  antecedents,  and  electing  stanch  patriots  in  their 

The  battle  of  Hunker  Hill,  on  the  17tli  of  June,  had  still  farther 
wideiii'il  the  lu'each,  which,  indeed,  now  seemed  inia]iaiile  of  being 
rhise<l.  Three  days  pre\iously  George  ^^'ashiugton  luid  been  ap- 
pointed by  the  continental  congress  commander-in-chief  of  the  .Vmer- 
ican  armii's.  On  June  2.")  he  arrived  in  New  'N'ork  on  his  way  to  the 
seal  of  war  in  ^lassachuset ts,  lining  been  met  at  Newark  by  a  de])U- 
tation  of  citizens,  of  whom  ( loincineiii-  .Morris  was  one  of  the  prin- 
cipal members.  I  ie  stopped  over  night  in  the  city,  and  the  next  morn 
iiig  continued  his  joiirnev,  being  escorted  for  some  distance  by  thi' 



local  militia.     His  muU-,  of  courst',  lay  through  our  couut.v,  along 
the  Boston  Post  Road. 

One  of  the  notewovtliY  (Miactnicnts  of  the  provincial  congress 
of  177")  was  a  series  of  regulations  for  preventing  and  ])unishing  un- 
acceptable acts  and  language  bj'  the  Tory  element  of  the  province, 
riiese  regulations  were  drastic,  and,  as  they  were  a])plied  with  par- 
licular  severity  in  Westchester  County,  a  somewhat  detailed  notice 
mT  ilicm  is  called  for.    The  measure  embodying  them  was  adopted  on 
the  2(ith  of  August.     It  prohibited  the  furnishing  of  provisions  or 
other  necessaries,  "  contrary  to  the  rescdutions  of  the  continental 
oi-  of  this  congress,"  to  the  ministerial  army  or  navy,  as  well  as  com- 
municating by  correspondence  or  otherv.'ise  to  the  British  military 
or  naval  officers  any  information  prejudicial  to  the  interests  or  plans 
of  the  colonists.    Pei'sons  accused  of  offending  against  the  act  in  tlief?e 
respects  were  to  be  brought  before  the  county  or  city  committee,  the 
])rovincial    congress,    or   the    committee    of    safety,    and,    if    found 
guilty,   were   to   be   disarmed,   to    forfeit    double  the   value   of   the 
articles  furnished,  and  to  be  imprisoned  not  to 
exceed  three  months.       In  case  of  a  second  of- 
fense, the  guilty  person  was  to  be  banished  from 
the  colony  for  seven  years.      Continuing,  the  act 
declared  that,  "  although  this  congress,  having 
tender   regard    to    the   freedom   of   speech,   the 
rights  of  conscience,  and  personal  liberty,  so  far 
as  indulgence  in  these  particulars  may  be  con- 
sistent with  our  general   security,  yet,   for  the 
general  safety,"  it  was  necessary  to  sternly  pun- 
ish abuses  of  such  privileges.      Consequently  all 
persons  were  prohibited  fi-om  opposing  or  deny- 
ing ■•  tiic  authority  of  the  continental  lu-  this  congress,  or  the  commit- 
ice  of  safety,  or   the   committees   of   the  respective   counties,    cities, 
towns,  manors,  precincts,  or  districts  in  this  colony"  and  from  "dis- 
suading aii_\-  person  or  persons  from  olicying  the  recommendations  of 
the  contiuejital  or  this  congress,  or  the  committee  of  safety,  or  the 
comniitt(>es  aforesaid."      Susjx'cts  were  to  be  tried  before  the  county 
committees,  and,  if  convicted,  were  lo  be  disarmed  for  the  first  offense 
and  committed  to  close  contiiieiin'iit,  at  tlieir  respective  expense,  for 
llie  second.      Committees  and  militia  olticers  were  enjoined  to  appre- 
liciid  every  person  discovered  lo  be  enlisted  or  in  arms  against  the 
libci-ties  of  the  country,  and  to  keej)  him  in    custody    until    his    fate 
siiould  be  determined  by  the  congress;  and  the  estate  of  every  such  in- 
dividual was  to  be  seized  and  confiscated. 

Very  soon  after  tin-  })assage  of  this  measure  the  zealous  local  com- 
mitteemen in  AVestchester  County  began  to  take  steps  for  its  wide- 


FROM   JANUAKV.    1775,   TO   JULY   9,    1776      '  313 

s|'rc;iii  ;ni(l  striugenl  ciirorcenient.  With  (he  iiuliinni  of  1775  coui- 
mcTiccd  those  numerous  acts  of  inforniation,  fi-equentlv  by  ueigbbor 
n.uaiiisl  neiulibor,  and  as  frequently  violative  of  everv  private  confi- 
dence and  decent  oblijiation  between  man  and  man,  which  form  so 
much  (d'  the  history  of  our  county  during  tiu'  Kevolution.  In  no 
other  county  of  the  province  did  sucli  abundant  and  invitim;  ma- 
terial exist  for  the  exercise  of  the  peculiar  activities  of  tlic  patriotic 
informer.  It  is  true  that  Kings,  (2ueens,  Suffoliv,  and  Uiclimond 
Counti(>s  contained  a  large  Loyalist  population — perliajis  as  numer- 
ous and  important,  ]iroi)ortionately,  as  that  of  Westchester.  Hut  with 
the  capture  of  New  York  City  in  the  summer  uf  1776  these  island 
counties  came  under  the  complete  protection  of  the  British  forces, 
and  their  Tory  inhabitants  were  conse([uently  exempte<l  from  the 
iu(iuisitorial  observation  and  regulation  through  a  long  term  of  years 
which  the  British  sympathizers  in  West(diest(  r  County  had  to  suffer. 
There  is  no  doubt  that  many  of  the  individual  proceedings  in  this 
connection  in  our  county  were  fully  wai  ranted.  It  should  also  be 
remembered  that  sucli  doings  are  the  inevitable  concomitants  of 
war — especially  civil  war, — even  at  the  present  day  and  under  the 
most  enlightened  and  generous  govei-nments.  Yet  the  history  of  this 
aspect  of  the  devolution  in  Westcheslei'  County  is  peculiai'ly  dis- 
tressing. The  proscri])tions  were  appalling  in  number,  and  whatever 
individual  justice,  wisdom,  or  necessity  attached  to  special  cases,  the 
characteristic  spirit  of  the  Kevolutiouaiy  authoi'ities  was  without 
([Uestion  nu'rciless.  A  certain  satisfaction,  though  but  a  melancholy 
one,  is  afforded  by  the  reflection  that  the  British,  so  far  as  they  had 
the  power  to  pursue  retribuli\c  ])ractices  here,  were  even  more  vin- 
dictive in  their  spirit  and  barbarous  in  its  execution.  The  Americans 
at  least  seldom  burned  private  mansions  or  devastated  estates,  which 
the  Britisji  did  not  fail  to  do  in  their  raids;  and,  indeed,  th(>  West- 
chester raids  of  the  British  were  often  exclusively  for  these  precise 
purposes.  Summary  arrests  by  the  British  in  this  county  of  persons 
not  in  arms,  but  deemed  obnoxious  for  political  reasons,  were  also 
very  frequent;  and  many  a  Westchester  patriot,  including  some  of 
the  most  honored  sons  of  the  county,  perished  miserably  in  the  loath- 
sorie  dungeons  and  frightful  prison-ships  which  the  English  com- 
manders maintained  for  political  captives. 

The  first  list  of  sus^jects  for  the  County  of  \Vestchester  reported 
to  the  provincial  congress  was  headed  by  the  nann-  of  Colonel  Fred- 
erick I'liilipse.  Anotiu-r  conspicucms  person  denounced  on  the  same 
occasion  was  the  Rev.  Samuel  Seabury,  of  Eastchester,  to  w  horn  Col- 
onel Lewis  .Morris  had  sarcastically  alluded  a  few  months  before  as  a 
missionary  for  "  ]iropagating  the  Cosjiel,  and    not    politicks,  in  for- 


ciiiu  parts."  I'  was  destiiu'd  to  a  brief  re'spitc  bclnrc  being 
summoned  to  the  Kevolutionary  bar,  but  Beabury  was  soon  to  ex])e- 
rience  even  harsher  treatment  than  that  provided  for  in  tlie  sutli- 
cieutly  aggressive  provincial  act.  This  initial  list  comprised  alto- 
gether thirty-one  persons.  So  far  as  their  individual  cases  have  been 
traced,  documentary  evidence  has  been  tV)Uud  showing  that  at  least 
twenty  of  the  number  were  dul^-  convicted  and  cast  into  prison.  A 
specially  interesting  case  was  that  of  Godfrey  Hains,  of  Ifye,  de- 
nounced by  one  Eunice  Purdy,  supposed  to  have  been  a  revengeful 
sweetheart,  in  an  attidavit  over  her  mark.  Eunice,  being  sworn  "  upon 
the  Holy  Evangelists  of  Almighty  God,"  alleged  that  Hains  liad  used 
extremely  incendiary  language  in  her  hearing  against  congresses  and 
committees,  and  moreover  had  expressed  the  heinous  wish  that  men- 
of-war  would  come  along  the  Sound.  Hains  was  arrested,  and,  after 
being  examined  by  the  committee  at  White  Plains,  was  about  to  be 
discharged  with  the  mild  sentence  that  he  be  disarmed;  whereupon 
he  deliantly  admitted  that  he  possessed  arms,  but  would  not  reveal 
their  hiding-place.  The  committee  dispatched  him  to  New  York, 
with  a  letter  describing  him  as  a  particularly  dangerous  man.  He 
was  confined  in  the  City  Hall  Prison,  and  after  a  time  was  arraigned 
before  the  provincial  congress  and  recommitted  to  jail.  Taking  ad- 
viuitage  of  a  favorable  o])])ort unity  he  escaped,  and  then,  with  sev- 
eral associates,  he  loaded  a  vessel  with  provisions  and  sailed  for 
Boston,  intending  to  deliver  his  supplies  to  General  Howe.  The 
shi])  was  wrecked,  its  cargo  was  seized  by  the  Revolutionary  gov- 
ernment, and  Hains  was  again  imprisoned,  this  time  in  the  Ulster 
County  jail,  where  a  strong  guard  was  jilaced  over  him,  and  Avhere, 
presumabh-,  he  languislied  long  enough  for  liis  Tory  ardor  to  become 

Hains  was  supposed  to  have  been  concerned  in  a  plot  to  seize  the 
distinguished  Judge  John  Thomas,  and  other  pronunent  Westchester 
patriots,  and  carry  thi'ui  captives  to  the  British  general  at  l?oston. 
Throughout  the  fall  of  1775  there  were  whisperings  of  serious  Tory 
cons])iracies  in  Westchester  County,  which  were  likely  to  result  at 
any  time  in  retaliatory  measures  of  a  formidable  nature.  The  arrests 
of  Tories  had  in  some  instances  been  resisted  by  companies  of  their 
armed  partisans,  and  in  general  a  spirit  of  resentment  had  been 
manifested  which  gave  considerable  uneasiness  to  the  committee.  In 
a  letter  dated  White  Plains,  the  1st  of  November,  and  signed  by  Jona- 
than G.  Tompkins  and  others,  concerning  the  rumored  plot  to  abduct 
Judge  Thomas,  the  president  of  the  provincial  congTess  was  besought 
to  take  the  necessary  steps  for  causing  a  number  of  specified  persons 
to  appear  before  that  body  and  testify.    "  We  would  not  have  troubled 

FROAI    .TAM  AI!V,    177."),     TO    .]VIA'    J»,    177<i  '^15 

the  congress,"  it  was  iiildcd,  "ahdiii  apid-cliciidiny  the  abovc-naiiifd 
persons,  but  tliat  we  loolc  upon  ourselves,  at  present,  as  too  \veal<  to 
do  it  without  jiveat  dannci-.""  Kenienibevinii  tliat  (lie  c-ouiniittee  had 
full  poMer  to  suiumou  the  militia  ollieers  to  their  aid,  this  is  a  rather 
curious  confession.  It  was  particulaiiy  feared  that  British  vessels 
of  war  Avould  ajjpear  on  the  Westchester  shore  of  the  Sound  and 
land  marines  to  carry  out  concerted  local  Tory  plans.  Stron<i  feelinji 
had  been  excited  in  this  county  by  an  order  of  the  committee  of 
safety  for  the  lieneral  impi'essnu'ut  of  arms — that  is,  the  seiziUM^  of 
all  fire-pieces  belonging  to  private  persons — on  the  ground  that  they 
were  needed  for  the  equipment  of  the  troops.  The  complaints  against 
this  order  were  so  bitter  that  it  had  to  be  rescinded  after  a  few 
sporadic  attempts  at  its  enforcement,  none  of  which  appear  to  have 
been  ventured  upon  in  Westchester  County.  Unfavorable  comment 
was  also  caused  by  the  bringing  of  some  four  hundred  militiamen 
from  Connecticut,  who  were  quartered  at  the  northern  end  of  Man- 
liattan  Island  under  the  command  of  General  Wooster.  There  was 
at  the  time  no  enemy  in  the  vicinity  of  New  York,  and  none  expected, 
and  the  necessity  of  employing  troops  from  another  colony  in  the  ab- 
sence of  any  such  emergency  could  not  be  explained  to  the  satisfac- 
tion of  the  people.  There  is  no  evidence  that  thei'e  was  fear  of  an 
armed  rising  in  Westchester  County,  and  yet  many  circumstances 
of  the  htcal  situation  in  the  fall  of  177.5  indicate  a  well-founded  dis- 
tiust   of  I  lie  Tory  faction. 

In  tills  i)osition  of  affairs  occurred  the  celebrated  Westchester  raid 
of  Captain  Isaac  Sears,  resulting  iu  the  apprehension  and  removal  to 
Connecticut  of  three  of  the  leading  men  of  the  Loyalist  party — the 
Rev.  Samuel  Seabury,  Mayor  Nathaniel  Underbill,  of  Westchester 
Borough,  and  Judge  .Jouathan  Fowler.  Seabury  and  Underbill  were 
men  of  undisguised  and  strong  Tory  sentiments.  Fowler,  although 
he  had  signed  a  recantation  of  expressed  views  of  a  similar  char- 
acter, was  still  regarded  with  a  good  deal  of  suspicion.  The  three 
men  were  leading  representatives  of  the  disaffected  classes  who  were 
giving  so  much  trouble  to  the  Revolutiouary  committee  in  West- 
chester County,  and  Sears  conceived  the  idea  that  their  simultaneous 
arrest  by  means  of  a  dasliing  expedition  would  exert  a  wholesome  in- 
fluence toward  the  proper  regulation  of  tliat  much  Tory-ridden  region. 

(/aptain  Isaac  Sears  was  a  pictiires(|ue  Kevolutionary  personage.  In 
the  French  and  Indian  War  he  was  in  command  of  a  privateer  sloop, 
with  which,  although  it  carried  but  fourteen  guns,  he  attacked  a 
French  ship  of  twenty-four,  grappling  with  it  three  times  but  finally 
being  compelled  by  a  storm  to  abandon  his  bold  attempt.  Later,  he 
engaged  in  shipping  pursuits  in  New  York  of  a  more  or  less  ques- 


tioiKiblc  cljanu-ter.  At  the  b(';j,iuiuji<^  of  the  fStanip  Act  troubles  he 
took  I  lie  leadership  of  the  Sons  of  Liberty  iu  that  city,  and  through 
his  many  exploits  in  this  connection  he  came  to  be  poimiarly  known 
as  Kiny  iSears.  At  the  time  of  the  Golden  Hill  couhict  between  the 
citizens  and  the  soldiers,  in  1770,  he  was  in  the  thick  of  the  fray,  and, 
finding  himself  confronted  at  one  stage  of  it  by  a  fierce  grenadier 
^\it]i  a  bayonet,  with  great  presence  of  mind  and  precision  of  aim 
hurled  a  ram's  horn  at  the  unfortunate  man,  which  struck  him  full 
iu  the  foreliead  and  put  him  hors  de  coiiihtiL  \Mierever  there  was  an 
affray  Sears  was  sure  to  be,  always  rough  and  ready  and  always 
victorious.  As  time  sped  on  to  the  Kevolution,  he  sought  to  give  to 
his  country's  cause  the  benefit  also  of  his  co-operation  in  council,  but 

received  not  overmuch  encourage- 
ment in  that  line  from  the  aristocratic 
and  coldly  intellectual  Jaya,  Duanes, 
Livingstons,  and  Morrises.  Yet  as 
the  leading  man  of  the  democratic 
masses  he  was  not  to  be  ignored,  and 
he  not  only  was  connected  with  the 
New  York  committee  from  its  organi- 
zation, but  sat  in  the  provincial  con- 
gi-ess  of  1775  as  a  delegate  from  the 

'1/Vo  f^c4ncju 


LIBERTY  PLACARD.  '•''.>•       Keslguiug  hls  membership  in 

that  bodj',  he  went  to  New  Haven, 
CoJin.,  where,  continuing  to  obsei-ve  the  march  of  events  iu  New  York, 
he  was  particularly  impressed  with  the  unsuitable  spirit  of  so  many 
citizens  of  Westchester  County,  and  concluded  that  a  little  vigorous 
correction  in  that  quartm-  would  be  entirely  ai)ropos. 

With  sixteen  mounted  and  armed  men,  described  by  a  New  Haven 
newspaper  of  the  day  as  "  respectable  citizens  of  this  town,"  Sears 
set  out  ou  the  20th  of  November  for  the  avowed  purpose  of  an  ex- 
])edition  "  to  East  and  West  Chester,  in  the  Province  of  New  York,  to 
disarm  tlie  principal  Tories  there  and  secure  the  persons  of  Parson 
Seal)ury,  Judge  Fowler,  and  Lord  ruderhill."  On  the  way  they  were 
joined  by  Captaius  Kichards,  Silleck,  and  Mead,  with  about  eighty 
men.  At  Mamaroneck  they  burned  a  sloop  that  had  been  purchased 
by  the  British  governor  to  convey  pro\isious  to  the  man-of-war 
''Asia."  A  detachment  of  forty  men,  commauded  by  Captain  Lo- 
throp,  was  sent  to  Westchester,  which  without  ceremony  took  Sea- 
bury  aud  Underbill  in  custody,  the  main  body  meantime  proceeding 
to  Eastchester  aud  securing  Judge  Fowler.  The  three  prisoners  were 
dispatched  with  a  guard  of  twenty  to  Connecticut.  This  completed 
Sears's  business  in  Westchester  County,  but  he  had  still  another  reg- 

FROM  .TAxrAKY,   1775,  TO  .n'l.Y  It,  177(;  ;n7 

ulatinj;  duty  to  pwfonii.  He  liiul  louj;-  been  displeast-il  with  I  lie 
editorial  coiKhu-t  of  Kiviniiton's  New  Yo)-k  Gazetteer,  and  he  uow  rode 
witli  liis  ri'iiiaininf>:  men,  a  troop  of  about  seveuty-five,  down  to  the 
city,  "  which  they  entered  at  noon-day,  with  bayonets  fixed  and  the 
greatest  rejjularity,  W(Mit  down  the  main  streets,  and  drew  up  in 
close  order  before  tlie  printing  oflfice  of  tlie  infamous  James  Tiivin.i;- 
toii."'  The3'  completely  wrecked  the  eslablishment,  dem(disliinii  Hil- 
l)resses  and  takiui;'  away  the  types;  and,  having  so  successfully  com- 
pleted this  final  part  of  their  mission,  remounted,  struck  up  the  tune 
of  "  Yankee  Doodle,"  and  amid  the  cheers  of  the  populace  retuiMied 
whence  they  came. 

Some  incidents  of  Sears's  raid  suggest  that  it  was  not  exclusively' 
an  enterprise  of  patriotic  enthusiasm,  (.'ertain  acts  of  indecorum  • 
were  committed,  to  characterize  them  by  no  harsher  term.  At  Sea- 
bury's  house  they  broke  open  his  desk,  examined  and  scattered  his 
papers,  ai)i)ropriated  snuie  three  or  four  dollars  in  money,  and  (piite 
offen.sively  threatened  and  insulied  jiis  daughter.  From  I'owlei's 
residence  they  carried  away  a  bea\<'i-  hat,  a  silver-mounted  liorse- 
\\hip,  and  two  silvei'  s])oons,  besides  tlu-  sword,  gun,  and  jiistols  w  liicli 
belonged  To  his  olfiiial  dignity  as  mlonel  in  the  militia.  They  more- 
over visited  the  homes  of  \arious  Tories  along  the  route,  where  sujj- 
))osably  they  did  not  uniformly  resist  taking  such  articles  as  wer(^ 
to  tlieir  liking.  Our  nineteenth  ceiifury  Tory  historian,  Dawson,  iu 
his  account  of  this  raid,  coiunients  with  un((intr(dle(l  and  terrible 
exciteiiient  u]ion  every  ]ihas<'  of  it,  describing  Sears  a  ;  a  cowardly, 
phiiiili  ring  iMitliaii  of  the  (lirti<'sl  water.  aTid  liis  li-<)o]iers  as  dialicilical 
banditti,  and  insists  that  they  returned  to  Connecticut  laden  wilh 
spoils.  Of  this  there  is  no  evidence  whatever.  Abundant  evidence 
does  exist  that  they  br(mght  back  with  tiiem  a  large  and  nniou-i 
(•(dlection  (d'  arms  from  Westchester  l.,oyalists  (d'  notorious  re]iute. 
The  ex])edition,  however  lawless  and  reiirehensible,  was  a  Iidiki  fiilr 
one  in  the  patriot  interest,  and  iioi  an  adventure  for  mere  jirivate 
plunder,  although  it  can  not  be  (|uestioned  that  some  incidental  ])ecu- 
lating  was  done.  Compared  with  the  villainous  tloings  of  the  Cow- 
boy and  Skinner  bands  of  subsequent  years,  it  was  a  quite  virtuous 
and  legitimate  enterprise. 

As  such  it  was  unhesitallngly  regarded  by  Ih,'  good  peojile  of  Con- 
necticut, who  right  royally  welcomed  home  the  returning  regulators. 
The  guard  having  the  three  prisoners  in  charge  had  halted  at  Horse- 

'  Till'  circumstanop.  as  reeordrtl  l).v  the  vera-  iiesseil   inniiy   iiKiiiiiled  K"inK   iuln  or  in 

riMus   iliroiiiclcr.   that  they   rode   into   the   eity  iirnc-ess  of  ai-lion.  Iiut  docs  not   reeall  any  oeca- 

"  with  liayonc'ts  fixed."  is  powerful  evidenee  of  sic.ii     >vIm-ii    fixed    liayonels    were    anions    llieir 

the  Brininess  of  the  business  upon   wliieh  they  arms. 
were  lieiit.    The  editor  of  this  History  has  wit- 


neck,  where  on  the  27tli  of  November  tliey  were  joined  by  the  parent 
band.  'IMie  next  day  the  whole  party  took  up  their  triumphal  march 
to  New  Haven.  They  were  escorted,  says  the  local  newspaper  from 
Avhich  we  have  already'  quoted,  ''  by  a  number  of  gentlemen  from  the 
westward,  the  w^hole  making  a  grand  procession.  Upon  their  en- 
trance into  town  they  Avere  saluted  with  the  discharge  of  rwo  can- 
nons, and  received  by  the  inhabitants  with  every  mark  of  approba- 
tion and  respect.  The  company  divided  into  two  parts,  and  con- 
cluded the  day  in  festivities  and  innocent  mirth.  "  Captain  Sears," 
ingenuously  adds  this  patriotic  sheet,  "  returned  in  company  with 
the  other  gentlemen,  and  proposes  to  spend  the  winter  here,  unless 
publick  business  should  require  his  presence  in  New  York."  It  does 
not  aiq>ear  that  any  such  "publick  business,"  so  far  as  Westchester 
County  was  concerned,  transpired  to  interfere  with  the  virtuous  cap- 
tain's amiable  arrangements.  He  does  not  again  figure,  at  least  to 
the  knowledge  of  the  present  historian,  in  the  concerns  of  our  county. 
Judge  Fowler  and  Mayor  Uuderhill  were  released  in  a  day  or  two, 
after  signing  papers  presented  to  them  by  the  Connecticut  officials, 
wherein  they  declared  themselves  to  be  heartily  sorry  for  their  "  in- 
considerate conduct,"  and  promised  never  more  to  transgress  in  like 
manner.  But  the  Rev.  Mr.  Seabury  Avas  not  so  leniently  dealt  with.  It 
was  widely  believed  that  he  w^as  the  author  of  ''  A.  W.  Farmer  "  tracts, 
so  peculiarly  offensive  to  the  patriotic  sentiment  of  the  times;  and 
however  that  might  be  he  was  undeniably  a  Tory  of  the  most  in- 
tractable and  odious  type.  It  was  remembered  with  great  indigna- 
tion against  him  that  he  had  refused  to  open  the  church  at  East- 
chester  on  the  day  appointed  for  the  continental  fast.  Finally,  he 
was  regarded  with  deep  private  resentment  by  Captain  Sears,  who 
.-uspected  him  of  coinidicity  in  a  scheme  to  seize  him  (Sears)  while 
he  was  passing  through  Westchester  County  on  a  former  occasion, 
and  carry  him  on  board  a  man-of-war.  lie  was  held  in  contiiiement 
for  more  than  a  month,  at  his  own  financial  charge,  his  prayers  to 
the  courts  for  relief  being  utterly  ignored.  At  length  he  submitted 
an  able  memorial  to  the  Connecticut  legislature,  in  which  he  dwelt 
upon  the  flagrant  illegality  of  the  whole  pi-oceedings  in  his  case,  and 
that  body  presently  ordered  his  release.  Returning  to  ^Vestcllester, 
he  found  his  affairs  there  in  a  sorry  plight.  The  private  school  upon 
which  he  had  mainly  de])ended  forsuppoi't  was  completely  broken  uj). 
He  was  under  a  heavy  burden  of  debt,  his  influence  in  the  community 
was  at  an  end,  and  he  and  his  family  were  obliged  to  submit  to  many 
discourtesies  and  insults.  During  the  military  campaign  of  177(5  he 
was  obliged  to  give  accommodation  in  his  house  to  a  company  of 

FROM   JANUARY,    ITT.l,   TO   JULY    9,    1776  319 

Kcvoliilioiiaiy  cavalry,  who,  says  Dawson,  coiisiiiiicd  or  destroyed  all 
the  products  of  his  olebe.  The  poor  Tory  cler<iymaii  finally,  in  desper- 
ation, fled  with  his  wife  and  six  children  to  the  British  lines. 

Like  Isaac  Wilkins,  also  of  the  Roi-ongh  of  Westchester,  Seabury 
coiitiniKMl  a  British  sympathizer  throughout  the  war;  hut  after  the 
Kevolution  he  returned  to  America  and  became  bishop  of  the  (Epis- 
coi)alian|  diocese  of  (/ouneoticut.  WiJkins,  after  a  more  protracted 
absejicc,  came  back  to  Westchester  Town,  and,  taking  holy  orders, 
was  made  rector  of  the  same  parish  of  Saint  Peter's  which  his  com- 
patriot t^eabury  vacated  in  1770.  The  question  of  the  authorship  of 
the  A.  W.  Farmer  tracts  has  puzzled  many  minds;  but  there  is  no 
reasonable  doubt  that  they  were  written  either  by  Beabury  or  by 
\Mlkins.  They  were  almost  as  noted  in  the  polemic  literature  of 
their  times  as  was  Tom  Paine's  "  Common  Sense."  Whatever  the 
doubts  resi>ectiug  their  authorship,  it  is  certain  that  the  apparent 
pseudonym  "A.  W.  Farmer"  stood  for  "A  Westchester  Farmer"; 
and  both  Seabury  and  Wilkins,  though  persons  of  polite  character, 
were  gentlemen  farmers.  The  detestation  in  which  these  tracts  were 
held  by  the  patriotic  people  is  well  instanced  by  a  resolution  adopted 
by  the  committee  of  safety  of  Sufi'olk  County,  N.  Y.,  February,  1775, 
in  which  it  was  declared  "That  all  those  publications  which  have 
a  tendency  to  divide  us,  and  thereby  weaken  oiir  opposition  to  meas- 
ures talceii  to  enslave  us,  ouglit  to  be  treated  with  tlie  utmost  con- 
teiiipl  by  every  friend  to  his  country;  in  particular  the  pamphlet  en- 
titled .V  Friendly  Address,  &c.,  and  those  under  the  signatur*-  of  A.  W. 
Farmer,  and  many  others  to  the  same  purpose,  which  are  replete  with 
the  most  imjiudent  falsehoods  an<l  the  grossest  misrepi'esentations; 
and  that  the  autliors,  printers,  and  abettors  of  the  above  and  such 
like  jiublications  ought  to  be  esteemed  and  treated  as  traitors  to 
their  country,  and  enemies  to  tlie  liberties  of  America."  A  writer  in 
Diiirsiiii's  f/ixt(iri<-iii'  }f(iii(i:iii(  (January,  ISGS)  says:  "When  copies 
(if  these  pamphlets  fell  into  the  h^K^ls  of  the  Whigs  they  were  dis- 
jiosed  of  in  such  a  manner  as  most  emphatically  to  express  detesta- 
tion of  the  anonymous  autliors  and  their  sentiments.  Sonu'times  they 
w<M'e  ])ublicly  burned  with  imposing  formality,  sometimes  decorated 
wit  h  tar  and  feathers  (from  the  turkey  buzzard,  as  '  the  fittest  emblem 
^>f  tile  author's  odiousness 'l  and  nailed  to  the  whipping-post."  In 
the  di'aft  of  a  document  claimed  to  be  in  Seabury's  own  writing,  he 
says  that  he  was  the  author  of  a  pamphlet  entitled  "  Free  Thoughts 
on  the  Proceedings  of  the  Congress  at  Philadeli>iiia,""  and  of  other 
publications  which  followed,  all  signed  "A.  W.  Farmer."  Dawson, 
however,  after  a  careful  study  of  the  whole  subject,  coucludes  that 



llic  burden  of  evideiict'  fuvors   the  opiuuiu  that  ^VilkiIls  was  Iheir 

The  proviucial  couiircss  whicli  assembled  in  May,  1775,  contiuued 
in  session,  with  several  brief  recesses,  uutil  tlu^  4th  of  November, 
when  it  adjourned  sine  die.  On  the  7th  of  November  elections  for  del- 
egates to  a  second  provincial  congi-ess  were  held  in  a  number  of  the 
counties  of  New  York,  those  in  Westchester  County  occurrinij,  as 
usual,  at  White  Plains.  .  The  representatives  chosen  were  Colonel 
Lewis  Graham,  Stephen  Ward,  Colonel  Joseph  Drake,  Robert  Gra- 
ham, John  Thomas,  Jr..  "S^'illiam  Pauldiui;,  Major  Ebenezer  Lockwood, 

Colonel  Pierre  Van  Cortlaudt,  and  Colniul  (iilbert  Drake,  any  three  of 
whom  were  authorized  to  cast  the  vole  (if  the  (■(tunty.  Tlic  new  body 
experienced  considerable  diflicnlty  in  procurinji'  a  quovuin,  and  did  not 
enter  upon  its  active  business  until  the  Gth  of  December.  Tliis  busi- 
ness was  in  continuation  of  the  a,iii;Tessive  political  and  military  meas- 
ures, harmonizing-  with  the  policies  i>{  the  continental  congress,  that 
had  been  instituted  by  the  tirst  cDUgress  of  the  province.  Like  its 
predecessoi",  the  second  (■(Uigress  adjoui-ne<l  temporai'ily  several  times, 
vesting   cnniiilc^e   adniinistrat  i\<'   antlmril>-.   dni-iug    such    iiitei-vals. 

'  See  ScUart,  i.,  .■'.13,  note. 

FROM    .TAXfAKY,    177.".,     Id    .HI.V    !t,    177(1  321 

ill  a  uciicral  coniiiiit  tee  of  safely,  nt  wliicli  I'icn-c  N'aii  ( 'orl  lamll  was 
cliairiii.iii  (or  sdiuc  luoiiilis.  The  lasl  session  of  the  second  provincial 
coiinicss  was  held  on  the  1:51  li  of  May,  177(i. 

Dui-iiii;  its  lifetime  the  ncneral  condition  of  affaii-s  steadily  j;)'ew 
iiioi-e  ciitical,  events  cd'  coiiniiandin^  iiii|ioi-tance  ti'anspired,  and  de- 
\clo|iinents  of  jiorteiitons  sinniticance  to  the  peo])le  of  New  Yoi-k  and 
Westchester  County  i-esulteil.  In  the  early  ])art  of  tliis  period  the 
invasion  of  Canada  l>y  the  American  troojis  was  brongbt  to  a  disas- 
trous <'n(]  before  the  walls  of  (Quebec,'  but  the  collai)se  in  that  (jnarter 
was  more  tlian  compensated  for  by  the  surrender  of  Iioston  to  Gen- 
eral Washington  in  March.  Thereuiion  the  war,  whicli  had  previously 
been  localized  in  New  l']nj;]and,  was  terminated  tliere  for  tlu'  time 
beinj;.  It  needed  no  Iceeu  prevision  to  forecast  its  course  in  tlie  near 
future.  New  Yorlv  City,  as  the  central  point  of  vautage,  conimand- 
inii  a  waterway  whicli  coniidctely  divided  the  rebidlious  coloines, 
would  un(|uestionably  be  attacked  as  soon  as  a  sufHcient  expedi- 
tiomiry  force  for  thi'  purpose  could  be  gathered.  Any  other  plan 
of  camiiaign  was  unthinkable.  New  "i'ork  Avas  the  only  (juartt'r  from 
which  oU'ensive  o](ei-ations  could  be  conducted  with  eipial  facility 
against  every  section  of  the  counliy.  With  New  York  in  their  hands, 
the  Kritish  would  hv  prepared  for  any  emergency  that  the  strategy 
of  ^^■ashingtou  or  the  forluiu's  of  battle  might  produce.  Al)solutely 
secure  against  recapture  from  the  sea,  siuce  tlie  Americans  possessed 
no  tiei't,  and  almost  complet(dy  incaiiable  of  being  invested  by  land, 
that  city  would  certainly  remain  theirs  to  the  last.  Even  if  exten- 
sive caiiiijaigns  should  fail,  and  pit(died  battle  after  pit(du'd  battle 
should  go  against  them,  with  New  York  as  a  base  tlu\v  could  still 
wage  the  conflict  with  gnat  advantage  of  position.  Such  was  tlu' 
reasoning  which  naturally  occurred  to  inttdligeJit  men  aftei-  ilie  fall 
of  Boston,  and  it  was  fully  sustained  by  results.  If  the  liritish  ha<l 
not  cai)tnred  and  held  New  York,  it  is  in  every  way  historically  im- 
probable that  they  could  have  ma<le  even  a  respectable  struggle  for 

•The  l.imeulcil  Ooncral  Kii-li;iril  Mniitt'unHT.v.  .i-.iiic  LiviTiiistiiii  fMiiill.v.     Mcnil^'.inM'ry's  Kiiit's- 

wlinso  iIiMtli  ill  tlii.s  oNinMlilioii  will  nlways  bv  hriil;;!'  hoiisi — or  ratlior  coltai;'— «'««  !i"  <'iitli'<?- 

ri'inemliprcil  as  niie  iif  Ilii'  rapital  trajinlifs  iif  ly   mipretcntimis   building,   a   stoi-y   ami  a   half 

Ihi'  Rcvnhitiiiii,    was  a   rcsuU'iit  of  our  coiiiity.  liitiii.    His  sister  was  tlie  Viscountess  of  Kane- 

aiiil   .some  of   the   most    iiiiportant   associations  la^li.     ni    his   will,    made   at    Crown    I'oiiit.    he 

of  the  War  of  Indciiendeiici-  duster  around  the  says:    •'  T   Kive   to    my   sisliT.    Lady    Uanelanh, 

place   where    his    lioinc   stood.     It    was   on    the  .   .  .   my     estate     at     Kin;rsl>ri<lse.     near     New 

spot  now  occupied  liy  llie  residince  of  William  York."    adding    lliat      •  my    dear   sister's    iarRc 

0;;den  Oilcs.  at  KluKslu-idfje— the  idcnlical  spot  family  want  all  I  i-an  spare  lliem."    One  of  the 

where    Kort    Independence     was     built.    About  wiincsses     of     this     will    w;is    the    Uev.    .Iidin 

1772  MontKoniery.    after  several  years  of  serv-  I'ctcr  Telard.  also  of  Kint'sliridjic.   whose  fara- 

ice  as  a  captain  in  tlie  liritish  army,  resigned  ily   f-'ave  its  name   to  Telard's  Hill.     Uev.    Mr. 

his  imission.   pureliaseil  this  land    wllli  ion-  Tctard  was  a  chaplain  in  <«ie  of  the  re;.'iriicnl» 

sid.-rable    more,    and    cnjiat'cd    in    acriiultnral  belon«iiig  to  the  Canadian  cNpedition. 
pursuits.     In  1773  he  married  oui'  of  the  aristu- 


l]ie  r('t('uti(m  of  the  colonies,  and,  indeed,  it  is  not  likel\'  tliat  tliey 
would  have  persevereil  long  in  the  attempt.  In  the  very  act  of  taking 
New  York  they  all  but  annihilated  the  American  nation  at  one  blow, 
missini;-  by  a  mere  chance  the  cajiture  of  Wasliiuiitou's  whole  army; 
and  thereafter  for  a  dreary  period  the  distin^uishine,-  phases  of  the 
War  of  Independence  were  complete  British  prestige  and  almost  as 
eomplde  American  confusion,  relieved  only  by  masterly  retreat, 
bi-illianl  Iriumpli  in  a  few  minor  engagements,  and  heroic  forti- 
tude. Finally  the  destruction  of  Burgoyne's  army  gave  an  altered 
aspect  to  the  uneijual  warfare.  But  this  did  not  at  all  reverse  condi- 
tions. It  merely  eslablished  for  tlie  Anu-ricans  a  fighting  chance, 
and  decided  I'rance  to  espouse  tiieir  cause.  The  principal  element  of 
the  situation  remaiiie(1  the  jiosscssiou  of  New  York  by  the  British. 
That  overwiielming  disadvantage  could  only  be  neutralized  by  con- 
secutive successes  in  campaigns  large  and  small  elsewhere,  wliose 
net  result  would  be  to  convince  tl:e  British  statesmen  that  they  coidd 
never  conquer  America.  It  was  ,i  (lisad\autage  that  could  not  be 
eliminated  by  the  reduction  of  New  York  itself,  which  was  never  at- 
tem])led  and  ])robably  never  seriously  thouglit  of.  On  the  other  hand, 
if  New  York  liad  continued  .Viucrican,  the  British  would  have  been 
left  witliout  any  assured  standing  as  combatants.  They  might  have 
taken  the  Bevolulionary  capital,  IMiiladelphia,  but  that  would  have 
been  an  utterly  ridiculous  i)roceeding  in  vivw  of  its  untenal)ilily  as 
a  ]iriniary  base  compared  with  New  York.  In  such  an  event,  or  in 
any  otlu'r  except  the  mastery  of  New  Y'ork,  which,  with  its  inev- 
itable consequences,  seemed  to  establish  the  supremacy  of  Great 
Britain  beyond  the  possibility  of  dispute,  the  French  alliance  would 
have  been  a  matter  of  months  instead  of  years. 

After  the  evacuation  of  New  York  by  its  small  British  garrison,  in 
.lunc,  1775,  the  city,  although  in  fact  fully  controlled  by  the  patriot 
]>arty,  remained  nominally  for  a  brief  time  under  a  divided  authority. 
It  is  a  curious  fact  that  on  the  same  day  when  Washington  arrived 
in  New  York  en  rmili  to  the  ai'uiy  in  Massachusetts,  the  royal  Gov- 
ernor Tryon  retucned  there  after  a  short  abs(>nce,  and  that  both  were 
received  with  every  manifestation  of  popular  respect.  But  before 
many  Aveeks  Governor  Tryon  perceived  that  his  residence  in  the 
city  was  perilous.  Intimations  Avere  given  him  of  a  plot  to  seize 
his  iK'i'son  and  arraign  him  before  the  provincial  congress,  which 
had  already  begun  to  take  high-handed  measures  against  loj-al  Brit- 
ish subjects.  lie  accordingly  fled  to  a  ship  in  the  harbor,  from  which 
safe  retreat  he  continued  to  administer  the  forms  of  government 
until  the  retaking  of  the  city. 

The  removal  of  the  guns  in  the  city  to  Kingsbridge  by  the  Sons 


^/  .^^^.^^^^'^ 

FROM.  .TANUAUY,    177"),   TO   JULY   9,    177(5  323 

of  IJbci'ly,  jillcr  I  lie  ]ic\\s  of'iii^loii,  ^\•:^s,  ;is  we  liavc  seen,  tli(! 
lirsl  ()\ei-f  (leiiionsli'nlioii  by  (he  lie\  olulioiiiiry  eleiiieiil  in  NcAV  York. 
Tlie  liiiiis  liikeii  lip  al  |]int  time,  and  dnvinj;  (lie  nex(  few  months,  did 
ii(>(  iiichide,  liowever,  the  fine  ordiuiiice  of  tlie  fiivt.  Nevertheless 
they  ina(h'  a  foi-midable  slioA\inj;'  as  to  miiiibei-s,  althongli  liardly  as 
lo  serviceability.  At  Kiniisbriduc  tliey  were  divi(b:'d,  by  tlie  ordei'  of 
(■oin;ress,  into  three  parcels,  one  jtortion  beiu>;'  left  (here,  another 
sent  to  Williams's  Bridge,  and  a  (bird  to  Valentine's  Hill,  near  Kings- 
bridge.'  "  r.efore  the  close  of  the  year  177"),"  says  Dawson,  whose 
lads  may  generally  be  accepte<l  withoni  ([nestion,  "between  iliree 
and  fonr  hnndred  cannon,  of  all  calibers,  grades,  and  conditions, 
some  of  them  good  and  serviceable,  others  less  valuable  an<l  less  use- 
ful, the  greater  nnmber  honeycombed  and  A\'ort]dess,  unless  for  old 
iron,  and  all  of  them  nnnionnted  and  withont  carriages,  were  accu- 
mulated in  three  large  gatherings,  one  of  abont  fifty  gnns  being  at 
•  .Tohn  Williams's,'  the  Willi;>.ms's  Piridge  of  the  present  day,  one  '  at 
or  near  Kingsbridge,'  and  the  third  or  larger  parcel  Avithin  two  hun- 
dred and  fifty  yards  of  Isaac  Valentine's  house,  the  Valentine's  Hill 
of  that  ]teriod  as  well  as  this."  For  a  nnmber  of  months  they  re- 
c(  ived  no  further  attentiou,  and  w'ere  even  left  unguarded.  Their 
unprotected  condition  pi'esented  an  irresistible  temy)tation  to  some 
mischievous  Tory  si)irits,  who  one  night  in  January,  177().  ])lugged 
them  with  large  stones,  effectually  spiking  them.  This  incident  threw 
the  county  into  great  excitement,  and  w^as  the  occasion  of  numerous 
arrests  of  suspected  citizens  of  the  Towns  of  Westchester,  Eastchester, 
Mamaroneck,  and  Youkers.  Soon  afterward  all  the  guns  were  accu- 
mulated at  Valentine's,  unspiked,  and  placed  under  guard.  Subse- 
(|uently,  during  the  military  administration  of  the  noted  and  noto- 
rious (ieiieral  ('harles  Lee  in  New  York  City,  mf)st  of  the  heavy  cannon 
in  I'ort  (leorge  and  ujion  the  Eattery  wei'e,  in  anticipation  of  the 
ca])ture  of  the  place  by  the  rtritish,  removed  to  Kingsbridge.  These 
AA'ere  abont  two  hundred  altogether,  mostly  (excellent  ]iieces  of  artil- 
lery. The  re]ily  of  frcneral  Lee  to  the  persons  charged  with  trans- 
]M)i-ting  them  to  Kingsliridge,  mIio  comjilained  to  him  that  they  could 
not  get  sufficient  horses  foi'  the  work,  is  somewhat  celebrated,  "riiain 
twenty  damned  Tories  to  each  gun,"  said  he,  "and  let  them  draw 
fhein  out  and  be  cni-sed.  It  is  a  ])ro])er  emiiloynn'ul  for  such  villains, 
and  a  ]innishment  they  deserve  for  their  eternal  ]oyalt.y  they  so  much 
boast  of." 

General  riiarles  Lee,  at  (he  lime  second  in  command  of  the  conti- 

'  Tills  locality  sliould  not  be  confimiiiU'd  wllli  liriilitc  i.-s  Im-iitcMl.  on  old  iiiaps,  liui'd  by  tlip 
Uip  omini'tipo  of  the  samo  iiamo  in  tlic  present  l)rld;;i'.  Valentine's  Hill  In  Yonker.s  is  the  spot 
City  of  Ynnkei's.  The  Valentine's  Hill  at  Kinj,'s-        wliere   Saint   .Toseph's   Si'niinary  now   stands. 


iiciitiil  ai'iiiy,  was  (lis|iat(']ic<l  by  Wasliiiiiiton  to  New  York  in  the  latter 
]iart  of  .liiiiuary,  177(1,  with  iuslriiclioiis  to  put  the  place  "  in  the  best 
postui-e  of  (iel'eiise  the  seasou  aud  cii-ciuustances  will  admit  of."'  In 
his  niai-eh  tlifouj^h  Westchester  Counly  lie  caused  numerous  dwell- 
inj;s  to  be  eidered  and  searched  for  arms,  which  he  appropriated  and 
bore  away  with  iiim  for  the  good  of  the  cause.  Dawsou  pathetically 
observes  that  this  \\as  indeed  a  lieaAy  and  melancholy  visitation  of 
fate  ui)on  the  wretched  farmers  of  the  Boston  I'ost  lload,  who  thus, 
only  a  U'w  weeks  after  being  pillaged  by  the  cowardly  banditti  from 
Conneclicnt,  \\ere  forced  to  submit  to  a  similar  diabolical  outrage  by 
an  infamous  military  dt'spot.,  establishing  himself  in  >i'ew  York, 
entered  upon  a  very  energetic  regime.  Skilled  in  military  science,  he 
constructed  defenses  which  would  undoubtedly  have  jiroved  of  con- 
siderable utility  if  the  city  had  been  held  to  resist  a  siege.  One  of 
these  defenses,  a  redoubt  on  Hoern's  Hook,  al  the  mouth  of  the  Har- 
lem IJiver,  commanding  tlie  llellgate  ])ass  and  also  the  Long  Island 
ferry,  was  erected  by  Colonel  Samuel  l>rake"s  regiment  of  Westchester 
County  minute  men,  a  body  of  one  hundred  ;\\\(\  eleven  privates  and 
numerous  oHicers.  Of  this  organization  it  is  recordeil  in  an  official 
document  that  it  |)ossessed,  when  summoned  into  active  duty,  no 
fewer  than  "  four  lield  officers,  two  captains,  thirteen  other  commis- 
sioned ollicers,  and  twenty  non-commissioned  olhcers  " — a  most  ridic- 
ulous state  of  things,  about  which  Dawson  makes  merry  as  illustrat- 
ing the  abominable  propensit_\  lo  ottice-holiling  among  the  so-called 
"  frienils  of  Liberty  "  in  ^Vestchester  County,  (ii'ueral  Lee  oi-dere<l  a 
rigorous  reduction  of  the  staff,  and  directed  the  eliminated  otticers  to 
"return  to  their  county,  in  order  to  comi>leie  their  corps,"  which 
were  as  deficient  in  numbers  as  the  list  of  tlieii'  commanders  was 

I'^idislments  in  the  continental  line  ^\'ere  certaiidy  not  attended  by 
attractive  conditions.  I!y  an  act  of  the  continental  congress,  passed 
•Tanuary  lit,  177(i,  four  battalions  were  ordei'cd  to  be  raised  for  the 
defense  of  the  Colony  of  Xe\\-  ^'ork.  The  committee  of  safety,  in  its 
instructions  to  the  recruiting  otticers  charged  with  eidisting  men 
uudei-  this  act,  prescribed  that  the  pay  of  jn-ivates  should  be  .f.j  per 
month,  and  that  each  shouhl  receive,  as  a  bounty,  a  felt  hat,  a  pair 
of  yarn  stockings,  a  i)air  of  shoes,  and,  if  they  could  be  procured,  a 
hunting-shirt  and  a  blanket.  On  the  other  hand,  the  men  were  to 
furnish  their  own  arms,  or,  if  too  ])oor  to  do  so,  were  to  be  ariued 
at  the  imblic  expense,  the  value  of  their  wea])ons  to  be  deducted  from 
their  ]iay.  Concerning  this  matter  of  arms,  tlie  following  explicit 
statemi-nl  was  made  in  a  circular  letter  from  the  president  of  the 
provim  iai  congress:    "It  is  exi»ected  that  each  man  furnishes  him- 

FROM     lAM  AKV.     Id.'),     lO    ,TU1,V    0,    1770  325 

self  willi  ;i  uiMxl  mm  nnd  lui yuinM,  lumaliawk,  knaitsack  or  liavcr- 
sack,  and  two  hills.  I!ul  those  who  arc  iiol  aide  to  furnish  llicni- 
s«'lv{'S  with  tlicsr  arms  and  accontrcnicnts  will  he  sujiiilicd  at  tlic 
public  ('X|)('ns(',  for  the  jiavnicnt  of  \vlii(  li  small  stoiijfaiics  will  he 
made  out  of  t  heir  mont  hl,\-  ]ia_\-,  til!  t  lir  w  licdc  arc  |iaid  for;  I  Ik  mi  t  hcv 
arc  to  remain  the  iiropcrl.\  of  tlu'  men.""  Little  wonder  that  tii<'  rela- 
ti\('  niimhci's  of  oIlH-crs  and  Nolnntecr  pri\atcs  were  soniewhal  dispro- 

<»ii  the  \'Mh  of  February,  177*!,  at  a  mectinii'  in  TTarrisoii's  I're- 
ciiirt,  a  cavalry  force  was  oriianized,  Samuel  Trcdwcll  bein,i;  elected 
caplain.  This  was  ihe  hc^innin^of  the  welhknown  Westchestf^r  Troop 
of  Horse.  About  the  same  time  there  were  various  enlistments  in 
Hk'  county  for  the  infantry  service.  Local  zeal  for  the  cause  con- 
tinued to  manifest  itself  in  the  ominous  forms  of  informalioii  and 
arrest,  and  it  was  even  projioscd  by  some  West(dicster  enthusiasts, 
who  doubtless  had  acquired  thorouiih  experience  in  that  particular 
line  at  home,  to  proceed  to  other  counties  where  Tories  notoriously 
abounded  and  lay  upon  them  the  heavy  hand  of  discipline.  One  W"i\- 
liam  .Miller,  (d'  White  IMains,  in  a  communication  to  the  committee  of 
safety,  informed  thai  honorable  body  that,  as  many  i>\'  riic  inhabit- 
ants of  (Queens  County  \A('re  behavini;  themselves  in  a  manner  preju- 
dicial to  the  American  cause,  he  and  other  "  J"'riends  of  Jaberty  in 
tills  County"  were  desirous  to  <;o  thither  and  "reduce  the  Enemies 
to  their  Country  before  they  are  sujiporled  by  the  Kei^nlar  Troops." 
Of  course  no  attention  was  paid  to  the  offer. 

in  ^larch,  177(5,  (ieneral  Lee  was  superseded  in  command  in  New 
York  ( 'ity  by  ( ieneral  Lord  Stirlinj;,  son  of  the  famous  c(donial  lawyer, 
James  Alexander.  He  was  rei)lace(l  by  (ieneral  rutnam,  who  re- 
mained in  chartie  until  Washinsiton's  arrival  (April  14). 

The  second  provincial  couiiress  exjiired  on  the  l.">th  of  May,  177(!, 
and  the  f(dlo\\in<;  day  was  aiii)ointed  for  the  assemblinji,  of  the  third. 
No  quorum  was  obtained,  however,  until  the  18th.  The  delegates 
from  Westchester  Cminty  were  Colonel  I'icrre  Van  Cortlandt,  Colonel 
Lewis  (Jraham,  ("(donel  (tilbert  Drake,  .Major  Ebenczer  Lockwood, 
(iouvcriicur  .Morris,  N\'illiam  I'auidinu,  .lonalhau  (!.  Toni]ikins,  Sam- 
uel Haviland,  and  I*eter  Fleming'.  The  third  provincial  coni;ress  was 
the  last  of  tlie  series  to  sit  in  the  City  of  New  York,  where  its  sessions 
came  to  an  abru]d  end  on  the  :?Oth  of  June,  the  enemy's  lonii-expecled 
lleel  ha\in^  arrived  tiie  day  before  in  tJic  bay.  .Viiioni;  tl:c  memberH 
of  this  couiiri'ss  wcic  -Tcdin  .|a_\-.  -lames  Duanc,  .F(din  .Vlsop,  I'liili)) 
Livingston,  and  I'rancis  Lewis,  who  also  were  representatives  from 
New  ^'ork  City  in  the  continental  coiiyress  then  siltini;  at  JMiila- 


A  ll  lidiinJi  tlu'  career  of  the  IhinI  cun^i-ess  'if  llie  l'in\iiii-e  of  New 
"Nnik  was  exceedingly  brief,  its  i  lansacdons  were  lii,i;lilv  iiiiei-esting. 
'J'lie  I'cader  will  (ib.serve  Hint  lis  exisleiice  coincided  willi  ilic  period 
ttf  I  lie  linal  deliberations  of  (he  conlineiital  congress  on  the  siihjecl 
of  inde]»endence — a  period  tlnring  wliicli  also  cnlniinaled  ilie  slartling 
transformation  of  the  sirnggle  AvilJi  (ireal  Britain  from  a  iiriiicipally 
M'ordy  ciiai-actei-,  Mitli  luU  a  sligld  jdiysical  aspect,  into  a  grim  and 
gigantic  war.  On  tlie  day  when  lids  congress  snddenly  disitersed 
there  were  riding  in  the  Lower  J5ay  llie  advance  vessels  (d'  a  thct  of 
one  hundred  and  thii-ty  sail — ships-of-t  lie  line,  frigates,  teridei's,  and 
ti'ansports — whicdi  bore  an  in\ading  army  of  thirty-three  thonsand 
men,  all  of  tliem  expciiejHcd  in  the  business  of  lighting  and  magniti- 
cently  e(|ui]i]ie(l.  The  i-epreseidat  i\  cs  of  the  patriotic  ])eo|)le  of  New 
\'ork,  in  lcgislali\c  liody  assendjled  at  this  critical  lime,  could  not 
ha\('  failed  to  be  occupied  with  the  most  grave  and  emergent  luiblic 
business,  some  of  it  ver_\  naturally  retlecting  the  i>owerl'ul  popular 
passions  (»f  the  day. 

()ne  of  th<'  tirst  acts  of  the  congi-ess  was  the  ap|Miint  nient  nl'  a 
committee  "to  consider  of  the  ways  and  means  to  preveni  the  dan- 
gers to  which  this  colony  is  e.\])osed  by  ils  iidesline  enendes."  Al- 
though the  (-(Mnndttee  was  headed  b_\'  one  of  the  ]ii-iucipal  cousei'va- 
tives  td'  the  province,  -bdiii  Alsop,  who  soon  afterward  i-esigiied  his 
seat  in  the  continental  congi-ess  on  account  (d'  the  Decdaration  of 
Independence,  it  bi-ought  in  a  repoi-|  i-ecommemlinii  stringent  meas- 
ures against  suspected  jku'sous.  Humors  (d' conspii'acics  by  the  Tories 
of  New  \i>yk  had  long  been  rife,  s(une  id  rliem  resting  on  umuc  sub- 
stantial IdUiidatious  than  suspicion.  I  n\est  igations  of  \arious  al- 
lege(l  transactions  b\'  endssaries  (d'  (io\ei-mii'  Tryon's  for  ])ro\iding 
susjiecded  individuals  with  arms  and  ammunition  dis(losed  strong 
UHU-al  e\idem-e  in  s\ipi)orl  of  the  charges.  In  the  month  of  dune 
t  he  fann)us  '"  llickey  |ilot  ""  to  poison  Washington  and  ot  her  .\  meiican 
geiu'i-ais  was  uncart  Ik d ;  ami  pro(d's  were  foumi  w  hich  resulteil  in  the 
hanging  <d'  the  (dnef  jierson  accused.  In  smli  circumstances,  and  in 
view  (»f  t  he  crisis  (d'  invasion  t  hen  impending,  it  is  not  surprising  I  hat 
the  Ihird  |)ro\incial  congress,  although  couiprising  in  its  meudiei'- 
ship  inlhu'utial  nnui  of  singularly  calm  and  judicious  tempera- 
ment, who  had  |ir('\iously  been  noted  for  nioderati(Ui,  was  pervaded 
by  a  detrrmination  to  deal  summarilx  with  all  Toi'ies  of  the  dangei'- 
oiis  iH-  iri'(M(mcilable  t_\p''.  The  .\lsop  report  was  followed  by  an 
elaborate  series  of  resolutions  concerning  su(di  (diaractei's,  wherein 
a  nnndtei-  of  (hem  weie  indicated  by  name,  wi(h  dii-eclious  that  they 
be  brought  before  the  congi'ess  either  by  the  process  of  summons 
or  l)y   that    (d'  arrest.     'I'he  sjiecilied    persons  were  divided    into   two 

from',ianuai:y,  177."),  to  .iuly  9,  1770 


classes — private  individuals  and  oriicfi'.s  of  llic  ciowii.  A  special  com- 
mit (cc  of  the  (■()n<;,  kiKiwn  as  the  ("(jiiiiiiitlee  to  Detect  Conspir- 
acies, was  created  to  dc;il  with  all  cases.  John  .lay  was  made  its 
cliaiiiiian,  and  anions  its  members  were  (Jonverncnr  .Morris  and 
Lewis  (iraham,  of  WeslcJiester  County. 

In  >\'esicliest('i-  County  tlie  private  persons  desij;iialfd  as  "suspi- 
cious   or   (Mjuivocal  ■'    were    i"i-ederiek    riiiii|)se,    Caleb    i\lor,<;an,   Xa- 
liianicl    Umlerhiii,   Sannud   Merritt,   I'eter  Corne,   I'eter  nuj;<;-eford. 
•lames  llorton,  Jr.,  William  Sutton,  William  I'.arker,  Joshua  I'ni'dy, 
and    Absalom  Gidney,  all  of  whom    were  yivcn   t  Ik^  opporlunitv  to 
show  their  resi)ect  for  the  committee  throuj;h  tlie  medjiim  of  a  snm- 
mons,  but,  in  default  of  appearance,  were  to  be;  ar- 
rested.      The  committee  was  directed  to  inijuire  as 
to  their  j;uilt  or  innocence  upon  the  following-  points : 
(1)  Whether  they  had  afforded  aid  or  sustenance  to 
I  lie  r.rilish  fleets  or  armies;  (2)    whether    they    bad 
been  active  in  dissuading'  inhabitants  from  associat- 
ing   for    the   defense    of    tlie    united    colonies;    (3) 
wlietiier  they  had  decried  the    value    of    the    conti- 
nental money  and   endeavored   to   prevent   its   cur- 
rency; and   (4)  whetlier  tliey  hail  been  concerned  or 
actually  eTigagcd  in  any  schemes  to  defeat,  retard, 
or  opjiose  I  lie  measures  in  I  he  interest  of  the  united 
colonies.      All  found  innocent  were  to  be  discliaiged 
willi   certiticates  of  character.     Those  found  guilt.\ 
were,  al   I  he  discretion  of  I  he  committee,  to  be  im- 
prisoned or  removed  under  |)ar(de  from  their  usnal 
jdaces  of  residence,  or  simi)ly  relea.sed  under  bonds 
guaranleeiiig  siibse(|nent  good  behavior.       The  only 
crown  ollicials  icsiding  in  Westchester  County  who 
were  named  in  the  resolntioiis  were  SoloTiioii  ['"owler 
and    liicliard    Morris,    neillier   of    whoni    was    found 
guilty  of  iiny  offense.    Jiichaid  .Morris  was  a  brother 
of  Colomd   Lewis  Mori-is,  the  signer  of  the  Declar- 
ation   of    Independence,    and    a    half-brother    of    Gouverneur    Mor- 
lis.       Me    was  Judge   of  the   ccdonial    Court    of    .\dmiralty,    but   his 
designation  as  a  ])ossible  foe  to  the  Ivevolutionary  programme  seems 
lo  li;i\c  been  w  holl\-  Undeserved.     He  resigned  bis  crown  commission, 
giving  as  his  reason  ilial   lie  cuiild  not  conscientiously  i-elain  il,  and 
his  couni ry-seat  at  Scaisdale  was  subse(|iiently  burned  by  I  lie  I'rilisli 
anil  his  estate  ile\aslaled.     ()n  July  .''1,  I77(i,  less  llian  two  hkiuiIis 
after  lie  was  singled  out  as  a  possible  traitor,  he  was  uiuuiimonsly  a])- 
pointed   by  the  fourth  pi-o\inci;il  congress  judge  of  the  [[igh  Court 



lit'  Admiralty  iiudri-  the  new  provisional  <;(ivmiiin'Ut.  In  177'J  he 
liccaiiic  (  liief  justicf  of  the  New  York  Stale  Supreme  Court,  suceeed- 
iiij;  John  Jay. 

The  coniniittee  to  th-tcct  (•(inspii-acics  bt'jian  its  sessions  on  tiie 
i."(tli  of  June,  witii  John  Jay  as  its  ciiairnian.  It  sent  suniiuonses 
to  all  the  Westchester  County  men  named  in  tiie  resolutions.  The 
liuiils  of  our  spaee  do  not  admit  i>(  a  detailed  notice  of  the  action  of 
the  committee  concerninf>  tin  se  various  cases,  none  of  which,  exce]»t- 
inj;-  that  of  Frederick  IMiilipse,  ])ossesses  any  very  im])ortant  historic 
interest.  The  history  of  l'hilii)s<''s  case  may  properly  be  com]ileted 
in  tlic  present  connection. 

In  the  summons  sent  to  him  he  was  ordered  to  api)ear  before  the 
committee  on  the  3d  of  July.     He  sent  the  followint;-  re]ily: 

Philipsboroiigli,  July  \i,  1776. 

Oentlemen  : — I  was  served  on  Saturday  evening  last  with  a  pa])er  signed  by  you,  in 
wliicli  you  sugg-est  tliat  you  are  authorized  by  the  Congress  to  summon  certain  persons  to 
appear  before  you,  wliose  conduct  liad  been  represented  as  inimical  to  the  rights  of  America, 
of  wliicli  numljer  you  say  I  am  one. 

^Vho  it  is  tliat  has  made  such  a  representation,  or  upon  what  particular  facts  it  is 
founded,  as  you  have  not  stated  tliem  it  is  impos.sible  for  me  to  imagine  ;  but,  considering  my 
situation  and  tlie  near  and  intimate  ties  and  connections  which  I  have  in  this  country,  which 
can  be  secured  and  rendered  hap])y  to  nu^  only  by  the  real  and  permanent  prosperity  of 
America,  I  shoukl  have  lio])ed  that  suspicions  of  this  harsh  nature  would  not  be  easily  har- 
boured. However,  as  they  have  been  thought  of  weight  sufficient  to  attract  the  notice  of 
the  Congress,  I  can  only  observe  that,  conscious  of  the  uprightness  of  my  intentions  and  the 
integrity  of  my  conduct,  I  would  most  reailily  comply  with  your  summons,  but  that  the  situ- 
ation of  my  health  is  such  as  woidd  render  it  very  unadvisable  for  me  to  take  a  jt)urncy  to 
New  York  at  this  time.  I  have  had  the  misfortune,  gentlemen,  of  being  deprived,  totally, 
of  the  sight  of  my  left  eye  ;  and  the  other  is  so  much  att'ected  and  inflamed  as  to  make  me 
very  cautious  how  I  expose  it,  for  fear  of  a  total  loss  of  sight.  This  being  my  real  situation, 
1  must  request  the  favour  of  you  to  excuse  my  attendance  to-morrow  ;  but  you  may  rest 
assured.  Gentlemen,  that  I  shall  punctually  attend,  as  soon  as  I  can,  consistent  with  my 
health,  Hattering  myself,  in  the  meantime,  that,  ujion  further  consideration,  yon  will  think 
that  my  being  a  friend  to  the  rights  and  interests  of  my  native  country  is  a  fact  so  strongly 
implied  as  to  require  no  evidence  on  my  part  to  prove  it,  until  something  more  substantial 
than  mere  suspicion  or  vague  surmises  is  proved  to  the  coutrarj'. 

I  am,  flentlemen,  your  most  obedient,  humble  servant, 

Freoeukk    PhII.II'SK. 

To  Leonard  Gansevoort,  Philip  Livingston,  Thomas  Tredwell,  Lewis  Graham,  (iouver- 
neur  Morris,  Thomas  Randall,  Esquires. 

The  terms  of  this  letter,  considered  ajiait  from  riiilipse's  specilic 
excuse  for  declining  to  attend,  are  entertaining  to  a  decree.  Sum- 
moned by  a  Ivevolutionary  tribunal  to  ajipear  before  it  and  answer 
ihe  accusation  of  hostility  !(>  .\merican  liberly,  he  ret  oi^nizes  in  llie 
situation  which  confronts  him  no  circumstance  of  /.jravily.  lie  delays 
his  reply  until  the  day  before  the  time  appointed  for  his  attendance, 
ami  the  ])eremptory  command  sent  lo  him  b\  the  committee  he  al- 
ludes to  as  "a  paper  ...  in  wliidi  you  suyjicst  that  you  are 
authorized,"  etc.     A  naive  inter]H-elation,  indeed,  of  a  stern  Kevolu- 

FROM    .TAXTATtY.    ITT.',,    TO    .TTT.Y    9,    1770  329 

tioiKiiy  siiiiiiiioiis.  I'iiiallv,  lie  disinisscs  tlic  iiicdinciiiciit  mailer  liy 
tlalln-iii^  liiiiisclf  lliat  the  roiinuil  Ice  i-cally  will  ikiI  i-ccjuii-c  liis 
pn'sciicc  al  all.  The  lord  of  l'liili]iseliiir;Lili  .Maiuu-  (leemed  jiiniself 
well  wil  hill  I  lie  liouiids  of  ](olii  ical  saii'acily  in  ti-eatiiiu  I  lie  coiiiniillee 
with  sucli  exact  tlioii;.;]!  couiieous  reserve.  The  o\(M](o\\criiiL;  licet 
and  army  of  (ii'cat  I'ritain  had  just  arrived,  the  provincial  coiniicss 
was  scurryiiiiLi  out  of  New  York  City,  and,  indeed,  if  Frederick  IMiili]tsc 
liad  hoen  so  oblii^iiif!;-  as  to  journey  to  the  ciiy  on  that  :'>(1  of  .inly 
conformably  to  tlie  "  susjicstion  "  wliich  had  been  conveyed  to  him, 
he  would  iiave  found  no  committee  tliere  to  interrojuate  him. 

It  does  not  ajipear  that  Pliiliiise  was  aj;ain  summoned  or  that  he 
was  ever  sulijected  to  any  in(]uisit(>rial  examination.  He  was,  how- 
ever, com]K'lled  lo  liive  his  pande  to  liiiarantee  his  j;dod  behavior. 
That  summer  of  177(i  was  a  most  critical  period  for  the  palriol  in- 
tei'ests  on  the  banks  of  the  Hudson,  r.iiiish  \\arsiii])s  were  in  the 
river,  anil  it  was  susjx'cted  tliat  they  were  Inddinti  nit;lit!y  coiiimu- 
nioati(U\  with  the  intluential  Tories.  Washington  deemed  it  e.\]te- 
dient  to  remove  I'hilijjse  from  his  manor  house  on  the  Ne|iiierhnii  to 
a  (|uarter  where  his  preseiUM'  would  not  be  a  |)ossibl_\-  dist  urbiii^  I  liinii. 
On  tlie  '.Ith  of  Auiiust  Philipse,  l)y  Washiui^ton's  oider,  was  taken  to 
New  Kochelie.  There,  says  a  histoi-iaii  of  ^'onkers,  "  he  was  (dosely 
(•onhiied,  under  iLiuard,  for  ideveii  ila\s,  when  he  was  removed  to 
Connecliciit  anil  i;a\'e  his  paride  iliat  In-  would  not  ^o  beyond  t  he 
limits  of  .Mid  diet  o\s  n.  He  was  accoiujianied  by  An^e\iue,  his  fail  lifiil 
(•(dored  valet,  who  afterward  went  w  ith  Mr.  I'hilipse  to  EnL;laiid,  and 
siir\i\ed  him  but  one  year.  They  are  intti-red  in  the  same  church- 
yard. Charley  I'hilips.  son  of  Anjievine,  lived  for  many  years  on 
tlie  banks  of  the  lludsiui,  and  was  sexton  of  f>aint  J(din"s  Church 
iVonkersi  forty-five  years.  After  the  Philipse  family  had  left  Philipse- 
bur^h  11777),  Joliii  Williams,  stewai-d  of  the  manor,  had  possession 
of  the  manor  until  its  confiscation,  in  177'.l."  ' 

l'hilii)se"s  undoing;  was  at  every  stage  the  conseiiuence  of  his  o\\  ii 
deliberate  acts,  if  he  had  retnained  discreetly  within  the  American 
lines  until  the  fortunes  of  the  war  were  decided,  it  is  highly  im]irob- 
able  that  the  extremity  of  confiscating  his  estates  would  lia\c  iieeii 
resorted  to;  for  lie  was  a  man  of  generally  ])riident  character,  with 
absoluti'ly  nothing  against  liim  exce]it  the  conjecture  he  pre- 
ferred the  triumph  of  England.  P.iil  he  was  tirml,\  con\inced  from 
the  beginning  tiiar  the  "  rebellion  "  would  be  crnslied,  and  he  shaped 
his  cotirse  accordingly.  After  his  remo\al  to  Coiinecticiii  he  was 
granted  leave  to  visit  New  York  City,  subject  to  recall.     lie  was  sum- 

'  Alisoirs  Hist.  i)f  Youkprs,  91. 


moiK'd  back,  but  did  not  rdiiic  TluU  st'tllcd  I'verytliiug.'  Slioi-tlv 
afterwjird  the  State  of  N<mv  Voik  cDiilisi-ak'd  Ins  property.  lie  died 
at  Clicsicr,  Eiiiilaud,  in  ITS"),  and  was  })nried  in  tiie  Cathedral  Chnrcli 
(if  tliat  ]daee,  where  the  following  tablet  to  his  memory  is  to  be 
seen :" 

Sacred  to  the  Memory 


Frederick  Pliilipse,  P'fquire,  I>atp  of  the 

Province  of  New  Yorlc  ;   A  (ieiitleinan  in  Whom 

tlie  Varions  focial,  domeftic  and  Kelij;;ious 

Virtues  were  eminently  United.      Tlie  Uniform 

Rectitude  of  His  conduct  commanded  tlie 

Efteem  of  others  ;  Wliilft  the  Henevolence  of  His 

Heart  and  Gentleness  of  His  Manners  secured 

their  Love.      Firmly  attached  to  His  Sovereign 

and  the  British  Constitution,  He  opposed,  at 

the  Hazard  of  His  life,  the  late  Keliellion  in 

North  America  ;  and  for  this  Faithful  discharge 

of  His  Duty  to  His  King  and  Country  He  was 

Proscrihed,  and  His  Estate,  one  of  the  Largest  in 

New  York,  confifcated,  by  the  usur|)ed  Legislature 

of  that  Province.      When  the  British  Troops  were 

withdrawn  from  New  York  in  178;!  He  cpiitted 

A  Province  to  which  He  had  always  been  an 

Ornament  and  Benefactor,  and  came  to 

England,  leaving  all  His  Property  behind  Him  ; 

which  reverse  of  Fortune  He  bore  with 

that  calmness.  Fortitude  and  Hignity 

which  had  distingui.shed  Him  through 

every  former  stage  of  Life. 

He  was  born  at  New  York  the  12th  day  of  Septeud)er 

in  the  year  1720  ;  and  Died  in  this  Place  the  30th 

day  of  April,  in  the  Year  178.5,  Aged  O.j  Years. 

The  British  government,  as  a  partial  recompense  to  Philipse  for 
his  forfeited  American  estates,  jiaid  liiiii  a  sum  eqnal  to  abont  .'*;:>(  10,(10(1 
of  onr  money. 

In  addition  to  siiiiiiiioiniiL;  (»r  arresting  the  various  individiiais 
sjK'citied  in  the  resolul inns  to  \\hi(di  we  ha\c  alluded,  the  third  \no- 
vincial  congress  authorized  its  committee  for  the  detection  of  con- 
spiracies to  summon  or  a]»[>re]iend  all  oilier  peisons  deemed  danger- 
ous or  disalfi'cted,  and  to  use  for  that  jmrposi'  not  nu'rely  detach- 
ments of  the  militia,  Init  troo]is  of  the  continental  line,  the  latl<'r  to 
be  obtained  by  ai)plicalion  lo  I  he  coiuiiiandei  iri-'liief.  Also  the  town 
and  distiict  committees  were  encouraged  to  exercise  zeal  and  \  igi- 
lance  to  the  same  end,  and   were  em})owere(l  to  summon  or  arrest, 

'A  facsimile  of  this  tablet  is  suspciiili'd  in  a  By  its  terms  lii'  pledjied  his   "faith  mikI    won! 

conspicuous     place     in     the     Maimr     Hall     in  of  honor"  not  to  bear  arms  against  the  rnilcil 

Yi^nkers.     It  has  always  appeared  lo  the  editor  Slatrs,  and  to  return   to  Connecticut   wIh-ii  re- 

of  the   present   TUstory   that   this   is   in   rather  iuti-lligence    to    the    enemies     of     the     TJiiited 

c|uestionable  taste.  States,   and  to  return  to  Connecticut    when  re- 

=  His    pnriile,    dated    December   23.    17711.    was  ipiin^d  by  the  governor  or  General  Washinfftim 

issued   by   Governor  Trumlnill.    of  Conneei  ir-iii.  so  to  do. 

FROM    .TANUAKY,    177."),   TO   JT'l.Y    I),    1 77(i 


u|i(iii  llicir  iiwii  i-('S])(iiisiliilil  V  ami  willidiit  wailiiiu'  I'nr  a(l\icc  from 
the  county  coniinittee,  everybody  wliom  tliey  reiiardcd  willi  snf<j)ici()ii. 
rcisoiis  thus  siiiiiiuoiied  or  arrested  by  tlie  toM  n  and  dislriet  com- 
mil  lees  were  required  to  i;ive  j^ood  security  thai  they  would  a]»i)car 
before  the  county  committee  at  its  next  session,  or,  in  dd'auli  of 
such  security,  were  to  be  committed  to  custody.  It  will  thus  be 
seen  how  riyid  and  detailed  were  the  arrangements,  upon  the  eve 
of  the  breakin<i'  out  of  the  war  in  the  ('olony  of  New  York,  for  com 
]icl!inti  absolute  submission  i-verywhere  lo  the  will  of  the  Kevolu- 
iionai-,\'  authoiities,  and  for  visitin,>j;  swift  ar.d  condiiin  ])unishmeni 
u]ion  all  refractory  or  sullen  spirits.  It  is  m'cdless  to  remark  Ihat 
I  hei'e  was  no  relaxation  of  this  severi'  projiramme  dui-inii  the  proni-ess 
of  the  war.  Vet  the  extrenu^  limits  of  the  l('^al  processes  ])Ut  in  ojicra- 
(ion  against  the  Tories  were  imprisonment  or  deportation  to  olhci- 
]iarts  of  the  country,  with  the  added  punishment  later,  in  special  in- 
stances, of  confiscation  of  estates.  There  was  no  resend)lance  to  the 
sanguinar}'  scenes  of  the  I'^i-cnch  K'cxdiulion.  IjI'c  was  unifoiiuly 
K'spccted,  unless  the  offense  was  of  a  natui-e  ]iunishablc  ])\  death 
under  the  articles  of  civilized  war. 

Some  of  the  common  Tory  suspects  arrested  in  W'eslchesier  County 
who  were  deemed  daniierous,  and  therefore  not  lit 

persons  to  go  at  large,  were,  for  the    laclc    of    local 



prison  facilities,  sent  to  the  forts  in  the  Highlands 
and  put  at  hard  lalior. 

The  third  provincial  congress,  as  the  reader  no 
doubt  will  remember,  was  a  very  short-lived  body, 
extending  only  from  the  18th  of  ^lay  to  the  oOth  of 
June.  It  was  deliberately  planned  by  the  eminent 
men  Avho  were  its  controlling  members  to  bring 
its  labors  promptly  to  a  conclusion,  and  to  have 
il  superseded  by  a  new  congress,  freshly  elected  by  the  people 
upon  the  great  issue  of  American  independence  which  was 
being  shajieil  foi'  ultimate  decision  at  rhiladel[)hia.  In  an- 
licii)ation  of  the  Declaration  of  hKh'jiemh'Uce,  the  continental 
congress  had,  as  early  as  the  Kith  of  .May,  adopted  a  preandde 
and  resoluti(ni  declaring  it  to  be  absolutely  irreconcilable  to 
reason  ami  good  conscii-nce  for  the  p(  o])le  of  the  colonies  longci-  to 
lake  the  oaths  an<l  aliirmations  necessary  for  tlie  sujijiorl  of  an,\ 
government  under  the  crown  of  Great  Britain,  and  recommending 
to  the  various  colonial  assemblies  and  conventions  to  take  measures 
for  the  ado]iliou  of  "  sucli  government  as  shall,  in  the  o]iinion  of  the 
rein-eseiitatives  of  the  peojile,  best  conduce  to  the  ha]i])iness  and 
safety  of  tlieii'  const  iluents  in   particular  and  Ameriia   in   genei-al." 


Tlic  siyiiiticaiicc  of  tlic  iirciiiulilc  iiinl  rcsnlulioii  was  fully  apju-e- 
ciatcd  1)\  the  iiin\  iiicial  coiniicss  of  New  York,  whose  leaders 
pi'diiipf ly  decided  rlial  the  respiuisihililv  fur  dealiiiii  with  the  issue 
of  a  foiiiial  ahi-oiialioii  of  I  he  i;(>\'eiiiiiieiil  of  <!reat  r.ritaiii  and  of 
the  crealioii  of  a  new  form  of  i;o\ei-nnient  shoulil  he  refciTed  lo  an 
enlirely  new  con^i-ess  to  be  elected  by  the  people  without  delay. 
( 'onse(|Ueutly  07I  the  .'>lst  of  May  action  was  taken  suninioninji'  the 
electors  of  the  various  counties  to  meet  at  an  early  (bite  and  choose 
(hdeiLiates  to  a  fonrlh  ]u-o\iucial  congress.  .Meantime  steail\  pro;L;ress 
was  beinn  made  at  I'hiladel])liia  toward  the  detinite  consideration 
of  tli<'  subject  of  American  iu<lependeuce,  and  some  of  the  New  \'ork 
i-epi-escjitativi's  in  the  coniinental  congress  conceived  a  stronii  de- 
sire for  fatejj;orical  instructions  fi-om  home  as  to  that  vital  ipiestion. 
Ou  the  Sth  day  of  June  four  of  these  representatives — William  I'loyd, 
Henry  \'\'isner,  l\obei-1  I».  I,i\in^ston,  and  Francis  Lewis — sent  a  let- 
ter to  the  New  ^'ork  juovincial  con.i;i-ess,  recjuestinji  that  smii  in- 
strnctious  be  sent  them  immediately.  It  was  not  nntil  the  lltli  that 
the  latter  body  com])lied  with  t)ie  request  thns  made.  It  then  adojited 
a  series  of  resolutions  wiiose  essential  piiri)ort  was  to  declare  the 
congress's  unwillinfiness  ami  incapacity  to  deal  with  the  matter,  and 
to  commit  it  for  (h^cision  to  the  peo])le  at  the  fortliconnuii  election 
foi-  a  ne\\'  ]u-o\incial  coniiress.  The  first  of  tliese  resolntions  was 
an  eni])hatic  intimation  to  the  d(dejj,ates  at  Philadelphia  that  they 
possessed  as  yet  no  authority-  to  vote  in  favor  of  indejtendence,  bein<;' 
to  the  effect  that  "  the  <.;((od  ])eo]de  of  this  c(dony  have  not,  in  the 
opinion  nl'  this  congress,  aulliori/.ed  tliis  coniiress  oi-  the  deleyates  of 
this  colony  in  the  continental  conj^ress  to  declare  this  c(dony  to 
l>e  and  continue  indejiendent  of  the  crown  of  (Ireat  liritain."  The 
wiiole  matter  was  submitted  in  most  explicit  terms  to  the  electors, 
who  were  earnestly  iccommended  to  vest  their  representatives  in 
the  soon-to-be  (hosen  fourth  pro\im-ial  conji'ress  "  witli  full  ])ower 
to  deliberate  and  determine  on  e\cry  (|Uestion  whatever  that  may 
concerii  or  affect  the  interest  of  this  colony,  ami  to  conclude  ui)on, 
ordain,  and  execute  every  act  ami  measure  wliicli  to  them  siiall  a])- 
pear  conducive  to  tlu'  ha]>piness,  security,  anil  welfare  of  this  colony," 
and  particularly,  "  by  instructions  or  otherwise,  to  inform  their  said 
de|)uties  of  their  sentiments  relative  to  tlie  j^reat  (juestion  of  Inde- 
pendency and  such  otiier  jioints  as  they  ma\'  think  iiro]ter." 

The  resolutions  of  the  lltJi  (d'  dune  wei-e  passed  by  the  ]M-o\incial 
coiiiiress  mainly  at  the  instance  of  John  Jay,  who  is  su])j.osed  to 
lia\c  left  his  seat  in  the  contin<'ntal  couiii'css  and  become  a  nuMnber 
(d'  tile  third  provincial  con,nress  of  New  ^'ork  for  the  express  object 
of  holdiui;  the  latter  body  to  a  judicious  course  on  the  subject  of 

FROM   .TAXUAKY,    1775,   TO   JULY   9,    177G 


iiHlciH'iidi'iicc  |i('ii(liuu   jinssililc  final   ('Hkiis   Ioi-   rrcoiicilialinn    wiili 
tilt'  iiKitlii'i'  rouutry.     Tln'  rcsnhii  inns  cniltodicd,  so  far  as  it   was  pos- 
sililc  for  tlii'iii  to  do,  an  absoli;lc  inolnliition  <d'  su]i]i('rt  of  in<l(iicinl 
cncc  1)_\-  the  New  York  dclciiatcs  at    I'liiladi'lphiit    until    liniiicr  in 
striictioiis  should  be  disiiatclK  d   t<i   Ihcni.      No   ftirtlicr  Inst  iiiclioiis 
\\('i-('  scut  tiji  to  tlu'  lime  of  Ihc  proinnluation  of  tlic  Declaration  of 
Indcjicndciu-c — the  4th  of  .Itily.      Notwithstanding;  this  condition  of 
thiui^s,  four  of  the  delciiatcs  from  New  York — William  I'loyd,  I'hilii) 
Ia\iu.t;slon,  I'-raucis  Lewis,  and  our  Lewis  Mortis — had  the  iif<'at  cour- 
age to  iynore  the  dissuasions  of  the  (|iialilied  re]>reseutatives  ol   i  Ik 
people  in   llieir  hcune  colony,  and  simi    their   names  to   the  immortal 
instrument.     Of  this  number,   there  is  no   room    for  doubt    that    the 
sillier  contributed  by  Westchester  ("oiiiity   was  infjexiljly    res(dved 
npon  that  line  of  conduct   from  the  tirsl,  and  <'ntirely  without   refer- 
ence to  instrnotions  from  Inune.     lie  did  not   ninte  with   I'loyd,  Wis- 
ner,    Kobert    1{.    Liviujistoii,    atid 
Lewis    in    I  heir    letter   of   June   S 
solicit  ini;  instructions,but  deemed 
himself  fully  (|ualitied  as  a  duly 
chosen   repi-eseiitative  from   New 
York  to  act  ui>on  the  measure  ac- 
cording; to  his    imiividual    jinli;- 
nieut.      It    can    scarcely   be  ijues- 
lione(l   that  his  Ixdd  attitude,  in 
which  he  was  joined  by  the  hi.uhly 
resjiectiMl   I'hilip  Livingston,  was 
iidlnential    in   persua<liuj;   two  of 
the  i-iuners  of  the  communication 
of  .Line  s  to  in    like    maniu'r    set 
duty  abo\f  cauticMi.     I'art icniarly 
aiiropos    to   the    fonr   conra^eons 
(IcU'jiates  from  New  ^'ork,  in  \  iew 
f»f     the     embarrassinu      circuiu- 
staiH-es    which    comjiassi-d    them 
about,  is  the  niaguiflcent   tiihnte 
of  the  Abbe  Kavual  to  the  sinners 
of  the  Declaration:  "With  what 

grandeur,  with  what  enthusiasm,  should  I  no!  speak  of  i  hose  L^eiierous 
men  who  elected  this  grand  edilice  by  llieir  |»alience,  their  wisdom, 
and  their  couragel       Hancock,  I'ranklin,  lln^  two  Adamses  were  the 

greatest  actors  in  the  affecting  scene;  but  t  hey  weii'  not  1 1 nly  ones. 

I'osterity  shall  know  them  all.  Their  honored  names  shall  be  irans- 
iuitte<l  (o  it  by  a  hajipier  pen  tliaii  mine.    IJrass  ami  marble  shall  show 


Sij;ner  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 


them  t(p  I  lie  rcjuolcst  jiiics.  In  Itclioldiii;^  llicia  ^;liiill  llic  fi-iciid  of 
freedom  feel  bis  lic;iri  pnlpilatc  witli  joy — feel  liis  eyes  lioat  in  ddi- 
i-ious  tears.  ruder  I  he  bust  of  (tiie  of  them  lias  been  written:  '  ile 
wrested  llnmder  fiom  Heaven,  and  the  sce])ter  from  tyrants.'  Of  the 
hist  woi'ds  of  this  eiHoyy  sliall  all  of  I  hem  partake." 

l-c\\  is  .Morris,  \\'esteliester  (\)tinty"s  siyiier  of  the  Deelaration,  affi'r 
completing;  the  term  of  ser\iee  in  tile  eontinental  eoni:ress  for  wliicli 
lie  had  been  eleeteil,  lotirrd  from  thai  body  and  was  succeeded  by 
his  yonniicr  brother,  ( louxcrnenr.  In  Jniu',  177<),  he  was  a]iiioinlcd 
by  the  New  York  jirovincial  coniiress  briiiadier-iicneral  of  the  mililia 
of  Westchester  ( "on  nty,  and  later  he  was  iiiad(>  major-ncm-ral  of  mili- 
tia. .\1\\  ays  de Noted  to  ani'iciiltnral  pnrsnits,  he  resnme(l  his  faxorile 
a\ocalion  as  soon  as  jieace  was  restored.  He  lived  to  witness  the 
complete  realization  of  all  the  patriotic  aims  and  liovi-rninental  ]irin- 
cijiles  of  which  he  had  been  one  of  the  earliest  and  most  radical  ]iro- 
moters,  and  for  which  he  had  made  consiiicnons  sacritices,  dyin^-  on 
the  22d  day  of  January,  1798,  aged  seventy-two. 



12,   177G 


JIIl'v  tliii-d  ])r(>viiiciiil  cdii^i-i'ss,  in  (liscontiiiu.iiii;-  its  siKiiifjs 
ill  >.'c\\-  ^'ork  ("ity  as  a  (•()iisc(|ii('iic(-  of  1li(>  siiililin.u  of  tlic 
Britisli  flt'i't,  ado])te(l  a  i-csnlutinii  w  iiicli  ]irci\  idnl  lor  its 
i-rassciiibliiiii  at  Wliifc  I'laius,  tbt'  oouiity-scal  oi  W'rsl- 
clicslci-  Coiiiiiv,  on  Tuesday,  llic  I'd  day  of  July.  Hiil  ii  did  uot 
a^ain  conic  loiiciln'i-,  ciliici-  on  tind  day  or  snbsciiuciitly. 

On  till'  inoinini;  of  'I'licsday,  llic  !llli  (d'  July,  rcin'cscniai  ixcs  from 
a  majority  of  tlu'  r(niiili('s  of  New  ^'ol•k  appeared  in  the  court  house 
in  Wliite  riaius,  and  ]iidin]tlly  organized  the  foui'th  proviucial  coii- 
yress,  eh'clinii  General  Nathaniel  Woodhull  as  president.  From  llial 
dale  until  the  27th  day  of  July,  \\liile  IMaius  conrinuod  to  lie  the 
scat  of  the  Revolutionary  jnovernmeid,  which  now,  for  tjie  lirsl  lime, 
liecame  the  resj^ousible  Ji()^•el■nnM'nt  of  a  new  commonwealtii.  It  was 
iliere  that  till'  Declaration  of  liidepi  ndence  was  foi-mally  proclaimed, 
that  liie  name  of  the  State  of  New  ^'ol•k  was  substituted  for  the  au- 
cieid  designation  of  the  Provinct-  of  New  York,  and  that  the  original 
steps  fiu'  the  orjianization  of  the  i^tate  machinery  were  taken.  To 
I  lie  lastiufj'  rejjret  of  all  who  hold  venerable  associaticms  dear,  the 
historic  court  house  where  these  ever-memorable  events  transpired 
ceased  to  exist  very  soon  afterAvard,  beinii  burned  by  some  vandal 
soldiers  of  Wasliiufi'tou's  army  on  the  nii;hl  of  the  5th  of  November, 
177(i.  This  original  ^^'estchester  rounty  court  house,  as  Ave  have 
already  noted,  was  built  after  the  destruction  by  tire  ll-'ebrnary  4, 
17r)S)  of  I  he  court  house  in  West(dii'ster  'I'owii.  and  was  (irsi  used 
by  I  he  Court  of  ("onimon  Pleas  on  the  7tli  day  of  November,  17")!),' 
The  re])resen1atives  from  Westchester  County  to  the  imjiortant  body 
w  hose  sessions  began  within  its  walls  on  I  lie  IM  li  of  July  were  Colonel 
Lewis  (IraJiaiii,  Cidonel  Pierre  Van  Coi-tiand(,  ^laj(U'  Ebenezev  Lock- 

'  To  III',  itohoit  Graliuni.  who  was  supervisor 
of  Wliito  riains  from  17(;9  to  1775.  and  coimt.v 
jnilirc  in  177S,  is  iiiaini.v  dm'  tlie  croilit  of  liavint; 
W'liiU'  riains  llxed  upon  as  llio  oounl.v-scat. 
liavlng  llio  court  liouso  building  ercptcd,  and 
having;  llir  courts  removed  tiierc  from  West- 
diesler.    He  gave  to  the  county  the  site  upon 

wliieli  llie  court  liouse  was  eroded.  His  ef- 
t'r>rls  were  ahi.v  secondi'd  liy  .Tolin  Tliomas,  of 
Itye,  who  was  tlien  a  member  of  llic  colonial 
assembly.  Dr.  Graliam  also,  at  considerable 
expiMise.  caused  two  holds  and  a  country  store 
(o  be  built,  and  thus  gave  tlie  county-seat  a 
start.— Shh77i's  Manual  of  M'cstchculcr  County,  33. 



\V(i(i(l,  Williaiu  raiihliii^,  ''apiaiii  -Iniiatliau  I'latt,  Saiiiucl  llavilaiid, 
Zcbadiab  Mills,  Colonel  (iillicii  Drake,  •Toiiathaii  (i.  Touiiikiiis,  (icii- 
eial  L('\Ais  Morris,  and  (Joincriicin'  .Morris,  all  of  whom,  the  Jouriial 
records,  were  iu  attendance  on  lliai  historic  morning.  John  Jay  also, 
as  a  de]nil y  from  New  York  City,  was  there. 

Tile  tirsi  business  of  tlie  (lav  was  the  considcT-ation  of  the  i)eclara- 


tion  of  Independence,  an  hich  was  referred  to  a  committee  headed  by 
Jolin  Jay.  In  the  afternoon  the  foHowin^  icjtorl^  was  broniibt  in  and 
adoi)ted  without  a  dissentinin  voice: 

bi  C'DHvention  of  tlie  lii'prescntativfs 
of  till-  Stiite  of  New  York,  Wliite  Plains, 
.Tilly  9,  UK). 
Kesolvrd,  iiiiiiiiiiiiously,  That   the  reasons  assijjneil   by   the  continental  eonoress  for  declar- 
ing the   United   Colonies  free   anil   indeiiendent   States  are   cogent  and  conclusive  ;  and   that 
while  we  lament  the  cruel  necessity  which  has  rendered  that  measure  unavoidable,  we  approve 
the  same,  and  will,  at  the  risk  of  om'  lives  and  fortunes,  join  the  other  colonies  in  supporting  it. 

EVio.XTs    I'KoM   .ivLV    0    'I'o    ()( "i( )i!i:i:    12,    1771!  337 

Resolved,  That  ii  copy  of  the  said  Declai'afion  and  tlio  t'mvfjoiiif;'  H'sdhifioii  \iv  si'iit  to  the 
ohairniau  of  the  eoininittee  of  the  Comity  of  Westchester,  witli  order  to  pidjlish  the  same, 
with  heat  of  driiiii,  at  this  phiee,  on  Thursday  next,  and  to  give  directions  tliat  it  he  pub- 
lished, with  all  convenient  speed,  in  the  several  districts  witliin  the  said  comity  ;  and  that 
copies  thereof  be  fortliwith  transmitted  to  the  other  county  conunittccs  witliin  tlic  State  of 
New  York,  with  order  to  cause  the  same  to  he  piiblislicd  in  the  several  districts  of  their 
respective  counties. 

Resolved,  That  five  hundred  copies  of  the  Ueehuation  of  Indepcndenee,  witli  the  two 
last-mentioned  resolutions  of  tliis  congress  for  approving-  and  proclaimini;-  the  same,  be  pub- 
lished in  liandliills  and  sent  to  all  the  county  committees  in  this  State. 

Resolved,  That  the  deleo'ates  of  this  State,  in  continental  congress,  be  and  tliey  are 
hereby  authorized  to  consent  to  and  ado|it  all  such  measures  as  tliey  may  deem  coiidueive  to 
tlie  hapiiiness  and  welfare  of  tlie  United  States  of  America. 

Ou  Tliur.s'lay,  the  lltli  (l;iy  of  -luly,  therefore,  "  with  bcnl  i>f  dnim," 
(lie  oflicijil  prochmiatioii  of  the  ^reat  Declaration  on  the  part  of  the 
I'cpreseiilativi'S  of  the  State  of  New  York  was  made  before  the  old 
court  house  at  ^\'llite  I'lains.  'Pliere  unfortunately  existed  at  the 
time  no  local  newspaper  in  the  county  to  record  the  undoubtedly  in- 
terestiuii'  circumstances  attending  the  ijTand  event. 

On  the  second  day  of  its  sessions  at  White  Plains,  the  "Conven- 
tion of  Ikein-esentatives  of  the  State  of  New  York  "  began  to  consider 
plans  for  the  oroanization  of  the  proposed  State  government,  but 
nothing  definite  was  accomplished  in  that  dinn-tion  during  the  con- 
tinuance of  tlie  body  at  our  county-seat.  ( )n  tlie  27th  of  -Inly  I  he  con- 
vention terminated  its  sessions  at  A\'hite  I'lains,  and  from  the  2!tth 
of  July  to  the  2!>tli  of  August  it  sat  at  Harlem.  A  committee  of  thir- 
teen, of  which  -Tcdin  Jay  \Aas  chairman  and  (Jouverneur  Morris  was  a 
luember,  was  apjiointed  on  the  1st  of  August  to  talce  into  considera- 
tion and  report  a  plan  for  instituting  a  form  of  government.  (Mit  of 
this  action  resulted  the  first  constitution  of  the  State,  which  was  re- 
jiorted  on  March  12  and  adopteil  on  April  20,  1777.  ^leantime,  and 
until  tlie  new  governmental  machinery  was  started.  New  York  rc- 
uiaineil  under  exclusive  legislative  and  committee  goverumeiit.  The 
State  convention,  after  leaving  Harlem,  met  successively  at  Fishkill 
and  Kingston,  being  dissolved  on  the  13th  of  May,  1777.  Through- 
out the  critical  period  wliith  incduded  the  succi-ssive  Ih-itisii  occuiia- 
lii.ns  of  Staten  Island,  Long  Islaiul,  and  ^Manhattan  Island,  anil  the 
Westclu  ster  CNiunty  campaign,  the  convention  was  indefatigable  in 
lierforming  the  maiufold  onerous  duties  that  belonged  to  its  si)here. 

An  interesting  and  significant  resolution  adopted  by  the  convention 
while  in  session  at  our  county-seat  (July  1."))  Avas  the  following: 

Resolved,  unanimously.  That  it  is  the  opinion  of  this  [convention  that  if  liis  Excellency, 
(ieneral  Wasliington,  should  think  it  expedient  for  the  ])reservatiou  of  tliis  State  and  the 
general  interest  of  .Vmeriea  to  abandon  the  City  of  Xew  York  and  witlidraw  the  troops  to 
the  north  side  of  Kingsbridge,  this  convention  will  cheerfully  co-operate  with  him  in  every 
measure  that  mav  be  necessary — etc. 


Tlic  priiclaiuatidii  nf  ludepcndciicc  was  of  necessity  submitt('(l  to 
(liiietly,  tlioujili  with  varied  imirmuriu^s,  by  tlie  Tory  faetioii  of 
Westcliester  Couuty.  The  hical  coniiiiitlees  everywhere  were  sii- 
])renie,  and  manifestations  of  an  unfriendly  nntnre,  even  in  the  form 
of  disfavorinij;- remark,  were  pretty  certain  lo  involve  liic  (■nli)rit.s 
in  difliciiity.  The  name  of  one  bold  spirit,  who  for  three  weeks  perse- 
vered in  a  public  attitude  of  defiance,  has  come  down  to  us;  and  be- 
fore proceeding  with  the  narrative  of  the  momentous  events  Avhich 
now  crowd  thick  upon  us,  this  interestini;  local  e])is(id('  sliunld  be 

It  is  not  surprisiuii'  that  the  aii'fi,Tessivc  individual  was  a  clerjxy- 
man  of  the  Church  of  Eu.iiland,  the  IJev.  Epenetus  Townseud  by  name, 
who  since  IKifi  had  oiticiated  as  n  missionary  of  the  Venerable  Projia- 
ji;ation  Society  in  the  I'arisli  ul'  Salem,  lie  was  a  man  of  ability, 
thoufiii  not  of  distinjiiiished  talents  like  Parson  Seabury.  of  West- 
chester. For  inveterate  devotion  to  the  kinii  and  scorn  id'  all  rebels 
he  certainly  yielded  to  none  in  all  our  County  of  Westchester.  He 
relates  in  one  of  his  letters  that  as  early  as  the  end  of  the  year  1773  he 
began  to  strongly  susiiect  that  "the  leaders  (d'  opposition  to  govern- 
ment in  America  "  were  aindng  at  iude])end<-nce;  whereupon  he  un- 
derto(dc  to  do  all  that  lay  in  his  jxiwer,  "  liy  ]>ri'a(hing,  reading  the 
Homilies  against  Kelxdlion,"  ami  ihe  like,  to  persuade  his  ix-ojde 
against  connlemincing  sucdi  wicked  tendencies.  "And  blessed  be 
God,"  he  exclaims,  "I  have  the  satisfaction  that  the  Church  people 
[Episcopalians]  in  all  my  iiarishes  [Salem,  Ridgehidd,  and  IJidge- 
bury]  have  almost  unanimously — there  being  three  or  four  excej)- 
tions — maintaine<l  their  loyalty  from  the  first.''  In  3Iay,  177(i,  he  sa,\s 
he  was  called  before  the  "' I{(d»(d  ("ommiltee  of  Cortlandfs  ^lanor" 
and  "  invited  "  to  join  their  association.  This  he  indignantly  declined 
to  do.  Next,  he  was  ordei-ed  to  furnish  blankets  for  the  "Rebel  s(d- 
diers,"  and,  refusing,  was  sent  under  guard  to  the  committee,  which, 
failing  to  i>ei-suade  him  on  the  same  i)oint,  gave  orders  to  search  his 
house  and  appro]»rinte  Ihe  desired  goods;  but  happily  his  wife  liad 
safely  seci-eted  all  they  possesse(l.  Then  he  was  directed  to  ]iay  ""  uji- 
wards  (;f  thirty  shillings  "  to  flu-  nn)r;ified  searcdiing  i)arty,  r(duse<l  to 
obey,  and  was  detaine(l  under  guard  until  he  produced  the  money. 
After  that  he  was  esc(U'tcd  b(  fore  the  Westchester  County  comuut- 
tee,  on  complaint  made  by  the  Cortlandt  ^lanor  c(nuuuttee,  to  be 
examined  as  to  his  political  ]irinciples.  These  several  unpleasant  in- 
cidents all  occiirred  in  the  months  of  ]May  and  June,  177(1;  and  con- 
sidering the  respectable  and  rev(M-eiid  character  of  ^fr.  Townsend, 
together  with  the  circumstance  that  all  but  "three  oi'  four"  of  the 
"  Church  people  '"  of  his  parishes  w(  re  Loyalists,  the  severity  and  per- 

i:VKN'l-8     I'KOM     .11   I, V     ;t     TO     OCTUBKU     12,     1770  339 

tiiincilv  with  whicli  lie  was  (lis(i|iliiic(l  arc  loi-cililv  illiisirali\c  nf 
the  nciicral  s]iiiil  of  llii-  times  in   \\csl(li(stci-  ('ouiily. 

On  ilif  Sunday  al'Icr  the  Dcclaial  ion  of  I  iKlcitcndcncc  Mas  ])ro- 
claiincd  l>y  llic  aiitliority  iif  (lie  assembled  delei;ales  (d  the  Slale  of 
New  Vuik  at  Wliiie  J'laiiis,  llie  Kcv.  Epenetus  Townsend,  lioldinii 
ser\ices  as  usual  in  his  chiii-eli  at  Salem,  omitled  not  one  jot  of 
the  preseribed  formnlai'ies  in  i-elalion  to  the  Idny-  and  the  royal 
family.  On  the  second  Sunday  he  still  pin'sued  the  even  tonor  of 
his  duties  in  this  particular;  but  on  the  third  Sunday,  says  Bolton, 
••  when  in  the  afternoon  he  was  oHiciatinj;-,  and  had  proceeded  some 
leniith  in  the  service,  a  coniitaiiy  of  armed  soldiers — said  to  have  be- 
lomicd  to  Colonel  Sheldon's  i-eiiiment,  stationed  on  Keeler's  Hill,  op- 
])osite — marched  into  the  church  with  drums  beatini;-  and  fifes  play- 
iuii,  their  <iuns  loaded  and  bayonets  fixed,  as  if  ii'oin<;'  to  battle;  and  as 
soon  as  he  comiiienced  reailin^;-  the  collects  for  the  kinti'  and  i-oyal 
family  tlie^  rose  to  their  feet,  and  the  oflic"r  commanded  him  upon 
the  peril  of  his  life  to  desist.  .Mr.  Townsend  immediately  stopped 
readinfj',  closed  his  ]irayerbook',  descended  from  the  rcii(  ling-desk,  and 
so  the  matter  jjassed  over  without  any  accident."  On  the  21st  of  Oc- 
tober following  lie  was  sent  to  Fishkill  as  an  enemy  of  America,  and 
for  six  nn)nths  was  kept  on  parole  at  his  own  expense.  In  the  spring 
of  1777,  having  refused  to  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  the  i-e])iiblic, 
lie  was  ]iermiTted  to  renmve  with  his  "  family,  apjiarel,  and  liouse- 
hcdd  furiiii  lire  ■■  to  the  British  lines,  his  property  in  Salem — a  very 
••  genteel  '"  one — being  confiscated.  In  1779  he  was  appointed  chap- 
lain to  a  Loyalist  battalicm,  which  was  ordered  to  Halifax,  and  he 
sailed  with  it  thither,  accompanied  by  his  wife  and  five  children.  Ills 
slii]i  foundered,  and  he  and  his  whole  family  perished. 

The  first  vessels  of  the  British  exjjedition  against  New  York.  \vhi<h 
ariived  at  Sandy  Hook  on  June  20,  were  gradually  joined  by  the 
eniire  tlect.  The  iiuifcd  militaiy  f(U-ci  comprised  the  army  jormerly 
(|uariered  in  Boston  (whi(di,  after  evacuating  that  place,  had  been 
transported  to  ilalifaxi.  some  troo])s  from  the  Southern  colonies,  a 
large  ailditioii  of  fresh  iroojis  from  l']ngland.  and  some  fonrteen 
thousaml  Hessian  mercenaries.  In  the  aggregate  there  were  3o,Gll 
men,  of  whom  2-1, Kil  were  in  condition  for  battle.  It  was  by  far  Ihi' 
largest  army  ever  gathered  in  America  during  the  Bevolntion.  It 
seemed  probable  that  (oiieral  Howe's  attack  on  New  York  would 
not  be  in  the  fortii  of  a  naval  bombardment  of  tlie  city  or  of  a  de- 
barkatitin  of  the  army  on  ^Manhattan  Island,  but  of  a  movement 
thither  friuii  ]>ong  Island,  'i'liei-e  Washington  had  caused  defenses 
to  be  fortitied  and  occupied,  whose  inner  line  extended  from  Oowanus 


Creek  to  Wallabuut  Bay.  General  Howe's  orijiiual  iutenlion  seems 
to  have  been  to  disembark  immediately  on  Loiij;'  Island  and  move  to 
bis  destination  with  all  possible  eneruy.  On  July  1  the  Meet  was 
brought  up  to  Gravesend  Bay  (Coney  Island),  with  the  evident  de- 
sign of  ell'eeting-  a  landing  the  next  morning,  lint  if  sueh  was  the 
purpose  of  the  British  commander,  he  promptly  abandoned  it  (being 
actuated,  it  is  supposed,  by  the  prudential  feeding  that  it  would  be 
wisest  to  await  the  arrival  of  the  bulk  of  his  forces);  and,  indeed, 
it  was  not  until  the  22d  of  August  that  the  landing  on  Long  Island 
was  made.  There  Washington  was  granted  a  respite  of  seven  Aveeks, 
which  he  availed  of  by  perfecting  the  Long  Island  defenses  and 
making  all  practical  arrangements  for  concentrating  in  that  quarter 
a  force  cai)able  of  resisting  the  invasion.  Ilow  nearly  this  j)roved 
fatal  to  the  American  cause  is  a  theme  that  the  historians  of  the 
Revolution  never  weary  of  expatiating  upon. 

General  Howe,  in  bringing  his  formidable  command  to  America, 
had,  at  least  nominally,  a  double  funrlion  to  discharge.  While  he 
grasped  the  sword  willi  one  hand  he  bore  the  olive  branch  in  the 
other.  Before  proceeding  to  sanguinary  measures  he  was  to  proffer 
terms  of  reconciliation,  whi(h  were  to  include  gracious  ]iar(lon  for 
all  acts  of  rebi'llioii.  i5ut  toward  the  end  of  peace  so  devoutly  to  be 
wislied  for,  he  unfortunately  was  not  able  to  make  any  jirogress 
whatever.  One  of  his  tirst  acts  was  to  disiiatch  an  olticer  under  a 
flag  of  truce  with  a  letter  addressed  to  "'George  AVashington,  Esq.," 
reminding  one  of  that  other  historic  British  im])ertinence,  tlu'  ofh- 
cial  <lesignation  of  the  fallen  and  caiitive  I'^mperor  Najioleon,  after 
Waterloo,  as  "  General  Bonaparte."  Howe's  messenger,  after  ex- 
changing the  most  elegant  and  amiable  courtesies  with  the  Amer- 
ican otlicer  who  came  to  meet  him,  stated  that  he  had  a  letter  for  a 
"  31r.  "  Washington.  The  otlii'r  informed  him  that  some  unaccount- 
able nnstake  must  have  l)ei'n  made,  that  there  was  no  pei-son  an- 
swering to  such  a  name  in  the  whole  patriot  camp.  The  missive 
was  next  ])roduced,  and  still  it  was  disavowed  that  tlu'  specified  pri- 
vate indi\idual  had  any  known  existence.  The  puzzled  iTiessenger 
was  fain  to  return  to  his  chief  without  accom])lishing  his  laudable 
object.  This  was  the  last  offer  lo  sjtare  tin*  erring  colonies  the  fear- 
ful chastisenu'ut  that  had  so  long  lieen  threatened. 

On  the  2d  of  July  the  British  ships  left  Gravesend,  advanced  in 
stately  ]irocession  through  the  Narrows,  di'0])])ed  anchor  one  by  one 
along  the  shoi-es  of  Staten  Island,  and  began  to  discharge  the  troojis, 
who,  gladly  remarks  Dawson,  were  "  welcomed  by  the  inhabitants  of 
that  beautiful  island  as  their  dediverers  from  the  terrible  oppression 
of  the  Eevolutionary  powers."    Not  until  the  12th  of  July  was  any 

EVENTS     FROM     JULY     9     TO     OOTOP.KR     12,     1770  341 

f'di'innl  (lenionstrnlioTi  iiyaiiist  the  Anicrican  foe  atU'iiii)lc(l.  'I'licn 
two  vcsst'ls,  the  "  IMidMiix,"  of  forty-fom-  .miiis,  and  the  "  llosc,"  of 
twenty  guns,  with  three  tenders,  were  dispatelied  on  an  exiiedition 
u]i  I  lie  Hudson  River.  They  were  fired  on  by  the  shore  batteries, 
witli  little  or  no  effect,  and  responded  by  droi)]iinn-  a  number  of  shells 
into  the  city,  which  killed  three  of  Washington's  soldiers.  Anchor- 
ing at  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek,  they  got  a  Avarm  reception  fi-oni  the 
new  batteries  which  had  been  planted  on  Tippet's  and  Cock's  Hills. 
They  then  resumed  their  voyage  up  stream  as  far  as  Tarrytown, 
where  the  local  company  of  militia,  known  as  the  Associated  Com- 
pany of  the  upper  part  of  Philipseburgh  Manor,  showed  itself  ready 
for  the  emergency.  That  body  turned  out,  under  the  command  of 
Lieutenant  Daniel  Martling,  and  guarded  the  shore  during  the  night 
to  prevent  any  possible  attempt  at  landing.  But  there  was  no  such 
endeavor;  and,  although  tlie  hostile  ships  remained  opposite  Tarry- 
town  for  four  days,  no  clash  of  arms  occurred  there.  IMeantime  the 
State  convention  at  White  Plains  sent  supplies  of  poAvder  and  ball 
to  Tarrytown,  and  also  ordered  re-enforcements  thither.  It  is  very 
conjecturable  that  the  purpose  of  the  British  warshijis  in  staying 
so  long  at  that  spot  was  to  cari'y  on  communication  with  the  Tories 
of  Philipseburgh  ^[anor  and  the  opposite  shore.  Washington  was  con- 
cerned about  this  movement  up  the  Hudson.  Keferring  to  it  in  a  letter 
to  the  convention  dated  the  14th,  he  expressed  the  opinion  that  the 
ships  "  may  have  carried  up  arms  and  ammunition  to  be  dealt 
out  to  those  who  may  favor  their  cause,  and  co-operate  witli 
them  at  a  fixed  time,"  and  urged  vigilant  action  for  nii)ping  so  dan- 
gerous a  scheme  in  the  bud.  He  also  a])]irehended  that  troops  might 
be  on  board,  intended  for  the  seizure  of  the  important  Highland  de- 
files, "in  which  case  the  intercourse  between  the  two  |.\merican] 
armies,  both  by  land  and  water,  will  be  wholly  cut  otT,  than  which 
a  greater  misfortune  could  hardly  befall  the  province  and  army." 
Steps  w'ere  accordingly  taken  to  guard  against  such  a  catastrophe, 
particular  attention  being  direct<'d  toward  ])rotecting  the  road  which 
passed  around  .Vnt  hony's Nose.  Solicitude  was  likewise  felt  lor  Kings- 
bridge,  a  ]ioint  of  even  greater  immediate  importance.  In  June  Wash- 
ington had  made  a  ])ersoiial  visit  of  inspection  to  Kingsbridge  and 
vicinity,  had  found  the  locality  to  admit  of  advantageous  fnrtitica- 
tion  in  .seven  distinct  places,  and,  "  esteeming  it  a  pass  of  tlie  inmost 
inijioi-tancc  in  order  to  kecji  open  comuiuiMcat  ion  willi  the  country," 
had  assigned  troojis  to  ])nsli  forward  tlie  defensive  woi'ks  deter- 
mined iiptiii.  On  the  I'd  <il'  .Inly  (ieneral  .Milllin  was  sent  to  Kings- 
bridge  to  assume  cliarg<',  and  frnui  tliat  time  foi'ward  there  was  the 
utmost  activity  in  and  around  this  spot.     The  great  fear  was  that 


EVENTS     FKO\r     .TTI.Y     i)     TO     OCTOUKU     12,     ITTG  343 

tlic  liiid^c  itself,  mill  Willi  it  the  I'ariucrs"  Bridjio,  would  bo  do- 
sti-(i.v((l  hv  ;i  li(i;il  cxpcd  i  I  ioii  rnuii  ilir  Hudson  IJiver,  and  that  a  por- 
tion 111  till'  Uiiiisli  iniii\  WDiild  he  (■oincidriirlv  landed  in  Westchester 
("(Minlv.  wliicli  wniild  li;ne  sliiii  up  \\ 'asliiiij;ton's  whole  force  on 
Manhattan  Island.  I'ut  these  di-eaded  attempts  were  never  niaih, 
and  even  if  they  had  heeii  the  precantions  taken  wonhl  itmlialdv 
liav<'  sntlice<l  tn  counteract   them. 

It  is  well  known  that  Cleucral  llowo  placed  not  a  little  dependence 
n])on  the  ho])e  of  receivini;'  active  co-operation  in  the  field  from  the 
loyal  iidialiitants  of  the  lo\\'er  counties  of  this  State,  ami  in  that 
ho]»e  he  A\as  encouraiied  liy  assurances  which  hi'  received  from  Gov- 
ernor Tryon  and  others  upon  his  arrival.  So  far  as  Westchester 
County  is  concerned,  no  evidence  exists  that  any  results  to  Mistain 
him  in  such  an  expectation  followed  the  undoubted  attempts  to  stiiu- 
nlate  Tory  couruiic  incidental  to  the  dispatch  of  the  "  Pho-nix  "  and 
"  liose  "  u]i  The  Hudson. 

Too  much  praise  can  not  be  uiven  the  New  York  State  coincntioii 
for  its  \ii;(M-ous  and  well-considered  measures  at  this  time  of  uncer- 
tainty rej;ardin,ii  the  intentions  of  the  enemy.  With  the  situati(Ui 
below  the  Harlem  Kiver  Washiniitou  was  competent  to  <leal  in  all 
its  details,  l)ut  the  conxcntion  ridieved  him  of  much  of  the  responsi- 
bilitj'  and  distraction  that  would  have  been  involved  in  carinji  for 
the  security  of  the  country  above.  Provisions  and  other  stores  havinjf 
bi-en  accumulated  in  the  neiiihlKU-hood  of  Peekskill,  the  convention 
ordered  their  removal  to  places  which  would  be  less  exposed  to 
danger  fiom  possible  Uritish  lauding-  parties.  ^lilitia  re-euforce- 
nients  for  I'oi'ts  Constitution  and  Montgomery  were  provided  for. 
One-fourth  of  the  entire  militia  of  Westchester,  Dutchess,  and  Orange 
Counties  was  called  out,  and,  in  view  of  the  emergency,  each  militia- 
nnin  taking  the  field  was  granted  a  bounty  of  twenty  dollars  la  gen- 
erous allowance  in  the  circumstam-es  of  the  time),  with  continental 
l»ay  and  subsistence.  This  whole  militia  force  (Westchester  County's 
(  ontingent  being  under  the  c<unmand  of  Cohuiel  Thomas  Thomas)  was 
ordered  to  Pickskill  as  the  strategic  ]ioint  fiw  rejielling  the  expectt>d 
attack  on  the  Highlands.  The  com-ention  i)ledged  itself  to  defray 
the  expenses  of  any  practicable  plans  for  obstructing  the  naviga- 
lion  of  the  Hudson  and  annoying  the  enemy's  shi])s.  Not  having 
sullicient  ammunition  for  the  militia,  it  riMjuested  Washington  to 
loan  w  liat  was  needed,  jiromising  to  replace  it  at  the  earliest  opjior- 
tiinity.  It  also  advised  Washington  to  use  his  offices  with  Governor 
Trumbull,  of  Conncctic\it,  for  the  creation  of  a  cam]>  of  six  thousand 
men  on  the  I'.yrani  b'ivei-,  in  the  interest  of  bringing  to  confusion 
anv  schemes  (d"  the  I'ritish  for  seizing  the  country  abov(»  Kingsbridge. 


Tliis  i-('C()iiiiiicii(liiti(iu  was  (IcciiiL'd  by  Wasliiiijitnu  most  cxi'i-llciit,  but 
iK'Vci-  bore  any  fruits. 

On  tlu'  Kith  (if  .Tilly  tlic  "  Pbd-nix  "  and  "  Rose,"  witli  their  tcn(h'rs, 
left  Tarrytown  and  sailed  up  the  river  ti>  near  Verplanek's  i'oiul. 
Finding  that  their  iH-ogress  into  the  Highlands  would  be  prevented 
by  the  batteries  of  Forts  Constitution  and  Montgomery,  they  merely 
took  soundings,  received  such  infoi-niation  as  could  be  got  from  sym- 
pathizers on  shore,  and  landed  small  parties  here  and  there,  \vhi(di 
committed  a  feAV  minor  de]iredations.  ]{e1  inning  slowly  down  the 
stream,  they  soon  found  tliat  some  tolerably  lively  adventures  liad 
been  prepared  for  tlieiii  by  the  alert  American  commander. 

At  Tarrytown,  on  the  ith  af  August,  they  were  boldly  engaged  by 
a  number  of  galleys — the  "  Washington,"  "  Lady  Washington,"  "  Sjiit- 
fire,'-  "Whiting,"  "Independence,"  and  "  Crane  "^ — which  Washing- 
ton had  procured  from  the  governors  of  Connecticut  and  IJhode  Island, 
and  dispatched  for  the  purpose  of  annoying  the  two  warships.  One 
of  the  participants  on  the  American  side,  in  an  account  of  this  s])irited 
encounter,  says:  "  \\e  had  as  hot  a  fire  as,  perhaps,  was  ever  known, 
for  an  hour  and  a  half.  Our  commodore.  Colonel  Tupper,  thought  it 
ju'udent  to  give  the  signal  for  our  little  fleet  to  withdraw,  after  man- 
fully fighting  a  much  superior  force  for  two  hours.  Never  did  men 
behave  with  more  firm,  determined  spirits  than  otir  little  crews.  One 
of  our  tars,  being  mortally  wounded,  cried  to  bis  messmate:  '  I  am 
a  dying  man;  revenge  my  blood,  my  boys,  and  carry  me  alongside 
my  gun,  that  I  may  die  there.'  We  \\'ere  so  preserved  by  a  gracious 
I'rovidence  that  in  all  our  galleys  we  had  but  two  men  killed  and 
fourteen  wounded,  two  of  whicli  are  thought  dangerous." 

An  even  nuu'e  exciting  exjierience  was  reserved  for  the  "  riio'iiix," 
"  Kose,"  and  their  tenders.  Two  fir<'  vessels,  constructed  by  Wash- 
ington's orders,  approached  them  at  their  anchorage  on  the  night  of 
the  Kith  of  August.  The  resulting  transactions  have  been  pictur- 
es(]U(dy  described  by  numerous  writers,  but  with  many  variations  as 
to  details.  The  precise  location  of  this  affair  of  the  fire-shiijs  is  im- 
possible of  determination,  so  conflicting  are  the  statements  on  that 
p(dnt.  The  thrilling  scene  is  variously  located  oif  Tarrytov.n,  Dobbs 
Ferry,  Hastings,  and  Youkers.  According  to  a  very  circuiiistani  ial 
account  by  a  princi])al  particijiant  on  the  American  side — Cajjtain 
.losepli  I'ass,  ap])areiit]y  tlie  mnigator  of  one  of  the  fire-ships, — it  oc- 
curred not  in  the  jtirisdiction  of  Westcliesler  County  but  in  that  of 
Kockland  County,  the  British  vess(  Is,  h<'  says,  having  taken  stations 
on  the  west  side  of  the  river,  because  'A'  the  greater  deptli  of  the 
^\■atel•  tliere,  upon  receiving  an  inlimation  from  some  (|uarter  that 
miscldef  was  impending.    The  narrative  of  Captain  I?ass  (originally 

EVENTS   rnoAr   .tt'ly    0   to   octoret;    12,   1770  345 

imlilislici]  ill  I  lie  Warci sh  )■  Maii<rJii<  in  1S20)  is  so  cNpiicil  mid  in  rsscn 
(i:il  rcs|K(ls  so  iiil('iliL;ciit  tli;it  it  sci'iiis  to  us  liis  sliitciin'iit  liuil  liii' 
I'Vciil  li;ins|)in'(l  on  the  \\(  si  side  of  tJic  ii\cr  iiiiisl  lie  iicccplcd  willi- 
oiit  (incstion.  W'i  Diiwson,  iiflci cxiuniiiiiii;  nunnTous  oriuiinil  iin- 
I  liofilics,  all  ciirc  rullv  cited  in  liis  I'ooliiott's,  ^ivcs  no  su<ij;('slioii  of 
I  his;  altlioni;li  lie  does  not  spcciJically  sa}'  that  tlu-  fnyai;('nicnl  or- 
(iiiTod  on  tiic  oast  bank.  Again,  the  individual  prooci'diniis  and 
piTloi-niaiu-es  of  tlu'  two  fiiv-sliips  arc  strangely  confused  by  dilTeicnl 
nanatois,  the  exact  ]iaft  borne  by  one  in  some  accounts  being  as- 
signed to  its  coni]iniiion  in  others.  I^'uving  aside  the  minuter  de- 
tails involving  discrei>ancies,  which  after  all  are  not  very  material — 
and,  indeed,  tht-  whok'  affair  is  of  no  distinct  importance  in  its  r(da- 
tioii  to  the  progress  of  general  events,  although  exceedingly  interest- 
ing as  an  episode, — we  shall  confine  ourselves  to  a  brief  statenient 
of  the  essential  facts,  about  which  there  are  no  disagreements. 

Tlu^  advisaljility  of  converting  small  river  craft  into  fire-ships  to 
attack  the  enemy's  war  vessels  received  early  consideration  by  the 
State  convention  after  the  advent  of  the  J'.ritish  fleet.  The  subje<-t 
was  assigned  to  a  secret  committee,  whose  practical  projects  were  en- 
couraged by  Washington  and  also  by  (ieneral  (Jeorge  Clinton.  After 
the  ])assage  of  the  "Hose,"  "  Plneiiix,"  and  their  tenders  U])  the 
liver,  two  fire-ships,  or  rafts,  were  fitted  out  and  held  in  readiness 
at  Sjiuyten  Duyvil  Inlet  for  a  favorable  opiiorvunity.  "  The  {ire-siii)(s," 
says  IJuttenber,  whose  accotmt  is  digested  from  the  narrative  of  Cap- 
lain  I'.ass,  "  had  been  ])reiiare<l  with  fagots  of  the  most  combustible 
l^iuds  of  A\'ood,  which  had  been  di]>]>ed  in  iiielte(l  pitch,  and  with 
Imndles  of  straw  cut  about  a  foot  long,  piriiaicd  in  the  sanKMuaiinef. 
Tile  fagots  and  bundles  tilled  the  <leck  and  hold  as  far  aft  as  the  cabin, 
and  into  this  mass  of  combustible  materials  was  inserted  a  match, 
that  might  be  fired  by  a  jx'rson  in  the  cabin,  who  would  have  to 
escajie  through  a  door  cut  in  the  side  of  ilie  vt'ssel  into  a  whaleboat 
that  was  lasheii  to  tiic  (|uarter  of  the  slooji.  Hesides  these  coinbiis- 
libies,  there  Mere  in  each  vessel  ten  or  twelve  barrels  of  jiitcli.  A 
(|uaiitity  of  canvas,  amounting  to  niiiuy  yards,  was  cut  into  sliijis 
about  a  foot  in  width,  then  di]))KNl  in  s]nrits  of  turpentine,  and  iiiing 
npon  the  spars  and  rigging,  extending  down  to  the  deck.  " 

On  the  niglit  of  the  Kith  of  August  the  two  tire-siii]>s,  comnianded 
lsa\s  Dawson)  by  ( "aptains  I'osdick  and  Thomas,  but  li  \ohinleers  from 
the  army,  sailed  uji  the  rixcr  on  the  serious  business  for  which  they 
hail  been  constructed.  They  ke])t  in  midstream,  and  in  the  darlv- 
IK-ss  Were  unable  to  deled  the  enemy's  shi](S,  lint  located  lliein  by 
the  cry  of  the  lookouts,  "All's  well!"  and  bore  down  u]ion  them. 
•  •lie  of  the  tire-ships  grappled  a  tender  (or  "  bombketch,"  according 


lit  I'iissi,  iind  the  (iIIk  1-  inadi'  I'.-isl  Id  ilic  "  I'luniix."  Tlic  lircs  were 
liiililrd,  ;iiiil  iiis!;inlly  llic  rails  were  athmic.  Tlic  tender,  or  Ixiinh- 
kel(  li,  was  liunied  to  I  lie  water's  ed^c,  and  tlie  ••  IMid-nix  "  seemed 
in  a  fair  way  of  total  destrnetion,  hut  was  saved  )i\  desjierate  exer- 
tions. Xe\-ertli(dess  slie  was  fired  in  several  ])laces,  and  niiicli  of  her 
riiii;in,n-  was  eiit  away  so  that  ihe  Ihiincs  iiii<;ht  not  catcii  it.  .Most 
(d'  the  crew  of  the  tender  ])eris]ie(l.  and  it  is  sn])])osed  that  some 
mill  on  I  lie  "  I'lio'iiix  "  were  lost.  (  ajitaiii  Thoinas  and  h\-e  of  his 
men  \\-ere  unahle  to  escajx'  to  llieir  whalehoat  after  apid,\in;Li'  the 
matfli  to  the  eomhnstibles.  Tiiey  jiiiiiiied  into  the  water  and  were 
drowned.  Washinsiton's  accoiini  of  this  <larin;n  and,  indeed,  very 
brilliant  affair  is  as  follows: 

The  iiifi-lit  of  the  Kitli  two  (if  our  fire  vessels  attemptptl  to  Imrii  the  ships  of  war  up  tlie 
liver.  Oue  of  these  bourdeil  tlie  "  Phueni.x,"  of  forty-four  f;uiis,  aiul  was  grappled  with  her 
for  some  miuutes,  Imt  uuluekily  she  eleared  lior.self.  The  only  damage  tlie  enemy  sustained 
was  the  destrnetion  of  oue  tender.  It  is  agreed  on  all  hands  that  our  people  engaged  in  this 
affair  behaved  with  great  resolution  and  intrepidity.  One  of  the  eajitains,  Thomas,  it  is  to 
be  feared,  perished  in  the  attempt,  or  in  making  his  eseape  by  swimming,  as  he  has  not  been 
lieard  of.  Ilis  bravery  entitled  him  to  a  better  fate.  Tliongb  this  enterprise  did  not 
sueeeed  to  our  wishes.  I  ineline  to  think  it  alarmed  the  enemy  greatly;  for  this  morning 
(August  18)  the  "  Pluenix  "  and  "  Rose,"  with  their  two  remaining  tenders,  taking  advantage 
of  a  brisk  and  prosperous  gale  and  favorable  tide,  quitted  their  stations  and  have  returned 
and   joined  the  rest  of  tile  Heet 

Willi  the  final  sailing  away  of  Ihe  Uritish  shi[is  on  the  iiiornino 
of  the  ISlh  of  Anjiii^t,  the  Hudson  liiver,  from  the  bay  up,  was  re- 
lieved of  Ihe  enenix,  whose  eiiliie  Heel  was  uow  anchored  alonn' the 
Stateii  Island  slmii  .  li  w as  neail,\  a  month  before  the  much-dreaded 
vessels  id'  war  ai^aiii  vein  nred  above  I  he  liattery,  and  it  was  not  nnl  il 
the  9tli  of  October  that  the  cili/.ens  of  \Vesicliester  ("onnly  were 
throwTi  into  renewed  a|>|>reliensioii  b_\  the  reappearance  of  Ihe  un- 
welcome visitors  in  I  heir  (piarlc  r. 

The  transportation  <if  Ihe  iuvadiiij;  army  from  its  temporary  qiiar- 
t(  IS  on  Slaten  Island  lo  Loni;  Islanil  was  beo'iin  early  on  the  morn- 
iiiLi  of  the  22d  of  Annitsl,  the  landing-  beinj;  efl'ected  at  (ira\cseud 
without  opposition.  With  the  details  of  the  battle  of  Loiii;  Island, 
which  ])resently  followed,  our  narrali\('  is  n(d  concerned,  and  il  is 
sul'licient  for  the  pnr|)ose  of  this  History  to  brietly  summarize  its  re- 
sults. \\\  iKion  on  Ihe  2Tth  of  Anj;iist  that  disastrous  battle  ended  in 
complete  \iclory  for  the  Kritish,  and  \\'ashiniiton,  havinii'  sustained 
a  hea\'.\'  loss  in  killed,  wounded,  and  i)risonei's,  retired  with  his 
w  hole  remainiuo  force,  w  liicli,  as  slij;htly  re-enforced  the  next  day,  did 
nol  exceed  nine  thotisand,  behind  his  inner  intreiichinents,  stretchinji', 
as  already  notice(l,  froiii  the  (Jowaiiiis  to  the  Wallabout.  I'^rontinji' 
him  was  an  army  of  fully  twenty  thousand,  and  at  any  moment  the 
whole  tieinendoiis  lirilish  fleet   miiiht  ei'ter  the  ICast  TJiver  and  cut 

EVENTS     FROM     .TTI-V     i»     'I'O     OCTOP.EU     12,     ITU)  347 

olT  liis  rclicat  lo  .M;iiili;itl;iii  Isl.-iiid.  In  siicli  ;iii  cvciil  u;ilil  v  liis  iiii- 
(•()ii(li(i(niiil  siuTciidcr  would  be  bill  ;i  (|ii('sli(iii  of  a  bvit-f  liiiic,  and 
Willi  il  the  cause  of  .Vnu'iicaii  indcix'iidcucc  \\-ould  iu  all  ])robabilily 
rccrhc  its  dcatliblow.  The  sole  problnn  loi'  W'asliiiijilon  io  solve 
w  as  (lierefoi-e  that  of  tlu'  most  expedii  ions  iiossible  escape  W  il  Imul 
dclav  lie  beiiau  to  make  bis  arrauincmeuts.  ]>y  the  eveiiiu};  of  the 
I'lltli  all  the  available  craft  in  the  survoundinn  waters  had  been  ccd- 
lected  and  bi-ouii'lil  to  tile  liriioklyii  end  of  tlie  ferry.  The  uiiilit  was 
lorfunately  dark,  and  nol  a  slii])  of  tin'  enemy's  had  yet  apjicarcd 
in  the  vicinity,  while  Howe's  army  lay  before  our  works  in  comidele 
itinera  lire  of  the  desifjii  <d'  the  American  general.  One  by  one  the 
icjiinieiits  left  their  posts  and  were  safely  transferred  to  the  New 
^'ork  side.  At  dawn  the  business  was  still  untiuished,  but,  happily, 
a  liea\y  fof^'  obscured  river  and  land.  Nevertheless  the  last  boat- 
loads had  scarcely  left  the  I?ro(d<lyn  shore  when  the  Britisli  aji- 
jx'ared  on  the  scene,  and,  indei'il,  tlieii-  arrival  was  in  time  to  ca])- 
tiire  some  of  the  strajiglers.  It  was  a  narrow  escape  for  the  |iati-iot 
army  fi-om  the  jaws  of  cei'tain  deslruci  ion,  made  jiossible  only  by  a 
combination  of  circumstances  which  seems  providential.  It  is  told 
that  tile  wife  of  a  Toiy  named  Kapelje,  living  near  the  ferry,  as 
soon  as  the  retreatinjj,-  mox'emeut  be<ian  after  nightfall,  disjiatched 
a  uejii-o  with  information  of  it  to  the  I'ritish  camp,  but  that  the  mes- 
scnji'ei-,  after  safely  makinii'  liis  wa_\'  tlii-out;li  tlie  American  lines, 
lia<l  lli(  ill  luck  to  stumble  ujion  an  outpost  of  Hessian  mercenaries, 
w  ho  wci-e  unable  to  undei'stand  a  word  of  his  lani;ua,ii'e,  and,  not  aj)- 
prelicndinti  that  he  was  a  ]>erson  of  any  inijiortance,  did  not  turn 
him  over  to  the  I>rilish  until  moi'iiinti.  The  battle  of  I-oni;  Island, 
althouiih  in  its  immediate  i-esull  to  the  Aniericans  a  terrible  defeat, 
followed  by  the  abandonment  of  Lon^  Island  and  of  New  "^'ork  (Mty 
also,  was,  if  thoughtfully  rdlected  u]M.n,  a  defeat  of  jirodiiiioiis  ulti- 
mate ad\anta!n-e.  If  'Washimiton  had  triunijdu'd  in  that  battle,  nv 
e\cu  if  its  outcome  had  been  comparatively  indecisive,  his  generals 
Would  almost  certainly  lia\'e  insisted  on  standiuL;'  their  ;L;round,  and 
in  that  event  he  would  almost  ine\itably  have  suffered  a  mlseiabh- 
end  on  Lonii'  Island.  It  was  the  coni|)leteniss  of  his  defeat  alone 
which  ]ireser\ed  the  army  by  h'axinii  no  course  of  actiori  o|ten  ex- 
cept immediate  rc^treat.  .,VltlioUiili  the  loss  of  New  York  ("ily  also 
was  ins(d\('d,  that,  fi'om  the  American  iioini  of  \iew,  was  more  a 
relief  than  a  catastrophe,  ^^'itllout  a  lleet,  \\'asliint:tou  ne\ci-  could 
ha\c  held  the  cit\',  which,  as  ji  base  absolutely  indispensable  foi'  the 
Ib'itish  to  ac<|iiiie,  w<iiild  have  lieeii  taken  by  them  in  the  end,  e\cn 
at  the  cost  of  rediiciiiL;  it  to  ashes.  .\  n  attemjit  to  hold  it  could  have 
resulted    iu   nothing   but    a    futile   sacrilice   of  encM'uies,    troops,  and 


iiiniicy  on  ;iii  ciKii'iimiis  sciilc  It  was  best  llial  lie  slmiild  lie  rid  of  it 
al  once  Willi  no  ni-catci- sacrilicc  than  lliat  iiicni-rcd  in  tiic  briof  Long 
Island  (•anii)ainn  and  tlic  mainly  dcl('nsi\c  nioNi'int-nts  thaf  followed 
it.  He  was  tlicrvhy  released  from  a  most  perilnns  sit  nation  and  en- 
abled to  withdraw  his  army  into  the  interioi-,  where  it  conld  recruit 
its  strength,  improNc  its  discijiline,  and  lirasp  oji])oi'tnnities  as  they 
should  be  presented  in  a  stmuiile  f(n-  libert\'  whii  h  everyone  knew 
must   be  ]>rotracted  and   could   succee(l  only   IhroULih  endurance. 

The  tirst  encounter  ni  the  Kevolution  on  the  soil  of  Westidiester 
ConutA'  occurred  on  the  I'Sth  of  Aiiii.ust  in  the  vicinity  of  ^lamai'o- 
neck  between  a  jiarty  (d'  Loyalist  recruits  led  by  one  William  Louns- 
i>ni-y  and  an  American  force  commanded  by  Cajitain  Johu  i'^lood, 
which  was  sent  in  pursuit  of  them.  According;  to  the  records  of  the 
State  convention  Icr  the  2".M  h  (d'  Aujiust,  ITKJ,  "  ^Ir.  Tompkins  came 
into  convention  and  informed  that  ^fr.  I>ounsburv  was  con\e  into 
Westchester  County  with  a  commission  from  Oeneral  ]b)we  to  raise 
rangers;  and  that  a  party  of  the  militia  went  in  pursuit  of  him,  and 
were  under  the  necessity  of  killing  him,  as  he  would  iKd  surrender; 
auother  was  wounded,  and  four  were  taken  prisoners — all  his  re- 
cruits." The  prisoners  were  Jacob  Sclmreman,  Bloomer  Neilson 
I  wounded),  .Tose])h  Turner,  and  Samuel  Haines.  T,ouusl)ury  had 
been  on  board  the  "  I'ha-nix  '"  in  the  North  Kiver,  and  his  enlisting  or- 
ders were  found  on  his  person.      Ea(  h  of  his  recruits  was  to  ri'ceive  £3. 

On  Maidiattan  Island  Washington  was  still  undis])uled  master, 
and  the  British,  without  any  ])recipitancy  but  with  great  thorough- 
ness, proceeded  to  brijig  him  to  another  reckoning  there.  Although 
the  fleet  made  uo  attempt  to  dis])ose  itself  around  the  island  for 
purposes  of  co-operation  with  Howe's  land  forces  until  several  days 
after  the  battle  of  Long  Island,  two  of  the  warships,  with  a  brig,  had 
on  the  very  day  of  that  battle  takcui  a  station  above  Throgg's  Neck. 
This  was  an  ominous  move,  suggesting  an  intention  to  come  up 
tlirough  the  East  lUver  and  seize  the  numerous  strategic  points  of- 
fered by  the  islands  and  necks  of  the  river  and  Soun<l.  Between 
the  8d  and  14:th  of  September  a  number  of  the  most  powerful  frigates 
of  the  rte(>t  were  stationed  in  the  East  Kiver,  ami  what  are  now  Kan- 
dall's  and  Ward's  Islan<ls  \vere  occujued.  On  the  15th  the  frigates 
took  a  ])osition  at  the  head  of  Kip's  Bay  and  opened  a  terrific  fire 
upon  a  selected  spot  on  the  shore,  umler  whose  cover  eighty-four  boat- 
loads of  soldiers  wcic  landed  wilhont  the  least  resistance.  It  is  true 
that  Wasliiugton  had  placed  a  considerable  foi'ce  of  Connecticut  and 
.Massai  husetts  troojjs  in  that  vicinity — eight  regiments  in  all, — but 
they  beat  a  hastj'  and  decidedly  discreditable  retreat  as  soon  as  the 
enemy  showed  himself.     With  the  English  army  present  in  force  on 

EVENTS     FKO.M    .Il'LV     9     TO     OCTOBKIt     12,     177(5 


M;iiili;ilt;ui  Island,  it  \\as  now  iiiipcral  i\ cly  iicccssarv  I'lii-  Wasliiiiii- 
l(Pii  (()  willidraw  liis  whole  roininaiKl  lo  llic  ikuM  licrii  jjorlioii  of  (lie 
islaud,  whirli  he  was  forlunatel.v  able  to  do,  l'(dlo\\iiiy  the  IJIooiiiiiii;- 
dale  IJoad  on  the  west  side,  and  campiiiii  on  ihc  e\cnius>-  of  the  ITith 
on  Harlem  Heights.  IIer(»  he  established  his  head(|naiters  in  I  lie 
lloycr  Morris  mansion,  which  aflei-ward  became  the  .Jniiiel  mansion, 
and  is  still  preserved  (One  Ilnndred  and  Sixty-first  Street  near  Saint 
.\i<-holas  Avenne). 

As  has  already  been  ri-latt'd,  Colonel  Koi;cr  .Morris,  the  owner  of  t  iiis 
stately  residence,  married  Mary  Philipse,  for  whose  hand  Washington 
liimselt  is  saiil  to  have  been  a  snitor.  Mary  \\as  the  yonniicst  snr- 
\i\inii  danii'liter  of  Fre<lerick 
riiilipse.  tile  liiird  lord  (d'  the 
manor,  and  was  born  on  the  3d  (d' 
July,  1730,  nearly  two  years  be- 
fore ^\'ashini;ton  saw  the  liiiht. 
The  romantic  story  that  Washini;- 
ton  actually  sought  her  in  luar- 
riajie,  and  A\as  I'efused,  does  not 
rest  on  any  known  foundations; 
yet  there  is  strong-  presumptiM- 
evidence  that  he  admired  her  very 
heartily,  and  that  if  opportunity 
had  enabled  him  to  pay  diligent 
conrt  to  her  he  probably  wonid 
have  embraced  it.  Much  as  has 
been  written  on  this  subject,  noth- 
iu'j;  that  is  authentic,  so  far  as  we 
have  been  able  to  discover,  has 
been  added  to  Sparks's  w<dl- 
known  reference  to  it.  "  While 
in     N(M\-     York     in     175(5,"     says 

Sparks,  "  W'ashiiiiiton  was  loducd  and  kindly  entertained  at  the  house 
of  Ml-.  lieverly  Kobinson,  between  whom  ai'd  himself  an  intimacy 
of  friendshij)  subsisted,  which,  indeed,  conlinurd  wilhoui  cii.'iniic  till 
severed  b_\-  their  ()]ii)osite  fortunes  twenty  .vears  afterward  in  tiie 
Kevolution.  It  hai)pened  that  Miss  Mary  l'liilii»s(>,  a  sister  of  .Mrs. 
iiobinson,  and  a  youni;  lady  of  rare  accoin|ilisl:ments,  ^\•a^  an  in 
mate  in  liie  family.  The  charms  of  the  lady  made  a  deep  impi'cs- 
sion  n])on  the  heart  of  the  \'ii'^inia  colonel.  He  \\('nl  to  I'.oston,  re- 
turned, and  was  ayain  welcomed  to  the  liosphality  of  .Mr.  Kobinson. 
lie  liniicred  there  till  duty  called  him  away;  but  he  was  careful  to 
intrust  his  secret  to  a  coulidential  fi-ieiid,  whose  letters  kei»t   him  in- 

MARY    rillLIPSE. 


I'oiiiicd  ol  (■\civ  iiiipdriiiiif  cNciil.  In  ;i  few  iiioiitlis  inlcllii;ciHc  caiiic 
That  a  rival  was  in  tin-  Held,  iiinl  ilint  tlic  (•(hisciiucikcs  could  noi  he 
answered  for  if  lie  dela vrd  lo  iciifw  his  visits  to  New  'S'ork.  ^^'heth^■r 
(inie,  the  bustle  of  eanip,  or  I  In-  scenes  of  war  had  moderated  his 
adniiratit)n,  or  whether  lie  dcspaii-ed  of  success,  is  nol  known,  lit- 
never  saw  the  lady  a,uain  till  she  was  married  to  thai  same  rival, 
('aptain  Morris,  his  foriuei  associate  in  arms  and  one  of  I'raddock's 
aids-de-camp.''  Mary  IMiilipse's  husband  took  a  ])osilive  stand 
a.ijainst  the  patriot  cause  in  the  Kevolution,  and  as  a  consiMpience 
Ills  property  in  America  was  confiseated.  The  lady  lived  to  be  ninety- 
live  years  old,  dyini;-  in  Kni;land  in  1S25.  The  Ilarlem  lleinhls  resi- 
dence was  occupied  for  a  timo  after  the  Kevolution  as  a  tavern,  and 
was  then  ptirchased  by  Ste])hen  Jumel.  a  wealthy  frenchman,  wiiose 
widow  became  the   wife  of  Aaron   Iturr. 

On  the  16th  of  Septendx-r  occurred  the  lively  encounter  of  Har- 
lem Plains,  in  Mhicdi  the  .Vmericans  aciiuitted  thenis(dves  well  an<l 
for  the  first  time  in  the  open  field  had  the  satisfaction  of  jiutlinu' 
their  adversaries  to  fiij;lil.  After  that  no  steps  of  any  j^cneia!  ini 
])ortance  were  taken  on  eitliei-  side  for  several  weeks.  The  Ameri- 
can army  continued  to  occu])y  its  stron;i  position  on  Harlem  Ilei^lds, 
preserviujj;'  unimpaired,  by  way  of  Kiniisbridjic,  its  communication 
with  the  country  above,  and  fully  pre]iared  to  move  thither  in  case 
of  enu'rp:ency.  The  royal  ai'ni_\  made  no  attempt  aiiainst  the  .Vnier- 
ican  iulremdiments,  but  conleiited  itsidf  with  takim;'  ]iossession  of 
the  city  and  throwinii  uj)  new  defenses  for  its  more  adeipiale  pro- 
tection, while  <iradually  makinn'  ready  to  throw  its(df  bodily  into 
^^'ashin,i;ton's  rear,  an<l  thus  eilhei-  entrap  him  or  force  him  to  i;ive 

After  the  defeat  on  Lonu  Island,  the  New  York  State  convention, 
then  sitiiiiij,  at  Harlem,  deemiini  that  place  iusecurt>,  adjourned  to 
I'ishkill.  /.'//  roiifc  to  the  i!(m\-  seal  of  Ivevolutionary  no\-ei'nment  ses- 
sions wei'e  lield  by  the  commillee  of  safety  at  Kinnsbridiif  i  August 
;'>()),  at  Mr.  Odell's  house  in  Philipseburnh  .Manor  (Auijust  31),  and  at 
.Ml-.  Illa.ujic's  house  at  Croton  Kiver  lAuynst  31).  In  the  wecd^s  that 
followed  the  convention  ado])le(l  a  iireat  number  of  measures  inci- 
dental to  the  serious  silualion.  of  whicdi  many  ajiplied  sjiecially  to 
\\'est(dies(ei-  Count.v.  We  can  not  here  attemi)t  anythinLi,-  moi-e  than 
a  mere  allusion  to  some  of  the  more  intei'cstinii  of  these  measui'es. 
l'ro\ision  \\as  made  foi-  I'iMuoxiui;'  all  the  hoi-ses,  cattle,  and  other 
li\cslo(dv  fi'om  ;\lanhatli!n  Island  and  the  exjiosed  poi-tions  (d'  W'est- 
cliesler  Couidy  into  the  interior;  the  Westchester  <'ounty  farmers 
were  dir<cted  to  immediately  thresh  out  all  tlieii-  i^rain,  in  ordei'  to 
furnish  straw  for  the  army;   stores  were  takeJi  from  the  State  maga- 

EVENTS    FROM    JULY    9     TO     OCTOBER     12,     1T7(!  351 

zincs  ill  W'cslclicstcr  ('(iiiiit,\  ;iiiil  sciil  In  llic  m-iiiy;  imiitIkiscs  of 
clotliiii'i'  and  other  iiiatci-ials  for  llic  aniiv  were  made,  ami  il  was 
Di-dcrcd  that  all  the  Ixdls  should  be  lakcii  li-oiii  llic  (  liiii'iics,  and  alf 
llic  brass  kuookers  from  the  doors  nl'  iionscs,  so  as  lo  acciiiimlalc 
material  for  the  manufacture  of  cannon  in  (  asi-  of  nerd. 

On  the  same  day  that  the  Bi-itish  (dTcclcd  liicir  landing  on  ^lan- 
hattan  Island,  the  15th  of  September,  (hev  sent  three  of  liieir  besi 
warships,  tlie  "  riiu'nix,"  "];oebu(d<,"  and  '■'rnrtar,"  up  \\\i-  Ndrl  h 
Kiver  as  far  as  iUoomiiiii-dale.  There  they  i-ode  at  anchoi-  until  liie 
!Mh  of  ()ct(dier,  when  they  pushed  farther  u]»,  easily  passing  a  clirnni.r 
ill  ji-'ixr  that  had  been  constructed  Avith  mm  ii  pains  jusi  above  I'oit 
\\  asliin^lon.  This  chcvavx  dc  frise  consisted  of  a  line  of  sunken  ci-afl 
sIrelcliiiiL;-  across  the  stream,  and  it  was  hoixd  that  the  obstructions 
woiihi  at  least  detain  the  enemy's  vessels  long-  euousih  to  admit  of 
their  beinj;  so  destructively  played  ujton  by  the  Fort  Washimiloii 
and  l'\irt  Lee  batteries  as  to  compid  them  to  turn  Inick.  It  is  line 
the  batteries  did  some  execution,  killing  and  wdumlinji  men  on  each 
sliij);  but  the  obstructions  in  the  river  uidortunately  bej;an  some 
distance  from  the  shore,  leavin,n'  an  open  s]iace  of  tolerably  deep 
water  iliidin^h  which  the  expedition  i)assed  without  dilliniity  and 
with  little  delay.  Tlie  warships  proceeded  as  far  as  Dobbs  I'eiry, 
and  later  moved  u])  to  Tarrytown,  where  tliev  vemaiiied,  wlndly  in- 
arti\'e.  throiiuiioul  the  jieriod  of  the  e\(  ntliil  military-  o|ierations  in 
W'estchcstei-  County.  It  does  not  a])pear  that  they  accomplished 
anytliiiiii  except  the  seizure  of  a  few  river  craft  c.irryini^-  suiiidics  to 
llie  .\meiican  army,  altlioiiL;li  imideiililly  ilu  \-  closed  the  navi^aiioii 
of  the  lower  ri\'er  to  the  .Vmericans  and  perha]>s  diverted  to  the 
Hudson  shore  of  W'estcliester  County  some  troojis  that  otherwise 
\\(mld  ha\e  been  used  to  streniitheii  I  he  coal  ineiital  army.  It  is 
the  general  o]iinion  of  historical  writers  that  the  real  ]uii]iose  (d'  tlie 
Urilish  commander  in  seiidini;-  them  up  the  stream  was  to  make  a 
feint  and  cause  the  .Americans  to  fix  their  attention  niton  the  Hud- 
son while  he  was  pri'|iarinii  to  out  Hank  \\asliini;ton  from  the  Sound. 
The  incident  ceiiainly  did  ]iro(liice  a  \ast  deal  ol'  uneasiness  on  the 
.\iiierican  side.     We  shall   recur  to  this  subject    in  detail   later. 

While  W'ashinnton  lay  emamiied  on  the  lleiiilits  of  Harlem,  the 
whole  soiil  hern  border  of  \\'<'Sl(liester  ( 'ouiily,  stretchiui;'  from  S]my 
ten  l»uy\il  Creek  to  the  Sound,  was  ])idlecl(cl  by  a  larji'e  force  under 
the  ellicieiit  command  of  (Jeneral  Heath,  with  heaihpiarters  at  Kinus 
bridge.  The  defensive  works  at  Kin^sbriduc  and  its  \icinity,  com- 
menced in  the  spi-iiiii,  had  by  arduous  laixir  been  completed,  ami 
now  comprised  nine  widl  fortified  and  garrisoned  |)ositions,  ha\ini: 
for  Iheir  central  and  most  powerful  point   what  was  called  Fort  In- 



(k'pL'U(k'ine,  oil  Ti'l  aid's  1 1  ill,  \\  1 1  ere  t  lie  taiiii  of  <  iciicial  Ki  chard  .Mont- 
gomery then  was,  and  ahoiii  w  licic  the  house  of  NN'illiani  0<;(len  Giles 
now  stands.  It  "  oconpied  a  most  coniniandinii  position.  ovcrlo(dvin<j; 
the  Albany  road  on  oik-  side  and  the  Bosttm  road  on  the  other," 
and  "had  two  bastions  at  ihc  westerly  auales."  After  the  battle  of 
Loni;  Island,  and  ]n'evionsl\  to  the  oceii]ialion  of  .Manliattan  Island 
by  the  enemy,  General  I  leal  h  had  ado])tcd  cvcellcnt  ])recautions 
ai;aiust  a  possible  landing  in  Westchester  County.  Early  in  Septem- 
ber he  established  a  chain  of  vedettes  from  Morrisania  to  Throjig's 
Neck,  so  as  to  provide  for  immediate  information  of  any  hostile  move- 
ment that  might  reqtnre  resistance  in  force.  He  also  began  to  render 
the  roads  leading  from  tin 

iini)assable  to  the  Britisli   art 


villages  OH  the  Harlem  and  the  Sound 
rtiiiery  by  felling  trees  athwart  them 
and  digging  deep  pits.  His 
division  Avas  increased  to  ten 
thonsand  men  of  all  arms 
(  iiichiding  ineffectives),  while 
about  an  e(jual  number  re- 
mained with  Washington  on 
.Manhattan  Island.  This  dis- 
])osition  shows  how  imjior- 
tant  was  deemed  the  busi- 
ness of  guarding  against 
the  contingency  of  a  sudden 
attempt  to  cut  olV  the  re- 
treat of  the  army  to  the 
north.  The  suggestion  of  the 
liktdiliood  of  siudi  an  at- 
temi»t  was  received,  as  we  ha\c  noted,  on  the  27th  of  August,  when 
two  liritish  ships  and  a  brig  took  a  station  above  Throgg's  Neck. 
That  was,  however,  only  a  preliminary  movement,  and,  although  men 
from  the  ships  were  landed  on  City  Island  and  seized  all  tlu'  catth' 
they  found  there,  they  quickly  retired  ui)on  the  arrival  of  a  regi- 
ment sent  by  General  Heath  to  protect  that  locality.  On  the  10th 
of  Se]>lember,  five  days  before  the  IJrifish  army  moved  upon  Wash- 
ington's forces  from  Kip's  P>ay,  Montressor's  (now  Randall's)  Island 
was  taken,  and  a  defaidnuent  was  placed  there,  with  a  large  amount 
of  stores.  The  island  coiniuanded  the  Morrisania  shore,  and  Colonel 
]\Torris's  manor  house  was  -within  con\cnienl  range.  Some  four  hun- 
dred of  Heath's  men  were  jjosted  along  the  shoris  and  for  a  lime 
there  were  fre(iuent  interchanges  of  com]diments  between  their  sen- 
tinels and  those  of  the  British  on  the  island.  Much  irritation  was 
caused  on  both  sides  by  occasional  exchanges  of  shots  between  the 

EVENTS     FlIOM     .ni.V     9     TO     OCTOBEIt     12,     1T7(!  353 

si'iitiii(-ls,  (•(iiilri!i-y  lo  llic  I'ciiuliitions  of  wiir,  .nid  ;is  ji  icsiilt  tlu' 
Uiilisli  (•(imiiiiiiikIci-  tlii-ciilciicd  to  cjuuioiiiKlc  llic  .Morris  house.  Tlies»! 
|ii-ii(ticcs  wi'V:'  liiiiill.v  slopiicd.  iuul  il  is  rcliilcd  lli;il  the  o|)])osin<>' 
|iickcts  were  ;irtci-\viu-(l  "so  civil  lo  carli  oilier  lii;il  thev  used  to  ox- 
tliain;!'  tobacco  by  tlirowiiiii  I  lie  roll  across  the  creek."  On  the  l!  It  h  of 
Septeiiibc'r  a  dariiiii  aJleiiipl  was  made  to  recajitiire  the  island.  Diirinu 
the  preceilinii  niiiht  an  exiieditiou  of  two  liiin<lred  and  fort  v  men, 
loaded  on  three  (latboais,  with  a  I'onrth  boat  lieariiij;  a  small  cannon, 
drojiped  down  I  he  I  larleni  from  Kinnsbrid^e.  depending;  npon  t  he  t  ide 
to  float  t  hem  up  on  t  he  island  about  daybreak.  They  .-irrived  al  t  he  cal- 
culated time,  with  lU)  other  misad\  "uture  I  han  an  unfortunate  experi- 
ence with  an  American  sentry,  who,  refusing  to  b(die\'e  that  they  were 
friemis,  dis(  hai'ucd  his  jiun  at  them,  theicby  ])i<diably  alai-miiin-  the 
enemy.  Vet  the  endeavor  would  undoublt'dly  have  succeeded  if  it 
had  not  been  for  tlie  cowardly  Ixdiavior  of  the  troojis  on  two  of  the 
boats,  who  at  the  critical  nnmn'ut  failed  to  land.  The  heroic  party 
that  did  land  according  to  ]»roiiranune  was  easily  repulsed  and  made 
to  retreat,  sustainiuii  a  loss  of  fourteen  kilh^l  and  wounded.  Amon^ 
the  killed  was  a  very  promisinu  younji:  otiticer,  .Major  llcnly,  whose 
death   was  mu(di  lamented. 

After  this  affair  of  Se])ieml)ei'  24  on  Kaudall's  Island,  the  lii'st  en 
counter  of  the  war  aloti^'  the  soutliern  side  of  Wesichi'sler  County, 
Ihei-e  was  ii  pei-iod  of  nearly  three  we(d<s  during  which  ,-ibs;dnt(dy 
no  collision  worth  mentioniniioccurred  between  the  American  and 
r>ritisli  foi-ces,  either  on  ^laidiattan  Island  t>v  in  Westchester  Connly 
or  its  watei's.  (Jeneral  Heath  was  not  inactive,  however.  With  keen 
foresight,  he  made  a  careful  inspection,  on  the  :!d  <d'  (»ct(dier,  of  ilie 
'l\twn  of  Westcdiester  and  the  a]>iiroa(h  to  i!  fruni  the  miv,hboriu^ 
peninsula  of  Thro^ji's  N:'(d<  (or  Frof^'s  Xe(d<,  as  il  was  usually  called 
in  those  daysi.  That  jm  innsula,  ('xtondiny-  more  than  two  miles  into 
the  Siniml,  was  at  hii;]i  tide  a  complete  island,  separated  fr<Mu  the 
maiidand  by  W'estchest  I'r  Creek  and  a  marsh,  o\cr  which  were  built 
a  plaidc  bridjic  and  a  causeway.  At  the  west<M'u  extremity  of  the 
bridge  stood  a  wooden  I  ide-mill, erected  f])robably  in  the  last  dec;ideof 
the  seven  I  cent  h  cent  uryl,  at  his  own  ex  ixuise,  by  Colonel  ( 'aleb  I  b  at  !i- 
cote,  first  uia_\(U-  id'  the  b(Uoui;h  Town  of  ^^'esl chest er.  \\  thai  point 
also  a  larii'e  (pnintity  of  cordwood  had  Iximi  ]iiled  up,  which  (ieneral 
Heath  fiMind  to  be  "as  ad  va  nt  aneously  situated  to  cover  a  jiost  de- 
fi'udiui;  the  jiass  as  if  constructed  foi"  the  very  |)Ui'pose.""  It  was  a 
\aluable  stratc'LiU-  jiosition — a  fi'W  men  posted  there  could  hold  an 
army  al  bay.  and,  moreover,  as  the  bridge  and  causeway  comniii- 
uicaled  direct  with  the  X'ilhi^e  of  \\'esl(diester,  it  w  .as  a  \er,\-  neces- 
sary precaution  (o  have  them  jiuarded,  <iuile  irresi)ec(ive  of  the  p<»s- 


sibililY  lliat  Tlirojiji's  Neck  iniulil  jd-ovf  to  hv  the  rliuscu  liiiidinj;- 
place  of  the  now  diulv  expected  im  adiiig-  host.  Accordiugly  the  jjeu- 
eral— "we  quote  from  "  lleatli's  Mciiioirs  " — '"directed  Colonel  Hand, 
immediately  on  his  return  to  caiiiji,  to  lix  upon  one  of  the  best  snlial 
tern  oUticers  and  twent,v-fiYe  picked  men  of  his  corps,  and  assifiii  lliciii 
to  this  pass,  as  their  alarm  post  at  all  times;  and  in  case  the  enemy 
made  a  landing-  on  Frofi's  Neck  to  ilirect  this  otiticer  immediately  to 
take  up  the  planks  of  the  bridi;!';  to  liave  everything  in  readiness  to 
set  tlie  mill  ou  fire,  but  not  to  do  it  unless  the  tire  of  the  riflemen 
should  appear  insufficient  to  check  the  advance  of  the  enemy  on  the 
causeway;  to  assign  another  party  to  the  liead  of  the  creek;  to  re- 
enforce  both,  in  case  the  ciiciny  huidcd;  and  that  he  should  be  sup- 
ported." Upon  the  arrangcmcnls  llius  made  Avere  to  depend,  a  few 
days  later,  perhaps  the  very  salvation  of  the  American  army.  Of 
the  fight  which  occurred  there,  Mr.  Fordliani  Morris,  in  his  "  History 
of  the  Town  of  Westchester,"  a](])ro]iriately  says  that  il  was  the 
"Lexington  of  Westchester,""  and  lliat  it  is  to  be  "  hoited  that  the 
wealth  and  patriotism  of  (lie  Town  id'  ^^  estchester  A\ill  some  da\ 
caiise  an  appi'opriate  monument  to  be  erecti'd  Jiear  I  lie  hrid;^c  in 
commemoration  of  the  battle  of  \\'estchester  Creek. ""^ 

Long  before  the  period  at  w  liicli  we  have  now  arri\cd  the  w  liole  of 
the  Westchestt'r  Counly  militia  had  been  ordered  into  acti\('  s>'rvice. 
Some  were  sent  to  I'eeksjcill  and  tlie  Iliglibanls,  and  some  wei'e 
posted  along  the  Hudson  I\i\cr;  but  most  of  tliem  were  attached  lo 
Ceiieral  HeatlTs  command  a(  Kiiigsbridge,  and  were  detaileil  to 
guard  the  southern  and  easteiii  shore  line.  It  was,  in  the  aggregate, 
a  curious  armament  that  Westchester  County  contributed  to  the  con- 
tinental battalions.  The  State  convention,  in  ordering  out  these  mili- 
tiamen, directed  that  if  any  of  the  men  Avere  without  arms  they 
should  bring  "a  shovel,  a  pickaxe,  or  scythe,  straightened  and  li.\<Ml 
on  a  iwle."  They  were,  moreover,  to  take  Avith  them  all  "disarmed 
and  disaffected  (Tory)  male  inhabitants  betAveen  sixteen  and  fifty- 
five  years  of  age,"  avIio  Avere  (o  make  themselves  useful'  as  "  fatigue 
men";  and  persons  of  this  descrijition  who  resisttnl  orders  were  to 
be  sunnnarily  court-martialed.  The  State  convention  evidently  did 
not  cherish  a  high  opinion  of  the  efhciency  of  the  farmer  soldiery. 

1  The  mill  stood  sit  the  southwpstcrii   othI  of  tolil     me     lii'    .-issisfod    in    ro-covoriiip:    It    iiKiny 

the  stnue  bridge  wliicL  now  connects  TlirofiK's  yeiirs    before,    .nnd    found    nnder    tin'    sliint'le!! 

Neck  with  the  inuinland.    It  was  destroyed  by  then    eoverini;   it   another  coyeriuK.    iiii'rced    In 

lire  early  in  December,  1S74.    To  the  last  it  was  many  places  with  bullet  holes."    .\bout  a  third 

in  a  good  state  of  preservation  for  its  age,  and  of  a  mile  from  the  bridge,   on  the  premises  of 

was  still  in  use  for  grinding  grain.     "The  old  Mr.   Brainerd   T.   Harrington,    grape-shot    were 

mill,"   writes  a  venerable  resident  of  the  local-  found    as    late   as   l,S6li.    These    evidently    were 

ily    to    the    present    historian,    "  was    sided    in  some  of  the  missiles  tired  over  by  the   .\mer- 

wilh    shingles,    and   a    man    living  here   in    1S49  lean  artillery. 

EVENTS    FKoM    iiLv    it    Ti)    ()(r(ii;i:i;    12,    1 TTC)  355 

111  :i  Idler  lo  (iciiri-al  \\';isliiiiul()ii,  dalcd  Hi"  mill  (if  Ocldbcr,  il.s 
I'liiiiiiiil  Ice  of  safety  iir.iied  hi  in  lo  lal<('  incasni-es  of  1 1  is  own  for  yiiard- 
iiii;  ai^aiiist  laii(liiii;s  h.v  t  lie  eiieiii.v  al  all  poiiils,  addiiit;-  (liiit.  "no 
reliance  at  all  ran  be  placed  on  the  iiiililia  of  Westchester  ("ouiity." 
But  tills  wa.s  no  exclusive  reliection  upon  (lie  soldierly  ((iialities  of 
the  lueii  of  our  coniit.v,  Hie  i-aw  iiii-al  militia  of  all  sections  naturally 
receivinii  like  ciiticisni.  In  nunieroiis  coiniiiiiiiications  written  dur- 
inii'  those  ](erilous  days  Washington  wi'ole  with  a^'ony  of  soul  ahoul 
the  miserable  sul)ject  of  the  militia.  "The  militia,"  he  said  in  a 
letter  to  tlie  president  of  Hie  continental  congress,  ''  instead  of  callim;- 
forth  their  utmost  efforts  to  a  brave  and  manly  o|)])ositioii,  in  order 
to  repair  our  losses,  are  dismayed,  intractable,  and  impatient  to  re- 
turn. Great  numbers  of  Hiem  have  m'one  off;  in  some  instances 
almost  by  Avhole  regiments,  by  half  ones,  and  by  coni])anies  at  a 
time."  And  in  a  letter  to  his  brother  he  liiive  the  followiiii;  vivid 
account  of  the  situation:  "The  dependence  which  the  conj;-ress  have 
l)hiced  ujioii  Hi(>  militia  has  already  oreatly  injured  and,  I  fear,  will 
totally  ruin  our  cause.  Beini;-  subject  to  no  control  themselves,  they 
introduce  disorder  amoiifi'  the  troops  Avhoni  we  have  attempted  to 
discijdiue,  while  the  chalice  in  th<>ir  livinji'  brings  on  sickness,  and 
this  causes  an  ini])atieiice  to  get  home,  which  spreads  universally 
and  introduces  abominable  desertions.  In  short,  it  is  not  in  the 
power  (d'  \\(U'ds  to  describe  the  task  I  have  to  ])erforni." 

Notwithstar.ding  the  terrible  emergencies  \\itli  whicii  Washing- 
ton was  confi'onted,  his  efl'ective  force  after  his  escape  to  the  Heights 
of  Harlem  (September  1(>)  showed  a  diminishing  tendency.  On  the 
LMst  of  September  the  whole  army,  including  General  Heath's  com- 
mand, coni]n'ised  (exclusive  of  officers)  about  10,100  men  fit  for  duty; 
on  the  :50th  of  September,  about  15,100;  and  on  the  r)tli  of  October, 
about  14,r)00.  These,  besides  embracing  a  large  proportion  of  crude 
militiamen  who  were  an  element  of  weakness,  were  encumbered  by 
Ihousaiids  (d'  sick.  On  the  other  hand.  General  Howe  had  at  his 
dis]H)sal  for  the  invasion  of  \\'esfcliester  County,  after  leaving  behind 
him  ample  garrisons,  as  \\(dl  as  ail  his  sick,  an  arni^'  many  thousands 
hirger — all  |irofessionai  s(ddi"rs.  The  contrastiiiii'  conditions  are  thus 
|H(wei-fuliy  suiiiniari/.ed  in  the  noioiioiis  .Tose]di  (!ailowa_\'s  "Letters 
to  a  Xobleman":  "The  l!i-ilish  ainiy  ^\•as  commanded  by  al>le  and 
experienced  othceis;  the  rebel  by  men  destitute  of  military  skill  or 
ex]ieii,Mi(e,  and,  for  the  mosi  par',  taken  fi-oni  mechanic  arts  or  the 
1i1oul;]i.  Tile  first  were  jiossessed  of  the  best  appointments,  anil  more 
ihan  tiiey  could  use;  and  the  other  of  the  wcu'st,  and  less  than  they 
wanted.  The  one  were  ill  tended  by  the  ablest  surgeons  and  jdiysi- 
ciaiis,  healthy  and   lii.uh-spiriteij ;    tin*  other  were  negiecled   in    Hieir 

356  HISTORY  OF  ^VEs'I('Ill•;sTEl^  county 

licallli,  tlotliin.u,  and  ])ay,  were  sickly,  and  coustantly  nmrniurinfi-  and 
dissatisfied.  And  tlic  one  w ci'c  vctcraji  troojis,  carryinii  victory  and 
(■(MKiucst  wlicresoever  they  wci-c  led;  the  other  Avere  new  raised  and 
niidiscipiined,  a  panicstnic]<  and  defeated  enemy  w  ticrever  a(- 
lacl<e(l.  Sncli  is  file  true  conijiarative  difference  Uetwcen  tlie  force 
sent   to  suppress  anil  that  which  supported  the  rcliellioM." 



KXEKAL  HOWE'S  (letcniiinjition  to  move  his  ;iriiiy  into 
W'csttlu'ster  Coiuity  by  way  of  the  East  River  and  I.onji 
Island  Sound  was  i)erfeetly  j;uai'(kMl  from  Wasliinnlon's 
knowh'diic  In  all  the  otticial  correspondence  on  the  Amer- 
ica]) side  u\>  to  rhc  day  of  Howe's  landinj;  in  onr  county  (Octoltcr  12), 
tlici'c  ajijicars  not  the  sliyhtest  iidclinj;-  of  the  real  desiyns  of  the 
Rritish  commander.  Indeed,  during  (he  days  when  Howe  was  makiuff 
the  Hual  preparations  for  his  i;rand  coup,  American  attention  was 
ahsorlM'd  l)y  the  successful  passaiie  of  the  tliree  Rritish  friualcs  (the 
"  riio'nix,"  "Roebuck,"  and  "Tartar"!  np  I  he  Hudson  River  past 
tlie  batteries  of  the  forts  and  around  tlio  clicrdii.r  dc  frisi\  wliicli 
was  deemed  a  most  calamitous  occurreiuc  I'rom  the  time  ol'  llio 
a])]K'arancc  of  the  Rritish  expedition  in  New  York  waters  the  greatest 
solicit ndc  had  been  felt  for  the  safety  of  the  Avhole  Hudson  Valley; 
and  it  scciiicd  scarcely  to  admit  of  doubt  that  the  early  mastery  of 
tile  llndsou  as  fai'  as  the  llinlilands,  to  be  followe(l  by  proi^ressive 
occupation  of  that  most  vital  iciiion,  \\as  a  necessary  fcatui-e  of  the 
comi)reh('nsive  scheme  for  jKnalyzinii  all  American  resistance  which 
this  ]H)\\(iful  expedition  was  manifestly  intended  to  comjjass.  Pop- 
ular a]>])relii']isiou  on  this  i)oint  was  stimulated  by  the  action  of 
the  Ibitish  commander  in  dis])at(hin;i  ships  up  the  Hudson  almost 
imnu'diately  after  his  arrival  in  New  Vork  Ray.  Durinj;  tlie  pause 
after  the  bitter  American  defeat  on  i.on<i  Island,  all  the  conditions 
seemed  to  indicate  that  whatever  (ieneral  Howe's  ])reference  mi.i;ht 
be  in  the  selectiini  of  a  quarter  from  \\lii<h  to  renew  his  direct  oper- 
ations aiiainst  Wasliinnlon's  army,  he  Avouhl  at  least  not  neglect  to 
sec>ir<'  a  substantial  foiithold  ai  the  essential  ])oints  alonj;-  the  lower 
Hudson.  Hence  the  Auiei-ican  measures  tor  obsli-uci  iii^'  the  uaviga- 
tion  of  tile  river  and  for  ]»roiectinu  the  IIii;hhnid's.  It  is  of 
course  idle  to  sjieculate  as  to  the  probabh'  results,  in  their  relations 
tit  least  to  the  uliiuiate  fortunes  of  ihe  wai-.  thai  would  have  at- 
tended an  elfecti\e  la  ml  occupat  loll  at  t  his  early  ]>eriod  of  the  western 
part  of  onr  county,  or  even  of  the  very  small  section  from  \'erplanck's 



I'oiiit  til  Aiillioiiy's  Xnsc.  Itui  il  si-ciiis  an  in-csislihlc  cnnrlusinii 
lliiit,  witli  tlu'  latter  slialcuic  siMiioii  in  the  hands  nf  ilic  I'.iitish. 
and  Mil' vivcr  from  Kinji's  l^'ci-ry  In  S|Mi\i(Mi  Diiyvil  Ci'cck  jjatrollrd 
l)y  a  (Ictachniciit  from  tlicir  licet,  the  entire  theater  of  war  wmild 
iiave  lieen  rliani;('<l  and  a  jirinie  obj'-ct  of  the  Britisli  uovernment  — 
the  ])ossession  of  the  llmlsoii  Uivcr  throughout  its  (-(nirse  and  the 
fonstMjueut  division  of  the  colouieb — would  have  bt-eu  almost  com- 
pletely realiz<-(l  at  t)iice.  The  escape  of  Washington  to  New  Jersey 
would"  tlien  have  been  cut  (dT,  and  h(>  would  have  been  obliged  to 
retreat  into  New  England,  wiili  the  single  alternative  of  waging  a 
defensive  local  war  tin  re  or  proceeding  by  a  round-about    noitiiern 

route  to  the  middle  colonies,  where 
also  he  would  have  been  un<ler  the 
disability  of  local  confinement,  with 
his  lines  of  eastern  communication 
closed  by  the  Hudson.  Ueiieral 
Howe's  calculations  were  not,  how 
ever,  so  fai'-reaching;  he  was  en- 
grossed with  the  immediate  busi- 
ness (d'  annihilating  the  j)atriot 
army.  He  jtrobably  felt  that  the 
diversi(m  of  so  large  a  force  as 
would  be  necessary  to  hold  the 
^^'estchester  bank  of  the  Hudson 
,  Avould    be    an    unprotitable    division 

GENERAL  HOWE.  of    his    Strength    at    the    time,    and 

he  did  not  care  to  risk  the  losses 
likely  to  result  in  passing  numerous  warships  and  transports  around 
the  cJicraiij-  dc  /r/sc  under  the  gnus  of  I-'ort  ^^'ashington  and  I.i'c. 

The  final  decision  of  Howe  to  move  on  (ieneral  Washington  from 
tlie  Sound  without  ]ireliminarily  closing  the  Hudson  against  him  as 
far  north  as  the  Highlands  was  indeed  a  reversal  of  what  was  ex- 
pected by  the  best  American  opinion.  Not  that  it  was  seriously  sup- 
jMised  Howe's  main  attack  would  proceed  from  the  river  side  of 
AN'estchester  County.  It  was  not  doubted  that  when  he  got  I'eady  to 
act  he  would  choose  some  ]ioint  on  the  Sound  for  his  out  tlaidciug 
mo\'euu>nt,  since  that  coast  was  wludly  unprotected  by  .\merican 
forts  or  im])rovised  imjx'dinn-uls  to  navigation,  and  from  its  low 
i'ornial  ion  alTorded  perfectly  satisfactory  condiliiuis  foi'  landing,  w I lich 
nowhere  existed  on  the  ]ii('ci|>ilous  shores  ol  the  Hudson.  Hut  there 
"was  an  appi-ehen.sion  on  the  AmericaTi  side  which  amounted  to  con- 
viction that  before  making  his  next  mo\enieut  in  force  he  would 
secure  the  innigation  <>(  the  Hudson;    and  upon  that   ipiartei-  .\meri- 

CAMrAiGN  AAD   nAr'rr.i:  of   white  plains  ;.io9 

(•.•III  iillciilioii  \v;is  fixed  willi  in  iiiixicly  wliirli  hrcame  iiaiiiCul  aficr 

I  lie  easy  passage  of  tlic  climillr  ilc  //-/.vr    \t\    I  lie   tlll^cc  liostilc   slli|is   nil 

tlic  '.till  of  October. 

Ill  a  series  of  iioteworl  li\  otiicial  lei  lers  ol'  i  iiat  iieiiod,  wiiose  orii;- 
iiials  Jiave  been  placed  at  the  disposal  of  the  editor  of  the  ]ii'eseiit 
Ilistoi^v,  the  wjiole  situation  from  the  American  jioint  of  view  is 
made  slrikinnly  clear.  After  tlie  removal  of  the  iui<;ratory  State 
convention  from  White  I'Jains  to  {''ishkill,  that  body  appointed  "u 
coiiimitlee  of  corresiiondence  for  the  [Mirjiose  of  obtainiiii;  intelli- 
jicnce  from  the  army"";  and  the  committee,of  which  William  Uner  was 
till'  active  spirit,  made  arraiiiicmeiit  with  Lieutenant-Colonel  Tench 
'ril^liiuan,  one  of  Wasliiiii:ton"s  aides,  for  a  daily  letter  from  army 
lieaihinarters.  The  resnltinii  letters  extend  from  the  22d  of  September 
to  the  21st  of  October.  The  originals  furnished  us,  thirty-seven  in 
number,  are  from  the  documentary  remains  of  Colonel  Tilj^hman 
now  owned  by  his  descendant,  lion.  Oswald  Tilghman,  of  Maryland; 
and  lor  the  most  part  are  the  communications  of  Dner,  on  behalf  of 
the  committee,  in  rejily  to  Til,i;liman"s  notes  of  information,  allhouj;li 
a  few  letters  to  Til<;hman  from  other  members  of  the  committee,  to- 
^■ther  with  copies  of  some  of  Tilnhman's  notes  to  the  committee,  are 
tomprehended  in  tlie  collection.  The  circtimstance  that  most  of  the 
letters  are  from  Duer,  one  of  the  most  intelli.i;:'nt  and  valuable  meiu- 
bei's  of  the  State  convention,  and  represent  in  an  unstinted  way  the 
icelinsis  and  ojiinions  entertained  in  State  government  quarters  about 
the  posture  of  affairs  on  the  basis  of  daily  news  from  Washington's 
army,  adds  naturally  to  the  interest  of  the  whol(>  correspondence.' 

The  documents  begin  with  a  letter  from  Dm-r  to  Tilghman,  daleil 
"  I'Msh-Kills,  Sept.  22d,  177(i,""  in  which  llie  latter  is  informt'd  (d'  the 
a|iiioinInient  of  the  committee  and  re(|uesled  to  ac<-e]tt  the  function 
of  head(iuarters  correspondent.  The  following  are  extracts  from  the 
curresiKtudem^e  up  to  the  dale  of  ihe  landing  of  the  Uritish  army  in 
our  count_\-: 

Duel-  to  Tiijjhniaii,  September  25. — I  shall  comimiiiicate  your  Letter  to  the  ("ouvention 
— to-uiorrow  wlio  will  (I  doubt  not)  be  haj)]>y  to  find  that  their  Attention  to  the  Obstruetion 
of  Hudson's  Hiver  meets  with  General  \Vasliin<;ton's  appiubation. 

Duer  to  Til^liniaii,  Sejiteniber  '2(>. — I  exjieet  daily  to  hear  of  (lie  Eiieniy's  making-  some 
fjreat  Attempt.  It  is  surely  their  Business  if  they  hope  to  malii'  a  ('ampai<;n  any  wise  hon- 
orable to  theni.  Your  present  station  [<ui  Harlem  Heii^hts]  appears  to  nu"  extrenu'ly  advan- 
taijeous,  and  1  have  no  doubt  but  you  will  fjive  a  f^ood  aeeoiint  of  them  should  they  be  hardy 
rniMij;!!  toattaek  your  Lines.  I  should  have  little  an.xietv  were  I  eonvineed  of  the  Suflieiency 
nf  our  Obstruetions  in  Hudson's  Kiver  1  do  not  think  it  improbable  that  the  Knemy  may 
Tuaridi   (lart    of   their  l-'oree  to  the    Eastern    Part    of    Lon;.;    Island,  and   endi'avor   to   transjiort 

'The  e*irres|Miinleiiee  was  printed  In  detail  In  Interest,  whleli.  however,  not  helnp  specially 
the  New  York  Tinus  of  April  7.  14,  21.  and  2S.  piTtlnent  to  our  );eneral  narrative,  nuist  be 
1895.    n    inrluiles    niueh    subsidiary    nuitter    of        oncillid   here. 


them  ai'ioss  tlie  Sound,  in  older  to  come  on   the    Hear  of  iiiii-   Works.      I   ihire   say  however 
tliat  Precautious  will  be  made  here  to  prevent  any  Surprise  of  tliat  Kind. 

Duer  to  LiviniTston,  Septendjer  27. — I  have  lieard  it  reported  that  near  1011  Sail  of  tiie 
Enemy's  ships  are  gone  out  of  the  llook  [Sandy  Hook].  Is  it  true?  If  so,  it  is  far  from 
improl>al)le  that  they  will  go  round  Long  Island  into  the  Sound,  and  Endeavor  to  Land  in  the 
Rear  of  our  Army.  From  many  Circumstances  I  do  not  think  it  iniprobalih'  they  may 
attempt  to  land  at  Sutton's  Neck,'  al)ont  10  niih's  from  Kingsbridge.  I  Hatter  myself  we 
shall  be  on  o\ir  (iuard  to  prevent  any  Manoeuvre  of  this  kind. 

I  expect  every  Moment  to  hear  of  some  Attempt  at  Mount  [Fort]  VVasliingtou,  wh'  is 
in  my  opinion  the  most  Important  Post  in  all  America  as  it  commands  the  Communication 
betwi.vt  the  United  States.  Is  it  practicalih'  for  the  Enemy  to  get  Possession  of  the  high 
Grounds  on  tlie  West  Side  of  the  River?  If  they  should  succeed  in  an  Attempt  of  that  kind 
— the  (iarrison  in  that  Post  [Fort  LccJ  would  be  made  very  Uneasy.  I  trust  liowever  tliat 
our  Army  would  never  desert  .so  important  a  Station  witliont  making  it  tlie  dearest  bought 
(iround  wh'  the  Enemy  have  hitherto  got. 

Duer  to  Tilghman,  September  28. — Voii  observe  that  if  the  Passage  of  the  North  Kiver 
is  sufficiently  obstructed  that  our  Lines  will  keep  the  Enemy  from  making  any  Progress  in 
Front.  This  is  certainly  true;  but  you  must  recollect  that  the  Sound  is,  and  must  ever  be, 
open;  and  if  they  should  succeed  in  Lauding  a  Body  of  Men  in  Westchester  Ciumty,  they 
might  by  drawing  lines  to  the  North  River  as  elfcctnally  hem  us  in,  as  if  we  were  in  New 
York,  from  Sutton's  Neck  to  the  North  River  (if  I  am  not  mistaken)  is  not  aliovc  Twelve 
Miles.     ... 

I  expect  that  the  Vessells  wh  the  Convention  of  this  State  have  ordered  to  Mount 
[Fort]  Washington  will  be  arrived  before  this  letter;  no  Time  I  dare  say  will  be  lost  in 
sinking  them  in  the  proper  Cliaimell,  since  the  Sticcess  of  our  Army  depends  .so  much  on  this 

Duer  to  Tilghman,  September  30. —  1  am  I'xtremely  hajifiy  to  liear  that  you  are  in  so 
good  a  Situation  fiu'  opposing  the  Enemy  should  they  make  an  Attempt  to  force  your  Lines, 
and  I  should  be  still  more  so  were  the  Vessells,  we  have  lately  .sent  down,  properly  Sunk. 
The  Precaution  you  have  taken  by  breaking  up  the  Roads  from  the  Sound  are  certainly  are 
very  proper;  and  will  of  course  tend  to  impede  the  Motions  of  the  Enemy  should  they  land 
in  that  (Quarter,  wh  for  my  own  Part  1  think  may  be  the   Case.      .      . 

The  late  Strong  Southerly  Wind  atforded  in  my  Opinion  a  Strong  Temptation  to  the 
Enemy  to  try  the  Strength  of  our  Clie\au  de  Frise.  Probalily  they  esteem  them  more 
effectual  than  we  do.      May  this  Sentiment  prevail  till  we  have  completed  these  Obstructions. 

Duer  to  Tilghman,  October  1. — I  am  happy  to  tind  by  your  Letter  of  the  3()th  ulto. 
that  you  are  upon  a  Guard  against  the  Enemys  Operations  of  coming  upon  your  Rear;  you 
may  (I  think)  depend  that  this  will  be  their  Mode  of  Attack.  From  the  Nature  however  of 
the  Grounds  I  think  you  will  be  able  to  make  a  Formidable  Opposition.  They  ought  not, 
must  not,  shall  not  get  in  your  Rear.  Should  they  succeed  no  Event  so  fatal  could  ever 
bid'all  the  American  Cause. 

I  am  sorry  the  Ships  have  been  so  long  detained;  but  I  hope  they  will  be  with  you 
before  this  arrives.  Don't  let  their  Youth  or  their  Reality  plead  for  them,  if  there  is  the 
least  Probability  of  their  rendering  the  Obstructions  in  that  part  of  Hudson's  River  more 
effectual.  I  am  convinced  upon  the  Maturest  Reflection  that  a  Million  of  Money  would  be  a 
triding  Compensation  for  the  Loss  of  the  Navigation  of  Hudson's  River. 

Duer  to  Tilghman,  October  2. — I  can  scarcely  describe  to  you  my  feelings  at  this 
interesting  Period.  What,  with  the  Situatiiui  of  our  Enemies  in  your  Quarter,  and  the 
cursed  Machinations  of  our  Intcriial3Foes,'_tlic  Fatc'of  this  State  bangs  on  a  Single    Batth-   of 

I  Tlic   nock    fit    land  just    below    .MaiiKiroiicc-k  ;v   lilnw   :il    llir  .\iniTl<-.ins  or  seeking'  iiii.v  iitlicr     MaiiKironock    provcil    to    In'    (lie    nlll-  nliieoi    ih.iii    .'i    s.-il  isfiii'tni-y    linsic    posilicni.    tii 

luMlc  iioiut  on  the  Sound  occ-iipieil  by  lliv  LSrlt-  New    HoclicMe.     wlinicc    tlic.v    sent    a    ilctach- 

ish    ill    their    Wcstcliester    Coiinl.v    cniuiiaign—  ment  to  tlie  pI.Tce  iiiilicated   liy    luier  as  tlieir 

lliat    is.    iifler    Inndin^'    far   lielow,    .-it    'I'liroK^'s  most  ;iv:iil.ibl -iKiiKil  lanilin^  point  for  elTect- 

Ncck,    Ilie.v   siowly   ndvnnecil.    willioiil    striking  ivc   pnrposos  ol'  si  rMlcgy. 

CAMPAIGN     AXn     KATTIJ-:    OF     WlUTi;     PLAINS  361 

any  liiiiiiii'tamc.      1    am    liajiiiy    to    find    you    aic  sfoiiiinf^;  ^'oiir   I'laiiUs  ami  1  Impc  diir  best 
riiiops  will  l(e  r('a<ly  to  <;ivi'  the  Eni-niy  a  Keicirtioii  on  their  l/andin^^ 

I  hojie  to  hear  in  your  next  that  tlie  North  River  is  completely  olistrneteil. 
Tili^hnian  to  Duer,  Oetoher  3. — C'apt.  Cook  is  now  up  the  River  eutting  I'iMiher  for 
(lievaux  (le  Krise,  as  he  is  mneh  wanted  here  to  sink  the  old  Vessels — the  General  hejjs  that 
he  may  he  sent  down  immediately,  we  are  at  a  Stand  for  want  of  him,  for  as  he  has  Super- 
intended the  Matter  from  the  lie<;inning  he  best  knows  the  pro])erest  plaees  to  be  obstrneted. 
If  the  new  ships  should  be  found  neeessary  to  our  Salvation  you  need  not  fear  their  being 
Sacritieed,  but  (Uir  public  Money  goes  fast  emnigh  without  using  it  wantonly. 

Duer  to  Tilghmau,  October  3. — I  am  glad  you  have  so  nearly  completed  your  Defences 
in  the  Front,  and  hope  yon  will  be  expeditious  in  fortifying  your  Flanks  to  the  Eastward  of 
Harlem  Hiver.  I  think  that  the  Enemy  must  be  meditating  some  (ieneral  Attack — but  as 
Providence  has  been  generally  kind  to  us  I  hojie  they  will  postpone  it  till  Ei'e,  and  MifHin 
return  to  Camp. 

Robert  Benson  to  Tilghmau,  October  5. — Agreeable  to  your  request,  our  I'ri'sideut  [of 
the  State  ccuivention]  dispatched  a  letter  to  ("apt.  Cooke  at  Poughkeepsie  re(piesting  him  to 
repair  immediately  to  Mount  [Fort]  Washington.  He  is  now  at  Fisbkill  Lamling  on  liis 
Way  down  X'  is  to  set  out  in  the  Morning  with  a  ipiantity  of  t)ak  Plank  tVc. 

Duer  to  Tilghmau,  October  8. —  I  cannot  account  for  the  Enemys  Procrastination  unless 
it  proceeds  from  some  of  their  Ships  being  .sent  into  the  Sound  round  Long  Island  for  the 
I'uriiose  of  making  an  Attemjit  to  Land  in  West  Chester  County. 

I'liev  never  certainly  will  make  any  Attempt  but  on  our  Flanks  ? 

Tilghmau  to  the  committee,  October  i). — About  8  O'clock  this  Morning  the  Kocbuck  & 
I'lioenix  of  44  (iuus  each  and  a  Frigate  of  about  20  fJuns  got  under  way  from  about  Bloom- 
ingdale,  where  they  have  been  laying  some  time,  and  stood  on  with  an  easy  Southerly  Breeze 
towards  our  Chevauz  de  Frise,  which  we  hoped  would  have  given  them  some  Interruption 
while  our  Batteries  jilayed  upon  them.  But  to  our  Surprise  and  Mortification  they  all  ran 
through  without  the  least  difHc\dty,  and  without  receiving  any  apparent  damage  from  our 
Forts,  wliich  kept  playing  (ui  them  from  Ijoth  sides  of  the  River.  How  far  they  intend  up  I 
dont  know,  but  His  Excellency  thought  to  give  yon  the  earliest  Information,  that  you  may 
put  (ieul.  Clinton  upon  his  Guard  at  the  Highlau<ls,  for  they  nuiy  have  troops  <rcuu'ealed  on 
Board  with  intent  to  surprise  those  Forts.  If  you  have  any  Stores  on  the  Water  Side  yon 
had  better  have  them  removed  or  secured  in  time.  Boards  esi)ecially  for  which  we  shall  be 
put  to  great  Streights  if  the  Ci>mmmiicatiiui  above  should  be  cut  otf.  The  Enemy  have 
made  no  Move  on  the  land   Side. 

P.  S. — Be  Pleased  to  forward  this  Intelligence  up  the  River  and  to  Albany.  The  two 
new  .Ships  are  put  in  near  Colo.  Phillips's.  A  party  of  Artillery  with  \i  twelve  pounders  and 
KM)  Kitle  Men  are  sent  up  to  endeavor  to  secure  them. 

Duer  to  Tilghman,  October  10. — There  is  no  Event  wli  could  have  happened  that  could 
have  given  me  more  Uneasiness  than  the  Passage  of  the  Enemys  Ships  u])  the  Rivei'.  I  can- 
not persuade  myself  that  there  indy  design  is  to  cut  off  the  Communication  of  .Supplies  by 
U  ater  to  our  Army  at  Kingsbridge:  thougli  that  is  an  Event  which  will  be  highly  jireju- 
dicial  to  our  Army.  They  certainly  mean  to  send  up  a  Force  (if  their  Ships  have  not  Soldiers 
alrea<Iy  on  board)  so  as  to  take  Possessicm  of  the  Passes  by  Land  in  the  Hylamls.  In  this 
they  will  be  muloubtedly  joined  by  the  Villains  in  Westchester  and  Dutchess  County.  It  is 
therefore  of  the  utmost  Conse<pu'nce  that  a  Force  should  be  innnediately  detached  from  the 
Main  Body  of  our  Army  to  occupy  these  Posts.  It  is  impossible  for  the  Convention  to  draw 
out  a  force  wliieh  can  be  depended  on  from  the  Counties  last  mentioned. 

By  the  Influence  and  Artifices  of  the  Capital  Tories  of  this  State  the  Majority  of 
Iidiabitants  in  those  Counties  are  ripe  for  a  Rev(dt;  uiany  Companies  of  Men  have  actually 
been  enlisted  in  the  Enemys  .service,  several  of  whom  are  now  concealed  in  the  Mountains. 
From  the  Frontier  Counties  little  Strength  can  with  Safety  be  drawn,  and  that  not  in  Time 
to  prevent  such  an  attempt  of  the  Enemy.  These  Matters  I  have  in  a  few  Words  suggested 
to  the  Convention  (for  my  Pmsiuess  on  the  Committee  I  am  in  is  so  urgent  that  I  have  onlj- 
licen  a  few  Minutes  in  Convention  this  Day).  If  they  have  not  wrote  to  Geul.  Washington, 
let  me  eariu-stlv  entreat  that  a  Force  mav  la-  innnediatelv  sent  to  the  Highlands  on  this  Side. 


l)y  this  Mfiins   3UI1   will    not   only   keep   np   tlii'  Coninmnieation  with  the  Aini\ ,  Iml  1  vurily 
believe  prevent  a  Revolt  in  Westehester  and  Dntcliiss  Counties. 

How  are  jon  of  for  Flonr,  and  Salt  Provisions  ?  Will  it  not  lie  wise  to  lay  in  Ma>^a- 
zines  in  Time  in  this  Qnarter  [Fislikill]  lest  through  the  Fortune  of  War  our  Army  should 
be  obliijed  to  retreat  to  the  Highlands  ? 

Tilgbman  to  tlie  committee,  October  11. — We  have  no  Intelligence  of  any  Troops, 
either  Horse  or  Foot,  going  round  long  Island  into  the  Sound. 

Duer  to  Tilghman,  October  12. — Notwithstanding  the  Knemj-  had,  agreeable  to  3'onr 
last  Advices,  sent  no  Vessells  up  the  Sound,  depend  upon  it  they  will  endeavor  to  make  an 
Attack  upon  your  Flanks  by  uu'ans  of  Hudson's  and  the  Fast  River.  Seveial  K.xaininations 
wh  we  have  taken  mention  this  as  their  int<'nded  Operation:  and  indeed  it  is  the  only  luie  wh 
can  give  them  any  Probability  of  Success.  If  we  nuiy  give  Credit  to  Intelligence  procur'd 
through  the  Channell  of  the  Tories,  Thursday  next  is  fix'd  upon  for  them  to  make  their 
Attack,  and  for  their  Partisans  m  this  State  to  Cooperate  with  them. 

You  will  now  have  an  Anxious  Task  to  watch  both  the  Rivers,  and  1  am  afraid  all  your 
Vigilance  will  not  be  altogether  eft'ectual. 

Tliire  facts  stand  out  very  disiiiictly  i'voin  this  (•uiTespiindcnct' — 
first,  that  the  protection  of  the  Hudson  IJiver  w'as  the  thiuy  of  fore- 
most concern  to  the  Americans,  even  a  tentative  intrusion  of  the 
enemy  above  Fort  AVasliin^ton  causing  tiie  direst  foicl»odiiij;s  of  ini- 
]>endini;  jji-eparations  for  seizing  the  Westchester  river  bank  as  a 
]>rinciiial  factor  of  tlie  new  British  cami)aijin  about  to  be  iuau^'U- 
rated;  second,  that  tiie  superior  availability  of  the  Sound  sliore  of 
Westcliester  County  as  a  departing  point  for  the  main  body  of  Howe's 
army  was  well  a])i>reciated,  altliouiiii  there  were  but  vaijut^  notions 
as  In  Howe's  probable  intentions  in  that  direction;  and  lliii-d,  that 
Howe's  slowness  in  dcNelopinii  liis  plans  was  supposed  lo  indicate 
that  they  were  much  more  elaborati  than  they  eventually  proved 
to  be,  and  that  they  contemplated  idtimate  connecting  operations 
between  river  and  Sound. 

As  late  as  the  11th  id'  October  (the  very  day  before  ITowi 's  com- 
plete disclosure  of  his  piojecti  ("olontd  Tilghiiiiin,  wi-itiiig  to  the 
(•(iinmittee  of  the  State  con\enti(iii  from  the  .\meiican  camp,  wiih 
full  knowledge  of  such  information  as  Wasliington  himself  i)os- 
sessed,  made  this  peculiarly  mabiproiios  statement:  "We  liave  no  in- 
telligence of  any  troops,  either  horse  or  foot,  going  nntml  Lmni  IsIhihI 
iiilo  Ihc  SiiiiikL"  Thus  up  to  the  bist  moment  AVasJiington  was  not 
only  (juite  (insusi)icious  of  the  impending  blow,  but  apjiarently  re- 
garded Ihc  ]iossibility  of  a  mo\emeid  against  him  from  the  Sound 
as  a  still  remote  eventuality,  to  be  considered  for  the  time  only  in 
ndation  to  the  rumored  (le](arture  of  an  exjiedition  nnmiul  Long 
Island  (that  is,  around  the  eastern  extremity  (d'  the  island  niid  thcn<e 
through  the  Sound).  W(dl  mny  it  be  believed,  as  several  histoi'ical 
writers  aver,  that  the  intelligence  brought  to  WashiTigton  on  the 
murning  of  October  VI  that  the  whole  British  army  was  sailing  u]) 
the  East  IJiver  and  disembarking  on  Throgg's  Neck,  completely  sur- 


jiiiscd  hiiu.  W'c  arc  told  liy  J>a\\S(tii  thai  hv  "  appi'm-s  In  liavc  tiivcu 
\yi\y  to  (l('xi)air  iji  view  of  his  powcrlessness,  and  to  have  hcconif  di'- 
s|)(iiidcMt,"'  and  dial  llic  record  of  Ins  otticial  acts  for  tlic  day  is 
rciuarl<alilc  cliictly  I'or  siu^nlar  \;\(k  of  the  active  proceediiii;s  nat- 
urally to  hare  been  expected  froin  tiic  coniniauder-iii-chicf  in  such 
an  cinerti'euey. 

It  is  true  that,  conli'asled  with  the  conditions  which  would  have 
obtained  if  Ilowe  had  been  in  i)ossession  of  the  Hudson  sinuilta- 
neously  with  opening  his  cani])aij;ii  from  the  Sound,  the  situation 
created  by  his  sudilen  descent  on  Throii^i^'s  Xeclc  was  not  without  an 
element  of  hope.  At  least,  one  Hank  of  the  American  army  re- 
mained (|uite  iiiiim]ieriled,  which  alt'orded  scope  for  thwai'tinj;'  the 
desi,i;ns  of  the  enemy  upon  the  other  by  tlu'  resources  of  defensive 
li'enei'alship.  l!ut  aside  from  tiiat  single  comfortini:;'  aspect,  tiie  out- 
look was  alarming  in  an  extreme  dei;ree.  Washiniiton,  intreni  lied 
on  (he  Ileijihts  of  Harlem — that  is,  in  the  northwestern  jiortion  of 
.Manliattan  Island, — with  New  York  Vity  below  him  in  the  hands 
of  the  British,  and  Howe  niakiuiH  ready  to  fall  upon  him  on  his  tiank, 
had  but  three  possible  courses  of  action — first,  to  remain  in  that  posi- 
tion and  underiio  a  siej^c,  which  could  have  resulted  in  nothing;  but 
early  capitulation,  as  he  would  have  had  no  sources  from  which  to 
ilraw  sujjplies;  second,  to  reti'eat  at  once  across  the  Hudson  Kivei' 
into  New  Jersey  under  I  he  jirotection  of  Fort  Washiuiiton  and  I'ort 
Lee,  a  iirogranime  not  to  be  t!ioii,L;ht  of  even  if  il  could  lia\i'  been 
carried  otit  successfully,  since  it  would  have  involved  aliandoniuy 
the  whole  country  northward,  inidndinii  the  Iliiihiands  and  conse- 
(piently  the  river  to  its  source;  or  third,  to  seek  a  new  defensive 
]iosition  at  the  north,  where  he  could  tioht  the  enemy  under  t(der- 
ably  advantageous  geograiilii(  a)  conditions,  backi'd  by  the  West- 
chester hills  and  finally  by  the  Highlands,  with  the  King's  Ferry 
route  to  New  Jeisey  and  l'hila(leii)iiia  ojien.  Of  these  three  ])ossible 
courses,  one  was  eipiivalent  to  ruin  and  another  to  disgrace,  while 
the  third  and  only  feasible  one  was  hedged  about  by  a  variety  of 
strangely  doubtful  and  dil'licult  circumstances.  In  tlie  first  place, 
^\■asllington  was  under  (  \cry  disadvantage  of  uniireiiaredness  for 
such  a  movement.  He  was  even  nni>rei)ared  in  judgment,  so  unex- 
])ectedly  did  the  necessity  of  considering  the  matter  present  its(df. 
Tt  was  by  no  means  i»lain  to  him  at  first  just  what  ullimale  (dtject 
Howe's  appearance  on  Tiirogg's  Neck  imiiorted,  or  whether  il  rejire- 
sented  all  or  even  the  essential  part  of  the  T'.iilish  scheme.  .\  too 
](reci])il ate  retirement  to  the  north  on  ^^'asllington's  jiart  would  have 
had  the  asi>ect  and  all  the  ill  moral  elTect  of  a  cowardly  retreat; 
whereas  just  on  this  occasion  il  was  nn)st  im)>ortant   for  him  to  gain 


s.iiiic  in-rs(iiic.  I'iiKill.v,  wlicii  tlicrc  wiis  no  niislnkin^-  llic  fuel  tliat 
Howe's  sole  aim  was  lo  oiitMaiik  liiiii,  he  riiiiiid  liiniscIC  lcii-il)l\-  ciu- 
liari-asscd  in  niaiiliiiii;  lo  a  new  position  by  (iciicicnl  larililics  in 
llic  way  of  foams  ami  wagons  I'oi-  (lie  I  i-ans|)oi-(alion  of  his 
liiins  and  ha.iiiia.-io.  Indcod,  it  was  nol  nnlil  liio  iMMJi  of  (».i(dioi- — 
oiiiht  days  aftt-r  the  laiidiiiu  of  tlu-  Hiilisli  on  WCslclicsIci-  soil — lliaf, 
iia\inu  at  last  evacuated  his  intrenchinenls  on  llai-lem  lleiuhls, 
W'ashiniilon  hai!  so  Car  moved  up  his  rear  as  to  make  his  liead(piai- 
lei-s  at  Kin.ushridiie.  .Mcveover,  he  had  to  jd-ovide  for  tiie  hiiihlv 
probable  enieriicncy  of  battle  aloni;  the  route,  or  a*  least  of  sei-ious 
interferences  with  the  ])ro<iTess  and  inte.nrity  of  his  c(dumn.  To  this 
end  it  was  necessary  to  protect  himself  by  a  series  of  intrenched 
camps  at  intervals  all  alon^-  tiie  line  id'  march,  liis  destination  beiny 
White  Plains,  ]irea|)pointed  by  certain  circumstances  which  will  be 
set  fortli  later.  .AleaTitinie  the  royal  army,  as  the  aii-j^ressor,  had  but 
to  inarch  with  reasonable  ex])edition  to  White  Plains — the  natural 
destination  f(u-  Howe  as  for  Wasliiii<;ton,  because,  in  Howe's  case,  of 
its  central  location,  and  the  excellent  roads  leading  thither  from  the 
Sound,  and  the  circumstance  that  all  the  otlu-r  roads  of  the  county 
couverued  there, — and  Wasliin<iton  would  be  coni])lete]y  liemmed  in. 
In  the  linht  of  all  that  f(dlowed,  tlu'  one  vital  (piestion  at  the  outset 
id'  this  campaiiiu  was,  A\'ho  should  tiisl  airixc  at  and  i)ossess  Winle 
riains'.'  and  the  advantage  was  decidedly  witli  Ifowe,  because  lie 
was  not  liaiii|>ired  by  any  of  the  physical  ditliculfies  that  beset  Wash 
iiiuloii.  Such  were  the  elements  of  the  starlliiiL;'  Westchester  silna 
t  ion  w  hose  details  we  shall  now  trace  with  as  much  bre\'it  \'  as  is  con- 
sistent with  (dearness. 

About  daybreak  on  the  nuirning  of  Saturday,  October  12.  177(>, — a 
very  foiigy  nu)rnin<i, —  many  boatloads  of  l>ritish  Iroojis,  led  by  <!en- 
eral  Howe  in  ])ei'son,  embarked  at  Ki]>*s  Pay,  ^fanhatlan  Island,  ])ro- 
ceeded  throuiih  llelljuale  and  up  the  Sound,  iind  landed,  umler  the 
Willis  of  I  he  frinate  "  ( 'arysfort,"  on  Throu^Li's  I'oiul,  wliei'e  I'ort  S(  buy 
lei-  now  stands.  A  second  large  detachiiieni,  conxcNcil  by  "  fort  \  two 
sail,"  was  deposited  al  liie  sanu'  ]ilace  in  (he  al'lernoon;  and  for  se\- 
eral  days  afterwaid  I  here  was  a  coittinucuis  ti-ansporlalion  thither  of 
soldiers  and  all  inaiiiier  of  army  ajjiiointnients.  Neither  the  roiiii 
nor  any  part  <d'  ilu  Neck  was  occn]>iiMl  by  Ane'rican  troops,  but  ai 
Westchester  caiisewa.N  and  also  at  the  head  of  the  creek",  the  only  lo- 
i-alilies  affording  jiassage  to  the  niaiidand,  the  picked  lillemen  posted 
about  a  weid'C  previously,  through  the  liaii]i,\'  foresight  i\\'  (leiieral 
lleatli,  still  stood  guard.  As  soon  as  the  jiresence  of  the  invader  on 
llie  Neck  became  known  to  them,  the  men  at  the  bridge  ri|i]ied  n|i 
iis   plani<iiig;    and    when    the   tirsi    rei-oiiiioitering  part\'  id'  redcoats 


;i])ln-<iiiclHMl  they  liiivc  tliciii  tlic  (•(mtciits  of  their  iimskcls.  The  ciiciuy 
beat  a  hasty  aud  disorderly  retreat;  and,  althouiili  the  defenders  of 
the  bridge  were  oidy  twenty-five  against  many  thonsauds,  juid  the 
])ossession  of  tliat  pass  was  of  sni)reine  importance  to  (ieneral  Ifowe, 
no  serious  attempt  was  made  to  secnre  it.  lie  ho\ve\('r  ordered  a 
breastwork  erected,  facing  I  lie  siniclure.  For  tlie  rest,  he  scni  out 
detacliments  to  ex])lore  the  unknown  and  mysterious  land  upon  which 
ill'  iiad  debarked,  who,  retui'uing,  gave  him  the  disheartening  infor- 
mal iou  that  it  was  an  island,  with  only  one  possible  crossing-point 
to  the  main,  a  fording-place,  where  also  a  party  of  rebels  with  ritles  of 
]>articularly  deadly  (juality  (lisi)uted  the  way.  In  such  circumstances 
Howe  was  powerless,  at  least  pending  the  conveyance  of  intelligence 
to  the  American  cani]t,  which,  of  coiirse,  resulted  in  the  dis]iatching 
of  re-enforcements.  (Jeneral  Ileath  "immediately  ordered  Colonel 
Prescott,  the  hero  of  Bunki-r  Ilill,  with  his  regiment,  and  Cajitain- 
Lieutenant  Bryant,  of  the  artillery,  with  a  three-pounder,  to  re- 
enforce  the  riflemen  at  Westchester  causeway,  and  Colonel  (iraham, 
of  the  New  York  line,  with  his  regiment,  and  Lieutenant  .Inckson,  ni 
the  artillery,  with  a  si.K-pounder,  to  re-enforce  at  the  head  of  the 
creek;  all  of  which  was  promjitly  done."  These  forces,  insigniticant 
though  they  were  in  comparison  with  what  Howe  could  have  hiiileil 
against  them,  proved  sufficient.  He  did  not  care  to  take  the  hazard 
of  forcing  either  pass;  and  from  the  12th  to  the  18th  i,(  ()ct(dier  he 
remained  ridiculously  i)enned  up  on  Throgg's  Neck  by  a  conlcmiilihle 
few  of  the  starveling  continentals  who  up  to  that  nudancholy  hour 
had  fled  terror-stricken  before  his  ferocious  grenadiers.  Indeed,  his 
whole  lu-ogramme  of  entering  West(diester  County  by  way  of  Tlirogg's 
Neck  had  to  be  abandoned  finally;  and  he  was  obliged,  after  six  days' 
delay,  to  ])ut  his  army  on  boats  and  ship  it  across  Eastchester  T?ay  to 
I'elham  (or  Kodman"s)  I'oint,  a  locality  not  cut  off  from  the  main  by 
creeks   aud  nmrshes   and  strategic  passes. 

The  responsibility  for  the  selection  of  Throgg's  Neck  as  the  I'.rit- 
ish  landing  jdace  has  been  (diarged  to  the  commander  id'  the 
licet.  Admiral  Lord  Howe,  General  Howe's  brother;  and  in  ex- 
](laiiation  of  the  choice  of  that  locality  it  has  beiMi  urged  that  a 
ilii-ect  landing  on  Pcdl's  Neck  would  have  been  an  imprudent  meas- 
ure because  of  the  shallowness  of  the  water  at  the  latter  place, 
])reventing  the  co-o]ieration  o\'  any  vessel  of  sufficient  battery 
to  cover  the  landing.  F.ut  whatever  share  of  the  responsibility 
may  be  shifted  to  Admiral  Howe,  General  Howe  at  least  offered 
no  objection  to  Throgg's  Ne(dc,  and  indeed  he  subsequently  justi- 
fied  its  selection.  "  I'onr  or  five  days,"  h<'  said  in  a  speeidi  before 
an  investigating  committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  in  1779,  "  had 

CAMPAKJN    AM>    lIATTLi:    (IK    WlIITi:    l'I>AINS  367 

70  HEATIi's  MEMOIRS.     [Oct.  1776. 

1 1  th. — There  was  a  coniiderable  movement  among 
the  Britifti  boats  below.  This  afternoon,  Gen. 
Wafhington's  pleafure-boat,  coming  down  the  river 
■with  a  trelh  breeze,  and  a  topfail  hoifled,  was  lui>- 
pofed,  by  the  artilierills  at  Mount  Wafhington,  to  be 
one  of  the  Britifh  tenders  running  down.  A  12 
pounder  was  difcharged  at  her,  which  was  fo  exaclly 
pointed,  as  unfortunately  to  kill  three  Americans, 
who  were  much  laniented.  The  fame  day,  feveral  of 
Gen.  Lincoln's  regiments  arrived,  two  of  which  were 
■pofted  on  the  North  River. 

lath. — Early  in  the  morning,  80  or  90  Britifh 
boats,  full  of  men,  ftood  up  the  found,  from  Montre- 
fors  llland,  Long-lfland,  &c.  'Ihe  troops  landed 
at  Frog's  Neck,  and  their  advance  pulhed  towards 
the  caufeway  and  bridge,  at  Walt  Chefler  mill. 
Col.  Hand's  riflemen  took  up  the  planks  of  the 
bridge,  as  had  been  direded,  and  commenced  a  fir- 
ing with  their  rifles.  The  Britifh  moved  towards 
the  head  of  the  creek,  but  found  h«re  aifo  the  Amer- 
icans in  pofiefTion  of  the  pafs.  Our  General  imme- 
diately (as  he  had  afTuxed  Col.  Hand  he  would  do) 
ordered  Col.  Prefcott,  the  hero  of  Bunker  Hill,  with 
his  regiment,  and  Capt.  Lieut.  Bryant  of  the  artil- 
lery, with  a  3  pounder,  to  reinforce  the  riflemen  at 
Weil-Chefler  caufeway  ;  and  Col.  Graham  of  the 
New-Ycrk.tine,  with  his  regiment,  and  Lieut.  Jack- 
ion  of  the  artillery,  with  a  6  poundor,  to  reinforce 
at  the  head  of  the  creek  ;  all  of  which  was  promptly 
done,  to  the  check  and  difappointment  of  the  en- 
cmy.  The  Britifh  encamped  on  the  neck.  The 
riflemen  and  Yagers  kept  up  a  fcattcring  popping 
at  each  other  acrofs  the  marih  ;  and  the  i^'mcricans 
on  their  fiJe,  and  the  Britifh  6n  ihe  other,  threw  up 
a  work  at  the  end  of  the  caufeway.  Capt.  Bryant, 
now  and  then,  when  there  was  an  object,  falutcd  the 
Britifh  with  a  ficid-piece. 




HISTORY    OF    \Vi:STClli:STi;U    COUNTY 

hccii  iiiiavoidiilily  talicii  ii|i  in  laiidinii  at  I'roii's  Neck,  inslcail  of 
going  at  once  to  Pell's  roini,  wliicli  would  have  been  an  iniiniidciit 
measure,  as  it  oonld  iiol  ha\c  been  executed  without  much  iiuiieces- 
sary  risk."  It  is  ditlicult  to  conceive  what  great  risk  woidd  have 
been  involved  in  the  latter  ]iroceeding,  since  there  was  no  American 
I'.osf  at  the  point  of  Pelham  Xec  k  on  the  12th  of  October,  or,  for  that 
matter,  on  tlie  ISth  of  October  either — the  final  landing  of  the 
British  there  on  the  latter  date  being  accomplished  Avithont  the 
sJiglitest  interference  on  the  part  of  the  Americans,  and  indeed  with- 
out being  known  to  them  until  the  advance  ])artY  of  the  invaders 
suddenly  showed  themscdxcs  to  the  American  ])ic]cets  a  fall  mile  and 
a  half  above  the  point.  But  even  granting  the  force  of  the  sju'cial 
objection  to  Pelham  Neck  as  an  original  landing  place,  one  marvels 
why  'riirogg's  Xtck  should  ha\'e  been  regarded  as  the  only  altei'ua- 
tive  sjjot.  Surely  there  was  adeipiate  depth  td  water  at  ]ioiuts 
farther  up  the  Sound  (.Man!aron(<k  llai-bor,  for  instancei;  and  (U-n- 
eral  Howe's  sole  object  being  to  oulllank  A>'ashington,  it  would  have 
been  rather  an  advantage  than  a  disadvanljige  for  him  lo  disem 
bark  at  a  comparativcdy  northernly  locality.  In  whatever  aspicl  liie 
'I'hrogg's  Neck  landing  is  viewed,  it  is  hard  for  the  dispassionate  mind 
to  regard  it  otherwise  than  as  a  prodigious  strategic  blunder.' 

During  the  six  days  of  Howe's  supine  occui)ation  of  Throgg's  Neidc, 
Washington's  headiiuartei's  were  continued  at  Harlem  Heights, 
where  also,  in  conjunction    willi    the    Kingsbridge    dependency,    the 

'  A  glance  at  the  map  shows  that  Throgg's 
Nc'fk,  in  a  purel.v  gcographiral  sense  (not  tak- 
ing Into  ai'oonnt  either  its  practical  insular 
diaracter  or  the  fact,  which  mtist  have  ttccn 
known  to  Howe,  tliat  the  adjacent  conntry  was 
well  guarded  by  tlie  Americans  and  its  roads 
!iad  largely  l>een  rendered  Iniitassabli'l,  was 
about  the  most  unfavorable  i)Iaee  that  e^iuld 
have  been  hit  upon  for  initiating  a  movement 
to  set  the  royal  army  down  in  Washington's 
rear.  U  is,  indeed,  on  a  due-east  line,  some- 
what south  of  the  Heights  of  Harlem  and 
Ivingsbridge;  so  that  upon  Howe's  arrival  at 
Throgg's  Neck  Washington  was  actually  in  ad- 
vance of  him  along  the  one  open  line  of  n)ove- 
meiil.  The  roinplaeency  of  Washington  In  re- 
maining In  his  Harlem  Heights  and  Klngs- 
bridg<'  position  until  after  Howe  had  pushed 
h.irthward  to  roll's  Neck,  although  six  days 
liad  elapsed  meanwhile,  is  of  itsiOf  plain  dem- 
onstration that  Howe  blundered  cgregiously  In 
his  choice  of  ground  so  far  as  his  intention  of 
oultlanklng  the  patriot  general  was  concerned. 
The  civilian  Duer,  of  the  State  convention,  in 
his  correspondence  with  Washington's  head- 
quarters, shows  a  perfect  grasp  of  the  elements 
of    the  situation.     In  a  letter  to  Tilghman,  Oc- 

tolMT    14.    he   writes: 

•■  Thi  y    IMh'  enemy]   could  not.  I  think,   have 

blundered  e  effectually  than  by  Landing  on 

the  Neck  of  I,:iiid  they  are  now  on.  I  should 
think  a  small  Number  of  Men  with  I''leld 
I'ieces  would  sntfice  to  prevent  their  penetrat- 
ing further  into  the  Country   from   that    (}\iar- 

ti'r.     Yon  say  that  you  think  moi f  tbi'  Kne- 

my's  Troops  are  nnjvcd  up  the  Sound.  I  think 
they  will  endeavor  to  Land  the  Main  Rody 
of  Ibi'lr  Army  near  Itye  and  endeavor  to  sur- 
round our  Troops  from  the  Sound  to  the  North 
Itiver."  .Vnd  the  next  day,  writing  to  I{oI)ert 
Harrison.   Washington's  secreiai-y.   be  says; 

"I  .   .   .  am   hapiiy  to  fiml  ,\'ni    hax'e   got    the 
i*;nemy  in  so  desirable  a  Silu.-itlon. 

"  There  appears  to  nie  an  aclu;il  l-'.-ilalil.T  al 
lending  all  their  Measures.  One  would  liave 
mil  ni'ally  iuiagined  from  the  Tralho's  they  have 
;iMioug  ttiem.  who  are  capable  of  giving  llieni 
I  In-  iii'isl  MiiiMli-  l>escriptlon  of  Ihe  Oi-ounds  in 
llie  Coiuily  of  Westchester.  Ilinl  they  woulii 
have  landed  mm.-h  farther  lo  iln'  lOaslward 
rnorlhwardl.  Had  they  pnzzi'd  Ihelr  Imaglna 
tions  to  iliscovcr  tlie  worse  IM.-n-e  I  hey  <*ould 
in)t  hav<'  succeeded  better  1li;iii  Ihey  li.'ive 

CAMI'AICX    AND    BATTLK    Ol'    WlllTi;    PLAINS  3(39 

niiiiii  body  of  (lie  Aiuciicaii  iiiiuy  rciii;iiiic(l.  Tlic  ;ii>]>;ii-cnl  cniiriisioii 
ni  iiiiiul  wliirli  lif  cxiKTiciR-c'd  uimui  bcinji  iiii|n-is<tl  uT  Howe's  lautl- 
iiiii  \\;is  not  of  loiii;  diiralion;  and  indeed  Ids  eneri;cl  ic  <|nalilies  as  a 
coniinandei-  were  ))rohal)ly  ueNcr  displa.scd  willi  ^realei-  of  more 
judicions  altenlinn  lo  detail  than  tlii-(>ni;iionl  liie  pei-iod  of  llie  Hi-it- 
isli  i^cneral's  inacli\ity  on  the  Sound.  On  liie  evening  of  the  llMh 
he  i-o(h'  o\cr  lo  Westchester  vilhi^e  and  personally  inspected  liie  sit- 
nalion,  IxToiiiinii  satislied  tlial  it  threatened  no  ininie<liale  daii.uir 
and  liial  liis  plain  duty,  pending  a  further  disclosure  of  the  enemy's 
intentions,  A\as  to  streni^then  his  defensive  position  in  every  way. 
At  a  loss  to  understaml  why  Tliroji<>"s  Neolv  should  liave  been  se- 
lected if  the  r.ritisli  purp(tse  was  to  (piickly  ])us]i  into  his  rear  and 
enlia]!  him,  he  inclined  to  the  ()])iiiion  tliat  Howe's  final  object  was 
to  ino\<'  on  his  works  at  Kiniisbrid^e,  and  tliat  to  tliat  end  he  would 
])reseiilly  be  su])ported  by  a  second  expedition,  to  be  landed  lower 
down,  |(r(d)ably  at  ^forrisania.  On  the  other  hand,  he  was  l)y  no 
means  unmindful  <d'  Hie  contingency  that  the  <;Tander  project  niijiht 
be  meditated;  but  he  was  convinced  tliat  so  lonii  iis  Howe  stayed  on 
Throiiji's  Xe(  li  he  could  afford  to  wait  for  actualities.  His  contidence 
in  his  ability  to  re])el  a  mere  movement  against  Kinjisbridjie  is  well 
rellected  in  the  followinii'  extract  from  a  letter  written  from  head- 
(|uaiiers  on  the  l.'^th  of  October  by  Lieutenant-roloncd  'ril^hmaii  to 
llie  committee  of  correspondence  of  the  State  convention: 

Tlic  Oroiiiids  li-adiiif;  from  Fniijs  I'oiiit  towards  our  Post  at  Kiiigsbridge  are  as  dcfrnsililr 
as  tlii'V  I'aii  be  wislud,  tlie  Hoads  are  all  lined  witli  Stone  fences  and  the  adjacent  fields 
divide<l  ott'  with  Stone  likewise,  which  will  make  it  ini])ossil)le  for  them  to  advance  their 
.\rtillerv  and  Aninninition  Wagn-ons  by  any  otiier  Iloute  than  the  <;reat  Roads,  and  I  think 
if  they  are  well  lined  with  Troops,  we  may  make  a  eonsiilerable  slannhter  if  not  discomfit 
tliem  totally.  Onr  UiHe  Men  have  directions  to  attend  particularly  to  taking-  down  their,  which  if  done,  will  impede  their  March  ett'eetnally.  Onr  Troops  are  in  good  Spirits 
.and  sei'm  inclined  and  determined  to  dis])nte  every  Inch  of  Ground.  Our  Front  ix  now  so 
trcll  scciiretl  that  ice  can  spare  a  consltlcrahle  A^umher  of  our  tiest  Troops  from  hcjicc  if  thetf  arc 

If  we  are  forced  from  this  ])ost  we  must  make  the  best  Retreat  we  can,  but  I  think  this 
(iround  should  not  be  given  n|)  but  upon  the  last  K.xtremity.' 

The  cheerful  remark  in  tliis  letter  that  the  commander-in clnef  had 
mailers  so  well  in  hand  as  to  be  able  to  s])aie  a  considerable  ninnber 
id'  his  best  troops  for  i)urposes  other  than  his  own  defense  aiiainst 
IIoAve  received  ]n'actical  ap])licatioii  im  the  same  day  by  the  send- 

*  This  lettci*  of  'I'ili^liuinu's  was  replied  to  on  ■  I    a|»ipro\e   nnn-h   of  selling;   al   a   d<';ir   I*rje)> 

the  Mill,  hy  Williaui  Oner,     rrom  the  eilatlon.'t  ever.v  font  of  Oroiinil;  hut  If  the  Kueru.v  slmulil. 

made   in   previniis   pai^es   from    the    I  uier  Tilffh-  by   tlieir   Manoeuvrrs.   eontl-ive    to   encircle   our 

mail  eorrespondeuce.   the  reader  will  doubtless  .\riny,  and  as  I  before  Observed  Occupy  these 

have  been   impressed   with    the  perspicacity  of  Mounts    [the   niglilaiidsl.    while    llieir    Vessells 

liner's  views  of  the  luilllary  siluation:  and  the  obstruct  Ihe  Navinjillon  of  Hudson's  Ulver  and 

f'lllowliis  eommenl    made  by   him  In   his  letter  tlii>  Sound,  there  will  have  no  Oeeasiou  to  haz- 

of  llic>  Nth,  upon  one  of  TilKhnian's  optimistic  ;vrd  a   lialtle.     Wants  of  Supjily   would,    I   fear, 

ixpiesslous.  is  a  further  Instance  of  his  discrc-  make   us  fall  au  inglorious  Racrince." 



iui;  nir  (if  Colonel  Tasli's  i-i'j;iuiciil  of  New  llaiiipshii-c  iiiilitia  to  I'ish- 
kill  "  for  the  assistance  of  the  eoinniittee  of  safely  in  holdinj;  the  dis- 
affecte(l  ill  check."  Ry  n'curi'iiiii  to  the  consecutive  extracts  from 
the  Duer-Tiljihnian  correspondence  printed  on  jip .  :i~>[):W2,  it  will 
be  seen  that  Duer,  on  the  12th  of  October,  communicated  to  Wash- 
ington's head(iuartei-s  information  (or  supposed  information!  which 
the  t^tate  convention,  by  "  several  examinations  "  of  Tories  had  ob- 
tained, of  a  concerted  pUxn  for  a  grand  British  movement  upon  both 
lianks  of  the  American  army  "by  means  of  Hudson's  and  the  East 
lliver,"  in  which  enterprise  "their  partisans  in  this  State''  wi-re  to 
co-operate — ''Thursday  next"  (the  ITth  of  October)  beinj;  hxed  foi- 
the  united  unih-rtakiny.  In  almost  every  h'tter  written  by  Dner  to 
Tiljilunan  during  the  eventful  mouth  from  the  22d  of  September  to 
the  21st  of  October,  mention  is  made  with  much  particularity  and 
in  the  bitterest  terms  of  the  very  numerous  Tory  conspiracies  then 
rife.'  Mi>reover,  Washington  was  constantly  ai)i)i'eliending  conspir- 
ators and  suspects,  and  no  one  had  a  keener  appreciation  than  he 
of  tlie  need  of  strict  measures  against  the  se(lith)us  Tories.  The  de- 
tachment of  a  whole  regiment  from  his  ami}'  for  the  h)cal  purposes 
of  the  committee  of  safety  in  such  critical  circumstances  as  prevailed 
on  the  loth  of  October  is  a  peculiarly  interesting  incident.  Wash- 
ington seems  also  to  have  been  considerably  imj)ressed  by  Oner's  in- 
telligence of  a  general  British  plan  for  the  17th  of  October.  The  pre 
diction  was  evidently  treasured  up  at  liead(|uarters,  for  Tilghman, 
writing  to  Duer  on  tlu^  15th,  remaiks:  "The  information  you  fur- 
nish concerning  the  intended  operations  on  Thuisday  next  deser\e 
our  highest  thanks;  it  may  be  false,  if  it  is,  there  is  no  harm  done,  but 
we  shall  be  better  prejtared  for  them  if  true.  It  will  elTectually  pre- 
vent surju-ise,  the  most  fatal  thing  that  can  befall  an  Army."  And 
on  tlie  ITtli  he  takes  occasion  to  remind  !iis  coi-respondent  that  "the 
17th    October    is    c(»me    and    nearly    passed    without    the    ])r(Mlicted 

A  Discovery  of  .Tusticc  b.iiiK  two  or  tlirco  of  tlio  Villains 
you  li.ivp  appichoiuii'd.  They  will  cortalnly 
come  under  the  Denomination  of  Spies."  Octo- 
l)er  8,  lie  says:  "  I  am  sorry  to  tell  you  (for 
tiiG  Credit  of  tills  State)  tiiat  tlie  Committee 
I  l)eIonff  to  malic  daily  fresh  Discoveries  of  the 
infernal  Practices  of  our  Kneniics  to  e.xcite  In- 
surrectious  aiiionffsr  the  Inhabitants  of  this 
State.  To-morrow  (tnc  Company  actually  en- 
listed in  the  Enemy's  Service  will  be  niarcii'd 
to  l^iiiiadelphia.  there  to  be  confined  in  jail 
till  the  Establishment  of  our  Courts  enables  us 
to  hang  the  Rinff-leaders."  And  on  October  10 
(see  p.  361)  he  goes  so  far  as  to  declare  that 
unless  vigorous  nie;isures  are  instantly  taiien 
a  revolt  will  surely  supervene  In  Westchester 
and  Dutchess  Counties. 

'  September  'JS.  he  writes  that 
was  made  sometime  ago  of  a  Hattalion  of 
Uangi'rs,  which  was  raising  in  Westchester 
('iiuiily  to  be  commanded  Iiy  Major  Rogers, 
wiio  Is  for  (hat  Purpose  connnissioned  b.y  Lord 
Howe";  also  of  the  discovery  of  a  company 
enlisting  in  Dutchess  Couiit.v,  whose  mnster- 
ridl  containeti  fifty-seven  names.  "  Twenty-five 
of  wlioni  we  lia\e  already  aiiprehenili'd."  Oc- 
tober ].  he  reports  that  thirty-two  of  the  latter 
organization  have  been  taken  into  custody, 
and.  alluding  to  other  conspirators,  says:  "  I 
hope  Matters  may  be  so  managed  that  two  or 
three  of  I  lie  principal  Misoreants  who  have 
bi'en  taken  may  be  hanged  as  Spies."  October 
3,  n'ferring  to  the  Tory  conspirators  captured 
by    WMshington,    be    exclaims:    "In    the   Name 

CAMPAICX    AND    BATTLK    OF    WIHI'i;    PLAINS  371 

lilow."      Eviili'iilly    iMicr's    propliccy    lor    Ihc    ITtli    was   one    of    (lie 
various  coujitininii  tliiuiis  wliicli   iutiucmcd    Washington   (o  snsjiccL 
lliat    Ilowr-'s   niovcnicnt    to   Tlii-ojii;"s   Xcck    was   hnt    a    ]iavt    of   tlic 
enemy's  ]ilan,  and  accovdiniily  to  allow   a  lull  wee  k  lo  jta'^s  1)\    with 
out   inau^ui-alin^- any  new  jilan  of  Ids  own. 

On  the  morning  of  the  loth  Washington  issned  a  stirring  address 
to  the  army,  probably  as  chai-acteristic  a  s])eciinen  of  his  writiiijis 
of  this  natnre  as  his  cai'eer  affords:  "As  the  enemy  seem  miw  to 
be  endi'a\'orinii'  to  strike  some  stroke  before  the  close  of  the  cam- 
paii^in,"  said  he,  "the  (ieneral  most  eariu'stly  conjui-es  botli  ollicei-s 
and  men,  if  they  have  any  love  for  their  country  an<l  concei-n  for 
its  liberties  and  regard  to  the  safety  of  their  parents,  wives,  childi-en, 
and  counti-ymen,  that  they  \\ill  act  with  bravery  and  spirit  beconnn^ 
ilie  cause  in  which  they  ai-e  eni;a,i;cd;  and  to  encourage  and  animate 
I  heni  so  to  do,  there  is  every  adxantai^c  of  iiround  and  situation,  so 
that  if  we  do  not  con(pi'r  it  must  be  our  omii  faults.  ITow  much  bet- 
ter will  it  be  to  die  liouorabl,\',  tiL;htiuii  in  the  field,  than  to  return 
liouu'  covered  with  shame  and  disgrace,  even  if  the  crnelty  of  the 
iiiemy  shiaild  allow  you  to  i-etnrnl  A  brave  and  i^allant  behavior 
for  a  few  days,  and  patience  under  some  little  hardshijis,  may  save 
our  country  and  enable  us  to  ^o  into  wintei'  ([uarters  with  safety  and 
honor. ■■ 

(ieiieial  W'ashiuuion  lost  no  time  in  streniithenin^'  Heath's  com- 
mand, which  made  the  foice  above  KiuLisbriiliic  the  nmjor  ])art  of 
the  Anu'rican  army;  and  troo])S  were  posted  at  all  important  jniints 
so  as  to  check  any  possible  advam-e  of  the  enemy.  On  the  14th  ilajor- 
(!enei-al  Charles  L<'e  arrived  from  the  t^onth,  and  was  assi^iu'd  by 
Washinjiton  to  the  chief  command  in  ^Vestchester  County — an  assi^n- 
UH-nt  not  to  take  effi'ct,  however,  "until  h<'  could  make  himself  ae- 
<|uainted  with  the  ]»ost,  its  circumstances,  ami  arraniicnu-nts  of  duly," 
Cem-ral  Heath  in  the  inti'rim  retaining  the  anlhoi-ity  which  he  had 
administered  so  conscieni  iousl\  ,iud  ably.  At  thai  jieriod  was 
still  lieneially  estimate<l  at  his  own  enormous  valuation  of  himself; 
and  it  is  amnsiiiin-  to  note  in  the  ])nblic  and  pi-i\a1e  correspondence 
of  the  lime  the  satisfact  imi  with  w  hich  the  cominu  of  this  littlest  of 
little  souls,  nntst  vile  of  nntri)lots,  and  nmst  heiinnis  ami  des])icable 
of  willin.ii'  thouiih  im]»otent  traitois  was  hailed  on  account  of  his 
supposed  majestic  jicnius  and  scientific  (pmlilications  for  the 

l*ri<li',  primp,  and  eiiriiiii.staiice  of  glorioii.s  war. 

"I  bet;  my  Affectionate  Comidinu'iits  to  (ienl.  Lee,"  wrote  the  im- 
pressionable but,  as  we  have  seen,  eniiueutly  sensible  Dner,  in  one 
of  his  letters  lOctober  15),  "whom  I  sincerely  con^i'atulate  on  his 
arrival  in  Camji — jcirtly  on  account  of  himself,  as  he  will  have  it  in 


Ills  jtower  to  reap  a  fresh  llarvest  ui  Laurels,  and  iiiurt'  ou  accuimt 
()(■  I  Ills  Country  wh  looks  up  to  him  as  one  of  the  brave  Apostles  of 
licr  dearest  Kights."  Ix^e's  machinations  to  supplant  Wasinni;t()n 
in  I  lie  supreme  command  were  in  course  of  develojiment  at  this  juaiotl, 
and  the  gloomy  outlook  for  the  American  cause,  Avith  the  appalling 
record  of  recent  disaster,  gave  buoyancy  to  his  selfish  expectations. 
His  ])articipation  in  the  campaign  that  followed  is  best  remembered 
for  his  sneers  and  gibes  at  his  commander,  Avhich  passed  from  mouth 
(o  mouth  of  his  cliciue,  liotli  in  the  army  and  in  congress.  His  re- 
mai-k  that  Washington  was  conducting  the  war  mainly  with  the 
jtickax  and  the  sjiade  was  circulated  with  particular  enjoyment. 
Finally,  when  AVashington  departed  to  New  Jersey  after  the  battle 
of  White  IMains,  Lee,  left  in  command  in  Westchester  (N)unty,  took 
a  course  of  almost  open  insubordination. 

It  was  not  until  the  Kith  of  October  that  any  official  decision  was 
arrived  at  looking  to  abandonment  of  the  Harlem  Heights  and  Kings- 
l)ri(lgc  position,  and  even  then  tiie  action  taken  was  only  in  the  f(U'ui 
of  a  icsolve  upon  a  proposition  i>(  ]Mdi(y.  A  council  of  war  was  hehl 
at  the  headquarters  of  General  Lee,  the  officers  in  att(Mi(lance.  be- 
sides the  commander-in-chief,  being  iMajor-lienerals  Lee,  Putnam, 
Heath,  Spencer,  and  Sullivan,  lirigadier-Generals  Lord  Stirling, 
MifHin,  IMcDougal,  Parsons,  Nixon,  Wadsworth,  Scott,  Fellows, 
George  Clinton,  ami  Lincoln,  and  Colonel  Knox,  commanding  the 
artillery — to  whom  Washington,  after  conveying  such  information 
as  he  jiossessed  res])ecting  the  conjcctui'cd  ]inrpose  of  the  enemy  t 
surround  the  army,  put  the  following  iiuestion:  "Whether  (it  hav- 
ing a]>](eare(l  that  the  obstruction-^  in  the  North  IJiver  ha\('  proved 
insutticient,  ami  that  the  enemy's  anIioIc  force  is  now  in  our  rear,  at 
]''i'og's  I'oint)  it  is  now  deemed  ])ossible,  in  our  pn.'init  sititdtiaii,  to 
prevent  the  enemy  from  cutting  off  the  couimunication  with  the  coun- 
try and  comi(elli7ig  us  to  fight  them,  at  all  disadvantages,  or  sur- 
render prisoners  at  discretion?"  The  asseud)led  officers,  with  the 
single  exception  of  General  George  Clinton,  replied  tliat  ''it  is  not 
possible  to  ])revent  the  comnniuicaliim  from  being  cut  off;  and  that 
one  of  the  conseciuences  mentioned  in  the  ciuestion  must  cei-fainly 
follow."  This  of  course  implied  a  ]iraetically  unanimous  conclu- 
sion on  the  part  of  Washington's  generals  that  the  "  preseTit  situa- 
tion "  should  be  given  up.  At  the  same  time  the  expeiliency  of  re- 
taining possession  of  Fort  Washington  was  considered,  and  all  the 
general  officers,  most  of  them  iTifluem-ed  (h)ubtless  by  the  desire  of 
congress  that  this  stronghold  should  be  held  as  long  as  possible, 
favored  the  policy — although  Washington's  judgment  was  against  it. 

Preparations  were  now  bi'gun,  though  with  no  special  haste,  for 


CAMPAIGN     A.ND     RATlLi:    OF    WIIITK    TI.AINS  373 

scciu'iiiii  the  wit li(lr;i Will  of  llic  anny.  Oidcrs  wiTc  j;ivc'n  tVir  i)ut- 
tiiif;'  tlic  roiuls  Icadiiiji  to  the  ikivIIi,  on  tlic  west  siilo  of  the  Broux 
lJi\'(-r,  in  ji'ood  coiidilioii.  W'asliinyton  tlioronfihly  familiarized  hiiii- 
seir  with  the  nature  of  the  country  above,  and  in  thai  eonneetion, 
on  the  l(!th,  carefully  examiued  the  ground  adjaeent  lo  Pelhani  Neck, 
wliicli  i)roved  to  be  the  next  static  in  the  progress  of  the  enemy.  At 
tins  early  (hite  considerable  bodies  of  troops  were  advanced  as  far 
northward  as  Valentine's  Hill  and  the  Mile  Square,  both  in  the 
])i-esent  City  of  Yonkers;  and  during  the  subse(|uent  few  days  de- 
tachments were  gradually  sent  forward  to  establish  a  line  of  tem- 
|ioiaiy  intrenched  camps  on  the  high  grounds  bordering  the  Avest 
hank  of  the  Bronx  all  the  way  to  White  Plains.'  Besides,  Washing- 
tiui  was  not  unmindful  of  the  chance  of  danger  from  the  Hudson 
Kiver.  On  the  ir)ili  two  regiments  of  Massachusetts  nnlitia  were 
sent  up  to  Tarrytown  to  watch  the  British  ships  of  war  lying  oppo- 
site that  place  and  o])])ose  any  attemjjt  to  land  men  from  them;  and, 
notwithstanding  the  previous  failure  of  the  chi'i-uii.r-  dc  frisv  at  Fort 
\\'ashiiigton  to  bar  the  navigation  of  the  river,  and  the  large  expense 
incident  to  an  attem]tted  completion  of  that  barrier,  the  work  upon 
it  was  energetically  continued.  "  We  are  sinking  the  Ships  as  fast 
as  possible,"  wrote  Tilglniian  to  Duer  on  the  17th;  ''200  Men  are 
daily  em])loyed,  but  they  taUe  an  immense  Quantity  of  Stone  for  the 

Altluuigh  tlie  ultimate  necessity  of  quitting  Manhattan  Island  and 
Kingsbridge  was  not  (h'cided  on  until  the  lOtli,  an<l  the  beginning 
of  tile  formal  movement  was  delayed  several  days  longer,  the  objec- 
tive i>oiiil  in  tlie  coming  northw'ard  march  of  the  army  was  well  in- 
dicated by  circumstances  beforehand.  It  lia]ipened  that  tlw  ]irin 
lipal  magazine  of  provisi(ms  had  been  accumulated  at  tlie  village  of 
While  Plains,  a  ])lace  not  too  far  removed  from  the  Harlem  Heights 
liead(|uarlers  ami  yet  at  a  snthcient  distance  in  the  interior  to  be 
deemed  safe.  Moreoxcr,  there  was  a  considi'rable  magazine  at  Kye 
on  the  Sound — a  decided! \  unsafe  locality  in  view  of  liie  complete 
co!iti-ol  (d  that  coast  by  the  Britisli  tied;  and  the  removal  of  the 
IJye  stores  to  ^\']lite  IMains  as  the  most  available  s]iot  of  safety  was 
liierefore  a  inanirest  necessity  as  soon  as  the  gen<'ial  silnalion  be- 
came menacing.  .\nd  tinally  White  IMains  commande<l  the  whole 
couidr_\  below,  and  (Mpially  i  he  countr\'  above,  since  all  th<'  roads 
ceiilered    liiefe;    while  directly   in    its   rear  rose   the   range  of   North 

'In  iiiiisl  historical  rofprcnoos  to  W.isliinKloii's  Dawson's  rpniarljs  on  tills  point  (Snliarf.  I..   IL'". 

iiiari'li  tliroiiKli  Wcsli'licstpr  County  tlio  linpri'S-  nntr)   sorni.    to   our   mind,    to   i'8ta)>Ilsli    ln'.vonil 

slon  Is  Kiv<Mi  that   tlic  intrenched  camps  alon^  question  th:it   those  defensive  works  were  pre- 

Iln'    lironx    were    constructed    by    detachments  jiarcd  in  advance  by   pioneers  detailed  for  the 

fr the  army  during  its  actual  |iro);rcss.     But  spci'hil   iiur|)ose. 



("astlc  liills,  where  llic  ai'iii.v  cmilil  In-  iiirdc  secure  ii.nainst  almost 
any  possible  at  lael<  in  case  ii  sliniild  Ite  necessary  to  fall  back  farther. 
These  varions  comlilions  p<isiii\ely  indicated  White  I'lains  as  the 
essential  point  for  Washin^lun  to  reacli — even  before  his  actual 
movement  was  inaugurated.  'Hie  stores  at  W'iiile  Plains  were  umler 
file  ii'uar-d  of  a  militia  force  of  some  ;>()()  men. 

Before  proceedinjj;  farther  in  our  narrali\c,  we  tliink  it  indispensa- 
ble to  briefly  point  out  the  true  ch.iracier  of  W'ashinjilon's  nnjve- 
ment  from  Harlem  IIeij;lits  ami  Kiniisliridiic  to  AVhite  Plains.  It 
is  i^crn'rally  characterized  by  loose  and  hasty  writers — and  not  in- 
fre(|Uently  by  more  carefu]  ones — as  a  rctrcnl.  This  is  a  straTii;e  inis- 
conceplion  of  its  nature.  It  was  m)t  a  retreat  in  any  ]U'o](er  or  ad- 
missibh'  sc^nse  nf  tlie  term,  but  really  a  delil)erate  countermove  for 
position,  fearless  and  almost  a.i;iii'essi\-e  in  its  fundamentals.  So  far 
from  reli-eatini;  ujion  the  appearance  of  Ins  foe  at  'J'iiro^^'s  \e(d<, 
A\'ashinj;ton  did  not  even  retire.     He  cahnly  held  his  orijiinal  posi- 

ON    THK    MAItCIl     Til    WIIITK    ri..\IN.S. 

tion  for  days,  and,  in  fact,  until  ib)we  liimself  went  forward.  Then, 
it  Ix'iuii  apjiarent  tli.-it  How c  w;is  marching  to  tlank  him,  he  pr<uui)tly 
took  measTires  to  counlerflanl<  Howe,  and  executed  them  with  the 
most  admiralile  judi;nieut  and  L;r<'at  dispatch  and  success  in  view 
of  his  circumstances.  Kenarded  strictly  in  its  ultimate  com])lexion, 
Washin;;lon's  mo\-emeut  to  White  Plains  M'as  indeed  the  reverse 
of  a  retreat  or  ictireuuMit.  H'  his  object  had  been  simply  to  retire 
beyond  his  enemy's  reacli,  lie  would  not  ]ia\ c  sto](])ed  at  \Mrit(-  Plains, 
a  coiiiparativ(dy  exjiosed  locality,  but  A\duld  have  yone  at  once  to 
the  North  Castle  hills,  Avhich  were  ]iractically  impregnable  with  the 
force  he  had.  But  with  tliose  liills  at  his  back  to  resort  to  in  case 
of  need,  he  Mas  salished  to  offer  l)attle  at  White  Plains,  liecause, 
with  the  conditions  (if  ullimate  posilion  fa\drable  to  him,  he  deemed 
it  exjiedicnt  to  tirst  ti^lit  a  battle  that  he  had  a  fair  chance  to  win. 
rhcntually  it  was  Howe  and  not  A\'asliiiiiiton  who  declined  ihe  j^cn- 
eral  battle  at  W^hite  Plains,  which  Washiniiloii,  by  all  his  prelim- 
inary ojierations,  had  accejited  in  ad\ance.  We  now  return  to  the 
enemy  at  Throgg's  Neck. 


Tlic  ISlli  III'  Ocldhcf  \\;is  llic  (lay  cliosi'ii  by  General  Howe  for  ex- 
|Kisiii<i  liis  flirt  her  iiilciitioiis.  I'p  to  tliat  lime  lie  had  iieitiier  done 
nor  attempted  anytliinj;  but  the  transportation  of  his  army,  with  its 
artillery,  equipments,  and  stores,  from  New  York  City  to  Throj;jji's 
Necdv.  After  fiiidinj;-,  njion  ins  arrival  tJiere  on  the  12th,  that  his 
progress  from  tJie  Xeck  to  the  mainland  was  disimted  by  a  de- 
termined force  of  Aniciieans,  he  refrained  from  all  pretensions  to 
yroiind  lieyond  Ids  little  island,  but  caused  earthworks  to  be  con- 
structed, and  during'  the  succeeding-  days  "  the  scattering  fire  across 
the  marsh  continued,  and  now  and  then  a  man  was  killed."  That 
was  iill.  Finally,  at  one  o'clock  on  the  morninj;  of  the  ISth,  he  em- 
barked a  portion  of  his  forces  on  flatboats  and  had  them  rowed 
over  to  IVdhain's  or  Rodman's  Point,  on  the  opjiosite  side  of  East- 
(diester  Hay.  They  were  successfully  landed  in  the  darkness.  This 
was  a  ]>reliminary  movement  to  secure  the  i;round  for  his  main  body, 
wliich  lie  put  in  motion  at  daylight;  and  simultaneously  he  caused 
an  embrasure  to  be  opened  in  his  earthwork  facing  \V'estch ester 
causeway,  so  as  to  <x\\v  the  Americans  the  impression  that  he  was 
prepariufi'  to  force  his  way  over  under  a  canmmade.  The  Americans 
readily  concluded  tliat  such  was  his  object;  and  strong  re-enforce- 
ments were  speedily  sent  forward  by  (ieneral  Heath,  who  soon  after- 
ward came  to  the  sjtot  in  jx'rson  to  direct  the  ojierations.  Washing- 
ton himself  presently  arrived  on  the  scene;  and  the  course  taken  by 
him  is  of  much  interest  in  connection  with  what  our  readers  already 
ktiow  about  his  strong  and  persevering  sus])icioii  that  Howe's  design 
would  eventually  prove  to  be  a  direct  advance  on  Kingsbridge,  with 
tile  sii](]tort  of  a  coo])erating  ex])cdilion  from  the  quarter  of  ^lor- 
risaiiia.  Washington,  says  Heath  in  his  ".Memoirs,"  "ordered  him 
(llcallii  to  return  immediately  and  have  his  division  formed  ready 
for  action,  and  to  take  siuh  a  position  as  might  appear  best  calcu- 
lated to  oppoS(^  the  enemy  should  they  attemjit  to  land  another  body 
of  tro()]»s  on  M(U'risania,  wliicii  he  tliouglit  not  iiii]iiol)able." 

Having  distracted  tlie  attention  of  the  Anu>ricans  by  his  ])reteiided 
]daii  of  crossing  the  marsh  from  Throgg's  Neck,  Howe  disjiatched 
liis  iii.iin  hddy  as  rapidly  as  possible  to  Pell's  Point  on  boats,  an<l 
the  transfer  was  conqileted  with  proniiitness  and  in  entire  safety. 
Mtaiiwliilc  the  ]u-eseuce  of  the  British  vanguard,  which  had  been 
feri-ied  ()\ci  in  llie  iiiglil,  became  known  to  the  Aniericaii  force  sta- 
tioned on  the  mck  abo\'e,  resulting  in  a  series  of  li\-e]y  eiieounlers. 
This  American  force  consisted  of  the  excellent  brigade  of  Ceiieral 
•lanii's  ( 'linlnii,  which,  at  t  lie  time,  was  commanded  by  ( "(liiuiel  ( ilover. 
It  eiiifnaced  four  regiments,  Sliei)ard's,  Read's,  and  P.aldwiii's,  in  ad- 
dition to  (iloxcr's  (the  hist  being  under  the  temjiorary  command  of 


(';i]il;iiii  Ciiitis).  Its  total  sli-cnutli  upon  lliis  occasion  \\as  about 
7."i(l,  and  it  was  (Minippcd  witli  tliivi'  ticld  pieces,  wliicli,  however,  were 
nol  hronglit  into  action  because  of  tlie  uiieveiiness  of  tlie  ui-onnd  and 
ilie  nalnre  of  tlie  tactics  eni])bived.  'I'lic  tad  llial  liie  American 
general  bad  the  discretion  to  place  so  relatively  lunnerons  and  effec- 
ti\'e  a  body  on  I'cH's  Xeck,  des])ite  bis  linnerinn:  belief  I  bat  Ibe 
eiieiii\"s  plans  ditl  not  conlcnipl.ite  any  movement  tiii;lH-r,  is  our 
amony  many  exceedinj;ly  practical  and  convincing,'  demonsti-ations 
of  the  tboronjibness  and  intellii;ence  with  which  the  patriot  forces 
were  dis])osed  from  the  very  bciiinnin^  of  the  Westchester  cami)aii;n. 
Colonel  (!lo\(  r  was  made  aware  of  the  presence  of  the  eiieni\'  by 
the  sudden  apj)roacli  of  his  advance  iiuard.  He  imniedialely  threw 
forward  a  captain  and  forty  men  to  meet  them,  and  in  the  pause 
which  followed  ambuscadid  Ins  i-ejiiinents  behind  stone  walls.  He 
then  ])ersonally  to(d<  command  of  the  forty  men  and  mai-clied  them 
to  A\ithin  lifty  yards  at'  the  place  whei'e  the  foe  had  come  to  a  stand- 
still. I>otli  sides  ii()A\  tire<l,  several  rounds  beiu^;'  exchanjied.  Four 
of  the  lliitish  ]iarty  were  seen  to  fall,  and  of  the  Americans  t\\<i  were 
killed  and  a  number  wounded.  The  British  wei-e  soon  re-enforced  and 
charged  the  Americans,  who  reti'eated  in  ;.;(tod  order,  leadinu  their 
pursuers  up  to  where  the  first  ambuscade<l  retiiment  irolonel  Kead's) 
lay.  The  concealed  men  rose  from  behind  tlie  stone  wall  and  tired 
with  su(d!  elfect  that  the  ad\ancini:  cmIuiiih  br(d<e  and  tied  witboiit 
the  ceremon.\'  of  a  rejily.  After  a  delay  ot  about  an  hour  and  a  half 
the  enemy  again  came  forward  along  the  roadway,  "  with  what  were 
sui)posed,"  says  Dawson,  "  l<i  have  Ik  en  4,000  men,  streugtbened  with 
seven  ])ieces  of  ai'tillery."  ('(domd  Read  and  his  command,  still  oc- 
culting their  original  ])osition.  not  oidy  renewed  the  attack  but 
bT'a\('ly  "maintained  their  ground  until  they  had  thrown  se\'en  well- 
directed  volleys  into  the  closed  T'anks  "  of  the  vastly  su]jerior  enemy, 
liually  i-eti-eating  across  fields  and  taking  uj)  a  new  ])osition  in  su]i- 
|ioi-t  of  ('obiuel  Sbejiard's  i-egiiiieiit,  which  was  concealed  some  dis- 
tance farther  along  the  i-oad.  Here  the  previous  ])rocee(ling  was  re- 
peated, seAcnteeu  v(dleys  being  tire(l  by  the  Americans  before  they 
were  dislodged.  Next  the  IJritish  came  u|>ou  the  third  line  of  am- 
buscade, under  the  command  of  Colomd  Uaidwin;  but  here  the  o])iio- 
sition  (dfered  by  the  Americans  was  not  prolonged,  the  nature  of 
the  ground  |iermit  I  ing  the  British  artillery  to  be  effectively  em- 
ployed. The  three  I'egiments,  having  well  jierformed  the  duties  whi(di 
fell  to  them,  then  retired  across  Ilulcliiiisoii's  Kivei  and  u]i  a  slo]>e 
of  gi-onnd  to  where  the  fourth,  commanded  b\  ("ajitaiii  ('urtis,  was 
stationed,  with  the  three  ti(dd-]iieces.  This  emled  the  tighting,  al- 
though  the   British  cannon  continued  to  belch  thunderouslv  at  the 


disaiiiiciiriiiii  (•(•iit'mciitiils.  Tho  brigadi',  reports  Colonel  (ilover, 
"afler  tinlitinj;-  all  <la.v,  wilhout  victuals  or  drink,"  fell  back  at  dark 
to  a  jilace  llircc  miles  in  tlie  rear,  \vli(>re  they  bivonacked,  and  "lay 
as  a  i)ic(|uet  all  niiilit,  tlie  iieavens  over  ns  and  the  earth  nnder  us, 
wliicii  was  all  we  had,  having  lelt  all  o>ir  bajigage  at  the  old  en- 
caiiii>nienl  we  left  in  the  niorninii."  ICarly  the  next  day  they  joined 
the  American  command  (inartered  in  the  .Mile  Scjuare  in  the  Town 
of  ^'(iidcers. 

This  interestinii'  action,  or  rather  series  of  actions,  occurred  on 
I'elliam  soil.  It  served  a  two-fold  purpose — first,  to  and  re- 
tard the  van  of  the  invadin«i'  army  for  an  entire  day;  and  second, 
lo  iii\'e  the  British  "general  a  wjudesome  (d)ject-lesson  of  the  inettle- 
someiies  of  the  AmeiMcan  troo]is  and  of  the  well-judged  manner  iu 
wliicji  1  hey  liiid  been  posted  to  haiass  his  advanc(\  Dawson,  after 
carefnl  examination  of  all  the  known  facts,  concludes  that  the  num- 
ber of  the  enemy  actually  engaged  by  (Hover  and  his  men  could  not 
have  been  less  than  4,(100;  while  The  two  regiments  of  TJead  and 
She])ard,  which  sustained  ju-actically  the  entire  attack  of  this  army, 
could  not  have  exceeded  400  rank  and  tile.  The  American  losses, 
according  to  ofticial  returns,  were  six  men  killed  and  Colonel  Shepard 
and  tw(dve  men  wounded.  The  enemy's  forces  comjn-ised  both  Brit- 
ish regiments  and  (Jerman  merceuaiy  cdiasseurs.  The  losses  to  the 
British  regiments  (as  shown  by  the  returns)  were  three  men  killed 
and  two  otiicers  and  twenty  men  wounded.  As  for  the  mercenaries, 
no  olhcial  returns  of  their  losses  have  been  published.  Regarding 
this  ])oint  we  shall  permit  ourselves  to  quote  at  length  the  observa- 
tions (d'  Dawson,  n]ton  whose  facts  we  have  fre(]uently  di-awn,  though 
usually  (and  we  admit  quite  deliberately)  without  reproducing  the 
singularly  precise  and  diligent  concatenations  of  statement  and  re- 
lated considerations  wher(»with  he  surrounds  them. 

Tlie  reports  (lie  says)  of  the  o]ieratioiis  and  the  casualties  of  those  [iiierceiiary]  troojis  were 
made  to  the  several  sovereifjii  jirinees,  electors,  etc.,  of  whom  these  troojis  were,  resjiectively, 
siilijects  ;  and,  except  in  some  few  instances,  when  individual  enterjirise  has  unearthed  some 
of  them,  the  text  of  those  reports  and  much  of  the  ofticial  corrcs]iondeiiee  remain  in  their 
original  repositories,  unopened  and  seemiutrly  uncared  for. 

The  reports  of  deserters,  and  other  unofticial  reports,  made  the  total  losses,  lioth  Hritish 
and  (ierinan,  from  eif/ht  /nniilreil  lo  a  lliousaiid  men  :  and  it  is  difficult  to  make  one  lielieve 
that  four  hundred  Americans,  familiar  from  their  childhood  with  the  use  of  tireai'ins,  sheltered 
hy  ample  defenses,  fnuii  which  they  couM  fire  deliherately  and  with  their  pieces  rested  on  the 
tops  of  their  defenses,  could  have  possibly  tired  volley  after  volley  into  a  larn-e  body  of  men, 
massed  in  a  closely  eompaeteil  column  and  cooped  up  in  a  narrow  country  roadway,  without 
having  intlicted  as  extended  a  damage  on  those  who  received  their  fire  as  deserter  after  de- 
serter, to  the  number  of  more  than  half  a  dozi'u,  on  ditt'ercnt  days,  without  any  connection 
with  each  other,  severally  and  sejiaiately  declared  had  been  intlicted  on  the  enemy's  advance 
oil  the  occasion  now  nnder  consideration. 

Eight    hundred    to    a    thousand    ]Mit    hnrs   dr  ftmilxit    in    a    running 


iniisl^ctry  tij^lit  hv  Cniii-  liuiidrcd  contiiiciitals,  wliusf  total  casualties 
were  liiil  iiiiH'tcciiI  That  was  noble  worlv  indeed — it  was  inayniti- 
ceiil,  and  also  it  was  war.  Jint  it  beconu's  our  virtnoiis  duty  as  an 
lionoialde  historian  to  decently  eantion  the  nnwai-v  I'eader  here. 
Dawson's  exirenie  coniiiassionate  feeling-  for  the  miserable  Tories  cd' 
Westchester  ("onnty  ]irocnres  natnrally  from  his  majiTiaiumous  pen 
a  |)roi>erl\-  i-es])ectfnl  recejition  of  the  llriHsli  forces  sent  to  their 
relief  by  a  gracious  soxcreij^n;  and  in  this  jiarticnlar  he  goes  so  far 
in  several  places  as  to  exjiress  impatiem-e  at  the  tradnctions  of  (jeii- 
eral  Howe  as  a  military  commander  wliidi  so  characterize  the  writ- 
inu,s  of  .\merican  ](aiiisan  ci'itics.'  On  the  other  hand,  i>awson  no- 
where (list-overs  an\-  fa\(>iable  conceit  of  the  mission  of  the  nu*rce- 
naries,  \\lii(li  for  an^ht  that  can  be  detected  to  the  contrary  he  may 
even  regard  in  the  conventional  fashion  as  mere  infatnons  bntchery 
bnsiness  for  pay.  It  hence  occnrs  to  ns  that  while  every  way  in- 
capable (d'  wT'onj^inii  the  British  troops  by  conjectures  or  stispicions 
of  battletield  losses  disadvautap,eous  to  their  prowess  or  to  the  in- 
tegrity of  their  (dlicial  i-e]>orts,  he  has  no  sn(di  sci'n]inlons  concern 
for  the  fail-  fame  of  the  hii-(ding  arm  of  the  army,  and  indeed  is  quite 
indifferent  how  mercilessly  the  Hessians  are  peppered  in  the  pages 
of  history.  At  least  we  can  not  otherwise  account  for  his  conclu- 
sion that  the  loss  suffered  by  the  mer<-enaries,  compared  with  that 
of  their  British  comrades-in-arms  (who  equally'  were  "  massed  in  a 
closely  com])acted  column  and  cooped  up  in  a  narrow  country  road- 
way "),  was  in  the  ratio  of  thirty  or  forty  to  one.  For  ourselves,  we 
lirndy  dislxdieve  that  there  was  any  such  slaughter  of  Hessians  in 
llie  .Manor  (let  it  therefore  never  be  called  the  shamblesi  of  I'elham 
as  Dawson  ijiclines  to  think. 

The  gallant  behavior  of  ('olon(d  Clover  ami  his  men  was  made  the 
subject  of  very  com]dimentary  observations  in  general  orders  issued 
by  Washington;  and  (Jeneral  Lee,  to  whose  command  they  belonged, 
l>aid  a  visit  to  them  in  their  camp  and  "  pnblickly  i-eturned  his  thanks 
for  their  noble-spirited  and  soldier-like  conduct  during  the  battle." 

After  (he  retreat  of  this  (d)structing  Ameri(-an  brigade,  (Jeneral 
Howe,  without  encountering  any  further  ojqjosition,  moved  a  por- 
tion of  his  army  forward  to  New  Kochelle,  and  by  degrees  during 
the  next  few  days  brought  all  his  foi-ces  u]i  to  that  point,  also  re- 
ceiving additional  li-oops  from  New  York  Citv.'     On  the  21st  of  Oc- 

■  Every    triio   .\morioan    slionld    lio   prn-  tinil   Suiilii.-i    KiIiiianso(.'(,'c.— .Vnrrodrr   ami   Cril- 

foiimlly  Knilofiil  tU.nt  this  Incoiiipctent  general  icnl  Ili.itori/  of  Amirica,  vi..  291. 

was   placed  at    tlie  lie,a<l   of  the    Bi-Itish   army,  '  An   ex|ie(lition    of    R.OOO    mereenarh'S.   enm- 

not  for  his  own  merits,  lint  lieeause  of  his  con-  mandeil     hy    I.ientenant-(ieneral     Knyphansen. 

ne<-tion  with  royally  through  his  Rrandmother's  \vas  landi'd  on  the  22d  at   Myers's  Tulnt   (now 

frailly.     His  inotliiT  was  the  issne  of  George  I.  navciiporfs    Necki.    ni-ar   New    Kochelle.    This 

CAMPAIGN    ANT)     RATTI^F,    OF     WHITE    I'r>.VT.\S  379 

tohci-  lie  iul\;iiicc(l  liis  ritilit  iind  cciilcr  lo  ;i  siliuilidii  iihoiil  two  miles 
fjirtlici-  iiortli,  (III  llic  load  to  White  IMaius — bis  left  contiiHiiiij'-  at 
New  ii'ochelle.  Also  on  I  lie  :21st  lie  detiulied  a  Loyalist  cotiis  known 
as  the  (Queen's  IJaiiuns,  conmiaHded  by  l.ieiiten:iiit(  "(ilonel  Kom-rs, 
to  oe('ii]iy  Maiiiaroiieck,  whicli  was  successfully  accomplished,  tbe 
Amci-icaii  ]iost  at  that  place  abaudoiiiiin  it  aiii>areiitly  wilhonl  any 
attempt  at  defense.  Thus  as  early  as  the  2Isl  (Icm-ial  Howe  was 
encamped  with  bis  whole  army  in  a  sjdeiidid  strategic  position  on 
the  i^oiind,  with  a  tine  road  bcloir  him  leading  all  tbe  way  to  White 
Plains.  This  roa<l,  moreovci',  was  (juite  unobstructed  by  the  Ameri- 
cans, who  were  well  content  to  keep  at  a  respectful  distance,  on  tbe 
western  side  of  the  Itronx  IJiver.  And  furtbei-,  at  (bat  identical 
time,  tbe  Kevolutionary  army  was  stretched  in  a  tbin  line  from  the 
southern  jiart  of  W^estcbester  County  to  its  <lestinatiou  at  Wbite 
Plains,  toilsomely  stru.u;^linj;  to  compb-te  its  nuineurer  befoi-e  tbe 
enemy  should  be  ready  to  foil  it.  Yet  Howe,  with  bis  accustonu'd 
leisure,  remained  in  this  station  for  three  days,  after  which  be  oc- 
cupied two  days  in  advancini;-  a  few  miles  to  Scarsdale,  Avbere  be 
spent  three  days  more;  and  durini;  tbe  period  of  eight  days  be  never 
undertook  any  strategic  opo^ratiun  or  even  struck  any  incidental 
blow  at  the  onwanl  moving  column  of  Anu'iicans.  Here  we  shall 
leave  him,  to  return  to  the  animated  and  interesting  progress  of 
events  on  the  American  side. 

After  the  advance  of  tbe  British  on  the  IStli  from  Throgg's  Neck 
to  Pell's  Neck,  and  thence  to  New  Iiocbelle,  Washington  put  forth 
his  utmost  exertions  toward  marching  liis  army  as  quickly  as  pos- 
sible to  tbe  north.  The  enterprise,  aside  from  tbe  extreme  funda- 
mental hazard  attending  it  on  account  of  tbe  expected  appearance 
of  Howe  at  any  monn^nt  athwart  tbe  line  of  march,  was  beset  with 
embarrassing  physical  dilliculties.  The  facilities  for  the  transpor- 
tation of  tlie  cannon  and  impedimenta  of  all  kinds  were  distress- 
ingly limited.  There  Avas  an  extreme  scarcity  of  teams  and  wagons, 
and  tlie  work  of  transi»ortation  bad  to  be  iierfornied  mostly  by  the 
soldiers.  "The  baggage  and  artillery,"  says  (lordon,  "  wei-e  carried 
or  drawn  off  by  band.  When  a  part  was  forwarded,  the  other  was 
fetcluMl  on.  This  was  the  general  way  of  removing  the  cam])  equi- 
]iag<'  and  other  apjiendages  of  tbe  army."  Everything  not  abs(dutely 
needful  was  left  behind,  togetbei-  A\ith  much  that  could  not  well  be 
sjiared.  The  food  su]i]dy  of  tbe  army,  for  example,  was  dangerously 
low — .so  low  I  hat  on  the  L'btli  Tilghman  wrote  in  (he  following  ])ress- 

oxpfditiou   Kiiiletl     fn»iii     i;iit;!.i tui    in    slxty-flvo  vantape  nf  Its  oo-opcrjitlon  tliat  GoiH-ral  Howe 

vcssrls    on  the  27lli  of  July,   lull   did  not  roach  so  long  delayed  his  movement  from   New  York 

New  York   City   until   the  ISth  of  Oetober.      It  City    to    Throcu's    Neek,    and    from    the    latter 

was  possibly  du<'  to  a   desire   to  have   the   ad-  place  forward. 



iii!^-  terms  (<i  the  Slate  (•onventioii:  •■  r]Hiii  a  Survey  (if  nur  Stores 
we  liiid  we  are  not  so  fully  stocked  as  we  could  wish,  i'loui-  is  what 
is  iiiosi  likely  to  he  wanted.  ITis  KxcelleTicy  therefore  calls  upon 
youi-  Coiivenliou  in  the  most  ])ressinj;  manner,  and  he;L;s  you  will  set 
every  I^ni^im-  al  woik  to  send  down  every  Barr(d  you  can  ]irocur<' 
towai'ds  the  Army."  Yet  at  tile  last  some  ei>;hty  or  ninety  harnds 
(d'  iiro\isions  had  io  he  left  at  Kiniisbridiic  for  lack  of  nnans  to 
transport  tliem. 

r>y  the  2OII1  all  of  Washington's  troops  on  ]\ranliattan  Island  (with 
the  exce](tion  of  the  garrison  of  l''ort  \Vashinj;toni  had  been  trans- 
ferred to  \\'est(  hester  County,  and  he  now  to(dv  up  his  head(iuarters 
at  l\ini;sl>ridi;('.  The  most  advanced  Ameiican  ])ost  on  the  2()th  was 
a]>]>arently  that  of  (Jeneral  l.ord  Stilling',  who,  accoi-diuii'  to  a  j)rivate 

letter  of  that  date,  written  from 
the  "Camp  of  Vonkers "  by  the 
noted  General  C.old  Selleck  Silli- 
nian  to  his  wife,  lay  "with  a.  larjie 
force  of  troojts  and  three  fi(dd-i(ieces 
about  six  or  seven  miles  north- 
east "  of  Yonkers,  "  on  the  road 
from  NeA\'  TIo(dielle  to  the  North 
lUver,  at  the  distance  of  about  two 
or  three  miles  from  the  seashore." 
Thi're  was  at  this  time  no  fcsrce 
whatever  at  White  Plains  but  the 
militia  i^uai-d  of  oOO,  already  no- 
ticed. ( )n  the  morninii'  of  the  l2(tth 
\\ashini;lon  dispatched  ('olontd  llu 
fus  Putnam,  an  able  engineer  and 
very  trustworthy  officer,'  to  reoon- 
noiter  the  country  in  I  he  \iciiiity 
of  the  enemy.  ( 'olomd  I'utnam  proceeded  to  within  two  or  three 
miles  of  White  I'lains.  I'''rom  his  observations  of  the  easy  accessi- 
bility of  tliat  place  to  the  enemy,  he  l»ecame  ])rofouudl.y  convinced 
(d'  the  immediate  necessitA'  of  having  it  occu]iied  by  a  respectable 
body  of  men,  so  as  to  secure  its  larjie  and  vitally  important  mai;a7,ine 
of  provisions  against  attack.  Keturninii-  Avitli  all  haste  to  head- 
(|uarters,  he  snbmittcMl  the  facts  to  the  conunander-in-chi(d'.  who  yave 
him  a  letter  to  Lord  Stirlinji',  or(b'rini;  that  ncueial  to  march  forth- 
with to  White  Plains  with  all  his  command.  Putnam  reached 
Stirlinii's  cam])  at  two  ()"(hi(l<  the  r(diowiu<i-  morninii'  (()ctob<'r  21). 
The  l)i-ij;ade  was  in  UKdion  before  daybreak,  and  by  nine  o'cdock  it 

'It  was    iinrtcr  the    sii|MTvisicin  nf    Ccilciiii'l  I'litn.'im  IIi.Tt  tlif    fiirtitii-nl Ions  of     Tort  Wasliiiigtun 
wore  constnietot). 


CAMPAIGN    AND    BATTLl':    OF    WllITIs    I'L.MNS  381 

luul  iiri-ivcd  ;il    While  Tliiiiis.     At    thai    liiiic,  it    will   lie  rciiicinlici'cd, 
the  (lilaloiy   Cciicial   Ilnwc  had   advaiiccil   (udy   slii;iitly  above    New 


The  21st  was  a  day  of  urcat  and  Iriiiiriii  activity.  Siipiilciuciii  iiii,' 
liis  ])roiiipt  action  id'  the  niiilit  before  upon  llie  receipt  (d'  ("(donel 
I'nfnani's  repoi-l,  Washington  directed  (ieneral  llealh,  tiien  al 
Kin^sbrid.uc,  to  brealc  caiii]*,  "  if  ])ossible,  at  eii;lit  o'clocl^  this  luorn- 
injiv'  'iixl  take  his  division  sjjeedily  to  Wliite  I'lains.  He  was  iiini- 
s(df  in  the  saddh-  at  an  early  Imnr,  and  ro(h>  to  ^\'llite  IMains  on  a 
tonr  of  insitectioii.  While  there  he  issned  a  number  (d'  iniporlaii! 
orders,  inidinlinj;  one  to  the  ol1ic(-r  coniniaiidin^'  at  Maiiiaroneck, 
whom  lie  instructi'd  to  make  the  best  stand  jjossible  if  attacked,  little 
thinkiuii',  says  Dawsou,  "that  at  that  very  time  the  (dlicer  whom 
lie  was  tims  addresslui;-  had  shown  himself  to  be  only  a  (()ntem]iti- 
ble  i)olti-o(in."  The  marchinii  order  liiven  Heath  in  the  niorn- 
ini;-  was  executed  by  that  faitlifnl  ;;cnei-al  as  i)ronii)tly  as  i»ossible; 
but  the  UK>vement  of  his  division,  distributed  alont;  tiie  sonlhern 
border  of  Westchester  County,  which  had  to  be  consolidated,  willi 
numerous  jmdiminary  details  to  be  attended  to,  could  not  be  accom- 
jdished  so  suddenly.  Instead  of  niovini;  at  eijiht  oVdock  in  the  nu>rn- 
iuj;',  Heath  did  not  lict  started  iinti.1  four  in  the  afternoon.  But  once 
on  the  way,  he  i)erforiued  tlie  maneuver  with  remarkable  rai)idity, 
arriviui;  in  While  I'lains  at  four  o'ldock  in  the  morninji  (October  22|, 
only  twelve  liours  after  his  dejiartui'e  from  Kinjj;  It  was 
praciically  a  forced  march,  for  the  iimnediate  jiurixise  oi  liirowinj;' 
a  strong'  body  into  White  IMains — Stirlinji's  siniile  brigade  beinu- 
manifestly  insuHicient  to  hold  the  i)lace  if  a  serious  movement  by  the 
enemy  should  be  suddenly  nunle  thither;  and  nattirally  the  men 
were  not  encumbered  with  ba,ii,i;ai;e,  or  obliiied  to  draw  lieavy  loads 
after  them,  as  was  the  case  with  the  troops  that  followed.  Vei  the 
division  made  the  march  in  ])erfect  order,  takiu!.;'  its  liiilil  ami  liea\y 
artillery,  and  was  so  ari-ani;('d  that  in  case  of  atfaclv  disposi- 
tion for  battle  could  be  effected  instantly.  Th<'  withdrawal  of  Heath's 
division  from  Kiui;sbridi;e  left  the  whole  southei-n  line  <d'  Westcliester 
County  denuded  (tf  defenders,  excejit  tliat  a  garrison  of  (iOO,  under 
Colonel  Lash(>r,  was  s]iared  f(u-  I'orl  Independence  (Ui  Tetai'd's  Hill; 
but  eAcn  this  \\as  only  a  tem])orary  measure,  for,  as  we  shall  see. 
Colonel  Lasher's  small  command  was  withdrawn  from  that  station 
a  few  days  later  and  joined  the  army  al   \\'hile  I'lains. 

Since  the   I'elhani   affair  of   the    ISih,   there   had    been   aiisoliitely 
n(.  encoun.ter  between  the  Americans  and    I'.rilish,  even  al    their  oul- 

lyiii^-  ])osts,  b(dh  sides  liavin.u   I ii   eni;rossed    with   the  business  of 

securing  position.     I'.ut  on  the  ni;4hl  of  the  21st  a  well-planned  and 


rc;iS(Uiiil)ly   successful  ihisli    a\;is    made   1),\    au    Aiiici'icau    I'm-cc — siu- 
nulai-ly  cnuu^uli  from  the  very  cxtrciMc  of  the  Auiericau  positiou,  al 
Wliite  riaius,  ajiainst  the  very  extreiue  of  the  British  itosition,  al 
Mauiaroueclc.     We  have  seen  that  (luriui;  the  21st  ^lauiarcsiieclc  was 
occujiicd  by  a  Britisli  detachnieiit,  tlu'  (iueeu's  Kauf'ers,  iiuder  Lieu- 
(enaut-Cdionel  IJoucrs,  wliile  ou  the  luoruiui;  of  tiiat  day  the  Auieri- 
cau Geueral  Stirliuj;-  occujiied  \N'hite  Plains.     The  (Queen's  Kaiiiicrs 
was  an  exceediuj^ly  select  \)n(\y  ol   American  Loyalists,  reciuiled  iu 
New  York  and  Connecticut,  and  euihraced  not  a  few  yonui;  uien  of 
AVestchester  County  Tory  fauiilies.     l-atei-  iu  the  war  they  weic  coui- 
manded  by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Siuicoc,  whose  memoir  of  them,  en- 
titled "Journal  of  the  Op(>rations  of  the  Queen's  Kaniiers,"  is  an  in- 
terestiiiii'  Kevolutiouary  authoiity.     They  were  "  discijjliued  not  for 
parade,  but  for  active  service.     They  were  never  to  march  in  slow 
time;  were  directed  to  fire  with  jirecisiou  and  steadiness;  to  wield 
the  bayonet  with  force  and  elTect;  to  (lis])eise  and  rally  with  rapidity. 
In  slioit,  ill  the  instructions  for  the  management  of  the  corps,  its 
coniuiauder  seems  to  have  antici]>ated   tlie  more  modci'u  tactics  of 
the  I'rench  army."     The  seudinn  of  this  body  to  Mamai'oueck — the 
home,  by  the  way,  of  the  distiuiiuished  Tory  family  of  t\i'  Laucey — 
was   the  first  enterprise  of  tlu^  I'ritisli  comuiauder  a]>art    froiu    his 
main  forward  moveuu'ut  since  his  laudiuu  in  AN'estchester  County, 
and    undoubtedly   was  intended   as  a    couiiiliuieutary   recoiiuitiou   of 
tile  s]iii-ited  Tor\'  volunleei-s.     (ieuei'al   ^^'aslliuJ^tou,  ujxni  i'ecei\iii!4- 
iuteniiicuce  of  the  unopjtosed  cai)t  ui-e  of  .Mamaroueck  by  the  Kaniici's, 
deci<led  to  juive  them  a  dift'ciciit   iiii])! essiou  of  the  (juality  of  IJevo- 
lutioiiary    troo])s    than    they    had    dei-i\'ed    from    theiT'    entry    there. 
Ai^i-ecably    to    his   o!-ders,    (Seueral    Lord    Stirlinj.;',    comuiaudiuL;'    at 
"White  Plains,  dispatched  Colonel  Haslet,  with  f>00  Delaware  troo])s, 
aiul  Majoi-  rjreen.  with  I.IO  A'ii-^iuiaus,  to  attack  the  Itauiicrs  duriu;n' 
the  uiLiht.      It  was  hojK-d   to  sui'jjrise  and   cai)ture  the  whole  cor])S 
of  the  enemy,  Avhich  was  only  450  stronji';  and  this  would  undoubtedly 
liaA'e  been  done  had  it  not  been  foi-  tlu'  foresight  of  Colonel   Po^ci-s 
in  exteudiui;  his  picket  lines  beyond  expectation,  and  the  bluuderiuj;- 
of  the  American  guides,  who  "undertook  to  alter  the  first  disi)osi- 
tion  "■  of  the  attacking  ])arty.     A  sur])rise  was  thus  prevented,  and 
a  hand  to  hand  tight  ensued  iu  the  darkness,  the  Kangers,  insjiired 
by  the  great  courage  and  address  of  their  colonel,  defending  them- 
seh'es  excelleutly.     TIu'  ^\mei'icaus  were  tiually  forced  to  retire,  sus- 
taining a  loss  of  three  or  four  killed  and  about  fifteen  wounded,  but 
bearing  with  them  thirty-six  prisoners  and  a  quantity  of  captured 
arms  aiid  blankets.    The  number  of  the  Loyalists  killed  and  wounded 
is  unknown,  but  according  to  .Vmerican  reports  was  large,  twenty- 

CAMPAIGN    AND    BATTLIO    OI'    WlilTK    PLAINS  383 

five  dead  beiug  counted  in  one  orcliard.  *' All  i>f  ixitli  sides,"  says 
Mr.  Kdwurd  F.  do  Laiiccy  in  his  "  llisloiy  of  .Maiiianmcck,"  "  wore 
buried  just  over  (ho  (o]i  of  the  ridge  almost  diT'octiy  uortli  of  the 
Ileatlicote  Hill  lionso,  in  the  angle  formed  by  the  jirosoiit  farm  lano 
Mud  tho  oast  fonco  of  tho  hold  next  to  the  ridgo.  Thoro  thoir  graves 
lie  togother,  frii'iid  and  foe,  but  all  Americans.  My  father  told  me 
when  he  was  a  boy  their  green  graves  were  distinctly  visible.  The 
late  Stei»]ien  Hall,  a.  boy  of  seventeen  or  eighteen  at  the  time,  said 
that  they  were  buried  the  morning  after  the  tight,  and  that  he  sav,- 
nine  laid  in  uiw  large  grave."  General  Howe  promptly  re-enforced 
the  sliatleretl  IJangers  with  the  brigade  of  (Jeneral  Agnew. 

On  the  21st  AN'ashingtou  adxanced  his  head(|uarters  from  Kings- 
bridge  a  distance  of  about  four  miles  to  Valentine's  Hill,  a  i»romi- 
nent  ridge  in  the  i)res<'nt  City  of  Yonkers,  ui>on  whose  bi-ow  Saint 
•losejih's  Seminarv  stands.  From  tliis  ])l:ice  a  number  of  ilocunumls 
in  connection  witii  the  movement  tlien  in  progress  are  dated,  and 
here  occui-red  an  episode  of  sentimental  interest,  ^'alentine's  Hill 
was  so  called  from  the  family  of  farmers  who  had  tilled  it  for  about 
tliree-ipuirters  of  a  century  as  tenants  of  the  Manor  of  riiilipseburgh. 
The  farmhouse,  though  having  no  residential  ])retensious,  was  the 
mosi  substiuitial  dwelling  in  tliat  iinnuvliate  locality,  and  was  used 
by  Washington  for  headquarters  pur])oses  while  directing  opei"a- 
lions  Irom  the  hill,  although  the  N'alentine  family  was  not  dis- 
Inrbcd  in  its  occupancy.  One  of  the  family  at  that  time  was  lOliza- 
bei  h  \  iilentine,  a  young  child,  who  died  in  1S.")4.  It  was  freipiently 
leliited  by  her  that  one  morning  ^Vashiugton,  liefoi'e  beginning  tlu^ 
business  of  the  day,  surrounded  by  nuunbers  of  his  ofHcial  family 
in  the  sitting  room  of  the  dwelling — she  being  present, — read  from 
ilie  nible  the  singularly  ajipropriate  text  (Joshua  xxii.,  2):  ''The 
i.oid  (iod  ol(!o(ls,  llu'  i^ord  (iod  of  (iods,  He  knoweth,  and  Israel  lie 
shall  know  ;  il  it  be  in  rebellion,  or  if  in  transgressicm  against  the 
koi'd  (save  us  not  this  dayl,"  ami  u]pon  this  sentiment  deli\cred  an 
iniiiressive  prayer. 

The  following  item  ajipears  in  "Washington's  Accounts  with  the 
I'niled  States,"  under  date  of  Oct(d)er  22,  177(1:  "To  Ex|)^  at  \alen- 
line's,  .Mile  Scpiarc — 2n  T)olP." 

Il  lias  been  claimed  that  while  in  the  vicinity  of  ^'onkers,  Wasli- 
iiiLjlon  .-nailed  himself  of  the  lios])italit  ies  of  tlie  .Manor  llonse  of 
the  I'hilipses,  and  the  southwest  room  of  the  second  stoi-y  is  said  to 
have  been  his  bedchamber.  In  our  opinion,  it  is  not  ]iossible  that 
Washington  was  enlerlained  at  the  Manor  llonsi'  either  daring 
lhe](eriod  nndei- consideration  or  subse(|uently.  Ainiil  (he  consum- 
ing  anxieties  and  incessant    labors  incident    to  the  great  military 


operation  iu  wliitli  he  was  cujiaged,  In-  wuuld  liaidlv  liavc  turnftl 
aside  to  accept  tlie  cold  coui-tesics  of  a  Tory  family  resident  at  a  poiiil 
somewhat  distant  from  the  line  of  march.  IJesides,  Wasiiinnlou's 
appearance  as  a  finest  at  the  Manor  House  a!  that  time  wouhi  have 
been  a  ratiier  indelicate  act.  On  the  Dth  of  AiiLiust,  oidy  ten  weeks 
before,  he  had  caused  the  removal  (d'  Frederick  i'hilipse,  the  head 
of  the  family,  to  New  Kocbelle,  and  from  there  had  ordered  him  to 
a  still  more  remote  ])lace  of  (h'tention.  I'inally,  a  letter  written  by 
^^'ashin^ton  from  N'aleutiue's  Hill  to  Mrs.  Thilipse  at  this  i)recise 
juncture  is  conclusive  evidence  that  he  could  not  have  been  a  visitor 
under  her  roof.  IMrs.  Phili])se  had  written  to  him  in  not  too  amiable 
terms  about  seizures  of  cattle  belonjiinji  to  her  family  which  had 
been  made  for  the  American  army.  His  reply,  dated  "Headquarters 
at  Mr.  \'a]entine's,  22  Oct.,  1T7<!,"  is  couched  in  strictl}'  ceremonious 
lan*;uane.  "  The  misfortunes  of  war,"  he  says,  "  and  the  unhappy 
circumstances  frequently  attendant  thereon  to  indi\iduals,  are  more 
to  he  hinniilctl  tlidii  araidciJ,  but  it  is  the  duty  of  every  one  to  alleviate 
these  as  much  as  jiossible.  Far  be  it  from  me  to  add  to  tlu'  dis- 
tresses of  a  lady  who  1  am  Imt  too  sensible  must  already  have  suffered 
much  nni'asiness,  if  not  inconveinence,  on  account  of  (Nd.  Phillips' 
absence."  He  adds  that  the  seizures  complained  of  were  made  not 
at  his  instance,  but  at  that  of  the  Btate  convention;  and  the  only 
satisfaction  lie  affords  her  is  the  observation  that  as  it  was  n<d  meant 
by  the  coii\cntion  to  de])ri\('  families  of  theii-  necessary  stock,  he 
"would  not  withhold"  his  consent  to  her  retaiinu!.;'  such  parts  of 
her  stock  as  might  be  necessary  to  that  purjiose.  Hi  view  of  this 
corres])ondeuce,  and  the  connecting  circumstances,  the  idea  thai 
Washington  could  have  ])aid  even  a  jjassing  visit  to  the  ^lanor  House 
during  his  ]u-ogTess  to  White  Plains  is  not  to  be  entertained.  Fred- 
erick Phili])se,  as  our  readers  know,  never  returned  to  his  home  on 
the  Ne])i)erhan,  and  the  residence  was  jM'vmanently  abandoned  by 
his  family  in  1777,  afterwai-d  being  in  tlie  custody  of  a  steward. 
Again,  from  the  fall  of  177(!  to  the  summer  <d'  17S1.  Washington  cer- 
tainly never  spent  a  night  in  the  lower  |)art  of  Westchester  County. 
Hence  the  traditions  which  associate  him  with  the  last  hospitalities 
of  the  Philipses  at  the  Manor  House  have  not  the  slightest  likely 
foundation.  It  is  unquestionable,  however,  that  on  more  than  one 
occasi(m  during  the  Kevolution  he  was  the  guest  of  the  patriotic 
Colonel  James  Van  Cortlatidt  at  the  old  A'an  Cortlandt  mansion  in 
the  "  Little  Yonkers." 

The  old  Valentine  house,  from  which  Washington's  Yonkers  dis- 
patches were  dated,  Avas  torn  down  many  yeai-s  ago.  Headquarters 
were  continued  on  Valentine's  Hill  during  the  21st  and  22(1,  and  on 

CAMl'AKJX     AM)     I'.ATTM:    OF    AVIIITK     TI.AINS 


tile  -o(l  were  miMi\<Ml  lo  "llic  plain  near  the  cross-i-oails  "  at  W'liiic 
Plains,  (he  cxacuat  ion  of  Ilic  coiinlry  bflow  liavinii  by  i  iial  time  bct'ii 
siillicicntly  acconiplished  to  jn.stiry  Wasliini;t(iu  in  stationini;  hiin- 
scir  a(  I  lie  terniiiiation  of  the  route. 

On  tlie  22(1  liie  continncd  inactivity  of  the  Uritisli,  willi  tiic  pleas- 
ing;' ncMS  of  tlu'  Anioriean  raid  on  tlio  LoyaliKt  lianiicrs  at  Maniaro 
neck,  liad  a  stininlatinj;-  cll'ccl  on  llic  whole  army,  to  wliicli  ^^■asll- 
inj^ton's  pei'sonal  ]tresence,  everywhere  encouragiiiji  the  men  and 
sn])ei'intendini:;  the  work,  contributed.  There  was  now  a.  continuous 
column  of  mo\inii'  troops  all  the  w';\y  from  N'alentiu-e's  Hill  to  White 
I'laiiis.     A   jiortion  (d'  the  sick  had   been  ]n-e\iousl\    sent  across  the 

1  .1  I       M  I  1    M    I:      I  I  I  il    -I   ,     \\  I  I  I  1  I       I'l    \  1  \^     i  W  A-sHI  Nl,  I  I  i\    S     II  1     \  I 

Hudson  to  I'ort  Lee,  but  a  laiuc  number  of  these  unfoi'tunates  re- 
mained, who  were  L;i\('n  a  ])osition  in  the  adxance,  bein.u  dispatched 
I'arly  on  tlic  22d  and  reaching  \Vhilc  I'lains  the  next  mornini;.  Dui'- 
ini:  the  luiiiil  of  the  22d  (ieiieral  Sulli\an's  division  comi)leted  the 
nianli,  and  IVum  then  until  the  close  .)f  the  2(;ih  the  weary  and  be- 
dra^ijled  battalions  ke])t  steadily  tiliuL;  into  ilie  ^Vhite  IMains  camp, 
tieneral  bee's  di\ision  had  the  honoi'  of  briniiinj;'  u]i  the  rear;  an<l 
the  time  occupied  on  the  march  by  this  body,  commanded  by  an 
ollicer  (){  undoubted  capacity  (\\hale\'er  may  be  said  i>(  him  other- 
wise!, ma\  be  taken  as  a  fail-  indication  of  the  extrenu'  laboriousiiess 
of  the  arm.\"s  ]iro,i>'ress.  (leneral  bee's  command  |iresumably  stai-led 
from  the  lowei-  ](arf  of  the  county  on  the  22d,  or  at  an\'  rate  not  later 
than  the  morninu  ii(  the  2.'')d ;  it  reached  Tuckahoe  early  on  the  24th, 


ami  on  tlie2()tli  arrived  in  Wliitc  Plains — more  than  tliree  days  being 
reijuired  to  cover  a  lesser  distance  tlian  the  division  of  (ieneral  lleatli, 
in  light  marching  order,  had  traversed  in  twelve  hours.  Lee,  how- 
ever, upon  reacliing  the  section  where  the  British  were  encam])e(l 
(l^carsdale),  was  apprehensive  of  attack,  and  by  a  forced  night  marcli 
left  the  Tuckahoe  Koad  and  gained  the  Dobbs  Ferry  road,  by  which 
he  proceeded  the  rest  of  the  wny.  There  was  no  pursuit  of  the  army 
by  the  British  forces  remaining  in  New  York  City;  and  even  Colonel 
Lashers  little  command  of  a  few  hundred  men,  which  Washington 
had  left  at  Fort  Independence  as  a  guard  for  Kingsbridge,  safely 
joined  the  main  bt)dy  at  White  Plains  after  being  summoned  1o  do 
so  on  the  27th. ^ 

On  the  morning  of  the  2Sth  of  October,  wlien  IToAve  moved  np  from 
Scarsdale  to  attack  Washington,  the  only  American  force  remain- 
ing south  of  White  Plains  was  tlu'  garrison  at  Fort  Washington  on 
^fanliattan  Island,  retained  tlierc.  against  the  judgment  of  the  com 
mander-in-chief,  in  deference  lo  the  ojiinions  of  his  subordinates  and 
the  wish  of  congress.  It  may  be  said,  we  think  without  the  possi- 
bility of  mistake,  that  for  fully  six  days  after  General  Howe's  ])as- 
sage  to  Pell's  Neck  on  the  18th  it  was  abun<lantly  in  his  power,  with 
the  forces  at  his  disposal  and  from  the  positions  successively  occii 
]>ied  by  him,  to  cut  the  Kevidul  ionary  army  in  t\\'ain  by  an  easy  tlank 
movement;  and  that,  without  speculating  at  all  as  to  the  probable 
maximum  results  of  such  a  movement  executed  at  any  time  in  tlial 
jieriod,  its  minimum  results  coulil  not  ha\'e  failed  to  be  eithi'r  the 
destruction  or  capture  of  a  very  considerable  section  of  our  army. 
Yet  in  face  of  the  tremen<lous  ])eril  to  which  the  army  in  its  very 
integi-ity  Mas  exi)ose(l.  not  the  minutest  i)ortion  of  it  suffered  harm 
at  Howe's  liauds;  and,  indeed,  if  any  single  American  soldier  was 
kille(l,  oi'  M'ouuded,  or  made  jirisoner  on  the  march  from  Kingsbridge 
lo  White  Plains  as  the  conse(|uence  of  aggrt'ssiou  by  the  enemy,  the 
fact  is  beyond  our  sources  of  iTifonnal  ion.  Aside  from  the  engage- 
ment in  Pelham  on  the  ISth  and  the  affair  at  the  outlying  Brit- 
ish ]»ost  of  Mamaroneck  on  the  m()rning  of  the  22d,  both  brought  on 
by  the  enterijrise  of  the  Ameii(  ans.  there  Mere  two  or  three  skir- 
mishes of  some  interest  along  tlie  line  of  march — which  likewise 
wei'e  jirecipitated  by  the  Ani(>i-icans.  On  the  2;>d  a  scouting  ])arty 
sent  out  by  Colonel   Clover  alt.-icked   a   i)arty  of  Hessians,  killing 

'  L.nslior  cvadiated  KlnssliridKi^  oarly  on  tlio  tlio   work   (if    dlsmantliriR    Port     IiKlciioiulcnoe 

nioniliij;    of     the   2Sth,    first    burning    the    liar-  and  the  redoubts,  and  tore  down  Kind's  Bridge 

raeks.  and  went  to  White  Plains  by  way  of  the  and    the    Free    Bridge.      General    Knyphausen, 

Alltaiiy   Post    Road.    After  his  departure.    Gen-  with    a    foree   of   mereenar.v    troops    from    New 

er;il  Gre<'ne  eanie  over  from  Fort  Washlnglon.  Iloehelle,    oeeupied    the    abandoned    ground    on 

retuctved    lo    that    plaee    all    the   materials   and  the  evening  of  the  29th. 
supplies  which  had  been  left  behind,  completed 

GAMrArOX    AND    BATTLIO    OF    WIllTK    PLAINS  387 

lv\cl\c  iniiKinii  lliciii  ;i  licld  iitliccn  and  ca]!!  lU'iiii;  tlii-cc,  with  a  loss 
(if  liul  one  man;  and  on  llic  24tli  a  (Ictaclnir'Ul  Ironi  (Sciicral  Lcf's 
(livisidu  crossed  I  lie  I'.roux  and  at  WanTs  Tavcni,  near  'riickaliuc, 
fell  u|ioii  2."iO  Hessians,  slew  ten  of  tlieiii,  and  bore  away  two  into 
diiiaiice.  ('{'lie  Hessians,  it  seems,  Avere  sin.milaily  iiiarl<ed  for  de- 
sdnction  li.\'  the  \\a\si(le  in  this  caniiiaiiin,  ('\cn  eliiiiinatini;'  Daw- 
son's nin!(hi-ous  ]ien.l  'I'lie  latter  pei-forniance  jtrovoked  a  sliiihl 
retaliating  blow,  a  raid  lieini;  made  upon  (Jeneral's  colmiin  whicdi 
resulted  in  the  caiiture  of  the  jicnei'al's  wine  and  some  other  per- 
sonal liaiii^auc,  including'  that  of  Cajitain  Alexander  TTamilton.  This 
ajijiears  to  1ia\c  been  the  only  aij^'ressive  act  of  the  eneniv.  The  re- 
markable forbearance  of  The  IJritish  ;;-eneral  was  due,  as  he  subse- 
i|ii(iitly  explained,  to  his  settled  ]i(dicy  "not  wantonly  to  commit 
His  ^lajosly's  troojts  where  the  object  was  inadecpiate."  lie  ab- 
horred skirmishes,  and  he  des]»ised  snch  a  mei'cly  jiartial  issue  as 
the  ca]itnre  of  a  ]iortion  of  Washington's  forces  or  even  the  shall<'r- 
in^  of  the  w  hoh — for  his  cautions  mind  sa^^■  only  the  miniintim  ad- 
vantage ,'o  be  derived  by  dislurbiny  the  luoveTuent  after  its  van 
had  }iasscd  him,  and  refused  to  believe  that  the  entire  object  of  his 
cami>ai,iin  wonld  f(dlow.  He  was  lookini;  for  a  tji'iiut^l  finale,  a  ])itched 
balth'  with  thousands  enjia^cd,  to  terminate  in  the  rebel  general's 
hundile  a|ppearance  before  him  and  his  lilitterinji'  staff  to  dcdiver 
over  Ills  sword  and  surrender  the  last  bleedinii'  remnant  of  his  host. 
I'^ven  in  his  shoi't  advance  from  above  New  Ikochelie  to  Scarsdale, 
on  the  '2'>i]\  and  L'tith,  it  is  said  tliat  he  moAcd  '•  AAith  the  utmost  cir- 
cnms]>ection,  not  to  expose  any  ]iait  \\  hicli  miiilit  be  vnlneral)le," 
although  tliere  was  no  foe  to  the  east  of  him,  and  at  the  north  Wash- 
iniilon's  main  body  was  occnjiied  in  bnildinu'  its  White  Plains  in- 
ireuclinu'Uts,  and  at  the  west,  over  across  the  fironx  River,  he  conld 
see,  almost  without  the  aid  of  his  ficdil-nlasses,  the  troops  of  (Jeneral  most  painfully  and  tediously  toiliu;;'  on,  rather  in  the  chai-acter 
of  beasts  of  burden  tlian  of  armed  nu'n.  But  the  ea]>ital  blunder 
of  Howe  was  Ills  lazy  uio\enient  in  mass.  Accordiujii'  to  his  defini- 
tion of  his  object,  it  was  to  make  a  masteT-  stroke  which  would  end 
the  war.  Tiiis  he  mi^lit  ha\c  attem])ted  b\  assailini;'  Washington 
in  his  intrenclnnents  on  Harlem  IIeii;hts,  which  would  ha\"e  been 
I'ooUiai-dy  because  of  the  strenijth  of  the  ])osition.  His  whole  pur- 
pose in  coniint;  v\)  to  Westchester  (Vmnty  was  to  surround  that  posi- 
tion from  tlie  north,  and,  by  thus  cuftiui'  off  Washinsiton's  communi- 
cations an<l  suiiiilies,  force  him  either  to  surrendcT-  ot'  to  ofl'er  l)atlle 
in  I  lie  ojieii  liehl.  Not  witlist andiuii'  his  absurd  diseniI>arkation  on 
Throji^'s  Neck,  lie  could  still  easily  have  realized  that  aim  after  his 
movenn'Ut  to  INdl's  Xi-ck  if  he  had  then  advanced  steadilv  to  a  ecu 


tral  locality  in  llic  uiipi'r  ]iarl  of  Wcslclicstcr  rouiity.  iiislcad  he 
loitered  on  (lie  shores  of  tlic  Sound  mil  11  Wasbinytoii  had  occ\i]>icd 
White  Plains  with  a  ixiwerfnl  body,  and  then  he  !j,ranled  his  ad- 
versary time  to  fortify  his  new  station;  so  that,  when  he  finally  diil 
move  forAvard  to  brinfi  on  the  decisive  en.u,a^emeut  for  whii  h  he  was 
lon^inii,  he  was  in  precis(dy  the  same  rcdative  situation  as  he  had 
been  in  before  the  iiosilion  on  Harlem  lJeiii,hts — attackinL:  an  in- 
trenched camp  from  l)elo\v,  with  the  whole  country  above  left  open. 
The  effective  strength  of  Wasliinjiton's  army  as  finally  concen- 
t]-ated  at  White  I'lains  was  in  the  neiiihborhood  of  13,(MI<».  The 
actual  force  which  Howe  broui>ht  a.uainst  it  is  uenerally  eslimated 
at  about  the  same  number  or  not  many  thousands  ^I'cater — (ieneral 
Knyphauseu's  entire  command  of  not  less  than  S,()(l(l  havini;-  been 
left  at  New  liochelle.  The  ijreat  advantaije  of  the  British  troops  in 
reyard  to  (luality,  discipline,  and  eijuipment  is  too  well  understood 
by  the  reader  to  need  renewed  statement  here.  <  »ii  the  other  hand, 
the  Aniiricans  had  a  certain  advantage  from  tlic  circumstance  of 
beiui;  intrenched,  a\  liicdi,  however,  was  by  no  means  of  a  couiiiiaudin.i; 
nature  at  the  time  (yf  the  ai)pearauce  of  the  enemy  before  him.  These 
iutren(diments,  says  Dawson,  "  had  been  hastily  constructeil,  without 
the  superintendence  of  experienced  engineers.  The  stony  soil  pre- 
vented the  dit(di  from  beini;  made  of  any  ti-oublesome  deiith  or  the 
liara]>et  of  a  troublesome  hei.uht.  The  latter  was  not  fraised.  Only 
w  lieic  it  was  least  needed — jjrobably  because  the  consi  rnclion  of  it 
(dscMhere  had  been  interfered  with — was  there  the  sliiililest  appear- 
ance of  an  abatis."  The  works  had  for  their  central  feature  a  S(|nare 
foit  of  sods  built  across  the  main  street  or  I'ost  Koad;  from  which 
I  lie  ilefenses  extended  westwardly  over  the  south  side  of  I'urdy's 
Hill  to  a  bend  of  the  Bronx  River,  and  eastwardly  across  the  hills 
to  llorton's  Pond  (Saint  INlary's  Lake).  Directly  across  the  P.ronx 
from  the  termination  of  the  western  liiu'  of  defenses — that  is,  in  the 
leiiilory  of  the  present  Town  of  Greenburiih — rose  an  elevated 
lieijiht  called  Chattei-ton's  Hill,  which  was  to  be  the  scene  of  the 
entire  imi)endiny  battle.  On  Hie  crest  of  this  hill  a  breastwork  had 
been  betiun  on  the  juiilit  of  the  I'Tth  by  some  .Massachusetts  militia 
men,  but  it  A\as  not  sulticiently  ad\anced  to  proviMif  any  value,  '{'here 
were  no  AnieiicMu  wmks  oi'  troo])s  whattM'er  west  of  Chat  terton's 
Hill.  The  I'asterly  tt'rmination  (d'  the  White  I'lains  intreiudimenls, 
as  already  said,  was  at  llorton's  Pond,  and  there  \\'ere  no  supple- 
meiilal  works  beyond  that  jMiinl  ;  but  idf  to  the  east,  near  llari-ison's 
rurchase,  the  brigades  of  (ienerals  (ieoriic  ("linton  and  .lolni  .Alorin 
Scott   were  stationed,   and   to  the  northeast,  at    the  head   of  King 


Stri'ct,  Ileal-  live  rmid,  was  ])()Stc(l  a  brigade  coiniiiaiKlcd  h\   (iciicral 
Saimu'l  H.  Parsons. 

I'ldiii  Ill's  caiii]!  at  Scarsdalc,  four  miles  below  Wliite  Plains,  (Jen 
eral  Ilowe  maiclied  early  on  the  niorniiii;'  of  Monday,  Oclidjer  2!S, 
to  tii;li(  what  b(  sii]Piiose(l  wonbl  be  tlie  decisive  bailie.  lie  pro- 
cei'iled  in  two  iieaxy  colnnins,  the  rij^lit  coiiiinandiMi  by  (ieneral  Sir 
lleuiw  Clinton  and  the  left  by  (ieneral  di'  Ileister.  Upon  ai-rivini;' 
at  Hart's  Corners  (now  Ilartsdalo)  he  was  met  by  a  body  of  New 
lOiiiiland  ti'oojps  under  ;Majoi'-(>eneral  Spencer,  whose  nnmber  Daw- 
son carefully  calculates  at  abont  2,(100.  '{"his  force,  which  had  been 
]>ushed  forward  hy  Wasliiujiton  to  check  the  enemy's  advance,  made 
only  a  sorry  endeavor,  bein,;.;-  i)roniptly  scattered.  In  its  disix-rsal  the 
Hessians  bore  a  conspicuous  part,  but  obtained  not  nuudi  substantial 
satisfaction  for  the  hard  blows  they  had  suffered  on  previous  days, 
as  the  Americans  made  i^ood  their  escape — in  fact  tied  in  every  direc- 
lion  with  the  utmost  diligence.  Yet  a  noticeable  loss  was  inflicted — 
I'L'  killed,  24  wounded,  and  one  missina;,  a  total  of  47,  or  about  half 
as  many  as  our  side  lost  in  th(»  well-fou.i;ht  eni;ati-einent  on  Chatter- 
Ion's  Hill.  The  famous  battle  of  IJarfs  Corners  well  nu-rits  the 
more  descriptive  name — which  we  borrow  with  acknowledjinu'nts 
from  Dawson — of  the  Kout  of  the  Bashful  New  Eni;ianders. 

Most  of  the  fugitives  tied  across  the  P>ronx  lUver,  whither  they 
were  pursued  by  the  Hessians.  This  tiillinn  circumstance  proved 
a  princii>al  factor  in  determining  the  scene  of  the  conflict  historically 
known  as  the  battle  of  White  Plains.  The  commander  of  the  pur- 
suing Hessian  force  was  Colonel  L'ahl,  a  uallant  officer — the  same 
who  fell  two  months  later  at  Trenton.  IJalil,  in  his  chase  of  the  New 
Knulanders,  approached  Chatterton's  Hill,  and  observing  that  that 
summit  was  occupied  by  an  American  body,  conceived  it  to  be  his 
duty  to  turn  his  attention  thither.  He  accordingly  abandoned  the 
])ursuit,  advanced  toward  the  hill  (still  moving  on  the  west  side  of 
I  he  lironx),  and  toid<  a  station  commanding  it,  whence  he  opened  a 
(aniKiiiade  of  most  pompous  pretensions,  Avhose  only  present  result, 
however,  was  the  wounding  of  one  member  of  the  New  England 
militia  regiment  ]Kisled  on  the  hill.  That  catastrophe  so  agitated 
the  comrades  of  the  ha]>less  man  that  it  is  related  they  "broke  and 
lied,  and  were  not  rallied  without  much  dilliculty."  Put  the  hill  was 
soon  to  have  slunliei-  defenders. 

The  American  troops  on  ( 'hat  leiton's  Hill  who  had  engageil  the 
attention  of  Cidomd  IJahl  were  ( 'olon(d  Haslet's  Delaware  regi- 
ment (which  parti<ipated  in  the  raid  on  the  (ineen's  KangersI,  and  a 
regiment  of  .Massachusetts  militia  commanded  by  ("(doiiel  -bilin 
Brooks.     It  is  uiiknown  wheliier  W'asiiington's  origimil  plans  for  de- 



IciiiliiiLi  lii^  ]>(isili<iii  Itcliiiid  liic  While  IMaiiis  iiiimicliiiiciils  coii- 
tciuiilatiMl  any  j)arti(iilai-ly  rminal  npcialioiis  fi-diii  ( 'liatlcrion's  Ilill. 
lint  (lurinii  JJahl's  artillery  attack  lie  sent  over  a  sti-onL:  force,  com- 
niandeil  liy  (Jeneral  ilcl  >ouiiall,  to  occn])y  it  in  conjniiction  with  the 
men  already  there.  This  body  consisted  of  tiie  1st  i-e^inienl  of  llie 
New  ^'ork  line,  C^doncd  l{itzeina"s  ;'.d  regiment  of  the  same  line,  Col- 
onel Webb's  rei;inient  of  the  ( "onnect  icnt  line,  and  the  snrvivinj;  i-em- 
nant  of  Colonel  Smaliwood's  noble  ^Maryland  ref>iment  which  so 
distiniiinished  itself  at  the  battle  (d'  Lonti'  Island — all  well  experi- 
ence<l  and  reliable  tro()])s;   toiictheT-  witli   a   company-  of  New   York 

artillery  (liavinp:  two  small 
ander  irauiilton. 


](ieces)  coniinandcd  by  Captain  Alex- 
united  force  was  about  1,S00  and  made  a  re- 
spectable showinj;  as  its  different  reiii- 
ments  tank  ui»  their  positions  on  the  hill. 
Durini!,'  these  preliminaries  the  main 
body  of  Howe's  army,  in  its  two 
(•(dumns,  continued  to  ajjproacdi  the 
American  intrenchments,  as  if  to  pro- 
ceed forthwith  to  tlie  general  attack. 
But  at  the  distance  (d'  about  a  nnle  from 
"\\'ashiiniton's  lines  a  halt  was  ordered, 
and  (ieneral  Ilowt'  and  iiis  ])rincii)al 
oflicei's  held  a  consultation  on  horse- 
back. They  contduded  that  tlie  force  on 
Chatterton's  Hill  was  a  serious  menace 
to  their  Hank  and  that  it  must  lie  dis- 
lodged before  moving  on  tlie  jirincijial 
works.  Thereupon  a  number  of  tlie  finest 
rei^iments,  bolii  JJiilisli  and  Cerman,  were  ordered  to  storm  the 
hill.  In  addition  to  IJahJ's  battalion,  already  in  action,  there  were 
the  2d  brigade  of  British  (comprising  the  5th,  2Sth,  ;5.")th,  and  40th 
regiments),  a  party  of  liglit  dragoons,  and  the  Hessian  (irenadiers 
under  Donop — all  commanded  by  (ieneral  Leslie.  Artillery  was  st.a- 
tioned  at  advantageous  places,  some  twenty  pieces  altogether,  and 
furiously  cannonaded  the  Americans  on  the  hill.  The  total  numerical 
strength  of  the  attacking  ]iarty  has  been  variously  estimated  at  from 
4,(10(1  to  7,500.    All  authorities  agree  that  it  was  overwhelming. 

The  troops  designated  for  the  entei']»rise  forded  the  r.ronx,  whose 
banks  at  that  time  were  considerably  swollen,  and  undertook  the 
assault  in  three  distinct  movements. 

The  2Sth  and  o5tli  British  regiments,  with  Kahl's  Hessians,  and 
another  (Jerman  regiment  (w  hi(  li  led  the  assault),  attacked  the  Ameri- 
can ])osition  in  front,  where  the  regiment  of  Massachusetts  militia,  the 



Maryland  icjiiiiicii(,  and  Kitzi-nia's  ;{d  New  York  rc'siment  were 
pctsted.  TIic  Massaclnisclls  niilitiaiiicn,  wlio  liad  been  so  skittish 
nndcr  tlic  artillery  lii-c,  showed  llicnisclvcs  (M|ually  disinc  lined  (o  sns- 
tain  an  infantry  shock;  and,  althon^h  slicllcrcd  by  a  stone  wall,  "  lied 
in  conlnsion,  wilhont  nioic  than  a  landoni,  scattering;'  tire,"  when 
liahl's  troo[)s,  \\lioni  it  was  llieir  dnty  to  ojipose,  atlvanccd  ii]>on  llieni. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  Jiarylanders  ami  New  Yoi-kers  awaited  nn- 
flinehingly  the  onset  of  the  ot  hei'  three  rej;inien1s  (one  Hessian  and 
two  T'ritislil,  and  from  the  lirow  of  the  hill  received  Ihem,  when  within 
ranji'e,  with  a  deliberate  and  effective  tire,  which  caiised  them  to  recoil 
in  spite  of  their  very  snperior  nnmbers  and  adnnrable  discipline.  But 
the  desertion  of  theii-  post  by  the  militiamen  exposed  the  l>rave  re- 
maining defenders  of  the  position  to  a  thudc  attack  by  I{alil's  brigade, 
which  (especially  as  tlie  check  administered  to  the  three  regiments 
was  oidy  1em])oraryl  i-endered  the  ground  untenable.  The  Ameri- 
cans therefore  fcdl  back,  though  in  good  order,  here  and  there  making 
a  stand  at  favorable  points.  The  number  of  the  Maryland  and  New 
York  troo])S  engaged  in  this  (piai-ter  and  llnis  dislodged  from  it  was 
about  1,100. 

Jleantime  the  right  of  the  American  position,  occupied  by  Colonel 
TTaslefs  Delaware  nien,  about  'M)0  strong,  was  moved  on  by  the  .^th 
and  49th  llrilish  regiments.  Notwithstanding  the  notable  weakness 
of  the  American  force,  a  most  gallant  defense  was  made.  It  seems 
that  before  the  ascent  of  the  assailing  ])arty,  while  the  enemy's  can- 
nonade was  still  in  progress,  one  of  the  two  li(ddpieces  belonging  to 
Alexander  Hamilton's  company  of  New  York  Artillery  was,  upon 
<'olonel  Haslet's  a])i)lication  to  General  ^IcDougall,  assigned  to  his 
(Haslet's)  command.  This  gun  became,  however,  ])artiall3-  disabled 
i>y  a  1  lessiau  cannon-ball,  and  although  several  discharges  were  made 
from  it,  the  artillerymen  who  served  it  are  said  to  have  been  remiss 
in  their  duties  ami  to  have  retired  with  it  from  the  action  unsea- 
sonably. .\t  all  events,  the  essential  work  of  defense  done  at  this 
point  in  tlie  Anu'rican  line  was  that  of  the  riflemen,  and  their  re- 
markable sieadiiH'ss  in  maintaining  their  ground  was  no  way  due 
to  artillery  supjiort.  Even  after  the  1,100  INlaryland  ami  New  York 
troojjs,  courageous  and  stubborn  though  they  were,  had  completely 
abandoned  their  attempt  to  hold  the  center,  this  heroic  Delaware 
I)a]Hl  ])e]-severed  in  the  fight,  finally  taking  a  post  behind  a  fence  at 
I  he  to])  of  the  hill,  where,  with  some  fragmentary  troops  from  Mc- 
Dongall's  1st  New  York  regiment,  it  twice  repulsed  the  British 
iliarge,  in  which  boiji  fooi  and  hoise  jiartook.  In  fact,  the  crowning 
lionors  oi  the  day  were  won  by  the  Delaware  men;  they  were  the  last 
of  all  the  American  forces  on  ChattertoTi's  Hill  to  stand  against  the 





Giuseppe  Guglielmo  Botta,  author  of  *'  History  of  the  War  of  American  Independence."'  PirRcHASED 
FROM  the  Botta  Family,  with  full  credentials  of  authenticity,  by  Frederic  de  Peyster,  LL.D.,  a 
FORMER  President  of  the  New  York  Historical  Society,  and  presented  by  his  son,  Brev.-Ma.i.-Gen. 
J.  Watts  de  Peyster,  New  York,  to  the  United  States  War  Department  Library,  at  Washington,  D.C. 


cnciiiv,  tlicy  licl|ii'(l  to  secure  tlu'  retreat  of  the  other  regiments,  ami 
wiieii  the  time  came  for  them  to  retreat  they  executed  the  maneuver 

Tile  American  left  was  hnt  a  trille  stroui;cr  tiian  the  ri^ht,  con- 
sisting of  the  1st  New  York  regiment  ami  Colonel  Webb's  Connec- 
ticut regiment,  both  skeleton  organizations  whose  nnited  nnmbers 
were  some  four  Imndred.  Against  them  moved  a  formidable  array — 
Itonop's  Hessian  (irenadiers  in  three  regiments,  besides  a  regiment 
of  (lei-man  chasseurs.  The  second  of  Hamilton's  tield-]iieces  was  sta- 
tioned in  this  i)()siti()n,  and  according  to  most  accouuts  of  the  battli.' 
did  good  execution.  But  the  seasoned  mercenary  troops  came  steadily 
on  u]>  the  hill,  and  the  two  American  regiments,  like  their  com- 
]iatiio1s  at  tile  other  jxduts,  were  forced  to  retreat,  which  they  did 
in  an  eiitii-ely  creditable  manner.  A  feature  of  the  fighting  at  the 
left  of  the  line  was  the  spirited  defense  of  a  portion  of  the  jiosition, 
against  a  force  twice  as  strong  as  his  own,  by  Ca])tain  ^Villiam  Hull 
(afterward  Ueneral  Hull,  <listingnished  in  tlie  War  of  1S12),  who 
commanded  a  company  of  the  Connecticut  regiment. 

It  has  already  been  mentioned  that  a  slight  intrenchnu'nt  was 
throwu  up  (or  rather  begun)  on  Chattertou's  Hill  daring  the  night  of 
October  27  Ity  l?rooks's  jMassachusetts  militiamen.  Tint  this  elemen- 
tary work  did  not  prove  of  the  least  utility  to  the  tUd'enders  of  the 
hill.  The  action  on  Chattertou's  Hill  was  not  fought  by  the  Ameri- 
cans from  Ixdnnd  iutrenchnuuits  like  Bunker's  Hill,  but  on  gnmud 
fully  exposed  to  the  onrush  of  the  em-my — or  at  least  affording  only 
the  incidental  protection  of  a  sludteriug  rock  here  and  there  and  a 
straggling  stone  fence  or  two.  Before  the  charge  of  troops  outnum- 
bering them  by  three  or  four  to  one — troo])s  as  skilled  and  harch'ued 
in  the  bnsiness  of  war  as  any  that  the  armed  camjis  uf  Eurojie  could 
siipjily,  and  operating  under  the  gaze  of  their  commander  and  the 
A\h(de  army — it  was  humanly  imiiossible  to  Indd  snch  a  jiosition. 
EveiTtliing  reasonably  jjossible  was  perfoi'med  by  all  com'erned — if 
we  except  the  single  regimeid  of  undisci])lined  militia:  the  i)osition 
at  every  point  was  nobly  defended,  and  in  several  instances  with 
signal  brilliancy;  the  retreat,  when  nothing  but  retreat  remained, 
was  ])erformed  with  dignity  as  wcdl  as  discretion  and  without 
material  loss;  and  finally  the  ]innishmen1  visited  nixm  the  foe  was 
nimdi  more  consideiable  than  that  inflicted  by  him.  Kegarding  the 
losses  on  both  sides  we  acce])t  DaA\son's  figures,  which  a]i])eai-  to 
have  been  comiiiled  with  exactitmh'.  The  British  i-eginu-nts  lost 
."'.."»  killed,  120  wounded,  and  2  missing,  a  total  of  1.")":  the  mercenary 
regiments  12  killed,  (12  wonnded,  and  2  missing,  a  total  of  7<! — making 
a  giami  total  on  the  eiiemv's  sich- (d"  2."'.").    The  .\m<'rican  losses  were  25 


killed,  7}'J  w oiuidcd,  ;m<l  l(i  missing — ',}'.',  altogi-tlu'i-;  lu  wiiicli  add  the 
47  lost  at  llan"s  Corners — an  Anieritau  j^rand  total  of  140  for  the 
two  tifihts.  It  is  true  the  returns  are  soiuewhal  (h-feetive  for  both 
sides;  but  there  is  no  reason  for  suspeeting  that  the  American  nn- 
reported  losses  were  disproijortiomitely  yreater  than  I  lie  enemy's. 
The  Americans  bore  oft"  all  their  wounded  and  their  two  tield-iiuns, 
and,  by  way  of  the  Dobbs  i'^erry  road,  crossed  the  bri<Iji'e  over  the 
Bronx  River  and  fell  into  position  for  further  service,  if  necessary, 
behind  the  White  I'lains  intrencjiments.  No  altcnqit  was  made  to 
pursue  them. 

It  is  probable  that  a  ydod  many  of  our  killed  an<l  wounded  fell 
under  the  artillery  fire  which  preceded  the  assault.  This,  althoujiti 
not  lonj;-  continued,  was  very  heavy  for  the  time  that  it  did  last. 
A  i)ai-tici])ant  on  the  American  side,  writing'  over  the  signature  of 
"  A  Gentleman  in  the  Army,"  has  left  a  truly  epic  description  of  it, 
whereof  we  will  not  de])riv<'  our  readers,  esjiecially  as  we  shall  hardly 
have  another  opportunity  to  oiler  them  anything  so  fine  about  the 
spectacular  aspects  of  war  in  Westchester  County. 

The  scene  (he  says)  was  jji-aiirl  and  solemn.  All  the  adjacent  hills  smoked  as  though  on 
fire,  and  bellowed  and  trembled  with  a  jierpetual  cannonade  and  fire  of  tield-pieces,  howitz, 
and  mortars.  The  air  groaned  witli  streams  of  cannon  and  musket-shot  ;  the  air  and  hills 
smoked  and  echoed  terribly  with  tlie  bursting  of  shells  ;  the  fences  and  walls  were  knocked 
down  and  torn  to  pieces,  and  men's  legs,  arms,  and  liodies  mingled  with  the  cannon  and  grape- 
sliot  all  around  us. 

There  are  differences  of  opinion  about  the  value  of  the  services 
rendered  the  American  regiments  by  the  two  field-guns  at  their  dis- 
posal. It  is  said  that  Alexander  Hamilton,  visiting  Chatterton's  Hill 
many  years  after,  remarked  on  this  point:  "For  three  successive 
discharges  the  advancing  column  of  British  troops  was  swept  from 
hill-toit  to  river,"  and  in  the  writings  of  his  son,  John  C  Hamilton, 
much  is  made  of  the  artillery  phase  of  the  American  defense.  Daw- 
son, whose  animus  against  Hamilton  is  strong,  utterly  discredits  the 
claims  for  the  artillerymen  and  their  young  commander,  and  even 
asserts  that  this  arm  of  the  defense  was  distinctly  neglectful  of  its 
duty,  comporting  itscdf  almost  as  disgracefully  as  the  ^[assacliusef  ts 
regiment  of  militia.  But  this  is  not  a  d(>tail  of  any  essential  import- 
ance. The  two  guns  could  not  have  been  of  more  than  minoi-  con- 
sequence in  any  case.  The  aggregate  force  detached  by  Washington 
to  Chattel-ton's  Hill  was  not  sti-ong  enough,  even  with  the  best  sup- 
])<)r(  w  liicli  a  single  comjiany  of  artillery  with  two  small  pieces  could 
lia\('  gh'en  it,  to  retain  that  station  against  the  tremendous  attack- 
ing power.  The  one  essential  thing  is  that  it  was  strong  enough  to 
alarm  General  no^\"e  in  his  progress  toward  the  Ameiican  inti'ench- 
menls  at  White  Plains,  to  divert  him  from  the  main  business  of  the 


daj,  and  to  cause  him   absolulcly   to  (lisniciuber  bis  army   for  tlic 
purely  iucideutal  purpose  of  capturing  an  outlying  post. 

After  expelling  the  Americans  fiom  (Miatterton's  Hill,  the  attack- 
ing party  quietly  occupied  the  ground  thus  talcen,  prepared  dinner, 
and  rested  on  its  arms.  To  that  inert  and  irresolute  attitude  the 
main  body  of  the  royal  army  also  resigned  its<'lf.  In  the  often-ciuoted 
words  (d'  Steduian,  the  English  historian  of  the  Kevolution,  "  the  ditti 
culty  of  co-operation  between  the  left  and  right  Avings  of  our  army 
was  such  that  it  was  (d)vious  that  the  latter  could  no  longer  ex- 
pediently attempt  anything  against  the  enemy's  main  body."  That 
is,  In  the  storming  and  occupation  of  the  hill  Howe  split  his  forces 
into  two  remotely  separated  parts,  which  could  not  co-operate  in  a 
general  advance  movement,  whilst  Washington  with  his  entire  body 
lay  in  an  advantageous  position  ready  to  resist  any  attempt  with 
satisfactory  nunibeis.  Tlie  original  project  of  the  British  comnumder 
was  suspended  for  the  day,  no  ofl'er  l)eing  made  to  engage  the  in- 
tren(died  IJevolutionaries,  with  the  exception  of  one  slight  sporadic 
effort  which  is  thus  described  by  Heath,  against  whose  division  it 
was  directed : 

The  right  column,  com])()setl  of  British  tioojjs,  preceded  b\-  about  twenty  light  horse  in 
full  gall(i|i,  and  brandishing  their  swords,  a])i)eared  on  the  road  leading  to  the  Court  House, 
■and  now  direetlv  in  the  front  of  our  general's  (Heath's)  division.  The  light  horse  leaped  the 
fence  of  a  wheat  field  at  the  foot  of  the  liill  on  which  Colonel  Malcolm's  regiment  was  posted,  of 
wliich  the  liglit  liorse  were  not  aware  until  a  shot  from  Lieutenant  Fenno's  field-])iece  gave 
them  notice  l)v  striking  in  the  midst  of  them,  and  a  horseman  pitching  from  his  horse.  They 
then  wliccled  short  about,  galloped  out  of  tlie  field  as  fast  as  they  came  in,  rode  behind  a 
little  liill  on  the  road  and  faced  about.  .  .  .  The  column  came  no  further  nj)  the  road,  liut 
wheeled  to  the  left  by  platoons  as  they  came  up,  and,  passing  through  a  bar  or  gateway, 
directed  their  heads  towards  the  troops  on  Chatterton's  Hill,  now  engaged. 

This  pitiful  demonstration  was  the  sole  thing  undertaken  by  the 
enemy  in  the  While  I'lains  quarter. 

r.ut  while  there  was  no  battle  at  White  Plains,  the  whole  engage- 
ment having  transpired  on  (Miatterton's  Hill  in  the  Town  of  Green- 
burgh,  the  name  of  the  battle  of  \A'hite  Plains,  by  whicli  alone  the 
event  is  known  in  general  liistories,  is  a  strictly  appropi'iate  one; 
and  indeed  it  would  have  been  r<'grettable  if  this  exceedingly  im- 
portant conflict — one  of  the  most  important  and  re])resentative  of 
(he  struggle  for  independence — had  received  the  mei'ely  local  desig- 
nation of  the  isolated,  incidental,  accidentally  chosen,  and  unjiop- 
ulated  summit  where  it  was  fought.  The  strategic  situation  was  at 
M'lnte  riains  exclusively,  which  was  the  place  deliberately  selected 
by  Washington  days  in  advance  foi-  his  fliial  stand,  and  fully  ai'ce])ted 
by  Howe  as  the  battle-ground;  and  u])  lo  the  moment  that  Howe 
arriv<'d  in  sighl  of  tnir  lines  the  attention  gi\'eii  to  riiattertoirs  Hill 
b\'  the  .VuM'i-ican  comiiiander,  e\'en  as  a  localitv  of  incidental  conse- 


(|ii('ii((',  was  (iC  the  iiiosl  iiifonual  nature,  no  ilcfi'iisivc  winks  of  auy 
a\ailal)ilily  having'  been  erected  and  not  a  sinjile  ])ieee  of  artillery 
jilaiited  ii]»()n  it.  That  the  aetioii  on  (Miattcrtoii's  Hill  proved  acci- 
dentally in  be  the  u' hole  of  the  duly  a]ii)ointed  battle  of  >\'hile  Plains, 
wdiild  ha\('  been  no  sintable  reason  for  robbing'  the  latter  ]>lace  of 
I  lie  honor  of  the  name.  Moreover,  as  rural  battlefields  are  always 
named  after  the  most  conspicuiuis  ami  most  familiarly  known  locality 
of  their  vioinaj^e,  it  would  have  been  a  peculiar  departure  fi-om  such 
ethics  not  to  dignify  this  very  notable  engagement  with  the  name  of 
the  flourishing  and  widely  known  village  beside  which  it  occurred. 

There  exists  no  public  memorial,  either  on  Chattei'ton's  Hill  (tr  in 
White  I'lains  village,  commemorative  of  the  battle.  Upon  the  ap- 
])roach  of  (he  cenlt-nnial  anniversary  of  the  day  in  187('>,  arrangcnu'nts 
were  made,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Westcdiester  Couidy  llistoi-ical 
Society,  for  a  ]iublic  celebratiiui  on  Chatterton's  Hill,  to  include  the 
laying  of  the  coi-ner-stone  foT'  a  monument.  This  latter  ceremony 
Mas  duly  ])ei-foruied,  but  as  the  weather  was  exceedingly  incdement 
the  ]iulilic  exercises  were  adjourned  to  the  court  house,  where  a 
tilling  address  was  made  by  the  Hon.  (Markson  N.  Potter,  at  that 
tinu'  re])resentative  in  congress  from  the  district.  Congress  had  ]>re- 
viously  donated  lliree  IJevolutionary  cannon  as  accessories  to  the 
pr-o]K>se(l  monument,  and  the  ])lans  for  the  nu'Tuorial  did  not  con- 
teniplale  any  elabora.te  or  costly  structui'e.  Vet  the  project  ended 
with  the  laying  of  the  corner-stone  and  the  speechifying.  The  futile 
attemiit  is  a  decidedly  ])aiuful  reminiscence  for  the  people  of  West- 
cliesfi-r  County,  and  our  i-eaders  \\ill  willingly  spare  us  any  further 
I'emai'k  njion  it   than  this  ](assing  mdice  of  the  fact. 

CHAPTEli   XVlll 


HE  divided  Urilisli  army,  with  its  ri;ilit  rcsriiiti  on  llir  road 
f'loni  'While  Plains  t(»  ilaniai-nncck,  and  its  left  (in  tin' 
Ilionx  Kivcr  and  ( 'liattcrtcn's  Hill,  remained  (-(implelely 
inactive  not  only  duriuy-  the  rest  of  the  2Sth  of  October, 
hilt  throiijihonl  the  jieriod  of  its  continuance  liefoi-e  Washington's 
position.  As  we  have  seen,  it  was  deemed  inexpedient  by  (Jeneral 
Howe  to  move  on  the  White  Plains  intrencbments  with  iiis  forces 
thus  sepaiated.  I!nt  it  has  nevi'r  been  satisfactorily  explained  why 
that  se]Kiiation  of  his  army  need  have  been  pi-otracted  after  the 
taking  of  the  hill,  or  why  he  mii^ht  not  have  promi)tly  reunited 
the  se\ered  i»arts  and  fonnhf  the  intended  battle  on  the  same  aftei'- 
noon  or  the  next  morning  under  substantially  the  orijiinal  conditions. 
Ti)  hold  Chatterton's  Hill  after  ha\  inj;  secured  it,  only  a  small  body 
<if  troops  was  required,  since  ^^'ashin^iton,  expecting  a  ti'enei'al  as- 
sault u])on  his  intrenchments,  would  uot  have  dared  weaken  his  army 
for  siK  li  a  hazardous  ami  ])rofitless  object  as  an  attenii)ted  recap- 
ture of  a  deta<died  post.  We  think  the  only  reasonable  deduction 
from  the  known  facts  is  that  Howe  ,i;rew  faint-hearted  while  facing 
^\'ashin•^■ton  after  his  bait;  and  indeed  his  persomil  explanation  of 
his  conduct  iu  decliniuf;'  a  general  battli'  strongly  suii^ests  sucdi  an 
inference.  In  a  letter  to  Lord  (ieorjic  (lermaine  he  accounted  for  his 
failure  to  attack  Washinjiton  the  uext  morning  by  representing,-  that 
tile  Americans  meantime  had  drawn  back  their  eiicamiuneiit  and 
sin  niithened  their  lines  l)y  additional  works,  which  made  it  neces- 
sai-y  to  defer  tin*  purposed  ajifiression  until  re-enforcenu'uts  could  ar- 
rive. In  otlier  words,  lie  sought  counsel  of  his  fears.  It  is  true  the 
Americans  did  strenf;tlien  their  lines  to  every  extent  jiossible,  thank- 
fully takini;'  advantage  of  the  resi)ite  jii-anted  tliem;  but  when  IIowi' 
iiiarcjied  from  Scarsdale  he  was  comiuii  •<'  assail  intremdiments  of 
entirely  uncei-taiu  streiiiith,  and  if  willing'  to  venture  ajiainst  them 
then  he  could  hardly  have  changed  his  mind  after  the  lapse  of  a 
few  hours  from  any  oilier  circumstance  than  newborn  discretion.  As 
for  his  assertion  thai  the  Americans  had  drawn  back  their  encamp 
ment  by  the  morning  of  the  2!ltli,  it  was  entirely  erroneous;  althoiij;h 



they  (lid  begin  as  early  as  the  iiiyiit  of  the  I'Stli  to  move  back  their 
stores  as  the  first  preliminary  to  their  masterly  withdrawal  into  the 
imprefjiiable  Ileiiihts  of  North  Caslle — an  nltimate  mov<-ment  which 
Howe  sliduld  have  foreseen  if  he  had  jxissessed  a  gi'ain  of  military 
sense,  and  which  he  must  have  known  would  prove  moie  and  more 
imminent  with  every  lionr  that  he  frittered  away  before  the  White 
Plains  works. 

Duriiifi-  the  2!lth  and  ."{(Ith  (Jeiieial  Howe  continned.  with  all  the 
saijacity  he  conld  command,  to  insjx'ct  the  rising  Amei'icaii  iiitrench- 
ments  and  to  reflect  ui»on  the  excellent  uses  to  which  the  rebels  were 


tlins  piitlini;  the  unexpected  opportunity  vouchsafed  them.  On  the 
aftei'iiiioii  of  the  latter  day  he  was  re-enforced  by  four  regiments  from 
New  ^drk  City  and  two  from  Mamai-oneck,  and,  thus  strengthened, 
he  resolved  to  tight  the  battle  on  the  morning  of  the  olst,  ami  made 
preparations  accordingly.  Hut  a  violent  rainstinan  f(dl,  and  there 
was  another  and  last  ]tostponem<'nt.  T>(^t\A('en  the  hours  of  nightfall 
on  the  :>lst  of  Octobei'  and  daybi-eak  on  the  1st  of  Novi'udjer,  Wash- 
ington retired  to  his  new  ])osition  in  the  Xorlli  Castle  hills,  about 
a  nule  above  his  first  stand,  leaving,  howevei-,  a  tolerably  strong 
f(U'ce  on  the  lines  at  White  Plains,  which  held  them  f(U-  a  number 
of  hours  on  the  1st  without  suffering  disturbance  from  tlie  enemy, 
ami  then  abamhmi'd  tliem  to  a  ]iarty  of  Hessians  that  came  over  from 
Chatterton's  Hill  to  occupy  them.     In  the  inquiry  instituted  by  par- 


liamciit  coiicci'iiiiiii  IIomc's  tniiisiictiniis  as  ('(uniiiiUKlcr  of  liis 
iliijcsty's  forces  in  Aiiicrii'a,  one  of  11k'  witiu-sscs  (Ijoi-d  ("ornwallis) 
was  iutcri'o^natcd  c-oiiotTuiiii;'  tlic  failure  to  storm  the  woi-ks  after 
the  arrival  of  the  re-enforccnients.  He  rejdied  that  it  was  on  ac- 
count of  the  rain.  The  question  was  then  asked  whether,  "  if  the 
powder  Avas  wet  on  both  sides,  the  attacd^s  niij;ht  not  have  been  made 
by  bayonets?" — to  which  the  intelligent  witness  replied,  "I  do  not 
recollect  that  I  said  the  powder  was  wet."  The  siin]ile  truth  is  that 
on  the  very  last  day  when  he  niiiiht  have  foui^ht  A\'ashin,nton  under 
not  extremely  unfavorable  conditions,  Howe  found  it  impleasant  to 
do  so  because  of  rain,  as  on  the  precedinii'  days  he  had  foun<l  it  in- 
exjx'dient  because  of  fear.  In  such  an  enier.yency  as  the  im])endinfi' 
retirement  of  an  inferior  adversary  to  an  unassailable  position,  one 
would  think  that,  even  if  reduced  to  tlu^  necessity  (d'  a  bayonet  ti.ulil, 
the  attaclvinti'  iicueral,  uidess  blindly  indifferent  to  his  re])utation, 
should  not  lia\c  hesitated  to  i)ursue  that  course  rather  than  suffer 
the  c.imj)ainn  to  come  to  a  humiliating'  end. 

I'indin^  that  Washinjiton  liad  retired,  (leneral  Howe,  ajipareiitly 
with  some  realizinii'  sense  of  his  ])revious  delin(|uency,  and  des])ite 
the  continuance  of  I  he  storm  and  the  wretche<l  condition  u{  the  roads, 
followed  him  to  the  North  Castle  position  on  November  1  with  a  i)or- 
tion  of  his  artillery,  ami  bejian  to  cannonade  the  American  left,  wlii(  h 
re])lied  with  vij^or.  Little  resulted  from  this  ])erformance  on  eillier 
side  bui  ])owder  burniuii'.  Washini;ton  had  alrea<ly  taken  tiie  pre- 
cauii<  II  of  jireventiu!.;'  any  atti'Uipt  of  the  enemy  to  cut  olT  ins  re- 
treat north  of  the  Croton  Kiver.  As  the  reader  doubtless  knows, 
that  stream,  previ(uisly  to  the  diversion  of  its  waters  for  the  uses 
of  New  York  (Mty,  had  a  decidedly  wide  channtd  for  a  considerabh' 
distance  from  its  numth;  and  at  the  time  of  Die  Kevolution  the  only 
structure  afl'ordinji'  passa,i;e  ovei'  it  to  the  north  was  I'ine's  l?ridi;e, 
some  fi\'e  miles  east  of  the  Hudson  IJiver.'  'IMiere  was  a  feri'v  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Croton,  but  of  course  it  was  essentially  imjiortant  to 
reiain  I'ine's  Bi-id^c.  Washin-iton  conse(|uently,  on  October  ."'l,  sent 
(ieneral  Kezin  ]>eall,  witli  three  ^[ai\\land  reiiiments,  to  that  ])oint; 
and  ill  adililion  he  ordered  (ieneral  l.,ord  Stirlinii  with  his  brigade 
"to  keej)  ]iace  with  tiie  enemy's  left  Hank  and  to  ])ush  up  also  to 
Croton  Ikiver  should  he  jilainly  percei\('  that  the  enemy's  route  lays 
that  way."  Thus  besides  Inniuii-  gained  a  situation  foi'  the  army  on 
the  Ileii;lits  of  NoT'tli  Castle  from  whicdi  he  could  tlci'y  any  further 
attempts  of  Howe's,  he  had  thoroughly  secured  his  lines  of  coiu- 

'  nowovor,    towuril    tlio    rnd    of    the    war    a        nillc  and    a    half  fioin     llic    incinili.    TliLs   was 
bridge  was  thrown  across  the  stream  about  a       known  as  Coullnontal  Bridge. 


Howe  iiiiulc  111)  (ilTci-  t(i  dispute  the  ixissessinii  of  llie  cnuutiv  alunc 
the  Nortli  (';islle  hills,  and  it  does  not  appear  that  he  even  attempted 
to  reoonnoiter  it.  But  the  briiiach'  of  General  A!j;new  which  was 
stationed  at  Maniaroneek  was  pushed  forward  about  two  miles  be- 
yond live,  in  order,  if  po.ssible,  to  brinii  an  Auiericau  force  at  the 
Sawpits  to  an  en^ajiement.  Failinj;-  in  this,  Aji;new  returned  to 
]\Iamaroneck.  Durinp;  the  passaj^e  of  the  T-oyal  troops  through  Eye, 
says  Raird,  they  were  warmly  fi'reeted  by  the  Loyalists  of  that  place, 
"conspicuous  amonji'  Avhom  was  the  Kev.  Mr.  Avery,  the  [E])iscopa- 
lianj  rector  of  the  parish,  wlio  had  been  in  correspondence  with  Gov- 
ernor Tryon  before  the  arrival  of  the  British  army  in  New  York  and 
had  been  very  outsjioken  in  his  ])rofessions  of  sympathy  for  the  Brit- 
ish cause."  This  IJev.  Mr.  Avery,  according  to  Bolton,  was  a  stepson 
of  the  patriot  General  I'utnani.  He  soon  had  cause  to  rue  his  indis- 
creet demonstration  of  entliusiasm.  A  few  days  later  his  horses  and 
cattle  were  seized  by  some  vindictive  Kevolutionaries.      Two  days 

after  that  he  was  founil  dead  in  the  neii>hborli 1  of  his  house.     It 

has  nevt'r  been  leai-ned  how  he  came  to  his  end.  So  far  as  is  known, 
no  marks  of  violence  were  found  on  his  body,  'i'lic  Toi-y  clerjiyman 
Seabury,  of  Westchester,  Avritinij  to  the  Bropajiation  Society  about 
his  death,  mentions  the  conjecture  of  some  jiersons  that  he  was  mur- 
dci'cd  b,\'  the  "  rebels,"  but  apparently  ,iii\cs  pi-eference  to  the  oi)inion 
that  he  died  from  natural  causes,  su])erinduced  by  distress  of  mind 
uiiilei'  I  he  ](('i'seculi(ins  lo  which  he  was  subjected. 

Confronled  by  1  he  di (lieu It  conditions  of  the  new  situation,  ( ieiu'ral 
Howe  would  hardly  in  any  case  have  ]iersevei'e(l  loiiu  in  his  actual 
test  of  W'asliiniiton's  too  evident  strenjith  in  the  location  \\liere  he 
li;id  now  esiablislied  himself.  But  the  suddenness  of  his  retireuK'ut 
was  almost  as  puzzlinj;  as  had  been  the  circumstances  of  his  en- 
trance upon  the  \\'estchester  camjiai^n.  On  the  ni;;ht  of  the  -ith 
of  November  he  bi-oke  u\)  his  encam]iment,  and  b\'  daybreak  of  the 
."ith  he  was  marching  with  all  his  army  to  Dobbs  h'err.N',  wliere  he 
formed  a  new  cam])  on  the  (Ith. 

This  move  of  course  im])lied  that  Howe,  abandoninii'  liis  designs 
aj;ainst  A\'ashiniiton"s  foi'ces  at  Noith  Castle,  and  also  lea\inii-  to 
his  opponent  the  undisturbed  possession  of  the  country  above,  ha«l 
concluded  to  transfer  the  scene  of  at;!j,ressi\-e  ojx'rat ions  to  some  other 
quarter.  Btit  it  was  dillicult  to  determine  just  what  he  had  in  view. 
"The  desij^n  of  this  maneuvei-,"  wiote  ^\'asllin^:ton  to  the  ])i'esident 
of  cou.^ress  on  the  Gth,  "  is  a  matter  of  much  conjecture  and  sitecula- 
tion,  and  can  not  be  accounted  for  with  any  dei;ree  of  certainty." 
But  there  were  three  ])rinci])al  objects  that  Howe  miiiht  contem- 
plate:— first,  to  cajjture  Forts  Washington  and  Fee,  so  as  to  make 


his  mastery  of  the  h)\VL'r  Hudson  comiilote;  second,  to  transport  his 
army  to  the  west  bank  of  the  Hudson,  and  by  a  march  through  New 
Jersey  seize  Philadelphia,  the  Revolutionary  capital;  or  third,  to 
proceed  up  the  Hudson  River  along  its  west  bank  and  take  posses- 
sion of  the  Highlands.  In  the  case  of  an  intended  capture  of  Forts 
\Yashington  and  Lee  it  was  manifestly  impossible  to  do  anything 
more  toward  retaining  those  positions  than  had  already  been  done, 
as  both  of  them  were  well  garrisoned  and  it  would  have  been  inju- 
dicious to  deplete  the  army  for  their  further  protection.  But  it  was 
necessary  without  delay  to  provide  for  thwarting  the  other  two  pos- 
sible objects  of  Howe.  At  a  council  of  war  held  on  the  6th  it  was 
unanimously  agreed  to  so  distribute  the  army  as  to  have  a  portion 
of  it  available  for  confronting  Howe  whithersoever  he  might  go — 
to  retain  a  part  in  the  encampment  at  North  Castle,  to  dispatch 
another  part  into  New  Jersey,  and  to  establish  a  third  part  in  the 
neighborhood  of  Peekskill  as  a  guard  for  the  Highlands.  Conforma- 
bly with  this  decision  Washington  on  the  9th  detached  3,000  men 
under  fJeneral  Heath  to  Peekskill  and  removed  5,000  to  New  Jersey 
under  the  temporary  charge  of  fleneral  Putnam,  intending  to  assume 
this  command  personally  within  a  few  days,  and  on  the  10th  he  com- 
mitted to  General  Lee  the  command  of  the  North  Castle  residue,  at 
that  time  about  7,500. 

In  making  this  disposition  he  had  two  fundamental  purposes — 
first,  to  keep  Heath's  body  of  .^,000  permanently  in  the  Highlands, 
williout  drawing  upon  it  in  any  event  for  the  re-enforcement  of  the 
main  operating  army;  and  second,  to  have  Lee  remain  at  North 
Castle  only  for  the  time  being,  until  Howe's  intentions  should  be  de- 
veloped. Upon  the  latter  point  his  directions  to  Lee  were  unmis- 
takable. He  directed  that  the  stores  and  baggage  be  removed  north 
(if  tlu-  Croton  River  into  General  Heath's  jurisdiction,  and  closed 
with  this  injunction:  "  If  the  enemy  should  remove  the  greater  part 
of  Ihcii-  force  to  the  west  side  of  Hudson's  River,  I  have  no  doubt  of 
your  following  with  all  possible  dispatch."  We  shall  see  later  how 
r.ce,  in  his  commander's  direst  need  dui'ing  the  retreat  through  New 
Jersey,  deliberately  ignored  this  instruction  and  even  assumed  to 
exercise  independent  authority  and  to  reverse  Washington's  express 
orders  to  Heath. 

On  th(>  night  of  the  lOtli  of  Ni>vember  Washington,  having  taken 
his  departure  from  the  remnant  of  the  army  at  North  Castle,  went  to 
Peekskill,  and  on  the  lltli,  accoinpnuied  by  Generals  Heath,  Stirling, 
<!eorge  and  James  Clinton,  and  Miftlin,  began  a  detailed  inspection 
of  points  on  both  banks  of  the  river  above,  which  was  extended  the 
next  morning  into  the  defiles  of  tlie  Highlands.     This  tour  resulted 


ill  the  issuance  of  dctiiiitc  iiistiucddiis  to  Ilcatli.  About  icii  (•"clock 
ou  the  morning  of  the  12tli  he  crossed  tin-  river  to  eiiibarlc  upon  bis 
ever  iiieiiiorabb'  winter  caiiipaiiiii  in  New  Jersey. 

Allusion  has  been  made  in  a  jirevions  chapter  to  the  burniiii;-  of 
the  Westchester  County  court  house  by  some  soldiers  of  Wasiiing- 
t<»n's  army.  That  deplorable  event  occurr(-d  on  the  iiii:ht  of  the  5tli 
of  November.  It  was  an  entirely  wanton  and  irresp(msible  jjerform- 
ance.  Throughout  the  Westchester  campaign  Washington  liad  been 
excessively  annoyed  by  the  bad  conduct  of  the  lawless  element  in 
his  ranks — men  who  pillaged  and  set  lire  to  farm  houses,  and  com- 
mitted promiscuous  outrages.  lie  repeatedly  issued  orders  to  re- 
strain such  practices,  lu  general  ordei's  dated  November  2  he  said: 
"The  Ueneral  expressly  forbids  any  person  or  soldier  belonging  to 
the  army  to  set  fire  to  any  house  or  barn,  on  any  pretense,  Avithout 
a  special  order  from  some  general  oflicer."  The  burning  of  the  court 
house  during  the  night  of  the  5th  was  therefore  done  in  defiance  of 
a  recent  stringent  prohibition  by  the  commander-in-chief.  Tiie  ciil- 
ju'its  were  a  band  of  ^lasyachusetts  troops  led  by  IMajor  Jonathan 
Williams  Austin,  and,  besides  destroying  the  court  house,  th(  y  burnt 
the  Presbyterian  Church  and  several  private  dwellings  at  White 
Plains.  For  this  deed  Austin  was  court-martiale<l,  dismissed  from 
the  service,  and  turned  over  to  the  State  convention  for  further  ]uin- 
ishnient.  By  the  direction  of  that  body  he  was  put  in  jail  at  Kings- 
ton, but  managed  to  escape.  Fortunately  the  county  records  did 
not  perish  in  the  flames,  having  been  removed  to  a  place  of  security 
before  the  occupation  of  Wliite  Plains  by  the  two  armies. 

This  instance  of  the  incidental  outrages  inflicted  upon  the  people 
of  our  county  as  a  result  of  the  military  operations  in  the  caminiign 
of  ITK!  might  be  enlarged  upon  by  the  introduction  of  local  details 
of  destruction,  devastation,  violeiue,  and  plunder  almost  innumera- 
ble. The  materials  for  such  local  chronicles  obtainable  from  pub- 
lished sources  and  from  family  i-ecords  are  so  abundant  that  very 
many  of  our  pages  might  be  filled  with  them;  but  sucli  ininutia' hardly 
belong  to  a  general  narrative  hist(U-y  of  moderate  dimensions,  li 
is  snfticient  to  say  tliat,  as  in  the  cases  of  individual  jiersecutions  for 
political  belief,  they  were  ])erpetraled  with  activity  and  mercilessness 
l)y  both  si<les — with  the  iin|ioi'laiit  distinction,  however,  that  Avhile 
the  offenses  committed  by  th'/  American  soldiers  were  the  acts  of  in- 
dividuals or  small  detachiiicnts  in  (Ictiance  of  very  strict  army  regu- 
lations, the  crimes  of  the  invading  lroo])s  were  wh()lly  unrestrained 
if  indeed  they  were  not  tacitly  licensed.  It  was  well  understood,  and 
the  fact  is  recognized  by  all  historians  (not  excepting  those  of  strong 
British  biasi,  that  the  German  mercenaries,  privates  as  well  as  officers, 


ill  ;icc(']>tiiiii'  the  ciuploynu^nt  of  the  ]dn<j;  of  En.nland  wero  pncoTira<;e(l 
lo  l)('li('V('  tliat  they  could  curicli  thciusolvos  in  America  by  pluiideriiif;' 
I  lie  popiilatiou,  aud  wherever  they  went  their  excesses  were  unlitiiited. 
The  P.rirish  soldiei-y  were  hardly  less  scrnpnlous  or  cruel;  and  botli 
British  and  (iiM-niaiis  robbed,  killed,  burned,  and  devastated  the  land 
with  little  discrimination  between  Tory  and  patriot  where  the  object 
was  the  aratification  of  their  own  jireed  or  ])assions.  In  their  vindic- 
tive fury  a^ainsl  the  patriots  the  British  went  farther  than  their 
(Jerman  hirelings.  The  following,  from  a  letter  written  from  Peeks- 
kill,  .Tanuaiy  19,  1777,  reads  like  a  chapter  from  the  Tliirty  Years' 

Geiu'ial  Howe  has  diseliaioed  all  the  privates  who  were  prisoners  in  New  York  ;  one-half 
he  sent  to  the  world  of  spirits  for  want  of  food.  The  other  he  hath  sent  to  warn  their  eoiin- 
trjnien  of  the  danger  of  falling  into  his  hands,  and  so  eon^ince  them,  liy  oenlar  demonstration, 
that  it  is  infinitely  better  to  be  slain  in  battle  than  to  be  taken  prisoners  by  British  brutes, 
whose  tender  mercies  are  cruelty.  But  it  is  not  the  prisoners  alone  who  felt  the  effects  of  Brit- 
ish inhumanity.  Kvery  part  of  the  country  thro'  which  they  have  march'd  has  been  plundered 
and  ravaged.  No  discrimination  has  been  made  with  respect  to  Whig  or  Tory,  but  all  alike 
have  been  involv'd  in  one  common  fate.  Their  march  thro'  New  .lersey  has  been  marked 
\vith  savage  barbarity.  But  Westchester  witnesseth  more  terrible  things.  The  repositories  of 
the  dead  have  ever  been  held  sacred  by  the  most  barbaroiis  and  savage  nations.  B\it  here, 
not  being  able  to  accomplish  their  accursed  purposes  upon  the  living,  they  wreaked  their  ven- 
geance on  the  dead.  In  many  ])laees,  the  graves  in  the  church-yards  were  opened,  and  the 
bodies  of  the  dead  exposed  u])on  the  groiuid  for  several  days.  At  Morrissania  the  family  vault 
was  opened,  the  coffins  broken  and  the  bones  scattered  abroad.  At  Delancey^s  farm  the  body 
of  a  beautiful  young  lady,  which  had  l)een  buried  for  two  years,  was  taken  out  of  the  ground 
and  ex])osed  for  five  days  in  a  most  indecent  manner  ;  many  more  instances  coidd  be  men- 
tioned, but  my  hearl  .sickens  at  the  recollection  of  such  iidumiauity.  Some  persons  try  to 
believe  that  it  is  only  the  Hessians  who  perpetrate  these  things,  but  I  have  good  authority 
to  sa}'  that  the  British  vie  with,  and  even  exceed  the  auxiliary  troops  in  licentiousness.  After 
such  treatment  can  it  be  possible  for  any  persons  seriously  to  wish  for  a  reconciliation  with 
fireat  Britain  ?  ' 

We  left  (Jeiieral  Howe  on  the  fitli  of  November  at  Dobbs  Ferry, 
to  whicli  jtoint  he  liad  fallen  back  after  abandoning;  on  the  4th  his 
p(i.><iii(in  before  Washiniitoii's  lines  on  the  Heights  of  North  Castle. 
His  object  in  this  move  was  made  ])erfi'ctly  ])lain  a  few  days  later 
by  the  c(mcentratiou  of  all  his  forces  for  the  reduction  of  Fort  Wash- 
iiiLiton.  But  his  reasons  for  so  abruptly  retiring  from  in  front  of 
Washington  at  North  Castle,  where  he  seemed  to  have  established 
himself  \vitli  tiie  serious  intent  of  attacking  him  sooner  or  later, 
remained  none  the  less  shrouded  in  mystery;  and  indeed  foi-  more 
th.iu  a  huudreil  yeai's  historical  writers,  in  commenting  on  this 
pliase,  were  (juite  at  a  loss  to  reasonably  account  for  his  conduct — 
aitliou^h  the  subject  was  made  a  jxM-uliaily  iii\iting  om^  for  curious 
iuipiii-ers  by  a  remarkable  statement  of  (Jeneral  Howe's  during  the 
investigation  of  his  Anu'rican  career  by  the  committee  of  the  House 
of  Commons.    "Sir,"  sai<1  he  on  that  occasion,  "an  assault  upon  the 

'  Frrcmnn'x   Joiininl.    or    ,Vnc    Ilnmpshin:   Ga:rlti-,   February  18,  1777. 



enemy's  rijiht,  Avhioh  Avas  opposed  to  the  Llcssian  troops,  was  in- 
tended. The  committee  must  liive  me  credit  wlien  I  assure  them 
tliat  I  have  |)(i]itieal  reasons,  and  no  otliei',  for  (h-elinin^'  to  <'Xphiin 
wliy  tliat  assault  was  not  nnuh  .  I'pon  a  minute  inquiry  tliese  rea- 
sons miii'ht,  if  nocessai'y,  be  hrou,nlit  out  in  evidence  at  tlie  bar."  The 
sujrorested  proceedinjis  were  not  taken,  and  the  secret  was  success- 
fully "uarded  until  1877,  when,  in  an  article  in  the  MfKidZiiic  of  Amcrl- 
cini  ll'ishini  by  Jlr.  Edward  lloyd  de  Lancey,  supported  by  docu- 
mentary proof,  it  Avas  fully  expose(l.  The  "  political  reasons  "'  alluded 
to  by  Oeneral  Howe  were  that  he  was  diverted  from  the  attack  on 
the  American  camp  to  the  attack  on  I'ort  AN'ashington  hy  intelligence 


furnished  him  by  an  Auiericau  traitor,  and  thai  such  a  delicate  fact 
natui-ally  could  not  be  sjtreail  before  a  ])arliauieutaiy  couimittee. 
The  name  of  that  traitor  was  WILLIAM  J  )EM(J>;T. 

Dement  was  adjutant  to  Colonel  Ma»aw,  the  comuiandant  of  Fort 
Washinjiton,  and  on  the  2d  of  November  he  made  his  way  out  of  the 
fort  and  conveyed  to  Earl  Percy,  the  British  comnuinder  in  New 
York  City,  complete  plans  of  its  defenses  and  information  about  tlu> 
arrangement  of  its  aruiament  and  disposition  of  the  garrison.  Tlu'se 
were  at  once  communicated  by  I'ercy  to  Howe,  then  lying  before 
the  American  works  in  the  North  Castle  hills,  and  that  general,  seeing 
in  the  assured  capture  of  the  chief  rebel  fortress  a  good  excuse  for 


williilrawiiig  from  liis  li()p('le:>s  oninpai.nn  in  tlic  field,  faced  about 
and  with  a  celerity,  .skill,  and  success  wliicli  liad  never  characterized 
liis  opci'ations  ^^\)  lo  thai  liour  pi'ocecded  to  liie  investment  and  re- 
duction of  tlie  betrayed  stroni;lioId. 

Fort  ^^'asliingtou,  to  whicli  reference  lias  so  frequently  been  made 
in  these  pa^es,  barred  all  jirouress  by  land  to  and  from  New  York 
City,  and  with  its  fall  Westchester  County  was  completelj'  laid  open 
to  the  enemy,  remaining-  in  that  unhappy  state  until  the  signing  of 
the  treaty  of  peace — a  period  of  seven  j'ears.  A  particular  descrip- 
tion of  it  belongs,  therefore,  to  this  narrative.  We  quote  from  an 
article  by  Jlajor-General  George  W.  Culluiu  in  the  ''Narrative  and 
Critical  I  list  nry  of  America": 

It  was  l)uilt  l)y  Ciilouel  Riifii.s  Putnam  soon  after  the  evacuation  of  Boston,  and  occupied 
tlie  liigli  <;Tound  at  the  uorthcin  end  of  Manliattan  Island.  It  was  a  pentagonal  liastioned 
earthwork  without  a  keep,  having  a  feehle  profile  and  seareely  any  ditch.  In  its  vicinity  were 
hattcries,  redonhts,  and  intrenched  lints.  These  various  field  fortiticatious,  of  which  Fort 
Washington  may  be  considered  the  citadel,  extended  north  and  south  over  two  and  one-half 
miles  and  had  a  circuit  of  six  miles.  The  three  intrenched  lines  of  Harlem  Heights,  crossing 
the  island,  were  to  the  south  :  Laurel  Hill,  with  Fort  (ieorge  at  its  northern  extremity,  lay  to 
the  east  ;  upon  the  river  edge,  near  Tnl)by  Hook,  was  Fort  Tryon,  and  close  to  Spuyteu  Duy- 
vil  were  some  slight  works  known  as  Cockhill  Fort  ;  and  across  the  creek,  on  Tetard's  Hill, 
Fort  Independence.  The  main  communication  with  these  various  works  was  the  Albany 
Road,  crossing  the  Harlem  River  at  Kingsbridge.  This  road  was  obstructed  I)}'  three  lines 
of  abatis  extending  from  Laurel  Hill  to  the  River  Ridge. 

With  Fort  Lee,  on  the  opposite  side  of  Ihe  river,  it  constituted  the 
military  domain  of  (ieneral  Nallianiel  (Treene.  Greene  had  his  head- 
i|narters  at  Fort  Lee.  In  common  with  most  of  the  other  subor- 
dinates of  General  Washington,  he  stubbornly  insisted  that  it  should 
he  held  after  the  evacuation  of  Uarleni  Heights  and  Kingsbridge, 
and  this  was  the  emphatic  opinion  of  congress,  which  during  the 
early  stages  of  the  war  was  always  meddling  with  Washington's 
]irerogative  as  commander-in-chief.  Greene,  in  fact,  regarded  it  as  im- 
pregnable, going  so  far  as  to  declare  that  the  place  could  be  held 
against  the  whole  British  army.  Wasliiiigtou  .stood  practicalh*  alone 
in  regarding  the  attempted  retention  of  the  fort  as  an  inexpedient 
measure.  At  the  very  first  council  of  war  on  the  subject,  held  a1 
Kingsbridge  on  (he  16th  of  October,  he  advised  its  abandonment, 
iioth  because  he  was  convinced  that  in  the  case  of  a  siege  it  wotild 
he  taken,  and  Ix  cause  lie  foresaw  that  the  whole  theater  of  war  would 
^noii  be  shifted  from  .Manhattan  Island  and  the  lower  Hudson,  in 
whicli  event  its  usefulness  would  be  ended.  But  he  was  loath  to  set 
ills  authnrity  against  the  unanimous  Judgment  of  his  officers  and 
cdugress,  and  while  at  every  step  i)ersonally  favoring  the  with- 
iliawal  nf  the  garrison,  he  finally  permitted  the  fort  to  be  defended. 

(»n  the  (lav  of  the  Chattertoirs  Hill  engagement  (Orrober  2S)  Howe 


ordered  General  Knyipliauscn,  ilicn  at  New  Koclielle,  to  take  liis 
whole  command  of  nicicciiarics  to  Kinysbridge,  with  the  exccplioii 
of  one  rejiinient  of  Wahlccl^crs,  which  was  to  Ik^  left  at  New  IJochelle. 
This  movement  was  proliahly  intended  as  a  preliminary  step  toward 
the  general  occupation  of  the  lower  portion  of  Westchester  County. 
Knyphausen  eucami)eil  at  Ivin^shi-idjie  on  the  2d  of  Novend)er.  By 
the  4:th  British  trooi>s  had  been  stationed  in  the  Mile  Scjuare,  on 
Valentine's  Hill,  and  at  West  Farnrs,  and  the  New  Eochcdle  W'al- 
deckers  were  transferred  to  Williams's  Bridge.  On  tlie  (!th,  as  al- 
ready related,  Howe,  with  the  main  army,  was  a.t  Dobbs  Ferry.  From 
there  on  the  7th  he  dispatched  his  pack  of  artillery  to  Kingsbridge, 
ami  immediately  upon  its  arrival  at  that  place  the  work  of  erecting 
batteries  along  the  Westchester  shore  v<as  begun.  These  were 
planted  in  conformity  with  the  secret  information  about  the  I'ort 
Washington  works  which  the  Irailor  Demont  liad  furnished;  and  it 
was  always  a  matter  of  astonishment  to  American  oflicers  in  study- 
ing the  plans  of  the  siege  that  in  every  particular  the  enemy's  ar- 
rangements were  made  with  the  most  excellent  judgment.  Four 
separate  lines  of  attack  on  IMount  Washington  were  idiosen — three 
of  them  proceeding  from  the  Westchester  shore.  The  first  and  main 
one  was  bj-  way  of  Kiugsbridg(\  the  second  by  boats  across  the  Har- 
lem Kiver  against  Laurel  Hill,  the  third  by  boats  from  a  point  farther 
down  against  the  lines  of  fortifications  near  the  Boger  Morris  house, 
and  the  fourth  from  New  York  (Mty  against  the  southern  exposure 
of  the  works. 

On  the  13th  Howe  in  i)erson  airived  at  Kingsbridge,  with  ail  the 
forces  that  he  had  had  at  Dobbs  Ferry.  On  the  loth,  his  plans  being 
conqdeted,  he  sent  to  Colonel  Magaw,  in  command  at  Fort  Washing- 
ton, a  summons  to  surrender,  signifying  that  if  obliged  to  carry  the 
fort  by  assault  he  Avould  put  the  garrison  to  the  sword.  To  this  san- 
guinary threat  Magaw  replied  tliat  it  was  unworthy  of  General  Howe 
and  the  British  nation,  at  the  same  time  declaring  that  he  intended 
to  hold  out  to  the  last  extremity.  During  the  night  of  the  15th 
numerous  small  boats  for  the  transportation  of  the  attacking  troops 
from  the  Westchester  side  were  passed  up  the  Hudson  and  through 
Spuyten  Duyvil  Oi-eek  into  the  Harlem  Eiver.  On  the  IGth  the  as- 
sault was  made  at  everj^  selected  point  and  was  crowned  with  com- 
])leti'  success,  although  the  enemy's  killed  and  wounded  were  458 
against  but  147  on  the  American  side.  The  whole  garrison,  consist- 
ing of  2,818  men,  including  officers,  became  prisoners  of  war,  and 
forly-tliree  guns  and  a  large  amount  of  equipnu^nts  and  stores  fell 
into  the  hands  of  the  British. 

This  was  a  dreadful  blow  to  Washington,  almost  a  deadlv  one  in 

PELINQrnONCY     OF     GKNKUAL     LKE  407 

llic  circninslauccs  wiiicli  «'ii((nn]i:issc(l  him.  'I'lic  fall  of  tlic  f(irt,  so 
lai-  tioiii  bciiii;'  a  cataistroplu',  was  a  blossiiijj;  in  disguise.  11  was  well 
111  have  it  off  liis  hands.  P.ul  the  loss  of  ;{,(H)0  men,  at  tlu>  moment 
when  he  Avas  en.i;aiiing  in  a,  new  <am])aijin  havinj;'  for  its  ])i-(thaldc 
object  the  defense  of  the  capital,  willi  hnt  a  mea.yei'  force  at  his  dis- 
jMisa],  which  was  ia])idl_v  molderinn'  away  in  conse(|nence  of  deser- 
(i(ois  and  tlie  expiration  of  miiiiia  terms  of  service,  was  about  as 
disastrous  a  thing  as  could  betide  sliort  of  his  own  destruclion.  On 
tile  I'Oth  I'^irt  Lee  was  taken  by  an  e.vpedition  of  '>,()()(),  which  landed 
I  he  nigjit  before  o])posite  Yonkei's.  No  I'esistance  was  attemjited. 
and  aliheniili  I  he  garrison  of  2,000  was  ])i'(uui)l  ly  wilhdrawn,  it  barcdy 
escai)e<l  ca])ture.  Then  began  Washington's  famous  retreat  across 
\ew  Jersey,  witli  ( 'oinwallis  and  Kny)diansen  in  hot  ]>ui'suit.  It 
does  not  come  Axithin  tlu^  scope  of  the  present  A\ork  to  follo\\'  him  in 
detail  in  this  moAcment  and  his  snbse(|uent  o]ierations.  I'nt  the 
\i'i'y  im])ortant  aspect  of  Lee's  disobedii-nl,  if  not  traitorous,  conduct 
in  lingering  in  Westchest(  r  County  desjiite  the  urgent  orders  of  his 
ciiief  to  join  him  in  Xew  Jersey,  belongs  to  the  essential  lievolu- 
tionary  annals  of  our  county. 

On  the  12th  of  November,  upon  taking  command  of  the  portion  of 
the  army  dispatclied  to  the  wvat  banlc  of  the  Hudson  from  the  North 
Castle  camp,  Washington  had  at  his  back  only  5,000  men,  of  whom 
more  than  half  were  nnlitia  whose  periods  of  enlistment  were  ex- 
pirini;.  Indee<l,  though  he  was  strengtln^ned  eight  days  later  by  the 
2,1)00  from  I'ort  Lee,  his  ranks  were  so  reduced  by  the  departures  of 
militiamen  and  other  causes  that  by  the  time  he  gained  the  west 
shore  of  the  I)(daAxare  on  the  8th  of  December  it  is  doul>tful  if  he 
had  more  than  3,000  scddii-rs  eft'eetive  for  active  purposes.  Soon 
after  arriving  in  New  Jersey  he  appealed  in  pressing  terms  to  the 
governor  of  that  State,  to  its  legislature,  and  to  congress  for  fresh 
troops.  But  his  main  reliance  was  upon  Lee,  whom  he  had  left  at 
North  Castle  as  a  purely  temporary  matter  until  the  principal  object 
of  the  enemy  should  be  disclosed,  and  with  definite  instructions  to 
move  at  once  to  the  other  side  of  the  Hudson  if  it  should  appear  that 
Howe's  designs  were  in  that  quarter. 

On  the  16th,  the  day  of  the  capitulation  of  Fort  Washington,  the 
commander-in-chief  wrote  to  Lee  at  length  upon  the  subject  of  the 
projicr  employment  of  his  time  so  long  as  it  should  be  expedient  for 
him  to  icmain  in  Westcjiester  County,  plainly  giving  him  to  nnder- 
siand  that  the  North  Castle  position  was  no  longer  of  any  jiarticular 
inipoi-tance,  and  that  for  the  time  being  he  should  devote  his  energies, 
in  co-operation  with  General  Heath,  toAvard  securing  the  Highland 
passes  on  both  sides  of  the  river  and  erecting  worlcs  in  ailvantageous 



places.  To  this  injunctiou  Loo  gave  not  the  slightest  attention.  On 
the  other  hand,  in  a  lettei*  written  the  same  clay  to  Colonel  Reed,  of 
Washington's  staff,  he  expressed  directly  contrary  opinions  regard- 
ing the  position  at  North  Castle,  concluding  with  the  observation 
that  he  intended  to  remain  there,  and  that  he  wished  "  not  to  cede 
another  inch  "  to  the  enemy.  Although  this  vainglorious  boast  was 
made  before  the  receipt  of  Washington's  letter,  it  indicated  a  fixed 
resolve  in  his  mind  to  act  an  indeiieudent  part.  Indeed,  from  that 
day  until  his  fortunate  capture  by  a  troop  of  British  horse,  his  whole 
proceedings  were  those  of  a  rebellious  subordinate,  arrogating  to 
himself  authority  co-ordinate  with  that  of  the  chief  commander. 

After  Fort  Washington's 
fall  Lee  wrote  letters  from 
North  Castle  to  various  per- 
sons filled  with  innuendoes 
against    Washington    on    ac- 

f^^3^^--'V  '^m*        count    of    that    disaster.     On 

k%.  ^ life--%^-^--'^L :.^^^t^-. -  .\  -i?  ■:■  •;--«!/¥  ^j^^  ^tj^^  ^^  jj.-j^|  ^j^^  impu- 
dence to  send  to  Washington 
in  person  a  letter  reciting 
his  "  objections ''  to  moving 
from  North  Castle.  Ou  the 
20tli,  when  Fort  Lee  was 
abandoned  and  there  re- 
mained no  doubt  that  the 
British  would  begin  a  cam- 
paign in  New  Jersey,  Wash- 
ington, then  at  Hacken- 
sack,  dispatched  an  express 
to  Lee  ordering  him  to  move.  This  command  was  repeated 
again  and  again  during  the  succeeding  days  (sometimes  twice 
a  day).  For  five  precious  days  Washington  lay  at  Newark  vainly 
awaiting  the  troops  from  Westchester  County,  and  when  he  finally 
left  that  i)lace  on  the  28th  his  rear  had  a  narrow  escape  from  the  ad- 
vance guard  of  the  enemy.  With  his  insignificant  force  he  pushed 
on  to  Brunswick,  I'rinceton,  Trenton,  the  Delaware,  and  across  that 
river  without  receiving  any  satisfactory  assurance  of  the  ultimate 
obedience  of  Lee.  One  of  Washington's  master  strokes  was  the  se- 
curing in  advance  of  everj^  boat  along  the  Delaware  and  its  tribu- 
taries for  a  distance  of  seventy  miles  so  as  to  prevent  the  enemy  from 
crossing;  but  deeming  it  of  transcendant  importance  to  receive  Lee's 
troops  at  the  earliest  practicable  moment,  he  caused  a  large  fleet  of 



the  boats  to  be  kept  iu  constant  readiness  for  Lee  at  a  point  on  the 
east  bank  of  the  stream. 

I^e's  defiant  behavior  iu  tarrying  iu  Westchester  County  Avas  ag- 
gravated by  every  circuuislauce  of  formal  pretension  and  presump- 
tion. On  the  20tli  he  wrote  the  folk)wing  astonishing  words  to  Beu- 
jamiu  liush,  a  uu'mbcr  of  congress:  "I  could  say  many  things — let 
nie  talk  vainly — had  1  the  powers  1  could  do  yoii  much  good — might 
I  but  dictate  one  week — but  I  am  sure  you  will  never  give  any  man 
the  necessary  powei- — did  none  of  the  congress  cvi^r  read  the  Koman 
history?"  On  the  21st,  upon  receiving  Washington's  order  from 
Hackensack,  Lee  not  merely  ignored  it,  but  with  unparalleled 
effrontery  directed  Oeneral  Heath,  commanding  at  reekskill,  to  de- 
tach 2,(100  men  from  his  force  and  send  them  to  the  commander-in- 
chief.  Heath  refused,  (luotiug  his  own  exi)licii  instructions  from 
Washington,  whereupon  Lee  (November  2()|  wrote:  ''The  comman- 
der-in-chief is  now  separated  from  us.  I,  of  course,  command  on  this 
side  of  the  water,  and  for  tlie  future  I  must  and  will  be  obeyed." 
Washington  was  obliged  to  notify  Lee  in  a  positive  communication 
that  not  a  man  must  be  taken  from  Heath.  In  a  letter  to  Bowdoin, 
then  at  the  head  (d'  the  Massachusetts  government,  Lee  characterized 
Washington's  instructions  to  him  to  move  fi'om  North  Castle  as 
'•  absolute  insanity,"  and  complacently  added  that  for  himself,  should 
the  British  move  toward  his  quarter,  he  would  entertain  no  expecta- 
tion of  being  succored  by  the  "  western  army  '' — implying  that  there 
were  now  two  distinct  armies,  a  western  commanded  by  Washington 
and  an  eastern  headed  by  himself.  In  a  confidential  letter  of  the 
24th  to  Keed  he  alluded  to  an  enterprise  which  he  wanted  to  com- 
plete before  moving,  after  which,  he  said,  ''  I  shall  fly  to  you,  for  to 
confess  a  truth  I  really  think  our  chief  will  do  better  with  me  than 
without  me " 

Westchester  County  was  at  last  evacuated  by  Lee  on  the  3d  and 
4th  of  December.  The  movement  was  of  course  by  way  of  King's 
Ferry.  Stopping  at  Peekskill  on  the  way,  he  endeavored  to  persuade 
and,  failing  in  that,  to  browbeat  Heath  into  a  violation  of  Washing- 
ton's repeated  commands.  He  requested  Heath  to  give  him  2,000  of 
his  troops,  and  when  that  was  refused,  to  let  him  take  1,000.  The 
latter  bluntly  declared  that  not  a  single  soldier  should  march  from 
the  post  by  his  order.  Lee  then  assumed,  as  senior  in  command,  to 
issue  the  order  himself,  but  Heath  required  him  to  sign  a  statement 
certifying  that  he  did  this  exclusively  upon  his  own  responsibility-. 
Lee  thereupon  detached  t\\d  of  Heath's  regiments  for  his  own  use, 
but  the  next  morning,  after  sober  second  thought,  he  concluded  that 
Ju^  was  ]tlaying  Too  boM  a  ])ail,  ;nid  ordered   them  baek  to  Heath's 


(•;nii](.  ( )n  t  lie  4(h,  while  at  Haverstraw,  says  Haiicioft,  he  intercepted 
8,000  iiicii  Avlio  had  been  huri-icd  (htAvn  for  ^^'asllini^tou's  indicf  bj 
(icneral  ^chiijler,  of  the  Nortlierii  Aiiuy,  aud  iiu-or])()i'ated  them  iu 
his  division.  Later  lie  ordere<l  (ieneral  lleatli  to  send  him  three  rejii- 
ments  whioli  iiad  come  from  i'ort  Ticouderotja.  He  marched  leis- 
urely throujih  New  Jersey,  still  takinji'  pains  to  have  it  understood 
that  he  considered  himself  an  indejiemlent  commander.  To  a  com- 
mittee of  congress  he  stated  that  it  was  not  his  intention  "  to  join 
the  army  with  Washington,"  and  to  Heath  he  wrote,  "  I  am  in  hopes 
of  reconciuering  the  Jerseys."  On  the  13tli  <if  December,  ten  days 
after  passing  the  Hudson,  he  was  made  prisoner  at  Baskingridge, 
N.  J.,  by  some  British  horsemen,  having  just  completed  a  letter  to 
General  Uafes,  iu  which  he  said:  "  l-Uitrc  nutis,  a  certaiu  great  man 
is  most  damnably  deficient."  His  Iroojis,  thus  happily  disencumbered 
of  him,  presently  joined  AVashingtoii,  although  not  in  lime  to  ])aT'tici- 
pate  in  tlie  gloi'i(tus  victory  of  Trenton. 

General  Lee's  occupation  of  the  North  Castle  position  for  nearly 
a  month  after  the  disiiKMnberment  of  the  army  was  not  attended 
by  events  or  i)roceediugs  of  any  noteworthy  character.  But  several 
matters  of  some  interest  in  this  connection  deserve  passing  notice. 

According  to  Si>arks  in  his  biograi)hy  of  Lee,  the  number  of  troops 
left  by  ^^'asllington  in  the  encaiiiimieut  at  North  Castle  was  7,500, 
of  whom  4,000  were  militia  about  to  return  to  Iheii'  homes.  It  is 
quite  certaiu  that  upon  Lee's  de])artur<'  he  took  with  him  hardly 
more  than  3,000.  Huleed,  the  militiamen  were  c(tnstantly  tiling  ofl', 
glad  to  escape  from  tlie  service  before  the  rigors  of  winter  should  set 
iu.  It  is  recorded  that  the  ambitious  general,  wlio  possessed  decided 
elocutionary  gifts,  industriously  practiced  his  persuasive  powers  upon 
them,  haranguing  them  i)ublicly  on  the  gravity  of  the  situation  and 
their  scdenin  dutj'  as  Anu-rican  ]ia1riots.  These  imjiassioued  a])])eals 
w-ere  without  avail,  howe\er.  The  condition  of  the  men  under  Lee's 
command  was  deplorable,  most  of  them  being  without  shoes,  stock- 
ings, blankets,  or  proper  clothing,  and  this  was  instanced  by  him 
as  an  excuse  for  not  leaving  the  post.  But  he  was  no  worse  off  than 
Washington  in  that  particidar.  When  the  latter,  with  his  band  of 
heroes,  attacked  the  Hessians  at  TrcMiton,  the  whole  line  of  march 
of  the  little  army  Avas  stained  with  the  bloody  footprints  of  the  shoe- 
less soldiers. 

The  records  of  Lee's  transactions  whil(»  at  North  Castle  show  that 
not  only  the  whole  upper  portion  of  Westchester  County,  but  the 
central  sections  as  well,  were  quite  abandoned  by  the  enemy  during 
that  period.  Two  of  Lee's  official  letters  are  dated  from  "  Philips- 
bourg  "   (probably  Tarrytown).     As  far  south  as  Dobbs  Ferry   the 

DJOIJNQUENCY     OF     GlONKltAL     I,EE  411 

.Viiicricaus  appt'ar  to  lia\c  been  in  iiiulispiilcd  coiitiol.  On  (he  2((tli 
of  NoA'ciiiber  General  Sullivan,  in  a  report  to  Lee,  alluded  to  an  ad- 
venture which  the  continental  iiuard  at  Dobbs  Ferry  had  had  with  a 
parly  of  siippt)sed  IJritish  horse,  which  made  olT  upon  beiny-  chal- 
lenged. Even  JIamaroueck  was  deserted  by  tiie  I'ritisii.  Writing' 
to  IJeed  on  the  24th  of  ^'oAeuiber,  Lee  mentioned  a  jtroject  he  had 
formed  to  cut  (df  Koi^crs's  corjis  of  (Queen's  l{au^ers  at  tiiat  place, 
together  with  a  trooj)  of  light  horse  and  a  jiait  of  the  Highland 
(Scotclii  and  anotlicr  brigade;  but  ujkhi  attempting  to  cari-y  it  into 
execution  he  found  that  these  hostile  foi-ces  had  been  withdrawn. 
But  though  the  (uuuny  for  the  time  being  occupied  none  of  West- 
chester County  except  the  part  immediatcdy  adjacent  to  .ManhattaTi 
Island,  their  shi]>s — the  "  I'luenix,"  "  lvoebu(d<,"  and  ''Tartar" — still 
continued  in  the  Hudson  Iviver,  preventing  the  use  of  the  Dobbs  Ferry 
route  foi'  the  transfer  of  the  American  troojis  to  the  other  side. 

AVhilst  dallying  at  XorUi  Castle  Lee  disjiatclied  to  the  lower  por- 
tion of  the  county  a  strong  detnchmeul  to  levy  contributions  on  the 
farmers — th(^  first  of  the  jiredatory  raids  to  which  the  unfortunate 
iuiiabitants  of  Westchester  County  were  so  fi-eipiently  subjected 
throughout  the  Revolution.  On  the  22d  of  Novembei-  he  issued  orders 
to  General  Nixon  to  proceed  with  two  brigades  and  a  party  of  light 
horse  "  to  I'hillips's  house,"  and,  beginning  at  that  place,  collect  all 
the  stout,  able  horses,  all  the  cattle,  fat  and  lean,  and  all  the  sheep 
and  hogs,  Avith  the  exception  of  such  few  milk  cows  and  hogs  as' 
should  be  necessary  to  the  subsistence  of  the  families,  and  drive  them 
up  to  the  camp.  Nixon  w^as  also  directed  to  oblige  the  people  to  give 
up  all  their  extra  blankets  and  (-overlings,  reserving  a  single  one  for 
eacli  pv-rson.  To  the  citizens  thus  dispossessed,  ho\\'ever,  certirtcati'S 
were  given  which  entitled  tliem  to  reimbursement  ujion  ai)plication 
to  I  lie  iiroper  armv  authorities. 



ITH  (he  bi'cakiiiL;  ii])  of  tlic  Xoitli  Castle  canip  aud  the  de- 
parlnre    of    ]xh',    the   military    sitviation    in    Westoliester 
< 'oiuity  assumed  a  very  simple  comi)lexion.     Only  the  two 
extreme  positions,  Kin<;sbrid,ije  and  Peekskill,  remained  in 
the  posst'ssion  of  any  considerable  bod\'  of  troo])s. 

The  former  place  }»reserved,  under  P>ritish  domination,  all  the  im- 
poiiance  attached  to  it  w  liilc  lield  by  tlie  Americans.  It  was  the  key 
to  Xew  York  fity,  A\hicli,  unlil  the  end  of  the  war,  continued  to  be 
the  principal  and  indeed  only  reliable  base  for  thi'  British  forces  in 
America.  It  is  true  that  Newport  (K.  I.)  was  taken  in  the  winter  of 
ITTG,  Plii1adel])]iia  in  the  fall  of  1777,  and  vai'ious  important  Southern 
Ijoiuts  at  latei'  pci'iods.  Put  all  these  were  occupied  only  by  isolated, 
temporary,  or  shifting  British  commands.  New  York  alone,  from 
the  Ix^iiinninji  to  the  end  of  its  ]iossessiou  by  the  enemy,  was  hcdd 
Avithoul  incidental  disturbance  on  the  part  of  the  Americans  or  in- 
cidental loss  of  essential  value  to  the  British  through  the  modifying 
circumstances  of  changing  e\'ents.  Hence  Kingsbi-idge  was  at  all 
times  the  primal  outlying  British  post.  After  the  retirement  of  the 
last  detachment  of  the  American  army  in  October,  1776,  and  its  seiz- 
ure by  the  enemy,  the  place  was  fortified  anew,  the  chief  defensive 
position  on  the  Westchester  side  continuing  to  be  the  old  American 
Fort  Indeijendence  on  Tetard's  Hill.  This  fortress,  although  be- 
sieged by  Heath  in  .lanuary,  1777,  and  several  times  threatened,  never 
3'ielded  to  the  Kevolutionary  arms.  On  the  other  hand,  the  British 
were  content  to  abide  at  Kingsbridge  as  their  most  advanced  perma- 
nent establishment,  never  attempting  to  take  a  formal  stand  above 
as  an  added  feature  of  their  basic  position.  Their  occupation  of 
Westchester  County  beyond  Kingsbridge  was  only  for  the  minor  busi- 
ness of  covering  that  place,  controlling  the  territory  to  some  extent, 
cutting  oft'  occasional  American  detachments,  and  furnishing  con- 
stant adventurous  employment  for  a  few  bodies  of  their  troops, 
mostly  Loyalist  rangers.  There  was  never  a  second  British  move- 
ment  in  force  through  Westchester  County,  although  iwo  expedi- 


tions  ul'  impoi-laucc  (Icstiiicd  for  furcini;  the  cnti-iiicc  to  tlic  Hijili- 
lands  were  landed  in  the  county.  A  few  days  after  Lee  marched 
away  from  North  Casth_^  onr  people  residiiii;  alonii"  tlie  Round  were 
thrown  into  ren(>weii  consternation  by  (lie  appearance  of  a  fleet  of 
some  seventy  sail,  w  hicli  caiiK-  ii]i  out  of  the  East  Tkiver.  But  it  left 
onr  shores  nndistnrhed.  This  was  tlie  expedition  to  liliode  Island, 
which  Avas  the  means  of  securing  for  the  P.ritish  a  ]U'oloni;ed  lodjj,- 
ment  in  tliat  quarter.  Rhode  Island  Avas  too  rciuotc,  however,  for 
any  co-operatin;L;  land  relations  with  NeA\-  York — esiX'cially  as  dnrinj;' 
the  British  continuance  in  the  former  locality  the  field  operations  of 
the  contending  armies  did  not  once  take  a  direction  east  of  the  Hud- 
son Kiver.  And  like  the  IJhode  Island  expedition,  the  various  British 
attacks  on  Connecticut  (with  one  minor  exception)  proceeded  by 
water  from  New  York,  accomplishing'  nothing  but  local  results.  Con- 
sequently although  Westchester  County  \\as  continually  exposed  to 
the  enemy  at  the  south,  and  suffered  terribly  and  without  cessation 
from  his  incidental  occupation  and  aggression,  it  was  not  simihirly 
exposed  at  the  east,  and,  on  account  of  the  choice  of  other  sections 
of  the  country  than  New  England  for  the  formal  military  campaigns, 
was  almost  wholly  exempted,  after  the  experience  of  1776,  fi'om  the 
presence  of  the  foe  in  any  pretentious  array. 

Peekskill  A\as  no  less  clearly  indicated  as  the  vital  post  for  the 
Americans,  to  be  maintained  at  all  hazards,  than  Kingsbridge  was 
for  the  British.  Lying  just  below  the  Highlands  and  just  above  the 
point  on  the  Hudson  Kiver  where  its  Avaters,  previously  confined  be- 
tween closely  apitroaching  banks,  suddenly  spread  out  into  a  broad 
sea,  it  commanded  equally  the  passes  into  the  mountains,  the  navi- 
gation of  the  whole  upper  river,  and  the  communication  with  the 
western  shore,  and  c<>nse(|uently  Avith  all  the  middle  and  southern 
States.  The  lower  river,  all  the  Avay  from  New  York  Bay  to  Ver- 
planck's  Point,  Avas  controlled  absolutely  by  the  British  ships,  and 
on  account  of  its  great  width,  as  avoII  as  of  the  biu-rier  from  Avest  to 
east  intei-]posed  by  the  wide  expanse  of  the  Croton,  was  utterly  un- 
available for  American  use  aftei-  the  removal  of  the  army  from  Kings- 
bridge  and  the  fall  of  I'ort  Washington.  Consequently  no  ]ioint  south 
of  Peelcskill  was  to  be  considered  for  a  moment  as  a  suitable  station 
for  the  prin(i](ai  .American  counleriioise  to  the  enemy's  position 
beloAV.  Other  i)oiuts  all  the  way  down  through  the  county  Avere,  of 
course,  occupied  by  guards.  In  this  res]ie(l  il  was  at  fii'st  the  .\meri- 
can  ]Mdic.A'  to  ])usli  doA\n  advaTU-e  ](osts  as  ueai-  as  practicable  to  the 
enemy's  sphere,  and  at  no  tinu'  did  the  jjati-iots  retire  their  lines  to 
the  northward  of  Pine's  Bridge  across  the  Croton.  ^'el  I'eekskill, 
with  tlie  country  iminedi.-ifely  dependent    upon  it,  always  i-emained 



the  seat  of  the  seriitus  American  establishment  for  general  purposes. 
The  choice  of  positions  farther  down  bv  Washinj^ton  during  his  sub- 
Sf^<|iient  visitations  (tf  Westrhestei-  fVmnty  niicliKliiiir  tliat  of  Dobbs 
Ferry  for  the  united  American  and  Frencli  armii-s  in  17M;  proved  in 
each  case  only  a  temporary  expedient. 

It  can  not,  however,  be  said  of  tlie  main  Amnrican  position  at 
Pi'eksicill,  as  of  tlie  enemy's  at  Kinjj;sbridjie,  that  it  was  one  upon 
which  its  possessors  could  rest  in  calm  and  undisturbed  confidence 
and  without  reference  to  uny  of  the  ordinary  jtossible  developments 
of  jicneral  siratejry.  Because  of  the  natural  locati(m  of  New  Y(irk 
fity,  with  all  its  surroundinj;  watei-s  controlled  by  the  fleet  and  only 

the  jKisition  at  Kiufisbridjre 
open  to  i)racticable  attack,  the 
British  could  abide  there  in- 
defiTiitfdy  without  ajtpreheu- 
sion  of  any  secret  or  sudden 
American  designs.  In  order  to 
make  a  formidable  campai^rn 
on  New  York  City — which 
could  proceed  only  by  way  of 
Kiniishridire,  a  point  not  to 
he  n-aclied  except  by  a  lonjr 
man  li  down  the  T\'estches- 
ter  County  peninsula,  and  not 
to  be  deliberately  assailed 
without  the  previous  concen- 
tration of  all  of  Washiiiu:toirs 
forces — the  Americans  would 
have  had  to  lay  bare  their 
intentions  weeks  in  advance. 
How  different  the  situation  at  rockskill  I  It  could  always  be  surprised 
by  a  river  exiK'dition  from  New  York  City,  with  but  the  briefest  possi- 
ble foreknowledge  on  Washington's  part.  It  was  a  point  of  supreme 
importance,  but  only  one  anumg  several.  He  therefore  had  to  dis- 
tribute his  f(jrces,  iincertain  where  the  enemy's  next  blf)W  would  fall, 
but  at  all  times  convinced  that  he  woidd  seek  sooner  or  later  to  push 
up  the  Hudson  River.  Tlie  safety  of  the  Hudson  Avas  \Vashington"s 
greatest  concern,  and  with  th<*  beginning  of  each  campaign  he  suf- 
fered torments  on  that  subject.  There  was  an  incessant  marching 
and  countermarching  f)f  troops  to  and  from  Peekskill,  and  Washing- 
ton himself,  exi-ept  when  during  his  camjtaign  in  Pennsylvania, 
in  the  southern  part  of  New  Jersey,  and  finally  in  Virginia,  was 
never  more  than  a  few  days'  march  distant  from  the  place.     Indeed, 




in  several  of  Lis  main  movements  preliminarily  to  the  unfolding  of 
the  enemy's  principal  projecr  for  the  impendinj;  «ami)ai5j;n,  he  made 
it  the  cardinal  i)r»int  of  his  jiro^ramme  to  take  a  central  station  from 
which  he  could  «ith  fiiual  cdnvenienci-  inarch  to  I'cckskill  or  to 
other  threatened  points  accordinjr  to  ultimate  circumstances.  To 
the  viirilance  with  which  he  watched  the  Hudson,  his  carefulness  in 
foi'tifyinji  it,  ami  his  pr.imptiiude  in  counleractinj:  British  attempts 
upon  it,  the  final  success  of  the  IJevolution  was  unquestionably  due 
as  much  as  to  any  single  factor. 

Peekskill  itself  was  never  a  ReAdlulionary  stronglinhl.  Tiie  village 
was  the  headquarters  for  the  military  commander  of  the  district, 
which  embraced  all  of  The  Flighlands.  Later,  ujjon  the  comjdetion  of 
the  defenses  at  West  Point,  the  latter  locality  enjoyed  this  distinc- 
tion, and  Peekskill,  with  Verplanck's  Point,  was  attached  to  the  West 
Point  command. 

The  fortification  of  the  Highlands  was  begun  under  the  auspices 
of  the  New  York  convention  shortly  after  the  arrival  of  the  British 
invading  exjM-dition.  At  the  time  of  Washington's  visit  to  Peek- 
skill,  in  Noveiiiber,177t»,rhe  work  had  made  tolerable  progress.  Wash- 
ington, it  will  be  remembered,  spent  one  whole  day  and  part  of  a 
second  in  reconnoitering  this  locality  and  the  Highlands  above.  After 
indicating  what  should  be  done  toward  perfecting  the  defensive  posi- 
tions, he  left  his  able  engineer.  Colonel  Rufus  Putnam,  to  carry  out 
his  plans  under  the  direction  of  (Jeneral  lb  ath.  'ilie  situation  as 
finally  developed  was  in  detail  briefly  as  follows: 

On  the  east  side  of  the  river,  just  above  Peekskill  village,  was  a 
work  called  Fort  Independence.'  This  was  substantially  completed 
during  the  winter  of  1776-77.  There  was  at  that  time  no  other  for' 
on  the  ^^■estclleste^  shore,  although  later  Fort  Lafayette  was  built 
at  the  extremity  of  \"erplanck's  Point  to  protect  the  King's  Ferry 
route,  and  on  a  hill  near  Cortlanfltville  Fort  L<^>okout  was  con- 
structed. Above  Peekskill  the  passes  into  the  Highlands  were  pro- 
tected by  detachments  of  troops,  the  jtrincijial  being  at  IJobin- 
s«»n's  Bridge.  In  this  vicinity  was  l«)cated  the  celebrated  rVmtinental 
Village,  where  tle^  stores  were  stationed  and  extensive  barracks  were 
erected.  From  Anthony's  Nose  to  the  west  .shore  the  chain  designed 
to  obstruct  the  navigation  was  stretche<l.  Tliis  contrivance,  liesidis 
being  very  costly,  gave  the  American  engineers  a  vast  ileal  of  n-ouble. 
f)n  November  21,  177(),  General  Heath  reported  that  it  had  •"  twice 
broke."  Cables  were  stretched  in  front  of  the  chain,  says  Ining, 
to  break  the  force  of  any  ship  under  way  before  she  could  strike  it. 

"  Thns  Ihprp  were  two  forts  of  this  name  In        ferred  to  in   the  preening  pages)  baring  Ik<  ti 
Westchester  Coonty,  the  other  (freqaently  re-       at   Kingsbridge. 


On  llii'  west  side,  boiiiunin,<!,  at  tlic  iicitli,  was  Fort  ■Moutuomi-i-y. 
'i'liis  was  located  directly  ojiposite  Anthony's  Nose  and  just  above  a 
liltW^  stream  called  Poplopeii's  freek.  On  The  south  side  of  the  creek 
was  Fort  Clinton.  These  two  strongholds,  Avith  the  co-operation  of 
Fort  Independence  below  and  the  hel])  of  the  obstrnctinji-  chain,  were 
deemed  adequate  to  the  protection  of  the  river.  It  was  considered 
impossible  that  the  enemy  would  ever  attempt  to  march  throujih  the 
diflicult  passes  south  of  Fort  Clinton  and  attack  that  place  and  Fort 
Montgomery  from  the  rear — although  just  such  a  contintiency  was 
foreseen  by  Washincton  Avhile  at  Peekskill,  and  he  had  recommendcMl 
the  erection  of  a  southerly  fort  on  the  west  side.  Still  farth(»r  doAvn, 
o])posite  Verplanck's  Point,  rose  an  eminence  called  Stony  Point. 
This  place,  in  common  Avith  Veri)lanck's  Point,  was  not  fortitied  at 
the  beiiinuiug-  of  the  Pevolution;  but  some  time  after  the  building  of 
Fort  Lafayette,  on  Verplanck's  Point,  Avorks  Avere  besiun  on  Stony 
Point,  which,  before  their  completion,  Avere  seized  by  the  British, 
who  then  erected  the  famous  citadel  which  Anthony  Wayne  stormed. 
Finally,  above  the  chain,  on  an  island  o])posite  AVest  Point,  Avas  Fort 
Constitution,  to  be  depended  on  as  a  last  resort  in  case  the  works 
below  should  prove  insuriicient.  This  fort,  like  Montiiomery,  Clinton, 
and  Independence,  dates  from  an  early  i)eriod. 

After  the  ultimate  disjiosilion  of  the  tAvo  opposing-  forces  Avas 
effected — the  Americans  at  Peekskill  and  the  British  at  Kingsbridge 
— Westchester  County  assumed  at  once  the  character  of  a  Neutral 
drdiiinl.  AN'herever  the  term,  "the  Neutral  Cround,"  occurs  in  gen- 
eral histories  of  the  l\ev(dution,  it  ai)plics  exclusively  to  Westchester 
( "ounty — and  to  substantially  the  whole  oft  lie  countj.  It  is  generally 
considered  that  the  Neutral  Cii'ound  ]n-o]ier  embraced  only  the  dis- 
trict between  the  Croton  Piver  at  the  noi-th  and  a  limit  at  the  south 
about  identical  with  the  in-esent  city  line  of  New  York — that  north 
of  the  Croton  the  Americans  held  undisjtuted  sAvay,  and  in  the  south- 
ern strip  adjacent  to  Kingsbiidge  the  British  were  unquestioned 
masters.  But  in  truth  there  was  no  Neutral  (xround  proper.  Prac- 
tically all  of  Westchester  Comity  Avas  continually  exposed  to 
alternate  x^merican  and  British  raids,  forages,  and  ravages,  to  depre- 
dations by  bands  of  irresponsible  ruffians  not  regularly  attached  to 
either  army,  and  to  acts  of  neighborhood  aggression  and  rejirisal 
by  the  patriot  upon  the  Tory  inhabitants  and  vice  versa.  It  is  a  fact 
that  several  of  the  most  formidable  descents  by  the  British  in  the 
history  of  the  Neutral  ( iround  were  ujion  American  jiosts  at  or  above 
the  Croton.  A  memorable  exjuditioii  was  made  against  an  American 
force  at  Poundridge  in  the  summer  of  1779;  Bedford  was  burned 
upon  the  same  occasion;  Crompond,  in  Yorktown,  was  successfully 

THE     NKUTRAT,     GROUND  417 

iittiickcd;  and  in  ITSl  a  laruo  body  of  Americans  siuardinc;  the  Crotou, 
under  llie  coniinand  of  the  brave  but  unfortunate  Colonel  Greene, 
was  surpi'lsed  and  many  of  them  were  killed.  As  late  as  17S2  Crom- 
|)ond,  though  well  above  the  Oroton,  was  deemed  a  quite  exposed 
>^ituation.  On  the  other  hand,  darinii-  assaults  by  the  Americans 
were  frequently  undertaken  down  to  the  very  outposts  of  Kings- 
hridiie,  and  no  part  of  the  county  witnessed  more  animated  scenes 
than  the  present  Roroufih  of  the  Bronx.  The  command  ())i  the  lines, 
as  the  projection  of  the  American  position  below  Peekskill  was  called, 
was  uniformly  intrusted  to  officers  of  approved  courajje  and  enter- 
inisc.  Here  Colonel  Aaron  Burr  was  for  some  months  in  charge, 
highly  distinguishing  himself  by  his  good  discipline  and  efficiency, 
'i'he  parties  which  reciprocally  served  for  defense  and  off(>nse  on  the 
enemy's  side  comprised  several  well  knoAvn  Ixxlies  of  horse  and  foot 
— notably  the  Queen's  Rangers  under  Simcoe,  de  Lancey's  corps  of 
AVest  Chester  County  Befugees,  and  forces  led  by  Tarleton,  Emmerick, 
and  otiiers.  The  Americans  ^ere  locally  styled  in  Westchester 
County  the  I  ppir  I'miii,  and  the  British  the  Loiver  Party.  In  addition 
lo  the  regular  troo]iers  on  either  side,  there  were  numerous  unau- 
thorized and  wholly  illegal  bands,  orgaiiiz<'d  princiiially  for  private 
|iluiider,  called  l^l-iinirr><  an<l  Coirhoi/s,  the  former  being  of  professed 
patriotic  and  the  latter  of  Tory  affiliation.  But  both  Skinners  and 
Cowboys  were  largely  undiscriiuinaf ing  as  to  the  object  of  their  opera- 
tions so  long  as  they  could  derive  any  kind  of  private  advantage  from 
them.  Washington  Irving"s  (h^sci'iiition  is  without  doubt  familiar  to 
ail  our  readers: 

Tliis  debatable  land  was  overrun  by  predatory  bands  from  pitlier  side  ;  sacking  henroosts, 
]ilun(Iering  farniliouses,  and  driving  off  cattle.  Hence  arose  those  two  great  orders  of  bor- 
der cliivalry,  tlie  Skinners  and  Cowboys,  famous  in  the  heroic  annals  of  Westclicster  County. 
The  former  fonglit,  or  rather  marauded,  under  the  American,  the  latter  under  the  British 
lianner  ;  but  hotli,  in  tlie  hurry  of  tlieir  military  ardor,  were  apt  to  err  on  tlie  safe  side  and  rob 
friend  as  well  as  foe.  Neitlu'r  of  them  stopped  to  ask  the  jjolitics  of  horse  or  cow  which  they 
drove  into  captivity  ;  nor,  when  they  wrung  tlie  neck  of  a  rooster,  did  they  trouble  their 
heads  to  ascertain  wliether  he  were  crowing  for  congress  or  King  George. 

Numerous  grajdiic  accounts  of  the  awful  conditions  prevailing  in 
ihe  Neutral  (Jround  have  been  printed  from  the  pens  of  contem- 
luirary  narrators,  both  military  and  civil.  "  I'rom  the  Croton  to 
Kingsliridge,"  says  one  writer,  "every  s])ecies  of  raiiine  and  lawless- 
ness iirevaiied.  Xo  one  went  to  his  bed  but  undei-  Ihe  ap|)rehension 
of  having  his  house  ]tlundered  or  burnt,  oi-  himself  or  family  massa- 
cred, before  morning."  The  foilo\\ing  picture  of  the  times  is  from 
the'"  Itevidutionary  Services  and  Civil  Life  of  ( ieneral  William  ITull," 
who  was  an  oirn-er  on  duly  in  Westchester  County  during  a  portion 
of  tlie  war: 


The  Cowboys  and  Skinners  ravaged  the  whole'res'""'"  The  first,  called  Refugees,  ranged 
themselves  on  the  British  side.  They  were  employed  in  plundering  cattle  and  driving  them 
to  the  city  ;  their  name  is  derived  from  their  occupation.  The  latter,  called  Skinners,  while 
])rofessing  attachment  to  the  American  cause,  were  devoted  to  indiscriminate  rolibery,  mur- 
der, and  every  species  of  the  most  hrntal  outrage.  They  seemed,  like  the  savage,  to  have 
learned  to  enjoy  tlie  sight  of  the  sufferings  they  intlieted.  Oftentinu'S  they  left  their  wretched 
victims,  from  whom  they  had  phuulercd  their  all,  hung  up  by  their  arms,  and  sometimes  by 
their  thumbs,  on  barn  doors,  enduring  the  agony  of  the  wounds  that  had  been  inHicted  to 
wrest  from  them  their  pro]ierty.  Tiu'se  miserable  beings  were  freciuently  relieved  by  our 
patrols,  who  every  night  .scoured  the  country  from  river  to  river.  But,  unhapi)ily,  the  military 
force  was  too  small  to  render  the  succor  so  much  needed,  although  l>y  its  vigilance  and  the 
inflieticm  of  severe  punishment  on  the  offenders,  it  kept  in  check,  to  a  certain  extent,  this  law- 
less race  of  men. 

The  fioui-ps  of  comparative  population  in  Wcsttlicstcr  County  be- 
fore, (luring-,  and  after  the  Eevolution  are  exceedinf^iy  significant.  lu 
1756  tlie  population  of  the  county  was  13,257,  and  at  the  next  census, 
in  1771,  it  was  21,745 — an  increase  of  S,HS  in  fifteen  years.  After 
1771  no  enumeration  was  taken  until  1790,  Avhen  the  total  inhabitants 
of  tlie  county  Avere  21,003,  only  2,258  more  tlian  nineteen  years  pre- 
viously, before  tlie  war  started.  In  the  ten  years  from  1790  to  ISOO, 
on  the  other  hand,  the  population  rose  to  27,317,  a  ^ain  of  3,344. 
After  the  peac(^  (1783)  special  inducements  were  olfered  to  settlers 
by  the  confiscation  of  Toiw  estates  and  the  disjiosition  of  tiiese  valua- 
ble lands  under  State  auspices  at  low  iirices.  Even  under  such  favor- 
iui;  conditions  the  population  in  171HI,  after  seven  years  of  peace,  was 
but  slightly  larger  than  in  1771.  The  decline  duriny  the  IJevolutiou 
must  have  been  considerable. 

Dr.  Timothy  Dwitiht,  in  his  "  Travels,"  has  left  a  most  circumstan- 
tial description  of  the  disconsolate  and  desohite  condition  to  which 
Westchester  County  was  reduced  at  an  early  period  of  the  Revolu- 
tion. Nothing  we  could  1io]»e  to  write  could  jiossibly  ])resent  so  in- 
forming a  view  of  the  whole  subjict  as  Dr.  Dwight's  simple  naiTa- 
tion;  and  though  it  has  been  frequently  qiioted  its  citation  here  is 
quite  indispensable: 

In  the  autumn  of  1777  1  resided  for  some  time  in  this  county.  The  lines  of  the  British 
were  then  in  the  neighborhood  of  Kingsbri<lge,  and  those  of  the  Americans  at  Byram  River. 
The  unhappv  inliabitants  were,  therefore,  exposed  to  the  depredations  of  both.  Often  they 
were  actually  plundered,  and  always  were  liable  to  tliis  calamity.  They  feared  everybody 
whom  they  saw,  and  loved  nobody.  It  was  a  curious  fact  to  a  philosopher,  and  a  melancholy 
one  to  hear  their  conversation.  To  every  (piestion  they  gave  such  an  answer  as  would  please 
the  iucpiirer  ;  or,  if  they  despaired  of  ])leasing,  such  a  one  as  would  luit  provoke  him.  Fear 
was,  ajjpareutly,  the  oidy  passion  by  which  they  were  animated.  The  ])ower  of  volition 
seemed  to  have  deserted  theni.  They  were  not  civil,  but  obsecpiious  ;  not  obliging,  but  sub- 
.servient.  They  yielded  with  a  kind  of  apathy,  and  very  ipiietly,  what  you  asked  and  what 
they  supposed  it  impossilde  for  them  to  retain.  If  you  treated  them  kindly  they  received  it 
coldly,  not  as  a  kindness  but  as  a  compensation  for  injuries  done  them  by  others.  When  you 
spoke  to  them  they  answered  you  without  either  good  m-  ill  nature,  and  without  any  appear- 
ance of  reluctance  or  hesitation  ;  l)ut  they  subjoined  neither  questions  nor  remarks  of  their 
own  ;  proving  to  your  full   conviction  that   tliey  felt  no  interest  either  in   the  conversation  or 


VDmsflf.  Until  tlicii-  loiiiitoiiauces  antl  motinns  liail  lost  every  trace  of  animation  and  I'ccling. 
IMie  fi'atMies  were  snuintlied,  not  into  serenity,  1)nt  ajiatliy  ;  and,  instead  of  lieiny  settled  in 
tlie  attitude  of  quiet  thinking,  strongly  indieated  tliat  all  thought  beyond  what  was  merely 
instinctive  had  tied  their  minds  for  ever. 

Their  houses,  in  the  meantime,  were  in  a  great  measure  scenes  of  desolation.  Their  fur- 
niture WIS  extensively  plundered,  or  broken  to  i>ioees.  The  walls,  floors,  and  windows  were 
iiijureil  both  b}'  violence  and  decay,  and  were  not  repaired  beeaus(>  they  had  not  the  means  to 
repair  them,  and  because  they  wi're  exposed  to  the  repetition  of  tlie  same  injuries.  Their 
cattle  were  gone.  Their  inelosures  were  burnt  where  they  were  capable  of  becoming  fuel, 
and  in  many  cases  thrown  down  where  they  were  not.  Their  fields  were  covered  with  a  rank 
growth  of  weeds  and  wild  grass. 

Amid  all  this  appearance  of  desolation,  nothing  struck  my  eye  more  forcibly  than  the  sight  of 
the  high  road.  Where  I  had  heretofore  .seen  a  continual  succession  of  horses  and  carriages,  life 
and  bustle— -lending  a  spriglitliness  to  all  the  environing  objects, — not  a  single,  scditary  trav- 
eler was  seen  from  week  to  week  oi'  from  month  to  month.  The  world  was  motionless  and 
silent,  except  when  one  of  these  unhappy  people  ventured  upon  a  rare  and  lonely  excursion 
to  the  house  of  a  neighbor  no  less  unhappy  ;  or  a  scouting  party,  traversing  the  country  in 
ipiest  of  enemies,  alarmed  the  inhabitants  with  expectations  of  new  injuries  and  suiferings. 
The  very  tracks  of  the  carriages  were  gromi  over  and  obliterated  ;  and  where  they  were  dis- 
eerniljle  resiMiibled  the  faint  impressions  of  <'hariot  wheels  said  to  be  left  on  the  pavements 
of  Hercnlaneuui.  The  grass  was  of  full  height  for  the  scythe  ;  and  strongly  realized  to 
my  own  mind,  for  the  first  time,  the  proper  import  of  that  pietures<iue  declaration  in  the 
Song  of  Deborah  :  "  In  the  days  of  Shamgar,  the  son  of  Anatb,  in  the  days  of  Joel,  the  high- 
ways were  unoeeupied,  and  the  travelers  walked  through  by-paths.  The  inhabitants  of  the 
villages  ceased  ;  they  ceased  in  Israel." 

The  fearful  rlepredatioiis  in  the  Neutral  Ground  were  viewed  by  the 
hiiihcr  military  auihorities  on  the  British  side  with  entire  approval, 
and  on  ihe  Annrican  side,  it  must  be  admitted,  aeuei'ally  without 
any  acute  disapprcdiation.  The  command  of  the  American  troops 
"on  Hie  lines"  was  always  particularly  coveted  by  officers  of  un- 
scruinilous  inclinations,  because  of  the  opportunities  it  afforded  for 
plnndci-iiii;-  transactions,  which  their  superiors  were  pretty  certain 
nol  to  discountenance.  AVhen  Aaron  P.urr  took  command  on  the 
lines,  in  Januai'y,  1779,  his  first  official  duty  was  to  deal  with  a 
••  scouting  party,"'  which,  on  the  same  day,  under  the  lead  of  his  pred- 
ecessoi',  had  gone  below  for  no  other  purpose  than  to  seize  private 
pro]ierly;  and  the  principal  condition  of  unsatisfactory  discipline 
w  liicli  he  had  to  correct  was  the  extreme  fondness  of  the  soldiers  for 
such  "  scouring  ""  enterprises.  It  is  but  fair  to  say,  however,  that  the 
-Vnierican  commanders  on  the  lines  were  usually  men  of  good  per- 
sonal antecedents,  and  it  does  not  appear  that  any  very  notorious 
person  on  our  side  was  ever  intrusted  with  authority  in  Westchester 
(,'onnty.  But  while  the  American  commanders  were  well-intentioned 
as  a  rule,  they  generally  allowed  their  subordinates  and  men  much 
license.  Burr's  stern  administration  in  this  particular  was  excep- 
lional.  The  circumstance  of  the  continued  existence  during  the 
Kcvolulion  of  the  quasi-patriot  organization  of  "  Skinners,"  who  were 
fully  as  merciless  and  rapacious  as  the  British  '•  Towboys,"  is  con- 
clusive proof  of  a  studied  ilisinclination  on  the  part  of  the  American 


officers  to  speoiallv  exert  themselves  for  the  protection  of  the  in- 

The  chief  British  autliorities  in  New  York  have  k^ft  various  docn- 
nientarv  evidences  of  their  express  sanction  of  the  most  nnlicensed 
practices  of  their  partisans  in  the  Nentral  Ground.  The  spirit  by 
wlncli  tliey  were  actuated  is  very  candi<lly  expressed  in  a  remarkable 
letter  b.y  Governor  Tryon,  dated  '•  Kinusbridsie  Camp,  Nov.  2:},  1777."" 
The  American  General  Sanuiel  H.  Parsons,  commandinji  at  the  time 
at  Mamaroneck,  had  written  to  Governor  Tryon  cpiite  indijinantly 
abont  the  conduct  of  some  British  soldiers — entirely  unprovoked — in 
burninj;'  the  dwelling  of  a  Westchester  County  committeeman  on 
I'liilipseliuriLili  ^lanor:  also  intimating  that  such  outrageous  deeds,  if 

continued,  niiglit  jirovidce  retaliation. 
(in\'ei  nor  Tryon.  in  liis  re]>l,A',  said  :  "  1 
lune  candor  enough  to  assure  you — as 
much  as  1  abhor  evei-y  i)rinci])le  of  in- 
huniaiiily  or  ungenerous  coniluct — I 
siioiild,  wcic  I  in  more  aulliorily,  burn 
every  commitleemau's  house  within  my 
reacdi,  as  I  deem  tliose  agents  the  wicked 
instrunieiits  of  the  continued  cahimilies 
of  tliis  country;  and  in  order  sooner  to 
purge  the  country  of  them,  1  am  willing 
to  L;i\'e  t  \\cuty-ti\"e  dollars  for  every  ac- 
tive committeeman  who  shall  be  de- 
P       //  F^        AL  livered  ui)  to  the  King's  trooiis." 

l^^«/A.  U^ro^lrj  ,,,,^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^      ,„nmuce.       Cooper's 

"  R]iy "  (the  earliest  of  its  author's 
novels  of  American  lifei,  is,  as  its  title  states,  a  "  Tale  of  the  Neutral 
Ground."  Cooper's  hei-o,  who  goes  in  the  novel  by  the  name 
of  Harvey  Birch,  was  a  real  personage,  whose  true  nanu'  was 
Enoch  Crosby,  and  who  became  a  respected  citizen  of  our  county 
after  the  Kevolutiou,  dying  at  Goldeu's  Bridge  in  1835.  It  is  widely 
known  that  Cooper  was  mainly  indebted  to  Chief  Justice  John  Jay 
for  the  facts  of  Crosby's  career  whi(di  led  to  the  writing  of  the  "  Spy," 
but  it  appears  that  Jay  was  in  error  in  supposing  that  Crosby's  o])era- 
lions  took  him  occasionally  williiii  the  ISritish  lines  in  New  Vork 
City.  The  fact  is,  he  devoted  himself  (|uite  exidusividy  to  the  coun- 
try districts.  Mr.  Joseph  Barrett,  the  well  known  local  historian  of 
our  Town  of  Bedford,  in  an  address  delivered  before  the  AYestchester 
County  Historical  Society  in  lS7!t,  gave  a  very  thorough  account  of 
(Jrosby's  life  antl  patriotic  services.     The  great  and  permanent  in- 


tci'cst    of  the  subject  justilics   llic  loUow  in<j,-  cxtemlcd   ivpioducliuii, 
copied  lioiii  the  digest  of  Mr.  Barrett's  address  in  Scliarfs  Historj': 

Crosby  was  born  in  Harwich,  Barnstable  County,  Mass.,  January  4,  1750,  and  at  the  break- 
ing out  of  the  Revolution  was  a  shoemaker  at  Danbury,  Conn.  He  liad  previously  been  a 
tanner  and  currier.  He  was  an  ardent  patriot,  and  enlisted  before  tlie  battle  of  I.exin};ton  in 
Benedict's  com])any,  of  Waterlmry's  regiment,  wbicli  was  attached  to  tliat  branch  of  the 
Canada  expedition  of  August,  IT'.J,  commanded  first  liy  Schnyb'r  and  then  by  Montgonuny. 
His  term  of  enlistment  expiring,  he  returned  to  Danbury  after  tln^  occupation  of  Montreal, 
and  then  traveled  over  Dutchess  and  Westchester  Counties  as  a  peripatetic  shoemaker.  Thus 
lie  not  only  acquired  that  intimate  knowledge  of  the  country  that  was  to  jirove  so  valuable  to 
the  American  cause,  but  also  was  brought  into  contact  with  the  Whigs  and  Tories,  the  bum- 
mers, raiders,  Cowbojs,  and  Skinners  who  infested  the  Neutral  (iround  between  the  lines  of 
the  ojiposing  armies. 

His  first  work  as  a  spy  was  accidental.  Determining  to  re-enlist,  he  tramped  southward 
toward  the  American  forces,  through  Westchester  County-,  in  .Septendx-r,  177(5,  and  on  the 
way  met  a  Tory,  who  fell  into  the  belief  that  Crosliy  was  one  of  his  own  stamp.  Crosby  did 
not  undeceive  him,  and,  as  the  stranger  had  a  loose  tongue,  the  joung  American  was  soon  put 
in  information  of  all  the  Tory  secrets  in  that  part  of  the  country.  Having  learned  so  much, 
it  occurred  to  him  that  he  ndght  as  well  prosecute  the  adventure  which  fortune  had  ])laced  in 
bis  hands,  and  asked  to  be  taken  to  a  meeting  of  Tories,  which  his  companion  had  told  him 
was  to  be  held  near  by,  to  raise  a  company  for  the  king's  service.  He  must  have  played  his 
part  admirably,  for  he  gained  audience  with  all  the  imj)ortaut  royal  sympathizi^rs  of  the 
neighborhood,  including  the  secret  enemies  of  the  patriots,  and  laid  a  most  admirable  plot  for 
their  discomfiture. 

Learning  that  a  meeting  of  the  Tory  band  was  to  be  held  on  a  certain  night,  he  slipped 
away  on  the  ])revions  morning  and  by  a  forced  march  across  the  conntry  reached  at  midniglit 
the  house  of  a  Mr.  Youngs,  eight  miles  from  White  Plains,  whom  he  knew  to  be  a  true  Am- 
erican. Prevailing  on  this  man  to  accoin])any  him,  they  aroused  Messrs.  Jay,  Duer,  .Sackett, 
and  Piatt,  the  connnittee  of  safety  at  White  Plains,  and  Crosby  gave  them  the  news  which 
he  had  gathered  with  so  much  daring  and  adroitness.  They  ordered  out  Captain  Townsend's 
company  of  mounted  rangers,  who  swept  across  the  conntry  under  Crosby's  lead,  surprised 
the  assendded  Tories,  and  ere  daylight  dawned  had  every  man  of  them  prisoners  and  on  their 
way  to  White  Plains. 

The  fame  of  this  exploit  went  everywhere  through  the  American  lines.  Cro.sby,  then  a 
strapping  fellow  of  twenty-seven  years,  nearly  six  feet  tall,  broad  and  muscular,  talked  to 
Mr.  Jay  about  re-enlisting,  but  that  sagacious  gentleman  represented  to  him  that  in  no 
way  couhl  he  do  so  much  for  his  conntry  as  by  continuing  in  that  line  of  duty  for  which  this 
one  achievement  .seemed  to  mark  him  as  specially  fitted.  "  Our  greatest  danger,"  said  Mr. 
Jay  to  him,  "is  our  secret  foes.  We  know  how  to  guard  against  our  enemies  in  the  field,  but  we 
have  no  defense  against  secret  enemies,  who  profess  to  be  friendly  to  us  and  plot  their  trea- 
son in  midnight  cabals.  One  who  can  counteract  these  iuHuences  is  entitled  to  more  credit 
than  he  who  hghts  in  the  ranks."  Crosby  dennirred  at  first,  but  finally  accepted  the  emjdoy- 
uu'ut  of  a  spy  on  the  condition  that  if  he  slundd  die  in  their  service  the  ci>nimittee  would  see 
that  his  name  was  vindicated.  With  much  feeling  Mr.  Jay  and  his  associates  gave  him  this 
solemn  assurance,  and  Crosby  consecrated  himself  to  his  dangerous  and  arduous  task. 

Carrying  a  pass  from  the  connnittee,  which  was  to  be  used  only  in  cases  of  extreme 
necessity,  and  disguised  as  a  traveling  cobbler,  he  set  out  on  his  secret  mission  to  discover  and 
entrap  the  bands  of  Tcnies  forming  under  cover.  This  was  in  the  late  fall  of  1776.  Very 
shortly  he  ajiplied  for  a  shoemaker's  job  at  a  farm-house,  and  discovering  that  a  royalist  com- 
pany was  being  enlisted  in  the  vicinage,  jirofessed  a  desire  to,  but  declined  to  give  liis 
name  because  the  roll  might  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  rebels.  He  gained  the  confidence  of 
the  Tory  leaders  so  completely  that  he  was  allowed  to  examine  the  roll,  and  was  shown  an 
immense  haystack  in  a  meadow  near  the  captain's  house,  which  proved  to  be  a  framework 
covered  with  liay  and  capable  of  concealing  forty  or  fifty  men.  A  meeting  of  the  company 
having  been  arranged  for  the  next  evening,  he  left  his  bed  in  the  caj>taiu's  house  during  the 
night  ])revious,  reported   to  the   conmiittee  at  White   Plains,  and  was  back   in   his  bed  before 


the  family  were  stirring'.  Tlie  band  w:is  duly  surrounded  and  captured,  Crosliy  aniiinf;  tlu'ui, 
by  Townseiid's  Rangers,  and  marelied  to  confinement  in  tlie  old  Duteb  C'liuri  li  at  Kisliliill, 
where  they  were  examined  by  the  eoinmittee.  Hy  collusion,  Crosby  escai)ed  from  the  churcli, 
but  was  compelled  to  rush  past  the  sentinels  in  tlie  dark.  They  tired  at  hiiu,  l)ut  he  escaped 

\'y  agreement  with  the  committee  he  was  known  as  .Tolm  Sniitli.  Twelve  miles  northwest 
of  Alarll)orough  he  wonned  out  of  a  Tory  farmer  the  information  that  an  English  cajitain  was 
liiding  in  a  cave  near  by,  and  trying  to  recruit  a  company.  Repeating  his  ruse  of  a  <lesiri!  to 
enlist,  the  spy  discovered  that  a  meeting  was  to  be  held  on  Tuesday,  November  5,  1770,  at  a 
barn  on  Butter  Hill.  Suggesting  to  the  captain  that  they  had  best  leave  tlie  cave  separately, 
he  departed  and  sent  word  to  the  committoc.  Crosby  arrived  at  the  barn  in  due  time  with 
the  Tories  and  laid  down  with  them  in  the  hay.  Presently  be  heard  a  cough  outside,  the 
signal  agreed  upon,  which  he  answered,  and  the  barn  was  quickly  filled  with  the  rangers. 
Colonel  Duer,  of  the  committee  of  safety,  had  come  with  them  for  the  express  purpose  of 
protecting  Crosby,  and,  indeed,  had  given  the  signal.  The  English  captain  was  ordered  to 
call  his  roll,  Init  Crosbj'  did  not  respond  to  his  name.  Townsend,  who  was  not  in  the  secret, 
prodded  him  out  with  a  bayonet  from  the  liay,  and,  recognizing  the  man  who  had  escaped  him 
at  Fishkill,  promised  to  load  him  with  irons.  He  shackled  the  spy,  took  him  to  his  own 
quarters,  and  confined  him  in  an  upper  room.  Hut  when  Townsend  had  drunk  after  dinner 
plentifully  of  wine  which  the  maid,  instructed  by  the  committee  of  safety,  had  enriched  with 
a  gentle  opiate,  and  was  sleeping  soundly,  she  unlocked  the  door  with  the  key  which  she  took 
from  Townseiid's  pocket,  and  led  Crosby  forth  to  freedom. 

By  such  methods  Crosby  was  instrumental  in  the  capture  of  man}-  Tory  bands.  He  spent 
several  weeks  in  the  family  of  a  Diitclimaii,  near  Fishkill,  where  he  was  known  as  Jacob 
Brown.  He  had  numerous  fictitious  names,  of  which  Harvey  Birch  was  one.  In  December, 
1776,  he  was  sent  to  Bennington,  Vt.,  by  orders  of  the  committee.  The  object  of  bis  journey 
was  accomplished,  for,  besides  apprehending  a  number  of  secret  enemies  of  the  country  in 
that  region,  he  obtained  such  information  as  enabled  him  to  surprise  a  company  of  them  mucli 
nearer  home.  This  was  at  Pawling,  Diitcliess  County,  and,  fearing  to  trust  himself  again  to 
the  vengeance  of  Captain  Townsend,  he  arranged  with  Colonel  Morehouse,  a  Whig  of  the 
neighborliood,  to  raise  a  body  of  volunteers  and  capture  them.  When  tneir  rendezvous  was 
surrounded,  Crosby,  he  having  again  made  a  false  enlistment,  was  dragged  out  from  under  a 
bed,  where  he  had  taken  refuge,  and  comjilained  that  his  leg  was  so  much  injured  that  he 
could  not  walk.  The  accommodating  colonel  took  him  on  his  horse,  and,  of  course,  be  soon 
got  away. 

For  three  years  Crosby  continued  in  the  employ  of  the  committee  of  safety,  but  at  last  the 
Tories,  marveling  mnch  at  the  detection  of  their  covert  undertakings,  fixed  suspicion  iijion 
him.  A  band  traced  him  to  the  house  of  his  brother-in-law  in  the  Highlands,  and  lieat  liim 
until  they  left  him  for  dead.  They  were  followed  by  a  company  of  Whigs,  who  pursued  them 
to  tlie  Crotou  River,  where  some  were  killed  and  others  driven  into  the  stream.  It  was 
months  before  Crosby  recovered,  and  it  was  tlu'ii  jilain  that  his  days  of  usefulness  as  a  spy 
were  past.  He  joined  Captain  Philij)  \:m  Cortlandt's  company,  and  was  appointed  a  sub- 
ordinate officer.  While  on  duty  at  Teller's  Point,  in  the  spring  of  178t),  he  decoyed  a  boat's 
crew  from  a  British  ship  in  the  stream  to  the  shore  by  parading  on  the  beach  a  soldier  dressed 
in  I>afayette's  uniform.  He  had  his  ambuscade  set  for  them  and  captured  them  all.  In  the 
following  fall  his  enlistment  expired  and  be  retired  to  private  life.  His  whole  pay  from  tlie 
government  was  but  two  hmidred  and  fifty  dollars,  so  that  any  remuneration  he  received 
from  the  eoimnittee  of  safety  must  have  been  very  little.  In  October,  1781,  in  iiartiiership 
with  his  brother  Benjamin,  he  bought  three  hundred  and  seventy-nine  acres  of  the  forfeited 
Roger  Morris  estate,  near  Brewster's.  A  part  of  this  tract  is  now  covered  by  the  Croton 
Reservoir.  He  erected  a  frame  house  on  the  east  branch  of  the  Croton  River,  a  short  distance 
east  of  the  upper  iron  bridge  at  Croton  Falls,  where  he  lived  a  quiet  life  many  years.  The 
propeity  is  now  owned  by  Joel  B.  Piirdy.  Later,  Crosby  bnilt  the  house  now  owned  by  his 
granddaughter,  Mrs.  S.  E.  Mead,  of  Golden's  Bridge.  It  stands  north  of  the  old  liouse.  In 
this  house  Crosby  passed  the  later  years  of  Ids  life,  and  died  June  25,  183.5.  He  wjis  interred 
in  the  old  (iilead  burying-ground,  near  Carmel,  Putnam  County. 

He  married  the  widow  of  Colonel  Beujamin  (ireen.      Colonel   Green  was  also  a  soldier  of 


the  Revolution,  und  after  tlie  close  of  the  war  settled  near  tlie  present  Soniers  Centre  depot. 
After  the  Colonel's  death  his  widow  remained  in  the  house  until  her  marriage  with  Crosby, 
whieli  was  brouglit  al)oMt  by  Dr.  Ebenezer  White.  In  the  course  of  conversation  on  <ine 
occasion,  Crosb}-  asked  the  doctor  if  he  would  not  find  a  wife  for  him.  The  doctor  promised 
to  try  and  do  so.  He  finally  bethought  liim  of  the  Widow  Gi'een  in  lier  lonely  state.  The 
wndow  was  ajiparently  ()leased  with  the  recommendation  of  Crosby,  as  set  foi-tli  by  the  doct(»r, 
and  an  intrixluction  took  place,  followed  shortly  afterward  by  marriage. 

He  was  justice  of  the  peace  neai-ly  tliirty  years.  His  exploits  became  known  to  the  public 
through  the  Astor  trials  and  the  [>ublicatu)n  and  dranuitization  of  Coojier's  novel.  When  it 
was  produced  at  the  Lafayette  Theater,  Laurens  Street,  New  York,  he  was  induced  to  sit  in 
a  stage  box.  The  crowd  rose  and  clieere<l  him  with  great  enthusiasm,  to  which  he  responded 
with  a  bow.  He  was  so  modest  that  the  world  woidd  never  have  known  from  him  of  bis  serv- 
ices to  liis  country. 

From  the  foregoing  biography  of  Enoch  Crosby  it  is  clear  that  he 
fully  lucrit.s  the  cclebritj'  couferred  on  liiiu  b}'  Tooper.  But  there 
were  otlwr  spies  and  guides  of  the  Neutral  Oround,  unknown  to 
general  fame,  whose  faithfulness  was  equally  conspicuous  and  whose 
deeds  were  iiai'dly  less  mei'itorioiis.  Of  one  of  them,  Elisha  Holmes, 
who  was  born  in  Hedturd  and  died  there  about  iy;J8,  a  most  inter- 
esting story  is  told,  lldlmcs  enjoyed  (lie  implicit  conlidence  of  VVash- 
iiigton,  wlio  caused  hiui  to  take  a  command  under  Sir  Henry  ("lint(^n 
and  contKh'd  to  him  occasionalh'  informalion  about  minor  udlitary 
movemejits,  which  Holmes  communicated  to  the  English  in  order 
to  demonstrate  the  value  of  his  services.  His  real  business  was  to 
send  word  from  New  York  of  everything  iiniJortant  that  he  should 
be  able  to  find  out.  Shortly  before  Tarleton's  raid  on  Poundridge  and 
Itedford  (1770),  Holmes  sent  certain  intelligence  to  Major  Tallmadge, 
the  Auierican  comuiaudanl  at  Hedford,  signed  "  E.  H."  The  latter, 
being  unfamiliar  with  the  handwriting,  forwarded  the  note  to  Wash- 
ington, who  indors((l  on  it  the  following  comment,  "Believe  all  that 
E.  H.  tells  you. — (ieorge  AVashington,"  and  returned  it.  One  of  the 
consequences  nf  Tarleton's  raid  was  the  capture  of  all  the  baggage 
and  personal  ])apers  of  the  Aiuericati  oHicers  at  the  two  places  at- 
tacked. Washington,  wlieii  he  heard  oi'  the  fact,  was  so  much  con- 
cerned tliat  he  wrote  as  follows  to  Major  Tallmadge: 

The  loss  of  your  [japers  was  a  most  \inlucky  accident,  and  shows  liow  dangerous  it  is  to 
keep  papers  of  any  consequence  at  an  advance  post.  I  beg  you  will  taki'  care  to  guard  against 
the  like  in  future. 

The  person  who  is  uu)st  endangered  by  the  ac(piisition  of  your  letter  is  one  H.,  who  lives 
not  far  from  the  ISowery,  on  the  Island  of  New  York.  I  wish  you  would  endeavor  to  give 
him  the  speediest  notice  of  what  has  happened.  My  anxiety  on  his  account  is  great.  If  he 
is  really  the  man  he  has  been   represented  to  be,  be  will  in  all  probability  fall  a  sacrifice. 

A  few  days  after  Tarleton's  exix-dition,  says  the  authority  from 
whom  tills  story  is  taken,  Elisha  Holmes  was  '•suiMmoned  by  Sir 
Ileiiiy  ("litiioii,  who,  atler  a sl<ing  several  questions  in  a  general  waj", 
siiildeiily  ]>reseuled  I  he  Hole  and  impiifed  if  he  knew  the  handwriting, 
and  who  E.  il.  was.     '  It  is  i^lijah  lladden,  the  spy  you  hanged  yester- 


day  at  Powles'  Hook,'  was  the  quick  answer.  His  coolness  and  ready 
wit  saved  his  life."^ 

Another  ^Yestchester  spy  of  more  than  common  note  was  Luther 
Kiuuicutt,  of  the  vicinity  of  the  present  Town  of  Vomers.  Charles 
E.  Culver,  in  his  History  of  Somers,  relates  some  incidents  of  his 
career.  "  Luther  Kinuicutt,"  he  says,  "  was  the  compeer  of  Crosby 
in  his  dangerous  work,  and  although  it  is  not  known  that  they  worlced 
together,  the  character  of  the  novelist  was  evidently  drawn  from 
both  these  men.  Kinuicutt  frequented  the  town  after  the  close  of 
the  war,  and  is  remeuibei-ed  by  some  of  our  old  residents  as  a  tall, 
straight,  spare  man,  of  dark  complexion,  Iveen,  gray  eyes,  solemn 
visage,  shiivp-Avitted,  and  eccentric."  Like  Crosby,  he  "  used  to  fre- 
quent the  iUitish  canij)  as  a  peddler  of  small  ndtions." 

The  Westchester  guides  of  the  Eevdiution  are  justly  celebrated. 
Prominenl  among  them  were  Abraliam  l>yckn)an,  who  came  from  the 
vicinily  of  iviugsbridge,  and  after  a  heroic  career  fell  in  the  service 
of  his  country  just  at  the  close  of  the  struggle;  his  brother,  Michael 
Dyckmau;  Andrew  Corsa,  born  on  the  ^lauor  of  r^oi-dham  in  17<>2  and 
died  at  Kordliam  in  1S."):2;  Cornelius  Oakley,  of  AVliilc  Plains;  Brom 
Boyce,  of  tlie  present  Town  of  Mount  IMcasant;  Isaac  Udell,  of  Yon- 
Icers;  and  William  Davids,  of  Tarryiown. 

1  From  .nn  address,  "  Tarlctou's  Raid  Through        ihrstcr   County   Historical   Society   In   1878.   by 
Bedford   in   1779,"    delivered   before  the   West-        the   Urv.   Lea  IjUquer,  of  Hertford. 


EVENTS    OF    1777    AN]>    1778 

ENEHAl.  HEATH,  i)l:i«c.l  in  coi and  at  Peekskill  on  the 

;t(li  of  ^'ovembci-,  177(i,  liad  with  liiin  on  tlic  21st  of  that 
moiitli  a  force  of  about  4,000.  On  the  Dth  of  December  be 
was  ordered  to  join  tlie  army  in  New  Jersey  with  a  portiou 
of  bis  trooj)s,  and  went  as  far  as  Jlaclcensaclc,  but  be  was  soon  sent 
back,  arriving  in  I'eekskill  on  tlie  2od.  Tbe  winter  passed  witliout 
any  Britisb  movement  being-  attempted  against  bim — on  the  con- 
ti-ary  be  took  tbe  aggressive  and  boldly  assailed  tbe  enemy  at  Kings- 
bridg(^  in  a  siege  cif  old  Eort  Independence  and  its  supporting  works 
whicli  lasted  twelve  days.  On  the  night  of  the  17tb  of  January  he 
moved  down  in  three  divisions — tbe  right  under  General  Lincoln 
from  Tarrytown,  tbe  center  under  General  Scott  from  below  White; 
Plains,  and  the  left  under  Generals  Wooster  and  Parsons  from  New 
RoclieUe  and  Eastchester.  Tbe  attacks  on  tbe  outposts  were  so  suc- 
cessful that  a  report  (which  Washington  prematurely  communicated 
to  congress)  gained  currency  that  the  fort  had  surrendered.  The 
undertaking  was  very  well  conducted  from  first  to  last,  and  re- 
flected high  credit  on  General  Heath.  By  the  ruse  of  lighting  numer- 
ous campfires  along  the  Morrisania  shore  the  British  were  made  to 
believe  that  a  formidable  American  force  was  collecting  with  the 
intent  of  proceeding  against  New  York  City  by  way  of  Harlem;  and 
in  alarm  they  burned  the  buildings  on  Montressor's  (Randall's! 
Island,  and  abandoned  that  place.  Tbe  operations  involved  but 
slight  losses,  which  were  abundantly  compensated  for  by  the  actual 
damage  done  the  enemy  and  by  tbe  excellent  moral  effect  of  so  bold 
an  enterprise  as  a  sequence  to  the  transactions  of  tbe  main  army  in 
New  Jersey. 

After  Washington's  magnificent  return  movement  from  across  the 
Delawa7"e,  resulting  in  the  battles  of  Ti"enton  aud  Princeton,  he  went 
into  winter  quarters  at  Morristown  (N.  J.),  and  tlie  British  als<) 
brought  the  campaign  to  a  close.  General  Howe,  who  had  expected 
to  make  a  triumphal  march  to  Philadelphia,  returned  to  New  Vork 
Gity,  where  be  set  up  a  gay  and  glittering  coui't,  of  which  the  Tory 



refugees  from  Westchester  Coniifv  were  conspicuous  members.  As 
the  spring  approaclied  many  \\{-vv  the  si>eculations  indulgi'd  on  the 
American  side  as  to  tlie  probable  intentions  of  the  eueui}'.  There 
Avere  rumors  of  a  formidable  invasion  from  Canada,  but  it  was  some 
months  before  these  became  substantiated  bj  intelligence  of  the  ex- 
pedition of  Burgoyne.  In  this  uncertain  state  of  things  Washington 
manifested  a  decided  conviction  that  Peekskill  was  the  natural  center 
for  the  concentration  of  troops  pending  actual  developments.  In 
March  he  transferred  Heath  from  Peekskill  to  the  command  of  the 
Eastern  department,  with  headquarters  at  Boston,  and  soon  after- 
ward he  instructed  him  to  send  on  to  Peekskill  eight  of  the  Massa- 
(dnisetts  battalions,  (■x])]aining  that  at    Peekskill    "they   would    be 

well  ])laced  to  give  sup])ort  to 
any  of  the  Eastern  or  Middle 
States,  or  to  op])ose  the  enemy 
;  should  they  design  to  ])enetrate 
the  country  up  the  Hudson,  or  to 
cover  New  England  should  they 
in\ade  it.  Should  they  move 
westward  the  Eastern  and  South- 
ern troops  could  easily  form  a 
junctioii,  and  this,  besides,  would 
oblige  the  enemy  to  leave  a  nuirh 
stronger  garrison  at  New  York. 
l']veii  should  the  enemy  pursue 
their  first  plan  of  an  invasion 
from  Canada,  the  troo])s  at  Peeks- 
kill  would  not  be  badly  placed  to 
re-enforce  Ticouderoga  and  cover 
the  country  around  .Mbauy."" 

Heath  was  succeeded  at  I'eiMvS- 
kill  by  Brigadier-(ieiieral  Mc- 
Dougall,  who  had  commanded  at  the  engag(  uieiit  on  Chatterton's  Hill. 
McDcjugall  had  scai'cely  become  installed  in  the  post  when  he  was 
energetically  attacked  by  the  British — their  first  luove  of  any  im- 
portance in  the  year  1777.  Howe,  being  informed  of  the  existence 
of  large  depots  of  stores  at  and  near  Peekskill,  decided  to  destroy 
them,  and  on  the  23d  of  March,  the  river  having  become  freed  of  ice, 
sent  up  Colonel  Bird  for  thai  imrjiose  with  ."OO  troojis  and  four  light 
field-pieces.  Before  the  arrival  of  the  expedition  McDougall,  being 
informed  of  its  coming,  removed  a  portion  of  the  stoi'es  to  Forts 
Montgomery  and  Constilution.  Bird  landed  his  men  and  guns  at 
Lent's  Cove,  near  Peekskill  Milage,  whereupon  ^McDougall,  having  at 


EVENTS   OF    1777   AND    1778  427 

tlu'  liiiu'  ouly  aboiii  li'id  incii  with  him,  l)uriil  I  he  biiiTJicks  and  store- 
houses at  Peekskill  and  ictiicd  to  tho  neighborhood  of  Continental 
Vilbii;('  in  the  nionnlain  ])ass.  Tlie  enemy  <]id  iioi  tliinl<  it  wise  to 
follow  him  to  this  poijil.  MeKoujiall  was  re-euforeed  soon  afterward 
by  a  party  from  Fort  Constitution  und(»r  Lieutenant-Colonel  Marinus 
Wilier.  The  next  day  there  was  a  lively  eneonnter  l)etween  Willet 
and  the  foe  near  the  Van  Corllaudt  mansion,'  which  resulted  in  the 
rout  of  the  latter.  According-  to  Irving  the  British  lost  nine  killed 
and  four  ANounded  befon-  they  were  able  to  escape  to  their  shijiping. 
The  chief  deposits  at  Continental  Village  were  not  touched.  Thus 
the  first  attempt  on  the  American  position  about  the  Highlands, 
although  made  at  a  moment  when  our  forces  were  ill  prepared  for  it, 
and  having  in  view  only  the  destruction  of  stoi'es,  was  a  failure. 

In  this  same  month  of  March,  1777,  occurred  the  capture  of  the 
eminent  Judge  John  Thomas,  at  his  lionu'  in  the  "Rye  Woods,''  by 
a  British  ex]ieditionary  force  sent  for  that  special  purpose.  Judge 
Thomas,  one  (if  the  ablest,  most  zealous,  and  most  influential  patriots 
in  Westcliester  County,  had  always  been  peculiarly  obnoxious  to  the 
British,  and  a  ]U'ice  had  been  placed  upon  his  head.  He  was  taken 
on  Sunday  morning,  March  22,  conveyed  to  New  York,  and  cast  into 
prison,  where  he  died  on  the  2d  of  May  following.  His  remains  were 
interred  in  Ti'inity  Churchyard.  A  year  and  a  half  later  his  equally 
distinguished  son.  Colonel  (afterward  Major-Ceneral)  Thomas 
Thomas,  was  secni-ed,  also  at  the  Thomas  home,  by  a  similar  party. 
This  hapix'ued  Ndvember  i;>,  1778."  He  was  subsequeutly  exchanged. 
The  two  ev<'uts  illnstrate  how  well  served  the  Bj'itish  were  in  our 
ctMinty  by  spies,  i'otli  .Tudge  Thomas  and  his  son  were  exceptionally 
cantious  in  their  movements.  Upfin  the  occasion  of  the  son's  cap- 
ture it  was  the  first  time  he  had  slept  at  his  home  in  many  months. 

The  affair  of  March  at  Peekskill  greatly  agitated  the  State  con- 
A'ention,  Mhich  caused  a  iiortion  of  th<'  militia  of  Orange,  Dutchess, 
and  Westchester  Counties  to  be  called  out,  sent  to  the  Highlands,  and 

'  The  Van  Cortlandt  mansion,  near  Peekskill,  sultinsl.T  asked  ber:    '  Are  you  not  the  daugh- 

was   bnill    about   1770.    In    consequence    of  the  ter  of   that   old   rebel    Pierre   Van    Cortlandt?" 

tirni    adhesion     of     Pierre     Van    Cortlandt,    the  She  replied:     '  I  am  the  daughter  of  IMerre  Van 

head   of  the  family,    to   the   patriot  cause,   the  (Cortlandt,    but    it   becomes  not   such  as  you  to 

Manor  House  at  Croton  became  an  unsafe  hab-  call    my   father  a   rebel.'    The  Tory   raised  his 

itallon.   and   the   Van    Cortlandts   were  obliged  ,„,iskel,    when    she,    with    great    calmness,    re- 

lo    take   up   their     residence     in     the    Peekskill  |„.yvcd  him  for  his  insolence  and  hade  him  be- 

Imuse.     Cornelia,  the  second  daughter  of  Pierre  g„„^.     j,,,^   toward  turned   awav  abashed,   and 

Van  Cortlandt,  married  GcM-ard  C.  Bc'ektuan,  a  ^,^^    remained    uninjured.-      This    house    was 

.ealous  patriot      Mrs.  Beeknu.n  was  the  hostess  ^^^^_^^   ^^^^,j   ,^^.    ^^.„,^i„^„,„  „,  i,i,  „,„„„,   ,,3,. 

deuce  when  his  duties  took  him  to  Peekskill,  a 

at    the    Peekskill    house.    The    following    inci- 
dent has  been  often  quoted:    "  A  i)arty  of  roy-  ...  .    , 
alists.    under    Colonels    Bayard    and    Fanning,        distinction    which    it    shared    with    ll.c    noted 
came  to  the  Peekskill  house,   and,  commencing        Hirdsall  house,   in   I^eekskiil. 
their  customary    course   of   treatment,    one    in-           '  See  Scharf,  ii.,  713. 


put  to  work  at  varidus  diilies — notably  the  strengtlicuiiij;  of  the  chain. 
About  the  end  oi  Ajtiil  several  British  transports  advanced  uj)  the 
river,  but  came  no  fartlier  than  Dobbs  Ferry.  In  May  Wasliinj;ton 
disiiatclicd  (iciiei-als  (Jrei'ue  and  Knox  to  I'cekskill,  wlui,  in  con- 
junction Willi  Generals  McDou<iall,  George  ("lintoii,  and  Anthony 
^^'ayne,  luade  a  careful  examination  of  tlie  llinhhuid  situation  and 
submitted  a  joint  rei)ort,  in  wliicli  tlic  iin])o]-tance  of  the  chain  was 
dwelt  npon,  but  it  was  expressly  urucd  that  there  was  no  need  of 
additional  (bdeuses  on  the  west  shore  Ixdow  I'^ort  Clinton.  A  fatal 
recounuendation,  as  the  event  proved.  Innuediately  after  the  inspec- 
tion by  llic  board  of  generals,  Washington,  regarding  the  Peekskill 
commaud  as  too  impoi-tant  to  l)e  ludd  by  an  oHiccr  of  the  minor  rank 
of  brigadier-general,  removed  McDougall  and  substituted  for  hiui 
Major-Genera]  Putnam,  having  previously  offered  the  position  to 
Benedict  .\rnold.  who  deidined  it.  I*utnam,  tliougli  brave  as  a  liou, 
zealous,  and  despite  his  advanced  years  indefatigable,  was  not  e(|ual 
to  till'  administration  of  such  a  post,  and  the  great  catastrophe  of 
October,  1777,  was  largely  dne  to  his  deticiency  in  the  nicer  (pialities 
of  generalship.  Under  his  su[)erintendence  the  chain  received  the 
most  conscientious  attention. 

The  organization  of  the  civil  government  of  the  new  State  of  New 
York,  born  at  A\'liite  I'lains  on  the  9th  day  of  July,  17TG,  was  delayed 
for  many  months  on  account  partly  of  the  protracted  military  opera- 
tions and  partly  of  the  very  methodical  proceedings  of  the  gentlemen 
who  had  that  important  business  in  charge.  On  the  1st  of  August, 
1776,  the  "  Convention  of  IJepresentatives  of  the  State  of  New  York  " 
appointed  a  committee  of  thirteen  (our  Gouverneur  Morris  being  one 
of  its  members)  to  prepare  a  "  form  of  government,''  and  that  body  in 
turn  delegated  the  task  to  John  Jay.  Mr.  Jay  set  to  work  conscien- 
tiously to  draft  a  State  constitution,  which,  having  been  apj^roved 
by  the  committee,  was  reported  to  the  convention  (then  sitting  at 
Kishkill)  on  the  12th  of  March,  1777.  The  instrument  was  adopted  by 
the  convention  on  the  20th  of  April  following.  It  pi'ovided  for  the 
election  of  a  governor,  senate,  and  assembly  by  the  people.  Al- 
though the  New  York  constitution  of  1777  is  regarded  by  all  authori- 
ties as  the  most  satisfactory  and  judicious  measure  of  government 
framed  in  any  State  during  the  Kevolution,  it  was  in  certain  essen- 
tial partictdars  (juite  conservative,  showing  |)lainly  the  continuing 
force  of  liie  old  c(donial  iustitulioiis.  It  sought  to  make  the  senate 
a  peculiaily  stdect  body,  and  to  that  end  prescribed  a  property  qualiti- 
cation  for  voters  in  the  selection  of  senators.  Over  both  senate  and 
assembly  it  placed  a  third,  and  nou-idective,  body — the  "governor's 
council,"  to  consist  of  a  number  of  uuMubers  of  the  senate,  who  were 

EVENTS   OF    1777    AXD    1778  429 

to  l)c  cIhiscu  1),v  liallot  \t\  tlic  assembly.  All  jii(l<;('s  and  miiuerons 
other  otificers,  uow  elective,  were  made  appointive.  An  earnest  en- 
deavor was  made  by  (xouverneur  IMorris  to  have  a  tiaiise  inserted  in 
the  constitution  providing'  for  the  siradual  abolition  of  slavery;  but 
the  convention  declined  to  institute  such  an  innovation. 

The  old  State  convention  reserved  to  itself  the  authority  to  ajipoint 
the  first  judges,  and  desiynated  as  chief  justice  our  -lolm  Jay,  who 
()l)ened  the  tirst  session  of  the  Su])reme  Court  at  Kingston  in  Septem- 
ber, 1777.  He  held  the  office,  however,  for  only  two  years,  beini;-  suc- 
ceeded on  the  23d  of  October,  177!),  by  Kichard  .\birris,  also  a  son  of 
\>'est Chester  County.^  Chief  Justice  ^Morris  reiuaiiicd  at  llic  head 
of  the  judiciary  of  the  State  until  171)0. 

At  tlie  first  election  held  under  the  const  it  nt  ion,  (ieneral  George 
Clinton  was  chosen  governor.  By  the  provisions  of  the  constitu- 
tion the  senate  had  twenty-four  members,  (diosen  from  four  dis- 
tricts only,  called  the  Southern,  Middle,  Eastern,  and  Western. 
^Yestcheste^  County  beloniied  to  the  Southern  district.  Its  first 
senators  Mere  Pierre  \'an  Cortlandt  and  General  Lewis  ^lorris;  and 
u|ion  the  oi'i^ainzation  of  the  senate  (June  30,  1777)  ^'an  Coi-tlandt 
was  elected  its  presiding  officer  and  also  lieuteant-governor  of  the 
State.  As  (Ieneral  Clinton,  after  his  choice  as  goxcrnor,  still  con- 
tinued to  be  much  occuiiie(l  by  his  command  in  the  tiehl,  the  actual 
duties  of  the  governor.ship  were  performed  for  a  considerable  time  by 
^'an  Cortlandt.  lie  held  tlu^  office  of  lieutenant-goxcrnor  from  1777 
to  1795,  a  i)eriod  of  eighteen  years.  I'.y  the  original  apportionment 
for  the  assembly  (whi(di  continued  in  tone  until  1791),  Westchester 
County  had  six  representatives  in  that  body  out  of  a  total  of  seventy. 
Our  county's  members  of  the  tirst  assenild.s'  iidd  under  the  State 
gd\cinmcnt  were  Thaddcus  Crane,  Samuel  Drake,  Robert  Graham, 
Israel  Honeywell,  Jr.,  Zi'badiah  ]\nils,  and  Gouverneur  ^lorris. 

The  tirst  county  judge  under  the  constitution  was  L(»wis  Morris 
(appointed  by  the  State  convention,  .May  S,  1777);  he  was  suci-eeded, 
February  17,  177S,  by  IJobert  Graham,  who  served  during  the  re- 
mainder of  the  IJevolution.  The  first  surrogate  was  Kichard  Hatfield 
(appointed  ilarch  23,  177S);  the  first  sheriff,  John  Thomas,  Jr.,  (ap- 
pointed ^lay  S.  1777);  the  first  county  clerk,  John  liartow  (a](|>ointed 
^lay  S,  1777).  'IMiese  were  the  only  county  officei's  of  general  im])ort- 
ance.  Of  course  their  functions  were  of  a  very  limited  character  in 
a  count  \  \\liei(-  scarce  anv  ><embhince  of  iiublic  oi-der  obtained. 

'  ('liicf  Justice   Uli'liarrl   Morris   was  a  sraiid-  iiinpcrty    art.lafi'iil    to    tlio   Tonipldiis   estate    of 

son  of  till'  provineial  Cliief  .Itislice  Lewis  Mor-  I'nN   Meiidow.s.    in  Senrsilale.    This  property  lio 

ris.  .-nMl  a  tjrotlier  of  I^ewis  Morris,   tlie  signer  left   to  liis  son-iTi-law.    Major  William   Pojiliam. 
of  the  Declaration  of  Uiilcpemlenee.    He  owned 


Throujihout  the  TJovolution,  and  fov  several  years  subsequently, 
tliere  was  no  atteni]it  made  to  reorganize  the  civil  divisions  of  West 
Chester  County.  Previously  to  the  war  these  divisions,  as  repre- 
sented in  the  board  of  supervisors,  were  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt, 
Kyck's  Patent  [reekskill],  White  Plains.  Redford,  Kye,  North  Castle, 
Westchester  Town,  Maniaroneck,  Poundrid.ue,  Phili])sebnrgh  ^lanor, 
Scarsdale  Manor,  Eastchester,  Salem,  Pelham,  and  New  Rochelle. 
The  board  of  sn])ervisors  had  only  a  nominal  existence  durinj^  the 

The  sprinii  of  1777  iilided  by  A\ilhont  the  sliiihtest  manifestation 
by  the  enemy  of  their  fundamental  plans  for  the  coming-  campaiiiu. 
The  rumors  of  an  a])]>roa(diin<i'  invasion  from  Canada  became  increas- 
inf];ly  deiinite,  but  meantime  tln^  purposes  of  the  oreat  British  army 
at  hand,  still  comiuanded  by  General  Howe,  remained  unfathomable. 
Washington  was  still  encamped  behind  stroni;-  iutrenchments  in  New 
Jersey,  this  side  of  the  Delaware,  and  the  British  army  also  con- 
tinued on  New  Jersey  soil.  At  last,  in  June,  Howe  began  certain 
offensive  movements,  as  if  intendinji  to  resume  his  march  to  Phila- 
delphia. These  demonstrations  were  purely  deceptive,  to  draw  Wash- 
ington out  of  his  intrenchments  and  bring  him  to  battle.  They  occa- 
sioned some  active  skirmishing,  but  that  was  all.  Seeing  that  the 
])atriot  general  was  not  thus  to  be  lured  to  his  ruin,  Howe,  on  the 
30th  of  June,  withdrew  all  his  forces  to  New  York,  by  way  of  Staten 

Now  followed  more  than  t\\o  months  of  anxious  suspense  for  Wash- 
ington. Positive  news  was  received  about  this  time  of  the  descent 
of  Bnrgoyne's  splendidly  appointed  host  from  Canada.  Burgoyne, 
of  course,  would  be  dealt  with  by  the  Northern  Army  under  Schuyler, 
assisted  by  the  militia  of  the  section  through  which  he  passed;  but 
what  were  the  intentions  of  Howe  with  his  large  New  York  com- 
mand? Would  he  co-operate  with  Burgoyne  by  ascending  the  Hud- 
son Eiver?  If  so,  would  he  use  all  his  forces  to  that  end,  or  only  a 
portion,  employing  the  remaindt^'  for  an  expedition  by  sea  against 
Philadelphia  or  Boston?  The  more  Washington  studied  the  problem, 
the  more  he  became  convinced  that  in  any  event  an  attempt  up  the 
Hudson  would  follow.  On  the  other  hand,  he  could  not  bring  his 
mind  to  believe  that  this  would  be  the  only  thing  undertaken  by 
Howe.  He  soon  rejected  the  idea  of  a  possible  attack  on  Boston,  and 
came  to  the  firm  conclusion  that  Philadelphia  Avas  the  point  in  view. 
In  this  he  was  strengthened  by  a  decoy  letter,  which  Howe  allowed 
to  fall  into  the  hands  of  Putnam  at  Peekskill,  announcing  that  the 
army  at  N(nv  York  would  be  dispatched  to  take  Boston.  The  ruse 
Avas  too  transparent,  and  Washington  made  all  his  arrangements  on 

EVENTS   OF    1777   AND    1778 


the  tlieory  <'f  a  double  desinii  on  the  Ili^hlaiuls  and    IMiil.idelphia. 
His  eak'ulations  i)i'oved  entirely  correct. 

His  first  care  was  to  streni^tlien  rutuani  at  Peekskill.  lie  sent 
thither  two  brijiades,  commanded  by  Parsons  and  N'arnnm,  and  later 
General  Sullivan  Avitli  his  division,  also  orderinji-  (Jenerals  (ieorge 
Clinton  and  Putnam  to  call  out  more  militia;  and  meantime  for- 
Avarded  troops  and  artillery  to  re-enforce  the  Northern  Army.  From 
his  OAvn  southern  position  in  New  Jersey  he  fell  back  to  the  Clore, 
a  defile  in  the  Hii;hlands  on  the  Avest  side  of  the  river,  so  as  lo  be  at 
hand  for  the  defense  of  that  region.  P.ut  he  did  not  remain  there 
loni;-.  Sure  that  Philadelphia  would  be  attacked,  he  befjan  to  move 
toward  the  Delaware  before  Intel  licence  came  of  the  njipearance  of 
Howe's  fleet  off  the  Cai)es.  Then, 
after  the  disappearance  of  the  fieet 
for  t(Mi  or  twelve  days — a  most 
s+raniie  and  perplexing  circum- 
stance— he  apprehended  that  a 
feint  miii'lit  have  been  executed  to 
draw  his  forces  away  from  the  Hiid- 
son  Kiver  and  tlius  permit  an  ex- 
Dedilion  to  force  its  way  throuiih 
tlie  Iliuhlands.  Yet  he  took  a  po- 
sition with  his  main  army  near  the 
ca])itnl,  leaviuii'  a  strou"-  body  in 
])ro.\imity  toPeekskill,  which  coulil 
be  ordei'cd  there  in  case  of  neces- 
sity. On  tlie  10th  of  August  all 
uncertainty  was  ended  by  the  r(^a]i- 
pearance  of  the  fleet  below  Phila- 
delphia. From  that  time  uiitil  his 
retirement  to  winter  quarters  at 
Valley  Foriie.  he  was  enf;a,ned  in  a 
around  Pliiladeljdiia.  This  cani))aiiin  iii(iu(h'(l  tlie  battles  of  the 
Prandywine  (September  11),  and  (Jermantown  (October  4),  and  the 
fall  of  Philadelphia,  which  Howe  entered  on  the  25th  of  September. 

After  Washiuiiton,  resolvinii  his  doubts,  marched  (dT  to  Philadel- 
phia, Putnam,  commandin<;  at  Peekskill,  was  let  alone  by  the  British 
for  tAvo  months.  This  did  not  suit  the  old  fifihter's  temperament. 
He  longed  for  action,  and  if  the  enemy  would  not  come  after  him. 
he  saw  no  reason  why  he  should  not  <xn  after  the  enemy.  He  ])lanned 
a  variety  of  chimerical  attacks — on  New  York,  Lonj;  Island,  Paulus 
Hook  (Jersey  City),  and  even  Staten  Ishind;  and  doubtless  h(>  felt 
much  aijRTieved  at  the  coldness  with  which  Washington  viewed  his 


treinciidoHS  strug^g'le  wiih  Howe 


aggressive  ideas.  The  latter,  before  Howe's  object  was  revealed,  had 
seconded  a  scheme  of  Putnam's  for  a  night  expedition  against  Kings- 
bridge  b}-  way  of  Spujten  Duyvil  Creek;  but  after  the  campaign  was 
begun  he  deemed  it  the  height  of  folly  to  eiu]»loy  the  forces  at  Peek- 
skill  in  any  mere  diversions. 

But  the  humdrum  life  of  these  two  months  at  Peekskill  was  re- 
lieved by  one  sensational  incident,  tor  which  the  pages  not  only  of 
history  but  of  literature  are  the  richei*.  Early  in  August  a  spy, 
Edmund  Palmer  by  name,  was  detected  furtively  collecting  informa- 
tion as  to  the  forces  and  condition  of  the  Peekskill  post.  Putnam 
granted  him  a  coui't-martial  trial,  which  resulted  in  his  conviction 
and  condemnation.  Sir  Ileury  Clinton,  whom  Howe  had  left  in  com- 
mand at  New  York,  hastily  sent  up  a  ship  of  war,  from  which,  upon 
its  arrival  at  Verplanck's  Point,  a  message  was  forwarded  to  Putnam 
under  a  flag  of  truce,  claiming  Palmer  as  a  lieutenant  in  the  British 
service,  and  intimating  tliat  re])risal  would  be  made  if  harm  befell 
him.    Putnam  returned  ilie  following  characteristic  reply: 

Headquarters,  7tli  August,  1777. 
Sir  :    Kdmund  Palmer,  au  officer  in  the  enemy's  service,  was  taken  as  a  spy  lurking  with- 
in the  American  lines.     He  has  been  tried  as  a  spy,  eimdemued  as  a  spy,  and  shall  be  executed 
as  a  spy  ;  and  the  Hag  is  ordered  to  depart  immediately. 

IsRAKL  Putnam. 
P.  S. — He  has  been  aecordinglj'  executed. 

Palmer  was  a  Tory  of  Yorktc  wn  (this  county) — one  of  the  offensive 
class.  He  was  well  connected  and  had  a  wife  and  family.  It  is  said 
he  was  taken  into  custody  by  a  parly  of  his  patriot  neighbors.  Bolton 
gives  a  pathetic  account  of  the  unavailing  a])i>eal  made  by  his  wife 
to  Putnam  for  mercy.^  He  was  hanged  on  a  little  hill  in  the  northern 
part  of  Cortlandtown,  a  great  assemblage  of  country  people  being 
gathered  to  witness  the  event.  The  place  still  bears  the  name  of 
CalloAvs  Hill. 

Another  s]>y  was  executed  by  Putnam  during  his  Peekskill  admin- 
istration— one  Daniel  Strang,  who,  Avlien  arrested,  had  on  his  person 
a  paper  drawn  by  Colonel  Rogers,  of  the  QueiMi's  Hangers,  and  dated 
"  Valentine's  Hill,  December  30,  177(1,"  which  authorized  the  bearer 
to  bring  recruits  for  the  British  service.  Strang  also  was  tried  by 
court-martial,  condemned,  and  hanged,  the  sentence  receiving  Wash- 
ington's api)roval.  He  suffered  on  a  spot  now  comprised  within  the 
grounds  of  the  Peekskill  Academy.  His  gallows  was  an  oak  tree. 
The  locality  has  ever  since  been  called  Oak  Hill,  in  memory  of  the 

The  document  found  on  Strang  is  of  much  interest,  as  showing 
the  inducements   given   to   Tory  recruitiuii'   otticers   and    volunteers. 

'  Bolton's  Hist,  of  Wefltcliester  County,  rev.  ed.,  i-,  153. 

EVENTS   OK    1777    AND    1778  433 

so  iiiauy  of  wiidiii  were  coiitiihiitcd  by  NN'cslclicstcr  County  to  the 
Hritisli  cause.  Alter  reeitinsj  that  "  his  Majesty's  service  makes  it 
absolutely  necessary  that  recruits  should  be  raised,"  it  continues: 
"  Tliis  is  to  certify  that  j\Ir.  Daniel  Straiit;',  or  any  other  licntlenian 
w  ho  may  brint;  in  recruits,  shall  have  commissions  accordinj;'  to  the 
number  he  or  they  shall  briuii  in  for  the  Queen's  American  Kangers. 
No  nuu-e  than  forty  shillings  bounty  is  to  be  i^iven  to  any  man,  which 
is  to  be  apjilied  toward  purchasini;  necessaries;  to  serve  durinjij  the 
present  Kebellion,  and  no  lonucr.  Tliey  will  have  their  proportion 
of  all  rebel  lands,  and  all  jirivileues  e(iual  to  any  of  his  Majesty's 
troops.  The  ofhcers  are  to  be  the  best  jud<j;es  in  what  manner  they 
will  lict  their  men  in,  either  by  jtarties,  detachments,  or  otherwise,  as 
may  seem  most  advantageous;  which  men  are  to  be  attested  before 
llic  tii-st  magistrate  within  the  British  lines." 

\\'liile  Washinnt<in  and  Flowe  wei-e  contendinii  for  the  possession 
of  riiiladclphia,  Hurgoyne  was  cominj;'  down  from  the  north,  and  as 
lie  progrcsx-d  lie  w  as  iietting  into  difficulties.    It  was  the  plan  of  the 
Hritish  ministry,  as  Washington  at  once  suspected  when  he  heard 
of  the  northern  invasion,  for  a  co-operating  expedition  to  ascend  the 
Hudson  from  New  York  about  the  time  that  Burgoyne  should  be  far 
enough  advanced  in  his  march  to  descend  it,  and  thus  to  effect  a 
junction.     Combined  with  Howe's  simultanectus  movement  on  Phil- 
adcJlihia,  wliicli  drew  olT  "Washington's  army  to  the  west,  the  ]iroject 
was  a  most  admirable  one;  anil  M'ho  can  doul)t  tliat,  with  Washing- 
Ion  beaten   in  I'ennsylvaTiia,  and  both  New  York  and  rhilaileli)hia 
in   lln'  hands  of  tlie  British,  the  success  of  the  startling  eiiterjjrise 
would  cilhcr  iiave  ended  the  l{e\dlution  or  reduced  it  to  mere  insur- 
i-ectionary  jirojiortions?     The  ])lan  iiad   two  weak  jioints:    tirst,  due 
cousideralion   was  not  given   to  ihc  ariued  strength  and   varied  re- 
sources of  the  Americans  in   the  country   which   r.urgoyne   had    to 
traverse;  and  second,  the  co-operating  force  from  New  York  had  an 
undertaking  far  too  serious  to  be  eniej'ed  upon  lightly  or  witii  any 
chance  of  ])rematui'eness.     That    undertaking  was  the  forcing  of  a 
jiassage  ii]t  the  Hudson  Biver,  which  could  be  done  only  by  reducing 
several  forts  splendidly  situated  fof  defense  and  su])ported  by  a  con- 
siderable body  of  troo]is  ])osted  below  for  the  protection  of  the  numii 
tain  passes.     No  one  can  inspect  the  ground  at   IN-ekskill  and  above 
wiiliont  a  \i\id  i-eali/.ation  of  the  severity  of  the  task  which  the  ex- 
pediti(ui  from  New  Vork  had  to  perfoiau.     ^'ef   it   was  acconii)lislied 
w  itii  perfect  ease  and  slight  loss. 

Tliis  business  fell  to  tlie  j.ait  of  Sir  I  leniy  ( 'linton,  upon  whom  the 
command  in  New  ^Ork  ha<l  devolved  when  Howe  sailed  f(»r  IMiiladel- 
phia.     U  is  said  that  iSir  Henry's  reason  for  delaying  the  movement 



(III  I  lie  lli^lilaiids  \\;is  llic  lU'ccssity  of  waitinin  for  re-en  forcciiK'iits 
frdiii  Eiijilaud,  which  were  tliice  months  on  the  way.  If  this  is  true, 
the  re-enforeenients  came  just  in  tlie  nick  of  tinn- — not,  it  is  true, 
lor  l>ur_i;()yne's  sal\ation,  but  for  a  judicious  attack  in  tlie  lliyhhiud 
quarter.  Wlieu  Sir  Henry  was  jirepared  to  move,  l?ur<;'oyue  was 
alicady  doomed.  (In  tlie  other  liand,  if  Sir  Henry  liad  moved  a  nninth 
earlier,  when  lie  niii;lit  luive  been  of  real  service  to  Bur^oyue,  he 
would  have  been  confronted  by  a  formidable  instead  of  an  insi<;niti- 
cant  force  at  Peekskill,  and  jirobably  would  have  been  baflled.  His 
ri'  enforcements  could  not  have  been  larye — could  hardly  have  been 

worth  waitiuii  for,  indeed, — since  he 
took  with  him  only  8,000  men.  It 
seems  to  us  that  an  impcu'tant  con- 
tributin<;'  reason,  if  not  the  chief 
reason,  for  his  delay  was  a  discreet 
resolve  to  wait  until  Washinj;ton, 
battlinji-  ajjaiust  sjreat  odds  around 
I'liiladeljiliia,  should, by  his  enier_nent 
necessities,  summon  to  his  own  army 
the  better  part  of  Putnam's  com- 
mand at  Peekskill,  and  thus  leave 
the  Hiji'hlands  in  as  Aveak  a  ccuidition 
as  possible.  The  facts  are  that  he  did 
not  move  until  Washinjiton  had  been 
reduced  to  such  straits  as  to  take  to 
himself  2,500  of  Putnam's  best 
troops, — but  did  move  shortly  after- 
ward. At  the  selected  moment  Put- 
nam had  only  1,100  continentals  and 
400  militiamen  at  Peekskill,  and  the 
total  Harrisons  of  Forts  Clinton  and 
Montgomery  were  not  in  excess  of  (iOO,  mostly  New  York  militia 
hastily  gathered  by  Governor  George  Clinton  and  his  brother,  Gen- 
eral James  Clinton — the  former  commanding-  at  Fort  Jlontinonu'ry 
and  the  latter  at  Fort  Clinton. 

On  the  4th  of  October  the  expedition  up  the  Hudson  ^ot  under 
way.  Its  advance  consiste<l  of  two  sliii)s-of-war,  tlii'ee  tenders,  and 
a  large  number  of  flatboats,  and  a  second  division  lollowed  com- 
piising  one  large  man-of-war,  five  topsail  vessels,  and  numerous  small 
craft.  A  stop  was  made  at  Tarrytown,  where  troo])s  wot'c  landed 
and  marched  several  miles  into  the  country.  P>ut  this  maneuver, 
says  Irving,  was  only  a  feint  to  distract  attention.  At  night  the  nu'U 
were  re-embarked,  and  the  next  morning  the  whole  force  of  sorae- 


EVENTS  OF    1(77   AMI    1778  435 

tiling  more  lliiiii  :!,(I00  was  set  aslioi'c  at  W'riilaiick's  i'oiiit.  This 
was  I  lie  luoruinji  of  Ilic  Hth  of  October — one  year,  lackiuf>'  seveu  clays, 
Iroiii  tlie  (late  of  llie  lirsl  I'ritisli  enlerpiise  in  ^^'est(•lH•st('r  ('(Miiily 
at  'I'lii-o.^ii's  I'dint. 

(ieiieral  I'm  nam,  with  liis  weak  (•(Hiiiiiaiul  at  I'eekskill,  of  course 
could  not  a(l\aiice  to  eni;ai;('  such  a  body.  J  lis  iuiicuuous  soul  could 
not  suruiise  auy  tiuile  iu  the  foe  wlio  thus  in  broad  dayliiihl  had 
lauded  under  his  eye,  and  his  \aloro\is  instincts  rejected  all  doubt 
I  hat  the  kuii^hfly  Sir  lleury  would  come  strai,i;lit  on  and  fi,i;ht  him. 
He  fidl  back  to  the  jiasses,  posted  himself  there,  sent  to  (Governor 
Clinton  at  I'ort  Monti>omery  for  all  the  soldiers  lie  could  spare,  and 
awaili'd  the  convenience  of  the  enemy,  Avho  meantime  sliowed  a  sur- 
prisingly leisurely  dis]»osition.  There  \\as  no  attack  that  day,  ni<;bt 
fell,  and  I'ntnam  looked  for  the  morrow  with  hopeful  expectancy. 
l?ut  before  daybreak  Sir  Henry  transported  2,000  of  his  force  from 
\'er]ihinck's  Point  to  the  wholly  unprotected  west  shore,  leavinu; 
1,000  b(diind  to  keej)  u]>  the  appearance  of  a  meditated  movement  on 
I*utnam.  Then,  with  his  main  body,  he  made  the  circuit  of  the 
Duuderberii,  marched  without  experiencinij'  the  least  detention 
Ihrouiih  those  mountain  passes  which  Washington's  board  of  gen- 
eials  in  .May  had  reported  were  so  exceedingly  difficult  that  they 
would  never  be  attempted,  easily  ovei'came  the  small  cori)s  sent  to 
(dieck  him,  and,  in  two  divisions  of  a  thousand  men  each,  fell  upon 
Forts  Clinton  and  ^lontgonu'ry  from  the  rear.  He  stormed  them  with 
the  bayonet,  and  though  the  forts  were  heroically  defended,  tlie 
.VuH'ricaus  prolonging  their  resistance  until  twilight,  the  overi)ower- 
ing  munbers  of  the  British  carried  the  day.  The  American  killed, 
woumled,  and  missing  were  2.^0.  The  two  commanders,  with  the 
remnants  of  the  garrisons,  escajied  across  the  river.  In  the  action 
Colonel  Campbell,  heading  one  of  the  attacking  parties,  was  killed, 
and  his  command  fell  to  Colomd  P>ev(M-ly  Kobinson,  the  Loyalist 
son-indaw  (d'  the  third  I'rederick  I'hili|ise.  Fort  Independence,  on 
the  Westchester  side  above  Peekskill,  did  not  prove  strong  enough 
to  ]u-eveut  the  jiassage  of  the  warshijjs  belonging  to  the  expedition. 
Two  o]'  three  of  these  vessids  ran  by  its  batteries  and  co-opi'rafe<l 
with  the  laud  force.  CiOA'ernor  Clinton  was  informed  somewhat  in 
advance  of  the  coming  of  the  eniuny  through  the  j)asses,  and  sent  to 
I'ntnam  for  hell),  but  his  messenger  never  reached  the  doughty  gen- 
(■ral.     Irving  says  lie  turned  traitor  and  deserted  to  the  enemy. 

I'  had  been  completidy  ou(maneu\cred.  Although  the  cross- 
ing of  a  liritish  force  to  the  west  side  had  been  rejiorled  to  him,  he 
sui)])osed  this  was  oidy  a  detachment,  and  thought  the  main  body 
was  still  at  A'er]i]anck"s  I'lu'nt,  and   Mould  come  u]ion   him   in  due 


liiiie.^  lie  lint  niily  (lid  not  rc-enforcc  tlic  iiurrisoiis,  Init  appre- 
licixlcd  nolliiiiu  (if  tlic  tnitli  until  the  liuiis  of  the  forts  boomed  upou 
hiss  astounded  ears.  Added  to  his  coiifusiou  as  a  dujied  general  was 
llie  uiortilicatiou  of  a  true  soldier,  ardent  for  battle  but  denied  that 
])rivile<je  by  a  six'cious  antagonist;  for  his  own  position  was  not 
assailed.  Putnam,  when  in  splenetic  humor,  was  not  over  nice  in 
the  choice  of  words;  and  it  can  be  imagined  but  not  printed  with 
what  dreadful  language  he  must  have  remarked  upon  the  eventuality. 

There  was  a  dis]ilay  of  fireworks  that  night  in  the  romantic  fast- 
nesses of  tlie  Highlands  never  eiiualed  before  or  since.  Two 
American  ships  and  two  armed  galleys  were  stationed  above  the 
chain,  and  when  the  fate  of  the  forts  was  decided  they  were  set  on 
tire  to  save  them  from  the  enemy.  When  the  magazines  were  reached 
they  blew  up  with  terrific  explosions,  which  long  reverberated  among 
the  mountains. 

Continental  Village,  with  its  barracks,  storehouses,  and  a  number 
of  loaded  wagons,  was  burned  on  the  Otli  by  a  detachment  under 
Major-dcneral  Tryon.  Westchester  County  below  Peekskill  was  not 
included  in  this  visitation,  and  before  the  end  of  Oct(jber  Putnam 
was  back  in  Peekskill  with  a  force  of  6,000.  The  whole  Hudson  being 
open,  the  British  ascended  it  and  ravaged  the  country.  To  this  period 
belongs  the  burning  of  Kingston.  Soon,  however,  came  the  wonder- 
ful tidings  of  the  surrender  of  Burgoyne  at  Saratoga  (October  20). 
and  the  invad(n's  from  below,  finding  their  errand  a  profitless  one  and 
unable  to  maintain  their  jxisition  in  the  Highlands,  returned  to  New 
York.  Putnam,  at  Peekskill,  resumed  his  sway  over  the  entire  post. 
No  further  attemjit  was  made  against  Peekskill  or  its  important 
jurisdiction  until  the  summer  of  1779,  when  Verplanck's  Point,  and 
Stony  Point  op])osit(»,  were  seized — to  no  other  substantial  end,  how- 
ever, than  to  give  the  name  of  Anthony  Wayne  to  immortality. 

The  very  large  body  with  which  Putnam  resumed  his  station  at 
Peekskill  Avas  obtained  from  the  Northern  Army,  which,  after  Bur- 
goyne's  surrender,  had  been  disintegrated.  These  troops  and  many 
more,  no  longer  needed  at  the  North,  should  have  been  sent  to  Wasli- 
ington,  who,  after  the  evacuation  of  Philadeljihia,  continued  tlie  un- 
e(]ual  struggle  Avith  Howe;  but  the  jealousy  of  (!ates  deprived  AVash- 
iugtou  of  them,  as  a  year  i)reviously  the  ambition  of  Lee  had  pre- 

'  After  landing  on  Vorplanck's  I'oiiil.  Sir  of  llio  river,  but  the  state  of  the  atniosiilierc 
Hcur.v  re-enibarlii'(l  a  portion  of  his  foree  and  was  sueh  that  no  estimate  could  be  made  of 
moved  the  tloot  up  to  reekskill  Neck.  This  was  the  number.  From  all  the  eireumstauoes,  Put- 
one  of  his  sehemes  to  mask  the  proceedings  of  nam  firmly  believed  that  it  was  only  a  small 
the  main  body  at  King's  Kerry.  All  writers  detachment  lo  burn  the  American  storehouses 
agree  that  I'utnam  was  informed  betimes  of  on  that  side,  and  the  appearance  of  a  large 
the  transportation  of  a  part  of  the  Brillsh  tire  near  Stony  I'oint  shortly  afterward  cou- 
army  from  Verplanck's  Toiut  to  the  west  side  firmed  him  in  this  opinion. 

j^    .*-  -  1--  5.  *■■■■■    vai,'CS'»»tAA-v- 


/        <^     <^\  !♦.'     /»''     v;- 

jtiH.  .f  fii™.u*<^-VV.'<»* 

TIIK    ATTACK    tlX    TlIF    MKiHI.AXn    FORTS. 


vented  liis  needful  re-ent'orcenieiit  in  New  Jersey.  Thus  at  two  ci'iti- 
riil  emergencies  in  two  successive  years  Westchester  County  was 
made  tJie  scen(>  of  a  laruc  and  idle  military  establishment  to  j^ratify 
the  jtersiinal  spite  <if  Wasliin^ton's  rivals.  (lem'ral  I'utiiam,  whose 
nature  was  noble  and  wlio  was  entirely  loyal  to  his  c(uuniaiider, 
was  not  a  party  to  this  i)etty  and  wicked  meanness;  but  he  had  de- 
signs of  his  own  for  the  good  of  tlie  cause.  It  was  liis  dearly  clierisheil 
object  to  capture  New  York,  and  In-  felt  that  now  was  the  ai>i)ointed 
time.  At  this  juncture  Alexandei-  Hamilton  ari-ived  at  Peekskill  on  a 
mission  from  \\'asliingt(>n  to  (!ates,  and  in  the  name  of  his  cliief  or- 
dered Putnam  to  send  on  two  contiiHnital  brigades.  He  tlieu  went  to 
Albany  and  int('rviewed  (iates.  (ietting  little  satisfaction,  however, 
from  tliat  I'gotist  and  scdiemer,  lie  sent  an  express  to  Putnam  to  for- 
ward another  thotisand  men  to  Washington.  But  upon  his  return  to 
Peekskill  he  found  with  astonisliment  and  indignation  that  Putnam 
had  not  obeyed  either  of  his  ordeis,  but  instea<l  was  beginning  active 
operations  against  New  York,  and  to  that  end  had  marched  a  force 
to  Tarryto\\n  and  had  formally  reconnoitered  the  enemy  almost 
as  fa]-  doAV  n  as  Kingsbridge.  Hamilton,  under  the  advice  of  (Jovernor 
riinton,  now  peremptorily  commanded  Putnam  to  dispatch  to  Wash- 
ington all  his  continental  regiments,  retaining  only  his  militia  forces. 
This  order  was  obeyed.  Hamilton  was  greatly  enraged  against  Put- 
nam, and  advised  Washington  to  make  an  example  of  him,  saying: 
"  His  blunders  and  caprices  are  endless."  P.ut  Washington  was  un- 
willing to  too  deeply  wound  the  sensibilities  of  the  (dd  general,  and 
coiilented  himself  with  a  mild  reprimand.  "I  can  not  but  say,"'  he 
wrote,  "there  has  been  more  (hday  in  the  march  of  the  troops  than 
I  think  necessary,  and  1  could  wisli  that  in  futtire  my  orders  may 
be  immediately  complied  with,  without  arguing  upon  the  propriety 
of  them.  If  any  accident  ensues  from  obeying  them,  the  fault  will 
be  upon  me,  not  upon  you." 

During  the  winter  of  1TT7-7S  General  Putnam  and  the  two  (Tin- 
tons,  with  Lieutenant-tTOvernor  Pierre  Van  Cortlandt,  John  Jay,  and 
others,  reconiU)itered  the  Highlands  with  a  vitnv  to  their  refortitica- 
tioii,  and  selected  West  Point  as  the  most  eligible  place  for  the  prin- 
ci]ial  works.  A  beginning  was  made  there  before  I'utnam's  retirement 
from  the  I'eekskill  post,  which  occurred  on  the  KJth  of  March,  1778. 
He  was  succeeded  by  McDougall — his  immediate  predecessor, — now 
become  a  major-general. 

At  this  stage  of  the  war  American  hopes  mounted  high.  Tin 
French  alliance  was  signed  in  Paris  on  the  (>th  of  February.  Wash- 
ington, still  at  Valley  Forge  (Pa.),  was  in  position  to  attack  the 
Pritish  in  Philadelphia,  and  the  arrival  of  a  French  fleet  to  co-o])erate 

EVENTS   OF    1777    AM)    1778  439 

witli  him  ajiainst  tliat  city  was  expected  montlily.  It  became  im- 
practicable for  the  eueniy  to  contintie  there,  and  the  evacuation  of 
the  phice  was  decided  on.  Just  previously  to  the  event  Howe  re- 
siiiiied  the  chief  command  and  was  succeeded  by  Sir  Henry  Clinton. 
The  British  army  moved  out  i>f  IMiiladelpliia  on  the  ISth  of  June 
to  make  its  way  by  land  back  to  New  York.  It  was  pursued  by  Wash- 
ington. On  the  28th  was  fought  th'-  battle  of  Monmouth  Court  House, 
where  General  Lee  (who  had  been  exchanged)  so  comi)orted  himself 
that  he  Avas  court-martialed  and  retired  to  private  life.  The  British 
effected  their  escape  to  New  York,  and  ^Vashington  encamped  in  New 
Jersey  to  bide  the  progress  of  events. 

Here,  on  the  13th  of  July,  he  received  the  welcome  intelligence  of 
the  arrival  off  the  coast  of  A'irgiuia  of  a  French  fleet  under  the  Count 
d'Estaing.  consisting  of  twelve  sliips  of  the  line  and  six  frigates, 
and  bearing  a  land  force  of  4,000.  In  the  restilting  correspondence 
between  the  two  commanders  it  was  resolved  to  begin  at  once  joint 
operations  against  New  York,  and  ^A'ashington  forthwith  broke  up 
his  New  Jersey  camp,  crossed  King's  Ferry  into  our  county,  and  de- 
scended to  White  Plains,  where  he  spread  his  tents  about  the  20th 
day  of  July.  Finm  ihis  place,  whither  he  had  retired  from  New  York 
island  under  such  perilous  circumstances  in  the  fall  of  1776,  he  wrote 
to  a  friend  in  Virginia:  "After  two  years'  maneuvering  and  the 
strangest  vicissitudes,  both  arnues  are  brought  back  to  the  very  point 
they  set  out  from,  and  the  olTending  party  at  the  beginning  is  now 
reduced  to  the  use  of  the  spade  and  pickax  for  defense.  The  hand 
of  Providence  has  been  so  conspicuous  in  all  this  that  he  must  be 
worse  than  an  infi<l<d  that  lacks  faith,  and  more  than  wicked  that 
has  not  gratitude  to  acknowledge  his  obligations." 

The  army  remained  at  White  Plains  for  about  two  months.  In 
September,  Washington,  as  shown  by  an  entry  in  his  accounts  with 
the  Fnited  States,  recounoitereil  "  the  country  about  the  [White] 
ri;iin>.  between  the  Xorrli  and  East  Eivers,*'  disbursing  for  that  ptir- 
pose  out  of  his  private  purse  the  sum  of  S13.3. 

But  it  was  not  ordered  that  the  arrangement  for  the  taking  of 
New  York,  whose  successful  execution  woulil  dnubtless  have  ter- 
minated the  wai-,  should  be  carried  out.  The  French  fleet  sailed  up 
to  Sandy  Hook.  The  British  naval  force  in  New  York  Bay  at  that 
time  comprised  only  six  ships  of  the  line,  four  50-gun  ships,  and  a 
nuiidier  of  frigates  and  smaller  vessels.  D'Estaing,  howcvci-,  was 
iidormcd  by  pilots  that  the  depth  of  water  on  the  Sandy  Hook  bar 
was  not  sufficient  to  permit  the  passage  of  his  largest  vessels,  one 
of  which  carried  eighty  and  another  innety  gtiiis.  ]h'  therefore 
abandoucHl  the  enterprise  and  proceeded  to  Newport  to  capture,  in 


(■((nJiiiicliMii  with  an  cxiicditinii  1ic;m1<m1  \)\  (iciicial  Sullivan,  (he 
liritisli  toicc  of  (i,0(Mt  wlii<-li  was  stationcl  there.  This  plan  also 
jtetei'cil  n'lt.  The  Urilisli  Heel  came  11])  the  Sonnd  to  enj;aii('  the 
I'lciicii,  which  went  to  meet  it.  Imt  an  inopiiortnne  storm  dispersed 
tlio  ships,  and  the  French  commander  afterward  went  to  Boston  to 
retif,  leavinu  General  Snllivan  in  a  daniicroiis  situation,  from  whicli 
lie  had  nmcli  dillicnlty  in  exlricalini;  himself.  The  behavior  of  the 
I'rench  in  this  first  test  of  the  jnaclical  \alne  of  the  alliance  e.\cited 
t-reat  disgust  throiiiihonf  the  conntrv. 

The  ilepartnre  of  the  I'^reiich  lo  Itostoii  was  followed  in  Sejileiiiher 
by  a  i;i'eat  stir  of  British  |)repara1  ions  in  New  York  foi-  some  nn- 
knowii  object.  Washinj^ton,  at  While  Plains,  feared  an  attack  on 
the  Highlands,  which,  in  the  elementary  condition  (d'  the  West  Point 
defenses,  were  ill  prepared  for  resistance;  bnt  he  e(|nally  feared  an 
expedition  aiiainst  Boston.  In  this  nncertainty  he  jiroceeded  as  he 
had  done  tiie  year  before  while  waiting  for  Howe  to  unfold  his 
jirojects.  He  larc,ely  re-enforced  the  troops  at  Peekskill  and  above, 
and  stationed  Tntnam  with  two  brigades  near  Wi'st  Point,  mean- 
while remo\in^  his  own  camii  from  \\'estchester  Connty  to  a  ]iosi- 
tion  farther  north  on  the  Connecticut  border,  from  where  he  conld 
move  either  to  Boston  or  to  the  Hudson  Biver,  as  the  resnlt  shonhl 
re(]nire.  But  the  new  enteri)rise  of  Sir  Henry  Clinton  pro\ed  to  ha\i' 
only  local  purposes.  He  sent  an  expedition  to  Little  Efi\n'  Harbor 
iN.  J.),  which  had  been  used  by  the  Americans  as  an  important  base 
for  privateering  operations,  and,  to  c(ner  it,  threw  5,000  men  under 
Cornwallis  into  northern  New  Jersey  and  3,000  under  Kny])liausen 
into  \\'estchester  County.  "The  detatdimeiit  on  the  east  side  of  the 
Hudson  (we  (luote  from  Irvine's  Life  of  \\'ashiniiton)made  a  predatory 
ami  disgraceftil  foray  from  their  lines  at  Kintjsbridge  toward  the 
Americans  at  White  Plains,  plundering  the  inhabitants  without  dis- 
crimination, not  only  of  their  provisions  and  forage,  but  of  the  very 
clothing  on  tlieir  backs.  None  were  more  etticient  in  this  ravage 
than  a  ])arty  of  about  a  hundred  of  Captain  Donop's  Hessian  yagers, 
and  they  were  in  full  maraud  between  Tarrytown  and  Dobbs  T^erry 
wli(>n  a  detachment  of  infantry  tinder  Colonel  Richard  Butler,  and 
of  cavalry  under  ilajor  Henry,  came  upon  them  by  surjirise, 
killed  ten  of  them  on  the  s]>ol,  caiilured  a  lieutenant  and  eighteen 
jiri\ates,  and  would  lia\c  taken  or  distroyed  the  wlude  had  not  the 
extreme  roughness  of  the  country  impeded  the  action  of  the  cavalry 
and  enabled  the  yagers  to  esca])e  by  scraiubling  uj)  hillsides  or  iilung- 
ing  into  ravines." 

It  was  during  the  snninier  of  177S,  and  while  Washington  was  still 
in  camp  at  White  TMaiiis,  that   the  tragical  event  referred  to  in  our 

•^  -S 


cliaptcr  on  tin  Iinliaiis  tiaiisiiiicd.  A  band  of  abont  sixty  so-callfMl 
StockbridjL^e  Indians  (descendants  of  the  Moliican  tribe  wiiich  orijr- 
ina11,\'  possessed  ^\llat  is  now  Weslcliester  Comity),  nnder  tlie  com- 
mand of  tlie  Cliief  >,'imlunn,  ^\as  detaclied  to  tlie  sontii  from  Wasii- 
ington's  armv.  On  tlie  2(11  li  of  Aiinnst  tlio  Indians  attaclied  and 
drove  down  to  Kingsbridjie  a  force  of  tlie  enemy  under  Lientenant- 
Colonel  ]Onimerick.  Dnriiig  the  next  fe\\'  days  they  continued  in  the 
lower  ])art  of  the  Town  of  Yonkers.  Here,  ou  August  31,  they  were 
surrounded  and  surprised  by  tlie  (Queen's  Ifangers  under  Siincoe,  the 
( 'iiasseiirs  under  Emmerick,  de  Laiicey's  2(1  battalion,  and  the  Legion 
Dragoons  under  Lieuleiiaiit-Coloiicl  Tarleton.  Forty  of  their  num- 
ber, including  their  cliiet'  and  his  son,  were  killed  or  desperately 
wounded.  This  slaughter  was  one  of  the  most  considerable  result- 
ing from  any  single  encounter  on  Westchester  soil  during  the  Revo- 
lution. An  extended  account  of  the  affair,  from  which  the  various 
notices  in  Bolton's  and  Scharfs  Histories  are  mainly  drawn,  may 
be  found  in  Simcoe's  Journal. 

Not  many  other  events  of  local  importance  happened  in  West- 
chester County  during  the  j'ear  1778.  The  jirincipal  ones  were  the 
burning  of  Ward's  bouse  at  Tuckahoe,  and  the  "  Babcock's  House 
.\rfair  "  in  Yonkers. 

^Var(^s  house,  which  stood  on  the  site  of  the  residence  of  the  late 
Judge  (iiiford,  was  the  property  of  Judge  Stephen  Ward,  a  very 
prominent  and  respected  citizen  of  the  Town  of  Eastchester.  He  was 
one  of  the  leaders  of  the  patriot  party  in  our  count}'  before  the  war,  sat 
in  the  assembly  in  177S  and  in  the  State  senate  from  1780  to  1783,  and 
was  appointed  coiinty  judge  in  1781.  His  home,  on  the  Tuckahoe  Koad, 
was  the  post  for  a  detachment  of  Kevolutionary  troops  dependent 
M]ion  the  "  lines  "  above,  and  as  such  it  was  attacked  several  times. 
Upon  one  occasion  the  American  force  stationed  in  and  around  it 
was  attacked  by  a  strong  liritish  expedition  under  Captain  Campbell. 
The  American  commander  was  ready  to  surrender,  when  an  unlucky 
shot  was  fired  from  one  of  the  windows,  and  Captain  Campbell  fell 
dead.  JIany  Americans  were  slaughtered  in  revenge^,  and  twenty- 
seven  were  taken  away  prisoners.  But  the  place  was  again  gar- 
risoned, and  it  was  then  decided  by  tlie  enemy  to  burn  I  lie  house. 
This  was  done  in  Xovember,  1778,  the  sidings,  doors,  windows,  and 
shutters  lieing  first  removed.  They  were  transjiorted  (o  Kingsbridge 
and  used  in  building  barracks  for  the  British  troops. 

The  ■'  Balicock's  House  Affair  "  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  Bevo- 
liitionary  episodes  couuected  with  the  history  of  Yonkers.  A  strong 
ami  pleasing  element  of  n nuance  a(  (aclies  (o  it.  "  r>abcock's  1  louse  '' 
was  none  odier  tliaii   the   paisoiiagc  of  Saint    Jolin's    I  lC|)iscopaliaii) 

EVENTS    OK    1777    ANT)     1 77S  443 

( 'liuirli,  mill  lilt'  1{('\'.  l.u]<('  l!iili<(i(l<,  IriMii  whoin  il  tnoU  ils  ii;iiii(>, 
was  tlie  sanio  cU'i'iiyniaii  who  signed  the  Tory  luanifcsto  of  April, 
177."),  and  wlioni  ('(iloncl  I^cwis  .Moiris  sconif'nlly  characterized  as 
''  tlie  IJevereiid  Mr.  I.nke  IJalicin  l<.  wiio  i)reaclies  and  [irays  for  ('(doiiel 
riiilijis  and  liis  Iciiaiits  ai  i'liilipsburg.-"  Lilce  his  compatriots,  the 
Kevereiids  Saiiuicl  Seal)iiry,  of  Westclu'ster;  E])enctus  Towiiseii<l,  of 
Salem;  and  Ephraim  Avery,  of  Ivye,  the  Vonkers  parson  was  per- 
severing in  his  (levol  ion  lo  the  Britisli  cause,  and  sulTered  a<(ordiugly. 
Soon  after  the  removal  of  the  lord  of  the  mam)r,  ^[r.  I'.abcock  was 
a]i]irehen(led  by  a  Ki'volutioiiary  committee,  his  ])a])i'rs  were  ex- 
amined, and  the  inlerro^atory  was  ])ro])(>und('d  to  him,  ••Whether 
he  considei-ed  liims(df  bound  by  his  oath  of  allegiance  to  the  King?" 
He  replied  anii'mati\(dy.  and  therenjxin  was  sent  to  New  Haven 
under  guard,  where  lie  langiiishe(|  until  I'ebruaiy,  1777.  During  his 
continement  his  health  declined.  lieing  releasc^d  on  parole,  he  re- 
turned to  the  Yoidvcrs  ](arsonage,  and  presently  died  there,  leaving 
a  youthful  widow,  who  continued  to  reside  in  the  jiarsouage,  where 
IMiss  A\'illiams.  a  sister  of  .Mi's.  I'rederick  IMiilipse,  bore  her  com- 

Now,  these  two  ladies  of  the  parsonage  were  either  not  very  fero- 
ci(Uis  Loyalist  partisans,  or  else  held  their  political  i)rim-iples  (piite 
subordinate  to  the  gentle  inclinations  of  their  hearts.  The  widow 
Habcock  was  wooed  by  a  gallant  American  officer  of  the  Westchester 
lines,  Colonel  (tist.  She  at  least  did  not  discourage  this  devotion, 
and  it  has  even  been  surmised  that  she  reci[)rocated  it;  and  the  com- 
jianion  of  her  loneliness,  Miss  Williams,  apparently  regarded  the 
iiunantic  ailair  with  a  kindly  interest.  The  ardent  Colonel  Gist, 
during  his  occasional  warlike  employments  below  tlu'  lines,  made  his 
rendezvous  at  the  foot  of  Wild  Boar  Hill,  oi)posite  the  parsonage; 
and  here,  with  his  light  corps,  he  was  surprised  early  one  morning 
by  a  formidable  force  of  the  enemy.  A  careful  plan  had  been  laid 
by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Simcoe,  of  the  (Queen's  Kangers,  to  surround 
ami  cajjture  his  whole  command.  In  this  enterprise  Simcoe  had  the 
co-operation  of  Tarletou,  Enimerick,  and  other  able  officers.  The  ac- 
companying map  shows  how  the  different  corps  of  the  enemy  were 
to  have  been  disjiosed,  and  actually  were  disj)osed,  with  the  single 
important  exception  of  a  detachment  that  Avas  to  have  been  sta- 
lioiu'd  north  of  the  Xejtperhau  liiver  foi-  ihe  ])ur]iose  of  cutting  off 
<  list's  retreat  tli.-il  way.  I'ut  oA\-ing  to  some  blunder  this  line  of 
retreat  was  left  ojien.  The  attacking  force  surprised  (iisl's  men 
according  to  jirogramme,  and  gave  them  a  shar])  fire;  but  th(»  latter, 
led  by  the  colonel,  escajied  across  the  Nepiteihan  and  were  soon  be- 
yond  pursuit.     ■•In   the   meanlime,"   says   a    narratiu-  of  the  affair. 


"Mrs.  Babcock,  liaviiiii  stationed  licisclf  in  one  of  the  dormer  win- 
dows of  the  i)arsona5it',  aided  tlieir  escajie,  wherever  they  api)eare<l,  by 
llie  wavini;  of  a  white  liandkeridiief."  Onr  salntations  to  the  shade 
of  tiie  li'entle,  liracions,  and   (we  (hmht  not)  beauteous  Mrs.  Habcork! 

Dnrinj;  the  years  1777  and  177S  a  vei-y  useful  "  wlialeboat  "  sei-\i(e 
was  oi'uanized  and  de\(do]ied  in  tlie  hanih-ts  of  onr  eounty  ah>nj;-  the 
Sound.  The  whah'boats,  ])ro]){dh'd  with  oars,  "  would  dart  across 
the  Sound  under  cover  of  the  ni<>lit,  and  run  into  the  inlets  of  the 
Loni;  Island  shore,  landing;-  near  the  house  of  a  Tory  family,  some- 
times to  plunder  and  sometimes  to  take  prisoners.  Small  IJritish 
vessels  cruising  in  the  Sound  were  occasionally  captured.  Market- 
sloops,  loaded  with  provisions  for  the  Bi'itish  army,  were  favorite 
prey.  (Jreat  quantities  of  forajje  and  other  stores  belonjiinj;-  to  the 
enemy  were  destroyed.  Tlie  wlialeboat  service  was  pursued  with 
gjreatest  activity  in  1780  and  1781."^  Thomas  Kniffen,  of  Kye,  is 
mentioned  by  Baird  as  one  who  was  especially  enerjietic  in  this  dar- 
inj;  work.  The  capture  of  the  liritish  iiuardship  "  Scdiuldham  '"  (1777) 
at  the  mouth  of  Eastchester  Creek — a  very  brilliant  performance — 
was  effected  by  some  whaleboatmen  from  Darien,  Conn.,  who  first 
seized  the  market-sloop  which  jdied  regulaidy  between  Eastidiester 
and  New  ^'ork,  and  then  took  her  alongside  the  "  Schuldham  "  on  the 
I)retense  of  desiring  to  S(dl  some  of  their  truck;  whereu])on  a  i>arty 
of  armed  men,  concealed  in  the  slooi)'s  hold,  clambered  on  board 
the  war-vessel,  overpowered  the  crew,  forced  them  to  navigate  the 
jirize,  and  ran  her  into  the  jxirt  of  New  London. 

In  this  connection  a  word  should  be  said  also  about  the  excellent 
services  of  the  "water  guards''  in  the  various  conimunitii-s  on  tlie 
Hudson.  The  constant  presence  of  the  enemy's  sliips  in  the  riviT 
rendered  it  peculiarly  necessary  to  keep  vigilant  Avatch  on  the  Ihnl- 
sou's  banks,  and  the  organization  effected  for  the  discharge  of  the 
duties  tlius  involved  came  to  be  very  efficient.  It  was  never  safe 
for  a  rowboat  from  a  British  ship  to  v(>nture  to  the  shore;  and  even 
the  war-vessels  themstdves  had  to  keep  steadfastly  to  the  nuddle  of 
the  stream,  else  the  wide-awake  patriots  were  likely  to  improvise 
biitteries  and  open  on  them  with  uncomfortable  effect.  The  capture 
of  Andi'e  and  tin'  conse(|uent  foiling  (d"  Arnold's  treason  Avas  made 
|)ossible  by  no  other  contributing  circumstance  so  much  as  the  well- 
understood  vigilant  surveillance  id'  shi]is  in  the  river,  and  of  all  hold- 
ing communication  with  them,  which  was  maintained  at  every  point 
on  the  shore. 

As  during  the  latter  half  of  the  year  1778  the  enemy  in  Ncav  York 

'  Baird's  Hist,  of  Rye  (Sclmrf,  ii.,  078). 

MATICH  aflh^ 

Emmerick^  Cor/is  the  Cavalry  of  t 
rhe-  wJwle  cojnmcm^£ed  6yZ'^Cc/Sima!&{ 


A.  Mar(A^i)flML'/'ajUryofthfRanffersaJid£mrnertcksto^.wAere  lAey 
Yi.T^yh^soUPkdi/isBruiye^.Ca/U.VredemsdelacAmeni  i^  The  Moot  iy 


(HD>CO><     new      VOMK 


under  L  ''Col  Tarleton,,  and  /z-  a!e^ac^me/^^  /if  the  yiz^  s 

'-ea  CoJ  /IS  of  Rebel  Light  7roa/ts  under  Co/ ■  ffist- 

•e  Hear  o/lhe  Eyiemy,  a/id  Tuarched  h  C .  (riat'sCanyt'    Jiril  ^''Glvalry 
'dVimiPosUiaTi^ii'kteA-lfreYfrJi/a-s  irere-  iniendecLtohaye  occu/ueeb- 
ioM  isimcok's  .IOUKNAI,). 

EVENTS    OF    1777    AND    1778  445 

f'ity  att('iui)t('(l  notliin.n  citlii'i-  ;i^;iiiist  New  iMi^land  or  I  lie  llii;li- 
lands,  Wasliiiij^tttn  (Ircw  tlic  aiiiiy  (1(>\\  n  Iroiii  llic  iinillicil\  station 
wlicrc  he  had  tcniiiorarily  jiostcd  it,  and  distributed  il  in  canton- 
uicnts  cxtcndini;'  from  Counccticut  across  Wcstciicstcr  Connt.v  as  far 
as  Middlcbrook,  N.  J.  This  was  its  situation  tlironnihout  tlic  winter 
of  1778-79.  All  expectation  of  early  assistance  from  tlie  I'l'encii  was 
now  yiven  up,  d'Estainy's  tieet  liaviiiti  sailed  to  the  West  Indies. 


FROM  JANUARY,  1779,  TO  SEPTEMBER,  1780 

KO.M  the  middle  of  .lainiiiry  to  tlic  iiiiddlc  of  .Miirch,  ITT'J, 
the  coininniid  "on  tlic  lines"  in  ^^'l'8t(•ll('st('l•  County  was 
licld  liv  I  lie  xonlliful  Coloni']  Aaron  Burr;  and  never  in 
tlie  history  of  llie  Xeutriii  (Iround  before  or  after  did  tliat 
distressed  region  enjoy  conditions  of  order  and  (luiet  in  tlie  least 
comparable  to  those  which  obtained  during  Burr's  brief  rule,  llis 
adniinisi ration  of  the  delicate  and  ditticult  duties  of  the  conmiand 
in  our  county  constitute^  the  most  noteworthy  cha])ter  in  his  military 
career,  and  even  his  severest  bioiiiai)hers  concur  in  regarding  this 
])arl  of  his  jniblic  record  with  unmixed  admiration. 

I'.ui'r  was  just  twenty-one  when  ai)i)ointed  by  Washington  to  the 
rank  of  lieutenant-colonel  of  the  c(uitinental  army,  receiving  his 
commission  at  Peekskill  in  -July,  1777.  ITi'  was  at  the  time  an  aide 
on  the  staff  of  (ieneral  Putnam.  He  was  soon  afterward  assigned 
to  a  regiment  in  New  Jersey,  whei'e  he  at  once  set  to  work  to  intro- 
duce much-needed  imi)rovements  in  discipline  and  organization. 
"  Severe  drills  and  vigorous  ins])ections,""  says  his  charming  biog- 
I'aiiher.  Parton,  "  took  the  place  of  formal  ones."  Finding  that  many 
of  the  ollicers  were  hoixdessly  iuetlicieni,  he  ])resently  "  to(dc  the  bold 
sfe])  of  ordering  several  of  them  home  on  the  sinqde  ground  of  their 
utter  uselessness.  If  any  gentleman,  he  told  them,  objected  to  his 
dismissal,  he,  Colomd  Burr,  held  himself  ])ersonally  res]M)nsilde  for 
the  measure  and  was  ready  to  afford  any  satisfaction  that  might 
be  desired."  Yet  he  was  no  nnM-e  martinet.  All  his  measures  com- 
mended themselves  to  the  good  sense  of  his  troo])s,  who  became  en- 
thusiastically attached  to  his  person.  The  great  executive  force 
which  be  thus  dis])layed,  coupled  with  his  reputation  for  exceptional 
gallantry,  led  to  his  sidection  as  the  most  available  commander  in 
tlu'  Neuti'al  (iround  at  a  time  Avhen  lawlessness  and  terrorism  there 
were  at  their  lieight.  He  entered  upon  his  duties  on  the  Westchester 
lines  January  13,  177i),  succeeding  Lieutenant-rolonel  Littlefield.  The 
lowest  American  posts  at  that  jH'riod  extended  "  from  Tarrytown 
through  White  Plains  to  the  Sawpits,  or  Bye,"  a  distance  of  fourteen 
miles.    Colonel  Burr  made  his  lieadcpiarters  at  White  Plains. 

FROM    JANUAKY,     177'.),    TO    SEPTEMKER,    1780  447 

Ou  the  very  nioiniiii;  ol  his  assuniiii^L;  loiiiiuaiid,  his  prcik'crssor  left 
White  Phiius  with  a  hu'i>e  party  on  a  characteristic  "scouting"  ex- 
pedition 1o  Nt'W  Kochelle.  This  was  aii  enterprise  of  ](roiniscnons 
|)lnndei',  ]nire  and  sinii)le.  1"he  men  returned  at  iiiyht  loaded  down 
with  spoils.  Colonel  Burr,  astonished  and  indijiuant,  at  once  took 
ste])S  to  return  the  stok'n  articles  to  their  owneis.  "  ^ir,"  he  wrote 
to  Oeueral  McDoujiall,  the  commander  at  Peekskill,  "  till  now  I  nev(>r 
wished  for  arbitrary  jjowei';  I  could  nibhet  half  a  dozen  <;-ood  Whi^s 
with  all  the  venom  of  an  inveterate  Tory."  lie  announced  in  the 
most  emphatic  manner  that  he  purposed  to  ])i'otect  all  the  i)eaceable 
inhabitants  without  reference  to  their  jiolitics;  that  all  marauders 
would  be  punished  with  the  utmost  severity  of  military  law;  and 
that  ''  any  otKcer  who  so  much  as  connived  at  robbeiw  lie  would  send 
up  to  till'  generars  quarters  with  a  tile  of  soldiers  the  hour  the  crime 
was  discovered."  Shortly  afterward  a  family  named  Gedney,  livinfj 
below  liis  lines,  was  plundered  at  uiu;lit.  The  Oedneys  were  Tories, 
but  of  the  jiacific  descrijition.  Within  twenty-four  hours  Burr  liad 
secured  all  the  culprits  and  nundi  of  their  loot.  He  marched  them 
to  Oedney's  house,  where  he  made  thc^n  restore  the  recovered  jirop- 
erty,  jiay  (Jedni-y  in  money  for  what  had  lieen  lost  or  damau'ed,  pay 
him  a  further  amount  as  compensation,  crave  his  pardon  for  their 
deeds,  and  promise  iiood  behavior  for  the  future;  and  he  also  had 
each  of  the  robbers  tied  up  and  given  ten  lashes.  "  All  these  things," 
says  Parton,  "  were  done  with  the  greatest  deliberation  and  exact- 
ness, and  the  efl'ects  produced  by  them  were  magical.  Not  another 
house  was  plundered,  not  another  family  was  abiniied,  while  Colonel 
Burr  commanded  in  the  Westchester  lines.  The  mystery  and  swift- 
ness of  the  detection,  the  rigor  and  fairness  with  which  tiie  marauders 
were  treated,  overawed  the  men  whom  three  caiii]iaigns  of  lawl(>ss 
warfare  had  corrupted,  and  restored  confidenc''  to  the  people  who 
had  ]»assed  their  lives  in  terror."  It  came  to  be  believed  among  his 
soldi(>rs  that  Colonel  Burr  ])ossessed  occult  jiowei's,  and  could  tell  a 
thief  by  simply  looking  in  his  face,  lie  adojited  the  most  tliorongh 
svNtem  of  classification  of  all  the  inhabitants,  kee]ting  secret  lists 
on  which  the  character  of  e\erybody  within  his  juiisdictioii  was  in- 
dicated, lie  also  familiarized  himself  Avith  the  country  in  its  physical ures,  obtaining  a  minute  knowledge  of  its  hidden  jilaces.  He 
I'lilisted  the  co-operation  of  the  res])ectable  Aoung  men,  whom  he- 
organized  as  a  corps  of  horsemen,  Avitliout  jiay,  for  the  transmission 
of  intelligence.  One  of  these  was  (li(>  noted  .bdiii  Dean,  who  the  next 
year  was  a  ineinbei-  of  the  memorable  expedition  of  eight  \'(diinteers 
whicli  had  for  its  result   the  capture  of  Andre. 

In  his  arrangeineiils  for  the  security  of  his  lines  against  any  pos- 



.sibic  attiiclv  by  the  t'licniy,  he  was  (Mjually  lircU'SS,  efficient,  and  suc- 
cessful. Niiilitly,  at  unexiH'clcd  lioui's  and  by  unexpected  routes, 
lie  rode  from  post  to  post,  and  if  lie  observed  anytliiii;^  not  in  order 
the  responsible  person  Mas  held  to  a  strict  accountability.  In  order 
to  keep  the  enemy's  spies  at  a  distance,  he  issued  and  rigidly  en- 
forced an  order  that  nobody  from  below  should  personally  pass  the 
line  of  posts  on  any  pretext,  all  who  had  business  above  beinji'  re- 
(juired  to  first  communicate  with  head(]uarters  by  some  well  known 
resident  of  the  immediate  country,  especially  designated  for  that  serv- 
ice. On  the  other  hand,  he  always  had  the  most  perfect  knowledi^e 
of  everythiu_i>'  haiipening  below.     Only  two  attem]its  were  made  by 

the  enemy  to  surprise  the  American 
•juards  Avhile  he  was  in  command,  and 
both  were  total  failures. 

Yet  Burr's  system  was  not  merely 
defensive  and  precautionai'v.  ^^'ith- 
out  risking  his  men  in  foolisli  spec- 
tacular enterprises,  he  grasped  every 
opportunity  for  profitable  aggression. 
Once,  when  Governor  Tryon  marched 
through  our  county  with  2,000  men  on 
an  expedition  to  Oimnecticut,  Burr,  hav- 
ing ]irevious  knowli^dge  of  the  move- 
ment, sent  wnvi]  to  Pirtnam  in  Connecti- 
cut to  iiroceed  against  him  in  front, 
MJiilc  he  would  fall  iiiion  his  rear.  This 
Mclllaid  i)laii.  if  it  had  been  carried 
out,  would  jirobably  have  resulted  in 
the  cajiture  of  Tryon;  but  Putnam  was 
unable  to  co-operate  properly.  Burr,  however,  performed  his  part 
so  well  that  lYyon  beat  a  hasty  retreat,  leaving  most  of  his  cattle  and 
other  plunder  behind. 

The  crowning  achievement  of  l^urr's  command  was  tin-  destruction 
of  a  British  fort  and  the  capture  of  nearly  all  its  garrison  at  de 
Laiicey's  Mills  (West  I'arms) — a  feat  i»erfornied,  like  Wayne's  sloriii- 
iiig  of  Stony  I'oiiit,  williout  tiring  a  musket.  This  fort  was  a  block 
structure,  built  by  Colonel  de  Lancey  to  jirotect  his  out|H)sts  at  .Mor- 
risania.  Burr,  resolving  to  take  it,  reconnoitered  it  carefully,  noting 
every  feature  of  the  ground  and  measuring  with  his  eye  the  height 
of  the  ]»ort-holes.  lie  then  iire])arcd  ladders,  canteens  filled  with  iu- 
flammables,  rolls  of  jiort-tire,  and  liaii<l-gi'enades.  It  was  essential 
to  efTect  his  work  quickly  and  without  noise,  as  there  Avere  strong 
British  forces  in  the  surrounding  country,  which,  if  alarmed,  would 


PROM   JANUARY,    1771),   TO   SEPTEMBER,    1780  449 

cut  off  his  retreat.  He  arrived  with  his  attacking  party  at  two  o'clock 
lu  the  moruiug.  He  sent  forward  forty  men  under  Captain  Black, 
who  rushed  past  the  sentinels,  placed  the  ladders  against  the  fort, 
mounted  them,  hurled  the  combustibles  (with  slow  matches  attached) 
into  the  port-holes,  and  then  threw  the  hand-grenades  inside.  Almosi 
instantly  the  fort  was  on  fire,  and  every  man,  except  a  few  who 
escaped,  surrendered.  Not  an  American  suffered  injury.  When  it 
is  remembered  that  West  P'arms  is  to  the  south  of  Kiugsbridge,  where 
thousands  of  the  British  were  encamped,  and  that  there  were  other 
jiosts  of  the  enemy  still  farther  above,  the  brilliant  daring  of  this 
exploit  will  be  well  appreciated. 

The  preceding  brief  account  of  Burr's  memorable  r<^gimo  in  West- 
chester County  is  digested  from  Parton,  who,  in  turn,  derives  his 
facts  mainly  from  a  most  interesting  descriptive  letter  written  in 
1814  by  Samuel  Youngs,  of  our  Town  of  ;Mount  Pleasant,  to  R.  V. 
Morris.  Youngs  was  a  member  of  Burr's  command.  He  sums  up  his 
narration  as  follows: 

The  troops  of  whom  he  took  command  were  undisciplined,  neglif;ent,  and  discontented. 
Desertions  were  frequent.  In  a  few  days  these  very  men  were  transformed  into  l)rave,  hon- 
est defenders — orderly,  contented,  and  cheerful  ;  confident  in  their  own  courage  and  loving  to 
adoration  tlieir  commander,  whom  every  man  considered  as  his  personal  friend.  It  was 
thoui;lit  a  severe  punishment,  as  well  as  a  disgrace,  to  he  sent  u])  to  the  camp,  where  they 
liad  nothing  to  do  hut  to  lounge  and  to  eat  their  rations.  During  the  whole  of  his  conmiand 
there  was  not  a  single  desertion,  not  a  single  death  hy  sickness,  not  one  made  prisoner  hy  the 
enemy  ;  for  Colonel  Burr  taught  us  that  a  soldier,  with  arms  in  his  hands,  ought  never,  in 
any  circumstances,  to  surrender — no  matter  if  he  was  opposed  hy  thousands  it  was  his  duty 

Ivichard  Piatt,  adjutant-general  to  Ceneral  McDougall  at  Peeks- 
kill,  has  left  the  following  testimony: 

A  country  which  for  three  years  hefore  had  been  a  scene  of  rohhery,  cruelty,  and  nuirder 
hecame  at  once  the  abode  of  security  and  peace.  Though  his  powers  were  desjjotic  tliey  were 
exercised  only  for  the  peace,  the  security,  and  the  protection  of  the  surrounding  country  and 
its  inhabitants. 

It  was  (luring  Burr's  three  months  in  the  Neutral  (iround  that  his 
romantic  midnight  visits  to  his  sweetheart,  Mrs.  Prevost,  at  Para- 
mus,  X.  J.,  occurred — expeditions  celebrated  in  the  annals  of  the 
amours  of  historic  persons. 

Selecting  nights  when  he  knew  that  he  could  safely  absent  himself 
fr(uu  the  lines,  he  left  the  headquarters  at  White  Plains  in  his  usual 
niiinner,  as  though  going  on  a  tour  of  the  posts,  attended  by  several 
of  his  men,  upon  whose  secrecy  he  could  depend.  He  rode  across 
(■(inntiy  to  Tarrytown,  wliere  a  boat  was  waiting.  His  men  threw 
his  liorse,  tied  its  legs  together,  and  placed  it  in  the  boat.  On  the 
opiHisite  shore  the  faithful  animal  was  released  from  its  bonds,  and 
bestriding  it  P>urr  was  .soon  in  the  arms  of  his  love.  He  was  back  at 
liead(|uaiti'rs  before  dawn.     He  niade  two  of  these  visits. 

450  HlSTOn\     OF     WKSTCHESTElt    COUNTY 

Tlic  scviTc  labors  whirli  lie  iiuixised  upon  hiiusclf  while  coiiiiiiaiiil- 
iiiii  in  Wcstclu'ster  Coiiuty  shatlcrcd  his  healtli,  and  on  tlic  lOth  of 
March,  177!*,  in  a  letter  to  ^\'ashin.i;ton,  he  resigned  his  conunissiou 
in  the  arjny.  The  latter  accepted  it  with  the  observation  that  he 
"  not  only  regretted  the  loss  of  a  good  ollicer,  but  the  cause  which 
made  his  resignation  necessary."  It  may  be  remarked  that  Wash- 
ington and  Burr  were  not  congenial  souls.  The  great  commander, 
while  perfectly  recognizing  young  ISurr's  abilities,  had  the  penetra- 
tion to  see  his  defects  as  a  man;  and  Burr  had  little  love  for  Wash- 
ingtoTi,  and  indeed  was  mixed  up  in  the  Conway-Gates  cabal  against 
him,  aitiioTigh  too  youthful  an  ollicer  to  play  any  active  part  in  that 
affair.  Part  on  laments  Burr's  untimely  retirement  from  the  Ameri- 
can army,  and  complains  of  Washington's  cold  treatment  of  him. 
He  declares  that  Burr's  military  character  was  such — especially  as 
demonstrated  by  his  services  in  tlie  Neutral  Ground — that  if  his  lot 
had  been  cast  in  the  armies  of  I'rance  under  the  eye  of  Napoleon 
he  would  have  become  a  marslial  of  tlie  Em])ire.  In  a  history  of 
Westchester  County  it  wou]<l  be  ungracious  to  find  fault  with  any 
praise  of  him  on  soldierly  gi'ounds  that  his  most  ardeiit  eulogists 
have  penned.  lie  certainly  came  to  Westchester  County  as  a  guar- 
dian angel,  and  was  the  one  shining  military  character  among  all 
the  commanilers  on  the  lines — though  thcii-  number  embraced  several 
officers  of  marked  attainments.  The  brevity  uf  his  career  here  is 
the  only  feature  of  it  to  be  viewed  wit  h  anything  short  of  enthusiasm. 
When  he  departed,  disaster  after  disaster  befell  the  American  posts, 
and  the  reign  of  terror  which  had  subsisted  before  he  came  was 
shortly  renewed.  It  was  equally  unfortunate  for  him  and  for  Ameri- 
can interests  in  our  county  that  his  connuaml  covered  only  the  winter 
months  of  1779,  when  no  general  o]ierations  were  going  on.  The 
next  summer  occurred  the  most  forniidablc  and  ])rolonge(l  display 
of  armed  force  along  the  lines  and  above  in  our  county's  history. 
It  can  easily  be  believed  that  Burr,  with  his  splendid  organization 
in  full  flower,  would  have  acquitted  himself  right  gloriously  in  that 
period  of  activity. 

The  expedition  of  (iovernor  Tryon  above  referred  to  was  for  tlie 
object  of  destroying  the  Eevolutionary  salt  works  at  Gi-eenwich, 
Conn.  It  was  the  only  continnous  march  of  a  (juite  considerable 
British  force  through  the  entire  extent  of  our  county  along  the  Sound 
that  occurred  during  th.e  Revolution.  There  was  some  tighting  at 
Rye  and  above,  where  a  small  American  party  was  i)ut  to  flight  by 
the  British.  The  I'etreating  Americans  passed  o\'er  Byram  Bridge, 
taking  up  its  ])lanking  to  retard  the  progress  of  the  enemy.  But 
Tryon   got  across   without  being  interfered   with   by   Putnam,   pro- 

FKO.M    .lANlAUV,    ITT'.I,    TO    SKI'TK-MBKR,    ITSO  451 

(•('(■(led  lo  ( irii'iavicli,  and  acconiidislicd  Mis  piir|)()sc.  WC  Ixdicvc; 
Hyraiu  Hi'idge  Avas  nover  crossi-d  mi  ativ  oflicr  occasion  by  a  British 
force  iu  couuectioii  with  serious  busiin'ss. 

Burr's  successor  iu  the  chief  coiuiuand  ou  the  Hues  was  IMajor 
\VilIiaui  Hull.  Cousiderini;-  the  heavy  odds  brought  ai^aiust  hiui  by 
the  eueui}'  duriug  the  exciting  campaign  that  followed,  he  made  a 
very  creditable  record. 

In  the  lirst  few  mouths  of  177!)  .Sir  Henry  Clinton  confined  himself 
to  ravaging  the  shores  of  the  Chesapeake  Kay.  Washington,  whose 
headquarters  were  at  Middlebrook,  was  not  disturbed  by  these  pr(»- 
reedings,  well  knowing  that  the  British  general  would  soon  turn 
his  attention  northward.  The  work  at  West  Point  had  now  made 
tolerably  satisfactory  progress,  but  Washington  was  dissatisfied  with 
the  comi^aratively  uni)rotected  condition  of  the  river  below.  He  par- 
ticularly desired  to  have  the  entrance  to  the  narrow  part  of  the 
stream,  from  Ilaverstraw  Bay,  well  guarded — the  more  so  as  the 
important  King's  Ferry  route  from  Verplanck's  Point  to  the  west 
shore  was  comi^aratively  unsafe  so  long  as  this  entrance  remained 
unfortified.  He  therefore  began  the  erection  of  two  forts  on  the  two 
lironiontories — ^'eI■planck's  Point  on  the  Westchester  side,  and 
Stony  Point  oi)posite,  which,  when  completed,  "  would  form  as  it 
were  the  lower  gates  of  the  Higldands,  miniature  Pillars  of  Hercules, 
of  wiiicli  Stony  Point  was  the  (iibraltar."  By  the  end  of  May  the 
work  on  Verplanck's  Point,  called  Fort  Lafayette,  Avas  finished,  and 
a  garrison  of  seventy  men  was  assigned  to  it.  That  on  Stony  Point, 
however,  was  still  in  an  imhoate  condition,  and  had  not  yet  received 
any  artillery.  The  American  army  was  at  this  time  on  tlie  west  side 
of  the  Hudson  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Highlands. 

Sir  Henry  Clinton  sailed  uj)  the  Hudson  on  the  30th  of  ^lay  with 
a  foi'Hiidald''  expedition.  The  tleet,  uiidei-  the  command  of  .\dniiral 
Sii'  (ieorge  C(dlier,  embiaced  ai»ont  seventy  vessels,  gi-eat  and  small, 
and  a  hundred  and  lifty  liatboats,  and  there  was  a  land  force  of  r),0()fl. 
'i'iie  troops  were  landed  in  t\\'o  divisions  on  the  )>1st.  The  iii-incii)al 
di\ision,  under  (Jeneral  Vaughan,  debarked  on  the  Westchester 
("ouiity  side,  seven  or  eiglit  miles  below  Ver]danck's  Point,  and  the 
otiiei',  led  I)\-  Sir  Henry  in  jum'sou,  on  the  ojjjtosite  side  of  liavei'straw 
Bay.  s(uue  three  miles  south  of  Stony  Point.  Nothing  was  done  for 
the  time  being  by  Vaughan,  e.vcept  to  get  in  jxisition  to  assail  Fort 
Lafayette.  But  Stony  Point  was  promptly  seized,  tiie  thirty  men 
(K-cupied  on  its  untiinshed  works  decamping  without  resistance. 
Huring  the  niglit  of  the  ."^Ist  the  British  di'agged  artillery  U])  its 
stee]>  sides,  with  which,  at  da\bi-eak.  Fort  Lafayette  was  cannonach'd; 
and  at  the  same  time  the  sliijis  in  the  I'ivcT-  (i]iened  tire  and  N'aughan 


l»r('l)aivd  to  ussault  the  works.  Against  svicli  overpowering  force  it 
Avas  useless  to  contend,  and  the  garrison  surrendered  on  conditions 
guaranteeing  the  safetj-  of  tlie  men  and  security  of  their  personal 
property.  It  is  an  intei'esting  reminiscence  that  ilajor  John  Andre, 
who  a  year  and  some  months  later  passed  that  locality  on  the  errand 
that  took  him  to  his  death,  signed  the  articles  of  capitulation  ou  be- 
half of  the  British. 

After  the  capture  of  the  two  promontories  Sir  Henry  Clinton  com- 
pleted the  works  on  Stony  Point,  fortified  them  in  a  powerful  man- 
ner (especially  with  reference  to  the  approach  from  the  land  side), 
and  amply  garrisoned  both  forts.  Wasliington  prudently  refrained 
from  any  offensive  demonstrations,  retiring  to  the  vicinity  of  West 
Point  and  bending  all  his  energies  toward  the  further  development 
of  the  defensive  situation  there.  He  ordered  all  the  heavy  cannon 
at  Boston  and  Providence  to  be  sent  to  him,  and  recalled  Heath  from 
Boston.  That  general  arrived  at  the  camp  at  New  Windsor  on  the 
21st  of  June. 

General  Sir  Heniy  Clinton,  seeing  that  he  had  no  Putnam  to  deal 
Avith  on  this  occasion,  showed  himself  suddenly  disinclined  to  engage 
in  neAV  exploits  in  the  Highlands.  He  withdrew  his  forces,  e.xcept 
those  necessary  to  retain  the  two  forts,  returned  to  New  York,  and 
sent  out  the  memorable  expedition  under  Tiwon  which  devastated 
Connecticut.  The  results  obtained  Avere  so  "salutary,"  as  rt'ported 
to  him,  that  he  determined  to  extend  them  by  an  attack  on  New 
London.  As  a  preparatory  measure  he  went  to  Throgg's  Neck,  in- 
tending to  forward  troops  thence  to  Ncav  London  on  transports.  But 
Avhile  Avaiting  there  the  great  achieAenn^it  of  Anthony  Wayne  at 
Stony  Point  compelled  him  once  more  to  change  his  arrangements.' 

The  storming  of  Stony  Point  on  the  night  of  tlie  l.lth  of  July  was 
AAholly  planned  by  Washington.  He  intrusted  the  execution  of  it 
to  Wayne,  who  accepted  the  commission  Avitli  the  greatest  alacrity, 
signifying  his  Avilliugness  to  storm  hell  itself  for  Ceneral  Washing- 

*  The    followinj;   (fiirnishod    to   tlie    editor   by  Host    intelligoiioo    of   any    eolleetion   of   vessels 

the  late  Dr.  Flai;^,  of  Yonkers,   who  possessed  or  boats  *ir  enibarlcatinn  of  troops  on  the  oppo- 

the  original)   is  a  copy  of  an  interesting  letter  site  shore.    The  enemy  are  now  manoeuvering  to 

written  by  AVashington  in  this  interval:  tlie  Eastward— it  may  be  to  divert  a  part  of  our 

HBADQijARiEiis  [New  Windsor],  .Tiily  force   that   way— then    to   malie  a   rapid   niove- 

12th.  1779.  ment  back— embark   and  push  up  to  the  forts. 

Du  Sir:  AVe    are    obliged    to    give   a    certain    degree    of 

In    mine  to   you   of  the  5th   I  requested  you  eoinitenance    and     protection     to    the    counlry 

to    attend   to     the     movements    of    the   enemy  wliich  will  occasion  a  detachment  of  onr  force, 

on   the    River   below,    and    for  this   purpose   to  and    tills  makes  it    the   more  essential   that  we 

engage    the    country   people   as    lookouts   along  shcnilil  be  upon  our  watch  this  way.     Your  ac- 

the  River— I  could  wish  yon  to  have  such  per-  tivity  and  care  I  rely  upon, 

sons   on    whose  fidelity   and   vigilance  you   can  I  am  Dr  Sir 

depend     stationed     at     different    points   as   far  Your  Obedt.  Servant, 

down  as  Fort  Lee,  that  we  may  have  the  ear-  Go:  AA'asuington. 

FROM  JANUAUY,  1779,  TO  SEPTEMBER,  1780         453 

tou.     We  borrow  the  folluwiug  (Icscriptioii  of  Stony  Point,  as  it  thon 
was,  from  Irving: 

It  was  a  rocky  promontory  advancing  far  into  the  Hudson,  wliieli  washed  three  sides  of  it. 
A  deep  morass,  covered  at  high  water,  separated  it  from  the  mainland,  hnt  at  h>w  tide  might 
be  traversed  by  a  narrow  causeway  and  bridge.  The  promontory  was  itrowmul  by  strong 
works  furnished  with  lieavy  ordnance,  commanding  the  morass  and  causeway,  l^ower  down 
were  two  rows  of  abatis,  and  tlie  shore  at  the  front  of  tlie  hill  covild  be  swept  by  vessels  of 
war  anchored  in  the  river.     The  garrison  was  about  600  strong. 

Wasliiuo;ton's  instructions  to  Wayne  were  to  make  the  assault 
about  iniclniglit,  because,  as  he  explained,  the  usual  time  selected  for 
sucli  enterjirises  Mas  just  before  dawn,  when  a  more  vii;ilant  officer 
would  i»rnbab]y  be  on  guard.  Wayne,  with  1,400  men,  came 
down  through  the  Highland  defiles  on  the  afternoon  of  the  15th, 
made  the  circuit  of  the  Duuderberg  (around  which  Sir  Henry  Clinton 
had  swept  when  going  to  attaclc  the  American  forts),  and  arrived 
within  a  mile  and  a  half  of  the  Point  by  eight  o'clock  in  the  evening. 
Hci'c  lie  halted  unlil  Iialf]iast  (deven,  when  he  sent  forward  a  negro 
nf  tlie  neiglibiirhdod,  accompanied  by  two  men  disguised  as  farmers. 
The  negro  had  the  entree  to  the  fort,  having  frequently  supplied  the 
s(ddi(n'S  with  fruit,  and  possessed  the  countersign.  By  this  means 
the  sentinels  \\ere  secured  and  gagged.  Before  being  discovered  the 
Americans  had  arrived  close  to  the  outer  works.  Then,  heedless  of 
shot  and  shell,  they  made  the  assaidt  in  two  columns,  Avhich  ar- 
rived in  the  center  of  the  works  almost  at  the  same  instant.  The 
garrison  surrendered  at  discretion.  The  heroic  Wayne,  leading  one 
of  lh(^  columns,  received  a  wound  on  the  head,  and,  thiidcing  he  was 
dying,  said:  "Carry  me  into  tlie  foi't  and  let  me  die  at  the  head  of 
my  column.''  In  bis  I'eport  to  Washington  he  used  these  noble  words: 
"  The  humanity  of  our  brave  sohliery,  who  scorned  to  take  tlie  lives 
of  a  vanquished  foe  when  calling  for  mercy,  reliects  the  highest  honor 
on  them  and  accounts  for  the  few  of  the  enemy  killed  on  the  oceasion.'' 
The  enemy's  killed  were  only  f!3.  It  will  be  recalled  that  in  tlie  storm- 
ing of  I'orts  Clinton  and  ^lontgomery  the  Americans  lost  250  out  of 
a  total  no  larger  than  that  of  the  British  at  Stony  Point;  and  indeed 
it  is  notorious  tliat  the  victors  upon  the  former  occasion  ruthlessly 
bayoneted  most  of  the  defenders  who  failed  to  escape. 

By  this  glorious  exploit  Wayne  was  exalted  to  the  highest  pinnacle 
of  fame,  and  to  the  present  day  the  splendor  of  it  has  not  faded 
away.  Probably  no  hero  of  a  single  military  coup  de  main  was  ever 
hailed  witii  greater  applause  than  was  showered  upon  Wayne.  Even 
the  malignant,  bacdcbiting  (Jeneral  Charles  Lee  wrote  to  him  from 
his  disgraceful  retirement  a  letter  of  glowing  enthusiasm — although 
at  tlie  trial  of  Wayne  had  been  one  of  the  chief  witness(>s  against 
liim.     On  the  other  hand,  whilst  the  recollection  of  this  prodigious 


(Iced  of  valor  was  still  fresh  in  iiii'ii's  iiiinds,  Major  .Viidic,  who 
was  to  be  the  uext  central  object  (tf  sentimental  attention,  found  it 
lltlinii  to  select  Wayne,  of  all  American  lic'in'i'sil^^  iis  the  hero  of  his 
lluilibrasian  poem,  "The  Cow  Chace."  Wayne  hapjx-ned  to  be  dis- 
tinguished for  uncouthness  of  yenei-al  demeanoi-  no  less  than  for 
liondike  daring  before  the  armed  foe  ami  \\()iiian-like  tenderness  be- 
fore the  van(]uishe(l.  Andre,  (lie  little  curled  and  pei-fumed  drawinji,- 
room  darlini>',  noted  this  uncoutlmess  of  the  man,  which  indeed  was 
the  subject  of  many  a  smart  jest  amonii  tlie  fashionable  ladies  of  New 
Yorl<,  and  discovei-ed  no  ar'tistic  inconviMiience  in  tittiuj^'  the  maj;nifi- 
cenl  con(|ueror  of  Stony  Point  to  Ins  farcical  verse.  There  prob- 
ably is  no  more  informini;  test  of  Andre's  ri^al  parts,  alxiut  whi(di  so 
mu(  h  amusing-  hysterical  nonsense  has  been  written,  than  this  little 

As  the  fi'uns  of  the  Stony  Point  fortress  bore  only  on  the  land  side 
and  northward  (there  beiujj,'  no  occasion  for  the  British  eni;ineers  to 
direct  them  athwart  the  river,  since  the  Americans  could  not  attack 
from  below),  it  was  impracticable  to  reduce  the  Westchester  Fort 
Lafayette  from  the  captured  ludght.  ^Moreover,  Washington  con- 
sidered it  unprofitable  to  rearrange  the  Stony  Point  armament,  or 
even  to  hold  the  place,  exposed  as  it  was  to  attack  by  land  and 
water.  It  was  estimated  that  a  garrison  of  1,500  would  be  recpiired 
for  it,  which  could  not  be  spared  from  the  army.  So  after  trans- 
jiorting  tlie  cannon  and  stores  to  West  Point,  the  works  were  de- 

The  loss  of  Stony  I'oinl  caused  Sir  Ilenrj"  Clinton  to  give  up  liis 
design  against  New  London,  and  that  place  was  spai'ed  until  Sep- 
tember of  1781,  when  the  traitor  Arnold  was  sent  against  it  and  the 
Fort  Griswold  garrison  was  massaci'ed.  Returning  from  Tln-ogg's 
Neck  to  the  Hudson  shore  of  Westchester  County,  Clinton  hastily 

'  Rolton  (rev.  ed.,  i.,  161)  quotes  from  an  en-  wliieli,    it   was  declared,    had   been    broii;^ht    up 

tertaininff    writer,    whose    historical    accuracy,  from    tlie    vessel.    The    story    was    believed,    a 

however,    does   not   very   distinctly   appear,    an  stock    company     was    formed     to    procure   the 

incident  of  later  years  bearing   upon  the  cap-  treasures  by  means  of  a  eoffer-dani  around  the 

ture  of  Stony  Point  which  is  too  enjoyable  not  sunken   vessel.     For  days,    weeks,    and   months 

to  be  inehided  in  our  pages.     "  Many  years  ago  the  engine  worked  on  the  coffer-dam.     One  New 

an  iron  cannon    was,    by   accident,    brought  up  York  merchant  put  .$20,000  into  the  enterprise, 

by  an  anchor  from  the  bottom  of  the  river  at  The    speculator    took    large    commissions    until 

that    point    (Caldwell's   Landing).    U    was   sug-  the    hopes  of   the   stockholders   failed   and    the 

gested   that    it   belonged   to   the   pirate   ship  of  wi>rk  ci'ased.     Nothing  may  be  seen  there  now 

Caiitain    Kidd.    A    speculator   caught    the   idea  (l.STIil    but    the    ruins   of   the    works   so    begun, 

and  boldly  proclaimed,  in  the  face  of  recorded  at    the    water's  edge.    At   that   point   a  bateau 

liistory  to   the   contrary,   that    Kidd's  ship   had  was  sunk  by  a  shot  from  the  "  Vulture  "  while 

been   sunken  at   that  point   with   untold   treas-  conveying  the  captured  Iron  cannon  from  Stony 

ures  on  board.    The  story  went  abroad  that  the  Point    to    West     Toint     after    the    victory    by 

deck     had     been     penetrated    t)y   a    very    large  Wayni'.    The  cannon  brought  u|i  by  the  anchor 

auger,  which  encountered  hard  substances,  and  was  doubtless  one  of  these." 
lis    thread    was     shown     with     silver   tittaehed. 

FROM    JANUAKY,    1779,    TO    SEPTEMBER,    1780  455 

streiif'theued  I'ort  Lafayette  and  again  drew  his  forces  up  the  rivi-r 
to  that  neii^liburliood.  Washiniiton  meantime  had  unihTtaken  a 
separate  project  for  the  redmtiuu  of  Fort  Lafayette.  lie  ordered 
Major-Genera]  Kobert  Howe,  with  two  brigades,  to  mareh  down  from 
tlie  Higlihinds,  by  way  of  Peekskill,  and  besiege  the  fort.  The  latter, 
in  exi'cutiug  this  command,  came  near  getting  into  serious  ditliculty; 
for  Clinton  by  that  titiie  (July  17)  had  reached  the  north  side  of 
the  ("rotou,  and  there  was  danger  that  be  would  throw  himself  be- 
tween Verplauek's  Point  and  Peekskill,  and  thus  cut  Ilowe  off.  But 
hai)pily  (Jeneral  Heath,  who  with  a  considerable  force  had  just  pre- 
viously gone  to  the  rescue  of  Connecticut,  returned  by  a  forced  march 
to  the  Hudson  and  posted  troops  so  as  to  jtrevent  Clinton's  advance 
at  every  point.  Howe  retired  from  ^'erplanck's  Point,  and  all  tlu' 
American  forces  fell  baclv  to  Peelcskill.  Clinton  retained  I'ort  Lafay- 
ette, and  also  resumed  possession  of  Stony  Point,  reconstructed  its 
works,  and  fortitied  it  with  a  more  powerful  armament  than  before. 
But  Washington  still  declined  to  bring  his  arm^'  down  from  its  High- 
land jiosition,  and  Clinton  Avas  too  prudent  to  undertake  anything 
formal  against  West  Point.  ConsiMiuently  there  Avas  no  further  em- 
ploj'inent  for  the  British  general  on  the  Hudson,  and  indeed  his 
occupation  of  Verplanck's  and  Stony  Points,  involving  two  succes- 
sive demonstrations  with  a  loss  of  (!00  men,  proved  to  be  an  utter 
waste  of  time  and  energy.  In  the  fall  (October  21)  he  evacuated  both 
the  Points;  for  having,  as  it  proved,  permanently  abandoned  all 
hope  of  gaining  the  mastery  of  the  Hudson  by  force,  he  deemed  it' 
an  unprofitable  expenditure  of  his  resources  to  retain  these  isolated 
and  exposed  posts.  During  the  rest  of  the  war  the  British  were 
strictly  contined  to  the  portion  of  the  river  below  Verplanck's  Point. 
In  spit<'  of  the  ignominious  failure  of  this  tinal  endeavor  of  the 
enemy  to  ojicii  tlie  Hudson,  the  attempt  was  more  serious  than  ap- 
pears from  a  sii])('rticial  view  of  it.  It  seems  to  have  been  Clinton's 
princii)a]  jdaii  for  the  campaign  of  177!>  to  force  Washington  down 
from  the  Highlands  by  a  series  of  aggressions,  of  which  the  seizure 
of  the  King's  I'crry  route  was  the  most  important.  -\s  the  capture 
of  the  two  Points  did  not  bring  about  the  desired  result,  hf  withdrew 
temjiorarily  and  carried  tire  and  sword  into  Connecticut,  expecting 
by  this  process  to  entice  ^^'asllington  from  his  chosen  station.  The 
latter  sent  General  Heath,  with  two  brigades,  to  Connecticut;  where- 
upon Clinton  iire])ared  to  follow  up  the  former  raids  with  a  heavier 
blow,  wliicli  was  lucvciited  by  tlie  counter-stroke  at  Stony  Point. 
After  that  it  looked  for  a  time  as  thouuli  the  northern  ])art  of  Wesl- 
chesier  ('ounly  was  to  be  the  scen(»  id'  large  military  o])eiations. 
Wasliington  detached  K(d)ert  Howe  to  take  Fort  I.(;ifayette  on   Ver- 


planck's  Point;  Clinton,  besides  re-enforcing  that  place,  threatened 
the  siuToimding  country;  and  then  Washington  recalled  Heath  from 
Connecticut  hy  forced  marches.  But,  as  we  have  seen,  the  American 
tactics  were  to  avoid  any  general  engagement  and  compel  the  enemy 
to  come  uj)  into  the  Highlands  if  he  reallj^  desired  a  regular  trial  of 
strengtli.  As  this  w;is  disagreeable  to  Clinton,  his  whole  plan  of 
campaign  for  1779  went  awry. 

The  British  occupation  of  the  fort  on  X'erplanck's  Point  lasted 
from  the  1st  of  June  until  the  21st  of  October,  a  period  of  nearly 
hve  months.  Clinton's  return  in  force  to  the  northwestern  section 
of  Westchester  County  after  Wayne's  recapture  of  Stony  Point  was 
made  by  Avay  of  the  "  New  Bridge  "  at  the  mouth  of  the  Croton  River; 
and  it  Avas  by  the  same  route  that  Clinton  fell  back  to  Kingsbridge 
after  being  foiled  by  Heath.  By  the  20th  of  July  Clinton  had  re- 
tired as  far  down  as  Dobbs  Ferry.  The  British  garrisons  left  at  Ver- 
planck's  and  Stony  Points  had  a  total  of  about  1,500.  From  the  20th 
of  July  to  the  21st  of  Octobei',  when  the  posts  were  evacuated,  these 
garrisons  were  wholly  inactive.  Heath,  in  his  5Ienu)irs,  reports 
almost  daily  desertions  from  them  to  the  American  army.  On  the 
14th  of  October,  he  says,  fourteen  British  seamen  were  taken  prison- 
ers at  Teller's  (Croton)  Point  by  Captain  Ha-Uet's  company  of  New 
York  militia. 

From  the  time  of  tlie  landing  of  Ihe  British  expedition  below  Ver- 
]>lauck's  Point  on  the  31st  of  May  until  the  ultimate  withdrawal  of 
Clinton  to  New  York  City  in  the  latter  part  of  July,  our  county  suf- 
fered much  from  ravages.  The  ijrincipal  event  of  this  period  was 
the  burning  of  Bedford  by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Bauastre  Tarleton. 
who  had  participated  in  the  massacre  of  the  Stockbridge  Indians 
in  177l~!.  Tins  Avas  the  same  Tarleton  who  became  famous  by  his 
sanguinary  doings  in  the  South  in  17S0  and  17S1. 

A  body  of  about  ninety  American  cavalry,  under  Colonel  Elisha 
Sheldon,  was  quartered  at  Poundridge  in  and  around  the  house  of 
Major  Ebenezer  Lockwood,  one  of  the  most  noted  patriots  of  West- 
chester County,'  and  in  the  same  locality  was  a  militia  force  of  120 
men,  commanded  by  Jlajor  Leavenworth.  Tarleton,  then  encamped 
at  the  Mile  Square  near  Yonkers,  was  ordered  to  make  a  sudden 
night  march  to  Poundridge  for  the  double  purpose  of  surprising  and 

^  EbciU'Zcr      LooUt\'ooc1      was      thr      foremost  inon  Plo.TS  of  Wostebostor  County.     He  took  .1 

Poundridge   citizen   of   liis   times.    He  was   for  eonspicuous  part   in    tlie  locating  and   building 

many  years  a   mcml)er  of  tlie  board  of  super-  of  the  new  county  court  house.     He  was  coui- 

visors,   represented   the  county    in   tile   second,  missioned  major  of  Colonel  Thomas  Thomas's 

third,  and  fourth  provincial  congresses,  in  the  lu-giment    of    Westchester    County    militia    in 

State  convention  of  1776-77,   and   in   the  assem-  1775,  and  at  various  times  performed  service  in 

bly  during  and  subsequently  to  the  Ilevolutlon,  the  Iiel<l. 
and  in  17!tl   was  av>pointed  llrsi  judge  of  Com- 

KKO.M    .lAXlAUY,    1770,    TO    SEPTEMBER,    1780  457 

ciipturiii.u  these  Aiueriraus  and  seciiriiii;  (he  jieisdii  (if  ilajin-  l.ock- 
wooil,  nil  whose  liead  a  ]>rice  of  forty  guineas  had  bceu  set.  An 
Ainericaii  s]iy  iiaiued  Luther  Kiunicutt  gave  notice  to  Slieldon  of 
tile  intended  altarl<,  but  williout  lieing  able  to  say  on  Avliat  day  it 
wouhl  oocuv.  'I'liis  timely  information  enabled  Lockwood  to  escape. 
Tarleton  chose  a  very  rainy  night,  and  in  c(>nse(iuence  the  Americans 
■were  not  well  on  their  guard.  He  moved  from  the  .Mile  S(iiiare  about 
half-past  eleven  on  the  night  of  July  1,  with  a  mixed  force  of  horse 
and  foot  carefully  picked  from  four  dilt'ereiit  regiments.  In  his  offi- 
cial report  he  stated  that  his  numbers  Avere  about  200,  but  accord- 
ing to  American  estimates  they  were  some  300.  (Joing  by  Avay  of 
Redforil,  he  arrived  at  Poundridge  early  on  the  morning  of  the  2d. 
After  driving  back  a  small  detachment  under  Major  Benjamin  Tall- 
niadge,  he  put  the  whole  of  Sheldon's  body  to  rout,  capturing  the 
regimental  colors.  The  Amei'ican  losses  were  estimated  at  from 
eighteen  to  twenty-five  in  killed,  wounded,  and  prisoners.^  Tarleton 
pursued  the  fugitives,  and  after  his  return  biirned  Lockwood's  house, 
maltreated  his  w\f(',  and  bui'ued  the  Poundridge  meeting-house.  The 
small  body  of  militia  under  Leavenworth  now  began  to  harass  Tarle- 
ton's  troopers,  and  upon  the  retirement  of  the  latter  through  Bedford 
they  were  much  annoyed  by  the  Aim^'ican  rifiemen,  who  fired  at 
them  from  hcuises.  To  this  "inveteracy"  of  the  militia,  as  he  calls 
it,  Tarleton  says  his  burning  of  Bedford  was  owing.  "  I  proposed 
to  the  militia  terms,"  he  sjiys,  "  that  if  they  would  not  fire  shots 
from  buildings  I  would  not  burn.  Thej'  interpreted  my  mild  pro- 
])osal  wrong,  imputing  it  to  fear.  They  persisted  in  firing  till  the 
t(U"ch  stopped  their  progress,  after  which  not  a  shot  was  fired."  But 
according  to  accounts  left  by  residents  of  Bedford  the  burning  of 
the  place  was  a  quite  wanton  deed.  The  Presbyterian  Church  was 
destroyed,  and  indeed  the  tradition  is  that  only  one  house  was  left 
standing.  Thus  the  ancient  settlement  of  Bedford  was  practically 
swept  nut  of  existence.  Barrett,  in  his  Ilistory  of  North  Castle,  says 
that  many  luiuses  in  that  locality  were  burned  by  Tarleton  on  his 
way  down  from  Bedford.  Certainly  there  was  no  inveteracy  of 
militia  at  North  Castle. 

It  is  curious  that  the  responsibility  for  Tarleton's  deed  was  by 
many  of  the  B(Mlford  people  charged  to  Colonel  James  Holmes,  their 

'  Rnlt(tn  frov.  t'd..  ii..  11.^1  relates  the  follow-  whieli  hit  liis  cap  and   perforated  the  scalp  on 

ins  ainnsin;:    incident;    "  Jidin    Bni-khout,    who  tin?    side    of   ids    head    without    further   Injury, 

liappeneil   to  he  in   llie  rear  of  Sheldon's   regi-  '  There.'  says  the  drapoon.  '  yon  damned  rehel. 

luent   during  the  retreat,   and   closely  pursued,  a   little    more    and   I    should    have   hlown    your 

was  accosted  in  the  imperative  tone  of  a  Brit-  brains    out.'     *  Yes.    damn    yon,'    replied    John, 

\-^U   dragoon:     'Surrender,   you   damn   rebel,   or  'and  a  little  more  you  wouldn't  have  touched 

I'll  lilow  your  brains  out!  '    John,  not  heeding  nie.'    John     continued    his   speed,    and    escaped 

the   threat,     was    saluted     with    a   pistol    shot,  witlic)\il    furthiT  injury." 


recreant  townsman.  Holmes  Avas  descended  from  one  of  the  orijiinal 
T?edford  proprietors,  and  the  family  had  ahvavs  been  a  promi- 
nent one  in  the  town.  He  served  in  the  French  and  Indian  War,  and, 
as  related  in  a  previous  chapter,  was  an  active  patriot  partisan  at 
the  bef^inninp;  of  hostilities  between  America  and  Great  Britain, 
beinfj'  a  member  of  the  Xew  York  ])rovincial  convention,  one  of  the 
commiTtee  which  made  the  first  inspection  of  the  heights  at  Kings- 
bridge  A\  itli  a  view  to  their  fortitication,  and  colonel  of  one  t)f  the 
first  four  regiments  raised  in  the  Province  of  New  York.  But  on 
account  of  private  grievances  he  resigned  his  commission  in  1777 
and  retired  to  his  farm  at  Bedford.  Here  he  soon  became  known  as 
one  of  the  disaffected,  and  in  177S,  at  the  instance  of  some  of  his 
neighbors,  he  was  arrested  by  the  committee  of  safety.  Esca]iing 
from  custody,  he  joined  the  British  in  New  Y'ork.  His  name  thus 
became  an  odious  one  in  Bedf(U"d,  but  his  connection  with  the  burn- 
ing of  the  village  by  local  report  was  tinjust  to  him.  He  certainly 
was  not  with  Tarleton's  party.  Soon  after  this  event  he  was  seized 
while  on  a  visit  to  Bedford  occasioned  by  the  death  of  his  brother, 
was  thrown  into  prison,  escaped,  was  again  taken,  and  again  es- 
ca]ied.  Then,  his  estate  having  been  confiscated,  he  accepted  the 
ap]ioiutmeut  of  lieutenant-colonel  of  the  Westchester  County  l\efu- 
gees  in  the  British  service.  This  was  in  the  summer  of  1781.  It  is 
but  just  to  say  that  Colonel  dames  Holmes  was  a  type  of  the  un- 
fortunate rather  than  the  bloody-minded  Westchester  County  Tories 
who  ultimately  took  up  arms  against  their  country. 

Just  previously  to  his  raid  on  Poundridge  and  Bedford,  Tarleton, 
in  conjunction  with  Simcoe's  Bangers,  siu-cessfully  attacked  an 
American  militia  force  at  Ci'ompond,  in  the  present  Town  of  York- 
town.  This  was  on  the  24th  of  June.  About  thirty  of  the  Americans 
were  killed  or  taken  prisoners,  the  cai>tiv<'S  being  conveyed  to  New 
York  and  incarcerated  in  the  notorious  kSugar  House.  This  was  the 
second  raid  on  Cronipond  Avithin  a  month.  A  former  British  party 
came  there  from  Verplanck's  Point  under  Colonel  Abercrombie, 
guided  by  Caleb  Morgan,  a  Tory  of  Yorktown,  and  burned  a  store- 
house and  the  parsonage.  In  fact,  the  country  above  the  Croton 
Biver,  which  u])  to  this  time  had  been  com])aratively  secure  against 
British  incursions,  was  now  pretty  generally  visited  by  hostile  troops, 
and  the  numerous  Tories  of  Cortlandt  Manor  were  in  high  feather 

To  the  same  general  period  belongs  an  attack  made  by  Colonel 
Emmerick's  men  on  a  continental  guard  at  Tarrytown,  which,  though 
a  small  affair — in  fact  only  one  of  a  vast  number  of  nnnor  occur- 
rences unrelated  to  the  main  current  of  events. — is  memorable  for 

Fi:OM     .lAXfAKY,     ITTil,     TO     SKPTKMUKU,    17S0 


the  iiicidciil  of  the  inliuiium  killiii;;  of  ^^ergeant  Isaac  Martlingh. 
Martliiigli  was  a  oue-ariiicd  man.  \Vitli  Eiiinifriclc's  troop  from  be- 
low t-aiiu^  a  certain  Xatlianlcl  Undcrhill,  of  tlic  vicinity  of  Vonlccrs, 
a  Tory,  avIio,  it  is  said,  iiarbored  bitter  animosity  a<j,ainst  Martlingh 
bccanst'  on  one  occasion  the  latter  had  caused  liis  arrest.  Martliniih 
had  been  to  a  nearby  s])i'in<>-  for  a  i)ail  of  Avater,  and  was  just  about 
to  re-enter  liis  house  when  Underhill  approached  him  from  behind 
and  smote  him  dead.  The  act  was  considered  so  heinous  that  it  was 
commemorated  on  the  dead  man's  tombstone,  which,  with  its  grim 
record,  is  still  standing.  The  inscrii)tion  is  as  follo\\'s:  "  In  ilemory 
of  Mr.  Isaac  Martlings,  who  was  Inhuminely  slan  by  Nathaniel  Undei"- 
hill  .May  2(!  A  D  177!»  in  the  39th  Year  [of  his  agv]."  On  the  same 
occasion,  according  to  a  local  Tarrytown  authority,  a  woman  named 
Polly  or  Katriua  Buekhout  was  "killed  by  a  yager  rifleman"  be- 
longing to  the  Enimerick  party.  "  She  imprudently  apjteared  at  the 
door  of  her  house  with  a  man's  liat  on,  when  two  hostile  parties 
were  near  each  other,  and  was  killed  by  mistake  for  an  enemy.  The 
yager  fired  without  orders,  and  Enimerick  made  an  apology,  being 
much  mortified  at  the  occui-rence." 

Another  incident  of  tiie  svimmer  of  1779  which  deserves  passing- 
mention  was  a  notable  running  figlit  betwt'en  Captain  Uopkins,  of 
the  Aiiierican  Light  Horse,  and  Emmerick,  with  a  much  larger  body 
of  British  cavalry  (about  500  strong).  This  happened  on  the  borders 
of  the  Town  of  Greenburgh.  Hoi»kins  was  lying  in  ambuscade  in 
the  vicinity  of  Youngs's  House,  hoping  to  suiprise  a  party  of  the 
enemy  under  Colonel  Bearniore,  when  Emmerick  came  up.  A 
spirited  encounter  followed,  in  which  numbers  were  killed  and 
wounded  on  both  sides.  According  to  Bolton,  the  British  killed  were 
twenty-three.  Hopkins  conducted  himself  with  great  credit  in  this 
engagement,  retiring  successfully  at  tlu'  end.' 

Although  most  of  the  fighting  in  our  county  during  the  sumnu'r 
and  lall  of  rhis  year  occurred  in  the  northern  and  central  sections, 
as  the  result  of  British  aggressions,  the  Americans  attemjited  oc- 
casional counler-st r(dces  in  the  territory  of  the  present  l>orough  of 
the  Bron.K,  two  of  which  are  described  by  Heath.     On  the  .")lh  of 

'  Tlip  Interested  render  may  find  detailed  par- 
tleulars  of  tlil.i  tiRlit.  as  of  numerous  other 
Kevolutiouary  episodes  for  the  Towns  of  Oreen- 
hiirjth  and  Mount  Pleasant,  in  the  "  Souvenir 
of  the  Uevolutionary  Soldiers'  Monument  Dedi- 
cation at  Tarrytown,  OetohiM-  1!).  ]8!»4  "  (com- 
piliMl  by  M.  I).  Itayniond.  editor  of  the  Tarry- 
town \niiiii.  This  little  book,  although  mod- 
estly i-lal I  liy   the  compiler  to  lie  chiefly  of 

*•  a    personal    character."    Is    invaluable    to  the 
student   of  the   Itivoiutionary  anuals  of   West- 

chester County.  In  the  couipllation  of  the 
present    History,    both    the    author    and    editor 

have  found  freijuent  -asion  to  appreciate  the 

general  thorou;;bness.  accura<'y.  and  inlelll- 
genee  of  Mr.  Kaynionil's  local  historical  writ- 
ings as  published  In  his  newspaper  and  otlier- 
wise;  and  tiiey  take  satisfaction  in  aclcnowl- 
edging  their  Indebtedness  to  his  published  ar- 
ticles for  not  a  few  of  the  facts  contained  In 
lliesc  pages. 


Aii<iiist  "about  one  liuiidrcd  liorse,  of  Sheldon's,  Moylan's,  and  of 
the  militia,  and  about  forty  infantry  of  Glover's  brigade,  passed  by 
de  Lancey's  Mills  to  the  ncijiliborliood  of  ^lorrisania,  where  tliey 
took  twelve  or  fourteen  prisoners,  some  stock,  etc.  The  enemy  col- 
lected and  a  skirmisli  ensued,  in  which  the  enemy  had  a  number  of 
men  killed  and  wounded;  our  loss,  two  killed  and  two  wounded." 
And  on  the  3d  of  October  "  Lieutenant  (Hll,  of  the  dragoons,  patrol- 
ing  in  Eastchester,  found  a  superior  force  in  his  rear,  and  no  alterna- 
tive but  to  surrender  or  cut  his  Avay  through  them.  He  chose  the 
latter  and  forced  his  waj',  when  he  found  a  body  of  infantry  still 
behind  the  horse.  These  he  also  charged,  and  on  his  i)assing  them 
his  horse  was  wounded  and  threw  him,  when  he  fell  into  the  enemy's 
hands.  Two  of  the  lieutenant's  party,  wl)ich  consisted  of  twenty- 
four,  were  killed,  and  one  taken  i>risouer;  the  rest  esca^ied  safe  to 
their  regiments." 

General  Heath  resumed  his  old  headquarters  at  Peekskill  on  the 
24th  of  October,  three  da\s  after  the  final  evacuation  by  the  British 
of  the  forts  at  ^'erplauck's  and  Stony  Points.  Here,  on  the  28th  of 
November,  he  received  from  Washington  the  appointment  of  com- 
mander of  all  the  posts  and  troops  on  the  Hudson  lUver. 

About  the  same  time  that  Sir  Henry  Clinton  definitively  aban- 
doned his  schemes  on  the  Hudson  he  also  withdrew  the  large  com- 
mand which,  since  the  winter  of  1776,  had  been  in  occupation  of 
Khode  Island.  One  of  his  reasons  for  this  move,  as  well  as  for  his 
withdrawal  of  the  garrisons  from  Verplanck's  and  Stony  Points,  was 
his  apprehension  that  the  French  fleet  of  d'Estaing,  which  had  sailed 
from  the  West  Indies,  would  now  unite  with  \^'ashington  in  a  siege 
of  New  York.  But  d'Estaing  stopped  at  Savannah  to  assist  General 
Lincoln  in  his  effort  to  recover  that  place,  and  afterward,  the  joint 
operation  having  failed  disastrously,  returned  to  France.  Clinton 
next  carried  his  arms  southward  and  besieged  and  took  Charleston. 
He  was  occupied  in  the  South  from  the  beginning  of  1780  until  June. 

The  Avinter  of  1779-80  was  the  severest  ever  known  in  this  part 
of  the  country.  Not  only  the  whole  North  Kiver,  but  much  of  New 
York  Bay,  was  frozen  solid,^  and  if  the  army  under  Washington 
had  been  in  any  condition  to  assume  the  aggressive  New  York,  with 
its  relatively  small  garrison,  must  probably  have  succumbed.  But 
never  was  Washington's  army  in  a  more  deplorable  plight  than  dur- 
ing that  terrible  winter.     It  was  encamped  in  two  divisions,  one 

'  tieueral  Heath  relates  In  his  Memoirs,  un-  and  the  Seventh  British  regiment,  came  over 
del-  date  of  February  7,  17S0,  that  "  A.  body  from  Long  Island  to  Westchester  on  the  lee." 
of    the   enemy's    horse,    said    to    be   about   300, 

FROM     JANUARY,     1779,     TO     SEPTEMBER,    1780  461 

luidcr  Ileath  at  Peekskill  and  in  (he  Iliglilauds,  the  other  and  prin- 
cipal part  under  Washinjitou  at  Morristown. 

The  principal  event  of  the  winter  in  Westcliester  rounty  was  Ihe 
so-called  "  Affair  at  Yoxinjis's  House,"  a  considerable  and  very  disas- 
trous engagement,  in  whicli  some  250  men  were  concerned  on  the 
American  side  and  more  than  twice  that  number  on  th(>  enemy's. 
This  house,  owned  by  Joseph  Youngs,  was  situated  about  four  miles 
east  of  Tarrytown  and  about  the  same  distance  northwest  of  White 
Plains,  at  the  iutei'section  of  an  east  and  west  road  from  Tarrytown 
and  a  north  and  south  road  from  Unionville;  and  the  locality  was 
hence  called  "  Tlie  Four  Corners."  As  a  result  of  the  conflict  there 
the  dwelling  was  burned,  and  during  the  remainder  of  the  war  the 
place  was  known  as  ''  The  Burnt  House."  After  the  I\evolutiou  the 
Youngs  farm  was  purchased  by  Isaac  Van  Wart,  one  of  the  cap- 
tors of  Andre,  who  built  upon  it  the  historic  "Van  Wart  House," 
which  subsequently,  with  the  whole  property,  was  owned  for  many 
years  by  his  son,  the  Kev.  Alexander  Van  Wart.  The  house  Avas  in 
the  present  Town  of  ilount  Pleasant,  just  beyond  the  Greenburgh 

"  Youngs's  House,"  being  at  an  im]>ortant  cross-roads  and  on 
elevated  ground,  and  having  a  number  of  outbuildings  attached  to  it, 
which,  with  The  dwelling,  afforded  accommodation  for  many  men, 
Avas  a  principal  station  for  the  American  troops  quartered  "  on  the 
lines " — the  lines  at  that  time  being  maintained  as  far  south  as 
Dobbs  Ferry.  Lieutenant-Colonel  Thomson,  at  the  period  of  which 
we  write,  was  in  chief  command  on  the  lines,  subordinate,  of  course, 
to  Ceneral  Heath  at  Peekskill.  His  orders  were  "  to  move  between 
Croton  River  and  the  White  Plains,  Hudson's  River  and  Bedford; 
never  to  remain  long  at  any  one  place,  that  the  enemy  might  not  be 
able  to  learn  their  manner  of  doing  duty  or  form  a  plan  for  striking 
them  in  any  particular  situation."  During  this  winter,  with  2~>Q  men, 
he  took  a  position  at  the  Youngs  House,  and,  contrary  to  instruc- 
tions, stopped  there  so  long  that  the  enemy  conceived  and  executed 
the  precise  project  that  General  Heath  apprehended.  On  the  night 
of  February  2,  17S0,  "  a  force  of  between  four  and  Ave  hundred  in- 
fantry and  one  hundred  horsemen,  composed  of  British,  Germans, 
and  Colonel  de  Lancey's  Tories,  set  out  from  Fort  Knyphausen  (for- 
merly Fort  WashingtonI,  south  of  S])uyten  Duyvil,"  to  attack  him, 
the  whole  expedition  being  ceinnKUided  by  Colonel  Nelson,  of  the 
Guards.  'IMie  \\'eathei"  was  intensely  cold,  and  deep  snow  covered 
the  gronnd.  The  attacking  jiarfy  arrived  about  nine  o'clock  on  the 
morning  of  I'ebniai'y  .">.  Tlinmson's  men  offered  a  l)ra\'e  resistance, 
but    were    o\erpowere(l    liy    lllllllliers.      The    Anieiiciui    loss    in    killed 


and  wduiidrd  was  bt-twin-u  thirty  and  forty,  about  half  the  tutal 
nnuiber  being  killed  on  the  spot  or  dying  of  their  wounds.  The  enemy 
acknowledged  losses  of  five  killed  and  eighteen  wounded.  Lieutenant- 
(\)lonel  Thomson  and  six  other  otticers,  with  eighty-nine  privates, 
were  taken  prisoners.  The  killed  of  both  sides  were  buried  together. 
"  1  Lave  ploughed  many  a  furrow  over  their  graves,"  said  the  Kev. 
Alexander  Van  Wart. 

In  consequence  of  this  unfortunate  affair,  all  attempt  by  the 
Americans  to  hold  the  country  south  of  the  Croton  IJiver  was  aban- 
doned, and  from  that  time  until  the  restoration  of  peace  our  lines 
did  not  extend  below  l*ine's  Uridge  and  Bedford.  In  .Se])tember, 
UNO  (eiglit  months  after  the  Youngs  House  disaster),  when  Major 
.\u(lr('  was  taken  at  Tarrytown,  his  captcu'S  had  to  travel  a  distance 
(d'  more  than  ten  miles  to  the  nearest  American  jxist. 

Our  Westchester  County  novelist,  James  Fenimore  Cooper,  in 
"  The  Spy,"  locates  at  tlie  "  Four  Corners  "  the  famous  hotel  of  Betty 
Flanagan,  a  "  house  of  entertainment  for  man  and  beast,"  before 
which  hung-  the  sign,  "  Elizabeth  Flanagan,  her  hotel,"  written  in 
red  chalk.  To  Betty  Flanagan  Cooper  accredits  the  immortal  honor 
of  the  invention  of  "that  beverage  which  is  so  well  known  at  the 
present  hour  to  all  the  patriots  aaIio  make  a  winter's  march  between 
(lie  commercial  and  political  cai)itals  of  this  groat  State,  and  which 
is  distinguished  by  the  name  of  '  cocdctail."  " 

About  two  weeks  before  the  melancholy  occurrence  at  Youngs's 
House  a  party  of  Americans  descended  to  IMorrisania  and  at  dead 
of  night  attacked  the  quarters  of  the  British  Colonel  Hatfield. 
This  party,  says  Heatli,  was  made  up  of  troops  from  Ilorseneck  and 
Cireenwich,  Conn.,  about  eighty  in  nunil)er,  commanded  by  Ca])tains 
Keeler  aTid  Lockwood.  Several  British  were  killed,  the  ([uarters 
were  burned,  and  Hatfield,  three  other  officers,  and  eleven  men  were 
taken  ju'isouers.  Another  raid  on  ^forrisania,  on  a  larger  scale  and 
much  more  effective,  was  made  in  May.  It  was  led  by  Cajttain  Cush- 
ing,  of  the  Massachusetts  liu(%  with  one  hundred  infantry.  More 
than  forty  of  de  Lancey's  troojiei-s  were  killed  or  made  jirisoners. 
The  object  of  the  expediti(Ui  was  to  caiiture  de  Lancey  himself,  but 
he  was  absent.  On  this  occasion  Abi'ahani  nyckman,  the  guide,  dis- 
tinguished himself  by  ca]ituring  Ca]itaiu  Ogden  in  Emuiei'ick's 
quarters  at  the  Farmers'  Bridge,  although  a  British  sentry  was 
within  musket  shot  at  the  time.^ 

At  the  beginning  of  ^fay,  ITSO,  says  Bancroft,  the  total  continental 
troojis  between  the  ChesajH'ake  and  Canacbi  did  not  exceed  7,000, 
and   in   the  first  week  of  June  those  with  Washington  and   fit   for 

'  See  BoUon,  rev.  od.,  li.,  525. 

FROM     JANUARY,     1779,     TO     SEPTEiMBEK,    1780  463 

duty  Avcrc  only  ;>,7(i(),  who,  moit'OviT,  were  iiupiiid  and  almost  untVd. 
Kuyphausen  now  invaded  New  Jersey  with  a  large  force,  but  soon 
afterward  ^^ir  Ifcniy  Clinton,  retnrninii'  from  the  South,  ])ut  an  end 
to  that  enterprise,  which  he  regarded  with  dissatisfaction.  Onci- 
more  Washington  was  reduced  to  conjecture  as  to  the  purposes  of 
the  enemy,  and  once  more  he  moved  U]>  toward  the  Highlands. 

On  the  10th  of  July  a  new  Frencdi  exi)edition  arrive<l  on  our  shores, 
tliis  time  at  Newport.  The  fleet  Avas  commanded  by  Admiral  de 
Ternay.  and  the  land  force  (5,000)  by  the  Count  de  Kochambeau,  the 
instructions  of  the  latter  being  to  act  subject  to  the  orders  of  Wash- 
ington as  commander-in-chief.  Three  days  later  Clinton,  at  New 
York,  was  re-enforced  by  the  fleet  of  Admiral  Graves,  whic  h  gave  him 
a  naval  superiority.  lie  now  decided  to  attack  the  French  at  New- 
])ort,  and  as  a  preparatory  measure  (says  Irving)  marched  fi,000  men 
to  Throgg's  Neck  in  our  county,  intending  to  disjiatcli  them  from 
there  on  transports,  ^^'ashing■ton,  taking  advantage  of  this  great 
Aveakening  of  the  British  force  in  New  York,  and  feeling  that  the 
French  wi-re  able  to  hold  their  own,  immediately  made  ready  to 
proceed  against  Kingsbridge.  By  the  end  of  July  he  had  moved  all 
Ills  forces  across  King's  Ferry  into  Westchester  County,  and,  making 
his  headquarters  in  the  Birdsall  house  at  Peekskill,  was  energetically 
comitleting  his  plans.  At  this  Sir  Henry,  still  at  Throgg's  Neck,  re- 
considered his  New])ort  project  and  returned  to  iranhattan  Island. 
It  was  suppo.sed  at  the  time  that  his  erratic  action  was  occasioned 
]iai-tly  by  the  delay  in  the  arrival  of  his  transports.  ])artly  by  Wash- 
ington's sudden  move,  and  jiartly  by  infornuition  which  he  had  re- 
ceived of  the  strengthening  of  the  French  troops  by  large  bodies  of 
militia.  But  the  princi])al  cause  was  undoubtedly  the  change  in  the 
command  at  West  Point,  made  just  at  his  time,  wlii(di  seemed  to  as- 
sure him  of  the  ear\y  realization  by  treachery  of  his  long-cherished 
dream  of  getting  cf)nti'ol  of  the  Hudson. 



NTIL  1778  West  I'oiiil  was  a  solitude,  thickly  covered  with 
trees  and  nearly  inaccessible.  During  1778-79  it  was  cov- 
ered by  fortresses,  v>ith  numerous  redoubts,  and  so  con- 
u(M-ted  as  to  form  a  system  of  defense  which  was  believed 
1()  be  imiiregnable.  Here  were  the  stores,  provisions,  and  magazines 
and  ammunition  for  the  use  of  the  entire  American  army.  It  was 
tlie  key  of  the  military  position  and  stronghold  of  the  Americans. 

The  British  saw  that  the  possession  of  the  valley  of  the  Hudson 
on  their  part  would  divide  and  weaken  the  power  of  those  who  were 
striving  for  liberty,  that  it  would  obstruct  intercourse  between  the 
American  forces  in  Xew  England  and  those  in  New  Jersey  and  to 
the  northward,  tliat  it  would  open  comuiunication  between  tlie  I'rit- 
ish  forces  in  New  York  and  Canada,  and  that  tlie  capture  of  the 
stoi-es  and  aminunilion  collected  there  would  so  criitijlc  the  Aiiicri- 
caiis  tliat  they  would  be  obliged  to  give  up  the  contest. 

In  1780  a  change  was  needed  in  the  command  at  West  Point.  <ieu- 
era!  Robert  Howe,  then  in  comiiuind,  was  thouglit  to  be  inetticient. 
Having  knowledge  of  this  fad,  (Jeueral  Benedict  Arnold  (who  ha<l 
for  si'Veral  months  been  in  traitorous  correspondence  witli  Sir  Henry 
Clinton,  the  commander-in-chief  of  the  British  forces  in  America)  re 
solved  to  s(dicit  the  apixiintment  to  the  command  to  this  post  in 
order  that  he  might  make  it  the  subject  of  barter  for  British  gold. 
I'roiii  the  time  when  officers  Avho  stood  below  him  were  ])rouiote(l 
over  him,  discontent  had  rankled  in  his  breast  and  found  exj>ression 
in  vague  threats  of  revenge,  and  it  is  probable  that  his  base  crime 
was  primarily  due  to  this  caiise. 

On  the  last  day  of  July,  Arnold,  who  had  been  on  a  visit  to  Connec- 
ticut and  was  now  returning  to  ]'lula(lel})hia,  met  (leiieral  Wasli- 
ington  on  horseback  at  Yerplanck's  Point  just  as  the  last  division  of 
the  American  army  was  crossing  the  Hudson  from  the  Avest  side 
preparatory  to  the  contemplated  attack  on  New  York  City,  and  asked 

1  The  consecutive  narrative  of    Arnolrt's  tre.i-  wliolc  matter— we  append  inridc'ntal  detail!^  and 

son  and  Andre's  capture  wliicli  liere  follows  is  eoninients  of    our  own  writing,  mainly  of  local 

by  Franldin  Coueli,  Esq.,  of  reeksldll.    To  Mr.  Westel'cster  County  interest. 
Coucli's    narrative— a    concise    account    of    tlie 

THE    CjVPTURE    of    ,\XDUE 


liiiii  ir  aiiv  place  liad  hccii  assiiiiicd  tn  him.  The  (•(iiiiiiiaiKlfr-iii-chicf, 
wild  was  a  wanii  admirer  of  Arnold  for  his  skill  and  bravery  in  the 
northern  canipaiiins,  re])lied  that  he  was  to  take  eoniniaud  of  the 
left  winy  of  the  army.  This  was  the  post  of  honor,  bnt  still  Arnohl 
did  not  seem  satisfied,  ami  Washington,  perceiving  it,  promised  to 
meet  him  at  his  heachjiiarters  at  th<»  Birdsall  house,  Peekskill,  and 
converse  fnrther  on  the  subject.  Fiudini;  Arnold\s  heart  set  on  West 
Point,  and  having  no  suspicion  of  wrong,  and  believing,  as  Arnold 
claimed,  that  his  wounded  U'ft  leg  unfitted  him  for  service  in  the 
field,  Washington  complied  with  his  reciuest,  and  at  Peekskill  on 
Thursday,  August  3,  1780,  he  issued  an  order  giving  to  him  the  com- 
mand of  West  Point  and  its  dependencies,  in  which  were  included 
iioth  sides  of  the  Hudson  from  Fishkill  to 
the  King's  Ferry  (^'erplauck's  Point). 

On  the  next  day  Arnold  established  his 
head(iuarters  at  Oolomd  Peverly  rjobinson's 
house,  at  the  foot  of  Sugar  Loaf  Mountain 
on  tlie  east  side  of  the  river  nearly  opposite 
West  Point.  From  this  place  he  coiitinued, 
in  a  disguised  hand,  and  under  the  name  of 
(iustavtis,  his  secret  corresi)ondence  with 
Major  John  Andre,  adjutant-general  of  the 
IJritish  army,  addres.sing  him  as  ^Ir.  John 
Anderson,  merchant. 

Correspondence  having  done  its  ]iart.  a 
l)ersonal  meeting  was  necessary  lietween 
Arnold  and  Andre  for  the  com])li'Tioii  of  the 
jilan  for  the  betrayal  of  ^^'est  Point  into  the 
hands  of  the  enemy  and  the  adjustment  of  the  traitor's  recompense. 

Monday,  ^ie])tember  11,  at  twcdve  o'clock  noon,  near  Dobbs  Ferry, 
was  the  time  and  place  tixed.  On  the  afternoon  of  the  day  before, 
Arnold  went  down  the  river  in  his  barge  to  the  western  landing  of 
King's  I'erry  iStony  PointI  and  stayed  ovei-night  at  the  house  of 
Joshua  Ilett  Smith,  about  two  miles  above  llaverstraw.  Smith  had 
been  introduced  by  General  Howe  to  General  Arnold,  and  recom- 
mended as  a  man  who  could  be  useful  iti  securing  impof^anl  news 
of  the  enemy's  plans.  Early  the  next  morning  he  started  in  his  barge 
for  the  place  of  meeting,  but  was  fired  upon  and  pursued  by  the 
P.ritish  gunboats  stationed  near  D<d)l)s  Ferry.  He  took  refuge  at 
an  American  post  on  the  western  shore,  riMuaineil  until  night,  went 
to  Joshua  Hett  Smith's,  where  his  wife  ami  babe  were,  tliey  having 
arrived  that  day  from  Philadel]ihia,  and  returned  to  his  head(|uarters 
on  the  morniu"'  of  the  iL'th.  takinu  them  with  him.     Learning  that 



^^'ilsllillnl^•ll  was  sdoii  to  (l(']);irt  from  his  liciKhiUiirtci's  al  Tapiian 
I  liocklaiul  Coiinlv,  X.  V.I  tor  Hartford  K'ouii.),  to  liold  a  conferciict' 
with  Count  liocliaiiibcaii  (the  coiiiiiiaiHli'r-iii-chicf  of  tlic  Fri'iifh 
allit's,  lately  arrived),  Arnold  wrote  to  Aiidi'c  on  tiie  15th,  aiireeiuii' 
to  send  a  jM'rson  to  meet  luni  at  Dobbs  I'errv  on  the  20th,  and  to  con- 
duct him  to  a  place  of  safety  wliere  lie  could  confer  with  liini. 

(Ml  the  ITtii  Arnold  and  his  aide-de-cani]),  Colonel  Kiidiard  ^'arick, 
came  to  I'eekskill,  went  to  Stony  Point,  there  met  Washiu<;ton,  Mar- 
quis de  Lafayette,  and  Alexan<ler  Hamilton,  conducted  them  in  Ar- 
nold's barye  across  the  river  to  Ver])hinck's  Point,  and  accompanied 
them  on  horseback  as  far  as  Peekskill,  where  they  passed  the  nifi;ht 
at  the  Birdsall  house,  and  the  next  morninii  parted  never  to  meet 

Washin,nton  and  his  suite  proceeded  n]i  the  Ci-ompoud  Koad,  en 
route  to  Hartford  by  way  of  Cromjxjnd,  Salem,  Pidjicbury.  and  Dan- 
bury.   Arnold  and  his  aide  returned  to  his  head(iuarters  at  the  Kobin 
son  house. 

On  the  2(lth  Andre  left  New  York,  -went  by  land  to  Dobbs  Ferry, 
and  in  the  evenin<i'  at  seven  o'clock  went  on  board  the  Pritish  ship 
of  war  '•  Vulture,"  whicdi  had  lain  some  days  a  little  above  Teller's 
(VrotonI  Point  in  Haverstraw  Pay. 

Early  on  the  morninii  of  Se])tend»er  2(1,  two  residents  of  ("ortland- 
town,  Moses  Sherwood  and  John  Peterson  (a  colored  man,  and  a  sol- 
dier of  N'an  Cortlandi's  reniment  of  West(diester  militia),  who  wei'e 
eniiajicd  in  niakini;  cider  at  Parrett's  farm  (now  of  the  Jidm  A>'.  I-'rost 
estate),  Croton,  saw  a  bar^e  tilled  with  men  from  the  "  ^'ulture " 
a])proachin^  the  shore.  Tliey  seized  their  iiuns,  AAhich  they  had  taken 
with  them  to  their  work,  ran  to  the  rivei-,  concealed  themselves  be- 
hind some  rocks,  and  as  the  bariic  ap]iroa(died  Peterson  tired,  and 
fi'reat  confusion  ensueil.  A  second  shot  from  Sherwood  coiii]ielle(l 
the  barue  to  return  to  the  "  \'ulture."  The  Pritish  returned  the  tire, 
with  no  effect  except  to  alarm  the  neighborhood. 

This  occuirence,  when  told  Andre  u])on  his  arri\al,  snii'i;este(l  to 
him  a  method  of  notifyini;  Arn(dd  of  his  ]iresence  on  board  the  "  \'ul- 
ture."  On  the  morning  of  the  21st  he  addressed  a  letter  to  Arnold 
in  his  own  handwritinii  (with  which  Arncdd  \\as  familiar),  sii^ned  by 
Oa])tain  AndreAV  Sutherland  and  countersii.ine(l  by  .T.  Anderson,  sec- 
retary. This  was  the  nann^  assumed  by  Andre  in  his  ])revious  coi're- 
s])on(lence  with  Arn<dd.  The  letter  coni])lained  of  a  \iolation  of  mili- 
tary rule  in  that  a  boat  the  day  before  had  been  decoyed  on  shore  and 
tired  u]Kin  by  armed  men  concealed,  in  the  bushes.  It  was  sent  by  the 
flat;-  of  truce  to  N'erplamdc's  Point  and  delivered  to  Cidonel  James 
Livingston,  who  was  then  in  command  of  the  American  forces  there. 

THE    CAl'TUKE    OF    ANDRE  467 

Ai'iKiId  rode  Ilii'(iiii;h  I'cclvskill  In  \'ciiil;ni(l<"s  I'oial  nn  I  lie  imii-n- 
iuy  of  the  21st,  and  Colonel  Liviniislon  liandi  d  Iniii  Ilic  Ictlcr  whicli 
lie  jnst  vcooivcd  from  Andre.  Arnold  tiicn  rmssetl  the  river 
and  went  to  .Joshua  Ilett  vSniith's  house.  I'roui  Stony  Point  he  dis- 
patched an  oflicer  in  his  own  barge  uji  tiie  river  to  Peekskill  Creek, 
and  tlienee  to  Cauopus  Creek,  with  orders  lo  ()rin<i'  down  a  row-boat 
from  that  place,  and  ilirected  Major  William  Kierse,  the  quarter- 
master at  Stony  Point,  to  send  the  boat  the  moment  it  should  arrive 
lo  a  certain  place  in  l[averstraw  Creek. 

Near  midnight.  Smith,  in  the  boat  thus  obtaiTied,  rowed  by  two  of 
liis  tenants,  Joseph  and  Samuel  Colquhonn,  with  muftled  oars,  pro- 
ceeded on  ebb  tide  to  the  "Vulture"  and  brought  Andre  on  shore, 
where  he  found  Arnold  awaiting  him  in  the  darkness  amoni;  the  fir 
trees  at  a  lonely  unfrequented  spot  at  the  foot  of  the  Long  Clove 
.Mountain  south  of  TTaverstraw  village.  He  hail  ridden  on  horseback 
from  Smith's  house  to  the  place  of  meeting,  attended  by  one  of  Smith's 
negro  servants.  Here,  in  the  gloom  of  night,  and  until  the  approach- 
ing break  of  day,  the  conspirators  conferred.  The  negotiations  not 
having  been  completed,  they,  in  the  gray  of  early  morn,  rode  through 
llaverstraw  to  Smith's  house,  three  miles  distant,  Andre  expecting 
to  return  to  the  "  \'ulture"  on  the  next  night.  Smith,  his  servant, 
and  tlie  boatmen  returned  by  Avater.  Andi-e  iiad  scai-cely  entered  the 
house  when  booming  (d'  caniion  was  licaid,  causing  him  considerable 
uneasiness,  and  with  reason. 

The  ,\me!icans  at  Croton  had  not  been  idle.  They  liad  sent  a 
delegation  to  Coloind  Livingston  to  inform  liim  that  the  "^'nlture" 
was  \\iiliin  cannon  shot  of  Tidler's  Point,  whereupon  Li\ingslon  sent 
a  ]iarty  witli  a  four-p(mnd  cannon  from  \'erpianck's  I'oiut  in  the 
night.  A  small  breastwork  was  erected  al  tlie  west  end  of  the  ]ioini, 
I  lie  gun  ])lanted,  and  a  fire  directed  upon  the  '■Vulture,''  whi(di  was 
returned  by  si'veral  broadsides.  The  Americans  fired  with  effect, 
sliivei'ing  some  of  the  spai'S  of  the  vessel,  and  compelled  her  to  weigh 
anchor  and  droi)  dowTi  the  river.  One  of  the  sliots  fi-om  the  "•  Vul- 
ture" lodged  in  an  oak  tree,  AA'here  it  remained  foi-  more  than  half 
a  centur\,  \\  hen  the  oak  ti'ee,  which  had  become  dei'ayed,  was  cut 
down,  the  ball  i'emo\('d  and  presented  by  \\'illiam  Cndei'hill  to 
(ieorge  J.  Fisher,  ^1.1  >.,  of  Sing  Sing. 

Andre  had  watched  the  cannonad.-  with  anxious  eye  fi-om  an  u]iikm' 
windoAA-  of  Smith's  Inoise.  and  after  the  "  \'ultui-e  "  had  been  obliged 
to  shift  her  anchoi',  .\i-nold  and  Smith,  knowing  \\'ell  that  she  was 
do.sely  wat(died  (roni  both  sides  of  ihc  rivei-,  became  cotninced  that 
it  would  be  unsafe  lit  return  Andre  on  board. 

After  breakfasi    tin-  ]ilot  for  the  betrayal  of  West  I'oini   and  its 


(Icliciiilciit  posts  Avas  conipleted,  ami  the  sum  that  Arnold  was  to 
i'c(M'i\r  i'or  his  villainy  aiii'ccd  uj)oii. 

Iniiiicdialcly  upon  Andre's  rdnrn  to  New  York,  thi'  I'ore'e  under 
riiuton  and  Admiral  Sir  Ceori;c  Rodney  was  to  ascend  the  river. 
The  iron  chain  stretched  across  (he  river  at  West  Point  was  lo  be 
weakened  by  takin^;-  a  link  out  of  it  and  substituting-  a  rope  link. 
The  approach  of  the  Bi-itish  was  to  be  announced  by  signals,  and 
the  American  forces  were  to  be  so  distributed  that  they  could  be 
easily  captured,  and  at  the  proper  moment  Arnold  was  to  surrender 
the  works  witli  all  t]i(»  troops,  3,000  in  number. 

Andre  was  furnished  by  Arnold  with  plans  of  the  AA'orks  and  ex- 
jdauatory  papers,  which,  at  Arnold's  request,  he  placed  between  his 
stockings  and  his  feet,  promising  in  case  of  accident  to  destroy  them. 
Arnold  wrote  the  following  pass  for  Andre,  gave  it  to  Smith,  and 
at  leu  o'clock  departed  in  his  barge  for  the  Robinson  house: 

Heaflquarters,  Rol)inson  House, 

Seiitembei-  22,  1780. 
Permit  Mr.  .John  Aiulersoii  to  pass  the  fjiiards  to  White  Plains  or  behiw,  if  he  ehooscs,  lie 
heiiiir  oil  piiblie  business  by  my  direotion. 

B.  AuxoLD,  Miij.  Gen. 

Andre  passed  a  lonely  day,  and  as  evening  approached  he  became 
impatienl  and  spoke  to  Smith  about  departure.  Smith  refused  to 
take  him  on  board  the  "  ^'ulture,"  much  to  Andre's  surprise  and  mor- 
tificatiou,  but  offered  to  cross  the  river  with  him  to  \'erplanck'h 
Point  and  accompany  him  part  of  the  distance  to  New  York  on  horse- 

On  Friday,  September  22,  at  dusk,  Andre,  Smith,  and  a  negro  ser- 
vant, with  three  horses  belonging  to  Smith,  crossed  the  King's  Ferry 
from  Stony  Point  in  a  flat-bottomed  boat  rowed  by  Cornelius  J>ani- 
bert,  Lambert  Lambert,  and  William  Van  Wart,  Henry  Lambert  act- 
ing as  co.xswain.  Upon  landing  at  Verplanck's,  Smith  called  the  cox- 
swain into  Welsh's  hut  near  the  ferry  landing  and  gave  him  an  eight 
dollar  continental  bill,  and  then  went  to  Colonel  Livingston's  tent, 
a  shoi't  distance  from  the  road,  ajid  talked  with  him  a  few  minutes, 
but  declined  his  invitation  to  take  some  li(iuor,  and  said  that  he  was 
going  to  (ieneral  Arnold's  headquarters. 

They  mounted  their  horses,  rode  over  the  old  King's  Ferry  Road 
to  the  New  York  and  Albany  Post  Road,  and  from  tlience  north  to 
Peekskill,  Avhere  they  took  the  road  leading  easterly  from  Peekskill 
to  Cromi)ond  Corners.  When  about  three  miles  east  of  Peekskill  on 
the  Crompond  I»oad  they  were  stopped  by  a  military  patrol  undei' 
command  of  Captain  Ebenezer  Boyd.  This  event  is  best  told  by 
Ciijitain  Royd  in  his  testimony  on  the  subsequent  trial  of  Joshua  Hett 
Smith  for  treason: 

Ar  ^/S^  / 

THE    CAPTUKE    OF    ANDRE  469 

Last  Friday,  tlie  '22d  of  Septeinber,  between  ei;nlit  aiul  iiino  o'cloi'k  at  niglit,  the  scntrj- 
stopped  Mr.  Smith,  another  ])ers()n,  and  a  neijro.  When  the  party  hailed  tlieni  they  answered 
"  Friends,"  The  sentry  ordered  one  tj  dismount.  Mr.  Smith  readily  dismounted  and 
advanced  till  he  came  near  the  sentrj*  and  asked  wlio  eonimanded  the  party  ;  the  .sentry  said 
"  Captain  Boyd  "  ;  upon  that  I  was  called  f<u-  ;  Mr.  Smith  eanie  to  \m-  upon  my  calling  for 
hira.  I  asked  him  who  he  was  ;  he  told  me  his  name  was  Joshua  Smith  and  that  he  had  a 
pass  from  General  Arnold  to  pass  all  guards.  I  asked  him  where  he  lived  ;  he  told  me.  I 
asked  him  what  time  he  crossed  the  ferry  ;  he  said  "  about  dusk."  I  asked  where  he  was 
hound  for  ;  he  told  me  that  he  intended  to  go  that  night  as  far  as  Major  (Joseph)  Strang's. 
I  told  him  Strang  was  not  at  home,  and  he  sjwke  something  of  going  to  Colonel  Gilbert 
Drake's.  I  told  him  that  he  had  moved  to  Salem,  and  that  as  to  Major  Strang's,  that  his  lady 
might  be  in  bed  and  it  would  inconmiode  her  much.  I  then  asked  to  see  his  ]>ass  and  he 
went  into  a  little  ho\ise  close  b}'  there  and  got  a  light  and  I  found  that  he  had  a  pass  from 
(Jeneral  Arnold  to  pass  all  guards  to  White  Plains  and  return  on  business  of  importance. 

I  then  asked  him  to  tell  me  something  of  his  business  ;  he  made  answer  that  he  had  no 
objections  to  my  knowing  it  ;  he  told  me  that  he  was  a  brother  of  (Chief  Justice)  William 
Smith  in  New  York,  though  very  different  in  principle,  and  that  he  was  employed  by  (Jeneral 
Arnold  to  go  with  that  gentleman,  meaning  the  person  who  was  with  him,  to  get  intelligence 
from  the  enemy  ;  that  they  expected  to  meet  a  gentleman  at  or  near  White  Plains  for  the 
same  purpose.  I  advised  Mr.  Smith  to  put  up  there  at  one  Andreas  Miller's,  close  by  where 
we  were,  and  to  start  as  soon  as  it  was  light. 

They  went  to  Miller's  house  and  passed  a  restless  night,  Andre 
and  Smith  occupyinji'  the  same  bed.  The  Miller  house  was  on  the 
southerly  side  of  Crompoud  IJoad  in  Yorkt.own,  about  one-third  of  a 
mile  east  of  Lexington  Avenue.  It  has  been  torn  down,  but  the 
i-ellar  is  still  to  be  seen. 

Saturday,  September  23,  they  took  an  early  departure.  Passing 
tlirough  (/rompond  Corners,  and  when  at  the  junction  of  the  Somers- 
town  Koad,  near  Strang's  or  Mead's  tavern,  they  were  saluted  by  a 
sentinel  in  the  road  and  taken  to  Captain  Ebenezer  Foot,  who  was 
in  charge  of  a  guard  there.  He  examined  their  passes,  and,  being 
satisfied,  they  proceeded  on  their  journey  eastward  about  half  a  mile, 
until  they  reached  the  road  southerly  to  Pine's  Bridge  over  the 
Croton.  Taking  that  road,  they  proceeded  to  the  house  of  Isaac 
Underbill,  where  they  took  breakfast  of  corn  meal  mush  and  milk. 

They  journeyed  no  farther  together.  Smith  returned  to  Peekskill. 
and  then  went  to  Fishkill,  where  hi.s  family  wns,  stopping  on  his  way 
at  the  Eobinson  house  to  dine  with  Arnold  and  notify  him  of  the 
jirogress  that  Andre  had  made. 

When  Andre  and  Smith  parted,  it  was  understood  tlmt  Andre 
was  to  go  to  New  York  by  way  of  White  Plains,  but,  after  passing 
Pine's  Bridge,  which  was  located  about  half  a  nnle  norfli  of  the 
present  bridge,  he  took  the  westerh'  road  leading  toward  the  Hudson 
River.  Captain  Boyd  had  told  Andre  to  avoid  the  river  road,  as 
there  were  many  Britisli  updu  it.  He  w;is  jirobably  induced  by  this 
remark  to  change  his  plans  and  take  it,  hoping  thereby  to  fall  in  with 

At  this  time  there  was  a  class  of  men  known  as  Cowboys  (mostly, 



if  iiol  w  liolly,  Anicriciiii  rcfuticcs  liclon^ing  ti>  tlic  I^iilisli  side],  who 
w  !■]■(■  ciijiajied  in  stcaliiiii  and  jnirchasing  cat  lie  on  Ihc  ill-1'atod  Neu- 
(lal  (ironnd  and  drivinu'  them  1o  Now  York  as  beef  siii)i)ly  for  the 
Uritish  army.  In  order  to  check  tlie  prosecution  of  this  practice, 
small  scouting  parties  were  frequently  sent  out  beyond  the  American 
posts  to  reconnoiter  the  country  between  the  posts  and  those  of  the 
enemy.  As  the  cattle  taken  from  the  Cowboys,  unless  stolen  and 
reclaimed,  were  by  legislative  enactment  held  to  be  "  prize  of  war," 
small  voliinte<'r  jtarties  were  occasionally  formed  by  the  young  men 
attached  to  the  American  cause  to  watch  tlie  roads  in  order  to  snii- 
press  the  i)ractice  Avhicli  exposed  their  stock  to  depredation. 

On  the  22d  a  party  of  this  kind  was  suggested  by  one  John  Yerks 
to  John  i'aulding,  both  of  whom  were  within  the  American  lines  at 

Upper  or  North  Salem,  West- 
chester County.  Paulding 
agreed  to  go  if  a  sufficient 
number  could  be  induced  to 
a  c  c  o  m  p  a  n  y  them.  This 
Yerks  assured  him  could  be 
easily  accomplished,  and  he 
agreed  to  procure  the  men 
while  rankling  should  obtain 
the  necessary  permit  from  the 
commanding  officer.  Pauld- 
ing Avent  to  the  encampment 
at  North  Salem  and  obtained 
the  permit.  While  thei-e  he 
saw  his  friend,  Isaac  \'an 
Wart,  whom  he  iu\iled  to  accompany  him.  Xi\n  Wart  readily 
assented  and  accomjianied  Paulding  to  the  place  where  he  had 
left  Yerks.  In  the  meantime  Yerks  had  enlisted  Sergeant  John 
Dean,  Isaac  See,  James  liomer,  and  Abraham  Williams.  In  the  after- 
noon they  proceeded  southward  with  their  muskets  over  their  shoul- 
ders. After  walking  about  a  mile  they  met  David  Williams,  who 
joined  them.  The  party  now-  consisted  of  eight,  all  of  w'hom  were 
devotedly  attached  to  the  American  cause,  and  most,  if  not  all,  of 
whom  had  been  in  the  American  army.  All  but  Sergeant  Dean,*how- 
ever,  were  privates.  After  walking  about  fifteen  miles,  they  found 
quarters  for  the  night  in  the  barn  of  John  AndrcAvs  at  Pleasantville. 
In  the  morning  they  followed  the  Sawmill  Piver  Valley  to  the  house 
of  Captain  Jacob  Romer,  where  they  obtained  breakfast  and  a  basket 
well  provided  for  their  dinner.  They  next  stopped  at  Isaac  Reed's 
and  got  some  milk,  and  there  Paulding  borrowed  a  pack  of  playing- 


THE    CAn'lTKIO    OF    ANDUE  471 

cards.  'I'licii  llic  icirtv  wcnl  to  I)a\i(l"s  Hill,  w  licic  Ihcy  sc|iaralc(l. 
Dean,  Koiiicr,  ^'(■l•ks,  Sec,  and  Ahraliain  Williams  rciiiaiiu'd  (in  the 
hill,  and  I'anldinii,  N'aii  Wail,  and  I)a\id  Williams  ]ii()cc('dcd  on  (lie 
'I'arrylow  n  IJoad  ahont  a  mile  and  (nnccalcd  I  lirmsci\cs  in  the  hnslics 
uear  a  stream,  and  to  tlic  sontli  of  it,  on  the  west  side  of  the  road 
(wlicrc  the  monnmcnt  erected  to  I  heir  memory  now  stands),  ami 
commenced  playinj;  cards.  'I'lic  two  jiariies  were  not  fai-  apart,  and 
it  A\as  ajjreed  before  separatiuj^  thai  if  cither  paity  shonid  m'cd  tlie 
aid  id'  the  other,  a  j;uii  shonid  he  tired. 

Dnriiii;  the  tii'st  half  honr  sevei'al  persons  whom  tliev  knew  jtassed, 
then  Van  ^^'arl,  wlio  was  standini>'  <iuard  while  I'anldini;  and  Will- 
iams ]ilayed  cards,  discovered,  at  abont  nim-  o'clocdc,  on  the  risin.n' 
i;ronn(l  directly  oiijiosite  to  whei'e  the  Tarrytown  Academy  now 
stamls,  slow  ly  ridini;  toward  them,  a  man  on  a  bhu  1\  horse.  He  said 
to  Williams  and  ranldinj^,  "  Here's  a  horseman  comin*;-!  We  must 
slop  him."  At  that,  ratildin_n,  who  was  the  master  spirit  of  the 
jiarty,  liot  it]),  stc]i]ied  out  into  the  road,  leveled  liis  musket  at  tlie 
rider,  and  asked  him  which  way  he  was  ^oiu^.  I'auldin^  at  this  tinu' 
woi'e  the  coat  ami  cap  of  a  Oerniaii  3a<j;er,  green  laced  with  red,  and 
it  is  very  probable  that  his  appearance  deceived  Andre,  for,  instead 
(d'  jirodncinii'  Arn(dd"s  ])ass,  he  said,  "  Oentlenien,  T  hojte  you  Ixdong 
lo  our  pai-ty."  "  What  party?  "  asked  I'auldiuii.  "  The  lower  party," 
said  Audre.  ri)on  that  Paulding  told  him  that  they  duJ.  Andre  an- 
sw(>red,  "  I'm  glad  to  see  you.  I  am  an  officer  in  the  British  service, 
out  in  the  country  on  particular  busimss,  and  I  hojje  you  won't  de- 
tain me  a  minute;  and  to  let  you  know  that    1  am  a  geutleuian " 

he  then  ]inlle(l  out  his  watch,  ui)on  \\hicli  I'anlding  told  him  to  dis- 
mount, and  that  llui/  were  Americans. 

Astonished  to  find  into  what  hands  he  had  fallen  and  how  he  had 
betrayed  himself,  yet  pr(uni)tly  recovering  his  composure,  he  laughed, 
declared  liimself  a  continental  officer  going  down  to  Dobbs  I'Vriy  to 
get  information  from  the  enemy,  and  said,  ''  My  God,  a  man  must  do 
anything  to  get  along,"  and  then  produced  his  i)ass  from  Arnold  and 
handed  it  to  Paulding,  who  read  it.  He  then  disnn)unted  and  said, 
"(Jentlemen,  you  had  better  lei  me  go,  or  you  will  bring  yourscdves 
into  trouble." 

ranlding  then  told  him  that  1k>  hoped  he  would  not  be  offende<l, 
as  the\  did  not  mean  to  take  anything  from  him,  that  there  were  a 
great  many  bad  ix'ojjle  going  the  I'oad,  and  I  hey  did  not  know  but 
he  might  be  one,  and  then  asked  him  if  he  had  any  lettei-s  about 
him;  lo   which  Andre  answered  "No." 

'riii'y  then  took  down  llie  fence  and  led  him  and  his  liorse  into 
the  woods.     Thev  told  him  to  take  idf  his  (lollies,  whi(di  he  did,  and. 


searching  tlieiii,  they  found  uothiny  t-xicpt  eighty  dolhirs  in  coutiuen- 
tal  money,  Avhich  had  been  given  him  by  Siaith.  Paiihling  tlien  told 
liim  to  take  oft  liis  boots.  This  he  Avas  very  backward  about  (h>ing, 
bvit  when  he  had  done  so,  Paulding  felt  of  his  feet  and  found  the 
papers  which  Arnold  had  delivered  to  him  in  his  stockings.  Upon 
exauiiuiiig  these,  I'auldiug,  who  was  the  only  one  of  the  captors  who 
eonld  read,  said,  "  Tins  man  is  a  spy."  He  asked  Andre  whei'e  he 
had  obtained  the  papers,  and  he  replied  of  a  stranger  at  Pine's  Bridge. 
He  was  then  oi'dered  lo  dress  himself.  "  While  he  was  doing  so," 
^^'il]iams  says,  "  I  asked  liim  how  much  he  would  give  to  let  him  go; 
he  said  any  sum.  1  tlieii  asked  if  he  would  give  up  his  horse,  saddle, 
bridle,  watch,  and  one  hundred  guineas;  he  said  yes.  I  asked  him  if 
he  would  not  give  more,  and  he  said  he  would  give  any  quantity  of 
dry  goods,  or  any  sum  of  money,  and  bring  it  to  any  place  we  might 
pitch  on  so  that  we  might  get  it."  Upon  which  Paulding  answered: 
"  No,  by  God,  if  you  would  give  us  ten  thousand  guineas  you  shall 
not  stir  one  step!  " 

Andre  was  then  ordered  to  remount  his  horse,  and  was  taken  by 
his  captors  to  Sand's  Mills,  North  Castle,  the  nearest  American  jiost, 
and  delivered  with  his  papers  to  Lieutenant-Colonel  John  Jameson, 
of  the  2d  Regiment  Light  Dragoons,  who,  in  tlie  absence  of  Colonel 
Sheldon,  commanded  the  post. 

The  captors,  according  to  military  custom,  retained  Ids  watch, 
horse,  and  bridle,  which  they  sold,  and  divided  Die  money  received 
for  them  among  the  party  of  seven. 

Jameson,  who  was  bewildered  by  the  discovery,  injudiciously  sent 
a  message  by  Lieutenant  Solomon  Allen  to  General  Arnold  at  the 
Robinson  house,  notifying  liim  of  the  capture  of  Andre.  Arnold, 
Avho  was  at  breakfast  with  his  wife  and  aide-de-camp,  Jlajor  David 
S.  Franks,  when  the  messenger  from  Jameson  arrived  (it  being  about 
9  a.m.),  opened  the  letter,  read  it  carefully,  folded  it,  put  it  in  his 
])ocket,  finished  the  remark  wlucli  was  on  his  lips  when  the  mes- 
senger arrived,  and  excused  himself  to  those  at  the  table,  saying  that 
it  was  necessary  for  him  to  go  immediately  to  West  Point,  and  for 
the  aides  to  inform  (ieneral  ^^'ashington  on  his  arrival,  which  was 
hourly  expected,  that  he  would  very  soon  return.  His  wife,  observ- 
ing his  slight  agitation,  followed  him  to  tlieir  cliand)ers,  where  all 
was  quickly  revealed  to  her  and  she  fell  into  an  inlcrunttent  state 
of  swoon  and  delirium,  which  lasted  several  hours. 

While  upstairs  Avith  his  wife  he  Avas  informed  by  Major  I'ranks 
that  two  aides  had  arrived,  announcing  that  General  Washington 
would  very  soon  arrive.  He  kissed  his  infant  child,  sweetly  sleeping 
in  its  cradle,  and  descended  the  stairs  in  great  confusion.    He  ordered 

THK    CAPTURE     OF     ANBRE  473 

a  horse  to  be  saddled,  uioimted  iiiiu,  (old  Major  Franks  to  inform 
(ieneral  VVasliiuiilon  tliat  he  had  gone  to  West  Point  and  would 
return  in  an  lioui",  hurried  down  the  steep  road  to  the  river,  entered 
his  barge  at  r.everly  Dock,  an<l  seating  himself  in  the  bow  directed 
his  oarsmen  to  row  to  midstream.  Tlien  ijriniing  his  pistols,  be 
ordered  them  to  hurry  down  the  river,  stating  to  them  that  he  had 
lo  go  witli  a  Hag  of  truce  to  tlie  "Vulture,"  and  must  hasten  back 

10  meet  Washington.  He  tied  a  white  handkerchief  to  a  cane  and 
waved  it  as  he  passed  Colonel  Livingston  at  Verplanck's  Point,  and 
that  officer,  n-cognizing  the  barge,  alloAved  it  to  pass.  In  a  short 
tinu'  he  was  safely  on  board  the  '"  ^'ulture,'■  where  he  wrote  a  letter 
to  Washington  asking  protection  for  Mrs.  Arnold  an<l  proclaiming 
Iier  innocence  and  rhat  of  his  aides.  He  afterward  received  the  price 
of  his  desertion,  (),:_U5  pounds  sterling,  was  made  a  brigadier-general 
in  the  British  amuy,  and  turned  his  sword  against  his  countrymen. 
At  the  close  of  the  war  he  went  to  England,  where  his  treason  fol- 
lowed him  like  an  avenging  Nemesis  and  brought  upon  him  many 
humiliations.  In  the  United  States  his  name  became  a  byword  and 
reproach  to  mark  the  de]Hh  of  human  degradation  and  villainy.  After 
years  of  bitter  disappointment,  cares,  and  eiubarrnssments  his  nerv- 
ous system  failed  liim,  sleep  became  a  stranger  to  his  eyes,  and  at 
London,  on  June  14,  ISOl,  he  died,  "  unwe]>t,  unhonored,  and  unsung." 

Not  long  after  Arnold  left  the  Kobiuson  house  Washington  ar- 
rived, and  on  being  infoi*med  that  Arnold  had  gone  to  West  Point 
1o(dv  breakfast  at  about  twelve  o'clock  and  passed  over  with  (ienerals 
Lafayetli',  Knox,  and  aides  to  that  post,  where  he  was  surpiised  not 
to  find  Arnold. 

While  WasJiinglon  was  aci'oss  the  river,  Lieutenaut-(^)lonel  Jame- 
son's second  messenger,  Captain  Jerome  Hoogland,  with  the  ca])tured 
pajxMs  and  a  letter  written  on  tlie  2ttt]i  by  Andre  at  Salem  to  Wash- 
ington, announcing  \\ho  he  was,  arri\'ed,  and  Alexander  Hamilton, 
lefi  at  the  Kobiuson  liouse  by  AVashington,  oi)ened  them  as  his  confi- 
dential aide.  As  soon  as  Washington's  boat  approache<l  the  shore 
on  Ids  return  from  West  Point.  Hamilton  went  toward  the  dock  to 
meet  his  chief,  whisi)ered  a  few  words  to  him,  and  both  entered  the 
house  and  were  closeted  together.     The  plot  was  then  revealed.  Ham- 

11  toil  and  Major  James  IMcHenry,  the  aide  of  Lafayette,  were  hastily 
dispatched  on  horseback  by  way  of  Peekskill  to  Colonel  Livingston 
at  Verplanck's  Point  to  head  off  Arnold  in  his  escape,  if  possible,  but 
on  reaching  that  officer's  jjost  it  was  found  that  Arnold's  boat  lunl 
already  passed  down  the  river. 

After  dinner  Washington  took  Generals  Lafayette  and  Knox  into 
his    confidence,   and    with    choking   voice   and    tears   rolling    down 


lii.s  clu'i'k.s  revealed  to  tlieiii  tlie  dark  lonspirac}'.  "  Arimld  is  a 
traitor  and  has  tlowii  to  the  Britisli.  Whom  can  we  trust  now?" 
were  the  words  of  the  great  eoninuuKh'r. 

At  seven  o'cdock  he  wrote  to  Colonid  Jameson  to  use  every  pre- 
caution to  prevent  Andre  from  making  liis  escape,  and  to  send  him 
to  the  Ivobinson  ho\ise  by  sonic  ujiiicr  i-oad  rather  than  by  the  more 
dangerous  route  of  ("rompond. 

Andre,  with  a  strong  cavalry  escort  under  command  of  .Major  I5cn- 
jamin  Talimadge  of  the  2d  Light  Dragoons,  left  South  Salem  a  little 
after  nndnight  on  the  morning  (d'  the  2()th  by  way  of  Long  I'ond 
Mountain,  North  Salem  meeting-house,  ('^•oton  Falls,  Lake  Maho- 
pac,  and  Ked  Mills,  where  a  halt  was  ma<le  at  the  house  of 
Major  James  Cox.  When  .Vndri'  enteretl  the  house  he  stej)ped 
to  a  cradle  where  the  infant  daughter  of  the  maj(»r  was  lying,  and, 
being  greeted  with  a  smile  from  the  little  one,  said,  in  a  tone  of  deep 
melancholy  tenderness,  "Happy  childhoodi  We  know  its  peace  but 
once."  After  a  short  stop  the  cavalcade  proceeded  b}'  the  same  road 
to  Shrub  Oak  Plains,  and  from  thence  past  the  present  residences 
of  Charles  P.  Widde  and  Jonathan  Currey,  down  Grey's  Hill,  and 
into  the  Peekskill  Hollow  Koad,  and  fTom  thence  southerly  to  the 
then  public  house  at  the  junction  of  the  Albany  Post  Koad  and  the 
Peekskill  Hollow  Road  (now  owned  by  Gardner  Z.  Hollman),  where 
a  halt  was  made  for  a  few  minutes.  They  then  proceeded  over  Gal- 
lows Hill,  where  the  spy  Edmund  Palmer  was  hanged  thi'ee  years 
before  by  Putnam,  through  Continental  Village,  northerly  over  the 
King's  Highway  to  the  road  leading  westerly  to  Garri.son's,  then 
called  Nelson's  or  Mandeville's.  On  reaching  the  river  road  they 
went  southerly  to  the  Kobinson  house,  Avhere,  after  having  traveled 
about  forty  miles,  they  delivered  their  prisoner  about  eleven  o'clock 
on  the  morning  of  the  2Gth.  In  the  evening  he  was  taken  to  Fort 
Putnam,  West  Point,  where  he  was  confined  until  the  morning  of 
the  2Sth,  when  he  was  taken,  still  in  charge  of  ]\Lijor  Talimadge.  in 
a  barge  down  the  river  to  Stony  Point,  and  from  thence  on  horseback 
to  Ta]ipan,  Kockland  County,  N.  V.,  where  the  headquarters  of  the 
AmericaTi  avnij  were  located.  There,  on  September  29,  he  was  tried 
before  a  board  of  fourteen  general  officers:  Major-Generals  Stirling, 
Lafayette,  Kobert  Howe,  Steuben,  and  Saint  Clair,  and  Brigadier- 
Generals  Parsons,  James  Clinton,  Knox,  Glover,  Patterson,  Hand, 
Huntington,  and  Stark,  Major-General  Greene  presiding,  and  upon 
his  own  free  and  voluntary  confession  was  unanimously  found 
guilty  of  being  a  spy,  and  that  in  their  opinion  he  ought  to  suffer 
death.  On  October  1  the  commander-in-chief  approved  the  findings 
of  the  court  and  named  a  time  for  the  execution. 

TIIIO     CAnTUE     OF     .VNDUK  475 

(Ml  I  he  -d  ol  <  )ct()lMT,  t\\cl\c  (('clock  noun,  :i  vast  coiiconi'sc  of  pi'o- 
ple  assi'iiililcd,  ii  hii'i^c  'IctiU'lnnciit  ol  tniops  ]);ii';nlc(l,  and  aiiiid  a 
scene  ((f  (lc(  p  lui'lanclioly  and  iulciisc  .i;li>oiii  tlic  ])r((ccssi()n,  led  by 
the  ncMc'i'al  and  li(dd  olliccis  ( Wasliin^ton,  however,  not  heinn'  pres- 
ent), niarclicil  to  tlie  spot  where  the  execution  was  to  take  place. 
The  accoriiidishcd  major,  dressed  in  the  fnll  uniform  of  a  IJritish 
oflici'r,  walked  arm  in  arm  with  steady  steps  between  two  American 
officers,  Captains  Hun  and  Jidm  Hughes.  On  the  way  to  the  gallows 
lie  wore  a  pleasant  smile  and  betrayed  no  want  of  fortitude.  He 
was  tlior(Uiglily  I'cconciled  to  his  fate,  though  not  the  manner  of  it 
(having  earnestly  requested  to  be  shot  instead  of  hung),  and  went 
lo  his  death  ^\ith  great  firniness.  On  his  arrival  at  the  gallows  he 
was  led  to  the  wagon  under  it,  raised  himself  into  it,  and  said  to  those 
near  by,  "  Gentlemen,  I  pray  you  to  bear  Mitness  that  I  meet  my 
fate  as  a  braAc  man."  He  then  took  the  noose  from  the  hands  of  the 
hangman,  removeil  his  hat  and  snow-white  neckcloth,  pushed  down 
the  collar  of  his  shirt,  and,  opening  the  noose,  put  it  over  his  head 
and  ai'ound  his  neck,  drawing  th<'  knot  close  on  the  right  side  directly 
under  his  ear.  He  then  took  a  handkerchief  from  his  pocket  and 
tied  it  over  his  eyes;  taking  another  lie  handed  it  to  the  hangman, 
who  pinioned  his  hands  behind  him.  The  wagon  was  then  removed 
from  under  him,  leaving  him  suspended,  and  he  expired  instantly. 

Dr.  James  Thacher,  of  the  American  army,  a  spectator,  Avriting 
of  the  event  in  his  Journal,  says:  "The  spot  Avas  consecrated  liy  the 
tears  of  thousands." 

Andre's  remains  were  interred  within  a  few  yards  of  th(>  place  of 
his  execution,  but  in  1821  they  were  transferred  to  England  and 
buried  in  that  saci'ed  resting  place  of  her  mighty  dead  in  West- 
uiiusler  Abbey,  near  a  monument  erected  to  his  memory. 

Major  Andre  was  the  pride  of  the  British  army,  and  the  valued 
and  conlidential  friend  and  aide  of  Sir  Henr^'  Clinton.  He  was  but 
t  wenty-uiue  years  of  age,  tall,  Avell  proportioned,  genteel,  graceful, 
anil  digiiilied;  his  countenance  Avas  mild,  expressive,  and  prepossess- 
ing, indicating  a  man  of  superior  attainments.  Hi  his  profession  he 
was  ambitious,  skillful,  braA'e,  and  enterprising.  Ilis  death  Avas 
regretted  even  b_\  his  enemies,  but  there  Avas  nothing  in  the  execu- 
lion  that  was  not  consistent  Avitli  the  ruh'S  of  Avar,  and  his  sacrifice 
was  necessary  for  the  public  safety. 

Washington,  Avriting  to  the  president  of  the  continental  congress 
from  Die  Ifobinson  house,  September  20,  1780.  says:  "  1  don't  know 
the  paity  who  took  Andre,  but  it  is  said  it  consisted  only  of  a  few 
iiiililiameii,  who  acted  in  such  a  manner  upon  the  occasion  as  does 
them  the  highest  honor  aTid  yiroves  them  to  be  men  of  great  virtue. 



They  wcil'  offered,  as  I  am  Informed,  a  large  sum  of  muiii'v  foi-  his 
release,  and  as  many  goods  as  they  would  demand,  but  without  effect. 
Their  conduct  gives  them  a  just  claim  to  the  thanks  of  their  country^ 
and  I  also  hope  they  will  be  otherwise  rewarded.  As  soon  as  I  shall 
know  their  names  I  shall  take  pleasure  in  transmitting  them  to 

Ociober  7,  ITSO,  ^^'ashing•ton  wrote  to  the  president  of  congress: 
"  I  have  now  the  pleasure  to  communicate  to  you  the  names  of  the 
three  persons  who  captured  Andre  and  who  refused  to  release  liim, 
notwithstanding  the  most  earnest  importunities  and  assurances  of 
a  liberal  reward  on  his  part.  Their  conduct  merits  our  wannest 
esteem,  and  I  beg  leave  to  add  that  I  think  the  public  will  do  well 
to  make  them  a  handsome  gratuity.  They  have  prevented,  in  all 
probability,  our  suffering  one  of  the  severest  strokes  that  could  have 
been  meditated  against  us.  Their  names  are  John  Paulding,  David 
Williams,  Isaac  Van  Wart." 

Congress  took  action  on  the  recommendation  of  General  Washing- 
ton and  adopted  the  following  preamble  and  resolution: 

111  Congress,  Novemlier  3,  1780.  Wliereas,  Congress  liave  received  iuforniation  tliat  .Tolin 
Paulding,  l)avid  Williams,  and  Isaac  Van  Wart,  tlrree  young  volunteer  nulitianien  of  the 
.State  of  New  York,  did  on  the  2lkl  of  September  List  intercept  Major  John  Andre,  adjutant- 
general  of  the  British  arm}',  on  his  return  from  the  American  lines  in  the  character  of  a  spy  ; 
and  notwithstanding  tlie  large  bribes  offered  them  for  his  release,  nobly  disdaining  to  sacrifice 
tlieir  country  for  the  sake  of  gold,  secured  and  conveyed  him  to  the  commanding  ofHccr  of 
their  district,  whereby  the  dangerous  and  traitorous  conspiracy  of  Benedict  Arnold  was 
brought  to  light,  the  insidious  designs  of  the  enemy  bafHed,  and  the  United  States  rescued 
from  the  impending  danger  ; 

Resolved,  Tliat  Congress,  having  a  high  sense  of  the  virtuous  and  patriotic  conduct  of  the 
said  John  Paulding,  David  Williams,  and  Isaac  Van  Wart, 

In  testimony  whereof,  ordered,  That  each  of  them  receive  annualh'  out  of  the  jiublie 
treasury  two  hundred  dollars  in  specie  or  an  equivalent  in  current  money  of  these  States, 
during  life,  and  that  the  Board  of  War  procure  for  each  of  them  a  silver  medallion,  one  side 
of  which  shall  be  shielded  with  the  inscription  "  Fidelity,"  and  on  the  other  the  following 
motto  :  "  Vincit  amor  patriie,"  and  forward  them  to  the  commander-in-chief,  who  is  re()uested 
to  present  the  same  with  a  copy  of  this  resolution  and  the  thanks  of  Congress  for  their  tidelity 
and  the  eminent  service  they  have  rendered  their  country. 

Paulding,  Williams,  and  Xan  Wart  were  invited  to  meet  General 
Washington  at  ^'erplanck's  Point  at  his  headquarters,  on  which  oc- 
casion the  medals  were  presented  to  them  with  ceremony,  aud  they 
had  the  honor  of  dining  with  him.  The  State  of  New  York  also  gave 
a  farm  to  each  of  the  captors. 

THE    CAPTURE     OF     ANDUE  477 

T((  the  f()rt'<>(iiiii;'  succinct  iiiin-;il  i\ c  of  tlic  capliin'  of  AimIic  ;i 
variety  of  particulars  of  incidental  importance  and  interest  i-e(|nire 
to  be  added. 

It  was  by  the  merest  chance  that  the  com[)lot  of  Sir  Henry  (Minton 
and  Henediot  Arnold  was  not  brou.^ht  to  a.  successful  issm-  on  the 
11th  of  Se[>teml)er,  the  time  first  ap])oiTited  for  tlie  interview  of 
Arnold  and  Andre.  Arnold  came  down  the  river  on  the  afternoon 
of  the  10th,  spent  that  nijiht  at  the  Smith  house  near  Haverstraw, 
and  the  next  day  went  farther  down  and  waited  till  niyht  at  a  ])laoe 
ojiposite  Dobbs  Ferry.  Andre  did  not  come.  Althoui;h  the  principals 
to  the  transaction  were  the  British  commander  in  New  York  and  th(; 
American  commander  on  the  Hudson,  it  was  not  such  an  easy  mat- 
t(^r  to  brin<;-  about  a  meeting  for  purposes  of  treachery  on  the  well- 
watched  shores  of  the  river.  Indeed  the  whole  liistory  of  this  affair 
shows  that  the  simple  object  in  view,  that  of  exchanging  understand- 
ings and  substantial  equivalents,  was  beset  with  great  difficulties 
and  embarrassments.  It  was  an  ill-starred  enterprise  from  begin- 
ning to  end,  the  only  lucky  feature  connected  with  it  being  the  final 
escape  of  Arnold  from  Washington's  vengeance. 

From  the  12th  of  .Se^jtember,  after  Arnold's  return  from  his  first 
attempt  to  meet  Andre,  a  period  of  nine  days  elapsed  before  tlie  sec- 
ond and  successful  endeavor.  It  is  noteworthy  that  Andre  came  up 
through  our  county  by  land  as  far  as  Dobbs  Ferry,  preserving 
throughout  the  journey  liis  true  character  of  a  British  officer.  At 
that  time  the  country  between  Dobbs  Ferry  and  Kingsbridge  was 
entirely  controlled  by  the  British.  Andre  was  captured  at  Tarrytown, 
just  above — so  near  had  he  proceeded  to  a  point  of  absolute  safety. 

The  great  enterprise  shown  by  the  Americans  ou  the  Westchester 
shore  in  bringing  a  cannon  down  from  Verplanck's  Point  and  (iring 
on  the  ''  Vulture  "  from  Teller's  (Croton)  Point  ])robably  liad  (piile  as 
much  to  do  with  the  ultimate  capture  of  Andre  and  salvation  of 
America  as  any  other  circumstance,  not  excepting  the  formal  arrest 
by  Paulding,  ^^'illiams,  and  Xnu  Wart.  Originally  Arn(dd  had  no 
other  intention  than  to  return  Andre  bj'  boat  to  the  "  Vulture."  If, 
during  his  night  conference  with  Andre,  he  had  foreseen  the  neces- 
sity of  sending  him  back  ovei'land,  tlirougli  numerous  American  posts 
and  a  wide  stri])  of  neutral  territory  pati-olleij  by  vigilant  American 
bands,  he  certainly  would  have  managed  to  bi'ing  the  traitorous 
transactions  to  an  end  befoi'e  dayliglit.  The  aggi'essive  conduct  of 
the  Americans  with  their  gun  on  Teller's  Point  demonstrated  to  him 
lliat  the  "Vulture"  was  very  closely  watched  from  the  river  banks. 
.Moreover,  the  main  body  of  the  .Vnierican  arm\   was  encamped  just 


liclow   ill  'l':i])iiau,  and  it    was  jncsuiiiahlr  llial    with  llic  •■  N'ulliirc '' 
(whosr  iiKivcments  duriiiii  tlic  incvidus  days  had  been  ralhcr  sensa- 
tional) lyinji'  at  anflioi-  in  nii<lstri'ani  in  tiiat   inimcdialc  ioialitv  tiic 
unards  ai'mj;-  the  Tivci'  wonid  lie  cxci'ptidnally  nnnicrons  and  inijuisi 
tive.     Hence  the  (h'cision  ujxtn  the  fatal  retnrn  jonrney  by  laud. 

Althon^li  Arnold  departed  from  -Tosliiia  Ilett  Smith's  house  at 
ten  o'clo(  Ic  on  the  moiiiinii  of  .September  '22,  leaviut;'  jiasses  for  Smith 
and  Andre,  it  was  not  iiTilil  dusk  that  the  jiair  ventured  forlii.  Audre, 
the  previous  uiiilit,  when  coniinti  ashore  from  the  "  N'ulture,"  had 
not  removed  his  uniform,  merely  takiut;'  the  precaution  of  throwiui; 
around  him  a  blue  <iTeat-coat.  But  on  leaving  Smith's  house  for 
his  hazardous  jouruey  he  carefully  disguised  himself,  took  off  his 
uniform,  aud  jjut  ou  an  under-coat  belonging  to  Smith  and  a  dark 
great-coat  with  "  a  wide  cape  and  buttoned  close  to  the  neck."  The 
sullliciency  of  his  disguise  was  soon  to  be  put  to  a  startling  test.  Scarce 
had  he  left  the  post  at  Ver])lanck"s  Point  when  he  came  face  to  face 
with  Colonel  Webb  of  onr  army,  whom  he  knew  perfectly.  His  heart 
gave  a  great  leap.  But  Webb  did  not  recognize  him  in  the  darlvness, 
and  passed  on. 

The  incidents  of  .\iidi'e's  itinerary  from  \'er]danck"s  I'oint  to  the 
place  (>(  his  capture  are  sufticieiitly  told  in  ]\Ir.  ("ouch's  narrative. 
The  spot  where  he  was  halted  by  Paulding  was  just  beyond  a  little 
stream  which  still  bears  the  name  of  Andre's  Brook. 

There  has  recently  been  published  (1899)  by  Mr.  William  Abbatt, 
of  Westchester,  under  the  auspices  of  the  IJmpire  State  Society  Sons 
of  the  American  Bevolution,  a  work  of  eminent  literary  and  artistic 
excellence,  entitled  "The  Crisis  of  the  Kevolution;  being  the  Story 
of  Arnold  and  Andre,  Now  for  the  First  Time  Collected  from  All 
Sources,  and  Illustrated  with  Views  of  All  Places  Identified  with  It." 
This  is  the  final  authority  nixin  all  the  details  of  the  capture  of  Andre. 
The  number  of  the  original  party  is  often  erroneously  stated  as  seven. 
Mr.  Abbatt  shows  that  it  consisted  of  eight,  whose  names  are  accu- 
rately given  by  Mr.  Couch.  IMr.  Abbatt  says  that  "the  jiarty  was 
actually  under  the  direction  of  one  of  their  number,  who  was  a  vet- 
eran," aud  that  "  he  alone  of  the  party  was  not  a  private  " — Sergeant 
John  Dean.  The  jiart  of  Dean  in  the  affair  is  overlook(Ml,  or  only 
very  inadequately  referred  to,  in  most  accounts  of  the  cajdure  of 
Andre.  As  this  is  a  matter  of  no  small  interest,  and  es])ecially  de- 
serving of  attention  in  a  History  of  Westchester  County,  a  somewhat 
particular  notice  of  it  is  ai>pro]priat,'  here.' 

>  For  our  afoouiit  of  Jolin  Dean  and  liis  connection  witli  tlie  artair,  we  are  indebted  to  his  descendant,  Frof.  Bashford 
Dean,  of  Columbia  University. 

THE    CAPTURE     OK     ANDltB 


.loliii  Dean  was  a  (IcscciKlant  of  Saiimcl  l>caii,  an  cai-lN  lamllidldcr 
of  .laniaica.  I.onu  Islaiiil  i  n!r)(i|.  Isaac,  one  (if  tlic  (lii-cc  sons  of  Saiii- 
iicl,  set  I  led  iiMnir  piM'sciil  Town  of  (ircciihuriuli  ahont  IT.KI,  and  .Jolin 
(lioiii  in  17.")."))  was  his  ^i-andson.  At  the  a_n('  of  twenty  .lohn  l>can 
s('r\('il  as  ])ii\'at('  in  Colonel  Holmes's  i'e<;'inient  in  the  .MonlLioinely 
campaign  against  Canada;  li<'  was  next  on  Lony  Island  nnder  Col- 
one]  rmnaiii,  and  was  at  the  battle  of  White  I'lains;  ])i-oniote(i  io 
serjicani,  he  ser\('(l  (ITTT-T'.t)  in  I  hi'  company  of  W'eslcheslei-  ("onnly 
K'anticis  comniande(l  by  his  uncle,  ("a])laiii  (iilbert  I>ean.'  lie  \\a.s 
i|nai-terniasler  of  Colonel  <  iraham's  i'ei;inient  (dni-iin;  177S|,  and  was 
in  ^'()l^l^s■s  house  at   the  tinn-  of  its  attack  by  Major  Hearmore  on 


Christmas  Eve,  .177S.  In  the  followini;-  year  he  acted  as  i;ui<le  on 
the  lines  in  the  troo])  of  ]ii(d<ed  horsemen  under  Aaron  iJurr,  served 
w  iti:  I  he  lattei-"s  successor.  Major  Hull,  and  was  with  hiui  at  the  time 
of  his  defeat  b_\-  Coh)iiel  Tar  let  on  in  .lune,  177!).  hi  17N(>  he  continued 
in  IJu'  udlitia  ser\  ice,  was  in  liu'  "  ^'onn^s's  House  Affair,"  and  was 
next    attached    Io  ('oloiH'l   .lauH-sou's  reiiinu'Ut,   acting   as  ginde.      hi 

'  Cnptain    fUlhi'rt    Doan's    RaiiKcrs    wpic    i>r-  safety."     In  a  sliort  time  Dean  was  at  llifhi'ad 

i.'ani7,i'il   in   1777.   hi'iiij:  oftiriall.v  a   I'ljinpaii.v   of  iif  a  piilvi'J  t  ninp  iif  lioisi'  which  liiclmlcd  Ihf 

Ciiliiiifl    Krakf's  n';;liii('iit.   tlu'ii  statiiiiii'd   near  best    of     the   looal    militia,    and   fur   his   snbiir- 

Whilr   I'lains.    Capl.iln  Dran  was  a  son-in-law  dinatPS  wpro  several  of    the  fainims  "guides" 

nf   (•■)liinel    D'-ake,    I    proved    himself  a  of  the  Neutral  Oround.     .\s  a  test  of  the  <-har- 

irallant    and    i  ncTinlic   ulliccr   at    tlie   liattie   of  ueter  of  the  troops,   it    ma.v  he  noted   that  the 

Whiii'    I'ialns    and    on    oilier    oeeasions.       His  emniian.v  was  relained  inlael   thri>nk'li  three  eii- 

■  ■'.nipany   of    Itanners    was    i)laeed    "tinder   Ih.'  listmeuts  (1777-78). 
iinniedlate     eomniand     of     the     eommlttee     of 


this  <ap;i<ily,  under  Ciiptiiiii  Wriiiht,  of  the  2d  (Niniiectieiit,  he  took 
pai-L  ill  the  fruitless  descent  of  the  coiitiiieiital  army  n](on  tlie  British 
outposts  at  Kiniisbridtic,  and  lie  was  in  several  brisk  skirmishes,  iii 
one  of  which  he  lost  liis  horse.  Duriuy  the  preceding  year  he  had 
been  taken  a  prisoner,  but  was  sliortly  paroled  by  Colouel  de  Laucey 
and  secured  an  exchange. 

Abbatt  poiuts  out  that  of  llie  i)arty  of  militia  who  guarded  the 
roads  on  the  memorable  day  I>eaii  was  tlie  otlicer  in  command;  that 
he  had  dis]iosed  the  ])arty,  himself  with  tlie  greater  number  of  the 
party  taking  their  position  (Ui  a  neighboring  road  where  it  was  ex- 
pected a  number  of  Cowboys  w(mld  more  probably  jiass.  lie  further 
shows  that  Dean  took  charge  of  tlie  prisoner  wlien  raulding,  Will- 
iams, and  Van  Wart  brought  him  to  the  top  of  the  hill,  that  Deau 
exercised  commendable  discretion  in  (hdivering  him  with  the  least 
jiossible  loss  of  time  at  Janu  son's  head(iuarters,  and  that  when  the 
(piestion  of  responsibility  and  reward  for  the  capture  was  brought 
up  it  was  he  who  reported  to  Jameson  the  names  of  the  three  captors. 

The  connection  of  John  Dean  with  the  capture  is  brought  into 
greater  prominence  in  the  light  of  recent  researches.  As  a  tried 
otlicer  of  (Hlbert  Dean's  Kangers — a  company  which,  in  the  Neutral 
Ground,  Avas  as  active  in  the  patriot  interests  as  were  the  Rangers 
of  Colonel  de  Lancey  in  those  of  the  enemy — he  was  brought  in  close 
relation  with  the  predatory  movements  of  the  Tories  and  British. 
It  tlius  appears  possible  that  in  the  preparation  for  the  memorable 
scouting  party  Deau  had  had,  as  tradition  states,  definite  informa 
tion  that  a  Cowboy  raid  was  expected,  and  that  it  would  pass  on  t  he 
i-oad  which  he  afterward  selected  to  guard.  It  is  certain  that  Dean 
had  exce])tional  opportunities  to  learn  of  these  movements  at  head- 
(piarters,  since  his  uncle  was  the  captain  of  the  company,  and  since 
the  colonel  of  the  regiment,  Hammond,  Avas  also  a  kinsman.  It  is 
definitely  recorded  (184G),  moreover,  by  Thomas  Deau,  the  only  son 
of  John  Dean,  a  man  of  sucli  standing  in  Tarrytown  that  his  care- 
ful statement  in  this  matter  deserves  credence,  that  the  party  acted 
und(>r  general,  if  not  immediate,  orders  from  Jameson.  It  is  well 
known  that  the  party  went  to  a  detinite  locality  and  jxisted  tlieir 
guard — although  it  was  found  necessary  in  so  doing  to  s])eud  a  night 
on  the  road.  It  is  further  known  that  on  the  return  of  the  i)arty  to 
North  Castle  a  stop  Avas  made  at  the  Dean  house,  Avhich,  by  the  Avay, 
is  still  standing,  and  tradition  states  that  a  fresh  horse  Avas  here 
obtained,  Andre's  having  already  that  dav  made  the  journey  from 
near  ( Jarrisou's. 

That  John  Dean  did  not  figure  more  prominently  in  the  accounts 
of  tlie  caiituro  is  due  to  several  reasons.    In  the  first  place,  he  himself 

THE    CAPTLKE     OK     AXDUE  481 

rcpurU'd  to  JuiiK'sou  tluit  i'avildiiin,  Williams,  and  Nan  NN'arL  were 
alone  directly  responsible  for  the  (•ai)ture;  in  the  seeond  place,  it 
appears  that  Dean  re,i;ardcd  the  takinii  of  a  spy  as  of  the  nature  of 
hangman's  work,  with  whicdi  few  people  should  care  to  be  associated. 
It  is  known,  furthermore,  that  this  feeling  on  his  part  gave  rise  to  a 
disajireenient  with  the  other  nicnibers  of  the  party,  a  cireunistancc 
which  nia^'  in  part  have  made  the  others  the  more  willing  to  belittle 
Dean's  share  in  the  capture.  That  Dean  died  (1817)  long  before  the 
most,  if  not  all,  of  the  rest  may  be  cited  as  a  tinal  reason  why  he 
has  not  been  given  the  credit  he  deserves;  for  some  of  the  statements 
— -Dean  himself  never  made  any — collected  from  the  survivors  date 
later  than  1830,  statements  whicli,  like  those  of  aged  people  gener- 
ally, are  found  to  vary  widely  in  matters  of  fact.  There  have  been 
two  tendencies  evident  in  the  accounts  which  come  from  the  men 
themselves:  the  first  is  for  the  captors  to  rather  ignore  their  asso- 
ciation with  the  remainder  of  their  party,  and  the  second  is  for  the 
latter  to  demand  greater  recognition  than  they  deserve.  From  the 
first  tendency  the  men  were  not  apt  to  refer  to  John  Dean,  a  man 
who  himself  did  not  want  to  be  associated  with  the  capture  of  a  spy, 
and  from  the  second  they  were  most  apt  to  ignore  the  claims  of  the 
one  who  might,  had  he  been  so  disposed,  have  given  them  in  his 
report  the  credit  that  they  wished. 

The  fact  seems  to  be  that  Dean  liad  a  golden  opportuiiiiy  of  ad- 
vancing himself,  and  knowiTigly  rejected  it,  as  he  did  his  share  of 
Andre's  effects,  which  the  others  divided.  As  the  ranking  officer  of 
the  party,  and  the  senior  in  years  of  most,  if  not  all,  of  them,  he 
might  have  forwarded  his  own  interests  to  the  degree  perhai)s  of 
securing  a  captaincy,  if  he  had  been  so  disposed.  He  might,  at  least, 
have  shown  that  from  the  time  of  the  capture  till  the  time  the  pris- 
nner  was  safely  delivered  to  Jameson,  the  responsibility  had  been  his; 
that  Andre  was  not  retaken  or  had  not  secured  his  escajM'  through 
Inihery  was  due  to  his  care  as  the  commanding  officer;  that  the  great 
importance  of  the  concealed  papers  was  first  really  recognized  by 
him  at  a  time  when  Andre  was  pl(>ading  for  his  release  and  making 
pro7nises  which  Dean,  if  not  the  others,  hail  a  very  strong  suspicion 
that  the  British  officer  both  could  and  would  fulfill.  All  this  is  leav- 
ing out  of  account  th(»  question  as  to  whether  tlu^  actual  placing  of 
the  captors  had  been  the  work  of  i^(>rgeant  Dean.  Had  he  been 
disposed  to  press  his  claims  he  could  certainly  have  brought  forward 
a  strong  case,  none  the  less  so  that  he  Avas  a  man  of  considerable 
education  for  iiis  day  and  \\as  sui»port<Ml  by  his  excellent  record  as  a 
subaltern.  And  llicie  is  no  doubt  that  in  this  event  lie  could  have 
counted  on  the  warm  sup]ioi't  of  his  fathei',  Thomas  Dean,  long  time 

482  HisToijy   ov  westchesteu  county 

town  clcik  and  justice  of  tlic  iiciicc,  toi;ctlicr  witli  that  of  his  caiilaiu 
and  colonel. 

Tlio  docnnients  found  on  Andro's  person  were  all  in  Arn(d(rs  liand- 
Axritinji,  and  in  tlie  most  sjx'citic  manner  presented  the  j)articulars 
(d'  tlie  works  and  fjarrison  at  West  Point.  Two  or  three  of  them 
were  abstracts  of  official  American  records.  One  was  indorsed  "  Ke- 
marks  on  West  I'oint,  a  copy  to  be  transmitted  to  His  ICxc(dlency, 
(ieneral  Washington,"  and  ••■ave  exact  details  of  the  weakness  of 
the  forts,  the  ease  -with  whicdi  they  could  be  set  on  tire,  tlH»  best 
means  of  aitjjroach,  and  the  like.  Another  was  a  "  Copy  of  a  ("ouncil 
of  War,  held  September  G,  17S0,"  embodyini;  the  most  secret  infor- 
mation of  the  licneral  militai-y  situation  froTu  the  AmericaTi  ]ioint  of 
vicAA'.  Thus  AriKdd,  in  his  zeal,  did  not  content  himstdf  witii  betray- 
ing his  OAvn  post,  but  was  fain  to  couniiunicate  to  the  enemy  all  the 
vital  intellijience  in  his  jiossession. 

As  related  by  Mr.  Couch,  the  ca])tui'inL;  party  tocdc  .Vndi-e  to  the 
nearest  American  post,  in  the  Town  of  North  Castle,  where  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel Jameson  was  in  command.  This  officer,  though  brave 
and  honest,  seems  to  have  ])ossessed  none  too  much  Intel li<i;ence,  and, 
UKU-eover,  was  easily  li.iod winked  b,\-  the  courtly  Andre.  He  ex- 
amined the  ]iapers,  and  sent  them  by  messenger  to  Washington;  but 
harboring  no  suspicion  against  Arnold,  In-  not  only  wrote  a  letter 
to  that  general  describing  the  capture,  but  at  the  same  time  turned 
over  the  ])rison<'r  to  Lieutenant  Allen,  who  was  to  bear  the  letter, 
instructing  him  to  dcdivei'  .\ndre  to  .\rnoldI  ISut,  very  fortunately, 
Major  Benjamin  Tallmadge.  who  was  attached  to  Jameson's  com- 
mand, but  at  the  time  was  absent  on  duty,  soon  afterward  returned 
to  the  camp;  and,  being  infornu'd  by  Jameson  of  what  he  iuid  done, 
urgently  advised  tliat  the  prisoner  be  brought  back.  Jameson  con- 
sented, but  ])eruntted  the  uu'ssage  to  go  to  .Vrnohl.  It  was  next 
decided  to  send  the  captive  (whose  real  identity  was  not  yet  known) 
to  Lower  Salem  (now  Lewisboro),  a  ])lace  faitlier  within  the  American 
lines  than  North  Castle,  and  therefoi'e  more  secure,  and  have  him 
h(dd  there  until  Washington  shouhl  be  heard  from.  This  was  ac- 
cordingly done  early  on  tlie  moriung  of  the  2-l:tli,  Tallmadge  being 
in  command  of  the  escort;  and  indeed  from  that  day  until  Andre 
was  hung  he  remained  with  the  prisoner. 

Arrived  at  Lower  Salem,  the  supposed  Anderson  was  installed  in 
"S(piire''  Gilbert's  farmhouse — a  dwelling  which  was  torn  down 
about  a  quarter  of  a  centui-y  ago,  unsuccessful  efforts  having  been 
made  by  the  late  Hon.  John  Jay  to  have  it  ](ermanently  preserved 
as  a  Kexdlutionary  ridic.  Here  iJeutenant  Joshua  Iving  (afterward 
General   King,  of  Connecticut)  was  in  command.      He  has  left  the 

THE    CArTliaO     UF     ANDRE  483 

(olldwiiiti  (Icscriptiou  of  the  ;iiiii(';ii;iii(('  ;iinl  i-cccpt  ion  ol  I  he  ]iiisoiicr: 
"  lie  IooUimI  soiiicwliat  nice  a  reduced  uciit  lemaii.  His  small  (  loihes 
were  nankin,  witli  lonj;  A\iiite  to|>  hoots,  in  pai't  his  nndress  niililarv 
suit.  His  coat  i)nri)le,  with  iiold  lace,  worn  somewhat  threailhare, 
with  small  Inimmed  tarnished  heaver  on  his  head.  He  wore  his  hair 
in  a  ijiicuc,  with  Ioiil;',  hlack  hand,  and  his  clothes  somewhat  dii'lv. 
In  this  yarb  I  took  charge  <)f  him.  ,\l'ler  l)reakrast  my  l)a7'her  came 
in  to  dress  me.  after  -which  I  requested  liiiii  lo  underi;o  the  same 
ojteration,  wliich  he  did.  When  the  rihhou  was  taken  from  his  liair 
I  ohserved  it  fnll  of  powder.  This  circnmstance,  witli  othei's  that 
occurred,  induied  me  to  believe  that  I  had  no  (trdinary  ]»erson  in 
ciiartie.  He  re(|uested  jiermission  to  take  a  bed,  whilst  his  shii-t  and 
small  clothes  ct)uld  be  washed.  I  told  him  that  was  needless,  for 
a  change  was  at  his  service,  which  he  acceiite<L  We  were  close  pent 
nji  in  a  bed-room  with  a  <iuard  at  the  door  and  window.  There  was 
a  spacious  yard  bi^fore  the  door  which  he  desired  he  might  be  per- 
mitted to  walk  in  with  me.  I  accordingly  disposed  of  my  guard 
in  such  a  manner  as  to  prevent  escape."  Andre's  mind  was  ill  at 
ease,  especially  when  informed  that  the  documents  taken  from  him 
had  been  sent  to  Washington  and  not  to  Arnold.  He  finally  requested 
pen  and  paper,  and  wrote  a  letter  to  Washington  disclosing  who 
he  was,  giving  his  version  of  his  adventures  and  making  very  brave 
observations  about  his  own  nice  sense  of  lionoi-  aiul  his  refined 
(•once])tion  of  how  so  singularly  nolile  a  Ri-itish  gentleman  should  be 
treated  in  the  circuntstauci  s — representations  for  which  he  coutiu- 
iied  to  show  special  aptitude  until  the  hangman's  uoose  tightened 
about  his  nei-k.  He  instructs  Washington  as  to  the  hitter's  appro 
jtriate  duty  in  these  W(U-(ls:  "  Tlu-  reijuest  I  have  to  make  to  your 
KxcelleiK  y,  and  I  am  conscious  I  address  myself  well,  is  thai  in  any 
I'igor  ]ndicy  may  dictate,  a  decency  of  conduct  toward  me  may  mark 
ilial.  though  unfortunate,  I  am  branded  with  nothing  dishonorable." 
Then  he  ])roceeds  to  dis]tlay  the  loftiness  of  his  nature  by  this  threat : 
"I  beg  the  liberty  to  mention  the  condition  of  some  gentlemen  al 
< 'liai'leston,  A\lio,  being  either  on  paride  or  iinder  ]>rotection,  \\cre 
engaged  in  a  conspiracy  against  us.  Thougli  their  sii  nation  is  not 
similar,  they  are  objects  who  may  be  set  in  exchange  foi-  nic,  nr  arr 
ji( rxoiix  irjioiii  the  tridlnirnl  I  nviirr  iiii<ihf  aff'cciy 

Andre  remained  under  close  guard  in  the  (Jilbei't  house  until  sent 
foi-  by  Washington,  TIhtc  is  nothing  of  s])ecial  local  Westchester 
County  interest  to  add  lo  .Mr.  Conch's  further  narrative. 

The  captors  of  .Major  Andre,  -lolin  Paulding,  Daxid  ^^'illianls,  ami 
Isaac  \'an  Wart,  were  all  Westchester  ('ounty  farmers"  sons  born 
and  bred. 



John  riUiklinj;  was  Ixini  near  Tanytuwn,  October  1(>,  1758,  and  at 
the  time  of  Andre's  capture  \\  as  ilicrcfore  not  quite  twenty-two  years 
old.  He  was  descended  from  early  scttlci-s  of  Pliilipsebui-iih  ^faiior. 
iris  fjrandfather,  Joseph  Paulding,  owned  a  laru,('  tract  of  land  east 
of  Tarrytown  (where  John  was  boriii.  and  had  four  sons,  all  of  whom 
were  pali'iot  soldiers  in  the  i;ev(dntion.  John  received  a  connuon 
scdiool  educatiou,  and  then  worked  for  farmers  in  different  parts  of 
our  county.  He  was  a  magnificent  specimen  of  manhood,  over  six 
feet  tall  and  well  proportioned.  Esixnisin";  the  ])atriot  cause  like 
all  of  his  family,  he  was  enj>'a,n< d  in  various  minor  enterprises  against 

housp:  near  pkkkskii.i.  where  capt.\in  hoogland  stopped  with  andre. 

the  enemy  in  the  Neutral  Ground.  According  to  Ids  own  testimony, 
he  was  taken  ])i'isoner  three  times  during  the  war.  On  the  first 
occasion  he  was  cajdured  at  White  Plains,  and  on  the  second  near 
Tarrytown,  only  four  days  bi'fore  the  arrest  of  Andre.  The  com- 
mon report  is  that  while  in  New  York  during  his  second  captivity 
he  exchanged  his  coat  for  that  of  a  (Jerman  yager.  It  was  this 
habiliment  that  he  wore  when  he  lialted  Andre,  a  circumstance  to 
which  the  tatter's  su]>posilion  that  the  party  were  friends  is  thought 
to  have  been  due.  After  the  capture  of  Andre,  he  says,  he  was  taken 
a  third  time,  in  a  wounded  condinon,  and  "  lay  in  the  hospital  in 
New  York,  and  was  discharged  on  the  arrival  of  the  news  of  peace 
there."    The  farm  liiven  him  bv  the  State  was  located  in  the  Town  of 

THE    CArTIItK     OI."     ANDRE  485 

Cortlaiidt,  aiul  consisted  of  oue  humlrcd  and  sixty  acres  and  sixteen 
roods,  bein.ii;  tlie  confiscated  property  id'  Dr.  l'<-tcr  Iluggeford,  a 
Loyalist.  He  dis])osed  of  it  after  some  years,  and  removed  to  a  farm 
jiear  Lalce  ;M(diegan  (Yorlctown).  wliere  lie  died  on  the  ISth  of  Feb- 
ruary, ISIS.  lie  lies  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  Saint  Peter's  Episcopal 
Clnnch'  near  Teekskill,  and  over  his  grave  is  a  monument  with  an 
elaborate  inscription,  erected  "  As  a  memorial  sacred  to  public  grati- 
tude ""  by  the  corporation  of  tlie  (*ity  of  New  York  on  the  22d  of 
November,  1S27.  One  of  Paulding's  sons  was  Iliram  Paulding,  of  the 
United  States  Navy,  who  was  presented  with  a  sword  by  congress  for 
services  in  the  War  of  1S12,  and  tluring  the  Civil  War  became  a 
icar-adniiral  and  was  in  command  of  the  I'rooklyn  Navy  Yard. 

David  Williams  was  the  son  of  After  and  Phebe  Williams,  and 
was  born  in  Tarrytown,  October  21,  1754.  He  was  the  ohlest  of  the 
captors.  "  I  first  entered  the  continental  army  in  the  year  1775," 
he  says  in  a  public  statement,  "and  continued  in  the  service  until 
disabh'd  by  having  my  feet  frozen.  I  was  then  obliged  to  take  what 
employment  I  could  meet  with  for  my  support,  chopping,  grubbing, 
and  all  such  Avork — living  about  twenty  miles  from  my  house  and 
family."  He  was  a  volunteer  in  Ca.jitain  Daniel  Martling's  Tarrytown 
company,  served  under  General  Montgomery  in  the  expedition  to 
Canada,  and  took  an  active  part  in  the  contests  of  the  Neutral  (Jround. 
He  received  from  the  State,  June  10,  17S8,  the  confiscated  farm  of 
tlie  Loyalist  Edmund  Ward,  (d'  the  Town  of  Eastchester,  a  property 
of  two  hundi-ed  and  fifty-t\\-o  and  one-half  acres.  Edmund  Wai-d 
was  the  only  brother  of  the  well-known  patriot,  Stephen  Ward.  Sub- 
sequently Williams  removed  to  Liviugstonville,  Schoharie  County, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  bought  a  farm  of  (Jeneral  Daniel  Shays,  and  liveil 
there  until  his  <leath,  August  2,  IS;?!.  He  was  a  highly  respected 
citizen,  and  left  sons  and  daugliters  from  whom  numerous  descend- 
ants have  sjuMing.  His  bones  lie  near  tlie  Old  Fort,  Schoharie  Village, 
where  a  liandsonie  monument  was  erected  over  them  by  the  State 
of  New  York  in  1876. 

Isaac  \'an  Wart,  according  to  Bolton's  genealogical  records,  was 
a  gi-ands(pn  id'  .loachim  \'an  Weert,  a  Dutchman,  who  became  a  set- 
tlei'  uf  Phiiiiisburgh  Manor  in  1097.  The  date  of  Isaac's  birth  is  un- 
certain, but  he  was  christened  on  the  25th  of  October,  175S.  The  Van 
Warts  were  a  i)atiiotic  famil\,  i-esiding  in  the  preseid  Town  of  (ireen- 

'  It   Is  of  lutprcst   that  ono  of  the  principal  th,at  he  wi.shed  Andre  to  come  asliore,  was  ad- 

bonefartors   of   Saint    Peter's   Chureii   was   tlie  dressed.     Itoblnson    presented    to    the   chnreh   a 

Tory    son-ln-lnw    nf    the   third    Frederick    I'hll-  ;.'lelie  of  two   hnndred  acres,    l.ving  In   Pntnani 

Ipse,     Beverly     liobinson,     who     was     on     the  I'onnty.  jnst  above  the  WesldiestcT  line.    This 

"  Vnltnre  "    with   .\ndre  on    the   night    of   Sep-  farm   is  now  owned   by   Jndsrc  Smith    Lent,    i>f 

teniber  21,   1780.    and.    Indeed,    was  the   person  Sing  Slnfr. 
to    whom    Arnold's    eonirannieatlon,    signifying 


burgh;  aud  Martiuus,  the  father  of  Isaac,  iierfonned  some  service  in 
the  war.  Isaac  Van  Wart  was  granted  by  the  State  a  farm  in  Put- 
nam County  (tlien  a  part  of  Dutchess  County),  but  desiring  to  live 
and  die  in  the  neighborhood  wliere  he  was  brought  up,  sold  it  and 
bought  the  old  Youngs  property,  where  the  "  Affair  of  Youngs's 
House  ■'  occurred,  in  what  is  now  the  Town  of  Mount  Pleasant.  He 
died  ]\Iay  23,  1828.  He  was  an  esteemed  member  of  the  old  Green- 
burgli  Church  of  Elmsford,  this  county,  in  whose  churcliyard  his 
remains  lie,  marlced  b}'  a  marble  monument  elaborately  inscribed, 
which  was  dedicated  June  11,  1S21J.  One  of  his  sons,  Rev.  Alexander 
Yan  AVart,  delivered  the  prayer  at  the  dedication  of  the  new  Tarry- 
town  monument  to  Andre's  captors,  September  23,  1880. 

For  nearly  forty  years  after  the  capture  of  Jlajor  Andre,  no  ques- 
tion was  ever  raised  as  to  the  genuine  patriotic  characri-r  of  the  ac- 
tion of  Paulding,  Williams,  and  Yan  Wart  in  taking  him  into  cus- 
tody, or  as  to  their  entire  jiiivate  disinterestedness  and  mdde  con- 
tempt for  gain.  But  in  1817  Colonel  Benjamin  Tallmadge,  then  a 
representative  in  congress  from  Connecticut,  saw  fit  to  make  a  sen- 
sational statement  bi-fore  that  body  in  a  speech  opposing  an  applica- 
tion by  John  Paulding  for  an  increase  of  his  pension.  Tallmadge 
was  the  officer  into  whose  charge  Andre  was  given,  as  we  have  seen. 
The  following  is  the  substance  of  his  statement,  as  reported  at  the 

The  value  of  the  service  he  did  not  deny,  but,  on  the  authority  of  tlie  declarations  of 
Major  Andre  (made  while  in  the  custody  of  Colonel  Tallmadge),  he  gave  it  as  his  opinion  that, 
if  M.ajor  Andre  could  have  given  to  these  men  the  amount  they  demanded  for  his  release,  he 
never  would  have  been  hung  for  a  spy,  nor  in  captivity  on  that  occasion.  Mr.  T.'s  statement 
was  minutely  circumstantial,  and  given  with  expressions  of  his  individual  confidence  in  its  cor- 
rectness. Among  other  circumstances,  he  stated  that  when  Major  Andre's  boots  were  taken 
off  by  them  it  was  to  search  for  plunder,  and  not  to  detect  treason.  Tliese  persons,  indeed, 
he  said,  were  of  that  class  of  people  who  passed  between  both  armies,  as  often  in  one  camp 
as  the  other,  and  whom,  he  said,  if  he  had  met  with  them,  he  should  probably  have  as  soon 
apprehended  as  Major  Andre,  as  he  had  always  made  it  a  rule  to  do  with  these  suspicions 
persons.  The  conclusion  to  be  drawn  from  the  whole  of  Mr.  Tallmadge 's  statement,  of 
which  this  is  a  brief  abstract,  was  these  persons  had  brought  in  Major  Andre  only  be- 
cause they  probably  should  get  more  for  his  apprehension  than  for  his  release. 

This  remarkable  vctsIoti  of  the  matter  excited  great  interest,  and 
Tallmadge  was  fiercely  attacked  in  debate,  whereupon  he 

again  rose,  and  stated  more  circumstantially  what  had  been  related  to  him  by  Major  Andre. 
Tire  major,  he  said,  told  him  that  the  ca])tors  took  him  into  the  bushes  and  drew  off  his  boots 
in  the  act  of  plundering  him,  aud  there,  between  his  stockings  and  feet,  they  found  the  ])ai)crs; 
that  they  asked  him  what  he  W(udd  give  them  to  let  him  go;  that  he  offered  them  his  watch 
and  money,  and  promised  them  a  considerable  sum  besides — but  that  the  difficulty  was  in  his 
not  l)eing  able  to  secure  it  to  them,  for  they  had  no  idea  of  trusting  to  his  honor. 
Colonel  Tallmadge  declared  that  Andre  was  above  all  falsehood  or  duplicity,  and  felt  ready 
to  die  with  shame  at  being  in  sucli  a  mean  disguise — nay,  begged  for  a  military  cloak  to 
cover  him. 

THE     CAT'TTRK     OF     AXDKE  487 

At  the  time  wlicii  tliis  atliick  on  the  tliicc  cnntois  was  made,  all 
of  thciii  were  still  living.  Vau  Warl,  in  an  allidavit,  declared  that 
Andre,  in  tryinj;-  to  persuade  them  to  acce]»t  a  bribe,  "  told  them 
that  if  they  doubted  the  fulfillment  of  his  ])r<)mis','  they  might  conceal 
him  in  some  secret  place  and  keep  him  Ihere  until  tliey  could  send 
to  New  York  and  receive  their  reward."  Williams,  some  years  later, 
stated  that  Andre,  after  first  protfering  one  hundred  guineas, ''  offered 
us  one  thousand  guineas  if  Ave  would  let  him  go.  We  again  answered 
No.  The  last  offer  he  made  us  Avas  ten  thousand  guineas  and  as 
many  dry  goods  as  we  should  ask  for,  and  he  would  give  us  his  order 
on  Sir  Henry  (Minton,  chief  commander  of  New  York,  if  we  would 
only  consent  to  h  t  him  escape  after  the  money  and  dry  goods,  or  any- 
thing else  we  should  please  to  name,  should  be  received.  We  said 
his  offers  were  of  no  use,  we  were  resolved  to  do  our  duty  to  our 

One  of  the  results  of  the  discussion  stirred  up  by  Tallmadge's  state- 
ment was  the  publication  of  the  following  certificate,  signed  by  seven- 
teen old  and  reputable  residents  of  our  county  (the  first  name  on  the 
list  being  that  of  the  veneralile  Jonathan  G.  Tompkinsi: 

We,  tlie  siibscrit)ers,  inhabitants  of  ttie  County  of  Westchester,  do  certify  that  during 
tlie  Revolutionary  War  we  were  well  acquainted  with  Isaac  Van  Wart,  David  Williams,  and 
.Tolm  Paulding,  who  arrested  Major  Andre;  and  that  at  no  time  during  the  Revolutionary 
War  was  any  suspiiion  entertained  by  their  neighbors  or  acquaintances  that  they  or  either  of 
tlieni  held  any  undue  iuteroonrse  with  the  enemy.  On  the  contrary,  they  were  universally 
esteemed  and  taken  to  lie  ardent  and  faithful  in  the  cause  of  the  country.  We  further  cer- 
tify that  the  said  Paidding  and  W  illianis  are  not  now  resident  among  us,  but  that  Isaac  Van 
Wart  is  a  respectable  freeholder  of  the  Town  of  Mount  Pleasant;  that  we  are  well  acquainted 
with  him;  and  we  do  not  hesitate  to  declare  our  belief  that  there  is  not  an  individual  in  the 
County  of  Westchester  acquainted  with  Isaac  Van  \S'art  who  would  hesitate  to  describe  him 
as  a  man  whose  integrity  is  as  unimpeachable  as  his  veracity  is  undoubted.  In  these  resiiects 
no  man  in  the  Coimty  of  Westchester  is  his  su])erior. 

The  incident  ended  in  the  vindication  of  the  captors  to  the  satis- 
faction of  everybody.  Incidentally  various  facts  illustrative  of  the 
true  character  of  Andre  were  brought  to  light. 

That  he  was  an  accomplished  officer  and  a  pleasing  young  gentle- 
man is  undoubted;  but  there  is  nothing  in  his  career  or  personality, 
so  far  as  known,  to  justify  any  positive  sentiments  to  his  advantage. 
He  had  a  vast  deal  to  say  regarding  his  sensitive  honor — that  is  all 
that  is  positively  known  on  the  subject,  excepting  certain  circum- 
stances of  his  behavior  which  were  inconsistent  with  the  sounding 
profession.  On  the  7th  of  September,  Avhile  devising  ways  and  means 
to  meet  Arncdd  under  some  phiusible  pretext,  he  wrote  to  Oolonel 
Sheldon,  of  ilic  . American  army,  a  very  artfully  contrived  letter  over 
his  assumed  nanu-  of  John  Anderson,  soliciting  assistance  in  the 
premises  on   the  that  the  business   was  of  "so   private  a 


nature  that  llic  jiiihlic  on  neither  side  ran  be  injured  by  it."'  Sii* 
Henry  Clinton  and  Cobjuel  Beverly  liobinson  deemed  it  incompati- 
ble with  Andre's  position  as  adjutant-i;cneral  of  the  British  army  for 
him  to  yo  within  the  Amorican  lines  at  all,  especially  in  disguise, 
and  counseled  him  against  doinji'  so;  but  Andre  had  no  such  fine 
scruples — until  found  out,  \\hcn,  as  related  by  Tallmailjie,  he  was 
"ready  to  die  with  shame."  And  there  exists  strong  testimony  that 
this  was  not  Andre's  first  sneaking  venture  of  the  kind.  According 
to  British  authority,  he  had  already  "  been  twice  to  Arnold,  had  acted 
as  las  valet  de  chambre,  and  twice  returned  safe  to  New  York."  ' 
Moreover,  on  good  evidence  it  was  alleged  that  during  the  siege  of 
Charleston  in  the  early  part  of  ITSO,  Andre  did  spy  duty  disguised 
as  a  cattle  driver."  While  in  Philadelphia  with  ilowe  in  the  memora- 
ble winter  of  1777-78,  Andre  had  quarters  in  the  house  of  Benjamin 
Franklin;  and  it  is  notorious  that  upon  the  evacuation  of  the  city 
by  the  British  army  he  packed  nj)  and  carried  away  some  of  the  most 
valuable  of  Dr.  Franklin's  books  and  other  property — conduct  con- 
trasting with  that  of  the  mercenary  General  Knyphausen,  who,  in 
taking  his  departure  from  his  quarters  in  the  house  of  General  Cad- 
wallader,  "  sent  for  the  agent  of  the  latter,  gave  him  an  inventory 
which  he  had  caused  his  steward  to  make  out  on  his  first  taking  pos- 
session, told  him  he  wonld  find  everything  in  proper  order,  even  to 
some  bottles  of  wine  in  the  cellar,  and  paid  him  the  rent  for  the  time 
he  occupied  it."  * 

But  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  cite  such  instances  as  these  of  Andre's 
moral  obli(]uity.  His  behavior  after  his  capture  in  two  vital  partic- 
ulars is  sufficiently  illuminating.  His  letter  to  Washington  from 
Salem,  seeking  to  purchase  immunity  for  himself  by  threatening  the 
death  of  others,  can  not  be  otherwise  regarded  than  as  an  act  for- 
eign to  any  sense  of  manly  honor  whatever;  and  his  denunciation  of 
his  three  captors  to  ^lajor  Tallmadge  as  common  brigands  was  as 
infamous  a  performance  if  not  wholly  justified,  and  as  gratuitously 
malignant  a  one  if  well  founded,  as  ever  a  professeil  elegant  gentle- 
man was  guilty  of.  These  individuals  were  not  Andre's  equals;  they 
were  poor  unlettered  peasant  boys,  utterly  beneath  any  subsequent 
private  allusion  on  his  part  except  that  of  magnanimity,  naturally 
due  from  a  superior  soul.  Knowing  full  well  that  they  had  saved 
the  very  liberties  of  tlieii-  cnunlry,  he  must  have  been  aware  that  this 
fact  was  a  thing  of  treuiendous  imiiortam-e  to  them  personally;  and 
if  he  could  have  said  no  good  of  them  he  should  have  whispered 

'London  Polilical  Magazmr,   Novciiibir,    1780.  -  Wliillirnp  Sargent's    Life  of  Andre,  228. 

^Nih-s's  lirginUr,  March  1,  1817. 

THR    CAPTfUR     OF     ANnilE  489 

no  evil.      Iiislcad    lie  sonylit    to  hliisl    llicii'   rrimlalioiis.      It    was   a 
|)ilil'ul  (Iccil. 

The  olijcct  of  Tallinadjic's  attack  on  tlic  caiitors  in  coiiiircss  was 
to  establish  tliat  they  were  not  (lisintcrcstcd  jiatriots,  but  ordinary 
( liicviiiii  advc'uturi'rs  of  the  Neutral  (Jround.  TJiis  was  his  jirivate 
opinion  as  an  American  officer,  but  he  of  course  never  would  have 
(■.\l)rrssed  it  as  a  mere  unsupported  conjecture  of  his  own.  II  was 
bj  liivinji'  Andre's  unfavorable  version  of  the  b(diavior  and  motives 
of  the  captors  that  he  expected  to  make  tlu^  matter  appear  in  a 
different  liyht  from  that  in  which  it  was  generally  regarded.  There 
is  not  a  scintilla  of  testimony,  direct  or  circumstantial,  except 
Andre's,  to  suggest  even  a  suspicion  tliat  the  young  men,  when  they 
found  that  a  questionable  character  liad  fallen  into  their  han<ls,  were 
ruled  by  S])eculative  considerations.  They  were  by  the  roadside  on 
guard  in  the  American  interest,  to  do  whatever  chance  might  i)ut 
in  their  way  as  patriotic  inhabitants  of  the  Neutral  Ground.  IJefore 
Andre  came  along  several  men  passed  who  were  known  to  them 
as  patriots,  and  whom  they  permitted  to  go  about  their  business 
without  so  much  as  accosting  tliem.  Then  came  Andre,  a  stranger 
on  horseback,  of  doubtful  appearance.  They  intercepted  him, 
shrewdly  interrogated  him,  and  found  that  he  was  a  man  attempting 
to  ])lay  a  double  jiart.  They  searched  him.  In  his  pockets  they  found, 
besides  a  valuable  watch,  what  to  them  was  a  considerable  sum  of 
money.  But  this  did  not  content  them.  They  wanted  to  know 
whether  he  had  any  hidden  papers,  and  pulled  off  his  boots  and  stock- 
ings. They  found  papers  and  at  once  realized  that  he  was  a  spy. 
Now  came  the  crucial  test.  He  offered  them  very  large  bribes — any 
amount  of  money  and  merchandise, — promises  which,  from  the  whole 
personality  of  the  man  and  the  vital  character  of  the  secret  docu- 
ments he  bore,  they  must  Inne  known  he  could  make  good.  The 
cleverness  with  which  they  questioned  him  in  the  first  place  shows 
(hat  they  were  men  of  alert  perceptions  and  not  dull  country  hinds. 
At  least  they  could  not  doubt  that  here  was  a  decidedly  promising 
chance  for  a  splendid  financial  speculation,  without  the  least  risk. 
His  ]U'o]iosal  that  two  of  them  should  h(dd  him  liostage  while  the 
third  should  go  to  New  York  and  get  the  ransom  was  capable  of  easy 
execution.  It  was  early  in  the  day.  All  of  them  were  known  to 
everybody  in  the  neighborhood  as  loyal  Americans,  and  any  one  of 
them  could  have  gone  uniiuestioned  to  the  nearest  British  post,  been 
forwarded  thence  to  New  York,  and  returned  the  same  night.  Or 
two  of  them  could  have  gone,  or  even  all  three,  for  the  wiiole  party 
was  eight  in  number,  (he  five  original  companions  of  I'aulding,  Will- 



4'u./Z^.  ™:>^^-^^ jJ^/'^C^  U  ^^^ 



^^^..  /^^f,.<JD,  a^f^<^^  i!^^<«wO/ 





iaiHs,  iiiul  Van  Wart  bein<>-  ncai'by.'  There  was  a  single  possible 
tlitlicnlty  that  might  have  ooonrred  to  them  in  this  connection:  not 
one  of  them  had  ever  visited  the  British  camp  except  as  a  prisoner, 
or  had  had  any  previous  experience  in  the  line  of  exi>erimental  trans- 
actions. This  fact  was  highly  honorable  to  them;  but  there  is  not 
the  least  reason  for  thinking  that  it,  or  any  other  consideration 
except  their  incorruptible  patriotic  integrity,  was  instrumental  in 
determining  their  decision. 

The  simple  honesty  of  these  country  boys,  as  wcdl  as  their  freedom 

'  It  Is  presumed  that  Andre  was  questioned 
and  searfticd  by  the  three  captors  only.  But 
the  lihree  were  slill  an  integral  part  o(  the 
'■xpedition  of  eight,  the  other  five,  at  whose 
head  was  Sergeant  John  l»ean,  lii'ing  in  ambush 
b'liiie  distance  farlhi-r  up  the  road.  Tlie  two 
■  i)uuds.  on  separating,  had  intituall.v  agreed  to 
lire  m  gun  In  ease  either  needed  helii;  and  the 
lire  -were  equallj  interested  with  the  three 
land  rice  versa)  In  an.T  advantageous  results 
thai  might  Issue  from  the  day's  doings.    After 

the  three  diseovc>red  Andre's  true  character, 
and.  for  themselves,  rejected  his  bribes,  they 
still  had  to  deal  In  the  matter  with  their  five 
associates.  Rejoining  tliese  associates,  with 
their  prisojier.  they  uniloubledly  reported  to 
them  Andre's  dazzling  offers.  That  these 
offers  were  not  accepted  redounds  as  much  to 
the  credit  of  Oean,  Uomer,  Yerks.  See,  and 
Abraham  Williams  as  to  that  of  I'auidlng, 
David   Williams,  and  Van  Wart. 



r«t»»«*-'-     "^ V/' 

from  all  tlit'  eliiiruclt'ristics  of  the  common  thiuving  and  violeut 
marauders  of  the  Neutral  Ground,  is  evidenced  by  every  other  con- 
nectin>,f  lircumstancc.  In  posscssiufj;  themselves  of  Andre's  money 
and  valuable  personal  property  they  took  only  lawful  prize,  and 
Washinjiton,  whose  scrupulous  courtesy  to  the  prisoner  in  all  re- 
spects was  consjiicuDUs.  fouml  no  impropriety  in 
this  conduct,  and  did  not  cause  them  to  make  resti- 
tution. Moreover,  the  three  captors  magnanimously 
shared  the  booty  with  their  coTiirades  who  had  no 
])art  in  tlie  arrest.  All  were  entirely  respectful  and 
considerate  to  Andre.  They 
had  to  march  more  than  ten 
miles  to  the  nearest  American 
post,  but  for  the  whole  distance 
they  jH'rmitted  Andre  to  ride,  attendinjj  him 
on  foot;  and  they  offered  him  refreshment  on 
the  way.  And  when  Andre  was  delivered 
to  Jameson  the  three  claimed  no  reward, and 
immediately  went  to  their  several  homes,  so 
that  Washington,  writing  to  congress  three 
days  latei',  did  not  even  know  their  names, 
and  a]»i)ai-i'ntly  had  to  send  to  find  them  out. 
Tallniadgc  says  that  they  belonged  to  an 
objectionable  class,  and  that  if  he,  as  an 
American  oflKcer,  had  fallen  in  with  them 
whilst  following  tlieir  adventurous  pursuits, 
he  would  have  promptly  arrested  them. 
T>ut  in  view  of  the  known  character  of  these 
particulai"  young  men,  and  of  the  recognized 
necessity  of  such  expeditions  as  they  en- 
gaged in,  it  is  safe  to  say  he  would  have  done 
nolliiiig  of  the  sort — or,  if  he  had,  would 
have  been  duly  reprimanded  by  his  superior  officer.  On  tliis  jmiTit  an 
intelligent  writer  remarks: 

They  were  branded  as  "  eow-tliieves,"  etc.  Perhaps  they  were  eow-thieve.s;  but  at  that 
period  the  most  honorable  men,  both  Wliigs  and  Tories,  living  between  the  lines,  were  oow- 
thieves.  Tlie  British  soldiers  and  American  Tories  stole  cows  from  the  Whigs;  the  Whigs 
had  no  remedy  but  to  steal  them  back  again.  ...  It  is  evident  they  were  not  tliieves 
for  gain,  else  would  they  have  taken  the  price  which  Andre  ottered  for  his  ransom,  which  was 
more  than  would  have  sufficed  to  purchase  the  whole  stock  of  cows,  sheep,  and  oxen  which 
belonged  to  Job  when  he  was  in  the  land  of  Uz.  .  .  .  Every  New  .Yorker  should  be 
proud  that  he  was  born  in  the  State  which  ])roduced  three  such  men;  and  tlie  fact  of  their 
being  boys,  and  poor  bojs,  adds  very  much  to  the  glory  of  the  act.  Had  this  been  done  by  a 
Van  Cortlandt,  a  I'liilipse,  a  Van  Rensselaer,  or  any  three  of  the  "  Lords  of  the  Manor,"  on 
the  Hudson  River,  the  act  would  have  been  engraven  on  the  rocks  with  the  point  of  a  diamond. 


THE    CAPTUKE     OE     ANDUE  493 

Audre  lins  been  i'('i)ivs('utod  iis  one  of  llic  dailiii^s  nf  nalurc,  an 
adorable  child  of  genius.  He  ■was  a  poet,  a  painter,  an  ainateiir  per- 
foi-nier,  and,  most  intcroslinii'  of  all,  a  lover,  l.iit  in  all  he  was  only 
a  (labl)hT.  lie  bchmiis  to  tiie  iarjj;'e  class  ol'  alti-aclivc  character's  of 
every  age  who  are  "said  to  have  been"  witty,  wise,  and  fasliioncd 
for  i;i-('at  thin.i;s — but  liave  left  Tio  taniiibh'  evidence  of  it.  'IMie  story 
of  his  love  is  representative  of  (he  man.  lie  loved  a  fair  lady,  llonora 
Sueyd,  who  loved  and  married  another.  That  was  in  1773.  As  a 
matter  of  fact  she  rejected  him  as  early  as  1771,  and  he  then  entered 
the  army.  There  was  no  reason  for  her  rejection  e.\ce]it  that  it  did 
not  please  her  to  love  him  back,  but  did  jilease  her  to  love  someone 
else;  for  Andre  was  a  pei'son  of  liood  fortune  and  fanuly,  thouiih  with- 
out title — and  llonora  did  not  marry  a  title.  I'or  idne  hm^Li  yeai-s 
Andre  mourned  his  lost  Honora — his  lost  Honora  who  had  no  love  for 
him.  Once  when  taken  prisoner  in  (^uuxla  by  ^Montiiomery,  he  saved 
his  hajipily  mari'ied  llonora's  picture, and  deemed  that  ''com])ensation 
enough  for  all  his  sorrows."  What  exquisite  sensibility  for  a  very 
healthy  young  soldier  who  coulil  convert  himsidf  into  a  cartle  driver 
in  case  of  need;  what  romantic  softness  for  the  mean  thief  of  Dr. 
Franklin's  books  and  the  cold-blooded  negotiator  of  the  most  devilish 
ti'eason  of  history!  Amlre's  jjensive  love  was  much  ovei'acted,  oi- 
else  it  was  a  kind  of  hopeless  S(diwiirmerei  inconsistent  with  a  natui-e 
of  any  fundamental  strength — as  in  like  manner  liis  protestations 
of  honor  were  the  mere  vaporings  of  an  extremely  self-conscious  man 
given  to  the  abstraction.s  more  than  the  substance  of  virtuous  things. 
In  neither  case  were  his  traits  those  which  mark  the  vigorous  mind. 

Tile  true  Andre  was  a  brave  and  cul1i\ated  but  not  high  or  anij)le 
minded  individual,  no  better  and  no  worse  than  most  of  the  well- 
born, well-educated,  and  well-favored  British  youth  of  his  period, 
lie  had  all  their  usual  charming  qualities  in  somewhat  more  llian 
the  average  degree — but  no  original  parts  of  any  important  interest 
that  very  searching  inquiry  has  ever  disclosed.  Mis  sole  claim  to 
distinction — aside  from  his  part  in  an  infamous  transaction — is  that 
he  was  i)ut  To  one  of  the  most  righteous  and  exemplary  deaths  ever 
adndnistt  red,  in  a  highly  dramatic  conjunction  of  circumstances, 
connniserated  and  mourned  by  great-hearted  foeinen  whose  ruin  and 
enslavement  by  the  vilest  methods  he  had  j)lotted. 

The  spot  where  Andre  was  captured  at  Tarrytown  was  not  marked 
by  any  i)ublic  memorial  of  the  event  until  lSr>3.  For  many  years 
previously  sporadic  eflorts  had  been  made  to  arouse  interest,  but 
without  substantial  result.  In  the  winter  of  1S52-53  a  "Monument 
Association  to  the  Cajdors  of  ^fajor  Ainlre"  was  organi/-e<l  in  the 
village,  the  most  ]irominenl  jiromotirs  of  tlie  movement  being  Amos 


11.  ('I;iil<  ;iiiil  N.  ITolinos  Oddl.  Tlic  Incalitv  wlici-c  llic  ciiijliiic  oc- 
ciiii-cd  \v;is  iiT  tliat  liiHc  nwiicd  by  William  Taylor,  a  colored  man 
and  cx-slavc,  and  he  donated  sntlicieiil  land  foi-  tlic  imrjiosc.  The 
(•oruer-.ston(»  was  laid  July  i,  1S53,  with  mncli  local  ceremony,  by 
Colonel  James  A.  Hamilton,  a  son  of  Alexander  Hamilton.  The  re- 
sultinj;-  monument,  consistinj;'  of  a  base  and  shaft  of  conventional 
pattern,  was  cut  from  Sini;  Sinj^  marble,  material  and  labor  bcini; 
the  gift  of  the  officials  of  the  State  Prison.  The  inscription  was 
written  by  the  Hon.  James  K.  Paulding,  ex-secretary  of  the  navy 
and  the  intimate  friend  of  Washington  Irving.  On  the  7th  of  October, 
1S53,  the  monument  was  dedicateil,  Governor  Horatio  Seymour  and 
staff,  many  distinguished  guests,  and  a  great  concourse  of  people 
being  i)resent.  Aft<'r  an  a])])ropriate  address  by  (Jovernor  Seymour, 
the  oration  of  the  day  was  (bdncred  by  Henry  J.  Kaymond,  the  fa- 
mous editor  of  the  New  Yoi-k  Tiiiicn.  This  oration,  admirable  alike 
for  its  well  proportioned  ticalmcnt  of  the  varied  aspects  of  the  theme, 
its  elevation  of  fetding  and  warmth  of  symi)athy,  its  beauty  yet  sim- 
]>1  icily  (d'  diction,  is  probably  the  most  satisfactory  epitome  of  the 
story  of  Andre  in  its  significant  rtdations  that  is  to  be  found  in  all 
the  voluminous  literature  of  the  siibject.  We  (juote  a  single  ehxinent 
passage,  contrasting  the  fate  of  Andre  witli  fliat  of  the  noble  Ameri- 
can patriot,  Nathan  Hale: 

From  the  moment  of  Andre's  arrest  lie  was  treated  with  iinvarving  kindness  and  con- 
sideration. No  restraint  not  essential  to  the  secnritv  of  his  |)erson  was  for  a  moment  imiiosed ; 
not  a  harsh  or  nnfeelinn-  expression,  from  officer,  soldier,  or  citizen,  ever  jjrated  on  his  ears 
or  chilled  the  yonthfnl  current  of  his  heart.  Books,  paper,  and  ink  were  at  his  command;  he 
wrote  freely  even  to  the  British  conniiander-iu-chief ;  messages  of  kindness  and  relics  of  re- 
membrance to  his  friends  were  pronqjtly  sent  forward;  and  a  sad  solemnity,  full  of  tenderness 
and  of  pity,  presided  at  his  execution.  From  all  that  vast  multitude  assembled  on  yonder 
heights  to  see  him  die  arose  no  word  of  exultation;  no  breath  of  taunt  or  triumph  broke  the 
sereneness  of  the  surroundinij  air;  melancholy  music  gave  voice  to  melancholy  thouohts;  tears 
dimmed  the  eyes  and  wet  the  cheeks  of  the  peasant  soldiers  by  whom  he  was  surrounded; 
and  so  profound  was  the  impress  of  the  scene  upon  their  ])atriot  hearts  that  long  succession 
of  years  could  not  wear  it  out,  nor  seal  the  fountains  of  sorrow  it  had   iniclosed. 

At  an  earlier  stage  of  the  Bevolution,  Nathan  Hale,  captain  in  the  American  army, 
which  he  had  entered,  abandoning  brilliant  prospects  of  professional  distinction,  for  the  sole 
purpose  of  defending  the  liberties  of  his  country — gifted,  educated,  ambitions, — the  ecpial  of 
Anilre  in  talent,  in  worth,  in  amiable  manners,  and  in  every  manly  (piality,  and  his  su])i'ri(ir  in 
that  final  test  of  character^  the  motives  by  which  his  acts  were  i)ronipted  and  his  life  was 
guided,  laid  aside  every  consideration  ])ersonal  to  himself  and  entered  upon  a  service  of 
infinite  hazard  to  life  and  honor,  because  Washington  deemed  it  important  to  that 
sacred  cause  to  which  both  had  been  sacredly  set  apart.  Like  Andre  he  was  found  in 
the  hostile  camp,  like  him,  tluuigh  without  a  trial,  he  was  adjudged  a  spy,  and  like 
liim  he  was  condemned  to  death.  Aiul  here  the  likeness  ends.  No  const)ling  word,  no  pity- 
ing or  respectful  look,  cheered  the  dark  hour  of  his  doom.  He  was  met  ^^^th  insult  at  every 
turn.  The  sacred  consolations  of  the  minister  of  (rod  were  denied  him;  his  Bible  was  taken 
from  him;  with  an  excess  of  barbarity  hard  to  be  paralleled  in  civilized  war  his  dying  letters 
of  farewell  to  his  mother  and  sister  were  destroyed  in  his  presence;  and,  uncheered  by  sym- 
pathy, nuicked  by  brutal  ])ower,  and  attended  only  by  that  sense  of  duty,   incorruptible,   un- 

THP:    CAI'TUItE    OK    AXDKIO  495 

ilitilcci,  wliicli  liad  nili'd  his  life,  finding  its  fit  farewell  in  the  serene  and  sniilinie  regret  that 
111'  "  had  hnt  one  life  to  lose  for  his  eonntry,"  he  went  forth  to  meet  tlie  great  darkness  of  an 
igiioniinious  death. 

As  the  eenteuary  of  Tlie  Civptuiv  of  Andre  a|)j>r(>;i(lic(l  a  widcspirad 
iiilcrcst  was  felt,  and  it  was  decided  to  hold  a  i;rai)d  celebratinri  a( 
'raiiytowii.  With  ureal  propriety,  the  nionnnient  was  lirst  remod- 
eled. The  orifjinal  base  was  retained,  bnt  a  bas-relief,  depictin<>-  the 
capture,  was  inserted  in  one  of  its  sides.  The  iiravestone-like  shaft 
was  removed  and  a  bronze  statiie  (the  j;ift  of  .Mr.  John  Anderson, 
of  Tarrytown).  restinfj-  upon  a  neat  pedestal,  was  substituted.  This 
statue  re]iresents  Panldinu.  The  ceremonies,  held  on  the  2'M  of  Sep- 
tember, 18S(),  were  jjresided  over  by  the  Hon.  Samuel  J.  Tilden,  of 
Voukers,  and  the  oration  was  by  the  Hon.  Chauncey  JI.  Depew.  It 
was  one  of  the  most  characteristic  efforts  of  that  distinguished  son 
of  our  county.  The  ci'owd  in  attendance  was  estimated  at  seventy 
thousand.  There  was  an  imposing;'  procession,  General  James  W. 
I  lusted,  of  Peekskill,  actiui;-  as  erand  marshal. 

The  inscrii»tions  on  the  Tarrytown  monument  are  as  follows: 
l^Inscription  on  the  south  side.^ 
On  this  Spot, 
the  23d  day  of  Sejjtendier,  1780,  the  Si>y, 
Major  John  Andre, 
Adjutant  (ieneral  of  the  British  Army,  was  cap- 
tured by 
John  Paulding,  David  Williams  and  Isaac  Van  Wart, 
all  natives  of  tliis  County. 
Historj-  has  told   the   rest. 
The  People  of  Westchester  County  have  erected  tliis  INIonumeut,  as  well  to  conuneniorate 
a  great  event,  as  to  testify  their  liigh  estimation  of  tliat   Integrity   and    Patriotism   which,   re- 
jectiug  every  tem]itatioii,  rescued  the  United  .States  from  most  ininiiuent  peril,  liy  liafHingthe 
arts  of  a  .Spy,  and  the  plots  of  a  Traitor. 

Dedicated  October  7th,  18.5,"}. 

[^Inscription  on  the  north  side  of  the  second  pedestal.] 
Their  coiuluct  merits  our  warmest  esteem.      They  have   prevented   in  all  probability  our 
suffering  one  of  the  severest  strokes  that  ccudd  have  been  meditated  against  us. —  If^ashington. 

[Inscription  on  the  east,  on  base  of  statue.] 

This  statue, 

the  gift   of  John  Anderson, 

a  citizen  of  Tarrytown, 
was  placed  here  Sept.  'IM,  18<S0. 

The  inscripTion  on  .Major  .\ii  Ire's  memorial  in  West  ininslcr  .\l)l)(>y 
is  in  these  Mords: 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Major  John  .Vndre,  wlio,  raised  by  liis  merit,  at  an  early  period 
of  life,  to  the  rank  of  Adjutant-tieueral  of  tlie  Uritish  forces  in  .America,  and,  employed  in  an 
important  but  ha/ardous  enterprise,  fell  a  sacrifice  to  his  zeal  for  liis  King  and  CiMintry.  on 
the  2d  of  Octi>ber,  1780,  aged  twenty-nine,  universally  beloved  and  esteemed  by  the  army  in 
wliich  lie  served,  and  lamented  even  by  his  foes.  His  gracious  .Sovereign,  King  (Jeorge  III., 
has  caused  this  monument  to  be  erected. 


^Vii  iiupiclcntious  iiKiinuiiciit  to  (he  iiiciiiory  of  Aiulrc  was  raised 
in  1880  at  Tapi)an,  ovor  the  si>ot  where  his  body  was  l)urie<l,  h\  the 
late  Cvnis  W.  Field,  of  our  coiuitv.  An  inscription  was  engraved 
npon  it,  written  by  the  noted  Dean  Staidcy,  reeitinj;-  that  tlie  stone 
was  placed  there  "  not  to  perpetiiate  the  record  of  strife,  bur  in  token 
of  those  better  feeliniis  which  have  since  united  two  nations,  one 
in  race,  one  in  laufjuajic,  and  one  in  reliiiion.  with  tlic  h(i])e  that 
this  frieinlly  union  will  nevci-  be  bi'okcn.""  This  nieniorial  has  had  a 
troubled  history,  haviny  several  times  been  dynanuted  by  cranks 
and  subjecteil  to  defacements  of  various  kinds.  It  is  hard  to  cou- 
cdude  whether  the  ill  taste  of  Mr.  Field  in  causinji-  its  erection  or 
the  silly  vainhilism  of  the  persons  coiiimittinii'  these  resentful  acts 
is  the  more  reiirettable. 



OF    THE    WAR 

FTP:R  the  pxetiition  of  Andre  (October  2,  1780),  the  enemy, 
.greatly  embittered  by  that  act,  iiiiiih'  many  liostile  mani- 
festations in  Westcliester  C'onnty.  and  the  Tory  inhabitants 
and  lawless  bands  showed  a  correspondingly  venomons 
and  enterprising-  disposition.  ^lajor  Tallniadge  returned  to  the  West- 
chester lines  from  Tappan  on  the  3d.  "  There,"  he  writes,  "  my  duties 
became  very  arduous,  the  late  events  having  excited  much  rage  on 
the  part  of  the  enemy.  What  with  Cowboys,  Skinners,  and  Refugees, 
we  had  as  much  as  we  could  turn  our  hands  to  to  keeji  from  being 
waylaid  and  fired  upon  from  thickets  and  stony  eminences  about 
Salem,  North  Castl(\  and  White  Plains.  Indeed,  it  was  not  an  un- 
usual thing  to  have  our  sentinels  tired  oti  from  pai'ties  who  would 
crawl  up  in  the  darkness  of  night  and  then  disappear.''  But  during 
this  jieriod,  and  indeed  thi'ougliont  the  winter  of  17S0-81,  there  were 
few  engagements  or  surprises  in  our  county  on  any  iuiportant  scale. 
It  was  mostly  a  petty  border  warfare.  The  only  movement  of  more 
than  ordinary  conse(|ueiice  was  a  foraging  ex]>edition  made  by  the 
American  (ieneral  Stark,  the  hero  of  Bennington,  with  some  2.500 
men,  to  Wiiite  Plains  ami  vi(  inity.  But  he  encountered  no  force  of 
the  foe. 

The  impetuous  Lafayette  was  anxious  before  the  close  of  the  sea- 
sf)ii  to  ix'i'foini  sometliing  aggressive  which  would  redound  to  the 
ci'edit  of  the  Ikcvolul innary  arms  and  jn'oduce  a  moi-al  effect  to  re- 
lieve the  general  gloom  caused  by  the  desertion  of  .\i'nold.  lie 
fni'ined  a  project  for  an  attack  on  Xew  York  tiirounh  Westchester 
("ounty.  But  nothing  came  of  this.  The  army  was  in  no  condition 
for  that  scheme  of  aggression  or  aTiy  other,  and  indeed,  as  too  soon 
appeared,  its  officers  had  all  they  could  do  to  hold  it  togetlier.  Winter 
(piarters  were  entered  about  the  end  of  November  in  camjjs  at  Morris- 
inwn,  Pompton,  West  Point,  ami  the  Iliglilands.  The  French,  under 
Kochambeau,  remained  at  Ne\v])o7"t,  where,  since  their  arrival  in 
July,  they  had  lain  inactive. 

The  year  17S1,  which  was  to  teiininate  ijie  ai'med  struggle  foi'  in 



dependence,  opened  witli  an  cvciil  not  less  appalliuii  in  its  way  than 
had  been  the  disasters  of  the  ijreceding  year  in  the  8outh  and  the 
Arnold  treason.  On  the  1st  day  of  January  the  whole  Pennsylvania 
line,  2.000  strong,  mutinied  and  marched  ofl'  from  the  ^Morristowu 
camp  toward  Philadelphia  to  seek  a  redress  of  grievances.  This  was 
no  impulsive,  ill-considered  action,  but  well  deliberated  and  care- 
fully organized.  The  troo])S,  wearied  out  by  a  long  course  of  neg- 
lectful treatment — unpaid,  imf.Ml.  and  unclothed. — were  grimly 
determined  to  obtain  their  rights  or  (piit  the  service.  General  Wayne 
attempted  to  quell  the  mutiny  by  arbitrary  methods,  and,  confronting 

tile  men  witli  ])istols  in  his  hands, 
was  ready  to  shoot  the  leaders  if 
they  refused  to  obey;  wliereupon 
he  was  told  that  they  loved  and 
honored  and  a\-ouI(1  <lie  for  him.  but 
if  he  fired  he  would  be  killed  thai 
instant.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
revolting  regimi'uts  not  only  dis- 
dained seductive  inducements  con- 
veyed to  them  from  Sir  Ib-niy 
riinton  to  join  his  standard,  but 
seized  his  <'missaries  ainl  deliNcred 
lliem  to  Wayne  to  be  dealt  with  by 
iiiililary  law.  Finally  their  most 
pressing  wants  were  felie\-e(l  by 
congress. and  they  returned  to  their 
duty.  A  smaller  mutiny  in  the 
same  month  by  the  N'ew  Jersey  line  was  summarily  ended  by  hanging 
its  chief  promoters. 

Toward  the  end  of  January  a  bold  and  successful  raid  was  made 
by  Lieutenaut-Colon(d  Hull  from  the  Westchester  lines  upon  de  ban- 
cey's  corps  at  Morrisania.  A  number  of  the  British  were  killed  and 
fifty  were  captured,  some  of  their  huts  were  burned,  and  the  ]ioiitoon 
bridge  across  the  Harlem  River  Avns  cut  away;  and  in  another  en- 
gagement, M'hich  occurred  dui'ing  the  retreat  of  the  Americans,  the 
Hritish  sulfered  a  further  loss  of  thirty-five.  Thacher,  in  his  Military 
Journal,  speaks  of  this  affair  with  the  greatest  praise,  saying  that  it 
"is  calculated  to  raise  the  s]iirils  <if  our  troops  and  to  divert  their 
minds  from  the  imha]i](y  occurrences  which  have  recently  taken 
place  in  the  camji." 

Tlie  episode  of  the  mntinies  sliows  more  vividly  than  can  be  doni' 
by  any  formal  recital  of  the  circumstances  of  the  times  Avhat  fuudn 
nn  ntal  dilticulties  Washington   had  to  contend  against  in  entering 


OPERATIONS     OF    1781  499 

Upon  his  ;iri-nn;4ciiiciils  for  I  lie  Licncnil  iiiilitai'_v  iJi-occcdiuys  of  1781. 
The  (iiHc  li;i(l  now  iiriivcd  w  licii  siniid  liiiii;-  decisive  Tiiiist  indispensa- 
bly be  undertalccn.  A  lariie  and  iMM-f'ectly  a|i])oiiited  French  co- 
()])ei'ative  army  was  at  hand,  and  additional  land  forces  from  France 
AAcre  sure  lo  come,  to.uctlier  witii  a  powerful  lleet.  All  that  was 
re(|uii'ed  \\as  for  tlie  Amei-icaus  to  ])ro\'e  Ihemselves  worliiy  of  this 
assistance  by  resjx'ctabJA-  nialchinj^  it  with  forces  of  theii"  own; 
whereas  they  ajjpeared  aJniost  un<'(|ual  to  the  task  tt(  maintaining; 
any  ai'my  at  all!  ^loreover,  the  situation  at  the  South  was  weekly 
becoming-  more  desperate.  In  December  Clinton  sent  Arnold  to  Vir- 
•iinia  with  a  large  expedition,  and  in  the  spring  Cornwallis  also  began 
aggressions  in  that  quarter.  The  Southern  emergencies  were  so  ex- 
treme that  Washington's  individual  command,  wretchedly  weak  and 
neglecled  though  it  was,  could  not  be  strengthened  or  receive  any 
fostering  attention  without  prejudicing  interests  at  the  seat  of  war. 
And  finally  he  was  continually  importuned  to  abandon  the  North 
altogether,  let  befall  what  might  there,  and  fly  to  the  rescue  of  his 
native  State — importunities  which  Kochambeau,  the  French  general, 
seconded  by  favoring  an  immediate  Southern  campaign.  In  such 
circumstances  it  is  Avonderful  that  Washington  was  nevertheless  able 
to  have  a  decent  force  at  the  North  \o  unite  with  the  French  Avhen 
the  hour  of  action  struck.  Rut  most  of  all  it  demands  admiration — - 
adnuration  withotit  limits  or  bounds — that  from  the  very  outset  of 
the  year  17S1  up  to  his  masterly  movement  to  Virginia  in  August, 
he  never  faltered  in  his  plan  of  an  exclusive  Northern  demonstration 
with  his  French  allies  as  the  one  vital  policy  of  strategy.  It  was  to 
this  plan  and  its  steadfast  pursuance  with  every  manifestation  of 
soberest  earnestnes-s  that  Ihe  conquest  of  .\merican  liberties  at  York- 
town  was  UTulividedly  diu'.  And  it  is  the  proud  boast  of  our  County 
of  Westchester  that  here,  on  our  soil — entirely  on  our  soil — the  grand 
programme  was  inaugurated,  devehqied,  prosecnti'd,  and  brought  to 
the  threshold  of  assured  success. 

At  the  opening  of  the  spring  l^Iarch  (Ii  ^\■asllington  h-fi  his  head- 
quarters at  XcAv  Windsor  on  the  west  side  of  the  Hudson  and  went 
to  visit  the  French  general  at  NcAvport.  The  result  of  this  inter- 
A'iew  was  indecisive.  .Vt  that  time  the  fnrthci-  iinniediair  inimtions 
of  the  Frencli  ministry  were  uncertain.  It  was  not  knoAvn  at  what 
l>art  of  our  coast  the  ex]iected  licet  wduld  arrive,  or  when.  T'pon  Iiis 
return  Washingtoii  occniiicd  himself  with  ilie  details  of  iin]ii'(iving 
the  organization  of  his  arm,\'.  meantime  gi\ing  such  atteufion  as  he 
i-onld  to  the  situation  at  tlie  South.  Lafayette  liad  been  sent  thither 
and  li.-iij  begun  the  hiilli,-inl  work  in  \'irgini:i  which  stands  so  much 
(o  his  credit. 


On  the  13th  of  May  a  terribk^  pvciit  happfiicd  on  tlic  lines  in  West- 
chester County.  Coh)uel  Chiistoi)hei'  (ircctic,  in  coniniaud  at 
Oblenus's  P^ord  on  the  Croton  River,  above  Pine's  Bi'idge,  was  sur- 
prised by  a  party  of  de  Lancey's  Refugees  (suiiposed  to  have  con- 
sisted of  about  one  liuudred  liorse  and  two  Inindred  foot),  and  was 
killed  with  excessive  barbarity,  several  other  officers  and  many  men 
perishino  with  him.  tlreene  Avas  an  officer  of  notable  courage,  ad- 
dress, and  proficiency;  brilliant,  iicnerous,  and  noble;  a  f;reat  favorite 
of  Washington's  and  indeed  one  of  the  ornaments  of  the  American 
army.  A  citizen  of  Rhode  Island,  he  entered  the  service  at  the  be- 
ginning of  the  war,  was  with  Arnold  in  Canada,  and  during  the  opera- 
tions on  the  Delaware  in  the  fall  of  1777  was  intrusted  by  AVashing- 
ton  with  the  defense  of  the  vitally  important  ])ost  of  Fort  fiercer 
(Red  Rank).  Thei-e  he  was  attacked  by  1,200  Hessians  under  Count 
Donop,  whom  he  put  to  rout,  inflicting  a  loss  of  400  in  Ivilled  an<l 
wounded.  One  of  the  enemy's  mortally  wounded  on  that  occasion 
was  DonoiJ  himself,  whom  Greene  very  tenderly  cared  for  until  his 

Greene,  at  his  post  on  the  Croton,  says  General  Heath  in  his 
Memoirs,  had  "practiced  the  greatest  vigilance  in  guarding  this 
ford  in  the  night  time,  taking  off  the  guards  after  sunrise,  appre- 
henditig  that  the  enemy  would  never  presume  to  t-ross  the  river  in 
the  day  time."'  Gilbert  Totten,  a  native  of  that  portion  of  Westchester 
County,  who  was  in  the  enemy's  service,  informed  de  Lancey  about 
Greene's  custom  of  removing  the  guards  at  daybreak,  and  guided 
him  to  the  spot.  At  the  time  Greene  was  asleep  in  the  house  of  Rich- 
ardson Davenport,  sonu^  distance  back  from  the  river.  In  the  same 
bedroom  with  him  were  Major  Flagg  (also  a  gallant  oflicer)  and  a 
3'ouug  lieutenant,  and  the  men  were  quartennl  in  tents  around  the 
dwelling.  De  Lancey's  party  crossed  the  ford  unobserved  and  quickly 
surrounded  the  house.  The  young  lieutenant,  aroused  by  the  com- 
motion, si)rang  to  the  window  and  discharged  two  pistols  at  the 
approaching  Refugees.  This  deed  of  rashness  infuriated  the  assail- 
ants, who,  with  shouts  of  "Ivilll  Killl  No  quarter!"  rushed  for 
the  house.  Greene  called  on  his  men  to  defend  themselves,  and  seized 
his  swoi'd.  But  before  he  could  leave  the  room  the  door  was  burst 
open,  and,  single-handed  (the  lieutenant  had  already  been  killed  and 
Flagg  felled  by  musket-balls  fired  through  the  windows),  he  had  no 
choice  but  to  sell  his  life  as  dearly  as  possil)le.  "  His  right  arm  was 
almost  cut  off  in  two  ])laces,  his  left  in  one,  a  severe  cut  on  the  left 
shoulder,  a  sword  thrust  through  the  abdomen,  a  bayonet  in  the  right 
side,  and  another  through  the  abdomen,  several  sword  cuts  on  the 
liead,  and  many  in  different  parts  of  tlie  body."'     The  dying  Major 

OPERATIONS     OK   1781  50  J 

Fla<;.ii  Wiis  dispatched  in  like  savage  manner.  Greene,  fearfully 
mangled,  still  retained  some  life,  but  he  was  not  permitted  to  breathe 
his  last  in  ])eaoe.  Fie  was  placed  on  a  horse  and  compelled  to  ride 
off  with  the  ruiiliauly  victors.  After  going  about  three-cpiarters  of 
ii  mile  they  perceived  he  could  travel  no  farther,  removed  him  from 
his  horse,  and  pitched  him  into  some  bushes  by  the  roadside,  where 
he  presently  expired.  He  was  buried,  with  Major  Flagg,  in  the 
churchyard  at  Cronipond.'  The  American  loss  in  this  ghastly  affair 
in  killed.  Mounded,  and  prisoners  was  about  fifty. 

Shortly  after  the  middle  of  May,  Washington  received  definite 
intelligence  of  the  French  fleet.  It  was  to  consist  of  twenty  ships 
of  the  line,  with  land  troops,  all  commanded  by  the  Count  de  Grasse, 
was  to  sail  from  France  for  the  A\'est  Indies,  and  from  there  was  to 
proceed  to  the  shores  of  the  United  States  in  July  or  August.  On 
the  basis  of  this  news  Washington  and  Kochambeau  met  at  Weathers- 
field,  Conn.,  on  the  22(1  of  May,  and  subscribed  to  the  following  un- 

The  enemy,  bj'  several  detaoliments  from  New  York,  lia\'iug  reduced  their  force  at  tliat 
post  to  less  than  half  the  niuiiber  which  they  had  at  the  time  of  the  former  conference  at  Hart- 
ford in  September  last,  it  is  thought  advisable  to  form  a  junction  of  the  French  and  American 
armies  upon  the  North  [Hudson]  River  as  soon  as  possible,  and  move  down  to  the  vicinity  of 
New  York,  to  be  ready  to  take  advantage  of  any  opportunity  which  the  weakness  of  the  enemy 
may  afford. 

Should  the  West  Indies  fleet  [de  Grasse 's]  arrive  on  the  coast,  the  forces  thus  combined 
may  either  proceed  in  operations  against  New  York  or  may  be  directed  against  the  enemy  in 
some  other  quarter. 

It  will  be  observed  that  this  agreement  of  the  two  generals  was 
explicit  as  to  the  immediate'  operations  of  the  united  armies,  but 
not  as  to  the  ultimate  destination  of  the  fieet  or  as  to  the  final  joint 
objective  of  armies  and  fleet.  It  was  decided  with  all  possible  dis- 
patch to  effect  a  union  of  Washington's  and  Kochambeau's  forces  and 
'•  move  down  in  the  vicinity  of  New  York,"  there  to  "  take  advantage 
of  any  opportunity  which  the  weakness  of  the  enemy  may  afford." 
Rut  whither  the  fleet  was  to  come  was  not  definitely  indicated;  and 
manifestly  it  was  intended  that  the  ultimate  campaign  of  the  armies 
should  be  determined  by  the  destination  of  the  fleet — provided,  of 
course,  no  decisive  operations  before  New  York  should  result  pre- 
viously to  the  fleet's  arrival. 

Now,  there  were  only  two  possible  destinations  for  the  fleet.  One 
was  Chesapeake  Bay,  where  all  the  enemy's  forces  in  the  South  were 
concentrating  for  the  reduction  of  Mrginia;  the  other  was  New  York, 

'  The  New  York  Slate  hcislature  of  1900  yard  to  the  lierm's  of  this  atT.Tlr.  A  further 
made  an  apiiropriatiuti  of  $2,000  for  the  eroe-  amount  has  lii'cn  contributed  tlirouch  the  ef- 
tinn  of  a  mnnuiiient  in   the  Ciompond  cliiireh-        forts  "f  the   Sous  of   tlio    Itcvolutlnn. 


where  Sir  Henry  Clinton's  coniniiiiKl  \\;is  located.  To  which  point 
would  de  Grasse  come?  or,  rather,  to  which  point  should  tiie  two 
•leuerals  advise  hini  to  conic? — for  there  was,  of  course,  time  to  com- 
municate witii  him  before  his  departure  from  the  West  Indies,  and 
that  indeed  was  indispensable. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  in  177S,  when  the  first  French  expedi- 
tion under  d'Estaing  reached  our  shores,  it  proceeded,  at  \N'ashinj;- 
ton's  suggestion,  to  Sandy  Hook,  with  every  purpose  of  entering  New 
York  harbor  and  joining  with  the  continental  army  in  a  siege  of 
New  York;  but  that  d'Estaiug  at  the  last  moment  abandoned  that 
plan  because  of  his  apprehension  that  his  larger  war  vessels  might 
get  stranded  on  the  bar.  Indeed,  there  A\as  a  contirmed  dislike  in 
the  French  admiralty  office  of  the  Sandy  Hook  bar,  which  IJocham- 
beau  appears  to  have  shared  in  a  positive  degree.  At  the  Weathers- 
field  conference  he  expressed  this  animus  strongly,  and,  in  fact,  the 
whole  bent  of  his  inclination  was  toward  a  prompt  united  naval  and 
land  campaign  in  the  South. 

Washington,  on  the  other  hand,  deemed  a  New  York  campaign 
of  first  and  supremest  importance — not  because  he  considered  Ameri- 
can interests  less  needful  of  his  personal  employment  in  the  South 
than  in  the  North,  but  for  the  i^recisely  contrary  reason  that  the 
proijosed  move  against  New  York  was  the  one  essential  instrumen- 
tality by  which  to  relieve  the  stress  at  the  South.  At  Weathers- 
field  he  urged  this  opiniitn  with  the  utmost  confidence,  and  all  his 
subsequent  procedure  corresi)onded  with  his  original  conviction. 
There  is  n(jlhing  to  show  that  at  any  time  he  cherished  undue  hope 
of  actually  capturing  Nt'W  York — especially  in  the  absence  of  re-en- 
forcements and  of  assurance  that  the  fleet  would  co-operate.  But 
he  was  for  an  immediate  and  perfectly  formal  New  York  campaign, 
let  the  fleet  come  where  it  might.  Perhaps  he  seriously  hoped  to 
take  New  York.  But  the  eventuality  there  did  not  interest  him  so 
much  as  the  manifest  advantage  of  the  strategy.  He  would  make 
so  formidable  a  demonstration  against  New  York  that  Sir  Henry 
Clinton  would  either  have  to  lose  the  city  or  leave  Cornwallis  at  the 
South  to  his  own  resoui-ces.  In  either  case  there  would  be  an  ex- 
cellent chance  to  strike  the  final  blow. 

If  this  was  not  ^^'asllington's  exact  mental  attitude  from  start  to 
finish — clearh'  f(»rmnlated  at  the  beginning  and  never  modified  by 
special  conditions  later — then  his  whole  course  of  conduct  and  ex- 
pression was  purely  accidental,  a  thing  not  to  be  believed  of  him. 
Again  and  again  he  was  besought  to  leave  the  army  at  the  North  and 
take  the  command  in  A'irginia;  and  uniformly  he  replied  that  he 
was  resolved  to  continue  at  the  North  conforniahlv  witli  well-matured 

OPERATIONS     OK   1781 


plans  which,  iu  their  cxccnitiou,  would  givf  X'iininia  far  girater 
rclit'f  than  his  persoual  presence  could  possibly  bring  to  pass.  In 
July,  wiicn  his  enterjjrise  against  New  Yorlc  was  iu  full  {jrogress, 
Ikichard  Henry  i>ee  wrote  to  him  pressiugly  from  Virginia,  declar- 
ing that  the  people  wei-e  ready  to  make  him  dictator  if  be  would 
show  himself  there;  to  which  he  replied  in  the  following  strong 
words:  "  ily  preseut  i)lan  of  operation,  which  1  have  been  preparing 
with  all  the  zeal  and  activity  iu  my  power,  will,  I  am  morally  cer- 
tain, with  j)roper  support,  jiroduce  one  of  two  things,  either  the  fall 
of  New  York  or  a  withdrawal  of  the  (enemy's)  troops  from  Vir- 
ginia." On  the  4:th  of  June,  previously  to  the  junction  of  the  Ameri- 
can and  French  armies  in  ^^'estchester  County,  he  wrote  from  bis 
iiead(iuarters  at  New  Windsor  these  most  signiticant  words  to  the 
Count  de  Kocbambeau:  "  I  could  wish  that  the  march  of  the  [French] 
troops  miglit  now  be  hurried  as  much  as  possible.  ...  I  know 
of  no  measure  A\'hich  \\ill  be  so  likely  to  afford 
relief  to  the  Soutliern  States." 

Yet  it  has  been  claimed  by  some  Idstorical 
Avriters  that  it  was  Washington's  essentia  1 
policy  to  captui'e  New  York,  and  that  the  idea 
of  the  fiiuil  move  to  Virginia  originated  witli 
Rochambeau.  This  view  rests  up(ju  the  e.xceed- 
ingly  slender  foundation  that  at  the  Weathers- 
tield  conference  Rochambeau  o})posed  any  co- 
operation by  the  fleet  at  New  York  (because,  as 
already  i>ointed  out,  of  French  prejudice  against 

the  Sandy  Hook  bar).  But  if  at  ^A'eathersfield  Rochambeau  conceived 
the  ^'irginia  campaign,  it  was  certainly  not  a  conception  based  upon 
the  plan  of  a  formidable  prelimimiry  New  York  campaign.  With- 
out the  preliminary  New  \'ork  camiiaign,  conducted  with  the  ntnmsr 
sagacity,  there  would  liave  been  no  triumpiiant  Mrginia  campaign. 

This  digression  from  the  straightforward  i)rogress  of  our  narrative 
seems  necessary  to  a  proi)er  understanding  of  the  Weathersfield 
agreement  of  the  22d  of  ^lay  and  its  relations  to  subsequent  events. 
That  agreement  was  decidedly  indefinite,  except  in  the  one  particular 
that  there  should  be  an  immediate  movement  of  the  combined  armies 
on  New  York;  with  which  priuu'  matter  settled,  W^ashiugton  con- 
sented to  leave  de  (Jrasse's  course  \\itli  his  fleet  to  his  o\\ii  discre- 
tion. It  is  not  conceivable  tliat  he,  the  responsible  commander-in- 
chief,  would  have  made  su(di  a  concession  if  he  had  ludd  to  the  ex- 
clusive idea  of  taking  New  York. 

By  a  dis])atch  vessel  sent  from  Newport  to  the  West  Indies  in  the 
latter  part  of  .May,  de  Grasse  was  accordingly  notified  of  the  decl- 



.sious  iT-achcd  at  tlic  Wcathcr^ticld  loiilcnmce,  aud  it  was  made  op- 
tional with  liim  wlietlior  to  come  to  New  Yorli  Harbor  or  to  Chesa- 
peake Bay.  As  we  sliall  sec,  Washiiiiiton  remained  in  absolute  un- 
certainty regarding  the  French  admiral's  intended  destination  until 
after  the  latter  had  sailed  from  the  West  Indies. 

The  remainder  of  ;\lay  and  the  first  three  weeks  of  June  were  em- 
ployed in  preparations  for  the  junction  of  the  allied  armies  and  the 
offensive  operations  on  New  York.  Kochambeau  began  his  march 
from  Newport  on  the  10th  of  June,  leaving  at  that  place  a  sufficient 
garrison,  its  harbor  being  still  occupied  by  French  ships  of  war. 
Washington  assembled  his  troops  from  their  different  encampments 
on  the  west  side  of  tlie  Hudson,  brought  them  across  King's  Ferry, 
and  on  the  20th  established  liis  headquarters  at  the  Van  Cortlandt 
house  north  of  Peekskill.  lie  at  once  proceeded  to  demonstrate  to 
the  British  that  the  joint  movement  was  not  a  mere  feint  or  a  ven- 
ture whose  final  object  was  to  be  approached  gradually,  but  a  swift 
and  deadly  undertaking  against  New  York.  The  promptitude  with 
which  Washington,  after  arriving  at  Peekskill,  planned  and  executed 
the  demonstration  on  New  York,  and  the  fine  judgment  with  which 
he  arranged  his  combinations,  must  have  been  convincing  proof  to 
Sir  Henry  Clinton  that  he  would  soon  be  called  upon  to  defend  the 
city  Avith  all  the  resources  at  his  command. 

Wasliington  had  two  immediate  objects  in  view — first,  to  surprise 
and,  if  possible,  capture  the  British  position  at  Kingsbridge;  second, 
to  cut  off  de  Lancey's  large  body  of  Refugees  at  ^lorrisania  and  any 
other  troops  of  the  enemy  north  of  the  Harlem  Kiver.  The  two 
schemes  were  to  be  carried  out  simultaneously  and  with  great  secrecy 
and  rapidity.  The  Kingsbridge  enterprise  was  to  be  under  the  charge 
of  Ceneral  Lincoln,  of  the  American  army,  who  was  to  drop  down 
the  river  under  cover  of  night,  reconnoiter  the  works  at  the  northern 
end  of  ^Manhattan  Island,  and,  if  he  found  them  not  too  strongly  de- 
fended, attack  Kingsbridge.  At  the  same  time  the  Duke  de  Lauzun, 
of  the  French  army,  was  to  conu-  down  to  Morrisania  from  Connec- 
ticut by  a  forced  march  and  fall  upon  de  Lancey.  In  the  event  that 
Lincoln  should  find  it  imprudent  to  attack  Kingsbridge,  he  was  to 
take  a  station  near  that  place  so  as  to  prevent  de  Lancey  from  escap- 
ing to  iManhattan  Island.  Ami  finally  Washington  and  Ivochambean, 
with  their  main  bodies,  were  to  descend  swiftly  down  thiougii  West- 
chester County  and  be  ready  for  further  immediate  operations  in 
force  if  Kingsbridge  should  be  taken.  It  was  a  thorough  plan  of 
instant  aggression,  well  calcuhited  to  cause  Sir  Henry  Clinton  the 
greatest  concern  whether  it  succeeded  or  failed.  The  date  selected 
for  the  combined  attempt  was  the  3d  of  July. 

OPERATIONS     OF   17S1  505 

On  the  cvt'iiiiiii  of  tlie  1st  of  July  Geueral  IjikhIh,  witli  >;(l(l  men 
and  several  pieces  of  artillery,  left  the  camp  in  ilic  \iciDity  of  I'eek- 
skill,  niarclicd  to  Teller's  (Croton)  Point,  and  jmt  liis  cxjM'dilion  on 
hoard  of  boats,  m  hicli  were  rowed  with  nuilllcd  oai-s  down  the  ihnl- 
son  to  the  present  Lndlow  section  of  the  City  of  Y'onkers.  For  the 
jnirpose  of  coniM-alnient  the  flcdilla  was  drawn  (dose  to  tlic  siiore. 
(ieneral  Lincoln  crossed  to  the  Avest  bank,  and  from  tiic  Palisades 
reconnoitered  the  Manhattan  Island  forts.  To  his  disajjpointnient 
lie  discovci'cd  lliat  a  larj^c  liody  of  the  enemy  was  encamjx'd  there, 
'i'iuis  his  intended  surprise  of  Ivinij,sbrid<i('  was  made  imjiract  icable. 
He  returned  to  his  boats  and  remained  in  them  till  hcforc  dawn  of 
the  3d,  when  he  landed  his  men  and  i^nns  and  advanced  to  a  height 
opposite  Ivingsbridge  (the  site  of  the  former  Fort  Indepenvlence)  iu 
order  to  support  de  Lauzuu  in  his  attack  on  de  Lancey.  But  illduck 
attended  this  attemi)t  also.  lie  was  discovered  by  a  strong  foraying 
party  of  the  enemy,  which  came  across  the  bridge  just  about  day- 
break, and  skinnisliing  ensued  the  noise  of  which  alarmed  de  Lancey 
at  Morrisania.  De  Lauzuu  had  arrived  at  Williams's  Bridge  dni-ing 
liie  night  of  the  2d,  and  after  giving  his  men  a  few  hours'  rest,  was  just 
preparing  to  move  against  de  Lancey.  But  the  lattei',  apprised  of  his 
danger  by  the  tiring  at  Kiugsbridge,  hastened  away  and  was  soon 
safe  on  Manhattan  Island. 

Meantime  Washington,  with  remarkable  celerity,  had  brought  the 
main  army  down  from  Peekskill.  Leaving  his  tents  standing,  he 
quitted  the  camp  at  three  o'clock  on  the  morning  of  the  2d.  The 
march  was  made  without  baggage,  so  as  to  execute  it  in  the  briefest 
possible  time.  There  were  only  two  halts — one  at  Croton  Bridge  and 
the  other  beside  the  Sleepy  Hollow  Church  near  Tarrytown.  Valen- 
tine's Hill  (Youkers),  four  miles  above  Kingsbridge,  was  reached  by 
sunrise  of  the  3d,  and  there  Washington  stopped  to  await  the  result 
of  the  movements  below.  At  the  same  time  tlie  French  army  was  on 
the  way  from  Connecticut. 

This  well-planned  and  in  all  its  parts  perfectly  well-executed  demon- 
stration failed  totally.  Its  collapse  affords  striking  testimony  of  the 
sound  sense  of  Washington  in  discouraging  proposed  expeditions 
against  >yew  York  throughout  the  Kevolution.  Such  expeditions 
were  projected  repeatedly  by  his  subordinates,  but  Washington  dis- 
approved them  almost  without  consideration.  He  himself,  on  one 
or  two  occasions  jireviously  to  the  attempt  of  July  3,  1781,  made 
i-eady  to  descend  upon  Kingsbridge,  but  these  offers  were  only  tem- 
porary menaces  for  strategit-  j)uri>oses.  Washington's  career  teaches 
that  when  there  was  any  conceivable  advantage  to  be  derived  from 
fighting  or  from  aggressively  operating,  he  was  as  enterprising  and 


jM^rsislc  111  aloiii;  those  lines  as  auy  great  general  of  history.  It  was 
agonizing  to  him  to  waste  away  campaign  after  campaign  on  the 
defensive.  From  the  summer  of  1778  to  the  snmmer  of  1781  he  never 
fought  a  battle,  conducted  a  siege,  or  made  any  aggressive  movement 
in  force  which  in\()lved  active  waifare.  Yet  during  all  that  period 
lie  had  his  army  drawn  up  or  disjxised  in  New  Jersey,  the  FTighlands, 
oi'  \\'estchester  County,  within  easy  striking  distance  of  New  York; 
and,  moreover,  the  recapture  of  New  Y'ork  was  the  grand  goal  of 
the  Eevolution.  Tie  did  not  attempt  it  because  it  would  have  been 
a  simply  mad  thing  to  do  Avith  the  forces  at  his  disposal.  When, 
flnallj',  with  the  assistance  of  the  French,  he  was  ready  to  move  on 
New  York  as  a  formal  matter,  he  arranged  a  perfect  combination 
to  take  Kingsbridge  by  swift  surjirise.  This,  the  first  and  only 
attempt  to  surprise  Kingsbridge,  did  not  come  even  to  the  fighting 
stage.  How  mer(dy  foolhardy  would  have  been  the  ordinary  ex- 
peditions against  Kingsbridge  which  ambitious  oificers  were  con- 
tinually planning. 

Finding  that  tlie  British  at  the  outposts  of  New  York  were  not  to 
be  surprised,  it  remained  for.  Washington  to  institute  deliberate 
operations.  The  next  day  (July  4)  he  retired  from  Valentine's  Hill 
to  Dobbs  Ferry,  where  he  en(am])ed,  also  marking  out  a  camp  for 
the  French  on  his  left.  Kochambeau  had  advanced  as  far  as  North 
Castle  (seventeen  miles  distant),  where  Washington  visited  him  on 
the  5th.  (^n  the  ()th  the  French  joined  the  Americans.  The  latter 
lay  in  two  lines,  resting  on  the  Hudson  at  Dobbs  Ferry,  covered  by 
batteries,  and  extending  toward  the  Nepperhan  River;  while  their 
allies  wei'c  in  a  single  line  on  the  hills  farther  east,  reaching  to  the 
Bronx.  The  left  of  the  French  position  was  at  Chatterton's  Hill,  the 
scene  of  the  battle  of  October  28,  1776.  A  very  pleasing  description 
of  the  united  encampment  is  given  by  Irving  in  his  Life  of  Wash- 
ington :  "  It  was  a  lovely  country  for  a  summer  encampment,  bree/y 
hills  commanding  wide  prospects,  umbrageous  valle.ys  watered  by 
bright  pastoral  streams,  the  Bronx,  the  Sprain,  and  the  Nepperhan, 
and  abounding  with  never  failing  springs.  The  French  encamp- 
ment made  a  gallant  display-  along  the  Greeuburgh  hills.  Some  of 
the  oflficers,  young  men  of  rank,  to  whom  this  was  all  a  service  of 
romance,  took  a  pride  in  decorating  their  tents  and  forming  little 
gardens  in  their  vicinity.  'We  have  a  charming  position  among 
rocks  and  under  magnificent  tulip  trees,'  writes  one  of  them,  the 
Count  Dumas.  General  Washington  was  an  object  of  their  enthu- 
siasm. He  visited  the  tents  they  had  so  gayly  embellished,  for,  with 
all  his  gravity,  he  was  fond  of  the  company  of  young  men.  They 
were  apprised  of  his  coming,  and  set  out  on  their  camp  tables  plans 

OPERATION'S     OK   1781 


of  the  batth  ol'  Trciildii,  of  ^^'('Sl  Toiiit,  and  otlici  sccik  s  (•(nincicd 
willi  the  war.  The  L;rcatcsl  lianuoiiv  in'cvailcd  hctwccii  the  armies. 
Till'  two  conuiiaiKlcrs  had  their  respective  lieacUiiiarters  iu  farui 
lioiises,  and  occasionally,  on  festive  occasions,  lonj;-  tables  were  spread 
in  tile  adjacent  hams,  which  were  converted  into  hancinet  halls." 

In  Ikochanibeau's  army  were  many  notable  officers,  the  tlower  of 
the  French  army.  Some  of  these  were  the  Baron  N'ioiiicnij,  coiii- 
mandinii  the  Itoiirbonnais.  the  oldest  regiment  of  I'rance;  the  Count 
de  Viomenil,  his  brother;  the  Chevalier  de  Chastelieux;  the  Count  de 
Custine  and  the  Dtike  de  Lauzun,  both  of  whom  fell  under  (he  guillo- 
tine; Berthier,  at  the  time  aide-de- 
camp to  IJochanibeau  and  later 
one  of  Napoleon's  field  marshals; 
and  the  Count  de  I'^rsen,  who  dis- 
tinguished himself  at  Yorktown 
and  during  the  stormy  days  of  the 
I'rench  Kevolution  A\as  conspicu- 
ous in  his  devotion  to  the  royal 

Eochambeau's  headq  uar  t  ers 
were  at  the  old  Udell  mansion  then 
owned  by  a  Mr.  Bates;  and  Wash- 
ington's were  at  Joseph  Api)leby's, 
about  half  a  mile  from  the  Dobbs 
I'erry  IJoad  and  the  same  distance 
from  the  [Sawmill  Eiver. 

The  -Vmerican  army  at  Dobbs 
Feri'y  was  something  less  than 
5,000  strong,  and  the  numbers  of 
the  I'lcnch  were  about  the  same. 

On  the  Sth  of  July  Washington  reviewed  the  two  armies.  One  of  the 
tirst  things  done  was  the  erection  of  a  battery  at  Dobbs  Ferry  to  com- 
mand the  Hudson  liiver.  For  the  first  two  weeks,  however,  no  gen- 
eral ])roceedings  were  attempted. 

( >n  t  lie  evening  of  the  15th  of  July  there  was  a  spirited  engagement 
with  the  enemy  at  Tarrytown,  occasioned  by  an  attenii)t  of  se\'eral 
I>rilisli  slii])s  (d'  war  to  captur(>  or  desti'oy  Amei-ican  vessels  tliat  had 
come  down  the  river  with  ordnance  and  supplies.  This  affair  is 
known  as  "  llie  action  at  Tarrytown,"  and  in  comnienioi-ation  of  it 
a  liisiorical  tablet  was  ))laced  on  the  Tarrytown  railroad  station, 
•Inly  1.5,  1890.  The  American  vessels,  of  which  there  were  two  ac- 
cording to  one  account,  and  tlii-ee  or  four  accoi-ding  to  other  land 
more  probable)  statements,  were  descending  from  West  i'oiut,  and 



tlicir  cargoes  were  very  important.  In  order  to  escape  the  British 
ships,  which  were  coiiiin}^  up,  they  were  steered  for  the  dock  at 
Tarrytown,  but  they  ran  aground  at  a  distance  of  about  a  hundred 
yards  from  that  phice.  Tliere  being  no  troops  at  Tarrytowu,  except 
a  small  French  guard,  Washington  hurriedly  dispatched  tSheldon's 
Dragoons  from  Dobbs  Ferry.  Sheldon's  men,  under  Captain  George 
Hurlbut,  went  to  work  with  a  will  to  unload  the  stranded  craft.  The 
enemy's  warships,  having  come  to  anchor  not  far  away,  opened  a 
heavy  cannonade,  under  cover  of  which  two  gunboats  and  four  barges 
aj^pruached  with  the  object  of  burning  our  vessels.  Captain  llurlbut, 
who  was  on  board  one  of  the  latter  with  twelve  men,  armed  only 
with  pistols  and  swords,  aa  aited  until  the  British  were  alongside  and 
"  gave  them  a  lire,  which  they  returned,  and  killed  one  of  his  men." 
The  Americans  now  jumped  into  the  water  and  swam  ashore.  After 
setting  fire  to  the  vessels  the  British  quickly  retired  under  a  deadly 
musketry  attack  from  the  Dragoons  and  French  on  the  shore.  There- 
upon Captain  Hurlbut,  Captain-Lieutenant  Miles,  Lieutenant  Shaylor, 
and  several  others  plunged  into  the  river,  boarded  the  burning  sloops, 
and  extinguished  the  flames.,  llurlbut  received  a  wound  from  which 
he  died  two  years  later.  All  the  contents  of  the  vessels  were  then 
safely  landed.  Washington  deeuu-d  the  services  thus  rendered  so 
valuable  and  so  gallant  that  in  general  orders  he  recited  the  facts, 
adding  that  the  conduct  of  the  three  officers  "  entitles  them  to  the 
most  distinguished  notice  and  applause  of  their  genei-al,"  and  in  his 
Diary  he  remarks  upon  "  the  extraordinary  spirit  and  activity  "  of 
the  gentlemen  concerned. 

The  next  morning  (July  KJ)  the  Americans  opened  an  artillery  fire 
upon  the  British  ships  from  a  battery  which  had  been  erected  at 
Tarrytown.  This  proved  so  troublesome  that  the  enemy  had  to  move 
out  of  range.  On  the  19th  they  stood  down  the  river  to  return  to 
New  York.  A  destructive  fire  was  poured  upon  them  by  the  Dobbs 
Ferry  battery.  The  largest  of  the  ships  was  set  on  fire  by  a  bursting 
shell,  and  in  consternation  a  number  of  the  men  jumped  overboard. 
Some  of  them  were  drowned,  and  three  or  four  who  reached  the  shore 
were  made  prisoners. 

After  these  creditable  transactions  with  the  enemy's  ships,  Wash- 
ington entered  vigorously  upon  his  arrangements  for  threatening 
New  York.  About  this  time  he  crossed  with  Rochambeau  to  the  other 
side  of  the  river,  and,  accompanied  by  150  New  Jersey  troo])s,  very 
carefully  reconnoitered  Manhattan  Island  and  its  defenses  along  the 
Hudson.  On  the  18th  two  detachments,  an  American  and  a  French 
(the  latter  commauded  by  young  Dumas),  were  sent  to  explore  the 
country  in  the  lower  part  of  Westchester  County.     Both  proceeded 

OPERATIONS    OF  1781  509 

(()  williin  miiskct  i-inigc  of  the  Kin,nsbri<]<;('  works.  This  was  pre- 
paratory to  till'  famous  "grand  rccoiinoissaiicc  "  of  Now  York  on 
111.' 22(1^1  nd  23d. 

-Inly  the  21st,  at  eight  o'clock  in  the  evening,  about  onc-Iialf  the 
forces  of  tlie  two  armies  at  the  Dobbs  Ferry  camp  were  put  in  mo- 
tion and  marclied  to  opposite  Kingsbridge,  f(dlowing  tiie  Hudson 
Kiver,  Sawmill  Kiver,  and  Eastchester  roads.  "  The  right,  com- 
numded  by  General  Heath,  was  formed  by  a  part  of  the  division  of 
(Jeneral  Lincoln.  The  legion  of  Lauzun  protected  the  army  upon 
the  left.  There  were  in  all  about  ."),()()()  men,  Avith  two  tield  batteries. 
The  head  of  the  column  reached  the  ridge  which  commands  Kings- 
bridge  at  five  o'clock  on  the  morning  of  the  22(1.  Tlie  roads  were 
vei-y  ba<l,  and  the  artillery  had  difticulty  in  following.  Nevertheless, 
the  two  armies  marched  in  perfect  order,  observing  the  strictest 
silence."  The  ti'oops  wiM'e  disposed  so  as  to  cover  the  proceedings  of 
the  two  generals,  who,  with  the  greatest  dtdiberatioii,  attended  by  a 
corps  of  engineers,  traversed  the  country  in  front  of  the  British  posi- 
tion from  river  to  Pound,  noting  every  jilace  and  object  that  might 
be  of  importance  in  connection  A\ith  futui-e  opei-ations.  Their  move- 
tiKMits  were  directed  by  the  Fordhani  guide,  Andrew  Corsa.  "He 
used  to  I'elate  +hat  when  the  allies,  marching  from  the  east  near  the 
Hroiix  and  passing  o\i'r  the  higli  grounds  around  Moi'i-isania  house, 
came  in  sight  of  the  enemy,  the  fire  which  the  British  artillei-y  ojiened 
ii])nn  them  from  the  fortifications  at  Randall's  Island  and  Snake 
Hill,  from  the  batteries  at  Harlem,  and  from  the  ships  of  war  at 
anchor  in  the  (Harlem)  river,  were  terrible  and  incessant;  and,  obey- 
ing the  instinct  of  sidf-jucservation,  which  became  snddcidy  pre- 
dominant, he  urged  his  horse  forward  at  full  speed  and  rode  for  safety 
behind  the  old  Morrisania  Mill.  Here  he  pulled  u]),  and,  looking 
back,  saw  "\^'ashington,  Rochambeau,  and  the  other  officers  riding 
calmly  along  under  the  fire  as  though  nothing  unusual  had  occurred. 
His  self-possession  now  returned,  and,  ashamed  at  having  given  way 
to  an  im])u]se  of  fear,  he  at  once  ]ii'ic]<e(l  back  with  all  the  rapidity 
to  \\hich  he  conld  ui'ge  his  horse,  anil  i-esunu-d  Ins  place  in  the  order 
of  niarcli;  wliih-  the  commanding  officers,  with  good-natured  ])eals 
of  lauglitcr,  welcomed  him  back  and  commended  his  courage."  ' 

"This  reconnoisancc,"  says  a  French  wiiter,  •'was  made  with  all 
tile  cai'c  imagiTiable.  ^^'(■  had  Ix'cn  ex|)osed  to  ><i.\'  or  seven  hundred 
cannon-shots,  whi<-h  cost  the  Americans  two  men.  We  had  taken 
twenty  oi'  thirty  prisoners  from  (he  Fnglish,  and  killed  four  or  five 
men.  Sixty  horses  had  also  been  taken  from  them.  T  can  not  repeat 
too  often  hoAV  greatly  1  Ikuc  been  snrpiised  at   the  .Vmei'ican  ai-niy. 

•  lioliim  I  rev.  I'll.  I,  ii.,  .'i;«. 


II   is  inr«)n(ci\"iil>lc  tluii   ti ps  almost  luil^cd,  piKirl.v  ]iai(l,  and  com- 

|i(isc(l  of  (lid  lucii.  negroes,  and  rhildicii,  slimild  iiiaicli  ('(lually  well 
on  the  road  and  nndcr  firr.  I  iiave  shared  tliis  asronishnicnl  with 
M.  de  IJnchaniliean  liinis(dl',  who  continueil  to  speak  of  it  to  ns  on  the 
retnrn  march.  I  liardly  need  to  speak  of  the  (■of)lncss  of  Oeneral 
Washini^ion.  It  is  known;  lint  this  great  man  is  a  thonsand  times 
gi'cater  and  more  noble  at  the  head  of  his  army  than  at  any  other 
time."  1 

This  was  no  sensational  parade  before  the  enemy's  position  to 
make  a  plausible  showing  of  offensive  designs,  bnt  an  elaborate. 
scientific  preparation  for  a  si(>ge.  It  is  said  that  Washington  ami 
■Ro(diambean  Avere  in  their  saddles  twenty-four  eonseeutive  hours. 
Itocliambeau  relates  an  interesting  episode: 

We  had  proceeded  (he  says)  to  an  island,  which  was  separated  from  the  enemy  jiostcd  on 
Long  Island,  by  an  arm  of  the  sea,  the  widtli  of  which  General  Washington  wislicd  to  liave 
measured.  While  our  engineers  performed  this  geometrical  o])i'ratinn,  worn  out  by  fatigue, 
we  slept  at  the  foot  of  a  hedge,  under  fire  from  the  cannon  of  the  enemy's  vessels,  who  wished 
to  hinder  the  work.  Awakening  first,  I  called  General  Washington  and  remarked  to  him  that 
we  had  forgotten  the  hour  of  the  tide.  We  hastened  to  the  causeway  of  the  mill  ujion  which 
we  had  crossed  this  little  arm  of  the  sea  which  separated  us  from  the  mainland;  it  was 
covered  with  water.  They  brought  us  two  little  boats,  in  which  we  embarked,  with  the  sad- 
dles and  trappings  of  the  horses;  then  they  sent  back  two  American  dragoons,  who  drew  by 
the  bridle  two  horses,  good  swinmiers.  These  were  followed  by  all  the  rest,  urged  on  by  the 
lashes  of  some  dragoons  remaining  on  the  other  shore,  and  for  whom  we  sent  back  the  boats. 
This  maneuver  consumed  less  than  an  hour,  but  liajipily  our  end)arrassmcnt  was  unnoticed  by 
the  enemy. 

The  "island"  was  evidently  Tlirogg's  Neck,  that  land  of  mystery 
and  confusion  for  imjietuous  generals-in-cliief,  where  the  onrushing 
Sir  William  Howe  had  experienced  infinitely  more  vexations  embar- 
rassments at  the  beginning  of  his  Wc^stchester  cam])aign  of  1770. 

One  result  of  the  reconuoissance  was  the  breaking  u])  of  the  post 
of  de  Lancey's  Eefugees  at  IVForrisania.  Washington  had  hoped  to 
capture  this  redoubtable  partisan  and  his  tronjiers,  but.  :is  on  the  8d, 
de  Lancey  eluded  the  force  seut  against  him. 

On  the  night  of  the  23d  the  whole  American  and  I'rench  forces 
returned  to  Dobbs  Ferry. 

There  is  an  abundance  of  ]iroof  that  the  reconuoissance  of  New 
York  was  a  perfectly  sincere  proceeding  on  Washington's  ])art,  and 
that  at  the  time  he  fully  intended  to  follow  it  up  with  a  rc^gnlar  siege 
in  the  case  that  the  fleet  of  de  Grasse  should  make  its  appearance  in 
New  York  Eay.  Jloreover,  he  earnestly  desired  that  de  Orasse  should 
come  there.  Previously  to  the  junction  of  the  armies  at  Dobbs  Ferry 
he  had  written  to  de  Orasse,  urging  him  to  steer  a  straight  course 
for  Sandy  IIo(d<;  and  on  July  10,  at  a  conference  Avitli  Kochambeau. 
he  expressed  himself  as  follows:     "Upon  the  wh(de,  T  do  not   see 

^   l'''r.'inr.Tls   ot   .\morif]un   pmrlant   In   Oucrro  do  rTiulppfndpnno  drs  fitats-T'nis. 

OPIMtATIOXS     OF    17S1  511 

wiiiit  iiKirc  cjin  be  (Icmc  tluin  to  ]>rosccut('  (lie  ]iliiii  ai^irccd  ii|miii  at 
llu'  ^^'('illll(•I'sfi(>l(l  coiircfciicc,  and  to  iccoiuiiicikI  to  tlic  ("oiiiil  (ic 
(Jrassc  to  coiiu'  iiuiiuHliatclv  to  Sandy  IIo(d<.  am],  if  i)ossil)lc,  |)oss('S.s 
the  harbor  of  New  York."  I'lit  lie  r<'niaincd  in  coniijb'lc  iinccrtaiiit y 
as  to  di'  (Irasso's  intentions  until  tlie  nii(b]lc  (d'  An.unsl.  He  acoord- 
iiiiily  stayed  in  his  D()V)bs  Ferry  encani]inicnl  awaiting  int(dlifi-enpe. 

In  this  connection  he  adopted  a  measure  to  jii-ocure  the  sjieediest 
|(ossibb'  information  of  the  arrival  of  the  fleet  if  Sandy  Hook  should 
jirove  to  be  the  destination  of  de  (Jrasse.  On  July  21 — the  day  when 
he  set  out  to  recounoiter  NeAV  York — he  addressed  the  followinji'  auto- 
<;rapli  letter  (whose  oriiiinal  is  now  in  the  possession  of  the  editor 
of  this  History)  to  Bri.iiadier-( Jeneral  David  l'\)rman'  at  MouTnouth, 
X.  .1.: 

Head  Quarters,  Uobbs  Forry,  21st  July,  1781. 

Dear  .Sir: — Wheu  I  request  your  particular  Care  of  the  enclosed,  it  is  necessary  that  I 
should  inform  you  in  the  fullest  confidence,  and  under  the  strictest  injunctions  of  secresy,  that 
the  Count  de  (irasse  may  be  shortly  expected  with  liis  wliole  Heet  from  the  West  Indies. 
Whether  he  will  first  a|)pear  off  the  Hook  or  the  Capes  of  Virfrinia  is  uncertain — Yon  will  be 
pleased  immediately,  upon  the  receipt  of  this,  to  em])loy  ])roper  persons  to  keep  a  look  out. 
The  Moment  that  a  Fleet  of  heavy  Ships  is  discovered  yon  will  dispatch  an  express  to  me, 
and  as  soon  as  you  can  ascertain  whether  they  are  friends  or  Foes,  another;  li  they  prove  to 
be  the  former  you  will  obliije  me  liy  going  on  board  the  Admiral  and  ])resenting  the  letter 
herewith.  I  have  mentioned  you  to  him  as  a  (ientleman  in  whom  he  may  (ilace  the  fullest 
confidence.  That  intelligence  may  be  comnumicated  from  you  to  me  with  the  utmost  dis- 
patch you  will  be  pleased  to  take  some  of  the  railiti<a  Horse  into  pay  and  station  them  iit  such 
distances  between  Monmouth  and  Dobbs  Ferry  that  they  may  perform  the  ride  in  twelve  or 
fifteen  hours.  The  Horsemen  need  not  know  the  particular  purpose  for  which  they  are  sta- 
tioned, but  they  must  be  ordered  never  to  be  a  moment  absent  from  their  stages  except  when 
upon  duty.  The  expense  attending  and  the  persons  who  keep  a  look  out  I  will  be  an- 
swerable for.  You  will  be  so  good  as  to  give  me  by  the  return  of  this,  or  in  the  chain  which 
you  shall  establish,  the  jiresent  situation,  number,  strength,  and  station  of  the  Enemy's  Sliijjs 
— and  as  particular  information  of  this  kind  miiy  be  very  useful  and  consequential  to  nu^  and 
to  our  French  Allies — 1  beg  you  will  continue  to  keep  me  informed  from  time  to  time  of  any 
alterations  which  take  place,  either  respecting  their  increase  or  decrease  of  nundicrs  and 
strength,  their  different  positions,  and  particular  stations,  within  or  without  the  Hook,  that 
we  may  lose  no  advantages  or  suffer  any  misfortune  for  want  of  perfect  information  of  the 
Enemy's  strength.  Positions,  or  nu>vements — I  am  with  respect, 

Dear  Sir 

Your  most  obedient  servant, 

(!.  Washington. 

This  coniniiinicai  ion  is  slronii  ('\i(lcn<-c  of  ilic  entire  l;oo(I  faitli 
of  the  reconnoissance  bemm  the  (la\'  after  it  was  writ  ten.  lOvery  other 
known  cireumstance  demonstrates  that    \\'ashiuL;toii.  in   the  condi- 

'  General    David    Kornian    coiumaniicd    a    liri-  aii.l   rnjiiycil    lli.'   ijccnliar  curitiilcncr   of   W.'isli 

g.ide  in  the  New  Jersey   militia.     His  .vounscr  in^ton.    ('nloiicl  .lonatlian  I'orman  liad  a  sisiir 

liroiliiT,   Colonel  .Ton.-illian   l-'ornian.   was  at  tin-  I-'Ji-annr.   wiio  inarrieil    I'liilip   i-'reeni.-m ;   aiici   in 

liead  of  a  rcKlnicnt  in  tlie  .New  Jim-sc.v  line,  and  mTIit  years   Colnnel    l'"(irnian's    daniilitcr   .Mary 

nfler    tlU'    war   ln'ianii'    the    first    president    of  iiecanie  the  wife  of  Henry  Seymour,   of  Ullca. 

tlie    f>rder   of    tlw    Cinclniiali    in    New    .Irrsey.  and  I  lie  motlier  of  (iovernor  Ilorallo  Seynionr. 

Until   were  nnimatid    1)t    the    loftiest    spirit    uf  eoloind   I'orninii   was  an  anrestor  of  the  editor 

patriotism.   serviMi    throuRhout    the   Uevolution,  ot  this  History. 


tions  existiuy  at  thai  time  anil  lor  skiiic  days  subsequeutly,  was  quite 
serious  in  menacing  New  York.  15ut  tliose  conditions  underwent  a 
cbang(.'  in  scA'eral  radical  rciiards. 

First,  Clinton  was  re-enforc<'d  at  New  York  by  3,000  Hessians  from 
Europe,  while  on  the  other  hand  Washington  received  no  re-enforce- 
ments at  Dobbs  I'^crry,  although  he  was  anxiously  expecting  some  to 
arrive  from  New  England.  Next,  news  came  from  Virginia  which 
altered  the  whole  complexion  of  things  there.  Cornwallis,  finding 
his  position  perilous  in  the  interior  of  thai  State,  was  retreating  to 
Yorktown,  with  the  intention  of  intrenching  himself  there.  At  this 
juncture,  should  de  Grasse  enter  the  Chesapeake  instead  of  New  York 
Harbor,  Cornwallis  would  he  caught  between  the  American  fleet  and 
the  Southern  American  land  forces,  in  which  eventuality  it  would 
become  highly  expedient  for  Washington  and  Rochambeau  to  pro- 
ceed quickly  to  Yorktown.  And  meantime  Clinton  at  New  York 
dared  not  send  relief  to  Cornwallis,  but  was  obliged  to  look  to  his  own 
safety.  Thus  the  first  part  of  Washington's  plan,  as  conceived  at 
Weathersfleld,  was  already  realized:  by  beginning  a  campaign  on 
New'  York  he  had  eased  matters  in  "S'irginia.  It  remained  to  be  seen 
whether  the  further  changes  in  the  situation  would  justify  him  in 
actually  besieging  New  York  or  summon  him  to  Virginia  for  the 
annihilation  of  Cornwallis.  The  determining  thing  would  be  news 
from  the  fleet. 

Washington's  movements  in  Westchester  County  made  such  an 
impression  on  Sir  ITenry  Clinton  that  the  latter  not  only  did  not  re- 
enforce  Cornwallis,  but  actually  ordered  troo])s  to  be  sent  to  New 
York  from  the  South.  On  July  26  he  wrote  to  Cornwallis  to  have 
three  regiments  dispatched  to  New  York  from  the  Carolinas,  saying: 
"  I  shall  jtrobably  want  them,  as  inll  as  the  troops  i/ou  iiitii/  he  ahle  to 
spare  me  from  the  Chesapcalr,  for  such  offensive  or  defensive  opera- 
tions as  may  offer  in  this  quarter."  The  order  was  countermanded 
after  the  coming  of  the  3,0(10  Hessians,  but  it  shows  how  ])i'omptly 
the  presence  of  the  allied  armies  in  our  county  bore  fi-uit.  ^A'ash- 
ington  Avrote  to  Lafayette  on  this  ])oint:  "I  think  we  h:ne  already 
effected  one  part  of  the  plan  of  cam])aign  settled  at  Weathersfleld — 
that  is,  giving  a  substantial  relief  to  the  Southern  States  by  oblig- 
ing the  enemy  to  recall  a  considerable  ])art  of  their  foi-ce  from  them. 
Our  views  must  now  be  turned  toward  endeavoring  to  expel  Iheni 
totally  from  those  States  if  we  flnd  ourselves  incompetent  to  the 
siege  of  New  York."  T^ut  in  sjiite  of  the  re-enforcements  which 
Clinton  had  received,  AN'ashington  had  no  intention  of  abandoning 
New  York  until  the  situation  should  become  more  clearly  defined. 
While  waiting  to  hear  from  the  fleet,  he  wrote  to  the  governors  of 

OPERATIONS    OK    ITSl  513 

the  New  Eiii;laiHl  States  (•(uii|ilainiii,ii  "•'  lli<ir  t'ailiii-c  to  scml  liim 
niDi'c  ti'oops.  "  I  am  iiiiablc,"  lie  said,  '"  lo  a(l\aiic('  willi  iirndfuce 
licvdiid  my  iii'csciit  jjosition.  Wliilc  ])crliai(s  in  llic  ^cm-ral  itninion 
my  force  is  iMjual  t((  fiie  eouimeiiceiiieiit  of  oixTatioiis  a.Liaiiisi  New 
York,  my  oouduot  must  ajipear,  if  not  lilamalilc,  hiiihly  mysterious 
at  least.  Our  allies,  who  were  made  to  exi)eet  a  very  considerable 
au.nnientatiou  of  force  by  this  time,  instead  of  seeini;'  a  prosix-ct  of 
advancinii'  must  conjecture  uiton  i^ood  grounds  that  the  cani])ai.>;'n 
will  waste  fi'uitlessly  away."  This  letter  certaiidy  evidences  a  very 
earnest  pui'pose  to  carry  out  the  New  York  cani])ai.nn  on  its  merits. 

On  the  31st  of  July  Washiufiton  wrote  another  letter  of  ex])licit 
instructions  to  General  Forman  on  the  subject  of  the  expected  Fren(di 
Meet,  as  follows: 

Head  Quarters,  Dobbs  Ferry,  31st  July,  1781. 
Sir: — I  have  requested  Cajit.  Dobbs  to  assemble  at  Capt.  Dennis's  in  15askenridge  as  soon 
as  possible  a  Number  of  Pilots,  who  are  to  receive  their  fnrther  instructions  from  you.  Im- 
mediately upon  tlie  appearance  of  a  Fleet  near  Sandy  Hook,  if  you  are  satisfied  it  is  the  one 
we  are  expecting,  you  will  please  to  give  orders  to  the  Pilots  to  repair  down  wheie  they  may 
be  at  Hand  to  be  improved  as  occasion  and  Circumstances  shall  require. 

I  am  very  fearfull  that  you  have  met  with  more  Trouble  in  establishing  the  Chain  of  ex- 
jiresses  than  yon  expected — as  I  have  not  had  the  Pleasure  of  hearing  from  you  since  your 
first  Flavor  of  2.Sd  inst. — and  I  am  informed  from  N.  York  that  a  fleet  with  part  of  the  Army 
of  Lord  Cornwallis  from  Viiginia  arrived  at  that  Place  last  Tuesday.  My  Anxiety  to  be  early 
and  well  informed  of  the  Enemy's  movements  by  Water  induces  me  to  wish  to  hear  from  you 
as  often  and  as  speedily  as  anv  material  Circumstances  renders  it  nece.s.sary. — I  am 

Your  most  obedient  Servant, 

G.  Washington. 

.Vnd  aoain  on  the  5th  of  Au.yust  Washington  wrote  to  I'orman  in 
terms  indicatinii'  that  he  was  still  lookini;'  for  de  (irasse.  "  1  last 
ni^ht,"  he  said,  "  received  yours  of  the  3(1  instant.  Uruves's  [Uritish] 
neet  was  certainly  oil'  Hlock  Island  a  few  days  a<>o.  It  is  supposed  he 
has  taken  that  ])osition  to  cover  the  <2ii"'bec  shijis  as  they  pass  alont;'. 
and  at  the  same  time  jiive  those  which  may  be  expected  from  Virjiinia 
an  opportunity  of  making  their  voyage  safely.  I  am  Tiot  acipiainted 
with  the  private  signals  of  yi.  de  (irasse,  but  I  thiidc  it  may  soon  be 
discovered,  upon  the  appearance  of  a  Fleet,  whether  they  are  Friends 
or  Foes.  If  the  latter,  they  will  immediately  send  in  a  light  ship,  or 
one  Avill  come  out  to  them."  In  this  letter  he  also  exi)ressed  a]»i)re- 
liension  that  Forman's  expresses  from  IMonniouth  might  be  inter- 
cepted by  small  parties  of  the  enemy,  and  dir(>cted  that  a  new  and 
less  exjK.sed  route  for  them  be  established.  It  is  well  known  that 
Wasliiuiiton,  as  soon  as  he  decided  on  the  move  to  \'ii'ginia,  took 
pains  to  have  certain  decoy  dis])atches  fall  into  the  hands  of  the 
enemy,  in  order  that  Clinton  should  credit  him  with  no  other  inti'U- 
tion  than  to  fall  iijutn  New  York.     His  care  Iti  altering  the  route  of 


i'\)riiuiii's  expresses  so  as  to  jn'ovide  for  their  seriiritv  shows  how 
perfectly  serious  were  his  caleiilatious  with  reference  to  de  Orasse's 
])osslble  a<lveut  at  Saudy  FIoolc  as  late  as  the  5th  of  AuijusT.  Con- 
clusive proof  on  this  point  is  also  afforded  by  the  followinji'  item  in 
his  "Accounts  with  the  United  States,"  dated  Aut;ust,  1781:  "To 
Cash  advan*'  Cap  Dobbs  &  other  Pilots,  to  carry  them  to  Monmouth 
City  to  await  the  arrival  of  the  French  Fleet — hourly  expected,  £1S 
13s  Id  [lawful  currency]." 

As  he  relates  in  his  Journal,  under  date  of  Au>;ust  1,  AA'asJiinnton, 
while  encamped  at  Dobbs  I'^'rry,  made  arrangements  for  bi-in^ing 
down  to  that  place  from  points  on  the  upi)er  Iludson  some  (wo  hun- 
dred boats,  to  be  used  doubtless  for  transportiuij-  a  larjje  ])art  of  his 
forces  throujih  the  Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  and  landinjf  them  at  p(»ints 
on  Manhattan  Island.  ''  By  this  date,"  he  says,  "  all  my  boats  were 
ready,  viz.:  One  hundred  new  ones  at  Albany  (constructed  under 
the  direction  of  General  Schuyler),  and  the  like  numlier  at  Wap]iing's 
Creek,  by  the  (luartermaster-iicni'ral;  besides  old  ones,  which  have 
been  repaired." 

On  the  (ith  of  Auiiust  he  supjilcmented  the  tirand  reconnoissance 
of  Ihe  '2'2d  of  July  by  carefully  i-cconiioiterini;  tin-  country  finm  1  »obbs 
Ferry  to  Yonkers.  The  following;  is  liis  own  account  of  tliis  jtroceed- 
ms;,  extracted  from  his  Journal: 

llecoimoitered  the  roads  and  eomitry  bi'twfeii  the  North  River  and  the  IJronx,  from  the 
Caniji  to  Philipse's,  and  found  the  ground  everywhere  strong;  the  hills,  fonr  in  number,  run- 
ning parallel  with  eaeh  other,  with  deep  ravines  between  them,  oecasioned  by  the  Sawmill 
River,  the  Sprain  Branch,  and  another  more  easterly. 

These  hills  have  very  few  interstices  or  breaks  in  them,  but  are  more  prominent  in  some 
places  than  others.  The  Sawmill  River  and  the  Sprain  Branch  occasion  an  entire  se]>ara- 
tion  of  the  hills  above  Philipse's  from  those  below,  commonly  called  Valentine's  llill.s.  A 
strong  position  might  be  taken  with  the  Sawmill  (liy  the  Widow  Babcock's)  in  front  and  ou 
the  left  Hank,  and  this  position  may  be  extended  from  the  Sawinill  River  over  the  Sprain 

On  Aujiust  11  the  anxiously  expected  messa^-e  from  de  C.rasse 
reached  Ifocliambeau  and  W'ashinjiton  at  Dobbs  Ferry.  In  this  im 
portant  document  (broui;]it  by  the  friyate  "'Concorde"  from  the 
AN'est  Indies  to  Xewi)ort,  and  thence  forward(Ml  to  liead(piarters)  the 
French  admiral  announced  that  he  would  set  sail  for  Chesapeake 
Bay  on  Ihe  ;>d  of  August  witli  a  fleet  of  twenty-six  ships  and  with 
'A,~>{)()  land  troojjs,  but  that  his  orders  would  not  permit  him  to  remain 
later  than  the  15th  of  October.  This  announcement,  taken  in  con- 
nection with  the  continuino  intellijjence  of  the  advantages  offering 
in  Virginia  for  (h'cisive  operations  against  Cornwallis,  at  once  settled 
all  doubt  regarding  the  most  profitable  employment  of  the  allied 
Corces.  Without  delay  Washington  resolved  to  quit  his  situation 
in  Westchester  County  and  man  h  with  the  greatest  practicable  ex- 



]pc(liti()ii  to  iiivcsl  ( 'diiiw  ;illis  iit  Vorklowii.  .Mcnnl  iinc,  huwrvci', 
lie  tunk  stcjis  to  cojitii'ii!  Sir  Henry  Cliiiloii's  iiiiiu-cssidii  Ilia)  liis  de- 
signs  were  ii-nllv  ;i.naiiist   New    \'(>rk. 

Duriiiji-  tlic  tlirce  weeks  whicli  IuhI  eliijtseil  sinre  (lie  j^rniid  iccdii- 
iKiissiiiH-e  (if  New  V(irk,  il  was  imt  almie  ("linlon  whn  tell  mieasiiiess 
and  ])er|ile.\it y  at  Washin.ntdn's  ap]iareiil  hesiial  imi.  'I'lie  Aiiiericaiis 
and  I'rencli  (henisolves  A\-ere  at  a  loss  to  acconnt  for  it;  for  no|  a 
whisper  of  tjie  real  consideratifins  wliicdi  wero  iufiiienciuij  the  Ameri- 
can (iininiander  was  ]ieriuitted  to  ^ct  abroad.  The  lettei's  of  ihe 
Abbe  IJobin,  a  priest  attat  lied  to  Koihandiean's  army,  retieet  the  pre- 


vailinii'  uncertainty  and  speoulutiou.  On  the  i5th  of  An_i;usl  he 
wrote:  '•  Tliey  wiio  snjiposed  we  were  to  direct  our  route  toward 
A'ii-uinia  be^in  now  to  ihiid<  they  were  deceived.  I'ari  of  Ihe  ai-my 
on  Ihis  I  the  I'remh]  side  are  preparing;  to  march  down  by  way  ot 
Kinj;sbrid,n(';  and  on  tlie  other  [American]  side  orders  are  <iiven  to 
.net  ready  to  proceed  toward  Stateii  Island  and  excn  Id  construct 
ovens  to  bake  bread  for  the  troops  when  camped  in  that  (piai-tei-; 
others,  ajiain,  are  ordered  toward  IMiiladelpida.  What  are  we  to 
tliiidc?  All  this  seems  to  me  like  our  theatrical  marches  where  the 
concern  and  jierjilexity  of  the  s]iectators  is  continually  increasinir.     I 


iini  in  (loiiht  whcthci  the  uiira\clliiij;  of  the  iiuuii'i-  will  ciiiiiiK-nsate 
for  the  trouble,  anxiety,  and  nneasincss  it  occasions.  .  .  .  It  is 
said  tlic  armies  Aviil  move  in  a  day  or  two,  wiiich  will  enabli'  ns  to 
determine  the  better  to  what  qnarter  we  are  to  proceed." 

There  was  indeed  the  iimst  flourishing  display  on  Washington's 
]>art  of  resolute  and  far-e.\l ending  ]ire]iarations  to  besiege  New  YorU. 
Besides  beginning  to  builil  evens  in  the  vicinity  of  Staten  Island, 
he  had  a  large  camp  marked  out  liiere  aTid  much  fuel  collected.  He 
caused  the  Westchester  County  i-oads  leading  down  to  Kingsbri<lge 
to  be  cleared  by  pioneers,  as  if  i)reliminary  to  a  march  in  tliat  direc- 
tion. He  also  adopted  the  familiar  ruse  of  misleading  dispatches, 
which  were  intrusted  to  ingenious  scouts,  who  fell  in  with  parties 
of  the  enemy  and  after  desjierate  iireteiided  efforts  to  escape  were 
taken  and  reluctantly  gave  up  their  valuable  papers. 

On  the  19th  of  August  ^Vashington  began  the  great  movement 
which  was  to  terminate  in  the  cajiitulation  of  Lord  Cornwallis  ai 
Yorktown  and  the  utter  i)aralysis  of  (Jreat  Britain's  armed  power 
in  the  American  States.  All  being  in  readiiu'ss  for  breaking  camji. 
he  dispatched  Hazen's  regiment  an<l  the  New  Jersey  line  across  the 
Hudson  at  Dobbs  Ferry,  with  orders  to  make  a  feint  toward  Staten 
Island,  and,  drawing  up  the  main  body  of  the  American  army,  he 
had  it  paraded  facing  New  York.  Then  he  had  the  ti'oojts  turned 
about  and  marched  with  all  sjieed  up  the  river  mad.  by  way  of 
Tarrytowu,  Sing  Sing,  and  the  new  bridge  across  the  Croton,  to  Ver- 
]tla nek's  Point.  The  French  followed  by  the  circuitous  route  of  White 
IMains,  North  Castle,  Pine's  Bridge,  and  Crompond.  "The  inhab- 
itants (d'  the  country,"  says  the  Abbe  Bobin,  "  were  greatly  surju'lsed 
to  see  us  returning  by  the  same  road,  so  poor,  and  the  Tories,  with 
a  malicious  sneer,  tlemanded  if  we  were  going  to  rest  from  our  labors." 
By  the  2Gth  both  armies  had  completed  their  movement  across  King's' 
I'"eri-y.  The  advance  through  the  eastern  part  of  New  Jersey  was 
made  so  as  to  have  it  appear  that  Staten  Island  was  menaced.  Sir 
Henry  Clinton  suspected  nothing  of  the  truth  until  Washington  was 
M(dl  advanced  toward  Philad(d])]iia.  Everything  conjoined  to  favor 
the  ultimate  object  of  the  cam]iaigu.  The  fleet  of  de  Grasse,  com 
prising  twenty-eight  ships  of  I  lie  line  with  some  4,000  troojis  on 
board,  arrived  in  Chesapeake  Bay  on  the  30th  of  August.  Washing 
ton  and  Bochambeau,  Avith  their  forces,  sat  down  before  Yorktown 
in  the  latter  jiart  of  September.  The  place  surrendered,  more  than 
7.000  British  and  Hessian  troops  laying  down  their  arms,  on  the  19th 
of  Octobei',  just  tAvo  months  after  the  march  from  Dobbs  Ferry  Avas 

Washington's   last  act  liefoi'e  -inarching  away  from  Doblis   I'erry 

K\D  (IF   Tin;    i:i:\()i,i-TioN  517 

Wiis  lo  address  to  (icucral  lli  alli,  iIjc  (■(iniiiiaiidti-  at  West  I'oiiit,  an 
explicit  letter  of  iiistructious.  He  ;issi<;iieil  to  that  ofiicei-  the  coni- 
iiiand  of  all  the  troops  remaiiiini;  in  the  dei)artiiieiit,  "consisting  of 
the  Iwo  regiments  of  New  llanipsiiire,  ten  of  Massaclniset Is,  and  five 
of  Connecticut  infantry,  the  corps  of  invalids,  Sheldon's  Legion,  the 
M  Regiment  of  artillerv,"  and  various  bodies  of  militia.  He  directed 
Heath  to  have  prominently  in  view  at  all  times  the  defense  of  the 
Highlands  and  the  Hudson  River.  Secondarily  he  was  to  "cover" 
the  country  l)elo\v,  but  "  without  hazarding  the  safety  of  the  ])osls 
in  the  Highlands."  Finally,  AVashiugton  recommended  that  the  jiosi- 
tion  of  tlie  American  forces  should  not  be  jmslied  farther  down  than 
the  "north  si<le  of  the  Croton,"  and,  consistently  with  this  recom- 
mendation, he  ordered  the  demolition  of  the  icdoubt  at  Dobbs  I'erry. 

(Jeiieral  Heatirs  condiicl  of  tJH'  jiost  during  the  winter  of  ITSd-Sl 
was  in  strict  couforiuity  \\itli  these  instructions.  His  Memoirs  con- 
tain very  few  records  of  unusual  hapiieuings  for  that  period.  There 
A\('re.  liowe\'er,  some  occurrences  on  the  Hues  and  in  the  Neutral 
(■round  that  should  receive  brief  mention. 

(»n  the  '2d  of  Hecember,  17S1,  there  was  a  sharp  engagement  near 
.Merrill's  'ra\('rn,  at  the  n]i])er  end  of  King  Street,  in  the  Town  of 
Kye,  a  ])arty  of  de  i.amcy's  ca\alry  attac  l<ing  a  detaidnnent  of  New 
York  infantry  levies  which  was  stationed  there,  under  the  commanil 
of  ('aplaiii  Sackett.  The  I>ritish  cavalry,  says  Baird,  were  "repulsed 
three  times  with  the  bayonet,  not  a  shot  being  fired  by  the  Ameri- 
cans," ami  he  achis:  "  This  is  said  to  have  been  the  most  astonishing 
feat,  on  the  part  of  both  officers  and  men,  that  was  enacted  during 
the  wlnde  \\ar.  (iem-ral  Washington  often  spoke  of  the  affair,  and 
it  was  reported  all  o\-er  Eiiro])e,  to  show  the  utility  of  the  bayonet 
and  that  a  small  jtaity  of  infantry  thus  armed  may  successfully  resist 
a  strong  body  ol'  cavalry."  After  the  ihird  charge  the  Americans 
fired  with  good  effect,  and  the  incident  ended  with  the  discomfiture 
of  the  British. 

At  the  end  of  January.  1782,  an  expedition  of  fifty  men  left  Peelc- 
skill  foi'  West  I'arnis,  arriving  there  about  midnight.  This  was  one 
of  the  numerous  iindertakings  to  surprise  and  capture  Colonel  .lames 
de  Lancey.  and,  like  all  the  others,  failed  to  realize  that  much  sought 
end.  HtiT  some  )irisoners  and  horses  were  taken.  The  retiring  Ameri- 
cans icoiiiniaiided  by  Captain  Daniel  Williamsi  were  pursued  by 
British  cavalry,  and,  in  their  turn,  were  surprised  the  next  morning 
while  (piartered  at  Orser's,  near  the  Hudson,  just  below  the  Croton 
River.  There  was  a  spiriterl  encounter,  one  of  the  Americans — the 
gallant  Cieorge  .McChain — being  killed  and  several  made  prisoners 
(among  them  .T(din  ranlding,  the  cai)tor  of  Andre). 


111  February  (the  Ttlij  tifty  of  de  Laueey's  llurse  came  up  as  far  as 
Chappaqua.  From  there  they  went  to  Wright's  Mills,  and,  falling 
in  with  a  detachment  of  (Jeneral  Waterbury's  command,  killed  (tne 
and  took  four  prisoners. 

In  March  two  successful  altaiks  were  made  by  the  Americans  on 
de  Lancey's  camp  at  Monisauia.  The  lirst  of  these  expeditions 
(March  4)  was  led  by  Captain  iiunnewell,  with  a  body  of  volunteer 
horse  backed  by  infantry  under  the  command  of  Major  Woodbridge. 
The  party  assaulted  the  cantonment  just  before  sunrise,  taking  the 
enemy  completely  by  surprise,  killing  and  wounding  many,  and  car- 
rying away  twenty  prisoners.  Durlug  the  retreat  Abraham  Dyck- 
mau,  the  heroic  Kiugsbridge  guide,  was  mortally  wounded.  On  the 
2Gth  of  March  there  was  a  similar  attack,  though  on  a  smaller  scale. 
The  American  party  consisted  of  only  thirteen  mounted  volunteers, 
at  whose  head  was  Michael  Dyokman,  brother  of  Abraham.  This 
insignificant  band  penetrated  to  the  camp  of  the  Kangers  and  took 
a  number  of  prisoners,  with  whoui  they  returned  safely  to  the  lines, 
twice  facing  about  and  putting  to  flight  a  party  of  horsemen  that 
pursued  them.  We  believe  this  was  the  last  encounter  of  the  Kevo- 
lutiou  in  Westchester  County. 

^^iiortly  after  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis  at  Yorktown,  there  being 
no  further  employment  for  the  main  American  army  at  the  South, 
Washingt(m  dispatched  it  back  to  the  Highlands  to  resume  the  watch 
on  the  Hudson.  During  the  winter  of  1781-82,  and  the  succeeding 
spring  and  summer,  it  was  quartered  at  Newburgh,  West  Point,  and 
New  Windsor,  on  the  west  bank  of  the  river.  Meantime  the  French 
army  under  Ivochambeau  lay  in  Virginia.  De  Gra.sse's  fleet  returned 
to  the  West  Indies,  wIkm'o  in  April,  1782,  it  was  totally  defeated] 
by  the  British  Admiral  Kodney,  de  Grasse  himself  being  made 

Washington  resumed  the  chief  comiuand  of  the  army  in  the  Iligh- 
iands  at  the  end  of  March,  1782,  making  his  headquarters  at  New- 
burgh. Kumors  of  British  desires  and  preparatory  measures  for 
peace  now  began  to  arrive.  Sir  Henry  Clinton  was  removed  from 
the  command  of  the  British  forces  in  America,  his  successor.  Sir 
Guy  Carleton,  reaching  New  York  on  the  6th  of  May.  The  next  day 
he  sent  to  Washington  a  communication  announcing  the  readiness 
of  the  British  ministry  to  negotiate  a  peace  on  the  basis  of  the  in- 
dependence of  America.  But  the  plain  interpretation  of  this  letter 
was  that  Great  Britain  wished  to  treat  with  the  United  States 
alone,  ignoring  France  in  the  matter,  and  congress  was  unwilling  to 
listen  to  such  a  suggestion.  Moreover,  the  English  government  re- 
frained from  making  any  off(>r  for  a  cessation  of  hostilities,  and  thus 



a  state  of  wai'  still  cxistcil,  iiutw  it  lislandiii^  tiic  cniiiplclc  inactivity 
on  botli  sides.  For  several  iiioiitiis  Carleton  (liii;;eiitly  cultivated 
his  auiicahle  correspondence  with  Washin>;ton.  Dr.  Thacher  re- 
cords in  liis  Military  Journal  that  on  the  iTitii  of  July  the  reniment 
to  which  he  was  attached  was  sent  to  occupy  the  x)()st  at  Dobbs 
Ferry.  ''  Flafjs  are  passing;  and  repassing-  from  this  post  to  New 
York  and  back  every  day,"  he  writes  under  date  of  Auj«ust  5. 

In  this  uncertain  posture  uf  affairs,  and  amid  the  "general  regret 
excited  by  the  news  of  the  French  disasters  at  sea,  Wasliiniiton  re- 
ceived intimations  that  Carleton  was  preparing  to  dis])a1(di  a  large 
portion  of  his  New  York  command  to  the  West  Indies  for  the  pur- 
pose of  conquering  several  of  the  Frencli  ishmds.  He  thereupon  ad- 
vised Tiochaudx'an  (still  in  Virgiina)  to  mai-cli  to  the  Hudson  and 
iigain   effect    a   junction    with    the   American   army   in    Westchester 


<\)unty,  so  as  to  nu-nace  New  York  and  prevent  Carleton  from  ex- 
ecuting that  tlesign.  Kochambeau  willingly  agreed  to  the  proposal, 
set  his  ai'uiy  in  motion,  and  after  a  leisuridy  march  crossed  King's 
Ferry  to  \'erplauck's  I'oint  on  the  14th  of  ►September.  Meantime 
Washington  bad  begun  serious  preparations  for  threatening  New 
York.  On  the  22d  of  Auiiust,  says  Heath,  the  "light  infantry  of  tlie 
American  army  maved  down  and  encamped  near  reekskill."  <  »n 
the  29th  "  an  order  of  encampment  and  battle  for  the  American  army 
Wits  ])ublished."'  On  the  .Slst  as  many  of  the  army  still  reiuaining 
in  the  Highlands  as  c(uild  be  ciinied  in  boats  "'embarked  at  their 
respective  bi-igade  landings,  and  the  wlnde  of  the  boats  being  in 
order  fell  down  to  Ver])lanck's  Point,  whei-e  the  ti-oops  disembarked 
and  encamped.     They  made  a  most  beautiful   appearance  when  in 


tlic  boats  and  iu  motion.    The  remainder  of  the  army  marched  down 
by  land." 

Tile  ceremonies  and  amenities  attendinti'  the  second  junction  of  the 
I'rencii  and  ,\niei-ican  ai-mies  in  onr  county  are  tluis  described  by 
'I'liaclicr  in  Ins  valnai)le  Journal : 

SepteiiilxT  14. — Tlie  wIkiIo  ainiy  was  paiadoil  unclcr  arm.<i  tliis  iiiDrniuo-  in  order  to  honor 
liis  E.Xfellt'iU'Y  Count  Koclianibt'au  on  liis  arrival  from  tlu'  so\itliwar(l.  Tlie  troops  were  all 
formed  in  two  lines,  e.xtendinj;  from  the  ferry,  wliere  the  C'onnt  crossed,  to  headcpiarters.  A 
troop  of  horse  met  and  received  him  at  Kinn's  Ferry,  and  eondneted  liim  thronj;h  tlie  line  to 
General  AVashinjjton's  (piarters,  where,  sitting;'  on  his  horse  hy  the  side  of  his  Excellency,  the 
whole  army  marched  before  him  and  paid  the  nsnal  salnte  an<l  honors.  Onr  troo])s  were  now 
in  complete  nniform,  and  exhibited  every  mark  of  soldierly  discipline.  Coimt  Kochambeau 
was  most  hi{;hly  gratified  to  perceive  the  very  great  improvement  which  the  army  had  made 
in  appearance  since  he  last  reviewed  them,  and  expressed  his  astonishment  at  their  ra])id  ]>rog- 
ress  in  military  skill  and  discipline,  lie  .said  to  (ieneral  Wa.shington:  "Yon  mnst  have 
formed  an  alliance  with  the  king  of  Prnssia.  These  troops  are  Prussians."  Several  of  the 
officers  of  the  French  army  who  have  seen  troops  of  the  ditt'eront  European  nations  have  be- 
stowed the  highest  encominni  and  applanse  on  onr  army,  and  declare  that  they  had  seen  none 
superior  to  the   Americans. 

The  last  of  the  I'rench  troops  ari'ived  on  tlu'  ISth  of  September. 
Tlie  army  of  lkOchaud)ean  made  its  encaiupuient  at  and  about  the 
\illaj;('  of  Crom](ond,'  the  Amei-icans  remaininji  on  Verjdanck's 
Point.  During  the  continuance  of  the  allies  in  these  positions  they 
tmdertook  no  hostile  movement  against  the  British,  and  Sir  Ouy 
('arieton  Avas  reciprocally  inactive.  Jleath  records,  however,  that 
on  the  IGth  of  September  "The  enemy  made  a  grand  forage  near 
Valentine's  ITill.  Sir  Guy  Carleton  was  out  in  person,  as  was  the 
young  i)rince  [William  Uenry].  The  covering  party,  it  was  said,  con- 
sisted of  five  or  six  thousand  men."  And  on  our  side  Washington 
took  the  signiticant  proceeding  of  an  extensive  reconnoiter  in  per- 
son. Sei)teniber  27,  according  to  Heath,  "  General  Washington,  cov- 
ered by  the  Dragoons  and  light  infantry,  reconnoitered  the  grounds 
on  the  east  side  of  the  river  below  the  White  IMains."  Kecord  of 
this  enterprise  appears  also  iu  Washington's  "  Accounts  with  the 
United  States."  as  follows:  "September,  1782. — To  the  Expences 
of  a  Reconnoitre  as  low  as  riiilipsburg  cS;  thence  across  from  Dobbs's 
ferry  to  y''  Sound  with  a  large  I'arty  of  Horse,  £32  8s  [lawful  cur- 

In  that  charming  book  of  personal  reminiscences,  the  ^lenioirs 
and  liecollections  of  Count  Segur,  several  pages  are  devote<l  to  the 
im])ressions  made  upon  the  poetic  temperament  of  the  author  during 
a  sojourn  at  Kochambeau's  camp  at  ('romi)on(l.     The  C'onnt  Segur 

'  During  the  lirst  two  weeks,  liowever,  ciuiip  on  the  MMi  of  September,  anil  fmnid 
Itocbanibeau  had  his  headquarters  at  reckskill,  Itipcliainbeau  quartered  at  "  I'iskill  "  (reek- 
whore  also  most  of  bis  army  was  apparently  skill],  whence,  "  a  few  da.vs  afterward,"  the 
statinuod  after  its  arrival.  See,  in  this  eonnec-  Krcueh  proceeded  to  ocoup.v  another  position, 
tiiiu,  tbo  Memoirs  of  Count  Segur  (Boston  ed.,  "  that  of  Crampont  "  [Crompond]. 
1S25,   pp.   27,'i,   276).    Count   Segur  arrived   at   the 

KND    OK     TlIK     UE  VOLUTION  521 

was  one  of  llic  most  iirclciit  cnl  liusiasts  lor  Aincrican  lilicily  iiiiioiiii 
tlic  yoiiiij;  Flench  nobility.  An  (illiccr  in  tiic  iirniy,  lie  iiad  repeatedly, 
durinii  tiie  luoiiicss  nf  the  Kevulution,  sonjilil  ojJiiDilnnily  to  come 
to  Aniei-ica  and  hyhi  umlci'  Washington,  hnt  to  his  intense  disp;ust 
had  been  deined  Ihal  pii  vilegc.  Finally,  in  the  s|niiii;  of  ]  7S2,  he 
Avas  coiniuissioned  lieiitenant-eoionel  in  the  I'eginienI  of  I  lie  Soison- 
uais,  then  with  Rochanibeau  in  Virginia;  and  he  also  was  intrusted 
by  his  father,  tlie  niinistei-  of  war,  with  disiiat(dR's  to  (ieneral  Kocliani- 
beaii  and  a  largi-  amount  id'  gold  for  the  royal  trooi)s.  l^anding  on 
tlie  coast  of  ^'irgiuia  after  a  peiilous  voyage,  he  proceeded  to  lioehani- 
beau's  camp  in  our  county,  where  lie  arrived  on  the  LMIIh  of  Seji- 
tember.  The  observations  that  he  made  there,  and  particularly  his 
remarks  upon  the  personality  and  character  of  Washington,  are  ex- 
tremely agreeal)le  and  instructive;  but,  being  iiuite  lengthy,  and 
having  no  practical  bearing  on  the  course  of  events,  it  is  not  con- 
venient to  rejn'odiice  them  in  tliis  narrative,  whicli  already  threatens 
to  pass  the  bounds  fixed  by  the  publishers.' 

Count  S(^gur's  disiiatches  from  the  minislrv  to  Kociuiinhe.iii  di- 
rected that  geiieial  to  transfer  the  operations  of  the  l^'i-cncli  ainiy 
from  the  United  i^tates  to  the  Antilles,  and  iirejiarations  to  that  end 
were  so(»n  begun.  On  the  22d  of  October  the  French  struck  tlieir 
tents  at  Crompond  and  marched  across  Westchester  County  on  the 
route  to  Ne"wport,  wlnmce  they  sailed  on  tlie  24tli  of  r>ece7iiber  for 
tlie  West  Indies.  An  amusing  incident  of  local  intei-cst,  which  oc- 
curred just  as  tlie  French  were  making  ready  to  leave,  is  thus  related 
by  Segur: 

At  the  moment  of  our  quitting^  the  eamp  of  Crampont  fsic),  as  M.  de  Hochamheau  was  jiro- 
ceediiig,  at  the  head  of  our  eoliimns,  surrounded  hy  his  hrilliaiit  staff,  an  Anu-riean  a]iiiiiia('hed 
him,  tapped  him  slightly  on  the  shoulder,  and,  shewin;"-  liim  a  paper  he  held  in  his  hand,  said 
to  him:  "  In  the  name  of  the  law  you  ai'e  my  prisoner!"  Several  young'  officers  were  indig- 
nant at  this  insult  ottered  to  their  general,  hut  he  restrained  their  impatience  hy  a  sign, 
smiled,  and  said  to  the  American:  "Take  me  away  with  you  if  you  can."  "No,"  replied 
tlie  American,  "  I  have  done  my  duty,  and  your  Excellency  may  proceed  on  your  march  if  you 
wish  to  set  justice  at  defiance;  in  that  case  I  only  ask  to  be  allowed  to  witlidraw  unmolested. 
Some  soldiers,  of  the  division  of  Soissonnais,  have  cut  down  several  trees,  and  burnt  them  to 
liglit  tlieir  fires;  the  owner  of  them  claims  an  indemnity,  and  has  obtained  a  warrant  against 
you,  which  I  come  to  execute."  M.  de  Rochanibeau,  having  heard  this  ex]>lanation,  which 
was  translated  to  him  by  one  of  his  aides-<le-camp,  called  M.  de  Villemanzy,  now  a  ])eer  of 
France,  and  then  intendant  of  the  army,  appointed  him  to  he  his  bail,  and  ordered  him  to  set- 
tle this  att'air,  and  to  jiay  what  should  be  considered  fair,  if  the  indemnity  he  had  already  of- 
fered was  not  tluniglit  sufficient.  The  American  then  withdrew;  and  the  general  and  his 
army,  who  had  thus  been  arrested  by  a  constable,  continued  their  march.  A  judgment  of 
arbitration  was  afterwards  pronounced,  fixing  two  thousand  francs,  that  is  to  say,  a  sum  less 
than  the  general  had  oft'ered,  as  the  amount  of  damages  due  to  this  unjust  proprietor,  who  had 
claimed  fifteen  thousand,  and  he  was  even  condemned  to  pay  costs. 

'  The  Marquis  de  Cliaslellux,  one  of  Rochain-        icl..   I..   172)  makes  extracts  from   it.  wlilcli   we 
lieau's    principal   suborillnatea,    has  also   left  a        comnii'iiil   to  our  renfifrs. 
hlchl.v    picturesque    description.      Bolton    (rev. 


II  is  icti  let  table  tliat  our  ciitiTtaiiiin^'  author  t)mits  to  record  the 
uauics  of  the  energetic  local  functionary  and  the  claimant  whom  he 

On  the  24th  of  Octohei-,  two  days  after  the  departure  of  the  French, 
the  American  army  on  \'eridanck's  Point  maneuvered  before  the 
secretary  of  war;  and  on  the  2(ith  it  began  to  retire  to  its  former 
position  in  tlie  Highlands,  where  it  continued  until  its  gradual  dis- 
bandment  the  next  year. 

The  preliminary  treaty  of  peace  (drawn  by  John  Jay)  was  signed 
at  Paris  by  the  representatives  of  Great  Britain,  I'^rance,  and  the 
United  States,  on  the  30th  of  November,  1782.  Early  in  Die  spring 
of  1783  a  cessation  of  liostllities  was  proclaimed  by  both  sides  in 
America.  New  York  was  then  the  only  place  in  the  Ignited  States 
still  occui)ied  by  a  British  force. 

In  April  Sir  Guy  Carleton  commenced  to  arrange  tlie  preliminaries 
necessary  to  be  observed  before  withdrawing  liis  couimaud.  The 
chief  thing  to  be  provided  for  was  the  conveyance  of  the  Tory  refu- 
gees (Hit  of  the  T'nited  States  to  the  British  dominion.'  As  the 
refugees  were  many  thousands  in  number,  and  all  of  them  claimed 
considerate  treatment  at  the  hands  of  the  British  authorities,  this 
was  not  a  task  capable  of  being  jK'rformed  with  expedition.  Sev- 
eral months  would  indispensably  be  required  for  its  completion. 
Meanwhile,  however,  Sir  Guy  Carleton  deemed  it  appropriate  to  have 
a  personal  meeting  with  Washington  and  come  to  an  understand- 
ing with  him  on  the  general  subject  of  the  prospective  evacuation. 

The  meeting  between  the  tAvo  commanders,  attended  by  their  staffs, 
occurred  with  much  eclat  on  the  (!th  of  May,  ceremonials  being  pro- 
longed through  the  7th  and  terminating  on  the  8th.  A  belief  has 
always  obtained  among  the  citizens  of  Dobbs  Ferry  that  this  his- 
toric event  trans])ired  iji  their  village,  at  the  old  Van  Brugh  Liv- 
ingston house,  i^ossing,  in  his  Field  Book  of  the  Revolution,  lo- 
cated it  there,  and  the  statement  has  been  repeated  by  numerous 
other  writers,  including  the  author  of  the  article  on  the  Town  of 

•  "  S.idness    and    despair,"    says    Mrs.    Lamb,  uiurtgagos.    and    contracts   before    the    evaoua- 

"  overwhelmed   the   Loyalists.    New   York  City  tion   of   the   city    should    take    place,    for    they 

presented    a    scene    of   distress    not    easily    de-  were  penniless.     The  oomplieatlons  were  Insur- 

Bcribed.     Men  who  had  joined  the  British  army  niountable,    and    nothing    was   aceonipllshed    in 

and    had   exhibited  the   utmost   valor   In  battle  that    direction.    Angry   lamentations    filled    the 

quailed  before  the  inexorable  necessity  of  exile  very   air.    The   victims   of  civil    war   Inveighed 

from   their   native  land.    They   must  leave   the  against     England     for    abandoning    them,    and 

country  or  be  hanged.      Such  was  the   general  against  their  own  kindred  and  country  for  tiic 

belief,     for    those     who   had   shown    no   mercy  inexorable  harshness  of    their  doom.    They  did 

counted  on  none  In  return.    The  conscientious  not   pause   in   their  w'retchedness    to     consider 

and    the    unprincipled    were    alike    Involved    in  what   would  have  been  the   fate  of  those  who 

pecuniary   ruin.     Seeing  that  they  must   aban-  had  expended  or  lost  fortunes  in  the  cause  of 

don   large  estates,    many  appealed   to  Carleton  liberty  if  triumph  had  been  with  themselves." 
for    power    to    collect    debts    due    upon    bonds, 


Greeiiburgh  in  Scharfs  History  of  Westchester  ("ouiity.  i^ocjil 
ti-aditioii  also  ideiitilicd  the  Li^■in^■stou  iioiise  as  tlie  jilace  where 
Washiiiiitoii  and  lioeliaiiibeaii  met  upon  tlie  junction  of  tiie  allied 
armies  in  July,  17S1,  and  where  they  ijlauned  the  Yorktown  oam- 
pai^n  upon  i-eet'i\inii'  tlie  news  fi'om  de  Orasse's  tieet  in  Auyusl  of 
the  same  yeai'.  IJeposiug  eontidenee  in  the  aecuraey  of  the  i)ul)lishc<l 
statements  and  prevailiug  beliefs  regarding  the  venerable  Ikhisc, 
some  members  of  the  Sons  of  the  Kevolution  started  a  subscript  ioTi 
in  1893  to  erect  a  monument  commemorative  of  such  immortal  asso- 
ciations. Ample  contributions  were  forthcoming  promptly,  and  the 
monument  was  dedicated  on  the  14th  of  June,  1894.*  It  was  a  gala 
day  fill'  the  village.  The  oration  was  delivered  by  General  Stewart 
L.  Woodford,  and  the  Hon.  Chauucey  M.  Depew  and  Vice-President 
Stevenson  were  among  the  conspicuous  participants  in  the  exercises. 
But  since  the  erection  of  the  Dobbs  I'Y'rry  monument  it  has  been 
established  by  indisputable  evidence  that  the  memorable  meeting 
of  Washington  and  Carlcton  did  not  occur  in  the  Livingston  house 
or  at  Dobbs  I'erry,  but  at  Taj^pan  (Orangetown)  on  the  opposite  sid<' 
of  the  riv(n'.-  A  conidusi^e  arti(de  on  this  point  by  Mr.  Daniel  ^'an 
Tassel,  of  Tarrytown,  was  ])idilis]icd  in  the  Tarrytown  Ar<ius  for 
^larch  23.  189.").  The  principal  testimony  cited  by  Mr.  Van  Tassel 
is  a  letter  from  the  well-knoAvn  Colonel  Richard  Varick,  dated  May 
18,  178.3,  describing  the  affair  with  much  circumstantiality.  Tt  is 
unnecessary  to  go  into  the  particulars  of  the  mattei-  here,  and  indeed 
we  fear  that  even  the  brief  allusion  to  it  which  we  have  permitted 
ourselves  may  wound  the  sensibilities  of  some  of  our  readers.  It  is 
jirojier  to  add  that  the  originators  of  the  monument  at  Dobbs  Ferry 
acted  in  entire  good  faith  and  Avith  very  praiseworthy  motives,  upon 
grounds  deemed  suflQcient  at  the  time. 

'  Tlio   inscription   on   the  Dobbs  Ferry  naonu-        l)y    Great     P.ritaln    to    the    United     States    of 
ment   is  lis   follows:  AiTicrk-.i 



WAsniNoToN's   Headquarters  _       .    , 


June  14,  ISn-t 

By   the 

IIiTe.  July    G.    17S1.    the   French  allies   under  New  York  State  Society 

Uoi-hunibe.TU  joluert  the  American  army  Sons  of  the  .\nierican  Revolution 

Uere.    August   14.    17S1,    Washington   planned  ''''"'  'I'lims  made  in  the  first  two  paragraphs 

tlie   Yorktown    campaign,    which    brought    to  a        "'  ""'   i"«'-ni'tion  are  shown  l,y   Mr.   Van  Tas- 

trluniphant    end    the    war    for   American    Inde-  "'■'•'"  '"^  •;■■<'<•';  ';rf''>'-;<l  '"  '"  '"^  '-■•^'-  «"  b" 

.  ,   J,    ,,  as    incap.-ible    of    historical    demonstration    as 

the  third  claim  is  niislaken. 

Her...  May  .;.  17.S.-,.  Washington  and  Sir  (iny  ,  ^he  following  entry  appears  In  Washlng- 
(  arleton  arrang.d  for  the  evacuation  of  Amer-  ton's  "  Accounts  with  the  ITnlted  States,"  writ- 
lean  soil  by  the  Itrltish  ,,.„  |„  i,|s  „„.n  hand:    "To  Expenditures  upon 

And  opposiie  tids  point.  May  S,  ITS."!,  a  Brit-  an   Uilcrvlew  with  Sir  Guy  Carleton  at  Orange 

Ish  sloop  ofwar  fired   IT  puns   in  honor  of  the  Tmni  exclusive  of  what  was  paid  by  the  Con- 

Anierlcau    coniniander-ln-chlef,    the   first   salute  tract,"  etc.,  £24  9s. 

i<;ni»   uf  tiih   iti:v(ii,L;Tio.\  525 

Tlic  iiiacticiil  (lulcdiiic  of  the  ((inrci-ciicc  at  'I'ajipnii  was  au  agree- 
luciil  by  Sir  (iuy  Cai-lclon  Id  iii\i'  ii])  I  he  various  ollIl_vill^  posts  of 
Ni'w  ^'orU,  ami  finally  New  ^'ork  ilsdf,  as  soon  as  convenient.  The 
lirsl  steji  in  iliis  (lirection  was  la]<en  on  Ihe  1  tlli  of  .May,  wlien  (says 
('nioiiel  N'aricici  \\'<'sicliesler  County  was  suiremlered  to  the  State 
jioveinnieiit  by  the  willidrawal  of  the  I'.ritisli  ^ai-rison  fi'otn  Moi-ri- 
sania.  We  have  not  seen  this  circuinstancc  nioiitioncij  in  any  ))ub 
lislieil  worlv  on  Westcheslei'  ('ounty  or  formal  conl  ribul  ion  to  its 

|{ul  tiiouuh  tile  1  1th  of  May  Avas  Evacuation  I>ay  for  Westchester 
Coiinly,  it  was  not  until  the  2r)th  of  Xovemher  that  the  I'.ritisli  troops 
in  New  ^orU  City  took  their  farewell.  The  deportation  of  tin-  thou- 
sands of  Tories  to  Nova  Scotia,  the  West  Indies,  and  (Jreat  liritaiu 
ta.xed  all  the  shijipin;^  facilities  of  Sii-  <iuy  r''arlel((n  until  that   lime. 

As  the  <.;reat  da_\'  approached,  Washiujilon  made  his  ariMUiicmeuts 
for  taking  possession  of  the  city  in  conjunction  with  the  conslituted 
autliorities  of  the  Slate  of  New  York.  II(>  disjiatcjied  from  West 
I'oint,  Ihrough  our  (.-ounty,  a  force  sulhcient  for  tin'  occupation  of 
Kingsbriil.v;c  and  other  outlying  posts  as  they  should  be  sniiendered. 
And  then,  attended  by  his  staff  ami  joined  by  (iovernor  riinton, 
Lieulenanl-(  io\'erm)r  \'an  t'ortlamlt,  and  othei'  re]n'eseiitalives  of  the 
Stale  go\-ei-nment,  lie  f(dlowed.  The  following  iliueiary  of  the  dis- 
tingnislied  ]>arty  llii'(uigh  ^^'estchestel'  ('ounty  is  fi'om  a  memoran- 
dum  wiitteii  at  Ihe  time  by  Iaeulenant-< Jovernor  \'an  Corllandt: 

I  wiiit  fioiii  I'et'kskill,  Tucsflay,  Uic  18th  of  November,  in  coni|i;iii\  witli  liis  excellency 
Gov.  Cliiitdii,  Col.  Benson,  and  Col.  Campbell;  lodfjed  tliat  ninht  witli  (icn,  |  I'liilip]  Cort- 
landt  at  Croton  River,  proceeded  and  lodged  Wednesday  ni^lit  |l!ltlil  at  Kdw.  Coveii- 
liaven's  where  we  mett  liis  exeelleney  Gen.  Wasliinfjton  and  liis  Aids.  The  next  niirht  |'20tli] 
we  lodijed  with  Mr.  Fredrriek  Van  Cortlandt  at  The  |  [..ittle]  Yonkerx,  after  havinj;  dined 
with  (Jen.  Lewis  Morris.  Fryday  mornin<j  [-!■'*']  "'•'  rode  in  company  with  the  Comniandii- 
in-Cliief  as  far  ji.s  the  Widow  Day's,  at  Harlem  where  we  liekl  a  conncil.' 

'  Irviiii;  says  thai   after  Sir  Gii.v  Carlotun  no-  h.v   llic   I'.rilisli."     Fiuin   a    Westolii'Ster  f'ounly 

titled  Wnsliinjjinn  of  ttii-  time  wben  the  differ-  pniiit    of  vh'W,   it    would   lie  pleasing;  to  believe 

ent  posts  would  he  vacated.    Governor  Clinton  that   our   Town   of  Enstdu'ster   was   the  place 

"  summoned  the  members  of  Ihe  St:ite  council  where    these    linal    oinelal    arranjjements    were 

to  convene  at    Eastcbester  on   Ibe  21st  of  No.  made.     Hut,    according'   In   I/leuteiiant-(!overnor 

vember.    f<tr   (he   purpose    of  eslabllshln^   civil  \*!in  Corliandt.   the  nieeiiii;:  of  Ihe  council   for 

jLioverniiieiM    in    llie    disrriels    hilberlo    oreupied  iti;it    pill-pose   was   held  'HI   M:iiili:iMan    Island. 




N  a  i)rovi<ins  cliaptfr  \vi'  have  briell^'  uotici'd  the  oigauiza- 
tion  of  the  State  government  of  New  York  on  the  20th 
of  April.  1777,  when  a  constitution,  framed  li.v  John  Jay, 
was  adopted  by  tlie  "  Convention  of  Itepresentatives  of 
tlie  State  of  New  York  "  in  session  at  Kinp^ston. 

At  tile  time  of  the  British  invasion  of  Westchester  County,  benin- 
ninji;-  October  12,  177<!,  the  county  records  were  removed  from  the 
ccmrt  house  at  White  IMnius  by  "riieojdiilus  Barton,  clerk  of  I  lie 
county  court,  and  (h']iosited  in  a  i)lace  of  safety,  where  they  remained 
until  the  end  of  the  wai-.  Wliite  Plains,  which  had  been  the  county 
seat  since  1759,  ceased  to  be  adapted  for  that  piirpose,  partly  because 
of  the  burninii'  of  the  court  house  on  the  nicht  of  the  .5th  of  Novem- 
ber, 177(i,  and  partly  because  of  the  exposed  situation  of  the  villafje 
between  the  lines  of  the  two  armies.  Upon  the  destruction  of  the 
court  house  the  villai^e  of  Bedf«u"d  was  made  the  seat  of  the  county 
^■ov<'rnment,  and  it  was  in  the  Presbyterian  meeting-house  of  Bed- 
ford that  the  tirst  county  court  ort;ani7,ed  under  the  provisions  of 
the  constitution  of  1777  held  its  sessions.  That  buildinii',  in  its  turn, 
was  burned  by  the  British  otficer  Tarleton,  when  he  made  his  raid 
on  Poundridoe  and  Bedford,  July  2,  1770.  Thereujion  the  courts 
transferred  their  sittini;s  to  the  meetinij-house  in  Upper  Salem,  where 
they  contimied  until  1785.  In  that  year,  the  church  at  Bedford  hav- 
ing; been  rebuilt,  it  was  ordered  that  the  courts  should  resume  their 
sessions  at  Bedford.  By  an  act  of  the  legislature  passed  May  1,  178R, 
the  sum  of  £1,S00  was  appropriated  for  the  erection  of  two  new 
court  houses,  one  at  White  Plains  and  the  other  at  Bedford,  under 
the  superintendence  of  Stephen  Ward,  Ebenezer  Lockwood,  Jona- 
than O.  Tompkins,  Ebenezer  Purdy,  Thomas  Thomas.  Richard  Ilat- 
fi(dd,  and  IJichard  Sackett,  Ji'.  These  two  structures  were  completed 
in  1787,  and  thenceforward  until  1808  Bedford  shared  with  White 
Plains  the  honor  of  beinif  a  "half  shire"  town.     The  second  White 



I'liiiiis  courl  lioiisc  of  17S7'  iicciiiiicd  the  s.iiiic  site  as  llic  lirsl,  nii 
Bniadwav,  and  coutiiiiUMl  in  use  until  IS.")!,  wiicn  the  present  fine 
l)uil(lin<;'  on  Kailroad  Avenue  was  finislied.  Tiie  Hedfoi'd  court 
house,  also  erected  in  1787,  is  still  in  existence,  beini;'  now  used  as 
a  town  hall. 

After  the  I\evolution  the  board  of  supervisors,  which  had  had  but 
a  meaner  menibeiship  dui'inj;  the  war,  resumed  at  once  its  char- 
acter of  a  representative  body  of  all  the  organized  communities  of 
the  county.  The  followinfi  is  a  list  of  the  members  of  the  board, 
by  localities,  for  the  year  1781: 

Abel  Smith,  Precint-t  of  North  Castle. 
Thomas  Hunt,  Roroii<jli  Town  of  Westchester. 
Williaiii  I'auldiiig,  Manor  of  Philipsobiirgh. 
tlonathaii  (!.  Tompkins,  Manor  of  .Searsdale. 
Thaddeiis  Crane,  Town  of  Upper  Salem. 
William  Miller,  Harrison's  Preeinet. 
Joseph  .Stranf;-,  Manor  of  \'an  Cortlandt. 
Ebenezer  Loekwood,  Precinct  of  Poundridjje. 

Gilbert  I?udd,  Town  of  Mamaroneek. 
Ebenezer  S.  Hurling,  Town  of  Kasteheslcr. 
Daniel  Ilorton,  Precinct  of  White  Plains. 
Israel  Honeywell,  Yonkers. 
John  Thomas,  Town  of  Rye. 
Philip  Pell,  Manor  of  Pel'liam. 
Benjamin  Stevenson,  Town  of  Xew  Koi'he] 
\N'illiani  Morris,  Manor  of  Morrisania. 

Abijah  Gilbert,  Town  of  Lower  Salem, 

In  addition  to  tlie  localities  represented  in  iliis  list  was  IJyck's 
Patent — the  i)resent  I'ecd^skill  and  its  vicinity. — which  had  always 
retained  an  identity  distinct  from  that  of  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt, 
and  even  previously  to  the  Kevolution  had  been  represented  in  the 
board  of  sup(>rvisors. 

No  reconstruction  of  the  civil  divisions  of  the  county  ha\  ing'  as 
yet  been  effected  under  the  State  ".overnment,  the  localities  claim- 
ini;-  and  receivinj;-  rejtresentation  in  the  board  of  supervisors  after 
the  Kevolution  were  only  the  old  established  ones  of  colonial  times, 
and  inch'ed  no  innovations  in  the  local  designations  of  jiolitical  divi- 
sions were  made  until  the  h^fjislative  act  of  1788,  settinu'  ofl"  the 
county  into  townships.  The  eastern  portion  of  Tortlandt  INIanor, 
however,  comiuvhendinp;  the  "  Oblone,- "  and  considerable  territory 
to  the  west,  had  acquired  the  local  name  of  Salem,  and  indeed  there 
was  an  "  ri)])er  '"  Salem  -  and  a  "  Lower  "  Salem,  each  of  which  had 
its  su|)ervisor.     The  representative  from   I  lie  old  confiscated   .Afanor 

'  Much  to  tlie  jrencral  repret.  the  second 
iimrt  honse  at  White  riains.  wliii'li  t'ave 
place  to  a  more  modern  structure,  together 
Willi  the  adi'ilninc  property  helouninK  to  the 
c-nniiiy.  passc>d  into  the  linnds  of  private 
parties  several  years  ago.  and  the  buildin);  was 
torn  down,  carried  off.  and  passed  intn  tlie 
unknown.  The  remembrance  is  all  of  the 
historic  structure  that  remains. — Swith'ft  ^fnn■ 
tinl  of  Wixtrhnilir  Cminlii. 

*  Vpper  Salem  was  also  known  hn-nlly  as 
"L)e    r.aneey    Town,"    so-called    for    Stephen 

de  r..'incey.  its  principal  prnprictor  under 
the  division  elTected  by  the  Van  Cm-tlandt 
heirs,  other  parts  of  the  manor  had  their 
Ini'al  designations  In  common  parlance.  Mrs. 
Heekman's  estate  on  tlie  Hndson  was,  from  Iht 
Christian  name,  styled  Oertrndeslinrougli,  and 
what  is  now  the  Town  of  Snmers  was  called 
tirst  Hanover  and  afterward  Stephent<twn  (for 
Stephen  Van  Cnrllaudtl.  The  name  Corl- 
landttown  was  applied  to  the  district  whiTc 
I'hillp  Van  Cortlandt  had  his  residence. 



(il  l'liilii)scbin-^l!  was  still  >tvlc(l  the  suiicrvisor  lor  the  Manor  of 
l'liili])seburgli ;  ;iii(l  nlilioinili  Tlicre  was  a  separate  supervisor  for 
I  lie  lower  section  of  iluM  iiuiiioi',  known  as  Yonlcers,  tliis  was  no 
clianne  in  the  forniei'  order  of  tliin,i;s,  since  tlie  Yonlcers  ]inrtion  (tf 
tlie  manor  liad  liad  its  own  su]tervisor  fiMni  caily  times. 

'Che  rccoverv  of  Westcliester  Connty  from  the  effects  of  flie  Rev- 
olufionary  War  was  an  exceediniily  sh»w  ])rocess.  We  liave  sliown 
in  a  previous  cliapter  (s."e  ]>.  41 S)  that  tlierc  was  an  increase  of  only 
2,258  in  the  i)opulation  of  tlie  connty  from  the  time  of  the  last 
colonial  census,  taken  in  1771,  to  that  of  the  lirst  federal  enumera- 
tion, made  in  1790,  and 
Dial  I  he  meaii'erness  of 
tins  Liiowth  durinii-  nine- 
teen years  (includiuf^' 
seven  years  of  jieace)  is 
even  more  significant 
when  it  is  rememljered 
that  many  thousand  acres 
of  confiscated  lands  were 
sold  after  the  war  by  the 
State  at   low  prices. 

The  principal  contisca- 
liou  by  I  he  State  of  lands 
(d'  r>i-itisli  adherents  in 
'Westchester  ("ounty  was 
I  lial  (dJ'liilii)sebnri;li  .Manor.  The  act  forfeiiinii  the  manor  was  passed 
in  1779,  whereupon  all  its  lands,  e.xtendiTiii  from  the  Spuyteii  Duyvil 
Creek  to  the  Croton,  and  from  the  llmlson  to  the  Bronx,  became  the 
pro])erty  of  the  State  of  New  York.  In  dne  time  ])rovisiou  was  made 
l)y  the  le<^islature  to  sell  to  pfi\ate  iiersons  all  the  confiscated  lands 
in  the  Slate  (with  t  he  exce](l  ion  of  cei'tain  properties  \\hi(di  were  re 
served  for  j^ifts  to  })articnlar  individuals),  and  to  that  end  commis- 
sioners of  forfeiture  were  ai)]iointed  for  the  four  districts  into  \\hi(  li 
the  State  Avas  divided — tin'  ['Eastern,  Western,  ^fiddle,  and  Southern. 
General  Philip  Van  Cortlandt,  son  of  Lieutenant-Governor  Pierre  Van 
Gortlandt,  was  one  of  the  commissioners  for  the  Southern  district, 
\\ln(h  comprehended  our  county.  .Most  of  the  resnitimi  sales  oc- 
curred in  1785,  altliouiili  a  few  were  inade  in  178(i.  The  following;'  is 
a  list  of  the  purchasers  of  forfeited  lands  in  the  Yonkers  jjortion  (d'  the 
mamir,  wlii(di  we  extract  from  Allison's  Ilistorv  of  Yonkers: 

ORKilNAL    NEW    YORK    SI  ATE    SEAL. 



John  Lawrence 488 

Ward  Hnnt ;M:i 

Abraham  Odell 324 

Jacob  Post 323 

Cornelius  P.  Low S'iOJ 

Isaac  Lawrence,  Jr 3(18 

Bciijaniin  Kowler 305 

Samuel  Lawrence  (estimated) 300 

Isaac  Post 203 

Thomas  Sherwood 2ilO 

Isaac  Vermilye 273J 

Evert  Brown  (estimated) 267 

Henry  Odell 259 

Mary  Vincent 240 

Thomas  Valentine 238 

.Jacob  Vermilye 221 

William  Crawford 202 

John  Lamb 202 

Robert  Johnston.  | 
Lewis  Ogden. ...  [ 

Thomas  Barker 189 

Isaac  Smith. .  .  f 
Thomas  Smith,  f 

Shadrack  Taylor 184 

John  Williams 177 

Patience  Burnett 173 

Peter  Forshee 170 

Jacob  Smith 165 

Josejih  Oakley 164 

John  Browne 1.56 

Andrew  Bostwick l.wj 





Kleazer  Hart 154 

Isiuic  Odell 144 

Hol)ert   Ueid 141 

Elisha  Barton 135 

Dennis  Post 

Nicholas   L'ndeihill. 



Caleb  Smith 130 

Dennis  Lent 128 

John  Devoe 126 

Abiirail  .Sherwood 125 

Frederick  Underbill 125 

lion.  Richard  Morris  (estimated) 117 

Henry  Brown 11.3 

Parsonaije  Lot 107 

Elnathan  Taylor 99 

Frederick  Van  Cortlandt  (about) 98 

Margery   Rich 92 

Jolm  Guerino 89 

William  Hyatt 89 

Mary  Valentine 76 

Abijali  Hammond 69 

Jacobus  Dyckman 45 

David  Hunt 41 

Abraham  Lent 41 

Philip  Livingston  ...     31 

Stephen  Oaklev 29^ 

Charles  Duryea 29 

Stephen  Sherwood 24J 

Sarah  Archer 18J 

Mary  Merrill     141 

"By  tlie  acts  rfspcctiycly  of  178(5  and  1792,"  says  Allison,  "the 
Icjiislaturc  first  conveyed,  and  then  coiitirnied,  the  property  described 
as  the  Glebe  to  SainI  -Tohn's  Chnrch  forever.  Two  acres  where  the 
cliurcli  stands,  two  where  Thomas  Sherwood,  the  gardener,  lived, 
and  abont  two  acres  of  meadow  adjoining  tlie  Saw  ilill  Klver  and 
the  road,  bein;^  a  ])art  of  the  (ilebe  land,  were  reserved  and  excepted 
from  ('.  P.  T>ow"s  ])nrchase.  .Mr.  John  Williams,  one  of  I  he  pur- 
chasers, had  been  the  steward  of  I  he  l'liili|isebnr!.;]i  .Manoi'  under 
Tolonel  I'i'ederick  J'hili])se.  John  (inei'ino  w.ns  a  I'l'  who 
ke|)t  a  tavei'u  near  Hunt's  TJridiic  The  ])ropei-ty  i)Ui-cliase(l  of  the 
commissioners  by  (\  V.  Lo\\',  A\'hose  name  appears  in  the  foreiioin^ 
list,  was  the  Manor  liall  ]»ropert_\.  Low  was  a  New  ^'oi'k  merchant. 
lie  boutiht  tlie  Manor  Ifall  jiroiierty  and  three  hundred  and  twenty 
acres  of  land  foi-  £14..")2(l.  lie  ne\('r  occupied  it,  but  on  .May  12,  17.'^(), 
S(dd  it  to  William  Constable,  also  a  New  York  merchant.  Vntm  the 
foi'i'^oini;  i-ecord  it  apjjcars  that  in  17S.~)  'the  Vonkers,"  as  now 
bounded,  was  owned  by  between  sixty  and  seventy  persons,  and  a 



study  nl'  Ihc  old  iii:i|i  leads  to  tlic  coiiclnsioii  that  lln'  imiiilicr  of 
houses  within  the  limits  of  the  pi'eseiit  city  wei-e  in  1TS5  between 
three  seore  and  four  score." 

The  Mauur  House  of  tlie  l'hilij)ses  on  liie  I'ocaiitico  Kiver — the 
ancient  ''Castle  I'Mlipse" — in  tlie  present  'i'own  of  .Mount  IMeasant 
was  bouiiht  of  llie  couiniissioners,  with  l,<i(M(  acres  adjoining,  by 
Gerard  (i.  Beeknian,  Jr.,  husband  of  ("ornelia  Van  Cortlaudt,  that 
indomitable  patriotic  lady  (daui;liter  of  the  lieutenant-,n<)vernor)  who 

YONKERS    IN    1784' 

was  the  hostess  of  the  Van  Cortlandt  liouse  near  I'eekskil!  duriiiii 
the  Kevolution,  and  whose  stei'u  reply  to  an  insolent  soldier  on  a 
perilous  occasion  is  celebrated  (see  p.  427).  ^Irs.  Iteeiauaii  died  in 
1847  at  the  asic  of  ninety-four. 

Besi(h'S  Philipsebur<;li  Manor,  various  (states  of  Tories  scattered 
tliroiiiih  the  county  were  confiscated.  All  of  these,  howevei',  were 
projH'rties  of  but  moderate  dimensions.  Several  of  them  were  con- 
ferred by  the  lf>tate  upon  ])atriotic  persons  as  iiifts.  John  rauldinj; 
and  David  ^A'illianls,  two  of  the  captors  of  Andre,  received  forfeited 

'  From    nn    eugravini,'    in    tlic    possession    of 
D.    ftloN.    Stauffor.    of    Yonliors.     C'opyriglilod, 

1S93.  by  William   I'aliiicr  East. 
s(HTiaI   prniiission. 

Reproduced   by 

(;exkkal  cocntv  iiistoky  to  1842  531 

I'jiriiis  in  W'cstclu'Stcr  Couiitv — (lie  I'niuicr  hciii;^  i;i\('ii  ilic  IkiikIsoiiic 
pr(>]i<'i-ly  (if  I  »i-.  refer  llimijcl'iinl  in  the  Alnnoi- uC  ( 'm-i  himli,  and  liie 
latter  the  estat"  (if  Kdniiind  W'ai-d  in  lOastclieslei-.  The  fanions 
'I'hdnuis  I'aine,  antlnir  of  "  ("oniiudn  v*^ense,"  was  ](resenled  witli  a 
ti'act  (if  s(Mne  llii'ce  hninlred  acres  in  rpiier  New  itdclielie,  w  hich  had 
|ireviiinsly  beloniicd  to  one  I'ri'deric  J)e\-ean.  Abonr  ISOJ,  alier  liis 
retnrii  to  America.  Paine  Toole  np  liis  residence  on  lliis  pid]ier(y, 
and  lie  ]i\('(l  there  most  of  his  remainiiiL;  years  ami  was  hiiried 
in  a  corner  of  the  farm.  His  bom-s  were  disinterre(l  and  taken  lo 
I'higland  by  William  Cobbett  iu  ISll).  The  spot  is  marked  )>y  a  monii- 
meut  to  liis  memory. 

The  snbdivision  of  the  county  into  townships  was  ma<le  by  an  act 
of  tlie  legislature  passed  .Maridi  7,  17SS.  ]'.y  this  important  statute 
twenty-one  "  toAvns  "  were  erected,  as  follows:  Westchester,  Morris 
ania,  Yonkei's,  (ireenbiir.iih.  ^lonnt  Pleasant,  East(diester,  Pelham, 
New  Kochelle,  Scarsdale.  Mamaroueck,  White  Plains,  Harrison,  llyv, 
North  Castle,  Bedford,  Poundridge,  Salem.  North  Salem,  Cortlandt, 
Yorktown,  and  Stephentown. 

The  Town  of  NVestchester  included  all  of  the  original  ^Vestchester 
and  West  Farms  tracts,  with  Fordham  Manor. 

Tlie  Town  of  ^[orrisania  coincided  with  the  old  ^forrisania  ^[anor. 
I?nt  th(^  existence  of  Morrisania  as  a  separate  town  was  speedily 
brought  to  an  end.'  By  an  act  i)assed  February  22,  IT'.tl,  it  was 
annexed  to  the  Town  of  Westchestei-.  from  wliicli  it  was  not  again 
severed  until  1855  (December  7 1. 

The  three  Towns  of  Yoidcers,  (Jreenbnrgh,  and  .Mount  I'leasant  were 
created  out  of  the  Manoi-  of  Philiiiseburgh.  The  original  bounds  of 
Voiikers  were  the  same  as  at  present,  excejit  Ilia)  the  southern  por- 
tion of  it  has  recently  been  annexed  to  the  City  of  New  York,  (ireen- 
bnrgh  has  always  retained  the  limits  fixed  for  it  by  tlie  act  of  178S. 
Its  northern  boundary,  as  described  in  thai  measure,  was  "a  line 
beginning  on  the  east  side  of  Hudson's  Kiver  at  the  southwest  cor- 
ner of  the  land  lately  conveyed  by  tlie  commissioners  of  forfeiture 
for  the  southern  district  to  Gerard  G.  Beekmau,  Jr.,  and  running 
from  thence  along  the  southerly  and  easterly  bounds  thereof  to  the 
farm  of  William   David,  and  then  along  the  southerlv  and  lasterlv 

'  The   iipiiriimniciu    of    Mnirisania    :is    one   ut  the    elidililc  plari'.     Tbcir  is  now   In  tin- 

tlip  original  townsliips  (if  t!i (int.v  was  piviba-  possossion  of  ilii-  New  York  Uis(ori<';iI  Society 

lil.v  due  to  the  iiiHuonci"  of  the  Mortis  faiiiily.  ilii>    diaft    of  a    "  Moinorial   liy    Lowis    Monls. 

Ai    the    time  of   the    passasrc  of   Ilic   towiisliip  of  Morrisania."   "To  his  Excellency  the  Presi- 

act  of  17SS  tile   fedeial   sovernnient    was  aliont  dent   and   the    ITonoialile   the    Menibeis   of   the 

to  he  orjranized.  and  the  (jiiestion  of  tlie  stdec-  Conpress    of    the    I'lilted    St:ttes   of   .\tnerica.  * 

tlon    of    a    site    for    the    national    lapital    was  coniinnnleated  in  ITII'J.  in  wliieli  ilie  special  ad- 

eoniliig  into  proininence.     Lewis   Mi>rris  enter-  vanlanes    of    I  lie   place    are    reeiied.      (For   the 

tnined  a  sirouL- ion\lction  that   Morrisania  was  text  of  this  memorial  see  Seharf.  I..  823.) 


bounds  of  llic  siiid  fiii'iii  of  llic  sjiid  Williiiin  l);ivid  to  llic  road  lead- 
ing to  llic  White  I'lains,  and  theu  easterly  aloui;  the  same  road  to  the 
Bronx  IJiver."  To  Mount  Pleasant  was  assij-iied  the  remainder  of 
the  manor.  Out  of  its  territory  was  constructiMl  llie  new  Town  of 
Ossininj;-  by  an  act  passed  May  2,  1845. 

The  bounds  fixed  for  the  Town  of  Eastrhester  were  AVestcliester 
at  the  south,  tlie  Bronx  IJiver  at  the  west,  Scarsdale  at  the  north, 
and  the  Ihitehiuson  ]{iver  at  the  east. 

I'elhani  was  identical  willi  the  former  reliiaiii  .Manor,  compro 
hendini;  City,  Hart,  and  A](p!ehy's  Islands. 

New  Rochelle,  Scarsdale,  Mamaroneck,  Harrison,  Kye,  liedford, 
and  Poundridjie,  as  organized  into  towns,  retained  their  former  well 
established  divisional  lines. 

North  Castle  was  bounded  on  the  north  by  Mount  Pleasant,  White 
Plains,  Harrison,  and  Connecticut,  on  the  east  by  Connecticut,  Pound- 
ridfie,  and  Bedford,  on  the  north  by  the  Manor  of  Cortlandt  and  Bed- 
ford, and  on  the  Avest  by  the  Bronx  River  and  Bedford.  But  in  1791 
(March  18)  another  town,  called  New  Castle,  was  set  off  from  North 
Castle,  comprehending  the  territory  west  of  a  line  drawn  from  the 
southwest  corner  of  Bedford  to  the  head  of  the  Bronx  River. 

Salem,  North  Salem,  Cortlandt,  Yorktown,  and  Stejdientown  were 
towns  partitioned  from  the  ]Manor  of  Cortlandt. 

The  township  named  Salem  has  lonp.'  been  popularly  known  as 
Lower  Salem.  By  an  act  of  April  G,  1800,  its  name  was  officially 
changed  to  South  Salem,  and  by  a  further  act,  February  13,  1840, 
to  the  present  style  of  Lewisboro.  The  name  of  Lewisboro  was  jiiven 
it  in  honor  of  John  Le^is,^  a  liberal  benefactor  of  the  jiulilic  schools 
and  donor  of  tlie  ylebe  laiuls  of  Saint  John's  Protestant  Episcopal 
Church  at  Salem.  A  jiortion  of  North  Sal(>m  was  annexed  to  Lewis- 
boro A])ril  2(i,  1844. 

North  Salem  included  the  whole  of  "  north  lots  "  numbers  9  and  10 
of  the  ]\lanor  of  Coi-tlandt,  Avith  lot  number  8  as  far  as  the  Croton 
River,  which  formed  its  western  boundary.  To  the  two  Salems  fell 
the  whole  of  the  "  Oblonji." 

Th(^  Townships  of  Cortlandt,  Yorktown,  and  Ste])hentowii  were  con- 
structed out  of  the  remaining-  i)ortion  of  Cortlandt  ]\Ianor.  Yorktown 
was  so-called  in  remembrance  of  the  encampment  within  its  borders 
of  the  French   army  after  its  return   from   the   successful    Viryinia 

'  Jolin    Lewis    w.ts    dcsci'ijilcd    fiorii    an    «\i\  Frci'  Ac.Tdi'iii.v  in    Ni'W   Yuik.   :inil   in  IS-ia  gave 

Nfw  Encland   family.    His  father   was  a    Kev-  $in.onO   to  the   snijpurt    .)f   tlie    ecnnninn   sehools 

ohitliinary  soldier,  wild  removed  fi-Din  Connecti-  in   the   lowiishi|i  now  called   hy    Ills  name,     lie 

eiit    to  Snulh    Salem    in    ISOS.     The    son   made   a  died    al     his    I.ewi.slinn.    hm n    tlie    1st    of 

large    fortnue    In    niereantile    pnrsnits   In    Ne\\'  Oelolter,  1S71. 

Yr.rk.     lie    was    ui f    ihe    founders    of    the 

(3ENERAL    COUNTY    IIIS'IOKY    T(  I    1 S-12  533 

campaign.  Slcpliciilowii — llic  picsciit  Somers — was  named  for 
Hteplien  Van  Cortlandt.  The  prcscnl  iiaiiic  was  adopted  April  G, 
1808,  in  honor  of  <'a])lain  Kiehard  Soineis,  the  lieio  (d'  tlie  Trijiolitan 
war.    A  part  of  JS'ew  Castle  was  annexed  to  Somers  in  IS Ki. 

Of  the  twenty-one  orif^inal  towns,  Nortli  Caslh'  was  the  larjjest, 
haviiiii  about  ;>0,00(l  acres;  hut  after  tlie  seltiny  off  from  it  of  New 
Castle  in  JTUl,  JJedford,  with  its  24,7(10  acres,  took  the  first  rank, 
wlii<li  it  has  always  since  maintained.  The  smallest  of  th(>  original 
towns  were  relham  i8,2fl()  acres),  .Mamaroneck  (.'1,900  acres],  Scars- 
dale  (3,t»0y  acres),  and  New  Kochelh'  (5,200  acres). 

The  first  federal  census  was  taken  in  1790,  Iwo  years  after  the 
or<;anization  of  our  <-oun(y  into  towns.  The  f(dlowini;  were  the  totals 
for  the  various  political  divisions  then  existing: 


North  Castle  (inoliiiliiig  NowCa.stle).  .  2,478  Yonkere 1,12.5 

Kedford 2,470  Poundridge 1,062 

Cortlandt 1,932  North  Salem I.O.'jS 

Mount   Pleasant  (iiieluding  the  present  Harrison 1,004 

Ossming) 1,924  Rye 98G 

Yorktown 1,G09  Eastehester 740 

Salem  (now  Lewishoro) 1,453  New  Kochelle 692 

Greenhnrgh 1,400  White  Plains .50ij 

Westchester  (including  West  Farms,  ISIaniaroneck 452 

Morrisania,  and  Fordham  Manor)  l,33f>  Scarsdale 281 

Stephentown  (now  Somers) 1,297  Pelham 199 

Total 24,003 

The  towns  which  led  in  po]iidation  at  Ihis  [leriod  were  the  ones 
iiaving  the  largest  superticial  area,  and  it  is  also  noticeable  that  the 
distribution  of  population  in  1790  was  without  the  slightest  refer- 
ence lo  relative  local  advantages  as  those  advantages  are  estimated 
at  the  present  time.  For  example,  Bedford,  lying  in  the  northern 
central  part  of  the  county,  remote  from  New  York  City,  ])eopled 
exclusively  by  farmers,  and  from  its  natural  conditions  inca])able  of 
any  development  other  than  agricultural,  had  nearly  as  many  in- 
habitants as  Westchester  and  Yonkers  combined,  although  tlie 
united  area  of  Westchester  and  Yoidcers  Avas  some  1,500  acres  greater 
than  that  of  Bedford.  Poundridge,  smaller  than  Yonkers,  had  never 
iheless  almost  as  many  inhabitants.  I.ewisboro  was  more  ])opuloiis 
than  (Ireenburgh,  tliongh  not  very  much  exceeding  it  in  size.  York- 
town  had  only  a  hundred  fewer  inhabitants  thaii  Eastcdiester,  \Yhite 
Plains,  Scarsdale,  and  Peliiam  together.  Still  another  fact  stands 
out  prominently:  the  localities  whi(di  were  least  exposed  to  the  rav- 
ages of  the  contending  forces  during  the  K<'volution  were  those 
showing  the  most  satisfactory  conditions  of  population. 


The  purely  agricultural  charaeter  uf  Westchester  County  at  the 
end  of  the  eighteenth  ceiiturj-  is  perfectly  demonstrated  by  these 
census  returns.  In  truth,  there  was  at  that  time  no  single  village 
disjtlaying  circumstances  of  local  activity  from  which  the  pi'ospect 
of  any  substantial  ultimate  growth  might  be  deduced.  The  existence 
of  the  foundations  of  such  thriving  communities  as  Yonkers,  Dobbs 
I'^a-ry,  Tarrytown,  Sing  Sing,  and  Peekskill  on  the  Hudson,  New 
llochelle,  Mamaroneck,  and  l\ye  on  the  Sound,  and  White  Plains  and 
various  other  villages  in  the  central  sections  of  the  county,  is  recog- 
nizable, with  more  or  less  distinctness,  at  this  period;  but  in  eacji 
case  these  foundations  were  strictly  (dement  ary,  represented  by  such 
instruments  of  advancing  civilization  as  churches,  mills  for  the  grind- 
ing of  grain,  small  general  stores,  and  inns  for  the  accommodation 
of  travelers,  with  here  and  there  a  schoolliouse.  The  only  counner- 
cial  industry  that  had  been  inaugurated  was  that  of  transmitting 
market  produce  to  New  York,  in  wlii(di  a  few  sloops  wore  engaged, 
both  on  the  Hudson  and  the  Sound.  But  most  of  the  farmers  pre- 
ferred to  cart  their  own  wares. to  the  city.  "  What  a  sight  must  have 
])resented  itself,"  says  a  writer  in  Scharfs  History,  describing  a 
somewiiat  hitei'  ]>eriod,  "as  over  our  three  great  thoroughfares  not 
only  the  farmers  of  the  county,  but  often,  as  when  the  river  and 
Sound  were  icebound,  those  of  the  regions  beyond,  passed  into  the 
city  with  theii-  heavy  loads  of  produce.  There  were  hours  of  the  day 
when  the  roads,  it  is  said,  were  fairly  blocked  by  the  heavy  traffic 
u])on  them,  and  eyewitnesses  declare  that  at  night  even  the  floors 
of  the  bar  and  sit  ling-rooms  of  the  taverns  were  si)read  over  with 
the  slee])ers  tarrying  to  rest  themselves  and  their  teams  for  a  few 
hours  on  the  way." 

To  the  national  convention  at  Philadelphia  which  framed  the  con- 
stitution of  the  I'nited  States  Westchester  County  contributed  one 
nC  its  most  distinguishe<l  and  iiifluential  members,  Gouverneur  ^bir- 
lis.  It  is  true  he  sat  in  that  body  as  a  delegate  from  Pennsylvania, 
but,  as  has  Ixn^n  aptly  observed  by  one  of  our  local  historians,  "  it  is  a 
ph'nsure  to  remember  that  in  the  person  of  C.ouverneur  ]\[orris,  who 
was  born  on  A^'estchester  soil  and  who  returned  again  to  represent  her 
in  the  United  States  senate,  and  whose  remains  are  sacredly  enshrined 
in  her  bosom,  she  was  jtresent  to  form  that  wise  and  beneficent 
instrument."  The  federal  constitution  was  ratified  in  this  State  on 
the  2Gth  of  July,  1788,  by  a  convention  which  held  its  sessions  at 
Poughkeejisie.  The  delcgat<'S  from  our  county  were  Thaddeus  Crane, 
of  North  Salem;  Tiichard  Hatfield,  of  White  Plains;  Philip  Livingston 
and  Lewis  Morris,  of  Westchester;  Lott  W.  Sarles,  of  New  Castle; 
and  Philip  Van  Cortlandt,  of  Cortlandt.     All  of  them  voted  affirma- 



tively  on  the  (jiKstioii  of  raliticatiim.  In  Ihc  lasi  coninicnlal  con- 
gress ht'ld  under  the  old  eoufederation  of  the  State,  that  of  1788-89, 
Philip  Pell,  of  our  counl y,  had  the  honor  of  being  one  of  the  repre- 
sentatives from  the  State  of  New  York. 

During  the  eight  years  of  Washington's  administration  as  presi- 
dent the  Federalist  party  usually  enjoyed  the  ])re])on(l('rance  in 
Westchester  County.  With  the  incoming  of  .Icffcrson,  however,  the 
anti-Federalists,  or  Jicpublicans,  gained  the  ascendency,  which  they 
transmitted  to  their  jiolitical  heirs,  the  Democrats;  and  indeed  since 
the  beginning  of  ils  organization  the  Dcnux  ralic  party  has  lost  but 
two  presidential  elections  in  Westchester  County  (1848  and  181IG). 

The  congressional  district  to  which  this  county  was  ai)i)ortion('d 
was  represented  in  the  national  house  of  rein-escntatives  for  sixteen 
successive  years  (1793-1809)  by  General  Phili]>  \:\n  Cortlandt.'  From 
1795  until  ISOl  oiir  John  Jay  was  governor  of  tlie  State.  In  the  fall 
of  1797  John  Adams,  then  president  of  the  Fnited  States,  for  some 
time  made  Ins  ollicial  residence  in  the  Ilalsey  house  in  Eastchester, 
having  come  tlieie  to  escape  the  yello^\  fever,  which  was  raging  in 
Philadelphia,  the  national  capital.-  One  of  the  JelTei-son  ])resideii- 
tial  electors  of  the  State  of  New  York  in  1800  was  C/olonel  Pierre 
Van  (Vu'tlandt,  a  younger  brotlier  of  Pliilip. 

In  1791  the  repi-esentation  of  Wt'stchestei'  County  in  the  assembly 
was  reduceil  from  six  members  to  five,  in  1S02  to  foui-,  and  in  1808 
to  thri'e. 

In  sucli  a  work  as  this,  which  makes  no  pretensions  exi'ept  as  a 
narrative  history  of  the  county,  it  is  impossible  to  note,  ])i'ogres- 
sively,  the  names  and  services  of  the  various  incumlieiits  of  the  many 
ofTtices,  legislative,  judicial,  county,  and  local,  elected  or  appointed 
from  time  to  time.  Such  an  exact  record  does  not  come  within  the 
scope  of  a  general  history.  An  exhaustive  Mainial  and  Civil  List 
of  Westchester  County  has  recently  been  published  by  ilr.   Henry 

'  Philip  Van  Cortlandt  was  the  oldest  son  of 
Lieutenant-Governor  Pierre  Van  Cortlandt. 
He  was  born  In  tlie  City  of  New  York,  Sep- 
tenilier  1.  1749.  and  was  brought  up  at  the 
Manor  House  on  the  Ooton.  He  was 
graduated  from  KhiR's  (Columbia*  College  at 
an  early  age.  At  the  breaking  out  of  the 
Revolution.  Governor  Tryon  forwarded  him  a 
major's  oommlsslon  In  the  British  serviee, 
which  he  destroyed.  He  was  appr)inted 
lleutenant-eolonol  In  the  eontinenlMl  army,  and 
remained  In  netlve  duty  until  the  end  of  the 
war,  retiring  with  the  rank  of  brigadier-gen- 
eral. He  rendered  very  distinguished  services 
on  many  occasions.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  military   conn    which   tried  General    Iteni'- 

dlet  Arnold  for  Improper  oondnot  In  1779-SO. 
Alluding  to  this  trial  he  wrote:  "  Had  all  the 
c<»urt  known  .\rnold's  former  conduct  as  well 
as  mysi'lf,  he  would  lia\'e  been  dismissed  from 
the  serviee."  After  the  war  he  retired  to  the 
Manor  House  at  Croton.  He  served  as  one 
of  the  pommlssionors  of  forfeiture,  and,  as 
stated  above,  as  representative  In  congress  for 
sixteen  years,  (inally  declining  a  re-election. 
He  accompanied  the  Marquis  do  Lafayette  In 
his  tour  of  the  I'nited  Slates  In  1S24.  and 
entertained  lilin  at  the  Manor  House.  He  died 
NNivember  21.  1S31. 

-The  Halscy  house  was  <iwncd  at  that  time 
by  Colonel  W.  S.  Smilb.  a  soniu-law  i.f 
I'reshleut  Adams. 



T.  iSmitb,  of  ^^ew  lloclicllc,  to  wliicli  we  refer  all  of  our  readers  who 
may  have  occasion  to  obtain  specific  information  on  these  lines.  We 
must  restrict  ourselves  in  the  jiresent  pages  to  incidental  notice  of 
the  more  conspicuous  men  who  tijiure  in  the  general  annals  of  the 
county,  and  even  in  this  particular  we  must  crave  the  considerate 
in(lul,nence  of  the  reader  if  our  allusions  are  but  jiartial,  pleadinj; 
for  our  justilication  the  necessary  limitations  of  ilie  plan  of  this 

From  1802  to  ISO!  the  distiii<j;uisbed  .Tobn  Watts,  Jr.,  occu]»i<'d  the 
]Kisitiou  of  "first  judjic '"  of  our  county  court,  lie  was  the  son  of 
-Fohii  Watts,  Sr.,  and   Ann,  daufjhter  of  Stephen   de   l.ancey.     Th(> 

father  Avas  a  member  of  the  kind's 
council  and  a  stanch  adherent  of  the 
crown;  his  magnificent  estate  on  Man- 
hattan Island  was  confiscated,  aTid  lie 
died,  an  impoverished  exile,  in  Wales. 
The  son  was  the  last  royal  recorder  of 
I^ew  York  City  (1774-77).  After  the 
organization  of  the  federal  government 
he  was  speaker  of  the  Xew  York  assem- 
bly for  three  years,  and  served  one  term 
in  congress.  His  last  public  ottice  was 
that  of  judge  of  Westchester  (jounty. 
His  city  house  was  at  No.  3  Broadway, 
Kew  York,  and  he  had  a  fine  country 
residence  near  New  Rochelle,  on  a  sIojjc 
overlooking  Hunter's  Island.  Like  his 
father,  he  married  into  the  de  Lancey 
family  of  our  county:  his  wife  was 
Jane,  daughter  of  Peter  de  Lancey,  of 
"  the  Mills."  He  was  a  man  of  consum- 
mat<'  abilities.  Possessed  of  great 
weaUh,  he  diverted  a  million  dollars  of  a  fortune  which  would  have 
been  his  by  inheritance  to  the  endowment  of  the  Leake  and  Watts 
Orphan  House.  He  died  September  3.  1S3(J,  at  the  age  of  eighty- 
seven.  A  notable  statue  of  Judge  Watts  stands  in  Trinity  Clnircli- 
yard,  New  York,  erected  by  his  grandson,  General  J.  Watts  de 

In  1807  Daniel  D.  Tompkins,  a  native  of  our  county,  son  of  the 
eminent  patriot,  Jonathan  (iriffen  Tom])kins,  was  elected  governor 
of  the  State  of  New  York,  an  office  in  whicdi  he  continued  to  serve 
until  1817,  when  he  resigned  it  to  become  vice-president  of  flic 
United  States.     Although  he  never  represented  Westchester  County 


DANll'.I,      I)     ■I'OMI'KINS. 

GENERAL   COTT.XTY    IITSTOnY    TO    1842  537 

in  oftifial  position,  liaviiiii  rcnioxcd  in  cai'lx  life  to  New  Vork  City, 
and  later  resitliu*;;  on  Staten  Island,  the  memory  of  (iovcrnoi'  Tomp- 
kins is  held  in  peculiar  affection  and  honor  in  Ihc  connty  of  liis 
birth.  The  site  of  iiis  birthplace  is  marked  by  a  liistorical  tabh-t, 
placed  there  by  the  generosity  of  the  late  ( 'liarles  Jintler. 

Daniel  D.  Tompkins  Avas  born  June  21,  1774,  on  the  I<'ox  Meadows 
estate  in  Scarsdale.  lie  was  the  seventh  son  of  Jonathan  (i.  Tomp- 
kins. He  was  graduated  from  Columbia  College  with  the  first  honors 
of  his  class,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  171*7,  and  in  ISOl  entered 
upon  his  i)nblic  career  by  serving  as  a  delegate  from  Now  York  ('ity 
to  the  convention  called  to  revise  the  constitution  of  the  State.  In 
1802  he  was  elected  to  the  assembly,  and  in  1804  he  was  chosen  a 
member  of  congress,  but  resigned  that  otlice  to  accept  an  appoint- 
ment as  justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  tlie  State.  lie  resigned  the 
justiceshij)  A\hen  electe<l  governor.  His  cai-cei'  as  chief  magistrate 
was  distinguished  especially  l)y  his  great  services  to  tlu^  country 
during  the  War  of  1812-15.  He  Avas  elected  to  tlie  vice-presidency, 
as  the  colleague  of  President  Monroe,  in  1810.  His  last  ])ublic  office 
was  that  of  president  of  the  State  constituli(»nal  convention  of  1821. 
A  resident  of  Staten  Island,  he  originated  tlie  ferry  from  that  island 
to  New  York  City  in  1818.  The  Staten  Island  village  of  Tom]ikins- 
ville  was  named  for  him.  The  concluding  years  of  his  life  were 
clouded  by  aspersions  upon  his  official  integrity  persistently  made 
by  his  jiolitical  enemies.  Investigation  has  fully  proved  that  these 
accusations  were  Avithout  the  slightest  iustitication.  He  died  June 
11,  1825. 

We  extrjirt  the  folloA\ing  fi-onj  a  recent  address  on  the  I>if(»  and 
Services  of  (ioveruoi'  Tomjfkins  by  the  Hon.  Hugh  Hastings,  Historian 
of  the  Stale  of  New  York: 

He  was  fully  alive  at  all  times  to  the  daiif;ers  which  iiienaced  this  State  during  the  war 
[of  1812],  and  his  energy  and  enterprise  were  no  less  surprising  than  the  knowledge  which  he 
displayed,  though  he  had  never  ac(|uired  any  experience  as  a  military  man,  regarding  the  care, 
transportation,  equiiiment,  and  welfare  of  the  troops  he  sent  to  the  held.  ...  As  soon 
as  the  legislature  met  in  extra  session,  Novemlier,  181'.i,  he  expressed  himself  in  favor  of  a 
vigorous  prosecution  of  the  war,  and,  in  furtherance  of  this  policy,  suggested  that  the  State 
should  make  a  loan  to  the  national   government.  .  He  raised   within  sixty  days   the 

sum  of  ■•?1, 000,000  at  his  own  risk,  for  the  public  welfare,  when  the  credit  of  the  nation  was 
utterly  destroyed.  Within  forty  days  he  had  nnistered  into  service  an  army  of  .')0,000  men, 
fully  organized,  armed,  and  equipped.  All  in  all,  he  disbur.sed  over  three  millions  of  dollars 
for  the  .State  of  New  York  and  the  I'nited  States   during  the   progress  of  the   war. 

In  many  of  his  recimmu'udations  to  the  legislature,  (Jovernor  Tompkins  was  far  ahead  of 
his  time,  for  instance,  at  the  heginning  of  the  iession  of  IS  10,  he  recommended  encourage- 
ment, hy  legal  enactment,  to  domestic  manufactures,  which  had  hegun  to  sj>ring  up  all  over 
the  country.  He  created  our  common  school  system,  and  suggested  carrying  into  etVect  the 
law  of  180."),  which  created  the  common  school  fund,  whose  interest  was  to  he  distributed 
among  the  schools  of  the  State.  .      Om-  of  his  last  acts  as  governor  of  the  State,   the 

special  message  which  he  sent  to  the  legislature  February  24, 1817 — the  day  he  resigned  as  gov- 
ernor,— carried  the  recomniendatiun  for  the  abolition  of  domestic  slavery  in  the  State,  to  take 



cft'ict  fluly  4,  1827.  lu  aceorclauce  with  this  proposition,  the  legislature  passed  aii  act  on  the 
31st  of  March,  1817,  and  at  the  prescribed  time  slavery  was  wiped  off  the  statute  books  of 
the  State  of  New  York. 

"  Of  all  the  able  men  who  have  oeeupied  the  oluiir  of  governor  of  New  York  State,  none 
ever  sustained  the  onerous  and  overwhelming  responsibilities  with  more  conscientiousness,  or 
guarded  the  destinies  of  his  State  and  his  people  with  more  fidelity.  He  was  more  than  a 
great  man;  lie  was  a  great  jiatriot,  a  great  martyr.  He  gave  his  services,  his  fortune,  his 
reputation,  and  his  life,  that  his  country  sliould  maintain  its  position  anu)ng  the  nations  of  the 
earth,  and  for  the  transcendent  results  he  achieved  he  deserves  the  imperishable  gratitude  of  his 

Ill  the  same  year  that  Tompkins  was  elected  governor,  1807,  oc- 
run-cd  an  ev(Mit  of  peculiar  interest  to  the  pe()])le  of  Westchester 
County  residing  on  the  banks  of  the  Hudson  Klver.  This  was  the 
passage  up  the  stream,  on  its  trial  trip  to  Albany,  of  Kobert  Fulton's 
steamboat,  the  "  Clermont."  It  came  almost  unheralded  on  the  after- 
noon of  September  11,  and  to  most  beholders  must  have  been  an 
object  quite  as  astonishing  as  Hudson's  ''  Half-iloon  "  had  been  to 
the  Indian  aborigines  two  hundred  years  before.  Although  it  was 
known  to  specially  well  informed  i)eople  that  some  suri)rising  ex- 
periments had  been  made  in  the  waters  surrounding  New  York  City 
with  a  vessel  proi>elled  by  steam,  the  rustic  classes  had  never  heard 
of  the  ship. 

The  "  Clermont  "  i)erformed  the  voyage  to  Albany  at  the  speed 
of  about  five  miles  an  liour,  making  only  one  stop,  at  Chancellor  Liv- 
ingston's seat  on  the  u]i])er 
river.  The  actual  running 
time  from  New  York  to  Al- 
bany was  thirty-two  hours, 
and  from  Albany  to  New 
York  thirty  hours.  After  tliis 
triumphant  achievement  of 
the  purpose  for  which  it  was 
built  the  "  Clermont  "  made 
regular  trips  to  and  from  Al- 
bany as  a  i)acket  boat.  In 
these  first  diiys  of  steam  navi- 
gation on  the  Hudson  intense 
prejudice  was  harbored 
against  the  "  Clermont  "  by  the  owners  of  trading  shiojis,  who  fear<'<l 
that  the  successful  operation  of  steamboats  would  render  their  prop- 
erty worthless ;  and  it  is  recorded  that  attempts  were  repeatedly  made 
to  sink  or  disable  her,  which  caused  the  legislature  to  pass  an  act 
prohibiting  such  practices  under  serious  penalties.  It  is  not  im- 
probable that  some  of  the  market  sloops  plying  between  New  York 
and  the  Westchester  villages  were  engaged  in  these  reprehensible 
enterprises    against    Fulton's    boat.      Allison,    in    his    History    of 



GENKUAI,    COUNTY    IHSTOKV    TO    1842  539 

^'iiiil<ci-s,  says  tliat  as  late  as  1S23  "  no  stcanihoal  liail  cnci-  shiwcd 
up  to  take  Yoiikers  ])assen<itn's  aboard,"  but  that  some  three  years 
later  one  John  Bashford  beyau  to  row  out  intending-  i)assenfi<'rs  to 
put  them  on  board  the  steamers  for  the  coiisiihTalion  of  eighteen 
jteiue  per  person. 

In  ISIO,  as  delerniiued  by  the  federal  eeiisus,  the  ))o]inlation  of 
Westchester  ("ounty  was  30,272;  but  according;  to  an  cnunicralion 
made  in  11S14  it  had  declined  in  the  latter  year  to  2(i,3<)7,  a  slirinkage 
of  nearly  4,00(1.  This  loss  is  easily  accounted  for.  Our  county  re- 
sjioiided  with  esjiecial  alacrity  to  the  calls  of  the  national  and  State 
fjovernments  for  troops  to  serve  in  the  second  wai-  with  iMii^land. 
The  decdine  in  population  was  indeed  considerable  in  almost  every 
townshi]).  The  lijiures  are  so  intcrestiini  and  ]u-esent  a  record  so 
honorable  tiiat  it  is  very  httinn' to  set  them  down  in  delail  licre. 


1810    1814 

Mount  Pleasant  (inehuling  Ossiuing) 3,1 19  2,802 

Coitlandt 3,054  2,477 

Bedford 2,374  2,287 

Westfhester  (including  West  Farms,  Morrisauia,  and  Fordliaui) 1,9()9  1,34.5 

Yorktown 1,024  1,175 

Creenbnrgh 1,862  1,792 

Soniers 1,782  1,783 

Lewisboro 1,56G  1,458 

North  Castle 1,366  1,220 

Youkers 1,365  954 

New  Castle 1,291  1,243 

Rye 1,278  1,185 

Poundridge 1,249  913 

North  Salem    1,204  1,033 

Harrison 1,119  825 

Eastchester 1,039  942 

New  Rochclle 996  992 

White  Plains 693  670 

Maniaroueek 496  797 

Pelham    '267  182 

Scarsdale 259  292 

Total 30,272     26,367 

It  is  observable  that  durinu'  the  twenty  years  from  1700  to  ISIO 
there  was,  so  far  as  can  be  discovered  from  the  census  tij;ures,  uo 
change  in  the  distinjitiisliinii  aspect  of  population  iu  Westchester 
County.  A]tlio)iL;h  the  increases  in  several  of  the  towns  were  cou- 
sideiable,  clearly  indicatinii'  the  rise  of  liandets,  in  no  case  was  the 
growth  larye  enouiih  to  jjromise  any  extensive  development.  Of 
the  l()wnshi]is  lyiiiii  on  the  rindson  IJiver,  Mount  I'leasant  (then 
incjudinjj;-  Ossiuinji),  Oortlaudt,  and  (ireenburjih  showed  the  larj^est 


jiiiiiis — 1.1'J.j,  1,122,  au(l  402  rcsix'ctively,  as  agaiust  an  advanci-  of 
only  240  in  Yonkers. 

On  the  2(1  of  April,  1813,  occuitimI  the  incorporation  of  Sinu;  Sinp, 
the  first  village  of  Westchester  Conuty  organized  under  the  State 
government.    The  \Aording  of  the  act  of  incorporation  is  as  follows: 

The  district  of  eouutry  in  the  Town  of  Mount  Pleasant,  contained  within  the  following 
limits,  that  is  to  say  :  Beginning  at  the  H\ids(in  River,  where  a  run  of  water,  between  the 
lands  of  Daniel  Delavau  and  Albert  Orser,  empties  into  the  said  Hudson  River,  nortli  of  Sing 
Sing,  from  thence  eastwardlj  on  a  straiglit  line  to  the  house  occupied  by  Charles  Yoe,  and  in- 
cluding the  said  house,  thence  soutliwardly  on  a  straight  line  until  it  intersects  the  Highland 
Turnpike  road  on  the  south  line  of  Samuel  Rhodie's  land,  from  thence  westwardly  on  the 
south  line  of  William  Street's  land  to  the  Hudson  River,  and  thence  northwardly  along  the 
said  river  to  the  place  of  beginning,  shall  hereafter  be  known  and  distinguished  by  the  name  of 
the  Village  of  Sing  Sing. 

A  curious  provision  contained  in  the  charter  of  Sing  Sing  was  a 
section  empowering  the  trustees  to  enact  a  by-law  "  prohibiting  any 
baker  or  other  person  within  the  aforesaid  limits  from  selling  any 
bread  at  any  higher  price  or  rate  than  bread  of  like  quality  at  the 
time  of  siich  sale  shall  be  assessed  in  and  for  the  City  of  New  York 
by  the  corporation  of  said  city,  under  the  penalty  of  one  dollar  for 
every  offense."  This  Avas  occasioned  by  the  high  price  of  breadstuffs 
then  prevailing,  ^^hich  afforded  temptations  to  bakers  to  charge  ex- 
orbitant rates  for  their  wares. 

The  first  village  election  of  Sing  Sing  was  held  on  the  first  Tues- 
day of  May,  1813,  when  "  seven  discreet  freeholders  "  were  elected 
trustees.  Their  names  are  not  preserved,  all  the  early  records  of  th(! 
village  having  been  destroyed  by  fire. 

In  1813  the  celebrated  authorization  was  made  to  Robert  Macomb, 
from  which  resulted  the  construction  of  "Macomb's  Uam  "  and  the 
consequent  complete  obstruction  of  the  navigation  of  the  Harlem 
I\iver,  a  con<lition  wliicli  was  a  sore  grievance  to  propci-ly  owners 
on  the  ^^'estchester  side.  In  early  times  the  entire  Harlem  and 
Spuyten  Duyvil  waterway  was  navigable,  at  certain  stages  of  the 
tide,  for  boats  of  light  <lrangli1.  "  Trior  1o  the  Revolution,"  says  a 
writer'  who  has  giveu  much  atti-ntion  to  this  subject,  "the  island 
[Manhattan]  was  circumnavigable  in  vessels  of  light  draught.  Gen- 
eral Coi-nwallis  pased  from  the  Hudson  through  Spuyten  Duyvil 
Ci'eek  into  Harlem  River,  and  down  to  Sherman's  Creek  (end  of  Tenth 
Avenue),  with  his  troops  on  board  light  draught  boats,  and  scaled 
the  heights  at  what  is  now  Fort  Ceorge,  during  the  concerted  move- 
ment on  Fort  Washington  in  the  autumn  of  1776."  No  i)ublic  in- 
terest was  felt,  however,  in  preserving  this  navigable  condition.  At 
the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  Alexander  Macomb,  a   wealthy 

'  Mr.  Fordham  Morris. 

CENKltAL    COUNTY    IIISTOKY    To    1842 


iiKTilunit  nf  New  ^'(>I•k,  imrcliascd  a  laru'c  aiiiouiit  uf  property  at 
Kiiiiisliridiic  and  vicinity,  and  in  December,  ISOO,  he  oljtained  from 
the  city  antliorities  a  water  grant  exteudini;-  across  Spuvten  D\iyvil 
Creek  just  east  of  the  King's  Bridge,  altiiongh  it  was  specified  in  the 
gi'ant  that  a  passageway  fifteen  feet  wide  should  be  presei'ved  for 
small  boats  and  craft.  Thereupon  he  erected  a  four-story  gristniill 
extending  out  over  the  ci-eek,  whose  jiower  was  sujtplied  by  the 
alteriuite  ebb  and  flow  of  the  tide  against  its  undershot  wheels.' 
Alexander  was  succeeded  in  his  property  rights  by  his  son  Robert, 
who,  not  satisfied  with  the  supply  of  water  for  the  mill,  procured 
a  grant  to  build  a  dam  across  the  Harlem  Kiver  from  Tiussing's  Point, 
oi)  the  Harlem  side,  to  Devoe's  Point,  ou  the  Westchester  side,  "so 
as  to  hold  the  waters  of  the  river  for  the  benefit  of  the  mill  at  Kings- 
bridge,  thus  practically  making 



a  tidal  millpond  between  the 
present  site  of  the  Central 
Bridge  at  Seventli  Avenue  and 
old  King's  Bi-idge.  This  erec- 
tion was  known  for  years  as 
Macomb's  Dam.  l>nt  it  was 
re(|uii'ed  in  the  act  that  Macomb 
should  so  construct  the  dam  as 
to  iK-rmit  boats  to  pass,  and  that 
he  should  always  have  a  person 
in  attendance  to  alford  the  de- 
sired passage.  lie  neglected, 
however,  to  conform  to  this  di- 
rection, and  not  only  erected  his 
dam  without  the  specified  con- 
trivance, but  converted  tlie  lip  of 
the  dam  into  a  permanent  bi-idge 
and  ((dlected  tolls  from  evei-yhndy  \\  ho  ci-ossed  it.  The  utter  obstiuc- 
tiou  to  the  navigation  of  the  livei-  tlms  introduced  continned  until 
ISI'.S,  wJKMi,  as  we  shall  see,  it  was  forcibly  removed  by  the  entei-prise 
and  courage  of  a  nuiubei-  of  ciiizeiis  of  W'eslcliesler.  and  i  lie  uii-^cliiev- 
ous  and  nnwai-ranted  interference  with  tlu'  natural  fnnclion  of  llie 
IlarJcm  Hiver  as  a  jinblic  watei'way  was  brought  to  an  end. 

Macoiuit's  Dam  was  the  only  abs(dufe  bairier  to  the  progress  of 
vessels  coming  nji  the  llai'leiu  iJiver.  Uul  it  had  a  I'ival  in  Coles's 
Bridge,  the  site  of  the  jiresent  Third  Avenue  Bridge — which  indeed 
antedatid  it.  In  ITIMI  tjic  legislaiuic  granted  to  Lewis  .^blrris  the 
right   to  construct  a  bi'idge  from   liai-lem  to  Morrisania,  wliidi   was 

'  This    mill    niiialued  sLiuding   uiilll   IS5C.     It    is  .sliuwii  in  llio  cul  ou  p.  l!j. 



to  hv  provided  with  ii  draw.  Tliis  privik'^e  .Morris  a!s>fi^iic'd  to  Johu 
B.  Coles,  who  in  1795  procured  a  new  legislative  grant,  authorizing 
him  to  build  a  dam  across  the  llaidcm  Kivcr  which  was  to  serve  the 
double  purpose  of  a  foundation  for  a  bridge  aud  a  means  for  furnish- 
ing power  to  grist  and  otiier  mills;  but  in  this  grant  also  it  was 
sti]iulated  tliat  tlie  free  navigation  of  the  river  should  be  preserved 
through  a  suitable  opening.  Under  the  provisions  of  the  act  of  IT'Jo 
aud  subsequent  legislation,  Coles  not  only  built  the  Harlem  Bridge, 
but  constructed  a  road  h'ading  from  it  to  West  Farms  and  East- 
chester.  Coles's  Bridge  was  prt>vided  with  a  draw,  wliich,  however, 
was  very  narrow.  This  structure  continued  in  use  until  about  1855, 
wlien  it  was  replaced  bv  the  (old I  Tliird  Avenue  Bridge. 

I'reviously  to  the  construction  of  Coles's  Bridge  there  were  two 
bridges  connecting  Manhattan  Island  with  the  nuiin  land,  both  being 
across  Sjuiyten  Duyvil  Creek — the  King's  l^ridge,  erected  in  1()!)4 
by  I'^rederick  Bhilipse,  who,  witii  ins  successors,  collected  tolls  from 
all  using  it,  and  the  Farmers'  or  Dycknuin's  Bridge,  built  some  years 
before'  the  Kevolution  by  public  subscription.  No  tolls  were  levied 
on  the  Farmers'  Bridge,  and  hence  it  was  popularly  known  as  the 
"  Free  Bridge." 

It  Avill  thus  be  seen  that  as  early  as  the  middle  of  the  second  dec- 
ade of  tlie  nineteenth  century  tliere  were  four  bridges  communi- 
cating wilh  our  county  from  ^lanhattan  Island — one  at  the  village 
of  Kingsbridge,  the  second  just  below,  tiie  third  at  the  termination 
of  till'  preseut  Seventh  Avenue,  and  the  fourtli  where  Tliird  Avenue 
now  crosses. 

Tlie  incorporation  of  tlie  village  of  IN-ekskill  was  authorized  by 
an  act  passed  April  17,  ISltJ.  But  no  stei>s  were  taken  at  that  time, 
or  indeed  until  eleven  years  later,  to  carry  the  provisions  <>(  the 
measure  into  effect. 

The  loss  t)f  population  by  the  county  during  the  War  of  1S12  was 
speedily  recovered.  In  1S20  the  census  returns  showed  a  total  popu- 
lation of  32,038— a  gain  of  2,3(U)  over  that  of  1810.  ^Mount  IMeasant, 
with  its  village  of  Sing  Sing,  still  led,  having  3,(>S4  inhabitants; 
Cortlandt  was  second,  with  3,421;  Bedford  third,  with  2,432;  West- 
chester fourth,  with  2,102;  aud  Oreenburgh  fifth,  with  2,004.  The 
pojmlation  of  Yonkers  was  1,580,  being  exceeded  by  that  of  Y(»rk- 
town  and  Somers,  in  addition  to  the  towns  above  named. 

In  the  year  1824  this  county  was  the  scene  of  enthusiastic  recep- 
tions to  the  immortal  Lafayette  on  his  route  from  New  York  to 
Boston.  Lafayette  arrived  in  New  York  Bay  on  the  15th  of  August, 
and,  landing  on  Staten  Island,  was  entertained  there  by  our  dis- 
tinguished son,  ex-(iovernor  and  Vice-President  Tompkins.    The  news 

GENEUAI.    COXTNTY    IIISTOItY    TO    1842  543 

of  his  arrival  had  been  brought  by  express  to  (fCiicral  I'liilip  Van 
('orthnidt,  thou  livin<i  at  tho  Manor  House  on  tlie  ("mlnn,  who  at 
once  set  off  for  the  city,  "  where  he  ha<l  the  inexpressible  satisfac- 
tion of  enibraeinj;-  his  ol<l  compatriot,  and  felt  it  one  of  the  hajipiest 
moments  of  liis  life."  On  the  20th  of  Au<;nst  Lafayette  was  escorted 
by  tiie  mayor  and  corporation  of  the  city  to  Kin,tisbridi;-e.  wiicncc 
he  continued  his  journey  to  Boston. 

The  principal  event  in  AVestcliester  County  of  the  decade  lS2ll-.''>() 
was  the  bnildinji'  of  the  State  penitentiary  at  Sinji-  Siui;-.  P.y  an 
act  passed  Mar(di  7,  1824,  the  construction  of  a  new  State  jirison 
was  autliorized  in  the  1st  and  2d  senatorial  districts,  and  the  Siusjj 
Sinn  !^''''  ^vas  selected  on  account  of  its  marble  quarries — which 
afforded  a  means  for  the  advantaiieous  employment  of  convict  labor. 
— its  accessibility  by  water,  and  its  salnbi'ity.  At  tliat  time  tliere 
were  only  two  State  prisons  in  existence,  one  in  New  York  ("ity 
(called  Newf>ate)  and  one  in  Auburn.  "On  the  14th  of  May,  1825," 
says  Dr.  Fisher,  the  historian  of  the  Town  of  Ossinini;-,  "  one  lunidred 
convicts  from  the  Auburn  prison,  under  the  supervision  of  Caittain 
Elam  Lynds,  were  lan<led  on  tlie  jironnds  from  a  canal  boat  in  which 
they  were  brought.  Ojx'rations  were  at  once  commenced,  and  in 
May,  1828,'  the  prison  buildin.ys  were  completed.  The  main  struc- 
ture, which  was  built  of  hewn  stone  from  the  marble  (piarries,  con- 
tained six  hundred  cells.  Bi'fore  the  roof  Avas  fairly  finished  it  was 
asc(  rtained  that  the  accommodations  were  entii'tdy  imidequate,  and 
therefore  a  fourth  story  was  added,  which  increased  the  number  of 
cells  to  eiii'ht  Inmdred.  In  after  years  two  additions  were  built, 
each  of  one  story,  so  that  at  the  present  time  there  are  six  stories 
and  an  aiijireyate  of  twelve  hundred  cells.  These  cells  are  seven 
feet  in  depth,  seven  in  height,  and  forty-two  inches  wide,  which  i;'ives 
but  one  liundi-ed  and  seventy-one  cubic  feet  of  space  for  each  con- 

The  institution  \\as  long  officially  known  as  the  "  Mounl  IMcjisant 
State  Pi'ison."  and  the  sul)stitution  of  the  style  of  the  "Sing  Sing 
Prison  "  \\as  distasteful  to  the  citizens  of  the  \'illage.  In  conse- 
(|Uencc  \arious  attcmjits  were  made  to  create  local  senlinieni  in 
favoi-  of  changing  the  \illage  name,  none  of  which,  howex'er,  i-e- 
sulled  in  anything  jiractical.  It  may  be  remarked  in  ])assing  that 
I'esidents  on  the  outskirts  of  Sing  Sing,  in  t  he  direction  (d'  t  he  iiiglii,\ 
rejdilable  locality  of  Scarborough,  nsuallx'  mainfest  a  decided  prel 
ereiice  to  be  considered  iiihabilants  of  Scarborough  and  not  of  Sing 
Sing.     This  i)referem('  comes  mainly,  however,  from  a  natural  incii 

'  Tlu'  flnnl  coiistniiMliiii   wm-k    was   nut.    li.iwcvcr.  tlnislifd  until  1.S30. 


uatiuu  tu  be-  idcntiticd  with  tlic  luore  exclusive  I'onuuuiiity.  Any 
serious  proposal  to  cliange  tlie  name  of  Siuj;'  Sinfj  at  tlie  present  day 
would  doubtless  be  voted  down  overwliehiiini;ly  by  the  people. 

In  the  same  jear  that  witnessed  the  eompletiou  of  the  main  work 
on  the  Sinfj;  Sin.n'  prison  buildinjis,  the  Westchester  County  alms- 
house was  opened — also  in  the  Town  of  Mount  Pleasant,  at  a  place 
called  Knapp's  Corners.  This  interestinj;-  event  occurred  on  the  1st 
of  April,  1828.  Previously  to  that  time  the  poor  had  been  cared  for 
by  the  several  townships  to  which  they  belonj,H'd.  Isaac  Coutant  was 
the  first  keeper  of  the  almshouse,  receiving'  a  salary  of  ij^BOO  per 
annum.  The  institution  has  .ihvays  since  been  maintained  at  the 
original  location. 

The  village  of  Peekskill,  whose  incorporation  was  autliorized  in 
ISlfi  but  was  not  effected  under  the  original  act,  received  a  new 
charter  from  the  legislature  on  the  9th  of  April,  1827,  and  shortly 
afterward  trustees  were  elected  as  follows:  Samuel  Strang,  John 
Halstead,  Philip  Clapp,  James  Birdsall,  Ezra  Marshall,  and  Stephen 
Brown.    Samuel  Strang  was  the  first  village  president. 

This  village,  now  so  important  for  its  iron-working  industry,  and 
known  far  and  wide  as  the  seat  of  the  New  York  State  Military 
Camp,  was  in  early  times  the  settlement  of  the  so-called  ''  Kyck's 
Patent."'  The  name  is  said  to  be  "  due  to  Jans  Peek,  an  early  Dutch 
navigator,  who,  in  following  the  track  of  Hendrick  Hudson,  mistook 
the  broad  estuary  at  Koa  Hook  for  the  proper  passage  to  the  north. 
Here,  it  is  said,  he  built  a  house  and  remained  during  the  winter. 
To  the  creek  was  given  the  name  of  Jans  Peek's  Creek,  or  Peek's  Kill, 
and  from  the  name  of  the  creek  the  village  received  its  designation. 
In  a  deed  given  by  the  Indians  to  Jacobus  De  Kay  and  others,  June 
25.  1085,  the  creek  is  referred  to  as  being  known  to  the  Indians  as 
John  Peake's  Creek.''  The  original  settlement  of  Peekskill  is  sup- 
posed to  have  been  about  a.  mile  north  of  the  center  of  the  present 
village.  A  visitor  to  the  present  village  in  1781  described  it  as  con- 
sisting of  some  twenty  houses,  quite  close  together.  This  considera- 
ble growth  in  population  of  tlie  Town  of  Cortlandt,  as  evidenced  by 
the  census  returns,  between  17!)0  and  1S20,  was  largely  contributed 
by  Peekskill  village. 

According  to  the  author  of  the  article  on  the  Town  of  Cortlandt 
in  Scharfs  History,  iron  industry  of  Peek><kill  dates  from  1820, 
when  Stephen  Gregory  "  commenced  the  manufacture  of  plowshares. 
.  .  .  At  first  th<^  manufacture  was  carried  on  in  an  exceedingly 
primitive  style.  The  fire  whicli  melted  the  iron  was  brought  to  the 
proper  degree  of  heat  by  an  ordinary  blacksmith's  bellows,  which 
was  at  first  operated  by  his  wife,  and  tlicn,  as  the  business  expanded, 

GBNEUAL    COUNTY    IIIS'J'OItY    TO    1842  545 

by  a  lidi'sc.  l'\ix  inm  was  too  lai'i;c  to  he  incltid  by  (liis  siinplc  apita- 
ratus,  and  he  iisid  old  stove  jilalcs  and  old  jilow  castini^s  instead." 
IIo  sold  lliv  liusiness  to  his  liidtlier,  and  alter  several  chaniivs  in 
jiroprietorsliip  Mr.  IJenhen  II.  I'inch  Itecaiiie  tlii'  principal  owner, 
tiltimately  fonndiui;  an  establislinieiit  devoted  to  the  exclnsive  niann- 
factiire  of  stoves. 

On  the  17th  of  ^lay,  1S2'J,  Chief  Jnstice  John  .lay  died  at  his  resi 
dencc  in  Bedford  in  the  eiohty-fourth  year  of  his  ai^c'  Here  he 
had  lived  since  his  retirement  from  jnihlic  life  in  iSdl.  An  earnest 
laborer  in  the  cause  of  freedom  for  tlie  nefiroes,  ami  (he  first  presi 
{l<*nt  of  the  old  New  York  society  for  the  manumission  of  slaves,  his 
closing  years  had  been  nmrked  by  much  interest  in  the  risiufj  move- 
ment of  tlie  times,  and  two  years  before  his  death  )h'  had  had  the 
yreat  satisfaction  of  witnessini;-  the  permanent  abolition  of  slavery 
in  tlie  State  of  New  Yorli,  accomplished  on  the  4th  of  July,  1827, 
agreeably  to  a  legislative  enactment  which  had  been  ]>assed  ten 
years  previously  by  the  recommendation  of  Governor  Toinjikins.  He 
was  buried  in  the  Jay  family  cemetery  in  the  Town  (»f  Rye.  The 
following  is  the  inscription  on  his  tomb: 


Eminent  among  those  who  asserted  the  liberty 
and  estalilished  tlie  Indeiiendence 

of  his  coiintrv, 

whieh  he  long  served  in  the  most 

important  offiees, 

Legislative,  Kxeentive,  Judicial,  and   Diploni.itie, 

and  distinguislied  in  tliem  all,  l)y  his 

ability,  firmness,  piitriotism  and   integi'ity. 

He  was  in  his  life  and  in  his  death 

an  example  of  the  virtues, 

the  faith  and  the  hopes 

of  a  Christian. 
Born  Dee.  12th,  1745, 
Died  May  17th,  182t). 

Chief  Jnstice  .Tay  had  two  sons,  Peter  Augustus  and  >ViHiani. 
I'eter  Auiiiisliis;  .Tay  resided  for  most  of  his  life  in  New  York  <'ity. 
where  he  was  a  jirominent  lawyer  and  citizen,  lie  liijed  various  ini- 
jKirtant  public  ]»osilions,  was  a  leading  anti-slavery  advocate,  and 
was  president  of  the  New  York  Society.  In  IS21  he  was 
a  delegate  from  Westchester  County  to  tlie  State  constitutional  con- 

William  Jay  (born  June  Ki,  17Si);  died  October  14.  lsr)S|  inherited 

'  The  following  entry  appears  In  the  n<iinl  nf  liiRliest  respeet   for  the  pure  and  pxnitcd  chnr- 

ihe   Court    of   Coinuiou    I'Icns.    of   Wcstthoster  aoter  of  the  late  veiiomble  .Tohn  Jay.  do  resolve 

Ciinnty.  uniler  ilati' of  May  2i>.  1829:     "The  court  that  we  will  wear  erapc  upon  ihi'  li'fl  arm  for 

and    memliiTS    of    llils    har.    etilcrlalnlns    the  tlilrly  days  In  token  of  our  respect." 



from  liis  father  the  iKiiiicstciul  at  Bedford,  lit'  was  one  of  tlie  most 
rcsiicctcd  Wt'stoht'slcr  citiz-ciis  of  liis  times,  and  for  three  years  {1H20 
to  1S23)  served  as  county  jndjie.  lie  also  was  a  conspicuous  cham- 
pion of  the  rif;hts  of  tlie  neiiroes.  A  jjoi'trait  of  .Tud^c  William  Jay 
hauLis  in  the  court  house  at  ^Vhite  riains.  lie  was  tiie  fatliir  of 
rhc  \cry  eminent  Hon.  John  Jay  of  onr  own  times  (born  June  1'.".. 
1S17;  died  May  5,  18!)4),  to  whoin  he  left  the  Bedford  estate. 

Xeithei'  the  hjiures  of  the  State  census  of  1825  nor  lliose  of  tlie 
fe(l(  ral  ccusiis  of  1S30  show  anv  sitinilicaut  channes  in  the  distrilm- 


-THE    JAY    CKMK.TKKY,    RYE. 



(ion  of  populalion  in  the  county.  In  18.'">  the  total  inhabitants  were 
'X\,\?A,  and  in  IS.SO,  3(!,4r)(;.  .Mount  Pleasant  and  Cortlandt  con- 
tinned  far  in  the  lead  (d'  all  the  (dliei'  towns.  Yonkers  had  a  popu- 
lation of  only  l,T(i]. 

No  new  villai;c  was  incor]ioi"ited  between  1830  and  1840.  This 
decade  is  memorable  for  the  ])i-ojection  of  the  first  railway  enter- 
])rise  in  which  AN'estihester  County  was  interested,  and  the  inception 
and  a]pprnximale  comjjletion  of  tlie  iirand  Croton  A(|ueduct. 

The  New  York  ami  TlarhMU  Kailroad,  which  traverses  the  central 
sfH'tion  of  our  county  on  the  route  to  the  noi'thern  end  of  its  line  at 
("■haliiaiii,  antedates  all   other  rail\\a\s  of  the  countv.      Rut,  as  its 

Department  of  Coiraierce 
3.   Coast  and  Geodetic    Survey 

Dacaraber  28,1926. 

Dr.  Herbert  Putnam, 

Librarian  of  Congress, 
Washii^ton     D.C. 

Lly  dear  Dr.  Putnam: 

I  have  been  looking  through 
a  copy  of   "The  History  of  V/estchester  County, 
2Tew  York"  by  Shonnard  &  Spooner,    and   I   find 
a  rather  serious  mistake  under  an  illustration 
on  page   546.  It   reads   "Jay  Cemetery, Rye". 

Instead   of   it  being  what   it   says,    it    is   the 
monuraont  erected  to  Thomas  Paine  at  Upper  ICew 
Rochelle.  I   am  positive  of  my  statement 

as   this  monurnant  was   on  my  grandfather's 
estate   and   I   spent  many  days   there, 

I   thought  you  might  like   to 
have    this  correction  and  file   it  with  the 
history  so  that   those  using  the  books   in   the 
Library  may  have   the  benefit  of  this  informa- 

Faithfully  yours, 

E.  Lester  Jones. 

GENEUAL    COtTN'i'V    IllSlOKY    TO    1842 


uamt'  iudicalcs,  it  was  originally  intended  to  he  a  line  between  New 
York  City  and  llaileni  only,  terininatini;  at  tlie  Harlem  Kiver.  It 
wasincorix.rated  on  tlie  LT.Ili  (d'  April,  1S:}1,  with  a  capital  of  |H.j(),000, 
which  in  is;{2  was  increased  to  ^^noi  1.(1(1(1,  ii  bein.y  stii)nlaled  that 
the  road  should  be  coin])lete(l  to  ihc  Harlem  Kiver  in  IS:}").  On  the 
17th  of  April.  IKV2,  anothei'  company  was  incorporated,  ilic  New 
York  and  Albany,  whose  line  was  to  start  at  a  point  on  .Manhattan 
Island  where  the  present  Fourth  Avenue  ternunates,  cross  the  llai- 
lem  Ixiver,  and  jjroceed  through  the  center  of  Westchester  County. 
(At  that  period  the  Hudson  Kiver  route  was  not  sei'iously  thoujiht 
of,*  and  indeed  it  was  uot  chartered  until  1S4(;.)  Owinj;  to  the  yreat 
jihysical  difticulties  which  had  to  be  overcome  in  buildino-  the  road 
on  Maidiattan  Island,  and  the  consequent  heavy  e\])enditures,  the 
Xew  York  and  Harlem  line  was  not  completed  by  the  specified  year 
(1885);-  nevertheless,  the  lei^islature  authorized  furtiier  increases  of 
cai)ital.  Meantime  the  Xew  York  and  Albany  Company  found  itself 
unable  to  carry  out  the  provisions  of  its  charter,  and  in  183S  sur- 
rendered its  rights  in  Westchester  County  to  the  Xew  Y'ork  and 
Harlem  Company,  which  assumed  the  construction  of  the  bridge 
across  the  river  and  the  building  of  the  road  as  far  as  a  point  on  the 
southern  boundary  of  IMitnam  County.  It  was  not,  hi>wevei',  until 
May,  1840,  that  the  compact  between  the  two  com](anies  was  ap- 
prove<I  by  the  legislature.  By  that  time  "the  caiutal  had  been 
swollen  to  |l,!)r)0,00(),  and  still  another  increase  of  |1,0()0,0(M»  was 
needed  to  carry  the  road  through  the  county."  The  railway  was 
constructed  and  in  oixM-ation  to  iM.rdliam  by  October.  1841,  but  had 
not  been  extended  to  Wliite  Plains  until  late  in  1844,  and  it  was  not 
until  June,  1847,  that  it  was  ojx'ued  througli  to  Croton  Falls.  Thus 
from  the  time  when  the  first  charter  foi-  a  railroad  to  traverse  West- 
chester County  was  granted,  uTitil  the  comjdete  realization  of  the 
project,  a  period  of  fifteen  years  elapsed.     The  cost  of  construction 

■  In  1S42  a  ouTimiillic  iii\  rstigati'il  a  prdiinsi'il 
railway  rnntc  aloiijr  the  cast  sliorc  of  tlu'  Hud- 
son Ulvfr.  and  brought  in  a  strongl.v  .idvorse 
report.  In  tliis  doruini'iit  it  was  alleged  that 
the  pli.vsleal  difticulties  put  the  proposal  bc- 
.vond  consideration:  but  the  chief  argument 
presented  was  as  to  •*  the  linpolic.v  of  locating 
a  great  work  of  this  sort  upon  a  line  iniine- 
diatel.v  adjacent  to  the  Hudson  River,  irlifrr  the 
tioveUy  ft/  t/i>-  ni>;t/i/  .•.•etiii  fo  finixlilnli-  its  rhi*'/ 
value."  (.See  Report,  etc..  to  the  New  York 
board   of   aldermen.  November  21.  1S42.) 

-Till'  following,  from  Wiiiianis's  "Xew  York 
.Vnnuai  Register  for  isa.i"  (p.  inn.  is  of  curious 
historical  interest: 

"Tills  road  fHarlern  Railroad]  was  eharlered 
in  the  winter  of  1S31.  with  a  capital  of  .$;i50,000. 

'I'he  work  was  eomnieneed  in  the  spring  itt 
1S32.  The  grade  was  re(]uired  to  correspond 
witii  tlie  regulati<ui  of  the  streets,  wliich  had 
rei]uired  niueli  deep  cutting  and  some  liigh 
embankment.  About  four  miles  of  the  road 
are  now  in  use.  upon  wlih'li  pleasure  ears  are 
eonstantl.v  run.  f-u-  the  accommodation  of 
those  who  desire  to  get  out  of  (ho  city  for  n 
sitort  time.  When  comideted.  tiiere  will  be  a 
tunnel  of  some  length  through  a  rock,  nt 
Yorlivilh'.  after  which  tluTe  will  be  a  gradual 
(Icsei'ut  to  Harheni  Rivi-r.  The  work,  thus  far. 
has  been  vor.v  expensive,  and  will  cost,  when 
completed,  at  least  its  whole  capital,  and 
proi>al>ly  more.  At  present  hnrse-pouer  is  used.  A 
htctnnfitire  engine  iras prnvitled  and  used  for  a  short  time 
ItuI  the  boiler  burst  and  the  eitfliue  teas  laid  aside." 


IVoiii  I  lie  soulli  side  of  tlic  llarli'iii  KiNcr  Ilridyc  in  Williams's  liridii"' 
was  138,475  per  iiiilc,  and  li-diii  Williams's  Bridge  to  White  I'laiiis 
111,277  per  mile. 

It  is  uotewortliy  that  the  tirst  t(de<;raph  line  thr(Mij;li  Westchester 
County  was  erected  (1846)  under  the  superinteudenee  of  Ezra  Coniell 
(sul)se(pieutly  the  founder  of  Cormdl  University!,  a  descendant  of 
Tliomas  Cornell,  of  Cornell's  Neck.  Ezra  Cornell  was,  moreover,  a 
native  of  this  county,  havinjj  been  born  at  Westchester  Landing,  lie 
was  the  father  of  Governor  Alonzo  B.  Cornell. 

The  begiuniug  of  the  gigantic  Croton  Acpu'dnct  enterprise  dates 
from  about  the  same  time  as  the  chartering  of  the  first  Westcliesler 
County  railroad.  On  Novendx-r  10,  1832,  the  joint  committee  on 
tire  and  water  of  the  New  York  City  common  ronncil  engageil 
Colonel  I)e  Witt  Clinton,  a  competent  engineer,  to  exannne  the 
various  sources  and  routes  of  water  suitjily  which  had  been  suggested 
up  to  that  time,  and  to  make  a  careful  report  on  the  subject.  Colonel 
Clinton  recommended  the  Croton  watershed  as  the  source  of  supply, 
and  demonstrated  by  unansw(>rable  facts  that  no  other  source  a<le- 
quate  to  the  ultimate  needs  of  the  city  was  available.  This  re])ort 
marks  the  beginning,  as  a  serious  undertaking,  of  the  jn-oject  to 
conduct  the  Croton  water  to  the  city. 

The  history  of  New  York's  watci-  sujiply  is  the  subject  of  a  iiionii 
nu'utal  work  by  Mr.  Edward  Wegniann  (published  in  18!Mi|,  in  which 
all  the  details  of  the  earlier  makeshift  systems  and  schemes,  and  of 
the  construction  of  both  the  old  and  the  lU'W  acpu^ducts  and  tin- 
Bronx  Kiver  conduit,  with  their  associated  dams,  reservoirs,  and  other 
woi'ks  in  this  county,  Putnam,  and  New  York  City,  are  desci-ibed.' 
We  shall  brielly  summai'ize  this  history,  so  far  as  its  particulars  are 
ai>ropos  to  our  narrative,  down  to  the  period  of  the  comidction  t>\'  the 
tii-st  acjuednct,  reserving  notice  of  the  latei'  works  for  tlie  jiroper 
chronological  sequence. 

It  is  of  interest  that  in  July,  1774,  a  jirojxisal  made  by  Christ(qilier 
Colles  to  erect  a  reservoir,  j)umi)  water  into  it  from  wells,  and  con- 
vey the  water  through  the  several  streets  of  the  city  in  pipes,  was 
adoi)ted  by  the  authorities  of  New  York;  and  that  land  for  the  pur- 
pose of  a  reservoir  on  Oi'eat  (Jeorge  Sti'eet,  owned  by  Augustus  ^'an 
Cortlandt  and  Frederick  Van  Cortlaudt,  of  the  Van  Cortlaiidt  fam- 
ily of  our  county,  was  purchased  and  works  were  built  and  ])ut  in 
oj)erati(Ui.     The  Eevolutionary  War  interfered  with  the  devehqiment 

'  Aiiotlicr    work    of    gic-at    antlKirity    (cxi-lu-  (1S43).     .Most    of    tin-    particiilMi-s    of    the    lii-st 

slvfly.  lir)\v(>v('r,  on  tlu'  old  :iiiiK'(l\R't  and  ante-  a<iiU'din-t    in    our   toxt    aro    digi-strd    from    Mr. 

rodfiit  conditionsi  Is  the  "  Monioir,  (.^tc.  of  Hip  King's  "  .Momoir." 
Croton  Aqneduct,"  compiled  by   Charles   King 

GENERAL   COUNTY    HISTOUY    TO    1842  549 

of  the  })liuis  11ms  inaugurated.  After  the  Revolution  frequeut  at- 
Icutioii  was  given  to  the  water  problem,  but  it  was  not  until  179S 
tliat  tlie  necessity  of  ultimately  solving  the  question  by  resorting  to 
tlic  streams  of  Westehester  County  was  foreshadowed.  In  that 
a  committee  of  the  common  council  approved  a  ]iroposal  which  had 
been  made  by  Dr.  Joseph  Urowu  for  procuring  a  supply  from  the 
I>ronx  Rixcr,  and  Mr.  Weston,  the  engineer  of  the  canal  companies 
i)f  llie  Stale,  was  emi)loyed  to  thoroughly  inipiire  into  the  matter. 
Dr.  Hrown's  idau  was  to  dam  the  Hi'on.x  about  half  a  mile  below 
Williams's  I?ridge.  Calculating,  however,  that  the  elevation  of  the 
Uroiix  at  tiiat  point  was  not  suthcient  to  admit  of  drawing  the  water 
lo  I  lie  city  by  natural  fall,  he  jn-oposed  that  it  should  be  raised  to 
the  ir(|nisit('  height  by  i)umi)ing  machinery,  ilr.  Weston  fully  in- 
(loi'sed  I  lie  ISiniix  jiroject,  but  thought  that  "  the  Bronx  is  surticiently 
('le\!ilc(l  abn\c  I  lie  higlu  st  parts  of  the  cily  to  introduce  its  waters 
tlicrcin  witlioiil  tiic  use  of  machinery."  i.Mr.  Weston,  however, 
favored  damming  the  Bronx  at  a  nortliern  point.)  In  addition,  with 
far  scciiii;  calculatiori,  he  advised  the  conversion  of  "Little  Rye 
I'diid  "  and  "  I'ig  iJye  Pond  "  into  resei'voirs  by  building  a  dam  six 
feet  high,  and  tlir  conducting  of  their  \\ater  in  an  ojX'U  canal  to 
the  llarletii  Kivcf,  "  that  stream  to  be  crossed  by  a  cast-iron  cylinder 
of  Two  feet  diameter,  with  a  descent  of  eight  feet."  Tiie  common 
council,  aicepting  the  Bronx  idea,  ajipHed  to  the  legislature  for  au- 
thority to  carry  it  into  execntion,  but  at  this  stage  private  interest 
stejtped  in  anil  thwarted  the  wliole  nnderaking.  The  artful  Aaron 
liurr  was  at  that  time  seeking  a  banking  privilege  from  the  legisla- 
ture, and,  as  an  indii'ect  means  to  his  end,  ])ro])os(>d  to  organize  a 
water  sii]i])ly  company,  suited  to  the  needs  of  tlie  city,  whose  surplus 
capital  should  be  employed  in  banking  operations.  Moreover,  various 
eminent  citizens,  among  whom  was  Alexander  Hamilton,  were  ski^])- 
tical  as  to  the  practicability  of  raising  the  money  necessary  for  the 
lironx  enterprise  as  a  jjublic  policy.  The  movement  ended  in  tlie 
iirgaiiizatioii  of  the  so-called  "Manhattan  Company,"  in  whic-h  the 
city  vested  the  s(de  right  of  jirocnring  and  furnishing  an  additional 
water  supply.  This  company  was  emjxiwered  to  draw  water  from 
Westcliester  County,  btit  it  contented  itself  with  sinking  a  large 
well  in  the  city  and  distributing  its  contents  to  customers. 

The  enlightened  project  of  Dr.  Brown  and  ilr.  Weston  was,  indeed, 
laid  on  the  shelf  for  thirty  years,  during  whicli  New  York,  despite 
its  greatly  growing  iiojjnlation  and  wealth,  complacently  continued  to 
satisfy  itself  with  water  from  its  own  bowels.  There  were  oc<-asional 
recurrences  to  the  Bronx  concejition,  but  they  had  no  practical  issiu'. 
At  last,  in  lS2!t,  the  community  was  aroused  to  action  by  the  aiq»alling 


increase  of  destructive  fires,  iiiaiulv  owin^  tn  the  ditticulty  of  olitaiii- 
m<fi  water.  Diirinj;  Ihc  ])rece(liii^  vear  the  tire  losses  in  the  city  liad 
aggre<;ated  fGUO,0()0.  A  coiiiiiiittee  of  the  tire  department  nia(h'  a 
searching  examination  of  tlic  merits  of  tlie  old  jiroposal  to  utilize  the 
Bronx  water,  and  suhmitted  a  favorable  report,  which  was  a])i)roved 
by  the  common  council;  and  the  latter  body,  in  January,  ls:52,  api)lied 
to  the  legislature  for  authority  to  borrow  f2,000,00(»,  the  sum  es- 
timated as  necessary  to  accom])lish  tlie  object  resolved  upon.  Hut 
the  legislature  discreetly  declined  to  sanction  the  raising  of  such 
an  amount  "  until  it  should  he  satisfactorily  ascertained  that  the 
object  in  view,  both  as  to  the  ([uantity  and  (piality  of  water,  could 
be  accomplished  by  the  exiK'uditure  proposed."  A  certain  aj^pre- 
hension  was  felt  that  the  suijjily  obtainable  from  the  Bronx  nught 
ill  time  prove  insufticient.  It  was  in  conse(]U(^nce  of  this  cautions 
attitude  of  the  legislature  that,  as  already  noticed,  Colonel  Clinton 
was  called  xipon,  in  November  of  the  same  year,  to  undertake  a  final 
investigation  of  the  questions  Involved.  His  instructions  were  "  to 
proceed  and  examine  the  continuation  of  the  route  from  Chatterton 
ITill,  near  White  Plains,  .to  Oroton  Kiver,  or  such  other  sources  in 
that  vicinity  from  which  he  may  sui)p()se  that  an  inexhaustible  sup- 
ply of  pure  and  wholesome  wnter  for  the  City  of  New  York  may  be 

In  entering  upon  his  very  important  commission  Colonel  Clinton 
labored  under  great  disadvantages.  No  survey,  even  experimental, 
of  a.  direct  route  from  tlie  Crotoii  had  ever  been  made.  Attention 
had  centered  upon  the  Bronx  Kiver  as  the  predestined  source  of  sup- 
|)ly,  with  incidental  feeders  from  the  Sawmill  and  Byrani.  The  jjublic 
mind  shrank  from  such  a  tremendous  and  seemingly  fantastic  pro- 
ceeding as  the  construction  of  an  aqueduct  from  the  far  distant 
Croton;  Avhereas  the  Bronx,  running  straight  down  into  the  Harlem 
liiver,  seemed  to  have  been  a]ipointed  by  nature  for  the  exact  emer- 
gency. Previously  to  the  sending  out  of  Colonel  Clinton,  the  only 
thouglit  bestoweil  upon  the  Croton  in  this  connection  had  been  with 
reference  to  the  possible  joining  of  it  to  the  Bronx  by  means  of  an 
artificial  canal;  and  surveys  had  actually  been  made  to  that  end, 
which,  however,  afforded  no  satisfaction. 

Colonel  Clinton's  r(])ort  was  a  \'ery  able  and  elalxu'ate  document. 
Carefully  examining  the  lii-onx  ])roject,  he  estimated  that  the  maxi- 
mum (luantity  of  Avater  deliverable  to  the  city  from  the  Bronx  Biver 
;nid  the  various  feeders  that  could  be  availed  of  in  connection  with 
it  would  not  exceed  12,000,000  gallons  ]>er  day.  He  considered  that 
this  (piantity  would  be  sufiicient  for  a  quarter  of  a  century,  but  pre- 
dicted that  the  cit^'  would  liave  to  resort  to  the  Croton  eventually; 

GENERAL    COT'NTY    UIS'rOTtY     IT)    1 S42  551 

jiiid  lie  licnce  concluded  tlial  it  was  expedient  to  lead  t  lie  ("I'uinii 
watei'  at  once  directly  to  the  city.  "  In  the  ("roton  K'iver  at  I'ine's 
liridiLic,"  said  he,  "  there  is  never  less  than  l'(l,(IO(l,(l(l(l  gallons  of  water 
passinfi'  iu  every  twenly-fonr  hours.  The  river  at  this  jioint  is  there- 
fore ca]table  of  sni)])lyin.u  one  million  of  ])eople,  allowing  a  consnnip- 
tion  of  twenty  gallons  to  each  person.  This  supply  can  be  auj;- 
niented  by  constructing  reservoirs,  and  we  have  seen  .  .  .  that 
one  reservoir  could  be  constructed  which  would  su|i|i1y  more  than 
7, ()()(», (10(1  of  i;allons  ])er  day  within  a  few  miles  of  I'ine's  lirid.iic.  l?nt 
if  it  were  necessary,  moi-e  than  7,000  acres  could  be  ](oni!ed,  and  the 
watei-  raised  from  si.\  to  sixteen  feel;  and  also  oilier  supplies  <'ould 
be  obtained,  as  I  have  befoi'c  stated,  in  alludinii  to  the  Sharon  ("anal 
route  and  the  East  Kranch  of  the  ("rotou  K'i\('r.''  He  favored  the 
conveyinji  of  the  water  to  New  York  iu  an  o]ien  canal,  and  calculated 
that  the  total  cost  of  the  work,  incdmlinii-  the  means  of  distributiiifi' 
the  water  throu-h  the  city,  would  not  exceed  |2,500,000. 

It  app(»ars,  however,  that  the  emidoymeiit  of  Colonel  Olinton  by 
the  common  council  to  recounoiter  the  Croton  Avas  only  a  c(»nces- 
sion  to  the  advanced  element  of  the  ])ojtulation  that  demanded  the 
most  comiilete  investiiiation  of  wat(^r  supply  conditiojis  in  W'est- 
chest<'r  County  before  definite  steps  should  be  taken.  Simultaneously 
with  his  exploration  of  the  Ci'oton  route,  i  w  o  other  eng,ineers  were 
sent  to  make  a  final  impiiry  as  to  the  I'ronx  and  its  related  sources 
of  sup])ly;  and  their  rejiort  indicates  that  they  were  r(died  on  by  the 
city  officials  to  brinii  f(U-ward  conclusive  denionstration  of  the  suffi- 
ciency of  these  sotirces.  They  marked  out  a  route  from  Macomb's 
Dam  to  the  Bronx  Kiver,  which  they  declared  to  be  the  pro])er  one 
for  the  lonf!-  desired  sui)i>ly,  and  added:  "The  Croton  cannot  be 
broui;ht  in  by  this  route,  and  cdiiiiot  erer  he  needed,  seeing'  that  the 
quantity  which  can  be  obtained  at  a  moderate  <-ost  through  the  val- 
ley of  the  Bronx  will  be  sufficient  for  all  city  purposes."  At  the  same 
time  an  analysis  of  the  Bronx  water  was  made  by  ])rominent  chemists, 
Avhich  showed  it  to  be  of  remarkable  ])urity,  not  more  than  two 
grains  of  foreign  matter  being  contained  in  a  gallon.  This  is  a  fact 
of  much  historic  int<'rest  in  view  of  the  ])resent  extreme  contamina- 
tion of  the  waters  of  the  Bronx  juost  of  the  way  below  White  IMains. 

But  the  common  council,  in  sjjite  of  its  bias  in  faA'or  of  the  Ui-onx, 
was  unwilling  to  risk  another  a|»peal  to  the  legislature  based  on  a 
single  exclusive  plan,  and  accordingly  sent  up  a  bill  calling  for  the 
ajjitointnieut  of  water  commissioners,  who  should  "  be  imcsled  with 
full  power  to  examine  all  the  ])lans  hitherto  ])i'o|tosed.  to  cause  actual 
surveys  to  be  made,  to  have  the  water  tested,  to  estimate  the  prob- 
able expense,  and  generally  to  do  whatever  in  their  judgment  may 



be  necessary  to  arrive  at  a  right  conclusion  in  the  premises."  This 
bill  was  passed  by  the  legislature  on  the  2(;th  of  IVbruary,  1833, 
and  the  governor  apjioiiited  as  water  couiniissioners,  for  the  period 
(>r  line  year,  Stephen  Allen,  15.  M.  Hrown,  S.  Dusenberry,  S.  Alley, 
and  William  W.  Fox.'  The  commissioneis  engaged  two  engineers, 
Mr.  Canvass  White  and  .Major  Douglass,  formerly  i)r(d'ess(>r  of  engi- 
neei'iug  at  West  Point,  to  undertake  the  requisite  surveys,  examina- 
tions, and  estimates.  Mr.  White  being  occu])ied  otherwise  at  the 
tiiMc,  the  wlude  work  Avas  i)eifonued  by  ^Majoi-  Douglass,  who  sub- 

THE    GREAT    FIRE    OF    1835    (NEW    YORK    CITY). 

milled  his  report  iu  the  Novembei'  following.  "Major  Douglass  ad- 
iicicd  unfalteringly  to  the  conviction  that  the  Croton,  and  the  Croloii 
only,  sliould  be  looked  to  and  ridied  on.  Like  the  IJoman  iNIarcius, 
.  .  .  who,  when  the  decemvirs  and  sybils  indicated  the  Anio  as 
the  stream  which  the  gods  incrcrrcd  for  the  sup])ly  of  his  aciuedud, 
still  adhered  to  the  cold,  jmre,  and  abundant  springs  fi'om  the  moun- 
tains of  Tivoli,  so  ]\Ir.   Douglass,  disregarding  dirticulties  real  and 

'Mr.  Fox  was  .Tt   that   time  the  most  promiueiit  eitizeu  of  our  Village  of  West  Farms. 

GENEKAI.   COTINTV    llISI'()l;v     I'o    IS  12  553 

iiii;i.i;iii;ny,  ;iiiii  liccdiiii;  iiol  ;il  all  I  lie  olforts  still  to  Oiuisc  llic  Ili'oiix 
III  lie  iirclcrii'd,  held  fast  to  the  Crotoii." 

Major  HoiiLilass  (lis])ose(l  forever  of  the  IJroiix  proposal  bv  deiiioTi 
straliiiii  Ilia  I   il    was  iiM]iossil)le,  bv  whatever  expedients,  to  ijrociire 
fniiii  the  Ui-oiix  a  siijiplv  w  liicli  for  any  considerable  period  would 
he  satisfactorily  lai\i;c.     Kej^ardinf;-  the  (piality  of  the  Ootoii  water, 
he  made  the  followini;  interesting  statements: 

Tlie  supplies  of  the  Crotoii  iire  derived  almost  exclusively  from  the  elevated  regions  of 
tli«  IIip;hlands  in  Westchester  and  Putnam  Counties,  being-  furnished  hy  the  ]mresprinf;s  which 
S(i  remarkably  characterize  the  granitic  formation  of  that  region.  The  poiuls  and  lakes  de- 
lineated on  the  map,  and  spoken  of  in  a  foi-mer  part  of  this  report,  are  among  the  nnnd)cr  of 
tlicsc  springs  ;  many  of  them  three  or  four  hundred  acres  in  extent,  and  one  as  large  as  a 
tlicinsand  acres.  All  these  ponds  are  surrounded  by  clear  upland  shores,  without  any  inter- 
mixture of  marsh  ;  and  the  surrounding  country,  cultivated  as  it  is  generally  in  grazing  farms, 
presents  an  aspect  of  more  than  ordinary  cleanness.  The  water,  as  might  be  expected  under 
such  circumstances,  is  perfectly  soft  and  clear,  much  superior  in  the  former  res])ect  to  the 
waters  of  our  western  lakes,  and  fully  eipial  in  the  latter.  The  C'roton,  fed  by  such  springs, 
could  scarcelj-  be  otherwise  than  pure,  and  the  fact  of  its  purity  was  strongly  verified  by  the 
experience  of  the  l>arty  in  every  stage  of  the  water  diiring  the  .season.  Specimens  were 
taken  up  both  in  the  high  and  low  state  of  the  river,  and  have  been  analyzed  h)'  Mr.  Chilton, 
and  the  results  obtained  fnlly  corroborate  these  statements.  It  appears  from  his  rej)ort 
annexed  that  the  tpiantity  of  saline  matter,  probably  the  salts  of  lime  and  magnesia,  does 
not  exceed  two  and  eight-tenths  grains  in  the  gallon;  a  quantity,  he  oliserves,  .so  small  that 
a  considerable  (juantity  of  the  water  would  be  necessary  to  determine  the  proportions. 
About  two  grains  of  vegetable  uuitter  were  also  suspended  in  the  water,  in  conseipu^nce  of 
the  rapid  current  in  which  it  was  taken  up,  and  which  would  of  course  subside  in  the 
receiving  reservoir. 

At  its  next  session  (May  2,  1834)  the  h'oislatnre  passed  an  an. 
authorizing  the  reapijoiutnient  of  water  commissioners,  and  direct- 
ing the  commissioners  to  adopt  a  definite  plan  "  for  procuring  such 
supply  of  water,"  with  estimates  as  to  the  cost,  which  ]»lan  was  to 
be  submitte(l  to  the  electors  of  New  York  City  for  approval  (U-  re- 
ject inn,  by  majority  vote,  at  their  regular  city  election  in  the  year 
is:!r>.  Ill  I  lie  case  of  an  aftirmative  vote  by  the  peojde,  the  act  pro- 
vided ihai  a  Sinn  ihiI  exceeding  .'if2,r>(l(l,000  should  be  raised  as  "  Water 
Slock  (d'  I  lie  Cily  of  New  York,''  bearing  five  ]ier  cent,  interest.  The 
olil  cniiiiiiissioners  ^\-ere  i-ea])pointed  by  the  governor.  They  made  a 
thnrougli  re-examination  of  the  matter,  concluding  with  the  opinion 
that  "llie  whole  |('roton|  river  can  be  brought  to  Murray  Hill  in  a 
close  aiiuediict  of  masonry,  at  an  exjiense  (d'  f4,2r)(),000,"  and  that  the 
revenue  accruing  from  water-rates  would  "  overi>ay  the  interest  on 
the  cost  of  the  work."'  The  ](lai!  was  referred  to  the  jteople  of  the 
city  for  ratification,  and  at  an  election  held  in  Ai)ril,  IS.T),  tliey  ajt- 
proved  it  by  a  vote  of  1  T.:5:?0  to  rt,!l(i:{.  In  December  of  this  year  New 
York  suffered  fiDiii  a  cniitlagraiion  wliicli  far  exceeded  anything  in 
its])revious  liishuy.  Seventeen  couipaci  blocks  in  the  business  center 
of   the  city    were   totally   destroyed,  entailing   a    loss  of   more  than 


118,000,000.     Tliis  coiiflajiTatioii  is  historically  known  as  tiic  (iri-at 
Fire  of  1835. 

Tho  ooniinissioncrs  solcftcd  Major  Douiilass  as  their  chiof  cn-iineiT. 
and  ou  the  (Ith  of  Jnlv,  1S:?.">,  tiiat  u-ontlenian,  witli  fifteen  assistants, 
took  the  field  for  preliminary  work  in  onr  county.  Their  first  care 
was  to  stake  ont  the  lake  to  be  formed  by  dammiu<i  the  Croton,  which 
it  was  at  first  calculated  would  have  an  area  of  400  acres.  Rut  it 
was  nearly  two  years  before  construction  work  was  actually  bejjun- 
I\Iuch  trouble  was  experienced  in  satisfying  the  land  owners  alonp; 
the  line  of  tlie  proposed  a(iueduct,  who  made  vexatious  demands, 
amonji;  them  the  extraordinary'  one  (expressed  in  a  memorial  to  the 
lejiislature)  that  the  le^al  possession  and  use  of  the  land  should 
remain  with  the  oriuinal  ])ro]irietors,  notwithstandinji-  the  circum- 
stance of  its  having  Ix-en  paid  for  by  the  city.  A  measure  to  con- 
ciliate the  Westchest(>r  Tounty  owners  was  passed  by  the  lejiislature, 
but  it  ji'ave  little  satisfaction.  "  The  consequence  of  this  discontent 
was  that  the  commissioners  were  unable  to  make  any  ])urchase,  by 
jirivate  contract,  of  lands  alonti  the  line,  and  were  tlierefore  coni- 
p(dled  to  resoi't  to  the  vice-chancellor  for  the  aiipointmeiit  of  com- 
missioners to  take  by  appraisement  whatever  was  needed."  jMaJor 
Douglass  was  sujierseded  as  chief  enjiineer  in  1830  by  .Mr.  J.  B. 
Jt'rvis,  under  wliose  ilirection  the  whole  work  was  carried  to  com- 
pletion. On  the  2Gth  of  April,  1837,  bids  were  opened  "  for  furnish- 
inji'  the  materials  and  completing-  the  construction  of  twenty-three 
sections  of  the  Crotou  Aqueduct,  includinjn  the  dam  in  the  Crotou, 
the  aqueduct  bridjj;e  over  Sing  Sing  Kill,  and  the  necessary  excava- 
tions and  tunneling  on  the  line  of  about  eight  and  one-half  miles 
from  the  Ci'otou  to  Sing  Sing  village,"  three  years  being  allowed 
for  the  fulfillment  of  these  contracts.  Apprehension  having  been 
harbored  by  the  citizens  of  Westchester  County  that  disorder  and 
malicious  destruction  of  jiroperly  would  result  from  the  employ- 
ment of  the  thousands  of  laborers,  the  contractors  were  re(piired  not 
to  "give  or  sell  any  ardent  spirits  to  their  workmen,"  or  to  permit 
any  such  s]iirits  to  be  given  or  sold,  or  even  brought,  upon  tJie  line; 
and  that  any  trespasses  committed  by  workmen  shouhl  be  puinshable 
by  the  dismissal  of  the  offenders.  The  line  was  divi(h'd  into  four  di- 
visions, the  first  extending  from  the  Croton  ten  and  one-half  miles 
to  below  Sing  Sing,  the  second  ten  miles  farther  to  Hastings,  the 
third  ten  miles  to  Fordham  Church,  and  the  fourth  ten  and  one-half 
miles  to  the  distributing  reservoir  in  the  city. 

By  the  1st  of  ]>ecember,  1837,  2,-155  feet  of  the  acpu'duct  had  been 
completed,  and  during  the  next  year  the  whole  of  the  work  in  West- 

GENEUAl,    COUNTY    IIIS'l'OKV    To     IS  12  555 

clicslcr  Camily,  lliiily-llircc  miles  in  Iciinlli,  IkkI  cillici-  hccii  liiiislicd 
or  ]il;i(('(]  iiiidci'  cniitract. 

'i'lic  iiicaiis  of  crossinii  tlic  riarlcin  KiAcr  had  I)('coin('  at  tins  staj^c 
tlic  iiiosi  scvioiis  ]H(d)lciii  io  he  dealt  willi.  At  the  time  of  tlic  inau- 
liir.ation  of  llic  t'lilci-in'iso  liicrc  was  a  jiciici-ai  disjM>siti(iii  on  ilic 
jiart  of  tlic  ]»co]dc  of  New  York  (Miy  to  regard  the  llarlciii  Kivcr  with 
l)iit  scant  considci'ation — as  a  waterway  npon  whicdi  ])co]de  niiyiit 
]dy  boats  to  snit  an  idle  or  at  best  piii'cly  local  convenience,  bni 
I'oi-cvci'  incajtable  i>(  continuous  na\ination  for  any  in-actical  uses  in 
conjunction  ^itli  the  shallow  projection  of  the  S])nyten  Dnyvil  Creek. 
.AFaconib's  Dam  was  thoi  still  in  existence,  blocking;  all  i)assaj2,'e  be- 
yond tlie  ])resent  Central  rti'idiic  The  old  i)lan  to  brinji  the  Rroiix 
water  into  New  York  had  been  hampered  by  the  fact  that  the  Hroiix 
Kivcr  did  not  have  a  siiflieient  elevation  at  any  ]»()int  of  its  lower 
course  to  admit  thr()n<ili  the  jirocess  of  natural  flow  of  the  I'ccep- 
lion  of  its  water  in  New  York  at  a  lieijiht  suitable  for  distribution 
to  the  upper  sections  of  the  city;  and  to  overconn'  this  ditliculty  it 
had  been  co(dly  jirojiosed  to  build  ]mm]iinii'  works  on  the  West(  hester 
side  of  the  Harlem,  just  above  .Macomb's  Dam,  and,  from  the  jxiwer 
affonh'd  by  tht^  daui,  raise  the  waitinfj  stream  to  a  satisfactory  height 
and  so  pass  it  over  to  Manhattan  Island.  In  IS.T^  ^fajor  Douglass 
estimated  that  the  total  i)ower  furnished  by  3Iacomb"s  Dam  would 
sufhce  to  thus  raise  but  5,000,000  <iallons  daily,  which,  even  in  the 
then  existing  conditions  of  the  city,  would  not  be  enouiih  for  its  safe 
sup])ly — an  estimate  that  broui;ht  dismay  to  the  Bronx  advocates, 
and  doubtless  caused  them  to  most  heartily  (d)juriiate  the  fo(dish 
Llarlem  River,  that  niis]daced,  misshapen,  lidicuhuis  stream — a  mere 
spew  of  Ilelliiate, — worthless  for  naviiiation,  a  hindrance  to  coni- 
nierc(>,  and  now  found  unqualified  to  ji-enerate  the  re(iuired  volume 
of  power. 

This  circumstance  that  the  Bronx  scheme  involved,  as  one  of  its 
essential  features,  the  conversion  (d'  the  Harlem  Biver  into  a  mere 
producer  of  water  power — and  that  in  ijerjtetuity — strikingly  illus- 
trates how  contemiituously  the  Harlem  and  Spuylen  Dnyvil  water- 
way was  rated. 

When  it  became  certain,  in  1884,  that  the  water-supply  problem 
was  to  find  its  solution  in  a  continuous  a(]ueduct  fi'om  tlie  Croton — 
SU(di  a  continuous  a(iueducl  being  jiracticable  in  this  case  because 
of  the  Croton's  sufficiently  lofty  elevation  above  tide, — it  was  ])ro- 
posed  to  carry  the  a(]ue(luct  across  the  Harlem  River  by  a  low 
siphon  bridge,  as  the  least  ex]>ensive  work.  In  that  connection  no 
thought  was  given  to  ]iossibIe  (d)jections  on  the  score  that  the  con- 
struction   would    iiermanently    <dose   the   waterway   against   naviga- 



lion.  Tlic  iiavijiation  of  the  Harlem  was  already  completely  ob- 
structed by  Macomb's  Dam,  and  the  addition  of  a  new  obstruction 
did  not  in  the  least  trouble  the  New  York  public  mind. 

I5ut  in  1838  a  bold  stroke  by  the  citizens  of  our  Town  of  West- 
chester suddenly  compelled  the  New  Yorkers  to  change  their  atti- 
tude toward  the  Harlem.     On  ^Marcli  3  of  that  year  the  Westchester 

TUK    CROTON    WATKK    CKl.hllKATION,    1842. 

landowners  held  a  meetiuij-  at  Christopher  Walton's  store,  at  Ford- 

liain  ('(irncrs,  and  appointed  a  committee  to  memorialize  the  h'jj,is- 

lalnic  aiiuinst  tlie  prDjHiscd  low  hiidnc,  and  also  to  ascertain  the  best 

method  of  icmovinu  tlie  existin<i'  obstructions  in  the  Harlem  Kiver. 

The  commitlce,  acting  on  the  advice  of  counsel,  decided  to  proceed 

a^ainsl  .Macomb's  Dam  as  a  nuisance  and  to  clear  a  passayc-way  for 

vessels  through  it.    The  resultinj;  transactions  are  thus  described  by 

Mr.  Fordham  IMorris  in  his  History  of  the  Town  of  Westchester: 

Lewis  G.  Morris,  tlien  quite  a  young  man,  was,  by  the  votes  of  his  associates,  intrusted  with 
tlie  leadership  of  the  fight.  In  order  to  bring  the  (juestion,  if  necessary,  within  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  United  States  courts,  it  was  determined  that  a  vessel  laden  witli  a  cargo  from  a 
neighboring  State  should  ascend  the  river  and  (U'mand  passage  way  through  the  opening  which 
the  grant  had  directed  should  be  kept  for  vessels,  but  which  Macomb  and  his  successors  had 
neglected  to  provide.  Mr.  Morris  therefore  built  a  dock  on  his  place  about  a  mile  north  of 
the  present  site  of  High  Bridge  and  chartered  a  periaiiger,  called  the  "  Nonpariel,"  with  a 
cargo  of  coal  on  board  consigned  for  delivery  at  Morris  Dock.  He  arrived  with  his  boat  at 
the  dam  one  evening  [September  14,  1838],  at  full  tide,  and  demanded  of  Feeks,  the  toll 

GENEUAL    COUNTY    IIIS'I'OKY    TO    1842  557 

pitlierer,  that  the  draw  or  passagf-way  l>o  optMU-d  ;  of  course  Fceks  coiilil  not  <()in])ly.  Solium 
Mat  l)oats  wliich  had  heon  provided  liad  on  board  a  band  of  one  hundred  men  ;  and  Fecks 
not  opening  the  draw,  Mr.  Morris  witli  his  men  forcibly  removed  a  ])ortion  of  the  dam,  so 
tliat  tlie  "  Xonpariel  "  Hoatcd  across.  From  that  time  a  draw  was  always  kept  in  the  bridge, 
but  for  many  years  the  passage  was  very  difficult,  the  tiile  being  so  strong  that  it  was  only 
possible  to  pass  at  slack  water. 

'I'lic  Icyality  of  this  pcrfnriiiaiicc  was  siil)sc(|U('iitly  sustained  bj' 
the  liii;li(st  court  of  the  State,  Cliancellor  Wahvorl  li  wi'itiu";  (lie 
ojiiuiou.  "The  Harlem  IJiver,"  he  said,  "is  an  arm  of  llie  sea  and 
a  iiul)]ic  na\iL;abh'  river.  It  was  a  public  nuisance  to  obstruct  the 
naviuation  thereof  without  authority  id'  law." 

At  the  time  of  this  famous  expeclil  ion  the  water  coniuiissiuners 
had  already  otlicially  adopted  the  ]dan  for  a  low  sijdiou  l)rid^<',  to 
be  "built  over  an  embaidunent  (d'  stone,  tillinii  uj)  the  wlnde  of  the 
natural  (  hannel,  and  with  oul\  one  arc  hway  on  the  New  \'oi'k  side 
only  eiiihty  feet  liiiih."  The  estimates  made  on  the  basis  of  this  plan 
indicated  a  cost  of  but  !i<42(i.(IO(l,  as  against  nearly  .«;i:'.(;,(MIO  b>r  the 
const  met  ioii  of  a  hioh  bridf^e;  so  t  hat  the  abandonment  of  I  he  adopted 
]iroject  would  nnan  an  add(Ml  ex])ense  to  the  city  of  more  than  half 
a  million  (hdlars.  Moreoxcr,  the  oriiiinal  calculations  of  the  t(dal 
])robable  cost  of  the  aipu'duct  froui  the  Crolon  had  by  this  time 
lieen  found  to  be  ridiculously  small,  and  it  beiian  to  be  realizeil  that 
the  ultimate  a,ii;irej.;ate  would  ap])ro.\iinate  or  exceed  .f  1(1,0(1(1,(1(10. 
The  disastrous  effects  of  the  financial  panic  »{  ls:?7  were  at  that 
period  beinu  felt  in  their  full  force.  In  sn(di  circumstances  it  is  highly 
iiiil(r(d)able  that  any  chaniie  in  the  ]dan  for  tlu-  aipieiluct  bridii'e 
would  ha\c  been  made  if  the  peo|)le  of  Westchester  had  not  com- 
pelled it  by  theii- a.mL;ressive  acts.  On  the:'.d  id'  .May,  ls;>!l,  ihe  legisla- 
ture passed  the  foUowiu"^  law: 

The  water  commissioners  shall  construct  an  aqueduct  over  tlie  lliuleui  l!iv<r  with  arelus 
and  i>iprs  ;  the  arches  in  the  channel  of  said  river  shall  lie  at  least  eighty  feet  span,  and  not 
less  than  one  hundred  feet  from  the  usual  high  water  mark  of  the  river  to  the  under  side 
of  the  arches  at  the  crown  ;  or  they  may  carry  the  water  across  the  river  by  ji  tunnel  under 
the  cliannel  of  the  river,  the  toj)  of  wliich  shall  not  be  above  the  present  bed  of  tlu-  said 

The  "  Hij^h  Bridiic  "  was  contracted  for  in  .\uuust,  is:!'.t.  Soon 
afterward  the  works  on  .Maidiattan  Island  weic  jdaced  under  con- 

Till'  orjoiual  water  commissioners  appointed  in  Is;',.",  '  reiii-ed  in 
]Mai'(di,  1S40,  and  were  succeeded  by  Samuel  Stevens,  lieuJaMiin  I*di-d- 
sail,  John  1>.  Ward,  and  Sanmid  H.  Childs. 

The  dam  across  tlieCi'oton  Kivei'  was  comnience<l  in  January,  isrt,**, 
and  was  com]deted  about  the  eml  of  1S40.     This  dam  was  formed  of 

'  All  the  ni'li;liial  rduunissioners  exiept  U.  new  board.  Mr.  Hrown  was  siiccceileil  liy 
.M.  Brown  served  until  tin-  appnintmenl  ot  the        Thomas  T.  Woodruff. 


"  hydraulic  stouc  uiasoury,  connected  with  an  eartlien  enibauliuieut," 
the  enibaulcmeut  beinj;'  two  hundred  and  lifty  feet  long,  sixty-live 
feet  high  at  its  extreme  height,  two  Iniiidrcd  and  fifty  feet  wide  at 
the  base,  and  lifty-five  feet  wide  at  the  top,  "  protected  on  its  lower 
side  by  a  heavy  protection  wall  twenty  feet  wide  at  base."  On  the 
night  of  the  Tth  of  January,  1841,  in  consequence  of  a  sudden  and 
great  rise  in  the  water  of  the  Croton,  the  portion  of  tlie  dam  com- 
prised in  the  earthen  einbankiiiciit  gave  Avay,  and  the  w  liolc  couiiti-y 
below  was  flooded.  Tiiree  bi'idgcs — Tom])kins's  Bridge,  the  bridge 
at  the  Wire  Mill,  and  (Quaker's  Uridge — were  swept  away,  and  several 
nulls  and  dwelling  houses  were  destroyed;  but,  so  far  as  was  known, 
only  two  residents  lost  their  lives.  This  was  the  only  serious  casualty 
that  occurred  in  connection  with  the  building  of  the  Croton  A(pie- 

It  had  been  earnestly  desired  by  the  jx'ople  of  New  York  that  tlu' 
water  should  be  introduced  into  the  city  liy  the  4th  of  July,  1842, 
and  this  wisli  was  realized.  .\t  ti\c  o'clock  on  the  nuirning  of  the 
22(1  of  June,  wati'r  to  the  de]ith  of  eighteen  inches  was  adnntted  into 
the  acpieduct  from  Crotoii  Lake.  A  boat  called  the  "  Croton  Maid," 
carrying  four  i)ersons,  was  placed  in  the  a(|uc(luit.  to  l)e  floated  down 
by  th(^  stream.  The  water,  with  the  boat,  arrived  at  the  Harlem 
Kiver  during  the  night  of  the  2;^d.  On  the  27th  it  was  allowed  to 
enter  the  receiving  reser\'oir  at  "S'oi'kville,  and  on  the  4tli  of  July 
the  (listributing  reservoir  on  Murray  Ilill,'  both  events  being  obseiNcd 
with  great  cei-emon\'.  The  ])ublic  celebration — the  grandest  demon 
stratidn  in  the  history  of  the  city  up  to  that  time — was  held  (Ui  the 
14th  of  October.  Near  the  hea<l  of  the  line,  as  one  of  the  guards  of 
honor,  marched  the  Hing  Sing  (Juaids. 

The  total  cost  of  the  Croton  Aqueduct  enterprise  (reckoning  every 
item  of  expense)  was  neai-ly  .1';l2,r)0n,0t10,  TTigh  T'ridge,  as  it  is  at 
present,  was  not  completed  until  1S48.  The  quantity  of  water  at 
first  transmitted  through  the  aqueduct  did  not  exceed  12,000,000  gal- 
lons daily.  The  a(|ueduct  was  coustruct<'<l  to  afford  a  maximnm  dis- 
charge of  72,000,000  Unit(Ml  States  gallons  every  twenty-four  hours, 
and  it  was  thought  utterly  impossible  that  such  a  su])])ly  would  be 
re(|uir<'d  for  geiU'rations  to  come.  But  within  tliirty  years  even  this 
amount  was  found  inade(|uate;  and  by  ]»ernntting  the  water  1o  rise 
in  the  aquediu-t  to  within  twelve  and  one-half  inches  of  the  crown 
of  the  arch — thirty-two  inches  higher  than  had  been  originally  in- 
tended— a  daily  supply  of  ;tr),000,000  gallons  was  forced,  which,  in 
turn,  was  found  so  far  from  meeting  requirements  that  two  new  sup- 

'  This  was  the  okl  Forty-smiml  StrocI  roscrvnir.  hiiifi  sim-r  disiisrcl,  whnso  sitp  is  to  bo 
ot'L'upicd  by  the  New  York  Public  Library, 

GENERAL    COUNTY     IIISIOKV    T(  •    ISlli  559 

|(lics  had  to  be  pnicurcd — lliioii^li  the  Hi-oux  Kiver  cuiuluit  (1880-85) 
and  the  Nt'W  Crolou  A(iuc(liict   (1884-93). 

In  tliis  cliiijitcr  we  liavc  midci'takcn  to  follow  llic  successive  events 
of  ]»rincipal  iniiiortance  from  tlie  close  of  the  IJexulution  to  the  coni- 
pletion  of  the  Crotoii  A(|uediu-t.  A  .glance  at  various  jiai'ticiilai-s 
and  asjiects  of  incidental  conse(|uence  ami  intei-est  durinii  this  ])erio<i 
of  sixty  years  is  necessary  before  contiuuinj^  our  nai-rative. 

\\'e  have  seen  that  Hie  Villages  of  Sing  Sing  and  I'eekskiil  were 
incoi-porated,  resjiectivcdy,  in  181.'?  and  1827.  No  new  Nilhige  iiicor- 
poratiou  was  effected  after  that  of  I'eekskiil  until  18."):j,  when  .Mount 
Veruou  was  organized.  It  is  a  curious  fact  tliat  our  lai'ge  City  of 
Yonkei's.  whi(di  now  is  unajiju'oached  by  any  otlier  niunicii)alily  t>( 
the  county,  did  not  have  its  beginning  as  an  organized  village  unlii 
1855,  and  in  that  respect  was  preceded  by  three  other  communities. 

At  the  termination  of  the  Kevolution  what  is  now  the  City  of 
Yonkers  at  the  mouth  of  the  Xepperhan  was  re])resented  by  a  very 
few  buildings,  most  of  them  widely  separated.  There  were  tlie  .Manor 
1 1  on  si'  of  the  lMiili]ises,  Saint  John's  lOjiiscopal  Churcii  and  ])ai-sonage, 
I  lie  immemorial  mill,  and  some  scattered  farmiiouses.  '{"he  .Manor 
House,  with  three  hundred  and  twenty  acres  of  land  adjacent  to  it, 
as  has  been  noted  in  the  lii'st  i)art  of  this  cha])ter,  was  purchased 
from  the  commissioners  of  forfeiture  in  1785  by  C.  1*.  Low,  a  New 
York  nieichant,  for  £14,521).  Mr.  Low  conveyed  it  in  1780  to  William 
Constable,  also  a  merchant  of  New  York,  who  in  17!K)  sohl  it  to 
Jacob  Stout,  of  New  York,  for  £13,500.  :\Ir.  Stout  s(dd  it  in  1802  f(U- 
IliO.OOO  to  Joseph  Ilowland,  of  Norwich,  ("onn.  In  1813  the  projierty 
was  bought  at  auction  by  Lemuel  Wells,  (tf  New  ^■ork,  for  .*5(;,(I00, 
The  estate  as  owned  by  ^Ir.  Wells  fronted  on  the  Hudson  both  above 
and  below  the  inoutli  of  the  Nepperhan,  and  the  .\lbaiiy  Post  Koad 
ran  through  it.  The  accomjianying  maji  of  the  Wells  estate  gives 
a  fair  uml'M-stamling  of  the  condition,  at  the  time  of  Lemuel  Wells's 
])urc]iase,  aiwl  imleed  througlKUit  his  ])roprietoisliip,  of  that  portieu 
of  Yonkers  where  later  the  earl.x'  \illage  began  to  be  built  up. 
He  was  a  man  of  abundant  wealth  ami  conservative  ideas.  "  He 
(lid  not  buy,"  says  .\llison,  "with  the  intention  of  selling  his  tract 
either  in  large  or  small  plots.  He  was  seldom  induced  to  sell  or  even 
to  lease  any  (d'  it.  but  he  was  not  particularly  averse  to  .settlers  and 
wonld  oU'er  now  and  then  to  build  a  house  on  his  property  for  them 
as  tenants."  "Of  the  twenty-six  buildings  of  all  kinds,"  he  adds, 
"including  bai'us,  sheds,  and  little  slnqis,  then  (1813|  on  the  three 
hundred  and  twenty  acres  of  land,  about  twelve  could  hav(>  been 
utilized  as  dw(dlings,  live  were  mill  buildings  for  grimling  grain  and 
plaster  and  for  sawing  and  fulling,  five  were  barns  and  sheds,  and 



(mo  is  rc'in-esouted  ass  ("(iiilaiiiiiiji  '  sliops."  "     On  tin'  outskirts  of  the 
Wells  property  tliere  were  various  fanuliouses. 

Lemuel  Wells  died  on  the  lltli  of  February,  1S42.  I)urin<i  tlie 
nearly  thirty  ^ears  of  his  proprietorship  of  the  rei)resentative  juirtiou 
of  Yonkers  the  improvements  w  liicli  he  made  on  his  estate  were  only 
of  an  incidental  nature.  It  was  not  until  1831  that  he  built  a  wharf 
IH'rniittinj;  steamboats  to  land,  althouyh  for  some  years  jireviously 


Purchased  in  1813. 


R  I  V  e:  R 


these  vessels  had  been  nmkin.u  landings  at  Closter  (now  Alpine)  ou 
the  opposite  side  of  the  river.  Indeed,  it  was  a  frequent  occurrence 
for  Yonkers  people  desiring  to  board  the  steamers  to  cross  over  to 
Alpine.  At  the  time  of  the  death  of  iMr.  \Yells,  says  Allison,  Yonkers 
was  "  a  hamlet  of  one  hundred  peoi)le — more  or  less — and  a  little 
more  than  a  score  of  houses." 

Meanwhile,  however,  there  ha<l  Iiccn  ,i  L;radual  accession  of  valua- 
ble citizens  in  the  sections  bordninu  the  manor  i)roperty — some  of 
them  land  purchasers  of  substantial  means,  and  others  men  of  en- 
terprisinii'  traits,  all  realizinij,  tlie  natural  advantages  of  the  locality 
and  standinti'  ready  to  iiromote  its  develnjniient.  As  early  as  1804 
p]benezer  rSaldwin  became  a  resident,  comin*;  from  Norwich.  Ponn., 
at  tlie  s(tlicitation  of  ]\Ir.   ITowbuid,   then  the  oAvner  of  the   manor 

GENERAL    CorX'lY    IIISTOKY    TO    1842  561 

ostati",  for  the  purpose  of  rcliiiildiui;  I  lie  steeple  of  I  lie  cliurcli.  Mr. 
Hiildwin  liked  the  place  and  remained,  snbseciuently  takini;  an  active 
part  in  stinnilatinj;  its  jiToAvth  and  bnsiness  activity.  Many  of  tlie 
most  consiiicnons  Vonkers  people  of  this  day  are  nninbered  anionji 
his  descendants,  or  aniouf;'  those  connected  with  his  family  by  mar- 
riaiie.  In  1820  some  two  hnndred  and  twenty  acres  abont  oni'  mile 
north  of  the  Manor  Honse  were  pnrchased  by  Frederic  Shonnard, 
son  of  a  Frencli  officer,  who  had  served  in  the  body  fiuard  of  Frederick 
the  Great.  At  that  time  Jndiie  Aaron  Vark,  who  nnited  the  fnuctious 
of  majiistrate,  countrj'  storekeeper,  and  ])ostmaster,  was  the  prin- 
cipal man  in  the  little  community.  In  1828  William  C.  Warinf!,-  and 
Ilezekiah  Nichols  be<;an  to  manufacture  bodies  for  wool  hats.  This 
was  the  first  introduction  of  the  hat  industiT — now  so  important — 
in  Youkers,  and  it  was  also  tlie  first  appearance  of  the  name  of 
AVai'inji'.  The  Warinfis  Avere  from  Putnam  County.  John  T.  Wnv- 
inji  came  some  j'ears  later.  But  our  space  does  not  admit  of  any 
attempt  to  recapitulate  the  names  of  the  founders  of  the  early 

The  Nepperhan  River,  with  its  long  descent  from  a  high  eleva- 
tion, and  its  considerable  volume  of  water  even  in  the  dryest  sea- 
sons, must  have  been  appreciated  from  the  earliest  times  by  men  of 
discreet  peT'ce]itions  as  a  stream  atl'ording  id(^al  coTiditions  for  the 
inauguration  of  extensive  manufacturing  industries.  Hut  through 
]iraclically  all  of  its  course  suitable  for  mill  sites  tlie  Ne])perhan  was 
iMiibodied  in  the  Manor  House  estate,  and  it  was  not  the  jxtlicy  of 
Lemuel  ^Vells  to  emourage  ]ii'ivate  luanufactui-ing  enterprise  on  its 
banks.  In  1S;57  he  co-ojiei'ated  with  Prince  W.  and  Obed  Paddock 
in  Hie  conslruction  of  a  dam  near  the  jiresent  Elm  Street  Bridge, 
wjucli  latei'  came  to  be  known  as  the  "  fifth  water  ])ower."  But  this 
did  not  immediately  lead  to  any  important  utilization  of  the  water 
po\\(  r.  Meanwhile  the  abundant  power  of  the  lower  stream  was 
used  exdusivcd.y  for  grist  and  sawmills. 

Lemuel  Wells  left  uo  children.  His  heirs  were  numerous,  including 
his  wi(]ow,  three  ln'otliers,  and  theii'  children.  Tlie  estate  was  jiar- 
titioned  in  1843.  the  piincijial  representative  of  tlie  heirs  being  Tx>m- 
uel  W.  Wells,  familiarly  known  in  Yonkers  (where  he  lived  until 
Ids  death  in  ISCil)  as  "Farmer"  Wells.  From  this  event  dates  the 
beginning  of  the  serious  develo])iuent  of  Yonkers.  "  Bel  eased  from 
the  hand  that  had  so  long  kejd  it  out  of  the  market,  and  catching 
the  s|)irit  of  ent<'r])rise,"  says  Dr.  Tole,  "the  land  «o  long  unused, 
or,  wlieic  used,  dcA'oted  to  farm  ])urposes  only,  Avas  (piickly  laid  out 
in  streets  and  lots,  became  the  scene  of  busy  activity,  and  Avas  soon 
dotted  with  beautiful  residences."     This  change  did  md  transpire  at 



once,  Imt  a  new  local  spiril  liciiaii  lo  obtain.  Oiir  of  i'aiiiicr  Wells's 
earlii'st  tvausartioiis  was  the  sale  to  .Tolin  Copcntt,  for  $17,."t(MI,  of 
tile  "  tii'st  waton'  i)ower  ■■ — that  is,  the  tirst  inill-sitc  above  the  uiouth 
of  the  N(  pi)evlian.  ^\v.  ('o]tcntt  had  previously  operated  a  veneer 
mill  at  West  Farms,  but  lie  was  (|ui(k  to  see  the  promise  of  superior 
o]iportunities  at  Ynukcis.  lu  ]SAT>  lie  turned  his  purchase  to  ju-ac- 
tical  use  by  convertiiiu  tlie  Nejiperhan  mill  into  an  establishment 
for  sawinc:  mahogany  wood.  Mr.  Wells  sold  the  second  water  i)ower, 
with  its  mill  buiidiui^s,  for  .1fll,2.~n,  to  :\[essrs.  :\litchel]  and  Tlutchiu- 
son.    Amoni;'  the  new  citizens  ac(iuired  by  Yonkers  through  the  ])arti- 

tinn  (d'  the  U'elN'  estnie  was 
I'"tlian  Flainii',  one  of  the  heirs, 
who  bore  an  e.xceediniily  imjjor- 
lant  i)art  in  the  bnildiuL;  \\\>  of  the 

Thus  at  the  ](eriod  at  which  we 
have  arrived  in  (Uir  i^cncial  narra- 
ti\(',  V(.idcers,  destined  to  a  ]iosi- 
timi  of  unquestioned  sii])i-emacy 
anion;:  tlie  nniniiipalit  ies  of\\'esi- 
cliestei-  County,  was  just  itrejiar- 
in;:'  to  <MnerL;i'  from  a  primitiN" 
condition  of  abscdute  insi^niti- 

Mount  N'ernon  was  still  un- 
thouinht  of.  The  rei)resenlative 
\illau('s  for  local  enter]irise  wci-c 
Sinj:  Sinn  and  I'eekskill  on  the 
Hudson,  and  West  Farms  in  tin 
southern  section  (d'  the  county. 
West  I'arms  had  by  this  tinu'  become  the  most  progressive  locality 
within  the  ancient  Township  of  West(diester.  To  its  prominence  in 
this  rei^ard  it  was  indebted  for  the  enrploynient  id'  the  walei-  ])ower 
of  the  Bronx  Iiiver  for  manufacturin;;  uses. 

In  ISod  an  ambitious  attempt  was  nuide  by  a  syndicate  of  New 
York  capitalists  to  create  a  new  community  in  Westchester  County, 
which  it  Mas  fondly  lio])ed  would  siJi-inj;-  at  once  into  a  flourishing' 
condition.  Allen  ^\".  Hardy  and  nine  associates,  attracted  by  the 
beautiful  situation  of  Ver])lanck's  Point,  and  believing'  that  a  village 
founded  there  would  s])eedily  rival  Peekskill,  boui;ht  the  ])roperty 
for  .f;>(l(),(IO()  from  its  itrojirietor,  IMiilij)  Verphundv,  to  whom  it  had 
descended  from  tlie  original  Philip  Verphun  k,  grandson  of  Steiihanus 
\'an  (Nrrdandt.     These  gentlemen  laid  olf  the  Point  into  streets  and 


(;km:i;ai,  ((Mnty   ihsiokv    to   isiii  563 

avciincs,  rcs(  rvinii'  povtions  of  it  for  ])iirks;  b>it  lot  imi-cliiiscrs  did 
not  iiinic;!!',  ;ind  aflcr  a  year  or  two  tiic  iiiidci-takiiiii-  was  al>andou('<i 
witli  licavy  i<  ss.  Tluiciqion  .loiiu  Henry,  fine  of'  (lie  (diicT  members 
of  tiic  syiidicatc,  ac(]uirc(l  sulistantially  tJic  whole  of  I  lie  I'oinI,  and 
])roceeded  to  (ii-jianize  the  brick -making;  industry  whirii  lias  since 
become  so  extensive  at  ^'er])lan(•k's.  lie  was  ioleralil\  successful 
from  I  lie  start,  and  within  a  few  years  the  brick  yanls  of  \'er]ilanck's 
Point  vvere  yieldinj;- a  lariie  output  and  giving  employment  to  niimer 
ous  workmen. 

After  the  introduction  of  steamboats  the  river  traflic  betwef^n 
New  York  City  ami  the  villages  of  our  county  (in  common  with  others 
alonjjthe  Hudson)  jiradnally  became  very  animated,  resulting  in  con- 
ditions of  keen  competition.  "  Before  the  construction  of  the  rail- 
roads," says  one  of  the  contribntoi-s  to  Scharfs  History,'  "  I'eek- 
skill  was  the  depot  from  which  from  Westchester  County  for  miles 
around,  from  a  larme  portion  of  Putnam  County,  and  even  fnun  Coii- 
necticut,  the  farmers  shiiiped  their  [iroduce  to  New  York  ( "ity.  .\pples 
and  other  fruit,  butter,  potatoes,  cattle,  sheep,  calves,  live  jiiiis,  and 
ih-essed  pork  were  the  principal  articles  of  shi]un(Mit,  and  were  I'e- 
ceiveil  in  su(di  (|uanti1ies  as  to  ix'nr  eni])lo\iiient  at  one  time,  when  this 
commerce  was  at  its  heiiiht,  to  six  market-sloops,  while  liiree  ]ia-;- 
seuficr  steamboats  also  shared  in  the  business." 

Tlie  early  days  on  tlie  river,  when  it  fnrnisliefl  almost  tlie  only  aveiuR'  of  eoniniertc,  weru 
full  of  life  and  bustle.  Cornelius  Vanderliilt  for  some  years  ran  a  boat  between  Peekskill 
and  New  York,  and  ha<l  quite  a  strufjgle  for  the  mastery  of  the  route.  In  ISIS'i  he  beijan 
operations  with  the  steamlioat  "  Westchester,"  having,  as  he  avers  in  a  card  to  the  publie 
some  time  later,  no  interest  in  any  other  boat  in  the  Xorth  River.  He  met  with  a  rival  in 
the  "  Water-Witeh,"  a  steamboat  which  was  owned  by  an  association  of  the  peoi)le  all  alon<; 
the  river,  and  farmers  back  in  the  country,  and  which  was  ilesigned  to  enable  them  to  resist  the 
extravaj,'ant  charges  of  steamboat-owners.  The  rivalry  between  the  "  Water-Witch "  and 
the  Commodore's  craft  waxed  so  hot  that  the  former  finally  began  to  charge  only  one  shilling 
(twelve  and  a  half  cents)  for  passage  from  Xew  York  to  Peekskill.  The  losses  occasioned 
by  the  cutting  of  rates  resnlted  in  some  of  the  stockliolders  in  the  "  Water-Witch  "  losing 
courage,  and  the  wily  Commodore  was  enabled  to  buy  a  controlling  interest  in  her.  After 
that  the  rivalry  ceased.  The  "  Water-Witch  "  was  but  (Uie  of  several  boats  owned  at  differ- 
ent times  by  similar  associations,  all  of  which  brought  loss  to  the  stockbolders. 

June  G,  IS.'il.  the  "  (Jeneral  Jackson,"  plying  betwiin  Peekskill  and  New  York,  exploded 
on  her  down  trij)  off  Grassy  Point,  and  all  the  front  ])ortion  of  the  cabin  was  torn  away. 
Three  |)ersons  were  killed  outright, — the  fireman,  a  little  girl  of  twelve  years  of  age,  who  had 
just  tri])ped  on  board  laughing  and  talking  gayly,  and  William  Mitchell,  a  resident  of  IVek- 
skill.  Beverly  Katbbone,  of  Peekskill,  was  injuied  so  severely  that  lie  <lied  some  time  after 
the  accident.  Jacob  Vanderbilt,  brother  of  Cornelius,  was  captain  of  the  boat,  and  escaped 
without  injury. 

-Many  other  intei-^stiiiL;  luirliculai's  of  ihi'  Hudson  Ki\"er  li'atlic  be- 
fore the  era  of  railways  miiilit  be  .iilded.  I'eekskill  had  no  monopoly 
of  sloop  ])roin'iei.irslii|i.     I'roni   xaraous  ))oints  all   the  way  down  to 

'  W,   ,T.   eumniiiiy.   11..   VM. 


Yoiikcrs  vessels,  larjicly  or  wlmlly  (iwucd  by  the  fanners  and  proiiii- 
neut  citizens,  were  sailed  to  and  from  New  York.  The  present  well- 
known  Ben  Franklin  Transjiortatiou  Line  of  Yonkers  took  its  name 
from  a  sloop  of  fifty-seven  tons,  launched  July  i,  1831,  Avhich  was 
for  the  exclusive  service  of  tlie  ])eople  of  Yonkers  and  vicinity;  and 
even  the  orijiinal ''  Ben  Franklin  "  had  several  predecessors  devoted  tu 
the  local  interests  of  Yonkers. 

The  organic  law  of  the  State  of  Ncav  York,  as  established  by  the 
constitution  of  1777,  underwent  two  radical  alterations  duriu";-  the 
period  of  sixty  years  now  under  consideration,  ronstitutiona!  con- 
ventions were  held  in  1801  and  1821,  the  delegates  from  Westchester 
County  to  the  convention  of  1801  being  Thomas  Ferris,  Israel  Tloney- 
well,  Jonathan  G.  Tompkins,  Pierre  Van  Cortlandt.  Jr.,  and  Ebenezer 
White,  and  to  that  of  1821  Peter  A.  Jay,  Jonathan  Ward,  and  Peter 
J.  Munro.  Both  conventions  made  revisions  in  the  constitution  de- 
signed to  render  it  more  acceptable  to  the  democratic  masses — 
changes  which  had  the  hearly  support  of  the  majority  of  the  ])eo])le 
of  our  county.  The  old  property  qualification  for  the  suffrage  was 
practically  abolished  in  1821. 

For  the  jmrpose  of  represent a1  ion  in  tlie  State  senate,  Westchester 
County  was  from  1777  to  1815  associated  with  New  Y''ork,  Kings, 
Queens,  Suffolk,  and  Tiichmond,  in  the  so-called  Southern  district. 
I'rom  1810  to  1821  the  Counties  of  Dutchess,  Putnam,  and  Ikockhmd 
were  added  to  the  district,  whose  name  was  changed  to  the  1st.  From 
1821  to  1840  this  county  belonged  to  the  2d  senatorial  district,  em- 
bracing also  Dutchess,  Putnam,  Rockland,  Orange,  Sullivan,  Ulster, 
Queens,  and  Suffolk. 

Westchestei'  County's  re]n'esentatives  in  the  assembly,  at  first  six 
in  numl)er,  were  reduced  succ<'ssively  to  five,  foui-,  tliree,  and  finally 
(May  23,  1830)  to  two.  Tlie  number  was  again  increased,  in  1857, 
to  three,  at  which  figure  it  has  since  remained.  The  assemblymen 
were  elected  on  a  general  ticket  until  1847,  when  the  county  was 
first  divided  into  assembly  districts. 

The  county  judges,  district  attorney,  treasurer,  clerk,  and  sheriff 
held  their  offices  by  ai)]iointment  until  the  constitution  f>f  1840  came 
into  effect.     Since  then  they  liave  been  elected  by  popular  vote. 

The  presidential  vote  of  the  county  from  1828  to  1840,  inclusive, 
was  as  follows: 

1828.— Andrew  Jackson,  3,788  ;  John  (^lincy  A<l;ims,  3,153. 

1832— Andrew  Jaclison,  3,133  :  llcniv  Clay,  2,293. 

1836. — Martin  Van  Hiiien,  3,000  ;  William  H.  Hairi.son,  1,749  ;  soattcring,  287. 

1840  —Martin  Van  Hnrcn,  4,354  ;  William  H.  Harrison,  4,083. 

Till'  foundations  of  the  coniiiion  school  svstem  A\'ere  laid,  aftei'  an 

CPA'KKAI.    ('OrXl'V    II1S'|-()|;V    'I'd     is.t2 


cU'iiifiitary  fashion,  toward  the  bcyiiiiiiiij;  of  ihc  iiiiicicciilli  (x-n- 
tiiry.  Ill  17!)i>  the  lejiislafurc  passod  an  act  givinj;-  annnall.v  for  five 
Tcai's  the  smn  of  £1,T.)2  of  State  money  for  school  pnrposes  in  W'est- 
cliester  ("onnty,  to  which  tlie  jieople  of  each  town  added  an  anionnt 
e<inal  to  one-half  tliat  received  from  the  State.  Later  tlie  towns 
eaoli  contrihnted  a  snni  e(|nal  to  the  State  ai)iiropriation.  The 
moneys  Mere  distribtited  by  school  commissioners  specially  sidected. 
But  the  present  system  of  school  commissioners  dates  from  the  legis- 
lative act  of  1849. 

Ever  since  colonial  times,  the  peojile  of  this  county  liad  always 
been  rated  as  exceptionally  intelligent,  with  but  a  small  percentage 
of  illiteracy.  The  New  York  news- 
papers enjoyed  a  very  considerable 
patronage  among  our  citizens  before 
the  Kevohition,  and  after  the  begin- 
ning of  the  present  century  there  was 
scarcely  a  farmhouse  that  did  not 
receive  some  newsjiaiier  from  New 
York.  There  were  several  early  enter- 
prises in  the  line  of  local  newspaper 
publication  in  the  Westchester  vil- 
lages. According  to  a  generally-  re- 
liable chronicler,  a  journal  called  the 
Somcrs  Miisriiin  was  })ublis]ied  by 
Milton  F.  Cushing  in  ISIO.  and  in  tlie 
same  year  Kobert  Crombie  start(Ml  at 
I'eekskill  the  Wcstchesfcr  (Idzrttc, 
wliich, after  various  changes  of  name, 
tinally  became  the  Peekskill  Rrimhli- 
i-(iii.  Otiier  early  newspaper  ventures 
in  ^^'est  Farms,  Sing  Sing,  White 
Plains,  Port  Chester,  ^Niorrisania,  etc., 

are  recorded  by  this  authority.'  The  Ettsftrii  ^tafc  JdiinuiJ,  of  Whiter 
Plains,  appears  to  be  the  oldest  present  newsjtaiier  of  the  county 
retaining  its  original  name.  It  was  begun  in  1845  by  Edmund  (!. 

In  1840  the  population  of  Westchester  County  was  just  about 
double  that  attained  in  1700.  During  the  half  century  there  hatl 
been  an  average  growtli  eveiy  leu  years  of  slightly  more  than  4,000. 
The  original  character  of  the  population  had  not  yet  been  materially 
modified.  Men  engaged  in  active  daily  business  in  New  York  had 
not  become  regular  inhabitants,  although  there  was  an  increasing 
tendency  to  build  country  residences  in  which  to  spend  portions  of 

'  French's   "  GazettPer  of  the   State  of   New    York  "   (ISCO),   p.  697. 


/e-^  c-f^-7(yy<. 




tilt'  yvixr  (tr  to  lend  lives  of  retireiiient  after  the  teniiiuation  of  eiiii- 
ueiit  or  otherwise  siu-cessfiil  careers. 

The  most  distinguished  of  our  couuty  duriujj,  the  period 
whose  history  has  been  traced  in  the  present  chai)ter  was  unviues- 
tionably  the  noble  statesman,  John  Jay.  His  death  in  llS2!t  at  his 
liome  in  Bedford,  wliere  he  spent  the  last  twenty-eiijht  years  of  his 
life,  has  already  been  noticed.  Another  of  the  great  Ilevolutionary 
fathers,  Gouverneur  Morris,  retired  to  his  ancestral  estate  in  this 
county  in  the  fullness  of  his  honors  and  fame,  and  was  buried  in  our 

Throughout  the  devolution  (Jouverneur  Morris  Avas  a  resident  of 
Philadelphia,  serving  the  government  for  a  portion  of  the  time  as 
a  member  of  congress,  and  later  as  assistant  superintendent  of  the 
finances.  His  mother  meantime  had  continued  to  live  at  Morrisania, 
where  Gouverneur  visited  her  at  the  conclusion  of  the  war,  after  an 
absence  of  seven  years.  By  purchasing  the  rights  of  his  brother. 
General  Htaats  Long  ^lorris,  of  the  British  army,  he  became  possessed 
of  all  the  Jlorrisania  estate  east  of  ^Mill  Brook.  He  did  not,  however, 
abandon  his  residence  in  I'hiladelphia.  and  in  1787  he  was  elected 
a  delegate  from  Pennsylvania  to  the  federal  constitutional  conven- 
tion. He  spent  the  next  ten  years  in  Europe,  and  during  the  most 
violent  period  of  the  French  IJevoIutiou  was  the  American  minister 
at  Paris.  Wliile  abroad  he  was  employed  in  other  important  diplo- 
matic connections.  Peturning  to  this  country  in  1798,  lie  establislied 
his  residence  at  IMon-isania,  where  he  built  a  new  house.  From  1800 
to  1803  he  served  as  United  States  senator  from  New  York.  "  A 
change  in  parties  prevented  his  re-election,  and  with  the  expiration 
(d'  his  term  his  political  life  ended.  He  passed  the  remainder  of  his 
life  at  Morrisania.  '  An  ample  fortune,  numerous  friends,  a  charm- 
ing retreat,  and  a  tranquil  home  were  the  elements  of  his  happiness 
and  tilled  uj)  the  measure  of  his  hopi-s.'  "^  The  leisure  of  his  closing 
years  was  devoted  to  study,  literary  ])uisuits,  and  the  advocacy  of 

'  This  citation   wuU    indicates  the  tastes  and  Wliu  vice,  in  all  its  pomp  and  power, 

toniperament  of  tlie  man.    He  possessed  a  very  Can  treat  with  jnst  iiegioet; 

itivahle  nature,  thongh  marlied  by  great  dignity  And  piety,   tliongh  eloth'd  in   rags, 

of  eliaraeter.    Aslied  to  give  his  description  of  Religiously   respect. 

a    gentleman,     Gouverneur    Morris    wrote    the 

following  lines:  ,,.,       .      ,  -       ,■   ,  *    i  ,  i   .       ^ 

"  \\  ho  to   lus  pligliti'd  words   and   trust 

'TIs   he   whose   every   thought   and   deed  Has  ever  flrinly  stood; 

By  rule  of  virtue  moves,  A,„l,  though  he'proniised  to  Ids  loss, 

Whose  generous  tongue  disdains  to  speak  jjj^.    „iakes    his    promise    good. 

The   thing  his  heart   disproves. 

WIio  never  did  a  slander  forge,  \A'liose  soul  in  usury  disdains 
His  neighbor's  fame  to  wound;  His  treasures  to  employ, 

Xor  hearken  to  a  false  report  Wln»m  no  reward  can  ever  bribe 
Ry   malice  whispered  "round.  The  guiltless  to  destroy. 

(;km:kai.   corN'i'v    iiis-i'(ii;v    id    lS4i 


uscliil  scliciiics  ol  puli'-liw-  iii>licy,  cspcciallv  iiitciiial  iiiiiii-o\ciiiciils. 
He  was  one  of  tlu' projectors  and  earnest  iiroiiidters  of  the  lOrie  Caiuil. 
He  (lied  at  .Morrisaiiia  on  tlie  (iiii  ol  Xoxcmher,  ISKi,  in  tiie  sixty- 
fiftli  year  of  iiis  age.  "  His  remains  were  liuried  win-re  SainI  Anne's 
Ciniieli  now  stands,  the  east  aisle  coverini^  Iheii-  oiii;inal  restiiiji- 
place.  Tln-y  were  afterward  transferred  to  the  lainily  vault,  whi(di 
is  the  lirst  one  east  of  the  chnrcdi.  His  wife  cansed  a  marble  slab  to 
be  ]ilaced  o\'er  the  iem]iorary  tomb,  and  that  still  remains." 

[Several  of  the  most  notable  literary  characters  of  the  first  lialf 
century  of  the  republic  were  identified  with  Westchester  County  by 

James  Fenitnore  roo]K'r,  born  in  New  dersey  and  reared  on  the 
frontiers  of  New  York,  married,  on  the 
1st  of  .lanuary,  ISll,  Susan  Ain;iisla, 
danuhter  of  John  I'eter  de  Lanciy,  of 
Mamaroneck,  and  yreat-granddanghter 
of  Colonel  Caleb  Heathcote.  Cooper 
was  at  that  time  in  his  twenty-second 
year.  The  youui;'  couple  made  their 
home  in  ^lamaroniM  k,  where  Coojier 
wrote  his  first  novel,  "Precaution."" 
Coutracting  the  ac(iuaintance  of  John 
Jay,  he  obtained  from  him  the  sugges- 
tion for  his  second  work,  "  The  S^jy."  or 
"Tale  of  the  Neutral  (iround,"  which 
formed  the  basis  of  his  literary 
reputation.  Thus  the  beginnings  of 
Cooper's  fame  were  incidental  exclu- 
sively to  his  residence  in  Westchester 

The  gifted  Jose]di  Hodman  Drake,  known  i'(|iially  as  the  jioel  of 
the  American  flag  and  the  ]io(i  of  the  Bron.x,  lived  in  our  Town  of 
West  I'^irnis  and  lies  buried  in  the  ancient  family  cemetery  <d'  the 
Leggetts,  Willetts,  and  Hunts,  on  Hunt's  INdnt.  Many  of  his  poems 
were  written  while  musing  by  the  side  of  the  i>ron.\.  His  career 
was  cut  short  by  consumption  at  the  early  age  of  twenty-tive.  He 
died  on  the  21st  of  »Sei)tember,  1S20.  His  grave  and  the  siiii]de  nninu- 
nient  which  marks  it  long  ago  fell  into  extreme  neglect.  In  the 
present  march  of  city  imiirovements  in  the  Horongh  of  the  Hronx 
till'  |)laiis  ado])ted  for  street  extensions  involve  the  coni])lete  ex- 
tinction of  the  (dd  giaxcyard.  ICtTorts  liave  been  made  by  the  Society 
of  American  Authors  to  ](reser\c  the  sjiut  where  lirake  lies  buried 
and  to  ha\e  a  sulislanlial  nioiinnienl  raised  noon  it. 

.1.    KOI>M.\N    DKAKK. 



The  residence  of  Washington  Irving  at  Sunnyside  began  in  the 
yeai-  1S3G.  Irving  was  horn  in  New  Yorlc  City,  Ajn-il  3,  1783.  lie 
"  first  came  to  Tari-ytown  and  Slcei)y  Hollow  when  a  lad  of  fonrteen 
or  fifteen.  He  spent  some  of  his  holidays  herf,  and  formed  an  attach- 
ment for  the  s]Kit  which  never  left  him."'  At  frequent  intervals  in 
his  literary  career  he  visited  "i'arrytown,  sometimes  as  a  guest  of  his 
nei)he\\',  Oscar  Irving.  In  a  letter  to  his  sister  in  1832  he  wrote: 
"  1  am  un)re  and  more  in  the  notion  of  having  tliat  little  cottage 
Ix'low  Oscar's  house,  and  wish  yon  to  tell  him  to  eTideavor  to  get 
it  foi'  me."  This  cottage  was  a  small  stone  iMitch  dwelling,  the  iden- 
tical •' Wolfert's  Boost"  of  his  welMcnown  sketch,  huilt  in  early 
times  by  a  mendier  of  the  Acker  family,  and  at  the  period  of  tlie 
IJevolution  occupied  by  Jacob  Van  Tassel  as  a  tenant  of  Frederick 
I'hilipse.  Irving  piirchased  it,  witli  about  fifteen  acres  of  land,  in 
June,  183;").  During  that  year  and  1830  he  had  extensive  alterations 
made,  giving  the  name  of  iSunnyside  to  the  place  as  then  remodeled. 
Over  the  south  entrance  he  placet!  a  Dutch  tablet,  whose  translation 
is  as  follows  :  "  Erected  in  the  year  ItiStJ.'  Keconstructed  by  AVashing- 
ton  Irving  in  the  year  1835.  Geo.  Harvey,  Architect."  In  October, 
183(),  he  nn)ved  in. 

Ever  afterward  Sunnyside  was  his  honn\  There  he  wrote  his  "  Life 
of  Washington."  He  was  constantly  visited  by  men  of  distinction. 
During  the  first  year  of  his  residence  he  entertained  Prince  Louis 
Napoleon,  afterward  Nai)oleon  III.  Interesting  reminiscences  of  his 
Sunnyside  years  appear  in  Scharf's  Ilistoiw.-  He  was  "  a  regular 
wo.i'shi])per  at  Christ's  Church,  Tarry  town.  .  .  .  Mr.  Irving  was 
rarely  absent  from  his  pew  at  the  morning  service.     .     .     .     He  was 

^  This  ilatt.'  was  imrcly  prosiiinptivc.  Tliric 
are  siifflcieut  reasons  for  believing  that  the 
liouso  was  not  built  until  nianj  .years  later. 
Irviuf^  always  Incliued  to  the  opinion  that 
Tarrytowu  was  settled  previously  to  1650,  and 
he  even  eouehuled  that  some  of  the  graves  in 
the  Sleepy  Hollow  cemetery  went  baek  to  that 
year.  But  Irving  was  entirely  unacquainted 
with  the  early  chronology  of  Westchester 
County.  His  historical  studies,  confined  mostly 
to  the  immediate  purposes  of  bis  own  profitable 
writings  on  subjects  of  universal  Interest,  did 
nf)t  descend  to  such  local  niinutiic.  His  i)ub- 
lisbed  writings  having  reference  to  Tarrytown 
and  vicinity  are  exclusively  of  the  "  quaint  " 
variet.v.  In  1835  Holtoii  had  not  yet  l.)e- 
giin  his  indefatigable  researches  into  the 
earl.v  history  of  AVcst  Chester  C'ounty:  and 
indeed  Irving,  cogitating  about  the  probable 
antiquity  of  his  acquisition,  must  have  had  no 
oth<'r  means  of  calculation  than  that  of  tradl- 
tii>n,    nssist(*d   by   his   gentle   imagination.    The 

original  "Wolferl  Acker  (the  supposed  builder 
()f  the  house,  and  the  first  known  Acker  in  this 
<-onnt,vi  was  certainly  not  a  resident  uf  I'hil- 
ipseburgh  Manor  until  about  ICSO.  This  Wolfcrt 
.\eker  (or  Eckerf  was  married  March  4,  IGSO, 
to  Maritje  Sibouts.  The  record  of  the  mar- 
riage, preserved  in  the  register  of  the  old  Dutch 
(_'liurch  of  New  York,  describes  him  as  "  a 
young  man  of  Mldwout  "  [Ijong  Island],  and 
adds  that  both  he  and  his  spouse  were  at  the 
time  "  on  Frederick  Philips  land,"  and  were 
'■  married  on  Frederick  Philips  land."  (See 
Raymond's  "  Souvenir  of  the  Revolutionary 
Soldiio-s'  Monument  I>edication  at  Tarrytown," 
p.  101.)  This  is  conclusive  evidence  that  Acker 
could  not  have  built  the  house  at  the  period 
conjectured  by  Irving.  Manifestly  Irving's 
Sunnyside  inscription  belongs  to  the  all  too 
numerous  list  of  ill-authenticated  graven  his- 
torical remembrancers  in  Westi'hesti'r  County. 
-  ii.,    ^35-241. 

WASH  I  M.I  ON       IRVING 

^^^£Lx-^:^^^  J^^^^-^^y^^^^^ 


GENRllAL    COUNTY    HISTORY    TO    1812  560 

;i  (IcvdUl  iuul  real  bclicvci-.  .  .  .  He  acccplcd  freely  aiid  yladly 
the  jjTcal  trutlis  of  the  Hiblc,  and  guided  liis  life  by  tiiem.  His  gentle 
ways,  his  siiii])licity  and  kindness  of  iiianner,  his  courtesy  to  all,  and 
Ins  fre(juent  mingling  Avith  the  neiglibors,  who  made  up  all  sorts  and 
conditions  of  men,  Avonien,  and  childii  n,  made  him  very  poiuilar  and 
much  lovod."  Ho  died  at  Sunnyside  suddenly  and  peacefully  on  I  he 
I'Sih  of  Xoveiiiber,  IS.V.t.  His  funeral  was  an  event  never  to  be  for- 
gotten by  the  people  of  Tarrytown.  The  whole  village  was  in  mourn- 
ing, and  all  conditions  of  men  came  from  far  and  wide  to  pay  the  last 
tributes  (if  honor  to  the  great  and  good  man.  He  was  buried  in  the 
Sleepy  Hollow  Cemetery,  beside  his  mother,  wher(>  his  remains  still 
re]iose.     Ovei'  I  hem  is  a  ]>erfectly  plain  stone,  inscribeil  as  follows: 

\A'iishingtoii    Irving, 


April    3,    1783, 

Nov.   28,    1859. 

The  Fordham  residence  of  Edgar  Allan  Toe,  that  gloomy  and 
jMH'uliar  but  resplendent  and  immortal  genius — our  American  ^lai- 
iowe, — dates  from  tlie  year  ]84(i,  a  period  slightly  later  tiian  the  one 
selected  for  the  termination  of  the  present  chapter;  yet  our  mention 
of  Poe  may  more  appropriately  occur  here  than  in  a  subse(|nent  con- 

Poe  became  a  resident  of  New  York  City  in  1844,  having  removed 
thei'e  from  Philadelphia.  At  that  tinu'  most  of  his  magniticeut  tales 
had  been  written,  and  indeed  he  wasi  at  the  zenith  (d'  his  fame.  Put 
those  were  days  of  very  slight  recom])ense,  and  also  of  very  uncer- 
tain employment,  for  authors  not  blessed  with  an  ac(|uisitive  tem- 
jierament  and  discreet  character  and  habits.  Though  his  genius  was 
recognized  and  he  had  many  sincere  friends,  he  did  not  attain  sub- 
stantial success  in  New  York  Tity.  Tt  is  related  that  his  i)rincii)al 
regular  employment  after  coming  there  was  as  a  writer  for  the 
EvcuiiKi  ^firror,  on  a  salary  of  ten  dollars  a  week.  While  living  in 
New  York  he  wrote  the  "  Raven."  In  the  spring  of  184t>  he  removed 
to  Fordham,  renting  for  a  hundred  dollars  a  year  a  little  frame  cot- 
tage. The  house  was  "pleasantly  situated,  with  cherry  trees  about 
it,  but  was  of  the  humble  descrijttion  and  contained  in  all  but  three 
small  rooms  and  a  kind  of  a  closet.  It  was  furnished  with  only  the 
necessary  articles  and  a  few  keepsakes,  among  them  presentation 
cojiies  of  the  works  of  Jlrs.  Browning,  to  whom  Poe  had  dedicated  his 
poems,  aTul  from  whom  he  had  received  the  kindest  acknowledg- 
ments." It  is  said  that  he  jirocured  the  means  to  take  the  Fordham 
I'ottage  ami  maintain  existence  there  for  a  time  from  the  proceeds 
of  a  libel  suit,  which  vielded  him  several  hundreds  of  (hdlars. 



With  him  lie  broiij^lit  to  I'ordliain  bis  wife  \'ir<iiiiia — liis  "  Annabel 
Lee" — and  lier  niotlier,  tlie  tender,  devoted  Airs.  <"lciiiiii.  \'irj;iiiia 
Clenun  was  his  eousin,  wlioni  he  had  married  in  her  girlhood.  A 
professional  singer,  she  liad  ruptured  a  blood  vessel  some  four  years 
previously,  and  liad  ever  since  been  in  declining  health.  Even  while 
they  were  living  in  l'hiladeli)hia  she  "  could  not  bear  the  slightest 
exposuie,  and  needed  the  utmost  care;  and  all  those  conveniences 
as  to  ;i](ai-tnients  and  surroumlings  which  are  so  important  in  the 
case  of  an  invalid  were  almost  matters  of  life  and  death  to  her.  And 
yet  the  room  where  she  lay  f(tr  Aveeks  [in  Philadi'ljdiia],  hardly  able 

to  breathe,  except  as  she  was 
fanned,  was  a  little  place  witli 
the  ceiling  so  low  over  the  nar- 
row bed  that  her  head  almost 
touched  it.  But  no  one  dared 
to  speak,  Mr.  Poe  was  so  sen- 
sitive and  irritable.  '  quick  as 
steel  and  flint,'  said  cme  who 
knew  him  in  those  days.  And 
he  would  not  allow  a  word 
about  the  danger  of  her  dying; 
the  mention  of  it  droAe  him 
wild."  At  the  time  of  the  re- 
moval to  I'ordliam  sliewas  but 
a  shadow  of  hei'  formei-  self, 
and  was  plainly  doomed  to  an 
early  death.  A  recent  writer 
in  a  New  York  newspaper  re- 
lates that  in  184(5  he  was  sent 
twice,  as  a  messenger  boy,  to 
the  Fordham  cottage,  to  di'- 
liver  jii-oofs  to  Toe  and  wait  for  the  reading  of  them.  "On  Dotli 
occasions  I  saw  .Mrs.  I'oe,  then  an  invalid.  On  the  first  visit  she 
was  sitting  in  the  sun  on  the  little  ])orch  of  the  cottage,  wrajiped 
in  what  appeared  to  be  a  counterpane,  her  husband  on  on*^ 
side  of  her  and  her  mother  on  the  other.  At  the  ne.xt  visit  shi' 
was  on  a  couch  covered  with  a  man's  overcoat,  for  the  Aveather 
was  chilly  and  the  house  was  cold.  The  recollection  of  her  appear- 
ance is  still  vivid  as  of  a  picture  of  a  saint  seen  long  ago  in  a  receding 
light.  I'robably  in  full  health  she  was  a  beautiful  girl,  but  at  this 
time  whatever  vital  beauty  she  had  was  already  mystic  if  not  spec- 
tral. Iler  face  Avas  thin  and  Avhite,  the  kind  of  pallor  that  Carlyle 
calls  '  the  herald  of  the  pale  repose,'  and  her  large  dark  eyes  were 


GENEUAL    COUNTY    TIlSTdftV    'I'd     1842 


strangely  ami  \v(>ii(lcriMi;l_\  iil)liiisi\c  hy  coiilrasl.  I  rciiiciiibci'  that 
ilicy  affi'clt'd  iiic  wiili  sonicthiu;;  like  u  si'arcliiui;  omnipri'seiicc  wliilc 
i  was  waitiui;.  ...  1  iT'iiiL'iubi'r  that  while  I  was  wailiug  I'oi' 
him,  liis  wife,  who  liad  ppiic  iuto  another  room,  coughed  once  or  twice, 
;iiid  1  saw  him  wince  at  tlii'  sound."  During  his  tirst  year  at  I'^jrd- 
iiam  I'oe  also  was  in  (h  litate  healtii,  and  probably  for  mu(  h  of  thai 
time  he  was  held  in  powerful  bonds  by  his  besetting  sin.  lie  acconi 
plished  littk'  literary  work  of  importance,  and  when  the  winter  (jf 
1847  came  on  the  family  was  in  great  destitution.  "  xMrs.  (<o\e,  hear- 
ing of  this,  visited  the  family,  and  found  tlu^  dying  wife  with  only 
sheets  and  a  coverlet  ou  the  bed,  wrai)])eil  in  licr  liusbaiid's  coat. 
She  appealed  to  JMrs.  Maria  Loni.-'e 
Shaw,  who  immediately  rcdieved 
the  necessities  of  the  family  and 
raised  a  subscription  of  -IfOO."" 
Shortly  afterward  the  plain  facts 
were  published  in  the  >»ew  York 
ne^\s]ia])ers,  and  further  relief  was 
fortlicoming.  The  poor  little  lady 
(lied  (111  the  oOih  of  January, 
1847,  and  was  buried  in  the 
chuitdiyard  of  tlie  old  Fordham 
Dutcii  ("hunli.  There  her  bones 
icslcd  until  1878,  when  they  were 
disinterred  by  ilr.  ^^'illiam  Fear- 
ing (iili,  for  tlir  [Mll'pnsc  nt  dc- 
]insitiiig  lliem  beside  i'oe's  remains 
in  Haltimore. 

The  Fordham  cottage  continued 
to  be  I*oi''s  home  for  the  brief 
remainder  of  liis  life.  Mrs.  ('lemm 
remained      willi     liim.     and     took 

loving  motherly  care  of  him.  His  literary  productions  assignable  to 
the  jieriod  (d'  his  l<'ordham  abode  are  mostly  of  the  hack  vari<'ty, 
allhongh  interspersed  among  them  are  siu  h  gems  as  ■"  .\iinabel  Lee," 
"  The  IJells,"  the  "  Cask  of  Aiuoniillado,"  the  "  Homain  of  Arnheim," 
and  ••  Fandor's  Cottage."  Also  "  l^ureka  "  and  "  Flalume  "  were 
written  at  Fordham.  He  died  at  Baltimore  ou  the  7th  of  October, 
1S4!I,  aged  thirty-eight. 

The  T'ee  Cottage  at  Foidliaiii  is  still  i)rest'rved.  Originally  and 
until  a  c|iiiie  recent  p<ii(Ml  a  |>l(it  of  ground,  containing  ])erhaps  a 
•  inaiter  of  an  acre,  was  attached  to  it.  The  writer  of  this  History 
vividly  recalls  a  visit  made  to  the  sptd   fifteen  years  ago,  when  the 

.JAMES    K.    I'.MI.DIXG. 


iiidimd  was  yet  intact.  Soon  afterward  it  was  announced  in  the  j 
press  that  the  property  had  passed  into  new  hands,  and  would  prob- 
ably be  laid  out  into  city  lots.  Sympathetic  souls  ])rnteste(l,  and  ' 
there  were  practical  endeavors  to  prevent  the  inipendinj;  desecration,  \ 
which  had  no  result.  To-day  several  "  modern  "  houses,  of  a  distinctly  ' 
indiflerent  order  of  architectui'c,  occupy  all  of  the  laud  except  the  \ 
single  lot  where  the  cottaj;('  stands.  \ye  believe  that  the  jiermanent  i 
preservation  of  llie  cottaj^e  has  been  provided  for,  and  thai  it  is  , 
intended  to  remove  it  ulliuiatelj'  to  a  new  city  })ark  in  tiic  neiiih- 
boriiood.  I 
The  late  J.  Tlioiiias  Scharf,  iu  his  History  of  Westchester  ("ounty,  j 
devotes  a  separate  chapter  to  the  literati  ich^ititied  by  birth,  resi-  | 
denee,  or  otherwise  with  our  county.  Amoni;  the  names  which  we  i 
have  not  previously  mentioned,  belonfjing  to  the  first  half  of  the  ' 
nineteenth  century,  are  those  of  William  Lejigett,  the  able  journalist,  « 
a  descendant  of  Gabriel  Le<><.;ett,  of  West  Farms,  and  a  resident  of  ' 
New  Eochelle,  who  died  in  1839  at  the  early  age  of  thirty-seven; 
Samuel  Woodworth.  author  of  the  "  Old  Oaken  Bucket,"  who  lived  I 
at  Westchester;  and  James  K.  Paulding,  the  friend  of  Irving  and  a  ' 
veiw  forcible  and  esteenied  writer,  who  was  of  ^Vestchester  County  * 
extraction  and  received  his  education  in  this  county. 



the  time  of  the  introdiiclidii  of  the  Croloii  watci-  into  New 
Yorlv,  the  sniiimei'  of  1S42,  trains  were  ruuuiug  on  the  New 
York  and  Harlem  Kaiiroad  as  far  as  Williams's  nrid^c. 
It  took  more  than  two  vears  lonyer  to  extend  tlie  mad  to 
White  Plains,  and  it  was  not  until  June,  1847,  that  the  line  was 
opened  to  Croton  Falls  on  the  border  of  Putnam  Tounty.  The  early 
ojieralion  of  this  first  railway  in  Westchesiei-  County  was  naturally 
conducted  in  very  imperfect  fashion,  hut  its  completion  thrnui;li  tlie 
whole  extent  of  the  county  was  an  event  of  sjreat  importance,  not 
only  to  the  people  residin<i-  alonii'  the  route,  but  to  those  of  all  other 
sections,' stage  communication  willi  ilie  \afious  statiotis  heinu'  imme- 
diately established  from  villaiics  east  and  west  as  the  work  ]iro- 

Before  the  const  ruction  of  this  ceiili-al  route  liad  iteeii  tinislied,  liie 
two  other  ))rinci])al  railways  that  now  jiass  tiiroujih  Westchester 
Cotinty  had  been  chartered  and  [lut  on  a  basis  assuring  their  early 

The  New  York  and  Albany  divisi(Ui  of  what  is  now  the  Ni'W  York 
Central  and  Hudson  IJiver  Uailroad  was  originally  called  the  New 
York  and  Hudson  River  Railroad.  In  the  early  years  of  the  New 
York  and  Harlem  entei'prise  the  idea  of  another  line  fcdhiwing  the 
river  shore  had  been  scouted  as  both  chiuuMical  aiul  inexpedient.  In 
a  sober  ofiicial  report  it  was  declare(l  tliai  tin-  cliief  value  of  a  river 
route  would  be  its  ''novelty,"  whereas  the  already  chartered  road 
"leading  from  the  City  of  New  York  through  the  heart  of  West- 
chester County,  at  nearly  e(|ua]  distances  from  the  waters  <if  tlie 
Hudson  on  the  one  hand  and  of  the  East  River  and  Long  Island  Sound 
on  the  other,  and  extending  from  iheiu'e  through  the  ui)iier  valley 
of  the  Croton  liiver  near  to  ihe  eastern  border  of  the  State,"  was 
the  oidy  satisfactory  project  for  bringing  tlie  whole  country  as  far 
as  Albany  into  communication  with  the  coiunu'rcial  metroi)olis.  It 
Avas  also  argued  that  the  same  central  rouie  would  serve  the  ])urposp 
of  railwa\-   intercourse   with    New   ICnuland.  a    load    fmm    P.osinn   to 


Albiiiiy  liavini;-  iii'c\i(iusl\  hrcn  Imilt,  w  liicli,  by  the  way,  was  a 
grii'Vous  thorn  in  the  s^idc  of  New  York,  as  tliat  tlioi-du^lifaic  had 
operated  to  divert  a  heavy  volume  of  tlie  Erie  ("aual  coimiierce  to 
Boston,  ("apitalists  were  slow  to  formulate  new  plans  of  lailway 
development  centering  in  Kew  York;  hut  durinj''  the  first  half  of  tlu- 
decade  lS4(l-.")0  botli  the  Tliidsou  IJiver  aud  I  lie  New  York  and  New 
Haven  undertakiuns  hei^an  to  take  sliape. 

The  New  York  and  Hudson  River  road  was  (diartciid  liy  iIh  legis- 
lature in  May,  1S40,  and  the  com|)any  was  soon  after  oruanized,  ^Ir. 
Jolm  I?.  .Tervis,  tlu'  engineer  of  tlie  Croton  Aiiueduct,  Iteing  em 
ployed  as  chief  engineer.  Work  was  bejiun  towai-d  tlie  middle  of 
1847,  the  entire  line  beiiiL;  ]daced  under  contract  by  sections,  and  tlie 
work  was  prosecuted  so  dilincutly  that  by  the  2f)tli  of  Seiiteud)er, 
1849,  passenjicr  travel  was  commenced  between  New  Yoi-k  and  Peek- 
skill.  "The  averaiic  numbci-  of  ])ass(Mi^ei-s  per  day  for  the  tii-st 
month  tOctober)  was  830,  and  the  total  number  ^U^Oo.  ...  At 
this  time  it  was  calculated  that  tlie  land  taken  for  the  madway  in 
Westchester  County  had  cost  tlie  conqiany,  exclusive  of  agencies  and 
other  charges,  $185,1)05.02,  and  also  that  the  grading  had  involved 
an  ex])enditure  of  not  fai'  from  a  million  dollars,  which  was  about 
1300,000  above  flie  cost  as  estimateil  by  the  original  let  tings  in 

It  was  a  single  track  road,  witli  "tunioMts"  wlierc  iiefdcil.  Tliis  at  oiicf  caused  tlic  New 
York  and  Allianv  stages  to  l)e  witlidrawn,  and  it  also  competed  with  the  steamboats.  The 
following  .advertisement  was  published  in  the  Xew  York  Herald :  "  Passenger  trains  will 
commence  to  rnn  between  Xew  York  and  Peekskill  on  Saturday,  the  29th  instant  (September, 
1849),  stopping  at  the  following  places  and  at  the  rate  of  fare  respectively  stated,  viz.: 
Manhattanville,  twelve  and  one-half  cents  ;  Yonkers,  twenty-five  cents,  etc.  Omnibuses  will 
be  provided  at  the  junction  of  Chambers  Street  and  Hudson  Street  to  convey  passengers  who 
furnish  themselves  with  tickets  at  the,  at  Thirty-first  Street,  until  tlie  rails  are 
laid  to  that  point.  Trains  will  start  at  S  a.m.,  12  noon,  and  4  p.m.  N.  13. — Stockholders 
during  the  present  week  free  of  charge."  - 

Originally  the  Hudson  Ifiver  road  followed  the  straight  line  to  the 
foot  of  ^Yest  Thirty-hrst  Street. 

The  Xew  York  and  New  Haven  Kailroad  (now  tiie  New  \'oik.  New 
Haven,  and  Hartford)  was  in  full  operation  nine  months  before  tlu- 
opening  of  the  Hudson  ilixcr  routi  to  Peekskill.  This  road  was  liuilt 
downward  from  New  liaxcn  through  the  Towns  of  Kye.  Hairisou. 
^ramaroneck,  New  Kixdudle,  Pelliam,  and  Easlchester.  to  its  junction 
AA'ith  the  Ne^^■  York  and  Harlem  at  Washingtonvillc,  a  distance  in 
our  county  of  13.0  miles.  The  first  through  train  from  New  York  to 
NeAA'  Haven,  bearing  a  ]>arty  of  stockholders,  was  run  on  rhi'islnias 

Ucv.    W.   S.   Coffp.v,    in    SclKirfs  Ilistor.v.    1..   480.  =  Allison's    Hist,    .if;cis.    Ifin. 

FROM   1842   TO    I'.KIO  575 

Day,  1S4S,  and  ilic  next  dav  tlic  niad  was  oiicii^'d  for  Imsiiirss.  "  Ii 
Mas  al  first  a  siiijilc  ti-ick  road.  .  .  .  'I'lic  mum  roiis  curves  on 
tlic  i-oad  were  cansi-d  by  the  I'cstrictcd  linancial  ((indilioii,  niakinii' 
il  ncccssaiy,  as  far  as  jiossihic,  to  axoid  cnltinjis  anil  rniljanlvincnls. 
The  desire  had  bei^n  to  build  the  i-oad  in  a  snbsianlial  and  |iernianenl 
nianuer,  but  it  Mas  found  ditticiilt  to  eoniph'te  it  in  an\  shape. 
It  is  a  curious  fact  tliat  when  tlic  trains  fii-st  connnenced  to  run 
till'  passengers  Mere  booked  as  in  the  old  slaii<'-coa(di  times,  their 
ua UK'S  beiuy  duly  rejiorted  by  the  conductors  to  the  coin])any.'" 

Thus  by  tlie  dawn  of  the  second  half  of  the  nineteenth  century 
tlie  tliree  ureat  railway  roiites  which  traverse  W'esicjiesier  County 
had  been  coin]deted  and  ]iut  in  successful  ojieratimi.  The  other  two 
railways  now  e.xistiuii — the  Harlem  Hivei-  Hranch  of  the  New  York, 
New  ila\'en,  and  Hartford,  and  the  New  \'ork  ami  rutnani  weri'  nol 
built  until  many  years  later.  The  foi-nier.  at  tirst  called  the  Harlem 
iiiverand  I'oit  Chester  Kailroad,  runninj;  on  its  own  line  from  .Morris- 
ania  to  New  lloclielle,  and  thence  over  the  New  Haven  track  to  I'orl 
('hester,  was  undertaken  in  1ST2.  and  was  frcuu  the  be^inninii  leased 
by  the  New  ^'ork,  New  Haven,  and  Hartford  ( 'om])aiiy.  The  ])i-esent 
New  York  and  Putnam  IJailroad  al  its  incejttion  (1S71)  was  ilesi<;iied 
to  run  fr(Uii  Hiiili  Ki'idi;'e  to  Brewsters,  and  theic  connect  with  the 
so-called  New  York  and  Boston.  This  i-oad  was  not  tinished  until 
ISSl.  It  was  long"  styled  the  New  York  and  Ndrthern.  Its  comidete 
de\'elo]iment  was  effected  by  the  extension  of  the  line  from  Hi.i;h 
Itridjic  to  the  terminus  of  the  Elevated  Railway  at  One  llumlred  and 
I'Mfty-lifth  Street,  and  by  the  buildiuii' <d'  the  branch  fiom  Van  Coil- 
laudt  Station  to  Yonkers.  In  common  with  the  New  York  and  Har- 
lem, the  New  York  and  Putnam  is  now  incorporated  in  the  New- 
York  Cential  and  Hudson  IJiver  system,  with  which  also  the  New 
York,  New  Haven,  and  Hartford  is  cl(»s(dy  adiliated;  so  that  all  the 
steam  railways  of  Westchester  County  are  substantially  under  one 

Aside  from  the  buildinji  of  the  railways,  there  were  not  many  events 
of  local  impoitance  in  Westchester  County  from  the  comidetion  td 
the('l'(Jton  .\(|Ueduct    UTltil   IS.IIt. 

Two  new  townshi])s  were  erected — Ossinini;  (lS4r>i  and  West  l-'arnis 
(1S4(')I,  and  the  territorial  dimensions  of  four  others  were  somewhat 
chanjicd  by  the  anm-xation  of  a  poi'tion  of  North  Salem  to  Lew  isboro 
iu  1S44,  an<i  of  a  ])ertion  of  Soniers  to  New  Castle  in  184(J. 

I'rom  1SI(»  until  1S4."(  .Mount  Pleasant,  embracinu-  the  \illai;e  of 
Sin<4  Sini;,  had  been  the  most  poimlotis  townshi]i  of  the  county.  The 
federal  enumeration  of  l^W  t;ave  it  a  jtoimlation  of  7,.'?<>7.  Ii  was  also 
one  (d'  the  larucsi   townships  in  area,  and  chietly  on  this  ac<onnt  its 



division  was  (k-tcniiiiKMl  upon.  ]i_v  a  legislative  act  ])as!sc<l  May  2, 
1X45,  the  pivsent  Township  of  Ossining  was  ert-ctetl  from  it.  "The 
lueauiu!;-  of  the  term  '  Ossinini'  '  and  its  derivation,"  says  Dr.  Fisher, 
"  were  given  by  IMr.  Henry  M.  Schoolcraft  in  1844,  at  the  reijuest  uf 
Oeueral  Aaron  Ward,  member  of  congress  from  this  district  at  the 
time.  We  are  told  that  the  word  ossiii,  in  the  Ohippeway  language, 
signifies  '  a  stone  *;  that  ossiiiee  or  ossiiiccii  is  the  plural  for  '  stones.' 
This  etymology  was  accepted,  and  in  May,  1845,  when  our  town  was 
taken  from  Mount  Pleasant,  it  n-ceived  the  name  of  '  Ossin-sing.' 

In  Maich,  lS4(i,  it  was 
changed  (by  dropping  the 
third  s^)  and  made  to  read 
•  ( fssin-ing,'  and  still  later 
the  liyidien  was  omitted."  ' 
Including  in  its  limits  Sing 
Sing  Village,  Ossining  natu- 
rally took  a  |ii-oiiiiufnt  jilace 
among  the  towns  of  tlic 
county  from  the  start. 

The  Town  of  West  Farms 
Avas  carved  out  of  West- 
chester by  a  law  jiasscil 
:\lny  Kx  ISlC).  The  new 
tcjwnshiji  coniiireliended  all 
of  the  ancient  ])atents  of 
West  Farms,  Morrisania 
Manor,  and  1'  o  r  d  h  a  m 
^lanor,  Westchester  Town 
retaining  only  the  territory 
east  of  the  I'l-onx  IJiver. 
The  three  component  ]tarts 
of  W^est  Farms  Townshi]), 
being  much  more  accessible  to  New  York  City  than  Westchester 
prt)per,  had  increased  far  inoi-e  rajiidly  in  population,  and  as  they 
were  separated  from  the  ]iareiit  town  by  a  broad  line  of  natural 
division,  the  Bronx  Kiver,  it  was  esteemed  very  proper  to  organize 
them  into  a  distinct  political  unit.  West  Inarms  Village,  as  has  be<ni 
noticed  in  the  previous  chai)ter,  had  become  a  locality  of  some  manu- 
facturing importance,  on  accoimt  of  tlu  utilization  of  the  water  of 
the  Bronx  Kiver  to  turn  mill  A\beels.  Mr.  John  Topcutt  and  Mr. 
Alexander  Smith,  nn-n  who  became  conspicuous  in  founding  the 
manufacturing  industries  of  Yonkers,  originally  had   tlu'ir  mills  at 


Scharf.    ii.,   322. 

FItO.M     1S42    TO    1!)()() 


West  I';u'iiis.  In  view  ol'  I  lie  riipid  ni-owtli  wliicli  llir  'I'ow  iisliip  nl" 
West  Farms  ('.Kiirricnccd  after  the  opciiim;  of  ilic  ll;iilcin  Railroad, 
it  was  found  advisable  iu  IS.")")  to  subdivide  it  and  set  apart  .Morris- 
auia  as  a  separate  town. 

In  184(i  a  final  radical  revision  was  elTcci  cd  in  the  State  const  lint  ion 
of  New  York.  Judj;('s,  district  attorneys,  and  oilier  ollicers  formerly 
ajipointive  w(-re  made  elective.  Tlie  first  county  jiidjic  elected  in 
Wcstclicster  County  was  John  W.  Mills,  of  White  I'lains  (1851-5(5); 
the  first  surio-ate,  Lewis  (\  Piatt,  of  White  I'lains  |lS4S-r)(!|;  the  first 
district  attorney,  William  W.  Scruiiham,'  of  ^'onUel•s  |184S-51j;  the 
liist   county  treasurer,  Elisha  Horton,  of  \\iiite  IMains  (1849-52). 

At  the  State  census  of  1845 — the  last  enunu'ration  taken  liefore 
the  railways  came  into  operation — \\'estchesrer  County  had  47,:?I>4 
inhabitants,  some  1,300  fewer  than  the  niniibcr  a\vard<Ml  the  county 
by  the  federal  census  of  1840.  The  greater  population  of  1840  was 
])robably  due  to  the  iiicinsion  in  the  census  at  that  time  of  the  numer- 
ous workmen  employed  on  the  Crotou  Aqueduct.  As  classified  by 
occu])atio)is  in  184.").  the  adult  males  of  the  county  included  4, '?(!!( 
farmei-s  and  ajiriculturists,  3(>4  manufacturers,  275  mei'chants,  101 
clernynu'u,  Ii2  physicians  and  surgeons,  and  42  lawyers.  There  were 
in  that  year  142  common  sclnxds  and  Ct[)  select  schools. 

With  the  completion  of  the  raih\ays  a  <;Teat  chanj;e  at  once  trans- 
l)ired  in  local  conditions  in  Westchester  County.  In  the  ten  years 
from  1845  to  1N55  the  ])o]iulation  rose  from  47,."?itl  to  80,(")78 — a  ,i;;iin  of 
more  than  08  per  cent.  The  following  table  shows  the  population  by 
toAvns  in  1845  and  1855,  with  the  valuation  of  real  estate  and  per- 
sonal propert\  iu  1858: 













*  PERSONA  I,, 





Harrison ...            










Morrisania  ' 

Mount  Pleasant 

.  '. . . . .           2,778 






New  Roebelle 

North  Castle 

'  I'lipniiitlou  for  1845  in  Wrsti-ln-st 


. .      .              2,010 

cr;    fur  is.-).")  in  West 


'  Mr.  Srnigliam  also  had  Ihc  limiDr  i>f  lii'lnti: 
tlic  first  ciUzcn  (if  Wfstfhi'stLT  ronnty  cli-ctcd 
tu  thi'  dllici'  u£  Justice  of  the  Suineine  Court  of 

the  State.     He  was  chosen   to   that    position   In 
ISSfl.    and    conilniieil    In    It    niilll    his    death    In 




North  Salem  . 
Ossining  .... 


Pomidridge. .  . 


Scarsclale  .  ,  .  . 
Soiiiers .  .  .  . 
Westchester.  . 
West  Farms  ' 
White  Plains . 


Yorktown.  .  .  , 

Total . 

roruLATiox,     roruL.\TiON,    kk 
1845  185o  4 










































Populatiou  for  1S45  inolinU'il  iuWcstc' 

Diii'inji'  tlu'  ten  years  the  total  ]M)i)ulati(iii  increased  32,2S4,  of  wliicU 
iuerease  22,4(51  was  in  the  Towns  of  West  Farms  i  iii(lii(liii;ii  Wesl- 
Chester),  Youkers,  Eastchester,  aud  (ireenburuh — that  is,  in  the 
localities  broiiiiht  within  a  comparatively  short  and  inexpensive  rail- 
way ride  of  New  York.  In  former  times,  before  railways  existed,  the 
local  gains  in  population  had  invariably  been  without  special  refer- 
ence to  nearness  to  NeAV  York.  A  journey  to  the  business  sections 
of  the  city,  even  from  Morrisania  or  Fordhanl,  then  involved  a  ride  by 
carriage  or  stage  of  protracted  duration;  and  thus  foi"  persons  having 
daily  business  in  New  York,  regular  residence  in  any  section  of  West- 
(diester  County  was  out  of  the  question.  Indeed,  the  tendency  had 
steadily  been  toward  a  much  larger  growth  in  su(di  remote  towns 
as  Sing  Sing  aud  Peekskill  than  in  ilie  nearby  communities.  Now, 
liowever,  There  was  a  reversal  of  this  ancient  order  of  things,  aud 
although  Sing  Sing  and  Teid^skill,  as  widl  as  New  Kochelle,  Kye,  and 
all  other  places  througli  wliicli  tlie  lailway  lines  passed,  made 
respectable  advances.  t!ie  ])rin(ipal  gains  were  in  the  section  from 
which  New  York  could  be  reached  in  the  briefest  time  and  at  the 
miniiinim  of  expense,  indicating  the  immigration  of  a  large  class  of 
former  New  York  residents.  This  fact  is  (juite  as  strikingly  evidenced 
by  the  nearly  stationary  condition  of  the  excltisively  agricultural 
townships  of  the  northern  portions  of  the  county — such  as  Lewis 
boro.  North  rastl(%  North  Salem.  Potindridge,  Somers,  and  York- 
town.  I'oundridge,  not  (utered  by  any  railway  lin<',  actually  lost 
some  300  people  in  the  ten  ,\ears. 

Anuingst  the  significant   local    results   thus  brought  to  pass,  the 
most  interesting  and  important,  whether  considered  in  its  original 

VKou    184:i   TO    I'JUU  579 

jis])('cfs  (11-  ill  rcliitioii  to  its  later  ilcvelopinciils,  was  uiKiucslioiiahlv 
the  touiidatiipii  of  ilic  N'illaiic — now  the  |ii-<)siK'rou.s  and  liaiKlsuinc 
City — of  iMoTinl  NCiiion.  Inlikc  any  other  considerable  coniinnuit  y 
of  Westchester  Couuiy.  .Mount  N'ernon  owes  its  very  existence  to 
I  he  railroad.  ^■ollkers,  Tarrytowu,  Sin<4-  Sinii,  I'eekskill.  New 
Kochelle,  .Mainaroueok,  Hye,  and  Port  Chester,  with  White  Plains, 
Bedford,  and  various  other  villai^cs  scattered  throniih  the  central 
and  northern  parts  of  the  couuty,  existed  before  the  period  of  rail- 
ways, and  doubtless  would  have  eujoyed  respectable  «>rowth  if  ii<> 
railway  had  ever  been  built.  Rut  Jlount  Vernon  had  no  such  prior 
existence.  In  1850  there  was  not  even  au  elementary  settlement  on 
the  site  of  the  present  city.  Its  very  name  belongs  as  strictly  to  the 
latter  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  as  does  the  name  of  Irvington. 
Larclimont,  or  any  other  hamlet  exclusively  conceived  and  erected, 
within  the  memory  of  men  still  living,  on  the  foundations  of  extem- 
])orized  enterprise. 

Although  the  Township  of  Eastchester,  at  least  at  its  southern  ex- 
tremity, Avas  one  of  the  earliest  settled  localities  of  the  county,  no 
village  of  any  noticeable  pretensions  or  expectations  had  been  estab- 
lished within  its  limits  until  Mount  Vernon  sjirang  into  being.     The 
hamlet  of  Eastchester,  at  the  head  of  sloop  navigation  where  Hutch- 
inson's Kiver  or  Eastchester  Creek   eini)ties   into   Eastchester    Uay. 
has  associations  as  an  organized  communily  scarcely  less  venerable 
I  hail  those  of  ^^'(^stchester  N'illage.     In  1S.")()  some  ti\-e  hundred  jieople 
were  living  there  and  in  that  vicinity.     The  total  jiopuiation  of  the 
I      township  in  the  same  year  was  1,7(!9.     There  was  also  a  settlenienr 
ji     of  some  size  at  Tuckahoe,  resulting  from  the  opening  of  marble  (|uar- 
j;     ries  there  about  1823.  and  Tuckahoe  was  consequently  one  of  the 
I    original  stations  of  the  Harlem  Railroad. 

I'  111  IS.'it)  there  was  organized  in  New  York  City  au  association  called 
I  the  "New  York  Industrial  Home  Association  No.  1,"' eomiinsed  mostly 
j  of  tradesmen,  eiii])lo\ees,  and  other  p<'rsoiis  of  small  means.  Its  an- 
nounced object  was  to  see  what  could  be  done  by  co-operative  action 
toward  securing  homes  for  its  inemlx'rs  where  they  could  be  relie\ed 
from  the  exorbitant  rentals  then  exacted  by  landlords  in  the  city; 
to  which  end  it  was  jirojiosed  to  jmrchase  land  and  build  a  village 
within  coiivi'iiieiit  distance  of  New  York.  One  of  the  fundamental 
conditions  on  which  the  association  was  liased  was  that  a  iliousan<l 
members  should  be  secured,  and  this  object  was  accoin]ilished  in  six 
nieiiihs"  time.  N'arieus  men  of  influence  in  the  city  lent  their  hearty 
support  to  the  ]iroject — among  them  Horace  (Jreeley,  the  editor  of 
the  Trihinic.  The  most  active  man  in  the  enterprise  was  Mr.  John 
Stevens,  who  Avas  appointed  purchasing  agent. 

580  niSTOUY  OF  westchester  county 

It  is  sjiiil  lliiit  tlic  sclectiou  of  tlK^  site  lor  the  dcsiri'd  villajit*  was 
deteiniiiicd  bv  a  su.n<>esti<)n  from  fTOUvernexir  Morris  (sou  of  the  statos- 
inau  of  the  same  iiamel,  who,  oommeiitin<i  on  the  exteusive  i^rowth 
attained  by  Morrisauia,  observed  that  the  next  large  settlement 
should  naturally  be  at  a  point  near  the  intersection  of  the  New  York 
and  Harlem  and  the  New  York  and  New  Haven  Railroads.  Some 
one  liundred  farms  in  different  parts  of  Westchester  County  were 
offered  to  the  association,  but  the  location  pointed  out  by  Mr.  Morris 
Avas  chosen  by  unanimous  ajireemeut.  The  laud  bou<;ht  consisted  of 
five  farms,  owu<'d  by  Colonel  John  K.  Hayward,  Sylvanus  Purdy, 
Andrew  I'urdy,  and  his  two  sons,  John  and  Ancli-ew  Oscar  I'ui'dy — 
the  aggrefiate  area  of  the  purchase  being  about  three  hundred  and 
seventy  acres.  The  first  check  in  jtayment  for  tlie  land,  f3,400,  Avas 
dated  November  1,  ISHO.  Among  the  names  originally  [)roposed  for 
the  place  were  Columbia,  I*'leet  wood,  Kising  Sun,  Stevensville,  Jeffer- 
sou.  Thousaudville,  Palestine,  New  ^Vashiugton,  Mouticello.  \Vash- 
ington,  Pafayette,  Little  New  York,  Linden,  (Hive  Pianch,  New  Am- 
sterdam, Enterprise,  Ilomesville,  Industria,  Y'oungfield,  and  Indus- 
try.' The  nauK-  of  Monticello  was  selected,  but,  as  there  was  already 
a  Montictdio  in  the  State  of  New  York,  this  was  soon  (dianged  to 
Monticello  City.  The  jtostal  authorities  were  slill  dissatisfied,  how- 
ever, and  on  the  10th  of  January,  1851,  the  present  name  of  Blount 
^'ernon  was  adopted.  On  the  12th  of  November,  1850,  the  site  was 
visited  by  a  large  number  of  members  of  the  association  and  prac- 
tically dedicati^l  to  the  uses  of  the  new  village,  Mr.  Greeley  uuiking 
an  address  in  which  he  s])oke  in  complimentary  terms  of  the  wisdom 
displayed  in  tlie  choice  nf  locality  and  predicted  rapid  growth  for 
the  community  about  to  be  established. 

In  the  spring  of  1851  the  village  was  laid  out  into  streets  and  ave- 
nues, various  contracts  for  grading  were  effected,  and  the  distribution 
of  the  one  thousand  quarter-acre  lots  among  the  members  was  made. 
-V  de])ot  was  erc^-tc^d  at  the  exi)ense  of  the  association,  and  j)resented 
to  the  New  Haven  ilaihoad  Company.  In  October  there  was  a 
jubilee  in  celebration  of  the  rapid  progress  attained  in  the  space  of 
a  single  year.  On  the  12th  of  December  the  ])resident  of  the  asso- 
ciation, ]Mr.  Stevens,  reported  that  fifty-six  houses  had  either  been 
comjileted  or  were  in  various  stages  of  construction,  and  this  num- 
ber had  on  the  tilli  of  August,  1852,  been  increased  to  three  hundred. 
"  One  of  the  causes  of  this  i-ajdd  ])rogress  was  the  reversionary  clause 
in  the  deeds  given,  whicli  required  the  erection  within  three  years 
or  a  forfeiture  of  tlie  land.     This  ])rovisiou  in  the  deed  umloubtedlv 

'  Smilli's  Maniiiil  of  Wcsli-lii-stcr  Cduilty.   216. 

FROM    1S42    TO    lOUO  681 

was  uot  lt'<;ally  biiidinu,  hut  cITrctcd  tlic  i»iiriMisc  for  wliicli  flic  mom- 
hers  of  the  association  fi-ccly  placed  llicinscJvcs  luidcr  its  seeming- 
risks.  The  lots  not  improved,  as  so  required,  were,  however,  in  a 
few  years  relieved  from  this  incumbrance  by  ndeases  freely  jiiveii."  ' 

By  the  fall  of  1S53  the  settlement  of  the  place  had  been  so  satis- 
factorily accomplished,  and  its  preparation  in  oilier  respects  for  or- 
ganized fiovernmeut  so  far  advanced,  that  its  i(e(i])le  were  ready  to 
consider  the  question  of  its  incorporation  as  a  viJlap'.  This  jjhin 
was  agreed  to  by  a  majority  vote  in  December.  The  lirst  election  for 
village  officers  was  held  on  the  7th  of  March,  IS'ii,  when  Stei)hen 
Rogart,  John  I>.  lirennan,  Joseph  S.  (iregory,  M.l).,  Thomas  Jones, 
and  William  Saxton  were  chosen  trustees.  i>r.  (iregory  was  the 
first  president  of  the  villag(\  but  resigned  sooii  after  his  election  and 
was  succeeded  by  Thomas  Jones.  A  census  taken  at  the  time  of  in- 
corporation gave  the  place  1,370  inhabitants,  of  \\  Jioni  .'((U  were  pai- 
eiits,  (i23  children,  and  the  remainder  unmarried  adults  and  ajqiren- 

The  original  settlement  of  .Mount  Vernon  was  where  the  i)rincii)al 
business  jKUtinn  of  the  city  now  is,  on  the  line  of  the  New  Haven 
Kailroad,  and  mainly  on  the  southern  side  of  that  line,  although  a 
few  houses  were  built  at  an  early  period  to  the  northward  of  the 
railway.  Contem])oraneously,  however,  with  the  foiindalion  of  the 
\illage  ou  the  New  Haven  road,  another  village  on  the  ilarlem  road 
was  inaugurated,  called  ^\■est  Mount  Vernou.  This  also  was  begun 
under  the  auspices  of  an  association  organized  on  pi'inciples  of  econ- 
omy— the  Teutonic  Homestead  Association,  composed,  as  its  name 
iiulicates,  mostly  of  (Jermans.  The  number  of  the  Tentoinc  asso- 
cialors  was  five  hundred,  ami  the  land  whicli  iliey  bougiit  cnusisted 
of  about  one  hundred  and  thirty-one  acres.  Subseciuently  a  third 
settlement,  Central  Mount  Vernon,  was  built  u^)  between  liie  twn 
villages.  Central  and  West  Mount  \'ernon  were  incorporated  as  one 
village  in  lS(i!l,  and  were  consolidated  with  .M(Uint  X'ernoii  in  1S7S. 
Various  other  outlying  localities  gradually  came  into  being.  After 
a  career  of  about  thirty-nine  j'ears  as  a  village,  Jlount  Vernon  became 
a  city  in  1892,  taking  in,  of  course,  all  these  connecte<l  districts. 

The  fundamental  object  of  the  founders  of  Mount  Vernon,  to  es- 
tablish a  community  of  homes,  is  jterpetuated  by  the  motto  of  the 
otlicial  seal  of  tlu'  city,  /  r/<.v  .hicini(liiriuii  nuiiiiinii  —  "A  City  of 
Happy  Homes."  Itui  after  serving  its  original  p\ir]»oses  the  asso- 
ciation gradually  underwent  disorganization,  and  the  ultimate  de- 
velopment   of   the   jdace   was   tlie  result   of  ])rivale  eiiieiprise,   con- 

lliv.    W.   S.   Cipniy,    in  Siliarfs   Hislcny,    11., 


ducted  under  the  ordinary  conditions  of  local  proijrpss.  On  the  other 
hand,  it  is  undeniable  that  the  ijeculiar  character  fjiven  the  com- 
munity at  the  be<;inning  operated  continuously  to  attract  to  it,  in 
the  succeeding-  years,  citizens  of  the  same  general  spirit,  alms,  and 
conditions  of  life  as  the  original  associators — men  chieHy  of  moderate 
means,  but  of  providence,  thrift,  foresight,  and  energetic  traits.  For 
many  years  few  men  of  large  wealth,  either  inherited  t)r  self-accjuired, 
came  to  live  in  Mount  \'ernon;  but  it  could  not  be  otherwise  than 
that  substantial  and  even  opulent  fortunes  should  in  the  course  of 
time  be  gained  by  numerous  citizens  of  a  community  erected  on 
such  a  basis  as  that  of  Mount  Vernon.  Thus  from  a  settlement  of 
humble  home-seekers  it  steadily  grew  into  a  tloui-ishing  subni'b,  with 
a  population  representing  all  degrees  of  individual  prosjierity. 

Yonkers,  when  last  noticed,  had  just  acquired  the  essentials  of 
serious  development  by  the  i)artition  of  the  Wells  estate,  which  oc- 
curred soon  after  the  death  of  Lemuel  Wells  in  IS4L'.  The  village 
was  not  incorporated,  however,  until  1855.  During  the  thirteen  years 
there  was  a  steady  improvement  of  the  natural  mannfacturing  facili- 
ties afforded  by  the  power  of  the  Nepperhan  Kiver,  and  with  the 
opening  of  the  Hudson  Kiver  Railroad  in  1849  the  population  began 
to  receive  large  and  \aluable  accessions  from  New  York  (Mty.  Some 
considerable  local  im])rovements  were  introdm-ed.  New  streets  wei'e 
opened,  a  tire  company,  gaslight  company,  and  library  association 
were  organized,  and  new  (diurches  and  schocds  were  built.  In  1851 
Mr.  Kobert  P.  Getty  erected  the  <!etty  House  at  a  cost  of  between 
140,000  and  .f50,000,  and  other  i)ublic-spirited  citizens  were  active 
in  jiromoting  the  general  good.  Meantime  several  m^w  settlements 
were  founded  in  the  Townshij)  of  Yonkers.  In  1852  Elias  Johnson, 
David  B.  Fox,  and  Josei)h  B.  Fuller,  of  Troy,  N.  Y.,  purchased  land 
near  Spuyten  Duyvil  inl(4  and  had  surveys  and  jdans  made  for  a 
village,  which  it  Avas  at  first  intended  should  be  called  Fort  Inde- 
pendence, but  received  the  name  of  Spuyten  Duyvil.  Riverdale  was 
laid  out  in  1853.  To  this  jieriod  also  belongs  the  erection  of  Edwin 
Forrest's  famous  home,  whiih  in  185t>  was  purchased  by  the  sisters 
of  Saint  ^'incent  de  Paul  and  took  the  name  of  Mount  Saint  Vincent. 
According  to  Allison,  there  were  in  1852  537  buildings  in  the  Towu 
of  Yonkei'S,  "not  in(luding  those  in  the  southern  ])ortion  subse- 
quently set  off." 

The  A'illage  of  Yonkers  was  incorp(U'ated  by  an  act  of  the  legis- 
lature, April  12,  1855.  "  It  extended  one  mile  and  seven-tenths  along 
the  ITudson  Kiver.  Its  average  breadth  was  eight-tenths  of  a  mile. 
Edward  F.  Shonnard's  farm  was  on  the  north  and  Thomas  W.  Lud- 
low's on  the  south.     The  area  of  the  incorporated  village  was  about 

>^    i"  I'll'l^       Mil  I  /^^^H<^^^^^>»>''%'-t-"^  s»ow,NcMwoBR^UA.^.NOT^.tVo^NLRP^RTotS^wMu^. 

W  J     S"'    S^  rilr..      ^'^    W^^S^^^^^iff'  R<lH««l'H*uBuil.DINCSHN0OT«tRlMI'SOVlulNTS    «■, 

t^iUKJ      !"*3'7  I'lf^^Ti^if  t>»l'<STO0D  mTvltSoMMlROF  ^8'^f  IMMtolMHI  6(HJ« 


!'■       ''1 

_SS2 lif age Xb" 

YONKERS    MAP,    1847. 


nine  hundred  acres.""  1'lii'  ii()])uhitii>n  of  the  whole  townshi])  ;ir  lhi« 
time  was  7,554.  I'ive  hiiiidred  and  four  votes  were  cast  at  the  lirst 
viUage  election,  the  ofticers  chosen  beinj; :  President,  William  Kad- 
ford;  Trustees,  William  ('.  Warinjj-,  Jacob  Read,  Ix^niuel  W.  Wells. 
Thomas  ().  I'arrinjiton,  Keuben  \N'.  \'an  Pelt,  and  Fiiddiniii  S.  (iant; 
("lerk,  William  11.  Post;  Treasurer,  John  M.  Stillwater;  Collector, 
Lyman  F.  Bradley. 

The  settlement  of  Mount  Vernon  uii(]uestionably  operated  ma- 
terially to  intercept  the  natural  .growth  of  New  liocdielle  after  the 
openinj;  of  the  New  Haven  Kailroad.  As  the  first  important  stopping 
place  on  that  road  above  Fordham,  and  as  a  long  established,  beauti- 
fully located,  and  eminently  substantial  community.  N<'w  Kochelie 
would  naturally  have  drawn  to  itself  a  very  considerable  element 
of  the  large  numbers  of  New  York  people  who  sought  homes  in 
Westchester  Tounty  after  the  completion  of  the  railways,  had  it  not 
been  for  the  organization  of  the  new  village,  which  offered  superior 
advantages  to  most  persons  of  that  class.  Thus  the  immediate  prog- 
ress of  New  Rochelle  was  effectually  retarded.  The  growth  of  the 
township  in  the  ten  years  from  1S45  to  1S55  did  not  comiiare  with 
that  of  West  Farms,  p]astcbester,  Vonkers,  or  Greenburgh,  being  only 
1,024.  TJK'  population  of  the  township  in  1S30  was  1,274;  in  1835, 
],2(il;  in  1840,  1,81(1;  in  1845,  1,077;  in  18.50,  2,.548;  in  1855,  ;5,101. 

Nevertheless,  the  village  had  long  ]iossessed  every  requirement  for 
oi'ganized  government.  .V  town  hall  had  been  built  as  early  as  1828, 
witli  money  be(iueathed  for  that  purpose  by  a  public-spirited  citizen, 
William  Henderson.  In  1854  a  cemetery,  known  as  the  Heechwood 
('emet<  ry,  was  located  in  New  Kochelie  by  authority  granted  by  the 
board  of  supervisors.  The  community  was  inhabited  by  many  peo- 
ple of  substance  and  progressiveuess.  A  village  charter  was  accord- 
ingly ajtitlied  for,  which  was  conferred  by  the  legislature  on  the 
5th  of  ( )ctober,  1857.  The  first  meeting  of  the  otticers  of  New  Rochelle 
^'illage  was  held  January  21,  1858,  when  Albert  Smith  was  elected 
president  of  the  board  of  trustees.  The  original  charter  of  New 
Iiochelle  continued  in  effect  until  April  20,  18(i4,  when  a  new  charter 
was  obtained  from  the  legislature.  The  village,  from  its  organiza- 
tion in  1858,  endured  until  1890,  when  the  present  CMty  of  New 
Rochelle  was  instituted. 

It  is  noteworthy  that  the  three  cities  of  Westchester  County — 
Yonkers,  Mount  Vernon,  and  New  Rochelle — all  had  theii'  birth  as 
incorporated  villages  in  the  decade  1850-00. 

In  this  decade  also  the  Township  of  Morrisania — now  the  most 
populoxis  portion  of  the  ohl  County  of  Westchester — came  into  being 
as  a  se])arate  political  division.     Ry  the  act  of  1788,  which  divi(l<>d 

FROM    1842   TO   1900  585 

the  ((iiiiilv  into  low  IIS,  .Morrisaiiin  was  dcsiiiiialcd  as  a  (listinci  lown- 
sliip,  hut  slioi'tly  afterward  it  was  rcsloi'cd  tn  its  aiicicut  jtosilioii 
as  a  portion  of  flip  Town  of  Westchester,  lii  lS4t)  it  becaiiie  a  pan 
of  tlie  new  Township  of  West  I'arins,  carvi-d  out  of  Westcliester.  Hui 
tlie  great  yroA\tii  ol'  this  neu  township  in  jiopuhilion,  conscqnenl 
upon  the  railv.a_\  dcxehipnieut — a  growth  of  some  S,()()0  in  tlie  live 
years  from  IS.IO  to  IS.")."), — made  its  subdivision  necessarv,  and  on  the 
Ttli  of  Decendicr.  IS.")."),  the  Town  of  Morrisania  was  create<l.  Its 
"  nortli  Unc  lic^an  at  Harlem  Ifiver,  near  tlie  lucseiit  A<pn'dnct 
liridgc,  and  cxli  iided  east  to  Union  Avenue,  which  was  ]iractically 
tlie  east  bounds  of  the  Morrisania  .Manor.  Its  east  boundary  was 
T'nion  Avenue,  coiitintied  to  the  head  of  IJnniiay  ("reck,  and  thence 
to  Harlem  Jvills,  and  its  south  and  west  boundaries  tlie  Harlem  Kiver 
and  Kills."  The  first  supervisiu-  of  the  town  was  ( iou\'erneui'  .Morris, 
son  of  the  famotis  statesman.  Mori-isania  N'illajic  was  incorjiorated 
in  LS(i4,  when  the  town  was  divich-d  into  four  wards,  in  each  of  w  hich 
three  trustees  were  elected. 

The  history  of  ^^'estchester  rounty  to  IStiO  comprehends  several 
matters  of  lieneral  interest  in  addition  to  the  facts  of  development 
which  have  been  iiotetl  in  the  juecedins''  pages  of  this  chapter. 

In  the  year  1S4S  tin'  oriiiinal  edition  of  Bolton's  "  History  of  \V<'st- 
chester  County"  was  published.  (living  due  consideration  to  the 
conditions  under  which  this  work  was  compiled  and  to  the  v<dnme 
and  variety  of  its  contents,  it  stands  nnapproached  by  any  other  early 
contribtition  to  American  local  history.  The  uni(|ne  value  of  I  lie 
first  edition  of  I{(dton  is  now  so  well  recognized  that  it  has  become 
a  much  jirized  hook  from  the  collector's  ])oint  of  view.  Robert  Hol- 
ton  was  born  in  the  City  of  I'.ath,  England,  April  17,  1S14,  being  the 
eldest  of  the  fourteen  children  of  the  Kev.  Kobert  Rolton.  who,  re- 
moving to  America,  became  rector  of  Christ's  Church  at  I'elham, 
this  county,  whence,  however,  he  subse(|nent ly  returned  to  i']ugland. 
The  son  studied  medicine  in  lOnglaud,  but  did  not  practice  that  pro- 
fession. In  1830,  at  the  age  of  thirty-two,  he  engaged  in  farming 
pursuits  at  Bronxville  in  the  Town  of  Eastchester,  ami  ever  after- 
ward he  was  a  citizen  of  mir  county.  He  lived  at  various  limes  in 
New  lioohelle,  Tarrytown,  liedford,  Lewisboro,  and  i'elham.  For 
many  years  he  conducted  select  scho(ds,  but  later  was  ordained  a 
(lergyman  in  the  Episcopal  Clinndi  and  a])i»ointed  to  the  parish  of 
Saini  .lolin's  in  Lewisboro,  his  only  iliargi'.  He  died  at  i'elliani 
Priory,'  October  11,  ISTT.  His  original  researches  for  his  "  History 
of  Westchester  Connly  "  covered  a  period  of  some  ten  years.     That 

'  IVlhain   I'riiir.v  was  an  estate  purchased  b.v       a    sclioul    f..r   ynuia:    la. lies,    liy    llio 
Ills  father.    The   residenee   was   eotiverted   Into       ^Usses   Bolt<m. 


was  before  the  publication  of  the  colonial  and  other  historical  docu- 
ments, .vet  bv  f>reat  perseverance  he  was  able  to  procure,  in  manu- 
script, nearly  all  the  important  original  documents  bearing-  upon 
the  history  of  our  county.  His  labors  also  included  "  personal  visita- 
tion of  every  spot  of  interest  and  nearly  every  person  of  advanced 
age."  In  addition  to  his  History  of  the  county,  he  ])ublished  a  "  (iuide 
to  New  Kochelle  "  and  a  "  History  of  the  Protestant  K]Msco]»al  Church 
in  \Vestchester  County.''  At  the  time  of  his  deatli  lie  had  nearly 
coinideted  a  revision  of  his  History  of  the  county,  wliicli  was  issued 
under  the  editorship  of  his  brother,  the  Kev.  ('.  W.  Bolton,  of  New 
Eochelle,  in  1S81. 

On  the  4th  of  December,  1851.  occurred  the  first  serious  railway 
accident  in  the  instory  of  the  county.  This  was  of  a  decidedly  sen- 
sational nature.  An  afternoon  up  train  from  New  York  was  stopped 
by  the  conductor  above  Croton  to  put  otf  two  men  who  did  not  pay 
their  fare,  and  was  run  into  by  an  engine  without  cars,  several  pas- 
sengers suffering  iujury.  Another  up  train  which  followed  it — an 
express  train — was  switched  off  to  the  west  track  and  halted  to 
render  assistance;  whereupon  it  was  run  into  by  a  down  train,  re- 
sulting in  more  casualties.  This  double  accident  caused  much  news- 
paper comment. 

The  Village  of  Tarrytown  was  the  scene  of  a  notable  monument 
dedication  on  the  7th  of  October,  1853.  On  the  spot  where  Major 
Andre  was  captured  by  Paulding,  Williams,  and  Vixu  Wart,  Sep- 
tember 2'.i,  1780,  a  monument  in  commemoration  of  that  event  was 
unveiled  with  much  ceremony,  the  governor  of  the  State  and  other 
distinguished  guests  being  in  attendance.  In  a  previous  chapter  the 
particulars  of  this  event  and  also  of  the  dedication  of  the  "  new  " 
monument  on  the  same  spot  in  1880  have  been  given  (si-e  p.  493). 

The  burning  of  the  Hudson  River  steamboat  "  Henry  Clay  "  on  the 
28th  of  July,  1857,  the  most  terrible  disaster  of  that  period,  is  vividly 
remembered  by  many  citizens  of  Yonkers  still  living.  The  "Clay" 
was  a  fast  passenger  boat  plying  between  New  York  and  Albany, 
and  had  a  competitor,  the  "  Armenia,"  operated  by  another  manage- 
ment. It  was  alleged  that  the  two  boats  frecpiently  raced,  especially 
on  the  down  trij),  and  although  there  was  no  conclusive  evidence  that 
they  were  engaged  in  racing  on  the  day  of  the  disaster,  the  burinng 
of  the  "Clay"  was  supposed  to  have  been  attributable  to  tlie  care- 
lessness engendered  in  the  crew  by  these  efforts  for  undue  speed,  very 
inflammable  material  being  sometimes  thrown  into  the  furnaces,  in 
addition  to  the  ordiiuiry  fuel,  to  increase  the  heat  of  the  boilers.  The 
two  vessels  came  down  the  river  on  the  afternoon  of  the  fatal  day, 

FKO.M     1S42    TO    1900  587 

tlic  "  ("lay  ■■  liciiiy  slij;litly  in  advance.  As  slic  passed  Vonkers,  niov- 
hiix  at  a  lii,iili  speed,  snioUe  was  seen  issninj;-  from  her  sides.  She  was 
at  (»nce  headed  for  the  (hick  at  Kiverdale,  bnt  meantime  tlie  Hames 
had  bnrst  forth  and  it  was  necessary  to  beacli  lier  with  all  tlie  haste 
possible.  "Mr.  Edwin  Forrest,  the  actor,  who  lived  near,  was  there, 
and  soon  others  came.  It  was  an  awful  siijlit.  The  steamer  struck 
the  sh(H-e  and  ran  up  so  far  that  the  bow  hiy  across  the  western  rail- 
road track.  The  passeu.a,ers  were  either  pitched  into  the  river  by  the 
sudden  stop])ini;  of  the  boat  as  it  struck  tlie  river  bank,  or  fliey  jumped 
overboai'd.  The  bodies  were  laid  alon<j;-  the  shore.  l']i,i;lity  or  more 
were  drowned  or  burned.  All  (lie  bodies  were  not  recovered  on  the 
day  of  the  fire.  They  washed  ashore  at  irrejiular  intervals.  This 
necessitated  holdinti  in(|uests  tln'ouj^h  a  jieriod  of  tw(»  weeks.  The 
coroner  was  Mr.  William  11.  Lawrence.  The  inquests  were  held  at 
the  Youkers  railroad  station.  The  captain  of  the  boat  and  other 
ofticers  escaped  from  the  burning'  steamer."  '  Many  of  The  bodies 
were  buried  in  a  jdot  in  Saint  -bdin's  Cemetery,  Yonkers.  and  over 
their  inraves  a  marble  column  was  erected,  which  still  stands,  al- 
though in  a  state  of  decay. 

Tlie  year  IN.jT  \vituessed  the  comjdeiioii  and  occupation  of  the 
pi'cseut  court  house  of  the  county  at  ^^'llite  Plains.  "The  commis- 
sioners in  I  hai-,i;e  of  the  construction  of  tlie  court  house  and  jail  wei'C 
Siiper\  isors  Abraham  Hatfiehl,  of  Weslcliestei-;  States  IJartoii,  of 
New  IJocludle;  Daniel  Hunt,  of  Lewisboro;  William  ^Marshall,  Jr.,  of 
Somers;  and  (ieori:e  C.  I'inch,  of  North  Salem.  K.  (i.  llailield  was 
architect  and  1).  I.  Stagg  assistant  and  suiierintendeiit ;  Theodore 
lliiiil.  biiilder  of  the  court  house;  Seth  Bird,  of  Tarrytown,  builder 
of  ih"  jail.  The  amount  a]ii)ro])riated  to  coxcr  the  cost  of  the  builil- 
iug  was  .'jttl^O.OOO.  The  hall  of  records  was  erected,  as  a  wing  of  tln' 
coiii-i  house,  in  ISDt.  SujK'rvisors  .Moses  \\'.  Tayloi%  of  Mount  I'leas- 
ant ;  -Joseph  F>.  See,  of  North  Castle;  Odle  Close,  of  North  Salem;  an<l 
Jacob  Kead.  of  Yonkers,  were  the  commissioners  in  charge;  Edwin 
\.  (^uick,  aichitet  t."  - 

We  have  already  noticed  the  political  changes  introiluced  liy  the 

State  constitution  of  184(3,  so  far  as  they  affected  Westchester  County. 

The  further  political  history  of  the  county  to  1S(»()  includes  nothing 

of  iiiiiiortance,  aside  from  the  party  struggles  on  the  great  (luestions 

of  the  times.     The  presidential    votes  of  Westchester  County  from 

1.*<4S  to  1S(K),  inclusive,  were  as  follows: 

1848 Lewis   Cass   (Uem.),  2,14G;    Zacliary  Taylor  (Wliig),  4,312;  Martin   Van    Hiir.'ii 

(Free  Soil),  1,312. 

1852.— Franklin  Pierce  (Dem.),  5,283;  WinfieUl  Scott  (Whig),  4,033;  scattering,  61. 

'  Kroiii     the     n:irrntivp     of     an   Allison's  Hist,    of  Yonkers,  187. 
»  Snilili's  Manual  of  Westchester  County,  35. 



1850. — James  Buchanan  (  Dem.  ),  4,600;  Millard  Fillnime  (  Whig),  4,450;  John  C.  Fre- 
mont (Rep.),  3,641. 

186(1. — United  vote  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  John  C.  Hreekinridge,  and  John  Bell,  8,100; 
Abraham  Lincoln  (Rep.),  6,771. 

The  divided  fondition  of  the  Dciiiocratic  jiarty  in  1848  caused  tlie 
fdunty,  for  tlic  first  time  ill  its  liistory,  to  f>ive  a  plurality  for  the 
oi)l)ositiou  candidate  for  president,  but  this  was  only  a  transient 
fickleness.  The  <;enerally  conservative  character  of  our  poj)ulation  is 
capitally  evidenced  by  the  result  in  185fi,  \vh<-n  the  new  Kepubliean 


part^',  organized  on  tlie  issvie  of  non-extension  of  slavery,  made  its 
first  appearance,  with  Jcdin  (\  Fremont^  as  its  candidate.  Fremont 
received  less  than  thirty  ])er  cent,  of  the  total  vote.  In  ISliO,  despite 
the  great  distractions  from  wliich  the  conservative  forces  suffered, 
they  still  rallied  a  united  vote  some  1,300  larger  than  that  cast  for 

^  General    Fremont    resided    at    one    time    nt  -  It  Is  of  interest  to  record  the  names  of  the 

Mount  Pleasant,  In  the  house  built  by  General       delegates    from     Westchester    Count.v    to    the 
James  Watson   Webb.— Scharf,   i.,  599.  State    conventions    held    for    the    purpose    of 

FKOM    1S42    TO    lUOO  589 

'I'lic  coii^rcssioiKil  district  t(i  wiiicli  Westchester  ( "(uiiily  belonged 
Avas  ivpicscntcd  at  Wasliiiij;t(iii  by  William  Nelson,  (if  I'eekskill,  from 
1S47  to  IS.')!;  Jared  \'.  i'eek,  (if  live,  from  IS."):?  to  IS.");  and  15. 
Haskiu,  of  Westchester,  from  IS.IT  to  IStll. 

lu  1847  the  first  division  of  Westchester  County  into  assembly  dis- 
tricts was  made,  two  districts  beinn  created,  to  which  a  third  was 
added  in  185S.  The  late  Jud-^e  William  11.  Kobertson  bejian  his  ]mb- 
lic  career  as  a  member  of  the  assembly  lioni  Westchester  County  iu 
1S4!)  and  1850.  He  also  served  one  term  as  State  senator  (18.")4-5r)), 
and  in  IS.")!)  took  liis  seat  on  the  county  bench,  where  he  continued 
until  1808.     He  was  one  of  the  Lincoln  presidential  electors  in  18(i(». 

The  total  po])ulation  of  Westchester  County  in  ISdO  was  99,4!t7 — all' 
but  reaching;  the  hundred  thousand  mark. 

So  far  in  our  narrative,  whilst  projjressively  noticing  the  principal 
aspects  of  local  chan<;e  and  (levelo])nient.  we  have  not  devoted  any 
formal  attention  to  the  minuter  facts  of  comlitions  in  the  townships 
and  llieii-  numerous  localities  severally;  and  as  the  year  18<I0  is  a 
convenient  one  for  such  a  detailed  review,  we  shall  now  liive  the  need- 
ful s])ace  to  it,  avoiding,  howe\cr,  uniu-cessary  I'ejietitioiis.  We  shall 
here  take  the  townships  in  al|iliali('l  ical  oi-dei-,  iucliulin^  under  each 
townshi])  head  various  pei'tinent  paiiiculai-s  for  the  local  communi- 
ties. 4'he  population  statistics  b\'  towns  are  froiu  the  fedei-al  census 
of  1800;  most  of  the  othei-  facts  (iucludin|ii-  \ilhn;c  ]io]Milations)  are 
extracted  from  a  Aaluable  woi'k  published  at  vSyi-acuse  in  1800 — the 
"()az<^tteer  of  the  State  of  New  Voik,"  by  J.  H.  I'rench. 


Bedford. — Population,  3,(339.  Local  ])articiilai's: — 1.  Bedford;  contaiiied  a  court  liousc 
(still  iu  use  in  ISOO),  two  churches,  the  Bedford  AcadiMiiy,  a  Female  Institute,  and  thirty 
houses.  2  Bedford  .Station,  on  the  Harlem  Kailroad:  contaiiu'd  ten  houses.  3.  Katonah; 
contained  thirty  houses.  4.  Mount  Kisco,  a  station  on  the  Harlem  Kailroad;  contained  200 
iuhahitauts.      .">.   Whitlockville,  "  a  station  on  the  Harlem  Kailroad  near  the  north  horder." 

Ctirllaiidl. — Population,  10,074.  Local  particidars: — 1.  Peekskill ;  anincorjiorated  villaijc; 
liopulation,  3. .'538 ;  contained  ten  churches,  the  Peekskill  Academy,  four  boardinfj  schools,  a 
hank,  newspaiier  oftiee,  six  iron  foundries  (chicHy  cnijaged  iu  the  manufacture  of  stoves  and 
plows,  and  K'^ii'S  employment  to  300  men),  two  machine  slu)ps,  two  tohacco  factories,  a  pi.stol 
and  fjuu  factory,  tannery,  and  i>iu  distillery;  connected  liy  a  steam  ferry  with  CaldwcH's 
Laudiuff  and  by  a  daily  steamer  and  line  of  sloo])s  with  New  York.  2.  Verplanck's  Point; 
pojiulation,  l,4.j(i;  contained  a  church,  steamboat  landiuf;,  and  important  brick  manufai'tories, 
whosi'  nund)cr  in  18,58  was  thirty-four,  Riviuf;  ciuployuM-nt  to  \,'.i'M  men  and  turniu-;  out  an- 

si'lei-tln«  state  (iele);atcs   to   tlu'   national    con-  Stale   .onventl liclil    at    S.vracuse    In    April. 

vcnilnns  of  (he  two  parties  In  tlie  historic  .ve.'U  l.s6().    Wc'sl Chester    Connt.v    sent    Hie    fnllowlnK 

l>m.    Till'  Westchester  Counl.v  dclcKates  to  the  di'lcKates:    Kdwaril    V.    Shonnunl,    of    Yonkers, 

DcnuHiatic     State     convention     were     Thomas  ami    Harvey    Khlil.    of   Weslehester.    from    the 

Smith,    (iilhert   S.   Lyon,    and    Abraham    Hyalt.  1st    asscMiihly    district:    Kdwanl    .1.    Porter,    of 

William  Uiiilfonl.  of  Vonker.s.  was  a  contesting  New    Roihi-lle.    and    .lohn    .7.    Claiip.    from    the 

deleirale    from    the    9th    congressional    district  LM  assemhly  disi rid  ;  and  odie  Close,  .if  NnrUi 

(■■mlnaeinj:  Westchester  Ccinntyi  to  the  Cliai-les-  Salem,  and  .1.    II.    I'latt.  of  Ossliilne.  fi i   the 

ton    national    convention.    To    the    Ucpubllcan  3(1  assembly  district. 



nually  from  80,000,000  to  90,000,000  bricks.  3.  Ciotoii  (formerly  called  Collaberfj  Lan.l- 
ing);  pojmlatioii,  400;  a  station  on  the  Hndson  River  Railroad:  contained  fonr  ehurclics,  a 
rolling  mill,  wire  mill,  and  several  brickvards.  i.  Crugers  '  (Boscobel  ]).  o. );  a  lan<linf;  and 
railroad  station.  ~>.  Annsville;  a  small  vill.age,  containing  a  church  and  wire  mill.  0.  Ciirt- 
landt\'ille;  contained  a  church,  idaning  mill,  and  about  twenty  bouses.  7.  Oregon,  on  the  line 
of  Putnam  County;  contained  a  rolling  null  and  wire  mill.  8.  Crotiin  Point;  devoted  chiefly 
to  vineyards.      9.   Montrose's  Point. 

EnalcheKter. — Po])ulation,  5,582.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Eastchcstcr;  jxiiiulation,  551 ;  con- 
tained two  churches.  2.  Mount  Vernon;  an  incorporated  village;  contained  "  fo\ir  churches  and 
several  private  schools."  3.  West  Mount  Vernon  (().30  inhabitants),  4.  East  Mount  A'ernon 
(275  inhabitants),  5.  Waverly,  and  6.  Washingtonville,  are  described  as  "  suburban  villages, 
inhabited  ])rincipally  by  mechanics  and  men  iloing  business  in  New  York."  7.  Rron.xville;  a 
railroad  staticui;  contained  a  manufactory  of  carriage  a.xles.  8.  Tuckahoe;a  railroad  station 
near  the  marble  quarries.  9.  Fleetwood,  and  10.  Jacksonville,  places  projected  by  building 

Greenburgh. — Population,  8,929.  Local  |>articulars: — 1.  Hastings;  population,  1,1.'!5;  a 
railroad  station  and  a  steamboat  landing;  C(uitaiued  two  churches,  steam  marble  works,  lime- 
kilns, and  a  limited  number  of  manufactories.  2.  Uobljs  Ferry;-  population,  1,040;  a  rail- 
road station  and  a  landing  on  the  river;  contained  three  churches.      3.   Irvington;'  population, 


599;  a  railroad  station  and  a  landing  on  tlie  river;  contained  two  ehurclics.  4.  Tarrytown  ; 
population,  about  2,()()0;  a  steand)oat  lauding  and  railroad  station;  contained  four  churches 
and  the  Pawling  Institute.  .5.  Hart's  Corners  (Moruiugville  p.  o.);  a  station  on  the  Harlem 
Railroad.  G.  Middlctowu;  a  settlement  below  Tarrytown.  7.  Hall's  Corners;  a  neighbor- 
hood in  the  nortliern  part  of  the  town,  and  S.  Ashford;  a  settlement  three  miles  below.  9. 
Abl)otsford;  a  locality  near  Dobbs  Ferry.  10.  (ireenville;  a  neighborhood  in  the  southern 
part  of  the  tt>wn. 

Harrison. — Population,  1,413.  Tlie  only  locality  mentioned  by  French  in  this  town  is  Pur- 
chase (Harrison  p.  o.),  a  hamlet  in  the  ncn'tliern  part,  containing  two  Friends'  meeting  houses. 

Lewishoro. — Population,  1,885.  Local  particulars : — 1.  Smith  Salem ;  a  scattered  village,  con- 
taining a  church  and  fifteen  houses.  2.  Cross  River;  ciuitaiued  two  churches,  several  manu- 
factories, and  twenty  houses.  3.  Golden's  Bridge;  a  station  on  the  Harlem  Railroad.  4. 
Vista;  a  small  .settlement.     5.   Lewishoro;  a  postoffice  in  the  southern  part. 

Mamaroneck. — Population,    1,351.      Local    particulars: — 1.  Mamaroneck;    contained    two 

^  So  called  for  Colonel  .John  P.  Ci-ufjcr.  whose 
estate,  including  Oscawami  Ishind.  was  ad- 
jacent. "  Boscobel  "  (the  original  uauiel  was 
the  residence  of  Staats  Morris  Uyclvuian. 

-  So  cMll.-d  for  an  early  famil.v  iiauied  Di^bbs, 
w  Im  l<r|it  a  fciry. 

'■  Si>  calieil  for  ^\':^shi^g:t^)n  irviiij^.  wlinse 
lioinestend  of  Siiiiiiysi<le  was  a  short  distance 
abiivc.  The  villajie  was  formerly  called  Dear- 
iiiairs.  or  Th-annairs  Landing. 

FROM   1842   TO   1900  591 

churches  ami  "several  mamifaetories,  not  at  present  in  operation."  2.  Oriciita,'  ,S. 
Washingtonville,  4.  Chatsworth,  and  5.  Hickory  Grove,  are  rlescrihetl  as  "  vilhijjc  plats  and 
prospective  villages."  6.  Kelloggsville,  on  the  line  of  New  Rochcdle,  had  an  extension  tide- 

Aforrisania. — Population,  9,245.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Morrisania;  population,  2,.587;  a 
railroad  station;  contained  Saint  Joseph's  Ursuline  Convent,  an  academy,  and  free  scliool.  2. 
Mott  Haven;-  population,  843;  contained  two  churches  and  an  extensive  inni  foundry.  :i. 
Port  Morris; '  prominent  for  its  harbor,  sixty  feet  deej),  where  it  was  "  proposed  to  land  ves- 
sels that  draw  too  much  water  to  enter  New  York  llarhor ";  connected  with  Melrose  by  a 
branch  of  the  Harlem  Railroad  two  and  one-half  miles  long.  4.  Wilton,  T).  Old  Morrisania, 
().  Kast  Morrisania,  7.  West  Morrisania,  8.  South  Melrose,  9.  East  Melrose,  10.  Eltoua,  11. 
Woodstock,  12.  Claremont,  and  l.'S.  High  Bridgeville,  are  described  as  "suburban  village 

Mount  Pleasant. —  Population,  4,.'')17.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Pleasantville;  '  population, 
S-jS;  contained  two  churches.  2.  Unionville  (Nepperhau  p.  o.);  population,  97;  a  station  on 
the  Harlem  Railroad.  .'?.  Beekniantowu ;  population,  about  1,.jOO;  a  suburb  of  Tarrytown; 
contained  five  churches  and  the  Irving  and  Tarrytown  Institutes.  4.  Sleepy  Hollow,  o.  Up- 
per Cross  Roads,  and  <!.  Lower  Cross  Roads  were  hamlets. 

New  Castle. — Population,  1,817.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Mount  Ki.sco;  a  small  village  and 
railroad  on  the  line  of  Bedfiud.  2.  New  Castle;  a  small  scattered  village  near  the  Bedford 
line.  ;?.  Chappaqua;  a  railroad  station.  4.  Sarlesville;  a  hamlet  near  the  center  of  the 
town,  where  the  town  business  was  generally  transacted. 

New  Rochelle. — Population,  3,."')19.  Local  particidars: — 1.  New  Roehelle;  an  incorporated 
village;  (lopnlatiou,  about  2,000;  contained  six  churches  and  .several  private  schools;  a  ]iortion 
of  the  village  and  the  hinds  surrounding  it  were  "  occupied  by  elegant  villas  ;ind  country  resi- 
deiu'cs  of  persons  doing  business  in  New  York";  the  steamboat  landing  was  "half  a  mile 
southwest  of  the  village,  on  a  small  island  connected  with  the  main  land  by  a  stone  cause- 
way." 2.  M'est  New  Roehelle,  .'?.  Petersville,"^  and  4.  I'pper  New  Rochelle  were  scattered 
villages,  mo.stly  inhabited  by  Germans. 

North  Castle. — Population,  2,487.  Local  particulars: — 1.  North  Castle;  contained  achurch 
and  a  few  houses.  2.  Armonk; '  contained  three  churches,  a  wixden  f.actorv,  and  twenty 
houses.  3.  Kensico;  "  population,  103;  contained  several  manufactories.  4.  (Quarter  Station; 
in  the  extreme  southern  part  of  the  town,  on  the  Harlem  Railroad. 

North  Salem. — Population,  1,497.  Local  particulars: — 1.  North  Salem;  contained  two 
churches,  a  pa])er  mill,  and  thirty  2.  Salem  Center;  a  handet,  the  scat  of  the  North 
Salem  Academy.  3.  P\ir<ly's  Station;  a  station  on  the  Harlem  Railroad;  contained  two 
churches  and  a  small  woolen  factory.      4.   Croton  Falls;  a  station  on  the  Harlem   IJailmad. 

Ossining. — Population,  0,760.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Sing  Sing;  an  incorporated  village; 
population,  about  .5,300;  contained  four  churches,  the  Mount  Pleasant  Academy,  a  female 
seminary,  and  several  other  popular  female  schools.  2.  Prospect  Hill;"  a  .scattered  settle- 
ment on  the  southern  border.     3.   Spring  Vallej-  and  4.  Sparta  were  hamlets. 

Pelham. — Population,  1,025.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Pelli;unville;  a  newly  surveyed  village 
and  station  on  the  New  Haven  Railroad.  2.  Prospect  Hill;  a  locality  near  the  center  of  the 
town.  3.  Pelh:im  Priory;  the  seat  of  a  young  ladies'  seminary,  "established  by  the  late 
Rev.  Robert  Bolton,  and  conducted  by  his  daughters." 

Pnundridge. — Population,  1,471.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Poimdridge;  a  small  settlement 
with  two  churches.      2.    Boretoutown;  a  handet  on  the  northern  corner. 

Rye. — Population,  4,447.  Local  i)articidars: — 1.  Rye;  jiopulation,  about  .'iOO;  a  railroad 
station,  and  contained  three  churches  and  a  private  seniiu:iry.  2.  Milton;  a  handet,  with  one 
church.  3.  Ryebeach;  "  a  i)lace  of  resort  during  the  hot  season."  4.  Port  Chester;  jmpula- 
tion,  l,(i95;  a  railroad  station,  containing  five  churches,  several  private  seminaries,  and  ex- 

'  Kornicrly    imII.mI    M:ini:uoiii.ik    I'.piul.    Great  '  I'mnierly  inlU-il  Clark's  Corners. 

Neck,   anil  ile    I,ain  cy's   Nei-k.  ■  fonniiiy  laMnl   Ni>w  .Icrusaleui. 

-■  .N'aliiiMl  liir  .Innlan  L.   Mtill.  priuripal   fcmud-  «  l'(iriiiiTly  Mill  Siiuaii-. 

I'l-  of  till,  ircin  works.  •  I-'orincrly  ItnMiins   .Mills. 

'  .^iiiuellnii's    calliTl    Morrisport.      .\auu>il    fiir  ~  Kuriiieily  I-cmir  lllll. 
Gouverneur  Morris,    the  priu<-ipal   owner. 


tensive  iiiaiiufactories,  which  included  a  foimdry,  edge  toed  factor}',  tide  gristmill,  and  a  last 
and  sloe  factury.  o.  King  Street;  "a  fine  agricultural  district,  extending  nearly  seven  miles 
north  of  Port  Chester."     (5.  Glenville;  a  hamlet  on  the  Byrani  River. 

Scarsdnle. — Population,  548.  Local  particidars: — 1.  Scarsdale;  contained  a  church  and  a 
few  houses.      2.   Scarsdale  Station;  a  station  on  the  Harlem  Railroad. 

Snmeris. — Population,  2,012.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Somers;  contained  two  churches,  a 
bank,  and  twenty  houses.  2  Croton  F'alls;  on  the  line  of  North  Salem;  a  small  village  and 
station  on  the  Harlem  Railroad;  had  a  good  water  power,      '.i.   West  Somers;  a  hamlet. 

Westchester. — Population,  4,250.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Westchester;  population,  ahout 
1,000.  2.  Brouxdale;  population,  about  400;  had  an  extensive  tape  factory  and  a  dye  and 
bleach  works.  3.  Schuylerville;  population,  about  300;  a  .scattered  village  on  Throgg's 
Neck.  4.  Integrity;  near  Bronxdale;  had  a  tape  factory.  5.  Counersville,  )i.  Waketield,  7. 
Centreville,  and  8.  Uuionport,  were  "  modern  villages."  Fort  Schuyler,  at  the  extremity  of 
Throgg's  Neck,  was  begun  by  the  United  States  government  in  1833,  and  was  built  to  ac- 
commodate 1,250  men  and  to  mount  318  cannon. 

West  Farms. — Population,  7,098.  Local  particulars: — 1.  West  Farms;  a  "large  village," 
containing  four  churches,  a  carpet  factory,  molding  mill,  and  gristmill.  2.  Fordham;  a  rail- 
road station;  contained  four  cliurches  and  Saint  .John's  College.  '  2.  Tremont,-  3.  Cen- 
tral Morrisania,  4.  Williams's  Bridge,  and  5.  Fairmount,  were  "  modern  villages."  6. 
Claremont;  a  small  village  on  the  line  of  Morrisania. 

White  Plains. — Population,  1,84(5.  The  only  locality  mentioned  by  French  is  White  Plains 
village,  containing  the  "  old  and  new  comity  buildings,  three  churches,  and  several  private 
seminaries,"  and  having  a  population  of  about  1,000. 

Youkers. — Population,  11,848.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Youkers;  an  incorporated  village; 
population  in  1859,  (5,800;  contained  nine  churches,  several  private  seminaries,  two  banks, 
two  newspaper  offices,  and  various  manufactories.  2.  Spnj'ten  Duyvil;  the  seat  of  several 
large  foundries;  iulial>ite<l  chiefly  by  operatives.  3.  Tuckahoe;  a  station  on  the  Harlem  Rail- 
road;  Ilodgmau's  rubber  goods  manufactory  employed  about  seventy-five  hands.  4.  Kings- 
bridge.  5.  Riverdale;  "a  group  of  villas,  and  a  railroad  station."  (J.  South  Yonkers ;  a  post- 

York-town. — Population,  2,231.  Local  particulars: — 1.  Crompond  (Y^orktown  p.  o.),  2. 
Jefferson  Valley,  and  3.  Shrub  Oak,  were  hamlets.  A  rolling  mill,  wire  factory,  gristmill, 
and  sawmill  had  been  erected  two  miles  west  of  Croton  dam. 

Int('iis(^  l)arlisan  fccHiiii  cliiiractci-iztMl  tlic  discussion  of  political 
issues  in  Westcliestcr  County  in  tlie  eli^ctoral  campaign  of  i8(J0.  At 
that  time  the  leading-  newspapers  of  the  county  were  the  Eastern 
State  JditntaJ,  of  White  Plains,  the  Ifiiililatitl  Diiiioeeat,  of  Peekskill, 
and  the  Yonkers  UerahJ ;  and  all  three  were  aggressively  Democratic. 
They  took  the  election  of  Lincolu  Avith  Acry  bad  grace,  and  indeed 
never  became  entirely  reconciled  to  it  or  to  the  prosecution  of  the 
war  with  the  seceding  Staters.  Such  a  sjdrit  in  the  County  of  West- 
chester, wliich  had  always  been  on  the  conservative  side  politically, 
was  naturally  to  have  been  expected.  It  was  a  spirit  conspicuously 
manifest  in  the  editorial  conduct  of  very  able  newspapers  in  New 
York  City,  which  gave  nearly  thirty  thousand  majority  against  Lin- 
colu. The  dominant  jxditical  party  of  the  metropolis  had  ahvays 
been  the  dominant  political  ])arty  of  Westchester  County;  and 
ojiinions  which  had  been  insisted  on  and  stood  the  test  of  popular 

'This     institutiiju     uf     tlic     Itoman     ('atlmllc  -' F.iniuTly  Ciiiicr  MonisMiii:!.  Suulli  rordliinii. 

Church  wns  opened  for  students  June  24,  1S41.       .Vdnnisx  illi',  ,iiid  .Mmnit   Uci]ii'. 
and  iuvorporated  April  10,  1846. 

I'-KOM    1S42    TO    1900  roo 

"I'l."''"  Il"-""i:li  ^.11  II,.-  .,■,..■„■»  „f »]„,,.,,.  ,..„„, 

.v»..,.,.,i  „.„,„,  „  „„„  ,,„..,„.„  „,^;: ;,:>.;]:;' - < 

not  verv  swimisly  i„  i|„.  ,„|„„,i,,     Vl„n      -m  '""""■ 

K.-o,vM,  i„  m. sent,,,,,.,,,  .i,,,,  „;;,.„,„•';  '^',;: ", ;; ■'-■ 

when  up  for  re-eli^r-tinn  in  iQ-:ii   +i  ,       ^^     lU'-'ai*.    '^uuhc  qucnrj_\, 

repudiated  h  m      He  ",  ",  'i^  '  "  -^"'^^  Democratic  organization 

1  uiui.     u(    i.uj  ne^ertlicless,  receivino-  the  sunnort  of  th,> 

K.Tuld.cans  and  of  I,en....rats  ^vhu  approved  his^-our^^^ 

Xi„  i^Hou  r"'  'f  ^"' .^^•"^•<^^1  "Pl-'-^t  <><■  the  i)e,nocnitic 

H    e'  H  f    ,'in.";'      '"'  '"  '""^^•^"''  "^  «  ^^^'-^'"^^  "='»"'■'•'  i" 

mlV     en r^^r  '    f'^^'  '"  ""''"'  ^''''  -"tinue<l,  deter,ni,H.d, 

V  SM  e  ter^r^      ;     ■"'  T''  ^''  «-^l*'^-t-"'  l^.v  the  representativ.  .. 

.  stche.ster  County  m  tlie  fulfillment  of  his  duties.     Whil.-  ad,] 

.   .  the  house  Mr.  Ilaskiu  accidentally  h,  fall  f...,„  ,„..  l^vas      ^^1^^ 

■  r  -m'T   i"  '  '•■"'■""■•     ''"  '""  """^^^""  "f  ^•"-  I-PH."v  nt 

•  ".MU,.:  t  ns  weapon  n,l„  the  house,  not  only  in  conoivss,  hul  aninn.- 

sn.ustmH.nts  and  throughout  the  country,  warmest  discussions 
"<  ^^«  <1.  1  he  explanati.m  oivu  was  preparation  for  self-,lof,.us,.  iu 
'"  ""P>-<'t-,.ted  neighborhood  iu  Washiu.^ton  in  whicl,  Mr.  ilaskin 
•■s..l.'d.  n.  winch  unu-h  lawlessness  prevail,.!.  Mauv  vears  l,av,. 
.  ss,.d  since  tins  u,cid,-„t,  hut,  takeu  in  cuiuertinu  with'the  TJehelliou 
"H,  ..nun  loll,nv,.d.  and  the  trajiic  and  .lastardlv  s.-.-nes  in  it,  i, 
II  istral.-s  the  dau.uers  iu  puldic  lilV  ;„  ,1,,.  tin,,,  ami  ilu.  unl!in,-hin..- 

I  ■  ,;ninuat,.m  nf  th„se  ,.ali,.d  ,„  nnn,!,-  in   ,h,.  ,Iis,.nssi„ns  inn : 

loi  \    ),,   tile  strife.      • 

'  Hfv.   W.  ,S.   CoflTo.v  In  Scliarf,  I..  488. 


The  startliusj  events  which  followed  the  triumph  of  Lincoln— the 
secession  of  the  Southern  States,  the  firiuii'  on  Sumter,  and  the  presi- 
dential proclamation  calling  for  75,000  volunteers  to  put  down  the 
Rebellion— brought  a  prompt  realization  in  Westchester  County,  as 
everywhere  in  the  North,  of  the  utter  change  in  conditions  which 
had  come  to  pass  since  the  presidential  election.  It  was  no  longer  a 
question  of  the  supremacy  of  this  party  or  that,  but  of  the  existence 
of  the  federal  union.  Whilst  the  views  of  the  Democratic  press  on 
the  merits  of  the  tremendous  new  issues  were  conservative,  the  in- 
stinctive feeling  of  the  masses  of  the  people,  of  every  party,  was 
devotion  to  the  constituted  government  of  the  nation.  Measures 
mioht  be  criticised,  "coercion"  of  the  South  might  be  deprecated, 
and  concessions,  even  very  extreme,  for  averting  an  armed  conflict 
or  composing  it  after  precij.itat.'d  might  be  favored  by  individual 

oi>iiiion;  but  the  prevailing  spirit  amongst 
the  eight  thousand  citizens  of  our  county  who 
voted  against  IMr.  Lincoln  Avas  one  of  unques- 
tioning loyalty  to  the  government. 

The  president's  proclamation  calling  for 
75,000  militia  volunteers  was  issued  on  the 
loth  of  April,  ISfil.  The  period  of  service  ,] 
specified  was  three  months.  New  York's 
quota  Avas  13,280  men.  The  legislature  ini- 
mediat(d\  ]iassed  an  act  providing  not  only 
HXKAM  PAoi.i,iNG.>  f^v  fumishing  that  number  from  the  State 

militia  to  the  government,  but  for  the  en- 
listment of  30,000  volunteers  more,  to  serve  for  two  years;  these 
30  000  to  be  "  in  addition  to  the  present  military  organization  of  the 
State,  and  as  a  part  of  the  militia  thereof,"  and  to  be  "liable  at  all 
times  to  be  turned  over  to  the  service  of  the  United  States,  on  the 
order  of  the  governor,  as  a  part  ..f  the  militia  of  the  State,  upon  the 
requisition  of  the  president  of  the  United  States." 

It  appears  that  the  first  military  body  dispatched  from  Westchester 
Countv  was  a  companv  organized  in  Yonkers  as  the  result  of  a  call 
for  a  public  meeting  issued  on  the  Kith  of  April,  the  day  after  the 
president's  proclamation.  This  call  was  signed  by  two  hundred  and 
fiftv-four  citizens.  The  meeting  was  held  at  Farrington  Hall  on  the 
evening  of  the  18th,  and  a  large  number  of  men  came  forward  as 
volunteers.  The  next  dav  Mr.  John  T.  Waring  and  Mr.  Ethan  Flagg  . 
made  inquiries  as  to  the  circumstances  of  the  families  of  the  enlisting 
men,  and  found  that  sixty-five  of  them  would  need  regular  assistance  ^ 

•Hiram  PauUling,  a,,  adimral  in   the  Unit.,!       of  John  Paulding,  on.  of  tho  .apto,.s  of  Andre.   ^ 
States  Navy   during   tho   IlidK-Uion,    was   a   sou        Set  p.  485.  ^ 

FROM    1842   TO   1900  595 

(if  various  ainoiiiits.  Mv.  Wariuji  tlicrcfoiv  pU-djivd  his  word  iLuL 
this  aid  should  be  forthcominii,  a  pledge  which  he  faithfully  kept, 
lie  was  subsc(ineutly  reiniburscd  by  the  towu.  The  eoiupauy  left 
Youkers  ou  the  25th  of  April,  and  was  incorpoi'uted  in  the  West- 
chester Chasseurs.  Its  original  officers  were:  captain,  Charles  II. 
Siiiilh;  lieutenant,  Gardner  S.  Ilawes;  ensign,  Konicyn  Hogardus; 
orderly  sergeant,  George  Keynolds;  sergeants,  John  C.  Goates,  Thomas 
Hill,  and  George  Andrews;  corporals,  Edwin  Cuniberbeach,  ('.  Wigo 
French,  Alfred  Bowler,  and  W.  J.  Townsend. 

Another  village  which  gave  an  almost  instantaneous  response  to 
the  president's  appeal  was  Port  Chester.  It  contributed  a  body 
known  as  Company  B  of  the  ITtli  Infantry — the  "  Westchester  Chas- 
seurs." This  company  consisted  of  seventy-eight  officers  and  men. 
Its  officers  were:  captain,  Nelson  B.  Bartram;  1st  lieutenant,  John 
Mckers;  2d  lieutenant,  Charles  Ililbert:  1st  sergeant,  James  Fox; 
sergeants,  Thomas  Beal,  Louis  Xeething,  and  August  Dittman;  cor- 
porals, William  Crothers,  John  Beal,  Josejih  Beal,  and  Kobert  .Magee. 
The  response  of  the  Port  Chester  company  was  to  the  call  for  two 
years'  volunteers,  and  the  men  left  on  the  30th  of  April.  Meantime 
several  patriotic  citizens  of  the  place  joined  in  a  "  Union  Defense 
Committee."  of  which  James  H.  Titus,  a  prominent  Kepublican,  was 
president,  and  John  E.  IMarshall,  a  prominent  Democrat,  was  treas- 
urer, having  for  its  object  to  raise  sufficient  money  to  forward  the 
men  to  camp  and  to  make  weekly  payments  to  such  of  their  families 
as  required  help  during  their  absence. 

The  17th  Infantry,  or  Westchester  Chasseurs,  to  which  both  these 
tirst  companies  of  Yonkers  and  Port  Chester  (together  witu  the  volun- 
teers from  Westchester  County)  belonged,  was  a  Tuixed  organization, 
including  tronjis  not  only  from  our  county,  but  fi-om  New  \'ork, 
Kockland.  Wayne.  Wyounng,  and  Chenango  Counties.  The  ladies 
of  Yonkers  ])i'eseiited  it  with  seven  hundred  havelocks.  Captain  Nel- 
son 15.  liartram,  of  Port  Chester,  ultimately  Ix'came  its  lieutenant- 
colonel.  "  It  left  for  the  seat  of  war  June,  IStJl,  and  participated  iu 
the  siege  of  Yorktowu  and  battles  of  Hanover  Court  House — where 
it  captured  the  tirst  cannon  taken  from  the  enemy  by  the  Army  of 
the  Potomac, — tiroveton  (known  as  the  second  battle  <>{  liiill  Kun). 
wliere  it  lost  thirteen  olticeis  and  2.")0  men.  killed  and  wounded,  An- 
tietain.  I'redei-icksburg.  and  Chancellorsville.  It  was  mustered  out 
ill  tile  s]ii-iiig  (if  ISt;;',  after  two  years"  service,  was  iiiiiiie(iiate!y  reoi'- 
ganized  foi-  three  years'  seivice,  and  to(d<  the  tield  in  September, 
being  the  tirst  of  the  thirty-nine  old  regiments  to  re])ort  for  duty." 
The  unmber  of  men  lost  by  tlie  regiment  at  the  second  Bull  Kuii 
was  aliiiosi   half  the  wliole  nimilter  who  went   into  the  battle. 


Mr.  Frederifk  \\  liiltiikcr,  juitlior  nf  th^-  article  on  llic  Civil  War 
in  Scliarf'.s  History,  after  liiviii.n  tli"  partinilars  of  the  organization 
of  the  Port  Chester  company  (he  does  not  mention  the  Yonkers  com- 
pany), says: 

The  Town  of  Cortlaiult,  almost  at  the  same  time,  sent  out  sixt}-  men,  raised  by  Mr.  Ben- 
jamin K.  Simpkins.  For  the  want  of  the  money  that  kept  the  Port  Chester  conipany  to- 
gether, this  fine  body  of  young  men  became  lost  in  the  great  City  of  New  York,  and  drifted 
into  diiferent  regiments,  so  that  not  a  man  of  the  sixty  was  ever  credited  to  the  county,  and 
not  a  few  of  them  returned  home.  Another  ])arty  of  sixteen  went  otf  to  A\'hitc  Plains,  under 
the  command  of  Mr.  William  M.  Bleakly,  of  Verplanek's  Point.  On  the  roll  of  Company  A, 
27th  Regiment,  they  appear  as  credited  to  Elniira,  of  all  places  in  the  world.  Mr.  Bleakly 
afterwards  became  Captain  Bleakly  in  the  '27th,  and  was  discharged  in  February,  1802.  The 
company  of  ^Ir.  Joseph  J.  Chambers  is  another  instance  of  the  same  state  of  affairs;  for, 
though  the  men  undo\d)tedly  haile<l  from  White  Plains,  they  are  likewise  credited  to  Elmira, 
their  captain  being  made  lieutenant-colonel  on  the  21st  of  May.  Yorktown  also  lost  a  great 
number  of  men  in  the  same  way,  no  mention  of  them  being  found  in  the  official  records  of  the 
two  years'  volunteers;  and  of  other  towns  there  is  still  less  trace  in  any  documents  by  which 
official  proof  can  be  furnished  of  the  facts.  The  whole  history  of  the  two  years'  volunteers, 
in  Westchester  Count}',  is  one  of  men  pressing  their  services  on  the  government,  which  seemed 
not  to  want  them;  and  it  cost  more  trouble,  in  the  months  of  April  and  May,  18Gl,to  get  into 
the  army  at  all  than  it  afterwards  did  to  get  out  of  the  draft. 

The  5th  Xew  York  Volnnteers,  known  as  Colonel  Duryea's  Zonaves, 
received  a  goodly  number  of  Westchester  County  men,  especially  from 
Yonkers.  In  this  regiment  Ralph  E.  Prime  (afterward  nominated  by 
the  president  to  be  brevet  brigadier-general)  was  a  captain.  John 
G.  Peeue,  another  well-known  citizen  of  Yonkers  (snbse(inently 
mayor  of  the  city),  was  among  the  first  to  eidist. 

The  original  demand  for  two-years'  men  was  soon  modified  so  as 
to  require  a  service  of  three  years.  Fntm  August  10  to  November  15, 
1801,  the  J:th  XeAV  York  Cavalry  was  mustered  in,  comprehending 
three  companies  (B,  C,  and  V)  from  Y'onkers.  The  5th  Independent 
Battery,  mustered  in  November  8,  1801,  included  several  privates 
from  Yonkers,  Mount  A'eruon,  and  Peekskill,  and  in  the  1st  Kegiment 
Mounted  Rifles,  mustered  in  all  the  way  from  August  31,  1801,  to 
September  9,  1802,  there  were  volnnteers  from  Tarrytown,  Mount 
Pleasant,  and  Harrison.  "This,"  says  ]\Ir.  Whittaker,  "concludes 
the  three  years'  volnnleei's  in  \\'estcliester  County  as  organizations 
of  which  the  records  are  accessible  in  an  official  form,"  up  to  the 
eidistment  of  the  famous  (ith  New  York  Heavy  Artillery. 

The  Otli  New  York  Heavy  Artillery  was  recruited  obediently  to  a 
call  issued  by  the  i)resident  in  1802  for  .'^00,000  volunteers  for  three 
years.     Governor  Moi'gan  aiiiMiin((^d  a  union  defense  committee'  for 

'The  members  of  this  comniiltci.  were:  of  Peekskill:  Gouverneiir  llnrris.  of  Morris- 
William  H.  Robertson,  of  Katonah;  Hezekiali  ania;  Gouverneur  Kenibic,  of  Cold  Spriii? 
I>.  Robertson,  of  Bodford;  Chaunoey  M.  Do-  (Putnam  County):  Lewis  G.  Morris,  of  Ford- 
pew,  of  Peekskill;  Edward  F.  Slir)nnaid,  of  ham:  Moses  G.  Leonard,  of  Rockland  Luke 
Voiikcrs:  .Tohu  Jay,  of  Bedford:  .Tames  A.  (Rockland  County);  Saxlon  Smith,  of  Saxtoii 
lliiniilton,    of    Dobbs    Ferry:    Thomas    Nelson,  Valley   (I'ntuam   Couiityl;   Silas   I).    Gifford.    of 

FROM    1842    TO    i!)on  597 

the  8th  senatorial  district — tlien  cdiiiprisinii-  tiic  Couiities  of  West- 
chester, Rockhiud,  and  I'ntnani — wliich  ])roceeded  to  raise  the  troops 
required  to  make  up  tlie  (juota  of  the  district.  "It  began  its 
work  by  promptly  effectiuii'  tlie  oi-iianization  of  an  infantry  regi- 
nu'ut  of  ten  full  companies  of  more  than  one  hundred  men  each, 
enlisted  to  serve  for  three  years,  which  was  desionated  by  the  au- 
thorities of  the  State  of  New  York  as  the  VA'Ah  New  Voi'k  ^'oluIllee^ 
Infantry,  and  was  named  by  the  committee  the  Anthony  Wayne 
Guard."    The  original  line  oltioers  were: 

Coinpiun-  A.  (  Poelcslvill ) :  Captain  A.  A.  Crookston,  Licnti'iiants  f'iporgc  W.  Sniitli  and 
Richard  M.  (iilleo. 

Coniiiany  H.  (Wliite  Plains):  Captain  E.  W.  Ander.son,  Ivieiitenants  Thomas  W.  Diclc  and 
Hi)iton  R."Platt. 

Company  C.  (West  Farms):  Captain  B.  B.  Valentine,  Lieutenants  Jame.'i  .Smith  aii<l  (ieoio-p 
C.  Kibbe. 

Cmnpany  D.  (Somers):  Captain  Eward  Jones,  Lieutenants  W.  S.  Sciilmer  and  I'latt 

Company  E.  (Port  Chester);  Captain  C.  H.  Palmer,  Lieutenants  W.  T.  Morse  and  Ford- 
ham  Morris. 

Company  F.  (Yonkers):  Captain  f^dniund  Y.  Morris,  Lieutenants  .Samuel  Ba.ssett  and  llenrv 
A.  Chadc.iyne. 

Company  (i.  (Carmel,  Putnam  County):  Cajitain  Webster  .Suiitli.  Lieutenants  Steplien 
Baker  and  Charles  F.  Hazen. 

Company  H.  (Morrisania):  Captain  H.  B.  Hall  (wounded).  Lieutenants  David  llarmel 
(mortally  wounded)  and  (Touverneni-  Morris,  Jr. 

Company  L  (Sing  Sing):  Captain  Clark  Peek,  Lieutenants  Charles  C.  Hyatt  and  J.  II. 

Company  K.  (Xyaek,  lloekland  County):  Captain  Wilson  Defendorf,  Lieutenants  John 
Havidson  and  Frederic  Slionnard,  of  Yonkers. 

The  villages  mentioned  in  this  list  were  the  places  where  the 
various  companies  were  raised.  Absolutely  every  township  of  the 
county,  and  probably  every  hamlet,  was  represented  among  the 
volunteers.  It  was  distinctively  a  NN'estchester  County  regiment. 
Yonkers  was  the  head(inarters  of  the  enlisting  officers.  The  regi- 
ment was  hrst  assembled  there  about  the  end  of  August,  lS(i2,  and 
it  was  mustered  into  the  United  States  service  on  tlie  Ud  of  Septem- 
ber. Pending  (he  a]ipointment  of  held  officers,  Lewis  <i.  Morris  acted 
as  jirovisional  colonel.  The  position  of  colonel  was  tendered  to 
Thomas  Ardeu.  a  graduate  of  West  Point,  but  he  declined  it.  There- 
ujion  Ca]ttain  William  Tloiikins  ]\Iorris,  also  a  West  Point  graduate, 
was  made  colonel.  He  had  previously  been  an  officer  in  active  service 
in  the  Army  of  the  I'otomac.  Colonel  Morris  subsequently  rose  to 
the  grades  of  brigadier-general  and  brevet  major-general  of  TTnited 

Morri.sania:    Munson    I.    Lnckwood.    of    While  Christie,  of  Njaek  (Knekland  (•.>unlyl:  .l"iin  I! 

IMalns:    Robert    II.    I.uiilow,    of    Westeliesler:  Wanclle.   •<(   rierinont    iltoclilan.l   ("..uiityi:   .\n- 

Jolin  W.  Mills,   of  Wliite   I'lalns;  Cliauneey   It.  drew     K.     SufTern.     of    Haverslraw    (Itockland 

Weeks,  of  Carniel  (I'ulnani  Couiily):  .Vliraharu  Counlyi:    Kilwanl  .1.    Slratil.  of   Nanin't    (Koek- 

B.    Conser.    of    Itookliind    lUoekland    County):  land   County),    and    Daniel    Tomklns,    of   Stony 

William  Bleaklry,  Jr..  of  Cortlandt;  Aaron   L.  Colnt  (Rockland  County). 


States  volunteers.  To  General  Moms  belongs  the  honor  <>f  luiving 
attained  the  highest  rank  awarded  to  any  citizen  of  Westchester 
C(»unty  during  the  War  of  the  Kebellion.  The  apitointuient  of  lieu- 
teuaut-eolonel  of  the  regiment  was  given  to  Captain  Kaljyh  E.  I'rinie, 
then  of  White  Plains,  now  of  Yonkers,  a  gallant  officer  of  the  5th 
New  York  Volunteers.  But  for  various  reasons  Captain  Prime  did 
not  assume  this  command,  and  the  lieutenant-ccdonelcj'  fell  to  Cap- 
tain J.  Howard  Kitching,  of  Dobbs  Ferrj',  an  otticer  in  the  2d  New 
York  Light  Artillery.  By  the  promotion  of  Colonel  Morris  to  the 
rank  of  brigadier-general,  Kitching  became  cok)md  of  the  regiment 
(April  11,  1SC3).  He  was  at  that  time  only  twenty-five  years  old. 
His  services  as  commander  of  the  regiment  were  most  brilliant.  At 
the  battle  of  Cedar  Creek,  August  19,  1801,  he  received  a  wound  from 
which  he  died  at  Dobbs  Ferry  on  the  16th  of  January,  1865.  He  was 
succeeded  in  the  command  of  the  regiment  by  Lieutenant-Colonel 
George  C.  Kibbe,  who  was  commissioned  colonel 
March  17,  1865. 

Although  instituted  as  an  infantry  organization, 
this  regiment  took  the  name  of  the  6th  New  York 
Heavy  Artillery.  "  Nevertheless,  during  Its  whole 
three  years  of  ardu(nis  service  with  the  8th  Corps, 
with  the  Army  of  the  Potomac,  with  the  Army  of  the 
•lames,  and  with  Sheridan's  Army  of  the  Shenandoah, 
it  continued  to  serve  as  infantry.  On  and  after  I)e- 
GEN.  WM.  H.  MORRIS,  ccuiber  26,  1862,  the  regiment  was  sent  to  Harper's 
Ferpy- in  detachments.  .  .  .  After  six  months  or  more 
of  very  varied  service  in  the  Shenandoah  Valley  with  otlKn-  troops, 
guarding  the  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Kailroad,  performing  skirmishing, 
scouting,  and  general  outpost  duties,  the  regiment  formally  joined 
the  Army  of  the  Potomac  during  the  Gettysburg  campaign,  becom- 
ing part  of  French's  3d  Corps,  which  was  held  in  the  neighborhood 
of  Frederick  City  as  a  reserve  to  i^rotect  Washington,  by  the  orders 
of  the  war  department.  The  regiment,  first  with  General  Morris's 
brigade  of  the  3d  Division,  3d  Army  Corps,  then  with  the  reserve  ar- 
tillery, and  afterward  with  Ayres's  division  of  the  5th  Corps,  ])artici- 
pated  in  all  the  campaigns  of  the  Army  of  the  Potomac  from  Gettys- 
burg, in  July,  1863,  to  August  13,  1861,  in  the  siege  of  Petersburg, 
including  the  Bristol  Station,  the  Mine  Run,  and  the  great  Grant 
campaigns,  and  lias  ])robably  the  unique  record  of  having  served  in 
battle  with  every  corps  of  the  Army  of  the  Potomac,  with  Sheridan's 
Army  in  the  Shenandoah,  and  with  the  Army  of  the  James.  .  .  . 
The  last  time  the  regiment  was  under  fire  was  in  a  brief  engagement 
at  Bermuda  Hundred,  April  2, 186>.">.    The  original  members  were  mus- 

FROM    1842    TO    1900  599 

tered  out  of  the  TTnitod  States  servico  Juno  27,  ISO").  Tlie  renuiiuder, 
with  a  battalion  of  the  KHli  New  York  Artillery,  became  the  con- 
solidated (Jth  New  York  Artillery."'' 

About  a  year  before  the  tei-nnnation  of  its  period  of  enlist Tiient 
the  refi'lment  unanimously  tendered  its  services  to  tlie  jioverniiieiit 
for  another  term  of  three  years.  This  offer  was  declined  on  the 
ground  that  the  men  Avould  probably  not  be  needed. 

The  6th  New  York  Heavy  Artillery  is  recognized  by  all  writers  on 
the  campaigns  and  battles  of  the  Civil  War  as  one  of  the  great  fight- 
ing regiments,  it  is  estimated  that  during  its  career  of  less  than 
three  years  the  total  number  of  men  who  fought  in  its  ranks — the 
great  majority  of  them  from  ^\'(>stchesfer  County — was  fully  four 
thousand.  Its  sur\"iving  membi'i-s  retain  to  this  (\:]y  a  fraternal  or- 
ganization, which  h«dds  annual  reunions. 

Another  regiment  to  which  Westchester  County  largely  contrib- 
uted was  the  lOth  New  York  Cavalry,  better  known  as  the  Si)rague 
Light  Cavalry,  mustered  into  the  service  between  June  and  October, 
18t)3.  Companies  K,  L,  and  M  of  this  (U'gauization  consisted  mostly 
of  men  hailing  from  the  Towns  of  Mount  Pleasant,  Yonkers,  (Jreen- 
burgh,  and  AYliite  Plains. 

No  attempt  can  be  made  in  the  present  work  to  embody  a  com- 
plete or  even  a  measurably  thorough  record  of  the  contributions  of 
(trganized  bodies  of  men  by  the  different  localities  of  oui-  county  to 
the  armies  of  the  United  States  during  the  Kebellion.  A  i)revious 
writer  on  this  jdiase  of  the  county's  history  slates  that  in  entering 
upon  his  undertaking — which  specially  involved  the  satisfaction 
of  local  readers — he  had  it  in  view  to  make  a  complete  compilation, 
but  found  that  impracticable,  "while  an  iiiconiplete  one  might  give 
just  offense  to  men  whose  names  would  be  unavoidably  left  out  from 
latdc  of  information.''  -  In  a  comprehensive  history  id'  the  county  con- 
fined to  reasonable  limits  it  is  of  course  out  of  the  question  to  in- 
troduce a  precise  record  by  localities,  and  none  other  would  meet 
the  requirements  of  any  formal  treatment  of  the  subject. 

Several  painstaking  local  historians  of  the  county  have  carefully 
calculated  the  total  enlistments  in  their  respi'ctive  townships,  a<lding 
other  e.xact  particulars  of  much  interest. 

Yorktown,  according  to  the  Kev.  W.  J.  Cumming,  "  sent  out  approx- 
imat(dy  2S1  soldiers."  He  has  been  able  to  identify  the  regiments 
to  which  188  of  these  men  were  attached:  they  were  nineteen  in  num- 
ber, the  6th  New  York  Heavy  Artillery  leading  with  '>(>.  It  is  not 
known  in  what  reuiments  the  remainder  of  the  enlisting  men  from 

■Yonkers  In   tliv  Ki'liclllon.       ■  Sdiarf,  i.,  iM. 

600  HlSTOnv     OP    WESTCHESTEll    COUNTY 

Yorktuwu — coustitutinji  a  iiiajmity  of  the  whole  luiiuher — served. 
This  is  a  speciiueu  case.  In  the  first  months  of  tlie  war  it  was  com- 
paratively an  easy  matter  to  raise  recrnits,  but  as  the  struggle  pro- 
gressed bounties  had  to  be  paid  and  drafts  resorted  to.  *'  In  accord- 
ance with  a  resolution  adopted  at  a  town  meeting  held  on  September 
23,  ISCB.  a  system  of  mutual  insurance,  as  it  were,  against  draft,  was 
established,  which  providt'd  that  every  person  enrolled  as  liable  to 
military  service  who  should  pay  into  a  c(jmmou  fund  the  sum  of  |8(l 
should  be  entitled,  if  drafted,  to  receive  from  the  town  the  sum  of 
1300  to  procure  a  substitute  or  pay  the  government  for  his  exenip 
tion."  Agreeably  to  this  plan  the  bonds  of  the  town  were  issued  at 
various  times,  according  to  the  quotas  required  from  the  town  under 
diiferi'nt  calls.  '•  The  total  sum  expended  in  Yorktown  for  volun- 
teers was  187,745,  and  by  the  town  itself,  exclusive  of  the  help  re- 
ceived by  the  State,     .     .     .     i)fGG,4J:5."  ^ 

ilr.  Charles  E.  (_'ul\cr,  the  historian  of  Souiers,  gives  the  names 
and  dates  of  culislnient  of  sixty  soldiers  from  that  township,  dis- 
rributed  among  seventeen  regimeuls.  In  addition  to  these,  he  says, 
there  were  twenty-three  substitutes  enlisted  and  twenty-five  others 
were  enlisted  frcnn  other  i)laces  for  the  town.  "  Every  burial  place 
in  the  toAvn  contains  the  headstones  of  some  of  our  soldiers.'"  One 
of  the  heroic  (U'ad  of  Soniers  was  ^lajor  P^dward  Jones,  of  the  fith 
New  York  Heavy  ATtillei-y.  who  fell  at  Cedar  Creek.  The  amount 
re(|uired  to  be  ]iaid  in  Somers  for  what  ^Ir.  Cumming  styles  the  in- 
surance against  draft  was  only  f25.-  In  the  Town  of  Noi'th  Salem 
Mr.  Culver  finds  thirty-five  records  of  enlistment.^ 

JNIr.  George  Thatch<n'  Smith,  in  his  contribution  to  Scharf's  His- 
tory on  the  Town  of  roundridge,  presents  a  variety'  of  interesting 
particulars.  At  the  election  of  ISdO  there  were  only  328  votes  cast 
in  the  township,  yet  "  Ix^fore  the  close  of  the  war  9-1  residents  had 
enlisted  in  the  army  ami  three  in  the  navy,*'  there  being  also  ten  re- 
enlistments;  and  in  addition  about  thirty-six  non-residents  were  pro- 
cured by  the  supervisors  as  substitutes.  The  really  remarkable  cir- 
cumstance is  stated  that  of  the  ninety-seven  residents  who  went  to 
the  war  sixty-one  were  shoemakers,  only  twenty-eight  being  farmers. 
A  payment  of  flO  sufticed  in  Poundridge  to  exempt  from  draft.  The 
total  indebtedness  incuired  Ity  the  to\\nsliip  on  account  of  the  war 
was  .135,280.* 

In  New  Castle,  says  Barrett,  the  war  debt  amounted  to  about 
•f 48,000,''^  and  in  North  Castle  to  .*50,000.«  He  gives  the  names  of  If.l 
soldiers  (including  eleven  colored  men)  from  North  Casth'. 

"Rye,"  says  the  able  historian  of  tliat  town   (tlie  late  Rev.  C.  W. 

1  Scli.ii'f,    II.,   4!;2.    -  Iliid.,  11.,  477.    "Ibid.,   11.,  RIK.     '  Ililil..  ii..  5f>S.    ■Ibid.,   ii.,  a».    '■  Ibid..   11..  635. 

Fuo.M    1S42    TO    1000 


Itairdl,  "  riiriiislicd  Cidin  llic  opciiiini  "T  I  lie  Krlicllidii  iihoiil  'A'A)  men 
lur  the  war.  Of  these,  12()  were  residents  of  ilic  town  and  \v<tc  vnlun 
tcci-s  nndcr  ilic  fii'st  call;  L'iS  cnlislcd  nndcr  ( iovcnioi'  .Mdryan's  proc- 
lamalion  of  Auinnst  13,  IS(>2\  one  man  was  (Irallcd;  fnity-onc  suli- 
stitutes  were  ])i-(»vidcd,  and  loriN  live  icciiiiis  nhiaiiicd.  Tlic  town 
rcsponilcd  pinniiil  ly  to  every  call  made  lor  ti(i()|is,  eillicr  li\'  national 
i)V  by  Slate  government,  and  provided  honnlilnily  lor  tlie  lamilies 
of  those  who  Weill  torth  1o  sustain  the  honor  of  liie  country.  It  is 
sn]iposed  that  in  addition  to  the  nnnihers  already  slated,  as  many 
as  fifty  persons  from  the  town  enlisted  in  ("onnecticnt  regiments."' 
I'roiu  1  larrison,  accord- 
ini;'  to  -Mr.  I'.aird's  re- 
searches, there  were 
nlloii'ether  KiS  eulisi 
ments.-  ( )nly  one  of  t  he 
Harrison  meudied  from 
a  bullet  wound — cer- 
tainly a  curious  and 
probably  an  unparal 
leled  fact  in  view  of 
their  considerable  nuui 

Thi'(m;L;liout  the  war. 
in  spite  of  Ihe  very 
hearty  resjionses  of  our 
citizens  to  t]i(»  uumer 
ons  calls  for  troops,  the 
majority  of  the  people 
of  Westchester  County 

continued  in  synqjathy  with  the  pre^ailinji  political  senlinient  of  New 
York  City.  The  three  leading-  I)enH)cratic  newsi)a])ers  were  so  eui- 
jihatic  in  I  heir  expressions  that  the  ,iirand  jury  of  Westchester  County, 
in  August,  IStn,  bi'ou^ht  in  a  pi-es(Mitnient  ajiainst  I  hem.  The  follow- 
iuii'  is  a.  i)ortion  of  this  interest iTi,i>-  document: 

The  Yoiikei's  Herald,  H'uildand  Democrat,  and  Eastern  State  Journal  have,  froin  the  time  nf 
tlic  issue  <if  the  iiiesident's  pidclaniatioii,  immediately  after  the  tiiiiii;  on  Kort  Sumter,  stead- 
ily treated  tlu'  war  wliicli  lias  tolliivved,  in  the  e-xtraets  and  articles  they  have  putilished,  .-is 
an  unlidly  and  ])artisau  war,  unjustly  eommeneed  and  proseeuted  hy  the  a<lministratioii.  hi 
so  lUmig  it  has  evidently  heen  their  purjiose  to  consolidate  a  party  hy  the  aid  of  op- 
position and  infiuence  they  mii;ht  |irevent  enlistments  and  retard  the  sneeessful  prosecution  of 
tlie  war. 

The  ijrand  jurors  therefore  invoke  the  attention  of  tlie  district  attorney  of  this  ciuinty  to 
the  prosecution  of  the  editors  and  ])roi)rietors  nameil  if  hereafter,  after  this  jinhlic  notice  of 
their  evil  course,  they  sliould  persist  in  thus  coutinuinj;  li>  fjive  aid  and  ciiniforl  to  the  I'ni'niies 
of  the  i;(>vernment. 

'  Ibid.,  11.,  681.    »  Ibid..  II.,  718. 

nil.    .1A\     11(J.\U.M1..\1>,    BKDFOKl). 


No  prosecutions  resulted,  and  indeed  the  adiiionitioii  tlms  <iiven 
had  litth'  effect  n]i(»n  tlie  editorial  atlitudc  of  tlic  newspapers  con- 

At  the  election  of  1SG2,  when  Horatio  Seymour  was  chosen  "ov- 
ernor,  Westchester  County  gave  7,8(;U  votes  for  the  Deiiiocralic  State 
ticket  and  5,550  for  the  liepublican.  shdwing  a  Democratic  yain  in 
plurality  of  more  than  a  thousand  votes  since  the  election  of  1S60. 

During  tlie  celebrated  draft  riots  of  lSt>3  in  New  Voi-k  City  there 
Avere  various  sym])athetic  disturl)ances  in  Westcliester  County,  which 
are  recorded  witli  ]iarticularity  by  ^fr.  Frederick  AVhittaker  in 
Scharfs  History.  On  the  lith  of  July — the  second  day  of  the 
New  York  riots — ''  crowds  visited  the  enrolling  offices  of  Morrisania 
and  West  Farms,  tore  up  the  enrolling  lists,  destroyed  the  telegraph 
offices  at  Williams's  P.ridge  and  Melrose,  ripped  u])  some  rails  on 
the  'Ne^Y  Haven  and  Harlem  roads  near  the  Bronx  Kiver,  liad  i>ickets 
on  both  roads  as  far  as  Mount  ^'ernon  to  signal  when  a  general  at- 
tempt to  tear  up  tracks  might  be  safe,  but  were  quieted  in  Morrisania 
and  AVest  Farms  by  appeals  made  by  Supervisor  Cauldwell  and  Mr. 
Pierre  G.  Talman."  On  the  15th  "  the  Hudson  River  train  was 
stopped  at  Youkers,  the  rails  having  been  torn  up  betMcen  thai 
place  and  the  city,  so  that  the  Canadian  mail  had  to  be  taken  to 
New  York  on  the  boat.  The  citizens  of  Yonkers  formed  two  com- 
panies of  Home  CJuards  to  keej)  proi)erty  and  life  safe,  but  there  was 
no  serious  disturbance.  The  arsenal  was  guarded  day  and  night. 
At  Tarrytowu  a  guard  was  also  formed,  and  procured  a  cannon  to 
overawe  the  mob,  so  that  all  was  peaceful  along  the  Hudson  lliver." 
A  mob  from  the  marble  quarries  at  Tuckahoe  marched  to  Mount 
Vernon,  with  the  avowed  purpose  of  "  burning  down  the  houses  of 
all  the  Kepublicans  in  the  place.''  They  contented  themselves,  how- 
ever, witii  noisy  demonstrations  and  stone  throwing.  On  the  even- 
ing of  the  15th  a  large  public  meeting  was  held  in  the  town  hall  at 
Tremont.  It  was  under  the  auspices  mainly  of  influential  citizens 
of  Democratic  antecedents,  who,  whilst  deprecating  violence,  were 
strongly  opposed  to  the  draft  on  grounds  of  public  policy,  and  hence 
were  in  position  to  nuike  their  recommemlations  respected  by  the 
excited  piq)nlace.  Tiie  principal  speaker  was  Mr.  John  B.  Haskin. 
This  meeting  w^as  instrumental  in  calming  the  passions  of  the  time. 

The  vote  of  the  county  for  president  in  1801  stood:  Oeorge  B.  Mc- 
Clellan  (Dem.),  9,353;  Abraham  Lincoln  (Kep.l,  7.593.  In  1868  the 
vote  for  Horatio  Seymour  (Dem.)  was  11,007,  and  for  Ulysses  S. 
Grant  (Kep.)  9,641. 

Between  1800  and  1805  only  one  new  village  was  incorporated — 

FROM   1842   TO    1000  603 

lliat  of  Mdi-risania  (1864).  A  uotabk'  event  of  this  period  was  liie 
oi'^aiiizalion  of  the  Woodlawn  Ci-nietery  in  December,  18()3.  The 
improvement  of  the  grouuds  was  commenced  in  A])ril.  ISCl,  and  the 
first  interment  was  made  January  14,  ISfif). 

The  war  interfered  seriously  w-itb  the  growth  (»f  poi>uhition  in 
Westchester  County.  In  18(;r)  tlie  total  ]iopnhition  was  101, HIT,  a 
gain  of  only  1,700  over  18(>0.  Tlie  \iiiage  and  Townsiiip  of  ^■o^iceI•s 
had  a  combined  population  of  11,04!),  being  considerably  in  advance 
of  tiiat  of  any  other  political  division  of  the  county  except  tiie  Town 
of  Morrisania.  In  18()5  the  total  number  of  people  living  in  the  [)or- 
tion  of  the  county  wJiicli  now  constitutes  the  Borough  of  the  Bronx 
was  about  20,G00. 

The  Village  of  White  Plains  was  incorporated  by  an  ad  passed 
April  3,  186(j.  The  tirst  ofticers  of  the  village  were:  president,  John 
Swinburne;  clerk,  John  M.  Kowell;  trustees,  (Jilbort  S.  Lyon,  Kdwanl 
Sleath,  II.  r.  Bowell,  J.  P.  Jenkins,  J.  W.  .Mills,  and  Harvey  (Jroot. 

In  18<i8  (May  14)  Port  Chester  received  a  village  charter.  This 
place  was  originally  called  Saw  Pit.  "  That  very  inelegant  name," 
says  Baird,  "had  its  origin  in  the  fact  that  a  sjiot  on  Lyon's  Point, 
now  part  of  the  Village  of  Port  Ciicstei-,  was  occupied  in  ancient' 
times  for  the  building  of  boats."  The  present  name  was  adojited  in 
ls;!7.  I'ort  Chester's  growth  has  been  rajiid,  owing  to  the  dcvelo])- 
iiicnt  of  its  manufacturing  industries,  and,  witli  the  exce]ition  of 
New  Kochelle,  it  is  now  tlie  largest  community  of  Westchester  <  ounty 
on  the  Sound. 

During  the  decade  18(!0-T(I  two  men  who,  with  the  late  .hidgc 
liobertson.  are  probably  to  be  regarded  as  the  most  re]iT-esentative 
liublic  characters  of  Westchester  County  birth  and  anteceilents  in 
our  generation — Chauncey  .M.  Dcixw  and  James  W.  Ilu.sted, — entered 
political  life.  Mr.  Depew,  born  in  i'cekskill  in  1834.  began  tlie  jirac- 
ticeof  law  in  his  native  village  in  18r)!t,  and  in  18til  was  electetl  mem- 
ber of  the  assembly  on  the  Union  Republican  ticket  from  the  3d 
assembly  district.  He  was  re-elected  in  18(12,  and  in  18(i3  was  elected 
secretary  of  state.  In  18()7  he  was  appointed  county  ch'rk  of  West- 
chester County  to  fill  a  vacancy,  but  declined  the  office.  His  career 
since  then  has  been  one  of  great  prominence  and  usefulness  in  varieil 
connections;  and  probably  no  other  .Vmericau  of  our  times  has  be- 
come more  widely  known  or  enjoys  a  higher  or  more  distinguished  pop- 
ularity. Mr.  Husted  (b(n-n  in  Bedford,  October  31.  1833)  was  a  class- 
mate of  ;Mr.  Depew's  at  college,  studied  law  with  Edward  Wells  at 
Peekskill,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1857.  Although  elected 
sclio(d  commissioner  of  the  3d  district  of  Westchester  County  in  185i», 
it  was  not  until  eleven  years  later  that  he  began  his  jihenomeual 



career  in  tlie  assembly.  Meautinie,  however,  he  held  iinporrant  ap- 
))()intive  positions  under  the  State  government.  "  He  was  first  elected 
a  member  of  the  assembly  in  1809,  to  represent  the  3d  assembly  dis- 
trict of  this  county,  and  he  continued  being  elected  and  re-elected 
to  the  latter  offlce  uj)  to  and  inciudinf-  the  year  of  his  death  [lS'J2j; 
serving  from  ISdK  to  1S7S  from  this  county,  ISTO-SO  from  Rockland 
("ounty,  and  again  in  1881  and  1883  to  1892  from  this  county.     He 

.lAMKS    W.    HUSTED. 

was  Speaker  of  the  assembly  in  the  years  1874,  "70,  '78,  ■8(i,  '87,  and  "90. 
He  had  a  longer  legislative  experience  than  any  other  man  in  the  his- 
tory of  the  State — tAveuty-two  years;  he  also  had  the  distinction  of  hav- 
ing been  speaker  more  times  than  any  other  man."'  He  was  only  once 
defeated  as  a  candidate  for  the  assembly — in  1882,  by  John  Hoag. 
In  1808  John  Thompson  Hoffman,  a  native  of  Westchester  County, 

'  Smith's  M.iuual  of  Wpstchcster  County,  77. 

FROM    1842   TO    1900  (505 

\\;is  clcclcd  t;t)\ciii()i-  (iT  llic  State.  lie  A\as  a  sdii  of  Dr.  A.  K.  Tlioiiip- 
soi),  of  Sini;-  Sinj;',  and  was  born  in  tliat  village  on  the  10th  of  Jau- 
iiarv,  1S2.S.  After  conipletinn'  his  <;enerai  education  he  studied  law, 
was  admitted  to  the  bar,  and  eniiajicd  in  tlie  jiractiee  of  law  in  New 
York  City.  He  soon  became  ]>romiiienl  liotli  in  his  jirofession  and 
in  politics.  He  served  two  terms  as  jiovernor,  hcinn  re-elected  in 
1S70.  H  was  unfortunate  for  him  that  his  career  in  the  executive 
nl'lice  was  coincident  with  the  Tweed  King  exposures,  which  involved 
much  criticism  of  his  political  afliliations  with  Tammany.  I'pon 
the  comjiletion  of  his  second  term  he  retired  from  puhiic  life.  He 
died  on  the  24(li  of  March,  ISSS. 

Eisihteen  hundred  and  seventy  was  the  last  census  year  in  winch 
West<-iu'ster  County    retained    the   bounds   establisheil    for   if    nndei- 
the  orijiinal  county  act  id'  1()S:5.     The  pojiulatiou  in   ISTd,  by  town 
slMiis  arid  \illa!H(^s,  was  as  f(dlows: 


li.'dford :!,(>i»7 

("(.i-tlaiidt 11, 094 

Ptfli.skill  Village .  (),."i(i() 

Veii)laiielv  Village 1,'>(M 

Ka.stelu'ster 7,4!»1 

Central  Mount   Vernon   Villai^i  4.">() 

East  Mount   Vernon   Villaire .  500 

Mount  Vernon  Village 2, 700 

West  Mount  Vernon  Village  .  1  .LMIO 

(Ireenliurgh  "  lO.T'.KI 

Harrison  7S7 

Lcvvisboro  .  .  I,(i01 

Maniaroneek.  ,  ,  .  1,4S;! 

Morrisania lO.fiOlt 

.Mount  I'leasant .5,21(1 

Ik'ckniautown  Village  2,20(i 

New  Castle 2,152 

New  Rorhelle :5,915 

New  Hoelielle  Village .  27!t 

North  Castle.  '  b'.HM! 

North  Sal.-n.  1,754 

Ossining 7. 70S 

SingSing  Village .  .  I,(i0() 

IVlhani 1,700 

I'oundridge  1,194 

Kve ".l.->0 

I'cut  Chester  Village    .  .  .'{.707 

Soniers I,i21 

Westchester  <>.015 

West  Farms !),372 

liihuont    Village  171 

Clairniont       "  I-jS 

Kairinonnt      '•  iJOS 

Kordhani         •  2.151 

Monterey        •■  1  IS 

Mount  Kdcn  •■  110 



West  Fiii-ms — Contiinied 

Mount    Hope    Villafje 487 

Tremont  "       2,()i!5 

West  Faijus  "       1,70] 


Bridge  "       144 

Woodstock  '■       :!07 

White   Plains '2,C."!0 

Yonkers 18,;!.")7 

Yonkers  Village \'2,TXi 

Yorktown 2,<ja5 

Total 131,;U8 

The  steady  growth  of  Yonkers  had  \tm<x  foreshadowed  the  couver- 
sion  of  that  village  iiilo  a  city,  and  after  the  census  enumeration  of 
1870  the  important  chaugc  began  to  be  agitated.  The  legislative 
act  creating  the  City  of  Yonkers  was  passed  on  the  1st  of  June,  1872, 
and  received  (lovernor  Hoffman's  signature  the  same  day.  By  this 
measure  the  whole  of  the  former  Township  of  Yonkers,  excepllng 
a  strip  at  its  southern  extremity,  was  incorporated  in  the  new  city. 
The  southern  strip  excluded  fnmi  the  city  limits  extended  from 
Spuyten  Duyvil  Creek  to  a  ])oint  on  the  Hudson  beginning  at  "the 
northerly  line  of  the  laud  belonging  to  the  Sisters  of  Charity,  knowt 
as  Mount  Saint  Vincent  de  Paul,"  which  line  was  continued  east- 
ward along  specified  bounds  to  the  Bronx  Eiver.  The  i)ortion  of  the 
ancient  territory  of  Yonkers  thus  reserved  continued,  however,  to 
belong  to  Yonkers  Township  until  the  Kith  of  December,  1872,  w  lieu 
it  was  set  off  by  the  board  of  supervisors  as  a  separate  township, 
receiving  the  name  of  the  Town  of  Kingsbridge.  The  City  of  Yonkers 
has  preserved  to  the  present  day  the  exact  limits  appointed  to  it 
by  the  act  of  1872.  It  has  an  area  of  seventeen  and  one  half  square 

At  the  first  election  held  for  city  officers,  Mr.  James  C.  Courier  and 
Mr.  Robert  P.  Getty  were,  respectively,  the  Democratic  and  Kt'jiub- 
lican  candidates.  Mr.  Courier  received  a  majority.'  John  F.  Bren- 
nan,  E.  L.  Soger,  Albert  Keeler,  William  MacFarlane,  Ethan  Flagg, 
H.  ]>.  Garrison,  Henry  K.  Hicks,  and  Z.  H.  Brower  were  chosen  alder- 
men. "  When  the  city  was  incorporated,"  says  Allison,  "  it  had  no 
asphalt  avenues  and  streets,  no  waterworks  to  supply  water  for  do- 
nu\stic  use,  for  power,  and  for  extinguishing  fires,  no  system  of  sewers, 
no  firebells,  no  electric  tire-alarm,  and  no  electric  lights.  There  were 
no  steam  cars  running  to  Getty  Square,  no  street  cars."     From  the 

*  Mayors  nf  the  City  of  Yonliors  to  the  prpscnt  Snniiu'l  Swift;  lSS4-8i;.   William  G.   Stahlneckor; 

timt-:  1872-74.  James  C.   Coiirtor;  lS74-7li,   Joseph  LSSfi-iio.    J.    Ilarvpy    Boll;    lSiro-92,    Jiimos    Mill- 

Masten;    1876-78,     William     A.     Gibson;    1878-80,  ward:    1892-94,    James   H.    Weller;    189(5-98,    John 

Joseph  Masteu;  1880-82,  Norton  P.  Otis;  1SS2  84,  G.  Peene;  1S9S-190O,  Leslie  Sutherland. 

FKOM     IS  12     T«)     lilOO  607 

first  the  seat  of  the  citv  .aovcinmcnt  was  tlic  I'  Man(tr  House, 
whicli  in  ISHS  liad  Imh'u  iinicliascd  by  the  villa^r  fi-nin  iis  dwiin-, 
Judye  William  W.  Woodwurth. 

The  presidential  campaign  of  1S72  is  ever  nicmorahlc  as  (lie  mic 
ill  which  Horace  Circeley,  the  <;i-ea1  editor  of  the  New  York  Trihiiiic, 
rau  aj^ainst  General  Grant.  Mr.  Greeley  was  for  some  twenty  years 
a  citizen  of  AVestchester  County.  He  was  one  of  ihe  laily  incomers 
from  New  York  City  after  the  o])enini;-  of  tlie  railways.  In  the  siini 
mer  of  1S50  he  lived  with  Jiis  family  on  the  Todd  Hailey  estate  in 
the  Town  of  North  Salem.*  We  have  seen  that  durin-;-  the  same  year 
he  took  a  very  prominent  \y.\vi  in  the  steps  which  led  to  the  settle- 
ment of  Mount  Vernon.  In  1851  he  i)urchased  a  farm  of  seventy-five 
acres  at  Chappaqua  in  the  Town  of  New  Castle.  Unlike  most  other 
prominent  New  Y'orkers  who  came  to  Westchester  County  to  live, 
Mr.  Greeley  sought  a  strictly  rural  abode  without  any  of  the  acces- 
sories of  aristocratic  pretension.  He  wished  to  he  a  plain  farmer, 
and  to  prosecute  agricultural  pursuits  in  a  perfectly  serious  way. 
His  purposes  in  moviui;- to  Clia])pa(iua  were  tiius  eIo(|U('ntly  ex])ressed 
in  an  address  delivered  before  the  Indiana  Agricultural  Society  in 
1853:  "As  for  me,  long  tossed  on  llie  stormiest  waves  nT  donliilMl 
conflict  and  arduous  endeavor,  1  have  begun  to  feel,  since  Ihe  shades 
of  forty  years  fell  upon  me,  the  weary,  temjx'sr-driveu  voyager's  long- 
ing for  land,  the  wanderer's  yearning  for  tlie  liamlel  where  in  child- 
hood he  nestled  by  his  mother's  knee,  and  was  soollied  lo  slee|i  oii 
her  breast.  The  sober  doM'n-hill  of  life  dis])els  many  illusions,  while 
it  d('\-eloiis  or  strengthens  within  us  lli'-  attaclniieiil,  jierluips  long 
smothered  or  o\'erlaid,  for  *  that  deai'  hut,  our  home.'  .\n(l  so  I. 
in  the  sober  afternoon  of  life,  \\hen  its  sun,  if  not  high,  is  still  warm, 
have  bought  a  fe^v  acres  of  land  in  the  broad,  slill  (•ountr_\-,  and,  bear 
ing  thither  my  household  treasures,  ha\c  resolved  to  steal  from  the 
city's  labors  and  anxieties  at  least  one  day  in  each  week,  wherein 
to  revive  as  a  farnun"  the  nuMuories  of  my  childhood's  hninble  iiome. 
And  already  1  realize  that  the  exiieiimenl  can  noi  cost  so  much  as 
it  is  worth.  Already  I  find  in  that  day's  (|uiet  an  antidote  and  a  solace 
foi"  the  feverish,  festering  cares  of  I  lie  weeks  which  eii\ii-on  it.  . Al- 
ready my  brook  murmurs  a  sootliing  evensong  to  my  burning,  thi'(di 
biiig  brain;  and  my  trees,  gently  slii'i'ed  by  the  fi'esh  breezes,  wliisiier 
to  my  spirit  something  of  their  own  (piiet  strenglli  and  p.ilieni  liiisi 
ill  God.  And  thus  do  I  faintly  n-alize,  though  but  for  a  brief  and 
flitting  day,  the  serene  joy  whicii  sliall  iri'ailiate  the  farmer's  voca- 
tion, wlien  a  fuller  and  truer  <'du(alion  shall  have  relincd  and 
chastened  liis  animal  cra\ini;s.  and  wlun  science  shall  have  emloweil 

'  Stli.nrf,    il..    515. 


hiiu  with  her  treasures,  rcdcciiiing  labor  from  driulgcrv  wliilc  (juad- 
rii]diiiii  its  cfHcieiKy,  aiid  crowiiiu^-  with  beauty  and  pleuty  our  boun- 
teuus,  beueliceut  Earth." 

Mr.  Greeley  was  accustomed  to  come  uji  to  Chappaqua  Sattirday 
morniuj;-,  returuiujj;  to  the  city  Sunchiy  moruinj;.  lie  couverted  the 
place  iuto  a  model  farm,  aud  his  celebrated  book,  "  What  I  Kuow 
About  Farming,"  was  the  result  of  his  experiences  in  developing  his 
rhap]>a(iua  hind.  "  It  was  his  custom,"  says  Barrett,  in  his  His- 
tory of  the  Town  of  New  Castle,  "  always  to  vote,  both  at  general 
and  local  elections,  and  it  was  usual  for  him  to  spend  the  whole  day 
at  the  polls  when  the  election  was  important,  discussing  public  ques- 
tions with  those  who  would  gather  about  him  for  that  purpose." 
He  retired  to  bis  farm  toward  the  close  of  the  presidential  canvass, 
and  there,  worn  out  by  his  exertions  and  sorely  afflicted  by  the  fatal 
illness  of  his  wife,  received  the  news  of  his  crushing  defeat.  He  died 
on  the  29th  of  Kovember,  1872,  at  the  residence  of  Dr.  Choate,  several 
miles  distant  from  his  home.  The  Chappa(iua  farm  ultimately  be- 
came the  property  of  his  daughter,  Gabrielie,  now  the  wife  of  the 
Rev.  F.  M.  Clendenin,  of  Westchester. 

Westchester  County  gave  Greeley  11,112  votes,  against  10,228 
for  General  Grant. 

The  advisability  of  annexing  a  portion  of  >\'estcliester  County  to 
the  City  of  New  York  began  to  receive  some  consideration  many  years 
before  the  formal  annexation  movement  was  inauguiated.  As  early 
as  1N(I4  it  was  proposed  to  combine  tlie  Towns  of  .Moriisaiiia  and  West 
Farms  under  a  special  city  charter,  but  owing  to  o]>|iositioii  on  th'- 
part  of  land  owners  in  West  Inarms  the  idea  was  abandoned.  Morris- 
ania,  however,  received  in  tliat  year  a  village  charter,  which  "  con- 
ferred upon  the  trustees  nearly  all  the  powers  of  a  city  coriioration 
without  the  incidiMital  ex])enses;  and  this  act  enabled  the  town  au- 
thorities to  pioneer  annexation  by  proceeding  to  make  such  improve- 
ments in  streets  and  highways  as  were  demanded  by  an  increasing 
jxipulation  flowing  in  from  below  the  Harlem  IJiver."  Abotit  thi' 
same  time  some  new  cross  streets  were  indicated  in  the  sections 
adjacent  to  the  Harlem  River,  and  were  numbered  in  continuation 
of  the  streets  below  the  river — a  ])roceeding  significant  of  the  general 
belief  in  the  early  upward  expansion  of  the  city. 

In  an  article  on  the  history  of  the  annexation  movement,  Mr.  Will- 
iam Cauldwell,  one  of  the  fathers  of  that  movement,  says: 

"The  first  i)ositive  move  in  the  legislature  toward  annexation  was 
in  the  year  1869,  when  Mr.  Cornelius  Corson,  then  a  resident  of  Mount 
Vernon,  Westchester  County,  and  a  close  ailherent  to  what  was 
known  as  the  Tweed  re^gime,  having  prepared   a   bill   providing  for 

FROM    1842    TO    1900 


I  he  aiiiu'xatioii  of  the  Tdwiis  of  .Momsiinia,  West  T'^iniis,  W'csttlicstci-, 
aud  3Ioimt  Voruon  to  the  City  of  New  York,  liad  notice  of  such  pro- 
posed bill  jjiven  by  the  late  Senator  (Jenet.  I  had  tiie  honor  at  the 
lime  of  representinji-,  ainonij-  otlier  localities,  the  Wcstcliester  towns 
in  the  State  senate,  and  rei^ardini^  it  as  an  act  of  disconrlesy  tliat 
such  a  move  should  have  been  made  without  consultation,  an(i  with- 
out the  request  of  my  immediate  constituents,  on  the  spur  of  the 
moment  I  arose  in  my  i)hice  in  tiie  senate  and  mave  notice  that  I 
would,  at  some  future  time,  present  a  '  bill  to  jninex  the  TMty  of  New 
York  to  the  Town  of  ]\lorrisania.'  This  sarcasm  hit  the  nail  on  the 
head,  and  nothinti  further  was  heard  of  the  Corson  bill;  for  soon 
thereafter  the  a<lherents  of  the  Tweed  Kini;-  not  lo  (|iian'clini;  and 
batterin.y  each  other's  heads,  and  the  combination  was  utterly  de- 
stroyed." ^ 

The  earliest  definite  measure  lookinj^  to  annexation  was  the  action 
of  the  legislature  at  the 
time  of  the  passage  of 
the  Y  o  n  k  e  r  s  c  i  t  y 
cliai'ter,  June  1,  1S72, 
in  excludiuii  from  the 
territory  of  the  (Mty  of 
^'onkers  all  that  ])or- 
tion  (if  the  old  Town  of 
Yonkers  lying-  below 
Mount  Saint  Vincent. 
This  exclusion  Avas 
(dearly  with  a  view  to 
reserving  the  section 
thus  cut  off  for  subse- 
<|uent  incorporation  in 
the  City  of  New  York.  On  December  1(>,  1872,  a  further  stej)  in  the 
same  direction  was  taken  by  the  erection  of  the  excised  strip  into  a 
new  "town"  called  Kingsbridge.  Meantinu'  the  annexation  enter- 
prise had  been  fairly  launched.  In  the  autniim  of  1872  some  of  the 
principal  property-owners  of  Morrisania  and  ^^'est  Farms  held  con- 
ferences, which  resulted  in  the  preparation  of  an  annexation  bill  by 
Samu(d  E.  Lyon,  a  Avell-known  lawyer.  The  bill  was  introduced  in 
the  as.sembly  early  in  1873  by  \Yilliam  Herring,  representative  from 
the  1st  district  of  Westchester  County.  "  The  city  authorities,"  says 
Mr.  Cauldwell,  "did  not  tak(>  kindly  to  the  project  of  annexation, 
and  the  animosity  then  existing  between  the  department  of  i)ublic 
works  and  the  department  of  public  parks  nearly  throttled  the  bill 

'The    Great    North    Side    (iniblishoil    li.v    the  Ni.rtU  Side  Board  of  Trade,  1897),  22. 




in  the  legislature.  But  Goveruor  Dix  .saved  it  by  iiiakinu  known  most 
emphatically  that  he  would  favor  uo  bill  for  annexation  which  did 
not  give  exclusive  jurisdiction  over  the  streets,  roads,  and  avenues 
of  the  proposed  new  district  to  the  department  of  public  parks.  This 
ended  the  struggle  between  the  rival  departments,  so  far  as  the  an- 
nexation bill  was  concerned,  and  it  became  a  law."'  It  provided  for 
submitting  the  annexation  question  to  the  decision  of  the  people 
of  New  York  City  and  also  of  Westchester  County  at  the  next  en- 
suing election,  in  November,  1S73.  Fortunately  the  momentous  issue 
was  determined  by  the  people  on  its  exact  merits,  no  partisan  in- 
fluences being  thrown  against  the  annexation  programme.  The  city 
gave  55,319  votes  for  annexation  and  8,380  against;  the  towns  directly  I 
concerned — Morrisania,  West  Farms,  and  Kingsbridge — cast  4,230 
affirmative  and  109  negative  votes,  and  in  the  remainder  of  West- 
chester County  the  result  was  9,023  for  and  2,0)43  against.  The 
formal  annexation  occurred  on  the  1st  of  January,  1874.  The  area 
added  to  the  city  was  12,317  acres.  The  population  of  the  three 
annexed  towns  was  in  excess  of  30,000,  and  the  total  assessed  value 
of  the  property  was  about  |23, 000,000.  In  the  words  of  the  act, 
Morrisania,  West  I'arius,  and  Kingsbridge  were  "  annexed  to,  merged 
in,  and  made  part  of  the  City  of  New  York,  subject  to  the  same  laws, 
ordinances,  regulations,  obligations,  and  liabilities,  and  entitled  to 
the  same  rights,  i)rivileges,  francliises,  and  iinmunities,  in  every  re- 
spect, and  to  the  same  extent,  as  if  such  territoi-y  had  liecu  iucludi'd 
within  said  City  of  New  York  at  the  time  of  the  grant  and  adojjtion 
of  the  first  charter  and  organization  thereof,  and  iiad  so  remained 
up  to  the  passage  of  this  act." 

Morrisania,  West  Farms,  and  Kingsbridge,  as  a  portion  of  the 
metropolis,  became  popularly  known  as  the  "  Annexed  District,"  a 
name  which,  though  always  rather  distasteful  to  the  residents,  clung 
to  the  section  until  the  adoption  of  the  present  official  style  of  the 
Borough  of  the  Bronx.  The  territory  was  organized  into  two  city 
wards,  the  23d  and  24th.  Notwithstanding  the  guarantee  of  equal 
rights,  etc.,  contained  in  the  act,  the  annexed  territory  was  for  many 
years  regarded  more  as  a  suburban  locality  than  as  a  portion  of  the 
city.  It  continued  under  the  administrative  care  of  the  department 
of  public  parks  until  1891,  when  the  law  creating  a  special  depart- 
ment of  public  works  for  the  23d  and  24tli  wards  canu-  into  o])erati(m. 
Up  to  that  time,  and  until  1895,  there  was  no  further  annexation  ' 
from  our  county  to  NeAv  York  City,  Westchester  County  still  retaining  , 
the  Township  of  Westchester. 

In  1874  occurred  the  incorporation  of  the  W' estchester  County  His-   ^ 
torical  Society.    This  organization  has  always  maintained  an  active 

FKO.M    1812    TO    1900  611 

existence.  Its  aiiiiual  meetings  are  held  on  Ihe  2Stli  of  Oi-loUci-  tlie 
anuiversarv  of  the  batth'  of  White  IMains. 

In  ISTC)  two  (listii)j;nisiiod  New    Yorkers  of  Westcliester  County 

antecedents   were  candidates  for  ])resi(ient    of  tlic   United   Slates 

Samuel  J.  Tilden  and  I'eter  Cooper. 

Mr.  Tilden  several  years  previously  had  hcconic  n  resident  of 
^'onkers  by  i)urchasin,ii-  from  Mv.  John  T.  Warini;  the  mauniticeiit 
(!reyst()ne  estate.  This  continued  to  be  his  country  home  for  the 
remainder  of  his  life,  and  he  died  there  on  tlie  lih  of  August,  ISSfJ. 
One  of  his  last  imblic  appearances  was  on  the  occasion  of  the  dedi- 
cation of  the  new  monument  to  the  captors  of  Andre  at  Tarrytown, 
September  23,  1880.  He  was  the  presiding  (dlicer.  His  dreystone 
estate  is  now  the  property  of  Mv. 
Samuel  rntermyer,  the  prominent 
New     York     lawyer.     Westchester  JF"         ^ 

County  gave  ^Iv.  Tilden,  at  the  elec-  W-'  nfe 

tion  of  ISK;,  12,050  votes,  a  majority  "^K^  ^i^^-   IHit 

of  2,47ti  over  Jlr.  Hayes,  his  princii)al  f  ^  ^         /^O^ 

ojiponent.  '  ''^^ 

I'eter  Coojici',  in  his  boyhood,  lived 
in    reel<sl<i]l.    wliere    his    father    con- 

ilucted    a    small    beer    brewerv.     He  ^rst^gufjr-    / 

went  to  New  York  Citv  at  the  age  of  jm^j^^  '''■'  ^ 

seventeen  to  seek  his  fortune,  and  was         /w^ j^     "^  **?! 

not  subseciuently.   to  our  knowledge,         MiW^ .'     1/%  '■  •'i'/ 

connected  with  our  countv. 

Six  new  villages  were  incorporated 
betwi-en    1870    and    1880 — Tarrytown  .     ^ 

(1870),     Irvington     (1872),     Dobbs  samukl  .i.  tilden. 

Ferry    (1873),    Mount    Kisco    (1875), 

North  Tarrytown  (1875|,  and  Hastings  (1870).  It  is  noteworthy  that 
four  of  these  places  belonged  to  the  Town  of  Greenbui-gh,  while  a 
fifth  was  located  on  its  borders. 

I'opiihttion  of  Westchester  County  in  1880: 


Bedford ."iJSl 

Mount  Kisco  Village 728 

Cortlandt 12,6C4 

Peekskill  Village __  __         C.SO.T 

Kastchester fi,?.*}? 

Mount  Vernon  Village 4,R8fi 

r,reenl)urgli 8,9.34 

Tarrytown  A'illage .?,0'_n 

Harrison 1,494 

Lewisboro 1 ,012 



Maiuaroiieek 1,863 

Momit  Pleasant 5,io0 

Korth  Tarrytowii  Village 2,684 

New  Castle 2,297 

New   Rochelle 5,276 

North  Castle 1,818 

North  Salem 1,693 

Ossiuiiig 8,769 

Sing  Sing  Village 6,578 

Pelliam 2,540 

Poundridge 1,034 

Rye 6,570 

Port  Chester  Village 3,254 

Scarsdale ,  .  614 

Somers 1,630 

Westchester 6,789 

White  Plains 4,094 

White  Plains  Village 2,381 

Yonkers  City 18,892 

Yorktowu 2,481 

Total 108,988 

Tilt  loss  of  population  as  compared  with  1870  was  the  consequence 
of  the  transfer  of  the  three  Towns  of  Morrisauia,  ^^'est  Farms,  and 
Kinesbridge  to  the  jurisdiction  of  New  York  City.  The  population 
of  tlii'se  three  towns  in  ISSO  was  42,898,  a  growth  of  about  10,0(10 
since  1870. 

From  1880  to  1882  the  governor  of  New  York  was  the  Hon.  Alonzo 
B.  Cornell,  a  descendant  of  Thomas  Cornell,  the  grantee  of  Cornell's 
Neck  (10-15),  and  a  son  of  Ezra  Cornell,  the  founder  of  Conicll  I'lii- 
versitv.  Governor  Cornell  has  at  various  times  been  a  resident  of 
this  county. 

In  the  sensational  transactions  in  national  i)olitics  which  began 
Avith  the  nominalion  and  election  of  James  A.  Garfield  to  the  presi- 
dency in  1880,  Judge  ^^'illiam  II.  IJobertson,  of  our  county,  was  a 
conspicuous  figure.  The  nomination  of  Garfield  by  the  Kepublicaii 
national  convention  was  a  comjiromise  betA\een  the  faction  which 
favored  Mr.  Blaine  and  that  which,  under  the  leadership  of  Boscot 
Conkling,  urged  a  third  term  for  General  Grant.  At  the  Eepublicau 
if5tate  convention  held  to  select  delegates  to  the  national  convention 
Conkling  had  overcome  all  opposition  and  secured  the  choice  of  a 
delegation  bound  by  The  unit  rule.  Judge  Bobertson,  however,  with 
several  other  friends  of  Blaine,  undertook  to  dispute  the  Conkling 
supremacy  and  break  the  unit  rule.  The  determined  spirit  thus 
shown  by  an  element  of  the  party  in  New  York  was  one  of  the  in- 
strumentalities which  prevented  Conkling  from  forcing  Grant's 
nomination  and  led  to  the  selection  of  Garfield.     After  Garfield's 

FROM    1842    TO    1900 


inauguration  one  of  his  first  acts  was  the  appointment  of  Judge 
Robertson  as  eolleetor  of  the  ])orl  of  New  York.  This  gave  mortal 
offense  to  Mr.  Conkliug,  and  iniiu'lled  him  to  resign  his  seat  in  the 
United  States  senate  and  appeal  to  his  New  York  constitueuTs  for 
vindication — a  proceeding  in  wliicli  he  was  joined  by  his  colleague, 
Mr.  riatt.  Hence  resulted  the  bitter  feeling  whicli  first  caused  a' 
lunatic  to  assassinate  the  president,  and  subsequent  l.v  brougiit  the 


Democratic  party  back  to  pov,;j-.  Judge  Kobertsou's  ])arL  in  the 
political  strife  of  those  memorable  times  has  btM^n  reviewed  willi 
great  fairness  and  discrimination  in  a  public  address  by  the  Ibni. 
Chauncey  M.  Depew.* 

In  the  year  1880  works  for  increasing  New  Y'ork  ( 'iiy's  watei'  supply 
from  Westchester  County  were  commenced,  which  are  still  in  prog- 
ress; for  although  the  new  Crolon  A(iueduct  was  completed  in  1891, 

•  See  Smith's  Manual  of  Westchester  County,  95. 


the  great  dam,  wliicli  is  t<»  convert  the  present  CrotDu  Lake  into  a 
body  ekMeu  miles  lung,  is  not  yet  finished. 

Cojuphiiuts  about  the  iusiiffieieury  of  the  old  aciuedurt  be,n;ui  to 
be  expressed  as  early  as  1875,  but  tlie  city  officials  were  slow  to 
embark  niiou  the  necessarily  elaborate  and  costly  enterprise  required 
— a  new  aqueduct  from  tlu^  Crotou  l\i\cr.  In  1880,  however,  the 
ancient  project  to  obtain  a  supply'  from  the  Bronx  watershed  and 
the  Rye  Ponds  Avas  revived,,  leading  to  the  construction  of  the  so- 
called  Bronx  liiver  Conduit  from  the  dam  near  Kensico  Station  to 
the  receiving  reservoir  at  Williams's  Bridge.  This  work  was  con- 
cluded in  1881.  The  quantity  of  water  thus  provided,  however, 
afforded  only  incidental  relief,  and  it  was  recognized  that  a  grand 
new  aqueduct  was  indispensable.  On  the  1st  of  June,  1883,  the  legis- 
lature authorized  the  construction  of  the  necessary  works,  and  on 
the  21th  of  June,  1891,  the  second  aqueduct  was  finished  and  turned 
over  to  the  department  of  jniblic  works  of  New  York  City.  Since 
1888  the  building  of  subsidiary  basins  and  reservoirs  in  Westchester 
and  Putnam  Counties  has  been  steadily  prosecuted.  It  was  originally 
proposed  to  construct  the  new  Croton  Dam  at  Quaker  Bridge,  but 
that  plan  was  abandoned,  and  in  August,  1892,  the  contract  was 
awarded  for  the  Ct>rnell  Dam,  now  approaching  completion,  about 
a  mile  and  a  half  above  the  (Quaker  Bridge  site.  No  fewer  than 
seven  of  the  townships  of  Westchester  County  have  made  extensive 
contributions  of  land  for  the  purposes  of  the  new  works,  involving 
the  extinction  of  several  settlements.  On  this  point  a  recent  writer 
says : 

"The  additional  land  reciuircd  for  the  construction  of  theNcwCroton 
IkCservoir  has  been  taken  from  the  Towns  of  Cortlandt,  Yorktown, 
New  Castle,  Bedford,  Somcrs,  Lewisboro,  and  North  Salem,  in  West- 
chester County.  coAei-iTig  an  area  of  (i, 398. 211  acres.  From  the  To^wn 
of  Cortlandt,  752.051  acres  weie  taken;  from  tlie  Town  of  Yorktown, 
1,752.932  acres  were  taken;  from  the  Town  of  New  Castle,  151.697 
acres;  from  tin-  Town  of  Bedford,  801.Sr.n  acres;  from  the  Town  of 
Lewisboro,  850.23(j  acres;  from  the  Town  of  North  Salem,  351.823 
acres;  from  the  Town  of  Somers,  1,925.012  acres,  making  a  total  of 
0,398.214  acres.  Takings,  under  ]U"ovisions  of  Clia])ter  490  of  the 
Laws  of  1883,  were  commenced  in  the  years  1892, 1891,  1895,  and  1897. 

"  Many  attractive  residence  localities  in  the  territory  taken  will 
soon  be,  if  not  so  already,  among  the  things  of  the  past.  What  was 
known  as  the  Village  of  Katonah,  in  the  Town  of  Bedford,  has  be- 
come extinct,  and  is  now  only  a  matter  of  history;  its  buildings, 
api)raised  and  sold  by  order  of  N(>w  York  City,  have  vanished;  many 
of  the  frame  dwellings  and  business  structures  were  removed,  intact, 

FROM    1842   TO    1900  G15 

one  mile  distant  soutli  to  Ihc  new  settleim-iil  wliciv  nl<|  ivsi<lcnls 
of  Katonah  are  establisliini;  ii<\\  linmcs  and  a  new  rcsidcnl  villaj^c, 
to  be  known  as  New  Kalonali.  \\lii(lo(k\  illc  juid  Wood's  r>rid<;c, 
also  in  the  Town  of  Bedford,  will  ])ass  ont  as  did  old  Kiiloiiali,  and 
its  people  will  find  habitations  elsewhere.  Tiie  thriving  locality  of 
I'urdy  Station,  or  a  m'eater  part  tlierecd',  shares  the  late  of  K;ii(,nali, 
and  will  lie  in  peace  hereafter  as  a  ].ail  of  the  bed  of  (he  new  reser- 
voir; Pnrdy  Station,  within  the  Township  of  North  Salem,  and  Pine's 
Bridge,  in  the  Town  of  Yorktown,  lying  close  to  the  borders  of  Croton 
Lake,  attractive  and  popular  as  a  summer  resort,  and  famous  as  the 
scene  of  numerous  hanl-fiMiglit  and  exciting  p(ditical  conventions, 
held  in  the  interest  of  all  iiarlies,  likewise  will  be  submerged.  Croton 
Falls,  in  the  Town  of  North  Salem,  will  contribute  a  poilion  of  its 
territory,  a  section  lying  near  and  just  west  of  the  Harlem  Kailroad 
station.  A  tribute  has  also  been  laid  upon  (iolden's  Bridge,  in  the 
Town  of  Lewisboro,  and  it  will  reliniiuish  a  portion  of  its  land,  near 
the  railroad  station.  The  Iluutersville  section  of  the  Town  of  Cort- 
landt,  well  known  to  sportsmen,  as  it  is  famous  Cor  its  excellent  trout 
brooks;  the  Quaker  Meeting  House  locality,  in  the  Town  of  New- 
Castle,  the  Wiremill  Jiridge,  in  the  Town  of  Cortlamlt,  and  other 
localities  of  historic  interest,  are  among  the  places  That  will  be  ex 
tingnished  and  '  go  under  with  the  flood.' 

''  To  give  some  idea  of  the  amount  of  projierty  recently  acipiircd  in 
Westchester  County  for  this  reservoir,  mention  is  made  of  the  fact 
that  the  distance  around  said  property  is  sevenlytive  miles.  Not 
only  handsome  residences  and  choice  building  sites,  but  church 
edifices  and  public  school  buildings,  are  among  the  pro])erty  con- 
demned. As  might  be  expected,  numerous  ci'ineteries  were  found 
located  within  the  territory  required  and  taken;  at  the  expense  of 
the  City  of  New  York  bodies  were  removed  from  these  cemeteries 
and  re-interred  elsewhere  in  accordance  with  the  wishes  of  relatives 
or  friends.  The  old  highways  on  the  condemned  land,  taken  by  the 
city,  have  been  left  open  for  public  travel  until  such  time  as  the  city 
shall  substitute  others,  which  right  the  city  is  now  endeavoring  to 
obtain  from  property-owners.''  ^ 

The  daily  delivering  capacities  of  the  three  a(pieducts  leading 
through  Westchester  to  New  Y'ork  City  are,  according  to  Wegman: 
Old  Croton  Aqueduct,  9."'),00(»,000  gallons;  Bronx  Kiv<r  Conduil,  28,- 
000,000  gallons;  New  Croton  Aqu<'duct,  300,000.000  gallons— total, 
42."),tlt)0,00(»  gallons.  With  the  completion  of  (he  works  now  in  their 
last  stages,  the  supply  obtainable  by  New  York  City  from  ilie  Croton 
watershed  will  be  exhausted,  and  it  will  be  necessary  to  seek  new 

'  Smith's  Manual  of  Wostolipster  Coiiiit.v.  27. 



supplies  from  other  quarters.  Already  there  is  a  demand  for  addi- 
tional works.  In  the  early  part  of  lOOO  i;reat  public  interest  and 
not  a  little  bitter  feeling  were  excited  by  the  action  of  the  city  au- 
thorities in  arranging-  with  the  so-called  Ramapo  Water  Company 
for  a  further  supply  on  the  basis  of  .flO  per  million  gallons.  The 
Ramapo  Company,  a  private  corporation,  proposed  to  bring  water  to 
New  York  from  the  west  bank  of  the  Hudson  River,  and  had  made 
preparations  toward  securing  a  monopoly  of  rights  in  the  section 
whence  it  designed  to  draw  its  supply.  The  price  which  it  jiroposed 
charging  for  its  water  was  deemed  exorbitant — hence  the  public 
indignation  and  the  present  defeat  of  the  ])lan.  On  the  other  hand 
it  is  the  gi^neral  opinion  of  experts  that  the  city's  water  iirohlem 
ViUl  again  become  serious  before  many  years  pass  by.    According  to 

a  report  subuntteil  to 
Controller  Coler  in 
]\[ay,  1900,  embodying 
a  careful  study  of  the 
whole  matter,  the  pres- 
ent supply  will  safely 
meet  all  demands  for 
five  years  to  come,  and 
if  i)i-oper  measures  are 
taken  to  curtail  the  ex- 
cessive waste  of  water 
now  prevalent,  a  period 
of  ten  years  of  abun- 
dance can  reasonably 
be  calculated  on;  but 
in  either  eventmilily 
the  need  of  immediate  steps  to  secure  new  supplies  is  insisted  on. 

The  local  water  supply  systems  of  the  cities  and  principal  villages 
of  Westchester  County  are  entirely  indejieudent  of  the  New  York 
City  system.  To  Yonkers  belongs  the  credit  of  having  been  the  first 
community  to  erect  waterworks  of  any  dignified  character.  The 
Yonkers  water  board  was  organized  in  1873,  the  year  after  the  in- 
corporation of  the  city,  and  in  IST-i  steps  were  taken  which  resulted 
in  damming  the  Sprain  and  Grassy  Sprain  Brooks,  the  building  of 
an  extremely  creditable  system  of  works,  and  the  distribution  of  a 
plentiful  supply.  E(jually  commendable  enterprise  in  this  particular 
has  been  displayed  by  the  other  leading  communities  of  the  county. 

The  selection  of  Peekskill  as  the  locality  for  the  New  York  State 
Military  Camp  was  determined  on  by  a  military  commission,  acting 
in  behalf  of  the  State  g()\  ernment,  in  the  spring  of  1SS2.     The  need 



FROM    1812    TO    1900  617 

of  establisbiug  ;ni  iiiimiiil  ciicaii^dncnl  Cor  I  lie  national  guard  had 
been  inipivsscd  upon  the  attention  of  tlie  autUoriticis  for  several  years, 
but  no  detiuite  action  hud  been  taken.  In  March,  18S2,  (iovernor 
Cornell  appointed  a  commission  Avith  instructions  to  make  a  thorougli 
investigation.  Mr.  James  T.  S^utton,  a  public-spirited  citizen  of  Peek- 
skill,  at  once  entered  into  communication  witli  tiiis  body,  and  also 
procured  from  the  owners  of  the  laud  on  whicii  the  Htate  Camp  now 
stands  an  option  of  purchase  for  three  years.  When  the  commis- 
sioners visited  reekskill  they  at  once  recognized  the  unequaled  ad- 
vantages of  the  site  suggested  by  Mr.  Sutton,  and  on  the  :50th  of 
May  they  leased  the  ground  for  three  years  with  the  privilege  of 
purchase.  The  place  was  immediatelj-  prepared  for  occupation,  and 
on  the  1st  of  July  the  23d  Kegimi'ut  arrived  and  inaugurati'd  the 
camp.  In  April,  1885,  the  legislature  appropriated  |;i0,000  for  the 
purchase  and  improvement  of  the  site,  and  sliortly  afterward  the 
purchase  of  the  land,  consisting  of  about  a  hundred  acres,  was  con- 
summated. The  camp  is  situated  on  a  plain  one  hundred  feet  above 
the  river,  amid  scenery  of  great  beauty.  The  New  York  Central  and 
Hudson  Kiver  Ifailroad  has  a  station  at  Roa  Hook,  and  during  the 
camping  season  brings  thousands  of  visitors  to  the  spot. 

An  interesting  evi-nt  of  the  year  18S2  was  the  Manor  Hall  celebra- 
tion in  tile  <-'it3'  of  Yonkers.  We  liave  already  noticed  the  jiiirchase 
of  the  rhili])se  Manor  House  by  tlie  municipal  authorities  in  18(>8, 
and  its  use  as  the  seat  of  the  local  government.  In  1877,  during  tli(> 
mayoralty  of  the  Hon.  William  A.  (Jibson,  resolutions  lolTered  by 
Frederic  Shonnard)  were  adopted  by  tlie  board  of  aldermen  pro- 
viding for  the  appointment  of  a  i)ermanent  "conunittee  ou  history 
and  historical  relics,"  among  whose  members  A\cre  to  be  four  iiromi- 
nent  private  citizens,  and  giving  to  this  committee  certain  respon- 
sibilities in  connection  witli  matters  relating  to  the  ^Faiior  Hall  build- 
ing and  its  grounds.  This  action  was  instrumental  in  stiiuulaliug 
interest  in  the  early  history  of  Y'oukers,  and  it  was  decided  to  hold  a 
grand  celebration  of  the  bicentennial  of  the  founding  of  the  Manor 
House.  The  18th  of  October,  1882,  was  selected  as  the  date  for  the 
important  event.  The  resulting  demonstration  was  the  greatest  in 
the  history  of  Yonkers.  The  oration  was  delivered  by  tlie  TJev.  Dr. 
David  Cole.i 

In  1883  proceedings  were  begun  on  behalf  of  the  City  of  X(  w  York 
for  the  acquisition  of  land  for  new  jiublic  jiarks  in  the  "  annexed 
district,"  and  also  in  territory  at  that  time  still  belonging  to  West- 
chester County.  Up  to  that  year  the  city  had  been  very  deficient  in 
l)ark  area,  not  fewer  than  five  cities  in  the  United  States  exceeding 

■  Tlio  Soldiers"  Monument   In  front   of  M.tnor  Il.nll  dedicated  September  17,  1S91. 







'^  -.v, 




*  fi 





i-liOM    1842  TO   11100  619 

hrv  ill  I  hill  rcspt'ot,  and  many  (itlicr  small  cities  almusr  (Miualins 
licr.  Tlic  movement  foi'  localiiiii'  new  parks  on  the  iioilli  side  nf 
the  JJarlem  was  started  by  some  pnblic  spirifod  citizens  oC  thai  sec- 
tion, and  on  the  19tli  of  April,  1888,  the  le<;islatnre  passed  an  act 
anthorizini;-  tlie  appointment  of  commissioners  to  select  park  lands. 
The  commissioners  appointed  were  Lntlier  R.  Marsh,  I^)nis  Fitz- 
o-erald,  Waldo  Ilutcbins,  C.  L.  Tiffany,  (Jeorije  W.  .AfcLean.  Thomas 
J.  Crombie,  and  William  W.  Niles.  As  tbe  outcome  of  their  labors, 
three  <;reat  and  three  small  parks  were  laid  out,  as  follows:  I'elliam 
Bay  Park,  1,756  acres;  Van  Cortlandt  Park,  l,i:U.;jr)  acres;  Bronx 
Park,  GGl.OO  acTes;  Crotona  Park,  141.65  acres;  Claremont  I'arU,  :}S.05 
acres;  Saint  Mary's  Park,  28.70  acres — total,  3,757.85  acres.  Van 
Cortlandt  Park  was  constructetl  mainly  out  of  the  ancient  \'an  Cort- 
landt estate  of  the  Lower  Yonkers.  The  city's  purchase  included 
the  historic  mansion  (erected  by  Frederick  Van  Cortlandt  in  1748), 
which  was  })hiced  in  the  custoch-  of  the  Colonial  Dames  of  the  State 
of  New  Vork,  and  by  them  converted  into  a  hisiovical  imiseiiin.  \'an 
Cortlandt  Park  is  now  utilized  for  military  reviews.  P.roiix  Park 
and  I'elliam  l>ay  Park  are  noted  for  their  diversified  natural  scenery, 
and  whatever  improvements  may  be  made  in  their  grounds  in  the 
course  of  time,  they  will  doubtless  always  retain  this  distinctive 
characteristic.  Crotona  I'ark.  at  the  intersection  of  Third  and  Tre- 
mont  Avenues,  is  the  seat  of  the  fine  municipal  buildiiiu  of  (Ik- 
P>oroniili  of  I  he  Bronx. 

No  new  villa,ii('  was  incitrporated  in  Westchester  County  between 
1880  and  1890.  The  population  of  the  county  in  1890  was  146,772, 
distributed  as  follows: 


Bedford 3,291 

Part   of    Katouah    \'illage 378 

"         Woiiut  Kisco  "      632 

Cortlandt l.l.l.^O 

Peekskill  Village !t.t;76 

Verplaiiek     "       1 ,515 

Eastchester 15,442 

^loimt  Vernon  Village 10,830 

Greenbuisli 11,013 

Dobbs    Ferry   Village 2,083 

Hastings  "        1,4(!6 

Irvingtnn  "        2,2!)!» 

Tarrytown  "        3..">(i2 


White  Plains    "        223 

Harrison l,48."i 

Lewisboro 1,417 

Part  of  Katonali  Village H<> 

Maraaroneek 2,38.5 



Mount  Pleasant 5,847 

North    Taiiytown   Village 3,179 

New  Castle 2,110 

Cliappaqua  Village     733 

Part  of 

Mount  Kisco  "     4G3 

New  Rochelle 9,037 

New  llochelle  Village 8,217 

Nortli  Castle 1,475 

North  Salem 1,730 

Ossining 10,058 

Sing  Sing  Village 9,352 

Pelham 3,941 

City  Island 1,206 

Po\uulriclge 830 

Rye 9,477 

Port  Chester  Village 5,274 

Scarsdale G33 

Soraers 1,S97 

Westchester lO.O-Ji) 

Williams's  Bridge  Village 1,685 

White  Plains 4,508 

Part  of  White  Plains  Village 3,819 

Yonkers  City 32,033 

Yorktown 2,378 

Total 140,772 

The  old  We.stolie.ster  Coimtj  Towns  of  Morrisaiiia,  West  Farins.  aud 
Kiugsbi-idj;e,  annexed  to  New  York  City  in  1874,  had  a  population 
in  IS'.K)  of  74,085  according  to  the  federal  census,  and  of  81,255  ac- 
cording to  the  police  enumeration. 

In  1892  a  State  census  was  taken,  which  gave  Westchester  County 
a  total  of  147,830,  and  the  three  annexed  towns  a  total  of  86,757. 
Local  enumerations  in  the  cities  and  A'illages  of  the  county  were  made 
in  181(8,  whose  results  will  be  included  at  the  end  of  this  chapter. 

The  incorporation  of  the  City  of  Mount  Vernon  was  effected  by 
a  legislative  act  passed  JMarch  12.  1892.  At  the  first  city  election, 
held  in  the  succeeding  Maj',  L»r.  Edward  F.  Brush  was  chosen  mayor.' 
By  the  organization  of  the  city  the  cdd  Town  of  Eastchester  was  dis- 
membered— in  fact,  divided  into  two  remotely  separated  ]iavts,  with 
]Mount  Vei'uon  lying  bet^\ixt  them.  The  lower  part  of  Eastchester 
Town  has  since  been  annexed  to  Ncaa-  York  City.  The  development  of 
Alount  Vernon  in  all  municipal  regards  has  been  extremely  rapid  and 
most  creditable  during  the  eight  years  of  its  existence  as  a  city.  There 
is  no  doubt  that  its  population  has  more  than  doubled  since  its  incor- 

*  M.iyor  Brush  served  for  one  term.    lie  was       is   Erlwin  W.    Fiske,   who   was   first  elected   in  ^ 

succeeded   by   Kdson   Lewis,    who   served    from       ]S96.   and  re-elected  in  1S98  and  1900.  f 

1S94  to  1S96.    The  present  mayor  (August,  1900) 

FKO.M    1S42   TO    1!K)0 


lu  18"Jl2  the  ("i(y  nl'  ^'mikcrs  still  icl.iincil  ilir  |piiniilive  system  of 
iiiilldaics    which     in   early  tinu'S    had  been   eonstnicted  to   furnish 
wateriMiwcr  In  I  lie  local  industries.     These  dams,  fonninii'  sta<;nant 
ponds  in   liie   Xeiijieriian  Kiver,   \vhi(  li    in   I  lie  suniuier  seasini   were 
quite  pestilential,  liad  eonu^  to  be  regarded  liy  (lie  genera!  public  as 
a  nuisance;  yet  the  city  ofticials  had  been  Idatii  to  assume  the  i'es]K)n- 
sibility    of   summarily   removiui;    them.      To    tlie   adnnnisli-ation    of 
Mayor  .Tames   11.   Weller  (1892-94)  belongs  the  lidunr  of  instituting 
the  necessary  prnceedings  and  acconi])lishing  tiie  wiudesoine  work. 
Mayor  ^^'eller,  tinding  it  inipossiI)lc  to  deal  otherwise  with  the  prob- 
lem than  summarily,  and  believing  tlie  dams  to  l>e  a  pid)lic  nuisance 
which  should  be  abated  by  arbitrary  methods  in  the  absence  of  other 
remedy,  caused   them  to  be  torn  down.      It   was  a  courageous  act, 
similar  to  the  one  of  the 
citizens  of  Westchester  in 
forcing     open      Macomb's 
Dam  in  1838.     In  the  legal 
processes  that  resulted  the 

mayor    and     city     govei'u-  ^ 

nuMit  were  fully  sustained 
by  the  courts. 

In  1S0.">  (June  1)  the  sec- 
ond an<l  (u)i  to  the  iireseul 
time)  last  niinexntiou  of 
^^'est(dH■ster  County  terri- 
tory to  New  York  City  was 
made.  Tins  import iint  an- 
nexation was  accomplislied 
nrninly  at  tlie  inst.-iuce  ot 
citizens  of  the  'i"o\\u  nl' 
Westcdn^ster,  who  felt  llml 
the  time  had  ai-i-i\'ed  when 
their  section  (Uight  to  be 
bi'ought     within     the     city 

limits  and  enjoy  a  measure  of  attention  concs]ii.nding  to  ilm! 
given  to  tlie  districts  west  of  the  15i-onx  Itiver.  in  nddiiion  to  ihe 
whole  of  Westchester  Town,  parts  of  Easlcliester  and  reliiani  (in- 
cluding City  Islaml)  were  embraced  in  the  annexation  act  of  189.') — 
"all  that  te)-rilory  (to  quote  the  words  of  tiie  acti  c(tnii>rised  within 
the  limits  of  the  Towns  ,>(  Westdiester,  Eastchester,  and  relhani 
which  iiiis  not  i>i-en  annexed  to  the  City  and  County  of  New  York 
at   the  time  of  the  i>assage  of   this  act.   which    lies  sonlhcily   of  a 

rHAUNCEV    M.    DEI'KW. 


straiglit  line  drawn  from  the  point  where  the  northerly  line  of  the 
City  of  New  York  meets  the  center  line  of  the  Bronx  Kiver,  to  the 
middle  of  the  channel  between  Hunter's  and  Uleu  Islands,  in  Long- 
Island  Sound,  and  all  that  territory  lying  within  tlie  incorporated 
limits  of  the  Village  of  Wakefield,  which  lies  northerly  of  said  line, 
with  the  inhabitants  and  estates  therein." 

The  additional  territory  thus  severed  from  the  County  of  West- 
chester and  given  to  the  City  of  New  York  comprehended  about  14,500 
acres,  in  which  were  some  forty-five  villages,  islands,  and  other  defi- 
nitely named  localities.  The  annexation  inchnled  the  sites  of  four 
of  the  most  ancient  settlements  of  our  county — Pel  ham  Neck,  West- 
chester, Cornell's  Neck  (Clason's  Point),  and  Eastchester. 

The  annexation  of  June  1,  1895,  was  really  incidental  to  the 
"  Greater  New  York  ''  project,  which,  although  not  yet  brought  to 
its  fruition,  had  passed  the  stage  of  agitation  and  seemed  reasonably 
certain  to  be  soon  carried  to  a  successful  issue.  The  popular  refer- 
endum on  the  Greater  New  York  proposition  occurred  November  fi, 
1894,  the  annexation  question  being  submitted  not  only  to  the  peo- 
ple of  Westchester,  Eastchester,  and  Pelham  Village,  but  also  to 
those  of  the  City  of  Mount  Vernon.  In  these  several  localities  the 
vote  on  the  question  of  consolidation  with  New  York  City  stood: 
Mount  Vernon,  873  for  and  1,603  against;  Eastchester,  374  for  and 
2fi0  against;  Westchester,  620  for  and  621  against;  Pelham  Village, 
251  for  and  153  against.  The  large  adverse  majority  in  Blount  Vernon 
caused  the  advocates  of  the  Greater  New  York  programme  to  omit 
that  city  from  their  calculations;  but  notwithstanding  a  majority 
of  one  against  consolidation  in  Westchester  Town,  there  was  no  hesi- 
tation in  preparing  to  annex  the  other  three  localities  interested. 
The  present  City  of  New  York,  with  its  five  Boroughs  of  ^lanhattau, 
the  Bronx,  Richmond,  Brocdclyn,  and  Queens,  came  into  ofiicial  ex- 
istence on  the  1st  of  January,  1898. 

In  noticing  the  changed  conditions  Avhich  wei'e  brought  to  pass  in 
the  former  Towns  of  Morrisania,  West  Farms,  and  Kingsbridge  after 
their  annexation  to  the  city  in  1874,  it  has  been  observed  that  for 
many  years  their  progress  was  not  what  had  been  hoped  for  by  the 
more  sanguine  promoters  of  the  change.  This  comparatively  un- 
satisfactory state  of  things  was  felt  to  be  largely  due  to  neglect  of 
their  local  interests  by  the  general  city  authorities.  It  finally  be- 
came the  firm  conviction  of  the  public  spirited  citizens  of  the  "  North 
Side"  that  the  special  concerns  of  their  section  ought  to  be  under 
the  care  of  a  separate  department  of  the  city  government  organized 
and  administered  with  exchisive  reference  to  North  Side  circum- 
stances and  needs.     In  1887  a  movement  was  begun  by  projierty- 

FROM    1842    TO    1900 


owners'  associations  in  Ix'lialf  of  such  a  rcfoini,  :iiii|  In  iss!)  a  l»ill 
was  submitted  to  tli(>  legislature  which  providcil  tui-  ilic  ciTjilinii 
of  "a  department  of  street  improvements  of  tlie  ^'.Ul  and  iMlli  wards 
of  the  City  of  New  York."  This  measure  did  not  jiass,  hut  Ihc  Stale 
senate  appointed  a  committee  to  mala'  an  investii;ation  and  report 
as  to  the  necessity  of  the  proposed  department.  The  reasons  in  favor 
of  the  plan  were  ascertained  to  be  so  stron.u'  that  in  ISilO  a  law  was 
enacted  creatinij;-  the  new  department,  wliich  was  to  be  under  the 
direction  of  a  commissioner  elected  by  the  peojile  of  the  two  wards. 
The  act  took  elTect  on  the  1st  of  January,  1S!(1.  the  fii-st  iiicnm- 
bent  of  the  position  beino;  Louis  J.  ITeintz.     He  died   in   IS<»;',,  and 

V  yy,  i-f,)///^,-!',, 



was  succeeded  by  Louis  F.  Ilaffen.  W'ilh  (he  inan^nralion  of  the 
department  of  jiublic  improvements  a  new  order  of  ihiiius  obtained 
in  the  North  Side,  and  it  presently  beiian  to  be  realized  ili:ii  ihe  so- 
styled  "annexed  district"  was  something'  more  than  an  oullyin.!; 
locality,  and  was  in  process  of  rapid  transformalion  inio  an  inle;;ral 
part  of  the  metropolis.  \Yheu  it  is  considered  that  ilie  portion  of 
the  present  Borough  of  the  Bronx  west  of  the  Tiiniix  Kiver  nearly 
equals  Manhattan  Island  in  aria,  while  the  poriion  east  of  Ihal- 
stream  exceeds  it.  the  difHculty  of  the  jirobiems  (o  lie  dealt  with  in 
buildinu'  up  the  city  on  the  North  Side  will  be  readily  appreciated. 
With  ii'uai'd  to  the  district  annexed  in   1S74,  these  lu-iddems  have 


already  been  largely  solved,  and  the  outcome  arrived  at,  viewed  in 
its  fjrand  proi)ortions,  is  not  merely  impressive  from  the  circum- 
stance of  the  material  results  accomplished,  but  is  peculiarly  satis- 
fying in  its  esthetic  aspects.  New  York  City  above  the  Harlem  has 
been  laid  out  with  pre-eminent  good  taste,  and  the  greater  public 
works  in  that  quarter  have  been  characterized  by  breadth  and  gen- 
erosity of  conception  and  alacrity  and  thoroughness  of  execution. 
One  of  the  most  valuable  improvements  of  the  last  ten  years,  ap- 
parent to  anybodj'  who  makes  a  trip  out  of  the  city  over  the  Harlem 
road,  is  the  depression  of  the  tracks  of  that  railway,  so  that  from 
the  Harlem  Eiver  to  above  Bedford  Park  it  nowhere  crosses  a  public 
thoroughfare  at  grade.  ^Magnificent  avenues  and  parkways  have  been 
opened,  and  there  is  now  in  process  of  construction  a  grand  con- 
course and  botdevard  w  hicli,  when  completed,  will  be  the  finest  drive- 
way in  the  world. 

The  most  conspicuous  public  improvement  connected  with  the  his- 
tory of  the  North  Side  is  the  Harlem  Ship  Canal,  opened  to  commerce 
on  the  17th  of  June,  1S95.  After  the  tearing  down  of  Macomb's  Dam 
by  Lewis  G.  Morris  and  his  companions  in  1838,  there  was  no  renewed 
attempt  by  private  persons  to  obstruct  the  navigation  of  the  Harlem 
Kiver.  Attention  was  .given  at  various  times  to  the  question  of 
dredging  a  navigable  Avaterway  through  to  the  Hudson  River,  sur- 
veys were  made,  and  two  Harlem  Sliip  Canal  companies,  organized 
by  private  capitalists,  were  incorporated.  It  was  finally  deemed  ex- 
pedient to  undertake  the  work  as  a  public  enterprise,  and  the  matter 
was  brought  to  the  attention  of  congress,  which  in  1874  ordered 
a.  government  survey  and  in  1875  made  the  first  appropriation.  The 
work  was  planned  by  General  John  Newton,  best  remembered  for 
his  connection  with  the  clearing  of  the  Hellgate  channel.  It  was 
carried  to  completion  under  the  direction  of  Lieutenant-Colonel 
George  L.  (Jillespie,  of  the  United  States  army.  At  the  time  of  the 
oi)eniug  of  the  canal,  in  ISit.l,  550,000  tons  of  rock  had  been  removed, 
102,000  cubic  yards  of  earth  excavated,  1,000,000  cubic  yards  of  earth 
and  mnd  dredged,  5,000  cubic  yards  of  retaining  walls  built,  and 
2,000,000  tons  of  dynamite  exploded.  The  canal  follows  the  course 
of  the  Harlem  Eiver  to  near  Kingsbridge,  where  it  leaves  the  natural 
waterway  and  passes  through  an  ojien  cut  in  the  "  Dycknian 
Meadows'"  to  its  junction  A\itli  SjMiyten  Dnyvii  Creels.  .Vdditinniil 
improvements  have  been  jirosecuted  since  1895. 

Miu  h  of  the  credit  f(^r  the  great  ])rogTess  made  during  the  last 
decade  in  the  portion  of  New  York  City  annexed  from  Westchester 
County  is  due  to  the  North  Side  Board  of  Trade,  an  oi'ganlzation  in- 
corporated in  1804  for  the  pnrposes  of  "diffusing  inforniation  as  to 

!lic  many  a.lvauta-cs  (,r  tlic  MMiimi  as  a  and  .•,.ini,„.nial 
cc'uirr,  a.s  wx'll  as  a  dislnct  of  Ik.ui.'s;  ..f  atli-acdii-  capiial,  mami- 
facturinj;  iiitcivsts,  aud  tlcsii-alilf  rcsidcnls;  of  pi-oiiioliiii;-  iIh-  dcvd- 
opiiu'iJt  aud  patronaiiv  of  local  business  (  iitn-piis.-;  of  advauciu-; 
public  iniprovcnu'uts;  aud  of  ciicouia-iu,-  j.uldic  s|.iiii  aud  a  local 
couuuuuity  feeliug."" 

At  the  first  election  under  tiic  (ireater  New  York  diartei-,  held  iu 
1897,  Mr.  Louis  F.  IlaftVn,  the  former  efficient  conuuissioiier  of  the 

(lepartnu'ut   of   street    improve nts,    was   chosen    president    of   the 

Horouiih  of  the  Bronx.  The  f.dlowiiij;  sti-ikiuo  facts  of  pi-ogress  iu 
the  Boroujih  of  the  I'ron.x  are  taken  from  a  lei-ent  siaieuient  by  Mr. 
Jauu's  L.  Wells : 

"The  fact  sliouid  be  realized  that  in  point  of  population  the  2;jd 
aud  24tli  wards  constitute  the  fourth  larji*  st  city  in  the  State,  leav- 
iuji  New  York  out,  of  course,  and  that,  wiiji  the  rajjid  trausit  road 
to  aid  in  development,  it  will  be  but  a  very  few  years  uutil  that 
sectiou  will  lauk  second  in  jioiiulation  to  the  afifjreyation  of  humanity 
on  Manhattan  Island. 

"If  the  increase  of  ])opnlation  continues  pro]iortionately  iu  only 
the  .same  ratio  as  in  tin  recent  jiast.  the  ])opulation  of  that  section 
of  the  cit\  abo\c  the  Harlem  Kiver  should  iu  1!M()  be  .•5:{(»,0(l(),  in  1920 
should  be  (IC.OJKKl,  and  iu  I'.tMd  may  reasonably  be  ex]iected  to  be 
l,3t)(»,(l(l(l;  and  that  this  yi-owtli  will  be  attained  when  the  |pro]iosed 
rajiid  transit  road  is  constructed  is  beyond  (piesliou.  .\nd  it  need 
not  l)e  feared  that  there  is  not  territoi-y  enouiih  for  such  a  lar^c  ])opu- 
lation.  With  the  newly  annexed  territory  the  jiortion  <>{  the  city 
above  the  Ilai-lem  Ki\(  r  is  double  the  size  of  that  below,  and  if  you 
can  jmt  two  millions  on  Manhattan  Island,  there  is  surely  ample  room 
for  a  million  and  a  half  in  twice  as  much  space. 

"  In  1S74,  when  the  original  2.">d  and  24th  wards  were  annexed  to 
New  York,  the  total  assessed  valui'  ot  the  pro(>erty  was  about  ^215,- 
000,000.  The  total  assessed  value  for  the  year  1S!M;  was  .fS(;,40r),40r>. 
The  first  laruc  incrc  ase  after  1S71  was  iu  ISOO,  when  the  valuation' 
went  u])  to  .*44.()00.(I(MI;  but  from  1S!»0  to  1S;»7  it  ran  u])  lo  .«!tti,OI)t),(»(ll) 
— more  than  doubling;  in  seven  years  with  the  imiMo\e(l  transpor- 
tati(m  facilities,  while  it  re(|uii-e(l  sixteen  years  for  doublinii  ]U'ior 
to  the  creation  of  such  facilities.  In  t«'n  years,  when  the  rapid  transit 
road  is  built,  the  assessed  value  of  the  property  in  the  city  limits 
mu-th  of  the  Harlem  Kiver  will  be  .'«200.000,000." 

In  \\'estchester  County  ])ro]ier  there  has  been  a  steady  and  (|uile 
uniform  development  duriui;  the  last  deca<le.  The  most  noticeable 
feature  of  this  ero^th  is,  of  course,  the  advance  in  poimlalioii  in 
Yonkers,  Motint  \'eiiion.  relham,  and  New  IJochelle,  .ilouii  the  New 



Vnrk  ("ily  line — an  inevitable  (■(•neoiiiilanl  of  the  lireat  striih-s  made 
in  the  annexed  terriiniv.  A  potent  factor  of  the  licuera!  im])i'ovc- 
uieul  in  tliis  section  has  been  tlie  introduction  of  tndley  roads,  att'ord- 
iiij;  (jniidv  transit  and  a  |iraclicaliy  nniversal  "  transfei- "  system.  In 
1894  the  eh^vated  railway  established  a  uniform  fare  of  five  cents 
from  the  Battery  to  the  end  of  its  sutnirbiin  line  at  Tremont.  This 
l^'oduced  a  vast  increase  in  the  trans-llarlem  tratfic:  in  lS!t:{,  while 
the  ten-cent  fare  still  i)revaile(l,  tlie  suburban  branch  of  the  elevated 
road  carried  5,S()7,S4S  passenuers,  but  in  1S!)7,  after  a  brief  trial  of 
the  five-cent  rate,   the  number  had   imreased  to  11,145,184.     Mean- 



lime  electric  cars  were  beiui;  substituted  lor  horse  cars  tliroui;hont 
the  annexed  territory,  and  also  in  Vonkers,  .Mount  N'ernon,  and  New 
Ikochelle.  In  ISlt!)  the  culniinalinii  was  reached  by  establishini;  a 
single  five-cent  fare  fi'cun  \dnkcrs  to  New  KocJKdle  by  \\:\\  of  .Mount 
Vernon,  and  from  all  these  jilaces  to  the  Harlem  Kivcr;  and  in  ad 
dition  the  elevated  railway  instituted  a  transfer  arrangement  by 
which  trolley  ])assen'.;<'rs  wei'e  cai-ried  to  the  liattei'y,  oi-  (devated 
i)assen,ii'ers  to  ^Nlonnt  N'ernon.  \'onkers,  and  New  Kochelle.  for  a  total 
of  eiiiht  cents.  This  remarkable  cliea]ieninu'  of  fare  for  the  lonji'  riile 
is  but  an  incident  <d'  general  concessions  to  the  public  whi(di   leave 

Fuo.M   1.S42  TO  I'JOO  (127 

iiotliiu.H  to  be  (Icsircd  except    iiii])i(iveiiieiits  in  (lie  servire  ((nimieii- 
surate  to  tlie  eiioniious  jii'owtli  in  (lie  trolley  (mllic. 

The  (rolle.v  is  likewise  exenisini;-  a  peculiar  (leveloi)ini;  iiilliieiice 
in  the  Uutlson  lUver  municipalities,  where  (he  steepin-ss  of  (lie  ascent 
from  the  railway  an<l  fi'om  the  village  centers  lo  many  of  the  resi- 
dence localities  has  always  been  a  hindrance  to  diversified  progress. 
Two  tn)lley  routes  uow  cross  tiie  county:  one  from  Void;ers  lliroii<;h 
Mount  Vernon  to  New  Kochelle,  the  other  from  Tarrytown  through 
White  I'lains  to  Mamai-oneck. 

Nine  new  villages  have  been  incorporated  during  the  present 
decade:  relhani  Manor  and  i.archmont  in  ISitl,  .MamaronecU  in 
is;)r>,  I'elham,  North  I'elham,  and  Ai'dsley  in  lS!l(i,  Pleasant ville  in 
ISUT,  and  Hronxville  and  ("roton  in  1S!)8. 

This  volume  is  issued  before  the  ap])earance  of  the  census  returns 
of  1900  for  Westchester  County  proper.  '     In  1898,  however,  local  enu 
merations  were  made  in  the  villages  of  tlie  couniy,  witli  the  f(dl(iwing 
results  in  the  incorporated  places:-' 


New  Roclielle  (Town  of  New  Rochelle) 12,297 

I'eelvskill  (Town  of  Coitlaiidt) »,4!Hi 

Sini;'  Siiij;'   ( Town  of  Ossininfj)           8,160 

Wliitc  Plains  (Town  of  Wliito   Plains) 7,;i6:J 

Poit  Chester  (Town  of  Rye) 7,257 

TaiTvtown  (Town  of  GreeiilMiigli) ....         4,074 

Xoitli  Tarrytown   (Town  of  Monnt  Pleasant) 4,011 

Maniaroneek  (Towns  of  Maniaroneck  and   Rye) :5,720 

Dolilis  Ferry  (Town  of  (!reenl)urgli) 2.S40 

Irvinfjton  (Town  of  (irecnbiirgli) "J.!!!:; 

Hasting.s  (Town  of  (jreenbnrffli) 1,712 

Monnt  Kiseo  (Towns  of  Redford  and  New  Castle) 1  ,:174 

Croton  (Town  of  Cortlandt) 1 .2  14 

Pleasantville  (Town  of  Mount  Plea.sant) 1  .l>ll 

Larelinuint  (Town  of  Maniaroneek) 711 

North  I'elhani  (Town  of  IVlhani) Ii'i7 

Pelhani  Manor  (Town  of  Pelhani) 4;»() 

Hronxville  (Town  of   Eastehester) 301 

Ardsley  (Town   of  fireeiiburgh) 372 

Pelhani  (Town  of   Pelhani) I't- 

In  the  same  year  tin-  estimateil  po|inlations  of  the  ( 'ities  of  ^'oId•cers 
and  Mount  N'eiiion  wei'c,  respectively.  10,000  ami  1.':'..000.  'i'lnis  the 
total  urban  iioimlaiion  of  Mir  county  in  1S9S,  contained  in  two  cities 
and  twenty  incorporated  villages,  was  about    i:>:{,000. 

New  lioclielle  was  incoriiorated  as  a  city  l)y  an  ad  of  t  lie  legishil  ur>' 
of  1899,  whi(di  received  liie  govemm-'s  signature  (ui  tiie  2Jlli  ibiy  of 
.March.  The  first  city  election  was  Indd  Ai)ril  2r>.  1S99,  resiiliing  in 
the  (dection  of  .Mi(  liatd  J.  Dillon  I  Democrat)  as  mayoi-.  the  other  city 

'  Thf   ^iVnlnUoii     ..r     III,-     l!.ii"iiKli     ...r     llii-  -  I'ruiii      SnilUrs      Mniunil      yf      West<'be»ler 

l'.niii.\    for  I'.WO  ^ottiiiali   i.s  200.507.  (■..iliil.v.   152. 


ol'liccrs  clidst  11  hciiiL; :  trciisurcr,  -I.  Aitliur  Iluiitini;iiiii ;  iiulicc  jiislicc. 
John  A.  Van  Zeliu;  assessors,  Aiiniistiiic  Siuitli.  1'.  I>.  Iliady,  iiud  II. 
W.  Tasslpr;  aldcnucn  at  larjic,  Henry  (".  Kucliler,  .lacnli  llollweys, 
John  Stephenson,  John  Kress,  and  Frank  IIoHer;  aldciiucii,  William 
H.  Xeil.sou,  liobert  (".  Aniier,  J(din  (Jrab,  Flric  X.  (Irit'len,  II.  A. 
Siebn^dit,  Sr.,  and  Peter  Ciiiineen;  supervisors,  (leoriic  II.  ('ra\vf(n-d, 
Jacob  Iv.  Wilkins,  and  relci'  Doeiii.  The  city  jiovernnHMil  was  or- 
ganized on  the2Sth  of  Ai>ril  lollowiii.u. 


Hninx,    liriic>iii;li  ol'  i1m\  2,  Si\  '.If).  Ilii:!.  (121!.  (HB.            CcirllniHllvlll.-.    ur.. 

li2T;     sec     also     Fordluini     MilllDr.     KiUKslirid^r.  rorlliMidl's   Khlu'i-.   I'.iiltlcnl.  HT.  412. 

.MorrisiHiia.   'Wi'slfln'stt'r,  and   ■\\'i'st    l*'arnis.  I'nucli.  I''t-aiikliii,  4ii4. 

Ttnilix  Kills.   4.  CniiU.v   .iiliuilll  Ici^  i,(  \uo.   :m. 

nninxland.  87.  142.  ISO.  I'minly  vi'iilliiii  iif  1774,  2!i:{;  i>t  \''^.  300. 

Hi-onx  rark,   GUI.  (Hiui  li.mscs.  198.  335.  402.  520,  5Si.' 

lironx   Uivi'i-,   5,    11.    Sil.   373.   3SS.    3Sii.    .WO.    54'.i.  ( ■..wlxi.vs.  Tins  417. 

550,  551.  553.  502.    ,507.  i  ■lonip'aid.   45S.  4G!1.  501,  510,  520. 

linnix  Rher  ripe  I.iiic.  11.  his.  (;14.  c'ninkliiU's.  Tlii',  107. 

Brniixvillc      linrnrpnratrd      villatji'l.      500,  027.            Cnisliv .   Kiiix-Ii.    177.   420. 

Hiuld.  Jnlin.   ..r    Kv.-.   12).  I'niss  rmiil.  13. 

Undd's  NLTk.    124.  I'niss   Itivcr.    !l. 

Burgnyiio's  oxpcdition,  433.  I'r n   liiiini  ponitcd  vllliift'-l.  400,  ,500,  027. 

HiUT,  Aaron.  419,   446,  549.  .\i|nc(lni-ts,  .54S,   013. 

livram  Lake,   13.  ''I'.l !a.v.  9. 

Byram  Polut,   2.  Ci-nlnn  F.-ills.  474.  .547.  .502.  591. 

Byram  RiviT,  11,  124,  200,  450,  Cnili)!!  I'liiiii,   15,  i:t7,  100.  422,  4,50,  41.7.  477.  ,50,5. 

Carloton,  .Sir  Cuy,  518.  522.  Criitcm  Itivi'r.  9.  107.  3,50,  ,399,  .500,  5,50,  ,552. 

rasth'  rililipsi-.  100,  102,  530.  Cnlvrr,  Cliarli-.s  V...  10.  424.  000. 

fauldwrll.    William,    002.    008.  ('iinindn«.  Willlairi  ,1.  iKcv.l.  197,  599. 

Codar  Tivr   Brook.   115.   129.   141.  llanUvrs.  .Jasper.   73.   1.58. 

fliappaona.  10,  518,  591.  007.  620.  Davenport's  Nock.  5.  37S 

Chappa.ina   Hills.  7.  David's  Island.   0. 

fhattorton's  Hill.  388.  389.  ffl.3.  395.  506.  550.               Davids,   Williani,    424. 

.   Chonnwith.  Alexander  C,  21.   42.  51.  Haws Thnry    B..  2S7.  317,  31S,  323,  324.  3H 

Chevaux   de    frise    at 
361,  373. 

Fort    \Vasliinf.'t..n.    351,         3)5.  304.  H7:i,  370.   377,   388,   393,  394. 
Dean,  .lolin.  447.  470,  47.S. 

I'hri.stianson.    Henry.   59.  Deelaratlon    of    Imlependeneo    proclaimed    at 

Citv  Island,  6,  174,  352,  532,  020,  021.  Wliite  Plains,  336. 

Clason's    Point.    5.  ""  'ir.asse.   Comit.  501,  503.  510,  513,  510. 

He  Kav.  .lai'olins,   107 

Clinton,  De  Witt    H' nel).   54s,   550.  I"'  l-aiu-ey.  Kdward  F..  0.5.  08.  l.'!7.  17,5.  ISl,  1,8.,. 

Clinton,  (ieort'e   Kiovernori.   345.   372.   388.  401.        2ii'.i.  -.iXi. 

"I    134    5''5  "'■  I'^'io-ey.   .lanies   Ko.vernon.   1.82.   241.  204. 

'.'lintun'  ileiiiy   iSir).  389.  433.  4:19.  451.  454.  40:!.  De    Lailcey.    .lami-s   ( I,lentenant-< '..lom-ll.    260. 

5j,    5,j,      '  2S9.  442.  401.  402,  500.  ,504,  517.  518. 

'  T'lintim,  James  ((ii'iierall,  375,  401.  434.  474.  De  I.aneey.  .lolin   Peter,   181,  200. 

C.bldini.'  Stone.    The.   15.  I'"  ''"'"'".v.    I'"'"'-  »'•  266.  2.8.3. 

Cekoo.  the  Indian  interpret.^.  127.  !>''  I"ni''<'.v.  Steplieii.  '200.  269. 

C„e.   J.d.n.    nf   live.    124.  r><'  I.ii"''''.v  <'"Vi'.  5. 

C.ITey.   W.   S..   Bev..  282.  5,81.  593.  I"'  Laiicey  fan)ily.   130,   lOS,  204. 

Cnlden.  Cailwallader.  29,  273,  281.  !><>  h-uuvy   Point.  5. 

C(.le.  David  (Kev.i.  57,  140.  161.  255.  561.  017.               Ho  I.aneey   Town,    527. 

Colon  Donek.   105.  r>e  Lancey's  Mills.  44S. 

Coles's  Bridse.  541.  Demont.  William.   404. 

ciilleet    ■ri.e.  90.  I"'l"'"-'   ' 'l'"""'-".v    M-   ^^-  ^22,   590.   603.   613. 

Committee  on  Correspc 

ideliee     287     292.    297.  "'"  Peyster.    168.    22:1.    ,5:10. 

cimmlttee  to  Detect    Conspiracies.  :!27 

Dormer.  Captain  Tliomas.   Voyage  of  tliroUKli 

ontinentai   Bridilc.   399.   456.  I-""!-'  I-*'''"''  f*""'"'-       ,,       ,      ,        ,     ,., 

„ntinental    Villaire.   415.    427.    436.  Do  Vries.  _Maruar,-t  _Har,l.-.,l,nM-k.   1^. 

,  ,M,per.  J.-'unes  177'.  I'.M.' 462.  567.  Disl.n.w.  P.-ter.  of  Uye.  124    12 

|.              !■  t  r    611  Dolilis  Ferry  ilncorporated  vlllanel.  occnpallim 

c!!'r'n'ell'    Uo'nz'o  u'    94    612  l>.v  Ho^ve's  army.  400;  Junction  of  111,.  Amerl.-aii 

;•;; ;;;.!!:  k!;;::  afii^'  -"  •^■■•'--  -"-  ^:  '"""••■■'•  "■  "Y"-  5k- 

.■„,,„.|l    T ,,,s    93  thedepartnr,.  for  the  \orkio«n  .-ampaiiin.  .51.. 

,'„r,oll''s  N'eck    5    9.'!.  116.  138.  22.8.  275.  622.  .■.ooernlm.'  the  meeting-  ,.f  Washl„;:(..n  and  Mr 

.             ;„       ,    ,.       ,»  (inv  Carh'ton.  522:  the  village  h.  Wai.  .590:  Ineor- 

.  „rnwa Ills     I'--'l.   3S«_  ,„;,„„„   ,,,.  ,,,,„„s  references.  3.  25.   156.  100. 

Corsa.   Andrew.   424.   ofl9.  !        351     40'i    410     428.   440.    450.    405.    400.    477,    510. 

Corlhindt  it..wnshlpi.  created  a  l.iwn   l>y  the        344.  3S1.  4o.i.    no.    4-». 
act   of  178.S,   .5:!2:    the   town    and    lis    vllla«e.s    In        514,  519,  520,  019,  o27. 

1860.  5.89;  popniation  at  varions  periods.  53:i.  5:i9.            I>o..;.'an.  <:"Vornor    1    160.  D3. 

542,  577,  5S9,  005,   Oil,   619;  ,.ther   r.fercn.-cs,  170.            Dentflily.  Kllas.  98.   114. 

,^,j  ^_j^  D..nk-lass.  Major.  552. 

"V'„rth,ndt  Manor.  157.  li'.8.  220.  268.  305.  33,8.  527.           Draft  Ulots.  ■">'.  «^- 

C„r,land.own.    106.  Drake.  .lo.seph  Uodman,  567. 


Abl)att,  Williai]].   47S. 

Afki'i'  liousc.  Till'.  BBS. 

Action  at  Tnrrytown.   The.  507. 

Alcx.'lniliT.   .rallies.    241,    244.    24,S. 

.Mipciiiick.    25. 

.\llisiili,  I'.  K.  (Itov.).  2r,l.  329,  52S.  53S.  559,  5S2, 
5S7.  600. 

.Ahiishoiisi'.    Tln\  544. 

Ainai-kassin.  infi. 

.\niiTiiiiliaii  names  in  Wesleliester  Ciniut.v.  45. 

.\nilie.   Major.   454.   4fi4-49fi. 

.\iiclre's  Brook,    47.S. 

■•Annaliel  Lee."   570. 

Annexation  of  a  portion  of  .Vortli  .Salem  to 
Lewlslioro.  532;  of  a  portion  of  New  Cnstio  to 
Somers,  5:!3:  of  portions  of  Wostcliester  County 
to  New  York  City,  608,  621. 

.\lin-Hooek.   27.   92.    115. 

Antliony's  Nose.  2.  4.  8.  5.S.  :J10.  341.  415. 

Appleby  Island.   532. 

AiiueiUlets.  9,  11.  548.  613. 

Areli;eolo}.'y   of   Westellester   Ciiiily.    20. 

Archer.  Jolin,   138,   144. 

.\rilsley  (incorporateil  villaj;ci,  627. 

Arilolil.   Henelliet.    42.S.   464-496. 

Astor.  John  ,7acnli,  258. 

Austin.  .loiiatlian    Williams    i.Ma.iori.    402. 

Ayery.  Kpliraim  iKcv.l,  400. 

Balieock.   Luke   lUev.l.    301.   302.  443. 

Halicock's  House  affair.   The,   442. 

P.airil.  C.  W.  (Rey.l.  :«.  124.  202,  215,  218,  221, 
400,  444,  517.  601. 

Harhailoes,  130,   150. 

Barrett,  Joseph,  223,   224.   420,   457,   600. 

liarretto  Point,  5. 

Bartow,  ,Tohu  (Rey.),  233,  263. 

Batlles  and  engagements:— .Slaufihter  of  In- 
dians by  Captain  John  Underbill  in  Bedford. 
101:  battle  of  Colden  Hill.  2S0:  affair  of  the  Hre- 
ships.  34(:  attack  by  the  .\iiierican  galleys  on 
the  British  ships  off  Tarrylown  l.\iigust  4.  17761. 
344:  battle  of  Long  Island,  346:  lirst  blood  of  the 
Revolution  in  Wcstcliester  County,  34S;  batlle 
of  Ilai-lem  Plains,  350;  affair  at  Randall's  Island, 
.353:  battle  of  Westchester  Creek.  353,  365;  en- 
gagement at  I'elhani  (October  IS,  1776).  375;  at- 
tack on  the  tjneen's  Rangers  at  Mamaroneidv. 
382;  engagement  at  Harfs  ('orners,  389:  battle 
of  White  Plains,  3.S9:  fall  of  Fori  Washington. 
406:  siege  of  Fort  Independence.  425:  engage- 
ment  near  Peekskill    I  March.    17761.   427;   fall  of 

Forts  Clinton  and  .Montgomery.  433:  rout  of 
Donop's  yagers.  440;  the  Ward's  Ilonse  affair, 
442:  ambuscade  of  the  Stoekbrldge  Indians  at 
Cortlandt's  Ridge.  37.  442:  the  Babcock's  House 
affair.  443:  Burr's  capture  of  the  West  Farms 
blockhouse,  448;  storming  of  Stony  Point,  452: 
Tarleton's  raid  on  Poundridge,  456;  British  at 
tacks  on  Crompond,  45S:  Hopkins's  light  with 
Emmerick,  4.59:  American  descents  on  Morris-  ; 
aiiia  and  Eastchester  (17791,  459,  460;  the 
Yoiings's  House  affair.  461:  American  attacks 
on  Morrisania  (earl.v  in  17801,  462;  Hull's  raid  on 
Morrisania  (.Tannary,  1781),  498;  the  surprise  of 
(_'olonel  Greene  on  the  Croton.  500;  the  action 
at  Tarrytown  i.liily  15.  1"81|.  507:  cngagciucnt 
in  the  Town  of  Rye  il7Slt,  517;  the  surprise  at 
Orser's  (Januar.v.  17S21,  517;  American  attacks 
on  Morrisania   (1782),  518. 

Bayard.  Nicholas.   16.S.    204.    205. 

Bedford  (township  and  villagci.  iiiehnl  d  in 
Captain  Nathaniel  Turiu-r's  purchase  |1640|.  87; 
Captain  .Tohn  rnderhiirs  Indi;in  tiglM.  101;  set- 
tlement. 221:  a  participant  in  (he  Rye  Rebellion, 
222:  John  Jay's  residence  at,  223,  545:  burning 
of.  by  Tarleton.  457;  the  court  house  at.  526; 
created  a  town  by  the  act  of  1788.  532;  the  town 
and  its  villages  in  1860.  589;  population  .at  vari- 
ous periods.  226,  539,  542.  577,  589.  605.  611.  619; 
various  references,  16,  26.  125,  233,  ;!05.  ;in.  462. 
533.  539.  542.  5.S9.    614. 

Beekman.  Mrs.  Gerard  G.  (Cornelia  Van 
Cortlandl).  427.   527,    530. 

Betts,  William,  of  the  Yenkers  Land.   144. 

Birch,  HarM'y.   see   Crosby,    Enoch 

Bird.  Colonel.  Expedition  by.  .igainst  Peek 
skill,  426. 

Birdsall   House.    427. 

Rissightiek   Tract.    Tlie.    156. 

Blind   Brook.    11.    124. 

Block.  Adrian.   59. 

Bogardus.  E\'erai'dus.  ss. 

Bolton's  "Ilisiory  of  Westchester  County," 

Borough  Town   of   Westchester,    229. 

Boston  Post    Road.   146.   195,   291. 

Boundaries  of  Westchester  County,  1,  6,  197. 

Boudary  dispute.  The.   120.  132,  136,   199. 

Boyce.    Brum.    424. 

Boyd.  Ebenezer   (Captain),    468. 

Bridges.  5.  7.  55.   157.   213.   228.   399.  541.   542.  552. 

llronck.  J IS,   .S7.   1,50. 

GEXEUAL     TXDKX  (jj{7 

Wapi>iiij.-i.r  Indians.  LM.  40:t:  .•r.-iitrd  .-,  i,,ui,  I,,-  u„.  ;,cf  .if  17.SS.  Kil:  ilio 

Will-   of   1,S12.    5:«i.  .\I.i<-<inil)-s    Kani    cxpcillllun.    551!;    VVvst    Karius 

Wanl,    St,.pl,r„.    „r,-,-.   2'.IS.    30(1,    30r,,         s.T   „n-   fn.,,,.   57'!:   an,i..x,.,|   to  N.-w    York  City. 

'>21:  piipnlalliin  at  varlmis  ihtI.kIs,  22(1.  53:),  5::ip. 
542.  57.S.  5!i2.  ■;il5,  012.  fi20:  various  ri.fiTriicoK    I 
IK.  29S,  301.  305.  323.  4110.  527.  3!t2, 
Wa.shiii-toii.  (!,.orj;r.  on  ih,.  patriotic  soi-viccs  West    I-'arms  (fornuT   townslilp   anil   vlllaKi-) 

iif    tlic    Mohii-an    Iriilians.    :;7:    pass.-.s    tlii-onj,-!.        patontfU  to  ICilwaiil  .Iissnp  ami  .lolin   ItMi-iril.   County    to   ial( ouniauil   of  th-        sou.    1.^0;    iniorpofatod    in    tho   Town    of   W,.«t- 

ai-,uy,    312;    onlois    tin-    i-onioval    of    KioiliTii-k        .-'K.sti.r  liy  tin' ai--  of  17XS.  531 :  sol  olT  as  a  ti.wu 
I'liilipso.  32!i;  on  tlio  tiroslups  alTnir.  34U;  Wasli-        f,.,i„,   -Wosti-hi-stiT   (lS4r;i. 
inj;lou  ami  .Mary   I'hilipso.  34Lt:  i-oinarl;s  on  tin 

320.    442 

Wai-il's   lloiiso  allair.  'I'lio.  112 
Wafil's    Taxcin.    3S7. 

.57t>;  annr.M'iI   to  Now 

., ,,     .,       „.,  .        ,.,   .                    .  'i"ik  City  il,s74).  i;iO;  popiilati.iu  at  various  i.f- 

uulttla     ,.55:    tl„.    Wluto    I'latus   ,-a„,pa>«n.    35!;.  HikIs.    .57S.    592.    COS;    various    rLfori-m-os    to.    212. 

.!•«,:  aililtvss  to  ,1„.  a,„,y  aftor  IIowo's  ia.nlinsr  .,;,;.  ^oo.  44S-.  517.  5(12.  m,  57fi.  5S5.  597.  (»2.  006. 

on     lluosrirs    No,U.    :i,l;    his    hoadiinaftors    at  \v,.s,    I-atont.  Tim.  1S3.  224. 

tlio    \.iii'iilim-    liouso.   3S3.    at   tlio   Milioi-   Inius.'  Wosi    Point     415     43S    4B1 

iWliito     riainsl.     :iS5.     at     tin-     Van     Coi-tlandt  WlialiOioats,'  Tlii'-.  444. 

Mansion    .mil    lUnlsall    IIouso    iI'i'ol<sliilli.    427.  Wliitr.   Hon'rv    274 

at      .Tosopli      Apiilcliy-s      (Dolilis      Fon-yl.     507;  Wliil,'  i  laii   Address.    Tlu-.   2'.'9 

ou     Howo's     rotnrn     luovcniout     from     Whltt' 

riaius.       101);      di'parturo      from      Wostclu'stoi 

County  to  Now  .lorsoy.  401;  Ills  consuniinfi  anx-        WostchostiT 

W'liiti'    I'laius    lto\vuslil[i    and    vlllajii'i.    I'urly 
liroprlotary   dispntos.   177.    219;    sotnoiniMit.    21'i; 

County    ciinvention    of    1774.    293; 

ii'ty    alioul    till'    Hudson    Hivor    ami    tin.'    Hij;  i-  ,..iii,.i,<  .,f  m.,,.,.i.  .lu    i— c    .im  .,  ,     . 

•  ...  ,        .  .  i.iucus  of  .Mari-li  2H.  Iii5,  29,s:   im'i't  uks  of  tn 

lands.    411:    on     tlio    strato;.'!!-    adv.antaKos    of  ,.,,..,.    ,. .  ,,  .         ,      .,    ,,     ,..,      , 

,,     ,    ,  •„     ,.,,.     ,.  ,     ....  ,    ,.   ,  '"■''    taolions.    April    11.    1775.    29;i;    moi'tlni;  of 

I'l-ckskill.  421.:   his  rrpniot   ot  (li'noral    Putnam.  m.,,.  «    i— r    -..ic    .1  ,  ,         , 

,„^,  .     . ,,  ..       ,„    .  ,    ,         ,..,,  May  S.  I1..5.  .f05;  tlio  proi-laiua'i f  t  lo  Iiooia- 

4.3S;     I'Uranips    at     \\  into     I'lains,     .lulv.     luS.  .■»■,, 

,„„    .,  '      •  ..  ,--„  ,   ,.       ,        ,.  ration  of  Indi'pondonco  and  orit.-iuizallon  of  tho 

439;  tlio  operations  of  l,i9  around   \  eriiianek  s  ...    ,       ,  ..         ,.     ,     .,„,  ^..i.i'..iii  ..1 

,,  .    .     .-,     ,.  •     .•         .  htate  of  ^l■^v   \  ork.  335;  straleu'C  imiiorlame 

Point.  451:   Ins  i-oinmunii'ations  to  eon^ress  on  ..__      „„.,        ,  ' 

the    i-aptnre    of    Andre.    475,    47fi;   operations   of  ■*"■•'•     =''•*=     *'"■     <•••"•»"•""■    "f     WasiiiuKton  s 

17M   in   Westeliester  County.   501-516:    ri uiiois-  """•'■•ueiit   to.  3i4;  the  mar.-ii  of  the  A.uerleai. 

same   of   New    York.    509;   his  preparations   for  ;':"'•:'   "'■   ^"^"^   ^'-   3**--   3^*5:    Washin«tou   makes 

news   from    ile    (irasse's   fleet.   511.   513;   on    the  ""'  ''^'I'loarters  at  the  Miller  house.  3S5; 

aelion     at     T.arrvtowu.     5flS;     m.     the    physieal  [\''  "';  ^'^''^  Washlii^-tou-s  n-tiivmeut  from.  39S; 

features  of  ,i„.   northern    part   of   Voukers.  514;  «=''*'""-'"■'■«    .■neampinent    of   .lul.v.    177S.    439; 

dilutions    to    i;eneral     Heath    on    ieaviu!,'    for  '""'•'''  '"■o-l'iuarters.   446;  ereetiou  of  the  pri-s- 

Y..rkto«„.    .-il7;     iunetion     ..viil,     Koehambean-s  ^■"'   '•""'•'    '"""<'■•   5!>7;    ineorporatlon  of  the  vll- 

:,rn,v     at     Verplanek's     P 1     in     17S2.    519;     re-  '"--■■    •^"^    population    at    various    periods.    5:!3. 

enters    Xew    Vorii     .5''5  ^^^'  ^''*'  ^''''  '"*''•  '''^'  '''^^-  ^■"''''""'  refereliees.  129. 

Water  Cu-irds    Thi     144  ^^^'  ■'^-   *^'   *^^-   ''^-  ^^^-   •''-"•   ^^''-   ^^-  ^'-   ^'^• 

W.'itts.  .iohn.'sr..  2.;s       ■  596.   597.   599.   612.   620.  627. 

\Varts.   John.    .Ir..   r,.3.;.  Whittaker,    P, eriek.    59G.    m2. 

Wavne.   Antlmnv   KJenerall.    152.  49b.  '^^■''''    '■•""''   "'"■    ■"^■ 

Weatherslield    eonferenee.    The.    501.  Wilkius.    Isaae.    2S9.   297.    299.   :i01.   304. 

\VeekiinaeSKeek    Purehase.    The.    115.  '^^■"''''    I'""lli>'<'-«.    -'14. 

\Veek.,uaesf.'eek  Tra<-t.  The.  156.  v"'!,".""/" '""■'■  "'  ''"'•'""'"  ■''■•■'■''•  '"•   ''''*•  '•"'■ 

Weekiiuaesfieeks.  all  Indian  tribe.  25.  :)7.  -™-  "''■'•  -"'• 

\VeL,'nninn.   Kdward,  .54S.  n.5.  AViilelt.    .Marinus.   ;;os.   427. 

Wells.  .lames  I...  625.  Williams.  Al.raham.  470. 

Wells     Lemuel     559  Williams.  Haniel  iCaptainl.  517. 

W.-slehesler    c'lia'ssenrs.    The.    .595.  Williams.  l>avld.  470.  476.  485,  4,S7. 

Westrhester  Countv.   Cre.ilion  of.  197.  Williauis.    I{o«er.   93.   99. 

Westell, ster    County    llistoriiiil    Soeiety.    :59i;..  Willlanis's   ItridKe.   323.    406.   505.   592.    Ii(i2.   I»I6. 

i;n  A\'ood.    .laiiies.    57. 

Wesieliesier  Creek.  .5.  II;  battle  of.  :i53.  365.  Woodworlli.    Samuel.    572. 

n-.M,>sl,r /;  The.    565.  Wrljrhfs    Mills.   518. 

Westeliester  Town.    Pell's   purehase   of.    1654.  Yerks.   .lohu.   470. 

115:   iplaint   of  inhaliitants  alionr   Duteh  op-  Youkers  itowiislilp.   vlllnco.  ami  ellyl.   orlcln 

pressiiiii.  town  patent.  138.141;  the  oris,'-  "f  "»'  »•'""'•  '"c  Hie  Phill|ise  imrelmse.  156:  liie 

imil  shire  town  of  th unty.  198;  seeond  towu  "'•<•'«  "f  I'"iederiek  IMilllpse.  329;  WashliiKti.ii-s 

patent,    22!';    witener.ift    ease.    22.S:    early    ship  lieadquarters  at   the   Valentine  house.  383:   Hie 

liuildiiiu'    indiistry.    229;    the    Weslehester    fair.  Haheoek's  House  alTair.  443;  purehasern  of  fiir- 

229:    ereeteil    into   a    lioroujrli    town.    229:    deslR-  felted  lauds.  .528:  ereated  a  lowii  by  the  act  of 

nated  as  a   parish.  233;  resolntlous  of  1774.  293;  17S8.  5:U;  beginnings  ot  Hie  villace.  559:   liinir- 

lald    of    c.iptaiu    I.saai-    Sears.    :;16;    battle    of  poratlou    of    Hie    vllhice.    5.S2;    burning   of    Hie 

Westeliester   Creek.    S53.   365:    P.rlHsh   outrages.  •  Henry  Clay."  586;  the  village  In  ISfi^i.  592:  re- 



biidge  set  oft     606;    moorp.rat.ou    nf  the    city.  „n„d,  501:  of  the  Freneh  army  at 

60S;   water  syste,„,  0  6;   the  Mauor  eele-  Cvompond  (1782,.  520;  ereate.l  a  town  bv    he  a  • 

bn>t,ou    tar;  removal  of  milUlams.   ,121;   popuh.-  „f  17SS,  532;  population  at  various  periods    5« 

If:  !^\h\,?^\J:'"\'-T  '■'^^''■■'■■"■'■«-  5«.   98.   2:!3,  170,  269.  -132.   458,   469.   4S5.   539.  596.   600.   614 
261.  323.  344,  3,3.  .■(77.  380.  407,  442,  505.  514,  527,  52S.  YounKss  House,  459,  461 

=46,   597.   599,   601.   602,  612,  626.  z^ge,..   .John   Peter.  247 


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