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Full text of "History and progress of the county of Marion, West Virginia, from its earliest settlement by the whites, down to the present, together with biographical sketches of its most prominent citizens"

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Gc  M.  L. 






1833  02258  7304 





Earlikst  Settlp:ment  ry  the  Whites,  do\Vx\  to 

THE    PkESENT,   together    WITH    BtOGIJAPHI- 

CAL    Sketches    of    its    Most 
Prominent  CiTizENri. 


Aided  by  Notes  and  Mc.tuoranda  left  by  the  late  UICIIARD  P.  LOTT. 





1     X 







'JA^T'E  have  designed  in  the  following  })ages 
^  to  relate  in  detail  the  principal  events 
that  have  transpired  in  Marion  county  from 
its  first  settlement  to  the  present.  We  are 
aware  that  the  work  has  many  imperfections, 
but  they  could  not  be  helped.  To  write  a 
history  without  having  any  authentic  or  w^rit- 
ten  records  to  aid  us,  was  almost  akin  to  ''creat- 
ing something  out  of  nothing."  The  early  set- 
tlers of  this  section  have  all  died,  their  children 
have,  with  a  few  exceptions,  followed  them; 
and  many  events  of  interest  in  connection  with 
the  early  history  have  been  lost  in  oblivion. 
We  have  endeavored  to  rescue  as  many  as 
possible,  however,  and  herewith  present  them. 
In  giving  the  history  of  the  county  since  its 
organization,  we  have  aimed  to  incorporate 
only  the  princij^al  events  which   have  trans- 

4  Preface. 

pired,  and  which  are  worthy  of  being  preserv- 
ed. This  part  of  the  book  is  necessarily  writ- 
ten in  a  somewhat  rambling  manner,  for 
reasons  which  tlie  intelligent  reader  can  plainly 

A  considerable  amount  of  the  information 
connected  with  the  formation  of  the  county,  and 
on  down  to  the  present  has  been  gleaned  from 
the  memoranda  loft  by  the  late  Richard  P. 
Lott,  whose  purpose  was  to  write  a  histor}"  of 
the  county  during  that  period,  having  been 
solicited  to  do  so  by  the  undersigned.  The 
hand  of  Death  interrupted  him,  however,  ere 
he  could  commence  the  work. 

In  the  narrative  proper,  we  h.tx\o  made  but 
little  reference  to  the  political  history  of  the 
county — this  will  be  found  largely  in  the  bio- 
gra2)hical  sketches  annexed.  They  are  mostly 
of  the  men  who  have  taken  the  most  promi- 
nent jmrts  in  the  politics  of  the  county. 

For  much  of  the  information  re(-eived,  we 
are  indebted  to  Gov.  F.  II.  Pieri)oint,  3Iessrs. 
Charles  ]Morgaii.  William  Cochran,  Robert  P. 
Nixon,    Zebulon    Musgrove,    George   Merrill, 


Preface.  5 

Luther  Haymond  and  others ;  besides  AYither's 
Border' Warfare,  Doddridge's  Xotes  on  Wes- 
tern Virginia,  old  liles  of  county  newspapers, 

Hoping  that  this  little  volume  will  prove  all 
that  is  expected  of  it,  and  thanking  the  public 
for  their  encouragement  in  the  past,  we  are, 

Your  O'bt  Servant, 

G.  A.  D. 

Fairmont,  Feb.  1,  1880. 

First  Settlements, 




About  the  I,and  Titles  held  by  the  Settlers,         -  -  -      18 


The  Characteristics  and  Hardships  of  the  Early  Settlers,  -      22 

Commencement  of  the  Indian  Troubles — Forts  established,  etc.      2S 


Murder  of  Josiah  Prickett — Continuation  of  Indian  Atrocities — 

Murder  of  Miss  Coon — Attack  on  Fort  Harbert,       -  -      32 

Captain  Booth   killed— Capture  of  Captain    Cochran— David 

Morgan's  encounter  with  two  Indians,  -  -  -      39 

Horatio  Morgan — Massacre  of  the  Thomas  Family,        -  -      48 

Continued  Hostilities  of  the  Savages — Attack  on  the  Cunning- 
hams and  Capture  of  Mrs.  (unningliam,        -  -  -      53 

A  Boy's  Adventure — The  Indian's  on    BufTalo    Creek— Levi 

Morgan's  Adventure,    -  -  -  -  -  -      60 

'iiifZ  •ijuu'i 


8  Contents. 

Murder  of  the  Mclntires — End  of  Indian  depredations,  -      66 

Progress  of  Civilization  from  1785  to  1S19.  -  -  -      70 

The  Towns  of  the  County,  -  -  -  -  -      73 


Organization  of  the  County -The  First  Cuiut— The  Jail— The 

Court  House,  etc.  -  -  -  -  -  -      78 

The  Irish  Riot— The  Great  Freshet— Cotnpletion  of  the  rail- 
road—Suspension  Bridge  built,  etc.     -  -  -  -      85 

The  Churches  and  Schools  of  the  County,  -  -  -      95 

The  First  Steamboat— The  Ranks  of  Marion  County— Journal- 
ism in  the  County,        -...-.    103 

The  War  of  the  Rebellion— Division  of  the  State.  -  -    110 

The  Mining  Interests — The  Fire  at  Fairmont — Marion  Militia, 

etc. 116 


The  Resources  of  the  County— Its  Politiral  Cumplexion— Con- 
clusion,   --------    126 


Hon.  William  S.  Morj;nn,  Hon.  Zedekiah  Kidwell,  Hon.  Francis 
H.  Pierpoint,  Col.  Thomas  S.  Ilaymond,  Hon.  15  F.  Martin, 
Hon.  A.  Brooks  Flen\ing,  John  W.  McCoy,  Esi|  ,  Hon.  J. 
C.  Bceson,  Hon.  U.  N.  Arnott,  Judf,^'  A.  F,  Haymoii<l, 
James  Morrow.  Jr.,  E.-(|.,  Robert  H.  Lett,  ICsq  ,  Ricbard  P. 
Lott,  Esfj..  Fontain  Smith,  Ei.4.,  Albert  S.  Huyden,  Escj., 
C.  M.  Davison,  Esci.     Other  Promineut  Men,  -  -     134 


County  of  Marion 



T  tlic  time  wlien  thip  sccticni  of  Virginia  wiis 
lirst  known  to  the  whites,  it  was  occupied  hy  a 
trihf  of  Indians  known  as  tlie  Maf<sawonie(^s.  As  set- 
th'Mients  were  extended  westward  and  over  thr  inoun- 
tains,  the  Massawoniees  g:radnally  retired  until  the 
country  between  tlie  AUeghenies  and  the  Ohio  river 
was  almost  entirely  unused  by  them  as  a  regular  place 
of  h:ibitatii)n.  There  soon  remained  but  few  Indian 
villages,  and  those  that  did  contained  but  small 
numbers  of  inhabitants.  What  is  now  thf  Stiite  of 
West  N'irginia,  however,  was  usi>d  us  a  hunting  giound 
by  the  savages,  anil  as  a  battle  ground  by  eont<'nding 

in  many  parts  of  Clarion  and  adjoining  countu;s 
evidences  of  a  }>reinstoric  people  are  found.      Imple- 

10  History  of  >rAR[ON  County. 

ments  of  war,  crockery,  and  curiously  shaped  instru- 
ments of  various  kinds  are  occasionally  pLjwed  up  in 
the  fields,  and,  in  short,  the  signs  are  upon  every  side 
that  some  of  the  race  of  semi-civilized  people,  who  in- 
habited this  country  ages  before  its  discovery,  dAvelt 
in  this  immcKliato  vicinity.  Some  years  ago,  some 
workmen,  in  preparing  to  build  a  bridge  which  spans 
Paw  PaAV  creek,  at  the  upper  end  of  tlie  village  of 
Rivesville,  unearthed  three  skeletons,  wliich  were 
those  of  giants,  each  measuring  over  seven  feet  in 
length.  Upon  "  Fort  Hill,"'  about  two  miles  nortli  of 
Fairmont,  were  found  traces  of  an  aboriginal  fort. 
Along  the  l)ank  of  the  Monongaliela,  and  run- 
ning through  Palatine,  wlien^  the  eartli  has  been 
washed  away  by  fresliets,  can  be  setui  traces  of  an  (jld 
McAdamized  road.  It  is  some  feet  below  the  surface 
and  can  hn  traced  for  quite  a  distance.  The  l>ed  of 
the  road  seems  to  vary  from  ten  to  fourteen  inches  in 
thickness,  and  tlie  stone  is  broken  with  great  regu- 
larity. The  earth  al)ove  the  )>cd  is  black  and  pre- 
sents somewhat  the  appearance  of  an  alluvial  deposit. 
It  is  very  probable  that  this  deposit  formed  the  bed 
of  what  we  now  call  a  M(?Adamized  road,  at  some 
former  period  of  the  world.  Since  the  settlement  of 
the  county,  skeh.'tons  have  been  found  at  various 
times  in  the  vicinity  of  Poothsvillc  and  otiier  towns. 
Traces  of  tlie  Massawomees  are  also  found  in  many 
places.     For   instance,  a  mile  b<>low    IJivesvillc   near 

HtsTOKV  OF  Marion  County.  11 

the  Mor^'autowu  and  Fairmont  pike,  upon  the  farm 
of  Mr.  Wm.  Arnett,  there  is  a  very  interesting  relic 
in  the  shape  of  a  large  rock,  upon  whicli  is  roughly 
cut  a  picture  of  an  Indian  leading  a  bear.  Kepresen- 
tations  of  turkey  and  bear  tracks,  and  other  figures 
are  also  upon  the  rock.  About  twenty-five  years  ago 
a  large  wild  cherry  tree  was  by  a  storm  torn  up  by  the 
roots,  leaving  tliis  rock  with  its  inscription  exposed 
ti>  view.  <  )tlier  interesting  relics  may  also  be  found 
in  the  county. 

After  tlie  ^[assawoiuees  retired  from  the  country 
lying  between  thi^  mountains  and  the  Ohio  river,  tlie 
sole  permanent  inhabitants  of  that  region  were  the 
boasts  and  birds  of  tlie  forests,  until  the  white  settle- 
ments were  made.  During  the  winter  the  Buli'alo 
would  had  their  way  into  Kentudk\',  and  live  among 
the  cane-brakes  to  be  found  there.  As  spring  ap- 
j»roached  they  woidd  again  seek  our  luxuriant  pas- 
tures, where  they,  witii  the  abundance  of  other  game, 
would  full  victims  of  the  savages  from  Pennsylvania 
and  tire  countr}'  west  of  the  Ohio,  who  came  here  in 
•  [Uest  of  food.  As  the  various  tribes  who  made  this  a 
hunting  ground  were  at  constant  enmity,  tiie  fact  that 
they  all  claimed  the  territory  was  sufficient  to  make 
it  a  field  of  contention;  consequently,  it  was  often 
made  tin-  scene  of  carnage  and  bloodshetl. 

rp  to  the  year  17;>8  all  that  part  of  ^'irginia  west 
uf  the  l>lue  liidt'e    mountains   was    included   in   the 

12  History  ok  Maiuon  County. 

county  of  Orange.  At  tlie  fall  session  of  the  Colonial 
Legislature,  in  the  above  year,  the  counties  of  Freder- 
ick and  Augusta  were  foi'med  out  of  Orange.  Fred- 
erick county  was  bounded  on  the  north  b}-  the  iVjto- 
mac  river,  on  the  east  by  the  Blue  IJidge,  and  on  the 
south  and  west  by  aline  drawn  from  the  head  spring 
of  Hedgenian's  to  the  licad  spring  of  the  Potonuic. 
Augusta  county  consisted  of  all  the  remainder  of  the 
State  west  of  the  J]lue  Ridge,  and  within  the  limits 
were  included  much  of  Virginia  and  West  A'irginia 
as  they  now  are,  and  the  territories  embraced  in  Ohio, 
Indiana  and  parts  of  Western  i'ennsylvania,  Michi- 
gan, Illinois  and  Kentucky.  Nearly  forty  vears  after- 
wards, in  177C),  the  counties  of  Ohio,  Monongalia  and 
Youghiogania  were  formed  out  of  the  distrie-t  of  West 
Augusta,  and  at  the  same  time  the  boundary  between 
Augusta  county  and  the  district  of  West  Augusta 
was  fixed  as  follows:  "Beginning  on  the  Allegheny 
mountains,  between  the  heads  (»f  Potomac,  Cheat  and 
Greenbrier  rivers;  thence  along  the  Ividge  which  di- 
vides the  waters  of  C'heat  river  from  those  of  (Jieeu- 
brier,  and  that  branch  of  the  Monongahela  called  Ty- 
gart's  Valley  river  to  the  Monongahela:  thence  up 
the  said  river,  and  the  West  Fork  thereof  to  Binga- 
nion's  creek,  on  the  northwest  side  of  said  West  Fork; 
thence  up  the  said  creek  to  the  head  thereof:  thence 
in  direct  course  to  the  head  of  Middle  island  creek,  a 
branch  of  the  Ohio;  and  tiience  to  the  Ohio,  iuclud- 

HisTOKY  OK  Marion  County.  1-^ 

ing  all  the  waters  of  the  said  creek  in  the  aforesaid 
district  of  West  Augusta — all  that  territory  lying  to 
the  northward  of  the  aforesaid  boundary,  and  to  the 
westward  of  the  States  of  Pennsylvania  and  Mary- 
land, shall  be  deemed,  and  is  hereby  declared  to  be 
within  the  district  of  West  Augusta." 

And  to  render  the  benefits  of  government  and  the 
administration  of  justice  more  easy  and  convenient  to 
the  people,  this  act  formed  out  of  West  Augusta  the 
three  counties  above  mentioned.  Several  years  after- 
wards, tiie  greater  part  of  Youghiogania  county,  by  the 
ext<;nsion  of  the  western  boundary  between  IVnnsyl- 
vania  and  Virginia,  fell  within  the  limits  of  the  form- 
er State.  The  residue  was,  by  an  act  of  1785,  added 
to  tlie  county  of  Ohio,  and  Youghiogania  became 
extinct.  All  that  part  of  the  district  of  West  Au- 
gusta lying  to  the  northward  of  the  county  of  Augusta, 
to  the  westward  of  the  meridian  of  the  head  fountain 
of  thf  I'otomac,  to  the  southward  of  the  county  of 
Youghiogania,  and  to  tlie  eastward  of  Ohio  t-ounty,  was 
comprised  in  the  limits  of  Monongalia  county.  In 
17>!4  Harrison  county  was  formed  out  of  Monongalia 
and  West  Augusta.  As  Clarion  county,  nearly  seventy 
years  afterwards,  was  taken  from  the  counties  of  Mon- 
ongalia and  Harrison,  we  will  give  an  account  of  the 
early  settlement  of  the  territory  in  the  two  latter, 
now  comprising  the  former. 



DT^X  the  beginning  of  the  foregoing  chapter  mention 
(^  was  made  of  the  Indians  who  occupied  Western 
Virginia  previous  to  the  coming  of  the  whites,  and  of 
their  abandonment  of  the  country  as  a  pLace  of  resi- 
dence. When,  in  17-')4,  David  Tygart  and  a  Mr.  Files 
made  the  first  attempt  to  settle  this  section  of  the 
State,  the  only  Indians  to  be  found  composed  the  (jc- 
casional  hunting  or  war  parties  from  the  north  and 
west.  The  two  gentlemen  named  were  probably  the 
first  white  men  who  ever  built  cabins  in  Virginia 
west  of  the  Allegheny  mountains.  Files  settled  at 
the  mouth  of  the  creek  whicli  now  bears  his  name — 
where  the  town  of  lieverly  now  is — and  Tygart  settled 
a  few  miles  further  up  tlie  river,  (winch  has  since 
been  called  Tygart's  Valley  river,)  in  wiiat  is  known 
as  Tygart's  Vallc}-.  They  st)on  determined  to  aban- 
don their  settlements  on  aci-ount  of  the  hostility  of 
the  Indians,  and  the  ditllculty  experienced  in  obtain- 
ing breadstutVs  for  their  families.  Before  they  were 
enabled  to  earrv  out  their  determination  th(>  family 

History  of  Marion  Cointy.  15 

of  Files  fell  victim?  to  savage  (>ruelty  A  strolling 
party  of  Indians  fell  upon  them  and  massacred  them 
all  save  one — -a  hoy — who  escaped  and  warned  theTy- 
gart's  of  the  danger  in  time  for  them  to  save  them- 
selves by  flight. 

Not  long  after  this  a  settlement  was  made  on  Cheat 
river,  a  few  miles  east  of  where  stands  ]\Ioi-gantown, 
by  a  party  of  Dunkards,  comprising  Dr.  Thomas  Eck- 
erly  and  his  two  brothers.  Dunkard's  creek  owes  its 
n;ime  to  the  circumstances  of  their  having  camped  at 
its  mouth  while  they  were  engaged  in  (exploring  the 
vicinity  for  a  suitable  place  to  settle.  They  finally 
located  in  Dunkard's  bottom,  wliich  lies  on  Cheat. 
They  spent  some  years  there  unmolested  l)y  the  In- 
dians, although  a  bloody  war  was  then  waging.  Tlu- 
Doctor  left  Cheat  once  to  visit  a  trading  post  on  the 
Slicnandoah,  to  procure  ammunition  and  other  ncediMl 
supplies.  Hi.s  story  that  he  had  lived  on  Cheat  so 
long  unmolested  by  the  Indians,  seemed  so  improba- 
ble to  the  people  on  the  Shenandoah  that  they  ac- 
cused him  of  telling  an  untruth,  and  suspicioned  him 
of  being  a  confederate  of  the  enemy.  Ho  was  a<-coi-d- 
ingly  arrested  and  placed  in  confinement.  In  vain 
did  he  declare  that  he  had  n(n'er  even  seen  a  savage 
during  his  sojourn  in  Dunkard's  bottom.  He  tin;dly 
retpiested  that  a  guard  be  sent  with  him  to  his  little 
?ettlen)ent,  that  he  might  be  able  to  prove  the  truth  of 
his  statements.     His  re(]uest  was  complicMl   with,  and 

16  History  of  Marion  County. 

upon  arriving  at  the  spot,  only  a  heap  of  ruins  were 
found  where  had  stood  the  cabin,  and  the  mutilated 
bodies  of  his  brothers  were  lying  upon  th^  ground. 
Thus  his  story  that  they  were  not  confederates  of  the 
Indians  was  awfully  confirmed. 

In  the  fall  of  1758  Thomas  Decker  and  others  com- 
menced a  settlement  on  the  Monongahela  river,  at  the 
mouth  of  the  creek  since  called  by  his  name,  but  in 
the  spring  following  it  was  broken  up  by  a  war  party 
of  Delawares  and  Mingoes. 

These  were  the  only  attempts  to  effect  settlements 
upon  the  Monongahela  or  its  branches  prior  to  the 
French  and  Indian  war,  and  it  was  not  until  the  year 
1772  that  any  permanent  settlements  were  made. 

About  the  year  1772  settlements  were  made  upon 
the  upper  branches  of  the  Monongahela  river.  Cap- 
tain James  Booth  and  Mr.  John  Thomas  established 
themselves  upon  what  is  now  known  as  Booth's  creek, 
near  the  i)resent  town  of  Booths ville,  this  county. 
Captain  Booth  settled  at  the  place  known  as  the  "old 
Jesse  Martin  farm,"  and  Mr.  Thomas  on  the  "old 
William  Martin  place."  Withers,  in  speaking  of  this 
latter  farm,  in  lS:n,said:  "It  is  perhaps  the  most 
valuable  landed  estate  in  Northwestern  Virginia."^!=  • 
About  this  time  David  Morgan,  afterwards  cimsj-icu- 
ous  for  his  personal  daring  and  prowess,  during  the 
hostilities^of  the    Indians,  established    himself  upon 

*"  Bonlor  Wnrfnre  "— page  'J.;.  " 

History  of  Makion  County.  17 

tlie  Monougalielu  about  five  miles  ht-low  Fairmont, 
near  the  month  of  Prieketfs  ereek.  Amunt!;  other 
emigrants  settling  hero  al)ont  this  time,  were  tlie 
I'rieketts,  Ice^,  Halls,  Coclirans,  llavcs,  Cunninghams, 
Hartleys,  Barns.  Haymonds,  Flemings.  Springers  and 
many  others,  whose  descendants  now  eomiirise  the 
greater  ])art  of  the  |)<»j)ulation  of  Mtii'ion  county.  A 
great  number  of  them  eaiu(?  from  tin'  then  colonies  i»f 
Maryland,  Virginia  and  Delaware,  crossing  the  nuMin- 
tains  by  a  route  called  Jlradduck's  trail. 

NoTK. — In  a  burying  ground  at  IJarracksville  is  the 
grave  of  the  first  white  child  ever  burn  west  of  the 
Allegheny  mountains.  His  name  was  Adam  Ice,  and 
he  was  bcn-n  in  17G7,  at  Ice's  ferry,  on  Cheat,  a  short 
time  previous  to  the  removal  of  the  Ice  family  to  the 
."Hettloments  here,  and  died  in  IS-ll. 



y^\F  course,  the  tnaiu  object  of  the  early  settlors  in 
^t)^  coming  into  this  region  was  to  procure  for  theni- 
:<elves  and  families  homes,  for  land  could  be  secured 
upon  easy  terms.  Bnilding  a  cabin  and  raising  acroj) 
of  grain  entitled  the  occupant  to  four  hundred  acres 
of  land  and  a  ])re-cmi)ti(»n  right  to  one  thousand  or 
more  adjoining,  to  be  secured  by  a  hnul  ollico  warrant. 
At  first  there  was  a  kind  of  land  title,  denominated 
the  "  tomahawk  right."  This  was  made  by  deaden- 
ing a  few  trees  upon  tiie  premises,  and  marking  the 
bark  of  one  of  them  with  the  initials  of  the  i>erson 
making  the  improvement.  A  narration  of  tlie  cir- 
cumstances under  which  these  land  titles  were  lield 
by  the  settlers,  is  here  in  order. 

In  the  year  1754  (h»vernor  Dinwiddle,  of  Virginia, 
issued  a  prt)clamation  by  authority  of  his  council, 
authorizing  a  fort  to  be  built  at  the  continence  of  tiu; 
Monongahela  and  Allegheny  rivers  (Fort  Duqucsne.) 
to  opjjose  the  encroaclirnents  of  the  French  and  tiieir 

History  of  Marion  County,  It) 

Imliiin  alliei:^,  and  for  tlie  protection  of  his  majesty's 
subjects  in  liis  colony — providing  for  sufficient  mili- 
tary force  to  protect  the  same.  In  order  to  encourage 
volunteers  to  enter  the  military  service,  he  set  apart 
•iOOjOCK")  acres  of  land  above  tlieir  pay -100,000  acres 
contiguous  to  the  fort,  and  the  other  100,000  acres  on. 
or  near  the  Ohio  river — to  be  laid  oif  and  granted  to 
such  persons  "  who  by  thidr  v(jluntary  engagements 
and  good  bel\avior  in  said  service  shall  deserve  the 
same."  Tiie  said  lands  were  to  be  free  of  (piit  rents 
for  the  t(M-m  of  fifteen  years. 

After  the  conclusion  of  tlie  French  and  Indian  war, 
in  ITH's  Dr.  Franklin,  with  a  number  of  associates, 
petitioned  the  king  of  England  for  a  grant  of  that 
territory  lying  west  of  the  water  slieds  of  the  Alle- 
gheny mountains  and  south  of  tlie  Ohio  river,  extend- 
ing southwest  along  the  Ohio  to  the  mouth  of  tlie  l>ig 
San<ly,  and  up  the  same  to  the  water  sheds  of  the  Alle- 
glienies.  (ieorge  the  Third  refused  the  petition  on  tlie 
grounds  of  luiving  retained  that  territory  for  hunt- 
ing grounds  for  the  friendly  Indians,  in  consideration 
of  their  valualde  services,  and  issued  his  proclamation 
granting  the  erection  of  tlie  governments  of  (Quebec, 
Ka.>^t  Idorida,  West  Florida  and  (rranada.='=  The  colony 
of  (Quebec  lay  nortiieast  of  New  York  and  New  Eng- 
land :  l']ast  Idoritla  constituted  what  is  now  tlie  east- 
ren  part  of  the  State  of  Florida;  West  Florida  extended 

•Set-  llciiiiiiiK'sSiatules— .Vi.pen.lix  t..  vol.  7. 

20  Hl><T()RY    OF    MAfiiON    C(»rNTV. 

from  the  Aiialarhacola  river,  along  tlic  ( Julf  of  Mexico, 
westward  to  T>akr  Poiitchartrai)i,  and  tlionce  north- 
ward to  r.ake  Mauripas  and  tln^  Mississij^pi  rivor  to 
31°  north  hititndo  ;  thence  dnc  east  on  the  line  of  this 
latitude  t(^  the  Apalachacola  river. 

It  will  be  -seen  that  none  of  these  grants  include 
any  territory  west  of  the  ^li.ssissippi  river,  nor 
of  the  Allegheny  n^nintains,  except  that  region  east 
of  the  Mississip])i  and  helow  the  thirty-first  degree  of 
north  latitude,  wliich  conij)rises  small  portions  of  the 
States  of  F.ouisiana,  .Missis>ippi,  Alahama  and  Florida. 
In  this  proclamation  (n-orge  the  Third  forbids  any  of 
the  new  colonies  from  gi-anting  any  warrants  of  sur- 
veys or  patents  for  any  lands  beyond  the  boundaries  of 
their  respective  governments  as  described.  Also,  no 
governoi'  or  comnian<ler-ia-chief  of  any  of  our  other 
colonies  or  plantations  in  America  do  presunui  for  the 
present,  and  until  our  furtiier  pleasure  be  known,  t<> 
grant  warrants  of  surveys,  or  pass  patents  for  anv 
lands  beyond  the  heads  or  sources  of  any  rivers  which 
fall  into  the  Atlantic  ocean  from  the  west,  northwest, 
or  up<jn  any  lands  whatever,  which  not  having  been 
ceded  to  or  purchas(Ml  by  us,  as  aforesaid,  .are  reserved 
lo  the  said  Indians,  or  any  of  them. 

It  will  be  seen  that  tlu'rc;  is  a  conlliet  betwe<'n  the 
proclamation  of  (iovernor  Dinwiddle  and  that  of  the 
King.  The  (iovernor  [)romises  liOU,(XX>  aen-s  adjacent 
to  Pittsburgh.     These   lands,   with  a  large  amount  of 

History  of  Marion  County.  21 

others,  were  settled  in  West  Virginia  immediately 
thereafter.  The  Revolutionary  war  came  on  soon  af- 
terwards. The  lands  of  the  settlers  were  held  under 
different  rights,  and  the  Legislature  of  Virginia,  in 
order  to  settle  all  these  titles,  and  to  secure  the  set- 
tlers, passed  the  act  of  1779,  in  which  they  recognized 
both  proclamations,  and  gave  no  validity  to  that  of 
the  King.  By  this  act  of  the  Virginia  Legislature, 
the  previously  uncertain  titles  of  the  lands  settled 
here  were  made  good,  and  the  titles  of  many  of  the 
estates  in  Marion  and  adjoining  counties  are  held  un- 
der this  law. 



tS  soon  as  it  wus  known  east  that  this  field  of 
.  ^^  wealth  hiy  west  of  tht^  mountains,  that  "  the 
land  could  lie  had  for  the  takin>;  uii."  and  that  settle- 
ments had  heen  comnienced  here,  hundreds  lioeked  in 
from  dillerent  parts  of  I'^astt-i-n  N'irginia  and  Mary- 
land. The  spii-it  of  emigration  began  to  develop  it- 
self, and  the  motives  which  have  .^inee  induced  the 
peopling  of  our  far  West  prompted  the  adventurer  to 
overcome  his  youthful  attachments,  and  wend  his  wav 
into  this  dreary  waste  to  assist  in  tin?  foundation  of 
what  is  now  a  i)owerful  and  j)rogressive  State.  As 
has  been  wtdl  said,  "former  homes,  encircled  by  the 
comforts  of  civilization,  endeared  by  tiie  gratel'ul  re- 
collections of  by-g(tne  <lays,  and  not  unfr(.'4uently  as 
the  spot  where  their  tenants  had  first  inhaled  the 
vital  fluid,  were  readily  exchanged  for  the  variety  of 
untried  being,  the  new  seenes  and  changes  which 
were  to  be  passed  bt;forc  the  trees  of  tin;  forest  could 
be  supplanted  by  the  fruits  of  the  field,  or  society  be 

lIisTOKv  OF  ^Fahion  CorxTV.  2;') 

reared  in  the  solitude  of  the  desert."  With  the  same 
cheerfulness,  hardihood,  and  adventurous  davin»  that 
characterized  the  pioneers  years  before  in  the  layin» 
of  the  corner  stone  of  this  vast  empire,  these  brave 
men  and  women  faced  the  hardships  and  dangers  that 
presented  themselves,  and  surmounted  them  all  in  a 
comparatively  l)rief  space  of  time.  It  was  a  natural 
consequence  of  their  situation  that  their  morals  should 
suffer,  and  that  their  manners  should  become  rough 
and  uncouth.  This  lias  been  the  state  of  things  in  all 
new  colonies. 

Some  of  the  early  settlers,  according  to  Doddridge, 
took  the  precaution  to  come  over  the  mountains  in 
the  spring,  to  raise  a  crop  of  corn,  leaving  their  fami- 
lies behind,  and  then  return  and  bring  them  out  inthe 
fall.  Others,  whose  families  wer(^  not  large,  brought 
their  wives  and  cliildrcn  witli  them  in  the  spring. 
Sometimes,  those  wlio  took  the  latter  course  would 
suffer  for  it,  for  the  Indian  meal  they  brought  over 
the  mountains  with  them  would  b(^  expendcul  too  soon, 
and  they  were  obliged  to  live  without  bread  until  the 
corn  was  ready  to  pull.  Venison  and  the  breast  of  the 
wild  turkey  then  served  them  as  a  substitute  for  bread, 
and  the  tlesh  of  the  bear  was  denoujinated  meat.  Kut 
this  was  a  hard  way  to  live — it  did  not  satisfy  the 
cravings  of  the  stomach,  "  which  seemed  to  be  always 
empty,  and  tormented  with  a  sense  of  hunger.''— 
"  Light"  bread  was  a  luxury  th<'y  seldom  indulged  in 

■24  History  of  Marion  Couxty. 

or  could  get  hold  of,  as  was  also  butter.     The  venera- 
ble VV^iUiam    llaymond,   in  a  letter   to   Luther  Hay- 
mond,  in  18i2,  referring  to  the  manners  of  living  of 
the  early  settlers,  as  he  remembered  them,  said  •''"  I 
remember  brother  John  and  myself  went  to  Ruble's 
mill,  in   Pennsylvania,  distant  eleven  miles,  and  re- 
mained all  night.     Next  morning,  when  we  were  on 
our  horses  to  start  for  home,  Ruble,  or  some  other  per- 
son, brought  each  of  us  a  piece  of  light  bread  spread 
with  butter.     This  I  thought  such  a  great  feast  that  I 
have  it  in  my  mind  to  this  day." 

Of  course,  in  these  primitive   times  there  were  no 
carpenters,  tailors,  cabinet-makers,  shoemakers,  wea- 
vers, or  any  of  the  tradesmen  who  are  now  considered 
indispensable   to  a  community.     Every  familv    was 
under    the   necessity  of  doing   everything  for 'itself. 
Hand-mills  were    used    in   most  <,f   the  houses,  with 
which  each  family  grouud  its  own  corn.     Their  cloth- 
ing was  all  of  domestic  manufacture.     Linsey  was  the 
most  substantial  cloth   they  <:.n.l.l  make,  and  the  wo- 
men did  the   weaving.     Every  family  t.nned  its  own 
leather,   made   its  own  shoes   and  manufactured    its 
own  clothing.     In  short,  these  were  the  days  of  bridle- 
ways, pack-saddles,  rope-bri.lles,   tread-mills,    wooden 
plows,  and    Hails.     Ahnost   every  house  contained  a 
loom  and   a  spinning  wheel.     All    the  women  k.iew 
ii..w  to  knit,  spiu,  weave  and  sew,  and  with  rare 
ceptions,  they  all  wore  narro^v-skirted  flannel  dresse^ 


History  of  Marion  County.  25 

The  men  were  usually  habited  in  doer  or  coon-skin 
caps,  red  flannel  jackets  or  hunting  shirts,  blue  linsey 
breeches  and  moccasins.  They  knew  nothing  of  our 
present  McAdamized  roads  and  elegant  mud-pikes, 
neither  had  they  any  conception  of  the  luxury  of  a 
cushioned  saddle,  a  leather  bridle,  a  nice  buggy  or  a 
tine  carriage;  or  the  iron  plow,  threshing  machine, 
reaper  or  steam  mill.  The  nearest  place  where  sup- 
plies could  be  procured  was  east  of  the  mountains,  and 
it  was  often  that  the  barest  necessities  of  life  were 
^uf}e^ed  for  when  extremely  heavy  snows  or  freshets 
prevented  any  communication  between  the  settle- 
ments and  the  stores. 

As  stated  in  the  beginning  of  this  chapt(>r,  the 
manners  of  society  were  very  rude  in  those  days.  As 
an  illustration  of  this,  it  may  be  in  place  to  give 
an  account  of  how  a  marriage  was  conducted.  As  a 
general  rule  the  settlers  married  quite  young,  and, 
with  very  rare  exceptions,  their's  were  real  "  love 
matches."  On  this  account  their  marriagfS  proved 
mostly  happy  ones.  The  whole  neighborhood  would 
turn  out  en  to  a  wedding,  and  considering  tlie 
fact  that  a  marriage  celebration  was  about  the  only 
gathering  "  which  was  not  accompanied  with  the  la- 
bor of  reaping,  building  a  cabin,  or  planning  some 
scout  or  campaign,"  this  is  not  surprising.  The  cere- 
mony u.sually  took  place  before  dinner,  which  wa.s  a 
substantial  feast  of  beef,  pork,  venison  and  bear  meat, 

26  ItisTORY  OF  Mariox  CorxTv. 

potatoes,  cabbage  and  other  kinds  of  vegetables.  The 
tables  would  perhaps  bo  e(instruet(>d  of  a  large  slab  of 
timber,  hewed  out  with  a  broad-axe,  supj)orted  by  four 
sticks  set  in  augur  holes,  and  its  furniture  would  con- 
sist of  pewter  dishes,  wooden  bowls  and  trenchers. 
The  spoons  were  of  pewter  and  often  much  battered. 
If  knives  were  scarce,  the  scalping  knives  were 
brought  from  their  sheathes  and  used  to  supplv  the 
deficiency.  After  dinner  the  dancing  would  com- 
mence and  last  until  the  next  morning,  while  occa- 
sionally the  jug  would  be  passed  around  among  the 
com])any.  The  figures  of  the  dances  were  three  and 
four  handed  reels,  or  scjuare  sets  and  jigs.  The  mazy 
waltz,  the  enchanting  j)olka,  or  the  enlivening  schot- 
tische  they  knew  nothing  of.  About  nine  or  ten 
o'clock  a  dej)utation  of  young  ladies  would  steal  oft 
the  bride  and  put  her  to  bed.  The  l)iidal  chamber  was 
usually  in  the  loft  of  tiie  cal)in,  and  was  reached  by  a 
ladder  instead  of  a  pair  of  stairs.  The  floor  of  the  loft 
or  chamber  above  was  g^>n('rally  made  of  cla{)-boards 
loosely  laid  down  and  without  luiils.  The  hulder 
leading  upstairs  was  hidd<'n  from- view,  being  in  a 
corner  of  the  room,  curtain(^d  otf  with  huiiting  shirts, 
petticoats  and  otluu-  clothing,  so  tin'  exit  of  the  bride 
was  unnoticed.  After  this  a  d(>putation  of  young  men 
in  like  manner  made  way  with  the  groom,  whom  they 
would  place  beside  iiis  bride,  and  the  dauee  would 

History  of  ^Marion  County.  27 

It'soat;^  were  scarce,  it  was  cii.>^tomary,  and  consid- 
ered the  height  of  u-aUanti'v,  for  the  young  men  to 
otter  their  hijjs  to  the  young  hidie.s,  and  the  girls  ac- 
<'epted  the  proffered  seats  with  i)erfect  propriety.  Oc- 
casionally during  the  niglit,  tlie  bottle  would  be  sent 
up  the  ladder  to  the  i'ou])le  in  the  loft,  and  it  would 
often  be  accompanied  with  i-efi'cshments  of  other 
kinds,  such  as  bread,  beef,  pork  and  cabbage.  The 
feasting  and  dancing  would  last  for  several  days,  un- 
til tlic  company,  from  sheer  exhaustion,  would  return 
to  their  honit-s  to  rest. 

Such  was  the  rude  state  of  society  in  Marion  county 
a  hundred  years  ago. 



jm^OR  a  period  of  neaiiy  ten  years  after  the  close  of 
,:ii;§.  tlie  French  and  Indian  war  in  1765,  and  pre- 
vious to  1774,  thei-e  were  no  outbreaks  among  the 
Indians  of  Northwestern  Virginia,  and  the  settlers 
were  free  from  tlieir  depredations.  This  state  of 
things  would  have  doubtless  continued  had  it  not 
been  for  the  unprovoked  murder  of  three  Indians  by 
John  Ryan,  on  the  Ohio,  Monongahela  and  Cheat 
rivers,  at  different  periods  during  these  years.  The 
first  of  Ryan's  victims  was  a  chief  of  some  distinction, 
known  as  Captain  Peter,  and  the  others  were  warriors 
on  friendly  terms  with  the  whites.  Several  Indians 
were  likewise  killed  in  the  vicinity  by  other  settlers, 
while  they  were  upon  friendly  visits. 

Bald  Eagle  was  an  Indian  on  very  friendly  terms 
with  the  whites  in  this  vicinity,  and  was  in  the  habit 
of  associating  with  them.  While  on  one  of  his  friendly 
visits  to  the  white  settlements,  he  was  waylaid  by 
three  men,  .Jacob  Scott,  William  Hacker  and  Elijah 

History  of  Marion  County.  29 

Runner,  and  murdered  in  cold  blood.  Their  wanton 
thirst  for  Indian  blood  thus  gratified,  they  seated  the 
b(xly  in  the  stern  of  a  canoe  and  set  it  afloat  in  the 
Monongahela  river,  after  thrusting  in  the  mouth  of 
the  dead  warrior  a  piece  of  *' journey  cake."  Several 
persons  noticed  the  canoe  and  its  ghastly  burden  de- 
scending the  river,  but  supposed  he  was  merely  re- 
turning from  a  visit  to  his  Avhite  friends  at  the  settle- 
ments at  the  head  of  the  stream.  Finally,  below  the 
mouth  of  George's  3reek,  the  canoe  floated  near  the 
shore,  where  it  was  observed  by  a  Mrs.  Province,  who 
recognized  the  unfortunate  old  man,  had  him  brought 
to  shore  and  decently  buried. 

These,  and  various  other  murders  of  a  like  charac- 
ter, in  different  parts  of  the  colony,  aroused  the  pas- 
sions of  the  heretofore  peaceful  Indians,  and  they  very 
soon  re-opened  hostilities  and  visited  their  terrible 
vengeance  upon  the  heads  of  the  innocent  settlers, 
whenever  opportunity  afforded.  Men,  women  and 
children  everywhere  fell  victims  to  the  savage  ferocity 
thus  excited.  It  was  the  opinion  of  many,  however, 
that  the  hostilities  of  the  Indians  upon  the  American 
frontier  at  this  time  were  not  provoked  by  these  or 
other  massacres — that  they  were  urged  to  war  by 
emissaries  of  Great  Britain  and  Canadian  traders.  It 
is  true  that  the  agents  of  Great  Britain  aided  and  en- 
couraged the  Indians  in  the  war  commenced  by  them 

in  1774,  but  that  their  prime  incentive  was  the  out- 

30  History  of  Marion  County. 

rages  perpetrated  by  the  whites,  together  with  the 
realization  that  the  settlers  were  crowding  them  out 
of  their  lands — their  rightful  inheritance — there  can 
be  no  doubt. 

As  soon  as  it  was  manifest  that  the  Indians  were 
intent  upon  waging  a  bloody  war,  the  inhabitants  on 
the  frontiers  of  Northwestern  Virginia  proceeded  to 
put  themselves  in  a  state  of  defense.  Some  took  refuge 
in  the  forts,  and  others  collected  together  into  certain 
houses,  which  were  converted  into  temporary  fort- 
resses. Many  made  their  way  to  Fort  Pitt,  at  the  con- 
fluence of  the  Allegheny  and  Monongahela  river — 
the  present  site  of  Pittsburgh.  It  was  then  that 
there  were  a  number  of  private  forts  established  in 
various  settlements.  In  Tygart's  Valley  the  princi- 
pal forts  erected  were  Westfall's  and  Cassino's.  About 
five  miles  below  Fairmont  on  the  Monongahela,  at  the 
mouth  of  Prickett's  creek  was  erected  Prickett's  fort, 
which  afforded  protection  to  all  the  settlers  on  the 
upper  Monongahela,  in  the  vicinity  of  where  now 
stands  the  towns  of  Fairmont,  Palatine,  Rivesville 
and  Newport.  Nutter's  fort,  near  Clarksburg,  afforded 
protection  to  the  inhabitants  on  the  West  Fork  from 
its  source  to  its  confluence  with  the  Valley  river. 
Jackson's  fort  was  also  established  on  Ten  Mile,  and 
was  a  rendezvous  for  the  settlers  in  that  neighborhood. 
These  were  the  most  important  stations  in  this  vicin- 
ity, but  there  were  quite  a  number  of  private  strong- 

History  of  Marion  County.  31 

holds,  in  which  two  or  three  families  only  would  take 
refuge,  when  signs  of  the  Indians  appeared  in  their 
immediate  neighborhood. 

The  region  of  the  upper  ]\Ionongahela  and  those  set- 
tlements now  embraced  in  ^Marion  county  were  not 
the  scenes  of  active  Avar,  but  suffered  from  occasional 
depredations  by  straggling  parties  of  savages,  who 
would  detach  themselves  from  the  main  bodies  and 
descend  upon  our  settlements.  The  great  chief,  Lo- 
gan, justly  celebrated  for  his  prowess  and  eloquence 
led  a  party  through  the  country  from  the  Ohio  to  the 
West  Fork,  and  committed  several  massacres  in  the 
vicinity  of  Simpkins.  This  was  about  the  nearest 
that  any  regular  war  party  came  to  this  region.  The 
straggling  bands  mentioned  above,  however,  com- 
mitted more  dreadful  deeds  than  did  the  regular  war 
parties.  Their  acts  of  vengeance  were  accompanied 
with  more  terror  to  the  unfortunate  victims,  because 
they  were  unlooked  for.  They  would  steal  upon  the 
settlers  when  least  expected,  and  when  they  were  not 
in  a  state  of  defence — when  they  were  at  work  in 
their  fields,  or  upon  the  unguarded  family  at  home, 
and  massacre  them  in  cold  blood. 



S  soon  as  the  new.  of  the  depredations  connnit- 
^  ted  by  Logan  and   his  band   became  knou-n  in 
the  settlements  of  this  vicinity,  the  inhabitants  very 
much  alarmed  for   their  safety,  retired  immediately 
into  the  forts  and  other  places  of  refu.^e.     Strolling 
parties  of  savages  were  heard  of  ooeasionally :  but  no 
acts  of  violence  took  place  in  our  settlements  until 
the  month  of  Se^.tember.    One  day  during  that  month 
Josiah  Prickett  and  Mrs.  Susan  Ox  left  Pricketfsfort 
near   Newport,  for  the  purpose  of  driving  up  their" 
cows.     A  party  of  Indians,  attracted  by  the  tinklin.    i 
of  the  cow-bells,  waylaid  the.n  on  their  return  to  th^     I 
for    and  succeeded  in   killing  and  scalping  Prickett     I 
and  taking  Mrs.  Ox  prisoner.  ' 

It  may  be  a  matter  of  astonishment  to  tlie  reader 
that  the,.ottlers  could  thus  recklessly  expose  them- 
Bolves,  by  leaving  the  fort,  knowing  that  Indians  were 
lurking  in  the  vicinity.     Son.e  explanation  may  be 

History  of  Marion  County.  33 

found  in  the  fact,  that  previous  to  this  our  settlers  had 
been  accustomed  to  come  and  go  at  will,  hence  the 
confinement  of  the  forts  was  very  irksome  to  them, 
and  rather  than  pine  under  this  present  restraint 
the}'  would  hazard  their  lives  in  pursuit  of  their  prin- 
cipal means  of  existence— game,  or  to  attend  to  some 
duty  connected  with  their  farm  work.  Often,  for 
weeks  not  a  hostile  sound  would  disturb  the  peaceful 
quiet  reigningover  the  surrounding  liills  and  valleys, 
until  some  settlers,  deceived  by  the  quiet  stillness, 
ventured  from  his  retreat,  only  to  meet  his  death  at 
the  hands  of  the  wily  savage,  who  had  awaited  all 
this  time  for  an  unguarded  moment  in  which  to 
spring  upon  his  deluded  victim.  Others,  unwilling 
to  risk  the  danger,  would  rcunain  within  the  fort,  tor- 
tured with  the  thought  that  their  crops,  long  ago  "ripe 
unto  the  harvest,"  and  for  tiie  production  of  which 
they  had  toiled  many  weary  days,  were  rotting  in  the 
fields.  This  latter  fact,  coupled  with  the  necessity  of 
procuring  the  necessaries  of  life,  would  cause  many  to 
brave  even  death  itself 

On  the  10th  of  October  of  this  year  U""-!),  tl'<'  l>:it- 
tle  of  Point  Pleasant  virtually  put  an  end  to  what  has 
since  been  known  as  Gov.  Dunmore's  war,  but  the 
outrages  by  these  strolling  bandsof  Indians  continued. 
Instead  of  following  up  the  victory  of  Point  Pleasant 
by  a  raid  into  the  Indian  territory  and  reducing  their 
towns,  the  army  disbanded,  leaving   the   Indians  at 

34  History  of  Marion  County^ 

liberty  to  make  further  inroads  upon  our  frontiers,  in 
the  pursuit  of  vengeance  on  those  who  had  recently 
sent-so  many  of  their  bravest  warriors  to  the  "happy 
hunting  grounds."  ■  The  character  of  therehitions  be- 
tween Great  Britain  and  the  American  colonies  was 
becoming  more  and  more  unfriendly,  and  the  whole 
attention  of  the  colonists  was  directed  to  it,  leaving 
the  frontier  settlements  for  a  time  forgotten.  The  In- 
dians, knowing  that  Virginia  needed  all  her  available 
strength  to  defend  herself  from  the  invading  hosts  of 
Great  Britain,  and  could  not  extend  any  aid  to  the 
frontier  settlements,  took  advantage  of  this  state  of 
affairs  and  re-opened  hostilities,  utterly  ignoring  the 
treaty  of  peace  made  after  the  battle  of  Point  Pleas- 
ant. The  respite,  then,  after  the  close  of  the  Dunmore 
war,  was  but  momentary. 

Between  Wheeling  and  Point  Pleasant,  a  distance 
of  nearly  two  hundred  miles  by  the  Oiiio  river,  there 
was  no  obstacle  to  prevent  the  raids  of  the  Indian  war 
parties  from  their  territories  west  of  tiie  river  upon 
our  settlements  on  the  upper  Monongahela  and  its 
branches;  yet,  for  two  years  after  the  killing  of  Josiah 
Prickett,  there  were  no  serious  outrages  in  this  imme- 
diate vicinity.  Subsequent  to  this,  the  next  import- 
ant event  of  the  kind  occurred  in  a  settlement  near 
the  West  Fork,  in  Harrison  county,  at  the  house  of 
Charles  Grisby.  During  the  absence  of  Mr.  Grisby,  a 
party  of  Indians  entered  his  house,  and  after  plunder- 

History  of  Marion  County.  B5 

ing  it  of  everything  valuable,  departed,  taking  with 
them  Mrs.  Grisby  and  her  two  children  as  prisoners. 
The  husband  and  father  returned  soon  after,  compre- 
hending instantly  what  had  been  done,  and  knowing 
the  terrible  danger  of  his  wife  and  little  ones,  he  has- 
tily gathered  together  some  of  his  neighbors  and  set 
out  in  hot  pui'suit.  After  following  the  trail  about 
six  miles,  they  suddenly  came  upon  a  ghastly  scene,. 
which  put  to  flight  all  the  hopes  they  had  entertained 
of  being  able  to  recover  at  least  two  of  the  captives  ; 
for  lying  on  the  ground  were  the  bodies  of  Mrs.  Grisby 
and  her  younger  child,  both  scalped  and  killed  by 
their  inhuman  captors.  The  settlers,  leaving  two  of 
their  number  to  take  care  of  the  remains  of  the  unfor- 
tunate victims,  pushed  forward  with  renewed  exer- 
tions in  pursuit  of  the  Indians,  earnestly  desiring  to 
overtake  them  and  avenge  the  bloody  deed  ;  but  they 
did  not  succeed,  and  were  obliged  to  give  up  in  despair 
and  return  home.  i954I205 

Shortly  after  this,  two  Indians  secreted  themselves 
near  Coon's  fort  on  West  Fork,  waiting  an  opportu- 
nity to  do  some  mischief;  the  occasion  was  not  long  in 
presenting  itself,  for  a  daughter  of  Mr.  Coon  came  out 
of  the  fort  for  the  purpose  of  performing  some  slight 
labor  in  a  field  near  the  roadside.  Two  men,  P^noch 
Jones  and  Thomas  Cunningham,  came  down  the  road, 
and  after  a  short  conversation  with  her,  walked  on. 
In  the  meantime  tlio  Indians  were  waiting  for  her  to 

36  History  of  Marion  CorNTv. 

come  near  enough  for  them  to  capture  her  without 
alarming  the  people  in  the  fort ;  but  sh(.',  turning 
suddenly,  observed  thera  and  started  to  run  home  ;  in- 
stantly one  of  the  savages  shot  at  her,  while  the  other 
rushed  to  her,  tomahawked  and  scalped  her  heforo  the 
eyes  of  the  horrified  men  who  had  only  gone  a  short 
distance  down  the  road,  yet  were  not  near  enough  to 
render  any  assistance.  The  settlers  immediately 
turned  out  in  pursuit  of  the  murderers,  but  no  traces 
of  them  could  be  discovered. 

In  the  month  of  March  following,  a  party  of  Indians 
came  suddenly  on  a  number  of  children  playing  in  a 
yard  on  Ten  Mile.  The  children  ran  screaming  to  the 
house  (which  was  serving  as  a  place  of  refuge  for  the 
settlers  in  that  neighboi-hood,  and  was  known  as  Fort 
Harbert,)  and  apprised  the  inmates  of  the  Indians 
approach.  John  Murphey,  rushing  to  the  door  to 
see  if  danger  reall}-  was  near,  was  instantly  shot 
and  fell  bac^k  into  the  house;  tlu?  Indian  who  iiad 
fired  the  shot,  not  knowing  there  were  other  men 
in  the  house,  sprang  in  and  was  instantly  grappled 
by  Mr.  Harbert,  who  threw  him  upon  the  fioor  and 
struck  him  with  his  tomahawk.  While  maintaining 
his  position  over  the  prostrate  savage,  two  shots  were 
fired  at  Harbert  fi-om  without — the  first  wounding 
him,  and  tiie  second,  passing  tlirough  his  head,  killed 
him.  In  the  meantime,  Kdwarti  (Uinningham  was 
having  a  terrible  stru^tile  with   a   warrior   who  had 

History  of  Maiuox  CorNTv.  o7 

entered  innuediately  after  the  first  one.  He  drew  up 
his  gun  to  shoot  the  !?avage,  but  it  flashed,  and  tlie 
two  men  closed  in  a  hand-to-liand  encounter.  .Vfter 
a  contest  of  some  moments,  Cunningham  wrenelied 
froTu  the  hand  of  tlie  Indian  his  tomaliawk,  and 
buried  the  spike  end  of  it  in  l>is  hack,  while  ^Nlrs. 
Cunningham,  rushing  up  to  the  savagi^,  struck  him 
with  an  axe,  causing  him  to  release  his  hold  upon 
Mr.  Cunningham  and  retire  bleeding  from  the  house. 
The  third  Indian  who  entered  the  door  wore  a  cap 
made  of  the  unshorn  front  of  a  buffalo,  witii  the  ears 
and  horns  still  attached  to  it,  presenting  the  most 
hideous  aspect ;  a  Miss  Reece  was  standing  near  him 
and  at  her  he  aimed  a  blow  wincii  wounded  her 
severely.  Mrs.  Reece  seeing  her  daughter's  terrible 
danger,  seized  the  horrible  head-dress  of  the  savage 
by  its  horns,  hoping  to  turn  aside  the  blow,  but  it 
came  off  in  her  hands  and  the  blow  fell  on  the  head  of 
the  girl.  The  father  of  the  girl  then  attacked  the  In- 
dian, but  was  quickly  thrown  to  tiie  floor,  and  the 
savage  would  have  made  short  work  of  him  had  not 
Cunningham  rushed  to  the  rescue  and  tomahawked 
his  assailant.  During  this  time  the  rest  of  the  In- 
dians, who  had  been  prevented  from  entering  the 
door  by  the  women,  were  engaged  in  securing  such  of 
the  children  in  the  yard  as  were  capable  of  being 
carried  away  prisoners.  These,  evidently  not  relish- 
ing   the    idea   of  furth9r   attack,  retreated,  carrying 

38  History  of  Marion  County. 

with  them  the  children  they  had  captured.  In  this 
attack  one  white  person  was  killed  in  the  house  and 
four  wounded. 

In  the  yard  eight  children  were  either  killed  or 
taken  prisoners,  while  the  Indians  had  one  killed  and 
two  wounded.  This  was  the  most  serious  of  the  In- 
dian depredations  of  that  year  in  this  section,  and, 
althougli  it  did  not  transpire  within  the  boundaries 
of  what  is  now  called  Marion  county,  but  in  Harrison, 
it  is  given  here  for  reasons  that  are  obvious.  Some 
of  the  settlers  concerned  in  the  incident  belonged  to 
this  vicinity,  or  were  inhabitants  of  this  county;  it  is 
therefore  appropriate  as  well  as  interesting  to  give  it 
in  this  connection. 



^N  the  16th  of  June,  1778,  Captain  James -Booth 
-  and  Nathaniel  Cochran  were  at  work  in  a  field 
on  Booth's  creek,  near  where  the  little  village  of  Brier- 
town  is  now  situated.  They  were  surprised  by  a  party 
of  Indians,  who  fired  upon  them  killing  Booth,  and 
slightly  wounding  Cochran,  who  betook  himself  to 
flight,  hoping  to  get  beyond  the  range  of  the  Indians' 
guns  and  escape ;  in  this  he  did  not  succeed,  for  he 
was  overtaken  by  them,  made  prisoner  and  carried 
into  their  towns. 

The  death  of  Captain  Booth  was  mournfully  regret- 
ted by  the  settlers,  for  he  was  a  man  of  great  energv, 
good  education,  and  possessed  extraordinary  talents. 
He  was  probably  the  most  prominent  man  in  the  set- 
tlements, and  his  death  was  felt  to  be  a  very  great  loss. 
Cochran  was  afterwards  taken  by  the  Indians  from 
their  towns  in  Ohio  to  Detroit,  where  he  was  sold  and 
remained  a  captive  for  a  long  period.     While  at  De- 

40  History  of  Marion  County. 

troit  he  made  an  attempt  to  escape,  and  would  have 
succeeded  had  he  not  unfortunately  taken  a  path 
which  led  him  directly  to  the  old  Maumee  towns, 
where  he  was  recaptured,  and,  after  being  detained 
for  a  time,  was  sent  back  to  Detroit.  After  enduring 
many  hardships  and  suffering  many  privations,  being 
traded  backwards  and  forwards  among  the  Indians  of 
that  section  and  Canada,  he  was  finally  exchanged, 
and  found  his  way  home. 

A  youth  of  scarce  eighteen  when  taken  by  the  In- 
dians, he  returned  a  man  of  thirty-five.  He  was  after- 
wards a  Captian  in  the  militia,  and  lived  to  a  ripe  old 
age.  Five  of 'his  children  arc  still  living  in  this 
state.  They  are  William  Cochran,  the  oldest,  ago 
91,  living  at  Worthington;  James,  father  of  Nathaniel 
Cochran  of  Fairmont,  who  lives  in  Jackson  county; 
John,  living  near  the  mouth  of  Booth's  creek ;  Mrs. 
Hannah  Rowan,  and  Mrs.  Polly  Bowman,  who  live 
near  Booth's  creek. 

Two  or  three  days  after  the  killing  of  Capt.  Booth, 
the  same  party  of  Indians  met  Benjamin  Shinn,  Win. 
Grundy  and  Benjamin  Washburn  returning  from  the 
head  of  Booth's  creek,  and  Grundy  fell  a  victim  to  the 
savages ;  going  on  farther,  the  Indians  saw  a  boy 
about  sixteen  years  old  standing  in  the  path  leading 
from  Simpson's  to  Booth's  creek,  mending  his  saddle- 
girth.  They  fired  at  him,  and  the  ball  passing  di- 
rectly through  him,  killing  both  him  self  and  his  horse. 

History  of  Marion  County.  41 

These  inrouds  made  by  the  Indians  in  1778  led  the 
inhabitants  to  make  greater  preparations  for  security 
than  ever  before,  fearing  that  when  the  winter  was 
over  hostilities  would  be  again  renewed.  Many  of 
the  settlements  received  accessions  to  their  number 
from  the  emigrants  who  were  constantly  arriving, 
and  the  population  gradually  increased  until  it  was 
evident  that  the  time  was  rapidly  approaching  when 
the  progress  of  civilization  would  be  .so  great  that  the 
uncivilized  must  give  way  before  it,  for  every  settler 
lessened  the  dangers  of  frontier  life  as  he  increased  its 
power  to  repel  them. 

Their  troubles  were  not  yet  over,  however,  for  early 
in  the  year  1779,  the  settlers  were  alarmed  by  circum- 
stances which  led  to  the  belief  that  Indians  were  lurk- 
ing in  the  neighborhood.  The  inhabitants  around 
Prickett's  fort  especially  became  alarmed  and  entered 
the  fort ;  yet  their  fears  seemed  groundless,  for  days 
passed  and  no  signs  of  the  Indians  were  seen.  A  sense 
of  security  began  to  take  possession  of  them  ;  but  as 
spring  was  rapidly  approaching,  the  season  when  the 
savages  usually  commenced  their  depredations,  they 
continued  to  make  the  fort  their  place  of  abode  at 
night,  but  attended  to  their  farm  duties  during  the 
day.  Among  those  who  .sought  refuge  in  Prickett's 
fort  was  the  David  Morgan  mentioned  in  a  former 
chapter,  who  at  the  time  was  upwards  of  seventy 
years  of  age.     About  the  first  of  April,  being  unwell 

42  History  of  Makiox  CoUxNty. 

himself,  he  sent  his  two  children — Stephen,  a  youth 
of  sixteen  (afterwards  the  fatlier  of  the  late  Hons. 
William  S.  and  Charles  Morgan,)  and  Sarah,  a  girl  of 
fourteen— to  feed  the  cattle  on  his  farm,  which  was 
on  the  opposite  side  of  the  river  about  a  mile  distant. 
Unknown  to  their  father,  who  supposed  tiiey  would 
return  immediately,  the  children  took  with  them 
tJread  and  meat  for  a  lunch,  and  resolved  to  spend  the 
day  on  the  farm,  preparing  the  ground  for  watermel- 
ons. Accordingly,  after  feeding  the  stock,  Stephen 
set  himself  to  work,  his  sister  helping  him  in  various 
ways,  and  occasionally  going  to  the  cabin,  a  short  dis- 
tance west  of  where  they  were,  to  wet  some  linen  she 
was  bleaching.  After  the  children  left  the  house 
Morgan,  whose  illness  increased,  went  to  bed,  and  fall- 
ing asleep,  dreamed  that  he  saw  Sarah  and  Stephen 
walking  about  the  yard  of  the  fort,  scalped.  This 
dream,  which  under  any  circunistances  would  not 
tend  to  produce  a  (comfortable  fctding  in  the  mind  of 
the  dreamer,  causeil  Morgan  no  little  apprehension, 
when  on  awaking  he  found  the  children  were  still 
absent.  Taking  with  him  his  gun  he  immediately 
set  out  for  the  farm  to  see  what  detained  tiiem.  Im- 
pressed with  the  fear  that  he  would  find  his  horrible 
dream  realized,  lie  ascended  a  slight  eminence  which 
overlooked  the  Held  where  the  children  were,  and  was 
overjoyed  to  see  them  safe  talking  busily  as  they 
worked.     Unobserved  by  them,  he  sat  down  to  rest  on 

History  of  Marion  County.  43 

an  old  log,  comiuanding  a  full  view  of  them  and  the 
cabin,  he  had  been  there  but    a    short    time    when, 
happening  to  look  towards  the  house,  he  saw  two  In- 
dians stealing  from  it  towards  the  children.     Fear- 
ing a  sudden  alarm  would  deprive  them  of  their  self- 
possession  and  unfit  them  for  escape,  Morgan  retained 
his  seat  upon    the   log,  and   in  a  low   voice,  with  as 
careless  a  manner  as  he  could  assume,  told  them  o*f 
their   danger    and    said,   •'  run    to    the    fort."      The 
children     instantly    started    and    the    Indians    with 
hideous   yells   immediately   pursued    them.     At  this 
moment  Morgan  made  himself  known,  and  the  Indians 
giving  up    the  chase,  sheltered  themselves  from  his 
bullets   behind  two  trees.     Believing  that  discretion 
is  the  better  part  of  valor,  and  not   wishing  to  fight 
against  such  odds,  Morgan  then   attempted  to  place 
himself  out  of  danger  by  flight,  but  age  and  infirmity 
prevented   his  making  much  headway,  and   he    soon 
realized  that  he  would  be  speedily  overtaken  by   the 
Indians,  who  were  following  in  hot  pursuit.    Resolved 
to  die  game,  he  suddenly  wheeled  and  made  ready  to 
fire  at  them,    but  seeing. the  motion  they  instantly 
sprang  behind   trees,    and  Morgan,  wishing   to  save 
himself  in  the  same  manner,  got  behind  a  sugar  sap- 
ling, but  finding  it  insufficient  for  his  protection  lie 
quitted  it  for  a  large  oak  a  short  distance  further  on. 
One  of  the  Indians  then  took  possession  of  the  sap- 
ling he  had  just  left,  but  seeing  it  could  not  shelter 

44  History  of  Marion  County. 

him,  threw  himself  down  behind  a  log  which  lay  at  the 
root  of  the  tree.  This  also  was  not  sufficient  to  cover 
him,  and  Morgan  seeing  him  exposed,  fired  at  him. 
The  ball  took  effect  and  the  savage,  rolling  over  on 
his  back  stabbed  himself  twice.  Having  thus  rid 
himself  of  one  of  his  pursuers  Morgan  again  took  to 
flight,  the  surviving  Indian  close  upon  him.  There 
were  now  no  trees  to  shield  him,  and  the  Indian  could 
readily  overtake  him  ;  and  his  gun  being  unloaded  he 
had  no  means  of  defense.  The  race  had  continued  for 
about  ten  yards,  when  looking  over  his  shoulder  Mor- 
gan observed  the  Indian  almost  upon  him  with  his 
gun  raised.  Morgan  watched  closely  the  Indian's 
finger  upon  the  trigger  and  as  he  pressed  it  sprang 
to  one  side,  letting  the  bullet  whiz  harmlessly  by. 
Seeing  that  a  hand-to-hand  encounter  was  inevitable, 
Morgan  then  aimed  a  blow  with  his  gun  at  his  ad- 
versary, who  in  return  hurled  his  tomaliawk  at  him, 
cutting  ofFthree  fingcM's  of  his  left  hand  and  knockino- 
the  weapon  from  his  grasp.  They  then  closed,  and 
Morgan,  being  a  good  wrestler  in  spite  of  his  years, 
succeeded  in  throwing  the  Indian.  He  was  not 
strong  enough  to  maintain  his  position,  however,  for 
the  Indian  was  soon  on  top  of  him,  and  with  a  yell  of 
triumph  began  feeling  for  his  knife,  with  which  to 
dispatch  him.  Fortunately  for  Morgan,  the  sava^^e, 
while  in  the  house  had  seen  a  woman's  apron,  and, 
pleased  with  its  bright  color,  had  taken  and  bound  it 

History  of  Marion  County.  45 

around  his  waist  above  the  knife  ;  this  hindered  him 
from  getting  at  the  knife  quickly  and  while  he  con- 
tinued fumbling  for  it,  Morgan  succeeded  in  getting 
one  of  the  Indian's  fingers  in  his  mouth.  Finally  the 
Indian  found  his  knife,  grasping  it  near  the  blade, 
while  Morgan  caught  hold  of  the  extremity  of  the 
handle,  and  as  the  redskin  drew  it  from  its  scabbard, 
the  old  man  closed  his  teeth  on  the  finger  he  held 
with  terrible  force,  causing  the  savage  involuntarily 
to  relax  his  grasp,  Morgan  quickly  drew  the  knife 
through  his  hand  and  in  an  instant  plunged  it  into 
his  body;  then,  feeling  the  Indian  sink  lifeless  back 
in  his  arms,  he  loosed  his  grasp  and  started  for  the 
fort.  Meantime,  Sarah,  unable  to  keep  pace  with  her 
brother,  who  by  this  time  had  reached  the  fort, 
followed  in  his  footsteps  until  she  came  to  the  river 
where  he  had  plunged  in  and  swam  across.  She  was 
making  her  way  to  the  canoe  when  her  father  over- 
took her  and  they  crossed  to  the  fort  together.  After 
relating  his  adventures  to  the  occupants  of  the  fort, 
Morgan,  well  nigh  exhausted,  retired  to  rest,  while  a 
party  of  men  went  to  the  farm  to  see  if  traces  of  any 
other  Indians  could  be  found.  On  arriving  at  the 
place  where  the  struggle  had  taken  place  the  wound- 
ed Indian  was  not  to  be  seen.  They  trailed  him  by 
the  blood  which  had  flowed  from  his  side,  and 
presently  found  him  concealed  in  the  branches   of  a 

46  History  of  Marion  County. 

tree.  As  they  came  towards  him  he  greeted  them 
appealingly  with  the  salutation,  "  How  do  do  broder, 
how  do  broder,"  and  surrendered  himself  into  their 
hands.  Then  occurred  a  most  shocking  scene.  The 
vindictive  passions  of  the  men  were  fully  aroused,  so 
that  they  tomahawked  and  scalped  the  wounded  In- 
dian— a  proceeding  worthy  of  savage  warfare — and  as 
if  the  measure  of  their  revenge  was  not  filled,  they 
flayed  him,  tanned  his  skin,  and  converted  it  into  shot 
pouches  and  belts. 

The  above  incident  took  place  on  that  part  of  Mor- 
gan's plantation  which  is  a  short  distance  north-east 
of  the  residence  of  the  late  George  P.  ^Morgan.  David's 
cabin  stood  near  where  the  burying  ground  of  the 
Morgan  family  is  now  situated,  and  his  body,  with 
those  of  his  family,  rest  within  the  inclosure. 

About  two  months  after  this  occurrence,  as  John 
Owens,  John  Juggins  and  Owen  Owens  were  going  to 
their  corn  field  on  Booth's  creek,  they  were  attacked 
by  Indians,  who  killed  and  scalped  John  Owens  and 
John  Juggins,  but  Owen  Owens  succeeded  in  making 
his  escape.  A  son  of  John  Owens,  who  had  been  sent 
to  the  pasture  for  the  horses,  to  use  in  plowing,  heard 
the  report  of  the  gun,  and  not  suspecting  anything 
was  wrong,  came  riding  along  on  one  horse,  leading 
another.  lie  was  first  observed  by  the  Indians,  and 
made  aware  of  their  presence  by  the  bullets  that  came 

46  History  of  Marion  County. 

tree.  As  they  came  towards  him  he  greeted  them 
appealingly  with  the  salutation,  "  How  do  do  broder, 
how  do  broder,"  and  surrendered  himself  into  their 
hands.  Then  occurred  a  most  shocking  scene.  The 
vindictive  passions  of  the  men  were  fully  aroused,  so 
that  they  tomahawked  and  scalped  the  wounded  In- 
dian— a  proceeding  worthy  of  savage  warfare — and  as 
if  the  measure  of  their  revenge  was  not  filled,  they 
flayed  him,  tanned  his  skin,  and  converted  it  into  shot 
pouches  and  belts. 

The  above  incident  took  place  on  that  part  of  Mor- 
gan's plantation  which  is  a  short  distance  north-east 
of  the  residence  of  the  late  George  P.  ^Morgan.  David's 
cabin  stood  near  where  the  burying  ground  of  the 
Morgan  family  is  now  situated,  and  his  body,  with 
those  of  his  family,  rest  within  the  inclosure. 

About  two  months  after  this  occurrence,  as  John 
Owens,  John  Juggins  and  Owen  Owens  were  going  to 
their  corn  field  on  Booth's  creek,  they  were  attacked 
by  Indians,  who  killed  and  scalped  John  Owens  and 
John  Juggins,  but  Owen  Owens  succeeded  in  making 
his  escape.  A  son  of  John  Owens,  who  had  been  sent 
to  the  pasture  for  the  horses,  to  use  in  plowing,  heard 
the  report  of  the  gun,  and  not  suspecting  anything 
was  wrong,  came  riding  along  on  one  horse,  leading 
another.  He  was  first  observed  by  the  Indians,  and 
made  aware  of  their  presence  by  the  bullets  that  came 

History  of  Marion  County.  47 

whistling  past  him.  Xone  of  them  took  effect,  how- 
ever, and  the  Indians  made  a  futile  attempt  to  capture 
him  by  catching  hold  of  the  bridle  reins,  but  he  urged 
forward  his  horse  and  escaped  unhurt. 



tHP]  bloody  deeds  committed  by  the  Indians,  crea- 
ted within  the  hearts  of  the  settlers  a  bitter  en- 
mity toward  them,  and  often  led  them  to  retaliate  by 
the  commission  of  about  as  barbarous  acts  as  the  sav- 
ages themselves  were  guilty  of,  as  in  the  case  of  the 
Indian  with  whom  Morgan  had  the  encounter,  related 
in  the  last  chapter.  Their  vindictive  passions  once 
aroused  they  would  forget  for  tlie  moment  that  they 
were  civilized  men,  and  the  bare  sight  of  an  Indian, 
whether  friimdly  or  otherwise,  woukl  arouse  this  spirit 
of  revenge  in  their  hearts,  and  they  would  be  led  to 
commit  acts  wliich  in  their  thouglitful  moments  they 
regretted.  A  striking  incident  of  tliis  kind  occurred, 
in  which  Horatio  Morgan,  of  Prickett's  fort,  was  the 
principal  actor. 

Wliile  hunting  one  day,  lie  unexpectedly  c;iine 
upon  an  Indian  seated  near  a  fire  built  on  the  river 
bank.  Concealing  himself  behind  a  tree.  ^Morgan 
watched  the  scene  for  some  moments.     Over  the  fire 

History  of  Marion  County.  49 

was  suspended  a  pot  in  vvhicli  an  Indian  boy  was 
stirring  a  mixture  of  herbs  and  water.  The  lirst 
mentioned  savage— an  old  man — sat  upon  a  log  Avith 
his  liead  bowed  in  his  hands,  evidently  very  sick,  and 
the  boy  was  boiling  the  gruel  to  relieve  his  sutl'erings, 
which  appeared  to  be  intense.  Not  a  considerate 
thought  for  the  pitiable  condition  of  the  old  Indian 
seemed  to  enter  tlie  mind  of  Morgan,  but  raising  his 
gun,  after  watching  the  scene  awhile,  he  fired.  The 
ball  went  crashing  throngli  the  brain  of  the  sick  man, 
and  he  was  forever  freed  from  his  sufferings.  The 
boy,  frightened  at  this  sudden  evidence  that  an  enemy 
was  at  hand,  took  to  the  woods  and  made  his  escape. 

Morgan  was  overcome  with  remorse  the  moment 
after  he  had  fired  the  shot,  and  would  have  given  the 
world  to  have  been  able  to  recall  it.  So  stricken  witli 
shame  was  he  at  the  cowardh-  advantage  he  had  taken 
of  the  Indian,  that  it  was  not  until  years  afterwards 
that  he  related  the  circumstance;  and  then  it  was 
with  a  feeling  of  deep  regret  at  what  he  had  so 
thouglitlessly  done. 

ICarly  in  the  month  of  March,  1781,  a  party  of  In- 
dians raided  upon  tlie  settlentents  of  this  neighbor- 
hood, and  on  the  niglit  of  the  fifth  arrived  at  the  of  Captain  Jolm  Thomas,  on  Booth's  creek,  near 
the  site  of  the  town  of  Ikiothsville.  Elizabetli  .lug- 
gins,  daughter  t)f  tlie  .lohn  -Juggins  whose  murder  is 

chronicled  in  a  previous  chapter,  was  visitintr  at  tlic 

50  History  of  Marion  Cointv. 

liouse  at  the  time.  When  the  Indians  arrived  at  the 
house  the  occupants  were  engaged  in  family  devotion 
to  God,  and  Captain  Thomas  was  in  the  act  of  repeat- 
ing the  lines  of  the  hymn,  "  (tO  worship  at  Emanuel's 
feet."  Scarcely  had  he  commenced  when  a  gun  was 
fired  at  him  from  without  and  he  fell.  The  Indians 
then  forced  o])en  the  door  and  commence<l  the  most 
dreadful  tragedy  that  had  yet  taken  place  in  this 
neighborhood.  It  was  in  vain  that  Mrs.  Tliomas  im- 
plored the  mercy  of  the  savages  for  herself  and  ehil- . 
dren.  She  was  answered  with  a  blow  from  a  toma- 
hawk in  the  hands  of  a  l)rawi\y  warrior,  and  in  quick 
succession  six  of  her  children  lay  weltering  in  their 
blood  around  her  body  and  that  of  her  husband.  The 
savages  then  i)roceeded  to  scalp  their  victims,  and  to 
plunder  the  house,  after  which  they  left,  taking  with 
them  one  little  boy  as  a  prisoner.  Miss  Juggins,  as 
soon  as  she  observed Cnjitaiii  Thomas  fall,  realized  the 
danger  and  threw  herself  under  a  bed,  where  she  re- 
mained hidden  from  the  view  of  the  Indians  all 
through  the  terrible  tragedy.  When  the  savage.s  had 
departed  she  came  out  from  her  hiding  place,  and 
found  that  ^Irs.  Thomas  was  still  alive,  though  unable 
to  move.  She  asked  Miss  .Juggins  to  hand  her  the 
body  of  her  murdered  infant  that  lay  a  short  distance 
from  her,  and  the  young  lady  afterwards  said  that  lier' 
pitiful  glances  around  upon  the  bloody  seene  were 
enough  to  melt  ti\e  stoutest  heart.     What  a  terrible 

History  of  Marion  County.  51 

contrast  between  the  scene  now  and  the  one  of  a  half 
hour  before  I  The  unfortunate  mother  of  the  murder- 
ed family  begged  Elizabeth  not  to  leave  her;  but, 
anxious  for  her  own  safe t}',  the  girl  left  the  house  and 
took  refuge  the  rest  of  the  night  between  two  logs. 
In  the  morning  she  spread  the  alarm  among  the 
neighbors,  who  hastened  to  the  scene  of  the  enormities. 
Mrs.  Thomas  was  found  lying  in  the  yard,  where  she 
had  crawled  and  died  during  the  night.  Her  body 
was  terribly  mangled  by  the  tomahawk,  and  had  been 
torn  by  hogs.  The  Indians  had  evidently  made  the 
place  a  second  visit,  for  all  that  remained  of  the  house 
and  the  bodies  of  Captain  Thomas  and  his  children 
was  a  heap  of  ashes. 

After  this  massacie,  the  settlement  on  Booth's  creek 
was  forsaken  ;  the  settlers  becoming  alarmed  for  their 
safety,  they  went  to  Simpson's  creek  for  greater  secur- 
ity. Not  long  afterwards,  John  Owens,  accompanied 
by  some  young  men  of  the  latter  settlement,  returned 
to  his  farm  on  Booth's  creek  for  the  purpose  of  thresh- 
ing some  wheat,  and  while  Owens  was  upon  a  stack 
throwing  down  sheaves,  several  shots  were  fired  at 
him  by  a  party  of  Indians  who  were  concealed  a  short 
distance  off.  He  leaped  from  the  stack  and  the  men 
placed  themselves  on  the  defensive.  It  was  soon  evi- 
dent that  the  savages  had  departed,  and  they  con- 
cluded to  go  ba(;k  to  Sim])Son's,  j)rocure  reinforce- 
ments and  pursue  the  enemy.    This  resolve  was  acted 

52  History  of  Mauiox  County. 

upon  and  the  trail  of  the  Indians  was  afterwards  fol- 
lowed to  a  point  some  distance  beyond  Sliinnston, 
where  the  savages  were  observed  in  camp  and  lying 
about  their  fires.  The  whites  fired  at  them,  but  with- 
out effect,  and  the  Indians  took  to  flight,  one  of  tliem 
turning  and  firing  at  the  pursuers.  The  sliot  was  re- 
turned by  Benjamin  Coplin,  and  it  was  supposed  the 
Indian  was  icilled,  though  his  body  Avas  not  afterw  ards 
found.  The  pursuit  was  finally  abandoned,  and  the 
settlers  returned  to  the  place  where  they  had  found 
the  Indians  encamped,  and  took  possession  of  the 
horses  and  plunder  they  had  left  behind  them  in  their 

t  iiu. 



tMONG  the  settlers  who  came  into  the  county 
. ^__  about  this  time  (1780-5,)  were  David  Evans, 
one  or  two  families  of  Witemans,  Henry  Leeper, 
Benjamin  Veach,  the  Holbcrts  and  others.  The 
tirst  three  settled  in  the  vicinity  of  Yellow  Rock 
ford  on  the  West  Fork.  Veach  settled  upon  the  farm 
now  occupied  by  Mr.  Zebulon  ^Nlusgrave,  a  short  dis- 
tance west  of  Fairmont.  Jonathan  Nixon,  from  whoin 
the  Nixons  of  this  county  are  descended,  also  located 
at  this  time  near  Boothsville.  A  great  many  other 
immigrants  came  into  this  region  during  these  years 
following  the  close  of  the  revolutionary  war,  and  the 
population  was  thereby  greatly  increased,  but  the  In- 
dians did  not  cease  their  depredations. 

Up  to  the  middle  of  the  year  17^2,  the  knowledge 
of  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis,  which  virtually  ended 
the  War  of  Independence,  had  been  kept  from  the  In- 
dians by  their  British  friends  ;  but  it  was  now  known 

^"^  History  of  Marion  County. 

to  them,  and  they  began  to  fear  that  Virginia,  now 
being  rid  of  the  English  invaders,  would  concentrate 
her  forces  on  her  frontier  and  exterminate  them  at 
once.  A  grand  council  of  several  tribes  convened  at 
Chillicothe,  and  it  was  determined,  by  the  advice  of 
Simon  Girty— a  renegade  white— to  make  the  best  of 
tlie  present  time,  and  prosecute  with  greater  effort 
their  war  against  the  frontier,  which  resolve  thev 
carried  out.  More  terrible  raids  than  ever  were  made 
upon  some  of  the  frontier  stations  by  large  bodies  of 
Indians,=i=  but  our  more  secluded  and  less  important 
settlements  did  not  suffer  so  much  as  formerly. 

There  were  no  serious  depredations  in  this  imme- 
diate neighborhood  until  the  year  17S5,  when  six  In- 
dians came  to  the  farm  of  Thomas  and  Edward 
Cunningham,  on  Bingamon  creek,  which  empties 
into  the  West  Fork  a  short  distance  above  Worthing- 
ton.  The  two  brothers  lived  with  their  respective 
families  in  separate  houses  almost  adjoining  each 
other.  Thomas  was  east  of  the  mountains  on  a  trad- 
ing visit  at  this  time,  and  his  wife  and  four  children 
were  engaged  in  eating  dinner,  as  was  also  Edward 
and  his  tamily  in  their  house.  Suddenly  an  Indian 
entered  the  former  house  and  closed  the  door  after 
him.  J:dward  Cunningham,  from  his  cabin,  observed 
the    proceeding,  and    after   fastening    his   own    door, 

♦The  celel.ratcl  att:,ck7;^n  Whc■clin^^  (irTwhich  i^ai;..tirz;.neTlis^ 
mshed  herself,)  ICi.c-Vs  for,,  ...,  .hoOhio  river.  ...d  t  he  inU.r.n..liate  sottlcmenu 
»H^t«e.-n  Fort  Pitt  an.l  Wheeliu^-,  occurred  during  these  raids 

History  of  Marion  County.  55 

stepped  to  a  small  window  in  the  wall  next  the  other 
house,  and  stood  ready  to  fire  the  moment  he  should 
catch  sight  of  the  Indian.  But  the  savage  saw  at  once 
that  if  he  retired  from  the  house  as  he  went  in  he 
would  be  exposed  to  Edward's  fire;  for,  through  a 
similar  window,  he  had  observed  the  latter's  actions. 
As  soon  as  he  saw  Cunningham  at  the  window  of  the 
other  house  he  fired  at  him,  but  Edward  saw  the  aim 
of  the  savage  in  time  to  avoid  it.  The  moment  the 
redskin  saw  he  had  missed  his  mark  he  seized  an  axe 
standing  in  the  room  and  commenced  cutting  his  way 
out  of  the  house  through  the  back  wall,  so  as  not  to 
expose  himself  to  a  shot  from  the  other  building  by 
going  out  the  front  way.  In  the  meantime  another 
Indian  came  into  the  yard,  and  Edward  fired  at  and 
wounded  him. 

All  this  time  Mrs.  Cunningham  and  her  chihlren, 
who  were  in  the  house  with  the  Indian,  had  remained 
perfectly  quiet,  knowing  that  an  attempt  to  escape 
would  arouse  his  fury,  and  that  if  they  succeeded  in 
getting  outside  they  would  be  killed  by  the  savages 
in  the  yard.  She  hoped  that  he  would  withdraw 
without  molesting  any  of  them,  af(fer  creating  the 
aperture  he  had  commen(;ed.  In  this  she  was  doonud 
to  be  sadly  disappointed.  When  the  opening  was 
made  suHiciently  large,  the  savage  approached  the 
frightened  group,  and  sinking  his  tomahawk  into  the 
brains  of  one  of  the  children,  threw  the  body  into  the 

^^  Hi.sTORY  OF  Marion  Cointv. 

yard  and  ordered   Mrs.  Cunningliam  to  follow.     She 
obeyed,  holding  an  infant  in  her  arms  and  with  two 
other  screaming  children  clinging  to  her.     She   was 
then  made  the  unwilling  witness  of  the  scalping  of 
her  murdered  son.     After  setting  tire  to  the  house,  the 
Indian  retired  with  his  prisoners  to  an  eminence  in 
an  adjoining  field,  where  two  of  his  brethren  were  with 
the  one  wounded  by  Edward.     The  other  two  were  in 
the  yard  watching  for  the  opening  of  the  door  of  the 
other  house  when  the  fire  should  drive  the  family  from 
their  shelter.     When  his  cabin  caught  from  the  one 
already  burning,  however,  Edward  Cunningham  and 
his  son  ascended  to  the  loft,  and  throwing  off  the  loose 
boards  which  formed  the  roof,  extinguished  the  flames. 
In  doing  this  they  were  "in  great  risk  of  losing  their 
lives,  for  the  savages  were  shooting  at   them   all  the 
while,    and    the    balls    would  frequently  strike    very     Satisfied   with   the  damage  already  done,  the 
Indians  finally  abandoned   fur  a  time  their  designs 
against  Edward  and  his  family  and  made  preparations 
to  depart.     They  first  tomahawked  and  scalped  the 
remaining  son  of  Mrs.  Cunningham,   and   sank   the 
hatchet  into  the   head  of  her  little  daughter,  whom 
they  then  took  by  the  legs  and  beat  her  brains  out 
against  a  tree.     Mrs.  Cunningham  and  her  babe  were 
carried  off  into  captivity.     The  party  crossed  at  JJing- 
amon   creek    and    concealed    themselves    in    a   cave, 
where  they  remained  until  after  nightfall.    Thev  then 

History  of  ^NIaiuox  County.  57 

returned  to  Edward  Cunningham'.^,  and  finding  no 
signs  of  life,  plundered  and  set  fire  to  the  house. 

Fearful  lest  the  Indians  should  renew  the  attack, 
the  Cunninghams  sought  shelter  in  the  woods,  where 
they  remained  through  the  night,  there  being  no  other 
settlement  nearer  than  eight  miles.  As  soon  as  morn- 
ing dawned  they  proceeded  to  the  nearest  house  and 
gave  the  alarm,  and  a  company  of  men  was  formed  to 
go  in  -pursuit  of  the  Indians.  After  burying  the 
bodies  of  the  murdered  children,  a  search  for  the  sav- 
ages was  instituted,  but  the  wily  foe  had  so  covered 
up  their  retreat  that  it  was  found  impossible  to  dis- 
cover any  traces  of  them,  and  the  men  returned  to 
their  homes.  Several  days  afterwards  the  search  was 
renewed,  owing  to  circumstances  which  induced  the 
belief  that  the  Indians  had  not  yet  left  the  country. 
The  trail  was  found  and  followed  nearly  to  the  cave 
before  mentioned,  where  it  was  lost,  because  of  the 
great  care  the  savages  had  taken  to  cover  it  up. 
Night  finally  compelled  them  to  desist.  One  of  the 
party — Major  Robinson — happened  to  think  of  the 
cave  that  niglit,  and  mentioned  to  his  companions 
his  suspicions  that  the  savages  were  concealed  there. 

Early  next  morning  the  cave  was  examined,  but 
the  Indians  had  departed  during  the  night,  and  were 
by  that  time  far  be^'ond  the  reach  of  pursuit.  During 
the  search  the  day  previous  the  Indians  were  in  the 
cave,  and  so  close  were  the  men  to  its  mouth  several 


lIlSTUIiV    (-K    ArAl;[<».\    ColXTV. 

tiiiu.s,  tluit  Mrs.  Cunuiiiwhaiii,  a.s  sin'  afttTvanls  saiJ 
could  hear  their  voices.  The  .sava-cs  stood  ready  to 
liiv  in  ca^e  they  shoidd  he  diseovcTed,  and  compelled 
1'^^'"  ^"  l^'''!'  tl"'  I'ahe  to  her  hreast  that  its  crying 
ini-lit  not  attraet  the  attellticjli  ,,1'  the  white,^. 

It  is  hcyond  Ihe  ]H.w,:r  nl^  pen  to.lesuihe  fhesuirer- 
''^-"'•''•^f'-^-  <'nniiiii-ham.ii,eolal    and    physieal,  .lur- 
ill-   thc'  joiiiuey  ((-    (he    Indian   ei-iiutry.      ohji-ed  to 
walk  Uie  entire  distance,  ,^he  sulliTed  internally  from 
i"ati-ue.      Deprived   of  the    ne(;es>ary    lo^ni,  .sj,e   herscdl' 
almost  pcrislied  from    Imn-er,  while   the    hahe  at   Jier 
l'iea>t>on-ht  in  vain  for  the  milk  it  needed  to  sustain 
■tsliltlelife-    hloodonlveame.      I'ere.ivinjr   thi.,  one 
'•I    llie  Indians,  with  a  tomahawk,  ).ut    an   end    to    its 
-uu;  rinu.    while  it  was   still    elm-in-    to   the    hreast. 
!•'■  ll'-i'  ca>l  it  toth<.  sid...,f  the    path,  where    it    was 
''■'■^  't  prev  lor  heasts.      Ihit   the,>.  were   not   (he   wor.t 
"I'  Mrs.  Cunuinghanrs  trials.      11, .r  an-uish   (..f  mind 
■""'  til-  intensity  of  hrr  hodily  sulferin-s   durin-    the 
I't'xt    ten    days,    eauunt    In-    <le.erihed.       Durin--    this 
whole  time  her  (udy  food  eonsi>ted  of  three  paw  paws 
and  the  head  of  a  wild  turkey.      WUeii  .she  arrived  at 
-'"  li"iian  town  an. I  was  permitte.l  I'uv  the  lii'st  tinu, 
t"'li''\vuirher.toekim,s  the  skin  and  i,ai  Is  of  h,_.r  l\.et 
'•^""'•"'I'^vith    theoi,  \,y  reaMui  nf   the    .sealdin;...   they 
l''i'l  ie,-,.i\',,,|  hy  fre(|U.u,t  wadin-^  ,,f  uatei'. 

'A'hen    they  linally  ari'ived   at    th.^ir  own    town,  the' 
I'l'lian.deliviued  .Mr>.  Cunnin-ham  over  1,,  the  fat  her 

Hh'I'ok^'  (»!■   .Mai;1(».\   ('<i1:NTV. 


of  tlu;  savni,^e  \vlio  had  hccii  wouuilcd  ]>}•  l^hvaid.  IL 
soon  bucauu;  ai)pai'cut  to  her  that  sho  was  ii.'scrvud 
lor  soiiiu  tunihh;  tuitiin;:  loi- slic  was  lu.t  inTiuittcd 
tochaii,-L'  her  rh.thrs,  hut  wa-nhli-cd  to  wear  tho.M- 
she  li;nl  oil,  Ihoil-h  ilu-y  Wm-  ext  ivnirl  _v  dirty/:-  Oiu; 
(.;\'(.'iii  111;-  Simon  (  i  irty  an  i  \'i'(l  at  Ihc  \' ilhi,uc,  and  she 
i-ooIvimI  (u  ph'ad  with  him  to  iji tcivc.],.  toi-  li.-i-  dcliv- 
eranrc,  wijii  Ji  I'l  sulve  >hr  at'tid  ui)ou  tlu'  next  day  as 
soon  a -^  the  oiiiHii'tiinity  At  lir.<t  lu'  was  in- 
rlinrd  to  njakf  li.iild  (A'  her  i.ctitiou  ;  |,ut  llnally 
lici'  tears  an. 1  ph-a.lin-s  melted  the  haid  hrait  of  the 
wretelied  whlti;  sa\a,Lr(.'  and  lie  relentnl.  lie  jiaid  hei' 
ransom  and  had  her  (■miducled  In  the  e.ajimissi.niers 
f..i'  negotiating-  with  (he  Indians,  and  hy  tlnnn  she 
was  talom  to  a  .-talion  in  Keiitiu-ky.  ih'r.:  she  was 
l'nrni>hed  with  a  horse,  and  atlcr  ex  |»erien(nnjj,-  iiian\- 
liard-hi|H,  reaehrd  ijol^teiii,  and  Iniin  tlimicc  .sh,. 
IHOrce.lcd  lip  the  ValleV  and  lio,,p'.  1 1  er  h  ud.aiid  was 
not  llii-ie  lo  wi-lemne  lirr,  ha\in;4-  [eaiiu'd  -^diiic  days 
l>Ol'ui-e  that  sill-  had  heen  ransomed  and  taken  to  Keii- 
tU(d<y,  and  had  ,-et  out  in  (|Uestot'  her.  lleai'inii;  at 
llolsddn  of  hci-  lia\in-  l)ecn  thrre,  In;  rcHuriUMJ,  ami 
the  merlin-  hctwi.MMi  lue-haiid  ami  w  itr  in  a  lew  days 
was  a  -lad  mie,  tlmuuh  ihe  icrwl lerl i.,ns  ol'  th.-  sad 
fale  of  iheir  cliihlreii  eaiisrd  ih.-m  al'lrrward^  many 
hour.-,  ot  hilhr  -ri.rl'. 



I  MONO  the  ni;iny  inciilcnts;  which  serve  to  show 
the  hanJ.-;liips  to  which  the  settlers   were  ex- 
posed, the  following-  irr  not  the  least  interesting: 

Early  in  the  month  of  March,  ITSO,  Jonathan  Nix- 
on, with  his  eltlest  son,  George — then  a  lad  nine  years 
of  age— went  from  Edwards'  fort-  to  his  farm,  for  the 
purpose  of  building  a  house  and  improving  the  land. 
After  wm-king  two  days  in  the  woods,  hite  on  the 
second  evening,  -lonathan  started  for  tiie  house  of 
John  Tucker,  where  he  spent  the  night,  and  directed 
his  son  to  go  hack  to  tiie  fort,  a  <li^tance  of  iive  miles. 
The  boy  started  but  soon  lost  his  way,  and  after  wan- 
dering about  in  the  forest  for  som.'  time,  he  returne<l 
to  the  camp  and  laid  down  for  the  niudit.  Next  morn- 
ing he  awoke  to  iind  that   a   siK.w   ha<l   fallen   to  the 

i'lAlwards'  «:is  .1  m.-.n  tlio  (J.-.>r>;.'  T.  M:i 
of  l?unlliMiIlo. 

History  of  Marion  County.  61 

depth  of  eight  or  ten  inches.  After  a  second  unsuc- 
cessful eftbrt  to  find  his  way  to  the  fort,  the  little  fel- 
low returned  again  to  the  camp  and  lay  down,  cover- 
ing himself  with  a  blanket. 

In  the  meantime,  his  father,  on  awakening  at 
Tucker's  and  finding  that  the  snow'  had  fallen,  con- 
cluded not  to  return  to  his  work,  ))ut  to  go  hunting 
instead  in  company  with  Isaac  Tucker.  Sometime 
during  the  day,  the  hunters  happened  to  come  near 
the  camp  where  George  was,  and  observed  the  boy 
lying  there  almost  frozen  and  unconscious.  It  Avas 
only  by  great  exertions  on  the  part  of  the  men  that 
the  brave  little  fellow  was  resuscitated. 

In  the  fall  of  the  same  year  (17SG),  .lohn  Ice  and 
James  Snodgrass,  left  home  to  look  for  some  horses 
they  had  lost  while  hunting  buffalo  on  Fishing  creek, 
and  were  attacked  by  the  Indians,  killed  and  scalped. 
The  particulars  of  this  tragedy  were  never  known. 
Their  remains,  when  afterwards  found,  were  torn 
very  much  by  the  wolves. 

A  few  days  after  this  occurrence,  a  party  of  Indians 
came  to  Buffalo  creek.  ^Nfrs.  Dragoo  and  her  son  were 
in  a  cornfield  gathering  l)eans,  when  the  savages  sud- 
denly came  upon  them  and  took  them  prisoners.  In 
hopes  that  the  detention  of  their  captives  would  bo 
noticed,  and  parties  from  the  house  come  to  look  for 
them,  the   Indians  concealed  -themselves  in  ambush 

by  the  side  of  the  path  leading  from  the  house.     They 

62  History  of  Marion  County. 

were  not  disappointed,  for,  uneajiy  at  the  continued 
absence  of  Mrs.  Dragoo  and  licr  son,  Nicholas  Wood 
and  Jacob  Straigiit  came  out  to  ascertain  the  cause. 
The  Indians  tired  at  tliein,  killing  Wood, and  Straight 
took  to  llight,  but  was  after  a  short  chase,  captured. 
The  wife  and  daughter  uf  Mr.  Straiglit  heard  the 
firing,  and  seeing  the  savages  in  })ursuit  of  the  hus- 
band and  father,  also  tied — not,  however,  unobserved 
by  the  Indians,  who  gave  chase.  The  daughter  con- 
cealed herself  in  a  thicket,  and  Mrs.  Straight  sought 
shelter  under  a  shelving  rock,  neither  of  them  being 
afterwards  discovered  by  the  pursuers,  though  they 
passed  very  close  to  where  the  mother  was  sheltered. 
After  Straight  had  been  captured  he  said  to  a  warrior, 
"don't  kill  me, and  I  will  go  with  you."  "  Will  you?'' 
said  the  monster,  and  raising  tii<i  fatal  hatchet,  he 
sank  it  into  the  brain  t)f  the  wretched  captive.  j\[rs. 
Straight  could  hear  ail  this  from  her  {)lace  of  conceal- 

Mrs.  Dragoo  was  afterwards  murdered,  being  too  in- 
firm to  travel  to  the  towns  of  tlie  Indians.  Her 
son,  who  was  tiien  a  lad  of  seven  3'ears,  was  taken 
into  captivity  and  remained  with  the  savages  nearly 
twenty  years.  lie  married  a  squaw  and  became  the 
father  of  four  children  by  her.  At  length  he  forsook 
the  Indians  and  returned  to  his  home  on  Buffalo 
creek,  bringing  with  him  two  of  his  children. 

In   the   following   year    (,17S7),  the   Indians   came 

History  of  INFarton  Coi:nty.  63 

again  to  the  settlement  on  BufFalo  creek,  near  where 
stands  the  town  of  Farmington.  Levi  Morgan  was 
not  far  from  his  'home  engaged  in  skinning  a  wolf 
which  he  had  just  caught  in  a  trap,  and  on  looking 
up  from  his  occupation,  observed  three  Indians  com- 
ing toward  him.  One  of  them  was  mounted  upon  a 
horse,  which  Morgan  recognized  as  belonging  to  a 
near  neighbor,  and  lie  supposed  at  first  that  the  rider 
was  the  owner.  A  second  glance  showed  him  his  mis- 
take, and  seizing  his  gun,  he  sprang  quickly  behind  a 
large  rock  near  by,  the  Indians  taking  refuge  behind 
a  tree.  Looking  out  from  his  shelter,  he  observed  the 
savages  watching  tlie  far  side  of  the  rocks,  evidently 
expecting  him  to  make  his  appearance  there.  He 
fired  at  them  and  killed  one,  and  on  attempting  to 
reload  his  gun,  was  obliged  to  deVsist,  owing  to  his 
powder  having  all  been  wasted,  by  reason  of  the  stop- 
per coming  out  of  the  horn  while  he  was  engaged  in 
skinning  the  wolf.  His  only  recourse  then  was  flight, 
and  he  started  oil',  one  of  the  savages  pursuing  him. 
Finding  his  pursues-  rapidly  gaining  on  him,  Morgan 
threw  down  his  gun,  lioping  that  it  would  tempt  the 
Indian  to  delay  a  moment,  but  in  vain.  He  then 
threw  off  his  coat  and  shot  pouch,  ])ut  this  design  fail- 
ed, and  the  Indian  still  gainiMl  upon  him.  Morgan 
finally  thought  of  another  plan  to  arrest  tlie  pursuit, 
and  immediately  acted  upon  thr  idea.  Arriving  at 
the  summit  of  a  hill  up  which  he  had  taken  his  flight, 

64  History  of  Marion  County. 

he  halted,  and  making  motions  as  if  he  observed  some 
friends  approaching  from  the  other  side,  he  shouted  : 
"  Come  on  !  come  on — make  haste  ;  here  is  one  !  "  The 
Indian,  supposing  there  were  really  some  friends  of 
Morgan  ascending  from  tlie  other  side,  turned  and 
fled  as  precipitately  as  the  latter  had  run  from  him, 
Levi,  overjoyed  at  the  success  of  his  ruse,  kept  up  the 
deception  by  shouting,  "  shoot  quick,  or  he  will  get 
away  !  "  hearing  which  tlie  Indian  seemed  to  redouble 
his  exertions,  and  was  soon  out  of  sight.  Morgan  then 
hastened  home,  leaving  his  gun  and  coat  for  the 

Sometime  after  this,  Morgan  attended  the  treaty  of 
Au  Glaize,  and  met  with  this  same  Indian,  who  still 
had  his  gun.  After  good-humoredly  talking  over  the 
circumstance,  Levi  proposed  that  they  test  each 
other's  speed  in.  a  friendly  race,  to  which  the  Indian 
assented  and  was  beaten.  Whereupon  he  rubbed  his 
limbs  and  said,  "  stiff,  stiff;  too  old,  too  old."  Morgan 
laughed,  and  replied,  "  Well,  you  got  my  gun  by  out- 
running me  then,  and  I  should  have  it  back  now  for 
outrunning  you,"  and  he  took  it  from  the  Indian,  who 
yielded  it  cheerfully. 

About  this  time  (in  the  year  1791,)  a  small  com- 
pany of  settlers,  including  Horatio  and  Levi  Morgan, 
Jacob  and  John  Hayes,  and  several  otliers  made  an 
expedition  from  here  to  an  Indian  town  on  Sunfish 
creek,  in  Ohio,  for  the  ])urpose  of  destroying  it.     Ar- 

History  of  Marion  County.  65 

riving  there  they  found  the  vilhigo  deserted  by  the 
warriors,  and  the  only  remaining  inhabitants  a  few 
women  and  children,  and  old  men.  They  stole  up  to 
the  outskirts  of  the  town,  where  they  could  obtain  a 
good  view  of  the  situation.  Observing  an  old  man 
sitting  quietly  smoking  a  pipe  in  the  door  of  his  wig- 
wam, Levi  Morgan  told  the  rest  of  the  party  to  watch 
him  exhibit  his  extraordinary  marksmanship,  and 
taking  steady  aim  at  the  center  of  the  old  man's  fore- 
head, fired.  The  ball  did  not  vary  a  hair's  breadth 
from  the  spot,  and  the  Indian  rolled  over  dead.  This 
was  a  signal  for  the  attack,  and  the  men  plundered 
the  village  and  returned  home,  bringing  with  them 
several  prisoners. 



SHORT  distance  above  Worthington,  near  the 
^^/:/^  mouth  of  Bingamon  creek,  occurred  the  last  of 
the  depredations  committed  by  the  savages  in  this 
immediate  neighborhood. 

In  May,  17'.)1,  as  John  Mclntire  and  his  wife  were 
returning  from  a  visit,  they  j)assed  through  the  yard  of 
Uriah  Ashcraft.  A  few  minutes  afterwards,  Mr.  Asli- 
craft  was  startled  by  tlie  growling  of  one  of  his  dogs, 
and  stepped  to  the  door  to  see  what  had  aroused  him. 
He  had  scarcely  reached  the  entrance  when  he  espied 
an  Indian  on  the  outside.  Hosing  the  door  he  ascend- 
ed the  stairs  and  attempted  three  times  to  tire  from  a 
window  at  the  redskin,  Init  his  gun  snapped.  lie 
then  observed  that  there  were  other  Indians  at 
hand,  and  he  raised  a  loud  shout  for  help,  hoping  that 
friends  in  the  vicinity  might  hear  and  come  to  his 
relief.  The  Indians  presently  retreated,  and  shortly 
afterward.^  three  brothers  of  Mclutire  came  up.  Ash- 
craft explained  the  situation,  and  the  four  set  out  to 

History  of  ^[AR^ON  County.  67 

follow  the  trail  of  the  savages.  About  a  mile  oil'  they 
found  the  body  of  John  Mclntire,  whom  the  Indians 
had  overtaken,  tomahawked,  scalped  and  strip})ed  ; 
and  concluding  that  Mrs.  Mclntire,  whom  they  knew 
to  have  been  with  her  husband,  was  taken  prisoner, 
they  sent  to  Clarksburg  for  assistance  to  follow  the 
murderers  and  recover  the  captive. 

A  company  of  eleven  men,  led  by  Col.  John  llay- 
mond  and  Col.  George  Jackson,  started  shortly  after- 
wards in  pursuit  of  the  Indians,  and  followed  the  trail 
to  Middle  Island  creek,  where  it  appeared  fresh.  Col. 
Jackson  proposed  that  six  men  should  be  chosen,  who 
would  strip  as  light  as  they  could,  and  goaliead  of  the 
horses.  William  Haymond,  of  Palatine,  who  was  one  of 
the  number,  in  a  letter  to  Luther  IIa3'mond,  lifty  3'ears 
afterwards,  thus  gives  an  account  of  what  followed  . 

"George  Jackson,  Benjamin  Robinson,  N.  Carpen- 
ter, John  Haymond,  John  Harbert  and  myself  (the 
sixth,)  were  those  chosen.  We  stripped  ourselves  as 
light  as  we  could,  tied  handkerchiefs  around  our 
heads,  and  proceeded  as  fast  as  we  could.  The  In- 
dians appeared  to  travel  very  carelessly,  and  as  it  was 
in  May,  and  the  weeds  were  young  and  tender,  we 
could  follow  a  man  very  easily.  Arriving  on  a  high 
bank,  Jackson  turned  around  and  said,  "  where  do  3-ou 
think  they  have  gone  ?''  With  that,  lie  jumped  down 
the  bank,  and  we  proceeded  down  on  tiie  ])each  a 
short  distance,  when  suddenly  we  were  tired  upon  by 

68  History  OF  Marion  County. 

one  of  the  Indians.  We  started  in  a  run  and  had 
gone  ten  or  fifteen  yards  when  the  other  three  fired. 
John  Harbert  and  brother  John  caught  sight  of  them 
first  running  up  the  hill  and  fired  at  them.  Robinson 
and  myself  ran  and  jumped  upon  the  bank  where  the 
Indians  left  their  knapsacks,  and  I  fired  the  third 
shot,  the  savages  then  being  about  fifty  yards  distant. 
*  *        *     The  Indian  I  shot  bled  considerable, 

and  we  trailed  him  for  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile, 
where  he  had  cut  a  stick,  which  we  supposed  was  to 
stop  the  blood.  We  followed  him  for  about  a  mile, 
but  the  men  thought  it  dangerous  to  go  farther,  think- 
ing he  had  his  gun  with  him,  and  would  hide  and 
kill  one  of  us,  and  we  returned.  '''-  *  *  The 
other  Indians  we  did  not  follow,  but  on  arriving  at 
the  place  of  attack  found  all  their  knapsacks,  a  shot 
pouch,  four  hatchets  and  all  their  plunder,  including 
the  woman's  scalp.*  '''  *  *  I  have  since 
heard  that  one  of  the  Cunninghams,  who  was  a  i^ris- 
oner  with  the  Indians  at  that  time,  on  his  return  said 
that  an  Indian  came  home  anil  said  he  had  been  with 
three  others  on  Muddy  river  (West  Fork,)  and  killed 
a  man  and  a  woman  ;  that  they  were  followed ;  that 
they  fired  on  the  white  men  ;  and  that  the  white  men 
fired  on  them  and  wounded  three,  one  of  whom  died 

*It  was  thus  iiSL'ertiiiued  tluU  Mrs.  Mclntirc  had  been  iminlerea  with  her 
husband,  and  on  the  rotiirn  of  the  party  her  body  was  found  noar  whero  that 
of  her  husband  had  bcon. 

History  of  Marion  County.  69 

after  crossing  the  second  ridge  at  a  run).  Wo  were 
on  the  second  ridge  and  near  the  second  run).  If  this 
account  be  true,  and  the  Indians  we  followed  the  same, 
we  must  have  shot  wt:!!." 

After  the  murder  of  the  Mclntires,  there  were  no 
more  massacres  by  the  Indians  in,  this  vicinity, 
though  it  was  not  until  the  year  1795  that  Indian 
hostilities  ceased  altogether  in  Northwestern  Virginia 
— when  the  rapid  increase  of  the  white  population, 
and  the  determined  measures  adopted  by  the  govern- 
ment, soon  put  an  end  to  the  Indian  wars,  and  drove 
the  tribes  further  west. 


178.5  TO  1811). 

FTFU  the  close  of  the  Indian  hostilities,  noth- 
ing of  importance  transpired  for  several  years, 
except  the  rapid  progress  consequent  upon  the  re- 
moval of  all  danger  from  attack  by  the  savages. 

Every  month  brought  new  comers  who  took  up 
claims  and  began  the  work  of  clearing  and  fencing 
their  farms.  Tlie  population  rapidly  increased,  and 
the  counties  of  ^lonongalia  and  Harrison  (which  lat- 
ter county  had  been  formed  in  1784,)  were  devrdoping 
into  wealthy  and  thickly  populated  communities.  In 
October,  1785,  Morgantown  had  been  regular!}'  estab- 
lished ui)on  the  lands  of  Zackquell  ^hu'gan.  Fiftv 
acres  of  his  land  lying  upon  a  beautiful  bottom  on  the 
Monongahela  river,  was  "  vested  in  Samuel  Ilanway, 
John  Evans.  David  Scott,  Michael  Kfarnes,  and  James 
Dougherty,  gentlemen,  trust((\s,  to  be  by  them,  or  any 
of  them,  laid  otV  in  lots  of  half  an  acre  each,  with 
convenient  streets,  which  shall  be,  and  the  same  are 
hereby  established  a  town  by  the  nanie  of  A[organs- 

HrsTOKY  OF  Marion  County.  71 

At  the  same  time  an  act  was  passed  establishing 
the  town  of  Clarksburg,  in  Harrison  county.  Wil- 
liam Raymond,  Nicholas  Carpenter  John  Myers, 
John  McAlly,  and  John  Davison,  were  appointed  trus- 
tees. These  two  towns  were  the  only  ones  in  this  vi- 
cinity for  some  years,  and  they  were  made  the  mar- 
keting head-quarters  for  all  the  settlers  of  the  sur- 
rounding country. 

From  time  to  time  after  this,  other  various  improve- 
ments were  made.  ^lills  were  erected  along  the  riv- 
ers, the  buildings  constructed  not  so  rough  as  those 
formerly  put  up,  and  stores  began  to  be  established. 

On  December  5th,  1793,  an  act  was  passed  by  the 
General  Assembly  providing  for  the  clearing  and  ex- 
tending of  the  navigation  of  the  ]Monongahela  and 
West  Fork  rivers,  in  the  counties  of  Monongalia  and 
Harrison,  and  trustees  were  appointed  to  receive  sub- 
scriptions for  the  ])urpose.  This  was  the  first  move 
ever  made  towards  the  improvement  of  the  Upper 
Monongahela.  Tlie  act  also  directed  that  "any  person 
who  shoidd  erect  any  dam  across  the  said  Monongahela 
or  West  Fork  rivers,  sliould  at  the  time  of  making 
the  same,  erect  a  slope  in  or  through  the  said  dam,  in 
such  a  manner  as  should  admit  the  easy  passage  of 
fish  ;  and  also  erect  a  siifiicient  lock  at  such  dam  for 
the  convenient  pas.sage  of  canoes,  batteaus  and  flat- 
bottomed  boats,  at  least  twelve  feet    wide,  and  keep 

72  History  of  Marion  County. 

the  same  iu  good  repair."  Such  improvements  as 
these  after  a  while  became  more  frequent. 

Owing  to  tlie  advances  made  in  civilization,  many 
of  the  inconveniences  incident  to  pioneer  life,  began 
to  disappear  and  better  accommodations  were  found  on 
every  hand.  The  mail  facilities,  especially,  were 
much  improved,  a  regular  route  being  established, 
which  allowed  the  citizens  to  communicate  with  the 
outside  world  at  least  once  a  month!  Previous  to 
this  there  had  been  no  regular  mails,  and  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  new  country  were  not  made  aware  of  what 
transpired  away  from  home,  save  through  the  medium 
of  travelers  that  would  be  passing,  or  some  settler 
who  had  been  away  visiting,  or  upon  business,  and 
would  bring  with  him  on  his  return  a  budget  of  news- 
papers or  letters. 

The  war  of  1812  with  Great  Britain  did  not  affect 
this  part  of  the  country.  Indeed,  the  inhabitants 
might  scarcely  have  known  tliat  the  war  was  waging, 
so  little  were  its  effects  felt  by  them.  A  few  volun- 
teers, however,  went  from  this  region,  but  very  few. 
The  settlements  here  had  furnished  but  few  Revolu- 
tionary soldiers,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  men  were 
all  needed  at  home  to  defend  their  families  from  the 
savages  just  at  that  time,  and  now,  in  this  second 
war,  there  was  not  so  great  a  demand  for  volunteers  ; 
besides,  we  were  so  far  removed  from  the  immediate 
scene  of  the  difficulties. 



DTlN  the  year  1811),  Fairinoiit  (then  called  Middle- 
(^  town)  was  established  and  regularly  laid  out. 
The  people  of  this  vicinit}^,  feeling  a  need  of  a  town, 
determined  to  locate  one,  and  held  a  meeting  to  de- 
cide upon  a  site.  The  farm  of  Boaz  Fleming  was 
considered  by  them  tlie  roughest  and  poorest,  and 
least  adapted  to  farming  purposes,  and  having  little 
idea  that  the  new  town  would  ever  be  more  than  a 
small  hamlet,  they  finally  selected  his  land.  The  new 
place  was  named  Middletowu,  because  it  was  about 
half  way  between  the  towns  of  Clarksburg  and  'Mov- 
gantown,  and  served  as  a  stopping  i^lace  for  travelers 
going  to  and  fro  between  the  two  latter  places.  At 
that  time  much  of  !Middletown  was  a  laurel  thicket, 
the  only  house  being  a  log  cabin  occupicMl  by  Mr. 
Fleming,  which  stood  near  the  corner  of  -lelierson 
street  and  Decatur  Alley,  or  near  where  Mr.  John 
Crane  now  resides.  The  old  pear  tree  wbi(th  stands 
in  Mr.  Crane's  garden  was  planted  by  Mr.  Fleming 
about  the  year  1800.     A  wolf  trap  stood  n(>ar  his  house 

74  History  of  Marion  County. 

at  the  time  Middletown  was  Laid  out.  The  first  house 
built  after  the  laying  oft' of  the  town  was  by  Mr.  Sam- 
uel Jackson,  father  of  Messrs.  Oliver  and  James  R. 
Jackson,  of  Fairmont.  The  first  child  born  in  Mid- 
dletown was  E.  M.  Conaway,  who  is  now  in  his  fifty- 
ninth  year.  -j 

From  this  time  on  to  the  organization  of  Marion 
county  there  were  no  events  worthy  of  note  happened 
within  the  territory  now  embraced  therein,  save  the 
occasional  laying  out  of  a  town,  as  the  increase  in 
l.)opuLation,  and  the  need  of  a  headquarters,  would 
make  it  necessary. 

In  1837,  Rivesville  was  hiid  out  upon  the  land  of 
Elisha  Snodgrass,  and  named  in  honor  of  Hon.  Henry 
C.  Rives. 

In  the  year  1833,  there  had  been  a  postotfice  estab- 
lished at  Robert  Reed's  tavern,  near  the  forks  of 
Booth's  creek,  and  named  Boothsville,  in  honor  of  Cap- 
tain Booth,  whose  murder  by  the  Indians  is  related 
in  a  former  chapter,  and  in  18;V,)  a  small  town  was  laid 
oflF  by  Reed,  adjacent  to  the  postoftice,  and  has  since 
grown  to  be  quite  a  flourishing  village,  with  a  popula- 
tion of  one  hundred  and  fifty. 

In  1838,  Palatine  was  established  opposite  Middle- 
town  on  the  east  bank  of  the  Monongahela  river,  when 
the  land  owned  by  William  Haymond  ana  John  S. 
Barns,  sr.,  who  had  jointly  purchased  it  frotn  Daniel 
and  John  Paulsley,the  sons  of  Jacob  Paulsley,  who  had 

History  of  Marion  County.  75 

moved  upon  the  land  in  1798.  The  tract  was  originally 
purchased  by  William  Haymond,  sr.,  for  $140.  Pala- 
tine is  now  the  second  town,  in  point  of  size  and  pop- 
ulation, in  the  county.  It  contains  at  present  about 
six  hundred  inhabitants,  and  is  in  a  very  flourishing 
co'ndition.  Here  are  located  the  Marion  Machine 
Works,  the  oldest  manufacturing  establishment  of  any 
kind  in  the  county.  These  works,  over  thirty  years 
ago,  manufactured  the  iMcCorniick  Reaper,  the  first 
reaping  machine  ever  built  for  sale  in  the  United 
States — a  fact  Avorthy  of  note.  The  Palatine  Pottery 
is  another  very  important  branch  of  industry,  which 
is  located  at  this  place.  A  large  number  of  the  male 
population  of  Palatine  are  employed  in  the  several 
coal  mines  in  the  vicinity  of  Fairmont. 

Fairview,  one  of.  Marion  county's  most  flourishing 
villages,  was  laid  otf  in  the  summer  of  1845.  The 
only  houses  now  standing  upon  the  ground  embraced 
within  the  limits  Avere  those  built  by  Isaac  Cotton 
(now  occupied  by  Dr.  Knos  Amos)  and  David  Iliggins. 
Fairview  is  about  eleven  miles  northwest  of  Fairmont, 
and  is  a  picturesque  town  of  over  one  hundred  and 
fifty  inhabitants.  It  contains  one  of  the  largest 
steam  llouring  mills  in  this  section  of  the  State,  and 
is  the  center  of  the  trade  of  (luite  a  large  scope  of  sur- 
rounding country.  Basnettsville  is  a  small  settlement 
lying  about  half  a  mile  south  of  Fairview. 

The  third  town    in  the   county  in  population  anil 

76  History  of  Marion  County. 

importance,  and  the  second  in  point  of  wealth,  is 
Mannington,  lying  eighteen  miles  west  of  the  county 
seat,  on  the  B.  ct  0.  R.  R.  It  is  also  the  youngest 
place,  for  previous  to  the  year  1850  there  were  but  few 
houses  on  the  ground  of  what  is  now  a  beautiful  and 
prosperous  town.  All  the  land  upon  which  Manning- 
ton  is  built  belonged  to  Geo.  H.J.  Koon  and  James 
Furbee,  the  descendants  of  whom  constitute  a  large 
portion  of  the  leading  inhabitants.  Mannington  is 
one  of  the  most  prominent  towns  of  this  section  of 
West  Virginia,  considerable  business  boing  done  there. 
One  of  the  most  important  branches  of  trade  carried 
on  is  that  of  the  manufacture  of  leather.  ^Mannington 
sole  leather  received  a  prize  at  the  Centennial  Expo- 
sition at  Philadelphia,  in  LS7G.  Quite  a  large  lum- 
ber business  is  also  carried  on  here. 

Worthington,  Glover's  Gap,  Farmington  and  Bar- 
rack ville  are  other  villages  of  considerable  importance 
which  have  sprung  into  existence. 

Newport,  Wiufield,  Forksburg,  Valley  Falls,  Nu- 
zum's  Mills,  Texas,  Benton's  Ferry,  Basnettsville,  Bob- 
town, Houlttown  and  Ijarnesville  may  be  classed  among 
the  smaller  villages,  some  of  them  older  than  the  coun- 
ty itself,  but  the  majority  are  merely  small  stations 
upon  the  railroad  which  have  been  established  since  it 
was  built. 

Benton's  Ferry  takes  its  name  from  Mr.  Benton, 
who  keeps  the  ferry   upon   the   Valley  river  at  that 

History  of  Marion  County.  77 

point.  This  ferry  was  established  by  Asa  Bee,  father 
of  Ephraiiii  Bee,  of  Doddridge  county,  who  was  suc- 
ceeded by  a  family  of  Pettijohns,  wlio  gave  way  to 
John  Mellett,  which  gentleman's  son-in-law,  Thomas 
Veach,  afterwards  had  charge  of  it  until  Mr.  Benton 
took  possession. 

Valley  Falls  takes  its  n«me  from  the  falls  that  are  in 
theTygart's  Valley  river  at  this  point.  The  river  is  a 
beautiful  winding  stream  of  gentle  current,  but  at 
these  falls  the  river  descends,  principally  by  three  or 
four  perpendicular  pitches,  some  seventy  feet  in  about 
a  mile.  They  were  discovered  b}^  Jonathan  Nixon,  in 
the  summer  of  1785,  while  he  was  upon  a  hunting 



jfS^  ARION  County  was  funned  in  1.^42  from  parts 
ci^^::  of  Monongalia  and  Harrison  counties.  From 
the  time  of  the  close  of  the  Indian  depredations  the 
population  had  increased  so  rai)idly  that  it  was  found 
necessary,  for  the  conveniences  of  government  to  or- 
ganize a  new  county,  and  the  people  of  the  southern 
part  of  Monongalia  and  the  northern  part  of  Harrison 
counties  accordingly  petitioned  tiie  Legislature  for 
the  formation  of  what  was  afterwards  called  Marion 
county,  in  honor  of  General  Francis  Clarion,  of  Revo- 
lutionary memory.  The  choice  of  thi.-^  name  eviden- 
ced that  the  projectors  of  the  new  county  had  not  for- 
gotten their  patriotism.  Doubtless  a  foretaste  of  the 
ardent  patriotism,  so  common  about  tbat  time  in  Vir- 
ginia, and  especially  of  tiie  mode  of  giving  vent  to  its 
pulsations,  acted  as  a  stimulus  in  those  davs  in  keep- 
ing alive  the  names  of  tbo>e  who  tlourished  conspicu- 
ously in  the  great  War  of  Independence,  and  in  caus- 
ing cities,  towns  and  counties,  as  well  as  babies,  both 

History  of  ]\[auion  County.  79 

black  and  white,  to  be  named  for  them.  At  about 
that  period  there  was  no  State  in  the  I'nion  had  more 
burning  patriotism  than  \'iriiinia,  and  it  usually 
manifested  itself  in  feasting  on  ginger-bread  and  beer, 
hard  cider  and  good  wliisky,  at  big  musters  and  on 
Fourth  of  July  occasions,  and  in  naming  chihlrtMi  and 
corporations  for  great  and  reninvned  military  men. 

The  delegate  in  the  Virginia  Legishiture  from  this 
end  of  ^Monongalia  county,  in  1842,  was  William  S. 
Morgan,  and  it  was  he  wlio  introduced  the  bill  in  the  ^ 

House.  The  measure  met  with  considerable  opposi- 
tion, especially  from  the  other  delegates  from  ^^lonon- 
galia  and  oriC  membei'  from  Harrison,  but  Mr.  Morgan, 
assisted  by  Hon.  William  .J.  Willey,  the  State  Sena- 
tor from  this  district,  and  .lohn  .J.  Moore,  Es(i.,  a  lobby 
member,  he  linally  con(|Uored  all  opposition  and  se- 
cured tlu'  passage  of  the  bill,  January  14th,  1S42. 
jNIiddletown  was  mad*;  the  county  seat,  A  year  or 
two  afterwards  the  name  of  the  town  was  changed  to 

On  the  4th  of  April  following,  the  fTrst  county  :;^^?^ 
court  was  held  at  the  house  of  Willia^n  Kerr,  father 
of  E.  C.  Kerr,  of  Fairmont,  which  stood  on  the  corner 
of  Main  and  JetVerson  streets.  John  S.  Barnes,  Sr., 
Thomas  S.  Haymond,  Thomas  A\''atson  and  William 
Swearingen,  justices  of  the  peace,  eom])osed  tlie  court. 
John  Nuzum,  William  .1.  \\'illey,  Matthew'  L.  Flem- 
ing, Isaac  ^Tcans,  Leouard  Lauib,  (Jeorgc  Dawson,  Le- 

80  History  of  Marion  Couxty. 

andor  S.  Laidlcy,  Elias  Bhickshere,  David  Cunning- 
ham, Abraham  IIoss,  Jolm  S.  Chisler,  Absalom  Knotts, 
Benjamin  J.  l>rice,  Albert  ^h)r<ian,  David  Musgrave, 
Hillcry  Boggoss,  \\'illiani  T.  ]\hjrgan,  John  Chiyton, 
Thomas  Rhea,  William  Cochran,  Jolm  S.  Smith,  .lohn 
Musgrave,  William  I>.  Snodgrass,  William  Uradley, 
Thomas  A.  Little,  Je^se  Sturm,  John  S.  Uarnes,  Sr.,' 
Sixi'd  Henry  J>t)gg('ss  were  the  justices  of  the  peace  of 
the  county.  Zehulon  Musgrave  was  appointed  crier 
of  the  court,  anil  the  following  attorneys  were  permit- 
ted to  practici^  in  court :  Cidcon  Camden,  William 
C.  Haymond,  lUirton  Despard,  Charles  A.  Harper, 
James  M.  Jackson,  John  J.  Mortrc.  (ieorge  H.  Lee, 
Waitman  T.  Willcy,  Moses  A.  Harjx'r,  and  Eusebius 
Lowman.  The  court  adjourned  to  meet  in  the  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  (th(>  reciMitly  diinolishetl  Protestant 
Episcopali.ui)  C'hureh,  wIktc  the  future  S(\'^sions  of 
the  court  were  held  until    the  court   house  was   built. 

Thomas  L.  Boggess  was  elected  the  lirst  clerk  of  the 
county  court,  William  C.  li.iymoud  was  the  lirst  i)ros- 
ecuting  attorney,  and  iMiijamin  J.  lirice  the  first 
sherift"  of  the  county. 

Tlie  crier  of  the  court  wa- ordeicd  to  enter  into  a 
contract  with  Daniel  >L  'riiomj>son  for  tiie  upper 
room  of  his  dwelling  house  for  a  j.iil,  •■  provided  said 
Thompson  >honld  make  such  improvements  as  would 
make  it  secure."  The  i.nt  was  live  d(»lhirs  ])er  month 
and  Thompson  \\a>  ai»i)ointed  jailor.     The  j.risou  was 

History  of  Marion  County.  81 

a  queer  structure,  to  be  sure.  It  was  situated  on 
Washington  street,  the  same  site  whereon  stands  the 
dwelling  now  occupied  by  William  E.  Hough.  It 
was  a  small  log  house,  and  tbe  upper  room,  which  the 
court  ordered  to  be  used  as  a  jail,  was  only  a  half  story 
ry  high ;  had  holes  sawed  out  at  the  gable  ends,  giving 
it  the  appearance  of  an  old  fashioned  Indian  fort. 
Whether  prisoners  really  stayed  within  the  enclosure 
any  longer  than  they  were  watched  by  sentinels  from 
the  outside  is  doubtful.  Then,  however,  jails  were 
mostly  used  for  confining  failing  debtors,  and  it  mat- 
tered but  little  whether  they  remained  in  or  out  of  the 
enclosure  of  the  jail.  If  they  got  out  they  were  too  poor 
to  abscond.  Some  years  afterwards,  and  when  it  had 
ceased  to  serve  as  a  jail,  the  house  Avas  moved,  and  now 
stands  some  distance  east  on  the  same  street — owned 
and  occupied  by  .Jame^  Murphy. 

F.  H.  Pierpoint,  attorney,  wa.^  qualified  at  the  May 
term  of  the  court,  and  Dan'l  M.  Thompson  was  awarded 
the  contract  for  building  the  court  house  for  the  sum 
of  63,150.75,  which  were  the  principal  items  of  business 
transacted  that  term.  The  court  liouse  was  considered 
a  fine  building  when  it  was  completed.  It  bore  such 
a  contrast  to  the  other  buildings  in  Fairmont  at  that 
time  that  it  no  doubt  presented  an  imposing  appear- 
ance. Since  the  recent  improvements  inihe  county 
seat,  however,  and  tin?  erection  of  so  many  handsome 

82  History  of  Marion  County. 

business  houses,  the  contrast  is  the  other  way.  The 
court  house,  together  with  its  gi'ouuds,  occupies  about 
one-tliird  tiie  space  between  Jeticvson  and  Monroe 
streets,  on  tlie  North  side  of  Main,  and  is  u  large  two 
story  brick,  surmounted  by  a  cupohi,  containing  a 
splendidly  toned  bell.  Si.x.  heavy  columns  grace  the 
front  of  the  building  and  support  the  gable,  which 
extends  over  a  pavement  in  front  of  the  door.  In  the 
first  story  are  contained  the  county  ollices— that  of  the 
clerk  of  the  county  coui-t  on  the  right  of  the  entrance, 
and  the  circuit  court  clerk's  oliice  on  the  left.  On 
either  side  of  the  hall-way  leading  to  the  back  of  the 
building  are  various  other  offices.  In  the  second  stor}' 
isthe  large  court  room.  and. two  jury  rooms.  In  front 
of  the  building  is  a  large  yard,  containing  sliade  trees, 
and  in  the  rear  is  the  jail,  with  the  shcriti's  residence, 
which  buildings  are  new,  having  been  erected  in  1.S77 
at  a  cost  of  about  -S'^^jOOO.  The  business  of  the  county 
has  increased,  and  continues  to  increase,  to  such  an 
extent  that  it  will  soon  be  found  necessary  to  tear 
down  the  present  court  house  and  build  a  greater  and 
more  convenient  one — which,  it  is  hoped,  will  be  more 
creditable  to  the  county  in  point  of  architectural 
beauty,  than  the  one  ni>w  standing. 

In  those  days  everybody  that  could  possibly  make 
it  convenient  came  to  town  during  tlie  sitting  of  the 
county  court.     Especially   was  this  tlie  case  on  the 

History  of  Marton'  (Bounty.  83 

first  and  secoiid  days  of  each  term.  They  were  set 
apart  as  general  trading  days.  On  tliese  days,  men, 
women  and  children  came  to  town  v\-ith  their  horses, 
cattle,  grain,  butter,  eggs,  chickens,  and  soap,  and  ex- 
changed them  for  such  articles  as  supplied  their  de- 
mands and  necessities.  Court  days,  were  famous,  too, 
for  ending  disputations  in  fisticuffs  and  drinking 
whisky.  All  the  <[uarrels  and  wranglings  among  the 
baser  sort  of  the  people  of  the  county  were  refen-ed 
to  county  court  days  for  final  adjustment,  and  they 
usually  ended  in  knock-downs  and  bloody  noses. 

Thomas  S.  JIaymond  and  .lohn  ('.  Clayton  were  the 
first  representatives  of  the  county  in  the  House  of 
Delegates,  and  William  J.  Willey  in  tlie  Senate.  Mon- 
ongalia, Preston,  IJandolph  and  Marion,  composed  the 
Senatorial  district.  Messrs.  Haynioud  and  Clayton 
were  delegates  of  more  than  average  abilitv;  espec- 
ially is  this  merit  accorded  to  Mr.  Hayinond. 

Mr.  Willey,  the  Senat(»r,  was  a  resident  of  the 
county  ;  was  noted  for  his  many  eccentricities,  an<l  for 
his  abilities  as  a  legislator.  He  was  by  no  means  a 
handsome  man,  an<l  for  this  reason  was  not  called  up- 
on to  divide  his  time  with  the  ladies  of  Richmond, 
but  was  enabled  to  devote  himself  solely  to  the  best 
interests  of  his  constituency,  It  is  related  of  Mr. 
Willey  that  when  he  used  to  go  to  iiichmond  as  a  rep- 
resentative he  was  as  fond  of  i)ersonating  the  pecu- 

84  History  of  Marion  County. 

liar  style  of  dress  of  the  people  as  he  was  of  repre- 
senting their  local  interests  in  the  Legislature.  On 
one  occasion  he  went  to  Richmond  dressed  in  blue 
linsey  breeches  and  brown  linsey  hunting  shirt. 



Ifs^/A  ARION  county  made  no  rapid  strides  in  the 
l^^  "  March  of  progre.^s,"  until  the  year  1849, 
when  a  decided  increase  in  her  population  com- 
menced, the  tide  of  immigration  following  closely  in 
the  footsteps  of  the  engineers  of  the  Baltimore  and. 
Ohio  Railroad,  who  completed  their  survey  during 
this  year.  Some  of  the  immigrants,  however,  were 
not  of  the  most  desirable  character,  and  the  history  of 
Marion  county  at  this  time  teems  with  stories  of  the 
feuds  of  the  Irislimcn  who  were  employed  in  con- 
structing the  railroad.  These  Irishmen,  fresh  from 
the  bogs  of  Connaught  and  the  Lakes  of  Killarny, 
brought  with  them  all  their  local  feuds  and  predju- 
dices.  They  had  not  been  in  this  country  long 
enough  to  learn  that  *'  all  men  are  born  free  and 
equal,"  so  that  in  their  work  it  was  necessary  to  keep 
the  men  of  the  ditlerent  elans  apart,  for  certain  as  a 
Fardowner   met  a  Connaughter,  a  light  ensued — the 

86  History  of  Marion  County. 

fact  that  they  were  of  different  clans  being  sufficient 
cause  for  the  most  active  liostilities.  The  Con- 
naughters  who  were  employed  at  Benton's  Ferry  con- 
cluded one  morning  to  make  an  attack  on  the  Far- 
downers  at  Ice's  ]\rills,  a  few  miles  distant,  settle  all 
old  scores,  and  by  one  grand  stroke  drive  them  from 
the  county.  Accordingly  they  formed  themselves  into 
a  band  two  hundred  strong,  and  made  a  descent  on 
Ice's  Mills.  The  Fardowners,  taken  entirely  by  sur- 
prise, threw  all  work  aside  .and  fled  in  dismay  to 
Fairmont  for  protection.  The  Connaughters  pursued 
them  closely,  firing  oft'  an  occasional  gun,  or  stopping 
to  beat  a  poor  fellow  who  was  down,  until,  with  shouts 
and  Irish  yells,  they  came  rushing  down  the  hills  into 
•the  town.  Here  pursued  and  pursuers  were  brought 
to  a  stand  still,  for  the  citizens  soon  recovering  from 
their  astonishment  turned  out  c?/  mcis^r,  and  arrested 
every  assailant  they  saw,  so  tliat  in  a  very  short  time 
eighty-eight  men  were  in  jail.  Not  a  very  remark- 
able feat,  when  it  is  known  that  the  raw  Irishmen 
offered  no  resistance  when  being  arrested.  So  great 
was  thier  terror  of  the  law  that  a  negro  slave  captured 
six  men  b}'  simply  grasping  each  by  the  arm  and 
saying,  "I  arrest  you,  sir,  you  must  go  to  jail."  The 
prisoners  were  kept  until  the  next  da}'  when  nearly 
all  were  released.  Shortly  after,  the  remaining  few 
were  given  their  liberty,  thus  ending  the  Irish  riot, 
long  famous  in  the  annals  of  Fairmont. 

History  of  Marion  County.  87 

In  the  summer  of  this  year,  184U,  the  construction 
of  three  turn  pikes — one  leading  to  Weston,  another 
to  Beverly  and  the  third  to  Fishing  Creek — was  be- 
gun. This  enterprise,  coupled  with  that  of  the  rail- 
road, was  the  greatest  incentive  to  industry  and  pro- 
gress the  people  of  Marion  had  ever  received. 

The  year  1852  is  notable  in  the  history  of  Marion 
county  for  three  important  events  :  The  great  flood, 
the  completion  of  the  Baltimore  and  (Jhio  Railroad 
and  the  building  of  the  wire  suspension  bridge  con- 
necting Fairmont  and  Palatine. 

The  great  tlood,  whi(;h  destroyed  thousands  of  dol- 
lars worth  of  property,  occurred  on  Monday  the  5th  of 
April,  1852.  ]>}'  reason  of  the  heavy  rains  that  had 
fallen  the  day  before  the  West  Fork  and  Mononga- 
hela  rivers  rose  with  fearful  rapidity  until  o  o'clock 
on  Tuesday,  rising  at  the  rate  of  five  feet  per  hour 
during  part  of  the  time — when  the  Monongahela  at 
Fairmont  attained  a  perpendicular  height  of  forty- 
three  feet  above  an  ordinarily  low  stage  of  water,  and 
eight  feet  higher  than  a  great  rise  in  1807.  The  de- 
struction of  i)roperty,  particularly  on  the  West  Fork, 
was  very  great.  On  Monday  about  forty  houses 
floated  by  Fairmont.  How  many  passed  during  the 
night  was  unknown.  Among  them  were  the  mills  of 
Mr.  Griflin,  of  Harrison  county,  and  Mr.  I.ucas,  of 
Worthington,  and  the  mill  and  carding  machine  house 
of  a  Mr.  Brice,  of  this  county. 

88  History  of  Marion  County. 

"In  the  town  of  Worthington  every  house,  except 
one  and  the  parts  of  two  others,  was  swept  away,  and 
with  them  a  large  quantity  of  household  goods.  We 
insert  the  following,  clipped  from  the  account  of  the 
fresliet,  which  appeared  in  the  Fairmont  Trae  Virgin- 
ian the  Saturday  after  the  flood  : 

"The  apothecary  shop  of  our  friend  Dr.  P.  Davis,  was 
seen  passing  by  our  town  with  cases,  books  and  med- 
icines apparently  uninjured.  A  cat  was  in  a  window, 
seemingly  surveying,  with  much  composure,  the  roam- 
ing element  on  which  it  was  riding.  A  portion  of  his 
property  was  rescued  and  brought  to  shore.  The  only 
house  which  remains  in  Worthington,  is  the  brick 
standing  back  from  the  river,  and  a  part  of  that  of  R. 
Parish,  occupied  by  T.  P.  Lilly  as  a  hotel,  and  a  part 
of  W.  Hood's  house.  Mr.  Hood  lost  his  store  house, 
and  the  greater  part  of  his  goods.  The  mill  of  Mr. 
Hoult,  below  town,  has  also  been  carried  away  by  the 
flood.  But  little  damage,  comparativel\',  has  been 
sustained  by  the  citizens  of  this  place  or  Palatine. 
The  greatest  sufferers  are  the  Messrs.  .Tacksons  and 
William  Gallahue.  The  mill  pro{)erty  of  the  former 
has  been  consideral)ly  injured,  but  it  is  supposed  that 
$700  will  cover  the  loss.  The  house  of  Mr.  Gallahue, 
near  the  lower  ferry,  with  all  his  household  goods  and 
much  of  his  provisions  laid  in  for  the  year,  and  a 
small  house  below  his,  on  the  river  l)ank,  were  swept 
away.  It  is  impo.^siblc  to  enumerate  all  the  cases  of 
loss  and  suffering.  One  hundred  thousand  dollars 
will  hardly  cover  the  damages  sustained  by  the  citi- 
zens of  this  county  alone.     The  railroad  has  also  been 

History  of  Marion  Coi'nty.  89 

greatly  injured,  and  it  is  apprehtmded  tliat  its  com- 
pletion to  this  point  will  be  delayed  some  two  weeks. 
What  has  been  the  injury  in  Taylor  county,  we  liave 
not  learned,  but  not  much,  we  hope  and  suppose. 
And  we  sincereh'  hope  it  may  not  be  as  bad  in  Harrison 
as  has  been  estimated  by  persons  up  the  river.  The 
5th  of  April,  1852.  will  long  be  remembered  as  an 
important  epoch  in  the  history  of  this  county,  b.dng 
the  date  of,  by  far,  the  greatest  freshet  witliin  the 
memory  of  our  oldest  inhabitants,  or  known  to  them 
by  tradition. 

"  P.  S. — Rivesville  also  has  sustained  very  great 
damage.  Several  of  the  best  houses  tliere  have  been 
carried  away.  Among  them  are  the  house  and  shop 
of  S.  F.  Morri-^.  the  warehouse  at  the  Pawpaw  bridge 
ahd  the  bridge,  all  the  stabling  and  out-buildings  of 
Mr.  Snodgrass,  besides  smaller  tenemimts  and   sho[)S. 

"Newj»ort,  a  little  village  on  the  opposite  bank  of 
the  river,  b(!tween  this  and  Morgantown  was  com- 
pletely inundatei],  and  we  learn  that  one  or  two  of 
the  houses  tliere  wt>re  floated  off.  Almost  every 
hour  since  tlie  fresbet  we  havt-  received  intelli- 
gence of  sonu^  additional  disaster.  There  seems  in- 
deed to  be  no  end  to  the  destruction  of  property. 

"The  Tygart's  Valley  river  was  not  so  high  as  it 
was  in  184G,  and  but  little  or  no  damage,  therefore,  has 
been  sustained  on  that  river.  The  great  rise  w\is  in 
the  West  Fork."' 

On  the  2od  of  June  of  the  same  year  the  comple- 
tion of  the  railroad  to  Fairujont  was  celebrated.  The 
President  and  Directors  of  the  Company,  together 
with  a  large  number  of  gentlemen  from  tiie  cities  of 

90  History  of  Marion  County. 

Baltimore,  Cumberland,  Wheeling,  Martinsburg,  etc., 
and  a  large  number  of  ^[arion  county  citizens,  assem- 
bled in  an  arbor  erected  for  tlie  occasion,  at  a  place 
now  known  as  *'  the  Y,"  about  half  a  mile  beloAv  town. 
We  again  clip  from  the  True  Virginian  of  June  26th, 
1852  : 

"According  to  appointment  the  President  and  Di- 
rectors of  the  BaltiuKtre  and  Ohio  liailroad.  a  portion 
of  the  Cit}'  Council,  with  a  large  number  of  other  gen- 
tlemen from  the  city  of  J>altimore,  from  Cumberland. 
Wheeling,  Martin.sburg,  c^-c,  and  also  a  portion  of  our 
county  men  as  the  guests  of  the  Company  assend)led 
at  the  arbor  erected  for  the  occasion,  about  half  a  mile 
below  town,  near  Mr.  U.  Barns",  on  the  evening  of  the 
22d  inst.,  to  celebrate  the  com])letion  of  the  road  to 
this  point.  The  train  from  I>altiniore  did  not  arrive 
until  about  S  o'clock  in  tlic  cvtMiing,  owing  to  a  tem- 
porary obstruction  at  tlie  Big  Tunn(4.  This  was  a 
disappointment  to  many  of  our  citizens  who  had  come 
a  long  distanci>  to  see  tbc  oars  arrive,  but  who  were 
compelled,  in  consequence  of  tlie  lateness  of  the  liour, 
to  leave  without  gratifying  tlieir  curiositv. 

"  Immediately  after  the  arrival  of  the  cars  the  com- 
pany were  seated  at  the  table  which  was  well  filled 
with  the  choicest  viands  and  every  luxury  of  the 
season — not  omitting  that  •'  which  brings  aood  cheer." 
The  company  was  a  very  large  one,  consisting  of  sev- 
eral hundre.j.  In  ;i  short  time  the  Hon.  Mr.  Swann, 
the  President  of  the  Railroad  Company,  was  called  out 
for  a  speech,  and  most  ably  did  he  respon.l  to  tht;  call. 
We  would  like  to  give,  at  least,  the  head  of  his  chaste 

History  of  Marion  County.  91 

and  elegant  address,  but  the  want  of  time  and  room 
forbid  at  present.  He  was  followed  by  Mr.  Young,  of 
the  Baltimore  City  Council,  who  introduced  to  the 
audience  Mr.  H.  D.  Brooke,  of  the  Fourteenth  City 
Ward,  and  in  a  speech,  rich,  racy  and  musical,  he  put 
the  crowd  in  the  very  finest  humor.  He  was  fol- 
lowed by  Mr.  F.  H.  Peirpoint,  and  him  by  Mr,  A.  F. 
Haymond.  These  gentlemen  made  most  excellent 
and  appropriate  speeches  in  their  usual  eloc|uent  style. 
Mr.  B.  H.  Latrobe  was  then  called  to  the  floor  and 
made  a  highly  interesting  spec^ch.  He  was  followed 
by  a  Mr.  Grey,  who  dilated  upon  the  services-  of  Mr. 
George  Brown,  of  Baltimore,  which  brought  that  gen- 
tleman to  his  feet,  but  only  to  call  out  Mr.  Latrobe, 
the  distinguished  attorney  for  the  Company.  This 
gentleman  made  an  eloquent  and  beautiful  speech. 
He  was  followed  ])y  Col.  T.  S.  Haymond,  which  wound 
up,  to  the  best  of  our  knowledge  and  belief,  the  truly 
agreeable  and  interesting  entertainment.  It  was  the 
feast  of  reason  and  tiow  of  soul.  Between  the  speeches, 
that  fine  and  justly  celebrated  brass  band  from  Balti- 
more discoursed  some  of  the  sweetest  music,  employing 
none  but  sweetest  notes  for  the  occasion.  Every  at- 
tention was  shown  the  visitors  and  strangers,  and 
the  regret  was  that  their  stay  could  not  have  been  pro- 
longed. They  left  about  10  o'clock  on  Wednesday 
morning.  The  occasion  was  one  which  merited  the 
celebration,  and  the  celebration  was  worthy  of  the 

Shortly  afterward  the  road  was  completed  through 
to  Wheeling,  passing  through  the  following  towns 
and  villages  in  Marion   county:     Valley   Falls,    Nu- 

92  History  of  Marion  (Bounty. 

zum's  Mills,  Benton's  Ferry,  Texas,  Flemiugsburg, 
[Johntown],  Fairmont,  Uztown,  Barnesvillo,  Barrack- 
ville,  Farniington,  Mannington  and  Glover's  (jap.  At 
Flemingsburg,  which  lies  a  short  distance  below  the 
confluence  of  the  Tygart's  Valley  and  West  Fork  riv- 
ers, one  mile  west  of  Fairmont,  the  Monongahela  is 
•crossed  by  the  railroad  by  means  of  a  magnificent  iron 
bridge,  constructed  at  great  cost  to  the  company.  The 
viaduct  is  6oU  feet  long  and  35  feet  alwve  low  water 
surface.  This  bridge  was  destroyed  by  the  Confeder- 
ates during  the  War  of  the  llebellfon,  but  shortl}'  af- 
terward was  rebuilt. 

The  suspension  bridge  across  the  j\[onongahela  riv- 
er, connecting  Fairmont  and  Palatine,  which  was  fin- 
ished during  this  year,  was  built  under  the  direction 
of  Mr.  James  L.  Randolph,  assistant  engineer  of  the 
Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad ;  at  a  cost  of  about  thirty 
thousand  dollars.  The  State  of  Virginia  subscribed 
twelve  thousand  and  the  citizens  of  Fairmont  and 
Palatine  eight  thousand  dollars  of  stock.  The  resi- 
due necessary  to  complete  the  bridge  was  borrowed 
and  afterwards  ail  paid  from  the  tolls  of  the  company. 
This  bridge,  seen  from  a  distance,  is  a  most  beautiful 
structure,  hanging  like  a  spider's  web  from  the  mas- 
sive stone  towers  that  rise  aijove,  suj) porting  it  on 
either  side — a  very  long  and  high  web,  however,  for 
the  distance  from  tower  to  tower  is  five  hundred  and 
sixty  feet,  while  the  bridge  is  fifty  feet  above  the  wa- 

History  of  Makion  County.  9<5 

ter  at  its  ordinary  stage.  The  platform  which  con- 
nects the  bridge  proper  with  the  land  is  eighty-five 
feet  in  length. 

April  22d,  of  this  year,  the  county  was  divided  off 
into  seven  districts  or  townships,  pursuant  to  an  act 
passed  April  3d,  by  the  Legislature.  The  commission- 
ers who  performed  the  work  were  Austin  Merrill,  r>en- 
jamin  Fleming,  George  M.  Ryan,  Elijah  B.  Ross,  Z. 
Musgrave,  M.  Vangildor,  .John  Conaway,  J.  C.  Beaty, 
Aaron  Hawkins,  and  .Jacob  Straight.  The  names  of 
the  districts  were:  Boothsville  district,  No.  I — voting 
place  at  William  Shaver's;  Palatine  district,  No.  2 — 
voting  places  at  the  store  of  Hezekiah  Boggess,  and 
the  house  of  Enos  Nu7um ;  Eastern  district.  No.  3 — 
voting  places  at  ^Meredith's  tavern,  and  the  house  of 
Henry  S.  I^ride;  Fairmont  district,' No.  -1 — voting  pla- 
ces at  the  court  house  in  Fairmont,  and  Conaway  & 
Son's  store  in  Barrackvillo;  Pawpaw  district.  No.  5 — 
voting  places  at  Basnett's  store  in  Basnettsville,  and 
at  the  house  of  Amus  Snodgrass  in  Milford;  Worth- 
ington  district.  No.  G — voting  places  at  Thomiis  P. 
Lilly's  tavern  in  Wortliington,  and  Col.  W.  J.  Wil- 
ley's  store  in  Farmington;  Mannington  district,  No. 
7 — voting  places  at  the  tavern  of  Alexander  Talking- 
ton  in  Mannington,  and  at  the  tavern  in  Beaty'.s 

Afterwards  the  names  of  the  districts  were  changed 
to  those  they  now  hold  and  they  were  called  toi(m.'<hips; 

94  History  of  Marion  County. 

they  are  now,  however,  called  districts  as  before.  The 
names  of  the  districts  at  present  are  as  follows :  Fair- 
mont, Union,  Grant,  Winfield,  Pawpaw,  Lincoln  and 
Mannington.  The  name  "township,''  was  changed 
to  "district"  by  a  new  constitution  made  in  1872. 



5TLN  the  year  1815,  a  Presbyterian  minister,  who  had 
@^  been  holding  a  series  of  meetings  in  the  neigh- 
borhood of  Fairmont,  preaching  wherever  he  could 
obtain  a  room  jarge  enough  to  contain  the  people, 
effected  a  regular  church  organization.  This  event 
took  place  in  a  barn  on  the  farm  of  Asa  Hall,  near 
Barnesville,  and  is  believed  to  be  the  first  permanent 
church  organization  within  the  bounds  of  Marion 
county,  though  there  is  one  at  Gilboa  which  claims  to 
have  a  prior  existence.  The  former  organization,  now 
known  as  the  Presbyterian  Church  of  Fairmont,  in 
1822  built  a  frame  church  on  the  ground  afterwards 
occupied  by  the  old  brick  building  that  has  recently 
been  demolished,  which  stood  on  Jefferson  street,  op- 
posite the  Mountain  City  House.  This  frame  church 
was  of  the  most  primitive  description.  No  lath  or 
plaster  covered  its  walls,  and  no  ceiling  reflected  the 
light  of  the  tallow  candles  in  their  dim  candle-sticks 
fastended  to  the  posts,  or  held  in  position  against  the 

90  History  of  Marion  CoUxNtv. 

wall  by  two  nails  driven  into  the  studding.  In  1850, 
this  church  gave  place  to  the  old  brick  that,  in  turn, 
has  been  pulled  down  to  help  furnish  material  fur  the 
handsome  Presbyterian  Church  that  now  stands  on 
the  corner  of  Jefferson  and  Jackson  streets,  built  in 

The  first  brick  church  built  within  the  town 
of  Fairmont  was  the  recently  demolished  Protestant 
Episcopal  Church,  which  was  built  by  the  Methodist 
P]piscopal  denomination,  and  used  by  them  until  the 
building  of  their  present  commodious  place  of  wor- 
ship on  ^lain  street,  in  the  year  1<S52.  Among  the 
events  which  took  place  wichin  its  walls,  are  some  of 
secular  as  well  as  of  religious  interest,  for  here  the  first 
court  that  ever  convened  in  the  county,  held  its  regu- 
lar sessions,  and  it  continued  to  be  used  for  that  pur- 
pose until  a  court  house  was  built. 

In  1834,  the  ^Methodist  Protestant  denomination 
built  a  frame  church  on  (^uincy  street,  and  after  a 
lapse  of  seventeen  years,  it  was  pulled  down  to  make 
room  for  the  substantial  brick  structure  which  now 
stands  on  the  same  ground.  This  latter  churchy 
erected  in  1851,  is  still  used  as  a  place  of  worship  by 
the  Methodist  Protestant  denomination. 

It  seems  hard  to  realize,  on  looking  at  an  old  log 
building,  now  used  as  a  barn,  standing  at  Yellow 
Rock  Ford,  two  and  a  half  mil(!S  from  the  mouth  of 
the  West  Fork,  that  was  ever  a  church.     It  was^ 

Hlstory  of  JNIariox  County.  97 

however,  the  first  Baptist  Church  ever  built  in  this 
region,  though  the  exact  date  of  it.s  erection  is  un- 
known. Here  Josluui  Hickman,  and  other  celebrated 
clergymen,  })reached  the  Word  to  the  inhabitants  of 
the  surrounding  country. 

The  Runian  Catholic  Churcli,  of  Fairmont,  was 
biiilt  in  1858,  and  i>  tlic  only  regular  organization  of 
the  kind  in  Marion  county,  though  there  are  quite  a 
number  of  that  faith,  especially  along  the  route  of  the 
Baltimore  and  Ohio  railroad. 

As  time  passed  on  other  churches  began  to  dot  the 
green  hills  and  vales  of  the  county,  until  now  there 
are  a  great  number  of  all  denominations,  and  all  are 
prosperous,  com})rising  in  their  membership  the  bulk 
of  the  population.  There  is  scarcely  a  home  in  the 
county  that  is  inaccessible  to  a  church  of  some  kind. 
The  only  African  church  in  the  county  is  in  Fair- 
mont, and  is  called  the  African  M.  E.  Church. 

For  many  years  Marion  county  has  had  good  schools, 
and  especially  is  this  true  sinc(>  the  establishment  of 
the  free  schot)l  system,  .\uiong  the  principal  instruc- 
tors of  her  youtii  during  the  few  years  previous  to  and 
during  the  civil  war,  were  J.  L.  ]M(_)rehead,  George  W. 
L.  Kidwell,  B.  F.  ^fartin,  Alexander  Steele,  Miss  Mary 
J.  Shore,  Prrtf.  Lanigan,  and  others.  The  Fairmont 
Male  and  Female  Seminary,  under  Prof.  W.  R.  White, 
from  I80G  to  1804,  was  a  very  successful  institution, 
being  an  educational   power   in  the  community,  and 


98  History  of  Marion  County, 

having  students  from  all  parts  of  the  State,  man}'  of 
whom  now  occupy  prominent  positions  in  life.  Prof. 
White  is  the  author  of  the  "Alphabet  Made  Easy" — 
a  very  popular  primmer  in  general  use  throughout  the 

Since  the  establishment  of  the  free  school  system 
the  progress  of  Marion  county  in  educational  matters 
has  been  rapid,  until  now  every  advantage  to  gain  a 
common  school  education  is  afforded  the  youth.  T"p- 
on  every  hand  are  neat,  convenient  school  houses,  pro- 
vided with  first-class  teachers.  The  following  table 
from  the  report  of  the  county  superintendent,  J.  N. 
Satterfield,  for  1879,  will  serve  to  show  the  reader  the 
condition  of  the  schools  in  Marion  county  in  that 
year,  financially  and  otherwise  : 

Total  value  of  all  school  property  in  county,  $70,002.75 
Aggregate  value  of  buildings,  .         .         60,825.00 

Number  of  common  schools  in  county,  .  .  103 
Number  of  graded  schools  in  county,      .         .5 

Number  of  high  schools  in  county,     ...  1 

Total  number  of  schools,           ....  109 

Whole  number  of  buildings,       ....  105 

Number  of  districts, 5 

Number  of  sub-districts, 102 

YOUTHS    BETWEEN    THE    AOES    OF    6   AND   21. 

Number  of  white  males,  ....         3,304 

Number  of  white  females,  .         .         .  2,927 

Number  of  colored  males,         ....  15 

History  of  Marion  County.  99 

Number  of  colored  Females,         ...  18 

Total  number  of  males,  ....         3,319 

Total  number  of  Females,  .         .         .  2,945 

Whole  number  of  youths  between  ages  of  6  and  21,  6,2G4 
Of  these,  the  whole  number  attending  school  is  4,710 

Number  of  males, 2,644 

Number  of  females, 2,066 

Average  daily  attendance,  .         .         .  3,164 

Average  age  of  pupils,  .         .         .         .  11.5 

Number  of  male  teachers  ...  94 

Number  of  female  teachers,     .         ,         .         .  26 

Whole  number  of  teachers,  .         .         .  120 

A  branch  of  the  State  Normal  Scho(jl  is  located  in 
Fairmont,  and  as  it  is  celebrated  tliroughout  the 
State  for  its  excellence,  and  an  institution  of  which 
Marion  county  may  well  be  proud,  it  deserves  special 
mention :  The  act  establishing  a  system  of  free 
schools  was  passed  December  10,  186^,  and  it  was  im- 
mediately found  that  there  was  need  of  well  trained 
teachers.  The  State  did  not  at  first  provide  for  a 
school  for  teacliers  and  many  such  institutions  were 
started  as  private  enterprises.  Tlu^  first  of  these  was 
the  Fairmont  Normal  School,  whicli  was  opened  in 
in  1865,  by  J.  N.  Boyd,  then  editor  of  the  National,  in 
the  basement  of  the  .M.  P.  (""hurch.  The  success  of 
this  school  prom})ted  the  citizens  to  take  stej)s  t(»wards 
securing  such  an  institution  permanently  in  Fair- 
mont, and  in  the  winter  of  18(55-6  a  bill  proposing  to 
establish  a  State  Normal  School  at  that  place  was  in- 

100  History  of  Marion  County. 

troduced  into  the  I.p,<j:islature,  but  that  body  adjourned 
without  taking  any  action  upon  the  bill.  The  citi- 
zens of  Fairmont  formed  a  joint  stock  company  un- 
der the  tith^  of  -'The  Regency  of  the  "West  Virginia 
Normal  Sidiool,"  and  secured  a  ciiarter  for  the  same. 
The  incorporators  were  Oliver  Jackson,  Jacob  C.  Bee- 
son,  Ellery  R.  Hall,  John  N.  Boyd,  Dennis  B.  Dorsey, 
James  J.  Burns,  T.  A.  Fleming,  J.  H.  Browntield,  T. 
A.  Maulsby  and  A.  Brooks  Fleming.  A  board  of  di- 
rectors was  elected,  of  which  Oliver  Jackson  was  Pres- 
ident. Ellery  R.  Hall,  Secretary,  and  J.  J.  r>urn.«.  Treas- 
urer. A  lot  was  purchased  of  Judge  E.  B.  Hall  for 
$1,500  and  the  wing  of  the  present  building  was  be- 
gun in  the  summcu-  of  ISG?.  It  was  GSx40  fec't  and 
two  stories  high.  In  P'ebruary,  l.S()7,  the  l.egislature 
voted  65,000  to  this  school,  on  condition  that  82,000 
additional  be  paid  by  citizens  of  Marion  county.  The 
condition  was  complied  with  and  tlie  institution 
passed  into  the  hands  of  the  State.  In  1872  the  main 
building,  whi(di  is  80x40  feet,  and  thn-e  stt>ries  high, 
was  erected.  The  entire  cost  of  the  building  has  been 
about  S2U,()00,  of  which  the  State  gave  610,000 
and  the  distrii;t  of  Faii'mont  the  remainder.  After 
its  purchase  by  the  State,  Prof.  W.  R.  White,  who 
had  been  the  first  state  superintendent  of  free  schools, 
was  the  first  principal  of  the  Normal  School.  Prof. 
White  secured  of  Dr.  Sears,  agent  of  the  Peabody 
fund,  a  gift  of  6500  for  the   normal  department  and 

HisTOKY  OF  Marion  County.  101 

$1,000  for  the  model  school,  which  donation  was  con- 
tinued through  the  four  years  following.  In  1870, 
Prof.  White  resigned,  and  was  succeeded  in  the  Prin- 
cipalship  by  Prof.  J.  C.  Gilchrist  (now  Principal  of 
the  State  Normal  School  located  at  Cedar  Falls,  Iowa), 
who  continued  in  office  until  the  late  Dr.  J.  G.  Blair 
received  the  appointment,  in  1871.  The  latter  gen- 
tleman retained  the  ofhce  until  his  death,  December 
22d,  1878.  In  1874  the  Normal  and  Public  Schools 
were  separated,  and  from  this  time  on  the  benefits  of 
the  separation  have  been  felt  by  both  schools.  On 
the  death  of  Dr.  Blair,  Miss  M.  L.  Dickey,  who  had  for 
eight  years  been  the  first  assistant  teacher,  was  ap- 
pointed to  fill  his  place,  which  position  she  now  holds. 
Dr.  Blair  was  a  man  of  profound  learning  and  bore  an 
almost  national  reputation  as  an  instructor,  and  it  is 
conceded  by  the  friends  of  the  school  everywhere  that 
Miss  Dickey,  whose  reputation  for  talent  and  tact  in 
discii)lining  and  teaching  a  school  of  this  kind  is  en- 
viable, is  well  worthy  to  lill  his  place.  The  lowest 
number  of  students  attending  thv  school  at  any  one 
time  during  its  existence  was  ;'(),  and  the  highest  221. 
They  come  from  all  j)arts  of  the  State,  and  many  have 
been  from  Ohio,  Penney  1  vania  and  Maryland.  In  1879, 
19  counties  of  West  Virginia  were  represented  in  the 
school.  The  faculty  at  present  consists  of  Miss  M.  L. 
Dickey,  Principal;  Mi.-s  Lucy  Fleming  and  Prof.  U.  S. 

Fleming,  assistants;  and  Mrs.  A.  ^1.  J.  Pinnell,  teacher 

102  History  of  aVfARioN  County. 

of  music.  The  building  is  provided  with  a  commodious 
hall  or  chapel,  contaiuiiig  an  organ,  and  is  capable  of 
holding  five  hundred  people,  a  large  main  school 
room,  library  and  ai)paratus  room,  the  several  neces- 
sary class  rooms,  and  a  music  room,  appropriately  fur-  i 
nished  with  a  piano,  etc.  The  school  has  two  pros- 
perous literary  societies — the  Mozart  Society  and  the 
Normal  Lyceum.  This  latter  organization  has  re- 
cently laid  the  foundation  of  a  library. 

The  Normal  School  is  worthy  the  encouragement 
of  the  county,  for  it  not  only  reflects  great  credit 
upon  the  community,  but  it  is  a  source  of  considera- 
ble revenue.  • 



,N  the  11th  of  Fehruary,  1850,  the  first  steamboat 
that  ever  followed  tlie  Monongahela  river  to 
its  head  arrived  at  Fairmont.  It  was  called  the  Globe, 
and  its  appeararice  created  intense  excitement  among 
the  citizens.  Fairmont  is  the  proper  head  of  naviga- 
tion of  the  Ohio  river,  for  it  is  here  that  the  ]\Ionon- 
gahela  is  formed  by  the  confluence  of  the  two  smaller 
streams,  tlie  Tygart's  Valley  and  West  Fork  rivers; 
and  the  Gl-ohe,  in  making  the  trip,  proved  successfully 
that  the  river  was  navigable  to  this  point.  At 
various  times  during  several  years  following,  other 
boats  came  this  far  up  the  river,  and  during  the  high 
water  of  1852,  the  T/tomns  P.  Ray  and  others  made 
regular  trips  for  some  time.  It  was  no  unusual  thing 
for  the  Fairmont  newspapers  of  those  days  to  contain 
reports  like  the  following,  which  are  clip])ed  from  the 
True  Virglntan  of  March  13th  and  April  10th,  1852, 
respectively ; 

104  History  of  Marion  County. 


"Arrival,  March  6th, 

"Steamer  Tnos.  P.  Ray,  departed  same  day. 

"Our  town  was  cheered  with  the  welcome  ichistle 
of  the  Steamer  Thomaa  P.  Ray.,  on  Saturday  last. 
The  river,  though  unusually  high  for  boats  to  run 
above  the  slack  water,  seemed  to  offer  little  resistance 
to  her  powerful  engines.  The  trip  was  made  in  less 
time,  we  are  informed,  than  any  boat  that  has  prece- 
ded her.     Her  principal  lading  was  salt  and  whisk3^" 


"  The  favorite  Steamer,  T/ioma.<i  P.  Ray,  Captain 
Hughes,  arrived  on  Wednesday,  the  7th  inst.,  about 
10  o'clock  in  the  evening,  with  a  heavy  cargo  of  gro- 
ceries, salt  and  merchandise  of  different  descriptions 
for  various  persons. 

"  She  left  this  port  on  Thursday  morning  about  10 
o'clock  with  tobacco  fTOm  Logan  &,  Carr's  and  other 
articles  of  traffic.  The  Thomas  P.  Ray  is  a  finely 
finished  boat,  antl  the  officers  are  spoken  of  as  gentle- 
men and  are  accommodating  men."" 

The  most  recent  arrivals  of  this  kind  at  the  "  Port 
of  Fairmont  "  were  the  West  Virrjinia,  a  small  boat, 
which  landed  July  5th,  1873,  and  returned  to  Morgan- 
town  the  same  evening,  and  the  Klertor,  a  large  side- 
wheel  steamer,  arriving  January  "iltli,  1876,  and  de- 
parting the  following  day. 

The  arrival  of  the  Globe  aroused  considerable  en- 
thusiasm   in   the   breasts   of  the    people   of    Marion 

History  of  Marion  County.  105 

county  on  the  subject  of  slack-water.  Meetings  were 
held,  and  steps  taken  to  secure  permanent  navigation. 
Major  O'Bannon,  editor  of  the  Demorrntic  Banner, 
agitated  the  question  in  the  columns  of  his  paper, 
and  took  a  strong  personal  interest  in  the  matter.  A 
company  was  formed  called  the  Monongahela  Naviga- 
tion Company,  and  books  were  opened  to  receive  sub- 
scriptions of  stock,  Major  O'Bannon,  making  journeys 
to  Pittsburgli,  Wheeling,  Baltimore  and  other  places, 
delivering  addresses  before  the  Boards  of  Trade,  and 
endeavoring  to  interest  capitalists  in  the  project. 
The  matter  did  not  receive  suOicient  and  substantial 
encouragement  from  the  people  of  tlie  county,  how- 
ever, and  the  enterprise  soon  fell  through.  The  fol- 
lowing, clipped  from  a  lengthy  editorial  on  the  sub- 
ject in  the  Bannrr,  will  show  how  the.  press  labored  to 
secure  slack-water;  and  the  reader  may  infer  from  it 
that  the  citizens  did  not  encourage  the  thing  as  they 
should — after  the  excitement  incident  to  the  arrival 
of  the  Globe  had  worn  off: 

'•Improve  this  river,  and  this  place  becomes  at  once 
the  grand  entrepot  for  all  the  trade  on  the  line  of  the 
railroad  for  thirty  or  forty  miles,  and  south  of  us  for 
fifty  miles,  intended  f(M-  the  Pittsburgh  market,  and 
all  the  trade  within  striking  distance  of  the  river, 
intended  for  Baltimore.  This  is  not  all:  this  place 
becomes  the  mart  for  the  entire  region  of  country 
south  and  south-west,  and  north  and  north-east  of  this 
for  some  forty  miles,     lieal  estate  within  ten  miles  of 

106  History  of  Marion  County.  0' 

this  river,  would  immediately  advance  from  twenty- 
five  to  fift}'  per  cent.  Omit  to  make  this  ijnprove- 
ment  and  that  same  property  is  bound  to  depreciate 
in  the  same  ratio.  Is  it  not  time  then  for  the  people 
to  wake  up?  We  would  like  to  see  a  lively  interest 
felt  and  evinced  on  the  subject.  Too  great  lethargy 
has  been  resting  on  the  people  in  relation  to  this  mat- 
ter.    There  is  too  much  at  stake  to  slumber  over'."' 

In  the  year  185:'.,  and  the  month  of  October,  the 
First  National  ]>ank  of  Fairmont  was  organized  as  a 
State  Stock  Bank.  It  was  afterwards,  in  1858,  changed 
to  a  free  banking  system,  with  Oliver  .lackson  as 
President,  and  Thomas  F.  (!onaway,  Cashier.  It  was 
made  a  National  Bank  on  the  2d  of  April,  18(55,  with 
Jacob  C.  Beeson  as  President,  and  .Joseph  E.  Sands, 
Cashier.  The  handsome  banking  house  and  cashier's 
residence  now  occupied  1)y  tlie  bank,  was  erected  in 
1875,  at  a  cost  of  $35,000. 

The  Mountain  City  Bank  began  business  August 
1st,  1874.  ; 

In  1875  the  Farmer's  Bank,  of  Fairmont,  began  bu- 
siness with  William  Ridgely  as  President,  and  Jacob 
N.  Gould,  Cashier,  the  latter  gentleman  having  been 
previous  to  this  time  a  teller  in  the  First  National 

These  are  the  only  banks  in  the  county. 

The  first  newspaper  issued  in  Marion  county  was 
published  at  Fairmont,  and  called  the  Marlon  County 
Pioneer,  Lindscy   Boggess,  editor  and  propri(>tor,  and 

History  of  Marion  County.  107 

afterwards  R.  Fulton  Cooper  took  charge  of  it.  It  was 
issued  about  the  year  1S40.  Tliis  was  followed  by  the 
BaptUt  Recorder,  of  which  Dr.  \\\  D.  Eyster  was  pub- 
lisher and  proprietor,  Joseph  Walker,  editor,  and 
Daniel  S.  Morris,  printer.  Then  caiuc  the  Democratlr 
Banner,  edited  and  publisht^d  by  Morris,  which. com- 
menced publication  in  March,  1850.  Mr.  Morris  sold 
the  Banner  in  1851  to  A.  J.  O'Uannon,  who  in  a  short 
time  changed  the  name  of  the  paper  to  The  True  Vir- 
ginian and  Tran-i-Albglteiiij  Adcertixer,  associating  with 
him  in  the  publication  Benjamin  F.  Beall.  After- 
wards Beall's  interest  was  transferrtjd  to  George  P. 
Morgan,  when  the  last  j)art  of  the  name  was  dropped, 
it  being  called  then  simply  The  True  Virginian.  W. 
F.  Drinkard  purchased  tlie  paj>er  in  1853,  and  contin- 
ued to  publish  it  until  b'^Hl,  when  it  ceased  to  exist. 
During  the  last  years  of  its  existence  William  Mac- 
Donnell,  celebrated  for  his  humorous  style  of  writing, 
was  the  local  editor.  The  political  complexion  of  the 
paper  was  Democratic. 

In  1858  the  Fairmont  R'puhli/an  was  issued  by  J.  M. 
Scrogin,  and  edited  by  Dr.  W.  W.  Granger,  during 
the  following  year.  Next  tlie  Methodist  Protestant  Sen- 
tinel made  its  appearance,  conducted  b}'  Dr.  D.  B.  Dor- 
sey,  then  by  Rev.  Samuel  Young.  In  1862,  Col.  A.  F. 
Ritchie  launched  upon  the  sea  of  journalism  the  Fair- 
mont National,  whose  corps  of  editors  comprised  J.  T. 
BenGough,  J.  N.  Boyd  and  Timothy  B.  Taylor.  Then 

108  History  of  Marion  County. 

followed,  in  1866,  the  Vedette,  a  Republican  paper,  ed- 
ited and  published  by  J.  N.  Boyd  and  Timothy  B. 
Taylor,  in  turn,  who  disposed  of  the  paper  to  Josiah 
Dillon,  who  changed  the  name  to  The  Went  Virginian, 
and  it  was  afterwards  puicliased  by  Henry  W.  Rook 
and  Charles  M.  Shinn.  In  1873,  Mr.  Shinn  assumed 
entire  control  of  the  journal,  and  in  1875  sold  it  to 
the  present  i)roprieters,  A.  H.  Fleming  and  Lamar  C. 
Powell.  The  paper  is  now  in  a  prosperous  condition, 
and  is  the  organ  of  the  Republican  party  of  Marion 
county.  The  otiice  was  destroyed  in  the  great  tire  of 
1876.  A  new  one  was  speedily  purchased  by  the  pro- 
prietors, and  tlie  paper  continued,  being  much  im- 
proved in  appearance  by  reason  of  its  new  dress. 

After  the  suspension  of  the  True  Virginian,  in  1861, 
the  Democratic  party  of  >iarion  ct)unty  had  no  paper 
again  until  1870,  when  the  Libenilist  was  started  bj' 
Fontain  Smith  it  Son,  who  in  a  few  weeks  disposed  of 
it  to  J.  R.  Gros'C.  James  ]\h)rrovv,  jr..  then  became  its 
editor  and  William  S.  Iluymond  it>  kx-al  editor.  The 
Liberalid  lived  bavdy  througli  the  Presidential  cam- 
paign of  1872.  In  February.  1874,  Maji)r  \V.  P. 
Cooper  commenced  the  publi(;ation  of  the  Fairmont 
Index,  which  lias  since  been  the  organ  of  the  Marion 
county  Democracy.  In  April,  1876,  the  fire  which 
destroyed  the  W^t  Virginian  otlice,  likewise  almost 
totally  burned  the  Judex  material.  The  little  that 
was  saved  from  the  tlames,  together  with  the  books  of 

History  of  Marion  County.  109 

the  office,  and  the  good  will  of  the  business,  were  pur- 
chased of  Major  Cooper  by  Clarence  L.  Smith  and 
George  A.  Dunnington,  who  continued  the  publica- 
tion of  the  sheet,  enlarging  it  to  its  present  propor- 
tions. In  February,  1877,  after  having  conducted  the 
paper  through  the  Presidential  campaign  of  1S76, 
Smith  and  Dunnington  disposed  of  the  Index  to 
the  present  proprietors,  William  A.  Ohley.  and 
Albert  J.  Dick.  This  paper  has  also  quite  recovered 
from  the  effects  of  the  lire,  and  the  Democratic  party 
can  at  last  boast  of  one  organ  which  is  permanently 

The  Mannington  Ventilator,  an  Independent  paper, 
was  published  by  E.  S.  Zeveley  in  1875  and  1876,  but 
it  did  not  live  but  a  portion  of  each  year. 

The  West  Vlrrjlnla  Real  Estate  Journal,  published 
monthly  at  Fairmont,  by  Thomas  H.  B.  Staggers  and 
Charles  J.  Corbin,  was  started  in  August,  1879,  and 
isthc  latest  journalistic  venture  in  the  county.  It  is 
principally  devoted  to  the  real  estate  interests  of  Ma- 
rion and  surrounding  counties. 

With  this  last  exception  all  the  journals  men- 
tioned above  have  been  weeklies.  The  only  daily  pa- 
per that  has  ever  been  published  in  the  county  was 
the  Normal  Srfiool  Dail>i.  pubhMied  by  R.  S.  ^Miller 
and  W.  S.  Meredith,  at  Fairmont,  during  the  progress 
of  commencement  at  that   institution  in  June,   1S79. 



THE  STATE,  Ftc. 

ETEK  tlie  events  rduted  in  the  sixteenth  chap- 
ter nothing  i){  great  interest  trans])ire(l  in  tlie 
county  for  several  years.  The  War  of  tlie  Rebellion, 
which  broke  out  in  ISdl,  attracted  the  attention  of 
citizens  to  other  seen(\<  than  the  ct)niparatively  in- 
significant things  that  were  ha[)|)ening  in  Marion, 
and  many  of  those  who  wei'e  fit  for  s'M-v'ice  enlistetl  in 
the  conflict  either  upon  one  side  or  upon  the  other. 
Those  whose  sympathies  were  with  the  South  (and 
they  comprised  a  large  numlier  of  the  most  i)rominent 
men  in  the  county)  left  their  farms  and  houses  and 
joined  the  Coniederate  Army — many  taking  with 
them  their  families,  and  leaving  their  pn^perty  to  be 
confiscated  by  the  Government.  After  the  elose  of  the 
war  tlie  majority  of  them  returned,  while  a  few  re- 
mained in  the  South,  having  taken  up  their  perma- 
nent residence  there.  During  the  four  years  struggle 
which  followed  the  passage  of  the  Ordinance  of  Seces- 
sion   in   Virginia,    Marion   countv    furnished    manv 

History  of  ^rAfuox  Covsty.  Ill 

bnive  soldiers  for  Ijotli  sides.  Some  left  home  never 
to  return  alive,  and  their  bones  lie  in  the  fields  of  the 
Sunny  South,  or  upon  the  mountains  and  in  the 
valleys  of  their  native  State.  Others  returned  battle- 
scarred  veterans,  and  have  lived  to  see  the  chasm, 
which  divided  the  opposing  hosts,  bridijed,  and  to 
forgive  and  try  to  forget  the  bitter  past.  Men  who  for 
four  long  years  fought  upon  op[)ositc  sides — each 
striving  for  what  he  eoneeived  to  1»e  the  right — now, 
as  in  days  of  old,  partake  of  one  another's  hospitality, 
and  calmly  and  g(x")d-naturedly  discuss  their  political 
differences  of  the  past  and  of  the  present. 

The  county  of  Marion  fortunately  was  not  em- 
braced in  that  part  of  \'irginin  which  was  so  long  the 
seat  of  active  war;  conseiiuently  her  citizens  were  in 
a  measure  spared  the  terrible  scenes  which  were  en- 
acted in  other  portions  of  tlie  State.  The  only  event 
of  any  special  interest  whidi  transpired  within  the 
county  was  the  raiil  of  the  Confederate  General 
Jones  on  the  2!)th  of  April,  1^6:1  The  principal  ob- 
ject of  th(;  raid,  wliich  was  extended  throughout  the 
State — was  to  destroy  property  and  obtain  for  the  Con- 
federate Army  horses  and  ])rovisions.  On  the  morn- 
ing of  the  da}'  above  mentioned  tbe  army  entered 
Fairmont  and  proceed(Ml  at  once  to  take  possession  of 
the  town.  Tbe  railroad  bridge,  mentioned  in  a 
former  chapter,  wiiicji  crosses  the  Mcmongahela  one 
mile  above  Fairmont,  was  destroyed,  and  at  this  place 

112  History  of  Marion  County. 

the  Confederatos  had  a  short  skirmish  with  a  com- 
pany of  Union  men.  There  was  also  considerable 
skirmishing  during  the  entire  day  in  and  around  the 
town.  It  was  the  intention  of  the  Confederates  to 
burn  the  suspension  bridge  between  Palatine  and 
Fairmont,  but  the  idea  was  finally  abandoned.  Gov- 
ernor F.  H.  Pierpoint  was  at  this  time  the  Union 
Governor  of  the  State,  and  his  home  being  in  Fair- 
mont, it  was  sought  out  by  the  raiders,  and  his  library 
taken  from  the  house  and  burned  in  the  street.  The 
arrival  of  Mulligan's  Union  battery  in  the  evening 
was  too  late  to  do  effective  service,  for  Jones  and 
his  men  had  taken  their  departure.  This  was  the 
nearest  Marion  county  came  during  the  war  of  having 
anything  like  a  battle  within  her  borders.  In  the 
skirmishes  during  the  day  several  men  on  both  sides 
were  wounded,  but  none  were  killed. 

As  this  county  is  within  tlio  limits  of  what  is  now 
the  State  of  West  Virginia,  it  is  proper  to  give  in  this 
connection  a  brief  account  of  the  formation  of  the 
State,  which  occurred  in  1S63,  and  the  causes  which 
led  to  it. 

For  many  years  before  the  adoption  of  the  new 
constitution  of  1852  there  had  been  considerable  dis- 
satisfaction among  some  of  the  b:^st  men  of  Virginia 
on  the  subject  of  equal  representation,  and  threats  of 
dividing  the  State  had  been  made  by  those  of  the  wes- 
tern portion.     This  alarmed  the  eastern  men,  and   in 

History  of  Marion  County.  113 

1847  they  passed  in  the  Legislature  an  act  making  it 
treason  for  any  person  to  instigate  others  to  establish 
a  usurped  government  within  the  State.  Any  person 
so  doing,  either  by  writing  or  speaking,  were  liable 
to  be  confined  in  jail  not  exceeding  twelve  months, 
and  fined  not  exceeding  one  thousand  dollars.  This 
law  was  intended  to  suppress  the  discussion  of  the 
subject  of  a  division  of  the  State.  In  order  to  satisfy 
the  people  of  the  west  on  the  subject  of  equal  repre- 
sentation, the  constitutional  convention  of  1851-2 
fixed  the  basis  of  representation  in  the  House  of  Del- 
egates on  tile  population.  This  gave  the  western  part 
of  the  State  a  majority  in  the  House;  but  in  the  Sen- 
ate the  representations  were  still  by  districts,  and 
some  of  the  districts  of  western  Virginia,  witii  popu- 
lations of  from  fifty  to  sixty  thousand  were  represented 
by  one  Senator — no  more  than  the  districts  in  tide- 
water with  populations  of  less  than  twenty  thousand 
each.  Tlie  westerners,  in  order  tt)  procure  this  com- 
promise from  the  east,  were  obliged  to  consent  to  a 
clause  in  the  constitution  to  the  etlcct  that  all  slaves 
under  the  age  of  twelve  years  should  not  be  taxed, 
and  all  over  that  age  were  to  be  valued  at  three  hun- 
dred dollars  for  the  purposes  of  taxation.  This  pro- 
duced great  dissatisfaction  in  the  west.  They  had 
but  few  slaves,  and  the  constitution  provided  that  all 
other  property  shcjuld  be  taxed  ad  vahrum—so  that  a 
pig  or  a  calf,  a  month  old  on  the  first  day  of  Februa- 

114  History  of  I\rARiox  County. 

ry,  was  taxed  at  full  value,  while  young  negroes  were 
not  taxed.  The  constitution  did  not  prohibit  the  tax- 
ing of  incomes  and  salaries,  and  the  Legislature  taxed 
incomes  of  over  one  thousand  d(^llars  at  two  per  (tent, 
while  negroes  Avero  taxed  at  forty  cents  on  the  hun- 
dred dollars;  so  to  give  an  extreme  case,  a  merchant's 
clerk  with  a  salary  of  eleven  hundred  dollars  paid 
twenty-two  dollars  tax,  and  a  negro  valued  at  three 
hundred  dollars,  ])aid  one  dollar  and  twenty  cents — 
the  clerk  paying  as  much  as  about  fifteen  sUives.  The 
slaves  might  b;  hired  out  at  two  hundred  and  tifty 
dollars  a  year,  and  thereby  yield  their  master  an  in- 
come of  nearh^  four  thousand  dollars,  but  this  income 
was  not  taxed  because  the  slave  had  already  been 
taxed.  These  inequalities  of  taxation  produced,  as 
above  mentioned,  great  dissatisfaction.  It  was  oppres- 
sive, and  prepared  the  minds  of  the  people  to  throw 
off  the  yoke  at  the  first  opportunity.  The  war  gave 
them  this  opportunity,  and  they  took  advantage  of  it. 
The  Union  citizens  of  the  State  called  a  convention 
composed  of  the  members  elected  to  the  General  iVs- 
sembly,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  ^[a\-,  1801,  and  in 
addition  thereto,  doubled  the  number  of  delegates 
that  each  county  was  entitled  to  in  the  popular 
branch  of  the  Legislature.  The  Capital  of  the  State, 
being  in  tlie  hands  of  the  Secessionists,  the  conven- 
tion assembled  at  Wheeling  on  the  lltli  of  .Tune,  18(51, 
to  t'dke  into  consideration  what    was  best  to   be  done 

History  of  Marion  County.  115 

for  Virginia.  The  convention  declared  the  offices  of 
Governor,  Lieutenant  Governor  and  Attorney  General 
vacant,  (^becau:<e  the  inciinibents  had  joined  the  Con- 
federacy; and  proceeded  to  elect  officers  to  fill  their 
places  for  the  term  of  six  niontlis,  until  tlieir  succes- 
sors shouhl  be  duly  elected.  Francis  II.  Pierpoint,  of 
Fairmont,  was  chosen  Provisional  (iovernor,  and  at 
the  expiration  of  the  term  named  he  Avas  regularly 
elected  Governor  of  what  was  known  as  the  "  Restored 
Government  of  Virginia.''  After  the  State  was  divi- 
ded Pierpoint  removed  the  seat  of  Government  from 
Wheeling  to  Alexandria. 

On  the  20th  of  June,  ISGo,  West  Virginia  was  made 
a  State.  It  passed  tiirough  the  forms  of  legislation 
prescribed  in  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States 
for  the  formation  of  a  new  State,  and  was  made  one  of 
the  States  of  the  Union.  Thus  were  the  threats  of 
the  past  fully  carried  out,  and  the  erection  of  the 
State  of  West  Vii'ginia  was  not  altogether  one  of  the 
results  of  the  Rebellion,  but  of  oppression  in  the  days 
previous  to  tlie  Rebellion.  Wheeling  was  made  the 
temporary  Capital,  and  the  business  of  the  new  State 
was  immediately  entered  upon,  with  Arthur  I.  Bore- 
man  as  Governor. 



FTER  the  war  liad  ceased,  and  the  discharged 
soldiers  returned  to  their  homes,  they  went  to 
work  with  energy  upon  the  farms  or  in  tlie  shops 
which  had  so  long  remained  idle.  During  several 
years  following,  until  about  the  year  1870,  very  little 
was  done,  however,  towards  the  development  of  the 
resources  of  the  county,  and  the  people  of  Marion 
lived  a  comparatively  humdrum  existence.  About 
the  year  mentioned  capitalists  became  interested  in 
the  mineral  resources  of  the  county,  and  large  amounts 
of  coal  lands  were  purchased  by  tlieni  along  the  line 
of  the  railroad.  In  quick  succession  the  West  Fair- 
mont, the  American,  the  New  York,  the  Marion  and 
the  Central  Mines  were  opened  and  set  to  work,  each 
employing  quite  a  number  of  miners  and  making 
large  shipments  of  coal.  The  three  first  named  mines 
were  owned  by  Eastern  companies.  The  Pierpoint 
and  Watson  and  the  O'Donncll  are  tlie  oldest  mines 
in  the  county,  having  been  in  operation  for  several 

HisTOEY  OF  Marion  County.  117 

years  previous  to  the  opening  of  the  others.  The 
West  Fairmont  and  the  Central  (the  hitter  owned  by 
an  individual,  Mr.  0.  Jackson,  of  Fairmont,)  do  quite 
"a  large  coke  business — the  West  Fairmont  especially, 
burning  and  shipping  large  quantities.  The  latest 
coal  mine  of  any  importance  which  has  been  opened 
in  the  vicinity  of  Fairmont  is  the  Gaston  Mine,  owned 
by  Mr.  J.  0.  Watson.  It  is  ut  present  doing  a  large 
business  and  employing  a  considerable  number  of 
hands.  Shortly  after  the  opening  of  the  Marion 
Mine  it  was  consolidated  with  the  West  Fairmont, 
and  they  were  afterwards  known  as  the  West  Fair- 
mont and  Marion  Gas  Coal  and  Coke  Company. 

The  comm-jnccment  of  these  industries  did  more  to 
bring  wealth  and  population  into  the  county  than 
anything  since  the  buikling  of  the  raih'oad,  and  had 
it  not  hi'on  for  the  memorable  "  panic,"  which  brought 
such  distress  upon  the  commercial  interests  of  our 
country  generally,  and  the  high  rates  of  freight  charged 
by  the  Baltimaro  and  Ohio  Railroad  for  carrying  coal 
to  the  markets,  they  would  have,  ere  this,  reached 
gigantic  proi:)ortions.  For  some  time  the  American, 
New  York  and  Picrpoint  S:  Watson  Mines  have  been 
idle,  partly  for  the  reasons  above  mentioned,  and 
partly  for  reasons  known  only  to  the  proprietors.  The 
O'Donnell,  the  Gaston,  the  West  Fairmont  and  Ma- 
rion, and  the  Central,  have  recently   received  fresh 


lis  History  of  Marion  County. 

contracts,  and  are  at  present  running  .steadily,  giving 
employment  to  quite  a  number  of  men. 

On  September  21st,  22d  and  23d,  1S70,  wa.-^  held  the 
first  annual  fair  of  the  Marion  County  Agricultural, 
Mechanical  and  Mineral  Association,  upon  their 
grounds  near  Fairmont.  The  Association  continued 
to  hold  annual  fairs  until  1877,  when  the  last  one  Avas 
held — it  being  unsuccessful.  For  the  first  three  or 
four  years  the  exhibitions  were  very  creditable  and 
the  receipts  of  the  Association  were  good.  A  new  in- 
terest in  the  products  of  the  county  seemed  to  be 
awakened  and  the  spirit  of  competition  interested  the 
farmers  to  such  an  extent  that  the  good  effects  of  the 
fairs  were  materially  felt.  Owing  to  the  lack  of  in- 
terest on  the  part  of  some  of  the  Association,  how- 
ever, and  to  other  reasons,  there  have  been  no  exhi- 
bitions for  three  years,  and  the  splendid  grounds 
owned  by  the  company  are  lying  comparatively  idle 
— used  only  for  picnic  and  holiday  celebration  pur- 

Passing  over  a  period  of  nearly  six  years,  during 
which  time  Dothing  of  importance  transpired  within 
the  bounds  of  the  county,  and  the  industries  men- 
tioned in  the  beginning  of  the  chapter  were  daily 
proving  of  great  benefit  to  Marion,  and  the  citizens 
generally  were  hard  at  work  improving  their  lands, 
and  enjoying  universal  prosperity,  we  come  to  the 
year  1876 — memorable  in  the  history  of  the  United 

History  of  Marion  County.  1J.9 

States  as  the  great  Centennial  year,  and  also  in  the 
history  of  Marion  county  for  other  reasons.  In  this 
year,  on  Sunday  morning,  the  second  of  April,  occur- 
red the  great  fire  which  destroyed  the  principal  busi- 
ness portion  of  Fairmont,  the  county  seat,  besides  ren- 
dering eleven  families  homeless.  When  discovered, 
the  fire  was  burning  up  the  steps  leading  to  Foreman's 
photograph  gallery  and  Bean's  furniture  room,  be- 
tween Swisher  6i  Carpenter's  and  Pendergrast's  store 
rooms,  on  Main  street,  and  before  the  alarm  could  be 
given  the  two  latter  buildings  were  wrapped  in  flames. 
Efforts  to  quench  tlie  fire  were  futile,  and  nothing  of 
importance  within  the  buildings  were  saved.  The 
stores  of  T.  F.  Brock  and  M.  A.  Chisler  and  the  resi- 
dence of  Dr.  Brown  field  were  then  destroyed,  and, 
spreading  across  the  street,  the  flames,  with  fearful 
rapidity  burned  tlie  entire  block  between  Jefferson 
and  Bridge  streets  down  to  Decatur  Alley,  except  the 
residence  of  Mrs.  Sommers  (now  occupied  by  Mr. 
John  Crane).  A  strong  wind  from  the  north-east 
blew  great  flakes  of  burning  shingles  as  far  as  across 
the  river  into  Palatine,  and  the  scene  was  one  of 
great  excitement. 

There  being  no  fire  engines  in  the  town,  the  only 
means  at  hand  by  wliich  the  flames  could  be  extin- 
guished were  buckets  of  water  in  the  hands  of  the 
citizens — and  even  the  women  and  children  worked 
steadily   currying    water   and   salt   and   assisting   to 

120  History  of  MAnioN  County. 

remove  goods  from  burning  houses,  or  to  pull  down 
buildings.  The  wind  finally  changed  and  the  flames 
Averc  brought  under  control.  The  principal  losers  in 
the  fire  were  Dr.  J.  11.  Brownficld,  residence ;  M.  A. 
Chisler,  grocery  store:  Swisher  &  Carpenter,  dry 
goods  store;  Israel  Foreman,  photograph  gallery; 
Barton  Bean,  stock  of  furniture;  A.  R.  Mencar,  furni- 
ture store  ;  J.  W.  Lott,  produce  dealer;  John  Fisher, 
meat  market  and  residence  ;  Francis  Christy,  dwelling 
and  tailor  shop;  Stone  ..t  Bcbout,  hardware  store; 
Mrs.  Fitzgcrakl,  dwelling  and  millinery  store;  Mona- 
hon  heirs,  three  buildings  ;  .John  Schubach,  bakery  ; 
E.  C.  Kerr,  shoe  store  and  dwelling;  Jane  Laidley's 
heirs,  dwelling;  Thomas  ]M.  Fleming,  household 
goods;  ]\Iiss  ]\Iaria  Van/andt,  millinery  goods;  Mrs. 
Ella  Horan,  millinery  and  notion  store;  A.  G.  Ilnll, 
post  oince,  book  store  and  residence;  J.  E.  Fleming, 
grocery  store  ;  Iiulcx  newspaper  oflicc  ;  J.  0,  Watson, 
business  house;  F.  M.  Fleming,  shoo  and  hat  store  ; 
M.  A.  Chisler,  busim-ss  house;  Chas.  Corbin,  cif^ar 
manufactory;  Stephen  Cakes,  barber  shop;  i\[rs.  E. 
Arnett,  building  containing  millinery  and  notion 
store;  M.  M.  Comerford,  drug  store;  C.  B.  Carney, 
drug  store;  dVo..'  Vinjinian  newspaper  ofllce ;  Mrs. 
Anna  Turney,  business  house  and  dwelling. 

In  addition  to  the  above  property,  which  was  to- 
tally destroyed,  the  following  persons  had  property 
BCorcheJ  by  the  flames  or  damaged  considerably  by 

HrsTor.Y  of  M.vnioN  County.  l2l 

wator:  Mrs.  M.  M.  SDmmors,  rosidenco;  B.  A.  Flem- 
ing, residence;  Captain  T.  A.  Manlsby,  steam  mill; 
R.  C.  Dunnington  &  Co.,  stock  of  dry  goods. 

Tho  fire  was  thought  by  many  to  be  the  work  of  an 
incendiary,  and  circumstances  were  strong  to  induce 
this  belief,  but  the  guilty  parties  were  never  brought 
to  light.  A  large  portion  of  the  loss,  which  was  about 
S75,000,  was  covered  by  insurance,  the  money  from 
which  helped  the  losers  by  the  fire  to  replace  tho 
burned  buildings  with  new  and  handsome  ones.  Al- 
most the  entire  burnt  district  has  been  rebuilt,  and 
in  the  places  of  the  old  structures  are  elegant  modern 
brick  business  blocks  and  residences,  so  that  now 
there  is  no  town  in  West  Virginia  the  size  of  Fair- 
mont,  can  boast  of  as  fine  business  houses.  Tho. 
citizens  of  the  town  scarcely  consider  tho  fire  of  1S7G 
as  a  calamity,  since,  from  that  time,  they  date  an  era, 
of  improvements  in  Fairmont.  Large  and  costly 
buildings  have  been  erected,  streets  have  been  graded, 
new  streets  have  boon  opened,  old  buildings  have 
been  improved,  and  other  important  improvements 
have  taken  place.  The  town  and  its  suburbs  have  a 
population  of  probably  two  thousand,  which  is  con- 
stantly increasing.  Besides  its  coal  interest.',  the 
county  scat  contains  other  branches  of  trade  which 
contribute  largely  to  tho  revenue  of  tho  town  and 
county.  Cabinet  shops,  a  foundry,  a  planing  mill, 
and  steam  and  water  power  saw  and  flouring  mills 

122  History  of  Marion  County. 

arc  amon;?  the  most  important,  while  a  mile  north  of 
town  is  situated  the  Barnes villo  Woolen  Factory  and 
flouring  mills,  and  within  a  mile,  on  the  Baltimore 
and  Ohio  Railroad,  up  the  river,  is  a  large  saw  mill 
and  lumber  yard  and  a  brewery. 

The  Fourth  of  July,  1S7G,  is  memorable  throughout 
the  country  for  having  been  the  one  hundredth  anni- 
versary of  the  Declaration  of  Independence.  On  this 
day  the  citizens  of  Marion  county  assembled  at  the 
county  seat  and  celebrated  the  event  by  an  immense 
procession,  and  a  grand  picnic  upon  the  fair  grounds. 
Addresses  were  delivered,  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence read  and  patriotic  airs  were  played  by  the 
bands.  At  night  a  grand  display  of  fireworks  took 
place  from  Hamilton's  Hill  in  Fairmont.  An  im- 
mense crowd  of  people  took  part  in  the  celebration, 
and  it  was  a  day  long  to  be  remembered  in  the  an- 
nals of  Marion  county. 

Since  the  war  there  had  been  no  military  organiza- 
tions in  this  county,  owing  to  the  poor  provisions 
that  the  State  had  made  for  its  militia,  but  in  the 
summer  of  1877,  a  military  spirit  seemed  to  take  pos- 
session of  many  of  the  young  men  in  Fairmont,  and 
the  organization  of  a  company  was  effected.  This 
company  was  named  Davis  Light  Guards,  in  honor  of 
Hon.  Henry  G.  Davis,  United  States  Senator  from 
this  State,  and  E.  \V.  S.  Moore  was  elected  captain, 
with  S.vmuel  N.  Jackson  and  Ed.  L.  Watson  first  and 

History  of  Marto:v  County.  123 

Recond  lieutenants,  respectively.  The  company  soon 
grew  very  proficient  in  drill,  well  disciplined,  and  cel- 
ebrated in  military  circles  throughout  the  State. 
Captain  Moore,  removing  from  the  State,  resigned  in 
1878,  and  Sergeant  J.  W.  Lott  became  captain.  Upon 
Captain  Lott's  promotion  in  the  summer  of  1879  to 
the  position  of  major  in  the  First  Regiment,  in  which 
regiment  the  company  holds  the  position  of  Company 
"B,"  Lieutenant  Jackson  became  captain.  Shortly 
afterwards  Jackson  resigned,  having  received  an  ap- 
pointment in  the  postal  service,  and  Lieutenant  Wat- 
son Avas  made  captain,  with  Clarence  L.  Smith  as 
first  lieutenant,  and  J.  M.  McCoy  as  second  lieuten- 
ant. Shortly  after  the  organization  of  the  Davis 
LiglU  Guards,  the  Delaplain  Guards,  of  Manning- 
ton,  were  organized  and  named  in  honor  of  Col.  R. 
M.  Delaplain,  of  Wheeling.  Charles  E.  Wells  was 
made  captain,  with  A.  N.  Prichard  and  A.  N.  Parish, 
as  first  and  second  lieutenants.  In  the  fall  of  1879 
Lieutenant  Prichard  wa.-=!  elected  captain,  Captain 
Wells  resigning.  A.  N.  Parish  shortly  after  also  re- 
signed, after  being  elected  first  lieutenant,  and  Ever- 
ett Koon  was  elected  second  lieutenant.  This  com- 
pany has  also  gained  considerable  notoriety  for  its 
proficiency  in  drill  and  the  excellent  and  soldierly 
conduct  of  its  men.  The  Martin  Guards,  of  Fairview, 
named  in  lionor  of  Hon.  B.  F.  Martin,  M.  C,  was  or- 
ganized in  1878.     Cax>tain  Clarke  is  the  commandin<T 

124  History  of  Marion  County. 

officer,  and  James  Seals  and  A.  B.  Yost  the  lieuten- 
ants. The  company  is  composed  of  a  fine  looking 
body  of  men,  is  v/cU  drilled  and  in  a  prosperous  con- 
dition. Tlie  last  and  largest  military  organization 
effected  in  Marion  county  was  the  Garrett  Rifles, 
named  for  John  \V.  Garrett.  President  of  the  Balti- 
more and  Ohio  Railroad  Company.  This  company 
was  organized  in  1878,  with  Ellis  A.  Billingslea  as 
captain,  E.  L.  Basnctt,  first  lieutenant,  Waitman  Sat- 
terficld,  second,  and  Joseph  P.  Fleming,  third.  About 
the  first  of  January,  1880,  the  ofiice  of  third  lieuten- 
ant was  abolished,  and  Billingsloa  and  Satterfield 
having  resigned  their  offices.  Lieutenant  Basnett  was 
made  captain  of  the  corapan}-.  Third  Lieutenant 
Fleming  was  promoted  to  the  ofiice  of  first  lieutenant 
and  George  W.  Merrill  was  made  second  lieutenant. 
Thus.  Marion  county  possesses  four  excellent  mili- 
tary organizations,  all  well  equipped,  uniformed  and 
armed  with  breech-loading  rifles.  Two  of  tlic  com- 
panies, the  Davis  Light  Guards  and  the  Martin 
Guards,  wear  grey  uniforms,  and  the  remaining  two 
companies  wear  blue.  In  October,  1878,  a  grand 
Military  Reunion  and  Sham  Battle  was  hehl  on  the 
Marion  County  Fair  Grounds,  under  the  auspices  of 
the  Davis  Guards,  at  which  time  the  military  from 
Wheeling,  Burton  and  Mannington,  and  tho  Uni- 
versity Cadets  and  battery  from  Morgantown  wcro 
present  and  x^^i'ticipatcd.     On  the  17th  of  October, 

History  of  Marion  County.  125 

1879.  a  similar  entertainment  was  held  at  the  same 
place,  at  which  time  the  Davis  Light  Guards  were 
awarded  a  prize  sword  for  their  proficiency  in  drill 
over  the  Waynesburg  (Pa.")  Blues,  who  had  previously 
won  a  sword  at  a  competitive  drill  in  their  own  State. 
The  militia  of  Marion  county,  and,  indeed,  of  the 
entire  State,  is  self-sustaining,  the  State  furnishing 
them  nothing  save  arms  and  company  equipments. 



thp:  resouuces   of   the   county  — the 
political  complexiox— conclusion. 

j^Vr  ARlON  county  is  about  forty  miles  long,  with 
cJ^^S^  ^  mean  width  of  fifteen  miles.  It  is  watered 
by  the  upper  Monongahela,  tlie  West  Fork  and  Valley- 
rivers  and  their  branehes.  At  the  time  of  its  organ- 
ization, in  184"_',  it  contained  between  six  and  seven 
thousand  inhalntants,  and  at  present  the  population 
Avill  probably  reach  seventeen  thousand. 

The  surface  of  the  county  is  hilly  and  well  timbered  ; 
much  of  the  soil  is  fertile,  producing  wheat,  corn,  oats, 
rye,  tlax  and  potato<'S  and  beans — and,  in  fact,  almost 
all  kinds  of  vegetables  and  grain,  while  its  adaptation 
to  grazing  is  une.Kcelled.  No  better  grass  growing  land 
can  be  found  anywhere.  The  finest  gras.«!  for  grazing 
purposes  may  be  grown  upon  its  highest  hills — some 
of  which  rise  over  1,000  feet  above  the  meadow  lands 
of  the  valleys.  The  soil  is  generally  of  a  rich  loamy 
clay  and  will  produce  all  the  staples  common  to  the 
Middle  States  of  the  Union.  There  is  but  little  land 
in  the  county  too  rough  for  cultivation.  Such  of  it  as 
cannot  be  used   for  the  production   of  grass,  wheat, 

History  of  Marion  County.  127 

corn,  oats,  etc.,  can  be  profitably  turned  into  vine- 
yards and  orchards.  The  county  is  abundantly, 
watered,  thus  affording  an  ample  supply  of  pure 
water  for  all  kinds  of  live  stock. 

The  earth  is  stored  with  iron  ore,  line  stone  of 
various  kinds,  glass  sand  of  a  superior  quality,  and 
with  coal  of  different  kinds,  and  of  the  very  best 
quality.  Excellent  potter's  clay  is  also  found  in  many 
sections  of  the  county.  ^Farion  lies  within  the 
boundaries  of  the  great  Monongahela  Valley  coal 
fields.  In  some  places  in  the  cf»unty  the  veins  of  coal 
are  from  ten  to  twelve  feet  in  thickness,  below  which. 
and  separated  chiefl}'  by  a  heavy  bed  of  sand  stone, 
there  lies  a  thinner  stratum  of  a  more  higlily  l)itu- 
minous  character.  Prof.  Rogers,  in  speaking  of  these 
coal  fields,  says;  "We  may  form  some  idea  of  the 
vast  extent  of  these  coal  seams  fmm  the  faet  that  from 
some  distance  above  Clarksl>urg  [the  southern  borders 
of  Marion  county]  they  may  be  followed  with  scarcely 
any  interrui)ti()us  throughout  the  whole  length  of  the 
Valley  of  the  Monongahela  down  to  Pittsburgh." 

In  the  fall  of  187"),  Captain  T.  P.  Rolterts  was  em- 
ployed by  the  Government  to  survey  the  river  from 
Morgantown  to  Fairmont.  Tpon  his  arrival  at  the 
latter  place  the  citizens  tendered  to  him  and  his  men 
a  reception  at  the  Continental  Hotel.  Being  called 
upon  there  for  an  expression  of  his   views,  he   mailt; 

128  History  of  Marion  County. 

some  remarks,  from  which  the  following  extracts  are 

"The  improvement  of  our  navigable  rivers  is  a  sub- 
ject worthy  of  very  careful  consideration,  and  I  am 
glad  that  I  have  the  opportunity  to  express  to  j'ou, 
gentlemen,  the  warm  sympathy  I  have,  as  an  Ameri- 
can citizen,  for  this  present  proposed  undertaking, 
namely,  the  improvement  of  the  Upper  INIonongahehi 
from  Morgantovvn  to  Fairmont  by  means  of  locks  and 

"About  thirty-five  years  ago  my  father,  W.  Milnor 
Roberts,  superintenaed  the  improvement  of  the  Mon- 
ongahela  from  Pittsburgh  to  Brownsville,  as  the  com- 
pany's chief  engineer.  I  recollect  hearing  him  say  that 
upon  the  occasion  of  the  opening  of  the  slack-water 
navigation,  he  prophesied  that  before  thirty  years 
would  pass  by,  the  demand  for  coal  in  the  southern 
cities  along  the  Ohio  and  Mississippi  to  the  Gulf 
would  be  so  great  that  at  least  fifteen  million  bushels 
of  it  would  be  shipped  annually  from  the  ports  above 
Pittsburgh.  *  -'^  *  His  prophecy  was  ridiculed 
by  some;  but  the  facts  showed  that  instead  of  fifteen 
million  bushels  being  shipped  from  the  Monongahela 
Valley,  in  1870  the  quantity  was  nearly  ninety  mil- 
lion bushels. 

"Gentlemen,  I  propose  to  follow  in  my  father's  foot- 
steps, and  attempt  a  prophecy  also,  and  it  is  not  so 
hard  now  in  the  light  of  experience,  which  is  this: 
That  in  less  than  twenty  years  the  shipment  of  coal 
from  the  ^Monongahela  Valley  will  exceed  three  hun- 
dred and  tifty  million  bushels  per  annum.  Already 
there  are  engaged  in  the  trade  one  hundred  and  twen- 

History  of  Marion  County.  129 

ty-five  staunch  steain  tow-boats,  and  three  thousand 
barges  and  boats,  forniin.;^;  an  aggregate  of  one  million 
three  hundred  thousand  tonnage,  owned  in  Pitts- 
burgh ;  a  tonnage  greater  than  all  the  rest  afloat  in 
the  Mississippi  ^■'alley  from  the  Gulf  to  the  lakes, 
greater  than  the  combined  tonnage  of  New  York  and 
Boston,  our  great  maritime  centers." 

After  stating  several  other  important  facts,  he  pro- 
ceeds to  say  : 

"As  3'-ou  West  Virginians  mine  coal  for  about  one- 
half  of  what  is  paid  in  Pennsylvania,  I  am  firmly 
persuaded  that  it  woul  pay  to  extend  the  slack-water 
up  to  the  eleven-foot  vein  between  ]\Iorgantown  and 
Fairmont.  At  least  I  shall  certainly,  in  my  report  to 
Colonel  Merrill,  of  the  United  States  Engineer  Corps, 
urge  the  extension  of  the  slack-water  to  Fairmont.  It 
is  only  here,  in  my  opinion,  that  it  should  terminate. 
Here,  properly  speaking,  is  the  head  of  navigation  of 
the  Ohio  river.  Here  there  is  an  outlet  to  the  sea- 
board over  the  grand-trunk  line,  the  Baltimore  and 
Ohio  Railroad.'' 

An  important  branch  of  industry  carried  on  in 
Marion  county  is  the  raising  of  live  stock — h.orses, 
cattle,  .-iheep  and  mules,  and  selling  of  the  same.  It 
has  become  quite  a  business  as  well  as  an  extensive 
source  of  revenue.  Taking  into  consideration  the 
wonderful  adaptation  of  tlu<  soil  for  grass,  it  would 
not  be  surprising  that  the  future  attention  of  the 
farmer  is  chiefly  turned  to  raising  horses  cattle  and 
sheep.     Since  corn  is  a  more  sure  crop  than  wheat  in 

130  History  of  Marion  County. 

nearly  every  part  of  West  A'ir^inia,  it  is  thought  that 
our  farmers  will  speedily  see  the  iiuportaiice  of  using 
more  of  their  lands  for  its  production.  Corn  fed  into 
hogs  would  yield  a  nuicli  larger  profit  than  wheat. 

Fruit  growing  is  rapidly  becoming  a  source  of 
profit.  Apples  and  grapes  are  each  year  becoming 
more  and  more  an  object  of  consideration.  Much  of 
the  upland,  which  is  unsuited  to  the  production  of 
grain,  is  admirably  adapted  to  the  planting  of  or- 
chards and  vineyards. 

At  the  Centennial  E.^hibition  at  Philadelphia,  in 
1876,  Marion  county  resources  were  well  represented 
in  the  way  of  exhibits.  The  following  report  is  from 
the  catalogue  of  West  Virginia  exhibits  : 


Bituminous  coal,  from  the  "  Pittsburgh  Seam,"  as 
worked  by  the  Gaston  Mine,  at  Fairmont.  Seam  is 
eight  to  nine  feet  thick.  The  coal  is  especially 
adapted  to  gas. 

Coke, 67.5 

Volatile  matter, 32.5 


Ash  in  coal, 2.1 

Sulphur  in  coal, 0.95 

Sulphur  in  coke, 0.69 

Sulphur  in  volatile  matter,      ,         .         .         .         0.27 

Two  thousand  two  hundred  and  forty  pounds  of 
coal  has  a  maximum,  production  of  11,043.12  cubic  feet 
of  sixteen  candle  power. 

Bituminous  coal  from  the  "Redstone  "  seam,  which 

History  of  Marion  County.  131 

in  Marion  county  lies  fifty  to  eighty  feet  above  the 
"Pittsburgh,"  on  the  land  of  R.  S.  Radcliffe.  The 
thickness  at  the  place  whence  the  specimen  was  taken 
is  six  feet  four  inclies. 

Water, l.OOD 

Volatile  combustible  material,  .         .  40,967 

Fixed  carbon, 50.327 

Ash,  7.797 

Sulphur  in  coal,  ....     4.263  per  cent. 

Sulphur  in  coke.       ....         2.86-5  per  cent, 

346.  Carbonate  of  iron,  from  IS-inch  seam,  II  miles 
from  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad,  and  2^  miles  from 
Nuzum's  Mill,  on  the  land  of  A.  E.  Garloe. 

349.  Limestone,  from  a  heavy  stratum  on  the  land  of 
R.  S.  Radcliffe. 

351.  Fire-clay,  from  (Hade  Fire  lirick  Company, 
Nuzum's  Mills.  Seam  -ih,  great  heat  is  required. 
Capacity  of  the  works,  4,000  bricks  per  day.  This 
clay  is  superior  to  that  from  Mount  Savage,  as  it  con- 
tains no  trace  of  oxide  of  iron  (the  greatest  enemy  to 
a  refractory  nature  in  tire-clay),  while  Mount  Savage 
has  1.5  per  cent.     (C.  K.  l^wight,  chemist.) 

Hygroscophic  water, 0.70 

Combined  water  and  organic  matter,  ,  8.35 

Silica, 45.86 

Alumina, 44.23 

Lime, 0.24 

Magnesia,  0.36 

Oxide  magnese. trace. 

Oxide  of  iron none. 

Potash  and  soda trace. 

Loss, 0.26 


132  History  of  Marion  CoUxNty. 

352.  Potters'  clay,  uised  at  Palatine.  From  land  of 
R.  M.  Hill. 

353.  Yellow  corn.  }  p    ,^    vu^iricr 
.3o4.  Wheat.  |  '^ 

355.  Pupils'  work.     Fairmont  Normal  School. 

356.  Pupils'  work.     Public  School,  Fairmont. 

Taking  into  consideration  all  the  resources  of  Ma- 
rion, and  the  advantage  it  holds  out  fcp  new-comers, 
it  is  safe  to  say  that  the  future  (;f  the  county  is  a 
bright  one.  There  are  few  counties  in  the  State  of 
West  Virginia,  in  whose  hills  are  stored  more  wealth, 
and  which  possess  greater  advantages  or  offer  better 
inducements  to  immigrants,  than  Marion. 

At  present  the  political  complexion  of  Marion 
county  is  Democratic,  by  a  small  majority — the  voting 
population  being  slightly  over  three  thousand.  In 
some  parts  of  the  county  tlie  Greenback  party  polls  a 
considerable  vote.  There  is  but  little  feeling  of  ani- 
mosity existing  between  tlio  difierent  factions — the 
voters  generally  casting  their  votes  for  their  favorites 
without  respect  to  party.  From  the  fact  that  the 
lines  are  not  drawn  closely,  several  Republicans  hold 
oflice  in  the  county,  notwithstanding  the  Demcratic 

Among  those  who  have  represented  the  county  in 
the  Legi.^latnre,and  who  did  good  service  while  there, 
are  David  Cunningham,  Richard  Thomas,  Benjamin 
Fleming,  F.  H.  Pierpoint,  Z.  Kidwell,  William  T.  Wil- 

History  of  Marion  County.  133 

ley,  U.  N.  Arnett,  sr.,  Charles  Wells,  A.  W.  Knotts, 
Robert  Lowe,  A.  B.  Fleming,  W.  B.  Ice,  Alf.  Prichard, 
John  S.  Barns,  Jesse  Flowers,  John  Righter,  and  many 
others.  Much  of  the  political  history  of  the  county 
will  be  found  in  the  biographical  sketches  which 
follow  this  chapter. 

The  times  for  holding  courts  in  the  county  are  as 
follows  :  Circuit  Court,  Judge  Fleming,  April  18th 
and  October  28th  ;  Clarence  L.  Smith,  Clerk.  County 
Court,  Colonel  Austin  Merrill,  President,  second  Tues- 
days in  January,  March,  'May,  July,  September  and 
November  ;  John  B.  Crane,  Clerk  ;  H.  Manley,  Sheriff. 


Pen  Sketches  of  Prominent  Citizens. 

HON.    WILLIAM    S.    M()K<;A\, 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  Ijorn  near  the  pres- 
ent site  of  Rivesville,  this  county,  (then  Monongalia) 
Septeml)er  7,  1801.  He  was  a  son  of  Ste])lien  Mor- 
gan, whose  father, David  Mori^au,  liuurcil  prominently 
in  the  early  iiistoi'v  of  the  county.  He  passed  most 
of  his  life  up^n  liis  father's  estate,  until  he  arrived  at 
the  age  of  twenty-one,  when  he  entered  the  ministry 
of  the  Methodist  Church,  and  was  a  circuit  rider 
from  1822  to  18-_'7.  ^Ir.  Morgan  was  a  self-made  man 
in  the  strict  sense  of  tlu^  term,  bcin,^  self-educated, 
with  the  exception  of  the  little  learning  he  received 
at  the  old  time  country  sc1k)o1s. 

In  1835,  he  was  chosen  to  represent  his  district  in 
Congress  and  was  re-elected  in  18;>7.  While  a  Rep- 
resentative he  was  chaii'inan  of  the  C'(»mmittee  on 
Revolutionary  Pensions.  ][^e  did  not  seek  for  office 
and  decliiied  the  nomination  fur  a  third  term,  after, 
which  he  was  appointed  a  clerk  in  the  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives. In  1841,  he  was  sent  to  the  Virginia 
Legislature,  and  secured  the  passage  of  the  bill  form- 
ing Marion  county  in  1842,  and  was  idected  a  member 
of  the  Legislature  from  the  new  county,  the  same 
year.     In  1844,  Mr.  Morgan  was   rrcsidential    l']lector 

History  of  Marion  County.  135 

for  this  district  u})0u  tlie  Democratic  ticket,  and  in 
the  year  followincr  received  an  appointment  to  ;i,  clerk- 
ship in  the  United  States  Treasury  Department, 
which  position  he  held  until  ISOl.  During  the  two 
years  following  (lS6l-3t  he  was  engaged  in  painting 
in  water  colors  for  th.e  Smithsonian  Institute,  at 
Washington,  and  produced  numerous  illustrations  For 
the  works  on  Oology,  by  Prof.  S.  F.  Baird  and  ^Ir. 
Elliott.  These  illustrations  were  pronounced  by  crit- 
ics to  be  the  most  accurate  that  f'(Hdd  be  procured. 
He  invented  and  presented  to  the  Institute  a  machine 
used  in  drawing  the  outlines  of  eggs,  which  is  still 
in  use  there. 

He  was  a  man  of  extraordinary  endowments,  and 
his  knowledge  of  th(^  sciences  was  very  accurate. 
American  natural  histoi-y  and  botany  wer.e  his  favorite 
studies,  and  he  was  one  of  the  best  botanists  .in  the 
country.  Mr.  Morgan  numbered  among  his  personal 
friends  some  of  the  most  distinguished  of  American 

After  leaving  Washington,  he  lived  with  his  broth- 
er-in-law, Colonel  Austin  ^Merrill,  at  Rives ville,  until 
his  death.  While  on  a  visit  to  his  son,  in  Washing- 
ton, on  the  3d  of  Septend)er,  1>>78,  he  died  of  malarial 
fever,  and  was  buric(l  in  the  Congressional  Cemetery, 
of  that  city. 

Marion  county  has  [troduced  few  such  men  as  Wil- 
liam S.  ^Forgan.  for  he  was,  indeed,  an  extraordinary 
character,  as  his  career  shows.  Possessed  of  noble  im- 
pulses, a  great  intellect,  and  many  christian  virtues, 
he  was  universally  l»eloved,  and  died  mourned  l)y  all 
who  knew  him. 

136  History  of  Marton  County. 

tion,  zedekiah  kidwei,l. 

Dr._  Zedekiah  Kidwell,  was  one  of  the  prominent 
characters  whose  life  was  closely  identified  with  the 
political  history  of  Marion  county,  and  the  entire 
Congressional  district  which  he  represented  in  Con- 
gress twice  in  succession.  He  was  born  in  Fairfax 
county,  Virginia,  January  4,  1S14,  and  died  in  Fair- 
mont, West  Virginia,  April  26,  1872.  He  belonged  to 
one  of  those  old  Virginia  families  whose  ancestry 
were  English  emigrants  of  noble  blood.  The  Doctor 
was  a  son  of  Captain  Kidwell,  who  figured  in  the  war 
of  1812,  and  contributed  no  little  in  various  ways  to 
the  opening  up  and  improvement  of  West  Virginia, 
his  business  being  that  of  a  contractor  and  bridge- 

Whea  a  youth,  Zedekiah  received  nothing  more 
than  a  practical  English  education  in  the  schools  of 
his  native  county,  but  he  was  a  good  scholar,  ac- 
quiring knowledge  with  ease,  and  was  proficient  in 
his  studies.  In  after  years  he  read  and  wrote  a  great 
deal,  proving  himself  a  rapid  thinker  and  writer.  At 
the  age  of  nineteen  he  entered  upon  the  study  of  med- 
icine with  Dr.  Grinnell,  of  Fairfax  Court  House.  In 
the  fall  of  1884  his  father  rcnjoved  to  Clarksburg,  and 
here  the  student  was  interrupted  in  his  professional 
studies,  two  or  three  years  being  spent  in  teaching, 
clerking  in  a  store  and  assisting  his  father  in  his 
business.  In  lS;i7,  he  resumed  the  study  of  medicine 
with  Drs.  Wilson  and  Carr,  of  Fai;:^iont  (then  Middle- 
town),  an(:T.\i:pon  the  death  of  T>r."Carr  he  entered 
upon  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  partnership 
with  Dr.  Wilsuu.    . 

History  of  Marion  County.  137 

In  1S41  and  1842,  Dr.  Kidwell  took  a  very  active. 
part  in  procuring;  the  formation  of  Marion  county, 
and  entered  political  life  as  a  delegate  to  the  Virginia 
Legislature  in  1814 — being  re-elected  several  times. 
He  now  became  an  active  and  influential  politician 
in  the  Democratic  party,  and  in  the  Presidential  cam- 
paign of  1848,  was  elector  for  his  district,  upon  that 
ticket.  His  labors,  about  this  time,  were  enormous 
for  one  man,  and  he  brought  on  hemorrhage  of  the 
lungs  from  speaking  in  the  open  air  while  hoarse, 
which  came  near  terminating  his  life.  After  a  long 
illness,  he  rallied,  and  entered  again  upon  the  active 
duties  of  life,  being  obliged,  however,  to  give  up  the 
practice  of  medicine.  He  entered  upon  the  study  of 
law.  and  it  was  not  long  until  he  was  admitted  to  the 
bar.  In  1852,  he  was  again  drawn  into  politics  and 
was  elected  to  represent  his  district  in  Congress.  He 
served  two  terms — frcim  ISo'i  to  185U.  At  the  close 
of  the  second  term  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the 
Board  of  Public  Works  of  Virginia,  which  office  he 
filled  until  the  breaking  out  of  the  War  of  the  Rebel- 
lion. He  was  never  a  defeated  candidate  and  was  the 
most  popular  man  in  his  district.  President  Buch- 
anan tendered  him  the  office  of  sixth  auditor  of  the 
Treasury,  but  he  declined  to  accept  it. 

Dr.  Kidwell  stood  higli  in  Congress,  and  was  a  faith- 
ful legislator.  His  report  in  opposition  to  the  con- 
struction of  the  Pacilic  Piailroad,  on  the  route  and  un- 
der the  circumstances  tlien  proposed,  was  considered 
an  able  document,  and  elicited  high  praise  from  many 
of  the  leading  papers  of  the  country.  He  also  made 
an  able  speech  in  Congress  upon  what  was  known  as 
the  "  Louisiana  question."   It  was  through  his  agency 

138  History  of  ^Marion  County. 

that  Wheeling;-  was  made  a  port  of  <,'iitry  in  1854.  Ke 
was  one  of  the  "immortal  seventy''  who  held  out  so  long 
pending  the  fierce  struggle  which  resulted  in  the  elec- 
tion of  Banks  as  Speaker  of  the  Ifou'^e.  He  was  an 
able  stump  speaker,  and  the  late  Governor  Wise,  of 
Virginia,  pronouncxl  him  the  ablest  campaign  mana- 
ger in  the  State.  His  public  life  terminated  with  the 
commencement  of  the  War.  He  was  a  hearty  sympa- 
thizer with  the  Soutli  and  Sontliern  principles  in  the 
great  struggle,  and  the  coui'se  he  took  was  a  pure  mat- 
ter of  conscience  with  him. 

Of  his  private  character,  mucb  that  is  gtjod  can  be 
said.  He  was  an  earnest  christian,  and  a  member  of 
of  the  M.  P.  Church,  Fairmont.  He  gave  liberally  of 
his  means  to  the  support  of  various  charitable  insti- 
tutions, and  was  widely  celebrated  for  his  kindness 
and  benevolence  to  the  })oor. 

HON.    FRANCIS    H.    riERPONT. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  a  man  whose  history 
is  inseperably  connecsted  with  that  of  Virginia  during 
a  period  when  the  eyes  of  the  whole  world  were  di- 
rected upon  her.  ICx-Governor  Francis  H.  Picrpi^it 
was  born  on  the  2')t\[  of  June,  l-Sll,  and  is  the  son  of 
Francis  and  Catliarine  Pierpont,-'=  the  former  a  son  of 
John  Pierpont,  wlio  settled  near  Morgantown  about 
the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  War.  His  parents  re- 
moved  to  a  i)lantation   oi\  West   Fork  while  he  was 

<'PlKRPi)NT  is  the  coriont  name,  thoui^li  it  ii  <irten  spt-Ilcd  Pikui'OINT.  In 
giving  Joliii  PiorpoiH  :i  titli",  a  ciirelfss  cIitIc  tluis  ii>is-i(ii'lle(l  tlw  iianu',  aii'l  tlm 
infant  Ihmcs  wore  rtllirw.inls  obligtil  lu  .i.s.siinie  the  .-upcilUious  "i"  iu  coii- 

History  of  Marion  County.  130 

quite  a  child,  where  they  lived  some  twelve  years,  at 
the  end  of  wliicli  time  they  moved  to  Fairmont. 
Here  ho  worked  upon  his  f.ithei-'s  farm  and  in  his 
tan-yard  until  he  arrived  at  the  age  of  twenty -one 
years,  when  ho  (letcrminc(l  to  acquire  a  colegiate  edu- 
cation, and  S(dceted  Allegheny  College,  at  ?>[eadville. 
Pa.,  distant  ISO  miles  from  his  h(jme  as  the  place 
where  he  would  })rosoeute  his  studies.  ^N'o  railroads, 
and  scarce  a  stage  coach  tlien  ccmnected  the  little 
village  of  Fairmont  with  tlie  outside  world;  hence 
this  journey  was  undertaken  and  accomitlished  on 
foot.  Up  to  this  time  he  had  had  hut  the  advantages 
of  a  common  school  education,  pursuing  his  studies 
under  many  adverse  eircumstanei\-.;,  and  he  entered 
the  preparatory  de})artment  of  the  college — graduat- 
ing in  four  years  and  a  half.  Cordon  P>attelle,  Jiishop 
Simpson,  Bishop  Kingslea  and  Homer  Clarke  were 
connected  with  the  college  at  that  time,  and  hetween 
them  and  Mr.  Fierpont  a  strong  and  lasting  friend- 
ship was  formed. 

After  graduating  he  taught  school  in  West  Virginia 
for  eight  months,  and  for  a  year  in  Mississippi,  dur- 
ing which  time  he  stu'lietl  law.  The  failing  health 
of  his  father  hrought  him  home  from  Mississippi,  and 
lie  enter(;d  upon  the  ju'actice  of  law  in  Fairmont,  in 
which  he  was  engaged  until  tlie  hreaking  out  of  the 
llehellion.  He  was  dui'iug  tliis  time  actively  engaged 
in  politics,  tiiough  nev'er  a  candidat(\  nt)r  held  any 
office,  except  that  of  Frc-idential  IClector,  until  he 
was  made  Goveiuor.  lie  was  a  thorough  .Vholition- 
ist,  and  did  more'  than  any  other  man  in  West  \'ir- 
ginla  to  cultivate  anti-slavery  sentiment.  l>y  puhlic 
speeches  and    through    the    press,    Mr.    Fiei'pont    de- 

140  History  of  Marion  County. 

nounced  the  oppressive  clause  in  the  new  constitu- 
tion, regarding  the  taxation  of  the  slaves  of  the  east, 
and  the  unjust  taxation  of  the  free  labor  of  the  west,* 
and  attached  to  it  all  the  odium  possible.  After  the 
passage  of  the  Ordinance  of  Secession  in  1861,  he  ad- 
dressed the  people  at  all  places  he  could  reach  in  the 
western  part  of  tlie  State,  urging  them  to  resistance, 
and  was  threatened  with  arrest  for  resisting  the  civil 
authorities  of  the  State;  but  with  extraordinar}- 
pluck  he  defied  all  threats  in  the  very  face  of  the  mil- 
itary organizations. 

Mr.  Pierpont  was  strongly  in  favor  of  a  division  of 
the  State,  but  at  the  convention  of  May  12,  1861,  he  op- 
posed a  movement  to  organize  Western  Virginia  into 
a  new  State,  giving  for  his  reasons  that  it  was  prema- 
ture. He  then  induced  the  convention  to  appoint  a 
Committee  of  Vigilance  to  determine  "  what  was  best 
to  be  done  for  Virginia."  He  laid  his  plans  before 
this  committee — which  were  to  ask  the  General  Gov- 
ernment to  organize  the  State  Government  by  de- 
claring vacant  the  offices  of  all  Secessionists  holding 
office  in  the  State,  call  a  convention  at  Wheeling, 
June  18th,  to  elect  a  new  Governor  and  State  officers, 
and  call  it  tlie  "Restored  Government  of  Virginia.'' 
The  matter  was  decided  feasible  and  the  programme 
was  carried  out.  Mr.  Pierpont  was  unanimously 
made  Provisional  Governor  by  the  convention,  and  at 
the  end  of  the  year  he  was  regularly  elected  Governor 
by  the  people.  At  the  expiration  of  two  years  he  was- 
re-elected  for  four  years  more.  After  tiie  division  of  the 
State,  in  1863,  Governor  Pierpont  removed  the  seat  of 

■•''See  Cbapter  xvill. 

History  op  Marion  County.  141 

government  from  Wheeling  to  Alexandria,  where  he 
had  a  small  Legislature.  After  the  surrender  of 
General  Lee  he  removed  the  seat  of  government  to 
Richmond,  arriving  there  in  the  spring  of  ISGo. 
Here  his  old  neighbors  and  fellow  citizens  who  had 
joined  the  Confederacy,  greeted  him  cordially.  The 
long  and  cruel  war  that  lay  between  them  and  him 
was  forgotten,  and  they  greeted  each  other  with  al- 
most dramatic  feeling. 

In  a  few  months  after  his  arrival,  Pierpont  had 
completely  restored  the  State  Government.  Nearly 
the  whole  Judiciary  was  changed,  and  it  has  been 
said  by  the  leading  journals  and  statesmen  of  the 
south  that  he  gave  Virginia  the  best  Judiciary  it  ever 
had.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  there  never  was  a 
word  of  suspicion,  or  any  dishonest  transaction  about 
any  oflicers  connected  witli  the  State  Government 
during  his  administration.  He  was  the  first  Gov- 
ernor of  Virginia  who  ever  proclaimed  a  Thanksgiv- 

At  the  expiration  of  his  term  of  office,  Governor 
Pierpont  returned  to  his  boyhood's  home  in  Fairmont, 
where  he  has  since  resided.  During  these  years  he 
has  served  one  term  in  the  Legislature,  and  was  a 
Judge  in  the  shoe  and  leather  department  of  the  Cen- 
tennial Exposition,  at  Philadelphia,  in  1876.  In  1871, 
he  was  elected  President  of  the  General  Conference  of 
the  M.  P,  Church,  held  at  Pittsburgh,  being  the  only 
layman  that  has  ever  held  that  position,  and  for 
which  lie  received  many  eongratuhitions  from  tlie 
press  anil  clergy  throughout  ICugland  and  America. 
The  position  is  e<iuivalont  to  that  of  a  bishop  in  the 
E])iscopal  Cluucli. 

142  History  of  Marion  County. 

COL.    THOMAS    S.    lIAY.Aro.NJj. 

Thomas  S.  iiayuiond  was  oiio  of  the  luost  promi- 
nent characters  of  his  clay  in  the  county.  He  was 
a  son  of  William  Haymonil,  jr.,  whose  father  was  one 
of  the  earliest  settlers  of  this  region  of  the  country — 
and  a  man  who  was  ceh^brated  for  his  intelligence  and 
benevolence.  Colonel  Haymond  was  born  upon  his 
father's  estate,  in  this  county,  .January  !•"),  1794,  and 
died  in  Richmond,  Virginia,  in  the  spring  of  1869- 
He  received  a  fair  education,  and  his  studious  habits, 
coupled  with  his  rare  natural  e  ndowments,  soon  won 
for  him  a  great  and  good  rci)utation,  which  clung  to 
him  through  life.  When  quite  a  young  man,  scarcely 
thirty  years  of  age,  he  represented  his  native  county 
in  the  Virginia  Legislature,  and  while  there  held  the 
respect  and  gained  the  admiration  of  his  constituency 
for  the  admirable  manner  in  whicb  he  discharged  tiie 
duties  of  his  ollicc.  In  the  fall  of  1840,  Mr.  Haymond 
was  .sent  to  the  United  States  House  of  Representa- 
tives by  the  people  of  bis  district,  and  while  there 
he  proved  himself  an  able  legislator  and  an  efh- 
cient  worker  for  the  best  interests  of  his  State.  At 
the  breaking  out  of  the  W^ar  of  the  Rebellion,  he 
removed  south,  and  was  in  Richmond  at  the  time  of 
his  death.  For  sometime  previous  to  the  Avar,  Mr. 
Haymond  held  the  office  of  colonel  of  a  regiment  of 
militia;  bonce  the  title  which  is  generally  prefixed 
to  his  name. 

nON.    BENJAMIN    F.    .MARTIN. 

Though  at  present  not  residing  in  Clarion,  Mr, 
Martin  is  a  native  of  the  county  and  spent  a  great 
portion  of  his  life  here.     He  was  born  near  Farming- 

History  of  Marion-  County.  143 

ton,  October  2,  182.S.  He  is  a  son  of  Jesse  Martin,  of 
that  place,  upon  whose  farm  he  lived  and  worked  un- 
til he  was  twenty-one  years  of  age.  He  was  chiefly 
educated  at  Allegheny  Collesre,  at  Meadville,  Pa"., 
where  he  graduated  with  college  lionors  in  .June, 
1854.  xVfter  returning  from  college  he  taught  school 
in  Fairmont  for  eighteen  months,  during  which  time 
he  studied  law.  Tie  was  admitted  to  th(^  bar  and 
commenced  to  praetiee  iu  :\rarch,  ls56,  removing  in 
the  following  November  to  I'runtytown,  where  he 
has  since  resided.  In  1^72,  ]Mr.  :\[artin  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Constitutional  Convention  of  West  Vir- 
ginia, and  was  a  delegate  to  the  National  Democratic 
Convention  at  Baltimore  the  same  yotlr.  votiu"- 
against  the  nomination  Mf  Horace  Greeley.  In  the 
campaign  which  followed,  however,  he  yielded  him 
active  and  earnest  support.  In  1872,  he  was  a  candi- 
date for  Congress  from  this  distcrict,  on  the  Democratic 
ticket  against  Hon.  J.  M.  Hagans.  Both  candidates 
claimed  the  election  and  the  .seat  was  contested re- 
sulting in  the  declaration  of  the  election  of  Hagans. 
In  187G,  Mr.  Martin  was  elected  to  the  Forty-sixth 
Congress,  and  in  1878  he  was  re-elected.  His  term  of 
office  expires  .lanuary  1,  ISSl.  Mr.  :Martin  is  an  effi- 
cient and  faithful  lleprescntative  and  is  very  poi)uiar 
among  the  people  of  his  district. 

HON.    A.    RIJOOKS    FLK.\IL\( 

Tlic  subject  of  this  sketch,  .ludgo  A.  B.  Fleming, 
was  born  October  l:',,  18:^.9.  upon  his  father's  farm,  two 
miles  west  of  Fairmont.  He  is  the  .sou  of  lienjamin 
F.  and  ilhoda  Fleming,  tiie  latter. a  daughter  of  Uev. 

144  History  of  Marion  County. 

Asa  Brooks.  Until  ho  arrived  at  the  age  of  j^wenty  lie 
worked  upon  his  father's  farm  about  half  of  each  3^ear, 
attending  school  the  other  half.  In  1859,  he  com- 
menced the  study  of  law  at  the  University  of  Vir- 
ginia; was  admitted  to  the  bar  and  commenced  to 
practice  at  Fairmont,  in  1S62.  In  the  year  following 
(1863)  he  was  elected  Prosecuting  Attorney  of  IMarion 
county,  which  office  he  held  until  1867.  He  was 
married  September  7,  I860  to  Carrie  M.,  daughter  of 
James  0.  Watson.  In  1872,  Mr.  Fleming  was  elected 
on  the  Democratic  ticket  a  member  of  the  West  Vir- 
ginia Legislature,  and  was  re-elected  in  187-0.  While 
in  the  Legislature  he  rendered  much  important  ser- 
vice to  the  State,  fulfilled  faithfully  his  duties  as  a 
legislator,  and  worked  earnestly  for  the  best  interests 
of  Marion  county.  In  February,  1878,  he  was,  b\'  the 
Governor,  a})pointed  .Fudge  of  the  Second  Judicial 
Circuit  (composed  of  the  counties  of  Taylor,  Harrison, 
Doddridge,  Wetzel,  JMunongalia  and  Marion),  to  fill  the 
unexpired  term  of  Judge  Lewis,  deceased,  until  a  suc- 
cesssor  could  be  elected,  and  in  the  October  following 
was  elected  by  the  people  to  fill  the  vacanc3\  His  term 
of  office  will  expire  January  1,  1881. 

For  a  number  of  years  past  Judge  Fleming  has 
been  engaged  in  mining  (uiterprises  in  connection 
with  his  father-in-law,  Mr.  Watson,  and  in  farming, 
and  has  succeeded  in  accumulating  (^uite  a  compe- 
tency. He  is  an  able  jurist,  and  is  a  gentleman  of 
fine  literary  and  business  attainments,  while  his  en- 
tire political  and  private  life  liave  been  above  re- 
proach, ])eing  v(a-y  popular  among  his  fellow  citizens 
of  all  parties. 

History  of  Marion  County.  145 

JOHN  w.  m'coy,  esq. 

The  above  named  gentleman  is  a  member  of  the 
Marion  county  bar,  and  is  a  lawyer  of  considerable 
reputation  throughout  the  State.  He  was  born  near 
Middlebourne,  Tyler  county,  Virginia  (now  West  Vir- 
ginia), on  the  '14th  of  September,  1826;  worked  on 
his  father's  farm  until  he  arrived  at  the  age  of  twen- 
ty-one, going  to  school  in  the  winters;  was  princi- 
pally educated  at  the  Clarksburg  Academy;  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  bar  in  1854,  and  commenced  the  prac- 
tice of  law  at  Middlebourne.  He  lived  there  until 
the  spring  of  ISGS,  when  he  removed  to  Fairmont, 
Marion  county,  and  has  since  resided  there.  In  1858, 
Mr.  INIcCoy  was  elected  prosecuting  attorney  of  Tyler 
county,  and  was  re-elected  in  1860.  In  1870,  he  was 
elected  to  the  oflice  of  prosecuting  attorney  of  Marion 
county,  and  at  the  expiration  of  his  term  was  re-el- 
ected. In  1870,  a  bill  organizing  the  county  courts  of 
Marshall,  Wetzel  and  Marion  into  a  circuit  with  a 
judge,  was  brought  before  the  Legislature,  and  by  that 
body  put  to  the  vote  of  the  prople  of  the  three  coun- 
ties. Mr.  McCoy  was  .almost  unanimously  nominated 
for  the  judgeship  of  the  new  court.  At  the  polls  he 
received  an  overwhelming  vote  for  the  office,  but  the 
bill — known  as  the  "County  Court  Bill" — was  de- 
feated, thus  leaving  'Sir.  McCoy  a  judge  without  a  cir- 
cuit. The  large  vote  he  received  upon  this  occasion 
served  to  show  his  exceeding  popularity  among  the 
people.  Mr.  McCoy  is  considered  one  of  the  best  read 
lawyers  in  the  State,  and,  as  a  counsel,  has  but  few 

146  History  of  Mariox  Cousty. 

hon.  j.  c.  beeson. 

Jacob  Clark  Boeson,  son  of  Jesse  and  Anna  Beeson, 
was  born  in  Martinslnirg.  Berkeley  count}',  this  State 
on  the  29th  (hiy  of  January,  1S14,  where  he  passed  his 
life  until  March,  ISoy,  when  he  came  to  Fairmont  and 
engaged  in  the  hardware  business.  He  has  since  re- 
sided in  that  })lace,  tilling  many  important  places  of 
public  trust.  He  was  mayor  of  Fairmont,  and  mem- 
ber of  the  council  at  various  times  from  1862  to  1878, 
and  in  1853,  was  elected  Treasurer  of  Marion  county. 
In  186G-7,  Mr.  Beeson  represented  this  county  in  the 
West  Virginia  Legislature,  being  elected  on  the  Re- 
publican ticket.  Among  other  positions  which  he 
has  held  are  those  of  President  of  the  l)oard  of  super- 
visors of  the  county,  and  President  of  the  First  Na- 
tional Bank  of  Fairmont,  which  position  he  now 
holds  and  has  held  for  some  years.  Mr.  Beeson, 
having  accumulated  a  competency,  some  years  ago 
retired  from  the  mercantile  business,  and  has  since 
lived  a  comparatively  inactive  life  at  his  beautiful 
home  in  Fairmont.  ?Ie  is  a  popular  and  influential 
citizen  of  the  town  and  county. 

HON.    U.    N.    ARNETT. 

This  gentleman  is  well  known  throughout  the  State 
of  West  Virginia  as  a  politician,  having  for  some 
years  taken  an  active  part  in  the  politics  of  his 
county  and  State.  .He  was  born  March  7,  1S2U,  and 
is,  therefore,  now  sixty  years  of  age.  ile  is  a  son  of 
Jonathan  and  Elizabeth  Arnett,  who  lived  near 
Rivesville,  this  county,  where  Mr.  Arnett  now  re- 
sides, his  calling  being  that  of  a  farmer  and  grazier. 

History  of  Marion  County.  147 

His  boyhood  was  passed  upon  the  farm,,  working  at 
that  calling  in  the  summer,  and  in  the  winter  attend- 
ing the  common  schools  of  the  day.  He  entered  pub- 
lic life  in  LSol,  as  a  representative  of  ^Marion  county 
in  the  Virginia  Legislature,  serving  in  that  capacity 
for  a  period  of  six  years.  From  that  time  up  to  1870. 
he  served  at  various  times  as  a  justice  of  the  peace 
and  as  foreman  of  the  grand  jury,  wliich  latter  posi- 
tion he  held  for  over  twenty  vears.  In  1872,  Mr. 
Arnett  was  a  memher  of  the  constitutional  conven- 
tion of  West  Virginia,  and  was  soon  afterwards  elected 
State  Senator  from  his  district,  which  office  he  held 
for  four  years,  two  years  of  the  time  serving  as 
President  of  the  Senate.  Mr.  Arnett  is  a  Democrat, 
and  is  one  of  the  most  popular  men  of  his  party  in 
the  county.  He  also  possesses  many  friends  belong- 
ing to  other  i)arties,  they  recognizing  in  him  an  hon- 
est opponent,  and  a  faithful  and  distinguished  legis- 
lator during  the  time  he  served  in  the  Senate.  He  is 
one  of  our  most  wealthy  citizens,  and  is  the  proprie- 
tor of  a  beautiful  home,  upon  his  estate  on  the  Mon- 
ongahela  river,  near  the  towi\  of  Rivesvillc. 

.irD(;E    A.    F.    IIAYMONO. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  born  on  the  loth 
day  of  December,  182:).  upon  his  father's  farm,  about 
three  miles  from  Fairmont.  He  is  a  son  of  Colonel 
Thomas  S.  and  Harriot  .V.  Haymond.  He  attended 
the  country  schools  in  tlie  neighborhood  of  liis  liome 
until  he  arrived  at  the  age  of  thirteen,  when  his 
father  sent  him  to  sdiool  at  the  .Morgantown  Academy, 
which  institution  he  attended  for  about  t\vo\'ears, 
and  was  then  sent  to  the  William   and  Marv  College, 

148  History  of  Marion  County. 

at  Williamsburg,  Virginia,  for  a  term  of  nine  months. 
He  did  not  return  to  the  college  after  this  session,  on 
account  of  ill  health,  but  began  the  study  of  law  at 
home,  and  in  the  ofBce  of  Edgar  E.  Wilson,  at  Mor- 
gantown.  In  1842,  when  he  was  but  nineteen  years 
of  age,  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar,  and  immediately 
commenced  the  practice  of  law  in  Fairmont,  which 
profession  he  continued  to  follow  here  until  the 
breaking  out  of  the  Rebellion,  serving  in  the  mean- 
time for  several  years  as  Prosecuting  Attorney  of  Cla- 
rion county.  In  the  spring  of  1853,  he  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  Virginia  Legislature  from  this  county, 
and  again  in  1857.  He  was  a  delegate  from  ]\[arion  to 
the  Virginia  Convention  of  18G1,  and  strongly  opposed 
all  movements  towards  Secession.  He  continued  to 
oppose  Secession  until  after  that  ordinance  was  passed 
and  the  war  had  fairly  commenced,  when  he  felt  in 
his  conscience  that  it  was  his  duty  to  acquiesce,  and 
go  with  his  native  State.  He  accordingly  acted  upon 
the  promptings  of  his  conscience  and  entered  the  field 
against  the  Union  early  in  January,  18G2.  He  re- 
mained in  the  military  service  of  the  south  until  the 
surrender  of  General  Lee  at  Appomatox  Court  House, 
in  April,  18G5,  when  he  was  surrendered  and  paroled 
with  Lee's  army.  He  returned  to  Fairmont  in  June, 
1865,  and  shortly  afterwards  resumed  the  practice  of 
law.  Mr.  Haymond,  however,  was  soon  prohibited 
from  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  the  State  courts 
by  the  "lawyer's  test  oath."  S<nnetime  afterwards, 
on  a  petition  of  Union  citizens  of  ^farion  and  Monon- 
galia counties,  the  Legislature  of  \\^,•st  X'irginia 
passed  a  special  act  permitting  him  to  practice  in  the 
State  courts  without  taking  the  test  oath,  this  being 

History  of  MarioxX  County.  149 

the  first  act  of  the  kind  passed  by  the  Legislature. 
By  an  act  of  Congress  he  was  afterwards  relieved 
of  his  political  disabilities,  incurred  by  reason  of  his 
participation  in  the  Rebellion.  In  1S72,  Mr.  Hay- 
mond  was  a  member  of  the  constitutional  convention 
at  Charleston,  West  V^irginia,  and  on  the  22d  of  Au- 
gust, of  the  same  year,  was  elected  a  Judge  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  of  Appeals  of  the  State.  In  October, 
1876,  he  was  re-elected  to  this  high  office  for  a  term 
of  twelve  years,  commencing  .January  1,  1877.  He  is 
one  of  the  most  popular  men  in  the  State,  and  at  the 
late  election  received  a  very  large  majority  over  his 
opponents,  running  considerably  "ahead  of  his  ticket." 
He  was  ever  popular  as  a  law\'er  and  as  a  citizen,  and 
in  the  position  which  he  now  holds,  he  gives  uni- 
versal satisfaction,  being  one  of  the  ablest  jurists  in 
the  State,  and  one  of.  the  most  dignified  and  learned 
Judges  upon  the  bench.  He  is  a  man  of  whom  his 
fellow  citizens  in  Marion  county  are  proud,  because 
of  his  many  intellectual  and  social  qualities,  as  well 
as  of  his  great  popularity  throughout  the  State. 


The  position  which  the  above  named  gentleman  oc- 
cupies among  the  legal  fraternity  of  West  Virginia  is 
second  to  none.  He  is  one  of  the  brightest  and  best 
known  lawyers  in  the  State,  and  is  a  distinguished  citi- 
zen of  ^[arion  county.  Mr.  Morrow  was  born  in  that 
portion  of  Brooke  county,  Va.,  which  now  comprises 
Hancock  county.  West  Virginia,  in  theyear  1837,  and  ' 
passed  his  boyhood  days  upon  his  father's  farm,  at- 
tending school  in  the  neighborhood,  and  laying  the 

150  History  of  Marion  County. 

foundation  of  his  after  life  of  usefulness.     He  received 
a  classical  education    in   the   neighboring   States  of 
Pennsylvania  and  Ohio — "the  people  of  the  Northern 
Pan-Handle  being  in  that  day,"  as  ^Nlr.  Morrow  himself 
humorously   expresses   it,  "  obliged   to  resort  to  their 
more  highly  cultured   neighbors  for  the  humanizing 
agencies  of  higher  education  and   harvest   whisky." 
At  the  age  of  twenty  years  he  commenced  the  study  of 
law  and  continued  to  prosecute  his  legal  studies  until 
the  year  18G2,  when  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  Illi- 
nois.    Three  years  afterwards,  in  1S65,  he  located  in 
Fairmont  and  has  since  engaged  constantly   in   the 
practiceof  his  profession  in  Marion  andadjoiningcoun- 
ties.     In  1871,  he  represented  Murion  county  in  the 
West  Virginia  Legislature — the  first  session  of  that 
body  after  the  removal  of  the  C'apital  to  Charleston — 
and  was  a  member  of  the  Committee  on  the  Judiciary. 
He   was    a  member  of  the   Special  Court  in  the  con- 
tested election  case  of  Harrison  against  Lewis  for  the 
office  of  Judge  of  this  circuit,  and  wrote  the  opinion  of 
the  majority  of  the  Court  ;  he  was   also   counsel  for 
Auditor  Bennett  and  Treasurer  Burdette  in  their  im- 
peachment trials    before    the    West  Virginia  Senate. 
In  1870-71,  he  occupied  the  editorial  chair  of  the  Fair- 
mont Liheralifit  for  some  months. 

There  are  few  such  men  as  .James  ^Morrow  in  the 
State.  He  possesses  rare  legal  abilities,  and  as  an 
orator  has  few  superiors.  By  his  quiet  humor,  spark- 
ling wit,  cutting  sarcasm,  eloquent  and  dignified  lan- 
guage and  manners,  as  well  as  by  his  great  knowledge 
of  the  law,  he  has  attained  an  enviable  reputation  as 
a  pleader  in  court,  while  as  a  public  speaker  he  is  ex- 

History  of  Marion  County.  151 

ceedingly  popular.  Aside  from  his  abilities  as  a  law- 
yer, Mr.  Morrow  is  a  gentleman  of  culture  and  refine- 
ment from  a  literary  and  social  standpoint. 

ROBERT    B.    LOTT,  ESQ. 

In  these  days  of  political  trickery  and  thirst  for  of- 
fice, it  is  a  rare  thing  to  see  a  man  who,  for  almost  a 
score  of  years,  has  held  one  office  and  proved  satisfac- 
tory to  his  fellow  citizens  of  all  parties,  and  against 
whom  there  was  never  a  word  uttered,  but  whose 
praise  is  sounded  by  all  men,  be  they  friends  or  foes. 
The  subject  of  this  sketch  was  such  a  man.  Robert 
B.  Lott  was  born  June  19,  1835,  at  Washington,  Penn- 
sylvania, and  when  he  was  about  three  years  of  age 
his  parents  removed  to  Fairmont  (then  Middletown) 
where  he  passed  nearly  all  the  remainder  of  his  life. 
Here  he  received  a  common  school  education  and  al- 
ways bore  a  reputation  for  studious,  sobsr  and  indus- 
trious habits.  This  reputation,  formed  in  his  youth, 
clung  to  him  through  life.  When  a  young  man  he 
worked  some  as  a  tanner,  but  finally  gave  that  busi- 
ness up,  and  became  engaged  as  a  grocer,  which  call- 
ing he  followed  until  elected  clerk  of  the  Circuit 
Court  of  Marion  county  in  1861,  which  office  he  con- 
tinued to  fill  for  several  terms  in  succession,  and  un- 
til a  few  months  previous  to  his  death  in  1S79.  Dur- 
ing the  latter  part  of  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  he 
served  in  the  Union  army,  leaving  the  office  in  charge 
of  a  deputy,  but  after  his  discharge  in  1S65,  he  again 
assumed  control.  Although  of  Ki-publican  principles 
in  his  politics,  he  was  very  popular  throughout  the 
county  among  citizens  of  all  parties,  because  of  the 

152  History  of  Marion  County. 

excellence  and  faithfulness  with  which  he  discharged 
the  duties  of  his  office.  During  the  last  few  years  of 
his  life  he  was  afflicted  with  hemorrhage  of  the  lungs, 
and  in  the  summer  of  1878,  in  the  hopes  that  it  would 
benefit  him,  he  visited  Colorado,  the  fame  of  whose 
health-giving  climate  had  reached  him.  This  being 
the  year  for  the  election  of  clerks,  he  was  pressed  to 
become  a  candidate  for  re-electi(jn.  He  refused,  how- 
ever, giving  for  his  reasons,  the  poor  state  of  liis 
health.  So  earnest  Avas  the  request  of  his  Repub- 
lican friends,  (in  which  they  were  joined  by  many 
Democrats)  that  ho  finally,  but  reluctantly,  consented 
to  become  a  candidate.  He  was  in  Colorado  during 
the  entire  campaign,  and  the  fact  of  his  absence  and 
non-participation  in  the  canvass,  together  with  the 
bad  state  of  his  health  (many  feeling  sure  that  he 
would  not  live  to  fill  the  office  should  he  be  elected) 
contributed  largely  towards  his  defeat,  by  the  Demo- 
cratic nominee,  Mr.  Chirence  L.  Smith,  who  defeated 
him  by  twenty-six  votes.  After  the  election,  Mr. 
Lett's  health  being  somewhat  improved  by  the  west- 
ern climate,  he  deemed  it  prudent  to  take  up  his  resi- 
dence there  with  his  family  until  he  should  recover 
sufficiently  to  again  make  Fairmont  his  home.  He 
accordingly  returned  for  his  family,  and  bidding  his 
many  friends  in  the  county  adieu,  he  departed  for 
Greeley,  Colorado,  where  on  the  fifth  of  ISlarch,  187'.), 
following,  he  died,  his  disease  having  made  too  much 
headway  for  the  climate  to  prove  permanently  bene- 
ficial. His  remains  were  brought  to  Fairmont,  where 
they  were  followed  to  the  grave  by  an  immense  con- 
course of  friends,  besides  the  masonic  and  military 
organizations  of  the  town.     In  speaking  of  his  death, 

History  of  Marion  County.  153 

the  Fairmont  lVe>it  Virginian  said  among  other  things: 
"Having  few  faults  and  many  virtues;  possessing  a 
character  above  reproach,  and  a  name  blemislied  by 
no  unworthy  act, 'Bob'  Lott  goes  down  to  the  grave 
in  honor,  his  memory  cherished  by  warm  personal 
friends  in  every  quarter  of  Marion  count}-,  and 
throughout  the  State." 

RICHARD    p.    LOTT,  ESQ. 

Richard  P.  Lott,  a  brother  of  Robert  B.  Lott,  was 
born  in  the  town  of  Washington,  Pennsylvania, 
March  16,  1833;  he  died  in  Fairmont,  West  Virginia, 
September  7, 1879,  in  the  fort \'-se vent h  year  of  his  age. 
This  brief  statement  compasses  the  life  history  of  a 
remarkable  man,  3'et  the  task  of  appropriately  elabo- 
rating that  statement  is  b}-  no  means  an  easy  one. 
He  who  occupies  a  position  in  his  community  so 
prominent  as  that  occupied  by  Richard  P.  Lott,  can- 
not have  his  connection  with  that  community  sev- 
ered, whether  by  death  or  other  cause,  and  pass  away 
beyond  the  portals  unregrettcd,  his  deeds  forgotten. 
As  viewed  from  the  active  field  to  which  our  common 
humanity  is  summoned,  his  was  largely  an  isolated 
existence.  From  his  early  youth  through  a  life  full 
of  work  and  a  career  of  much  usefulness,  he  was  the 
weary  bearer  of  the  burden  of  deformity,  and,  to 
a  great  degree,  of  physical  helplessness. 

At  the  early  age  of  three  years  he  fell  a  victim  to  an 
uncontrollable  disease,  the  eilects  of  which  proved  to 
him  a  grievous  misfortune,  since  thenceforward  he 
was  a  hopeless  cripple,  utterly  unable  to  walk.  The 
despair  he   felt    when   his  terrible  afiliction  became 

154  History  of  Marion  County. 

fully  confirmed,  and  as  even  in  his  youthful  fancy  he 
confronted  himself  with  a  future  barren  of  those  pleas- 
ures found  only  in  equal  participation  with  his  fel- 
lows in  life's  pursuits,  can  be  imagined,  but  not  fully 
realized  by  one  not  similarly  situated  ;  and  none  but 
those  who  held  his  most  intimate  confidence  in  his 
manhood  can  estimate  the  intensity  of  the  dark 
shadow  that  seemed  to  cloud  his  life  when  he  allowed 
himself  to  contemplate  his  limited  sphere.  Yet  pos- 
sessed of  a  rare  faculty  for  suppressing  his  emotions 
he  seldom  betrayed  the  thouglit.  For  reasons  obvious 
he  was  never  able  to  attend  school,  excepting  occa- 
sionally during  one  term  in  his  early  youth,  when  he 
was  conveyed  to  and  from  the  school  house  by  others; 
he  was,  therefore,  a  self-educated  man.  Without  other 
occupation  he  early  turned  his  attention  to  books; 
and  as  he  progressed  in  his  studies,  a  strong  desire  for 
knowledge  was  engendered.  He  soon  became  master 
of  the  elementary,  then  of  the  more  advanced 
branches;  and  not  content  with  these  he  took  up  the 
more  diflicult  studies,  including  the  languages,  and 
his  zeal  and  ambition  found  reward  in  success.  As 
he  grew  older  lie  became  a  close  observer  of  public  af- 
fairs, and  entered  intelligently  and  with  force  into 
discussions  of  all  topics  demanding  public  attention, 
none  enjoying  an  "intellectual  battle"  more  than  he. 
Having  a  taste  for  newspaper  writing,  he  used  the 
press  as  the  channel  through  which  to  present  his 
views  upon  questions  of  public  import,  and  was  ever 
welcomed  as  a  contributor  by  all  the  journals  in 
whose  columns  ho  sought  space.  He  was  a  logical 
reasoner  in  debate,  wielding  a  vigorous  pen,  yet  wri- 
ting with  a  graceful  freedom  that  won  respectful  at- 

History  of  Marion  County.  155 

tention  from  friend  and  opponent.  Since  he  so  closely 
identified  himself  with  the  politics  of  the  day,  he 
may  be  regarded  as  having  been  a  "  public  man  "  in 
this  respect,  and  in  that  field  evidenced  ability  that, 
had  he  been  favorably  situated,  would  have  won  him 
distinction,  and  honors  at  the  hands  of  the  people. 
Originally  he  was  of  the  Democratic  school  and  an 
ardent  admirer  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas— entering  up- 
on political  thought  and  action  at  the  most  brilliant 
period  of  that  eminent  gentleman's  career,  Mr.  Lott 
took  an  active  interest  in  his  fortunes  up  to  the  as- 
sembling of  the  Charleston  Convention  of  historic 
fame.  With  a  clear  perception,  he  foresaw  the  disas- 
ters awaiting  the  "Little  Giant,'"  and,  in  common 
with  thousands  of  others,  he  recognized  in  the  pro- 
ceedings of  that  convention  the  gathering  of  the  clouds 
portending  the  storm  of  civil  war,  and  with  an  earnest 
desire  for  peace,  he  regretfully  transferred  his  alle- 
giance elsewhere.  Espousing  the  cause  of  the  Union, 
he  addressed  himself  to  the  task  of  assisting  in  the 
perpetuation  of  the  Federal  Government.  He  was 
not  prepared  to  endorse  Mr.  Lincoln,  however,  and 
cast  his  ballot  for  Bell  and  Everett.  He  afterwards 
became  a  warm  supporter  of  the  Lincoln  administra- 
tion. During  the  campaign  of  ISfiO,  and  the  years  of 
turmoil  that  followed,  Mr.  Lott  was  a  constant  con- 
tributor to  tlie  political  literature  of  the  day.  He 
vigorously  opposed  the  ordinance  of  secession,  and  to 
him,  probably,  as  nmch  as  to  many  others  more  pre- 
tentious, is  due  the  large  vote  cast  in  opposition  to 
that  measure  in  the  western  part  of  the  Old  Dominion. 
When  Virginia  seceded,  and  war  was  inevitable,  he 

156  History  of  Marion  County. 

was  among  the  foremost  advocates  of  the  proposition 
for  a  new  state. 

Though  a  constant  writer  for  the  press,  Mr.  Lott's 
name  rarely  appeared  in  print,  he  preferring  to  em- 
ploy a  nom  de  jAume  for  all  his  productions.  He 
was,  however,  at  one  time  the  recognized  local  editor 
of  the  Fairmont  National.  Early  in  the  year  1861,  he 
was  placed  in  charge  of  the  Fairmont  Postoffice,  and 
throughout  the  war,  and  for  a  period  of  eight  years 
thereafter,  as  deputy  and  as  chief,  lie  discharged  the 
duties  of  the  position  with  signal  ability,  and  to  the 
satisfaction  of  the  public.  This  was  the  only  office 
he  ever  held. 

For  several  years  preceding  his  death,  ]\[r.  Lott  was 
the  subject  of  a  disease  emanating  principally  from 
his  previous  affliction,  and  he  was  finally  compelled 
to  abandon  all  occupation,  which  he  did  with  great 
reluctance.  At  last,  yielding  to  the  summons,  he 
passed  away,  closing  an  honorable  life  with  the  same 
practical  stoicism  that  had  characterized  him  'midst 
his  long  years  of  suffering.  A  firm,  true  hearted 
friend,  an  intelligent,  high-minded  man  and  patriotic 
citizen,  he  passed  into  the  unknown  realms,  leaving 
impressed  upon  the  hearts  of  a  whole  community,  en- 
dearing remembrances  of  "  Dick  Lott." 

FONTAIN    smith,    ESQ. 

The  subject  of  this  sketch  is  a  native  Virginian. 
He  was  born  and  reared  in  the  interior  of  the  state, 
and  is  now  upwards  of  fifty  years  of  age.  He  com- 
menced the  study  of  law  in  1848,  and  was  admitted 
to  the  bar  in  1830.  He  came  to  Marion  county  in  the 
Spring  of  1857,  locating  at  Mannington,   where  he 

History  of  Marion  County.  157 

engaged  for  a  short  time  in  school  teaching,  while  he 
practiced  in  the  courts  of  this  and  adjoining  counties. 
The  Marion  county  bar  at  that  time  was  composed  of 
a  number  of  gentlemen  of  eminent  ability — such  men 
as  ex-Gov.  F.  H.  Pierpoint,  who  has  since  attained  a 
national  reputation,  James  Neeson,  Esq.,  now  one  of 
the  most  distinguished  members  of  the  Richmond  bar, 
Hon.  A.  F.  Raymond,  at  present  a  member  of  the 
Supreme  Court  of  Appeals  of  West  Virginia,  Hon.  E. 
B.  Hall,  who  afterwards  presided  over  the  Eleventh 
Judicial  Circuit  of  West  Virginia,  (since  made  the 
Third,)  now  a  resident  of  California,  Hon.  B.  F.  Mar- 
tin, present  Representative  in  Congress,  Albert  S. 
Hayden,  EUery  R.  Hall,  and  others.  In  1860,  Mr. 
Smith,  being  conservative  in  his  political  opinions, 
espoused  the  cause  of  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  for  Presi- 
dent, and  was  appointed  by  the  Douglas  convention, 
elector  for  the  Senatorial  district,  composed  of  Marion, 
Wetzel  and  Tyler  counties.  In  the  following  year  he 
was  nominated  u  candidate  for  a  seat  in  the  memora- 
ble convention,  which  convened  in  Richmond  in  Feb- 
ruary, 1861,  and  passed  the  Ordinance  of  Secession. 
He  was  defeated,  however,  in  the  contest  by  Hons. 
A.  F.  Haymond  and  E.  B.  Hall.  He  was  a  pronounced 
Union  man,  and  ardently  opposed  to  secession.  In 
the  Spring  of  1S61,  lie  was  elected  to  the  Legislature 
of  Virginia,  but  refused  to  take  his  seat  in  that  body, 
the  convention  having  passed  the  ordinance  of  seces- 
sion. However,  when  the  State  Government  was  re- 
organized at  Wheeling,  he  co-operated  with  the 
authors  of  that  movement.  In  the  organization  of 
the  I^egislature  under  the  restored  government,  he 
was  made  Chairman  of  the  House  Committee  on 

158  History  of  Marion  County. 

Courts  of  Justice.  In  the  year  1S68,  ^Ir.  Smith,  at  the 
Grafton  democratic  convention,  was  tendered  the 
nomination  for  Congress  from  his  district,  but  de- 
clined it.  He  was,  in  1872,  with  Messrs.  A.  F.  Hay- 
mond  and  U.  N.  Arnott,  elected  a  delegate  to  the  con- 
stitutional convention  of  West  Virginia,  and  for  a 
short  time  in  this  year  was  engaged  with  his  son  in 
the  editorial  management  of  the  Liberalist.  Since 
1872,  Mr.  Smith  has  been  living  a  comparatively 
quiet  life  in  Fairmont,  and  has  taken  no  very  active 
part  in  politics.  He  is  one  of  the  leading  members  of 
the  Marion  county  bar,  and  controls  a  large  practice 
in  this  and  surrounding  counties.  He  is  a  gentleman 
of  considerable  literary  and  legal  attainment ;  is 
fluent  and  forcibh^  in  an  argument,  and  a  popular 
and  eloquent  speaker.  He  is  one  of  the  most  promi- 
nent men  of  his  county,  and  is  the  father  of  Clarence 
L.  Smith,  the  present  clerk  of  the  circuit  court,  who 
is  a  young  lawyer  of  acknowledged  ability. 


Albert  S.  Hayden,  Esq.,  was  born  in  Fayette  county, 
Pa.,  in  the  year  1825,  and  lived  there  until  he  arrived 
at  the  age  of  twenty-two  years.  He  removed  to  Fair- 
mont in  June,  1847,  where  he  has  since  resided,  en- 
gaged in  the  practice  of  his  profession,  which  is  that 
of  a  lawyer.  He  received  an  excellent  education  in 
the  schools  of  his  native  county,  and  studied  law  in 
the  office  of  Hon.  Robert  P.  Flenniken,  afterwards 
United  States  Minister  to  Denmark,  during  the  ad- 
ministration of  President  Polk.  Mr.  Hayden,  being 
of  a  very  modest  disposition,  and  having  no  political 
aspirations  or  desire  for  office,  has  never  held  any  im- 

History  of  Marion  County.  159 

portant  public  offices,  except  that  of  district  court 
olerk,  which  position  lie  held  from  1852  until  1861,  a 
period  of  nine  years.  In  his  political  beliefs  he  is 
democratic.  He  is  one  of  the  most  popular  lawyers  at 
the  Marion  county  bar,  and  is  respected  throughout 
the  county  as  a  man  and  a  citizen.  Mr.  Hayden's 
genial  disposition  has  made  him  many  personal 
friends,  and  his  acknowledged  superior  legal  and 
literary  attainments,  have  distinguished  him  among 
his  fellow  citizens  as  one  of  the  most  prominent  men 
of  the  county. 


Mr.  Charles  M.  Davison,  Superintendent  of  the  West 
Fairmont  Mines,  is  a  prominent  business  man  of  the 
county,  to  whom  is  due,  in  a  great  measure,  the  suc- 
cess of  these  mines,  and  the  fact  that  they  are  now  in 
operation,  employing  a  large  number  of  hands.  He 
was  born  on  the  2od  of  February,  1840,  in  the  city  of 
Bogota,  United  States  of  Colombia,  South  America; 
his  parents,  who  wore  citizens  of  this  country,  resided 
there  at  that  time.  His  father  and  mother  returning 
to  the  United  States  of  America,  when  he  was  between 
three  and  four  years  of  age,  he  accompanied  them, 
and  was  raised  in  the  city  of  New  York.  Mr.  Davison 
is  a  gentleman  of  culture,  having  received  in  his 
youth  a  good  education  at  the  public  schools  of  New 
York,  and  at  the  Irving  Institute,  at  Tarrytown  on 
the  Hudson,  close  to  Washington  Irving's  residence. 
At  the  age  of  twenty-one  he  was  married  to  a  BrooK- 
lyn  lady,  and  after  spending  some  years  in  traveling, 
during  wliich  time  he  made  several  trips  to  different 
portions  of  the  Globe  in  search  of  fortune,  he  finally 

160  History  of  Mariox  County. 

came  to  Fairmont,  in  1870,  to  take  the  business  man- 
agement of  the  West  Fairmont  gas  coal  and  coke 
mines,  which  position  he  has  since  held.  During  his 
residence  in  Marion  county,  he  has  gained  a  reputa- 
tion as  a  man  who  is  foremost  in  the  advocacy  of  any 
business  enterprise  which  tends  to  the  development 
of  the  resources  of  the  county,  and  is  very  popular  as 
a  citizen.  Socially,  he  is  one  of  the  most  popular  men 
of  the  county.  He  is  a  member  of  very  high  standing 
in  the  Masonic  fraternity,  and  one  of  the  few  men  in 
the  state  who  have  attained  to  the  thirty-second  de- 
gree. He  is  also  a  member  of  high  standing  in  the 
I.  0.  0.  F.  lodges  of  Fairmont,  the  Patrons  of  Husband- 
ry of  the  county,  and  Knights  of  Honor  of  Fairmont. 


In  addition  to  the  foregoing  citizens,  there  are  in 
Marion  county  many  others  who  are  also  deserving  of 
special  mention  in  this  connection.  The  space  at  our 
disposal,  however,  will  not  permit  us  to  give  even  a 
short  life  sketch  of  each  one  separately.  Those  whose 
biographies  appear  in  the  foregoing  papers  are  Marion 
county  men  who  have  been  most  conspicuous  in 
politics,  or  Avhose  intellectual  attainments  and  valua- 
ble services,  rendered  from  time  to  time,  entitle  them 
to  be  called  the  leading  men  of  the  county.  There  are 
others  whose  names  are  closely  identified  with  the 
political  and  business  interests  of  the  county,  who 
may  be  classed  among  the  prominent  citizens  of  Ma- 
rion. Among  the  latter  is  Mr.  James  0.  Watson,  pro- 
prietor of  the  Gaston  coal  mines. ■='    Mr.  Watson  luis 

"•■■Mr.  James  Boyci-,  of  UaUiiiiorc,  and  JiH]i;e  A.  H.  Fleiuinp,  of  Fairmont,  are 
associated  with  Mr.  Watiou  iu  tlie  owuLTaliip  of  ttic  Ciaslua  mines. 

History  of  Marion  County.  161 

been  engaged  in  developing  the  mineral  and  agricul- 
tural resources  of  the  county  for  a  number  of  years, 
and  is  one  of  the  leading  land  holders.  He  is  a  man 
of  great  enterprise,  and  is  probably  the  best  known 
business  man  in  this  community.  Shortly  after  the 
organization  of  the  county,  he  was  clerk  of  the  circuit 
court,  and  took  some  part  in  politics,  and  was,  at  the 
same  time,  engaged  in  the  mercantile  trade  at  the' 
county  seat.  For  some  years,  however,  he  has  taken 
no  active  interest  in  political  affairs,  but  has  diligent- 
ly applied  himself  to  his  mining  and  agricultural  pur- 
suits, and  has  contributed  largely  to  the  opening  up 
of  the  county.  His  present  mines,  which  are  situated 
on  West  Fork,  are  connected  witli  the  Baltimore  and 
Ohio  railroad,  at  the  forks  of  the  river,  by  a  railroad 
about  one  mile  in  length.  Mr.  Watson's  handsome 
residence  is  near  his  mines,  and  situated  about  a  mile 
from  Fairmont.  He  communicates  with  his  office  in 
town  by  means  of  a  Bell  telephone,  the  first  and  only 
telephone  line  used  in  Marion  county.  Mr.  A.  J. 
Stone  is  the  superintendent  of  the  Gaston  mines,  and 
is  one  of  the  leading  business  men  of  the  community. 
Mr.  Morgan  D.  Orr,  of  the  O'Donnell  mines,  is  another 
prominent  man  who  is  very  popular  for  having  con- 
tributed largely  to  the  business  interests  of  the  county. 
Mr.  Oliver  Jackson,  proprietor  of  the  Central  mines, 
is  and  has  been  for  years  one  of  the  leading  business 
men  of  the  county.  Previous  to  the  opening  of  his 
own,  he  was  for  some  time  superintendent  of  the  West 
Fairmont  mines,  and  was  for  some  time  engaged  in 
the  dry  goods  business  in  Fairmont.  Among  other 
prominent  business  men  may  be  named  ^Ir.  Joseph 
E.  Sands,  cashier  of  the  First  National  Bank  of  Fair- 

162  History  of  Marion  County, 

mont ;  Jacob  N.  Gould,  cashier  of  the  Farmer's  Bank  ; 
Captain  N.  I).  Helmick,  superintendent  of  the  Marion 
Machine  Works,  Pahitine  :  William  Ridgely,  presi- 
dent of  the  Farmer's  Bank  ;  Peter  Amos,  of  the  firm 
of  Peter  Amos  it  Son  ;  Daniel  Tennant,  of  the  firm  of 
Tennant  &  Co.,  of  Fairview,  proprietors  of  the  two 
largest  steam  flouring  mills  in  the  county;  F.  H. 
Burt,  of  the  firm  of  F.  H.  Burt  tt  Sons,  Mannington, 
proprietors  of  the  jMannington  Tannery;  George  W. 
L.  Mayers,  of  the  Mountain  City  Planing  Mills  ;  John 
Wiggiuton,  proprietor  of  the  Iron  Foundry,  Fairmont; 
Joseph  and  Elias  Nuzum,  of  the  Fairmont  Furniture 
Company ;  James  Barnes,  superintendent  of  the 
Barnesville  Woolen  Factory,  and  many  others. 

Among  the  men  who  have  held  office,  or  figured  most 
prominently  in  the  political  affairs  of  the  county  in 
the  past,  (in  addition  to  those  whose  biographies  are 
given,)  and  those  who  are  at  present  conspicuous  in 
politics,  and  may  consequently  be  classed  among  the 
men  of  prominence  and  influence,  we  may  name 
Messrs.  Thomas  L.  Boggess,  Thomas  G.  Watson,  Wil- 
liam J.  Willey,  James  Neeson,  John  S.  Barnes,  David 
Cunningham,  Richard  Thomas,  William  B.  Ice,  Ben- 
jamin Fleming,  Ephraim  B.  Hall,  P^llery  R.  Hall, 
John  J.  Moore,  Frank  Conaway,  William  C.  Brice, 
W.  M.  Dunnington,  Jesse  Sturm,  John  C.  Clayton, 
Alfred  Prichard,  James  H.  F'urbee,  Alfred  Hood,  A. 
W.  Knotts,  C.  E.  Wells,  William  C.  Haymond,  Amos 
Prichard,  Robert  Lowe,  S.  W.  Hall,  Elias  Blackshere, 
John  B.  Crane,  Lindsey  B.  Haymond,  C.  L.  Smith,  U. 
N.  Arnott,  jr.,  Thomas  IT.  B.  Staggers,  Jacob  Hayden, 
and  others. 

THE    END. 

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