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.1/.   AlME   MORO 

ory  of  Zionism 





THE   RT   HON-   A,  J,   BALFOUR,   M.P. 




VOL   11. 




FOURTH    AVENUE     <»•     3OTH     STREET,     NEW    YORK 




The  present  volume  contains  the  continuation  and  documenta- 
tion of  Volume  I. 

After  the  conclusion  of  the  historical  review  in  its  chronological 
order,  it  was  considered  desirable  to  supplement  a  portion  of  the 
narrative  by  adding  further  chapters,  which  will  be  found  at  the 
beginning  of  the  present  volume.  These  chapters  bring  the 
historical  narrative  up  to  the  outbreak  of  the  War  in  1914. 

The  developments  in  the  Zionist  Movement  during  the  War 
are  dealt  with  in  a  separate  account,  which  is  not  claimed  to  be, 
in  the  proper  sense  of  the  word,  an  historical  study,  but  an 
account  of  recent  activities  up  to  the  Peace  Conference. 

The  present  volume  also  contains  an  introduction,  written  by 
the  French  Ministre  des  Affaires  Etrangeres,  M.  Pichon,  which 
arrived  too  late  to  be  included  in  the  first  volume,  and  a  character 
sketch  of  the  late  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  whose  death  occurred  while 
the  present  volume  was  in  the  press,  to  whose  memory  a  tribute 
is  offered. 

The  appendices  contain  not  only  the  text  of  documents  re- 
ferred to  in  the  body  of  the  book,  many  of  them  hitherto  un- 
published, but  also  essays  on  subjects  related  to  the  main  purpose 
of  the  work — for  instance,  Jewish  art,  and  Hebrew  literature — 
and  notes  of  a  bibliographical  or  critical  character. 

It  is  desired  to  point  out  that  the  nature  of  the  subject  with 
which  this  work  deals  rendered  it  inevitable  that  it  should  to 
some  extent  assume  an  encyclopaedic  rather  than  a  narrative 
character.  The  innumerable  sources  from  which  Zionism  draws 
its  being,  the  geographical  dispersion  of  the  Jewish  people,  the 
many  events  and  phenomena  outside  of  the  life  of  the  Jewish 
people  which  have  had  and  still  have  their  bearing  on  the  de- 
velopment of  the  Jewish  National  idea,  give  it  inevitably  the  f  (  rrn 
that  it  has  assumed.  The  author  is  well  aware  that  the  History 
of  Zionism  as  narrated  in  these  pages  does  not  appear  as  alto- 
gether a  symmetrical  structure.  Some  periods  dealt  with  in  the 
story  are  somewhat  disjointed,  and  as  a  necessary  consequence  the 
record  of  those  periods  reflects  the  same  character.  A  writer  who 
cared  more  for  the  form  than  for  the  correctness  of  the  narrative 
would  in  such  a  case  have  recourse  to  his  imagination  in  order  to 
fill  in  the  blanks.  The  present  author  has  not,  however,  done  so . 
He  has  attempted  rather  to  let  Zionism  appear  as  it  really  was 
in  the  different  countries  and  epochs  with  which  he  has  dealt. 
Where  his  narrative  is  fragmentary  events  were  fragmentary. 
In  the  earliest  periods  the  different  elements  of  Zionism  were 


sometimes  completely  detached  from  one  another.  An  exact  de- 
scription of  these  therefore  takes  necessarily  an  encyclopaedic 
character.  But  Zionism  develops  as  a  unity,  and  at  the  end  it 
will  be  found  to  offer  to  the  reader  a  united  picture. 

The  present  book  treats  of  the  History  of  Zionism  especially 
in  England  and  France,  but  it  has  been  found  both  impossible 
and  also  undesirable  to  exclude  from  the  narrative  all  references 
to  certain  important  events  and  personaUties  of  other  countries. 
Zionism  in  England  and  France,  however,  forms  the  main  thesis 
of  these  volumes.  Furthermore,  this  book  is  not  only  a  history 
of  the  Zionist  efforts  among  the  Jews,  it  also  narrates  the  history 
of  similar  efforts  by  non- Jews,  in  connexion  with  political  events 
and  Uterary  manifestations  in  the  countries  in  which  they  worked. 
At  the  same  time  the  author  has  endeavoured  as  Httle  as  possible 
to  cover  ground  that  has  already  been  repeatedly  traversed,  his 
intention  being  rather  to  break  new  ground  and  especially  to 
bring  to  light  hitherto  unknown  sources,  old  and  forgotten  prints, 
unpublished  manuscripts  and  archives.  These  he  has  used  to 
illustrate  and  document  his  narrative. 

The  plan  which  the  author  has  followed  falls  under  three 
headings  : — 

(I)   The  special  treatment  of  Zionism  in  England  and  France  ; 
(II)   A  particular  consideration  of  the  pro-Zionist  efforts  outside 
of  Jewry  ;  and 
(III)   The   pubhcation   of   previously   unknown   literary    and 
archival  sources. 

In  accordance  with  this  plan  this  history  begins  in  the  year 
1600,  although  the  history  of  Zionism  in  reality  opened  much 
earlier,  even  perhaps  at  the  beginning  of  the  Jewish  history  of 
the  countries  dealt  with. 

Material  for  a  thorough  treatment  of  the  History  of  Zionism 
in  other  countries,  including  many  monographs  and  historical 
notices  which  remain  in  the  hands  of  the  author,  as  well  as  further 
recent  diplomatic  and  other  documents  relating  to  the  most  recent 
development  of  Zionism  and  in  connexion  with  the  Peace  Con- 
ference of  1919,  will  be  used  as  the  basis  of  further  volumes. 

Pubhcation  of  an  index  to  the  work  might  well  have  been  de- 
ferred until  these  volumes  had  been  completed,  but  the  author 
thinks  that  he  ought  not  to  delay  one  any  longer.  At  the  end  of 
the  present  volume,  therefore,  the  reader  will  find  a  thorough 
index  of  persons  and  of  subjects,  for  which  Mr.  Jac -b  Mann,  m.a., 
is  responsible  and  to  whom  he  hereby  tenders  his  thanks. 

Finally,  the  author  wishes  to  supplement  the  expression  of 
thanks  addressed  to  those  of  his  friends  who  are  mentioned  in  the 
Preface  to  the  first  volume  of  this  work  for  the  assistance  they 
have  rendered  him  in  its  preparation,  and  to  mention  in  particular 
the  good  services  of  Mr.  Albert  M.  Hyamson  and  M.  Andr^  Spire. 

Paris,  June^   1919. 




FiDELE  aux  traditions  de  son  histoire,  la  France 
vient  de  montrer  une  fois  de  plus,  au  prix  du  sang 
de  tant  de  ses  fils,  comment  elle  entend  les  devoirs 
que  lui  impose  son  role  seculaire  d'emancipatrice  des 
opprimes.  Elle  sort  aujourd'hui  victorieuse  d'une 
lutte  decisive,  soutenue  au  nom  du  Droit  menace 
par  la  brutalite  d'un  imperialisme  sans  scrupules. 
Champion  des  grandes  idees  qu'il  a,  plus  que  tout 
autre,  semees  a  travers  le  monde,  notre  pays  a  puise 
dans  la  conscience  d'etre  un  vivant  symbole  de 
justice,  la  force  de  terrasser  son  adversaire.  II  a,  du 
moins  aujourd'hui,  le  droit  de  se  dire,  non  sans  fierte, 
qu'il  n'est  plus  au  monde  une  race  ou  une  nation  qui 
ne  puisse  faire  entendre  ses  legitimes  aspirations,  et 
qui  ne  sache  qu'en  France  il  y  aura  toujours  un  coeur 
pour  les  adopter. 

Dans  la  paix  comme  dans  la  guerre,  la  France, 
etroitement  unie  a  ses  Allies,  veut  demeurer  fidele  a 
sa  parole.  EUe  a  profnis  aux  nationalites  naguere 
asservies  de  def endre  leurs  interets  et  de  faire  respec- 
ter leurs  droits.  Elle  ne  reniera  pas  une  promesse 
dont  la  realisation,  en  inaugurant  une  ere  nouvelle 
de  rhistoire  du  monde,  justifiera  les  sacrifices  con- 
sentis  a  la  cause  commune.  Elle  ne  laissera  se 
commettre  aucune  injustice,  d'ou  qu'elle  vienne,  et 
qu'elle  qu'en  soit  la  victime.     Elle  ne  saurait  per- 


mettre,  en  particulier,  sans  protester  hautement, 
qu'une  majorite  ethnique  ou  confessionnelle  puisse 
desormais  abuser  impunement  de  sa  force  a  I'egard 
d'autres  Elements  voisins,  plus  faibles  ou  plus  dis- 

C'est  dire  Techo  que  ne  pourra  manquer  d'eveiller 
chez  les  Frangais  la  voix  eloquente  du  representant 
le  plus  autorise  du  Sionisme.  Monsieur  Sokolow, 
mettant  au  service  de  son  ideal,  un  talent  qui  n'en 
est  plus  a  son  premier  essai,  s'attache  a  nous  retracer 
riiistoire  des  doctrines  au  triomphe  desquelles  il  n'a 
cesse  de  consacrer  le  meilleur  de  ses  forces.  Sachant 
combien  il  importe,  aujourd'hui,  de  demontrer  his- 
toriquement  les  origines  et  les  antecedents  des  idees 
que  Ton  professe,  il  a  voulu  nous  exposer  les  titres 
que  possede  le  Sionisme  a  s'imposer  a  Tattention  des 
Allies,  au  moment  oti  ceux-ci  procedent  a  une 
reconstitution  du  monde  entier.  Monsieur  Sokolow, 
dont  la  foi  dans  le  succes  final  de  nos  armes  ne 
connut  jamais  de  def alliances,  possede  une  foi  au 
moins  egale  dans  T esprit  de  justice  qui  preside  a 
I'oeuvre  de  la  Conference  de  la  Paix.  Les  sympa- 
thies et  les  concours  precieux  qu'il  a  su  trouver  chez 
nos  amis  Britanniques,  et  dont  Mr.  Balfour  lui 
renouvelle  ici-meme  T  assurance  la  plus  formelle, 
sont  aux  protagonistes  du  Sionisme  un  sur  garant 
de  I'accueil  que  la  France  reserve  a  leur  genereuse 

Non  seulement,  en  effet  la  race  juive  n'a cesse  d'etre, 
au  cours  des  siecles,  persecutee,  d^cimee,  poursuivie 
sans  treve  par  une  haine  incapable  de  desarmer  ; 
plus  malheureuse  encore  que  tant  d'autres  peuples 
opprim^s,  qui  ont  pu  conserver  au  moins  un  symbole 
de  leur  grand  passe,  les  Juifs  n'ont  pu  sauver  ce 
dernier  vestige.  D'autres  qu'eux  memes  sont  de- 
venus  les  maitres  de  Ja  Judee.    Disperses  a  travers 


le  monde,  beaucoup  aspirent  aujourd'hui  plus  que 
jamais  a  reprendre  la  chaine  brisee  par  tant  de 
conquerants  successifs,  de  leurs  traditions  ethniques 
et  religieuses  :  ils  pensent  aussi  qu'une  telle  restaura- 
tion  n'est  possible  qu'appuyee  sur  des  realites,  c'est 
a  dire,  en  Tespece,  sur  un  foyer  moral  national 
reconstitue  au  milieu  des  mines  de  T  antique  Judee. 
Qui  done,  sans  avoir  perdu  les  plus  element  aires 
sentiments  d'humanite  et  de  justice,  pourrait  refuser 
aux  exiles  de  revendiquer  leur  place,  au  meme  titre 
que  les  autres  elements  indigenes,  dans  cette  Pales- 
tine oil  un  controle  collectif  des  Puissances  euro- 
peennes  assurera  desormais  a  chacun  le  respect  de  ses 
droits  les  plus  sacres  ? 

Entree  en  guerre  pour  assurer  la  victoire  definitive 
du  Droit  sur  la  force,  la  France  se  felicite  de  Tappui 
que  le  Sionisme  a  rencontre  chez  elle  et  chez  ses 
Allies.  Une  doctrine  qui  a  pour  elle,  outre  la  justice, 
I'eloquence  d'avocats  tels  que  M.  Sokolow  est  assuree 
de  succes.  Je  suis  heureux  de  Toccasion  qui  m'est 
offerte  de  reiterer  les  voeux  que  le  Gouvernement  de 
la  Republique  n'a  cesse  de  faire  pour  le  triomphe 
final  d'une  cause  qui  rallie  tant  de  sympathies 



INTRODUCTION,  by  M.  Stephen  Pichon 


SIR  MARK  SYKES— A  Tribute 






From  the   Second  to  the   Fourth 


Choveve  Zion  and  Zionists  in  England — Louis  Loewe — 
Nathan  Marcus  Adler — Albert  Lowy — Abraham  Benisch — 
The  Rev.  M.  J.  Raphall— Dr.  M.  Caster— Rabbi  Samuel 
Mohilewer — English  representation  at  the  Second  and 
Third  Congresses- — The  Fourth  Congress  in  London. 

CHAPTER  XLIXb.     The  Death  of  Herzl 

England  and  Zionism^ — Sir  B.  Arnold  in  the  Spectator — 
Cardinal  Vaughan — Lord  Rosebery — The  death  of  Herzl — 
David  Wolfisohn — Prof.  Otto  Warburg — Zionism  in  the 
smaller  states. 

CHAPTER  XLIXc.     The  Pogroms 

The  year  1906 — Pogroms — Emigration- — Conder  and  his 
activities — An  Emigration  Conference — The  Eighth  Con- 
gress— The  question  cf  the  Headquarters. 

CHAPTER  XLIXd.     The  Death  of  Wolffsohn 

1 9 10- 1 4 — The  Tenth  and  Eleventh  Congresses— 

CHAPTER  XLIXe.     On  the  Eve  of  the  War 

-Death  of 

Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild  in  Palestine — Sir  John  Gray 
Hill — Professor  S.  Schechter — South  African  Statesmen — 
A  Canadian  Statesman — Christian  religious  literature 

ZIONISM  DURING  THE  WAR,   1914-1918 

General  Survey    . 

Zionist  Propaganda  in  Wartime 


The  Jewish  National  Fund    . 

Zionism  and  Jewish  Relief  Work 

The  Russian  Revolution 








ZIONISM  DURING  THE  WAR,  1914-1918— continued- 
Political  Activities  in  England  and  the  Allied  Countries 
Conference  of  English  Zionist  Federation  in  191 7 
Zionism  and  Public  Opinion  in  England 
Co-ordination  of  Zionists'  Reports 
The  British  Declaration  and  its  Reception 
London  Opera  House  Demonstration 
Manifesto  to  the  Je>\ish  People 
Declarations  of  the  Entente  Governments 



I.    The  Prophets  and  the  Idea  of  a  National  Restoration  161 

II.    Rev.  Paul  Knell :    Israel  and  England  Paralleled       .  168 

III.  Matthew  Arnold  on  Righteousness  in  the  Old  Testa- 

ment         ........  169 

IV.  "  Esperan9a  de  Israel,"  by  Manasseh  Ben-Israel  169 
V.    "  Spes  Israelis,"  by  Manasseh  Ben-Israel    .          .  171 

VI.    "Hope    of    Israel — Ten    Tribes    ...    in    America — 
7X11?*  nipD — De  Hoop  Van  Israel,"  by  Manasseh 

Ben-Israel           .......  171 

VII.    The  Humble  Addresses  of  Manasseh  Ben-Israel.          .  173 

VIII.    "  Vindiciae  Judaeorum,"  by  Manasseh  Ben-Israel          .  173 

IX.    Ensefia  A  Pecadores         .  .  .  .  .  .173 

X.    "  De  Termino  Vitae — of  the  Term  of  Life,"  by  Manasseh 

Ben-Israel  .  .  .  .  .  .  -174 

XI.    "  D^*n   riDK'J — De   Immortalitate   Animae,"    by   Man- 
asseh Ben-Israel           .          .          .          .          .  175 

XII.    "  Rights  of  the  Kingdom,"  by  John  Sadler       .  .176 

XIII.  "  Nova  Solyma,"  edited  by  the  Rev.  Walter  Begley     .  176 

XIV.  "  Praeadamitae — Men  before  Adam,"    by  Isaac  de  La 

Peyrdre      ........  180 

XV.    Isaac  Vossius            .......  180 

XVI.    "  Doomes-Day  ".......  181 

XVII.    "  Restauration  of  ^// Israel /lM(i  Judah  "  .          .          .  182 
XVI II.    "  Apology  for  the   Honorable   Nation  of  the   Jews — 
Apologia   por   la   Noble    Nacion    de   los    Ivdios — 
Verantwoordinge     voor     de     edele     Volcken     der 
Jooden,"  by  Edward  Nicholas     .          .          .          .182 

XIX.    "  A  Word  for  the  Annie,"  by  Hugh  Peters          .          .  183 

XX.    Isaac  da  Fonseca  Aboab  ......  183 

XXI.    Dr.  Abraham  Zacutus  Lusitanus        .  .184 

XXU.    Jacob  Judah  Aryeh  de  Leon 185 

XXIU.    Thesouro  Dos  Dinim 188 

XXIV.    "  Rettung  der  Juden,"  by  Manasseh  Ben-Israel  .         .189 

XXV.    Newes  from  Rome 191 

XXVI.    "The   World's   Great   Restauration."   by   Sir  Henry 

Finch         ........  207 

XXVII.    "  The  World's  Great  Restauration  " — continued  208 

XXVIII.    Philip  Ferdinandus 209 

XXIX.    Petition  of  the  Jewes  Johanna  and  Ebenezer  Cart  (en) 

(w)right 210 

XXX.     '  The  Messiah  Already  Come,"  by  John  Harrison  210 



XXXI.    "  Discourse  of  Mr.   John  Dury  to  Mr.  Thorowgood — 
Jewes     in     America,"     by     Tho.     Thorowgood — 
"Americans  no  Jews,"  by  Hamon  I'Estrange       .     211 
XXXII.    "  Whether  it  be  Lawful  to  Admit  Jews  into  a  Chris- 
tian Commonwealth,"  by  John  Dury    .  .  .212 

XXXIII.  "  Life  and  Death  of  Henry  Jessey  "  .  .  .  .212 

XXXIV.  "  The  Glory  of  Jehudah  and  Israel— De  Heerlichkeydt 

.  .  .  van  Jehuda  en  Israel,"  by  Henry  Jesse  .     214 

XXXV.    Of  the  Late  Proceeds  at  White-Hall,  concerning  the 

Jews  (Henry  Jesse)     .  .  .  .  .  .215 

XXXVI.    Bishop  Thomas  Newton  and  the  Restoration  of  Israel     216 
XXXVII,    "  A  Call  to  the  Christians  and  the  Hebrews  "       .  .217 

XXXVIII.    The    Centenary    of    the    British    and    Foreign    Bible 

Society      ........     218 

XXXIX.    Lord  Kitchener  and  the  Palestine  Exploration  Fund     219 
XL.    Bonaparte's  Call  to  the  Jews     .....     220 

XLI.    Letter  addressed  by  a  Jew  to  his  Co-religionists  in  1798     220 
XLII.    "  Transactions  of  the  Parisian  Sanhedrim,"  by  Diogene 

Tama         ........     222 

XLIII.    "  Signs    of    the    Times  " — "  A    Word    in    Season  " — 
"  Commotions  since  French  Revolution  " — "  His- 
tory of  Christianity  " — "  The  German  Empire  " — 
"  Fulfilment  of  Prophecy,"  by  Rev.  James  Bicheno     223 
XLIV.    "  Restoration  of  the   Jews  " — "  Friendly  Address  to 
the  Jews,"  by  the  Rev.   James  Bicheno — "Letter 
to  Mr.  Bicheno,"  by  David  Levi  ....     223 

XLV.    "  Attempt    to    Remove    Prejudices     Concerning    the 

Jewish  Nation,"  by  Thomas  Witherby  .  .     225 

XLVI.    "  Observations  on  Mr.  Bicheno's  Book,"  by  Thomas 

Witherby  ........     225 

XLVII.    "  Letters  to  the  Jews,"  by  Joseph  Priestley       .  .     225 

XL VIII.    "  An  Address  to  the  Jews  on  the  Present  State  of  the 

World,"  by  Joseph  Priestley         ....     226 

XLIX.    "  Letters  to  Dr.  Priestley,"  by  David  Levi  ,  .     226 

L.    "A  Famous   Passover  Melody,"   by  the   Rev.    F.   L. 

Cohen        ........     227 

LI.    "  Reminiscences  of  Lord  Byron  .  .  .  Poetry,  etc.,  of 

Lady  Caroline  Lamb,"  by  Isaac  Nathan         .  .     228 

LII.    "  Selection   of    Hebrew  Melodies,"   by    John   Braham 

and  Isaac  Nathan       ......     228 

LIII.    Earl  of  Shaftesbury's  Zionist  Memorandum — Scheme 

for  the  Colonisation  of  Palestine   .  .  .  .229 

LIV.    Restoration  of  the  Jews    .  .  .  .  .  .231 

LV.    Another    Zionist    Memorandum — Restoration    of    the 

Jews  ........     236 

LVI.     Extracts  from  Autograph  and  other  Letters  between 

Sir  Moses  Montefiore  and  Dr.  N.  M.  Adler      .  .      237 

LVII.    The  Final  Exodus    .......      245 

LVIII.    Disraeli  and  the  Purchase  of  the  Suez  Canal  Shares      .      246 
LIX.    Cyprus  and  Palestine         ......     247 

LX.    Disraeli  and  Heine  .......     248 

LXI.    Disraeli's  Defence  of  the  Jews  .....     249 

LXII.    A  Hebrew  Address  to  Queen  Victoria  (1849)        .  .     250 

LXIII.    An  Appeal  by  Ernest  Laharanne  (i860)      .  .  .     251 



LXIV.    Statistics  of  the  Holy  Land 252 

LXV.    An  Open  Letter  of  Rabbi  Chajryim  Zebi  Sneersohn  of 

Jerusalem  (1863)         ......     253 

LXVI.    The  Tragedy  of  a  Minority,  as  seen  by  an  English 

Jewish  Publicist  (1863)        .....     255 

LXVII.    London  Hebrew  Society  for  the  Colonization  of  the 

Holy  Land    .         .         .         .         .  .         .256 

LXVIII.    An  Open  Letter  of  Henri  Dunant  (1866)    .         .  .259 

LXIX.    An    Appeal   of   Rabbi   Elias   Gutmacher  and   Rabbi 

Hirsch  Kalischer  to  the  Jews  of  England  {1867)  262 

LXX.    Alexandre  Dumas  (fils)  and  Zionism  .  .  .     263 

LXXI.    Appeal  of  Dunant 's  Association  for  the  Colonisation 

of  Palestine  (1867)      ......     265 

LXXII.    Edward  Cazalet's  Zionist  Views         .  .  .  .267 

LXXIII.    A  Collection  of  Opinions  of  English  Christian  Authori- 
ties on  the  Colonization  of  Palestine      .  .  .269 

LXXIV.    Petition  to  the  Sultan 279 

LXXV.    (i)  Chovevd  Zion  and  Zionist  Workers        .  .  .     281 

(2)  Modem  Hebrew  Literature  .....      309 

LXXVL    Note  upon  the  Alliance  Israelite   Universelle  and  the 

Anglo- Jewish  Association   .  .  .  .  .318 

LXXVIL    An  Appeal  of  the  Berlin  Kadima       ....     325 

LXXVIII.    The  Jewish  Colonies  in  Palestine       .  .  .  326 

LXXIX.    The  Manifesto  of  the  Bilu  (1882)        .  .  .  .332 

LXXX.    Zionism  and  Jewish  Art  ......      333 

LXXXI.    Progress  of  Zionism  in  the  West  since  1897         .  -347 

LXXXIL    The  Institutions  of  Zionism 358 

LXXXIII.    David  Wolffsohn's  Autobiography     .  .  .  .388 

LXXXI V.    Some  English  Press  Comments  on  the  London  Zionist 

Congress  (1900)      .......     389 

LXXXV.    Colonel  Conder  on  the  Value  of  the  Jewish  National 

Movement  (1903)        ......     391 

LXXX VI.    Lord  Gwydyr  on  Zionism  and  the  Arabs    .  .  .     392 

LXXXVII.    Consular  Reports 395 

LXXX VII I.     "  Advent  of  the  Millennium  "  (Moore)       .  .  .     399 

LXXXI X.     Cremieux's  Circular  to  the  Jews  in  Western  Europe    .     400 

XC.     "  The  Banner  of  the  Jews  "  (Emma  Lazarus)    .  .     400 

XCI.     "  The  Advanced  Guard  " 401 

ADDENDA 403-425 


CATALOGUE  OF  THE  ILLUSTRATIONS         .  .  .        429-447 


INDEX 461 


Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild 
LiEUT.-CoL.  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  Bart,  M.P. 
Rt.  Hon.  Arthur  J.  Balfour,  M.P. 
Gen.  Sir  Edmund  H.  H.  Allenby 

M.    S.    J.   M.    PiCHON  . 

M.  Jules  Cambon     . 

H.E.  Paolo  Boselli 

H.E.  Baron  Sidney  Sonnino 

M.  A.  F.  J.  Ribot    . 

M.  G.  E.  B.  Clemenceau 

President  Thomas  Woodrow  Wilson 

Rt.  Hon.  David  Lloyd  George,  M.P. 

Laying  Foundation  Stone  of  the  Hebrew  University 

The  Kattowitz  Conference,  5644=1884    . 


Facimr  p.     Xvii 













Leopold  Pilicfunuski.     tqi8 

LieuLCol.  Sir  Mark  Sykk?,  Bart.,  M.P. 



A  MOST  tragic  event  took  place  on  the  i6th  of  February, 
1919,  when  the  world  lost  one  of  the  most  valiant  champions 
of  Zionism,  namely  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  Bart.,  M.P.  He  fell 
like  a  hero  in  the  thick  of  the  fight ;  he  was  suddenly 
extinguished,  as  it  were  a  torch  in  full  blaze.  He  stood 
towering  above  the  crowd  of  sceptics  and  grumblers,  viewing 
the  promised  land  as  from  Pisgah's  height,  his  clear  eye 
fixed  on  Zion.  He  was  at  once  a  sage  and  a  warrior,  a  knight 
in  the  service  of  the  sacred  spirit  of  the  national  idea 
without  fear  or  reproach,  whom  nothing  could  overcome 
but  the  doom  of  sudden  and  premature  death.  Sir  Mark 
Sykes  was  but  forty  years  old,  physically  a  giant,  a 
picture  of  perfect  manhood,  full  of  youthful  vigour,  a 
soldier  and  a  poet,  a  fervid  patriot  and  a  kindly  and  self- 
sacrificing  friend  of  humanity.  He  was  one  of  the  born 
representatives  of  that  tradition  which  for  centuries  has 
inseparably  united  the  genius  of  Great  Britain  with  the 
Zionist  ideal  of  the  Jewish  people.  In  him  appeared  to  be 
harmoniously  united  the  soaring  imagination  of  Byron,  the 
deep  mysticism  of  Thomas  Moore,  the  religious  zeal  of 
Cardinal  Manning  and  the  statesmanly  and  wide  outlook 
of  Disraeli. 

The  germs  of  Sykes'  Zionism  lay  latent  in  him  in  his 
earliest  years.  He  was  scarcely  eight  years  old  when  his 
father  took  him  for  the  first  time  to  Jerusalem.  He  often 
related  how  when  many  years  later  he  visited  a  certain  spot 
in  Palestine,  an  elderly  Arab  told  him  that  years  before  an 
English  gentleman  had  been  there  with  a  little  boy,  leaving 
behind  him  kindly  memories.  His  father,  a  wealthy  land- 
owner in  Yorkshire,  was  one  of  the  principal  churchbuilders 
in  England  of  his  time.  He  was  a  gentleman  of  the 
old  style,  a  protector  of  the  poor,  fired  with  religious 
enthusiasm,  who  devoted  untiring  labour  to  the  manage- 
ment of  his  family  estate.     Every  foot  of  this  extensive 


family  estate  with  its  churches  and  schools,  its  country 
houses  and  old  and  new  farms  and  dwellings,  with  its 
great  collections  and  its  old  and  valuable  library,  bears 
the  impress  not  only  of  marked  diligence  and  refined  taste, 
but  also  of  an  unusual  sense  of  continuity  and  tradition. 
Long  before  the  traveller  from  Hull  reaches  the  estate,  a 
high  and  slender  tower  strikes  his  eye.  It  is  the  monument 
that  has  been  erected  in  memory  of  the  grandfather,  the 
old  squire,  an  original  character  about  whom  Sir  Mark  was 
wont  to  tell  so  many  amusing  stories.  Long  after  the  intro- 
duction of  railways  he  used  to  ride  his  steed  to  London,  and 
on  the  way  often  used  to  stop,  take  the  hammer  from  the 
navvies  who  were  breaking  road-metal,  and  perform  their 
work  for  them  for  hours  at  a  time.  Now  his  statue  is  to  be 
seen  in  a  chapel-like  recess  crowned  with  a  high  tower  on  one 
of  the  main  roads  of  the  estate.  His  son.  Sir  Mark's  father, 
was  not  less  of  an  original  character.  He  had  nothing  of 
the  tradition  of  feudal  lords — the  family  was  descended 
from  an  old  and  very  rich  shipbuilding  family  in  Hull 
which  flourished  in  the  i6th  century,  had  by  the  17th 
century  gained  a  great  reputation,  and  later  had  business 
relations  with  Peter  the  Great — but  he  rather  repre- 
sented the  type  of  a  fanciful  Maecenas,  whose  hobby 
it  was  constantly  to  remodel  buildings  or  to  erect  new 
ones.  His  ancestors  had  built  ships,  he  built  houses. 
That  amounted  to  a  passion  in  him,  a  noble  passion,  a 
desire  to  build,  endow  and  found.  And  as  he  was 
very  reUgious  he  built  churches.  He  also  travelled  widely 
and  gathered  large  collections  in  his  country  house.  His 
religion  was  nominally  High  Church,  but  he  must  have 
had  strong  leanings  towards  Catholicism.  His  wife,  the 
mother  of  Sir  Mark,  was  an  ardent  Catholic.  Sir  Mark  was 
attached  to  his  mother,  and  was  brought  up  in  the  Catholic 
faith.  On  his  mother's  side  Sir  Mark  had  a  decided  strain 
of  Irish  blood,  but  the  English  type  was  predominant  in 
him.  His  features,  however,  were  of  extraordinary  gentle- 
ness, his  eyes  large  and  clear  blue  in  colour,  and  a  wisp  of 
hair  would  often  fall  over  his  brow.  He  was  an  Enghsh 
Catholic  and  cherished  in  his  heart  the  memory  of  the  not 
so  far  distant  time  when  CathoHcs  were  persecuted,  and 
restricted  in  their  civil  rights.  He  was  a  CathoHc  in  a  coun- 
try where  the  Catholics  constitute  a  small  and  weak  minority, 
and  often  he  remarked  to  me  that  it  was  his  Catholicism 
that  enabled  him  to  understand  the  tragedy  of  the  Jewish 


question,  since  not  so  long  since  Catholics  had  to  suffer 
much  in  England.  His  Catholicism  did  not  make  him 
fanatical ;  it  made  him  rather  cosmopolitan,  that  is  to  say, 
catholic  in  the  pure  sense  of  the  word.  He  received  an  ex- 
ceptionally careful  education  and  studied  hard  in  Catholic 
schools  before  he  took  his  course  at  Cambridge.  The  fact 
that  in  his  early  youth  he  had  Jesuit  priests  among  his 
teachers  was  often  exploited  by  those  who  envied  him,  in 
a  sense  which  suggested  a  leaning  in  him  towards  Jesuitism. 
If  the  term  Jesuitism  be  taken  to  mean  a  zeal  for  Catholi- 
cism, then  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  this  assertion  is  correct, 
since  Sir  Mark  was  certainly  very  religious.  But  if  this 
expression  be  taken  in  the  customary  sense,  namely,  as 
equivalent  to  clerical  intrigue,  hypocrisy  and  spiteful  hate 
of  other  religions,  nothing  was  more  remote  from  the 
character,  the  mental  outlook  and  all  other  attributes  of 
Sir  Mark  than  such  a  form  of  Jesuitism.  He  was  incapable 
equally  of  dissembling  or  of  servile  conduct  ;  he  was  proud 
without  being  arrogant,  and  was  severe  and  inflexible  when 
truth  was  at  stake.  His  soul  was  an  open  book  ;  he  troubled 
himself  neither  of  career  nor  of  popularity.  He  possessed 
an  ideal,  and  this  ideal  was  the  sole  test  of  all  his  thought 
and  actions.  At  heart  he  was  pious,  a  good  Christian  and 
a  good  Catholic  :  he  never  prided  himself  upon  his  faith, 
which  was  a  sacred  thing  to  him  :  religious  boast  and  pro- 
paganda were  alike  foreign  to  him  :  his  relations  with  God 
were  an  intimate  personal  matter  which  concerned  no 
stranger  ;  but  his  faith  was  the  moving  force  of  his  life 
which  afforded  him  courage  to  go  forward  and  strength  to 
endure  and  to  deny  himself. 

When  I  was  with  Sir  Mark  in  Hull,  where  we  came 
to  speak  at  a  great  Zionist  meeting  last  summer,  the 
member  for  Hull  disappeared  from  my  sight  for  several 
hours  on  one  occasion.  I  presumed  that  he  had  gone  to 
the  old  Catholic  cathedral  to  attend  a  service  as  he  fre- 
quently did.  On  returning  he  told  me  that  he  had  visited 
his  old  teachers,  the  Jesuit  fathers,  and  that  he  had  con- 
vinced them  that  it  was  the  duty  of  Christians  to  atone  for 
the  crime  that  humanity  has  not  ceased  for  many  centuries 
to  commit  against  the  Jewish  people  in  withholding  their 
old  native  country  from  them.  "  This  was  not  so  difficult," 
he  added,  "  as  one  of  these  fathers  is  an  avowed  friend  of 
the  Jewish  people.  When,  some  years  ago,  a  protest  meet- 
ing was  held  in  Hull  against  the  Beilis  trial  (the  trumped-up 


story  of  ritual  murder  that  had  emanated  in  Kiev  from  the 
Russian  anti-Semites),  this  priest  had  appeared  on  the  plat- 
form to  declare  in  the  name  of  his  religion  that  the  perse- 
cutions of  the  Jews  that  took  place  in  Russia  under  the  old 
regime  were  a  blot  upon  civihsation."  The  meeting  which 
was  to  be  held  that  same  day  was  to  be  attended  by  Jews 
and  Christians  equally.  He  said  with  a  humorous  smile 
that  his  success  with  the  fathers  made  him  hope  for  equal 
success  with  the  whole  Christian  audience  at  that  meeting. 
'*  Perhaps  people  find  fault  with  me,"  he  continued,  "  that 
I  have  neglected  their  local  affairs.  A  member  for  Hull 
who  gives  all  his  time  to  Zionism  may  be  rather  a  puzzle  to 
the  good  people  of  Hull,  but  I  think  I  shall  manage  them — 
will  you  be  responsible  for  the  Jews  ?  "  I  replied,  "  Very 
well,  I  shall  be  responsible  for  the  Jews,  but  only  with  your 
help ;  the  Jews  are  more  impressed  by  an  English  baronet 
who  is  a  Christian  than  by  a  fellow  Jew  like  me."  "  It  is 
to  be  regretted,"  he  said  somewhat  sadly,  "  that  the  Jews 
rather  than  follow  leaders  of  their  own  race  bow  and  scrape 
to  Gentiles.  How  do  you  explain  that  ?  "  I  answered  : 
"  That  is  the  spirit  of  the  Exile,  that  can  be  combated  only 
by  means  of  Zionism." 

The  meeting  was  most  successful.  There  never  had  been 
such  a  Zionist  triumph  in  Hull.  The  enthusiasm  was  shared 
by  both  the  Christian  representatives  and  the  Jewish  popu- 
lation, the  latter  but  recently  arrived  for  the  most  part  from 
Eastern  Europe.  There  was  only  one  discordant  note  in 
the  speeches,  and  that  probably  escaped  the  notice  of  most 
of  those  present,  and  did  not  detract  in  the  least  from 
the  success  of  the  meeting  ;  this  was  an  utterance  that 
offended  Sir  Mark's  religious  sentiment.  "It  is  natural," 
someone  said,  "  for  Sir  Mark  to  be  a  friend  of  the  Jews  as  he 
is  such  a  good  Christian,  and  must  be  conscious  of  the  fact 
that  the  founder  of  Christianity  belonged  to  the  Jewish 
race  ;  moreover.  Sir  Mark  as  a  Catholic  venerates  the  Holy 
Mother  who  was  as  we  know  a  daughter  of  the  Jewish 
people."  This  utterance  pained  Sir  Mark  and  hurt  me  very 
much.  I  afterwards  had  long  talks  with  Sir  Mark  about 
this  tactlessness,  which  could  only  have  been  committed 
by  a  quasi-assimilated  Jew.  The  speaker  may  have  meant 
it  well,  but  a  Zionist  could  never  have  made  such  a  mistake, 
for  to  be  a  Zionist,  means  not  only  to  desire  immediate 
emigration  to  Palestine,  but  also  to  maintain  the  proper 
practical  attitude  to  the  non- Jewish  world.     This  attitude 


is  one  neither  of  servility  nor  of  arrogance,  it  is  one  of  digni- 
fied yet  modest  and  noble  self-consciousness,  self-respect 
and  respect  for  others. 

In  order  to  understand  the  attitude  of  such  as  Sir  Mark 
and  others  like  him  in  his  own  and  other  nations,  towards 
the  Jewish  problem,  it  is  necessary  to  study  the  problem 
more  closely  than  is  common  among  the  unthinking  crowd 
who  bandy  about  the  words  anti-Semitism  and  philo- 
Semilism,  and,  upon  their  superficial  observations,  condemn 
one  man  as  an  anti-Semite  and  laud  another  as  a  philo- 
Semite,  according  as  whether  they  hate  or  love  certain 
individual  Jews.  The  crowd  does  not  understand  that  one 
can  be  a  great  friend  of  the  Jewish  people  and  a  great  admirer 
of  the  Jewish  genius  and  yet  find  such  things  ridiculous 
and  repulsive  as  the  apeing,  the  servihty,  the  obtrusiveness, 
the  hollowness  and  the  empty  display,  the  desire  to  intrude 
everywhere,  the  excessive  zeal  of  the  neophytes  and  all  the 
unpleasant  traits  of  some  assimilated  Jews.  On  the  other 
hand,  one  may  approve  of  all  these  qualities  and  rejoice 
that  certain  Jews  have  become  rich,  obtained  titles  or  gained 
high  office  in  so  far  as  one  desires  the  assimilation  of  the 
Jewish  people  and  the  extinction  of  the  Jewish  spirit. 

Anti-Semitism  is  fractricidal  in  that  it  implies  hatred  and 
contempt  for,  and  the  desire  to  persecute  a  whole  race.  It 
is  organised  outrage,  because  it  employs  the  brutal  power 
of  a  majority  to  insult  a  defenceless  minority  and  to 
deprive  it  of  human  rights.  It  is  consciously  calumnious 
because  it  instigates  malice  against  the  Jewish  people  or 
religion  and  exploits  for  this  purpose  actual  weaknesses  or 
faiUngs  belonging  in  reality  to  neither  the  race  nor  the 
religion.  It  is  biassed  and  sophistical  because  it  generalises 
from  the  faults  of  individuals  and  because  it  fixes  itself 
upon  the  mote  in  another's  eye  without  perceiving  the  beam 
in  its  own. 

Philo-Semitism  in  the  true  sense  of  the  word  resembles 
philhellenism.  The  latter  does  not  mean  simply  friendly 
intercourse  with  parvenu  Greeks,  but  sympathy  for  the 
Hellenic  people  as  such,  and  with  the  spirit  of  Hellenism 
and  an  endeavour  to  aid  these  and  to  estabUsh  them.  Of 
such  a  kind  was  the  philo-Semitism  of  Sir  Mark  Sykes.  I 
will  speak  plainly,  and  do  not  hesitate  to  state  that  he  had 
no  liking  for  the  hybrid  type  of  the  assimilating  Jew.  He 
had  no  wish  to  interfere  with  such  people  ;  he  emphatically 
condemned  any  attempt  at  suppression  of  rights  or  chi- 

xxii  THE  HISTORY  OF  ZIONISM      . 

caner}^  but  he  did  not  like  this  type  just  because  he  was  fond 
of  the  Jewish  people.  What  was  of  the  Jewish  essence,  of 
the  Jewish  tradition,  was  sacred  to  his  reUgious  sense  and 
stimulating  to  his  artistic  sense.  In  this  lay  the  secret,  not 
exactly  of  our  personal  success  with  Sykes  (for  our  cause  is 
of  too  great  an  importance  in  the  world's  history  to  be 
connected  with  personaUties)  but  of  the  wonderful  concord 
of  minds  which  was  the  natural  outcome  of  his  outlook 
The  opposite  poles  attracted  each  other  with  irresistible 
force.  Truly  anglicised  Jews  could  not  have  had  the 
hundredth  part  of  the  same  success  with  him,  not  because 
of  their  not  being  excellent  patriots  and  capable  men  (for 
such  many  of  them  incontestably  are  and  Sykes  was  fond 
of  society  and  of  making  acquaintances  and  was  amiable  to 
all),  but  for  him  there  were  real  Englishmen  enough.  Con- 
cerning EngUsh  affairs,  national  questions  and  parliamentary 
matters  he  would  discourse  with  anglicised  Jews  on  the 
same  footing  as  English  non-Jews,  but  concerning  the  spirit 
of  Jewish  history,  the  ethos  of  Hebraism,  the  national 
sufferings  and  aspirations,  that  emerge  only  in  national 
Hebrew  literature,  in  the  large  centres  of  Jewish  population 
in  Eastern  Europe  and  in  the  new  settlements  in  Palestine 
— concerning  all  these  matters  he  would  and  could  seek 
information  only  from  the  fountain  source.  These  are  the 
things  that  have  succeeded  with  Sykes  and  others  and  that 
will  succeed  further,  not  high  diplomacy.  There  is  no  lack 
of  this  latter  at  the  Foreign  Office,  which  swarms  with  great 
diplomats,  and  it  would  be  carrying  coals  to  Newcastle 
to  seek  to  add  more  trained  specialists  to  the  crowd  of  busy 
poUticians  in  Downing  Street.  There  could  be  no  success 
with  Sykes  that  way.  He  was,  as  it  were,  born  to  work  with 
us  Hebrews  for  Zionism. 

The  spirit  of  the  East  breathed  in  this  Yorkshire  gentle- 
man. In  his  earUest  youth  he  showed  a  keen  interest  for 
Arabia,  for  Islam  and  the  Turkish  Empire.  At  Cambridge 
he  studied  Arabic  under  Professor  E.  G.  Browne,  and  there 
also  he  met  the  lady  who  was  afterwards  to  be  his  wife  and 
true  helpmeet,  a  daughter  of  Sir  John  Gorst,  who  was 
at  the  time  one  of  the  members  of  parliament  for  the 
University.  In  the  year  1898  Sykes,  then  a  young  student, 
undertook  a  second  journey  to  the  liast,  and  stayed  much 
of  his  time  in  the  Hauran.  He  devoted  himself  with  the 
entire  freshness  and  sincerity  of  his  youth  (he  was  then  but 
twenty  years  old)  to  his  observations  as  a  traveller.    In  the 

SIR  MARK  SYKES  xxiii 

year  1900  appeared  his  first  book,  which  recounts  his  im- 
pressions in  an  elegant  style  and  light  form.^  In  this  book 
he  ascribes  to  his  guide,  a  Christian  Arab  named  Isa,  the 
following  words  apropos  of  the  Jews  there,  that  they  were 
"  dirty  like  Rooshan  and  robber  like  Armenian." ^  Sykes 
himself  had  at  that  time  no  clear  idea  of  Jews  or  of  Ar- 
menians— of  the  two  peoples  for  whom  he  strove  and  died 
nineteen  years  later.  He  cites  an  expression  of  opinion  and 
repeats  it  in  the  bad  English  of  an  Arab  guide.  After  his 
return  from  the  East,  he  devoted  his  attention  to  military 
studies,  in  which  he  distinguished  himself.  He  served  in  the 
South  African  War  in  1900-2.  He  gave  a  proof  of  his 
technical  knowledge  in  his  work  on  strategy  and  military 
training  which  he  had  compiled  in  collaboration  with  Major 
George  d'Ordel.^  In  the  year  1904  he  was  travelling  again, 
and  the  literary  product  of  his  later  and  earlier  journeys 
was  his  second  considerable  book  on  Islam  and  the  Orient. "^ 
This  book  is  dedicated  to  his  fellow-soldiers  in  the  South 
African  War.^  In  this  work  already  speaks  to  us  a  young 
but  mature  man  who  had  travelled  much  in  four  continents 
and  had  been  through  the  South  African  Campaign.  Here  we 
already  perceive  the  fundamentals  of  his  later  Zionism. 
As  regards  the  future  of  the  Orient  he  looks  not  to  modern 
civilisation  and  capitalism,  but  to  the  latent  force  of  national 
life.  He  was  not  deceived  by  the  specious  platitudes  so 
dear  to  that  deplorable  product  of  modern  European 
democracy  '  the  man  in  the  street '  as  to  '  extending  the 
blessing  of  Western  civilisation  '  ;  he  regarded  rather  with 
unconcealed  apprehension  the  contingency  of  the  Western 
Asiatics  becoming  '  a  prey  to  capitalists  of  Europe  and 
America,'  "in  which  case  a  designing  Imperial  Boss  might, 
untrammelled  by  the  Government,  reduce  them  to  serfdom 
for  the  purpose  of  filling  his  pockets  and  gaining  the  name 
of  Empire-maker."  (Prof.  Browne's  Preface,  Dar-ul-Islam, 
p.  iv).  He  had  a  great  predilection  for  all  national  individu- 
alities, and  detested  the  desire  to  imitate  and  assimilate. 
"  He    hated    the    hybrid    Levantine  .  .  .  and    faithfully 

^  Through  Five  Turkish  Provinces,  by  Mark  Sykes.     London,  Bickers 
and  Son.    1900, 

2  Ibid.,  p.  127. 

3  Tactics  and  Military  Training.    By  Major  George  d'Ordel  and  Captain 
Mark  Sykes.    London.    1902. 

*  Dar-Ul-Islam.     A  record  of  a  journey  through  Ten  of  the  Asiatic 
Provinces  of  Turkey.    By  Mark  Sykes.    London.    1904. 

*  "  The   F  Company,    3rd   Batt.    Princess   of  Wales'    Own   Yorkshire 
Regiment,  who  served  in  South  Africa,  1900-2." 


portrayed  the  Gosmopaleet  (Cosmopolite) "  (ibid.).  He 
condemned  interfering  tutelage.  "  Orientals  hate  to  be 
worried  and  hate  to  have  their  welfare  attended  to.  .  .  . 
Oppression  they  can  bear  with  equanimity,  but  inter- 
ference for  their  own  good  they  never  brook  with  grace  " 
(ibid.).  He  shows  a  profound  historic  sense :  "he  does  not 
disguise  his  preference  for  countries  with  '  a  past '  over 
countries  with  '  a  future  ' "  (ibid.),  and  finds  in  the  nature 
of  the  Oriental  the  conditions  for  a  true  equality.  *'  He 
recognises  the  fact  that  there  is  more  equality  because  less 
snobbery  and  pretence  in  Asia  than  in  Europe  "  (ibid.).  The 
only  feature  that  is  wanting  in  this  book  is  a  knowledge 
of  Jews  and  of  Zionism.  He  makes  but  once  mention  of 
this  matter,  in  a  short  sketch  of  the  Jews  at  Nisibin.  "  The 
Jews  at  Nisibin  .  .  .  their  appearance  is  much  improved 
by  Oriental  costume  ...  in  which  they  look  noble  and 
dignified."  He  then  adds  :  "I  trust  that  the  Uganda 
Zionists  will  adopt  my  suggestion  "  (p.  141).  One  who 
believes  in  the  assimilation  of  the  Jews  may  snobbishly 
consider  this  also  as  anti-Semitic,  but  in  fact  it  is  only  the 
harmless  joke  of  an  artist,  for  Sykes  was  essentially  an 
artist.  His  drawings  were  excellent,  he  was  also  very  musical, 
and  had  a  great  predilection  for  all  true  individuality,  for 
the  archaic,  the  original,  the  unadulterated,  for  race, 
nationality,  genius  loci,  for  everything  racy  and  natural, 
and  for  everything  that  was  not  cliche,  mechanical  and 

This  was  the  foundation  of  his  latent  Zionism.  From 
1904  to  191 1  he  pursued  his  mihtary  studies,  managed  his 
estates  and  travelled  much.  In  1911  he  entered  Pariiament 
as  member  for  Hull.  Although  nominally  a  Tory,  Sir  Mark 
was  at  bottom  no  party  man,  but  a  man  of  convictions. 
Full  of  faith,  greedy  for  work,  energetic,  confident,  capable, 
quick  of  study,  charmed  with  a  fight.  Equally  ready  to 
defend  or  attack,  he  was  unselfish.  Over  the  Irish  question 
he  fell  out  with  the  Conservatives  ;  he  was  an  outspoken 
champion  of  Home  Rule,  and  throughout  his  Hfe  he  remained 
a  loyal  friend  of  Irish  nationalism.  His  speeches  soon  made 
him  popular  in  Parliament  ;  they  were  never  long  and  yet 
never  trite.  He  showed  the  same  qualities  in  his  letters  to 
the  Press.  He  had  always  something  to  say,  some  original 
thought  which  he  expressed  in  his  own  individual  style. 
He  told  me  once,  how  he  had  learned  public  speaking  at 
school.    He  had  to  prepare  the  outline  of  the  speech  and 



afterwards  to  state  in  short  and  simple  terms  the  substance 
of  his  speech.  The  latter,  he  added,  was  the  more  difficult 
task,  because  a  facile  speaker  can  make  long  speeches,  and 
yet  find  it  impossible  to  repeat  later  the  essential  facts 
of  his  speeches.  He  was  not  a  facile  speaker  in  this  sense  ; 
he  never  spoke  quite  extempore,  but  always  prepared  his 
speeches  carefully,  often  by  means  only  of  simple  key  words 
or  of  a  few  pictures,  resembling  hieroglyphics,  as,  for  example, 
the  sun  with  streaming  rays.  He  never  spoke  to  the  gallery, 
never  flattered,  never  perverted  the  truth  under  the  mask  of 
sincerity,  and  never  sought  to  create  effects.  His  speeches 
were  full  of  beauty  and  deep  idealism  with  a  breath  of  re- 
ligious fervour,  as  he  leant  forward  to  address  himself  to 
the  hearts  of  his  audience.  This  practical  man  was  at 
bottom  a  poet.  He  could  tell  most  fascinating  stories. 
He  had  not  been  brought  up  in  the  chilling  atmosphere  of 
severe  Puritanism,  but  in  the  medieval  glamour  of  Catholic 
cathedrals  and  under  the  sun  of  the  East.  Yet  he  had 
remained  a  proud  and  staunch  Briton.  He  was  a  remark- 
able and  extremely  unusual  combination  of  a  blue-eyed, 
simple  and  modest  Englishman  of  childlike  sweetness,  and 
of  a  medieval  knight  full  of  Oriental  reminiscences,  with 
ardent  faith  and  picturesque  imagination.  We  loved  him 
and  he  loved  us,  because  his  nature  was  gentle,  kind  and 
sympathetic.  He  chatted  freely:  he  told  all  about  his 
enthusiasms,  his  "  castles  in  the  air,"  his  stories  about 
dervishes,  his  travelling  impressions,  with  a  lively  dramatic 
touch  with  appropriate  gesture  and  expression,  often  draw- 
ing his  round,  brown  stylo  pen  from  his  pocket  in  order  to 
explain  the  matter  more  pointedly  by  means  of  a  rapid 
sketch.  How  often  I  regretted  that  no  shorthand  writer 
was  present.  His  ways  were  dignified  and  courteous,  his 
modesty  so  natural  and  so  frank  that  he  gave  the  impression 
of  being  himself  unconscious  of  it.  When  the  talk  took  a 
jesting  turn,  there  was  no  sting  in  his  witticisms,  his  jests 
were  easy  and  never  offensive.  When  he  was  angered, 
his  emotion  lasted  but  a  few  seconds,  and  afterwards  he  was 
as  light-hearted  as  a  child. 

Such  was  the  Mark  Sykes  of  1914  when  the  War  broke 
out.  He  took  up  his  part  in  the  War  with  all  his 
patriotism  and  with  his  idealistic  faith  in  the  victory 
of  justice.  In  1915  he  was  with  his  regiment  busy  in 
hard  training  and  ready  for  the  field.  He  often  told  me 
how  it  had  come  to  pass  that  the  East  had  become  his 


sphere  of  action.  One  day  Lord  Kitchener  said  to  him  : 
"  Sykes,  what  are  you  doing  in  France,  you  must  go  to  the 
East/'  "  What  am  I  to  do  there  ?  "  asked  Sykes.  "  Just 
go  there  and  then  come  back,"  was  Lord  Kitchener's  answer. 
Sykes  travelled  to  the  East,  made  his  way  through  accessible 
and  inaccessible  districts,  and  came  back.  His  observations 
and  experiences  constituted  the  material  upon  which  all  the 
great  things  that  afterwards  happened  were  based.  He 
then  voluntarily  entered  the  service  of  the  Government 
as  expert,  as  adviser,  and  as  draughtsman  of  their  poHcy. 
He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  the  new  British  War  Policy 
in  the  East,  one  of  the  protagonists  of  the  "  Eastern  School." 
In  the  year  191 6  he  undertook  with  M.  Georges  Picot  a 
journey  to  Russia.  It  was  then  the  Czarist  Russia  with  its 
eye  fixed  upon  Constantinople  ;  that  was  the  occasion  upon 
which  the  so-called  Sykes-Picot  agreement  was  signed. 
From  the  standpoint  of  Zionist  interests  in  Palestine  this 
agreement  justly  met  with  severe  criticism  ;  but  it  was 
Sykes  himself  who  criticised  it  most  sharply  and  who  with 
the  change  of  circumstances  dissociated  himself  from  it 
entirely.  It  was  a  product  of  the  time,  a  time  when  there 
was  as  yet  no  decided  plan  formed  of  launching  a  definite 
campaign  in  the  East,  when  the  prime  necessity  was  some 
sort  of  agreement,  since  otherwise  no  progress  would  have 
been  made.  This  was  long  before  Mr.  Balfour's  declaration, 
and  since  at  this  time  the  Zionist  interests  in  Palestine  had 
as  yet  received  no  attention  because  they  were  unknown 
and  not  debatable,  and  also  as  it  was  essential  to  come  to 
terms  about  Constantinople  with  the  old  regime  in  Russia, 
this  agreement  was  a  necessary  prelude  to  action.  This 
agreement  Sykes  regarded  later  as  an  anachronism. 

Zionism  had  been  at  work  in  England  for  two  full  years 
without  its  coming  to  know  anything  of  Sykes,  who  himself 
worked  on  his  own  lines  for  a  year  and  a  half,  without  know- 
ing anything  of  Zionist  organisation  or  a  definite  programme 
of  Zionism.  What  happened  resembled  the  construction 
of  a  tunnel  begun  at  two  sides  at  once.  As  the  workers  on 
each  side  approach  one  another  they  can  hear  the  sound 
of  blows  through  the  earth.  It  seems  at  first  a  strange 
enough  story  ;  a  certain  Sir  Mark  appears,  he  makes  some 
enquiries,  and  then  expresses  a  wish  to  meet  the  Zionist 
leaders.  Finally  a  meeting  actually  takes  place  and  dis- 
cussions are  entered  upon.  Sir  Mark  showed  a  keen  interest 
and  wanted  to  know  the  aims  of  the  Zionist  Organisation, 



and  who  were  its  representatives.  The  idea  assumed  a 
concrete  form  ;  but  this  acquaintance,  however,  valuable  as 
it  was,  had  as  yet  no  practical  significance.  Acquaintance- 
ships were  made  and  discussions  took  place  during  the  years 
1914-16  by  the  hundred  with  influential  people  and  with 
some  who  had  more  voice  in  affairs  than  Sir  Mark  ever  had. 
They  constituted  certainly  a  most  important  introductory 
chapter,  and  one  without  which  the  book  itself  could  not 
have  been  written,  but  they  were  naturally  fragmentary, 
preliminary,  without  cohesion  and  without  sanction.  The 
work  itself  began  only  after  the  7th  of  February,  1917. 

The  subsequent  chapters  describe  this  work  in  general 
outlines.  A  thousand  details  remain  for  the  pen  of  some 
future  historian,  when  the  time  comes  for  the  archives  of 
the  Foreign  Office,  of  the  Ministries  for  Foreign  Affairs  of 
the  other  Entente  Powers,  and  of  the  political  offices  of  the 
Zionist  Organisation  in  London  and  Paris  to  be  made  public. 
In  the  whole  proceedings  there  are  no  secret  treaties,  no 
secret  diplomacy,  in  fact  neither  diplomacy  nor  conspiracy ; 
but  they  constitute  a  series  of  negotiations,  schemes, 
suggestions,  explanations,  measures,  journeys,  conferences, 
etc.,  to  which  each  of  those  who  took  a  part  gave  something 
of  the  best  in  himself. 

It  is  my  duty  both  as  historian  and  as  one  who  took 
an  active  part  in  these  negotiations  and  proceedings  to 
record  here  that  Sir  Mark  Sykes  really  gave  of  his  best 
to  this  work.  For  more  than  two  wonderful  years  we  were 
in  daily  intercourse  with  him.  Our  friendship  was  of  the 
most  intimate  We  shared  in  common  all  the  delights 
and  disappointments  arising  from  the  Zionist  work.  We 
instructed  each  other  ;  he  furnished  his  knowledge  of  the 
East,  his  profound  understanding  of  the  guiding  political 
principles  of  Great  Britain,  his  personal  observations  with 
reference  to  the  possibilities  of  bringing  our  aims  into 
harmony  with  the  ideals  of  the  Entente  ;  we  supplied 
Zionism,  inspired  by  Jewish  sufferings  and  hopes.  It  was 
not  difficult  for  us  to  convince  him  what  an  excellent  cultural 
type  the  Hebrew  represents,  since  already  in  his  youth, 
before  he  had  the  shghtest  idea  of  Jews  and  Zionism,  he 
had  intuitively  perceived  that  the  hybrid  Levantine  is 
hopeless  in  that  direction.  The  idea  was  latent  in  him, 
and  but  awaited  stimulus  and  direction  into  the  proper 
channel.  He  was  ready  to  understand  what  a  great  natural 
force  the  Jewish  genius  could  be  in  the   reawakening  of 


Palestine,  all  the  more  because  long  before  as  a  man  of 
extraordinarily  high  culture — English  to  the  last  fibre  of 
his  thought,  saturated  with  EngUsh  tradition,  EngHsh 
literature  and  EngUsh  taste — and  yet  at  the  same  time  a 
broad-minded  humanist,  with  great  ideals  not  only  for  his 
own  nation  but  for  all  other  nations  and  races,  he  had  seen 
that  the  '  civihsing '  of  the  East  by  assimilation  was  idle 
and  superficial  prating  and  a  vain  delusion.  Deep  sympathy 
of  ideals  had  earlier  formed  an  unconscious  bond  between 
us.  When  this  sympathy  ripened  into  consciousness  through 
our  meeting  and  soon  after  the  commencement  of  our 
common  work,  the  resulting  harmony  was  not  one  of  policy 
but  one  of  outlook.  The  idea  of  a  natural  alliance  between 
Jews,  Arabs  and  Armenians  as  peoples  of  the  Near  East 
developed  into  something  quite  distinct  and  found  in  Sir 
Mark  a  convinced  champion.  He  was  an  enthusiastic  pro- 
tagonist of  the  Jewish  national  renaissance  in  Palestine, 
an  admirer  of  the  Hebrew  genius,  who  could  not  hear  enough 
from  me  about  national  Hebrew  literature,  who  took  an 
interest  in  every  detail  of  Jewish  culture.  At  the  same  time 
he  was  a  sincere  friend  of  the  Arabs  and  Armenians  and 
made  strenuous  efforts  to  secure  their  liberation.  We  all 
worked  together  with  him  in  this  direction,  but  the  main 
idea  was  his  and  remained  his  favourite  project  till  the  close 
of  his  Ufe.  Many  superficial  and  petty  individuals  in  our 
own  ranks,  who,  not  reahsing  the  great  and  difiicult  task 
and  themselves  taking  no  active  part,  busied  themselves  in 
spreading  distrust  and  discontent,  complained  that  Sykes 
was  too  much  taken  up  with  the  Arabs.  I  am  sure  that 
among  many  Arabs  of  the  same  degree  of  political  maturity 
Sykes  was  accused  of  being  too  much  taken  up  by  the  Jews. 
Our  interchange  of  ideas  resulted  in  a  complete  fusion  of 
thought.  But  Sykes  gave  us  his  time  and  labour  as  well  as 
ideas.  It  seemed  as  though  in  these  two  years  his  whole 
life's  energy  reached  its  culminating  point  and  spent  itself. 
He  worked  at  constant  high  pressure.  But  rarely  he 
allowed  himself  a  week-end  in  Sledmore  with  Lady  Sykes 
and  the  children,  and  even  there  he  was  never  idle.  It 
was  a  constant  round  of  church-going,  of  devotion  to  the 
estate  and  building  repairs,  of  musicians,  old  French  songs, 
and  of  hospitality.  Holidays  were  out  of  the  question. 
All  his  excursions  were  connected  with  poUtical  or  ParUa- 
mentary  business.  Even  prior  to  the  commencement  of 
his  official  connection  with  Zionism,  Sir  Mark  was  a  man  of 


extraordinarily  wide  activities.  When  on  the  8th  of 
February,  1917,  one  day  after  the  first  official  meeting, 
our  work  began  with  the  first  conference  with  M.  Georges 
Picot  at  Sir  Mark's  private  house,  No.  9  Buckingham 
Gate,  the  latter  place  had  already  become  an  important 
centre  for  matters  concerning  the  new  and  at  that  time 
scarcely  completed  plan  of  a  kingdom  of  the  Hedjaz,  con- 
cerning Armenia  and  Mesopotamia,  and  was  equipped  with 
all  such  material  as  files  of  correspondence  and  telegraphic 
communications,  etc.  It  was  then  that  Zionism  took  its 
place  in  the  system  and  came  to  dominate  the  situation 
more  and  more  as  our  labours  progressed.  One  was  liable 
to  be  called  upon  at  any  moment,  early  in  the  morning  or 
late  at  night.  It  became  a  joke  with  us  to  name  his  sudden 
telephone  calls  '  brain-storms.'  Sir  Mark  had  a  '  brain- 
storm *  which  meant  :  danger  in  sight.  This  may  appear  as 
somewhat  far-fetched  to  outsiders,  but  those  who  were  in  the 
thick  of  the  work  knew  well  what  formidable  obstacles  stood 
in  the  way,  and  how  well  founded  were  Sir  Mark's  doubts 
and  fears.  At  every  moment  dangers  had  to  be  guarded 
against ;  there  were  elements  that  were  in  favour  of  the  status 
quo  ante  in  the  Near  East ;  vested  economic  interests  that 
desired  to  uphold  this  status  quo  for  their  own  ends  ;  clerical, 
anti-Semitic  and  pan-Islamitic  propaganda  ;  certain  Arab 
sections  that  opposed  Zionism  because,  obsessed  by  fana- 
ticism or  misled  by  agitators  or  influenced  by  narrow  and 
short-sighted  considerations  of  the  needs  of  the  moment, 
they  had  no  proper  appreciation  of  the  great  idea  of  a 
Hebrew-Arabic  national  alliance ;  intrigues  of  certain 
Syrian  concession-hunters  who  stormed  with  a  '  holy 
wrath '  against  the  Zionist  idea  ;  certain  factions  in  England 
that  would  have  nothing  to  do  with  an  energetic  policy  in 
the  East,  and  indeed  ridiculed  and  belittled  the  impor- 
tance of  British  interests  in  that  region  ;  a  by  no  means 
small  party  that  warned  England  against  undertaking  any 
new  engagements  ;  and  finally,  be  it  mentioned  with  regret, 
our  Jewish  circles  of  the  assimilating  school.  The  cause  of 
Zionism  was  in  the  same  dire  case  as  Laocoon  in  the  grip 
of  snakes.  Every  day  brought  a  fresh  indication  of  some 
hostile  movement,  a  new  suspicion  of  enemy  schemes  each 
of  which  caused  Sir  Mark  to  sound  a  warning.  These  were 
the  '  brain-storms.' 

I  should  like  to  record  a  few  impressions  of  different 
occasions.    The  first  was  a  day  in  April,  1917,  in  Paris.    I 


was  due  at  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  to  give  informa- 
tion about  Zionism.  Sir  Mark  also  came  ;  he  was  a  sincere 
friend  of  France  and  was  anxious  that  Zionism  should  have 
the  same  appreciation  in  France  as  in  England.  He  came  in 
great  haste  by  motor  from  the  Front,  where  he  had  been 
making  a  visit,  and  went  to  the  Hotel  Lotti.  He  arrived 
early  in  the  morning  after  a  tiring  night's  journey.  At  that 
time  Doctor  Weizmann  was  fully  occupied  with  most  im- 
portant affairs  in  England.  It  fell  to  me  to  begin  the  official 
work  in  France,  after  we  had  together  prepared  all  our  plans. 
Sykes  was  impatient :  in  spite  of  his  complete  confidence 
in  us,  he  could  not  refrain  from  remaining  near  me,  always 
ready  with  advice  and  help.  We  worked  together  for  some 
hours.  I  departed  on  my  mission  and  we  arranged  for  him 
to  wait  for  me  at  the  hotel.  But  as  I  was  crossing  the  Quai 
d'Orsay  on  my  return  from  the  Foreign  Office  I  came  across 
Sykes.  He  had  not  had  the  patience  to  wait.  We  walked 
on  together,  and  I  gave  him  an  outline  of  the  proceedings. 
This  did  not  satisfy  him  ;  he  studied  every  detail ;  I  had 
to  give  him  full  notes  and  he  drew  up  a  minute  report. 
"  That's  a  good  day's  work,"  he  said  with  shining  eyes,     p" 

The  second  was  a  day  in  April,  1917,  in  Rome.  Sykes  had 
been  there  before  me  and  could  not  wait  my  arrival.  He 
had  gone  to  the  East.  I  put  up  at  the  hotel :  Sykes  had 
ordered  rooms  for  me.  I  went  to  the  British  Embassy  ; 
letters  and  instructions  from  Sykes  were  waiting  for  me  there 
I  went  to  the  Italian  Government  Offices  ;  Sykes  had  been 
there  too  ;  then  to  the  Vatican,  where  Sykes  had  again 
prepared  my  way.  It  seemed  to  me  as  if  his  presence  was 
wherever  I  went,  but  all  the  time  he  was  far  away  in 
Arabia,  whence  I  received  telegraphic  messages. 

The  third  was  at  the  London  Opera  House  Meeting  of 
the  2nd  of  December,  1917.  It  was  a  truly  brilliant  gather- 
ing in  a  packed  house,  a  festive  token  of  the  bond  of 
brotherhood  between  Great  Britain  and  ancient  Israel. 
Sykes  modestly  surveyed  the  assembly.  The  majority 
of  the  audience  scarcely  knew  him,  and  only  a  few  were 
aware  that  this  was  a  great  day  in  his  life.  When  he 
began  to  speak  the  audience  recognised  that  one  was 
addressing  them  who  had  made  Zionism  a  part  of  his  life. 
He  showed  no  flaring  enthusiasm,  but  rather  a  quiet  elation,  a 
devotion  to  the  subject.  On  leaving,  he  and  I  shook  hands — 
no  words  were  necessary  because  we  understood  each  other. 

The  fourth  was  a  mass  meeting  at  the  end  of  December 



in  Manchester.  In  the  morning  there  had  been  a  small 
gathering  with  Sykes,  and  before  the  meeting  a  banquet  in 
honour  of  Mr.  C.  P.  Scott.  The  meeting  itself  was  one  of  the 
largest  that  ever  was  held  in  Manchester.  Sir  Stuart  Samuel 
was  in  the  chair.  Doctor  Weizmann  made  one  of  his  most 
brilliant  speeches,  and  Mr.  James  de  Rothschild  roused  the 
audience  to  enthusiasm.  Then  Sykes  rose,  and  made  a 
speech  full  of  the  dreamy  poetry  of  an  Eastern  tale.  The 
audience  felt  itself  transported  into  another  and  better 
world.  The  poetry  of  the  East  diffused  itself  as  a  softening 
charm  over  the  hard-cut  hues  of  high  pohtical  argument. 
After  the  meeting  we  sat  down,  tired  out,  to  tea.  Sykes 
hurried  in  in  his  rain-coat  :  he  had  no  time  to  stay,  as  he  had 
to  catch  the  night  train.  He  was  due  in  London  next  morn- 
ing to  send  urgent  telegrams  to  Palestine. 

The  fifth  was  on  a  glorious  June  day  in  191 8  en  route 
from  Paris  to  London.  Sykes  insisted  on  my  travelling 
with  him.  He  was  in  company  with  a  distinguished  party 
containing  nearly  all  the  members  of  the  Government. 
As  there  was  no  time  to  complete  the  passport  formalities, 
he  simply  attached  me  to  himself  personally.  I  felt  em- 
barrassed and  accepted  his  proposal  with  reluctance.  But 
when  he  told  me  that  it  was  necessary  to  remind  people 
constantly  of  the  Declaration,  I  made  up  my  mind  to  venture 
flying  if  he  should  think  it  necessary.  The  journey  almost 
assumed  the  form  of  a  Zionist  meeting.  There  were  twenty- 
eight  persons  in  all,  the  most  prominent  members  of  the 
Government.  On  deck  the  Prime  Minister  was  talking 
with  Jellicoe.  The  tall  and  imposing  figure  of  Mr.  Balfour, 
with  his  noble  grey-haired  head  and  the  well-known  small 
hat,  stood  above  the  rest.  Sykes  urged  me  to  have  a  word 
with  the  Prime  Minister.  I  seized  the  opportunity  and  in 
the  course  of  our  conversation  I  had  from  him  the  treasured 
words  :  that  such  a  war  as  this  would  be  in  vain  if  we  did 
not  aim  at  succouring  all  peoples,  the  Zionist  Jews  included. 
I  afterwards  told  this  to  Sykes,  who  was  at  the  other  end  of 
the  ship,  but  he  knew  already.  *'  How,  by  an  indiscretion  ?  " 
"  No,  a  favourable  wind  whispered  it  to  me."  The  *  Favour- 
able Wind  '  was  one  of  the  company  who  had  overheard 
the  conversation. 

Sir  Mark's  work  during  the  last  few  years  falls  into  eight 
successive  periods,  (i)  February-March,  1917,  the  colla- 
boration in  London  with  M.  Picot,  and  after  the  latter's 
departure   for   France,   with   us ;    (2)    March-June,   1917, 


our  journey  to  Paris  ;  his  journey  to  Egypt ;  (3)  June- 
November,  1917,  preliminary  work  leading  to  the  Balfour 
Declaration  ;  (4)  November,  1917-March  1918,  from  the 
Declaration  to  the  despatch  of  the  Commission  to  Palestine  ; 
(5)  March-October,  1918,  the  work  in  London  during  the 
stay  of  the  Commission  in  Palestine  ;  (6)  October-Decem- 
ber, 1918,  the  work  after  the  return  of  the  Commission  ; 
(7)  December  1918-February,  1919,  the  journey  to  Syria, 
and  (8)  February,  1919,  the  last  days  in  Paris. 

In  the  first  period  the  foundations  were  laid  ;  at  that  time 
Sir  Mark  was,  so  to  speak,  introduced  into  the  world  of 
Zionist  ideas.  The  second  was  full  of  active  negotiations 
with  the  Entente  Governments.  During  the  third  Sykes 
was  in  busy  relations  with  a  number  of  the  friends  of  our 
cause.  In  this  period  the  work  of  Major  Ormsby-Gore  was 
of  practically  the  same  importance,  as  also  during  the  fourth 
period.  In  the  fifth  period,  during  the  time  of  the  important 
work  in  Palestine  of  the  Commission  under  the  leadership 
of  Doctor  Weizmann,  Major  Ormsby-Gore  was  of  great 
service  there.  The  whole  of  the  labours  in  London  connected 
with  the  activity  of  the  Commission  and  with  a  thousand 
other  matters  relating  to  Zionism  fell  upon  Sykes,  and  neces- 
sitated daily  work  of  an  intensely  difficult  character. 

To  this  period  belong  a  number  of  most  important 
measures  which  for  the  first  time  gave  Zionism  both  inter- 
nally and  externally  its  proper  position  and  its  necessary 
prestige.  Sir  Mark  had  at  that  time  his  office  in  two  rooms, 
afterwards  partitioned  into  three,  on  the  basement  of  the 
back  wing  of  the  Foreign  Office,  connected  with  the  upper 
storeys  by  means  of  a  lift,  never  used  by  Sir  Mark,  who 
mounted  the  stairs  about  twenty  times  daily  at  a  lightning 
speed,  which  made  it  impossible  for  me  to  keep  pace  with  him 
in  spite  of  my  most  strenuous  efforts.  The  first  large  room 
was  dark  because  the  big  window  was  blocked  with 
sandbags  as  a  protection  against  possible  air  raids;  it 
had  long  tables  and  was  illuminated  artificially.  I  had 
to  be  there  often  and  for  long  periods  at  a  time: 
my  work,  indeed,  required  my  attendance  there  more 
than  at  the  Zionist  offices,  and  sometimes  I  had  to 
go  there  three  times  a  day  and  to  remain  there  till  late 
at  night.  On  one  of  these  occasions  Sir  Mark  said  to 
me,  '*  Does  not  this  subterranean  room  look  like  a  medieval 
inquisition  chamber,  with  those  long  tables  upon  which  the 
victims  of  the  Inquisition  might  be  stretched  for  torture  ? 

SIR  MARK  SYKES  xxxiii 

Who  knows/'  added  he  humorously,  "  whether  some  of  your 
forefathers  had  not  to  undergo  treatment  in  chambers  of 
this  kind  ?  "  I  answered,  "  Yes,  as  Scripture  has  it :  *  I 
will  make  the  desolate  valley  into  a  door  of  hope  '  "  After 
that  we  often  used  to  call  this  room  the  "  Door  of  Hope." 
This  room  opened  into  another  where  Sir  Mark  spent  whole 
days  at  work  except  for  the  time  at  Westminster.  The 
duties  of  Secretary  were  most  ably  filled  by  Mr.  Dunlop, 
a  young  and  energetic  man  ;  opposite,  in  the  building  in 
Whitehall  Gardens,  Sir  Mark's  older  colleague,  the  learned 
and  highly  experienced  Mr.  Beck,  worked  in  conjunction 
with  him.  Between  the  two  offices  the  faithful  Serjeant 
Wilson,  who  accompanied  Sir  Mark  ever5rwhere  on  land  and 
sea,  passed  to  and  fro.  It  was  like  a  hive  ;  there  was  a 
constant  coming  and  going  of  Foreign  Office  men,  M.P.'s, 
Armenian  politicians,  Mahommedan  Mullahs,  officers, 
journalists,  representatives  of  Syrian  Committees,  and 
deputations  from  philanthropic  societies.  In  the  midst  of 
this  busy  world~Zionism  maintained  its  prominent  position. 
Everything  had  to  pass  through  Sykes'  hands.  In  order  to 
avoid  confusion  and  divergence  of  effort  he  insisted  upon 
what  was  readily  conceded  him,  namely  that  he  should 
pass  an  opinion  on  every  question  and  every  detail,  and  in 
this  there  was  no  hesitation,  no  delay.  Among  many  others 
a  couple  of  examples  will  suffice.  The  Oriental  Jews,  being 
Turkish  subjects,  were  under  the  law  regarded  as  alien 
enemies.  They  were  certainly  only  technically  such  ;  at 
heart  they  were  thoroughly  pro-British  and  in  any  case 
politically  harmless.  Exceptions  had  already  been  made  on 
the  recommendations  of  personal  standing,  but  no  logical 
plan  was  followed.  I  maintained  that  the  Zionist  Organisa- 
tion should  be  officially  empowered  to  protect  the  Jews 
of  Palestine  and  Syria,  just  as,  for  example,  the  Polish 
Committee  protected  the  Poles  from  Galicia,  who  were  also 
technically  alien  enemies.  Sykes  obtained  this  concession 
after  considerable  labour.  This  was  an  official  recognition 
of  the  Zionist  Organisation  as  competent  authority.  When 
at  the  time  of  the  most  strenuous  military  efforts,  the  later 
categories  of  the  male  population  were  called  to  the  colours, 
the  Zionist  Organisation  in  England  was  threatened  with 
losing  the  last  of  its  secretaries,  speakers,  organisers,  etc., 
and  with  seeing  its  activities  restricted,  if  not  completely 
interrupted.  None  were  more  patriotic  than  the  Zionists, 
so  many  of  whom  were  in  the  Army,  but  we  had  to  deal 


with  a  number  of  men  who  could  be  of  no  value  to  the  Army, 
and  who,  on  the  other  hand,  were  indispensable  to  the 
Zionist  Organisation.     Previously  some  had  been  left  with 
^  us,  but  now  it  was  a  question  of  large  numbers.     It  was  a 

»  generally  recognised  principle  that  people  whose  occupation 

was  of  national  importance  were  allowed  to  continue  at  it. 
I  insisted  upon  having  this  principle  applied  to  Zionism. 
This  matter  could  not  be  settled  by  any  single  individual 
or  by  any  single  tribunal.  The  question  concerned  a 
matter  of  principle,  and  had  nothing  to  do  with  individuals. 
Since  we  had  received  the  declaration  of  recognition  from 
the  British  Government  and  the  whole  Entente,  and  as  we 
had  to  prepare  the  field  for  the  realisation  of  this  declara- 
tion, this  ought  surely  to  have  been  regarded  as  a  matter 
of  national  importance  from  the  official  standpoint.  Sykes 
adopted  this  point  of  view  and  made  strenuous  efforts  to 
have  it  realised.  He  was  thoroughly  convinced  that  our 
loyalty  to  Great  Britain  and  her  Allies  was  boundless,  and 
that  in  all  our  demands  the  interests  of  both  parties  had 
been  considered  with  equal  devotion.  On  the  other  hand, 
we  recognised  that  when  he  denied  us  something  as  inad- 
missible, though  like  any  other  man  he  might  sometimes 
make  mistakes,  he  was  open  to  change  of  conviction  upon 
good  reason  being  shown,  and  that  any  stand  taken  by  him 
against  our  proposals  was  due  rather  to  the  fact  that  he 
regarded  the  matter  at  issue  as  unfavourable  in  certain 
circumstances  to  Zionism,  than  that  he  had  the  interests 
of  Zionism  less  at  heart  than  we  ;  thus  a  community  of 
effort  and  a  mutual  trust  was  established,  which  led  to  a 
complete  sohdarity  of  aims.  In  this  way  our  work  in  con- 
junction with  Sykes  became  the  foundation  for  our  relations 
with  the  higher  Government  authorities,  as  also  with  Sykes* 
colleagues  and  successors. 

The  most  important  and  poHtically  difficult  task  that 
had  to  be  accompUshed  in  London  during  the  stay 
of  the  Commission  in  Palestine  was  to  make  possible 
the  official  laying  of  the  foundation  stone  of  the  Hebrew 
University  in  Jerusalem.  The  recommendations  and  the 
instructions  carried  by  the  President  of  the  Commission, 
Doctor  Weizmann,  to  Palestine  were  most  valuable,  and 
will  stand  as  a  lasting  token  of  the  generous  and  kindly 
feehngs  of  the  leading  men  in  the  British  Government 
towards  Zionism.  The  influence  of  the  Commission,  the 
excellence  of  their  work,  their  splendid  relations  with  the 


authorities  had  ensured  complete  success.  Nevertheless  it 
was  found  that,  particularly  with  reference  to  the  founda- 
tion-stone ceremony,  the  instructions  had  been  of  too 
general  and  too  vague  a  character  to  overcome  the  formal 
and  legal  administrative  obstacles.  It  is  my  duty  to  one 
who  is  gone,  to  record  the  great  services  of  Sir  Mark  in  this 
direction.  It  goes  without  saying  that  the  final  decision 
lay  with  a  man  in  higher  ofhce.  However,  before  Mr.  Balfour 
gave  his  decision  and  before  the  most  detailed  instructions 
had  been  telegraphed,  we  had  to  work  strenuously  day  after 
day  for  several  weeks,  by  correspondence  and  by  interviews, 
with  such  devotion  and  enthusiasm  as  only  so  magnificent  an 
object  as  the  Hebrew  University  in  Jerusalem  could  inspire. 

During  the  period  that  followed,  namely  the  sixth  as 
above  described,  the  Zionist  programme  was  being  prepared. 
The  end  of  the  War  was  in  sight,  but  the  cessation  of  hos- 
tilities was  not  to  be  expected  so  very  soon.  Sykes  decided, 
then,  the  whole  of  Palestine  and  Syria  being  in  British  hands, 
to  travel  thither  to  gather  fresh  information  and  to  bring 
the  results  of  his  latter  observations  to  the  Peace  Conference. 
I  tried  to  dissuade  him  from  this  journey,  because  I  thought 
his  presence  in  Europe  important  :  he,  on  the  other  hand, 
wanted  me  to  go  with  him  to  Palestine.  He  finally  went 
alone  and  wrote  to  me  from  there  that  I  should  come  without 
delay.  His  stay  in  Palestine  was,  however,  only  a  very  short 
one  :  he  soon  passed  to  Syria  and  did  strenuous  work  in  the 
direction  of  restoring  order  in  Aleppo.  In  the  meantime  the 
Peace  Conference  opened  here.  We  were  all  of  us  already 
assembled — except  Sykes.     We  thought  of  him  every  day. 

One  evening  there  was  a  telephone  call.  On  taking  up 
the  receiver  I  heard  Sykes'  voice  telling  me  that  he  had  just 
arrived  in  Paris,  and  was  staying  as  usual  at  the  Hotel 
Lotti  opposite  us.  I  invited  him  at  once  to  dinner,  and  he 
came.  He  was  the  same  lovable  fellow,  full  of  life  and 
humour,  but  now  frightfully  thin.  He  had  lived  the  whole 
time  on  "  German  sausages''  and  had  suffered  much  from 
digestive  troubles.  It  only  transpired  later,  that  he  had 
spent  sixteen  hours  a  day  in  Aleppo  working  under  almost 
impossible  conditions  on  behalf  of  the  Arabs  and  Armenians. 
He  was  himself  never  in  the  habit  of  talking  about  his 
work.  It  was  two  hours  after  midnight  when  he  left 
us, — he  had  so  much  to  tell  about  the  ordinary  incapa- 
city for  proper  administration  of  the  local  Syrian  popula- 
tion and  their  marked  capacity  in  that  direction  under 


suitable  guidance,  about  the  prospects  for  Palestine,  about 
the  steps  he  had  taken  against  anti-Zionist  intrigues  in 
Syria  and  other  matters.  From  that  time  forward  we 
saw  each  other  every  day.  Some  days  later  he  went  to 
London  to  see  his  family  and  returned  in  three  days 
with  Lady  Sykes.  Immediately  upon  his  arrival  he  was 
in  touch  with  us.  He  had  a  thousand  ideas,  and  had 
brought  reports  and  instructions  from  Syria  that  had  to  be 
elaborated.  Our  days  were  filled  with  appointments  for 
visits,  interviews,  etc.  Then  Lady  Sykes  was  attacked  by 
influenza,  which  caused  a  little  dislocation  and  the  postpone- 
ment of  an  accepted  invitation,  but  gave  no  cause  for  alarm. 
On  the  13th  of  February,  Sir  Mark  hastily  entered  my  room, 
and  on  finding  me  indisposed,  he  shouted,  "  There's  no 
time  now  for  being  ill."  The  following  morning  he  sent 
word  to  me  that  Lady  Sykes  was  better,  but  that  he  himself 
was  taken  ill.  "I  have  got  it,"  he  said  to  Serjeant  Wilson 
when  he  went  to  bed.  On  the  15th  Lady  Sykes  sent  for 
me,  and  told  me  that  her  husband  would  have  to  remain 
in  bed  for  a  few  days,  that  afterwards  she  intended 
to  go  to  England  for  a  week  or  so  to  recuperate.  "  To 
Sledmore  ?  "  I  asked.  "  No,"  said  Lady  Sykes,  "  it  is 
too  cold  there.  I  think  the  South  will  be  better.  And 
my  chief  reason  for  troubhng  you,"  she  added,  "  is  because 
my  husband  wants  to  know  how  ZionisJ  matters  went 
yesterday."  I  gave  full  details  to  Lady  Sykes.  In  the 
afternoon  of  the  i6th  Sir  Mark  died. 

He  died  on  the  threshold  of  the  Peace  Conference  which 
was  destined  to  make  his  dream  a  living  thing,  died  in  a 
hotel  in  the  midst  of  us,  bound  up  with  our  deepest  affec- 
tions, a  radiant  form  full  of  love  and  sincerity.  His  Hfe  was 
as  a  song,  almost  as  a  Psalm.  He  was  a  man  who  has  won  a 
monument  in  the  future  Pantheon  of  the  Jewish  people 
and  of  whom  legends  will  be  told  in  Palestine,  Arabia  and 
Armenia.  Just  returned  from  a  difficult  task  in  the  service 
of  humanity  in  the  service  of  the  idea  of  nationality,  and 
about  to  perform  great  things  for  the  Jewish  people,  he 
fell  as  a  hero  at  our  side. 

There  it  ends  !  Shakespeare  himself  could  use  no  more 
than  the  commonplace  to  express  what  is  incapable  of 
expression.    "  The  rest  is  silence  !  " 

We  say  :  "  The  rest  is  immortahty — in  the  annals  of 

Paris,  April,  1919. 


Choveve  Zion  and  Zionists  in  England — Louis  Loewe — Nathan  Marcus 
Adler — Albert  Lowy — Abraham  Benisch — The  Rev.  M.  J.  Raphall — 
Dr.  M.  Gaster — Rabbi  Samuel  Mohilewer — English  representation  at 
the  Second  and  Third  Congresses — The  Fourth  Congress  in  London. 

The  Choveve  Zion  movement  in  England  was  not  very 
powerful,  yet  it  enjoyed  a  certain  amount  of  popularity.  If 
we  examine,  for  instance,  the  records  for  1892-7 — the  years 
which  preceded  the  First  Zionist  Congress  (Basle,  1897) — 
we  find  among  the  leading  representatives  not  only  the 
Chief  Rabbi  of  the  Spanish  and  Portuguese  Communities, 
Dr.  M.  Gaster,  Mr.  Herbert  Bentwich,  Rabbi  Professor 
H.  Gollancz,  the  late  Colonel  Albert  Goldsmid,  Dr.  S.  A. 
Hirsch,  Mr.  S.  B.  Rubenstein,  Mr.  E.  W.  Rabbinowicz  and 
other  English  Jews  of  standing,  who  are  even  now  more 
or  less  active  in  the  Zionist  Organization ;  but  we  read 
the  names  of  the  late  Chief  Rabbi  of  Great  Britain,  Dr. 
H.  Adler,  the  late  Lord  Swaythling,  Mr.  Elkan  Adler, 
Albert  Jessel,  Mr.  Joseph  Prag  (who  was  one  of  the  most 
active  members),  Joseph  Nathan,  Louis  Schloss,  Haim 
Guedalla,  Captain  H.  Lewis-Barned,  Bernard  Birnbaum, 
Mr.  Herman  Landau  and  other  distinguished  members  of 
the  community,  as  among  those  of  the  prominent  enthusi- 
astic supporters  of  the  Choveve  Zion  movement  who  did  not 
join  the  new  Zionist  Organization.  The  same  phenomenon 
strikes  us  in  France.  There  the  new  Zionism  was  con- 
fronted on  the  part  of  the  Choveve  Zion  by  an  opposition 
that  was  even  stronger  than  in  England. 

An  impartial  historian,  desirous  of  reviewing  the  facts 
as  they  were  revealed  in  Jewish  life  and  literature,  would  in 
vain  endeavour  to  discover  any  essential  difference  between 
the  Choveve  Zion  and  the  Zionist  fundamental  principles. 
He  could  trace  a  complete  and  clear  conception  of  political 
Zionism  through  centuries  of  English  history  or  Jewish 
history  in  England,  and  on  the  other  hand  also  efforts  and 
undertakings  in  the  direction  of  colonization  pursued  with 
great  energy  and  care  by  forces  that  are  generally  found  to 
be  co-operating  with  political  Zionism.  A  sober  and  dis- 
passionate examination  of  all  these  ideas  without  regard  to 

xxxviu  THE  HISt6rY  OF  ZIONISM 

mere  catchwords  must  lead  to  the  conclusion  that  Sir 
Moses  Montefiore's  representations  to  Mehemet  Ali  in  1838 
were  substantially  the  same  as  Herzl  made  to  Abdul  Hamid 
in  1898.  However,  both  aimed  at  a  legally  assured  home 
and  both  insisted  that  Palestine  should  belong  to  the 
Jewish  people.  And  no  real  student  of  contemporary 
Jewish  history  will  imagine  that  Sir  Moses  was  an  isolated 
dreamer.  He  never  undertook  anything  in  Jewish  affairs 
without  consulting  the  authorities  of  his  time.  One  of  his 
advisers  was  Louis  Loewe,  the  well-known  Jewish  scholar 
and  his  secretary  for  many  years. 

Dr.  Louis  Loewe  (1809-88),  who  was  educated  at  the 
Yeshihot  of  Lissa,  Nikolsburg,  Presburg,  and  at  the 
University  of  Berlin,  came  to  England  in  1839  and  was 
appointed  by  the  Duke  of  Sussex  to  be  his  Orientalist. 
He  then  travelled  in  the  East,  where  he  studied  languages. 
In  Cairo  he  was  presented  to  Mehemet  Ali,  for  whom  he 
translated  some  hieroglyphic  inscriptions.  On  his  return 
from  Palestine  he  met  at  Rome  Sir  Moses  and  Lady  Monte- 
fiore,  who  invited  him  to  travel  with  them  to  Palestine. 
When,  in  1840,  Sir  Moses  went  on  his  Damascus  expedition, 
Loewe  accompanied  him  as  his  interpreter.  Since  that  time 
Loewe  was  attached  to  Sir  Moses  as  his  personal  friend  and 
secretary.  He  accompanied  Sir  Moses  on  nine  different  mis- 
sions. He  wrote  several  valuable  works  on  oriental  subjects : 
The  Origin  of  the  Egyptian  Language,  London,  1837  ;  A 
Dictionary  of  the  Circassian  Language,  1859  ;  ^  Nubian 
Grammar  and  several  pamphlets — and  translated  J.  B. 
Levinsohn's  Efes  Damim  (1871)  and  David  Nieto's  Matteh 
Dan  (1842).  Dr.  Loewe  was  an  ardent  supporter  of  all 
schemes  in  favour  of  Palestine  and  strongly  assisted  David 
Gordon,  the  editor  of  the  Ha-Magid,  who  was  an  enthusi- 
astic and  outspoken  political  Zionist  years  before  Herzl. 

We  have  already  mentioned  to  what  an  extent  the  Chief 
Rabbi,  Dr.  N.  M.  Adler,  influenced  Sir  Moses'  works  in 
Palestine.  Nathan  Adler  was  born  at  Hanover  in  1803. 
He  received  his  education  at  the  Universities  of  Gottingen, 
Erlangen  and  Wurzburg.  Already  as  a  youth  his  abilities 
proved  him  to  be  particularly  adapted  to  the  discharge 
of  rabbinical  functions.  In  1829  he  was  appointed  Chief 
Rabbi  of  Oldenburg  ;  in  1830  his  jurisdiction  was  trans- 
ferred to  Hanover  and  all  its  provinces.  His  fame  spread 
beyond  the  Rhine  and  reached  England  just  when  the 
Jewish  population  there  was  in  need  of  a  spiritual  leader. 


In  1844  the  election  took  place  for  Chief  Rabbi  of  the 
Ashkenazi  Congregations  of  Great  Britain  and  the  choice 
fell  on  Dr.  Adler.  He  was  inducted  into  office  on  July  9th, 
1845.  His  activity  and  influence  during  his  lengthy  careei 
as  Chief  Rabbi  proved  a  blessing  and  were  attended  with 
most  invaluable  results.  His  calling  did  not  prevent  him 
from  contributing  excellent  literary  productions,  mostly  in 
Hebrew,  the  principal  of  which  is  Nethino  La-Ger's  com- 
mentary on  the  Targum  of  Onkelos.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  this  famous  Rabbi  and  great  Jew  was  in  close  touch 
with  Sir  Moses  in  all  the  steps  the  latter  took  for  the 
colonizing  of  Palestine  for  a  political  as  well  as  philan- 
thropic purpose. 

Many  of  the  most  important  Jewish  scholars  arriving  in 
England,  and  becoming  in  course  of  time  the  pride  of  English 
Jewry,  were  much  attracted  by  the  idea  that  England 
was  the  classical  soil  for  a  fruitful  work  in  Palestine.  It  is 
worth  noting  that  Dr.  Albert  Lowy  belonged  also  to  this 
group.  He  was  born  on  the  10 th  of  December,  1816,  at 
Aussig  in  Moravia.  After  his  harmizwah  (attainment  of  his 
religious  majority — the  age  of  thirteen)  he  was  sent  to  a 
public  school  at  Leipzig.  Later  he  attended  the  University 
and  Polytechnic  at  Vienna.  There  he  first  met  his  lifelong 
friends,  Moritz  Steinschneider  and  Abraham  Benisch. 
Lowy  and  his  friends  formed  "  Die  Einheit,"  a  society 
whose  object  was  to  promote  the  welfare  of  the  Jewish 
people.  In  order  to  realize  this  object  the  c^()^ization  of 
Palestine  by  the  Austrian  Jews  was  advoca^S.  The  first 
meeting  of  the  new  society  was  held  in  1838,  in  Lowy's 
room.  The  object,  however,  had  to  be  kept  secret  for  fear 
lest  it  would  be  defeated  by  the  Government.  England  was 
regarded  as  the  country  likely  to  welcome  the  new  move- 
ment, and,  as  an  emissary  of  the  Students'  Jewish  National 
Society,  Lowy  was  sent  to  London  in  1841.  Years  after- 
wards he  took  a  leading  part  in  London  in  the  foundation  of 
a  body  with  kindred  objects,  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association. 

To  the  same  group  of  noble-minded  men  who  raised 
themselves  to  the  height  of  a  national  and  Zionist  con- 
ception of  a  superior  kind  belonged  also  the  afore-mentioned 
Abraham  Benisch,  one  of  the  creators  of  the  Anglo- Jewish 
Press,  the  author  of  the  Jewish  School  and  Family  Bible 
(1851),  the  translator  of  Petahiah  ben  Jacob's  Travels  (1856), 
and  for  many  years  editor  of  the  Jewish  Chronicle.  If  there 
ever    was    a    Jewish    nationalist,    this    important    Anglo- 


Jewish  writer  was  one  beyond  a  doubt.  He  was  a  man  of 
great  abilities  and  learning,  and  rendered  valuable  assist- 
ance in  the  propaganda  for  and  in  the  organization  of  the 
societies  for  the  colonization  of  Palestine.  In  several 
leading  articles  written  by  him,  with  great  tact  and 
sagacity,  he  expounded — particularly  in  connection  with 
the  political  events  of  1856  and  of  1861 — the  root  prin- 
ciples of  political  Zionism. 

Another  remarkable  Jewish  scholar  and  pioneer  of 
Zionism  in  his  time  was  the  Rev.  M.  J.  Raphall,  who  was  a 
brilliant  writer  and  also  a  pioneer  of  the  Anglo- Jewish  Press. 
He  edited  the  Hebrew  Review  and  Magazine  for  Jewish 
Literature  in  1837,  which  was  resumed  in  1859.  Some  years 
later  he  edited,  together  with  the  Rev.  A.  de  Sola,  the  Voice 
of  Jacob,  which  had  been  founded  by  Jacob  Franklin  in 
1841.  He  afterwards  settled  in  America  and  assisted  there 
in  the  fifties  of  last  century,  together  with  some  distinguished 
American  Jews,  in  establishing  in  New  York  a  society  for 
the  colonization  of  Palestine.  He  was  later  engaged  in 
similar  work  in  Canada.  Essentially  a  student  and  a 
scholar,  he  devoted  many  years  of  his  life  to  the  propa- 
ganda of  the  Jewish  national  ideas. 

It  is  impossible  to  conjure  away  all  the  facts  showing, 
firstly,  that  the  supposed  differences  between  the  Choveve 
Zion  movement  and  the  new  Zionism  are  mere  phraseology, 
and,  secondly,  that  the  best  representatives  of  Anglo- Jews 
were  nationalist  and  Zionist.  The  refusal  to  accept  the  new 
Zionism  on  the  part  of  some  representatives  of  the  Choveve 
Zion  movement  for  that  reason  can  only  be  regarded  as  a 
temporary  misunderstanding. 

The  new  Zionism  made  headway  in  England  especially 
through  the  efforts  of  the  two  organizations  :  the  English 
Zionist  Federation  and  the  Ancient  Order  of  Maccabeans. 

The  English  Zionist  Federation  was  formed  in  pursuance 
of  a  resolution  passed  by  the  Clerkenwell  Conference  of 
March,  1898,  for  the  purpose  of  finding  a  common  platform 
upon  which  Zionists  of  all  shades  of  opinion  could  co- 
operate. A  committee  was  appointed  by  the  Conference  to 
draw  up  a  scheme,  and  that  committee  established  the 
Federation.  When  the  Federation  was  started  it  received 
support  from  eight  societies,  representing  five  towns  :  after 
six  months,  sixteen  societies,  representing  nine  towns,  had 
joined:  at  the  time  of  the  Fourth  Congress,  thirty-eight 
societies,   representing  twenty-nine  towns,  were  affiliated. 


This  was  the  first  stage  of  development  prior  to  the  London 
Congress  of  the  Zionist  Organization. 

The  appearance  of  EngHsh  Zionist  Delegates  at  the  First 
Congress  has  already  been  alluded  to.  After  the  First 
Congress  Dr.  Gaster  published  the  following  letter  in  the 
Times  of  the  29th  of  August,  1897  : — 

"  The  movement  aims  at  the  solution  of  one  of  the  most 
complex  modern  social  problems  in  Europe,  and  the  means 
which  are  to  be  employed  towards  the  solution  are  the 
realization  of  deep-seated  religious  hopes  and  ideals.  For 
this  very  reason  men  from  all  the  ranks  of  Jewish  society 
and  all  shades  of  Jewish  religion  are  here  united  in  the 
common,  noble,  lofty  and  humanitarian  purpose — the 
restoration  of  Israel,  which  is,  moreover,  the  true  fulfilment 
of  the  words  of  our  Prophets. 

"It  is  surprising  to  find  .  .  .  the  incorrect  statement 
that  the  agitation  is  the  outcome  of  anti-Semitism.  It 
existed  long  before  this  word  even  was  coined.  It  prompted 
the  Jews  of  Russia  and  Roumania  many  years  ago  to  found 
colonies  in  Palestine.  But  this  movement  is  felt  to  be 
inadequate  to  cope  with  the  whole  question.  The  political 
situation  of  the  Jews  has  since  made  enormous  strides.  The 
number  of  Zionists  with  a  definite  aim  before  their  eyes 
has  grown  rapidly.  They  are  recruited  from  among  the 
young  enthusiasts  on  the  Continent.  University  Professors 
and  students,  scholars  and  workmen  are  joining  hands. 
They  belong  most  exclusively  to  the  orthodox  and  embrace 
the  vast  majority  of  the  Jewish  people.  The  Bible  and  the 
Prayer  Book  are  the  text,  and  this  agitation  is  merely  the 
practical  commentary.  ...  I,  as  an  orthodox  Rabbi,  beg 
to  differ  radically  from  .  .  .  (the  anti-Zionist  views).  .  .  . 
It  is  not  here  the  place  to  enter  upon  dogmatic  questions 
and  I  therefore  refrain  from  discussing  the  *  miracles  *  that 
are  to  happen  on  that  day  when  Israel  is  to  return  to  the 
land  of  his  fathers.  God  chooses  human  agencies  to  carry 
out  His  Will,  and  it  is  after  it  has  been  accomplished  that 
we  become  aware  of  the  renewing  circumstances,  unexpected 
and  unlooked  for,  which  have  all  contributed  to  bring  about 
the  result,  which  before  would  have  appeared  to  be  little 
short  of  a  miracle.  Whether  the  restoration  will  be  ac- 
complished by  the  purchase  of  Palestine,  or  by  unexpected 
political  combinations  or  by  other  peculiar  circumstances,  it 
would  be  idle  to  dogmatize  about. 

"  One  thing  is  certain.    The  whole  orthodox  and  realistic 


Jewry,  which  does  not  volatilize  the  words  of  the  Prophets, 
and  does  not  look  upon  the  Divine  promises  as  so  many 
spiritual  symbols  to  be  interpreted  away  according  to  each 
one's  fancy,  is  now  assembled  in  spirit  at  the  Congress  and 
watches  its  deliberations  with  sympathy  and  elevated  hope." 

We  have  already  mentioned  that  Rabbi  Mohilewer  had  sent 
his  congratulations  to  the  Congress.  The  contents  of  Rabbi 
Mohilewer's  expressions  may  be  briefly  noted  as  a  supple- 
ment to  Dr.  Gaster's  letter.  Rabbi  Mohilewer  wrote  that  as 
the  state  of  his  health  did  not  permit  him  to  travel,  he  sent 
the  Congress  his  blessing  in  writing.  Harmony  and  concord 
should  exist  among  all  Zionists,  even  if  their  religious  views 
differed.  The  colonization  of  Palestine  was  recommended 
as  a  religious  duty — religion  should  therefore  be  a  leading 
factor  in  the  Zionist  movement.  They  should  also  bear  in 
mind  that  it  was  a  duty  to  construct  and  not  to  demolish, 
and  they  should  preserve  the  honour  of  the  rabbis,  who 
were  thoroughly  patriotic  as  regarded  the  land  in  which 
they  lived.  For  the  past  two  thousand  years,  the  Jews  had 
awaited  the  advent  of  the  Messiah,  who  would  take  them 
back  to  the  land  of  their  fathers.  But  in  our  country  men 
had  risen  who  had  abandoned  this  hope  and  had  eliminated 
it  from  the  Prayer  Book.  Several  of  the  rabbis  in  Western 
Europe  had  declared  against  the  Zionist  movement,  and  one 
of  them  had  gone  so  far  as  to  assert  that  the  movement  was 
contrary  to  the  biblical  prophecies,  as  the  Messiah  was  only 
to  be  symbolized  and  the  Jews  were  to  remain  in  exile.  He 
declared  this  to  be  wholly  untrue.  Their  faith  was  that 
God  would  send  a  Redeemer  to  bring  back  the  People  to 
their  own  land,  and  that  the  Jewish  people  would,  once 
again,  be  honoured  among  the  nations.  Zionism  does  not 
interfere  with  this  deep  belief ;  it  is  rather  in  harmony  with 
it,  and  it  prepares  the  way. 

These  two  letters  were  a  sort  of  profession  de  joi  on  the 
part  of  two  rabbis  representing  different  sections  of 
traditional  Jewry  in  England  and  Russia  respectively. 

The  Second  Zionist  Congress  at  Basle,  1898,  was  attended 
much  more  numerously  than  the  first  one.  There  were  over 
four  hundred  delegates,  and  the  English  Zionists  had  sent 
a  larger  contingent  (the  Haham,  Dr.  M.  Gaster,  had  a 
Roumanian  mandate  ;  Jacob  de  Haas,  Leopold  J.  Green- 
berg,  E.  W.  Rabbinowicz,  B.  Ritter,  A.  Snowman,  S.  Claff, 
J.  Massel,  Dr.  Moses  Umanski,  Herbert  Bentwich  and  others). 
The  presence  of  Dr.  Gaster,  who  was  one  of  the  most  energetic 


spirits  of  the  Congress,  was  a  great  gain  to  the  Movement. 
The  Enghsh  delegates  adopted  thoroughly  English  methods. 
They  were  not  seen  standing  about  in  groups  and  knots  in 
the  passages  and  ante-rooms  delivering  impassioned  speeches. 
The  oratorical  contributions  of  the  English  delegates  were 
few,  and  none  of  them,  except  Dr.  Gaster's  powerful  address 
towards  the  close  of  the  proceedings,  took  up  more  than  a 
few  minutes.  But  the  English  delegates  worked  hard  in 
Committee  and  at  special  conferences. 

At  that  time  the  number  of  Zionist  Associations  in  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland  had  reached  twenty-six  (Leeds  three, 
Glasgow,  London,  Liverpool  and  Manchester  two  each  ; 
Belfast,  Cardiff,  Cork,  Dublin,  Edinburgh,  Exeter,  Hanley, 
Hull,  Limerick,  Newcastle,  Newport,  Norwich,  Plymouth, 
Portsmouth  and  Sunderland  one  each),  and  in  France — three, 
out  of  the  total  number  of  the  Associations  all  over  the 
world  of  913. 

The  Jewish  Chronicle,  writing  about  the  Second  Con- 
gress, remarked  :  "  There  is  the  remarkable  point  of  the 
Congress — in  strong  relief  with  the  comparative  paucity 
of  the  personnel  of  the  English  representatives  is  the 
undoubted  English  influence  that  has  been  exerted. 
Indeed,  the  net  result  of  the  Second  Basle  Congress  is  that 
Zionism  has  made  a  distinct  move  towards  England. 
Indeed,  it  would  look  as  if  events  were  so  shaping  themselves 
that  the  Mountain  having  refused  to  go  to  Mahomed, 
Mahomed  is  coming  to  the  Mountain.  The  Bank  is  to  be 
located  in  England,  so  is  the  Colonization  Commission.  This 
may  have  been  the  result — probably  it  was — of  England's 
supreme  position  among  all  the  great  Continental  Nations, 
not  only  in  regard  to  its  undoubted  stability  politically,  but 
also  its  unique  position  towards  Jews." 

The  Third  Zionist  Congress  at  Basle,  1899,  was  attended 
by  a  still  larger  number  of  delegates  from  the  United 
Kingdom.  There  were :  Dr.  M.  Gaster,  Joseph  Cowen,  J.  de 
Haas,  Murray  Rosenberg,  Herbert  Bentwich,  L.  J.  Green- 
berg,  S.  Stungo,  J.  Massel,  Rabbi  Yoffey,  Rabbi  Dagutzky, 
M.  L.  Dight,  Rabbi  Wolf,  and  others — representing  London, 
Leeds,  Glasgow,  Manchester,  Liverpool,  Birmingham,  Bel- 
fast, Edinburgh,  Sheffield,  Limerick,  Grimsby  Associations. 
According  to  a  report  of  Mr.  L.  J.  Greenberg,  who  had 
already  become  an  energetic  propagandist  of  the  new 
Zionism  in  England,  the  work  was  progressing.  He  referred 
also  to  the  activities  of  Mr.  Herbert  Bentwich,  for  if  it  had 


not  been  for  him  no  such  organization  would  have  existed 
in  England.  The  Congress  elected  as  members  of  the 
Colonization  Committee  Dr.  Gaster,  Mr.  Murray  Rosenberg 
and  Mr.  David  Wolffe,  and  of  the  Propaganda  Committee, 
Mr.  L.  J.  Greenberg  and  Mr.  J.  de  Haas. 

The  Fourth  Zionist  Congress  was  held  in  London  at  the 
Queen's  Hall,  August  13-16,  1900.  London  had  been 
chosen  \vith  a  view  to  further  influence  British  public 
opinion,  seeing  that  in  no  country  had  the  Zionist  propa- 
ganda been  received  more  sympathetically  and  intelligently 
by  the  general  public.  Dr.  Herzl  said  in  his  inaugural 
address  at  the  Fourth  Congress  in  London,  1900  : — 

"  I  feel  there  is  no  necessity  for  me  to  justify  the  holding 
of  the  Congress  in  London.  England  is  one  of  the  last 
remaining  places  on  earth  where  there  is  freedom  from 
Jewish  hatred.  Throughout  the  wide  world  there  is  but  one 
spot  left  in  which  God's  ancient  people  are  not  detested  and 
persecuted.  But,  from  the  fact  that  the  Jews  in  this 
glorious  land  enjoy  full  freedom  and  complete  human  rights, 
we  must  not  allow  ourselves  to  draw  future  conclusions.  He 
would  be  a  poor  friend  of  the  Jews  in  England,  as  well  as  of 
the  Jews  who  reside  in  other  countries,  who  would  advise  the 
persecuted  to  flee  hither.  Our  brethren  here  would  tremble 
in  their  shoes  if  their  position  meant  the  attraction  to  these 
shores  of  our  desperate  brethren  in  other  lands.  Such  an 
immigration  would  mean  disaster  equally  for  the  Jews  here, 
as  for  those  who  would  come  here.  For  the  latter,  with 
their  miserable  bundles,  would  bring  with  them  that  from 
which  they  flee — I  mean  anti-Semitism." 

In  the  course  of  his  address  he  uttered  the  following 
prophetic  words  : — 

'*  The  land  of  Palestine  is  not  only  the  home  of  the 
highest  ideas  and  most  unhappy  nation,  but  it  is  also  by 
reason  of  its  geographical  position,  of  immense  importance 
to  the  whole  of  Europe.  The  road  of  civilization  and  com- 
merce leads  again  to  Asia." 

According  to  the  report  read  at  this  Fourth  Congress  by 
M.  Oscar  Marmorek  *'  they  had  thirty-eight  societies  in 
England  as  against  sixteen  last  year,  and  all  these  Societies 
had  increased  their  membership.  Thanks  to  the  activity  of 
the  English  Zionist  Federation,  Zionism  had  greatly 
prospered  in  England  and  had  won  the  esteem  of  Christians. 
In  Canada  there  was  scarcely  a  town  with  a  Hebrew 
congregation  where  a  Zionist  society  did  not  exist." 


England  and  Zionism — Sir  B.  Arnold  in  the  Spectator — Cardinal  Vaughan 
—Lord  Rosebery— The  Death  of  Herzl— David  Wolffsohn— Prof .  Otto 
Warburg — Zionism  in  the  smaller  states. 

The  Uganda  scheme,  which  was  due  to  the  initiative  of 
Joseph  Chamberlain,  led  to  an  intimate  acquaintance 
between  the  Zionist  leader  and  this  great  English  states- 
man. This  project,  as  well  as  the  El  Arish  expedition, 
which  failed  in  consequence  of  technical  difficulties,  made 
Zionism  not  only  a  living  factor  in  Judaism  from  an  inter- 
national standpoint,  but  also  a  political  factor  that  was 
given  consideration  by  one  great  Government,  namely,  that 
of  England. 

Subsequent  events,  instead  of  diminishing,  have  only 
more  firmly  increased  Zionist  confidence  in  the  sympathy  of 
English  public  opinion  for  Palestinian  Zionism.  There  is 
hardly  an  appeal  so  eloquently  written  as  Sir  B.  Arnold's 
address,  published  in  the  Spectator,  October,  1903  :  '*  You 
have  a  country,  the  inheritance  of  your  fathers,  finer,  more 
fruitful,  better  situated  for  commerce,  than  many  of  the 
most  celebrated  places  of  the  globe.  Environed  by  the 
lovely  shores  of  the  Mediterranean,  the  lofty  steppes  of 
Arabia  and  of  rocky  Sinai,  your  country  extends  along  the 
shores  of  the  Mediterranean,  crowned  by  the  towering 
cedars  of  the  Lebanon,  the  source  of  rivulets  and  brooks, 
which  spread  fruitfulness  over  shady  dales.  A  glorious 
land  !  situated  at  the  furthest  extremity  of  the  sea  which 
connects  three-quarters  of  the  globe,  over  which  the 
Phoenicians  sent  their  numerous  fleets  to  the  shores  of 
Britain,  near  to  both  the  Red  Sea  and  the  Persian  Gulf  : 
the  central  country  of  the  commerce  between  the  East  and 
the  West.  Every  country  has  its  peculiarity  :  every  people 
their  own  genius.  No  people  of  the  earth  have  lived  so  true 
to  their  calling  from  the  first  as  you  have  done.  The  Arab 
has  maintained  his  language  and  his  original  country  :  on 
the  Nile,  in  the  deserts,  as  far  as  Sinai,  and  beyond  the 
Jordan,  he  feeds  his  flocks.  In  the  elevated  plains  of  Asia 
Minor  the  Turkoman  has  conquered  for  himself  a  second 



country,  the  birthplace  of  the  Osman  :  but  Palestine  has  a 
thin  population.  For  centuries  the  battlefield  between  the 
sons  of  Altai  and  the  Arabian  wilderness,  the  inhabitants 
of  the  West  and  the  half-nomadic  Persians,  none  have  been 
able  to  establish  themselves  and  maintain  their  nationality  : 
no  nation  can  claim  the  name  of  Palestine.  A  chaotic 
mixture  of  tribes  and  tongues  ;  remnants  of  migrations 
from  north  and  south,  they  disturb  one  another  in  the 
possession  of  the  glorious  land  where  your  fathers  for  so 
many  centuries  emptied  the  cup  of  joy,  and  so  where  every 
inch  is  drenched  with  the  blood  of  your  heroes  when  their 
bodies  were  buried  under  the  ruins  of  Jerusalem." 

It  is  obvious  that  these  and  other  similar  appeals  and 
encouraging  statements  made  a  deep  impression  upon 
Zionists.  This  gave  rise  to  the  assumption  that  Zionism 
was  merely  concerned  with  English  interest.  It  is  needless 
to  say  that  such  a  statement  is  as  unfounded  as  the  one 
ascribing  to  Zionism  the  pursuance  of  any  other  political 
interest.  Zionism  is  a  cause  of  humanity  and  justice, 
altogether  remote  from  any  political  speculation  :  it  can 
help  the  Jews,  it  can  be  useful  to  any  country  interested  in 
the  development  of  the  East,  it  can  be  beneficial  to  all  the 
neighbouring  nations.  It  was  only  the  spirit  of  the  Bible 
which  enabled  the  English  people  to  appreciate  the  justice 
and  the  moral  equity  of  the  endeavour  to  raise  up  in  the 
old  land  a  free,  united,  prosperous  and  energetic  Jewish 
nation,  attached  by  the  closest  ties  of  friendship  to  European 
civilization,  carrying  not  only  into  the  East  the  civilization 
of  the  West,  just  as  in  the  Middle  Ages  their  forefathers 
brought  the  torch  of  culture  to  the  West — that  torch  of 
enlightenment  which  they  have  borne  aloft  in  their  journey 
from  the  East,  and  which  has  enabled  them  to  accomplish 
cultural  work  of  their  own. 

Cardinal  Vaughan  referred  in  1902  most  sympathetically 
to  Zionism  in  the  following  words  :  "I  have  always  taken 
a  great  interest  in  the  Jews,  they  were  once  the  chosen 
people.  I  marvel  at  the  strength  they  retain  amid  most 
unfavourable  conditions.  I  admire  their  industry,  their 
domestic  virtues  and  their  mental  force,  and  I  can  only 
wish  success  to  a  plan  which  promises  them  such  great 

Lord  Rosebery  pointed  out,  in  one  of  his  speeches,  that 
the  silent  campaigns  of  commerce  are  at  least  as  decisive  of 
the  fate  of  nations  as  the  noisy  operations  of  the  battlefield. 


Even  as  the  spasms  and  convulsions  of  nature,  though  she 
works  through  them,  are  less  important  than  the  slow, 
silent,  everyday  forces,  so  history  is  made  less  by  the  fire 
and  sword  of  the  fighters  than  by  the  humble,  prosaic 
working-classes.  The  Jews  were  aware  of  the  fact  that  not 
by  soldiers  has  the  great  British  Empire  been  built  up,  but 
by  Trading  Companies :  India  by  the  East  India  Company, 
Canada  by  the  Hudson  Bay  Fur  Company,  South  Africa  by 
Mining  Companies.  The  East  India  Company  was  in- 
corporated in  1600  ;  a  few  years  later  (1607)  the  earliest 
permanent  settlement  of  Virginia  was  founded.  The 
Pilgrim  Fathers — a  movement  somewhat  similar  to  Zionism 
— began  their  noble  work  in  1620  ;  and  West  Indian  coloniza- 
tion was  inaugurated  with  the  occupation  of  the  Barbadoes 
in  1625.  Half  to  three-quarters  of  a  century  the  work  went 
apace  in  North  America,  colony  after  colony  was  added  to 
the  British  Crown.  Then  other  regions  began  to  attract  the 
British,  and  a  new  era  dawned  with  the  occupation  of 
Gibraltar  in  1704. 

All  the  great  achievements  of  British  peaceful  conquests 
encouraged  the  Zionist  Movement  with  its  trusts  and  funds. 
Cecil  Rhodes,  with  only  a  million  pounds  to  start  with, 
created  Rhodesia  with  its  750,000  square  miles.  The 
British  North  Borneo  Company  has  a  capital  of  £800,000 
and  dominates  over  31,000  square  miles.  The  British  East 
African  Company,  which  administered  200,000  square  miles, 
began  with  the  same  amount  as  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust, 
namely,  £250,000. 

It  is  true  that  the  Zionist  Palestinian  scheme  presented 
other  difficulties,  but  where  was  any  great  work  undertaken 
which  did  not  present  difficulties  ?  Is  not  the  whole  history 
of  the  Jews  a  struggle  for  existence  amid  the  greatest  of 
difficulties  ?  The  Jews  in  their  normal  condition  were  an 
agricultural  people.  During  the  centuries  of  depression  and 
persecution  they  had  to  abandon  their  old  vocation. 
Dispersed  throughout  all  countries,  yet  fugitives  from  every 
land,  the  Jews,  who  could  call  no  place  their  home,  had  to 
turn  to  commerce  or  to  handicraft  for  a  means  of  livelihood, 
and  were  thus  able  to  carry  about  with  them  everywhere 
that  kind  of  labour  power  that  they  knew  to  be  realizable 
everywhere.  Yet,  inexorable  necessity  as  it  was,  it  was  a 
breaking  with  the  nation's  own  self.  And  is  the  present 
situation  without  its  difficulties  ?  Let  those  answer  who 
know    something    of    the   hardships,    the   privations,    the 


squalor,  the  wretchedness  amid  which  three-quarters  of  the 
Jewish  people  live  throughout  their  lives.  And,  as  to 
financial  means,  even  under  present  circumstances  it  is 
necessary  for  the  continuance  of  the  present  misery,  to 
collect  millions  and  millions,  whereby  indescribable  energies 
are  wasted — without  any  real  help  being  given. 

Inspired  by  these  ideas,  and  with  this  object  in  view,  the 
propaganda  was  continued  when  suddenly,  in  1904,  the 
Zionist  Organization  sustained  the  greatest  loss  ever 
experienced  by  any  Organization.  Herzl  had  worked  too 
hard  ;  his  exertions,  his  experiences  and  his  emotions  had 
been  such  as  to  exhaust  the  strength  of  this  strongest  of 
physical  and  intellectual  giants.  It  was  too  much  for  one 
himian  being  to  bear;  nature  was  unduly  taxed  and  he 
broke  down.  On  the  3rd  of  July,  1904,  Herzl  breathed  his 
last  in  the  villa  "  Home,  Sweet  Home  "  at  Reichenau,  on 
the  Semmering  Mountain,  south  of  Vienna.  His  memory 
will  be  cherished  for  ever  by  the  Jewish  people. 

David  Wolffsohn  (1856 — 1914),  the  Zionist  representa- 
tive and  worker,  who  had  distinguished  himself  since  the 
very  beginning  of  the  movement,  succeeded  Herzl.  David 
Wolffsohn's  career  was  eminently  that  of  a  self-made  man 
of  the  kind  that  old  Dr.  Smiles  would  have  delighted  to 
portray.  A  man  of  attractive  and  imposing  appearance, 
of  a  loving  disposition  and  mild  grace,  and  with  a  real 
sense  of  Jewish  humour,  rare  gifts  of  adaptability  and 
extraordinary  capacity  for  managing  and  leading  forward 
in  active  work,  he  was  a  splendid  type  of  a  self-made  man. 
But,  from  a  Zionist  point  of  view,  lie  was  more  than  that : 
he  was  Herzl's  great  friend  and  confidant.  His  autobi- 
ography is  given  in  Appendix  LXXXIII. 

David  Wolffsohn,  practically  chosen  by  the  Actions  Com- 
mittee and  all  Zionist  authorities,  took  over  the  leadership 
of  the  Zionist  Organization,  during  the  interim  between 
Herzl's  death  and  the  Seventh  Congress  in  1906.  He  had 
first  intended  to  transfer  the  headquarters  to  Berlin,  but 
afterwards  decided  to  give  Cologne,  the  city  of  his  home, 
the  preference.  He  was  assisted  in  this  important  and 
responsible  work  by  two  distinguished  Zionists :  Professor 
O.  Warburg  of  Berlin  and  M.  Jacobus  Kann  of  the  Hague. 
The  activities  of  Professor  Warburg  have  been  described 
elsewhere  in  this  volume  :  they  tended  in  the  direction  of 
colonization,  and  were  almost  wholly  concentrated  upon 
this  domain.     M.  Jacobus  Kann,  a  member  of  an  old  and 



highly  respected  banking  firm  in  Holland,  was  more  in- 
terested in  the  financial  institutions  of  the  organization. 
He  joined  the  Zionist  Organization  at  the  very  beginning 
and  has  served  the  Zionist  cause  whole-heartedly  and 
devotedly,  particularly  in  the  founding  of  the  Jewish 
Colonial  Trust,  the  Anglo-Palestine  Company  and  all  the 
other  financial  institutions.  He  travelled  in  Palestine, 
wrote  a  book  [Erez  Israel)  dealing  with  his  impressions, 
and  is  also  active  in  the  Zionist  work  in  his  own  country. 

Holland  has  a  well-organized  and  active  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion, to  which  great  impetus  was  given  by  the  Eighth 
Congress  at  The  Hague,  1909.  M.  de  Liema,  Professor  Oren- 
stein.  Dr.  Edersheim,  M.  Cohen,  M.  Pool  and  many  others 
are  among  the  prominent  leaders.  They  take  a  very  active 
part  in  the  general  organization  work  and  in  that  of  the 
Jewish  National  Fund,  the  headquarters  of  which  at 
present  are  at  The  Hague.  The  Dutch  Zionist  Federation 
has  an  excellent  weekly  paper,  Het  Judischer  Wachter,  which 
has  appeared  regularly  for  several  years,  and  contains  much 
information  concerning  Zionist  and  Jewish  matters  as  well 
as  other  excellent  articles  and  contributions.  It  is  worthy 
of  note  that  Zionism  in  Holland  has  had  for  several  years 
now  a  Zionist  University  Movement — ^with  some  good 
publications — ^which  was  started  by  Orenstein,  Edersheim 
and  others.  Mention  of  Holland  reminds  one  that  a 
place  of  honour  in  Zionist  history  belongs  to  Belgium,  and 
particularly  to  Antwerp,  which  has  been  for  several  years  a 
first-class  Zionist  centre.  Messieurs  Jean  Fischer,  Oscar 
Fischer,  S.  Tolkowsky,  Dr.  Wulf,  Ruben  Cohn,  the  late 
Mehrlender,  Grunzweig  and  many  others,  occupying  impor- 
tant positions  in  the  general  Zionist  Organization,  made 
Zionism  a  living  force  in  Belgian  Jewry.  M.  Jean  Fischer 
is  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee  and  of  the  great 
financial  institutions  of  Zionism :  he  and  his  friends  have 
taken  an  important  part  in  colonization  undertakings  in 
Palestine  of  which  the  devoted  pioneer  M.  S.  Tolkowsky  is 
the  representative  at  Rechoboth.  M.  Fischer  visited  Pales- 
tine and  wrote  a  book  containing  his  observations.  Belgian 
Zionists  had  also  a  paper  of  their  own,  L'Esperance  (Ha- 
Tikvah),  which  brought  very  valuable  contributions  and 

In  connection  with  Zionism  the  smaller  countries  of 
Central  and  Southern  Europe,  Switzerland  and  the  Scandi- 
navian countries  also  deserve  special  mention.  Switzerland, 


the  land  ofjthe  Zionist  Congresses,  has  a  good  organization, 
of  which  Dr.  Camille  Levy,  Dr.  Felix  Pinkus,  M.  Levy  are 
the  most  notable.  They  were  always  very  active  in  propa- 
ganda, had  their  delegates  at  the  Congresses  and  always 
made  Jtheir  regular  contributions.  Denmark  and  Sweden 
have|now  had  for  some  years  a  good  Zionist  Organization, 
and,  of  late,  are  developing  great  activity,  owing  to  the 
Zionist  Office  which  has  been  established  at  Copenhagen. 
Roumania  and  Bulgaria  are  still  more  important  as  great 
centres  of  Zionist  activity.  Roumania  was  almost  equal  to 
Russia  in  the  Choveve  Zion  movement.  Now,  M.  Pineles, 
M.  Schein,  M.  Schwarzfeld,  the  learned  and  well-known 
Dr.  Nacht  and  Dr.  Nemirower,  with  many  other  leaders  are 
at  work  in  that  country. 


The  Year  igo6 — The  Pogroms — Emigration — Conder  and  his  Activities — 
An  Emigration  Conference — The  Eighth  Congress — The  Question  of 
the  Headquarters, 

The  year  1906  was  one  of  the  ans  ierribles  in  the  annals  of 
Jewish  history.  It  was  a  year  of  bloodshed  and  terror. 
Not  even  the  dark  ages  extracted  so  heavy  a  toll  of  Jewish 
blood :  something  like  1400  pogroms  took  place  all  over 
the  Ghetto.  In  many  districts  the  Jewish  population  were 
completely  exterminated.  The  number  of  persons  directly 
affected,  that  is  to  say  of  those  whose  houses,  shops,  or 
factories  were  the  objects  of  attack  and  pillage,  reached  a 
total  of  some  200,000  to  250,000.  To  this  number  must  be 
added  that  of  the  clerks,  workmen,  etc.,  indirectly  affected 
by  the  destruction  of  factories  and  shops,  which  could  not 
be  ascertained.  The  casualty  list  was  estimated  at  approxi- 
mately 20,000  murdered  and  100,000  injured.  PubHc 
opinion  was  stirred  up.  Why  had  those  Jews  suffered  ; 
what  sins  had  they  committed  ?  Their  loyalty  and  stead- 
fastness to  Judaism,  instead  of  winning  respect  and  admira- 
tion for  their  faithfulness,  had  called  down  upon  them  a 
treatment  so  immeasurably  atrocious  that  it  outdistanced 
the  conventional  words  of  sorrow  and  suffering  and  tempted 
many  thinking  men  to  ask  whether  the  vaunted  tolerance  of 
the  twentieth  century  was  anything  but  an  extravagant 
dream.  If  other  nations  suffer,  they  afterwards  get  freedom 
and  indemnity.  If  in  i860  the  Christians  in  Syria  had  suffered, 
their  suffering  afterwards  brought  them  an  autonomy.  But 
what  of  the  Jews  ?  Every  day  it  becomes  clearer  that  it  is 
impossible  to  allow  the  Jews  to  remain  a  prey  to  revolution 
and  counter-revolution,  between  which  they  are  crushed 
just  as  the  corn  is  ground  between  the  upper  and  nether 
millstones.  "  Emigration,  then."  But  whither  ?  The  mass 
of  Jewish  emigrants,  in  spite  of  all  Emigration  Committees 
(which  were  established  in  America),  resists  dispersion ;  it 
holds  together  like  a  swarm  of  bees.  In  New  York  and 
elsewhere  gigantic  Jewish  cities  have  sprung  up  that  have 
become  a  menace  to  the  safety  of  the  present  inhabitants  and 



therefore  to  the  possibiHty  of  further  Jewish  immigration. 
Attempts  made  to  substitute  agricultural  colonies  at  an 
enormous  expense  by  philanthropists  have  met  with  failure 
everywhere  except  in  Palestine,  where  it  seems  that  at  last 
an  effective  form  of  organization  has  been  discovered.  There 
alone  the  immigrant  Jew  finds  himself  at  ease  in  language  and 
customs,  and  to  that  land  he  brings  the  indescribable  im- 
perishable feeling  of  home  that  elsewhere  comes  to  him  but 
slowly  and  gradually. 

Palestine  is  not  far  from  Russia  and  Roumania,  and  is 
unquestionably  so  adapted  for  cultivation  that  as  soon  as 
the  soil  has  been  prepared  the  main  stream  of  present 
emigration  can  be  directed  thither.  And,  further,  it  is  the 
connecting  link  between  the  three  great  human  divisions  of 
the  earth,  while  its  commercial  future  promises  to  be  of  the 
brightest.  It  is  therefore  natural  that  the  Jews,  longing  to 
possess  the  land  of  their  fathers,  should  be  encouraged 
to  immigrate  both  on  political  and  industrial  grounds. 

This  great  and  powerful  problem  has  roused  English  public 
opinion,  but  the  Zionist  propaganda  has  made  considerable 
progress  since  1900.  One  of  the  foremost  English  authorities 
who  supported  a  Zionist  solution  of  the  Jewish  problem  was 
Colonel  Claude  Reignier  Corder,  to  whom  we  have  referred 
several  times  in  this  book.  Some  space  must  be  devoted  to 
a  brief  reference  to  the  activities  of  this  wonderful  man  in 
connection  with  Palestine. 

Colonel  Conder's  name  will  always  be  associated  with  the 
exploration  of  Palestine  and  with  the  history  of  Christian 
sympathy  in  this  country  for  the  colonization  of  Palestine  by 
the  Jewish  people.  No  other  person  has  ever  done  as  much  as 
he  for  the  correct  interpretation  of  the  Bible  with  reference 
to  Palestine.  He  was  born  on  December  29,  1848,  and  was 
trained  for  the  Royal  Engineers.  He  was  associated,  almost 
from  its  creation,  with  the  Palestine  Exploration  Fund, 
which  was  founded  in  1865.  He  was  only  twenty-six  when,  as 
a  Lieutenant,  he  went  out  to  join  in  the  survey  of  Western 
Palestine.  He  returned  to  England  in  September,  1875, 
having  surveyed  4700  square  miles.  He  brought  with  him 
a  mass  of  notes,  special  surveys,  observations  and  drawings, 
which  formed  the  bulk  of  the  material  for  a  work  which  may 
be  said  to  have  become  historical :  Tent  Work  in  Palestine. 
It  is  a  book  which  even  now  well  repays  perusal,  if  only  for 
the  light  it  throws  upon  the  geography  and  topography  of 
Palestine,    and    the   many    incidents    and   experiences   it 


records.  The  remaining  1300  square  miles  of  the  survey 
were  finished  by  Lieutenant  (later  Lord)  Kitchener  in  1877. 
The  scientific  results  of  the  work  occupied  some  twenty-six 
memoirs,  one  to  every  sheet  of  the  mapj  The  whole  of 
Western  Palestine  was  mapped  out  on  a  scale  which  showed 
every  ruin  and  waterway,  every  road,  forest  and  hillock. 
More  than  a  hundred  and  fifty  biblical  sites  were  ascertained 
and  from  these  the  boundaries  of  the  tribes  were  worked  out 
and  the  routes  taken  by  the  invading  armies  traced.  The 
other  books  and  memoirs  on  Palestine  which  Conder  pub- 
lished form  a  library  in  themselves.  In  addition  to  the  one 
already  mentioned,  there  are  Heth  and  Moah  and  Memoirs  of 
the  Survey  of  Western  Palestine  in  1883.  This  was  followed 
in  1890  by  Memoirs  of  the  Survey  of  Eastern  Palestine,  The 
Bible  in  the  East  in  1896,  The  Latin  Kingdom  of  Jerusalem 
in  1897,  The  Hittites  and  their  Language  in  1898.  Besides 
these  must  be  mentioned  his  Handbook  to  the  Bible  (1879), 
Primer  of  Bible  Geography  (1884),  and  Palestine  (1891), 
which  contained  in  one  small  volume  a  handy  summary  of 
all  that  was  known  of  the  geography  of  the  country  up 
to  date.  His  last  work,  published  only  a  year  before  he 
died,  was  on  the  City  of  Jerusalem.  Special  notice  is  also 
due  to  his  Judas  Maccabeus  and  The  Jewish  Tragedy,  in 
which  he  deals  with  Jewish  history  from  a  national  point  of 

Conder  pointed  out  that  Zionists  are  the  natural  leaders 
to  whom  the  destitute  and  oppressed  Jews  turn  for  counsel 
and  guidance,  that  "emigration  has  not  settled  the 
eternal  question,"  and  that  "a  nation  without  a  country 
must  be  content  with  toleration  as  all  that  it  can  expect." 
He,  too,  sees  the  only  solution  in  Palestine,  and  declares 
that  Englishmen  should  be  "  only  too  glad  to  see  Palestine 
increasing  in  civilization  and  prosperity  as  an  outpost  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Egypt."     {See  Appendix  LXXXV.) 

The  Zionist  Organization  called,  in  1906,  mainly  under 
the  pressure  of  the  pogroms,  a  conference  of  represen- 
tatives of  Jewish  organizations  at  Brussels,  to  discuss  the 
question  of  emigration,  particularly  to  the  East.  A  number 
of  organizations — including  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association 
— sent  their  delegates  ;  others,  probably  in  consequence  of 
their  anti-Zionist  tendencies,  declined.  Resolutions  in  favour 
of  investigating  the  condition  of  the  emigration  to  the  East 
were  accepted,  and  a  committee  was  elected  ;  but  nothing 
practical  resulted  from  these  efforts,  except  a  little  "  rap- 


prochement "  between  Zionism  and  the  "  Hilfsverein " 
which,  however,  in  consequence  of  deep  differences  of  prin- 
ciple, was  only  superficial  and  of  a  short  duration. 

The  work  of  the  Zionist  Organization,  without  losing 
sight  of  the  politiccil  aspect,  devoted  itself  more  and  more 
to  the  work  in  Palestine.  The  Eighth  Zionist  Congress  at 
the  Hague,  August,  1907,  with  Wolff sohn  and  Nordau  as 
Presidents,  was  attended  by  a  considerably  increased 
number  of  delegates,  and  among  them  a  number  of  English 
Zionist  leaders.  The  report  says  about  Zionism  in  England : 
"  In  England  the  devoted  zeal  of  the  Zionists  has  removed 
the  difficulties  which  formerly  existed.  The  Federation 
worked  systematically  and  well,  and  the  Movement  has 
received  a  considerable  impetus.  The  old  and  trusted 
workers  co-operate  with  the  younger  spirits." 

The  Ninth  Zionist  Congress  at  Hamburg,  December,  1909, 
with  Wolffsohn  and  Nordau  again  as  Presidents,  was  well 
attended  (about  four  hundred  members — and  for  the  first 
time  in  the  history  of  the  movement,  delegates  were  in 
attendance  from  Turkey).  The  impression  driven  home 
with  irresistible  force  was  the  sustained  and  unflagging 
interest  of  all  present  in  the  movement.  Among  the  English 
delegates  were  :  Dr.  Caster,  Dr.  Samuel  Daiches,  Mr.  Joseph 
Cowen,  Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann,  Mr.  L.  J.  Greenberg,  Mr. 
Herbert  Bentwich,  Mr.  Norman  Bentwich,  Dr.  Fuchs,  the 
Rev.  J.  K.  Goldbloom,  and  Mr.  Leon  Simon. 

The  Congress  found  itself  confronted  with  the  problem  of 
organization.  Several  delegates  were  of  the  opinion  that 
the  task  of  leadership  was  too  difficult  for  a  Small  Actions 
Committee,  consisting  of  three  persons,  and  that  the  head- 
quarters should  be  removed  to  a  larger  centre.  This  view 
was  not  influenced  by  any  personal  sympathies  or  anti- 
pathies :  it  was  dictated  by  considerations  of  an  important 
character.  Others  were  opposed  to  any  cha'nge.  This  was 
an  internal  fight  which  had  to  be  fought  out,  as  in  any 
other  democratic  movement,  with  the  weapons  of  reason 
and  conviction,  and  it  was  fought  out.  This  Congress  could 
not  radically  solve  the  question  and  it  was  left  to  the  next 
one  to  bring  the  solution. 

Zionism,  however,  remained  as  strong  as  ever.  The  dis- 
putes, far  from  being  symptoms  of  weakness,  were  sjmiptoms 
of  growing  interest,  devotion  and  enthusiasm  for  the  common 


Turkey,  19 10-14 — ^The  New  Turkish  Cabinet  of  1912 — ^The  Balkan  War — 
The  Tenth  and  Eleventh  GDUgresses — Death  of  Wolffsohn. 

We  may  as  well  now  cast  a  glance  at  the  aspect  of; the 
general  political  situation  at  the  period  this  narrative' has 
reached.  Public  opinion  in  England  was  greatly  disap- 
pointed when  the  hist  enthusiasm  for  Turkish  liberties  had 
passed  away.  The  ship  of  state  in  Turkey  began  to  enter 
very  troubled  waters,  and  no  one  saw  safety  ahead.  The 
defeat  of  the  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress,  the  dis- 
placing of  the  Said  Pasha  Cabinet  and  the  downfall  of 
the  other  leaders  of  the  Young  Turkey  party  of  1908, 
followed  by  the  amnesty  of  a  number  of  officials  of  the 
Hamidian  regime,  had  naturally  led  many  in  Europe  to 
believe  that  reaction  had  set  in,  and  that  the  Young  Turks 
had  once  more  been  overthrown  and  were  in  danger  of 
being  stamped  out  by  the  Old  Turks  or  reactionaries.  On 
the  other  hand,  some  careful  observers  asserted  that  the 
new  Cabinet  of  1912  was  the  best  Turkey  had  had  during 
the  past  forty  years,  and  that  it  was  in  no  true  sense 
reactionary,  but  really  constructive  and  progressive.  They 
maintained  also  that  the  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress 
had  begun  to  use  old  methods  and  were  now  hated  by  a 
large  proportion  of  their  former  supporters.  But  all  these 
allegations  were  contradicted  by  rapidly  developing  events. 
Hardly  at  any  time  within  this  generation  had  the  political 
situation  in  Turkey  presented  elements  of  greater  un- 
certainty and  danger  than  in  the  period  1910-14. 

The  greatest  misfortune  was  the  impossibility  of  any 
improvement.  Turkey  undoubtedly  had  the  desire  for 
progress  along  those  lines  which  Europe  professedly  was  so 
anxious  to  see  her  follow  ;  but  she  needed  advice,  guidance, 
credit  and  patience.  She  required  men— advisers,  counsel- 
lors— to  give  her  practical  help  in  carrying  out  the  necessary 
reforms.  But,  unfortunately,  such  a  development  was 
made  impossible  by  the  disturbing  political  events. 

The  Balkan  War  broke  out.     The  Balkan  peoples  took 



their  fate  in  their  own  hands.  They  did  not  look  for 
liberators  from  elsewhere,  and  asked  no  help  in  the  settle- 
ment of  their  differences.  Whenever  the  Balkans  had 
flared  up  and  gone  into  war  before  it  had  generally  been  due 
to  the  fact  that  other  nations  had  drawn  them  into  the 
struggle.  The  vital  difference  of  this  conflict  was  that,  for 
the  first  time  for  centuries,  all  the  peoples  concerned 
thought  themselves  strong  enough  to  decide  their  own 
future  by  the  sword.  A  fierce  struggle  began.  The  out- 
look for  the  Turks  was  most  gloomy  from  the  very  outset. 
The  Turks  w^ere  beaten.  They  were  discarded  by  all  those 
who  in  Europe  had  seemed  to  have  supported  them,  aban- 
doned by  the  Powers  which  once  valued  their  friendship. 
Speculation  as  to  what  would  happen  was  on  everybody's 
lips.  One  thing  was  certain  :  that  the  East  was  getting 
thoroughly  aroused,  and  that  the  developments  led  inevit- 
ably to  a  crisis  unparalleled  in  history.  Meanwhile,  the 
Zionist  Organization  continued  its  work  with  great  energy. 

The  Tenth  Zionist  Congress  at  Basle,  August,  191 1,  with 
Wolffsohn  and  Nordau  again  as  Presidents,  had  an  attend- 
ance of  about  four  hundred  delegates,  including  a  consider- 
able number  of  English  :  Dr.  Gaster,  Mr.  H.  Bentwich,  Mr. 
Jacob  Moser,  Dr.  Samuel  Daiches,  Dr.  Weizmann,  Mr.  J. 
Cowen,  Dr.  Hochman,  Mr.  H.  Sacher,  Dr.  Salis  Daiches, 
Mr.  S.  B.  Rubenstein  and  others.  The  question  left  over 
from  the  previous  Congress  was  settled  at  this  one.  A  new 
Small  Actions'  Committee  was  elected,  and  David  Wdlffsohn 
retained  his  influential  post  as  President  of  the  Council,  and 
from  that  time  again  devoted  his  energies  mainly  to  Zionist 

The  Eleventh  Zionist  Congress  at  Vienna,  in  September, 
1913  (preceded  by  an  International  Congress  of  the  Hebrew 
^Language  Revival  Societies),  with  its  attendance  of  five  to 
six  hundred  delegates,  its  enormous  mass  meetings, 
exhibitions,  lectures,  entertainments  and  demonstrations, 
such  as  the  visit  to  Herzl's  grave,  the  Gymnastic  Display 
with  2500  national  Jewish  gymnasts  and  25,000  Jewish 
spectators,  was  the  greatest  Jewish  display  of  forces  that 
had  ever  taken  place.  The  importance  of  practical  work  in 
Palestine,  the  thorough,  serious  and  systematic  treatment 
of  all  colonization  questions,  the  powerful  influence  of  the 
Hebrew  language,  the  great  number  of  intellectuals  present, 
the  great  power  of  the  Students'  movement,  were  new 
elements  which  wer6  apt  to  give  the  calmer  and  older 


Congress  members  the  impression  of  something  chaotic.  In 
reality,  however,  that  was  only  the  way  in  which  the 
growth  of  the  movement,  its  development,  and  many- 
sidedness  found  expression. 

Superficial  observers,  who  have  but  vague  ideas  of 
Zionism,  in  its  narrow  political  and  financial  aspect,  might 
have  been  surprised  at  the  sight  of  this  Congress,  but  those 
who  know  how  Zionism  has  grown  up  out  of  the  Choveve 
Zion  and  literature  and  education,  with  the  University 
movement,  which  we  have  described  elsewhere,  will  under- 
stand why  the  first  "  idyll "  was  bound  to  give  way  to  a 
movement  as  reflected  by  the  Vienna  Congress.  Dr.  Gaster, 
Mr.  J.  Moser,  Mr.  H.  Bentwich,  Dr.  Ch.  Weizmann,  Mr.  J. 
Cowen,  Mr.  L.  Simon,  Mr.  H.  Sacher,  and  many  other  active 
and  well-known  members  of  the  English  Zionist  Federation 
and  of  the  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  attended  the 
Congress  as  English  Delegates. 

There  was  also  a  large  delegation  (fourteen  members)  from 
Canada.  For  the  first  time  in  the  history  of  the  Canadian 
Zionist  Federation  no  proxies  had  been  given,  as  all  the 
delegates  to  whom  the  Canadian  Federation  was  entitled 
attended  in  person. 

The  general  Organization  has  since  then  been  active  in 
propaganda  work,  in  development  work  in  Palestine 
through  the  '*  Zionist  Office,"  and  also  in  educational  work 
in  that  country. 

The  Organization  sustained  a  great  loss  by  the  death  of 
David  Wolffsohn.  He  had  been  ailing  for  the  past  few  years 
and  died  on  the  15th  of  September,  1914.  He  served  the 
Zionist  Organization  with  unequalled  fidelity,  with  intense 
devotion  and  a  singleness  of  purpose  that  nothing  could 
divert.  His  passionate  affection  for  the  Zionist  idea  never 
wavered.  He  was  proud  of  the  Zionist  institutions  and 
watched  over  them  with  never-ceasing  vigilance.  All 
Zionists  fully  realize  the  great  devotion  to  the  cause  that 
actuated  this  remarkable  man.  Unbounded  industry,  a 
passionate  love  of  the  work  he  had  to  perform,  these  were 
the  characteristics  of  Wolffsohn,  and  won  for  him  wide  and 
deep  sympathy  and  admiration  during  his  life  and  ha\'e 
secured  for  him  a  lasting  and  cherished  memory  in  the 
hearts  of  Zionists  throughout  the  world. 


Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild  in  Palestine — Sir  John  Gray  Hill — Pro- 
fessor S.  Schechter — South  African  Statesmen — A  Canadian  States- 
man— Christian  religious  literature  again. 

The  events  in  Turkey  did  not  change  Zionist  convictions 
in  the  least  degree,  nor  lessen  the  faith  in  the  ultimate 
triumph  of  the  cause.  The  colonization  of  Palestine  by 
Jews  is  useful  and  desirable  from  every  point  of  view.  It 
was  as  much  a  necessity  when  Europe  upheld  the  principle 
that  Turkey  was  to  form  an  indissoluble  and  indivisible 
Empire  as  in  different  circumstances.  Among  Jews  them- 
selves it  was  impossible  to  fail  to  notice  the  complete 
change  of  tone  and  spirit  with  regard  to  Zionism.  If  there 
was  still  any  feeling  of  rivalry  between  Choveve  Zion  and 
Zionists,  it  has  vanished  completely  in  recent  years. 
In  this  respect  Baron  de  Rothschild's  visit  to  Palestine  in 
1913  was  significant.  The  Baron,  or  "  Our  Baron  "  as  the 
great  philanthropist  is  affectionately  called  by  the  Pales- 
tinian Jews,  for  whom  he  has  done  so  much,  was  received 
with  royal  honours :  there  were  triumphal  arches,  and 
crowds  of  people  and  school  children  lined  the  streets 
singing  songs  of  welcome.  He  expressed  his  keen  satis- 
faction with  Zionist  work,  and  particularly  with  the  re- 
markable development  of  the  Hebrew  schools  and  the 
spread  of  the  Hebrew  language  in  Palestine. 

The  attitude  of  English  opinion,  that  is  of  real  opinion 
based  upon  knowledge  of  facts  and  circumstances,  remained 
unchangeably  sympathetic. 

For  instance.  Sir  John  Gray  Hill  of  Liverpool,  who  had 
an  intimate  and  direct  knowledge  of  Palestine,  where  he 
used  to  spend  his  holidays  for  many  years,  and  whose 
reflections  and  observations  were  of  great  value,  gave  in  his 
address,  delivered  to  the  Liverpool  Jewish  Literary  Society, 
on  the  30th  of  November,  1913,  a  detailed  analysis  of  the 
work  to  be  done  in  Palestine.  While  admitting  that  ex- 
aggerated hopes  were  liable  to  strong  objections  and  indi- 
cating the  existing  limitations,  he  said  :   "  What  you  can 



do  is  to  afford  a  refuge  in  Palestine  to  large  numbers  of 
persecuted  Jews,  and  you  can  teach  them  to  cultivate  the 
soil,  and  to  practise  various  arts  and  crafts  so  as  to  main- 
tain themselves  in  the  home  of  their  fathers.  Now  I  think 
it  is  very  important  that  the  English  Jews  should  take  a 
lead  in  this  endeavour,  because  the  English  Jews  are  the 
leaders  in  thought,  in  position  and  in  common  sense,  and 
have  a  calm  way  of  looking  at  things."  He  opposed  the 
most  erroneous  and  absurd  idea  of  a  contradiction  between 
Jewish  racial  self -consciousness  and  English  patriotism. 
"  I  am  told  that  there  is  some  feeling  amongst  the  English 
Jews  of  there  being  a  want  of  patriotism  in  interesting 
themselves  in  the  Holy  Land.  That  I  do  not  understand. 
A  Scotchman  is  a  Scotchman,  full  of  love  for  his  own  land 
and  his  own  customs,  poetry  and  song,  but  he  is  a  Briton  ; 
so  of  a  Welshman  ;  so  of  an  Irishman  ;  so  of  a  Devonshire 
man ;  so  of  a  Lancashire  man  ;  we  cherish  these  special  local 
feelings,  these  feelings  of  local  pride,  and  yet  we  remain  true 
to  the  Great  Empire  to  which  we  belong."  He  offered  a 
suggestion  about  travelling  to  Palestine. 

"  Now  the  leading  Jews  in  England  cannot,  of  course,  go 
to  live  in  Palestine  altogether,  but  they  might  visit  the 
country ;  and  those  who  can  afford  the  time  might  pass 
a  portion  of  the  year  there,  and,  I  think,  if  they  did 
so  they  would  find  an  immense  interest  in  the  country, 
and  would  be  able  to  help  their  poorer  brethren  far 
better  than  they  can  by  remaining  at  a  distance  from  it. 
Travel,  open,  open  your  mind,  travel  to  the  Holy  Land 
and  see  the  great  vision  of  what  the  past  did  for  us,  that 
amazingly  interesting  country,  without  seeing  which  I 
think  it  is  extremely  difficult  to  understand  in  a  full  and 
proper  way  the  meaning  of  the  Bible ;  at  any  rate,  the 
sights  of  that  land  throw  an  immense  deal  of  light  upon  it. 
Then  there  is  another  reason.  Englishmen  are  very  much 
respected  in  Palestine  ;  they  are  thought  more  highly  of 
than  people  of  any  other  nation.  One  reason  is,  that  it  is 
known  that  England  is  not  seeking  to  exploit  the  country  ; 
England  does  not  seek  for  greedy  concessions,  and  English- 
men, so  far  as  they  have  to  do  with  the  natives,  always  treat 
them  considerately  and  kindly,  and,  I  think,  the  natives 
believe  that  whether  the  Englishmen  are  going  the  right 
way  about  it  or  not,  they  are  trying  to  help  the  native  to 
help  himself." 

Here  he  struck  a  note  which  might  have  seemed  new  to 


him  as  a  spectator  appealing  to  English  Jews.  In  the  Zionist 
literature  and  Press  this  idea  has  frequently  been  expressed. 
Indeed,  Palestine  is  still  the  land  of  poetry  and  enthusiasm, 
but  it  has  ceased  to  be  that  of  mystery  ;  and  though  only 
the  fame  of  its  natural  beauty  has  hitherto  reached  Western 
Europe,  travellers  who  have  recently  visited  Palestine  have 
learned  to  appreciate  the  progress  of  this  country  in 
colonization.  If  anybody  has  hailed  with  enthusiasm  the 
rising  of  this  new  star  in  the  East  on  account  of  its  brilliancy, 
beauty  and  poetical  supremacy,  he  could  discover  on  a 
visit  to  the  country  those  pioneers  of  vigorous  frame,  with 
eagle  eyes  and  well-formed,  combining  the  sternness  of  the 
present  with  the  subtlety  of  the  intellectual  and  the 
simplicity  of  the  child.  The  best  means  of  becoming  a 
Zionist  is — a  visit  to  Palestine.  Sir  Moses  Montefiore  was 
the  first  European  Jew  who  visited  Palestine  as  a  tourist 
and  philanthropist,  and  he  was  an  English  Jew.  That  was 
a  great  traditional  example  for  English  Jewry. 

Sir  John  Gray  Hill  emphasized  the  importance  of  the 
Zionist  Jerusalem  University  scheme  :  **  Now  I  have  to 
speak  of  the  proposal  to  have  a  University  in  Jerusalem. 
That  is  a  proposal,  I  think,  in  which  all  Jews  might  join. 
Any  objection  or  feeling  of  apathy  that  there  is  on  the  part 
of  Jews  for  any  reason  against  Zionism  generally,  cannot 
apply  to  a  Jewish  University.  You  want  a  centre  of  Jewish 
culture  and  instruction  in  Jerusalem.  The  Vienna  Congress 
recently  started  the  scheme  thoroughly  by  a  good  subscrip- 
tion. You  would,  of  course,  teach  Hebrew,  thus  preserving 
the  purity  of  your  language,  and  you  would  also,  I  hope, 
teach  medicine,  arts  and  crafts,  agriculture  and  horticulture. 
Cannot  you  attract  the  attention  of  some  very  wealthy 
Jews  to  this  great  project  ?  Whatever  objections  they  have 
to  Zionist  projects  generally  cannot  possibly  apply  to  this. 
What  a  noble  monument  it  would  be  to  a  millionaire,  or 
group  of  millionaires — those  mighty  kings  of  finance  who 
are  so  powerful  in  Europe — to  erect  and  endow  a  splendid 
University  for  the  Hebrew  race.  If  they  were  appealed  to 
they  would,  I  think,  listen.  Surely  they  would  not  take 
for  tkeir  motto  the  injunction  addressed  by  the  followers  of 
Solomon  to  the  Bride  from  Tyre  :  *  Forget  also  thine  own 
people  and  thy  father's  house.'  No,  that  cannot  be  ;  I 
think  if  the  matter  is  properly  represented  to  them  a 
response  will  come.  I  believe,  also,  that  a  true  and  wise 
view  of  Zionism  is  growing  in  force.    The  cause  is  moving  at 


last.    The  long  period  of  slack  water  has  ended.    The  tide 
has  turned,  although  we  may  not  yet  see  that  it  has  done  so. 

*  For  while  the  tired  waves  vainly  breaking. 
Seem  here  no  painful  inch  to  gain  ; 
Far  back  through  creeks  and  inlets  making. 
Comes  silent  Hooding  in  the  main.'  " 

On  the  other  hand,  an  appreciation  of  the  moral  and 
religious  value  of  the  Zionist  movement  may  be  quoted. 
Speaking  at  a  Zionist  meeting  in  19 14,  in  Cincinnati,  the 
late  Professor  Solomon  Schechter  said :  "  Zionism  is  now 
a  living  fact.  We  must  have  Zionism,  if  we  want  Judaism, 
orthodox  or  reform,  to  continue  to  exist.  Judaism  is  at  the 
present  time  in  a  very  weak  condition,  not  only  in  America, 
but  also  in  Europe.  The  Jew  cannot  live  in  his  own 
atmosphere,  he  is  compelled  to  breathe  the  spirit  of  other 
religions.  ...  The  question  then  arises :  What  is  it  that  can 
preserve  the  Jewish  people  ?  Now  can  Judaism  be  saved 
from  complete  annihilation  ?  Jewish  history  tells  us  that 
the  Hellenist  Jews  who  settled  in  Alexandria  and  other  places 
remained  loyal  to  Judaism,  although  they  had  been  excellent 
Greek  citizens.  .  .  .  But  after  the  destruction  of  the 
Temple,  these  Hellenist  Jews  became  completely  submerged 
by  the  Greeks,  and  nothing  remained  of  their  Judaism. 
That,"  said  Professor  Schechter  in  conclusion,  "  was  why 
Jews  must  have  at  the  present  time  the  Zionist  move- 
ment. Zionism  could  effect  for  the  Jew  a  change  in  his 
material  life,  and  it  could  also  create  for  him  a  Jewish 
atmosphere,  in  which  he  could  breathe  freely  his  religion." 
It  is  worthy  of  note  that  the  late  Professor  Schechter  did 
not  join  the  Zionist  movement  during  the  first  years  of  its 
existence,  but  was  then  opposed  to  it.  Being,  however, 
unlike  the  Bourbons,  who  are  said  to  have  learned  nothing, 
and  having  realized  the  wonderful  effects  of  this  movement 
as  far  as  the  revival  of  Judaism  was  concerned,  he  became 
in  the  last  years  of  his  life  a  faithful  Zionist.  This  was  the 
logic  of  a  progressive  mind. 

The  Right  Hon.  J.  X.  Merriman  said  in  an  address 
delivered  on  the  9th  of  July,  1914,  in  opening  the  Zionist 
Bazaar  at  Capetown,  that  "  Zionism  is  a  ramshackle 
movement,  because  it  began  in  a  very  small  way,  and  it 
had  gradually  spread.  This  had  been  achieved  by  the 
general  effort  of  the  people  themselves,  who  had  laudable 
desires.    They  had  settled  a  good  many  people  on  the  land 


and  had  brought  to  bear  their  remarkable  faculty  of  energy, 
enterprize  and  skill  in  restoring  Palestine  to  its  former 
fertility/'  On  the  following  day  the  Bazaar  was  opened  by 
Sir  Thomas  Smartt,  m.l.a.  :  "  There  could  be  few,"  said 
Sir  Thomas  in  his  eloquent  address,  *'  but  what  admired 
their  great  leader.  Dr.  Herzl,  in  his  lofty  ideal  for  re- 
establishment  as  in  the  days  of  old,  after  many  years  of 
wanderings,  the  ancient  glories  of  their  race — of  establish- 
ing a  nation  which  had  done  more  than  any  other  nation 
for  the  spread  of  religious  thought  throughout  the  world. 
Notwithstanding  the  long  and  dark  ages  of  suffering  and 
tribulation  through  which  the  race  had  passed,  the  love  and 
devotion  to  its  traditions  were  just  as  strong  as  ever.  Their 
young  men  still  continued  to  dream  dreams  and  their  old 
men  to  see  visions  of  that  sun  of  righteousness  which  was  to 
rise  with  healing  in  its  wings.  In  seconding,  Senator  Powel 
said  that  it  was  a  great  satisfaction  to  know  that  the 
Palestine  movement  had  got  beyond  the  stage  of  dreams 
and  visions,  and  was  becoming  an  accomplished  fact.  He 
hoped  that  they  would  never  slacken  their  efforts  in  what 
is  one  of  the  greatest  movements  in  the  world  to-day. 

At  the  General  Conference  of  the  Canadian  Jews  held 
in  Montreal  on  the  14th  of  November,  1915,  which  was 
unique  in  the  annals  of  the  Jews  of  Canada  (for  this  was  the 
first  time  in  their  history  that  the  representatives  of  every 
section  and  every  element  of  the  Canadian  Jewish  Com- 
munity came  together  from  all  parts  of  Canada  to  take  part 
in  a  conference),  a  representative  of  the  Canadian  Govern- 
ment, Mr.  Maighen,  brought  the  Assembly  the  good  wishes 
of  the  Government  for  the  success  of  the  Conference  and 
its  high  appreciation  of  that  spirit  of  brotherhood  which 
had  caused  tliem  to  come  together.  He  spoke  of  the 
history  and  traditions  of  the  Jewish  race  and  of  the 
debt  that  mankind  owed  to  it.  He  referred  to  Jewish 
civilization  as  being  the  most  ancient  that  influenced  the 
world  of  to-day  and  of  the  wonderful  way  in  which  it  had 
endured  in  spite  of  the  ages  of  oppression  its  zealots  had 
suffered.  Speaking  of  the  wish  cherished  so  long  by  the 
Jews  to  regain  possession  of  Palestine,  Mr.  Maighen  gave 
utterance  to  the  following  :  *'  I  think  I  can  speak  for  those 
of  the  Christian  faith  when  I  express  the  wish  that  God 
speed  the  day  when  the  land  of  your  forefathers  shall  be 
yours  again.  That  task  will,  I  hope,  be  performed  by  that 
champion  of  liberty  the  world  over — the  British  Empire." 


This  speech  shows  how,  in  the  minds  of  EngHsh  statesmen, 
the  question  of  rights  for  the  Jews  all  over  the  world,  and 
that  of  a  Jewish  homeland  for  the  nation  are  bound  up  in 
one  great  principle  of  justice  and  freedom. 

To  conclude  the  way  we  began  mention  must  be  made  of 
Christian  religious  literature,  which  continues  to  support 
Zionism  in  its  own  way.  The  Rev.  Earle  Langston  pub- 
lished recently  his  ideas  on  the  subject.  The  Christadel- 
phians  have  published  ample  literature  to  which  the  learned 
Mr.  Walker  has  contributed  extensively.  Mr.  Frank  Janna- 
way,  an  ardent  Christadelphian  whose  interest  in  Jews  and 
their  homeland  dates  back  some  forty  years,  and  who  has 
paid  several  vi^ts  to  Palestine  at  intervals  of  a  few  years, 
and  has  thus  enjoyed  some  splendid  opportunities  of  watch- 
ing the  gradual  development  of  the  Holy  Land,  has  pub- 
lished a  book,  Palestine  and  the  Jews  (1914),  of  which  two 
new  editions,  one  of  them  entitled  Palestine  and  the  Powers, 
have  since  appeared.  His  knowledge  is  wide  and  thorough. 
He  sees  Palestine  as  the  land  of  the  future,  and  every 
new  development  is  to  him  the  fulfilment  of  a  prophecy. 
He  offers  biblical  chapter  and  verse  for  the  happen- 
ings that  have  been  convulsing  the  world,  and  in  a 
way  which  reminds  one  of  the  oldest  English  pro-Zionist 
literature  of  the  seventeenth  century,  which  links  up  the 
position  of  the  present  and  future  aspects  with  sacred  pre- 
diction. His  views  favour  the  Jewish  cause  and  show 
considerable   and  correct   acquaintance  with   the   Zionist 

k movement.  It  must  finally  be  observed  that  during  the 
last  two  years  a  great  number  of  excellent  articles  have 
appeared  in  English  newspapers  and  magazines,  and  some 
also  in  the  French  Press,  in  which  great  sympathy  is 
expressed  with  the  Zionist  cause  from  a  political,  as  well  as 
from  a  humanitarian  point  of  view. 




The  year  1914  will  stand  out  as  the  Great  Divide  in  con- 
temporary history.  It  was  a  year  of  endings  and  beginnings. 
Humanity  left  an  age  behind  it,  and  entered  upon  an  age  in 
which  old  things  have  passed  away  and  all  things  had  to 
become  new. 

Long  feared  and  long  foretold,  yet  never  seriously  ex- 
pected, the  European  War  came  at  last.  Nations,  great 
and  small,  arose  in  their  strength,  and  gathered,  in  an 
avalanche  of  excitement,  all  their  manhood  to  battle,  all 
their  old  age  to  guard,  and  all  their  womanhood,  not  only  as 
in  bygone  days,  to  tend  and  heal  the  wounded  and  sick,  but 
also  to  do  preparatory  work  for  the  fighting  armies.  Gener- 
ations, young  and  old,  rushed  eagerly  to  defend  their 
countries,  leaving  home,  property,  calling  ;  knowing  no  fear 
save  that  here  and  there  one  of  their  fellow-citizens  might 
prove  less  patriotic  than  themselves.  The  world  was 
thrown  back  to  the  moral  level  and  the  ethical  con- 
ceptions of  thousands  of  years  ago  :  man  became  again  a 
wolf  to  man,  as  in  the  Pleistocene  Age.  On  the  one  hand,  the 
vast  and  bloody  epic  produced  a  sort  of  ecclesiastical  mora- 
torium which,  for  the  duration  of  the  war,  annulled  all  moral 
obligations  and  abrogated  the  Ten  Commandments,  while 
on  the  other  hand,  it  developed,  to  the  highest  degree,  all  the 
great  and  noble  feelings — sense  of  honour,  unselfishness, 
magnanimity,  courage.  Nationality,  patriotism,  the  sense 
of  duty,  the  spirit  of  sacrifice,  enthusiastic  heroism  and 
patriotic  martyrdom  filled  the  hearts  and  created  a  new 
atmosphere,  in  which  every  kind  of  human  activity 
was  intensified :  industry,  art,  science,  and  literature. 
This  great  storm,  the  greatest  storm  that  had  ever 
stirred  mankind,  produced  the  greatest  spiritual  tragedy 
the  world  has  ever  known.  The  most  terrible  aspect 
of  the  war  was  not  the  fact  that  Europe  was  being 
bled  white,   that   all  the  amenities    of    civilization  were 

II.— B 


breaking  down  with  the  strain  of  the  military  operations, 
and  that  each  day  some  new  and  more  brutal  engine  of 
destruction  was  prepared  and  brought  into  use,  but — the 
ethical  conflict  carried  on  with  minds  and  nerves  on  the  rack 
of  tense  emotion  which  not  only  upset  mental  balance  and 
changed  the  outlook  of  peoples,  hitherto  industrious  and 
peaceful,  but  developed  moral  and  social  fears  and  passions 
which  will  not  pass  away  in  a  day.  This  universal  catas- 
trophe would  indeed  have  degraded  the  world  into 
"  a  sort  of  malign  middle  term  between  a  lunatic  asylum 
and  a  butcher's  stall,"  if  it  had  not  finally  become — 
as  it  has  become — "  a  war  against  war.'*  The  peoples 
turned  their  ploughshares  into  swords,  they  ceased  to  make 
useful,  beneficial  rails  and  plates  and  angles  and  girders  of 
their  iron  ore  and  their  coal,  and  they  manufactured  harm- 
ful, destructive  shells  and  guns  to  project  them  to  the 
slaughter  of  the  enemy,  hoping  that  when  the  time  came 
they  would  again  turn  their  swords  into  ploughshares.  They 
realized  that  the  enemy  of  society  is  militarist  despotism, 
and  that  miHtarist  despotism  therefore  must  be  ended,  or  it 
will  end  society.  A  great  moral  idea  arose  out  of  this  war  : 
the  liberation  of  oppressed  small  nations.  Another  great 
moral  idea  arising  from  it  is  the  de-militarization  of  human- 
ity. The  whole  world  is  now  involved  in  a  life  or  death 
struggle  for  righteousness.  This  is  the  justification  for  all  the 
sufferings  and  all  the  sacrifices.  If  this  war  were  not  a  war  of 
principles  and  for  ideals  it  would  be  nothing,  and  could  result 
in  nothing  except  the  further  enthronement  of  the  doctrine 
and  worship  of  force,  and  the  perpetuation  of  the  untold 
misery  and  degradation  which  that  form  of  rehgion  carries 
with  it.  It  should  never  be  forgotten  that  this  was  a  war 
for  liberty  of  the  peoples,  and  in  particular  of  the  small 

This  great  war  has  aggravated  and  made  terribly  clear 
the  position  of  Jewry  and  the  tragic  problem  of  its  exist- 
ence as  a  small  and  oppressed  nationality.  The  war  has 
turned  numerous  Ghetti  of  Galicia,  Bukovina,  Russian 
Poland,  Lithuania,  Courland  and  Roumania  into  heaps  of 
ashes,  and  hell  would  be  pleasant  compared  with  the  situa- 
tion of  great  masses  of  the  Jewish  people.  In  this  war, 
particularly  in  Eastern  Europe,  hundreds  of  thousands  of 
Jews  were  fighting  against  one  another  in  the  hostile  camps 
of  the  belligerent  countries  ;  and  the  significant  factor  is 
that  they  were  not   fighting   because    they   were    forced 


to,  but  from  a  sense  of  supreme  duty.  Even  among  those 
that  were  fighting  in  the  Russian  Army  before  the 
Revolution,  there  were  many  who  were  not  acting  under 
compulsion  :  they  were  giving  of  their  best  and  from  their 
heart.  They  wanted  to  take  their  places  in  the  virile,  the 
over- virile  world — ^which  is  also  their  world,  they  wanted  to 
hve  and  die  taking  their  place  in  the  great  living  society 
which  called  to  them.  The  spirit  of  Europe — rather  the 
spirit  of  present-day  Europe,  which  was  the  spirit  of  obstinate 
conflicts  and  of  extreme  courage  of  devotion — has  seized 
the  Jews  also  :  they  also  have  entered  into  this  tremendous 
catastrophe,  into  this  pilgrimage  through  chaos  towards  a 
new  world. 

But  for  the  Jews  this  war  meant  infinitely  worse  evil  and 
greater  danger  ;  the  nations  were  divided  one  from  another, 
Jewry  was  divided  against  itself ;  each  nation  opposed  its 
fixed  shape  and  character,  untouched  even  by  defeat,  to  the 
overflooding  chaos,  but  the  Jewish  nationality  seemed  to 
be  its  victim,  in  its  own  wavering  and  chaotic  form  of  the 
Diaspora.  It  almost  seemed  as  though  there  existed  Jews, 
and  divided  Jews,  but  no  Jewry. 

And  yet  it  was  not  really  so.  It  was  a  dark  time,  and  the 
storm  was  ghastly  enough,  but  the  lightning  has  revealed 
things  that  might  otherwise  have  remained  hidden.  Rather 
should  we  believe  that  the  time  of  the  greatest  trial  for  Jewry 
denoted  a  high  self-recollection,  and  with  it  the  commence- 
ment of  a  true  gathering  and  union.  In  times  of  great  stress 
men  discover  their  own  deeper  selves.  Great  trouble  some- 
how digs  into  the  very  foundation  of  a  man's  existence,  and 
he  cannot  explore  there  without  finding  what  is  most 
essential  in  him.  When  some  tremendous  trouble  sends  its 
plough  through  his  heart  of  hearts,  then  he  becomes  aware 
of  wonderful  things  he  has  never  suspected  before. 

Now  it  is  well  worth  our  while  to  weigh  all  this  and  to 
make  it  part  of  our  outlook  and  equipment  as  we  face  the 
great  present  events.  Because,  for  one  thing,  it  should  go  a 
long  way  towards  dehvering  us  from  the  worst  of  all  fears — 
the  fear  of  to-morrow  and  the  next  day,  and  all  the  days  that 
the  future  hides.  Nine  out  of  ten  of  us  are  perpetually  spoil- 
ing what  is  happening  by  dread  of  what  may  happen,  so  that 
we  can  all  join  Disraeh  in  saying  that  we  have  had  many 
troubles,  but  the  worst  have  been  those  that  never  happened. 
If  only  we  could  let  the  morrow  be  anxious  for  itself  !  But, 
to  a  large  extent,  we  can,  if  we  will,  school  ourselves  to  it; 


"  :  TN3T  T'a'*3'»  ...  * 
(')  Md  'aV  Dnm 

is  a  promise  perpetually  justified  by  the  best  psychological 
findings  and  historic  experience  in  the  Hfe  of  nations.  It  is 
really  the  fact,  that  our  "  day  "  stirs  and  heightens  our 
strength.  Only  when  challenged,  do  we  know  what  we  are 
capable  of.  Modern  psychology  tells  us  that  "  the  human 
individual  lives  usually  far  within  his  limits ;  he  possesses 
powers  of  various  sorts  which  he  habitually  fails  to  use.  He 
energizes  below  the  maximum,  and  he  behaves  below  his 
optimum. ' '  And  to  rise  to  our  maximum  and  optimum  we  need 
some  unusual  stimulus  or  some  unusual  idea  of  necessity. 

Jewish  history  has  revealed  this  truth  several  times.  One 
individual  or  another,  one  small  group  or  another — separated 
from  the  masses  of  the  people — may  fall  away  from  Jewry  ; 
whoever  can  do  that  to-day  has  never  belonged  to  it.  The 
majority,  however,  remain  loyal,  and  are  never  more  loyal 
than  in  times  of  stress.  The  illusion  is  destroyed  that 
a  man  can  live  a  truly  moral  life  in  a  time  of  trial  while 
he  is  only  a  spectator  of  the  life  of  society.  In  the  Jews, 
convulsed  by  the  events  of  the  war,  the  new  unity  of  Jewry 
showed  itself.  The  situation  was  so  serious,  so  full  of  menace 
for  all  that  we  hold  dear,  that  every  thinking  Jew  saw  that 
he  must  in  these  days  help  to  create  and  maintain  the  moral 
energies  which  alone  can  carry  him  through  the  crisis.  At 
this  time  the  Jew  had  a  duty  to  his  country  and  a  duty  to 
Judaism.  To  his  country  he  owed,  as  a  citizen,  duties  which 
could  not  be  shirked.  Every  support  was  to  be  given  to  all 
patriotic  efforts  for  the  prosperity,  the  victory,  and  the 
glory  of  the  country.  To  Judaism  he  owed  the  obligation  of 
securing  and  defending  not  only  the  existence,  but  also  the 
development  and  the  realization  of  its  traditional  ideals,  and 
of  strengthening  its  unity.  The  first  expression  of  this  unity 
was  an  increase  of  self -consciousness.  Jewry  was  affected  by 
the  war,  but  the  essential  problems  of  the  Jews  in  the 
modern  world  were  not  altered  by  the  war. 

When  we  speak  of  Jewry,  we  speak  of  a  living  historic, 
ethnic  and  cultural — although  not  poUtical — nationhood, 
existing  potentially  in  its  unity,  independently  of  the  Jewries 
of  the  countries  in  the  various  forms  of  their  divided  destinies, 
and  their  dissensions  at  the  present  moment.  We  strive  to 
fix  and  to  assure  it — as  far  as  external  conditions  allow  it — 

*  "  .  .  .  And  as  thy  days,  so  shall  thy  strength  be." — Deut.  xxxiii.  25. 


in  the  Diaspora.  And  when  we  wish  to  prepare  for  it  a  sort 
of  central  MetropoHs,  an  organic  chef-lieu  in  Palestine — we 
are  not  engaged  in  adding  one  more  nationality  to  the 
existing  nationalities  which  fight  against  and  watch  one 
another  suspiciously.  It  is  not  the  question  of  introducing 
Jewry  into  the  divisions  of  the  nations,  to  be  absorbed  by 
them,  and  thus  to  contribute  to  their  conflicts,  but  it  is 
rather  a  question  of  aiming  at  the  union  of  all  that  is  noble 
and  just  in  the  nations  and  in  ourselves.  We  want  our  own 
centre  of  simple  active  life,  because  the  spiritual  and  in- 
tellectual element  without  the  simple  active  hfe  degenerates 
into  subtlety  and  trickiness.  We  want — at  least,  for  a 
section  of  our  nationahty — normal  life,  with  its  variety  and 
interpretation  of  different  influences  of  Nature.  This  is  a 
question  in  which  every  Jew  should  be  interested,  because 
not  only  does  the  nobility  of  a  nation  depend  on  the  presence 
of  the  national  consciousness,  but  also  the  nobility  of  each 
individual.  Our  dignity  and  our  rectitude  are  proportioned 
to  our  sense  of  relationship  to  something  great,  admirable, 
pregnant  with  possibilities,  worthy  of  sacrifice,  a  continual 
inspiration  by  the  presentation  of  aims  larger  than  everyday 
life  and  personal  ease. 

^\^lat  was  the  attitude  of  the  Zionist  Organization  with 
regard  to  these  great  events  ?  Why  was  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization more  interested  in  the  war  than  any  other  section  of 
Jewry  ?  And  why  is  Zionism  at  present  more  up  to  date 
than  it  ever  was  ?  In  order  to  answer  properly  these  ques- 
tions we  have  to  cast  a  retrospective  glance  on  the  history 
of  the  last  twenty  years,  and  to  recall  to  the  minds  of  the 
readers  a  few  important  facts  which,  although  dealt  with  in 
this  work  in  previous  chapters,  must  be  again  reviewed  in 
their  connection  with  the  present  political  situation. 

Twenty  years  ago  several  hundred  Jews  from  all  parts  of 
the  world  met  in  the  Swiss  town  of  Basle  and  held  a  congress 
— the  first  Jewish  congress  in  history. 

A  strange  community  of  Jews,  a  representative  assembly 
of  the  great  Jewish  Diaspora — from  the  most  modern  Euro- 
pean writers  to  teachers  in  Talmud  colleges  in  small  Lithu- 
anian towns,  quiet  respectable  citizens  and  fiery  students, 
bankers  and  Hebrew  writers — representing  all  kinds  of 
civilization  and  all  languages — and,  nevertheless,  some  bond 
unified  the  whole. 

At  the  head  sat  a  man  of  the  kind  which  appears  Hke 
meteors  but  once  in  the  course  of  generations — Theodor 


Herzl.  A  sage,  a  hero,  a  leader  of  men,  an  artist  ?  Every- 
thing— even  more  than  everything — the  embodiment  of  an 
idea.  In  the  body  of  this  man  there  existed  a  soul,  and  that 
soul  was  Zionism. 

At  his  side  there  stood  (besides  other  worthies  whose 
titles  to  honour  w^e  may  not  here  Unger  to  mention)  a  tribune 
of  the  people,  in  the  person  of  Max  Nordau — another  famous 
man  only  just  awakened  suddenly  and  with  great  power  to 
his  Jewish  nationahty. 

There  the  veil  was  torn  away  from  the  tragedy  of  the  Jews. 
There  it  was  stated  that  the  Jewish  problem  was  a  disease, 
and  that  against  a  disease  one  should  not  protest  and  struggle 
wildly,  but  one  ought  to  cure  it.  Moreover,  it  was  said  that 
at  times  one  cannot  heal  a  wound  except  by  cauterizing  it. 
And  all  were  agreed  that  it  was  not  a  good  plan  to  postpone 
difficulties,  but  on  the  contrary  that  they  should  be  antici- 

Speakers  there  indicated  the  "  Galuth  " — the  serpent  with 
a  thousand  coils.  And  they  pointed  to  the  Land  of  Israel,  to 
freedom,  to  redemption. 

In  the  Land  of  Israel,  it  was  there  affirmed,  Zionism  could 
become  a  hving  reahty. 

Nothing  new  indeed  was  there  discovered.  It  was  simply 
stated  that  two  and  two  make  four. 

Out  of  the  vocabulary  of  modern  poHtical  nomenclature 
the  word  "  national  "  was  adopted.  Is  Zionism  national  ? 
Certainly.  It  can  also  be  called  '*  human  "  ;  perhaps  still 
more  simply,  "  natural."  Let  us  learn,  however,  from 
Nature,  in  its  simpHcity  and  honesty,  which  knows  of  no 
sophistries  nor  manoeuvring. 

We  Jews  have  become  again  children  of  Nature.  There 
exist  species  in  Nature.  The  eagle  does  not  toil  for 
the  pike  nor  the  lion  for  the  cat ;  neither  can  the  light 
of  the  stars  replace  that  of  the  sun.  Each  fulfils  its  own 
purpose,  and  thence  results  the  sum  total.  Behold  the 
trees  and  the  standing  corn — ^would  they  be  so  splendidly 
developed,  so  rich  and  so  fresh  in  their  growth,  if  they 
were  forcibly  mixed  and  mingled  together  so  that  one 
drew  its  sap  from  the  other  ?  They  are  flourishing  and  rich 
and  beautiful,  because  each  keeps  its  own  natural  form  and 
each  draws  its  nourishment  from  the  breast  of  mother  earth. 
"  Give  us  our  country,"  said  the  Zionists.  "  Give  it  to  us 
for  our  exiled  and  wandering  ones,  who  unwilUngly  find 
themselves  mingled  in  the  great  seething  pot  of  assimilation. 


who  drag  themselves  from  place  to  place.  Give  it  to  us  for 
those  who  long  and  thirst  for  another  kind  of  hfe  ;  our 
garments,  our  bread,  and  our  freedom  we  do  not  wish  to  have 
as  alms.  We  wish  to  work  and  to  obtain  the  fruits  of  our 
honest  labour.  We  love  that  little  country  ;  waters  cannot 
quench  and  streams  cannot  drown  our  love  for  it.  Our  love 
has  the  power  to  move  mountains,  it  is  stronger  than  all 
material  obstacles.  We  demand  a  peaceful  spot  for  our 
future  and  for  our  children  who  are  becoming  lost  to  us. 
Beholding  this  misery,  we  are  wilhng  to  sacrifice  ourselves. 
Even  a  she-wolf  throws  herself  against  danger  to  protect  her 
young  ones.  Shall  our  love  be  weaker  then  than  that  of  a 
wolf  ?  And  shall  those  whom  we  love  be  worse  off  than  the 
offspring  of  animals  ?  We  want  to  rend  asunder  our  chains, 
to  blot  out  the  mark  of  serfdom  upon  us,  and  win  for  our- 
selves true  human  rights,  and  the  privilege  of  hving  equal 
to  others,  by  honest  toil." 

This  was  the  Jewish  claim — the  demand  put  by  Zionists 
to  the  world.  And  then  the  world  turned  against  us, 
especially  the  little  Jewish  world. 

We  shall  not  talk  about  the  levity,  the  insolence,  the 
egotism,  nor  about  those  satiated  folk  who  philosophize 
with  their  stomachs,  nor  about  those  others  who  do  not 
know  their  own  minds,  whose  shallow  little  heads  float  hke 
foam  in  any  current.  We  do  not  talk  about  those  idle  jesters 
who  have  found  another  opportunity  of  showing  the  sad  wit 
of  the  Ghetto  which  takes  pleasure  in  ridicuhng  and  despising 
one's  own  self.  Indeed  even  respectable,  serious  and  honest, 
though  unfortunately  shortsighted  and  obstinate  men,  who 
imagined  themselves  enthusiastic  concerning  Judaism,  kind- 
hearted  but  automatic  leaders  of  Jewish  communal  life  who, 
though  philosophizing  about  mankind,  are  inwardly  divided 
from  their  own  people,  came  to  us  with  **  fatherly  "  advice, 
with  moral  lectures,  with  sonorous  phrases  about  humanity. 
They  wanted  to  destroy  most  quickly,  annihilate  and  ex- 
tinguish the  "  dangerous  chimaera,"  the  "  reaction,"  the 
"  chauvinism,"  the  "  Sabbatai-Zvi'ism,"  the  **  decay  of 
religion,"  "  religious  fanaticism,"  "  tribalism,"  and  all  the 
other  things  they  ascribed  to  Zionism  in  their  political 
delusion  and  contradictory  nomenclature. 

"  You  must  scatter  yourselves  all  over  the  world,"  they 
said,  "  just  as  a  handful  of  seeds,  scattered  by  the  wind, 
germinate,  grow  and  ripen,  all  in  different  spots,  replenishing 
the  earth  with  their  fruits  !     What  do  you  want  with  a 


country  of  your  own  ?  You  are  made  for  something  better  I 
To  be  priests,  teachers  of  ethics,  missionaries  of  God — that 
is  a  higher  ambition  !  Your  contribution  to  mankind  is 
social  justice  and  the  brotherhood  of  men.  Why  be  a  nation 
and  for  what  purpose  ?  You  will  be  great  in  the  memory  of 
peoples.  You  have  earned  a  golden  throne  in  history's 
temple  of  fame.    You  have  been,  to-day  you  are  no  more  !  " 

The  Zionists  replied :  *'  We  want  to  live.  We  know 
better  than  you  do  what  we  are  able  to  do,  and  how  we  ought 
to  influence  mankind  ;  but  we  do  not  wish  to  abdicate,  we 
do  not  wish  to  be  destroyed  like  a  broken  vessel,  whose 
contents  have  run  out  and  have  drained  into  the  soil  without 
leaving  a  trace.  We  do  not  want  to  be  lost  like  a  falHng  star, 
which  for  a  time  had  shone  brightly  in  space,  only  to  sink 
into  nothingness.  Our  star  is  not  yet  dead.  Our  ambitions 
are  not  very  high,  but  they  are  based  on  reality.  We  do  not 
want  to  be  an  exception,  and  we  want  to  be  excused  from 
such  a  *  priesthood.'  We  want  to  create  a  sound  settlement, 
a  strong  centre  where  we  can  develop  our  own  nature  and 
our  character  to  the  highest  and  purest  perfection.  Should 
the  world  wish  to  learn  from  us  and  accept  our  influence,  we 
shall  place  no  obstacles  ;  on  the  contrary,  we  shall  be  glad 
of  it.  But  to  drag  ourselves  from  place  to  place,  to  be  the 
scapegoat  of  every  '  Azazel,'  and  the  sacrificial  lamb  for 
every  calamity,  to  mix  everywhere  with  others,  to  lose  more 
and  more  that  which  is  our  own  personality,  and  to  imagine 
that  we  are  a  sort  of  schoolmaster  for  everyone — for  such 
imposture  we  are  too  honest,  for  such  megalomania  we  are 
of  too  normal  a  mentaUty,  and,  morally,  too  modest.  We 
do  not  want  to  be  driven  ad  majorem  Dei  gloriam  (for  God's 
greater  glory)  or  to  be  intermingled  with  others.  We  do  not 
want  to  be  like  the  goose  that  was  offered  the  choice  of  being 
either  roasted,  stewed,  or  boiled.  Neither  do  we  wish  to 
have  lavished  upon  us  the  pity  given  to  old  people, 
because  it  is  certain  that  they  will  not  for  long  con- 
tinue to  disturb  the  peace  of  the  living.  We  are  old, 
it  is  true,  but  on  that  account  we  are  experienced. 
From  Pharaoh  and  Balaam  to  the  foreign  Antiochus 
[Epiphanes]  {oh.  164  h.c.e.)  and  our  own  Jason, ^  from  the 
Hellenists  to  the  modern  Assimilationists,  we  have  been 
constantly  invited,  as  the  spider  invited  the  fly  into  her 

»  rein*  or  Jesus,  High  Priest  from  174-171  b.c.e.,  brother  of  the  High 
Priest.     N»3in  =  N^Jin:,  Onias  iii. 


parlour,  just  to  get  it  entangled  in  her  web  and  afterwards 
to  suck  it  dry.  No  !  a  thousand  times  no  !  And  if  you  say 
the  Land  of  Israel  is  of  no  value  to  any  one,  then  you  are  not 
speaking  in  our  name  !  Speak  for  yourselves  alone  !  For 
you  the  Land  of  Israel  means  perchance  only  a  cemetery,  a 
legend,  an  amulet,  an  archseological  relic  ;  for  us  its  every 
pebble  and  grain  of  sand  is  beloved,  not  only  in  a  spirit  of 
worship  and  of  inactive  enthusiasm,  but  also  as  a  necessity 
to  our  life  labour.  And  if  you  believe  that  the  Jewish  people 
are  of  a  similar  species  to  the  Mammoth  and  the  Mega- 
therium, which  have  been  devoted  to  extinction,  then  please 
speak  only  for  yourselves  !  Perhaps  the  sense  of  Jewish 
nationahty  in  you  has  gone  to  sleep  or  has  even  died 
entirely.  That  is  your  own  affair,  a  personal  question  which 
you  have  to  fight  out  with  your  own  selves.  In  us  it  is  alive, 
suffering,  fighting,  clamouring  !  Zionism  is  the  movement 
of  the  Jewish  people  to  reconstitute  itself  and  to  collect 
again  its  scattered  members,  to  provide  Judaism,  the  Jewish 
spirit,  the  Jewish  soul,  with  a  home  once  again  after  two 
thousand  years  of  exile  and  of  wandering.  Zionism  is  the 
struggle  of  the  Jewish  people  to  preserve  its  existence. 
Zionism  feels  that  the  raison  d'etre  of  Judaism  is  not  ended, 
that  the  Jewish  race  can  still  contribute  its  share  towards 
the  raising  of  humanity,  but  to  enable  it  to  do  so  more 
efficiently,  in  an  organized  form,  and  in  accordance  with  its 
own  natural  affinities  and  historic  traditions,  a  Jewish 
milieu  is  necessary.  To  create  such  a  Jewish  milieu  is  the 
purpose  of  the  Zionist  movement.  Such  a  Jewish  milieu 
can  take  root  in  one  land  and  one  land  only,  for  there  is  one 
land  only  that  has  a  real  glorious  Jewish  history  and  Jewish 
past.    That  land  is  the  Land  of  Israel !  " 

Both  parties  had  exhausted  the  discussion — and,  as  is 
usual  in  such  cases,  did  not  succeed  in  convincing  each  other. 
Then  they  each  went  their  own  way. 

The  Zionists  began  to  build  straightway.  No  other 
colonial  settlement  in  the  world  is  of  nobler  birth  than  ours 
in  Palestine.  Tradition  relates  that  young  Rome  was  fed  by 
a  she- wolf .  Some  day  it  will  be  told  in  legends  that  our  new 
settlement  on  old  foundations  was  fed  by  a  turtle-dove,  by 
love,  faithfulness,  kindhness,  and  brotherhness.  Not  wild 
animals,  but  angels,  stood  round  its  cradle.  Muses  and  Graces 
illuminated  and  crowned  the  morning  star  of  its  noble  child- 
hood. Jewish  thinkers  Hke  Leo  Pinsker,  Perez  Smolenskin, 
David  Gordon;    enthusiastic  leaders  and  many  others — 


a  kind  of  Jewish  Puritan  pioneers,  the  "  Bilu  " — had  started 
to  build  up  the  settlement  even  before  our  first  and  greatest, 
our  immortal  founder  and  leader  of  modern  Zionism, 
Theodor  Herzl,  had  drawn  up  our  programme,  created  our 
organization,  founded  our  institutions,  and  had  given  us  the 
impetus,  method  and  form  of  the  Zionist  movement. 

The  success  of  a  wonderful,  personal,  magnetic  power,  the 
method  of  large-scale  propaganda,  the  labour  through 
relations  with  Governments  had  for  a  certain  time  given 
Zionism  a  political  bias.  More  considered  and  every- 
day experience,  on  the  contrary,  pointed  to  a  slow  method 
of  practical  labour.  Different  parties  amongst  the  Zionists 
opposed  one  another,  and  we  need  not  be  ashamed  of  that. 
Jews  are  inclined  to  freedom  in  all  their  spiritual  tendencies, 
they  do  not  easily  submit  to  formulae,  they  criticize,  analyse, 
and  search  for  the  truth.  Finally,  the  whole  struggle  was 
reduced  to  a  question  of  tactics.  Whether  one  attempts  to 
reach  the  goal  by  means  of  the  plough,  plantations,  schools, 
literature,  or  propaganda,  it  is  a  question  of  time  and  circum- 
stances. And  the  essential  truth  was,  that  all  means  must 
be  employed. 

What  was  the  result  ?  The  net  balance  was  not  great ; 
forty  settlements,  some  farms,  co-operative  societies,  Tel 
Aviv,  the  new  Achuzoth,  the  Carmel,  the  Pardes,  the 
Aggudath  N'iaim,  modern  machines  ;  new  methods  of  work 
introduced  not  only  among  Jews,  but  also  among  Arabs ; 
malaria  centres  disinfected  ;  the  best  conditions  for  planting 
studied  in  experimental  institutions  ;  our  banks,  the  Bezalel, 
public  health  centres,  the  music  school,  two  well-filled 
secondary  schools,  the  girls'  school  in  Jaffa,  the  Tach'kmoni 
school  in  the  same  place,  the  Petach-Tikwah  school  of 
agriculture,  the  settlement  schools,  the  committee  organiza- 
tion of  the  settlements,  the  workers'  associations,  the 
teachers'  union,  the  Hebrew  newspapers  and  Uterature,  the 
"  Houses  of  the  People  " — these  represent  what  Choveve 
Zion,  Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild  and  the  Zionists  have 
created,  and  what  we  call  the  new  colonization  of  Palestine. 
The  earher  rivalries  have  vanished.  The  ChovevS  Zion  and 
the  Zionists  are  at  one  as  to  the  policy  of  Zionism.  The 
Zionist  Palestine  office  in  Jaffa  is  the  head-quarters  of  the 
work  of  colonisation.  The  struggle  for  Hebrew  has  shown 
how  Palestine  is  becoming  more  and  more  an  intellectual 
centre.  The  visit  of  Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild  to 
Palestine  in   1913  had  set  the   seal   upon   this  unanim- 


ity.  Even  the  blind  could  perceive  that  a  true  Jewish 
Home  was  in  process  of  estabhshment.  No  further  argu- 
ments were  needed.  The  Jewish  population  in  the 
land,  although  a  minority,  is  the  only  one  that  is 
growing  and  has  grown  during  the  past  generation.  It 
is  the  only  progressive  population  in  the  land,  the  others 
are  stationary  in  regard  to  numbers.  Let  any  one  go  to 
Palestine,  not  on  one  of  Cook's  lightning  tours,  but  as  a  Jew 
to  the  land  of  Israel ;  let  him  remain  in  the  settlements  but 
a  few  weeks — that  will  be  a  certain  cure  for  anti-Zionism. 
If  it  should  happen  that  any  one  could  not  be  cured  even  in 
this  way,  then  he  must  unfortunately  be  regarded  as  incur- 
able. We,  however,  know  of  a  great  many  that  have  been 

Thus  the  organization  grew.  It  is  sufficient  to  compare 
the  beautiful  first  Basle  Congress  of  1897  with  the  enormous 
Vienna  Congress  of  19 13  ;  it  is  sufficient  to  compare  the 
phantom  Jewish  National  Fund  of  1899  with  the  existing 
Jewish  National  Fund,  which  can  show  an  annual  income  of 
over  two  miUion  francs  ;  it  is  sufficient  to  compare  the  two 
or  three  Zionist  pamphlets  of  eighteen  years  ago  with  the 
Zionist  press  and  literature  in  existence  to-day. 

Thus  Zionism  has  grown  to  what  it  is  to-day  for  the 
Jewish  people  :  a  spring  of  Hfe,  a  signpost,  the  foundation 
of  a  mighty  edifice. 

In  a  few  words  the  author  can  give  the  essence  of  the 
personal  impressions  which  he  received  during  the  course  of 
his  three  months'  stay  in  Palestine,  in  1913,  before  the  war : 
a  model  factory  of  modern  Jewish  national  Hfe ;  a  nursery 
for  rearing  the  fruitful  parent-stems  for  the  blossoming  tree 
of  a  living  Hebraism  ;  a  laboratory  for  sociological  experi- 
ments in  self-help  and  self-government  in  Jewish  economic 
life  ;  a  compendium  of  elements  and  corner-stones  for  the 
erection  of  the  Home  ;  a  systematic,  laborious,  slow  pre- 
paration of  the  preliminary  conditions  for  a  great,  healthy, 
original  Jewish  province  ;  the  genesis  of  a  new  world,  natur- 
ally with  many  defects,  with  many  premature  and  unripe 
attempts,  but  that  was  just  most  beautiful  and  most 
natural  in  people  who  search  and  strive  and  venture.  And 
all  this  was  enhghtened  by  a  clear  understanding,  and  glowed 
with  a  youthful  national  enthusiasm.  That  is  what  Jewish 
colonization  in  Palestine  is. 

Do  not  try  and  count  it  over  !  The  wisdom  of  the  multi- 
plication table  is  too  dull  to  be  able  to  estimate  it.    Do  not 


try  and  weigh  it !  On  the  great  scales  of  history  a  single  unit 
sometimes  weighs  down  a  hundred  thousand  !  Enjoy  it,  as 
one  enjoys  art,  or  as  the  free  soul  becomes  intoxicated  with 
and  rejoices  in  freedom.  As  musical  natures  become  en- 
raptured with  music,  so  national  natures  become  enraptured 
with  national  life. 

And  if  you  will  have  net  results,  then  do  not  forget  one 
thing,  namely,  that  all  this  has  been  done,  not  by  the  entire 
Jewish  people,  but  by  a  small  handful  of  Jews.  When  this 
small  handful  has  become  the  entire  people,  then  this  edifice 
will  grow  even  grander.  Palestine  is  a  land  that  stretches 
forth  its  hands  to  the  future.  For  two  thousand  years  it  has 
been  ravaged  by  war  and  by  misgovernment,  until  a  country 
that  was  once  famous  throughout  the  world  for  its  fertility, 
has  become  a  desert  land,  degenerate  from  lack  of  culti- 
vation. According  to  the  statistics  of  the  Ottoman  Board 
of  Trade  less  than  9  per  cent  of  the  area  of  European  Turkey 
has  been  brought  under  cultivation,  and  still  less  of  Turkey 
in  Asia.  There  are  in  Palestine  twenty-seven  inhabitants 
to  the  square  kilometre,  and  in  the  valley  of  the  Jordan  four  ; 
while  in  the  irrigated  districts  of  neighbouring  Egypt  ten 
thousand  are  concentrated  within  the  same  area.  Why 
should  not  Palestine  be  resettled  hke  Egypt  ?  Why 
should  it  not  be  made  a  happy  home  for  an  unfortunate 
people  ? 

Now  the  Zionists,  after  twenty  years  of  work,  plead  their 
case  again.  They  have  not  succeeded  in  putting  an  end  to 
the  "  Galuth."  Their  opponents  maintain  that  they  had 
overestimated  their  strength.  Perhaps  so,  but  this  does 
not  prove  that  their  labours  have  been  to  no  purpose.  They 
have  laid  a  few  foundation  stones,  they  have  shown  the 

They  defend  their  cause  in  the  midst  of  a  hell-fire.  Our 
ancient  people  that  has  lived  so  long,  has  now  experienced 
the  greatest  of  wars,  such  as  has  never  been  in  the  world 
before.  We  hve  to-day  in  the  most  critical  period  of  the 
world's  history.  It  has  been  our  lot  to  share  in  the  greatest 
drama  which  humanity  has  as  yet  lived  through,  not  only  as 
spectators,  but  also  as  actors.  The  history  of  this  world  war 
is  written  in  letters  of  blood  on  the  ancient  and  holy  parch- 
ment, on  the  brow  of  the  Jew.  No  seismograph  has  indi- 
cated beforehand  the  coming  of  this  earthquake,  of  this  out- 
burst of  the  volcano  of  the  nations.  But  one  thing  the  Zionists 
have  foreseen :  the  force  of  national  consciousness ;  the  flood 



of  hate,  our  pitiful  situation,  which  cause  every  storm  to 
tear  away  the  ground  from  under  our  feet. 

Herzl  had  written  his  first  pamphlet  under  the  influence 
of  the  Dreyfus  affair.  That  cry  of  twenty  years  ago  thunders 
now  in  unison  with  the  cries  of  mothers,  wives,  orphans, 
from  underneath  the  pyres  and  ruins  which  in  their  brutal 
reaUty  leave  the  worst  imaginings  of  a  Jeremiah  far  behind. 
The  dead  arise  from  their  graves,  covered  with  blood, 
trampled  in  the  dust,  with  the  fiery  name  of  God,  the 
*'  Shaddai,"  on  their  pale  foreheads,  and  they  demand  to  be 
heard.    They  lament,  and  say  : 

"Vainly  we  strove  to  secure  a  little  life — we  could  not 
grasp  it.  Withered  with  sufferings,  with  pain  and  injury, 
shivering  and  frozen  with  cold,  we  used  to  hug  the  earth 
closely,  but  it  would  not  give  us  warmth.  We  were  teachers 
of  the  most  ancient  peoples,  but  death  and  insult  were  the 
recompense  paid  us  by  our  pupils.  We  shone  like  the  stars, 
but  we  were  treated  like  silkworms,  which  have  to  die,  so 
soon  as  they  have  spun  the  fine  web  of  their  threads,  so  soon 
as  they  have  drawn  forth  and  sacrificed  their  life-blood — 
they  have  fulfilled  their  duty,  and  farewell ! 

"  On  our  shoulders  we  bore  the  burdens  of  our  masters' 
interests,  just  as  the  sea  bears  the  Httle  fishing-boats  on  its 
waves.  We  were  more  faithful  in  guarding  their  property  than 
dogs  are.  For  the  labour  which  we  performed,  for  our  hard 
and  humble  services,  for  the  sacrifice  of  all  our  strength  on 
their  altars,  for  the  resigned  and  patient  suffering  of  all  the 
tortures  of  exile,  we  did  not  receive  even  the  reward  of 
protection  extended  to  the  beast  of  burden,  to  the  cow,  or 
to  the  sheep  for  its  wool.  Deprived  of  all  human  rights,  even 
stripped  of  the  scantiest  rags  of  toleration,  we  wandered  and 
fell  under  the  iron  yoke  of  serfdom,  like  a  weary  and  im- 
potent herd  of  cattle  driven  over  rocks  and  brambles.  They 
felled  us  as  a  forest  is  felled,  and  we  went  down  without  the 
slightest  possibility  of  suitable  self-protection,  with  the  dull 
thud  of  an  old  oak  prostrated  by  a  storm,  yet  with  the  pain 
of  bereaved,  insulted  and  humbled  human  beings.  We  are 
the  victims  not  of  the  war,  but  of  the  '  Galuth/  Let  no 
one  talk  to  us  about  Belgium,  Serbia.  Theirs  is  the  well- 
known  scourge  of  mankind  taking  the  shape  of  tyranny, 
militarism,  war.  Had  we  suffered  only  from  these  things, 
then  we  should  have  suffered  but  in  common  with  others! 
Our  misery,  however,  is  of  a  peculiar  kind.  It  is  a  double 
misery  :   we  suffer  with  the  rest,  and  in  addition  we  suffer 


specially  as  a  people  without  a  country.  Belgium  and 
Serbia  and  Montenegro  are  nations  with  countries  of  their 
own  ;  they  cannot  be  annihilated,  they  must  be  restored. 
We  envy  Belgium  in  her  misfortune,  and  sorely  assailed 
Serbia ;  we  behold  the  strength  and  health  of  the  Polish 
peasant.  Truly,  he  has  been  ruined  for  the  time  being,  but 
he  has  his  country,  and  though  he  has  been  driven  away  ten 
times  by  the  fury  of  war  he  will  return,  and  once  again  plant 
himself  on  his  native  soil,  where  his  golden  corn  will  grow 
again.  Not  only  could  he  not  be  uprooted,  but  he  will  re- 
gain more  than  he  had  lost :  a  new,  free,  independent 
Poland  ! 

"  Ever)^where  the  rights  of  nations  are  triumphant.  Let  it 
not  be  said  that  only  countries  that  had  been  stolen  fifty  or 
a  hundred  years  ago  shall  be  returned  to  their  former  lawful 
owners.  Whoever  says  so,  falsifies  history,  either  intention- 
ally or  unintentionally.  The  right  of  the  Greeks  to  Greece  is 
also  a  right  which  has  remained  through  thousands  of  years. 
The  right  of  the  Armenians  to  Armenia  has  also  been  sup- 
pressed by  force  throughout  the  centuries.  And  yet  these 
rights  will  be  granted.  Let  it  not  be  said  either,  that  a 
nation  robbed  of  the  country  must  have  remained  on  its 
native  soil,  or  otherwise  it  will  have  lost  its  rights.  That  is 
not  true.  More  Greeks  live  outside  Greece  than  in  Greece, 
and  there  are  still  other  nations,  the  majority  of  whose 
citizens  dwell  outside  the  frontiers  of  their  old  home.  Nor 
let  it  be  said  that  it  is  sufficient  to  grant  equal  rights  to  man- 
kind. Were  not  equal  rights  given  to  the  Greeks — and 
yet  the  problem  was  not  solved  till  Greece  redeemed  herself  ! 

"We,  the  orphans,  the  disinherited,  the  playthings  in 
history's  sports,  the  step-children  of  a  world  founded  on 
nationaUties — we  summon  the  world  before  the  high  court 
of  history. 

"  For  two  thousand  years  past  they  put  us  off  with  excuses 
and  false  promises.  Civilization  has  been  progressing  for 
thousands  of  years  :  mankind  now  flies  loftier  than  the  eagle^ 
and  dives  deeper  than  the  Leviathan.  Has  it  become  better 
for  us  ?  Have  we  not  remained  the  same  scapegoats  from 
the  time  of  Rome  to  the  Crusades,  from  these  to  the  '  Haida- 
maks,'  and  from  them  to  the  Pogroms  of  the  present 
day  ? 

"  We,  the  wandering  souls,  demand  our  rest.  Enough  of 
wanderings  and  being  bandied  about !  Give  us  back  our 
body,    our    country !     We   want  to   be   equal   with   the 



rest,  suffer  with  the  rest,  fight  with  the  rest,  hve  with 
the  rest." 

Thus  lament  the  dead,  teaching  the  Hving.  Will  the  world 
not  Hsten  to  them  ? 

"  What  do  you  wish  ?  "  the  Zionists  are  asked.  They 
reply  :  We  want  a  home  in  the  land  of  Israel.  On  the  day 
of  Judgment,  when  every  historical  right — from  the  smallest 
to  the  greatest — is  announced,  elevated,  proclaimed,  and 
demanded  ;  when  even  the  weakest,  the  most  doubtful 
claims  of  half-forgotten  and  but  recently-awakened  httle 
peoples,  based  on  old,  torn,  ambiguous  and  now  scarcely 
legible  documents  and  traditions,  assert  themselves  and  de- 
mand rights  of  ownership  ;  when  history  takes  its  place  as 
judge  on  the  throne  of  justice,  and  the  national  territorial 
idea  is  accepted  as  the  world's  code,  in  order  to  resolve  every 
doubt  and  to  arbitrate  every  dispute ;  when  the  great  in  power 
penitently  declare  that  every  injustice,  especially  towards 
suffering  peoples,  must  be  righted  ;  when  these  things  come 
to  pass,  then  (we  Zionists  say)  the  Jewish  people  is  in 
duty  bound  to  proclaim  its  old,  holy,  historical  right  to  the 
heritage  of  its  heroes,  its  prophets,  its  civilization,  its 
religion,  its  language,  and  its  labours ! 

It  is  an  ancient  right,  but  it  has  not  lapsed.  It  is  the 
ancient  oath,  the  ancient  covenant.  No  right  has  been 
earned  more  honourably.  None  has  been  paid  for  with  more 
and  nobler  blood.  None  is  so  highly  estabhshed  and  deeply 

In  order  not  to  lay  itself  open  to  a  verdict  of  letting  its 
claim  go  by  default,  the  Jewish  people  will  have  to  proclaim 
its  immortal  right  to  the  land  of  Israel.  It  is  the  sacred  duty- 
right  of  loyal  children  towards  their  parents.  Not  to  demand 
the  land  of  Israel  means  that  we  tacitly  waive  our  rights  to 

^it,  and  this  means  a  waiving  of  our  rights  to  everything  : 
tradition,  honour,  justice,  the  law  of  Moses,  and  the  general 
historical  idea. 
We  don't  trust  a  man  who  denies  his  mother,  however 
much  of  a  patriot  he  may  be  in  his  country.  He  is  an 
opportunist,  but  no  patriot,  because  patriotism  is  ideahsm. 
Nothing  will  daunt  us  in  our  resolve  to  proclaim  solemnly 
our  historical  right  and  to  demand  it  with  all  our  energy. 
Do  not  trouble  us  with  intimidations,  on  the  score  of  a  pos- 
sible growth  of  anti-Semitism,  and  so  on !  These  fears  are 
senseless.  Anti-Semitism  is  a  consequence  not  of  Zionism,  but 
of  the  "  Galuth."    Those  who  have  the  courage  of  their  con- 


victions  and  a  sense  of  honour,  are  not  to  be  influenced  by 
craven  fears.  Our  duty  it  is  to  proclaim  our  right,  and  we 
shall  fulfil  this  duty.  Will  this  bring  us  sufferings  ?  Good  : 
we  are  prepared  for  that.  Martyrs  from  of  old  as  we  are,  we 
have  been  through  fire  and  water  during  thousands  of  years, 
we  have  been  the  target  of  every  attack,  the  victims  of  every 
persecution,  and  we  fear  no  chicanery  when  it  is  a  question 
of  fulfiUing  a  holy  duty  of  our  conscience. 

Whoever  understands  Zionism,  knows  it  is  not  our  inten- 
tion to  raise  conflicts.  We  stand  for  a  peaceful  movement. 
We  began  in  a  time  of  peace  and  we  desire  to  renew  our  work 
and  substantially  to  enlarge  it,  in  the  coming  time  of  peace. 
We  did  not  wish  to  harm  anyone,  to  wrong  anyone,  and  we 
wish  to  do  so  still  less,  if  possible,  now  than  before.  We  wish 
to  make  our  country  a  model  of  social  justice  and  human 
brotherhood  ;  the  spirit  of  our  prophets  shall  fill  our  land, 
and  the  ancient  Hebrew  genius  shall  there  have  its  dwelling- 

We  certainly,  not  less  than  all  the  other  Jews  and  all  just 
men,  are  strongly  interested  and  are  anxious  that  we,  wher- 
ever we  live,  wherever  we  are,  and  wish  to  be  citizens, 
should  have  our  rights  secured.  Where  the  Jews  are  not  yet 
emancipated,  they  shall  be  emancipated  ;  where  they  are 
but  half  emancipated,  their  emancipation  shall  be  completed 
and  perfected  ;  and  where  they  are  already  emancipated, 
their  emancipation  shall  be  in  no  way  checked  or  diminished. 
This  question  of  rights  we  had  better  formulate  in  the  follow- 
ing manner :  Not  that  rights  should  be  given  us,  but  that 
our  rights  shall  no  longer  be  filched  away,  restricted 
and  encroached  upon  wherever  we  have  our  domicile, 
wherever  we  fulfil  our  duties,  and  bear  all  burdens 
in  order  to  defend  the  soil  of  the  country  to  the  death  ; 
wherever  we  work,  live,  and  die  together  with  its  other  in- 
habitants. Not  that  we  should  be  emancipated,  but  that 
people  should  emancipate  themselves  from  the  instinct  of 
persecution,  from  mahce,  from  envy,  which  find  expres- 
sion in  various  forms  :  in  pogroms,  in  boycott,  in  social 
ostracism,  in  open  or  masked  disabihties  ;  that  we  should 
not  be  shut  up  in  cages  like  wild  animals,  whether  it  be  in 
the  brutal  form  of  SiGheUo,  a  "  pale  of  settlement,"  or  in  the 
more  subtle  form  of  social  exclusion  and  coldly  poHte  hypo- 
critical repulse  :  whether  it  be  finally,  in  that  cunning  form 
not  of  Anti-Semitism,  but  of  Asemitism  which  declares 
that,  as  in  the  case  of  poisons,  the  country  can  at  best 


absorb  only  a  limited  quantity  of  Jews,  while  any  excess  is 

If  the  civilized  world  really  intends  to  make  an  end  of  war, 
then,  also,  this  war  against  the  Jews  must  not  be  over- 
looked. It  is  a  war  in  time  of  peace,  a  war  that  has  not  the 
heroic  character  of  a  struggle  between  two  opponents  equal 
in  arms,  but  the  character  of  a  systematic  and  brutal 
oppression  of  the  weak  by  the  strong. 

That  is  the  problem  of  the  rights  of  the  Jews  in  the 
countries  of  the  Diaspora  1 

Some  sophists  have,  in  their  speculative,  casuistical  way, 
evolved  a  strange  doctrine.  They  assert,  that  when  the 
'  Jews  surrender  their  claims  to  the  land  of  Israel,  when  they 
deny  their  own  nationality,  then  they  will  "  receive  rights." 
Pedants  and  arm-chair  theorists  as  they  are,  they  paint  in 
their  luxurious  imagination  a  picture  that  recalls  the  classical 
example  of  Paris  with  the  apple  :  in  one  hand,  Palestine  ; 
in  the  other,  rights  in  the  Diaspora.  And  as  they  point  to 
this  picture,  they  cry  out  to  the  Jews  :  Choose  !  One  or  the 
other ! 

Such  pictures  may  please  children,  but  not  grown-up 
men — since  children  are  innocent  and  do  not  understand  the 
laws  of  logic.  There  are  no  two  kinds  of  truth,  nor  of  justice, 
only  one.  If  justice  is  done  to  us,  then  our  right  to  Palestine 
will  be  recognized,  and  we  shall  also  be  left  in  peace  in  the 

Be  assured  the  Land  of  Israel  will  not  injure  our  situa- 
tion in  the  Diaspora.  Only  Zionism,  not  self -betrayal,  is 
calculated  to  lend  us  authority  and  prestige  in  the  world. 
Avoid  the  old  error,  avoid  renunciation,  stand  true  to  your 
flag,  to  righteousness,  like  men  ! 

We  are  asked.  What  are  your  politics  ?  Others  say  that 
pohtics  should  be  indeed  excluded.  Zionism  must  be  only 
either  colonization  or  a  spiritual  movement.  We  must  be 
Zionists  in  colonization,  in  the  spirit,  and  in  religion.  In 
what  each  says,  there  is  some  truth.  The  error  Hes  only  in 
the  fact  that  in  each  of  these  assertions,  a  partial  truth 
claims  to  represent  the  whole  truth.  Zionism  is  not  a  part ; 
it  is  the  totality,  the  sum,  the  synthesis  of  these  efforts. 

However  little  Zionists  wish  to  enter  into  politics  they 
cannot  close  their  eyes  to  the  fact  that  Zionism  is — at  least, 
in  part — a  pohtical  problem.  However  spiritual  its  argu- 
ments, its  origins  and  its  motives  may  be,  however  meta- 
physical its  aims  may  be,  and  however  much  its  methods 


may  accordingly  strive  to  remain  pure,  neverthless,  it  is 
concerned  with  the  problem  of  people  desiring  to  settle  in  a 
particular  country,  under  a  particular  form  of  social  life. 
They,  consequently,  have  to  strive  for  a  certain  degree  of 
political  self-government,  whether  it  be  high  or  low,  and 
thus  they  must  come  into  relations  with  other  groups  and 
states  already  in  existence,  already  formed,  already  in 
possession  and  having  rights.  The  boundaries  of  rights  will 
have  to  be  drawn  up,  and  these  will  soon  become  frontiers  of 
existing  spheres  of  influences,  and  these  again,  later  on,  will 
need  to  grow  to  new  forms.  Even  if  Zionism  should  devote 
itself  entirely  and  with  absolute  exclusiveness  to  spiritual 
matters,  its  centre  of  colonization  will  have  a  political  aspect, 
which  must  be  developed  as  such.  It  is  a  good  thing  that 
the  war  has  thrust  political  temptations  upon  Zionism. 
Nothing  can  become  of  greater  advantage  to  it,  than  that 
it  should  always  grow  more  clearly  conscious  of  being  some- 
thing practical,  the  creator  of  hfe,  of  being  conditioned  and 
Hmited  by  frontiers,  and  not  that  it  should  simply  fill  the  role 
of  redressing  grievances  from  a  single  point. 

The  Zionist  policy  must  always  be  controlled  by  the 
national  idea.  Great  changes  will  arise  in  the  poHtical 
situation  in  the  world,  the  extent  of  which  cannot  as  yet  be 
surveyed  in  detail.  But  one  thing  is  already  certain  ;  the 
national,  the  historical  idea  will  be  victorious.  The  people 
that  suffer  most,  the  small  and  weak  people,  must  weigh  on 
the  scales  of  the  coming  changes  in  proportion  not  only  to 
their  physical  strength,  but  also  to  their  moral  strength,  and 
in  proportion  to  the  intensity  of  their  will-power  and  self- 
determination — and  this  will-power  and  this  self-determin- 
ation, although  at  all  times  needing  and  capable  of  de- 
velopment, develops  most  rapidly  under  the  influence 
of  such  moments  as  the  present.  The  first  preliminary 
condition  for  poHtical  success,  therefore,  is  self-determina- 
tion and  will-power.  The  first  and  most  important  poHtical 
task  is  the  awakening  of  will-power.  Only  then  commences 
the  poHcy  of  finding  support  in  the  outer  world.  And  under 
this  head  we  know  of  one  policy  only,  namely,  truth — 
absolute  and  unconditional  truth.  Out  of  love  for  it 
Zionists  desire  to  be  just  to  aU  men,  even  to  their  opponents. 
This  may  be  disagreeable  to  short-sighted  people,  but  it 
does  not  trouble  Zionists.  Should  truth  beckon  in  one  direc- 
tion and  the  greatest  successes  in  the  other,  Zionists  should 
without  a  moment's  hesitation  choose  rather  the  former 



and  exclaim,  "  Away  with  falsehood/'  Only  truth  can  be 
of  service  to  us  ;  wherever  any  shadow  whatsoever  falls  upon 
that,  there  can  be  no  place  for  us. 

No  cause  that  is  unjust,  even  if  at  the  first  glance  it 
appears  to  bring  immediate  help,  and  is  advanced  by  people 
who  wish  us  well,  is  worthy  of  Zionist  support,  and,  likewise, 
every  righteous  cause,  even  though  it  appears  to  be  against 
us,  and  is  put  forward  by  people  who  are  indifferent  and 
even  opposed  to  us,  is  deserving  of  our  support.  For  high 
above  the  plans  dictated  by  benevolence  or  malice,  stands 
the  loftiest  cause  which  so  rules  it  that  injustice  cannot  help 
Zionism,  and  that  justice,  on  the  contrary,  must  help  it. 

It  is  sometimes  pointed  out  that  certain  among  those  who 
profess  sympathy  for  Zionism  do  not  exactly  belong  to  the 
most  trusty  friends  of  the  Jews,  while,  on  the  contrary,  many 
so-called  Liberals  seem  to  be  opposed  to  Zionism.  Truly, 
we  say  to  you  :  this  is  of  no  concern  to  us.  Personal  motives 
have  no  interest  for  us ;  we  do  not  sit  in  judgment  upon 
individuals.  We  are  neither  flattered  by  friends  nor  deterred 
by  the  envious.  The  Zionist's  only  concern  is  the  righteous 

The  Zionist  policy  is  one  of  principles,  and  not  an  oppor- 
tunist pohcy.  A  poHcy  founded  on  principles  can  only  base 
itself  on  truth.  The  assistance  of  strangers  can  be  of  service 
to  us  only  when  it  sees  in  us  the  truth,  sees  us  as  we  really 
are,  as  we  are  in  the  continuity  of  our  history,  in  our  numbers, 
in  our  distress  and  in  our  hopes.  Not  the  plans  of  any  in- 
dividual, whether  personal  or  general,  only  fideHty  to  the 
axioms  of  international  morality  can  help  us.  And  if  it  be 
possible  to  obtain  such  assistance,  then  it  can  be  attained 
only  through  a  leading  policy  of  true  equaUty,  but  never 
through  assimilation,  which  is  opposed  to  the  truth. 

Truly,  to  be  on  an  equaUty  with  others  means  the  solving 
of  our  problem  on  national  fines.  That  in  the  highest  sense 
is  equaHty  of  opportunity.  If  the  principle  of  self-determin- 
ation is  appHed  to  all,  then  it  must  be  applied  to  us  too.  If 
historical  rights  are  recognized,  then  ours  must  also  be  recog- 
nized. It  is  right  and  fair  that  Armenia  should  become 
Armenian  ;  it  is  just  as  right  and  fair  that  the  Land  of  Israel 
should  become  Israelitish.  Grant  equal  rights  and  com- 
pensatory justice  ;  all  else  is  hatred,  cowardice,  hypocrisy, 

The  error  of  Jewish  policy  since  the  beginning  of  the  last 
century  lay  in  the  fact  that  it  was  an  opportunist  policy. 


We  tried  to  please  different  parties,  to  utilize  political 
situations.  Perhaps  this  was  formerly  an  opportunity — ^we 
have  now  outgrown  this  standpoint.  Human  progress,  Hke 
every  development,  advances  ever  further  and  further. 
Every  new  advance  leads  to  a  new  stage  that  could  be 
reached  only  through  the  earlier  stages,  and  every  new  stage 
when  reached  has  been  reached  only  to  be  left  behind  in  its 
turn.  As  soon  as  a  stage  has  been  reached,  the  time  has 
once  more  arrived  for  leaving  it.  That  is  the  essential 
reason  why  the  Jewish  problem  has  now  become  a  national 
problem.  Hence  it  is  the  purest  childishness  to  wish  to  solve 
the  problem  by  the  means  adopted  by  the  Sanhedrin  in  Paris, 
in  1806. 

It  is  not,  however,  to  be  supposed  that  because  Zionists 
hold  to  a  policy  of  principles  they  are  on  this  account  in- 
capable of  profiting  from  favourable  opportunities,  of  utilizing 
a  fortunate  moment,  that  may  come  and  bring  more  with  it 
than  many  years  of  hard  toil.  "  Whoever  wants  to  sail  to 
the  new-discovered  isles  must  use  the  winds  as  they  blow." 
The  centre  of  gravity  Hes  in  the  Jews  alone,  in  their  will- 
power, in  the  independence  of  their  spirit. 

The  Jewish  people  have  seen  the  dominion  of  Eg5^t, 
Assyria,  Babylon  and  Rome,  and  still  survive.  Under  the 
standards  of  Zion  the  Jewish  people  will  rise  to  new  Hfe. 

What  ought  Jews  to  do  ?  To  this  question  we  answer : 
In  these  serious  times  all  Jews  should  be  united,  all  Jewish 
organizations,  parties  and  communities  should  set  to  work, 
by  all  lawful  means,  through  the  press,  hterature,  propa- 
ganda and  personal  connections,  to  attain  the  recognition 
of  a  national  home  for  our  people  in  the  Land  of  Israel; 
and  at  the  same  time  to  carry  through  the  abolition 
of  all  injustice  against  the  Jews  in  the  countries  of  the 

And  in  view  of  the  enormous  importance  of  the  already 
existing  Jewish  colonization  in  Palestine  for  our  future,  and, 
also,  of  the  salvation  of  the  Jewish  people  from  want  and 
misery  accentuated  by  the  war,  the  greatest  possible  assist- 
ance must  be  given  to  Palestine  and  to  the  suffering  masses 
of  Jews  in  the  Diaspora.  For  the  sake  of  these  causes,  and 
especially  for  the  first,  the  Zionist  Organization  all  over  the 
world  should  not  only  be  maintained,  but  also  placed  in  a 
position  to  develop  and  enlarge  its  activities. 



In  the  above  the  Zionist  policy  has  been  sketched. 
Experience  has  by  this  time  shown  that  in  spite  of  the  in- 
credible difficulties  of  all  kinds,  Zionism  has  not  only  not 
lost  its  power,  but  has  also  actively  developed  its  work. 

The  present  war  has  not  affected  the  unity  of  the  Zionist 
idea  nor  has  it  affected  the  unity  of  the  Zionist  Organization. 
As  the  Organization  was  established  on  the  federative 
principle,  it  was  found  possible  to  continue  the  essential 
work  of  the  movement  by  utiHsing  the  separate  organiza- 
tions of  the  different  countries.  The  work  of  propaganda 
and  the  collection  of  funds,  so  far  from  diminishing, 
actually  made  great  progress.  The  societies  already  in 
existence  continued  their  work  very  effectively,  and  a 
considerable  number  of  new  societies  came  into  being.  Die 
Welt,  the  central  organ  of  the  movement,  had,  however,  to 
be  suspended  ;  but  a  series  of  new  Zionist  pubUcations  made 
their  appearance.  The  Zionist  press — ^in  Russia  particularly 
— ^made  great  headway.  The  Zionist  weekly,  Razswiet, 
which  is  published  in  the  Russian  language,  increased 
its  circulation  threefold.  Three  new  daiUes,  Ha'am  in 
Hebrew,  Das  Togblatt  and  Der  Telegraf  in  Yiddish,  were 
established,  and  rapidly  attained  a  circulation  comparable 
to  the  great  European  daily  papers.  A  crowd  of  new 
journalists  and  publicists  accepting  the  Zionist  platform, 
joined  the  old  guard  of  writers  and  workers  in  the  cause. 
The  Yiddish  Press  in  Poland,  which  numbers  its  readers  by 
the  hundred  thousand,  put  themselves  at  the  disposal  of  the 
Zionist  movement.  One  in  particular,  which  had  hitherto 
been  territorialist,  and  only  lukewarm  towards  Zionism, 
declared  openly  its  acceptance  of  the  Zionist  programme. 
In  England  Zionist  activity  in  press  and  literature 
made  remarkable  progress,  such  as  had  scarcely  been 
imagined  possible  in  this  country.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that, 
quite  apart  from  the  Zionist  Press  proper,  the  Jewish  non- 
Zionist  Press  evinced  a  much  keener  interest  in  the  move- 
ment. The  world's  general  Press,  in  all  languages,  devoted 
to  Zionism  an  amount  of  space  second  only  to  the  events  of 
the  war.  The  mere  fact  that  at  a  time  such  as  the  present, 
when  the  world  is  in  the  throes  of  a  universal  struggle, 
and  every  nation  is  concerned^  for  its  own  safety,  and 
even  existence,  so    much    interest  was    directed    to    our 


movement  throws  a  dazzling  light  upon  the  naive  absurdity 
of  the  anti-Zionist  assertion,  that  the  whole  movement  is 
nothing  more  than  an  Utopia. 

The  Zionists  have  long  realized  the  need  of  public 
meetings  and  discussions.  The  Zionist  movement  is 
the  only  Jewish  national  and  democratic  movement 
to  attach  great  importance  to  the  free  exchange  of 
opinions  and  to  break  down  the  somewhat  autocratic 
method  of  conducting  Jewish  affairs  in  favour  with  the 
Kehillah  leaders.  It  was  the  first  movement  to  replace  the 
dry  bones  of  bureaucracy  by  the  introduction  of  universal 
Jewish  suffrage  as  a  means  of  dealing  with  Jewish  pubhc 
affairs.  As  the  Zionist  movement  in  pre-war  times  found 
full  expression  in  conferences  and  public  meetings,  it  was  to 
be  feared  that  the  War,  by  reducing  greatly  the  facilities  of 
communication  and  intercourse,  would  seriously  affect  this 
form  of  activity.  But  this  was  not  the  case.  The  long  record 
of  the  meetings  and  conferences  held  since  the  outbreak  of 
the  war,  and  which  by  no  means  exhausts  the  total  number, 
gives  some  notion  of  the  vast  scope  of  this  form  of  propa- 

We  will  make  a  short  survey  of  the  most  important 
dates  in  Zionist  activity  during  the  course  of  the  war,  in 
chronological  order. 

September,  1915. 

Zionist  Conference — Dordrecht — Holland. 

Roumania.  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Roumanian 
Zionist  Federation,  November  7th  and  8th,  held  in 
Galatz.  Country  divided  into  four  districts  for 
Zionist  work  :   Galatz,  Bucharest,  Jassy,  Foscani. 

Canada.  General  Jewish  Conference  held  in 
Montreal,  November  14th  and  15th,  together  with  the 
Annual  Meeting  of  the  Canadian  Zionist  Federation, 
presided  over  by  Clarence  de  Sola. 

December  ^th,  1915. 

West  Austrian — Galician — and  Bukowina  Zionist 
Conferences  (Adolf  Stand  in  the  chair) .  Resolutions : — 
"  The  Assembly  expects  to  see  the  Jewish 
problem  discussed  at  the  peace  conference,  and 
trusts  that  the  Actions  Committee  will  find  suit- 
able means  and  ways  to  create  a  united  manifesta- 
tion of  the  Jews  of  all  countries  for  the  demand  of 

CONFERENCES  IN  1915-1916 


securing  for  the  Jews  their  civil  and  political 
equality  of  rights  all  over  the  world,  and  in  the 
nationality  states  also  recognition  of  their  national 

"  The  Actions  Committee  is  asked  to  prepare 
everything  in  a  suitable  manner,  in  order  that 
the  interests  of  poUtical  Zionism  may  be  secured 
before  the  Forum  of  the  future  Peace  Congress." 
December  26th  and  2yth,  1915. 

Holland.     At  Nymegen  one  hundred  and  twenty 
delegates  attended. 
December,  1915. 

Manchester.    Conference  of  EngUsh  "  Poalei  Zion." 
Delegates  from  all  parts  of  the  country  attended. 
January  1st,  1916. 

England.    Conference  convened  by  E.Z.F.  attended 
by  Rabbis,  delegates  of  Synagogues,  Friendly  Societies 
and  Trade  Unions. 
January  ^th,  1916, 

America.    Annual  Conference  of  the  Federation  of 
"  Knights  of  Zion,"  at  Chicago.    The  Federation  has 
fifty-three    active    branches    and    three    thousand 
January,  1916. 

Australia.     Annual   Conference   of    the   Sydney 
Zionist  Society. 
February  6th,  19 16. 

America.      Annual    Convention    of    the    Zionist 
Council  of  Greater  New  York. 
February  i^th,  1916. 

England.      Annual    Conference    of    the    English 
Zionist  Federation  at  Manchester. 


Mizrachi.  The  Annual  Conference  of  the  **  Miz- 
rachi"  was  held  at  Chicago,  May  26th-30th.  The 
*'  Mizrachi "  of  America  comprises  one  hundred  and 
three  associate-societies  and  twenty-four  synagogues. 
The  membership  is  six  thousand. 

Some  of  the  principal  American  Rabbis  attended 
the  Conference. 

A  special  Palestine  Bureau  was  created.  A  new 
union,  called  "  Achi  Samach,"  was  formed,  for  the 
encouragement  of  the  sale  of  Palestinian  products. 



Bombay.  A  Meeting  of  the  Magen  David  Congrega- 
tion was  held  at  Bombay.  The  proceedings  were  all  in 
Hebrew.  Sir  Jacob  EHas  Sassoon,  Bart.  (1844-1916), 
was  re-elected  president. 

May  zSth  and  2gth,  19 16. 

Scandinavia.  The  Twelfth  Annual  Conference  of 
Scandinavian  Zionists  was  held  at  Copenhagen. 
Thirty-one  delegates  from  all  parts  of  the  country 
were  present.  Various  resolutions  were  passed,  ex- 
pressing confidence  in  the  work  of  the  Central 



Switzerland.  A  Conference  of  the  Swiss  Zionist 
Federation  was  held  at  Berne  on  June  ist. 

South  Africa.  The  Annual  Conference  of  the 
South  African  Zionist  Federation  was  held  at 
Johannesburg  on  April  30th.  Over  one  hundred 
delegates  were  present. 

Canada.  "  Poalei  Zion  "  of  Montreal  had  a  series 
of  Conferences  on  June  2nd-4th. 

America.  Conference  of  American  Zionist  Federa- 
tion held  at  Philadelphia  on  July  2nd.  Over  five 
hundred  delegates  present. 

July  Sth,  1916. 

Conference  at  New  York  of  the  "  Young  Judea.'* 
The  membership  is  three  thousand  five  hundred. 

September  i^th-i^th,  1916. 

Poland.    A  Zionist  Conference  was  held  in  Warsaw, 
attended  by  one  hundred  and  twenty-five  delegates 
from  Warsaw  and  the  PoUsh  provincial  cities. 
The  following  resolution  was  passed  : — 

"  I.  That  the  Central  Committee  estabUsh  a 
special  Palestine  Office,  to  gather  information 
and  material  with  respect  to  the  present  situation 
in  Palestine  and  with  respect  to  the  possibiUties 
for  work  after  the  war. 

"2.  That  it  elaborate  this  material  and  spread 
it  within  wide  circles.  Further,  it  has  to  organize 
pioneer  groups,  who  are  willing  to  go  to  Palestine, 



as  well  as  to  work  out  a  scheme  tor  the  preparation 
of  these  pioneers." 

September,  1916. 

Russia.  "  Poalei  Zion  "  Conference — the  first 
since  the  outbreak  of  the  war.  Resolution  passed  : — 
"  That  we  agitate  among  the  Jewish  masses  in- 
structing them  the  only  solution  for  the  Jewish 
problem  is  the  creation  of  a  Jewish  Home  in 

September  18th,  1916. 

Conference  of  Zionist  speakers,  held  at  New  York. 

Bohemia.  The  Annual  Conference  of  Bohemian 
Zionists  was  held  at  Prague  on  November  ist. 

America.  Zionist  Students'  Organization  of  America 
held  its  Second  Annual  Conference,  November, 

November  i4thr-igth. 

America  ''  Poalei  Zion "  Conference  at  Boston. 
Attended  by  one  hundred  and  nine  delegates  from  the 
United  States  and  Canada. 

(During  the  year  two  thousand  new  members 
had  been  enrolled.  Juvenile  Societies,  with  eighteen 
branches  and  over  one  thousand  members,  had  been 



England.  On  December  24th  and  25th  the  Order  of 
Ancient  Maccabeans  held  their  Annual  Grand  Beacon 
Meeting  in  Manchester.    Resolution  : — 

"  That  this  Grand  Beacon  Meeting  reiterates  its 
loyalty  to  the  Zionist  programme,  as  endorsed  from 
Congress  to  Congress,  and  expresses  the  hope  that 
the  time  may  not  be  far  distant  when  our  brethren 
will  be  accorded  full  civil  and  poHtical  rights  all 
over  the  world,  and  that  the  order  co-operate  with 
bodies  that  strive  for  the  above  objects." 

Holland.  The  Seventeenth  Annual  Conference  of 
the  Dutch  Zionist  Federation  was  held  at  the  Hague 
on  December  24th  and  25th,  1916. 

About  one  hundred  and  twenty  delegates  were 
present,  including  representatives  of  the  *'  Poalei 
Zion''  and  the  Belgian  Zionist  Federation. 


The  Dutch  Federation  comprises  twenty-six 
societies,  with  a  total  membership  of  one  thousand 
six  hundred  and  sixty. 

Collections  :  Palestine  Fund,  11,453  j^.  ;  Central 
Fund,  913/. ;  National  Fund,  10,709/. 






Poland.  The  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Warsaw 
Zionists,  held  on  January  nth,  attended  by  a 
thousand  shekel  payers. 

America.  In  March,  a  Conference  of  Jewish 
Socialist  Workers  was  held  in  New  York,  and  attended 
by  four  hundred  delegates.  The  Basle  programme 
was  adopted. 

Mizrachi.  Over  two  hundred  delegates  attended 
the  ''Mizrachi"  Convention  at  Pittsburg,  where  the 
dehberations  extended  for  over  five  days.  Fifty  of 
the  most  prominent  orthodox  Rabbis  of  the  country 
attended.  The  "  Mizrachi  "  has  a  hundred  and  nine- 
teen branches  in  ninety-five  cities  spread  over  twenty- 
eight  States. 

America.  "  Knights  of  Zion  "  held  their  Twen- 
tieth Annual  Convention  at  MinneapoUs  and  St. 
Paul.  The  '*  Knights  of  Zion "  had  seventy-six 
societies  with  a  membership  of  four  thousand  two 

America.  Hebraists  Convention  took  place  in 
New  York  on  February  loth,  nth  and  12th.  Many 
Hebrew  scholars  from  all  parts  of  the  country  were 

America.  The  Eleventh  Annual  Meeting  of  the 
Zionist  Council  of  New  York  was  held  on  February 
i6th,  attended  by  eighty-eight  delegates,  represent- 
ing thirty  societies. 

England.  The  Annual  Conference  of  the  E.Z.F. 
was  held  in  February  in  London.  About  sixty 
delegates  were  present. 









Switzerland.  The  Swiss  Zionist  Federation  held  a 
Conference  at  Berne  on  February  i8th.  Thirty-five 
delegates  attended. 

Russia.  On  March  28th-30th  there  was  held  a 
Conference  of  the  Central  Institutions  of  the  Zionist 
Organization.     About  fifty  delegates  attended. 

Conference  of  all  Russian  Zionist  Organizations, 
held  in  Moscow,  April  3rd.  Dr.  E.  W.  Tschlenow 

Greece.  On  April  9th  a  Mass  Meeting,  attended 
by  over  three  thousand  persons,  was  held  at 
Salonica.  After  addresses  delivered  by  several 
speakers,  a  resolution  was  passed  urging  the  restora- 
tion of  the  oldest  nation  and  its  regeneration  in 

Belgian  Zionists.  On  April  29th  the  Belgian 
Zionist  Federation  held  a  Conference  at  Scheveningen, 

March  i8th. 

May  20th. 

Annual    Meeting    held    at    Sydney, 

Special  Conference  E.Z.F.  in  London, 

Russia-Turkestan.  Early  in  May  a  Conference  of 
Turkestan  Zionists  was  held  at  Samarcand.  The 
delegates  were  both  Ashkenazi  and  Sephardi.  Thirty 
delegates  attended,  besides  delegates  for  the  Bokhara 
Jews,  and  two  hundred  guests. 

A  Zionist  Central  Committee  was  formed  for 

Poland.  June  3rd-5th.  Conference  of  Zionist 
Central  Committee  for  Poland,  held  in  Warsaw. 

Russia.  On  May  24th  (O.S.)  the  Seventh  Con- 
ference of  Russian  Zionists  was  held  at  Petrograd, 
and  was  attended  by  five  hundred  and  fifty-two  dele- 


gates,  representing  one  hundred  and  forty  thousand 
shekel  payers,  from  six  hundred  and  forty  towns 
and  villages.  Eleven  delegates  came  from  Siberia. 
Bokhara  and  Mountain  Jews  were  represented. 
Twenty-four  delegates  were  soldiers  coming  by  special 
permission  of  the  Commander-in-Chief,  who  got  free 
passes.  Five  hundred  guests  came  from  the  country 
and  one  thousand  guests  from  Petrograd  were 
present.  Ninety  representatives  of  Russian  papers 
were  present.  The  Foreign  Secretary,  Tere- 
tschenko,  sent  greetings  and  best  wishes  for  complete 

Dr.  E.  W.  Tschlenow's  speech  was  reprinted  in 
half  a  million  copies  for  the  soldiers. 

A  meeting  of  Zionist  Women  was  held  in  the  hall 
of  Kiew  University  in  May.  More  than  one  thousand 
five  hundred  Jewish  women  attended. 



In  1913  there  were  only  twenty-six  thousand 
shekel  payers  in  Russia — nov/  one  hundred  and 
forty  thousand.     Resolution  passed  : — 

"  The  Seventh  Zionist  Russian  Conference  pro- 
claims its  firm  conviction  that  the  nations,  in  sett- 
ling the  bases  of  the  new  national  and  political  life, 
shall  be  conscious  of  the  clearly  manifested  will  of 
the  Jewish  people  to  colonize  Palestine  again  as 
their  national  centre,  and  that  they  shall  create 
conditions  enabling  the  unhindered  evolutions  and 
concentration  of  all  Jewish  forces,  for  the  purpose 
of  bringing  about  a  regeneration  of  Palestine." 

A  representative  body  of  the  Jewish  people  should 
be  admitted  to  the  approaching  Peace  Conference, 
which  shall  obtain  attention  for  the  historic  and 
national  rights  of  the  Jewish  people. 

America.  Independent  Order  "  Brith  Shalom  " 
held  their  Thirteenth  Annual  Conference  in  Atlantic 
City  on  June  13th.  Over  six  hundred  delegates 
were  present.  The  resolution  passed  commenced 
thus: — 





CONFERENCES  IN  1917  29 

"  Whereas  the  Independent  Order  has  adopted 
the  Zionist  platform  in  spirit  and  in  fact,  and  has 
pledged  itself  to  the  furtherance  of  all  principles 
it  stands  for,  etc.,  etc." 

America.  The  Twentieth  Conference  of  American 
Zionists  opened  at  Baltimore  on  June  24th.  Over  a 
thousand  delegates  were  present. 


America.  Twentieth  Annual  Convention  of  Pro- 
gressive Order  of  the  West  was  held  at  Detroit, 
Michigan.  The  Order  has  a  membership  of  twenty 
thousand,  and  declared  its  allegiance  to  the  Zionist 



America.  Conference  of  "  Young  Judeans."  One 
hundred  and  twenty-five  delegates  present,  repre- 
senting five  thousand  members.  The  "  Young 
Judeans"  collected  3500  dollars  for  the  Jewish 
National  Fund. 

England.  Union  of  Jewish  Friendly  Societies, 
comprising  fifty  thousand  members,  adopt  the  Basle 

Conference  of  the  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans, 
held  at  Manchester,  July  17th.  Membership  of  the 
Order  2200. 

Canada.  The  Fifteenth  Annual  Conference  of 
Canadian  Zionists  took  place  at  Winnipeg  in  July. 
Delegates  from  seventy-seven  towns,  of  three  hundred 
and  fourteen  Jewish  organizations,  attended. 

The  Governor  of  Manitoba  came  to  the  Conference, 
and  expressed  his  sympathy  with  Zionism. 

Russia.  Poalei  Zion.  Conference  in  Kiew — Sep- 
tember 8th.  More  than  one  hundred  and  sixty 
delegates  attended. 

Greece.  Salonica.  Great  Meeting,  attended  by 
three  thousand  persons  at  Salonica,  on  9th  of  Ab. 



America.  The  "  Mizrachi  "  in  America  celebrated 
in  August  the  Six-hundred-and-fiftieth  Anniversary 
of  the  First  Settlement  in  Palestine  by  R'  Moses  ben 
Nachman  (Ramban).  The  **  Mizrachi "  started  a 
Fund  of  100,000  dollars,  to  aid  Colonization  and 
Industrial  Development  in  Palestine. 






Poland.  The  Third  Delegates'  Conference  of  the 
Zionist  Organization  in  Poland  was  opened  in  Warsaw 
on  October  28th,  1917.  More  than  three  hundred  and 
sixty  delegates  attended,  representing  forty  thousand 
shekel  payers. 

Poland.  Fifth  Conference  of  the  "  Poalei  Zion" 
of  Poland,  was  held  in  Warsaw.  Over  forty-four 
delegates,  representing  twenty-six  towns,  partici- 
pated in  the  Conference.  The  Organization  had 
forty-six  district  groups,  with  a  membership  of  eight 

America.  September  5th.  Conference  of  Rabbis 
resolved  to  appeal  to  various  powers,  particularly 
President  Wilson,  asking  them  to  give  their  consider- 
ation to  the  question  of  the  Restoration  of  Palestine 
to  the  Jewish  people. 

England.  In  October,  Zionist  Demonstrations 
took  place  all  over  the  country.  In  seventy-one 
synagogues,  one  hundred  and  twenty-three  lodges 
and  associations,  and  in  fifty-four  Zionist  societies, 
resolutions  were  passed  requesting  the  British  Govern- 
ment to  use  its  best  endeavours  to  bring  about  a 
Restoration  of  Palestine  as  a  National  Home  for  the 
Jewish  people. 

Holland.  Congress  of  Jews  resident  in  the  Nether- 
lands, held  in  Amsterdam  on  November  i8th,  for 
considering  emancipation  of  Jews,  recognition  of 
national  rights  in  national  States,  and  national 
concentration  of  the  Jewish  people  in  Palestine. 


One  of  the  most  popular  of  Zionist  funds  is  the  Jewish 
National  Fund.  This  Fund  is  outside  the  realm  of  dis- 
cussion, and  deals  exclusively  with  hard  facts,  i.e., 
financial  contributions  from  all  parts  of  the  world.  The 
Jewish  National  Fund  is  in  a  very  real  sense  an  index  of 
the  people's  will.  It  would  seem  that  the  terrible  misery 
of  the  Jewish  masses  occasioned  by  so  many  expulsions, 
evacuations,  and  loss  of  Ufe  and  property  would  have  had 
the  effect  of,  if  not  entirely  cutting  off  this  source  of  revenue, 
at  least,  seriously  reducing  it.  In  point  of  fact,  the  reverse 
is  shown  by  the  figures. 

The  income  of  the  Fund  during  the  last  few  months  of  the 
year  1914  and  during  the  year  1915,  was  about  two-thirds  of 
the  previous  years.  But  in  the  year  1916  the  National  Fund 
received  about  1,000,000  francs,  which  equals  the  amount  in 
1913.  During  the  first  half  of  1917  the  average  monthly  con- 
tributions were  doubled.  The  latest  date  up  to  which  exact 
figures  for  the  various  countries  are  available  is  September 
1st,  1917.  During  the  eight  months  from  January  to 
September,  1917,  more  than  1,300,000  francs  had  been  re- 
corded. During  the  last  four  months  of  the  year  approxi- 
mately the  same  amount  was  received,  that  is,  the  contribu- 
tions were  doubled  once  more  in  relation  to  the  immediately 
preceding  rate.  At  the  present  moment  the  contributions 
to  the  National  Fund  amount  to  about  150,000  francs  per 

The  results  attained  by  the  National  Fund  must  be  at- 
tributed to  the  general  growth  of  the  Zionist  movement  as 
well  as  to  the  effective  organization  of  its  propaganda,  to  the 
popularity  of  its  fundamental  idea — the  acquisition  of  land 
as  National  property — and  the  importance  attached  by 
Jewry  at  large  to  the  role  that  the  National  Fund  will  have 
to  discharge  in  the  forthcoming  colonization  of  Palestine. 

Contributions  to  the  Jewish  National  Fund  from  the 
different  countries  in  the  year  1917  were  as  follows : 
Russia,  Rbl.  475,312  ;  United  States,  $73,502  ;  Holland, 
Fl.  28,767 ;  England,  £1396  is.  lod. ;  Argentina,  Pesos 
13.378 ;  Canada,  $4056 ;  South  Africa,  £639  8s.  4d.  ; 
Switzerland,  Frs.  11,572  ;  Belgium,  Frs.  8,329 ;  France 
(including  Tunis),  Frs.  6,978  ;  Egypt,  £255  lis.  4d.  ;  Greece, 
Frs.  6,425 ;  Sweden,  Kr.  2,542 ;  Denmark,  Kr.  2,447. 
Various  countries,  about  Frs.  600,000.  The  total  amounts 
to  Frs.  1,747,278.  At  the  rate  of  exchange  before  the  war 
it  would  be  Frs.  2,730,011. 




Statistical  Table  of  Annual  Income  in  Francs 





United  States     .      .      . 








Holland    . 








England   . 








South  Africa 








Canada     . 












Belgium    . 




Egypt.     . 








Far  East . 




Australia  and 

New  Zealand 




Italy   .     .     . 




Portugal  . 




Brazil       .      . 




New  Zealand 



Other  countries 







With  regard  to  the  Zionist  Organization,  it  must  be  stated 
that  some  of  its  functions,  particularly  those  which  were 
centralized  in  the  headquarters,  such  as  the  periodical  meet- 
ings of  the  Greater  Actions  Committee  and  the  permanent 
contact  and  co-operation  between  the  members  of  the 
Inner  Actions  Committee,  had  to  be  suspended.  The  Zionist 
Congress,  the  chief  organ  of  the  movement,  which  elects  the 
executive  of  all  the  officers  of  the  movement,  to  decide  all 
questions  of  poUcy,  could  not  be  held  owing  to  the  war,  and  as 
a  result  the  position  had  to  remain  as  settled  by  the  Congress 
of  1913.  As,  however,  the  events  of  the  war  threw  upon  the 
Organization  not  less  but  very  much  more  responsibility 
than  previously,  and  confronted  the  existing  executive  with 
problems  of  the  greatest  urgency  and  importance,   new 


instruments  had  necessarily  to  be  created  to  meet  the  new 
situation  and  to  carry  on  the  work  of  the  movement. 

In  America,  where  the  movement  began  to  spread  with 
great  rapidity,  the  American  Provisional  Committee  for 
General  Zionist  Affairs  was  formed  in  1914,  very  soon  after 
the  outbreak  of  the  war,  and  conducted  the  affairs  of  the 
movement  with  great  skill.  Their  efforts  in  connection  with 
Palestine  rehef  were  beyond  all  praise,  and  constitute  one 
of  the  brightest  pages  in  the  history  of  the  movement. 

In  Copenhagen,  also,  a  Bureau  was  opened,  which 
rendered  invaluable  services  to  the  cause. 


The  greater  part  of  the  practical  work  of  the  Zionist 
Organization  consisted  of  Relief  Work  for  Jewish  sufferers 
from  the  war.  The  terrible  catastrophe  which  fell  upon 
Russian  Poland,  GaUcia,  Bukovina,  Lithuania,  Zamut  and 
Courland,  affected  the  Jews  in  a  unique  way.  Hundreds  of 
towns  and  villages,  in  which  Jewish  inhabitants  had  dwelt 
and  woven  into  their  lives  the  threads  of  their  own  charac- 
teristic customs  for  many  generations,  in  which  they  had 
faithfully  preserved  their  ancient  spiritual  treasures  in  spite 
of  misery  and  poverty,  which  had  been  a  perennial  source 
of  inspiration  and  a  rich  storehouse  for  the  Judaism  of  the 
whole  world,  which  had  nourished  and  sustained  almost  the 
whole  House  of  Israel  in  the  Diaspora,  suddenly  became  a 
field  of  slaughter  and  the  arena  of  the  grimmest  struggle  in 
the  world's  history.  Troops  in  numbers  never  seen  before, 
with  weapons  of  destruction,  threatening  to  reduce  the 
world  to  ashes,  passed  Hke  angels  of  destruction  to  and  fro 
over  the  battlefields,  leaving  not  a  stone  intact,  not  a  blade 
of  grass,  or  a  hving  man  or  beast.  Thus  far  the  wounds  and 
misfortunes  which  befell  the  Jews  were  no  different  from 
the  wounds  and  misfortunes  of  the  other  inhabitants.  But 
there  must  be  added  the  special  Jewish  affliction  in  these 
countries,  the  persecution  and  the  fierce  anti- Jewish  feehng 
which  were  the  special  characteristics  of  the  ancient  regime 
in  Russia,  which  was  wont  to  take  advantage  of  every  op- 
portunity of  avenging  itself  on  the  Jews,  attacking  them  and 
holding  them  up  to  scorn  on  every  kind  of  pretext  and  false 
accusation.  This  made  the  war  a  specially  terrible  pheno- 
menon for  the  Jews  :  it  produced  a  war  within  a  war. 

The  war  called  upon  the  Jews  to  make  sacrifices  in  equal 
measure  with  all  the  other  inhabitants  of  these  countries ; 

II.— D 


their  youth  and  their  strength  were  laid  on  the  altar  of  the 
land  of  their  birth  ;  they  also  bore  the  burden  of  all  the 
taxes  and  payments  which  the  other  inhabitants  had  to  bear ; 
they  put  forward  tremendous  efforts  as  tradesmen  and 
workers,  as  doctors  and  nurses  ;  they  were  active  workers 
in  all  departments  directly  and  indirectly  connected  with 
the  war.  Yet  side  by  side  with  this  they  had  to  face  an  in- 
sufferable hatred,  they  had  to  wage  a  separate  war  with  the 
powerful,  who  strove  to  reduce  to  nothingness  the  Httle 
remnant  which  the  war  itself  could  not  utterly  destroy. 

That  this  impression  became  current  among  the  Jews  was 
inevitable,  in  consequence  of  an  old  phenomenon  which 
appeared  before  them  in  a  new  guise.  We  refer  to  the 
curious  mixture  of  expulsion  and  evacuation,  of  pogroms 
and  slaughters,  of  which  they  were  the  victims.  They  were 
accustomed,  from  long  and  bitter  experience,  to  expulsions 
from  without  the  pale  of  settlement  into  the  regions  of  the 
pale,  from  villages  to  towns,  and  to  the  suffering  occasioned 
by  the  Russo-Turkish  and  Russo-Japanese  wars  ;  but  these 
expulsions  occurred  when  conditions  in  Russia  itself  were 
almost  normal,  and  when  the  Jews  who  were  left  untouched 
by  the  decree  of  expulsion  were  able  to  render  assistance  to 
their  unfortunate  brethren.  The  combination  of  the  two 
forms  of  trials,  of  war  and  of  persecution  by  their  fellow- 
citizens,  was  more  than  even  a  nation  inured  to  suffering 
could  bear.  It  was  as  though  this  nation,  which  had  been 
a  wanderer  from  time  immemorial,  had  only  just  begun 
its  wanderings.  They  were  no  ordinary  wanderers — not 
merely  expelled  and  outlawed ;  but  they  were  taken  and 
hurled  as  out  of  the  middle  of  a  sling  from  province  to  pro- 
vince and  from  district  to  district.  Railway  carriages  were 
not  enough  to  hold  them,  so  they  were  transported  in  cattle- 
trucks,  the  doors  of  which  were  locked  to  prevent  escape  on 
the  way.  The  cattle-trucks  were  not  sufficient  to  cope  with 
the  numbers  and  horse-vans  were  impressed,  and  as  the 
horse-vans  were  not  sufficient,  even  though  the  Jews  paid 
their  last  kopecks  for  places  in  them,  they  were  sent  on  foot. 
Bands  of  wanderers — consisting  of  women,  children,  aged, 
weak,  sick  and  infirm — were  accordingly  dragged,  driven, 
knouted  along  every  kind  of  road  and  over  every  kind  of 
obstacle,  not  like  cattle  beneath  the  watchful  eye  of  the 
herdsman,  not  even  Uke  animals  led  to  the  slaughter,  on 
whom  some  mercy  is  taken  because  they  can  be  used,  but 
simply  like  wild  beasts  pursued  by  huntsmen  ;  whoever  fell 


by  the  way  fell  without  attention,  whoever  fell  sick  was 
ruthlessly  left  behind.  Families  were  split  up,  and  that  iron 
bond  which  unites  parents  and  children  was  snapped ;  infants 
died  of  starvation  pressed  against  their  mothers'  shrivelled 
breasts ;  weary  old  greybeards  grew  faint  and  stumbled  on 
the  way  and  died  without  the  last  consolation  of  old  age, 
without  seeing  around  them  their  offspring  whose  souls  were 
bound  up  with  their  own  ;  tender  infants  were  deserted 
without  anyone  to  take  pity  on  them,  and  the  clamour  went 
forth  from  one  end  of  the  earth  to  the  other,  "  Where  is  my 
father  ?  "    "  Where  is  my  child  ?  '' 

This  tragedy  was  not  included  among  the  necessary 
tragedies  of  the  war :  it  was  a  Jewish  tragedy.  When  Belgium 
was  ruined,  her  Jews  too  were  ruined.  Had  the  catastrophe 
to  the  Jews  in  Poland  and  Lithuania  been  of  such  a  kind  it 
would  have  found  a  place  in  the  general  history  and  not  in 
the  separate  history  of  the  Jews.  When,  however,  bands  of 
thousands  of  Jewish  fugitives  came  to  Warsaw  from  the 
inland  towns,  in  rags  and  tatters,  footsore,  hungry  and 
despairing,  it  was  impossible  to  regard  them  simply  as 
victims  of  the  war,  because  it  was  only  the  Jews  who  came. 
They  were  not  victims  of  the  war,  they  were  victims  of  the 
Galuth,  these  thousands  and  tens  of  thousands  of  Jews  who 
were  suddenly  transplanted  from  the  midst  of  their  old  homes 
in  Lithuania.  When  whole  congregations,  including  inmates 
of  their  Homes  for  the  Aged,  of  their  hospitals,  and  even  of  the 
asylums  were  evacuated,  it  was  impossible  to  believe  that  this 
was  mihtary  tactics  or  a  measure  of  precaution,  for  it  was 
only  the  Jewish  congregations  who  were  forcibly  and  sud- 
denly removed  in  this  extraordinarily  cruel  manner.  In 
many  places  it  happened  that  the  expelled  Jews  before  they 
left  were  able  to  see  with  their  own  eyes  other  people  enter- 
ing and  taking  possession  of  the  shops  which  they  had  left 
behind  them.  There  was  no  connection  between  these  suffer- 
ings and  the  events  of  the  universal  war.  These  were  inci- 
dents in  the  special  campaign  which  had  been  waged  against 
the  Jews  before  the  war.  For  centuries  the  Jews  had  been 
Hving  in  these  places.  Brest-Litovsk  and  Grodno  were  not 
only  cities  in  which  there  were  fortresses  for  the  Czar's  army 
and  his  Tchinovniks.  They  were  also  centres  of  Jewish  Hfe, 
wherein  the  Tor  ah  dwelt,  cities  of  the  Jewish  "  Council  of  the 
Four  Provinces,"  cities  which  emanated  intellectual  light 
over  all  the  Diaspora,  cities  with  institutions  of  Jewish 
congregations,   with    Yeshihoth,   with  schools,   with  syna- 


gogues  and  houses  of  learning,  with  old  cemeteries,  whose 
tombstones  recorded  the  happenings  to  Jews  for  many 
generations.  All  that  was  destroyed  and  all  the  Jews  who 
lived  and  thrived  in  them  have  been  uprooted  and  scattered, 
and  that  which  they  left  behind  them  wiped  out,  and  no  one 
knows  if  these  towns  will  ever  be  rebuilt,  and  even  if  they 
are  rebuilt  will  the  Jews  and  their  communities,  with  their 
learning  and  their  traditions,  ever  be  restored  ? 

Accordingly  there  was  but  one  cry,  one  intense  and  bitter 
cry,  which  was  heard  from  one  end  of  the  world  of  Jews  to 
the  other,  a  cry  for  help.    "  Save  all  who  can  yet  be  saved." 

The  Jewish  people  had  realized  that  it  was  unwise  to 
depend  upon  governments  or  to  rely  on  philanthropic  effort 
in  general.  The  needs  of  the  Jews  were  great  and  peculiar, 
so  that  only  Jews  themselves  could  help  their  brethren. 
This  help  appeared  to  be  necessary  in  two  directions  :  im- 
mediate pressing  help  and  permanent  prevention.  Im- 
mediate pressing  assistance  consisted  in  sending  money, 
provisions  and  clothes  to  save  Jewish  Hves  from  hunger, 
disease  and  want,  to  help  them  to  find  work  and  means  of 
UveHhood  in  the  places  to  which  they  have  been  driven,  as 
well  as  in  the  places  in  which  they  have  remained.  But  at 
the  same  time,  people  began  to  realize  more  and  more  that 
the  real  help  for  the  Jews  would  be  to  rescue  them  from  the 
unnatural  conditions  which  cause  them  to  be  the  scapegoat 
for  whatever  punishment  comes  upon  the  world.  A  people 
which  dwells  in  its  own  land  is  also  wont  to  be  smitten  by 
the  sword  and  the  fortunes  of  war,  but  it  is  not  accustomed 
to  complete  destruction.  When  a  nation  has  its  own  land 
and  its  own  soil  beneath  its  feet,  to  which  it  is  attached,  all 
the  winds  of  Heaven  cannot  move  it  from  its  place,  no 
weapon  can  permanently  destroy  it.  A  whole  nation  cannot 
be  driven  by  oppressors  from  its  country,  and  even  though 
for  generations  the  hand  of  the  oppressor  He  heavy  upon  it, 
the  day  is  sure  to  come  in  which  its  fetters  fall  away,  and 
once  again  it  can  breathe  freely.  Not  so  with  a  nation  which 
floats  in  the  air  :  it  cannot  rise  in  time  of  trouble,  for  every 
passing  wind  carries  it  away  like  chaff  and  makes  it  turn 
like  the  wheel  of  a  windmill.  Every  page  of  Jewish  history 
teaches  this  lesson,  and  the  present  war  has  served  but  to 
emphasize  it.  Therefore  if  we  wish  to  prevent  this  evil  and 
to  obviate  such  convulsions  in  the  future,  we  must  estabUsh 
for  the  remnant  of  this  people  a  firm  foundation  and  a  safe 
shelter  in  the  land  of  their  fathers.    Thus  once  again  the 


flame  of  war  and  the  terrible  sufferings  of  our  brethren  have 
revealed  the  truth  of  the  Zionist  idea  in  all  its  strength  and 
clarity  as  being  the  only  true  solution  of  the  Jewish  problem, 
that  problem  whose  consequences  are  written  in  the  blood 
of  myriads  of  our  brethren. 

History  will  relate  that  the  present  generation  of  Jews 
rose  to  the  height  of  its  responsibility  in  comprehending 
both  these  duties  equally.  Once  again  there  was  revealed 
the  strength  of  the  Jewish  quahty  of  mercy.  The  Jews  of 
Russia  and  Poland  did  their  duty.  With  their  young  ones 
and  their  elders  they  threw  themselves  into  the  work  of 
relief  :  in  many  places  it  was  the  Zionists  who  were  the  most 
ardent  in  this  work.  The  Zionist  Organization  had  during 
the  last  generation  become  a  school  of  discipline  and  com- 
munal work,  from  which  came  forth  initiators  and  leaders. 
It  is  not  our  wish,  however,  to  make  in  this  respect  any 
distinction  between  Zionists  and  non-Zionists.  Many  who 
stood  far  removed  from  the  camp  returned  to  their  brethren  : 
all  sections  of  Jews  united  :  the  icy  cloak  of  indifferentism 
was  melted,  the  divisions  between  the  observant  and  the 
Liberals  were  obliterated.  The  shadow  of  sectarian  faction 
disappeared,  and  on  the  scene  appeared  one  people.  History 
will  relate  that  American  Jewry,  that  vigorous  young  branch 
of  the  Jewish  tree,  made  a  mighty  superhuman  effort  and 
performed  wonders  surpassing  the  imagination.  It  was  not 
charity,  but  greatness.  Voluntary  effort  went  as  far  as  self- 
imposed  taxation.  The  history  of  Jewish  unity  has  never 
had  a  chapter  more  beautiful,  more  sublime,  more  uplifting. 
America  was  not  alone — a  similar  spirit  rested  upon  the 
Jews  of  every  country,  and  not  only  with  regard  to  relief 
work,  but  also  in  the  more  permanent  work  of  prevention, 
which  was  Jewry's  second  duty.  The  second  duty  was  to 
watch  over  and  safeguard  the  Jewish  colonies  in  Palestine, 
the  colonies  from  which  will  spring  the  National  Home.  It 
was  necessary  to  provide  the  Palestinian  Jews  with  food, 
and  to  support  the  colonization — this  small  heritage  of  ours, 
this  child  of  our  sorrow,  conceived  in  anguish  and  in  holiness. 
The  difficulties  were  enormous.  Palestine  was  cut  off  from 
the  whole  world,  by  the  sea  on  the  West  and  the  desert  on 
the  East,  without  a  government  able  or  wiUing  to  help  ; 
the  New  colonization  is  a  young  plant  needing  tender  care — 
the  Old  communities  are  poor  and  helpless.  If  in  such  cir- 
cumstances Palestinian  Jewry  was  not  entirely  wiped  out, 
we  must  thank  the  Jewish  nationahst  heart,  which  was 


awakened  in  our  brethren  in  every  country,  and  especially 
in  America. 


The  downfall  of  the  Czardom  in  Russia  was  undoubtedly 
one  of  the  greatest  events  in  the  world's  history.  Russia 
entered  into  a  period  of  revolution  which  seemed  to  bring 
with  it  all  the  blessings  of  right  and  liberty.  The  restrictions 
affecting  nationalities  and  creeds  were  removed.  But  far 
from  destroying  Zionism,  the  new  liberty  gave  it  an  immense 

In  Moscow  a  Zionist  District  Committee  was  formed, 
comprising  many  Provinces :  Astrakhan,  Vladimir,  Vologda, 
Voronesh,  Kazan,  Kaluga,  Kostrooma,  Kursk,  Moscow, 
Nijni-Novgorod,  Simbirsk,  Smolensk,  Tambov,  Tula,  Ufa, 
Jaroslav,  and  the  Don  District. 

At  Odessa,  a  Zionist  demonstration  took  place.  Entire 
battalions  of  Zionist  soldiers  bore  through  the  town  blue 
and  white  banners,  with  the  motto  : — 

"  Liberty  in  Russia,  Land  and  Liberty  in  Palestine." 

A  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  men  followed  these  banners, 
to  which  the  Military  Governor  of  Odessa  insisted  on  showing 
honour  publicly. 

Zionist  meetings  were  also  held  at  Minsk,  Saratov,  Juriev, 
Kharkov,  Nijni-Novgorod,  Ekaterinburg,  Homel,  Pros- 
kurov,  Baku  Dubrovno,  Riazan,  Ekaterinoslav,  Moscow, 

At  Kieff,  when  the  procession  approached  the  Town 
Hall,  the  Zionist  flag  was  hoisted  on  the  balcony, 
where  the  "  Hatikvah "  was  played  by  the  municipal 

At  Berdicheff  fifteen  thousand  Jews  marched  through  the 
principal  streets  carrying  Zionist  banners.  The  Municipahty, 
the  Administration  Executive  of  the  town,  and  the  chiefs 
of  Ukraine  National  Organizations,  greeted  the  Zionist 

In  Turkestan  and  Bokhara  the  Zionist  movement  made 
remarkable  progress.  The  entire  Sephardi  element  has 
adhered  to  the  movement.  The  Ashkenazim  and  Sephardim 
worked  together  peacefully  at  the  great  Zionist  Conference 
held  at  Samarcand.  A  meeting  of  five  thousand  Jews  was 
held  there,  and  a  resolution  adopted  in  favour  of  a  Jewish 

In  Moscow,  in  the  Great  Hall,  a  Jewish  Mass  Meeting 


took  place.    Dr.  E.  W.  Tschlenow  was  elected  president. 
The  following  resolution  was  adopted  : — 

"  The  Jewish  Mass  Meeting  in  Moscow  salutes  freedom 
with  great  joy.    We  are  firmly  convinced  that  the  Con- 
stituent Assembly,  which  is  to  be  elected  by  universal 
suffrage,  will  establish  in  Russia  a  thoroughly  democratic 
administration,  and  that  not  only  civil  rights,  but  also 
national  rights,  national  autonomy,  and  a  free  national 
evolution,  will  be  secured  to  the  Jewish  as  well  as  to  all 
other  peoples  of  Russia.    The  Meeting  resolves  to  convoke 
a  general  Jewish  Congress  in  Russia." 
The  Conference  at  Petrograd  on  May  24th,  1917,  received 
official    recognition.      The    Minister    for    Foreign    Affairs, 
M.   Teretschenko,   wished   the   Conference   success   in   its 

Dr.  Tschlenow  delivered  an  Address,  in  the  course  of 
which  he  said,  among  other  things  : — 

**  We  beg  the  Provisional  Government  to  believe  that  it 
may  fully  depend  upon  our  forces  and  our  support  in  its 
heroic  efforts  directed  toward  the  strengthening  of  the 
freedom  and  greatness  of  Russia. 

*•  What  is  necessary,  and  what  we  strive  for,  is  to  create 
a  national  territorial  centre  for  our  scattered  people.  The 
construction  of  that  centre  is  already  begun,  and  it  will 
continue.  The  centre  will  gradually  be  filled  by  the  forces 
and  means  of  the  Diaspora. 

"Who  of  you  has  not  keenly  followed  for  the  last  year 
and  a  half  the  life  of  the  youngest  branch  of  the  Jewish 
people  :  the  American  ?  Hundreds  of  thousands  of  working 
men  are  unified  in  their  demand  for  national  rights  in  the 
Diaspora  and  an  autonomous  centre  in  Palestine.  The 
New  York  Kehillah,  representing  a  million  and  a  quarter 
Jews,  comes  forward  with  the  same  slogan.  Finally,  the 
powerful  Congress  movement,  embracing  the  entire  three 
million  Jewry,  is  to  close  the  coming  autumn  with  most 
important  decisions.  Weigh  all  the  facts,  and  you  will 
agree  that  the  harmony  of  which  we  dream  is  already 
coming  to  pass.  With  hope  and  with  love  we  follow  the 
work  of  our  Trans-oceanic  champions,  and  send  to  them  our 
brotherly  greetings. 

"  But  what  could  not  have  been  prophesied  and  what  fills 
our  hearts  with  untold  joy  and  pride,  is  the  attitude  towards 
our  ideal  on  the  part  of  the  broad  stratas  of  Jewry,  which 
has  revealed  itself  since  the  time  of  the  Great  Revolution. 


"From  all  corners  of  our  great  Russia  come  to  us,  to- 
gether with  cheers  of  joy  over  the  emancipation,  assurances 
of  unshattered  faith  in  the  eternal  ideal — the  renaissance  of 
our  native  Palestine.  Old  and  young,  rich  and  poor,  from 
the  front  and  from  the  rear,  orthodox  and  free-thinkers, 
declare  in  one  voice  :  *  Now,  even  now,  freed  from  the 
chains  of  slavery,  shall  we  be  able  zealously  and  gladly  to 
give  ourselves  to  the  service  of  our  ideals  ?  ' 

''  I  cannot  refrain  here  from  underscoring,  with  the  feeling 
of  deepest  recognition,  the  invaluable  services  which  the 
Government  of  the  United  States  has  so  nobly  and  warmly 
shown  to  our  pioneers.  The  noble  President  of  the  United 
States  has  acted  from  motives  of  humanity  and  brotherly 
relation  of  peoples,  but  at  the  same  time,  also,  from  deep 
sympathy  in  our  regeneration.  The  noble  impulses  of  America 
have  found  a  worthy  instrument  in  the  person  of  the  former 
Ambassador  Morgenthau,  that  faithful  son  of  the  Jewish 
people,  whose  services  in  these  hard  years  Jewry  will  not  forget. 

"  But  all  this  time,  while  working  and  building,  we  have 
not  lost  sight  of  the  basic  point  inscribed  upon  our  banner — 
the  public,  legal  character  of  the  hearth  which  we  are  creat- 
ing. We  are  convinced  that  the  moment  has  come  for 
reiterating  our  programme. 

"  We  deem  it  necessary  that  the  nations  called  upon  to 
establish  the  standard  of  the  future  national  political  life 
should  reckon  with  the  definitely  expressed  will  of  the  Jewish 
people,  to  populate  and  regenerate  Palestine  as  its  national 
hearth.  We  deem  it  further  necessary  that  all  obstacles 
should  be  removed  from  our  path,  and  that  guarantees  and 
conditions  should  be  created  which  will  ensure  the  un- 
obstructed and  speedy  development  of  our  work  in  the  land." 

The  Conference  was  attended  by  five  hundred  and  fifty- 
two  delegates  from  six  hundred  and  forty  towns.  There 
were  delegates  from  Turkestan,  Bokhara,  and  the  Crimea. 
In  addition,  there  were  present  five  hundred  visitors  from 
provincial  towns  and  over  one  thousand  one  hundred  visitors 
from  Petrograd. 

A  unique  historic  document  was  placed  before  the  Con- 
vention when  the  Chairman  read  the  full  text  of  the  Military 
Order  of  the  Day,  issued  and  signed  by  General  Alexeieff, 
Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Western  Front,  permitting  the 
Jewish  soldiers  to  elect  from  their  number  delegates  to  the 
Convention,  and  furnishing  passes  and  transportation  to  the 
delegates  to  facilitate  their  presence  at  the  gathering. 


The  spokesman  of  the  soldier-delegates  read  the  following 
resolution,  which  had  been  adopted  by  his  colleagues  : — 

"  We — Jewish  soldier-delegates  from  the  Army — who 
participate  in  this  Convention,  avow  to  the  Convention, 
and  to  the  Jewish  people  : 

"  Hundreds  and  thousands  of  Jews  are  in  battle  in  the 
Russian  Army.  In  a  time  of  outlawry  and  terrible  perse- 
cution, under  the  burden  of  false  accusations,  the  Jewish 
soldiers  fulfilled  their  full  military  duty.  In  the  ocean  of 
blood  poured  out  by  the  heroic  Russian  Army,  there  is  no 
little  of  Jewish  blood. 

"  Now,  having  become  free  citizens  of  Russia,  and 
fully  privileged  members  of  the  Army,  the  Jewish  soldiers 
will  continue  their  efforts  in  a  new  spirit  of  enthusiasm. 
Believing  that  the  strengthening  of  the  revolution,  and 
the  strengthening  of  the  peoples  in  Russia  can  be  accom- 
plished only  through  the  union  of  all  the  peoples  and  by 
a  strong  discipline  in  the  free  army,  the  Jewish  soldiers 
declare  triumphantly  that  they  are  prepared  to  follow  the 
call  of  the  revolutionary  democracy  to  defend  Russia 
against  her  enemies. 

*'  We  beheve  that  the  Russian  democracy,  which  has 
assumed  the  task  of  freeing  all  the  peoples  of  the  world, 
will  understand  the  strivings  of  our  people,  and  will 
support  Jewry  in  its  efforts  to  create  a  national  centre  for 
the  Jewish  people,  on  its  historic  soil,  Palestine." 

The  Conference  carried  the  following  resolutions  : — 

Considering  first  that  the  Jewish  people,  in  view  of 
its  disposition  and  dispersion  all  over  the  world,  can  re- 
create for  itself  conditions  for  the  normal  development  of 
its  national,  cultural,  and  economic  life,  only  through  the 
restoration  of  a  national  autonomous  centre  in  its  historic 
home,  Palestine, 

"  Secondly,  that  the  Jewish  nation  has  never  severed 
its  ties  with  its  ancient  home,  and  has  always  longed  for 
it,  and  that  its  moral  and  historic  right  to  Palestine  is  in- 
contestable and  irremovable, 

"  Thirdly,  that  the  aspirations  of  the  Jewish  nation, 
so  manifested,  fully  coincide  with  the  great  principle  of 
self-definition,  of  freedom  and  independence  for  the 
development  of  all  nations  proclaimed  by  the  democracies 
and  governments  of  all  countries  : 


"The  Zionist  Conference  in  Russia  unanimously  ex- 
presses its  firm  belief  that  when  estabHshing  the  basis  of 
the  future  national  and  political  life,  the  nations  will 
recognize  and  count  with  the  clearly-stated  will  of  the 
Jewish  nation  for  the  resettlement  and  rebirth  of  Palestine 
as  its  national  centre,  and  will  consequently  create  condi- 
tions guaranteeing  the  free  and  successful  development 
of  the  concentrated  Jewish  forces  and  of  the  restoration 
of  Palestine. 

"  To  ensure  the  concrete  and  full  manifestation  of  the 
will  of  the  Jewish  nation,  the  Conference  considers  it 
necessary  first  to  organize  among  the  Jews  a  referendum 
on  the  question  ;  secondly,  to  lay  before  the  All- Russian 
Jewish  Congress  the  question  of  Jewish  claims  in  Palestine ; 
and  thirdly,  to  claim  the  admission  of  a  representative  of 
the  Jewish  nation  at  the  future  peace  conference,  to  be 
held  upon  the  closing  of  hostilities,  for  the  expression  of 
the  wishes  of  the  Jewish  nation,  and  for  the  defence  of  its 
historic  and  national  rights  and  interests." 

The  same  spirit  was  revealed  also  by  the  Jews  of  Poland. 
In  May,  1917,  a  Zionist  Conference  was  held  in  Warsaw, 
attended  by  nearly  four  hundred  delegates  representing  a 
large  number  of  committees,  synagogues,  societies  and 
groups  consisting  of  all  classes  of  the  Jewish  population. 
A  sort  of  plebiscite  was  arranged  among  the  Jews  of  Poland, 
with  a  view  to  ascertaining  their  attitude  towards  Zionism. 
The  plebiscite  resulted  in  the  acceptance  of  a  resolution  in 
favour  of  Zionism. 

All  these  and  many  other  facts  prove  that  the  Zionist 
idea  has  made  great  progress  among  the  Jewish  masses. 
But  under  the  new  circumstances  Zionism  required  more 
than  the  usual  propaganda  :  it  required  work,  pohtical  work. 


The  introduction  into  this  book  of  a  comprehensive 
account  of  the  various  demarches  on  behalf  of  the  Zionist 
cause  recently  undertaken  in  English  political  circles,  and 
also  in  allied  countries,  is  rendered  difficult  by  the  following 
considerations.  In  the  first  place,  the  publication  of  pour- 
parlers which  have  taken  place,  and  of  schemes  which  have 
been,  or  are  to  be,  submitted,  is  impossible,  because  they  are 
still  in  progress,  and  their  final  issue  is  dependent  on  further 


developments.  In  the  second  place,  the  author  feels  great 
embarrassment,  being  compelled  to  break  the  rule  hitherto 
observed  of  avoiding  any  reference  to  his  own  share  in  the 
work  of  the  movement.  In  this  section,  however,  he  has 
participated  so  directly  in  the  demarches  referred  to  that  it 
was  quite  impossible  to  speak  of  them  at  all  without  refer- 
ring occasionally  to  his  share  in  the  political  activities. 

A  glance,  however,  at  recent  political  efforts  appeared  in- 
dispensable, in  order  to  bring  the  history  of  Zionism  up  to 
date.  But  there  is  no  claim  that  the  following  account  is 
more  than  an  outline  of  the  most  important  events.  With 
these  provisos  we  pass  to  the  facts  themselves. 

It  was  at  once  clear  that  England  was  destined  to  play  a 
most  important  part  in  Zionist  pohtics.  London  from  the 
beginning  was  the  financial  centre  of  the  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion and  the  Mecca  of  poUtical  Zionism.  Even  at  the  time 
of  the  Choveve  Zion  Movement  England  was  regarded,  as 
it  were,  as  the  country  that  stands  between  the  "  Galuth  " 
and ' '  Salvation. ' '  When  the  idea  of  Palestine  had  begun  to  be 
popularized  among  the  Jews  of  Russia  and  Poland — long 
before  the  name  "  Zionism  "  had  become  current — Disraeli's 
Tancred  and  George  Eliot's  Daniel  Deronda  were  translated 
into  Hebrew.  The  name  of  Sir  Moses  Montefiore  was  in  the 
mouth  of  all  Jews  in  Eastern  Europe,  and  his  journeys  to 
Palestine,  in  connection  with  his  great  plans,  had  long  since 
grown  legendary.  English  Jews  were  valued  because  of 
this  famous  individual ;  they  were  considered  simply  as 
national  Jews,  whether  they  really  were  so  or  not.  From 
a  distance  the  observer  did  not  recognize  the  mediocrity,  the 
parochialism  and  dissensions  ;  he  saw  the  summits  only, 
and  they  appeared  splendid.  A  man  Uke  Albert  Goldsmid, 
who  was  an  English  colonel  and  also  a  national  Jew, 
appeared  to  be  a  type  such  as  could  hardly  be  found  in  any 
other  country.  That  was  rich  material  for  the  Jewish 
imagination,  which  fed  upon  it  and  made  it  much  greater 
than  the  truth.  It  was,  however,  not  imagination,  pure  and 
simple  ;  a  sound  political  instinct  was  also  at  work  here. 
The  Jewish  Ghetto  had  for  long  prophesied  that  it  is  Eng- 
land's destiny  to  decide  the  fate  of  Palestine,  and  however 
much  one  may  smile  at  the  speculations  of  Ghetto  poUticians, 
these  had,  nevertheless,  in  their  quick-wittedness  understood 
much  that  is  sometimes  hidden  from  professional  politicians. 
Moreover,  this  was  not  the  politics  of  the  Ghetto  only.  Herzl 
did  not  know  the  Ghetto,  and  received  no  information  from 



it ;  notwithstanding  this,  all  roads  led  him  to  London.  It 
was  in  London  that  he  for  the  first  time  in  his  Hfe  publicly 
took  part  in  Jewish  Hfe.  At  a  later  period  again,  the  offer  of 
Uganda  was  made  by  the  EngHsh  Government ;  the  El- 
Arish  Expedition  was  organized  by  England.  Zionist 
finance  was  EngUsh,  and  EngHsh  was  the  Zionist  pohtical 

In  the  pre-war  period  the  Zionist  Organization  had  every- 
where sought  connections.  True  to  its  programme,  desiring 
a  charter  from  the  Ottoman  Government,  with  the  approval 
of  the  great  Powers,  it  worked  without  intrigue  and  adventure, 
honestly  anxious  to  get  this  charter  with  the  approval  of  all 
nations.  In  this  matter,  England  always  took  the  first  place. 
Herzl  and  his  followers  had  worked  zealously  in  England.  This 
work  was  continued  after  Herzl's  death.  The  author  also, 
in  his  capacity  as  member  of  the  Zionist  Executive,  visited 
this  country  several  times.  The  impressions  gained  here 
were  always  stimulating  and  interesting,  but  the  Zionist 
question  was  not  prominent. 

The  question  became  prominent  with  the  outbreak  of  the 
war.  The  thought  lay  uppermost,  that  the  work  must  be 
carried  on  here  in  England,  that,  if  possible,  it  must  be  con- 
centrated here.  If  this  thought  was  evident  to  the  Zion- 
ists of  other  countries,  was  it  any  wonder  that  it  deeply 
stirred  the  EngHsh  Zionists  ?  Thus  it  happened  that  this 
thought  found  an  excellent  champion  and  representative  in 
the  person  of  Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann.  He  took  counsel  with 
his  colleagues  in  England,  and  together  with  them  began  to 
consider  the  question  of  what  was  to  be  done  in  England, 
in  order  to  make  the  political  problem  of  Zionism  a  problem 
of  the  day.  The  idea  that  England  was  the  most  important 
centre,  and  offered  the  most  promising  prospect  of  success, 
was  neither  new  nor  the  opinion  of  a  single  party ;  it  had 
become  rather  the  property  of  the  whole  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion. But  it  was  now  something  entirely  different  from  what 
it  used  to  be  formerly.  Formerly  Zionism  was  an  abstract 
idea  ;  in  spite  of  all  Herzl's  great  achievements,  the  problem 
remained  merely  a  project.  It  is  the  poHtical  problem  we 
are  talking  about,  because  the  inteUectual  and  practical 
labour  of  Zionists  for  Palestine  had  been  a  reaHty  during  the 
whole  time  of  the  Choveve  Zion  and  the  Zionist  movements. 
Now,  however,  political  Zionism  has  also  become  a  reality. 
If  the  war  has  taught  us  anything  at  all  it  surely  is  this, 
that  nothing  is  more  fatal  than  an  attitude  of  indifference 


towards  problems  of  international  politics.  The  practical 
and  intellectual  members  of  the  Zionist  Organization,  too, 
who  used  to  look  down  upon  politics,  have  chajiged  their 
attitude  towards  them.  Formerly,  they  may  have  been 
entirely  or  partially  right — the  intellectual  were  undoubtedly 
right  in  proclaiming  that  the  spiritual  in  Zionism  must  be 
the  soul  of  the  whole  movement,  and  the  practical  ones  also 
were  right  in  establishing  the  early  colonies,  and  it  is  only 
a  pity  that  more  considerable  progress  was  not  made — but 
now  all  were  agreed  that,  in  consideration  of  the  new  possi- 
bilities, the  movement  must  come  into  relation  with  the 
political  forces,  and  the  establishment  of  actual  relations 
constituted  a  great  many-sided  and  responsible  work,  which 
had  to  be  carried  out,  at  first  in  England,  but  also  partly  in 
other  countries  of  the  Entente. 

One  of  the  most  distinguished  representatives  of  the 
Zionist  idea  in  this  country  is  the  Very  Rev.  Dr.  Moses 
Gaster,  the  late  Haham  of  the  Spanish  and  Portuguese  Jews' 
congregations  in  England,  who  from  early  youth  occupied 
a  respected  and  influential  position,  in  the  time  of  Choveve 
Zion  as  well  as  in  Zionism,  and  devoted  himself  also  with 
great  zeal  to  the  poHtical  question  of  Zionism.  He  also 
represented  the  view  that  a  wide  field  for  political  efforts 
lay  open  here,  and  he  freely  gave  his  time  and  his  eloquence 
in  the  service  of  the  cause.  In  this  direction  he  was 
very  active,  especially  in  the  earlier  stages. 

The  Very  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  Herman  Hertz,  Chief  Rabhi  of 
the  United  Congregations  of  the  British  Empire,  has  evinced 
a  sympathy  with  the  Zionist  Movement  which  at  certain 
pregnant  moments  was  equivalent  to  declaring  himself  at 
one  with  Zionism.  His  affiliation  with  the  Zionist  idea  goes 
back  to  Choveve-Zion  days,  and  subsequently  he  became  one 
of  the  founders  of  the  **  South  African  Zionist  Federation." 
The  Spiritual  Leader  of  British  Jewry  has  ever  been 
a  sincere  friend  of  the  movement,  and  on  various  decisive 
occasions  has  championed  the  idea,  defending  it,  explaining 
it,  and  encouraging  it.  In  the  new  development,  especially 
in  the  months  preceding  the  "  Declaration,"  his  help  in  con- 
nection therewith  has  been  of  far-reaching  and  lasting 

The  inspiring  spirit  and  the  driving  force,  he  who  most 
successfully  had  made  many  distinguished  non- Jewish 
personahties  famihar  with  Zionism  and  who  championed 
with  all  his  energy  and  enthusiasm  a  Zionist  political  pro- 


gramme  in  England,  was  Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann.  In  the  very 
earliest  months  of  the  war  he  began  to  collect  the  threads 
for  the  poHtical  work,  to  rouse  the  Zionist  circles  with 
which  he  was  in  touch,  to  revive  old  connections  in  non- 
Jewish  circles  and  to  form  new  ones,  to  prepare  for  negotia- 
tions— in  a  word,  to  open  up  the  work  that  was  destined 
later  on  to  become  a  properly-organized  programme.  Herein 
he  had  the  support  of  a  group  of  enthusiastic  and  deeply 
S5mipathetic  Zionists,  and  was  strengthened  and  stimulated 
in  his  initiative  by  them.  The  first  attempts  to  confer  with 
the  Government  representatives  about  Zionism  were  made  : 
the  impressions  were  satisfactory.  One  foresaw  that  this 
contained  the  germs  of  promising  possibiHties.  These  im- 
pressions led  to  the  conclusion  that  mere  discussions  alone 
were  not  sufficient,  but  rather  that  it  was  necessary  to 
formulate  plans.  In  order  to  formulate  plans  and  in  order 
to  obtain  authority  from  the  Zionist  Organization  to  submit 
these  plans  (for  such  appeared  to  be  the  next  step)  it  would 
be  necessary  to  establish  a  centre  in  London,  and  to  obtain 
the  necessary  representative  powers.  It  would  also  be 
necessary  to  write  more  about  Zionism  :  to  publish  books, 
to  undertake  propagandist  work — in  another  and  more  direct 
manner.  The  means  were  also  considered  to  win  over 
the  non-Zionist,  perhaps  even  the  anti-Zionist,  Jewish 
elements.  All  these  aims  were  discussed,  weighed,  and 
elaborated  by  a  small  circle.  It  was  not  the  whole  of 
English  Jewry,  it  was  not  even  the  then  existing  English 
Zionist  Federation  ;  it  was  really  a  circle  of  a  few  Zionists, 
mostly  intellectuals  who  corresponded  with  Dr.  Weizmann, 
and  met  and  took  counsel  with  him. 

From  that  time  forward  the  Zionist  idea  began  to  occupy 
the  attention  of  the  English  Press.  The  question  became 
topical,  the  old  EngHsh  traditions  found  new  expression. 
Most  people  had  no  conception  that  they  were  speaking  in 
the  spirit  of  old  traditions — for  few  knew  of  this  remote 
chapter  in  Engish  history — but  they  did  it  unconsciously, 
which  makes  their  action  perhaps  even  more  valuable. 
Many  a  journalist  among  the  elite  of  the  intellectuals  not 
only  gave  assistance  to  the  cause  of  Zionism  in  the  Press, 
but  went  a  step  further,  and  helped  vigorously  in  the  political 
work.  In  connection  with  this  matter  the  name  of  the 
doyen  of  English  journalism,  Mr.  C.  P.  Scott,  Editor  of  the 
Manchester  Guardian,  may  be  especially  mentioned.  Since 
the  very  beginning  Mr.  C.  P.  Scott  has  given  the  whole 


problem  a  very  careful  and  sympathetic  attention,  and  was 
an  influential  mediator  between  Zionists  and  leaders  of 
British  politics.  He  and  Dr.  Weizmann  had  conversations 
with  some  personalities,  who  strengthened  them  in  their 
hopes  that  the  ground  was  favourable  for  Zionism.  Other 
Zionist  workers  in  England  also  shared  their  view,  and 
Dr.  Gaster,  too,  in  conjunction  with  Dr.  Weizmann,  had 
some  important  conversations  with  English  leaders.  The 
impressions  which  both  had  formed  confirmed  the  hope 
that  Zionism  has  a  great  future  in  England. 

We  can  by  this  time,  without  committing  any  indiscretion, 
take  this  opportunity  of  mentioning  one  of  the  influential 
personahties  who  had  given  great  and  never-to-be  forgotten 
services  in  the  cause  of  the  Zionist  idea,  that  is  the  Rt.  Hon. 
Herbert  Samuel,  late  Home  Secretary,  who  unites  in  him- 
self the  brilUant  qualities  of  an  EngHsh  statesman  with  an 
enthusiastic  attachment  to  Judaism,  but  had  never  yet  taken 
an  active  part  in  essentially  Jewish  affairs.  His  wonder- 
ful energy,  his  distinguished  talents  and  his  patriotic  zeal 
had  for  long  been  devoted  to  the  services  of  the  country, 
and  both  in  the  Asquith  ministry  and  in  Parliament  he  formed 
one  of  the  most  distinctive  figures.  Although  he  directed 
his  activities  exclusively  to  questions  of  Home  administra- 
tion, he  turned  his  mind  also  from  the  commencement  of 
the  war  to  the  great  poHtical  problems  of  foreign  politics, 
and  when  the  opportunity  was  offered  to  become  more 
acquainted  with  the  Zionist  idea,  this  idea  won  his  sympathy, 
and  he  championed  it  with  the  full  force  of  his  convictions. 
It  is  sufficient  to  mention  the  words  contained  in  his  speech 
at  the  Demonstration  of  December  2nd  at  the  London  Opera 
House  :  "  that  he  has  stood  for  Zionism  not  only  in  the 
Cabinet,  but  also  outside  it."  These  were  modest  words. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  he  has  not  only  stood  for  Zionism,  but 
he  has  also  done  much  to  elucidate  Zionist  questions.  He 
merits  truly  a  page  of  honour  in  the  history  of  Zionism. 

For  the  sake  of  historical  accuracy,  other  distinguished 
persons  must  be  mentioned  as  well.  We  refer  to  some 
members  of  the  famous  House  of  Rothschild.  Volumes 
could  be  written  concerning  what  Baron  Edmond  de  Roths- 
child has  done  for  colonization  in  Palestine.  Far  removed 
from  political  activity  and  unwilling  to  play  any  official  part 
in  the  Zionist  Organization,  devoted  with  love  and  attach- 
ment to  his  country,  France,  and  at  the  same  time  inspired 
with  the  loftiest  sentiments  for  Judaism,  this  Nestor  of  true 


philanthropy  cherishes  a  love  for  the  idea  of  regenerating 
Palestine  that  cannot  be  too  highly  valued.  That  he  has  made 
this  ideal  one  of  the  most  beautiful  traditions  of  his  family 
is  shown  by  the  fact  that  his  son,  James,  has  followed 
the  example  of  his  father.  This  stimulating  and  instruc- 
tive example  could  not  fail  to  influence  the  other  branches 
of  this  great  family  also.  The  late  Lord  Rothschild  of 
London,  who  stood  at  the  head  of  organized  EngUsh  Jewry, 
was  long  regarded  as  an  opponent  of  Zionism.  But  this 
opposition  was  not  a  matter  of  principle,  it  was  simply 
determined  by  circumstances  :  the  obstacles  appeared  to 
him  insurmountable,  and  that  was  the  only  reason  for  his 
opposition.  In  view  of  the  different  circumstances  caused 
by  the  war,  he  revised  his  former  opinions,  and  shortly  before 
his  death  he  began  to  take  an  interest  in  Zionism.  Following 
this  lead,  other  members  of  this  family  also  have  taken  up  a 
favourable  view  towards  Zionism,  and  this  view  grew  to  a 
complete  aUiance  with  the  Zionist  Organization  on  the  part 
of  the  present  Lord  Rothschild. 

In  connection  with  this  development,  the  very  great 
services  of  Dr.  Weizmann  in  this  same  direction  must  be 
mentioned.  Shortly  before  the  outbreak  of  war  Dr.  Weiz- 
mann had  given  much  attention  to  the  project  of  founding  a 
University  in  Jerusalem.  This  project,  which  met  with  great 
approval,  not  only  in  Zionist  circles  but  also  elsewhere, 
brought  him  into  closer  relations  with  the  House  of  Roths- 
child, and  this  did  much  to  make  the  members  of  this  family 
more  closely  acquainted  with  Zionism. 

This  was  the  position  at  the  beginning  of  the  war.  The 
outlook  was  promising,  and  a  sound  start  had  been  made. 
But  all  this  was  waiting  for  development,  for  deepening,  for 
actualization.  The  English  Zionist  Federation,  being  a 
local  organization,  could  neither  speak  in  the  name  of  the 
great  masses  of  Zionists  of  the  Entente  countries  nor  could 
it  undertake  the  great  political  labour  of  propaganda  organ- 
ization. Thus  it  happened  that  on  the  part  of  Dr.  Weizmann, 
Dr.  Gaster,  and  others,  the  invitation  was  sent  forth  to  the 
main  organization  to  delegate  two  of  its  representatives  to 

There  was,  however,  still  another  matter  which  caused 
the  coming  of  the  delegates  of  the  general  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion in  London  to  appear  necessary.  Although  the  Organ- 
ization remained  uniform  in  its  principles  and  aims,  an  actual 
collaboration  of  Zionists  throughout  the  world  in  the  pre- 


existing  form  had  to  be  set  aside  for  the  time  being.  The 
greatest  numbers  of  Zionists  Hve  in  Russia  :  there  exist  the 
persons  who  are  especially  called  to  make  Palestine  their 
home,  and  there  also  the  majority  of  the  most  distinguished 
Jewish  nationaUsts  and  the  leading  spirits  of  a  Hebrew 
culture  are  most  strongly  represented.  The  great  Jewish 
community  in  America,  which  unites  the  intensity  of 
national  consciousness  of  Russian  Jews  with  the  fresh  spirit 
of  liberty  of  the  New  World,  constitutes  even  more  and  more 
a  reservoir,  not  only  of  powerful  material  resources,  but  also 
of  great  organizing  motive-power,  of  influential  initiative 
and  endeavour,  which  are  doubtless  destined  to  play  a 
decisive  part  in  the  solution  of  the  Zionist  problem.  When, 
in  addition  to  these  facts,  it  is  realized  that  the  great  re- 
sources for  the  colonization  of  Palestine  have  been  contri- 
buted from  Paris,  by  Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild,  where 
also  the  headquarters  of  the  Jewish  Colonization  Association 
are  situated,  which  has  the  disposal  of  the  millions  of  the 
late  Baron  de  Hirsch,  and  which,  if  the  issues  in  Palestine  are 
favourable,  is  destined  to  develop  its  colonizing  activities 
in  this  direction  :  when  finally  the  fact  is  remembered  that 
London  is  the  centre  of  all  financial  institutions,  then  it  will 
be  easily  understood  that  the  whole  situation  has  brought 
England  to  a  place  of  first  importance  in  the  matter  of 
Zionist  activities,  that  it  seemed  a  logical  necessity  that 
certain  representatives  of  the  Organization  had  to  move 
their  residence  and  their  work  hither,  so  as  not  only  to 
maintain  what  already  existed,  but  also  to  prepare  system- 
atically the  conditions  for  the  new  and  rich  possibilities, 
together  with  the  distinguished  personal  factors  already  at 
work  here. 

In  conclusion,  one  more  circumstance  must  be  mentioned, 
the  importance  of  which  is  also  not  to  be  under-rated. 
Though  for  a  long  time  the  Zionist  Organization  had  en- 
deavoured to  make  Zionism  the  cause  of  the  entire  Jewish 
people,  the  consciousness  of  the  need  for  unity  grew  as  the 
war  progressed.  It  was  very  desirable  that  those  Jews 
who  did  not  consider  themselves  organized  Zionists,  should 
co-operate  in  the  realization  of  many  practical  plans.  All 
the  peoples  involved  in  the  war  had  managed  to  create 
among  their  parties  a  so-called  "  Union  Sacree,"  and 
to  form  a  united  front.  Why  should  this  be  impossible  to 
the  Jews  ? 

Soon  after  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  the  Zionist  leaders 



in  England  had  attempted  to  come  to  an  understanding  with 
those  indifferent  to  their  cause  and  with  the  so-called  anti- 
Zionists,  in  order  to  render  possible,  without  renouncing  the 
principles  of  Zionism,  collaboration  in  working  out  a  practical 
scheme  in  Palestine. 

All  these  motives  led  the  leaders  of  English  Zionism 
to  request  the  general  organization  to  delegate  here  two  of 
their  representatives — namely,  Dr.  Tschlenow  of  Moscow 
and  the  author,  for  the  purpose  of  assisting  in  the  important 
work  to  be  done  in  this  country.  They  arrived  in  London 
shortly  before  the  end  of  the  year  1914. 

Space  does  not  allow  us  to  describe  the  work  of  these 
three  years  in  detail ;  we  must  therefore  confine  our  atten- 
tion to  the  chief  features.  In  the  course  of  the  first  few 
months  the  work  consisted  in  a  searching  test  of  the  attempts 
in  hand  :  this  test  yielded  a  perfect  agreement  and  a  verifi- 
cation of  all  reports  made.  In  the  early  months  of  1915 
there  were  new  conferences  with  many  leading  personalities, 
with  favourable  results.  In  March,  1915,  Dr.  Tschlenow, 
Dr.  Weizmann,  and  the  author  went  to  Paris,  after  Dr. 
Weizmann  had  previously  visited  Paris  again  and  again  on 
Zionist  business.  Attention  was  then  confined  to  Jewish 
circles,  and  so  far  as  non- Jewish  circles  were  concerned  a 
certain  general  enquiry  appeared  to  be  necessary.  At 
the  same  time,  attempts  were  made  through  conferences 
with  a  group  of  leading  Jewish  personalities  in  London  who 
stood  aloof  from  Zionism,  to  bring  about  an  understanding. 
The  Zionist  delegation  which  was  in  charge  of  these  nego- 
tiations and  this  correspondence  was  composed  of  Dr. 
E.  W.  Tschlenow,  Dr.  Moses  Gaster,  Mr.  Joseph  Cowen,  Mr. 
Herbert  Bentwich,  and  the  author.  As  an  understanding 
just  then  appeared  impossible,  the  negotiations  were  post- 
poned until  further  notice.  Dr.  Tschlenow  shortly  after- 
wards left  England,  after  a  stay  of  five  to  six  months,  and 
returned  to  Russia.  At  the  meeting  of  the  Zionist  Com- 
mittee in  Copenhagen  and  at  the  Zionist  meetings  that  took 
place  in  Russia,  Dr.  Tschlenow  was  able  to  report  that  the 
poUtical  efforts  in  England  had  filled  him  with  the  best 
hopes.  The  Author  remained  in  England  and  devoted  him- 
self, in  addition  to  propaganda,  to  the  political  task  in  which 
Weizmann's  unwearied  efforts  became  more  and  more  im- 
portant. The  period  1915-1916  was  more  one  of  prepara- 
tion than  one  of  execution  :  Zionism  had  to  be  strengthened 
from  within,  the  societies  in  London  and  the  Provinces  had 


to  be  maintained,  new  societies  had  to  be  created,  pamphlets 
and  books  had  to  be  written  and  pubHshed  ;  externally, 
the  work  consisted  in  finding  new  sympathisers,  and  in  an 
enhghtening  propaganda  wherever  a  proper  opportunity 
offered  itself.  The  correspondence  with  the  Zionist  leaders 
and  organizations  in  Russia  and  America  became  more 
active  and  the  relations  ever  closer.  In  London  a  number  of 
talented  young  Zionist  writers  and  workers  had  grouped 
themselves  round  the  leaders  ;  many  books  and  many 
pamphlets  which  were  pubhshed  during  this  period  had  won 
great  popularity  for  the  Zionist  writers  and  publicists  who 
had  already  proved  their  worthiness,  such  as  Major 
Norman  Bentwich,  who  subsequently  became  the  first 
Procureur-General  of  Palestine  under  the  British  occupa- 
tion, and  Messrs.  Paul  Goodman,  Albert  M.  Hyamson, 
Samuel  Landman,  Harry  Sacher,  Leon  Simon ;  new 
personalities  joined  them,  as,  for  instance,  Semmi  Tol- 
kowsky  and  others.  The  temporary  stay  in  London  of 
many  prominent  Zionists  of  Russia  and  Palestine,  such  as 
Boris  Goldberg  of  Wilna,  and  recently  the  agriculturist, 
Jacob  Ettinger,  and  the  manager  of  the  Anglo-Palestine 
Company,  David  Levontin,  who  both  came  over  from 
Palestine,  and  the  great  intellectual  influence  exercised  by 
Achad  Haam,  who  freely  gave  his  invaluable  advice  in 
every  important  question — all  these  have  done  very  much 
to  make  London  the  real  centre  of  Zionist  work. 

Towards  the  end  of  the  year  19 16  several  months  were 
spent  in  drafting  outlines  and  projects  for  the  purpose  of 
drawing  up  a  Zionist  programme  which  should  be  as  clear  as 
possible  and  correspond  with  the  present  conditions,  in 
which  efforts  Dr.  Weizmann  and  the  author  were  supported 
by  a  number  of  notable  colleagues.  Already  in  1915  the 
work  had  commenced  on  the  projects  and  memoranda,  the 
drafting  of  which  received  many  contributions  from  several 
members ;  and  the  work  was  continued  from  that  time 
onwards.  A  committee,  consisting  of  Dr.  Gaster,  Dr.  Weiz- 
mann, Mr.  Herbert  Bentwich,  Mr.  Joseph  Cowen,  and  the 
author,  had  towards  the  end  of  1916  outUned  a  preliminary 
sketch  of  a  programme  which  was  afterwards  discussed  in  a 
further  committee.  This  programme  was  intended  to  serve 
as  a  foundation  for  the  official  representations  which  were 
then  in  view.  At  the  same  time.  Dr.  Weizmann  was  con- 
stantly occupied  independently  in  preparing  the  ground  for 
the  coming  official  proposals,  by  conferences  and  propaganda ; 


this  he  was  able  to  do,  thanks  mostly  to  his  personal  con- 
nections, though  he  always  acted  in  conjunction  with  the 

The  7th  of  February,  1917,  constitutes  a  turning-point  in 
the  history.  Shortly  before  this  date  Lieut. -Colonel  Sir  Mark 
Sykes,  Bart.,  M.P.,  had  communicated  with  Dr.  Weizmann 
and  the  author  on  the  question  of  the  treatment  of  the 
Zionist  problem.  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  who  is  a  distinguished 
authority  on  oriental  matters  and  who  had  earlier  given 
attention  to  the  Arab  question,  was  entrusted  with  the  study 
of  the  Zionist  problem.  In  conjunction  with  a  representa- 
tive of  the  French  Government,  M.  Georges  Picot,  he  had 
devoted  great  attention  to  the  question,  and  both  had  had 
first  conversations  with  Dr.  Moses  Gaster.  At  the  commence- 
ment of  the  year  1917  Sir  Mark  Sykes  entered  into  closer 
relations  with  Dr.  Weizmann  and  the  author,  and  the  discus- 
sions held  with  the  latter  led  to  the  meeting  of  February  7th, 
1917,  which  marks  the  commencement  of  official  negotia- 
tions. Besides  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  the  following  took  part  in 
this  meeting :  Lord  Rothschild,  Mr.  Herbert  Bentwich, 
Mr.  Joseph  Cowen,  Dr.  M.  Gaster  (at  whose  house  the 
meeting  took  place),  Mr.  James  de  Rothschild,  Mr.  Harry 
Sacher,  Right  Hon.  Herbert  Samuel,  m.p..  Dr.  Chaim  Weiz- 
mann, and  the  author.  The  deliberations  yielded  a  favour- 
able result,  and  it  was  resolved  to  continue  the  work. 
For  further  regular  consultations  with  Sir  Mark  Sykes 
and  M.  Georges  Picot,  the  author  was  chosen.  Discussions 
on  questions  connected  with  the  Zionist  programme 
took  place.  In  consequence  of  these  negotiations  and 
of  the  great  importance  of  the  Zionist  question  to  all  the 
Governments  of  the  Entente  Powers,  the  author  was  called 
to  Paris  in  March,  1917,  by  the  French  Government.  On 
the  22nd  of  March  he  was  received  at  the  Ministry  of  Foreign 
Affairs  in  Paris,  where  he  outUned  the  principles  of  the 
Zionist  programme.  He  received  the  assurance  that  the 
French  Government  regarded  the  programme  very  favour- 
ably, and  was  authorized  to  inform  the  Zionist  Organiza- 
tions of  Russia  and  America  of  this  result  by  telegraph. 

After  a  stay  of  one  month  in  Paris,  during  which  the 
author  got  into  touch  with  the  leading  Jewish  circles,  he 
went  to  Rome,  where  he  devoted  himself  to  the  same  task. 
The  conferences  which  he  had  with  the  leading  Italian  Jews 
led  to  the  happy  result  that  the  programme  laid  before 
them  by  the  author  was  accepted.     With  regard  to  the 


question  of  the  Holy  Places,  it  was  considered  advisable  to 
enter  into  negotiations  with  the  Vatican.  The  Author  had 
conferences  with  the  Cardinals  (especially  with  Cardinal 
Gasparri),  and  on  the  loth  of  May  he  was  received  in 
an  audience  by  the  Pope.  These  conferences  led  to 
a  most  satisfactory  attitude  on  the  part  of  the  Vatican  to- 
wards Zionism.  Between  the  12th  and  the  i8th  of  May,  the 
author,  together  with  the  President  of  the  Jewish  Com- 
munity in  Rome,  Commendatore  Sereni,  was  received 
several  times  at  the  Italian  Consulta,  and  by  the  then 
Prime  Minister  Boselli,  and  he  was  assured  that  the  ItaUan 
Government,  in  conjunction  with  the  Allied  Powers,  would 
support  the  Zionist  programme.  He  was  authorized,  just 
as  in  Paris,  to  telegraph  this  result  to  the  Russian  and 
American  Zionist  organizations. 

Having  returned  to  Paris,  the  author  was  received  on 
May  28th  by  the  then  Prime  Minister  Ribot,  and  after  that 
remained  another  month,  during  which  various  negotiations 
were  conducted.  He  then  received  a  document  addressed 
to  him,  a  statement  from  the  French  Government,  the  text 
of  which,  translated  from  the  French  original,  runs  as 
follows  : — 

,<  3jj^  "  Paris,  June  4,  1917. 

''You  were  good  enough  to  present  the  project  to 
which  you  are  devoting  your  efforts,  which  has  for  its 
object  the  development  of  Jewish  colonization  in  Palestine. 
You  consider  that,  circumstances  permitting,  and  the  inde- 
pendence of  the  Holy  Places  being  safeguarded  on  the  other 
hand,  it  would  be  a  deed  of  justice  and  of  reparation  to 
assist,  by  the  protection  of  the  Allied  Powers,  in  the  renais- 
sance of  the  Jewish  nationahty  in  that  Land  from  which  the 
people  of  Israel  were  exiled  so  many  centuries  ago. 

"The  French  Government,  which  entered  this  present  war 
to  defend  a  people  wrongfully  attacked,  and  which  continues 
the  struggle  to  assure  the  victory  of  right  over  might,  can 
but  feel  sympathy  for  your  cause,  the  triumph  of  which  is 
bound  up  with  that  of  the  Allies. 

"  I  am  happy  to  give  you  herewith  such  assurance. 

"  Please  accept,  Sir,  the  assurance  of  my  most  distinguished 

consideration.  ,^.       ,,    ^  ^ 

(Signed)  Jules  Cambon. 

"M.   N.    SOKOLOW, 

Hotel  Meurice,  Paris." 


From  this  statement  it  is  clearly  seen  : — 

(i)  that  hereby  the  question  of  Zionism  is  recognized  as  one 
of  those  concerning  small  and  persecuted  nations ; 

(2)  that    the   principle   of    the    recognition    of    Jewish 

nationahty  and  its  historical  right  to  Palestine  is 
here  accepted ;  and 

(3)  that  the  French  Government  is  prepared  to  support 

this  movement. 

In  the  meantime,  the  Zionists  in  England — and  especially 
their  political  leader,  Dr.  Weizmann — had  continued  the 
work  with  great  zeal  in  this  country.  After  his  return,  the 
author  again  took  a  share  in  this  work.  The  great  develop- 
ment which  the  political  and  propagandist  work  had  in  the 
interval  made  in  England,  led  to  the  estabHshment  of  a  larger 
consultative  committee  and  to  the  opening  of  new  offices,^ 
and  a  year  earlier  Dr.  Weizmann  had  been  elected  Presi- 
dent of  the  English  Zionist  Federation,  and  this  did  much 
to  bring  new  life  into  the  Federation.  Two  periodicals  were 
founded,  the  monthly  Zionist  Review,  in  London,  and  the 
weekly  Palestine,  published  by  the  British  Palestine  Com- 
mittee, Manchester,  and  Zionism  reached  a  popularity  such 
as  it  never  previously  had  in  this  country. 


A  Special  Conference  of  Delegates  from  the  Constituent 
Societies  was  held  in  London  on  the  20th  of  May,  1917,  with 
the  President,  Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann,  in  the  chair.  The 
Conference  was  called  partly  in  consequence  of  the  disturbing 
news  that  had  been  received  from  Palestine  and  partly  in 
order  that  a  communication  on  the  poUtical  situation,  as 
it  affected  the  Jewish  National  Movement,  might  be  made  to 
the  societies  through  their  delegates.  The  Conference  occu- 
pied the  whole  of  the  day  and  was  very  largely  attended.  It 
was  opened  by  the  Chairman  with  an  address,  in  which  he 
reviewed  the  situation.    He  said  : — 

"  Grave  and  great  events  have  taken  place  since  we  met 
last — events  which  will  affect  deeply  the  fate  of  Jewry  all 
over  the  world.  The  first  event  of  colossal  magnitude  was 
the  Russian  Revolution.  By  a  miracle,  in  one  night  the 
chains  and  fetters  which  have  enslaved  a  great  nation  of 
150  to  160  milUons  for  centuries  have  been  broken,  and  a  free 
Russia  has  emerged.    It  has  become  almost  a  current  phrase 

*  Ziottiit  Organization,  London  Bureau,  Empire  House,  175  Piccadilly,  W. 


in  the  Press  that  it  was  a  '  bloodless  '  revolution,  but  those 
who  know  Russia,  those  who  have  lived  in  Russia,  know 
very  well  that  although  the  last  act  of  the  drama  was  com- 
paratively bloodless,  much  blood  has  been  poured  out  during 
many  years,  and  it  was  this  outpouring  of  blood  which  has 
prepared  the  dramatic  developments  which  we  witnessed 
two  months  ago.  And  we  Jews  know  that  in  this  stream  of 
blood  there  was  a  considerable  fraction — a  very  considerable 
fraction — of  Jewish  blood.  It  was  common  knowledge  in 
the  years  1905  and  1906  that  there  was  not  a  single  Jewish 
family  in  Russia  which  had  not  paid  the  toll  in  the  form  of 
a  son  or  a  daughter  or  a  relative  to  the  Moloch  of  Russian 
Tsardom.  All  those  Jews  who  have  bought  so  dearly  free- 
dom for  themselves  and  for  the  rest  of  Jewry,  will  go  down 
in  history  as  heroes,  as  saints,  and  our  hearty  congratulations 
and  wishes  go  out  to  all  those  who  have  fought  for  the 
Russian  Revolution,  and  to  those  who  are  going  to  carry  on 
the  work  under  the  new  regime.  It  is  clear  that  an  event 
like  this  cannot  pass  without  convulsions.  It  is  marvellous 
that  things  should  go  in  Russia  as  they  do  now,  but  it  is 
equally  clear  that  the  fate  of  Jewry,  the  fate  of  the  Zionist 
Movement,  largely  depends  upon  stable  conditions  in  that 
part  of  the  world,  and  it  will  be,  I  am  sure,  an  honourable 
task  for  the  Zionist  Organization  all  over  the  world,  and 
especially  for  our  friends  in  Russia,  to  contribute  as  much 
as  it  is  in  their  power  to  the  stabilization  of  conditions  in 
Russia.  Some  of  us— some  of  our  friends  even,  and  especi- 
ally some  of  our  opponents — are  very  quick  in  drawing  con- 
clusions as  to  what  will  happen  to  the  Zionist  Movement 
after  the  Russian  Revolution.  Now,  they  say,  the  greatest 
stimulus  for  the  Zionist  Movement  has  been  removed.  Russian 
Jewry  is  free.  They  do  not  need  any  places  of  refuge  some- 
where outside  Russia — somewhere  in  Palestine.  Nothing 
can  be  more  superficial,  and  nothing  can  be  more  wrong,  than 
that.  We  have  never  built  our  Zionist  Movement  on  the 
sufferings  of  our  people  in  Russia  or  elsewhere.  Those  suffer- 
ings were  never  the  cause  of  Zionism.  The  fundamental 
cause  of  Zionism  was,  and  is,  the  ineradicable  national 
striving  of  Jewry  to  have  a  home  of  its  own — a  national 
centre,  a  national  home  with  a  national  Jewish  life.  And 
this  remains  now  stronger  than  ever.  A  strong  and  free 
Russian  Jewry  will  appreciate  more  than  ever  the  strivings 
of  the  Zionist  Organization.  And  truly  we  see  it  even  now. 
Russian  Jewry  is  formulating  its  national  demands  in  a 


proud,  open,  free  way,  which  may  well  serve  as  an  example 
and  an  encouragement  to  the  free  Western  communities  of 
Jewry.  You  have  all  read  of  meetings  which  have  taken 
place  all  over  Russia — of  a  meeting  which  took  place  only 
recently  in  Moscow,  and  was  attended  by  seven  thousand 
Jews.  Many  Western  Jews  could  learn  from  these  meetings 
how  a  free  and  proud  Jew  ought  to  speak.  We  therefore  look 
forward  with  confidence  to  the  future  of  Zionism  in  Russia. 

"  Now  what  are  our  hopes  ?  How  do  we  think  they  will 
be  realized  ?  Of  course,  I  do  not  propose  to  prophesy  in  this 
assembly,  but  I  shall  try  to  outline,  as  much  as  it  is  possible 
to  do  so,  what  are  our  plans,  and  how  we  think  we  shall  be 
able  to  carry  them  out.  And  before  I  do  so  let  me  do  away 
with  one  or  two  what  I  may  perhaps  call  misunderstandings, 
or  what  may  be  called  wrong  phrases.  One  reads  con- 
stantly in  the  Press  and  one  hears  from  our  friends,  both 
Jewish  and  non- Jewish,  that  it  is  the  endeavour  of  the 
Zionist  Movement  immediately  to  create  a  Jewish  State  in 
Palestine.  Our  American  friends  went  further  than  that, 
and  they  have  even  determined  the  form  of  this  State,  by 
advocating  a  Jewish  Repubhc.  While  heartily  welcoming 
all  these  demonstrations  as  a  genuine  manifestation  of  the 
Jewish  national  will,  we  cannot  consider  them  as  safe  states- 
manship. Strong  as  the  Zionist  Movement  may  be,  full  of 
enthusiasm  as  the  Zionists  may  be,  at  the  present  time,  it 
must  be  obvious  to  everybody  who  stands  in  the  midst  of 
the  work  of  the  Zionist  Organization,  and  it  must  be  ad- 
mitted honestly  and  truly,  that  the  conditions  are  not  yet 
ripe  for  the  setting  up  of  a  State  ad  hoc.  States  must  be 
built  up  slowly,  gradually,  systematically  and  patiently. 
We,  therefore,  say  that  while  a  creation  of  a  Jewish  Common- 
wealth in  Palestine  is  our  final  ideal — an  ideal  for  which  the 
whole  of  the  Zionist  Organization  is  working — the  way  to 
achieve  it  lies  through  a  series  of  intermediary  stages.  And 
one  of  those  intermediary  stages  which  I  hope  is  going  to 
come  about  as  a  result  of  this  war,  is  that  the  fair  country  of 
Palestine  will  be  protected  by  such  a  mighty  and  a  just 
Power  as  Great  Britain.  Under  the  wing  of  this  Power 
Jews  will  be  able  to  develop,  and  to  set  up  the  administrative 
machinery  which,  while  not  interfering  with  the  legitimate 
interests  of  the  non- Jewish  population,  would  enable  us  to 
carry  out  the  Zionist  scheme.  I  am  entitled  to  state  in  this 
assembly  that  His  Majesty's  Government  is  ready  to  support 
our  plans. 


"  I  would  further  like  to  add  that  the  support  of  the 
British  Government,  when  given,  will  be  in  conjunction  and 
agreement  with  the  Allied  Powers.  Our  friend,  chief,  and 
leader,  Mr.  Sokolow,  who,  owing  to  important  Zionist  duties, 
is  prevented  from  attending  this  meeting,  has  been  both  in 
France  and  in  Italy,  and  from  both  these  Governments  he 
has  received  assurances  of  full  sympathy  and  full  support. 
One  of  the  important  problems  to  be  considered  in  connec- 
tion with  the  future  settlement  of  Palestine  is  the  dehcate 
question  of  the  Holy  Places.  I  need  hardly  say,  in  this 
Jewish  assembly,  that  we  Jews  will  be  meticulously  and 
scrupulously  careful  to  respect  the  sentiments  of  any 
rehgious  group  or  sect  in  Palestine.  It  is  not  for  us  to  discuss 
how  this  complicated  question,  which  forms  an  important 
point  in  international  relations,  is  going  to  be  settled.  We 
trust  to  the  fairness  and  justice  of  the  nations  which  are 
going  to  build  up  a  better  world  after  this  catastrophe,  that 
they  will  see  to  it  that  the  arrangements  made  are  fair  and 
satisfactory  to  everyone.  We  have  assurances  from  the 
highest  Catholic  circles  that  they  will  view  with  favour  the 
estabhshment  of  a  Jewish  national  home  in  Palestine,  and 
from  their  religious  point  of  view  they  see  no  objection  to  it, 
and  no  reason  why  we  should  not  be  good  neighbours.  And 
good  neighbours  I  hope  we  shall  be. 

"  Let  us  now  turn  our  attention  for  a  few  minutes  to  the 
internal  situation.  Confident  as  we  are  of  our  final  success, 
we  cannot  help  feeling  some  disappointment  at  the  fact  that 
the  whole  of  Jewry  does  not  stand  united  at  this  present 
critical  moment.  Ladies  and  Gentlemen,  it  is  not  only  a 
matter  of  regret,  but  it  is  a  matter  of  deep  humiUation  to 
every  Jew  that  we  cannot  stand  united  in  this  great  hour. 
But  it  is  not  the  fault  of  the  Zionist  Organization.  It  is, 
perhaps,  not  the  fault  of  our  opponents.  It  must  be  attri- 
buted to  the  conditions  of  our  life  in  the  Dispersion,  which 
has  caused  in  Jewry  a  cleavage  difficult  to  bridge  over  even 
at  a  time  Hke  this.  It  is  unfortunate  that  there  still  exists 
a  small  minority  which  disputes  the  very  existence  of  the 
Jews  as  a  nation.  But  there  need  be  no  misgivings  on  that 
account ;  for  I  have  no  hesitation  in  saying  that  if  it  comes 
to  a  plebiscite  and  a  test,  there  can  be  no  doubt  on  which 
side  the  majority  of  Jews  will  be  found.  And,  ladies  and 
gentlemen,  I  warn  you  that  this  test  is  bound  to  come — and 
come  sooner,  perhaps,  than  we  think.  You  will  have  to 
show,  and  in  this  solemn  hour  I  call  upon  you  to  prepare  for 


it,  that  with  all  your  heart  and  mind  you  stand  united  behind 
those  leaders  whom  you  have  chosen  to  carry  out,  at  this 
critical  hour  of  the  world's  history,  this  work.  We  do  not 
want  to  give  the  world  the  spectacle  of  a  war  of  brothers. 
We  are  surrounded  by  too  many  enemies  to  give  ourselves 
this  luxury.  But  we  warn  those  who  will  force  an  open 
breach  that  they  will  find  us  prepared  to  stand  up  united  in 
the  defence  of  the  cause  which  is  sacred  to  us.  We  shall  not 
allow  anybody  to  interfere  with  the  hard  work  that  we  are 
doing,  and  we  say  to  all  our  opponents,  '  Hands  off  the 
Zionist  Movement  \' " 

The  statement  was  received  with  repeated  applause,  and 
aroused  great  enthusiasm  among  the  delegates,  both  im- 
mediately after  its  delivery  and  also  in  the  course  of  the 
discussion  which  ensued. 


All  these  signs  of  Zionist  activity  naturally  could  not 
avoid  creating  a  certain  opposition.  The  attempts  to  bring 
about  agreement,  made  at  the  beginning  of  1915,  had  led  to 
nothing,  and  the  Zionists,  from  their  point  of  view,  could  not 
have  thought  ill  of  their  opponents,  if  they  had  Hmited 
themselves  to  a  discussion  within  Jewish  circles.  But  the 
opposition  went  so  far  as  to  pubHsh  a  document  which  reads 
as  follows  : — ^ 

"  In  view  of  the  statements  and  discussions  lately  pub- 
lished in  the  newspapers  relative  to  a  projected  Jewish 
resettlement  in  Palestine  on  a  national  basis,  the  Conjoint 
Foreign  Committee  of  the  Board  of  Deputies  of  British  Jews 
and  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association  deem  it  necessary  to 
place  on  record  the  views  they  hold  on  this  important 

"  The  Holy  Land  has  necessarily  a  profound  and  undying 
interest  for  all  Jews,  as  the  cradle  of  their  religion,  the  main 
theatre  of  Bible  history,  and  the  site  of  its  sacred  memorials. 
It  is  not,  however,  as  a  mere  shrine  or  place  of  pilgrimage 
that  they  regard  the  country.  Since  the  dawn  of  their 
political  emancipation  in  Europe,  the  Jews  have  made  the 
rehabilitation  of  the  Jewish  community  in  the  Holy  Land 
one  of  their  chief  cares,  and  they  have  always  cherished  the 
hope  that  the  result  of  their  labours  would  be  the  regenera- 
tion on  Palestinian  soil  of  a  Jewish  community,  worthy  of 
the  great  memories  of  their  environment,  and  a  source  of 

1  The  Times,  May  24,  191 7. 


spiritual  inspiration  to  the  whole  of  Jewry.  Accordingly, 
the  Conjoint  Committee  have  welcomed  with  deep  satisfac- 
tion the  prospect  of  a  rich  fruition  of  this  work,  opened  to 
them  by  the  victorious  progress  of  the  British  Army  in 

*'  Anxious  that  on  this  question  all  sections  and  parties  in 
Jewry  should  be  united  in  a  common  effort,  the  committee 
intimated  to  the  Zionist  organizations  as  far  back  as  the 
winter  of  1914  their  readiness  to  co-operate  with  them  on 
the  basis  of  the  so-called  '  cultural '  poHcy  which  had  been 
adopted  at  the  last  two  Zionist  Congresses  in  191 1  and  1913. 
This  policy  aimed  primarily  at  making  Palestine  a  Jewish 
spiritual  centre  by  securing  for  the  local  Jews,  and  the 
colonists  who  might  join  them,  such  conditions  of  life  as 
would  best  enable  them  to  develop  the  Jewish  genius  on 
lines  of  its  own.  Larger  poUtical  questions,  not  directly 
affecting  the  main  purpose,  were  left  to  be  solved  as  need 
and  opportunity  might  render  possible.  Unfortunately,  an 
agreement  on  these  lines  has  not  proved  practicable,  and  the 
conjoint  committee  are  consequently  compelled  to  pursue 
their  work  alone.  They  are  doing  so  on  the  basis  of  a  formula 
adopted  by  them  in  March,  1916,  in  which  they  proposed  to 
recommend  to  his  Majesty's  Government  the  formal  recogni- 
tion of  the  high  historic  interest  Palestine  possesses  for  the 
Jewish  community,  and  a  pubUc  declaration  that  at  the 
close  of  the  war  *  the  Jewish  population  will  be  secured  in 
the  enjoyment  of  civil  and  religious  liberty,  equal  political 
rights  with  the  rest  of  the  population,  reasonable  facilities 
for  immigration  and  colonization,  and  such  municipal 
privileges  in  the  towns  and  colonies  inhabited  by  them  as 
may  be  shown  to  be  necessary.' 

**  That  is  still  the  policy  of  the  conjoint  committee. 

"  Meanwhile,  the  committee  have  learnt  from  the  published 
statements  of  the  Zionist  leaders  in  this  country  that  they 
now  favour  a  much  larger  scheme  of  an  essentially  political 
character.  Two  points  in  this  scheme  appear  to  the 
committee  to  be  open  to  grave  objections  on  public 

"The  first  is  a  claim  that  the  Jewish  settlements  in 
Palestine  shall  be  recognized  as  possessing  a  national 
character  in  a  political  sense.  Were  this  claim  of  purely 
local  import,  it  might  well  be  left  to  settle  itself  in  accordance 
with  the  general  political  exigencies  of  the  reorganization  of 
the  country  under  a  new  sovereign  power.     The  conjoint 


committee,  indeed,  would  have  no  objections  to  urge  against 
a  local  Jev.ish  nationality  establishing  itself  under  such 
conditions.  But  the  present  claim  is  not  of  this  limited 
scope.  It  is  part  and  parcel  of  a  wider  Zionist  theory, 
which  regards  all  the  Jewish  communities  of  the  world  as 
constituting  one  homeless  nationaUty,  incapable  of  complete 
social  and  political  identification  with  the  nations  among 
whom  they  dwell,  and  it  is  argued  that  for  this  homeless 
nationahty  a  political  centre  and  an  always  available  home- 
land in  Palestine  are  necessary.  Against  this  theory  the 
conjoint  committee  strongly  and  earnestly  protest.  Eman- 
cipated Jews  in  this  country  regard  themselves  primarily 
as  a  religious  community,  and  they  have  always  based  their 
claims  to  poUtical  equality  with  their  fellow-citizens  of  other 
creeds  on  this  assumption  and  on  its  corollary — that  they 
have  no  separate  national  aspirations  in  a  political  sense. 
They  hold  Judaism  to  be  a  religious  system,  with  which  their 
poHtical  status  has  no  concern,  and  they  maintain  that,  as 
citizens  of  the  countries  in  which  they  live,  they  are  fully 
and  sincerely  identified  with  the  national  spirit  and  interests 
of  those  countries.  It  follows  that  the  establishment  of  a 
Jewish  nationaUty  in  Palestine,  founded  on  this  theory  of 
Jewish  homelessness,  must  have  the  effect  throughout  the 
world  of  stamping  the  Jews  as  strangers  in  their  native  lands, 
and  of  undermining  their  hard-won  position  as  citizens  and 
nationals  of  those  lands.  Moreover,  a  Jewish  poHtical 
nationaUty,  carried  to  its  logical  conclusion,  must,  in  the 
present  circumstances  of  the  world,  be  an  anachronism. 
The  Jewish  reUgion  being  the  only  certain  test  of  a  Jew,  a 
Jewish  nationality  must  be  founded  on,  and  limited  by,  the 
reUgion.  It  cannot  be  supposed  for  a  moment  that  any 
section  of  Jews  would  aim  at  a  commonwealth  governed  by 
reUgious  tests,  and  limited  in  the  matter  of  freedom  of  con- 
science ;  but  can  a  religious  nationaUty  express  itself 
politicaUy  in  any  other  way  ?  The  only  alternative  would 
be  a  secular  Jewish  nationality,  recruited  on  some  loose  and 
obscure  principle  of  race  and  ethnographic  peculiarity ;  but 
this  would  not  be  Jewish  in  any  spiritual  sense,  and  its 
establishment  in  Palestine  would  be  a  denial  of  all  the  ideals 
and  hopes  by  which  the  revival  of  Jewish  life  in  that  country 
commends  itself  to  the  Jewish  consciousness  and  Jewish 
sympathy.  On  these  grounds  the  conjoint  committee 
deprecate  most  earnestly  the  national  proposals  of  the 


"  The  second  point  in  the  Zionist  programme  which  has 
aroused  the  misgivings  of  the  conjoint  committee  is  the  pro- 
posal to  invest  the  Jewish  settlers  in  Palestine  with  certain 
special  rights  in  excess  of  those  enjoyed  by  the  rest  of  the 
population,  these  rights  to  be  embodied  in  a  Charter  and 
administered  by  a  Jewish  Chartered  Company.  Whether  it 
is  desirable  or  not  to  confide  any  portion  of  the  administra- 
tion of  Palestine  to  a  Chartered  Company  need  not  be  dis- 
cussed, but  it  is  certainly  very  undesirable  that  Jews  should 
soHcit  or  accept  such  a  concession,  on  a  basis  of  political 
privileges  and  economic  preferences.  Any  such  action  would 
prove  a  veritable  calamity  for  the  whole  Jewish  people. 
In  all  the  countries  in  which  they  Uve  the  principle  of  equal 
rights  for  all  religious  denominations  is  vital  for  them. 
Were  they  to  set  an  example  in  Palestine  of  disregarding 
this  principle  they  would  convict  themselves  of  having 
appealed  to  it  for  purely  selfish  motives.  In  the  countries 
in  which  they  are  still  struggling  for  equal  rights  they  would 
find  themselves  hopelessly  compromised,  while  in  other 
countries,  where  those  rights  have  been  secured,  they  would 
have  great  difficulty  in  defending  them.  The  proposal  is  the 
more  inadmissible  because  the  Jews  are,  and  will  probably 
long  remain,  a  minority  of  the  population  of  Palestine,  and 
because  it  might  involve  them  in  the  bitterest  feuds  with 
their  neighbours  of  other  races  and  religions,  which  would 
seriously  retard  their  progress,  and  would  find  deplorable 
echoes  throughout  the  Orient.  Nor  is  the  scheme  necessary 
for  the  Zionists  themselves.  If  the  Jews  prevail  in  a  com- 
petition based  on  perfect  equality  of  rights  and  opportunity 
they  will  establish  their  eventual  preponderance  in  the  land 
on  a  far  sounder  foundation  than  any  that  can  be  secured 
by  privileges  and  monopolies. 

"  If  the  conjoint  committee  can  be  satisfied  with  regard  to 
these  points  they  will  be  prepared  to  co-operate  in  securing 
for  the  Zionist  organization  the  united  support  of  Jewry. 
"  (Signed)     David  L.  Alexander, 

President,  Board  of  Deputies  of  British  Jews. 
"  (Signed)     Claude  G.  Montefiore, 

President,  Anglo- Jewish  Association. 

"  London,  May  17,  1917." 

On  the  day  after  the  appearance  of  this  Manifesto,  The 
Times  received  more  letters  than  it  could  make  room  to 
print  from  Jewish  correspondents,  "  taking  strong  excep- 


tion  "  to  the  statement  of  the  Presidents.  Mr.  Elkan  N.  Adler 
at  once  resigned  from  the  Conjoint  Committee,  and  described 
the  publication  of  the  Manifesto  as  *'  inopportune,  if  not 
harmful."    Mr.  B.  A.  Fersht  and  Mr.  S.  Gilbert  also  resigned. 

The  Chief  Rabbi,  Dr.  J.  H.  Hertz,  wrote  to  The  Times, 
expressing  the  following  opinion  : — 

**  I  do  not  propose  to  advance  any  arguments  contesting 
the  extraordinary  statement  on  Zionism  and  Palestine  which 
you  published  on  Thursday  last,  signed  by  Mr.  D.  L.  Alex- 
ander, K.C.,  and  Mr.  Claude  G.  Montefiore.  But,  as  Chief 
Rabbi  of  the  United  Hebrew  Congregations  of  the  British 
Empire,  I  cannot  allow  your  readers  to  remain  under  the 
misconception  that  the  said  statement  represents  in  the 
least  the  views  held  either  by  Anglo- Jewry  as  a  whole  or  by 
the  Jewries  of  the  Oversea  Dominions.  Moreover,  neither 
the  Board  of  Deputies  nor  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association — 
on  whose  behalf  their  presidents  signed  the  document  in 
question — authorized  its  publication  or  had  an  opportunity 
of  considering  its  contents. 

"  It  is,  indeed,  grievously  painful  to  me  to  write  this  in  your 
influential  columns.  But  I  am  impelled  to  do  so  in  the 
interests  of  truth,  and  in  justice  to  the  communities  of  which 
I  have  the  honour  and  privilege  of  being  the  spiritual  head." 

Dr.  M.  Gaster,  the  late  Haham  of  the  Spanish  and  Portu- 
guese Jews'  congregations  in  England,  declared  : — 

"  A  settlement  of  the  Jewish  problem  will,  no  doubt,  form 
part  of  the  general  settlement  which  is  to  secure  to  the  world 
a  permanent  peace  resting  on  *  national  liberty  and  inter- 
national amity,'  as  Lord  Robert  Cecil  only  yesterday 
declared  in  the  House  of  Commons.  The  Jew  also  wants  a 
permanent  peace  resting  on  the  same  foundations,  and  he 
can  only  find  it  by  the  realization  of  the  Zionist  programme, 
a  national  autonomous  life  in  the  Holy  Land,  pubHcly 
recognized  and  legally  secured.  It  embraces,  of  course,  the 
religious  as  well  as  political  and  economic  life,  indissolubly 
united  in  the  Jewish  national  consciousness." 

Lord  Rothschild  repHed  to  several  of  the  objections  to 
Zionism  advanced  by  the  two  Presidents  in  a  letter  which 
stated : — 

"  In  your  issue  of  the  24th  inst.  appears  a  long  letter 
signed  on  behalf  of  the  Conjoint  Committee  by  Messrs. 
Alexander  and  Montefiore  and  entitled  *  The  Future  of  the 
Jews.'  As  a  sincere  believer  both  in  the  justice  and  benefits 
likely  to  accrue  from  the  Zionist  cause  and  aspirations,  I 


trust  you  will  allow  me  to  reply  to  this  letter.  I  consider  it 
most  unfortunate  that  this  controversy  should  be  raised  at 
the  present  time,  and  the  members  of  the  Zionist  organiza- 
tion are  the  last  people  desirous  of  raising  it.  Our  opponents, 
although  a  mere  fraction  of  the  Jewish  opinion  of  the  world, 
seek  to  interfere  in  the  wishes  and  aspirations  of  by  far  the 
larger  mass  of  the  Jewish  people.  We  Zionists  cannot  see 
how  the  estabhshment  of  an  autonomous  Jewish  State  under 
the  aegis  and  protection  of  one  of  the  Allied  Powers  can  be 
considered  for  a  moment  to  be  in  any  way  subversive  to  the 
position  or  loyalty  of  the  very  large  part  of  the  Jewish 
people  who  have  identified  themselves  thoroughly  with  the 
citizenship  of  the  countries  in  which  they  live.  Our  idea 
from  the  beginning  has  been  to  establish  an  autonomous 
centre,  both  spiritual  and  ethical,  for  all  those  members  of 
the  Jewish  faith  who  felt  drawn  irresistibly  to  the  ancient 
home  of  their  faith  and  nationality  in  Palestine. 

"  In  the  letter  you  have  published,  the  question  also  is 
raised  of  a  chartered  company.  We  Zionists  have  always 
felt  that  if  Palestine  is  to  be  colonized  by  the  Jews  some 
machinery  must  be  set  up  to  receive  the  immigrants,  settle 
them  on  the  land,  and  to  develop  the  land,  and  to  be 
generally  a  directing  agency.  I  can  only  again  emphasize 
that  we  Zionists  have  no  wish  for  privileges  at  the  expense 
of  other  nationahties,  but  only  desire  to  be  allowed  to  work 
out  our  destinies  side  by  side  with  other  nationalities  in 
an  autonomous  State  under  the  suzerainty  of  one  of  the 
Allied  Powers." 

Dr.  Weizmann  replied  to  two  statements  made  by  the 
anti-Zionists  in  a  further  letter  which  appeared  in  The 
Times  : — 

"  I  have  no  desire  to  ask  for  space  in  your  columns  to 
examine  with  what  justification  these  two  gentlemen  and 
the  school  they  speak  for  claim  that  they  have  always  hoped 
and  worked  for  a  Jewish  regeneration  in  Palestine.  But  I 
am  anxious  to  correct  two  statements  which  might  possibly 
generate  serious  misconception  in  the  minds  of  those  not  well 
informed  as  to  Zionism  and  Zionist  projects. 

"  I.  It  may  possibly  be  inconvenient  to  certain  individual 
Jews  that  the  Jews  constitute  a  nationality.  Whether  the 
Jews  do  constitute  a  nationality  is,  however,  not  a  matter 
to  be  decided  by  the  convenience  of  this  or  that  individual. 
It  is  strictly  a  question  of  fact.  The  fact  that  the  Jews  are 
a  nationaUty  is  attested  by  the  conviction  of  the  over- 


whelming  majority  of  Jews  throughout  all  ages  right  to  the 
present  time,  a  conviction  which  has  always  been  shared  by 
non-Jews  in  all  countries. 

"  2 .  The  Zionists  are  not  demanding  in  Palestine  monopolies 
or  exclusive  privileges,  nor  are  they  asking  that  any  part  of 
Palestine  should  be  administered  by  a  chartered  company 
to  the  detriment  of  others.  It  always  was  and  remains  a 
cardinal  principle  of  Zionism  as  a  democratic  movement  that 
all  races  and  sects  in  Palestine  should  enjoy  full  justice  and 
liberty,  and  Zionists  are  confident  that  the  new  suzerain 
whom  they  hope  Palestine  will  acquire  as  a  result  of  the  war 
will,  in  its  administration  of  the  country,  be  guided  by  the 
same  principle. 

"  In  conclusion  I  should  Hke  to  express  my  regret  that  there 
should  be  even  two  Jews  who  think  it  their  duty  to  exert 
such  influence  as  they  may  command  against  the  realization 
of  a  hope  which  has  sustained  the  Jewish  nation  through 
2000  years  of  exile,  persecution,  and  temptation.** 

These  letters  of  protest  led  to  the  pubhcation  of  a  leading 
article  entitled  "The  Future  of  the  Jews'*  in  The  Times  of 
29th  May,  which  showed  that  this  paper  is  firmly  convinced 
of  the  justice  of  the  Zionist  cause.  The  article  was  of  so 
much  importance  that  it  is  quoted  in  full : — 

"  The  important  controversy  which  has  sprung  up  in  our 
columns  upon  the  future  of  the  Jews  deserves  careful  and 
sympathetic  attention.  The  war  has  given  prominence  to 
many  questions  that  seemed  formerly  to  Ue  outside  the 
range  of  practical  poHtics.  None  of  them  is  more  interesting 
than  that  of  the  bearing  of  Zionism — that  is  to  say,  of  the 
resettlement  of  a  Jewish  nationahty  in  Palestine — upon  the 
future  of  the  Jewish  people.  In  the  statement  which  we 
published  last  Thursday  from  the  Conjoint  Committee  of  the 
Board  of  Deputies  of  British  Jews  and  the  Anglo-Jewish 
Association  exception  was  taken  to  Zionist  plans  for  the 
creation  of  a  national  Jewish  community  '  in  a  poHtical 
sense,'  and  pointed  arguments  were  directed  against  them. 
In  the  opinion  of  the  Committee,  such  plans  are  '  part  and 
parcel  of  a  wider  Zionist  theory  which  regards  all  the  Jewish 
communities  of  the  world  as  constituting  one  homeless 
nationahty,  incapable  of  complete  social  and  pohtical  identi- 
fication with  the  nations  among  whom  they  dwell.'  Against 
this  theory  the  Committee  '  strongly  and  earnestly  protest,' 
on  grounds  which,  in  so  far  as  they  are  set  forth  in  the  state- 
ment, are  sufficiently  clear.    The  Committee  claim  that  they 


are  fully  alive  to  the  special  meaning  of  Palestine  for  the 
Jewish  race.  They  are  anxious  that  in  Palestine  the  civil 
and  religious  liberties  of  Jews  should  be  secured.  But  they 
affirm  that  '  emancipated  Jews  '  in  this  country  have  no 

*  separate  national  aspirations  in  a  political  sense.'  Such 
Jews  regard  themselves  *  primarily  as  a  religious  com- 
munity/ and  have  always  *  based  their  claims  to  political 
equality  with  their  fellow-citizens  of  other  creeds  on  this 
assumption.'  They  fear  lest  the  establishment  of  a  Jewish 
nationality  in  Palestine  stamp  the  Jews  as  strangers  in  their 
native  lands  and  undermine  *  their  hard-won  position  as 
citizens  and  nationals  of  those  lands.'  The  Committee  pro- 
ceed to  argue  that  since  *  the  Jewish  religion  '  is  '  the  only 
certain  test  of  a  Jew,  the  Jewish  nationality  must  be  founded 
on,  and  limited  by  religion.'  It  follows,  they  believe,  that  a 
Jewish  nationality  would  be  obliged  to  '  express  itself 
politically  '  by  religious  intolerance,  and  would  thus  under- 
mine the  very  principle  which  Jews  have  invoked  to  secure 
their  emancipation.  The  Committee  further  insist  that  the 
bestowal  by  Charter  of  *  certain  special  rights  in  excess  of 
those  enjoyed  by  the  rest  of  the  population  '  would  be  a 
questionable  boon  to  a  Jewish  community  in  Palestine, 
because  in  all  the  countries  in  which  Jews  live  *  the  principle 
of  equal  rights  for  all  religious  denominations  '  is  vital  to 

"  It  seems  to  us  that  in  attempting  to  define  Jewish 
nationality  in  terms  of  religion  the  Committee  come  danger- 
ously near  to  begging  the  question  which  they  raise  ;  and 
no  question  can  be  solved  by  begging  it.  As  Dr.  Weizmann, 
the  President  of  the  English  Zionist  Federation,  observes  in 
the  letter  which  we  published  yesterday,  it  may  possibly  be 
inconvenient  to  ceitain  individual  Jews  that  the  Jews  do 
constitute  a  nationality.  The  question  is  one  of  fact,  not  of 
argument,  and  the  fact  that  the  Jews  are  a  nationality  '  is 
attested  by  the  conviction  of  the  overwhelming  majority  of 
Jews  throughout  all  ages.'    This  conviction,  he  rightly  says, 

*  has  always  been  shared  by  non-Jews  in  all  countries.'  But 
more  immediately  important  than  this  discussion  of  a  point 
which  cannot  seriously  be  disputed  is  the  denial  by  eminent 
and  influential  Jewish  leaders  like  Lord  Rothschild  and  the 
Chief  Rahhi  of  the  title  of  the  Conjoint  Committee  to  speak 
for  British  Jewry,  or,  indeed,  for  *  the  larger  mass  of  the 
Jewish  people.'  Lord  Rothschild  writes  :  '  We  Zionists 
cannot  see  how  the  establishment  of  an  autonomous  Jewish 

11.— F 


State,  under  the  aegis  and  protection  of  one  of  the  Allied 
Powers,  can  be  considered  for  a  moment  to  be  in  any  way 
subversive  of  the  position  or  loyalty  of  the  very  large  part 
of  the  Jewish  people  who  have  identified  themselves 
thoroughly  with  the  citizenship  of  the  countries  in  which 
they  live/  The  Chief  Rahhi  insists  that  the  statement  of 
the  Conjoint  Committee  does  not  represent  in  the  least  the 
views  held  *  either  by  Anglo-Jewry  as  a  whole  or  by  the 
Jewries  of  the  Oversea  Dominions/ 

*'  Authoritative  declarations  such  as  these  dispose  of  the 
contention  that  Zionism  is  not  representative  of  Jewish 
aspirations.  We  beheve  it  in  fact  to  embody  the  feelings  of 
the  great  bulk  of  Jewry  everywhere.  The  interest  of  the 
world  outside  Jewry  is  that  these  aspirations,  in  so  far  as 
they  may  be  susceptible  of  realization,  should  be  fairly  faced 
on  their  merits.  It  is  too  often  imagined  that  the  Jewish 
question  can  be  solved  by  the  mere  removal  of  all  artificial 
restrictions  upon  Jewish  activities.  Even  a  superficial 
acquaintance  with  the  conditions  of  life  in  the  congested 
Jewish  communities  of  Galicia  and  Russia  suggests  the  in- 
adequacy of  that  solution.  The  truth  is  that  the  Jewish 
question  cannot  be  exhaustively  defined  either  in  terms  of 
religion  or  of  race.  It  has  important  social,  economic, 
financial,  and  poUtical  sides.  The  importance  of  the  Zionist 
movement — apart  from  its  territorial  aspect — is  that  it  has 
fired  with  a  new  ideal  millions  of  poverty-stricken  Jews 
cooped  up  in  the  ghettoes  of  the  Old  World  and  the  New. 
It  has  tended  to  make  Jews  proud  of  their  race  and  to  claim 
recognition,  as  Jews,  in  virtue  of  the  eminent  services 
rendered  by  Jewry  to  the  reUgious  development  and  civiliza- 
tion of  mankind.  Only  an  imaginative  nervousness  suggests 
that  the  realization  of  territorial  Zionism,  in  some  form, 
would  cause  Christendom  to  round  on  the  Jews  and  say, 
*  Now  you  have  a  land  of  your  own,  go  to  it !  '  The  Jews 
who  feel  themselves  to  be  British,  French,  or  American 
would,  doubtless,  tend  to  identify  themselves  more  than 
ever  with  the  lands  of  their  political  allegiance  and  to 
become  more  and  more  a  solely  rehgious  community.  The 
rapid  changes  of  nationality  that  have  been  so  noticeable 
among  Jews  in  the  past  would  become  increasingly  dis- 
credited. The  international  solidarity  of  Jews  would 
undoubtedly  persist — though,  with  a  lessening  of  the  danger 
of  rehgious  persecution,  the  leading  Jews  of  all  countries 
might  feel  freer  to  make  a  pubhc  stand  against  tendencies 


which  sometimes  bring  the  Jewish  name  into  disrepute.  We 
note  with  satisfaction  the  assurance  of  the  Conjoint  Com- 
mittee that,  if  their  specific  misgivings  can  be  removed, 
'  they  will  be  prepared  to  co-operate  in  securing  for  Zionist 
organizations  the  united  support  of  Jewry.'  It  is  in  this 
direction,  we  believe,  that  progress  hes." 

On  the  ist  of  June  The  Times  contained  a  letter  adding 
the  names  of  the  Anglo- Jews  who  supported  the  view  taken 
by  the  Conjoint  Presidents.    The  letter  read  as  follows  : — 

"  Sir, — As  the  representative  character  of  the  Jewish 
Conjoint  Committee  has  been  publicly  challenged,  we,  being 
Jews  of  British  birth  and  nationahty,  actively  engaged  in 
public  work  in  the  Anglo-Jewish  community,  desire  to  state 
that  we  approve  of,  and  associate  ourselves  with,  the  state- 
ment on  the  Palestine  question  recently  issued  by  the  com- 
mittee, and  published  in  The  Times  of  the  24th  inst. 

Your  obedient  servants, 

SwaythLing  Israel  Gollancz 

Chas.  S.  Henry  Michael  A.  Green 

Matthew  Nathan  H.  S.  Q.  Henriques 

Lionel  Abrahams*  Joshua  M.  Levy 

Isidore  Spielmann  Laurie  Magnus 

Edward  D.  Stern  Edmund  Sebag-Montefiore 

Israel  Abrahams  Arthur  Reginald  Moro 

Leonard  L.  Cohen  Philip  S.  Waley 

Ernest  L.  Franklin  Albert  M.  Woolf. 
'*  May  2gthr 

There  were  soon  widespread  signs  that  the  congregations 
supposed  to  be  represented  by  the  Board  of  Deputies  did  not 
agree  with  the  views  expressed  in  the  manifesto.  Thus  the 
seatholders  of  the  New  Synagogue,  Stamford  Hill,  carried  a 
motion  calling  upon  their  representatives  at  the  Board  of 
Deputies  and  the  Conjoint  Committee  to  resign.  This  was 
passed  with  only  two  dissentients.  Synagogues  in  Man- 
chester and  Liverpool  and  the  Committee  of  Deputies  in 
Manchester,  Yorkshire  and  Cheshire  expressed  regret  at 
the  action  of  tne  President  of  the  Board  of  Deputies  in 
"  committing  the  Board  to  a  policy  for  which  the  Board 
has  given  him  no  kind  of  authority."     The  Belfast  Con- 

•  "Sir  Lionel  Abrahams  signs  .  abject  to  the  opinion  that,  in  view  of 
the  statement  made  by  the  President  of  the  EngUsh  Zionist  Federation  on 
May  20,  a  further  attempt  at  co-operation  between  the  Conjoint  Com- 
mittee and  the  Zionist  organisations  in  the  United  Kingdom  is  now 


gregation  passed  a  similar  resolution  and  also  expressed 
confidence  in  Dr.  Weizmann  and  the  Zionist  movement. 
Congregations  in  Birkenhead,  Cardiff,  Dublin,  Edinburgh, 
Glasgow,  Limerick,  Merthyr  Tydvil,  Middlesbrough,  New- 
castle, Newport  (Mon.),  Swansea  and  Wallasey  took  similar 
action.  In  Leeds  a  meeting  was  held  representative  of  all 
the  Jewish  congregations  and  organizations  ;  in  Manchester 
the  Jewish  representative  Council  condemned  the  action  of 
the  Conjoint  Committee.  Indeed,  throughout  the  United 
Kingdom  Synagogues,  Friendly  Societies,  Jewish  Charitable 
Organizations  and  nearly  every  kind  of  Jewish  institution 
made  a  public  protest  against  the  Manifesto,  and  declared 
in  favour  of  Zionism. 

These  widespread  signs  of  dissatisfaction  with  the  existing 
leadership  of  the  body  which  had  hitherto  claimed  to  be  the 
official  spokesman  for  Jewish  opinion  in  England,  was 
destined  to  lead  to  a  complete  change  of  government  in  that 

It  is  true  that  at  the  meeting  of  the  Anglo-Jewish  Associa- 
tion on  June  3rd  Dr.  Caster's  resolution  of  censure  was  not 
put  to  the  vote.  But  on  Sunday,  17th  June,  at  a  meeting 
of  the  Board  of  Deputies  a  resolution  of  censure  on  the 
Conjoint  Committee,  calHng  upon  the  representatives  of 
the  Board  to  resign  from  the  Conjoint  Committee,  was 
carried  by  fifty-six  votes  to  fifty-one.  Mr.  H.  S.  Q. 
Henriques,  the  Vice-President  of  the  Board,  spoke 
in  defence  of  the  Manifesto.  In  his  speech  he  said  the 
Conjoint  Committee  had  on  the  17th  May  granted  per- 
mission to  the  Presidents  to  publish  the  statement  when 
they  thought  it  advisable  to  do  so,  but  he  nad  himself  been 
surprised  that  they  had  published  it  so  soon.  Mr.  Gilbert 
said  that  in  October  he  had  asked  if  any  Manifesto  then 
existed  or  was  contemplated  and  had  been  told  that  the 
suggestion  was  ' '  mahcious  and  wicked. ' '  Sir  Philip  Magnus, 
Bart.,  said  he  had  heard  of  the  Manifesto  a  week  or  so  before 
Mr.  Henriques.  From  these  statements  it  becomes  clear  that 
the  document  was  compiled  by  a  few  of  those  thoroughly 
Anglicized  Jews  who,  themselves  very  comfortably  off 
in  England,  and  about  equally  ignorant  of  the  main 
currents  of  life  in  that  country  and  of  the  main  currents  of 
Jewish  hfe  anywhere,  were  in  their  complacent  self-satisfac- 
tion of  opinion  that  they  expressed  the  views  of  English 
Jews,  when  in  reality  they  did  not  in  the  slightest  degree 
represent  the  views  of  the  overwhelming  majority. 


In  consequence  of  the  vote  of  censure,  the  Honorary 
Officers,  Mr.  David  L.  Alexander,  k.c,  the  President ;  Mr. 
H.  S.  Q.  Henriques,  m.a.,  b.c.l.,  the  Vice-President;  and 
Mr.  Joshua  M.  Levy,  the  Treasurer,  resigned. 

The  Board  of  Deputies  later  attempted  to  restore  the  irre- 
sponsible power  of  a  non-elective  and  unrepresentative  com- 
mittee having  power  to  speak  for  the  Jews  of  England.  This 
new  Conjoint  Committee  was  to  consist  of  the  Foreign  Com- 
mittees of  the  two  bodies,  the  Board  of  Deputies  and  Anglo- 
Jewish  Association,  meeting  together  to  deal  with  Foreign 
affairs  affecting  the  Jews.  "  Except  in  matters  of  routine 
or  urgency,"  the  parent  bodies  have  to  be  consulted  before 
any  action  is  taken.  The  question  of  Zionism  was  declared 
outside  the  province  of  the  Joint  Committee  unless  specially 
delegated  to  such  Committee  by  both  parent  bodies.  This 
scheme  was  adopted  at  a  meeting  of  the  Board  of  Deputies 
held  on  January  20th,  1918. 

Meantime  the  question  of  a  general  manifesto  in  favour 
of  Zionist  aims,  not  only  by  organized  adherents  of  the 
movement  but  by  the  Anglo- Jewish  Community  generally, 
having  become  of  urgent  importance,  the  Council  of  the 
English  Zionist  Federation  issued  an  appeal  to  Jewish 
organizations  throughout  the  country  to  convene  meetings 
in  order  to  pass  resolutions  in  the  following  terms  : — 

"  (i)  That  this  meeting  being  unanimously  in  favour 
of  the  reconstruction  of  Palestine  as  the  National  Home 
of  the  Jewish  People,  trusts  that  His  Majesty's  Govern- 
ment will  use  its  best  endeavours  for  the  achievement  of 
this  object. 

"  (2)  That  this  Mass  Meeting  pledges  itself  to  support 
the  Zionist  leaders  in  their  efforts  towards  the  realization 
of  the  Zionist  aims." 

These  resolutions  were  adopted  at  large  meetings  in 
London,  at  the  Queen's  Hall,  Monnickendam  Rooms,  at 
the  Marcus  Samuel  Hall,  New  Synagogue,  and  in  Bethnal 
Green,  and  at  important  meetings  in  Birmingham,  Cardiff, 
Leeds,  Hull,  Manchester,  Swansea,  Merthyr  Tydvil  and 

The  following  is  the  list,  so  far  as  we  have  been  able  to 
ascertain,  of  Synagogues  and  Institutions,  which  are  known 
to  have  adopted  these  or  similar  resolutions. 

Manchester.  The  Communal  Council  (representing  15,000 
Jews,  members  of  Synagogues,  Trade  Unions  and  Friendly 


Societies),  the  Lancashire  and  Yorkshire  and  Cheshire 
members  of  the  Board  of  Deputies  of  British  Jews,  a  special 
meeting  of  representatives  of  Synagogues  at  the  opening  of 
the  Kovna  Synagogue ;  the  following  Synagogues  :  Rydal 
Mount  Hebrew  Congregation,  Kahal  Chassidim,  Beth 
Jacob,  United  Synagogue  and  Beth  Hamedrash  and  New 
Synagogue ;  the  following  Friendly  Societies :  Grand 
Council  of  the  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans,  Achei  Brith 
and  Shield  of  Abraham  (Frances  Annie  Frankenburg,  King 
Edward  the  Seventh,  Nathan  Laski,  and  Dr.  Herzl  Lodges), 
Independent  Order  of  Achei  Brith,  Order  of  Ancient  Macca- 
beans (Modin  No.  24,  Don  Isaac  Abarbanel  No.  11,  Rechobot 
No.  29,  Mount  Horeb  No.  9,  Mount  Lebanon  No.  3,  and 
Mattathias  No.  14  Beacons),  the  Maccabean  Club,  the  Order 
Shield  of  David  (Broughton  Lodge),  and  the  Manchester 
and  Salford  Jewish  Grocers'  Association  ;  and  the  following 
Zionist  Societies  :  Manchester  Zionist  Association,  Poale 
Zion,  and  Manchester  Daughters  of  Zion. 

Leeds.  The  Leeds  Jewish  Representative  Council  (repre- 
senting all  Synagogues,  Trade  Unions,  Friendly  Societies, 
and  other  Jewish  organizations)  ;  the  following  Friendly 
Societies  :  Grand  Order  of  Israel  (Grosenburg  Lodge  No.  90 
and  Dr.  Dembo  Lodge  No.  47),  the  Pride  of  Israel  Indepen- 
dent Friendly  Society,  the  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans 
(Massodah'QediCon  and  Mount  Sinai  No.  13  Beacon),  and  the 
Independent  Order  of  B'nei  Brith  (Abraham  Frais  Lodge 
No.  35)  ;  the  Leeds  Jewish  National  Fund  Commission,  the 
Leeds  Jewish  Workmen's  Burial  Society,  the  Leeds  Banner 
of  Zion,  and  the  Leeds  Young  Shomerim  ;  and  the  following 
Zionist  Societies  :  Agudas  Hazionim,  Ladies'  Zionist  League, 
Ladies'  Association,  and  a  Mass  Meeting  convened  by  the 
Joint  Zionist  Committee. 

Liverpool.  The  following  Synagogues  :  Central  Syna- 
gogue (IsHngton),  Shaw  Street,  Nusach  Ari,  (Great  Russell 
Street),  Devon  Street,  Acheinu  B'nei  Yisroel,  Old  Hebrew 
Congregation  (Princess  Road),  Beth  Hamedrash  Ay  en 
Jacov,  Wallasey  Hebrew  Congregation,  and  Fountain  Road 
Hebrew  Congregation  ;  the  following  Friendly  Societies  and 
Trade  Unions  :  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Mount  Nebo 
Erez  Yisrael  No.  28  and  Mount  Hermon  Beacons),  the 
Amalgamated  Orders  of  Achei  Brith  and  Shield  of  Abraham 
(Deborah  Lodge  No.  70,  Dr.  Max  Nordau  Lodge  No.  13, 
and  The  Very  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  H.  Hertz  Lodge  No.  76),  the 
Grand  Order  of  Israel  (Rev.  S.  Friedeberg  Lodge  No.  80),  the 


Order  of  the  Shield  of  David  (Max  Clapper  Lodge  No.  44),  the 
Herzl  Hebrew  Friendly  Tontine  Society,  the  London  Hebrew 
Tontine  Society,  the  Montefiore  Hebrew  Tontine  Friendly 
Society,  the  Order  Shield  of  David  Tontine  Society  (Joseph 
Morris  Lodge  No.  28),  the  Hebrew  Brotherhood  Tontine 
Society,  the  Brothers  of  Israel  Tontine  Society,  the  Hebrew 
Somech  Noflim  Society,  the  Liverpool  TraveUers'  Friendly 
Society,  the  Jewish  Students  of  Liverpool  University,  the 
International  Society  of  Philology,  Science  and  Fine  Arts 
(Liverpool  Branch),  the  Hebrew  Higher  Grade  National 
League,  the  Talmudical  College,  the  Jewish  Literary  Society, 
the  Tailors'  Employees'  Association,  the  National  Amalga- 
mated Furnishing  Trades  Association,  the  United  Garment 
Workers'  Trade  Union,  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association  (Liver- 
pool Branch),  the  Wholesale  Furniture  Manufacturers' 
Association,  the  Ladies'  Bikur  Cholim  Society,  the  Com- 
mittee of  the  Association  of  Old  Boys  of  the  Liverpool 
Hebrew  Schools ;  and  the  following  Zionist  Societies : 
Liverpool  Young  Men's  Zionist  Association,  Liverpool 
Zionist  Central  Council,  Agudas  Zion  Society,  Liverpool 
Junior  Zionist  Association,  and  Liverpool  Ladies'  Zionist 

Glasgow.  The  Jewish  Representative  Council  (repre- 
senting all  Glasgow  Jewish  Institutions,  Synagogues,  etc.)  ; 
the  following  Synagogues :  Chevra  Kadisha,  Garnet  Hill,  Beth 
Hamedrash,  Langside  Road,  Machzikei  Hadath,  Beth  Jacob, 
Queen's  Park  Hebrew  Congregation,  and  South  Portland 
Street ;  the  following  Friendly  Societies  and  Trade  Unions  : 
Baron  Giinzburg  Lodge,  Lord  Rothschild  Lodge,  Montefiore 
Lodge,  Michael  Simon  Lodge,  Dr.  Hermann  Adler  Lodge, 
King  David  Lodge,  Rev.  E.  P.  Philhps  Lodge,  Odessa  Lodge, 
Lady  Rothschild  Lodge  No.  67,  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans 
(Leo  Pinsker  Beacon  No.  12,  and  Judas  Maccabeus  Beacon 
No.  15),  Grand  Order  of  Israel  (Dr.  Herzl  Lodge  No.  12), 
and  the  Independent  Friendly  Society ;  and  the  following 
Societies  :  Jewish  Young  Men's  Institute,  Master  Tailors' 
Federation,  Jewish  National  Institute  (Elgin  Street), 
Hebrew  Burial  Society,  B'nei  Zion,  Young  Girls'  Zionist 
League,  Daughters  of  Zion,  and  Queen's  Park  Zionist  and 
Literary  Society. 

Birmingham.  The  following  Friendly  Societies  :  Order 
of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Theodor  Herzl  Beacon),  Order  of 
Achei  Brith  and  Shield  of  Abraham  (Isaac  Joseph  Lodge), 
Lodge,     Lord    Swaythling    Lodge,     Rachel    Mendlesohn 


(Rev.  J.  Fink  Lodge  and  Rev.  G.  J.  Emanuel  Lodge). 
Grand  Order  of  Israel  (Loyal  Independent  Lodge,  Rev.  A. 
Cohen  Lodge,  and  David  Davis  Lodge). 

Bristol.     Mass  Meeting  of  Bristol  Jews,  Oct.  2ist 

Cardiff.  Mass  Meeting  of  Jewish  Community  Jet.  2ist, 
1917  ;    Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Cardiff  Branch). 

Swansea.  Mass  Meeting,  Oct.  15th  (representing  Syna- 
gogues, Friendly  Societies  and  Zionist  Societies),  Swansea 
Hebrew  Congregation,  Swansea  Junior  Zionist  and  Literary 

Pontypridd.  Mass  Meeting  of  Jewish  Community,  21st  Oct. 

Newport.  Mass  Meeting  of  Jewish  Community,  21st 
Oct.,  1917. 

Merthyr  Tydvil.     Mass  Meeting. 

Durham.     Zionist  Society. 

Maidenhead.     Hebrew  Congregation. 

Birkenhead.     Hebrew  Congregation. 

Bolton.     Jewish  Community,  meeting  19th  Oct.,  1917. 

Blackpool.     Hebrew  Congregation  and  Belisha  Lodge. 

Stockport.     Jewish  Tailors'  Union. 

Sunderland.  Mass  Meeting  of  Sunderland  Community, 
2ist  Oct.,  1917. 

Grimsby.  Hebrew  Congregation,  and  Order  of  Ancient 
Maccabeans  (Mount  Zeisim  Beacon  No.  7). 

Hull.     Mass  Meeting  of  Jews  of  Hull,  Oct.  14th,  1917. 

Bradford.  Zionist  Society,  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans 
(Jehuda  Halevi  Beacon  No.  30). 

Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Mass  Meeting  of  all  Jewish  organiza- 
tions, Oct.  2ist,  Ancient  Order  of  Maccabeans  (Mount  Gilead 
Beacon),  Grand  Order  of  Israel  (Duke  of  Northumberland 
Lodge  No.  14). 

Edinburgh.  Mass  Meeting  of  Edinburgh  Jev/s,  21st  Oct., 
Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Mount  Moriah  Beacon). 

Sheffield.  Mass  Meeting  of  Sheffield  Jews,  i8th  Oct., 
representing  Sheffield  Hebrew  Congregation,  Central  Syna- 
gogue, Talmud  Torah,  Board  of  Guardians,  PoUsh  Refugees 
Fund,  Chevra  Kadisha,  Master  Tailors'  Union,  B'nei  Brith, 
Grand  Order  of  Israel,  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Levi- 
son  Lodge) ,  Sheffield  Junior  Zionist  Association,  and  Work- 
sop Jewish  Community. 

Nottingham.  Mass  Meeting,  21st  Oct.,  representing 
Nottingham  Hebrew  Congregation,  Palestine  Association, 
Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Mount  Ephraim  Beacon), 
Independent   Order   B'nei    Brith    (Jacob   Lasker   Lodge), 


Grand  Order  of  Israel  (David  Snapper  Lodge),  United 
Garment  Workers  of  Great  Britain  (Nottingham  Branch). 

Belfast.     Belfast  Synagogue, 

Dublin.  Mass  Meeting  of  Dublin  Jewry,  21st  Oct. ; 
Independent  Order  of  B'nei  Brith  (King  Solomon  Lodge 
No.  17)  ;  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans  (Mount  Carmel 
Beacon  No.  10)  ;  Agudas  Hazionim  ;  and  Dublin  Daughters 
of  Zion. 

The  Times,  on  Oct.  23rd,  noticed  these  demonstrations  of 
sympathy  with  Zionism  under  the  heading,  "  Palestine  for 
the  Jews  :  British  support  of  the  proposal "  *  and  on 
Oct.  26th,  in  an  editorial  strongly  urged  on  the  Government 
the  necessity  of  making  an  announcement  of  its  policy  in 
favour  of  Zionism. 

The  anti-Zionist  views  of  the  representatives  of  a  small 
section  of  English  Jewry  were  not  only  in  opposition  to 
Jewish  public  opinion,  but  even  more  in  striking  contrast 
with  non- Jewish  opinion,  as  revealed  by  the  press  of  the 
United  Kingdom. 

The  Westminster  Gazette,  in  its  issue  of  August  26th,  1916, 
published  an  article  on  **  Zionism,"  in  the  course  of  which 
the  writer  emphasized  that : — 

"  All  they  ask  for  is  for  a  home  for  the  Jewish  people — not 
for  all  the  Jews  of  the  world,  but  only  for  the  nucleus  of  the 
Jewish  people,  and  above  all,  for  their  special  type  of 
civilization,  for  Judaism.  They  have  no  desire  to  dispossess 
any  other  people.  They  point  to  a  land,  to  the  land  which 
is  historically  theirs,  which  to-day  is  lying  vacant  for  want 
of  a  people  to  rejuvenate  it.  There,  they  say,  Judaism  will 
find  that  freedom  which  is  unattainable  elsewhere :  at  their 
hands  the  land  which  has  languished  for  centuries  can  again 
be  restored  to  the  circle  of  bountiful  regions,  and  become  as 
of  old,  a  granary  for  other  nations." 

Lord  Cromer,  writing  in  the  Spectator  on  August  12th, 
1916,  said : — 

"  What  is  it  that  Zionists  want  ?  The  idea  that  they  wish 
the  Jews  of  all  races  to  be  congregated  together  in  Palestine 
may  at  once  be  dismissed  as  absurd.  Nothing  of  the  sort 
is  proposed.  Neither  do  they  want  to  establish  a  mere 
colony  in  the  sense  in  which  that  term  is  usually  employed. 
Zionism  stands  for  a  national  revival." 

The  New  Statesman,  on  July  8th,  1916,  dealt  editorially 
with  "  The  Meaning  of  Zionism  "  \ — 


*'  The  creation  of  an  autonomous  Jewish  State  in  Palestine, 
or  elsewhere — though  only  in  Palestine  is  there  any  prospect 
of  such  a  State — and  its  successful  progress  and  develop- 
ment would  raise  the  status  of  the  entire  Jewish  people  and 
restore  self-respect  to  Jewry  as  a  nation.  It  would  thus  be 
a  large  part  of  the  solution  of  the  Jewish  question." 

The  Nation,  in  the  course  of  a  leading  article,  on  June  2nd, 
1917,  on  "  What  is  a  Jew  ?  ",  considered  Zionism  as  the  new 
force,  and  said  : — 

"  An  assimilated  Judaism  has  little  to  give  to  the  world, 
save  the  individual  talents  of  its  adherents.  Zionism,  on  the 
contrary,  is  a  vivid,  positive,  picturesque  element  in  the 
world,  a  distinctive  tradition  which  adds  something  to  the 
common  stock.  We  hope  to  see  it  recognized,  preferably 
under  international  institutions  in  Palestine,  but  we  look 
askance  at  proposals  to  make  it  subservient  to  British  ends 
of  Empire  and  strategy. 

"  But  the  problem  is  far  wider  than  Palestine.  Zionism 
is  really  a  challenge  to  the  tolerance  of  Europe  for  the 
modem  idea  of  nationahty  as  culture.  If  that  idea  has 
vitality,  the  Zionism  of  the  future  will  be  recognized  and 
accepted  not  merely  in  Jerusalem  but  in  Warsaw  and  Vienna, 
in  Paris  and  in  London.  If  the  West  expects  Austria  and 
Russia  to  make  terms  with  their  many  nationalities,  it  must 
in  its  turn  hold  out  a  welcome  to  Jewish  nationalism.'' 

In  New  Europe,  on  April  12th,  1917,  a  writer  dealt  with 
the  problem  of  the  Jews  : — 

"  Whatever  claim  the  Jews  may  make,  it  is  clear  that 
autonomous  Jewry  in  Palestine  must  have  an  adequate 
guarantee  of  existence,  whether  by  international  pledge  or 
by  the  protectorate  of  a  Great  Power." 

The  same  periodical,  in  its  issue  of  April  19th,  had  a  long 
article  on  "  Great  Britain,  Palestine,  and  the  Jews."  The 
writer  gives  his  reasons  for  stating  that  a  British  Palestine 
must  be  a  Jewish  Palestine,  the  home  of  a  restored  Jewish 
people,  the  spiritual  centre  of  the  whole  Jewish  race.  He 
shows  what  the  Jew  has  already  done  in  Palestine,  and 
concludes  : — 

"  Under  a  beneficent  rule  a  Jewish  Palestine  would  attract 
wealth  and  talent  and  labour  from  every  Jewish  community 
of  the  globe,  and  the  progress  of  Palestine  would  be  much 
more  rapid  still.     Compared  with  its  past  Palestine  is  an 


empty  land,  to  which  only  the  Jews  can  restore  its  ancient 
property  and  glory.'* 

The  New  Europe  devoted  the  first  pages  of  its  issue  of 
September  27th,  1917,  to  an  article  on  "  Jewry's  Stake  in 
the  War."    The  writer  in  speaking  of  Zionism,  said  : — 

"  The  value  of  Zionism  is,  that  it  tends  to  bring  the 
intense  pride  of  the  Jew  in  his  own  race,  and  in  its  all  but 
unrivalled  contribution  to  civihzation,  into  harmony  with 
its  public  bearing. 

"...  The  existence  of  a  Jewish  State  would  'certainly 
react  and  react  healthily  upon  the  position  of  Jews  who 
might  elect  to  remain  in  the  Dispersion.  The  Zionists  would 
fain  make  of  the  Jewish  name  a  clear  title  of  honour." 

The  Weekly  Dispatch  of  April  ist,  1917,  in  a  leading  article 
on  "  The  New  Crusade,"  said  : — 

"  If  any  more  romantic  prospect  than  the  spectacle  of  the 
British  Standard  flying  above  the  temples  and  mosques  of 
Jerusalem  can  be  visualized,  it  is  the  restoration  by  Britain, 
which  has  always  befriended  the  Jew,  of  the  Jewish  polity 
which  fell  to  pieces  in  the  reign  of  Hadrian. 

"  But  sentiment  must  be  based  on  practical  considerations. 
To  develop  Palestine  needs  a  skilled  agricultural  race.  The 
dreamers  of  the  Ghetto,  yearning  for  the  return  of  Zion,  point 
to  the  Jewish  farmers  of  Canada,  America,  and  the  Argentine 
in  proof  that  the  instinct  of  a  pastoral  people  of  Biblical  time 
still  survives  in  its  sons." 

According  to  The  Sunday  Chronicle,  in  an  article,  April 
15th,  1917,  on  "  British  PoHcy  in  Palestine — A  British 
Hebrew  Necessity  "  : — 

*'  There  is  no  other  race  in  the  whole  world  who  can  do 
these  services  for  us  in  Palestine  but  the  Jews  themselves. 
In  the  Zionist  Movement,  which  has  caught  up  within  itself 
some  of  the  best  brains  and  the  warmest  hearts  among  the 
younger  generation  of  Jews,  we  have  the  motive  force  which 
will  make  the  extension  of  the  British  Empire  into  Palestine, 
otherwise  a  disagreeable  necessity,  a  source  of  pride  and  a 
pillar  of  strength.  A  source  of  pride  ;  for  after  all,  if  we  are 
fighting  for  oppressed  and  homeless  nationalities  in  this  war, 
there  is  none  which  has  been  so  horribly  oppressed  in  the 
past  or  for  so  many  hundred  years  without  a  home  of  its  own 
as  the  Jews. 

"  A  pillar  of  strength  ;  for  the  fact  that  the  Jews  are  not 
only  of  one  nation  but  of  all,  will  give  to  the  power  which  is 


sovereign  of  its  capital  Jerusalem  a  tremendous  pull  in  the 
councils  of  the  world." 

The  Times  Literary  Supplement  of  August  i6th,  1917,  had 
an  article,  "  After  Many  Years,"  which  sketched  the  history 
of  the  Jews  in  Palestine,  and  went  on  to  say  that : — 

"  The  Palestinian  Jew  during  the  past  decade  has  shown 
a  certain  capacity  for  self-government,  and  has  successfully 
assumed  many  of  the  functions  of  administration  which  the 
neglect  of  Ottoman  Mutessarifs  had  left  unperformed. 
Under  the  influence  of  a  renovated  system  of  education,  im- 
parted in  Hebrew,  he  was  rapidly  forgetting  his  German 
leanings  or  his  Russian  or  Rumanian  traditions,  and  was 
becoming  a  farmer  of  his  own  soil.  If  this  process  can  be 
resumed  and  its  scope  widened  after  the  war,  Palestine  may 
slowly  grow  from  a  State  with  the  status  say  of  the  Anglo- 
Egyptian  Sudan — and  develop  into  an  autonomous  pro- 
tected State,  with  its  own  native  sovereign  and  administra- 
tion and  forming  part  of  the  Empire  in  just  the  same  way 
as  do  many  States  which  are  in  full  control  of  their  internal 

Common  Sense,  March  loth,  1917,  dealt  with  the  Jewish 
claim  to  Palestine,  and  declared  that : — 

"  If,  when  we  make  peace,  we  are  to  make  a  just  and 
lasting  peace,  the  terms  of  the  compact  must  run  along  the 
lines  of  nationality.  In  such  a  settlement  the  Jewish  claim 
cannot  be  avoided,  and  we  may  hope  that,  as  a  consequence 
of  the  gentle  pressure  now  being  applied,  the  British  Govern- 
ment will  regard  it  as  a  duty  to  obtain  a  Hebraic  Palestine 
as  one  of  the  terms  of  peace." 

The  Manchester  Guardian,  in  an  article  on  June  25th,  1915, 
on  *'  Jews  and  the  War,"  described  the  suffering  of  the  Jews 
scattered  amongst  the  nations,  and  defines  Zionism  as 
follows  : — 

'*  Zionism  is,  from  one  point  of  view,  the  effort  of  the 
Jewish  spirit  to  estabhsh  a  firm  ground  for  its  own  con- 
tinuance and  development  in  a  changed  world,  which 
threatens  by  degrees  to  overwhelm  it.  Such  a  movement 
was  bound  to  come  so  soon  as  danger  threatened  a  race-Ufe 
so  tough  and  enduring,  and  a  spirit  so  distinctive  and  power- 
ful, and  it  is,  like  other  spiritual  things,  essentially  inde- 
pendent of  material  means.  But  for  the  early  realization 
of  its  immediate  purpose  material  means  are  necessary,  and 


the  future  of  Palestine  thus  becomes  for  the  Zionist  a  matter 
of  pressing  and  capital  importance/' 

The  Manchester  Guardian,  in  a  leading  article  on  "  The 
Future  of  Palestine,"  in  its  issue  of  October  ist,  1917,  asks : — 

**  How  can  we  as  champions  of  the  cause  of  nationality, 
refuse  our  sympathy  to  the  attempt  to  end  age-long  exile  of 
the  Jewish  people  from  their  political  home  in  Palestine  ?  " 

The  Liverpool  Courier  of  April  24th,  1917,  in  a  leading 
article,  "  Rebuilding  Zion,"  said  : — 

*'  A  British  Palestine  must  be  a  Jewish  Palestine.  .  .  . 
Given  the  protection  of  the  British  flag,  and  the  self-govern- 
ing system  of  the  British  Empire,  Palestine  might  soon 
become  a  new  and  living  Zion.  Such  a  consummation  would 
be  a  triumph  of  the  British  spirit.  It  would  be  a  worthy 
object  to  strive  for  in  the  great  war,  for  it  would  fulfil  a  deep 
national  aspiration  among  a  disinherited  people  of  extra- 
ordinary genius,  and  to  that  extent  would  add  to  the  number 
and  the  weight  of  the  blows  we  should  deliver  against  anti- 
national  Prussianism." 

The  Liverpool  Courier  of  June  15th,  1917,  on  '*  The  Future 
of  Palestine  "  :— 

*'  The  Jews  could  make  Palestine  once  more  a  land  flow- 
ing with  milk  and  honey.  The  country  has  enormous 
economic  possibilities. 

"...  It  must  be  the  business  of  the  Allies,  in  pursuance  of 
their  policy  of  liberation,  to  restore  to  Palestine  its  liberties, 
and  to  provide  a  centre  of  nationhood  for  the  Jewish  race." 

In  a  leading  article  on  "  The  Land  of  Promise,"  The 
Liverpool  Courier — October  19th,  1917 — again  dealt  with 
the  Jewish  claims  to  Palestine,  and  says  : — 

"  We  may  be  as  certain  of  a  loyal  Anglo- Jewry  with  a 
Jewish  Homeland  reconstituted,  as  we  are  to-day.  Britain 
has  always  taken  kindly  to  the  idea  of  the  Jewish  Re- 
settlement, and  the  moment  seems  now  at  hand  when  an 
ideal — cherished  both  by  Britain  and  by  Jewry — is  not  un- 
likely to  find  realization." 

The  Glasgow  Herald,  May  29th,  1917,  in  an  article  on 
*'  Zion  Re-edified,"  dealt  fully  with  the  anti-Zionist  mani- 
festo, and  said  of  the  Zionists  : — 

*'  They  are  looking  forward  now  not  to  a  re-edified  Zion 
which  the  breath  of  a  Turkish  Sultan  could  tumble  into  ruin. 


but  to  the  establishment  of  a  Jewish  State,  under  the 
suzerainty  of  some  strong  Christian  power. 

"  Jews  in  every  land  have  felt  that  w^hat  has  been  the 
dream  of  long  ages  of  exile  and  persecution  may  at  last 
become  a  reaHty  on  which  their  eyes  shall  gaze." 

The  Yorkshire  Post,  April  12th,  1917,  gave  the  history  of 
"  Jewish  Colonization  in  Palestine,'*  and  concluded  that : — 

"  Thus  there  is  some  foundation  for  the  claim  that  in  the 
settlement  after  the  war  provision  should  be  made  for  the 
unhampered  continuance  and  extension  of  the  colonization 
of  Palestine  by  the  Jews  ;  and  should  that  develop  in  process 
of  time  into  the  estabhshment  of  a  Jewish  nation  there,  it 
will  be  a  result  by  no  means  inconsistent  with  the  ideals  for 
which  Great  Britain  and  her  AUies  are  fighting." 

The  Contemporary  Review  of  Jirne,  1917,  had  a  short  note 
on  the  "  Jewish  Claim  to  Palestine  "  : — 

"  Evidently  the  principle  of  nationahty  is  itself  considered 
sacred  ;  it  is  an  asset  to  the  world,  and  it  carries  its  rights, 
moral  rights,  which  are  none  the  less  rights,  if  they  cannot 
be  enforced  by  the  sword. 

"  The  cynic  might,  perhaps,  find  more  justification  had 
Israel  ever  forgotten  or  waived  his  claim  to  the  Holy  Land  ; 
but  a  continuous  chain  of  aspiration  and  prayer,  and  even 
of  political  activity,  binds  him  to  the  soil  from  which  he  was 
driven  early  in  the  Christian  Era." 

The  Review  of  Reviews,  September,  1916,  thus  defined 
Zionism : — 

"  Zionism  means  a  complete  Jewish,  spiritual  and  national, 
rebirth  in  the  ancient  land — a  re-settling  of  Jews  in  their 
own  ancient  home.  To  the  ideahst  it  is  much  more  even,  it 
is  love  for  the  Land  of  the  Shekinah  and  the  Holy  Spirit,  a 
mystic  rapture  of  the  whole  Jewish  soul  in  the  quest  of  re- 
discovering the  *  Fountain  of  Living  Waters.* 

"  To  this  end  it  is  necessary  for  the  Jewish  people  to  have 
a  home  in  Palestine  secured  by  pubUc  laws." 

The  mihtary  correspondent  of  The  Daily  Chronicle  on 
March  30th,  1917,  discussed  the  question  of  what  should  be 
done  with  Palestine  when  Hberated,  and  came  to  the  con- 
clusion that : — 

"There  can  be  Httle  doubt  that  we  should  revive  the 
Jewish  Palestine  of  old,  and  allow  the  Jews  to  realize  their 


dream  of  Zion  in  their  homeland.  All  the  Jews  will  not 
return  to  Palestine,  but  many  will  do  so.  The  new  Je"\^ish 
State,  under  British  or  French  aegis,  would  become  the 
spiritual  and  cultural  centre  of  Je\^T>'  throughout  the  worid. 
The  Jews  would  at  least  have  a  homeland  and  a  nationahty 
of  their  own.  The  national  dream  that  has  sustained  them 
for  a  score  of  centuries  and  more  will  have  been  fulfilled/' 

In  a  leading  article  in  the  same  issue  on  '*  The  Victory  in 
Palestine  "  we  read : — 

"  The  project  for  constituting  a  Zionist  State  there  under 
British  protection  has  a  great  deal  to  commend  it.  The 
restoration  to  Judaism  of  what  must  always  be  the  ideal  focus 
of  its  persistent  national  and  spiritual  life  would  be  a  noble 
addition  to  the  programme  for  emancipating  small  nations." 

The  Daily  Neivs,  in  a  leading  article,  on  October  17th,  on 
the  "  ^^'ar  and  the  Jew^s,"  dealt  with  the  claim  of  Zionists 
in  all  lands  to  be  a  nation,  and  the  desire  to  see  the  land  of 
their  fathers  restored  to  them.    The  article  concluded  : — 

"  In  a  w^ord,  we  are  not  sure  that  Zionism  would  not  prove 

the  solution  of  the  obstinate  problem  of  this  wandering  race 
that  has  perplexed  the  world  for  so  many  centuries.  Wliat- 
ever  the  decision  of  the  AlHes  in  regard  to  Palestine,  it  can 
hardly  fail  to  improve  the  conditions  and  enlarge  the  hberty 
of  hfe  in  Palestine,  and  if  the  Jews  in  large  numbers  choose 
to  take  advantage  of  the  fact,  the  object  of  Zionism  will  in 
due  time  be  accompHshed,  and  the  Jewish  nation  will  hve 
again  imder  its  owti  vine  and  fig-tree.  WTien  that  happens, 
the  Jewish  problem  that  afflicts  the  rest  of  the  world  will 
tend  to  disappear." 


The  months  August-November,  1917,  were  an  exceedingly 
busy  time  for  Zionists  in  England.  They  had  to  defend 
themselves  against  the  attacks  made  against  them  not  only 
in  manifestoes,  but  also  behind  the  scenes.  They  had  to 
continue  the  pourparlers  and  to  endeavour  to  obtain  some 
acceptance  of  their  principle.  Dr.  Weizmann  and  the  author 
were  actively  and  energetically  assisted  in  their  endeavours 
not  only  by  a  group  of  representative  Zionists  of  England, 
but  also  by  a  considerable  nmnber  of  Zionists  abroad.  They 
were  helped,  above  all,  by  American  Zionists.  Betw^een 
London,  New^  York,  and  \\'ashington  there  was  constant  com- 
munication, either  by  telegraph,  or  by  personal  visit,  and 


as  a  result  there  was  perfect  unity  among  the  Zionists  of  both 
hemispheres.  The  strength  of  conviction,  the  enthusiasm, 
the  spirit  of  sacrifice,  the  enterprise,  and  the  industry  and 
energy  of  American  Zionists,  displayed  by  them  in  the  last 
few  years  deserve  more  than  a  page  of  honour  in  the  history 
of  Zionism  ;  they  deserve  a  volume  to  themselves.  The 
statesmanship,  the  genius  for  organization,  and  the  benefi- 
cent personal  influence  of  the  Honourable  Louis  D.  Brandeis, 
Judge  of  the  Supreme  Court,  has  raised,  strengthened,  and 
secured  in  every  direction  the  position  of  American  Zionism 
not  only  in  America,  but  also  has  increased  its  prestige  and 
dignity  abroad.  His  well-weighed  counsel,  his  great  experi- 
ence, his  calm  judgment,  which  unites  deep  democratic 
principles  with  the  sense  of  responsibihty  of  a  national 
leader,  were  an  important  factor  in  the  conduct  of  Zionist 
politics.  In  this  matter  he  was  supported  by  a  number 
of  zealous,  expert  and  devoted  fellow-thinkers.  The 
older  American  Zionists,  who  had  maintained  for  many 
years  a  Zionist  Organization  with  great  trouble  and  ex- 
emplary steadfastness,  were  now,  since  the  outbreak  of  the 
war,  considerably  strengthened  by  a  number  of  Zionist 
leaders  from  Europe.  At  the  head  of  the  latter — who,  in  the 
meantime,  have  become  thoroughly  Americanised — stood 
Dr.  Shmaria  Levin,  a  member  of  the  '*  Inner  Action  Com- 
mittee "  ;  who,  in  addition  to  his  distinguished  services  as 
a  publicist  and  propagandist,  in  which  directions  he  dis- 
played a  vigour  scarcely  ever  equalled  and  certainly  excelled 
by  no  one,  also  freely  gave  his  knowledge  and  advice  in  the 
discussion  of  political  questions.  To  this  group,  enlarged 
by  the  leaders  newly  arrived  from  Europe,  was  added 
another  most  valuable  group,  of  strongly  Zionist  feeling, 
coming  from  Palestine.  After  the  enforced  exile  of  a 
number  of  distinguished  pioneers  of  colonization  and  of 
nationals  Hebrew  culture  from  Palestine,  many  of  them 
went  to  America  to  dedicate  themselves  there  to  the 
work  of  propaganda.  Dr.  Ben-zion  Mossinsohn,  Mr. 
Israel  Belkind  and  Mr.  Menachem  Mendel  Scheinkin 
— to  mention  only  the  best  known — ^have  worked 
zealously  in  America  for  the  popularizing  of  the  Pales- 
tine idea.  The  oratorical  skill  of  Mossinsohn  was  most 
valuable.  A  number  of  distinguished  workers  belonging 
to  the  Poale-Zionist  Federation  also  made  their  head- 
quarters in  America,  where  at  the  same  time  the  orthodox 
Zionists    of    the    Mizrachi    Federation    had    made    note- 


worthy  progress  in  the  organizing  of  their  forces  and  in  the 
winning  of  new  members,  especially  through  the  efforts  of 
Mr.  Belkind.  The  Jewish  Press  in  America,  a  popular  actor 
of  most  widespread  dimensions,  devoted  its  main  attention 
to  Zionism.  With  very  few  exceptions  the  organs  of  different 
opinions  vied  in  the  pubHcation  of  Zionist  views  and  in  the 
promoting  of  the  national  Jewish  idea,  in  which  matter  the 
non- Jewish  Press  from  time  to  time  gave  energetic  assistance. 
The  publication  of  Hebrew  literature  and  press-matter,  which 
previously  was  too  little  in  evidence  in  America,  was  stimu- 
lated by  the  Hebrew  authors  and  journalists  recently  arrived 
from  Russia  and  Palestine,  who  founded  new  Hebrew  weeklies 
(Hatoren,  Haibri)  and  established  houses  for  the  publica- 
tion of  Hebrew  books.  The  pioneer  and  veteran  leader  of 
the  idea  of  the  renaissance  of  the  Hebrew  language  as  the 
everyday  speech  in  Palestine,  namely,  Elieser  Ben  Jehuda 
of  Jerusalem,  found  supporters  and  friends  in  America,  who 
made  it  possible  for  him  to  establish  his  residence  during 
the  war  in  New  York,  and  there  to  continue  his  life- 
work,  the  compilation  of  a  great  Hebrew  dictionary.  The 
rise  of  the  national  idea  found  striking  expression  in  the 
agitation  for  the  holding  of  a  Jewish-American  Congress, 
an  idea  which  was  violently  opposed  by  the  anti-Zionists, 
but  was  carried  by  an  overwhelming  majority.  Nationality 
and  democracy — these  were  the  battle-cries  of  the  supporters 
of  the  Congress,  which  carried  away  the  Jewish-American 
masses  with  irresistible  force. 

The  separate  Zionist  federations  "  Mizrachi  "  (containing 
Orthodox  Jews)  and  "  Poale  Zion'*  (containing  Socialists) 
have  naturally  been  sorely  affected  by  the  war,  which  greatly 
impeded  their  work.  They,  too,  however,  have  been  able  to 
keep  up  the  contact  between  the  various  sections  of  their 
federations  and  continue  their  activities.  The  "  Mizrachi " 
has  been  particularly  active  in  America.  The  central  office 
of  the  "Poale  Zion"  has  been  transferred  to  the  Hague, 
though  its  main  activities  have  been  carried  on  in  America. 
In  close  co-operation  with  the  office  of  the  Federation,  the 
"Jewish  Labour  Correspondence  Bureau  "  has  issued  bulletins 
giving  information  about  Palestine,  and  the  conditions  of 
Jews  in  various  countries,  with  special  reference  to  labour 
questions  and  the  needs  of  the  Jewish  wage-earner. 

This  was  the  milieu  in  which  the  political  work  of  the 
London  Zionist  centre  found  great  sympathy  and  ready 
assistance.    The  circle  grew  constantly,  new  elements  joined 

II.— G 


the  older  experienced  ones :  the  worthy  EHsha  Levin- 
Epstein,  who  gave  himself  entirely  to  relief  work  and  who 
for  this  purpose  undertook  the  most  difficult  journeys  during 
the  course  of  the  war,  never  lost  sight  of  his  leading  idea, 
namely,  Zionism.  Mr.  Nathan  Straus,  who  but  a  few  years 
ago  took  up  the  Palestine  scheme,  placed  himself  in  the  front 
rank  of  the  promoters  of  Zionism  ;  Rabbi  Stephen  S.  Wise, 
one  of  the  most  popular  of  American  orators,  who  many 
years  previously  had  attended  the  Zionist  Congress  as 
delegate  and  afterwards  left  the  Movement,  returned  with 
renewed  strength  to  labour  in  the  work  of  propaganda  and 
in  the  development  of  the  organization  with  those  well-tried 
fighters,  Dr.  Harry  Friedenwald,  Professor  Israel  Friedlaender, 
Miss  Henrietta  Szold,  Professor  Richard  Gottheil,  Mr.  Jacob 
de  Haas,  Mr.  Louis  Lipsky,  and  many  others.  It  was  a  great 
pleasure  to  welcome  into  the  Zionist  camp  a  galaxy  of  new 
forces  of  great  influence,  such  for  example  as  Judge  Julian  W. 
Mack  and  Professor  Felix  Frankfurter.  In  synagogues  and 
workshops,  in  the  universities  and  in  the  clubs  of  the 
Associations  for  Mutual  Assistance — everywhere  Jewish 
national  life  began  to  throb  more  strongly  than  ever.  The 
sphere  of  Zionism  seemed  to  grow  day  by  day  :  the  great 
expansion  which  the  Zionist  university  movement  of  young 
men,  the  "  Menorah,"  had  shown,  pointed  to  a  great  future 
national  development. 

Every  idea  born  in  London  was  tested  by  the  Zionist 
Organization  in  America,  and  every  suggestion  from 
America  received  the  most  careful  attention  in  London. 
Many  Zionist  representatives  came  from  America  to  London, 
and  others  visited  America.  The  negotiations  in  political 
circles  in  England  and  France  were  known  in  America, 
every  success  was  welcomed  there  with  enthusiasm,  and 
often,  also,  received  further  support.  Every  opportunity 
was  there  taken  advantage  of  to  hold  discussions,  not  only 
with  the  representatives  of  the  Government  and  the  poHtical 
parties,  but  also  with  distinguished  statesmen  who  were 
staying  in  America  as  visitors.  The  visit  of  Mr.  Balfour, 
British  Foreign  Secretary,  gave  an  opportunity  to  the  pro- 
minent Canadian  Zionist  leader,  Mr.  Clarence  de  Sola,  for  a 
most  encouraging  conversation,  in  the  course  of  which  the 
noble  intentions  of  the  British  Government  were  expressed. 
Similar  interviews  took  place  on  various  other  occasions. 
The  real  work,  of  course,  could  only  be  carried  on  in  London  ; 
but  it  must  be  observed  that  the  interest,  the  goodwill, 

Rt.  Hon,  Arthur  J.  Balfour,  M.P. 

Olive  Edis,  F.R.P.S. 


and  the  helpful  efforts  on  the  part  of  the  Zionist  organiza- 
tions in  the  United  States,  Russia,  Canada,  and  other 
countries,  have  been  of  considerable  value.  - 

In  September,  1917,  Dr.  Tschlenow  again  came  to 
London,  attracted  by  the  importance  of  the  Zionist  affairs 
which  were  in  negotiation.  After  more  than  two  years  of 
absence,  although  in  uninterrupted  contact  with  London, 
the  work  was  too  advanced,  and  his  health  too  poor  to  allow 
him  to  be  so  active  as  he  was  at  the  beginning.  But  he  par- 
ticipated with  his  advice  and  influence,  and  he  Hved  to 
experience  some  great  moments. 


November  2nd,  1917,  marks  the  end  of  a  chapter  in 
Zionist  history  :  it  is  Declaration  Day. 

The  following  are  the  terms  of  the  letter  to  Lord  Roths- 
child in  which  Mr.  A.  J.  Balfour,  Secretary  of  State  for 
Foreign  Affairs,  declared  the  sympathy  of  the  British 
Government  with  Zionist  aspirations  and  its  favourable 
attitude  towards  the  establishment  in  Palestine  of  a  national 
home  for  the  Jewish  people  : — 

"  Foreign  Office, 

''November  2,  1917. 
"  Dear  Lord  Rothschild, — I  have  much  pleasure  in  con- 
veying to  you  on  behalf  of  His  Majesty's  Government  the 
following  declaration  of  sympathy  with  Jewish  Zionist 
aspirations,  which  has  been  submitted  to  and  approved  by 
the  Cabinet : 

"  '  His  Majesty's  Government  view  with  favour  the  estab- 
lishment in  Palestine  of  a  national  home  for  the  Jewish 
people,  and  will  use  their  best  endeavours  to  facilitate  the 
achievement  of  this  object,  it  being  clearly  understood  that 
nothing  shall  be  done  which  may  prejudice  the  civil  and 
religious  rights  of  existing  non- Jewish  communities  in 
Palestine  or  the  rights  and  poUtical  status  enjoyed  by  Jews 
in  any  other  country.' 

I  should  be  grateful  if  you  would  bring  this  declaration  to 
the  knowledge  of  the  Zionist  Federation. 

"  Yours  sincerely, 
"  [Signed)     Arthur  James  Balfour." 

It  was  at  once  clear  that  a  great  moment  in  the  history  of 
the  Jewish  people  had  arrived  through  this  Declaration.    Our 


ancient  home  has  agam  arisen  for  civilization.  For  nineteen 
centuries  it  has  been  made  a  desert,  for  nineteen  centuries 
the  Jewish  people  deprived  of  their  own  land  sought  every- 
where a  place  where  they  could  have  freedom  of  the  spirit 
and  room  for  their  work,  and  generation  after  generation 
prayed  and  dreamt  of  the  return  to  Zion.  Generation  after 
generation  drew  from  this  source  strength  to  live  and  to 
struggle.  Now  the  dreams  of  our  ancestors  are  becoming 
reality.  The  testament  of  Herzl  was  approaching  fulfilment. 
The  British  Government  has  spoken  in  solemn  terms  to  the 
Jews  of  the  world.  The  time  has  arrived  to  create  anew  a 
Jewish  homeland  on  the  ashes  of  the  past,  to  rebuild  a 
national  centre  and  to  proceed  to  work  in  freedom  in  a  free 
Jewish  land. 

Mid  storm  and  fire  the  people  and  the  land  seemed  to  be 
born  again.  The  great  events  of  the  time  of  Zerubbabel  (fl.  536 
b.c.e.)  Ezra  and  Nehemiah  repeated  themselves.  The  Third 
Temple  of  Jewish  freedom  is  rising  before  us.  The  first  stones 
were  laid  long  ago  by  our  heroic  pioneers  in  hard  struggle 
against  obstacles  without  number.  They  created  the  first 
nests  of  culture  in  Palestine.  With  their  blood  and  work  they 
have  shown  the  world  that  the  Jewish  people  has  not  only 
historical  claims  on  the  land  of  its  ancestors,  but  also  priority 
in  actual  fact  in  the  work  of  its  rebirth.  These  leader  heroes, 
the  fathers  of  political  Zionism,  bravely  proclaimed  to  the 
whole  world  the  right  of  the  nation  to  a  free  life  in  the  home- 
land, and  organized  productive  work  in  Palestine. 

Great  new  horizons  of  free  national  constructive  work  are 
revealed  before  our  eyes.  The  fate  of  the  Jewish  land 
depends  not  only  on  the  powerful  protection  of  Governments, 
but  first  and  foremost  on  the  steadfastness  and  capacity  for 
sacrifice  of  the  Jewish  people  itself.  Zerubbabel' s  call  to  the 
Jews  of  the  Diaspora  was  heard  once  more — to  return  to  the 
ancient  land,  to  grasp  the  ploughshare  and  the  hammer, 
and  to  forge  their  own  destiny. 

The  Press  was  without  exception  most  sympathetic. 

"  Epoch-making  is  perhaps  not  too  strong  a  term  to  apply 
to  Mr.  Balfour's  letter  to  Lord  Rothschild.  At  any  time  a 
formal  endorsement  of  Zionism  by  a  Great  Power  would 
command  attention  if  couched  in  such  terms.  But  at  the 
present  moment,  when  Gaza  and  Beersheba  have  fallen  to 
British  armies  and  the  distant  thunder  of  our  guns  is  heard 
in  Jerusalem  itself,  the  declaration  has  a  significance  that 
cannot  be  mistaken. 

//.    irn//,f  linrnctt  and  Co.,  Ld. 

Gen.  Sir  Edmund  H.  H.  Allenby 


'*  From  the  Jewish  point  of  view  such  a  restoration  opens 
the  door  of  wonderful  possibihties  ;  the  hopes  that  have 
never  been  lost  during  eighteen  centuries  of  the  dispersion 
will  return  within  the  region  of  fact  and  accompHshment. 
Scarcely  less  important  should  be  the  consequences  for 
Europe.  .  .  .  The  family  of  nations  would  be  enriched  by  the 
return  of  one  of  its  oldest  and  most  gifted  members  to  a 
regular  and  normal  place  within  the  circle."  {Daily  Chronicle, 
Nov.  9th.) 

"  .  .  .  In  deciding  to  give  the  Zionists  their  chance,  the 
British  Government  have  done  a  bold  thing  and  a  wise 
thing ;  and  as  an  honestly  inspired  and  intelUgent  dis- 
interestedness is  sounder  policy  than  the  most  crafty  selfish- 
ness, they  have  incidentally  struck  in  this  dark  hour  a  very 
heavy  blow  for  the  cause  for  which  the  free  peoples  of  the 
world  are  fighting.  Considered  merely  as  a  gesture,  what  is 
there  in  the  war  to  compare  in  effectiveness  to  this  decision  ? 
.  .  .  The  promise  of  the  restoration  of  Palestine  will  count 
for  more  in  the  judgment  of  the  world  than  all  the  desolation 
wrought  by  the  German  legions  among  the  nations  whom 
they  have  trodden  under  foot."  [Daily  News,  Nov.  loth.) 

**  The  restoration  of  Palestine  to  the  Jews  will  fulfil  the 
centuries  old  desire  of  that  ancient  people.  Moreover,  it 
will  give  them  a  home  for  the  development  of  an  individual 
culture,  and  will  not  affect  other  than  beneficially  the  rights 
which  they  have  won  as  citizens  of  the  countries  in  which 
they  have  made  their  homes.  Moreover,  it  will  provide 
refuge  for  the  persecuted,  and  a  centre  of  Jewish  life  to 
which  all  the  race  will  naturally  turn.  Then  it  will  be  well 
for  the  Allies'  interests  in  the  Mediterranean  that  so  im- 
portant a  place  should  become  permanently  neutrahzed  and 
stand  no  risk  of  f alUng  into  the  hands  of  the  Powers  which 
might  make  a  mischievous  use  of  it."  [Pall  Mall  Gazette.) 

**  Mr.  Balfour's  announcement  on  the  subject  cl  Zionism, 
which  forms  an  extraordinarily  appropriate  pendant  to 
General  Allenby's  brilliant  operations  in  Southern  Palestine, 
marks  the  conclusion  of  a  strenuous  struggle  behind  the 
scenes  between  the  International  Jews,  to  whom  this  country 
is  much  more  useful  than  they  are  to  us,  and  the  National 
Jews,  who  are  among  our  most  valuable  compatriots.  For 
once  the  right  side  has  gained  the  day,  and  the  Zionist 
aspirations  of  the  Chosen  People  receive  for  the  first  time 
the  formal  endorsement  of  a  British  Government."  [The 


"  No  more  appropriate  moment  could  have  been  seized 
by  the  British  Government  to  declare  itself  in  favour  of  the 
establishment  in  Palestine  of  a  national  home  for  the 
Jewish  people  than  the  present  time,  when  our  Twentieth 
Century  Crusaders  have  just  carried  Gaza,  the  ancient 
PhiUstine  stronghold,  and  are  pressing  on  to  the  capture  of 
the  Holy  City  from  the  hands  of  the  infidel.  British  interests 
have  for  long  made  it  plain  that  some  buffer  state  must 
arise  between  Egypt  and  a  possibly  hostile  Turkish  Govern- 
ment, and  Zionism  appears  to  provide  the  solution."  (The 
Evening  Standard.) 

"  Nearly  two  thousand  years  after  the  Dispersion,  Zionism 
has  become  a  practical  and  integral  part  of  aU  schemes  for 
a  new  world-order  after  the  war.  .  .  .  There  could  not  have 
been  at  this  juncture  a  stroke  of  statesmanship  more  just 
or  more  wise.  No  one  need  to  be  told  that  it  will  send  a 
mystical  thrill  through  the  hearts  of  the  vast  majority  of 
Jews  throughout  the  world.  ...  It  is  no  idle  dream  which 
anticipates  that  by  the  close  of  another  generation  the  new 
Zion  may  become  a  State,  including,  no  doubt,  only  a  pro- 
nounced minority  of  the  entire  Jewish  race,  yet  numbering 
from  a  million  to  two  milhon  souls,  forming  a  true  national 
people,  with  its  own  distinctive,  rural,  and  urban  civiliza- 
tion, its  own  centres  of  learning  and  art,  making  a  unique 
link  between  East  and  West.  Jews  who  dwell  elsewhere 
will  none  the  less  be  animated  by  a  new  interest,  sympathy, 
pride,  and  will  be  able  to  contribute  powerful  help.  So 
much  for  that  aspect.  We  need  hardly  point  out  that  for 
all  the  higher  purposes  of  the  AUies  the  importance  of 
Mr.  Balfour's  declaration  is  immediate  and  great.  From  the 
United  States  to  Russia,  new  enthusiasm  for  the  general 
cause  of  hberty,  restoration,  and  lasting  peace  secured  by 
many  new  international  links,  moral  and  practical,  will  be 
kindled  amongst  the  extraordinary  race,  whose  influence 
everywhere  is  out  of  all  proportion  to  its  numbers."  (The 

"  .  .  .A  large  and  thriving  Jewish  settlement  in  the  Holy 
Land,  under  the  supervision  of  Great  Britain,  our  Allies, 
and  America,  would  make  for  peace  and  progress  in  the 
Near  East,  and  would  thus  accord  with  British  policy.  It 
is  not  to  be  supposed  that  Palestine  could  ever  support  more 
than  a  small  proportion  of  the  Jewish  race.  There  are 
probably  more  than  twelve  milHon  Jews  in  the  world,  of 
whom  far  more  than  half  live  in  Russia  and  Austria.    Genera- 


tions  may  pass  before  Palestine  is  capable  of  maintaining 
with  comfort  a  million  Jewish  inhabitants,  though  it  is,  as 
Mr.  Albert  Hyamson  says  in  his  very  able  new  book,^  a  *  land 
laid  waste '  and  not  by  any  means  a  rallying  point  for  Jews 
all  over  the  world,  and  it  would  confer  a  benefit  also  on 
the  Christian  and  the  Moslem  worlds,  which  are  equally 
interested  in  the  Holy  Land  and  its  undying  religious 
memories/'    {The  Spectator.) 

"  Mr.  Balfour's  declaration  translates  into  a  binding 
statement  of  policy  the  general  wish  of  British  opinion.  It 
emphatically  favours  *  the  establishment  in  Palestine  of  a 
national  home  for  the  Jewish  people.'  If  we  were  to  analyse 
this  sentiment  we  should  find  at  its  core  the  simple  and 
humane  instinct  of  reparation.  Our  own  record  towards 
the  Jewish  race  is,  from  Cromwell's  day  downwards,  one  of 
relative  enlightenment ;  but  it  is  on  the  conscience  of  all 
Christendom  that  the  burden  falls  of  secular  persecution 
which  this  enduring  race  has  suffered.  One  of  our  soHdest 
reasons  for  welcoming  the  Russian  Revolution  was  that  it 
had  freed  the  whole  Alliance  from  complicity  in  the  sins  of 
one  of  its  chief  partners  towards  the  Jews.  To  end  this 
record  by  restoring  the  dispersed  and  downtrodden  race  to 
its  own  cradle  is  a  war  aim  which  lifts  the  struggle  in  this 
region  above  the  sordid  level  of  Imperial  competition."  [The 

"  The  British  Government's  declaration  in  favour  of 
Zionism  is  one  of  the  best  pieces  of  statesmanship  that  we 
can  show  in  these  latter  days.  Early  in  the  war  The  New 
Statesman  pubUshed  an  article  giving  the  main  reasons  why 
such  a  step  should  be  taken,  and  nothing  has  occurred  to 
change  them.  The  special  interest  of  the  British  Empire 
in  Palestine  is  due  to  the  proximity  of  the  Suez  Canal.  The 
present  has  killed  the  idea  that  this  vital  artery  ought  to  be 
used  as  a  line  of  defence  for  Egypt,  and  there  is  a  general 
return  to  the  view  of  Napoleon  (and  indeed  history  long 
before  his  time)  that  Egypt  must  be  defended  in  Palestine. 
To  make  Palestine  once  more  prosperous  and  populous,  with 
a  population  attached  to  the  British  Empire,  there  is  only 
one  hopeful  way,  and  that  is  to  effect  a  Zionist  restoration 
under  British  auspices.  On  the  other  side  of  the  account  it 
is  hard  to  conceive  how  anybody  with  the  true  instinct  for 
nationality  and  the  desire  to  see  small  nations  emancipated 

'  "Palestine:  The  Rebirth  of  an  Ancient  People."  By  Albert  M. 
Hyamson.     London,  191 7. 


can  fail  to  be  wanned  by  the  prospect  of  emancipating  this 
most  ancient  of  oppressed  nationalities."  (The  New  Statesman.) 

"  The  forty-six  Jewish  colonies,  with  their  co-operative 
societies,  their  agricultural  schools,  and  their  experimental 
station  for  agriculture,  seem  to  have  prospered  before  the 
war.  Their  wine  and  oranges  were  one-fourth  of  the  total 
export  trade  of  Jaffa,  and  while  the  war  has  set  back  their 
development  the  Turks  are  likely  to  have  been  less  destruc- 
tive than  the  Germans  in  France.  Their  labour — one  of  the 
chief  difficulties  foreseen  by  critics  of  Zionism — is  partly 
Arab,  but  largely  supplied  by  Jews  from  Russia,  Roumania, 
and  the  Yemen.  With  sufficient  capital — aheady  furnished 
in  part  by  Zionist  organizations — the  removal  of  the  blight 
of  Turkish  rule,  and  the  coming  shortage  of  all  food  products, 
the  economic  future  of  a  Jewish  Palestine  should  be  bright." 
(The  Economist.) 

"  The  movement  towards  Palestine  will  be  slow,  and  none 
of  those  who  have  sanctioned  the  great  experiment  may 
hope  to  live  to  judge  it  by  the  fruits  ;  but  it  is  satisfactory 
to  remember  that  the  British  Government's  decision  meets 
with  th*"  approbation  of  many  Great  Powers.  President 
Wilson  views  the  Zionist  programme  with  the  keenest 
sympathy,  and  has  appointed  a  Jewish  Commission  to  study 
in  Palestine  the  question  of  a  Jewish  State.  The  Russian 
Revolutionary  Government  has  declared  its  wilHngness  to 
support  the  Jewish  claim  to  Palestine,  and  even  permitted 
a  Zionist  Conference  to  be  held  in  Petrograd.  Those  who 
should  be  well  informed  say  that  the  Pope  is  not  opposing 
the  Zionist  ideal,  and  that  the  French  Government  favours 
it ;  one  and  all  seem  to  be  agreed  that  when  this  war  is  over 
the  horrors  of  the  Jewish  situation  as  it  affects  the  vast 
majority  of  the  race  must  come  to  an  end.  The  persecution 
and  repression  practised  in  Russia  and  Roumania  down  to 
little  more  than  a  year  ago  cannot  go  on  in  a  world  made  fit 
for  all  to  Hve  in.  .  .  .  What  will  be  the  spiritual  effect  of  this 
return  to  Palestine  upon  the  pious  Jew,  who  for  two  thousand 
years  has  said,  //  /  forget  thee,  0  Jerusalem,  may  my  right 
hand  forget  its  cunning  ;  upon  the  other  class  of  Jew  who 
will  recover  his  Judaism  when  it  has  a  centre,  a  point  of 
focus  ;  and  upon  the  non- Jew  i  o  whom  the  return  to  Pales- 
tine is  the  fulfilment  of  prophecy  and  the  foreshadowing  of 
the  Millennium  ?  "  (The  Graphic.) 

*'  We  speak  of  Palestine  as  a  country,  but  it  is  not  a 
country.  .  .  .  But  it  will  be  a  country  ;  it  will  be  the  country 


of  the  jews.  That  is  the  meaning  of  the  letter  which  we 
publish  to-day  written  by  Mr.  Balfour  to  Lord  Rothschild 
for  communication  to  the  Zionist  Federation.  It  is  at  once 
the  fulfilment  of  an  aspiration,  the  signpost  of  a  destiny. 
Never  since  the  days  of  the  Dispersion  has  the  extraordinary 
people  scattered  over  the  earth  in  every  country  of  modern 
European  and  of  the  old  Arabic  civilization  surrendered 
the  hope  of  an  ultimate  return  to  the  historic  seat  of  its 
national  existence.  This  has  formed  part  of  its  ideal  life, 
and  is  the  ever-recurring  note  of  its  religious  ritual.  .  .  . 
For  fifty  years  the  Jews  have  been  slowly  and  painfully  re- 
turning to  their  ancestral  home,  and  even  under  the  Ottoman 
yoke  and  amid  the  disorder  of  that  effete  and  crumbling 
dominion  they  have  succeeded  in  establishing  the  beginnings 
of  a  real  civilization.  Scattered  and  few,  they  have  still 
brought  with  them  schools  and  industry  and  scientific  know- 
ledge, and  here  and  there  have  in  truth  made  the  waste 
places  blossom  as  the  rose.  .  .  .  The  British  victories  in 
Palestine  and  in  the  more  distant  eastern  bounds  of  the 
ancient  Arab  Empire  are  the  presage  of  the  downfall  of 
Turkish  power  ;  the  declaration  of  policy  by  the  British 
Government  to-day  is  the  security  for  a  new,  perhaps  a  very 
wonderful,  future  for  Zionism  and  for  the  Jewish  race.  .  .  . 
In  declaring  that '  the  British  Government  view  with  favour 
the  establishment  in  Palestine  of  a  national  home  for  the 
Jewish  people,  and  will  use  its  best  endeavours  to  facilitate 
the  achievement  of  this  object,'  the  Government  have  indeed 
laid  down  a  policy  of  great  and  far-reaching  importance, 
but  it  is  one  which  can  bear  its  full  fruit  only  by  the  united 
efforts  of  Jews  all  over  the  world.  What  it  means  is  that, 
assuming  our  military  successes  to  be  continued  and  the 
whole  of  Palestine  to  be  brought  securely  under  our  control, 
then  on  the  conclusion  of  peace  our  deliberate  policy  will  be 
to  encourage  in  every  way  in  our  power  Jewish  immigration, 
to  give  full  security,  and  no  doubt  a  large  measure  of  local 
autonomy,  to  the  Jewish  immigrants,  with  a  view  to  the 
ultimate  establishment  of  a  Jewish  State.  *'  (Manchester 

The  Manchester  Daily  Dispatch  published  a  sympathetic 
interview  with  Sir  Stuart  Samuel,  Bart.,  on  the  subject  of 
the  pronouncement  of  the  Government. 

Both  The  Liverpool  Courier  and  The  Liverpool  Daily  Post 
and  Mercury  devoted  leading  articles  to  the  subject  on  the 
9th  of  November.    The  former  said  : — 


"  Mr.  Balfour's  letter  stating  the  attitude  of  the  British 
Government  towards  the  establishment  of  a  National  Home 
for  the  Jews  in  Palestine  may  well  be  regarded  as  one  of  the 
most  historic  documents  in  the  5678  years  of  Jewish  history. 
Its  terms  are  eminently  well  considered,  and  the  re-estabhsh- 
ment  of  the  Jewish  National  Home  is  to  be  accomplished  on 
lines  which  are  reasonable  and  just.  Indeed,  we  note  with 
satisfaction  that  the  points  to  which  we  have  already  made 
reference  in  our  consistent  advocacy  of  the  claims  of  Zionism 
(which  has  been  thrust  to  the  fore  by  world-shaking  events 
of  the  past  year  or  two)  have  been  covered  by  the  terms  of 
the  Government  declaration.  .  .  .  Zionism  has  made  a  great 
step  forward,  and  the  world  has  now  reason  to  look  forward 
to  the  rise  of  an  old-new  nation  in  its  natural  home,  where 
some  of  its  ancient  greatness  may  be  revived  in  a  national 

The  views  of  The  Post  took  the  following  form  : — 

"  The  important  official  letter  from  Mr.  Balfour,  as 
Foreign  Secretary,  to  Lord  Rothschild,  as  representing  the 
Jews,  more  than  justifies  the  suggestion  we  lately  made  in  a 
leading  article  that  our  Government  might  be  expected  to 
encourage  the  Jewish  national  aspiration  for  a  home  in 
Palestine.  We  further  said  at  that  time  that  a  *  Palestine 
re-peopled  by  a  Jewry  bound  to  the  Allies,  and  not  least  to 
Britain,  by  ties  of  affection  for  righting  the  oldest  national 
wrong,  would  be  a  friendly  neighbour  to  Egypt  and  to  the 
newly  enfranchised  territories  abutting  upon  the  Holy 
Land.'  " 

The  Edinburgh  Evening  Dispatch  expressed  the  following 
views  : — 

"  The  aspirations  of  the  Jewish  race  to  return  to  the  Holy 
Land  seem  not  unlikely  of  fulfilment.  Scattered  over  the 
face  of  the  earth,  they  daily  turn  their  eyes  towards  Jeru- 
salem and  pray  for  the  day  when  they  will  be  restored  to  the 
land  of  their  origin.  We  are  fighting  to-day  not  for  aggran- 
dizement, not  for  the  acquisition  of  territory,  but  for  the  liber- 
ation  of  peoples  crushed  by  the  tyrant,  and  there  is  no  just 
and  reasonable  demand  which  would  not  be  sympathetically 
considered  by  the  British  Government.  Our  progress  in 
Palestine  has  awakened  in  the  breasts  of  the  '  chosen  people  ' 
fresh  hopes  of  re-establishment  in  their  Fatherland." 

The  Glasgow  Herald,  writing  in  a  similar  vein,  said  : — 

*'  From  their  aeroplanes  British  aviators  may  have  ob- 


tained  a  glimpse  of  the  white  domes  and  towers  of  the  Holy 
City,  high  upon  the  crest  of  the  Palestinian  ridge.  That 
possibility  is  symbolic  of  the  effect  upon  the  Jewish  world 
of  the  British  Cabinet's  declaration  in  favour  of  Zionism. 
What  has  long  been  the  dream  of  virtually  the  whole  Jewish 
race — even  of  those  whose  inward  despair  expressed  itself 
outwardly  by  a  cynical  dismissal  of  Zionism  as  the  mirage  of 
over-heated  fancy — ^has  now  taken  definite  shape  on  the 
horizon  of  practical  poUtics." 

In  the  further  article  in  the  same  issue  the  Government 
adoption  of  the  Zionist  policy  was  further  commented 
upon : — 

"  With  singular  timehness,  for  it  coincides  with  the 
victories  of  Gaza  and  Tekrit,  Mr.  Balfour  has  written  a  letter 
to  Lord  Rothschild  announcing  the  adhesion  of  the  British 
Government  to  Zionism.  With  the  reservation  of  the  civil 
and  religious  rights  of  existing  non-Jewish  communities  in 
Palestine,  and  without  prejudice  to  the  rights  and  political 
status  enjoyed  by  Jews  in  any  other  country,  Palestine, 
when  it  has  been  conquered,  is  to  become  a  national  home 
for  the  Jewish  people.  With  numerically  small  exceptions 
this  decision — on  which  we  comment  more  fully  elsewhere — 
will  be  accepted  with  joy  by  all  the  Jews  of  the  Dispersion 
throughout  the  world.  It  will  have  an  immediate  political 
efl[ect  in  America  and  in  Russia,  no  less  than  in  Poland  and 
Hungary.  It  will  tell  to  the  advantage  of  the  Allies  even  in 
Bagdad.  In  the  Levant  generally  it  should  unite  the  Jews 
with  the  Arabs,  Greeks,  and  ItaHans  in  revolt  against  the 
Turks.  But  its  great  ultimate  influence,  as  all  will  pray,  will 
be  to  affect  for  the  b^cter  in  many  subtle  ways  the  relations 
of  Christian  and  Jew  throughout  the  world.  If  that  should 
happen  one  of  the  most  insidious  diseases  from  which 
civilization  has  suffered  will  have  been  cured." 

According  to  The  Aberdeen  Free  Press  : — 

"  This  is  the  first  time  that  any  Government  has  definitely 
put  itself  in  touch  with  Zionist  ideals,  and  the  new  departure 
is  as  important  as  it  is  timely." 

**.  .  .  In  many  ways  the  moment  appears  to  be  a  pe- 
culiarly favourable  one  for  preparing  to  launch  the  scheme 
for  providing  *  a  national  home  for  the  Jewish  people  in 
Palestine  '  in  the  sphere  of  the  practical.  The  Zionist  idea 
has  passed  through  many  changes,  and  may  pass  through 
many  more.  .  .  .  Never  until  now  have  time  and  place  and 


opportunity  been  in  accord  with  the  dream  of  returning  and 
building  up  Zion.  Mr.  Balfour's  letter,  read  in  the  hght  of 
General  AUenby's  march  upon  Hebron,  may  well  sound  hke 
the  long-postponed  answer  to  the  prayer  of  the  exiled  and 
persecuted  race,  '  Next  year,  0  Lord,  in  Jerusalem  I '  " 

The  Dundee  Advertiser  also  put  itself  in  Hne  with  its  con- 
temporaries which  commented  on  the  Government's  pro- 
nouncement : — 

**  Palestine  wiU,  therefore,  be  a  suitable  field  for  im- 
migration, and  by  tradition  and  inclination  the  Jews  are  the 
people  to  occupy  it.  Already  before  the  war  a  number  of 
colony  settlements  had  been  estabHshed,  chiefly  by  Jewish 
immigrants  from  Eastern  Europe,  and  without  exception 
these  settlements  were  thriving.  One  and  all  they  were 
agricultural,  and  contradicted  the  prevaihng  belief  that  the 
Jew  is  bound  to  become  a  trader  or  an  artisan,  and  will  never 
undertake  the  tillage  of  the  soil.  The  Jewish  colonies  were 
models  of  up-to-date  agricultural  enterprise,  in  which  the 
best  scientific  knowledge  of  irrigation  and  dry-farming  was 
appHed.  A  very  pleasing  prospect  is  therefore  opening  up. 
....  In  the  fulness  of  time  a  new  page  in  the  history  of  the 
Holy  Land  is  being  opened  by  AUenby's  army." 

The  Irish  Times  expressed  its  views  in  the  following 
passage  : — 

"  These  fortunate  circumstances  invest  with  especial 
significance  the  important  declaration  of  British  policy  in 
Palestine  which  we  printed  yesterday.  ...  In  this  endorse- 
ment of  Zionist  aspirations  at  a  moment  when  Jerusalem 
can  hear  the  distant  thunder  of  British  guns  the  Government 
has  declared  a  policy  of  great  and  far-reaching  importance. 
It  is  at  last  an  attainable  pohcy,  and  it  is  from  every  Doint 
of  view  a  desirable  policy.  From  the  British  point  of  view 
the  defence  of  the  Suez  Canal  can  best  be  secured  by  the 
estabhshment  in  Palestine  of  a  people  attached  to  us,  and 
the  restoration  of  the  Jews  under  British  auspices  can  alone 
secure  it  in  this  way.  From  the  European  point  of  view  it 
would  be  a  great  gain  that  the  Jews  should  become,  in  the 
words  of  The  Jewish  Chronicle,  *  a  nation,  and  not  a  hyphen- 
ation.' " 

A  leading  article  in  The  Western  Daily  Press  ran  in  part 
as  follows : — 


".  .  .  There  is  no  other  solution  so  much  demanded  by 
historical  association  and  living  sentiment  as  that,  if  it  be 
possible,  the  Jewish  people  should  retake  possession  of  the 
small  but  intensely  interesting  country  over  which  they 
ruled,  with  some  interruptions,  for  nearly  two  thousand 
years.  Mr.  Balfour's  declaration  has  dehghted  many  in- 
fluential British  Jews.  It  can  hardly  fail  to  delight  equally 
the  Jews  of  Poland  and  Russia,  who  have  suffered  so  much 
from  the  '  religious  '  bigotry  of  ignorant  people,  and  the 
Jews  of  Germany  and  Austria,  often  very  wealthy  and  in- 
fluential, will  be  forced  to  ask  themselves  why  they  are  at 
present  helping  to  preserve  Turkish  rule  over  a  country 
which  the  British  are  anxious  to  restore  to  the  Jewish 

The  Hull  Daily  Mail  said  : — 

"It  is  a  wise  and  sagacious  offer,  and  has  given  great 
satisfaction  in  Jewish  communities.  It  will  be  a  great  thing 
if  Palestine  is  delivered  from  the  blighting,  blasting  influence 
of  the  Turk,  and  he  must  never  again  be  given  possession  if 
it  is  finally  won  from  his  grasp.  The  Jews  were  a  pastoral 
people,  and,  once  they  were  in  possession,  this  land,  under 
the  blessing  of  Providence,  would  again  flow  *  with  milk 
and  honey,'  and  blossom  as  the  rose  under  the  protecting 
hand  of  Britain  and  other  guaranteeing  Powers." 

And  The  Newcastle  Daily  Journal : — 

*'  The  Zionist  project  has,  at  last,  the  prospect  of  achieving 
its  purpose,  under  the  very  highest  auspices,  humanly  speak- 
ing. It  looks  like  a  first  step  towards  the  restoration  repre- 
sentatively of  the  long-persecuted  and  widely-scattered 
Jewish  race." 

Other  provincial  newspapers  that  commented  on  the 
Government's  announcement  were  The  Dublin  Express, 
The  Northern  Whig,  The  Belfast  Newsletter,  The  Bulletin, 
The  South  Wales  Daily  News,  and  The  Northern  Daily 

The  African  World  also  welcomed  the  proposals  whole- 
heartedly : — 

"  The  announcement  yesterday  that  the  British  Govern- 
ment *  view  with  favour  the  establishment  in  Palestine  of  a 
national  home  for  the  Jewish  people  '  and  the  Cabinet's 
intention  to  further  the  scheme  cherished  by  Zionists  is  an 
event  of  world-wide  importance.    A  home  for  Jews  on  the 


soil  traditionally  sacred  to  them,  and  under  British  auspices 
and  protection,  is  the  happiest  outcome  of  the  dream  of 

The  Shipping  World  said  : — 

"  For  a  number  of  decades  there  has  been  a  movement, 
partly  idealistic,  partly  practical,  for  restoring  the  Jewish 
race  to  their  ancient  territorial  home.  That  movement  is 
known  as  Zionism,  and  is  strongly  supported  in  the  Jewish 
communities  both  in  Europe  and  in  America.  Assisted  by 
funds  subscribed  by  the  wealthier  members  of  the  race, 
some  settlers  had  already  formed  under  Turkish  rule  Zionist 
settlements  in  the  Holy  Land.  But  colonization  under 
Turkish  tolerance  is  a  precarious  thing.  Now  appears  the 
dawn  of  promise,  and  Mr.  Balfour  has  just  addressed  a  letter 
to  Lord  Rothschild  expressing  the  sympathy  of  the  Cabinet 
with  Jewish  Zionist  aspirations.  The  Government  favour 
the  estabhshment  in  Palestine  of  a  national  home  for  the 
Jewish  people,  and  will  use  their  best  endeavours  to  facih- 
tate  the  achievement  of  that  object.  What  form  the  en- 
deavour is  to  take  is,  at  this  point,  left  obscure,  purposely, 
no  doubt.  But  we  may  in  this  hint  perhaps  see  the  nucleus 
of  a  free  State  where  the  children  of  Israel,  gathered  once 
more  from  the  ends  of  the  earth,  shall  again  possess  the  land 
of  their  ancestors  and  live  free  from  alien  oppression." 

The  Near  East  devoted  its  leading  article  to  "  The  Land  of 
Promise  "  : — 

"  On  the  other  hand,  Palestine  is  for  all  true  Jews  a 
spiritual  centre,  and  deep  down  in  their  being  they  associate 
with  it,  if  not  their  own  individual  place  of  residence,  at 
least  the  home  of  a  sufficient  number  of  Jewish  people  to 
make  it  the  focus  of  Jewish  hfe  and  Jewish  civilization. 
Such  a  Jewish  commonwealth  can  only  grow  up  to  fulfil  its 
destiny  under  the  protection  of  a  strong  and  ordered  State, 
which  will  guarantee  it  immunity  from  outside  interference, 
security  of  life  and  property,  and  the  impartial  administra- 
tion of  justice.  For  its  own  material  development  it  must 
look  to  itself,  and  in  this  connection  it  will  be  recalled  that 
Jewish  agricultural  and  urban  settlements  already  exist  in 
Palestine,  and  are  a  nucleus  ready  to  hand  for  the  new 
commonwealth.  They  point  to  the  probable  lines  on  which 
the  development  of  the  country  will  take  place,  expedited 
or  retarded,  according  to  the  degree  of  assistance  on  which 
Zionism  can  count.    The  valley  is  full  of  bones,  and,  lo  ! 


they  are  very  dry  ;  many  stages  have  to  be  passed  through 
before  these  dry  bones  stand  upon  their  feet,  an  exceeding 
great  army.  Of  Palestine  it  will  then  be  true  that  '  This 
land  that  was  desolate  is  become  like  the  Garden  of  Eden, 
and  the  waste  and  desolate  and  ruined  cities  are  become 
fenced  and  are  inhabited.'  Towards  that  consummation  it 
would  seem  that  Great  Britain  in  the  dispensation  of  Provi- 
dence will  have  played  no  small  part." 

Palestine,  the  organ  of  the  British  Palestine  Committee, 
was,  not  surprisingly,  filled  with  enthusiasm  and  eloquence, 
for  the  Government  pronouncement  is  the  culmination  of 
all  its  efforts  : — 

"  The  decision  of  the  British  Government  marks  a  turning- 
point  in  the  history  of  the  Jewish  people,  and  will,  we  be- 
'  lieve,  be  for  ever  memorable  in  the  history  of  the  British 
Empire.  .  .  .  The  declaration  is  complete  in  form  and 
substance.  It  can  provoke  no  opposition  from  any  quarter, 
and  it  will  bind  the  Jews  of  the  world  in  sympathy  to  the 
country  which  has  thus  taken  the  lead  in  their  national 
redemption.  .  .  .  And  when  the  Declaration  becomes  an 
act,  when  a  Jewish  Palestine  from  being  an  aim  becomes  a 
fact,  then  all  the  complex  of  strategic,  political,  and  com- 
mercial interests  which  are  concentrated  for  the  British 
Empire  in  the  Suez  Canal  and  Palestine  will  have  found  their 
solution.  This  declaration  is  a  memorable  event  in  the 
history  of  the  British  Empire  as  it  is  in  the  history  of 
the  Jewish  people  and  of  humanity.  We  may  be  of  good 
hope  that  it  will  at  no  very  distant  date  become  a  fact, 
for  the  army  of  England  has  even  now  battered  in  the 
gates  of  Palestine.  The  statesmanship  of  this  declaration  of 
the  Jewish  nation's  right  to  Palestine  is  a  statesmanship  of 
deed,  not  of  words." 

The  Church,  Catholic,  and  Nonconformist  papers  have 
devoted  much  space  to  the  Government  decision.  In  the 
opinion  of  The  Challenge  : — 

"  If  there  is  a  considerable  part  of  the  Jewish  people  eager 
to  make  Palestine  again  their  home,  then  we  are  glad  that 
the  Allied  Governments  should  have  made  it  possible  for 
them  to  do  so,  supposing  that  the  course  of  the  war  leaves 
that  possibiUty  still  open.  It  must  be  for  the  Jewish  people 
themselves  to  decide  how  much  or  how  httle  advantage 
they  will  take  of  the  offer  which  is  made  to  them.  Mean- 
while no  one  can  avoid  feeling  a  thrill  at  a  prospect  so  closely 


affecting  the  destiny  of  the  chosen  race.  That  wonderful 
people  pursues  its  way  through  all  the  history  of  the  world, 
and  whatever  concerns  them  is  of  universal  interest." 

According  to  The  Christian  : — 

"  By  this  dramatic  declaration  an  age-long  dream  comes 
within  the  view  of  actual  fulfilment.  It  ought  to  be  apparent 
to  everybody  that  the  persistence  of  a  people  like  the  Jews 
during  two  thousand  years — a  fact  unparalleled  in  history — 
despite  every  attempt  to  crush  them,  holds  a  meaning  far 
deeper  than  that  which  the  secular  historian  offers.  The 
purposes  of  God  are  being  worked  out,  and  we  can  begin  to 
see  light." 

In  The  Church  Family  Newspaper  the  Rev.  E.  L.  Langston, 
under  the  heading  "  Jews  and  Palestine  :  Epoch-making 
Announcement,"  said : — 

"  The  declaration  of  His  Majesty's  Government  as  to 
the  future  of  Palestine  must  have  far-reaching  and  vital 
effects.  ..." 

In  the  words  of  The  Catholic  Times  : — 

"  The  settling  down  of  Jews  from  Great  Britain,  America, 
and  the  Continent  of  Europe  in  the  Holy  Land  is  something 
like  a  romance  of  a  war  in  the  main  features  of  which  scarcely 
any  romantic  element  has,  so  far,  appeared." 

The  Christian  Commonwealth  said  : — 

"  The  historical  interest  and  the  rehgious  importance  of 
this  promise  will  appeal  nearly  as  much  to  non-Jewish  people 
as  to  the  Jews  themselves.  .  .  .  We  may  yet  Uve  to  see 
Palestine  become  the  centre  of  trade  and  travel  for  the  three 
continents  of  the  Old  World.  The  early  colonization  move- 
ment has  crystalHzed  into  something  more  dramatic — the 
re-establishment  of  a  whole  people  on  the  soil  of  the  land 
where  their  national  history  began.  Their  long  exile  is  draw- 
ing to  an  end.  From  this  redeemed  and  rejuvenated  people 
what  new  message  may  we  not  expect,  seeing  that  their  faith 
has  so  manifestly  been  justified  and  the  vision  of  their 
prophets  realized  !  " 

"  We  are  quite  unable  to  find  words,"  said  The  Life  of 
Faith,  ''  wherewith  to  express  the  wonderful  importance  of 
the  above  declaration  made  by  His  Majesty's  Government. 
...  It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  this  great  declaration 
contains  the  making  of  history,  even  as  it  forms  a  new  epoch 


for  the  Jewish  race.  .  .  .  We  welcome  the  declaration  all 
the  more  because  we,  too,  have  an  inborn  love  for  the  Holy 
Land,  and  because  we  can  so  deeply  sympathize  with  the 
Jewish  people,  whose  passionate  affection  for  the  land  of 
their  fathers  has  never  been  torn  from  their  hearts,  in  spite 
of  centuries  of  persecution  and  wanderings.  There  is,  after 
ail,  some  little  excuse  for  the  sentimental  yearnings  of 
the  Rabbis  who  expressed  their  heartfelt  passion  in  such 
sayings  as  : 

"  '  The  very  air  of  Palestine  makes  one  wise.'^ 
'"To  live  in  Palestine  is  equal  to  the  observance  of  all  the 
commandments. '  ^ 

"  *  He  that  hath  his  permanent  abode  in  Palestine  is  sure 
of  the  Hfe  to  come.'  "^ 

The  Methodist  Times  said  : — 

"  Naturally  this  declaration,  which  will  be  celebrated  in 
history,  has  given  the  liveliest  satisfaction  to  Jewry  through- 
out the  world.  The  pledge  is  as  sagacious  as  it  is  opportune." 
And  prints  in  addition  a  long  article  by  Mr.  C.  W.  Andrews, 
entitled :  "  Palestine  for  the  Jews :  the  Triumph  of  Zionism." 

And  in  the  words  of  The  Sunday  School  Chronicle  : — 
"  For  two  thousand  years  the  Jews  have  been  wandering 
among  the  nations.  It  looks  as  though  a  new  day  were  dawn- 
ing for  them  and  for  the  world.  .  .  .  Apart  from  the  moral 
significance  of  such  a  return,  an  independent  Jewish  State 
would  make  the  Holy  Land  a  centre  of  commercial  and 
political  influence  of  far-reaching  importance  to  the  British 
Empire  and  to  the  Far  East." 

The  British  Weekly,  The  Church  Times,  The  Christian 
World,  The  Inquirer,  and  The  Guardian  also  commented 
editorially  on  the  Government's  pronouncement. 
The  Jewish  Chronicle,  in  a  leading  article,  said  : — 
".  .  .  It  is  the  perceptible  lifting  of  the  cloud  of  centuries, 
the  palpable  sign  that  the  Jew — condemned  for  two  thousand 
years  to  unparalleled  wrong — is  at  last  coming  to  his  right. 

\i'V  n:p'T  «-inn  t^nn 
:  miratz?  ny^i^n  b^  liiiD  Th^^w  bbnt»'^  \n«  nn>tt7'>  ...(*) 

]3tt7  ntaniD  «n'»  .  .  .  bs-i2;'>   \nsa  ^^'zpw  ^d  b^  .  .  .  "  (^ 

'' :  sin  «nn  Dbi3?n 

II.  — H 


The  prospect  has  at  last  definitely  opened  of  a  rectification 
of  the  Jew's  anomalous  position  among  the  nations  of  the 
earth.  He  is  to  be  given  the  opportunity  and  the  means 
whereby,  in  place  of  being  a  hyphenation,  he  can  become  a 
nation.  Instead  of,  as  Jew,  filling  a  place  at  best  equivocal 
and  doubtful,  even  to  himself,  and  always  with  an  apologetic 
cringing  inseparable  from  his  position,  he  can — as  Jew — 
stand  proud  and  erect,  endowed  with  national  being.  In 
place  of  being  a  wanderer  in  every  clime,  there  is  to  be  a 
home  for  him  in  his  ancient  land.  The  day  of  his  exile  is  to 
be  ended.  In  this  joyous  hour  we  Enghsh  Jews  turn  with 
feeUngs  of  deepest  pride  and  reverence  to  great  and  glorious 
Britain,  mother  of  free  nations  and  protectress  of  the 
oppressed,  who  has  thus  taken  the  lead  in  the  Jewish  restor- 
ation. The  friend  of  our  people  for  generations,  who  has 
raised  her  voice  times  out  of  number  for  our  suffering 
mart3n:s,  never  was  she  truer  to  her  noble  traditions  than  to- 
day— never  more  England  than  now  !  In  the  time  to  come, 
when  Jewry,  free  and  prosperous,  lives  a  contented  and,  as 
we  aU  hope,  a  lofty  life  in  Palestine,  it  will  look  with  never- 
f aiUng  gratitude  to  the  Power  which  crowned  its  centuries 
of  humanitarrianism  by  a  grand  act  that  Hnked  Jewish 
destinies  with  those  of  the  freest  democracy  in  the  world.'' 

The  Jewish  people  all  over  the  world  was  deeply  impressed 
by  the  Declaration.  As  the  correspondent  of  the  London 
Jewish  Chronicle  puts  it,  ''  The  Jewish  masses  were  literally 
dazzled."  A  great  demonstration,  unparalleled  for  en- 
thusiasm, occurred  at  Petrograd,  and  was  addressed  by 
M.  Boris  Goldberg  and  M.  Aleinikoff,  who  styled  England  the 
"  advanced  guard  of  humanity."  He  spoke  in  the  highest 
praise  of  the  English  Labour  Party  for  its  sympathetic 
attitude  toward  the  movement,  and  of  the  American 
Zionists  for  their  defence  of  the  Jewish  colonies  in  Palestine 
since  the  outbreak  of  the  war.  Tributes  were  paid  to  the 
memory  of  Dr.  Theodor  Herzl  and  other  leaders  of  the 
Movement  who  have  passed  away,  of  the  British  soldiers 
killed  in  the  Campaign  in  Palestine,  and  to  the  Hashomerim 
who  have  died  in  defence  of  the  Jewish  colonies.  Two 
soldiers,  Levitzky  and  Kotlarevsky,  greeted  the  Declaration 
on  behalf  of  the  Jewish  Soldiers'  Union. 

Tremendous  enthusiasm  prevailed  throughout  Russian 
Jewry  because  of  the  British  Declaration  ;  and  reports 
received  from  Moscow,  Minsk,  Ekaterinoslav,  Kieff,  Khar- 
koff,  Odessa  and  Kherson  are  to  the  effect  that  tens  of 


thousands  of  Jews  who  had  hitherto  been  either  neutral  or 
inimical,  joined  the  Zionist  Movement.  Special  ser- 
vices of  thanksgiving  were  held  in  many  synagogues 
and  many  mass  meetings,  vieing  with  one  another  in  en- 
thusiasm, v>ere  held  almost  everywhere.  Many  organ- 
izations of  Jewish  youth  signified  their  intention  to  make 
whatever  sacrifices  might  be  demanded  of  them  for  the 
Zionist  ideal.  The  Russian  Press,  with  practical  unanimity, 
spoke  of  the  great  importance  of  the  Declaration,  and 
described  it  as  a  momentous  event  for  the  Jews,  offering  the 
longed-for  opportunity  to  build  a  national  Jewish  homeland 
in  Palestine. 

The  enthusiasm  in  America  found  expression  in  thousands 
of  telegramxS,  public  meetings,  resolutions,  thanksgiving 
services.  At  the  Baltimore  Zionist  Conference  on  December 
15th  a  resolution  was  passed  thanking  the  British  Govern- 
ment for  the  Declaration,  which  stated,  "  Deeply  we  rejoice 
in  the  triumph  of  the  British  arms  in  Palestine,  and  the  tak- 
ing over  of  Palestine  as  another  step  in  the  march  of  the 
Allied  Forces  which  is  to  establish  throughout  the  world  the 
principle  of  the  liberty  of  smaller  nationalities."  In  all 
other  countries  the  Declaration  was  discussed  by  public 
opinion  in  a  most  favourable  sense. 

On  November  18,  1917,  a  reception  was  held  by  the 
English  Zionist  Federation  at  which  Lord  Rothschild  officially 
communicated  to  the  Federation  the  Declaration  of  the 
English  government.  Hundreds  of  congratulatory  tele- 
grams received  from  all  parts  of  the  world  aroused 
enthusiasm.  Lord  Rothschild,  Dr.  Tschlenow,  Dr.  Weiz- 
mann,  Mr.  James  de  Rothschild,  and  the  author  delivered 
addresses  in  commemoration  of  this  historic  event  in  the 
life  of  the  Jewish  people. 


Some  account  must  be  given  of  the  Demonstration 
at  the  London  Opera  House  of  the  2nd  December  held  in 
order  to  express  gratitude  to  the  British  Government.  This 
great  demonstration  was  attended  by  thousands  of  persons. 
The  resolution  read  by  Lord  Rothschild,  who  presided  over 
the  meeting,  expressed  gratitude  from  all  sections  of  Anglo- 
Jewry  for  the  Government  declaration  in  favour  of  estab- 
lishing in  Palestine  a  national  home  for  the  Jewish  people. 
Every  member  of  the  audience  seemed  to  feel  the  greatness 
of  the  occasion. 


Lord  Rothschild  said  they  were  met  on  the  most 
momentous  occasion  in  the  history  of  Judaism  for  the  last 
eighteen  hundred  years.  They  were  there  to  return  thanks 
to  His  Majesty's  Government  for  a  declaration  which  marked 
an  epoch  in  Jewish  history  of  outstanding  importance.  For 
the  first  time  since  the  Dispersion  the  Jewish  people  had 
received  its  proper  status  by  the  Declaration  of  one  of  the 
great  Powers.  That  Declaration,  while  acknowledging  and 
approving  of  the  aspirations  of  the  Jewish  people  for  a 
National  Home,  at  the  same  time  placed  Jews  on  their 
honour  to  respect  the  rights  and  privileges  not  only  of  their 
prospective  non- Jewish  neighbours  in  Palestine,  but  also  of 
those  of  their  own  people  who  did  not  see  eye  to  eye  with  the 
Zionist  cause.  FeeUng  as  he  did  that  the  aims  of  Zionism 
were  in  no  way  incompatible  with  the  highest  patriotism 
and  loyal  citizenship  of  the  Jews  in  the  various  countries  in 
which  they  were  dwelling,  he  would  like  the  meeting  in  pass- 
ing the  resolution  which  would  be  submitted  to  them  to 
assure  the  Government  that  they  would,  one  and  all, 
faithfully  observe  both  the  spirit  and  the  letter  of  their 
gracious  declaration.  He  felt  sure  that  the  principal  aim 
of  the  Zionists  was  to  provide  a  National  Home  for  those 
portions  of  the  Jewish  people  who  wished  to  escape  the 
possibilities  in  the  future  of  such  oppression  and  ill-treatment 
as  they  had  endured  in  the  past,  and  he  therefore  held  that 
all  and  every  section  of  opinion  in  the  Jewish  people  could 
work  together  for  the  estabhshment  in  Palestine  of  such  a 
home,  so  as  to  make  it  a  triumphant  success. 

It  had  often  been  said  that  the  repeopling  of  Palestine 
by  the  Jews  was  bound  to  fail  in  so  far  as  they  were  not  an 
agricultural  people,  but  they  might  dismiss  that  fear  from 
their  minds  in  view  of  the  success  of  the  great  Jewish 
agricultural  colonies  which  were  estabhshed  in  Palestine 
before  the  war.  The  only  thing  necessary  to  achieve 
success  in  the  movement  was  a  thoroughly  up-to-date 
organization  for  the  development  of  the  land,  and  for  the 
guidance  and  selection  of  the  settlers,  who  must  act  as 
pioneers.  The  aims  of  what  now  appeared  to  be  antagonistic 
bodies  of  opinion,  seemed  to  him  to  be  so  similar  that  he  felt 
sure  that  when  those  objects  had  been  properly  examined 
in  the  light  of  experience  they  would  find,  sooner  or  later, 
that  a  common  ground  would  present  itself  for  all  of  those 
professing  these  apparently  divergent  opinions  to  work  to- 
gether in  a  common  effort  to  make  the  re-settlement  of 


Palestine  a  great   and  lasting  success.      Lord  Rothschild 
then  moved  the  following  resolution  : — 

"That  this  mass  meeting,  representing  all  sections  of 
the  Jewish  Community  in  the  United  Kingdom,  conveys 
to  His  Majesty's  Government  an  expression  of  heartfelt 
gratitude  for  their  Declaration  in  favour  of  the  estabHsh- 
ment  in  Palestine  of  a  national  home  for  the  Jewish  people. 
It  assures  His  Majesty's  Government  that  their  historic 
action  in  support  of  the  national  aspirations  of  the  Jewish 
people  has  evoked  among  Jews  the  most  profound  senti- 
ments of  joy.  This  meeting  further  pledges  its  utmost 
endeavours  to  give  its  whole-hearted  support  to  the 
Zionist  cause." 

The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Robert  Cecil,  p.c,  k.c,  m.p.,  who  was 
received  with  loud  cheering,  said :  "I  have  come  here  with  the 
greatest  possible  pleasure  at  the  request  of  those  who  repre- 
sent, or  who  have  led  the  representation  of  the  Zionist  move- 
ment of  this  country,  to  offer  to  you,  and  to  all  Zionism,  my 
hearty  congratulation  on  the  event  which  you  are  celebrat- 
ing to-day.  And  perhaps  you  will  allow  me  to  mention 
in  connection  with  these  congratulations,  not  only  your 
Chairman,  but  also  Mr.  Nahum  Sokolow  and  Dr.  C.  Weiz- 
mann,  who  have  done  so  much  for  the  cause  that  we  all  have 
at  heart  this  afternoon.  Surely  all  of  us  must  feel  what  a 
very  striking  gathering  the  present  one  is.  The  key- 
note of  our  meeting  this  afternoon  is  liberation.  We 
welcome  among  us  not  only  the  many  thousands  of  Jews 
that  I  see,  but  also  representatives  of  the  Arabian  and 
Armenian  races  who  are  also  in  this  great  struggle  strugghng 
to  be  free.  Our  wish  is  that  Arabian  countries  shall 
be  for  the  Arabs,  Armenia  for  the  Armenians,  and 
Judea  for  the  Jews.  Yes,  and  let  us  add,  if  it  can 
be  so,  let  Turkey,  real  Turkey,  be  for  the  Turks.  I 
should  Hke  to  be  allowed  to  say  that  the  part  that  this 
country  is  taking  in  this  movement  is  not  a  new  thing. 
I  venture  to  claim  for  this  country  that  in  supporting 
Zionism  it  has  been  merely  carrying  out  its  traditional 
pohcy.  To  me,  at  any  rate,  it  seems  that  there  are 
two  great  foundations  upon  which  the  pohcy  of  this  country 
has  always  been  based.  I  believe  that  they  are  often 
described  by  the  two  words  *  Liberty  and  Justice.'  Perhaps, 
more  accurately  they  may  be  called  the  supremacy  of  the 
Law  and  Liberty,  for,  be  well  assured,  if  we  are  ever  to 



obtain  that  security  which  we  have  been  recently  told  is  so 
important  for  us,  if  we  are  ever  to  lift  European  civilization 
and  national  relations  in  Europe  out  of  the  anarchy  in  which 
they  at  present  are,  it  must  be  by  the  same  means  by  which 
we  have  secured  liberty  and  happiness  in  each  country, 
namely,  by  the  supremacy  of  Law.  And  it  was  because  the 
invasion  of  Belgium,  the  lawless  invasion  of  Belgium,  was 
felt  by  the  true  instincts  of  the  British  people  to  be  an 
attack  upon  the  principle  of  Law,  because  they  recognized 
that  that  was  a  real  blow  at  the  heart  of  civilization,  that 
they  felt  then,  and  they  feel  now,  that  until  that  outrage 
has  been  expiated  it  is  impossible  even  to  think  of  talk- 
ing of  the  terms  of  peace.  As  for  the  second  foundation 
of  which  I  have  spoken,  and  which  has  more  practical 
bearing  on  our  proceedings  this  afternoon,  may  I  say  this, 
we  hear  a  great  deal  of  a  new  word  :  '  self-determination.' 
Well,  I  don't  know  that  it  is  a  new  thing.  It  certainly  is  not 
new  in  the  British  Empire.  The  Empire  has  always  striven 
to  give  to  all  the  peoples  that  make  it  up  the  fullest 
measure  of  self-government  of  which  they  are  capable. 
We  have  always  striven  to  give  to  all  peoples  within 
our  bounds  complete  Hberty  and  equality  before  the 
Law.  We  are  adjured  to  respect  the  principle  of 
self-determination,  but  I  say  that  the  British  Empire  was 
the  first  organization  to  teach  that  principle  to  the  world, 
and  one  of  the  great  causes  for  which  we  are  in  this  war  is  to 
secure  to  all  peoples  the  right  to  govern  themselves  and  to 
work  out  their  own  destiny,  irrespective  of  the  threats 
and  menaces  of  their  greater  neighbour.  One  of  the 
great  steps — in  my  judgment,  in  some  ways  the  greatest 
step — we  have  taken  in  carrying  out  this  principle  is  the 
recognition  of  Zionism.  This  is  the  first  constructive  effort 
that  we  have  made  in  what  I  hope  will  be  the  new  settle- 
ment of  the  world  after  the  war.  I  do  not  say  that  that 
is  the  only  thing  involved.  It  is  not  only  the  recognition  of 
a  nationality,  it  is  much  more  than  that.  It  has  great  under- 
lying ideals  of  which  you  will  hear  this  afternoon,  and  of 
which  it  would  be  impertinent  of  me  to  speak.  It  is,  indeed, 
not  the  birth  of  a  nation,  for  the  Jewish  nation  through 
centuries  of  oppression  and  captivity  have  preserved  their 
sentiment  of  nationality  as  few  peoples  could ;  but  if 
it  is  not  the  birth  of  agnation,  I  believe  we  may  say  it 
is  the  re-birth  of  a  nation.  I  don't  like  to  prophesy 
what  ultimate  results  that  great  event  may  have,  but  for 

SPEECH  OF  RT.  HON.  H.  SAMUEL,  M.P.       103 

myself  I  believe  it  will  have  a  far-reaching  influence  on  the 
history  of  the  world  and  consequences  which  none  can  fore- 
see on  the  future  history  of  the  human  race." 

The  Right  Hon.  Herbert  Samuel,  M.P.,  who  received  an  en- 
thusiastic welcome,  said :  "I  rejoice  whole-heartedly  in  the 
pronouncement  that  has  been  made  by  the  British  Govern- 
ment with  respect  to  Palestine.  It  is  a  policy  which  for  nearly 
three  years  I  have  urged  in  the  Cabinet  and  out  of  the  Cabinet 
at  every  opportunity  that  arose.  The  fears  and  the 
doubts  which  this  policy  has  evoked  are,  I  firmly  believe, 
unfounded.  Three  conditions  must  indeed  be  observed  in 
any  new  development  that  may  take  place  in  Palestine.  In 
the  first  place,  there  must  be  full,  just  recognition  of  the 
rights  of  the  Arabs,  who  now  constitute  the  majority  of  the 
population  of  that  country.  Secondly,  there  must  be  a 
reverent  respect  for  the  Christian  and  Mohammedan  holy 
places,  which  in  all  eventuahties  should  always  remain  in 
the  control  and  charge  of  representatives  of  those  faiths. 
In  the  third  place,  there  must  be  no  attempt  now  or  in 
the  future  to  estabhsh  anything  in  the  nature  of  pohtical 
authority  from  Palestine  over  the  Jews  scattered  in  other 
countries  of  the  world,  who  must  probably  always  remain 
the  great  majority  of  the  Jewish  race.  There  should  be  no 
disturbance,  large  or  small,  direct  or  indirect,  in  their 
national  status  or  in  their  national  rights  and  duties  in  the 
countries  of  which  they  are,  or  should  be,  full  and  equal 
citizens.  On  all  these  matters  there  is  no  divergence  of 
opinion  in  any  quarter,  and  the  controversies  that  have 
taken  place,  I  venture  to  think,  are  disputes  over  differences 
that  do  not  exist.  The  reason  why,  for  my  own  part,  I  sup- 
port the  poHcy  which  we  are  here  to-day  to  approve  and 
celebrate,  are  chiefly  these.  First,  it  may  be  that  the  genius 
of  the  Jewish  race  will  again  be  able  to  give  the  world  a 
brilliant  and  distinctive  civilization.  The  richness  of  man- 
kind hes  in  its  diversity.  We  do  not  want  the  world 
to  be  Hke  some  great  library,  consisting  of  nothing  but  in- 
numerable copies  of  one  and  the  same  book.  The  Jewish 
mind  is  a  distinctive  thing.  It  combines  in  remarkable 
degree  the  imaginative  and  the  practical,  the  ideal  and  the 
positive.  This  combination  of  qualities  enabled  it  for  one 
thousand  five  hundred  years  in  Palestine  to  produce  an 
almost  unbroken  series  of  statesmen  and  soldiers,  judges  and 
poets,  prophets  and  seers — thinkers  and  leaders  who  have 
left  for  all  time  their  impress  upon  the  world.    The  Jewish 


mind  is  tenacious  and  persists,  and  now,  when  all  the  power- 
ful Empires  that  over-ran  that  land  have  been  overthrown 
and  almost  forgotten,  the  Jewish  people  exists  and  is  more 
numerous  to-day  than  it  ever  has  been  at  any  period  of  its 
history.  Who  knows,  I  say,  but  that  if  it  again  finds  a 
spiritual  centre  of  its  own,  soundly  based  on  an  industrious 
population,  untrammelled,  self-contained,  inspired  by  the 
memories  of  a  splendid  past,  it  may  again  produce  goMen 
fruits  in  the  fields  of  intellect  for  the  enrichment  of  the 
whole  world.  And  my  other  reason  is  this :  If  this 
comes  to  be,  what  a  helpful  effect  it  would  have  upon 
the  Jewish  proletariat  that  will  still  remain  scattered  in 
other  countries  of  the  world.  I  see  in  my  mind's  eye  those 
millions  in  Eastern  Europe  all  through  the  centuries, 
crowded,  cramped,  proscribed,  bent  with  oppression,  suffer- 
ing all  the  miseries  of  active  minds  denied  scope,  of  talent 
not  allowed  to  speak,  of  genius  that  cannot  act.  I  see  them 
enduring,  suffering  everything,  sacrificing  everything  in 
order  to  keep  alight  the  flame  of  which  they  knew  them- 
selves to  be  the  lamp,  to  keep  alive  the  idea  of  which  they 
knew  themselves  to  be  the  vessel,  to  preserve  the  soul 
of  which  they  knew  themselves  to  be  the  body ;  their  eyes 
always  set  upon  one  distant  point,  always  believing  that 
somehow,  some  day,  the  ancient  greatness  would  be  restored ; 
always  sajdng  when  they  met  in  their  famihes  on  Passover 
Night,  "  Next  year  in  Jerusalem."  Year  after  year,  genera- 
tion following  generation,  century  succeeding  century,  till 
the  time  that  has  elapsed  is  counted  in  thousands  of  years, 
still  they  said,  "  Next  year  in  Jerusalem."  If  that  cherished 
vision  is  at  last  to  be  reaUzed,  if  on  the  Hills  of  Zion  a  Jewish 
civilization  is  restored  with  something  of  its  old  intellectual 
and  moral  force,  then  among  those  left  in  the  other  countries 
of  the  world,  I  can  see  growing  a  new  confidence  and  a  new 
greatness.  There  will  be  a  fresh  light  in  those  eyes,  those 
bent  backs  will  at  last  stand  erect,  there  will  be  a 
greater  dignity  in  the  Jew  throughout  the  world.  That 
is  why  we  meet  to-day  to  thank  the  British  Government 
— our  own  Government — that  has  made  all  this  pos- 
sible, that  we  shall  be  able  to  say,  not  as  a  pious  and 
distant  wish,  but  as  a  near  and  confident  hope  : 
"  thmi'^i  nxnn  n^^h-"  "  Next  year  in  Jerusalem  !  " 
The  Chief  Rabbi  said  it  was  indeed  a  rare  privilege  to 
take  part  in  that  wonderful  meeting  called  together  to 
express  the  heartfelt  thanks  of  British  Jewry  for  the  striking 


sympathy  of  His  Majesty's  Government  with  Jewish  aspira- 
tions. The  epoch-making  Declaration  on  Palestine  was  an 
assurance  given  by  the  mightiest  of  empires  that  the  new 
order  which  the  Allies  are  now  creating  at  such  sacrifice  of 
life  and  treasure  shall  be  rooted  in  righteousness,  and  broad- 
based  on  the  liberty  of,  and  reverence  for,  every  oppressed 
nationahty.  It  was  a  solemn  pledge  that  the  oldest  of 
national  tragedies  shall  be  ended  in  the  coming  readjustment 
of  the  nations  which  shall  console  mankind  for  the  slaughter 
and  waste  and  torment  of  this  terrible  world-war. 

In  the  face  of  an  event  of  such  infinite  importance  to  the 
Jewish  people,  ordinary  words  of  appreciation  or  the  usual 
phrases  of  gratitude  were  hopelessly  weak  and  inadequate. 
For  the  interpretation  of  their  true  feelings  to-day  they  must 
turn  to  Scripture.  Twenty-five  hundred  years  ago  Cyrus 
issued  his  edict  of  liberation  to  the  Jewish  exiles  in  Babylon  ; 
and  an  eye-witness  of  that  glorious  day  had  left  them  in  the 
126th  Psalm  a  record  of  how  their  fathers  received  the 
announcement  of  their  dehverance : — 

"  When  the  Lord  brought  back  those  that  returned  to  Zion, 
We  were  like  unto  them  that  dream. 
Then  was  our  mouth  filled  with  laughter, 
And  our  tongue  with  singing ; 
Then  said  they  among  the  nations  : 
'The  Lord  hath  done  great  things  with  these.' 
The  Lord  hath  done  great  things  with  us ; 
We  are  rejoiced." 

Theirs  was  a  similar  feeling  of  joy  and  wonder.  With  them 
likewise  it  was  the  astonishment  of  the  nations,  the  re- 
assuring approbation  of  statesmen  and  rulers  that  caused 
them  to  exclaim :  "  We  will  see  it  done,  and  done  consum- 
m.ately,  the  thing  so  many  have  thought  could  never  be 
done  !  " 

The  spirit  of  the  Declaration  was  that  of  absolute  justice, 
whether  to  Jews  out  of  Palestine,  or  to  non-Jews  in  Palestine. 
They  especially  welcomed  in  it  the  reference  to  the  civil  and 
rehgious  rights  of  the  existing  non-Jewish  communities  in 
Palestine.  That  was  but  a  translation  of  the  basic  prin- 
ciples of  the  Mosaic  legislation.  But  it  was  the  substance 
of  the  Declaration — the  promise  of  a  National  Home  for  the 
Jewish  people — that  filled  their  souls  with  gladness.  For 
only  on  its  own  soil  could  the  Jewish  people  live  its  own  life, 
and  make,  as  in  the  past  it  had  made,  its  characteristic  and 
specific  contributions  to  the  spiritual  treasure  of  humanity. 


After  the  proclamation  issued  by  Cyrus,  the  mass  of  the 
Jewish  people  still  remained  in  Babylon.  All  told,  only 
forty-two  thousand  men,  women  and  children  took  ad- 
vantage of  the  king's  proclamation  and  followed  Ezra  back 
to  Zion,  the  land  of  their  fathers.  But  that  handful  of 
Zionists  and  their  descendants,  because  living  on  their  own 
soil,  changed  the  entire  future  of  mankind.  They  edited 
and  collected  the  Prophets,  wrote  some  of  the  fairest  por- 
tions of  the  Scriptures,  formed  the  canon  of  the  Bible, 
and  gave  the  world  its  monotheistic  rehgions.  Now,  as 
then,  2)^'^  "in:^^  "  A  remnant  shall  return."  But  now,  as  then, 
it  was  the  national  rejuvenation  of  that  remnant  that  is  to 
open  a  new  chapter  in  the  annals  of  the  human  spirit. 

Difficulties  ?  Of  course  there  were  difficulties.  The 
task  of  laying  the  foundations  of  a  new  Israel  must  be  one 
of  long  toil  and  severe  trial.  But  a  people  that  for  twenty- 
five  centuries  had  stood  victoriously  against  the  storm  of 
time,  possessed  vitality  enough,  patience  enough,  ideahsm 
enough,  with  the  help  of  God,  to  rise  to  the  level  of  this 
unique,  world-historic  opportunity. 

Lieut. -Colonel  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  Bart.,  m.p.,  said :  "  My  lords, 
ladies  and  gentlemen,  I  should  like  to  say,  before  I  say  one 
other  word,  that  the  reason  I  am  interested  in  this  movement 
is  that  I  met  one  some  two  years  ago  who  is  now  upon  this 
platform,  and  who  opened  my  eyes  as  to  what  this  move- 
ment meant.  He  is  on  the  list  of  speakers  ;  you  will  hear 
him  presently  ;  his  name  is  known  to  most  in  the  records  of 
Zionism  :  I  mean  Dr.  Gaster.  I  speak  as  one  from  without, 
as  a  watcher,  but  I  feel,  as  everyone  present  must  feel,  that 
this  meeting  here  to-day  marks  not  a  turning-point  in  the 
history  of  your  own  race,  but  I  think  certainly  a  turning- 
point  in  the  history  of  the  whole  world.  When  one  thinks 
of  the.  years  that  have  passed,  of  the  immense  spaces  of 
history  which  stand  between  what  was — and  now  is — 
promised,  one  is  truly  dazzled  by  the  possibilities  and 
prospects  which  open  before  us.  I  see,  speaking  to  you  as  a 
watcher — now  you,  in  a  sense,  are  perhaps  watchers  also — 
perhaps  you  see  something,  perhaps  you  see  three  nations 
stricken  with  plague,  cumbered  with  ruin,  and  Europe  a 
welter  of  blood.  Perhaps  you  see  these  three  nations,  and 
you  realize  that  it  may  be  your  destiny  to  be  a  bridge  between 
Asia  and  Europe,  to  bring  the  spirituaHty  of  Asia  to  Europe, 
and  the  vitality  of  Europe  to  Asia.  That  I  firmly  believe  is 
the  mission  of  Zionism.     I  see  here  something  which  is 

SPEECH  OF  SIR  MARK  SYKES,  M.P.        107 

greater  than  a  dream  or  a  League  of  Nations.  It  is  a  league 
of  continents,  a  league  of  races,  and  finally  a  league  of  ideals. 
That  is  a  great  vision.  That  is  what  I  believe  lies  before  you, 
but  no  one  present  realizes  more  than  I  do — I  know  the 
ground,  some  of  it — and  boldly  I  dare  to  say  that  there  lie 
before  you  dangers,  difficulties,  possibly  obstructions,  but, 
ladies  and  gentlemen,  your  time  of  probation  has  been  long, 
you  are  schooled  in  adversity,  you  can  look  to  difficulties 
with  calm,  and  you  will  overcome  them.  I  do  not  look 
for  a  sudden  magic  transformation,  but  I  beHeve  you 
are  beginning  a  great  beneficial  and  irresistible  transition. 
That  is  what  you  are  beginning.  Now,  I  believe,  I  hope  you 
are  going  to  set  up  a  power  that  is  not  the  domination  of 
blood,  not  the  domination  of  gold,  but  the  domination  of  a 
great  intellectual  force.  I  believe  you  will  see  Palestine  the 
great  centre  of  ideals,  radiating  out  to  every  country  in 
the  world  where  your  people  are,  and  if  there  is  one 
thing  that  gives  me  pleasure  to  be  here  to-day,  it  is  to  feel 
that  at  this  turning-point  of  your  history,  when  the  Govern- 
ment made  its  Declaration,  you  not  only  thought  of  your- 
selves but  you  thought  also  of  others,  and  you  will  always 
look  back  with  joy  to  the  fact  that  when  the  promise,  when 
the  hope  was  held  out  to  you  of  redemption,  you  thought 
not  only  of  yourselves,  but  thought  of  your  fellows  in 
adversity,  the  Armenians  and  the  Syrian  Arabs.  It  is  said 
that  the  Jewish  people  have  a  long  memory.  I  believe  that 
you  remember  Cordova,  where  your  influence  on  modern 
civilization  was  at  its  zenith,  and  I  think  you  remember  what 
you  owed  to  the  Arabs  in  Cordova.  You  remember  in  the 
days  when  the  Jews  were  so  oppressed  in  Russia  what  you 
owed  to  the  Armenians,  who  were  your  companions  in 
oppression.  These  tragedies  are  very  different  in  their 
nature,  and  three  tragedies  destined  to  unite  in  one  triumph. 
If  all  three  hold  together,  the  realization  of  your  ideal  is 
certain.  There  are  evil  people  who  will  desire  that  you 
should  fail.  If  these  three  forces  should  be  dismissed,  there 
will  be  the  danger  of  any  one  of  them  becoming  the  prey  of 
a  political  adventurer,  militarist,  or  the  financier.  For 
Palestine  to  be  a  success  you  must  have  a  satisfied  and 
tranquil  Syria.  For  Hberty  to  be  certain  in  Palestine,  you 
must  have  guarantees  that  no  savage  races  shall  return  there. 
You  want  to  see  Armenia  free  because  you  want  to  know 
that  all  people  are  free.  You  want  to  know  the  Arab  is  free, 
because  he  is,  and  always  will  be,  your  neighbour.    Lastly, 


I  would  also  say  this  :  I  look  forward  through  difficulty  and 
through  pain  to  see  Armenia  free,  and  to  prove  the  inevitable 
triumph  of  right  over  the  greatest  might  there  may  be.  I 
look  to  see  the  Arab  civihzation  restored  once  more  in 
Bagdad  and  in  Damascus,  and  I  look  to  see  the  return  of 
Israel,  with  his  majesty  and  tolerance,  hushing  mockery  and 
dispelling  doubt ;  and  all  three  nations  giving  out  to  the 
world  the  good  that  God  has  infused  into  them." 

Dr.  M.  Gaster  said  he  stood  before  them  not  as  a  new 
Zionist,  but  as  an  old  friend.  He  stood  before  them,  the  old 
Zionist,  deeply  imbued  with  the  spirit  of  faith,  beheving  in 
the  truth  of  the  word  of  God  and  the  glorious  promise  in 
store  for  our  people,  a  dreamer  of  visions,  if  they  would. 
People  had  mocked  at  their  visions  and  ideals,  at  their 
aspirations  and  their  hopes,  and  yet  they  continued  their 
work,  unswerving  in  their  enthusiasm.  What  appeared 
to  so  many  as  a  dream  had  now  become  a  reality — 
and  they  were  gathered  there  to  begin  to  reap  in 
joy  what  they  had  sown  in  tears  and  sorrow.  He  had 
originally  acclaimed  Herzl  as  the  leader  of  the  movement, 
and  he  had  had  to  bear  the  burden  of  the  difficulties,  but  he 
had  been  true  to  the  trust  and  had  kept  the  flag  of  Zion 
flying,  and  it  was  now  for  him,  and  for  all  of  them,  a  day  of 
joy  to  see  the  fruits  which  they  had  so  long  wished  for. 
They  had  come  together  to  thank  the  British  Government 
for  le  heau  geste,  in  the  inimitable  French,  for  their  declara- 
tion of  sympathy  with  their  national  aspirations.  But 
Zionism  was  neither  a  local  question  nor  did  it  affect 
EngHsh  Jewry,  except  in  a  very  small  proportion.  It  was  a 
movement  which  affected  the  whole  of  the  race.  Every  Jew, 
therefore,  wherever  he  might  be,  was  united  in  that  senti- 
ment of  gratitude.  They  were  there,  representing  the  feeling 
which  animated  the  Jews  of  all  the  world.  Therein  lay  the 
greatness  of  the  British  Government — that  it  had  lifted  the 
problem  from  its  local  geographical  character  and  given  to  it 
that  universally  valued  importance  which  they  attached  to 
it.  But  what  Zionism  stands  for  must  be  clearly  appre- 
hended, and  ,also  what  the  Declaration  of  the  British 
Government  was  expected  to  embody.  The  term  "  National 
Home  "  was  a  circumlocution  of  the  original  word  which 
formed  part  of  the  Basle  programme,  the  foundation-stone 
of  Zionism,  and  that  word  had  been  chosen  when  no  definite 
political  meaning  could  be  assigned  to  it.  Circumstances 
had  changed.      It  was  for  them  to  give  to  the  word  its 


true  original  meaning.  What  they  wished  to  obtain  in 
Palestine  was  not  merely  a  right  to  estabhsh  colonies,  or 
educational,  cultural,  or  industrial  institutions .  They  wanted 
to  establish  in  Palestine  an  autonomous  Jewish  Common- 
wealth in  the  fullest  sense  of  the  word.  They  wanted 
Palestine  to  be  Palestine  of  the  Jews  and  not  merely  a 
Palestine  for  Jews.  They  wished  the  land  to  be  again  what 
it  was  in  olden  times  and  what  it  had  been  for  Jews  in  their 
prayers  and  in  their  Bible — a  land  of  Israel.  The  ground 
must  be  theirs.  They  stood,  indeed,  as  a  people  for  the 
same  programme  as  British  statesmen  were  standing 
to-day  in  a  larger  sphere.  Jews  stood  for  reparation, 
restitution,  and  guarantees,  and  it  was  in  the  very 
application  of  those  principles  that  the  greatness  and  im- 
portance of  the  Declaration  of  the  British  Government  stood 
out  so  luminously.  England  owed  to  Jews  no  reparation. 
Here  they  had  liberty,  full  freedom,  equaUty  of  right  and 
equaUty  of  duty,  and  they  had  risen  to  the  responsibihty 
which  had  thus  been  placed  upon  them.  For  many  of  them 
there  had  their  children  now  fighting  the  battles  of  England. 
But  the  British  Government  had  now  made  itself  the 
champion  of  reparation  to  the  Jewish  people  for  the  wrongs 
done  to  them  by  the  world.  It  had  made  itself  a  champion, 
too,  of  the  restitution  of  the  land  to  our  nation  for  whom  it 
is  the  old  inheritance,  and  it  had  given  them  a  guarantee 
— security  of  tenure,  independence,  right  and  freedom  of 
action  as  a  people,  in  their  ancient  land.  The  estabUshment 
of  a  Jewish  Commonwealth  in  the  land  of  their  fathers 
would  also  consoHdate  and  clarify  the  position  of  the  rest 
of  the  Jews  throughout  the  world.  He  believed  that  a 
new  world  was  to  arise  in  which  the  Jew  as  Jew  would 
find  himself  a  free  man.  In  conclusion,  he  reminded  them 
of  an  old  legend  which  told  that  when  the  Temple  was 
destroyed  the  stones  were  spUt  into  splinters  and  each  one 
entered  the  heart  of  a  Jew.  It  was  this  memorial  of  our 
fallen  nation  which  the  Jew  carried  in  his  bosom,  and  which 
bent  his  back.  But  they  were  coming  together  once  again 
as  a  nation  in  Palestine,  and  they  would  take  the  sphnters 
of  the  stones  from  out  of  their  hearts — "  and,"  exclaimed  Dr. 
Gaster,  "  I  feel  the  stone  in  my  heart  already  loosening." 

Sheikh  Ismail- Abdul-al-Akki  then  addressed  the  meeting. 
He  spoke  in  Arabic,  which  was  translated  by  Mr.  Israel  Sieff, 
who  mentioned  that  the  speaker  was  under  sentence  of  death 
by  the  Turkish  Government  for  having  joined  the  Arab 


national  movement.  Sheikh  Ismail  said  he  desired  to  tender 
deep  gratitude  to  the  British  nation  and  the  British  Govern- 
ment for  affording  his  countrymen  and  himself  help  and 
asylum  in  their  hour  of  persecution.  His  country  was  held 
in  chains  by  the  Turks,  who  were  supplied  with  German  gold, 
and  he  looked  with  confidence  to  England  and  France  to 
dehver  them  from  bondage,  as  he  believed  in  the  ultimate 
good  over  evil,  and  was  confident  in  the  victory  of  the  Allies. 
He  not  only  spoke  as  an  Arab,  but  as  a  "Moslem  "  Arab, 
having  studied  five  years  in  theological  schools  and  being 
granted  a  degree,  and  it  was  the  duty  of  every  Moslem  to 
participate  in  the  movement  for  the  liberation  of  their 
countrymen.  The  meeting  was  to  celebrate  the  great  act 
of  the  British  Government  in  recognizing  the  aspirations  of 
the  Jewish  people,  and  he  appealed  to  them  not  to  forget  in 
the  days  of  their  happiness  that  the  sons  of  Ishmael  suffered 
also.  They  had  been  scattered  and  confounded  as  the  Jews 
had  been,  and  now  began  to  arise,  fortified  with  the  sense  of 
martyrs.  He  hoped  that  Palestine  would  again  flow  with 
milk  and  honey. 

M.  Wadia  Kesrawani,  another  Arabian  representative, 
spoke  in  French,  also  to  the  effect  that  his  countrymen 
appealed  to  England  and  France  for  their  liberation,  and 
applauded  the  Declaration  of  the  Government. 

Mr.  Israel  Zangwill,  in  supporting  the  resolution,  said :  **  In 
my  capacity  of  President  of  the  Jewish  Territorial  Organiza- 
tion, I  have  been  honoured  with  an  invitation  to  appear  on 
your  platform  on  this  momentous  occasion.  In  that  capacity 
I  have  often  criticized  your  leaders.  But  to-day  I  am  here 
not  for  criticism,  but  for  congratulation  and  co-operation. 
I  congratulate  them,  and  especially  Dr.  Weizmann  and 
Mr.  Sokolow,  upon  their  historic  achievement  in  the  region 
of  diplomacy.  To  see  that  this  is  followed  by  a  similar 
achievement  in  the  more  difficult  region  of  practice  is  the 
duty  of  all  Israel.  Particularly  is  it  the  duty  of  the  Ito, 
founded  as  it  was  to  procure  a  territory  upon  an  autonomous 
basis.  For  the  Ito  to  oppose  any  really  practicable  plan  for 
a  Jewish  territory  would  be  not  only  treason  to  the  Jewish 
people,  but  to  its  own  programme.  And  as  a  first-fruit  of 
the  friendly  negotiations  with  Zionism,  which  began  in  July, 
I  am  happy  to  be  able  to  join  with  you  this  afternoon  in 
welcoming  the  sympathy  of  the  Government  with  Jewish 

Mr.    Zangwill,    of    whose  speech  the    above    were   the 



opening  words,  spoke  at  great  length,  and  with  even  more 
than  his  usual  brilliancy.  It  is  with  great  regret  that  we  are 
unable,  owing  to  lack  of  space,  to  include  the  rest  of  his 
oration,  with  the  exception  of  the  concluding  paragraph, 
which  ran  as  follows  : — 

"And  though  our  goal  be  yet  far,  yet  already  when  I  re- 
call how  our  small  nation  sustained  the  mailed  might  of  all 
the  great  Empires  of  antiquity,  how  we  saw  our  Temple  in 
flames  and  were  scattered  like  its  ashes,  how  we  endured  the 
long  night  of  the  Middle  Ages,  illumined  by  the  glare  of  our 
martyrs'  fires,  how  but  yesterday  we  wandered  in  our 
millions,  torn  between  the  ruthless  Prussian  and  the  pitiless 
Russian,  yet  have  lived  to  see  to-day  the  bloody  Empire  of 
the  Czars  dissolve,  and  the  mountains  of  Zion  glimmer  on 
the  horizon.  Already  I  feel  we  may  say  to  the  nations  : 
Comfort  ye,  comfort  ye,  too,  poor  suffering  peoples.  Learn 
from  the  long  patience  of  Israel  that  the  spirit  is  mightier 
than  the  sword,  and  that  the  seer  who  foretold  his  people's 
resurrection  was  not  less  prophetic  when  he  proclaimed  also 
for  all  peoples  the  peace  of  Jerusalem." 

Capt.  the  Hon.  W.  Ormsby-Gore,  m.p.,  said  he  was  parti- 
cularly glad  the  Zionist  Declaration  had  been  made  by  the 
British  Government  at  a  moment  when  British  arms  were 
saving  that  land,  because  it  showed  that  the  British  Govern- 
ment was  not  out  for  gain.  The  Jewish  claim  to  Palestine 
was,  to  his  mind,  overwhelming,  and  he  rejoiced  to  see  what 
an  over^vhelming  mass  of  British  representative  opinions  in 
the  House  of  Commons  was  now  supporting  the  move- 
ment. He  supported  it  as  a  member  of  the  Church  of 
England,  as  Sir  Mark  Sykes  had  supported  it  as  a  Roman 
CathoHc.  In  the  return  of  Palestine  to  be  the  Jewish  home, 
he  held  out  the  hand  of  friendship  to  the  Zionists,  who 
sought  to  bring  it  into  effect.  He  felt  that  behind  it 
all  was  the  finger  of  Almighty  God.  From  the  moment  he 
met  their  Zionist  leaders,  whether  in  Egypt  or  in  this 
country,  he  felt  there  was  in  them  something  so  sincere,  so 
British,  so  straightforward,  that  at  once  his  heart  went  out 
to  them.  They  had  in  their  leader  in  this  country  a  man  of 
great  quahties,  a  statesman  who  had  shown  a  skill,  a  deter- 
mination, and  a  patience  which  had  endeared  him  to  every- 
one. He  (the  speaker)  had  done  what  httle  he  could  to 
help  forward  the  movement,  and  in  the  future,  if  they  were 
looking  out  for  a  friend,  they  could  count  him  as  one  of 


Mr.  H.  N.  Mostditchian,  a  member  of  the  Armenian 
delegation,  said  he  availed  himself  of  the  opportunity  of 
giving  their  Jewish  brethren  the  heartiest  greetings  of  the 
Armenians  and  sincerest  congratulations  for  the  dawn 
about  to  break  upon  the  glad  valleys  of  their  ancestral 
land.  He  made  a  comparison  of  the  two  nations,  who  had 
gone  through  the  same  persecutions,  but  who  notwith- 
standing wefe  not  willing  to  die,  and  had  not  died,  and 
who  stood  to-day  hand-in-hand  on  the  eve  of  a  new  era, 
when  both  of  them  would  be  able  to  live  once  more  their 
national  Hves,  of  which  they  had  given  good  evidence  in  the 
past.  They  all  knew  that  Armenia  was  one  of  the  first 
countries  mentioned  in  the  History  of  the  Jews,  and  there 
had  reigned  one  thousand  two  hundred  years  ago  a  Dynasty 
of  Armenian  Kings  who  had  in  their  veins  a  good  deal  of 
Jewish  blood.  After  the  loss  of  their  independence  the  Jews 
had  continued  to  hve  a  life  of  captivity  and  exile,  and  the 
Armenians,  after  the  loss  of  their  independence,  had  suffered 
the  same  exile.  It  was  not  the  time  to  say  what  the  Ar- 
menians had  suffered  during  the  last  three  years,  a  state  of 
things  to  which  the  worst  pogrom  was  a  heaven,  but  they, 
as  well  as  the  Jews,  looked  towards  '  to-morrow  *  with  great 
fervour  as  a  result  of  the  Declaration.  They  had  waited  long 
enough  with  their  Jewish  brethren,  for  centuries  and  cen- 
turies, and  these  two  nations,  as  well  as  the  Arabs,  would 
make  Palestine  another  promised  land  and  a  garden  of  Eden 
— a  centre  to  which  humanity  might  look  up. 

The  author  then  proceeded  to  read  a  statement  in  behalf 
of  the  Executive  of  the  Zionist  Organization.  The  text  of 
that  statement  is  given  later. 

Mr.  James  de  Rothschild  said  he  stood  there  as 
the  son  of  one  who  had  spent  his  hfe  in  endeavouring 
to  bring  about  what  they  were  celebrating  that  day. 
Jewish  ideals  up  to  that  time  had  been  met  at  the 
gate,  but  they  could  not  get  through.  With  one  stroke 
of  the  pen  the  EngHsh  Government  had  flung  open  these 
gates.  Therefore  in  every  Jewish  heart  gratitude  was 
overflowing,  and  they  must  not  forget  that  all  their  aims 
of  the  future  had  been  strengthened  by  the  country  whose 
Government  had  framed  the  generous  and  just  Declara- 

Dr.  Ch.  Weizmann,  President  of  the  EngUsh  Zionist  Federa- 
tion, referred  to  the  many  good  and  brilHant  words  which  had 
been  said  about  the  Jews,  and  he  hoped  that  the  Jews  of  to-day 



and  the  Jews  of  to-morrow  would  rise  to  the  occasion  in  the 
needed  power  and  dignity,  and  give  their  answer  to  the  great 
resolution,  not  only  in  words,  but  in  deeds.  It  was  a  fact, 
and  no  metaphor,  that  twenty  centuries  looked  to  see  if  their 
actions  were  worthy  of  the  opportunity  which  the  British 
Government  had  given  them.  The  present  generation  had 
upon  its  shoulders  the  greatest  responsibihty  of  the  last  two 
thousand  years,  and  he  prayed  that  they  might  be  worthy 
of  that  responsibility. 

He  then  called  upon  the  meeting  to  rise,  and  with  hands 
upUfted  to  take  the  old  historic  oath — each  man  and  woman 
of  them — 

The  meeting  rose  en  masse,  repeating  the  words  of  the 
psalm  amid  great  enthusiasm,  which  culminated  in  the 
singing  of  "  Hatikvah "  (the  Jewish  national  song)  and 
"  God  Save  the  King  "  by  the  Precentors'  Association. 

Lord  Rothschild,  in  rising  to  put  the  resolution,  said  it 
was  a  great  honour  for  all  of  them  to  feel  that  they  as  Jews 
had  met  with  a  sincere  welcome  that  day  from  representa- 
tives of  no  fewer  than  five  different  religions.  He  then  read 
the  resolution,  which  was  carried  with  acclamation,  the 
whole  audience  rising. 

Among  those  who  sent  messages  to  the  meeting  were  the 
following : — 

From  the  Right  Hon.  Viscount  Grey  of  Falloden,  k.g.^ 

I  am  in  entire  sympathy  with  the  Declaration  made  by 
Mr.  Balfour,  and  am  very  glad  that  this  has  been  announced 
pubhcly  as  the  view  of  the  British  Government. 

From  the  Right  Hon.  Walter  Long,  m.p.^ 

Mr.  Long  desires  me  to  thank  you  for  your  letter  of  the 
14th  ult.,  and  to  say  that  he  wishes  all  success  to  the  Zionist 

From  the  Right  Hon.  Arthur  Henderson,  m.p.* 

Labour  recognizes  the  claims  generally  of  Jews  in  all 
countries  to  the  elementary  rights  of  tolerance,  freedom  of 
residence  and  trade,  and  equal  citizenship,  that  ought  to  be 
extended  to  all  the  inhabitants  of  every  nation's  territory. 
Further,  it  trusts  that  an  understanding  may  be  reached  at 

^  "If  I  forget  thee,  O  Jerusalem, 

Let  my  right  hand  forget  her  cunning."    (Psalm  cxxxvii.  5.) 
'  Secretary  of  State  for  Foreign  Affairs,  1905-19 16. 
^  Secretary  of  State  for  the  Colonies.     *  Member  of  the  War  Cabinet, 
n. — I 


the  close  of  the  war,  whereby  Palestine  may  be  set  free 
and  form  a  State  under  an  International  Agreement,  to 
which  Jewish  people  may  return  and  work  out  their  own 
salvation  without  interference  by  those  of  ahen  race  or 

From  the  Right  Hon.  the  Marquess  of  Crewe,  k.g.^ 

I  have  long  hoped  that  it  would  be  possible  to  make  such 
a  Declaration ;  and  it  is  now  pronounced  in  terms  that 
should  be  equally  welcome  to  those  Jews  who  have  found 
happy  homes  on  friendly  shores,  and  to  those  who  have 
longed  for  the  re-estabhshment  of  their  race  in  the  ancient 
land.  Within  its  borders  even  now  triumphs  are  being  won, 
and  noble  Hves  laid  down,  for  the  common  cause  of  which 
this  hope  forms  part. 

From  the  Right  Hon.  Viscount  Bryce.^ 

For  years  past,  and  especially  since  my  visit  to  Palestine 
in  1914, 1  have  been  in  cordial  sympathy  with  the  movement 
for  re-estabUshing  the  Jewish  population  in  its  ancient  home, 
and  rejoice  to  see  that  His  Majesty's  Government  have 
recently  expressed  their  approval  of  the  idea,  which  will,  I 
hope,  take  practical  shape  in  measures  to  be  put  through 
after  the  war  is  over.  It  will  be  a  great  benefit  to  the  Jewish 
race  everywhere  to  have  this  ancient  home  to  look  to  as  the 
centre  of  its  national  Ufe,  even  though  a  comparatively  small 
part  of  the  race  can  actually  find  room  to  dwell  in  Palestine. 
The  country  seems  to  have  been  recently  terribly  devastated, 
but  when  its  resources  have  been  developed,  it  can  support 
a  much  larger  population  than  it  has  under  the  blighting 
rule  of  the  Turk.  Syrians,  Arabs  and  Armenians  are  also 
interested  in  being  delivered  for  ever  from  the  ahen  domi- 
nation of  the  Turkish  invaders. 

From  the  Right  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Selborne,  k.g.,  g.c.m.g.^ 
I  warmly  and  altogether  adhere  to  the  poUcy  of  His 
Majesty's  Government,  in  sympathy  with  Jewish  Zionist 
aspirations  as  announced  by  Mr.  Arthur  Balfour. 

From  the  late  John  Edward  Redmond,  m.p.* 

I  am  in  complete  sympathy  with  Jewish  Zionist  aspira- 
tions as  I  understand  them. 

*  Secretary  of  State  for  India,  IQ10-1915. 

*  H.M.  Ambassador  at  Washington,  1907-1913. 

»  High  Commissioner  for  South  Africa,  1 905-1 910. 

*  Chairman  of  the  Irish  Parliamentary  Party. 


From  the  Right  Hon.  Lord  Balfour  of  Burleigh,  k.t., 
G.C.M.G.,  G.c.v.0.1 
I  am  in  favour  of  the  estabhshment  in  Palestine  of  a 
National  Home  for  the  Jewish  people,  and  sincerely  trust 
the  policy  will  be  successfully  carried  out. 

From  the  Right  Hon.  John  Hodge,  m.p.^ 

I  fully  sympathize  with  the  view  expressed  in  Mr.  Balfour's 
letter  to  Lord  Rothschild,  and  further,  may  I  express  the 
hope  that  the  end  of  the  war  may  speedily  see  the  realization 
of  the  Zionist  dream. 

From  Lord  Hugh  Cecil,  m.p. 

...  I  very  cordially  sympathize  with  the  purpose  of  it, 
and  heartily  rejoice  that  there  is  good  prospect  of  securing 
to  the  Jewish  people  a  National  Home  in  their  own  country. 

From  Lord  Sydenham  of  Combe,  g.c.m.g.,  g.c.i.e.,  g.c.s.i.^ 
...  I  am  in  fullest  sympathy  with  the  object,  and  I  am 
glad  to  know  that  Palestine  may  again  become  the  National 
Home  of  the  Jewish  people.  This  would  be  one  of  the  many 
happy  results  which,  we  may  hope,  will  arise  from  the  appal- 
hng  sacrifices  and  the  abiding  sorrow  which  the  war  has 
brought  upon  the  world. 

From  the  Right  Hon.  Lord  Emmott,  g.c.m.g.* 

.  .  .  The  movement  for  the  estabhshment  in  Palestine  of 
a  National  Home  for  the  Jewish  people  is  one  which  has  my 
most  cordial  sympathy,  and  I  sincerely  hope  that  your 
demonstration  may  be  a  success. 

From  the  Right  Hon.  Lord  Tennyson,  g.c.m.g.^ 

...  It  seems  to  me  that  the  establishment  in  Palestine 
of  a  National  Home  for  the  Jewish  people  would  make  for 
the  peace  of  the  world.  This  Jewish  State  should  be,  as 
George  Ehot  finely  says,  "  a  repubUc  where  the  Jewish  spirit 
manifests  itself  in  a  new  order  founded  on  the  old." 

From  the  Rt.  Rev.  James  Cooper,  d.d..  Moderator  of  the 
General  Assembly  of  the  Church  of  Scotland. 
The  Church  of  Scotland  cordially  endorses  the  Declaration 
fthe  Cabinet  in  favour  alike  of  the  estabhshment  in  Pales- 

^  Secretary  for  Scotland,  1895- 1903. 

^  Minister  of  Pensions. 

^  Governor  of  Bombay,  1907-19 13. 

*  Under  Secretary  of  State  for  the  Colonies,  1911-1914. 

'  Governor-General  of  Australia,  1 902-1 904. 


tine  of  a  National  Home  for  the  Jewish  people,  and  of  the 
maintenance  of  the  civil  and  religious  rights  of  non- Jewish 
communities  in  a  land  so  dear  to  Christians  and  Jews,  re- 
joices in  the  prospect  of  this  double  honour  being  given  to 
Great  Britain,  and  prays  that  it  may  usher  in  a  day  of  the 
richest  blessings  to  the  whole  Israel  of  God. 

From  His  Excellency  Boghos  Nubar  Pasha,  President 
of  the  Armenian  National  Delegation. 

On  the  occasion  of  the  Zionist  meeting,  organized  by 
your  Committee,  I  am  happy,  as  President  of  the  Armenian 
National  Delegation,  to  renew  the  sincere  congratulations 
of  the  Armenians  for  the  Declaration  which  His  Britannic 
Majesty's  Government  has  made  to  you.  We  participate  in 
a  great  measure  in  the  joy  which  the  powerful  support  gives 
you  which  permits  us  to  hope  that  in  the  day  of  victory  of 
those  who  are  fighting  for  the  Hberation  of  oppressed  peoples, 
the  Armenian  aspirations  will  be  reahzed  at  the  same  time 
as  the  Jewish  people  will  attain  the  reconstruction  of  its 
nationality  and  the  reahzation  of  its  historic  claim  to  the 
soil  of  its  ancestors, 

The  Jewish  Chronicle  gave  a  list  of  several  hundred  Jewish 
institutions  in  England  which  sent  congratulatory  messages 
to  the  meeting,  as  well  as  of  an  immense  number  of  such 
institutions  which  were  represented  at  the  meeting  in  person. 

An  overflow  meeting,  over  which  Mr.  P.  Horowitz 
presided,  was  held  in  the  Kings  way  Theatre,  which  was 
crowded  in  every  part.  Among  those  who  addressed  the 
audience  were  the  Chief  Rabbi:  Lord  Lamington,  g.c.m.g., 
G.C.I.E.,  Mr.  Israel  Zangwill,  Mr.  Joseph  Cowen,  Dr. 
Selig  Brodetsky,  Dr.  David  Jochelmann,  and  Mr.  Israel 

In  the  course  of  his  observations.  Lord  Lamington,  who 
was  very  cordially  received,  expressed  his  pleasure  at  the 
opportunity  afforded  him  to  express  his  sympathy  with  and 
support  of  the  Zionist  movement.  He  cordially  agreed  with 
the  statement  made  by  Lord  Robert  Cecil  at  the  Opera 
House,  that  the  Declaration  represented  the  first  act  of 
constructive  statesmanship  which  the  alHed  nations  had  so 
far  carried  out  on  the  basis  of  the  great  principles  of  freedom 
and  justice  for  the  smaller  nationaUties,  for  which  they  stood. 
The  Declaration  was  as  much  in  the  British  interest  as  in  the 
Jewish  interest.    Both  races,  as  well  as  the  East  in  general, 


stood  to  gain,  and  gain  substantially,  from  an  active  British 
and  Jewish  co-operation  in  the  Near  East. 

A  resolution  in  identical  terms  with  that  carried  at  the 
London  Opera  House  was  passed  with  much  enthusiasm. 

The  Author's  statement  ran  as  follows  : — 

The  Zionist  Organization  in  the  Entente  countries  which 
I  have  the  honour  of  representing  is  filled  with  feelings  of  the 
deepest  and  keenest  satisfaction  caused  by  the  Declaration 
of  His  Majesty's  Government  of  November  2nd.  The 
Zionist  masses  are  grateful  to  His  Majesty's  Government  for 
their  official  and  formal  statement  of  their  intentions  in 
clear  and  unmistakable  terms.  Posterity  will  praise  the 
quahties  which  are  revealed  by  this  historic  document ;  the 
strength  of  will,  the  sentiment  of  uprightness,  the  unshak- 
able fidelity  to  the  spirit  of  Justice,  and  the  beneficent  and 
generous  sympathy  for  the  oppressed. 

But  the  feeling  of  joy  evoked  by  the  Declaration  is  much 
more  than  the  legitimate  satisfaction  aroused  by  the  success- 
ful result  of  our  representations  to  the  British  Government. 
Quite  apart  from  and  above  all  written  conventions,  we 
reahze  that  the  Declaration  symbolizes  that  harmonious 
union  of  spiritual  ideals  and  political  considerations  which 
have  made  and  will  make  of  the  Zionist  Movement  a  precious 
instrument  working  for  civilization  and  for  the  brotherhood 
and  emancipation  of  all  oppressed  peoples  and  for  their  final 
deliverance  from  the  sad  heritage  of  age-long  hatreds  and 
misunderstandings,  which  have  dismembered  them  and 
subjected  them  to  the  forces  of  oppression. 

Three  problems  confront  the  world  at  this  hour  :  the 
problem  of  nationality,  the  problem  of  territory,  and  the 
problem  of  liberty.  Nationalities  are  being  reconstituted  ; 
peoples  are  seeking  one  another,  joining  together,  or  separ- 
ating from  one  another  ;  territories  are  being  redistributed  ; 
the  spirit  of  freedom  is  spreading,  seeking  incarnation  in 
new  forms,  and  giving  a  new  lease  of  life  to  ancient  peoples. 
Everywhere  is  instabihty,  ferment,  movement ;  from  all 
sides  are  heard  complaints,  demands,  claims  ;  all  things  are 
being  recast  in  new  moulds  ;  everywhere  new  groupings  are 
forming  round  new  interests.  The  world  is  fighting  for  the 
untrammelled  self-expression  of  nations  and  races,  for  an 
unaggressive  international  order  ;  the  hundreds  or  thousands 
of  years'  old  aspirations,  purposes,  and  aims  of  nations  have 
become  the  demands  of  the  moment  and  the  programmes 
for  the  future.     He  only  would  be  certain  of  harvesting 


nothing  who  had  not  sown  during  the  present  world  storm. 
In  this  noise,  in  this  welter,  in  this  struggle,  ancient  Judea 
awakes,  claiming  her  right  to  live  again.  This  right  is  in- 
alienable and  unalterable.  All  the  force  of  the  indestructible 
Jewish  race  is  in  it.  All  the  sadness  of  the  two  thousand 
years  of  Jewish  martyrdom  is  in  it.  Is  this  right  to  be  denied 
because  of  its  being  so  old  ?  Humanity,  real  humanity,  will 
not  extinguish  old  rights.  It  has  not  extinguished  it  in  the 
case  of  Greece  ;  neither  will  it  extinguish  it  in  the  case  of 

History  has  demonstrated  that  a  nation  deprived  of  its 
heritage  and  Hberty,  which  is  determined  to  hve  and  regain 
her  lost  country,  no  matter  how  long  she  suffers,  cannot  be 
exterminated  by  any  conceivable  means  employed  by  her 
persecutors.  And  the  Jewish  people  is  determined  to  live 
and  to  work  for  all  that  is  good  and  ennobling,  believing 
firmly  that  justice  would  be  but  a  word  of  mockery  if  the 
sun  of  hberty  could  not  shine  over  it  again. 

In  the  midst  of  universal  war,  amid  grief  and  desolation 
which  go  beyond  the  most  tragic  imaginings.  Great  Britain 
has  proclaimed  the  idea  of  creating  a  centre  of  the  arts  of 
peace,  and  a  model  of  justice.  The  idea  is  not  only  ex- 
tremely practical,  it  is  profoundly  poetical.  We  are  living 
in  the  most  critical  time  in  history.  It  is  our  fate  to  be 
spectators  of  and  actors  in  the  greatest  drama  ever  known  to 
humanity.  The  present  war  will  take  its  place  in  history  as 
one  erf  the  events  which  irrevocably  divide  two  epochs.  The 
Jewish  people  is  fortunate  in  being  able  to  consider  itself 
one  of  the  models  which  have  inspired  the  noble  initiative 
of  Great  Britain  and  her  Allies.  It  is  still  more  fortunate  in 
having  been  found  worthy  of  the  generous  protection  of 
His  Majesty's  Government,  manifested  in  so  striking  a 
manner  by  the  recent  Declaration.  And  what  glory  awaits, 
on  the  other  hand.  Great  Britain  and  her  Allies,  if  they  will 
be  instrumental  in  the  creation  of  a  Jewish  National  Home 
m  Palestine  ! 

What  is  it  that  we  wish  to  preserve  in  our  National  Home  ? 
Our  own  precious  heritage.  You  all  know  it.  The  sacred 
Jewish  home-Hfe,  the  intimately  personal  sentiment  of  our 
quahties  and  of  our  inner  freedom.  That  is  our  heritage 
which  we  have  been  able  to  preserve  intact  during  the_ 
eighteen  centuries  of  our  Dispersion,  untouched  by  thi 
ambition  and  hatred  which  sought  to  undermine  them.  Wl 
wish  to  live  and  to  live  by  our  labour  and  untiring  efforts 


We  want  to  be  invigorated  by  that  force  which  the  children 
of  the  soil  absorb  from  contact  with  it.  We  want  to  give 
form  and  visibiHty  to  our  mental  conceptions.  We  desire  to 
perform  Israel's  allotted  part  in  the  purpose  of  the  eternal 
progress  of  humanity  in  all  branches  of  life,  in  all  human 
activities.  The  Jewish  National  Home  will  stand  out  in  the 
world  as  an  inspiring  symbol  of  the  triumph  of  justice  over 
tyranny,  as  a  proof  of  the  right  of  nationality  to  be  itself.  It 
will  be  a  priceless  monument  to  the  future  at  a  time  when 
ruins  of  the  past  are  everywhere,  and  the  whole  world  stands 
in  need  of  rebuilding. 

Our  object  in  establishing  the  Jewish  National  Home 
on  the  sacred  soil  of  our  fathers  is  to  carry  on  the  noblest 
traditions  of  our  race  in  all  their  beauty  and  plenitude. 
Judea  it  was  which  revealed  to  humanity  the  path  of  pro- 
gress, it  was  Judea  which  taught  the  greatest  and  noblest 
lessons  in  the  life  of  nations — the  lessons  of  Freedom  and 
Right — and  it  is  Judea  which  will  become  a  centre  of  hberty 
and  a  blessing  for  the  nations.  Palestine  is  not  to  be  weighed 
down  by  mihtary  powers.  She  is  a  home  for  a  small  and 
free  nation,  and  not  for  a  troop  of  subjects.  The  glory  of 
invaders  is  to  be  conquered  by  humanity.  The  glory  of 
tyrants  is  to  yield  to  civiUzation.  The  glory  of  the  land  of 
shadows  is  to  receive  the  lamp  of  Hght.  The  cloud  passed 
and  the  star  reappeared.  And  this  star  is  not  one  of  wrath. 
Nor  is  it  one  of  hatred,  or  fanaticism.  Christendom  has  its 
great  sanctuaries  in  Palestine.  Islam  has  there  some  of 
its  important  sanctuaries.  All  our  glorious  holy  places  are 
there.  They  will  be  respected  and  safeguarded  with  rever- 
ence and  devotion,  in  peace  and  mutual  love.  But  around 
the  places  of  worship  Ufe  will  spring — honest,  simple,  pure 
Hfe.  We  are  a  peaceful  people.  We  are  going  to  cultivate 
the  soil ;  we  are  going  to  cultivate  our  ideas.  Our  future  is 
the  ploughshare,  and  not  the  sword  ;  the  book,  and  not  the 
bullet.  The  beneficent  spiritual  influence  of  a  regenerated 
Palestine  is  undoubted ;  its  future,  which  is  boundless, 
belongs  to  you ;  each  of  you  already  possesses  a  portion 
within  himself.  Let  us  but  work  together  so  that  our  people 
may  preserve  and  improve  its  title  to  be  considered  the 
conscience  of  the  human  race. 

We  reaUze,  however,  that  our  position  needs  to  be 
clearly  defined.  We  must  be  fully  conversant  with  every 
side  of  the  problem.  Vague  complaints  or  expressions  of 
yearning  are  not  enough.    There  is,  first  of  all,  the  problem 


of  Emancipation.  We  have  been  accused  of  endangering 
by  our  aspirations  towards  a  National  Home  the  position  of 
the  Jews  in  the  various  countries  of  the  world.  We  have 
racked  our  brains  in  trying  to  discover  how  the  establish- 
ment of  a  National  Home  in  Palestine  could  possibly  harm 
the  emancipation  of  Jews  in  the  world.  We  have  failed  to 
solve  this  mystery.  The  British  Government  in  their 
Declaration  have  put  to  flight  this  fear,  which  is  a  pure  fig- 
ment of  the  imagination  without  foundation  in  theory  or 
fact.  It  would  undoubtedly  be  a  great  elevation  of  the 
Jewish  character  in  the  eyes  of  the  world  at  large,  could  the 
Jews  prove  themselves  capable  of  conducting  a  Common- 
wealth harmoniously  and  successfully  ;  and  we  are  sure  they 
will  be  able  to  do  so.  This  is  our  behef,  our  ambition,  our 
Jewish  optimism.  It  is  because  we  believe  in  Israel's  genius 
that  we  are  Zionists.  This  will  help  emancipation.  The 
Jews  of  the  various  countries  who  do  not  wish  to  participate 
actively  in  the  work,  who  do  not  desire  to  take  advantage  of 
the  right  to  settle  in  Palestine,  can  remain  where  they  are  at 
the  present  time.  We  are  not  emigration  agents.  We  are 
apostles  of  a  historic  ideal,  and  we  want  the  Jewish  people 
to  help  in  its  realization. 

It  would  be  a  crime  at  a  stage  of  Jewish  history  Hke  the 
present  to  paralyse  by  internal  dissension  a  movement 
which  may  be  productive  of  so  much  good.  This  should  not 
be.  Unity  of  Judaism  before  all,  above  all !  The  majority 
will  support  the  efforts  of  their  fellow- Jews  with  great  en- 
thusiasm for  Judaism,  and  those  who  refuse  to  take  any 
part  (a  type  which  is  doomed  to  disappear,  Hke  the  mam- 
moth, from  the  face  of  the  earth)  must  keep  the  peace.  The 
least  we  can  demand  of  them  is  not  to  disturb  us  or  hinder 
us  in  our  efforts.  Where  is  the  Jew  who  could  neglect  this 
duty  which  is  inspired  no  less  by  reason  and  well-understood 
interest  than  by  conscience  and  honour  ?  Where  is  the  Jew 
who  would  fail  to  offer  the  tribute  of  his  humble  share  of 
effort,  of  help,  and  of  faith  to  the  old  land  of  Israel,  now  so 
downtrodden,  but  all  the  greater  and  more  beautiful,  as  its 
sufferings  and  trials — so  heroically  endured — are  approach- 
ing their  end  and  leading  to  its  renascence  which,  far  from 
being  a  mere  satisfaction  of  national  egoism,  is  an  exaltation 
of  the  noblest  Jewish  and  human  ideal  ? 

The  attempt  has  also  been  made  to  put  forward  the 
non-Jewish  population  of  Palestine  and  the  neighbouring 
countries  as  an  obstacle  in  our  way.    The  breath  of  intriguers 


tends  to  poison  every  noble  aspiration  ;  they  seek  to  create 
among  us  also  a  spirit  of  dissension,  a  spirit  of  destruction. 
We  are  firmly  resolved  to  refuse  them  this  satisfaction.  In 
vain  do  they  raise  this  kind  of  bogey.  The  deep  sense  of  the 
realities  before  us  guards  us  from  any  error  of  this  kind. 
We  have  work  to  do  which  will  prevent  our  interests 
from  clashing  with  those  of  the  Arabs.  Are  we,  then, 
anti-Semitic  ? 

The  relations  between  the  Jews  and  the  Arabs  have 
hitherto  been  scanty  and  spasmodic,  largely  owing  to 
mutual  ignorance  and  indifference.  There  were  no  rela- 
tions whatever  between  the  two  nations  as  such  because 
the  oppressive  bureaucracy  did  not  recognize  either  of 
them,  and  whenever  points  of  connection  began  to  develop 
they  were  destroyed  by  intrigue  to  the  detriment  of  both 

We  believe  that  the  present  hour  of  crisis  and  the  open- 
ing of  a  large  perspective  for  epoch-making  develop- 
ments offers  a  fruitful  opportunity  for  a  broad  basis  of 
permanent,  cordial  relations  between  the  peoples  who  are 
inspired  by  a  common  purpose.  We  mean  a  real  entente 
cordiale  between  the  Jews,  the  Arabs,  and  the  Armenians. 
Such  entente  cordiale  has  already  been  accepted  in  prin- 
ciple by  leading  representatives  of  these  three  nations. 
From  such  a  beginning  we  look  forward  with  confidence 
to  a  future  of  intellectual,  social,  and  economic  co-opera- 
tion. We  are  one  with  the  Arabs  and  Armenians  to-day 
in  the  determination  to  secure  for  each  of  us  the  free 
choice  of  their  own  destinies.  We  look  with  fraternal  love 
at  the  creation  of  an  Arab  kingdom  re-estabhshing  the 
ancient  Semitic  nationality  in  its  glory  and  freedom,  and 
our  heartfelt  wishes  go  out  to  the  noble,  hardly-tried 
Armenian  nationahty  for  the  realization  of  their  national 
hopes  in  their  old  Armenia. 

Our  roots  were  united  in  the  past,  our  destinies  will  be 
bound  together  in  the  future. 

This  is  our  declaration  to  our  future  neighbours.  And 
now,  one  more  word  to  our  brethren.  We  Jews,  we  who 
hoped  for  a  better  future,  an  era  in  which  moral  rights  would 
count,  what  were  we  before  the  present  situation  ?  Dream- 
ers and  madmen.  Material  power  believed  itself  unconquer- 
able. It  produced  an  atmosphere  of  indifference  in  which 
all  hope  seemed  Utopian.  We  slept  in  the  general  decadence. 
Now  we  arise,  endowed  with  an  unconquerable  moral  force 


by  the  Declaration  of  His  Majesty's  Government.  Our  first 
and  immortal  leader,  Theodor  Herzl,  insisted,  many  years 
ago,  in  having  the  institutions  of  Zionism  established  in  this 
great,  blessed  country,  for  which  every  Jew  has  a  warm 
corner  in  his  heart.  Was  he  a  statesman  or  a  prophet  ?  I 
think  he  was  both  a  statesman  and  a  prophet.  There  is  an 
old  Talmudical  saying : — 

Q)  :  ID  D^noQ 

Twenty  years  ago  220  Jews  from  aU  the  countries  of  the 
world  met  at  the  First  Zionist  Congress  at  Basle.  They 
possessed,  though  everything  else  was  wanting,  that  wonder- 
ful power  of  improvising  things.  And  such  was  the  power 
of  right  these  220  men,  having  nothing  to  support  them 
but  the  goodness  of  their  cause,  made  headway  against 
millions  of  opponents  among  their  people.  During  the  long 
duration  of  the  struggle,  a  struggle  without  truce,  where  all 
the  strength  and  rage  was  on  one  side  and  all  the  right  on 
the  other,  not  a  single  section  of  those  220  men  failed  to 
respond  to  the  call  of  duty,  and,  although  divided  in  their 
views,  not  one  section  drew  back  from  the  fundamental 
national  idea,  not  one  gave  way.  They  increased  in  numbers 
and  they  increased  in  activity.  Let  me,  at  this  solemn  hour, 
render  honour  to  those  men,  to  that  insulted,  calumniated 
and  misunderstood  Zionist  Organization  which  always 
stepped  gallantly  into  the  breach,  which  never  took  rest  for 
a  single  day,  and  which  defended  Zionism  even  when  aban- 
doned and  momentarily  hopeless,  and  that  not  only  with 
tongue  and  brains,  but  also  with  heavy  sacrifices.  Thanks 
t*  them  we  exist,  and  thanks  to  the  progress  we  made  here 
new  life  and  new  energy  will  enter  not  only  into  our  Zionist 
Organization,  but  into  the  whole  Jewish  people.  Mr.  Balfour 
has  sent  the  Declaration  to  Lord  Rothschild  for  the  Zionist 
Organization.  We  received  and  accepted  it  joyfully  ;  but, 
I  am  afraid — or  I  am  rather  glad — that  we  shall  have 
to  re-address  it  to  the  Jewish  people,  and  I  hope  they 
will  receive  and  accept  it  as  joyfully  as  ourselves,  the 
Zionists.  This  is  perhaps  the  greatest  achievement  of 
the  British  Government  that  before  having  given  us 
Palestine  they  already  gave  us  something  which  is  very 
precious  and  very  necessary — Jewish  unity.     History  will 

^  "  Leave  Israel  alone  ! — If  they  are  not  Prophets,  they  are  the  sons  of 
Prophets." — Pesachim,  66a. 


record  that  Mr.  Balfour  was  the  greatest  peace-maker 
among  the  Jewish  people,  greater  than  many  Rabbis  and 
Conjoint  Committees. 

We  were  divided,  distracted  ;  and  now  we  are  indis- 
solubly  united,  all  one  band  of  brothers  in  arms  for  Liberty  ! 
I  welcome  the  representatives  of  the  Jewish  Territorial 
Organization,  with  their  famous  leader,  Israel  Zangwill.  I 
welcome  the  oldest  Jewish  organization  of  this  country,  the 
Board  of  Deputies,  and  all  other  organizations  which  are 
represented  at  this  meeting.  The  opponents  of  yesterday 
are  our  allies  of  to-day,  and  the  opponents  of  to-day  will  be 
our  alHes  of  to-morrow,  if  they  will  read  the  signs  of  the  time. 
Much  is  still  to  be  done  in  this  direction,  but  much  has 
already  been  done.  Yes  ;  this  is  the  miracle  which  has 
brought  about  our  spiritual  rebirth. 

What  does  this  mean  if  not  that  wrong  has  always  feet 
of  clay  :  that  right,  truth  and  liberty  are  from  this  time 
forward  the  true  paths  of  the  earth,  the  only  ways  which  no 
physical  force  will  ever  dishonour  ? 

Friends,  brothers,  our  new  society  makes  of  you  new 
men.  This  is  a  day  of  alUance  and  of  reconciHation.  Old 
words — Virtue,  Love,  Liberty — which  had  lost  their  bright- 
ness by  long  disuse  have  regained  their  lustre  as  on  the  day 
when  they  were  first  engraved  on  the  heart  of  man.  Awake 
from  the  long  night.  It  is  a  new  dawn  which  arises.  The 
Jewish  people  which  has  endured,  and  will  still  endure,  with 
great  firmness  of  heart  the  heaviest  sacrifices,  rising  to  the 
heights  of  the  great  arguments  of  this  War  of  Nationahties, 
affirms  that  it  is  ready  and  determined  to  work  with  all  its 
power  and  full  loyalty  for  Governments  and  peoples  until 
the  reaUzation  of  its  destiny.  May  this  destiny  be  one  in 
which  Liberty  will  triumph — one  from  which  man  and 
humanity,  the  individual  and  the  Nation,  will  derive  benefit, 
one  bringing  to  the  Jewish  people  as  to  every  oppressed 
people  the  possibihty  of  living  and  of  realizing  its  ideal.  It 
is  in  this  spirit  that  the  Zionist  Organimtion  recommends  to 
you  the  resolution. 

On  the  14th  of  December  the  Zionist  representatives,  Lord 
Rothschild,  Mr.  James  de  Rothschild,  Dr.  E.  W.  Tschlenow, 
Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann,  and  the  Author,  were  received  by  the 
War  Cabinet.  They  offered  to  the  British  Government  the 
gratitude  of  the  Jewish  people  for  the  Declaration  of  the 
2nd  November  and  at  the  same  time  expressed  their  con- 
gratulations on  the  occasion  of  the  capture  of  Jerusalem. 


Mr.  Bonar  Law,  who  replied  to  the  deputation  on  behalf 
of  His  Majesty's  Government,  thanked  them  for  the  kind 
sentiments  they  had  expressed. 

The  following  Manifesto  was  issued  shortly  after  the 
British  Declaration  : — 

To  THE  Jewish  People. 

The  17th  of  Marcheshvan,  5678  (2nd  November,  1917),  is 
an  important  milestone  on  the  road  to  our  national  future  ; 
it  marks  the  end  of  an  epoch,  and  it  opens  out  the  beginning 
of  a  new  era.  The  Jewish  people  has  but  one  other  such  day 
in  its  annals  :  the  28th  August,  1897,  the  birthday  of  the 
New  Zionist  Organization  at  the  first  Basle  Congress.  But 
the  analogy  is  incomplete,  because  the  period  which  then 
began  was  Expectation,  whereas  the  period  which  now 
begins  is  Fulfilment. 

From  then  till  now,  for  over  twenty  years,  the  Jewish 
people  has  been  trying  to  find  itself,  to  achieve  a  national 
resurrection.  The  advance-guard  was  the  organized  Zionist 
party,  which  in  1897  by  its  programme  demanded  a  home 
for  the  Jewish  people  in  Palestine  secured  by  pubUc  law.  A 
great  deal  was  written,  spoken,  and  done  to  get  this  demand 
recognized.  The  work  was  carried  out  by  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization on  a  much  greater  scale  and  in  a  more  systematic 
manner  than  had  been  possible  for  the  Choveve  Zion, 
the  first  heralds  of  the  national  ideal,  who  had  tried  to  give 
practical  shape  to  the  yearning  which  had  burnt  like  a  light 
in  the  Jewish  spirit  during  two  thousand  years  of  exile  and 
had  flamed  out  at  various  periods  in  various  forms.  The 
Choveve  Zion  had  the  greatest  share  in  the  practical  colon- 
ization. The  Zionist  movement  wrestled  with  its  opponents 
and  with  itself.  It  collected  means  outside  Palestine,  and 
laboured  with  all  its  strength  in  Palestine.  It  founded 
institutions  of  all  kinds  for  colonization  in  Palestine.  That 
was  a  preface,  full  of  hope  and  faith,  full  of  experiments  and 
illusions,  inspired  by  a  sacred  and  elevating  ideal,  and  pro- 
ductive of  many  valuable  and  enduring  results. 

The  time  has  come  to  cast  the  balance  of  the  account. 
That  chapter  of  propaganda  and  experiments  is  complete, 
and  the  glory  of  immortahty  rests  upon  it.  But  we  must  go 
further.  To  look  back  is  the  function  of  the  historian ; 
life  looks  forwards. 

The   turning-point   is   the    Declaration    of   the   British 


Government  that  they  '*  view  with  favour  the  estabHshment 
in  Palestine  of  a  National  Home  for  the  Jewish  people, 
and  will  use  their  best  endeavours  to  facihtate  the  achieve- 
ment of  this  object." 

The  progress  which  our  idea  has  made  is  so  colossal  and 
so  obvious  that  it  is  scarcely  necessary  to  describe  it  in  words. 
None  the  less,  a  few  words  must  be  addressed  to  the  Jewish 
people,  not  so  much  by  way  of  explanation,  as  to  demand 
the  new  and  greater  efforts  which  are  imperative. 

The  outstanding  feature  of  the  Declaration  is,  that  what 
has  been  a  beautiful  ideal — and  according  to  our  opponents 
an  empty  dream — ^has  now  been  given  the  possibihty  of 
becoming  a  reahty.  The  aspirations  of  1897  now  find  solid 
ground  in  the  British  Government's  official  Declaration  of 
the  2nd  November,  1917.  That  in  itself  is  a  gigantic  step 
forward.  The  world's  history,  and  particularly  Jewish 
history,  will  not  fail  to  inscribe  in  golden  letters  upon  its 
bronze  tablets  that  Great  Britain,  the  shield  of  civilization, 
the  country  which  is  pre-eminent  in  colonization,  the  school 
of  constitutionalism  and  freedom,  has  given  us  an  official 
promise  of  support  and  help  in  the  realization  of  our  ideal  of 
liberty  in  Palestine.  And  Great  Britain  will  certainly  carry 
with  her  the  whole  poHtical  world. 

The  Declaration  of  His  Majesty's  Government  coincides 
with  the  triumphant  march  of  the  British  Army  in  Palestine. 
The  flag  of  Great  Britain  waves  over  Jerusalem  and  all 
Judea.  It  is  at  such  a  moment,  while  the  army  of  Great 
Brijtain  is  taking  possession  of  Palestine,  that  Mr.  Balfour 
assures  us  that  Great  Britain  will  help  us  in  the  establish- 
ment of  a  National  Home  in  Palestine.  This  is  the  begin- 
ning of  the  fulfilment. 

To  appreciate  and  to  understand  accurately  is  the  first 
essential,  but  it  is  not  all.  It  is  necessary  to  go  further,  to 
determine  what  is  the  next  step.  This  must  be  set  forth  in 
plain  words. 

The  Declaration  puts  in  the  hands  of  the  Jewish  people 
the  key  to  a  new  freedom  and  happiness.  All  depends  on 
you,  the  Jewish  people,  and  on  you  only.  The  Declaration 
is  the  threshold,  from  which  you  can  place  your  foot  upon 
holy  ground.  After  eighteen  hundred  years  of  suffering 
your  recompense  is  offered  to  you.  You  can  come  to  your 
haven  and  your  heritage,  you  can  show  that  the  noble  blood 
of  our  race  is  still  fresh  in  your  veins.  But  to  do  that  you 
must  begin  work  anew,  with  new  power  and  with  new  means 


— the  ideas  and  the  phrases  and  the  methods  ^f  the  first 
period  no  longer  suffice.  That  would  be  an  anachronism. 
We  need  new  conceptions,  new  words,  new  acts.  The 
methods  of  the  period  of  reaUzation  cannot  be  the  methods 
of  the  time  of  expectation. 

In  the  first  place,  the  whole  Jewish  people  must  now 
unite.  Now  that  fulfilment  is  displacing  expectation,  that 
which  was  potential  in  the  will  of  the  Jewish  people  must 
become  actual  and  reveal  itself  in  strenuous  labour.  The 
whole  Jewish  people  must  come  into  the  Zionist  Organ- 

Secondly,  a  word  to  our  brothers  in  Palestine.  The 
moment  has  come  to  lay  the  foundations  of  a  national  home. 
You  are  now  under  the  protection  of  the  British  mihtary 
authorities,  who  will  guard  your  lives,  your  property,  your 
freedom.  Be  worthy  of  that  protection,  and  begin  immedi- 
ately to  build  the  Jewish  National  Home  upon  sound 
foundations,  thoroughly  Hebrew,  thoroughly  national, 
thoroughly  free  and  democratic.  The  beginning  may  decide 
all  that  follows. 

Thirdly,  our  loyal  acknowledgment  of  the  support  of 
Great  Britain  must  be  spontaneous  and  unmeasured.  But 
it  must  be  the  acknowledgment  of  free  men  to  a  country 
which  breeds  and  loves  free  men.  We  must  show  that  what 
Great  Britain  has  given  us  through  her  generosity,  is  ours 
by  virtue  of  our  intelligence,  skill,  and  courage. 

Fourthly,  we  must  have  ample  means.  The  means  of 
yesterday  are  ridiculously  small  compared  with  the  needs 
of  to-day.  Propaganda,  the  study  of  practical  problems, 
expeditions,  the  founding  of  new  offices  and  commissions, 
negotiations,  preparations  for  settlement,  relief  and  re- 
construction in  Palestine — for  all  these,  and  other  indis- 
pensable tasks,  colossal  material  means  are  necessary,  and 
necessary  forthwith.  Small  and  great,  poor  and  rich,  must 
rise  to  answer  the  call  of  this  hour  with  the  necessary 
personal  sacrifice. 

Fifthly,  we  need  discipHne  and  unity.  This  is  no  time  for 
hair-splitting  /controversy.  It  is  a  time  for  action.  We  ask 
for  confidence.  Be  united  and  tenacious,  be  quick  but  not 
impatient,  be  free  men,  but  well-discipUned,  firm  as  steel. 
From  now  onwards  every  gathering  of  Jews  must  have  a 
practical  aim,  every  speech  must  deal  with  a  project,  every 
thought  must  be  a  brick  with  which  to  build  the  National 


These  are  the  directions  for  your  work  to-day. 

Worn  and  weary  through  your  two  thousand  years  of 
wandering  over  desert  and  ocean,  driven  by  every  storm 
and  carried  on  every  wave,  outcasts  and  refugees,  you  may 
now  pass  from  the  misery  of  exile  to  a  secure  home  ;  a  home 
where  the  Jewish  spirit  and  the  old  Hebrew  genius,  which  so 
long  have  hovered  broken-winged  over  strange  nests,  can 
also  find  heahng  and  be  quickened  into  new  life. 



Ch.  Weizmann. 

declarations  of  the  entente  governments 

After  this  most  important  achievement  which  is  considered 
as  the  foundation-stone  of  future  policy  in  and  regarding 
Palestine,  it  was  found  necessary  to  come  into  closer 
pohtical  relations  with  the  other  Entente  countries,  in  the 
light  of  the  new  situation  created  by  the  British  Declar- 

Negotiations  were  carried  on  with  the  proper  authorities 
in  the  French  and  Italian  Governments :  the  negotia- 
tions were  crowned  with  success,  and  the  official  endorse- 
ments by  France  and  Italy  of  the  British  Declaration  were 
communicated  to  the  world  in  the  following  official  docu- 
ments : — 

The  follo\ving  is  the  text  of  the  French  Government's 
Declaration  communicated  in  a  letter  to  the  author : — 

RepubUque  fran^aise. 
Ministere  des  Affaires  £trangeres  : 
Direction  des  Affaires  PoHtiques  et  Commercials. 

Paris,  le  i^mefevrier,  1918. 


Comme  il  a  ete  convenu  au  cours  de  notre  entretien 
le  Samedi  9  de  ce  mois,  le  Gouvernement  de  la  Repubhque, 
en  vue  de  preciser  son  attitude  vis-a-vis  des  aspirations 
sionistes,  tendant  a  creer  pour  les  juifs  en  Palestine  un  foyer 
national,  a  public  un  communique  dans  la  presse. 

En  vous  communiquant  ce  texte,  je  saisis  avec  empresse- 
ment  Toccasion  de  vous  feliciter  du  genereux  devouement 
avec  lequel  vous  poursuiviez  la  reahsation  des  voeux  de  vos 
co-religionnaires,  et  de  vous  remercier  du  zele  que  vous 
apportez  k  leur  faire  connaitre  les  sentiments  de  sympathie 


que  leurs  efforts  eveillent  dans  les  pays  de  rentente  et 
notamment  en  France. 

Veuillez  agreer,  Monsieur,  I'assurance  de  ma  considera- 

(Signed)  Pichon. 


Hotel  Meurice,  Paris. 

Le  Communique. 
Monsieur  Sokolow,  representant  des  Organisations  Sion- 
istes,  a  ete  re9u  ce  matin  au  Ministere  des  Affaires 
Etrangeres  par  Monsieur  Stephen  Pichon,  qui  a  ete  heureux 
de  lui  confirmer  que  I'Entente  est  complete  entre  les 
Gouvernements  frangais  et  britannique  en  ce  qui  conceme 
la  question  d'un  etablissement  juif  en  Palestine." 


Republique  frangaise. 
Ministere  des  Affaires  fitrangeres  : 
Direction  des  Affaires  Politiques  et  Commerciales. 

^  Paris,  i^th  February,  1918. 

As  arranged  at  our  meeting  on  Saturday,  the  9th  of 
this  month,  the  Government  of  the  Republic,  so  as  to  make 
definite  its  views  on  the  subject  of  Zionist  aspirations  with 
regard  to  the  creation  of  a  Jewish  national  home  in  Palestine, 
has  sent  a  communication  to  the  Press. 

In  sending  you  this  text,  I  wish  to  take  the  opportunity 
of  congratulating  you  on  the  splendid  devotion  with  which 
you  are  furthering  the  aspirations  of  your  co-religionists, 
and  of  thanking  you  for  the  way  in  which  you  have  made 
known  to  them  the  sympathy  with  which  all  the  countries  of 
the  Entente,  and  especially  France,  are  watching  their  efforts. 

Please  accept  assurances  of  my  most  cordial  sympathy. 

{Signed)  Pichon. 

M.  Sokolow, 

Hotel  Meurice,  Paris. 

Mr.  Sokolow,  representing  the  Zionist  Organizations,  was 
this  morning  received  by  Mons.  Pichon,  Minister  for  Foreign 
Affairs,  who  was  happy  to  inform  him  that  there  is  complete 
agreement  between  the  French  and  British  Governments 
in  all  matters  which  concern  the  estabhshment  of  a  Jewish 
national  home  in  Palestine. 

A.  F.  J.  RiBOT 

Jules  M.  Cambon 

Henri  Manuel,  Paris 

Baron  Sidney  Sonnino 

S.   J.   M.   PiCHON 

Henri  Manuel,  Paris 

G.  E.  B.  Clemenceau 

Henii  Manuel,  Paris 



The  following  is  the  Declaration  which  was  made  by  the 
Italian  Government  to  myself  as  representative  of  the 
Zionist  Organization,  through  the  ItaUan  Ambassador  in 
^^^^on:-  LONDRA, 

li  9  Maggio,  1918. 

Pregiatissimo  Signore, 

D'ordine  di  Sua  Eccellenza  il  Barone  Sonnino, 
Ministro  per  gh  Affari  Estri  del  Re,  ho  Tonore  d'informarla 
che,  in  relazione  alle  domande  che  gli  sono  state  rivolti,  il 
Governo  di  Sua  Maest^  e  lieto  di  confermare  le  precedenti 
dichiarazioni  gia  fatte  a  mezzo  dei  suoi  rappresentanti  a 
Washington,  I'Aja  e  Salonicco,  di  essere  cioe  disposto  ad 
adoperarsi  con  piacere  per  facilitare  lo  stabihrsi  in  Palestina 
di  un  centro  nazionale  ebraico,  nell'  intesa  pero  che  non  ne 
venga  nessun  pregiudizio  alio  stato  giuridico  e  politico  delle 
gja  esistenti  comunita*  religiose  ed  ai  diritti  civili  e  pohtici 
che  gl'  IsraeUti  gia  godono  in  ogni  altro  paese. 

Gradisca,  Pregiatissimo  Signore,  gli  atti  della  mia  Distin- 

tissima  considerazione.  ,^.       ,.  -r- 

(Signed)  Imperiali. 

I       Signor  Nahum  Sokolow, 

^B  35-3S  Empire  House, 

^B^  175  Piccadilly,  W.  i. 

^H^^  [Translation.] 

mff  Italian  Embassy,  London, 

Imv  DEAR  Sir,  9th  May.  xgiS. 

On  the  instructions  of  His  Excellency,  Baron  Sonnino, 

,    His  Majesty's  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs,  I  have  the  honour 

to  inform  you  that  v^ith  reference  to  your  representations 

I    His   Majesty's   Government    are   pleased   to   confirm   the 

j   Declaration  already  made  through  their  representatives  in 

j   Washington,  The  Hague,  and  Salonica,  to  the  effect  that 

'    they  will  use  their  best  endeavours  to  facihtate  the  estabUsh- 

ment  in  Palestme  of  a  Jewish  National  Centre,  it  being 

i   understood  that  this  shall  not  prejudice  the  civil  and  religious 

I   rights  of  existing  non- Jewish  communities  in  Palestine  or 

the  legal  or  poUtical  status  enjoyed  by  Jews  in  any  other 


Pray  accept,  my  dear  sir,  the  assurance  of  my  distinguished 

consideration.  -^.       ,,   ^ 

(Signed)  Imperiali. 

M.  Nahum  Sokolow, 

i75Piccadilly,  \V.  I. 


In  President's  Wilson's  address  to  Congress  of  January  8th, 
1918,  a  speech  commonly  regarded  as  a  complete  statement 
of  the  objects  for  which  the  Allied  Powers  were  fighting,  the 
twelfth  of  the  articles  in  the  programme  of  the  world's  peace 
was  stated  thus  : — 

"  The  Turkish  portions  of  the  present  Ottoman  Empire 
should  be  assured  a  secure  sovereignty,  but  the  other  nation- 
alities which  are  now  under  Turkish  rule  should  he  assured  an 
undoubted  security  of  life  and  an  absolutely  unmolested 
opportunity  of  autonomous  development,  and  the  Dardanelles 
should  be  permanently  opened  as  a  free  passage  to  ships 
and  commerce  of  all  nations  under  international  guarantees." 

This  statement  was  regarded  by  Zionists  as  signifying 
the  sympathetic  attitude  of  the  American  Government,  and 
especially  of  its  President,  to  the  Zionist  movement.  Presi- 
dent Wilson  is  regarded  as  the  spokesman  of  the  Entente 
principles,  and  it  is  well  known  to  Zionists  that  his  attitude 
is  favourable  to  the  realization  of  Zionist  aims,  because  the 
latter  are  in  complete  harmony  with  the  principle  of  justice 
to  small  nationalities,  of  which  President  Wilson  is  the 
clearest  and  most  outspoken  exponent.  His  address  makes 
no  specific  reference  to  the  Jewish  question  or  to  Palestine, 
but  his  intention  is  perfectly  clear. 

In  August,  1918,  President  Wilson  wrote  the  following 
letter  :— 

"  I  have  watched  with  deep  and  sincere  interest  the  re- 
constructive work  which  the  Weizmann  Commission  has 
done  in  Palestine  at  the  instance  of  the  British  Government, 
and  I  welcome  an  opportunity  to  express  the  satisfaction  I 
have  felt  in  the  progress  of  the  Zionist  Movement  in  the 
United  States  and  in  the  Allied  countries  since  the  Declara- 
tion by  Mr.  Balfour  on  behalf  of  the  British  Government  of 
Great  Britain's  approval  of  the  establishment  in. Palestine 
of  a  National  Home  for  the  Jewish  people,  and  his  promise 
that  the  British  Government  would  use  its  best  endeavours 
to  facilitate  the  achievement  of  that  object,  with  the  under- 
standing that  nothing  would  be  done  to  prejudice  the  civil 
and  religious  rights  of  non- Jewish  people  in  Palestine  or  the 
rights  and  political  status  enjoyed  by  Jews  in  other  countries. 
I  think  that  all  Americans  will  be  deeply  moved  by  the 
report  that  even  in  this  time  of  stress  the  Weizmann  Com- 
mission has  been  able  to  lay  the  foundation  of  the  Hebrew 

Ih>:-er  S licet  Studios 

Thomas  Wooduow   Wilson 


University  at  Jerusalem  with  the  promise  that  that  bears  of 
spiritual  rebirth." 

Public  opinion  in  America  regarded  this  letter  as  a 
precious  document  embodying  full  American  support  of 
the  Zionist  aims,  in  harmony  with  the  British  Declaration. 

Many  opportunities  have  been  taken  by  British  statesmen 
to  refer  to  the  British  Declaration  in  terms  which  show  that 
they  attach  the  very  greatest  value  to  it.  Thus,  the  Rt 
Hon.  George  N.  Barnes  said,  in  a  speech  delivered  on  the 
14th  of  July,  a  full  extract  of  which  appears  below : — 

"  The  British  Government  proclaimed  its  policy  of 
Zionism  because  it  believed  that  Zionism  was  identified 
with  the  policy  and  aims  for  which  good  men  and  women 
are  struggling  everywhere.  That  policy  is  the  policy  of  the 
Allies  in  the  war.  It  is  the  policy  to  which  we  are  pledged  ; 
it  is  the  policy  which  we  believe  accords  with  the  wishes  of 
vast  numbers  of  the  Jewish  people,  many  of  whom  have 
cast  wistful  eyes  to  Palestine  as  again  destined  to  be  their 
national  home." 

Lord  Robert  Cecil,  in  regretting  his  inability  to  be  present 
at  the  meeting  held  on  July  14th  to  welcome  the  American 
Zionist  Medical  Unit,  wrote  : — 

**  The  Zionist  movement  represents  a  great  ideal  which 
may  have  incalculable  consequences  for  the  future  welfare 
of  the  world." 

The  Rt.  Hon.  A.  J.  Balfour,  in  his  address  to  a 
deputation  of  the  Medical  Unit  (given  in  full  further  on), 
said  : — 

'*  The  destruction  of  Judea  that  occurred  nineteen  cen- 
turies ago  is  one  of  the  great  wrongs  which  the  Allied 
Powers  are  trying  to  redress." 

Mr.  Lloyd  George  wrote  to  the  Author,  on  the  29th  of  June, 
in  connection  with  the  Government  declaration  safeguarding 
the  rights  of  the  Roumanian  Jews  : — 

Dear  Sir, 

I  am  desired  by  the  Prime  Minister  to  acknowledge 
the  receipt  of  your  letter  of  the  21st  inst.,  and  the  enclosure. 
Mr.  Lloyd  George  wishes  me  to  thank  you  for  what  you 
say  in  regard  to  the  friendship  which  exists  between  this 
country  and  the  Jewish  people,  of  which  there  has  lately 
been  such  abundant  evidence,  and  to  reiterate  the  hope 


that  the  triumph  of  the  AlHes'  cause  will  make  possible 
the  realization  of  your  people's  aim  to  establish  for  them- 
selves once  again  a  national  home  in  Palestine. 

Yours  faithfully, 

(Signed)  F.  L.  Stevenson. 
N.  SoKOLOw,  Esq. 

On  Wednesday,  September  nth,  the  Prime  Minister, 
Mr.  Lloyd  George,  visited  Manchester  for  the  purpose  of 
receiving  the  freedom  of  that  city  and  of  other  towns.  The 
Zionists  took  the  opportunity  of  presenting  to  him  the 
following  address  :-- 

"  The  undersigned  representatives  of  the  Jewish  Com- 
munity of  Manchester,  headed  by  our  distinguished  Zionist 
leader,  Mr.  Nahum  Sokolow,  gladly  avail  ourselves  of  the 
opportunity  of  your  visit  to  Manchester  to  place  on  record 
the  gratitude  which  the  Jewish  people  feels  for  the  interest 
shown  by  the  Government,  of  which  you  are  the  head,  in  the 
fulfilment  of  Jewish  national  aspirations. 

"  We  are  confident  that  the  Government's  historic 
declaration  of  2nd  November,  1917,  expresses  not  only  its 
own  considered  policy  at  the  present  time,  but  the  permanent 
attitude  of  the  British  nation  to  our  people.  We  look  forward 
to  the  early  fruition  of  the  hopes  which  we  build  on  that 
declaration,  and  we  know  that  in  the  brighter  days  of  peace 
the  restored  and  revived  Hebrew  nation  will  show  in  practical 
form  its  regard  for  Great  Britain  and  for  the  British  tradi- 
tion of  help  and  justice  to  small  nations.  For  the  sake  of  the 
Jewish  nation  and  of  the  cause  of  the  free  peoples  throughout 
the  world,  struggling  to  escape  from  the  pitiless  desire  for 
conquest  of  the  German  people,  who  have  been  intoxicated 
with  the  belief  that  their  army  can  override  all  obstacles  and 
all  rights,  we  trust  that  Great  Britain  and  her  Allies  will, 
at  an  early  date,  see  the  downfall  of  the  German  power  as  an 
indispensable  preliminary  to  the  commencement  of  the  new 
era  of  peace  and  justice,  foretold  by  our  national  prophets 
and  seers  in  that  great  Jewish  Bible  which  has  become  part 
of  the  patrimony  of  the  peoples  of  this  great  Empire. 

"  We  venture  to  think  that  among  the  many  triumphs 
which  it  will  be  your  privilege  to  recall  in  after  days  you  will 
remember,  with,  perhaps,  a  unique  pride  and  pleasure,  that 
it  was  under  the  guidance  of  your  statesmanship  that  Great 
Britain  extended  its  right  hand  in  friendship  to  the  Jewish 

Vandyke^  plioto.\ 

R*'  Hon,  David  Lloyd  George 


people  to  help  it  to  regain  its  ancient  national  home  and  to 
realize  its  age-long  aspirations/' 

The  Zionists'  address  was  signed  by  Mr.  E.  H.  Langdon, 
the  Rahhi  Dr.  Berendt  Salomon,  Mr.  Nathan  Laski,  j.p., 
Mr.  S.  J.  Cohen,  Councillor  S.  Finburgh,  Mr.  L.  Friedson, 
Captain  Dulberg,  and  Mr.  Simon  Marks. 

Mr.  Lloyd  George  gave  the  following  reply  : — 

"It  is  with  feelings  of  the  greatest  satisfaction  that 
I  accept  the  address  which  you  have  done  me  the  privilege 
of  presenting  to  me.  The  aspirations  which  you  share  with 
multitudes  of  your  race  scattered  throughout  the  world 
found  a  natural  response  in  the  minds  of  those  responsible 
for  the  government  of  this  country,  because  they  are  in 
permanent  accord  with  the  sentiments  of  the  people  of 
Great  Britain.  I  have  to-day  had  the  honour  of  receiving 
addresses  from  the  representatives  of  three  elements  most 
intimately  concerned  in  the  establishment  of  a  rule  of  order 
and  justice  in  an  area  which  has  hitherto  been  the  prey  of 
tyranny  and  outrage.  The  fulfilment  of  the  historic  hopes 
and  aspirations  to  which  you  refer  in  your  address  is,  I 
beheve,  an  essential  corollary  to  the  necessary  enfranchise- 
ment of  the  oppressed  peoples  of  the  Near  East." 

Considerable  interest  was  taken  everywhere  in  the 
evidences  of  the  effect  produced  in  America  by  the 
political  success  of  the  Zionist  movement.  The  Zionists 
of  America,  unable  to  participate  in  many  of  the  Zionist 
activities  of  the  day,  owing  to  the  fact  that  America  was 
not  at  war  with  Turkey,  conceived  the  idea  of  helping 
in  the  reconstruction  and  extension  of  the  Jewish  colonies 
after  they  were  reheved  from  disasters  due  to  the  war,  by 
sending  a  Medical  Unit  to  the  Holy  Land. 

The  Unit  was  organized  by  and  at  the  expense  of  American 
Zionists,  the  principal  promoters  being  a  group  of  women 
Zionists  who  are  banded  together  under  the  name  of  the 
Hadassah,  It  consisted  of  about  forty-five  persons — doctors, 
nurses,  mechanics,  chemists,  specialists,  secretaries,  dentists, 
a  social  expert,  an  administrator,  and  a  representative  of 
the  Hadassah.  The  Provisional  Executive  Committee  for 
General  Zionist  Affairs  in  America  voted  a  sum  of  fifty 
thousand  pounds  from  their  Palestine  Restoration  Fund 
for  its  equipment.  The  plans  in  Palestine  will  necessarily 
depend  upon  the  conditions  prevailing  in  that  country  at 


the  time  of  the  arrival  of  the  Unit,  but  the  present  inten- 
tion is  to  set  up  a  central  hospital  of  one  hundred  beds 
in  Jerusalem,  a  branch  hospital  in  Jaffa,  as  well  as  dis- 
pensaries and  a  nursing  school,  and  several  travelling  hos- 
pitals, which  will  be  equipped  for  service  in  the  colonies 
and  wherever  needed  and  will  be  supplied  from  permanent 
dispensaries  in  the  large  cities.  A  hospital  in  Jerusalem, 
originally  owned  by  a  German  society,  the  L'maan  Zion, 
was  handed  over  to  this  Unit,  as  well  as  the  Shaare  Zedek 
Hospital.  In  connexion  with  the  equipment  of  these  "  Red 
Cross  '*  ambulances  for  the  reUef  of  civilians,  the  Hadassah 
collected  quantities  of  clothes,  bed-linen  and  towels,  as  well 
as  medical  stores  for  the  use  of  the  destitute  of  Palestine. 
Eighty-six  cases,  containing  twenty-four  thousand  garments, 
one  thousand  pairs  of  boots,  thirteen  thousand  men's  socks, 
and  two  tons  of  soap,  have  been  sent  out.  Mrs.  Mary  Fels 
contributed  largely  to  this  stock. 

The  Unit  is  under  the  general  control  of  Mr.  Levin 
Epstein,  Treasurer  of  the  American  Zionist  Organization. 

On  its  way  to  Palestine  the  Unit  passed  through 
London,  where  it  was  welcomed  by  a  great  meeting  at  the 
London  Opera  House,  on  July  14th.  The  Right  Hon. 
George  N.  Barnes,  a  member  of  the  War  Cabinet,  in  a  speech 
then  delivered,  said  : — 

'*  Palestine  has  for  three  hundred  years  been  under  the 
tyranny  of  Ottoman  oppression,  and  I  take  it  that  it  is  now 
ready  for  the  word  of  the  teacher,  and  the  knowledge  of  the 
scientist,  to  make  the  desert  places  again  into  smiling 
villages.  Our  visitors  will  take  part  in  that  transformation. 
They  will  Hnk  together  the  knowledge,  the  science,  and 
material  resources  of  the  present  and  the  future.  It  is  a 
great  thought  and  a  happy  augury  that  the  first  definite  act 
of  Zionism  is  to  go  East  and  to  take  part  in  the  reahzation 
of  a  great  ideal  for  the  uplifting  of  all  the  people,  irrespective 
of  class  or  creed,  or  condition  of  any  kind  whatsoever.  That 
is  indeed  a  great  ideal,  and  I  congratulate  our  visitors  in 
being  pioneers  in  its  achievement.  They  are  going  to  help 
to  lay  in  Palestine  that  basis  of  sanitation  and  conditions  of 
healthy  Ufe  which  are  the  chief  foundations  of  civiUzation. 
It  is  a  work  not  only  of  interest  to  the  Jewish  race  ;  it  is  a 
work  which  is  of  interest  and  value  to  the  whole  world, 
because  the  prosperity  of  Palestine  is  the  concern  of  us  all. 
Irrespective  of  race  or  religion,  we  look  to  Palestine  as  the 
Holy  Land.    From  it  there  came  those  great  moral  inspira- 


tions  which  still  guide  the  life  and  conduct  of  half  the  world. 
From  it  there  issued  forth  those  wondrous  influences  of 
which  the  mind  of  man  can  scarcely  yet  conceive  the  full 
meaning.  It  has  been  the  inestimable  privilege  of  the  Allies 
in  this  war  to  have  rescued  this  land,  consecrated  by  religion 
and  history,  from  the  sacrilegious  hands  of  the  German  and 
the  Turk,  who  have  slain  and  enslaved  the  people.  It  will 
be  their  greater  privilege  to  rebuild  the  holy  places,  to 
create  conditions  under  which  opportunities  will  be  given 
to  all  peoples  to  live  together  in  tolerance  and  mutual  help. 
It  will  be  the  aim  of  Zionism  once  more  to  make  Palestine  a 
fountain  of  knowledge  and  idealism,  and  by  the  creating  of 
places  of  knowledge  and  education,  open  to  all,  again  to 
clothe  ancient  truths  in  modern  garb.  The  British  Govern- 
ment proclaimed  its  policy  of  Zionism  because  it  believed 
that  Zionism  was  identified  with  the  policy  and  aims  for 
which  good  men  and  women  are  struggling  everywhere. 
That  policy  is  the  policy  of  the  Allies  in  this  war. 
It  is  the  policy  to  which  we  are  pledged ;  it  is  the  policy 
which  we  believe  accords  with  the  wishes  of  vast  numbers  of 
the  Jewish  people,  many  of  whom  have  cast  wistful  eyes  to 
Palestine  as  again  destined  to  be  their  national  home.  Using 
the  word  in  its  largest  and  best  sense,  they  are  going  on  an 
errand  of  mercy,  being  the  harbingers  of  health  and  happi- 
ness to  a  people  who  have  been  long  oppressed  and  heavy 
laden.  They  have,  I  doubt  not,  many  difficulties  in  front  of 
them — perhaps  a  long  road  to  travel,  but  I  feel  sure  they  will 
be  borne  up  by  the  consciousness  of  what  they  are  doing,  and 
that  they  have  the  good  wishes  of  all  good  men  and  women." 

In  addressing  the  Unit  in  Paris,  M.  Tardieu,  High  Com- 
missioner of  the  Government  of  the  French  Republic  in  the 
United  States,  said  : — 

*'  Vous  savez  avec  quel  interet  sympathique  le  gouverne- 
ment  fran^ais  a  suivi  le  progres  de  Tideal  sioniste.  De  cet 
interet,  le  gouvernement  frangais  a  donne  des  preuves  des 
le  printemps  de  1916,  aussitot  que  Tamelioration  de  la 
situation  en  Palestine  nous  a  permis  de  regarder  du  cote  de 
I'avenir.  J'ai  a  peine  besoin,  ensuite,  de  vous  rappeler  la 
declaration  publique  et  officielle  que  le  Ministre  des  Affaires 
Etrangeres,  M.  Pichon,  publiait  si  heureusement  I'annee 
derniere.  S'il  existe  une  nation  naturellement  faite  pour 
comprendre  la  cause  des  Juifs  et  I'ideal  juif,  cela  a  et^ 
assurement  toujours  la  nation  frangaise." 


Shortly  before  they  left  England  the  American  Zionist 
Medical  Unit  were  received  by  Mr.  Balfour,  who  said  he 
was  very  happy  to  be  able  to  address  the  deputation  of  the 
Unit  on  their  way  to  Palestine,  where  they  were  going  to 
contribute  their  share  to  the  beginnings  of  a  great  National 
undertaking.  The  far-reaching  importance  of  the  idea 
represented  by  Zionism  was  not  sufficiently  understood  ; 
the  influence  of  that  great  National  revival  would  be 
felt  not  only  by  those  Jews  who  would  settle  in 
Palestine,  but  also  by  Jewry  in  every  country  of  the 
world,  and  even  by  the  other  nations  of  humanity,  for 
though  Palestine  was  but  a  small  country,  the  good 
which  it  had  done  for  mankind  was  immeasurable.  The 
destruction  of  Judea  nineteen  centuries  ago  was  one  of  the 
great  wrongs  which  the  Allied  Powers  were  trying  to  redress. 
This  destruction  was  a  national  tragedy.  It  deprived  the 
Jews  of  the  opportunities  enjoyed  by  other  nations, 
to  develop  their  national  genius  and  their  own  spirit  to  the 
full  extent  of  which  it  was  capable.  The  Jews  occupied  a 
unique  position  among  nations  of  the  present  day,  because 
they  lacked  that  element  of  nationahty  which  appeared  to 
be  indispensable  to  a  complete  National  Hfe — ^to  the 
possession  of  a  National  Home.  The  present  moment 
witnessed  the  entrance  on  the  world's  stage  of  great 
and  important  National  factors,  and  he  felt  sure  that 
among  these  the  Zionist  idea,  which  had  already  accom- 
pUshed  so  much  in  Palestine,  would  play  a  noble  and 
beneficial  part.  He  congratulated  the  members  of  the  Unit 
on  their  great  humanitarian  mission.  He  knew  they  were 
moved  by  a  high  idea  and  not  by  any  self-seeking. 
Nothing,  he  said,  could  be  accompHshed  in  this  world  except 
under  the  inspiration  of  a  great  ideal.  He  wished  them  God- 
speed and  complete  success. 

Direct  evidence  of  the  spread  of  Zionism  in  America  was 
furnished  by  a  resolution  of  the  American  Jewish  Com- 
mittee, a  body  which  has  hitherto  been  held  to  represent 
the  assimilated  American  Jews  and  to  be  hostile  to  Jewish 
nationalism,  at  a  special  meeting  held  on  Sunday,  April 
28th,  which  was  attended  by,  among  others,  Mr.  Jacob 
Schiff,  Mr.  Louis  Marshall,  Dr.  Cyrus  Adler,  ex- Judge 
Mack,  and  ex- Judge  Sulzberger. 

The  Committee  declared  by  the  resolution  that  it  could 
not  be  unmindful  of  the  fact  that  there  are  Jews  everywhere 
throughout  the  world  who,  moved  by  traditional  Jewish 


sentiment,  yearn  for  a  Home  in  the  Holy  Land  for  the  Jewish 
people.  This  hope,  which  has  been  nurtured  for  centuries, 
had  the  Committee's  whole-hearted  sympathy.  When 
therefore,  the  British  Government  made  the  Declaration 
which  is  now  supported  by  the  French  Government,  that  it 
views  with  favour  the  establishment  in  Palestine  of  a 
National  Home  for  the  Jewish  People,  and  will  use  its  best 
endeavours  to  facihtate  the  achievement  of  this  object,  the 
announcement  was  received  by  the  members  of  the  Com- 
mittee with  profound  appreciation. 

The  Committee  regards  as  of  essential  importance  the 
conditions  annexed  to  the  Declaration,  "  that  nothing 
shall  be  done  which  may  prejudice  the  civil  and  religious 
rights  of  existing  non- Jewish  communities  in  Palestine 
or  the  rights  and  political  status  enjoyed  by  Jews  in  any 
other  country."  The  latter  of  these  conditions  corresponded 
entirely  with  the  general  principles  on  the  basis  of  which  the 
Committee  had  ever  striven  to  attain  civil  and  political 
rights  for  Jews  the  world  over,  and  with  the  ideals  of  all 
American  Jewry. 

The  opportunity  foreshadowed  by  Mr.  Balfour's  letter  was 
welcomed  by  the  Committee,  which  would  help  to  the  best 
of  its  power  to  realise  in  Palestine,  placed  under  such  pro- 
tectorate or  suzerainty  as  the  Peace  Congress  may  determine, 
the  objects  set  forth  in  the  Declaration ;  and  the  Committee 
resolved  to  co-operate  with  all  those  who,  attracted  by 
religious  or  historic  associations,  shall  seek  to  establish  in 
Palestine  a  centre  for  Judaism  for  the  stimulating  of  our 
faith,  the  pursuit  and  development  of  hterature,  science, 
and  art  in  a  Jewish  environment,  and  the  rehabilitation  of 
the  Land. 

The  British  and  Italian  Governments  indicated  to  the 
Zionist  Organization  their  interest  in  the  welfare  of  the 
Jewish  people  by  the  opinion  they  expressed  with  regard  to 
the  clause  in  the  Rumanian-German  Treaty  referring  to 
Jewish  rights.  Ever  since  the  Treaty  of  Berlin,  the  position 
of  the  Rumanian  Jews  had  been  one  of  the  scandals  of 
Europe.  That  Treaty  forbade  all  legal  discriminations  on 
account  of  religious  faith.  This  clause  was  made  a  useless 
"  scrap  of  paper  "  by  Rumania  considering  its  Jews  "  aliens 
not  subject  to  alien  protection."  The  Jew  has  been  pre- 
vented from  living  in  country  districts  or  owning  land  out- 
side towns.  This  does  not  prevent  it  from  being  a  standing 
accusation  against  the  Jews  of  Rumania  that  they  do  not 


work  as  agricultural  labourers.  They  have  been  excluded 
from  the  civil  service  and  the  Uberal  professions  ;  they  have 
been  disfranchised  ;  factories  and  mills  were  forbidden  to 
employ  more  Jewish  workers  than  one  quarter  of  their 
entire  staff.  Yet  the  Jews  in  Rumania  by  no  means  gave 
rise  to  this  state  of  affairs  by  obvious  separatism  ;  the 
younger  generation  all  spoke  Rumanian,  both  at  home  and 
in  intercourse  with  the  outer  world,  and  they  wore  no 
distinctive  dress. 

It  should  be  stated  that  the  Rumanians  are  a  peasant 
people ;  the  landowners,  all  Christians,  are  largely  an 
absentee  class,  spending  their  money  in  Western  Europe. 
Anti-Semitism  has  been  a  convenient  safety-valve  for 
diverting  the  discontent  of  the  peasants  from  the  real 
authors  of  their  misery. 

These  anti- Jewish  laws  have  caused  an  immense  exodus 
of  Jews  from  Rumania. 

Rumania  continued  its  anti- Jewish  policy  during  the  war. 
Rumanian  Jews  were  registered  and  supervised  as  aliens, 
because,  owing  to  defective  registration,  they  could  not 
prove  that  they  were  born  in  Rumania.  Many  elderly 
persons  were  born  in  places  where  no  registers  were  kept. 
There  were  no  registers  before  1866,  and  it  was  only  in  1880 
that  the  whole  country  began  to  keep  such  registers.  This 
brings  us  directly  to  the  Jewish  clause  of  the  treaty  with 
Germany.  The  German  Government  had  led  the  Jews  in 
Germany  to  beheve  that  it  would  protect  the  rights  of  Jews 
in  the  treaty.  But  the  treaty  merely  stated  that  those  Jews 
hitherto  considered  aliens  were  to  be  naturahzed  by  law  if 
they  could  prove  that  they  and  their  parents  were  born  in 
Rumania,  or  that  they  had  taken  part  in  the  war,  either  in 
active  service  or  in  army  service  (Hilfsdienst) .  Such  a 
clause  could  only  open  the  way  to  further  equivocations. 
By  the  addition  of  this  clause  to  the  general  statement  that 
differences  of  reUgious  faith  shall  have  no  influence  on  the 
legal  rights  of  inhabitants,  and  in  particular  on  their  political 
and  civil  rights,  the  treaty  of  19 18  actually  went  back  from 
the  position  taken  by  the  treaty  of  1878.  It  is  not  even 
found  possible  to  make  the  officers  of  a  regiment  in  Rumania 
give  a  Jewish  soldier  the  paper  necessary  to  prove  that  he 
has  served  in  the  army. 

The  letters  to  the  Author,  in  which  the  two  Entente 
Powers  (England  and  Italy)  expressed  their  desire  to  rectify 
this  unjust  state  of  affairs,  are  as  follows  : — 


Foreign  Office, 
Sir,  /^^^^  15^^.  1918. 

In  reply  to  your  letter  of  the  3rd  instant,  relative  to 
the  question  of  Jewish  rights  in  Rumania,  I  am  directed 
by  Mr.  Secretary  Balfour  to  state  that  His  Majesty's  Govern- 
ment fully  realize  that  the  enfranchisement  promised  to  the 
Jews  in  Rumania  under  the  recent  treaty  is  less  liberal  than 
that  by  which  the  former  Rumanian  Government  had 
publicly  pledged  themselves.  They  take  this  opportunity 
of  assuring  your  Organization  that  they  are  most  anxious 
to  do  everything  in  their  power  to  secure  a  just  and  per- 
manent settlement  of  the  Jewish  question  in  that  country. 

I  am.  Sir, 
Your  most  obedient,  humble  Servant, 
N.  SOKOLOW,  Esq.,  ^^'Sned)  W.  Langley. 

35  Empire  House, 
175  Piccadilly,  W.  i. 

The  Italian  Ambassador,  the  Marquis  ImperiaH,  honoured 
me  with  a  communication  to  a  like  effect,  of  which  the 
following  is  a  translation  : — 


Dear  Sir,  August  2nd,  1918. 

On  the  instructions  of  His  Excellency,  Baron 
Sonnino,  I  have  pleasure  in  communicating  to  you  the 
following  : 

"  The  Italian  Government  recognizing  that  the  provision 
contained  in  the  Treaty  of  Bucharest  of  May  7th,  1918, 
between  Rumania  and  the  Central  Empires,  relating  to 
religious  equahty  in  Rumania,  are,  so  far  as  the  Jews  are 
concerned,  less  liberal  than  those  which  the  Rumanian 
Government  itself  had  spontaneously  promised  to  grant, 
now  declares  that  at  the  final  settlement  of  the  Rumanian 
question,  it  will  use  its  best  endeavours  to  secure  for  the 
Jews  in  Rumania  a  settlement  which  will  definitely  assure 
them  of  a  permanent  position  of  equality.'* 

Accept,  dear  Sir,  the  expression  of  my  most  distinguished 

consideration.  ,^.       ^  ^ 

(Signed)  Imperial!. 

N.  SoKOLOw,  Esq. 

One  of  the  first  practical  results  of  the  British  Govern- 
ment's declaration  was  the  appointment  in  March,  1918,  of  a 
Zionist  Commission  for  Palestine. 


The  objects  and  status  of  the  Commission  were  laid  down 
as  follows  : — 

The  Commission  should  represent  the  Zionist  Organiza- 

It  should  act  as  an  advisory  body  to  the  British 
authorities  in  Palestine  in  all  matters  relating  to  Jews, 
or  which  may  affect  the  establishment  of  a  national 
home  for  the  Jewish  people  in  accordance  with  the  Declara- 
tion of  His  Majesty's  Government. 

The  objects  of  the  Commission  were  : — 

1.  To  form  a  link  between  the  British  authorities  and  the 
Jewish  population  of  Palestine. 

2.  To  co-ordinate  the  relief  work  in  Palestine  and  to  assist 
in  the  repatriation  of  exiled  and  evacuated  persons  and  refugees. 

3.  To  assist  in  restoring  and  developing  the  Colonies  and 
in  organizing  the  Jewish  population  in  general. 

4.  To  assist  the  Jewish  organization  and  institutions  in 
Palestine  in  the  resumption  of  their  activities. 

5.  To  help  in  establishing  friendly  relations  with  the  Arabs 
and  other  non- Jewish  communities. 

6.  To  collect  information,  and  report  upon  the  possibilities 
of  the  further  development  of  the  Jewish  settlement  and  of  the 
country  in  general. 

7.  To  inquire  into  the  feasibility  of  the  scheme  of  establishing 
a  Jewish  University. 

In  order  to  be  able  to  achieve  the  foregoing  objects  the 
Commission  obtained  permission,  subject  to  military  neces- 
sities, to  travel,  investigate,  and  make  reports  upon  the 
above-mentioned  matters. 

The  Commission  left  London  on  March  8th.  It  con- 
sisted of  : — 

Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann,  the  Chairman  of  the  Commission  ; 
Mr.  Joseph  Co  wen,  Director  of  the  Anglo-Palestine  Com- 
pany ;  Dr.  Eder,  Medical  Adviser,  Representative  of  the 
Jewish  Territorial  Association  ;  Mr.  Leon  Simon,  selected 
to  be  Chairman  of  the  Relief  Committee  of  the  Commission  ; 
and  Professor  Sylvain  L6vi,  College  de  France.  Mr.  Israel  M. 
Sieff,  of  Manchester,  acted  as  Secretary  to  the  Commission. 

Two  representatives  of  Italian  Jewry  joined  the  Com- 
mission after  an  interval  of  some  time — Commendatore 
Bianchini  and  Dr.  Artom. 

The    Commission    was    accompanied    by    the    following 


gentlemen  :  Mr.  Aaron  Aaronsohn,  Agricultural  Expert, 
formerly  of  the  Jewish  Colony  of  Zichron  Jacob ;  Mr.  David 
Levontin,  Manager  of  the  Jaffa  branch  of  the  Anglo-Pales- 
tine Bank  ;  Mr.  Rosenack,  Agent  of  the  Jewish  Coloniza- 
tion Association,  and  Mr.  Walter  Meyer  of  New  York. 

Major  the  Hon.  W.  Ormsby-Gore  acted  as  Political 
Officer  and  communicated  the  Commission's  views  and 
requirements  to  the  Government  and  the  military  authori- 

It  had  been  intended  that  representatives  of  the  Jews  of 
Russia  should  join  the  Commission,  but  the  disorganization 
of  communications  in  Russia  caused  by  the  revolution  pre- 
vented them  from  doing  so  until  about  October,  1918,  when 
Mr.  Isaac  Goldberg  and  Mr.  Israel  Rosoff  started  for  Pales- 

A  few  isolated  incidents  alone  can  be  referred  to  here  out 
of  a  large  amount  of  work  which  was  done  by  the  Com- 
missioners. They  succeeded  in  obliterating  the  ill  effects  of 
warfare,  they  restored  refugees  to  their  homes,  restarted 
the  normal  course  of  peaceful  activities,  reorganized  the 
hitherto  unsatisfactory  and  disunited  Jerusalem  com- 
munities belonging  to  the  old  settlements  of  pre-Zionist 
times  and  pre-Zionist  feelings,  and  extended  the  Hebrew 
system  of  schools. 

The  Commission  started  part  of  its  work  in  Egypt  before 
it  reached  Palestine.  The  Arabs  had  been  given  wrong 
ideas  concerning  the  meaning  of  the  British  declaration  and 
the  intention  of  the  Zionists  :  pro -German  agents  had 
spread  rumours  intended  to  be  both  anti-English  and  anti- 
Jewish.  They  declared  that  rich  Jews  would  exploit  the 
land  of  Palestine  and  would  destroy  Moslem  holy  places. 
Dr.  Weizmann  met  certain  Arab  leaders  in  Egypt  and 
succeeded  in  removing  their  fears  and  anxieties.  It  was 
found  that  the  Felaheen  cultivators  in  Palestine  do  not  fear 
the  Jews.  They  realize  that  the  Jewish  colonies  increase 
the  prosperity  of  the  country  by  introducing  improved 
agricultural  methods.  But  the  Effendi  Arabs,  who  are 
landlords,  fear  the  establishment  of  a  just  rule  over  the 
land.  These  Effendi  are  largely  cosmopolitans  and  absentee 
landlords,  living  in  Syria  and  Egypt.  The  Zionists  are 
anxious  to  prevent,  if  they  can,  any  speculation  in  land, 
whether  by  natives  of  Palestine  or  by  foreigners.  The 
prosperity  of  the  colonies  is  bound  up  with  a  just  land 
policy,  which  will   prevent  the  fruits  of  a  man's  labour 


enriching  others  and  will  place  at  the  disposal  of  the  Jewish 
colonies  unused  and  State  lands  as  well  as  badly  cultivated 
large  estates. 

The  Zionists  have  been  fortunate  in  gaining  the  confi- 
dence of  the  King  of  the  Hedjaz  and  of  Prince  Feisal. 

Although  by  the  Hague  Convention  the  military  authori- 
ties could  not  make  any  alteration  in  the  laws  of  the  land, 
they  did  in  two  matters  of  administration  increase  the  power 
of  self-government  possessed  by  the  Jews.  They  allowed 
certain  colonies  to  appoint  their  own  police  and  their  own 
Jewish  tax-collectors.  So  corrupt  had  the  Turkish  tax- 
collectors  been,  that  the  Jewish  tax-collectors,  while  taking 
less  from  the  colonists,  were  able  to  hand  a  larger  sum  to 
the  Government. 

Much  consideration  was  given  by  the  Commission  to  the 
work  of  strengthening  and  supporting  the  organizations  for 
relieving  distress — orphanages,  hospitals,  and  so  on  :  a  work 
much  needed  owing  to  war  conditions.  Special  reports  on 
the  utilities  of  the  various  hospitals,  schools,  and  orphanages 
were  drawn  up.  In  Jerusalem  great  distress  was  found. 
The  Halukah  Jews,  settled  in  Jerusalem  to  study  and  pray 
and  entirely  dependent  on  the  support  of  the  Jews  of  other 
countries,  had  been  by  the  war  cut  off  from  their  means  of 
hvelihood.  Widows  and  orphans  were  many,  the  adult  men 
having  suffered  excessively  from  epidemics.  The  Com- 
mission opened  laundries  and  a  kind  of  shirt  factory  to 
provide  employment  for  women  and  did  its  best  to  find 
employment  for  the  men,  although  the  importation  of  raw 
materials  was  very  difficult. 

On  17th  June  there  was  opened  at  Jaffa  the  first  con- 
ference of  Jews  of  the  liberated  area  of  Palestine.  Major 
Ormsby-Gore,  the  PoHtical  Officer  in  charge  of  the  Zionist 
Commission,  delivered  the  following  speech  : — 

'*  You  have  asked  me,  as  Political  Officer  in  charge  of  the 
Zionist  Commission  which  has  been  sent  out  to  Palestine  by 
H.M.  Government,  to  attend  this  historic  gathering  and  to 
say  a  few  words  of  good  wishes  to  you,  the  representatives 
of  all  Jewry  in  the  occupied  part  of  Palestine,  on  behalf  of 
my  Government.  I  do  so  with  a  full  heart.  My  Govern- 
ment— the  British  Government — has  said  one  or  two  im- 
portant things  during  this  war  concerning  Palestine. 

"  My  Government  has  said  that,  if  England  and  her  Allies 
win  this  war,  the  future  Government  of  Palestine  shall  not 
be  Turkish,  because  in  this  war  England  and  her  Allies  are 

MAJOR  THE  HON.  W.  ORMSBY-GORE       143 

fighting,  not  for  the  extension  of  any  Empire,  nor  for  the 
acquisition  of  further  power  or  further  territory,  but  they 
are  fighting  for  an  ideal,  shared  by  all  our  Allies,  namely, 
that  countries  shall  be  governed  in  the  interests  and  accord- 
ing to  the  wishes  and  the  aspirations  of  the  inhabitants  of 
those  countries.  We  are  satisfied  when  we  look  at  the  results 
of  Turkish  rule  upon  the  land  and  the  people  of  Palestine, 
that  such  rule  ought  to  disappear  in  the  interests  of  Palestine 
and  of  civihzation.  The  Turkish  rule  in  Palestine  was 
an  aUen  rule,  and  was  not  in  the  best  interests  of  any 
of  the  inhabitants  of  Palestine,  and,  moreover,  such  a  rule 
crippled  the  free  development,  economic  and  political,  of 
this  country. 

"  My  Government  has  said  that  it  wishes  to  see  the  people 
of  Palestine  among  others  freed  from  the  rule  of  the  Turks, 
but  it  has  as  yet  said  nothing  as  to  what  Government  should 
take  its  place — that  is  a  matter  for  the  Peace  Conference. 
But  Mr.  Balfour  has  made  an  historic  declaration  with 
regard  to  the  Zionists,  that  he  wishes  to  see  created  and 
built  up  in  Palestine  a  National  Home  for  the  Jewish 

"  What  do  we  understand  by  this  ?  We  mean  that  those 
Jews  who  voluntarily  come  to  live  in  Palestine  should  live  in 
Palestine  as  Jewish  nationalists,  i.e.  that  they  should  be 
regarded  as  Jews  and  nothing  else,  and  that  they  should  be 
absolutely  free  to  develop  Hebrew  education,  to  develop  the 
country,  and  Hve  their  own  life  in  their  own  way  in  Palestine 
freely,  but  only  submitting  equally  with  all  others  to  the 
laws  of  the  land. 

"  I  shall  tell  the  British  Government,  when  I  go  back, 
what  the  Jews  of  Palestine  have  done  already  to  realize 
their  ideals,  and  what  they  feel  with  regard  to  this  National 
Home.  I  can  say  when  I  go  back  that  I  can  see  in  this 
gathering  to-day  the  pioneer  work  of  the  National  Home, 
i.e.  a  National  Home  built  up  on  a  Hebrew  foundation  with 
a  definite  consciousness  and  ideal  of  its  own.  I  can  say  that 
whether  you  come  from  Russia,  from  Salonica,  from  Bok- 
hara, from  Poland,  from  America,  from  England,  or  from 
Yemen,  you  are  bound  together  in  Palestine  by  the  ideal  of 
building  up  a  Jewish  nation  in  all  its  various  aspects  in 
Palestine,  a  national  centre  for  Jewry  all  over  the  world  to 
look  to.  This  is  the  ideal  of  the  future,  an  ideal  which  I  am 
convinced  will  be  reaHzed  without  doing  any  injustice  or 
injury  to  any  of  your  neighbours  here.    But  while  I  look 


forward  to  the  realization  of  this  ideal,  I  must  remind  you  of 
the  grim  realities  of  the  present. 

**  We  can  still  hear  the  guns,  and  we  are  in  the  midst  of  a 
desperate  struggle — not  merely  between  nations,  but 
between  ideals.  Be  patient  with  the  British  Government, 
who  wish  you  well.  Do  not  expect  a  great  deal  from  them, 
but  expect  a  great  deal  from  yourselves.  At  present  we  are 
bound  to  carry  on  the  Turkish  system  of  law,  taxation,  and 
Government.  We  are  bound  to  do  this  by  international 
law,  and  England  has  always  tried  to  respect  this  inter- 
national law.  England  set  its  seal  to  the  Hague  Convention, 
which  said  that  when  an  advance  was  made  into  enemy 
country,  the  administration  should  be  military  and  not 
political,  and  that  such  military  administration  should 
make  no  attempt  to  alter  or  change  the  institutions  of  the 
occupied  country  ;  it  is  not  our  wish  that  this  is  so,  but  it  is 
so  by  the  rule  of  law,  and  we  shall  do  our  best  to  respect 
this  law  no  matter  who  else  breaks  it. 

"It  is  difficult  for  a  military  administration  to  make 
radical  changes  or  to  do  much  to  help  you  and  others  in  the 
country.  Nevertheless,  some  great  things  have  been  done 
already  ;  the  British  Government  has  given  opportunity  to 
the  young  men  to  join  the  battalion  of  Jews  from  other 
countries  to  liberate  this  country.  This  splendid  response 
of  your  young  men  will  have  a  great  moral  value  when 
history  comes  to  be  written.  Every  one  of  these  fine  and 
splendid  recruits  now  enrolled  and  who  are  going  to  the 
battalions  which  have  come  from  England  and  America, 
will  go  as  missionaries  of  Jewish  nationalism  in  Palestine, 
so  that  these  men  will  stay  in  Palestine  and  help  to  develop 
it  on  just  and  right  lines.  The  British  Government  has  done 
something  more  of  great  service  to  you.  The  Government 
has  sent  out  to  Palestine  the  Zionist  Commission.  It  has 
sent  out  Dr.  Weizmann,  i.e.  the  British  Government  has  sent 
out  a  man  in  whom  it  has  confidence  to  help  the  Jews  in 
Palestine  in  their  greatest  hour  of  need  What  this  help  has 
meant  to  you  I  need  not  go  into  in  detail.  The  Zionist  Com- 
mission speaks  for  itself.  Dr.  Weizmann  came  here  as  a 
stranger  to  the  British  authorities,  but  in  a  few  weeks  he  has 
won  for  himself,  and  for  the  people  whom  he  represents,  a 
position  among  the  British  authorities  and  amongst  all  with 
whom  he  has  come  into  contact  in  Egypt,  Arabia,  and 
Palestine  ;  a  position  which  is  not  merely  a  help,  but  a 
comer  stone  of  the  work  which  lies  before  you.    The  Zionist 



Commission  is  in  a  position  to  do  much  to  acquaint  not  only 
Jewry  throughout  the  world,  but  also  the  Governments  of 
the  AlHed  countries,  with  the  needs,  ideals,  and  aspirations 
of  Palestine  Jewry.  It  is,  therefore,  only  right  that  you 
should  be  guided  in  patience  by  him,  your  leader,  and  accept 
his  advice  and  direction.  Dr.  Weizmann  is  a  leader  who  will 
see  you  through.  He  is  a  man  worthy  of  your  confidence, 
as  well  as  of  the  confidence  of  all  of  the  AlHed  Govern- 

"  The  work  of  the  conference  which  I  am  addressing  is 
very  important.  You  have  a  great  deal  to  prepare  for.  You 
have  to  prepare  for  peace,  for  the  day  when  war  is  no  more, 
and  when  there  will  be,  please  God,  a  free  Palestine.  Gentle- 
men, make  sure  that  your  foundation-stones  are  truly  laid 
in  your  agricultural,  cultural,  and  educational  work.  So 
much  depends  for  civilization  on  the  work  for  which  you  are 
now  preparing  and  which  you  will  perform  during  the  next 
few  months.  You  will  be  faced  with  all  the  difficult  trivial- 
ities of  life,  but  in  the  Zionist  movement  there  is  a  spirit, 
and  just  as  good  transcends  evil,  so  does  the  spiritual 
transcend  the  material.  You  can  build  up  a  centre  of 
civilization  here.  We  English  owe  all  that  is  best  in  our 
civilization  to  the  Bible,  and  that  is  why  we  feel  a  deep 
interest  and  a  bond  of  sympathy  in  the  work  which  you  are 
doing.  The  Zionist  movement  is  not  merely  a  political  move, 
but  it  is  a  spiritual  force,  and  if  it  succeeds  I  feel  it  will 
bring  something  great  and  noble  to  the  world,  a  message 
which  will  not  only  do  so  much  for  the  sad  but  beautiful  land, 
but  for  the  scattered  hosts  of  Israel  and  for  humanity." 

On  24th  July,  191 8,  the  foundation-stones  of  the  Hebrew 
University  in  Jerusalem  were  laid.  This  was  an  event 
which  Zionists  had  conceived  long  before,  an  event  likely 
to  be  of  great  importance  in  enabling  Jerusalem  to  become 
a  spiritual  centre  for  the  still  dispersed  communities  of  Israel, 
and  destined,  let  us  hope,  to  influence  and  elevate  the  mental 
life,  social  aspirations  and  religious  conceptions  of  the  Jews 
of  the  world. 

The  site  of  the  University  is  a  beautiful  one.  It  is  on 
Mount  Scopus,  on  an  estate  purchased  from  the  late  Sir  John 
Gray  Hill  of  Liverpool,  who  was  personally  in  deep  sym- 
pathy with  the  scheme.  It  faces  Jerusalem  on  the  one  side 
and  the  valley  of  the  Jordan  and  the  Dead  Sea  on  the  other. 

At  the  ceremony  of  laying  the  foundation-stones  those 
present  included,  besides  the  members  of  the  Zionist  Com- 


mission,  the  Commander-in-Chief  and  senior  members  of 
his  staff,  the  Military  Governor  of  Jerusalem,  staff  repre- 
sentatives of  the  French  and  Italian  military  detachments 
in  Palestine  and  other  officers,  the  Mufti  of  Jerusalem, 
Bishop  Maclnnes,  Anglican  Bishop  of  Jerusalem,  the  repre- 
sentatives of  the  Armenian  and  Greek  Churches,  the  Mayor 
and  Vice-Mayor  of  Jerusalem,  Baron  and  Baroness  Felix 
Menasce  of  Alexandria,  Maurice  Cattaui  Pacha,  President 
of  the  Cairo  Jewish  Community,  Mr.  Victor  Mosseri,  the 
Chief  Rabbis  of  Cairo  and  Alexandria,  the  Sephardi  and 
Ashkenazi  Chief  Rabbis,  and  representatives  of  all  Jewish 
organizations  and  committees  in  Jerusalem,  Jaffa,  and  the 
colonies.  The  day  was  declared  a  public  Jewish  hoHday  in 
Jerusalem,  and  a  crowd  numbering  about  six  thousand 
people  witnessed  the  ceremony. 

After  the  ceremony  had  been  opened  by  a  chant  of  praise, 
Dr.  Weizmann  laid  the  first  foundation-stone  of  the  Uni- 
versity on  behalf  of  the  Zionist  Organization.  He  was 
followed  by  the  two  Chief  Rabbis  of  Jerusalem  and  the 
heads  of  the  United  Council,  who  laid  a  stone  on  behalf  of 
the  Jerusalem  Community.  The  Mupi  then  laid  a  stone, 
and  was  followed  by  the  Anglican  Bishop.  Stones  were  also 
laid  on  behalf  of  the  following  :  The  Zionist  Organization, 
the  Jewish  Regiment,  Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild,  the 
town  of  Jaffa,  the  Colonies,  Hebrew  Literature,  Hebrew 
Teachers,  Hebrew  Science,  Jewish  Artisans  and  Labourers, 
Isaac  Goldberg  (whose  generosity  it  was  that  provided  so 
largely  for  the  purchase  of  the  site),  and  the  Future  Genera- 

Dr.  Weizmann  then  added  his  signature  to  a  parchment 
scroll  inscribed  with  the  blessing  :  ^ 

:  ntn  p]b  win)  ^:D'>p)  irnnty  nb)v^  hVd  iiM^«  ^»  nn«  nna 

Wednesday,  the  fifteenth  day  of  the  fifth  month, 
the  month  of  Menachem-Ab,  being  in  the  year  Five 
Thousand  six  hundred  and  seventy-eight  from  the 
creation  of  the  World,  One  thousand  eight  hundred 
and  forty-nine  from  the  destruction  of  our  second 
Temple,  and  the  twenty-first  year  after  the  first  Zionist 
Congress  called  by  Dr.  Benjamin  Zeeb  ben  Jacob  Herzl,  the 
first  year  of  the  Declaration  of  the  British  Government 

*  "Blessed  art  Thou  0 1  Lord  our  God,  King  of  the  Universe  who  hast 
preserved  us  alive,  and  sustained  us  and  brought  us  to  {tnjoy)  this  season." 


issued  through  the  Rt.  Hon.  Arthur  James  Balfour  prom- 
ising to  grant  a  National  Home  to  the  Jewish  People  in 
the  land  of  Israel, — the  day  on  which  was  laid  the  first  stone 
of  the  building  which  shall  become  the  first  Hebrew  Uni- 
versity in  Jerusalem.  In  testimony  of  which  we  add  our 
signatures."  The  signatures  included  that  of  the  Sephardi 
Chief  Rabbi  Nissim  Elyashar,  the  Ashkenazi  Chief  Rabbi 
Zerach  Epstein,  the  Mufti  of  Jerusalem,  Bishop  Maclnnes, 
Chief  Rabbi  Uziel  of  Jaffa  in  the  name  of  Baron  Edmond  de 
Rothschild,  M.  Libowitz,  one  of  the  last  of  the  heroic  band 
of  Bilu,  Dr.  Thon,  Mr.  D.  Levontin,  and  some  boys  and 
girls  in  the  name  of  the  future  generation. 
The  signed  scroll  was  buried  under  the  first  stone. 
Dr.  Weizmann  then  delivered  an  address.  He  said  : — 
"  We  have  to-day  laid  the  foundation-stone  of  the  first 
Jewish  University,  which  is  to  be  erected  on  this  hill,  over- 
looking the  city  of  Jerusalem.  Many  of  us  will  have  had 
their  thoughts  cast  back  to  the  great  historic  scenes  associ- 
ated with  Jerusalem,  scenes  that  have  become  part  of  the 
heritage  of  mankind.  It  is  not  too  fanciful  to  picture  the 
souls  of  those  who  have  made  our  history  here  with  us  to-day 
inspiring  us,  urging  us  onwards,  to  greater  and  ever  greater 
tasks.  Many  again  will  have  had  their  attention  riveted  on 
the  apparent  contrast  between  to-day's  ceremony  and  the 
scenes  of  warfare  within  a  few  miles  of  us.  For  only  a  brief 
moment  we  are  allowing  ourselves  to  indulge  in  a  mental 
armistice,  and  in  laying  aside  all  thoughts  of  strife  we  try  to 
pierce  the  veil  of  war  and  glance  into  the  future.  A  week 
ago  we  were  keeping  the  Fast  of  Ab,  reminding  us  that  the 
Temple  had  been  utterly  destroyed  and  the  Jewish  national 
political  existence  extinguished  apparently  for  ever.  But 
throughout  the  long  centuries  we,  the  stiff-necked  people, 
have  refused  to  acknowledge  defeat,  and  '  Judcea  Capta  '  is 
once  more  on  the  eve  of  triumph.  Here,  out  of  the  misery 
and  the  desolation  of  war,  is  being  created  the  first  germ  of 
a  new  life.  Hitherto  we  have  been  content  to  speak  of  Re- 
construction and  Restoration.  We  know  that  ravished 
Belgium,  devastated  France,  Poland  and  Russia  must  and 
will  be  restored.  In  this  University,  however,  we  have  gone 
beyond  Restoration  and  Reconstruction,  we  are  creating 
during  the  period  of  war  something  which  is  to  serve  as  a 
symbol  of  a  better  future.  It  is  fitting  that  Great  Britain, 
aided  by  her  great  Allies,  in  the  midst  of  tribulation  and 
sorrow,  should  stand  sponsor  to  this  University.     Great 


Britain  has  understood  that  it  is  just  because  these  are  times 
of  stress,  just  because  men  tend  to  become  lost  in  the  events 
of  the  day,  that  there  is  a  need  to  overlay  these  details  by 
this  bold  appeal  to  the  world's  imagination.  Here  what 
seemed  but  a  dream  a  few  years  ago  is  now  becoming  a 

*'  What  is  the  significance  of  a  Hebrew  University — ^what 
are  going  to  be  its  functions,  whence  will  it  draw  its  students, 
and  what  languages  will  it  speak  ?  It  seems  at  first  sight 
paradoxical  that  in  a  land  with  so  sparse  a  population,  in  a 
land  where  everything  still  remains  to  be  done,  in  a  land 
crying  out  for  such  simple  things  as  ploughs,  roads,  and 
harbours,  we  should  begin  by  creating  a  centre  of  spiritual 
and  intellectual  development.  But  it  is  no  paradox  for 
those  who  know  the  soul  of  the  Jew.  It  is  true  that  great 
social  and  poHtical  problems  still  face  us  and  will  demand 
their  solution  from  us.  We  Jews  know  that  when  the  mind 
is  given  fullest  play,  when  we  have  a  centre  for  the  develop- 
ment of  Jewish  consciousness,  then  coincidently  we  shall 
attain  the  fulfilment  of  our  material  needs.  In  the  darkest 
ages  of  our  existence  we  found  protection  and  shelter  within 
the  walls  of  our  schools  and  colleges,  and  in  devoted  study 
of  Jewish  science  the  tormented  Jew  found  rehef  and  con- 
solation. Amid  all  the  sordid  squalor  of  the  Ghetto  there 
stood  schools  of  learning  where  numbers  of  young  Jews  sat 
at  the  feet  of  our  Rabbis  and  teachers.  Those  schools  and 
colleges  served  as  large  reservoirs  where  there  was  stored  up 
during  the  long  ages  of  persecution  an  intellectual  and 
spiritual  energy  which  on  the  one  hand  helped  to  maintain 
our  national  existence,  and  on  the  other  hand  blossomed 
forth  for  the  benefit  of  mankind  when  once  the  walls  of  the 
Ghetto  fell.  The  sages  of  Babylon  and  Jerusalem,  Maimon- 
ides  and  the  Gaon  of  Wilna,  the  lens  polisher  of  Amsterdam 
and  Karl  Marx,  Heinrich  Heine  and  Paul  Ehrlich  are  some 
of  the  links  in  the  long,  unbroken  chain  of  intellectual 

"  The  University,  as  its  name  impHes,  is  to  teach  every- 
thing the  mind  of  man  embraces.  No  teaching  can  be  fruitful 
nowadays  unless  it  is  strengthened  by  a  spirit  of  enquiry 
and  research  ;  and  a  modern  University  must  not  only 
produce  highly  trained  professional  men,  but  give  ample 
opportunity  to  those  capable  and  ready  to  devote  them- 
selves to  scientific  research  to  do  so  unhindered  and  un- 
disturbed.    Our  University  will  thus  become  the  home  of 


those  hundreds  of  talented  young  Jews  in  whom  the  thirst 
for  learning  and  critical  enquiry  has  been  engrained  by 
heredity  throughout  ages,  and  who  in  the  great  multitude 
of  cases  are  at  present  compelled  to  satisfy  this  their  burning 
need  amid  un- Jewish,  very  often  unfriendly  surroundings. 

''  A  Hebrew  University  !  1  do  not  suppose  that  there  is 
anyone  here  who  can  conceive  of  a  University  in  Jerusalem 
being  other  than  a  Hebrew  one.  The  claim  that  the  Uni- 
versity should  be  a  Hebrew  one  rests  upon  the  values  the  Jews 
have  transmitted  to  the  world  from  this  land.  Here  in  the 
presence  of  adherents  of  the  three  great  religions  of  the  world, 
which  amid  many  diversities  build  their  faith  upon  the  Lord 
who  made  Himself  known  unto  Moses,  before  this  world 
which  has  founded  itself  on  Jewish  law,  has  paid  reverence 
to  Hebrew  seers,  has  acknowledged  the  great  mental  and 
spiritual  values  the  Jewish  people  have  given  to  it,  the 
question  is  answered.  The  University  is  to  stimulate  the 
Jewish  people  to  reach  further  truth.  Am  I  too  bold  if  here 
to-day  in  this  place  among  the  hills  of  Ephraim  and  Judah, 
I  state  my  conviction  that  the  seers  of  Israel  have  not  utterly 
perished,  that  under  the  aegis  of  this  University  there  will 
be  a  renaissance  of  the  Divine  power  of  prophetic  wisdom 
that  once  was  ours  ?  The  University  will  be  the  focus  of  the 
rehabilitation  of  our  Jewish  consciousness  now  so  tenuous, 
because  it  has  become  so  world-diffused.  Under  the  atmo- 
spheric pressure  of  this  Mount,  our  Jewish  consciousness  can 
become  diffused  without  becoming  feeble,  our  consciousness 
will  be  rekindled  and  our  Jewish  youth  will  be  reinvigorated 
from  Jewish  sources. 

"  Since  it  is  to  be  3.  Hebrew  University,  the  question  hardly 
arises  as  to  its  language.  By  a  strange  error,  people  have 
regarded  Hebrew  as  one  of  the  dead  languages,  whilst  in  fact 
it  has  never  died  off  the  lips  of  mankind.  True,  to  many  of 
us  Jews  it  has  become  a  second  language,  but  for  thousands 
of  my  people  Hebrew  is  and  always  has  been  the  sacred 
tongue,  and  in  the  streets  of  Tel  Aviv,  in  the  orchards  of 
Rischon  and  Rechoboth,  on  the  farms  of  Hulda  and  Ben 
Shemen,  it  has  already  become  the  mother  tongue.  Here  in 
Palestine,  amid  the  Babel  of  languages,  Hebrew  stands  out 
as  the  one  language  in  which  every  Jew  can  communicate 
with  every  other  Jew.  Upon  the  technical  difficulties  con- 
nected with  Hebrew  instruction  it  is  unnecessary  for  me  to 
dwell  at  the  moment.  We  are  alive  to  them  ;  but  the 
experience  of  our  Palestinian  schools  has  already  shown  to 


us  that  these  difficulties  are  surmountable.  These  are  all 
matters  of  detail  which  have  been  carefully  examined  and 
will  be  dealt  with  at  the  appropriate  time.  I  have  spoken 
of  the  Jewish  Universit}^  where  the  language  will  be  Hebrew, 
just  as  French  is  used  at  the  Sorbonne,  or  English  at  Oxford. 
Naturally,  other  languages,  ancient  and  modern,  will  be 
taught  in  the  respective  faculties ;  among  these  languages 
we  may  expect  that  prominent  attention  will  be  given  to 
Arabic  and  other  Semitic  languages. 

"  The  Hebrew  University,  though  intended  primarily  for 
Jews,  will,  of  course,  give  an  affectionate  welcome  to  the 
members  of  every  race  and  creed.  '  For  my  house  will  be 
called  a  house  of  prayer  for  all  the  nations. '  Besides  the  usual 
schools  and  institutions  which  go  to  form  a  modern  Uni- 
versity, there  will  be  certain  branches  of  science  which  it  will 
be  peculiarly  appropriate  to  associate  with  our  University. 
Archaeological  Research,  which  has  revealed  so  much  of  the 
mysterious  past  of  Egypt  and  of  Greece,  has  a  harvest  still 
to  be  reaped  in  Palestine,  and  our  University  is  destined  to 
play  an  important  part  in  this  field  of  knowledge. 

"  The  question  as  to  the  faculties  with  which  our  University 
may  begin  its  career  is  limited  to  some  extent  by  practical 
considerations.  The  beginnings  of  our  University  are  not 
entirely  lacking.  We  have  in  Jerusalem  the  elements  of  a 
Pasteur  Institute  and  a  Jewish  Health  Bureau,  whence 
valuable  contributions  to  bacteriology  and  sanitation  have 
already  been  issued.  There  is  the  school  of  Technology  at 
Haifa,  and  the  beginning  of  an  agricultural  experimental 
station  at  Athlit.  It  is  to  scientific  research  and  its  applica- 
tion that  we  can  confidently  look  for  the  banishment  of  those 
twin  plagues  of  Palestine,  malaria  and  trachoma  ;  for  the 
eradication  of  other  indigenous  diseases  ;  it  is  to  true 
scientific  method  that  we  may  look  for  the  full  cultivation 
of  this  fair  and  fertile  land,  now  so  unproductive.  Here, 
chemistry  and  bacteriology,  geology  and  cUmatology,  will 
be  required  to  join  forces,  so  that  the  great  value  of  the 
University  in  the  building  up  of  our  National  Home  is 
apparent.  All  that  again  reminds  us  of  the  fact  which  one 
is  likely  to  forget  after  four  years  of  a  terrible  war,  with  its 
misapplication  of  scientific  methods,  that  we  must  look  to 
science  as  to  the  healer  of  many  wounds  and  the  redeemer  of 
many  evils.  Side  by  side  with  scientific  research  the  human- 
ities will  occupy  a  distinguished  place.  Ancient  Jewish 
learning,   the   accumulated,   half-liidden   treasures  of  our 


ancient  philosophical,  rehgious  and  juridic  literature,  are  to 
be  brought  to  Hght  again  and  freed  from  the  dust  of  ages. 
They  will  be  incorporated  in  the  new  Hfe  now  about  to 
develop  in  this  country,  and  so  our  past  will  be  linked  up 
with  the  present. 

"  May  I  be  allowed,  before  concluding,  to  point  to  one  very 
important  aspect  of  our  University  ?  The  University,  while 
trying  to  maintain  the  highest  scientific  level,  must,  at  the 
same  time,  be  rendered  accessible  to  all  classes  of  the  people. 
The  Jewish  workman  and  farm  labourer  must  be  enabled  to 
find  there  a  possibihty  of  continuing  and  completing  their 
education  in  their  free  hours.  The  doors  of  our  hbraries, 
lecture  rooms,  and  laboratories,  must  be  opened  widely  to 
them  all.  Thus  the  University  will  exercise  its  beneficial 
influence  on  the  nation  as  a  whole.  The  bare  nucleus  of  the 
Hbrary  is  already  in  existence  here,  and  very  valuable  addi- 
tions to  it  are  at  present  stored  up  in  Russia  and  elsewhere. 
The  setting-up  of  a  University  hbrary  and  of  a  University 
press  are  contemplated  soon  after  the  war.  Manifold  are 
the  preparations  yet  to  be  made.  Some  of  them  are  already 
in  progress  ;  some,  hke  the  actual  building,  must  necessarily 
be  postponed  until  the  happy  day  of  peace  arrives.  But 
from  this  day  the  Hebrew  University  is  a  reality.  Our 
University,  formed  by  Jewish  learning  and  Jewish  energy, 
will  mould  itself  into  an  integral  part  of  our  national  structure 
which  is  in  process  of  erection.  It  will  have  a  centripetal 
force,  attracting  all  that  is  noblest  in  Jewry  throughout  the 
world  ;  a  unif3dng  centre  for  our  scattered  elements.  There 
will  go  forth,  too,  inspiration  and  strength,  that  shall  revivify 
the  powers  now  latent  in  our  scattered  communities.  Here 
the  wandering  soul  of  Israel  shall  reach  its  haven  ;  its 
strength  no  longer  consumed  in  restless  and  vain  wanderings. 
Israel  shall  at  last  remain  at  peace  within  itself  and  with  the 
world.  There  is  a  Talmudic  legend  that  tells  of  the  Jewish 
soul  deprived  of  its  body,  hovering  between  heaven  and 
earth.  Such  is  our  soul  to-day  ;  to-morrow  it  shall  come  to 
rest,  in  this  our  sanctuary.    That  is  our  faith." 

Dr.  Weizmann  then  read  the  following  message  from 
Mr.  Balfour : — 

"  Please  accept  my  cordial  good  wishes  for  the  future  of 
the  Hebrew  University  on  Mount  Scopus.  May  it  carry  out 
its  noble  purpose  with  ever-increasing  success  as  the  years 
go  on.  I  offer  my  warm  congratulations  to  all  who  have 
laboured  so  assiduously  to  found  this  school  of  learning, 


which  should  be  an  addition  to  the  forces  of  progress 
throughout  the  world." 

Captain  Coulandre,  on  behalf  of  the  French  Government, 
presented  the  following  message  : — 

"  Le  Gouvernement  de  la  Republique  est  heureux  d'ex- 
primer  les  sentiments  de  sympathie  avec  lesquels  il  accueille 
la  fondation  de  TUniversite  Juive.  II  forme  des  vceux 
sinceres  pour  que  de  la  rayonnent  les  grandes  pensees  de 
fraternite  et  d'ideal  auxquels  le  Judaisme  s'est  si  fermement 
attache  a  travers  les  siecles  au  cours  desquels  il  a  resiste  a 
toutes  les  persecutions,  et  pour  que  dans  un  monde  debarasse 
des  violences  engendrees  par  les  ambitions  forcenees  du 
regime  Prussien  les  Juifs  qui  le  desireront  puissent  trouver 
en  Palestine  en  parfaite  entente  avec  les  autres  groupements 
ethniques  un  foyer  a  la  fois  intellectuel  et  social." 

The  whole  ceremony  was  a  deeply  moving  one,  and 
produced  an  effect  which  will  long  remain  with  those  who 
witnessed  it. 

The  work  of  the  Commission  was  made  possible  by  the 
work  of  the  British  Army  and  its  scope  was  greatly  increased 
by  General  Allenby's  complete  conquest  of  the  country.  In 
September,  1918,  General  AUenby  secured  a  victory  which 
resounded  throughout  the  world  by  its  completeness  as 
well  as  by  its  brilUance.  By  most  skilful  procedure  the 
Turkish  hne  was  broken  in  several  places  and  Nablus  and 
Beisan  were  captured.  The  bridge  of  the  Daughters  of  Jacob 
over  the  Jordan  was  seized  and  British  troops  wheeling 
round  by  quick  marches  along  the  coastal  plain,  passed 
through  the  defile  of  Megiddo  and  cut  off  the  greater  portion 
of  the  Turkish  army.  The  strong  Turkish  positions  in  the 
hills  about  Nahlns  were  surrounded  and  positions  which  if 
directly  attacked  would  have  cost  thousands  of  lives  were 
taken  with  comparatively  few  losses. 

Eighty  thousand  prisoners  were  captured  and  a  vast 
amount  of  guns,  munitions,  and  stores.  The  cavalry  swept 
northward  and  captured  Damascus  within  a  few  days,  and 
even  moved  on  to  Beirout  and  Sidon  on  the  coast,  while 
the  Arabs  under  the  King  of  the  Hedjaz  defeated  the  Turks 
in  the  south-east  of  Palestine  and  Jewish  troops  were  sent 
forward  to  the  capture  of  Amman  and  Essalt.  In  a  period 
of  a  fortnight,  three  armies  were  defeated  and  ceased  to 
exist.    Turkey's  mihtary  power  was  destroyed  instant ane- 


ously.  The  only  defences  left  to  the  Turkish  Empire  were 
bad  communications,  immense  distances,  and  the  sub- 
marines in  the  Eastern  Mediterranean.  The  victories  in 
Palestine  stirred  the  world  and  gave  new  vigour  to  Zionist 
efforts.  To  the  outside  world,  these  victories  marked  the 
first  decisive  step  in  the  final  defeat  of  the  German  federa- 
tion. To  the  Zionists,  they  brought  great  joy  because  they 
definitely  ended  the  corrupt  rule  of  Turkey.  Supported  by 
the  most  powerful  nations  in  the  world,  the  Jews  are  asked 
to  create  in  Palestine  a  typically  Hebrew  society.  A  great 
responsibility  and  a  great  opportunity  are  thus  offered  to 
us.  We  have  to  consider  many  new  and  difficult  problems. 
But  for  the  solution  of  these  practical  problems,  we  con- 
fidently expect  to  receive  much  help  from  Jews  all  over 
the  world.  The  Declaration  of  the  Allies  has  been  like  a 
trumpet-call.  Our  wonderful  successes  in  the  world  of 
diplomacy  fascinate  all  to  whom  the  fate  of  Israel  is  of 
importance.  The  history  of  the  past  few  years,  which  has 
transformed,  at  the  cost  of  terrible  injuries  to  humanity, 
what  seemed  dreams  into  plain  facts,  and  made  what  were 
facts  into  dream-like  memories,  will  surely  bring  us  active 
help  from  all  who  sympathize  with  our  ideal,  the  ideal  for 
which  Jews  have  unceasingly  prayed  and  hoped  for  twenty 

This  mighty  war  has  now  come  to  an  end  and  the  world 
breathes  freely  once  more.  The  cruelties  and  horrors  of 
more  than  four  years  seem  now  like  a  nightmare.  That 
nightmare  has  vanished — let  us  hope  for  ever.  Day  has 
dawned  again,  a  day  of  victory,  whose  power  for  good  out- 
weighs the  evil  powers  let  loose  by  the  world-war.  The 
great  armies  of  the  Western  Allies  and  of  the  United  States 
of  America  have  been  victorious.  In  consequence  of  this 
victory  an  old  world  order  has  been  destroyed  and  a  new 
and  a  better  one  brought  into  being.  State  organizations 
which  had  forced  diverse  nations  into  their  artificial 
and  incongruous  structures  only  by  power  are  collapsing  like 
houses  of  cards.  Those  who  ruled  by  the  sword  perished 
by  the  sword.  Despotism,  supported  by  militarism,  is 
shattered.  The  victory  of  the  Allies  ought  to  be  more  than 
a  victory  of  one  group  of  states  over  another  ;  this  ought 
to  be  the  victory  of  what  is  good  in  man  over  what  is  evil. 


This  victory  must  benefit  the  conquered  not  less  than  the 
conquerors.  One  great  idea  has  been  victorious  in  this  war, 
namely,  the  national  principle  :  liberty,  equality,  and  self- 
determination  of  all  peoples,  great  and  small,  old  and  young. 
Every  nation  has  the  right  to  live,  given  the  will  to  do  so. 
Every  nation  has  a  right  to  the  land  in  which  it  grew  to  be 
a  nation.  It  is  all  one,  whether  this  was  accomplished  a 
hundred  years  ago  as  in  Belgium,  or  many  hundreds  of 
years  ago  as  in  Armenia,  or  as  in  Greece  some  thousands  of 
years  ago.  The  right  of  a  people  to  its  historical  home  can- 
not be  limited  by  time. 

On  the  basis  of  this  principle  a  new  Europe  is  shaping 
itself.  Every  nation  must  have  its  own  land,  its  share  in 
human  civilization,  with  its  own  speech  and  customs,  its 
right  to  do  as  it  wills.  Alsace-Lorraine  wants  to  be  French, 
and  therefore  it  shall  be  French  again.  The  Czechs  and  the 
Southern  Slavs  wish  to  form  independent  states  ;  Poland, 
Belgium,  Serbia,  and  others,  too,  are  reasserting  their  inde- 
pendence. Wherever  historical  rights  exist,  these  must 
now  be  realized.  Every  nation  regains  now  its  Zion  for 
which  it  has  longed  and  suffered.  Although  this  is  a  great 
progress  in  itself,  it  would  be  a  poor  safeguard  unless  the 
other  great  principle  were  also  adopted,  the  principle  of 
freedom.  With  the  regeneration  of  national  freedom  it 
follows  also  that  the  progress  of  human  liberty,  equality, 
and  social  justice  both  in  the  existing  states  and  in  the  old 
ones  now  to  be  re-established  will  be  assured.  No  despotism, 
no  subjection  of  minorities,  but  liberty,  equality,  and 
fraternity  for  all  citizens,  equal  duties  and  equal  rights. 

For  this  ideal  seven  millions  of  men,  the  vigorous  youth 
of  mankind,  have  sacrificed  their  lives,  and  many  millions 
more  have  been  crippled.  For  this  ideal  of  justice  several 
countries  have  been  laid  waste  and  civilization  itself  has 
been  threatened  with  complete  destruction.  This  great 
ideal  of  justice,  however,  will  be  worthy  of  the  terrible 
sacrifices  which  have  been  made  ;  it  must  now  be  attained. 

A  new  Europe  and — a  new  Asia.  Light  is  shining  again 
from  the  East.  The  glorious  British  Army  has  reconquered 
ancient  East  for  civilization.  The  Arabs,  our  Semitic 
kindred,  the  descendants  of  a  chivalrous  and  one-time 
famous  race,  side  by  side  with  inspired  Jewish  volunteer 
forces  who  had  flocked  together  to  fight  with  love  and 
enthusiasm  for  the  Land  of  Promise,  have,  with  the  assist- 
ance of  French  and  Italian  reinforcements,  done  their  duty 


in  assisting  the  British  Army.  Mesopotamia,  Arabia, 
Syria,  and  Palestine  are  now  freed  for  their  nations.  An 
Arabian  Kingdom,  a  free,  well-ordered  Syria,  the  remnants 
of  the  unfortunate,  hard-tried  Armenian  nation  established  as 
an  Armenian  State,  and  a  new  Erez  Israel,  all  these  will  have 
to  be  created  on  a  basis  of  historical  rights  and  of  the  real- 
ization of  the  national  principle,  each  under  the  protection  of, 
and  receiving  assistance  from,  some  suitable  Great  Power, 
in  accordance  with  their  own  desire,  in  their  gradual  and 
peaceful  progress  towards  their  ultimate  goal. 

What,  we  ask,  will  now  be  the  position  of  the' Jews  at  this 
juncture  ?  What  will  the  great  victory  bring  to  this  people 
who  have  been  so  hard  hit  by  this  war  ?  Hundreds  of 
thousands  of  Jews  have  lost  their  lives,  most  of  them  in 
countries  where  they  had  no  share  in  human  rights,  and 
nothing  to  fight  for.  Dying  on  the  Carpathian  moun- 
tains or  in  the  plains  of  Moldavia,  the  last  glance  of  their 
closing  eyes  was  turned  to  the  East,  to  the  hills  of  Zion, 
Innumerable  masses  have  been  maimed,  millions  nerve- 
shattered  and  starved  out,  tens  of  thousands  of  Jewish 
homes,  thousands  of  old  Jewish  communities  wiped  out, 
never  to  be  reconstructed.  Will  all  this  not  be  taken  into 
account  in  the  general  reckoning  of  the  great  victory  ? 
Jews  live  in  larger  or  smaller  numbers  in  different  countries, 
where  they  are  faithful  and  devoted  citizens.  The  majority 
of  the  Jewish  people  have  suffered  too  long  and  too  bitterly 
in  many  countries,  and  it  must  be  the  task  of  the  nations 
and  their  governments,  once  and  for  all,  to  put  an  end  to  these 
unspeakable  sufferings  in  the  old  states  and  in  those  soon 
to  be  founded,  by  solemn  declarations  and  binding  obliga- 
tions. The  Jews  desire  to  be  emancipated,  that  is,  released 
from  servile  tutelage  ;  in  a  free  state  they  do  not  wish  to  be 
the  only  pariahs  and  slaves.  They  demand  to  be  free  ; 
that  means  in  the  first  place  that  they  want  to  breathe 
freely,  to  breathe  wherever  they  wish  without  fear  that 
a  policeman  or  a  neighbour  should  point  out  to  them  that  a 
Jew  may  not  breathe  everywhere.  They  demand  to  be  free  ; 
that  means  in  the  second  place,  that  they  should  have 
the  right  to  use  their  powers  of  mind  and  body  un- 
hindered in  any  honest  calling,  in  any  useful  art,  in  any 
branch  of  science  ;  so  that  they  can  be  active  and  industri- 
ous, follow  skilled  employments,  or  discharge  the  functions 
of  office  in  order  to  maintain  themselves  and  their  families 
and  not  be  a  burden  upon  others.    This  they  desire  without 


having  to  fear  that  the  Gentile  competitor  should  be  able 
to  say  to  them  :  only  Gentile  hands,  only  Gentile  craftsmen 
may  be  employed  in  skilled  trades,  only  Gentile  applicants 
are  admitted  to  official  positions,  only  Gentile  abilities  can 
assert  themselves.  And  as  there  are  too  many  of  you,  we 
must  make  laws  to  limit  your  activities — otherwise  we  shall 
boycott  you  !  They  demand  to  be  free  ;  that  means  in  the 
third  place  that  they  must  be  free  also  as  regards  their 
conscience  :  if  their  sons  possess  sufficient  talent  and  know- 
ledge to  serve  the  country  as  scholars  or  as  public  officials, 
they  should  be  able  to  do  so  as  honest  Jews,  and  not  be 
compelled  to  parade  as  dishonest  Christians,  that  is  to  pro- 
fane the  ceremony  of  baptism  and  to  use  the  certificate  of 
baptism  as  a  passport  to  office  ;  they  do  not  wish  to  act 
as  hypocrites,  they  do  not  wish  to  enter  Christian  com- 
munities by  lying  and  knavery,  or  to  smuggle  themselves  in 
that  way  into  civic  life.  They  wish  to  live  as  Jews,  that 
means  to  maintain  and  to  develop  undisturbed  in  their  true 
spirit  their  customs,  their  traditions,  their  system  of  educa- 
tion, their  communities,  etc.  In  short,  they  wish  to  be 
human  beings,  since  he  that  may  not  be  a  citizen  with  a 
citizen's  full  rights  in  the  place  where  he  lives  and  works  and 
bears  his  share  in  all  social  burdens,  has  been  denied  the 
right  to  be  a  human  being ;  or  if  rights  are  granted  to  a  man 
under  the  condition  that  he  should  become  assimilated  and 
cease  to  be  what  he  has  been,  thanks  to  his  race  and  the 
traditions  sacred  to  him,  against  that  man's  manhood  the 
crime  of  murder  has  been  committed.  They  wish  to  be  free 
human  beings. 

This  question  indeed  concerns  humanity.  It  was  raised 
at  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  by  the  great  French 
Revolution,  and  in  some  states  with  small  Jewish  popula- 
tions it  has  been  solved  in  a  spirit  of  liberty.  France,  Eng- 
land, Italy  were  the  pioneers  of  equal  rights  for  all.  The 
United  States  of  America  were  an  example  in  establishing 
the  freedom  of  citizenship.  Nevertheless  the  majority  of 
the  Jews  presented  during  the  course  of  the  nineteenth 
century  a  pitiful  spectacle  of  unceasing  martyrdom — ^with 
many  shades  from  semi-emancipation  linked  with  anti- 
semitism,  to  boycott  and  massacres. 

The  world  is  changing  all  its  values,  and  should  there  be 
in  any  country  a  continuation  of  tyranny,  oppression,  and 
barbarous  persecution  with  regard  to  the  Jews,  under  any 
pretext — of  which  there  has  never  and  nowhere  seemed  to 


be  a  lack — ^then  the  great  ideal  of  this  world-war  will  remain 
an  idle  dream.  For  justice  can  never  exist  together  with 
injustice.  This  problem  of  humanity  must  now  be  and  will 
be  solved. 

But  the  essential  problem  of  modern  political  evolution 
lies  deeper  than  this  :  it  is  the  problem  of  the  peoples  that 
have  been  robbed  of  their  lands.  No  matter  how  the  posi- 
tion of  the  Jews  may  be  ameliorated,  and  although  many 
Jews  may  find  a  home  here  and  there,  nevertheless  the 
genius  of  the  Jewish  people,  the  energy  of  its  constructive 
power,  its  creative  force  will  have  no  adequate  means  of 
expression.  To  have  a  strong  impulse  to  live  their  own 
full  life  and  not  to  be  able  to  do  so — ^that  is  the  heart- 
breaking tragedy  of  this  people.  This  essential  dilemma  is 
left  untouched  by  the  vague  formula  of  Emancipation. 
Zionism  is  the  only  remedy  for  the  deeper  Jewish  problem, 
because  Zionism  alone  goes  to  the  real  root  of  the  trouble. 
There  can  be  no  Emancipation  worthy  of  the  name  without 
a  homeland.  The  greatest  danger  to  Zionism  as  well  as  to 
anti-Zionism  is  that  the  ideal  of  Zionism  on  the  one  hand 
and  that  of  Emancipation  on  the  other  should  be  separated, 
and  that  people  should  come  to  regard  as  antagonistic  objects 
which  are  essentially  related  and  complementary  to  one 
another.  Not  all  Jews  will  return  to  Palestine,  but  large 
numbers  will.  Zionism  represents  one  of  the  highest  mani- 
festations of  that  aspiration  to  free  national  existence  which 
is  the  basis  of  the  reconstruction  of  the  world.  When  a 
people,  uprooted  for  centuries  from  its  soil,  scattered  like 
dust  over  the  whole  world,  wants  to  restore  its  homeland 
to-day,  to  have  a  land  where  it  can  be  reunited,  then  we  have 
before  us  a  proof  of  the  new  power  that  lies  in  the  national  idea. 
Millions  of  Jews  are  attached  to  Palestine  with  all  their  soul 
and  strength,  just  as  on  the  first  day  of  the  forced  expulsion 
of  their  ancestors  from  their  old  home  :  their  prayers,  their 
lamentations,  their  dreams  have  centred  for  generations 
upon  this  magnetic  pole  of  their  love  and  reverence.  Hun- 
dreds of  times  they  made  desperate  efforts  to  return,  but 
were  prevented  by  powerful  circumstances  from  doing  so, 
and  as  soon  as  they  had  the  opportunity  of  beginning  again 
the  re-settlement  of  Palestine,  notwithstanding  unspeakable 
sufferings  and  the  greatest  sacrifices,  they  instantly  and 
energetically  availed  themselves  of  it.  If  the  millions  of 
Jewish  emigrants  who  formed  the  new  ghettoes  of  Europe 
and  America  from  about  1880  to  now  had  had  the  possi- 


bility  of  going  to  Palestine,  they  would  have  gladly  seized 
it,  because  they  wished  to  hve  as  a  nation,  but  that  was  not 
possible  at  that  time.  Israel  must  have  its  own  home. 
Palestine  must  become  the  spiritual  and  cultural  centre  of 
the  Jews.  Properly  developed,  it  can  hold  miUions  of  home- 
less Jews  who  will  at  last  have  their  own  homeland  and 
their  own  full  nationahty.  If  it  is  a  misfortune  for  a 
people  to  be  robbed  of  its  country,  where  it  could 
live  in  peace  and  prosperity  as  a  nation  and  enjoy 
in  common  with  the  rest  of  the  family  of  nations 
the  fruits  of  its  labour,  then  this  misfortune  is  not 
smaller  but  rather  has  become  greater  for  having 
existed  two  thousand  years.  If  it  is  an  injustice  to  withhold 
from  a  people  a  land  to  which  they  have  a  right,  then  this 
injustice  is  not  the  smaller,  but  rather  the  greater,  when  a 
people  has  suffered  it  for  two  thousand  years.  Never  has  a 
nation  governed  its  own  home  for  a  longer  period  ;  no 
nation's  history,  rehgion,  literature,  and  traditions  are  more 
closely  bound  up  with  its  land  ;  and  no  nation  has  ever 
suffered  a  more  terrible  martyrdom  after  having  been  dis- 
inherited. Can  anyone  doubt  the  right  of  the  Jewish  people 
to  the  land  of  Israel  ?  The  validity  of  the  Jewish  title  to 
Palestine  rests  on  the  same  basis  as  the  title  of  any  nation 
to  any  particular  area  of  the  world  where  it  has  ruled  and 
existed  for  centuries.  The  Jews*  historical  right  on  the 
Land  of  Israel,  with  due  consideration  for  the  rights  and 
interests  of  the  non- Jewish  population  which  will  be  safe- 
guarded and  respected,  must  become  the  decisive  factor 
in  the  question  of  Palestine. 

At  last  the  time  has  come.  The  spirit  of  freedom  is  on 
the  wing,  the  Great  Creative  Spirit  is  once  more  moving 
among  the  nations.  The  new  territorial  settlement  is  going 
to  lay  the  foundations  of  the  world's  peace  on  a  basis  of 
justice  and  national  union.  The  liberation  of  oppressed 
nationalities,  the  restoration  of  territories  violently  annexed 
in  the  past,  the  recognition  of  the  desire  of  racial  units  and 
groups  for  autonomy  are  the  great  objects  in  view.  The 
wrongs  of  the  centuries  are  going  to  be  righted,  and  the 
Jewish  race  to  be  placed  on  an  equal  footing  with  other  races. 
The  Jewish  people  is  standing  at  a  momentous  turning 
point  in  its  history  of  four  thousand  years,  to  which  the 
determined  labour  of  Zionism  has  paved  the  way.  The 
very  roots  of  Jewish  nationality  are  set  in  that  soil  which 
after  being  for  ages  in  shadow  is  again  turning  to  light. 


With  the  victory  of  the  national  idea  Zionism  also  has  won 
a  victory.  Now  that  Palestine  is  freed,  much  is  possible 
which  formerly  was  only  an  aspiration.  The  field  is  immense 
and  ready.  The  evil  demon  of  the  Pharaohs  and  of  Antio- 
chus  Epiphanes  has  been  cast  out ;  the  glorious  genius  of 
Cyrus  the  Great  hovers  with  wings  of  love  over  the  wonder- 
ful destiny  of  the  Jewish  people.  Powerful  nations  and 
governments — ^the  guardians  of  freedom  and  the  champions 
of  justice — ^have  solemnly  pledged  themselves  to  further 
with  all  the  forces  at  their  disposal  the  revival  of  the  Jewish 
nation  in  the  land  of  Israel.  Under  this  guiding  symbol 
the  problem  of  Palestine  will  be  discussed  and  settled  by  the 
Peace  Conference  among  all  the  important  questions  before 
it.  The  work  is  stupendous  in  its  implications  and  its 
responsibilities.  No  one  imagines  that  this  result  can  be 
speedily  attained.  Its  accomplishment  will  take  time,  and 
quite  possibly  a  long  time.  To  restore  a  scattered  people  to 
a  land  long  neglected  is  not  an  easy  task.  The  Jewish 
colonization  of  Palestine  must  be  carefully  built,  stone  upon 
stone,  by  the  steady  hands  of  Zionists  with  that  spirit  of 
self-sacrificing  endurance  which  saved  our  nationality,  with 
wisdom  and  self-restraint.  Zionists  are  aware  of  what  the 
Holy  Places  of  Palestine,  places  of  traditional  associations 
and  religious  faith,  consecrated  by  a  thousand  cherished 
memories,  are  to  the  great  religions.  These  places  will  receive 
equal  respect  ;  they  will  be,  not  less,  but  more  than  hitherto 
reverently  exalted  as  places  of  the  rarest  and  sweetest 
memories  in  the  world.  Zionists  have  the  most  scrupulous 
regard  for  all  spiritual  things  and  needs  of  all  religions,  and 
are  confident  that  all  Holy  Places  will  be  safeguarded  by 
arrangements  to  be  introduced  Zionists  are  also  alive  to  the 
legitimate  interests  and  needs  of  the  non- Jewish  population, 
whose  liberty  and  welfare,  in  peace  and  harmony  and 
mutual  respect,  are  most  essential  for  the  success  of  the 
Jewish  national  rebirth.  The  new  Jewish  centre  must  be 
made  worthy  of  its  glorious  past.  The  noblest  ambitions  of 
Jews  all  over  the  world  are  concentrated  on  this  point. 

Zionists  have  now  an  opportunity  never  dreamt  of — 
an  opportunity  that  may  never  return.  The  Jewish  masses, 
all  those  who  want  to  live  their  own  life,  the  clean, 
free  life  of  ;  farmers  and  settlers,  will  be  enabled  to 
cultivate 'all  the  possibilities  of  their  nature.  Industry, 
art,  and  science  are  to  join  hands  in  this  great  work. 
The    long-desired    goal    of    the    Jewish    people,    the    re- 


habilitation  of  the  old  national  home  in  the  land  of 
their  fathers,  is  nearing  reahzation.  This  is  a  great  historical 
event  which  must  touch  and  stimulate  the  imagination  of 
all  for  whom  history,  right  of  nations,  and  justice  for  small 
nationalities  have  any  meaning  or  any  message.  Ancient 
Israel,  reawakened  to  new  life,  is  preparing  itself  to  enter 
the  family  of  nations  as  a  small  but  free  nation  in  its  old 

Zionism  is  not  a  mere  abstract  idea.  It  is  connected  by 
every  bond  with  modern  democracy  and  aspirations  for 
liberty.  All  peoples  for  whom  democracy  is  not  a  vain 
word  owe  it  moral  and  material  support.  The  Peace  Con- 
ference must  permit  it  to  attain  its  ends.  The  League  of 
Nations  will  not  be  complete  if  the  oldest  and  most  oppressed 
Jewish  nationality  will  not  have  its  place  there.  Of  all  the 
consequences  of  the  Great  War  and  the  still  greater  Victory, 
none  could  be  invested  with  so  splendid  a  degree  of  romance 
as  the  re-establishment  of  Israel.  Of  all  the  small  nations 
which  shall  spring  full  fledged  from  this  world  crisis,  none 
will  have  so  ancient  a  claim,  so  fascinating  a  history  as 
the  Hebrew  people  reinstalled  among  the  consecrated  hills 
of  Judah  and  by  the  sacred  waters  of  Galilee.  This  will  be 
an  everlasting  memorial  to  the  principle  for  which  the  free 
peoples  of  the  earth  have  made  the  greatest  sacrifice  in  the 
history  of  the  human  race.  And  the  names  of  all  those  who 
have  given  their  support  and  help  towards  this  work  of 
Peace,  Justice,  and  Libert 3^  will  live  for  ever  in  the  annals  of 
the  world  and  of  Israel. 


B.  M. :  British  Museum  Library. 
I.  S, :     Israel  Solomons'  Collection. 

The  Prophets  and  the  Idea  of  a  National  Restoration 

The  first  prophet  who  has  left  any  definite  revelation  concerning 
the  Dispersion  of  the  Jews  and  their  ultimate  restoration  in 
Palestine  was  Moses,  our  Law-giver. 

"  And  I  will  bring  the  land  into  desolation ;  and  your  enemies 
that  dwell  therein  shall  be  astonished  at  it."    (Leviticus  xxvi.  32.) 

"  And  you  will  I  scatter  among  the  nations,  and  I  will  draw  out 
the  sword  after  you  ;  and  your  land  shall  be  a  desolation,  and  your 
cities  shall  be  a  waste."    {Ibid.  33.) 

"  And  yet  for  all  that,  when  they  are  in  the  land  of  their  enemies, 
I  will  not  reject  them,  neither  will  I  abhor  them,  to  destroy  them 
utterly,  and  to  break  My  covenant  with  them^;^  for  I  am  the  Lord 
their  God."    {Ibid.  44.) 

"  But  I  will  for  their  sakes  remember  the  covenant  of  their 
ancestors,  whom  I  brought  forth  out  of  the  land  of  Egypt  in  the  sight 
of  the  nations,  that  I  might  be  their  God :  I  am  the  Lord."    {Ibid.  45.) 

Here  we  have  a  promise  not  to  abhor  or  utterly  destroy  the 
Jewish  people,  but  to  remember  the  covenant  which  God  made 
with  their  ancestors.  We  find  the  purport  of  this  covenant  in  an 
early  chapter  of  the  Pentateuch  : — 

"  And  the  Lord  said  unto  Abram,  .  .  .  '  Lift  up  now  thine  eyes, 
and  look  from  the  place  where  thou  art,  northward  and  southward 
and  eastward  and  westward  ;  "  (Genesis  xiii.  14.) 
"  for  all  the  land  which  thou  seest,  to  thee  will  I  give  it,  and  to  thy 
seed  for  ever  :  "  {Ibid.  15.) 

It  is  impossible  to  understand  how  it  can  be  said  that  this 
covenant  will  be  remembered,  if  the  Jewish  people  is  to  continue 
dispersed,  and  is  to  he  for  ever  excluded  from  the  land  here  spoken 
of.  As  to  the  return  from  Babylonian  captivity,  that  will  not 
answer  the  intention  of  the  covenant  at  all.  For  to  restore  a 
small  part  of  the  Jewish  people  to  its  own  land  for  a  few  genera- 
tions, and  afterwards  disperse  it  among  all  nations  for  many 
times  as  long,  without  any  hope  of  return,  cannot  be  the  meaning 
of  giving  that  land  to  the  seed  of  Abram  for  ever. 

II.— M  161 


Again  we  read  : — 

"  And  the  Lord  shall  scatter  you  among  the  peoples,  ..." 

(Deuteronomy  iv.  27.) 

**  But  from  thence  ye  will  seek  the  Lord  thy  God  ;  and  thou  shalt 
find  Him,  if  thou  search  after  Him  with  all  thy  heart  and  with  all  thy 
soul."    {Ibid.  29.) 

"  In  thy  distress,  when  all  these  things  are  come  upon  thee,  in  the 
end  of  days,  thou  wilt  return  to  the  Lord  thy  God,  and  hearken  unto 
His  voice  ;  "  {Ibid.  30.) 

"  for  the  Lord  thy  God  is  a  merciful  God ;  He  will  not  fail  thee, 
neither  destroy  thee,  nor  forget  the  covenant  of  thy  fathers  which 
He  swore  unto  them."    {Ibid.  31.) 

This  prophecy  refers  to  the  thirteenth  chapter  of  Genesis,  as  is 
shown  by  this  thirty-first  verse  ;  and  confirms  again  the  return 
to  the  Holy  Land,  and  its  possession  for  ever  : — 

"  And  it  shall  come  to  pass,  when  all  these  things  are  come  upon 
thee,  the  blessing  and  the  curse,  which  I  have  set  before  thee,  and 
thou  shalt  bethink  thyself  among  all  the  nations,  whither  the  Lord 
thy  God  hath  driven  thee,"  (Deuteronomy  xxx.  i.) 
"  and  shalt  return  unto  the  Lord  thy  God,  and  hearken  to  His  voice 
according  to  all  that  I  command  thee  this  day,  thou  and  thy  children, 
with  all  thy  heart,  and  with  all  thy  soul ;  "  {Ibid.  2.) 

"  that  then  the  Lord  thy  God  will  turn  thy  captivity,  and  have  com- 
passion upon  thee,  and  will  return  and  gather  thee  from  all  the 
peoples,  whither  the  Lord  thy  God  hath  scattered  thee."    {Ibid.  3.) 

"  If  any  of  thine  that  are  dispersed  be  in  the  uttermost  parts  of 
heaven,  from  thence  will  the  Lord  thy  God  gather  thee,  and  from 
thence  will  He  fetch  thee."    {Ibid.  4.) 

"  And  the  Lord  thy  God  will  bring  thee  into  the  land  which  thy 
fathers  possessed,  and  thou  shalt  possess  it ;  and  He  will  do  thee 
good,  and  multiply  thee  above  thy  fathers."    {Ibid.  5.) 

Amongst  the  "things  which  should  come  upon  them,"  which 
axe  described  at  large  in  the  twenty-eighth  and  twenty-ninth 
chapters  of  Deuteronomy,  it  is  particularly  said  : — 

"  And  the  Lord  shall  scatter  thee  among  all  peoples,  from  the  one 
end  of  the  earth  even  unto  the  other  end  of  the  earth  ;  .  .  ." 

{Ibid,  xxviii.  64.) 
But  observe  that  subsequently  we  are  told  : — 

"  And  the  Lord  thy  God  will  bring  thee  into  the  land  which 
thy  fathers  possessed,  and  thou  shalt  possess  it ;  and  He  will  do  thee 
good,  and  multiply  thee  above  thy  fathers."     {Ibid.  xxx.  5.) 

which  promises  do  not  appear  to  have  been  fulfilled  during  the 
time  of  the  Babylonian  captivity,  or  after  the  return  from 

Here  we  have  in  plain  words,  simple  and  clear,  the  funda- 
mental idea  of  Moses :  the  Jewish  national  future  and  the 
possession  of  the  land  for  ever.  This  cannot  be  explained  away 
b  y  sophistry.    In  vain  some  Jews  declare  :  We  are  not  nationalist 


Jews,  we  are  religious  Jews  !  What  is  the  Jewish  religion  if  the 
Bible  is  not  accepted  as  an  Inspired  Revelation  ?  It  is  strange 
and  sadly  amusing  that  some  Jews,  adherents  of  the  monotheistic 
principle,  describe  themselves  as  Germans,  Magyars,  and  so  on, 
"  of  the  persuasion  of  Moses."  If  this  is  not  blasphemy,  it  is 
irony.  The  real  Moses,  the  Moses  of  the  Pentateuch,  brands 
Dispersion  as  a  curse,  and  his  whole  religious  conception,  with  all 
the  laws,  ceremonies,  feasts,  etc.,  is  built  up  on  the  basis  of  the 
covenant  with  the  ancestors,  a  covenant  immovable  and  un- 
alterable. No  matter  whether  Jews  call  themselves  religious  or 
nationalist :  the  Jewish  religion  cannot  be  separated  from 
nationalism,  unless  another  Bible  is  invented. 

Judaism,  or  the  Jewish  religion,  is  based  first  upon  the  teaching 
of  Moses,  and  next  upon  that  of  the  prophets,  and  it  is  a  favourite 
claim  of  the  modern  school  of  Jewish  reform  that  their  Judaism 
is  "  Prophetic  Judaism,"  in  opposition  to  the  Judaism  of  orthodox 
Jews,  who  lay  particular  stress  upon  the  Talmud.  But  what  do 
the  prophets  teach  ? 

The  next  revelation  in  chronological  order  after  the  inspired 
predictions  of  Moses,  is  that  of  Joel  the  son  of  Pethuel,  who  began 
to  prophesy  to  the  Kingdom  of  Judah  about  eight  hundred  years 
before  the  civil  era  : — 

"  Then  was  the  Lord  jealous  for  His  land, 
And  had  pity  on  His  people."     (Joel  ii.  18.) 

"  And  the  Lord  answered  and  said  unto  His  people  : 

Behold,  I  will  send  you  corn,  and  wine,  and  oil, 

And  ye  shall  be  satisfied  therewith  ; 

And  I  will  no  more  make  you  a  reproach  among  the  nations  ;  " 

[Ibid.  19.) 
"  For,  behold,  in  those  days,  and  in  that  time. 

When  I  shall  bring  back  the  captivity  of  Judah  and  Jerusalem," 

{Ibid.  iv.  I.) 
"  So  shall  ye  know  that  I  am  the  Lord  your  God, 

Dwelling  in  Zion  My  holy  mountain  ; 

Then  shall  Jerusalem  be  holy,  ..."     {Ibid.  17.) 

"  But  Judah  shall  be  inhabited  for  ever, 
And  Jerusalem  from  generation  to  generation."    {Ibid.  20.) 

Amos,  who  was  among  the  herdmen  of  Tekoa,  lived  in  the  days 
of  Jeroboam,  the  son  of  Joash,  King  of  Israel,  and  prophesied  to 
the  Kingdom  of  Israel  from  eight  hundred  and  eight,  to  seven 
hundred  and  eighty-three  years  before  the  civil  era  : — 

"  And  I  will  turn  the  captivity  of  My  people  Israel, 

And  they  shall  build  the  waste  cities,  and  inhabit  them  ;    ..." 

(Amosix.  14.) 
"  And  I  will  plant  them  upon  their  land. 

And  they  shall  no  more  be  plucked  up 

Out  of  their  land  which  I  have  given  them, 

Saith  the  Lord  thy  God."     {Ibid.  15.) 


Hosea,  the  son  of  Beeri,  prophesied  to  the  Kingdom  of  Israel, 
in  the  days  of  the  same  Jeroboam  from  about  seven  hundred  and 
eighty-five,  to  seven  hundred  and  twenty-five  years  before  the 
civil  era  : — 

"  For  the  children  of  Israel  shall  sit  solitary  many  days  without 
king,  and  without  prince,  .  .  ."  (Hosea  iii.  4.) 

"  afterward  shall  the  children  of  Israel  return,  and  seek  the  Lord 
their  God,  and  David  their  king  ;  .  .  ."  {Ibid.  5.) 

This  prophecy,  being  given  to  the  Kingdom  of  Israel  in  parti- 
cular, cannot  be  applied  to  the  return  of  Judah  from  Babylon. 

Isaiah  the  son  of  Amoz  (The  First  Isaiah)  was  the  foremost 
of  the  four  who  are  called  the  greater  prophets.  He  lived  in  the 
time  of  Uzziah,  Jotham,  Ahaz  and  Hezekiah,  Kings  of  Judah, 
and  prophesied  about  seven  hundred  and  sixty,  to  six  hundred 
and  ninety-eight  years  before  the  civil  era  : — 

"  And  it  shall  come  to  pass  in  that  day. 
That  the  Lord  will  set  His  hand  again  the  second  time 
To  recover  the  remnant  of  His  people. 
That  shall  remain  from  Assyria,  and  from  Egypt, 
And  from  Pathros,  and  from  Cush,  and  from  Elam, 
And  from  Shinar,  and  from  Hamath,  and  from  the  islands  of  the 
sea."     (Isaiah  xi.  11.) 

"  And  he  will  set  up  an  ensign  for  the  nations, 
And  will  assemble  the  dispersed  of  Israel, 
And  gather  together  the  scattered  of  Judah 
From  the  four  comers  of  the  earth."    {Ihid.  12.) 

"  The  envy  also  of  Ephraim  shall  depart, 
And  they  that  harass  Judah  shall  be  cut  off  ; 
Ephraim  shall  not  envy  Judah, 
And  Judah  shall  not  vex  Ephraim."     {Ibid.  13.) 

This  prophecy,  alone,  is  sufficiently  definite  with  regard  to  a 
second  restoration  of  Israel,  as  appears  from  the  eleventh  verse, 
even  if  there  were  no  other  to  be  found. 

As  to  the  second  Isaiah,  his  prophecies  may  be  called  the 
"  Song  of  Songs  "  of  the  restoration  of  Israel : — 

"  Lift  up  thine  eyes  round  about,  and  see  : 
They  all  are  gathered  together,  and  come  to  thee  ; 
Thy  sons  come  from  far. 
And  thy  daughters  are  borne  on  the  side."     (Isaiah  Ix.  4.) 

"  Who  are  these  that  fly  as  a  cloud. 
And  as  the  doves  to  their  cotes  ?  "     {Ibid.  8.) 

"  Surely  the  isles  shall  wait  for  Me, 
And  the  ships  of  Tarshish  first, 
To  bring  thy  sons  from  far. 
Their  silver  and  their  gold  with  them, 
For  the  name  of  the  Lord  thy  God, 

And  for  the  Holy  One  of  Israel,  because  He  hath  glorified  thee." 

{Ibid.  9.) 


"  For  as  the  new  heavens  and  the  new  earth,  which  I  will  make, 
shall  remain  before  Me,  said  the  Lord,  so  shall  your  seed  and  your 
name  remain."     [Ihid.  Ixvi.  22.) 

Micah  the  Morashtite  prophesied  in  the  days  of  Jotham, 
Ahaz  and  Hezekiah,  kings  of  Judah,  about  750  years  before  the 
civil  era : — 

"  I  will  surely  assemble,  O  Jacob,  all  of  thee ; 
I  will  surely  gather  the  remnant  of  Israel ;  ..."    (Micah  ii.  12.) 

"  In  that  day,  saith  the  Lord,  will  I  assemble  her  that  halteth. 
And  I  will  gather  her  that  is  driven  away. 
And  her  that  I  have  afflicted  ;  "     {Ihid.  iv.  6.) 

"  And  I  will  make  her  that  halted  a  remnant. 
And  her  that  was  cast  far  off  a  mighty  nation  ; 
And  the  Lord  shall  reign  over  them  in  Mount  Zion  from  thence- 
forth even  for  ever,"     {Ihid.  7.) 

"  Thou  wilt  show  faithfulness  to  Jacob,  mercy  to  Abraham, 
As  Thou  hast  sworn  unto  our  fathers  from  the  days  of  old." 

{Ihid.  vii.  20.) 

Here  we  again  meet  the  covenant  of  Truth  and  Mercy  sworn 
unto  Abraham,  that  the  land  Abraham  then  stood  upon  should 
be  given  to  him  and  to  his  seed  for  ever. 

Zephaniah,  the  son  of  Cushi,  the  son  of  Gedaliah,  the  son  of 
Amariah,  the  son  of  Hezekiah,  prophesied  in  the  days  of  Josiah, 
the  son  of  Amon,  king  of  Judah,  about  six  hundred  and  thirty 
years  before  the  evil  era  : — 

"  At  that  time  will  I  bring  you  in. 
And  at  that  time  will  I  gather  you  ; 
For  I  will  make  you  to  be  a  name  and  a  praise 
Among  all  the  peoples  of  the  earth. 
When  I  turn  your  captivity  before  your  eyes, 
Saith  the  Lord."     (Zephaniah  iii.  20.) 

Jeremiah  the  son  of  Hilkiah,  of  the  priests  that  were  in 
Anathoth,  in  the  land  of  Benjamin,  also  prophesied  in  the  days 
of  Josiah,  about  six  hundred  and  twenty-nine  to  five  hundred  and 
eighty-eight  years  before  the  civil  era  : — 

"  In  those  days  the  house  of  Judah  shall  walk  with  the  house  of 
Israel,  and  they  shall  come  together  out  of  the  land  of  the  north  to 
the  land  that  I  have  given  for  an  inheritance  unto  your  fathers." 

(Jeremiah  iii.  18.) 

"  In  his  days  Judah  shall  be  saved. 

And  Israel  shall  dwell  safely  ;  .  .  ."    {Ihid.  xxiii.  6.) 
"  Thus  saith  the  Lord, 

Who  giveth  the  sun  for  a  light  by  day. 

And  the  ordinances  of  the  moon  and  of  the  stars  for  a  light  by 

Who  stirreth  up  the  sea,  that  the  waves  thereof  roar, 

The  Lord  of  hosts  is  His  name  :  "     {Ihid.  xxxi.  35.) 


"  If  these  ordinances  depart  from  before  Me, 
Saith  the  Lord, 

Then  the  seed  of  Israel  also  shall  cease 
From  being  a  nation  before  Me  for  ever."     {Ibid,  36.) 

"  Considerest  thou  not  what  this  people  have  spoken,  saying  : 
The  two  families  which  the  Lord  did  choose,  He  hath  cast  them  ofE  ? 
and  they  contemn  My  people,  that  they  should  be  no  more  a  nation 
before  them."    {Ibid,  xxxiii.  24.) 

"  Thus  saith  the  Lord  :  If  My  covenant  be  not  with  day  and 
night,  if  I  have  not  appointed  the  ordinances  of  heaven  and 
earth ; "  {Ibid.  25.) 

"  then  will  I  also  cast  away  the  seed  of  Jacob,  and  of  David  My 
servant,  ..."  {Ibid.  26.) 

"  But  fear  not  thou,  O  Jacob  My  servant. 
Neither  be  dismayed,  O  Israel ; 
For,  lo,  I  will  save  thee  from  afar. 
And  thy  seed  from  the  land  of  their  captivity  ; 
And  Jacob  shall  again  be  quiet  and  at  ease, 
And  none  shall  make  him  afraid."     {Ibid.  xlvi.  27.) 

Ezekiel  the  Priest,  the  son  of  Buzi,  prophesied  in  the  land  of 
the  Chaldeans  by  the  river  Cebar,  about  five  hundred  and  ninety- 
five,  to  five  hundred  and  seventy-four  years  before  the  civil  era. 
In  the  thirty-sixth  chapter  he  describes  the  restoration  of  Judah 
and  Israel  in  words  so  plain  and  clear  that  nobody  could  possibly 
mistake  them,  and  in  the  next  chapter,  by  the  wonderful  vision 
of  dry  bones  reviving,  he  shows  that,  however  unpromising  the 
state  of  Israel  may  seem,  while  they  are  dispersed  through  the 
world,  yet  will  God  most  certainly  effect  the  reunion  of  the  tribes 
which  is  here  foretold  : — 

"  Moreover  I  will  make  a  covenant  of  peace  with  them — it  shall 
be  an  everlasting  covenant  with  them  ;  and  I  will  establish  them, 
and  multiply  them,  and  will  set  My  sanctuary  in  the  midst  of  them 
for  ever."    {Ibid,  xxxvii.  26.) 

Chapters  thirty-eight  and  thirty-nine  give  a  most  circum- 
stantial description  of  the  return,  which  excluded  the  possibility 
of  an  allegorical  explanation. 

Obadiah  prophesied  about  five  hundred  and  eighty-seven  years 
before  the  civil  era  : — 

"  But  in  Mount  Zion  there  shall  be  those  that  escape. 
And  it  shall  be  holy  ; 
And  the  house  of  Jacob  shall  possess  their  possessions." 

(Obadiah  i.  17.) 

"  And  the  captivity  of  this  host  of  the  children  of  Israel, 
That  are  among  the  Canaanites,  even  unto  Zarephath, 
And  the  captivity  of  Jerusalem,  that  is  in  Sepharad, 
Shall  possess  the  cities  of  the  South."    {Ibid.  20.) 


Zechariah,  the  son  of  Berechiah,  the  son  of  Iddo,  prophesied 
about  five  hundred  and  twenty  years  before  the  civil  era,  to  those 
that  had  returned  from  captivity.  He  had  the  idea  of  a  great 
future  restoration. 

'  "And  it  shall  come  to  pass  that,  as  ye  were  a  curse  among  the 
nations,  O  house  of  Judah  and  house  of  Israel,  so  will  I  save  you,  and 
ye  shall  be  a  blessing  ;  fear  not,  but  let  your  hands  be  strong." 

(Zechariah  viii.  13.) 

"  I  will  bring  them  back  also  out  of  the  land  of  Egypt, 
I  ff  And  gather  them  out  of  Assyria  ; 

1".  And  I  will  bring  them  into  the  land  of  Gilead  and  Lebanon, 
And  place  shall  not  sufl&ce  them."    {Ibid.  x.  10.) 

Malachi  prophesied  about  four  hundred  and  twenty  years 
before  the  civil  era  : — 

"  And  all  nations  shall  call  you  happy  ; 
For  ye  shall  be  a  delightsome  land, 
Saith  the  Lord  of  hosts."     (Malachi  iii.  12.) 

"  Behold,  I  will  send  you 
EUjah  the  prophet 
Before  the  coming 
:  Of  the  great  and  terrible  day  of  the  Lord."    {Ibid.  23.) 

Daniel's  (Belteshazzar)  prophecies  from  about  five  hundred 
and  thirty-four,  to  five  hundred  and  seven  years  before  the  civil 
era  relate  not  only  to  the  affairs  of  Judah  and  Israel,  but  also  to  the 
various  monarchies  and  kingdoms  that  are  to  arise  successively 
in  the  world.  In  the  following  verses  he  foretells  the  national 
future  of  his  own  people  : — 

"  And  in  the  days  of  those  kings  shall  the  God  of  heaven  set  up  a 
kingdom,  which  shall  never  be  destroyed  ;  nor  shall  the  kingdom  be 
left  to  another  people  ;  .  .  .,  but  it  shall  stand  for  ever."  (Daniel  ii.  44.) 

"  And  the  kingdom  and  the  dominion,  and  the  greatness  of  the 
kingdoms  under  the  whole  heaven,  shall  be  given  to  the  people  of 
the  saints  of  the  Most  High ;  their  kingdom  is  an  everlasting  king- 
dom, and  all  dominions  shall  serve  and  obey  them."   {Ibid.  vii.  27.) 

"...  and  there  shall  be  a  time  of  trouble,  such  as  never  was  seen 
since  there  was  a  nation  even  to  that  same  time ;  and  at  that  time 
thy  people  shall  be  deUvered,  .  .  ."     {Ibid.  xii.  i.) 

These  predictions  undoubtedly  signify  that  the  Children  of 
Israel  shall  enjoy  a  kingdom  and  dominion  under  the  whole  heaven, 
i.e.  upon  the  earth,  which  shall  never  be  destroyed,  nor  shall  the 
kingdom  be  left  to  another  people.^ 

1  The  most  notable  Talmudic  and  Rabbinical  passages  referring  to  the 
future  of  the  Jewish  nation  are  :  Talm.  Bab.  Betachoth  28b,  34b  ;  Shahb. 
Ii8a  ;  Menahoth  45a  ;  Baha  Mezia  3a  ;  Eduyoth  VIII,  7  ;  Kiddushin  71a  ; 
Gen.  Rabba  LXXXV.  2  ;  Hagigah  14a  ;  Sanhedtin  38b  ;  98a.  99a,  nob, 
ma;    Ertibin  43b;    Cant.  Rabba  VII.  10;    Sifri  on  Deut.  1:1;    Baba 



Rev.  Paul  Knell  (1615-64),  Israel  and  England  Paralleled 

Israel  |  And  |  England  |  Paralelled,  |  In  a  Sermon  preached  before 
I  the  honourable  society  of  Grayes-\Inne,  upon  Sunday  in  the 
I  afternoon,  Aprill  16.  1648.  | 

By  Paul  Knell,  Master  in  Arts  of  Clare-Hall  \  in  Cambridge. 
I  Sometimes  Chaplaine  to  a  Regiment  of  Curiasiers  |  in  his 
Majesties  Army. 

London,  |  Printed  in  the  Yeare  1648.^ 

(4/0.  2 II. +  20  pp.)  [b.  M.] 

pp.  16-17.  " .  .  •  •  first,  we  may  compare  with  Israel  for  a 
fruitfull  scituation,  being  neither  under  the  torrid  nor  the  frozen 
Zone,  neither  burned  away  with  parching  heat,  nor  benummed 
away  with  pinching  cold,  but  seated  in  a  temperate  climate  & 
fertile  soile ;  our  folds  are  full  of  sheep,  our  vallies  stand  so  thick 
with  corne  that  we  may  laugh  &  sing.  God  hath  also  fenced  us 
about,  like  the  Israelites  in  the  red  sea,  with  a  wall  of  water,  the 
waters  are  as  a  wall  unto  us,  on  our  right  hand,  &  on  our  left,  .  .  . 
And  now,  England,  what  doth  thy  Lord  thy  God  require  of  thee, 
hut  to  fear  the  Lord  thy  God,  to  walk  in  all  his  waies,  and  to  love  him, 
and  to  serve  the  Lord  thy  God  with  all  thy  heart,  and  with  all  thy 
soule  ?  But  here  God  may  as  iustlv  complaine  of  us  as  he  did  of 
Israel,  .  ,  ." 

Bathra  76a.  For  the  views  of  the  Gaon  Saadia  ben  Joseph  (892-942)  see 
Guttman,  Religionsphilosophie  des  Saadia,  Gottingen,  1882,  p.  236  ;  for 
Hai  ben  Sherira  Gaon  (939-1038)  see  Taam  Zekenim,  Frankfort  on  the  Main, 
1854,  pp.  58-61  ;  for  Abraham  ben  Chiya  Albargeloni  Ha' nasi  (called 
Abraham  Judaeus  and  Savasorda)  (1065-1136)  see  Hegion  Ha'nefesh, 
Leipzig,  i860,  p.  40  ff.  ;  for  Judah  Halevi,  see  his  Poems  and  Kuzari  in 
Cassel's  edition,  Leipzig,  1869,  ii.  36-44,  pp.  143-7,  p.  iv.  23  ;  pt.  i.  115  ; 
for  Maimonides,  see  Hilchoth  Melachim  in  his  Yad  Ha'chazakah,  Chs.  XI. 
XII.  and  Hilchoth  Teshubah,  Ch.  IX.  2  ;  for  Nachmanides,  see  his  Comment, 
to  Gen.  2  :  3,  and  to  Exodus  17:9;  for  Abarbanel,  his  books  Yeshuat 
Meshicho,  Mashmia  Yeshuah,  Maeyenai  Ha'yeshua,  and  Klausner  :  Die 
Messianischen  Vorstellungen  .  .  .  Berlin,  1904,  and  also  Greenstone : 
The  Messiah  Idea  in  Jewish  History,  Philadelphia,  1906. 

^  It  was  re-issued  thirty-three  years  later  : — 
.  .  .  London,  Printed  in  the  year  1648.    And  now  Reprinted  for  a  Caution 
to  all  those  that  are  given  to  Change. 

Sold  by  Randal  Tayler  and    Robert  Stephens,  by  Stationers-Hall,  near 
Ludgate.    1681. 
4to.     2  II. -{-16  pp.  [i.  s.] 



Matthew  Arnold  on  Righteousness  in  the  Old  Testament 

Matthew  Arnold,  in  his  Literature  and  Dogma,  insists  that 
righteousness  is  in  a  special  manner  the  object  of  Bible  religion. 
The  word  "  righteousness  "  is  a  master  word  in  the  Old  Testa- 
ment. What  would  England  have  been  were  it  not  for  the  im- 
portance which  Jeshurun,  the  upright,  attached  to  the  thought 
and  practice  of  righteousness  ?  She  might  have  been  eminent 
in  law,  in  arts  and  sciences  borrowed  from  the  Romans  and  the 
Greeks,  but  she  would  have  been  addicted  to  idolatry  and  the 
gratification  of  the  senses,  and  would  have  borne  the  doom  of 
destruction  within  herself.  He  draws  a  vivid  imaginary  picture 
of  the  authorities  of  one  of  the  English  great  Universities,  the 
vice-Chancellor,  beadles,  masters,  scholars,  and  all,  nay,  their 
very  professor  of  moral  philosophy,  going  in  procession  to 
worship  at  the  shrine  of  Aphrodite. 

"  If  it  had  not  been  for  Israel,"  he  continues,  "  and  the  stern 
check  which  Israel  put  upon  the  glorification  and  divinization  of 
this  natural  bend  of  mankind.  .  .  .  And  as  long  as  the  world 
lasts,  all  who  want  to  make  progress  in  righteousness  will  come  to 
Israel  for  inspiration,  as  to  the  people  who  have  had  the  sense 
for  righteousness  most  glowing  and  strongest ;  and  in  hearing 
and  reading  the  words  Israel  has  uttered  for  us,  carers  for  conduct 
will  find  a  glow  and  a  force  they  would  find  nowhere  else.  As 
well  imagine  a  man  with  a  sense  for  sculpture  not  cultivating  it 
by  the  help  of  the  remains  of  Greek  art,  or  a  man  with  a  sense  for 
poetry  not  cultivating  it  by  the  help  of  Homer  and  Shakespeare, 
as  a  man  with  a  sense  for  conduct  not  cultivating  it  by  the  help 
of  the  Bible."! 


"ESPERAN9A  DE  Israel,"  by  Manasseh  Ben- Israel 

:?KnfiJ^>  n^pD    I  Esto  es,  I  Esperangaj  De  Israel.  | 

Obra  con  suma  curiosidad  conpuesta  |  por  \  Menasseh  Ben  Israel  | 

Theologo,  y  Philosopho  Hebreo.  | 

Trata  del  admirable  esparzimiento  de  los  diez  |  Tribus,  y  su 

infalible  reduccion  con  los  de  |  mas,  a  la  patria :  con  muchos 

puntos,  I  y  Historias  curiosas,  y  declara-|cion  de  varias  Prophe- 

cias,  I  por  el  Author  rectamen- 1  te  interpretadas.  | 

^  Literature  and  Dogma  ...  By  Matthew  Arnold  .  . .  London  .  .  .  1873  .  .  . 
pp.  26,  36-37  and  56. 


Dirigido  a  los  senores  Parnassim  delK.K.\de  Talmvd  Tora.| 
En  Amsterdam.  |  En  la  Imprension  de  |  Semvel  Ben  Israel  Soeiro.|  ^ 
Ano.  5410. 1 
(sw.  8°.  yU.  + 126  pp.)*  [I.  s.] 

^  The  surname  "  Ben  Israel  Soeiro  "  used  by  the  printer,  a  son  of  the 
author,  is  a  combination  of  those  of  his  paternal  grandparents  Joseph  Ben- 
Israel  and  Rachel  Soeiro,  who  had  been  marranos.  Joseph,  a  victim  of  the 
Inquisition,  on  returning  to  the  Jewish  fold,  it  may  be  surmised,  discarded 
his  gothic  patronymic  and  appropriately  assumed  that  of  Ben-Israel. 
Their  son,  the  author,  married  Rachel,  a  great-granddaughter  of  the 
famous  Bible  exegete  and  statesman  Don  Isaac  Abrabanel,  who  claimed 
Davidic  descent.  In  an  age  when  .Din>  was  highly  prized,  we  consequently 
find  that  in  the  following  year,  when  Samuel  printed  his  father's  Nishmath 
Chayyim,  his  surname  has  become  "  Abrabanel  Soeiro,"  and  in  the  Latin 
addition,  "  Ben  Israel  Abrabanel  Sueiro."  He  was  born  in  Amsterdam  in 
1625.  He  accompanied  his  maternal  uncle,  David  Abrabanel  [Manuel 
Martinez  Dormido],  to  England,  on  behalf  of  his  father,  arriving  here  oa 
ist  Sep.,  1654,  to  open  up  negotiations  with  CromweU  concerning  the 
admission  of  their  co-religionists  to  this  country.  It  was  decided  that  the 
presence  of  Manasseh  was  incumbent,  and  a  pass  to  Holland,  dated 
16  May,  1655,  was  granted  to  Samuel,  to  fetch  his  father.  They  arrived  in 
the  following  October,  and  resided  here  close  on  two  years.  On  Sunday, 
the  second  day  of  Rosh  Hashanah,  5418  [8  Sep.,  1657,  n.s.  :  29  Aug.  o.s.], 
at  the  early  age  of  thirty-two,  Samuel  went  to  his  Eternal  rest.  He 
had  conjured  his  father  that  he  would  take  his  body  to  Amsterdam,  where 
he  was  bom,  for  burial.  Manasseh  was  then  in  a  precarious  state  of  health, 
and  on  arriving  at  Middleburg  in  Zealand,  where  Ephraim  Abrabanel,  the 
maternal  uncle  of  the  deceased,  resided,  he  was  unable  to  continue  the 
journey.  The  interment  took  place  at  the  local  Beth  Haim,  and  the  Rev. 
Isidore  Harris,  m.a.,  a  few  years  ago  discovered  the  tombstone*  in  the  third 
carera,  which  has  the  following  inscription  : — 

Sa  I  Do  Doctor  Semvel  |    F°  Do  Haham  Menasseh  |  Ben  IsraCel  |  Faleceo 
em  2  Tisri  |  5418.] 

Manasseh's  illness  was  mortal.  His  son  Joseph  had  died  at  the  age  of 
twenty  about  eight  or  nine  years  before,  and  the  premature  death  of  his 
last  surviving  son  hastened  his  end.  A  few  weeks  later,  on  the  11  Kislev 
(20  Nov.),  he  passed  away  in  the  house  of  his  brother-in-law,  but  fifty- 
three  years  old.  He  was  interred  at  the  Sephardi  Beth  Haim  at  Oudekerk, 

*  Another  issue,  with  a  similar  collation,  but  apparently  from  other  type, 
was  printed  in  the  same  year.  [i.  s.] 

It  appeared  again  during  the  last  quarter  of  the  nineteenth  century 
under  the  following  title  : —  , 

Origen  De  Los  Americanos.  »7N1t5'*  T\)p1^  Esto  Es  Esperanza  De 
Israel .  .  .  Reimpresion  .  .  .  Del  Libro  De  Menasseh  Ben  Israel .  . .  Publicado 
En  Amsterdam  5410  (1650)  ...  y  la  biografia  del  autor.  For  Santiago  Perez 

Madrid.— 1881.  .  .  . 
8**.    xxxvi  pp.-\-S  W.-f  126  pp.-\-3  II.  in  printed  wrapper  as  issued.      [i.  s.] 

*  Transactions  of  the  Jewish  Historical  Society  of  England,  vol.  viL,  191 1- 
1914  .  .  .  Edinburgh  and  London,  1915.  .  .  .p.  127  :  "A  Dutch  Burial- 
Ground  and  its  English  Connections."    By  the  Rev.  Isidore  Harris,  m.a. 



"Spes  Israelis,"  by  Manasseh  Ben-Israel 

'PXX**  nipD  I  Hoc  est,  I  Spes  |  Israelis.  | 

Author e  |  Menasseh  Ben  Israel  |  Theologo  &  Philosopho  Hebrseo. 

Amstelodami.  |  Anno  1650.  | 

(sw.  8°.  6//.+  iii^^.)  [I.  s.] 

sig.  [A2]  Svpremo  Anglise  Consessvs  Parlamento,  ejusdemque 
ReipuUiccB  Status  Consilio  Honorando,  Salutem,  ac  felici- 
tatem  omnem,  a  Deo  apprecatur  Menasseh  Ben  Israel.* 


"  Hope  of  Israel— Ten  Tribes  ...  in  America— S«ik>*  nipD 
De  Hoop  Van  Israel,"  by  Manasseh  Ben- Israel 

The  I  Hope  of  Israel :  | 

Written  |  By  Menasseh  Ben  Israel,  |  an  Hebrew  Divine,   and 

Philosopher.  | 

Newly  extant,  and  Printed  in  |  Amsterdam,  and  Dedicated  by 

the  I  Author  to  the  High  Court,  the  |  Parhament  of  England, 

and  I  to  the  |  Councell  of  State.  | 

Translated  into  English,  and  (  published  by  Authority.  | 

In  this  Treatise  is  shewed  the  place  where  the  ten  \  Tribes  at  this 

present  are,  proved,  partly  by  \  the  strange  relation  of  one  Antony 

Monte-|  zinus,  a  Jew,  of  what  befell  him  as  he  tra-\  veiled  over  the 

Mountaines  Cordillaere,  with  \  divers  other  particulars  about  the 

restoration  of  \  the  Jewes,  and  the  time  when.  \ 

Printed  at  London  by  R.  I.  for  Hannah  Allen, \  at  the  Crown  in 

Popes-head  |  Alley,  1650.  | 

(sm.  8°.  7 II.  +  go  pp.)  [i.  s.] 

sig.  As .    "  To  the  Parhament,  the  Supream  Court  of  England, 

and  to  the  right  Honourable  the  Councell  of  State,  Menasseh  Ben 

Israeli,  prayes  God  to  give  health,  and  all  Happinesse."    But  the 

original  edition  in  Spanish  is  dedicated  "A  los  Muy  Nobles, 

Prudentes,  y  Magnificos  Senores,  Deputados  y  Parnassim  deste 

K.K.  de  Talmud  Tora."  .  .  .  Amsterdd.  a  13  de  Sebat.  An.  5410. 

In  this  first  English  version  the  name  of  the  translator  does  not 
appear  on  the  title  page,  nor  does  "  The  Translator  to  the  Reader  " 
bear  any  signature ;  but  "  Moses  Wall  "  does  appear  on  the  title 
pages  of  two  issues  of  a  second  edition  which  appeared  in  1651  and 
1652.    (4^0.  5  //.  -f-62  pp.)  [B.  M.l 

^  This  translation  was  probably  the  work  of  the  author.  Bound  up  with 
this  copy  is  a  folded  engraving  of  the  author  by  Salom  Italia. 


It  was  published  again  under  the  following  title  : — 
"  Accounts  Of  The  Ten  Tribes  of  Israel  Being  In  America ; 
Originally  Published  By  R.  Manasseh  Ben  Israel. 
With  Observations  Thereon,  And  Extracts  From  Sacred  And 
Profane,  Ancient  And  Modern  History,  Confirming  The  Same ; 
And  Their  Return  From  Thence  About  The  Time  Of  The  Return 
Of  The  Jews. 

By  Robert  Ingram,  a.m.  Vicar  of  Wormingford  and  Boxted, 

Colchester :  Printed  And  Sold  By  W.  Keymer ;  Sold  Also  By 
G.  G.  J.  And  J.  Robinson,  Pater-Noster-Row,  London,  1792. 
[Price  One  ShilUng.] 
(8°.    5^PP)  [I.S.] 

There  are  several  Hebrew  versions,  the  first  translation  appearing 
in  1698. 

\\\ihi  y^T  ^KitJ'*  in  r\m'o  .  .  i  xh^n  Dsnn  .  .  .  mn  h^y^r*  nip» 
Yinn  D*p*^^5  "n  .  .  .  ^"v  ^'^'\\>r\  \wbh  pnj;^  nnyi  ^  :  nN"nj^in  ^la 
n:tj>i  .  .  .  Dn")i3K'»N2  oaii  .  .  .  :  dtid^^idn  ^''pi  |tn  V'vt  f^  npy* 

,yyov  |»K^Np  DiQin  .  .  .  p^B^  [mn] 
(i6wo.    ID  (66)  II Y  [I.  s.] 

De  I  Hoop  I  Van  Israel.  | 

Een  Werck  met  groote  naiikeurigheyt  \  beschreven :  | 

Door  1  Menasseh    Ben    Israel  |  Hebreeuws    Godtgeleerde    en  | 


Waer  in  hy  handelt  van   de  wonderlijcke  \  verstroyinge  der   10 

Stammen,  en  hare  ge-\wisse  herstellinge   met  de  twee  Stammen 

Juda  I  en  Benjamin  in't  Vaderlandt.    Met  veele  aen-\wijsingen, 

naukeurige  vertellingen,   en  verkla-\ringen  van  verscheyde  Pro- 

phetien.  | 

Met  meer  als  90  Beschrijvers  bevestight :  | 

Met  een  verantwoordingh  voor  de  |  Eedele  Volcken  der  Jooden.  | 

Den    2.     Druck^     van    veel    Letter -mis    stellingen    gesuyvert.\ 

t 'Amsterdam,  |  Voor  Jozua  Rex,  Boeck-binder,  |  op  de  Cingel, 

recht  over  de  Appelen-marrickt,  |  in't  Jaer  1666.  | 

(l2mo.  6  //.  +  124  pp.     [De  Hoop  Van  Israel.])^  [l.  s.] 

1  It  was  composed  in  Spanish  in  1650  and  did  not  appear  in  Dutch 
until  1666. 

*  A  third  edition  was  published  in  the  same  year,  with  the  following 
addition  : — 

De  Reysen  van  R.  Benjamin  Jonasz  Tudelens,  In  de  drie  Deelen  der  Werelt, 
als  Europa,  Asia,  en  Afrika :  .  .  .  In't  Nederduyt  overgeschreven  door  Jan 
Bara.  .  .  .  iiy  pp.  [b,  m.] 

'  Bound  up  with  this  copy  is  a  folded  engraving  of  the  Author  by 
Salom  Italia. 

It  has  also  been  translated  into  Yiddish. 



|The  Humble  Addresses  of  Manasseh  Ben-Israel 

To  I  His   Highnesse  |  The  |  Lord   Protector  |  Of   The  |  Common- 
Wealth  Of  I  England,  Scotland,  and  Ireland. 
The  Humble  Addresses  |  Of  |  Menasseh  Ben  Israel,  a  Divine, 
and  I  Doctor  of  Physick,  in  behalf e  \  of  the  Jewish  Nation.  \ 
(4to.  4  II. +  26  pp. )^  [I.  s.] 



Vindiciae  |  Judaeorum,  |  Or    A  |  Letter  |  In    Answer    to    certain 
Questions  propounded  by  |  a  Noble  and  Learned  Gentleman, 
touching  I  the  reproaches  cast  on  the  Nation  of  the  |  Jevves ; 
wherein  all  objections  are  |  candidly,  and  yet  fully  cleared.  ( 
By  Rabbi  Menasseh  Ben  Israel  a  Divine  \  and  a  Physician.] 
Printed  by  i^.  Z>.  in  the  year  1656.  | 
(4/0.  I  I. +  41  pp. y  [I.  s.] 


Ensena  a  Pecadores 

Libro  I  Yntitulado  |  Enseiia  |  A  |  Pecadores  | 

Que  contiene  diferentes  |  obras,  mediante  las  qua- 1  lespide  el 

hombre  |  piedad  a  su  |  Criador.  | 

En  casa  y  acosta  |  de  David  de  castro  Tartaz.  \ 

En  Amsterdam  \  Anno  5426.] 

(I2W0.  88+n  (8) />/).)  [B.M.] 

^  This  was  probably  printed  in  Amsterdam,  in  anticipation  of  his  visit 
to  England. 

A  second  issue  from  another  press,  and  in  which  the  collation  varies 
(4  //.  +  23  pp.  [I.  S.])  may  have  been  printed  in  London,  as  at  the  end  it 
has  the  following  addition  : — 

"  Which  is  the  close  of  Rabbi  Menesse  Ben-Israel,  a  Divine,  and  Doctor 
in  Physick,  in  the  Strand  over  against  the  New-Exchange  in  London." 

The  British  Museum  copy  of  the  23  pp.  edition  has  the  following  date  in 
manuscript  on  the  title  page  :    "  November  5,  1655." 

2  In  1743  it  was  reprinted  in  octavo  form  (2  II. -\-67  pp.  [I.  S.]).  It  was 
translated  into  German  either  by  Dr.  Marcus  Herz  (i 747-1 803)  or  by  his 
wife,  the  celebrated  Henrietta  Herz  (i  764-1 847),  and  published  in  1782, 
with  an  introduction  by  Moses  Mendelssohn  (i  729-1 786)  {sm.  8°.  LI1  + 
64  pp.  [I.  S.]).  It  has  also  appeared  in  Hebrew  [I.  S.],  Polish  [I.  S.], 
French  and  Italian. 


Page  2.  '*  Prologo.  .  .  .  Aviendo  pues  el  Senor  hecho  merced  al 
mundo  en  truer  a  luz  las  ohras  divinas  del  H.  Rihi  Esayah, 
su  memoria  sea  para  benedicion,  las  quales  son  llenas  de 
doctrinas  y  modos  de  encaminar  al  hombre  a  la  salvacion.  .  .  ." 

pp.  61-79.  "  Conficion  Muy  Copiosa  Maravillosay  llena  de  divinos 
conceptos  y  misterios,  hecha  por  el  divino  Theologo  y  excellentis- 
simo  Sabio,  Ribi  Yshac  Askenazi  de  Loria,  Traduzida  de 
Hebrico,  en  lengua  castellana,  por  el  doctissimo  Haham 
Menasseh  ben  Ysrael ;  el  Anno  5383.  la  qual  se  puede  dezir 
estando  el  hombre  enfermo  0  de  ajuno  0  en  qual  quiera  tiempo." 

pp.  80-88.    Vidvy  Penitencial  .  .  .  Auctor  Selomoh  De  Oliuera. 

,]w^i  nn«  n"n  aiy  in^nnn  fx»  ni^v^ix  n  hdVk^  .  .  .  msjD  nn^ 

pp.  n-fc<  :  :h  ntj>^  y^t^lit:  d^h'pn  ^n  »:ud  nx5^a 

"De  Terming  ViXiE— of  the  Term  of  Life,"  by  Manasseh 

D^mn  nn!i  |  Menasseh  |  Ben    Israel,  |  De  |  Termino  |  Vitae :  | 

Libri  Tres.  | 

Quibus    veterum    Rabbi-\  norum,    ac    recentium    do-\  ctorum,    de 

hac  con-\troversia  sententia  \  explicatur.\ 

Amstelodami .  Typis  &  sumpti-|bus  authoris  An.  1639. | 

(I2W0.   8  U. +237  pp. +25  11.)^  [I.  S.] 

1  Sixty  years  later  it  was  translated  into  English  : — 
Of  The  I  Term  \  Of  |  Life.  |  viz.  |  Whether  it  is  fix'd  or  alterable ;  | 
With  the  Sense  of  the  Jewish  Doctors,  |  both  Ancient  and  Modem,  touching 
I  Predestination  and  Free-Will.  | 

Also  an  Explication  of  several  obscure  j  Passages  and  Prophecies  in  the 
Old  Testa-J  ment ;  together  with  some  remarkable  Cu-|  stoms  observ'd  by 
the  Jews.  \ 

Written  in  Latin  by  the  Famous  Menasseh  |  Ben-Israel  the  Jew  and  now 
Translated  j  into  English,  By  Tho,  Pocock,  m.a.  | 

To  which  are  added,  the  Author's  Life,  never  be-|  fore  Publish'd ;  and  a 
Catalogue  of  his  Works,  j 

London  Printed,  and  Sold  by  J.  Nutt,  near  |  Stationers-Hall,  and  by  the 
Booksellers  of  Lon-\  don  and  Westminster,  1699.  I 

(stw.  S°.  6  ll.  +  xvi-^  116  pp.)  [I.  s.] 

sig.  A2.     "  To  Colthorp  Parker,  Esq.  ;  " 

De  Termino  VitfS  :  \  Or  The  |  Term  |  Of  |  Life,  j  Viz.  |  Whether  it  is  fix'd  or 
alterable  ;  | 

With  the  Sense  of  the  Jewish  Doctors,  |  both  Ancient  and  Modern,  touch- 
ing')! Predestination  and  Free-Will,  j 





:  p"sh  [2^r\]  n:\i^2  •n-'xiD  i^NmnN*  ^nide^  -inncn  p  Disnn  d^i: 
(4/0.  8  +  ni;p  (174)  +2  //.)  [I.  s.] 

Some  editions,  which  are  excessively  rare,  have  this  Latin  addi- 
tion : — 

D^^n  niDK'J    I    Menasseh    Ben     Israel  |   Libri    Quatuor  |    De  | 

Immortalitate  Animse.  | 

In  quibus  multse  insignes  &  ju-|cundae  quaestiones  ventilantur,  | 

uti  videre  est,  ex  argu-|mento  operis.  | 

Amstelodami,  |  Apud    Autoris    filium  |  Samuel    Ben    Israel 

Ahrabanel  Sueiro.\ 

Anno  cb.  olc.    Li.| 

(8//.)  [I.S.] 

sig.   A2.  (Epistola    Dedicatoria)    Ferdinando  iii.     Augustiss°. 
Romanorum  Imperatori.  .  .  . 

Also  an  Explication  of  several  obscure  Passages  and  |  Prophecies  in  the 

Old  Testament ;    together  with  |  some  remarkable  Customs  observed  by 

the  Jews.  J 

Written  in  Latin  by  the  Famous  Menasseh  |  Ben- Israel  the  Jew,  and  now 

Translated  into  EngUsh.  j 

To  which  are  added,  the  Author's  Life,  never  be-  |  fore  Publish'd  ;   and  a 

Catalogue  of  his  Works.  | 

London,   Printed  for   W.   Whitwood  at  the  Rose  \  and  Crown  in  Little- 

Britiain.     1700.  |  (sm.  8°.     6  II. -\-xvi+ii6  pp. +1.  [catalogue]).  [i.  s.] 

sig.  A2.     "  To  Colthrop  Parker,  Esq. ;  " 

Of  The  I  Term  |  Of  |  Life,  |  Viz. :  |  Whether  it  is  fix'd  or  alterable  ;  |  With 
the  Sense  of  the  Jewish  Doctors,  |  both  Ancient  and  Modern,  touching 
Pre- 1  destination  and  Free-Will.  | 

Also  an  Explication  of  several  obscure  [  Passages  and  Prophecies  in  the 
Old  Testa- 1  ment ;  together  with  some  remarkable  J  Customs  observed 
by  the  Jews.  \ 

Written  in  Latin  by  the  Famous  Menasseh  |  Ben-Israel  the  Jew,  and  now 

Transla-  |  ted  into  English,  By  Tho.  Pocock,  a.m.  |  Rector  of  Danbury  in 

Essex,  and  Chaplain  to  his  j  Grace  the  Duke  of  Bedford.  | 

To  which  are  added,  the  Author's  Life,  by  the  Translator  ;  and  a  Catalogue 

of  his  Works.  | 

London,  Printed  for  Tho.  Baker  at  the  |  Bible  and  Rose  in  Ludgate-street. 

1709.  I  {sm.  S**.     8//.4-xxiv4-ii7  pp.-\-i  I.)  [i.  s.] 

sig.  A2.     "  To  Christopher  Tilson,  Esq.  ;  Of  The  Treasury." 


Sig.  A42.     Augustissimi    Imperatoris    Servus    humilltmus 

Menasseh  Ben  Israel. 

Amstelodami  Calendis  Decembris  Anno  cb.  be.  li. 


"  Rights  of  the  Kingdom,"  by  John  Sadler 

Rights  of  the  Kingdom ;  |  Or,  |  Customs  of  our  Ancestours :  .  .  . 

With  an  Ocasionall  Discourse  of  Great  Changes  yet  I  expected 

in  the  World.  I 

London,  |  Printed  by  Richard  Bishop.    1649.  |  ^ 

(4to.  4 II.  +  Aa — Mm  +F-Z  +A-C  in  fours.)  [i.  s.] 

sig.  G4.  "  How  they  are  Now,  I  need  not  say,  although  I  might 
also  beare  them  witnesse,  that  They  are  yet  Zealous  in  Their 
Way.  nor  doe  they  wholly  want,  ingenuous  able  men.  of 
whom  I  cannot  but  with  Honour,  mention  Him,  that  hath 
so  much  obHged  the  world,  by  his  learned  Writings ;  Rab 
Menasseh  Ben  Israel :  a  very  learned,  Civill  Man,  and  a 
Lover  of  our  Nation. 

"  The  more  I  think  upon  the  Great  Change,  now  comming 
on  Them,  and  All  the  World  ;  the  more  I  would  be  Just  and 
Mercifull  to  Them,  to  All." 


"Nova  Solyma,"  edited  by  Rev.  Walter  Begley 

Nova  Solyma  The  Ideal  City  ;  Or  Jerusalem  Regained 
An  Anonymous  Romance  Written  In  The  Time  Of  Charles  I. 
Now  first  Drawn  From  Obscurity,  And  Attributed  To  The  Illus- 
trious John  Milton.* 

With  Introduction,  Translation,  Literary  Essays  And  A  BibUo- 

By  The  Rev.  Walter  Begley 
vol.  i.,  ii. 

London  John  Murray,  Albemarle  Street.     1902. 
(p.  4).     "  The  book  was  first  presented  to  the  public  in  small 
octavo  form  with  this  title  page  : 

^  It  was  republished  thirty-three  years  later  anonymously,  as  was  the 
first  issue. 

London:  "Printed,  iox  J.  Kidgell.     1683,    4^0.  /^  II. -{-^ig  pp.  [b.  m.] 

2  The  author  was  Samuel  Gott  (1613-1671),  see  "The  Authorship  of 
Nova  Solyma,"  by  Stephen  K.  Jones  (1910),  and  B.M.  Catalogue. 


Novae  |  Solymae  |  Libri    Sex.  |  Londixu  Typis   Joannis   Legati.| 


*'  The  book  contained  three  hundred  and  ninety-two  pages,  of 
which  the  last  contained  the  errata  and  the  printer's  short  notice 
to  the  reader.  There  was  no  preface  or  introduction  of  any  kind, 
and  no  notes.  The  only  printed  extra  was  this  Latin  motto  in 
the  middle  of  the  blank  page  facing  the  title  : 

*  Cujus  opus,  studio  cur  tantum  quaeris  inani  ?  ' 
'  Qui  legis,  etfrueris,feceris  esse  tuum.* 

which  I  turn  thus  : 

(/>.  5).  "  *  Whose  is  the  book  ? '  do  you  ask.  '  Why  start  such  a 
bootless  enquiry  ? 
If  you  but  read  and  enjoy,  you  will  have  made  it  your  own.'  " 
(pp.  5-6).  "...  The  next  year  the  same  book  was  published 
again — an  evident  attempt  to  utilise  the  unsold  remainder,  as 
there  was  no  difference  whatever,  except  a  new  title  page  with 
the  old  fly-leaf  motto  included  in  it  and  a  page  at  the  end  contain- 
ing the  autocriticon.  In  the  only  copy  I  have  seen,  [St.  John's 
College,  Cambridge],  the  title  page  runs  as  follows  : 

Novee  Solymae  Libri  Sex  ;  sive  Institutio  Christiani. 

1.  De  Pueritia. 

2.  De  Creatione  Mundi. 

3.  De  Juventute. 

4.  De  Peccato. 

5.  De  ViriH  Aetate. 

6.  De  Redemptione  Hominis. 

Cujus  opus,  studio  cur  tantum  quaeris  inani  ? 
Qui  legis,  et  frueris,  feceris  esse  tuum. 

Londini :  Typis  Johannis  Legati,  et  venundantur 
per  Thomam  Underbill  sub  signo  Biblii  in  vice 
Anghce  dicto  Woodstreet.    mdcxlix." 

Here  we  have  the  very  useful  addition  that  it  was  published 
by  Thomas  Underbill,  of  Wood  Street. 

(preface  pp.  vii-viii).  ".  .  .  That  such  a  wide-reaching,  learned, 
and  varied  work  should  have  been  allowed  to  remain  unappre- 
ciated and  utterly  ignored  for  more  than  two  hundred  and  fifty 
years  is  certainly  a  very  surprising  literary  fact.  .  .  . 

"  The  critics  seem  to  have  been  both  blind  and  deaf.  They 
gave  no  encouraging  praise,  and  no  disheartening  condemnation. 
They  simply  took  no  notice.  And  so  this  great  work  of  seven- 
teenth-century art  vanished  from  the  sight  of  men.  A  few 
copies  were  put  away  in  college  libraries,  where  they  rested  for 
years  undisturbed  and  dust-covered  in  their  original  positions, 
and  have  so  continued  to  rest  for  two  centuries  and  a  half,  lost 
to  the  world." 

II.— N 


(p.  i8).  "  There  is  a  spirit  of  pure,  lofty,  and  unselfish  morality 
evident  throughout  all  the  various  scenes  of  this  interesting  and 
unaffected  book.  It  shows  us  the  brightest,  strongest  elements 
of  God-fearing  Puritanism;  .  .  .**  "Here  are  the  lyric  songs  from 
*  the  law  and  prophets/  Abraham's  meditation  on  the  Mount 
Moriah,  Cain's  lamentations  for  Abel,  David's  lament  for  Saul 
and  Jonathan,  and  many  a  noble  ode  from  the  Psalms  and  short 
epics  from  Job.  .  .  ,"  "  Here  Truth  and  Justice  and  the  Fear 
of  God  are  all  placed  on  the  high  pedestals  they  so  well  deserve  ; 
and  there  is  withal  a  kindly  insistence  everywhere  on  those  great 
teachings  which  tend  to  make  life  more  abounding  in  hope,  more 
perfect  in  self-restraint  and  more  lifted-up  in  spirit." 

All  these  ideas  are  Hebrew,  and  characteristically  Biblical 
But  the  most  curious  fact,  from  our  point  of  view,  is  that  this 
work  contains  a  description  of  the  Ideal  State  on  Mount  Zion. 
Of  course,  the  tendency  is  thoroughly  Christian,  but  it  is  that  kind 
of  Christianity  which  is  inspired  by  the  Old  Testament  and  by  a 
sentiment  of  love  for  the  old  Jewish  nation  and  the  Holy  Land. 
This  book  is  the  poetical  expression  of  the  Restoration  ideas  of 
the  seventeenth  century.  It  begins  with  a  description  of  the 
springtime  in  New  Jerusalem,  "  the  city  with  twelve  gates  " 
(Ezekiel  xlviii.  31),  and  "  a  virgin  who  held  in  her  right  hand  a 
golden  rod,  and  in  her  left  the  two  tables  of  the  Law."  The 
tourist-visitors,  **  two  Englishmen  and  the  third  a  Sicilian," 
are  told  that  "it  is  the  anniversary  of  the  founding  of  the  city 
and  the  virgin  you  saw  represented  Zion,  or,  as  they  say,  the 
Daughter  of  Zion."    "  They  "  evidently  refers  to  the  Jews. 

Strangers  are  received  with  remarkable  hospitality  (as  in 
Herzl's  AUneuland), 

(^.86).  "  But  Jacob,  for  that  was  the  old  man's  name,  urged 
him  all  the  more,  *  Come,  come,*  said  he,  *it  is  a  national 
duty  with  us  to  treat  strangers  with  kindness,  not  unmindful 
that  we  too,  long  ago,  were  strangers  in  Egypt,  and  since  then 
for  a  long  time  strangers  and  wanderers  among  all  the  nations  of 
the  earth.     But  now  we  call  none  aliens  from  Israel.  ..." 

(p.  88).  "  We  are  now  very  close  on  the  fiftieth  year  since  our 
long  and  widely-scattered  nation  was  restored  to  its  present 
wonderful  prosperity."  The  old  Jew  then  explains  the  system  of 
education  adopted  in  the  new  country,  a  system  of  physical 
development  and  moral  integrity. 

Joseph,  who  is  one  of  the  tourists  and  the  hero  of  the  romance, 
indulges  in  songs  of  Zion. 

{pp.  175-6).  "  O  sacred  top  of  Solyma, 
How  lovely  is  thy  place 
Where  stands  the  city  of  our  King 
Where  faithful  saints  rejoice  and  sing 
O  mercy,  love  and  grace  I 


'*  For  there  our  greater  Temple  stands 
With  greater  glory  blest 
And  there  redeemed  from  alien  lands, 
Brought  back  at  last  by  God's  own  hands, 
His  Israel  finds  her  rest." 

Here  the  translator  remarks  : 

{p.  177)  note  i :  "  How  many  sighs  and  prayers  have  gone  up 
from  the  dispersed  children  of  Zion  in  Russian  Poland,  in  Galicia, 
in  Roumania  and  by  the  old  broken  wall  of  Jerusalem  in  these 
latter  days  !  What  longing  for  this  *  antepast  of  Heaven '  that 
Joseph  here  speaks  of  !  What  passionate  desire  for  that  time, 
when  the  children  of  Zion  should  no  longer  have  to  sing  *  the 
Lord's  song  in  a  strange  land ' !  Is  this  century  to  see  the 
Zionists  in  possession  again  of  their  Holy  City — their  longed-for 
Salem,  the  *  Vision,'  the  '  Foundation,'  the  *  Inheritance '  of 
Peace,  as  expositors  have  variously  entitled  it  ?  Who  can  say  ? 
From  a  practical  point  of  view  the  prospect  somehow  fails  to 
charm ;  but  when  I  view  it  in  theory,  it  seems  as  if  the  justice  of 
the  world  as  well  as  the  justice  of  the  Eternal  One  would  be  nobly 
consummated  by  such  a  termination  to  an  earthly  pilgrimage  of 
nigh  two  thousand  years." 

The  anonymous  author  proceeds  to  describe  the  old-new  home, 
and  the  people,  new-born  in  benevolence,  piety  and  purity, 
with  their  national  distinctiveness,  and  the  two  tables  of  the 
Law.  Thus,  with  all  his  honest  and  deep  Christian  convictions 
and  belief  in  the  final  triumph  of  his  religious  ideas,  he  recognizes 
the  right  of  the  Jewish  nation  to  have  their  country  and  to  remain 
faithful  to  their  traditions.  This  strange  romance,  after  all  sorts 
of  philosophical  reflections  and  sketches  of  various  adventures  in 
Sicily  and  elsewhere,  comes  back  to  Zion  to  sing  the  songs  of  the 
Old  Testament  in  Latin  verse  in  a  way  which  shows  that  the 
author  had  the  rhythm  and  atmosphere  of  Biblical  poetry  to 
perfection,  and  also  that  his  views  were  much  more  in  harmony 
with  the  notions  of  that  time  than  with  modern  conceptions. 
The  whole  work  is  inspired  by  great  enthusiasm  for  Israel's  glory, 
and  abounds  with  sympathy  and  admiration  for  the  Jewish 

Begley,  who  was  a  man  of  profound  knowledge  and  an  authority 
on  matters  of  composition  and  style,  ascribes  this  work  to  Milton. 
If  this  view  be  accepted,  then  to  this  poet's  glory  must  1  e  added 
a  further  claim  to  immortality,  because  he  was  the  first  poet  who 
expounded — from  a  Christian  point  of  view — the  idea  of  Israel's 
Restoration  in  the  form  of  a  poetical  romance.  But  from  our 
point  of  view  it^does  not  matter  whether  Milton  was  the  author, 
or  another  poet ;  the  fact  remains  that  this  remarkable  work  is 
English  and  appeared  in  England  in  1648. 



"  PRiEADAMiTiE— Men  Before  Adam,"  by  Isaac  de  La  Peyr^re  * 

Another  of  his  famous  works,  also  published  anonymously, 
was : — 

Praeadamitae.  |  Sive  j  Exercitatio  |  super  Versibus   duodecimo, 

decimotertio,  &  |  decimoquarto,  capitis  quinti  Epistolse  I  D.  Pauli 

ad  Romanes.  |  Qvibvs  Indvcvntvr|Primi  Homines  ante  Adamum| 

conditi.  | 

Anno  Salvtis,  |  | 

(4/0.  22  lL-^2gy-\-Spp.  [Synagogis  Ivdseorvm  Vniversis.])    [i.  s.] 

In  the  following  year  it  was  translated  into  English  : — 

Men  before  Adam,  |  Or  |  A  Discourse  upon  the  twelfth,  |  thir- 
teenth, and  fourteenth  Verses  |   of  the  Fifth  Chapter  of  the 
Epistle  I  of  the  Apostle  Paul  to  the  |  Romans.  | 
By  which  are  provd,  \  That  the  first  Men  were  erea-  |  ted  before 
Adam.  | 

London,  |  Printed  in  the  Year,  1656.  | 

(8°.  8  //.+61  pp.+(^  Pp.-\-35  l^  [I.  s.] 

The  End  of  the  first  Part    {No  more  published) 
sig.  A.4.    "  To  all  the  Synagogues  to  the  Jews,  dispersed  over  the 

face  of  the  Earth." 
sig.  M.S.   "  Terrae  Sanctae  Delineatio  "  (A  map  of  the  Holy  Land).* 


Isaac  Vossius 

Isaac  Vossius  was  born  at  Leyden  in  Holland,  one  of  the 
sons  of  the  renowned  scholar  Gerard  John  Vossius  by  his 
second  wife  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Francis  du  Jon  (Junius) 
(1545-1602),  French  theologian  and  philologist.  All  the  sons 
were  precocious  scholars,  but  Isaac  was  undoubtedly  the  most 
eminent.  ...  He  was  invited  by  Queen  Christina  of  Sweden, 
one  of  the  most  erudite  women  of  her  time,  to  come  and 
shed  the  lustre  of  his  learning  upon  Stockholm.  He  arrived 
towards  the  end  of  1649,  was  appointed  a  Court  Chamberlain, 

*  Account  of  Peyreyra,  Author  of  "  Praeadamitae,"  "  Rappel  des  Juifs," 
&c.  Translated  from  "  Lettres  Choisies  de  M,  [Richard]  Simon,  (i 638-1 721) 
ou  Ton  trouve  un  grand  nombre  de  Faits  et  Anecdotes  de  Literature. 
Rotterdam  1702." 

(Gentleman's  Magazine,  vol.  Ixxxii.,  November,  1812,  pp.  432-434  ;  and 
vol.  Ixxxiii.,  June,  1813,  pp.  614-616.) 

*  In  another  issue  in  the  same  year  the  eight  preliminary  leaves  are  from 
another  press.  [i.  s.] 


and  taught  the  Queen  Greek.    In  1650  he  sold  her  his  father's 

library  for  twenty  thousand  florins,  with  the  stipulation  that  he 

received  five  thousand  florins  yearly  with  board  and  residence 

for  its  superintendence.    In  1652  owing  to  certain  differences  he 

left  Sweden.     In  1655  Manasseh  Ben  Israel  dedicated  to  him : — 

nip"*  pi<  I  Piedra  Gloriosa  |  O  |  De  La  |  Estatua  |  De  |  Nebuchad- 

nesar.  | 

Con  muchas  y  diver sas  authoridades  \  de  la  S.S.  y  antiguos  sabios.  \ 

Compuesto  por  el  Hacham  |  Menasseh  Ben  Israel.  |  Amsterdam 

An.  5415.  I 

(i2wo.  6//. +259;^^. +3//. +4  etchings  at  ^^.5, 87, 160, 180.)  [l.s.] 

"All  muy  noble  y  doctissimo  Senor  Isaco  Vossio,  Gentil  hombre  de 

la  camara  de  su  Magestad,  La  Reyna  de  Svedia. 

Muy  noble  y  doctissimo  Senor,  .  .  .  Intimo  amigo  y  afficionado 

servidor  de  V.  M., 

Menasseh  ben  Ysrael. 
Amsterdam  25.  de  Abril,  An.  5415." 

In  a  list  of  Manasseh's  works  at  the  end  of  the  volume,  it  is 
catalogued  "  Piedra  preciosa  ;  o  de  la  Estatua  de  Nebuchadnesar, 
donde  se  sexpone  lo  mas  essencial  del  libro  de  Daniel."  It  was  for 
this  small  volume  that  Rembrandt  designed  and  etched  four 
illustrations. ' 

Vossius  was  created  D.c.L.  at  Oxford  in  1670,  and  installed  to  a 
prebend  in  the  royal  chapel  at  Windsor  in  1673,  which  was  pre- 
sented to  him  by  Charles  II  (1630-1685),  and  died  at  Windsor 
21  Feb.,  1688.  He  had  accumulated  the  finest  private  library  in 
the  world,  including  762  manuscripts.  It  was  sold  at  Leyden  in 
1710  for  thirty-six  thousand  florins.  A  large  number  of  original 
letters  of  Vossius  are  preserved  at  the  Bodleian  Library,  Oxford. 


"  Doomes-Day 

Doomes-Day  :  |  Or,  |  The  great  Day  of  the  Lord's  ludgement,  | 
proved  by  Scripture  ;  and  two  other  Prophecies,  |  the  one  point- 
ing at  the  yeare  1640.  the  other  at  this  |  present  yeare  1647.  to 
be  even  now  neer  at  hand.  | 

With  I  The  gathering  together  of  the  Jews  in  great  Bodies  |  under 
Josias  Catzius  (in  Illyria,  Bithinia,  and  Cappadocia)  \  for  the 
conquering  of  the  Holy  Land.  |  .  .  . 
London,  |  Printed  for  W.  Ley.  1647 
(^o.xl+6pp.)  [I.  s.] 

*  Rembrandt's  etchings  for  the  Piedra  Gloriosa,  by  [Dr.]  I[srael] 
A[brahams]  [m.a.],  with  facsimiles,  Jewish  Chronicle,  13  July,  1906, 
PP-  39-40  :  The  second  series  of  illustrations  for  the  Piedra  Gloriosa  of 
Manasseh  Ben  Israel,  by  Israel  Solomons,  itnd.,  July  27,  p.  31. 


{p.  2)  ".  .  .  even  those  people  the  Jewes,  according  to  certaine 
and  credible  information,  are  at  this  time  [*  Under  Josias  Catzius, 
and  according  to  Letters  from  beyond  the  Seas,  they  are 
numerous,  and  shew  themselves  in  great  bodies  in  Illyria, 
Bethinia  and  Cappadocia.]  assembling  themselves  together  into 
one  body  from  out  of  all  countreys,  whereinto  they  have  been 
driven  with  a  resolution  to  regaine  the  holy  land  once  more  out 
of  the  hand  of  the  Ottaman  :  "^ 


"  Restauration  of  all  Israel  and  Judah  " 

A  Paper,  shewing  that  the  great  Conversion  and  Restauration  of 
all  Israel  and  Judah  will  he  fulfilled  at  Christs  second  comming  ; 
and  that  the  New  Jerusalem,  called  Jehovah  Shamma,  described  by 
Ezekiel,  chap.  40.  to  the  end  of  the  Book,  is  most  probably  then  to 
be  set  up,  and  is  referred  to  the  same  time,  Sec,  May  1. 1674. 
(4to.  8 II.)  [I.  s.] 


"Apology  for  the  Honorable  Nation  of  the  Jews— Apologia 


An  I  Apology  |  For    The  |  Honorable    Nation  |  Of    The  j  Jews,  | 

And  all  the  Sons  of  |  Israel. 

Written  by  Edward  Nicholas,  Gent.  I  •  •  . 

London,  Printed  by  John  Field,  1648.] 

{4to.i5pp.y  [I.S.] 

A  Spanish  translation  was  also  published  here : — 

Apologia  I  Por  \  La  noble   nacion   de  los  |  Ivdios  |  y   hijos  de  \ 

Israel.  | 

Escrita  en  Ingles  |  Por  \  Eduardo  Nicholas.  | 

E  impresa  en  casa  de  Juan  Field,  en  |Londres,| 

Aiio  do  clc  XLix.| 

(sm.  8°.  8  //.)  [I.  S.] 

1  Notes  and  Queries,  10.  s.  iv.,  pp.  10  &  77,  josias  catzius. 

2  This  tract  is  alluded  to  in  the  concluding  paragraph  of  Manasseh  Ben 
Israel's  "  Humble  Addresses,"  but  the  author  has  not  yet  been  identified. 
He  was  at  one  time  thought  to  be  Sir  Edward  Nicholas  (i  593-1 669), 
Secretary  of  State  to  Charles  I  and  II,  and  it|has  even  been  stated  that 
"  Edward  Nicholas  "  was  a  pseudonym  of  Manasseh  himself.  (See  Jewish 
Chronicle,  9  Feb.,  1906.    "  Edward  Nicholas,"  by  Israel  Solomons.) 


Some  years  later  a  Dutch  version  was  issued  (Published  together 
with  "  De  Hoop  Van  Israel  "  of  Manasseh  Ben  Israel). 

Verantwoordinge,  |  Voor  1  De  Edele  Volcken  der  \  Jooden,| 

En  kinderen  van  \  Israel.  | 

In  het  Engels  beschreven  |  Door  |  Eduardo  Nicolas.  | 

InH  Nederduyts  overgeschreven  \  en  gedruckt.  | 

t'Amsterdam,  |  Voor  Jozua  Rex,  Boeck-binder,  I  op  de  Cingel, 

recht  over  de  Appelen-marreckt  |  in't  Jaer  1666.  | 

(I2W0.  I  /.  +26  pp.  -f  I  /.)  [i.  s.] 


"A  Word  for  the  Armie,"  by  Hugh  Peters 

"  A  word  for  the  |  Armie.  |  And  two  words  to  the  |  Kingdome.  | 

To  I  Cleare  the  One,  |  And  cure  the  Other.  | 

Forced  in  much  plainesse  and  bre-|vity  from  their  faithfull 

Servant,  J  Hugh  Peters.  |  .  .  .  . 

London,  |  Printed  by  M.  Simmons  for  Giles  Calvert  at  the  black  | 

Spread-Eagle  at  the  West  end  of  Pauls,  1647.  | 

(4/0.  14  pp.)  [I.  s.] 

sig.  B2.  "  iQLv.  That  Merchants  may  have  all  the  manner  of 
encouragement,  the  law  of  Merchants  set  up,  and  strangers, 
even  Jewes  admitted  to  trade,  and  live  with  us,  that  it  may 
not  be  said  we  pray  for  their  conversion,  with  whom  we  will 
not  converse,  wee  being  all  but  strangers  on  the  Earth." 


Isaac  da  Fonseca  Aboab 

IHe  was  the  son  of  David  Aboab  and  Isabel  da  Fonseca.  To 
distinguish  him  from  his  contemporary  Isaac  de  Matatiah  Aboab, 
he  is  generally  alluded  to  as  "  Fonseca  Aboab."  He  was  born  at 
Castrodagre,  Portugal,  and  brought  to  Amsterdam  as  a  child, 
where  he  became  a  pupil  of  Haham  Isaac  {ob.  1622)  de  Abraham 
Uziel.  In  1623  he  was  the  Haham  of  the  Neve  Shalom,  the  second 
synagogue  established  in  Amsterdam.  In  1642  he  emigrated  to 
Pernambuco  (Recife)  in  Brazil,  where  he  was  Haham  until  he 
returned  to  Amsterdam  in  1654.  {^^  ^^4^  Manasseh  himself  had 
intended  going  out  to  Brazil  to  join  his  brother  Ephraim  Soeiro^ 

1  Ephraim  had  evidently  discarded  his  surname  of  "  Ben-Israel"  for 
"  Soeiro,"  that  of  his  maternal  grandfather,  who  probably  left  no  male 
issue.  In  such  cases,  it  was  customary  among  Sephardi  Jews  for  the 
second  son  of  the  eldest  daughter  to  use  his  mother's  maiden  surname 
exclusively,  or  add  it  to  his  own  patronymic. 


in  business.)  During  Aboab's  Rabbinate  there  was  war  between 
the  Dutch  and  Portuguese  for  possession  of  the  colony,  which  he 
describes  in  Hebrew  verse,  still  in  manuscript.  He  was  the  first 
Rabbi  and  the  first  Hebrew  Author  in  the  New  World.  It  has 
been  alleged,  that  in  his  declining  years  he  was  a  secret  votary  of 
Sabbat ai  Zebi.  He  was  a  great-grandson  of  the  last  Gaon  of 
Castile,  the  Isaac  Aboab  (1433-1493)  who  wrote  a  super-com- 
mentary to  Nachmanides'  commentary  on  the  Pentateuch, 
printed  in  Constantinople  in  1525.  Rabbi  Abraham  de  Samuel 
Zacuto,  the  author  of  the  Juchasin,  was  one  of  his  pupils,  and  on 
his  death  delivered  the  funeral  oration. 


Dr.  Abraham  Zacutus  Lusitanus 

He  was  one  of  the  most  eminent  physicians  of  his  time  and  the 
author  of  many  valuable  works  in  connection  with  his  profession. 
He  was  a  native  of  Lisbon  and  of  marrano  origin.  In  the  year 
1625,  when  Philip  (1605-1665)  IV  of  Spain  (1621-1665)  and 
Portugal  (1621-1640)  banished  the  Jews  from  the  latter  kingdom, 
Zacutus  escaped  to  Amsterdam  from  the  clutches  of  the  Holy 
Office.  Here  he  was  initiated  into  the  Abrahamic  covenant  and 
lived  as  an  exemplary  Jew.  He  was  one  of  the  "  Aprovaciones  " 
of  the  first  volume  of  the  Conciliador  "  Sapientissimo  Viro, 
Domino  Menasseh  Ben  Israel,  sacrorum  librorum  eruditissimo 
interpreti,  Salvtem.  .  .  .  Amstelodami  die  ultim.  Mensis 
August.  Anno.  1632. 

Te  summ^  colit,  &  observat. 

Doctor  Zacutus  Lusitanus." 

Among  his  clientele  he  numbered  the  Elector  Palatine  Frederick  V 
(1596-1632),  King  of  Bohemia  (1619-1620),  and  his  consort 
Elizabeth  Stuart  (1596-1662),  eldest  daughter  of  James  (1566- 
1625)  I,  King  of  England  (1603-1625).  They  were  the  parents  of 
Sophia  (1630-1714),  Electress  of  Hanover,  the  mother  of  George 
(1660-1727)  I  (1714-1727). 

His  great-grandfather  was  Abraham  [Diogo  Rodriguez]  (1450  ?- 
post  15 10)  de  Samuel  de  Abraham  Zacut,  the  astronomer, 
mathematician  and  historian. 

In  1473,  while  a  professor  in  the  University  of  his  native 
town,  Salamanca,  he  wrote  his  world-famous  :  nimi>  niN^n  [B.  M.] 
(Astronomical  Tables),  and  here  he  became  acquainted  with 
Christopher  Columbus  (1446  ?-i5o6). 

His  pupil  Joseph  Vecinho  (Vizino)  [Diego  Mendes],  physician 
to  Joao  II,  the  Great  (1455-1495),  King  of  Portugal  (1481-1495), 
translated  the  work  into  Latin.    It  was  printed  by  a  Jew,  Samuel 


D'Ortas,  at  Leiria  in  1496,  and  entitled  "  Almanach  Perpetuum." 
Dr.  Vecinho  presented  a  copy  to  Columbus,  which  he  always 
carried  with  him  and  consulted  on  his  voyages,  deriving  in- 
valuable help  from  it. 

It  was  this  very  book  that  he  used  to  predict  the  eclipse  of  the 
moon,  which  so  terrified  the  Indians  in  Jamaica  that  they  became 
obedient  to  him,  and  furnished  his  party  food.  After  his  death 
it  was  found  in  his  library.  On  the  margins  are  calculations  in 
his  penmanship,  which  were  doubtless  made  to  verify  those  of 

On  the  exile  from  Spain,  2  August,  1492,  the  author  went  to 
Lisbon,  where  he  was  appointed  astronomer  and  historiographer 
to  Joao  II.  He  was  of  material  assistance  to  the  great  navigator 
Vasco  da  Gama  (1460  ?-i524),  in  preparation  of  his  voyage  to 
India.  The  ships  were  provided  with  Zacuto's  newly  perfected 
iron  astrolabes,  which  hitherto  had  been  of  wood.  He  was  highly 
esteemed  by  da  Gama,  who  took  leave  of  him  on  the  8  July,  1497, 
in  the  presence  of  his  entire  crew. 

Portugal  also  expelled  the  Jews,  so  he  fled  with  his  son  Samuel 
to  Tunis,  and  here  in  1504  he  wrote  his  famous  ponv  "iSD  which 
is  a  chronological  history  of  the  Jews  from  the  Creation  up  to 

It  was  first  printed  in  Constantinople  in  1566  [b.  m.],  and  an 
issue  edited  by  Herschell  Filipowski  (1817-1872)  was  published 
in  London  in  1857,  some  copies  of  which  were  printed  on  vellum 
[b.  m.].  Tunis  being  invaded  by  Spain  he  emigrated  to  Turkey, 
where  he  died  some  time  after  15 10. 


Jacob  Judah  Aryeh  ve  Leon 

Haham  Jacob  Judah  Aryeh  de  Leon  [Templo]  of  marrano  origin, 
was  born  in  Hamburgh  in  1603.  Here  for  some  years  he  was 
teacher  in  Hebrew  and  Rabhinics  to  the  Kahal  Kadosh  de  Talmud 
Tor  ah.  Subsequently  he  was  appointed  Haham  of  Middelburgh 
in  Holland,  where  in  1642  he  published  tracts  in  Spanish*  and 

^  The  Authentic  Letters  of  Columbus.  By  William  Eleroy  Curtis,  .  .  . 
Chicago,  .  .  .  1895,  pp.  115-116. 

^  Retrato  Del  Templo  De  Selomo.  .  .  .  Compuesto,  pot  laacob  levda  Leon 

Hebreo,  vezino  de  Middelbuygo,  en  la  Provincia  de  Zelanda. 

En  el  Ano  de  5402  ala  creacion  del  Mundo. 

En  Middelbvrgo,  En  Casa  de  la  Biuda  y  Heredeos  de   Symon   Moulert 

Imprimidor  de  los  Estados  de  Zelanda.    m.dc.xlii. 

(4<o.  4  W.+48  pp.  [Bodleian.]) 


Dutch, ^  describing  a  model  he  had  constructed  of  Solomon's 
Temple.  Shortly  after  he  settled  in  Amsterdam  and  resumed 
his  tutorial  profession,  and  it  was  here  that  a  French  version ^  of 
the  tract  was  published,  and  seven  years  later  a  Hebrew  edition 
appeared,^  translated  by  the  Author  from  his  original  Spanish. 
Versions  in  German,*  Latin, ^  and  Ladino^  have  also  been  issued 
at  various  times.  In  anticipation  of  his  visit  to  London  to  exhibit 
his  model  before  Charles  II  (1630-1685)  and  his  Court,  he  prepared 
an  essay  in  English,  which  was  printed  and  published  in  Amster- 

^  Afbeeldinghe    Vanden   Tempel   Salomonis,  .  .  .  Door    laacob   lehvda 

Leon  Ebreo. 

Tot  Middelburgh,  By  de  Weduwe  ende  Erf sgenamen  van  Symon  Moulert, 

Ordinaris    Drucker   vande    Ed:     Mog:    Heeren    Staten    van    Zeelandt. 

Anno  1642. 

(4/0.  4//. +  49  /7^.+ folded  etching    "El  Tempio  de  Selomoh,"  etc.  etc. 

[B.  M.]) 

Reissued  at  Amsterdam  in  1644.     [I.  S.] 

A  fourth  edition  published  at  Amsterdam  in  1669  [Bodleian]. 

*  Portraict  dv  Temple  de  Salomon,  .  .  .  Compose  par  lacob  luda  Leon 
Hebreu,  habitant  de  Middelbourg  en  la  Province  de  Zelande. 

L'an  de  la  creation  du  Monde  5403. 

A  Amsterdam,  Imprim6  chez  Jean  Frederick  Stam,  t  I'Esperance, 

ob.  b.  c.  xliii.    (4/0.    6//. +88  pp.     [I.  S.]) 

ts^ipn  \\^hh  ipmyn  uy\  ly^  pe'b  nnn  .  .  .  VD>n  n^^nn  -ibd^ 
Dn-iDK^DN  ns  DQii  .  .  .  nx  mm*  ipv»  -iinDrj  .  .  .  ddhh 
(4*0  2  +  rh  II.  [i.s.])  .  .  ,  p"B^  1KD5  D^DB^n  'n  ib'Vp  bmi  'n  rm 

Two  hundred  and  ten  years  later,  it  was  reissued  at  Warsaw  with  an 
"  approbation  "  of  Samuel  Mohilewer,  the  great  Zionist,  who  at  the  time 
was  Chief  Rahhi  of  Suwalk. 

*  Traktat  des  Jak.  Jeh.  Leonis  von  dem  Tempel  Salomonis.  Aus  dem 
Hollandischen  ausgefertigt :    Hannover,  1665,  8°. 

(Bibhotheca  Judaica.  .  .  .  JuUus  Furst .  .  .  Leipzig  .  .  .  1849,  p.  232.) 

*  Jacobi  Jehvdae  Leonis  De  Tempio  Hierosolymitano,  ...  ex  EbraBo 
Latin^  recensiti  h.  Johanne  Savberto.  .  .  Helmaestadt  Impressit  Jacobvs 
Mvllervs  cb.  b.  c.  ixv. 

(4/0.  Eng.  Frontis.  [Augustus  .  .  .  Dux  Brunovicensis  et  Lunaeburgensis 
.  .  .  Conr.  Buno  /ec.]4-Eng.  Title-page +a-d  in  jouv^  [c* :  Jacobi 
Yehudae  Leonis  Hebraei.  Conr.  Buno  /ec.]+)  :  (in  fours -\- 211  pp.  [in- 
correctly numbered  203  pp.]-{-a,t  p.  35  folio  folded  sheet  with  Latin  text 
-{-folio  folded  sheet  of  Temple  plans + engraving  of  model  of  Solomon's 
Temple,  Palace  and  Fort  Antonio,  with  explanatory  details  in  Dutch -|- 
at /).  94,  engraving  of  the  "  Priestly  garments  "+at  p.  168,  engraving  of 
Holy  Vessels,  Candelabrum,  etc.  +  at  p.  179,  engraving  of  "  Ark  of 
Testimony."  [I.  S.]) 
It  was  reissued  at  Altdorph  in  1674.    [I.  S.]  ' 

\th)^  nten  ir:n«  D'nn  ^'pivt  nnx  m^N>  ^pv  inn  .  .  .  ^3*n 
yy  r\t)p  n  n^nKsoKriD^K  5636  "i  r«  )p'>:)^m  n"i»  jkd  r'tv  h)i2V 

(8°.     120  pp.     [B.  M.]) 


dam,^  describing  the  model  of  Solomon's  Temple,  and  also  that 
of  the  Tabernacle  of  Moses,  of  which  he  had  also  constructed  a 
model.  It  was  again  on  view  here  in  the  years  1759  and  1760.* 
In  1778  it  was  in  the  possession  of  a  Mr.  M.  P.  Decastro,  who 
claimed  to  be  a  near  relation  of  Haham  de  Leon.  He  exhibited 
the  model  here,  and  translated  and  published  the  essay  describing 
it,^  which  he  tells  us  was  "  First  printed  in  Hebrew  and 

Leon  Templo,^  as  our  Haham  is  at  times  referred  to,  is 
supposed  to  have  invented  "  The  Arms  of  y^  most  Ancient  & 
Honorable  Fraternity,  of  Free  and  Accepted  Masons."  The 
original  drawing  was  seen  by  Laurence  Dermott  (1720-1791) 
when  he  saw  the  model  of  the  Temple  in  1759-1760.®  He  also 
wrote  on  the  "  Cherubim  "  and  on  the  "  Ark  of  the  Testimony." 
In  1671  he  issued  the  Psalms  in  Hebrew,  with  a  Spanish  para- 
phrase and  notes .  This  was  his  last  published  work,  in  the  preface 
of  which  he  teUs  us  that  although  he  was  then  sixty-seven  years 
of  age,  he  completed  the  work  in  seven  months,  at  times  that  he 
could  spare  from  his  tutorial  duties.  Four  works  in  manuscript 
are  still  unpublished.    After  his  death,  among  his  sketches  were 

^  A  Relation  |  Of  the  most  memorable  thinges  |  In  The  Tabernacle  j  of 

Moses,  I  And  The  |  Temple  of  Salomon,  | 

A  ccording  to  Text  of  Scripture.  \ 

By  Jacob  Jehudah  Leon,  Hebr.  | 

Author  of  the  Model  of  Salomon's  Temple.  \ 

At  Amsterdam,  |  Printed  by  Peter  Messchaert,  in  the  Stoof-steech,  1675.  | 

(4^0.    ^11.-^27  pp.)  [I.S.] 

2  Ahiman  Rezon,  Or  a  help  to  all  that  are  or  would  be  Free  and  Accepted 
Masons,  .  .  .  the  Second  Edition.  By  Lau  Dermott.  Secretary.  .  .  .  London, 
1764.  (8°.  Eng.  Frontis.  4-  xxxvi.  +  224  pp.  [Quatuor  Coronati  Lodge 
library])  p.  xxxiv. 

^  An  Accurate    Description    Of    the    Grand    and    Glorious    Temple    of 
Solomon.    In  which  are  briefly  Explain'd, 
i   I.  The  Form  of  that  Fabric. 
II.  The  Vessels  and  Instruments  belonging'thereto. 
III.  The  King's  Palace. 

IV.^  Fort  Antonio,  built  for  the  Defence  of  the  Temple. 
First  printed  in  Hebrew  and  Spanish  at  Middleburgh,  By  that  celebrated 
Architect,  Jacob  Juda  Lyon,  In  The  Year  mdcxlii. 

Translated  by  M.  P.  Decastro,  (Proprietor  of  the  said  Model,  and  a  near 
Relation  to  the  Author.) 

London :  Printed  for  the  above  Proprietor,  by  W.  Bailey,  Wellclose- 
Square,    m.dcc.lxxviii. 

(8°.  Eng.  Frontis.  [Jacobi  Yehudae  Leonis  Hebraei  .  .  .  Salom  Italia 
Sculpsit]  +  2  II. -\-  iii  pp.  +  i  I.  [etchings  of  "  Temple,"  "  Cherubim  "] 
+  4^PP-)  [I.S.] 

See  "  Jacob  Jehudah  Leon  (Templo),  by  Israel  Solomons,"  Jewish 
Chronicle,  30  Oct.,  1903. 

*  The  tract  was  first  printed  in  Spanish  and  Dutch  in  1642,  and  not 
until  1650  did  it  appear  in  Hebrew. 

'  Templo  was  assumed  as  a  surname  by  his  descendants. 

•  Ahiman  Rezon,  ibid. 


found  over  two  hundred  designs  to  illustrate  and  elucidate  Biblical 
and  Rabbinical  passages.  These  his  son  Haham  Solomon  Raphael 
{ob.  1733  circa)  de  Leon  Templo  presented  to  Willem  Surenhuis, 
who  had  them  engraved  for  his  edition  of  the  Mishna^ 

Biographers  do  not  seem  to  know  when  and  where  he  died. 
David  Franco  Mendes  (1713-1792)  tells  us  that  after  his  London 
visit  he  returned  to  Amsterdam,  and  although  he  gives  a  tran- 
scription of  his  epitaph,  consisting  of  eight  lines  of  Hebrew 
laudatory  verse,  no  date  is  mentioned. ^  Dr.  M.  Kayserling 
suggests  that  he  died  after  1675,  that  is  after  his  London  visit. ^ 
There  is,  however,  good  authority  to  surmise  that  he  died  in 
London  during  his  visit. 


Thesouro  Dos  Dinim 

Thesovro  Dos  Dinim.  .  .  .  Composto  por.  Menasseh  Ben  Israel. 

Estampado  em  casa  de  Eliahu  Aboab.    An.  5405. 

(8°.    16  II.  (one  blank) +62^  pp.    [in  four  sections]) 

*2  Muy  Nobres,  Magnificos,  e  Prudentes  Senhores,  Parnassim  deste 

Kaal  Kados  de  Talmud  Tor  ah o  S^  David  Abarbanel  Dormido, 

Parnas  da  Sedaka,  e  Talmud  Tora.  .  .  .  Menasseh  ben  Israel. 
Amsterdam  15  de  Hiyar,  An.  5405.  [b.  m.] 

Thesovro  Dos  Dinim  ultima  parte  .  .  .  Economica  .  .  .  Por 

Menasseh  Ben  Israel. 

Amsterda,  na  of&cina  de  Joseph  ben  Israel  seufilho.^   5407- 

S^  8  //.  (one  blank) -\-210  pp. +4  IL 

A2.  .  .  .  Dedicatoria.    Aos  muy  nobres,  Magnificos  e  Prudites 

Senhores,  os  Senhores  Abrahd  e  Ishak  Israel  Pereyra.  .  .  . 

1  Mischna  sive  Totius  Hebraeorum  Juris,  Rituum,  Antiquitatum,  ac 
Legum  Oralium  Systema,  .  .  .  Guilielmus  Surenhusius.  .  .  .  Amstelaedami, 
.  .  .  [1698-1703]     (vi  vols. /o/.) 

(Franco)  ♦JJ^DH  by   Vst   ^1W>b   HTin^   npr**   'infi   DSTTH   JllibVI- 

*  Jewish  Encyclopedia,  1904,  vol.  viii.  p.  i. 

*  The  author,  in  his  Nishmath  Chayyim,  165 1,  folio  103,  bewails  the 
premature  death  of  his  son  Joseph,  the  printer  of  this  book.  He  was,  he 
tells  us,  a  keen  Talmudist,  and  had  a  perfect  knowledge  of  four  languages. 
He  had  sent  him  on  a  voyage  for  the  first  time,  and  on  returning  to  Amster- 
dam from  Dantzig  was  shipwrecked.  On  his  second  journey  the  following 
year  to  Poland,  on  nearing  Lublin,  he  died,  being  at  the  time  about  twenty 
years  of  age. 


A3.     Este  sen  intimo,  e  affei^oado  amigo, 
0  Hahd,  Menasseh  ben  Israel 
Amsterdam  12  de  Tamuz,  An.  5407.  [b.  m.] 

The  two  parts  of  Thesouro  dos  Dinim  were  subsequently  re- 
issued in  one  volume  : — 
Amsterdam    Anno  5470  (8°.    4+201+2//.)^  [i- s.] 


"Rettung  der  Juden,"  by  Manasseh  Ben-Israel 

Manasseh  Ben  Israel  Rettung  der  Juden  Aus  dem  Englischen 


Nebst  einer  Vorrede  von  Moses  Mendelssohn. 

Als  ein  Anhang  zu  des  Hrn.  Kriegsraths  Dohm  Abhandlung : 

Ueber  die  biirgerliche  Verbesserung  der  Juden.  .  .  . 

Berlin  und  Stettin  bey  Friedrich  Nicolai.    1782. 

(8°.  lii  +64  pp.)  [I.  s.] 

*  This  second  issue  is  rarer  than  the  first :    5470  is  a  misprint  for  5407. 

ApUnaix  XXV 


U^eia^es  from  ^B^e. 

Oftwomigkic  Armies,  afwell  fox)tenicn  as  horfmentThe 

firfl  of  the  great  Sophy,  the  other  of  an  Hebrew  people,  till  this  time  not  difco* 

nercd.commingfrom  the  Mountaincs  of  Cafpij,  who  pretend  cheir  warre  is  to 

rccoocrthe  Land  of  Promifc,  Sc  expcll  the  Turks  out  of  Chrinendome.  With 

cheir  multitude  of  Souldicrs^  &  new  invention  of  weapons. 

Alfoccrlaino  prophecies  of  a  Tew  fcruingco  that  Armie,  called  ^Ari  Shiieske^ 
prognofucating  many  Orange  accidents,  which  fhall  happen 
the  following  yeer e,  1607. 

Tranflated  out  of  Italian  into  Englifh,  by  W,  W. 

Pnmedbyl.R.forHcnrv  Goffbn,  and  arc  to  be  fold  in  Pater 

From  a  rare  tract  lent  by  Mr.  Israe*  Socom0Hs.\ 



Lord,  Don  Mathias  de  Rensie, 
of  Venice. 

Fter  the  particular  thinges  alleaged 
in  my  former  writings  vnto  your 
Lordshippe,  I  thought  it  good  and 
conuenient  by  this  my  Letter,  to 
aduertise  your  Lordship,  of  certaine 
great,  horrible,  and  fearefull  things  that  hapned 
in  this  quarter. 

Purposing  to  certifie  your  Lordship  of  the  pompe 
and  great  triumph  at  the  presenting  of  the  Captaines 
of  the  Sea,  vnto  the  great  Turke :  the  miserie  and 
vnhappines  of  the  poore  prisoners  :  the  discorde  & 
contention  that  came  by  the  sonne  of  the  Vice  Roy 
of  Naples,  being  prisoner  :  the  threatnings  made  to 
the  Christians  :  the  receiuing  of  the  Ambassadors  of 
the  Soffy  :  the  pompes,  tryumphes,  and  entertainments 
made  vnto  them,  and  yet  dissembled  enough,  with 
mocking  one  the  other  at  their  departing  :  the  presents 
giuen  :    the   going   of   the   great    Turke    a    hunting 



and  all  other  thinges  written  at  large,  as  your  Lord- 
ship shall  vnderstand. 

But  now  your  Lordship  shall  vnderstand  at  thys 
time,  the  greatest,  the  most  wonderfull,  and  most 
strange  thing  that  euer  was  heard  of.  The  which 
partly  hath  so  troubled  the  great  Turke,  and  all 
the  rest,  that  they  haue  left  of  all  other  affayres,  to 
prouide  for  the  perrill  and  danger  that  at  this  time 
hangeth  ouer  theyr  heads. 

Your  Lordships  to  vse, 

Signior  Valesco. 

Newes  from  Rome. 

The  newes  are  come  that  the  king  of  Hungarie  maketh 
a  great  Army,  which  shall  haue  for  his  ayde  the  gallies 
of  Buda,  and  of  many  other  Princes  of  Christendome. 
And  they  say  moreouer,  that  the  king  of  Bohemia  will 
helpe  therein,  and  that  the  most  part  of  Christian  Princes 
will  come  and  ayde  him  in  this  enterprise  against  the 
Turke,  except  the  Signorie  of  Venice,  which  medleth 
nothing  at  all  in  it.  These  reporters  of  newes  affirme, 
that  there  shal  come  aboue  a  hundred  gallies,  besides 
other  Barks,  ships,  &  Hulkes  without  number,  which 
is  occasion  that  they  hasten  the  warre  the  more.  Not- 
withstanding, men  esteeme  not  so  much  hereof,  as  of 
the  war  that  is  made  beyond  the  Mountaines,  as  you  shall 
understand  not  without  wondering  at  it.  The  Tartars 
make  friendes  upon  the  greater  Sea,  &  haue  made  a 
league  &  friendship  with  the  great  Turke,  requiring 
ayde,  for  they  are  molested  with  war  by  the  great 
Emperour  of  Muscouia,  &  prince  of  Sagodie,  of  Pogore, 
of  Smeiengie,  of  Drossy,  of  Gazam,  of  Virgoiosam,  of  Tartarie, 
of  Gil  am,  and  of  diuers  other  people  and  regions  lying 
toward  the  South :  they  say  that  this  Emperor  or  Duke 
hath  two  Armies,  and  is  called  iohn  Dwatilio,  a  young 
man,  of  the  age  of  xxiiii.  yeeres,  noble  and  valiant,  and 
a  Christian,  after  the  institution  of  the  Greekes,  and 
presumeth  that  by  reason  of  his  blood,  the  Empire  of 
Constantinople  doth  belong  to  him.  And  these  two  Armies 
are  about  two  hundred  thousand  horse. 


Newes  from  Rome. 

They  were  not  wont  in  time  past  to  be  so  strong,  nor 
so  feared  of  the  Turks,  for  they  had  not  the  use  of 
artillarie  in  the  warre :  but  nowe  they  haue  meruailous 
great  preparation  in  theyr  warre.  Hee  hath  in  wages 
certaine  Dutch  Captaines,  and  about  tenne  thousand 
Maister  gunners,  and  is  meruailously  well  furnished 
with  harquebushes,  and  artillery,  and  because  men 
understand  that  hee  hath  so  vanquisht  the  Tartarians, 
and  brought  the  to  such  a  state,  that  they  cannot  much 
more  resist  him,  and  that  if  the  saide  Muscouite  should 
be  maisters  ouer  the  Tartars,  they  should  consequently 
be  Rulers  of  the  great  sea,  &  the  way  should  bee  open 
and  easie  for  them  to  come,  not  onely  to  Constantinople, 
but  also  to  driue  the  Turke  out  of  Europe :  and  because 
that  the  saide  great  Turke  is  assured  of  this  enterprise 
and  commotion  of  the  Greekes :  he  hath  cocluded  and 
determined,  to  send  to  the  said  Tartars  a  good  assistance 
of  fifteene  thousand  fighting  men,  and  also  for  this 
purpose,  hee  hath  sent  to  the  sea  ten  Gallies  to  passe 
them  ouer. 

Men  make  mention  and  doubt  of  Mondaccio  which  is 
a  great  Prince  and  Ruler,  and  able  to  make  foure  score, 
or  a  hundred  thousand  horse  :  and  yet  men  are  uncertaine 
whose  part  he  will  take,  because  hee  is  tributarie  unto  the 
great  Turke. 

There  is  newes  also  from  Africa,  that  the  king  of 
Bugierjy  the  king  Tramecej  the  king  of  TuniSy  the  children 
of  Serif.  The  Lord  of  Muroctio^  and  of  Gran,  with  the 
Arabians  and  other,  haue  taken  in  hand  to  driue  and 
expulse  the  turke  wholy  out  of  Affrioa^  &  to  endomage 
him  as  much  as  they  may.  Men  know  not  yet  in  what 
place  they  will  war,  but  we  shall  know  it  shortly.  The 
newes  also  is,  that  the  Soffie  is  in  Campe  with  a  great 


Newes  from  Rome. 

Armie,  and  hath  the  Medes  to  helpe  him,  which  border 
upon  the  Caspian  Sea,  and  of  one  side  neighbour  to  the 
Hi  roans,  called  at  this  day  Correxans  and  Zecatans,  with 
whom  he  hath  made  a  league  and  peace.  There  are  on 
his  side  also  the  Ibelans  and  Albians,  and  also  the  people 
of  Melibar,  which  harbor  upo  the  Indians,  and  likewise 
with  the  king  of  Bosphorus,  all  beeing  people  meruailous 
swift  and  nimble.  In  this  so  mightie  an  host  and  armie, 
is  also  Basoet  the  sonne  of  the  great  Turke,  by  meanes 
whereof,  all  in  those  parts  is  in  great  trouble,  as  well  as 
heere.  It  seemeth  that  the  lenissaries  bring  him  the  lot 
of  Turkie,  as  Baduget,  Zermonia,  Alepo,  and  all  the  Regions 
lying  neere  to  the  Soffl  is  reuolted,  all  the  which  particu- 
larities shall  be  understoode  more  at  large. 

This  newes  is  great,  and  hath  made  the  great  turke  to 
muse  enough  upon  it,  but  aboue  all  these  meruelous  and 
dreadfull  newes  which  are  hapned,  there  is  yet  chaunced 
another,  which  hath  greatly  feared  &  abashed  all  men, 
which  although  it  seemeth  to  be  incredible,  yet  upon  my 
credit  it  is  most  true,  and  that  is,  that  a  people  heretofore 
unknowne,  mighty,  swift,  and  meruelous  nimble,  hath 
taken  weapon  in  hand,  to  the  disaduantage  and  losse  of 
the  house  of  Ottoman.  They  say  that  Alexander  the 
great  did  in  time  past  driue  beyond  the  mountaine 
Gaspe  nine  tribes  and  a  halfe  of  the  Hebrewes  which 
worshipped  the  Calfe  &  Serpent  of  gold,  and  draue 
them  away,  that  neuer  since  there  was  no  newes  of 
them,  neither  knewe  any  man  if  they  were  in  the  worlde 
or  not :  because  the  Sea  of  sand,  or  the  sandie  sea,  by 
a  certaine  inconuenience  of  sand  Grauel  or  Beche, 
swelled  &  rose  so  high,  that  it  utterly  tooke  from 
them   the   way    into    this    our    Region.      But    now    by 


Neives  from  Rome. 

the  meane  of  the  newe  Nauigation  that  y«  Hollanders 
haue  made,  they  are  arriued  in  their  country,  and  haue 
espied  out  all  their  dooings :  and  after  y^  the  said 
Hollanders  had  instructed  and  taught  them  in  the  science 
and  knowledge  of  artillery,  and  gun  =  pouder  for  Harque- 
bushes  and  dags,  whereunto  they  are  meruelous  apt  and 
ready,  they  are  become  in  all  thinges  perfit.  After  this 
they  egged  them  forward  to  take  weapon  in  hand,  and 
passe  the  saide  mountaine  by  Land.  And  because  the 
sandy  sea  did  hinder  their  passage,  it  appeareth  y*  some 
Duchman  or  Italian,  which  yet  men  knowe  not,  but 
notwithstanding  some  great  Astrologian  or  Cosmographer 
taught  them  the  way,  making  some  hill  plaine  with  fire, 
whereby  they  might  easilie  passe,  which  is  a  thing  of 
great  wonder. 

These  people  haue  two  mighty  great  armies,  and 
infinite  store  of  victualls,  by  reason  of  the  fruitfulnesse 
of  theyr  country,  they  are  also  well  prouided  of  all 
manner  of  preparation  for  war,  &  cunning  in  the 
practise  of  theyr  weapons.  They  say  they  will  come  & 
recouer  the  land  of  Promise,  towards  the  which  the  first 
army  is  already  very  neere,  to  the  great  terror  and  dread 
of  euery  man  which  hath  either  seene  or  heard  of  them. 
The  spyes  which  haue  been  sent  out  by  the  great  turke 
to  discry  them,  doe  affirme,  that  beside  a  hundred  and 
two  armies,  there  foUowe  an  infinite  number  of  people, 
as  well  footmen  as  horsemen,  and  theyr  first  armie  is 
already  arriued  upon  the  limmits  of  Turkie,  putting 
all  to  fire  and  sword.  Theyr  language  is  bastard 
Hebrew :  &  because  men  speake  much  of  it  heere, 
I  will  not  forget  to  speake  also  something  thereof 
woorthy  to  be  noted,  and  well  understoode :  The 
Hebrewes  of  Constantinople  say,  that  they  haue  certaine 


Newes  from  Rome. 

prophesies,  among  the  which  one  maketh  mention, 
that  from  the  foure  parts  of  the  world,  shall  rise  a 
people,  and  come  into  Gog  and  Magog,  and  then  shall 
appeare  (as  they  perswade  themselues)  their  Messias  in 
might  and  power,  and  then  they  shall  haue  dominion 
and  rule  in  the  world,  whereof  they  secretly  reioyce,  & 
are  wonderous  glad.  They  say  moreouer,  that  there  is 
a  prophecie  grauen  in  a  piller  set  at  Podromo  which  saith 
thus :  A  mightie  Prince  shall  rise,  whose  beginning  shall 
be  of  small  reputation,  who  by  his  Issue  shal  war  of 
such  force  and  strength  (with  the  helpe  of  God)  that  he 
shall  bring  to  nothing,  the  empire  and  rule  of  Ottoman, 
and  shal  be  the  right  possessour  and  inheritor  of  the 
Empire  of  Constantinople,  &  they  beleeue  all  that  it  shall 
be  this  Emperor  and  duke  of  Muscouia,  which  is  alreadie 
in  great  estimation  among  the  Greeks. 

The  Turks  haue  a  prophecie,  which  they  sing  often, 
and  weepe  bitterlie  the  while,  for  it  betokeneth  and 
denounceth  unto  them,  their  utter  ruine  and  destruction. 
And  although  it  seeme  strange,  to  say  that  the  Turkes 
haue  prophecies,  it  is  no  meruaile :  for  Balam  was  a  false 
Prophet :  the  Sybilles  also  prophecied  and  were  Pagans. 
For  all  these  causes  the  great  Turke  hath  forbidden  wine 
&  will  that  all  men  goe  fiue  times  in  a  day  to  the  Moscheay 
and  pray  to  God  for  theyr  health  and  saftie.  And  so  hee 
prepareth  three  great  armies,  one  against  the  Muscouites, 
another  against  the  Soffie,  and  the  third  for  to  goe  against 
the  Hebrewes  of  the  Mountaines  of  Caspij,  Within  these 
fewe  dayes  you  shall  haue  other  newes,  wherefore  thus 
making  an  end,  I  commend  me  unto  your  good  Lordship : 
from  Rome,  the  first  day  of  June,  1606.  Your  faithfull 
and  trustie  seruant,  Signlor  Valesco. 


Newes  from  Rome. 

The  description  of  the  first  Armie,  condufited 

by  Zoroam  a  lew,  Captaine  generall 

of  the  Armies. 

First  of  all  a  Jew,  of  verie  great  stature,  of  a  fleshlie 
colour,  more  red  then  otherwise,  with  broad  eyes,  called 
Zoroam t  is  Captaine  generall  of  all  the  Armies,  hee  leadeth 
under  his  Ensigne  twelue  thousand  horse,  and  twenty 
thousand  footmen.  The  horsemen  are  armed  after  a 
light  sort,  but  very  good  Harnes,  almost  after  our 
fashion :  they  carrie  Launces  of  long  Reedes,  very  hard 
and  light,  yet  so  sharpe  pointed,  that  they  passe  thorowe 
a  thing  with  incredible  lightnesse  :  they  carrie  also 
shields  or  targets  of  bone,  and  in  steede  of  swords,  they 
use  certaine  Courtilaxes. 

They  are  apparrelled  with  the  colour  of  their  Ensigne, 
and  all  clothed  with  silke :  the  foote-men  carrie  Pikes  of 
the  same  sort,  with  Helmet  and  Habergin :  their  Ensigne 
is  of  iblacke  silke  and  blew,  with  a  dog  following  a  Hart, 
or  Bucke,  and  a  saying  written  in  it,  which  is  in  our 
language  thus :  Either  quick  or  dead. 

2.    Of  the  Armie  of  Don  Phares. 

There  is  one  called  Phares,  which  is  an  Earle,  yong 
and  valiant,  not  regarding  this  present  life :  this  man 
hath  under  his  commaund  fifteene  hundred  horsemen 
armed  lightly,  onely  on  the  fore-part  and  head-peece: 
yet  this  Armour  is  so  well  tempered  and  wrought,  that 
it  keepeth  out  a  Launce  and  Harquebush  shot. 


Newes  from  Rome. 

This  manner  of  arming  themselues,  is  to  the  intent 
they  may  neuer  turne  their  backe  to  runne  awaie :  they 
have  also  fierce  and  light  horses :  there  are  eighteene 
thousand  footemen,  apparrelled  with  a  kinde  of  sodden 
leather,  made  of  the  skinne  of  a  certaine  beast,  so  that 
no  pike  nor  harquebush  can  pearse  it.  These  men  are 
beastlie  people,  &  will  neuer  flie  for  any  thing,  they  are 
very  obedient  and  subiect  unto  their  Prince,  and  their 
ordinarie  apparell  is  silke.  The  Ensigne  that  they  beare, 
is  a  falcon  pecking  or  billing  with  another  bird,  with  a 
sentence  that  saith,  Either  thine  or  mine  shall  breake. 

3.    Of  the  Marquesse  of  Galair. 

There  is  a  Marquesse  of  Galair  called  Goes,  this  man 
leadeth  fifteen  hudred  men  of  armes,  which  be  all  ex- 
ceeding well  armed  &  stout,  strong,  and  rebust  men : 
their  horses  are  moriskes,  the  greatest,  the  strongest, 
the  fairest,  and  the  best  that  bee  in  the  world  :  there  are 
also  seuenteene  thousand  souldiers,  very  wel  appointed 
with  Launce  and  harquebush :  theyr  Ensigne  or  armes 
is  a  redde  field,  with  a  maid  clothed  in  greene,  holding 
a  Lion  in  her  hand,  with  these  words  /  hope  to  subdue  a 
greater  thing. 

4.    Of  the  Duke  of  Falach. 

There  is  a  Duke  of  Falach,  called  Obeth^  who  hath  under 

his  conduct  xx.  thousand  footemen,  armed  with  a  certaine 

mettall  like  yron,  but  it  is  light  and  hard,  they  have  many 

good  swords,    launces,  and  other  force,   harquebushes, 

and  wiflers :  their  Ensigne  or  armes,  is  a  mermaid  in  a 

blacke  field,  and  the  deuise  thus,  My  singing  shall  not 

cease  until  I  the  end. 



Newes  from  Rome. 

The  description  of  tiie  Armie  conducted  by 
Oaptaine  Nauison. 

There  is  a  captaine  called  Nauison,  which  hath  under  him 
XX.  thousand  men,  appointed  and  armed  with  the  skin 
of  a  serpent,  most  hard  &  stiffe,  they  haue  Axes,  pollaxes, 
pikes,  harquebushes,  and  other  kind  of  weapons :  their 
Ensigne  or  armes,  is  a  white  snaile  in  a  blacke  fielde, 
with  a  deuise  about  it,  By  tittle  and  little,  men  goe  very  fane. 
Of  the  tribe  of  Simeon  there  is  a  Prince  of  Arsay,  whose 
name  is  not  yet  knowne,  but  they  say  he  is  a  deuill,  great, 
grosse,  &  thicke  beyond  measure,  with  a  flat  nose,  and 
both  he  and  his  men  are  of  the  stature  of  Giants :  he 
leadeth  with  him  xx.  thousand  footemen,  almost  all 
Alfiers,  which  are  also  so  swift  &  nimble  that  they  will 
take  horses  running  :  they  make  a  meruailous  noise, 
such  as  no  people  use:  their  Ensigne  is  an  Lute  in  a 
blacke  field,  and  haue  for  their  posy,  Suctt  is  my  gouern- 

6.  Of  the  Duhe  of  Barsalda. 
There  is  a  duke  of  Barsalda,  and  he  is  the  conducter 
of  xiii,  thousand  footmen,  which  are  all  Harquebushers, 
&  carry  no  fire  matches,  but  strike  it  with  a  stone  : 
they  are  apparrelled  &  armed  with  such  a  hard  kind  of 
leather,  and  so  enchaunted,  that  no  yron  weapon  in  the 
world  is  able  to  perse  it  thorow.  They  bee  also  very  swift 
and  light :  their  Ensigne  or  armes,  is  a  dry  tree  in  a  blew 
field,  and  their  deuise  thus,  /  hope  to  spread,  and  be  greene 

7.    Of  the  Armie  of  the  Duke  Passill. 

There  is  a  duke  of  Passill  called  Abia,  he  hath  under 
his  conduct  a  thousand  footmen,  very  cruell,  hauing 
all    kind    of    weapons    to    push     or     pricke     far    off, 


Newes  from  Rome. 

and  to  strike  nigh,  but  farre  different  from  ours,  they 
are  very  expert  in  artificial!  fire,  and  make  the  greatest 
and  most  dreadfull  thinges  withall  y^  a  man  can  imagin : 
they  do  it  either  by  arte  or  enchauntment,  so  that  it 
seemeth  that  it  raigneth  fire  upon  their  enemies,  and 
yet  notwithstanding  Jiurteth  not  themselves  at  all,  by 
reason  they  are  apparalled  with  a  certaine  Serpents 
skin  which  preserueth  them.  Their  Ensigne  is  a  Cat 
holding  a  Rat  in  her  paw  in  a  blacke  fielde,  and  theyr 
posie  thus,  Euen  so  hapneth  it  to  him  t/iat  is  not  gouerned. 

8.    Of  the  Army  conducted  by  the  Earle 
of  Albary, 

There  is  an  Erie  of  Aibary  called  Orut,  which  hath  under 
his  gouernaunce  a  thousand  horse-men  with  Crosse- 
bowes,  some  of  them  weare  certaine  light  armour  of  a 
kind  of  hard  mettall,  with  Rapyers  and  daggers  after 
theyr  manner,  they  fight  alwayes  running  and  their  horses 
are  so  swift  that  it  is  wonderfull.  This  man  also  hath 
XX.  thousand  horses  barbed  with  very  fine  leather. 
Some  carry  pikes  &  Partisans,  &  such  like  weapons. 
Their  Ensigne  or  armes  is  a  man  in  chaines,  in  a  field 
parted  halfe  with  greene  and  purple,  and  this  deuise 
withall,  %  chaines  shall  bind  another  man, 

9.    Of  the  l^arquesse  of  l/orio. 

There   is   a    Marques    of    l/orio    called    Manasses,    who 

hath     under     his     conduct     xvii    thousand    footemen, 

armed  with  a  very  hard  &  strong  leather,  which  men 

beleeue  to  be  enchaunted,  because  that  no  weapon  nor 

harquebush  is   able   to   perse  it  thorowe,  yet  it  is   as 


Neives  from  Rome. 

light  as  Linnen  cloth,  and  a  thing  very  fayre  to  see  to. 
These  now  haue  all  sorts  of  weapons  that  an  Armie 
may  haue :  and  they  are  deuided  and  set  in  a  very  faire, 
comely,  and  decent  order:  their  Ensigne  is  an  old  man 
in  a  chariot,  in  a  blacke  field,  saying  thus,  After  a  long 
iourney,  I  shall  be  happy, 

Caleb  Shilock  his  prophesie,  for  the 
yeere,  1607, 

Be  it  knowne  unto  all  men,  that  in  the  yeere  1607,  when 
as  the  Moone  is  in  the  watrie  signe,  the  world  is  like  to 
bee  in  great  danger :  for  a  learned  Jew,  named  Caleb 
Shilock,  doth  write,  that  in  the  foresaid  yeere,  the  Sun 
shall  be  couered  with  the  Dragon  in  the  morning,  from 
fiue  of  the  clocke  untill  ^nine,  and  will  appeare  like 
fire  :  therefore  it  is  not  good  that  any  man  doe 
behold  the  same,  for  by  beholding  thereof  he  may  lose 
his  sight. 

Secondly,  there  shall  come  in  the  same  yeere  a  mer- 
uailous  great  flood  of  water,  to  the  great  terror  and 
amasement  of  many  people. 

Thirdly,  there  shall  arise  a  meruailous  great  wind,  and 
for  feare  thereof  many  people  shall  be  consumed,  or 
distraughted  of  their  wits. 

Fourthlie  the  same  yeere,  about  the  month  of  May, 
will  arise  another  wonderfull  great  flood,  and  so  great  as 
no  man  hath  seene  since  Noyea  flood,  which  wil  continue 
three  dales  and  three  nights,  whereby  many  Citties  and 
Townes  which  standeth  uppon  sandie  ground  will  be  in 
great  danger. 


Newes  from  Rome. 

Fiftly,  Infidels  and  Hereticks,  through  great  feare  and 
dread,  will  flie,  and  gather  together,  and  asmuch  as  in 
them  lies,  make  war  against  Christian  princes. 

Sixtlie,  in  the  same  yeere  after  the  great  waters  be 
past,  about  the  end  of  the  yeere  will  be  very  great  and 
fearefull  Sicknesses  :  so  that  many  people  are  like  to  die 
by  the  infection  of  strange  diseases. 

Seauenthly,  there  will  be  throughout  the  Worlde  great 
trouble  and  contention  about  matters  of  Religion,  and 
wonderfull  strange  newes  unto  all  people,  as  concerning 
the  same. 

Eightly,  the  Turke  with  his  God  Mahomet  shall  be  in 
danger  to  lose  his  Septer,  through  the  great  change  and 
alteration  in  his  Regiment,  by  reason  of  famine  and  warres, 
so  that  the  most  part  of  his  people  will  rather  seeke 
reliefe  from  the  Christian,  then  from  him. 

Ninthlie,  there  will  also  arise  great  Earth  =  quakes, 
whereby  diuers  goodly  buildings  &  high  houses,  are  like 
to  be  ouerthrowne  and  ruinated. 

Lastlie,  there  will  be  great  remoouings  of  the  earth 
in  diuers  places,  so  that  for  feare  thereof,  many  people 
will  be  in  a  strange  amazement  and  terror. 

These  punishments  are  prognosticated  by  this  learned 
Jew,  to  fall  uppon  the  whole  world  by  reason  of  sinne, 
wherefore  it  behooueth  all  Christian  to  amend  their  euill 
Hues,  and  to  pray  earnestly  unto  God  to  with  =  hold  these 
calamities  from  us,  and  to  conuart  our  harts  wholy  to 
him,  whereby  we  may  find  fauour  in  our  time  of  neede, 
through  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord.    Amen. 



A-B  in  fours ;  Black  letter,  with  the  exception  of  title-page  and 
introductory  leaf;  Lowndes,  p.  2749  notes  "Valesco,  S.  Jewes 
Prophecy,  &c.  Halliwell,  May,  1856,  imprint  cut  into  ;^  10-5-0: 
No  other  copy  known."  This  is  now  in  the  British  Museum,  the 
fore  edge  of  which  is  badly  cropped,  the  name  "  Shilocke "  on  the 
title-page  being  cut  down  to  "  Shilo^  As  in  this  copy,  the  imprint 
is  cut  off  after  "  Pater,"  but  there  is  just  visible  the  top  edge  of 
the  next  line,  which  may  be  "noster  rowe  at  the  signe  of  the 
Sunne,"  but  no  indication  of  a  date.  These  are  the  only  two  copies 
known  of  this  remarkable  tract.  To  students  of  Shakespeare,  it 
is  of  considerable  interest.  James  Orchard  Halliwell-Phillips, 
formerly  Halliwell  (i 820-1 889),  the  great  Shakespearean  scholar, 
in  his  introduction  to  the  Merchant  of  Venice  (Halliwell's  Shake- 
speare, vol.  v.,  p.  277  :  London,  1853)  maintains  that  the  name  of 
the  predominant  character  of  the  play  suggested  itself  to  the  author, 
from  this  tract.    [Notes  and  Queries,  los.  ix.  269.    April  4,  1908.] 




"The  World's  Great  Restauration,"  by  Sir  Henry  Finch 

The  I  Worlds  |  Great  ReStavration.  |  Or  |  The  Calling  Of  |  The 

levves,  and  (with  them)  |  of  all  the  Nations  and  King-  \  domes  of 

the  earth,  to  the  faith  |  of  Christ.  | 

Published  by  William  Gouge,  B.  of  D.  and  |  Preacher  of  Gods  Word 

in  Black-fryers,  London.  \ 

London  |  Printed  by  Edward  Griffin  for  |  William  Bladen,  and  are 

to  be  sold  at  his  Shop  |  neare  the  great  North  dore  of  Pauls,  at  the 

signe  I  of  the  Bible.    1621.  | 

(4to.  7  //.+234  Z'^.  +  i  1-)  [I.  s.] 

This  work  has  a  second  title  page  : — 
'*  The  Calling  of  the  levves.  |  A  |  Present  |  To  Ivdah  And  |  The 
Children  Of  |  Israel  that  ioyned  with  him,  |  and  to  loseph  (the 
valiant  tribe  |  of  Ephraim)  and  all  the  \  house  of  Israel  that  | 
ioyned  with  him.  | 

The  Lord  giue  them  grace,  that  they  |  may  returne  and  seeke 
lehovah  |  their  God,  and  David  their  \  King,  in  these  latter  dayes.| 
There  is  prefixed  an  Epistle  vnto  them,  |  written  for  their  sake  in 
the  Hebrue  tongue,  ^  |  and  translated  into  English.  | 
Published  by  William  Gouge,  B.  of  D.  and  |  Preacher  of  Gods  word 
in  Blackefryers.  London.  \ 

London  I  Printed  by  Edward  Griffin  for  |  William  Bladen,  and  are 
to  be  sold  at  his  Shop  |  neare  the  great  North  dore  of  Pauls, 
at  the  signe  |  of  the  Bible.    162 1."  | 

1  The  Hebrew  epistle  referred  to  is  a  translation  by  the  author  of  a 
section  of  this  title  page.  It  is  printed  by  itself  on  one  of  the  preliminary 
leaves  in  somewhat  archaic  characters,  and  reads  as  follows  : — 

nDV'?i  innn  Snt^*  onSi  min^S 
riNi  Dn^ni>x  nin'*  n^<  wpi\ 

Min>  ^J^^?  -rn  DiDr 
Nn^''  ^  ^»  inn 

a  Jeremiah  xxxi.  10.  h  Genesis  xxxii.  19.  c  Ezekiel  xxxvii.  16. 
d  Proverbs  iii.  4.    e  Hosea  iii.  5.    /  Amos  iii.  8. 

The  British  Museum,  and  the  Mocatta  Library,  in  University  College, 
have  copies,  without  the  first  title  page  (The  Worlds  Great  Restauration) 
and  Gouge's  preliminary  leaf  "  To  the  Reader."  Probably  issued  in  this 
state  after  the  incarceration  of  Finch  and  Gouge. 



"  The  World's  Great  Restauration  "  {continued). 

Contemporary  reference  to  the  book  is  to  be  found  in  letters 
from  the  Rev.  Joseph  Mead  (Mede)  (1586-1638),  the  eminent 
bibHcal  scholar,  to  Sir  Martin  Stuteville. 
(B.  M.  Add.  4176  :  121,  123-6.) 

Christ's  College  Cambr.  March  31. 
Sr.  1621. 

".  .  .  S^  Henry  Finch  was  last  week  examined  before  the  High 
Commission  about  the  book  I  wrote  of,  but  wonderful  privately. 
He  gave  up  his  answer  in  writing,  ^  was  sent  to  the  King,  & 
expected  from  him  what  should  be  his  censure.  ..." 

Christ's  College,  Apr.  7  [1621] 

...  7  have  seen  S''  Henry  Finch's  The  World's  Great  restaura- 
tion, or  Calling  of  the  Jews,  &  with  them  of  all  the  Nations  of  the 
Earth,  to  the  Faith  of  X^-  I  cannot  see  but  for  the  main  of  the 
discourse  I  might  assent  unto  him.  God  forgive  me,  if  it  be  a  sin  ; 
but  I  have  thought  so  many  a  day.  But  the  thing,  which  troubles 
His  Majesty,  is  this  point,  which  I  will  write  out  for  you  verbatim  ; 
"  The  Jews  &  all  Israel  shall  return  to  their  land  &  antient  Seats, 
conquer  their  foes,  have  their  Soil  more  fruitfull  than  ever.  They 
shall  erect  a  glorious  Church  in  the  Land  of  Judah  it  self  &  bear 
rule  far  and  near."  . . .  We  need  not  be  afraid  to  aver  and  maintain, 
that  one  day  they  shall  come  to  Jerusalem  again  ;  be  Kings  & 
chief  Monarchs  of  the  Earth  ;  sway  &  govern  all,  for  ihe  glory  of 
X*  ;  that  shall  shine  amongst  them.  And  that  is  it  Lactantius 
saith  Lib.  7.  Cap.  15.  The  Romans  name  I  will  speak  it,  because 
it  must  one  day  be  shall  be  taken  from  the  Earth,  &  the  Empire 
shall  return  to  Asia.  And  again  shall  the  East  bear  dominion 
&  the  West  be  in  subjection."  In  another  place  Ashur  &  Egypt, 
all  these  large  &  vast  Countries,  the  whole  tract  of  the  East  & 
South,  shall  be  converted  to  Christ  ;  the  chief  Sway  &  sovreignty 
remaining  with  the  Jews.    All  nations  shall  honour  them. 

Some  say,  the  King  says,  he  shall  be  a  pure  King,  &  he  is  so 
auld  that  he  cannot  tell  how  to  do  his  homage  at  Jerusalem. 
This  with  my  best  respect. 

Yours  ever, 

Joseph  Mead.^ 

^  This  letter  has  been  transcribed,  somewhat  inaccurately  in  "  The 
Court  and  Times  of  James  the  First ;  .  .  .  [Robert  Folkestone  Williams.] 
.  .  .  London  :  .  .  .  1848.  Vol.  ii.,  pp.  250-251.  It  is  also  to  be  found  in 
(Notes  &  Queries,  2nd  S.  xi.  127.,  Feb.  16,  1861)  "  Modern  Apocr5^hal 
Apocalypse,"  by  Moses  Margoliouth,  ll.p.,  ph.d. 


Calendar  of  State  Papers,  Domestic  Series,  James  1. 1619-1623. 

.  ,  .  Edited  by  Mary  Anne  Everett  Green.  .  .  .  London  .  .  . 


p.  247    April  18  ?  (1621) 

96.  Petition  of  Sir  Hen.  Finch  to  the  King.  Disclaims  the 
opinion  which  His  Majesty  thinks  is  asserted  in  his  book  ; 
is  sorry  for  having  written  so  unadvisedly;  begs  liberty 
and  restoration  to  favour. 

p.  248    April  18,  162 1  London  : 

Chamberlain  [to  Carleton.] 

97.  ...  Serjeant  Finch  is  committed  for  his  book  on  the  con- 
version of  the  Jews. 


Philip  Ferdinandus 

The  Jew  referred  to  was  Philip  Ferdinandus  (1555  ?-i598),  a 
native  of  Poland.  He  was  converted  to  Roman  Catholicism,  but 
afterwards  became  a  Protestant.  He  taught  Hebrew  at  Oxford, 
and  subsequently  at  Cambridge  (d.n.b.). 

His  only  publication  is  entitled : — 
Hcec  sunt  verba  Dei,  etc.  \ 

Praecepta  In  Monte  Sinai  |  data  ludaeis  sunt  613,  quorum  365 
negativa,  &  248  af- 1  firmativa,  collecta  per  Pharisaeum  Magistrum 
Abraha-  |  mum  filium  Kattani,  &  impressa  in  Bibliis  Bomber- 1 
giensibus,  anno  a  mundo  creato  5288  Vene- 1  tiis,  ab  Authore  vox 
DEI  appellata :  | 

translata  in  linguam  Latinam  per  Phi-  \  lippum  Ferdinandum 
Polonum.  I 

His  accesserunt  nonnulla  qucB  sequens  pa-  \  gina  indicahit.  \ 
Lex  Dei  integra  est,  Psal.  19.  | 
Aperi  oculos  meos,  vt  videam  mirabilia  legis  iuce.\ 
Vocem  audivistis,  et  similtudinem  non  vidistis,  \  prcefer  vocem, 
Deut.  4.  12. 1 

Vox  Dei  semel  data  est  per  Mosem  in  monte  Sinai.  | 
Sed  similitudinem  videre.  i.  arcana,  singulis  diebus  da- 1  tur.   Ex 
Hazoar.  \ 

Cum   licentia  omnium  primariorum  virorum  in  in- 1  clyta  & 
celeberrima  Cantabrigiensi  Academia. 
Cantabrigiae,  |  Ex  ofhcina  lohannis  Legat.    1597.I 
(4/0.  3  //.  +  A-H.  in  fours.)  [b.  m.] 

II.— p 



Petition  of  the  Jewes 
Johanna  &  Ebenezer  Cart  [en]  [w]  right 

The  I  Petition  |  Of  The  |  Jewes  |  For  the  Repeahng  of  the  Act  of  | 
ParUament  for  their  banishment  |  out  of  England.] 
Presented  to  his  Excellency  and  the  |  general!  Councell  of  Officers 
on  I  Fry  day   Jan.    5.    1648.  |  With   their  favourable    acceptance 
thereof.  \ 

Also  a  Petition  of  divers  Comman- 1  manders,  (sic)  prisoners  in 
the  Kings  I  Bench,  for  the  releasing  of  all  pri-  |  soners  for  Debt, 
according  to  |  the  Custome  of  other  |  Countries.  | 
London,  Printed  for  George  Roberts,  1649.  | 

{4to.1L +6  pp.)  [I.S.] 

sig.  A. 2.  "  To  the  Right  Honourable,  Thomas  Lord  Fairfax, 
(His  Excellency)  Englanes  (sic)  Generall,  And  The  Honour- 
able Councel  of  Warre,  Conveaned  for  Gods  Glory,  Izraells 
Freedom,  Peace,  and  Safety,  The  humble  Petition  of  Johanna 
Cartenright,  Widdow,  and  Ebenezer  Cartwright  her  Son, 
freeborn  of  England,  and  now  Inhabitants  of  the  City  of 
sig.  A. 3.  "  This  Petition  was  presented  to  the  generall  Councell  of 
the  Officers  of  the  Army,  under  the  Command  of  his  Excellency, 
Thomas  Lord  Fairfax,  at  Whitehall  on  Ian.  5.  And  favour- 
ably received  with  a  promise  to  take  it  into  speedy  consideration, 
when  the  present  more  publike  affaires  are  dispatched.*''^ 


"The  Messiah  Already  Come,"  by  John  Harrison 

The  I  Messiah  |  Already  Come.  |  .  .  . 

Written  in  Barbaric,  in  the  yeare  1610,  and  for  that  cause 
directed  |  to  the  dispersed  lewes  of  that  Countrie,  and  in  them 
to  all  others  now  groaning  under  the  heauy  |  yoake  of  this  their 
long  and  intoUerable  captivitie,  which  yet  one  day  shall  have  an 
end  :  .  .  . 

Amsterdam,  |  Imprinted  by  Giles  Thorp.  Anno  M.DC,xix.  | 
(4^.5//. +68 /)/>.)  [B.  M.] 

sig.  A3. — To  The  High  And  Mighty  Prince  Frederick  King  of 
Bohemia,   &c.  .  .  .  This   Treatise  was  published  seven  yeares 

^  American  Elements  in  the  Re-settlement.  By  Lucien  Wolf.  (Trans- 
actions of  the  Jewish  Historical  Society  of  England,  vol.  iii.  i8g6-8.  .  .  . 
London,  .  .  .  1899.  .  .  .  p.  87.) 


agoe    and    Printed  in   the   Low    Countries.  .  .  .  Your    Ma**®^ 
most  humble  devoted  seruant  lohn  Harrison.^ 


"  Discourse  of  Mr.  John  Dury  to  Mr.  Thorowgood— Jewes  in 
America,"  by  Tho.  Thorowgood— "Americans  no  Jews,"  by 
Hamon  l'Estrange 

An  Epistolicall  Discourse  Of  Mr.  lohn  Dury,  To  Mr.  Thorowgood. 
Concerning  his  conjecture  that  the  Americans  are  descended  from 
the  IsraeHtes.  With  the  History  of  a  Portugall  lew,  Antonie 
Monterinos,  {sic)  attested  by  Manasseh  Ben  Israel,  to  the  same 
effect.  .  .  .  Your  faithfull  friend  and  fellow-labourer  in  the  Gospel 
of  Christ.    J.  Dury,  St.  lames,  this  27  Ian.  1649. 

(sig.  D-E,  in  fours.)  50. 

This  will  be  found  in  the  preliminary  leaves  of  : — 
levves  in  America,  |  Or,  |  Probabilities  |  That  the  Americans  are 
of  I  that  Race.  1 2 

"  The  Epistle  to  the  Reader  "  is  dated  Mar.  30.  1651. 
With  the  removall  of  some  |  contrary  reasonings,  and  earnest 
de- 1  sires  for  effectuall  endeavours  to  |  make  them  Christian.  | 
Proposed  by  Tho  :  Thorowgood,  B.D.  one  of  the  |  Assembly  of 
Divines.  |  .  .  . 

London,  Printed  by  W.  H.  for  Tho.  Slater,  and  are  to  be  sold  |  at 
his  shop  at  the  signe  of  the  Angel  in  Duck  lane,  1650.  | 
{4to.    22  II.  +139  PP-)  [I.  s.] 

The  Imprimatur  signed  lohn  Downame  is  dated  Septem.  4.  1649. 
pp.  i29-(i39)  contain  "  The  Relation  of  Master  Antonie  Mon- 
terinos,   {sic)   translated  out  of  the  French  Copie  sent  by 
Manasseh  Ben  Israel.  ...  J.  Dvry  Received  this  at  London, 
27  of  Novem.  1649." 

This  was  the  affidavit  of  Montezinos,  superscribed  by  Manasseh 
Ben  Israel,  sent  to  John  Dury  at  his  particular  request. 

1  It  appeared  again  under  the  following  title  : — 
A  Vindication  Of  The  Holy  Scriptures.  .  .  . 

By  that  Learned,  and  late  Eminent  Divine  John  Harrison. 

London  .  .  .   1656. 

(i2mo.   11  II. -\- 1 50  pp. -{- 1  I.)  [i.  s.] 

2  A  reply  was  made  to  this  tract  : — 

Americans  no  lewes,   ]  Or  |  Improbabilities  that  the  |  Americans  are  of 

that  race  |  •  .  . 

By  Hamon  l'Estrange,  K*.  | 

London,  |  Printed  by  W.  W.  for  Henry  Seile  over  against  |  St.  Dunstans 

Church  in  Fleetstreet.   1652.  | 

(4/0.     2ll.^%opp.)  [I.  s.] 



"Whether  it  be  Lawful  to  Admit  Jews  into  a  Christian 
Commonwealth,"  by  John  Dury 

A  I  Case  |  Of  |  Conscience,  |  Whether  it  be  lawful  to  admit  Jews  \ 
into  a  Christian  Common-wealth  ?  | 

Resolved  By  |  M'  John  Dury :  |  Written   To  |  Samuel   Hartlih, 
Esquire.  | 

London,  |  Printed  for  Richard  Wodenothe,  in  Leaden-Hall  street,  | 
next  to  the  Golden  Heart,  1656.  | 

(4to.     il.+gpp.)  [I.  s.] 

p.  9 :   ".  .  .  Sir  !    Your  most  affectionate  and  faithful  servant 

.  .  .  John  Dury.    Cassell,  in  haste,  Januarie  8  1656."^ 


"Life  and  Death  of  Henry  Jessey" 

The  I  Life  and  Death  |  of  |  Mr.  Henry  Jessey,  |  Late  Preacher  of 
the  Gospel  of  |  Christ  in  London  ;  |  Who,  having  finished  his 
Testimony,  was  |  Translated  the  ^th  day  of  September,  1663.  | 
Written  for  the  benefit  of  all,  especially  such  as  |  were  acquainted 
with  his  godly  conversation,  |  and  Pertakers  of  his  unwearied 
Labours  in  |  the  Lord.| 

With  an  Elegy  upon  the  Death  of  Mr.  |  William  Bridg.  |  .  .  . 
Anno  Domini  1671.  | 

(8°.  ^ll.-\-'LoSpp.)  [b.  M.] 

The  author  is  unknown,  but  page  97  bears  the  initials  **  E.  W." 

p.  ^7  :     "  Towards  the  Jews  his  Charity  was  famous  beyond 

President  and  many  ways  exprest,  .  .  ." 
p.  69  :  **  3.  His  Charity  was  most  eminently  shewn  to  them  in  the 
great  Collections,  which  through  his  importunity  was  made 
for  the  poor  Jews  at  Jerusalem,  who  were  reduced  to  extream 
poverty  and  misery  ;  having  lost,  by  reason  of  the  Swedish 
Navies  Wars,  15000000  of  Rix  Dollers ;  which  their 
brethren  of  Hungary,  Poland,  Lithuania,  and  Prussia,  were 
wont  to  send  them  yearly,  for  the  maintenance  of  learned 
Rabbies  and  Students,  and  for  the  relief  of  antient  Widows 
and  decripid  men,  and  other  necessitous  people,  with  which 
the  Holy-Land  doth  abound  ;  who  (as  we  said)  by  cutting 
off  their  subsist ance  were  brought   (in  1657)   into  great 

*  John  Dury  and  the  English  Jewry.  By  the  Rev.  S.  Levy,  m.a. 
(Transactions  of  the  Jewish  liistorical  Society  of  England,  vol.  iv.  1899- 
190X.  .  .  .  London.  .  .  .  1903.  .  .  .  pp.  76-82.) 


extremity,  not  only  of  Famine  and  nakednesse  (that  of 
700  Widows,  400  were  famished  out-right)  but  also  by  the 
imprisonment  and  scourgings  of  their  Elders  and  Rabbyes, 
by  their  cruell  Creditors,  being  the  principal  men  of  the  Land 
to  whom  the  Jews  were  indebted  20000  Rialls  of  Eight, 
which  if  the  Ryall  be  4  s.  8^.  a  piece,  it  is  4666/.  13s.  4^.  for 
the  liberty  of  dwelling  there,  etc.  which  they  extorted  with 
great  rigor  and  exaction,  resolving  to  sell  them  all  for  slaves, 
in  case  payment  was  not  speedily  made." 

p.  70:  "This  befel  the  onely  then  Germane  Jews  at 
Jerusalem,  for  the  Congregation  of  Portugal  Jews  were 
relieved  by  the  Alms  of  their  Rich  Brethren  in  Portugal." 

p.  70:  "4.  The  only  Anchor  the  miserable  Wretched  and 
distressed  Persons  had,  was  to  Implore  succour  from  their 
Brethren  in  other  parts,  to  which  end  they  sent  Letters  to 
Venice,  Amsterdam,  and  by  Rahbie  Nathan  Levita,  an  Elder, 
and  Cabalist :  But  all  they  got  from  them  served  only  for 
payment  of  Interest  of  Debts :  so  that  they  had  still  perished, 
if  the  bowels  of  Christians  in  Holland,  had  not  compassion- 
ated their  State,  who  sent  them  500.  Rix  Dollars,  and  by 
Letters  did  earnestly  press  Mr.  H.  J.  to  further  a  Collection 
in  England. 

"  To  which  he  made  some  demurs  till  he  obtained  full 
satisfaction  of  the  truth  of  the  Relation,  and  certainty  of 
safe  conveyance  of  the  money  that  Charity  might  not  be 
abused  ;  for  the  first,  the  Messengers  from  Jerusalem  brought 
Commissions  signed  by  their  Elders,  which  Commissions 
were  sent  to  the  Synagogues  in  Germany,  and  in  the  Nether- 
lands to  be  examined ;  who  assured  that  they  knew  the 
hands,  and  that  those  men  would  not  subscribe  to  an  un- 
truth, and  that  they  themselves  had  contributed  upon  the 
same  Information. 

"  And  as  for  Conveyance,  two  Noted  Merchants  of 
Francford,  would  return  the  mony,  and  give  Bond  for  so 
much ;  till  they  procure  a  Receipt  from  the  Elders  of 
Jerusalem,  as  they  had  done  for  the  above  named  summe  of 
500.  Rix  Dollars ;  and  had  a  Letter  returned  from  Jerusalem 
to  the  Charitable  Christians  of  Amsterdam,  both  in  way  of 
Receipt  and  Gratitude  with  Original  Hebrew  Letter  with  the 
Messengers,  Commissioners,  and  other  necessar}?'  Instructions 
being  sent  to  Mr.  Jessey,  removed  all  scruples,  so  that  im- 
mediatly  informed  divers  London  Ministers,  by  whose 
assistance,  together  with  his  own  private  Friends  and 
Interest,  the  some  of  300/.  Sterling  was  in  short  time 
gathered  and  sent,  and  a  Bill  of  Receipt,  with  thankfulness 
returned  :  some  of  it  being  also  sent  to  distressed  lews  at 
Vilna  and  other  places  in  Po/awt^. " 


p,  6y :  "  When  their  hberty  of  returning  and  trading  in 
England  (as  they  did  in  Germany,  Poland,  Russia,  Portugal, 
Netherlands  etc.)  was  moved,  disputed  and  debated  for  and 
against ;  He  laboured  that  it  might  be  granted,  with  such 
Umitations,  (as  our  Merchants  yielded  unto,  viz)  that  they 
should  be  seated  in  some  decayed  Port  Towns,  and  pay 
Custome  for  Goods,  thence  transported  into  other  parts  of 
the  Nation,  besides  what  they  should  pay  there  for  exporting 
English,  and  importing  forreign  Commodities  :  such  a  toller- 
ating  of  their  trade  might  not  onely  be  beneficial  several  ways 
to  our  selves,  but  be  some  satisfaction  for  the  unhandsome 
dealings  of  our  Nation  against  that  people  in  the  days  of 
King  Rich.  I.  King  John  and  Edward  the  first,  for  the  space 
of  100  years  till  their  final  Banishment,  An.  Dom.  1290.  with 
those  circumstances  of  cruelty,  that  our  own  Histories  do 
not  seem  to  approve  of  ;  .  .  ." 


"The  Glory  of  Jehudah  and  Israel— De  Heerlichkeydt  .  . 


The  Glory  of  Jehudah  and  Israel  is  referred  to  in  the  concluding 
paragraph  of  "  The  Humble  Addresses/' 

Manasseh  Ben  Israel  writes  : — 

"...  Now,  having  prooved  the  two  former  Points,  I  could 
adde  a  third,  viz.  of  the  Nobility  of  the  lewes :  but  because  that 
Point  is  enough  known  amongst  all  Christians,  as  lately  yet  it 
hath  bene  most  worthily  and  excellently  shewed  and  described 
in  a  certain  Booke,  called.  The  Glory  of  lehudah  and  Israel, 
dedicated  to  our  Nation  by  that  worthy  Christian  Minister  Mr. 
Henry  lessey,  (1653.  in  Dutch)  where  this  matter  is  set  out  at 
large :  .  .  ." 

"The  Life  and  Death  Of  M""  Henry  Jessey,"  page  79: 
"...  Mr.  H.  J.  seconded  his  Almes  with  divers  Consolatory 
Letters  to  the  dispersed  seed  of  Jacob,  having  before  in  1650. 
wrote  a  compleat  Treatise  yet  extant,  and  called  (the  glory  & 
Salvation  of  Jehudah,  and  Israel)  tending  towards  the  reconcilia- 
tion of  Jews  and  Christians,  .  .  ." 

J.  C.  Wolf,  in  his  Bihliothecce  Hehrceae,  1733,  vol.  iv.,  p.  901, 
in  his  biography  of  Manasseh  Ben  Israel,  incidentally  refers  to 
"  De  HeerUckheid  en  heyl  van  Jehuda  en  Israel  "  written  in 
Flemish  (Belgice)  by  Henr.  Jesse. 

It  is  apparently  very  rare,  the  only  copy  that  has  been  traced 
is  mentioned  in  "  Catalogue  De  La  BibUotheque  de  literature 


hebraique  et  orient  ale  et  d'Auteurs  hebreux  De  Feu  M^  Leon  V. 
Saraval  Trieste  .  .  .  1853. "^  [i.  s.] 

N°.  619  "  Jesse  Henry  de  Heerlichkeydt  en  Heyl  van  Jehuda 

en  Israel  (en  langue  flamande,  traduit  de  Tanglais.)    Amst. 

1653  in  8°  .  .  .  tres-rare.  ..." 


Of  the  Late  Proceeds  at  White-Hall,  concerning 
THE  Jews  [Henry  Jesse] 

A  I  Narrative  |  Of  the  late  Proceeds  at  |  White-Hall,  |  Concerning 
The  I  Jews :  |  Who  had  desired  by  R.  Manasses  \  an  agent  for  them, 
that  they  might  return  to  |  England,  and  Worship  the  God  of 
their  Fa- 1  thers  here  in  their  Synagogues,  etc.  | 
Published  for  satisfaction  to  many  in  several  parts  of  Eng-  \  land, 
that  are  desirous,  and  inquisitive  to  hear  the  |  Truth  thereof. 
London  :  |  Printed  for  L:  Chapman,  at  the  Crown  in  Popes- 
head- Alley.    1656. 1 
(4to.  I  I +14 pp.)^  [I.  s.] 

p,  II  :  "Here  followeth  part  of  a  Letter  written  at  Ligorn,  1652. 

and  sent  by  the  Preacher  in  the  Phoenix  Frigot,  to  a  friend  in 

Ligorn,  aboard  the  Phoenix,  19  of  the  1,  1652. 
Dear  Brethren  :  .  .  ." 
p.  12'.  k  Postscript,  To  fill  up  the  following  Pages,  that  else 

had  been  vacant  :  Containing, 

1  The  Proposals  of  R.  Manasses  ben  Israel,  more  fully. 

2  Part  of  his  Letter  written  Anno  1647. 

3  The  late  progress  of   the   Gospel    amongst  the  Indians  in 

A  translation  appeared  in : — 
Neue  Schwarmgeister=Brut  Oder  Historische  Erzehlung  .  .  . 
IV.  Die  Wieder^^Einnehmung  der  Juden  in  Engeland 
v  Die  Bekehrung  der  Indianer  in  New=  Engeland  .  .  . 
Gedrukkt  im  Jahr  1661.  pp.  189-223. 
(8°.    24II.  +223  pp. +1 1.)  [I.  s.] 

^  In  1853  the  Saraval  library  was  purchased  for  the  Breslau  seminary. 

2  A  translation  appeared  in  : — 
Neue  Schwarmgeister  =Brut  Oder  Historische  Erzehlung.  .  .  . 

IV.  Die  Wicder  =Einnehmung  der  Juden  in  Engeland 

V.  Die  Bekehrung  der  Indianer  in  New  =  Engeland  .  .  . 
Gedrukkt  im  Jahr  1661.  pp.  189-223. 

(8°.  2^ll.+223Pp.-\-il.)  [I.  s.] 



Bishop  Thomas  Newton  and  the  Restoration  of  Israel 

"  The  preservation  of  the  Jews  is  really  one  of  the  most  signal 
and  illustrious  acts  of  divine  Providence.  They  are  dispersed 
among  all  nations,  and  yet  they  are  not  confounded  with  any. 
The  drops  of  rain  which  fall,  nay  the  great  rivers  which  flow  into 
the  ocean,  are  soon  mingled  and  lost  in  that  immense  body  of 
waters  :  and  the  same  in  all  human  probability  would  have  been 
the  fate  of  the  Jews,  they  would  have  been  mingled  and  lost  in 
the  common  mass  of  mankind  ;  but,  on  the  contrary  they  flow 
into  all  parts  of  the  world,  mix  with  all  nations,  and  yet  keep 
separate  from  all.  They  still  live  as  a  distinct  people,  and  yet 
they  no  where  live  according  to  their  own  laws,  no  where  elect 
their  own  magistrates,  no  where  enjoy  the  full  exercise  of  their 
religion.  ...  No  people  have  continued  unmixed  so  long  as  they 
have  done,  not  only  of  those  who  have  sent  forth  colonies  into 
foreign  countries,  but  even  of  those  who  have  abided  in  their  own 
country.  The  northern  nations  have  come  in  swarms  into  the 
more  southern  parts  of  Europe  ;  but  where  are  they  now  to  be 
discerned  and  distinguished  ?  The  Gauls  went  forth  in  great 
bodies  to  seek  their  fortune  in  foreign  parts  ;  but  what  traces  or 
footsteps  of  them  are  now  remaining  any  where  ?  In  France 
who  can  separate  the  race  of  the  ancient  Gauls  from  the  various 
other  people,  who  from  time  to  time  have  settled  there  ?  In 
Spain  who  can  distinguish  exactly  between  the  first  possessors 
the  Spaniards,  and  the  Goths,  and  the  Moors,  who  conquered  and 
kept  possession  of  the  country  for  some  ages  ?  In  England  who 
can  pretend  to  say  with  certainty  which  families  are  derived  from 
the  ancient  Britons,  and  which  from  the  Romans,  or  Saxons,  or 
Danes,  or  Normans  ?  The  most  ancient  and  honorable  pedigrees 
can  be  traced  up  only  to  a  certain  period,  and  beyond  that  there 
is  nothing  but  conjecture  and  uncertainty,  obscurity  and  ignor- 
ance :  but  the  Jews  can  go  up  higher  than  any  other  nation, 
they  can  even  deduce  their  pedigree  from  the  beginning  of  the 
world.  They  may  not  know  from  what  particular  tribe  or  family 
they  are  descended,  but  they  know  certainly  that  they  all  sprung 
from  the  stock  of  Abraham.  And  yet  the  contempt  with  which 
they  have  been  treated,  and  the  hardships  which  they  have  under- 
gone in  almost  all  countries,  should  one  would  think,  have  made 
them  desirous  to  forget  or  renounce  their  original ;  but  they 
profess  it,  Ihey  glory  in  it  :  and  after  so  many  wars,  massacres, 
and  persecutions,  they  still  subsist,  they  still  are  very  numerous  : 
and  what  but  a  sujxjrnatural  power  could  have  preserved  them 
in  such  a  manner  as  none  other  nation  upon  earth  hath  been 
preserved  ? 

"  Nor  is  the  providence  of  God  less  remarkable  in  the  destruc- 


tion  of  their  enemies,  than  in  their  preservation.  For  from  the 
beginning  who  have  been  the  great  enemies  and  oppressors  of  the 
Jewish  Nation,  removed  them  from  their  own  land,  and  com- 
pelled them  into  captivity  and  slavery  ?  The  Egyptians  afflicted 
them  much,  and  detained  them  in  bondage  several  years.  The 
Assyrians  carried  away  captive  the  ten  tribes  of  Israel,  and  the 
Babylonians  afterwards  the  two  remaining  tribes  of  Judah  and 
Benjamin.  The  Syro-Macedonians,  especially  Antiochus  Epi- 
phanes,  cruelly  persecuted  them  :  and  the  Romans  utterly  dis- 
solved the  Jewish  state,  and  dispersed  the  people  so  as  they  have 
never  been  able  to  recover  their  city  and  country  again.  And 
where  are  now  these  great  and  famous  monarchies,  which  in  their 
turns  subdued  and  oppressed  the  people  of  God  ?  Are  they  not 
vanished  as  a  dream,  and  not  only  their  power,  but  their  very 
names,  lost  in  the  earth  ?  The  Egyptians,  Assyrians,  and 
Babylonians,  were  overthrown,  and  entirety  subjugated  by  the 
Persians  ;  and  the  Persians  (it  is  remarkable)  were  the  restorers 
of  the  Jews,  as  well  as  the  destroyers  of  their  enemies.  The  Syro- 
Macedonians  were  swallowed  up  by  the  Romans  :  and  the 
Roman  empire,  great  and  powerful  as  it  was,  was  broken  in 
pieces  by  the  incursions  of  the  northern  nations  ;  while  the  Jews 
are  subsisting  as  a  distinct  people  to  this  day."^ 


"A  Call  to  the  Christians  and  the  Hebrews" 

"  You  are  at  length  to  be  restored  to  the  land  of  your  fore- 
fathers, where,  after  ages  of  dispersion  and  suffering,  you  will  find 
rest  and  enjoyment  ;  and  will  restore,  surpass  and  enjoy,  for  ever, 
aU  that  you  have  ever  known,  or  conceived  of  happiness  and 
glory.  ...  Ye  have  sown  in  tears,  ye  shall  reap  in  joy."  (Psalm 
cxxvi,  5.) 

"  They  who  deny  that  you  will  be  restored  and  re-established 
in  your  ancient  inheritance,  may  better  deny  that  you  are  dis- 
persed ;  for  as  certainly  as  the  prophecies  of  your  dispersion  and 
preservation  have  been  verified,  so  shall  the  numerous  prophecies 
of  your  restoration  be  realized  and  fulfilled." 

"  Will  the  British  who  preside  over  the  Atlantic,  Mediterranean 
and  Indian  Seas  assume  the  glorious  enterprise,  and  conduct 
the  Hebrews  from  Tarshish  and  the  various  coasts  of  their 
dispersion  ? 

"  This  island  has  given  birth  to  the  Bible  Society,  through 
whose  labours  the  glorious  work  has  been  undertaken  and 
sustained  of  circulating  the  sacred  scriptures,  among  the  various 
nations  of  the  earth  in  the  respective  languages. 

^  Dissertations  on  the  Prophecies  .  .  .  By  Thomas  Newton,  D.D.,  .  .  .  vol.  i., 
London  .  .  .  mdccliv.     pp.  216-219. 


"  From  this  isle  of  ancient  fame,  the  Hindoos  and  the  lone 
isles  of  the  Pacific  and  Atlantic  Seas,  again  receive  their  Vedas 
and  sacred  scrolls. 

"  The  uplifted  shell  sounded  from  this  Arctic  isle,  will  gain  the 
ear  of  the  wakeful  Spirits  of  peace  within  it,  and  upon  either 
Continent  ;  of  those  watchers  of  the  world,  who  listen  to  gather 
and  transmit  to  all  kindred  and  nations,  the  grateful  sounds 
fraught  with  good  tidings,  which  ascend  ever  and  anon,  as  the 
all-presiding  God  calls  them  forth  from  some  one  of  his  train  on 


The  Centenary  of  the  British  and  Foreign  Bible  Society 

Those  who  wish  to  read  the  full  record  of  the  Society's  work 
can  do  so  in  the  two  delightful  volumes  of  Mr.  WilHam 
Canton.  In  his  History  of  the  British  and  Foreign  Bible 
Society  (London,  Murray,  1904)  he  tells,  in  fine  style,  the 
story  of  the  first  half-century  of  the  Society's  career.  When 
the  Society  began  its  work,  that  is  to  say  at  the  begin- 
ning of  the  nineteenth  century,  "  all  the  Bibles  in  the  world 
in  all  languages  and  in  every  land,  printed  or  in  MSS.,  did 
not  greatly  exceed  4,000,000  copies,  and  of  the  forty  or  fifty 
languages  into  which  the  Scriptures  have  been  translated, 
several,  like  the  Anglo-Saxon  of  Bede  and  the  Mseso-Gothic  of 
Ulfilas,  were  extinct  tongues."  But  now  how  stands  the  matter  ? 
"  Under  its  auspices  and  mainly  at  its  charges,  scholars  have 
been  employed  in  translating  the  Scriptures  into  over  300 
languages,  including  all  the  great  vernaculars  of  the  world. 
Neither  expense  nor  labour  has  been  spared  in  making  these 
versions  as  perfect  as  possible  ;  and  when  completed  they  have 
been  printed,  and  thus  placed  within  the  reach  of  the  poorest 
of  those  for  whom  they  were  intended.  In  100  years  over 
180,000,000  copies  of  the  scriptures,  complete  or  in  part,  have 
been  issued  by  the  Society  ;  and  at  the  present  time  more  than 
6,000,000  copies  per  annum  are  being  put  into  circulation." 

The  well-known  scholar,  Dr.  Israel  Abrahams,  after  quoting 
this  passage  in  the  Jewish  Chronicle,  March  4th,  1904,  rightly 
remarks  :  ".  .  .  the  Society  is  doing  a  noble  work,  with  much  of 
which  Jews  must  completely  sympathise.  With  some  of  its 
work  we  do  not  sympathise ;  but  this  reservation  does  not 
prevent  us  from  offering  cordial  congratulations  to  the  Society 
on  its  centenary,  ..."  This  is  our  point  of  view  with  regard  to 
non- Jewish  activities  on  behalf  of  Zionism,  as  well  as  on  behalf  of 
the  Bible. 

*  A  Call  to  the  Christians  and  the  Hebrews.  By  Theaetetus.  .  .  .  London 
MDCCcxix.     8°.  1 1.  +  35  pp.  [B.  M.]  pp.  16-17,  33-34- 



Lord  Kitchener  and  the  Palestine  Exploration  Fund 

Dr.  Samuel  Daiches  read  a  paper  on  the  7th  February,  1915, 
to  the  Jews'  College  Union  Society  about  Lord  Kitchener's 
work  in  Palestine.  Sir  Edward  Pears,  who  is  a  member  of  the 
Council  of  the  Palestine  Exploration  Fund,  presided.  Dr. 
Daiches  pointed  out  that  there  was  an  early  period  in  Lord 
Kitchener's  life  which  provided  him  with  work  in  which  he 
developed  his  great  capacities — the  period  of  his  work  in 
Palestine — nearly  forty  years  ago,  when  he  was  engaged  for  four 
years  (from  1874  to  1878)  in  exploration  work  in  the  Holy  Land. 
He  first  took  up  the  work  (at  the  age  of  twenty-four)  as  second- 
in-command  under  Lieutenant  Conder,  and  later,  owing  to  the 
ill-health  of  Conder,  took  command  of  the  survey  party  of  the 
Palestine  Exploration  Fund.  The  lecturer  made  it  clear  that  the 
real  underljdng  motive  which  induced  Lord  Kitchener  to  take  up 
this  work  was  a  love  for  the  Bible  and  the  land  of  the  Bible. 
Kitchener  left  for  Palestine  in  command  of  the  Survey  in  January, 
1877.  By  "the  beginning  of  July  the  survey  of  Galilee  was  com- 
pleted, 1000  square  miles  having  been  added  to  the  map.  Four 
weeks  later  he  went  with  a  reduced  party  to  the  south  country 
and  surveyed  340  square  miles  in  the  desert  around  Beer  Sheba. 
The  survey  of  the  whole  of  Western  Palestine  was  thus  completed. 
Then  the  revision  work  was  done.  In  January,  1878,  Kitchener 
was  back  in  England,  and  after  a  short  leave  he  joined  Conder  at 
the  South  Kensington  Museum,  and  arranged  and  wrote  the 
Memoirs  for  the  sheets  of  the  map  executed  by  himself.  In 
September  he  formally  handed  over  to  the  Committee  the  whole 
of  the  Maps  and  Memoirs  complete.  As  a  result  of  the  work  of 
Conder  and  Kitchener  we  now  have  the  large  map  of  Western 
Palestine  in  twenty-six  sheets,  three  volumes  of  Memoirs  on  the 
topography,  orthography,  hydrography  and  archaeology,  and  the 
volume  of  Arabic  and  English  name  lists.  A  volume  of  Special 
Papers  (vol.  v.  of  the  series)  contains  contributions  from  Conder 
and  Kitchener.  Kitchener's  contributions  concerning  the 
ancient  Synagogues  in  Galilee  are  very  valuable,  and  his  reports 
show  a  sympathetic  understanding  of  Jewish  traditions  in 
Palestine.  1 

^  Lord  Kitchener  and  his  work  in  Palestine.     By  Dr.  Samuel  Daiches. 
London  .  ,  .  1915.     (8°.  88  p^.) 



Bonaparte's  Call  to  the  Jews  (1799) 

Gazette  Nationale  ou  Le  Moniteur  Universel. 

No.  243.    Tridi,  3  prairial  an  7  de  la  repuhlique  frangaise  une  et 

[Page]  987.  Politique.    Turquie.    Constantinople,  le  28  germinal. 

"  Bonaparte  a  fait  publier  une  proclamation,  dans  laquelle 
il  invite  tons  les  juifs  de  I'Asie  et  de  TAfrique  a  venir  se  ranger 
sous  ses  drapeaux  pour  retablir  I'ancienne  Jerusalem.  II  en  a 
deja  arme  un  grand  nombre,  et  leurs  bataillons  menacent  Alep." 
No.  279.    Nonidi,  9  messidor  etc. 

[Pages]  1136-1137.     De  la  conquete  probable  de-V empire  ottoman 
par  Bonaparte. 

"...  Attendons  la  confirmation  de  ces  heureuses  nouvelles.  Si 
elles  sont  prematurees,  nous  aimons  a  croire  qu'elles  se  realiser- 
ont  un  jour.  Ce  n'est  pas  seulement  pour  rendre  aux  juifs  leur 
Jerusalem  que  Bonaparte  a  conquis  la  Syrie ;    .  .  ."     (David.) 


[A  Zionist]  Letter,  addressed  by  a  [French]  Jew  to  his 


"  Brothers, 

"  You  who  have  groaned  for  so  many  ages  under  the 
weight  of  the  cruelest  persecutions,  do  you  not  wish  to  burst 
from  the  state  of  degrading  humiliation  in  which  intolerant  and 
barbarous  religions  have  placed  you  ?  Contempt  accompanies 
us  everywhere.  Our  sufferings  are  unpitied  and  despised.  The 
unshaken  constancy  with  which  we  have  preserved  the  faith  of 
our  ancestors,  far  from  procuring  for  us  the  admiration  due  to 
such  a  conduct,  has  only  increased  the  unjust  hatred  which  all 
nations  bear  towards  us.  It  is  only  by  affecting  the  exterior  of 
baseness  and  misery,  that  we  are  enabled  to  secure  our  property 
and  preserve  our  unhappy  existence.  It  is  at  least  time  to 
shake  off  this  insupportable  yoke — it  is  time  to  resume  our  rank 
among  the  other  nations  of  the  universe.  Vile  robbers  possess 
that  sacred  land  which  our  ancestors  were  compelled  to  yield  to 
the  Romans.  They  profane  the  holy  City  which  we  defended 
with  so  much  courage.  Posterity  has  preserved  a  dreadful 
remembrance  of  the  struggle — we,  surely,  have  not  forgotten  it. 
That  courage  has  only  slumbered:    the  hour  to  awaken  it  is 


arrived.  O  my  brethren !  let  us  rebuild  the  temple  of 
Jerusalem  ! 

"  An  invincible  nation,  which  now  fills  the  world  with  her 
glory,  has  shewn  us  what  the  love  of  country  can  perform.  Let 
us  implore  her  generosity — request  her  assistance  ;  and  we  may 
be  assured  that  the  philosophy  which  guides  the  chiefs  of  that 
nation,  will  induce  them  to  give  our  demand  a  favourable 

"  We  are  more  than  six  millions  of  people  scattered  over  the 
face  of  the  earth  ;  we  possess  immense  riches  :  let  us  employ  the 
means  that  are  in  our  power  to  restore  us  to  our  country.  The 
moment  is  propitious,  and  to  profit  by  it,  is  our  duty.  The  follow- 
ing are  the  means  best  suited  for  carrying  this  holy  enterprize 
into  execution : — There  shall  be  estabhshed  a  Council,  the 
members  of  which  shall  be  elected  by  the  Jews,  who  are  spread 
over  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa. 

[Here  the  writer  divides  the  Jews  into  the  15  following 
tribes,  viz.  The  Italian,  Helvetic,  Hungarian,  PoUsh,  Russian, 
Northern,  British,  Spanish,  Gallic,  Dutch,  Prussian,  German, 
Turkish,  Asiatic,  and  African.  These  the  author  proposes  shall 
each  form  a  body  of  electors  in  the  capitals  of  the  respective 
districts  ;  and  then  he  proceeds.] 

"  The  fifteen  deputies  of  these  tribes  shall  form  the  Council, 
which  shall  hold  its  sittings  at  Paris.  When  they  shall  have 
assembled  to  the  number  of  nine,  they  may  begin  to  deliberate 
on  the  object  of  their  mission.  Their  decisions  will  have  with 
all  the  Jews  the  force  of  laws  ;  they  shall  be  obliged  to  submit 
to  them.  The  Council  shall  appoint  an  agent,  to  communicate 
to  the  Executive  Directory  of  France  the  propositions  which  it 
may  think  proper  to  make  to  the  French  government." 

"  The  country  we  propose  to  occupy  shall  include  (liable  to 
such  arrangements  as  shall  be  agreeable  to  France)  Lower  Egypt, 
with  the  addition  of  a  district  of  country,  which  shall  have  for  its 
limits  a  line  running  from  Ptomelais  or  Saint  John  D'Acre,  to  the 
Asphaltic  Lake,  or  Dead  Sea,  and  from  the  South  point  of  that 
Lake  to  the  Red  Sea.  This  position,  which  is  the  most  advan- 
tageous in  the  world,  will  render  us,  by  the  navigation  of  the  Red 
Sea,  masters  of  the  commerce  of  India,  Arabia  and  the  South 
and  East  of  Africa  ;  Abyssinia,  and  Ethiopia,  those  rich  countries 
which  furnished  Solomon  with  so  much  gold  and  ivory  and  so 
many  precious  stones,  will  trade  the  more  willingly  with  us,  that 
the  greater  part  of  their  inhabitants  still  practise  the  law  of 
Moses.  The  neighbourhood  of  Aleppo  and  Damascus  will  facili- 
tate our  commerce  with  Persia ;  and  by  the  Mediterranean  we 
may  communicate  with  Spain,  France,  Italy,  and  the  rest  of 
Europe.  Placed  in  the  centre  of  the  world,  our  country  will 
become  the  entrepot  of  all  the  rich  and  precious  productions  of  the 


"  The  Council  shall  offer  to  the  French  government,  if  it  will 
give  us  the  assistance  necessary  to  enable  us  to  return  to  our 
country,  and  to  maintain  ourselves  in  the  possession  of  it, 

"  I.  Every  pecuniary  indemnification. 
2.  To  share  the  commerce  of  India,  &c.  with  the'merchants 
of  France  only. 

**  The  other  arrangements,  and  the  propositions  to  be  made  to 
the  Ottoman  Porte,  cannot  yet  be  rendered  public  :  we  must,  in 
these  matters,  repose  on  the  wisdom  of  the  Council,  and  the  good 
faith  of  the  French  nation.  Let  us  choose  upright  and  enlight- 
ened deputies,  and  we  may  have  confidence  in  the  success  of  this 

"01  my  brethren  I  what  sacrifices  ought  we  not  to  make  to 
obtain  this  object  ?  We  shall  return  to  our  country — we  shall 
live  under  our  own  laws — ^we  shall  behold  those  sacred  places 
which  our  ancestors  illustrated  with  their  courage  and  their 
virtues.  I  already  see  you  all  animated  with  a  holy  zeal. 
Israelites  !  the  term  of  your  misfortunes  is  at  hand.  The  oppor- 
tunity is  favourable — take  care  you  do  not  allow  it  to  escape."^ 

This  appeal — a  prototype  of  Pinsker's  Autoemancipation  and 
of  Herzl's  Judenstaat — produced  a  deep  impression,  but  since  the 
whole  expedition  proved  a  failure,  Jewish  opinion — not  on  the 
principle,  but  on  the  opportunity  and  the  means — was  divided. 


"  Transactions  of  the  Parisian  Sanhedrim," 
BY  DiOGENE  Tama 

Transactions  Of  The  Parisian  Sanhedrim, 

Or  Acts  Of  The  Assembly  Of  Israelitish  Deputies  of  France  and 

Italy,  Convoked  At  Paris  By  An  Imperial  And  Royal  Decree, 

Dated  May  30,  1806. 

Translated  From  The  Original  Published  By  M.  Diogene  Tama, 

With  A  Preface  And  Illustrative  Notes  By  F.  D.  Kirwan,  Esq. 

London;  .  .  .  Published  by  Charles  Taylor,  Hatton  Street.  1807. 

(8°.    xvi+334^^)  [i-s.] 

1  The  Restoration  of  the  Jews  the  Crisis  of  all  Nations ; . . .  Second  Edition. 
By  J.  Bicheno,  m.a. 

London  :  .  .  .  1807 (8°.  2  //.-}- 235  PP-  [I-  S.])    pp.  60-62. 

See  Appendices  XLIII-XLVI. 



Signs  of  the  Times"— "A  Word  in  Season" — "Commotions 
Since  French  Revolution"— "History  of  Christianity"— 
"The  German  Empire" — "Fulfilment  of  Prophecy,"  by 
Rev.  James  Bicheno 

The  Signs  of  the  Times  :  .  .  .  By  J.  Bicheno  .  .  . 

London :  Printed  For  The  Author ;  And  Sold  by  Parsons,  Pater- 

noster-Row ;  Wayland,  Holborn,  London ;  and  James  and  Cottle, 


Price  IS.  6d.  [1793] 

Of  whom  may  be  had  the  Author's  P>iendly  Address  to  the  Jews, 

and  a  Letter  to  Mr.  D.  Levi.    Price  is.  6d. 

(8°.   4lL^6ypp.)  [B.  M.] 

A  Word  in  Season  :  ...  To  Stand  Prepared  For  The  Con- 
sequences Of  The  Present  War  .  .  . 
By  J.  Bicheno,  .  .  .  London  .  .  .  1795. 
(8°.  2  It. +53  pp.)  [B.M.] 

The  Probable  Progress  And  Issue  Of  The  Commotions  Which 
Have  Agitated  Europe  Since  The  French  Revolution,  .  .  . 
By  J.  Bicheno  .  .  .  London  .  .  .  mdccxcvii. 
{S°.  2  11. +g4  pp.)  [B.M.] 

A  Glance  At  The  History  of  Christianity,  .  .  . 

By  James  Bicheno,  m.a.,  Newbury  .  .  .  mdccxcviii.  .  .  . 

(8°.  28  pp.)  [B.  M.] 

The  Destiny  Of  The  German  Empire  ;  .  .  . 

By  J.  Bicheno,  M.A.  .  .  .  London  :  .  .  .  1801  .... 

{S°.  2  II. +g6  pp.)  [B.  M.] 

The  Fulfilment  of  Prophecy  Farther  Illustrated  By  The  Signs  Of 

The  Times  ;  .  .  . 

By  J.  Bicheno,  m.a.  London  .  .  .  1817. 

(8°.  xvii-f  254  pp.)  [B.  M.] 


"  Restoration  of  the  Jews  " — "  Friendly  Address  to  the  Jews," 
by  Rev.  James  Bicheno—"  Letter  to  Mr.  Bicheno,"  by  David 

The  Restoration  of  the  Jews,  The  Crisis  Of  All  Nations  ; 

Or,  An  Arrangement  Of  The  Scripture  Prophecies,  Which  Relate 

To  The  Restoration  Of  The  Jews,  And  To  Some  Of  The  Most 


Interesting  Circumstances  Which  Are  To  Accompany  And  Dis- 
tinguish That  Important  Event ; 

With  Illustrations  And  Remarks  Drawn  From  The  Present 
Situation  And  Apparent  Tendencies  Of  Things,  Both  In  Christian 
And  Mahomedan  Countries. 

By  J.  Bicheno,  m.a.  .  .  .  London  . . .  1800.     [Price  Two  ShiUings 
And  Sixpence.] 
(S°.2ll.+iispp.)  [B.  M.] 

The  Restoration  Of  The  Jews  The  Crisis  Of  All  Nations  ; 
To  Which  Is  Now  Prefixed,  A  Brief  History  Of  The  Jews,  From 
Their  First  Dispersion,  To  The  CaUing  Of  Their  Grand  San- 
hedrim At  Paris,  October  6th,  1806. 

And  An  Address  On  The  Present  State  Of  Affairs,  In  Europe  In 
General,  And  In  This  Country  In  Particular. 
Second  Edition. 
By  J.  Bicheno,  m.a. 
London :  .  .  .  1807.     (Price  5s. — Entered  at  Stationer* s-H all.) 

(S\  2  II. +235  PP-)  [i-s.] 

He  also  wrote  : — 
A  Friendly  Address  To  The  Jews.  .  .  . 

To  Which  Is  Added,  A  Letter  To  Mr.  D.  Levi ;  Containing 
Remarks  On  His  Answer  To  Dr.  Priestley's  Letter  To  The  Jews ; 
Shewing,  That  however  his  Arguments  may  affect  the  Opinions 
of  Dr.  Priestley,  they  form  no  Objection  against  the  Christian 

By  J.  Bicheno,  Newbury.  London  :  .  .  . 
(8°.  vi.  pp.  +  1I.  +88  pp.)  [I.  s.] 

Which  occasioned  the  following  reply  : — 
A  Letter  To  Mr.  Bicheno,  Occasioned  By  His  Friendly  Address 
to  the  Jews,  And  A  Letter  To  Mr.  David  Levi,  Containing  Re- 
marks On  Mr.  Levi's  Answer  To  Dr.  Priestley's  First  Letters  To 
The  Jews. 

By  David  Levi,  Author  Of  Lingua  Sacra,  The  Ceremonies  Of 
The  Jews,  etc.  .  .  . 

See  pp.  127-134  in  "  Letters  To  Dr.  Priestley,  In  Answer  To  His 
Letters  To  The  Jews,  Part  II.  Occasioned  By  Mr.  David  Levi's 
Reply  to  the  Former  Part.  Also  Letters  i.  To  Dr.  Cooper,  .  .  . 
2.  To  Mr.  Bicheno,  3.  To  Dr.  Krauter,  4.  To  Mr.  Swain,  And 
5.  To  Anti-Socinus,  alias  Anselm  Bayly.  Occasioned  By  Their 
Remarks  On  Mr.  David  Levi's  Answer  To  Dr.  Priestley's  First 
Letters   To   The   Jews.      By    David    Levi,  .  .  .  London :  ... 


(8^  2  II. +  159  pp.)  [I.S.] 



"Attempt  to  Remove  Prejudices  Concerning  the 
Jewish  Nation,"  by  Thomas  Witherby 

An  Attempt  To  Remove  Prejudices  Concerning  The  Jewish 

Nation.    By  Way  Of  Dialogue. 

By  Thomas  Witherby.  ' 

Part  I.i 

London  :     Printed  For  The  Author,  .  .  .  1804.     {Entered  at 


(8\  XX  +511  pp.)  [I.  s.] 


"Observations  on  Mr.  Bicheno's  Book,"  by  Thomas  Witherby 

Dedicated  to  the  Jews. 

Observations  on  Mr.  Bicheno's  Book,  Entitled  The  Restoration 
Of  The  Jews  The  Crisis  Of  All  Nations  : 

Wherein  the  revolutionary  Tendency  of  that  Publication  is 
shewn  to  be  most  inimical  to  the  real  Interest  of  the  Jews,  who 
are  not  to  expect  the  Restoration  to  their  own  Land  until  they 
are,  by  the  free  Grace  of  the  God  of  their  Fathers,  enabled  to 
acknowledge  his  Justice,  Righteousness,  and  Mercy,  in  their  long- 
continued  Dispersion,  and  in  the  Preservation  of  their  Nation 
amidst  those  awful  Sufferings  which  they  have  endured  under 
his  righteous  Judgments. 

Together  With  An  Inquiry  Concerning  Things  To  Come ;   .  .  . 
London  :  Printed  For  The  Author  .  .  . 

(8°.  XX -1-323  ^^)  [I.S.] 

Page  iii :  (Dedicated)  "  To  The  Jews.  Distinguished  Nation. 
.  .  .  Thomas  Witherby.    Enfield,  Middlesex,  Aug.  22,  1800."' 


"Letters  to  the  Jews,"  by  Joseph  Priestley 

Letters  To  The  Jews  ;  Inviting  Them  To  An  Amicable  Discussion 

Of  The  Evidences  Of  Christianity. 

By  Joseph  Priestley,  ll.d.,  f.r.s.  .  .  . 

Birmingham,  .  .  .  mdcclxxxvii.    [Price  One  Shilling.] 

(8°.  2  II.  +Si  pp.  -f-i  /.    (Catalogue.)  "'  [i.  s.] 

^  The  pagination  is  consecutive,  but  Part  II  is  dated  1803. 
*  Gentleman's  Magazine,  1801,  vol.  Ixxi.,  pp.  830-836. 


Letters  To  The  Jews.    Part  II.    Occasioned  By  Mr.  David  Levi's 
Reply  To  The  Former  Letters. 

By     Joseph     Priestley,    ll.d.     f.r.s.  .  .  .  Birmingham,  .  .  . 
MDCCLXXXvii.      [Price  One  Shilling.] 

(8°.iv+56^/>.)  [I.S.] 

Page  56  :  "  Your  brother  in  the  sole  worship  Of  the  one  only  true 
God,  Joseph  Priestley.    Birmingham,  July  i,  1787." 


"An  Address  to  the  Jews  on  the  Present  State  of  the 
World,"  by  Joseph  Priestley 

A  Comparison  Of  The  Institutions  of  Moses  With  Those  Of  The 

Hindoos  And  Other  Ancient  Nations  ; 

With  Remarks  on  Mr.  Dupuis's  Origin  of  all  Religions, 

The  Laws  and  Institutions  of  Moses  Methodized, 

And  An  Address  to  the  Jews  on  the  present  state  of  the  World 

and  the  Prophecies  relating  to  it. 

By  Joseph  Priestley,  l.l.d.  f.r.s.  &c.  .  .  . 

Northumberland  :i.  .  .  mdccxcix. 

(8°.  xxvii  +428  pp.  +2  //.  (catalogue).)  [b.  m.] 

pp.  393-428  :   "An  Address  To  The  Jews/' 


"Letters  to  Dr.  Priestley,"  by  David  Levi 

Letters  To  Dr.  Priestly,  In  Answer  To  Those  He  Addressed  To 

The  Jews  ;   Inviting  Them  To  An  Amicable  Discussion  Of  The 

Evidences  Of  Christianity. 

By  David  Levi,  .  .  .  London,  .  .  .  mdcclxxxvii. 

(8°.  2  II. +99  pp.)  [I.S.] 

Second  Edition  mdcclxxxvii.     (103  pp.)  [i.  s.] 

Third  Edition,  m,dcc,xciii.     (2  //.  +99  pp.)  [i.  s.] 

*  Pennsylvania,  U.S.A. 


"A  Famous  Passover  Melody,"  by  the  Rev.  F.  L.  Cohen 

"...  Isaac  Nathan,  a  fashionable  singing  master  of  London 
.  .  .  conceived  the  idea  of  imitating  the  '  Irish  Melodies ' 
of  Thomas  Moore  (batches  of  which  had  been  published  since 
1807,  with  the  greatest  success).  .  .  .  Less  fortunate  than 
Moore,  Byron's  verses  were  not  wedded  to  melodies  of  the 
national  type  they  professed,  because  even  before  Nathan  had 
thus  exhausted  his  choice,  he  had  made  a  most  superficial  search 
through  the  repertory  of  the  Anglo- Jewish  synagogues  of  his 
day,  which,  by  the  way,  had  not  yet  experienced  the  inspiringly 
melodious  influence  of  '  Polish '  Chazanuth.  .  .  .  The  opening 
poem,  '  She  walks  in  beauty,'  for  example,  he  set  to  a  tawdry 
Lecha  Dodi  .  .  .  But  among  the  six  actually  *  Hebrew '  melodies, 
there  were  one  or  two  exceptions  to  the  general  inferiority  of  the 
music  ;  and  prominent  among  these  was  the  tender  and  expres- 
sive air  to  which,  by  a  happy  inspiration,  Nathan  set  the 
verses : — 

'  O  weep  for  tl  ose  that  wept  by  Babel's  stream.' 

Here,  at  least, 

'  Music  and  sweet  poetry  agreed. 
As  well  they  should,  the  sister  and  the  brother  * ; 

and  the  result  became  world  famous  as  a  type  of  what  Hebrew 
melody  might  be.  It  has  often  been  republished;  and  has  also 
appeared  in  other  settings,  as  by  the  Rev.  M.  Hast  to  Ibn 
Gabirol's  hymn  : — 

*  At  morn  I  beseech  Thee,' 

or  by  Ernst  Pauer  in  his  Traditional  Hebrew  Melodies.  But  what 
is  more  especially  known  to  and  prized  by  musicians,  it  forms  the 
only  pianoforte  composition  of  Robert  Franz,  the  great  song- 
writer, under  the  title 

*  Beweinet,  die  geweint  an  Babel's  Strand,' 

and  as  such,  it  has  become  famous.  .  .  .  The  origin  of  the  melody 
is  .  .  .  simply  the  old  chant  of  the  Cohanim  on  the  Festivals,  as  it 
used  to  be  sung  in  London  synagogues  on  the  Passover  a  hundred 
years  ago,  with  a  joyous  touch  of  Pesach  tune.  .  .  ."  ^ 

^  Jewish  Chronicle,  ist  April,  1904,  page  21. 



"Reminiscences  of  Lord  Byron  .  .  .  Poetry,  etc.,  of  Lady 
Caroline  Lamb,"  by  Isaac  Nathan 

Fugitive  Pieces  And  Reminiscences  Of  Lord  Byron  : 
Containing  An  Entire  New  Edition  Of  The  Hebrew  Melodies, 
With  The  Addition  Of  Several  Never  Before  Pubhshed  ; 
The   Whole   Illustrated   With   Critical,   Historical,    Theatrical, 
Political,  And  Theological  Remarks,  Notes,  Anecdotes,  Interest- 
ing Conversations,  And  Observations,  Made  By  That  Illustrious 
Poet :  Together  With  His  Lordship's  Autograph. 
Also  Some  Original  Poetry,  Letters  And  Recollections  Of  Lady 
Caroline  Lamb. 

By  I.  Nathan,  Author  Of  An  Essay  On  The  History  And  Theory 
Of  Music,  The  Hebrew  Melodies,  &c.  &c.  .  .  . 
London  :  .  .  .  1829. 
(8°.    xxxvi+igG+ii:^^.)  [i.  s.] 


"Selection  of  Hebrew  Melodies,"  by  John  Braham  and 
Isaac  Nathan 

A  Selection  of  Hebrew  Melodies  Ancient  and  Modern  with  ap- 
propriate Symphonies  &  accompaniments. 
By  1.  Braham  &  I.  Nathan. 

The  Poetry  written  expressly  for  the  work  By  the  Right  hon  Lord 
Byron  .  .  . 

Published  &  Sold  by  I:  Nathan  N°  7  Poland  Street  Oxford  Str*. 
and  to  be  had  at  the  principal  Music  and  Booksellers.  [Price  One 
Guinea.    (1815.)] 

(4/0.    ^ll+liZZPP-)  [I.  s.] 

A  second  edition  was  published  in  1861. 
(4^0.     2  II.  +21^  pp.)  [b.  M.] 



Earl  of  Shaftesbury's  Zionist  Memorandum 
Scheme  for  the  Colonisation  of  Palestine 

Lord  Ashley'^  to  Viscount  Palmer ston. 

"  St.  Giles  House, 

"  September  z^th,  1840. 

"  My  Lord, 

"The  Powers  of  Europe  having  determined  that  they 
will  take  into  their  own  hands  the  adjustment  of  the  Syrian 
Question,  I  venture  to  suggest  a  measure,  which  being  adopted 
will  promote  the  development  of  the  immense  fertility  of  all 
those  countries  that  lie  between  the  Euphrates  and  the  Mediter- 
ranean Sea. 

"The  consideration  of  the  person  or  the  authority  to  whom 
these  territories  may  be  assigned  by  the  award  of  the  con- 
tracting Powers  is  of  no  importance.  The  plan  presupposes 
simply  the  existence  of  a  recognised  and  competent  Dominion ; 
the  establishment  and  execution  of  Laws;  and  a  Government 
both  willing  and  able  to  maintain  internal  peace. 

"These  vast  regions  are  now  nearly  desolate;  every  year  the 
produce  of  them  becomes  less,  because  the  hands  that  should  till 
them  become  fewer.  As  a  source  of  revenue  they  are  almost 
worthless,  compared,  at  least,  with  the  riches  that  industry 
might  force  from  them.    They  require  both  labour  and  capital. 

"  Capital,  however,  is  of  too  sensitive  a  nature  to  flow  with 
readiness  into  any  country  where  neither  property  nor  life  can 
be  regarded  as  secure ;  but  if  this  indispensable  assurance  be 
first  given,  the  avarice  of  man  will  be  a  sufficient  motive,  and  it 
will  betake  itself  with  alacrity  to  any  spot  where  a  speedy  or  an 
ample  return  may  be  promised  to  the  speculator. 

"  An  inducement  such  as  this  is  sufficient  to  stimulate  the 
mercantile  zeal  of  every  money-maker  under  Heaven,  and  it 
would  be  advisable  that  the  Power,  whoever  he  may  be,  to  whom 
these  provinces  may  fall,  should  issue  and  perform  a  solemn 
engagement  to  establish,  in  his  laws  affecting  property,  the 
principles  and  practices  of  European  civilisation :  but,  in 
respect  of  these  regions  now  under  dispute,  there  are,  so  far  as  a 
numerous,  though  scattered,  people  is  concerned,  other  induce- 
ments and  other  hopes,  over  and  above  those  which  influence  the 
general  mass  of  mankind. 

"  Without  entering  into  the  grounds  of  the  desire  and  expecta- 
tions entertained  by  the  Hebrew  Race  of  their  return  ultimately 
to  the  land  of  their  fathers,  it  may  be  safely  asserted  that  they 

*  Succeeded  his  father  in  1851  as  the  seventh  Earl  of  Shaftesbury. 


contemplate  a  restoration  to  the  soil  of  Palestine.  They  believe, 
moreover,  that  the  time  is  near  at  hand.  Every  recollection  of  the 
past,  and  every  prospect  of  the  future,  animates  their  hope  ;  and 
fear  alone  for  their  persons  and  their  estates  represses  their 
exertions.  If  the  Governing  Power  of  the  Syrian  provinces 
would  promulgate  equal  laws  and  equal  protection  to  Jew  and 
Gentile,  and  confirm  his  decrees  by  accepting  the  four  Powers  as 
guarantees  of  his  engagement,  to  be  set  forth  and  ratified  in  an 
article  of  the  Treaty,  the  way  would  at  once  be  opened,  con- 
fidence would  be  revived,  and,  prevailing  throughout  these 
regions,  would  bring  with  it  some  of  the  wealth  and  enterprise  of 
the  world  at  large,  and,  by  allaying  their  suspicions,  call  forth 
to  the  full  the  hidden  wealth  and  industry  of  the  Jewish  people. 

"  There  are  many  reasons  why  more  is  to  be  anticipated  from 
them  than  from  any  others  who  might  settle  there.  They  have 
ancient  reminiscences  and  deep  affection  for  the  land ; — it  is 
connected  in  their  hearts  with  all  that  is  bright  in  times  past,  and 
with  all  that  is  bright  in  those  which  are  to  come  ;  their  industry 
and  perseverance  are  prodigious ;  they  subsist,  and  cheerfully, 
on  the  smallest  pittance ;  they  are,  almost  everywhere,  ac- 
customed to  arbitrary  rule,  and  being  totally  indifferent  to 
political  objects,  confine  their  hopes  to  the  enjoyment  of  what 
they  can  accumulate.  Long  ages  of  suffering  have  trained  their 
people  to  habits  of  endurance  and  self-denial ;  they  would 
joyfully  exhibit  them  in  the  settlement  and  service  of  their 
ancient  country. 

"  If  we  consider  their  return  in  the  light  of  a  new  establish- 
ment or  colonisation  of  Palestine,  we  shall  find  it  to  be  the 
cheapest  and  safest  mode  of  supplying  the  wants  of  those 
depopulated  regions.  They  will  return  at  their  own  expense,  and 
with  no  hazard  but  to  themselves ;  they  will  submit  to  the 
existing  form  of  Government,  having  no  preconceived  theories  to 
gratify,  and  having  been  almost  eveiywhere  trained  in  implicit 
obedience  to  autocratic  rule  ;  they  will  acknowledge  the  present 
appropriation  of  the  soil  in  the  hands  of  its  actual  possessors, 
being  content  to  obtain  an  interest  in  its  produce  by  the  legiti- 
mate methods  of  rent  or  purchase.  Disconnected,  as  they  are, 
from  all  the  peoples  of  the  earth,  they  would  appeal  to  no 
national  or  political  sympathies  for  assistance  in  the  path  of 
wrong ;  and  the  guarantee  which  I  propose,  for  insertion  in  the 
Treaty  to  be  carried  out  by  the  personal  protection  of  the 
respective  Consuls  and  Vice-Consuls  of  the  several  nations, 
would  be  sufficient  to  protect  them  in  the  exercise  of  their 

"  The  plan  here  proposed  may  be  recommended  by  the  con- 
sideration that  large  results  are  promised  to  the  application  of 
very  small  means  ;  that  no  pecuniary  outlay  is  demanded  of  the 
engaging  parties ;    that  while  disappointment  would  bring  no 


ill-effects  except  to  those  who  declined  the  offer,  the  benefit  to 
be  derived  from  it  would  belong  impartially  to  the  whole 
civilised  world.  .  .  . 

"  I  have  the  honour  to  be,  my  Lord, 
"  Your  Lordship's  most  obedient,  humble  servant, 


"The  Viscount  Palmerston,  m.p. 

Her  Majesty's  Secretary  of  State  for  Foreign  Affairs."  ^ 


Restoration  of  the  Jews 

[The  annexed  documents  have  just  appeared  in  a  periodical 
entitled  Memorials  concerning  God's  Ancient  People  of  Israel,  and 
are  probably  as  yet  but  little  known  to  the  world  at  large  : — ] 


To  the  Protestant  Powers  of  the  North  of  Europe  and 
America — Victoria,  by  the  grace  of  God,  Queen  of  Great  Britain 
and  Ireland  ;  Frederick  (WilHam)  III.  King  of  Prussia  ;  WilHam 
(Frederick),  King  of  Netherlands  ;  Charles  (John)  XIV.,  King 
of  Sweden  and  Norway ;  Frederick  VI.,  King  of  Denmark  ; 
Ernest  Augustus,  King  of  Hanover  ;  William,  King  of  Wurtem- 
berg  ;  The  Sovereign  Princes  and  Electors  of  Germany  ;  The 
Cantons  of  the  Swiss  Confederation  professing  the  Reformed 
Religion  ;  and  the  States  of  North  America,  zealous  for  the  Glory 
of  God  ;  grace,  mercy  and  peace  from  God  the  Father,  and  the 
Lord  Jesus  Christ  ! 

"  High  and  Mighty  Ones, 

**  The  Most  High  God,  who  ruleth  in  the  kingdoms  of  men 
(Dan.  iv.  32),  by  whom  kings  reign  and  princes  decree  justice 
(Prov.  viii.  15),  having  in  these  days  granted  a  season  of  repose 
to  his  witnessing  church  (Acts  ix.  31  ;  Rev.  xii.  16),  planted  in 
the  lands  whereof  ye  are  kings  and  governors  (Isaiah  xHx.  23)  ; 
the  vine  of  His  planting  among  the  Gentiles  (Acts  xxviii.  28) 
hath  extended  her  boughs  unto  the  seas  and  her  branches  unto 
the  rivers  (Isa.  xlix.  6),  that  now  in  nearly  all  the  world  the 
gospel  of  the  kingdom  is  being  lifted  as  a  witness  unto  all  nations 
(Matt.  xxiv.  14),  and  in  the  isles  afar  off.  The  days  are  drawing 
near  (Rev.  xxii.  20)  when  the  dominion,  and  the  glory,  and  the 
kingdom,  with  all  people,  nations  and  languages,  shall  serve  Him, 

*  The  Life  and  Work  of  the  Seventh  Earl  of  Shaftesbury,  k.g.,  by 
Edwin  Hodder,  1866,  vol.  i.,  pp.  313-315. 


who  Cometh  in  the  clouds  of  heaven  (Dan.  vii.  14,  Rev.  i.  7), 
whose  dominion  is  an  everlasting  dominion,  and  his  kingdom 
that  shall  not  be  destroyed  (Psalm  xlv.  6).  Blessed  be  He  !  He 
hath  given  his  waiting  people  to  hear  the  sound  of  His  approach- 
ing footsteps,  and  to  mark  the  signs  of  His  drawing  near  (i  Thess. 
v.  4) .  The  fig-tree  putteth  forth  her  leaves  again  (Matt .  xxiv.  32) . 
Israel's  sons  are  asking  the  way  to  Zion,  by  which  we  know  that 
summer  is  at  hand.  Blessed  are  all  they  that  wait  (2  Thess.  iii.  5), 
and  hold  fast  (Rev.  iii.  11),  for  quickly  He  cometh.  Amen. 

"  In  the  prospect  of  the  Cliristian  Church,  of  the  speedy 
appearing  of  her  glorified  head,  the  zeal  of  the  Lord's  servants 
hath  been  stirred  up  (Rev.  iii.  2)  to  a  multiplied  diligence  in 
those  labours  of  faith  and  love  which  were  devolved  upon  her 
(Matt,  xxviii.  19),  when  the  Son  of  God,  as  a  man  taking  a 
journey  into  a  far  country,  bade  his  servants  occupy,  until  he 
returned  again  (Luke  xix.  13).  With  other  responsibilities,  the 
circumstances  of  one  peculiar  people,  whom  the  Most  High  hath 
separated  (Gen.  xii.  i)  and  taken  into  covenant  with  him 
(Gen.  xvii.  7  ;  Exod.  xxxiv.  7),  and  which  covenant  no  act  of 
theirs,  however  iniquitous  or  rebellious,  can  repeal  or  destroy 
(Mai.  iii.  6),  whom  he  hath  scattered  in  all  lands  as  witnesses 
of  his  unity  and  power  (Isa.  xliii.  9),  connected  with  whom  the 
welfare  of  mankind  is  bound  up,  and  in  the  lifting  up  of  whose 
head  the  most  stupendous  consequences  are  made  to  depend 
(Rom.  xi.  15),  are  presented  at  this  eleventh  hour  for  the  repent- 
ance and  faith  of  Christendom,  that  the  blood  of  our  brethren  of 
circumcision  which  has  been  unjustly  shed  may  be  atoned  for  in 
the  blood  of  the  Lamb  (Isa.  i.  18),  and  the  fruits  of  forgiveness  be 
manifested  (Matt.  iii.  8)  in  presenting  the  children  of  this  people 
continually  at  the  throne  of  grace  (i  Pet.  ii.  5  ;  Ps.  cxxii.  6)  for 
the  atoning  sacrifice  of  Christ  to  cover  them  (Joel  ii.  17)  ;  and 
as  the  Almighty,  in  his  providential  appointments,  shall  make 
the  way  plain  to  present  the  children  of  Israel  who  may  be  willing 
to  go  up  (Ps.  ex.  3)  as  an  offering  to  the  Lord  of  Hosts  in  Mount 
Zion  (Isa.  xxviii.  7). 

"  For  300  years  the  testimony  of  the  churches,  planted 
in  the  lands  over  which  Almighty  God  hath  made  you  rulers, 
hath  been  lifted  up  against  that  apostacy  which  hath  usurped 
the  authority  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  in  the  earth  (Rev.  xxii.  5, 
and  xxiii.  5)  daring  presumptuously  to  assert  power  over 
nations  (Rev.  xviii.  7),  and  over  kingdoms,  to  root  up  and  to  pull 
down,  to  build,  to  plant,  and  to  destroy  (Dan.  vii.  20,  Rev.  xiii. 
2,  7).  The  millstone  which  shall  sink  the  Great  Babylon  in  the 
abyss  of  an  unfathomable  perdition  (Rev.  xviii.  21)  when  her 
hour  arrives  (and  it  is  very  near  !)  with  the  judgment  under  which 
she  hath  long  lain,  for  bemg  drunken  with  the  blood  of  the  saints 
and  of  the  martyrs  of  Jesus  (Rev.  xvii.  6),  shall  include  the 
avenging  of  the  wrongs  of  God's  ancient  people  (Isa.  Ii.  22,  23), 


and  a  terrible  account  it  is  ;  and  the  issue  shall  be  joy  and  glad- 
ness to  the  whole  earth,  for  it  is  written,  '  Rejoice,  O  ye  nations, 
with  His  people  ;  for  He  avengeth  the  blood  of  His  servants,  and 
shall  render  vengeance  unto  his  adversaries,  and  will  be  merciful 
to  His  land  and  to  His  people  '  (Deut.  xxxii.  43).  '  Happy  art 
thou,  O  Israel ;  who  is  like  unto  thee,  O  people  saved  by  the 
Lord,  the  shield  of  thy  help  and  the  sword  of  thy  excellency  ? 
and  thine  enemies  shall  be  found  Hars  unto  thee,  and  thou  shalt 
tread  on  their  high  places  '  (Deut.  xxxiii.  29). 

"In  the  events,  on  which  the  eyes  of  nations  are  fixed, 
taking  place  around,  whilst  the  continuance  and  stability  of 
your  thrones  and  sway,  O  kings,  is  the  earnest  prayer  of  the 
Christian  church  (i  Tim.  ii.  2),  she  cannot  but  uphold  the 
witness  that  the  days  draw  nigh,  when,  under  the  hallowed 
sway  of  Messiah  the  Prince,  the  now  despised  nation  of  the 
Jews  shall  possess  the  kingdom  (Dan.  vii.  27),  and  she  directs, 
with  reverential  awe,  your  eye  to  that  mighty  empire  in 
the  east  which  is  crumbling  to  dust,  and  drying  in  all  her 
streams  (Rev.  xvi.  12)  to  make  way  for  the  event.  Palestine  hath 
been  a  burdensome  stone  (Zech.  xii.  2)  unto  the  followers  of  the 
false  Prophet  (Rev.  xvi.  13),  as  it  was  to  the  ancestors  of  many 
of  you,  O  Princes,  when,  under  the  banner  of  the  Popish  Antichrist, 
their  mistaken  zeal  sought  to  recover  the  Holy  City  from 
the  Saracen's  grasp.  But  the  fulness  of  the  Gentiles  is  at  hand 
(Romans  xi.  21)  and  unto  Israel  the  dominion  shall  return 
(Micah.  iv.  8). 

**  The  apostate  Julian  sought  to  plant  the  children  of  this 
people  in  the  seats  of  their  fathers,  in  despite  of  the  holy  faith, 
one  of  the  external  evidences  of  whose  trust  was,  that  their 
house  was  left  unto  them  desolate,  until  they  should  say 
*  Blessed  is  he  that  cometh  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  '  (Matt,  xxiii. 
38,  9).  But  is  it  anywhere  declared  in  the  word  of  our  God, 
that  the  children  of  Israel,  scattered  and  peeled,  humbled 
and  dispirited,  impoverished  and  broken  down,  should  not  be 
presented  as  an  offering  in  faith  to  Jehovah  of  Hosts  in  Mount 
Zion  ?  that  there  they  may  be  pleaded  with  face  to  face  by  the 
God  of  their  fathers  (Ezekiel  xx.  13),  that  there  the  veil  may  be 
rent  (Isaiah  xxv.  7)  which  is  over  their  hearts  (2  Cor.  iii.  15),  that 
there  they  may  look  on  him  whom  they  have  pierced  (Zech. 
xii.  10).  Your  attention,  high  and  mighty  ones,  is  directed  to 
the  recorded  fact  that  such  an  offering  is  expected.  And  before 
that  full  and  final  gathering  which  follows  the  judgments  poured 
out  on  all  the  earth  (Isaiah  Ixiii.  15,  16,  20),  a  power,  and  that 
power  a  northern  one  (Jer.  iii.  12,  xxxi.  6,  9,  xxxiii.  7,  8 — Isaiah 
xliii.  6,  xlix.  12),  shall  be  employed  to  lead  a  people  wonderful 
from  their  beginning  hitherto — a  nation  expecting  and  trampled 
underfoot — ^whose  land  rivers  have  spoiled,  unto  the  name  of  the 
Lord  of  Hosts  in  Mount  Zion  (Isaiah  xviii.).    These  designs  and 


purposes  of  the  Lord  God  of  Israel,  King  of  Kings  and  Lord  of 
Lords,  are  declared  unto  you,  high  and  mighty  ones,  his  servants 
(Dan.  V.  23),  that  you  may  ponder  them,  and  know  His  will, 
from  the  voice,  with  which  He  is  about  to  speak  unto  nations  and 
unto  men  (Haggai  ii.  6 — Isaiah  i.  10),  for  the  time  is  at  hand 
(Rev.  i.  3). 

"  Your  wisdom  hath  been  exercised  to  mark  the  boundaries  of 
kingdoms,  and  to  define  the  limits  of  empires  ;  and  has  not  the 
aggressor  overleaped  all  barriers,  and  the  strength  of  treaties 
snapped  asunder  as  tow  ?  And  why  ?  Because  when  the 
Almighty  awarded  to  the  nations  their  inheritance,  when  he 
separated  the  sons  of  Adam,  he  set  the  bounds  of  the  people 
according  to  the  number  of  the  children  of  Israel  (Deuteron.  xxxii. 
7,  8).  By  an  unrepealed  covenant,  the  Lord  God  declared  unto 
Abram,  concerning  the  land  of  Palestine,  '  Unto  thy  seed  have  I 
given  this  land,  from  the  river  of  Egypt  to  the  great  river,  the 
river  Euphrates  '  (Genesis  xv.  18) .  This  gift  was  ratified  unto  him 
for  an  everlasting  possession,  and  to  his  seed  after  him,  when 
the  Almighty  gave  him  the  covenant,  and  changed  his  name  to 
Abraham  (Genesis  xvii.  4,  8).  For  the  purposes  of  infinite  wisdom 
fast  hastening  to  maturity,  the  Lord  God  hath  scattered  his 
inheritance  to  the  four  winds  of  heaven.  But  hear  the  word  of 
the  Lord,  O  ye  nations,  and  declare  it  in  the  isles  afar  off. 
He  that  scattered  Israel  will  gather  him,  and  keep  him  as  a 
shepherd  doth  his  flock. 

"  As  the  spirit  of  Cyrus,  King  of  Persia  was  stirred  up  to 
build  the  Lord's  Temple,  which  was  in  Jerusalem  (ii  Chron. 
xxxvi.  22,  23),  who  is  there  among  you,  high  and  mighty  ones  of 
all  the  nations,  to  fulfil  the  good  pleasure  of  the  holy  will  of 
the  Lord  of  Heaven,  saying  to  Jerusalem,  '  Thou  shalt  be 
built '  and  to  the  Temple,  '  Thy  foundation  shall  be  laid '  ? 
(Isaiah  xliv.  28).  The  Lord  God  of  Israel  will  be  with  such. 
Great  grace,  mercy,  and  peace  shall  descend  upon  the  people  who 
offer  themselves  willingly ;  and  the  fire  offerings  of  their  hearts 
and  hands  shall  be  those  of  a  sweet-smelling  savour  unto  Him 
who  hath  said,  '  I  will  bless  them  that  bless  thee  (Genesis  xii.  3), 
and  contend  with  him  who  contendeth  with  thee  '  (Isaiah 
xlix.  25). 

"  The  grace  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  the  love  of  God, 
and  the  communion  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  be  with  you  all.  Amen. 
Signed  and  sealed  in  London,  8th  of  January,  in  the  year  of  our 
Lord,  1839,  in  the  name  of  the  God  of  Abraham,  of  Isaac,  and  of 
Jacob,  on  behalf  of  many  who  wait  for  the  redemption  of 


(Copy  I.) 

"  London,  January  22nd,  1839. 

"  May  it  please  your  Majesty, — I  have  the  high  honour  of 
laying  at  your  Majesty's  feet  the  accompanying  memorandum 
relating  to  the  present  condition  and  future  prospects  of  God's 
ancient  people,  the  Jews.  Your  Majesty's  pious  feelings,  I 
doubt  not,  will  be  excited  to  give  the  Scriptural  hopes  and 
expectations  therein  set  forth  your  earnest  attention,  consider- 
ing the  high  station  it  hath  pleased  Almighty  God  to  call  this 
Protestant  land  to,  as  the  great  seat  of  the  church. 

"  According  to  the  petitions  of  this  peculiar  people  at  a  throne 
of  grace,  that  in  your  Majesty's  reign  '  Judah  may  be  saved 
and  Israel  dwell  safely,'  is  the  prayer  of  your  Majesty's  dutiful 
subject  and  servant. 

"  Her  most  Gracious  Majesty  Victoria,  Queen  of 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland." 

(Copy  2.) 

"  January  19th,  1839. 

"  My  Lord, — I  have  tL  honour  of  transmitting  through  your 
Lordship  a  document  which  it  is  the  desire  of  some  of  her 
Majesty's  subjects  should  be  laid  at  her  Majesty's  feet,  relating 
to  the  Scriptural  expectations  of  the  church,  connected  with  the 
restoration  of  the  Jews  to  Palestine,  the  land  of  their  fathers. 

"  I  am  induced  to  solicit  your  Lordship's  good  offices  in  being 
the  medium  of  communicating  this  document  to  her  Majesty, 
as  the  substance  of  it  relates  to  the  present  rights  of  an  ally  of 
this  country — namely,  the  Sublime  Porte. 

"  But  I  would  respectfully  press  upon  your  Lordship's  atten- 
tion, that,  in  holding  forth  the  Scriptural  hopes  of  God's  ancient 
people,  those  who  emanate  the  accompanying  document  never 
for  one  moment  dream  of  political  force  to  accomplish  the  end 
desired.  When  the  hour  comes  of  Israel's  planting  in,  doubtless 
Almighty  God  will  not  fail  to  raise  up  chosen  instruments,  who, 
with  willing  hands  and  hearts,  shall  accomplish  the  good  pleasure 
of  His  will. 

"If  we  are  wrong  in  the  course  we  have  taken  to  bring  the 
memorandum  before  Her  Majesty,  we  will  be  happy  to  be  set 
right.  Should  your  Lordship  undertake  the  duty,  desiring  the 
glory  of  God  in  this  matter  to  be  furthered,  the  Lord  God  of  Israel 
will  not  be  slack  to  reward  the  labour  of  faith  and  love  proceeding 
from  a  desire  to  honour  His  name. 

"  I  have  the  honour  to  be,  &c., 

"The  Right  Hon.  Lord  Viscount  Palmerston/' 


Lord  Palmerston's  Answer. 

(Copy  3.) 

"  Foreign  Office,  March  14,  1839. 

"I  have  to  acknowledge  your  letter  of  the  19th  January, 
enclosing  a  letter  and  a  memorandum  from  some  of  Her 
Majesty's  subjects,  who  feel  deeply  interested  in  the  welfare  and 
future  prospects  of  the  Jews ;  and  I  have  to  acquaint  you  that 
I  have  laid  those  documents  before  the  Queen,  and  that  Her 
Majesty  has  been  pleased  graciously  to  receive  the  same. 

"  I  am,  &c., 



Another  Zionist  Memorandum— Restoration  of  the  Jews 

*'  To  the  Editor  of  The  Times. 

"  Sir,— The  extraordinary  crisis  of  Oriental  politics  has 
stimulated  an  almost  universal  interest  and  investigation,  and 
the  fate  of  the  Jews  seems  to  be  deeply  involved  with  the  settle- 
ment of  the  Syrian  dilemma  now  agitating  several  Courts  of 

"...  The  peace  of  Europe  and  the  just  balance  of  its  powers 
being  therefore  assumed  as  the  grand  desideratum,  as  the  con- 
summation devoutly  to  be  wished,  I  peruse  with  particular 
interest  a  brief  article  in  your  journal  of  this  day  relative  to  the 
restoration  of  the  Jews  to  Jerusalem,  because  I  imagine  that  this 
event  has  become  practicable  through  an  unprecedented  con- 
catenation of  circumstances,  and  that  moreover  it  has  become 
especially  desirable,  as  the  exact  expedient  to  which  it  is  to  the 
interest  of  all  belligerent  parties  to  consent . 

"  The  actual  feasibility  of  the  return  of  the  Jews  is  no  longer  a 
paradox  ;  the  time  gives  it  proof.  That  theory  of  the  restoration 
of  a  Jewish  Kingdom,  which  a  few  years  ago  was  laughed  at  as 
the  fantasy  of  insane  enthusiasm,  is  now  calculated  on  as  a  most 
practical  achievement  of  diplomacy. 

"  It  is  granted  that  the  Jews  were  the  ancient  proprietors  of 
Syria  ;  that  Syria  was  the  proper  heart  and  centre  of  their 
kingdom.  It  is  granted  that  they  have  a  strong  conviction  that 
Providence  will  restore  them  to  this  Syrian  supremacy.  It  is 
granted  that  they  have  entertained  for  ages  a  hearty  desire  to 
return  thither,  and  are  willing  to  make  great  sacrifices  of  a 
pecuniary  kind  to  the  different  parties  interested,  provided  they 
can  be  put  in  peaceful  and  secure  possession. 

^  The  Times,  Wednesday,  August  26,  1840,  pp.  5-6. 


"  It  is  likewise  notorious,  that  since  the  Jews  have  been  thrust 
out  of  Syria  that  land  has  been  a  mere  arena  of  strife  to  neighbour- 
ing Powers,  all  conscious  that  they  had  no  legitimate  right  there, 
and  all  jealous  of  each  other's  intrusion. 

"  Such  having  been  the  case,  why,  it  may  be  asked,  have  not 
the  Jews  long  ago  endeavoured  to  regain  possession  of  Syria  by 
commercial  arrangements  ?  In  reply  it  may  be  said,  that  though 
they  have  evidently  wished  to  do  so,  and  have  made  overtures  of 
the  kind,  hitherto  circumstances  have  opposed  their  desires.  .  .  . 

"  Now,  however,  these  obstacles  and  hindrances  are  in  a  great 
measure  removed  ;  all  the  strongest  Powers  in  Europe  have 
come  forward  as  arbitrators  and  umpires  to  arrange  the  settle- 
ment of  Syria. 

"  Under  such  potent  arbitrators,  pledged  to  the  performance  of 
any  conditions  finally  agreed  on,  I  have  reason  to  believe  that 
the  Jews  would  readily  enter  into  such  financial  arrangements  as 
would  secure  them  the  absolute  possession  of  Jerusalem  and 

"  I  know  no  reason,  under  such  powerful  empires,  why  the 
Hebrews  should  not  restore  an  independent  monarchy  in  Syria, 
as  well  as  the  Egyptians  in  Egypt,  or  the  Grecians  in  Greece. 

"  As  a  practical  expedient  of  politics,  I  believe  that  it  will  be 
easier  to  secure  the  peace  of  Europe  and  Asia  by  this  effort  to 
restore  the  Jews,  than  by  any  allotment  of  Syrian  territories  to 
the  Turks  or  Egyptians,  which  will  be  sure  to  occasion  fresh 
jealousies  and  discords.  .  .  . 

"  I  believe  that  the  cause  of  the  restoration  of  the  Jews  is  one 
essentially  generous  and  noble,  and  that  all  individuals  and 
nations  that  assist  this  world-renounced  people  to  recover  the 
empire  of  their  ancestors  will  be  rewarded  by  Heaven's  blessing. 
Everything  that  is  patriotic  and  philanthropic  should  urge 
Great  Britain  forward  as  the  agent  of  prophetic  revelations  so 
full  of  auspicious  consequence.  .  .  . 

"  Your  very  obedient  servant, 

"Aug.  17."  "F.  B.i 


Extracts  from  Autograph  and  other  Letters   between 
Sir  Moses  Montefiore  and  Dr.  N.  M.  Adler 

My  hearty  thanks  are  due  to  my  friend  Mr.  Elkan  N. 
Adler  for  giving  me  access  to  his  father's  letters.  It  may  be 
mentioned  that,  although  Dr.  N.  M.  Adler  was  never  able  to  visit 
Palestine,  all  his  three  sons  went  there.  Palestinian  activity  has 
practically  been  a  tradition  of  the  Adler  family.  Mr.  Envan  Adler 
originally  visited  Palestine  in  1888,  1895,  1898  and  1901,  in 

^  Th$  Times t  26  Aug.,  1840,  p.  6. 


connection  with  the  Montefiore  work.  His  first  visit  was  a 
professional  one,  undertaken  on  the  instructions  of  the  Council 
of  the  Holy  Land  Relief  Fund.  Its  object  was  to  clear  up  certain 
legal  difficulties  which  had  arisen  on  the  land  at  Jerusalem  and 
Jaffa  purchased  in  1855  by  his  father  and  Sir  Moses  Montefiore 
out  of  the  funds  of  the  Holy  Land  Appeal  Fund  and  the  Judah 
Touro  Bequest.  At  that  time  their  only  buildings  in  Jerusalem 
were  the  Judah  Touro  Alms-houses  and  the  Windmill.  The 
vacant  land  adjoining  had  been  jumped  after  the  death  of 
Sir  Moses  Montefiore  by  about  three  hundred  poor  and  desperate 
Jews,  who  claimed  that  it  had  been  originally  intended  for  the 
poor,  and  they  were  poor. 

The  journey  was  successful.  The  squatters  were  removed, 
and  their  place  was  taken  by  industrious  settlers,  who,  through 
the  agency  of  the  building  societies,  financed  by  the  Sir  Moses 
Montefiore  Testimonial  Committee,  erected  hundreds  of  pleasant 
little  dwellings  in  the  place  of  the  rude,  uninhabited  shanties 
which  stood  there  in  1888. 

In  1894  Mr.  Elkan  Adler  became  a  member  of  the  "  Water  for 
Jerusalem  Committee,"  of  which  Sir  Charles  W.  Wilson,  k.c.m.g., 
was  Chairman  and  Sir  Edmund  A.  H.  L.  Lechmere,  Bart.,  m.p., 
and  Sir  (then  Mr.)  Isidore  Spielmann,  c.m.g..  Honorary  Secre- 
taries. The  Turkish  Government  and  the  Jerusalem  Munici- 
pality had  sanctioned  the  scheme,  but  bureaucratic  dilatoriness 
prevented  its  ever  maturing.  Its  object  was  to  secure,  under  a 
concession,  for  purely  philanthropic  purposes,  a  modern  water 
supply  for  Jerusalem  from  King  Solomon's  Pools. 

Mr.  Adler  was  also  one  of  the  founders  of  the  London  Choveve 
Zion,  and  as  Honorary  Solicitor  drafted  its  Constitution,  which 
was  settled  by  the  Right  Hon.  Arthur  Cohen,  K.c. 

"  Grosvenor  Gate,  Park  Lane, 

'*  London,  28th  Hesvan,  5602. 

"  12  November, 
**  My  dear  and  much  esteemed  Sir, 

"  .  .  .7  am  most  highly  gratified,  my  dear  Sir,  by  the  very 
kind  manner  in  which  you  have  been  pleased  to  notice  my  feeble 
exertions  in  favour  of  our  unfortunate  and  persecuted  Brethren 
in  the  East.  .  .  . 

"  Believe  me  to  be, 

"  With  sincere  Respect  and  Esteem, 
"  My  dear  Sir, 

"  Your  obedient  Servant, 
"  Moses  Montefiore. 
"  The  Reverend 

Doctor  N.  Adler,  Chief  Rabbi,  &c.  &c.  &c." 


"  Alliance  Office, 

"  Bartholomew  Lane, 

"  31  May,  5614. 
*'  My  dear  and  respected  Sir, 

"  .  .  .  /  hope  to  find  the  amount  of  Contributions  much 
increased  from  your  admirable  Letter  having  at  last  found  its  way 
in  the  hands  of  the  several  Seat-holders  of  each  Synagogue,  and  I 
am  sure  if  they  respond  to  it  with  the  same  liberality  as  our  Christian 
fellow-subjects  have  evinced  for  our  suffering  Brethren  in  the  Holy 
Land  I  am  confident  you  will  rejoice  at  the  success  which  has 
attended  your  benevolent  exertions.  .  .  . 

"  /  am  with  great  respect  and  esteem, 

"  Your  faithful  Servant, 

"  Moses  Montefiore. 
"  The  Revd.  Dr.  Adler, 
Chief  Rabbi,  &c.  &c." 

—  / 

**  East  Cliff  Lodge, 

"  Ramsgate, 

"  lyth  August,  5614. 


*'  My  dear  and  respected  Sir, 

"...  7  am  obliged  to  you  for  the  information  which  Mr. 
Albert  Cohn's  letter  has  afforded  me  and  believe  me  I  am  most  truly 
thankful  to  the  God  of  Israel  that  my  days  should  have  been  pro- 
longed to  see  the  welfare  of  our  unfortunate  Brethren  in  Jerusalem 
cared  for  by  so  wealthy  and  powerful  a  family  as  the  Barons  de 
Rothschild.  May  the  institutions  which  they  propose  diffuse  all 
the  advantages  we  hope  for.  I  will  endeavour  to  write  this  evening 
to  Lord  Clarendon  and  will  take  the  earliest  opportunity  to  com- 
municate the  result  after  I  shall  have  had  an  interview  with  his 
Lordship.  I  have  requested  Mr.  Green  to  forward  all  the  letters  to 
you  that  have  arrived  from  the  Holy  Land.  I  shall  take  no  step 
regarding  the  Hospital  but  with  your  concurrence.  You  may  rely 
that  there  will  be  no  opposition  in  any  way  on  my  part,  and  I  am 
only  too  happy  to  see  that  Jerusalem  is  not  forsaken.  .  .  . 
"  Believe  me, 
"  With  the  greatest  esteem  and  respect, 

"  Your  faithful  Servant, 

"  Moses  Montefiore. 
"  To  the  Reverend 

Doctor  Adler, 

Chief  Rabbi.'' 


"  Alliance  Office, 

"  Bartholomew  Lane, 
"  Wednesday  Morn, 

"  23  Augt.,  '614. 
"  My  dear  and  respected  Sir, 

"...  7  now  beg  to  trouble  you  with  the  enclosed  letters  which 
Dr.  Lowe  has  written  to  the  Holy  Land  with  a  remittance  of  £1200 
divided  in  the  following  manner.  ...  7  have  not  thought  it  proper  to 
send  anything  to  the  Portuguese  at  Jerusalem  as  they  have  not  yet 
complied  with  your  request  in  the  mode  of  distribution  or  forwarded 
any  particulars  whatever.  I  therefore  hope  you  will  be  satisfied 
with  the  arrangement  that  this  will  bring  the  Portuguese  to  a  sense 
of  the  necessity  they  are  under  to  conform  to  your  instructions, 
or  they  will  receive  no  more  money  from  England.  .  .  . 

**  To  the  Revd. 

Dr.  Adler, 

Chief  Rabbi." 

"  Buxton,  i^th  Septr.,  5614. 

"  My  dear  and  respected  Sir, 

"...  7  have  felt  much  vexed  at  M.  Albert  Cohn's  having 
taken  the  liberty  of  using  your  name  as  well  as  mine  as  having 
deputed  him  to  carry  out  his  schemes  in  the  East.  .  .  . 
"  Believe  me  to  be, 

"  With  great  regard  and  respect, 

"  Your  faithful  Servant, 

"  Moses  Montefiore. 
"  The  Revd.  Dr.  Adler, 

Chief  Rabbi,  &c.  &c." 

'*  Alliance  Assurance  Office, 

*'  Bartholomew  Lane, 

"  Monday  Evening, 

"  26  Jany,,  5617. 
"  My  dear  and  respected  Sir, 

"  Having  this  moment  heard  from  Lady  Montefiore  that  you 
expressed  a  desire  to  Visit  the  Holy  Land,  and  well  knowing  the 
lively  interest  you  have  ever  evinced  in  promoting  the  prosperity  of 
Jerusalem,  I  beg  to  assure  you  that  nothing  could  be  more  gratifying 
to  my  feelings,  than  to  be  honored  with  your  Company  during  our 
intended  Tour.    We  had  fixed  in  our  minds  the  10th  day  of  February 


for  our  departure,  hut  to  enjoy  the  honor  of  your  Society,  we  would 
postpone  it  to  meet  your  Convenience  to  any  day  that  would  enahU 
us  to  reach  Jerusalem  for  Passover. 

"  Hoping  to  have  the  gratification  of  a  favorable  reply  from  you, 
**  Believe  me  to  he, 

"  Your  faithful  Servant, 

"  Moses  Montefiore. 
"  To  the  Reverend 
Dr.  Adler, 

Chief  Rabbi." 

"  East  Cliff  Lodge, 

"  Ramsgate, 

*'  i^th  September,  5619. 
"  My  dear  and  respected  Sir, 

"...  With  respect  to  the  Jaffa  farm  I  hope  in  a  few  days  to 
have  an  opportunity  of  speaking  with  you.    I  think  it  was  your  wish 
that  our  co-religionists  should  be  employed  on  it.  ..." 
"  Believe  me  with  great  esteem, 

"  Your  faithful  Servant, 

"  Moses  Montefiore. 
"  To  the  Reverend  Dr.  Adler, 
Chief  Rabbi." 

"  To  the  Rev.  Dr.  Adler,  Chief  Rabbi,  etc.  etc. 

"  East  Cliff  Lodge,  Ramsgate,  May  15/A,  5614-1854. 

"  Reverend  and  Respected  Sir, 

"  For  the  sake  of  Zion  I  cannot  remain  silent,  and  for 
the  sake  of  Jerusalem  I  cannot  rest,  until  the  whole  house  of 
Israel  have  been  made  acquainted  with  the  lamentable  condition 
of  those  of  our  brethren  who  devotedly  cling  to  the  soil,  sacred 
to  the  memory  of  our  patriarchs,  prophets  and  kings. 

"  Thrice  having  visited  the  Holy  Land,  it  was  my  earnest 
desire  to  fully  inform  myself  as  to  the  condition  of  our  brethren 
there.  .  .  , 

"  Aware,  however,  reverend  Sir,  of  your  great  anxiety  for 
the  physical  amehoration  of  our  suffering  brethren,  and  how 
watchfully  you  note  their  spiritual  welfare,  I  am  induced  to  put 
you  in  possession  of  the  documents  and  appeals  which  I  have 
received  from  the  Holy  Land,  with  the  assurance  that  your 
powerful  co-operation,  in  the  shape  of  a  pastoral  letter  addressed 
to  the  Jews  of  Great  Britain  and  America — or  the  exercise  of  the 
same  in  any  other  mode  your  wisdom  may  dictate — will,  with 

II.— R 


God's  blessing,  not  only  tend  to  remove  the  present  appalling 
misery  of  our  starving  brethren  in  Zion,  but  spare  us  the  humili 
ation  of  its  recurrence. 

"  I  have  the  honour  to  be,  reverend  and  respected  Sir, 
"  Your  faithful  servant, 

''  Moses  Montefiore." 

"  To  Sir  Moses  Montefiore,  Bart.,  etc.  etc. 

"  Office  of  the  Chief  Rabbi,  London,  i8th  May,  5614. 
"  My  dear  and  esteemed  Sir, 

'*....  Although  I  should  have  much  preferred  that  the 
duty  of  addressing  our  co-religionists  on  behalf  of  the  afflicted 
had  been  assumed  by  yourself,  as  you  would  have  made  a  far 
deeper  impression  than  I  can  hope  to  do,  from  the  well-known 
fact  that  you  have  devoted  a  great  portion  of  your  life  to  the 
amelioration  of  the  condition  of  our  brethren  in  Palestine,  and 
this,  too,  at  the  risk  of  much  personal  suffering  and  danger,  yet, 
to  avoid  all  delay  in  the  present  emergency,  I  have  to-day  written 
a  letter  to  the  congregations  under  my  charge,  a  copy  of  which 
I  beg  to  enclose  ;  and  I  fervently  pray  that  the  Lord  may 
strengthen  my  feeble  words,  and  incline  the  hearts  of  our  brethren 
to  this  good  work  of  charity. 

**  I  am,  my  dear  Sir  Moses, 

*'  Yours  very  faithfully, 

"  N.  Adler,  Dr." 


"To  the  Wardens,  Members,  and  Seat -holders  of  the  United 
Congregations  of  Great  Britain. 

"  Office  of  the  Chief  Rabbi,  London,  May  18th,  5614. 

"  Beloved  Brethren, 

"...  the  present  condition  of  our  poor  brethren 
scattered  through  the  four  cities  of  Jerusalem,  Zaphed,  Hebron 
and  Tiberias,  is  absolutely  heart-rending.  This  is  no  exaggera- 
tion but  a  stern  and  dreadful  reality.  The  almost  total  failure 
of  the  last  harvest,  which  raised  the  price  of  all  the  necessaries 
of  life  to  an  unparalleled  height ;  the  present  war  and  general 
political  disturbances  ;  the  diminution  of  the  usual  resources  for 
the  poor,  especially  those  derived  from  Russia,  which  has 
hitherto  contributed  the  most,  have  brought  about  an  awful 
famine.  .  .  .  While  all  surrounding  nations  make  that  spot 
the  object  of  their  deepest  concern,  expending  vast  sums 
thereon,  should  we  be  unmindful  of  that  land  with  which 
our  past  glory  and  future  hope  are  inseparably  connected  ? 
...  It  may  be  thought  by  some  that  the  unfortunate  state 
of  the  Jewish  residents  of  Palestine  might  have  been  brought 


about  ...  by  their  reliance  on  fixed  pensions  and  casual  alms 
without  the  exercise  of  industry,  either  in  agriculture,  com- 
merce or  other  employments ;  .  .  .  Why,  therefore,  continue  a 
life  of  pauperism,  which  will  endure  until  the  springs  of  poverty 
are  stopped — and  what  will  be  the  use  of  a  collection,  which 
can  but  mitigate  the  evil  for  a  moment  ? 

"  My  dear  brethren, — Before  you  accuse  the  sufferers  of  indo- 
lence, and  their  leaders  of  neglect,  let  us  assure  you  that  the 
people  are  most  anxious  to  free  themselves  from  the  thraldom 
of  dependence ;  that  the  Rabbis  and  the  heads  of  the  Congrega- 
tions have  proved  to  Sir  Moses  Montefiore,  who  has  been  at  all 
times  the  strenuous  advocate  of  industrial  pursuits,  the  willing- 
ness of  the  people  to  till  the  soil,  if  only  it  could  be  done  with 
security.  But  hitherto  the  great  impediment  to  agriculture  has 
been  not  alone  the  want  of  pecuniary  means,  but  the  want  of 
protection  on  the  part  of  the  Government,  it  being  absolutely 
impracticable  to  labour  outside  the  walls  of  the  cities,  owing  to 
the  depredations  of  the  roving  and  lawless  Bedouins,  for  what- 
ever the  inhabitants  sow  is  speedily  seized  by  others. 

"  Without,  however,  alluding  to  the  happy  restitution  that 
we  anxiously  look  for,  which  lies  in  the  hand  of  the  Lord  who 
commandeth  us  *  not  to  stir,  neither  to  awake  His  love,  until 
He  please  ' — the  present  war  may,  by  the  Divine  blessing,  bring 
about  a  great  and  beneficial  change  in  the  Holy  Land.  It  is 
more  than  probable  that  the  Government  of  the  Porte  will 
concede  to  our  brethren  in  Palestine  the  right  of  holding  land  ; 
and  that  this  right  will  be  placed  under  secure  protection.  It 
will  then  become  the  duty  of  our  leading  men  to  organise  a 
proper  plan  of  operations,  put  themselves  into  communication 
with  the  different  Committees  abroad,  to  raise  the  necessary 
means,  to  send  men  of  ability,  properly  authorised,  to  Jerusalem, 
to  bring  about  a  unity  of  action  among  the  different  congrega- 
tions there,  to  purchase  land,  to  establish  farms  and  factories, 
and  to  devote  a  portion  of  the  money  annually  collected,  as 
wages  to  those  who  will  labour  therein  under  the  charge  of  the 
persons  superintending  those  undertakings.  The  time  for  the 
realisation  of  such  a  scheme  may  not  be  remote,  as  the  munificent 
legacy  of  the  philanthropist  Judah  Touro,  New  Orleans,  was 
bequeathed  for  this  very  purpose,  which  bequest  will  have  an 
important  bearing  on  the  improvement  of  the  Holy  Land. 

".  .  .  I  remain,  yours  very  faithfully, 

"N.  Abler,  Dr.,  Chief  Rabbi.''^ 

*  An  Appeal  on  behalf  of  the  famishing  Jews  in  the  Holy  Land.  Dona- 
tions will  he  thankjully  received  by  The  Rev.  The  Chief  Rabbi,  4,  Crosby 
Square,  and  Sir  Moses  Montefiore,  Bart.,  Alliance  Assurance  Office, 
Bartholomew  Lane.  Rev.  Aaron  Levy  Green,  Hon.  Sec. 
London  :  Printed  by  Wertheimer  and  Co.,  Circus  Place,  Finsbury  Circus. 
1854  (8°.    16  pp.  in  printed  wrapper),  pp.  3-7. 


In  February,  1855,  Dr.  Adler  and  Sir  Moses  published  their 
first  Report  enumerating  the  appropriations  of  money  they  had 
made  and  the  sums  set  apart  for  the  estabhshment  of  institutions 
designed  to  reheve  distress,  and  to  encourage  and  promote 

In  May,  1856,  Sir  Moses  and  Lady  Montefiore  set  out  on  a 
mission  to  the  Holy  Land  to  organize  means  for  the  appropria- 
tion of  the  funds  "  with  a  view  to  the  utmost  benefit  of  the 

The  Trustees  resolved  to  attempt  the  organization  of  some 
industrial  scheme,  and,  says  their  Second  Report,  dated  1856 : 
"  In  a  land  naturally  so  fertile  as  Palestine,  offering  so  prolific 
a  return  for  industry,  but  altogether  wanting  in  commercial 
resources,  agriculture  must  of  necessity  be  the  first  object  of 
attention,  as  likely  to  prove  the  most  powerful  auxiliary  in 
bringing  about  a  healthful  reaction,  by  alleviating  distress,  by 
promoting  industry,  and  by  exciting  a  feeling  of  self-reliance." 
The  Trustees  were  confirmed  in  their  views  by  the  opinion  of 
experienced  agriculturists  in  the  Holy  Land,  and  by  the  valuable 
suggestions  of  munificent  donors. 

"  On  the  17th  June  Sir  Moses  had  an  audience  with  the  Sultan, 
and  on  the  27th  July  the  first  meeting  was  held  with  the  repre- 
sentatives of  Zapphed. 

"  The  desirabihty  of  cultivating  land  was  discussed  at  this  sit- 
ting, and  the  great  probabilities  of  success  in  the  undertaking 
were  shown  by  the  mention  of  numerous  well-authenticated 
facts.  The  views  entertained  by  the  Trustees  having  been  con- 
firmed by  the  best  evidence,  a  Committee  of  practical  agri- 
culturists— men  distinguished  by  their  probity,  and  of  acknow- 
ledged skill — was,  without  further  delay,  appointed  to  aid  in  the 
selection  of  land,  and  to  advise  as  to  the  fitness  of  the  parties  to 
be  employed  in  its  cultivation.  Assisted  by  this  Committee,  Sir 
Moses  selected  thirty-five  families  from  the  Holy  City  of  Zapphed, 
provided  them  with  means  to  commence  agricultural  pursuits, 
and  also  secured  for  them  local  governors.  Some  orphan  lads 
were  also  provided  for,  by  being  placed  under  the  care  of  the 
Committee,  to  be  trained  as  agriculturists.  A  district  in  the 
vicinity  of  Zapphed,  called  the  Bokea,  having  been  pointed  out 
as  a  most  desirable  spot  for  agricultural  purposes,  sufiicient 
means  were  granted  to  give  employment  to  fifteen  families,  to  be 
engaged  in  the  cultivation  of  that  fruitful  district ;  the  whole 
being  placed  under  the  supervision  of  the  Agricultural  Committee 
at  Zapphed.  The  claims  of  Taharia  were  next  considered  .  .  . 
and  means  afforded  to  thirty  families  to  enable  them  to  engage  in 
agricultural  pursuits.  At  Jaffa  some  land,  with  a  house,  and  well 
affording  an  abundant  supply  of  excellent  water,  was  purchased, 
and  a  number  of  our  poor  co-religionists  are  already  engaged  upon 
such  land."    An  establishment  for  weaving  was  instituted. 

APPENDICES        ,  245 

**  Sir  Moses  eventually  succeeded  in  purchasing  a  tract  of  land 
to  the  west  of  the  Holy  City,  in  a  most  beautiful  and  salubrious 
locality,  within  a  few  minutes'  walk  from  the  Jaffa  and  Zion 
Gates.  Here  a  considerable  number  of  our  co-religionists  and 
others  at  once  found  employment  on  the  land  and  in  the  building 
of  the  boundary  wall."  A  windmill  was  erected  on  this  site  to 
supersede  the  expensive  method  used  at  Jerusalem  for  grinding 

The  Final  Exodus 

*'  And  what  now  is  the  aspect  of  Palestine  ?  Still,  truly,  it  is  a 
land  rich  in  the  grandeur  and  beauties  of  nature's  handiwork — 
still,  in  some  parts, '  . .  .  hills,  plains,  and  valleys,  fields  of  wheat 
and  barley,  vineyards  and  olive-yards,  are  spread  out  before  you 
as  on  a  map  ' — still  does  the  benign  influence  of  the  sun's  warmth 
engender  in  the  bosom  of  the  earth  the  germs  of  fruits  and  flowers, 
that  languish  for  want  of  culture,  and  never  arrive  at  perfection — 
still  do  the  hills  uplift  their  heads  amid  the  clouds,  which  drop 
down,  as  though  with  tears  of  sorrow,  upon  their  barren  and 
exposed  sides,  once  covered  with  artificial  soil  and  by  the  hands 
of  a  favoured  race  rendered  fruitful  as  the  vale  beneath.  The 
mountains  remain  unshaken,  but  where  are  the  countless  flocks  ? 
the  stones  of  the  water-course  are  there,  but  where  is  the  limpid 
stream  ?  Alas  !  the  promised  blessing  has  been  withdrawn  from 
the  land  ;  the  flocks  no  longer  multiply  as  heretofore,  neither  as 
in  former  days  do  springs  and  fountains  burst  forth  everywhere 
out  of  the  valleys  and  the  hills  ;  and  her  cities  are  desolate  and 
forsaken,  and  of  many  even  the  site  is  not  accurately  known  ; 
literal,  indeed,  has  been  the  fulfilment  of  the  prophetic  declara- 
tion '  the  land  shall  be  desolate.'  Solitude  now  reigns  where 
once  the  busy  hum  of  voices  enlivened  many  a  glad  city,  ay,  even 
in  the  wilderness — ruins  now  mark  the  spot  where  once  rose  the 
sound  of  harp  and  tabret,  and  where  heart  joined  with  hand  in 
mocking  with  merriment  the  threatened  desolation  ..." 

"...  But  more  than  this — Britain  !  rejoice  !  it  is  for  you  to 
lead  back  to  their  beautiful  land  the  long-dispersed  members  of 
Judah's  neglected  race,  and  by  planting  in  their  native  country 
a  colony  of  whose  attachment  to  its  protectors  there  could  be  no 
doubt,  .  .  ." 

"...  Jerusalem  shall,  indeed,  become  again  the  glorious  city 
among  the  nations  :  no  longer  shall  her  name  be  Jerusalem,  but 
*  the  City  of  the  Lord,  the  Zion  of  the  Holy  One  of  Israel,'  for 
there  shall  be  hoUness,' and  in  the  midst  of  her  'the  King  of 
Israel,  even  the  Lord ; '  .  .  .  Her  walls  shall  be  called  *  Salvation.' 


and  her  gates  *  Praise  * ;  and  her  children  shall  enjoy  the 
former  and  the  latter  rain  ;  '  the  floors  shall  be  full  of  wheat, 
and  the  vats  shall  overflow  with  wine  and  oil ;  and  they  shall 
plant  vineyards,  and  drink  the  wine  thereof  ;  they  shall  also 
make  gardens,  and  eat  the  fruit  of  them.  .  .  / 

**  Among  these  there  are  many  whose  wealth —  .  .  .  has  caused 
the  name  of  the  Jew  too  often  to  be  coupled  with  the  idea  of 
sordid  gain  .  .  . :  but  it  will  be  well  for  the  few,  who  by  .  .  . 
prosperity,  .  .  .  occupy  now  an  elevated  postion,  .  .  .  prepare  to 
head  with  energy  every  warrantable  occasion  for  furthering  the 
restoration  of  their  unhappy  people  to  Palestine.  Providential 
is  it  for  them,  that  among  them  are  men  possessing  influence  and 
wealth  sufiicient  to  become  their  leaders.  .  .  ." 

"  Once  again — Britain,  beware  !  and  hasten  to  exert  the 
means  which,  lying  at  your  disposal,  may  be  made  use  of  as  a 
defence  for  your  valuable  possessions  in  the  East,  and  for  the 
advancement  of  God's  glory,  by  the  return  of  His  people  to  the 
land  whither  He  has  said  He  would  bring  them  again  *  that  they 
might  be  called  trees  of  righteousness,  the  planting  of  the  Lord, 
that  He  might  be  glorified.'  "^ 


Disraeli  and  the  Purchase  of  the  Suez  Canal  Shares 

The  story  of  the  purchase  of  the  Suez  Canal  shares  by  Lord 
Beaconsfield  has  been  told  many  times,  but  Mr.  [afterwards  Sir] 
Henry  Lucy,  in  "  Sixty  Years  in  the  Wilderness,"  throws  fresh 
light  on  the  subject. 

**  On  a  certain  Sunday  night  in  the  spring  of  1875  he 2  chanced 
to  be  dining  in  Bruton  Street  with  Henry  Oppenheim,  one  of  the 
original  proprietors  of  the  Daily  News.  During  a  residence  in 
Paris  and  Egypt  that  gentleman,  just  settling  down  in  London, 
was  brought  into  close  connection  with  Egyptian  financial  affairs. 
On  the  previous  day  he  heard  of  the  intention  of  the  impecunious 
Khedive  to  sell  en  bloc  his  holding  in  the  capital  of  the  Suez  Canal. 
Greenwood  instantly  saw  the  opportunity  for  a  great  stroke  of 
State.  On  leaving  Bruton  Street  he  went  direct  to  the  private 
residence  of  the  Foreign  Secretary  (Lord  Derby)  and  told  him  of 
the  rare  chance.  Lord  Derby  informed  the  Prime  Minister, 
whose  Oriental  mind  glowed  at  the  prospect  of  so  stupendous  a 

*  The  Final  Exodus  ;  or,  the  Restoration  to  Palestine  of  the  lost  Tribes, 
the  result  of  the  present  crisis  ;  with  a  description  of  the  battle  of  Arma- 
geddon, and  the  downfall  of  Russia,  as  deduced  wholly  from  prophecy. 
London  .  .  .  1854. 

[8°.  30  pp.]     pp.  4-5,  13-14.  27.  30. 

*  Frederick  Greenwood,  one  of  the  ablest  journalists  of  his  day. 


deal.  Inquiry  secretly  made  at  Cairo  disclosed  the  fact  that  the 
Khedive  would  '  part  '  for  a  sum  of  four  millions  sterling.  But  it 
must  be  money  down. 

"  It  was,  Greenwood  told  me,  on  Lord  Beaconsfield's  personal 
suggestion  that  the  difficulty,  at  the  moment  apparently  insuper- 
able, was  overcome.  The  consent  of  Parliament  was  necessary 
to  confirmation  of  the  deal.  That  involved  both  delay  and 
publicity,  either  fatal  to  success.  Late  on  the  Thursday  night 
following  the  Bruton  Street  dinner,  the  Premier  sent  his  private 
secretary,  Monty  Corry,^  to  call  upon  Baron  Rothschild,  the 
Sidonia  of  '  Coningsby,'  at  the  time  head  of  the  great  financial 
house.  Even  a  Rothschild  did  not  happen  to  have  about  him  at 
the  moment  a  trifle  of  four  million  sterling.  Nor  was  it  possible, 
in  accordance  with  the  traditions  of  the  house,  that  such  a  trans- 
action should  be  entered  upon  without  having  been  considered 
in  family  council.  Corry  accordingly  returned  to  the  Premier 
without  definite  reply.  It  came  promptly  on  the  following 
morning,  the  terms  being  that  the  money  would  be  advanced  on 
a  commission  of  2 J  per  cent. 

"These  terms  were  pretty  stiff,  involving  a  payment  of  £100,000. 
The  City  heard  of  them  with  envy,  and  they  were  discussed  with 
much  severity  when  the  matter  came  before  the  House  of 
Commons.  The  Rothschilds  and  their  friends  defended  them  on 
the  ground  that  the  colossal  transaction  involved  a  certain 
measure  of  risk.  There  was  absolutely  no  security  beyond  the 
influence  of  the  Premier,  still  master  of  a  majority  in  the  House 
of  Commons,  and  pledged  to  invoke  its  aid  in  order  to  obtain 
Parliamentary  sanction.  The  whole  thing  happened  between 
two  Sundays.  On  the  first  Greenwood  dined  at  Bruton  Street  ; 
on  the  second,  calling  on  Lord  Derby,  he  learned  that  the  trans- 
action had  been  successfully  carried  through,  and  was  invited  to 
say  what  form  his  personal  recompense  should  take.  He  declined 
to  specify  a  request,  protesting  he  had  done  nothing  but  his  duty, 
and  was  content  that  its  accomplishment  should  be  his 
reward.  .  .  ."^ 


Cyprus  and  Palestine 

The  Anglo-Turkish  Convention  had  given  a  new  and  unexpected 
addition  to  the  already  extensive  list  of  British  territorial 
responsibilities.  It  is  true  that  a  "  conditional  "  element  .  .  . 
enters  into  the  connexion  formed  with  the  Turkish  Government  ; 
and  the  claims  to  interpose  between  the  Sultan  and  his  subjects, 

^  Afterwards  Lord  Rowton. 

*  Cornhill,  January,  191 2,  pp.  64-65. 


as  well  as  the  circumstances  which  would  render  interference 
necessary,  are  not  very  clearly  defined.  But  the  British  Govern- 
ment, not  only  by  entering  into  the  Convention,  but  by  the 
prominence  with  which  important  events  invested  that  treaty, 
as  also  by  its  positive  acquisition  of  the  island  of  Cyprus,  stand 
pledged  before  Europe  and  the  world  to  secure  to  the  populations 
of  Asiatic  Turkey  a  deliverance  from  the  corrupt  rule  which  has 
hitherto  burdened  them.  .  .  /' 

"  In  the  minds  of  all  thoughtful  men  there  is  a  strong  belief 
that  this  country  is  the  instrument  by  which  freedom,  peace  and 
true  religion  will  be  carried  to  the  uttermost  ends  of  the  world. 
If  that  be  so,  there  is  assuredly  no  portion  of  the  earth's  surface 
which  more  needs  the  possession  of  these  blessings,  or  from  which 
can  come  in  keener  despair  the  cry  '  Come  and  help  us.'  The 
countries  of  Asia  still  remaining  .  .  .  include  those  whereon  the 
earliest  progenitors  of  the  human  race  appeared,  and  those  which 
are  familiar  to  us  in  Biblical  records,  or  interesting  as  the  plat- 
form upon  which  mighty  nations  strove,  and  empires  fell  in  the 
strife  which  was  raging  then  as  now  between  the  powers  of  Good 
and  Evil."^ 


Disraeli  and  Heine 

"  Deux  noms,  dont  le  rapprochement  pent  sembler  d'abord 
inattendu,  me  viennent  sans  cesse  k  I'esprit  lorsque  j'embrasse 
d'un  coup  d'oeil  cette  physionomie  singulis'. e  d'homme  d'etat  et 
d'ecrivain,  et  ils  aident,  si  je  ne  me  tr  mpe,  k  en  demeler  la 
signification.  M.  Disraeli  me  fait  sou  vent  penser  a  Henri  Heine. 
Chez  tous  les  deux,  en  effet,  meme  vivacite  d'intelligence,  meme 
penetration,  meme  promptitude  a  saisir  toutes  les  idees  et  a 
s'approprier  pour  un  instant  toutes  les  doctrines,  meme  vaga- 
bondage d 'imagination,  meme  indiscipHne  de  genie,  meme 
melange  bizarre  de  fantaisie  et  de  pensee,  de  frivolite  et  de  pro- 
f ondeur. . . .  M.  Disraeli  a  eu  la  chance,  qui  n'echut  pas  a  H.  Heine, 
de  vivre  dans  un  milieu  oii  certains  exces  n'eussent  jamais  ete 
toleres.  .  .  .  II  n 'a  pas  connu  non  plus  les  souffrances  morales, 
les  apres  soucis,  les  angoisses,  les  serieuses  epreuves,  qui  repandent 
I'amertume  dans  Tironie  du  poete  allemand,  et  lui  arrachent, 
parmi  ses  eclats  de  rire,  des  cris  si  poignans  :  mais  comme  il 
tranche  neanmoins  sur  la  societe  anglaise,  .  .  .  Quelle  perturba- 
tion il  jette  dans  son  parti,  quelle  inquietude  il  y  seme  par  les 
saillies  de  sa  verve  goguenarde,  .  .  .  De  quel  doigt  irrespectueux 
il  leve  tous  les  voiles  et  touche  aux  institutions  qu'il  pretend 
defendre  !  Ici,  comme  chez  H.  Heine,  on  ne  saurait  meconnaitre 
1 'influence  persistante  de  la  race.    L'un  a  fini  par  embrasser 

*  Cyprus  and  the  Asiatic  Turkey,  by  J.  M.  London,  1878,  pp.  v-vii. 


le  catholicisme,  I'autre  est  ne  dans  I'eglise  anglicane  ;  mais  ils 
restent  Juifs,  et  pour  sa  part  M.  Disraeli,  courageux  avocat  des 
Juifs  a  la  chambre  des  communes  et  dans  ces  livres,  n'a  jamais 
desavoue  sa  parente  avec  eux.  L'etit-il  essaye  d'ailleurs,  que  le 
sceau  de  la  race,  vivement  empreinte  dans  son  genie  et  dans  son 
caractere,  Taurait  trahi.  Malgre  son  torysme  d'emprunt,  on  sent, 
il  faut  le  dire  k  son  honneur,  dans  le  langage  de  M.  Disraeli  una 
sympathie  de  coeur  pour  les  desherites  qui  n'est  guere  une  dis- 
position anglaise  et  aristocratique  :  c'est  bien  plutot  un  souvenir 
de  I'egalite  juive  et  un  sentiment  puise  dans  la  legislation  re- 
publicaine  de  Moise  ;  mais  ce  qui  est  plus  juif  encore,  c'est  ce 
fonde  de  cynisme,  derniere  defense  d'une  race  trempee  de  longue 
date  par  la  persecution  et  le  mepris,  bronzee  par  Thabitude  de 
I'outrage.  M.  Disraeli  n'est  pas  plus  exempt  que  H.  Heine  de 
cette  audace  qui  defie  le  ridicule  et  qui  meme  sait  en  tire 
parti.  . 



Disraeli's  Defence  of  the  Jews 

Disraeli  supported  the  emancipation  of  the  Jews  in  England 
on  religious  grounds  : — 

"  .  .  .  The  very  reason  for  admitting  the  Jews  is  because  they 
show  so  near  an  affinity  to  you.  Where  is  your  Christianity  if 
you  do  not  believe  in  their  Judaism  ?  . . .  The  Jew  was  necessarily  a 
religious  being,  but  not  a  proselytising  one,  and  so  would  support 
and  not  undermine  the  Christian  Church.  .  .  .  What  possible 
object  can  the  Jew  have  to  oppose  the  Christian  Church  ?  Is  it 
not  the  first  business  of  the  Christian  Church  to  make  the 
population  whose  minds  she  attempts  to  form,  and  whose  morals 
she  seeks  to  guide,  acquainted  with  the  history  of  the  Jews  ? 
Has  not  the  Church  of  Christ — ^the  Christian  Church,  whether 
Roman  Catholic  or  Protestant — made  the  history  of  the  Jews 
the  most  celebrated  history  of  the  world  ?  On  every  sacred  day 
you  read  to  the  people  the  exploits  of  Jewish  heroes,  the  proofs 
of  Jewish  devotion,  the  briUiant  annals  of  past  Jewish  magni- 
ficence. .  .  .  Every  Sunday — every  Lord's  day — if  you  wish  to 
express  feelings  of  praise  and  thanksgiving  to  the  most  High,  or 
if  you  wish  to  find  expressions  of  solace  in  grief,  you  find  both  in 
the  works  of  Jewish  poets.  ...  In  exact  proportion  to  your  faith 
ought  to  be  your  wish  to  do  this  great  act  of  national  justice.  If 
you  have  not  forgotten  what  you  owe  to  this  people,  if  you  were 
grateful  for  that  literature  which,  for  thousands  of  years,  has 
brought  so  much  instruction  and  so  much  consolation  to  the  sons 

1  Le  Roman  Politique  en  Angleterre  :  Lothaire  de  M.  Disraeli,  par 
M.  P.  Challemel-Lacour,  pp.  445-447.  Revue  des  Deux  Mondes  .  .  . 
15  Juillet .  .  .  Paris  .  .  .  1870. 


of  men,  you  as  Christians,  would  be  only  too  ready  to  seize  the 
first  opportunity  of  meeting  the  claims  of  those  who  profess  this 


A  Hebrew  Address  to  Queen  Victoria  (1849) 

Translated  Extract  from  an  Address  of  Russian  Jews  in  Safed 
on  their  coming  under  England's  protection,  1849. 

(After  compliments  to  the  Consul  in  Jerusalem.) 

"  We  acknowledge  to  the  Lord  and  praise  Him  that  He  has 
put  it  into  the  heart  of  the  Glory  the  Pity  of  the  mighty  Crowned 
Queen,  the  pious,  the  precious,  the  upright  who  reigns  over  the 
provinces  of  England  and  its  dependencies,  to  do  good  to  the 
people  of  Israel  and  to  succour  them  with  every  kind  of  aid, 
for  great  and  small,  and  to  defend  them  from  those  that  rise  up 
against  them. 

"  With  a  perfect  heart 
Of  mercy  and  loving  kindness ; 
And  with  the  tips  of  the  wings  of  Mercy 
And  the  grace  of  her  Righteousness 
She  has  extended  and  caused  to  shine  upon  us, 
Who  dwell  in  our  own  land, 
The  holy  (be  it  established  in  our  days,) 
Us,  who  are  burdened  with  troubles — 
Sinking  into  distress. 
Poverty  and  calamity. 
But  loving  the  land  of  our  Fathers, 
The  place  of  our  honour. 
We  here  are  those 

Who  are  the  sons  of  the  provinces  of  Russia, 
And  this  is  the  day  we  have  looked  for  : 
We  have  found  it,  we  have  seen  it — 
For  she  has  bent  down  her  pity  to  receive  us 
Under  the  shade  of  her  wings  of  compassion, 
And  to  comfort  us  with  shade  of  her  mighty  rule. 
For  a  name,  for  a  praise,  and  for  glory  ! 
Yea,  our  souls  within  us  are  bound 
To  implore  Him,  who  is  fearful  in  mighty  acts, 
With  praises  and  prayers, 
That  He  may  prolong  her  days 
In  rest  and  satisfaction  ; 
That  the  Lord  may  hedge  her  in. 
And  all  that  are  hers : 
The  princes  around  her. 
With  her  nobles, 

*  The  Life  of  Benjamin  Disraeli,  Earl  of  Beaconsfield,  by  William 
Flavelle  Monypenny  and  George  Earie  Buckle.  Volume  iii.  .  .  .  London 
.  .  .  I9I4»  PP-  68-69. 


And  all  those  comforted  in  her  shadow 

May  they  rise  on  wings  of  elevation,  of  prosperity, 

In  fulness  of  joy  ; 

And  may  her  kingdom  be  established 

Like  the  Moon,  for  ever  and  ever, 

Until  the  coming  of  Messiah  ! 

May  the  Lord  bless  their  lives  and  their  substance, 

And  increase  their  honour, 

And  crown  their  praise  ! 

Amen,  so  be  Thy  will !  "  1 


An  Appeal  by  Ernest  Laharanne  (i860) 

"  Oh  !  que  de  proscriptions,  que  de  larmes,  que  de  sang  dans 
cette  periode  de  18  si^cles,  et  vous  etes  encore,  fils  de  Juda  ! 

"  Contre  la  haine,  le  mepris,  le  dedain,  le  degout  vous  avez 
franchi  ces  obstacles,  sans  nombre,  que  les  bourreaux  des  siecles 
d'aveugle  foi  tendaient  k  votre  passage,  et  Tetemelle  main  vous 
conduisait  sans  cesse  ! 

"  Mais  la  France  vous  a  faits  libres  !  .  .  . 

"  Vous  avez  et6  citoyens  et  vous  etes  nos  frSres  ! 

*'  L'an  1789  a  6te  pour  vous  la  premiere  6tape  de  la  rehabilita- 
tion, si  la  rehabilitation  est  1^  oil  il  n'y  a  pas  la  honte  et 
inf  amie,  mais  1^  ou  il  y  a  eu  un  malheur  ! 

"  Marchez  alors  sous  I'^gide  sacr^e  de  cette  France  6manci- 
patrice  !  Dans  sa  mission  lib^rale,  son  etoile  de  salut  distingua 
^chelonnes,  sur  la  route  des  peuples,  toutes  les  races  proscrites 
et  tous  les  parias  du  monde.  Et  vous  6tiez  sur  ce  grand  chemin, 
et  I'opprobre  et  les  malheurs  ombrageaient  seuls  I'^pineuse  et 
brulante  voie  !  " 

**  Elle  vous  appella  dans  ses  assemblees,  dans  ses  triomphes, 
dans  ses  joies,  dans  ses  malheurs  ;  et  au  jour  des  deliberations, 
vous  avez  parle,  et  au  jour  des  marches  triomphales  vous  avez 
applaudi,  et  au  jour  de  nos  malheurs,  vous  avez  pleur^  !  .  .  ." 

"  Nous  nous  inclinons  devant  vous,  hommes  forts  !  Car  vous 
f utes  forts  durant  votre  histoire  antique ;  vous  f utes  forts,  depuis 
le  drame  de  Jerusalem ;  vous  futes  forts  au  temps  du  moyen- 
age,  alors  qu'il  n'y  avait  que  deux  noires  puissances :  I'inqui- 
sition  avec  la  croix,  les  pirates  avec  le  croissant ! 

"  Mais  vous  ne  nous  etes  pas  arrives  tous  jusqu'k  nous.  Com- 
bien  n'en  a-t-il  pas  fallu  pour  payer  I'immense  tribu  de  18  siecles ! 

**  Mais,  ceux  qui  restent,  vous  pouvez  grandir  encore  et 
rebatir  la  porte  de  Jerusalem. 

**  C'est  votre  tache.    Dieu  ne  vous  aurait  pas  conduits  jusqu'k 

^  Stirring  Times  ...  of  1853  to  1856,  by  the  late  James  Finn .  .  .  vol.L 
London  .  .  .  1878,  pp.  130-132. 


nos  temps  s'il  n'avait  pas  voulu  vous  r^server  la  plus  sainte  des 
missions.  .   .  !* 

"  Une  haute  mission  vous  est  reservee.  Places  comme  un 
vivant  trait  d'union  entre  trois  mondes,  vous  devez  amener  la 
civilisation  chez  les  peuples  inexperimentes  encore,  vous  devez 
leur  porter  les  lumieres  d'Europe  que  vous  avezrecueillies  aflots." 

"  Vous  servirez  d'intermediaires  entre  TEurope  et  I'extreme 
Asie,  et  vous  ouvxirez  les  grandes  voies  quimdnent  aux  Indes  et  a 
la  Chine  et  aux  archipels  encore  inconnus,  mais  qu'il  faudra 

"  Vous  arriverez  aux  champs  de  Juda,  avec  la  couronne  du 
martyre  et  les  cicatrices  des  longues  douleurs,  et  le  monde 
s'inclinera  et  les  fronts  se  d^couvriront,  comme  devant  un  ain6 
des  peuples  !  .  .  ." 

"  Vous  avez  assez  aide  a  civiliser  les  peuples,  en  Europe, 
k  faire  avancer  le  progres,  a  faire  et  a  favoriser  les  revolutions  ; 
vous  devez  maintenant  songer  au  vallees  du  Liban  et  aux  grandes 
plaines  de  Genezareth. 

"  Mar  chez  !  Dans  votre  oeuvre  renovatrice,  nos  coeurs  vous 
suivront  et  nos  bras  vous  serviront  d'aide  ! 

"  Nous  le  ferons  !  Vous  avez  en  vous-memes  de  ces  hommes 
si  rares  en  nos  temps,  qui  ont  fait  appel  k  vos  sympathies,  et  k 
vos  secours,  pour  venir  soulager  nos  fr^es  dans  le  malheur  V- 

"  Cette  voix  que  nous  entendons  encore  a  retenti  d'un  bout  k 
I'autre  du  monde.  Et  qui  ne  serait  pas  reconnaissant  aujourd'hui 
du  genereux  elan  qu'a  provoque  le  grand  homme  ? 

"  Mar  chez,  Juifs  de  tous  les  pays  !  .  .  .  L'antique  patrie  vous 
appelle,  et  nous  serons  fiers  de  venir  rouvrir  vos  foyers  !  ** 

"  Marchez,  fils  de  martyrs  !  .  .  ."^ 


Statistics  of  the  Holy  Land 

A  FOLDED  page  with  which  the  Addenda  (Extracts  from  some  of 
the  reports,  letters,  and  addresses  on  agriculture  in  the  Holy  Land 
received  by  Sir  Moses  Montefiore,  f.r.s.,  etc.  etc.,|during  his 
sojourn  there.  Translated  from  the  originals,  by  Dr.  L.  Loewe) 
to  Lady  Montefiore 's  Notes  from  a  Private  Journal,  1844, 
concludes,  is  entitled  : — 

**  A  form  of  the  lists  giving  a  statistical  account  of  the  Children 
of  Israel  dwelling  in  the  Holy  Land.    In  the  Year  5599-1839." 

1  "  L'illustre  M.  Cr6mieux,  dont  le  nom,  en  ces  circonstances,  ne  saurait 
fetre  jamais  assez,  non  pas  glorifi.6,  mais  b6m.  ..." 

2  La  Nouvelle  Question  d'Orient.  Empires  d'Egypte  et  d'Arabie. 
Reconstitution  de  la  Nationality  Juive,  Paris  .  .  .  i860.  (8°.  47  pp.) 
pp.  39-41. 


These  are  the  names  of  the  worthy  persons  fearing  God,  who  resided 
in  the  Holy  City,  in  the  year  5599-1839. 

The  form  is  divided  into  seventeen  columnar  sections,  headed 
with  the  following  queries  : — 

Number  in  Faritily — Names — -Where  born — Age — Date  of  arrival 
in  the  Holy  Land — How  Situated — Occupation — Married — Single 
— -Names  and  number  of  children — Age  above  13 — Age  under  13 
— Names  of  Widows — -Age — ]^ames  of  Orphans — Age — Remarks. 

Sir  Moses,  accompanied  by  his  wife,  first  visited  the  Holy  Land 
in  1827,  and  the  urgent  necessity  and  vast  importance  of  statistics 
must  have  deeply  impressed  him,  for  we  find  that  on  his  second 
pilgrimage,  eleven  years  later,  he  caused  forms  similar  to  the 
above,  which  were  also  in  Hebrew,  to  be  distributed  in  the  Holy 
Cities  of  Jerusalem,  Safed,  Tiberias,  Hebron,  and  in  other  towns 
and  villages.  The  information  furnished  was  signed,  counter- 
signed and  sealed  by  the  Heads  of  each  Kahal. 

Forms  applicable  to  synagogues,  colleges,  schools,  and  various 
other  institutions  were  also  circulated,  requesting  particulars 
as  to  situation,  the  names  of  the  ecclesiastical  and  lay  heads, 
and  other  officials.  The  purpose  of  each  organization,  its  income 
and  expenditure,  and  a  number  of  other  minor  details. 

This  information — collected  for  thirty-six  years  5599-5635= 
1839-1875 — was  compiled  and  arranged  by  Dr.  Louis  Loewe 
(the  life-long  friend  of  Sir  Moses,  whom  he  accompanied  on 
thirteen  of  his  missions  abroad)  and  transcribed  in  fifteen 
imperial  folio  volumes,  a  model  of  Hebrew  calligraphy. 

In  addition  to  these  particulars  of  a  personal  nature,  this  in- 
valuable thesaurus  contains  information  dealing  with  land, 
agriculture,  buildings,  industries,  cotton,  oil,  fruit-trees,  and  the 
condition  of  the  country  in  general.  The  volumes  are  now  de- 
posited at  the  Jews'  College,  Queen  Square  House,  London,  but 
form  part  of  the  Library  of  the  Judith,  Lady  Montefiore  Theo- 
logical College  of  Ramsgate. 

A  wealth  of  material  lies  at  the  disposal  of  future  historians 
and  statisticians,  and  it  is  devoutly  to  be  hoped,  that  this 
great  work  will  find  its  proper  resting-place  in  the  Archives  of 


An  Open  Letter  or  Rabbi  Chayyim  Zebi  Sneersohn 
OF  Jerusalem  (1863) 

There  were  hundreds  of  Jews,  preferring  labour  to  starvation, 
to  be  seen  working  for  their  daily  bread  at  one  shilling  per  day  in 
the  fields  of  the  so-called  '  Industrial  Plantations  for  Jews/ 
then  under  the  auspices  of  Mr.  Finn,  late  Enghsh  Consul  for 
Palestine,  and  up  to  the  present  time  there  are  many  Jews 
engaged  in  performing  even  the  most  menial  offices  and  doing 


their  best  to  provide  food  for  their  famiHes.  The  other  day  a 
meeting  was  held  by  the  Chief  Rabbi,  Haim  David  Hassan,  and 
many  other  notabiUties  of  the  different  congregations,  at  which  I 
also  attended.  The  subject  proposed  was  an  enquiry  to  ascer- 
tain the  number  of  those  who  are  likely  to  devote  themselves 
to  agricultural  pursuits  and  to  draw  up  a  plan  in  which  way  they 
could  be  helped  in  order  to  attain  the  object  desired.  The  result 
was  that  up  to  the  present  about  one  hundred  heads 
of  families  declared  their  readiness  to  go  and  till  the  ground  of 
their  fathers.  The  result  of  the  preliminary  discussion  on  the 
plan  to  be  adopted  was  to  get  a  hodjet,  or  secure  possession  from 
the  Government  or  possession  of  cultivated  ground,  consisting  of 
gardens,  olive  trees,  vineyards  and  fields." 

Palestinian  Rabbis  were  quick  to  recognize  the  activity  of  the 
British  Consul.  James  Finn  was  indeed  an  English  pioneer  of 
the  idea  of  colonization  of  Palestine  and  of  Britain's  protection 
of  Palestinian  Jews.  He  was  appointed  Consul  before  the  death 
of  Bishop  Alexander  (who  was  a  converted  Jew  and  the  first 
Bishop  appointed  by  the  British  Government  in  Jerusalem),  in 
1848,  and  the  chief  reason  for  his  appointment  was  his  known 
love  of  the  Jewish  cause.  He  was  at  the  time  a  member  of  the 
London  Society's  Committee,  had  published  an  interesting  and 
learned  work  on  the  History  of  the  Spanish  Jews,  as  well  as  a 
tract  upon  the  Chinese  Jews,  had  devoted  himself  with  great  zeal 
and  rare  success  to  the  study  of  Hebrew,  which  he  spoke  and 
wrote  with  fluency,  and  was  considered  on  this  account  to  be 
particularly  well  qualified  for  the  post  of  Consul  at  Jerusalem 
(another  proof  of  the  great  appreciation  of  the  national  Jewish 
character  of  Palestine  on  the  part  of  the  British  Government  at 
that  time) .  Finn  went  out  as  a  devoted  friend  to  the  Jewish  cause, 
and  such  he  proved  himself  throughout.  Though  an  ardent  Chris- 
tian, he  won  the  sympathy  of  the  most  orthodox  Jerusalem 
Rabbis,  and  their  moral  support  for  the  colonization  of  Palestine. 

Palestinian  Jews  themselves  advocated  the  establishment  of 
Jewish  agricultural  colonies  in  1863  • — 

**  Behold,  we  are  now  awaking  to  a  sense  of  the  profound 
degradation  which  systematic  dependence  on  charity  must 
produce  and  to  the  awful  demoralization  which  must  be  the 
necessary  consequence  of  its  precariousness.  The  increasing 
prosperity  of  those  around  us  makes  us  the  more  deeply  feel  our 
own  unutterable  misery :  while  European  ideas,  gradually 
penetrating  to  us,  are  rousing  us  from  our  apathy  and  inspiring 
us  more  and  more  with  the  wish  to  wipe  away  from  us  the 
disgrace  of  sloth,  with  which  we  are  but  too  often  stigmatized. 
We  want  to  work,  and  to  work  hard,  in  order  to  support  our- 
selves by  the  sweat  of  our  brows.  But  there  is  in  Palestine  no 
other  source  of  employment  capable  of  giving  bread  to  a  com- 
munity consisting  of  thousands  of  individuals,  save  agriculture. 


You  dole  out  to  us  annually  thousands  of  pounds,  just  enough 
to  keep  us,  year  after  year,  on  the  brink  of  starvation.  This  has 
now  been  going  on  for  centuries,  with  the  result  which  we  have 
seen.  Now  try  whether  a  change  for  the  better  could  not  be 
brought  about.  Lay  out,  by  way  of  experiment,  and  on  a  small 
scale,  just  to  begin  with,  a  portion  of  the  funds  destined  for  the 
Holy  Land  in  productive  labour.  Some  of  us,  at  least,  will, 
instead  of  being  maintained  in  involuntary  idleness,  see  what  our 
handiv/ork  can  produce,  whereby  you  give  the  mere  consumer 
of  to-day  a  chance  of  becoming  the  producer  of  to-morrow,  and 
in  time  you  may  have  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  the  country  dotted 
with  self-supporting  agricultural  colonies  of  happy  Jews — the  very 
same  who  are  now  a  burden  to  you,  and  whose  cry  of  distress  every 
now  and  then  resounds  through  the  countries  of  the  West." 

Rabbi  Sneersohn  was  on  a  visit  to  Melbourne  in  1861,  and 
addressed  (in  Hebrew)  a  "  Meeting  of  the  members  of  the  Jewish 
Faith  (to  which  persons  of  other  denominations  were  also  invited) 
for  the  purpose  of  adopting  measures  to  assist  in  building  houses 
of  refuge  on  Mount  Zion  "  {The  Salvation  of  Israel,  an  address, 
etc.,  by  Rabbi  Hayim  Zwi  Sneersohn,  Melbourne,  1862). 


The  Tragedy  of  a  Minority,  as  seen  by  an  English 
Jewish  Publicist  (1863) 

"  The  whole  Tragedy  of  our  People  is  to  be  found  in  the  fact 
that  we  must  everywhere  he  in  the  minority  :  and  no  matter  how 
just  our  cause  may  be,  we  shall  always  have  to  complain  of 
slights  and  insults,  of  being  overlooked  by  accident  or  design, 
of  being  scorned  by  many,  and  denounced  by  zealots  or  infidels, 
all  for  the  sake  of  being  a  minority.  .  .  .  But  once  again 
blessed  with  a  Government  of  our  own,  though  only  a  small 
portion  of  Israelites  should  be  found  in  their  own  land,  while  the 
many  would  prefer  to  remain  in  the  countries  where  they  now 
sojourn,  and  the  advantages  of  which  they  might  not  wish  to 
give  up,  the  feelings  of  the  world  would  necessarily  undergo  a 
great  change,  and  the  treatment  meted  out  to  us  would  not  be 
what  it  is  now.  If  we  have  our  agriculturists,  our  statesmen, 
our  mechanics,  our  public  teachers,  equal  to  the  best  found 
anywhere,  who  would  dare  to  insult  us  by  stating  that  he  knows 
us  only  as  pedlars,  bankers  and  merchants :  and  class  us  as  a 
whole  among  petty  traders  and  men  of  low  pursuits  ?  No  effort 
which  we  can  make,  situated  as  we  are  all  over  the  world,  will 
readily  change  the  long  habit  which  was  forced  on  us  to  depend 
on  commerce,  large  and  small,  in  all  its  branches,  in  which  the 
meaner  necessarily  predominated,  owing  to  the  exclusive  laws 
to  which  we  were  subjected :   and  therefore  it  will  be  centuries 


before  the  unjust  prejudices  against  us  die  out,  if  ever  they  can, 
in  case  we  ever  succeed  in  divesting  ourselves  of  that  habit. 
If  our  land  be  restored  to  us,  and  we  to  it,  how  nobly  will  our 
character,  which  is  now  concealed  and  obscure,  burst  forth  in  all 
ancient  vigour  and  beauty,  and  we  shall  naturally  present  to  the 
world  again  examples  worthy  of  imitation,  and  the  harp  of 
Judah,  which  has  so  long  hung  mute  on  the  willows  of  many  a 
Babylon,  will  again  resound  to  the  master-touch  of  the  inspired 
poet.  He  will  again  sing  aloud  the  praises  of  the  Most  High. 
Our  judges  will  sit  on  the  judgment-seat  of  our  ancient  counsel- 
lors, and  decide  for  the  lofty  and  the  lowly  according  to  the 
demands  of  the  Mosaic  legislation  :  and  the  wisdom  which  had 
its  chief  residence  on  the  hills  of  Jerusalem  will  evermore  be 
diffused  to  enlighten  a  suffering  world,  and  will  prove  its  strength 
in  contrast  with  the  failures  of  antagonistic  systems.  .  .  .  Will 
this  dream  be  speedily  realized  ?  We  cannot  tell  indeed  :  events 
occasionally  creep  slowly  over  the  face  of  the  world,  but  at 
other  times  they  rush  rapidly  forward,  and  one  great  develop- 
ment follows  closely  on  the  heels  of  the  other.  The  same  may 
be  the  case  with  the  now  apparently  distant  restoration  of 
Israelites  to  Palestine.  The  world  is  becoming  rapidly  peopled  : 
the  boundaries  of  nations  in  the  meanwhile  are  frequently 
changed :  jealousies  of  one  people  against  another  are  con- 
stantly developed :  the  balance  of  power,  a  vain  desire  to 
preserve  peace  among  men,  is  constantly  vibrating  to  and  fro. 
Is  it  then  so  unlikely  that  an  effort  will  be  made  to  place  in 
Palestine  and  the  neighbourhood  an  enterprising  race  which 
shall  restore  it  ?  "  


:  nn'^sn  ]«nab6n  p'ts  rw^'ll^  b^iw^^  ^n^  nia;'*  man 

London  Hebrew  Society  for  the  Colonization 
OF  THE  Holy  Land 

'*  The  London  Society  for  the  Colonization  of  the  Holy  Land 
intends : — 

"  I.  To  collect  funds  for  the  purchase  of  deserted  and  desolate 
towns,  and  fields  and  vineyards  in  the  Holy  Land,  and  to  prepare 
Hebrew  Persons  able  and  wiUing  to  work,  so  as  to  fit  them  for 
agricultural  labour  in  the  Holy  Land. 

"2.  All  Israelites,  expert  in  sacred  scripture  and  the  Hebrew 
language,  who  are  members  of  this  society  for  six  years,  and 
prove  their  ability  in  agriculture,  honest,  and  of  respectable 
behaviour,  able  and  willing  to  work,  will  be  sent  out  to  the  Holy 
Land  by  this  Society. 


"3.  On  those  sent  out  by  the  Society  the  sacred  duty  devolves 
to  fulfil  faithfully  the  commandments  of  the  min  not  to  work 
— or  cause  to  work — on  Sabbath,  Festivals,  Schemita,  and 
Jobal,  as  well  as  to  observe  nxai  nriDB^  IDpi  and  all  other  com- 
mandments relating  to  the  cultivation  of  the  soil  in  the  Holy 

"4.  All  Israelites  having  lived  uninterruptedly  for  three 
years  in  the  Holy  Land  will  be  considered  as  free  members,  and, 
after  passing  proper  examination,  can  enjoy  the  same  rights  as 
those  who  have  contributed. 

**  5.  A  house,  with  adjoining  land,  and  cattle,  implements  and 
all  other  requirements  for  agriculture,  and  all  necessaries  for 
himself  and  his  family  shall  be  provided  by  the  Society  until 
the  soil  is  fertilised  and  productive. 

"  6.  In  each  colony  the  Society  shall  establish  a  Synagogue 
with  all  its  requirements  as  n'D,  etc.,  schools  for  children  and 
adults,  appoint  and  pay  Rabbis,  readers  and  the  other  officials, 
provide  books,  &c. 

"7.  The  Rabbi  must  not  only  have  thorough  knowledge  of 
the  Hebrew  language  and  Theology,  but  must  also  be  expert  in 
other  sciences  and  languages,  especially  the  language  of  the 

'*  8.  Every  colonist  has  the  preference,  after  the  stipulated 
time,  to  farm  the  land  fertilised  by  his  labour,  which  land 
remains  the  property  of  the  society. 

"9.  The  colonists  will  be  placed  under  the  protection  of  the 
great  European  powers. 

"10.  Co-religionists  trained  to  the  use  of  arms  will  be  ap- 
pointed by  the  society,  to  protect  the  colony  from  the  attacks 
of  the  Bedouins ;  also  police  to  enforce  the  laws  and  to  main- 
tain order. 

"11.  Israelitish  co-religionists  of  all  countries  and  of  either 
sex  will  be  accepted  as  members  of  the  society. 

"12.  Those  of  other  religions  can  only  be  accepted  as  honorary 

"13.  Boys  and  girls  from  13  to  20  years  of  age,  and  persons 
more  than  50  years  of  age  can  be  members  of  the  second  class 

"  14.  Children  under  13  years  of  age  are  members  of  the 
third  class. 

"15.  Communities  forming  societies  among  themselves  will 
be  accepted  as  branches  of  this  society. 

"  16.  Members,  who  bequeath  money  or  property,  according 
to  their  means,  for  the  benefit  of  the  society  will  be  constituted 
perpetual  members. 

"  17.  Any  member  desiring  to  perpetuate  the  memory  of 

II.— s 


deceased  relations  or  friends,  can  do  so  by  paying  a  certain  sum, 
according  to  his  means,  to  have  them  inscribed  as  perpetual 

"  i8.  Each  member  to  pay  an  entrance  fee  of  not  less  than 
IS.  6d.,  one- third  of  which  fee  must  be  paid  at  the  time  of 

'*  19.  This  third  part  will  be  used  to  meet  the  expenses  of 
stationery,  printing,  advertising,  rent  of  lecture  hall,  manage- 
ment, &c.,  and  for  the  assistance  of  those  persons  preparing 
themselves  for  agriculture. 

"  20.  Each  member  agrees  to  pay  a  certain  voluntary  contri- 
bution towards  the  funds  of  the  society,  which  sum  has  to  be 
paid  to  the  committee  every  isnn  U^fc^l  for  which  he  will  receive 
a  receipt. 

"21.  A  public  meeting  will  be  held  every  n*l  when  the  names 
of  the  members  and  the  amount  of  their  contributions  will  be 

"22.  General  meetings  will  be  held  three  times  during  the 
year,  at  such  time  and  place  as  the  monthly  meetings  shall 

"23.  Admission  of  non-members  to  the  monthly  meetings  by 
ticket,  to  be  had  gratis. 

"  24.  None  but  members  will  be  allowed  to  address  the 
meeting.  Non-members  can  submit  any  question  in  writing, 
which  will  be  communicated,  and  if  necessary  discussed  at  the 

"  25.  To  explain  and  to  illustrate  the  principles  of  the  society, 
lectures  will  be  delivered  every  Sabbath  in  the  hall  of  the 
society,  to  which  members  have  free  admission,  non-members  by 
ticket,  sold  for  the  benefit  of  the  society. 

**  The  land  will  be  divided  by  ballot,  for  which  members  of  the 
first  class  only  are  qualified.  For  assistance  and  for  instruction 
every  member  of  six  months  standing,  in  the  first  and  second 
class,  has  a  claim. 

"  Members  who  shall  have  obtained  a  plot  of  land  and  should 
not  desire  to  emigrate,  can  convey  the  same  to  another  person, 
provided  he  be  qualified  as  described  in  Rule  2."^ 

^  ^^'i^\  rip35  The  Hebrew  National.  A  weekly  Journal  [Edited  by 
Herschel  Filipowski]  .  .  .  London.,  vol.  i.,  No.  2,  Feb.  22nd,  1867,  pp. 

An  appeal  from  this  Society  "  By  order  of  the  Committee,  E.  I.  Polak, 
Secretary  {pro  tern.),"  appeared  in  a  specimen  of  a  unique  newspaper  lent  to 
me  by  Mr.  James  H.  Lowe,  entitled  J  1310^^^  VK^^H  K'^**  London  Jews' 
Weeldy  Times,  No.  4,  31st  May  =26  lyar,  but  the  year  is  omitted.  The 
advertisements  were  printed,  but  the  news  was  lithographed.  The  ofl&ces 
were  situated  at  4  Sun  street,  and  the  paper  was  pubUshed  by  Harris 
Leyserowich  of  No.  3  Sweedland  Court,  Bishopsgate  Street,  City. 



An  Open  Letter  of  Henri  Dunant  (1866) 

**  The  disquieting  circumstances  in  which  Europe  finds  itself 
should  not  let  us  forget  that  the  Eastern  question,  which  has 
already  troubled  the  Governments  and  peoples,  may  speedily 
reappear  and  complicate  a  position  grave  enough  in  itself. 
Instinctively  every  one  feels  that  the  day  when  this  question 
will  call  for  a  definite  solution,  all  Europe  will  perhaps  be  in 
inextricable  difficulties. 

"  Diplomatic  difficulties  can  only  end  in  barren  expedients, 
but  the  present,  which  is  averse  to  a  system  of  forcible  conquest 
by  fire  and  sword,  has  a  much  more  powerful  weapon  at  its 
disposal — that  of  pacific  conquest  by  civilization. 

"  What  is  therefore  to  be  done  in  order  to  prevent  grave 
complications,  and  regenerate  the  East  by  rousing  its  vital 
forces  and  infusing  into  it  the  spirit  of  Western  civilization  ? 

"  One  of  the  most  powerful  means  would  be  the  formation  of 
a  large  society,  having  an  eminently  international  character, 
and  which  would  have  thereby  the  merit  of  reconciling  the 
particular  interests  of  the  several  European  Powers  with  those  of 
civilization.  This  Society  would  open  for  the  West  new  and 
abundant  sources  of  wealth :  it  would  become  for  the  East  an 
efiicient  means  of  moral  regeneration :  and  lastly  would  be  for 
all  nations  co-operating  in  the  matter  a  great  honour  and  a  great 

"  The  following  is  the  manner  in  which  such  an  association 
may  be  presented  to  the  European  public  : — 

"  Objects  of  the  Eastern  International  Society : — 
"  To  promote  the  development  of  agriculture,  industry,  com- 
merce, and  public  works  in  the  East,  and  especially  in  Palestine. 
To  obtain  from  the  Turkish  Government  privileges  and 
monopolies,  whether  in  Constantinople  or  the  rest  of  the  Empire  : 
notably  the  concession  and  the  gradual  abandonment  of  the  soil 
of  Palestine.  To  distribute  for  pecuniary  considerations  such 
portions  of  the  land,  the  concession  whereof  might  have  been 
acquired  or  received  by  the  Company,  and  to  colonize  the  more 
fertile  valleys  of  the  Holy  Land. 

"  The  Turkish  Empire  contains  virtues  of  all  kinds,  which,  if 
they  were  utilized  by  a  powerful  company,  would  yield  con- 
siderable results  ;  but  the  Porte  neither  possesses  the  resources 
nor  the  necessary  forces  in  order  to  create  and  lead  to  a  favourable 
issue  the  works  of  public  utility,  which  the  internal  development 
of  the  Ottoman  Empire  so  urgently  demands :  left  to  her  own 
resources  she  can  neither  augment  her  revenues  nor  form  new 


ones,  she  is  unable  to  give  energetic  support  to  either  agri- 
culture or  industry,  which  are  the  only  means  of  increasing 
public  wealth  and  prosperity. 

"It  is  therefore  for  the  West,  which  possesses  the  capital 
and  where  the  creative  forces  are  superabundant,  to  turn  to  an 
account  the  real  advantages  presented  by  Turkey,  and  to  take 
in  hand  a  work  capable  of  yielding  excellent  results.  Skilfully 
conducted,  operations  in  this  new  country  bring  in  a  very  high 
interest :  but  new  combinations  must  be  devised,  which  should 
enjoy  both  the  approval  of  the  European  Powers,  and  the 
support  of  the  Sultan's  Porte.  Therefore,  in  order  not  to  weaken 
its  forces,  the  Society  must  utilize  certain  special  circumstances  in 
which  Turkey  is  now  placed,  and  Palestine  offers  itself  at  first 
sight  to  the  mind  as  the  earliest  field  of  activity. 

"  Palestine,  as  known,  only  wants  human  labour  in  order  to 
produce  abundantly :  it  is  one  of  the  most  remarkable  and 
fruitful  countries  on  the  globe  :  products  of  all  latitudes  are  to 
be  met  with  there,  and  emigrants  from  Europe  find  there  the 
climate  of  their  country.  Commerce  and  private  industry 
completing  the  work  of  agriculture,  will  draw  hither  in  numbers 
merchants,  colonists  and  capitalists.  This  resurrection  of  the 
East,  uniting  with  the  new  rise  of  religious  sentiment,  will  be 
aided  by  the  co-operation  of  Israelites,  whose  valuable  qualities 
and  remarkable  aptitudes  cannot  but  prove  very  advantageous 
to  Palestine. 

"  Having  established  commercial  undertakings  at  Constanti- 
nople and  other  cities  of  the  Turkish  Empire,  the  Society  will 
construct  at  Jaffa  a  port  and  a  good  road,  a  railway  from  this 
city  to  Jerusalem.  The  territory  through  which  the  railway 
runs  should  be  granted  by  Turkey  to  the  Society,  which  might 
sell  it  to  Israelitish  families.  These  in  their  turn  would  create 
colonies  and  make  them  prosperous,  with  the  help  and  the 
labour  of  those  of  their  Eastern  brethren  whose  love  for  their 
ancient  country  has  maintained  itself  as  ardently  as  formerly. 
Special  committees  might  at  their  cost  send  Israelitish  emigrants 
from  Morocco,  Poland,  Moldavia,  Wallachia,  the  East,  Africa,  etc. 

"  The  result  pursued  and  obtained  by  the  Society  by  means 
of  a  sincere  international  understanding,  the  co-operation  of 
those  interested  in  Turkey,  and  the  establishment  of  Western 
populations  in  Palestine,  will  infallibly  be  in  a  less  distant  future 
than  might  be  imagined. 

"  The  reconstruction  of  Holy  Places  at  Jerusalem,  which 
might  be  carried  out  internationally,  and  in  a  manner  worthy  of 
Christendom  :  the  end  of  conflicts  which  are  being  incessantly 
renewed  between  the  Great  Powers  on  account  of  the  Holy 
Places  :  the  transformation  of  ancient  Jerusalem  into  a  new  city 
which  shall  rival  in  importance  the  finest  cities  in  the  West :  the 
creation  of  European  colonies  which  in  time  will  become  centres 


when  Western  civilization  will  spread  into  Turkey  and  penetrate 
the  extreme  East. 

"  Under  the  nominal  suzerainty  of  the  Sultan  the  Society  will 
administer  with  intelligence  and  equity  the  territories  that  might 
develop  upon  it.  Thus  India  has  long  been  administered  and 
governed  by  an  English  company.  The  Sultan,  grateful  for  the 
financial  support  which  will  be  given  to  him,  might,  perhaps, 
grant  to  the  Holy  Land  a  special  administration,  which,  under 
the  high  direction  of  the  Porte,  would  offer  real  security  to  the 
populations  that  might  repair  thither,  and  guarantees  for  the 
funds  that  might  be  employed  there.  Thanks  to  this  combina- 
tion, which  would  procure  for  her  valuable  resources,  Turkey 
would  not  be  obliged  to  contract  new  loans  in  order  to  pay  the 
interest  on  previous  ones. 

"  The  rising  colonies  might  diplomatically  be  neutralized,  like 
Switzerland,  and  by  a  treaty  which  would  have  some  analogy  to 
the  Convention  signed  at  Geneva  in  favour  of  the  amboulance, 
sanitary  bodies,  and  wounded  soldiers.  It  would  not,  moreover, 
be  so  difficult  to  neutralize  Palestine  by  an  agreement  among  the 
Powers,  since  there  exists  a  remarkable  precedent,  which  is  the 
neutralization  of  the  Lower  Danube  officially  obtained  from  the 
Seven  Powers,  who  signed  the  treaty  at  Paris.  Now  the  Com- 
mission of  the  Lower  Danube  has  created  its  flag  and  a  small 
fleet,  it  possesses  a  numerous  staff  and  revenues :  it  actually 
seeks  to  contract  a  loan,  the  same  as  an  independent  state. 

'*  In  order  to  prepare  the  organization  of  an  International 
Eastern  Society,  it  is  necessary  that  the  minds  should  be  induced 
to  occupy  themselves  with  these  great  and  interesting  questions. 
It  is  indispensable  for  this  purpose  to  form  a  committee  com- 
posed of  influential  and  honourable  men  of  different  nations  and 
different  opinions,  having  at  heart  the  success  of  these  views  in  the 
general  interest.  For  the  rest  the  elements  of  such  a  committee 
are  quite  clear. 

"  Its  programme,  at  the  same  time  economic,  humanitarian, 
scientific,  etc.,  is  also  international:  it  cannot  hurt  the  sus- 
ceptibilities of  any  nation.  Influential  men  in  France,  England, 
and  elsewhere  are  favourably  disposed  to  the  scheme."^ 

^  Societe  Nationale  Universelle  pour  la  Renouvellement  de  1' Orient 
[Henri  Dunant]  Paris  .  .  .  1866. 



An  Appeal  of  Rabbi  Eijas  Gutmacher  and  Rabbi  Hirsch 
Kalischer  to  the  Jews  of  England  (1867) 

Appeal  to  Our  Brethren 

Thou  shall  yet  plant  vines  upon  the  mountains  of  Samaria  ; 
the  planters  shall  plant  and  shall  eat  them  as  common  things. 
Jeremiah,  chap.  xxxi. 

And  I  will  raise  up  for  them  a  plant  of  renown  and  they  shall 
be  no  more  consumed  with  hunger  in  the  land.     Ezekiel  xxxi  v. 

Hear  ye  generous  people,  learn  ye  who  take  an  interest  in  holy 
matters,  show  your  tender  feelings  towards  our  brethren  in  the 
holy  land  !  Think  of  the  abandoned,  devastated,  sacred  soil. 
Thus  voices  and  signs  urgently  warn  you,  pointing  out  to  you 
that  the  time  long  ago  vouchsafed  has  arrived  to  render  them 
effectual  help. 

Destructive  epidemic  diseases  and  famine  ravage  in  that  land 
in  the  same  awful  way  this  year  as  they  did  in  the  past  one  and 
your  ever  so  abundantly  flowing  gifts  and  donations  are  not 
efficient  to  alleviate  the  misery,  to  satiate  the  hunger  ;  upon  us 
the  needy  cast  their  looks  and  crave  for  relief.  But  there  is  only 
one  way,  one  remedy  to  prevent  a  recurrence  of  such  distress, 
and  that  is  :  colonization,  cultivation  and  improvements  of  the 
Palestine  soil. 

This  proposal,  suggested  already  many  years  ago,  urges  now 
more  than  ever  upon  final  realization,  the  soil  must  be  redeemed. 
The  society,  "  AlUance  Israelite,"  in  Paris,  so  great  in  its  activity, 
at  the  head  of  which  M.  Adolphe  Cremieux  stands  as  president, 
has  declared  itself  in  favor  of  this  idea  and  promised  its  own 
assistance  and  interference  (sic)  elsewhere,  to  accomplish  the 
object,  as  we  have  seen  from  that  society's  recently  published 
half-yearly  report. 

A  letter  Sir  Moses  Montefiore  addressed  to  us  after  his  safe 
return  from  Palestine  states  that  the  idea  has  been  approved  of 
there  also.  Sir  Moses  in  the  same  letter  says  that  from  Zephat 
alone  sixty  Jewish  families  addressed  to  him  personally  the 
fervent  prayer  for  a  grant  of  land  for  agricultural  purposes. 
That  the  hard  tried  Israelitish  inhabitants  of  Schabatz  in  Servia 
have  declared  themselves  ready  to  emigrate  for  the  purpose  of 
cultivating  the  Palestine  soil,  is  known  to  us  already,  through  the 
medium  of  Hebrew  periodicals. — ^To  reaUze  the  idea  in  question, 
money  must  be  raised  before  anything  can  be  done  :  the  funds 
in  hand  are  not  sufficient,  the  number  of  Subscribers  must 
increase,  and  the  subscriptions  be  permanent.  The  leaders  of 
congregations  should  take  the  matter  in  hand  and  every  member 
of  a  congregation  in  good  circumstances  ought  to  join  the  society, 
with  a  yearly  contribution  of  two  Thalers  (six  shillings),  by  which 


they  would  be  instrumental  in  the  performance  of  the  religious 
commands  attached  to  the  sacred  soil  just  as  if  they  themselves 
had  been  performing  it.  To  enable  members  in  more  humble 
circumstances  to  contribute,  quarterly  payments  might  be 
received.  But  he  whom  the  Almighty  has  blessed  with  earthly 
fortunes  and  who  has  the  heart  for  the  sufferings  of  his  co- 
religionists anywhere  in  the  Universe — he  should  not  fail  to  join 
the  "  Alliance  Israelite  "  of  Paris,  as  a  member  with  a  yearly 
contribution  of  i  Thaler  10  Sgr.  (4  Shillings),  and  thus  further  the 
great  aim.  Two  treasurers  have  been  appointed  by  us  to  receive 
contributions.  The  well-known  Banker,  Mr.  Seegall,  in  Posen, 
is  Chief  Treasurer,  and  Mr.  S.  Fuerst,  in  Schmiegel,  Special 
Treasurer  for  amounts  up  to  100  Thalers  (£15).  The  latter 
Gentleman  has  offered  to  pay  all  postages  out  of  his  own  private 
pocket,  and  is  resolved  to  go  at  his  own  expense  to  Palestine  and 
to  make  a  beginning  with  the  colonization  ;  i)erhaps  the  under- 
signed Mr.  Hirsch  Kalischer  may  take  upon  himself  the  expense 
and  hardships  of  such  a  voyage,  to  see  there  after  the  strict 
observance  of  the  religious  commands  connected  with  agriculture 
in  Palestine.  Were  there  one  at  least  in  every  congregation  that 
would  zealously  take  the  matter  in  hand  ;  we  would  willingly 
confer  upon  him  the  diploma  of  a  Governor  of  the  society  and 
give  him  the  necessary  instructions.  We  are  also  ready  to 
purchase  a  priceworthy  piece  of  land  in  Palestine  on  account  and 
in  the  name  of  any  of  our  wealthier  brethren  in  faith  that  would 
remit  to  us  a  sum  for  the  purpose,  and  to  have  it  administered 
according  to  their  instructions.  We  hope  that  with  the  proper 
assistance  from  the  congregations  of  Israel  and  by  the  aid  of  the 
Omnipotent  we  shall  in  a  very  short  time  be  able  to  give  effect 
to  the  idea  of  Colonization. 

Thorn  in  the  month  of  Marcheshvan  5627.  "Be  of  good 
courage,  and  let  us  play  the  men  for  our  people  and  for  the  cities 
of  our  God  "  (2  Samuel  x.  12). 

Eli  AS  GuTMACHER,  Rabbi  in  Graetz. 

Hirsch  Kalischer,  Rabbi  in  Thorn. ^ 


Alexandre  Dumas  (//j)  and  Zionism 

In  La  Femme  de  Claude,  pp.  50-51,  Daniel  says  : 

"  Nous  sommes  dans  une  epoque  ou  chaque  race  a  resolu  de 
revendiquer  et  d 'avoir  bien  ^  elle  son  sol,  son  foyer,  sa  langue  et 
son  temple.  II  y  a  assez  longtemps  que  nous  autres  Israelites, 
nous  sommes  depossedes  de  tout  cela.  Nous  avons  ete  forces  de 
nous  glisser  dans  les  interstices  des  nations,  d'ou  nous  avons 

'  Siflifr  nD»  The  Hebrew  National,  vol.  i..  No.  i.,  Feb.  15th,  1867, 
p.  6. 


penetre  dans  les  inter ets  des  gouvernements,  des  societes,  des 
individus.  C'est  beaucoup,  ce  n'est  pas  assez.  On  croit  encore 
que  la  persecution  nous  a  disperses,  elle  nous  a  repandus  ;  et 
nous  tenant  par  la  main,  nous  formons  aujourd'hui  un  filet  dans 
lequel  le  monde  pourrait  bien  se  trouver  pris  le  jour  oii  il  lui 
viendrait  kVidee  de  nous  redevenir  hostile  ou  de  se  declarer ingrat . 
En  attendant  nous  ne  voulons  plus  etre  un  groupe,  nous  voulons 
etre  un  peuple,  plus  qu  un  peuple,  une  nation.  La  patrie  ideale 
ne  nous  suffit  plus,  la  patrie  fixe  et  territorial  nous  est  redevenue 
necessaire,  et  je  pars  pour  chercher  et  lever  notre  acte  de  naissance 

Isidore  Cahen  writes,  Le  Daniel  de  la  Femme  du  Claude 
"...  prevoit  et  predit  une  rest  aurat  ion  materielle  de  la  grandeur 
de  Juda,  la  reconstitution  dun  Etat  politique  juif  !  M.  Dumas 
va  jusqu'a  citer  le  voeu  celebre  de  la  Hagadah  :  *  L'ann^e 
prochaine  a  Jerusalem.  .  .  .' 

"  Dans  ces  voeux  qui  contiennent  nos  livres  traditionelles 
il  n'y  a  qu'une  esperance  allegorique  un  vceu  mystique  :  c'est 
une  Jerusalem  ideale, . . .  et  non  pas  une  Jerusalem  politique "^ 

...  II  faut  que  je  sois  bien  maladroit  et  que  je  dise  bien  mal  ce 
que  je  veux  dire  pour  qu'il  y  ait  erreur  sur  mon  appreciation  des 
Israelites.  Le  jour  ou  j'ai  ecrit  la  Femme  de  Claude,  j'ai  cru  les 
glorifier.  Je  ne  vols  pas  que  Daniel  et  Rebecca  ne  representent 
pas  un  ideal  superieur  et  si  Daniel  menace  un  moment  ceux  qui 
pourraient  se  montrer  hostiles  ou  ingrats  de  la  puissance  que  ses 
coreligionnaires  ont  acquise,  il  a  parfaitement  raison.  Ce  n'est 
pas  quand  depuis  pres  de  deux  mille  ans  une  race  subit  Tin  justice 
et  la  persecution  comme  Fa  fait  votre  race,  qu'elle  va,  apres  de 
grands  services  rendus,  supporter  I'ingratitude  et  I'hostilite  de 
ceux  qu'elle  a  tires  d'affaire.  II  n'en  est  pas  moins  vrai  que  lors 
de  I'apparition  de  la  Femme  de  Claude,  beaucoup  de  vos  co- 
religionnaires se  sont  trompes  sur  mes  intentions  et  que  quelques- 
uns  ont  organise  une  cabale  contre  la  piece.  Je  ne  leur  en  veux 
pas.  Je  ne  ferai  jamais  entrer  une  question  personnelle  dans  ce 
jugement  que  je  puis  avoir  a  porter  historiquement  et  philoso- 
phiquement  sur  toute  une  Nation. 

. .  .  Comme  j'assiste  pendant  le  temps  que  je  passe  sur  la  terre 
aux  evolutions  de  Thumanite  a  laquelle  j'appartiens,  je  m'amuse 
quelquefois  k  essayer  de  prevoir  et  meme  de  predire  la  direction 
qu'elles  peuvent  prendre.  Comme  j'ai  bien  etudie  celles  de  votre 
race,  que  je  I'ai  vue  asservie  et  persecutee  de  tous  temps  et  en 
ces  memes  temps  tou jours  patiente  et  laborieuse,  je  me  suis, 
dans  mon  interieur,  pris  de  sympathie  pour  elle,  et  si  j 'avals 
ete  capable  de  pratiquer  une  religion  c'est  k  celle  de  ces  per- 
secutes et  de  ces  laborieux  que  je  serais  alle.  Quand  un  peuple 
a  etabli  toute  la  morale  humaine  sur  dix  petits  versets,  il  pent 
vraiment  se  dire  le  peuple  de  Dieu,  etant  donne  la  conception 
que  les  hommes  les  plus  eclaires  peuvent  se  faire,  derriere  Moise 
^  Archives  Israelites,  i*'  Fevrier,  1873,  p.  86. 


d'un  Dieu  personnel.  Seulement  j'ai  le  tort  d'appliquer  a  ceux 
que  j'etudie  et  qui  m'interessent  les  ideas  que  j'aurais  si  j'etais 
a  leur  place  .  .  .,  quand  j'ai  vu  les  evenements  politiques  nous 
apporter  en  1870,  en  etablissant  la  Republique  et  en  nous  re- 
tirant  de  Rome,  vous  apporter  la  revanche  de  tant  d'injustices 
et  d'humiliations  patiemment  supportees,  je  me  suis  demande 
quelle  mission  je  me  donnerais,  si  dans  les  idees  ou  je  suis, 
j  'etais  membre  de  ce  peuple  particulier.  Je  me  suis  dit  alors  que 
je  n'aurais  qu'une  idee,  ce  serait  de  reprendre  possession  de  mon 
sol  d'origine  et  de  tradition  et  de  rebatir  le  temple  de  Jerusalem, 
sinon  sur  la  place  du  tombeau  du  Christ,  du  moins  en  face.  C'est 
cette  idee  que  j'ai  incamee  dans  Daniel.  On  m'a  dit  souvent 
depuis,  que  je  me  trompais  sur  les  ambitions  des  IsraeUtes,  qu'ils 
ne  pensaient  plus  a  ces  represailles-la,  que  leur  ideal  etait  de 
vivre  en  paix  avec  les  differentes  nations  qui  leur  ont  donne 
droit  de  cite  et  qu'ils  ont  renonce  a  finir  leurs  jours  dans  un  foyer 
a  eux.  Tant  pis  pour  eux,  si  c'est  vrai.  II  est  bon  d'avoir  un 
ideal,  meme  quand  il  est  irrealisable.  Voilk  mon  cher  ami,  aussi 
brievement  que  possible,  mes  idees  sur  vos  coreligionnaires. 
lis  m'ont  tou jours  inspire  les  sentiments  que  leur  courage,  leur 
perseverance,  leurs  malheurs,  leurs  efforts  de  toutes  sortes 
doivent  inspirer  a  des  esprits  de  bonne  foi  et  k  des  consciences 
desinteressees.  .  .  .^ 


Appeal  of  Dunant's  Association  for  the  Colonisation 
OF  Palestine  (1867) 

Palestine  Colonisation 

To  the  Editor  of  the  Jewish  Chronicle. 

".  .  .  International  undertaking  for  the  Rejuvenescence  of 
Palestine. — Palestine  is  a  rich  and  fertile  country,  although  now 
little  populated,  and  therefore  uncultivated.  A  soil  greatly 
subject  to  a  variety  of  circumstances  is  the  cause  of  a  great 
variety  of  meteorological  conditions.  Hence  a  great  variety  of 
productions  peculiar  nearly  to  every  latitude  ;  hence  also  a  great 
facility  for  every  colonist  to  find  in  his  new  country  a  climate 
approaching  that  of  his  native  land. 

"  It  is  not  to  be  feared  that  the  colonisation  of  the  Holy  Land, 
judiciously  carried  on,  can  lack  warm  sympathies  or  labour  under 
a  want  of  colonists.  Numerous  adhesions  from  emigrants  by  the 
thousand,  easy  in  circumstances  and  willing  to  work,  have 
already  addressed  themselves  to  the  founders  of  the  undertaking 
for  the  rejuvenescence  of  Palestine." 

^  The  foregoing  are  extracts  from  a  hitherto  unpublished  letter  sent  by 
Alexandre  Dumas  (fils)  to  a  prominent  French  Jew.    It  is  dated  1873. 


"  The  new  reforms  introduced  by  the  Ottoman  Government, 
the  law  which  authorised  strangers  to  purchase  and  hold  real 
estate  in  the  Turkish  empire,  the  road  now  being  constructed 
from  Jaffa  to  Jerusalem,  the  works  projected  in  the  port  of 
Jaffa,  the  improvements  effected  in  the  great  lines  of  communica- 
tion— all  these  undertakings  and  circumstances  united  seem  to 
indicate  that  the  moment  could  not  be  better  chosen  for  com- 
mencing the  colonisation  of  Palestine.  .  .  ." 

"  The  capital  required  for  such  an  undertaking  would  not  long 
remain  unproductive  ;  indeed,  the  financial  operation  of  the 
company  that  should  be  formed  for  this  purpose  would  be  one  of 
the  simplest. 

"  The  uncultivated  land  in  Palestine  purchased  of  the  Ottoman 
Government  at  a  comparatively  small  price,  and  with  facilities 
for  payment,  resold  at  a  higher  figure,  would  bring  in  an 
important  profit.  The  increase  in  the  value  of  this  land — a 
direct  result  of  the  colonisation — would  be  an  additional 
guarantee  for  the  realisation  of  this  expectation. 

*'  The  supply  to  the  colony  of  agricultural  and  industrial  tools, 
a  trade  of  importation  organized  on  a  scale  strictly  proportionate 
to  the  acknowledged  wants  of  the  new  settlement,  would  offer  to 
the  company  a  field  for  a  second  operation,  which,  presenting 
neither  risk  nor  peril,  would  nevertheless  insure  from  the  very 
beginning  undoubted  profits. 

"  The  life  which  begins  to  stir  in  the  port  of  Jaffa  will  take  a 
fresh  rise  with  the  development  of  agriculture  and  manufacture 
in  colonised  Palestine.  The  rejuvenescence  of  Central  Asia, 
which  England  on  the  one  hand  and  Russia  on  the  other  pursue 
with  so  much  vigour — ^the  former  in  the  way  of  peace  and  the 
latter  in  that  of  war — will  not  fail  favourably  to  react  on  the 
trade  of  the  coast  of  Syria,  once  so  flourishing,  and  the  decline  of 
which  only  dates  from  the  fall  of  the  great  empire  of  Persia. 

"  Ancient  Phoenicia,  the  cities  of  Tyre  and  Sidon,  the  richest 
of  antiquity,  owed  their  prosperity  only  to  the  intermediate 
trade  carried  on  between  the  east  and  the  west.  The  fall 
of  the  empire  founded  by  Cyrus  produced  in  Central  Asia 
so  great  a  moral  and  material  decay  that  the  trade  and 
industrial  pursuits  of  these  immense  regions  perished  from 
inanity.  Tyre  and  Sidon  had  no  longer  any  basis  for 
existence ;  their  grandeur  accordingly  gradually  declined. 
Alexander,  after  these  splendid  and  proud  cities,  succeeded  in 
forming  direct  relations  with  India,  which  the  founder  of  this 
empire  had  brought  nigh  to  Europe.  But  Alexandria  in  its 
turn  had  to  experience  fortune's  inconstancy.  Since  the  dis- 
covery of  the  route  to  India  to  the  day  when  steamers  and  the 
railway  to  Suez  restored  to  it  some  life,  desertion  and  oblivion 
were  its  lot.  The  piercing  of  the  isthmus  of  Suez  will  end  by 
restoring  to  Alexandria  its  pristine  importance.  The  trade  of 
India  will  once  more  completely  come  back  to  it,  but  the  cities 


on  the  coast  of  Syria  and  Jaffa  in  particular  will  not  the  less 
remain  mistresses  of  every  commercial  market  of  Central  Asia, 
upon  which  a  new  destiny  is  dawning. 

"  A  great  economical  revulsion  in  the  old  world  is  preparing, 
and  the  coast  of  Palestine  will  again  become  as  in  days  of  old,  in 
common  with  that  of  Lower  Egypt,  the  centre  of  all  exchange 
between  the  old  continents. 

"  The  Palestine  Company  has  therefore  an  immense  future, 
which  it  is  easy  to  foresee  even  now,  but  we  must  allow  events 
to  proceed  in  the  development  of  its  activity  beyond  the  modest 
limits  which  we  at  present  mark  out  for  it. 
"Paris  and  Jerusalem,  March,  1866  and  September,  1867.*' 

The  address  of  the  secretary-general  of  this  undertaking  is 
Paris,  24,  Rue  de  la  Paix.^ 


Edward  Cazalet's  Zionist  Views 

"  It  was  through  the  armed  intervention  of  England,  that,  in  the 
year  1841,  Syria  was  transferred  from  Egyptian  to  Turkish  rule. 
At  that  time  Lord  Palmerston  was  in  ofi&ce  ;  and  his  policy,  as  he 
explained  to  the  French  Ambassador,  M.  de  Bourgoing,  was  to 
turn  Syria  into  a  desert  under  Turkish  rule,  and  interpose  this 
desert  between  the  Sultan  and  his  Egyptian  vassal.  In  confirma- 
tion of  this,  which  may  seem  to  some  an  astounding  statement, 

I  can  only  refer  you  to  '  Guizot  s  Memoirs,'  vol.  2,  p.  525 to 

Syria  assuredly  reparation  is  due  on  the  part  of  England.  ...  To 
attempt  to  improve  the  Turkish  Government  of  Syria  is,  for 
obvious  reasons,  a  hopeless  task.  ...  No  other  country  has  any- 
thing like  the  same  interest  in  Syria,  that  we  have  ;  besides  which, 
it  is  to  the  EngHsh  nation  alone  that  the  population  of  Syria  look 
for  protection  and  support.  .  .  . 

"  It  was  England  who  handed  this  country  over  to  the  Turks 
in  1841.  Turkey  has  ever  since  abused  her  charge,  and  it  is  only 
just  that  she  should  be  now  called  upon  to  transfer  it  into  more 
capable  hands." 

"  The  Arabs,  who  form  two-thirds  of  the  whole  of  the  popula- 
tion of  Syria,  and  are  for  most  part  lords  of  the  soil,  are  with  very 
few  exceptions  completely  illiterate,  regardless  of  truth,  dis- 
honest in  their  dealings,  and  immoral  in  their  conduct.  In  large 
towns  the  greater  proportion  of  the  upper  classes  are  both  physic- 
ally and  mentally  feeble,  owing  to  the  effects  of  polygamy,  early 
marriages,  and  degrading  vices.  Out  of  such  elements  there  is 
no  possibility  of  creating  a  ruUng  class.  The  other  sects  are  too 
few  in  number,  and  too  bigoted  and  superstitious,  to  be  of  any 

^  Jewish  Chronicle  and  Hebrew  Observer,  December  13,  1867,  p.  6. 


assistance  in  the  government  of  the  country.  If,  then,  the 
regeneration  of  Syria  is  to  be  attempted,  it  must  of  necessity 
come  from  without,  and  can  only  be  brought  about  by  an  influx 
of  an  industrious  and  more  enlightened  people.  Fortunately 
this  last  resource  is  not  denied  to  us.  The  restoration  of  the 
Jews  to  their  own  land,  seems  to  me  the  only  practicable  means 
by  which  the  regeneration  of  Syria  can  be  effected.  You  must 
not  imagine  that  this  event,  important  though  it  unquestionably 
must  be,  need  cause  any  great  perturbation  in  Europe,  or  prove 
in  any  way  a  strain  upon  the  resources  of  England.  All  that  is 
required  is  that  England  should  create  the  conditions  under 
which  a  large  number  of  Jews  would  gradually  migrate  on  their 
own  account  to  Syria  and  Palestine.  The  first  condition  of  such 
a  movement  is  that  law  and  order  should  be  introduced  under  our 
Protectorate.  .  .  . 

**  But  there  is  another  influence  which  would  greatly  assist 
the  colonization  of  the  country.  It  has  long  been  a  cherished 
project  with  the  Jews  to  establish  a  college  in  the  Holy  Land, 
which  would  serve  as  a  centre  of  Jewish  philosophy  and  science. 
Such  an  institution  would  readily  meet  with  support,  and 
incalculably  quicken  the  pulses  of  their  national  life.  With  an 
extensive  literature  in  their  own  language,  in  which  every  branch 
of  philosophy  and  science  is  represented,  the  Jews  would  be  able 
to  make  such  an  institution  a  genuine  centre  of  intellectual 
activity.  The  leading  learned  men  of  the  Jewish  race  would  be 
naturally  attracted  to  such  a  national  centre,  and  would  form 
a  nucleus  round  which  all  the  intellect  of  the  nation  would  gather, 
by  means  of  which  the  necessary  elements  of  the  future  govern- 
ment of  the  country  might  be  formed.  I  understand  that  the 
most  suitable  site  for  this  college  has  already  been  generally 
agreed  upon. 

*'  I  have  still  to  show  you  that  these  attractions  would  be  suffi- 
cient to  induce  numbers  of  Jewish  families  to  migrate  to  Syria. 
The  total  number  of  the  Jews  throughout  the  world  is  variously 
estimated  from  eight  to  ten  millions.  Of  those  the  greater 
number — ^probably  six  millions — ^inhabit  Russia  and  the  old 
Polish  provinces  which  now  belong  to  Austria,  Germany  and 
Roumania.  The  condition  of  the  Jews  in  Russia  is  deplorable 
in  the  extreme.  They  are  denied  civil  rights.  They  are  forbidden 
to  hold  landed  property.  They  are  treated  as  aliens,  and  are 
restricted  to  limited  areas  in  which  they  suffer  from  the  evils  of 
over-population.  These  conditions  have  induced  no  fewer  than 
250,000  Jews  to  emigrate  to  America  within  the  last  thirty  or 
forty  years,  and  it  may  be  confidently  predicted  that  Syria  under 
our  protectorate  would  offer  still  greater  attractions.  The  land  of 
Palestine  alone,  is  capable  of  supporting  ten  times  its  present 
population.  It  may  seem  strange  to  say  of  the  Jews  who  are 
scattered  throughout  the  world,  that  they  still  consider  this  to  be 
their  fatherland.    But,  if  they  are  denied  the  actual  possession  of 


it,  they  still  bear  it  in  their  hearts.  Three  times  a  day  every  Jew 
offers  up  a  prayer  for  the  restoration  of  his  race  to  the  land  and 
the  temple,  from  which  he  has  been  exiled  for  eighteen  centuries. 
It  is  a  remarkable  fact  that  this  scattered  and  downtrodden 
people  possess  within  themselves  all  the  elements  which  go  to 
form  a  united  nation.  They  have  a  code  of  laws  for  their  own 
government ;  they  have  a  literature,  a  history,  a  language  and  a 
religion,  which  are  peculiar  to  them.  Their  education  is,  with 
some  exceptions,  on  a  par  with  that  of  the  most  civilized  nations. 
Numbers  of  them  excel  in  all  the  different  branches  of  mechanics 
and  art ;  and  in  trade  and  finance  they  are,  as  we  all  know, 
unrivalled.  Though  last,  not  least  they  are  a  people  who  would 
fight  bravely  in  the  defence  of  their  country. 

"  During  the  last  twenty  years  of  the  reign  of  the  Emperor 
Nicholas,  the  military  conscription  fell  heavily  upon  the  Jews. 
In  proportion  to  their  numbers,  for  every  Russian  that  was  en- 
listed, five  Jews  were  compelled  to  enter  the  service  ;  and  during 
the  late  Turkish  war  they  bore  themselves  bravely  in  the  face  of 
the  enemy.  No  one  who  has  any  knowledge  of  the  Jewish  character 
can  for  a  moment  doubt  that  if  the  Jews  were  restored  to  their 
country  under  an  English  protectorate  they  would  prove  true  to  our 
naHon,  and  that  Syria  would  become  as  firmly  united  to  England 
as  if  it  were  peopled  by  our  own  countrymen."'^ 


A  Collection  of  Opinions  of  English  Christian  Authorities 
ON  the  Colonization  of  Palestine 

I.  General  Sir  Charles  Warren's  Views 

"  My  proposal  is  simply  an  arrangement  by  which,  .  .  .  Palestine, 
this  unfortunate  land  may  yet  be  placed  in  ...  a  position  which 
may  enable  her  again  to  take  a  place  socially  among  the  kingdoms 
of  the  earth. ..." 

"  It  will  probably  at  once  occur,  '  And  what  of  the  Arabs  of 
Palestine  ?  '  I  ask  in  reply,  *  Who  are  the  Arabs  ?  '  They  are 
certainly  not  Turks  in  any  degree  ;  they  are  for  the  most  part 
not  Arabs  of  Arabia,  of  the  Desert.  Then  who  are  they  ?  It  has 
long  been  known,  and  no  person  has  thrown  more  light  upon  the 
subject  than  M.  Ganneau,  that  the  people  of  Palestine  are  of  a 
very  mixed  race  :  some  of  Canaanitish  descent,  some  Jewish, 
some  of  Arabia.  It  is  evident  that  many  of  them  being  Moslems 
are  so  for  convenience,  .  .  .  We  cannot,  therefore,  look  upon  the 
natives  of  Palestine  as  rigid  Moslems  of  one  race  ;  but  we  must 

^  England's  Policy  in  the  East:  our  Relations  with  Russia  and  the 
Future  of  Syria.  By  Edward  Cazalet.  Second  Edition.  London  : . . .  iSyg. 
[8°.   iv+32  pp.  in  printed  wrapper.]  pp.  22-26. 


recognize  them  as  descendants  of  Canaanites,  Israelites,  Greeks, 
Romans,  Arabs,  and  Crusaders,  now  professing  the  Moslem  or 
the  Christian  faith,  according  to  circumstances,  but  retaining 
above  ever5rthing  the  ancient  traditions — yes,  and  in  some 
instances,  I  have  little  doubt,  their  veritable  old  religion." 

'*  Palestine  is  about  the  size  and  shape  of  Wales,  and  has  now 
a  population  of  about  one  and  a  half  millions.  Give  her  good 
government,  and  quicken  the  commercial  life  of  the  people,  and 
they  may  increase  tenfold,  and  yet  there  be  room.  The  soil  is  so 
rich,  the  climate  so  varied,  that  within  ordinary  limits  it  may  be 
said  that  the  more  i)eople  it  contains,  the  more  it  may.  Its 
productiveness  will  increase  in  proportion  to  the  labour  bestowed 
on  the  soil,  until  a  population  of  fifteen  millions  might  be 
accommodated  there. 

"  Let  us  observe  how  the  country  may  be  improved.  It 
consists  of  the  hill  country,  or  mountain  districts  ;  the  Shephalah 
or  swelling  hills,  or  wolds  ;  the  maritime  and  Jordan  plains,  and 
the  tablelands  of  Arabia. 

"  All  these  are  most  productive  naturally ;  but  are,  for  the 
most  part,  at  present  enjoying  a  long  Sabbath. 

"  In  the  hill  country,  even  now  the  white  skeletons  of  the  old 
sj^tem  of  terracing  are  visible  in  parts  ;  but  the  rich  loamy  soil 
is  washed  down  into  the  wadies,  leaving  the  hillsides  bare  and 
desolate,  and  glaring  in  their  nakedness.  A  cultivated  strip  may 
be  seen  at  the  bottom  of  the  wady,  subject  to  being  swept  away 
by  any  storm  of  rain  forming  a  torrent  down  the  bare  hillsides, 
or  withered  before  its  time  by  the  reflection  of  the  sun  from  the 
bare  rocks. 

"  Place  the  valley  in  proper  hands,  and  note  the  results.  The 
earth  from  the  bottom  will  be  carefully  carried  up  the  hillsides, 
and  laid  out  in  terraces,  on  which  are  planted  young  trees — ^those 
of  a  more  delicate  nature  being  placed  on  the  northern  declivity, 
in  order  that  they  may  suffer  less  from  the  sun's  rays.  The  trees 
thrive  rapidly,  as  they  will  do  in  Palestine  ;  the  rain  falls,  but 
not  as  heretofore,  rushing  fiercely  down  the  bare  rocks,  and 
forming  a  torrent  in  the  valley.  No  ;  now  it  falls  on  the  trees  and 
terraces,  percolates  quietly  into  the  soil  and  into  the  rocky  hill- 
side, and  is  thus  absorbed,  scarcely  injuring  the  crops  at  the 
bottom  of  the  valley.  The  rain  that  sinks  into  the  rocks  will 
shortly  reissue  in  perennial  springs,  so  refreshing  in  a  thirsty  land. 
The  trees,  having  moisture  in  the  soil  at  their  roots,  spread  out 
their  leaves  in  rich  groves  over  the  land.  The  sun's  rays  now  do 
not  fall  on  the  ground,  but  on  the  green  leaves  and  fruit,  by  which 
they  are  intercepted  and  absorbed,  giving  no  glare  or  reflection. 
Tl^e  heat  of  the  sun  causes  a  moisture  to  rise  from  the  trees  and 
soil  beneath  them,  which,  on  reaching  the  higher  and  cooler  winds, 
is  condensed  into  visible  vapour,  constantly  forming  as  the  breeze 
passes  over  the  grove,  so  that  each  grove,  so  to  speak,  supplies 
its  own  umbrella.   The  climate  is  thus  changed.    \Vliere  were  hot , 


glaring  sun,  dry  wind,  dry  earth,  stony  land,  absence  of  vegetable 
products,  are  now  to  be  found  fleecy  clouds  floating  through  the 
balmy  air,  the  heat  of  the  sun  tempered  by  visible  and  invisible 
vapours,  groves  mth  moist  soil,  trickling  streamlets  issuing  from 
the  rocks,  villages  springing  up  apace,  Palestine  regenerated. 

"  This  is  no  dream.  I  have  seen  this  change  take  place  in 
Palestine  in  three  years,  on  a  small  scale.  Why  is  the  Lebanon 
so  different  to  the  hill  country  of  Palestine  ?  In  a  great  measure, 
because,  by  reason  of  its  position  and  conformation,  its  woods 
have  not  been  cut  down.  .  .  . 

"  Again,  on  the  east  of  Jordan,  in  Gilead,  I  have  seen  the  same. 
After  riding  for  miles  through  the  ruins  in  the  glaring  summer 
atmosphere,  through  a  country  denuded  of  trees,  nearly  choking 
with  the  scorching  wind,  I  came  upon  a  district  where  the 
ancient  woods  had  not  been  cut  down.  Immediately  a  change 
was  felt  :  clouds  were  seen  hanging  over  the  woods,  the  air 
became  soft  and  pleasant,  the  sun's  rays  beat  less  fiercely,  flowers 
were  seen  under  the  trees,  blackberries  on  the  brambles,  water 
gushing  out  from  the  hillsides,  birds  chirping  in  the  shade.  This 
was  not  due  to  any  change  in  the  atmosphere  generally,  but  was 
entirely  local,  and  due  to  the  presence  of  trees.  In  fact,  there  are 
spots  where  you  can,  on  the  same  level,  change  the  climate  in  an 
hour  by  passing  from  the  bare  land  to  that  which  is  well  wooded. 

"  This  matter  I  have  frequently  examined  into  in  Palestine. 
I  mention  one  particular  instance.  During  the  prevalence  of  hot 
winds  at  Jerusalem,  I  noticed  two  clouds  constantly  stationary 
a  few  miles  off,  in  an  otherwise  cloudless  sky.  On  riding  over 
towards  them,  I  found  them  to  be  hanging  over  two  large  olive 
groves  about  seven  miles  off,  recently  planted  by  the  Greek 
convents.  Although  the  wind  was  blowing  briskly,  the  moisture 
ascending  was  condensed  as  quickly  as  it  rose,  and  formed  an 
umbrella  over  these  groves. 

"  In  the  wolds  of  Palestine  the  same  process  may  be  continued. 
Not  so  much  terracing  is  wanted,  but  much  planting  of  wood, 
particularly  on  the  south  side — ^trees  of  a  hardy  growth  ;  so  that, 
with  a  green  southern  slope  opposite,  the  delicate  fruit  trees 
planted  on  the  northern  slopes  may  bring  their  fruit  to  perfection. 

"  The  water,  which  will  now  be  found  gushing  from  the  rock, 
from  springs  which  have  long  been  silent,  will  be  carried  in  ducts 
along  the  hillsides,  and  used  for  irrigation  purposes,  passing 
thence  into  the  plain,  where  it  can  still  be  used  for  irrigation, 
or  else  assist  in  filling  up  the  wells  near  to  the  surface  of  the 
ground — wells  which  have  hitherto  been  between  thirty  to 
ninety  feet  deep. 

"  Now  again  we  shall  find  a  difference  in  the  crops  in  the  plain. 
Hitherto  there  has  been  but  one  season,  and  then  a  long  interval 
of  desolation,  from  July  to  November,  when  the  heaven  is  of 
brass  and  the  earth  iron.  During  this  long  period,  scarcely  a 
green  blade  can  be  seen  over  the  vast  plains — nothing  but  sticks, 


and  stones,  and  dust  ;  the  monotony  relieved  only  by  the  noise 
of  the  gulgul  careering  on  the  wings  of  the  whirlwind.  .  .  . 

"  The  presence  of  water  brought  down  on  the  surface  from  the 
hills,  together  with  the  vast  groves  of  trees  to  be  planted,  causes 
a  change.  The  latter  rains  of  June  will  be  found  to  fall,  giving  a 
second  season — a  never-ending  succession  of  crops.  The  fulfil- 
ment of  the  Prophecies  will  commence  taking  place — ^when  the 
ploughman  shall  overtake  the  reaper,  and  the  treader  of  grapes 
him  that  soweth  seed.  .  .  . 

"  The  advance  of  the  rolling  sand-hills,  which  is  now  over- 
whelming the  fairest  of  the  maritime  plains,  may  now  be  arrested. 
The  rich  ground  between  Gaza  and  Ascalon,  which  the  sand  has 
swallowed  up,  must  again  be  recovered.  This  can  easily  be 
effected,  by  the  planting  of  conifer cb  along  the  sea  coast,  as  has 
been  done  already  at  Beyrout.  ...  If  we  examine  the  Jordan 
valley,  we  find  even  greater  changes  can  be  effected  :  it  can  be 
made  far  more  fertile  than  it  ever  was.  .  .  . 

"  The  whole  valley,  however,  may  be  made  one  vast  garden, 
not  merely  by  rebuilding  the  great  aqueducts,  remains  of  which 
still  exist,  and  by  means  of  which  the  great  cities  were  watered, 
but  by  means  of  the  Jordan  river  itself.  The  Jordan,  out  of 
Tiberias,  falls  ten  feet  to  the  mile,  or  600  feet  in  sixty  miles.  .  .  . 
The  waters  of  the  Jordan  might  be  brought  out  of  Tiberias  in 
aqueducts  falling  one  foot  to  the  mile,  and  thus  be  brought  over 
the  great  plain  of  Basan  and  of  Jericho,  and  be  made  to  irrigate 
all  the  lands  which  the  streams  have  not  touched.  At  the  same 
time,  the  streams  themselves  will  have  increased  exceedingly 
from  the  development  of  the  country  in  the  high  lands. 

"  The  country  can  thus  be  transformed."^ 

2.  The  Rev.  James  Neil  on  the  Colonization  Movement 

*'  At  a  moment  when  all  eyes  are  turned  to  the  East,  it  cannot 
be  unimportant  to  learn  that,  after  the  slumber  of  ages,  Palestine 
is  awakening  to  new  life,  and  Israel  are  actually  returning  to  its 
shores  in  such  numbers,  and  at  the  same  time  in  such  a  way  as 
they  have  never  been  known  to  do,  or  could  have  done,  since 
their  formal  banishment  by  the  Emperor  Hadrian,  in  the  year 
A.D.  135.  Many  Jews,  it  is  true,  driven  ruthlessly  out  of  Spain 
in  1492,  found  a  home  in  the  Holy  Land.  To  go  still  further 
back,  the  celebrated  Hebrew  traveller,  Benjamin  of  Tudela, 
tells  us  in  the  twelfth  century  that  he  found  considerable 
numbers  residing  in  the  various  towns  of  Palestine  which  he 
visited — descendants,  perhaps,  amongst  others,  of  some  of  the 
30,000  who  joined  the  arms  of  Chosroes  the  Persian  in  his 
capture  of  Jerusalem,  A.D.  616,  or  even  of  the  Jews  whom 

*  The  Land  of  Promise  ;  or,  Turkey's  Guarantee.  By  Charles  Warren. 
London:  George  Bell  and  Sons,  York  Street,  Covent  Garden.  1875. 
(8°.  24  pp.  in  printed  wrapper)  pp.  5-6,  8,  14-20. 


Julian  the  Apostate  restored,  a.d.  363,  wheft  he  vainly 
endeavoured  to  discredit  Christianity  by  rebuilding  the  Temple. 
But  there  is  this  all-important  difference  between  what  happened 
in  the  case  of  those  who  then  returned,  and  those  who  are  now 
flocking  back  to  the  land  of  their  forefathers.  While  in  the 
former  instances,  whether  under  Pagan,  Christian,  or  Moslem 
masters,  they  were,  as  all  history  shows,  equally  the  subjects  of 
extortion,  oppression  and  contumely  :  now  they  are  beginning 
to  hold  a  position  of  comfort,  independence,  and  power.  This 
remarkable  change  is  in  itself  significant,  and  the  whole  move- 
ment should  surely  be  watched  by  the  student  of  prophecy  with 
eager  and  expectant  attitude.  .  .  . 

"...  The  feeling  everywhere  seems  abroad  that  the  time  has 
at  last  arrived  to  restore  the  desolations  of  Zion,  and  to  rebuild 
the  waste  places  of  the  land  of  Israel.  The  very  existence  of 
*  The  Syrian  and  Palestine  Colonisation  Society,'  which  is  about 
a  year  old,  constitutes  a  striking  expression  of  such  a  sentiment. 
This  society,  according  to  its  prospectus,  has  '  been  formed  to 
promote  the  Colonisation  of  Syria  and  Palestine  and  the  neigh- 
bouring countries  by  persons  of  good  character,  whether  Chris- 
tians or  Jews.'  This  it  proposes  to  effect  by  obtaining  informa- 
tion for  intending  settlers,  and  making  arrangements  for  their 
transport  and  reception  ;  by  assisting  approved  applicants  with 
advances ;  and  by  making  arrangements  for  the  purchase  of 
land  by  the  emigrants,  or  securing  suitable  tracts  of  Government 
waste  lands,  under  certain  guarantees  ;  and  by  exerting  them- 
selves to  improve  the  communications.  Having  mentioned  this 
association,  let  me  plainly  say,  from  an  intimate  experience  of 
this  matter,  that  there  are  at  present  a  variety  of  reasons  why 
emigration  to  Palestine  by  English  people  cannot  possibly  be 
undertaken  with  any  hope  of  success,  in  the  same  way  as 
emigrants  to  the  United  States  or  to  a  British  Colony.  In  the 
first  place,  the  heat  of  the  plains  is  too  great  to  admit  of  their 
labouring  during  summer  with  their  own  hands.  The  German 
colonists  in  attempting  this  have  suffered  a  fearful  mortality. 
Again,  to  employ  Arab  labour  to  advantage,  and  to  hold  any 
dealings  with  the  people,  the  peculiar  manners  and  customs  of 
the  East  must  be  known,  and  colloquial  Arabic  to  some  extent  be 
mastered.  But,  above  all,  the  want  of  thorough  protection  to 
life  and  property  so  long  as  Palestine  remains  in  Ottoman  hands 
is  greatly  against  any  emigration  scheme  that  does  not  include 
European  government  for  the  whole  colony.  Hence  the  evident 
wisdom  in  such  a  case  of  the  plan  put  forth  by  Captain  Charles 
Warren,  R.E.,  in  a  pamphlet,  published  last  year,  entitled  '  The 
Land  of  Promise,  or  Turkey's  Guarantee.'  This  officer,  who  has 
an  intimate  acquaintance  with  Syria,  derived  from  his  able  work 
there  on  behalf  of  the  Palestine  Exploration  Fund,  proposes  that, 
if  only  as  a  solution  of  the  pecuniary  embarrassments  of  the  Porte, 

II.— T 


Palestine  should  be  handed  over  to  a  company  similar  to  the  old 
East  India  Company,  to  be  farmed  and  governed  by  such  an 
association  for  a  period  of  twenty  years.  He  suggests  that  such  a 
Company  should  pay  to  Turkey  its  present  revenues,  and  to  the 
creditors  of  Turkey  a  proportion  of  the  interest  due  to  them, 
taking  for  itself  six  per  cent,  on  its  capital  and  expending  the 
remaining  revenue  in  improving  the  country.  What  he  considers 
the  ultimate  future  of  the  land  we  learn  from  his  own  words. 
'  Let  this  '  (the  above  arrangement),  he  says,  '  be  done  with  the 
avowed  intention  of  gradually  introducing  the  Jew,  pure  and 
simple,  who  is  eventually  to  occupy  and  govern  this  country.  .  .  . 
Concerning  what  that  settlement  is  in  part  to  be,  I  can  profess  no 
doubt,  because  I  feel  none.  It  is  written  over  and  over  again  in 
the  Word  of  God.  .  .  .  Israel  are  to  return  to  their  own  land.  This 
event,  in  its  incipient  stage,  I  have  shown  to  be  now  actually 
taking  place.  That  which  is  yet  to  be  looked  for  is  the  pubUc 
recognition  of  the  fact,  together  with  the  restoration,  in  whole  or 
part,  of  Jewish  national  life,  under  the  protection  of  some  one  or 
more  of  the  Great  Powers. . .  /  "^ 

3.  Colonel  C.  R.  Conder  on  Palestinian  Colonization 
The  greatest  authority  on  Palestine  in  our  generation,  Claude 
Reignier  Conder,  wrote  : — 

"  It  has  always  seemed  to  me  that  the  future  element  of 
prosperous  colonisation  is  to  be  found  among  the  Jews  of 
Eastern  Europe.  The  thrift  and  energy  of  the  race  are  not  their 
only  qualifications.  Those  who  mean  to  thrive  in  Palestine  must 
not  only  be  prepared  to  work  on  the  land,  but  they  must  be 
accustomed  to  the  harder  conditions  of  existence  which  are 
common  in  uncivilised  countries,  and  almost  unknown  in  the 
west.  It  is  true  that  they  will  have  to  encounter  the  evils  due  to 
bad  government  and  corruption,  which  are  mitigated  by  civilisa- 
tion ;  but  if  the  accounts  received  from  America  are  credible  it 
is  doubtful  if  these  evils  are  less  apparent  in  South  America  than 
they  are  in  Turkish  dominions.  A  people  which  has  not  only  been 
able  to  live,  but  which  has  prospered  more  than  the  native  born 
population,  under  Russian  tyranny,  will  not  find  it  difficult  to 
prosper  as  subjects  of  the  Sultan.  A  people  which  has  lived  under 
one  form  of  Oriental  despotism  will  be  less  discouraged  by 
another  similar  condition  than  Europeans  would  be.  It  is  from 
the  Oriental,  Jewish,  agricultural  class,  expelled  from  Russia  for 
their  religion,  that  the  colonists  most  naturally  fitted  for  agri- 
culture in  Syria  may  evidently  be  drawn. 

*'  I  have  often  thought  that  the  words  of  that  famous  passage  in 
the  Law,  which  predicts  the  future  of  Israel,  must  have  come 

1  Palestine  Re-Peopled ;  or,  Scattered  Israel's  Gathering.  A  Sign  of  the 
Times.  By  the  Rev,  James  Neil,  b.a.  .  .  .  Third  Edition,  Revised.  London. 
.  .  .  1877.    pp.  v~vi  and  34-37. 


home  with  a  sad  and  overwhelming  force  to  the  Jews  in  Russia 
during  the  last  few  years  : 

'* '  And  among  these  Goim  shalt  thou  find  no  ease,  neither  shall 
the  sole  of  thy  foot  have  rest,  and  thy  life  shall  hang  in  doubt 
before  thee  ;  and  thou  shalt  fear  day  and  night  ;  and  shalt  have 
none  assurance  of  thy  life.  In  the  morning  thou  shalt  say. 
Would  God  it  were  even ;  and  at  even  thou  shalt  say,  Would  God 
it  were  morning  ;  for  the  fear  of  thy  heart  wherewith  thou  shalt 
fear  ;  and  for  the  sight  of  thine  eyes  which  thou  shalt  see/ 

"  But  what  is  the  other  picture  which  the  Law  presents  of 
Israel  in  its  own  land  ?  '  Blessed  shalt  thou  be  in  basket  and  in 

"  The  proposal  so  to  settle  agriculturists,  as  freeholders 
tilling  their  own  lands,  is  in  accord  with  the  general  tendency  of 
all  enlightened  statesmanship  of  the  present  age.  We  have  too 
many  artisans  starved  by  competition,  and  too  few  tillers  of  the 
earth.  Whether  is  it  better  for  a  man  to  sell  penny  toys  in  the 
streets  of  a  foggy  metropolis,  or  to  till  the  red  corn  lands,  and 
make  food  for  himself,  for  his  wife  and  for  his  children,  for  the 
citizens  beyond  the  seas  ?  Even  if  the  whole  of  Palestine  east  of 
Jordan  were  covered  with  cornfields  and  vineyards,  with  mul- 
berry and  fig  gardens,  with  cotton  and  maize,  and  pot  herbs,  and 
fruit  orchards,  there  would  not  be  too  much  produce  useful  to 
man.  There  would  be  markets  in  which  the  growers  could 
compete  with  ease  ;  and  towns  would  grow  up,  where  manu- 
factories of  silk  and  cotton  might  arise.  There  would  be  rice  and 
indigo  grown  in  the  Jordan  Valley,  where  now  there  are  only 
flowers,  and  there  would  be  petroleum  and  bitumen,  and  other 
minerals,  to  be  worked  near  the  Dead  Sea  shores.  There  would 
in  short  be  a  return  of  the  old  prosperity,  which  once  covered  this 
country  with  great  Roman  cities,  and  a  prosperity  yet  greater 
because  of  the  facilities  offered  by  modern  science. 

"  If  then  I  were  asked  for  advice  on  this  subject  I  would  say  ; 
Buy  all  the  land  you  can  get  at  moderate  prices  in  Bashan  and 
in  Northern  Gilead,  and  buy  it  soon,  for  the  price  will  go  up. 
Promote  as  far  as  possible  the  making  of  a  railway,  which  is 
practicable,  and  which  will  bring  this  region  within  the  pale  of 
civilization.  Send  out  as  many  fit  men  as  you  can,  to  till  the 
land  ;  and  send  their  wives  and  children  after  them.  They  will 
be  happy,  and,  if  they  work,  they  will  be  rich.  The  difficulties  are 
less  than  those  to  be  expected  elsewhere,  and  the  advantages  are 
greater.  The  movement  is  not  artificial,  not  merely  due  to 
religious  sentiment,  or  to  visionary  philanthropy.  It  is  a 
natural  and  healthy  one,  which  ought  to  be  encouraged,  by 
giving  power  and  money  to  the  organization  which  seeks  to  aid 
it,  and  to  control  its  direction  in  a  wise  course.  The  case  has  been 
laid  before  you  fairly,  and  the  details  and  precedents  have  been 
sufficiently  studied.  The  experience  of  ten  years  will  be  of  high 
value  ;  and  the  consent  of  the  Sultan,  whose  country  it  is,  has 


been  gained,  both  to  the  construction  of  a  very  important  line  of 
railway,  and  to  the  settlement  of  Jews,  willing  to  abide  by  the 
law  of  that  land  as  they  have  obeyed  the  much  more  tyrannical 
laws  of  the  Czar. 

"  I  confidently  expect  therefore,  within  a  few  more  years,  to 
see  prosperity  increasing  in  Palestine,  and  the  empty  lands 
filling  up  with  an  industrious  population.  And  if  this  be  so  the 
Jewish  people  will  have  reason  to  remember  with  gratitude  the 
name  of  Baron  Rothschild  as  a  generous  benefactor,  and  the 
Society  of  the  Chovevi  Zion,  as  an  organisation  which  undertook 
a  very  important  work  at  a  time  when  help  was  sorely  needed." ^ 

4.  Sir  John  William  Dawson  on  the  Future  of  Palestine 

Sir  John  William  Dawson,  Professor  of  Natural  History  at 
Montreal  University,  the  worthy  disciple  of  Lyell  and  Darwin, 
in  a  description  of  the  Holy  Land,  writes  : — 

**  From  the  higher  parts  of  Jaffa  one  may  obtain  a  good  idea 
of  the  physical  characters  of  the  maritime  plain  of  Southern 
Palestine.  Along  the  shore  stretch  banks  and  dunes  of  yellow 
sand,  contrasting  strongly  with  the  deep  blue  of  the  sea,  and 
shading  off  on  the  east  into  the  verdure  of  the  plain.  Near  Jaffa 
this  is  covered  with  orange  orchards,  laden  in  February  with 
golden  fruit  of  immense  size,  and  which  forms  one  of  the  most 
important  exports  of  the  place.  To  the  south  the  plain  spreads 
into  the  fertile  fiats  of  ancient  Philistia,  interspersed  in  the 
distance  with  patches  of  sand,  the  advanced  guards  of  the  great 
Arabian  desert.  To  the  north  it  constitutes  the  plain  of  Sharon, 
celebrated  in  Hebrew  song,  and  extends  for  fifty  miles  to  where 
Mount  Carmel  projects  its  high  rocky  front  into  the  sea.  On  the 
inland  side,  the  plain  is  bounded  first  by  the  rolling  foot-hills  of 
the  Judean  range,  the  Shephelah  or  low  country  .  .  .  and  then  by 
the  hill  country  proper,  which,  clothed  in  blue  and  purple,  forms 
a  continuous  range,  limiting  the  view  eastward  from  Jaffa.  .  .  . 

"  The  maritime  plain  was  also  a  granary . . .  and  it  still  produces 
much  wheat  and  barley,  though  large  portions  of  it  are  neglected 
and  untilled,  and  the  culture  carried  on  is  by  means  of  implements 
as  simple  and  primitive  as  they  could  have  been  in  the  days  of 
Abraham.  In  February  one  found  it  gay  with  the  beautiful 
crimson  anemone  (A.  coronaria),  which  may  have  been  the 
poetical  *  Rose  of  Sharon,'  while  a  little  yellowish-white  iris 
represented  the  *  lily  of  the  valley  '  of  Solomon's  Song.  .  .  . 

**  .  .  .  Along  the  shores  of  the  Dead  Sea  there  are  springs 
which  produce  petroleum  ;  and  this  when  hardened  becomes 

"  Now  the  valley  of  the  Dead  Sea  is  an  *  oil  district,'  and  from 

^  Eastern  Palestine.  A  Lecture  delivered  for  the  Western  Tent  of  the 
Chovevi  Zion  Association.  By  Claude  Reignier  Conder  .  .  .  Chovevi  Zion 
Association.  .  .  .  1892.     (8°.  36  pp.  in  printed  wrapper)  pp.  5-6  and  35-36- 


the  incidental  mention  of  its  slinaepits,  or  literally  asphalt  pits, 
in  Genesis  xiv.,  was  apparently  more  productive  in  mineral  pitch 
in  ancient  times.  It  is  interesting  in  connection  with  this  to 
notice  that  Conder  found  layers  of  asphalt  in  the  mound  which 
marks  the  site  of  ancient  Jericho,  showing  that  the  substance 
was  used  in  primitive  times  lor  roolb  and  floors,  or  as  a  cement  to 
protect  brick  structures  from  damp  ;  and  it  is  well  known  that 
petroleum  exudes  from  the  rocks  both  on  the  sides  and  in  the 
bottom  of  the  Dead  Sea,  and,  being  hardened  by  evaporation 
and  oxidation,  forms  the  asphaltum  referred  to  by  so  many 

"...  Palestine,  to  the  ordinary  traveller,  appears,  especially  in 
the  drought  of  summer,  a  bare  and  barren  country.  Yet  the 
climate  and  rainfall  of  Palestine,  with  the  chemical  quality  of 
its  rocks  and  soils,  rich  in  lime,  alkaUes,  and  phosphates,  render 
it  productive  to  a  degree  which  cannot  be  measured  by  our  more 
northern  lands.  Its  plains,  though  limited  in  extent  and  often 
stony,  have  very  fertile  soil.  The  olive,  the  vine,  and  the  fig-tree 
will  grow  and  yield  their  valuable  fruit  in  abundance  on  rocky 
hills  which  at  first  sight  appear  barren  and  worthless.  Whenever 
culture  has  been  undertaken  ^^ith  skill  and  vigour,  it  has  been 
well  rewarded. .  ,  In  the  olden  times  the  Tirosh  (often  incorrectly 
translated  *  wine  '),  as  the  Hebrews  called  the  fruit  of  their  hiU 
orchards  and  vineyards,  was  one  of  the  main  sources  of  wealth  ; 
and  the  vineyards,  with  their  vines  trailing  over  the  warm  rocks 
and  clothing  the  ground  with  their  leaves  and  fruit,  reaUze  the 
prophetic  description  of  hills  running  with  the  grape  juice,  and 
of  a  land  flowing  with  milk  and  honey,  if  by  the  latter  we  under- 
stand the  '  dibs  '  or  syrup  of  the  grape.  In  Palestine  a  few  olive- 
trees  on  a  rocky  hill,  that  in  colder  cUmates  would  be  worthless, 
may  maintain  a  family.  There  is  also  an  abundance  of  nutritious 
pasturage,  more  especially  for  sheep  and  goats,  all  the  year  round, 
on  the  limestone  hills.  .  .  . 

"  Palestine  must  originally  have  been  a  well-wooded  country, 
and  its  forests  are  mentioned  in  the  historical  books  of  the  Bible  ; 
but  they  have  for  the  most  part  perished,  and  this  had  tended  to 
make  the  climate  more  arid.  The  wild  hiU-sides  are,  however, 
often  covered  with  an  exuberant  growth  of  bushes  and  young 
trees,  which,  if  permitted  to  grow,  or  if  replaced  by  cultivated 
trees,  would  soon  clothe  the  land  with  verdure,  and  tend  to 
produce  a  more  abundant  summer  rainfaU.  With  just  laws,  well 
administered,  there  is  nothingto  prevent  Palestine  from  becoming 
as  wealthy  and  populous  as  we  learn  from  the  Bible  it  was  in  the 
days  of  the  Jewish  kings,  and  it  seems  to  have  been  at  a  later  time 
under  the  Roman  government.  .  .  . 

"  In  Palestine,  .  .  ,  the  country  is  gay  with  flowers,  especially 
in  early  spring,  and  the  conspicuous  objects  of  culture  are  the 
vine  and  the  ohve.  Even  in  the  plains,  cultivated  fields  are  few, 
and  much  is  merely  wild  pasture.    The  palm-tree  is  rare,  though 


it  still  grows  in  the  plain  of  Jericho  and  the  sheltered  valleys 
throughout  the  country,  yielding  dates  smaller  than  those  of 
Egypt,  but  of  very  pleasant  flavour.  .  .  . 

"  That  the  future  of  these  old  lands  may  be  more  important 
than  their  present,  it  requires  little  penetration  to  see  ;  and  the 
old  Book,  whose  history  of  these  lands  in  the  past  we  have  been 
considering,  has  something  to  say  of  their  future  as  well.  What- 
ever beUef  men  may  repose  in  prophecy,  they  cannot  doubt  that 
the  word  of  God  has  committed  itself  to  certain  foreshadowings 
of  the  future  ;  and  though  some  of  these  are  shrouded  in  a 
symbolism  to  which  varied  interpretations  have  been  given, 
others  are  sufficiently  plain.  .  .  . 

"  We  know,  however,  that  physically  these  lands  are  still 
young,  and  capable  of  greater  things  than  those  of  the  past,  and 
we  may  content  ourselves  with  repeating  the  inspired  words  of 
an  older  Jewish  prophet  : — 

'  For  the  Lord  will  comfort  Zion  : 
He  will  comfort  all  her  waste  places, 
And  will  make  her  wilderness  like  Eden, 
And  her  desert  like  the  garden  of  the  Lord  : 
Joy  and  gladness  shall  be  found  therein, 
Thanksgiving  and  the  voice  of  melody.' 

Isaiah  li.  3. 

"The  Holy  Land  is  a  fine  tract  of  country  well  defined  by 
natural  boundaries,  extending  from  the  shore  of  the  Mediter- 
ranean to  the  Syrian  desert.  It  is  a  compact  district,  distinct 
and  complete  in  itself,  enclosed  by  mountain  and  sea,  and  con- 
sequently offering  great  facilities  of  defence  against  invasion. 
It  has  its  highlands  and  its  lowlands,  its  hills  and  its  valleys,  its 
streams  and  its  lakes,  its  hot  springs  and  its  cold  springs,  a  fine 
sea  coast  broken  by  bold  promontories,  cliffs  towering  above, 
beaches  spreading  out  below,  and  is  replete  with  all  the  capa- 
bilities essential  for  civilized  life.  The  Holy  Land  is  rich  in 
vegetation,  from  the  time-honoured  "  cedar  of  Lebanon  to  the 
hyssop  on  the  wall."  Groves  of  olive  and  mulberry  trees,  vine- 
yards of  grapes  of  extraordinary  size  and  richness,  interspersed 
with  fields  of  golden  grain,  with  magnificent  hedges  of  the  cactus 
almost  reaching  the  height  of  trees  ;  the  sycamore  with  its 
thickness  of  foliage — these,  and  more  can  be  enumerated  in  a 
brief  outline,  are  there  for  the  endowment  and  adornment  of  the 
Holy  Land.  Nevertheless,  the  wealth  of  nature  is  in  a  great 
measure  of  a  passing  character.  The  vSloping  terraces  of  the  hills, 
made  fertile  by  means  of  artificial  irrigation,  and  now  deprived 
of  the  help  of  the  tending  hand  of  man,  no  longer  display  that 
fruitful  aspect  which  was  formerly  their  glory.  The  land  mourns 
under  its  present  masters.  The  tillers  of  the  soil  do  not  even  sow 
in  tears  to  reap  in  joy.  With  listless  fatalism  they  cast  into  the 
ground  the  seeds  of  a  harvest  which  they  know,  as  they  watch  it 


come  into  being,  shall  minister  mostly,  not  to  their  wants  or 
wealth,  but  to  the  greed  of  unrighteous  local  administration. 
And,  wherever  these  people  are  crowded  together  in  their  miser- 
able villages,  all  is  mud,  slum,  penury,  depression,  chaos  and 
picturesque  misery.  A  goodly  land,  the  almond  tree  white  in 
bloom,  orange  and  olive,  everywhere  lilies,  the  scarlet  anemone  ; 
but  no  system,  no  industry,  no  skill,  no  capital.  No  nation  has 
been  able  to  establish  itself  as  a  nation,  in  Palestine,  up  to  this 
day,  no  national  union,  and  qo  national  spirit  have  prevailed 
there.  The  motley,  impoverished  tribes  which  have  occupied  it, 
have  held  it  as  mere  tenants  at  will,  temporary  landowners, 
evidently  waiting  for  those  entitled  to  the  permanent  possession 
of  the  soil.'' 1 


Petition  to  the  Sultan 

The  following  is  the  text  of  a  petition  to  His  Majesty  the  Sultan 
of  Turkey,  which  was  presented  by  Mr.  Samuel  Montagu,  m.p. 
(afterwards  Lord  Swaythling) ,  to  Lord  Rosebery,  with  the  request 
to  transfer  the  same  to  Constantinople.  The  petition  was  signed 
by  the  officers  of  the  Executive  Committee  and  by  the  Commander 
and  Secretary  of  each  Tent : — 

**  To  His  Imperial  Majesty  Abdul  Hamid  Khan,  Sultan  of 
The  Ottoman  Empire. 

"  May  it  please  your  Majesty, 

"  The  undersigned  Association  of  Chovevi  Zion  (Lovers  of 
Zion)  beg  humbly  to  submit  to  your  Imperial  Majesty  that  this 
Association  has  been  founded  to  assist  a  limited  number  of 
worthy  and  industrious  Jews  to  purchase  and  cultivate  land,  and 
to  earn  their  living  by  agriculture.  The  Association  has  pur- 
chased some  portions  of  land  in  your  Imperial  Majesty's 
Dominions  on  the  eastern  side  of  the  Jordan,  and  desires  to 
acquire  such  other  portions  of  land  in  the  same  region  as  may 
be  for  sale,  and  suitable  for  the  cultivation  of  corn,  vines,  fruits, 
and  silk,  or  to  the  raising  of  cattle  and  horses. 

"  And  the  Association  desires  to  send  to  this  land  jQtting 
colonists,  industrious  and  peaceable  men,  provided  by  the 
Association  with  sufficient  means  to  till  the  land  and  to  erect  for 

^  Modern  Science  in  Bible  Lands.  By  Sir  John  William  Dawson,  g.m.g., 
LL.D.,  F.R.S.,  F.G.S.,  ctc.  .  .  .  London :  .  .  .  mdccclxxxviii.  pp.  449-450, 
487.  522,  524,  527,  533,  536. 


themselves  houses,  and  to  sink  wells  and  construct  roads  so  that 
they  may  be  able  to  reach  markets. 

**  The  Association  wishes  thus  to  send  to  your  Imperial 
Majesty's  dominions  only  such  men,  with  their  famiUes,  as  will 
with  God's  help  and  under  your  Imperial  Majesty's  protection, 
increase  the  prosperity  of  your  Imperial  Majesty's  dominion, 
and  become  faithful  subjects  to  your  Imperial  Majesty. 

"  The  Association  therefore  humbly  begs  your  Imperial 
Majesty  to  grant  the  Association  of  Chovevi  Zion  a  Firman  with 
the  following  privileges. 

"  First :  that  such  persons  as  may  be  selected  by  the  experi- 
enced men  who  conduct  the  affairs  of  the  Association  may,  when 
provided  with  proper  certificates  that  they  have  been  so  selected, 
and  that  land  has  been  purchased  for  them,  be  allowed  to  settle 
in  your  Imperial  Majesty's  dominions,  and  to  cultivate  land 
there,  and  that  the  privilege  be  granted  to  them  of  becoming 
naturalised  as  your  Majesty's  subjects. 

"  Second  :  That  in  view  of  the  great  expenses  attending  the 
beginnings  of  cultivation,  the  building  of  houses,  the  sinking  of 
wells,  and  the  making  of  roads,  the  agriculturists  be  relieved 
from  the  tax  of  the  '  Tenth  '  for  a  period  of  seven  years. 

"  Third  :  that  it  be  graciously  permitted  to  them,  under  the 
direction  and  on  the  lands  of  the  Association,  to  build  houses  and 
stables,  schools  for  their  children,  and  temples  in  which  to 
worship  the  Most  High,  to  construct  roads,  drainage  and  irriga- 
tion works,  and  to  sink  wells,  without  having  to  crave  special 
permission  in  each  case. 

"  Fourth :  that  on  condition  that  the  Association  send  only 
men  free  from  disease  or  illness  and  approved  by  experienced 
Doctors,  such  persons  may  freely  travel  in  your  Imperial  Majesty's 

"  And  the  Association,  reckoning  on  your  Imperial  Majesty's 
benevolence  and  wisdom,  believes  that  your  Imperial  Majesty 
will  confer  these  benefits  on  deserving  and  industrious  people, 
and  your  Imperial  Majesty's  most  humble  petitioners  invoke  on 
your  Imperial  Majesty,  the  blessing  of  the  Most  High. 


.Honorary  Secretary." 

The  following  reply  was  received  : — 

"  Foreign  Office, 

'^iith  March,  1893. 
"  Sir, — I  am  directed  by  the  Earl  of  Rosebery  to  acknowledge 
the  receipt  of  your  letter  of  the  3rd  inst.,  forwarding  a  number 
of  petitions,  addressed  to  the  Sultan,  by  the  '  Lovers  of  Zion ' 
in  favour  of  the  colonization  of  certain  lands  on  the  East  oi  the 
Jordan  by  Jewish  emigrants. 


*'  His  Lordship  will  enquire  of  Her  Majesty's  Ambassador  at 
Constantinople  whether  the  fact  of  these  petitions  being  sent  in 
through  the  British  Embassy  would  be  likely  to  lead  to  a 
relaxation  of  the  regulations  affecting  immigration  to  Syria. 
"  I  am,  Sir, 

"  Your  most  obedient,  humble  servant, 

'*  (Signed)  T.  V.  Lister.^ 
**  Samuel  Montagu,  Esq." 


(i)  Choveve  Zion  and  Zionist  Workers 

A  GREAT  deal  of  idealism,  energy  and  capacity  has  gone  to  the 
making  of  the  Zionist  movement  in  its  earlier  and  its  more  recent 
form.  It  would  be  outside  the  scope  of  a  history  of  Zionism 
dealing  mainly  with  England  and  France  to  attempt  to  do 
justice  to  the  work  of  all  those  individuals — mostly  Russian 
Jews — who  have  devoted  themselves  to  the  national  revival, 
in  Palestine  or  in  the  Diaspora.  The  purpose  of  this  Appendix 
is  to  place  on  record  the  services  of  some  of  the  most 
prominent  workers  (not  mentioned  in  the  text  of  this  book) 
in  the  field  of  organization,  of  propaganda  or  of  Palestinian 

Young  men  of  ability  and  studious  habits  founded  the  Bnei 
Zion  Association  at  Moscow.  This  Society  had  indeed  con- 
centrated upon  and  developed  most  strongly  the  national  and 
Zionist  ideal.  The  position  of  the  Moscow  Bnei  Zion  was  so 
conspicuous,  because  that  organization  was  the  headquarters  of 
prominent  Zionist  workers  who  played  a  distinguished  part  in 
the  national  revival  in  Russia  and  in  other  countries.  Among 
these  the  most  active  and  important  leaders  were :  E.  W. 
Tschlenow,  M.  Ussischkin,  J.  Maze,  A.  Idelsohn,  T.  Brutzkus, 
B.  Mintz,  S.  Mintz  and  M.  Rabinovitz. 

E.  W.  TscHLENOw's  life  of  strenuous  work  was  characterized  by 
calmness  and  steadfastness  on  the  one  hand,  and  gentleness  and 
high  virtue  on  the  other.  Since  his  earliest  youth  he  combined 
within  him  the  noble  spirit  of  idealism  and  great  capacity  for 
precise  work.  As  a  young  student,  he  soon  won  his  way  to  the 
foremost  rank  among  the  Choveve  Zion  workers.  The  soundness 
and  farsightedness  of  his  views  were  remarkable.  Simple  but 
impressive  as  a  writer,  as  well  as  platform  orator,  his  generosity 
and  devotion  soon  made  him  a  favourite  of  the  Bnei  Zion,  and 
brought  him  prominence  as  organizer,  leader  and  orator.  He 
graduated  at  the  Moscow  University  in  medicine,  and  dis- 
tinguished himself,   after  further  study  at  other  universities 

*  Palcesfina,  The  Chovev6  Zion  Quarterly,  No.  3,  1893,  p.  7. 


abroad,  in  a  special  branch  of  his  science.  He  then  settled  in 
Moscow.  His  successful  medical  career,  however,  never  pre- 
vented him  from  devoting  a  considerable  part  of  his  time,  and 
when  necessary  all  of  it,  to  useful  Jewish  public  work  in  general, 
and  to  Zionism  in  particular.  After  his  important  and  fruitful 
work  in  the  Choveve  Zion  movement  he  entered  the  Zionist 
Organization.  ^He  was  in  Palestine  twice,  not  as  a  mere  tourist 
but  as  an  investigator.  He  wrote  a  great  number  of 
pamphlets,  reports  and  articles,  and  a  very  good  book  against 
Territorialism  {Zion  and  Africa,  in  Russian,  1903).  His 
second  journey  to  Palestine  enabled  him  to  increase  his 
already  extensive  knowledge  of  colonization,  and  he  laid  down 
his  observations  and  conclusions  in  another  excellent  woik, 
which  he  wrote  in  Russian,  and  which  has  been  translated 
into  other  European  languages..  The  conspicuous  service  which 
he  rendered  amid  formidable  difficulties  to  the  Jewish  National 
Fund,  of  which  he  was  the  manager  in  Russia,  his  tact,  his  calm 
energy  and  his  counsel  were  of  inestimable  value  to  the  Zionist 
cause.  After  having  been  for  many  years  a  member  of  the 
Greater  Actions  Committee,  he  was  elected  at  the  Vienna 
Zionist  Congress  of  1913  a  member  of  the  Inner  Actions  Com- 
mittee. He  then  gave  up  his  brilliant  medical  career  in  Moscow 
to  undertake  a  work  of  singular  complexity  and  extreme  heavi- 
ness. In  this  he  won  the  same  measure  of  confidence  as  that  he 
enjoyed  in  Russia,  and  provided  the  most  important  personal 
link  between  the  East  and  the  West.  In  191 4  he  was  delegated, 
together  with  ^  the  author,  for  Zionist  political,  work  in  this 
country ;  and  he  came  here  again  in  191 8  notwithstanding  his 
failing  health.  During  his  brief  but  momentous  excursus  into 
the  regions  of  politics  and  diplomacy  he  revealed  the  same  high 
qualities  which  had  elsewhere  marked  his  mind  and  character. 
In  consequence  of  his  efforts,  his  health,  which  had  some  years 
ago  been  weakened,  broke  down,  and  his  tragic  death  took  place 
on  the  31st  of  January,  1918,  in  London — the  greatest  loss 
Zionism  has  sustained  since  the  death  of  Wolffsohn. 

M.  Ussischkin's  career  as  Choveve  Zionist  and  modern  Zionist 
is  unique  as  well  as  remarkable.  In  some  respects,  and  in  some 
quarters,  his  influence  was  far  greater  than  that  of  anyone  else. 
A  strong,  perhaps  the  strongest  organizer,  possessed  of  deep 
nationaUstic  convictions  and  of  intense  Jewish  feeling,  and  en- 
dowed with  the  wonderful  gift  of  being  able  to  impress  the  masses, 
he  succeeded  in  establishing  a  very  high  reputation  when  a  mere 
student,  and  later  on  as  one  of  the  founders  and  leaders  of  the 
Bnei  Zion,  and  subsequently  among  the  Choveve  Zion  leaders. 
He  was  also  a  founder  of  the  Bilu.  On  his  long  visits  to  Palestine, 
in  propaganda  work  for  the  purpose  of  raising  funds  for  coloniza- 
tion, and  throughout  his  whole  long  and  fruitful  career  of 
nationahst  work,  he  exhibited  the  most  indefatigable  activity 
and  greatest  courage.    Having  graduated  at  Moscow  in  Tech- 


nology  and  Engineering,  he  settled  in  Ekaterinoslaw,  where  his 
strong,  unbending  personality,  his  power  of  leadership,  and  the 
general  respect  he  commanded,  soon  brought  him  into  pro- 
minence, and  gained  for  him  a  high  reputation  in  Russia,  in 
Palestine,  and  elsewhere.  The  very  strength  of  mind,  energy, 
outspokenness  and  self-reliance,  combined  with  inflexible  deter- 
mination and  ardent  zeal,  distinguish  his  untiring  efforts  on 
behalf  of  the  Zionist  Organization.  While  others  faltered  and 
failed,  he  remained  firm  ;  while  others  despaired,  he  remained 
confident,  and  his  zeal  and  perseverance  gained  for  him  the 
respect  even  of  those  who  opposed  some  of  his  methods,  while  it 
increased  the  admiration  in  which  he  was  held  by  many  of  his 
adherents.  He  greatly  distinguished  himself  in  his  strenuous 
work  for  the  Zionist  financial  institutions,  and  was  also  the  most 
influential  champion  of  the  idea  of  immediate  practical  work  in 
Palestine.  His  pamphlets  on  Palestine  and  the  Zionist  pro- 
gramme are  written  with  admirable  cleverness.  He  has  Uved 
now  for  some  years  in  Odessa,  where  he  is  the  Chairman  of  the 
Society  for  the  promotion  of  Jewish  colonization  work  in  Pales- 
tine. Being  Jewish  NationaUst  to  the  backbone,  he  naturally 
takes  a  great  interest  in  the  revival  of  the  Hebrew  language. 

A.  Idelsohn  is  the  most  modern  and  the  most  ingenious 
Zionist  publicist  in  the  Russian  language.  His  influence  has  been 
underestimated  rather  than  justly  appreciated.  While,  on  the 
one  hand,  the  pathetic  devotion  and  enthusiasm  of  others  are 
undoubtedly  most  useful  and  indispensable  conditions  for  the 
success  of  the  movement,  an  analytical  mind,  as  a  temporizing 
element  and  corrective,  is  of  no  less  importance.  This  mind  was 
devoted  to  the  cause  by  Idelsohn  since  his  youth,  and  found 
expression  in  his  writings  in  the  Zionist  organ,  written  in  the 
Russian  language,  its  name  being  Razswiet  and  levreiskam  Shisn. 
A  critic,  and  a  somewhat  ironical  thinker,  he  never  permits  an 
emotional  effort  to  mar  his  clear  intellectual  discrimination.  In 
later  years  he  formed,  with  M.  A.  Soloveitschik,  A.  Goldstein, 
J.  Klebanow,  A.  Seidemann,  M.  Aleinikow,  D.  Pasmanik,  S.  J. 
Janowski,  J.  Brutzkus,  Ch.  Grinberg,  J.  Eljaschew,  I.  Gruenbaum, 
and  others  who  comprised  the  editorial  staff  of  his  paper,  a 
brilHant  ensemble  of  Zionist  inteUectuals  which  has  recently 
been  augmented  by  L.  Jaffe,  who  sometimes  acte  i  as  editor. 
Idelsohn  is  an  eminent  Zionist  and  a  member  of  the  Actions 

Julius  Brutzkus  was  an  active  and  highly  appreciated 
member  of  the  Bnei  Zion.  Most  gifted  and  learned,  with  a  clear 
mind,  and  generally  well  informed,  he  adhered  to  the  national 
idea  from  early  youth.  He  graduated  in  medicine  at  the  Moscow 
University,  and  settled  for  some  years  in  Petrograd,  where  he 
became  active  in  matters  communal,  literary  and  journalistic. 
He  wrote  several  excellent  articles  and  pamphlets. 

The  two  MiNTzs  were  also  appreciated  for  their  faithfulness, 


sincere  devotion,  and  excellent  and  tactful  propaganda.  B.  Mintz 
has  since  settled  at  Rostow,  where  he  takes  a  leading  part  in 
Zionist  work.  S.  Mintz  graduated  at  Moscow  in  medicine  and 
settled  in  Warsaw,  where  he  attained  a  high  reputation  in  his 
profession  as  well  as  in  communal  activity.  A  sincere  Nationalist, 
of  a  serious  and  studious  turn  of  mind,  deeply  attached  to 
Zionism,  an  excellent  Hebraist,  most  active  in  all  movements 
making  for  the  revival  of  the  national  language,  he  has  remained 
true  to  Bnei  Zion  traditions.  There  are,  further,  the  zealous 
Alperin,  and  Michael  Rabinovitch,  resident  at  Rostow,  a  dis- 
tinguished Zionist  worker  who  was  member  of  the  Actions 

The  great  earnestness  and  untiring  assiduity  of  the  Bnei  Zion 
did  not  fail  to  attract  attention  and  to  produce  a  deep  impression. 
The  immense  zeal  for  this  cause  dispelled  the  apathy  of  those 
around  them.  Thus  the  Moscow  Choveve  Zion  and  Zionist  Group 
became  indeed  one  of  the  best,  the  most  esteemed  and  the  most 
active  in  the  world.  Of  those  in  touch  with  the  first  pioneers  was 
Kalonimos  Wolf  Wissotski  {1824-1904),  the  well-known  Chovev 
Zion  and  Zionist,  a  zealous  supporter  of  the  colonization  of  Pales- 
tine, a  generous  friend  of  Hebrew  literature,  a  patron  of  learning 
and  learned  men.  The  representatives  of  his  great  firm  have  to 
the  present  day  remained  faithful  to  the  traditions  of  the  founder 
in  a  most  liberal-minded  and  far-reaching  manner. 

The  following  names  are  arranged  in  alphabetical  order. 

Elieser  Ben-Jehuda,  born  in  Russia,  is  a  prominent  repre- 
sentative of  the  revival  of  the  Hebrew  language  and  of  the 
national  renaissance.  As  early  as  1880  he  expounded  his  political 
views  on  Zionism  in  Smolenskin's  monthly  Ha'shachar.  In  188 1 
he  went  to  Palestine,  where  he  became  a  sturdy  and  independent 
fighter  for  Hebrew  as  a  living  tongue  and  for  Jewish  nationalism. 
In  1885  he  founded  the  Hebrew  weekly  paper  Ha'zevi,  which  he 
edited  for  several  years,  assisted  by  his  wife  (Hemda)  and  his  son. 
Together  they  formed  the  first  Hebrew-speaking  family  in  the 
country.  He  has  revolutionized  Hebrew  style  and  introduced 
many  new  colloquial  and  journalistic  expressions.  As  a  pioneer 
of  modern  methods,  radically  opposed  to  the  old  ways  of  thought 
and  action,  he  defended  his  heterodox  ideas  with  energy,  became 
involved  in  controversies,  and  was  arrested  by  the  Ottoman 
authorities  for  his  nationalistic  propaganda.  Many  years  ago  he 
started  the  pubUcation  of  his  great  Hebrew  dictionary  {Millon). 
He  was  one  of  the  first  Palestine  Zionists  who  approached  Herzl 
and  devoted  themselves  to  Zionist  propaganda  in  Palestine. 

Vassyli  Bermann  (1862-96)  was  a  young  man  of  high  intel- 
lectual attainments  and  endowed  with  exceptional  literary  gifts, 
and  would  undoubtedly  have  risen  to  great  eminence  had  he 
continued  to  devote  himself  to  literature.  But  he  gave  almost 
all  his  time  to  the  Choveve  Zion  movement.  His  name  is  closely 
connected  with  the  history  of  the  national  Jewish  movement  in 


Russia.  Born  at  Mitau,  he  received  his  elementary  education  at 
the  school  founded  by  his  father,  a  capable  pedagogue,  in  Peters- 
burg, and  completed  his  college  studies  in  the  same  town. 
Already,  as  student  of  the  faculty  of  Law  in  Petersburg,  Bermann 
placed  himself  at  the  service  of  Judaism,  and  strove,  through  the 
foundation  of  a  suitable  association,  to  spread  the  idea  of  the 
liberation  of  the  Jewish  people  into  wide  circles  of  the  com- 
munity. In  the  year  1884  he  published  the  compilation  Palestine. 
Even  this  first  work  drew  general  attention  upon  the  highly 
gifted  young  writer.  At  the  meeting  of  the  Russian  Choveve  Zion 
at  Drusgenik,  in  1887,  Bermann  was  considered,  by  the  side  of 
the  spiritual  father  of  the  national  Jewish  movement  in  Russia, 
Leo  Pinsker,  as  the  leader  of  the  "  Zionophiles,"  as  Bermann 
called  the  adherents  of  the  national  Jewish  idea.  When  it  was 
found  desirable  to  obtain  the  authorization  of  the  Russian 
Government  for  the  "  Odessa  Association  for  Supporting  Jewish 
Artisans  and  Agriculturists  in  Syria  and  Palestine,"  the  shrewd 
lawyer,  Vassyli  Bermann,  employed  his  utmost  energy  in  order 
to  help  in  overcoming  all  difficulties  which  stood  in  the  way  of 
the  foundation  of  this  association.  He  was  one  of  the  members 
of  the  first  official  congress  of  the  Russian  Choveve  Zion  which 
was  held  at  Odessa  in  the  year  1890.  Once  again  in  Petersburg, 
Bermann  devoted  all  his  zeal  to  the  editing  of  his  continued 
compilation,  which  he  intended  to  transform  into  a  year-book. 
In  this  way  Zion,  published  in  the  year  1891,  was  brought  out. 
It  is  considerably  superior  to  its  predecessor  in  contents  and  get- 
up.  Zion,  which  is  dedicated  to  Pinsker,  affords  an  interesting 
insight  into  the  phase  of  development  of  the  national  Jewish 
thought  of  that  time.  From  Bermann,  who  was  well  aware  of 
the  influence  of  historical  knowledge  upon  the  strengthening  of 
the  national  consciousness,  came  also  the  initiative  towards  the 
foundation  of  the  "  Historio-Ethnographic  Commission  "  within 
the  "  Society  for  the  Propagation  of  Culture  among  the  Jews  in 
Russia."  When,  in  the  year  1892,  the  Petersburg  central  com- 
mittee of  the  Jewish  Colonization  Association  was  formed,  and 
the  necessity  for  a  scientific  basis  of  the  colonization  question 
became  evident,  Bermann  undertook,  at  the  request  of  the 
J.  C.  A.,  a  mission  of  study,  the  result  of  which  he  recorded  in  a 
comprehensive  memoir,  and  thus  afforded  the  central  committee 
valuable  material  towards  the  work  of  colonization.  The  exer- 
tions of  travelling  had  much  affected  Bermann's  health.  But 
he  would  not  allow  that  to  prevent  him  from  further  work  in 
favour  of  his  brethren  with  the  greatest  devotion.  At  last  he 
found  himself  compelled  to  seek  the  mild  cHmate  of  Egypt. 
There,  on  March  i8th,  1896,  Vassyh  Bermann  breathed  his  last. 
His  tombstone  bears  the  inscription  :  **  If  I  forget  thee,  O 
Jerusalem,  let  my  right  hand  forget  (her  cunning)."  The  dying 
man  had  wished  it  so. 
Gregor  Belkovsky,  a  distinguished  lawyer,  born  in  Odessa, 


was  one  of  the  first  pioneers  of  the  Choveve  Zion  movement.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Societies  Nes  Ziona  and  Ezra.  In  1895-7 
he  was  Professor  of  Law  at  the  University  of  Sofia,  Bulgaria. 
On  his  return  to  Russia,  he  entered  the  Zionist  Organization 
and  came  into  prominence  from  the  First  Congress  onwards. 
He  was  one  of  the  most  notable  workers  for  the  establishment  of 
the  Zionist  financial  institutions.  He  also  did  important  work 
in  connection  with  the  movement  in  Russia. 

Jehiel  Brill  (1836-86),  born  in  Russia,  and  taken  to  Constan- 
tinople when  he  was  quite  young,  was  later  brought  to  Jerusalem, 
where  he  received  a  talmudic  education.  In  1863,  with  the 
assistance  of  his  father-in-law,  Jacob  Saphir,  he  established  the 
Hebrew  monthly,  Ha'lebanon,  which,  after  the  appearance  of 
the  twelfth  number,  was  suppressed  by  the  Turkish  Government. 
He  then  went  to  Paris,  where  he  resumed  publication  of  Ha'- 
lebanon. After  the  Franco-Prussian  War  he  removed  to 
Mayence,  where  he  renewed  the  publication  of  his  paper.  When 
the  Choveve  Zion  movement  was  inaugurated.  Brill,  who 
was  well  acquainted  with  Palestine,  was  chosen  by  Baron 
Edmond  de  Rothschild,  on  the  recommendation  of  Rabbi 
Samuel  Mobile wer,  to  conduct  a  group  of  experienced  farmers 
from  Russia  to  Palestine.  He  gave  a  vivid  description 
of  his  mission  in  his  Hebrew  pamphlet  Yesod  Ha'maalah 
(Mayence,  1883). 

H.  Brody  was,  when  in  Berlin,  a  studious,  scholarly  worker, 
and  at  the  same  time  active  in  Zionism.  Later  he  was  appointed 
Rabbi  in  Nachod,  Bohemia,  and,  being  a  scholar  and  a  prolific 
writer,  he  became  very  active  in  scientific  and  literary  matters. 
He  has  contributed  to  Ha'magid,  Haeshkol  and  Ha'shiloach  ; 
has  edited  (with  A.  Freimann)  a  Bibliographical  Review,  and  has 
written  valuable  books  on  Jehuda  Ha'levi  and  Moses  Ibn  Ezra. 
In  defence  of  Zionism  he  has  written,  under  the  nom  de  plume 
Dr.  H.  Salomonsohn,  an  excellent  pamphlet,  in  which  he  proves 
that  Zionism  is  an  essential  principle  of  Jewish  tradition. 

Martin  Buber,  bom  in  Galicia,  was  a  member  of  the  Vienna 
Kadima  who  afterwards  studied  in  Berlin.  He  was  closely  akin 
to  Berthold  Feiwel  in  aspirations  and  activity.  Buber  was  one  of 
the  founders  of  the  Verlag  and  one  of  its  principal  contributors. 
He  was  really  one  of  the  authors  of  the  Jewish  Renaissance,  not 
a  product  of  it.  He  has  no  equal  as  an  inspirer  of  the  Jewish 
intellectuals  in  Western  Europe.  He  has  been  a  Zionist  since  the 
inception  of  the  Organization,  but  he  has  devoted  himself  mostly 
to  literary  work  in  connection  with  the  Jewish  Renaissance. 
Sweet  and  pathetic  legends,  dehcate  Chassidic  sketches,  tales 
of  wonder,  mystic  and  philosophical  treatises  and  allegories,  pro- 
foundly Jewish  and  reflected  in  deep  Murillo-like  shades,  such 
are  the  subjects  of  his  Story  of  Rabbi  Nachman  (1906),  Legends 
of  the  Baal  Shem  (1907),  Daniel  (1914)  and  other  writings. 

Rabbi  I.  H.  Daiches,  a  great  Talmudist,  formerly  Rabbi  of 


Neustatt  Shirvint,  and  now  in  Leeds,  supported  the  Choveve 
Zion  movement,  and  was  afterwards  a  delegate  to  the  Zionist 

Joshua  Eisenstadt  (Barzilai),  the  oldest,  and,  as  far  as  en- 
thusiasm is  concerned,  still  the  youngest  among  the  propa- 
gandists in  Palestine,  a  man  of  high  aspirations,  who  looks  at 
things  from  the  standpoint  of  a  devotee  rather  than  of  a  critic, 
exercises  considerable  influence  through  his  speeches  and  popular 
articles.     He  died  in  Switzerland  in  1918. 

Rabbi  Mordecai  Eliasberg  {1817-89),  Rabbi  of  Bausk  in 
Russia,  an  eminent  Talmudist,  a  profound  theologian  and  a 
diligent  student  of  history,  who  wrote  valuable  books  and  articles 
on  talmudic  subjects,  was  one  of  the  most  ardent  advocates 
of  the  ideas  of  the  Choveve  Zion.  By  his  numerous  con- 
tributions to  Hamelitz  he  helped  very  much  in  the  spread  of 
Zionist ic  ideas,  and  his  memory  will  be  cherished  as  one  of  the 
representatives  of  orthodox  Judaism  who  raised  the  banner  of 

Berthold  Feiwel,  born  in  Brunn,  Moravia,  was  a  member  of 
the  Vienna  Kadima,  but  did  most  of  his  work  in  Berlin.  A  young 
man  of  exceptional  attainments,  he  early  attracted  the  notice  of 
Herzl,  and  was  for  some  time  editor  of  the  Welt,  for  which  work 
he  was  particularly  well  qualified.  But  the  work  of  leader-writing 
did  not  satisfy  the  poetic  and  aesthetic  side  of  his  nature,  and  he 
turned  to  literature.  The  promise  of  his  early  writings,  with  their 
beauty  and  originality,  is  amply  fulfilled  in  the  literary  activity 
which  he  subsequently  developed  in  the  Almanack  and  in  other 
publications  of  the  JUdischer  Verlag,  which  was  founded  by  him 
and  his  friends.  His  poems,  as  well  as  his  excellent  translations 
of  Rosenfeld  and  other  works,  have  won  him  a  lasting  reputation. 
He  has  also  taken  an  active  part  in  the  work  of  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization, and  was  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee.  He  was 
editor  of  the  Welt  for  the  second  time  in  the  years  1906-9,  and  has 
written  many  pam.phlets. 

The  brothers  Isaac  and  Boris  Goldberg  hold  a  specially  dis- 
tinguished place  both  in  Russian  Zionism  and  in  the  movement 
at  large.  Isaac  Goldberg  has  made  himself  indispensable  to  all 
Zionist  institutions,  and  has  attained  the  highest  repute  in  the 
Zionist  Organization,  and  in  Palestine.  Boris  Goldberg  is  a  very 
influential  member  of  the  Actions  Committee,  with  a  thorough 
knowledge  of  all  matters  concerning  Zionism  and  Palestine,  and 
an  important  contributor  to  the  Zionist  press.  He  was  a  member 
of  the  Zionist  Commission  of  Inquiry  which  visited  Palestine 
five  years  ago. 

J.  Grazowski  has  written  popular  and  useful  books  on  general 
Jewish  history,  and  has  collaborated  in  a  Hebrew  dictionary. 
He  is  now  in  the  service  of  the  Anglo-Palestine  Company  at 

Mordecai  (Marcus)  ben  Hillel  Ha'cohen  was  even  in  his 


early  youth  an  excellent,  versatile  contributor  to  the  Hebrew  and 
Russian  Press.  Possessed  of  great  vivacity  and  a  humorous  and 
enthusiastic  disposition,  an  enlivening  speaker,  with  the  national 
idea  deeply  at  heart,  he  has  worked  for  Zionism,  Hebrew  and 
the  national  idea  with  considerable  success.  His  writings  in 
Ha'melitz,  Ha'zefirah,  Razswiet,  and  other  papers  and  reviews, 
as  well  as  his  own  pamphlets,  the  description  of  his  journey 
to  Palestine,  and  his  reminiscences,  written  in  a  brilliant  style, 
have  won  him  a  well-merited  popularity.  After  working  several 
years  in  the  Choveve  Zion  movement,  and  in  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization, he  settled  in  Palestine,  where  he  is  active  as  one  of 
the  most  popular  leaders  of  the  Tel-Aviv  community,  and  is 
particularly  engaged  in  educational,  communal  and  literary  work. 

Dr.  William  Herzberg  (1827-97),  a-  highly  educated  writer 
and  communal  worker,  who,  though  not  writing  in  Hebrew, 
greatly  influenced  the  movement,  and  his  work  was  translated 
into  Hebrew.  He  wrote  the  famous  book,  Judische  Familien- 
papier e  (1875-6).  This  book  made  a  stir  in  the  Jewish  scholastic 
world.  Zacharias  Frankel  welcomed  the  book  as  a  modern 
Kusari.  It  was  only  after  some  time  that  the  identity  of  the 
author  was  discovered,  for  it  was  published  under  the  nom  de 
plume  of  Gustav  Meinhardt.  Perez  Smolenskin  was  much 
inspired  by  the  nationalist  spirit  of  this  phenomenal  literary 
production,  and  translated  the  most  important  parts  of  it  in  the 
Haschachar  (he  had  made  it  a  rule  not  to  publish  any  translation, 
but  in  this  case  departed  from  the  rule).  Herzberg  intended  to 
obtain  a  professorship  in  a  German  University,  but,  finding  that 
this  was  impossible  for  a  Jew,  he  contented  himself  with  a 
professorship  in  the  Gymnasium.  He  passed  his  probationary 
year  in  the  Gymnasium  of  his  native  town,  Stettin,  but,  when 
his  final  appointment  was  recommended  by  the  Head  Master, 
who  was  much  impressed  by  the  fine  scholarship  of  the  young 
teacher,  the  Minister  of  Education  confirmed  it  cordially,  on  the 
supposition,  however,  that  the  candidate  had  embraced  Chris- 
tianity, as  a  Jew  could  not  be  appointed  Professor  in  a  Gym- 
nasium. In  1877  he  was  induced  by  his  friend.  Professor  Gratz, 
to  accept  the  post  of  Director  of  the  Agricultural  School,  Mikveh 
Israel,  near  Jaffa.  Dr.  Herzberg  remained  one  year  in  this 
position  and  then  accepted  the  Headmastership  at  the  Von 
Laemel  School  at  Jerusalem. 

Isaac  M.  Hirschensohn,  bom  in  Russia,  has  rendered  great 
services  to  the  progress  of  the  Jews  in  Palestine  as  a  publisher, 
bibliophile  and  Talmudist.  He  advocates  rabbinical  ideas,  in 
harmony  with  the  national  principle. 

Dr.  N.  Katzenelsohn,  of  Libau,  Russia,  holds  an  important 
place  in  the  history  of  Zionist  organization.  After  having  joined 
the  Organization  at  one  of  the  first  Congresses,  he  soon  became  a 
prominent  member,  particularly  in  the  domain  of  financial 
affairs  and  institutions.    One  of  the  devoted  friends  of  Herzl,  he 


2   fi^ 


accompanied  him  on  his  visit  to  Russia  in  1903,  and  took  part 
in  some  of  his  political  efforts  there.  In  1905  he  was  appointed 
President  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust, 
and  regularly  gave  his  reports  of  the  activities  of  this  Institution, 
as  well  as  of  those  of  the  A.P.C.  at  the  Zionist  Congresses.  He 
visited  Palestine  in  1907,  and  particularly  investigated  the 
financial  and  economic  situation  of  the  country.  He  also 
accompanied  Wolffsohn  in  the  same  year  to  Constantinople  on  a 
political  mission.  Dr.  Katzenelsohn  was  a  member  of  the  First 
Russian  Duma,  and  was  for  many  years  very  active  in  the  work 
of  the  I.e. A.  for  the  emigration  of  the  Russian  Jews,  a  question 
on  which  he  also  submitted  reports  to  the  Zionist  Congresses. 

Dr.  Jacob  Kohan-Bernstein,  of  Kishinew,  was  one  of  the 
earliest  of  the  Choveve  Zion.  His  speeches  and  appeals  when  he 
was  in  charge  of  the  so-called  "  Post-Centre  "  were  most  effective 
in  kindling  Zionist  enthusiasm.  As  a  member  of  the  Actions 
Committee  he  has  occupied  a  high  position  in  the  movement. 

The  late  Abraham  Moses  Luncz  (1854-1918),  born  in  Russia, 
lived  since  his  early  youth  in  Palestine.  He  rendered  great 
services  to  the  exploration  of  the  Holy  Land  from  the  historical, 
geographical  and  physiographical  standpoint,  by  means  of  his 
guide-books  for  Palestine,  his  Palestine  annuals,  and  his  Jeru- 
salem almanac. 

Joseph  Lurie  was  bom  in  Russia,  and  became  a  prominent 
nationalist  at  the  Berlin  University.  He  settled  later  in  Warsaw, 
where  he  was  engaged  in  educational  work,  and  afterwards  edited 
a  Zionist  Yiddish  weekly  paper,  published  by  the  Achiasaf, 
After  the  suspension  of  this  paper  he  lived  for  about  two  years  in 
St.  Petersburg,  where  he  was  assistant  editor  of  the  Fraind.  Thence 
he  went  to  Palestine,  and  became  a  teacher  at  the  Jaffa  Gym- 
nasium. Some  time  afterwards  he  was  elected  President  of  the 
Union  of  Teachers  {Agudath  Ha'morim)  of  Palestine.  He 
has  not,  however,  given  up  his  journalistic  work.  His  articles 
on  Palestine  are  unequalled  for  clearness  of  exposition  and  logical 

Rabbi  Samuel  Mohilever  (1827-1903),  of  Bialystok,  wrote 
many  appeals  in  favour  of  the  Choveve  Zion  movement.  He  was 
a  lifelong  adherent  of  the  national  cause,  helped  to  promote 
colonization,  and  gave  his  unqualified  adherence  to  the  new 
Zionism.  Even  in  very  advanced  age  he  was  still  a  fighter  in  the 
forefront,  travelling,  preaching,  collecting  funds  and  generously 
spending  his  own  means.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  pogroms  in 
1881,  he  took  the  Jewish  refugees  to  Lemberg.  Here  he  became 
acquainted  with  Sir  Samuel  Montagu  (afterwards  Lord  Swayth- 
ling)  and  Laurence  Oliphant,  and  he  sought  to  win  the  former  for 
the  Palestinian  colonization  movement.  On  his  return  to  Russia 
he  called  a  conference  at  Warsaw  and  formed  a  Choveve  Zion 
Society.    In  the  same  year  he  undertook  a  journey  to  Paris  to 

II.— u 


obtain,  through  the  Grand  Rabbin  Zadoc  Kahn  and  M.  Erlanger, 
Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild's  support  for  the  colonization 
movement.  Returning  again  to  Russia,  he  went  on  a  propaganda 
tour,  agitating  in  several  towns  in  favour  of  Palestinian  coloniza- 
tion. In  1885  he  presided  at  the  Kattowitz  Conference.  In  1890 
he  journeyed  to  the  Palestinian  colonies  and  witnessed  the 
founding  of  the  colony  of  Rechoboth. 

Leo  Motzkin  was  bom  in  Russia  and  educated  in  Berlin.  His 
intellectual  versatility  made  him  a  leading  personality  in  student 
circles  and  Jewish  societies,  particularly  in  the  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion. He  soon  attracted  attention  at  the  Congresses,  and  was 
delegated  to  proceed  to  Palestine  and  inquire  into  the  condition 
of  the  colonies,  on  which  he  prepared  a  report.  As  a  member  of 
the  Actions  Committee,  he  took  part  in  191 4  in  a  Commission 
consisting  of  Zionists  appointed  to  inquire  into  the  state  of  affairs 
in  Palestine.  He  has  also  written  valuable  books  and 
pamphlets  on  the  Russo- Jewish  problem. 

Isaac  Nissenbaum,  bom  in  Russia,  lives  in  Warsaw,  where  he 
was  one  of  the  sub-editors  of  Ha'zefirah  and  a  lecturer  at  the 
Zionist  Synagogue.  Though  not  a  Rabbi,  he  belongs  by  virtue 
of  his  education,  associations  and  the  nature  of  his  occupation 
to  the  Rabbinical  world.  A  learned  Talmudist,  a  powerful 
preacher  and  a  proUfic  Hebrew  writer,  he  has  a  worthy  record 
in  all  these  spheres. 

Alfred  Nossig,  scientist,  artist  and  journalist,  was  one  of  the 
first,  perhaps  the  first  in  Galicia,  to  publish  pamphlets  in  Polish 
in  defence  of  Jewish  nationalism.  He  has  pursued  a  line  of  his 
own  in  Zionism,  and  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization his  activities  have  often  been  open  to  criticism.  But  he 
deserves  recognition,  both  as  a  man  of  letters  and  as  a  strenuous 
advocate  of  Palestinian  colonization. 

Daniel  Pasmanik  is  a  Russian  Zionist  who  has  done  much 
propaganda  work  and  proved  himself  a  writer  and  journalist  of 
extraordinary  capability.  His  book  Die  Seek  Israels  (written  in 
Russian  and  translated  into  German)  is  a  noteworthy  contribution 
to  Zionist  thought. 

Jehiel  Michael  Pines  (1842-19 12),  born  and  educated  in 
Russia,  a  Hebrew  writer  and  Talmudist,  was  elected  delegate  to 
a  conference  held  in  London  by  the  Association  Mazkereth 
Mosheh  for  the  estabUshment  of  charitable  institutions  in 
Palestine  in  commemoration  of  the  name  of  Sir  Moses  Montefiore  ; 
in  1878  he  was  sent  to  Jemsalem  to  estabhsh  and  organize  such 
institutions.  Thenceforward  he  lived  in  Palestine,  working  for 
the  welfare  of  the  Jewish  community  and  interesting  himself  in 
the  organization  of  Jewish  colonies.  In  his  Hebrew  book,  Yalde 
Ruchi,  and  particularly  in  Part  I,  Rib  Ami  (Mainz,  1872),  he 
expounded  the  Jewish  national  idea.  He  was  a  contributor 
to  all  Hebrew  periodical  publications,  esi)ecially  to  those  in 


Samuel  Poznanski  pursued  his  studies  at  Berlin,  and  was 
already,  as  a  young  man,  a  rising  representative  of  the  Hebrew 
Revival.  Having  graduated,  he  returned  to  Poland,  where  he  is 
now  the  Rabbi  and  Preacher  of  the  Great  Synagogue  at  Warsaw. 
His  achievements  in  the  field  of  Jewish  scholarship  are  great  and 
universally  recognized.  He  has  written  many  valuable  books 
and  treatises,  all  of  which  are  the  result  of  careful  observation 
and  patient  study,  and  are  distinguished  by  depth  of  thought. 
A  devoted  Hebraist,  he  contributes  to  Hebrew  literature  and  the 
Press,  and  as  a  communal  worker  he  has  succeeded  in  counter- 
acting destructive  assimilationist  tendencies  by  the  advocacy  of 
a  sound  traditional  nationalism. 

Rabbi  Samuel  Jacob  Rabbinowitch,  of  Sopotkin  (now  in 
Liverpool),  was  first  a  Chovev  Zion  and  early  joined  the  Zionist 
Organization.  His  calm  piety  and  gentle  nature  won  him  the 
hearts  of  all  Zionists.  He  was  for  several  years  a  member  of 
the  Zionist  Actions  Committee.  He  contributed  a  number  of 
articles  to  Ha'melitz,  which  later  were  published  under  the  title 
Ha'dat  Weha'leumit  (Warsaw,  igoo).  He  has  also  written 
talmudic  works. 

Rabbi  Isaac  Jacob  Reines  (1839-1915)  was  a  great  talmudic 
authority,  author  of  halachic  works,  in  which  he  taught  the  rigid 
application  of  logic  to  the  solution  of  talmudic  problems,  and 
founder  and  principal  of  a  modern  Yeshivah  (Rabbinical  College) 
in  Lida.  He  was  an  ardent  Chovev  Zion,  and  joined  the  Zionist 
movement,  in  which  he  became  one  of  the  most  prominent 
workers,  orators  and  propagandists.  He  occupied  a  high  and 
influential  position  in  orthodox  Zionism,  and  was  the  founder  of 
the  orthodox  Zionist  section,  Misrachi. 

Rabbi  Pinchas  Rosowski,  a  great  talmudic  scholar  and  pro- 
minent Hebraist,  was  an  enthusiastic  Chovev  Zion,  and  later  a 
member  of  the  Zionist  Organization.  He  wrote  articles  inspired 
by  the  nationalist  idea. 

Jacob  Saphir  (1822-86),  a  Russian  Jew,  who  settled  in 
Palestine,  was  not  directly  connected  with  the  new  colonization. 
He  was  commissioned  by  the  Jewish  community  of  Jerusalem 
to  undertake  a  journey  through  the  southern  countries,  in  order 
to  collect  alms  for  the  poor  Palestinian  Jews.  In  1854  he  made 
a  second  tour,  visiting  Yemen,  British  India,  Egypt  and  Australia. 
The  result  of  this  journey  was  his  Hebrew  book  Ehen  Saphir 
(vol.  i.,  Lyck,  1866  ;  Mayence,  1874),  in  which  work  he  gave  the 
history  and  a  vivid  description  of  the  Jews  in  the  above-mentioned 
countries.  There  is  in  his  book  a  touch  of  Haskalah  (Enlighten- 
ment) and  even  of  national  sentiment. 

His  grandson,  Elie  Saphir,  who  died  a  few  years  ago,  was  a 
conspicuous  figure  among  the  pioneers  of  the  new  colonization  by 
virtue  of  his  great  knowledge,  especially  of  the  Arabic  language 
and  literature,  and  the  laws'and  customs  of  the  country.  A  man 
of  keen  judgment,  he  occupied  the  position  of  assistant-manager 


of  the  Anglo-Palestine  Company  at  Jaffa.  The  leaders  of  financial 
and  agricultural  institutions  were  always  eager  to  consult  and 
confide  in  him.  But  he  was  essentially  a  scholar.  His  Hebrew 
writings,  and  particularly  his  last  work  Ha'arez — a  physio- 
graphic and  scientific  examination  of  the  conditions  of  Palestine 
— are  of  great  value. 

M.  Smilanski,  of  Rechoboth,  has  one  of  the  longest  and 
best  records  of  work  in  Hebrew  literature.  His  writings  on 
Palestinian  colonization  are  as  sound  as  his  literary  sketches  are 

A.  Tannenbaum,  of  St.  Petersburg,  was  an  ardent  Chovev  Zion 
and  an  excellent  Hebraist.  Of  his  Hebrew  writings,  his  study  on 
"  The  Architecture  of  the  Synagogues  "  (in  the  first  volume  of 
Knesseth  Israel)  is  of  enduring  merit.  This  group  strongly  sup- 
ported the  local  Choveve  Zion  Society,  which  was  of  considerable 
importance.  At  that  period  Rosenfeld  undertook  with  great 
courage  and  determination  the  propaganda  in  the  first  Razsweet, 
which,  however,  had  to  be  suspended  after  a  period  of  brilliant 
journalistic  exploits  in  troublesome  and  stormy  times  (in  the 
eighties),  in  which  period  the  two  years  of  that  organization  hap- 
pened to  fall.  Later  on,  the  late  Salomon  Gruzenberg,  a  medical 
man  of  great  knowledge  and  an  ardent  Zionist,  whose  articles 
were  characterized  by  soundness  of  argument,  took  up  the  same 
work  in  a  new  Russian  weekly  paper,  entitled  Boudoushtshnost, 
which  managed  to  exist  a  little  longer. 

Vladimir  Temkin  was  one  of  the  most  important  and, 
undoubtedly,  the  most  popular  champion  of  the  Bilu.  An 
idealist,  an  enthusiast,  an  attractive  personality  and  a  power- 
ful speaker,  he  possessed  a  special  gift  for  propaganda,  and 
became  one  of  the  chief  organizers  of  colonization  in  Pales- 
tine. He  belonged  to  the  Zionist  Organization  from  its  incep- 
tion, was  a  prominent  Congress  representative  and  member  of 
the  Actions  Committee,  and  is  to-day  one  of  the  leading 

Davis  Trietsch  has  not  always  found  the  appreciation  he 
deserved.  He  has  b$^n  frequently  drawn  into  controversies  and 
misunderstood  owing  to  the  support  he  has  given  to  schemes 
which  appeared  to  be  impracticable  and  fantastic,  but  in 
ordinary  circumstances  would  not  have  given  rise  to  opposition. 
But  he  is  a  man  of  varied  experience  and  untiring  activity,  and 
his  advice  has  often  been  very  useful.  He  lived  for  a  couple 
of  years  in  Palestine,  where  he  grappled  with  many  forms  of 
industrial  work  ;  he  has  written  books,  pamphlets  and  articles, 
and  is  an  indefatigable  advocate  of  the  idea  of  colonization.  He 
has  given  a  considerable  impetus  to  the  study  of  Palestine  and 
to  many  practical  ideas. 

Semion  Weissenberg  worked  hard  with  Herman  and  Temkin 
in  the  St.  Petersburg  Students'  Palestinophile  Association,  took 
part  in  the  Odessa  Choveve  Zion  meetings,  and  later  entered  the 


Zionist  Organization,  of  which  he  is  a  prominent  member.  His 
bent  lies  in  the  direction  of  work  in  connection  w'th  the  Jewish 
problem  in  Russia. 

David  Yellin  (1858),  a  son-in-law  of  J.  M.  Pines,  is  one  of  the 
most  eminent  Hebraists  and  educationists  in  Palestine.  The 
Zionist  idea  captured  him  early  in  life  and  grew  upon  him  during 
his  many-sided  literary  and  educational  career.  He  has  written 
the  best  text-books  of  the  Hebrew  language,  based  on  the 
principle  of  the  modern  method  Ihrith  B'ibrith  (Hebrew  in 
Hebrew),  and  has  thus  helped  to  make  Hebrew  a  living  language. 
He  has  been  teacher  and  principal  of  several  Hebrew  schools 
and  of  the  seminary  for  the  training  of  teachers.  He  has  many 
connections  in  England,  and  is  on  the  Montefiore  foundations  in 

In  St.  Petersburg  Zionism  has  now  gained  a  strong  footing, 
owing  to  the  steady  efforts  of  the  distinguished,  devoted  and  in- 
defatigable member  of  the  Actions  Committee,  Israel  Rosoff, 
Michael  Aleinikow,  the  able  and  gifted  Abraham  Idelsohn, 
A.  J.  Rapaport,  as  well  as  of  the  very  able  and  devoted 
workers  S.  S.  Babkow,  W.  Grossmann,  A.  Goldstein,  S.  J. 
Janovski,  A.  Seidemann,  M.  Sachs,  and  others.  As  far  as 
Nationalism  is  concerned  the  learned  and  talented  historian, 
Shimon  Dubnow,  and  the  group  of  his  followers,  are  un- 
doubtedly most  faithful  adherents  to  this  idea,  and  the  same 
may  unhesitatingly  be  also  said  of  N.  M.  Friedmann,  M.  Ch. 
Bomesch  and  E.  R.  Gurevitch,  the  members  of  the  Duma, 
and  many  other  leading  St.  Petersburg  Jews.  The  old  Zionist 
leader,  Gregor  Belkovsky,  a  man  of  high  standing  in  the 
Zionist  Organization,  who  has  already  been  mentioned,  has 
for  many  years  been  very  active,  his  influence  being  still  as 
great  as  ever. 

The  number  of  the  Choveve  Zion  societies  increased.  They 
watched  each  other's  activities  and  emulated  each  other  in 
brotherly  devotion.  The  University  groups  were  influenced  by 
the  Hterature  and  the  press,  as  well  as  by  the  old  leaders  ;  and 
the  old  leaders  were  in  their  turn  again  stimulated  by  the  ardour 
of  the  younger  men.  To  return  to  the  older  Choveve  Zion 
societies  and  later  Zionist  societies,  a  few  of  the  most  important 
should  be  mentioned,  as,  for  instance,  the  Odessa  Group  (or  the 
Oflicial  Society),  under  the  leadership  of  Pinsker,  Achad  Ha  am, 
M.  L.  Lilienblum,  A.  Griinberg  (who  was  for  some  years  President 
of  the  Society),  Ch.  Tschernowitz,  L.  Lewinski,  Rawnitzki, 
S.  N.  Barbasch,  A.  E.  Lubarski,  Frankfeld,  J.  Klausner, 
M.  Scheinkin,  Ben  Ami  Rabinowitsch,  and  at  a  later  period, 
Ussischkin,  Bialik,  S.  A.  Benzion-Guttmann,  M.  Kleinmann, 
Ch.  Grinberg,  and  others.  The  Bialystok  Group,  with  Rabbi 
Samuel  Mohilewer,  Dr.  Chasanowitsch  (who  deserves  an  honoured 
place  as  a  zealous  pioneer  of  NationaUsm  and  a  great  worker  for 
the  Hebrew  revival  in  Palestine,  and  for  his  noble,  almost  life- 


long  efforts  for  the  purpose  of  establishing  his  Hebrew  library, 
"  Baith  Neen^an,"  in  Jerusalem)  and  Nissenbaum  was  of  great 
importance  duiing  the  lifetime  of  Rabbi  Mohilewer  and  retained 
a  great  practical  influence  later,  especially  in  consequence  of  the 
fact  that  the  Bialystok  Choveve  Zion  themselves  took  a  pro- 
minent part  in  various  colonization  schemes.  The  Warsaw 
Group  had  a  principal  leader  in  Isidore  Jasinowski,  a  man  of 
great  sincerity,  enthusiasm  and  love  for  the  cause.  An  ardent 
Chovev  Zion,  he  afterwards  joined  the  Zionist  movement,  and, 
till  the  TerritoriaUst  split,  remained  devoted  to  the  cause.  The 
most  energetic  workers  there  were  Schefer-Rubinoscitsch ; 
J.  M.  Meyersohn  ;  Eleasar  Kaplan,  who  died  recently  and  was 
an  able  and  enterprising  Nationalist,  a  most  zealous  worker,  to 
whom  great  praise  is  due  in  connection  with  the  Achiasaf  and 
other  Hebrew  literary  enterprises  ;  W.  Gluskin  (one  of  the  most 
notable  workers  and  leaders),  who  joined  with  L.  Kaplan  in  the 
foundation  of  the  Achiasaf  and  Ha-Zofe,  undertook  afterwards 
the  Directorship  of  the  Palestine  Wine  Company,  "  Karmel," 
and  settled  in  Rishon  L'Zion,  in  Palestine,  where  he  is  now  one 
of  the  leaders  of  the  new  colonization)  ;  Stawski ;  Mates 
Cohn ;  Dr.  Bychowski ;  Samuel  Luria  ;  Dr.  T.  Hindes  (who 
lived  some  years  in  Palestine,  and  takes  a  useful  part  in  the 
propaganda)  ;  M.  M.  Pros ;  M.  Feldstein  (the  well-known 
Chovev  Zion  and  supporter  of  the  literary  movement,  a  pro- 
minent member  and  representative  of  Zionist  institutions) ;  J. 
Lewite  ;  Jacob  Braude  ;  Rafalkes  ;  Ginzburg  ;  Friedland  ;  L. 
Davidsohn  ;  and  others. 

All  these  important  workers  were  afterwards  active  in  the 
Zionist  Organization.  The  development  of  Zionism  gave  a  new 
impetus  to  the  Palestine  propaganda  and  to  the  national  move- 
ment. The  University  movement,  though  most  vigorous  in 
other  parts  of  the  Russian  Empire,  had  only  few  adherents  in 
Poland.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  Dr.  Zamenhof,  the  inventor  of 
Esperanto,  was,  during  a  certain  period  of  his  university  career, 
a  Jewish  NationaHst  of  great  zest,  and  a  contributor  to  Rosen- 
feld's  Razsweet.  Meierowitz,  the  old  Bilu  pioneer,  as  well  as 
the  pioneer  Freimann,  came  from  Warsaw ;  Mekler,  Elie 
Margulies,  Manson  (who  died  young)  were  the  most  prominent 
Choveve  Zion  among  the  Warsaw  students  in  the  eighties.  Only 
with  the  new  Zionist  Organization  a  strong  movement  of  a  local 
character  came  into  being  with  adherents  who  were  natives  of 
the  country,  and  this  resulted  in  the  production  of  literature  and 
a  Press  in  the  native  tongue.  In  this  respect,  the  activity  of  the 
late  Jan  Kirszrot  was  very  helpful.  A  great  idealist,  an  honestly 
and  deeply  convinced  Zionist,  who  had  been  brought  to  the 
cause  out  of  assimilated  surroundings,  a  worker  of  the  most 
generous  impulses,  and  a  writer  par  excellence  in  the  Polish 
language  (like  many  other  young  Zionists  of  assimilated  educa- 
tion he  had  acquired  the  knowledge  of  Hebrew),  he  worked  side 


by  side  with  the  gifted  and  devoted  Isaac  Gninbaum,  who  became 
in  later  years  a  prominent  leader,  a  publicist  of  excellent  abilities 
and  a  worker  of  great  intellectual  integrity ;  also  with  the 
zealous  Nahum  Syrkin,  whose  significant  activities  extended 
over  a  large  sphere,  with  the  remarkable,  energetic,  indefatigable 
worker  Leon  Lewite,  with  the  keen,  persistent  and  conscientious 
Zelig  Weizmann,  the  graceful  and  judicious  S.  Seidemann,  the 
sound  and  forceful  Isaac  Gruenbaum,  the  talented  and  consistent 
Hartglass  (for  a  certain  period),  the  keen  and  learned  Shimon 
Rundstein,  the  intellectual  and  devoted  Juhan  KaUski,  and  a 
number  of  other  young  writers  and  organizers — in  connection 
with  older  Zionists  and  men  of  letters,  and  together  with  the 
general  Zionist  Organization,  particularly  with  the  younger  and 
more  progressive  element.  They  had  founded  a  Nationahst 
group  "  Safroth,"  issued  a  Zionist  weekly  in  PoUsh  (Prgyszlose) , 
and  pubHshed  a  very  interesting  miscellany  in  that  language. 
Kirszrot's  life  of  devotion  to  the  highest  ideals  and  his 
brilliantly  youthful  career  were  unhappily  cut  short  by  the 
hand  of  death. 

But  the  University  nationalist  Jewish  movement  had  begun. 
A  change  was  in  process,  the  extensive  scope  of  which  was 
scarcely  noticed  by  the  representatives  of  Assimilation,  to  whom 
it  seemed  that  the  small  group  of  students  and  intellectuals 
consisted  merely  of  visionaries  and  dreamers.  Yet  there  obtained 
in  this  apparently  insignificant  group  a  vitality  which  was 
destined  to  become  a  powerful  factor  in  the  hfe  of  Polish  Jewry. 
The  evolution  of  this  young  movement  was  the  result  of  the 
whole  Zionist  movement,  the  rapid  growth  of  Jewish  cultural 
life,  of  Jewish  education,  of  the  Jewish  literature  and  press,  of 
which  all  Warsaw  had  become  a  very  important  centre.  At  that 
period  we  see  already  the  influential  Zionist  leaders  busy  with 
great  Zionist  work.  Zionism,  the  Hebrew  Revival,  national 
education,  the  defence  of  Jewish  interests  and  of  the  national 
principle  in  communal  affairs,  now  engaged  the  attention  and 
support  of  the  generous,  experienced,  and  beloved  Abraham 
PodUszewski,  of  the  acute  and  energetic  H.  Farbstein,  of  the 
thorough  and  dignified  Dr.  Poznanski,  of  the  calm  and  pacific 
Dr.  Mintz,  of  the  strong,  vigilant  and  inflexible  Isaac  Gruenbaum, 
the  devoted  and  popular  Nissenbaum,  Dr.  Klumel,  Olschwanger, 
M.  I.  Freid,  Dr.  Hindes,  Horodischtsch,  Dunajewski,  Dr.  Gottlieb, 
Zabludowski,  the  educational  worker  and  excellent  Hebraist 
S.  L.  Gordon,  and  of  many  others.  In  this  camp  we  meet  again 
all  the  Choveve  Zion  of  bygone  days. 

The  same  development  took  place  at  Lodz,  where  the  able, 
eloquent  Dr.  Jelski,  Dr.  Silberstrom  and  others  had  long  been  at 
work,  and  where  afterwards  a  strong  Zionist  group,  with  the 
esteemed  and  influential  Dr.  M.  Braude  as  guide  and  leader,  was 
doing  most  useful  work.  In  Minsk  we  find  working  in  the 
Choveve  Zion  movement  Joshua  Syrkin,  the  man  of  faith  and 


energy,  whose  mind  is  well  stored  with  treasures  of  Hebrew 
literature,  and  here  we  also  meet  with  the  zealous  Neifach,  the 
late  Rabbi  Chaneles,  and  the  eminently  able  Wilbuschewitsch 
family.  We  come  again  across  them  later  in  Zionism  together 
with  the  active  Zionist  workers  Kaplan,  Churgin,  Berger  and 
others.  In  Pinsk  at  the  Choveve  Zion  period,  Eisenberg,  Rosen- 
baum.  Killer,  Naiditsch,  PinchasBreymar,  J.  Breyman,  L.  Berger, 
Maslanski  were  the  leaders.  The  aged  Reb  Dowidel  (Friedmann), 
the  great  Talmudist,  pious  and  saintly,  supported  the  Movement 
and  took  part  in  the  Kattowitz  Conference.  Among  them  we 
can  trace  Naiditsch,  now  of  the  Actions  Committee  ;  Eisenberg, 
the  great  authority  on  colonization — in  Rechoboth,  Palestine ; 
Maslanski,  the  powerful  preacher  at  New  York ;  Weizmann,  a 
member  of  the  Inner  Actions  Committee,  and  S.  Rosenbaum, 
the  lawyer,  the  member  of  the  First  Duma,  and  Lithuanian 
statesman,  who  proved  his  worth  during  many  years  as  member 
of  the  Actions  Committee,  as  legal  adviser,  as  representative  of 
several  Zionist  institutions,  as  a  great  worker  in  the  Organization, 
and  as  a  defender  of  Zionism  in  Russia.  In  Wilna,  the  late 
S.  J.  Finn,  and  his  son  the  late  Dr.  Finn,  Joseph  Gurland,  Ch.  L. 
Markon,  Triwusch,  Gordon  (who  settled  later  on  in  Palestine), 
Miriam  Zalkind,  who  founded  the  Society  of  the  "  Daughters  of 
Zion  "  ;  Lewanda,  Fischel  Pines,  who  attended  the  Kattowitz 
Conference;  Ben-jakob,  Isaac  Goldberg,  Boris  Goldberg,  Neuschul 
and  others  very  early  took  an  interest  in  the  Choveve  Zion  move- 
ment. In  the  Zionist  Organization,  Wilna  at  a  certain  period 
was  the  centre  of  activity,  from  the  point  of  view  of  organization, 
propaganda  and  press.  Ben-jakob  did  good  work  for  the  Jewish 
Colonial  Trust,  Neuschul  is  a  thorough  and  devoted  NationaUst. 
Among  those  in  Wilna  who  succeeded  in  rising  to  the  height  of 
national  importance,  doing  at  the  same  time  great  national  work 
of  a  general  character,  and  useful,  indispensable  local  work  in 
Russia,  belong  the  two  excellent  and  distinguished  Zionists : 
Isaac  and  Boris  Goldberg. 

The  influence  of  these  Russian  and  Polish  enthusiasts  soon 
spread  further.  Mention  has  already  been  made  of  the  Kadimah 
of  the  Vienna  University  and  of  Nathan  Bimbaum,  one  of  its 
leaders.  Others  of  its  prominent  members  were :  Dr.  N.  T. 
Schnierer,  the  physician,  scholar  and  editor,  who  was  a  highly 
respected  member  of  the  First  Zionist  Actions  Committee ; 
the  gifted  brothers  Marmorek,  supporters  of  Herzl  and  his 
political  Zionism ;  Schalit,  who  represented  the  sympathetic, 
real  Viennese  type ;  the  very  capable  and  devoted  Werner, 
who  became  later  one  of  the  secretaries  of  Herzl  and  editor  of 
the  Welt ;  the  well-known  polemical  journalist,  S.  R.  Landau ; 
the  reserved  and  learned  Berkovitsch ;  the  energetic  and 
faithful  Alkalai  of  Serbia,  who  has  been  a  member  of  the 
Actions  Committee  since  the  inception  of  the  Zionist  Organiza- 



tion ;  ^  the  devoted  worker,  M.  Moscowitz  of  Roumania,  who 
was  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee  (he  recently  died 
in  Palestine,  where  he  was  physician  of  the  colony  Rechoboth)  ; 
the  enthusiast,  Caleff  of  Bulgaria ;  Erwin  Rosenberger,  and 
many  others  from  different  countries. 

The  similarity  of  their  views  on  Jews  and  Judaism  brought 
them  more  and  more  closely  together,  and  they  soon  agreed  that 
the  fundamental  views  of  the  higher-educated  Jews  of  the  time 
were  in  need  of  a  change,  and  that  a  vigorous  attack  against  the 
theory  of  assimilation  prevailing  among  Western  European  Jews 
would  have  to  take  place.  They  clearly  realized  that  the  lever 
ought  to  be  applied  to  the  academical  youth,  not  only  because 
those  circles  were  nearest  to  them,  but  because  in  their  midst  the 
assimilation  theory  had  found  most  adherents.  The  assumption 
seemed  justified  that  the  academical  youth  once  converted 
would  propagate  the  national  Jewish  idea  with  all  the  fire  of  its 
enthusiasm  and  authority  among  the  largest  strata  of  the 
population .  These  few  young  men  soon  obtained  a  small  addition 
of  courageous  fellow-combatants,  and  a  phalanx  was  at  once 
formed  which  undertook  the  foundation  of  an  academic  Jewish 
national  union.  Their  aspirations  met  with  powerful  support 
and  advancement  from  a  man  whose  name  shines  in  golden  letters 
in  the  history  of  Jewish  literature — Perez  Smolenskin.  A  pro- 
found judge  of  the  human  soul,  an  even  more  thorough  investi- 
gator of  the  Jewish  national  psyche,  he  at  the  same  time  wielded 
in  a  masterly  way  the  language  of  the  prophets.  He  had  fought 
for  years  in  numerous  writings,  and  particularly  in  his  monthly 
publication  Hashahar,  against  the  dissolving  tendencies  and  for 
the  nationahzation  of  Judaism  with  all  the  brilliancy  of  his  mind 
and  all  the  sharpness  of  his  caustic  satire.  How  welcome  to  him 
must  have  been  the  small  band  of  Jewish  university  students 
who  undertook  to  carry  his  ideas  into  practical  life  and  to  make 
them  the  common  property  of  the  Jewish  academical  youth. 
Until  his  death  Smolenskin  was  to  them  a  kind  and  wise  leader. 
Among  many  other  obligations,  the  Union  owes  him  its  name. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  summer  term,  of  1882  there  appeared 
for  the  first  time  upon  the  notice-board  of  the  Vienna  University 
an  appeal  of  a  Jewish  national  society,  addressed  to  the  corpora- 
tion of  Jewish  students.  The  sensation  produced  by  this  appeal 
was  extraordinary.  The  Christian  students  shook  their  heads 
incredulously,  while  most  Jewish  students  poured  out  upon  the 

^  It  is  noteworthy  that  Zionism  is  an  old  tradition  of  the  Alkalai 
family.  Rabbi  Jehouda  Alkalai  (died  in  1878)  was  a  precursor  of  political 
Zionism  which  he  expounded  in  his  Goral  L'Adonai  (Vienna,  1857  ;  Amster- 
dam, 1858;  Warsaw,  1903).  He  was  the  author  of  MtwcAaiA  Yehouda  (Vienna, 
1843)  in  honour  of  the  Montefiore  and  Cremieux  mission,  1840.  He 
addressed  also  a  special  appeal  to  the  English  Jews  in  favour  of  Zionism 
and  wrote  further  series  of  other  Zionist  pamphlets  in  Hebrew.  There  were 
also  other  members  of  the  Alkalai  family  who  were  closely  connected  with 
Palestine  and  devoted  to  the  idea  of  its  colonization  by  the  Jewish  people. 


innovators  a  flood  of  scom  and  ridicule.  And  not  only  the  students 
but  the  middle-classes,  the  official  representatives  of  Judaism, 
opposed  the  Kadimah  most  mercilessly.  It  was  a  contest  of  all 
against  a  few.  But  the  few  went  on,  calm  and  undismayed  ;  en- 
grossed by  the  magnitude  of  the  idea  for  which  they  fought,  they 
unswervingly  pursued  their  aim.  The  Kadimaner  propagated  the 
Jewish  national  ideal  by  innumerable  lectures,  meetings  and 
publications.  Their  number  increased  constantly,  and  by  and 
by  a  specific  Jewish  national  student  Ufe  developed  at  Vienna 
University,  which  began  to  throb  with  increased  intensity  when 
the  Kadimah,  compelled  by  the  conditions  of  the  Vienna  Uni- 
versity, was  transformed  into  a  fighting,  "  duel-bound  "  associa- 
tion. People  may  hold  different  opinions  about  duelling  at  most 
Western  European  Universities,  but  one  thing  must  be  admitted, 
namely,  that  it  has  had  a  favourable  influence  upon  the  physical 
development  of  the  Jewish  young  manhood,  and  that  the  duel- 
ling Jewish  student  corporation  gained  the  esteem  of  its  Christian 
colleagues.  Partly  through  this  transformation  and  partly 
through  the  growing  propagation  of  the  national  ideal  among 
the  Jewish  students,  the  number  of  Jewish  national  academical 
unions  was  graduaUy  increased.  One  association  after  another 
came  into  existence  :  "  Unitas,"  "  Ivria,"  "  Gamala,'*  "  Liba- 
nonia,"  "  Hasmonaa,"  and  others ;  so  that  there  exists  at  the 
present  day,  at  nearly  every  university  at  which  Jewish  students 
study,  a  Jewish  national  student  association. 

Old  Assimilants  looked  upon  this  movement  at  first  as  a  farce. 
Certainly  no  one  at  that  time  anticipated  that  the  mainsprings 
of  new  hf e  perceptible  in  many  different  places  would  soon  become 
a  powerful  source  of  cleansing  and  reviving  Judaism.  As  the 
preparatory  work  for  creating  a  clearer  conception  of  things  was 
at  first  confined  to  groups  of  such  young  men,  most  opponents 
looked  upon  it  as  a  pastime  only  fit  for  young,  inexperienced 
schoolboys.  Meanwhile,  the  movement  continued  to  make  rapid 
progress.  At  the  end  of  the  eighties  there  existed  an  important 
association  in  Berlin,  which  was  at  first  somewhat  theoretical  in 
character,  but  very  soon  afterwards  became  a  sister  society  of  the 
Vienna  Association,  taking  also  the  name  of  Kadima.  In  this 
organization  we  come  across  a  great  number  of  workers  whose 
names  are  inseparably  bound  up  with  the  history  of  the  Zionist 
Organization  and  with  Jewish  national  literature  in  all  languages. 

The  large  number  of  young  men  who  have  been  associated 
with  the  Jewish  National  Students'  Association  at  BerUn  would 
make  a  list  too  long  for  detailed  enumeration.  But  the  following 
must  specially  be  mentioned  : — 

Shemaryah  Levin  was  bom  in  Russia.  He  is  an  enthusiastic 
nationalist,  a  good  Hebrew  scholar,  and  as  an  exceptionaUy 
effective  speaker  he  attained  considerable  popularity  already 
as  a  young  student.  He  lectured  on  Hebrew  literature  and 
attracted  much  attention.     Having  graduated,  he  returned  to 


Russia,  and  was  Rabbi  in  Grodno.  Later,  he  lived  for  some  time 
in  Warsaw,  where  he  devoted  himself  to  Hebrew  Uterary  work 
in  connection  with  Achiasaf,  and  possessing  great  mastery  over 
the  Hebrew  language,  he  wrote  books  and  pamphlets  of  great 
value.  Since  then  he  has  contributed  to  numerous  Hebrew 
reviews.  Some  time  afterwards  he  was  Rabbi  in  Ekaterinoslaw 
and  Wilna,  and  was  elected  a  member  of  the  first  Russian  Duma, 
where  he  distinguished  himself  as  a  most  able  speaker  and 
worker.  Then  he  left  Russia  and  settled  abroad.  Already  as  a 
youth  he  was  most  active  in  the  Choveve  Zion  movement ;  later 
he  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  Zionist  Organization,  and  is  now 
a  member  of  its  Small  Actions  Committee  and  one  of  the  most 
influential  leaders.  An  excellent  orator,  closely  attached  to 
Palestine,  where  he  has  hved  for  a  considerable  time,  a  plodding 
worker,  he  has  for  some  years  been  busily  engaged  in  propaganda 
work  in  Europe  and  America. 

Victor  Jacobsohn  was  bom  in  Russia,  and  brought  up  from 
his  infancy  in  an  intensely  assimilated  (Russianized)  environ- 
ment. His  father  was  a  judge  at  Simferopol,  but  the  son  became 
irresistibly  drawn  towards  Jewish  nationalism.  He  was  much 
influenced  by  the  Berhn  Students'  Group.  An  accomphshed 
young  man,  of  splendid  literary  taste,  a  lover  of  fine  art, 
thoroughly  impressed  with  the  righteousness  of  the  national 
cause,  he  soon  became  one  of  the  leaders  among  the  students. 
After  having  graduated,  he  returned  to  Russia,  where  he  took  a 
large  and  active  share  in  the  Choveve  Zion  movement,  and  took 
up  the  Zionist  Movement  from  the  time  of  its  inauguration.  He 
was  very  soon  elected  member  of  the  Actions  Committee,  but, 
apart  from  his  work  for  the  Organization  as  a  whole,  he  was,  when 
still  in  Russia,  a  steady  and  successful  local  worker.  He  then 
moved  to  the  East,  living  in  Palestine  and  in  Constantinople, 
where  he  devoted  himself  entirely  to  Zionist  work,  both  financial 
and  political.  Being  a  business  man  as  well  as  a  man  of  letters, 
a  political  thinker  as  well  as  an  able  financier,  he  has  become  one 
of  the  most  influential  Zionist  leaders.  He  is  a  member  of  the 
Small  Actions  Committee. 

Chaim  Wei zm ANN,  who  was  born  in  Russia,  was  already  in  his 
boyhood  very  active  in  the  young  Choveve  Zion  movement.  Dur- 
ing his  studies  at  the  Charlottenburg  Polytechnic  he  took  a  lead- 
ing part  in  the  Berlin  Jewish  National  Students'  Association. 
Of  amiable  and  genial  disposition,  a  pleasant  and  persuasive 
speaker,  inseparably  bound  up  with  the  deep  national  affection 
and  humour  of  the  Jewish  home  in  Russia,  young  Weizmann 
soon  gained  great  popularity  among  his  fellow-students.  Later 
he  came  into  great  and  well-merited  prominence  at  the  Zionist 
Congresses  and  Conferences.  With  Feiwel,  Buber  and  others  he 
was  most  active  in  the  Students'  propaganda,  and  during  his 
visits  to  Russia  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  propaganda  there. 
Having  graduated,  he  went  to  Switzerland,  and  was  soon  ap- 


pointed  Lecturer  of  Chemistry  at  the  Geneva  University,  where 
he  became  the  central  figure  of  the  West  Zionist  Group.  About 
that  time  he,  with  Feiwel,  Buber  and  others,  conceived  the  idea 
of  a  Jewish  University.  At  the  Basle  Congress  in  1901  the 
Actions  Committee  had  included  the  question  of  the  establish- 
ment of  a  Palestine  University  in  their  programme,  and  Herzl 
took  steps  to  obtain  a  concession  for  the  University  from  the 
Turkish  Government ;  but,  in  consequence  of  the  pressure  of 
other  problems,  this  project  was  lost  sight  of  for  some  years. 
The  movement  in  favour  of  this  idea,  however,  continued  to 
develop,  and  its  inception  as  well  as  its  popularity  is  due  to 
Weizmann  more  than  to  any  other  Zionist.  The  general  Zionist 
activity  of  Weizmann  grew  from  one  Congress  to  another.  He 
was  elected  member  of  the  Actions  Committee  and  of  several 
important  Zionist  institutions.  He  has  been  living  in  England 
for  some  years  now,  occupying  a  chair  in  the  faculty  of  chemistry 
at  the  Manchester  University  and  taking  a  leading  part 
in  the  English  Zionist  Federation.  (The  new  University  Scheme, 
and  Weizmann's  activity  in  this  direction,  are  described  else- 

Leo  Motzkin,  Berthold  Feiwel,  Martin  Buber  and 
Joseph  Lurie,  also  prominent  in  this  circle,  have  already  been 

In  the  BerUn  group  we  also  come  across  Isidor  EHaschew,  a 
refined  critic  of  great  artistic  culture,  an  important  contributor 
to  Jewish  literature — mostly  in  Yiddish.  His  talents  and  inform- 
ation are  of  the  most  varied  character,  for  he  is  the  author  of 
charmingly  written  essays,  studies,  monographs  and  sketches 
extending  over  a  wide  sphere  of  thought.  He  occupied  a  leading 
position  in  the  radical  wing  of  Zionism  and  among  the  literary 
workers  of  the  Renaissance.  We  also  come  across  Soskin,  a  clear- 
minded,  enterprising  and  practical  Zionist,  a  young  man  of 
wonderful  foresight  and  an  agricultural  engineer  of  renown  ; 
further,  Berman,  whose  studies  were  concentrated  on  colonizing 
work.  Both  of  them  went  to  Palestine  later,  and  supervised 
colonization  work  there,  acquiring  in  that  way  much  valuable 
information  and  experience,  which  they  recorded  in  various 
instructive  books.  We  also  find  there  Nachman  Syrkin,  the 
radical  propagandist,  the  leader  of  the  Zionist-Socialists ;  the 
able  and  cautious  Estermann  ;  Elie  Davidsohn,  who  took  a 
prominent  part  in  discussing  the  open  controversy  between  the 
various  sections  ;  Wilenski,  an  active  and  enthusiastic  worker  of 
considerable  influence,  first  abroad  and  later  in  Russia  ;  Mirkin, 
powerful,  energetic  and  highly  respected  ;  Meschorer,  determined 
and  broad-minded,  who,  though  not  identifying  himself  with  the 
Organization,  worked  hard  in  Warsaw  when  first  the  propaganda 
for  securing  capital  for  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust  was  set  on  foot, 
and  died  recently  ;  Grigory  Wilbuschewitsch,  one  of  the  family 
of  energetic  enthusiasts  for  and  in  Palestine  ;  Salkind  of  Minsk  ; 


Kunin,  a  loyal  and  devoted  worker;  Pevsner,  who  worked 
zealously ;  and — last,  but  not  least — Ch.  D.  Gurevitsch,  the 
excellent  Hebrew  writer  and  essayist,  novelist  and  publicist,  a 
contributor  to  the  Hebrew  and  Yiddish  Press,  a  learned  econo- 
mist who  was  particularly  interested  in  introducing  his  economic 
programme  into  Zionism,  who  expounded  the  idea  in  a  lecture 
he  delivered  at  a  Conference  of  Russian  Zionists  held  at  Minsk 
in  1902.  Then  there  were  also  Davis  Trietsch  and  Ephraim 
LiHen,  who  have  already  been  mentioned. 

In  course  of  time  the  movement  spread  steadily  and  system- 
atically. Similar  associations  were  soon  founded  in  Heidelberg, 
Munich,  Leipzig,  Konigsberg,  Breslau,  Berne,  Zurich,  Geneva, 
Lauzanno,  Montpellier  and  Galicia. 

The  Jewish  University  students,  particularly  those  haiUng 
from  Russia,  pursued  their  studies  at  different  universities,  often 
passing  from  one  to  another.  We,  therefore,  find  some  of  them 
changing  their  places  and  activities  in  the  Movement.  For  this 
reason  it  is  impossible  to  follow  a  precisely  geographical  or 
chronological  course. 

At  Heidelberg,  Joseph  Klausner  and  Saul  Tschernichewski 
were  already  active  before  the  First  Zionist  Congress  took  place. 
Loeb  Jaffe  of  Grodno,  who  combined  idealism  with  practical 
astuteness,  wrote  emotional  Zionist  poetry,  and  at  the  same 
time  did  organization  work  perhaps  more  than  any  other  Jewish 
student  who  happened  to  be  at  Heidelberg.  Later  he  became 
a  great  Zionist  worker,  organizer,  editor  and  member  of  the 
Actions  Committee  in  Russia.  Gurland  of  Wilna,  Eliasberg  of 
Pinsk,  Feitlowitsch,  J.  Melnik,  Blumenfeld  and  others  were  the 
pioneers  of  the  Zionist  idea  who  had  rallied  around  Professor 
Herman  Schapiro,  that  venerable  and  cherished  veteran,  who, 
aided  by  his  devoted  wife,  made  his  home  a  rendezvous  of  the 
local  Zionist  group.  In  Munich,  the  intellectual  and  kind-hearted 
brothers  Strauss,  members  of  an  old  noble  Jewish  family,  worked 
together  with  G.  Halpern,  who  during  his  University  career 
had  already  distinguished  himself  by  his  great  talents,  and  who 
was  a  good  economist,  a  journalist  of  great  skill,  and  a  devoted 
Zionist  worker.  At  a  later  period  he  was  elected  member  of  the 
Actions  Committee.  Lew,  Izkovitsch,  Abramowitsch  and 
Nemzer  may  be  mentioned  among  others.  The  last-named  had 
greatly  endeared  himself  to  his  fellow-students  by  his  sincerity 
and  warm-heartedness.  He  died  very  young,  in  Riga  (1906),  in 
a  tragic  way,  a  martyr's  death.  At  Leipzig  there  was  also 
Loeb  Jaffe,  working  with  the  devoted  Kunin,  who  became  in  the 
last  few  years  one  of  the  pioneer  workers  in  Palestine,  as  manager 
of  Medjdel ;  and  also  Gurland,  the  engineering  student  at 
Mitwreida,  as  weU  as  others. 

It  is  interesting  to  glance  back  upon  the  various  stages  of 
propaganda  in  order  to  discover  how  the  Russian  Jews  influenced 
their  brethren  abroad,  how  Zionism  infused  new  life  into  the 


older  Choveve  Zion  movement,  and  how  the  present  important 
representatives  of  new  Zionism  gradually  appeared  upon  the 
scene  and  took  up  so  strong  a  position. 

A  little  society  for  the  support  of  Palestine  colonization  was 
already  in  existence  in  Berlin  as  recently  as  1871,  but  there 
seems  to  be  little  on  record  about  it.  At  the  beginning  of  the 
eighties  there  was  a  venerable,  orthodox  Rabbi,  Dr.  Israel 
Hildesheimer,  assisted  by  his  son  Hirsch,  together  with  some 
other  members,  notably  the  philanthropist  S.  Lachmann,  Willy 
Bambus,  a  devoted  Zionist,  who  travelled  in  Palestine,  and  has 
published  many  pamphlets  and  articles,  and  in  connection  with 
a  Choveve  Zion  of  Russia,  M.  Turow,  took  an  important  part  in 
the  Choveve  Zion  movement,  and  the  late  Moses  of  Kattowitz. 
We  read  already,  in  Dr.  Riilf's  appeal  of  1882  :  "  Do  not  divide 
us  ;  take  us  to  places  where  we  can  live  together,  remain  together, 
and  work  together  as  a  united  community,  arranged  like  any 
other  human  society,  where  we  may  be  Jews,  without  being  inter- 
fered with "  (this  circular  was  issued  in  English  by  Haim 
Guedalla),  and  that  is  a  trumpet-call  of  Zionism.  Riilf,  the 
Rabbi  of  Memel,  was  a  man  of  genius  and  thoroughness,  who  was 
weU  known  for  his  talent  as  an  author  of  philosophical  works,  a 
theologian,  preacher,  and  above  all  a  noble  character  :  he  after- 
wards took  part  in  the  Zionist  Movement  and  in  the  Congress. 
In  1884,  a  society  for  the  support  of  a  Jewish  colonization  in 
Palestine,  called  "  Esra,"  was  founded  in  Berlin.  In  Cologne  a 
Choveve  Zion  group  was  established  through  the  efforts  of  David 
Wolffsohn,  Dr.  M.  Bodenheimer,  Rubensohn  and  others.  The 
Jewish  National  Students'  Association,  consisting  first  almost 
exclusively  of  foreigners,  gradually  attracted  the  best  elements 
of  the  local  Jewish  youth.  One  of  the  first  and  foremost  was 
H.  Lowe,  a  young  man  of  great  enthusiasm  and  energy,  of 
vigorous  eloquence,  who  travelled  in  Palestine  and  appeared  at 
the  First  Congress  as  a  delegate  from  Jaffa. 

Arthur  Friedemann,  an  able  student,  a  member  of  an  old  and 
honoured  family  ;  Gronemann,  the  son  of  a  respected  Rabbi,  a 
brilliant  student  and  an  excellent  Jew  ;  Klee,  a  keen  propa- 
gandist and  attractive  speaker ;  Jungmann,  a  humorous, 
attractive  and  talented  writer  ;  Hantke,  who  distinguished  him- 
self by  profound  honesty  of  purpose  and  love  of  detail,  and  as  a 
highly  gifted,  indefatigable  and  successful  organizer  ;  Jeremias, 
a  faithful  adherent  to  the  movement  (he  died  recently)  ;  Ehas 
and  Israel  Auerbach,  who  possessed,  besides  their  noble  Jewish 
national  aspirations,  the  most  excellent  literary  gifts  ;  Zlozisti, 
a  fine  writer  and  a  poet  full  of  wit  and  humour ;  Kalmus,  a  quiet, 
steady  and  enthusiastic  Zionist  worker  ;  Sandler,  an  eminently 
able  young  scholar ;  Kollenscher,  a  strong  political  Zionist ; 
Chamitzer,  a  faithful  and  zealous  adherent  of  the  Organization  ; 
the  late  Pell,  an  eminent  propagandist  and  organizer  ;  Leszynski, 
a  quiet,  persistent  and  conscientious  member  of  the  party  ; 


Witkowsky,  an  intelligent  and  active  supporter;  Oscar  Levy ;  Emil 
Cohn,  an  eminently  able  theologian ;  Goldberg,  a  determined 
worker  in  the  Organization  ;  Edelstem ;  A.  Wiener,  a  whole- 
hearted, ardent  worker  ;  and  at  a  later  period,  Gideon  Heymann, 
a  young  man  of  burning  zeal  and  considerable  attainments; 
Blumenf  eld,  a  propagandist  of  great  eloquence  and  literary  talents ; 
Brunn,  Hildesheimer  and  other  medical  men,  steady  workers,  who 
devoted  themselves  to  medical  work  in  Palestine  ;  Salomon,  the 
brothers  Treidel,  Biram,  a  studious  and  very  clever  pedagogical 
worker,  who  recently  was  engaged  together  with  Tachauer  in 
Haifa,  Lowenberg  in  Jerusalem,  and  others  in  national  educa- 
tional work  ;  Richard  Lichtheim,  a  gifted  adherent  to  the  cause  ; 
Rosenbliith,  an  able  worker ;  Weinberg ;  Goitein  (the  latter 
died  recently),  who  assisted  in  the  work  of  the  Palestinian  Office, 
and  many  others — all  of  them  took  part  in  the  University 

We  find  most  of  them  joining  in  later  years  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization, which  was  in  course  of  time  supported  by  a  representa- 
tion of  the  older  generation.  Otto  Warburg,  botanist,  author 
and  professor,  was  an  active  member  of  the  "  Esra  "  for  a  long 
time.  He  then  joined  the  Zionist  Organization,  and  placed  his 
great  scientific  knowledge  at  the  service  of  the  Movement, 
especially  for  the  purpose  of  colonization  work.  Simple-minded, 
of  high  integrity  and  unassuming,  he  worked  with  a  quiet  deter- 
mination and  an  intense  love  of  Palestine.  He  edited  Paldstina, 
AUneuland,  founded  the  Palestine  Land  Development  Company, 
was  elected  member  of  the  Small  Actions  Committee  and 
succeeded  David  Wolffsohn  in  1911.  Hantke,  so  devout  in 
national  aspirations  and  with  such  great  capacity  for  organiza- 
tion, and  an  exceptional  record  of  local  work  for  some  years, 
entered  the  Small  Actions  Committee  at  the  same  time.  Dr. 
Bodenheimer,  one  of  the  oldest  and  most  prominent  Zionists, 
was  an  excellent  practical  worker  in  the  management  of  the 
Jewish  National  Fund.  Dr.  Oppenheimer,  the  famous  economist, 
gave  a  great  impetus  to  co-operative  work  in  Palestine.  Dr. 
Ruppin,  a  man  of  great  learning,  high  intelligence,  wonderful 
energy,  and  an  exceptionally  active  administrator,  had  the 
larger  t  share  in  the  management  of  practical  work  in  Palestine, 
and  a  considerable  record  of  literary  work  in  connection  with 
the  problems  of  colonization.  And  in  the  work  of  organization 
Julius  Simon  proved  an  eminent  worker ;  likewise  Dr.  Moses, 
an  experienced  Zionist ;  H.  Schachtel,  indefatigable  in  important 
work  ;  Hermann  Struck  ;  Wagner,  a  splendid  worker,  the  well- 
known  painter  and  Zionist  worker  of  high  religious  sentiment, 
and  Dr.  Frank,  the  leader  of  the  "  Misrachi." 

A  similar  development  took  place  in  all  other  countries.  The 
revival  among  the  Jewish  students  at  the  Swiss  universities 
commenced  in  the  eighties,  and  there  again  we  come  across  many 
who  in  later  years  have  achieved  leading  positions  in  literature, 

304       ^         THE  HISTORY  OF  ZIONISM 

in  the  Zionist  Organization,  or  in  educational  and  practical  work 
in  Palestine.  Among  the  names  of  note  at  the  Bern  University 
we  may  mention  :  Mossensohn,  Bogratschow,  Jacob  Rabin- 
ovitscz,  Metman-Cohn,  Jochelmann,  Aron  Michael,  Boruchow, 
Isaac,  Loeb  Boruchowitsch,  J.  Becker,  Chissin,  Glikson,  Rabin, 
Salkind,  Melamed,  Klazkin,  Bernstein,  Seleger,  Robinsohn, 
Marschak,  Meir  Pines  and  many  others  ;  in  Geneva  :  Weizmann, 
Harari,  M.  and  Mme.  Aberson,  Grunblatt,  Stupnitzki,  and 
later  Daniel  Pasmanik,  Ben  Ami  Rabinowitsch,  and  others ;  in 
Zurich :  David  Farbstein,  Felix  Pinkus,  Mile.  Reines  (later 
Mme.  Davidsohn) ;  in  Basle  :  Ezekiel  Wortsmann — and  many 

Switzerland,  the  favourite  place  of  students  and  political 
international  workers,  became  of  course  a  great  centre  of  in- 
tellectual Zionist  activity.  The  circumstance  that  the  First 
Zionist  Congress,  as  well  as  most  of  the  following  ones,  took 
place  in  Switzerland,  contributed  much  to  the  importance  of  this 
centre.  The  number  of  Jewish  students  from  Eastern  Europe, 
particularly  owing  to  the  great  facilities  with  regard  to  university 
studies  in  Switzerland  at  that  time  in  comparison  with  other 
countries,  has  for  some  time  been  very  considerable.  The 
pressure  occasioned  by  the  exceptional  restrictions,  which  inter- 
fered with  Jewish  education  in  Russia,  caused  a  steady  increase 
in  this  number,  while,  as  a  natural  and  psychological  effect,  the 
baseness  and  injustice  of  the  restrictions  awakened  in  the  Jewish 
young  men  a  consciousness  of  their  real  position  and  of  the 
necessity  for  a  radical  solution.  It  was  there  that  the  battles 
were  fought  between  the  young,  enthusiastic  champions  of  the 
different  movements  :  Socialists,  Bundists  and  various  schools 
of  Zionism,  conservative,  radical,  political,  practical,  etc. 

All  the  aforementioned  pioneers  could  be  found  at  work  at 
those  different  periods,  and  afterwards.  To  mention  only  a  few 
of  them,  Weizmann's  activities  had  considerably  developed  when 
in  Geneva  ;  Mossensohn,  a  man  of  striking  individuality  and  an 
orator  of  renown,  was  a  most  active  propagandist,  thoroughly 
nationalist ;  he  became  afterwards  professor  and  subsequently 
director  of  the  Hebrew  Gymnasium  at  Jaffa  ;  Metman-Cohn  and 
Bogratschow,  both  widely  read  and  fine  scholars,  also  Marschak 
and  Harari  did  much  to  cause  a  great  revival  of  Hebrew  in 
Palestine  ;  Rabin  is  a  pedagogical  worker  who  did  good  work  in 
Palestine  and  Russia ;  A.  U.  Boruchow,  pre-eminent  among 
Zionist  intellectuals,  took  a  conspicuous  part  in  the  Poale-Zion 
movement ;  Chissin  distinguished  himself  in  practical  work  in 
Palestine  ;  Klazkin,  Boruchowitsch,  Melamed  and  Bernstein  are 
well-known  Hebrew  writers,  most  gifted  and  very  active,  and 
regarded  as  important  in  the  Zionist  Movement ;  Aberson  was 
well  known  as  a  smart  disputant  and  propagandist ;  Stupnitzki 
is  a  thoughtful  Yiddish  publicist ;  J.  Becker,  who  really  belongs 
to  the  Berlin  group,  has  for  many  years  been  most  actively 


engaged  in  the  Movement,  he  has  been  editor  of  the  Welt  and  has 
pubUshed  many  reports  of  the  Congresses  ;  in  the  same  direction, 
and  of  a  similar  character,  was  the  activity  of  Pinkus  ;  Jochelman 
joined,  after  years  of  useful  and  honest  Zionist  work,  the  Terri- 
torialist  movement,  of  which  he  is  one  of  the  leaders  ;  Wortsmann 
is  an  arduous  Zionist  writer  of  inexhaustible  energy.  David 
Farbstein  of  Warsaw  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  pioneers. 
A  very  learned  and  discreet  lawyer,  with  a  mind  stored  with 
useful  information,  and  a  good  Hebrew  scholar,  he  was  highly 
appreciated  at  the  First  Congress,  and  was  able  to  give  valuable 
legal  advice  in  matters  appertaining  to  financial  questions. 
Daniel  Pasmanik  developed  considerable  activity  at  a  later 
epoch  and  devoted  himself  with  exceptional  sincerity  to  propa- 
ganda work  ;  as  a  writer  and  journalist  of  extraordinary  cap- 
abilities and  of  great  vivacity,  he  became  an  invaluable  con- 
tributor to  the  Zionist  press,  particularly  in  Russia.  Lastly,  we 
must  mention  the  Montpellier  group,  with  its  leaders  :  Mohilewer, 
Kalwaryjski,  Buchmil,  Mile.  Tmas  (later  Mme.  Buchmil),  Einhorn, 
Katzmann,  Miss  Ginsberg  (later  Mme.  Krause),  and  others. 

Old  Zionists  will  remember  what  a  significant  impression  the 
appearance  of  the  Montpellier  delegates  created  at  the  First 
Congress.  Later  experiences  confirmed  this  favourable  im- 
pression. Kalwaryjski  is  now  successfully  engaged  as  manager 
of  the  Rothschild  Colonies  in  Upper  Galilee,  in  Palestine ; 
Mohilewer,  the  grandson  of  Rabbi  Samuel  Mohilewer,  worthily 
upholds  the  traditions  of  his  family,  and  occupies  the  post  of  a 
capable  communal  Rabbi  in  Bialystok  ;  Buchmil  is  engaged  in 
propaganda  ;  Katzmann  did  good  work  in  America,  where  he 
lives  ;  and  Einhorn,  an  excellent  agricultural  engineer  and  a  fine 
Hebraist,  has  written  a  very  useful  book  on  this  subject. 

In  Galicia,  the  Movement  can  be  traced  back  to  the  early 
eighties,  and  it  was  closely  connected  with  the  Vienna  Kadima. 
Some  of  the  Galicians  belonged  to  different  groups  in  Germany, 
Switzerland  and  other  countries.  In  later  years  the  Universities 
of  Lemberg  and  Cracow  became  great  centres  of  the  Jewish 
national  movement.  Ruben  Bierer  belonged  to  the  founders  of 
the  Kadima,  also  Birnbaum,  who  is  a  Galician.  Practically  most 
of  the  Vienna  Kadima  students  were  Galicians,  and  also  a  certain 
number  of  the  Berlin  Kadima.  To  the  most  distinguished  Zionist 
leaders  belongs  Mordecai  Braude  of  Lemberg,  who  graduated  at 
Freiburg,  was  Rabbi  at  Stanislau,  and  only  missed  by  a  small 
minority  being  elected  to  the  Austrian  Diet.  He  is  now  Rabbi 
and  Preacher  at  the  Great  Synagogue  in  Lodz,  Poland.  A  man 
of  learning  and  high  character,  he  showed  immense  capacity  for 
Zionist  work,  as  also  in  his  rabbinical  career. 

Stand,  Korkis,  Zipper,  Rabbi  Schmelkes,  Malz,  Schiller  (living 

in  Palestine),  Thon,  Wahrhaftig,  Hausmann,  Waschitz,  Emil 

Reich,    Silbermann,    Kornhauser,    Reis,    Waldmann,    Schorr, 

Zimmermann,  Samuel  Rapaport,  Balaban  and  many  others — 

II. — x 


now  important  Zionist  workers — were  mostly  influenced  by  the 
University  movement.  Stand  has  a  fine  record  as  a  brilliant 
Zionist  and  politician.  He,  with  Mahler,  Straucher  and  the  late 
Gabel,  formed  a  Jewish  National  Club,  composed  of  members 
of  the  Austrian  Parliament.  As  a  political  speaker  he  always 
strove  to  spread  the  truth  concerning  the  Jewish  situation  in  all 
its  purity  and  strength.  Alfred  Nossig,  mentioned  already  in 
another  connection,  also  came  from  Gahcia. 

Although  Zionism  played  an  important  part  in  Western 
Europe,  Russia  has  yet  always  been  the  most  important  centre 
of  Zionist  propaganda.  The  penetration  of  Zionism  into  Uni- 
versity circles  began,  naturally  enough,  in  that  country,  where 
Jewish  life  is  so  real,  where  the  knowledge  of  the  Hebrew  language 
and  of  the  national  past  is  so  widely  diffused,  and  where  the 
persecutions  have  always  been  so  strongly  felt.  There  were 
several  centres  of  the  movement ;  but,  while  one  of  those  centres 
was  considered  the  foremost  as  far  as  national  aspirations  were 
concerned,  and  others  in  other  directions,  there  was  one  that 
seemed  the  most  prominent  from  the  beginning,  and  which 
seemed  destined  to  rank  far  above  the  others,  namely,  Charkow. 

A  Choveve  Zion  group  was  founded  at  Charkow  in  1882,  which 
was  the  Bilu — mostly  composed  of  University  students.  Israel 
Belkind,  the  most  zealous,  true-hearted  and  indefatigable  worker, 
was  one  of  the  first  leaders ;  this  group  was  in  connection  with 
another  Choveve  Zion  Society,  which  was  at  that  time  already  in 
existence  in  Krementhsug,  of  which  David  Levontin  (now 
Managing  Director  of  the  Anglo-Palestine  Company),  one  of  the 
first  Choveve  Zion  of  Russia,  and  one  of  the  first  pioneers  in 
Palestine,  was  the  President.  The  latter  Society  was  in  touch 
with  David  Gordon  in  Lyck,  and  with  some  other  societies 
which  were  already  in  existence  in  various  parts  of  Russia. 
They  were  also  in  touch  with  Jehiel  Brill,  the  editor  of  the  Ha- 
Lebanon,  and  with  M.  Pines  of  Rishnoi.  The  banker  Karassik 
in  Charkow  was  the  Treasurer  of  the  Bilu  Society.  Joseph 
Feinberg,  an  intellectual  communal  worker  and  a  good  linguist, 
who  had  graduated  in  chemistry  in  Switzerland,  was  at  the  time 
in  touch  with  Dr.  Mandelstamm,  in  Kiew,  who  was  greatly  inter- 
ested in  the  movement.  The  Bilu  Society  sent  twenty  pro- 
pagandists all  over  Russia,  with  the  result  that  525  members 
joined.  The  central  office  was  in  Charkow.  The  Society  even- 
tually came  into  touch  with  Dr.  N.  Adler,  Sir  Moses  Montefiore 
and  Laurence  Oliphant.  An  office  was  opened  in  Odessa  and 
another  in  Constantinople,  where  an  Appeal  was  issued  (see 
Appendix  LXXIX,  "  The  Manifesto  of  the  Bilu  (1882)  ").  After 
a  meeting  in  January,  1882,  Levontin  and  Feinberg  were  sent  to 
Palestine  for  the  purpose  of  purchasing  land.  The  negotiations 
with  Oliphant,  who  was  at  that  time  in  Constantinople,  having 
fallen  through,  the  representatives  of  the  Bilu  addressed 
themselves  directly  to  the  Ottoman  Government,  and  were 


received  by  the  Grand  Vezir.  And  Levontin  and  Feinberg, 
having  found  some  suitable  plots  of  land  in  the  South  of  Palestine, 
negotiated  with  the  Bedouins  for  the  purchase  of  them. 

In  June,  1882  (the  7th  of  Tammus),  the  first  Bilu  party, 
consisting  of  fourteen  persons  (among  whom  was  one  girl,  Debora, 
the  sister  of  Israel  Belkind,  now  the  wife  of  Dr.  Chissin),  and  later 
joined  by  further  six  persons,  arrived  in  Palestine.  Grave  diffi- 
culties arose,  however,  in  connection  with  the  formalities  for  the 
purchase  of  the  land.  Meanwhile,  a  number  of  new  pioneers  had 
arrived  also  from  Roumania. 

In  Roumania,  in  1882,  the  Zion  Society  at  Galatz  had  voted 
ten  thousand  francs  towards  the  project  of  the  colonization  of 
Palestine.  At  Jassy  a  committee,  comprised  of  the  most  in- 
fluential members  of  the  Jewish  community,  was  formed  to 
collect  subscriptions  for  the  same  object.  The  Palestine  Colon- 
ization Society  at  Berlad  sent  a  delegate  to  the  Holy  Land  to 
confer  with  the  Governor  on  the  question  as  to  the  purchase  of 
land.  The  office  of  the  Central  Committee  of  the  Society  for 
Promoting  Jewish  Emigration  from  Roumania  (preferably  to 
Palestine)  was  in  Galatz,  under  the  control  of  M.  Samuel  Pineles. 
The  President  was  (in  1882)  M.  Isaac  Lobel,  and  M.  Abeles  at 
Galatz,  M.  Neuschotz  at  Jassy,  M.  Marco  Schein,  L.  Goldberg, 
Dr.  L.  Lippe,  M.  Mattes  and  M.  Weinberg.  Dr.  Moses  Gaster,  at 
that  time  a  young  but  influential  man,  strongly  supported  the 
movement.  On  the  4th  May,  1882,  a  general  meeting  was  held 
at  Jassy  concerning  the  Palestine  Colonization  Scheme.  Laurence 
Oliphant  was  the  central  figure  of  this  assembly,  and  power  of 
attorney  was  given  him  by  the  Committee  to  negotiate  on  their 
behalf  at  Constantinople.  It  was  also  resolved  to  send  a  com- 
mission to  Palestine  to  purchase  land  (E.  Cohn,  Helman,  Denirer- 
man) .  At  that  period  there  were  forty-nine  Palestinian  societies 
in  Roumania.  A  new  Society  was  founded :  "  The  Advanced 
Guard"  ("Chaluzei  Yessod  Ha-Maala")  (see  Appendix  XCI : 
"The  Advanced  Guard"),  with  David  Levontin  as  President, 
F.  M.  Halsoferes,  Treasurer,  A.  N.  Hillel,  A.  Lande,  S.  Sogrisebas 
of  Roumania,  as  members,  and  later  on  S.  A.  Schulman  as 

At  this  period  Mr.  Moore  was  the  British  Consul  at  Jerusalem, 
and  M.  Hayman  Amzulak,  a  respected  Jaffa  citizen,  was  British 
Consular  Agent  at  Jaffa.  The  Choveve  Zion  expected  great  help 
from  England.  M.  Amzulak,  who  was  himself  a  Jew,  took  a 
keen  interest  in  the  movement  and,  evidently  encouraged  by 
Mr.  Moore,  went  to  Constantinople  for  the  purpose  of  helping 
to  surmount  the  difficulties.  Unfortunately,  the  war  in  Egypt 
had  just  broken  out,  and  owing  to  the  strained  diplomatic 
relations  between  Britain  and  Turkey  in  consequence  of  the 
occupation  of  Egypt,  the  moment  did  not  prove  opportune  for 
the  intentions  of  M.  Amzulak  and  Laurence  Oliphant.  It  looked 
as  if  in  that  way  nothing  could  be  done.    At  last  3300  Dunan 


were  bought  at  Rishon,  but  new  funds  were  much  needed. 
M.  Amzulak  was  elected  Honorary  President  of  the  *'  Advanced 
Guard/'  and  appeals  were  sent  to  England.  Meanwhile  new 
groups,  which  despatched  their  envoys  to  several  countries,  were 
formed.  In  April,  1882,  M.  Hirsch  Braun  and  M.  Isaac  Temkin 
of  Elizabethgrad,  Russia,  proceeded  to  Vienna,  Paris  and  London 
on  behalf  of  150  families  of  Elizabethgrad,  comprising  nine 
hundred  persons  in  all,  who  had  raised  a  fund  of  thirty  thousand 
roubles  for  the  purpose  of  migrating  to  Palestine.  But  this  plan 
and  similar  schemes  were  still  in  an  undeveloped  stage,  while  the 
Bilu  business,  which  had  already  been  started,  was  really 
pressing.  The  Company  wanted  a  loan  of  thirty  thousand  francs. 
In  1883  M.  Feinberg  was  delegated  to  go  abroad  to  get  this  loan. 
He  went  first  to  Vienna,  where  the  Choveve  Zion  Society  (called 
"  Ahirath  Zion  "),  with  Perez  Smolenskin,  Dr.  Schnirer  and 
Kremenezky  was  already  in  existence.  M.  Feinberg  was  intro- 
duced to  various  committees  which  promised  contributions, 
provided  the  Paris  Choveve  Zion  would  head  the  list.  M.  Fein- 
berg went  to  Paris  holding  letters  of  introduction  from  the 
former  teacher.  Professor  Herman  Schapiro,  to  M.  Zadoc  Cahn, 
the  Grand  Rabbin  of  France,  and  was  well  received  by  the  French 
rabbi,  who  got  him  in  touch  with  M.  Michel  Erlanger.  In  that 
way  he  was  introduced  to  the  Alliance  Israelite,  and  to  Baron 
Edmond  de  Rothschild,  and  succeeded  in  getting  the  required 

This  was  practically  the  first  colonization  experiment  of 
Jewish  immigrants.  The  die  was  cast.  The  nucleus  of  coloniza- 
tion by  immigrants  had  been  formed.  This  pioneer  group  natur- 
ally could  not  remain  very  long  in  that  place,  because  it  was  badly 
suited  for  that  purpose.  There  were  no  means,  skill,  method,  or 
experience.  Great  privation  was  endured.  The  Httle  group 
soon  found  itself  in  a  deplorable  condition  ;  some  of  them,  over- 
whelmed by  hardships,  anxiety,  disappointment  and  despair, 
had  to  leave ;  but  the  "  survival  of  the  fittest  "  prevailed. 
Some  went  to  Mikveh  Israel,  where  they  worked  as  farm 
labourers,  others  to  Katra,  twenty-five  miles  south-west  of  Jaffa, 
where  M.  Pines  had  bought  some  three  hundred  Dunam  of  land 
for  them.  But  the  fact  remains  that  these  students  and  ideahsts 
were  the  first  in  the  field  as  Palestinian  colonizers.  The  present 
writer  had  the  moral  satisfaction  to  meet  survivors  of  these 
pioneers  in  Palestine  six  years  ago  :  the  old-experienced  settlers, 
M.  Tschernow  in  Rishon  L'Zion  and  M.  Leibowitz  in  Katra,  and 
Israel  Belkind,  the  most  enthusiastic  worker — aU  three  veterans 
of  the  struggle  for  the  survival  on  the  land. 

But  all  these  difiiculties  only  stimulated  the  efforts  of  other 
new  pioneers.  The  Bilu  stirred  up  the  enthusiasm  of  all  noble- 
minded  Jewish  students  at  the  Russian  Universities. 


(2)  Modern  Hebrew  Literature 

The  necessarily  brief  outline  in  the  text  may  be  supplemented 
by  some  account  of  the  principal  figures  in  Hebrew  literature 
during  the  last  generation,  llie  names  are  in  alphabetical 

Ben-Avigdor  (Schalkowitsch,  1866),  born  in  Warsaw,  was 
Secretary  of  the  Bnei  Mosheh,  for  some  years  assistant  manager 
of  the  Publication  Society,  Achiasaf,  and  founded  in  1897  the 
new  Publication  Company,  Tushiah,  which  has  published 
hundreds  of  new  Hebrew  books,  particularly  in  the  domain  of 
education.  His  idea  was  to  create  a  popular  Hebrew  literature, 
and  he  has  greatly  stimulated  Hebrew  writing  and  Hebrew 
education.  He  is  himself  a  successful  and  prolific  Hebrew 

S.  Benzion  (Gutman),  born  in  Russia,  has  done  important 
literary  and  pedagogical  work  in  Odessa,  and  during  the  last  few 
years  in  Palestine.  He  is  one  of  the  best  Hebrew  writers  of  our 
time  ;  his  stories  are  remarkable  for  beauty,  charm  and  vividness 
of  language.  He  has  contributed  to  many  Hebrew  reviews  and 
newspapers,  and  has  co-operated  in  the  publication  of  Achiasaf, 
Tushiah,  and  Moriah,  chiefly  in  the  domain  of  pedagogical  litera- 
ture. He  was  also  editor  of  the  excellent  review  Moledeth  at 
Jaffa.  A  selection  of  his  sketches  and  tales  was  published  not 
long  ago. 

M.J,  Berditchevski  is  an  original  stylist  and  a  prose-poet  of 
great  sensibility  and  mystic  beauty,  distinguished  especially  for 
his  gift  of  allegory.  His  mode  of  thought  is  original,  sometimes 
eccentric,  but  always  spiritual. 

Simon  Bernfeld,  born  in  Galicia,  and  graduated  in  Germany. 
He  is  one  of  the  most  prolific  and  distinguished  of  Hebrew  writers. 
During  the  last  years  of  David  Gordon's  life  he  was  a  regular 
contributor  to  Hamagid,  and  after  Gordon's  death  was  for  a 
time  editor  of  that  paper.  At  that  time  he  ardently  supported 
Jewish  nationalism  and  the  Choveve  Zion,  After  a  couple  of 
years  as  Chief  Rabbi  at  Belgrade  he  returned  to  Germany  and 
devoted  himself  entirely  to  literary  and  journalistic  work,  mostly 
in  Hebrew.  He  has  been  a  regular  contributor  to  the  Hebrew 
press  all  over  the  world.  He  has  written  also  a  large  number  of 
books  on  history  and  the  philosophy  of  religion,  and  many  bio- 
graphies. His  vast  erudition  and  his  popular  style  have  won  him 
a  prominent  place  in  Hebrew  literature. 

Reuben  Brainin,  born  in  Russia,  has  lived  in  Vienna  and  in 
Berlin,  and  is  now  in  the  United  States.  He  is  a  critic,  essayist 
and  publicist .  His  contributions  to  the  Hebrew  press,  as  well  as 
his  biographies  of  Mapu,  Smolenskin  and  others,  have  won  him 
a  high  place  in  this  domain  of  letters.  His  style  is  fresh  and 
easy,  and  distinguished  by  correctness  and  taste.    He  edited 


Mimisrach  Umimaarav,  and  has  written  novels  and  treatises  of 
great  literary  value.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  the  national 
movement  in  Vienna,  and  was  in  the  closest  connection  with 
the  Kadima  and  Herzl. 

R.  A.  Broides,  born  in  Russia,  belonged  to  the  old  Wilna 
school.  He  had  a  pure  and  pleasant  Hebrew  style,  and  wrote 
some  novels  of  value.  He  contributed  to  Hashachar,  and  was 
afterwards  sub-editor  of  Gottlober's  Ha'boker  Or  in  Lemberg. 
He  worked  for  the  Zionist  movement  in  Galicia  and  Vienna,  and 
wrote  several  articles  for  the  propaganda  of  Zionism.  He  died 
in  Vienna  in  1902. 

M.  M.  DoLiTZKY,  born  in  Bialystok,  Russia,  lived  for  many 
years  in  America.  He  was  a  contributor  to  Ha'shachar  and 
Ha'melitz,  and  wrote  several  novels  and  essays,  as  well  as  poems 
full  of  Zionist  enthusiasm.  Critics  may  differ  as  to  the  exact 
literary  value  of  his  poems,  but  there  is  no  doubt  as  to  their 
depth  of  feeUng  and  beautiful  Biblical  style. 

Drujanow,  born  in  Russia,  active  in  Odessa,  in  Palestine  and 
in  Wilna,  belongs  to  the  most  prominent  representatives  of 
"  cultural  "  Zionism.  He  was  Secretary  of  the  Choveve  Zion  in 
Odessa,  lived  a  few  years  in  Palestine  and  acquired  a  high  and 
well-deserved  literary  reputation  as  editor  of  Ha'olam.  A 
conscientious  pubhcist,  of  consistent  and  independent  judgment, 
with  an  admirable  mastery  of  the  Hebrew  language,  he  is  an 
intellectual  worker  in  the  best  sense  of  the  term.  Besides  his 
work  as  a  publicist,  he  has  written  some  excellent  essays. 

MoRDECAi  Ehrenpreis,  bom  in  Gahcia,  graduated  in  Germany, 
was  Rabbi  in  Esseg,  Austria,  then  Chief  Rabbi  in  Sofia,  Bulgaria, 
and  is  now  Chief  Rabbi  in  Stockholm.  He  is  a  Hebrew  nation- 
alist of  genius  and  experience,  many-sided,  with  international 
associations  and  wide  knowledge.  He  belonged  to  the  Nationalist 
Students'  Association  in  Berlin,  and  has  been  in  the  Zionist 
Organization  since  the  first  Congress,  at  which  he  played  a  promi- 
nent part.  He  represents  the  intellectual  and  spiritual  side  of 
the  movement.  A  man  of  clear  judgment  and  of  strong  character, 
he  is  very  active  in  important  work  connected  with  the  inter- 
national Jewish  problem.  In  Hebrew  Uterature  he  is  one  of  the 
best  critics  and  essayists.  He  writes  excellent  Hebrew,  and  has 
sound  literary  judgment. 

Eleasar  Eisenstadt,  bom  in  Russia,  was  Rabbi  at  Rostow, 
and  is  now  official  and  communal  Rabbi  at  St.  Petersburg.  As  a 
student  at  Berlin,  where  he  graduated,  he  was  one  of  the  most 
enthusiastic  of  the  young  nationalists.  Endowed  with  a  keen 
perception,  and  intimately  acquainted  with  the  life  of  the 
Russian  Ghetto,  he  is  a  master  of  anecdote,  and  has  turned  his 
gift  to  account  in  a  series  of  Hebrew  tales.  A  many-sided  and 
energetic  communal  worker,  particularly  interested  in  Jewish 
education  (in  which  he  was  formerly  engaged  at  St.  Petersburg), 
he  enjoys  a  wide  popularity. 


Zalman  Epstein,  of  Odessa,  now  in  Warsaw,  who  belonged  to 
the  Achad  Ha' am  circle,  and  was  Secretary  of  the  Choveve  Zion 
in  Odessa,  is  an  ardent  nationalist  and  a  zealous  worker  for 
the  Jewish  revival.  He  contributed  during  several  years  to 
Ha'melitz  and  other  Hebrew  periodicals.  His  productions  are 
distinguished  by  a  vivid,  nervous  style,  and  by  a  deep  earnestness 
of  conviction.  An  acute  controversialist,  with  a  strong  predilec- 
tion for  traditional  ideas,  he  has  written  several  articles  against 
the  extravagances  of  modernism. 

A.  S.  Friedberg  (Har  Shalom),  born  in  Grodno,  lived  in 
St.  Petersburg  and  in  Warsaw.  He  was  one  of  the  most  popular 
Hebrew  writers  of  his  time.  He  wrote  with  ease  and  elegance  and 
was  at  one  time  considered  the  successor  of  Mapu,  particularly 
for  his  translation  of  Grace  Aguilar's  Vale  of  Cedars — into  Hebrew, 
Emek  Ha'arazim.  He  possessed  a  wonderful  Hebrew  style,  and 
had  the  closest  acquaintance  with  current  Jewish  affairs.  A 
convinced  and  enthusiastic  nationalist,  he  was  a  member  of  the 
editorial  staff  of  Ha'melitz,  afterwards  of  Ha'zefirah,  and  of  the 
first  volume  of  the  Hebrew  Encyclopaedia,  and  became  ultimately 
one  of  the  principal  writers  of  the  Achiasaf,  for  which  he  wrote  a 
series  of  popular  books. 

S.  I.  FucHS,  born  in  Russia,  graduated  in  Switzerland,  and  was 
a  scholar  of  great  versatility  and  deep  learning.  As  a  student  he 
belonged  to  several  nationalist  students'  associations  and  was 
distinguished  by  his  earnestness  and  high  moral  sense.  His 
treatises  dealing  with  Jewish  historical  and  literary  topics  are  of 
enduring  value.  He  was  one  of  the  assistant  editors  of  Ha'magid 
and  had  a  considerable  share  in  the  propaganda  of  Zionism. 

S.  J.  HuRWiTz,  born  in  Russia,  a  Hebrew  writer  of  marked 
individuality.  A  learned  Talmudist,  with  considerable  erudition 
in  ancient,  mediaeval  and  modern  literature,  a  keen,  inquiring 
and  independent  thinker,  he  pursued  "  Jewish  science  "  and 
historical  studies  in  a  way  which  often  brought  him  into  collision 
with  established  and  accepted  traditions.  He  contributed  to 
several  reviews,  and  edited  his  own  review,  He'atid.  He  is  a 
devoted  champion  of  the  Hebrew  revival. 

Wolf  Javitz,  born  in  Warsaw,  scholar  and  writer,  is  a  master 
of  the  Hebrew  language,  in  the  knowledge  of  which  he  has  few 
equals.  A  student  of  extraordinary  assiduity,  he  has  amassed  a 
vast  fund  of  erudition,  which  is  revealed  in  the  writings  of  his 
later  years.  An  enthusiastic  nationalist  and  Chovev  Zion,  and 
at  the  same  time  an  upholder  of  strict  traditional  principles, 
he  is  the  most  eloquent  interpreter  of  the  national  idea  in  the 
spirit  of  traditional  Judaism.  He  lived  for  several  years  in 
Palestine,  and  has  written  several  books.  Many  years  ago  he 
began  writing  a  complete  History  of  the  Jews,  of  which  several 
volumes — works  of  great  learning — have  already  appeared. 

Isaac  Kaminer,  born  in  Russia,  was  a  physician  and  a  prolific 
contributor  to  the  Hebrew  press.     His  essays,  causeries  and 


parodies  are  distinguished  by  skill  and  "temperament."  His 
poems  are  full  of  fight  and  an  honest  zeal  for  the  Jewish  national 
cause.  He  had  an  original  and  entirely  free  metrical  and  rhyth- 
mical system.  A  selection  of  his  works  appeared  posthumously 
in  Odessa  (1907),  with  an  introduction  by  A  chad  Ha' am. 

Aaron  Kaminka,  born  in  Russia,  studied  abroad,  mostly  in 
Paris.  He  contributed  regularly  to  Ha'melitz,  Ha'zefirah,  and 
several  reviews.  He  also  translated  classical  poems  and 
wrote  original  verses.  He  took  a  considerable  share  in  the 
Choveve  Zion  movement,  preaching  with  great  zeal  the  spiritual 
progress  of  the  nation,  and  emphasizing  the  importance  of  a  living 
Hebrew  language.  He  was  then  appointed  Rabbi  in  Slavonia, 
afterwards  at  Prague.  He  joined  the  Zionist  movement,  but  left 
it  through  a  difference  of  opinion.  He  has  since  become  Secretary 
of  the  Israelitische  Allianz  at  Vienna,  for  which  he  has  travelled 
much.  He  has  published  records  of  his  travels,  as  well  as  a 
selection  of  his  Hebrew  poems. 

Dr.  J.  C.  Katzenelsohn  (1848-1917)  [Buki  hen  Yogli) 
wrote  essays  and  short  stories  which  are  literary  jewels.  His 
scientific  works  in  Hebrew  are  unequalled  for  learning  and 
mastery  of  style. 

A.  S.  Kerschberg,  of  Bialystok,  Russia,  is  a  Hebrew  scholar 
and  writer  of  great  ability.  He  has  contributed  to  Ha'zefirah  and 
Ha'shiloach,  and  has  written  treatises  deaUng  with  talmudical 
matters.  An  ardent  nationalist,  he  has  been  connected  with  the 
Choveve  Zion  movement  since  it  began.  He  has  lived  in  Palestine 
and  has  published  his  observations  and  experiences  in  an  inter- 
esting pamphlet. 

Joseph  Klausner,  born  in  Odessa,  a  graduate  of  Heidelberg, 
is  one  of  the  most  prominent  disciples  of  Achad  Ha' am,  whom 
he  succeeded  in  the  editorship  of  Ha'shiloach.  A  devoted  Chovev 
Zion  and  a  keen  Hebraist,  he  commenced  Hebrew  journalistic 
work  in  his  earliest  youth.  At  Heidelberg  and  elsewhere  he 
assisted  in  the  formation  of  the  Nationalist  Students'  Association, 
in  which  he  took  a  leading  part.  He  has  done  valuable  work  in 
the  field  of  BibUcal  and  historical  studies.  He  was  for  many  years 
lecturer  at  the  Rabbinical  College  in  Odessa.  Palciitinian 
nationahsm  and  culture  based  upon  Hebrew  tradition  are  the 
guiding  principles  of  his  numerous  publicistic  writings.  He  is  a 
pioneer  of  Palestinian  Hebrew  education.  The  impressions  of 
his  last  visit  to  Palestine  are  given  in  his  Olam  Mithhaveh 
(A  World  in  Evolution). 

L.  Levinski,  born  in  Russia,  Uved  during  the  most  important 
period  of  his  life  in  Odessa,  where  he  was  a  prominent  member  of 
the  Choveve  Zion,  of  the  editorial  staff  of  Ha'shiloach,  of  the 
Moriah,  of  the  Zionist  Synagogue  Javneh,  and  other  institutions. 
His  quaint  felicity  of  style,  continual  flow  of  wit,  and  easy, 
vivacious  narrative  won  him  a  great  reputation  as  a  satirist.    He 


contributed  to  the  Hebrew  press  f  euilletons  and  reviews  of  current 
events,  and  also  wrote  some  pamphlets  of  value.  A  selection 
of  his  works  has  been  published  since  his  death  by  the  Moriah. 

MoRDECAi  Zevi  Mane  was  born  in  the  village  of  Radosh- 
kevitsch,  in  Russia.  He  studied  at  the  Academy  of  Arts  in  St. 
Petersburg,  and  won  distinction  as  a  gifted  painter,  a  Hebrew  poet, 
and  an  excellent  writer  in  prose.  He  contributed  to  He'assif 
and  Knesseth  Israel.  Though  he  may  not  rank  among  the 
Olympians,  he  produced  in  his  modest  way  many  a  Zionist  poem 
of  enduring  worth.  He  died  young,  and  a  collection  of  his  works 
appeared  posthumously  (Warsaw,  1907). 

David  Neumark,  of  Galicia,  studied  at  Berlin,  and  was  one  of 
the  most  original  and  prominent  figures  in  nationalistic  students' 
circles.  After  having  graduated,  he  was  appointed  Rabbi  at 
Rakowitz,  Austria,  where  he  officiated  for  a  few  years.  He 
entered  the  Zionist  Organization  and  became  a  loyal  and  zealous 
worker,  with  a  strong  inclination  towards  "  cultural "  Zionism. 
He  soon  devoted  himself  to  philosophy,  and,  besides  his  History 
of  Jewish  Philosophy,  first  written  in  German,  he  contributed  a 
series  of  philosophical  articles,  written  in  an  elaborate  and  exact 
style,  to  Ha'shiloach.  He  also  wrote  other  essays  of  value.  Later 
he  was  appointed  Professor  at  the  Cincinnati  Hebrew  Union 
College,  where  he  has  pursued  his  educational  and  literary 

Saul  Pinchas  Rabinowitsch  (Schefer)  (1875-1911)  won  a 
very  prominent  place  among  the  distinguished  pioneers  of  Zionism 
in  Russia,  as  well  as  among  the  ablest  and  most  popular  Hebrew 
writers  and  publicists.  He  devoted  many  years  of  his  life  to  the 
propaganda  of  the  Choveve  Zion  movement,  and  was  for  many 
years  Secretary  of  the  Warsaw  Choveve  Zion.  He  was  an  ardent 
and  active  Zionist  from  the  very  beginning  of  the  Zionist  Organ- 
ization. In  close  connection  with  Rabbi  Mobile ver,  Leo  Pinsker 
and  Alexander  Zederbaum,  he  often  travelled  on  important 
missions,  maintaining  a  world-wide  correspondence  with  hundreds 
of  Jewish  leaders  and  writers,  and  occupied  principally  with 
Choveve  Zion  affairs,  but  also  with  Russian- Jewish  affairs  gener- 
ally, particularly  during  the  period  of  the  pogroms.  He  was  a 
zealous  and  devoted  Jewish  national  worker,  was  assistant  editor 
of  the  Hazefirah,  1857-80,  contributor  to  several  Hebrew  and 
other  newspapers,  editor  of  the  year-book  Knesseth  Israel,  one  of 
the  editors  of  the  first  volume  of  the  Hebrew  Encyclopaedia 
Ha-Eschkol,  and  author  of  many  monographs  and  biographies.  His 
greatest  work  was  the  Hebrew  translation  of  Graetz'  History  of 
the  Jews  (with  many  valuable  original  additions  of  Harkavy  and 
of  other  scholars,  as  well  as  of  his  own). 

J.  Ch.  Rawnitzki,  born  in  Russia,  author  and  educationist, 
whose  activity  has  lain  mostly  in  Odessa,  has  for  many  years  been 
engaged  in  Hebrew  literary  work  of  a  nationalist  character  in  the 
Choveve  Zion  movement.    He  edited  Ha'pardes,  contributed  to 


several  reviews,  and  is  one  of  the  principal  editors  and  authors 
working  for  the  Moriah  in  Odessa. 

A.  J.  Slutzki,  bom  and  living  in  Russia,  was  an  able  and 
shrewd  Zionist  publicist.  He  contributed  to  Ha'melitz  under 
J.  L.  Gordon,  and  actively  assisted  the  Choveve  Zion  propaganda.  ^ 

O.  Taviev,  born  in  Russia,  lives  in  Moscow.  He  is  one  of  the 
most  prominent  Hebrew  journahsts,  authors  and  educationists. 
He  is  one  of  the  originators  of  the  modern  Hebrew  style.  For 
several  years  he  contributed  regularly  to  Ha'melitz  and  other 
Hebrew  papers  and  reviews.  He  has  written  causeries  and  critical 
essays  in  an  easy  and  pleasant  style,  and  has  also  translated 
some  works  of  helles  lettres.  His  principal  services,  however, 
lie  in  the  domain  of  pedagogy. 

Joshua  Thon,  bom  in  Galicia,  now  Rabbi  and  preacher  at  the 
temple  of  the  Jewish  Congregation  at  Cracow,  took  an  active  part 
in  the  Students'  national  movement  as  a  student  in  Berlin,  where 
he  graduated,  and  distinguished  himself  by  great  learning  and 
strength  of  character.  A  convinced  Zionist  and  an  enthusiastic 
champion  of  Hebrew,  he  entered  the  Zionist  Organization,  of 
which,  owing  to  his  oratorical  powers  and  personal  influence,  he 
is  one  of  the  most  active  leaders.  Besides  his  numerous  writings 
in  PoUsh  and  in  German,  he  is  a  Hebrew  writer  of  value,  and  his 
essays,  mostly  published  in  Ha'shiloach,  exhibit  a  considerable 
critical  faculty. 

Chaim  Tschernowitz,  bom  in  Russia,  had  a  thorough  talmudic 
education,  was  Rabbi  in  Odessa,  then  studied  at  a  German 
University  and  graduated  in  Switzerland.  His  contributions  to 
Ha'shiloach,  under  the  nom  de  plume,  Rav  Zaair  (A  young  Rabbi), 
attracted  attention  by  the  broadminded  views  and  compre- 
hensiveness of  historical  sense  in  dealing  with  religious  and 
ritual  matters  which  they  disclosed.  He  has  also  written 
historical  and  talmudic  sketches.  He  was  for  several  years 
Principal  of  the  Odessa  Rabbinical  College.  He  is  in  the  closest 
touch  with  the  Choveve  Zion  movement,  and  is  one  of  the  leaders 
of  those  nationalistic  Rabbis  who  unite  faithfulness  to  the 
old  traditions  with  a  modern  spirit  of  science  and  critical 

HiLLEL  Zeitlin,  bom  in  Russia,  active  in  Wilna,  and  more 
recently  in  Warsaw,  was  one  of  the  editors  of  the  Wilna  Ha'zman, 
to  which  he  contributed  valuable  essays  and  articles.  A  Tal- 
mudist  of  emdition,  an  authority  on  Chassidism,  a  semi-mystic 
enthusiast  endowed  with  a  poetical  imagination,  a  master  of  the 
Hebrew  language  and  of  the  forms  and  methods  of  modern 
literature,  he  achieves  a  degree  of  pathos  and  beauty  unsurpassed 
in  modern  Hebrew  literature.  He  joined  the  Zionist  movement, 
but  afterwards  identified  himself  with  TerritoriaUsm.    In  recent 

*  He  was  killed,  together  with  his  wife,  in  a  pogrom  which  took  place 
at  Novograd  Sieversk  in  191 8. 


years  he  has  gone  over  to  the  Yiddish  press,  of  which  he  is  one 
of  the  most  gifted  and  influential  writers. 

Other  Hebrew  writers  worthy  of  mention  are  Joshua  Steinberg, 
from  a  scientific  point  of  view  one  of  the  most  important  of  the 
Hebraists  of  Russia  ;  Bendetsohn,  who  exceeded  Mapu  in  biblical 
purity  of  language  in  the  form  of  an  ideaUstic  prose ;  Moses 
Reichersohn ;  Mordecai  Wohlmann ;  T.  E,  Epstein ;  A.  B. 
Gottlober,  the  popular  poet,  superficial  yet  clear  and  graceful ; 
Eleazer  Ha-Cohen  Zweifel,  the  sweet  Midrash-like  moralist, 
homiletical  critic  and  essayist ;  the  wonderful  modem  novelists 
Feuerstein,  Jehuda  Steinberg,  Berschadski  and  Grassin  ;  Eleasar 
Atlas  the  sharp-witted  critic,  M.  A.  Schatzkes,  who  notwith- 
standing his  loquacity  had  a  rich  style  and  some  good 
ideas,  and  his  other  protagonist  in  the  same  field  of  Agada- 
explanation ;  Jehouda  Schereschewski,  distinguished  by  his 
concentrated  calm — and  their  followers  ;  Weissberg ;  Dubze- 
vitch ;  Edelman  ("Adulami");  Maskileison ;  the  learned  and 
thoughtful  Joseph  Rosenthal ;  the  serious  scholars  Jacob  Bach- 
rach  ;  A.  I.  Bruck  ;  David  Kahane  ;  Salomon  Mandelkern,  the 
industrious  scholar  and  skilled  poet  who  translated  Byron's 
Hebrew  Melodies  with  masterly  skill ;  Slominsky  ;  Lichtenfeld ; 
Lipkin  ;  Medalie ;  Barasch  ;  Y.  MarguHes ;  Hirsch  Rabinovitch  ; 
and  Sosnitz,  who  introduced  natural  science  into  Hebrew  litera- 
ture ;  J.  L.  Kantor ;  Proser ;  Silberman ;  J.  Kohn  Zedek ; 
Werber ;  Frumkin  ;  Fischer ;  Ch.  L.  Markom ;  Joseph  Brill, 
masters  of  journalistic  style — all  these  writers  and  many,  many 
others  were  the  precursors  of  the  revival  of  Hebrew.  Jn  this 
connection,  special  mention  must  be  made  of  some  of  the  living 
writers  who,  though  not  showing  any  special  nationalistic  or 
Zionist  tendency,  have  greatly  contributed  to  the  enrichment 
and  development  of  the  Hebrew  language  and  hterature. 

Great  attention  and  acknowledgment  are  due  to  David  Fisch- 
mann,  the  charming  poet,  the  brilliant  causeur  and  essayist,  the 
wonderful  critic  who  deals  in  a  witty  way  with  the  most  serious 
questions,  the  translator  of  many  works  of  science  and  fiction ; 
to  the  old  Hebrew  noveUst  and  poet,  Nathan  Samuely,  whose 
poetry  is  replete  with  sweetness  and  harmony  ;  to  the  greatest 
of  Jewish  historians,  bibliographers  and  critics  of  world-wide 
fame.  Dr.  Abraham  Harkavy ;  the  learned  Israelsohn ;  the  able 
Abraham  Cahan ;  the  Talmudist,  N.  A.  Getzow ;  the  learned 
and  thoughtful  Heller ;  the  ingenious  scholar  and  mathe- 
matician, Ch.  J.  Bornstein  (who  translated  Hamlet  into  Hebrew) ; 
the  bibliographer,  Wiener ;  the  orientahst,  Isaac  Marcon ;  the 
studious  T.  Ratner,  magid ;  the  old  writer  of  lyric  impulse, 
I.  L.  Levin  (Jehabel),  a  poet  and  publicist  of  merit ;  the  critic 
and  essayist,  A.  J.  Paperna,  one  of  the  last  representatives  of  the 
old  school ;  the  able  journaHst  and  talmudical  critic,  Benzion 
Katz ;  the  talented  modem  novelists :  Brenner,  Schofman, 
Berkowitsch,  Kaabak  ;   Sneur,  the  young  poet  of  vigour  and 


ardour,  noble  spirit  and  bold  fancy,  who  refreshed  Hebrew  poetry 
by  a  new  stream  of  modern  fiction  ;  and  Isaac  Katzenelsohn, 
Ben  Schimon,  Heftmen,  Pinski  and  others,  who  gave  us  sunny 
thoughts  and  beautiful  pictures,  in  which  deUcacy  of  taste  is 
accompanied  by  versatile  and  roaming  fancy.  Shalom  Asch,  the 
greatest  in  the  coterie  of  the  artists  of  the  PoHsh  Ghetto,  gave  us 
some  of  his  tales  in  Hebrew  ;  the  gifted  Abraham  Reisin,  a 
master  of  Yiddish,  and  the  talented  Numberg,  who  masters  the 
Hebrew  language,  and  who  besides  writing  essays  and  tales  of 
value  in  Hebrew  worked  hard  and  successfully  in  Hebrew 
journalism,  have  contributed  very  much  to  the  modernization  of 
Hebrew  literature.  And,  as  regards  the  two  greatest  stars  of  the 
Yiddish  literature,  "  J.  L.  Peretz "  and  S.  Rabinowitsch 
("  Scholom  Aleicham  "),  whose  loss  we  so  deeply  lament,  and 
whose  undying  names  belong  to  the  chief  glories  of  our  literature 
of  the  present  age,  it  is  well  known  that  both  of  them  were  partly 
Hebrew  poets  and  writers  of  considerable  genius. 

Finally,  there  are  Ben  Ami  Rabinowitzch  (Mark  Jakovlevitch), 
born  in  Russia,  lived  in  Odessa,  and  now  in  Geneva,  Switzerland, 
who  is  one  of  the  best  writers  of  fiction  on  Jewish  life  in  Russia. 
His  writings  breathe  a  noble  passion  of  love  for  the  Jewish  people, 
his  observations  are  those  of  a  high-minded  man  and  an  artist, 
and  are  full  of  national,  noble  emotion.  He  joined  the  Zionist 
movement  from  its  very  beginning. 

Vladimir  Jabotinski,  born  in  Odessa,  studied  in  Russia,  in 
Italy  and  in  Austria,  and  graduated  at  Petrograd,  is  a  brilliant 
journalist  and  an  orator  of  great  eloquence  and  power.  He  is  a 
contributor  to  great  Russian  newspapers,  and  has  estabUshed  a 
reputation  as  correspondent  and  an  essayist  of  admirable  skill. 
He  worked  with  great  devotion  and  success  in  the  Zionist  pro- 
paganda. Having  acquired  a  sound  knowledge  of  Hebrew,  he 
translated  Bialik's  poems  into  Russian,  and  wrote  also  some 
articles  in  Hebrew. 

It  will  also  be  interesting  to  mention  that  the  famous  Russian- 
Jewish  writer  of  the  last  generation,  Lewanda,  who  was  one  of 
the  representative  writers  of  the  period  of  enlightenment,  during 
his  successful  literary  career  adhered  in  the  last  years  of  his  fife 
to  the  national  idea,  and  supported  the  Choveve  Zion  move- 

It  is  impossible  to  enumerate  all  the  Hterary  and  educational 
representatives  of  the  National  Revival  in  Palestine  ;  but  a  few 
names  of  note,  in  addition  to  those  which  have  already  been 
mentioned,  cannot  be  omitted. 

Israel  Belkind  has  given  proof  of  considerable  Hterary  abiUty 
in  a  series  of  pamphlets  dealing  with  Palestine.  J.  Menuchas, 
who  was  bom  and  is  still  hving  in  Jerusalem,  is  a  prominent 
contributor  to  the  Hebrew  press,  as  well  as  an  excellent  teacher. 
Ahroni,  the  zoologian,  a  scholar  of  renown,  is  pursuing  his  ideal- 
istic, scientific  work  at  Rechoboth.    Isaac  Epstein  now  lives  in 


Switzerland,  but  he  is  in  spirit  and  style  decidedly  a  Palestinian. 
He  lived  for  years  in  seclusion,  in  a  rustic  tent  among  the  hills  of 
Upper  GaUlee,  and  wrote  his  work  by  the  light  of  heaven.  He 
remained  faithful,  as  few  priests  have  ever  remained  to  their 
calling,  a  priest  of  the  Hebrew  language,  which  was  revealed  to 
him  in  all  its  beauty.  M.  Scheinkin,  the  devoted  and  popular 
worker,  is  a  prolific  publicist.  Freimann,  the  old  settler  of  Rishon, 
writes  excellent  books.  Aronovitz,  with  his  contributors,  made 
the  Ha-Poel  Ha-Zaiv  one  of  the  best  Hebrew  weeklies  which 
have  ever  existed  ;  the  Ha-Omer  and  the  Moledet,  splendid 
magazines,  had  a  real  Palestinian  charm.  (Of  the  last-mentioned 
the  excellent  essayist,  pedagogical  writer  and  poet,  Fischmann, 
was  recently  the  editor.)  The  numerous  and  various  writings  of 
Ben-Zion  Guttman  have  been  added  to  in  Palestine ;  the 
"  Waad  Ha-Lashon  "  (Committee  for  the  Language)  at  Jerusalem, 
with  YeUin,  Ben  Yehouda,  Zouts,  Dr.  Mazie  and  others,  has 
done  good  work.  Nearly  all  the  specialists  in  agriculture  and  in 
medicine  write  in  Hebrew ;  and  Brenner,  the  most  modern 
belles-lettres  writer  in  Jerusalem. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  new  Hebrew  schools  brought  into  the 
country  a  host  of  intellectual  workers :  Metman-Cohn,  Bograt- 
schow,  Turow,  Mossinsohn,  Alexander  Rabinowitsch,  Lurie, 
Zutta,  Segal,  Schiller,  Ladyshewski,  Marschak,  Biram,  Tachower, 
Rosenstein,  Ziphroni,  Feldmann,  Mowschensohn,  Ozerkowsky, 
JehieU,  Papper.  Others  added  merely  their  young  modern 
efforts  to  the  briUiant  abilities  of  a  Yellin  or  of  that  admirable 
type  of  a  national  educator  represented  by  Vilkomitsch  at 
Yessod  Ha-Maaleh.  All  these  pioneers  are  inspired  Zionists, 
and  they  are  paving  the  way  for  a  great  Revival. 

In  addition  to  these  writers,  the  following  prominent  Hebrew 
journalists  may  be  mentioned  : — 

Abraham  Loudvipol,  a  writer  of  great  ability  and  strength  of 
conviction,  who  became  editor  of  the  Ha'zofeh;  Moses  Klein- 
mann,  a  shrewd  journalist,  and  a  publicist  of  sound  judgment ; 
Samuel  Tschernowitz  (the  brother  of  Chaim  Tschernowitz),  a 
journalist  of  a  high  order,  who  worked  with  great  success  for 
Ha'zefirah  and  Ha'zman  ;  Nahum  Syrkin,  a  wholehearted  Zionist, 
an  orator  and  a  publicist  of  keen  observation,  and  an  eloquent 
exponent  of  the  national  idea,  author  of  hundreds  of  articles, 
sketches,  causeries  and  speeches^;  N.  J.  Frenk,  a  moderate  and 
consistent  publicist  of  wide  experience,  who  takes  a  leading  part 
in  the  work  of  Ha'zefirah  ;  and  S.  Jatzkan,  at  present  editor  of 
the  Haint,  formerly  a  contributor  to  Hamelitz  and  Ha'zefirah,  a 
zealous  journalist  and  fighter  :  and  among  those  of  the  older 
generation,  M.  Braunstein  of  Roumania  ("  Mibaschan  "),  master 
of  a  flowery  and  elaborate  biblical  style,  author  of  many  peda- 
gogical books,  but  best  known  by  his  innumerable  contributions 

^  He  died  in  191 8  at  Kiew. 


to  the  Hebrew  press ;  Lazar,  the  able  editor  of  Hamitzpeh  in 
Cracow  ;  M.  M.  Pross  of  Warsaw,  a  judicious  writer  of  causeries 
and  criticisms  in  the  old  style  ;  Ch.  Z.  Zagorodzki  of  Warsaw, 
a  pohshed  Hebrew  stylist,  author  of  several  fine  sketches,  for 
many  years  one  of  the  principal  collaborators  of  Ha'zefirah  ; 
Shimon  Volkov,  a  talmudical  parodist  with  a  peculiar  style  of  his 
own  ;  Dr.  Berkowitz,  of  Vienna,  a  Jewish  scholar  and  an  excellent 
Hebrew  writer,  who  was  at  one  time  Hebrew  Secretary  of  the 
Vienna  Zionist  Organization  and  a  regular  contributor  to 
Ha'zefirah ;  M.  Rabinsohn,  author  of  several  sketches  and 
translator  for  Ha'zman  and  Ha'zefirah ;  Z.  Prilutzki,  an  old 
Choveve  Zion  writer  and  worker.  These  and  many  others  have 
perhaps  done  more  to  make  Zionism  popular  by  their  everyday 
work  as  journalists  than  many  authors  of  books. 

Other  contributors  to  modern  Hebrew  journalism  are  :  Leon 
Rabinowitsch,  who  was  editor  of  Ha-Melitz  in  Petrograd  after 
Zederbaum  ;  S.  Rosenfeld,  who  afterwards  came  into  prominence 
as  a  Yiddish  publicist ;  J,  E.  Triwusch  of  Wilna  ;  Samuel  Leib 
Zitron  of  Wilna  ;  the  late  Hirsch  Neimanowitsch  and  M.  Weber 
of  Warsaw  ;  E.  Goldin  of  Lodz  ;  J.  D.  Berkowitsch,  now  in  New 
York ;  P.  Lachover  of  Warsaw ;  Hermoni  of  Palestine ;  and 
E.  D.  Finkel  of  Warsaw.  To  the  new  Hebrew  pedagogical 
literature :  Ch.  D.  Tawiow  of  Riga,  Salomon  Berman,  P. 
Kantorowitz,  A.  Libuschitzki  of  Warsaw,  P.  Berkman  of  Lodz, 
and  the  two  great  Yiddish  poets  Simon  Frug  of  Odessa  and 
Jehoasch  of  New  York  have  played  important  parts  in  the 
awakening  of  the  national  feeUng. 


Note  upon  the  Alliance  Israelite  Universelle  and  the 
Anglo- Jewish  Association 

In  considering  the  relationship  of  the  Alliance  Israelite  Univer- 
selle and  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association  to  the  Jewish  National 
Movement,  regard  should  be  had  to  the  foundation  period  of 
these  institutions,  when  not  only  were  those  associated  with  their 
establishment  men  of  Jewish  Nationalist  sympathies,  but  their 
activities  were  met  by  similar  criticism  to  that  which  has  con- 
fronted the  Zionist  leaders  of  recent  years.  Time  has  brought 
about  a  change  in  the  personnel  of  the  leadership  of  the  Alliance 
and  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association,  but  it  is  useful  to  bear  in 
mind  that  this  change  is  simply  personal  and  that  there  is 
nothing  changed  in  principle  in  the  organizations  which  should 
prevent  them  being  expressive  of  that  nationaUst  spirit,  charac- 


teristic  of  their  earlier  days.  M.  Charles  Netter,  Dr.  Abraham 
Benisch,  Dr.  Albert  Lowy  and  Mr.  Baron  Louis  Benas,  j.p. 
(M.  Netter,  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Alliance,  Dr.  Benisch, 
Dr.  Lowy  and  Mr.  Benas,  associated  with  the  establishment  of 
the  Anglo- Jewish  Association)  were  all  men  of  Jewish  Nationahst 
sympathies.  M.  Netter  is  permanently  identified  with  the  foun- 
dation of  the  Mikveh  Israel  Agricultural  School  near  Jaffa,  the 
foster-mother  of  the  Jewish  Colonies  of  Palestine.  Dr.  Benisch, 
to  whom  the  suggestion  of  an  Anglo- Jewish  Association  on  the 
lines  of  the  Alliance  Israelite  was  made  by  Mr.  Benas,  who  had 
estabhshed  in  Liverpool  the  first  branch  of  the  Alliance  in 
England  in  1867,  enthusiastically  took  up  the  idea  and  became 
the  organizer  of  the  English  institution  founded  three  years 
later.  The  formation  of  the  first  English  branch  of  the  Alliance 
at  Liverpool  called  forth  in  1868  at  the  end  of  its  first  year's 
work  the  highest  appreciation  of  M.  Cremieux.  Dr.  Benisch  had 
in  his  student  days  inaugurated  with  Dr.  Lowy  and  Professor 
Steinschneider  a  Zionistic  movement,  and  in  the  foundation  of 
the  Anglo- Jewish  Association  the  two  former  saw  the  possibilities 
of  the  realization  of  many  of  the  hopes  and  aspirations  of  their 
youth.  Mr.  Benas,  Dr.  Benisch  and  Dr.  Lowy  were  active  propa- 
gandists on  behalf  of  the  Association.  Mr.  Benas  and  Dr.  Lowy 
were  members  of  the  International  Palestine  Committee  which 
was  formed  in  1878  on  the  recommendation  of  the  Palestine 
Section  of  the  International  Jewish  Conference  held  that  year  in 
Paris,  and  of  which  section  Mr.  Benas  was  one  of  the  two  English 
representatives,  the  other  being  the  Rev.  S.  Jacobs.  The  Pales- 
tine Section  undertook  to  institute  an  examination  of  the  general 
condition  of  the  Jews  in  the  East  and  especially  of  the  Jews  in 
Palestine  with  a  view  of  effecting  such  improvements  as  might 
be  needful,  that  country  being  known  to  several  members  who 
had  visited  it  at  various  times.  This  section  had  the  advantage 
of  being  attended  by  delegates  from  both  Europe  and  America. 
This  section  of  the  Conference  resolved  **  That  the  Alliance  be 
requested  to  bring  about  the  formation  of  a  special  commission 
on  Palestine.  This  Committee  is  to  be  composed  of  persons  of 
every  country  who  take  an  interest  in  the  welfare  of  brother 
Israelites  and  in  the  prosperity  of  the  Holy  Land."  On  its 
formation,  the  Committee  was  entrusted  with  the  establishment 
of  new  schools  and  particularly  the  control  of  the  Institution 
Mikveh  Israel.  The  report  significantly  added,  "  in  entrusting 
the  control  of  this  Agricultural  School  to  the  Committee,  with  the 
view  of  further  aiding  in  the  development  of  that  Institution, 
the  Alliance  would  obtain  a  solid  basis  for  its  civilizing  action  " 
(Anglo- Jewish  Association,  8th  Annual  Report,  pp.  30,  36).  In 
1885  Mr.  Benas  and  the  late  Chief  Rabbi,  Dr.  Hermann  Adler, 
visited  Palestine  together.  En  route  they  had  an  interview  with 
Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild  in  Paris,  at  whose  request  materials 
were  collected  for  a  report  of  the  condition  of  Jewry  in  the 


Ancient  Jewish  Homeland.  The  late  Chief  Rabbi  gave  an  oral 
account  of  the  educational  institutions  in  Palestine  to  the  Execu- 
tive Committee  of  the  Association.  Mr.  Benas'  "  Report  of  his 
Travels  in  the  East "  wsls  published  as  an  Appendix  to  the 
Fourteenth  Annual  Report  of  the  Association.  The  Report, 
which  drew  from  the  historian  Graetz  a  most  appreciative  letter 
to  the  author,  disclosing  Graetz'  strong  Zionistic  sympathies, 
is  not  only  valuable  as  one  of  the  few  historical  documents  in 
EngUsh  giving  a  contemporary  account  of  the  early  renascence 
of  Jewish  life  in  Palestine  by  a  Jewish  writer,  but  because  of  its 
accurate  forecasting  of  the  conditions  of  future  development, 
the  revival  of  Hebrew  as  a  living  language  being  particularly 
noted.     The  following  are  extracts  from  the  report : — 

"Jaffa.  Jaffa  was  reached  on  April  26th,  and  I  at  once,  in 
company  with  Dr.  Adler,  visited  the  Mikveh  Israel  or  Agricul- 
tural School.  The  director,  Monsieur  Hirsch,  happened  to  be 
absent  at  Aleppo,  but  we  were  received  by  the  sub-director, 
M.  Haim, 

The  whole  neighbourhood  of  Jaffa  is  most  charming,  full  of 
the  choicest  exotics,  whilst  palms,  citrons,  and  oranges  luxuriate 
everywhere.  The  vines  are  in  splendid  condition.  Everything 
seems  to  flower  there  in  profusion,  even  wild  roses  and  poppies 
in  the  cornfields,  whilst  the  fig  takes  the  place  of  our  bushes  and 
thickets.    There  are  some  charming  properties  about  Jaffa. 

As  far  as  a  model  farm  and  beautifully  cultivated  garden  is 
concerned,  the  Mikveh  Israel  holds  its  own  with  any  institution 
of  its  kind,  I  would  almost  say,  in  Europe,  and  is  a  perpetual 
monument  of  the  efforts  of  the  late  Mons.  Netter. 

There  are  240  hectares,  mostly  under  cultivation.  They  pro- 
duced excellent  wine,  which,  I  am  informed,  is  sold  at  a  good 
profit.  They  have  oranges,  lemons,  and  various  other  fruit  trees, 
besides  cereals.  The  technical  instructor,  M.  Klotz,  an  Alsatian, 
told  me  that  there  is  considerable  promise  for  the  estate.  There 
are  now  thirty-five  pupils  in  the  school,  one  of  whom  is  a  Moslem. 
They  have  a  carpenter's  shop,  where  three  boys  are  at  constant 
work.  They  have  thirty  cows — ten  giving  a  full  supply  of  milk  ; 
they  have  eight  calves,  two  horses  and  ten  mules  to  assist  the 
agricultural  operations,  and  a  good  supply  of  water  and  a  com- 
plete system  of  irrigation. 

Everything  in  the  establishment  is  thoroughly  well  kept.  We 
were  shown  through  the  dormitories,  and  found  twelve  slept  in 
each  room,  but  the  chambers  were  tolerably  large. 

Jerusalem.  I  arrived  at  Jerusalem  on  the  night  of  the  27th 
April.  The  first  thing  that  strikes  the  visitor  is  the  fact  that 
Jerusalem  is  a  Jewish  city.  The  Jewish  population  has  so 
steadily  increased  as  to  tower  head  and  shoulders  above  all 
others ;  this  can  best  be  noticed  on  a  Sabbath,  when  almost  all 
the  streets  and  bazaars  are  silent.  The  native  born  Jewish 
population  are  in  physique  superior  to  their  European  co- 


religionists ;  they  are  taller,  more  dignified,  and  are  decidedly 
of  a  handsome  type.  I  am  indebted  for  my  statistics  to  M, 
Nissim  Behar  and  the  banker,  M.  H.  Valero,  both  of  these 
estimable  gentlemen  being  natives  of  Jerusalem.  The  total 
population  of  Jerusalem  is  about  35,000.  There  are  conflicting 
accounts  as  to  the  Jewish  population ;  some  put  it  at  20,000, 
others  at  18,000. 

There  are  two  Jerusalems,  the  one  within  the  walls  of  the 
city,  the  other  outside  the  Jaffa  Gate,  which  has  sprung  into 
existence  during  the  last  five  or  six  years,  and  inhabited  almost 
exclusively  by  Jews.  I  am  undervaluing  rather  than  exag- 
gerating when  I  state  that  the  villas  and  residences  outside  the 
city  are  quite  equal  in  neatness  and  in  their  inviting  aspect  to 
some  of  the  best  parts  of  the  Cheshire  side  of  the  Mersey,  which 
they  much  resemble. 

The  Asiatic  Jews  are  wealthy,  and  have  mostly  emigrated 
from  the  neighbourhood  of  Batoum,  Poti  and  Tiflis.  Their 
residences  might  almost  be  described  as  attaining  a  degree  of 
positive  comfort.  They  are  a  large  community,  and  are  quite 
independent  in  their  means  ;  they  have  their  own  rabbi,  and 
give  considerable  assistance,  when  required,  to  their  more  in- 
digent co-religionists.  These  Jews  are  scrupulously  clean  in 
their  habits,  are  above  the  average  height,  and  their  flowing 
robes  of  spotless  white  cashmere  betoken  at  once  their  manners. 
Credit  must  also  be  given  to  the  Montefiore  Testimonial  Fund 
Buildings,  which,  if  small,  are  decidedly  clean  and  well  kept, 
especially  those  tenanted  by  the  Sephardi  Jews — a  great  number 
of  tenements  having  been  built  through  the  aid  afforded  by  this 
fund.  There  are  also  the  buildings  of  the  Meah  Shearim,  a  kind 
of  building  society,  who  have  erected  a  large  square  block  of 
tenements,  which  compare  favourably  with  artisans'  dwellings 
in  Lancashire  cities. 

The  Judah  Touro  houses  outside  the  city  walls  are  fairly  well 
kept,  but,  of  course,  the  more  modern  houses  have  the  advan- 
tage of  superior  construction.  The  defects  in  earlier  construc- 
tions have  here  been  carefully  avoided. 

The  Yemen  Jews  are  very  poor  ;  they  present  a  most  pecu- 
liar ethnological  type.  They  have  a  very  dark  complexion, 
almost  of  a  deeper  shade  than  that  of  the  Arabs  ;  they  have 
beautifully  chiselled  features,  lustrous  eyes,  are  most  simple  in 
their  piety  and  devotion  to  the  Holy  City.  They  still  retain 
their  manuscript  prayer  books,  which  Dr.  Adler  states  are  most 
interesting.  I  saw  a  Yemen  woman  with  her  child  working  in 
the  heat  of  the  sun  at  what,  in  Lancashire,  would  be  termed 
navvy's  work,  and  at  the  close  of  the  day  saw  the  clerk  of  the 
works  give  her  sixty  centimes  as  her  daily  wages.  They  were  in 
terrible  distress  at  first  and  slept  in  caverns,  but,  thanks  to  the 
exertions  of  Mr.  Marcus  Adler,  who  raised  a  fund  in  England, 



they  are  building  cottages  on  the  hillside  upon  which  they  work 
themselves,  and  owing  to  their  thrifty  habits  and  aptitude  for 
labour,  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  their  worst  difficulties  are  passed, 
and  that  they  will  attain  some  degree  of  independence.  There 
are  two  sets  of  tenements  being  built  for  them,  the  one  by  the 
London  Committee  and  the  other  by  the  help  of  the  Society 
called  Ezrath  Nedachim.  I  may  add,  the  Yemen  Jews,  both 
male  and  female,  dress  exactly  like  the  native  Arabs,  from  whom 
they  are  hardly  distinguishable. 

When  I  write  upon  the  Jewish  tenements  in  the  interior  of 
the  city  my  report,  of  course,  must  be  less  favourable.  I  took 
the  means  of  going  alone  with  M.  Valero,  when  unexpected,  into 
some  of  the  back  streets  and  slums  of  Jerusalem ;  I  dropped 
into  various  houses  here  and  there,  and  saw  matters  from  a 
practical  point  of  view.  It  is  most  unfair  for  any  one  coming 
from  Princes  Park,  Liverpool,  or  Kensington,  London,  or  the 
Champs  £lys6es,  in  Paris,  instituting  a  comparison  between 
those  neighbourhoods  and  the  lanes  of  Jerusalem.  But  I  main- 
tain that  the  old  streets  of  Marseilles  and  Florence,  the  Ghetto 
in  Rome,  the  labyrinths  in  Naples,  and  the  slums  of  Venice,  are 
infinitely  worse  than  the  worst  slums  of  Jerusalem.  Nay,  more, 
I  maintain  that  the  old  Judengasse  in  Frankfort,  the  Judengasse 
in  Worms,  and  some  of  the  by-lanes  in  Vienna  are  decidedly  no 
better  than  those  of  Jerusalem.  They  are  more  ancient  and 
grimy  than  dirty ;  the  absence  of  timber,  and  the  constant 
employment  of  stone  for  building  purposes  in  Old  Jerusalem, 
gives  a  rough  and  jagged  appearance  to  the  walls,  but  there  is 
nothing  except  the  absence  of  drainage  (and  that  is  the  same  in 
every  continental  city,  whether  it  be  in  France,  Italy,  or  Austria) 
that  calls  for  especial  condemnation,  nay,  the  dingy  tenements 
inside  Jerusalem,  inhabited  by  the  Sephardi  Jews,  are  made 
presentable  by  a  considerable  use  of  clean  white  calico  hung 
over  the  walls  and  covered  over  their  simple  furniture  and 

The  future  prospects  of  Jerusalem  rest  entirely  with  the 
rising  youth,  and  I  shall  speak  later  on  of  the  enormous  value 
and  high  hopes  I  entertain  of  the  Lionel  de  Rothschild  School, 
conducted  by  the  admirable  and  excellent  director,  M.  Nissim 
Behar,  of  whose  devotion,  ability,  and  conscientiousness  nothing 
too  much  can  be  said. 

The  Lionel  de  Rothschild  School,  or  "  Institution  Israelite 
pour  Instruction  et  Travail,"  contains  140  pupils,  all  boys.  The 
institution  is  singularly  fortunate  in  possessing  M.  Behar  as  its 
chief.  To  be  able  to  effect  good  work  in  Jerusalem  it  is  almost 
imperative  to  be  a  native  of  the  city.  A  teacher  from  England, 
France,  or  Germany  who  has  longings  for  Europe  or  his  native 
land,  however  able  he  may  be,  or  however  zealous,  is  incapable 
of  infusing  enthusiasm  in  his  pupils,  and  when  one  is  found  like 
M.  Nissim  Behar,  who  is  a  man  of  great  culture,  and  combines 


Parisian  refinement  with  an  ardent  love  and  patriotism  for  the 
city  in  which  he  was  born,  and  feels  that  he  has  a  mission  to 
perform  and  is  perfectly  oblivious  to  pecuniary  advantages,  it  is 
to  have  already  gained  half  the  victory.  Everything  is  neat, 
clean,  and  methodical. 

The  hours  of  instruction  are  from  8  o'clock  until  12,  and  from 
I  to  5. 

I  shall  devote  my  report  principally  to  the  course  of  technical 
education,  with  which  I  believe  the  future  prosperity  of  the 
Jews  of  Jerusalem  is  bound  up. 

The  Technical  School  contains  a  forge,  a  carpenter's  shop,  a 
cabinet-maker's  bench,  a  tailor's  department,  a  shoemaker's 
shop,  a  turner's  lathe,  a  school  of  art  for  modelling,  drawing, 
and  sculpture,  and  a  gymnasium  for  physical  development. 

Of  these  schools,  the  forge,  the  carpenter's  shop,  and  the  school 
of  art  have  produced  capital  results  ;  we  saw  Jewish  lads,  who 
have  only  been  a  few  weeks  at  the  classes,  making  some  excel- 
lent sketches,  and  in  order  to  test  their  genuineness  gave  them 
several  impromptu  subjects  to  execute  in  our  presence,  which 
they  did  admirably. 

The  Forge  is  another  successful  institution. 

Although  the  French  language  is  the  medium  of  tuition  and 
the  general  language  adopted,  Hebrew  is  used  side  by  side,  not 
only  as  a  language  of  prayer,  but  also  as  a  means  of  conversa- 
tion. French,  as  a  medium  of  intercommunication  amongst 
Europeans  and  officials,  is  very  much  required  in  the  East. 

The  Girls'  School — Evelina  de  Rothschild  Institute — contains 
184  girls. 

Hebron.  I  regret  to  have  to  report  very  adversely  upon  the 
condition  of  our  co-religionists  in  Hebron.  The  pleasure  and 
hopefulness  I  experienced  in  Jerusalem  present  a  marked  con- 
trast to  the  disappointment  I  felt  at  the  abject  position  of  the 
Jews  in  the  City  of  Abraham. 

I  met  several  Jews  on  the  road  who  were  trading  with  the 
neighbouring  villages  in  butter  and  cheese ;  of  course  their 
profits  would  be  exceedingly  smaU.  The  soil  around  Hebron  is 
most  fertile,  and  the  natural  resources  of  the  immediate  neigh- 
bourhood decidedly  good. 

I  venture  to  think  that  it  is  not  eleemosynary  aid  that  will 
do  any  real  good  for  them.  Food  of  all  kinds  and  wine  of  a  good 
quality  is  abundant  and  very  cheap.  I  believe  the  Jews  would 
work  hard  if  taught  what  to  do.  Technical  and  general  educa- 
tion would  very  soon  transform  an  abject  congregation  into  a 
happy  and  prosperous  community." 

Mr.  Benas  delivered  a  large  number  of  lectures  upon  the 
subject  of  his  visit  to  Palestine  and  granted  many  interviews, 
all  of  which  helped  to  arouse  interest  on  behalf  of  the  budding 
Jewish  Hfe  in  the  Ancient  Homeland.  In  its  earUest  days  the 
Anglo- Jewish  Association  received  from  members  of  the  Board 


of  Deputies  criticism  not  unakin  to  that  which  in  later  days 
members  of  the  Board  levelled  at  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association. 
In  those  days  the  Board  was  oligarchic,  assimilative,  and  insular 
in  outlook,  while  the  Anglo- Jewish  was  popular,  national  and 
world- Jewish — true  to  the  motto  Dnnn  ^ir\^'>  >>D.  If  to-day, 
while  the  Association  cannot  be  called  insular  there  are  those 
who  would  ascribe  to  it  the  characteristic  of  the  Board  of 
Deputies  of  earlier  days,  signs  are  not  wanting  of  a  change 
towards  the  original  outlook,  particularly  among  the  branches. 
It  is  in  fairness  due  to  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association  to  bear  in 
mind  that  the  Public  Demonstration,  the  Conference,  the  Inter- 
national gatherings  for  Jewish  purposes  now  a  phenomenon  of 
everyday  life  in  Jewry  owe  to  the  Association  and  the  Alliance 
their  origin.  To  both  no  inconsiderable  share  of  the  foundation 
and  the  interest  in  the  Western  world  in  ,the  foundation  of  the 
Jewish  colonies  in  Palestine  may  justly  be  credited.  Thus  the 
organizations  and  those  who  established  them  merit  the  recog- 
nition and  the  gratitude  of  all  who  hold  to  the  Jewish  national 
ideal  and  strive  for  its  fulfilment. 

[The  Reports  of  the  Alliance  Israelite  Universelle  and  the 
Anglo- Jewish  Association  contain  much  valuable  material  for  the 
History  of  the  Resettlement  in  Palestine.] 



An  Appeal  of  the  Berlin  K a  dim  a 

In  1891  the  Russian  Jewish  Students'  Colony  in  BerHn  submitted 
to  the  International  Committee  for  the  assistance  of  the  Russian 
Jews  a  memorandum,  in  which  they  urged  the  Committee  to  use 
its  endeavours  to  divert  the  stree.m  of  Jewish  emigration,  and, 
above  all,  of  well-to-do  emigrants,  from  America  to  the  Holy 
Land.  The  document  is  of  very  great  interest.  What  is  called 
the  wave  of  emigration,  say  the  writers,  is  not  so  much  emigration 
as  flight.  Only  well-organized  colonization  can  prove  a  remedy 
in  the  present  calamity.  A  Jewish  peasantry  must  be  founded, 
consisting  not  only  of  the  poor,  but  to  a  great  extent  also  of  the 
middle  and  intelligent  classes.  Palestine  is  the  only  country 
which  affords  the  possibility  of  attaining  that  aim,  because 
(i)  Palestine  itself,  and  especially  Galilee  and  the  land  on  the 
other  side  of  the  Jordan,  and  also  Syria  and  Mesopotamia, 
contain  an  amount  of  land  ready  for  sale  and  scarcely  populated. 
The  settlement  of  Jews  there  cannot  meet  with  any  objection. 
The  Turkish  Government  will  not  only  tolerate,  but  favour  the 
immigration,  if  properly  organized.  An  additional  advantage  is 
that  in  the  near  future  no  competition  need  be  feared,  because 
other  emigrants,  as  a  rule  poor  people,  are  not  attracted  by  an 
uninhabited,  uncultivated  country.  (2)  The  soil  is  fertile 
everywhere.  Where  no  corn  can  be  grown,  wine  can  be  produced. 
The  Jewish  wine-growers  in  Palestine  will  shortly  be  able  to 
compete  in  the  markets  of  Europe,  and  will  greatly  shake  the 
monopoly  of  other  wines.  The  climate  of  Palestine  is  as  healthy 
as  that  of  Italy,  so  that  invalids  will  go  there  on  the  recommenda- 
tion of  their  physician  instead  of  to  Italy.  In  the  colony  Rishon 
Le'Zion,  which  was  founded  about  nine  years  ago,  there  has 
been  up  till  now  only  one  death,  although  there  are  between 
three  hundred  and  four  hundred  people  living  there.  (3)  It  is  the 
only  country  able  to  create  a  peasantry,  because  there  is  no  trade 
there.  It  is  true  that  in  other  countries  also  the  Jews  will  at  first 
turn  to  agriculture  ;  they  will  watch  for  anything  offering  them 
the  means  of  subsistence.  But  a  great  portion  will  always  be 
anxious  to  settle  in  the  towns  and  again  apply  themselves  to 
trade,  whereas  in  Palestine  the  colonists  will  be  compelled  to 
persist  in  agricultural  pursuits.  Thus,  in  America,  the  colonists 
have  gradually  returned  to  the  cities  after  millions  have  been 
wasted.  But  in  Palestine  the  colonies  founded  by  Baron  Edmond 
de  Rothschild  and  by  the  efforts  of  the  colonists  themselves  are 
in  a  most  thriving  condition.  Of  course,  the  fact  that  the 
Jews  are  animated  by  love  for  Palestine  and  inspired  by  the 
many  associations  connected  with  the  country  must  not  be  over- 
looked.    Only  in  a  country  where  every  stone   bears  biblical 



reminiscences  the  labour  is  sweet  to  them.  This  idealistic  motive 
will  assist  in  turning  traders  into  agriculturists.  It  is  to  this  idea 
that  some  twenty  larger  and  smaller  colonies  owe  their  existence. 
It  is  owing  to  this  motive  that  the  great  Palestine  Committee  in 
Odessa,  under  the  presidency  of  Dr.  Pinsker,  is  able  annually  to 
give  land  and  tools  to  Jewish  peasants  to  the  value  of  200,000 
frcs.,  that  there  is  in  Jaffa  an  Executive  Committee,  presided 
over  by  the  engineer  VI.  Temkin,  that  in  London  enormous 
meetings  are  being  held  in  favour  of  the  Palestine  idea,  that 
Umited  companies  have  arisen,  like  the  Dorsche  Zion  in  Minsk, 
in  Kovno,  in  Bialystok,  in  Wilna,  as  well  as  in  Warsaw,  Riga, 
etc.,  which  intend  to  buy  land  in  Palestine  for  their  members, 
to  be  repaid  to  them  by  instalments.  (4)  The  more  civilized  and 
intelligent  class  of  Russian  Jews  will  also  be  induced  to  go  to 
Palestine  for  the  purpose  of  following  agricultural  pursuits. 

The  students  concluded  by  saying  that  they  were  willing  to 
seek  for  happiness  and  safety  by  readily  submitting  to  the 
harvest  labour  in  the  fields  of  Palestine.  "  Then  we  shall  be 
enabled  to  pass  a  happy  life,  for  enthusiasm  will  make  our  paths 
straight,  and  provide  us  with  a  healthy  courage.*'  The  document 
bore  sixty-four  signatures. 


The  Jewish  Colonies  in  Palestine 

(The  figures  are  taken  mostly  from  the  Report  of  the  Jewish  Colonisation 
Association  for  1910.) 






I.    JUDEA. 

Mikveh-TsraeP         .          .          . 





Mozah    ..... 










Katra     .          .          .          .          . 








1 190 







Jehudie  ..... 





Ekron  (Mazkeret  Mathya) 





Kastinieh         .... 





Rehobot           .... 









Ben  Shemen    .... 





Bir  Jakob        .... 





Ain  Ganim       .... 










1     nni Hjr'i i_    T 1     /^_1 i_    - 

•i J 1 

__j 'J-     _ir 

T_,<T_         ^_ 

j^i J  t 

*  The  Mikveh  Israel  Colony  is  situated  outside  of  Jaffa,  to  the  south. 
The  Alliance  Israilite  Universelle  has  here  a  fine  and  large  agricultural 
school  for  Jews.    At  the  time  of  our  visit — in  191 4 — about  150  pupils  were 











IT.  Samaria. 

Zichron  Jacob 









Schweja           .... 




Hedera  . 





Kefar  Saba      . 
















III.  Galilee. 

Rosh-Pinah     .... 





Yessod  Ha-Maaleh  . 





Mishmar  Ha-Yarden 





Ain-Seitun       .... 




Metula    . 





Sedjera  . 













Mescha  . 















Delaika  . 



Mizpah  . 









Migdal    . 










Poriah    . 





IV.  Trans-jordania. 

Bene  Yehuda  .... 





enrolled.  Some  of  them  we  found  in  the  well-kept  garden,  weeding  and 
hoeing.  Others  were  engaged  in  planting  through  a  newly  planted  vine- 
yard. Still  another  group  were  piling  brush  and  rubbish  ;  while  a  con- 
siderable number  were  in  classrooms  undergoing  just  then  an  examination 
in  the  theoretical  branches  of  study.  They  were  a  fine  and  manly-looking 
lot  of  young  men  and  boys,  mostly  Russian- Jews.  The  glow  of  health  was 
on  their  cheeks.  They  had  none  of  the  hunted  and  depressed  look  which 
has  been  imprinted  upon  millions  of  Jews  by  persecution  and  oppression. 
It  seemed  to  us  that,  in  a  minor  sense,  these  young  Jews  were  already 
lifting  up  their  heads  because  of  the  drawing  nigh  of  the  redemption  of 
their  land  and  their  nation.  They  looked  as  though  it  afforded  them  great 
satisfaction  to  till  the  soil  of  the  land,  which  some  day  must  be  the  happy 
home  of  their  people.  There  was  a  quiet  modesty,  coupled  with  justifiable 
pride,  in  their  bearing. 



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The  Manifesto  of  the  Bilu  (1882) 

In  1882,  in  a  little  lodging-house  in  Galata,  Constantinople,  a 
meeting  of  young  Jews  was  held.  Most  of  those  present  were 
students,  artisans  or  scholars.  The  assembly  resulted  in  the 
formation  of  a  Society  called  Bilu,  from  the  initials  of  the  words  : 
Beth  lakoh  Lechu  Venelcha  (House  of  Jacob,  come,  let  us  go!). 
The  Society  had  many  branches,  each  bearing  some  name  well 
known  in  Jewish  history,  as  Kreti  U'phleti,  There  was  an 
artisans'  branch,  called  He'charash  Ve'hamasger  (carpenters  and 
locksmiths).  From  headquarters  was  issued  the  following 
manifesto  (in  Hebrew)  : — 

"  To  our  Brethren  and  Sisters  in  the  Exile,  Peace  be  with  you  1 
*'  *  If  I  help  not  myself,  who  will  help  me  ?  '  (Hillel). 

"  Nearly  two  thousand  years  have  elapsed  since,  in  an  evil  hour, 
after  an  heroic  struggle,  the  glory  of  our  Temple  vanished  in  fire 
and  our  Kings  and  chieftains  changed  their  crowns  and  diadems 
for  the  chains  of  exile.  We  lost  our  country,  where  dwelt  our 
beloved  sires.  Into  the  Exile  we  took  with  us,  of  all  our  glories, 
only  a  spark  of  the  fire,  by  which  our  Temple,  the  abode  of  our 
Great  One,  was  engirdled,  and  this  little  spark  kept  us  alive 
while  the  towers  of  our  enemies  crumbled  to  dust,  and  this  spark 
leapt  into  celestial  flame  and  shed  light  upon  the  faces  of  the 
heroes  of  our  race  and  inspired  them  to  endure  the  horrors  of  the 
Dance  of  Death  and  the  tortures  of  the  autos-da-f6.  And  this 
spark  is  now  again  kindling  and  will  shine  for  us,  a  true  pillar  of 
fire  going  before  us  on  the  road  to  Zion,  while  behind  us  is  a 
pillar  of  cloud,  the  pillar  of  oppression  threatening  to  destroy  us. 
Sleepest  thou,  O  our  nation  ?  What  hast  thou  been  doing 
till  1882  ?  Sleeping  and  dreaming  the  false  dream  of  Assimilation. 
Now,  thank  God,  thou  art  awakened  from  thy  slothful  slumber. 
The  Pogroms  have  awakened  thee  from  thy  charmed  sleep. 
Thine  eyes  are  open  to  recognize  the  cloudy  structure  of  delusive 
hopes.  Canst  thou  listen  silently  to  the  flaunts  and  the  mockery 
of  thine  enemies  ?  Wilt  thou  yield  before  the  might  of  ...  ? 
Where  is  thine  ancient  pride,  thine  olden  spirit  ?  Remember 
that  thou  wast  a  nation  possessing  a  wise  religion,  a  law,  a 
constitution,  a  celestial  Temple,  whose  wall  is  still  a  silent 
witness  to  the  glories  of  the  Past,  that  thy  sons  dwelt  in  Palaces 
and  towers,  and  thy  cities  flourished  in  the  splendour  of  civiliza- 
tion, while  these  enemies  of  thine  dwelt  like  beasts  in  the  muddy 
marshes  of  their  dark  woods.  While  thy  children  were  clad  in 
purple  and  fine  linen  they  wore  the  rough  skins  of  the  wolf  and 
the  bear.    Art  thou  not  ashamed  to  submit  to  them  ? 


"  Hopeless  is  your  state  in  the  West ;  the  star  of  your  future  is 
gleaming  in  the  East.  Deeply  conscious  of  all  this,  and  inspired 
by  the  true  teaching  of  our  great  master  Hillel :  *  If  I  help  not 
myself,  who  will  help  me  ? '  we  propose  to  build  the  following 
society  for  national  ends  : — 

**  I.  The  Society  will  be  named  Bilu,  according  to  the  motto  : 
*  House  of  Jacob,  come,  let  us  go  ! '  It  will  be  divided  into  local 
branches  according  to  the  number  of  members. 

'*  2.  The  seat  of  the  Committee  shall  be  Jerusalem. 

"3.  Donations  and  contributions  shall  be  unfixed  and  un- 

"  What  we  want : — 

"  I.  A  Home  in  our  country.  It  was  given  to  us  by  the  mercy 
of  God,  it  is  ours  as  registered  in  the  archives  of  history. 

"2.  To  beg  it  of  the  Sultan  himself,  and  if  it  be  impossible  to 
obtain  this,  to  beg  that  at  least  we  may  be  allowed  to  possess 
it  as  a  state  within  a  larger  state  ;  the  internal  administration 
to  be  ours,  to  have  our  civil  and  political  rights,  and  to  act  with 
the  Turkish  Empire  only  in  foreign  affairs,  so  as  to  help  our 
brother  Ishmael  in  his  time  of  need. 

"  We  hope  that  the  interests  of  our  glorious  nation  will  rouse 
the  national  spirit  in  rich  and  powerful  men,  and  that  everyone, 
rich  or  poor,  will  give  his  best  labours  to  the  holy  cause. 

"  Greeting,  dear  brethren  and  sisters. 

"  Hear,  O  Israel,  the  Lord  our  God,  the  Lord  is  one,  and  our 
Land,  Zion,  is  our  own  hope. 

'*  God  be  with  us  !  "  The  Pioneers  of  Bilu. 

The  last  survivors  of  the  Bilu  still  in  Palestine  are  :  Israel 
Belkind,  S.  Belkind,  Mrs.  Feinberg  {nee  Belkind),  Dr.  Chissin, 
Drubin,  Swerdloff,  Leibowitz,  Hurwitz  and  Zaladichin. — Of  the 
veterans  of  the  ChovevS  Zion  Colonization  we  met  in  1914 — to 
mention  only  a  few — Gissin  in  Petach  Tikvah,  the  Stamper 
family  (Stamper  was  one  of  the  first,  and  the  most  energetic 
settlers,  he  came  from  Roumania)  ;  Shalit,  Meerowitz,  Tubman, 
Freimann  in  Rishon  ;  Idelowitz,  now  in  Alexandria,  managing 
the  "  Carmel  "  Wine  business  ;  Eisenberg,  Goldin,  Hirschen- 
sohn,  Mme.  Basia  Makow  in  Rechoboth,  and  of  the  old  "  Menu- 
cha  Ve-Nachla "  (the  Warsaw  Colony)  settlers  :  Bucharski, 
Padua,  Weinstein,  Bresner,  Rafalkes,  Appel. 


Zionism  and  Jewish  Art 

It  is  somewhat  difficult  to  distinguish  between  Jewish  art,  that 
is  to  say  between  art  expressing  the  Jewish  national  spirit,  and 
ordinary  art  cultivated  by  the  Jews. 


Is  Jewish  art  possible  to-day  ?  National  art  requires  a  soil  out 
of  which  to  issue,  and  a  sky  towards  which  to  unfold.  We — 
present-day  Jews — have  neither.  We  are  inhabitants  of  many 
countries,  and  our  thoughts  ascend  to  different  skies.  Within 
our  innermost  soul  we  know  of  no  earth  and  no  sky.  We  have 
no  country  to  bear  our  hopes  in  its  lap  and  lend  firmness  to  the 
tread  of  our  feet,  and  we  have  no  national  sun  to  bless  our  sow- 
ings and  irradiate  our  day.  National  art  requires  a  homogeneous 
community  out  of  which  it  arises  and  for  which  it  exists.  We 
have  merely  fragments  of  a  community,  and  as  yet  there  is 
hardly  any  stirring  of  the  part  to  assemble  into  a  whole.  But 
without  these  premisses  national  art  cannot  come  into  existence ; 
it  cannot  be  made.  It  is  no  hothouse  growth,  but  healthy,  sapful 
plant  life  in  a  free  native  atmosphere.  No  artificial  conditions 
may  be  created  for  it,  it  must  come  and  develop  with  the  pro- 
gressing renascence.  ^ 

Another  question  presents  itself.  Are,  at  present,  Jewish 
artists  possible,  i.e.  artists  who  respond  inwardly  and  in  their 
works  to  Jewish  individuality  ?  If  we  may  answer  this  question 
in  the  affirmative,  the  inner  possibility  of  Jewish  art  is  affirmed 
too.  Because,  as  a  rule,  two  elements  have  to  co-operate  so  that 
a  national  artist  may  be  evolved  :  a  strain  of  national  heredity, 
and  a  national  environment ;  the  former  consecutive,  not 
acquired  by  experience,  but  brought  in  unconsciously,  the  latter 
rather  atmospheric,  and  up  to  a  certain  point  consciously  ex- 
perienced. Since,  in  the  most  favourable  conditions,  present- 
day  Judaism  contains  only  the  material  and  the  elements  of  trans- 
formation of  national  environment,  a  Jewish  artist  would  have 
to  derive  his  national  individuality  chiefly  from  qualities  received 
through  heredity.  But  this  would  tend  to  prove  that  the  artistic 
aptitude  of  the  Jewish  race  is  still  aglow  like  live  coal  under  ashes, 
and  that  it  only  needs  personalities  gifted  with  creative  energy, 
and  in  whom  this  aptitude  concentrates,  condenses  and  trans- 
mutes into  works,  to  bring  forth  Jewish  artists.  Are  Jewish 
artists  possible  nowadays  ?  By  way  of  reply  it  may  suffice  to 
show  that  there  are  Jewish  artists,  or  rather  that  with  many 
Jewish  artists  we  have  the  impression  that  their  art  has  a  national 

It  is  very  doubtful  indeed  whether  any  clear  definition  can  be 
given  of  Jewish  national  art  equally  acceptable  from  the  stand- 
point of  the  nationalist  and  that  of  the  artist.  We  shall,  there- 
fore, confine  ourselves  to  a  brief  outline  of  the  evolution  of  Jewish 
artistic  activity  in  painting  and  sculpture  in  modem  times,  with- 
out entering  into  the  old  and  much-discussed  question  of  ancient 
Palestinian  Jewish  painting,  sculpture,  architecture,  etc., 
medieval  Jewish  miniature-painting  of  a  religious  or  semi- 
religious  character  and  more  or  less  Jewish  origin,  and   the 

*  Martin  Buber,  JM.  KUnst.,  Lesser  Ury. 


arts  of  poetry  and  music  cultivated  by  Jews  since  remotest 
antiquity  and  bearing  undoubtedly  in  some  cases  the  national 

The  sphere  of  art,  particularly  painting  and  sculpture, 
became  accessible  to  the  Jews  at  the  same  time  as  the  realm  of 
modern  science  and  European  culture  and  education,  at 
the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century.  The  fugitives 
from  the  Ghetto  began  to  devote  themselves  to  the  study  of 
art  with  more  or  less  zeal,  according  to  the  opportunities 
afforded  and  conditions  prevailing  in  the  countries  in  which  they 
lived — in  Western  Europe  at  an  earlier  period  and  in  Eastern 
Europe  somewhat  later.  Having  received  their  training  in 
different  countries,  they  were  naturally  influenced  by  various 
schools  of  art.  Some  attained  great  distinction  and  merit, 
deserving  to  be  placed  in  the  foremost  rank  of  European  art, 
but  these  repudiated  their  Judaism,  e.g.  Munkacsy ;  others  gained 
locally  a  high  reputation ;  the  majority  of  them,  however,  did 
not  rise  above  mere  mediocrity. 

Benjamin  Ulmann,  an  Alsatian,  born  in  Strasburg,  1829,  was 
a  historical  and  portrait  painter  of  some  merit ;  Jean  Jules 
Worms,  born  in  Paris,  1832,  painted  genre-pictures  with  a  good 
deal  of  animation;  Leopold  Pollack,  born  in  Lodenitz, 
Bohemia,  1809,  was  a  genre-painter  of  much  refinement.  He 
was  an  artist  possessed  of  various  accomplishments,  who  gained 
distinction  in  artistic  circles  as  a  "  Slav  "  ;  Felix  Schlesinger, 
born  in  Frankfurt  o/m,,  1814,  and  educated  at  Paris,  became 
a  famous  French  painter  and  was  much  appreciated  as  a  genre- 
painter  ;  Emil  L^vy,  born  in  Paris,  1826,  deserves  mention  as 
a  painter  of  idyllic  scenery  that  showed  considerable  skill 
combined  with  simplicity ;  Louis  Neustaeter,  born  in  Munich, 
1829  {d.  1899),  achieved  a  reputation  as  a  portrait  painter ; 
Felix  Possart,  born  in  Munich,  1837,  was  a  most  versatile 
popular  painter  ;  Nathanael  Sichel,  born  in  Mainz,  1843,  was  a 
historical  painter  of  great  talent ;  Eugene  Benjamin  Fischel, 
born  in  Paris,  1821  {d.  1895),  was  a  historical  painter  ("  The 
Arrival  at  the  Inn  "  at  the  Luxembourg  Museum  since  1863), 
and  devoted  himself  later  on  to  painting  of  miniatures  ;  Eduard 
Bendemann,  born  in  Berlin,  181 1  {d.  1889)  was  a  painter  of 
good  taste  and  highly  artistic  accomplishments  :  he  painted  for 
the  most  part  historical  pictures,  some  of  which  are  hung  in 
German  museums ;  Carl  Jacoby,  born  in  Berlin,  1853,  dis- 
tinguished himself  among  German  painters  of  his  time  for  his 
remarkable  correctness  in  drawing ;  Friedrich  Friedlaender, 
bom  in  Vienna,  1825  {d.  1895),  displayed  the  peculiar  style  of 
"  Viennois  "  painting  of  his  time ;  Toby  Rosenthal,  bom  in 
New  Haven,  U.S.A.,  1848,  was  a  disciple  of  Pilloty,  and  en- 
deavoured to  emulate  his  master ;  Herman  Junker,  Frankfurt 
(b.  1838)  ;  Karl  Blosz,  Munich  ;  Edmund  Edel,  Charlottenburg  ; 
Julius  Ester,  Munich  ;  August  Gross,  Vienna  ;  TuUo  Massarini, 


Rome ;  Albert  Raudnitz,  Munich  ;  Ernest  Raudnitz,  Paris  ; 
Emanuel  Spitzer,  Munich ;  Ernst  Nelson,  Berlin,  and  others 
are  known  more  or  less  as  painters  of  various  subjects. 

The  most  notable  of  Jewish  sculptors  of  the  earliest  period 
were :  Antoine  Samuel  Adam  Salomon,  born  in  La  Grete, 
France,  1818 ;  Max  Klein,  born  in  Hungary,  1847 ;  Josef 
Rona  of  Budapest ;  Adolf  Huszar  of  Budapest,  among  whose 
important  works  should  be  mentioned  the  famous  monument 
of  the  Hungarian  national  poet,  Petofi ;  Johann  Silbernagel  of 
Vienna,  famous  for  his  charming  little  statuettes ;  Charles 
Samuel,  born  in  Brussels,  1862,  who  executed  the  monument  of 
the  great  Belgian  statesman,  Frere  d'Orban ;  Moses  Jacob 
Ezekiel,  born  in  Richmond,  Virginia,  U.S.A.,  1844,  who  estab- 
lished a  great  reputation  in  America  and  in  Italy,  and  others. 

It  cannot  definitely  be  said  that  this  imposing  host  of  artists 
belonging  to  the  Jewish  people  who  have  enriched  Art,  during 
a  comparatively  short  period — proving  in  that  way  the  Jewish 
capacity  for  art — have  in  their  works  revealed  a  pronounced 
Jewish  spirit.  Jewish  artists  and  their  works  are  scattered  all 
over  the  world,  and  there  is  no  possibility  even  of  bringing  copies 
of  their  works  together  in  one  collection,  so  as  to  ascertain  ad 
oculos  whether  there  is,  in  spite  of  all  the  differences  of  schools 
and  influences  of  environment,  any  trace  of  a  special  character  to 
distinguish  them  from  other  collections  of  this  kind,  as  the 
special  character  can  only  be  distinguished  when  a  number  of 
pictures  can  be  reviewed  together.  Seeing  that  the  racial  element 
is  no  doubt  a  potent  factor  in  art,  the  work  of  the  Huszars  of 
Budapest,  the  Massarinis  of  Rome  and  the  Possarts  of  Munich 
must  have  something  in  common  because,  after  all,  in  the 
depths  of  their  being,  they  are  neither  Magyars,  nor  Italians,  nor 
Germans,  but  Jews.  On  the  other  hand,  one  may  say  that  these 
Jews,  having  become  an  assimilated  unit  of  the  peoples  among 
whom  they  had  lived,  been  educated  and  worked,  have  no  longer 
anything  in  common  with  and  do  not  represent  any  specific  school 
of  Jewish  art. 

Another  question  is,  whether  the  aforementioned  Jewish 
artists  have  been  engaged  in  presenting  Jewish  subjects  (which 
is  a  question  altogether  removed  from  the  previous,  more 
fundamental  question) .  This  question  can  be  easily  answered : 
Jewish  subjects  were  dealt  with  by  Eduard  Bendemann  ("  Boaz 
and  Ruth,"  "  The  Mourning  Jews,"  "  Jeremias  ") ;  Emile  Levy 
("  The  Feast  of  Tabernacles  "  and  other  pictures)  ;  Moses  Jacob 
Ezekiel  (various  statues  of  great  artistic  value). 

Apart  from  these  artists  who  proved  that  Jews  were  capable 
of  becoming  more  or  less  important  artists,  there  were  even  at 
an  earlier  period  some  who  not  only  displayed  generally  great 
artistic  skill,  but  also  gave  evidence  of  understanding  something 
about  Jewish  art. 

First  and  foremost  among  these  pioneers  was  Henry  Leopold 


Levy,  born  in  Paris,  1840,  who  painted  "  Joash  saved  from  the 
Massacre  of  the  Grandsons  of  Athaliah "  (1867),  "  Hebrew 
Captives  weeping  over  the  Ruins  of  Jerusalem  "  (1869),  and  other 
pictures.  Being,  so  to  speak,  a  divinely  inspired  artist,  his  works 
give  proof  of  profound  emotions  and  transcendental  beauty  and 
force.  His  mastery  of  dramatic  effect,  his  extent  and  depth  of 
passion  remind  one  of  an  old  Hebrew  prophet. 

Moritz  Daniel  Oppenheim,  who  was  known  as  "  Professor 
Oppenheim  "  of  Frankfurt  (1801-82),  is  not  of  much  importance 
from  an  artistic  standpoint.  In  his  time  he  was  one  of  the 
most  prominent  illustrators  of  Jewish  patriarchy.  His  "  Pictures 
of  Jewish  Life "  give  the  impression  of  great  devotion  and 
have  gained  considerable  popularity  through  thousands  of 

A  tragic  figure  in  the  annals  of  art  was  Simeon  Solomon,  born 
in  Bristol,  1834  (d.  in  London,  1905).  At  an  early  age  he  showed 
signs  of  artistic  ability  and — as  his  biographers  say — "  came 
under  the  influence  of  D.  G.  Rossetti."  His  drawings  and 
paintings  developed  the  mystical  and  sensuous  tendencies  of  the 
pre-Raphaelite  school  to  the  extreme.  He  published  a  number 
of  designs  for  the  "Song  of  Songs"  and  reproductions  of  the 
drawings  illustrating  Jewish  ceremonies.  Keen  critics  of  art 
ascribe  to  his  genius  a  stimulating  originality  which  influenced 
the  whole  pre-Raphaelite  artistic  school. 

The  pinnacle  of  Art,  speaking  generally,  was  reached  by  three 
prominent  masters :  Joseph  Israels  (1824-1911),  Max  Lieber- 
mann,  and  Solomon  J.  Solomon,  r.a. 

It  was  Joseph  Israels  who  succeeded  in  representing  the  twi- 
lights of  the  Dutch  atmosphere  in  all  their  individuality  and 
tender  charm.  To  understand  how  to  portray  Nature  and 
Humanity,  and  more  especially  suffering  Humanity,  with  equal 
care  and  art,  and  to  bring  into  relief  their  organic  interaction  ; 
to  represent  rural  scenes,  not  as  a  stage  setting  but  as  an  atmos 
phere,  not  forcible  but  imbued  with  poetic  feeling  ;  to  invest 
human  nature  with  a  breath  of  such  delicate  lyricism  that  the 

^  The  Jews  of  the  Continent  offered  a  splendid  album,  bound  in  marone 
velvet,  inlaid  with  gilt  bronze,  in  1842  to  Sir  Moses  Montefiore  after  his 
return  from  the  East,  in  commemoration  of  his  efforts  on  behalf  of  the 
persecuted  Jews  of  Damascus.  On  each  cover  is  a  painting  by  Jewish 
artists.  About  these  paintings  the  authors  of  the  address — which  was 
signed  by  1 490  subscribers — say  : — 

"  The  consecration  of  Joshua  by  the  legislator  Moses,  as  the  leader  of  the 
armies  of  Israel,  was  the  first  step  towards  creating  Israel  a  separate  state. 
The  pencil  of  Professor  Oppenheim's  genius  has  here  worthily  represented 
this  event.  Israel's  mourning  at  the  streams  of  Babel,  painted  by  the 
masterly  hand  of  Bendemann,  brings  in  the  background  before  our  spirit, 
Jerusalem  in  flames,  and  the  house  of  God  in  ruins.  Thus  both  repre- 
sentations combine  whatever  constitutes  Israel's  pride  and  grief ;  what- 
ever in  the  pages  of  history  is  capable  of  inspiring  the  champion  of  Israel 
with  courage  and  zeal  "  {Allg.  Zeit.  d.  Judenthums,  10  September,  1842). 



impression  created  is  one  of  love  rather  than  of  mere  beauty  ; 
that  is  the  chief  characteristic  of  Israels'  art,  which  to  us  seems 
so  entirely  Jewish.  It  is  the  enchanting  melancholy,  the  gentle, 
delicate  longing,  the  half-uttered  tones,  the  soft  harmonies  which 
are  divined  rather  than  seen  or  heard  that  make  Israels  appear  so 
extraordinarily  modern.  It  is  not  merely  because  Israels  was  a 
Jew,  not  merely  because  his  greatest  works  represent  Jewish  sub- 
jects, but  because  his  art  was  characterized  by  a  rich  poetic  fancy, 
by  kindliness  and  melancholy,  and  at  the  same  time  by  a  priestly 
solemnity  and  a  great  simplicity  which  harmonize  so  wonderfully 
with  the  deepest  emotions  of  the  Jewish  Psyche,  that  we  are 
justified  in  regarding  Israels  as  a  national- Jewish  painter.  We 
are  acquainted  with  the  Jewish  Rabbi,  the  calm,  discerning, 
introspective  thinker,  seeking  for  the  great  ethos  of  existence  in 
all  the  passing  phenomena  of  life.  Joseph  Israels  was  a  painter- 
rabbi.  He  painted  with  the  same  fervour  as  a  midrash  scholar 
would  teach,  with  which  a  Jehuda-ha-Levi  would  sing.  A 
"  Gaon  "  in  the  domain  of  Art,  a  "  Baal-Shem  "  who  works 
spells,  causing  angels  to  appear  not  by  means  of  prayers  and 
texts ;  not  by  means  of  cabbalistic  incantations,  but  by  means  of 
colours,  hght  and  shade  effects.  Where  so  visible  as  in  Israels, 
creations  are  the  groups  of  Divine  sparkle  flying  about  the  world, 
the  creative  embodiment  of  the  "  naked  souls  "  thirsting  for 
existence,  peace  and  incarnation  of  which  the  Cabbala  speaks 
with  so  much  enthusiasm  and  of  which  Chassidism  dreams. 

In  all  his  paintings  Israels  succeeded  in  effecting  a  concentra- 
tion in  composition  which  focussed  all  interest  upon  the  soul, 
upon  sensation.  Israels  has  not  been  content  to  fix  by  the 
masterly  stroke  of  the  brush  a  moment  of  dramatic  intensity 
surprised  in  his  model  [as  for  instance,  in  the  Writer  of  the  Law 
(The  Thora-Writer)],  or  the  influences  of  the  moment  upon  the 
emotions  and  expressions  of  the  subject,  but  the  soul  itself  and 
the  whole  soul-state.  This  directness  was  attained  by  Israels 
through  the  double  study  of  man  and  his  destiny  in  direct  rela- 
tion to  nature. 

Encyclopaedias  give  the  names  of  his  masters  and  types  in 
Amsterdam  and  Paris.  But  had  Israels  been  a  mere  follower  of 
his  masters,  then  his  name  would  not  be  found  in  encyclopaedias. 
For  decades,  for  many  decades,  he,  the  versatile  painter,  devoted 
himself  to  historical  painting.  No  catalogue  has  rescued  the 
titles  from  oblivion.  When  questioned  concerning  his  early 
works,  he  answered  the  present  writer  with  one  of  his  charac- 
teristic subtle  smiles  :  "  How  should  I  know  where  they  are  ?  " 
It  was  not  until  he  had  attained  full  maturity,  or  according  to 
general  ideas,  after  he  had  well  passed  maturity,  that  Israels 
became  what  he  now  is  :  he  found  himself  after  the  sun  of  his 
life  had  passed  the  meridian. 

Max  Liebermann  regards  himself  as  a  disciple  of  Israels, 
but  is  considered  by  others  to  be  superior  in  the  brilliancy  and 


versatility  of  his  genius.  He  was  practically  the  father  of  the 
German  "  Secession/'  and  is  the  greatest  living  painter  in 
Germany  and  one  of  the  greatest  in  the  world.  Solomon  J. 
Solomon  is  one  of  the  most  celebrated  English  painters. 
Dignified  and  serene,  he  has  a  wonderfully  extensive  and  many- 
sided  grasp  of  his  art.  As  to  Jewish  art,  it  is  a  disputable  point 
whether  Liebermann's  pictures  bear  indications  of  a  pronounced 
Jewish  character — some  writers  having  maintained  that  such 
is  the  case.  Israels*  "  Thora- Writer/'  and  particularly  his 
**  Son  of  an  Old  People  " — which  is  justly  supposed  to  have  been 
inspired  by  the  new  national  movement — appeal  undoubtedly 
to  the  Jewish  consciousness  by  their  exceptional  impressiveness. 
The  picture  which  established  Solomon  J.  Solomon's  reputation 
was  his  "Samson  and  Delilah/'  while  his  "Allegory"  of  1904 
is  said  to  depict  the  triumph  of  Judaism  as  the  last  and  only 
religion  of  the  world. 

In  closing  the  review  of  this  epoch,  mention  must  be  made  of 
Lesser  Ury  of  Berlin,  an  artist  of  great  severity  and  sadness, 
whose  "  Jeremias"  and  other  pictures  display  some  originality 
singularly  independent  of  influences  from  without — in  which 
fact  some  critics  thought  they  could  trace  some  visions  of 
Jewish  awakening. 

A  similar  change  was  noticeable  in  Eastern  Europe  during 
the  period  of  transition  which  began  there  some  decades  later 
than  in  the  West.  Here,  too,  some  young  Jews  entered  the 
academies  of  art  just  as  others  went  to  the  universities  for 
scientific  study,  but,  of  course,  with  that  difference  in  the 
prospects  of  success  which  distinguish  art  from  science,  that  art 
depends  more  on  natural  gifts  than  on  capacity  to  study.  Some 
Polish,  Galician  and  Russian  Jews  pursued  their  studies  in 
Cracow  or  Petrograd,  some  others  studied  at  Munich  and  Paris. 
Some  deliberately  emphasizing  their  national  origin  and  country, 
others  showing,  through  their  new  environment,  a  leaning 
towards  a  diversity   of  practical  and  theoretical  motives. 

Joseph  Redlich  (1821-81)  was  an  engraver  of  world-wide  fame 
during  the  first  half  of  the  centur}^  Alexander  Lesser  of  Warsaw 
(1819-91),  the  son  of  a  Jewish  merchant,  was  described  as  "  the 
father  of  Polish  historical  painting/'  Of  no  importance  as  a 
painter,  the  curious  fact  remains  that  this  typical  Polish  Jew 
was  in  his  time  appreciated  as  a  painter  of  Polish  national 
history  (the  first  and  most  important  publishers  of  illustrated 
books  and  periodicals  in  Warsaw  were  Merzbach,  Gliksberg. 
Lewenthal,  the  son  of  a  Hebrew  teacher,  and  Wolf,  who  was  of 
Jewish  origin). 

Leopold  Horowitz,  born  in  Hungary  in  1831,  who  lived 
many  years  in  Warsaw,  and  since  the  expulsion  of  foreign 
Jews  from  Russia  in  Vienna,  has  the  twofold  distinction  of 
being  an  eminent  portrait  painter  of  European  fame,  and  a 
well-known  and  noble-minded  Jew     His  Jewish  picture  "  The 


Ninth  of  Ab  "  (the  anniversary  of  the  Destruction  of  the  Temple) 
is  a  work  of  grand  style,  exquisitely  finished  ;  his  portraits,  too, 
gained  highest  praise.  He  is  much  interested  in  Jewish  matters, 
and  was  prominently  associated  with  the  foundation  of  the 
"  Jewish  Museum  "  at  Vienna. 

One  of  the  greatest  painters  of  the  last  generation  in  Russia 
was  Isaac  Levitan,  born  in  i860  (d.  1900),  the  master  of  Russian 
landscape.  This  Jew  of  the  Russian  Ghetto  taught  Russian 
artists  to  abandon  mere  topography  for  a  poetical  treatment  of 
landscape  scenery.  He  did  not  only  paint  admirably  the  rich 
purple  of  the  northern  sunset,  the  thin  clouds,  dawn  and  dark- 
ness, but  also  the  very  soul  of  the  landscape.  A  writer  in  the 
(anti- Jewish)  Novoye  Vremia  had  to  admit  that  "  this  full- 
blooded  Jew  knew  as  no  other  man,  how  to  make  us  realize  and 
love  our  plain  and  homely  country-scene."  Levitan's  pictures 
adorn  the  Tretjakov  Museum  at  Moscow,  and  have  the  right  of 
undisturbed  shelter  in  that  city  that  was  not  unconditionally 
granted  to  their  originator.  Leonid  Pasternak,  born  in  1862,  is 
an  important  Russian  painter,  particularly  known  for  his 
connections  with  Tolstoi. 

The  most  wonderful  romance  of  Jewish  vitality  and  force  of 
self-regeneration  is  the  story  of  Mark  Antokolski  (1842-1900). 
Whatever  modern  critics  may  think  of  the  special  value  of  his 
master-works — classical  or  pseudo-classical — from  an  up-to- 
date  point  of  view,  the  fact  remains  that  this  Lithuanian 
Jew,  who  was  a  son  of  poor  parents  at  Vilna,  brought  up 
in  the  atmosphere  of  the  Cheder  (religious  school)  and  the 
Vilna  Schulhof,  which  is  the  most  typical  and  best  known 
centre  of  what  is  distinctly  Jewish,  is  recognized,  as  far 
as  sculpture  is  concerned,  in  Paris  the  metropolis  of  art. 
He  introduced  Russian  sculpture  into  European  art  and  his 
works  have  been  highly  appreciated,  seeing  with  what  in- 
tense delight  and  admiration  they  have  been  regarded  by 
the  highest  in  his  native  land,  where  he  was  entrusted  with 
the  task  of  executing  the  greatest  national  monuments,  but 
his  works  have  also  received  the  highest  praise  throughout  the 
world.  Bernstamm  Aronson  and  Guenzburg,  distinguished 
by  exceptional  maturity  in  study  and  powers  of  concentration, 
the  former  an  eminent  master  where  powers  of  imagination  and 
fascination  were  concerned,  the  latter  of  an  observant,  subtle 
intelligence,  which  proved  so  useful  to  him  in  the  careful  re- 
production of  details  deaUng  with  nature.  They  are  devoted 
to  the  art  of  sculpture  in  Paris  and  in  Russia. 

All  these  artists  proved  that  Jews  can  be  artists.  Jewish  art 
in  Jewish  subjects  was  here  and  there  to  be  observed.  Isidore 
Kaufmann,  a  Hungarian  Jew,  born  in  1853,  executed  some 
apprecial^le  work  in  genre-painting  of  Polish-Jewish  life.  He 
displayed  in  his  "  Visit  of  the  Rabbi,*'  "  Talmud  Students  "  and 
other  little  pictures,  a  great  simplicity  and  freshness,  and  a 


delightful  sense  of  humour,  but  these  pictures,  humorous  as 
they  are,  have  merely  anecdotes  for  the  outlines  of  their  scheme. 
A  real  awakening  of  Jewish  art  in  a  higher  sense  was  left 
to  the  present  period  of  the  Jewish  National  Revival  and 

This  new  period  was  inaugurated  by  two  Polish-Galician 
Jewish  artists,  who,  while  their  respective  artistic  achievements 
were  of  different  value,  were  instrumental  in  opening  new 
perspectives  for  Jewish  art;  these  were  Moritz  Gottlieb  and 
Ephraim  Moses  Ha'Cohen  Lilien. 

Moritz  Gottlieb,  born  in  a  small  village  in  Galicia,  about  i860, 
was  a  disciple  of  the  great  Polish  national  painter  Jan  Matejko. 
Of  great  imaginative  power  and  intense  feeling,  a  real  artist,  he 
succeeded  in  mastering  the  intricacies  of  modern  painting. 
He  soon  became  a  favourite  of  his  tutor,  and  was  much  admired 
in  artistic  circles  at  Cracow,  where  his  works  were  immensely 
appreciated  on  account  of  the  suave  and  well-balanced  style  of 
his  pictures.  His  prospects  of  a  great  future  increased  with  his 
popularity.  It  is  said — se  non  e  vero  e  ben  trovato — that  when  he 
expressed  his  intention  of  devoting  himself  to  Polish  historical 
painting,  Matejko  remarked :  "  My  son,  you  are  a  Jew ;  you 
cannot  weep  on  the  graves  of  Polish  kings  ;  leave  it  to  others." 
So  Gottlieb  devoted  himself  to  Jewish  subjects,  the  most  impor- 
tant of  which  was  his  admirable  "  Jew  Praying  in  the  Syna- 
gogue." This  masterpiece  so  full  of  inspiration  was  more  than 
a  picture ;  it  was  a  message  to  Jewish  artists,  one  of  the  most 
simple  and  impressive  :  You  shall  go  back  to  your  own  people  ; 
you  shall  find  and  see  your  own  greatness  and  glory  ;  you  shall  be 
your  own  selves  again  !  " 

The  hand  of  death  removed  him  in  early  manhood — at  the 
end  of  the  eighties  of  the  last  century — Moritz  Gottlieb's 
name  was  cherished  by  the  new  generation  of  Jewish  artists 
as  that  of  a  noble  pioneer  who  had  ushered  in  the  era  of 
Jewish  art. 

About  ten  years  later,  Lilien,  having  terminated  his  studies 
at  Munich,  settled  in  Berlin,  and  got  in  touch  with  the 
young  Zionist  intellectual  movement.  By  means  of  his 
illustrations  in  black  and  white,  which  combined  modernism 
with  archaic  forms,  permeated  by  the  Hebrew  spirit,  he  soon 
succeeded  in  introducing  a  new  element  in  artistic  skill,  and 
played  a  prominent  part  in  shaping  the  modem  tendencies  of  a 
somewhat  independent  young  Jewish  art.  As  to  the  artistic 
value  and  originaUty  of  his  remarkable  and  exceedingly  fruitful 
art,  opinions  may  differ  considerably,  yet  there  is  no  doubt,  as  a 
master  of  an  unique  style  of  drawing,  touch,  finish  and  execution, 
and  as  a  pioneer  and  advocate  of  methods  expressing  Jewish 
aspirations,  types  and  ideas,  he  is  unrivalled,  and  his  works  have 
had  a  far-reaching  effect  in  encouraging  Jewish  artists  to  devote 
themselves  to  the  extension  of  Jewish  art  on  a  self-dependent 


and  self-inspiring  basis.  The  message  of  Gottlieb  and  the 
impulses  of  LiUen  can  be  easily  traced,  even  among  the  important 
Jewish  artists  who  have  been  their  contemporaries  or  have  lived 
at  a  later  period  and  have  occupied  honoured  positions  in  general 
as  well  as  in  Jewish  art. 

Samuel  Hirschenberg,  Leopold  Pilichowski  and  Henry 
Glitzenstein  form,  with  all  the  distinction  of  their  individualistic 
and  high  artistic  qualifications,  a  sort  of  triumvirate  in  the 
realm  of  art.  All  these  came  from  the  same  country — Poland — 
and  from  the  same  district  of  that  country ;  they  were  con- 
temporaries in  age  as  well  as  in  their  outlook  on  life,  seeing  that 
all  these  represent  the  new,  emancipated  intellectual  type  of  the 
Polish  Jew  with  a  touch  of  Jewish  nationalism  of  the  eighties, 
who  differ  so  distinctly  from  the  old  type  of  the  "  assimilation  " 
Jews  of  a  previous  period. 

Samuel  Hirschenberg  excelled  in  the  painting  of  a  variety 
of  subjects.  His  distinctness  and  fine  blending  of  colours,  his 
skill  in  creating  broad  and  accurate  outlines  of  figures  are  indeed 
remarkable.  He  was  a  modest,  earnest  and  most  industrious 
worker  of  really  artistic  aspirations.  He  had  a  strong  pre- 
disposition for  big  canvases  and  was  averse  from  anecdotal 
subjects.  He  was  unable  to  paint  anything  of  a  small  type.  The 
Jewish  people,  its  suffering,  and  his  persecuted  brethren  formed 
the  subjects  of  his  brush.  "Golus"  (copies  of  which  are  well 
known)  is  a  specimen  of  his  art  and  outlook.  Of  keen  per- 
ception, the  life-blood  of  Jewry  pulsing  through  his  veins, 
he  painted  his  "  Wandering  Jew,"  presenting  with  tragic 
force  the  synthesis  and  the  resentment  caused  by  Jewish 

He  was  one  of  those  who  had  penetrated  most  deeply  and 
powerfully  the  tragedy  of  the  Golus,  with  all  its  great  and 
desperate  dreadfulness  and  all  its  abysmal  horror,  who  felt  it 
within  their  innermost  marrow  and  blood,  who  went  through  life 
with  its  sad  brand  on  their  brows.  The  brush  with  which  he 
painted  was  the  master's  heart,  and  the  colour — his  blood,  the 
warm  life-blood.  The  blood  which  has  been  flowing  for  thousands 
of  years  from  the  ever-open  wound  of  the  creative  genius  and  of 
the  nation.  He  dreamt  to  base  the  future  upon  sacred  ruins.  He 
deemed  as  nothing  the  laurels  of  the  Golus  as  compared  with  the 
feeble  light  which  began  to  glow  more  and  more  vividly  far  away 
in  the  old  country  and  in  his  bosom,  which  overflowed  with  sad- 
ness and  longing.  He  was  a  priest  of  art  and  a  priest  of  the 
Jewish  renaissance.  During  the  last  years  of  his  life  he  went  to 
Jerusalem  to  take  part  in  the  art  work  of  Bezalel,  and  died  there — 
as  he  had  lived — upright  and  resigned  to  his  fate,  hiding  from  the 
world  the  sufferings  of  a  noble  soul. 

Leopold  Piiichowski  is  quite  different  in  artistic  temperament. 
Cheerful,  thorough  and  pleasant,  guided  by  a  truly  artistic 
instinct,  he  possesses  the  natural  gifts  of  an  eminent  artist,  being 


a  keen  observer  of  life,  of  charming  personality,  and  an  enthusi- 
astic worker.  He  achieved  a  high  reputation  by  reason  of  his 
admirable  blending  of  colours,  his  excellent  and  attractive  style, 
the  life-like  expression  of  his  portraits  and  the  careful  attention 
bestowed  upon  details.  In  France  he  attained  high  distinction, 
and  recently  also  in  this  country  where  his  works  have  found  con- 
siderable appreciation.  But  the  favourite  subject  of  his  art  is 
Polish  Jews.  His  picture  entitled  "Wearied,"  the  two  figures 
of  old  wearied  Polish  Jewish  pilgrims — is  in  conception  and 
execution  a  masterpiece ;  this  picture  has  been  so  frequently 
reproduced  that  it  is  now  one  of  the  most  popular  and  most 
impressive  Jewish  pictures  of  the  time.  He  expresses  more 
forcibly  than  any  other  contemporary  painter  the  intense 
fervour  of  Jewish  prayer.  He  endeavours  to  penetrate  the 
secrets  of  Polish- Jewish  pathos  in  his  charming  picture  "  The 
Feast  of  our  Rejoicing"  and  in  another,  entitled  "Sorrow" 
which,  probably,  no  other  painter  would  have  been  able  to 
understand.  He  describes  and  creates  an  historical  record  for 
the  type  of  the  Polish  Jew  as  he  knew  him — in  the  fervour  of  his 
prayers,  in  the  glory  of  his  devotion,  in  the  attractiveness  of  his 

Henry  Glitzenstein,  who  now  lives  in  Rome,  is  the  son  of  a 
Melamed  (religious  teacher)  in  the  little  village  of  Turek, 
Poland.  In  Italy  and  throughout  Europe,  where  his  works 
have  at  several  exhibitions  gained  highest  distinction,  he  is 
recognized  as  being  one  of  the  greatest  sculptors  of  the  age. 
In  ability,  taste,  gracefulness,  originality  and  invention,  he  is  a 
sculptor-poet,  who  excels  all  Jewish  sculptors  that  ever  lived, 
and  even  many  non- Jewish  artists  of  standing.  It  is  not  pre- 
sumptuous to  assert  that  Glitzenstein  is  one  of  the  most  modern 
sculptors,  whose  modernism  does  not  merely  amount  to  the 
acceptance  of  a  certain  "  fad  "  but  means  original  and  con- 
structive ability.  He,  too,  is  a  dreamer  of  the  Ghetto,  but  at  the 
same  time  a  master  of  a  living  art.  His  "  Messiah,"  the  incarna- 
tion of  the  mighty,  asleep  yet  about  to  awaken  to  any  movement 
towards  the  Jewish  future,  is  a  work  of  an  enormous  conception. 

Hirschenberg's  "Wandering  Jew,"  Pilichowski's  "Wearied" 
and  Glitzenstein's  "  Messiah,"  though  undoubtedly  independent 
individual  works,  have  yet  to  a  certain  extent  been  influenced 
by  the  new  national  spirit  set  aglow  by  Gottlieb  and  Lilien,  and 
by  the  literature  of  the  Jewish  Revival. 

To  this  category  of  Jewish  artists  belongs  Hermann  Struck, 
who  combines  artistic  refinement  with  orthodox  Jewish  devotion 
and  Zionist  aspirations,  a  master  of  the  first  water,  who  has 
executed  etchings  of  Israels'  works  and  those  of  other  great 
artists,  and  has  a  fine  record  for  original  portrait  painting, 
Palestinian  landscapes,  and  other  drawings  of  exceptional  skill ; 
Moses  Maimon,  a  distinguished  Russian  -  Jewish  painter,  the 
author  of  the  very  popular  "  Marranos  in  Spain,"  and  of  other 


pictures  of  value ;  Jehuda  Epstein,  who  has  given  proof  of 
possessing  great  power  of  imagination  by  his  great  sketch 
"  Maccabean,"  a  picture  made  for  Herzl,  who  had  it  in  his  studio  ; 
Minkowski  (Warsaw),  whose  Pogrom  pictures  are  of  really 
artistic  value  ;  Pffeffermann  (Pan),  a  man  of  considerable  artistic 
achievement,  who  has  been  engaged  on  the  teaching  staff  of  the 
Bezalel ;  Weinles  and  Altmann  (Poland),  who  are  responsible 
for  various  pictures  and  studies  of  Jewish  subjects ;  Wachtel 
(Galicia),  who  emulated  Lilien  ;  and  Hochmann  (Cracow),  who 
was  guided  by  Glitzenstein's  works.  In  Russia  there  are  the 
painters :  A.  A.  Maneritsch,  M.  L.  Schafrom,  A.  B.  Lachowski, 
and  the  sculptors  :  F.  Bloch,  M.  L.  Dillon,  J.  A.  Troupianski,  of 
the  younger  generation,  and — of  the  older  generation — Gabo- 
witsch,  J.  J.  Brodski,  who  represent  modern  Jewish  art.  In  the 
important  colony  of  artists  and  art  students  in  Paris,  including 
Leo  Minsenberg,  Leopold  Gottlieb,  Cylkow,  Markus,  Kramstiick, 
Ehe  Nadelman  and  others  of  Warsaw,  a  real  Jewish  awakening 
has  been  observed,  particularly  among  the  younger  members  of 
the  colony. 

Special  mention  should  be  made  of  the  well-known  landscape 
painter  Abraham  Neumann  of  Sierpce,  Poland,  who  has  a  fine 
long  record  of  artistic  work.  He  participated  most  actively  in 
stimulating  Jewish  artistic  activity  in  Poland  and  Galicia. 

With  regard  to  sculpture,  Alfred  Nossig  has  also  to  be  men- 
tioned. Nossig  can  boast,  among  his  various  accomplishments, 
also  that  of  an  able  sculptor  con  amore.  In  some  of  his  works 
he  has  dealt  impressively  with  national  Jewish  subjects. 

Another  Jewish  sculptor  of  note  should  be  mentioned,  viz. 
F.  Beer  of  Paris  (died  in  1910).  He  was  an  ardent  Zionist  and  a 
great  personal  friend  of  Herzl,  and  contributed  his  share  to 
Zionist  artistic  work  (the  badges  of  the  Congress). 

In  this  country,  Will  Rothenstein  has  become  very  popular 
through  several  of  his  pictures  devoted  to  scenes  of  Jewish  life  ; 
Isaac  Snowman  and  his  brother  Louis  [Conrad]  are  artists  of 
recognized  accomplishments,  and  have  painted  valuable  pictures 
of  this  kind.  Wolmark  is  well  known  as  an  artist  of  exquisite 
taste  and  idealistic  aspirations.  His  inclination  has  led  him 
to  the  rendering  of  subjects  dealing  with  Jewish  life,  so  admir- 
ably dealt  with  in  some  of  the  pictures.  He  is  a  strong  in- 
dividualist and  truth -seeker,  and  has  in  recent  times  manifested 
a  decided  inclination  for  futurism,  of  which  he  is  one  of  the 
champions.  Jacob  Epstein  is  the  most  representative  of  sculptors 
and  combines  genius  with  technical  skiU. 

The  foregoing  survey  of  Jewish  activity  forces  us  to  the 
following  conclusions : — 

I.  The  numerous  Jewish  works  of  art,  especially  in  painting 
and  sculpture  of  such  marked  ability,  with  no  previous  history, 
patronage  or  encouragement,  and  produced  under  most  un- 
favourable circumstances  in  a  comparatively  short  time,  showed 



that  Jewish  genius  was  as  much  capable  of  development  in  the 
sphere  of  art  as  in  music,  poetry  or  the  drama,  and  has  made 
its  influence  felt  at  every  opportunity. 

II.  The  great  artistic  value — with  few  exceptions — of  the  works 
of  these  masters  who  either  were  acquainted  with  the  older 
Jewish  traditions,  like  Israels,  H.  P.  Levy,  Ezekiel,  or  who  had 
come  direct  from  the  Ghetto,  like  Antokolski,  compared  with  the 
Assimilationist  Jews  who  were  either  satellites  or  plagiarists, 
proves  that,  even  during  the  period  previous  to  the  present 
national  Revival,  Jewish  consciousness  (like  any  other  deep 
racial  consciousness)  has  stimulated  the  vigour  and  originality  of 
artistic  activity. 

III.  The  beneficial  effects  of  the  National  movement  in 
Jewish  artistic  craftsmanship  can  be  observed  in  two  direc- 
tions : — 

(a)  in  the  artistic  value  of  the  productions,  especially  with 
regard  to  Jewish  subjects,  and 

(b)  in  the  degree  of  influence  of  the  artistic  activity  on  the 
Jewish  people. 

With  regard  to  the  first  point,  the  progress  made  can  be  easily 
gauged  by  comparing,  for  instance,  Bendemann  and  Emil  Levy 
with  Gottlieb,  or  Oppenheim  with  Lilien,  and  so  on.  Jewish  life 
at  the  period  of  Assimilation,  like  the  literature  of  that  period 
was  presented  essentially  in  apologetic  terms  and  addressed 
itself  always,  consciously  or  unconsciously,  to  Gentiles,  as  if  to 
say  :  "  Think  of  us,  we  are  really  not  as  detestable  as  you  believe 
us  to  be,  we  are  rather  attractive  "  ;  but,  on  the  other  hand, 
national  artists  say  :  "  We  are  what  we  are,"  and  more  than  that, 
seeing  that  to  deal  with  Jewish  subjects  from  a  national  stand- 
point is  self-centred,  and  therefore  more  of  a  psychological 
question.  We  are  what  we  are,  neither  better  nor  worse  than 
others  :  we  endeavour  to  know  ourselves,  and  we  want  to  see  our 
images  reflected  in  our  own  art.  Oppenheim's  Jews  are  so  ideal- 
istically  exaggerated  that  one  would  not  recognize  them  if  one 
were  to  meet  them  in  their  shops  on  the  "  Zeil "  in  Frankfurt, 
while  Gottlieb's  Jews  are  so  orientally  peculiar,  that  meeting  them 
in  the  market-place  dealing  with  tapestry  one  would  have  the 
impression  that  these  dealers  are  descendants  of  oriental  princes, 
although  the  artist  had  no  intention  of  producing  this  im- 

The  second  point  is  still  more  important.  The  art  of  the 
period  of  Assimilation,  like  the  active  character  of  Assimilation, 
is  essentially  individualistic  and  aristocratic,  while  the  art  of  the 
period  is  decidedly  of  a  collective  and  democratic  character. 
Logically  and  psychologically,  there  can  be  no  movement  of 
Assimilation  in  masses,  because  Assimilation  must  be  opposed  to 
cohesion  or  a  movement  for  the  cohesion  of  Jews,  except  for 


ritual  purposes.  A  Jew  becomes  a  doctor,  a  lawyer  or  a  painter — 
the  more  he  succeeds  in  his  career  among  Gentiles,  the  less  he  is 
brought  in  contact  with  the  Jewish  masses  :  nobility  of  character 
or  generosity  may  make  him  a  philanthropist  to  the  masses 
whom  he  may  endeavour  to  patronize ;  on  the  other  hand,  the 
absence  of  these  qualities  will  make  him  wholly  indifferent,  but 
anyhow  the  chain  of  natural  and  simple  intercourse  is  broken. 
This  was  necessarily  the  course  of  Assimilation  in  every  direction, 
and  also  showed  us  the  relationship  of  Jewish  artists  to  the  Jewish 
masses.  All  those  Huszars,  Ronas,  Schlesingers  and  Pollacks 
had  no  inclination  and  no  possibility  whatever  of  acquiring  the 
artistic  education  of  the  people  from  whom  they  sprang.  In 
this  respect  the  situation  has  considerably  improved  owing  to 
the  national  movement,  Choveve  Zion  and  Zionism.  Now, 
many  Jewish  artists  live  among  the  people,  and  are  influenced  by 
them.  Not  only  in  Russia,  where  there  is  now  a  strong  move- 
ment for  propaganda  amd  mutual  help  among  Jewish  artists 
(under  the  tutorship  of  Ilja  Ginzburg) — a  movement  which  was 
unthinkable  in  the  time  of  the  Assimilation  tendencies — but  even 
in  Paris  a  tendency  has  made  itself  felt  in  this  direction  in  the 
Jewish  colony  of  artists  in  recent  times.  Among  the  masses  in 
the  East  of  London,  too,  there  is  an  Organization  called  Ben  Uri, 
for  the  propaganda  of  art.  Lectures  are  arranged,  instruction  is 
given,  and  popular  articles  are  published  on  various  subjects  of  art. 
That  popularity  is  due  to  the  activity  of  the  publishing  firms 
Phcenix,  Lihanon,  the  monthly  Os/  und  West,  and  other  publications. 

Summing  up  the  elfects  of  relationship  between  Jewish  art 
and  Zionism,  we  see  that  Zionism  has  played  its  part  in  the 
revival  of  Jewish  art.  On  the  other  hand,  Jewish  art  has 
contributed  much  to  the  propaganda  of  Zionism.  It  cannot  be 
too  often  repeated  that  the  creative  and  active  forces  of  Zionism 
have  always  been  literature,  education  and  art:  they  have 
stimulated  the  people's  hearts  and  minds,  they  have  opened  the 
people's  eyes  and  enlisted  their  generosity.  One  of  the  greatest 
agencies  of  Zionist  propaganda  has  been  the  Bezalel,  the 
work  of  the  enthusiastical  Jewish  artist  Boris  Schatz,  who  is  in 
his  own  art  a  disciple  of  Antokolski,  but  who  stands  himself, 
unrivalled,  as  a  pioneer  in  the  propaganda  of  Jewish  artistic 
activity  in  Palestine. 

It  is  not  hazarding  too  much  to  assert,  that  with  an  im- 
portant development  of  colonization  and  education  in  Palestine 
we  are  going  to  see  a  really  original  Jewish  art.  But  even  in  the 
Diaspora,  the  awakening  of  Jewish  consciousness  will  en- 
noble, popularize  and  strengthen  Jewish  art.  Jewish  artists 
should  not  pursue  any  particular  tendency  in  addition  to  their 
own  art ;  they  should  be  only  artists,  and  true  to  themselves. 
Art  must  be  free,  and  being  free  it  will — as  a  necessary  and 
natural  consequence — eventually  offer  ample  scope  for  the 
national  genius. 



Progress  of  Zionism  in  the  West  since  1897 

I.  England 

In  England  Zionist  propaganda  was  very  much  hampered  for 
want  of  an  influential  and  well-supported  Hebrew  press  and 
literature — which,  after  all,  form  the  most  powerful  factor  in  the 
national  propaganda,  and  an  intellectual  weapon  in  the  struggle, 
the  more  so  because  through  them  can  be  maintained  a  direct 
closer  touch  and  personal  relations  with  Palestine.  These  two 
factors  have  made  Zionism  in  Eastern  Europe  something  more 
than  a  formal  organization  governed  by  certain  statutes  ;  it 
has  now  become  a  living  force.  Zionist  propaganda  there  has 
also  suffered  from  want  of  extensive  university  groups  that  have 
brought  a  great  educational  force  into  the  Movement  in  conti- 
nental countries.  In  England,  where  class  divisions  are  so  pro- 
nounced, in  ideas,  language  and  customs,  and  where  the  pressure 
of  the  Jewish  problem  from  outside  is  not  felt,  the  difficulties  in 
the  way  of  Zionist  propaganda  were  naturally  much  greater. 
Besides  these  difficulties,  there  was  another  fact  that  did  not  fail 
to  influence  the  position.  The  centraHzation  of  the  financial 
institutions  and  the  greater  facility  for  political  organization 
were  no  doubt  of  considerable  advantage,  as  they  afforded  Eng- 
lish Zionism  in  this  respect  means' of  propaganda  not  accessible 
to  the  Movement  in  other  countries.  But  there  was  also  an 
important  drawback,  namely,  the  Movement  has  been  concen- 
trated on  these  two  appeals.  The  consequences  of  such  a  de- 
velopment manifested  themselves  in  two  directions :  in  the 
influence  upon  the  Organization,  and  in  the  effect  on  non-mem- 
bers of  the  Organization.  As  for  the  internal  influences,  although 
the  general  Zionist  work  might  have  appeared  here  as  elsewhere 
to  be  of  the  greatest  importance,  nevertheless  it  must  be  ad- 
mitted that  the  financial  institutions  necessarily  absorbed  more 
energy,  and  carried  more  weight,  while  observers  from  outside 
were  faced  more  directly  than  in  any  other  country  with  this 
particular  aspect  of  the  Zionist  Organization.  In  Eastern 
Europe,  the  public  outside  of  Zionism  was  also  made  aware  of  the 
existence  of  a  political  scheme  and  financial  matters  ;  but  what 
th€y  reaUzed  most  immediately  and  forcibly  was  above  all  an 
intellectual  activity,  a  new  system  of  education,  a  new  attitude 
towards  all  questions  of  the  day  and  a  new  and  close  relationship 
with  Palestine.  In  England,  outsiders  saw  little  or  nothing  of 
what  others  saw  elsewhere.  All  they  realized  was  a  political 
scheme  which  they  naturally  endeavoured  to  magnify  and  to 
exaggerate  for  the  sake  of  controversy,  clinging  obstinately  to 
their  own  opposition  to  "  Utopia,"  and  looking  at  the  compara- 


lively  meagre  financial  means  as  something  that  was  unable  to 
impress  them  to  any  great  extent. 

Yet  they  were  greatly  mistaken.  Zionism  in  England  was  in 
its  essentials  not  in  the  least  different  from  what  it  is  in  Russia 
or  anywhere  else.  It  must  be  admitted  that  it  has  not  yet 
sufficiently  developed  all  the  various  branches  of  its  activity, 
but  this  is  not  due  to  a  difference  in  its  principle,  but  to  the 
divergence  in  local  conditions  for  which  the  idea  is  not  respon- 
sible. If  all  its  potentialities  have  not  yet  been  developed,  there 
is  no  reason  why  they  should  not  be  so  very  soon.  Notwith- 
standing all  kinds  of  difficulties  and  domestic  controversies, 
Zionism  in  England  was  propagated  and  furthered  by  a  great 
number  of  able  workers.  Among  those  who  took  a  leading  part 
in  the  work  in  England  since  the  earliest  period  may  be  found  : 
the  Haham  Dr.  Moses  Gaster,  Joseph  Cowen,  Herbert  Bentwich, 
the  late  S.  B.  Rubenstein,  L.  J.  Greenberg,  Jacob  de  Haas, 
Jacob  Moser,  Charles  Dreyfus,  the  late  Rabbi  A.  Werner,  the 
late  A.  Vecht,  the  late  A.  Lozinsky,  the  late  A.  Ginzberg,  L. 
Kessler,  Percy  Baker,  the  late  J.  Massel,  E.  Ish-Kishor,  M. 
Shire,  J.  Cohen-Lask,  Rev.  J.  K.  Goldbloom,  the  late  Rev.  David 
Wasserzug,  Dr.  S.  Fox,  E.  W.  Rabbinowicz,  Miss  H.  Weisberg, 
Dr.  Moses  Umanski,  H.  M.  Raskin,  H.  Comor,  the  late  H.  M. 
Benoliel,  Solomon  Cohen,  E.  Guilaroff,  and  others. 

Somewhat  later — not  exactly  in  the  literal  sense — the  older 
leaders  were  joined  by  new  workers  of  influence  and  eminent 
ability.  The  most  notable  are  :  Dr.  Ch.  Weizmann,  Dr.  Samuel 
Daiches,  Rev.  Isaiah  Raffalovich,  Leon  Simon,  Harry  Sacher, 
Norman  Bentwich,  Albert  M.  Hyamson,  Dr.  S.  Brodetsky, 
S.  Landman,  Leonard  Stein,  Rev.  M.  H.  Segal,  Bertram 
Benas,  Joseph  Jacobs,  Paul  Goodman,  Israel  Cohen,  Dr. 
Joseph  Hochman,  Samuel  Cohen,  Israel  Sieff,  Simon  Marks, 
Dr.  Salis  Daiches,  F.  S.  Spiers,  and  others.  In  University 
and  intellectual  circles  also  important  progress  in  Zionist 
thought  could  be  perceived.  One  of  the  most  prominent  of 
the  intellectual  Zionists  is  the  Haham  Dr.  Gaster.  He  was 
born  at  Bucharest  in  1857.  Having  matriculated  there,  he  pro- 
ceeded to  the  Jewish  Seminary,  Breslau,  where  in  due  course  he 
received  his  rabbinical  diploma.  He  is  also  a  Doctor  of  Phil- 
osophy of  the  University  of  Leipsic.  He  pubhshed  numerous 
important  works  on  the  Roumanian  language  and  literature,  and 
on  the  subject  of  folklore,  on  which  he  is  one  of  the  first  authori- 
ties. He  has  written  text-books  for  general  and  Jewish  schools 
in  Roumania.  His  compendium  of  Scripture  history  has  been 
adopted  as  a  standard  work  throughout  the  country.  He  pro- 
duced the  first  excellent  translation  of  the  Hebrew  Prayer  Book 
into  Roumanian.  In  1885  he  left  Roumania  and  came  to  Eng- 
land, where  he  was  appointed  Haham  of  the  Spanish  and  Portu- 
guese Congregations  in  succession  to  the  late  Haham  Dr.  Artom 
(1887).    This  office  he  resigned  in  1918.    He  brought  new  life  into 



those  congregations  and  largely  aided  by  his  valuable  literary 
work  in  the  promotion  of  oriental  studies  in  England.  Gaster 
was  an  ardent  Zionist  long  before  the  First  Congress.  Pro- 
foundly touched  by  the  unfortunate  position  of  the  Jews  in 
Roumania,  he  assisted  in  estabhshing  the  first  Jewish  colony  in 
Palestine,  Samarin  (Zichron  Jacob) — and  organized  meetings  in 
Roumania  which  were  addressed  by  Laurence  Oliphant  and 
others.  Indeed  it  was  the  part  he  took  in  these  matters  that,  in 
some  measure,  led  to  his  expulsion  from  Roumania.  In  England 
he  joined  the  Zionist  Organization  from  its  very  beginning.  His 
learned  speeches  and  writings  gave  a  great  impetus  to  the 

Herbert  Bentwich,  a  zealous  and  devoted  supporter  of  the 
Jewish  colonization  in  Palestine,  was  as  well  known  in  the 
Choveve  Zion  movement  as  he  is  in  the  Zionist  Organization. 
He  was  the  organizer  and  leader  of  the  Maccabean  Pilgrimage 
to  Palestine  of  1897.  In  several  articles  in  the  English  press  he 
answered  the  attacks  made  upon  Zionism.  Being  a  lawyer  by 
profession  his  services  were  invaluable  in  the  foundation 
of  the  Zionist  financial  institutions.  A  well-known  figure 
at  the  Zionist  Congresses,  he  is  a  most  active  worker  in  local 
affairs,  especially  in  the  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans,  in  con- 
nection with  which  organization  he  recently  helped  to  found  a 
land  company  for  the  purchase  of  land  in  Palestine.  He  is  in- 
defatigable in  the  propaganda  of  Zionism,  and  one  of  the  few 
English  Zionists  who  succeeded  in  making  Zionism  a  tradition 
of  his  family  by  means  of  the  closest  personal  contact  with 

Israel  ZangwiU  may  be  described  as  one  of  the  most  distin- 
guished propagandists  of  the  Zionist  idea  during  the  period 
1899  until  1906,  when  he  founded  the  Territorialist  Organization. 
To  this  brilliant  writer  and  orator  belongs  the  credit  of  having 
contributed  greatly  towards  making  Zionism  popular  in  England. 
An  English  writer  of  enchanting  dexterity,  possessed  of  a  keen 
sense  of  humour  and  capacity  to  appeal  to  the  crowd,  he  dis- 
credited the  old  idea  of  Assimilation.  Though  his  views  on  the 
future  of  Palestine  have  undergone  considerable  modification, 
his  pamphlets  and  early  speeches  are  still  useful  and  appreciated 
in  Zionism. 

Mr.  Joseph  Cowen,  who  takes  a  most  active  and  responsible 
part  in  Zionist  work,  particularly  with  regard  to  the  financial 
institutions,  plays  an  important  part  in  central  as  well  as  in 
local  organization.  He  was  for  some  years  a  member  of  the 
Actions  Committee  and  one  of  the  most  prominent  representa- 
tives at  Zionist  Congresses  and  Conferences.  Mr.  L.  J.  Green- 
berg's  name  is  found  in  the  Zionist  records  of  the  first  few  years 
in  connection  with  the  movement  in  England,  as  well  as  inter- 
nationally, and  in  his  work  he  has  always  associated  himself  with 
Mr.  Cowen.    He  was  always  deemed  resourceful  and  an  energetic 


propagandist  in  England,  and  was  for  a  certain  period  a  member 
of  the  central  management  of  the  Organization.  He  was  Hono- 
rary Secretary  of  the  English  Zionist  Federation,  and  a  member 
of  the  Actions  Committee,  and  in  these  capacities  did  admirable 
work.  Both  Mr.  Cowen  and  Mr.  Greenberg  were  deeply  attached 
to  Herzl,  and  assisted  him  in  his  work  in  England. 

The  late  S.  B.  Rubenstein  was  one  of  the  veterans  of  the 
old  Choveve  Zion,  and  as  a  representative  Zionist  was  very  active 
in  the  movement  since  the  First  Congress.  Mr.  Jacob  de  Haas, 
a  joumaUst  of  great  versatiHty,  combined  with  great  devotion 
and  inexhaustible  enthusiasm  for  the  cause,  worked  hard  in 
England,  and  now  continues  his  useful  work  zealously  in  the 
United  States.  Mr.  Leopold  Kessler,  a  faithful  adherent  to 
Zionism  since  its  inception,  has  been  active,  partly  in  South 
Africa  and  partly  in  England,  more  especially  in  connection 
with  the  financial  institutions  and  the  Actions  Committee.  The 
Rev.  Isaiah  Raffalovich,  Rabbi  of  the  New  Hebrew  Congrega- 
tion, Liverpool,  a  native  of  Jerusalem,  an  inspired  Chovev  Zion 
and  Zionist,  is  doing  excellent  propaganda  work.  The  late 
Joseph  Massel,  of  Manchester,  a  man  of  great  Jewish  learning, 
a  Hebrew  writer  and  translator,  was  a  well-known  and  popular 
figure  at  the  Zionist  Conferences  in  England,  as  well  as  at  the 
Zionist  Congresses.  He  was  one  of  the  few  Hebraists  who 
introduced  an  element  of  Hebrew  literature  into  the  Zionist 
propaganda  in  England.  The  late  Aron  Vecht  (1856-1908), 
a  man  of  striking  individuality,  was  an  ardent  Jewish  nationalist. 
He  founded  the  weekly  paper.  The  Jewish  Standard,  and  was  one 
of  the  founders  of  the  Choveve  Zion  Association  in  London,  and 
later,  when  Herzl  launched  the  Zionist  movement,  became  one  of 
his  most  devoted  followers. 

Mr.  Jacob  Moser,  j.p.  (Lord-Mayor  of  Bradford,  igio-ii), 
deserves  an  honourable  place  among  the  Zionist  leaders.  A 
prominent  philanthropist  in  his  city,  and  a  devoted  Zionist,  he 
has  been  for  a  number  of  years  a  leading  representative  of  the 
Movement  and  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee, 
and  attended  most  Zionist  Congresses,  where  he  gained  great 
popularity.  He  visited  Palestine  and  became  a  generous  and 
zealous  patron  of  Hebrew  education  there.  The  Hebrew  Gym- 
nasium at  Jaffa,  which  is  the  first  and  foremost  Hebrew  educa- 
tional institution  in  the  Holy  Land,  was  practically  founded  by 
him,  and  owes  its  existence  and  maintenance  to  his  exertions 
and  generosity.  Dr.  Charles  Dreyfus,  j.p.,  of  Manchester,  has 
associated  himself  with  the  Zionist  movement  now  for  some 
years.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee  and 
President  of  the  EngHsh  Zionist  Federation. 

Some  Zionists  have  worked,  and  are  now  working,  with  great 
enthusiasm  in  the  sphere  of  Hebrew  education.  The  method  of 
Hebrew  teachinf^  known  as  "  Ibrith  B'lbrith  "  (Hebrew  in 
Hebrew),  which  was  first  introduced  by  Zionists  into  Palestine 


and  Russia,  was  first  recommended  in  England  by  Mr.  David 
Yellin,  of  Jerusalem,  at  public  meetings  addressed  by  him  on  his 
visits  to  this  country,  and  was  strongly  supported  by  Mr.  Israel 
Abrahams.  In  the  work  of  encouraging  the  diffusion  of  the 
Hebrew  language  in  England  those  most  active  were :  in 
London- — Rev.  J.  K.  Goldbloom — and  before  his  removal  to  the 
United  States  Mr.  E.  Ish-Kishor,  and — in  Liverpool — Dr.  Samuel 
Fox,  an  able  Hebraist  and  educator,  formerly  editor  of  the  Ha- 
Magid,  assisted  by  a  number  of  efficient  Hebrew  teachers,  Mr. 
Maximovski  (now  in  America),  Mr.  Rumianck,  Mr.  Wassilewsky, 
Mr.  Port,  Mr.  A.  Doniach,  the  young  Hebrew  poet  Pinski, 
Mr.  Beilin,  Mr.  Hodes,  and  others.  There  are  in  London,  as  well 
as  in  the  provinces,  some  Hebrew-speaking  societies  and  groups 
that  work  for  the  maintenance  of  Hebrew  as  a  living  tongue. 
The  late  J.  Suwalski,  an  able  Talmudist  and  Hebrew  writer, 
edited  and  published  in  London  for  some  years  a  Hebrew 
weekly,  Ha-Yehoudi,  under  most  difficult  conditions.  After  his 
death  the  publication  of.  this  paper  was  suspended,  but  in 
Hebraist  circles  a  propaganda  is  again  on  foot  for  the  purpose  of 
securing  the  reappearance  of  a  Hebrew  weekly. 

In  tracing  the  more  recent  development  of  Zionism  in  Eng- 
land, a  number  of  representatives  and  workers  of  a  prominently 
intellectual  and  literary  character  cannot  escape  our  attention  : 
Dr.  Samuel  Daiches,  Lecturer  in  Biblical  Exegesis  and  Tal- 
mudics  at  Jews'  College,  and  author  of  numerous  works  on 
Assyriologian,  Biblical  Babylonian  and  Talmudical  Babylonian 
subjects,  a  scholar  of  recognized  merits,  has  an  excellent  Zionist 
record  as  a  delegate  to  the  Congresses,  a  Zionist  writer,  and  as  a 
most  faithful  propagandist  of  the  national  idea  and  the  Hebrew 
language.  His  brother.  Dr.  Salis  Daiches,  Minister  of  the  Edin- 
burgh Hebrew  Congregation  and  author  of  studies  on  philosophy, 
is  an  active  member  of  the  Organization.  Both  are  faithful  to 
the  traditions  of  their  old  rabbinical  family  and  particularly  to 
that  of  their  father,  the  venerable  Rabbi  Israel  Hayim  Daiches 
of  the  Great  Bet  Ha-Midrash  Congregation,  Leeds,  who  many 
years  ago,  when  Rabbi  at  Neustadt-Shirvint,  Russia,  was  one  of 
the  first  of  the  orthodox  Rabbis  to  identify  themselves  with  the 
Zionist  idea.  j 

The  beginning  of  a  University  movement  and  the  literary 
activity  in  connection  with  Zionism  are,  undoubtedly,  remark- 
able features  of  Zionist  development  in  England  in  recent  years 
and  deserve  due  consideration.  Most  prominent  in  this  useful 
and  promising  movement  are  :  Leon  Simon,  Norman  Bentwich, 
Harry  Sacher,  Albert  M.  Hyamson,  Dr.  Selig  Brodetsky,  Samuel 
Landman,  Dr.  Joseph  Hochman,  Leonard  Stein,  the  Rev.  M.  H. 
Segal  and  others,  who,  as  Hebrew  scholars  and  EngHsh  writers 
of  a  highly  cultivated  Hterary  taste,  have  founded  University 
Zionist  Societies,  and  are  frequently  lecturing  on  Zionist  and 
general  Jewish  literary  subjects.    During  the  four  years  of  the 


European  War,  despite  the  pressure  on  their  time  and  energies 
which  their  non-Zionist  duties,  in  most  instances  in  the  service 
of  the  State,  involved,  they  produced  a  Zionist  hterature  remark- 
able not  only  in  all  the  circumstances  for  its  quantity,  but  also 
for  its  quality.  They  established  and  produced  two  periodicals. 
The  Zionist  Review,  the  monthly  organ  of  the  English  Zionist 
Federation  (editors,  Mr.  A.  M.  Hyamson  and  Mr.  Leon  Simon), 
in  a  sense  the  successor  to  The  Zionist,  which  ceased  publication 
on  the  outbreak  of  war,  and  Palestine,  the  weekly  organ  of  the 
British  Palestine  Committee  (editor,  Mr.  Harry  Sacher).  Of 
books  all  of  a  high  quality  and  a  permanent  character,  Zionism 
and  the  Jewish  Future  (editor,  Mr.  H.  Sacher),  which  immediately 
became  the  standard  work  in  England  on  Zionism,  and  passed 
into  a  second  edition  which  soon  became  exhausted,  Zionism — 
Problems  and  Views  (editors,  Mr.  Paul  Goodman  and  Mr.  Arthur 
D.  Lewis),  Palestine — The  Rebirth  of  an  Ancient  People  (Mr. 
Albert  M.  Hyamson),  Palestine  of  the  Jews  (Mr.  Norman  Bent- 
wich),  and  England  and  Palestine  (Mr.  H.  Sidebotham),  published 
by  the  British  Palestine  Committee,  have  all  appeared  since  1914. 
At  the  same  time  the  same  small  band  of  writers  have  been 
active  in  the  periodical  press,  and  by  means  of  a  number  of 
pamphlets,  which  deal  with  different  aspects  of  Zionism  and  the 
Palestine  question,  have  had  considerable  influence  on  public 
opinion,  Jewish  and  non- Jewish,  throughout  the  English- 
speaking  world.  Some  members  of  this  small  band  have  also 
written  on  Zionism  and  Palestine  in  some  of  the  leading  American 
periodicals.  Without  being  by  any  means  exhaustive,  one  may 
mention  among  recent  pamphlets  :  The  Case  of  the  Anti-Zionists 
(Leon  Simon),  Great  Britain,  Palestine  and  the  Jews — (i)  Jewry's 
Celebration  of  its  National  Charter,  (2)  A  Survey  of  Christian 
Opinion,  What  is  Zionism?  (Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann  and  Dr. 
Richard  Gottheil),  The  Jewish  Colonization  in  Palestine :  Its 
History  and  its  Prospects  (S.  Tolkowsky),  A  Jewish  Palestine : 
The  Jewish  Case  for  a  British  Trusteeship  (H.  Sacher),  Zionism 
and  the  Jewish  Religion  (F.  S.  Spiers),  Zionism  and  the  Jewish 
Problem  (Leon  Simon),  A  Hebrew  University  for  Jerusalem 
(H.  Sacher),  Zionism  and  Socialism  (Lewis  Rifkind),  Jewish 
Emancipation :  The  Contract  Myth  (H,  Sacher),  History  and 
Development  of  Jewish  Colonization  in  Palestine  (L.  Kessler), 
Zionism,  its  Organization  and  Institutions  (S.  Landman),  Jewish 
Colonization  and  Enterprise  in  Palestine  (I.  M.  Sieff),  Zionism 
and  Jewish  Culture  (Norman  Bentwich),  Zionism  and  the  State 
(H.  Sacher),  Zionism  and  the  Hebrew  Revival  (E.  Miller),  Hebrew 
Education  in  Palestine  (S.  Philipps),  British  Projects  for  the 
Restoration  of  the  Jews  (A.  M.  Hyamson),  Cosmopolitanism 
and  Zionism  (Arthur  D.  Lewis),  The  Jewish  National  Fund 
(Joseph  D.  Jacobs),  Zionism  in  the  Bible  (N.  Sokolow), 
Achievements  and  Prospects  in  Palestine  (S.  Tolkowsky),  Hebrew 
Education  in  Palestine  (Leon  Simon),  and  a  number  of  the  essays 


of  "  Achad  Ha'am/'  translated  into  English  by  Mr.  Leon 

Of  important  articles  in  the  principal  English  weeklies  and 
reviews  may  be  mentioned  "  Palestine  and  Jewish  Nationalism," 
by  Mr,  Leon  Simon,  in  The  Round  Table,  **The  Development  of 
Political  Zionism,"  by  Mr.  Israel  Cohen  in  The  Fortnightly  Review, 
by  Mr.  Albert  M.  Hyamson  in  the  Quarterly  Review,  and  a'so  several 
other  articles  by  the  same  writer  in  Th^  New  Statesman  and  The 
New  Europe.  The  Times  and  The  Manchester  Guardian,  not  to 
mention  other  daily  periodicals,  have  given  valuable  and  frequent 
support,  in  their  editorial  columns  and  elsewhere,  to  the  Zionist 

It  is  chiefly  due  to  the  exertions  of  Mr.  Leon  Simon,  who 
stands  at  the  head  of  the  University  Zionist  Organization,  that 
the  revival  of  interest  in  living  Hebrew  has  spread  among  the 
young  intellectuals.  It  is  worthy  of  notice  that  this  young 
scholar,  who  was  born  and  educated  in  this  country,  was  so 
strongly  inspired  by  the  Zionist  idea  that  he  acquired  so  thorough 
a  knowledge  of  the  Hebrew  language  that  he  is  now  a  good  He- 
brew speaker,  as  well  as  a  highly  appreciated  contributor  to  the 
Hebrew  monthly  Ha-Shiloach.  The  Rev.  M.  H.  Segal,  formerly 
Minister  of  the  Newcastle-on-Tyne  Congregation,  author  of 
Mishnaic  Hebrew  and  its  Relation  to  Biblical  Hebrew  and  Aramaic, 
who  belongs  to  the  same  group,  is  an  excellent  Hebrew  writer. 
This  movement  has  been  greatly  influenced  by  Asher  Ginzberg — 
Achad  Ha' am — who  lives  in  London,  and  whose  writings  are  very 
highly  appreciated  in  intellectual  quarters.  Mr.  Simon  has 
translated  some  of  his  books  into  English.  A  great  supporter  of 
this  movement  is  Dr.  Ch.  Weizmann,  who  is  an  old  worker  in 
University  circles. 

Evidently  Zionism  is  attracting  more  and  more  attention  and 
consideration,  and  has  the  moral  support  and  sympathy  of  dis- 
tinguished scholars  and  spiritual  leaders,  among  whom  we  may 
mention  the  Goldsmid  Professor  of  Hebrew  at  the  University  of 
London  and  Rabbi  of  the  Bayswater  Synagogue,  Hermann 
GoUancz,  and  Dr.  S.  A.  Hirsch,  a  well-known  Talmudist  and 
Emeritus  Lecturer  at  Jews'  College.  Dr.  Hirsch  was  one  of  the 
distinguished  Choveve  Zion,  and  took  great  interest  in  the 
Zionist  movement.  He  was  for  a  time  Chairman  of  the  Joint 
Committee  of  the  English  Zionist  Federation  and  the  Macca- 

The  foregoing  sketch,  incomplete  as  it  is,  gives  some  idea  of 
the  amount  of  energy  and  labour  expended  on  the  work  of 
Zionist  organization  and  propaganda  in  England.  If  it  is  not  as 
large  and  vigorous  as  it  might  be,  and  as  it  is  undoubtedly  going 
to  be  owing  to  the  new  development,  it  cannot  be  denied  that 
there  is  in  England  a  strong  Zionist  movement  supported  by 
an  ever-increasing  number  of  able,  determined  and  devoted 

11.— 2  A 


2.  South  Africa 

In  South  Africa  Zionism  is  powerful  and  important.  Among 
the  first  representatives  of  the  movement  there  must  be  men- 
tioned as  the  most  notable :  Dr.  J,  H.  Hertz,  Johannesburg 
(he  was  Delegate  to  the  Fourth  Zionist  Congress,  1900),  who  is 
now  Chief  Rabbi  of  the  United  Hebrew  Congregations  of  the 
British  Empire.  Other  staunch  supporters  were  the  Rev.  Dr.  J.L. 
Landau,  Mr.  S.  Goldreich,  the  late  Rev.  D.  Wasserzug,  Mr.  S.  L. 
Heymann,  Mr.  S.  Lennox-Loewe,  Mr.  R.  Alexander,  Mr.  J. 
Heymann,  Dr.  Abelheim,  Mr.  J.  L.  Cohen,  Mr.  H.  Lyons,  Mr.  R. 
Feigenbaum,  Mr.  H.  B.  Ellenbogen,  Mr.  S.  S.  Grossberg  (Bula- 
wayo),  Mr.  B.  Aaron,  Mr.  J.  Blum,  Mr.  A.  Beyer,  Mr.  N. 
Richardson,  Mr.  J.  Kark,  Mr.  B.  J.  Chaimowitz,  Mr.  A.  Dere- 
meik,  Mr.  A.  M.  Abrahams,  Mr.  J.  Kaplan,  Mr.  J.  Schwartz,  Mr. 
Groimann,  Mr.  Hersh,  Mr.  S.  Bebor  and  others.  They  have  a 
well-organized  Zionist  Federation,  of  which  the  advocate,  Mr. 
Maurice  Alexander,  is  the  Chairman.  They  also  have  their  own 
Zionist  Press,  always  send  delegates  to  the  Zionist  Congresses 
and  maintain  a  strong  and  successful  propaganda  in  their  country. 
The  enthusiasm  manifested  by  the  masses  is  as  great  as  the 
wonderful  generosity  with  which  they  support  all  Zionist  institu- 
tions in  and  outside  of  Palestine.  One  is  simply  struck  with 
admiration  at  the  wonderful  results  they  have  achieved  in  the 
way  of  contributions. 

3.  Canada 

In  Canada  the  Zionist  movement  began  in  1898  and  immedi- 
ately met  with  great  success.  Zionists  propagated  their  principles 
at  mass  meetings  and  soon  attracted  enthusiastic  workers  for 
their  cause,  and  by  their  help  they  were  enabled  to  form  organiza- 
tions in  Montreal,  Toronto,  Winnipeg,  Hamilton,  London,  King- 
ston (Ontario),  Ottawa,  and  on  the  Pacific  Coast.  (The  first 
Zionist  Society  in  Canada  was  the  Agudath  Zion  in  Montreal.) 
First  and  foremost  among  the  leaders  is  Mr.  Clarence  I.  de  Sola, 
a  brother  of  the  late  Rev.  Meldola  de  Sola,  the  minister  of  the 
Sephardi  Community  of  Montreal.  Both  were  the  sons  of  Dr. 
Abraham  de  Sola,  ll.d.,  who  was  Professor  of  Semitic  Litera- 
ture at  the  McGill  University  of  Montreal,  and  the  leading 
Jewish  Rabbi  and  writer  in  Canada.  Mr.  Clarence  de  Sola  is 
President  of  the  Federation  of  the  Zionist  Societies  of  Canada. 
The  Rev.  A.  M.  Ashinski  (now  at  Pittsburg),  Dr.  David  M.  Hart, 
the  Rev.  B.  M.  KapHn,  Mr.  J.  S.  Leo,  Mr.  A.  Levin,  the  Rev.  D.  H. 
Wittenberg,  Mr.  H.  G.  Levetus,  Mr.  Leon  Goldman,  Mr.  B.  Levi, 
the  late  Mr.  Fahk  and  many  others  were  the  principal,  untiring 
workers  from  the  first ;  and  the  distinguished  Hebraist  Rabbi 
Menkin  (Hamilton),  the  eminent  preacher  Rabbi  Abramowitz 
(Montreal),Mr.L.Lewinsky  (Toronto),  Mr.  J.  Friedmann  (Ottawa), 
Mr.  S.  Jacobs  (Montreal),  Mr.  Leon  Cohn,  Dr.  Shayne,  Mr.  David 
Levy,  Mr.  Louis  Fitch,  Mr.  A.  A.  Harris,  Mr.  S.  Frankel,  Mr.  E. 


Geffen,  Mr.  Joseph  Finsberg,  Mr.  H.  Nathansohn,  Mr.  Bernard 
Lasker  and  many  other  enthusiastic  speakers,  workers  and 
writers  contributed  to  the  efforts  that  made  the  Federation  of 
the  Canadian  Zionists  a  hving  force  in  the  great  movement,  and 
the  most  active  and  most  respected  section  of  Jewry  in  that 
important  part  of  the  British  Empire. 

4.  Other  Parts  of  the  British  Empire, 

There  are  also  some  Zionist  groups  as  well  as  individual  sup- 
porters in  New  Zealand,  in  Australia  and  in  all  other  parts  of  the 
British  Empire.  In  Egypt  Zionism  has  recently  made  con- 
siderable progress. 

5.  The  United  States 

The  United  States  of  America,  with  its  three  million  Jews, 
of  whom  by  far  the  greater  number  have  migrated  there  from 
Russia  during  the  past  two  generations,  has  a2ili£ally  become  an 
important  centre  of  Zionism.  It  is  impossible  to  give,  in  a  brief 
outline,  a  proper  conception  of  the  greatness  and  importance  of 
Zionist  activities  in  America. 

America  is  a  world  in  itself,  and  this  can  equally  be  said  of 
American  Zionism.  The  majority  of  Zionists  may  already  per- 
haps, or  will  very  soon,  reside  in  the  English-speaking  countries. 
The  extent  of  Zionism  in  the  United  States  cannot  be  gauged  by 
the  payment  of  the  "  Shekel  "  (the  annual  obligatory  Zionist 
contribution),  which  is  not  by  any  means  a  criterion  as  far  as 
Zionist  allegiance  in  America  is  concerned.  It  is  sufficient  to 
mention  such  well-known  names  as  :  Justice  Louis  D.  Brandeis, 
Nathan  Straus,  Rabbi  Stephen  S.  Wise,  Dr.  Harry  Frieden- 
wald,  Professor  Richard  Gottheil,  Miss  Henrietta  Szold, 
Dr.  Solomon  Solis  Cohen,  Professor  Israel  Friedlaender, 
Rev.  Dr.  Pereira  Mendes,  E.  Lewin-Epstein,  Zolotkow,  Louis 
Lipsky,  J.  de  Haas,  Professor  Felix  Frankfurter,  Leon  Sanders, 
Dr.  C.  S.  Rubensohn,  Nathan  D.  Kaplan,  Judge  Aaron  J.  Levy, 
Judge  Julian  W.  Mack,  Dr.  H.  M.  Kallen,  Rabbi  H.  H.  Rubeno- 
witz,  Louis  Robison,  Dr.  Benjamin  L.  Gordon,  Julius  Meyer, 
S.  Abel,  A.  E.  Lubarski,  Maurice  L.  Avner,  Rabbi  S.  Margolis, 
Rev.  Max  Heller,  Joseph  Barondess,  Rev.  H.  Masliansky, 
Abraham  Goldberg,  Bernard  Richards,  B.  Rosenblatt  and  many 
others,  representing  all  classes,  sections  and  shades  of  American 
Jewry — these  names  enable  one  to  form  a  slight  idea  of  the 
greatness  of  the  movement. 

Mr.  Louis  D.  Brandeis,  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court,  stands 
at  the  head  of  the  Oreranization,  and  his  influence  in  America 
equals  almost  that  of  Herzl  in  this  hemisphere.  Dr.  Shemaryah 
Levin,  representing  the  Inner  Actions  Committee,  has  done 
much  to  stimulate  propaganda  in  America,  and  is  strongly 
supported  by  a  number  of  distinguished  Zionists  who  have 
recently  arrived  there. 


The  movement  has,  however,  a  long  and  honourable  record  in 
America  (where,  as  in  other  countries,  the  Zionist  movement  was 
preceded  by  a  Chovcve  Zion  movement).  There  have  been  not 
only  the  Shove  Zion  in  New  York  and  the  Choveve  Zion  in  Phila- 
delphia in  1 891  ;  the  beginning  was  much  earlier.  Mention  has 
already  been  made  of  the  Rev.  M.  J.  Raphall's  activities  ;  but  he 
did  not  stand  alone  in  his  efforts.  An  attempt  to  form  a  Choveve 
Zion  organization  was  made  at  Cincinnati  in  1855.  In  the  Occi- 
dent of  Philadelphia,  of  March  8th,  i860,  Mr.  Simon  Berman,  the 
author  of  the  Hebrew  book  Massot  Shimon  (published  in  1874), 
published  the  details  of  a  Choveve  Zion  plan  he  had  then  formu- 
lated. Still  later,  Adam  Rosenberg  worked  most  energetically 
in  connection  with  Choveve  Zion  in  other  countries,  and  with  the 
first  colonists  in  Palestine.  Rosenberg  attended  also  the  First 
Zionist  Congress. 

The  Federation  of  American  Zionists  was  organized  on  July 
4th,  1897,  with  Professor  Richard  Gottheil  as  President,  Dr.  B. 
Felsenthal  of  Chicago,  Dr.  M.  Jastrow  of  Philadelphia,  Dr.  S. 
Schaffer  of  Baltimore,  Dr.  J.  L.  Bluestone,  Rev.  H.  MasUansky, 
as  members  ;  Mr.  C.  D.  Birkhahn  acted  as  Hon.  Treasurer,  and 
Rabbi  Stephen  S.  Wise  as  Honorary  Secretary. 

The  old  and  highly  esteemed  Dr.  Gustav  Gottheil,  father  of 
Professor  Richard  Gottheil,  who  had  formerly  been  Rabbi  at 
Manchester  (and  a  friend  of  Professor  Theodores),  and  had  just 
then  become  Rabbi  at  New  York  (where  he  died  in  1903),  identi- 
fied himself  with  the  Zionist  movement.  Professor  Richard 
Gottheil  joined  the  movement  from  the  beginning.  He  was  a 
friend  of  Herzl,  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee  and  a 
prominent  figure  at  the  Zionist  Congresses.  In  order  to  spread 
a  knowledge  of  the  Zionist  movement,  the  first  Committee 
of  the  Federation  resolved  to  issue  a  series  of  publications, 
and  Professor  Gottheil  wrote  his  first  pamphlet.  The  Aims  of 
Zionism,  in  1897.  Five  years  ago  he  published  an  important 
work  on  Zionism.  For  a  long  time  Dr.  J.  L.  Magnes  was 
most  actively  engaged  in  Zionist  work,  and  he  is  still  most 
active  in  the  work  of  organizing  Hebrew  education  in  tlie 
United  States. 

The  late  Dr.  Marcus  Jastrow,  who  served  on  the  first  Com- 
mittee, was  an  orientalist  and  a  rabbi,  pre-eminently  known  as 
a  man  of  genius  and  thoroughness,  and  as  an  author  of  a  great 
dictionary  of  the  Aramaic-Talmudic  language,  and  of  other 
works  of  great  value.  It  is  not  generally  known,  and  there- 
fore worthy  of  notice  here,  that  when  he  was  preacher  at  the 
Great  Synagogue  in  Warsaw  at  the  beginning  of  the  sixties 
at  the  time  of  the  Polish  Insurrection,  he  was  an  enthusiastic 
friend  of  the  Poles  in  their  struggle  for  national  liberty.  Poles 
and  Polish-Jewish  patriots  still  cherish  his  memory  with  deep 

The  present  Zionist  movement  in  America,  as  compared  with 


the  earlier  one,  is  of  course  much  stronger  and  healthier,  but  it  is 
interesting  to  observe  that  the  movement  in  America  is  not  one 
that  sprang  up  only  recently. 

During  the  present  war  American  Zionism  has  come  provi- 
dentially to  the  succour  of  Palestine  with  an  enthusiasm  and  a 
generosity  unequalled  in  history,  and  it  is  undoubtedly  qualified 
and  destined  to  play  a  prominent  part  in  the  Zionist  solution  of 
the  Palestinian  problem. 

6.  Germany 

The  geographical  position  of  Germany — its  proximity  to 
Russia  and  Austria — the  numerical  strength  of  its  Jewish  popula- 
tion, and  their  long  tradition  of  Jewish  learning  and  Jewish 
activity,  have  combined  to  make  that  country  favourable  soil  for 
the  growth  of  Zionism.  Nor  must  the  prevalent  anti-Semitism 
be  left  out  of  account  as  a  factor  making  in  the  same  direction. 
Whereas,  for  instance,  the  Jewish  University  student  in  England 
is  welcomed  in  the  various  students'  associations  and  clubs,  the 
Jewish  students  at  a  German  University  are  practically  com- 
pelled to  form  an  organization  of  their  own.  This  is  one  of  the 
causes  of  the  remarkable  growth  of  the  Zionist  Students'  move- 
ment in  Germany — a  movement  which,  while  it  is  not  free  from 
the  besetting  sin  of  over-organization,  has  undoubtedly  done  a 
great  deal  to  transform  the  spirit  of  German  Jewry.  But  from 
the  earliest  years,  even  before  the  growth  of  the  Students'  move- 
ment, Zionism  has  always  been  in  Germany  a  serious  intellectual 
movement,  contending  for  supremacy  with  the  "  Reform  "  theory 
of  Judaism,  and  never  failing  to  hold  its  own.  The  first  official 
paper  of  the  movement  was  LHe  Welt,  and  the  Judischer  Verlag 
in  Berlin  was  for  long  the  most  important  Zionist  publishing 
concern  ;  while  in  the  extent  of  its  Zionist  literary  and  artistic 
output  Germany  is  probably  second  to  no  other  country.  Yet 
it  is  characteristic  that  a  Zionist  Congress  has  only  once  (Ham- 
burg, 191 1)  been  held  in  Germany,  though  the  headquarters  of 
the  movement  were  for  a  time  at  Cologne  and  afterwards  at 
Berlin,  and  though  Germany  has  been  the  home  of  such  dis- 
tinguished Zionists  as  Dr.  Max  Bodenheimer,  for  many  years  at 
the  head  of  the  Jewish  National  Fund,  Dr.  Franz  Oppenheimer, 
the  expert  in  co-operative  colonization,  and  Julius  Simon,  to  say 
nothing  of  members  of  the  Inner  Actions  Committee  like  Wolff- 
sohn,  Hantke  and  Warburg. 

7.  Smaller  European  Countries 

Holland  gave  to  the  movement  one  of  its  earliest  leaders, 
Heer  Jacobus  Kann,  who  was  associated  with  Wolff sohn  in  the 
administration  after  Herzl's  death.  It  has  now  a  well-organized 
and  active  Zionist  Organization,  to  which  a  great  impetus  was 
given  by  the  Eighth  Congress  at  the  Hague,  1909.   Dutch  Zionists 


take  a  very  active  part  in  the  general  organization  work  and  in 
that  of  the  Jewish  National  Fund,  the  headquarters  of  which  are 
at  present  at  the  Hague.  The  Dutch  Zionist  Federation  has  an 
excellent  weekly  paper,  De  Joodsche  Wachter,  which  has  appeared 
regularly  for  several  years.  Zionism  in  Holland  has  had  for 
several  years  a  University  Movement.  In  connection  with 
Holland,  a  place  of  honour  in  Zionist  history  belongs  to  Belgium, 
and  particularly  to  Antwerp,  which  has  been  for  several  years  an 
important  Zionist  centre.  M.  Jean  Fischer,  most  noteworthy  of 
the  Antwerp  group  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  organization, 
is  a  member  of  the  Actions  Committee  and  of  the  great  financial 
institutions  of  Zionism.  He  and  his  friends  have  taken  an 
important  part  in  colonization  undertakings  in  Palestine. 
Switzerland,  the  land  of  Zionist  Congresses,  has  a  good  organiza- 
tion with  many  zealous  and  able  workers.  In  Denmark  and 
Sweden  the  Zionist  organization  has  lately  developed  great 
activity,  owing  to  the  Zionist  Office  which  has  been  established 
at  Copenhagen.  Rumania  (which  was  almost  equal  to  Russia  in 
the  Choveve  Zion  movement)  and  Bulgaria  are  still  more  im- 
portant as  centres  of  Zionist  activity. 


The  Institutions  of  Zionism 

The  Zionist  institutions — A.  General:  i.  The  Congress — 2.  The  Actions 
Committee — 3.  The  Annual  Conference — 4.  The  Federations  in 
various  countries — 5.  The  English  Zionist  Federation — 6.  The  Order 
of  Ancient  Maccabeans — 7.  The  Palestine  Society. — 8.  The  Poale 
Zion — 9.  The  Mizrachi — 10.  Women  Zionist  Societies — B.  Financial : 
I.  The  Jewish  Colonial  Trust — 2.  The  Anglo-Palestine  Company — 
3.  The  Anglo-Levantine  Company — 4.  The  Jewish  National  Fund — 
5.  The  Palestine  Land  Development  Company — 6.  The  Kedem  Com- 
pany— 7.  The  First  London  Achuzah  Company — 8.  The  Maccabean 
Land  Company — C.  Institutions  in  Palestine — D.  Miscellaneous  In- 

I.  The  Congress 

The  Zionist  Congress  is  the  supreme  authority  in  the  Movement. 
Until  the  fifth  Congress,  Congresses  were  held  annually,  but 
since  the  sixth  Congress  they  have  been  held  biennially.  The 
first  Congress  was  held  on  the  29th  of  August,  1897,  at  Basle, 
Switzerland.  Most  of  the  subsequent  Congresses  were  held  at 
the  same  place  :  the  second  in  August,  1898  ;  the  third  in  August, 
1899  ;  the  fifth  in  December,  1901  ;  the  sixth  in  August,  1903  ; 
the  seventh  in  August,  1905,  and  the  tenth  in  September,  1911. 
The  fourth  Congress  was  held  in  London  in  August,  1900  ;  the 
eighth  took  place  at  the  Hague  in  August,  1907  ;  the  ninth  at 
Hamburg  in  December,  1909,  and  the  eleventh  at  Vienna  in 
August,  1913. 


The  Congress  consists  of  delegates  representing  the  shekel 
payers  throughout  the  world,  who  assemble  for  the  purpose  of 
international  discussion  of  the  Jewish  question  and  decisions 
concerning  the  world-wide  Zionist  Organization.  The  Congress, 
as  the  controlUng  body  of  the  movement,  interprets  the  pro- 
gramme of  Zionism,  settles  the  details  of  organization,  elects  the 
executive  and  examines  the  financial  affairs  of  the  movement. 
The  officials  and  committee  of  the  movement  are  responsible  to 
the  Congress.  The  Zionist  banking  institution,  the  Jewish 
Colonial  Trust  in  London,  is  also  controlled  by  the  Congress,  as 
only  members  of  the  Actions  Committee  can  become  members  of 
the  Council  of  the  Trust.  A  deciding  voice  in  the  control  of  the 
Jewish  National  Fund  is  secured  to  the  Congress,  as  only  members 
of  the  Council  of  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust  can  become  members 
of  the  Jewish  National  Fund.  (See  below  as  to  the  Jewish 
Colonial  Trust  and  Jewish  National  Fund.) 

Only  shekel  payers  (paying  a  sum  of  one  shilling  or  a  corre- 
sponding sum  in  foreign  coinage)  have  the  right  to  elect  delegates 
to  a  Congress.  The  payment  of  that  sum  by  a  person  who  accepts 
the  principles  of  Zionism  as  adopted  by  the  first  Congress  entitles 
him  or  her  to  membership  of  the  International  Zionist  Organiza- 

The  last  Zionist  Congress,  which  was  the  eleventh,  was  at- 
tended by  538  delegates,  who  represented  the  Zionists  in  the 
following  countries :  Russia,  France,  Austria,  Switzerland, 
Germany,  United  States  of  America,  Canada,  Turkey,  Belgium, 
Holland,  Roumania,  China,  Bulgaria,  Italy,  Hungary,  Serbia, 
Australia,  South  Africa,  Greece  and  England. 

2.  The  Actions  Committee 

The  Executive  power  of  the  movement  is  vested  in  the  Greater 
Actions  Committee,  consisting  of  twenty-five  members,  and  in  a 
Smaller  Actions  Committee,  consisting  of  six  members.  The 
members  of  the  present  Greater  Actions  Committee  are  : 

Dr.  Max  Bodenheimer,  Jean  Fischer,  Dr.  Frank,  Dr.  Friede- 
mann,  B.  A.  Goldberg,  Dr.  H.  G.  Heymann,^  A.  Idelsohn, 
Jakobus  Kann,  L.  Kessler,  Dr.  Klee,  J.  Kremenezky,  Dr. 
Alexander  Marmorek,  Leo  Motzkin,  J.  A.  Naiditsch,  A. 
Podlischewski,  Dr.  Leon  Reich,  I.  A.  Rosoff,  S.  Rosenbaum, 
Heinrich  Schein,  Julius  Simon,  Adolf  Stand,  Robert  Strieker, 
M.  Ussischkin,  Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann,  ^  and  David  Wolffsohn.^ 
The  members  of  the  present  Smaller  Actions  Committee  are  : 

Professor  Dr.  Otto  Warburg,  Dr.  Arthur  Hantke,  Dr.  Victor 
Jacobson,  Dr.  Shemaryah  Levin,  Nahum  Sokolow,  and  the  late 
Dr.  E.  W.  Tschlenow.  * 

^  Died  in  1918. 

2  Dr.  Chaim  Weizmann  was  recently  elected  a  member  of  the  Smaller 
Actions  Committee. 

»  Wolfisohn  died  in  1 914.       *  Dr.  Tschlenow  died  in  London  in  191 8 


The  Greater  Actions  Committee  is  the  executive  body  of  the 
Congress  according  to  its  constitution,  but  it  is  only  convened  to 
decide  on  important  questions.  It  meets  several  times  in  the 
year,  and  must  meet  not  less  than  once  a  year.  Only  the  Greater 
Actions  Committee  is  competent  to  consider  and  decide  questions 
relating  to  the  Zionist  organizations  in  the  various  countries. 
The  Committee  has  also  the  right  to  inquire  into  and  examine  the 
work  of  the  Smaller  Actions  Committee. 

The  Smaller  Actions  Committee  is  the  superior  Executive  of 
the  whole  Zionist  Organization,  and  is  entrusted  with  the 
management  of  all  branches  of  the  Zionist  movement  and 
activities  all  over  the  world. 

3.  The  Annual  Conference 

The  name  of  this  institution  is  somewhat  misleading,  as  the 
conference  called  Annual  Conference  is  really  a  biennial  confer- 
ence held  in  those  years  in  which  a  Zionist  Congress  does  not  take 
place.  The  holding  of  such  conferences  was  decided  upon  by  the 
fifth  Congress.  This  conference  is  in  reality  an  extended  meeting 
of  the  Greater  Actions  Committee,  and  is  attended  not  only  by 
all  members  of  that  Committee,  but  also  by  the  president  and 
vice-presidents  of  the  last  Congress,  the  presidents  of  the  per- 
manent commissions,  the  presidents  of  the  federations  and 
amalgamated  organizations  of  the  various  countries,  the  directors 
of  the  banking  institutions,  the  members  of  the  Congress  tribunal, 
the  legal  adviser  of  the  Congress  and  the  auditors.  The  con- 
ference is  somewhat  limited  in  the  scope  of  its  activities,  as  it 
may  only  examine  the  accounts  of  the  organization,  accept 
resolutions,  and  draw  up  a  programme  of  activity  for  the  next 
period  of  administration.  The  conference  has  no  right  to  carry 
out  elections  of  committees  or  officials  or  to  alter  or  modify  the 
Zionist  programme. 

4.  The  Federations  in  Various  Countries 

The  name  "  Federation,"  as  far  as  the  Zionist  movement  is 
concerned,  is  frequently  synonymous  with  the  amalgamated 
organizations  in  any  particular  country.  But,  on  the  other  hand, 
it  sometimes  designates  an  organization  consisting  of  a  number 
of  societies  and  groups  which  have  federated,  for  the  purpose  of 
propagating  Zionism  on  certain  defined  lines.  The  Smaller 
Actions  Committee  is  authorized  to  grant  recognition  to  a  federa- 
tion in  any  country,  providing  such  a  body  comprises  not  less 
than  3000  shekel  payers  and  satisfies  them  as  to  such  other 
requirements  as  the  Smaller  Actions  Committee  may  impose 
upon  it. 

5.  The  English  Zionist  Federation 
The  English  Zionist  Federation  was  established  in  1898,  and 


according  to  its  constitution,  amended  and  revised  in  1907,  its 

object  and  constitution  are  : 

"  The  English  Zionist  Federation  as  *  Landes  Comite '  of 
United  Kingdom  shall  carry  on  its  operations  in  accordance 
with  the  constitution  adopted  by  and  in  sympathy  with  the 
decisions  arrived  at  from  time  to  time  by  the  Zionist  Congress. 
"  The  Federation  shall  consist  of  such  Jewish  Associations 
and  Bodies  in  the  United  Kingdom  as  desire,  subject  to  the 
general  sanction  and  direction  of  the  Executive  Committee, 
to  promote  the  acquisition  of  a  publicly  recognized  legally 
secured  home  in  Palestine  for  the  Jewish  people,  or  in  addition 
thereto,  any  of  the  following  objects  : 

(a)  The  fostering  of  the  National  idea  in  Israel. 

(b)  The  support  of  the  regular  International  Congress  of 

duly  accredited  representatives  of  the  Jewish  people, 
for  the  consideration  of  the  position  of  Jews  in  the 
different  countries  of  their  dispersion,  and  for  taking 
such  measures  as  may  be  deemed  conducive  to  their 
general  welfare. 

(c)  The  support  of  existing  colonies,  and  the  founding  of 

new  colonies  by  placing  as  many  Jews  as  possible 
living  in  Palestine  as  settlers  on  the  land,  and  en- 
couragement, guidance  and  assistance  of  new  settlers 
anxious  to  establish  colonies,  or  any  handicrafts, 
industries  or  arts  in  Palestine  and  neighbouring  lands. 

(d)  The  study  of  Hebrew  literature  and  the  use  of  Hebrew 

as  a  living  language." 

The  functions  of  the  Federation  are  :  to  be  the  medium  of 
communication  between  affiliated  societies  and  the  Executive 
Council  (Actions  Committee)  and  with  Zionist  Associations  in 
other  countries  ;  to  advise  on  the  steps  necessary  for  the  further- 
ance of  the  general  movement,  and  adopt  such  means  as  may  be 
approved  for  carrying  into  effect  the  resolutions  adopted  by 
Congress  held  from  time  to  time  ;  and  to  initiate,  in  connection 
with  the  various  objects  of  the  Federation,  propaganda,  which 
shall  partake  of  one  common  character  throughout  all  the  feder- 
ated bodies. 

The  Constituent  Societies  affiliated  to  the  Federation  now 
number  sixteen  in  London,  twenty-seven  in  the  Provinces,  and 
four  in  the  Dominions  and  Colonies.  Of  these  forty-seven  ten 
are  Women's  and  Girls'  Societies  and  six  Junior  Societies. 

The  general  government  of  the  Federation  is  vested  in  a 
Central  Committee,  consisting  of  delegates  from  all  the  federated 
societies.  The  Executive  Power  of  the  organization  is  vested  in 
a  Council  consisting  of  a  President,  two  Vice-Presidents,  Honorary 
Secretary  and  twenty  other  members  of  the  Council. 

For  the  purpose  of  carrying  out  the  work  of  the  Federation  a 


number  of  sub-committees  deal  with  various  special  matters 
(Propaganda,  Literature,  Palestine,  Finance,  etc.). 

6.  The  Order  of  Ancient  Maccabeans 

This  is  a  Friendly  Society,  established  in  1894,  and  registered 
on  the  8th  of  May,  1901,  under  the  Friendly  Societies'  Act,  1896. 
When  Herzl  came  to  England  before  the  first  Zionist  Congress 
the  members  of  the  Society,  who  then  belonged  to  the  "  Lovers 
of  Zion  "  movement,  pledged  their  adherence  to  the  Zionist 
cause.  The  Society  is  an  avowedly  Zionist  Order,  and  every 
member  on  admission  has  to  declare  his  willingness  to  be  a 
Zionist,  to  pay  the  shekel  and  to  assist  generally  through  the 
Order  in  the  work  of  resettling  the  Jews  in  Palestine. 

Since  the  Zionist  Congress  of  1909  the  Society  has  been 
recognized  as  a  separate  Federation,  having  a  membership  of 
over  three  thousand,  as  required  by  the  regulations  of  the 
Zionist  Organization. 

The  Executive  Power  of  the  organization  is  vested  in  a  Grand 

7.  The  Palestine  Society 

The  Palestine  Society  is  an  association  of  Jews  who  desire  the 
establishment  in  Palestine  of  a  centre  of  Jewish  life,  which  shall 
offer  a  full  opportunity  for  the  free  development  of  the  Jewish 
rehgion,  Jewish  ideals  and  Jewish  culture.  It  is  not  formally 
associated  with  the  Zionist  Organization. 

The  activities  of  the  Society  include  the  following  : 

(a)  Propaganda  for  the  purpose  of  creating  among  Jews  and 
Jewish  Institutions  in  England  a  public  opinion  favourable  to 
the  furtherance  of  Jewish  activities  in  Palestine. 

(b)  The  collection  and  dissemination  of  information  concern- 
ing the  work  that  is  being  carried  on  by  existing  Palestinian 

(c)  The  support  of  Palestinian  Institutions  and  activities. 
{d)  The  organization  of  visits  to  Palestine. 

In  the  spring  of  1912  a  Palestine  Exhibition  and  Bazaar  was 
held  in  London,  in  aid  of  two  Jerusalem  institutions — the 
Bezalel  and  the  Evelina  de  Rothschild  School.  The  Exhibition 
had  the  effect  of  exciting  interest  in  Palestine  among  all  sections 
of  English  Jews.  It  was  then  felt  that  a  systematic  effort  should 
be  made  to  press  the  claims  of  Palestine  upon  the  Anglo- Jewish 
middle-class.  Accordingly  a  body  known  as  the  Palestine 
Committee  was  founded  for  this  purpose.  This  Committee  held 
a  series  of  drawing-room  meetings,  which  met  with  a  fair  measure 
of  success. 

In  order  to  undertake  activities  of  a  more  extensive  and  more 
varied  kind,  a  properly  constituted  society — the  Palestine 
Society — was  formed  in  the  autumn  of  191 3.    During  its  brief 


existence  it  performed  useful  work,  as,  for  instance,  the  arrange- 
ment of  a  series  of  drawing-room  meetings,  at  which  lectures 
were  delivered  by  eminent  speakers.  The  speakers  and  chairmen 
included  :  the  Chief  Rabbi,  the  Rev.  M.  Adler,  the  Rev.  A.  A. 
Green,  the  Rev.  Dr.  J.  Hochman,  the  Rev.  Morris  Joseph, 
Dayan  H.  M.  Lazarus,  the  Rev.  W.  Levin,  the  Rev.  E.  Levine, 
the  Rev.  D.  Wasserzug,  Lady  Swaythling,  Dr.  A.  Eichholz, 
Mr.  H.  R.  Lewis,  Mr.  J.  Prag,  and  Mr.  Israel  Zangwill. 

Fifteen  of  the  London  Jewish  ministers  are  members  of  the 
Society,  and  have  preached  a  number  of  sermons  with  sympa- 
thetic references  to  the  Society  and  its  aims. 

In  the  course  of  the  year  1914  the  Liverpool  Bezalel  Association 
became  affihated  to  the  Palestine  Society.  A  branch  of  the 
Society  was  also  formed  at  Glasgow,  and  when  the  War  broke 
out  branches  were  in  course  of  formation  at  Leeds,  Brighton 
and  in  several  of  the  suburbs  of  London. 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  War  the  membership  of  the  Society 
numbered  approximately  250,  though  no  widespread  propaganda 
was  ever  attempted  either  for  the  enrolment  of  members  or  for 
the  collection  of  funds,  as  it  was  intended  from  the  outset  that 
the  work  of  the  Society  should  be  limited  to  those  circles  which 
other  agencies  had  not  succeeded  in  reaching. 

Among  other  activities  of  this  Society  were  : 

(i)  An  effort  to  induce  literary  and  kindred  societies  to  include 
a  discussion  of  the  Palestine  question  in  their  programmes  for  the 
1914  to  1915  session,  the  Society  providing  the  speakers,  of  whom 
it  had  compiled  a  list. 

(2)  An  attempt  was  made  to  organize  a  tour  to  Palestine  in 
the  spring  of  1914.  Owing  to  difficulties  that  arose  in  respect  of 
the  choice  of  date  and  the  time  available,  an  organized  tour  on  a 
large  scale  had  to  be  abandoned ;  three  members  of  the  Com- 
mittee, however,  visited  Palestine  during  that  year.  A  tour  was 
projected  for  the  spring  of  1915  ;  that  had,  of  course,  to  be 
abandoned  owing  to  the  War. 

(3)  The  first  two  pamphlets  of  an  intended  series  were  pre- 
pared, dealing  with  the  agricultural  colonies  in  Palestine  and  the 
work  of  their  educational  institutions  respectively.  A  summary 
account  of  general  Jewish  activities  in  Palestine  in  1913-14,  and 
of  the  measure  of  support  it  had  received  from  English  Jews, 
was  also  in  preparation  when  the  War  broke  out.  It  had  been 
intended  to  publish  all  this  matter  in  a  Palestine  Annual,  and  to 
reprint  most  of  it  separately  in  due  course. 

There  is  reason  to  believe  that  in  the  brief  period  of  its  active 
life  (it  suspended  activity  on  the  outbreak  of  the  War)  the  Society 
succeeded  in  arousing  an  interest  in  Palestine  as  a  centre  of 
Jewish  aspiration  among  a  large  circle  of  Jews  whom  other 
agencies  have  left  untouched,  and  in  creating  in  certain  quarters 
an  atmosphere  more  favourable  than  had  existed  heretofore.    It 


must  be  added  that  the  Society  has  merely  suspended  its  activi- 
ties and  not  abandoned  them.  This  was  explained  in  a  letter 
from  its  President,  Dr.  Eichholz,  which  appeared  in  the  Jewish 
Chronicle  of  December  3rd,  1915. 

The  Officers  and  Committee  for  1913-14  were :  President : 
Dr.  A.  Eichholz  ;  Vice-Presidents  :  the  Very  Rev.  the  Chief 
Rabbi,  the  Very  Rev.  the  Haham,  the  Rev.  Morris  Joseph, 
Sir  Isidore  Spielmann,  c.m.g.,  f.s.a.  ;  Treasurer :  Albert  M. 
Hyamson  ;  Committee  :  Mrs.  A.  Eichholz,  Miss  H.  M.  Bent- 
wich,  the  Rev.  Dr.  J.  Hochman,  Dr.  M.  Epstein,  Harry  R. 
Lewis,  Leon  Simon,  Robert  B.  Solomon,  F.  S.  Spiers ;  Hon. 
Secretaries  :  Miss  A.  Stein  and  Leonard  Stein  ;  Hon.  Corres- 
ponding Secretary  in  Palestine  :  Michael  E.  Lange. 

8.  Poale  Zion 

The  national  idea  forms  the  premiss  of  Zionism.  To  bring  this 
idea  to  life,  to  provide  a  durable  foundation  for  the  national 
unification  of  the  Jews  upon  their  very  own,  old  historical 
ground,  that  is  the  aim  of  Zionism.  In  its  tendency,  therefore, 
it  comprises  the  whole  Jewish  people ;  its  immediate  object,  how- 
ever, apart  from  the  self-evident  conservation  of  the  ideal  of 
national  unity,  bears  upon  fragments,  so  to  say,  of  the  people  ; 
upon  more  or  less  considerable  parts  of  population,  individuals, 
groups,  and  classes.  Their  specific  attitude  towards  Zionism 
hinges  on  two  main  points,  of  which  one  is  more  of  spiritual,  and 
the  other  more  of  material  nature.  Both  must  be  equally  con- 
sidered, for  both  are  effective,  although  in  varying  degree. 
However,  when  a  particular  class  is  considered  in  its  relation 
towards  Zionism,  it  behoves  to  examine  first  of  all  the  point  of 
view  to  which  this  class  itself  attaches  most  importance.  It  may 
of  course  be  open  to  discussion  whether  when  forming  an  estimate 
of  national  and  social  questions  the  economic  aspect  ought 
always  to  be  considered  foremost,  but  there  is  no  doubt  that  it  is 
so  regarded  by  the  working-class.  Let  us  also  admit  it  for  the 
Jewish  workmen.  If  we  take  class  interest  into  account  the 
workman  may  speak  first,  then  the  Jew  within  him.  It  will 
appear  that  it  is  precisely  from  a  closer  examination  of  the  class 
interest  of  the  Jewish  workmen  and  the  interrelations  between 
them  and  the  general  working-class,  that  their  position  towards 
Zionism  results  most  simply,  as  we  already  see  this  clearly  indi- 
cated, and  as  it  will  be  evolved  in  the  near  future,  given  certain 

Jewish  workmen  may  be  divided  into  two  categories,  apart 
from  several  intermediate  divisions.  The  one  is  nationally  in- 
different, class  interest  alone  carries  weight  with  it.  By  entering 
into  the  general  working-class  the  workmen  of  this  category  are, 
so  to  say,  engulfed  by  it ;  they  retain  no  trace  of  national  needs 
and  wishes.  The  numerically  by  far  larger  category  comprises 
the  actual  masses  of  Jewish  workmen  in  Russia,  GaUcia,  and 



America.  These  Jewish  workmen  also  join  the  general  working- 
class,  but  they  occupy  within  it  a  very  distinctly  noticeable 
separate  position.  Where  the  amelioration  of  the  economic 
condition  of  the  working-class  is  concerned,  the  obtaining  of 
higher  salaries,  the  reduction  of  working  time,  in  short,  in  all 
questions  falling  within  the  sphere  of  class  interest  they  hold 
together  with  the  other  workmen.  Just  as  they  suffer  from  un- 
employment like  these,  so  they  make  common  cause  with  them 
on  special  occasions,  for  instance,  strikes.  But  beyond  the 
material  questions  of  existence  there  is  much  which  separates 
them.  They  are  sociable  enough  to  come  together  for  a  short 
time  with  the  other  workmen  where  need  and  interest  demand 
it,  but  they  are  not  sufficiently  homogenous  to  unite  socially 
with  them.  They  cannot  shake  off  a  certain  feeling  of  alienage 
in  the  camp  of  the  general  working-class.  Critical  points  soon 
arise  on  the  boundaries  of  economical  questions,  deep  contrasts 
become  manifest  which  are  not  brought  about  by  ill-will,  but  are 
rather  caused  by  historical  forces  which  even  to-day  are  still  at 
work.  What  will  it  profit  if,  in  order  to  proceed  summarily,  one 
ascribes  this  segregation  of  the  Jewish  workmen  to  a  thousand 
years  of  atavism  ?  The  disclosure  of  the  cause,  whether  accept- 
able or  not,  does  not  do  away  with  the  fact.  And  it  is  a  fact  that 
these  Jewish  workmen  wield  a  strong  national  and  religious  in- 
fluence, that  religion  is  no  "  private  concern  "  for  them,  as  it  is 
designated  by  the  workmen's  programme,  or  only  private  con- 
cern inasmuch  as  religion  is  prudently  left  undiscussed  by  the 
labour  party. 

Probably  from  such  differences  and  sentimental  contrasts  it  is 
to  be  explained  that  voices  became  loud  which  demanded  the 
independent  organization  of  the  Jewish  workmen.  Such  a 
demand  might  be  considered  by  the  leading  party  as  an  anomaly, 
since  the  Jewish  workmen  are  not  at  all  taken  into  account 
nationally  but  pass  as  appendages  of  the  various  nations.  And 
if  it  was  not  merely  euphemism  when  the  Jews  were  accorded 
the  same  right  to  exist,  when  the  name  or  the  nation  in  whose 
country  they  became  settled  was  conferred  upon  them,  where- 
fore an  independent  organization  ?  Now,  the  course  of  evolu- 
tion of  the  Jews  up  to  the  present,  especially  its  last  phase,  has 
revealed  that  not  only  the  masses  of  Judaism  which  are  not  yet 
on  a  high  plane  of  cultural  development  feel  nationally.  It  is 
just  in  the  Zionism  of  the  educated  Jews  that  the  full  justifica- 
tion of  the  national  movement  shows  itself.  We  may  point  out 
without  fear  the  difference  between  the  conscious  Zionistic 
action  and  that  part  of  Judaism  which  is  unconsciously  national 
through  the  power  of  historic  conditions. 

The  Jewish  workmen  are  the  natural  allies  of  Zionism,  but 
they  will  become  the  actual  and  co-operating  allies  only  through 
independent  workmen  organizations.  The  Jewish  workmen, 
independently  organized,  would  go  hand  in  hand  with  the  labour 


party  in  all  single  claims  dictated  by  class  interest,  but  otherwise 
they  would  be  independent.  National  as  the  Jewish  workmen 
are  distinctly  enough  in  life,  national  in  consequence  of  their 
education,  their  peculiarities — why  should  they  not  be  so  as  a 
working-class  ?  Do  then  the  workmen  of  other  nations  lay  aside 
their  nationality  when  they  take  their  stand  to  the  social  ques- 
tion ?  And  do  they  give  up  their  nationality  when  they  have 
done  for  the  moment  with  debate  and  action  ?  And  the  Jewish 
workmen  alone  should  renounce  their  nationality,  they  who  are 
not  even  yet  capable  of  sharing  properly  in  the  culture  of  another 
nation  ?  Although  it  is  not  out  of  love  for  Zionism  that  the 
Jewish  workmen,  for  the  greater  part,  feel  nationally,  they  may 
yet  in  time  become  national  even  in  a  Zionist  sense.  And  that 
through  the  natural  community  of  interests,  passing  from  the 
unconscious  to  the  conscious,  which  will  establish  a  more  and 
more  intimate  relation  between  them  and  Zionism.  The  whole 
political  development  of  recent  times  has  made  it  clear  to  the 
Jewish  workmen  how  powerful  the  national  thought  is  among 
workmen.  Even  in  the  event  of  the  victory  of  the  coUectivistic 
idea  it  could  hardly  become  different  in  regard  to  race  con- 
trasts. And  when  Eduard  Bernstein  in  the  epilogue  of  the  trans- 
lation of  Mr.  Webb's  History  of  the  Trade  Unions  observes  : 
"  Class  struggles  manifest  themselves  only  seldom  so  acutely  as 
national  ones,"  we  may  add  that  race  contrasts  may  still  exist 
long  after  class  contrasts  will  have  disappeared. 

It  is  evident  of  what  extraordinary  importance  for  Zionism 
the  Jewish  working-class  would  become.  The  workmen  if  they 
became  Zionist  would,  so  to  say,  constitute  the  solid  effective 
force  which  could  be  relied  upon  at  any  moment.  On  the  other 
hand,  it  can  well  be  assumed  that  the  Jewish  nation  will  meet  as 
far  as  possible  the  claims  of  the  working-class.  It  is  only  with 
the  attainment  of  the  Zionist  aim  that  the  condition  for  the 
prosperity  and  unfolding  anew  of  national  life  will  be  realized  for 
the  first  time.  Judaism,  united  as  a  nation,  will  hereby  be  con- 
fronted by  the  question  with  the  solution  of  which  all  civilized 
nations  are  so  anxiously  preoccupied.  The  difficulties  may  be 
ever  so  great,  occasional  crises  and  storms  may  break  forth,  but 
the  nations  will  not  be  permanently  depressed  thereby,  nor 
paralyzed.  Like  other  nations  the  Jews  hold  the  unshakable 
belief  in  a  continually  progressing  economical  amelioration,  in  a 
prosperous  development  of  all.  Even  that  party  which  has 
developed  class  contrasts  into  a  theory  of  society,  is  seen  to  be 
receding  ever  more  from  the  revolutionary  principle  and  paying 
homage  to  the  evolutionary.  To  the  principle  of  evolution 
Zionist  Judaism  also  holds  fast,  and  will,  surely,  as  soon  as  it  is 
nationally  consolidated,  not  be  willing  to  lag  behind  other 
nations  as  regards  social  legislation.  And  if  one  may  conclude 
from  the  historical  past  of  a  nation  what  its  conformation  will  be 
in  the  future,  so,  doubtless,  a  breath  of  that  gentle  spirit  will  be 


felt  in  the  modern  Jewish  community  which  pervades  the 
Mosaic  legislation.  And  this  not  only  as  regards  the  future  but 
also  the  present.  The  Jewish  National  Fund  is  the  model  of  a 
broad  Mosaic-sociaUstic  institution  which  has  for  its  object  the 
nationalization  of  the  soil. 

The  Poale  Zion  was  established  in  190 1.  It  originated  in 
Russia,  and  has  now  adherents  in  America,  Palestine,  Austria, 
Russia  and  the  United  Kingdom.  At  the  time  of  the  Zionist 
Congress  at  the  Hague  in  1907  an  International  Conference  of  the 
Poale  Zion  was  held,  which  led  to  the  establishment  of  the 
Gkjneral  Union  of  the  Poale  Zion  Societies  in  America,  Russia, 
Austria,  Palestine,  England,  etc.,  on  federal  lines.  The  pro- 
gramme of  the  organization  represents  a  synthesis  of  Zionism  and 
Socialism  on  the  basis  of  the  Basle  programme. 

The  principles  of  the  Poale  Zion  have  been  fully  expounded 
in  a  book  written  by  Dr.  Pasmanik,  entitled  The  Theory  of  the 
Poale  Zion.  Among  its  official  publications  may  be  mentioned 
The  Jewish  Worker,  Cracow ;  The  Jewish  Fighter,  New  York ; 
Forward,  Vilna. 

It  is  not  easy  for  the  Gentile  workman  to  understand  and 
appreciate  to  the  full  the  position  taken  up  by  the  Jewish  work- 
men who  support  the  principle  of  the  Poale  Zion.  The  Gentile 
workmen  have  no  national  problem  to  solve  ;  they  have  only  an 
economic  question  to  deal  with.  The  Jewish  workmen  are  face 
to  face  with  two  problems,  the  economic  and  the  national.  The 
Poale  Zionists  are  convinced  that  although  a  nation  may  love 
its  traditions  it  must  concern  itself  also  with  immediate  economic 
needs.  It  is  for  this  reason  that  they  are  primarily  Zionists, 
although  supporters  of  Socialism.  Unlike  other  Socialists  they 
deem  it  their  duty  to  devote  themselves  mainly  to  their  own 
national  cause.  Apart  from  this,  they  have  a  great  love  for 
Jewish  tradition,  and  are  in  the  fullest  sense  of  the  term  nation- 

9.  The  Mizrachi 

The  Mizrachi  (a  composite  word  derived  from  "  Merchaz 
Ruch'ni,"  which  means  Intellectual  Centre)  is  an  organization  of 
religiously  orthodox  Zionists. 

After  the  fifth  Zionist  Congress,  where  a  lively  debate  took 
place  on  the  question  of  national  Judaism  on  a  religious  basis, 
the  desire  arose  among  those  Zionists  who  maintained  orthodox 
views  on  religious  questions  to  organize  themselves  for  common 
purposes.  The  object  of  the  Mizrachi  is  therefore  of  a  cultured 
and  not  a  political  character.  It  strives  to  champion,  within 
Zionism,  by  means  of  a  sound  organization,  the  standpoint  of 
orthodox  religious  belief,  and  further,  to  show  clearly  that  a 
conservative  tendency  in  religious  matters  can  go  side  by  side 
with  national  aspirations.  Politically  the  Mizrachi  has  no  special 
aim,  but  desires  to  work  in  unison  with  all  other  Zionists. 


Soon  after  the  fifth  Congress  Russian  Zionists  of  Mizrachi 
conviction  assembled  at  a  conference  in  Vilna  and  officially 
founded  the  Mizrachi.  Subsequently  support  was  also  forth- 
coming from  Mizrachi  Zionists  in  other  countries,  and  at  the 
sixth  Congress  the  organization  was  represented  by  a  group  of 
over  one  hundred  delegates.  From  the  19th  to  the  21st  of 
August,  1904,  a  general  Mizrachi  Conference  took  place  at  Press- 
burg.  This  conference  was  called  by  Rabbi  I.  J.  Reines  of  Lida, 
Russia,  and  was  attended  by  a  large  number  of  Rabbis  from 
Russia,  Roumania,  Galicia,  Hungary,  Germany,  England  and 
America.  Rabbi  Reines  was  elected  president  of  the  entire 
organization.  The  regulations  of  the  organization  maintain  in 
general  the  Zionist  principle,  but  lay  particular  stress  upon  the 
necessity  of  the  Mizrachi  cultural  tendency.  Already  at  this 
conference  three  centres  of  propaganda  were  created,  an  East 
European  centre  for  Russia,  Roumania  and  Galicia,  of  which 
Rabbi  J.  Reines  became  the  president ;  a  West  European  centre 
for  the  other  European  countries,  with  its  seat  in  Frankfort,  of 
which  Rabbi  Dr.  Nobel  became  president ;  and  an  American  centre 
at  New  York,  of  which  Rabbi  D.  Klein  became  president. 

In  addition  to  the  usual  shekel  and  the  local  contributions, 
the  Mizrachi  members  pay  a  further  contribution  to  cover  the 
expenses  of  an  office  and  propaganda.  The  Mizrachi  carries  out 
its  aim  by  organizing  mass  meetings,  issuing  from  time  to  time 
periodicals,  pamphlets  and  leaflets,  and  arranging  lectures  and 
debates  for  its  members. 

The  fear  expressed  on  the  beginning  of  the  Mizrachi  movement, 
that  the  Mizrachi  as  a  section  might  destroy  the  unity  of  Zionism, 
has  proved  unfounded.  From  the  past  activity  of  the  Mizrachi 
it  is  now  certain  that  their  propaganda  is  not  detrimental  to  the 
interests  of  Zionism— that  on  the  contrary  their  principal  aims, 
such  as  the  fostering  of  belief  in  the  laws  of  our  forefathers,  the 
maintenance  of  ancient  rites  and  customs,  and  the  revival  of  the 
Hebrew  language,  are  such  as  to  obtain  for  them  continually  new 
supporters  among  strictly  orthodox  Jews. 

Among  a  number  of  books  written  to  explain  the  standpoint 
of  the  Mizrachi,  there  should  be  mentioned  Zionism  from  the 
Standpoint  of  Orthodoxy  (1904),  by  Rabbi  Dr.  Roth  of  Papa 
(Hungary)  ;  The  Voice  of  Zion  (1905),  by  Rabbi  Reines,  and 
Mizrachi  (1907),  by  Dr.  Feuchtwanger. 

10.   Women  Zionist  Societies 

In  the  measure  in  which  the  Jewish  national  movement  had 
begun  to  expand  the  question  was  raised  more  and  more  fre- 
quently what  the  attitude  of  the  Jewish  woman  would  be  to- 
wards this  movement.  In  the  Jewish  nation  woman  occupies  a 
pre-eminent  position. 

At  the  time  of  the  existence  of  the  Jewish  state  the  whole 
inner  life  rested  upon  family  organization.     Woman  is  the 


entirely  coequal  ruler  of  the  home,  and  truly  regal  is  the  descrip- 
tion which  the  Bible  traces  of  her.  She  is  prophetess  and  bard, 
the  inspirer  of  all  that  is  good  and  strong,  and  the  bestower  of 
the  prize  of  combat.  She  is  the  first  to  display  that  wonderful 
enduring  heroism  which  is  the  heritage  of  the  Jewish  race.  She 
initiates  the  great  national  works  ;  it  is  significant  that  tradition 
traces  back  the  liberation  out  of  Egypt  to  the  merit  of  noble 
women.  At  the  time  of  the  erection  of  a  spiritual  country  after 
the  loss  of  the  homeland,  at  the  time  of  formation  of  the  Talmud, 
the  high  appreciation  of  woman  rose  still  more.  In  the  writings 
of  that  time  she  appears  as  the  naive  leader  whose  untrammelled 
and  unsophisticated  mind  grasps  the  nature  of  things,  and  who, 
quick  in  discernment,  settles  matters  resolutely.  But  the  highest 
importance  woman  attains  during  the  period  of  the  "  Ghetto." 
Here  all  life  concentrates  in  the  family.  Free  civic  life  is  re- 
placed by  the  narrower  but  pleasurable  family  life.  Here 
woman  becomes  the  creator  of  a  self-contained  family  culture. 
She  relieves  man  of  a  great  part  of  his  business  dealings  and 
makes  it  possible  for  him  to  devote  himself  to  his  intellectual 
pursuits.  In  the  midst  of  the  heaviest  persecution  she  inspires 
him  with  courage  and  confidence.  She  brings  up  her  children  to 
be  valiant  and  steadfast  Jews.  She  carries  into  the  home  a 
wonderful  natural  freshness  which  replaces  as  far  as  possible  the 
tender  verdure  of  the  lost  country.  The  Jewish  woman  it  is  who, 
in  this  time  of  suffering,  encourages  man  to  persistence  in  the 
faith.  Spanish- Jewish  women  urged  their  husbands  to  seek 
death  together  with  them.  In  all  the  massacres  and  persecu- 
tions of  the  Middle-Ages  Jewish  women  gained  the  highest  crown 
of  martyrdom. 

But  the  disposition  of  the  Jewish  woman  has  radically  changed 
since  complete  or  partial  emancipation.  The  cause  lies  in  the 
change  of  the  whole  situation.  At  the  time  of  the  Ghetto  the 
sufferings  of  the  Jew  were  as  unspeakably  heavy  as  his  joys  were 
profound  and  intimate.  For  good  and  for  evil  he  was  under  the 
shadow  of  a  great  fate,  and  therein  he  developed.  Suffering 
destroyed  his  strength,  the  passive  heroism  peculiar  to  him, 
home  happiness,  his  kindness  of  heart  and  joy  of  sacrifice  ;  both 
united  made  him  true,  true  to  the  past  and  true  to  his  nation. 
This  grew  gradually  different.  With  the  advance  of  so-called 
civilization  persecution  became  more  petty  and  perfidious  ;  it 
no  longer  threatened  existence  itself  at  any  moment,  but  it  crept 
into  every  hour  of  life,  into  each  everyday  activity.  The  one 
stab  of  the  dagger  had  become  a  thousand  pinpricks,  out  of  the 
great  fate  which  drew  heroism  out  of  man,  and  an  abundance  of 
passions,  virtues,  resolutions,  renunciations,  struggles  and 
victories  of  all  kinds,  a  painfully  dragging,  tortured  and  harassed 
existence  had  come  into  being.  And  with  lesser  sufferings  the 
joys  got  lesser  too.  The  beautiful  unity  of  home-life  became 
loosened  through  the  great  gulf  between  old  and  young,  such  as 

II.— 2  B 


is  not  met  with  in  any  other  nation  of  the  world.  The  increased 
struggle  for  daily  life  separated  married  couples  and  impeded  the 
education  of  the  children,  the  apparently  greater  absence  of 
danger  operated  against  the  strong  national  resistance  and  the 
welding  and  segregating  special  customs. 

This  state  of  dissolution  was  reinforced  to  a  great  degree  by 
the  declaration  of  the  legal  equifranchise  of  the  Jews.  Their 
instinct  of  self-preservation  adapted  itself  to  the  new  conditions 
of  existence  in  just  as  extreme  a  manner  as  their  seclusion  had 
formerly  been  extreme.  In  the  now  arising  fanaticism  for 
assimilation  the  women,  who  adapt  themselves  most  easily  to 
their  surroundings  and  assume  their  nature,  shared  most  in- 
tensely. While  all  strove  after  non-Jewishness  the  inner  struc- 
ture of  Judaism  was  crippled,  all  innate  power  discarded,  Jewish 
solidarity  dispensed  with  and  independent  culture  destroyed. 

The  rigid  family  organization  upon  which  the  vitality  of  the 
Jewish  nation  reposed,  collapsed  under  the  impact  of  the  ex- 
traneous ;  with  Jewish  customs  the  Jewish  home  began  to  break 
up,  with  the  evanescence  of  fidelity  love  too  faded.  An  attempt 
was  made  to  stupefy  through  an  outward  life  of  luxury,  as  bust- 
ling as  possible,  the  feeling  of  forlornness  brought  about  by  the 
want  of  inner  contentment.  Thus  it  frequently  happened 
that  the  assimilated  Jewish  woman  became  ever  more  estranged 
from  her  sphere  of  activity.  She  who  had  formerly  been  mistress 
in  her  own  house  was  often  the  slave  of  her  servants  ;  she  gave 
herself  up  to  a  dull,  nervous  idleness  ;  with  her  the  old  charit- 
ableness of  the  Jews  became  snobbishness.  The  desire  for  beauty 
which  formerly  animated  Jewish  woman,  was  distorted  by  her 
into  a  tasteless  and  unhealthy  love  of  finery,  as  if  someone  trans- 
formed a  beautiful  national  costume  into  the  gaudy  robe  of  a 
carnival  pierrot.  Sincere,  devoted  faith  has  gone  without  making 
room  for  a  new  and  strong  conception  of  life  ;  the  more  burden- 
some religious  practices  have  been  given  up,  a  few  easier  ones 
have  been  outwardly  retained,  without  apprehension  of  their 
meaning  and  without  the  feeling  of  their  sanctity.  The  syna- 
gogue and  the  sermon,  the  only  religiously  stimulating  momenta, 
which  one  attended  ever  more  seldom,  were  not  sufficient  to 
counteract  a  thousand  other  influences  of  life  and  surroundings. 

Therefore  Jewish  woman,  more  so  than  man,  needed  a  great, 
inspiring  Jewish  ideal.  And  on  the  other  hand,  the  realization 
of  this  ideal  needed  the  collaboration  of  woman  no  less  than  the 
collaboration  of  man.  For  national  rejuvenation  in  its  inner- 
most core  can  emanate  from  Jewish  woman  to  a  considerable 
extent.  For  a  nation  without  a  land  and  for  a  nation  in  disper- 
sion, home  is  the  pillar  of  kfe.  In  the  Diaspora  the  Jewish  home 
is  the  Jewish  nation.  In  the  first  instance  it  was  found  desirable 
that  Jewish  woman  should  become  active  for  Zionism,  that  is 
contribute  in  speech  and  writing  to  the  diffusion  of  the  national 
idea,  and  exhort  to  self-help.    Through  her  warmth  of  feeling 


and  freshness  of  will  she  is  to  help  to  reunite  the  divergent  mem- 
bers of  the  nation,  and  from  her  love  of  the  nation  a  community 
of  souls  is  to  resuscitate.  She  must  recognize  that  she  can  only 
then  become  a  whole  personality  if  she  values  highly  the  pecu- 
liarity of  her  race,  and  if  she  tends  and  develops  the  Jewishness 
in  her.  She  will  then  again  make  home  and  family  life  what  they 
once  were  :  the  hub  of  life  and  the  spring  of  ever  new  energy. 
One  will  see  there  Jewish  works  of  art  on  the  walls,  Jewish  books 
upon  the  table,  and  Jewish  customs  being  practised  with  deep, 
gladsome  understanding.  Then  the  quiet  force  which  overcomes 
laughingly  everything  inimical  will  again  gather  in  the  family. 
True,  living  love  for  the  great  destiny  of  the  Jewish  nation, 
strong,  helpful  love  for  its  present,  hopeful  and  cheery  readiness 
to  work  for  the  future  of  this  nation,  and  preparatiort  of  this 
future  through  energetic  collaboration  in  the  Zionistic  organiza- 
tion, which  acknowledges  no  difference  of  duties  and  rights 
between  man  and  woman — ^with  this  message  the  modern  Jewish 
national  idea  appealed  to  the  Jewish  woman. 

To  be  sure,  Jewish  woman  did  not  enter  the  national  move- 
ment in  numbers,  nor  at  once  :  nevertheless  she  joined  the  first 
pioneers  of  the  Choveve  Zion  as  well  as  the  first  Zionists.  At  all 
Zionist  congresses  Jewish  women  took  part  as  delegates,  and  in 
Palestine  they  have  unfolded  a  particularly  beneficial  activity  in 
the  domain  of  home  industry  for  women. 

B.  Financial 

I.  The  Jewish  Colonial  Trust 

The  Jewish  Colonial  Trust  is  the  financial  instrument  of  the 
Zionist  movement,  and  its  main  object  is  the  industrial  and 
commercial  development  of  Palestine  and  the  neighbouring 

Among  the  prominent  Jews  who  supported  the  formation  of 
the  Company  from  its  inception  were  the  following  :  S.  Bar- 
basch,  Odessa  ;  Herbert  Bentwich,  London  ;  M.  T.  Eliasberg, 
Pinsk  ;  T.  H.  Ellman,  Braila  ;  M.  Farbstein,  Warsaw  ;  Leopold 
Kahn,  Vienna  ;  Samuel  L.  Heymann,  London  ;  Theodor  Herzl, 
Vienna ;  Isidor  Jasinowski,  Warsaw ;  J.  H.  Kann,  The 
Hague  ;  Stanislaus  Landau,  Lodz ;  Gregorie  Lurie,  Pinsk  ; 
Max  Mandelstamm,  Kieff ;  Alex.  Marmorek,  Paris ;  Oscar 
Marmorek,  Vienna  ;  Moritz  Moses,  Kattowitz  ;  Max  Nordau, 
Paris  ;  Samuel  Pineles,  Galatz  ;  Heinrich  Rosenbaum,  Jassy  ; 
S.  T.  Sachs,  Dwinsk ;  Leib  Schalit,  Riga  ;  Moritz  Schnirer, 
Vienna  ;  Heinrich  Steiner,  Vienna  ;  W.  Temkin,  Elizabeth- 
grad  ;  E.  W.  Tschlenow,  Moscow  ;  David  Wolffsohn,  Cologne  ; 
and  Oser  Kokesch,  Vienna. 

According  to  the  Company's  Articles  of  Association  it  was 
permitted  to  commence  business  as  soon  as  an  eighth  part  of  its 


capital,  viz.  £250,000,  had  actually  been  paid  up.    This  stage  was 
reached  at  the  beginning  of  1902. 

The  subscribers  to  the  Memorandum  and  Articles  of  Associa- 
tion were  :  David  Wolffsohn,  Jacobus  Henricus  Kann,  Samuel 
Leopold  Heymann,  Samuel  Barbasch,  Gregorie  Lurie,  Salomon 
F.  Sachs,  Heinrich  Rosenbaum.  For  the  last  four  the  Haham, 
Dr.  Moses  Gaster,  acted  as  Attorney.  The  first  Council  of  the 
Company  consisted  of  Dr.  Theodor  Herzl,  Dr.  Moritz  Schnirer, 
Dr.  Oser  Kokesch,  Dr.  Leopold  Kahn,  Oscar  Marmorek,  Dr. 
Max  Mandelstamm,  Dr.  Richard  Gottheil,  Dr.  Israel  Jelsky, 
Isidor  Jasinowski,  Dr.  Max  Bodenheimer,  D.  J.  Bernstein- 
Kohan,  Samuel  Pineles,  J.  H.  Ellman,  Dr.  Alexander  Mar- 
morek, Wladimir  Temkin,  Dr.  Samuel  Schur,  Carl  Herbst, 
Dr.  E.  W.  Tschlenow,  Dr.  Salomon  Rosenheck,  and  M. 

The  first  directors  were  the  aforementioned  subscribers  to 
the  Memorandum,  and  the  first  Governors  were :  Dr.  Rudolf 
Schauer,  Leib  Schalit,  Abraham  Hornstein. 

The  first  Secretary  of  the  Company  was  Mr.  James  H. 
Loewe,  who  resigned  his  post  in  May,  1903,  on  his  appointment 
as  Manager  of  the  East  End  Branch  of  the  International  Bank 
of  London,  Ltd. 

For  the  first  business  year  (1902)  Mr.  David  Levontin  was 

The  Company  carries  on  ordinary  banking  business  at  its 
Head  Office  in  the  City  of  London  (10-12  Walbrook)  and  its 
East  End  Branch  (41  Whitechapel  Road,  E.),  and  is  registered 
at  Somerset  House  as  bankers,  in  accordance  with  the  require- 
meucs  of  the  law. 

The  nominal  capital  of  £2,000,000  is  divided  into  £1,999,900 
ordinary  shares  of  £1  each  and  100  founders'  shares  of  £1  each. 
These  latter  shares  are  jointly  held  by  those  persons  who  for  the 
time  being  are  the  members  of  the  Council  of  the  Company.  The 
members  of  this  Council  are  appointed  by  the  Actions  Committee 
of  the  Zionist  Congress  from  the  members,  and  are  entitled  at 
any  General  Meeting  of  the  Company  on  all  questions,  with  the 
exception  of  that  relating  to  the  declaration  of  a  dividend,  to  as 
many  votes  as  all  the  holders  of  ordinary  shares  present  and 
voting  at  such  General  Meeting.  The  capital  issued,  including 
the  aiorementioned  100  founders'  shares,  amounted,  on  the 
15th  May,  1916,  to  £261,658.  The  Company  is  controlled  by  a 
Council  consisting' at  present  of  twenty  members,  who  are  at  the 
same  time  the  joint  holders  of  the  founders'  shares  referred  to 
above,  and  by  a  Board  of  Directors  consisting  at  present  of 
thirteen  members,  of  whom  four  are  Governors  (Representatives 
of  the  Council).  Until  his  death  in  September,  1914,  David 
Wolffsohnjwas  President  of  the  Council  and  a  Governor.  He 
succeeded  the  late  Dr.  Herzl  in  these  positions  on  his  death  in 


1904.  Previous  to  that  Wolffsohn  was  Chairman  of  the  Board  of 
Directors,  which  position  he  had  held  since  the  formation  of  the 
Company  in  1899. 

The  members  of  the  present  Council  are  Professor  Dr.  O. 
Warburg  (Vice-President),  Dr.  M.  J.  Bodenheimer  (Re- 
porter), M.  M.  Ussischkin,  I.  A.  Rosoff,  A.  PodUschew- 
sky,  Simon  Rosenbaum,  I.  Naiditsch,  J.  H.  Kann, 
L.  Kessler,  Jean  Fischer,  Dr.  V.  Jacobsohn,  M.  Hornstein, 
Dr.  A.  Marmorek,  Julius  Simon,  L.  Motzkin,  Dr.  A.  Hantke, 
J.  Kremenetzky,  Dr.  A.  Friedemann,  Dr.  A.  Klee.  The  members 
of  the  present  Board  of  Directors  are  :  Dr.  V.  Katzenelsohn 
(Chairman),  J.  H.  Kann  (Vice-Ch airman),  S.  Barbasch,  H. 
Urysohn,  Joseph  Cowen,  I.  A.  Rosoff,  M.  M.  Ussischkin, 
Jean  Fischer,  Julius  Simon,  L.  Kessler,  M.  Feldstein,  Dr.  V. 
Jacobsohn,  J.  Kremenetzky.  The  last  four  members  are  the 

2.  The  Anglo-Palestine  Company,  Ltd. 

This  Company  was  registered  on  the  27th  January,  1902,  and 
began  its  business  operations  in  the  spring  of  1903.  Its  Head 
Office  is  at  Jaffa,  and  it  has  Branches  at  Jerusalem  (Manager  : 
Dr.  Isaac  Levy  ;  Sub-Manager  :  S.  Gordon),  Hebron  (Manager  : 
S.  Slonim),  Haifa  (Manager  :  V.  Kaisermann),  Beirut  (I.  Lipaw- 
sky,  who  died  in  October,  1915,  was  Manager  before  the  outbreak 
of  war),  Safed  (Manager  :  J.  Karniol),  Tiberias  (Manager  : 
Mr.  Bent o vim). 

The  Managing  Director  of  the  Company  is  Mr.  David  Levon- 
tin,  who  is  assisted  at  the  Head  Office  by  S.  Hoofien,  Assistant 
General  Manager,  and  J.  Grasowsky  and  M.  Arwas,  Sub- 

The  Company  is  the  mainstay  of  Jewish  colonization  in 
Palestine.  It  advances  money  to  Land  Societies  for  bu3dng  land, 
which  is  then  sold  to  new  immigrants,  also  to  building  societies 
for  establishing  modern  hygienic  quarters  in  the  vicinity  of  towns 
(Jaffa,  Jerusalem,  Haifa,  etc.).  It  also  makes  advances  for  the 
installation  of  water  supplies  in  the  Jewish  Colonies,  and  grants 
loans  on  long  terms  for  the  development  of  plantations.  It  has 
further  organized  with  its  own  means  Co-operative  and  Loan 
Societies  for  the  purpose  of  buying  agricultural  implements  and 
selling  the  products  of  the  soil,  especially  oranges,  lemons  and 
wine.  The  Company  has  also  elaborated  various  projects  for 
public  enterprises,  such  as  tramways,  irrigation  works,  electric 
lighting,  etc.  The  Company  also  carries  on  every  kind  of  banking 
business,  dealing  with  all  elements  of  the  population  regardless 
of  race  or  creed.  Thus  the  Company  has  become  an  important 
factor  in  the  economic  life  of  the  country. 

The  nominal  capital  of  the  Company  is  £120,000,  divided  into 


120,000  ordinary  shares  of  £i  each.    The  paid-up  capital  on  the 
15th  May,  1916,  was  £99,727. 

The  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Company  consists  of  the 
following  members :  J.  H.  Kann  ( Vice-Chairman),  Dr.  N. 
Katzenelsohn,  S.  Barbasch,  H.  Urysohn,  Joseph  Cowen,  M.  M, 
Ussischkin,  L.  Kessler,  M.  Feldstein,  J.  Kremenetzky,  I.  L. 
Goldberg,  D.  Levontin  (Managing  Director).  The  last  Chair- 
man of  the  Company  before  the  war  was  the  late  David 

3.  The  Anglo-Levantine  Banking  Company,  Ltd. 

This  Company  was  registered  on  the  8th  May,  1908,  and  has 
since  then  carried  on  banking  business  in  Turkey. 

The  nominal  capital  of  the  Company  is  £100,000,  and  the^paid- 
up  capital  on  the  15th  May,  1916,  was  £25,038. 

The  Board  of  Directors  consists  of  the  following  members : 
Dr.  N.  Katzenelsohn  (Chairman),  J.  H.  Kann  (Vice-Chairman), 
S.  Barbasch,  Joseph  Cowen,  M.  Feldstein,  Dr.  V.  Jacobsohn, 
L.  Kessler,  J.  Kremenetzky,  D.  Levontin,  S.  Mitrani,  H. 
Urysohn.  The  Constantinople  Managers  are :  S.  Mitrani 
(Director)  and  Dr.  V.  Jacobsohn  (Director). 

4.  The  Jewish  National  Fund 

The  Jewish  National  Fund  was  established  in  accordance  with 
a  decision  of  the  second  Congress,  its  object  being  to  acquire  land 
for  the  Jewish  people  in  Palestine,  such  land  to  remain  for  ever 
the  property  of  the  whole  Jewish  nation.  The  management  of 
the  Fund  has  deemed  it  its  duty  to  promote  all  undertakings  of 
public  utility  in  Palestine,  assisting  thereby  to  the  utmost  the 
general  progress  of  the  work  of  colonization.  The  Jewish  National 
Fund  is  the  most  popular  of  Zionist  institutions. 

The  Jewish  National  Fund  was  legalized  in  this  country  on  the 
8th  of  April,  1907,  as  an  "  Association  Limited  by  Guarantee, 
and  not  having  a  Capital  Divided  into  Shares."  By  the  constitu- 
tion of  the  Association  the  permanent  right  of  control  is  vested 
in  the  representatives  elected  by  the  Zionist  Congress,  who  are 
identical  with  the  holders  of  founders'  shares  and  members  of 
the  Council  of  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust,  Ltd.  (referred  to 

According  to  the  Articles  of  Association,  only  75  per  cent  of 
the  assets  of  the  Fund  may  be  invested  in  Palestine  ;  the  remain- 
ing 25  per  cent  must  always  be  left  in  the  shape  of  money  on 
deposit  or  investment  of  an  easily  realizable  nature.  The  Bankers 
of  the  Association  are  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust,  Ltd.  The  Fund 
amounted  at  the  end  of  the  year  1914  to  £209,243  i8s.  6d. 

The  means  of  collecting  contributions  to  the  Fund  are  numerous 
and  varied.    They  Include  :  General  Donations,  Collecting  Sheets, 


Collecting  Boxes,  the  Golden  Book,  National  Fund  Stamps  and 
Telegrams,  Olive  Tree  Donations,  Contributions  to  the  Workers' 
Dwelling  Fund,  etc.  The  Golden  Book  has  been  instituted  for 
the  purpose  of  entering  the  names  of  Zionist  workers  and  sup- 
porters, on  payment  of  the  sum  of  £io  or  more.  The  first  Golden 
Book,  containing  5000  names,  has  already  been  filled.  It  is  an 
elaborately  executed  work  of  art,  and  is  generally  exhibited  at 
Zionist  Congresses.  The  second  Golden  Book,  now  in  use,  was 
produced  by  the  Palestinian  Art  School  "  Bezalel  "  at  Jerusalem. 
On  the  entry  of  a  name  in  this  book,  an  artistically  executed 
certificate  is  issued. 

A  few  years  ago  another  book,  called  "  Memorial  Book,"  was 
instituted  for  the  purpose  of  perpetuating  the  memory  of  Jews 
who  have  defended  the  honour  or  property  of  the  Jewish  people 
in  Palestine,  or  have  been  permanently  and  successfully  occupied 
in  the  interest  of  the  Jewish  National  Fund,  or  have  left  by  will, 
according  to  their  means,  a  considerable  legacy  for  the  benefit  of 
the  Fund. 

The  Fund  has  also  received  from  time  to  time  considerable 
sums  for  the  purpose  of  foundations,  principally  to  build  home- 
steads for  the  workers.  The  principal  contributions  under  this 
heading  have  been :  The  David  and  Fanny  Wolffsohn  Founda- 
tion, about  £3000,  and  the  Halperin  Foundation  (Vienna),  about 
£4000.  Besides  the  foregoing  sums  other  contributions  towards 
the  Workers'  Homestead  Fund,  amounting  to  about  £17,000  in  all, 
have  been  received. 

The  total  income  from  every  kind  of  contribution  to  the  Fund 
was  about  £25,000  for  the  year  1915,  contributions  having  come 
from  about  thirty  different  countries  in  all  parts  of  the  world. 

By  the  end  of  the  year  1914  the  Jewish  National  Fund  had 
invested  in  Palestine  close  upon  £150,000 — 70  per  cent  of  its 
entire  assets. 

The  members  of  the  Company  are  the  holders  of  founders' 
shares  of  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust,  Ltd.  (see  above). 

The  administration  of  the  Fund  is  in  the  hands  of  a  Board  of 
Directors,  consisting  of  five  Directors  elected  by  the  members, 
and  two  Governors  appointed  by  the  Controlling  Committee. 
This  Committee  consists  of  the  persons  who  for  the  time  being 
form  the  Smaller  Actions  Committee  of  the  Zionist  Congress,  and 
its  functions  are  merely  those  of  vetoing  or  prohibiting  any  act 
of  the  Directors  that  the  Committee  may  deem  to  be  detrimental 
to  the  interests  of  the  Association. 

The  present  Directors  are :  Dr.  Max  Bodenheimer,  L.  Kessler, 
J.  Kremenetzky,  and  Dr.  A.  Hantke. 

The  only  Governor  is  Professor  Dr.  O.  Warburg  (the  second 
Governor,  D.  Wolffsohn,  having  died  in  September,  1914). 
The  Secretary  of  the  Association  was  H.  Neumann,  and  its 
registered  office  is  at  10-12  Walbrook,  London,  E.G. 


The  Administrative  Office  of  the  Association  is  situate  at  the 
Hague,  and  the  principal  officials  at  that  office  are  :  Engineer 
J.  Kaplansky,  N.  Gross  and  S.  Hallenstein. 

Central  offices  exist  in  many  countries  for  the  collecting  of 
contributions  and  donations  to  the  Fund.  The  addresses  of 
these  officers  are  : — 

Argentine :  Federacion  Sionista  en  Argentine,  Buenos- 
Aires,  Sarmiento  2086. 

Australia :  The  Brisbane  Zionist  Society,  c/o  J.  A.  Blum- 
berg,  Hon.  Sec,  Brisbane-East,  Wellington  Road. 

The  Victoria  Zionist  Association,  "  Hatchiah,"  Melbourne, 

313  Drummont  Street,  Carlton. 
The  Sydney  Zionist  Society,  c/o  M.  B.  Michelson,  Hon. 

Sec,  Sydney,  Pett  Street  64. 

Belgium  :  Oscar  Fischer,  now  at  Scheveningen,  Cornelius 
Jolstr.  105  Sam.  Schmeidler,  Scheveningen,  Stevinstr.  142. 

Brazil :  Associacio  Zionist  at  Tiferes  Zion,  c/o  Jaime 
Horowitz,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Rua  Visconte  Itanna. 

Bulgaria :  Comite  Central  Sioniste,  aux  bons  soins  de  Mr. 
le  Dr.  Benroya,  Philippopoli. 

Canada :  Bureau  Committee  of  the  Federation  of  Zionist 
Societies  of  Canada,  Montreal,  P.O.  Box  912. 

China ;  E.  B.  Ezra,  Esq.,  c/o  the  Bank  of  Territorial 
Development  of  China,  Shanghai,  Nanking  Rd.  33. 

Denmark  :  S.  Skorochod,  Kopenhagen,  Bordergade  30. 

Egypt :   Jacob  Caleff,  Heliopolis-Le  Cairo,  Rue  Zagazig. 

Germany  :  Jiidischer  Nationalfonds,  Zentrale  fiir  Deutsch- 
land,  Berlin,  W.,  15  Sachsische  Str.  8. 

England  :  Jewish  National  Fund  Commission  for  England, 
15  New  Broad  Street,  London,  E.C.  2. 

France  :  J.  Salzmann,  Paris,  41  Rue  de  la  Tour  d'Auvergne. 

Greece  :  Syllogue  Sioniste  "  Poale-Sion,"  Volo. 

La  Commission  Mixte  de  Fonds  National  des  Soci^tes 

"Bene  Sion"  and  "  Nordau  "  aux  bons  soins  de  Mr.  J. 

Usiel,  Salonique. 

Holland  :  Alfred  Polak,  Tilburg,  Telegraafenstr.  i. 

Italy  :  Mademoiselle  Emma  Coen,  Verona,  14  Via  Gran  Czara. 

Croatia,  Bosnia,  vSlavonia :  Frau  Clara  Barmaper-Jacobi, 
Agram,  Boskovicg  23. 

New  Zealand :  The  Auckland  Zionist  Society,  Auckland 
Park  Rd.  42. 

United  States  of  America :  Jewish  National  Fund  Bureau 
for  America,  New  York  City,  44  E.  23rd  Street. 

Norway  :  Norske  Zionist  Forening,  p.  Adr.  Aron  Grusd, 
Christiania,  Karl  Johan  Str.  7. 

Austria  :  Jiidischer  Nationalfonds,  Sammelstelle  fiir  Oster- 
reich,  Wein  ii  Zirkusgasse  33. 

Eastern  Asia  :  Josef  Levy,  Singapore,  10  Robinson  Road. 

Portugal :  W.  Tcrlo,  Lissabon,  Rua  St.  Nicolau  59. 


Roumania  :   M.  Heinrich  Schein,  Galatz. 

Switzerland  :  W.  Simon,  Ziirich,  Neugasse  ii. 

Serbia  :  Dr.  D.  Alcalay,  Belgrad. 

Sweden  :  J.  Abel,  Stockholm,  Storkyrkobrinken  8. 

South  Africa :  South  African  Zionist  Federation,  Mr.  B.  J. 
Chaimowitz,  Johannesburg,  P.O.  Box  i8. 

Tunis :  Association  Sioniste  Tunisienne,  Tunis,  52  Rue  des 

Hungary :  Zsido  Nomzoti  Alap  magyarorszagi  irodaja, 
Budapest  Kiraly  utca  36. 

In  England  the  collection  of  funds  is  entrusted  to  the 
National  Fund  Commission  for  England.  This  commission 
consists  of  two  representatives  of  the  English  Zionist  Federa- 
tion and  two  representatives  of  the  Order  of  Ancient  Macca- 
beans.  The  office  of  the  Commission  is  at  15  New  Broad-Street, 
London,  E.C.  2,  which  has  a  number  of  sub-commissions  in 
London  and  the  principal  provincial  towns.  It  organizes 
frequently  house-to-house  collections,  flower  days,  collections 
at  pubHc  meetings,  places  of  worship  and  entertainment,  etc. 

The  English  National  Fund  Commission  has  recently  published 
a  small  pamphlet,  giving  full  particulars  of  its  activities.  A 
larger  pamphlet,  entitled  The  Jewish  National  Fund,  is  now  being 
issued  in  the  EngHsh  language  by  the  Head  Office  of  the  Fund, 
and  by  the  time  that  this  book  reaches  the  public  will  no  doubt 
be  obtainable  at  the  Office  of  the  National  Fund  Commission  in 

5.  The  Palestine  Land  Development  Company,  Ltd, 

This  Company  was  registered  on  the  20th  of  January,  1909. 
Its  main  object  is  to  encourage  the  settlement  of  Jews  in  Palestine 
by  the  purchase  and  parcelling  out  of  the  land  and  by  preparing 
the  soil  for  the  successful  settlement  of  a  larger  number  of  small 

The  nominal  capital  of  the  Company  is  £50,000,  divided  into 
40,000  ordinary  shares  of  £l  each  and  200  founders'  shares  of 
£50  each. 

The  Secretary  of  the  Company  is  W.  Wolf,  and  the  Office 
at  10-12  Walbrook,  London,  E.C. 

6.  Judischer  Kulturfonds  Kedem  [Kedem  Keren  Hatarbuth 
Hoiwrith),  Ltd. 

This  Company  was  established  for  the  purpose  of  developing 
and  promoting  and  assisting  in  the  development  and  promotion 
of  Jewish  knowledge  and  learning,  the  cultivation  of  Hebrew 
literature  and  Jewish  history,  and  the  revival  and  use  of  the 
Hebrew  language  in  the  prescribed  region  (which  expression 
means  Palestine,  Syria  and  the  Peninsula  of  Sinai).    In  order  to 


carry  out  these  objects  the  Company  aims  at  establishing  an 
Academy  (Sinhedrijah)  as  a  central  institution  of  Hebrew  and 
Jewish  learning.  It  further  intends  to  publish  all  kinds  of  books, 
useful  for  its  purpose,  and  distribute  them  among  individuals, 
academies,  colleges,  universities,  schools  and  other  institutions. 
It  also  proposes  to  establish  and  maintain  all  kinds  of  schools 
and  teaching  establishments,  to  promote  the  main  object  of  the 
Company.  Among  its  many  ancillary  objects  are  the  granting 
of  scholarships,  and  the  subsidizing  of  funds,  pension  schemes, 
etc.,  for  maintaining  Jewish  authors,  teachers  and  artists. 

The  foundation  of  the  Company  is  due  to  the  initiative  of 
Mr.  Moses  Feldstein  of  Warsaw,  who  contributed  the  sum  of 
about  £1500.  In  commemoration  of  this  fact  a  Fund  was  created 
under  the  name  of  "  Feldstein  Foundation,"  which  is  to  comprise 
the  aforementioned  sum  and  all  other  capital  donations  given  to 
the  Company  from  time  to  time  towards  this  Fund.  Since  the 
establishment  of  the  Company  several  other  similar  contributions 
have  been  made  to  the  Fund,  but  the  outbreak  of  the  war  has 
prevented  the  founder  of  the  Company,  Mr.  Feldstein,  and  his 
CO -directors  from  carrying  out  the  vigorous  propaganda  which 
they  intended  to  set  on  foot  in  all  parts  of  the  world.  The 
members  of  the  Company  consist  of  the  joint  holders  of  the 
founders'  shares  of  the  Jewish  Colonial  Trust,  the  Directors  of  the 
Jewish  National  Fund,  and  the  President  of  the  Odessa  Com- 
mittee (the  Committee  of  the  Company  for  assisting  Jewish 
Agriculturists  and  Handicraftsmen  in  S5nria  and  Palestine). 

The  Directors  of  the  Company  are  M.  Feldstein  (Chairman), 

Dr.  A.  Hantke,  Dr.  S.  Levin,  A.  Podlischewsky,  N.  Sokolow, 

M.  Ussischkin,  Dr.  Ch.  Weizmann. 
The  Secretary  of  the  Company  is  W.  Wolf,  and  the  ofi&ce  is 

at  10-12  Walbrook,  London,  E.C. 

7.  The  First  London  Achuzah  Company,  Ltd. 

The  First  London  Achuzah  Company,  Ltd.,  was  founded  by 
Dr.  J.  M.  Salkind,  with  the  assistance  of  Mr.  M.  Rosenblum  and 
Mr.  T.  Z.  Teacher,  in  April,  1913,  when  fifteen  members  joined 
the  Company.  Towards  the  end  of  1913  the  number  of  members 
amounted  to  fifty.  It  has  now  increased  to  eighty,  about  fifty  of 
whom  live  in  London,  fifteen  in  Edinburgh,  one  in  Russia  and 
the  rest  in  provincial  towns  in  England. 

The  Company  was  incorporated  as  a  limited  liability  company 
in  England  at  the  beginning  of  1914.  The  members  decided  to 
pay  25  per  cent  of  the  amount  subscribed  by  them  (a  full 
member's  share  amounting  to  £300).  At  the  same  time  the 
Company  sent  two  delegates  to  Palestine  to  make  investigations 
with  a  view  to  the  purchase  of  suitable  land.  This  was  in 
February,  1914,  after  fifty  members  had  paid  up  an  aggregate 
sum  of  £4000.    The  two  delegates  who  proceeded  to  Palestine 



were  Dr.  J.  M.  Salkind  and  Mr.  H.  Sterling.  The  nominal  capital 
of  the  Company  amounted  on  registration  to  £15,000,  but  was 
increased  in  August,  1914,  to  £25,000,  and  it  is  now  intended  to 
increase  it  again  to  £50,000.  Most  of  the  members  have  already 
paid  the  Company  more  than  one-third  of  the  amount  of  their 
shares  (£120  on  each  £300  share).  Some  of  the  members  have 
taken  more  than  one  share — one  and  a  half,  two,  two  and  a  half, 
and  in  one  case  three  shares.  About  half  of  the  members  belong 
to  the  artisan  class,  while  the  other  half  consist  mostly  of 
merchants.  The  Company  intends  to  establish  also  an  industrial 
Achuz'.h,  for  the  purpose  of  encouraging  and  establishing 
industrial  undertakings  in  Palestine. 

When  the  delegates  came  back  from  Palestine,  they  proposed 
the  purchase  of  the  second  half  of  Kerkur,  the  first  half  of  which 
belongs  to  Mr.  Schlesinger  (a  Zionist  of  Chita,  Siberia),  and 
covers  an  area  of  5134  dunam  (about  1280  acres).  The  proposal 
was  accepted  in  May,  1914,  and  the  Company  paid  half  of  the 
purchase  price,  which  amounted  to  £8850.  The  purchase  was 
made  through  the  Palestine  Land  Development  Co.,  Ltd.,  London. 

From  that  time  onwards  the  membership  in  London,  Cairo, 
and  the  two  small  branch  companies  in  Paris  and  Antwerp, 
increased  considerably.  The  progress  thus  achieved  induced  the 
Company  to  increase  the  extent  of  its  holding  in  Palestine,  and  it 
purchased  in  1914  a  large  area  of  land  called  Rabia,  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Kerkur,  measuring  about  4000  dunam  (1000 
acres),  the  purchase  price  being  £6030.  The  first  instalment  of 
£2000  has  already  been  paid  to  the  Palestine  Land  Development 
Co.,  Ltd.,  in  connection  with  this  transaction. 

Owing  to  the  outbreak  of  the  War,  the  work  of  the  Achuzah 
Company  had  to  be  suspended,  and,  consequently,  the  branch 
companies  in  Paris,  Antwerp  and  Cairo  collapsed.  In  the  United 
Kingdom,  however,  and  particularly  in  Edinburgh,  the  activities 
of  the  Company  have  recently  been  revived,  and  a  number  of 
new  members  have  joined,  in  spite  of  the  unfavourable  general 
conditions.  In  view  of  this  unexpected  success,  the  Directors  of 
the  Company  intend  in  the  near  future  to  remove  the  restriction 
which  prevents  the  Company  from  having  more  than  fifty  mem- 
bers (it  having  originally  been  registered  as  a  private  company). 

The  present  Directors  are :  L.  Eisen,  W.  Kirsch,  Ch.  Inwald, 
Ch.  Kaufman,  H.  Teacher,  Abraham  Bendas,  Ch.  Warschawsky, 
Dr.  J.  M.  Salkind  (Managing  Director). 

The  land  purchased  by  the  Achuzah  in  Palestine  is  most 
favourably  situated  from  the  point  of  view  of  communication. 
From  the  Arabah  (Dothan)  station  it  is  only  one  hour's  journey 
by  car  to  Toul  Kerem,  a  station  on  the  new  railway  line  from 
Merchawia  to  Lud  and  Beersheba.  Thus  the  Achuzah  settlement 
will  be  in  a  position  to  keep  in  touch  with  Haifa,  Jaffa,  Jerusalem, 
and  other  places,  by  means  of  railway  communication. 


8.  The  Maccabean  Land  Company,  Ltd. 

The  Maccabean  Land  Company  is  registered  as  a  limited 
liability  company,  with  a  capital  of  £52,000,  divided  into  forty 
founders'  shares  (reserved  for  subscription  by  the  Order  of 
Ancient  Maccabeans,  its  Beacons  and  AUied  Societies)  of  the 
value  of  £50  each  and  1000  land  shares,  offered  for  general  sub- 
scription, of  £50  each,  each  entitling  to  an  allotment  of  land  in 
the  proposed  Maccabean  Settlement.  The  object  of  the  Company 
is  to  enable  its  members,  by  the  accumulation  of  small  periodical 
payments,  to  acquire  landholdings  in  Palestine,  either  for  personal 
occupation  or  for  profitable  development.  For  this  purpose  it  is 
proposed  to  acquire  forthwith  a  large  area  of  land  (preferentially 
in  the  south  of  Palestine,  in  the  district  of  Modin,  the  ancient 
home  of  the  Maccabees),  capable  of  being  parcelled  out  in  allot- 
ments and  profitably  cultivated.  The  minimum  subscription  of 
£10,000  has  already  been  assured,  and  the  Company  proposes  to 
enter  into  negotiations  with  one  of  the  existing  public  bodies 
engaged  in  the  acquisition  of  land  in  Palestine  for  the  purchase 
of  an  area  of  land  sufficient  to  provide  allotments  for  all  the 
subscribing  members.  Unfortunately,  the  War  has  compelled 
the  Company  to  suspend  its  activities  for  the  present. 

C.  Hebrew  Schools  in  Palestine,  and  Other 
Institutions  of  the  New  Colonization 

The  new  Jewish  colonization  movement  in  Palestine  has  led  to 
the  establishment  of  more  than  fifty  primary  schools,  two  high 
schools,  two  agricultural  schools,  one  handicraft  school  and  one 
school  of  arts  and  crafts.  A  polytechnic  institute  on  a  large  scale, 
for  the  training  of  engineers  and  chemists,  was  about  to  be  opened 
when  the  War  broke  out.  Particulars  concerning  the  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station  are  given  elsewhere  in  this  volume. 

The  principal  schools  under  the  care  and  supervision  of  the 
Zionist  Organization  are  the  following  : — 

The  Hebrew  Teachers'  Seminary  and  School  of  Commerce  at 
Jerusalem,  attended  by  ninety  pupils.  This  school  is  situated  in 
the  centre  of  the  Jewish  Settlement,  with  sufficient  space  for 
classrooms,  the  teachers'  room,  collections  of  specimens  and 
instruments  for  instruction  in  natural  science.  The  garden  is 
used  for  drill  and  instruction  in  botany.  All  graduates  of  the 
Teachers*  Seminary  are  teachers  in  Palestine,  and  some  of  the 
graduates  of  the  School  of  Commerce  have  also  found  employ- 
ment as  teachers.  The  students  have  organized  evening  classes 
for  mothers,  where  they  teach  them  to  speak  Hebrew,  while  their 
children  attend  the  Kindergarten.  (The  Director  is  M.  David 


The  Hebrew  School  for  Boys  at  Jerusalem,  attended  by  205 
pupils,  including  a  great  number  of  Sephardim  (55  per  cent). 
This  number  is  continually  increasing.  Instruction  is  given  in  all 
Jewish  subjects,  as  well  as  in  Mathematics,  History,  Geography, 
Botany,  Singing,  Drawing,  Gardening,  in  the  Arabic  language 
and  some  European  languages.    (Director  :  M.  Sutta.) 

The  Girls'  School  at  Jerusalem  is  attended  by  280  pupils, 
55  per  cent  of  whom  are  Ashkenazim,  and  33  per  cent  Sephardim, 
the  rest  belonging  to  Georgian,  Yemenite  and  Persian  Jewish 
families.  The  subjects  of  instruction  are  :  Hebrew,  Bible, 
History,  Arithmetic,  Geography,  Zoology,  Botany,  Drawing, 
Singing,  Gardening,  and  Modern  Languages.  More  than  half  of 
the  regular  pupils  are  boarded  at  the  School. 

The  School  for  Kindergarten  Teachers  at  Jerusalem  is  attended 
by  thirty-three  pupils.  Here  the  girls  are  trained  to  become 
Kindergarten  teachers.  The  instruction  is  practical  as  well  as 

The  Hebrew  Boys'  School  at  Jaffa  has  eight  classes  and  is 
attended  by  about  150  children.  Pupils  who  have  passed  through 
this  School  enter  the  Teachers'  Seminary  at  Jerusalem,  the 
Hebrew  Gymnasium  (High  School)  at  Jaffa,  or  the  Agricultural 
School  at  Petach-Tikvah,  or  take  up  their  parents'  trade. 
(Director :  Dr.  Marschak.) 

The  Hebrew  Kindergarten  at  Haifa  is  attended  by  seventy 
children,  and  is  developing  satisfactorily. 

The  Hebrew  School  at  Haifa  has  104  scholars  (ninety-seven 
Ashkenazim,  seven  Sephardim),  and  consists  of  three  elementary 
and  four  other  classes.  A  preparatory  course  has  also  been 
established,  which  is  attended  by  twenty-six  children.  As  in  all 
other  Zionist  schools,  the  instruction  is  given  in  Hebrew.  The 
syllabus  is  that  of  a  Continental  secondary  school. 

The  Agricultural  School  at  Petach-Tikvah  has  about  fifty  pupils, 
children  of  the  local  colonists.  Besides  instruction  in  Jewish 
subjects,  modern  European  languages  and  Arabic,  practical 
instruction  is  given  in  agriculture  and  horticulture.  Some  of  the 
pupils  work  with  the  colonists,  and  in  that  way  not  only  acquire 
a  good  practical  knowledge,  but  are  able  to  earn  their  own  living. 
This  School  has  endeavoured  to  establish  a  special  department 
for  every  branch  of  agriculture,  each  with  its  own  plot  of  land  for 
experimental  purposes. 

The  Jewish  Music  Schools  at  Jaffa  and  Jerusalem,  called 
"  Shulamit,"  and  founded  by  the  late  Mrs.  Ruppin  in  1912,  are 
attended  by  several  pupils  of  other  schools,  and  have  gained 
great  popularity  in  the  country. 

The  Bezalel  School  of  Arts  and  Crafts  is  an  important  element 
in  the  Palestinian  Hebrew  revival,  and  has  already  influenced 
the  Jewish  communities  of  Europe  and  America.    Many  Jewish 


homes  possess  specimens  of  the  new  Palestinian  handicrafts, 
which  remind  them  that  in  the  home  of  the  Jewish  people  deft 
handicraftsmen,  inspired  by  the  Jewish  spirit,  are  giving  a  new 
expression  to  the  genius  of  their  race  in  metal- work  and  wood- 
carving,  in  carpet-weaving  and  embroidery.  Hebrew  characters 
and  emblems  enter  into  the  woof  and  the  warp  of  a  Bezalel 
carpet  and  give  character  to  the  design.^  The  School  and  Work- 
shops, founded  by  an  enthusiastic  Zionist  artist,  Boris  Schatz, 
are  supported  by  several  Committees  on  the  Continent,  in  this 
country,  and  in  America,  and  form  a  means  of  most  successful 
Zionist  propaganda  among  all  classes  of  the  Jewish  and  Gentile 
population.  Many  Bezalel  exhibitions  and  bazaars  have  been 
held,  one  as  recently  as  1912,  in  London.  The  Bezalel  includes 
also  a  beautiful  little  museum  of  Palestinian  antiquities  and 
specimens  of  Palestinian  flora  and  fauna,  as  well  as  of  modern 
Jewish  art  (including  Glitzenstein's  masterpiece,  Messiah, 
Joseph  Israels'  portrait — one  of  the  last  works  of  his  life,  painted 
for  the  Bezalel,  of  which  this  great  master,  a  sincere  friend  of  the 
Zionist  movement,  was  a  patron).  This  museum  has  also  the 
largest  existing  collection  of  old  Jewish  coins,  described  in 
M.  S.  Raffael's  (Raffalowitsch)  Matheoth  Ha'ibrim  Ha'kadmonim 
Jerusalem,  1913. 

The  Jaffa  Hebrew  High  School  (for  boys  and  girls),  the  so-called 
Gymnasiah  Ihrith  (HerzUah,  founded  in  1906),  is  first  and  fore- 
most among  the  institutions  of  the  Hebrew  revival  in  Palestine. 
No  institution  has  proved  so  triumphantly  the  vitaHty  and 
significance  of  the  modern  revival  of  the  Hebrew  language  and  of 
Jewish  national  education  as  the  Gymnasiah  Ihrith  has  done  with 
its  staff  of  pioneer-teachers,  graduates  of  various  European 
universities,  and  its  eight  hundred  pupils  from  all  parts  of  the 
world-wide  Jewish  Diaspora.  The  great  merit  of  estabUshing 
this  institution  belongs  to  Dr.  Methman-Cohn,  who  was  assisted 
by  the  late  Dr.  Leo  Kahn  of  Kishinew.  The  most  vigilant  and 
generous  friend  and  patron  of  the  Gymnasiah  Ihrith,  Mr.  Jacob 
Moser,  m.p.,  of  Bradford,  provided  the  institution  with  the  means 
to  erect  the  impressive  building  which  forms  the  centre  of  the 
little  Jewish  town  Tel  Aviv,  near  Jaffa.  This  institution, 
equipped  with  everything  that  is  necessary  for  the  teaching  of 
all  branches  of  science,  has  attracted  the  best  of  the  younger 
Zionist  intellectuals,  who  have  made  it  their  Ufe-work  to  in- 
augurate a  system  of  national  education  in  a  modernized  living 
Hebrew.  (The  most  important  workers  in  this  institution  are 
mentioned  elsewhere  in  this  volume.) 

The  Jaffa  Hehrew  School  for  Girls  {Beth  Sefer  Le'hanoth)  was 
founded  by  the  Odessa  "  Lovers  of  Zion  "  Association  in  1894, 
and  is  attended  by  a  few  hundred  girls.  The  principal  is  that 
most  able  pioneer  and  Hebrew  educationist,  Dr.  Tourov.  It  is 
the  best  school  of  its  kind  in  the  country. 

*  Palestine  and  the  Hebrew  Revival,  by  E.  Miller,    p.  15. 


The  Seminary  for  Women  Teachers  at  Jaffa,  also  maintained 
by  the  Odessa  "  Lovers  of  Zion,"  was  founded  in  19 13  in  a 
house  built  for  the  purpose,  the  means  having  been  supplied 
by  the  Russian  Zionist  M.  Isaac  Feinberg,  in  the  shape  of  a 

The  Tachkemoni  Secondary  School  at  Jaffa,  founded  in  1905, 
and  attended  by  a  few  hundred  pupils,  is  chiefly  supported  by 
the  strictly  orthodox  section  of  Zionists,  the  Mizrachi,  and  is 
doing  important  educational  work  on  traditional  lines,  but  with 
a  modernized  syllabus.  Instruction  is  given  in  science,  Arabic 
and  modern  languages.  (The  school  was  under  the  control  of 
Rabbi  Kuk  and  a  Mizrachi  Committee.) 

The  Jerusalem  Gymnasium  (High  School),  attended  by  about 
150  pupils,  boys  and  girls,  was  established  in  191 1  by  a  group  of 
teachers  interested  in  national  education.  Although  it  has  not 
so  far  achieved  its  full  development,  it  bids  fair  to  produce  good 

The  Odessa  "  Lovers  of  Zion  *'  Association  maintains  Kinder- 
gartens in  Safed,  Tiberias  and  Jaffa  ;  schools  for  children  in  the 
colonies  of  Chederah,  Bir  Jacob,  Wadi  el  Chanin,  Artuf,  Moza 
and  Kastinie;  and  schools  at  Tiberias,  Haifa  and  Gaza.  It 
contributes  also  to  the  support  of  the  Tachkemoni  and  the 
Handicrafts  School  attached  to  the  Talmud-Torah  (religious 
school)  at  Jaffa,  and  of  the  Bezalel  at  Jerusalem. 

The  "  Free  Association  for  the  Defence  of  the  Interests  of 
Orthodox  Judaism  "  at  Frankfort  supports  a  number  of  schools 
in  the  colonies,  which  have  also  accepted  Hebrew  as  the  language 
of  instruction.  To  this  category  belong  the  Talmud-Torah 
schools  at  Petach-Tikvah,  Rishon  Le'Zion,  Ekron,  Rechoboth 
and  Haifa. 

The  Jewish  Colonization  Association  maintains  almost  all  the 
schools  in  the  colonies,  but  the  management  of  the  schools  is  left 
to  the  colonists  themselves.  As  we  are  confining  ourselves  mostly 
to  "  Lovers  of  Zion  "  and  Zionist  work,  we  refrain  from  giving 
full  statistics  of  these  schools,  which  are  important  from  the 
standpoint  of  numbers  as  well  as  from  that  of  efficiency.  To 
mention  just  a  few  of  them,  the  schools  in  Upper  Galilee  (at  Rosh 
Pinah  and  other  colonies)  are  excellent,  both  from  the  peda- 
gogical point  of  view  and  in  the  teaching  of  living  Hebrew, 
which  is  the  language  of  instruction. 

The  Alliance  Israelite  Universelle  of  Paris  has  a  long  and 
important  record  of  school  work  in  Palestine,  and  the  Hilfsverein 
der  de  Mche  Juden  has  also  established  a  large  number  of  schools, 
etc.  In  19 13  the  Alliance  requested  its  schools  in  Palestine  to 
give  more  attention  to  Hebrew.  The  Evelina  de  Rothschild 
School  for  Girls  of  the  Anglo- Jewish  Association,  under  the  head- 
ship of  Miss  Landau,  is  doing  very  useful  work. 


Mention  should  be  made  also  of  the  numerous  religious  old- 
fashioned  schools  and  colleges  (Talmud-Torah  schools  and 
Yeshiboth)  for  boys  and  young  scholars  at  Jerusalem  and  in  the 
provinces,  in  which  thousands  of  Jewish  children  are  educated 
in  knowledge  of  the  Bible  and  the  Talmud.  In  spite  of  its  defects, 
the  old  Jewish  settlement  in  Palestine  was  instrumental  in  paving 
the  way  for  the  new  colonization,  and  in  this  respect  the  old 
schools,  notwithstanding  their  out-of-date  methods,  deserve  the 
highest  appreciation  for  having  preserved  in  the  children  the 
knowledge  of  religion  and  ancient  Hebrew  literature.  Gradually 
the  new  spirit  is  penetrating  into  some  of  these  schools,  as,  for 
instance,  into  the  Cheder  Torah  (founded  in  1906),  where  the 
Hebrew  language  has  been  adopted  as  the  language  of  instruction. 

In  connection  with  the  ever-increasing  and  extensive  work  of 
national  education  in  Palestine  the  "  Union  of  Teachers " 
(Merchaz  Ha'morim)  calls  for  mention  as  one  of  the  most  im- 
portant organizations.  It  was  established  some  years  ago  for 
the  purpose  of  fostering  educational  development  in  the  new 
Jewish  settlement,  of  providing  means  for  the  further  training  of 
teachers,  and  for  completing  the  education  of  those  engaged  in 
school  work,  by  such  means  as  holiday  courses,  lectures,  excur- 
sions, research  work,  discussions  and  debates  dealing  with  the 
curriculum  and  methods  of  instruction,  and  so  on. 

The  Merchaz  has  also  established  the  nucleus  of  an  Education 
Museum,  with  sections  for  history,  pedagogy  and  hygiene. 

The  "  Language  Board "  (Vaad  Ha'lashon)  at  Jerusalem 
(including  D.  Yellin,  E.  Ben  Jehuda,  Dr.  Maze,  Sutta  and  others) 
plays  an  important  part  in  the  national  awakening.  The  rebirth 
of  the  Jewish  nation  being  impossible  without  the  rebirth  of  the 
national  language,  the  work  of  modernizing  and  enriching  the 
national  language  is  as  essential  and  as  indispensable  for  the 
realization  of  Zionism  as  the  purchase  and  cultivation  of  land  or 
the  financial  arrangements  for  that  purpose.  To  unearth  the 
treasures  of  our  ancient  language,  to  reveal  to  our  people  the 
wealth  of  our  national  intellect,  to  broaden  national  thought  and 
to  guide  it  towards  clear  expression  in  its  own  way — this  is  funda- 
mental Zionist  work.  Prosperous  and  happy  nations  have 
established  academies  for  this  purpose,  which  are  maintained  out 
of  public  funds ;  our  more  unassuming  task  is  still  in  a  pre- 
liminary stage,  although  much  useful  work  has  already  been 
done.  The  "  Language  Board  "  is  publishing  a  series  of  pam- 
phlets containing  suggestions  for  new  idioms,  etc. 

The  good  work  of  the  two  last-named  institutions  has  earned 
the  appreciation  of  the  Zionist  Actions  Committee,  which  has 
decided  to  provide  them  with  the  necessary  means. 

The  Public  Hebrew  Library  "  Bait  Neeman,"  "  Midrash 
Abarbanel "  and  "  Ginze  Joseph "  at  Jerusalem,  founded  by 
Dr.  Joseph  Chazanovitsch  of  Bialystok,  is  also  worthy  of  record. 


It  is  the  only  big  library  in  Palestine  which  is  of  use  to  scholars, 
and  it  is  therefore  of  immeasurable  value  for  the  revival  of 
Palestine.  (There  are  also  collections  of  rare  Hebrew  books  and 
MSS.  in  some  Sephardi  Yeshiboth,  and  a  Hebrew  Library,  "  Shaar 
Zion,"  founded  in  1891  by  the  new  Jewish  settlers  at  Jaffa.) 
It  is  far  from  being  adequate— it  requires  extending  and  system- 
atizing— but  this  beginning  must  win  the  admiration  of  all  those 
who  fully  conceive  the  immensity  of  the  Zionist  task. 

The  Gymnastic  Societies  (Maccabee)  at  Jaffa  and  Jerusalem, 
with  branch  societies  in  Rishon  Le'Zion,  Zichron  Jacob,  and 
other  colonies,  are  doing  useful  work  for  the  physical  develop- 
ment of  the  new  generation.  All  these  Societies  have  been 
founded  during  recent  years  by  Zionists,  and  are  supported  by  the 
Zionist  Organization. 

Mr.  Nathan  Straus,  the  well-known  philanthropist  of  New  York, 
who  has  identified  himself  with  the  Zionist  Organization,  has 
established  a  number  of  useful  institutions  in  Palestine,  partly 
of  a  philanthropic  and  hygienic,  partly  of  a  pedagogical  character. 
His  "  Health  Department,"  which  is  assisted  by  some  other 
Jewish  Societies  on  the  Continent,  has  become  a  real  blessing  to 
Jerusalem,  likewise  his  "  Soup  Kitchen,"  his  classes  for  instruct- 
ing girls  in  handicrafts,  and  his  workshop  for  manufacturing 
articles  of  mother-of-pearl. 

To  the  hygienic  institutions  belongs  also  the  Pasteur  Institute 
at  Jerusalem,  which  is  controlled  by  the  well-known  Russian 
Zionist,  Dr.  Arji  Behra,  for  vaccino-therapeutical  work. 

The  People's  Hall  {Bet- Am)  at  Jerusalem  is  a  sort  of  Toynbee 
Hall  for  popular  lectures  in  Hebrew,  and  for  concerts  and  amuse- 
ments. Institutions  of  this  kind  exist  also  in  Rishon  Le'Zion, 
and  other  colonies. 

The  best  known  of  the  Hebrew  PubHcation  Societies,  and  of 
the  periodicals,  newspapers  and  magazines  founded  by  Zionists 
in  Palestine  and  devoted  to  the  revival  are  the  following  : — 

Kohelet,  founded  by  the  Association  of  Teachers  for  the  publi- 
cation of  Hebrew  text-books ; 

Le'am,  for  popular  pamphlets  and  pamphlets  on  scientific 
subjects  ; 

Yefet,  for  the  translation  of  classical  works  of  European 
literature ; 

Moledet,  a  literary  periodical  for  young  people  ; 

Ha'chinuch,  a  periodical  for  teachers,  dealing  with  pedagogical 
questions  ; 

Ha'chaklai,  a  Hebrew  monthly  devoted  to  agriculture,  garden- 
ing, etc. ; 

Yerushalaim,    a    year-book    containing    useful   information 
regarding  Palestine,  by  A.  M.  Luncz  ; 
II. — 2  c 


Luach  Erez  Israel,  a  Palestinian  calendar  with  a  literary 
section,  by  the  same  author. 

Hebrew  journalism  was  represented  during  many  years  by  the 
old  weekly  Chabazelet  (editor  :  M.  Frumkin)  and  by  the  modern 
Hashkafa  (editor  :  Elieser  Ben-Jehuda).  During  recent  years 
Ben-Jehuda  has  edited  a  daily  paper,  Ha'or.  Until  recently 
Palestine  had  two  daily  papers  :  Ha'cheruth  and  Moriah,  and 
two  weekly  papers  :  Ha'poel  Ha'zair  and  Ha'achduth. 

D.  Miscellaneous  Institutions 

The  most  important  institutions  for  the  conduct,  support  and 
control  of  colonization  work  and  companies  for  practical  under- 
takings are  : — 

The  Zionist  Office.  Chief  Administrators :  Dr,  Ruppin,  Dr. 
Thon  ;  Agricultural  Engineers  :  Oettinger,  Zagorodzki,  Vilkan- 
sky,  and  others. 

The  Choveve  Zion  Office  (Dr.  Chissin). 

The  Jewish  Colonization  Association  Office  (M.  Frank,  M.  Brill, 
and  others). 

The  Palestine  Wine  Company  "  Carmel,'*  and  The  Syndicate 
of  Vine-Growers.  (The  "  Carmel  "  Company  has  branches  in 
Warsaw  (1896),  in  America  (1898),  the  "  Carmel  Oriental "  in 
Alexandria  (1902),  with  sister  companies — The  Palestine  Wine 
Company  ("  Carmel  Oriental  ")  in  London  (Manager  :  A.  Giinz- 
burg) — and  branches  in  several  countries.  The  centre  is  at 
Rishon  Le'Zion,  under  the  management  of  M.  Gluskin). 

The  Geoulah,  for  the  purchase  of  land  (founded  in  Warsaw, 
1902,  in  the  names  of  Goldberg,  Gluskin  and  Oettinger,  with  a 
branch  in  Odessa). 

The  Pardess,  a  syndicate  of  orange-growers  ;  the  Ha-shaked 
for  almond  growing,  and  some  other  companies  of  the  same  kind. 

The  Ahuzat  Bait,  for  house-building  at  Jaffa  (this  Company 
founded  Tel-Aviv),  and  other  Companies  for  the  purchase  of  land 
for  house-building,  etc. 

The  Agudath  Netaim  (Association  for  Plantations),  established 
in  1905  in  Palestine,  is  a  Company  incorporated  at  Constantinople 
for  promoting  Jewish  plantation  work  in  the  Holy  Land.  (The 
principal  manager  of  the  Company  is  Mr.  Eisenberg  of  Rechoboth, 
who  has  achieved  a  reputation  as  a  writer  and  organizer  of  great 
practical  experience.) 

The  Histadrut  Ha'moshavot,  a  union  of  the  landed  proprietors 
in  the  colonies. 

The  Lishkat  Modiyim,  an  office  for  information  estabUshed  by 
the  Odessa  Choveve  Zion,  managed  by  M.  Schenkin. 

The  Bureau  of  Information,  managed  by  the  Poalim  (the 
labourers),  and 

Ha'poel  Ha'zair  (the   Young   Worker) — an   organization  of 


nationalist  workers  and  intellectuals  who  have  given  an  impetus 
to  the  enthusiasm  and  determination  of  the  young  Zionists  in 
Palestine,  as  well  as  far  beyond  the  boundaries  of  that  country. 
The  programme  of  the  organization  is  a  synthesis  of  Jewish 
Nationalism  and  Socialism,  in  which  the  Nationalist  idea  is  more 
accentuated  than  in  the  programme  of  the  Poalei  Zion.  They 
started  their  work  during  the  first  years  of  this  century,  and  their 
organ  was  the  Hebrew  weekly  Ha'poel  Ha'zair,  of  which 
Mr.  Aronovitch  was  editor. 

The  Jewish  Agricultural  Experiment  Station  at  Haifa 

The  Sixth  Zionist  Congress  held  at  Basle  in  1906  accepted  a 
scheme  presented  by  Professor  Warburg  to  found  an  agricul- 
tural experiment  station  in  Palestine,  and  the  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion started  collecting  money  for  that  purpose.  M.  Aaron  Aaron- 
sohn,^  the  son  of  a  pioneer  colonist  of  Zichron  Jacob,  a  distin- 
guished agronomist  who  had  been  some  years  engaged  in  coloniza- 
tion work,  and  particularly  in  connection  with  the  inquiries  and 
preparations  undertaken  on  the  initiative  of  Professor  Warburg, 
who  was  at  that  time  busy  with  all  the  schemes  concerning 
Palestine,  was  commissioned  by  the  Professor  to  study  the 
question  of  the  hybridization  of  wild  wheat.  In  1906,  M.  Aaron- 
sohn  had  found,  after  painstaking  investigation,  a  few  ears  of 
wild  wheat  growing  on  the  declivities  of  Mount  Hermon.  The 
scientific  world  was  very  much  interested  in  this  discovery, 
because  of  its  relation  to  the  possibilities  of  dry  farming  in  arid 
regions.  M.  Aaronsohn  travelled  on  that  scientific  mission  as  a 
delegate  of  the  Zionist  Organization,  in  Northern  Africa  and 
Southern  Europe,  and  came  to  America  in  1910.  While  there, 
he  established  relations  with  the  United  States  Department  of 
Agriculture,  which  took  an  interest  in  his  ideas,  and  published  a 
Bulletin  by  him  entitled  Agricultural  and  Botanical  Explora- 
tions in  Palestine.  Through  the  United  States  Department  of 
Agriculture,  M.  Aaronsohn  and  his  work  were  brought  to  the 
notice  of  a  number  of  prominent  American  Jews,  who  at  his 
initiative  established,  February  18,  1910,  the  Jewish  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station,  a  New  York  corporation  with  Julius  Rosen- 
wald,  of  Chicago,  president ;  Morris  Loeb,  of  New  York,  vice- 
president  ;  Paul  M.  Warburg,  of  New  York,  treasurer ;  and 
Henrietta  Szold,  of  New  York,  secretary.  The  objects  of  the 
corporation  are  "  the  establishment,  maintenance  and  support 
of  Agricultural  Experiment  Stations  in  Palestine  and  other 
countries  ;  the  development  and  improvement  of  cereals,  fruit, 
and  vegetables  indigenous  to  Palestine  and  neighbouring  lands, 
the  production  of  new  species  therefrom  and  their  distribution 
elsewhere  ;  the  advancement  throughout  the  world,  and  the 
giving  of  instruction  in  new  and  improved  methods  of  farming." 

^  He  was  killed  in  an  aeroplane  accident  while  on  his  way  to  Paris  in 
May,  1 91 9. 


Funds  were  raised  by  the  Corporation  for  the  installation  and  the 
running  expenses  for  a  period  of  five  years.  The  demonstration 
fields  are  situated  at  Atlit,  at  the  foot  of  Mount  Carmel,  on  land 
belonging  to  Baron  Rothschild.  Sub-stations  are  situated  at 
Chedera,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Petach-Tikvah  and  elsewhere. 
The  Station  occupies  itself  since  its  establishment  with  the 
hybridization  of  wild  cereals  and  with  plantations  of  fruit  frees, 
vines,  mulberry  trees,  various  sorts  of  fodder  and  ornamental 
plants.  The  Jewish  colonists  resort  to  this  Station  for  advice  and 


David  Wolffsohn's  Autobiography 

"My  biography  offers  nothing  of  special  interest  to  the  general 
public.  It  may  be  divided  into  two  parts  :  Zionist  and  personal. 
The  Zionist  portion  is  closely  bound  up  with  the  history  of  our 
movement  during  the  last  ten  years,  and  the  facts  concerning 
my  modest  work  can  hardly  be  distinguished  from  the  general  his- 
tory of  the  movement.  The  personal  portion  of  my  career,  on  the 
other  hand,  contains  nothing  that  transcends  the  ordinary.  It  is 
the  simple  story  of  a  man  of  the  Jewish  people,  of  the  Jewish 

"  I  was  born  in  the  year  1856,  in  the  village  of  Dorbiany,  in  the 
Government  of  Kovno,  in  the  Province  of  Lithuania  in  Russia, 
close  to  the  German  frontier.  My  parents  were  poor,  pious  Jews. 
My  late  father,  Isaac,  was  a  talmudic  scholar,  and  devoted  his 
whole  life  to  study  and  teaching.  He  earned  a  precarious  liveli- 
hood from  his  lessons.  My  late  mother,  the  type  of  a  pious,  good, 
clever  Jewess,  had  to  bear  the  burden  of  the  household  and  the 
education  of  her  children.  Life  in  my  parents'  house  was  thor- 
oughly Jewish.  Zionism  at  that  time  was,  of  course,  not  known 
under  that  name,  but,  so  far  as  the  ideal  of  Zionism  is  concerned, 
I  can  say  that  in  our  home  our  lives  were  thoroughly  inspired  by 
the  Zionist  ideal.  Till  my  fourteenth  year  I  studied,  according 
to  the  old  Jewish  custom,  in  the  Cheder  and  Beth  Hamedrash 
of  my  native  town.  In  the  early  seventies  I  went  to  Memel, 
where  my  oldest  brother  was  then  residing.  Here  I  made  the 
acquaintance  of  Rabbi  Dr.  I.  J.  Rulf,  who  had  great  influence  on 
my  future  career  and  way  of  thinking.  Shortly  afterwards  I 
went  to  West  Prussia,  where  I  served  several  years  as  apprentice 
in  a  pious  Jewish  business-house.  I  also  spent  six  months  in 
Lyck,  where  I  frequently  met  in  his  own  house  David  Gordon, 
the  editor  of  Ha'magid,  who  was  one  of  the  earliest  Zionist 
pioneers.  In  1877  I  returned  to  Memel,  where  I  set  up  in  business 
for  myself,  and  married.  After  some  time  I  removed  to  East 
Friesland,  and  in  1887  to  my  present  home  in  Cologne. 


'*  I  can  hardly  give  any  data  concerning  my  Zionist  work. 
Zionism  for  me  is  hardly  a  thing  that  can  be  put  into  chrono- 
logical, historical  order.  Zionism  has  been,  rather,  my  life. 
Ever  since  I  learned  to  think  and  feel  I  was  a  Zionist.  I  took  a 
lively  interest  in  the  Choveve  Zion  movement  and  was  in  active 
correspondence  with  all  the  leaders  of  this  movement  in  Germany. 
In  1894  I  delivered  in  Cologne  my  first  address  on  Zionism  and 
helped  to  found  the  local  society  for  the  promotion  and  support 
of  Jewish  agriculture  in  Syria  and  Palestine,  which  was  established 
in  the  same  year.  The  appearance  of  Herzl's  Judenstaat  (in  1896) 
was  epoch-making  for  me.  This  pamphlet  made  such  a  deep 
impression  on  me  that  I  at  once  went  to  Vienna  to  introduce  my- 
self to  Herzl.  I  placed  myself  entirely  at  his  disposal.  From 
that  moment  till  the  last  days  of  his  fruitful  life,  unhappily  so 
prematurely  ended,  I  remained  in  uninterrupted  intercourse  with 
our  never-to-be-forgotten  leader.  To  devote  my  strength  to  the 
continuance  of  this  work  I  regarded  as  the  task  of  my  life.  When, 
in  the  sad  time  after  Herzl's  death,  the  Presidency  was  offered  to 
me,  I  was  surprised  and  embarrassed.  It  was  only  out  of  a  sense 
of  duty  that  I  accepted  this  high  dignity.*' 


Some  English  Press  Comments  on  the  London 
Zionist  Congress  (1900) 

Spectator :  *'  As  to  the  Jews  being  able  to  live  on  the  land 
in  Palestine  there  can  be  no  doubt.  Those  who  have  seen  a 
Jewish  colony  in  Syria  will  testify  to  the  excellent  physical  and 
moral  and  agricultural  results  achieved.  Merely  to  see  the 
children  there  is  ample  warrant  of  what  is  done  for  the  Jew  by 
release  from  the  Ghetto." 

Saturday  Review :  "  Restoration  to  Palestine  symbolizes  the 
recovery  of  self-respect,  the  reattainment  of  nationhood." 

Glohe :  "  Zionism  answers  the  aspirations  of  the  majority  of 
persecuted  Jews,  but  it  is  important  to  those  Jews  who  have 
become  completely  assimilated  to  their  Christian  surroundings, 
and  who  ought  to  have  an  interest  in  the  raising  of  the  economic, 
moral  and  intellectual  status  of  the  mass  of  their  unhappy 
brethren,  which  raising  of  status  will  necessarily  be  the  first 
outcome  of  their  gathering  in  the  land  of  their  fathers." 

Daily  News :  "  Whatever  difference  of  opinion  may  prevail 
as  to  the  policy  of  the  Zionist  movement,  there  can  be  no  doubt 


as  to  the  intense  and  fervid  interest  of  those  who,  at  no  small  self- 
sacrifice,  are  doing  this  work  of  revival." 

Daily  Graphic :  "  Zionism  appeals  to  many  sides  of  human 
thought,  but  perhaps  the  final  impression  it  leaves  upon  the 
public  mind  is  something  akin  to  Ezekiel's  vision  of  the  dry  bones 
which  lived  again.  Is  it  possible  that  the  dispersed  nation,  whose 
career  is  one  of  the  standing  marvels  of  history,  is  about  to  gather 
itself  again  and  open  a  new  chapter  of  its  romantic  annals  ?  It 
looks  very  like  it.  The  movement  is  in  the  hands  of  practical 
and  courageous  men  ;  it  has  behind  it  a  stimulus,  not  only  of 
subjective  enthusiasm,  but  also  of  objective  strife,  and  it  entirely 
responds  to  a  practical  need." 

Yorkshire  Post :  "  The  striking  feature  of  the  meetings  was 
the  unity  of  purpose  and  enthusiasm  which  seem  to  characterize 
all  the  delegates.  Persons  who  speak  quite  different  tongues 
nevertheless  fraternize  and  grow  enthusiastic  over  the  prospect 
of  returning  as  a  nation  to  the  land  of  their  fathers." 

Leeds  Mercury  :  "  This  is  not  wholly  a  dream.  .  .  .  Several 
colonies  have  settled  down  within  their  historic  territorial  limits. 
A  few  of  them  are  already  self-supporting.  The  movement  is 
essentially  democratic." 

Nottingham  Guardian  :  "  The  movement  the  Zionist  Congress 
represents  is  an  important  one  and  it  may  possibly  produce 
momentous  results." 

Newcastle  Courier :  "  This  movement  in  Jewry  is  one  which 
readily  commands  the  sympathy  of  the  outsider.  It  is  the  voicing 
of  that  inarticulate  feeling  which  has  for  ages  silently  swayed 
and  sustained  forlorn  and  seemingly  forsaken  Jews.  The  in- 
extinguishable hope  and  the  unshaken  faith  of  these  stricken 
people  as  to  their  future  constitutes  a  striking  object-lesson  in 
these  days  of  scepticism." 

Liverpool  Echo  :  "  From  every  point  of  view,  political,  social, 
and  religious,  Zionism  has  much  to  recommend  it,  and  the 
enthusiasm  with  which  it  has  been  taken  up  by  many  of  the  most 
prominent  thinkers  of  the  Hebrew  race  affords  the  best  augury 
for  its  ultimate  accomplishment." 

Glasgow  Evening  News :  "  Such  a  scheme  as  the  re-peopling 
of  Palestine,  while  demanding  careful  handUng  at  every  stage, 
must  be  gradually  evolved.  ...  If  the  Zionist  movement  creates 
a  Jew  with  the  tastes  and  aspirations  of  his  forefathers  it  will  not 
have  been  started  in  vain." 

Glasgow  Evening  Citizen :  "  It  is  a  matter  of  considerable 
importance,  looked  at  from  what  side  we  may.  Should  any 
effective  system  be  found  of  dealing  with  it,  then  the  present 
Congress  will  probably  have  operated  to  the  advantage  of  this 
country  quite  as  much  as  to  the  Jews  in  whose  interests  it  is  being 


North  British  Daily  Mail :  "  There  is  no  reason  why  Christians 
should  not  wish  them  well.  The  movement  should  provide  a 
refuge  for  the  Jewish  race  from  the  Anti-Semitic  hate  which 
pursues  them  in  so  many  countries,  and  it  should  help  somewhat 
to  restore  to  its  former  prosperity  the  land  of  Palestine,  towards 
which  the  Jewish  heart  ever  turns  with  love  and  devotion." 

Review  of  the  Week  :  "  Why  should  not  this  homogeneous, 
intelligent  and  powerful  race  (the  Jews)  form  a  State  of  their  own, 
and  thus  free  themselves  from  persecution  in  other  States,  and 
enforce  respect  for  their  nationality  ?  Millions  of  Jews  have 
probably  asked  themselves  this  question.  Trustworthy  leaders 
having  been  found,  a  movement  has  been  set  on  foot  for  the 
establishment  of  a  Jewish  centre  in  Palestine.  The  idea  is 
glorious  enough  to  take  possession  even  of  the  minds  of  such  a 
practical,  prudent  and  commercial  race  as  the  Jews." 


Colonel  Conder  on  the  Value  of  the  Jewish  National 
Movement  (1903) 

"  Enthusiasm  is  the  power  of  feeling  a  strong  interest  in  some- 
thing that  is  not  of  personal  material  advantage.  It  is  not  a 
very  common  feeling  anywhere,  and  is  perhaps  as  rare  among 
Jews  as  among  others.  It  is  generally  regarded  with  suspicion  : 
for  it  often  upsets  repose,  and  leads  to  unexpected  and  disturbing 
events.  Ignorant  enthusiasm  has  been  the  cause  of  many  great 
troubles :  but  enthusiasm  founded  on  real  knowledge  of  events 
and  of  national  movements  has  produced,  in  our  own  times, 
some  of  the  greatest  changes  in  history.  It  was  the  enthusiasm 
of  the  few  which  created  a  United  Italy,  or  again  which  has  made 
Japan  the  leading  power  in  the  Far  East.  It  is  the  unexpected 
that  comes  to  pass,  because  men's  attention  is  fixed  on  large  and 
conspicuous  objects,  and  because  they  find  it  so  difficult  to  judge 
whether  the  new  cause,  advocated  by  the  few,  is  based  on 
reality,  or  whether  it  is  merely  a  craze.  Thus,  while  endless 
diplomacy  and  observation  are  directed  to  the  management  of 
affairs  on  the  supposition  that  the  facts  are  evident,  there 
constantly  comes  a  surprise  which  renders  futile  all  the  schemes 
of  anxious  Politicians,  due  to  the  silent  action  of  some  un- 
suspected element.  The  blind  desires  of  the  people  find  at 
length  a  definite  expression,  and  the  direction  given  by  a  few 
enthusiasts  leads  to  new  and  startling  events.  .  .  .  Enthusiasm 
for  one's  own  race  and  country,  when  genuine,  is  regarded  with 
general  favour :  but  when  George  Eliot  raised  her  protest 
against  the  everlasting  *  Hep  ! '  which  hounds  the  wandering 
Jew  from  land  to  land,  people  asked  what  she  had  to  do  with 


Judaism.  Like  Cain,  we  ask :  *  Am  I  my  brother's  keeper  ?  ' 
and  especially  when  it  is  the  poor  brother  whom  we  so  much 
dislike.  We  can,  however,  understand  that  the  great  mass  of  poor 
and  persecuted  Jews  feel  for  those  who  devote  their  time,  money 
and  thought  to  the  raising  up  of  their  own  people  an  amount  of 
real  affection  and  gratitude  which  renders  them  willing  to  be 
led  to  their  realization  of  hopes  that  are  not  commonly  regarded 
by  the  great  mass  of  the  prosperous  and  contented.  .  .  .  Among 
the  higher  class  of  those  broad-minded  Jews  who  sincerely 
believe  in  their  ancient  traditions,  very  noble  efforts  are  made 
not  only  to  help  the  poor  and  stem  the  tide  of  persecution,  but 
also  to  raise  the  tone  of  the  nation  by  appeal  to  its  ancient 
memories  and  ideals.  These  men  are  the  natural  leaders  to 
whom  the  destitute  and  oppressed  turn  for  counsel  and  guidance, 
and  it  is  among  them  that  it  has  now  become  a  fixed  belief  that 
the  nation  can  only  be  raised  from  its  misery  by  the  creation  of 
a  national  centre — a  home  to  which  all  those  who  are  scattered 
over  the  earth  may  turn  their  eyes  :  which  must  be  one  bound 
up  with  all  that  is  best  in  the  historic  memories  of  the  race,  and 
which  therefore  must  be  the  old  home  in  Palestine  itself.  The 
Jew,  they  say,  is  tired  of  wandering  and  tired  of  being  an  alien. 
Emigration  has  not  settled  the  eternal  question,  and  a  nation 
without  a  country  must  be  content  with  toleration  as  all  that 
it  can  expect. 

"  As  regards  ourselves,  we  should  be  only  too  glad  to  see 
Palestine  increasing  in  civilization  and  prosperity  as  an  outpost 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Egypt.  ...  It  is  clear  that  if  the 
question  of  the  Near  East  should  again  be  raised,  the  Jews  will 
have  to  be  considered  by  statesmen  in  any  settlement  of  the 
Syrian  question :  and  that  the  solution  of  the  question  .  .  . 
may  be  ...  a  '  legally  assured  home  for  the  Jewish  People.'  " 


Lord  Gwydyr  on  Zionism  and  the  Arabs 

One  of  the  most  important  factors  the  Zionists  will  have  to 
reckon  with  in  their  further  activity  in  Palestine  is  that  of  the 
Arabian  population  of  the  country.  This  population  might 
consider  the  development  of  the  Zionist  movement  undesirable  : 
if  the  immigration  of  Jews  into  Palestine  were  to  bring  additional 
poverty  into  the  land — if  the  Jewish  element  were  restless, 
adventurous  and  inclined  to  disorder — if  the  country  had  or 
might  have  a  homogeneous  Arabic  culture,  and  this  new  element 
were  to  disturb  its  uniformity  through  the  introduction  of    ts 


own  cultural  aspirations — or  if  that  same  element  were  threaten- 
ing to  oust  the  Arabs  from  their  own  position.  But  these  and 
similar  suppositions  which  might  have  led  to  the  adoption  of 
strong  measures,  or  at  least  to  a  sentimental  antipathy  against 
immigration,  are  non-existent.  The  Jews  bring  no  poverty  into 
the  land ;  nor  is  the  immigrating  population  adventurous ; 
Arabic  culture  does  not  already  prevail  in  the  country  ;  and  the 
Jews  will  not  drive  the  Arab  population  from  an  established 

The  Jews  who  have  been  or  are  coming  to  Palestine  have 
created  considerable  new  economic  values  which  are  not  only 
sufficient  for  their  own  maintenance  but  also  contribute  essen- 
tially towards  the  economic  strengthening  of  the  Arab  element. 
Not  only  has  the  Government  derived  profit  from  the  greater 
taxation  returns  of  the  Jewish  colonies,  but  also  from  the  en- 
hanced taxability  of  the  country,  in  consequence  of  the  better 
methods  of  cultivation  introduced  by  the  Jews.  The  Arab 
population  has  also  been  considerably  enriched,  partly  because 
the  same  masses  which  were  formerly  unemployed  in  large 
numbers  found  occupations  and  earnings  with  the  Jews  ;  partly 
through  favourable  sales  of  land,  and  also  because  they  have 
learnt  from  the  Jews  how  to  obtain  a  greater  yield  from  the  soil. 

Of  course  there  can  be  no  lack  of  competition  in  isolated  cases, 
especially  between  Arab  and  Jewish  traders,  or  Arab  and  Jewish 
artisans.  But  on  the  whole  this  competition  can  only  bear  upon 
individual  cases.  In  general  the  new  immigration  can  only 
maintain  and  support  itself  in  the  country  if  it  creates  new  values, 
for  the  very  simple  reason  that  industrial  conditions  in  Palestine 
are  in  a  very  low  state  of  development,  and  that  consequently 
the  supplanting  of  those  who  hold  estabHshed  positions  is 
practically  impossible. 

Therefore,  from  a  comprehensive  economic  point  of  view,  it  is 
not  only  unnecessary  to  protect  the  native  population  against 
the  immigration,  but  the  latter  should  be  encouraged  in  the 
interest  of  the  country  and  its  present  inhabitants.  The  im- 
migration brings  about  an  increase  of  production  as  well  as  of 
consumption,  and  the  greater  part  of  the  native  population  is 
thereby  reheved  from  economic  distress. 

It  is  also  possible  that  the  native  population,  on  having  risen 
from  its  present  state  of  depression  to  a  higher  level,  may  en- 
deavour, in  a  measure,  to  better  its  economic  position  by  settling 
down  in  neighbouring  provinces.  Colonization  of  the  lands  to 
the  east  of  Palestine  by  Arabs  would  considerably  reduce  the 
Arab  population  of  Palestine.  Already,  since  the  centre  of 
gravity  of  the  Arab  race  is  not  situated  in  Palestine,  the  area  of 
friction  arising  from  national-political  motives  is  considerably 
reduced.  The  national-political  relations  of  the  Jews  and  their 
Arab  fellow-citizens  must  be  directed  into  the  right  channel 
from  the  very  beginning.    In  this  respect  the  Zionist  programme 


is  quite  clear,  simple  and  natural.  The  Jews  wish  to  collaborate 
with  the  Arabs  towards  the  elevation  and  strengthening  of  the 
country  ;  but,  in  all  they  do,  they  want  to  appear  as  the  Jewish 
nation,  and  always  to  show  openly  and  freely  their  Jewish 
nationality.  If  it  be  a  question  of  assimilation,  Palestine  is  the 
only  country  in  the  world  where  the  Jews,  instead  of  being 
assimilated,  are  themselves  the  assimilating  factor.  It  has,  how- 
ever, to  be  added  that  there  can  be  no  question  of  compulsory 
assimilation  enforced  by  the  Jews  ;  they  themselves  have  suffered 
too  much  from  assimilation  to  wish  to  enforce  it  in  any  direction. 
But  the  Jewish  culture  will  have  an  instructive  and  ennobling 
influence  over  others,  through  the  force  of  example. 

Lord  Gwydyr  wrote  as  follows  on  the  question  of  the  Turks 
and  the  Arabs  in  connection  with  the  Jews  : — 

"  The  difference  between  the  Turkish  and  Arabic  race  is  a 
curious  subject  of  study  and  reflection.  The  Arabs,  taken 
individually,  are  superior  to  the  Turks.  But  in  the  struggle 
between  nations  the  superiority  of  individuals  is  nothing  :  what 
gives  ascendancy  is  the  quality  not  of  the  individual  but  of  the 
man :  it  is  the  spirit  of  ensemble,  the  aptitude  to  command  or 
obey,  which,  after  all,  is  the  same  thing.  In  this  point  of  view 
the  Arab  is  inferior  to  the  Turk.  Enthusiastic,  witty,  delicate, 
made  for  poesy  and  adventure,  sober,  inured  to  fatigue,  as  gay 
and  as  variable  as  the  Turk  is  serious  and  grave,  the  Arabic  race 
is  still  what  we  see  it  in  history.  But  when,  forgetting  for  a 
moment  the  brightness  of  their  conquest,  we  closely  examine, 
even  in  history,  the  character  of  the  Arab  race,  what  do  we  see  ? 
A  race  whose  religious  enthusiasm  created  an  army  rather  than 
a  nation,  and  incapable  of  founding  an  empire,  as  the  Romans 
had  done,  it  gave  rise  to  I  do  not  know  how  many  empires  and 
how  short  lived.  What  a  chaos,  and  in  this  chaos  what  a  rapid 
and  tumultuous  nation  !  Unity  and  duration  were  ever  wanting 
in  the  governments  created  by  the  Arab  race.  These  govern- 
ments enjoyed  the  life  of  tropical  plants,  brilliant  and  brief, 
whilst  the  Turkish  race  has  founded  an  empire,  now  expiring 
indeed,  but  which  has  lasted  five  hundred  years  or  more.  For  an 
empire  like  the  Turkish  one,  and  in  those  countries,  five  hundred 
years'  duration  is  eternity.  What  is  Palestine  worth  to  the 
Arabs  ?  Nothing.  They  did  not  appreciate  its  value,  until  the 
Jewish  enterprise  that  forms  a  striking  contrast  with  the  dulness 
of  the  natives  began  to  utilize  this  old  garden  of  the  human 
race,  left  desert  and  barren  by  the  misfortunes  of  time.  The 
Arabs  will  be  useful  when  guided  by  an  active  and  intelligent 
Jewish  settlement. 

**  Racial  rivalry  is  natural  in  every  country,  and  is  not 
to  be  disapproved  so  long  as  the  aims  are  good,  as,  e.g.  emulation 
in  acquiring  of  knowledge  in  its  multiple  domains,  such  as 
agriculture,  industry,  etc. :  but  as  soon  as  rivalry  exceeds  these 
bounds,  it  is  to  be  deprecated.    The  legal  power  must  resist  with 


all  its  power  this  nefarious  kind  of  rivalry,  as  nobody  wishes  to 
differentiate  between  the  inhabitants  in  their  liberties.  All 
must  be  equal  before  the  law,  without  the  least  distinction.  But 
misunderstandings  may  always  occur,  and  people  with  inter- 
ested motives  will  try  to  make  capital  out  of  these  misunder- 
standings. Everything  depends  on  the  goodwill  and  tact  on 
both  sides.  Even  the  Bedawi  may  be  won  over  to  friendship 
more  easily  than  he  may  be  driven  into  subjection.  And  he 
is  worth  the  winning  over.  Besides  being  a  fighting  man  in  his 
own  style,  he  is,  as  history  proves,  quite  capable  of  making 
valuable  contributions  to  the  welfare  of  the  country,  if  he  is 
properly  treated.  Experience  shows  that  he  responds  more 
readily  to  appeal  than  to  command,  and  is  more  easily  led  than 
driven.  They  must  be  given  the  blessings  of  a  good  administra- 
tion and  trained  to  take  a  gradually  increasing  share  in  the 
government  of  the  country.  Friendliness  will  replace  inveterate 
mistrust :  the  inhabitants  of  the  country  will  be  bound  together 
in  close  harmony  by  the  ties  of  common  interest.  From  a 
strictly  Christian  standpoint  such  a  course  is  clearly  the  highest 
and  wisest :  while  from  that  of  the  Moslems  the  old  fears  that 
closer  intercourse  with  Christians  might  sap  the  religious 
earnestness  of  the  followers  of  the  Prophet  are  now  generally 
seen  to  be  groundless  in  the  light  of  a  longer  and  more  intimate 
acquaintance.  But  there  are  reasons  of  a  more  practical  nature 
than  these  ethical  considerations.  The  position  of  Islam  in  the 
world's  political  and  religious  geography  supplies  the  followers 
of  both  faiths  with  a  motive  for  common  action  that  is  yearly 
becoming  better  understood.  ...  If  it  is  true  that  a  new  spirit 
is  stirring  in  the  East  of  Asia,  that  the  scientific  knowledge  by 
which  in  the  past  Europeans  have  held  their  own  can  no  longer 
remain  their  monopoly  and  that  the  increase  of  the  population 
in  the  Far  East  remains  steady  while  that  of  Europe  declines, 
then  it  is  time  for  the  Near  East,  when  the  inevitable  struggle 
must  take  place,  to  put  her  house  in  order :  and  the  first  and 
most  obvious  requirement  is  that  the  tradition  of  misunder- 
standings between  Christians  and  Moslems  shall  be  replaced  by  a 
sympathy  based  upon  community  of  interest." 


Consular  Reports 

The  movement  of  progress  and  hope  which  has  awakened  to 
consciousness  in  Palestine  was  born  in  the  colonies,  where  the 
land  began  to  yield  a  ready  harvest  in  return  for  the  husband- 



man's  toil,  where  the  vine  and  the  fruit  tree  began  to  surround 
with  natural  beauty  a  land  that  had  all  too  long  lain  desolate, 
and  the  old  joys  of  country  life  have  brought  anew  to  the  toilful 
workers  a  spirit  of  independence  and  dignity  which  have 
penetrated  from  the  country  into  the  towns.  Again  the  Jewish 
race  has  developed  some  of  the  fine  physique  that  generations 
of  the  Ghetto  life  had  threatened  to  destroy  for  ever. 

The  British  Consular  Reports  show  signs  of  a  steady  develop- 
ment of  Palestinian  trade : — 




1885      . 

.   £132,579 


1886      . 

.      119.555 


1887      . 

.      186,371 


1888      . 

.      204,315 


1889      • 

.      244,561 


1890      . 

.      447,010 


1891      . 

.      410,530 


1892      . 

.      258,466 


1893      . 

.      332,628 


1894      . 

.      285,604 


1895      . 

.      282,907 


1896      . 

.     373447 


1897      . 

.    309,389 


1898      . 

.     306,780 


The  increase  of  trade  in  1890  and  1891  was  due  to  the  good 
harvest  in  oranges  and  sesame.  In  1892,  1893,  1894,  and  1897, 
all  the  wheat  and  the  barley  were  exported  via  Gaza,  and  are 
therefore  not  included  in  the  above  table.  The  value  of  some 
of  the  goods  exported  and  the  growth  of  new  industries  is 
indicated  in  the  following  table,  which  shows  the  exports  of 
wheat,  maize,  soap  and  oranges  from  1885  to  1898  : — 









1885     .... 
































































1898     .... 







In  the  earlier  reports  some  reference  is  made  to  the  export  of 
wine,  but  it  is  not  worth  special  mention  until  1894,  from  which 
date  the  following  figures  may  be  given  : — 

Wine  and  Cognac. 

1894   . 

.   £3,000 

1895  . 


1896   . 

.    4,032 

1897  . 

.     4,340 

1898  . 

.    20,500 

Comparative  tables  of  imports  and  exports  at  Jaffa  according  to  countries 
during  the  four  years  1 909-1 91 2. 











United  Kingdom 





British  Colonies    . 



















Germany     . 




















Italy  .... 





United  States 





Roumania  . 














Other  Countries   . 



















United  Kingdom 





British  Colonies    . 




















Germany     . 










Egypt          .         .          . 










Italy  .... 





United  States 





Roumania  . 













Other  Countries   . 










Hindrances  to  the  Prosperity  of  Palestine 

(From  the  British  Diplomatic  and  Consular  Reports,  No.  4850. 
Annual  Series  :  Turkey.  Report  for  the  Year  191 1.  London, 
1912)  :— 

"  The  principal  causes  which  impede  a  rapid  increase  in  the 
prosperity  of  Palestine  are  three,  viz. : — 

"  I.  The  lack  of  a  harbour  in  Jaffa. — This  is  greatly  needed. 
Owing  to  the  fact  that  Jaffa  is  an  open  roadstead  subject  to 
sudden  and  dangerous  storms — it  should  be  noted  that  a  British 
steamer  was  wrecked  in  February,  191 1 — much  delay  is  experi- 
enced in  loading  and  unloading  steamers  with  consequent  loss 
and  inconvenience.  Many  tourists  and  pilgrims  are  also  deterred 
from  visiting  the  country  owing  to  the  uncertainty  as  to  whether 
disembarkation  will  be  possible. 

**  2.  The  tithe. — The  levying  of  a  tax  of  I2|  per  cent,  ad  valorem 
on  products  of  the  soil  has  greatly  impeded  the  extension  of  the 
orange  plantations.  Recently  a  petition  has  been  submitted  to 
the  authorities  by  agriculturists  asking  that  this  tax  may  be 
replaced  by  a  fixed  tax  of  30  pias.  (5s.)  per  dunum  (about 
i  acre)  on  land  planted  with  orange  and  other  fruit  trees.  If 
this  change  were  made,  there  would  be  an  immediate  increase  in 
the  number  of  orange  plantations,  with  consequent  benefit  both 
to  the  Government  and  to  the  population.  There  are  thousands 
of  acres  of  light  soil  in  the  vicinity  of  Jaffa,  which,  although 
not  suited  for  cereals  or  sesame,  are  well  fitted  for  the  cultivation 
of  oranges. 

"3.  The  existence  of  large  plots  of  undivided  (musho'a)  land 
belonging  to  several  owners  jointly  who  are,  however,  unable  to 
determine  their  respective  shares. — The  natural  result  is  that,  there 
being  no  inducements  to  carry  out  improvements,  the  land  is 
neglected.  If  measures  were  taken  to  effect  the  division  of  the 
land,  the  results  would  be  beneficial  both  to  the  Government 
and  to  the  owners." 

In  addition  to  this  statement,  Mr.  Vice-Consul  P.  Abela  of 
Haifa  reported  (1911) : — 

"There  is  a  possibility  of  great  agricultural  enterprise  in  the 
fertile  and  extensive  plains  near  Haifa,  and  arrangements  have 
been  made  with  some  big  proprietors  to  let  the  property  for 
development.  Were  it  not  for  the  Turkish  laws  prohibiting 
foreign  companies  to  hold  land  in  Turkey,  great  progress  might 
have  been  made  in  this  direction." 

(From  the  Jaffa  Report  for  1912,  No.  5107.  Annual  Series. 
June,  1913)  :— 

"  Public  works. — The  roads  have  not  been  touched,  except 
for  a  few  patchings  in  the  town,  and  are  in  the  worst  state  of 
repair  imaginable. 


"  The  harbour  concession,  owing  to  the  difficulties  arising 
from  the  confused  political  state  of  the  capital,  has  not  yet  been 
obtained.  ...  It  is  now  nearly  fifteen  years  that  negotiations 
have  been  going  on  with  regard  to  the  project,  and  considering 
the  enormous  benefits  that  would  accrue  from  its  realization  to 
every  branch  of  the  local  trade,  its  perpetual  postponement  is 
deplorable.  The  present  open  roadstead  is  dangerous  both  for 
passengers  and  goods  trade,  and  frequently  prevents  vessels  from 
communicating  at  all.  The  resulting  losses  to  the  district  are 
too  obvious  to  be  mentioned. 

'*  The  lack  of  public  security. — ^The  inhabitants  of  the  Jewish 
colonies  have  to  pay  from  £6  los.  annually  per  family  in  organis- 
ing their  own  means  of  defence,  and  even  then  suffer  from 

"  The  tithe. — This  tax  is  levied  on  a  system  which  has  the 
disadvantages  both  of  discouraging  cultivation  and  being 
wasteful  and  comparatively  unproductive.  Its  incidence  on 
individuals  is  also  in  many  cases  unfair  and  crippling.  The 
whole  system  is  in  need  of  radical  revision. 

**  The  backward  state  of  public  works. — The  present  roads  are 
fit  for  nothing  but  camel  traffic,  and  agriculturists  have  no 
satisfactory  means  of  embarking  their  goods  at  Jaffa  without 
great  expense  and  loss  through  deterioration." 


The  following  is  an  example  of  Moore's  Zionist  songs  : 


But  who  shall  see  the  glorious  day, 

When  throned  on  Zion's  brow. 
The  Lord  shall  rend  that  veil  away 

Which  blinds  the  nations  now  ? 
When  earth  no  more  beneath  the  fear 

Of  his  rebuke  shall  lie  ; 
When  pain  shall  cease,  and  every  tear 

Be  wiped  from  every  eye  ? 

Then,  Judah,  thou  no  more  shalt  mourn 

Beneath  the  heathen's  chain  ; 
Thy  days  of  splendour  shall  return, 

And  all  be  new  again. 
The  fount  of  life  shall  then  be  quafE'd, 

In  peace  by  all  who  come  ; 
And  every  wind  that  blows  shall  waft 

Some  long-lost  exile  home. 

{See  Volume  I,  page  12.) 



Cremieux's  Circular  to  the  Jews  in  Western  Europe* 
"  Aux  Juifs  de  V Occident, 

"...  Pendant  mon  sejour  en  Egypte,  dans  le  cours  de  cette 
belle  mission  qui  portait  vers  nos  freres  de  TOrient  les  sympa- 
thies si  ardentes  de  leurs  freres  de  rOccident,  j'etais  vivement 
emu  de  I'aspect  de  la  malheureux  population  qui  s'offrait  k  mes 
yeux.  Foules  aux  pieds  depuis  tant  de  siecles,  les  debris  de  la 
nation  juive,  autrefois  nation  puissante  dans  ces  contrees  meme, 
ont  perdu  I'energie  qui  seule  donne  ck.  Thomme  quelque  ressort 
en  lui  rappelant  qu'il  est  I'oeuvre  de  Dieu.  La  source  qui 
vivifie  toutes  les  facultes  de  notre  intelligence,  V instruction  n*est 
pas  meme  connue  du  nom  dans  cette  Alexandria,  si  brillante,  il 
y  a  quelques  siecles,  par  les  lumieres  des  juges  et  des  docteurs 
Israelites.  ,  .  . 

**  De  rOrient  est  sortie  la  religion  qui  nous  unit  tons  d'une 
chaine  k  la  fois  si  etroite  et  si  noble.  .  .  .  Du  Caire  et 
d' Alexandria  le  feu  sacre  se  repandra  bientot  vers  Dames  et 
Jerusalem.    L'Orient  va  se  ranimer.  .  .  ." 

[See  Volume  I,  p.  i8o.) 



(By  Emma  Lazarus) 

Wake,  Israel,  Wake  !     Recall  to-day 

The  Glorious  Maccabean  rage. 

The  sire  heroic,  hoary-gray. 

His  five-fold  lion-lineage, 

The  wise,  the  elect,  the  Help-of-God, 

The  burst  of  Spring,  the  Avenging  Rod. 

From  Murpeh's  mountain  ridge  they  saw 
Jerusalem's  empty  streets  :  her  shrine 
Laid  waste  where  Greeks  profaned  the  law 
With  idol  and  with  pagan  sign. 
Mourners  in  tattered  black  were  there 
With  ashes  sprinkled  on  their  hair. 

Then  from  the  stony  peak  there  rang 
A  blast  to  ope  the  graves  :   down  poured 
The  Maccabean  clan,  who  sang 
Their  battle  anthem  to  the  Lord. 
Five  heroes  lead,  and  following,  see 
Ten  thousand  rush  to  victory  ! 

*  Archives  Israelites  de  France,  vol.  ii.,  1841,  p.  185. 


Oh  for  Jerusalem's  trumpet  now, 
To  blow  a  blast  of  shattering  power. 
To  wake  the  sleepers  high  and  low. 
And  rouse  them  to  the  urgent  hour  ! 
No  hand  for  vengeance,  but  to  save, 
A  million  naked  swords  should  wave. 

Oh,  deem  not  dead  that  martial  lire. 
Say  not  the  mystic  flame  is  spent  I 
With  Moses'  law  and  David's  lyre. 
Your  ancient  strength  remains  unbent. 
Let  such  an  era  rise  anew. 
To  lift  the  "  Banner  of  the  Jew  I  " 

{See  Volume  I,  p.  243.) 


"  The  Advanced  Guard  " 

Programme  of  the  Committee  appointed  to  found  a  colony  to  be  called 
Rishon  Le'Zion  (1882). 

"  A.  The  acquisition  of  land. — The  Committee  will  select 
according  to  its  judgment,  a  suitable  site  for  the  colony,  will 
purchase  the  same  from  the  owners  of  the  ground  and  execute  a 
deed  of  purchase,  in  the  name  of  the  President  and  two  members 
of  the  Committee.  If  some  charitable  association  make  a  grant 
of  money  towards  the  purchase  of  the  land,  in  that  case  the 
Committee  will  be  in  a  position  to  buy  it  in  the  name  of  such 
association.  If  it  be  bestowed  as  a  gift  the  deed  of  purchase  will 
be  in  accordance  with  its  regulation  and  that  of  this  Committee. 

"  B.  The  acquisition  of  houses. — The  Committee  have  pre- 
pared plans  respecting  houses  and  stalls  for  herds  and  flocks,  the 
purchase  of  bricks,  wood  and  all  the  requisites  of  a  dwelling- 
house.  It  will  appoint  inspectors  over  the  work-people  and  a 
surveillance  will  be  exercised  by  the  officers  of  the  colony  or 
those  of  the  Committee. 

*'  C.  The  obtaining  of  cattle  and  implements. — The  Com- 
mittee will  choose  experienced  men  either  from  the  members  of 
the  Committee  or  from  the  colony  to  hand  over  to  them  money 
for  the  purchase  of  cattle  and  proper  implements  of  ploughing 
adapted  to  each  family.  These  will  be  bestowed  on  them 
according  to  priority. 

"  D.  The  wants  of  the  congregation. — The  Committee  will 
provide  money  for  the  erection  of  a  synagogue,  a  Talmud  Torah 
school,  a  hospital,  bath  and  washhouses,  also  for  the  erection  of 
a  small  trading  mart  to  be  managed  in  accordance  with  the 
regulations  laid  down  by  the  ofi&cers  of  the  colony  for  the 
necessary  transactions." 

II. — 2  D 


I  (vol.  i.,  p.  xxviii) 

It  is  a  thorough  confusion  of  ideas  to  identify  Zionists  with 
the  NationaHsts,  Chauvinists  and  Jingoes  of  other  nations. 
Judaism  in  its  ethics  is  more  cosmopoHtan  than  any  other 
doctrine  in  the  world.  In  teaching  that  all  men  are  brethren 
it  lays  the  foundation  of  the  equality  of  men  and  races,  and 
excludes  in  principle  every  impulse  of  race  egotism  as  im- 
moral. In  Judaism  is  therefore  contained  from  the  begin- 
ning the  suppression  of  national  Umitation  and  animosity. 
And  what  is  founded  upon  Judaism  must  necessarily  prevail 
in  Zionism,  which  represents  the  quintessence  of  Judaism, 
with  all  the  power  of  logic  and  tradition.  But  it  is  just 
upon  this  point  that  those  Jews  who  combat  Zionism  make 
a  surprising  mistake.  They  attempt  to  make  use  of  this 
truth  in  order  to  prove  that  the  Jewish  nationality  has  to 
disappear  from  this  world.  Here  lies  the  fallacy.  It  is  true 
that  Judaism  rejects  the  ill-natured  aloofness  of  one  nation 
towards  another,  but  it  is  not  true  that  Judaism  strives 
after  the  suppression  of  national  distinctions,  and  it  even 
borders  on  the  ridiculous  to  suppose  that  Judaism  requires 
the  suppression  of  Jewish  nationality.  Judaism,  which 
lecognizes  all  natural  formations,  cannot  wish  to  annihilate 
or  to  suppress  the  manifoldness  of  the  national  articulation 
of  humanity. 

Apart  from  this  all  that  is  alive  and  modern  has  a  tendency 
towards  the  creation  of  a  national  culture.  All  valuable  liter- 
ature and  art  bears  a  national  character.  Everything  inter- 
national is  bare  of  colour  and  expression.  What  the  Jews  do 
can  generally  also  be  done  by  others,  in  a  worse  or  better 
manner.  What  is  of  importance  to  humanity,  are  the  special 
values  which  the  Jews  as  such  create.  The  downfall  of  a 
nationality  which  represents  a  state  of  culture  would  be  equi- 
valent to  a  lessening  of  the  spiritual  possession  of  humanity. 
Besides,  the  abrasion  of  the  national  leads  throughout  to  a 
loosening  of  the  self-containing  of  the  personaUty.  It  comes 
from  the  national  instinct  of  the  individuality,  and  the 
imprint  cannot  be  effaced  without  internal  injury.  That  is 
why  Zionism  means  the  return  to  the  natural  character 
of  the  Jewish  personality. 



II  (vol.  i.,  p.  5) 
Anglo-Israelism,  the  theory  which  identifies  the  ancient 
Britons  with  the  Israehtes,  was  originated  by  Richard 
Brothers  (1757-1829).  The  chief  exponents  of  this  doctrine, 
which  became  the  teaching  of  a  particular  sect  in  England 
and  America,  were  :  J.  Wilson,  W.  Carpenter,  F.  R.  A. 
Glover,  Edward  Hine,  S.  W.  Greenwood,  the  Rev.  W.  H. 
Poole,  S.  Bernatto  and  T.  R.  Howlett.  The  Anglo-Israelites 
have  their  literature  and  periodical  publications,  in  which 
they  propagate  their  idea  with  great  zeal,  and  in  the  United 
States  and  in  Britain  to-day  amount  to  a  very  large  number 
of  believers.  Without  entering  into  a  scientific  analysis  of 
this  doctrine,  we  must  admit  that  the  fact  that  a  certain 
number  of  English  people  are  endeavouring  to  prove  their 
Israelite  origin,  is  possible  only  in  a  country  so  strongly 
attached  to  the  Bible,  including  the  Old  Testament,  as 
England.  Other  people  would  shrink  from  the  mere  idea  of 
being  mixed  up,  even  in  the  remotest  degree,  with  Israelites. 
Even  Jewish  assimilationists  are  inclined  to  accept  any 
extravagant  hypothesis  tending  to  prove  that  the  present 
Jews  are  not  of  pure  Jewish  or  Semitic  origin. 

Ill  (vol.  i.,  p.  100) 

The  anonymous  author  of  A  Treatise  of  the  Future 
Restoration  of  the  Jews  and  Israelites  to  their  Own  Land,  etc. 
Addressed  to  the  Jews.  (London,  1746),  defended  the  idea 
without  any  allusion  to  conversion,  in  a  Jewish  spirit, 
though  he  was  evidently  a  non-Jew.  He  gave  many  inter- 
esting descriptions  of  Palestine. 

President  Edwards,  in  his  History  of  Redemption,  says  : 
"  In  future  glorious  times,  both  Judah  and  Ephraim,  or 
Judah  and  the  Ten  Tribes,  shall  be  brought  in  together,  and 
shall  be  united  as  one  people."  Mr.  Locke,  giving  the 
substance  of  the  eleventh  chapter  of  the  Romans,  says : 
"  When  the  fulness  of  the  Gentiles  is  come  in,  the  whole 
Jewish  nation  shall  again  be  restored  to  be  the  people  of 
God.*'  Dr.  W.  Harris  observes  that,  as  this  Epistle  (the 
Romans)  was  written  about  the  year  57  .  .  .  and  as  the 
prophecies  were  not  accomplished  then,  they  have  to  be 

William  Cunningham  of  Lainshaw,  in  his  Letters  and 
Essays  (London,  1822),  has  a  series  of  letters  on  "  The 
Literal  Restoration  of  Israel  to  their  Own  Land,"  which  are 
excellent  both  in  style  and  learning. 


IV  (vol.  i.,  p.  106) 
From  the  Archives  at  the  Foreign  Office 


2nd  March,  1841. 

My  Lord, 

A  Memorial  has  this  day  been  transmitted  to  your 
lordship,  prajdng  that  Her  Majesty's  Government  may 
now  exert  its  commanding  influence  to  secure  the  protec- 
tion of  the  Jews  in  Palestine,  and  to  afford  them  facilities 
for  returning  to  their  own  land.  Though  signed  by  only 
320  persons,  it  contains,  I  believe,  almost  the  unanimous 
expression  of  Protestant  feeling  in  this  neighbourhood ; 
almost  every  one  to  whom  it  was  presented  cheerfully  ap- 
pended his  name.  It  contains  the  signatures  of  men  of  all 
ranks,  of  all  political  parties,  and  of  different  religious 
denominations.  The  names  of  many  Roman  Catholics, 
both  clergy  and  laity,  will  be  found  attached  to  it. 

The  deep  interest  manifested  by  all  classes  in  the  subject 
of  the  Memorial,  as  well  as  its  transcendent  importance, 
will,  I  sincerely  hope,  secure  for  it  an  attentive  consideration. 

While  the  minds  of  a  people,  who  have  for  many  ages 
been  crushed  and  trodden  under  foot  by  all  nations,  are 
fixed  with  intense  anxiety  on  the  measures  which  Her 
Majesty's  Government  may  now  adopt  for  their  relief, 
multitudes  of  Christians,  both  at  home  and  abroad,  are 
watching  with  intense  interest  the  issue  of  our  recent  vic- 
tories in  Syria.  The  tide  of  popular  feehng  also  throughout 
the  civiHzed  world  is  now  turned  in  favour  of  the  Jews, 
and  nothing  perhaps  would  tend  more  strongly  to  secure 
our  national  tranquillity,  heal  divisions  at  home,  and  unite 
men  of  all  parties,  than  the  adoption  of  vigorous  measures 
for  the  benefit  of  ancient  Israel. 

I  pray  your  lordship  to  forgive  these  remarks,  and  to 
bear  with  me  while  I  add,  that  perhaps  the  very  existence 
of  our  country  depends  upon  the  manner  in  which  the  people 
of  God  are  now  treated  by  us.  The  supreme  Governor  of 
Heaven  and  Earth  has,  by  the  prophet  Isaiah  (chap.  xxix.  7 
and  8),  passed  a  sweeping  and  universal  sentence  which 
must  operate  with  as  unerring  certainty  as  any  of  the 
ordinary  laws  of  nature.  The  total  disappearance  from 
the  map  of  the  world  of  many  of  the  most  famous  nations 


of  antiquity — of  Assyria,  Babylon,  Idumea,  etc.,  form  the 
most  impressive  commentary  on  these  awful  words.  It  is 
unnecessary  to  remind  your  lordship  that  England  is  im- 
pHcated  in  this  capital  offence  of  plundering,  banishing, 
and  massacring  the  unresisting  and  often  unoffending  Jews, 
as  it  is  indeUbly  engraven  on  the  page  of  her  history.  By 
what  means  we  are  to  escape  the  irreversible  decree  of 
Jehovah  I  know  not,  if  not  by  manifesting  repentance  for 
the  cruel  deeds  of  our  ancestors,  and  by  employing  every 
means  now  within  our  reach  to  render  them  kindness  in 
return  for  the  miseries  formerly  visited  upon  them. 

We  hope  that  God  has  raised  your  lordship  to  your 
present  exalted  station  for  such  a  time  as  this,  and  pray 
that  He  may  honour  you,  by  making  you  an  instrument  of 
breaking  the  chains  which  have  long  bound  the  land  of  His 
people,  and  that  He  may  incline  the  heart  of  our  Sovereign 
and  of  Her  Government  to  extend  the  wings  of  their  pro- 
tection over  that  people  from  whom  all  our  highest  blessings 
and  privileges  have  come. 

"  Blessed  shall  those  be  who  bless  Israel,  and  cursed  shall 
those  be  who  curse  her.*' 
I  am. 

My  Lord, 

With  much  respect, 
Your  lordship's  obedient  and  humble  servant, 
(Signed)  Warrain  Carlile, 
Minister  of  the  Scots'  Church,  Carlow. 

To  Lord  Palmerston, 

Her  Majesty's  Secretary  for  Foreign  Affairs. 

Foreign  Office, 

March  Sth,  1841. 

I  am  directed  by  Viscount  Palmerston  to  request  that 
you  will  acquaint  the  Parties  resident  at  Carlow  and  in  its 
vicinity  who  signed  the  Memorial  transmitted  to  His  Lordship 
from  Carlow  on  the  2nd  of  this  month,  praying  for  the  inter- 
vention of  Her  Majesty's  Government  in  favour  of  the  Jews 
who  may  be  settled  in  Palestine  or  who  may  desire  to 
return  there,  that  His  Lordship  has  duly  received  their 
Memorial,  and  desires  to  assure  them  that  the  interesting 


subject  to  which  it  relates  has  not  escaped  the  attention  of 
Her  Majesty's  Government,  who  have  made  and  are  still 
making  endeavours  which  they  trust  will  not  be  altogether 
without  success,  to  obtain  for  such  Jews  as  may  wish  to 
settle  in  Palestine,  full  security  for  their  persons  and  pro- 

The  Dean  of  Leighton 

and  the  Petitioners  from  Carlow. 

March  2,  1841. 

To  the  Right  Honourable 


Her  Majesty's  Secretary  for  Foreign  Affairs 

The  Humble  Memorial  of  the  Undersigned  Inhabitants  of 
Carlow  and  its  Vicinity. 

Your  Memorialists  take  the  liberty  of  presenting  the 
following  statement  to  your  Lordship  in  consequence  of  the 
success  which  the  Almighty  has  lately  been  pleased  to  grant 
to  Her  Majesty's  Arms  in  Syria,  and  the  peculiar  position 
in  which  he  has  placed  the  British  Government  with  respect 
to  the  Jews  :  and  they  feel  the  more  encouraged  to  do  it 
from  the  deep  interest  which  your  Lordship  has  already 
shown  in  the  Welfare  of  that  people. 

Your  Lordship  must  be  fully  aware  of  the  unparalleled 
sufferings  which  the  Jews  have  for  Ages  endured  in  the 
Land  of  their  Fathers ;  and  as  that  Land  has  recently  in  the 
providence  of  God,  been  thrown  in  some  degree  under 
British  Power,  Your  Memorialists  earnestly  entreat  that 
Her  Majesty's  Government  may  employ  their  present 
Commanding  influence  to  shield  the  unresisting  Jews  from 
further  persecution,  and  to  ensure  for  them  complete  pro- 

Your  MemoriaHsts  feel  much  confidence  in  pressing  upon 
Your  Lordship's  attention  the  claims  of  this  much  neglected 
people  ;  for  from  whom  could  they  better  expect  a  prompt 
and  vigorous  attention  to  these  claims,  than  from  a  Govern- 
ment which  has  already  exerted  itself  so  nobly  in  the  cause 
of  Humanity  and  has  set  an  example  worthy  the  imita- 


tion  of  the  World  in  abolishing  Slavery  and  in  extending 
protection  to  the  oppressed. 

Your  Memorialists  beg  leave  further  to  remind  Your 
Lordship  that  the  Land  of  Palestine  was  bestowed  by  the 
Sovereign  of  the  Universe  upon  the  descendants  of  Abraham 
as  a  permanent  and  inaUenable  possession  nearly  4000 
Years  ago,  and  that  neither  conquests  nor  treaties  among 
men  can  possibly  affect  their  Title  to  it.  He  has  also 
decreed  that  they  shall  again  return  to  their  Country  and 
that  the  Gentiles  shall  be  employed  as  the  means  of  their 
restoration.  "For  thus  saith  the  Lord  God,  Behold  I  will 
lift  up  mine  Hand  to  the  Gentiles  and  set  up  my  Standard 
to  the  people,  and  they  shall  bring  thy  sons  in  their  Arms, 
and  thy  Daughters  shall  be  carried  upon  their  Shoulders, 
and  Kings  shall  be  thy  Nursing  Fathers  and  their  Queens 
thy  Nursing  Mothers  "  (Isah.  xlix.).  Happy  shall  those  be 
who  shall  be  employed  in  accomplishing  God's  purposes  of 
Mercy  to  His  Ancient  People,  for  "  They  shall  prosper  who 
love  Zion."  The  honour  and  Happiness  to  be  thus  attained 
appear  now  to  be  within  our  reach,  and  indeed  to  be  offered 
for  our  acceptance.  It  is  foretold  also  that  the  Ships  of 
Tarshish  shall  be  first  employed  in  conducting  the  dispersed 
Tribes  of  Israel  to  their  Home  ;  and  who  are  more  likely 
to  be  employed  in  this  Service,  or  could  more  easily  accom- 
plish it,  than  the  Nation  whose  Fleets  have  been  long  en- 
gaged in  protecting  and  succouring  the  Wretched,  and  which 
have  access  to  most  of  the  Countries  where  Jews  are  to  be 
found  ! 

That  the  promises  of  Jehovah  shall  be  accomplished  by 
some  Gentile  Nation,  is  absolutely  certain  ;  and  everything 
appears  to  indicate  their  speedy  fulfilment ;  and  it  remains 
now  to  be  seen  whether  Her  Majesty's  Government  is  to  be 
the  chosen  instrument  in  accomplishing  this  blessed  Work 
(as  Cyrus  the  Great  King  of  Persia  was  in  ancient  times) 
or  whether  the  Honour  and  Consequent  prosperity  are  to 
be  Conferred  on  some  other  Maritime  power. 

Your  MemoriaHsts  cannot  conclude  without  reminding 
Your  Lordship  that  our  own  fate  as  a  nation  depends  upon 
the  manner  in  which  we  treat  the  Jews,  for  the  irreversible 
decree  of  Heaven  is  "  The  Nation  or  Kingdom  that  will 
not  serve  Israel  shall  perish.  Yea  those  Nations  shall  be 
utterly  consumed." 

Your  Memorialists  therefore  pray  Your  Lordship  to  adopt 
such  measures  as  may  appear  to  You  best  to  secure  full 


protection  to  the  Jews  in  their  own  Country,  also  to  afford 
them  assistance  in  gaining  possession  of  their  Land,  either 
by  purchase  or  otherwise,  and  to  afford  facihties  to  all  who 
may  be  disposed  to  return  to  their  inheritance. 
And  Your  Memorialists  will  ever  pray,  etc. 

V  (vol.  i.,  p.  119) 

"  .  .  .  Sir  Moses  called  on  Colonel  Campbell,  but  he  had 
to  wait  some  time  before  seeing  him,  as  the  Colonel  was  with 
the  Pasha. 1  The  Colonel  willingly  consented  to  introduce 
Sir  Moses  to  Boghoz  Bey,^  and  fixed  four  o'clock  for  the 
purpose.  Colonel  Campbell  said  he  would  call  for  Sir  Moses, 
and  bring  one  of  his  horses  for  him. 

"  The  Colonel  was  punctual,  and  we  rode  together  to  the 
residence  of  Boghoz  Bey.  Sir  Moses  gave  him  three  requests 
in  writing,  and  he  promised  to  lay  them  before  Mohammad 
Ali  and  explain  them  to  him.  The  Bey  appeared  well  in- 
clined to  forward  his  requests,  and  offered  to  present  him  to 
the  Pasha  either  the  same  evening  or  the  next  morning.  .  .  . 

"  Boghoz  Bey,  the  Pasha's  Minister  of  Commerce,  had 
read  over  and  explained  my  requests  to  him  on  the  previous 
evening,  that  he  might  be  fully  aware  of  the  object  of  my 
visit  to  him.  Being  anxious  to  have  Mohammad  AJi's 
answers  in  writing,  which  he  said  Boghoz  Bey  should  give 
me,  as  he  had  been  present  at  our  interview,  I  called  on  the 
Bey,  but  he  had  not  returned  from  the  Palace. 

'*  Between  four  and  five  I  walked  there  with  Dr.  Loewe. 
Boghoz  Bey  received  me  most  politely,  and  said  as  I  had 
not  put  my  signature  to  the  written  requests,  he  could  not 
give  me  an  answer  in  writing,  but  he  hoped  I  was  perfectly 
satisfied  with  what  Mohammad  Ali  had  promised  me  this 
morning.  He  added  that  as  soon  as  I  had  made  my  several 
requests  in  writing,  and  signed  them,  he  Would  write  me  the 
answer,  agreeably  with  the  Pasha's  words,  as  he  had 
accorded  me  all  I  required. 

''  I  thanked  him,  and  immediately  after  the  conclusion  of 
Sabbuth  I  wrote,  and  sent  the  several  requests  to  Boghoz 
Bey,  properly  signed  in  the  form  of  letters.  .  .  ."^ 

*  Mehemet  Ali. 

*  Father  of  Boghoz  Pasha,  President  of  the  Armenian  National  Council 
in  Paris,  1919.     See  p.  116. 

"  Diaries  of  Sir  Moses  and  Lady  Montefiore.  .  .  .  Edited  by  Dr.  L.  Loewe, 
,  .  .  vol.  i.    London  .  .  .  1890.    pp.  198-200. 


VI  (vol.  i.,  p.  138) 

In  1849  Colonel  George  Gawler  accepted  an  invitation 
from  Sir  Moses  Montefiore  to  accompany  him — together 
with  Lady  Montefiore — on  a  tour  through  the  Holy  Land. 
It  was  arranged  that  they  should  leave  England  about  the 
2oth  of  April.  They  were,  however,  delayed  three  weeks  by 
the  illness  of  Lady  Montefiore.  Gawler  himself  was  not  dis- 
appointed at  the  delay,  as  he  was  hard  at  work  studying 
Hebrew  and  Arabic,  preparatory  for  the  tour.  Eventually 
they  started  on  May  the  15th,  and  arrived  at  Jerusalem  on 
July  28th.  1 

An  enthusiastic  Christian  Zionist,  Gawler  was  at  the  same 
time  a  strong  advocate  of  Jewish  emancipation  which  was 
to  him  a  duty  of  justice,  because  :  ''First,  it  would  be  part 
payment  of  a  heavy  debt  of  retribution  that  England  owes 
to  the  Hebrew  race  for  bygone  centuries  of  cruelty  and 
oppression.  Westminster  Abbey  itself  was  rebuilt  by  money 
extorted  from  the  Jews  (Maddox's  History  of  the  Exchequer, 
and  Hunter's  History  of  London).  And,  secondly,  it  would 
he  taking  a  part,  which  is  to  the  honour  and  interest  of  the 
British  Nation  to  perform,  in  assisting  the  great  movement 
of  deliverance  from  oppression  and  bondage  that  for  many 
years  past  has  been  in  operation  throughout  the  whole 
civilized  world,  in  behalf  of  the  Ancient  People  of  God."^ 

VII  (vol.  i.,  p.  139) 

The  Rev.  Alex.  B.  C.  Dallas  (1791-1869),  author  of  several 
works,  said  in  a  lecture  in  1845  :  .  .  .  "  The  first  object  is 
the  time  when  Jerusalem  is  to  be  safely  inhabited  by  the 
people  of  Judah,  as  of  old.  This  we  learn  from  Zechariah 
(xii.  6  and  xiv.  11),  and  from  all  the  prophets.  If  then  the 
western  Jews  of  Europe  were  to  be  placed  under  some 
political  arrangement,  with  an  independent  jurisdiction 
over  the  city  and  suburbs  alone,  that  prophecy  would  be 
fulfilled  "  {Present  Times  and  Future  Prospects,  Rev.  W.  R. 
Fremantle.    London,  1845,  p.  116). 

The  Rev.  W.  R.  Fremantle  (1781-1859),  the  editor  of  this 
volume  and  a  priest  of  great  learning,  dealing  with  the  same 
subject,  remarked  :    "It  has  been  thought  that  if  cabinets 

^  George  Gawler,  K.H.,  by  C.  W.  N.     London,  1900,  p.  56. 

*  The  Emancipation  of  the  Jews ^  by  Col.  G.  Gawler.    London,  1847,  Preface. 


of  Europe  only  agree  upon  some  terms,  and  draw  up  a  treaty 
for  the  restoration  of  the  Jews  to  Palestine,  the  whole 
matter  would  be  speedily  arranged.  But  if  the  position 
which  our  subject  holds  in  the  coming  future  be  correctly 
stated,  then  are  there  many  steps  in  this  work  of  restoration. 
The   first   is   evidently   partial   and  preparatory "    (Ibid., 

PP-  253-4). 

The  Rev.  WilHams  Cadman  said  in  the  same  series  of 
lectures  :  '*  When  the  storm  is  passed,  Israel  shall  be  found 
in  peaceful  and  quiet  possession.  The  desolate  land  shall 
be  tilled ;  the  ruined  places  shall  be  built,  and  the  waste 
cities  become  fenced,  and  be  inhabited,  and  filled  with 
flocks  of  men  "  (Ibid.,  pp.  303-4). 

In  a  Paper  ^  read  before  the  British  Association  of  Science 
at  Aberdeen,  September  i6th,  1859,  t>y  Major  Scott  Philipps, 
on  the  Resettlement  of  the  Seed  of  Abraham  in  Syria  and 
Arabia,  it  was  shown  that  the  small  portion  they  have 
hitherto  possessed,  by  no  means  comprises  the  whole  grant 
of  country  given  to  Abraham,  but  that  the  whole  of  Arabia 
Felix  is  included  in  that  grant.  Their  full  inheritance  is 
given  in  Deuteronomy  xi.  24  :  *  Every  place  whereon  the 
soles  of  your  feet  shall  tread  shall  be  yours  :  from  the 
wilderness  and  Lebanon,  from  the  river,  the  River  Euphrates 
even  imto  the  uttermost  sea  shall  your  coast  be.' 

"  Now  rule  a  line  from  the  northern  roots  of  Lebanon  to 
the  southern  roots  of  Sinai,  and  will  not  a  perpendicular 
thereto  point  out  the  uttermost  sea  to  be  the  East  Sea,  or  Sea 
of  Oman  ?  And  the  uttermost  sea  opposite  the  River 
Euphrates,  is  it  not  the  Red  Sea  ? 

"  Thus  the  Euphrates,  the  Mediterranean,  the  Nile,  and 
the  Red  Sea  are  proved  to  be  the  boundaries  of  the  Promised 

The  Rev.  Jacob  H.  Brooke  Mountain  wrote  in  a  letter 
published  by  Miss  Rosa  Rame  (The  Restoration  of  the  Jews, 
etc.,  dedicated  to  the  Earl  of  Shaftesbury.   London,  i860)  : — 

"  There  was  a  time,  when  the  Duke  of  Wellington  was 
at  the  head  of  affairs,  when  the  Navy  of  England  was 
absolute  on  the  ocean,  and  her  military  glory  at  its  height, 
and  when  the  Jews  would  thankfully  have  paid  the  whole 
expense  of  the  expedition,  that  they  might  have  been  put 
in  possession  of  their  own  country.  And  England  would 
have  become  the  first  of  the  nations  in  Europe — our  influence 

*  This  paper  has  recently  been  reprinted. 


over  Turkey,  Greece  and  Egypt  rendered  paramount — and 
a  devoted  ally  attached  to  us.  The  opportunity  was  lost ; 
if  it  is  ever  vouchsafed  to  us  again,  I  fervently  pray  that 
we  may  embrace  it  with  zeal  and  alacrity.  The  time  may 
yet  come,  if  England  has  grace  to  use  it/' 

VIII  (vol.  i.,  p.  152) 

The  clause  as  it  is  to  be  found  in  the  General  Treaty 
between  Great  Britain,  Austria,  France,  Prussia,  Russia, 
Sardinia  and  Turkey,  signed  at  Paris,  March  30th,  1856, 
runs  as  follows  : — 

"  M.T.Maj.  the  Sultan  having  in  his  constant  solicitude 
for  the  welfare  of  his  subjects,  issued  a  Firman  which,  while 
ameliorating  their  condition  without  distinction  of  religion 
or  of  race,  records  his  generous  intentions  towards  the 
Christian  population  of  his  Empire,"  etc.  It  is  quite  clear 
that  the  principle  was  "  without  distinction  of  reHgion  or 
race,"  and  that  the  grant  of  rights  to  the  Christians  is  only 
an  application  of  a  general  principle  in  a  special  case. 

In  the  second  Protocol  of  the  Conference  of  the  30th  of 
August,  i860,  at  Paris,  signed  by  Metternich,  Thouvenel, 
Cowley,  Reuss,  Kisseleff  and  Ahmed  Vefik,  where  the 
autonomy  of  the  Lebanon  was  decided,  reference  is  made 
again  to  this  paragraph  : — 

"  Neanmoins  ils  ne  peuvent  s'empecher,  en  rappelant  ici 
les  actes  emanes  de  Sa  Majeste  la  Sultan  dont  I'article  9  du 
traits  du  30  mars,  1856,  a  constate  la  haute  valeur,"  etc. 
{Recueil  des  Traites  de  la  Porte  Ottoman,  1884,  T.  6,  p.  45). 

IX  (vol.  i.,  p.  160) 

It  is  noteworthy  that  Palestinian  rabbis  recognized  the 
activity  of  the  English  Consul.  James  Finn  was,  indeed, 
an  English  pioneer  of  the  idea  of  the  colonization  of  Palestine 
and  of  England's  protection  of  Palestinian  Jews.  He  was 
appointed  Consul  before  the  death  of  Bishop  Alexander  (who 
was  a  converted  Jew  and  the  first  Bishop  appointed  by  the 
English  Government  in  Jerusalem),  in  1848,  and  the  chief 
reason  for  his  appointment  was  his  known  love  of  the  Jewish 


cause.  He  was  at  the  time  a  member  of  the  London  Society's 
Committee,  had  published  an  interesting  and  learned  work 
on  the  History  of  the  Spanish  Jews,  as  well  as  a  book  upon 
the  Chinese  Jews,  had  devoted  himself  with  great  zeal  and 
rare  success  to  the  study  of  Hebrew,  which  he  spoke  and 
wrote  with  fluency,  and  was  considered  on  this  account  to 
be  particularly  well  qualified  for  the  post  of  Consul  at 
Jerusalem  (another  proof  of  the  great  appreciation  of  the 
National  Jewish  character  of  Palestine  on  the  part  of  the 
British  Government  at  that  time).  Finn  went  out  as  a 
devoted  friend  to  the  Jewish  cause,  and  as  such  he  proved 
himself.  Though  an  ardent  Christian,  he  won  the  sympathy 
of  the  most  orthodox  Jerusalem  rabbis,  and  their  moral 
support  for  the  colonization  of  Palestine.  He  was  the  son- 
in-law  of  Alexander  McCaul,  a  distinguished  Christian 
Hebraist  who  devoted  the  greater  part  of  his  active  life  to 
missionary  work  among  the  Jews.  When  the  Bishopric  of 
Jerusalem  was  established  in  1842,  under  the  joint  protec- 
tion of  the  Queen  of  England  and  the  King  of  Prussia, 
McCaul  was  the  first  to  be  offered  the  See. 

"  By  desire  of  the  King  of  Prussia,  and  with  the  hearty 
concurrence  of  the  heads  of  the  Church,  the  bishopric  in 
Jerusalem  was  tendered  to  Dr.  McCaul,  the  worthiest, 
perhaps,  of  all  the  Gentiles  for  that  high  honour.  He 
demanded,  however,  but  short  time  for  deliberation  and 
refusal,  declaring  his  firm  belief  that  the  Episcopate  of  St. 
James  was  reserved,  in  the  providence  of  God,  for  the 
brethren  of  the  apostle  according  to  the  flesh.  "^  Bishop 
Alexander  was  thereupon  offered  and  accepted  the  trust. 

X  (vol.  i.,  p.  194) 

Zionism  is  not  merely  an  economic,  but  also,  and  perhaps 
primarily,  a  spiritual  movement.  The  Jewish  people  must 
be  able  to  live  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of  its 
soul  in  Palestine.  Economically  it  could  perhaps  live 
equally  well  elsewhere,  but  spiritually  only  in  its  own 
historical  and  actual  home.  No  people  on  earth  have  so 
highly  valued  the  spiritual  as  the  Jews.  The  ever-recurring 
motif  of  the  Thora  (the  Law)  is  the  most  striking  proof 
of  this  conception.    The  spiritual  capacity  of  a  people  is  not 

^  Jewish  Intelligence,  June,  1842,  p.  207. 


its  all,  but  certainly  its  highest  possession.  For  this  con- 
stituent complements  all  other  possessions  and  ennobles 
every  other  interest.  Traditions  are  of  high  standing,  but 
ignorance  and  superstition  cause  otherwise  good  and  great 
traditions  to  become  forces  which,  instead  of  working  for 
good,  only  interfere  as  disturbing,  thwarting  and  perplexing 
elements  in  the  activities  of  life. 

"  The  ignorant  cannot  be  pious  '*  was  a  good  old  saying 
of  the  ancients,  but  of  the  impious  learned  ones,  on  the 
contrary,  the  saying  was  :  "  May  they  but  cherish  the  Law, 
for  the  light  of  the  Law  will  turn  them  towards  the  good.*' 
Man  must  not,  of  course,  regard  learning  as  the  goal,  but 
without  knowledge  his  life  and  existence  are  blind ;  only 
in  the  light  of  cognition  can  the  traditions  of  a  people 
assume  the  best  possible  form.  Historical  reminiscences 
are  of  the  greatest  importance  for  the  consciousness  of  the 
people,  but  even  they  shrink  into  pitiful  narrowness  if  the 
breadth  of  outlook  upon  life  be  wanting.  In  any  case  the 
fundamentally  good  is  only  sanctified  when  the  pursuit  of 
learning  has  widened  the  horizon  of  everything  human,  and 
has  taught  the  art  of  building  up  with  the  best  materials 
out  of  the  past  in  harmony  with  the  present.  This  is  the 
universal  function  of  learning,  and  in  comparison  with  this 
sphere  of  action  all  other  superficial  functions  sink  into 
mere  activities  which  only  acquire  value  through  learning. 

This  fundamental  idea,  upon  which  the  whole  of  Judaism 
is  based,  may  be  illustrated  from  another  aspect.  When  the 
Seventy  Elders  had  translated  the  Pentateuch  into  Greek, 
which  was  the  most  cultured  language  of  Antiquity,  the 
learned  ones  complained  and  even  went  so  far  as  to  assert 
in  a  paradoxical  sentence  :  "  The  day  on  which  this  hap- 
pened is  like  unto  the  days  of  woe  at  the  time  of  the 
destruction  of  the  Temple.''  We  have  only  succeeded  by 
degrees  in  grasping  the  deep  truth  of  this  sentence.  Transla- 
tion, generalization,  localization  may  be  necessary  in  the 
Dispersion.  But  one  must  not  be  deceived  :  only  that 
which  is  written  in  the  original  tongue  of  the  people  is 
genuinely  national.  The  Law  of  the  Jewish  nation  can 
only  be  preserved  in  all  its  originality  in  the  language  of 
that  nation. 

That  the  Shechinah  (the  glory  of  God)  should  languish  in 
exile,  that  the  Thora  should  have  to  share  the  hard  fate  of 
its  bearers,  condemned  to  wander  from  place  to  place  in 
foreign  lands,  seemed  to  many  a  mystical  idea.     But,  in 


reality,  this  idea  is  but  an  expression  of  the  conscious  need 
or  longing  for  the  old  home.  There  is  not  the  slightest  trace 
of  mysticism  in  this  :  it  is  a  clear  and  illuminating  thought. 
Learning  must,  in  order  to  be  disseminated  and  perpetuated 
among  the  successive  generations,  have  some  kind  of  institu- 
tion available  for  the  purpose  of  an  adequate  interchange  of 
ideas.  For  the  purposes  of  the  formation  of  scientific, 
professional  classes,  for  the  development  of  an  organized 
system  of  education,  for  the  vitalization  of  the  language, 
for  the  purpose  of  entering  into  relation  with  natural  sur- 
roundings, it  is  necessary  to  presume  a  whole  series  of 
cultural  precedents,  which  would  probably  be  for  the  greater 
part  of  a  practical  nature.  Not  until  these  conditions  have 
been  created  will  national  Jewish  culture,  ancient  but  ever 
young,  appear  in  all  its  glory.  In  the  Dispersion  there  are, 
unfortunately,  but  a  few  who  are  able,  through  the  power  of 
intuition,  to  realize  the  subhmity  and  depth  of  a  chapter 
from  the  Hebrew  prophetic  scriptures.  They  have  preserved 
the  Jewish  spirit,  partly  through  atavism,  and  partly  through 
tradition  and  long  study.  But  no  outsider  can  experience 
the  same  feeling  towards  the  Hebrew  bible  as  a  Palestinian 
Jew.  No  one  else  either  can  rightly  understand  a  **  Mishna  " 
of  the  "  Seder  Z'raim/'  the  part  which  treats  of  the  Pales- 
tinian flora,  in  spite  of  the  most  ingenious  commentaries. 
In  the  Ghetto,  they  only  extract  from  the  Thora  that  for 
which  the  Ghetto  possesses  understanding — the  disputations 
concerning  business  (Dine  momonoth)  or  the  Dietary  Laws, 
and  the  laws  concerning  the  sabbath  and  the  festivals.  The 
Thora  in  its  entirety  can  only  be  revived  in  Palestine.  The 
Dispersion  only  possesses  fragments  of  an  ancient  national 
culture,  which  are,  in  every  country,  differently  valued, 
and  vague  remembrances  and  surmises  of  the  nature  of  a 
national  feeling. 

It  stands  to  reason  that  a  real  national  feeling  can  only 
develop  in  Palestine.  There  this  feeling  would  become 
what  it  is  among  all  other  sound,  healthy  and  civilized 
peoples  :  the  joyful  consciousness  of  belonging  to  a  nation 
that  in  life,  customs  and  language  bears  the  impress  of  an 
ancient  and  yet  new  culture.  It  is  in  this  and  not  in  the 
superficialities  of  a  state  that  the  centre  of  gravity  of  Zionist 
efforts  consists.  What  Zionists  want  is  to  find  in  the 
historical  fatherland  the  conditions  requisite  for  the  un- 
trammelled development  of  a  Jewish  nation.  Zionism  is  in 
its  deepest  sense  a  product  of  Jewish  national  consciousness. 


What  actually  is  national  consciousness  ?  National 
consciousness,  a  product  of  a  national  common  consciousness 
and  of  an  historically  conditioned  feeling  of  unity,  is  not 
based  upon  a  single  undertaking  by  a  single  group  of  men, 
or  of  a  single  impulse  in  the  history  of  this  group,  but  upon 
a  certain  inborn  cultural  value  of  a  given  people.  National 
consciousness  thus  expresses  this  value  as  a  peculiar  em- 
bodiment of  the  human  soul,  which,  during  the  course  of 
special  lives  enriches  humanity  so  that  the  right  is  claimed 
for  the  nation  in  question  to  safeguard  its  existence  and  to 
develop  according  to  its  own  individuality  within  the  world 
of  nations.  This  consciousness  is  capable  of  a  very  varied 
development  in  strength,  formation  and  tendency.  It 
manifests  itself  in  the  joy  felt  in  the  preservation  of  its  own 
national  characteristics,  in  the  promotion  of  its  fitness,  in 
the  relation  of  the  efficiency  of  the  individual  to  the  welfare 
of  the  whole,  and  in  the  wHlingness  to  sacrifice  for  the  good 
of  the  whole  people.  This  consciousness  possesses,  besides, 
certain  specific  aspects  which  are  peculiar  to  the  one  nation 
more  than  to  any  other.  It  must  possess  these  specific 
aspects  or  else  it  would  be  nothing  more  than  an  imitation 
or  a  continuation  of  its  antithesis  :   assimilation. 

Consequently  a  Jewish  national  consciousness  must  like- 
wise lay  emphasis  upon  the  specific  aspects  which  are  of  a 
spiritual  nature.  The  Jewish  people  is  essentially  neither 
ambitious  of  domination,  nor  bent  on  proselytizing,  neither 
adventurous  nor  aggressive ;  it  is  a  people  eminently 
endowed  intellectually  that  wishes  to  enjoy  the  blessings 
of  peace.  Some  of  the  immoral  backwaters  of  the  national 
consciousness  are  national  pride,  presumption,  blindness 
to  the  qualities  and  efficiency  of  foreigners,  malicious  envy, 
lust  of  domination,  ill-will.  The  Jewish  people  is  sufficiently 
safeguarded  against  such  failings  by  its  spiritual  endow- 

XI  (vol.  i.,  p.  205) 

Dr.  Chas.  F.  Zimpel  published  in  1865  an  Appel  d  la  societe 
Chretienne  toute  entiere  ainsi  qu'aux  Israelites,  pour  la 
deliverance  de  Jerusalem  (Frankfort-on-the-Main)  in  which 
he  gave  a  description  of  the  deplorable  conditions  in 
Palestine,  and  appealed  to  Christians  and  Jews  to  estabUsh 
a  new  order  of  things  in  that  country.    He  referred  to  the 


ideas  of  Napoleon  I,  and  mentioned  a  statement  that 
Napoleon  III  made  some  definite  promises  in  this  matter  : 
'*  Que  S.M.  Napoleon  III  en  ait  le  pressentiment  ou  la 
conviction,  il  est  certain  que,  d'apres  ce  qui  m'a  ete  com- 
munique, il  a  donne,  il  y  a  environ  trois  ans  .  .  .  sa  parole 
de  travailler  dans  ce  but ''  (p.  12).  This  statement  is 
evidently  related  to  the  propaganda  of  M.  Dunant,  which 
was  much  stimulated  by  the  beginning  of  the  work  on  the 
Suez  Canal.  Earher,  in  1852,  Zimpel  had  pubhshed  a 
pamphlet,  Die  Israeliten  in  Jerusalem  (Stuttgart,  1852), 
in  which  he  appealed  to  his  readers  for  support  of  the 
agricultural  Jewish  settlement  established  by  the  Americans 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Jerusalem.  Zimpel,  who  declared 
himself  to  be  a  Christian,  contributed  five  hundred  florins. 
He  mentioned  among  the  promoters  of  the  idea  the  American 
Dr.  J.  T.  Barclay,  and  a  prominent  Jerusalemite,  John 
MeshuUam.  About  MeshuUam,  who  was  a  baptized  Jew, 
born  in  London,  who  had  had  an  adventurous  career,  a  part 
of  which  was  spent  in  the  service  of  Lord  Byron,  some  inter- 
esting particulars  are  given,  under  date  20th  March,  1852, 
in  The  Sabbath  Recorder  of  New  York,  No.  413,  of  the  20th 
of  May,  1852.  This  paper  quotes  an  extract  from  a  journal 
of  Mr.  C.  S.  Minor,  an  American  (Christian)  gentleman,  who 
was  associated  with  MeshuUam  in  his  agricultural  settlement 
at  Bethlehem  : 

**  Through  a  recent  petition  of  the  Turkish  Effendis  of 
Jerusalem,  the  Sultan  has  lately  sent  him  (MeshuUam) 
an  offer  of  the  site  of  the  ancient  Csesarea  and  its  fertile 
vicinity,  if  he  will  undertake  and  superintend  its  rebuilding 
and  cultivation.  This  is  greatly  surprising  and  important, 
as  Caesarea  has  the  most  lovely  and  easily  rebuilt  ruins  in 
Palestine,  and  is  a  point  of  great  commercial  importance 
and  entrance  to  the  whole  land,  and  was  formerly  the 
chosen  port  of  the  Romans.  This  he  declines  from  his  love 
to  Jerusalem  and  his  suffering  brethren  within  its  walls." 

MeshuUam  is  again  mentioned  in  Colonel  George  Gawler's 
book,  Syria,  etc.  (London,  1853,  p.  y8)  :  "  Some  have 
supposed  that  the  Hebrew  people  are  at  present  unfitted  for 
field  or  garden  work.  Such  as  think  this  cannot  have 
witnessed  Hebrew  labourers,  aye,  and  Hebrew  Rabbis, 
at  work  in  Mr.  MeshuUam's  farm  at  Urtan." 

II,—     E 


XII  (vol.  i.,  p.  216) 

In  the  year  1884  the  delegates  of  the  Choveve  Zion  Unions, 
mostly  from  Russia,  met  in  conference  at  Kattowitz  in 
Silesia,  close  to  the  Russo-PoHsh  frontier.  A  Bne-Brith 
Union  had  formerly  been  founded  there  which  had  for  its 
object :  "To  afford  moral  and  material  support  for  the 
foundation  of  colonies,  to  Jews  undergoing  rehgious  persecu- 
tion.*' The  words  "  In  Palestine  "  were  only  introduced 
later.  But  in  the  appeal  which  this  Union  had  circulated 
in  1882,  Palestine  was  expressly  mentioned  as  the  future 
home  of  the  Jewish  nation,  and  the  national  future  of  the 
Jewish  community  was  exalted  with  every  conceivable 
distinctness.  In  this  appeal  Palestine  was  opposed  to 
America,  towards  which  the  main  stream  of  emigration 
was  flowing,  and  was  represented  as  a  suitable  land  of  im- 
migration on  account  of  all  the  reasons  which  it  is  usual  to 
adduce  :  the  low  cost  of  the  journey,  the  value  of  the  con- 
centration of  Jewish  masses  upon  common  territory ;  the 
country's  fertility,  among  others.  The  president  of  this  Bne- 
Brith  Lodge,  M.  Moses,  was  known  as  a  zealous  Chovev  Zion. 
This  circumstance,  and  the  proximity  of  the  town  to  the 
Russo-Polish  frontier,  were  the  reasons  for  its  selection  for 
the  Conference. 

The  Conference  had  elected  a  central  committee,  whose 
seat  should  originally  have  been  in  BerUn,  but  it  turned  out 
differently.  Odessa  remained  the  centre  of  the  Friends  of 
Zion.  It  also  determined  that  henceforward  a  better 
administration  of  the  funds  was  to  be  carried  through.  An 
attempt  was  to  be  made  to  obtain  the  recognition  of  the 
Society  by  the  Russian  Government ;  the  position  of  the 
colonization  was  to  be  tested  on  the  spot,  and  it  was  only 
then  to  be  determined  which  colonies  were  to  be  supported. 
New  foundations  were  not  to  be  considered  in  the  meantime. 
Finally,  a  delegation  was  to  be  sent  to  the  Turkish  Govern- 
ment to  effect  the  removal  of  the  difficulties  standing  in  the 
way  of  Jewish  colonization  in  Palestine.  Although,  as  had 
been  foreseen,  it  was  not  yet  possible  to  gather  all  the 
threads  into  one  hand,  the  organizing  thought  and  a  Zion- 
istic  programme  were  proclaimed  here  for  the  first  time. 
The  newly  founded  institution  was  given  the  name 
''  Maskereth  Moshe,"  or  "  Montefiore  Foundation  for 
Supporting  Colonies  of  the  Holy  Land,"  so  named  in  remem- 
brance of  Montefiore,  whose  hundreth  birthday  had  been 


celebrated  with  widespread  enthusiasm,  especially  in  Russia. 
Through  the  sale  of  Montefiore  pictures,  the  first  common 
fund,  40,000  roubles,  had  been  raised. 

The  Conference  had  no  great  real  success.  In  spite  of  the 
propaganda  undertaken  by  the  central  committee  the 
movement  came  to  a  standstill.  Already,  in  1887,  a 
Conference  was  arranged  at  Drusgenik,  Russia,  whose 
practical  result  differed  but  little  from  that  of  Kattowitz. 
It  was  decided  to  support  certain  colonies,  and  an  office  was 
set  up  in  Palestine  from  which  the  negotiations  with  the 
Turkish  Government  were  to  be  conducted  and  the  land 
purchases  controlled.  Though  this  Conference  was  followed 
by  a  certain  increase  of  the  propaganda,  the  undertaking  on 
the  whole  was  in  such  a  bad  way,  partly  on  account  of  the 
distressing  condition  of  the  Palestine  colonies,  that  Pinsker 
finally  resigned.  Not  till  the  Conference  at  Wil^^:.  was  a 
change  brought  about,  and  when,  in  1890,  in  consequence 
of  the  endeavours  of  the  tenacious  and  energetic  friend  of 
Zion — M.  Zederbaum — the  authorization  of  the  Russian  Gov- 
ernment had  been  obtained,  the  first  general  meeting  of  the 
Odessa  Committee,  "  The  Society  for  Supporting  Jewish 
Agriculturists  in  Syria  and  Palestine  "  (as  it  called  itself), 
was  held,  and  Pinsker  assumed  again  the  leadership  of  the 
movement.  At  this  point  begins  the  really  extensive 
activity  of  Choveve  Zion,  chiefly  in  Russia,  although  there 
were  Choveve  Zion  Unions  in  nearly  every  country,  even  in 
America.  At  the  beginning  of  the  last  decade  of  the 
nineteenth  century  the  organization  had  reached  its  culmi- 
nating point  of  activity.  But  the  formal  foundation  of  this 
committee  had  taken  place  at  Kattowitz. 

The  Kattowitz  Conference  was,  as  Pinsker  said,  only  a 
small  beginning.  But  still  it  was  a  beginning.  It  created  a 
principle  and  a  method  which  only  prevailed  later.  The 
insignificant  real  importance  of  the  Conference  is  not 
inconsistent  with  its  great  historic  significance.  Result  did 
not  follow  immediately  upon  this  event,  but  the  historian 
must  trace  back  all  the  recent  development  of  the  Zionist 
idea  to  that  date,  because  for  the  first  time  in  a  Jewish 
assembly  the  new  spirit  assumed  shape  and  expression. 
Thus  in  the  end  history  must  consider  the  Kattowitz  Con- 
ference as  the  seed  out  of  which  first  of  all  a  tender  plant 
grew,  but  which,  after  wearisome  development,  spread  out 
into|a|tree  beneath  whose  shade  Israel  will  some  day  find 


XIII  (vol.  i.,  p.  276) 

In  the  year  1840,  Luzzatto  wrote  to  Jost :  "...  and 
when  at  last,  oh,  Jewish  scholars  of  Germany  will  the  Lord 
open  your  eyes  ?  How  long  will  you  refuse  to  see  how 
wrongly  you  act  by  following  the  crowd,  extinguishing 
national  pride,  allowing  the  language  of  our  forefathers  to 
fall  into  oblivion  and  letting  Hellenism  (Atticism)  grow  up 
in  our  midst  ?  As  long  as  you  allow  your  brethren  to 
persevere  in  the  delusion  that  the  ideal  of  perfection  is 
nothing  else  than  imitation  of  neighbours  and  the  considera- 
tion gained  therefrom  ;  as  long  as  you  will  not  have  attained 
enough  self-consciousness  to  instruct  the  people  out  of  full 
zeal  for  God,  truth  and  Jewish  confraternity  to  uphold  that 
the  greatest  good  is  not  anything  visible  but  that  which  is 
felt  deep  within  the  heart,  that  the  happiness  of  our  nation 
is  not  dependent  on  emancipation  but  on  our  love  to  one 
another,  on  our  holding  together  in  brotherly  union,  and 
that  this  feeling  of  correlation  is  gradually  dwindling  as  a 
result  of  emancipation  ;  as  long  as  you  maintain  that 
emancipation  countries  are  paradisaic  countries  for  the 
Jews,  the  saying  of  the  prophet  Malachi  will  necessarily 
apply  to  you : 

"  '  Therefore  have  I  also  made  you  contemptible  and  base 
before  all  the  people,  according  as  ye  have  not  kept  my 
ways,  but  have  been  partial  in  the  law.* " 

In  a  letter  of  the  year  1855,  Luzzatto  writes  to  one  of  his 
disciples  :  "  Your  Hebrew  letter  gave  me  real  pleasure.  .  .  . 
Honour  be  to  you  for  wishing  to  accustom  yourself  to  write 
and  speak  Hebrew.  For  the  language  of  our  ancestors  is 
the  bond  which  links  together  the  sons  of  the  Jewish  nation 
who  are  scattered  all  over  the  world,  and  it  is  that  which 
conjoins  all  generations,  and  brings  us  nearer  our  ancestors 
as  well  as  the  generations  which  will  come  after  us." 

On  another  occasion  Luzzatto  expressed  himself  on  the 
idea  of  a  Jewish  mission  in  the  Diaspora  :  "  These  are  indeed 
words  which  charm  the  ear  flatteringly,  but  in  fact  they  are 
just  empty  phrases.  The  Bible  has  already  been  propagated 
'  among  peoples  for  many  generations,  and  gains  in  diffusion 
from  day  to  day  without  Jewish  assistance.  Now,  if  the 
propagation  of  the  Bible  within  a  space  of  time  of  eighteen 
hundred  years  has  not  brought  humanity  perceptibly 
nearer  perfection,  what  can  the  Jews  contribute  thereto, 
especially  those  who  do  not  believe  in  the  divinity  of  the 


Thora  ?  But  apart  from  the  fact  that,  as  I  have  expounded, 
it  is  a  delusion  to  believe  that  the  only  purpose  of  existence 
of  Judaism  is  to  lead  humanity  towards  perfection,  as  the 
author  (Philipsohn)  and  his  adherents  beUeve,  it  is  also  a 
vain  delusion  to  think  that  humanity  will  ever  reach  the 
state  of  perfection  which  the  author  describes  in  his 

When  Luzzatto  heard,  in  the  year  1854,  that  Albert  Cohn, 
of  Paris,  was  going  to  Palestine,  he  wrote  to  him  : — 

"  Only  unthinking  people  can  suggest  that  Jewish 
children  should  be  sent  from  Asia  to  large  European  cities  to 
be  brought  up  there,  and  thus  diffuse  our  culture  among 
our  brethren  in  Asia ;  that  is  heartless  egoism  and  un- 
belief, fine  outer  forms  and  inward  corruption." 

"  Judaism  must  be  relieved  of  foreign  pressure.  The 
Jews  of  the  Holy  Land  must  be  provided  with  soil  to  till  and 
means  of  exploitation.  Care  must  also  be  taken  that  their 
crops  are  not  robbed  by  the  Pashas  and  Beduins.  Then 
they  will  cultivate  the  soil  as  in  the  times  of  the  Bible, 
Mishna  and  Talmud.  This  cannot  succeed  in  Jerusalem, 
since,  as  a  place  of  pilgrimage,  it  has  become  the  abode  of 
people  who  divest  themselves  of  all  worldly  cares  and  true 
social  duties.  Judaism  has  never  built  cloisters  for  recluses 
and  has  never  countenanced  idleness.  But  is  it  to  be 
wondered  at  that  whilst  all  nations  from  far  and  wide  went 
on  pilgrimage  to  the  Sepulchre,  Jehuda  Halevy,  Nach- 
manides  and  other  devout  men,  after  a  life  of  strenuous  toil, 
should  have  wished  to  pay  honour  to  the  seat  of  holiness 
and  to  end  their  lives  in  saintly  seclusion  ?  Jerusalem  will 
necessarily  remain  a  sacred  city  for  all  peoples.  Therefore, 
for  the  present,  it  cannot  be  regarded  as  a  possible  capital 
of  the  country.  Otherwise  all  Palestine  should  be  tilled  and 
cultivated  by  the  Jews,  that  it  may  flourish  from  an  agri- 
cultural and  industrial  point  of  view  and  arise  again  in  its 
old  splendour.  The  main  consideration  is  that  no  impedi- 
ments should  be  placed  by  the  Government  in  the  way  of 
the  free  development  of  Jewish  industry.  The  Jews  are 
known  all  over  the  world  as  particularly  industrious  and 
capable.  Why,  then,  should  they  be  loungers  in  Palestine  ? 
That  they  are  so  at  present  has  two  local  reasons  ;  the  one, 
the  pressure  of  neighbouring  nations  and  the  negligence  of 
the  administration,  and  the  other  the  Indian  as  well  as 
Mohammedan,  but  not  at  all  Jewish,  conception  of  the 
holiness  of  inactive  life.    The  local  pressure  must  be  removed 


as  far  as  possible.  But  we  must  rouse  our  brethren  to  useful 
activity,  urge  them  onwards  in  every  way,  and  breathe  into 
them  the  spirit  of  a  new  life/'^ 

XIV  (vol.  i.,  p.  280) 

The  eloquent  passion  with  which  Bialik  expresses  the 
woe  of  the  Jewish  people  runs  like  a  red  thread  through  all 
his  national  poems  ;  but  it  reaches  its  climax  in  The  Poems 
of  Wrath — a  series  of  these  poems  written  on  the  occasion 
of  the  Kishineff  massacre  in  1903.  This  series  above  all 
other  poems  of  his  is  the  most  terrible  expression  of  the 
national  grief,  despair  and  rage  accumulated  during  the 
centuries  of  persecution,  and  is  a  masterpiece  of  vigour  and 

XV  (vol.  i.,  p.  280) 

Achad  Ha'am's  writings  offer  an  abundance  of  instructive 
historiosophic  thoughts,  mostly  propounded  in  fragmentary, 
aphoristic  form,  which  point  in  their  entirety  to  a  common 
root  and  a  uniform  outlook  and  system  of  ideas  on  the  part 
of  this  thinker,  and  show  the  way  thereto  to  many  a  reader. 
The  stimulus  of  his  theories  lies  in  the  fact  that  they  have 
nearly  always  had  a  background  of  actuality.  Achad  Ha'am 
is  no  historiosopher  within  the  narrow  meaning  of  the  word  ; 
his  aim  is  primarily  directed  towards  present-day  problems 
of  Judaism,  but  he  often  seeks  their  solution  in  the  past. 
Thence  he  traces  the  primordial  causes  of  what  occupies  us 
at  present.  This  trait  alone  makes  him  not  only  national, 
like  nearly  all  authors  of  our  present  Hebraic  Renaissance 
period,  but  even  more,  it  invests  him  with  the  sanction  of  a 
learned  Hebrew  thinker  and  an  inspired  intellectual  leader. 
His  methodology  is  philosophic  and  somewhat  attuned  to 
the  HegeUan  dialectic  of  thought,  and  in  this  connection  too, 
apart  from  the  community  of  national  fundamental  con- 
ception, it  brings  him  close  to  Nachman  Krochmal.  Evolu- 
tion is  the  idea  which  chiefly  directs  him,  and  psychology — 
particularly  of  human  groups,  parties  and  nations — appeals 
most  to  his  refined  mind.    In  all  his  endeavours  he  affirms 

^  Prof.  D.  Kauffmann,  Correspondence  of  Samuel  David  Luzzatto, 
Dr.  J.  Klausner.    Haschiloach,  April,  1901. 


the  fluidity  of  the  national  character,  and  its  adaptabihty 
under  the  pressure  of  historio-cultural  factors.  But  it  is  just 
on  this  account  that  he  is  so  firmly  convinced  of  the  necessity 
of  Jewish  individuality  and  its  free  development.  He  per- 
ceives the  essence  of  this  individuality  in  Jewish  intellectual 
life,  and  he  longs  for  a  centre  for  it  in  Palestine. 

Achad  Ha'am  expounded  the  essential  Zionist  idea  long 
before  the  Zionist  Organization  was  established,  but  opposed 
some  political  methods  proposed  by  the  Zionist  Organiza- 
tion. He  rejected  the  kind  of  Zionism  which  had  its 
adherents  mostly  in  Western  Europe,  and  is  inspired  merely 
by  anti-Semitism  and  its  outrages,  and  he  advocated 
Zionism  as  an  expression  of  Judaism,  of  Jewish  feeling,  of 
a  revival  of  the  people  by  virtue  of  a  great  Jewish  national 
idea — with  a  spiritual  centre  in  Palestine. 

XVI  (vol.  i.,  p.  313) 

Jews  may  have  native  countries,  the  Jewish  nation  has 
none,  and  this  is  its  misfortune.  The  Jewish  nation  must 
again  feel  its  own  stretch  of  earth  under  its  feet,  and  draw 
new  material  and  moral  forces  from  the  native  soil.  But 
this  must  not  be  understood  as  if  it  were  demanded  that  all 
Jews  should  leave  their  present  homesteads  in  order  to 
populate  their  chosen  land.  This  is  not  what  is  meant.  The 
Jewish  idea  of  nationality  does  not  aim  at  uniting  the  Jews 
in  one  country  or  at  giving  them  a  national  status  in  their 
Dispersion,  but  at  creating  a  national  centre  for  Judaism. 
A  considerable  part  of  the  nation,  which  will  naturally  be 
recruited  first  of  all  in  the  countries  where  Jewish  oppres- 
sion is  heaviest,  is  to  settle  upon  the  soil  which  is  intended 
to  be  the  home  of  the  Hebrew  race.  There  it  will  win 
through  agriculture  that  attachment  to  the  soil  which 
preserves  a  country  to  a  nation,  and  it  will  find  that  bodily 
and  moral  welfare  which  must  be  the  proper  aim  of  all 
Jewish  aspirations.  The  advantages  of  such  an  eventuality, 
also  for  those  Jews  remaining  outside  the  national  area  and 
status,  are  self-evident.  The  foremost  attainment  would  be 
that  the  Jewish  population  in  the  countries  of  European 
civilization  would  be  constantly  maintained  as  to  numbers, 
through  periodic  eliminations,  below  that  point  of  satura- 
tion, above  which  experience  shows  that  the  Jews  are  no 


longer  welcome.  Naturally  this  would  also  bring  about  a 
considerable  relief  to  anti- Jewish  tension,  a  decrease  of  the 
intensity  of  the  struggle  for  life  of  the  Jewish  masses,  and 
also,  possibly,  render  easier  the  juridical  equalization  of  the 
Jews  in  the  countries  of  greatest  pressure. 

In  addition  to  these  will  come  the  effect  of  the  develop- 
ment of  the  Jewish  land  upon  the  Jews  of  other  countries. 
The  consciousness  of  the  existence  of  a  living  Jewish  people 
possessing  a  country  of  its  own,  a  field  of  cheerful  activity 
for  sons  at  home,  a  refuge  for  sons  from  afar,  will  also  en- 
noble and  elevate,  fortify  and  temper  the  Jews  of  the 
Diaspora.  The  curse  of  exciting  ridicule,  which  makes 
misfortune  doubly  hard  to  bear,  will  recede  from  them  : 
their  whole  status  among  the  nations  will  become  normal 
and  healthy.  The  relations  between  Jews  and  Gentiles 
which,  for  all  assimilations  and  emancipations,  and  notwith- 
standing all  goodwill  on  both  sides — why  not  admit  it  ? — still 
retain  so  much  of  what  is  forced  and  painful,  will  only  then 
become  unconstrained  and  unaffected.  Dislike  of  the  Jews 
may  possibly  not  cease  ;  but,  at  any  rate,  it  will  lose  all 
justification  for  existing  in  its  peculiar  shape  and  acuity. 
Should  this  disHke  nevertheless  prevail,  the  importance  of  a 
centre  will  become  all  the  more  apparent.  The  smallest 
national  autonomous  community  has  a  seat  and  voice  in  the 
concert  of  nations.  A  nation  without  national  worth  is  a 
nation  outlawed.  However  pessimistic  one  may  be  with 
regard  to  the  possibility  of  a  small  national  centre  to 
exert  any  material  poHtical  influence  in  other  countries, 
its  moral  authority  is  certain. 

XVII  (vol.  ii.,  p.  47) 

The  interest  of  Mr.  C.  P.  Scott,  Mr.  H.  Sidebotham,  also 
of  The  Manchester  Guardian  but  now  of  The  Times,  and 
other  non-Jewish  friends  in  Manchester  in  the  Zionist  Move- 
ment led  to  the  establishment  in  that  city,  in  the  autumn  of 
1916,  of  the  British  Palestine  Committee,  formed  to  further 
the  establishment  of  a  Jewish  commonwealth  in  Palestine, 
under  British  protection.  In  the  words  placed  in  the  fore- 
front of  its  programme  :  "  The  British  Palestine  Committee 
seeks  to  reset  the  ancient  glories  of  the  Jewish  nation  in  the 
freedom  of  a  new  British  dominion  in  Palestine."  The 
activities  of  this  Committee  have  displayed  themselves  for 


the  most  part  through  its  press  organ,  Palestine,  which, 
appearing  weekly,  suppHes  the  influential  public  among 
which  it  circulates  with  valuable  information  on  all  matters 
relating  to  Palestine,  and  at  the  same  time  discusses  all  the 
phases  of  international  politics  which  touch  upon  the 
Palestine  question  in  any  of  its  facets.  In  addition  to 
Palestine  the  Committee  is  responsible  for  two  publications, 
England  and  Palestine,  by  Mr.  H.  Sidebotham,  in  which  the 
author  puts  the  case  for  a  British  mandateship,  and  British 
Projects  for  the  Restoration  of  the  Jews,  a  pamphlet  by  Mr. 
Albert  M.  Hyamson,  wherein  he  sketches  the  attitude  of 
British  statesmen  and  publicists  towards  the  projected 
restoration  of  the  Jews  to  Palestine  during  the  century 
and  more  that  preceded  the  outbreak  of  the  European  War 
of  1914. 

XVIII  (vol.  ii.,  p.  54) 

In  the  earlier  part  of  the  year  1917,  about  the  date  of  the 
opening  of  the  London  Bureau  of  the  Zionist  Organization, 
the  present  writer,  being  the  only  member  of  the  Inner 
Actions  Committee  in  England,  felt  it  desirable  to  give  some 
definite  status  to  those  trusted  supporters  of  the  Zionist 
cause  to  whose  advice  Dr.  Weizmann  and  he  were  continually 
informally  having  recourse.  The  constitution  of  the 
Organization  did  not  permit  of  any  definite  responsibility 
being  assigned  to  them.  It  was  therefore  possible  to  form 
only  an  Advisory  Committee,  without  any  executive 
authority.  The  Political  Committee  that  came  into 
existence  at  that  time,  and  continued  its  existence  until  the 
arrival  in  England  of  a  number  of  the  members  of  the 
Greater  Actions  Committee  enabled  that  constitutional 
Organization  to  resume  its  functions,  was  composed  originally 
of  Ahad  Ha'am,  Mr.  Leopold  Kessler,  Mr.  Joseph  Cowen, 
Mr.  Herbert  Bentwich,  Mr.  Albert  M.  Hyamson,  Mr.  Simon 
Marks  (who  acted  as  Honorary  Secretary),  Mr.  Harry  Sacher, 
Mr.  Israel  Sieff,  Mr.  Leon  Simon,  two  foreign  Zionists — 
M.  J.  Ettinger,  of  the  Jewish  National  Fund,  and  M.  S. 
Tolkowsky,  of  Rechoboth,  Palestine — who  were  temporarily 
resident  in  London,  together  with  Dr.  Weizmann  and  the 
present  writer  as  chairman. 


Page  xxvii. 









Volume  I 

Six  lines  from  the  bottom.     For  "  See  the  Chapter  on 

Zionism   and    the   War "    substitute    "  See 

Volume  II,  pp.  I  fE." 
Line    9.     Delete  "  Arthur,"  substitute  "  Albert." 
Line  22,     Delete  "  Moro,"  substitute  "  Morot." 
Line  23.     Delete  "  Andre,"  substitute  "  Andre," 
Five  lines  from  the  bottom.     For ' '  Frederick  ' '  substitute 

"  Frederic." 
The  last  three  lines  of  the  note  contain  the  title  of  the 

Yiddish  translation  of  "  The  Merchant  of 

Insert  quotation  marks  (")  before  "  It  "  at  opening  of 

last  paragraph. 
Line  12.     For  niD  substitute  fc<lD. 
Three  lines  from  the  end.     For  "  Gebirol  "  substitute 

"  Gabirol." 
Last  line.     For  "  Kalonymus  "  substitute  "  Kalonymos." 
Line  i.     For  "  Kalonymus  "  substitute  "  Kalonymos." 
Line    2.     Insert  "  shall  "  at  end  of  line. 
Line    9.     After  "  Manuel  "  insert  "  Noah." 

Omit  "  de  la  Gironde." 

'  (1835-1906)  "  to  end  of  first 

„     193- 

Last  Im 

„     213. 

Line  18. 

,,     222. 

Line  11. 

>.     235. 

Line    4. 

„     254. 

Line    2. 

,.     257. 

Line    i . 

,.     258. 

Line  13. 

„     266. 

Line    3. 

„     269. 

Line  22 

„     275. 

Line    2 

Five  lines  from  the  end. 
Note  2.     Transfer  date 

Line    5.     For  "  Reschid 
First  note.     Delete    second 

appeared   as   i 

year  1160." 
Line  24,  and  second  note.  Delete  "  1918. 

is  fortunately  still  alive. 
The    three    lines    from    the    end.     For 

substitute  "  1 826-1 882." 

t  one.     For  ntoni5^  substitute  ^<tD^5J> 

substitute  "  Reshid." 
sentence.     Substitute    "  He 
pseudo-messiah  about  the 

Lord  Morley 
1826-1887  " 

After  "  poet  "  insert  "  and  novelist." 
For  ^n»X  substitute  *nD^t<. 
For  "  hoards  "  substitute  "  hordes." 
For  "  Frederick  "  substitute  "  Frederic." 
After  "  Jockey  Club  "  insert  "  of  Paris." 
For  "  Petrograd  "  substitute  "  St.  Petersburg." 
For  "  Uganda  "  substitute  "  East  African." 
For  "  Bahar  "  substitute  "  Behar." 
2  of  note.     For    "  Hakalah  "    substitute    "  Hask- 




Page  278. 
„    280. 





Line  22. 
Line  3. 
Line  27. 

Line  22, 
Line  24. 

Line  38. 
Line  15. 


For  "  Petrograd  "  substitute  "St.  Petersburg." 
For  "  Noach  "  substitute  "  Nachman."  <  ''l 

For  "  Scernichowsky  "  substitute  "  Tscherni- 

For  "  Shmarya  "  substitute  "  Shemaryah." 
For  "  Viktor  Jakobsohn  "  substitute  "  Victor 

For  "  Slouchz  "  substitute  "  Slousch." 
For   "  Jewish   Territorial   Association  "   sub- 
stitute "  Jewish  Territorial  Organization." 
6  from  the  end.     For  "  Uganda  in  East  Africa  " 
substitute  "  British  East  Africa." 
Last   line.     For   "  Uganda  "   substitute   "  British   East 

First  line  of  note.     For  "  Araber  "  substitute  "  Arab  et." 
Paragraph  3,  line    i.     For  "  the  first  "  substitute  "  an 

Paragraph  3,  line  11.     For  "  invasion  "  substitute  "  re- 

Volume  II 

Page    44.     Line    4 

62.     Line    4 



Line  24 
Line  9 
Line  24 
Line  i 
Line    4 


Line  18 
Line    8 




a   territory   in 

For   "  Uganda  "    substitute 

East  Africa." 
After  "  harmful  "  insert  "  but  he  afterwards 

withdrew  his  resignation." 

Mr.  Gilbert  did  not  resign  from  the  Conjoint 
Committee,  of  which  he  was  not  a  member. 
He  resigned  his  membership  of  the  Board  of 
Deputies  in  order  that  the  prospective 
president.  Sir  Stuart  Samuel,  might  be  elected 
in  his  place. 
Omit  "  late." 

For  "  judge  "  substitute  "  justice." 
For  "  Shmaria  "  substitute  "  Shemaryah." 
For  "  Levin  "  substitute  "  Lewin." 
After  "  by  any  means  "  insert  "  a  desert.    But 

a  little   Jewish  state  in   Palestine  would 

serve  as." 
For  "  Levin  "  substitute  "  Lewin." 
from    the    end.        For    "  Jewish    Territorial 

Association  "  substitute  "  Jewish  Territorial 

Line  3  from  the  end.     For    "  Essalt  "    substitute    "  Es- 

Line  4  from  the  end.       For     "  generations  "     substitute 

"  centuries." 
Note  I.    After  "  Breslau  "  insert  "  Jewish  Theological." 

By  a  misunderstanding,  words  have  in  many  instances  in  the  first 
volume  and  in  the  earlier  half  of  the  second  volume  of  this  work 
been  printed  in  italics  quite  unnecessarily.  Chronological  dates 
have  also  in  some  instances  been  supplied  where  they  have  not  been 
called  for. 


OF    THE 


From  which  the  illustrations  in  this  book  have  been  taken. 
(Prepared  by  Mr.  ISRAEL  SOLOMONS). 

*   Israel  Solomons*  Collection.       B.M.  British  Museum. 

Sizes  are  in  inches  and  refer  exclusively  to  the  engraved  surface. 

*ABOAB,  Isaac  [da  Fonseca]  de  David.        (1605-1693.) 

Doctissimo  y  Clarissimo  Senor  H^  H.  Yshack  Aboab 

Rabino  del  K.  K.  de  Amsterdam. 

Ydade  sua  81  Anno  5446. 

mQi37")  bnn  d^5  ninn 

Aernout  Naghtcgael.  Deling  ct  fesit  {sic), 

{Mezzotint  Engraving  11x7.)^  A  44- 

ABRAHAM  VITA  de  Cologna. 

See  Cologna,  Abraham  Vita  de. 

1  This  portrait,  done  seven  years  before  his  death,  frequently  forms  the 
frontispiece  to  '*  Parafrasis  Comentado  Sobre  el  pentateucho  por  el  illus- 

trissimo  S  Ishac  aboab.   H.  del  K.   K.  de  amsterdam  estampado  en  caza 
de  laacob  de  cordova,  5441."     (Folio.    3  //.  +634/'^. •) 

A  posthumous  portrait  executed  in  1697  is  to  be  found  in  the  Semmary 
Ets  Haim  of  the  Portuguese  Israelites  at  Amsterdam  (David  de  Raphael 
Montezinos  Collection),  It  is  apparently  unique,  and  was  engraved  in 
mezzotint  by  Jacob  ben  Abraham,  a  convert  to  Judaism. 



ADAMS,  John.  (i 735-1826.) 

His  Excellency  John  Adams, 

President  of  the  United  States  of  America* 

Respectfully  dedicated  to  the  Lovers  of  theif  Country  and  Firm 
Supporters  of  its  Constitution. 

Drawn  &  Engraved  by  H.  Houston. 

Published  by  D.  Kennedy,  288  Market  St.,  Philada. 

{Line  Engraving  1 1^  x  8|.     B.M.)  p.  92. 

*ADLER,     Nathan    Marcus    [Nathan    ben    Mordecai 
Hacohen].  (i  803-1 890.) 

Dn  Nathan  Markus  Adler  Chief  Rabbi. 

My  flesh  and  viy  heart  may  fail 

the  rock  of  viy  heart  my  portion —  God 

will  remain  for  ever. 

N.  Adler. 
{Facsimile  autograph.) 

St.  Blatt  zum  Album  Jsraels  herausgcgeben  v.  A.  B.  Pcrlmann. 
{Lithograph  7  x  6^. )  p.  268. 

ALLEN  BY,  Edmund  Henry  Hynman. 

[General  Sir  Edmund  Henry  Hynman,  g.cb.,, 

Grand  Officer  of  the  Legion  of  Honour,  Knight  of  Grace  of  the  Order  of 

St.  John  of  Jerusalem,] 

{Photograph  by  H.  Walter  Barnett  and  Co.,  Ltd., 

12  KnightshridgCy  S.  W.)  p.  84,  ii. 

AVIGDOR,  Elim  Henry  d*  [Adam  de  Solomon]. 

[Elim  Henry  d*  Avigdor,  b.a.,  c.e.] 
E.  f/'  A.  [i8]9o. 

{Lithograph  7  x  6^. )  ^  A  234. 

BALFOUR,  Arthur  James. 

[The  Right  Honourable  Arthur  James  Balfour, 

M.P.,  P.O.,  F.R.S.,  O.M.,  M.A.,  LL.D.,  D.C.L.,  F.R.S.] 
{Photograph  by  Olive  Edis,  F.R.P.S.)  p.  82,  ii. 

1  Published   in   Palestinay    The   Chovevi   Zion   Quarterly,  No.    11   . 
March,  1895. 


*  BEN-ISRAEL,  Manasseh  de  Joseph.  (1604-1657.) 

Menasseh  Ben  Israel* 

Theologvs  Et  Philosophvs  Hebfaevs 

Peregrinando  Qvaefimvs* 

Doctrina  hie  voluit^  voluitque  Modcstia  pingi. 

An  poterit  vultus  charta  referrc  duos  ? 
Hos  oculos,  haec  or  a  vide.    Conuenit  utrinque : 

Ilia  suos  vultus  dixit*  &  ilia  suos* 

a  I. 

^tatis  Svae  Anno 

Anno  XXXVIII.  Salom  Italia.    Sculpsit.  MDCXLII. 

{Line  Engraving  7f  x  5. )  ^  p.  44. 

*BICHENO,  James.  (1751-1831.) 

Revd*  J.  Bicheno,  Newbury. 
Theological  Magazine. 

Published  by  C.  Taylor,  io8,  Hatton  Garden,  Octr.  i,  1809. 
{Stipple  Engraving  3I  x  3. )  p.  92. 

BOSELLI,  Paolo. 

[His  Excellency  Paolo  Boselli, 
Order  of  Annunziata,  President  of  the  Order  of  S.  Maurizio  and  LaWaro, 

Premier  191 6-19 17.] 
{Phototype.)  p.  128,  W. 

^  Manasseh's  portrait  had  been  etched  by  his  friend  Rembrandt  ^  in  1636, 
the  copper  plate  being  subsequently  converted  into  a  mezzotint  "^  ;  but  this 
engraving-  by  Salom  de  Mordecai  Italia,  taken  at  the  age  of  thirty-eight, 
was  his  favourite  portrait.  It  was  this  likeness  he  sent  to  Abraham  von 
Franckenberg,  the  Silesian  mystic,  as  a  token  of  his  friendship.  (Bonum 
Nuncium  Israeli  [p.  felgenhawer]  .  .  .  Amsterodami  .  .  .   1655.  p.  92.) 

At  the  upper  left  corner  of  the  engraving  is  a  small  vignette  of  a  pilgrim 
with  staff  and  water  wallet,  and  at  the  corner  opposite  is  a  lighted 
candle  in  a  metal  holder  on  a  shelf,  alongside  an  open  volume  inscribed 
'i^y^  "|"in  IJ  (Psalm  cxix.,  105).  A  similar  design  to  the  vignette  was 
used  as  the  printer's  mark  of  several  volumes  from  Manasseh's  press  with 
the  motto  "  Apercebido  Como  Hv  Romeiro," 

In  the  Hermitage  at  St.  Petersburg  a  painting  of  an  old  Rabbi  by  Rem- 
brandt (1645)  is  suggested  to  be  a  portrait  of  Manasseh,  but  this  is  extremely 

Of  Salom  Italia  very  little  indeed  is  known.  The  only  other  portrait  he 
engraved  was  that  of  Haham  Jacob  Judah  Aryeh  de  Leon,  who  in  1641 
completed  a  model  of  Solomon's  Temple.  In  1885  J.  L.  Joachimsthal  sold 
by  auction  at  Amsterdam  a  vh'^^'O  dated  1665,  written  and  embellished  with 
forty  pen-and-ink  drawings,  signed 

Dm^DK^DN    HD    bt    n^^'PNO^ND    ^DinD    IDD^    DI^K^    VT\'^^V    ?]«    VmV> 

pQ^  inn  -nx  ^^rh  'd 


BRIGHTMAN,  Thomas.  {1562-1607.) 

Mf.  BHghtman  Etat:  suae:  45: 

Loe  here  A  Brightman,  Or  A  man  of  bright 
Who  that  from  darkeness  brought  this  heauenly  light 
Thus  shaddowed  here  turne  ore  and  you  shall  see 
Hee  was  A  man  was  bright  in  prophecy. 

Printed  and  are  to  be  sould  by  Peter  Stent  at  the  Crownc  in  guilt  spur  street. 
{Line  Engraving  6|  x  4f .     b.M.)  ^  p,  52. 

*BUENO  (BONUS),  Ephraim  Hezekiah  de  Joseph. 

Dor*  Ephraim  Bonvs,  Medicvs  Hebraevs*    (^^'  ^^^5-) 

Alter  Aventooar  grandi  sub  judice  magnus 
in  medicis»  magni  discipulus  que  patris. 

loannes  Lyvyus  fecit.  lohannis  de  Ram  Excud. 

{Etching  12  X  10^.     Seventh  State.)^  p.  44. 

CAM  BON,  Jules-Martin. 

[M»  Juks'Martin  Cambon, 

Grand  Cross  of  the  Legion  of  Honour,  Ambassador  of  France,] 

{Photograph  by  Henri  ManueU  Paris.)  p.  128,  ii. 

CHAMBERLAIN,  Joseph.  (1836-1913.) 

[The  Right  Honourable  Joseph  Chamberlain, 

P.C,  LL.D.,  D.C.L.,  F.R.S.,  J.P.,  M.P.] 

{Photograph  by  the  Stereoscopic  Company,  London, 
3  Hanover  Square,  Regent  Street,  W. ) 

^  Frontispiece  of  "  A  Revelation  of  Mr.  Brig-htman's  Revelation,  .  .  . 
164 1." 

2  The  original  from  which  this  portrait  is  taken  is  unknown.  Dr.  M. 
Kayserling-  in  the  Jewish  Encyclopedia,  1902,  vol.  iii.,  p.  422,  erroneously 
attributes  it  to  Rembrandt.  It  was  etched  by  a  fellow  pupil  of  his,  Jan 
Lievens,  who  probably  was  also  the  delineator.  Rembrandt's  portraits  of 
Bueno  at  about  the  age  of  thirty-five  are  the  celebrated  etching  known 
as  the  **Jew  Doctor,"  1647,  and  an  oil-painting,  somewhat  similar  in 
style,  head  and  bust  only,  but  reversed,  probably  done  at  the  same  time 
and  now  in  the  collection  of  Baron  de  Six  at  Amsterdam.  It  has  recently 
been  etched  by  William  Steelink  (signed  artist's  proof  on  Japanese  paper, 
with  the  armorial  bearings  of  the  Baron  de  Six  on  the  margin,  7^  x  6\^),  and 
also  illustrates  Kayserling's  biography  of  Bueno  in  the  Jewish  Encyclopedia, 
ibid.  It  has  been  suggested  that  a  daughter  of  Bueno  was  the  model  for 
Rembrandt's  etching  "The  Jewish  Bride."  Bueno  became  a  Burgher  of 
Amsterdam  in  1651,  and  died  on  the  30  Hesvan  5426  =  8  Nov.,  1665;  and 
his  wife  Jeudit  Buena  i  Sivan  5430  =  20  May,  1670. 


CLEMENCEAU,  Georges-Eug^ne-Benjamin. 

[M^  Georges-Eugene- Benjamin  Clemenceau, 

President  of  the  Council.] 

{Photograph  by  Henri  Manuel y  Paris.)  p,  128,  ii. 

*COHN,  Albert  [Abraham].  (1814-1877.) 

Alhert  Cohn. 

{Facsimile  autograph^ 

** ,  ,  .  Und  mif  dem  Sohne  Ahrons  ist  cin  Vorrecht  noch  geblieben 
das— 2u  segnen.  ♦  .  r 

( Lithograph  6x6.)^  ,  p.  \%o. 

*COLOGNA,  Abraham  Vita  de  (1755-1832.) 

Abraham  de  Cologna,  ne  ^  Mantoue. 

Chevalier  de  TOrdre  Royal  de  la  Couronne  de  Fcr. 

Mcmbre  du  College  Electoral  des  Dotti  du  Royaume  d'ltalie. 

Grand'Rabbin  du  Consistoire  Central  des  Israelites  et  du  Consistoire 

de  Turin. 

Dedie  Au  Consistoire  Central  des  Israelites. 

Dessind  d'apres  nature  par  Marchand.  Mariagc  Sculpt. 

Depose  a  la  Bibliothequc  Imperiale. 
Se  vend  k  Paris,  chez  I'Auteur,  rue  des  Vicillcs-Audriettes,  No.  6,  au  Marais. 
{Line  and  Stipple  Engraving  7^  x  6|.)  p.  84. 

CONDER,  Claude  Reignier.  (1848-1910.) 

[Colonel  Claude  Reignier  Conder, 

D.C.L.,  LL.D.,  M.R.A.S.,  K.E.] 
{Photograph,  copyright. )  '-*  p.  62. 

*CREMIEUX,  Isaac  Moses  Adolphe.  (1796-1880.) 

Ad.  Cremieux, 

Advocat  am  koniglichen  Gerichtshofe  zu  Paris, 

Vice  Prasident  des  israelitischen  Central  Consistoriums  in 


Avocat  a  la  Cour  royale  de  Paris, 

vice  president  du  Consistoire  central  des  Israelites  francais. 

Truck  u,  Verlag  den  Steindruckerei  des  H,  Engel  in  Wien. 

{Lithograph  ^^x  SI.)  p.  i8o. 

^  From  **  Beth-El."  Ehrentempel  verdienter  ung^arischer  Israeliten.  Von 
Ig-naz  Reich,  Lehrer  des  hebr.  Faches  an  der  isr.  Normalhauptschule  zu 
Pest.  Zweites  Heft  (Mit  zwei  Portraits),  Pesth  1859.  Druck  von  Alois 

2  No  portrait  of  Col.  Conder  has  hitherto  been  published. 
II.— 2  F 


*DEUTZ,  Emmanuel  [Menachem].  (1763-1842.) 

Mr.  Emmanuel  Deutz, 
Grand  Rabbin  du  Consistoire  Central  des  Israelites  de  France. 

(Lttho^raph  8^x6^.)  p.  8^. 

*  DISRAELI,  Benjamin  de  Isaac.  (1804-1881.) 

Benjamin  Disraeli,  Esquire,  m.p. 
Painted  by  A.  E.  Chalon,  R,A.  Engraved  by  H.  Robinson. 

London,  George  Virtue. 
{Stipple  Engraving  8|  x  6|.     Octagonal.)  ^  p.  176. 

DUNANT,  Jean  Henri.  (1828-1904.) 

[Johannes  Heinrich  Dunant.]  ^  p.  234. 

*ELIASBERG,  Mordecai  ben  Joseph.  (1850-1898.) 

{Lithograph  4  J  x  3^. )  ^  p.  202. 

ELIOT,  George  [Mary  Ann  Cross,  nee  Evans]. 

[George  Eliot.J 

{Photograph  by  the  Stereoscopic  Company,  London^ 

3  Hanover  Square ,  Regent  Street,  W. )  p.  208. 

FINN,  James.  (1806-1873.) 

[James  Finn, 

Her  Britannic  Majesty's  Consul  for  Jerusalem  and  Palestine, 

{Photograph  by  MacandreWy  44  Rege7it  Circus ^  W,)^  p.  208. 

^  This  engraving-  is  the  thirteenth  in  "  Portraits  of  Eminent  Conserva- 
tives and  Statesmen,  with  Genealogical  and  Historical  Memoirs.  Second 
Series.  London:  George  Virtue,  26  Ivy  Lane."  [1841.]  The  original 
water-colour  drawing  by  Alfred  Edward  Chalon,  R.A.,  was  executed  in 
1840,  when  Disraeli  was  thirty-six  years  of  age.  It  is  now  at  Hughenden 
Manor,  in  the  possession  of  his  nephew,  Major  Coningsby  Ralph  Disraeli. 

2  Die  Welt,  29  Oct.,  1897,  No.  22,  p.  7. 

'  One  of  the  portraits  from  : — 

hl7\  nvp  ^Dl   D^DDIIQDm   D^VH^H  13*3DTD  ^KX'*  'OIKi 
Published  by  A.  Lipschitz,  41,  Cheetham  Hill  Road,  Manchester,  Septem- 
ber, 1898.     Copyright  registered.     Nachdruck  verboten. 
^  No  portrait  of  James  Finn  has  hitherto  been  published. 


FUENN,  Samuel  Joseph.  (1819-1891.) 

Samuel  Joseph  Fuenn.* 

p.  217. 

*FURTADO,  Abraham.  (i 756-1816.) 

Mr.  Furtado  de  la  Gironde, 
President  de  I'Assemblee  des  Deputes  Frangais  &  du  Royaume 

dltalie*  Professant  le  Culte  Mosaique  1806. 
Dessin^  d'apr^s  nature  par  Mr.  Lhcman,  Grav^  par  L.  C.  Ruotte. 

A  Paris  chez  TAuteur  Quai  de  THorloge  du  Paris  pres  le  Pont  Neuf  No.  75. 

D^pos^  it  la  Bibliotheque  Imperiale. 
{Stipple  Engraving  7|  x  6. )  p.  84. 

GEORGE,  David  Lloyd. 

See  Lloyd  George,  David. 

GOLDSMID,  Albert  Edward  Williamson  [Michael  ben 
Aaron  Halevi].  (i 846-1 904.) 

[Colonel  Albert  Edward  Williamson  Goldsmid,  m.v.o.]^ 

P'  234- 

GORDON,  David  ben  Dob  Baer.  (1826-1886.) 

p.  217. 

*GOUGE,  William.  (1578-1653.) 

Dr.  William  Gouge, 

Effigies  Guil.  Gouge  S.S.  Theologiae  Professor  Qui  Obiit  Ano. 

/  Dui  1653.    f  Ministerij  in      I     . 
\  i^tatis.  79  I  Black'fr.  Lon.  J  ^^* 

John  Dunstall  fe, 

{Etching  c^l^^l.)  A  52. 

^  Jewish  Encyclopedia,  1903,  vol.  v.,/».  526. 

2  Die  Welt,  16  Oct.,  1903,  No.  42,^.  lo. 

In  Arab  costume,  when  one  of  the  members  of  the  commission  of  enquiry 
into  the  adaptability  of  El  Arish  in  the  Sinai  peninsula  as  a  territory  for 
Jewish  colonization  in  1898. 

Columns  uu  &  UI2.    ^W^W  p'sh  fDIH  TiX^  ht^"^^  FiOXi  ^ 


*GOUGUENHEIM,  Baruch.  (1752-1842.) 

Baruch  Gouguenheimt 

G'fand  Rabbin  de  Nancy,  Membre  du  Consistoire  du  Grand 


PDiJ<J  i>"pi  DinXlDD^DJipi  12H  D>MJVJ"I3  1^1  'IHD  3in  miX 
C  Panneticr  fecit.  Lith  de  C  Labour^  a  Nancy. 

{.Lithograph  4J  x  4^ . )  ^  p.  84. 

*GROTIUS,  Hugo  [Huig  van  Groot].  (1583-1645.) 

Hugo  Grotius* 
Engraved  by  L  Tookey*  from  a  Copy  by  P.  van  Gunst, 

{Line  Engraving  4f  x  4f .     Oval. )  p.  52, 

HERZL,  Theodor.  (1860-1904.) 

[Thcodor  Herzl.V 

{Facsimile  autograph.) 

Frontispiece^  vol.  i. 

HERZL,  Theodor.  .         (1860-1904.) 

Leopold  Pilichowski. 

{Oil  Painting  lOO  x  50,  copyright. )  p.  263. 

HESS,  Moses  [Moritz].  (1812-1875.) 

Moses  Hcss.^ 
Geb.  2i»  Jan.  1812.  gest*  6  April,  1875* 

p.  268. 

HILDESHEIMER,  Israel  [Ezriel  ben  Lob].    (1820-1899.) 

The  late  Dr.  Israel  Hildesheimer.* 

p.  202. 

^  Rabbi  at  Phalsbourg-,  and  a  member  of  the  Sanhedrin  convoked  by 
Napoleon.  On  the  14th  of  April,  181 2,  he  was  elected  Grand  Rabbin  de 
Nancy.  His  portrait  after  a  lithog-raph  by  Drouin  appears  in  **  Histoire 
de  Nancy "  par  Chr.  Pfister  .  .  .  Tome  iii  .  .  .  Paris  .  .  .  Nancy  1908, 
p.  336.  He  died  on  the  7th  October,  1842,  ag-ed  90;  and  on  the  31st  his 
funeral  oration  was  delivered  at  the  Temple  in  Paris  by  his  pupil  Grand 
Rabbin  Marchand  d'Ennery  (1792-1852).  Another  portrait  is  a  **  Lith.  de 
Simon  fils  h.  Strasbgf.  (7x6)."*  Grand  Rabbin  (adjoint)  Israel  L^vi  of 
Paris  is  a  distant  relative. 

^  Die  Welt,  28  July,  1904,  No.  28  Supplement. 

'  Ost  und  West  .   .  .   1904,  column  584. 

*  Jewish  World,  30  June,  1899,^.  210. 


HIRSCH,  Maurice  (Moritz)  dc  [Moses  ben  Joseph]. 

The  late  Baron  Hifsch.  (1831-1896  ) 

[Photograph  by  May  all  and  Co.)  ^  p.  268. 

IGNATIUS,  Father  [Joseph  Leycester  Lyne].  (1837-1908.) 
[Father  Ignatius,  o.s.b.] 

(Photograph  by  W,  and  D.  Downey y  6i  Ebury  Street^ 
London,  S.W.) 

p.  234. 

*JESSEY  (JACIE),  Henry.  (1601--1663.) 

The  Rcvd«  Henry  Jessey. 
L  Caldwall  sculp. 
{Line  Engraving  4f  x  zh- )  P-  52. 

KAHN,  Zadok.  (1839-1905.) 

[Zadok  Kahn^  Grand  Rabbin  de  France.] 
J.  F.  Aktuaryus  [  1 8]  95, 
{Pastel [copy rights  2\y.\(i\,)  p.  180. 

KALISCHER,  Zebi  Hirsch.  (1795-1874.) 

Zebi  Hirsch  Kalischer.^ 

p.  202. 

KITCHENER,  Horatio  Herbert.  (1850-1916.) 

[Field  Marshal  Horatio  Herbert,  1st  Earl  Kitchener  of  Khartoum, 

K.G.,  K.P.,  G.CB.,  O.M.,  G.C.S.L,  G.C.M.G.,  G.C.I.E.,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.] 

{Photograph  by  the  Stereoscopic  Company ^  London^ 

3  Hanover  Square,  Regent  Street,  W.)  p.  62. 

LAZARE,  Bernard  [Lazare  Bernard]  (1865-1903.) 

Bernard  Lazare« 
Drawn  from  life  by  Paul  Renouard,^  p.  176. 

1  Illustrated  London  News,  25  April,  1896,  />.  518. 
^  Jewish  Encyclopedia,  1904,  vol.  'n.,p.  241. 
'  Graphic,  3  Dec,  1898. 


LAZARUS,  Emma  (1849-1887.) 

Emma  Lazarus. 

(Facsimile  autograph.) 

Engraved  by  T.Johnson.  Photographed  by  W.  Kurtz. 

{Wood Engraving ^%y. ^\.y  p^  241. 

*LEON   (LEAO)   [TEMPLO],   Jacob  Judah  Aryeh   de 
Abraham  de.  (1603-1675?) 

laacob  levda  Leon  Hebreo  ^tat  Sv3C  XXXVIIIL 

{Line  Engraving  7  x  5f . )  2  p^  ^^ 

*LEVI,  David  ben  Mordecai.  (i  742-1801.) 

David  Levi, 
Painted  by  Dfummond.  Engraved  by  Bromley. 

European  Magazine. 

Published  by  J.  Sewell,  Cornhill,  June  ist,  1799. 

{Line  Engraving  3I  x  2\. )  p,  92. 

LILIENBLUM,  Moses  Lob.  (1843-1910.) 

{Collotype postcard,)  A  217. 

1  Century,  October,  1888. 

^  This  portrait  is  a  brilliant  specimen  of  the  graver's  art,  but  as  it  is  a 
proof  before  the  inscription  to  the  lower  part,  neither  the  name  of  the 
delineator  nor  the  engraver  is  known.  The  lettering  round  the  portrait 
tells  us  that  **  laacob  levda  Leon  "  was  then  thirty-nine  years  of  age,  which 
would  fix  1642  as  the  year  it  was  done.  Albert  Wolf  (1841-1907),  in  his 
article  on  "Die  Portraits  des  Jakob  Jehuda  Leone"  (Monatschrift  ftir 
Geschichte  und  Wissenchaft  des  Judenthums  .  .  .  Januar  1900  .  .  .  Berlin 
.  .  .  pp.  41-43)  does  not  mention  it.  It  is  tentatively  suggested  that  it  is 
the  work  of  Salom  Italia,  whose  well-known  signed  portraiture  (7  x  5^)  has 
the  following  legend  encompassing  it : — 

Effigies  uiri  docHssimi  et  clarissima  Jacohi  Yehvdce  Leonis  Hebrtsi  autoris 
Structurce  templi  Sahmonici  facti  anno  16^1. 

It  is  similar  to  the  anonymous  engraving,  but  here  the  ear  is  almost 
entirely  hidden  by  a  lock  of  hair,  and  the  large  lace-edged  collar  is  replaced 
by  a  plain  narrow  one.  In  addition  the  blank  scroll  below  the  portrait 
contains  illustrations  inscribed  "  Templo  de  Selomoh'^  and  '*  Tabernaculo  de 
Moseh.'*  It  was  re-engraved  (6^x4^^)  by  Conrad  Buno  5*^  for  John 
Saubert's  Latin  version  of  Leon's  "  Temple  of  Solomon,"  published  at 
Helmstadt  in  1665  and  at  Altdorf  in  1674.  A  very  small  engraving 
UyV  X  3),  attributed  to  Jacob  van  Meurs,*  was  published  in  1653  :  "  Effigies 
viri  Clarissimi  Doctissimique  lacobi  lehudae  Leonis  Hebrsei  structurce 
tabernaculi  Mosaict  et  templi  Salomonis  auctoris  Mtatis  Anno  £0."  It  is 
rarely  met  with. 


LLOYD  GEORGE,   David. 

[The  Right  Honourable  David  Lloyd  George,  m.p.,  p.c,] 

{Photograph  hy  Vandyke y  London.)  p.  132,  ii. 

LOEWE,  Louis  [Eliezer  ben  Mordecai  Halevi], 

Dr.  L.  Loewe, 

Mitglied  der  Koniglichen  asiatischen  Gesellschaft  von  Grossbritanien 
und  Ifland  der  asiatischen  Gesellschaft  z\x  Pans  so  wie  der  heiligcn 
Mission  nach  Damascus  und  Constantinopcl ;  Orientalist  Seiner 
Koniglichen  Hoheit  des  Herzogs  von  Sussex  Verfasser  des  **The 
origin  of  the  Egyptian  language,**  **  Briefe  aus  dem  Orient,**  and 
Uebersetzer  des  Efes  Dammim. 

!  inntJ^N  ,i»v  nDnn  tdh  n^D 
"irr  n^^•^  h\  b^n  r\m  Kin 

Nach  der  Natur  gemalt  v.  d,  Gebr.  Henschel. 
Lith.  Jnst.  V.  L.  Sachse  ^  Co.,  Berlin. 

{Lithograph  8|  x  8. )  p.  268. 

LUZZATTO,  Samuel  David  de  Hezekiah.       (1800-1865.) 
Samuel  David  Luzzatto.^ 

A  176. 


See  Ben'Israel. 

MANDELSTAMM,  Max  [Emanuel]  ben  Ezekiel. 


{Collotype postcard.)  p.  234. 

^  Composed    by     Michael    Josephs     [Myer    Konigsberg]    (1763-1849), 
Adar,  5601. 

'  Jewish  Encyclopedia,  1904,  vol.  v\\\.,p.  224. 

Verlag  "Central."        «Jjn«11  ^KTtD:j;:f  ,6J'6yTyril6TPD  ^ 



*  MEYER,  Jacob  (Jaekel)  ben  Isaac  Seckel  [Mutzig]. 

Jacob  Meyer, 
Grand  Rabbin  et  President  du  Consistoire  Israelite  du  dept, 
du  BaS'Rhin.^ 

ViDi  m-'n  b  ^^DH  DDnn  niiDn 

Beyer  ft.  Litho:  de  G:  Engclmann. 

{Lithograph  6  J  x  5.     Oval. )  ^.  84. 

^  Son  of  Isaac  Seckel  Mutzig-,  a  banker  (Mutzig-  in  Alsace,  Kreis  Mols- 
heim),  and  Guelche,  daughter  of  Rabbi  Samuel  Zanvil  Weyl.  He  was  a 
pupil  of  Rabbi  Shlomoh  Zalman  Berlin,  and  in  his  early  days  was  Dayan 
at  Rixheim,  near  Miilhausen.  For  sixty  years  he  was  Grand  Rabbin  de 
Strasburg,  twenty  of  which  he  was  President  of  the  Consistory  of  Israelites 
for  the  Department  of  the  Lower  Rhine.  He  was  a  member  of  the  San- 
hedrin  convened  by  Napoleon,  and  the  first  Jew  to  be  decorated  with  the 
Legion  of  Honour. 

Among  the  manuscripts  mentioned  in  "  Katalog  der  Hebraischen,  .  .  .  . 
Handschriften  der  .  .  .  Bibliothek  zu  Strassburg  .  .  .  von  Dr.  S.  Landauer 
.  .  .  Strassburg  .  .  .   1881,"  p.  2,  No.  4,  is  one  on  the   Calendar  entitled 

D^nyn   >yiV   signed  :- 

[happoltsweiler]  i*i«5^b*id  p^vi»  ^pyr  pnv>  "nn  p  Vpv*  miDDn  3pv* 

p.  7,  No.  17,  in  the  same  catalogue,  is  an  introduction  to  "  Dalalat  al-hiirin  " 
(D"'313i  miD)  of  Maimonides,  entitled  ifl  nil  .  .  .  finished  by  Jaekel  ben 
Saekel  Mutzig,  of  Rappoltsweiler,  in  the  year  1761. 

p.  4,  No.  8,  is  a  collection  of  miscellaneous  notes,  etc,  (1769-1785)  of  Joseph 
Josel  Judah  Morchingen,   Dayan  at    Metz.      The  transcription  is  signed 

PtD^nD^-^y  "p^-^VT  pn^f^  'pn  nniDn  ^:.S  the  father  of  Grand  Rabbin  Jacob 

On  the  occasion  of  the  coronation  of  Napoleon  as  Emperor  he  wrote  : 
"  Cantique  pour  c^li^brer  le  jour  du  sacre  et  du  couronnement  de  S.M. 
Napoleon,  empereur  des  Fran9ais,  ins^r^  cL  la  suite  de  I'hymne  de  Krageau." 

"  Ode  pour  c^lebrer  le  jour  immortel  de  I'^l^vation  de  S.  M.  Napoleon  4 
la  dignity  impferiale,  h.  Paris,  de  i'imprimerie  imp^riale,  1804,"  in  8°. 

Two  years  later,  in  celebration  of  Napoleon's  thirty-seventh  birthday,  he 
published : — 

**  Ode  pour  c^l^brer  le  jour  de  I'anniversaire  de  la  naissance  de  Napo- 
leon, Empereur  des  Fran9ois  et  Roi  d'ltalie  ;  Compos^e  en  h^breu  par  J. 
Mayer,  et  Traduite  en  fran^ois  par  Michel  Berr,  ...  A  Paris,  .  .  . 
M.DCCC.VJ."  (8°.     I3/»/>.  [b.m.]) 

"Odes  Hebrai'ques  pour  la  celebration  de  I'anniversaire  de  la  naissance 
de  S.M.  L'Empereur  des  Francois  et  Roi  d'ltalie,  par  J.  Mayer  et  Abraham 
Cologna;  Traduites  en  Francois /'ar  Michel  Berr,  .  .  .  A  Paris,  .  .  ,  1806" 
(8°.  37M[B.M.]) 

In  the  Hebrew  title  page  he  is  referred  to  as  Mayer  of  Bergheim 

The  wife  of  Grand  Rabbin  Zadok  Kahn  (mother-in-law  of  Grand  Rabbin 
[adjoint]  Israel  L^vi)  was  his  granddaughter.  He  died  on  the  7th  October, 
1842,  at  the  age  of  ninety. 


MOHILEWER,  Samuel  ben  Judah  Lob.       (1824-1898.) 

[Rabbi  Samuel  MohilewcrJ  ^ 
M.W.  ph.  A  202, 

*  MONTEFIORE,  Moses  Haim  (Vita)  de  Joseph  Eliahu. 

Sir  Moses  Montefiore,  Bart.,  f.r.s. 
Painted  by  G.  Richmond,  R.A.,  D.C.L.  Engraved  by  T.  L.  Atkinson, 


London  :  Published  ist  May,  1876,  by  P.  and  D.  Colnaghl  and  Co,, 
13  and  14  Pall  Mall  East.^ 
{Mezzotint  Engraving  x^-x.  12,%.)  p.  115. 

Armorial  bearinss  on  margin,  Montefiore  impalins  Cohen, 

*MUNK,  Salomon.  (1803-1867.) 

[Salomon  Munk,] 

{Lithograph  2\x  2.)  p.  180. 

NETTER,  Charles.  (1828-1882.) 

[Charles  NetterJ 
L.  Kuppenheim. 
{Lithograph  Sx  6.)  p.  180. 

NOAH,  Mordecai  Manuel.  (1785-1851.) 

Mordecai  Manuel  Noah, 

{Oil  Painting^  [in  the  possession  of  L.  Napoleon  Levj/].)  p.  241. 

NORDAU,  Max  Simon  [Mayer  Simchah  ben  Gabriel.] 

[Max  Simon  Nordau, 
M.D.    Paris,   Budapesth  ;  ll.d.  fion.  causa.  Athens  j    Off  icier   d' Academic 

France ;  Commander  Royal  Hellenic  Order  of  St.  Saviour ;  Hon.  Mem. 

of  Greek  Acad,  of  the  Parnassos  and  Corresponding  Member  of  the 

Academy  of  Medicine  at  Madrid,  1918.] 
{Photograph  hy  Elliott  and  Fry.,  Ltd. ,  London.,  W. )  p.  264. 

OLIPHANT,  Laurence.  (1829-1888.) 

[Laurence  OliphantJ^ 

{Photography  copyright.)  p.  208. 

^  Die  Welt,  18  June,  1897,  No.  3,  p.  6. 

^  This  letterpress  is  transcribed  from  an  ordinary  print,  but  the  illus- 
tration at  ^.  115  of  Vol.  I.  is  taken  from  a  proof  impression  before  letters 
on  India  paper. 

^  Jewish  Encyclopedia,  1905,  vol.  ix.,/.  324. 

*  This  portrait  has  not  been  published  hitherto. 


PICHON,  St^phen-Jean-Marie. 

[M»  Stephen- Jcan^Marie# 

Commander  of  the  Legion  of  Honour,  Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs.] 

{.Photograph  by  Henri  Manuel^  Paris.)  p.  128,  ii. 

PINSKER,  Leon  [Lob  ben  Simchah].  (1821-1891.) 

Dr.  L.  Pinsker.i 
Geb.  24  Dc2br.,  1821.  Gest.  9  Dczbr.,  1891 

p.  217. 

*  PRIESTLEY,  Joseph.  (i  733-1804.) 

J.  Priestley,  ll.d.,  f.r.s. 
Anf  us  sculpt. 

Literary  Magazine, 

Published  as  the  Act  directs,  i  Feb.,  1792,  by  C.  Foster,  No.  41  Poultry. 

{Line  Engraving  3^  x  3^.     Oval. )  p.  92. 

RAPHALL,  Morris  Jacob.  (1798-1868.) 

[Rabbi  Moffis  Jacob  Raphall,  m.a„  Ph.D.J 

{Photograph  [copyright}  from  an  oil  painting  8x6.)  ^.241. 

♦  REINES,  Isaac  Jacob  ben  Solomon  Naphtali. 


{Collotype postcard.)  p.  202. 

RIBOT,  Alexandre-F^lix- Joseph. 

[M,  Alexandre-Felixjoseph  Ribot, 

Member  of  the  Academy  of  France,  late  President  of  the  Council.] 

{Photograph.)  A  ^28,  ii. 

ROBINSON,  Edward.  (i  794-1863.) 

Edward  Robinson  [d.d..  ll.d.i  * 

{Facsimile  autograph.) 

Roberts  sc» 

{  Wood  Engraving  2  x  if.)  p.  62. 

*  Ost  and  West  .  .  .   1904,  column  583. 

Verlag  "Central."         KS^IKII  ^SlDiyV  .C^'VVTVnN^-iyD  (*) 
'  Cyclopedia  of  American  Literature,  by  E.  A.  Duyckinck  and  G.  Long, 
(»8ss,  vol.  ii.,A  167. 


ROTHSCHILD,  Edmond  de 

[Baron  Edmond  de  Rothschild,] 

{Photograph  by  A,  Dupont^  8  Rue  Dupuytren,  Paris, 
from  an  oil  painting  by  M.  Aime  Moro.Y 


Frontispiece,  ii. 

RULF,  Isaac  ben  Judah.  (1834-1902.) 

[Rabbi  Dn]  J.  J.  Rtilf.' 

p,  202. 

*ST.  JOHN,  Oliver.  (i528?-i673.) 

Sf*  Oliver  St.  John, 
Lord  Chief  Justice  during  the  Commonwealth. 

From  an  original  picture  by  Jansen  in  the  possession  of  Lady 

Olivia  Sparrow. 
{Line  Engraving  6|  x  4I.)  p.  52. 

SALVADOR,  Joseph.  (17961873.) 

[Joseph  Salvador.] 

{Photograph  [copyright]  5|  x  4. ) »  ^.176. 

»SASPORTAS,  Jacob  de  Aaron.  (1610-1698.) 

Doctissimo  y  Clarissimo  Senor  H.  H.  Rebij  Yahacob  Saportas, 

Rabino  del  K.  K.  de  Amsterdam. 

Faleci6  en  4  Hiyar  Ano  5458. 

pW  nn  rim  nn?  t^k  mn^  nyanx  i  dv  iids^ 

Retrata   es   de  Jahacob,   honor  del  Mundo  de     ochenta     yocho    aflos    en     la     Gloria, 

del  Mauro  a   Espafla   embaxador  facundo  tuvo      en       Tretnezen       Catreda       notoria 

en    Sale  y    Londrez  fue    de    Ley   secundo  Loa    Hatnburgo    y    Liorne    su    tnemoria. 

Eclipsose    a    Amsterdam    con    tanto    Zelo  que  no  cupo  en   la  tierra  y  fassd  al  (ielo. 

P.  van  Gunst  sculp. 

{Line  Engraving  10^x9.)  *  p,  42. 

^  Inscribed  on  the  margin  :  — 

*'  A  Monsieur  Sokolow  souvenir  de  son  Voyage  a  Paris^  igij. 
Ed.  d^ Rothschild:' 
'  Beriihrnte  israelitische  Manner  und  Frauen  .  .  .  Von  Dr.  Adolph  Kohut, 
Zweiter  Band,  p.  350. 

'  No  portrait  of  Joseph  Salvador  has  hitherto  been  published. 
*  This  letterpress  is  transcribed  from  an  ordinary  print,  but  the  illustra- 
tion at  p,  42  of  Vol.  I.  is  taken  from  a  unique  impression  before  any  letters. 


SCHAPIRA,  Hermann.  (1840-1898.) 

[Pf of.  Dr.  Hermann  Schapira*]  ^ 

♦  SHAFTESBURY  [Antony  Ashley  Cooper  (7th)]  Earl  of. 
The  Earl  of  Shaftesbury.  (1801-1885.) 

Engraved  by  D. /♦  Pound  from  a  photograph  by  MayalU 
[Line  Engraving  8^  x  6|. )  p.  208. 

*SINZHEIM,  Joseph  David  ben  Isaac.        (1745-1812.) 

M.  David  Sinzhcim, 

Chef  du  Grand  Sanhedrin,  Premier  Gd.  Rabbin  du  Consistoire 


Damame  pinxit.  Prudhon  sculpt. 

D^pos^  k  la  Biblioth^que  Imp^riale. 
{Stipple  Engraving  i2|  x  8|. )  p.  84. 

SMOLENSKIN,  Peter  [Perez  ben  Moses].      (1842-1885.) 

{Collotype postcard.)  T\^^'^^>'^X>  .9 

p.  217. 

SONNINO,  Sidney. 

[His  Excellency  Baron  Sidney  Sonnino*  ll.d.  P/sa, 

Premier  1906  and  1909-1910 ;  Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs  1914.] 

{Photograph.)  p.  128,  ii. 

SYKES,  Tatton  Benvenuto  Mark.  (1879-1919) 

[Lieut.'Colonel  Sir  Tatton  Benvenuto  Mark  Sykes,  Bt.*  m.p.] 
Painted  by  Leopold  Pilichowski,  1918.  p.  xvii,  ii. 

TOURO,  Judah  de  Isaac.  (1775-1854) 

Judah  Touro.^ 

p.  241. 

TSCHLENOW,  Ephim  Wladimirovitch  [Jechiel]. 

{Collotype postcard.)  213^^2   .•♦  ^Pl  (1865-1918.) 

p,  234. 

WARREN,  Charles. 

[General  Sir  Charles  Warren, 
Knight  of  Justice  of  the  Order  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem, 

G.C.H.G.,   K.C.B.,   R.E.,   F.R.S.] 
{Photograph  by  Elliott  and  Fry,  Ltd.,  London^  W.)  p.  62. 

1  Die  Welt,  20  May,  1898,  No.  20,  ^.8. 

*  Fifty  years'  work  of  the  Hebrew  Education  Society,  Philadelphia  .    .   . 

1899.  A  87. 


♦  WHISTON,  William.  (1667-1752.) 

The  Revd.  Mr.  William  Whiston^ 
Born  9  Decemr.,  1667,  Died  Augt,  22d^  I752» 

B.  Wilson  Fecit  1753. 
{Etching  J  X4I;.)  p.g2. 

WILSON,  Charles  William.  (1836-1905.) 

[Major^General  Sir  Charles  William  Wilson, 

R.E.,  K.C.B.,  K.C.M.G.,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.,  M.E.,  F.R.S.] 
{Photograph  by  Maull  and  Fox,  187a  Piccadilly,  London.)  ^  p.  62. 

WILSON,  Thomas  Woodrow. 

[Dr.  Thomas  Woodrow  Wilson, 
28th  President  of  the  United  States  of  America.] 

{Photograph.)  p.  130,  »• 

WOLFFSOHN,  David  ben  Isaac.  (1856-1914) 

David  Woolffsohn.^  ^^  288, 

*ZACUT[ZACUTUS  LUSITANUS],  Abraham.  (1575-1642.) 

Doctor  Zacutus  Lusitanus  Medicus  ^tatis  Suae,  liiii. 
Anno  1634. 
Zacuti  faciem  prociive  est  sculpere^  mentem 

Quod  memoret  Coelum?  quod  vel  Agalma  ferat? 
Quod  nequeunt  oculit  monstret  doctrina  Zacuti» 
£t  mcmorandi  acies  proedicet  ingenium. 
S.  Saveri  fc»  Nicolaus  Fontanus  MED. 

{Line  Engraving  6\  x  4^. )  ^  p.  44. 

^  This  portrait  has  not  been  published  hitherto, 

'^  Erez  Israel  Das  Jiidische  Land  von  J.  H.  Kann,  Koln  und  Leipzig-, 
Jiidischer  Verlag,  1909,/).  174. 

*  Zacut,  according"  to  recog-nised  authorities,  was  born  in  the  year  1575, 
and  would  in  1634  be  fifty-nine  years  of  age.  Six  years  later  his  portrait 
was  ag-ain  engfraved  : — 

Zacvtvs  Lvsitanvs  Doctor  Medicvs  ^tatis  LXVI  Anno  1642. 
En  Zacvtvm,  lusitanae  fulg-idum  sidus  plagfae, 
Principem  chori  medentum,  saeculi  miraculum. 
Claude  Audran  feci.  Car.  Sponivs  D. M: 

{Line  engraving  11  x  7. 2^ ) 

Zacutus  Lusitanus  Medicus  Doctor  ^tatis  Suae  LXVI  A°  1642 
En  !  Lusitanae  Zacutum  praefulg-idum  iubarplagse 
En  !  Principem  chori  medentum,  seculi  miraculum. 
{Line  engraving  4I  x  3I.  *)  n        .    . 



Solomon  Alexander  Hart,  R.A. 

Oil  painting  [copyright]  60  J  x  91. )  *  A  ^5* 


r^tabllt  le  culte  dcs  Israelites,  le  30  Mai,  1806. 
Couche  fils  Sculp* 

A  Paris,  au  Bureau  de  TAuteur  des  Pastes  de  la  Nation  Fr an^aise, 
M.  Ternisien  dliaudricourt.  Rue  de  Seine,  No.  27,  F.  S.  Germain. 
{Etching 4 x^\.)  p,  SS. 


de  TEmpire  fran^is  &  du  Royaume  dltalie. 
Convoqu^  k  Paris  par  ordre  de 


assemble  pour  la  premiere  £ois  le  9  fev.  1807. 

Ce  Corps  tombe  avec  le  Temple  va  reparaitre. 

(Discours  de  M.M.  les  Commissaires  Imp^riaux,  du  18.  7  bre.,  1806.) 

Damame  Di  Martrait  del.  et  Sculpt.  BeaubU  Script. 

Depose  k  la  Biblioth^que  Imperiale. 

A  Paris  che2  TAutcur,  rue  Neuve  des  Petits^Champs,  No.  58. 

{Aquatint printed  in  colours  lyi  x  25!.)  p.  80. 

^  On  Wednesday,  the  12th  of  December,  1655,  a  conference  was  held  in 
the  Long-  Gallery  at  Whitehall,  to  which  were  invited  the  Lord  Chief 
Justice,  the  Lord  Chief  Baron,  the  most  eminent  divines  and  lawyers,  the 
Lord  Mayor  and  Sheriffs  and  citizens  of  London,  to  consider,  after  many 
previous  parliaments  had  in  vain  been  petitioned,  the  proposal  of  Manasseh 
of  admitting-  Jews  to  settle  in  England,  from  whence  they  had  been  banished 
in  the  reig-n  of  Edward  the  First. 

The  scene  represents  Dr.  Thos.  Goodwin  debating  on  the  proposal. 
On  Goodwin's  left  is  Dr.  John  Owen  together  with  other  divines  ;  among 
these  Dr.  Samuel  Cradock  meditates  on  Manasseh's  appeal.  At  Cromwell's 
left  hand  is  the  Lord  Chief  Justice,  Sir  John  Glynn  ;  on  his  right  is  seen  part 
of  the  head  of  the  Chief  Baron.  At  the  feet  of  the  Protector,  Mr.  Secretary 
Thurloe  takes  notes  of  the  proceedings. 

The  Lord  Mayor  Draper,  or  rather  Dethick,  is  present,  together  with 
the  Sheriffs,  sword  and  mace  bearer. 

Second  on  the  right  of  Manasseh,  among  other  sympathisers  with  his 
appeal,  is  Hugh  Peters :  on  the  right  of  this  picture  some  Puritan  divines 
and  Roundhead  troopers  listen ;  a  musketeer  completes  the  group.  An 
attendant  is  searching  for  information  among  objects,  the  authorities  for 
which  are  preserved  in  the  Rolls  Court.  Two  merchants'  wives,  one  with 
her  son,  and  some  citizens,  form  the  group  on  the  left. 

Although  the  result  of  the  conference  was  unfavourable,  a  few  Jews 
came  back  on  sufferance,  but  ultimately  were  allowed  to  return  at  the 
restoration  of  the  Monarchy. 

The  Exhibition  of  Royal  Academy  of  Arts,  mdccclxxiii.  The  one 
hundred  and  fifth  .  .  .  London  .  .  .  p.  17,  Gallery  No.  iii,  322. 



[Members  of  the  Kattowitz  Conference,  Nov.  6,  1884.]  ^ 

p.  288,  ii. 



5657        MACCABEAN   PILGRIMAGE'        1897 

(Photograph  [copyrighf]  $1  x  7l-)  A  246. 



34  July,  igi8.  IS  Ab,  s^T^- 

{Photograph  by    ohmV  ht6^2  31T|3   .♦ 

p.  144,  ii. 

^  Die  Welt,  5  Nov.,  1909,  Nov.  45,  p.  982. 
2  Taken  in  camp  at  Damascus. 










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[The  Volumes  are  indicated  by  I  and  II  respectively.] 

Aaronsohn,  Aaron,  Palestinian  agri- 
culturist, I,  287  ;    II,  141 

Abdallah,  Pasha  of  Acre,  I,  73-4 

Abdul  Aziz,  Sultan,  I,  171,  186 

Abdul  Hamid,  Sultan,  I,  259,  303  ; 
a  petition  to,  I,  231  ;  II,  xxxviii, 

Abdul  Medjid,  Sultan,  I,  104,  107, 
108,  150,  153,  180 

Abela,  Mr.  P.,  British  Vice-Consul, 
on  trade  of  Haifa,  II,  398 

Aberdeen,  Lord,  and  Sir  Moses 
Montefiore,  I,  1 17-18 

Aboab,  Rabbi  Isaac,  I,  44,  '45  ;  II, 

Aboo,  Samuel,  on  Palestinian  agri- 
culture, I,  115 

Abrabanel  (Dormido),  David,  I, 
16-17  ;   II,  170,  note  i 

Abrabanel,  Don  Isaac,  I,  18,  24-6, 
45,  note  ;   II,  170,  note  i 

Abrabanel,  Jona,  I,  44,  note  5 

Abrahams,  Dr.  Israel,  II,  67  ;  on 
the  British  and  Foreign  Bible 
Society,  II,  218 

Abrahams,  Sir  Lionel,  II,  67 

Abramowitch,  S.  J.  See  Mendele 
Mocher  Sepharim 

"Achad  Ha'am"  (U.  Ginzberg), 
Hebrew  thinker  and  essayist,  I, 
279,  280,  281,  285  ;  II,  51,  293, 
422,  425  ;    on  Pinsker,  I,  224-5 

Acher,  Matthias.  See  Birnbaum, 

Achmet  Pasha,  of  Damascus,  I,  170 

Achuzah  Company, the  first  London, 

n,  378-9 

Actions  Committee,  the  Zionist,  II, 

Adams,  President  John,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  59,  136 

Addison,  Joseph,  on  the  influence 
of  the  Bible  on  English  Litera- 
ture, I,  II 

Adler,  Dr.  Cyrus,  and  the  British 
Declaration,  II,  136 

Adler,  Mr.  Elkan  N.,  I,  xi-xii ;  II, 
22,  note  I,  46,  62,  237-8 

Adler,  Hermann,  II,  xxxvii ;  on 
the  Jewish  colonies  in  Palestine, 

I,  246-7  ;    II,  319,  321 
Adler,  Marcus  N.,  II,  321 

Adler,  Nathan  M.,  and  Palestine 
Colonization,  I,  xii,  135  ;  II, 
xxxviii  f.,  237  ff.,  306 

Adrichomus,  Christianus,  I,  61 

Ahmad  Jazzar,  Pasha  of  Acre,  I, 
67  £f. 

Ahroni,  Dr.,  Palestinian  zoologist, 

II,  316,  328 
Akenside,  Mark,  I,  11 
Akiba,  Rabbi,  I,  223 
Aktuaryus,  J.  F.,  I,  xxxix 
Aleinikoff,     M.,     Russian     Zionist 

leader,  II,  98,  283,  293 
Alexander,     Mr.     David    L.,     and 

Zionism,  II,  61,  62,  69 
Alexander,  J.  A.,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  165 
Alexander  the  Great,  I,  xxiii,  173 
Alexander  II,  Tsar,  I,  150,  217 
Alexeieff,     General,     and    Russian 

Zionist  soldiers,  II,  40 
Algazi,  Rabbi,  of  Jerusalem,  I,  7^' 

Algerian    Jews,    Emancipation    of, 

I,  1 80-1 
Alkalai,  Rabbi   Jehouda,    II,    297, 

note  I 
AUenby,  General,  II,  85,  152-3 
Alliance   Israelite    Universelle.   the, 

I,  112,  181  fi.,  191,  note  I,  202, 

205,  249,  250,  262,  291  ;    II,  262, 

318-24,  383 
Alperin,  II,  284 
Alroy,  David,  I,  143-4 
Altmann,  Jewish  painter,  II,  344 
Ambrose,  on  Pythagoras  and  Jewish 

learning,  I,  29 
America,  admission  of  Jews  to,  I, 

49-51  ;    the  "Lovers  of  Zion  " 

in,  I,  241  ff. ;   Zionism  in,  II,  23, 

25,    26,    28,    29,    30,    49.    79-82, 

133-4,  355-7,  ^  .^^      ^^ 

American  Jewish  Committee,  the,  on 
the  British  Declaration,  II,  136-7 




American  JcAvry  and  Palestine,  II, 
39  ;    and  War  Relief  Work,  II, 

American  Zionist  Medical  Unit  for 

Palestine,  the,  II,  131,  133  if. 
Amos,  the  prophet,  and  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  II,  163-4 
Amzulak,     M.     Hay  men,     British 

Consular    Agent    at    Jaffa,     II, 

Anaxagoras,  quoted,  I,  30 
Anglo-Israehsm,  the  theory  of,  II, 

Anglo-Jewish  Association,  the,  and 

Zionism,  II,  xxxix,  58  ff.,  318-24 
Anglo-Jewish  Zionism,  I,  115  ff. 
Anglo-Levantine     Banking     Com- 
pany, the,  II,  374 
Anglo-Palestine  Company,   the,    I, 

287,  288,  296  ;   II,  373-4 
Annual  Conference,  the  Zionist,  II, 

xU,  360 
Anspach,  the  Margravine  of,  I,  58 
Anti-Semitism,  I,  225-6,  245,  290 ; 

II,   xli;  and  philo-Semitism,  II, 

Anti-Socinus.     See  Bayly,  Rev.  A. 
Anti-Zionists,  the,  I,  xx  ff.,  244-6  ; 

manifesto  by,  II,  58  ff. 
Antokolski,  Mark,  II,  340,  346 
Arab  Question,  the,  I,  300-2  ;    II, 

52,     107-8,     109-10,     121,     141, 

392  ff. 
Arama,  Rabbi  Isaac,  I,  26 
Argentine,  Jewish  Colonies  in  the, 

I,  258  ff. 

Argyll,  the  Duke  of,  on  the  Earl  of 
Shaftesbury,  I,  121,  note  i 

el-Arish  Expedition,  the,  II,  xlv,  44 
0  Aristotle,  I,  27  ;  reputed  to  have 
been  influenced  by  Jewish  learn- 
ing, I,  29 

Armenian   Question,    the,    I,    271  ; 

II.  19 

Armenians  and  Jews,  II,  107,  112, 
116,  121 

Arnold,  Sir  B.,  on  Palestine,  II, 

Arnold,  Matthew,  on  the  Old 
Testament,  I,  3  ;   II,  169 

Arnold,  Dr.  Thomas,  on  the  Res- 
toration of  Israel,  I,  165 

Aronovitz,   M.,   Palestinian  editor, 

n,  317.  387 

Art,  Jewish,  and  Zionism,  I,  287  ; 

II,  333-46 
Artom,  Benjamin,  II,  140 
Asch,  Shalom,  Hebrew  and  Yiddish 

writer,  II,  316 
Asher,  Asher,  I,  250 

Asser,  M.  S.,  I,  81 

Assimilation,  Jewish  school  of,  I, 
128,  178,  254;  and  English 
Jewry,  I,  194-5  5  versus  Zion- 
ism, I,  188  ff.  ;  Luzzatto  on,  II, 

Athanasius,  quoted,  I,  28 

Atlas,  Eleasar,  II,  315 

Auberlen,  Carl  August,  Swiss  divine, 
on  the  Restoration  of  Israel,  I, 

Auerbach,  the  brothers  Ehas  and 
Israel,  II,  302 

Augustine  on  Miracles,  I,  28 

Australia,  Zionism  in,  II,  23,  27 

d'Avigdor,  Elim,  leader  of  the 
"  Lovers  of  Zion,"  I,  234-6 ; 
on  Palestine  Colonization,  I, 

Azoury,  M.,  anti-Zionist  Arab,  I, 

Babkow,  S.  S.,  II,  293 

Bacon,  Lord,  influenced  by  Scrip- 
ture, I,  7-8 

Bahar,  Jacques,  I,  269 

Bahia  ibn  Pakuda,  I,  222 

Balfour,  Mr.  A.  J.,  on  Zionism,  I, 
xxix-xxxiv  ;  II,  viii,  xxvi, 
xxxi,  82,  83  ff.,  131,  143, 
147  ;  and  American  Zionist 
Medical  Unit,  II,  136;  and 
Hebrew  University,  II,  15 1-2 

Balfour  of  Burleigh,  Lord,  on  the 
British  Declaration,  II,  115 

Balkan  War,  the,  II,  Iv-lvi 

Bambus,  Willy,  II,  302 

Barbasch,  S.  N.,  II,  293 

Barlaeus,  C,  I,  42 

Barnes,  Mr,  G.  N.,  on  the  British 
Declaration,  II,   131  ;    speech  at  " 
Zionist  Demonstration,  II,  134-5 

Barrow,  Isaac,  and  the  Bible,  I, 
10,  13 

Basle  Programme,  the  Zionist,  I, 
xxiv,  134,  153,  3 1 1-2 

Bayly,  the  Rev.  Anselm,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  93 

Beaconsfield,  Lord.  See  Disraeli, 

Beaufort  d'Hautpoul,  General,  I, 

Bechir,  Sheehab,  Emir,  I,  167 

Beck,  Mr.,  II,  xxxiii 

Becker,  J.,  II,  304-5 

Bedersi,  Rabbi  Jedaiah,  I,  26 

Beer,  F.,  Jewish  artist,  II,  344 

Begley,  the  Rev.  Walter,  I,  52, 
note  I  ;    II,  176-9 

Behar,  Nissim,  II,  216,  218,  321 



Behm,  Dr.  A.,  Russian  Zionist,  II. 

Beilis,  the  trial  of,  II,  xix-xx 
Belgian  Zionists,  the,  II,  xlix,  25, 

27.  358 
Belkind,  Deborah,  II,  307 
Belkind,    Israel,    I,    287;    II,    80, 

81,  306-8,  316,  333 
Belkovsky,  Prof.  Gregor,  I,  269 ;  II, 

285-6.  293 
Benas,    Baron    Louis,    account    of 

journey  to  Palestine,  II,  319  ff. 
Ben-Avigdor,    Hebrew   writer   and 

editor,  II,  309 
Bendemann,  Edward,  II,  335,  2 3^ 
Bendetsohn,    Hebrew    writer,     II, 

Benisch,  Abraham,  and  Palestine, 

I,  152  f„  174,  185,  note  I  ;    II, 
xxxix-xl,  319 

Ben-Jehuda,   EHeser,   I,   287 ;    II, 

81,  284,  384 
Bentwich,  INIr.  Herbert,  I,  246,  296  ; 

II,  xxxvii,  xlii,  >:Uii,  liv,  Ivi,  Ivii, 
50,  SI.  52,  349,  425 

Bentwich,  Major  Norman,  II,  liv, 

Benzion  (Gutmann),  S,,  II,  293,  309 
Berditchewski,  Dr.,  Hebrew  writer, 

II.  309 
Berkman,  P.,  Hebrew  educationist, 

II.  318 
Berkowitsch,  J.  D.,  Hebrew  writer, 

II,  318 
Berkowitz,    Hebrew    novelist,     II, 


Berkowitz,  Dr.,  Hebrew  writer,  II, 

Berman,  S.,  Hebrew  educationist, 
II.  318 

Bermann,  VassyU,  II,  284-5 

Bernfeld,  Dr.  Simon,  II,  309 

Bernstamm,  Leopold,  Jewish  sculp- 
tor, II,  340 

Berr,  M.  Michael,  I,  82-83 

Berr,  M.,  I,  292 

Berschadski,   Hebrew  novelist,   II, 

Bertinoro,  Rabbi  Obadiah,  I,  224 
Beshir    Shehaab,     prince    of    the 

Lebanon,  I,  167 
Beverwijck,  Jan  van,  I,  24 
Bezalel,  the,  Hebrew  art  school  in 

Jerusalem,     I,     287  ;      II,     346, 

Bialik,  Hebrew  poet,  I,  280,  293  ; 

II,  422 
Bianchini,  Commandante,  II,  140 
Bible,  the,  I,  91,  165  ;   its  influence 

on  English  history,  Hterature  and 

character,  I,  2-3  ;   its  translation 

into   Enghsh,    I,    4 ;     and   Lord 

Byron,  I,  95,  note  i  ;  and  modern 

Hebrew  writers,  I,  273-4 
Bible  Societies,  British,  I,  61  ;    II, 

Bicheno,  the  Rev.  James,  on  the 

Restoration     of     Israel,     I,     65, 

88-89,  92  ;    II,  223-4 
Bierer,  Ruben,  II,  305 
"  Bilu,"  the,  agricultural  pioneers 

in  Palestine,   I,   286-7  »    H,    10, 

147,    306-8  ;     manifesto   of,    II, 

332-3  ;  "The  Advanced  Guard,'* 

II,  401 
Birnbaum,  Bernard,  II,  xxxvii 
Birnbaum,  Nathan  (Matthias  Ach- 

er),  I,  283  ;    II,  296 
Black,  W.  H.,  I,  185,  note  i 
Bloch,  F.,  II,  344 
Blondel,  David,  I,  42 
Blood  Libel,  the,  in  Damascus,  I, 

no  ff.,  119,  158,  159,  180 
Blosz,  iC.,  II,  335 
Board  of  Deputies  of  British  Jews, 

the,  and  Zionism,  II,  58  ff. 
Bodenheimer,    Dr.    Max,    I,    269  ; 

II,  302,  303,  357,  359 
Boghos     Nubar     Pasha,     on     the 

British  Declaration,  II,  116,  409, 

note  I 
Boghoz  Bey,  and  Sir  Moses  Monte- 

fiore,  I,  118  ;    II,  409 
Bogratschow,  Dr.,  II,  304 
Bohemia,  Zionism  in,  II,  25 
Bomesch,  Ch.,  II,  293 
Bonar  Law,  Mr.  A.    See  Law 
Bornstein,  Ch.  J.,  Hebrew  writer, 

I,  8,  note  ;    II,  315 
Boruchow,  A.  U.,  II,  304 
Boselh,  Signor  Paolo,  and  Zionism, 

II.  53 

Bourgeois,   M.   Leon,    on   Ziomsm, 

I,  289-91 
Bowring,  Sir  John,  on  the  Farhis 

of  Damascus,  I,  75 
Braham,  John,  I,  97  ;    II,  228 
Brainin,  Reuben,  II,  309-10 
Brandeis,  Justice  L.  D.,  II,  80,  355 
Braude,  Jacob,  II,  294 
Braude,  Dr.  M.,  II,  295,  305 
Braun,  M.  Hirsch,  II,  308 
Braunstein,  M.,  II,  317-18 
Brenner,  Hebrew  novelist,  II,  315 
Bright,  John,  and  the  Bible,  I,  14, 

note  I 
Brightman,  Thomas,   on  the  Res- 
toration of  Israel,  I,  42-3 
Brill,  Jechiel  M.,  Hebrew  editor  in 
Palestine,  I,  286  ;    II,  286,  306 



Britain,  mission  and  policy  in  the 
East,  I,  viii,  155,  207;  and 
Palestine,  II,  56  ;  and  Turkey, 
I.  303-4 

British  Declaration,  the,  II,  xxxi, 
83  ff.  ;  and  the  Entente  Govern- 
ments, II,  127-31 

British  Palestine  Committee  (in 
Manchester),  II,  54,  424-5 

British  Protection  of  the  Palestinian 
and  the  Eastern  Jews,  I,  112, 
116  fif.,  132,  134,  158  ff.,  161  ff. 

Brodetzky,  Dr.  Selig,  II,  116 

Brodski,  J.  J.,  II,  344 

Brody.  Dr.  H.,  II,  286 

Broides,  R.  A.,  II,  310 

Brothers,  Richard,  and  Anglo- 
Israehsm,  II,  404 

Brown,  Dr.  David,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  164 

Browne,  Prof.  E.  G.,  II,  xxii, 

Browne,  Sir  Thomas,  and  the  Bible, 

I,  12 

Browning,    and    the    Hebrew   lan- 
guage, I,  14,  note  I 
Brutzkus,  Julius,  II,  281,  283 
Bryce,  Lord,  on  Zionism,  I,  xxxv- 
xxxvii  ;    on  the  British  Declara- 
tion, II,  114 
Buber,  Martin,  I,  284  ;    II.  286 
Bueno,  Dr.  Ephraim  H.,  I,  44-45 
Bulgaria,  Zionism  in,  II,  1,  358 
Bunny,  Edmund,  on  ancient  Israel, 


Burghas  Bey.     See  Boghoz  Bey 

Burnet,  Thomas,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  43 

Busher,  Leonard,  on  rehgious 
liberty,  I,  19 

Bychowski,  Dr.,  II,  294 

Byron,  Lord,  and  the  Bible,  I,  12  ; 
his  "  Hebrew  Melodies,"  I,  95-99, 
108  ;    II,  228 

Cabbala,  the,  I,  23,  28 

Cadman,    the    Rev.    Williams,    on 

the  Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  411 
Cahen,    Isidore,    on   Dumas's   "  La 

Femme  du  Claude,"  II,  264 
Calmet,  Augustin,  I,  61  ' 

Cambon,   M.    Jules,    and   Zionism, 

II.  53 

Canada,     General     Conference     of 

Jews  in,  II,  Ixii  f . 
Canada,  Zionism  in,  II,  xliv,  Ivii,  22, 

29.  354 
Canton,  Mr.  Wm.,  II,  218 
Capitulations,  the  Turkish,  I,  149- 


Carcassone,  Rabbi  David,  I,  31,  32, 

Carlile.  the  Rev.  W.,  and  the 
Restoration  of  Israel  to  Pales- 
tine, II,  405  ff. 

Carlow,  the  inhabitants  of,  petition 
to  Lord  Palmerston  for  Restora- 
tion of  Israel  to  Palestine,  II, 
405  ff. 

Carlyle,  Thos..  I,  3 

Carnarvon,  the  Earl  of,  on  the 
Eastern  Question,  I,  172-3 

Cartwright,  Johanna  and  Ebenezer, 
petition  for  readmission  of  Jews 
to  England,  I,  51  ;   II,  210 

Cassel,  Sir  Ernest,  I,  254 

Cattaui  Pasha,  II,  146 

Catzius,  Josias,  II,  18 1-2 

Cazalet,  Edward,  on  the  Eastern 
Question,  I,  207  ;    II,  267-9 

Cecil,  Lord  Hugh,  on  the  British 
Declaration,  II,  115 

Cecil,  Lord  Robert,  and  Zionism, 
I,  299  ;   II,  62,  101-3,  116 

Cellarius,  Christophorus,  I,  61 

Cerf-Berr,  Lipman,  I,  83 

Challemel-Lacour,  M.,  on 'Disraeli 
and  Heine,  II,  248-9 

Chamberlain,  Joseph,  I,  xxix ;  II, 

Chaneles,  Rabbi,  II,  296 

Charles  I,  I,  40 

Charle*  II,  I,  45 

Chauvinism  and  Zionism,  II,  403 

Chazanovitch,      Dr.     Joseph,      II, 

293-4.  344 

Chissin,  Dr.,  Palestinian  educa- 
tionist, II,  304,  zzz 

Christadelphians,  the,  II,  Ixiii 

Christian  propaganda  for  the  Re- 
storation of  Israel,  I,  163  ff. ;  II, 

"Christian  Observer,"  the  (1838), 
on  the  Restoration  of  Israel,  I, 

Christian,  Prince  and  Princess,  and 
Palestine  Colonization,  I,  208 

Christina,  Queen,  of  Sweden,  I,  44 

Church  of  Scotland,  memorial  for 
the  Restoration  of  Israel  (1840), 
I,  131-2 

Churchill.  Colonel  Charles  H.,  on 
England  and  the  East,  I,  155-7 

Citizenship  and  Jewash  National- 
ism, I,  92  ;   and  the  Torah,  I,  194 

Claff,  Mr.  S.,  II,  xlii 

Clarke,  Dr.  Thos.,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  138-9 

Clearchus,  quoted,  I,  29 

Clement,  of  Alexandria,  I,  29 



Cohen,  Sir  Benjamin  Louis,  I,  254 
Cohen,   the  Rev.   F.   L.,   on  Isaac 

Nathan,  II,  227 
Cohen,  Mr.  Israel,  II,  116 
Cohen,  Mr.  Leonard  L.,  II,  67 
Cohen,  Mordecai,  in  "  Daniel  De- 

ronda,"  I,  210-11 
Cohen,  Mr.  S.  J.,  II,  133 
Cohn,  Albert,  I,  182 
Colonization     of     Palestine  :      see 
^.  Palestine  Colonization 
Columbus,   and   Abraham   Zacuto, 

II.  185 
Conder,  Colonel  Claude  R.,  I,  62  ; 

on  Palestine  Colonization,  I,  230  ; 

II,  274-6  ;    on  Zionism,  I,  299- 

300  ;    II,  lii-liii,  391-2 
Conjoint     Committee,      the,      and 

Zionism,     II,     58    ff.  ;      protests 

against,  II,  67  ff. 
Conversionist    tendencies,    in    the 

Christian    propaganda    for    the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  93 
Cooper,   the   Rt.    Rev.    James,    on 

the  British  Declaration,  II,  115- 

Cossacks,    massacres   of   Jews   by, 

I.  31.  ?,2,  32, 
Cowen.Mr.  Joseph,  I,  296;  II,  xliii, 
liv,  Ivi,  Ivii,  50,  51,  52,  116,  140, 

349>  425 

Cowley,  Abraham,  and  the  Bible, 
I,  9-10 

Cowper,  and  the  Bible,  I,  11-12 

Cremieux,  Isaac  Moses  Adolphe,  I, 
173,  180-2;  II,  262,  319  ;  Circu- 
lar Letter  to  the  Jews  in  Western 
Europe,  II,  400 

Cresson,  Warder,  American  consul 
in  Jerusalem,  I,  136-7 

Crewe,  the  Marquess  of,  on  the 
British  Declaration,  II,   114 

Crimean  War,  the,  I,  176  ff. 

Cromer,  Lord,  I,  304  ;  and  Zionism, 

n,  73 

Cromwell,  Oliver,  I,  4-5,  14,  40, 
44,  52  ;   II,  87 

Cromwell,  Richard,  I,  44 

Cunningham,  Wm.,  and  the  Res- 
toration of  Israel,  II,  404 

Cyikow,  Jewish  artist,  II,  344 

Cyprus,  I,  142,  303-4  ;  and  Pales- 
tine, II,  247-8 

Dagutzky,  Rabbi,  II,  xliii 
Daher,  Sheikh,  Pasha  of  Acre,  I,  67 
Dahl,  Basil,  I,  8,  note  i 
Daiches,  Rabbi  Israel  H.,  II,  286-7, 

Daiches,  Dr.  Salis,  II,  Ivi,  351 

Daiches,  Dr.  Samuel,  II,  Hv,  Ivi, 
351  ;  on  Lord  Kitchener  and 
the  Palestine  Exploration  Fund, 
II,  219 

Dallas,  the  Rev.  Alex.  B.  C, ,  on 
the  Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  410 

Damascus,  the  Jews  of  (i860),  I, 
173-4  ;  massacres  of  Jews  of,  I, 
1 10- 1 1  ;   massacres  of  Christians, 

I,  168 

Damoiseau,  French  renegade,  I,  74 
Daniel,    and    the    Restoration    of 

Israel,  II,  167 
"  Daniel  Deronda,"  I,  209-12  ;    II, 


"  David  Alroy,"  I,  143-4 

David  Pasha,  I,  170 

Davidsohn,  Elie,  II,  300 

Dawson,  Sir  John  Wm.,  on  the 
future  of  Palestine,  II,  276-9 

Declaration  of  the  British  Govern- 
ment, the,  I,  xxvii ;  II,  xxxi, 
83  ff.  ;     and   American   Zionists, 

II,  99 ;     and    Russian   Zionists, 
II,  98-99 

Denmark,  Zionism  in,  II,  358 

De  Quincey,  on  the  Hebrew  lan- 
guage, I,  7 

"  Der  Orient  "  (1840),  on  Palestine 
as  the  Jewish  homeland,  I,  114 

Dibdin,  Sir  L.  T.,  on  England  and 
the  Bible,  I,  4 

Die  Welt,  Zionist  press  organ,  II, 
21,  357 

Dight,  Mr.  M.  S.,  II,  xliii 

Dillon,  M.  L.,  II,  344 

D' Israeli,  Isaac,  I,  140 

Disraeli,  Benjamin,  Earl  of  Beacons- 
field,  I,  140-5,  208,  note 
3  ;  II,  xvii,  3,  246-50  ;  and 
Heine  contrasted,  II,  248-9  ; 
and  the  Suez  Canal,  II,  246-7 

Doddridge,  Dr.  Philip,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  94 

Dolitzky,  M.  M.,  II,  310 

"  Doomes-Day,"  II,  181-2 

Draxe,  the  Rev.  T.,  on  Palestine 
under  the  Jews,  I,  42 

Dreyfus  Affair,   the,   I,    112,   293 

Dreyfus,  Dr.  Charles,  II,  350 

Drujanow,  Hebrew  publicist,  II, 

Drumont,  Edouard,  I,  293 

Druses,  the,  I,  167  ff . 

Dryden,  John,  and  Scripture,  I,  10 

Dubnow,  Shimon,  II,  293 

Dulberg,  Captain,  II.  133 

Dumas's  "  La  Femme  de  Claude,' 
I,  204  ;   II,  263-5 

II.— 2  H 



Dunant,  Jean  Henri,  I,  xxvii,  198- 
9  ;  appeals  for  Restoration  of 
Israel  to  Palestine,  I,  199-201, 
203-4,   270;    II,   259-61,  265-7, 

Dunlop,  Mr.,  II,  xxxiii 
Durham,  the  Rev.  James,  on  the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  43 
Dury,  John,  and  the  Readmission 

of  Jews  to  England,  I,  19,  51-52  ; 

II,  211,  212 
Dutch  West  India  Company,  the, 

I.  57 

East  African  Project,  see  Uganda 

Eastern  Europe,  the  Jews  of,  and 

the  War,  II,  2-3 
Eastern  Question,  the,  I,  102  ff. 
Ebner,  Dr.  Meyer,  I,  269 
Edel,  Edmund,  II,  335 
Eder,  Dr.  M.  D.,  II,  140 
Edersheim,  Dr.,  II,  xlix 
Edward,  King,  and  Palestine  Colo- 
nization, I,  208 
Edwards,   President,  and  the  Res- 
toration of  Israel,  II,  404 
Egmont,  Earl  of.  See  Perceval,  John 
Egypt     and    Turkey,     I,     loi  ff.  ; 

British  policy  in,  I,  304-5 
Egypt.  Zionism  in,  II,  355 
Ehrenpreis,  Dr.  Mordecai,  II,  310 
Eisenberg,  Mr.,  II,  386 
Eisenstadt,  Rabbi  Eleasar,  II,  310 
Eisenstadt   (Barzilai),    Joshua,    II, 

Eldad  Ha-Dani,  I,  25 
Eliasberg,     Rabbi     Mordecai,     II, 

Eliaschew,     Isidor,     Hebrew    and 

Yiddish  writer,  II,  300 
Eliot,    George,    and    Zionism,     I, 

xxvii,  209-12 
Elizabeth,  Queen,  I,  4 
Eljaschew,  J.,  II,  283 
Elyashar,   Chief  Rabbi  Nissim,   of 

Jerusalem,  II,  147 
Emancipation  and  Zionism,  I,  xx- 

xxi,  130 
Emden,  Rabbi  Jacob,  I,  35,  note  i 
Emigration,    the    problem    of,    in 

1906,  II,  li-lii 
Emmott,     Lord,     on    the    British 

Declaration,  II,  115 
England  and  Palestine,  II,  43  ;  and 

the  Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  91 

ff.  ;   and  the  study  of  Hebrew,  I, 

13-14  ;  and  Syria,  I,  104-6  ;  and 

Zionism,  xxvi-xxvii,  93,  295  ff.  ; 

II.  xliiff.,  Hv,  42ff.,  58ff. 

English  art  of  speaking,  the,  in- 
fluenced by  Scripture,  I,  13 

English  Clergy,  the  (in  the  17th 
century),  and  the  Jewish  people,. 

I.  2 

English  Jewry  and  Assimilation,  I, 

Enghsh  Press,   the,    and   Zionism^ 

II,  46-47 

English  Reformation,  the,  I,  4 
Enghsh  Zionist  Federation,  the,  I» 

299  ;    II,  xl-xli,  23,  27,  30,  48,  54 

ff.,  69,  99,  347  ff.,  360-2 
Episcopius,  Simon,  I,  42 
Epstein,  Isaac,  II,  316-7 
Epstein,  Jacob  II,  344 
Epstein,  Jehuda,  II,  344 
Epstein,  Rabbi  Zerach,  II,  147 
Epstein,  S.  E.,  Hebrew  writer,  II.. 

Epstein,  Zalman,  II,  311 
Erlanger,  M.  Michel,  I,  291-2  ;    II» 

290,  308 
Erter,  Isaac,  I,  276 
Ester,  JuUus,  II,  335 
I'Estrange,  Hamon,  II,  211 
Ettinger,  Mr.  Jacob,  II,  51,  425 
Eugenie,  ex-Empress,  and  Palestine 

Colonization,  I,  203 
European  War,  the,  and  Zionism, 

II,  I  ff. 
Eyre,   Joseph,  on  the  Restorati'^Q 

of  Israel,  I,  99 
Ezekiel,     the     prophet,     and     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  166 
Ezekiel,  Moses  Jacob,  Jewish  sculp- 
tor; II,  336,  345 

Fairbairn,  the  Rev.  Patrick,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  165 

Fairfax,  Lord,  I,  51 

Farbstein,  Dr.  David,  II,  305 

Farbstein,  H.,  II,  295 

Farhi,  Haim,  I,  63,  67-75 

Farhi,  Moses,  I,  68 

Farhi,  Mourad,  I,  75 

Farhi,  Raphael,  I,  68,  75,  76 

Farhi,  Saul,  I,  67,  68,  69 

Farhi,  Solomon,  I,  68,  75 

Faud  Pasha,  I,  168,  173,  174 

Federations,  the  Zionist,  II,  360 

Feinberg,  David,  I,  259 

Feinberg,  Mr.  Is.,  II,  383 

Feinberg,  Joseph,  II,  306-8 

Feisal,  Prince,  and  Zionism,  II,  142 

Feiwel,  M.  Berthold,  I,  284;  II» 

Feldstein,  Mr.  M.,  II,  294,  378 

Felgenhauer,  P.,  I,  42 

Fels,  Mrs.  Mary,  II,  134 



Ferdinandus,  Philip,  II,  209 

Fersht,  Mr.  B.  A..  II.  62 

Feuchtwanger,  Dr.,  II,  368 

Feuerstein,  Hebrew  novelist,  II, 

Financial  Institutions  of  Zionism, 
the,  II.  371  ff. 

Finburgh,  Mr.  S..  II,  133 

Finch,  Sir  Henry,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  48-49  ;  II,  207-9 

Finkel,  E.  D.,  II,  318 

Finn,  James,  British  Consul,  in 
Jerusalem,  I,  159,  161  ff.  ;  II, 

Finn,  S.  J.,  II,  296 

Finzi,  Mr.,  British  Consular  agent 
at  Acre,  I,  161 

Fischel,  E.  B.,  II,  335 

Fischer,  M.  Jean,  Belgian  Zionist 
leader,  II,  xlix,  358 

Fischer,  M.  Oscar,  II,  xlix 

Fischmann,  Hebrew  writer,  II,  317 

Fox,  Dr.  Samuel,  II,  351 

France,  Zionism  in,  I,  176  £f.,  200, 
289  ff. 

Frank,  Dr.,  II,  303,  359 

Frankel.  Zacharias.  II.  288 

Frankfurter,  Professor  FeUx,  II,  82 

FrankUn,  Mr.  Ernest  L.,  II,  67 

Franklin,  Mr.  Jacob,  II,  xl 

Fremantle,  the  Rev.  W.  R.,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  410-1 1 

French  Government,  the,  and  the 
British  Declaration,  I,  xxvii  ;  II. 
127-8  ;  and  the  Hebrew  Univer- 
sity, II,  152;  and  Zionism,  II, 
52,  SI 

French  Jewry,  the,  I,  84-85  ;  and 
the  Restoration  of  Israel  (in 
1798),  I,  65-66  ;  II,  220-2  ;  and 
Zionism,  I,  291  ff. 

French  Revolution,  the,  I,  178,  290 

French  Society  of  the  Promised 
Land,  the,  I,  182 

French  West  India  Company,  the, 

Frenk,  N.  J.,  II,  317 
Friedberg,  A.  S.,  II,  311 
Friedemann,   Dr.  Arthur,   II,  302, 

Friedenwald,  Dr.  Harry,  II,  82 
Friedlaender,  W.,  II,  335 
Friedlaender,  Prof,  Israel,  II,  82 
Friedmann,  N.  M.,  II,  293 
Friedson,  Mr.  L.,  II,  133 
Frischmann,  David,  II,  315 
Frug,  Simon,  II,  318 
Frumkin,  M.,  II,  386 
Fuchs,  Dr.,  II,  xhv 
Fuchs,  S.  I.,  II,  311 

Fuller,  Thomas,  on  the  Restoration 
of  Israel,  I,  42,  note  4,  52-53,  61 
Furtado,  Abraham,  I,  82,  Z7 

Gabirol,  Solomon  ibn,  I,  26 
GaUcia,  Zionism  in,  II,  22-23  '>   the 
Jews  of,  and  Baron  de  Hirsch. 

I.  261-2 

Galilee,  Josephus  on  the  population 

of,  I,  309 
Gasparri,    Cardinal,    and    Zionism 

Gaster,  Haham  Moses,  I,  272,  296  ; 

II,  xxxvii,  xHi,  liv,  Ivi,  Ivii,  45  [ 
48,  50.  51.  52,  106,  108-9,  307, 
348  ;  letter  to  "  The  Times  '* 
(1897),  II,  xli-xUi 

Gawler,    Colonel    George,    on    the 
Restoration  of  Israel  to  Palestine, 

I,  137-8,  162,  174-5 ;  II,  410, 

George,  Mr.  D.  Lloyd,  and  Zionism, 

II,  xxxi,  1 3 1-3 
Germany,  Zionism  in,  II,  357 
Gerondi,  Rabbi  Mos^s  ben  Nach- 

man,  I,  223 
Gerondi,  Rabbi  Zerahiah,  I,  27 
Ghetto,  the,  I,  19 1-2,  215 
Gilbert,  Mr.  S.,  II,  62.  68,  427 
Gill,  Dr.  John,  on  the  Restoration 

of  Israel,  I,  99 
Ginsberg,      Usher.        See     Achad 

Ha' am, 
Gladstone,  I,  133,  144;   and  Zion- 
ism,  I,   237-8  ;    on  the  Jewish 
people,   I,  238-9  ;    on  Palestine 
and  Greece  contrasted,  I,  239 
GUtzenstein,  H.,  II,  342,  343 
"  Globe,"   the,    (in    1846),    on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel  to  Palestine, 

I,  129  ff. 

Gluskin,  M.  W.,  II,  294,  386 
Goethe's    "  Hermann    and    Doro- 
thea," translated  into  Hebrew,  I, 

Goldberg,  Boris  and  Isaac,  I,  282  ; 

II,  51,  98,  141,  146,  287,  296,  329. 

Goldbloom,    the    Rev.    J.    K.,    II, 

liv,  351 
Goldin,  E.,  Hebrew  writer,  II,  318 
Goldschmidt,  Salomon  H.,  I,  254 
Goldsmid,  Lt.-Col.  Albert,  I,  217, 

note  I,  233-4,  258  ;    II,  xxxvii, 

Goldstein,  A.,  II,  283,  293 
Gollancz,  Professor  (Sir)  Israel,  II, 

Gollancz,  Rev.  Prof.  H.,  II,  xxxvii. 



Goodman,  Mr.  Paul,  II,  51 
Gordon,  David,   I,   227,   277  ;    II, 

xxxviii,  9,  306,  388 
Gordon,  General  C.  G.,  I,  3 
Gordon,  Judah  Lob,  I,  276 
Gordon,  S.  L.,  I,  8  ;   II,  295 
Gorst,  Sir  John,  II,  xxii 
Gott,    Samuel,    author   of   "  Nova 

Solyma,"  II,  176,  note  2 
Gottheil,  Prof.  Richard,  II,  82,  356 
GottHeb,  Dr.,  II.  295 
Gottlieb,  Leopold  and  Moritz,  II, 

341-2.  344 
Gottlober,  A.  B.,  Hebrew  poet,  II, 

Gouge,  the  Rev.  Dr.  Wm.,  on  the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  47-49 
Graetz,      Heinrich,      and      Jewish 

Nationalism,  II,  320  ;  influenced 

by  Moses  Hess,  I,   179,  note  i, 

Gray.  Thos..  I.  11 
Grazowski,  J..  II.  287 
Greece's  influence  on  mankind,  I, 

I  ;    Zionism    in  Greece,   II,   27, 

Green.     John     Richard,     on     the 

English  Reformation,  I,  4 
Green,  Mr.  Michael,  II,  67 
Greenberg.  Mr.  L.  J..  I,  296  ;    II, 

xlii,  xhii,  liv,  349-50 
Greenwood.  Frederick,  on  Disraeli 

and  the  Suez  Canal,  II,  246-7 
Gregoire,  Abbe,  I,  41,  note  2 
Grey  of  Fallodon,  Viscount,  on  the 

Declaration,  II,  113 
Grinberg,  Ch.,  II,  283,  293 
Gronemann,  Dr.,  II,  302 
Gross,  August,  II,  335 
Grossmann,  W.,  II,  293 
Grotius,  Hugo,  I,  42 
Grunbaum,  Isaac,  II,  283,  294,  295 
Guedella,    Haim,    II,    xxxvii,    302 
Giinzburg,  Baron  Horace,  I,  258-9 
Guenzburg,  Ilja,  II,  340,  346 
Giinzburg,  M.  A.,  I,  275-6 
Gurevitsch,  Ch,  D.,  II,  301 
Gurevitsch,  E.  R.,  II,  293 
Gutmacher,    Rabbi   Ellas,    appeals 

to    English    Jews    for    Palestine 

Colonization,  I,  202  ;    II,  262-3 
Gwydyr,     Lord,     on     Arabs     and 

Zionists,  I,  300  ;    II.  392  ff. 

Ha'am,  Hebrew-Russian  paper,  II, 

de  Haas,  Mr.  Jacob,  II,  xlii,  xliii,  82 

Hadassah,  American  Women  Zion- 
ists' Union,  II,  133  ff. 

Haffkine,  Dr.  W.  M.  W.,  I,  292 

Halevy,  Joseph,  I,  292 
Hall,  Alfred.  I,  185,  note  6 
Hallevi,    Jehudah.     See    Jehudah 

Halpern,  G..  II,  301 
Hamelsveld,  Ijsbrand  van,  I,  61 
Hantke,  Dr.  Arthur,   I,  284 ;    II, 

302,  359 
Harkavy,  Dr.  Abraham,  Hebraist, 

11.  315 
Harris,  Dr.  W.,  and  the  Restoration 

of  Israel,  II,  404 
Harrison,  John,  on  Jewish  Emanci- 
pation, I,  51  ;   II,  210-11 
"  Haskalah  "  writers,  the,  I,  274-6 
Havelock.  Sir  H..  and  the  Bible, 

Hebrew  Culture,  I,  279  ;   fund  for, 

n.  377-8 
Hebrew    Language,    the,    I.    6  ff., 

274  ;   not  a  dead  language,  I,  6  ; 

Luzzatto  and,  II,  420 ;  Board  at 

Jerusalem,  II,  317,  384  ;  Revival 

Societies,  II.  Ivi,  350-1 
Hebrew  Library,  the,  in  Jerusalem, 

II,  293-4,  384-5 
Hebrew  literature  (in  Holland),  I, 

23-24  ;   modern,   I,   273-80  ;   II, 

309  e. 

"  Hebrew    Melodies,"    Byron's,    I. 

95  ff.  ;    II,  228 
Hebrew  music,  I,  97,  99 
Hebrew  printing  (in  Amsterdam), 

I,  22 
Hebrew  Revival  in  Palestine,  the, 

I,  285  ff. 

Hebrew  Schools  in  Palestine,  the, 

II,  380  ff. 

Hebrew     teachers     in     Palestine, 

Union  of,  II,  384 
Hebrew     translation     of     Milton's 

"  Paradise  Lost,"  I,  9,  note  2  ; 

of  Pope's  "Messiah,"  I,  10,  note  4; 

of  some  of  Shakespeare's  plays, 

I,  8,  note  I 

Hebrew  University  in  Jerusalem, 
the,  II,  xxxiv-xxxv,  48  ;  laying 
of  foundation  stones  of,  11, 
145  ff.  ;     President    Wilson    on, 

II,  130  ;    Sir  John  Gray  Hill  on, 
II,  Ix-lxi 

Hebron,  II,  323 

Hechler,  Rev.  Dr.  W.  H.,  Christian 

Zionist,  I,  270 
Hedjaz,  the  King  of,  and  Zionism, 

II,  142 
Heine,     Heinrich,     I.     241  ;      and 

Disraeli  contrasted,  II,  248-9 
Hellenistic  theories  of  life,  Hess  on 

the,  I,  290 



Hellenists,  the,  I,  223 
Heman,  Professor  C.  F.,  and  Zion- 
ism, I,  271 
Henderson,    Mr.    Arthur,    on'  the 

British  Declaration,  II,  11 3-14 
Henderson,   Dr.   Ebenezer,   on  the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  165 
Henriques,  Mr.  H.  S.  Q.,  II,  67,  68, 

Henry,  Sir  Charles  S.,  II,  67 
Hermoni,  Hebrew  writer,  II,  318 
Herschell,  Chief  Rabbi  Solomon,  I, 

113,  note  2 
Hertz,    Chief    Rabbi    J.    H.,    and 
Zionism,     II,    45,     62,     65,    66, 
104-6,  116,  354 
Herzberg,  Dr.  William,  II,  288 
Herzl,  Theodor,   I,  xxv,   112,  259, 
263  &.,  281,  282,  283,  288-9,  292, 
297,  298  ;    II,  xxxviii,  xlviii,  Ixii, 
5-6,  10,  13,  84,  98,  122.  146  ;  and 
Baron  de  Hirsch,   I,   259  ;    and 
England,  I,  295,  296  ;    II,  xliv, 
43-44  ;    and  Wolff sohn,  II,  389 
Hess,  Moses,  I,  277,  290  ;    on  the 
Mission   of   Israel,    I,    179  ;     his 
"  Rome  and  Jerusalem,"  I,  179, 
note  I 
Heymann,  Dr.  H.  G.,  II,  303,  359 
Hildesheimer,  Dr.  Hirsch,  II,  302 
Hildesheimer,  Dr.  Israel,  II,  302 
Hill,  Sir  J.  G.,  II,  145  ;  on  Palestine 
Colonization,  II,  Iviii-lix  ;  on  the 
Hebrew  University,  II,  Ix-lxi 
Hillel,  the  elder,  I,  222 
Hillesum,  M.  J.  M.,  I,  22 
Hindes,  Dr.  T.,  II,  294 
Hirsch,     Baron     de,     I,     248  ff.  ; 
Baroness  Clara  de,  I,   248,  256, 
262  ;    Lucien  de,  I,  256 
Hirsch,  Dr.  S.  A.,  II,  xxxvii,  353 
Hirschenberg,  Samuel,  II,  342 
Hirschensohn,  Isaac  M.,  II,  288 
Hochman,  Dr.  Joseph,  II,  Ivi 
Hochmann,  II,  344 
Hodge,   Mr.   John,   on  the  British 

Declaration,  II,  115 
Hoga,  Stanislaus,  I,  10,  note  4 
Holland,  Zionism  in,  II,  xlix,  22, 

23,  25-6,  30,  357-8 
Hollingsworth,  the  Rev.  A.  G.  H., 
on  the  Restoration  of  Israel,  I, 
36,    note    3  ;     on    the    Jews    of 
Palestine,  I,  137 
Holy  Places,  the,  in  Palestine,   I, 
157  ;     II,    53,    57  ;    the  Russian 
guardianship  of,  I,  146  ff. 
Homer,  quoted,  I,  30 
Homes,  Dr.  Nathanael,  I,  44 
Horowitz,  Leopold,  II,  339-4° 

Horowitz,  Mr.  P.,  II,  116 
Horsley,    Bishop   Samuel,    on   the 

Restoration  of,  I,  56-7 
Horwitz,  Rabbi  Isaiah,  I,  23,  24 
Hosea,      the     prophet,      and     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  164 
Hugo,    Victor,    and    the    Russian 

massacres  in  188 1-2,  I,  213 
Hunt,  Holman,  in  Palestine,  I,  163  ; 

on  the  Restoration  of  Israel  to 

Palestine,  I,  298-9 
Hunter,   Rev.   Dr.   Henry,   on  the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  99 
Hurwitz,  J.  B.,  I,  275 
Hurwitz,  S.  J.,  II,  311 
Huszar,  Adolf,  II,  116 
Huxley,  Thomas,  on  the  Bible,  I,  4 
Hyamson,  Mr.  Albert  M,,   I,   286, 

note  I  ;    II,  vi,  51,  87,  348,  425 
Hyde,  Earl  of  Clarendon,  and  the 

Bible,  I,  12 

Ibrahim  Pasha,  I,  122 

Idelsohn,  M.  A.,  II,  281,  283,  293, 

Ignatius,    Father,    on    the    Jewish 

race  and  Palestine,  I,  237-8 
Imperiali,  the  Marquis,  II,  129,  139 
India,  Zionism  in,  II,  24 
Inquisition,  the  Spanish,  I,  30,  32, 

?>Z,  45 
Isaiah,     the     prophet,     and     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  164-5 
Ismail  Abdul-al-Akki,   Shaikh,   on 

Zionism,  II,  109-10 
Israel,    the    name,     "  spiritually " 

explained,  I,  165  ;    use  of  name, 

in  the  17th  century,  I,  2 
Israel's  national  future,  I,  xv 
Israels,  Joseph,  II,  337-8,  345 
Italian     Government,      the,      and 

Zionism,  II,  53  ;   and  the  British 

Declaration,  I,  xxvii ;    II,  129 

Jabotinski,  Vladimir,  Hebrew  and 

Russian  journalist,  II,  316 
Jacobs,       Joseph,      on      "  Daniel 

Deronda,"  I,  211,  note  i 
Jacobs,  the  Rev.  S.,  II,  319 
Jacobsohn,  Dr.  Victor,  I,  284,  292 

II,  299,  359 
Jacoby,  C,  II.  335 
Jaffa  in  1885,  II,  320  ;  the  Hebrew 

High  School  in,  II,  381 
Jaffe,  L.,  II,  283,  301 
James  I,  I,  4,  48,  49 
Jannaway,  Mr.  Frank,  II,  Ixiii. 
Janowski,  S.  J.,  II,  283,  293 
Jasinowski,    M.    Isidore,    I,    269  ; 

II,  294 



Jastrow,  Dr.  Marcus,  II,  356 

Jatzkan,  S.,  II,  317 

Jawitz,  M.  Wolf,  II,  311 

Jehoash,  II,  318 

Jehudah  Hallevi,   I,  95,   223  ;    on 

the  Jewish  soul,  I,  31 
Jellicoe,  Lord,  II,  xxxi 
Jellinek,  Dr.  Adolf,  and  Baron  de 

Hirsch,  I,  261-2 
Jelski,  Dr.,  II,  298 
Jeremiah,    the    prophet,    and    the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  165-6 
Jerusalem,    the    consulates    in,    I, 

157;       the     Jews     of,      during 

Napoleon's  Campaign,  I,  72-73  ; 

statistics  of,  in  1885,  II,  320  fi. 
Jessel,  Albert  H.,  II,  xxxvii 
Jessey     (Jacie),     Henry,     on     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  52  ;    II, 

Jewish  Colonial  Trust,  the,  I,  288, 

296  ;   II,  371-3 
Jewish    colonies,    in    America,     I, 

57-8  ;    in  Palestine :    see   Pales- 
tine, the  colonies  in 
Jewish    Colonization    Association, 

the,  I,  249,  253-4,  262  ;    II,  49, 

Jewish   Colonization  in   Palestine, 
and  the  French  Government,  II, 


"  Jewish  Culture,"  I,  264,  310 

Jewish  emigration,  I,  214-15  ;  im- 
migration to  England,  I,  228 

Jewish  National  Fund,  the,  I,  270, 
296  ;    II,  II.  31-32,  374-7 

Jewish  nationahsm,  the  term  of, 
I,  xi ;  the  idea  of,  I,  188,  190, 
193  ;  and  Manasseh  Ben-Israel, 
I,  29 

Jewish  problem,  the,  I,  1 1 1,  215-16, 
226,  256  (in  Russia),  265  ff.  ;  II, 
27  ',  at  the  conclusion  of  the 
War,  II,  1 5  5  flf . ;  Emma  Lazarus 
on,  I,  242  ;  an  EngUsh  publicist 
on,  II,  255-6  ;  George  Ehot  on, 
I,  211 

Jewish  race,  the,  I,  140-1,  245  ; 
Disraeli  on.  I,  143  ;  Laharanne 
on,  I,  189  ;  Manasseh  Ben- Israel 
on,  I,  36  ff.  ;  Shaftesbury  on,  I, 

Jewish  soul,  the,  Jehudah  Halevi 
on,  I,  31  ;  Manasseh  Ben-Israel 
on,  I,  29 

Jewish  sufferings  during  the  War, 
I,  xxii-xxiii  ;    II,  33  ff. 

Jewish  Territorial  Organization, 
the,  I,  296  ;   II,  140,  349 

Jewish  tragedy,  the,  I,  66,  69 

Jewish  University  in  Jerusalem, 
proposed  in  1864,  I,  182,  note 

Jochelmann,  Dr.  D.,  II,  116,  304, 

Joel,  the  prophet,  and  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  II,  163 

Johnstone,  the  Rev.  W.  H.,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel  to  Palestine, 

I.  153-4 
Jortin,  JDr.   John,   on  the   Jewish 

people,  I,  56 
Josephus,    on    the    population    of 

Galilee,  I,  309 
Judaism,  the  spiritual  character  of, 

I,  xvi-xvii ;     a  national  tie,    I, 
188  ff. 

Judischer  Verlag,  der,  II,  357 
Junker,  Hermann,  II,  335 
Justin  Martyr,  I,  28,  29 
Justinian,  the  laws  of,  I,  i 

"  Kadima  "  formed  in  East  London 
for  Palestine  Colonization,  I,  228 

"  Kadima,"  Jewish-national  stu- 
dents'    association,     I,     283-4 ; 

II,  296-8  ;   appeals  for  Palestine 
Colonization,  II,  325-6 

Kahn,  Grand  Rabbin  Zadoc,  and 

Zionism,  I,  271-2,  291  ;    II,  290, 

Kahn,  Dr.  Leo,  II,  382 
Kalischer,    Rabbi   Hirsch,    appeals 

for    Palestine    Colonization,     I, 

202  ;    II,  262-3 
Kahski,  Juhan,  II.  295 
Kalonymos        ben        KaJonymos, 

quoted,  I,  26-7 
Kalwaryjski,  M.,  II,  305 
Kaminer,  Isaac,  II,  311-12 
Kaminka,  Aaron,  II,  312 
Kann,  M.  Jacobus,  II,  xlviii-xlix, 

357,  359 
Kantor,  J.  L.,  Hebrew  writer,  II, 


Kantowitz,  P.,  Hebrew  education- 
ist, II,  318 

Kaplan,  Eleasar,  II,  294 

Karan,  Joseph,  I,  170 

Kassab  Farid,  on  Jewish  Coloniza- 
tion in  Palestine,  I,  301-2 

Katib,  the  office  of,  I,  68 

Kattowitz  Conference,  the,  of  the 
"  Lovers  of  Zion,"  II,  418-9 

Katz,  Benzion,  Hebrew  writer,  II, 

Katzenelsohn,  Isaac.  Hebrew  poet, 

II.  316 
Katzenelsohn,  Dr.  J.  C,  II,  312 
Katzenelsohn,    Dr.    N.,    II,   288-9 



Kauffmann,  Isidor,  II,  340-1 
Kaufmann,   Professor  David,    and 

Zionism,  I,  277 
*'  Kedem,"    Hebrew   Literary   and 

Educational  Fund,  II,  377-8 
Keith,  Dr.  Alexander,  I,  137 
Kerry,  Lord  (Marq.  of  Lansdowne), 

on    the    influence    of    Scripture 

translation  on  English  literature, 

I.  13 

Kerschberg,  A.  S.,  Hebrew  writer, 

II,  312 

Kesrawani,     M.     Wadia,     on    the 

British  Declaration,  II,  no 
Kessler,  Mr.  Leopold,  II,  350,  425 
King  Edward,  on  the  Restoration 

of  Israel,  I,  56 
Kingsborough,  Viscount,  and  pro- 
posed    Jewish    Colonization    in 

Mexico,  I,  58 
Kinnaird,  the  Hon.  D.  J.  W.,  and 

Byron's  "Hebrew Melodies,"  I,  97 
Kirszrot,  Jan,  II,  294-5 
Kirwan,    F.    D.,    on    the    French 

"  Sanhedrim,"  I,  86  ff.  ;   II,  222 
Kitchener,  Lord,  II,  xxvi ;   and  the 

Palestine   Exploration   Fund,    I, 

liii,  62  ;    II,  219 
Klausner,  Dr.  Joseph,  II,  293,  312 
Klazkin,  Dr.,  II,  304 
Klebanow,  J.,  II,  283 
Klee,  Dr.,  II,  302,  359 
Klein,  Max,  Jewish  sculptor,  II,  336 
Klein,    Rabbi    D.,    and    Mizrachi 

Zionism,  II,  368 
Kleinmann,  Moses,  II,  317 
Knell,  the  Rev.  Paul,  on  Israel  and 

England,  I,  2  ;    II.  168 
Kohan-Bernstein,   Dr.   J.,   I,   269  ; 

II,  289 
Kokesh,  Dr.  Oser,  I,  269 
Korkis,  Dr.,  I,  269 
Kornfeld,  Dr.  Sigmund,  I,  269 
Kramstiick,  II,  344 
Kremenetzky,    Julius  M,,    I,    269 ; 

II,  308,  359 
Krochmal,    Nachman,    I,    276-7  ; 
II,  422 

Lachmann,  S.,  II,  302 
Lachower,  P.,  Hebrew  writer,  11,318 
Lachowski,  A.  B.,  II,  344 
Laharanne,     Ernest,     appeals     for 

Restoration  of  Israel  to  Palestine, 

I,  179-80  ;    on  Jewish  genius,  I, 

Lamartine,  M.  de,  I,  128 
Lamb,  Lady  Caroline,  I,  98 
Lamington,   Lord,   on  the  British 

Declaration,  II,  1 16-17 

Landau,  Miss  Annie,  II  383 
Landau,  Mr.  Herman,  11,  xxxvii 
Landau,  the  Rev.  Dr.  J.  L.,  II,  354 
Landau,  Dr.  S.  R.,  II,  296 
Langdon,  Mr.  E.  H.,  II,  133 
Lansdowne,    Lord,    and    the    East 

African  offer,  I,  297 
La  Peyrere,  Isaac  de,  on  the  Resto- 
ration of  Israel,  I,  41-42  ;  II,  180 
Laski,  Mr.  Nathan,  II,  133 
Laud,  Archbishop,  I,  42,  note  3,  48 
Law,   Mr.   A.   Bonar,    and   Zionist 

representatives,  II,  123-4 
Layard,  Sir  A.  H.,  on  England  and 

Syria,  I,  157 
Lazar,  II,  318 
Lazare,   Bernard,   and  Zionism,   I, 

xxvii,  269,  292-4 
Lazarus,  Emma,  I,  241  ff,  ;    "  The 

Banner  of  the  Jews,"  II,  400-1 
League  of  Nations,  the,  II,  160 
Lebanon,  the,  the  constitution  of, 

I,  171  ff.  ;  the,  the  problem  of,  I, 

167  ff. 
Lebensohn,     Abraham    Dob    Bar, 

I.  275 
Lebensohn,  Micah  Joseph,  I,  275 
Leibnitz,  on  the  conquest  of  Egypt, 

I,  42,  note  I 
Leibowitz,  M.,  II,  318 
Leman,  Moses,  I,  81 
Leon  (Templo),    Rabbi  J.  J.  A.  de, 

I,  45  ;    II.  185-6 

Lepsius,  Dr.  Johannes,  and  Zion- 
ism, I,  270-1 
Lesser,  Alexander,  Jewish  painter, 

II,  339 

Leverson,  Montague,  I,  185,  note  i 
Levi,  Aaron,  on  the  Lost  Ten  Tribes, 

I,  18,  19,  25,  29,  40 
Levi,  David,  on  the  Restoration  of 

Israel,    I,    93-94 ;     against    Dr. 

Priestley,  II,  226 
Levi,  Professor  Sylvain,  II,  140 
Levin,  Dr.  Shemaryah.  I,  284  ;    II, 

80,  298-9,  355.  359 
Levinski,  L..  II,  293,  312-13 
Levitan,  Isaac,  II,  340 
Levontin,  Mr.  David,  I,  287  ;    II, 

51,  147,  306-7       ,      „    ,      ^ 
Levy,  Benoit,  on  the  Restoration 

of  Israel,  I,  179 
Levy,  Dr.  Camille.  II,  1 
Levy,  Emil,  II,  335.  33^ 
Levy,  H.  Leopold,  II.  33^-7 
Levy,  Mr.  Joshua  M..  II,  67,  69 
Levy-Bing,      Lazar,      on      Jewish 

nationalism,  I,  178-9,  204 
Lewin-Epstein,  Mr.  Elisha,  II,  82, 




Lewis-Barned,  Captain  H.,  II, 

Lewite,  J.,  II,  294 

Lewite,  Leon,  II,  295 

Libowitz,  M.,  II,  147,  ^^2 

Libuschitzki,  A.,  Hebrew  educa- 
tionist, II,  318 

Lichtheim,  Richard,  II,  303 

Liebermann,     Professor    Max,     II, 


Lightfoot,  John,  I,  61 

Ligne,  Prince  de,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  90 

Lilien,  Ephraim  M.,  I,  284 ;  II, 

Lilienblum,  Moses  L,,  I,  278,  281  ; 
II.  293 

Lima,  Mr.  de,  II,  xlix 

Lindsay,  Lord,  and  his  travels  in 
the  Holy  Land,  I,  122,  124 

Lippe,  Dr.  Karl,  I,  269  ;    II,  307 

Lipsky,  Mr.  Louis,  II,  82 

Litvak,  Juda,  I,  81 

Livingstone,  and  the  Bible,  I,  3 

Locke,  Mr.,  and  the  Restoration  of 
Israel,  II,  404 

Lowe,  Dr.  H.,  II,  302 

Loewe,  Dr.  Louis,  II,  xxxviii,  252-3, 

London  Opera  House,  the  great 
Zionist  demonstration  at  the,  II, 
XXX,  47,  99  fT. 

Long,  Mr.  Walter,  on  the  British 
Declaration,  II,  113 

"  L' Orient,"  appeals  for  Restora- 
tion of  Israel  to  Palestine  in  1866, 

I,  200-1 

Loudvipol,  Abraham,  II,  317 
"  Lovers  of  Zion  "  (Chovev^  Zion), 
the,  I,  viii,  xxiv,  112,  216,  227, 
231  ff.,  280  ff.,  288  ;  II,  43,  124  ; 
the  Kattowitz  Conference,  II, 
418-19  ;  in  England  and 
America,  I,  245-6  ;  II,  xxxvii  ; 
send  petition  to  Sultan,  I,  231  ; 

II,  279-81  ;  in  France,  I,  232-3  ; 
II,  xxxvii ;  in  Russia,  I,  278  ;  in 
Odessa,  I,  227,  281  ;  II,  293,  383  ; 
in  Bialystok,  II,  293-4  ;  in  War- 
saw, II,  294-5  .*  in  Lodz,  II, 
295  ;  in  Minsk,  II,  295-6  ;  in 
Pinsk,  II,  296  ;  in  Wilna,  II,  296  ; 
in  Charkow,  II,  306  fif.  ;  and 
Baron  de  Hirsch,  I,  259-60  ;  and 
Zionism,  II,  xxxvii,  xl,  xlviii 

Lowenthal,  Dr.  G.  and   Baron   de 

Hirsch,  I,  258 
Lowth,  Bishop,  on  the  Restoration 

of  Israel,  I,  94 
Lowy,  Dr.  Albert,  II,  xxxix,  319 

Lubarski,  A.  E.,  II,  293 

Lucy,  Sir  Henry,  II,  246 

Luncz,  Abraham  Moses,  I,  286  ^ 
II,  289,  385 

Luria,  Rabbi  Isaac,  I,  23,  28,  29 

Luria,  Samuel,  II,  294 

Lurie,  Joseph,  II,  289 

Luzzatto,  S.  D.,  I,  276-7  ;  on 
Assimilation,  II,  420  ;  on  the 
Hebrew  language,  II,  420  ;  on 
the  Jewish  Mission,  II,  420-1  ; 
on  Palestine  Colonization,  II, 

"  Maccabean  "    tour   in    Palestine^ 

I,  246-7 

Maccabean    Land    Company,    the, 

II.  380 

Maccabeans,     Order     of     Ancient, 

the,  I,  285  ;   II,  xl,  349 
Maccaboeans,  the,  I,  223 
M'Caul,  Alexander,   I,    10,  note  4, 

126  ;   II,  413 
Maclnnes,    Bishop,    of    Jerusalem, 

II,  146,  147 
Mack,  Judge  JuUan  W.,  American 

Zionist  leader,  II,  82,  136 
Magnes,  Dr.  J.  L.,  II,  356 
Magnus,  Mr.  Laurie,  II,  67 
Magnus,  Sir  Phihp,  II,  68 
Mahmud   II,   Sultan,    I,    102,    107, 

Maighen,    Mr.,    on    Palestine    and 

England,  II,  Ixii-lxiii 
Maimon,  Moses,  II,  343-4 
Maimonides,  I,  28,  276 
Malachi,     the    prophet,     and     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  167 
Manasseh  ben  Israel,  I,    156.,  42, 

44,  52,  54,  183;    II,  169  fE.,  176. 

181,   183,   188-9,  211,  214,  215  ; 

as    Zionist,    I,    16  ;     his    Jewish 

national  self -consciousness,  I,  26 
"  Manchester  Guardian,"  the,  and 

Zionism,  II,  46 
Mandelkern,  Solomon,  Hebrew  poet 

and  scholar,  II,  315 
Mandelstamm,    Professor    Max,    I, 

269  ;    II,  306 
Mane,  M.  Z..  II,  313 
Maneritsch,  A.  A.,  II,  344 
Manifesto  to  the  Jewish  people,  a 

Zionist,  II,  124-7 
Mann,  Mr.  Jacob,  II,  vi 
Mapu,  Abraham,  I,  276 
Marks,  Mr.  Simon,  II,  133,  425 
Markus,  II,  344 
Marmorek,  Dr.  Alexander,  I,  292  ;; 

11.  359 
Marmorek,  Isidore,  I,  292 



Marmorek,     Oscar,     I,     292  ;      II, 

Maronites,  the,  I,  167  ff. 
Marranos,  the,  I,  15,  23,  25,  31,  32-3 
Marschak,  Dr.,  II,  304,  381 
Marsh,   the    Rev.   William   F.,   on 

the    Restoration    of     Israel    to 

Palestine,  I,  113,  note  2 
Marshall,     Mr.     Louis,     and     the 

British  Declaration,  II,  136 
Massarini,  TuUo,  II,  335-6 
Massel,  J.,  I,  40,  note  i  ;   II,  xlii, 

xliii,  350,  384 
Maze,  Rabbi  Jacob,  II,  281 
Mazzini,  I,  xvii 
Mead  (Mede),  the  Rev.  Joseph,  on 

Sir  Henry  Finch,    II,    208  ;     on 

the  literal  interpretation  of  the 

Bible,  I,  166 
Mehemet  Ah,  I,   loi  ff.,   116,   118, 

119,  125,  126;  147,  167,  180,  186  ; 

II,  xxxviii,  409 
Melamed,  Dr.,  II,  304 
Menasse,  Baron  Felix,  II,  146 
"  Mendele   Mocher    Sepharim,"    I, 

Mendelssohn,  Jechiel,  I,  278-9 
Mendelssohn,    Moses,    I,    46,    278  ; 

II,  189 
MenschikofT,  Prince  A.  S.,  I,  150 
Merriman,    Rt.    Hon.    J.    X.,    on 

Zionism,  II,  Ixi-lxii 
Messianic  Hopes,  the,  I,  18,  24,  40, 

45.  5i»  94 
Methmann-Cohen,  Dr.,  II,  304,  382 
Meursius,  Johann.,  I,  42 
Meyer,  Mr.  Walter,  II,  141 
Meyersohn,  Dr.  Emil,  I,  292 
Mexico,   proposed   Jewish  colonies 

in,  I,  58 
Meyuchas,  Rabbi,  of  Jerusalem,  I, 

64.  7Z>  77-79 
Meyuchas,    Palestinian   writer,    II, 

Micah,     the     prophet,      and     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  165 
Michaelis,  J.  H.,  I,  61 
Mikveh  Israel,   agricultural  school 

in  Palestine,  I,  182-3  ;    II,  319- 

20,  326,  note  I 
Milner,  Lord,  and  Dr.  Herzl,  I,  295 
Mills,  the  Rev.  John,  I,  185,  note  i 
Milton,    John,    influenced    by    the 

Hebrew  spirit,  I,  9,  40,  95  ;    II, 

176  ;    and    the    Restoration    of 

Israel,  II,  179 
Minkowski,  II,  344 
Mintz,  the  brothers  B.  and  S.,  II, 

281,  283-4 
Misenberg,  Leo,  II,  344 

Mission  of  the  Jews,  the,  and 
Zionism,  I,  xvii-xviii,  178  ;  Luz- 
zatto  on,  II,  420-1 

Mitzkun,  David  Moses,  I,  275 

Mizrachi,  Orthodox  Zionist  party, 
II,  23,  26,  30,  80,  291,  367-8 

Mocatta,  F.  D.,  I,  254 

Modern  Civihzation  and  Zionism,  I, 

Mohilewer,  Rabbi  Samuel,  II,  xlii, 
186,  note  3,  289-90,  293-4,  305 

Mole,  le  Comte  de,  I,  82 

Molyneux,  the  Rev.  Capel,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  164 

Monk,  Henry  W.,  on  Jewish 
nationality,  I,  197-8 

Montefiore,  Lady,  I,  115,  135 

Montefiore,  Sir  Moses,  I,  xii, 
xxvii,  112;  pioneer  of  Anglo- 
Jewish  Zionism,  115  if.,  125  ff., 
162,  173,  180,  181,  186,  200,  202, 
277  ;  II,  xxxviii,  xxxix,  43, 
237  ff.,  252-3,  262,  306,  337. 
note  I,  409-10,  419-20  ;  aids  the 
Christians  of  Svria,  I,  173 

Montefiore,  Mr.  C.  G.,  II,  61,  62 

Montezinos,  Antonio,  on  the  Ten 
Lost  Tribes,  I,  18-19,  29,  40  ;  II, 

Moore,  Mr.,  British  Consul  at 
Jerusalem,  II,  307 

Moore,  Thomas,  and  the  Bible,  I, 
12  ;  "  Advent  of  the  Millennium," 

II.  399 
Mordecai     ben     Hillel     Hacohen, 

Hebrew  pubhcist,  II,  287-8 
Morgenthau,  Mr.  Henry,   II,  40 
Morning   Herald,    the,    on    Zionist 

propaganda  in  France  (in  1866), 

I,  200 

Moro,  Arthur  R.,  II,  67 

Mortara  Case,  the,  I,  1 1 2 

Mosaic  Constitution,  the,  Manasseh 

ben  Israel  on,  I,  35-36 
Moscow   "  Sons   of  Zion,"   the,    I, 

281  ;    II,  281  ff. 
Moser,  Mr.  Jacob,  II,  Ivi,  Ivii,  350 
Moses  and  the  Restoration  of  Israel, 

Moses    ben    Nachman,    Rabbi,    I, 

223  f. 
Mosseri,  Mr.  Victor,  II,  146 
Mossinsohn,  Dr.  Ben-Zion,  I,  287  : 

II,  80,  304 

Mostditschian,  M.  H.  N.,  Armenian 

Delegate,  on  Zionism,  II,  112 
Motzkin,  Dr.  Leo,  II,  290,  359 
Mountain,     the     Rev.     Jacob     H. 
Brooke,    on   the   Restoration   of 
Israel,  II,  411-12 



Muntz,  Dr.,  I,  269 
Myersohn,  J,  M.,  II,  294 

Nacht,  Dr.,  II,  1 

Nadelmann,  II,  344 

Naiditsch,  M.  I.  A,,  II,  296,  359 

Napoleon  the  First,  I,  xxiii,  42, 
note  I,  69,  70;  his  call  to  the 
Jews  of  Asia  and  Africa,  1, 63,  66; 
II,  222  ;  his  campaign  in  the 
East,  I,  63  &.;  in  Palestine,  72 
S.,  76 ;  his  "  Sanhedrin,"  I, 
80  ff. 

Napoleon  III,  I,  198,  200 

Narboni,  Rabbi  Moses,  I,  28 

Nasi,  David,  I,  57 

Nasi,  Don  Joseph,  I,  224 

Nathan,  Isaac,  II,  227  ;  and 
Byron's  "  Hebrew  Melodies,"  I, 
97-99  ;   II.  228 

Nathan,  Mr.  Joseph,  II,  xxxvii 

Nathan,  M.  D.,  on  Jewish  national- 
ism, I,  179 

Nathan,  Sir  Matthew,  II,  67 

Nathansohn,  B.,  I,  275 

Neil,  Rev.  James,  on  Palestine 
Colonization,  II,  272-4 

Neimanowitsch,  H.,  Hebrew  Jour- 
nalist, II,  318 

Nelson,  Ernst,  II,  336 

Nemirower,  Dr.,  II,  1 

Netter,  M.  Charles,  and  Palestine 
Colonization,  I,   182-3  ;    II,   319 

Neumann,  Abraham,  Jewish  artist, 

II,  344 
Neumark,  Dr.  David,  II,  313 
Neuschul,  II,  296 
Neustaeter,  L.,  II,  335 
Newdegate,  Ch.,  I,  144 
"  Newes  from  Rome,"  I,  47  ;    II, 

Newton,   Bishop  Thomas,   on  the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  56,  108  ; 

II,  216-17 
Nicholas,  Edward,  I,  44  ;   II,  182-3 
Nicholas  I,  Tsar,  I,  150,  217 
Nissenbaum,  Isaac,  II,  290 
Noah,  Major  M.  M.,  I,  59,  135-6 
Nobel,  Rabbi  Dr.,  II,  368 
Nordau,   Dr.  Max,   I,   264-5,   269, 

292  ;    II,  liv,  6 
Nossig,  Dr.  Alfred,  II,  290,  306,  344 
Nova    Solyma,    I,    41  ;     II,    176-8 
Numberg,    Ch.    D.,    Hebrew    and 

Yiddish  writer,  II,  316 
Nunez  da  Fonseca,  Joseph,  I,  57 

Odessa  group  of  the  "  Lovers  of 
Zion,"  the,  I,  227,  281  ;  II,  293, 

Oliphant,  Laurence,  I,  207  ff.,  250, 

278  ;    II,  289,  306-7 
d'Ohveyra,     Rabbi     Solomon,     I, 

Oppenheim,  M.  D.,  II,  337,  345 
Oppenheimer,  Professor  Franz,  II, 

303.  357 

Oppenheimer,  Henry,  II,  246 

d'Ordel,  Major  George,  II,  xxiii 

Orenstein,  Prof.,  II,  xlix 

Oriental  Jews,  the,  and  Baron  de 
Hirsch,  I,  249-50  ;  during  the 
War,  II,  xxxiii 

Origen,  on  Demons,  I,  28 

Ormsby-Gore,  Major  the  Hon.  W., 
on  the  British  Declaration,  II, 
xxxii,  1 1 1  ;  and  the  Palestine 
Commission,  II,  141  ;  speech  at 
the  Conference  of  Palestinian 
Jews,  II,  142-5 

Owen,  Hugh,  I,  185,  note  i 

Owen,  Sir  Isambard,  I,  240,  note  2 

Pacifico,  Don  David,  I,  133-4 

"  Palestine,"  II,  352 

Palestine  Colonization,  the  problem 
of,  I,  112,  115  ff.,  202,  203,  208, 
228,  229-31,  289  ;  II,  xxxix,  xl, 
xlii ;  opinions  of  English  Chris- 
tian authorities  on,  II,  269-79  ; 
English  Societies  for,  I,  185  ; 
II,  273  ;  London  Hebrew  Society 
for,  II,  256-8  ;  Berlin  Society 
for,  II,  302  ;  Rumanian  Society 
for,  II,  307 

Palestine  Exploration  Fund,  the, 
I,  62,  299-30  ;  II,  lii ;  and  Lord 
Kitchener,  II,  219 

Palestine  Land  Development  Com- 
pany, the,  I,  284  ;   II,  377 

Palestine  Societies,  I,  61-62  ;  II, 

Palestine,  the  HoHness  of,  I,  31 

Palestine,  the  Jewish  Colonies  in, 

I,  112,   161-2,  246-7,  262,  279; 

II,  37,  88,  326-31    (in  1910  and 
1913) ;   "  The  Times  "  (1899)  on, 

I,  299 

Palestine,    Zionist   institutions   in, 

II,  10,  387  ff. 

Palestine  and  England,  II,  43  ; 
and  Dr.  Herzl,  I,  266-7  '>  and 
Manasseh  ben  Israel,  I,  22-24 

Palestine  as  the  Jewish  homeland, 
I,  xxiii-xxiv,  195-6,  307-10 ; 
meetings  in  favour  of,  II,  69  ff.  ; 
Press  comments  on  the  meet- 
ings, II,  7^  ff. 

Palestinian  Jews  helped  by  Chris- 
tians, I,  52  ;    II,  212-13 



Palestinian  trade  with  Britain,   I, 

306  ;   consular  reports,  II,  395  ff. 
Palmerston,    Lord,    I,    75,    loi  &., 

116  £[„  122,  123-4,  127,  128,  131, 

133.      158,      167;       II,     22911., 

405  ff. 
Paperna,  A.  J.,  Hebrew  writer,  II, 

Parker,  Admiral  Sir  Wm.,  I,  133 
Parliamentary    Elections,    the,    in 

1900,  and  Zionism,  I,  299 
Parnell,  Thomas,  and  the  Bible,  I, 

Pasmanik,  Dr.  Daniel,  II,  283,  290, 

Pasquier,  Baron,  I,  82 
Pasternak,  L.,  II,  340 
Patriotism  and  Zionism,  I,  xix-xx 
Peace   Conference,    the,    II,    xxxi, 

xxxvi,  23,  28,  160 
Peel,  Sir  Robert,  I,  134 
Perceval,  John,  Earl  of  Egmont,  I, 

Peretz,  J.  L„  Hebrew  and  Yiddish 

writer,  II,  316 
^  Petavel,  Dr.  A.  F.,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  179 
Peters,  Hugh,  on  the  Readmission 

of  Jews  to  England,  I,  44  ;  II,  183 
Pffefiermann,  II,  344 
PhiUpps,     Major     Scott,     on     the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  411 
Philo,  I,  27 
Pichon,  M.  Stephen,  I,  xxvii ;    on 

Zionism,  II,  Introduction,  vii-ix  ; 

on  the  British  Declaration,    II, 

Picot,  M.  Georges,  II,  xxvi,  xxix, 

xxxi,  52 
Pilgrim     Fathers,     the,     and     the 

Bible,  I,  4,  195 
Pilichowski,  M.  Leopold,  II,  342-3 
Pineles,  M.  Samuel,  I,  269  ;    II,  1, 

Pines,  Jechiel  M.,  I,  286  ;    II,  290, 

Pinkus,  Dr.  Felix,  II,  1,  304,  305 
Pinsker,    Dr.   Leo,    I,    217  ff.,    265, 

281  ;    II,  9,  285,  293,   326,  328, 

Pinsker,  Simchah,  I,  217 
Pitt  influenced  by  Bible,  1,13 
Plato,  I,  27,  29,  30 
Poale  Zion,  II,  24,  25,  29,  30,  80, 

81,    364-7;     and    the    "Young 

Worker  "  in  Palestine,  II,  387 
PodHschewski,  M.  A.,  II,  295,  359 
Pogroms,  the  Russian,  in  1906,  II, 

Poland,  massacres  in,  I,  31,  32 

Poland,  Zionism  in,   II,  24-25,  26, 

27.  30 
Pohtical    Zionism.      See    Zionism, 

Pollack,  Leopold,  II,  335 
Ponsonby,  Lord,  I,  126 
Pope,  the,  and  Zionism,  II,  53 
Pope,  Alexander,  and  the  Bible,  I, 

Portalis,  le  Comte  J.  M.,  I,  82 
Possart,  Felix,  II,  335 
Powel,    Senator,    on    Zionism,    II, 

Powel,  v.,   on  the  Restoration  of 

Israel,  I,  43 
Poznanski,    Dr.    Samuel,    II,    291, 


Prag,  Mr.  Joseph,  II,  xxxvii 

Press,  the  English,  comments  on 
the  British  Declaration,  II,  84  ff .  ; 
on  the  meetings  in  favour  of 
Palestine  as  the  Jewish  home- 
land, II,  ys  ff.  ;  and  Zionism, 
II,  21 

Priestley,  Dr.  Joseph,  on  the 
Restoration  of  Israel,  I,  93  ;  II, 

Prilutzki,  Z.,  II.  318 

Prophets,  the,  and  the  Restoration 
of  Israel,  II,  160  ff. 

Pross,  M.  M.,  II,  294,  318 

Puritan  Saints,  the,  I,  15,  18 

Puritans,  the,  I,  4,  14,  25  ;  their 
interpretation  of  the  Bible,  I, 
55  ;  their  ministers  study 
Hebrew,  I,  40 

Pym,  John,  influenced  by  the 
Bible,  I,  13 

Pythagoras,  I,  29,  30 

Rabbinowicz,  Mr.  E.  W.,  II,  xxxvii 
Rabbinowitch,  Rabbi,  S.  J.,  II,  291 
Rabinovitch,  Michael,  II,  281,  284 
Rabinowitsch,  Leon,  II,  318 
Rabinowitsch,    Saul    Pinchas,    II, 

294,  313 
Rabinowitzsch,  Ben- Ami,  II,  316 
Rabinsohn,  II.  318 
Raffalovich,  the  Rev.  L,  II,  350 
Raffalovich,  Samuel,  I,  9,  note  2 
Rapaport,  A.  J.,  II.  293 
Rapaport,  Rabbi  Salomon  Lob,  I, 

Raphall.  the  Rev.  M.  J.,  II.  xl 
Raudnitz,  Albert,  II,  336 
Raudnitz.  Ernest,  II.  336 
Ravanellus,  Petrus,  I.  61 
Rawnitzki.  J.  Ch..  II.  293,  313-14 
Razswiet,     the,      Russian     Zionist 

paper,  II,  21 



Readmission  of  the  Jews  to  Eng- 
land, the,  I,   14,   15,   17,  20,  25, 
^  5  5  ;   readmission  and  restoration, 

I.  53-4 
"  Red  Cross,"  the  founding  of  the, 

I,  198-9 

Redlich,  Joseph,  II,  339 
Redmond,    John,    on    the    British 

Declaration,  II,  114 
Reform  Movement,  the  Jewish,  1,291 
Reformation,  the,   I,    19,  40  ;    and 

the  Bible,  I,  14 
Reich,  Dr.  Leon,  II,  359 
Reichersohn,        Moses,        Hebrew 

writer,  II,  315 
Reifman,  Jacob,  I,  277 
Reinach,  M.  Solomon,  I,  254 
Reines,  Rabbi  I.  J.,  II,  291,  368 
Reisin,   Abraham,   Yiddish  writer, 

II.  316 

Religion  and  Nationalism,  II,  163 

Rembrandt  and  Manasseh  ben 
Israel,  I,  44  ;    II,  181 

Renaissance,  the,  I,  40 

Reshid  Pasha,  I,  126 

Restoration  of  Israel,  the,  I,  25,  31, 
40,  65,  66,  85  ;  meaning  given  to 
it  in  the  early  19th  century,  I, 
91  ff.  ;  in  the  Palmerston  period, 
I,  loi  ff.,  134-5  '>  English  appeal 
for,  I,  163,  221  ;  II,  255- 
6 ;  restoration  and  dispersion, 
Manasseh  ben  Israel  on,  I,  17-18, 
33-35  I  and  emancipation,  I, 
92-93  ;  and  the  prophets,  II, 
161  ff.  ;  and  the  problem  of 
Syria,  I,  108-9 

Reuchlin  and  the  Cabbalah,  I,  29 

Rhodes,  the  Jews  of,  in  1840,  I,  1 10 

Ribot,  M.,  and  Zionism,  II,  53 

Rigg,  Mr.  J.  M.,  I,  48 

Ritter,  Mr.  B.,  II,  xlii 

Robinson,  Dr.  Edward,  on  Pales- 
tine, I,  118 

Roebuck,  J.  A.,  I,  133 

Rogers,  Edward  Thomas,  British 
Vice-Consul  at  Haifa,  I,  161 

Rogers,  Samuel,  and  Is^iac  d' Israeli, 

I,  140 

Rosebery,  Lord,  I,  231  ;  II,  279,  280 
Rosenack,  M.,  II,  141 
Rosenbaum,  M.  S.,  II,  296,  359 
Rosenberg,  Mr.  Murray,  II,  xliii 
Rosenfeld,    S.,    Hebrew  journalist, 

II.  318 

Rosenthal,  Toby.  II,  335 
Rosoff,  M.  Israel,  II,  141,  293,  323 
Rosowski,  Rabbi  Pinchas,  II,  291 
Roth,  Rabbi  Dr.,  II,  368 
Rothenstein,  Will,  II,  344 

Rothschild,    Baron    Edmond     de, 

and    Palestine    Colonization,    I, 

232-3,    240,    262,    286,    291-2  ; 

II,  47-48,  49,  146,  290,  306,  319  ; 

visits  Palestine,  II,  Iviii 
Rothschild,  Baron  James  de,  II,  48 
Rothschild   Schools   in    Jerusalem, 

the  Lionel  de,   II,    322-3  ;    the 

Evelina  de,  II,  323 
Rothschild,  Lord  (the  ist),  I,  142, 

253  ;  II,  247  ;  and  Zionism,  II,  48 
Rothschild,  Lord,  and  Zionism,  II, 

48,  52,  62-3,  65,  83  ff.,  99,  122-3 
Rothschild,     M.     James    de,     and 

Zionism,  II,  xxxi,  52,  99,  112,  123 
Rothstein,    F.,     translates    "  Her- 
mann     und      Dorothea "      into 

Hebrew,  I,  275 
Roumania,  the  rights  of  the  Jews 

of.    I,    293;.    II,     131,     137-9; 

Zionism  in,  II,  1,  22,  358 
Rubenstein,     S.     B.,     II,     xxxvii, 

Ivi.  350 
Riilf.  Rabbi  Dr.  Isaac,  I,  269  ;    II, 

302,  388 
Rundstein,  Shimon,  II,  295 
Ruppin,  Dr.  Arthur.  II.  303,  386 
Ruskin,  John,  and  the  Bible,  I,  3 
Russell,  Lord  John,  protects  Jews 

of  Damascus  (in  1869),  I.  174 
Russia    and    the    guardianship    of 

the  Holy  Places.  I,  146  ff. 
Russia,  Zionism  in,  II,  25.  26.  27-28, 

29  ;     after   the   Revolution,    II, 

38  ff. 
Russian  Jews,  the,  and  Baron  de 

Hirsch.  I,  250-1,  254-5,  260-1 
Russian  massacres,  the,  in  188 1-2, 

I,  112,  213  ff. 

Russian  Revolution,   the,   I,    193  ; 

II,  38  ff.,  54  ff.,  87 
Russo-Japanese  War,  the,  II,  34 
Russo-Turkish  War  (1878),  the,  I, 

303-4  ;    II,  34 

Sabbathai  Zebi,  the  Pseudo-Mes- 
siah, I,  45 

Sacher,  Mr.  Harry,  I.  285  ;  II, 
Ivi.  Ivii,  51,  52,  425 

Sachs.  M.,  II,  293 

Sacrifices,  the  Mosaic,  the  Rev. 
Capel  Molyneux  on,  I,  164 

Sadler,  John,  I,  40,  44  ;   II,  176 

Safed,  I,  24,  29,  7S 

St.  John,  Oliver,  I,  20 

St.  Petersburg.  Zionism  in,  II,  293 

Salisbury,  Lord,  I,  208.  304 

Salkind.  Solomon,  I,  275 

Salkinson,  I.  A.,  I,  8,  note  i 

Salomon,  A.  S.  A.,  II,  336 



Salomon,  Rabbi  Dr.  B.,  II,  133 

Salvador,  Joseph,  I,  xxvii ;  on 
Palestine  as  the  Jewish  home- 
land, I,  176-8 

Salz,  Dr.,  I,  269 

Samuel,  Chaxles,  II,  336 

Samuel,  Mr.  Herbert,  and  Zionism, 
II,  47.  52,  103-4 

Samuely,  Nathan,  Hebrew  writer, 

n.  315 

Sandler,  Dr.,  II,  302 

Sanhedrlh,  Napoleon's,  I,  41,  note 
2,  80  ff.  ;  II,  20,  222  ;  and 
Jewish  Nationalism,  I,  83.;  Eng- 
lish opinion  on,  I,  86  ff. 

Saphir,  Elie,  II,  291-2 

Saphir,  Jacob,  I,  22,  note  3  ;  II,  291 

Sasportas,  Rabbi  Jacob,  I,  45  ;  on 
the  Marranos,  I,  3^,  note  i 

de  Saulcy  on  Palestine,  I,  247 

de  Saxe,  Marshal,  proposes  a 
Jewish  Commonwealth  in  South 
America,  I,  57-8 

Scandinavia,  Zionism  in,  II,  1,  24 

Schach,  Mdlle.  Marie,  I,  292 

Schachtel,  H.,  II,  303 

Schafrom,  M.  L.,  II,  344 

Schapira,  Professor  Hermann,  I, 
269-70  ;    II,  301,  308 

Schatz,  Professor  Boris,  I,  287  ;  II, 
346,  382,  386 

Schatzkes,  M.  A.,  Hebrew  writer, 

n.  315 

Schechter,    Professor   Solomon,  on 

Zionism,  II,  xli 
Schein,  M.,  II,  1,  307 
Scheinkin,  M.  M.  M.,  II,  80,  293,  317 
Schereschewski,  Hebrew  writer,  II, 


Schiff,  Mr.  Jacob,  on  the  British 
Declaration,  II,  136 

Schlesinger,  Felix,  II,  335 

Schloss,  Louis,  II,  xxxvii 

Schnirer,  Dr.  N.  T.,  I,  269  ;  II,  296, 

Schofman,  Hebrew  novelist,  II,  315 

"  Scholom  Aleichem  "  (S.  Rabino- 
witsch),  Hebrew  and  Yiddish 
novelist,  II,  316 

Scholz,  Professor,  M.  A.,  on  Haim 
Farhi's  death,  I,  74 

Schulman,  Kalman  J.  M.  A.,  I,  276 

Schwarz,  Rabbi  Joseph,  on  Haim 
Farhi's  death,  I,  74 

Scott,  Mr.  C.  P.,  Editor  of  "  Man- 
chester Guardian,"  and  Zionism, 
II,  xxxi,  46-7,  424 

Scott,  the  Rev.  John,  on  the  Pre- 
servation of  the  jews,  I,  99 

Scott,  Sir  Walter,  I,  99 

Sczernichowsky,  Saul,  I,  280;  II,  301 
Sebag-Montefiore,  Mr.  Edmund,  II, 

Sebastiani,  Colonel,  on  the  Jews  of 

Turkey,  I,  64,  note  i 
Seddon,  Thomas,  in  Palestine,  1,163 
Seidemann,  A.,  II,  283,  293 
Seidemann,  S.,  II,  295 
Segal,  the  Rev.  M.  H.,  II,  353 
Selborne,  the  Earl  of,  on  the  British 

Declaration,  II,  114 
"  Self-emancipation,"  Pinsker's 

theory  of  Jewish,  I,  217  ff.  ;    the 
doctrine  in  the  Bible,  I,  218-21  ; 
in  Jewish  literature,  I,  221-2 
Selim  I,  Sultan,  I,  167 
Sequerra,  Solomon,  I,  185,  note  i 
Sereni,  Commendatore,  II,  53 
Serrarius,  Petrus,  I,  42 
Shaftesbury,  the  Earl  of,  I,  xxvii  ; 
and  the  Restoration  of  Israel,  I, 
121  ff.  ;    his  project  in   1840,   I, 
125  ff.  ;    his  new  appeal  in  1876, 
I,  206-7  »'    liis  memorandum,  II, 
229  ff- 
Shakespeare,   influenced  by  Bible, 
I,    3,    8  ;     Hebrew   and   Yiddish 
translations  of  some  of  his  plays, 

I,  8,  note  I 

Shelley,  influenced  by  Ezekiel,  I,  12 
Shoshana,  the  Rev.  Abraham,  I,  1 1 5 
Sichel,  Nathanael,  II,  335 
Sidebotham,  Mr.  H.,  and  Zionism, 

II.  424-5 

Sieff,  Mr.  Israel,  II,  109,  140,  425 

Silbernagel,  J.,  II,  336 

Silberstrom,  Dr.,  II,  295 

Simon,  Mr.  Julius.  303,  357,  359 

Simon,  Mr.  Leon,  I,  xii,  279  ;  II, 
liv,  Ivii,  51,  140,  353,  425 

Sinai  Peninsula,  the,  offered  to 
Zionists  by  the  British  Govern- 
ment, I,  296 

Sintzheim,  Rabbi  David,  I,  80  ff. 

Slouchz,  Dr.  Nahum,  I,  292 

Slutzki,  A.  J.,  II,  314 

Smartt,  Sir  Thomas,  on  Zionism, 
II,  Ixii 

Smilanski,  M.,  II,  292 

Smith,  Admiral  Sir  W.  Sidney,  I. 
104,  105 

Smolenskin,  Perez,  I,  39,  278  ;  II, 
9,  288,  297,  308  ;  and  Pinsker 
contrasted,  I,  226-7  ;  ^^ 
Manasseh  ben  Israel,  I,  39 

Sneersohn,  Rabbi  Chayim,  of  Jeru- 
salem, appeals  to  Enghsh  Jews 
for  Palestine  Colonization,  I,  186, 
197,  202-3,  206  ;    II,  253-5 

Sneur,  Hebrew  poet,  II,  315-16 



Snowman,  Abraham,  II,  xlii 

Snowman,  Isaac  and  Louis,  Jewish 
artists,  II,  344 

Sokolow,  M.  N.,  II,  50  ff .,  79,  99, 
loi,  112,  123,  127,  324;  state- 
ment on  behalf  of  the  Zionist 
Organization,  II,  117-23 

Sola,  the  Rev.  A.  de,  II,  xl 

Sola,  Mr.  Clarence  de,  II,  22,  82,  354 

Solomon,  Simeon,  II,  337 

Solomon,  Mr.  Solomon  J.,  II,  337, 

Solomons,  Mr.  Israel,  I,  xii,  xxxix- 

Soloveitschik,  M.  A.,  II,  283 
Sonnenschein,   Mrs.   Rose,   on  the 

Restoration  of  Israel  to  Palestine, 

I.  243-4 
Sonnino,    Baron    Sidney,    on    the 

British  Declaration,  II,  129  ;    on 

the  rights  of  the  Jews  of  Rou- 

mania,  II,  139 
Soskin,  Dr.,  II,  300 
Soul,  the  immortahty  of  the,  view 

of  Manasseh  Ben-Israel  on,  I,  27 
South  Africa,  Zionism  in,   II,   24, 

45.  354 
Southey  and  the  Bible,  I,  12 
Spielmann,  Sir  Isidore,  II,  67 
Spire,  M.  Andre,  II,  vi 
Spitzer,  Emanuel,  II,  336 
Stand,  Adolf,  II,  22,  306,  359 
Stanley,  Lord,  and  the  Don  Padfico 

case,  I,  133 
Steinberg,   Jehuda,  Hebrew  novel- 
ist, II,  315 
Steinschneider,   Moritz,   II,   xxxix, 

Stoics,  the,  I,  27 
Stopford,   Admiral  Sir  Robert,    I, 

Stratford    de    Redcliffe,   Viscount, 

and  Sir  M.  Montefiore,  I,  117 
Straus,  Mr.  Nathan,  II,  82,  385 
Strieker,  M.  Robert,  II,  359 
Struck,  Hermann,  I,  284;  II,  303,343 
Stungo,  Mr.  S.,  II,  xliii 
Suez  Canal  shares,  the,  and  Disraeli, 

I,  142,  303  ;    II,  246-7 
Suleiman  Pasha,  of  Acre,  I,  73 
Sulzberger,    ex- Judge   Mayer,    and 

the  British  Declaration,  II,  136 
Sutta,  M.,  II,  381 
Suttner,  Baroness  Bertha  von,  and 

Zionism,  I,  289-91 
Suwalski,  J.,  II,  351 
Swaythling,  the  first  Lord,  and  the 

"Lovers  of  Zion,"   I,   231,   239, 

250  ;    II,  xxxvii,  279-81,  289 
Swaythling,  Lord,  II,  67 

Switzerland,  Zionism  in,  II,  1,  24, 

27»  304,  358 
Sydenham,    Lord,    on   the   British 

Declaration,  II,  115 
Sykes,  Sir  Mark,  A  Tribute.  II,  xvii- 

xxxvi  ;    and  Zionism,  I,  xxxvii- 

viii ;    II,  52,  106-8,  HI 
Sykes,  Lady,  II,   xxii,  xxxvi 
Syria,  the  problem  of,  in  1840,  I, 

107  ff.  ;     and    the    Lebanon    in 

i860,  I,  167  ff. 
Syrkin,  Joshua,  II,  295-6 
Syrian,  Dr.  Nahum,  II,  295,  317 
Syrkin,  Nachman,  II,  300 
Szold,  Miss  H.,  II,  82 

Tacitus,  II,  225 

Taine,  Hippolyte,  on  the  Bible  and 
England,  I.  3 

"Tancred,"  Disraeli's,  I,  145;  11,43 

Tannenbaum,  A.,  Hebraist,  II,  292 

Tardieu,  M.  Andre,  addresses  Ameri- 
can Zionist  Medical  Unit,  II,  135 

Taviev,  O.,  II,  314,  318 

Taylor,  Bishop  Jeremy,  and  the 
Bible,  I,  10 

Temkin,  Isaac,  II,  308 

Temkin,  Vladimir,  II,  292,  326 

Tennyson  and  Hebrew,  I,  14,  note  i 

Tennyson,  Lord,  on  the  British 
Declaration,  II,  115 

Ten  Tribes,  the  Lost,  I,  15,  18-19, 
3i>  40.  47 

Teretschenko,  M.,  Russian  ex- 
Foreign  Minister,  II,  28,  39 

TertuUian  on  Miracles,  I,  28 

Thales,  I,  30 

Theodores,  Tobias,  on  the  char- 
acter of  the  Hebrew  language,  I,  7 

Theodoret,  I,  29 

Theoetetus,  on  the  Restoration  of 
Israel,  I,  57  ;   II,  217-18 

Thomas,  Father  of,  Damascus,  1, 1 10 

Thomson,  James,  and  the  Bible,  I. 

Thon,  Dr.  Jacob,  II,  147,  386 

Thon,  Rabbi  Dr.  Joshua,  II,  314 

Thouvenal,  M.  E.  A.,  French 
Foreign  Minister,  protects  Jews 
of  Damascus  in  1840,  I,  174 

"  Times,"  the,  on  the  Restoration 
of  Israel  in  1840,  I,  127-8,  131  ; 
and  Zionism,  II,  58  ff. 

Tobhi,  Rabbi  H.  M.,  of  Damascus, 

Tolkowsky,  M.  Semmi,  II,  xlix,  51, 

Torah,  the,  I,  190 
Touro,  Judah,  II,  238,  321 
Tourov,  Dr.,  II,  382 



Trietsch,  Mr.  Davis,  I,  284  ;   II,  292 
Triwusch,  I.E.,  Hebrew  journalist, 

11,  318 
Troupianski,  J.  A.,  II,  344 
Tschernichowsky,  Saul.     See  Sczer- 

Tschernowitz,  Dr.Chaim,  II,  293.314 
Tschernowitz,  Samuel,  II,  317 
Tschlenow,  Dr.  Jechiel,  I,  ai^i  ;   II, 

26,   28,    39-40,   50,   83,   99,    127. 

281-2,  359 
Tschrenow,  M.,  II,  308 
Turkey,  I,   146  ff.  (in  1853);    after 

the  Crimean  War,  I,  150  ft'. ;    II, 

412  ;   in  1 9 10-14,  II,  Iv-vi,  Iviii  ; 

and  England,  I,  loi  fl.;   offers  an 

asylum  to  persecuted  Jews,  I,  32 
Turkestan,  Zionism  in,  II,  27 
Turkish  Jewry,  after  the  Crimean 

War,  I,  152  ff. 
Turkish  Revolution,  the  (1908),  I, 

289,  305-6 
Turow,  M.,  II,  302 

Uganda  Offer,  the,  I,  296  £f.  ;  II, 
xlv,  44  ;    Mr.  Balfour  on,  I,  xxix 

Ulmann,  Benjamin,  II,  335 

Umanski,  Dr.,  II,  xlii 

University  Students'  Zionist 
Groups.  I,  280  ff.  ;  II,  294  £[.; 
in  Warsaw,  II,  294-5  '>  iii 
Vienna,  II,  296-8  ;  in  BerUn, 
II,  298-301  ;  in  Heidelberg.  II. 
301  ;  in  Munich,  II,  301  ;  in 
Leipzig,  II,  301  ;  in  Bern,  II, 
304 ;  in  Geneva,  II,  304 ;  in 
Zurich,  II,  304  ;  in  MontpelHer, 
II,  305  ;  in  GaUcia,  305-6  ;  in 
England,  II,  351-3 

Urwick,  Dr.  Wm.,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  165 

Ury,  Lesser,  II,  339 

Ussishkin,  M.  M.,  I,  281  ;  II,  281-3, 
293>  359 

Uziel,  Chief  Rabbi  of  Jaffa,   II,  147 

Valero,  M.,  of  Jerusalem,  II,  321, 

Vane,  Sir  Harry,  influenced  by  the 

Bible,  I,  13 
Vatican,  the,  and  Zionism,  II,  53 
Vecht,  Mr.  A.,  II,  350 
Veneziani,    M.    Emanuel    F.,    and 

Baron  de  Hirsch,  I,  250 
Victoria,    Queen,    receives   Hebrew 

address  from  Jerusalem,  I,  159; 

II,  250-1 
Vilkomitsch,  Hebrew  educationist, 

n.  317 

Vishnepolski,  Bezalel,  I,  8,  note  i 

Volkov,  S.,  II,  318 
Vossius,  Dionysius,  I,  42,  note  3 
Vossius,  Gerard  J.,  I,  42,  46 
Vossius,  Isaac,  I,  42,  44  ;   II,  180-1 

Wachtel,  II,  344 

Waddington,  M.  W.  H.,  and  Lau- 
rence Oliphant,  I,  208 

Waley,  Mr.  Philip  S.,  II,  67 

Walker.  Mr..  II,  Ixiii 

Wall.  Moses,  translates  into  English 
some  of  Manasseh  Ben-Israel's 
works,  I,  19 

War,  the  European,  the  Jewish 
tragedy  during,  I,  xxii-xxiii  ;  II, 
33  ff.  ;  Zionist  relief  work  during, 
II'  33-^  ',  the  conclusion  of,  II, 
153  ff. 

Warburg,  Professor  Otto,  I,  284  ; 
II,  xlviii,  303,  359,  387 

Warren,  Sir  Charles,  on  Palestine 
Colonization,  I,  62.  230  ;  II, 
269-72,  273 

Warton,  Thomas,  and  the  Psalms, 

I,  II 

Weber,  M.,  Hebrew  journalist,  II, 

Weinles,  II,  344 
Weissenberg,  Simeon.  II,  292-3 
Weizmann,  Dr.  Chaim,  I,  xxix,  282  ; 

II,  XXX,  xxxii,  xxxiv,  hv,  Ivi, 
Ivii,  44,  46  ft.,  63-4,  65,  68,  79, 
99,  loi,  111-13,  123,  127,  299- 
300.  304,  353.  425  ;  the  Weiz- 
mann Commission  to  Palestine, 
II,  130,  141.  144.  145  ;  speech  at 
the  laying  of  the  foundations  of 
the  Hebrew  University,  II,  147- 
52  ;  and  Arab  leaders  in  Egypt, 
II,  141-2 

Weizmann,  Zelig,  II,  295 

Wellington  on  the  Eastern' Ques- 
tion, I,  103,  note  I 

Weston,  Bishop,  I,  200 

Whiston,  William,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  94 

White,  Mr.  Arnold,  and  Baron^de 
Hirsch,  I,  258 

Wilbuschewitsch,  Grigory,  II,  300 

Wilde,  Sir  WilHam  R.  W.,  on  the 
Jews  and  Palestine,  I,  113 

Williams,  Roger,  I,  49-51 

Wilson,  President  Woodrow,  on  the 
Weizmann  Commission  and  the 
Hebrew  University,  II,  130-1 

Wilson,  the  Rev.  John,  on  Haim 
Farhi,  I,  70-1  ;  on  the  Farhis  of 
Damascus,  I,  75-76 

Wilson,  Sir  Charles  W.,  I.  62 

Wilson,  Serjeant,  II,  xxxii,  xxxvi 



Wissotski,  Kolonimos  Wolf,  II,  284 
Witherby,  Thomas,  on  the  Restora- 
tion of  Israel,  I,  91-2,  108;  11,225 
Wohlmann,  M,,  Hebrew  writer,  II, 

Wolf,  Mr.  Lucien,  I,   17,  note  3  ; 

on  Sir  Moses  Montefi ore,  I,  11 8- 19 
Wolf,  Rabbi,  II,  xliii 
Wolff,  Dr.  Joseph,  I,  124 
Wolfsohn,  David,  I,  265,  289  ;    II, 

xlviii,  liv,  Ivi-vii,  302,  303,  389  ; 

his  autobiography,  II,  388-9 
Wolmark,  Mr.  A.,  II,  344 
Wolseley, Viscount,  I,  304 
Women's  Zionist  Societies,  II,  368-7 1 
Woolf,  Mr.  Albert  M.,  II,  6y 
Wortsmann,  Ezekiel,  II,  304,  305 

Yellin,  Mr.  David,  I,  286  ;   II,  293, 

317,  351,  381,  384 
Yemen  Jews,  the,  in  Palestine,  II, 

Yiddish  Press,  the,  in  Poland,  II,  21 
Yoffey,  Rabbi,  II,  xliii 
Young,  Edward,  poet,  I,  11 
Young,  Mr.  W.,  British  Vice-Consul 

in  Jerusalem,  I,  116,  121,  157 

Zacuto  Lusitanus,  Dr.  Abraham,  I, 

45  ;    II,  184-5 
Zagorodzki,  Ch,,  II,  318 
Zamenhof,  Dr.,  II,  294 
Zangwill,   Mr.   Israel,    I,    296 ;    II, 

iio-ii,  116,  349 
Zechariah,    the    prophet,    and    the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  167 
Zederbaum,  Alexander,  I,  278 
Zeitlin,  Hillel,  II,  314-15 
Zephaniah,   the   prophet,    and   the 

Restoration  of  Israel,  II,  165 
Zerahiah  Ha'levi,  Rabbi,  I,  27 
Zimpel,  Dr.  Chas.  F.,  on  Palestine, 

II,  416-17 
Zionism,   its  meaning,   I,   vii ;    its 

objects,  I,  XXV  ;   its  principles,  I, 

307  ff.;      its    motive    forces,     I, 

273ff.;    II,  413;  philanthropic, 

I,  i84ff.  ;  political,  I,  xxv-xxvi, 
134,  150,  224,  310  ff.;  II,  44; 
Sir  Moses  Montefiore's,  I,  120  ; 
poUtical  Zionist  work  during  the 
War,  II,  42  ff. 

Zionism  in  America,  II,  23,  25,  26, 
28,  29,  30,  49,  79-82,  133-4. 
355-7  '>  in  Australia,  II,  23,  27  ; 
in  Belgium,  II,  xlix,  25,  27,  358  ; 
in  Bohemia,  II,  25  ;   in  Bulgaria, 

II,  1,  358  ;    in  Canada,  II,  xliv. 

Ivii,  22,  29,  354  ;  in  Denmark, 
II,  358  ;  in  Egypt,  II,  355  ;  in 
England  :  see  England  and  Zion- 
ism, and  English  Zionist  Federa- 
tion ;  in  Gahcia,  II,  22-3  ;  in 
Germany,  II,  357  ;  in  Greece, 
II,  27,  29  ;  in  Holland,  II,  xHx, 
22,  23,  25-6,  30,  357-8  ;  in  India, 
II,   24  ;  in  Poland,  II,  24-5,  26, 

27,  30  ;  in  Roumania,  II,  1,  22, 
358  ;    in    Russia,    II,  25,  26,  27, 

28,  29,  38  ff.;  in  St.  Petersburg, 
II,  293  ;  in  Scandinavia,  II,  1, 
24  ;  in  South  Africa,  II,  24, 
45,     354 ;      in     Switzerland,    II, 

I,  24,  27,  304,  358 

Zionism  and  Emancipation,  I, 
92-3  ;  and  Jewish  art,  II,  333-46  ; 
and  Judaism,  I,  xvi-xvii ;  versus 
Assimilation,  I,  188  ff. 

Zionist  Bureau,  the,  in  Copenhagen, 

II,  33  ;   in  London,  II,  425 
Zionist    Commission    to    Palestine, 

the,  II,  xxxii,  xxxiv,  139  ff. 

Zionist  Congress,  the,  II,  358-9  ; 
the  first,  I,  268  ff.  ;  II,  xxxvii, 
xli,  5-6,  124;  the  second, 
II,  xlii- xliii ;  the  "  Jewish 
Chronicle "  on,  II,  xlii-xliii ; 
the  third,  II,  xliii-xliv ;  the 
fourth  (in  London,  1900),  I, 
296 ;  II,  xliv ;  Press  opinions 
on,  II,  389  ff.  ;  the  sixth  and 
the  East  African  offer,  I,  297  ;  the 
eighth,  II,  liv ;  the  ninth,  II, 
liv;  the  tenth,  II,  Ivi ;  the 
eleventh,  II,  Ivi-lvii 

Zionist   literature   in  England,  II, 


Zionist  Hterature,  Christian,  I,  138  f. 

Zionist  organization,  the,  its  in- 
stitutions, II,  358  ff.  ;  in  Pales- 
tine, II,  386  ff.  ;  the  Greater 
and  Inner  Actions  Committees, 
II,  32,  359-60  ;  during  the  War, 
II,  5  ff. 

Zionist  poetry,  I,  95 

Zionist  propaganda  in  war  time,  II, 
21  ff. 

Zionist  Review,  the,  II,  54,  352 

Zitron,  S.  L.,  Hebrew  journalist, 
II,  318 

Zlocisti,  Dr.,  II,  302 

Zohar,  the,  on  the  composition  of 
man,  I,  28  ;    on  the  Jewish  soul, 

I.  31 
Zweifel,  Eleazar  Ha-Cohen,  Hebrew 
writer,  il,  315